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File: c87438dafbc595c⋯.jpg (700.89 KB,1924x1081,1924:1081,bannder.jpg)

3c3269 No.21107600 [View All]

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d0baed No.21108525

File: 2555f021f634d13⋯.jpeg (9.82 KB,194x259,194:259,images_2024_06_28T220019_….jpeg)

File: 6aafaaa0e10f254⋯.jpeg (4.85 KB,248x203,248:203,images_2024_06_28T215830_….jpeg)

File: 4041b744429ef6f⋯.jpeg (11.95 KB,225x225,1:1,download_2024_06_28T21592….jpeg)

File: c9c0a8a881b3844⋯.png (5.92 KB,259x194,259:194,images_7_.png)

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124918 No.21108526


kek Touché, anon.

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991bbd No.21108527

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I think Anderson Cooper checked out a long time ago



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376427 No.21108528


Fuct you Cattie Poopins.

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e0460b No.21108529

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6e4e15 No.21108530

File: a3311dc45b98c3c⋯.png (701.83 KB,720x483,240:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0baed No.21108531

Hey lil' bro.

In Christ


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376427 No.21108532


words can not express it

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40ea01 No.21108533

This has been a right comfefe bred. Only had to ID+ three commie shills.

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e0460b No.21108534

Mene mene tekel upharsin

The phrase “Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin” is an ancient Aramaic inscription that appears in the biblical book of Daniel, chapter 5, verse 25. It is a mysterious and cryptic message written on the wall of the palace of King Belshazzar, the acting king of Babylon.

What does it mean?

The phrase is often translated as “God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.”

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468bae No.21108535


Cabal dubs confirm.

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991bbd No.21108536

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



These short clips cheer me up!


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a1a4b9 No.21108537

File: 1afe9ef13aea30d⋯.png (893.18 KB,900x1140,15:19,ClipboardImage.png)


Amazon's woke-i-fied rendition of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time. If I didn't love the source material so much I wouldn't bother watching it. Some things they did cool though. I thought how they represented the taint in Saidin was really well done. I can even understand the changes to the story that had to be made to adapt it to the small screen. What I can't understand is why did they have Moiraine and Siuan Sanche in a damn lesbian relationship in season 1 when a somewhat more than minor plot point is the awkward and pure interactions between Siuan and Gareth Bryne. And then not to mention Moiraine ends up with Thom. I mean… the fuck were they thinking? Anyway, rant over. Still the best story I've ever had the pleasure of reading start to finish. It's a journey. Swear to God it left me feeling just as satisfied as eating a large meal.

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146b3e No.21108538

File: a355aec4e3cd913⋯.png (346.75 KB,868x839,868:839,6n565b64365.PNG)


New 'Mind-Reading' AI Translates Thoughts Directly From Brainwaves – Without Implants


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2c8584 No.21108539

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e3e766 No.21108540

File: bcc88c77b38336b⋯.jpg (104.4 KB,1024x766,512:383,Fwv_4rcWwAUBGzL.jpg)

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d0baed No.21108541

File: a159d3e450873e9⋯.jpeg (14.06 KB,299x168,299:168,download_2024_06_28T22070….jpeg)

File: c2efa0f737cd622⋯.jpeg (8.64 KB,225x225,1:1,download_2024_06_28T22083….jpeg)

File: 5373f6f216ae771⋯.jpg (13.79 KB,600x600,1:1,stencil_ease_commercial_st….jpg)

File: c47ea4180553d35⋯.png (6.22 KB,216x233,216:233,images_8_.png)

I have a 6 handicap

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efba64 No.21108542


#25873 >>21107608

>>21107637 Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater

>>21107648 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

>>21107652 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107655, >>21108248 BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

>>21107665 Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

>>21107697, >>21107811 PlaneFaggin'

>>21107700 LIVE: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21107722 @LindellTV - Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21107817 A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent

>>21107892 The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon

>>21107901 Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday

>>21108006 @DanScavino - A MUST WATCH! #TRUMP2024

>>21108036 Argos Holdings and affiliates sell Chewy Inc. shares worth over $660 million

>>21108114 @DrJill "there is nobody I would rather have sitting in the Oval Office than my husband" as she cuts Joe out of the video

>>21107860, >>21108017, >>21108096, >>21108111 anons opine on Jill replacing the mashed potato

>>21108186 ClockFaggin'

>>21108224 anon took notes while watching - Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT (pb note)

