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File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,c76044e06864aa1605b9feb622….jpg)

76eb68 No.21108545 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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76eb68 No.21108546

International Q Research Threads

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>>21074755, >>21074757, >>21074766 MASSIVE SPAM ATTACK on catalog, BAKERS: PLZ GET REPORTER STATUS SO YOU CAN BAKE NEW


#25873 >>21107608

>>21107637 Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater

>>21107648 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

>>21107652 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107655, >>21108248 BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

>>21107665 Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

>>21107697, >>21107811 PlaneFaggin'

>>21107700 LIVE: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21107722 @LindellTV - Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21107817 A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent

>>21107892 The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon

>>21107901 Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday

>>21108006 @DanScavino - A MUST WATCH! #TRUMP2024

>>21108036 Argos Holdings and affiliates sell Chewy Inc. shares worth over $660 million

>>21108114 @DrJill "there is nobody I would rather have sitting in the Oval Office than my husband" as she cuts Joe out of the video

>>21107860, >>21108017, >>21108096, >>21108111 anons opine on Jill replacing the mashed potato

>>21108186 ClockFaggin'

>>21108224 anon took notes while watching - Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT (pb note)

>>21108246 CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

>>21108329 Hussein voices support for Potato

>>21108493 DEMOCRATS ARE DONE, Joe’s single best decision was choosing Kamala, no one wants her, and no other candidate polls higher than Crooked Joe

>>21108512 LOVE OUR HEROES!!!💙🇺🇸

>>21108542 #25873

#25872 >>21106835

>>21106867, >>21107075, >>21107081, >>21107165, >>21107167 @DanScavino Biden Tic Tacs #TICTACFLATION - tictacs/tactics - Peach Mint Orange 11/3


>>21106932 @TrumpBedminster Cheers to longer days and warmer nights. We’re excited to dive right into summer fun!

>>21106953 @TrumpDoonbeg We are thrilled to be recognised as one of Ireland's Best Workplaces in Hospitality 2024

>>21106970, >>21106990 Babylon Bee

>>21106971 prior to boarding Trump Force One, @realDonaldTrump thanks law enforcement in the Commonwealth of Virginia

>>21106972 Numerous emergency personnel are on the scene of a mass casualty incident after a van crashed into a nail salon killing multiple people


>>21107002 Anon highly recommends this video A former ritual abuse victim now interviewer talking with another former victim

>>21107040, >>21107291 PlaneFaggin'


>>21107077 clown ops comms in movies and series - paul sperry (remember anons)

>>21107140 New York Times editorial board calls on Biden to drop out of 2024 race

>>21107149 Lying to start a war Netanyahu Tells US Delegation Iran Seeks To Topple Saudi Arabia, Jordan

>>21107157 Nothing To See Here, Just A Smiling Robot Face Made From Living Human Flesh

>>21107168 2024 RIMPAC Press Conference

>>21107172 RFK Jr. Says He’s Open to The Idea of Replacing Biden on Democrat Ticket

>>21107205 Mil Tweets

>>21107255 Dan's doing extra letters "WE'RE SOOO BACCCCK!!!"

>>21107284 Cart boy share story of when Biden came to play at his country club ealier this year "Joe shot a 96"

>>21107293 Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, - obumma post

>>21107296 @elonmusk "Tonight was a clear victory - for memes"

>>21107300 anon brings forward some missed notes from lb

>>21107309 Iranian boxship converted into drone carrier readies for duty

>>21107329 @realDonaldTrump - I’M IN VERY GOOD HEALTH — MAGA!

>>21107331 @LindellTV Julie Kelly The Real Hero In SCOTUS Fischer Decision

>>21107332 Biden joins Elton John, Hochul for opening of NYC Stonewall Inn national monument

>>21107345 Biden's own Pentagon press secretary admits Biden was LYING when he outrageously claimed he's the "only president this century" not to have any troops killed during his term

>>21107347, >>21107349, >>21107400, >>21107419, >>21107495 @elonmusk and RFK Jr moderate alternative Presidential debate

>>21107363 @Vivek "Biden is not actually running the country which raises an uncomfortable question: who is?" @Musk "Maybe Nobody"

>>21107425 @WarRoom DeGrasse: Debate Causes Political Earthquake In Senate And House Seats

>>21107430, >>21107562 for keks - South Korea administrative robot defunct after apparent suicide

>>21107453 Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All' - 06/28/2024

>>21107506 'Ticking Bomb: Biden Border Crisis Triggers Urgent Terrorism Warnings

>>21107522 Appearing on a QAnon-supporting podcast (X22), Eric Trump praises the host for his “honest voice”

>>21107534 @WarRoom Liz Harrington On First Presidential Debate: That Was Not A Debate, It was A Set Up

>>21107565 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107575 BREAKING 🚨 Judge Glanville in the #FaniWillis v #YoungThug trial was just checkmated by @doug_weinstein

>>21106964, >>21106993, >>21107042 Memes

>>21107591 #25872

#25871 >>21106048

>>21106270 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21106397 Rally transcript

>>21106154 Trump endorses Hung Cao on stage

>>21106319, >>21106329, >>21106331, >>21106354 End of rally speech photos

>>21106549 Massive Crowd in Chesapeake, VA for President Trump

>>21106659 @DanScavino: A great afternoon in beautiful Chesapeake, Virginia where @realDonaldTrump just concluded

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21106132 Air Force activates Warrant Officer Training School

>>21106202 Air Force Veteran Accused of Disclosing Classified Data on Aircraft, Weapons in Latest Military Leak Case

>>21106204 Law of War Manual: Release of Prisoners Procedure

>>21106240 Iranian Voters Cast Ballots In 2024 Presidential Election Following The Death Of Raisi

>>21106284 Supreme Court ruling allows officials to accept gifts for past favors

>>21106395, >>21106583 Biden's own Pentagon press secretary admits Biden lied about no troops killed during his term (Remember Afghanistan?)

>>21106454 How Much Has The US Donated To Ukraine?

>>21106456, >>21106496, >>21106806, >>21106509, >>21106637 DJT Jr.: 100,000 Americans die a year because of opioids

>>21106485, >>21106545 Toronto's Mayor, Olivia Chow, at a Drag Show

>>21106508 Illegal alien who gunned down two NYPD officers says kiIIing cops is his culture, firearms are smuggled into NYC shelters

>>21106524 Entire Hells Angels chapter arrested in California in kidnapping and assault probe

>>21106527 Taxation is indeed theft

>>21106540 North Korean troops will become 'cannon fodder' if they aid Russia in Ukraine, Pentagon says

>>21106542 Fetterman holds press conference with Netanyahu in Israel

>>21106543 Americans Terrified That Joe Biden is Running The Country After Debate Performance

>>21106551 Nvidia may hit a $6 trillion valuation by the end of the year

>>21106574, >>21106654 Two former Uvalde police officers arrested for abandoning children during 2022 school shooting

>>21106600 PF: JASDF JF01 Emperor Naruhito & Empress Masako departed RAF Brize Norton back to Tokyo-Haneda

>>21106604, >>21106629 Eric Trump: Coming up on @jesswatters at 7:30et

>>21106636 Several people dead, injured after vehicle rams into nail salon in Long Island, New York

>>21106642 @robbystarbuck: Woke CEO’s should be very uncomfortable right now - many of their employees are DM’ing me now with evidence

>>21106655, >>21106684 Biden falsely claims his son, Beau, died in war when he actually died from brain cancer

>>21106658 Jewish Professor Stephen Kershnar supporting pedophiłia

>>21106662 Control

>>21106691 JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley boost buybacks and dividends, while Citigroup and BofA take smaller steps

>>21106694 Dasting timing though

>>21106696, >>21106751 Trump Golf HV / LA

>>21106731 Iowa Supreme Court upholds state’s 6-week abortion ban

>>21106735, >>21106799 PF: 45 in N757AF 757 departed Norfolk Intl Airport after rally heading WN

>>21106741, >>21106753 Biden requests $4B from Congress to address Baltimore bridge, natural disasters

>>21106755 The Supreme Court has denied Steve Bannon’s bid to remain free pending appeal of his contempt conviction

>>21106269, >>21106493, >>21106544, >>21106648 Memes

>>21106816 #25871

Previously Collected

>>21104333 #25868, >>21105174 #25869, >>21106023 #25870

>>21101876 #25865-B, >>21102570 #25866, >>21103439 #25867

>>21100145 #25863, >>21100971 #25864, >>21101863 #25865-A

>>21097489 #25860, >>21098402 #25861, >>21099237 #25862

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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76eb68 No.21108548

File: 1478346a5430b57⋯.png (551.9 KB,691x620,691:620,1478346a5430b57bd271211794….png)



can continue or defer

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50542e No.21108550

#25873 >>21107608

>>21107637 Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater

>>21107648 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

>>21107652 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107655, >>21108248 BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

>>21107665 Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

>>21107697, >>21107811 PlaneFaggin'

>>21107700 LIVE: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21107722 @LindellTV - Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21107817 A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent

>>21107892 The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon

>>21107901 Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday

>>21108006 @DanScavino - A MUST WATCH! #TRUMP2024

>>21108036 Argos Holdings and affiliates sell Chewy Inc. shares worth over $660 million

>>21108114 @DrJill "there is nobody I would rather have sitting in the Oval Office than my husband" as she cuts Joe out of the video

>>21107860, >>21108017, >>21108096, >>21108111 anons opine on Jill replacing the mashed potato

>>21108186 ClockFaggin'

>>21108224 anon took notes while watching - Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT (pb note)

>>21108246, >>21108253 CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

>>21108283 BIDEN just got DESTROYED in the debate & Exclusive Jonathan Roumie Interview

>>21108299, >>21108306 Thomas Massie Tells Tucker Carlson That Every Republican Congressman ‘Has An AIPAC Person’

>>21108329 Barack Obama complains about how beautiful Trump was in the presidential debate

>>21108360 Words that viewers used to describe how Joe Biden made them feel during the presidential debate (and they make him sound more like an infirm relative than leader of the free world)

>>21108493 DEMOCRATS ARE DONE, Joe’s single best decision was choosing Kamala, no one wants her, and no other Dem candidate polls higher than Crooked Joe

>>21108512 LOVE OUR HEROES!!!💙🇺🇸

>>21108544 #25873

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97daeb No.21108555

File: c8caa1153371d6a⋯.png (634.26 KB,500x706,250:353,c8caa1153371d6a742d6c0a485….png)

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677278 No.21108559


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76eb68 No.21108563


5 fish confirm trips


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a4b0bf No.21108564

File: 7db0b02f3a82451⋯.jpg (109.95 KB,500x819,500:819,8vb4ug.jpg)

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4a0d6a No.21108565

File: bc6b84596fb8d10⋯.png (229.56 KB,530x848,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)


Brand of Sacrifice

Brand on Sacrifice

Brandon sacrificed today

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8417e5 No.21108567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Joe Satriani - Always with Me, Always with You (Long Version)

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677278 No.21108569

File: 822313974f11af7⋯.png (1.84 MB,2048x1567,2048:1567,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7793f571056a958⋯.png (1.77 MB,800x999,800:999,ClipboardImage.png)

Crooked Lyin' Joe fucked everyone in these two pictures!

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76428e No.21108571

File: c06245122088661⋯.png (155.05 KB,474x174,79:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e064d No.21108572

File: fdad97cb18f14b1⋯.jpg (35.13 KB,501x445,501:445,fdad97cb18f14b10c404ee1449….jpg)

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9996fd No.21108574

File: 8f9e3bdcabbf6af⋯.mp4 (5.26 MB,576x1024,9:16,mowhIQe3RI0D9VBT.mp4)


Vincent Kennedy




Good Morning X.


Sending them in….

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677278 No.21108577

File: 092e93a180aa069⋯.png (1.59 MB,900x875,36:35,ClipboardImage.png)

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ccf7fb No.21108579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9996fd No.21108580


follow the wives …

she looks scared for her eternal soul right there

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6aa650 No.21108583

File: 527f0c343a92630⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB,640x360,16:9,Cordicon_Sail.mp4)

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9996fd No.21108585

File: 2e3bbe68414ef5a⋯.png (1.86 MB,1016x1016,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7075b No.21108586

File: 1e26f96f5e033b8⋯.jpg (134.36 KB,773x480,773:480,AMERICA_IS_OUR_HILL.jpg)

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0e064d No.21108588

File: ec96c1d806ad6c2⋯.png (598.74 KB,784x816,49:51,12.png)

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e9169d No.21108589

File: 54da74ecda1fa2e⋯.png (239.97 KB,270x546,45:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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677278 No.21108590

File: 7ab4aaa01cf6a08⋯.png (1.05 MB,640x608,20:19,ClipboardImage.png)


Change My Diaper

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9996fd No.21108591


Lemuria right next to Kekistan

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7ca182 No.21108592

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2:02. The last statement was great


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677278 No.21108593

File: 419025a75b6bc5f⋯.png (1.06 MB,1079x1139,1079:1139,ClipboardImage.png)

oRaNgE benismen BAD

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ec8aa8 No.21108594

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6aa650 No.21108596

File: 09e4eecf02a58ed⋯.jpg (494.74 KB,1208x1504,151:188,09e4eecf02a58ed2571a24a868….jpg)

quite night shift, almost to quite.

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66c895 No.21108597

File: 237be84ad9e85a1⋯.png (763.96 KB,756x764,189:191,Left_Eye_Cat.png)


Who produces this shit?

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677278 No.21108598

File: 310900a1a0375cb⋯.png (325.69 KB,598x646,299:323,ClipboardImage.png)

All the FAKE NEWS has been saying "Trump lied, Biden Died"

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76428e No.21108601

File: 62c1838a104df77⋯.gif (1.7 MB,430x242,215:121,into_the_smoke.gif)

Either attempting to strategize or having a group cry-a-thon and jerking themselves off with their tears.

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ec8aa8 No.21108602


Q said some people can't be saved. Their brainwashing is too thorough and they're also too gay.

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9996fd No.21108603


it says ree_ree0513 on the tik tok but its amazing,

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64fd55 No.21108604

File: e3fcd5fcfd5c5ac⋯.jpeg (26.36 KB,399x399,1:1,b135ca706f79ad62.jpeg)

File: fef27cd8d87eec9⋯.jpeg (111.3 KB,545x1204,545:1204,90c95d0dd5578bc3.jpeg)

@ENTHEOS keeps stackin' cred points with anons.


Accounts active on social media for well over a decade. Search account out, do your own research and decide for yourself.

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a4b0bf No.21108605


One word talking point so potato keep up

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66c895 No.21108606


I'm saying it's circulating like it's our organic culture, but it has left eye symbolism.

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677278 No.21108607

File: 20a2281d2a1a427⋯.png (506.01 KB,694x663,694:663,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ea9b73dba97b26⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,VERY_embarrassing_for_them….mp4)

RNC Research


"I don't know how many times I can say to you that the president did a poor job," says Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu on Biden's debate. Team Biden is NOT sending their best — https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1806866494510297423!


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02eb38 No.21108609

File: 8c65bebd77e8ae5⋯.gif (153.96 KB,220x221,220:221,IMG_0005.gif)

Let's dance.

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9996fd No.21108610


stockholm syndrome

what no one realizes is potus opened the door of doors, and the Son is coming back with his Heavenly Armies to wipe out the jailers of this place, and anyone human who helped them keep us captive watching shadows on the wall

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9f7f77 No.21108614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6aa650 No.21108615

File: eaa1604424f62d2⋯.png (882.08 KB,538x1189,538:1189,ClipboardImage.png)

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8555f4 No.21108616

File: 524e4d00946d841⋯.jpeg (173.51 KB,748x746,374:373,IMG_5650.jpeg)

File: 107ffee3a80a7f5⋯.png (152.93 KB,353x386,353:386,IMG_5590.png)


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ec8aa8 No.21108617

File: 49f230265d4460e⋯.png (62.22 KB,250x187,250:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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9996fd No.21108618


i thought POTUS gave bidan those shades

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e9169d No.21108619


When do we arrest the cops that failed in the Parkland shooting? You know, the ones who were on campus daily specifically to look out for the kids.

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76428e No.21108620

File: 91ed42b0ce1805a⋯.gif (102.39 KB,640x640,1:1,spin_pepe.gif)

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a7075b No.21108621

File: d6834df3691dc5a⋯.jpg (165.51 KB,538x565,538:565,FROZEN.jpg)

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677278 No.21108622

File: 846799e9c7e69e0⋯.png (1.65 MB,1350x877,1350:877,ClipboardImage.png)



liberal faggots just keep shitting thier pants

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049949 No.21108623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Koon and the gang

Ladies Night

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6aa650 No.21108624

File: 535a9870f3ad16d⋯.png (57.32 KB,304x593,304:593,ClipboardImage.png)



Look at Elon's time stamp

"Watch what happens."

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677278 No.21108625

File: 2e0ebb4c41b93d9⋯.png (654.22 KB,1079x1238,1079:1238,ClipboardImage.png)

Smell the piss & vodka through your screen

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9996fd No.21108626

File: 9fa9941b94d8d11⋯.png (344.45 KB,939x636,313:212,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 001d42a5ad53046⋯.png (917.72 KB,867x603,289:201,ClipboardImage.png)



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16075d No.21108627


your cognitive lack shows in your shallow perception

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e9169d No.21108628


AI mostly.

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6e6cce No.21108629

File: fbfdcff158a03c8⋯.png (311.19 KB,565x575,113:115,ClipboardImage.png)


meme this

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76428e No.21108630

File: 83c6781c3b6c1fb⋯.gif (2.29 MB,720x404,180:101,060637682.gif)

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ec8aa8 No.21108631


Imagine if normies found out she was involved with planning the fake insurrection.

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cd3ecd No.21108632


That's a man.

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0e064d No.21108633

File: 2af73047e0f29ed⋯.mp4 (353.79 KB,480x270,16:9,inciting_an_erection.mp4)

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76428e No.21108634

File: c8f1c9f135100ac⋯.jpg (8.62 KB,255x222,85:74,pepe_mic_drop2.jpg)


Your years long dedication to your doubt and despair routine that doesn't work here shows daily in your fathomless stupidity. You have my permission to IP hop now, AEI.

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677278 No.21108635

File: dc0bb9c443f0da3⋯.png (339.14 KB,661x589,661:589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22da38043e11749⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,640x360,16:9,Newscum.mp4)

Gavin Newsom - a man whose policies are so bad he can’t even defend them

Adam Carolla


Gavin Newsom - a man whose policies are so bad he can’t even defend them.


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a7075b No.21108636

File: c89107d9b9d794b⋯.jpg (70.82 KB,523x436,523:436,TOASTED_BIMBO.jpg)

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049949 No.21108637

File: e4331f7f261e5a2⋯.png (419.34 KB,619x451,619:451,ClipboardImage.png)



Here we go…


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49574c No.21108638

File: 88950f6b3b402ef⋯.jpg (39.06 KB,500x507,500:507,8vd85e.jpg)

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abfc06 No.21108639


Yeah. Cause we all know house cats make the best soldiers. Your memes are retarded pig.

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581d78 No.21108640

File: 8614d7064f67c4b⋯.jpeg (325.6 KB,2045x1504,2045:1504,IMG_6962.jpeg)

File: 9e4c570a49f6132⋯.jpeg (264.88 KB,741x1061,741:1061,IMG_2785.jpeg)

File: 0dec75978cb167f⋯.jpeg (183.61 KB,2048x1097,2048:1097,IMG_6967.jpeg)

File: 11792c892fac48d⋯.jpeg (370.02 KB,750x2668,375:1334,IMG_8393.jpeg)

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6aa650 No.21108641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e9169d No.21108642


>Imagine if normies found out she was involved with planning the fake insurrection.



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677278 No.21108643

File: e0b2d908320a9e8⋯.png (476.61 KB,700x658,50:47,ClipboardImage.png)


>One word talking point so potato keep up


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64fd55 No.21108644

File: fee6bfffa04be31⋯.jpg (108.36 KB,802x1280,401:640,b2c45cbb784432ee_1_.jpg)

File: 91fd1c1c45cac3f⋯.jpg (219.31 KB,889x1155,127:165,f1ce4eca417ccae3_1_.jpg)


There is more where that came from…





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f54fb9 No.21108645

File: f26214044f53a7f⋯.jpg (62.99 KB,476x588,17:21,BWSonDis2.jpg)

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a7075b No.21108646

File: a48d09a0728b44a⋯.jpg (91.64 KB,737x560,737:560,ALLEY_CAT.jpg)



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b87ec4 No.21108647

Any news on House vote on Garland

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677278 No.21108648

File: 3a4db22ef6f453e⋯.png (443.15 KB,657x735,219:245,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 885b05a424e479b⋯.mp4 (950.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,2_senile_retards.mp4)

Are there 2 senile retards acting out the role of Joe Biden?

