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File: 636241c0a2edf07⋯.png (100.06 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

320c99 No.21106821 [Last50 Posts]

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320c99 No.21106823

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320c99 No.21106827


#25871 >>21106048

>>21106270 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21106397 Rally transcript

>>21106154 Trump endorses Hung Cao on stage

>>21106319, >>21106329, >>21106331, >>21106354 End of rally speech photos

>>21106549 Massive Crowd in Chesapeake, VA for President Trump

>>21106659 @DanScavino: A great afternoon in beautiful Chesapeake, Virginia where @realDonaldTrump just concluded

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21106132 Air Force activates Warrant Officer Training School

>>21106202 Air Force Veteran Accused of Disclosing Classified Data on Aircraft, Weapons in Latest Military Leak Case

>>21106204 Law of War Manual: Release of Prisoners Procedure

>>21106240 Iranian Voters Cast Ballots In 2024 Presidential Election Following The Death Of Raisi

>>21106284 Supreme Court ruling allows officials to accept gifts for past favors

>>21106395, >>21106583 Biden's own Pentagon press secretary admits Biden lied about no troops killed during his term (Remember Afghanistan?)

>>21106454 How Much Has The US Donated To Ukraine?

>>21106456, >>21106496, >>21106806, >>21106509, >>21106637 DJT Jr.: 100,000 Americans die a year because of opioids

>>21106485, >>21106545 Toronto's Mayor, Olivia Chow, at a Drag Show

>>21106508 Illegal alien who gunned down two NYPD officers says kiIIing cops is his culture, firearms are smuggled into NYC shelters

>>21106524 Entire Hells Angels chapter arrested in California in kidnapping and assault probe

>>21106527 Taxation is indeed theft

>>21106540 North Korean troops will become 'cannon fodder' if they aid Russia in Ukraine, Pentagon says

>>21106542 Fetterman holds press conference with Netanyahu in Israel

>>21106543 Americans Terrified That Joe Biden is Running The Country After Debate Performance

>>21106551 Nvidia may hit a $6 trillion valuation by the end of the year

>>21106574, >>21106654 Two former Uvalde police officers arrested for abandoning children during 2022 school shooting

>>21106600 PF: JASDF JF01 Emperor Naruhito & Empress Masako departed RAF Brize Norton back to Tokyo-Haneda

>>21106604, >>21106629 Eric Trump: Coming up on @jesswatters at 7:30et

>>21106636 Several people dead, injured after vehicle rams into nail salon in Long Island, New York

>>21106642 @robbystarbuck: Woke CEO’s should be very uncomfortable right now - many of their employees are DM’ing me now with evidence

>>21106655, >>21106684 Biden falsely claims his son, Beau, died in war when he actually died from brain cancer

>>21106658 Jewish Professor Stephen Kershnar supporting pedophiłia

>>21106662 Control

>>21106691 JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley boost buybacks and dividends, while Citigroup and BofA take smaller steps

>>21106694 Dasting timing though

>>21106696, >>21106751 Trump Golf HV / LA

>>21106731 Iowa Supreme Court upholds state’s 6-week abortion ban

>>21106735, >>21106799 PF: 45 in N757AF 757 departed Norfolk Intl Airport after rally heading WN

>>21106741, >>21106753 Biden requests $4B from Congress to address Baltimore bridge, natural disasters

>>21106755 The Supreme Court has denied Steve Bannon’s bid to remain free pending appeal of his contempt conviction

>>21106269, >>21106493, >>21106544, >>21106648 Memes

>>21106816 #25871

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320c99 No.21106828


>>21105526 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21106020 Rally transcript

>>21105707, >>21105723, >>21105726 Photos

>>21105734 Trump on stage at 3:55, starts to speak at 3:58

>>21105717 POTUS not wearing a tie

>>21105315 45–47 is wheels up to Chesapeake, Virginia with his MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hat…

