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File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,d7f96ae859fbb83702782a5e34….png)

6ff28f No.21105176 [View All]

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970020 No.21106054

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23d53c No.21106055

File: 57ee42e568534d9⋯.png (41.26 KB,677x272,677:272,hook.PNG)


Sandy Hook family suffers major blow in their attempt to collect on $50M owed by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for saying mass school shooting was a hoax

READ MORE: Jones insists Infowars is 'hard to kill' amid bankruptcy

By Melissa Koenig For Dailymail.Com and Associated Press

Published: 01:53 EDT, 28 June 2024 | Updated: 08:28 EDT, 28 June 2024

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02dce7 No.21106056

green new scam

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98f77d No.21106057

File: fc0aa525a6af10a⋯.jpg (95.86 KB,578x684,289:342,iu_6_.jpg)

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98f77d No.21106058

File: 9cd79a1f56fe1d1⋯.jpg (106.64 KB,850x731,50:43,iu_18_.jpg)

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18fa1c No.21106059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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98f77d No.21106060

File: 105807c4fc457b7⋯.png (12.2 KB,600x700,6:7,keep_calm_it_s_only_a_nigh….png)

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a37d16 No.21106061


blank re

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0276ff No.21106062


The Christian God will punish the clown bakers and BVs for their lies and deceptions.

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23d53c No.21106064

File: e6e5ea085e9658f⋯.png (401.72 KB,590x738,295:369,who.PNG)


Rep. James Comer


🚨After last night, Americans are asking a simple question:

Who is really calling the shots in this White House?

Because it’s not Joe Biden.

Democrats made this bed, now they have to lie in it.

Debate was a full-blown disaster for the Democrat Party: Comer

On Friday's "Wake Up America," House Oversight Chair James Comer said Democrats are worried about losing more than just the presidency after Thursday's debate.



1:40 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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e3a027 No.21106065

President Trump: To stop Bidenflation, I will end Joe Biden's colossal waste of American tax payer dollars, and I will rapidly terminate a thing called the Green New Scam. It's the greatest scam in the history of our country, We're spending trillions and trillions of dollars on nonsense. On things that all they do is cause waste and inflation.

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78e944 No.21106066

anon is predicting a babyboom starting March 2025

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98f77d No.21106067

File: 02ced5e45c6facd⋯.jpg (123.09 KB,498x639,166:213,Kek_1st_Meme_Bomber_Wing.jpg)

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9281f6 No.21106068


unfortunately, no.

woulda been great if he did, though.


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bdcbfa No.21106070

File: e9e998e2355239c⋯.jpeg (261.57 KB,1800x1800,1:1,01AEA0EE_75E3_4C71_AEA9_0….jpeg)

File: 940a43c5f250b51⋯.jpg (109.6 KB,1022x1024,511:512,1577806093793.jpg)

File: b2f448ab18bd0c9⋯.png (69.56 KB,904x245,904:245,Jan11QCool.png)

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ff41c0 No.21106071

File: 244ca92c4584e96⋯.png (154.89 KB,770x1466,385:733,88_1_.png)


we are finally going through our transition just like saudia arabia before us,

after us is asia, then last eu, which is prob the vatican sttronghold, and im not anti catholic, i was raised roman catholic, but the vatican was usurped by satan, i think evita from argentina brought the demons in and she sent nazis all over the americas noth and south

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936c25 No.21106072

File: 8d821dc8760a010⋯.jpg (66.39 KB,500x500,1:1,8sddvw.jpg)


You didn't refute the post of the Abrahamic God being on, liar. Then you just slid and switched contexts as all shills do, especially muhjoo shills like you, and complained that in the Abrahamic religions, not everyone gets into heaven. Well what bearing does that have on the original point of contention of the Abrahamic religions all pointing to the same God?

You're a liar.

A liar who lies about being a Christian "with all my heart" (f'ing kek), slanders Christianity, and slanders Judaism, interestingly anon has yet to see you slander Islam. When will you do that?


>running interference

kek, that's what your muhjoo shilling is designed to do.

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caa610 No.21106073

I am thoroughly convinced that modern day liberals are the dumbest fu**ers to have ever walked this earth.