Joey Mannarino


How does Joe Biden look completely different from one day to the next?

I’m extremely confused.

The video on the left is from the debate last night.

The video on the right is this morning in North Carolina.

Why does he look like a different person?


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049949 No.21108649

File: 1b7ad4a3ceffa49⋯.jpg (194.09 KB,1466x733,2:1,media_GRKGPu2WAAAvnR3.jpg)

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16075d No.21108650

martin mull


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e9169d No.21108651

File: b2010dea4dc3d54⋯.png (9.23 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)


Prime suspect right here!

picrel related

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677278 No.21108652

File: 354ac86d69f30fa⋯.png (167.89 KB,892x560,223:140,ClipboardImage.png)


>Any news on House vote on Garland

Remember when Rep. Luna said "we will hold Merrick Garland in inherent contempt and force him to release the tapes"? Yeah, that isn't going to happen thanks to the filthy traitor Mike Johnson. The vote was supposed to happen today & now it NEVER will b/c a vote would've exposed the traitors.

Johnson flushed it.



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a7075b No.21108653

File: f2ca05ff09f7d36⋯.jpg (184.26 KB,820x604,205:151,MAKE_A_FINAL_STAND.jpg)

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16075d No.21108654

san diego zoo…

two pandas arrive from xi.

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0e064d No.21108655

File: cbf1620f820c42c⋯.mp4 (442.88 KB,480x536,60:67,Blink_MFer.mp4)

File: d836734ab7b3480⋯.png (239.58 KB,379x364,379:364,d836734ab7b348084c590c60b7….png)

Joe Biden During The CNN Presidential Debate With Donald Trump Last Night

Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?


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7ca182 No.21108656

June 28, 2024

Post Poll: More Citizens Trust Trump Over Biden to Protect Democracy=

The debate last night was chilling for many citizens as President Joe Biden clearly struggled to stay focused and responsive. It appeared to put on display what Special Counsel Robert Hur saw in his interview before concluding that Biden’s loss of mental capacity would make a prosecution difficult. What may be equally troubling for Democrats and the media is a poll that came out just before the debate that shows more swing-state voters see former President Donald Trump rather than President Joe Biden as protecting democracy.

According to a new poll from the Washington Post and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, if “democracy is on the ballot,” the majority of the public believes that threat comes from elsewhere, including possibly Biden himself.

Over half of the respondents told the Washington Post that threats to democracy are extremely important to their vote for president. However, 44% said they think Trump would do a better job at handling those threats. Only 33% of respondents said they believe Biden would be better for democracy.

Many citizens are alarmed by prosecutions like the one in Manhattan where the legal system seems to have been weaponized against political opponents.

The poll not only shows the diminishing faith in the President but also in the press. The media has been unrelenting in pushing the narrative that this election is a choice between democracy and tyranny. The public is clearly tuning out the media message. This is only the latest example of that widening gap. Indeed, the whole “Let’s Go Brandon” chant is as much a criticism of the media as it is President Biden.

I have previously written that democracy is not on the ballot but free speech is. The Biden Administration has chilling analogies to the Adams Administration in the weaponization of the legal system and the crackdown on free speech. What should most concern Biden is the possibility of another aspect of history repeating itself: a defeat like the one in 1800.

As I discuss in my new book, The Indispensable Right, President John Adams, used the Alien and Sedition Acts to arrest his political opponents – including journalists, members of Congress and others. Many of those prosecuted by the Adams administration were Jeffersonians. In the election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson ran on the issue and defeated Adams.

The anti-free speech movement has flourished largely in the echo chambers of academia and the media. It is time for the public to render its judgment. Free speech is again on the ballot. It is time for the public to decide.


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677278 No.21108657

Mike Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State


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a0d823 No.21108658


is cowardice illegal meow?

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97daeb No.21108659

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9996fd No.21108660


the native americans put the baby in safe place

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9688d4 No.21108661

File: fd5c60ed69e0c35⋯.png (181.62 KB,595x519,595:519,massie_uvalde.png)

File: a4fd787ebb6df36⋯.png (162.37 KB,808x559,808:559,uvalde_pete_arredondo_indi….png)

21108576 Another aspect that jumps out is Massie's argument for gun free school zones, made in response to the Uvalde shooting, which would effectively neuter the deep state's hopes of fulfilling Bill Cooper's prophecy of neutering 2A and disarming the people through staged (MK-Ultra activated) school shootings. In light of the recent indictment of failed coward Pete Arredonda the chief of Uvalde Police, who gave the stand down order & sat idly by watching Kardashian reruns & eating bon bons while kids were fighting for their lives, it's possible someone is afraid that Massie's arguments will start to get real traction with congress. Could his wife's sudden death be a warning shot to deter other would-be patriots from capitalizing on Uvalde to finally secure our schools and end the shootings once and for all?

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6e6cce No.21108662

File: c6728147b16577c⋯.png (503.87 KB,513x430,513:430,ClipboardImage.png)

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9996fd No.21108663


Heavenly armies :)

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e9169d No.21108664


Dereliction of duty, fraud and theft is. Taxpayers paid for their training and salaries.

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a0d823 No.21108665

File: 84aee1ddb47960c⋯.png (232.53 KB,565x575,113:115,20240629_000955.png)

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a0d823 No.21108666

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e9169d No.21108667



I see what you did there.

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a0d823 No.21108668


fucked up.

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a7075b No.21108669

File: bc5f392200f0adc⋯.jpg (107.1 KB,760x582,380:291,NASTY_BREAK.jpg)

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76428e No.21108670

File: a7e91fb1971bcb9⋯.gif (123.45 KB,220x165,4:3,disappeeah.gif)


There's a white buffalo born every few years. I've seen many "once in a generation" albino bison.

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a0d823 No.21108671


she lookah likeahh man.

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6e6cce No.21108672

File: 99db765ab1314b9⋯.png (202.41 KB,399x307,399:307,ClipboardImage.png)


Remember POTUS having a stick on the green just before the first recorded 5.5 EQ at Bedminster?

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677278 No.21108673

File: 38cc8bb5fcbacd8⋯.png (432.91 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)



>follow the wives …


>she looks scared for her eternal soul right there


Jill Biden After Debate: ‘Joe, You Did Such a Great Job. You Answered Every Question. You Knew All the Facts.’

Jill Biden After Lousy Debate: 'Joe, You Did Such a Great Job'

First lady Jill Biden praised her husband's performance during the presidential debate despite political commentators saying otherwise.


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049949 No.21108674

File: b81af958cca57a7⋯.png (258.43 KB,618x419,618:419,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b680dcde95820d⋯.png (84.18 KB,730x850,73:85,1595.png)

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a0d823 No.21108675





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677278 No.21108676

File: aee1525b20e7ee7⋯.png (496.47 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)


Ketanji Brown Jackson Omits 'Woman' in Abortion Opinion: 'Pregnant Patients'

Supreme Court Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson declined to say "woman" in an opinion about an abortion law, preferring "pregnant patients."


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9996fd No.21108677


dead cat bounce is the financial system, no?

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581d78 No.21108678

File: 4c2e2f3ad9a7f73⋯.jpeg (494.69 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_6980.jpeg)

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a0d823 No.21108679


she gets skinned.

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76428e No.21108680

File: f66b6309e165e94⋯.png (126.27 KB,800x769,800:769,pepe_realization.png)

Or maybe I'm just that old now that I've been around enough to see many white bison. Well shit.

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049949 No.21108681

File: 260cb4f5ef34698⋯.png (22.94 KB,677x227,677:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bb13bbcd4259ee⋯.png (28.95 KB,637x247,49:19,ClipboardImage.png)



Clowns In America

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a7075b No.21108682

File: 836f2d7256a54dc⋯.jpg (173.18 KB,620x643,620:643,HEAD_IN_SAND.jpg)

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e9169d No.21108683


In a corrupt system, thin indeed.

All it takes is the people to be united in demanding prosecution.

The people have the power.

They should lock down every American's bank accounts tomorrow and make each citizen read and take a simple test on the Constitution to get them unlocked again.

To paraphrase Henry Ford… there will be war by morning.

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f9c4db No.21108684

File: e13d31180226bc7⋯.gif (3.36 MB,853x480,853:480,d4wkah6_f274f2a3_907e_43c2….gif)

The stars are not what astronomers say they are.


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a0d823 No.21108685




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ec8aa8 No.21108686


that meat was someone's father you sick fuck

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9996fd No.21108687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e9169d No.21108688


Bison veal?

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a0d823 No.21108690



none of that is reality.

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fb9fc2 No.21108691


carrots cause pandic infertility

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f9c4db No.21108692

Unpacking the truth about everything is gonna be such a fucking blast

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f9c4db No.21108693

Q was the coolest shit to happen.

We just didn't know it yet.

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ec8aa8 No.21108694


I used to have sympathy for normies who will freak out when they're world model disintegrates. But I don't care anymore.

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76428e No.21108695

File: c681a5670fe4f85⋯.png (325.53 KB,600x636,50:53,ClipboardImage.png)


Alas, poor Angus. I ate him well.

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72824d No.21108696

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6e6cce No.21108697

File: ef7872d209b5a7f⋯.png (97.94 KB,600x616,75:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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8555f4 No.21108698

does Israel control the C_A or do they control Israel? who can survive without the other, and why?

are there any other candidates for 'controller of the clowns'?

is it a top-down control or is it more of a partnership mutual? what is Israel to the C_A? what is the C_A to Israel?

how does Islam factor in?

where did Islam come from?

where did Islam really come from??

where did Zionism come from and what preceded it?

what do its proponents have in common?

what do its opponents have in common?

(this is an enemy tactic, but… I'm using it for this. Fuck em)

what is the 'New Age Movement'?

where does it come from and what does it preach?

who is a subscriber to it in word?

who is a subscriber to it in deed?

who is a subscriber to it in deed yet in word, speaketh against it?

always wanted to spit some 17th century english :p

what happened at the Tower of Babel? What happened after that throughout the following few thousand years???

Where is it now?

Where did the beliefs end up?

What is a 'secret society'?

Dual-faith dual-loyalty dual-image dual-purpose.

this shit is literally not complicated

a bunch of faggots run around in wee hours of the morning sucking satan's dick trying to become gods and here we fucking are caught in the middle of these retards' delusions

Godspeed patriots.

Trump ate that fucking dickhead Biden

Libs are about to join us in droves so get ready your dankest quickest-acting red pills ready. They're ripe, go harvest some :) irons hot. Libs are in what the fuck mode. Medias been telling them Joe's spry as a faggot's butthole

What else have they been lying about??

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e9169d No.21108699


They won't get to locking down bank accounts of course but the people will soon™ rediscover their real power and this top down bullshit will end.

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72824d No.21108700


fukn acк.

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76428e No.21108701

File: cd41b785ed7db9c⋯.png (1.68 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingcity2.png)


You may IP hop again, AEI. Fucktard clown.

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9996fd No.21108702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0dd4b2 No.21108703

File: 8dd23c7295927f6⋯.png (359.08 KB,500x508,125:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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60ce85 No.21108704

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your buffilosophy.

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c4616b No.21108705


He actually said that, right?

Is that when Trump said I don’t know what he said’?

Anyone have that clip?

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49574c No.21108706

File: 5b31865334e8f76⋯.jpg (876.37 KB,1080x1920,9:16,JPEG_20200510_124749.jpg)


It needed more chilli

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cd3833 No.21108707

File: 75210c2a33a559e⋯.png (1.11 MB,996x716,249:179,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_2….png)

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60ce85 No.21108708



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54de96 No.21108709

File: 7650a4bfafc6bd9⋯.png (435.47 KB,600x800,3:4,17C59AAC_AFE1_45C2_8973_C3….png)

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049949 No.21108710

See Iran

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384c99 No.21108711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No.17830326 📁

Nov 27 2022 20:06:20 (EST)

What is coded in your DNA?

Who put it there?


Mankind is repressed.

We will be repressed no more.

Information is knowledge.

Knowledge is power.

Information is power.

How do you protect your DNA?

There is a war for your DNA.

Protect your DNA.



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4f8c9e No.21108712

Joe is unstoppable and will win. The democrat criminals will make sure of it. And not a damn thing you or any other anon can do to stop it. Enjoy the movie.

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60ce85 No.21108713

if that were true


it were already done.



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e954a3 No.21108714


for the fedlets…


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c4616b No.21108715





I found the clip of someone can load it

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a4b0bf No.21108716


Go to bed Jill

You're drunk

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ae1f3c No.21108717

6 handicap lol that’s embarrassing

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c4616b No.21108718

File: 86d7879a5992d70⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB,1170x2131,1170:2131,IMG_9895.jpeg)

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677278 No.21108719

File: e3029984cd70a33⋯.png (204.63 KB,381x326,381:326,ClipboardImage.png)


don’t be dem, retard

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cd3833 No.21108720

File: c2e017aeed4bf58⋯.png (301.64 KB,498x400,249:200,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_2….png)

File: 57d66793696eb64⋯.png (416.21 KB,578x498,289:249,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_2….png)



Yellowbrick: Treatment for Mental Illness in Chicago

Yellowbrick in Evanston, Il provides help for troubled young and emerging adults with treatment for mental illness.


About Yellow Brick Program







Visit in Anonymous View

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9996fd No.21108721



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677278 No.21108722

File: dc9943e356dc154⋯.png (232.12 KB,1079x580,1079:580,ClipboardImage.png)


>6 handicap lol that’s embarrassing

Vindman goes full retard.

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ae1f3c No.21108723


Did I interrupt your little devil saence

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76428e No.21108724

File: 4c2096e7b238a18⋯.png (349.02 KB,698x1024,349:512,pepe_shoes.png)

Look at the little bugger go. KEK. He's angry IP hopping.

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a7075b No.21108725

File: a945b00c4b7078f⋯.jpg (201.89 KB,642x647,642:647,MEMORY.jpg)

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ebc9fd No.21108726

Did the Massie household get a surprise babysitter from AIPAC.

RIP Rhonda

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ae1f3c No.21108727


Who’s that? The retarded handicap midget

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a7075b No.21108728

File: 7355444ce7f5ab2⋯.jpg (95.62 KB,522x677,522:677,THE_BADDIES.jpg)

File: aacc71e62ce1ed7⋯.jpg (97.44 KB,536x652,134:163,BADDIE_BROTHERS.jpg)

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0dd4b2 No.21108729

File: d9cdab72f062c54⋯.png (382.14 KB,749x500,749:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c53a3ef9571a13⋯.png (835.48 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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677278 No.21108730

File: 2fdd4e850b2417e⋯.png (46.25 KB,140x140,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Joe is unstoppableRETARD

Wei Wu 吴伟


Biden be retard.

8:48 PM • Jun 27, 2024


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384c99 No.21108731

File: b090c5efdec51ff⋯.png (271.94 KB,592x370,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


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76428e No.21108732

File: 979360b91248436⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)


>The retarded handicap midget

Is that what you call AEI? I just call him a failfag.

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8555f4 No.21108733

File: 95ba83128d1b2d1⋯.jpeg (93.77 KB,698x1024,349:512,IMG_5665.jpeg)

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008dfa No.21108734

File: fecad2746a95616⋯.gif (3.49 MB,480x270,16:9,fecad2746a95616a65d8584aea….gif)



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ebc9fd No.21108735

Same font, same cover


and another



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0e064d No.21108736

File: f3219f31a339018⋯.png (315.98 KB,768x565,768:565,f3219f31a3390185ae87bbeb14….png)


Is that the Bud Light dude?

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677278 No.21108737

File: fd026fccc310e60⋯.png (309.74 KB,460x360,23:18,ClipboardImage.png)


Putin, Kim and Xi after the debate

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384c99 No.21108738

File: 51efc1caa4aa668⋯.png (81.05 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

come here JA

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c4616b No.21108739



Trump made fun of their looks

Said they thought they were hot shit.

And they needed to look in the mirror

I laughed so hard

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49574c No.21108740

File: e6c9d2826d7b68b⋯.jpeg (41.47 KB,524x699,524:699,e6c9d2826d7b68b25ecf119ac….jpeg)

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4ea08b No.21108741

File: 3fd0245c1d695da⋯.png (23.88 KB,721x306,721:306,Biden_be_retard.png)

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ebc9fd No.21108742



I am watching for the the wrecks at this point.

Done educating people who don't want to know.

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0dd4b2 No.21108743



Great catch but I don't know fer sure.

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c4616b No.21108744

File: 81d026b608692b6⋯.png (826.44 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9896.png)


NOT SATIRE: Reporter Who Watched the Debate at a NURSING HOME Says Biden Got Slammed by Elderly Residents

By Mike LaChance Jun. 28, 2024

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e9169d No.21108745

File: 024ab5469dd0a17⋯.png (1.85 MB,3000x2000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


That shot in particular reminds me of Jon Voight. If someone could do side by sides of his hands and Tater's from the debate last night we might be able to confirm. Voight's "Roomba" stance in the attached pic looks familiar too.

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384c99 No.21108746

File: a1cd7a63134d9f9⋯.png (312.14 KB,680x426,340:213,ClipboardImage.png)

my thoughts

Trump is still potus

everything is fake including trump

deep state removed and deep fakes introduced

its a movie

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e954a3 No.21108747


veddy baht.

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c4616b No.21108748

File: 9230b413435a421⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB,1170x2337,390:779,IMG_9897.jpeg)



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76428e No.21108749

File: 3c3d6de3f4bd68d⋯.jpg (201.42 KB,969x965,969:965,cringe.jpg)


KEK. Would not. Sometimes the dignity is moar important than a temporary moist hole to masturbate in.

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677278 No.21108750

File: ca80d2f16c411a0⋯.png (657.61 KB,684x900,19:25,ClipboardImage.png)




Dad Joke of the Day!

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8555f4 No.21108751

File: 79626658ecd1b79⋯.jpeg (168.49 KB,1130x1064,565:532,IMG_5569.jpeg)

It would be inaccurate to say "White Hats are running the show". They are not doing any of the atrocities we are experiencing directly.

The situation can be more accurately described as "White Hats control all the strings, and they are letting the headless puppets do a fraction of what they were planning to do anyway, in a very hasty and haphazard manner, in the process exposing themselves, and waking people up"

"Biden" himself is definitely working for the WHs no matter how you slice it and dice it. The puppets counting on him are only now realising he is not in their control, and so they are trying to get rid of him. But its too late. I will bet that they wont be able to get rid of him in time and will be forced to limp along with him.

The reason is that too much of the disclosure at the precipice circles around his actions and his compromises and not having him at the helm would dilute the Awakening.

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cd3833 No.21108752

File: 448c8bc7951ec49⋯.png (1.77 MB,1364x1100,31:25,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_2….png)

File: 456c6e5ea85a318⋯.png (1.89 MB,1778x1102,889:551,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_2….png)


fake news but the war is real

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8555f4 No.21108753

File: 97fb6b737dceea4⋯.jpeg (70.35 KB,531x500,531:500,IMG_5670.jpeg)


sorry wrong image

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384c99 No.21108754

File: 1b9b22eae132467⋯.png (509.04 KB,1284x1716,107:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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049949 No.21108755

File: e93ec8c03a4fbf7⋯.png (170.43 KB,646x558,323:279,ClipboardImage.png)


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e954a3 No.21108756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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384c99 No.21108757

File: 990dea485102b2c⋯.png (297.14 KB,566x655,566:655,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7075b No.21108758

File: 05fbd0194a3e9f8⋯.jpg (154.56 KB,568x555,568:555,AMERICA_KISS.jpg)

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677278 No.21108759

File: 3c58402777a4825⋯.png (2.02 MB,1320x1547,1320:1547,ClipboardImage.png)


>fake news but the war is real

KEK - The Democrats have no tether to reality

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79a79b No.21108760

File: c904a0c9fb3ee25⋯.jpeg (78.09 KB,642x731,642:731,IMG_6607.jpeg)

He knew.

This means…

She returns.

Red October.

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677278 No.21108761



iS THIS guuuuud guise?