>>21105332, >>21105454 @DanScavino: Biden Tic Tacs on Trump Force One en route to Chesapeake, Virginia. #TICTACFLATION

>>21105797 @DanScavino posts vid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21105208, >>21105231, >>21105890 Biden won’t drop out of presidential race – campaign official

>>21105217 As of 11:45 p.m. ET on Thursday, these were the 2024 election odds on BetOnline

>>21105248 Joe at his rally today looks like he doesn't know which way is Monday

>>21105254, >>21105879, >>21105311, >>21105756 Biden's debate performance cope

>>21105330 Biden Allies Who Insisted on ‘Behind-Closed-Doors’ Mental Sharpness Exposed by Debate Performance

>>21105355 San Francisco Democrats are freaking out over Biden debate disaster

>>21105382, >>21105586, >>21105826 It's likely already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot

>>21105575 Biden Will Participate in Second Debate in September

>>21105558 Catherine Herridge: Worth revisiting Special Counsel Robert Hur findings

>>21105688 This part was not shown to the audience at the end of the debate

>>21105721 47.9 million viewers tuned in to CNN’s presidential debate with Biden and Trump

>>21105753 Democrat strategist Donna Brazile admitted that the Democratic Party has “work to do” after President Joe Biden’s performance

>>21105874 According To Joe Biden At The CNN Debate Against Trump, ZERO EVIDENCE Of Voter Fraud In America

>>21105785 Press Briefing with KJP Transcript

>>21105225 PF: Mr & Mrs Potato in 92-9000 747 departed Raleigh-Durham after arriving last night for ‘campaign event’-heading to JFK

>>21105226, >>21105305, >>21105420 In Blow To Democrats, Supreme Court Allows Crackdown On Homeless

>>21105236, >>21105274, >>21105538 Chevron doctrine overruled by Supreme Court

>>21105675 Rep Jim Jordan's Statement on Chevron Being Overruled

>>21105264, >>21105421 Arrest of Merrick Garland has the full backing of Mike Johnson

>>21105268, >>21105275, >>21105278, >>21105867 Events

>>21105280, >>21105388 Rep. Thomas Massie's wife, Rhonda, has passed away

>>21105300, >>21105329 @Papi Trumpo: AAALL ABOARD!!!

>>21105328 Walgreens to close up to a quarter of its roughly 8,600 U.S. stores

>>21105381 US House Passes Amendment to Bar Citing Gaza Death Toll

>>21105416 FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants

>>21105425 Prince Harry ‘deliberately destroyed’ potential evidence in phone hacking case, court hears

>>21105427, >>21105431, >>21105532 Supreme Court Overturns Jack Smith's Jan 6. 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge

>>21105542 AG Ken Paxton: Today, the Texas Supreme Court upheld SB 14, a law protecting children from dangerous gender confusion procedures

>>21105617 Judge Cannon Grants Request For Hearing on Whether Jack Smith Improperly Pierced Through Trump's Attorney-Client Privilege

>>21105632 News Blast

>>21105693 Mayorkas moves to shield hundreds of thousands from deportation back to troubled Caribbean nation

>>21105731 Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal

>>21105741 The Gaza Project Exposes Israel’s ‘Chilling Pattern’ of Killing Journalists

>>21105809 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1972

>>21105875 Secret Israeli Government Intelligence Machine Seeks to Redefine US Law, Silence Protesters, Manipulate Government Officials

>>21105917 Major 7.2 earthquake strikes Peru

>>21105994 Supreme Court ruling allows officials to accept gifts for past favors

>>21105509, >>21105523, >>21105572, >>21105880 Memes

>>21106023 #25870

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320c99 No.21106830

#25869 >>21104353

>>21104514, >>21104664, >>21105029, >>21105091 GOLD Planefaggin 45 in N757AF 757 on descent for Norfolk Intl Airport

>>21104385 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24 3pm

>>21104382, >>21104390, >>21104410 Nolte: CNN Slit Its Own Throat During Trump/Biden Debate