>>21108246 CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

>>21108329 Hussein voices support for Potato

>>21108493 DEMOCRATS ARE DONE, Joe’s single best decision was choosing Kamala, no one wants her, and no other Dem candidate polls higher than Crooked Joe

>>21108512 LOVE OUR HEROES!!!💙🇺🇸



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e3e766 No.21108543

File: 0666465881f45ee⋯.jpg (149.68 KB,720x960,3:4,FsrXJynXwAAJqiZ.jpg)

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6e4e15 No.21108544


#25873 >>21107608

>>21107637 Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater

>>21107648 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

>>21107652 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107655, >>21108248 BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

>>21107665 Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

>>21107697, >>21107811 PlaneFaggin'

>>21107700 LIVE: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21107722 @LindellTV - Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21107817 A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent

>>21107892 The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon

>>21107901 Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday

>>21108006 @DanScavino - A MUST WATCH! #TRUMP2024

>>21108036 Argos Holdings and affiliates sell Chewy Inc. shares worth over $660 million

>>21108114 @DrJill "there is nobody I would rather have sitting in the Oval Office than my husband" as she cuts Joe out of the video

>>21107860, >>21108017, >>21108096, >>21108111 anons opine on Jill replacing the mashed potato

>>21108186 ClockFaggin'

>>21108224 anon took notes while watching - Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT (pb note)

>>21108246, >>21108253 CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

>>21108283 BIDEN just got DESTROYED in the debate & Exclusive Jonathan Roumie Interview

>>21108299, >>21108306 Thomas Massie Tells Tucker Carlson That Every Republican Congressman ‘Has An AIPAC Person’

>>21108329 Barack Obama complains about how beautiful Trump was in the presidential debate

>>21108360 Words that viewers used to describe how Joe Biden made them feel during the presidential debate (and they make him sound more like an infirm relative than leader of the free world)

>>21108493 DEMOCRATS ARE DONE, Joe’s single best decision was choosing Kamala, no one wants her, and no other Dem candidate polls higher than Crooked Joe

>>21108512 LOVE OUR HEROES!!!💙🇺🇸


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d0baed No.21108547

File: cad0ac5f0e999c8⋯.jpeg (5.2 KB,291x173,291:173,download_2024_06_28T22170….jpeg)

File: 589bb38338299a8⋯.jpeg (6.61 KB,248x203,248:203,images_2024_06_28T221733_….jpeg)

>>21108537 kek


in Saidin

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39b09a No.21108549


>Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS

So that doesn't make sense. First he says he's senile, then, let's have an early election. With him still as a candidate???

He should be IMPEACHED then tried for TREASON!!!!


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e3e766 No.21108551

File: 6e3983ecb0df8b8⋯.png (326.71 KB,630x398,315:199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b1e95ecea86698⋯.png (238.77 KB,447x266,447:266,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 223c2ce03621737⋯.png (72.4 KB,246x129,82:43,ClipboardImage.png)

All is real

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efba64 No.21108552


must be one hell of a party you went to

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991bbd No.21108553


I thought so too

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efba64 No.21108554

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6e4e15 No.21108556


i dont feel like driving, long way away

not feeling great

my foot is killing me


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40ea01 No.21108557



Bottom to top.

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a1a4b9 No.21108558


The male half of the One Power in The Wheel of Time. Saidar being the female half. The Taint was the Dark One's retribution in the last time he had to be confronted, driving any male chaneller mad with too much use of the One Power.

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose above the great mountainous island of Tremalking. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.” ― Robert Jordan

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d46609 No.21108560

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6057fa No.21108561


>the best story I've ever had the pleasure of reading start to finish. It's a journey. Swear to God it left me feeling just as satisfied as eating a large meal.


what an endorsement

a book that was as satisfying as a meal

a book that OUGHT to stay with you for a LIFETIME

is as satisfying as a meal that stays with you until your next SHIT

the world needs MOAR books like that

and more readers like (You)

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e3e766 No.21108562

File: 64e6b787275a9d6⋯.png (161.95 KB,349x232,349:232,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3e766 No.21108566

File: 694f3a789442064⋯.png (468.16 KB,500x500,1:1,2c91163d5b847b4edb88573b72….png)

File: a839d1279000b89⋯.jpg (38.9 KB,500x711,500:711,Red_Sparrow.jpg)

File: aef3ce00083b4ee⋯.jpg (70.8 KB,1070x1427,1070:1427,media_GRMEoBSXIAAPMQQ.jpg)