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9996fd No.21108762


i noticed potus drove by chevron station when he was in newport beach ca …

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ae1f3c No.21108763


I can’t tell if it’s a dwarf in a wheelchair, a tranny, a child, or a retard talking to my as I sleep stealing my dreams attacking my DNA 24/7. Absolute fucking creep

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97daeb No.21108764

File: b1110a00383c064⋯.png (118.19 KB,300x359,300:359,GRAMMAR_PIG.png)


You're missing an "N", Pig.

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e954a3 No.21108765


he *knows

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e9169d No.21108766


Their lives could be so much easier just by shutting the fuck up.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” –A. Lincoln

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76428e No.21108767

File: e50952666e6fafa⋯.gif (1.51 MB,350x197,350:197,_.gif)

That's just what I use to describe an unsavory one night stand. Meant it to be humorous, not misogynistic.

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c4616b No.21108768


Could be

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677278 No.21108769



July 4th 2024

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e954a3 No.21108770



their lives hang

in the balance.

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49574c No.21108771


Anon is probably right but anon can think of the bobs and vegena and if nothing else anon can feed her a bag of oats and release her back to the fields kek

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049949 No.21108772

File: aaf2cd8631f2ad0⋯.png (354.83 KB,627x501,209:167,ClipboardImage.png)



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9996fd No.21108773


she returns july 4th or something good happens july 4th?

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8af7f0 No.21108774

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62c8bf No.21108775

File: 4cf3035682e3042⋯.jpg (4.54 MB,4321x2776,4321:2776,Picsart_24_06_28_23_06_51_….jpg)

if you dont vote fore me

you aint tiger woods nigga

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5c3285 No.21108776

The implications…

Just gonna TtP.

What else?

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a7075b No.21108777

File: 17db3521a08a930⋯.jpg (162.85 KB,586x643,586:643,MAKE_THE_JUMP.jpg)

File: c337aa52c8e47c3⋯.jpg (117.39 KB,727x476,727:476,MR_OUINING_2.jpg)

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677278 No.21108778


>Did the Massie household get a surprise babysitter from AIPAC.


>RIP Rhonda


>>21108576 Another aspect that jumps out is Massie's argument for gun free school zones, made in response to the Uvalde shooting, which would effectively neuter the deep state's hopes of fulfilling Bill Cooper's prophecy of neutering 2A and disarming the people through staged (MK-Ultra activated) school shootings. In light of the recent indictment of failed coward Pete Arredonda the chief of Uvalde Police, who gave the stand down order & sat idly by watching Kardashian reruns & eating bon bons while kids were fighting for their lives, it's possible someone is afraid that Massie's arguments will start to get real traction with congress. Could his wife's sudden death be a warning shot to deter other would-be patriots from capitalizing on Uvalde to finally secure our schools and end the shootings once and for all?

Zionists gloat over the sudden death of Rep. Thomas Massie's wife because he was one of the very few lawmakers on Capitol Hill they could not buy off

Slow News Day


If I have this right, shortly after Massie went on Tucker & told everyone who didn't already know about the AIPAC babysitters, his wife is suddenly, tragically taken from him & this is what the ZioCons have to say to him

Massie + Uvalde + ………………………….




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d7c9bb No.21108779

File: 73e63fd8df31b50⋯.gif (1.09 MB,147x196,3:4,20200815_122614.gif)



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8555f4 No.21108780

File: 9a05a48fb9cb530⋯.jpeg (126.15 KB,1280x797,1280:797,IMG_5673.jpeg)

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c4616b No.21108781


They chose his wife, Dr Jill Biden

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c4616b No.21108782



Down she goes

Is when Dr Jill gets defeated

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76eb68 No.21108783

Notablesnot endorsements

#25874 >>21108548

>>21108598 MSM talking point for the brainwashed - "Trump lied"

>>21108648, >>21108655, >>21108757 The many faces of Mr Potato Head

>>21108647, >>21108652 Any news on House vote on Garland? No vote - needs sauce

>>21108722 Vindman goes full retard

>>21108744 NOT SATIRE: Reporter Who Watched the Debate at a NURSING HOME Says Biden Got Slammed by Elderly Residents

>>21108574, >>21108589 For the keks

>>21108555, >>21108572, >>21108588, >>21108665, >>21108697, >>21108736, >>21108741 Free Memes



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76428e No.21108784

File: 8c5c0018926ac8f⋯.gif (1.52 MB,499x212,499:212,8c5c0018926ac8f52c80e7b01f….gif)


>What else?

Was thinking of ding-a-ding-danging my dang-a-long-ling-long, but the time isn't ripe yet.

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6e6cce No.21108785

File: f7dc8a548fa856c⋯.png (248.13 KB,484x329,484:329,ClipboardImage.png)

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62c8bf No.21108786

File: 8ff3a972817cee1⋯.jpg (55.16 KB,770x513,770:513,chuck_shoo_770x513_7485568….jpg)


My fellow Ukrai…er, I mean Israe…um, Americans

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677278 No.21108787




Change my mind motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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3906be No.21108788

We never did get the ruling on the presidential immunity today.

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c4616b No.21108789

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a7075b No.21108790

File: 560ec376560ff0f⋯.jpg (163.62 KB,581x757,581:757,SERIES_1.jpg)

File: 26732a93222cf84⋯.jpg (112.66 KB,713x607,713:607,SERIES_2.jpg)

File: 9569e69ae6f49f7⋯.jpg (41.65 KB,469x393,469:393,SERIES_3.jpg)

File: 8ef5ae6408001c3⋯.jpg (104.62 KB,729x615,243:205,BELLY_BUTTON_LINT.jpg)

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677278 No.21108791



gay ass datefagger

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8555f4 No.21108792




Trump Responds Over Rumors Biden Will Be Replaced

In response to the Democratic Party going into panic mode and calling for Biden to be replaced after his abysmal debate performance, President Trump revealed he believes ‘Biden will still be the nominee.’

Trump made the comments in an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital.

The 45th President further stated, “It was a great honor to be on stage representing the people of our country.”

In response to Biden’s debate performance, Trump’s campaign manager, Chris LaCivita, shared, “Despite taking a week-long vacation at Camp David to prepare for the debate, Biden was unable to defend his disastrous record on the economy and the border.”

Trump says Biden ‘will be the nominee’ amid Dem panic over debate performance https://t.co/RlAqg8UTiS #FoxNews

— Carmine Marino (@Carmine92210764) June 28, 2024

Here’s what Fox News reported:

Former President Trump said he believes that President Biden “will be the nominee” for the Democratic Party, despite the president’s debate performance Thursday night that prompted calls from those on the left for him to withdraw from the 2024 race.

Trump and Biden faced off in the first presidential debate in Atlanta on Thursday night.

“It was a great honor to be on stage representing the people of our country,” Trump told Fox News Digital in an exclusive interview Friday morning.

The Trump campaign declared victory shortly after the showdown ended, saying the former president and presumptive Republican nominee had “delivered the greatest debate performance and victory in history to the largest voter audience in history, making clear exactly how he will improve the lives of every American.”

“Joe Biden on the other hand showed exactly why he deserves to be fired,” Trump campaign co-chairs Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles said in a statement Thursday night. “Despite taking a week-long vacation at Camp David to prepare for the debate, Biden was unable to defend his disastrous record on the economy and the border.”

Minutes after Trump and Biden’s debate concluded, CNN went into full panic mode.

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e9169d No.21108793


Yeah, there was too much winning this week so they put it off until next week.

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677278 No.21108794


>Trump Responds Over Rumors Biden Will Be Replaced

>Trump said he believes that President Biden “will be the nominee”




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049949 No.21108795

File: 5e4c27470a068df⋯.png (190.71 KB,613x527,613:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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581d78 No.21108796

File: 200bee2c44606dd⋯.jpeg (486.81 KB,1536x1083,512:361,IMG_2062.jpeg)

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62c8bf No.21108797


Q July 4th drops

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97daeb No.21108798

File: cc59501bb68c1a2⋯.png (110.36 KB,300x359,300:359,grammar_pig_alpha.png)




Count again.

You need the second N to make it work.

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677278 No.21108799



keep diggering…this is going to be epic!!!


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9996fd No.21108800


ugg, that makes sense

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76428e No.21108801



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c1e1bb No.21108802

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

File: 6efa0339b39bed4⋯.png (854.95 KB,858x499,858:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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677278 No.21108803

File: 83b349ef964cb63⋯.png (1.36 MB,999x1465,999:1465,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden and Gavin Newsome's America


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a48203 No.21108804

No Tweet

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677278 No.21108805

File: b03abf58f9e274a⋯.png (1.48 MB,1152x768,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>6 handicap lol that’s embarrassing


>Who’s that? The retarded handicap midget

The IDEA! That that that… the situation we find ourselves in… well anyway

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f9c4db No.21108806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's as clear as glass…



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07f0af No.21108807

File: 25d6c755be1cfee⋯.png (68.75 KB,1080x1072,135:134,ClipboardImage.png)

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62c8bf No.21108808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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62c8bf No.21108809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

juy 4th Q drop

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f9c4db No.21108810

Holy shit what a fantastic ride it's been.



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62c8bf No.21108811

File: b6d8422f5fc6f58⋯.jpg (159.63 KB,1440x1779,480:593,Screenshot_20240629_020154….jpg)


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a7075b No.21108812

File: 30839fb9f0154b9⋯.jpg (129.5 KB,584x464,73:58,GIVE_IT_UP_HABEEB.jpg)

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76428e No.21108813

6 digit palindrome? Normally only 4 or 5. Time to stop for the night.

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8d9a24 No.21108814

File: 6115c5ff7d1ee4e⋯.jpg (293.76 KB,1079x670,1079:670,Tic_Tac_Tic.jpg)

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0b5f61 No.21108815

File: 9d8ce88b0b3fd02⋯.jpeg (40.51 KB,319x400,319:400,9d8ce88b0b3fd02d01bf2b808….jpeg)

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8555f4 No.21108816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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74fe96 No.21108817

File: 580def6a7d7e71a⋯.png (375.18 KB,526x638,263:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9c4db No.21108818

File: 558964634a74f4c⋯.gif (148.2 KB,220x137,220:137,the_boys_butcher.gif)

Trump, Biden and RFK triggered me at first…



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008dfa No.21108819


You are really making two related claims.

>It would be inaccurate to say "White Hats are running the show". They are not doing any of the atrocities we are experiencing directly.

>The situation can be more accurately described as "White Hats control all the strings, and they are letting the headless puppets do a fraction of what they were planning to do anyway, in a very hasty and haphazard manner, in the process exposing themselves, and waking people up"

This is a big picture claim.

If we are not literally in Hell, then I suppose it is basically right.

People have really died, really been imprisoned, really been subjected to seemingly endless torment of all sorts.

Still, most of us have not been tortured to death, yet.

>"Biden" himself is definitely working for the WHs no matter how you slice it and dice it. The puppets counting on him are only now realising he is not in their control, and so they are trying to get rid of him. But its too late. I will bet that they wont be able to get rid of him in time and will be forced to limp along with him.

Here you contention re "Biden" makes sense too.

It is hardly obvious that they ever intended him to "win" in 2020. They were preparing to go TOTAL LAWFARE against Trump when he refused to concede power (and could have called up the street scum and fake news auxiliaries). But Trump let them take the WH.

>The reason is that too much of the disclosure at the precipice circles around his actions and his compromises and not having him at the helm would dilute the Awakening.

Tony Bobolinksi pretty much said outright that he is a paid agent of the CCP and this was known before the election.

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9996fd No.21108820


spit on that thang

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f9c4db No.21108821

Actually, everything you've been doing, keep doing it.



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07f0af No.21108822

File: cc9f05d001cec3b⋯.png (22.22 KB,360x205,72:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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74fe96 No.21108823

File: 24cdbd041fe6bf4⋯.png (463.44 KB,720x711,80:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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677278 No.21108824



FUCK YEAH 1,000,000% !!!!!!!!!!

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07f0af No.21108825

File: 0fb33364acaa65b⋯.png (30.03 KB,479x329,479:329,ClipboardImage.png)

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74fe96 No.21108826

File: 00028b49e654563⋯.png (183.36 KB,460x360,23:18,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7075b No.21108827

File: 6b383c8f1cde406⋯.jpg (78.65 KB,369x623,369:623,TAKE_A_PILL.jpg)



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0673a8 No.21108828

Quantum calculations.

Temporal manipulation.

Odd times indeed.

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5e7990 No.21108829


Does no one else see the desolate sadness in this video?

These are not happy AI kitties;

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4ea08b No.21108830

Why is it that any foreign-linked "PAC" can exist in the United States when the entire point of a PAC is to influence elections. Should not any such attempt, control, influence or involvement be considered sedition and lead to the instant confiscation of all assets and imprisonment plus a permanent bar on entry into the US of any foreign national connected with same? YOU BET IT SHOULD in each and every case. Oh by the way what the FUCK are the CEOs of Pfizer, Palantir and Oracle doing lobbying US Senators on Israeli issues?

Why is it that when we know foreign governments, including Israel, fund and operate influence operations in the United States including on college campuses and elsewhere (and by the way Israel isn't the only one – how about Confucius?) said "institutes" and "operations" are not subject to immediate criminal sanction, arrest and expulsion of every single foreign national involved along with asset seizure and prosecution of any US entity that accepts said funds, grants and otherwise cooperates with same, given that their entire purpose is to influence policy and elections, the latter of which is, by law, expressly forbidden.

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9996fd No.21108831


so we are going through the transition from July 4th for next 5 months… USA inc to America, land of the Free

july 11th martial law , but where? maybe just in DC? i cannot imagine the whole country .. but ten days as the world goes down was what POTUS said today in his speech

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f9c4db No.21108832



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c4616b No.21108833


Having Jill Biden run as his replacement is the only thing that makes sense for them without causing a lot of damage and division in the party

They can fairly easily replace Joe if he becomes medically incapacitated or dies.

They have a play in their playbook already used at least once that I know where they kill off the candidate and get his wife to run in his place. It was done in Missoewhen Mel carahan was losing his senate race. His wife took his place and won on the sympathy vote.

If Jilly is top of ticket, then Kamala doesn’t get stepped over blatantly as if Big Mike comes in.


Ala can’t do anything about it without looking petty.

I don’t think they actually think Doctor Jill Biden will win, but she might prevent them nosing lots of down ticket elections.

It’s the perfect plan and it can be done after nominating Joe

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677278 No.21108834

QUESTIONS ANONS: Does Trump automatically win now?

Think clearly before replying!

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74fe96 No.21108835

File: 3923a7800212bac⋯.png (197.74 KB,540x540,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9c4db No.21108836

I made the illuminati an offer they couldn't refuse, and they still did.


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f9c4db No.21108837

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4f8c9e No.21108838

File: 6a9b8d1cb88cc70⋯.jpeg (354.11 KB,1576x1571,1576:1571,IMG_3166.jpeg)

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6511d8 No.21108839

File: f49df58ccb4342b⋯.png (327.1 KB,321x421,321:421,42352532h32.PNG)

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a8a00c No.21108840

File: a1e331148c7349e⋯.png (739.23 KB,1080x812,270:203,Screenshot_20240628_161900….png)

File: 426ef1c0443f3cc⋯.png (728.49 KB,1080x741,360:247,Scrzxz.png)

File: 426ef1c0443f3cc⋯.png (728.49 KB,1080x741,360:247,Scrzxz.png)


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8d9a24 No.21108841

File: fb07fd92601091d⋯.jpg (96.43 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Glastonbury_.jpg)

File: 47ee34d8ad813b1⋯.jpeg (297.65 KB,1204x733,1204:733,47ee34d8ad813b1febd5cf4e0….jpeg)

File: 0650d753591f5f2⋯.jpg (48.83 KB,714x772,357:386,FB_IMG_1711875666826.jpg)

File: 3ac8bf3cb4ea42f⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB,480x644,120:161,ssstwitter_com_17160407249….mp4)

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f9c4db No.21108842

Doesn't matter at this point, low tier agent.

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74fe96 No.21108843

File: f7ef539ee021663⋯.png (568.73 KB,783x817,783:817,ClipboardImage.png)

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3eb8bb No.21108844

File: 5fabcb7eecbfb22⋯.png (923.23 KB,1136x640,71:40,030CF7D3_CABB_493B_9802_BA….png)

File: 43e4d111e65d693⋯.jpeg (69.26 KB,1136x640,71:40,06AEC753_5776_42F5_BFF6_8….jpeg)


Yeah, that time when you were talking shit? YOU are an ANIMAL!

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9996fd No.21108845


dr jill would be a good villain, its getting kinda sad making fun of bidan

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c4616b No.21108846



He runs against Jill.

Joe stays until he is removed by 25th amendment or becomes medically incapacitated.

A stroke perhaps that happens when he is with Jill

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62c8bf No.21108847


those are war faces

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a7075b No.21108848

File: 11b764cdf69b2ce⋯.jpg (42.96 KB,263x452,263:452,BEST_IN_SHOW.jpg)

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3b6f9d No.21108849


Didn’t he invent the mullet?

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74fe96 No.21108850

File: 3375a8c2c7cd0d1⋯.png (742.3 KB,990x647,990:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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74fe96 No.21108851

File: eb03f49fada0609⋯.png (311.67 KB,744x859,744:859,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ea08b No.21108852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Latest IPCC Report

Nobody multiplies an entire data set by -1 on accident; it is done deliberately to reverse the data as it exists and never for any other purpose.

This discovery is hard mathematical evidence of fraud. This report is allegedly "extensively reviewed" before publication and therefore said fraud extends to the reviewers in that either (1) they didn't actually review it in which case that's fraud in that they claimed to do something they did not or (2) they did review it and intentionally passed on it understanding what it was in which case they're active participants in the original fraud.

Now I am presuming the data shows what this video claims – that is, it really is multiplied by -1 across the entire data set.

But assuming that claim is true then the entire report is knowingly and intentionally false and since the point of these reports is to induce governments to spend money in some places and not others it is organized racketeering via said fraud and every single person involved must go to prison immediately and forever along with the IPCC as an organization being entirely and without possibility of reconstruction destroyed.

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a8a00c No.21108853

File: fc21e853e35d791⋯.png (917.68 KB,1080x869,1080:869,Screcfu.png)

File: 3faf01db068de8f⋯.png (896.27 KB,1080x998,540:499,WW3.png)

File: a1e331148c7349e⋯.png (739.23 KB,1080x812,270:203,Screenshot_20240628_161900….png)

File: 51ad74bd4d139fb⋯.png (186.89 KB,572x436,143:109,Screevx_removebg_preview.png)


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8d9a24 No.21108854

File: 5a608834a2485b8⋯.jpg (389.67 KB,505x900,101:180,Screenshot_20240629_082122….jpg)

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9996fd No.21108855


i think cuz theyre kittens heading into war made for catz

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74fe96 No.21108856

File: 658fb1f607d35fe⋯.png (822.39 KB,792x486,44:27,ClipboardImage.png)

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62c8bf No.21108857

File: f49df58ccb4342b⋯.png (327.1 KB,321x421,321:421,f49df58ccb4342b59c511385c9….png)

File: f5cb997b8f55daa⋯.jpg (47.13 KB,500x750,2:3,tLH7mpH4KqkWL5VgjueTbewGsf….jpg)

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049949 No.21108858

File: 91553fa45325ea5⋯.jpeg (294.66 KB,2500x2516,625:629,91553fa45325ea54959959652….jpeg)


>Think clearly before replying!

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74fe96 No.21108859

File: 3793bc9b92b9f53⋯.png (350.94 KB,480x600,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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008dfa No.21108860


The top enemy strategists are in no way as smart as they think, but they ARE NOT COMPLETE FUCKING MORONS and know perfectly well that neither Big Mike nor Dr. JIll are in ANY WAY viable presidential candidates. (Both very much lack the "skills" that let their spouses win… think HRC vs Bill. HRC COULD have won, but Big Mike and Dr. Jill are not near her level of diabolical competence.)

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9996fd No.21108861


there he goes, pissing off the catz

im sure alley catz have more morals than bidan

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4ea08b No.21108862

I don’t see how the Democrats can seriously expect to field any of their five Joe Bidens as a candidate, although at least it would purport to demonstrate how many people will vote for a Democrat under any circumstance. That, of course, assumes that the elections are real, which we know they are not.

So, the point of showing that Biden is incapacitated, and permitting the media to trumpet his incapacity now that the primaries are over is to put someone else in the office. Whether that is Trump or not remains to be seen.