>>21104391 @USCG #fotofriday U.S. Coast Guard Aviation Logistic Center has completed upgrades to the HC-144 Ocean Sentry fleet

>>21104392, >>21104411, >>21104425, >>21104437, >>21104456, >>21105006, >>21105058 Supreme Court Overturns DOJ's Use of Key J6 Felony Court

>>21104515 Potato has a rally today

>>21104524, >>21104477, >>21104742, >>21104764, >>21104776, >>21104787, >>21104808, >>21104818, >>21104829, >>21104845 Swamp Swampin

>>21104532 Zelensky says preparing ‘plan’ to end war with Russia

>>21104538 Bannon: Biden's Failing Faculties Will Lead To National Security Crisis , U.S. Imperial Praetorian Guard Previews Next Emperor

>>21104557, >>21104486, >>21104498, >>21104597, >>21104657 Rep Anna Paulina Luna Lowers The Boom on Merrick Garland

>>21104660 Dims goin for suicide

>>21104665 BlackRock Issues Economic Warning to G7 Alliance

>>21104688 MSNBC Admits Spiering's Reporting On Democrat Leaders Discussing Biden's Abilities To Run For 2024

>>21104699, >>21104709 Mike Johnson says Cabinet should consider removing Biden through 25th Amendment

>>21104747, >>21104824 Mike Davis: Chevron Overturning Greatly Hinders "The Dangers Of An All-Powerful Federal Government"/J6

>>21104813, >>21104850, >>21104879, >>21104889, >>21104895, >>21105022 Chevron is Gone — SCOTUS Rules Unelected Bureaucrats Do Not Have the Power to Create Laws

>>21104817 GDPNOW Latest estimate: 2.2 percent down from 2.7– June 28, 2024

>>21104976 The 25th Amendment: An Explainer

>>21105044 Paul Sperry Warns Of "Influence Operation By Clapper And The CIA" Ahead Of 2024 Election

>>21105052 Wikileaks just did a massive dump. 😳???

>>21105059 Warren Buffett donates record $5.3B Berkshire shares to these five charities

>>21105106, >>21105117 Chip Roy Files Resolution Calling on Kamala Harris to Invoke 25th Amendment

>>21103966 lb DOJ rebutts Mostly Butts

>>21105121 Madcow on debate

>>21105126 Rickards: Biden Would Have Family-Appointed "Guardian" If He Didn't Occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

>>21105135 Biden, reading from his giant teleprompter, starts randomly SCREAMING

>>21105138 Internet Archive fights to preserve digital libraries in Second Circuit hearing

>>21105174 #25869

Previously Collected

>>21104333 #25868

>>21101876 #25865-B, >>21102570 #25866, >>21103439 #25867

>>21100145 #25863, >>21100971 #25864, >>21101863 #25865-A

>>21097489 #25860, >>21098402 #25861, >>21099237 #25862

>>21095090 #25857, >>21095960 #25858, >>21096697 #25859

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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320c99 No.21106835

File: d6db23241d1551a⋯.mp4 (4.05 MB,382x480,191:240,biden_trump.mp4)




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259b62 No.21106842


you have my Bless B

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167299 No.21106843

File: 78393ca2fa4ff11⋯.jpg (408.28 KB,500x785,100:157,tic_tac_.jpg)

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8c0175 No.21106849

File: 218cab9163c2a58⋯.png (833.99 KB,1156x782,34:23,SunSetwithFren.png)

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d73fed No.21106856


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54705d No.21106858

File: a9857c5793d544f⋯.jpg (249.15 KB,800x532,200:133,FJB_Bob_01.jpg)

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7a4702 No.21106859


I did not watch the debate last night.

Q already shared a long time ago.

Poor normies.