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7287cc No.21106074

File: 8d0913cbbbc81cd⋯.png (1.15 MB,923x1438,923:1438,BHOJB479186b9f.png)

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23d53c No.21106075

File: b67baa5fc01013f⋯.png (211.28 KB,597x816,199:272,jf.PNG)

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98f77d No.21106076

File: fdda9353828900b⋯.jpg (347.27 KB,739x848,739:848,Kek_Fighter_Wing_1.jpg)

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824a03 No.21106077

File: 5542a4a0a64cfe5⋯.png (224.92 KB,454x348,227:174,5542a4a0a64cfe5634e47ff90e….png)

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98f77d No.21106080

File: d6224b3a1f5b5ea⋯.jpg (84.56 KB,500x635,100:127,lel.jpg)

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98f77d No.21106082

File: 8ae533bcd11aa40⋯.jpeg (129.67 KB,800x600,4:3,MAGAhoeDown.jpeg)

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0276ff No.21106083


you are a liar

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9df825 No.21106085

File: 0ebc6337d996f6e⋯.jpg (21.72 KB,945x816,315:272,IMG_20240628_100819_003.jpg)

Finish your bread fags.

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98f77d No.21106086

File: 790aaa5c789ca1f⋯.jpg (131.97 KB,640x853,640:853,nigh_tshift.jpg)

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0276ff No.21106088


yes I did

you are a liar

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970020 No.21106089


Odd seeing I'm on a Mission from God

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936c25 No.21106090

File: 2b9ae4f08863b01⋯.png (197.26 KB,760x671,760:671,2b9ae4f08863b015c1e601d41c….png)


you are lying

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98f77d No.21106091

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB,1180x842,590:421,night_shift_21.jpg)

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936c25 No.21106094


No you didn't, you just reeee'd, liar

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4ecac6 No.21106095

File: 64de1c421e5a3c0⋯.png (154.51 KB,357x237,119:79,wezfdfvcs.png)

File: 80a324d2e2b0dc8⋯.png (577.15 KB,476x607,476:607,Hiding_from_the_truth.png)

File: d183f1287031728⋯.png (320.15 KB,595x973,85:139,44345b5b8e6839b7effbf5546c….png)

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98f77d No.21106096

File: 3d4c8b8002042f4⋯.jpg (107.34 KB,608x410,304:205,nightshift_plane.jpg)

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98f77d No.21106097

File: 527cad7b37c629b⋯.png (240.04 KB,500x499,500:499,nightshift3.png)

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824a03 No.21106099

File: 6809626f5ca8534⋯.png (1.23 MB,1200x630,40:21,why_cats_eat_bread_explain….png)

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0276ff No.21106100


same to you, devil

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98f77d No.21106101

File: ada5aea69be4571⋯.png (631.06 KB,720x554,360:277,NightShiftFerris.PNG)

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936c25 No.21106102


You're still lying

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4ecac6 No.21106103


90 Million retard, they are brainwashed from childhood!

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98f77d No.21106105

File: cce2ff6a6899af1⋯.jpg (57.91 KB,463x749,463:749,ns_cactus.jpg)

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98f77d No.21106107

File: 924fbe561c808dc⋯.jpg (157.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,nsft.jpg)

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824a03 No.21106109

File: 5e5e47b70e93984⋯.jpg (67.03 KB,720x720,1:1,broobds.jpg)


pass the butter

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5d8341 No.21106110

File: a8f4a0cbfb6622c⋯.png (295.01 KB,500x378,250:189,Patriot_KEK.png)

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9df825 No.21106114

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ff41c0 No.21106116


yes, i get it but just was wondering if c before d might mean 3 before 4….

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936c25 No.21106117


Nowhere in the New Testament does Christ call on His followers to divide themselves from Jews, you liar.

He called for Unity, not your demonic division.

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98f77d No.21106119

File: 8ef8114e891eeb6⋯.png (1.79 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_pinching_eye.png)

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98f77d No.21106121

File: bb6568329ce66e2⋯.png (50.36 KB,500x500,1:1,pepewizard.png)

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824a03 No.21106123

File: 2268dd0d6d9e358⋯.png (1.42 MB,1100x774,550:387,2268dd0d6d9e3588660f9142fd….png)

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