Of the various replacement candidates on offer, I think RFK is the most credible suggestion, Michelle Obama the least. I also think that Newsome was the original plan, but that is less viable since California has been imploding faster than anticipated.

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62c8bf No.21108863


he gets the pass

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677278 No.21108864


>He runs against Jill.

fuckiNg reTaRd! NOT POSSIBLE.

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41ac24 No.21108865

File: f7351ec82b5af4e⋯.png (624.96 KB,1053x794,1053:794,Screenshot_20240_1.png)


Ride out on the monkey you rode in on…. lol

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8d9a24 No.21108866

File: f7e2f9680911b3e⋯.jpg (844.92 KB,2771x3632,2771:3632,robert_kennedy_jnr_holding….jpg)

File: fdead48950b56b5⋯.jpg (39.02 KB,640x360,16:9,kOIyjAnGWrAa_640x360_19814….jpg)

File: b45449868b65ab8⋯.jpg (14.01 KB,320x180,16:9,5_3438716073.jpg)

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74fe96 No.21108867

File: 3f1df7f1e120021⋯.png (679.73 KB,833x769,833:769,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7075b No.21108868

File: 6d26be5864fc144⋯.jpg (139.41 KB,587x585,587:585,ENERGY_DRINK.jpg)

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41ac24 No.21108869

File: ebf45c32ae38f9b⋯.png (262.92 KB,431x579,431:579,IMG_20240628_134136_remove….png)

File: 3f5ea59ca293b3e⋯.jpg (61.02 KB,500x507,500:507,8s1gdg_1.jpg)

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4ea08b No.21108870

File: 1d7d7b7e546fb1e⋯.png (34.85 KB,618x282,103:47,ClipboardImage.png)

No doubt the American Indians came to lament the foolish decision of their forebears to welcome the refugees from Europe, just as their successors are now learning to regret the decision of their ancestors to welcome “the poor and huddled masses” that have now demolished what was the most powerful nation in human history, and Europeans are beginning to grasp the terrible price of their magnanimous embrace of “the right of free movement”.

Some civilizations are conquered. Others are destroyed by their own internal contradictions. But in this case, it was the subversion and intellectual subjugation by a satanic foreign elite, combined with the widespread abandonment of the Christian culture that made Europe uniquely great, that has led to the decline and coming fall of the nations of what was once Christendom.

The truth always matters. And the sons of the fallen West are paying a very steep price for swallowing the inversion that satanists are “our elder brothers in the faith”. Those who are not willing to literally fight to preserve their culture will inevitably lose their culture in the end.

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62c8bf No.21108871

File: 21f42ada395e400⋯.jpg (847.16 KB,1440x1888,45:59,Picsart_24_06_29_02_29_14_….jpg)


fuck the snek

look at the spider in the background

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049949 No.21108872

File: 76ac447fef65a1c⋯.jpg (175.27 KB,2048x1218,1024:609,media_GRNZc6DWsAEoWgc.jpg)

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a7075b No.21108873

File: dab7d57be895d80⋯.jpg (107.87 KB,730x390,73:39,CRAZYPIG.jpg)

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e9169d No.21108874

File: 1b917bd42eb902a⋯.png (76.3 KB,465x512,465:512,ClipboardImage.png)


They'll swap Tater for Jill and Jill will win with 160 million votes.

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41ac24 No.21108875

File: 045e1a2d86f4b6c⋯.png (633.05 KB,1080x942,180:157,Screenshot_20240627_171522….png)

File: b5f1b155caa6783⋯.png (1.35 MB,1080x1445,216:289,b5f1b155caa6783d76ea567a79….png)

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49574c No.21108876

File: d25d600761a7b90⋯.jpg (47.25 KB,600x471,200:157,8vdcfb.jpg)

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9996fd No.21108877

File: 4c53a3ef9571a13⋯.png (835.48 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)


what kinda pin is that? and her necklace? and her crazy fingers too …..

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e9169d No.21108878


Reminds me of a young Billy Crystal.

I turned away from Pedowood years ago so I have no idea who that guy in the picture might be.

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5867e4 No.21108879


Will we get that Tweet tonight?

'We' are dealing with murderers.

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8d9a24 No.21108880

File: ccea614f6ae820a⋯.png (2.52 MB,1290x2796,215:466,ccea614f6ae820a14aad4fbbb8….png)

File: 0e2d25dbad12e86⋯.mp4 (207.22 KB,192x426,32:71,JFK_Jr_I_Know_Him_Well_.mp4)

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384c99 No.21108881


if only something big would come

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5c3285 No.21108882


Vanderbilt vibes.

Anderson would know.

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762585 No.21108883

File: 811a4f755877015⋯.jpg (185.65 KB,1080x616,135:77,IMG_20240616_114036.jpg)

File: 00c2037bb2746a0⋯.png (728.87 KB,1080x970,108:97,Screcdy.png)




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5e7990 No.21108884

File: fd5ee5591f01e33⋯.png (693.47 KB,1127x867,1127:867,war.png)


War is naughty and anyone who starts one should be sent to bed early.

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c4616b No.21108885

File: 0854497a0f1dd6e⋯.png (590.06 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9898.png)

File: 771d482b41fed07⋯.png (303.21 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9899.png)



I don’t think you get just how strategic this is

Read how the Ds killed off Mel. Carnahan because he was losing the senate for them


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9996fd No.21108886


well didnt they kill joes first wife so jill could get in?

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384c99 No.21108887


Do It Q

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62c8bf No.21108888

File: cd43bc6df5456c9⋯.jpeg (177.3 KB,2000x1270,200:127,gaga_inauguration_grab_38….jpeg)

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762585 No.21108889

File: fdc95278b40eb8f⋯.png (687.15 KB,1080x606,180:101,Skin_Walker_Ranch.png)

Q said watch the wife's…..

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8d9a24 No.21108890

File: 81763f26107b933⋯.jpg (565.67 KB,1079x1104,1079:1104,Screenshot_20240515_120116….jpg)

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9996fd No.21108891


wowwww, wth

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f75140 No.21108892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9996fd No.21108893


well at least they arent doing the face transplant thingy

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bc1e26 No.21108894


100% cognitive.

21% JFK Jr

21 Wins.

He's got someone at 21%

He's at 21%

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c4616b No.21108895


That’s the same pin


Jolly is a witch

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5c3285 No.21108896


Who dis

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4ea08b No.21108897

File: a03c99224a135ee⋯.png (55.1 KB,560x765,112:153,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 488cdbd08611695⋯.png (280.33 KB,790x1080,79:108,ClipboardImage.png)

An Australian laments the end of what used to be his country:

Each day I wake up to a country I don’t recognise.

Everyone’s a foreigner and I get called a bigot if I notice that.

I used to be friends with all my neighbours.

But they moved out and the new ones don’t speak English.

We don’t make eye contact when we walk past each other and that makes me feel strange.

On weekends I used to leave my car unlocked when I went down to the beach.

Yesterday there was a knife attack there. I don’t think I’ll go to the beach again.

There are no Christmas decorations in the stores anymore.

But sometimes I notice there’s decorations for Diwali. I don’t know what that is.

Most days I just sit inside and watch TV.

The TV tells me I need to respect other cultures.

For some reason that means no more Easter eggs or Australia Day or Christmas.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I migrated to Pakistan and told them to change their whole country just to make me feel comfortable.

I don’t think they’d like that but I don’t want to assume.

And sometimes it feels like my culture’s being squeezed out existence.

Suffocated by all these new people being poured on top of it.

I don’t really know why they moved here.

The streets don’t look the same anymore.

There’s no sense of community.

We’re all just strangers who live close to each other by some strange chance.

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f54fb9 No.21108898

File: eb448c96362b8dd⋯.jpg (31.87 KB,317x418,317:418,8ad3a53ad4981509c62b8339e1….jpg)

File: 5300f6b929ca364⋯.jpg (57.52 KB,474x588,79:98,Tammuz3.jpg)



>what kinda pin is that? and her necklace?

Dove and Moon.


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049949 No.21108899

File: 699318cc1c25028⋯.png (49.46 KB,665x395,133:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33dff4dfa998d8f⋯.png (26.41 KB,438x340,219:170,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06aef912110413a⋯.jpg (309.67 KB,1700x1700,1:1,massimo_family_4.jpg)


Elon talking to Massimo

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c4616b No.21108900


Good catch

And a moon necklace

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62c8bf No.21108901


lady gaga nigga

at joes inauguration

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307837 No.21108902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9527db No.21108903


Murder is an abomination to the Lord.

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307837 No.21108904

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21108902 Also Comfy

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34473d No.21108905


If that building behind me was just up my snizz….

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9996fd No.21108906


semiramis is the "mother" figure in the trinity i thought, the real mary is the wife…

the bible says a man shall leave his family and be with his wife

and semiramis stole the bride's thunder thats what i think

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307837 No.21108907

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f9c4db No.21108908



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f9c4db No.21108909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Everything you plan on doing, PLEASE DO IT.

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a7075b No.21108910

File: 6162d73bffcd236⋯.jpg (106.23 KB,540x381,180:127,2024_DEBATE.jpg)

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049949 No.21108911

File: 08c7b312aa838a2⋯.png (250.54 KB,1024x567,1024:567,1256299350823870464.png)

File: 58fc9e2bce28618⋯.png (296.56 KB,478x596,239:298,F_GpLckXcAAUIEd.png)

File: 7093963d16b12f3⋯.jpg (248.81 KB,1200x742,600:371,F_GnSunW4AABPhB.jpg)

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307837 No.21108912

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21108908 @ Your Service

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7171a0 No.21108913


[To focus on Biden

No distractions

Bye bye bidan]

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ff12f6 No.21108914



It is just a user name, but what do you think the significance of it is, if it is comms?

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34473d No.21108915


She's eaten the dingle berries.

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d8a4c4 No.21108916

File: f18a41ee6ab2fa9⋯.png (274.14 KB,502x358,251:179,w.PNG)

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9996fd No.21108917


.good one!

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d8a4c4 No.21108918

File: 5d8288cc9a894e6⋯.png (583.12 KB,681x758,681:758,wood.PNG)


Top Hollywood Donors Issue Democrats Ultimatum

After Biden Debate: ‘If He Doesn’t

Drop Out, We’re Not Giving Any More Money’

Breitbart, by Elizabeth Weibel

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/29/2024 1:02:40 AM

Several major Hollywood donors for President Joe Biden have been sent into panic mode after President Joe Biden’s poor performance at Thursday night’s presidential debate. Anonymous Hollywood donors told Variety that they had received messages and feedback from donors in the media and entertainment industry who were panicked by what they saw from Biden during the debate. Donors reportedly called for Biden to “drop out” or they would not be “giving any more money” to the Democrat Party. During the presidential debate, Biden appeared to freeze. Biden also spoke with a hoarse voice and mumbled. The president was also unable to get through his closing statement without making a lot of errors.

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03001f No.21108919

File: f6cbd13561b0732⋯.jpg (252.76 KB,1788x2048,447:512,20240625_204736.jpg)

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9996fd No.21108920


mark of the beast

cain was marked after he kilt his brother

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049949 No.21108921

File: 3f68301831cd75b⋯.png (182.5 KB,829x261,829:261,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2ad29fb640c5a6⋯.jpg (44.03 KB,405x350,81:70,Maximus.jpg)


>It is just a user name

yes, but….

Massimo =+++?

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307837 No.21108922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21108912 They Are So Smart ;-)

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d8a4c4 No.21108923

File: 9111a716fca6a3d⋯.png (554.24 KB,672x712,84:89,kh.PNG)


Biden’s Disastrous Debate Night Casts

Dark Cloud over Kamala Harris’s Hollywood Fundraiser

Breitbart Entertainment, by David Ng

Posted By: Imright, 6/28/2024 11:29:04 PM

Vice President Kamala Harris is set to hold a gay pride-themed Hollywood fundraiser on Saturday, just two days after Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance that has Democrat leaders and donors scrambling, with many calling for his replacement on the presidential ticket. The Hollywood shindig will feature entertainment industry bundlers including Rob Reiner and CAA honcho Kevin Huvane, as well as celebrities like Wicked actress Idina Menzel and The Simpsons star Yeardley Smith, according to a Deadline report. The fundraiser is being co-hosted by HRC — the scandal-plagued, radical LGBTQ lobbying group. Kamala Harris will have her work cut out for her on the heels of Biden’s embarrassing debate performance,

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008dfa No.21108924


Jill Biden is a softer, weaker Elena Ceausescu.

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07f0af No.21108925


If they're using masks and doubles and shit, why wouldn't they get one who could perform

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f338f4 No.21108926

File: 99c9ae4cb00d07c⋯.jpg (101.32 KB,686x386,343:193,BARNEY.jpg)

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d8a4c4 No.21108927

File: cfd6765e4992638⋯.png (639.89 KB,1328x876,332:219,joe.PNG)






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7171a0 No.21108928

File: 05a8baaf2bbcb32⋯.jpg (20.66 KB,400x280,10:7,hand_h68.jpg)


[The retarted version of picrel]

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4ea08b No.21108929



because by failing, they are trying to wake up citizens who are Democrats

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307837 No.21108930

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21108922 And Its Cheap

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a7075b No.21108931

File: cdf690fb699faaa⋯.jpg (204.24 KB,929x543,929:543,YABBA_DABBA_WIN.jpg)

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d8a4c4 No.21108932

File: 8885663c22055c6⋯.png (1.05 MB,1284x813,428:271,times.PNG)


The New York Times editorial board calls for Biden to drop out of the presidential race

The Biden campaign brushed off the editorial, published a day after the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle.

June 28, 2024, 12:43 PM GMT-11 / Updated June 28, 2024, 3:13 PM GMT-11

By Monica Alba and Zoë Richards

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e14da0 No.21108933


There is more to the story than this.

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8555f4 No.21108934

File: 8ef8114e891eeb6⋯.png (1.79 MB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_5279.png)

File: 218a74a326443ca⋯.jpeg (140.94 KB,719x610,719:610,IMG_4606.jpeg)

File: 749fd7632c0835a⋯.jpeg (232.17 KB,867x657,289:219,IMG_4614.jpeg)



Who am I to question the wisdom of God

Elohim shomri

Yahweh magin

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d8a4c4 No.21108935

File: 5426dfb665048d4⋯.png (926.57 KB,1325x880,265:176,ts.PNG)


Tractor Supply Co. eliminates DEI roles and goals following conservative criticism

The home improvement and agriculture chain released a statement Thursday addressing the criticism and announcing the change.

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9996fd No.21108936


confusing because Q posted this:

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

and yet also signs Q+++

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e9169d No.21108937


It's a wake up call. More see it everyday.

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9996fd No.21108938


well ive often wondered if cain was the hunter and abel the farmer as why would a farmer slay a hunter? be the other way round … non?

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5116ed No.21108939


So Godfather part 3 = +++

Interesting, not sure how equates to certain conditions.

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d8a4c4 No.21108940

File: bc8849743297c92⋯.png (1.19 MB,1259x700,1259:700,pb.PNG)


Israel-Hamas war

Israeli Consulate to pull back presence at NYC Pride

Pro-Palestinian protesters have disrupted Pride marches in some of the nation’s largest cities, including in Boston, Philadelphia and Denver.

June 27, 2024, 11:40 AM GMT-11

By Matt Lavietes

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8d9a24 No.21108941

File: 1bc8ca05ad5af7b⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB,576x1024,9:16,17_RR.mp4)

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9996fd No.21108942


nwo worships satan

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4ea08b No.21108943

File: e7ecd21bc1190e2⋯.png (953.67 KB,640x544,20:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f57c586d4126c4⋯.png (123.3 KB,618x737,618:737,ClipboardImage.png)

How is the weather in Tel Aviv?

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5116ed No.21108944


Also 21 = 777 = +++

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e9169d No.21108945


Bullfuckingshit. The only thing Tractor Supply will change is how they will now try to hide their actions. Change my mind.

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8d9a24 No.21108946

File: f64c9b3b93a10fa⋯.jpg (62.53 KB,978x684,163:114,Screenshot_20240403_145947….jpg)

File: 593d725f7bd9dca⋯.png (31.43 KB,708x540,59:45,8f1b0578_db99_42dc_9be4_8b….png)

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d8a4c4 No.21108947

File: d5d41470631461d⋯.png (1.3 MB,1088x888,136:111,joez.PNG)


Mediavertical orientation badge

‘Morning Joe’ in Full Meltdown: ‘Biden Cannot Beat Trump’


The ‘Morning Joe’ host said that his affection and respect for Joe Biden were not relevant, and insisted the question was, “Would any corporation in America keep him on as CEO?”

Tom Sykes

Tom Sykes

Royalist Correspondent

Published Jun. 28, 2024 8:14AM EDT

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049949 No.21108948

File: e0a107020c7d7f5⋯.png (76.62 KB,783x610,783:610,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6a3f1b3ead6583⋯.png (81.37 KB,720x606,120:101,ClipboardImage.png)




6. The Oldest DNA in North America


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9996fd No.21108949


well its a countdown as well, 3,2, 1..

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7b185f No.21108950


It's about the construct, Cain was a killer, Christ is a Shephard similar to a Farmer, who gathers. The selling of birth rites.

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d8a4c4 No.21108951

File: c7b3b571054eeeb⋯.png (565.46 KB,1077x843,359:281,ax.PNG)


Updated 7 hours ago -

Politics & Policy

60% of voters want Biden replaced as candidate after debate, poll says


Lauren Floyd

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16b0d6 No.21108952

File: d1312b3131f0e04⋯.png (790.72 KB,646x605,646:605,6m346534643654.PNG)

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a7075b No.21108953

File: a945b00c4b7078f⋯.jpg (201.89 KB,642x647,642:647,MEMORY.jpg)



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9df963 No.21108954

File: e612af5858c1e8e⋯.png (1.01 MB,1022x1276,511:638,Screbj.png)

Dog and pony show.

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3906be No.21108955


They're between a rock and a hard place!

He can't drop out because half his family will be indicted and him for treason.

He can't keep running because he's losing all support and donors are pulling out. He's going to lose anyway. No matter who they replace him with they will all lose to Trump & MAGA!

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9996fd No.21108956

the Dove is not semiramis, but the holy spirit

semiramis has a split tail she on the starbux cups

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8d9a24 No.21108957

File: afe9cdbbb2a85bc⋯.png (427.92 KB,708x3752,177:938,abfe2610_a8a1_47a3_bed3_ef….png)

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9996fd No.21108958

semiramis and rommel can be found in the stonework of old cathedrals in france btw

rommel was the wolf children who founded rome i think

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9996fd No.21108959

oops, not rommel, thats a nazi general, but romulus

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d8a4c4 No.21108960

File: 038f26878a87c4f⋯.png (663.03 KB,774x667,774:667,veny.PNG)


Trump-Biden Debate Draws 51 Million Viewers, Most Watched Event in CNN History

Zachary LeemanJun 28th, 2024, 1:53 pm

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7b185f No.21108961


11 = A Good Father.

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177763 No.21108962

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3906be No.21108963


Semiramis is just the arabic name of Shamiram, the Assyrian Queen.

Shami + Ram

My name + High.

or My high name - as in royalty.

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049949 No.21108964

File: 8c08eeea5fd8fd8⋯.png (12.05 KB,294x169,294:169,ClipboardImage.png)


>Elon talking to Massimo


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8555f4 No.21108965

File: 5df5d4461194b4e⋯.png (1.86 MB,1334x750,667:375,IMG_4874.png)

File: f760f42ad99d535⋯.jpeg (600.63 KB,1318x1080,659:540,IMG_4954.jpeg)

File: 7818588be9b3c5e⋯.jpeg (80.31 KB,612x397,612:397,IMG_5271.jpeg)

File: 6b132c4caf7bbc1⋯.jpeg (93.41 KB,660x373,660:373,IMG_5270.jpeg)

File: a6bd91b4e57bb2b⋯.jpeg (39.9 KB,225x150,3:2,IMG_5269.jpeg)

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62c8bf No.21108966


jealousy is a mf'er

cain could've been telemarketer n still

kilt him

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d8a4c4 No.21108967

File: 4a01fe3c05a7130⋯.png (794.99 KB,786x698,393:349,drop.PNG)

File: a50902b2f41db2b⋯.png (594.31 KB,666x394,333:197,ha.PNG)


Biden Should Drop Out

Colby HallJun 27th, 2024, 10:40 pm

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3906be No.21108968

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c25065 No.21108969

File: 9752a71aca32242⋯.png (94.38 KB,705x641,705:641,ClipboardImage.png)


Specific relevant psychopathology.