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33709d No.21106860

File: 415b142e66b804e⋯.png (564.56 KB,960x851,960:851,415b142e66b804e34553dd273a….png)

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7620d3 No.21106862

File: 168bc85d87ede70⋯.png (3.12 MB,1750x1053,1750:1053,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c0175 No.21106863

File: eac1347cc2ab17e⋯.png (1.27 MB,1000x1280,25:32,ClipboardImage.png)


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167299 No.21106867

File: 361ddbb024fe324⋯.png (621.4 KB,874x732,437:366,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71086caed715b0e⋯.png (1.78 MB,1242x643,1242:643,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 839684167fc5ede⋯.png (1.31 MB,735x735,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino


Biden Tic Tacs on Trump Force One en route to Chesapeake, Virginia. #TICTACFLATION

Jun 28, 2024, 3:01 PM


have become addicted to tic tacs, of late…

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54705d No.21106868


It's a great show. Better than most movies coming out these days.

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d7c6c3 No.21106870

File: 870674e1d1788f9⋯.jpeg (494.86 KB,660x883,660:883,870674e1d1788f9e2afa32a44….jpeg)

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d8e935 No.21106875



Need Ack-Tacs.

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1942e4 No.21106876

pay no atten$hion to the adverchology…

but, do mind your step

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54705d No.21106880

File: 228afbc23b2bb11⋯.png (8.43 MB,2500x1685,500:337,ClipboardImage.png)


member Cooter?

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87a696 No.21106881

File: d25c61e0b9a83ad⋯.jpg (134.03 KB,819x1024,819:1024,large_24_.jpg)

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d60943 No.21106882

File: 23be7cb1c45f980⋯.jpg (80.55 KB,713x500,713:500,43a72800b80d74c00ee33988d7….jpg)

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259b62 No.21106883


That's Called Lockstep

Mocking Bird Media all Repeating the Same words

Yea, I don't believe your story

Something Big is coming

they need some street credit to sell Their Narrative to the population

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83307d No.21106884

Anybody know anything about a large Russian aircraft landing at Long Island Republic Airport with an entourage of security vehicles today?

Heard it through the grapevine.

No Sauce

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33709d No.21106885

File: 49af4122a43122b⋯.png (466.76 KB,622x544,311:272,fc846d1693bc9cf699e5ad1af8….png)


tic tac

tick tock

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54705d No.21106887


I think I recall Military Summary Channel (YT) making mention of it, or a commenter in there. I was baked at the time, but it resonates.

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b9cbad No.21106888

File: 56fd86ababa2859⋯.jpg (64.42 KB,345x594,115:198,TICK_TOCK_1111.jpg)

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f805ed No.21106890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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54705d No.21106891

File: db39e7dbe768ba3⋯.png (1.08 MB,1908x981,212:109,Screen_Cap_Jill_Biden_Joe_….png)


Everything is fine.

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33709d No.21106892

File: 8e7b2c70f909497⋯.png (2.27 MB,875x1127,125:161,8e7b2c70f909497e01627ce96a….png)

File: 43b75e023637fe8⋯.png (83.01 KB,522x375,174:125,43b75e023637fe87ea01c18118….png)


Claiming Bake

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259b62 No.21106893

File: 79f146040773a4c⋯.png (300.03 KB,572x541,572:541,ClipboardImage.png)

The People that Lied aboutALL of this

Are suddenly Telling the Truth???

Forgive me if I remain skeptical of Known Habitual Liars suddenly having a coming to Christ moment and Changing their ways

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8ac935 No.21106894

Evenin' Nightshift

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54705d No.21106895


they ALL expire in NOV

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83307d No.21106896

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bbf09d No.21106897

File: 43e0f1d1d2e2151⋯.png (302.71 KB,602x448,43:32,43e0f1d1d2e215122183b1ee89….png)

some for some FISA declas would great right about now

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30bd09 No.21106898

File: a5cc62ba412d8a2⋯.jpg (1019.4 KB,1200x1200,1:1,1200x1200bb.jpg)

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6e1220 No.21106899

File: 2ad27a2aa268a00⋯.jpg (332.96 KB,1159x1280,1159:1280,chartofwords5f.jpg)

>>21106764 pb


MassMedia Going Down.