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991bbd No.21108568


The real joe is dead, how many defective clones did tge maje of him

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64f467 No.21108570

File: 1bd7d19357efd3f⋯.jpg (330.24 KB,643x567,643:567,Screen_Shot_2023_02_21_at_….jpg)


>feeling extra super duper tippy top COMFY

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d46609 No.21108573

File: 112c0f4a9989c46⋯.jpeg (74.29 KB,675x900,3:4,IMG_5584.jpeg)

File: 79e795766e8baec⋯.jpeg (44.26 KB,500x666,250:333,IMG_5582.jpeg)

File: d0d7b9eeca4f963⋯.jpeg (85.57 KB,500x666,250:333,IMG_5591.jpeg)

File: 107ffee3a80a7f5⋯.png (152.93 KB,353x386,353:386,IMG_5590.png)

File: 9c814e498f9f5ad⋯.jpeg (103.24 KB,500x719,500:719,IMG_5602.jpeg)

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e3e766 No.21108575

File: 621c6fd18cc8401⋯.jpg (79.32 KB,720x714,120:119,794e7fc498faa99b2fa9371ac0….jpg)

So quiet.

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5bed01 No.21108576

File: 3a26d865820321a⋯.png (72.83 KB,929x541,929:541,mass_sole_republican.png)

File: 5163072c2702218⋯.png (78.82 KB,799x559,799:559,massie_zionism_vs_patrioti….png)

File: 755dccd68da1bd1⋯.png (26.3 KB,521x240,521:240,massie_end_the_fed.png)

File: 0a863e9c6b85f21⋯.png (497.69 KB,639x847,639:847,2024_06_28_15_51_37_Awesom….png)

File: 5a4d2bd3e848582⋯.png (19.51 KB,669x168,223:56,remote_graphene_activation.png)

21108299 21108299 Thomas Massie has been possibly the only member of congress who's testicles still function. Recently, he's been on a warpath, taking aim at the Federal Reserve (like JFK before him). He's also been outspoken against Zionism & America-Last excessive spending on Israel, for which he's taken heat as "anti semitic". He's also been doing good work turning the precedent set by the bogus Trump conviction into a foundation to use against the Clintons, and we all know that kind of thing doesn't usually go well for people.

https:// video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-domaindev-domaindev_bs_maps&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-domaindev_bs_maps&hspart=domaindev&p=thomas+massie&type=100245altddc_searchmaps_newtabtools_com#id=3&vid=51839d9cbede70382365eaa41296c985&action=click

Now, just weeks after he introduced a bill that would formally terminate the disastrous Federal Reserve System, his wife dies suddenly. We have no details at this time other than than congress has confirmed it was unexpected, and from reading between the lines, mysterious. Now he's getting strange messages on Twitter in the form of condolences that read more like threats. Maybe Rhonda is another vaccine victim, but the timing begs scrutiny. The graphene in the shots could be activated remotely by magnetic frequency & given all manner of self- assembling instructions to induce these types of events. I've seen many patents that prove that level of capability. In fact, that may have been one of the major reasons they were mandated - to enable remote assassinations on a whim. I know that's the reason I didn't take the shot.

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d46609 No.21108578

File: 524e4d00946d841⋯.jpeg (173.51 KB,748x746,374:373,IMG_5650.jpeg)

"And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

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efba64 No.21108581

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4d8675 No.21108582


assumptive code

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a1a4b9 No.21108584

File: 94c05e4918a3b2c⋯.webm (316.67 KB,427x240,427:240,ready.webm)


They're up to something. Whatever it is, it won't be enough.

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e3e766 No.21108587

File: 0179e1ea9378f74⋯.png (224.23 KB,466x262,233:131,0179e1ea9378f74b174b3a8062….png)

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d46609 No.21108595

File: 5e08b744147fb70⋯.jpeg (600.43 KB,750x6439,750:6439,IMG_5657.jpeg)

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aee1c5 No.21108599

filter button worn to a nub.


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d46609 No.21108600

local-level planners and overseers for the cabal


explains the proliferation within police departments..

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a1a4b9 No.21108608


You should have a good cry about it, AEI.

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d46609 No.21108611



look them up elsewhere also, they're rolling deep as f

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efba64 No.21108612

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e3e766 No.21108613

File: 5d0397710a1e480⋯.jpg (165.02 KB,714x1000,357:500,FqEn_o9XgAALAK4.jpg)

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