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a7075b No.21108970

File: de9d0b484ca90c7⋯.jpg (174.14 KB,608x642,304:321,POETIC_JUSTICE.jpg)

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8555f4 No.21108971

File: bb86ee0a5c1badd⋯.jpeg (90.42 KB,627x500,627:500,IMG_5739.jpeg)

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74fe96 No.21108972

File: dd8ccbe52b40dae⋯.png (91.66 KB,820x628,205:157,ClipboardImage.png)


SITREP 6/26/24: Things Heat Up With Reports of North Korean Troops to Donbass


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049949 No.21108973

File: db3961f7266758a⋯.png (186.66 KB,568x585,568:585,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ee267061e31a44⋯.png (127.08 KB,570x531,190:177,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ad809028e8a818⋯.png (134.2 KB,566x365,566:365,ClipboardImage.png)

"Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio is a top owner of the Vatican…over much of the Sicilian Mafia like the Corleonisi Mafia. The Massimo family use lions on their coat of arms like Corleone…The Massimo family are one of the oldest families of Rome.."



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3906be No.21108974


They're purposely destroying all our American iconic companies. Part of the global plan.

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34473d No.21108975


This is too much to take in. I'm going to need two Midol.

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049949 No.21108976

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9996fd No.21108977

File: c6994fde53b734d⋯.png (90.69 KB,770x988,385:494,212.png)

if trump is patton then elon is rommel, the desert fox


Holy shit. All of the president's past tweets making that reference.

"MUSK. You MAGNIFICENT bastard, Q read your BOOK!"


Do you believe in coincidences?


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9996fd No.21108978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d8a4c4 No.21108979

File: 2df6bc9db383ea8⋯.png (645.76 KB,818x645,818:645,y.PNG)


Why the Democrats lied about Joe Biden’s frailty

The presidential debate has exposed the ruthlessness of the American establishment.

And yet, Old Joe’s physical infirmity is not the thing that should horrify us. Everyone ages, everyone withers. No, it is the moral infirmity of the Democratic establishment that is truly chilling. It is those who are so bent on power that they’ll force a frail man on to the world stage to do their bidding who deserve our ire. It is the media movers and shakers who said ‘Joe is fine’, and who damned the concerned as ageist cranks, who have behaved atrociously. Behind Biden’s physical decay is the far graver problem of the moral decay of a ruling class that will lie, gaslight and bully just to stay on top.

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8555f4 No.21108980

File: 68fec1d07fa31a2⋯.png (1.2 MB,1334x750,667:375,IMG_4899.png)

File: 18dc3e6526b2797⋯.png (1.56 MB,1334x750,667:375,IMG_4875.png)

File: 615122c7a1c4508⋯.jpeg (46.34 KB,316x500,79:125,IMG_4835.jpeg)

File: e6492d39838f30d⋯.jpeg (142.73 KB,718x593,718:593,IMG_4600.jpeg)

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6db43c No.21108981

Five people killed in Ukrainian drone strike on Russian region – governor

Two small children are among the victims of the attack on Kursk Region, Aleksey Smirnov has said

ive people have been killed in a Ukrainian drone strike on a settlement in Russia’s Kursk Region, local governor Aleksey Smirnov has said.

A quadcopter UAV dropped an explosive device on a residential building in the village of Gorodische, near the border with Ukraine overnight, Smirnov wrote on Telegram on Saturday.

“To our great sorrow, five people were killed as a result of the discharge, including two small children,” he said. Two more members of the same family were hospitalized in critical condition, he added.

On Saturday, Russia’s Defense Ministry said at least six attempts by “the Kiev regime to carry out terrorist attacks on Russian territory with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles” were intercepted overnight.

Russian air defenses destroyed two drones in Tver Region, one in Bryansk Region, one in Belgorod Region and two in Crimea, the statement read.


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d8a4c4 No.21108982

File: f20530d20cc0ba6⋯.png (63.62 KB,584x731,584:731,bud.PNG)


Taylor Budowich


While the Biden Replacement Theory is being peddled by anyone wanting to fill column inches or get on TV this morning, the real Democrat strategists are waking up realizing they’re stuck with Biden.

Biden camp is already saying he won’t drop out, but that’s the easy part. The FEC does not make it easy to just transfer and deploy hundreds of millions of dollars to some other candidate—dollars they’d desperately need.

And who is that candidate? The idea that the ego maniacs of Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, AOC, and whatever other vulture hoping to make this their moment will ignore deep policy differences, personal animosities, and the urging of those around them is ludicrous.

Not to mention the activist delegates who control the entire nominating process and the rules of convention. Activists who have little understanding of the real diversity of our country or what it takes to win a national election. They are ill prepared to actually serve as a legitimate alternative to the democratic nominating process.

For Democrats, the only thing worse then going into Election Day with Joe Biden on the ticket, is Joe Biden leaving the ticket and the absolute cannibalistic chaos the will surely ensue. This is why Democrats will likely stick with their plans of an early virtual nomination, ram through Biden, and hope something, anything breaks their way.

1:43 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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07f0af No.21108983


some of her comments were reaching and stupid.. but great overall perspective.. Trump didn't participate 100% in the primary, he didn't bother with any debates, based on % of warchest, he spent way less than his challengers.. but republicans had a YUGE primary.. and Trump still got elected by the people..

Democrats didn't have a primary, and they're going to switch it out without consulting the people… and idk about last election but i could guess, but it should be common normie accepted knowledge at this point that they fucked their primary in 2016, because if that primary was fair it would have been Bernie running, and who knows, he might've actually beat Trump…

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049949 No.21108984



Million +

Billion ++

Trillion +++

Gorillion ++++++

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7b185f No.21108985


The question is, do they own the rights exclusively with coats that contain Lions. For example, I believe Philip Morris and Barclay's Bank both use Lions, are they infringing?

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9996fd No.21108986


so Q trillion then

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c25065 No.21108987



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d8a4c4 No.21108988

File: 5092fe69ea1c439⋯.png (20.2 KB,1300x196,325:49,geo.PNG)


In Georgia, ordinary voters are appalled by Biden’s weak performance


Salena Zito

June 27, 2024 11:59 pm

Cobb summed it up after the debate by saying Biden is a decent guy, but his performance Thursday night has left him without a choice. “After this debate, I cannot vote for him,” he said flatly.

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9996fd No.21108989

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3906be No.21108990


What's 6+++





F+++ etc???

F = Family ???

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7b185f No.21108991


Wow, But you could also spell Noel and Lone.

Lone Noel Leon Elon,

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8d9a24 No.21108992

File: a6bf12fdeb998e1⋯.png (310.04 KB,500x518,250:259,anon.png)

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049949 No.21108993


They own everything you see.

How much is that?

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9996fd No.21108994


noel means to be born

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d8a4c4 No.21108995

File: 7da655207e5fac7⋯.png (1.02 MB,1371x760,1371:760,nr.PNG)


Column | Fourth Estate

How Trump Shockingly Thrived With the New Debate Rules

Without the freewheeling atmosphere of previous debates, Trump looked controlled, and Biden looked weak.

Donald Trump speaks at a lectern.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks as he participates in the first presidential debate of the 2024 elections on Thursday. | Christian Monterrosa/AFP via Getty Images

By Jack Shafer

06/28/2024 01:05 AM EDT

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76eb68 No.21108996

Notablesnot endorsements

#25874 >>21108548

>>21108598 MSM talking point for the brainwashed - "Trump lied"

>>21108648, >>21108655, >>21108757 The many faces of Mr Potato Head

>>21108647, >>21108652 Any news on House vote on Garland? No vote - needs sauce

>>21108722 Vindman goes full retard

>>21108744 NOT SATIRE: Reporter Who Watched the Debate at a NURSING HOME Says Biden Got Slammed by Elderly Residents

>>21108960 Trump-Biden Debate Draws 51 Million Viewers, Most Watched Event in CNN History

>>21108981 Five people killed in Ukrainian drone strike on Russian region – governor

>>21108574, >>21108589 For the keks

>>21108555, >>21108572, >>21108588, >>21108665, >>21108668, >>21108736, >>21108741, >>21108835, >>21108868, >>21108971 Free Memes



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9996fd No.21108997


the Son owns everything you see

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307837 No.21108998

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Next Comfy

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07f0af No.21108999



OH right.. Secret justice, hooray. Because public hangings are mean and wouldn't work so we're just going to do the honor system.. which is what we've been doing. That should work out for decades to come.

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c25065 No.21109000



your explanation

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d8a4c4 No.21109001

File: 1f012fabe1df425⋯.png (326.95 KB,597x496,597:496,pal.PNG)


Bad Hombre


Trump calling a Joe a “weak Palestinian” is the most fucking hilarious and underrated moment of the debate.

8:45 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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f54fb9 No.21109002

File: dce9a7a2bf14195⋯.jpg (303.38 KB,851x1199,851:1199,judah_emblems.jpg)

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62c8bf No.21109003

No El

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a7075b No.21109004

File: d1ef097d8c8fb96⋯.jpg (79.12 KB,616x598,308:299,BOO_BOOM.jpg)

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e9169d No.21109005


I believe the corrupt are being forced to destroy their companies publicly. Many will be acquired by the Treasury under Trumps December 2017 EO. These will be quickly auctioned and turned around to benefit the country and the world. Boeing, big pharma, MSM and more are considered essential infrastructure and will be preserved for future use under new ownership..

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9996fd No.21109006

File: 7ecf61bf34d8cf8⋯.png (85.32 KB,770x806,385:403,3125_1_.png)



The attempted 'COUP' [TREASON] opens the 'public' door to more serious……

The PILL must be easy to swallow.

The 'LEAD-IN'.

The PUBLIC must be prepared for what is about to come.

"THE CLINTON FOUNDATION" +++++++++++++++++++++++++


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d8a4c4 No.21109007

File: 2a401faa0946d6b⋯.png (368.35 KB,597x772,597:772,sit.PNG)


Lara Logan


Happy to sit on the board alongside Ivan and Gen Mike Flynn. This will really make them nuts - no doubt the relentless attacks will continue.

Here is the truth: They have to go after Flynn because he terrifies them still. He cannot be bought - neither can Ivan. Neither can any of us. We don’t care what they write or what they say - they do not control us. We are fighting for this country & will not stop. Take note of the traitors - this is the “season of reveal” & accountability is coming.


America's Future USA




Fearless Powerhouse and Patriot Ivan E. Raiklin Joins America’s Future Board of Directors

America’s Future is pleased to announce that retired Lt. Col Green Beret and Constitutional attorney Ivan E. Raiklin has joined our Board of Directors.

Known internationally for his

Show more


8:57 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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049949 No.21109008


King James Bible

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

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8d9a24 No.21109009

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,0b7909c6bf86c5eae18c3a24d7….mp4)

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7b185f No.21109010


>"MUSK. You MAGNIFICENT bastard, Q read your BOOK!"

Kek, Elon I think posted once before the opposite.

"Q. You MAGNIFICENT bastard, Elon read your BOOK!"

Do a search for the Book of life on this board, should be there.

There are no Coincidences.

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9996fd No.21109011


He inherited the Earth

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4ef68a No.21109012

File: 655e616cd5676cc⋯.png (1.36 MB,832x942,416:471,655e616cd5676ccc2ee0534dad….png)

File: 1fe540aa09f66d8⋯.jpeg (923.06 KB,1125x1626,375:542,Brandon_19.jpeg)

File: 799eddd45a88007⋯.png (460.52 KB,1113x699,371:233,Brandon_sig.png)

File: 567e36b703a1302⋯.jpg (4.69 KB,255x114,85:38,jill_sig.jpg)

>>21108114 (PB)

@DrJill "there is nobody I would rather have sitting in the Oval Office than my husband" as she cuts >>BRANDON<< out of the video

Correct statement. I'm sure Jill would prefer Joe wasn't dead & having to kiss Joe's twin eeewww.

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62c8bf No.21109013

File: 89119c1dc50d0c4⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2299x1440,2299:1440,Picsart_24_05_17_11_25_21_….jpg)

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7b185f No.21109014

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9996fd No.21109015


well then Q is a he :)

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3906be No.21109016

File: f1ef09024b8bd5a⋯.jpg (7.08 KB,255x143,255:143,0d6cf3b2a55a562e532f98d1aa….jpg)



Trump was talking about all the girls/women killed by illegals. He mentioned the little 12 yr old girl whose funeral it was the other day and how he talked to her family. Devistating!

And this asshole pedophile who raped his own daugher talks about women being raped by their own family members!!!!

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7c007d No.21109017

File: 8919b2686675798⋯.jpeg (52.8 KB,640x480,4:3,IMG_2536.jpeg)

Any meme makers on the board tonight? Anon needs help!

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62c8bf No.21109018


name it

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e9169d No.21109019

File: 4a5164515f4655b⋯.png (19.78 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


I never said or implied anything of the kind.

Filtered for having no reading comprehension skills.

Cya next bred.

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c25065 No.21109020


>Jesus- "that I should not be delivered to the Jews"



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4ef68a No.21109021


>Here we go…

Back to paint shop for a recoat after it rained & washed off?

To valuable to leave in open for whitemeat BBQ?

The Indians know sumfink?

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9996fd No.21109022


It is Jesus Christ, of course, who ultimately will receive “the uttermost parts of the earth for (His) possession” (Psalm 2:8). However, we also (if we are among the “meek”) are “heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17), and thus we also shall inherit the earth with Him.

i think Jesus came from other than the earth, and thats when he refers to his Kingdom is not of this world

but when he comes again, he will inherit the Earth and set up his Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven

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ec8aa8 No.21109023

A journalist needs to ask Biden what he last tweeted, 'cause we all know he doesn't write his own tweets.

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b05000 No.21109024


I think a third.


House of Saud


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049949 No.21109025

File: 2e69e3dcb6e6d9c⋯.png (159.6 KB,258x260,129:130,ClipboardImage.png)

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b05000 No.21109026



> No El

Know El

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62c8bf No.21109027

File: 9732aa27ee658d1⋯.jpg (171.33 KB,1600x1157,1600:1157,shopper_s_hand_holding_pac….jpg)

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62c8bf No.21109028


i do


He knows me

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049949 No.21109029


>but when he comes again, he will inherit the Earth and set up his Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven


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6db43c No.21109030

File: 852c6865e35fe83⋯.png (402.91 KB,422x432,211:216,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3df07d53e80fd6⋯.png (468.16 KB,471x640,471:640,ClipboardImage.png)


Prince Ottavino de Medici dei Toscana is a top authority over Zionism, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, international and central banking, tax collecting, and he is also a top owner of the Corsican Mafia and Chaldean Mafia. The IRS has been run by numerous Jesuit agents like David Kautter, Steven Miller, Charles Rossotti, and Douglas Shulman. Prince Ottaviano’s cousin is Prince Giuliano de Medici dei Ottajano and he is also a top member of the Medicis and he oversees Hermeticism and Witchcraft. The Medicis have married with numerous monarchs, produced 4 popes for the Vatican, produced queens of France, and they owned the largest bank in Europe for centuries. The Medicis are high level royalty and medium level Black Nobility and they serve the Massimos, Colonnas, and Sforzas.

Prince Lorenzo De' Medici



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03001f No.21109031

File: 240af2e1def07ad⋯.jpg (64.88 KB,562x769,562:769,20240629_023004.jpg)

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c1e1bb No.21109032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: This the day after the channel 4 hitjob with the actor and the full on british media attack on reform u.k !!

runtime 58 minutes.


Question Time | Election Leaders' Special | 28th June 2024 (Day 37)


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c25065 No.21109033



do any of you EVER read?

how much money did the Satanists swindle and how many did they kill in the last 200 years?


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03001f No.21109034

File: f7eba9392009222⋯.jpg (140.63 KB,940x1254,470:627,20240628_212005.jpg)

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307837 No.21109035

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6db43c No.21109036

File: 4066bf86c5e2431⋯.png (226.96 KB,266x400,133:200,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a5d37f8915cca3⋯.png (240.15 KB,323x310,323:310,ClipboardImage.png)


Bernhard Arnault is worth 80 billion and he is an agent of the Bonapartes, Medicis, and Corsinis and he operates as a financier for organized crime like the Corsican Mafia and Milieu or French gangs. Arnault funnels criminal profits through his 80 billion dollar bankroll criminally which is money laundering.

Prince Girolamo Guicciardini-Strozzi is a blood and adrenochrome trafficker through his wine company and he also finances Wiccan covens. The Strozzis work closely with the Medicis.


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4ef68a No.21109037


Masoud Pezeshkian (Persian: ; born 29 September 1954) is an Iranian heart surgeon and reformist politician


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6db43c No.21109038

File: dcaf5a2f58e83cb⋯.png (226.36 KB,400x280,10:7,ClipboardImage.png)


Victor Sassoon is a businessman operating from Singapore and he is involved in money laundering and child trafficking. The Sassoons are a high level Zionist-Jewish bloodline that own properties and banks all over Hong Kong and India. They are known as the “Rothschilds of the East” and they are closely related to the Medici, Dreyfus, Pritzker, and Hermes-Dumas families which are all really descendants of ancient Egyptian-Chaldaean bloodlines.


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03001f No.21109039

File: 1d8f8d1838b155a⋯.jpg (168.67 KB,720x952,90:119,20240628_110756.jpg)

File: 8d8938cee314cf5⋯.jpg (627.72 KB,1536x2048,3:4,20240628_110659.jpg)

File: 6fd17257dcf1b3b⋯.jpg (136.34 KB,1200x1600,3:4,20240628_110652.jpg)

File: 74fff531b66dd19⋯.jpg (28.81 KB,543x396,181:132,20240628_111134.jpg)



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ec8aa8 No.21109040

It's frustrating how the 2020 presidential election was stolen, then the 2022 midterms, and now we're supposed to vote harder in 2024.

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6db43c No.21109041

File: 3bad26b85cf2b50⋯.png (452.2 KB,640x427,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)


Prince Lorenzo de Medici-Tornaquinci-Foscari with Princess Elisabetta de Medici-Tornaquinci-Foscari and they are part owners of the Gay Mafia in the fashion industry and top managers of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Medicis have a statue of Hermes at their palace in Rome. They are the top architects of Hermeticism and Alchemy.



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07f0af No.21109042


mk, sorry you got offended

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049949 No.21109043

File: 9a20f51c28af5fd⋯.jpg (172.73 KB,1104x1426,24:31,GreatGameIndia_East_India_….jpg)

File: 5833e0625193c51⋯.png (170.79 KB,456x256,57:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e768085890ae3bc⋯.png (76.82 KB,439x408,439:408,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b188861c878ac4b⋯.png (294.74 KB,462x257,462:257,ClipboardImage.png)


I know that.

But Roths are just the bankers/admins.