"These people who announce what is misinformation by decree have been exposed now as rampant liars. "

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ebce02 No.21106900

File: 1ed3341fceaf044⋯.jpg (33.04 KB,423x483,141:161,Trump_Grab_Pussy.jpg)


Advanced …

I may go to prison …

I ain't ascared none …

Damn can I golf like a MF …

Biden ain't no 6 handicap.

Fuckin' liar.


I can't imagine the gatherings

if Trump got put in prison. kek

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b9cbad No.21106901

File: a48d09a0728b44a⋯.jpg (91.64 KB,737x560,737:560,ALLEY_CAT.jpg)

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c70335 No.21106902


Engrish mother fucker do you speak it?

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836fe5 No.21106903

File: b664a94a45cd98d⋯.png (37.85 KB,703x711,703:711,yn3653463465.PNG)


The House passed the FY2025 Defense Appropriations bill today on largely partisan lines, primarily because of social policy provisions that were included. The bill cuts almost $1 billion from the $29.6 billion requested by the Biden Administration for the U.S. Space Force as the House continues to prioritize reductions in federal spending.

The bill, H.R. 8774, passed by a vote of 217-198. Only five Democrats voted in favor of the bill and one Republican voted against. The heavily partisan split may spell trouble when it reaches the Senate.


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54705d No.21106904


They're shifting narratives, shifting timelines.

The chairs on the Titanic are being rearranged.


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54705d No.21106905


yup they couldn't hide it any longer.

Now they act surprised. Fucking subverters.

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ebce02 No.21106906


Thems is baby makin' hips. damn

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8c0175 No.21106907

File: 2934a00855485f7⋯.jpg (60.75 KB,923x733,923:733,AnythingYouSay.jpg)

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b9cbad No.21106908

File: a945b00c4b7078f⋯.jpg (201.89 KB,642x647,642:647,MEMORY.jpg)

File: 0d64af773f0feb2⋯.jpg (180.94 KB,671x576,671:576,MANY_LIES.jpg)

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ed64d7 No.21106909

File: 03d85453abf7dad⋯.png (14.21 KB,418x423,418:423,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump number One

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5ca85e No.21106910

File: b011bc9d7187623⋯.gif (192.08 KB,1200x960,5:4,lgb.gif)

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54705d No.21106911

File: 40fd1f99fe7a9cb⋯.png (270 KB,497x545,497:545,Joe_Biden_Billion_Dollars_….png)


>The bill cuts almost $1 billion from the $29.6 billion requested by the Biden Administration

Karma's a beeee-actch.

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04491d No.21106912

File: 5b412add463b010⋯.png (1.32 MB,1328x920,166:115,illtakeit.PNG)

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8c0175 No.21106913

File: ef83cf9f26cc1ed⋯.jpg (84.72 KB,500x719,500:719,LongDay.jpg)

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18c5cb No.21106914


Wow the donald signed every box

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ebce02 No.21106915

File: 699131f4f140722⋯.png (1.14 MB,1153x931,1153:931,ClipboardImage.png)


>Military Summary Channel (YT)


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54705d No.21106916


you should do a course on marketing and messaging.

Your green text rambles remind me of debate Joe.

7 words in 7 seconds. Start there.

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b76dc3 No.21106917

File: bcec36b87c089c8⋯.png (1.56 MB,980x653,980:653,ClipboardImage.png)

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edd1ef No.21106918

File: 8b5dc432139b755⋯.jpg (63.5 KB,600x427,600:427,8b5dc432139b755bb33c73e300….jpg)

Third sister wondering wtf

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ebce02 No.21106919

File: a3277121135facf⋯.png (10.17 KB,203x255,203:255,Pepe_German.png)


>Evenin' Nightshift

Guten aben senior

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d60943 No.21106920

File: 7be0c66c1fa79e0⋯.gif (3.43 MB,480x258,80:43,hattip.gif)

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29445a No.21106921

See what you made me do?