CC (Christopher Columbus) +++

He discovered America only 6 months after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain

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6db43c No.21109044


The Medici family are a well known Black Nobility involved in the Vatican, banking, medical industry, secret societies, and Zionism. The Medicis have the most psychotic minds of all royalty and nobility. The Medicis are both Roman and Papal nobility as well as royalty and they have a close alliance with the Savoys, Bonapartes, Wittelsbachs, and Habsburgs. They are top leaders in the global banking mafia and they are relentless and sadistic. Many of the Florentine noble families are ancestors of Assyro-Chaldeans that practiced witchcraft and alchemy and then migrated into Florence during ancient Rome. During the Moorish invasion more of these clans migrated into Florence and brought large amounts of gold with them. Napoleon Bonaparte was the first political Zionist who proclaimed for all "Jews" to settle in Jerusalem. Zionism is really about domination. Zion is a hill in Jerusalem which is considered a holy land by Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Zion refers to a military triumph. The Medici family were one of the wealthiest banking families in Europe for centuries. They produced 3 Popes and 2 Queens of France. The Medici and Bonaparte families are closely related and are still working together. Both of these families still exist today. Emilio Garrastazu Medici was a Brazilian dictator that established the military government in Brazil. The Brazilian Andre Cezar Medici works at the World Bank as a health economist in Washington DC today. The name Medici means medical and they have been linked with practicing sorcery. Pharmacy derives from the Greek word Pharmakeia which means sorcery and poison. The most common symbol used in medicine is the Rod of Asclepius which is of a serpent coiled around a rod similar to the Staff of Hermes. The Youtube shill PrayingMedic is a pedophile and alchemical shill for the Medicis. Hermes was known as a thief and messenger. Zachary James Carr is a member of the Cult of Hermes and a cyber terrorist involved in intellectual theft, cyber crimes, pedophilia, and occult communications through the Dark Web. The Medici family are involved in alchemical witchcraft and run the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Chic Cicero is an agent of the Medicis and he founded an American temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Medicis have a statue of Hermes at their palace in Rome. The Medici family founded the Botanical Garden of Pisa which is the oldest botanical garden in Europe and also established the Botanical Garden of Florence. They use herbs and plants for alchemy which is about the manipulation of the human psyche and physiology. They use members of their Hermetic Order to infiltrate food and drug companies. The French Hermes-Dumas family are agents of the Medicis and own Hermes a luxury fashion company headed up by Axel Dumas. Bertrand Puech and his brother Nicholas Puech are billionaires and members of the Hermes family. The Hermes-Dumas family are worth about 30 billion. Patrick Guerrand-Hermes is another member of this family and worth about 1 billion. The Medici family of Ottajano own the Chaldean Mafia headed up by Louis Akrawi of Detroit. The Chaldean Mafia are Iraqi Catholics and known for trafficking ecstasy and operate in Israel. The Israeli Mafia are the primary manufacturers of ecstasy in the world. Ecstasy is a dangerous synthetic chemical drug used for mind control and is a form of alchemy.

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9996fd No.21109045


all this makes me ask "what did Diana know? why did she flee? and whom did she confide in?"

she fled with Dodi Fayed, whose father owns Harrods in London…

Diana's death was faked, and she was allowed flee the scene… and false narrative about the hospital played out .. kinda like kate and charles… so what did she discover? Q asked this …

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76eb68 No.21109046

Notablesnot endorsements

#25874 >>21108548

>>21108598 MSM talking point for the brainwashed - "Trump lied"

>>21108648, >>21108655, >>21108757 The many faces of Mr Potato Head

>>21108647, >>21108652 Any news on House vote on Garland? No vote - needs sauce

>>21108722 Vindman goes full retard

>>21108744 NOT SATIRE: Reporter Who Watched the Debate at a NURSING HOME Says Biden Got Slammed by Elderly Residents

>>21108960 Trump-Biden Debate Draws 51 Million Viewers, Most Watched Event in CNN History

>>21108981 Five people killed in Ukrainian drone strike on Russian region – governor

>>21108574, >>21108589 For the keks

>>21108555, >>21108572, >>21108588, >>21108665, >>21108697, >>21108736, >>21108741, >>21108835, >>21108868, >>21108971, >>21109017 Free Memes


baker out

updated dough ready to go


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26a33c No.21109047

File: d53e2f3f3326048⋯.png (581.68 KB,506x493,506:493,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8a4c4 No.21109048

File: 863ea64e1a613cc⋯.png (380.84 KB,604x634,302:317,adam.PNG)


Liz Churchill


Adam Corolla absolutely roasts Covid Dictator Gavin Newsome. Lol.

“Why did you shut the Beaches during Covid…?”

“We didn’t know at the time…”

“If you didn’t know anything…why did you shut the beaches…?”


Adam Carolla

3:47 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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9996fd No.21109049

File: 369696b1d9a3b5a⋯.png (300.83 KB,800x294,400:147,ClipboardImage.png)


christophers signature:

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03001f No.21109050

File: 515d800baa72374⋯.jpg (115.7 KB,818x1087,818:1087,20240625_024440.jpg)

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d8a4c4 No.21109051

File: ea960a4c92b65ad⋯.png (792.98 KB,1540x780,77:39,ty.PNG)

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049949 No.21109052

File: d16c3aed9a11e47⋯.png (109.61 KB,375x210,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16a588524921277⋯.png (155.46 KB,369x176,369:176,ClipboardImage.png)

File: af473b2c2934ef1⋯.jpg (78.74 KB,500x628,125:157,ofa6afhy0zu11.jpg)


Central casting

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9996fd No.21109053


Q is a "he"

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d8a4c4 No.21109054

File: 02de83aec3a0cdc⋯.png (338.14 KB,591x798,197:266,linc.PNG)




I don't think many people really understand what SCOTUS did today with overturning the Chevron deference… I found the best video I could for a quick explanation.

Since the mid-80s THAT has been what gave the Administrative State (agencies) the power to govern themselves and interpret the law as they see fit.

When you hear "Deep State" THAT is what they mean!! Unelected bureaucrats that have the power to basically create laws (regulations). For every 1 Law there are probably 500 regulations that limit what you can do and nobody elected the people that do it!!

Y'all understand this is another nail in the coffin of the deep state right?!?

10:57 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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4ef68a No.21109055


>if only something big would come

Do you normally read the last chapter of a book before reading the middle bit, just so you know how it ends?

yea I always read the last page of a comic book first.

and I FF to end of every DVD & watch that first else whats the point in wasting 2hrs watching a chick flick anyhow?


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03001f No.21109056

File: c257f7076ea8973⋯.png (581.11 KB,735x767,735:767,c257f7076ea89735a0943e636f….png)

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d8a4c4 No.21109057

File: a3d4142aadfe681⋯.png (175.53 KB,603x676,603:676,oh.PNG)


Gregg Re


When OHSA unilaterally mandated that tens of millions of private sector workers take the COVID shot or wear masks, appellate courts cited the Chevron doctrine for allowing it

People don’t understand how important it is that Chevron deference is dead


Last edited

9:28 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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4ef68a No.21109058


>Murder is an abomination to the Lord.

Says who? Some f'ckers NEED killing. Just say'n

and then there is Capital Punishment to consider.

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d8a4c4 No.21109059

File: 0ff35956a31e93d⋯.png (440.88 KB,598x476,299:238,abe.PNG)


Abe Hamadeh


Like clockwork!


8:52 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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9996fd No.21109060

File: f4230cbc2d8f964⋯.png (1.56 MB,1400x700,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8a4c4 No.21109061

File: a33ecdafed748de⋯.png (172.52 KB,388x471,388:471,wr.PNG)


I Never Seen Anyone Lie Like This Guy, Its Misinformation and Disinformation. He Is Destroying Social Security. Millions Of People Are Pouring Into Our Country And They Are Putting Them On Social Security, Hospitals, They Are Taken The Place Of Our Citizens. - President Trump



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6db43c No.21109062

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nick Fuentes: A Jеwish mаfiа runs our civilizаtiоn, hаting our Gоd and trаditions.


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677278 No.21109063

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4d9f78 No.21109064

I should be reading in a law library

But gotta stop here first

Poffee and cots…

It's gonna be a fun day

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049949 No.21109065

File: 4b1e4d7b83c4019⋯.png (293.63 KB,564x447,188:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d33dc04863cdba⋯.png (981.13 KB,669x860,669:860,media_GABm38ZWkAAjNV_.png)

File: 2dbc9afaeec75b4⋯.png (66.58 KB,655x196,655:196,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cd1f5c7ec92efe⋯.png (163.47 KB,736x1736,92:217,929.png)



>Central casting

Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.

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677278 No.21109066


>Like clockwork!



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d8a4c4 No.21109067

File: 0f0fef9c89768cb⋯.png (1.18 MB,1011x728,1011:728,hot.PNG)



Was it a debate or a brilliantly staged coup? We’ve got all the highlights and hottest takes…

June 28, 2024 (14 hours ago)

Well, the so-called “debate of the century” just wrapped up, and it looks like the Democrats have chalked up another epic defeat. But let’s be clear: that was no ordinary debate. It was more like a masterfully orchestrated performance designed to destroy Joe Biden. Could it have been a cleverly-crafted coup? Judging by the tremendous fallout, it seems something is definitely up. As Revolver explained recently in an insightful article about our electoral system, the cleanest exit strategy for the Democrats would have been a graceful step down by Biden himself. But with Joe’s stubborn streak and the power-crazed glint in Dr. Jill’s eye, that was always a long shot. There were murmurs about using Hunter as leverage to nudge Joe out. Yet, in a twist of fate, it appears Joe may have delivered the coup de grâce himself by stepping into a trap, cleverly disguised as a debate. It’s one theory floating around. SNAP! They got him…

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03001f No.21109068

File: 48aa753b94485c2⋯.jpg (91.15 KB,720x583,720:583,20240521_140643.jpg)

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d8a4c4 No.21109069

File: 63ad0f9e728939c⋯.png (899.35 KB,886x684,443:342,place.PNG)


Replace Joe Biden on the Democrat Ticket?

Be Careful What You Wish For.

Red State, by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/28/2024 11:04:23 PM

Almost every Democrat and leftist who saw the presidential debate on Thursday night and watched President Joe Biden melt down is "panicked" and plotting. From the legacy media, to mega-donors, to other Democrat electeds, they all want to know when Joe Biden will be replaced on the Democrat ticket. Our Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar outlined cogently how it could be done, while moving historic VP Kamala Harris to the side in the process. So, as the speculation grows louder (so much for "democracy"), so does the floating of names on who could be potential replacements MSNBC's Chief Political Analyst Chuck Todd pontificated about an open

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76428e No.21109070

File: deeb0d35bf010db⋯.png (118.04 KB,480x270,16:9,smokingreality2.png)


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f2c6a8 No.21109071


>Capital Punishment

Understand the difference of killing without justification and what Elijah did.

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d8a4c4 No.21109072

File: e7f4d2cf4a3d620⋯.png (457.75 KB,405x726,135:242,so.PNG)


Tate is spot on

👉 @AreYouAwake1

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76428e No.21109073

File: a6b7d2babeb9b05⋯.webm (265.5 KB,427x240,427:240,silence5.webm)


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384c99 No.21109074

File: 94ef564fbf7dde2⋯.png (346.73 KB,586x462,293:231,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2c6a8 No.21109075


Amen, the greatest gift in life is to know and be known.

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6aeb40 No.21109076

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6c9846 No.21109077

File: 53a3b73f7ef8793⋯.jpeg (41.07 KB,474x316,3:2,0AEB892F_E6A2_47AE_A256_4….jpeg)

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e9169d No.21109078

File: 05417b02e1cc6b1⋯.png (6.38 KB,220x165,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


That ruling not only guts the unelected bureaucracies, it guts the almost untouchable SES. That's a twofer!

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7c007d No.21109079

File: 0c6b8f58d5b4711⋯.jpeg (168.25 KB,1200x750,8:5,IMG_5685.jpeg)


Anon retired and moved to a picturesque waterside community. Unfortunately it is a micro version of DC. All was paradise until the POA Board of Directors went rogue and was pushing their Yankee agenda which will cost us $7 million plus. There are many seniors who will be forced to leave their homes due to the PIA dues increase. Community members so angry, we removed the Pres and VP by recall. Those 2 aholes had the nerve to run for re-election a week later. We prevailed this week and got 2 of ‘our guys’ in instead. Unfortunately, the remaining 5 board members are minions of the ousted Pres and VP and are cramming that $ 7 million dollar project through still. At the same time, they changed the bylaws to make it harder to oust any more of them.

Spouse Anon is one of the 2 new ‘our guys’ and he and his campaign partner are furious as to what happened with the 5/2 vote today, but it was ‘Executive Session’, so they are not allowed to talk about it legally.

We need to get out the word that it’s time to do another recall, which won’t be easy because they increased the number to 67% supermajority, of the community of 2850 properties. Most people are retired and many just want to live their ‘golden years’ in peace. We need to get rid of the five remaining directors before they bankrupt the community.

Need a cryptic meme to share on FB ( I know, it’s a senior community) about removing the other 5 BOD members.

Other than being told to move, which might be cost prohibitive, any other strategic advice is welcomed.

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d8a4c4 No.21109080

File: d1eb84ddd6c6d61⋯.png (46.39 KB,589x370,589:370,sw.PNG)



Kash Patel


The same main stream media deep state conspirators that told you there was no invasion at the border, told you hunters laptop was russian disinfo, told you Trump team was putting out ‘cheap fakes’ of Bidens mental failures, and all said Biden better with the forever wars…

are the same ones now calling for Biden to be replaced

Never ever believe them to do anything other than advance their swamp monster agenda

Jun 28, 2024, 3:10 PM

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c55082 No.21109081


tldr life story get fucked

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d8a4c4 No.21109082

File: 01f1780156c0171⋯.png (2.46 MB,1214x810,607:405,ride.PNG)

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c55082 No.21109083


fuck off

all you do is re-post msm garbage

dickwad shill

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677278 No.21109084



>The same main stream media deep state conspirators that told you there was no invasion at the border, told you hunters laptop was russian disinfo, told you Trump team was putting out ‘cheap fakes’ of Bidens mental failures, and all said Biden better with the forever wars…


>are the same ones now calling for Biden to be replaced


>Never ever believe them to do anything other than advance their swamp monster agenda


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d8a4c4 No.21109085

File: b2afbb0511970d1⋯.png (452.61 KB,357x728,51:104,farm.PNG)


This is what a bot farm looks like.

So - keep this in mind next time you wanna argue with some jackass troll in a chat or comment section.

These folks are paid to distract you and muddy the water.

Don’t feed the trolls.

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4ef68a No.21109086


>Understand the difference of killing without justification and what Elijah did.


fella still dead. Killed by a Gov? same-same

Killed by a 'hater'? same-same

Killed by a lover? same-same

fella still dead.

you seem to put 'conditions' /reasons/excuses on it.

is that based some man-written book YOU believe in? & assume is better than some other book?

fella is STILL DEAD.

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f2c6a8 No.21109087


Search Shutteth

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5dd510 No.21109088


The longer Americans are convinced that they can vote their way out of problems they never voted their way into in the first place, the longer they can be dissuaded from using the power of their numbers to force real material changes by real material means.

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677278 No.21109089


fuck off shill faggot keep eating shit

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297596 No.21109090


voting is pointless

lynchmobs however are very effective

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d8a4c4 No.21109091

File: 7f3585dd168ef5e⋯.png (202.43 KB,383x441,383:441,dot.PNG)


Jason Miller: "Joe doesn't want to leave. That would be the end of the Biden family business. They have been selling access and taking political bribes for 50 years. Are you going to tell a Biden to learn how to code?"

- MAGA War Room (https://x.com/magaincwarroom/status/1806854578966614283?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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f2c6a8 No.21109092

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9996fd No.21109093

File: 40cde97e601b951⋯.png (539.62 KB,525x680,105:136,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c007d No.21109094


Anon is fighting the deep state at the local level and is looking for sound advice as to how to win. Anon respects the brilliant minds on this board and is reaching out for help. If we don’t fight them starting at the local level, they win and stay in power all over the country.

So fuck off and have a nice day shill.

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4d9f78 No.21109095


Need an atty

That will take a

Malicious prosection case

Nobody seems to want this one ….why…

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297596 No.21109096


I'm gonna find you and teabag you!

So stop posting your shitty msm regurgitated vomit you dumbfuck cunt asswipe!

motherfucking gayboy I'm gonna pwn you

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677278 No.21109097


>Jason Miller: "Joe doesn't want to leave. That would be the end of the Biden family business. They have been selling access and taking political bribes for 50 years. Are you going to tell a Biden to learn how to code?"


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d8a4c4 No.21109098

File: 52f3ef9db3f6fc3⋯.png (389.21 KB,596x515,596:515,tj.PNG)


RNC Research


Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu excuses Cognitively Impaired Joe Biden's humiliating debate performance: "It has happened before and it will happen again"

2:33 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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677278 No.21109099


shut the fuck up while i get off your mother

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297596 No.21109100


fuck off and die cuntface

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297596 No.21109101

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ff49ba No.21109102



ya dumbass nigger

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9996fd No.21109103

Adam Schiff




This partisan Supreme Court just shredded another precedent, overturning the Chevron decision and weakening our ability to combat the climate crisis, hold corporations accountable, and much more.

Our people and our planet will feel the consequences.

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677278 No.21109104

File: d81153e3f763eb7⋯.png (2.3 MB,1079x1104,1079:1104,ClipboardImage.png)




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9996fd No.21109105


sounds like a threat

big win for we the people if hes this pissed off

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ff49ba No.21109106


Think clearly before replying!

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049949 No.21109107

File: 5632d0f3a4dd5e5⋯.png (116.71 KB,317x165,317:165,ClipboardImage.png)

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677278 No.21109108

File: 5aace83a29d6900⋯.png (1.16 MB,1290x1662,215:277,ClipboardImage.png)


This Nigga Biden


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ff49ba No.21109109


FUCK YEAH 1,000,000% !!!!!!!!!!

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677278 No.21109110

File: c40a21a63c6ba15⋯.png (328.48 KB,1242x692,621:346,ClipboardImage.png)


sup nigga

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ff49ba No.21109111


The IDEA! That that that… the situation we find ourselves in… well anyway

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ff49ba No.21109112


stupid cunt

red text fail you dumbshit

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029809 No.21109113

File: 06367daacdbf785⋯.mp4 (9.05 MB,720x1280,9:16,76346534654.mp4)


>Need a cryptic meme to share on FB ( I know, it’s a senior community) about removing the other 5 BOD members.

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677278 No.21109114

File: 6c8ede01226adb3⋯.png (733.57 KB,799x529,799:529,ClipboardImage.png)


My Nigga

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5a2a51 No.21109115

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

- Discussing adrenochrome on Oprah

sauce… https://old.bitchute.com/video/ZBcQBA9cRcbR/

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d8a4c4 No.21109116

File: 5782ef9183b254f⋯.png (390.89 KB,1214x500,607:250,glo.PNG)


Biden Panic Goes Global

Commentary, by Seth Mandel

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/28/2024 10:50:59 PM

Under normal circumstances, I would have said that the exclusion from last night’s presidential debate of anti-Semitism was so significant as to merit our full attention. After all, it’s not merely a question of Jews feeling comfortable on campus or elsewhere; it’s a steady stream of violent riots that have taken a can of bear spray to American civic life. And yet, it honestly feels silly even complaining about that—or anything else issue-based, for that matter. The feeling of crisis at this moment is so acute that all issues take a backseat—and that is a crisis all its own. The crisis is international. Maybe even more so than it is domestic.

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ff49ba No.21109117


Putin, Kim and Xi after the debate

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ff49ba No.21109118


keep diggering…this is going to be epic!!!

<stoopid fagit

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677278 No.21109119

File: 4c5243846e2493c⋯.png (352.16 KB,1170x991,1170:991,ClipboardImage.png)


Nigga you ga

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cf3209 No.21109120


Vindman goes full retard.

>like you,nigger shitfucker

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677278 No.21109121

File: beb147e02fbee06⋯.png (1.65 MB,1179x1137,393:379,ClipboardImage.png)



A retard replaced with another retard

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cf3209 No.21109122


Jill Biden After Lousy Debate: 'Joe, You Did Such a Great Job'

First lady Jill Biden praised her husband's performance during the presidential debate despite political commentators saying otherwise.

>ya fuckwit

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d8a4c4 No.21109123

File: c24b80e0101c2d9⋯.png (591.79 KB,663x746,663:746,rest.PNG)


New Jersey

Prosecutors rest their case against Sen. Bob Menendez

“They have not proven their case,” the New Jersey senator told reporters.

Sen. Bob Menendez arrives for trial.

By Ry Rivard

06/28/2024 04:44 PM EDT

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cf3209 No.21109124


gay ass datefagger

Change my mind motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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677278 No.21109125

File: 30470ab8469d6f9⋯.png (506.04 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



Fuck YOU and Rainbow Retard month FAGGOT

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384c99 No.21109126

File: fbdda0c8786a3ba⋯.png (855.43 KB,542x952,271:476,ClipboardImage.png)



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cf3209 No.21109127


The IDEA! That that that… the situation we find ourselves in… well anyway

>Trump Responds Over Rumors Biden Will Be Replaced

>Trump said he believes that President Biden “will be the nominee”



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d8a4c4 No.21109128

File: 554d5126062f29a⋯.png (753.85 KB,836x497,836:497,tb.PNG)


Biden Officials Turn Their Backs on Each

Other After Disastrous Debate Performance

Townhall.com, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Northcross, 6/28/2024 10:44:43 PM

Biden officials are pointing fingers at one another after the president suffered a series of malfunctions Thursday night during his first debate against former President Donald Trump. According to Axios, Biden’s debate was a "DEFCON 1" moment for Democrats— and now his aides are trying to point fingers at one another to blame someone for his train wreck performance. A person in Biden’s inner circle argued that the 81-year-old president was “over prepared” and should have rested the week leading up to the debate.

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677278 No.21109129

File: 2450efb5374c812⋯.png (6.39 MB,1960x3243,1960:3243,ClipboardImage.png)


Retard parking

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a81d56 No.21109130

What is my purpose?

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cf3209 No.21109131


Fuck YOU and Rainbow Retard month FAGGOT

gay ass datefagger

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677278 No.21109132

File: 7a49645774206e6⋯.png (532.17 KB,500x635,100:127,ClipboardImage.png)



Or gay retard

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e763c4 No.21109133


oRaNgE benismen BAD

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d8a4c4 No.21109134

File: 148d451e70a7cc9⋯.png (697.41 KB,680x716,170:179,eq.PNG)


‘Political Earthquake’: Frank Luntz

Focus Group of Undecided Voters Wants

Joe Biden to Go

Breitbart, by Hannah Knudsen

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/28/2024 10:39:26 PM

Pollster Frank Luntz’s focus group of undecided voters want President Joe Biden to go, the pollster revealed after Thursday’s presidential debate. CNN’s debate between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden drew strong reactions from Democrats — particularly the panel on CNN, which admitted that Biden had a poor performance. “Anderson, this was a game-changing debate in the sense that right now as we speak, there is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party,” CNN host John King said after the debate: It started minutes into the debate and it continues right now. It involves party strategists; it involves elected officials; it involves fundraisers.

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e763c4 No.21109135


Fuck YOU and Rainbow Retard month FAGGOT

retard replaced with another retard


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677278 No.21109136

File: 147b7f461105c7f⋯.png (447.34 KB,1080x1190,108:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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26a33c No.21109137

File: 953236c367be215⋯.png (574.6 KB,500x807,500:807,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8a4c4 No.21109138

File: bdacd56c27a0ce0⋯.png (787.11 KB,872x731,872:731,bt.PNG)


Biden Admin Backtracks, Says It Does Not

Support Transgender Surgeries For Minors

Daily Wire, by Spencer Lindquist

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/28/2024 10:12:19 PM

The Biden administration appeared to backpedal on the issue of child sex change attempts, now saying it does not support sex change operations on minors. The apparent about-face comes just after it was revealed that a trans-identifying Biden official pressured an organization to eliminate age requirements for the surgical procedures. A White House spokesman said plainly that “the Administration does not support surgery for minors” on Wednesday in a comment that came amid a broader controversy surrounding the use of sex change interventions on children. The statement puts the White House at odds with numerous Democrat states and transgender activist organizations, both of which have waged a campaign

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677278 No.21109139

File: d2790c47f96e1b5⋯.png (928.1 KB,603x809,603:809,ClipboardImage.png)


Full retard

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049949 No.21109140

File: d3bab7aa7cfe882⋯.png (312.01 KB,570x550,57:55,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 489cea64117d295⋯.png (313.37 KB,582x522,97:87,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4fe9cce4f967df⋯.png (251.53 KB,460x259,460:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f05bdf602d904bd⋯.png (279.78 KB,619x517,619:517,ClipboardImage.png)

Once featured in a Christopher Nolan blockbuster.





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9996fd No.21109141

File: 44e4ea18999d029⋯.png (285.97 KB,622x491,622:491,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post




Large sun-like UFOs spotted in Canada: ‘I think we’re seeing aliens’ https://trib.al/kgmsjHD

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e763c4 No.21109142


Or gay retard



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4d9f78 No.21109143


Remember this

There's 3 types of peeps in the world

Those that make shit happen

Those that watch shit happen

And lastly

Those that wonder ..what the fuck happened

Try not to be no.3

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6b8800 No.21109144

File: 019f89083863ff7⋯.png (1.06 MB,1010x744,505:372,ccpmadashell.PNG)

Now i see why the board has been less shilly as of late.

Chinese CCP shills are busy protesting Florida

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677278 No.21109145


>Political Earthquake’: Frank Luntz Focus Group of Undecided Voters Wants Joe Biden to Go



suck it shill ass faggots

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d8a4c4 No.21109146

File: a8a536572289c7b⋯.png (1.33 MB,900x905,180:181,frodo.PNG)

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9246de No.21109147

Keep it up.

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f9b892 No.21109148

File: e9c90426355075f⋯.png (97.79 KB,640x264,80:33,ClipboardImage.png)


It's Jersey FFS

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e97021 No.21109149




suck it shill ass faggots

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c25065 No.21109150

File: 5f39fa312c00cfc⋯.png (461.44 KB,500x678,250:339,ClipboardImage.png)


>chinese shills

Jewish shills from Unit 8200 can't work on a Saturday, their holy day.

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677278 No.21109151

File: d4a412a8ffa8e93⋯.png (1.84 MB,1200x937,1200:937,ClipboardImage.png)

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e97021 No.21109152


Full retard

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677278 No.21109153

File: 482e6c489b0f30f⋯.png (828.11 KB,680x612,10:9,ClipboardImage.png)



When you go full retard…

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e97021 No.21109154


Or gay retard

A retard replaced with another retard

My Nigga

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677278 No.21109155

File: 55ef610168413c7⋯.png (428.23 KB,640x478,320:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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e97021 No.21109156


New York Post




Large sun-like UFOs spotted in Canada: ‘I think we’re seeing aliens’ https://trib.al/kgmsjHD

big win for we the people if hes this pissed off

This partisan Supreme Court just shredded another precedent, overturning the Chevron decision and weakening our ability to combat the climate crisis, hold corporations accountable, and much more.

Our people and our planet will feel the consequences.

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d8a4c4 No.21109157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e97021 No.21109158


When you go full retard…

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677278 No.21109159

File: 136de3cd2f03691⋯.png (1.78 MB,1079x894,1079:894,ClipboardImage.png)

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e97021 No.21109160



Like clockwork!



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a81d56 No.21109161


That‘s not really what I wanted to know

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677278 No.21109162

File: 435af8ebafd17ed⋯.png (918.15 KB,579x748,579:748,ClipboardImage.png)

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48a3f8 No.21109163

File: b1c2f07e2618034⋯.png (862.8 KB,890x500,89:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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5789d0 No.21109164


If you let murders get away with murder unchecked then the good dies and evil flourishes.

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d8a4c4 No.21109165

File: 47d98e3e7fd42b0⋯.png (360.66 KB,595x823,595:823,td.PNG)


ꪻꫝê ꪻꫝê


This man is Spot On: “I have never in my lifetime seen a pre-convention debate… Debates are always after the two nominating conventions… It was a set up… And I believe the chief setter upper was Barack Obama… They set up Joe Biden for the takedown. They have concealed his mental decline for several years, and then all of a sudden they unseal it before the convention, that was a deliberate act of sabotage. Joe Biden's inner circle sabotaged his career. He's now finished…”

This was my thoughts completely. The Deep State stage a coup by SETTING Biden UP to FAIL with pre-convention debate because they know he CAN’T win and the only way to replace him is to show how incompetent he is and what better way to show that he is incompetent than to allow him to debate President Trump.

What we should be more concerned with is who they plan on replacing Biden with, but then again there’s Voter Fraud….

2:38 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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72af42 No.21109166


When you go full retard…

He runs against Jill.

fuckiNg reTaRd! NOT POSSIBLE.

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9996fd No.21109167

File: 57ce6e2588cca31⋯.png (591.2 KB,680x440,17:11,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post




12 witnesses spot UFO soaring above Red Rocks Amphitheater hours after concert: ‘No mistaking what this was’ https://trib.al/53PgBW9

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72af42 No.21109168


When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

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d8a4c4 No.21109169

Just like the Covid shot, the left-wing media lied to you about the efficacy of Biden. When will you catch on?

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72af42 No.21109170



12 witnesses spot UFO soaring above Red Rocks Amphitheater hours after concert: ‘No mistaking what this was’ https://trib.al/53PgBW9

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72af42 No.21109171


fuckiNg reTaRd! NOT POSSIBLE.

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72af42 No.21109172


When you go full retard…

He runs against Jill.

fuckiNg reTaRd! NOT POSSIBLE.

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72af42 No.21109173


fuckiNg reTaRd! NOT POSSIBLE.

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d8a4c4 No.21109174

File: 1aadc90f49ceefd⋯.png (320.55 KB,596x460,149:115,ev.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


The Curtain has been pulled back

10:25 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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5789d0 No.21109175


Wow, that was my saying.

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677278 No.21109176

File: c4d7603a6aa6bc3⋯.png (855.54 KB,569x719,569:719,ClipboardImage.png)

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72af42 No.21109177


When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

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72af42 No.21109178

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677278 No.21109179

File: 38cbf04df3df182⋯.png (516.31 KB,409x514,409:514,ClipboardImage.png)

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72af42 No.21109180


fuckiNg reTaRd! NOT POSSIBLE.

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9996fd No.21109181

File: 6674550e04549dd⋯.png (565.02 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)


New York Post




North Korea publicly executed 22-year-old man for listening to K-pop https://trib.al/LsJm8nH

youre right, new york post making up stuff now …

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fb737b No.21109182


fuckiNg reTaRd! NOT POSSIBLE.

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9246de No.21109183


I cringed.

but saved it in a single-word-filename that still captured it's essence.

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5789d0 No.21109184


>What is my purpose?

Same as everyone else's: To make this a Kingdom that the Living God would want to rest his head; it was your vow and you swore to remember or else you would not have incarnated.

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fb737b No.21109185


New York Post




North Korea publicly executed 22-year-old man for listening to K-pop https://trib.al/LsJm8nH

youre right, new york post making up stuff now …

fuckiNg reTaRd! NOT POSSIBLE

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9996fd No.21109186


the fact you using red text …

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677278 No.21109187

File: 90c6d8c4f9f45c6⋯.png (8.83 MB,2854x1853,2854:1853,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb737b No.21109188


youre right, new york post making up stuff now …

fuckiNg reTaRd! NOT POSSIBLE.

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6db43c No.21109189

File: 847ae4796ca8814⋯.png (50.48 KB,778x483,778:483,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e15bc14c76ac178⋯.png (18.28 KB,798x226,399:113,ClipboardImage.png)

09 NOV 2014


The son of the Vice President of the United States Hunter Biden is working for the lead Kiev Nazi financier Igor Kolomoisy as proven by the MSM links below. It is 100% factual and proven by verifiable linked evidence.


Excerpt: Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest private gas producer, has expanded its Board of Directors by bringing on Mr. R Hunter Biden as a new director.



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4eedcf No.21109190


Biden talks retarded and his gig line's all fucked up.

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fb737b No.21109191


the fact you using red text …

youre right, new york post making up stuff now …

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e9169d No.21109192

File: f4e3d0d2c021566⋯.png (92.6 KB,313x400,313:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb737b No.21109193


When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

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fb737b No.21109194


When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

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677278 No.21109195

File: bfa2ea4a111b81c⋯.png (693.33 KB,720x715,144:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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9996fd No.21109196

File: ad10a834d47e9ca⋯.png (556.07 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)


ew York Post




Watch Biden’s worst moments during the presidential debate https://trib.al/YaiJC3v

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fb737b No.21109197


When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

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9246de No.21109198


my first thought was Pall Mall muh stepfather smoked

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e9169d No.21109199

File: 986d64ba843e206⋯.png (155.99 KB,328x400,41:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8a4c4 No.21109200

File: 49a8259f6c75ec9⋯.png (162.28 KB,380x340,19:17,ha.PNG)


“When I became President of Hawaii” 🤣

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fb737b No.21109201


When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

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fb737b No.21109202


When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

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e9169d No.21109203

File: bdbeb2749604dab⋯.png (55.63 KB,399x371,57:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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9996fd No.21109204

File: 4e9a15f35c3c21d⋯.png (559.32 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post




Staggering majority don’t think Biden should still run for president: Post poll https://trib.al/2deONNz

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2b2fb9 No.21109205


>What is my purpose?

Identify and destroy Evil.

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fb737b No.21109206


When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you gofull retard…

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677278 No.21109207

File: df3c0f222d77249⋯.png (2.4 MB,1080x1453,1080:1453,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c15fd No.21109208


Staggering majority don’t think Biden should still run for president

Staggering majority don’t think Biden should still run for president

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5789d0 No.21109209


More Cigarettes?

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9996fd No.21109210


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76428e No.21109211

File: 71a0fb6ab115df8⋯.png (309.12 KB,500x687,500:687,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c15fd No.21109212


Biden should still run for president

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you gofull retard…


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4d9f78 No.21109213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is be

King of the road

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4c15fd No.21109214


When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you gofull retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you gofull retard…

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4c15fd No.21109215


When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you gofull retard…

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5789d0 No.21109216

Still no Tweet.

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9996fd No.21109217

File: 50c9e268c4ab68d⋯.png (742.69 KB,700x517,700:517,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c15fd No.21109218


Staggering majority don’t think Biden should still run for president

Staggering majority don’t think Biden should still run for president

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4c15fd No.21109219


When you go full retard…

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d8a4c4 No.21109220

File: e6921a0a1c9fc4e⋯.png (752.97 KB,787x417,787:417,sb.PNG)


So How Bad Was Joe at the Debate Last Night

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e9169d No.21109221

File: 559dba809c82dbf⋯.gif (3.27 MB,260x325,4:5,drag.gif)

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9246de No.21109222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5789d0 No.21109223


Wow, I remember this song. Please remember this song later on down the road, after you run me over.

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5789d0 No.21109224


That would make a good, Trump Won meme.

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d8a4c4 No.21109225

File: b7c40326f91f609⋯.png (221.6 KB,234x664,117:332,dogs_know.PNG)


Dogs know

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75d5f3 No.21109226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5789d0 No.21109227


If any of you could ask President Trump one question, what would it be?

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c36a97 No.21109228

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

When you go full retard…

breadhogging cunt

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4d9f78 No.21109229


Points were awarded..for mowing things down

Best car ….old Buick….73 lesaber…threw mailboxes pretty good ….

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19ec8f No.21109230




picking up the BAKE

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e9169d No.21109231

File: 7d1d8b7df9e5ee7⋯.png (43.87 KB,400x382,200:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8a4c4 No.21109232

File: f3a3b4c23f53d3c⋯.png (224.04 KB,252x510,42:85,tg.PNG)


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e9169d No.21109233

File: 5debd277cbfe17f⋯.png (29.13 KB,400x327,400:327,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8a4c4 No.21109234

File: 2b4f154271f51fa⋯.png (526.25 KB,790x415,158:83,shock.PNG)


Gutfeld- this isn’t a review of a debate-This is an autopsy.

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4ef68a No.21109235


>If you let murders get away with murder

i didn't "get away with" anything.

Ever spent a month in solitary? 100% YOU would wish has a time machine to take back 5mins of drunk/drugged/stupid/human

yet the usa doles out 50x "life" sentences +50yrs like "life" is a candy box.

eye 4 eye might be in another book?

my point is a little time in a grey cell CAN & DOES cause 'reflection' in MOST cases.

2nd chance?

eg fella here held up some banks, got away with it until fessed up recently after getting approval to end life 'cause cancer.

one of the victims still has "grief" & has lived with it whole life, sadly. she wanted him to "die in jail & suffer". I suspect she thinks she is a "christian" also.

I have zero to do with her or your feelz. Your prob not mine. But "killing" in the name of ??? just doesn't make sense to me wheter be gov or murderer.

pedos otoh, get a year in a cell with a 'lifer" who can teach dental hygiene for back teeth from inside.

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9996fd No.21109236

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d8a4c4 No.21109237

File: 0c99de6402d438f⋯.png (1.46 MB,1166x852,583:426,nor.PNG)

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5789d0 No.21109238


I thought that was you.

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75d5f3 No.21109239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


EST :12, :27, :42, :57?

GMT :13, :28, :43, :58?

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4eedcf No.21109240


Male and female are the distinctions of nature, good and bad the distinctions of Heaven; but how a race of men came into the world so exalted above the rest, and distinguished like some new species, is worth inquiring into, and whether they are the means of happiness or of misery to mankind.

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9996fd No.21109241


can you fly?

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9996fd No.21109242

"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."

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730ad3 No.21109243

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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37e81d No.21109244


So what do you do with a serial killer? Prison is about reforming, some cannot be reformed. What is more humane? A life of suffering in prison or the death penalty? There are some people on this earth that have caused millions of death from their wantoness.

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e29bfd No.21109245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8a4c4 No.21109246

File: d67d9612418917c⋯.png (654.92 KB,675x556,675:556,bt.PNG)

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384c99 No.21109247

File: 032de59c15fe69d⋯.png (213.11 KB,554x554,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Wonder if Assange is the trump card

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26a33c No.21109248

There were liberals out there so disappointed in Biden, they had to call out of work! kek

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d8a4c4 No.21109249

File: 871c10196b6d874⋯.png (566.22 KB,403x725,403:725,dir.PNG)


For the doomers saying that last night was a "distraction," and we need to stay focused on the task at hand. (Whatever that is)

Listen to the debate analysis from Dave Portnoy, owner of Barstool Sports, who went all-in against the Republican Party after Roe vs Wade was overturned in 2022. (Portnoy interviewed Trump at the White House in 2020, in what became a viral pro-Trump deployment.)

Portnoy is politically ignorant, making him the perfect barometer for the average normie. He is also one of the more influential personalities among the 18-40 age demographic.

Take the win, guys. Spit out the blackpill.


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d8a4c4 No.21109250

File: 1122361ed01b989⋯.png (14.79 KB,589x163,589:163,miss.PNG)


Catturd ™


Democrats keep saying that Trump kept saying lie after lie after lie during the debate - but somehow mysteriously never name any.

11:00 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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9246de No.21109251


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d361ae No.21109252


I bet you he would tell you that he has flown around the world.

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54de96 No.21109253

File: 353ffea503550da⋯.mp4 (641.49 KB,480x600,4:5,67FbUU2RF3hclW1J.mp4)

File: 66c0c0edd183492⋯.mp4 (64 KB,480x480,1:1,GPlVa0EbMAAV_Vc.mp4)

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54de96 No.21109254

File: 1c2e00a6a84bce2⋯.png (1.18 MB,1130x1506,565:753,A92489F0_904C_4E94_B285_68….png)

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e29bfd No.21109255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9996fd No.21109256

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d361ae No.21109257


Perspective is reality.

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bfd921 No.21109258

File: f1a0e5890bfa856⋯.jpg (64.01 KB,500x500,1:1,8rpemz.jpg)

GM comfy frens

Time for a BM

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9996fd No.21109259


Always looking on the bright side of life …

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d361ae No.21109260


GM, BM indeed.

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bfd921 No.21109261

File: c103decb3f1b680⋯.png (942.88 KB,1400x700,2:1,c103decb3f1b6806b234e073ee….png)


GM Ralph lover

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9996fd No.21109262



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9246de No.21109263

not sleeping now

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d64807 No.21109264

Wakey, Wakey! GM!

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d361ae No.21109265


>Always looking on the bright side of life …

Our job is to bring the Light and vanquish the darkness.

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6a096c No.21109266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GM dayshift

GN nightshift

Here's some based Stevie Ray for the all the shifters…

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9996fd No.21109267

its 3;21 am here




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9246de No.21109268


>More Cigarettes?

smoking is hazardous to my health

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bfd921 No.21109269

File: 1c545e36efebf65⋯.jpg (68.93 KB,736x849,736:849,d438f58f041556d0198738bd12….jpg)


It's that time again

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19ec8f No.21109270

#25874 >>21108548

>>21108598, MSM talking point for the brainwashed - "Trump lied"

>>21108648, >>21108655, >>21108757 The many faces of Mr Potato Head

>>21108647, >>21108652 Any news on House vote on Garland? No vote - needs sauce

>>21108722 Vindman goes full retard

>>21108744 NOT SATIRE: Reporter Who Watched the Debate at a NURSING HOME Says Biden Got Slammed by Elderly Residents

>>21108960 Trump-Biden Debate Draws 51 Million Viewers, Most Watched Event in CNN History

>>21108981 Five people killed in Ukrainian drone strike on Russian region – governor

>>21108574, >>21108589 For the keks

1109048 Adam Corolla absolutely roasts Covid Dictator Gavin Newsome. Lol.

baker change

>>21109054 SCOTUS' overturning Chevon STOPS bureaucrats from interpreting the law anyway they want

>>21109059 Covid Cases Rising as New Variants Fuel Seasonal Surge Yada Yada Yada….LIKE CLOCKWORK

>>21109061 Warroom - Trump: I never seen anyone like this guy [Biden]


>>21109067 Revolver: Was it a debate or a brilliantly staged coup? We’ve got all the highlights and hottest takes…

>>21109069 Redstate: Replace Joe Biden on the Democrat Ticket? Be Careful What You Wish For.

>>21109080 @Kash: The same main stream media deep state conspirators that told you there was no invasion at the border, told you hunters laptop was russian disinfo, told you Trump team was putting out ‘cheap fakes’ of Bidens mental failures, and all said Biden better with the forever wars…

>>21109085 WTM: This is what a bot farm looks like.

>>21109091 Jason Miller: "Joe doesn't want to leave. That would be the end of the Biden family business

>>21109098 @RNCResearch - Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu excuses Cognitively Impaired Joe Biden's humiliating debate performance

>>21109116 Biden Panic Goes Global

>>21109123 New Jersey: Prosecutors rest their case against Sen. Bob Menendez

>>21109128 Biden Officials Turn Their Backs on Each Other After Disastrous Debate Performance

>>21109134 'Political Earthquake’: Frank Luntz Focus Group of Undecided Voters Wants Joe Biden to Go

>>21109138 Biden Admin Backtracks, Says It Does Not Support Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21109156, >>21109167 UFO watch KEK

>>21109165 Preconvention debate - Why?

>>21109204 Staggering majority don’t think Biden should still run for president

>>21109234 Gutfeld- this isn’t a review of a debate-This is an autopsy.

>>21108555, >>21108572, >>21108588, >>21108665, >>21108697, >>21108736, >>21108741, >>21108835, >>21108868, >>21108971, >>21109017 Free Memes

last call

check em anons

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d361ae No.21109271


>its 3;21 am here

I hear the only place you can be is here. For if you were there, there you would be, but you are not there, you are here, hear?

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54de96 No.21109272

File: ab2db6a0058c46a⋯.mp4 (609.42 KB,480x544,15:17,EFrF4KBMY_eZBa8N.mp4)

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54de96 No.21109273

File: 67b6ddcfa70c4ba⋯.jpeg (128.46 KB,1130x1507,1130:1507,IMG_3330.jpeg)

File: 45aa236007e7786⋯.jpeg (135.14 KB,1130x1507,1130:1507,IMG_3329.jpeg)

File: 2b14ab203af612f⋯.jpeg (155.09 KB,1130x1507,1130:1507,IMG_3328.jpeg)

File: b4b5d9d1a518936⋯.jpeg (143.77 KB,1130x1507,1130:1507,IMG_3327.jpeg)

File: 7b1da099cdb7818⋯.jpeg (199.53 KB,1255x1673,1255:1673,IMG_3326.jpeg)

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4cd62f No.21109274

File: 865f04a634e0213⋯.jpg (75.53 KB,926x1024,463:512,1717329461592886m.jpg)

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6a096c No.21109275


Im not out to set any longevity records, Ive seen 98 and I have no interest in achieving that…may my heart give out before my liver…

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4cd62f No.21109276

File: 35f044f0ab2fa91⋯.jpg (392.75 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Coffee_Frog_Q.jpg)


Wrong image


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755b99 No.21109277

File: dd59ba01fd3c266⋯.png (615.38 KB,800x440,20:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ac1db No.21109278


>smoking is hazardous to my health

It's the taxes that are the real killers.

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4d9f78 No.21109279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Double Trouble

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9996fd No.21109280


thats true

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435272 No.21109281


>thats true

but what about this?

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19ec8f No.21109282


mid bread #25874 fixed

1109048 fixed.

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6a096c No.21109283

Sounds like Joe is finna be an election denier…

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6a096c No.21109284


Joes Tobacco

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9a8505 No.21109285



>but what about this?

You see, it is like this…

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9a8505 No.21109286


>Joes Tobacco

What is that?

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4d9f78 No.21109287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tv dinner

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9a8505 No.21109288


>You see, it is like this…

The real question is, when did this happen?

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9996fd No.21109289


nice stamp of tyme

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9a8505 No.21109290


>The real question is, when did this happen?


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54de96 No.21109291

File: 233b2e7a149a357⋯.png (447.01 KB,600x800,3:4,6E5491CF_EBC3_4587_B884_C7….png)

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6a096c No.21109292


Internet tobacco sales, roll your own for $1.88 per pack

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9996fd No.21109293


id say its happening everywhere at same tyme

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54de96 No.21109294

File: a571a33855de9c4⋯.jpeg (623.29 KB,1255x1404,1255:1404,IMG_3336.jpeg)

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19ec8f No.21109296

#25874 >>21108548

>>21108598 MSM talking point for the brainwashed - "Trump lied"

>>21108648, >>21108655, >>21108757 The many faces of Mr Potato Head

>>21108647, >>21108652 Any news on House vote on Garland? No vote - needs sauce

>>21108722 Vindman goes full retard

>>21108744 NOT SATIRE: Reporter Who Watched the Debate at a NURSING HOME Says Biden Got Slammed by Elderly Residents

>>21108960 Trump-Biden Debate Draws 51 Million Viewers, Most Watched Event in CNN History

>>21108981 Five people killed in Ukrainian drone strike on Russian region – governor

>>21108574, >>21108589 For the keks

>>21109048 Adam Corolla absolutely roasts Covid Dictator Gavin Newsome. Lol.

>>21109054 SCOTUS' overturning Chevon STOPS bureaucrats from interpreting the law anyway they want

>>21109059 Covid Cases Rising as New Variants Fuel Seasonal Surge Yada Yada Yada….LIKE CLOCKWORK

>>21109061 Warroom - Trump: I never seen anyone like this guy [Biden]

>>21109067 Revolver: Was it a debate or a brilliantly staged coup? We’ve got all the highlights and hottest takes…

>>21109069 Redstate: Replace Joe Biden on the Democrat Ticket? Be Careful What You Wish For.

>>21109080 @Kash: The same main stream media deep state conspirators that told you there was no invasion at the border, told you hunters laptop was russian disinfo, told you Trump team was putting out ‘cheap fakes’ of Bidens mental failures, and all said Biden better with the forever wars…

>>21109085 WTM: This is what a bot farm looks like.

>>21109091 Jason Miller: "Joe doesn't want to leave. That would be the end of the Biden family business

>>21109098 @RNCResearch - Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu excuses Cognitively Impaired Joe Biden's humiliating debate performance

>>21109116 Biden Panic Goes Global

>>21109123 New Jersey: Prosecutors rest their case against Sen. Bob Menendez

>>21109128 Biden Officials Turn Their Backs on Each Other After Disastrous Debate Performance

>>21109134 'Political Earthquake’: Frank Luntz Focus Group of Undecided Voters Wants Joe Biden to Go

>>21109138 Biden Admin Backtracks, Says It Does Not Support Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21109156, >>21109167 UFO watch KEK

>>21109165 Preconvention debate - Why?

>>21109204 Staggering majority don’t think Biden should still run for president

>>21109234 Gutfeld - this isn’t a review of a debate - This is an autopsy.

>>21108555, >>21108572, >>21108588, >>21108665, >>21108697, >>21108736, >>21108741, >>21108835, >>21108868, >>21108971, >>21109017 Free Memes



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6a096c No.21109297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I got your Double Trouble right here.

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9a8505 No.21109298


Time is relative yet the only right time is now.

Now is the time…

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9a8505 No.21109300



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9a8505 No.21109301


>id say its happening everywhere at same tyme

There are no coincidences.

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9996fd No.21109302


i think einstein was wrong, i mean yes perspective is important, but there can be only one Truth no matter how many different ways you look at it or it wouldnt be the Truth

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9996fd No.21109303


yes, well then, i have been blessed then

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be8a05 No.21109304


u are the devil.

ur music is the devil.

your religions are the devil.

yes tobacco is the devil, so is alcohol and fokd apparwntly.


creayed by you.

i didnt invent tobacco i bought it.

goofbye shadilay leave. i didnt speak woth such spite. your music movies life did that paired with ylur ea. drops are CIA. Q is CIA. i love god and people but gods tje devil.

god being the sick electrician who did this.

yes tobacco is bad.

so is bei g raped i didnt i vent that

we are prisucts of our environment and experiencez.

i ddint shoot myself.

i didnt speak nigger this nigger that.

i dont desire ylur help ylu are the devil. u are satan.

u elon musk, trump all your rappers, your rock n roll music, all black magic. your fake books.

i see now.

all blank. just gas and sand, which yluve used for each of us to create our own little hells.

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4c86a8 No.21109305

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6a096c No.21109307



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f585b4 No.21109308


Can you count them all?

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9996fd No.21109309

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4d9f78 No.21109310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trashy women

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9996fd No.21109311


i did at first, but then there were too many

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9996fd No.21109312

when you believe its just coincidence its cuz you dont feel worthy of the blessing

being worthy is hard

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f585b4 No.21109313


There is nothing that goes into a man that can defile a man, but only what comes out of a man.

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68ff73 No.21109314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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54de96 No.21109315

File: 0c42a55c1acdf7d⋯.jpeg (143.54 KB,813x760,813:760,08EDF742_7B29_49F7_86E0_F….jpeg)

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f585b4 No.21109316



then Reality = Truth

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19ec8f No.21109317

File: 17c72341f20b826⋯.png (1.21 MB,1145x790,229:158,morning_shift_dawn.png)

fresh GM bread





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f585b4 No.21109320


Rest assured.

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f585b4 No.21109322


>being worthy is hard


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ef516b No.21109323

File: 0cc38ae1e9bc8d6⋯.png (1.47 MB,1125x750,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


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54de96 No.21109324

File: fea013d2018ce13⋯.png (547.08 KB,575x475,23:19,Joe_Biden_Ice_Cream_02.PNG)

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9996fd No.21109326


good, because i dont rest hardly at all …

this is one of my most favorite movies and my most favorite line besides the secret of the grayle:'

Arthur: Which is the greatest quality of knighthood? Courage? Compassion? Loyalty? Humility? What do you say, Merlin?

Merlin: Hmm? Ah. Ah. Ah, the greatest. Uh, well, they blend, like the metals we mix to make a good sword.

Arthur: No poetry. Just a straight answer. Which is it?

Merlin: All right, then. Truth. That’s it. Yes. It must be truth above all. When a man lies, he murders some part of the world. You should know that.

Quote from the movie Excalibur (1981)

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6a096c No.21109330


Only if you can see it in its entirety, I dont think thats possible.

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9996fd No.21109331


ty so much

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68ff73 No.21109332


Hi, I am NIGHT SHIFT and I just made all this shit up like 5 minutes ago


NIGHT SHIFTBun of Dread for 5/30/2024

>>20936578 Where is Snowden? Where is the 8Kun server? Where are you?

>>20936583 "Might as well go sit in the CIA. Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA. Autists need Red Bull?"

>>20936587, >>20936591 Bun of Dread inside a Bun of Dread inside a bun of Dread like in Russia

>>20936596 "Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER). Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY."

>>20936597 You like coincidences and codes too!? Pray/Prey

>>20936598 Q Drop #4799 "When does a Church become a playground? When does a Church become a business? When does a Church become political? When does a Church become corrupt? When does a Church become willfully blind? When does a Church become controlled?"

>>20936605 "Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi tried to usupr Q" "The Info War against Q (Jones and Corsi)" "Alex Jones a Larp. Time to move on" "Misinformation attacks on Q to get worse (Jones, Corsi, Others)" Drops #1340, 1341, 1343 & 1366.

>>20936607 "FAKE PRO MAGA ATTACKING Q: Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec, Jerome Corsi, more…" "Alex Jones part of collective attacks on Q" "Jerome Corsi subpoened by Mueller: Infowars on Mossad payroll" Drops #2089, 2101 & 2102.

>>20936609 "Alex Jones and Associates trying to deceive and divide you" Drop #2123.

>>20936615 "Those you trust are the most guilty of sin." "Who are we taught to trust?" "If you are religious, PRAY. 60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity." "These people should be hanging." Drops # 586, 587, 107, 3799 and 3565 have a story to tell.

>>20936629 [STEVE BANNON] A Primer for NewFags

>>20936633 "Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking" https://twitter.com/Pontifex/status/1156165039545606144 "Godfather III" "It's going to be BIBLICAL." Q DROP #3565

>>20936641 IS DAN SCAVINO [DAN SCAVINO]? POTUS recently stated that he has learned a lot from Bad Past Advisors



>>20936648 This next piece is called ''HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WAIT, WHAT!?" Decode of Q drops #87, 88, 95, 4884 & 3565.

>>20936650 NIGHT SHIFT' Patriotic Litmus Test

>>20936654 The Supreme Court > Bohemian Grove > Knights of Malta > Who is Leonard Leo > Who is Harlan Crow? > Vatican.

>>20936655 Who is Leonard Leo? Who is Harlan Crow? Autists need Redbull?

>>20936656 The Truth per the Drops. Reminder: This is Q research and you are here because of Q.

>>20936657 George Soros in 2 Drops. That's called the 2 Drop checkmate. Checkmate.

>>20936658 "To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!"

>>20936660 POTUS recites "The Snake" poem too many times to count yet big deep digging patriots fail to connect the snake poem to the snake/serpent Vatican drops?

>>20936661 "Patriot" per the drops.

Problem with the notes in this Bun?

Patriots Fight the Data


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68ff73 No.21109333


Hi, I am NIGHT SHIFT and I just made all this shit up like 5 minutes ago


NIGHT SHIFTBun of Dread for 5/30/2024

>>20936578 Where is Snowden? Where is the 8Kun server? Where are you?

>>20936583 "Might as well go sit in the CIA. Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA. Autists need Red Bull?"

>>20936587, >>20936591 Bun of Dread inside a Bun of Dread inside a bun of Dread like in Russia

>>20936596 "Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER). Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY."

>>20936597 You like coincidences and codes too!? Pray/Prey

>>20936598 Q Drop #4799 "When does a Church become a playground? When does a Church become a business? When does a Church become political? When does a Church become corrupt? When does a Church become willfully blind? When does a Church become controlled?"

>>20936605 "Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi tried to usupr Q" "The Info War against Q (Jones and Corsi)" "Alex Jones a Larp. Time to move on" "Misinformation attacks on Q to get worse (Jones, Corsi, Others)" Drops #1340, 1341, 1343 & 1366.

>>20936607 "FAKE PRO MAGA ATTACKING Q: Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec, Jerome Corsi, more…" "Alex Jones part of collective attacks on Q" "Jerome Corsi subpoened by Mueller: Infowars on Mossad payroll" Drops #2089, 2101 & 2102.

>>20936609 "Alex Jones and Associates trying to deceive and divide you" Drop #2123.

>>20936615 "Those you trust are the most guilty of sin." "Who are we taught to trust?" "If you are religious, PRAY. 60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity." "These people should be hanging." Drops # 586, 587, 107, 3799 and 3565 have a story to tell.

>>20936629 [STEVE BANNON] A Primer for NewFags

>>20936633 "Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking" https://twitter.com/Pontifex/status/1156165039545606144 "Godfather III" "It's going to be BIBLICAL." Q DROP #3565

>>20936641 IS DAN SCAVINO [DAN SCAVINO]? POTUS recently stated that he has learned a lot from Bad Past Advisors



>>20936648 This next piece is called ''HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WAIT, WHAT!?" Decode of Q drops #87, 88, 95, 4884 & 3565.

>>20936650 NIGHT SHIFT' Patriotic Litmus Test

>>20936654 The Supreme Court > Bohemian Grove > Knights of Malta > Who is Leonard Leo > Who is Harlan Crow? > Vatican.

>>20936655 Who is Leonard Leo? Who is Harlan Crow? Autists need Redbull?

>>20936656 The Truth per the Drops. Reminder: This is Q research and you are here because of Q.

>>20936657 George Soros in 2 Drops. That's called the 2 Drop checkmate. Checkmate.

>>20936658 "To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!"

>>20936660 POTUS recites "The Snake" poem too many times to count yet big deep digging patriots fail to connect the snake poem to the snake/serpent Vatican drops?

>>20936661 "Patriot" per the drops.

Problem with the notes in this Bun?

Patriots Fight the Data


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68ff73 No.21109335

NIGHT SHIFT' Patriotic Litmus Test

The following is a small list of the Times when most [FAKETRIOTS] had Nothing to say.

That TimeSteve Bannon:

1: Coached Jeffrey Epstein in exchange for Funding.


2: Received $1 million from the WE BUILD THE WALL fund/fraud where Steve and his 'Patriotic' associates took and stole million$ from real Patriots.

Bannon is considered the Ring leader of the WE BUILD THE WALL scam.

Bannon's trial is set for May, 2024.


3: Berated and Slandered POTUS in Wolff's book to which POTUS called Steve a "loser" who "beg's bad" and "cries like a dog".


That TimeAlex Jones and a Flynn Faggot named Ivan Raiklinsent not-so-veiled Death Threats directed at Donald J Trump/POTUS.


That TimeAlex Jones and General Flynnused POTUS' actions/inactions on JAN 06 to threaten and condemn POTUS for the "Capitol Riot" of [their] design.


That TimeAlex Jones and Candice Owensthreatened, berated and condemned POTUS for operation WARP SPEED.


That TimeArchbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and his minion Taylor Marshallissued Biblical Death Threats directed at POTUS because POTUS held a LGBTQ Gala at Mar a lago. "Worthy of Death".



https://youtu.be/AglQWAntgas < Taylor Marshall' youtube video link > NOW MARKED AS 'PRIVATE'.

That Time when it was learned through the Dominion/FOX Trial thatTucker Carlsoncalled POTUS a "Demonic Force", a "Destroyer" and that Tucker hates POTUS "Passionately".




Do you believe in Coincidences?

Is it a Coincidence that Bannon, Flynn, Vigano, Marshall are all Roman Catholic and that Candice Owens just converted to Catholicism?

Is it a Coincidence that Tucker Carlson asked his good friend Hunter Biden for a Letter to help his son, Buckley, get into Georgetown University?

Is it a Coincidence that Georgetown University is oldest Roman Catholic Jesuit university in the U.S.?

Is it a Coincidence that Tucker Carlson' Father-in-law was the Headmaster at Saint Andrews University and was suspended pending litigation concerning sexual abuse?

Is it a Coincidence that Fox News is Owned by Rupert Murdoch, Jewish yet a Roman Catholic Papal Knight?

Is it a Coincidence that Fox News is Owned by Rupert Murdoch, Jewish yet a Roman Catholic Papal Knight and yet Fox is completely dominated by Catholics?

How many Coincidences before all of this becomes a Mathematical Improbability?


How many Coincidences before all of this becomes a Mathematical Impossibility?


This Post is a Free service of NIGHT SHIFT.

NIGHT SHIFT… Defining and redefining Patriotism on QResearch since at least 2018.

The Few… The Proud… The Brave… Night Shift.


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f585b4 No.21109336


>he murders some part of the world.

Truth saves lives, lies will cover up even genocide.

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68ff73 No.21109337


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68ff73 No.21109338

A new wave of bankruptcies shakes the Catholic Church in California6 24 2024

Six Roman Catholic dioceses in California seek bankruptcy protections after victims of clergy sexual abuse were allowed to seek compensation in civil courts.

The Child Victims Act, approved in 2019, allowed for victims of clergy sexual abuse to seek justice in civil courts in California.

A law crafted after that Act in California, allowed E. Jean Carroll to prove she was the victim of Donald Trump in New York courts.

A new wave of news about bankruptcies in Roman Catholic dioceses of California is sweeping the Internet these days. According to Religion News Service, the new wave involves more than 3,000 cases.

It is not that new cases are emerging at the rate they were back at the height of the clergy sexual abuse crisis, in the aughts. In California, the new wave of bankruptcies in the Catholic Church are the by-product of a major change in the understanding of the reasons behind sexual abuse.

«In 2018, the California Legislature approved AB 218, a bill that lifted the statute of limitations for three years on child sex abuse litigation and allowed survivors to file suits regardless of when the abuse occurred. That three-year “window” for filing cases that otherwise would have been barred closed on December 31, 2022».

AB 2018 is the California Assembly Bill 218, a law also known as The Child Victims Act, approved back in in October 2019. Until 2022, the law allowed people who was sexually assaulted as a minor to file civil lawsuits although the statute of limitations had already expired.


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