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54705d No.21106922


yes that's him, he's good, ty.

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30bd09 No.21106923

File: 8abb40550afb25a⋯.png (445.75 KB,729x858,243:286,fashion_nekomimi_woman.png)

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d8e935 No.21106924

File: ce754ef4d526389⋯.jpeg (42.89 KB,593x324,593:324,IMG_2451.jpeg)

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112d6e No.21106925


What was thr price to enslave your children ?

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54705d No.21106926


Haitian immmigrants?

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29445a No.21106927

You obviously don’t have anything I want

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8c0175 No.21106928

File: 9f2345c3016a22a⋯.jpg (14.66 KB,255x255,1:1,SmokinPepe.jpg)

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112d6e No.21106929


Poor faggot, now we know he is deepstate. When did they break him ?

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29445a No.21106930

Dbl teamed

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54705d No.21106931

File: ad43fd24df6a2f5⋯.jpg (85.56 KB,750x876,125:146,Obamas_Daughters_Real_Pare….jpg)


All to protect Big Mike and Barry's homosexual ways.

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c6d25a No.21106932

File: bc8f61d23359f00⋯.png (239.74 KB,603x329,603:329,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Bedminster


Jun 26

Cheers to longer days and warmer nights. We’re excited to dive right into summer fun!


Jun 26, 2024 · 8:56 PM UTC





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259b62 No.21106933


A False Flag is Coming

& they need Viewers

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848e63 No.21106934

File: 919e167f90c6a5a⋯.mp4 (9.23 MB,948x720,79:60,IJ_MXSPsyvc2uGjv.mp4)

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a208d2 No.21106935

Joe Biden and his discombobulated answers.

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d60943 No.21106936

File: 9a286326f0acaf7⋯.webm (299.32 KB,427x240,427:240,abashed_the_devil_stood_a….webm)



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29445a No.21106937

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926330 No.21106938

42 months. July should be HOT.

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96a241 No.21106939

File: 5b808575c445919⋯.png (535.38 KB,657x677,657:677,6b5eb46546346.PNG)

TRADOC deputy commanding general retires after nearly 37 years of service

As the first woman to hold this position, Gervais leaves behind a legacy of change and innovation to inspire future generations of Soldiers.

As a young college student at Lander University, South Carolina, Gervais spent the first three years acquiring her Bachelor of Science in Biology before deciding to join Army ROTC during her senior year.

“I initially had envisioned to stay in for three years, and there were three things I really wanted to gain out of those years: money in my pocket, some experience under my belt, and more discipline,” she explained.

At her first unit of assignment with 17th Field Artillery Brigade, Gervais quickly discovered the many opportunities the Army could provide for her. Gervais also credited her success to the non-commissioned officers and leaders who have helped her along the way.

While at TRADOC, Gervais led multiple initiatives in support of the greater Army. She has worked closely with the U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training on prevention strategies for harmful behavior in Initial Entry Training.


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2b0774 No.21106940

File: 630875966ea08ab⋯.jpg (40.65 KB,667x369,667:369,ygfjsdscd.jpg)

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54705d No.21106941


hey man, if you're heading to the Middle East for a day trip. Go 1st class on Emirates.

Jr recommends it.

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29445a No.21106942

You motherfuckers outta touch

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b9cbad No.21106944

File: dec5c39878f77b9⋯.jpg (183.46 KB,625x641,625:641,AMERICA_WINNING_MOAR_THAN_….jpg)

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d60943 No.21106945


June has been uncharacteristically chilly where I live. Only had to fire up the air conditioner one day, which isn't typical for this time of year.

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926330 No.21106946


Stop swearing

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112d6e No.21106947


Forgiveness and grace does not imply consequences are removed. The evil will die, The complicit will be incarcerated or executed, the dupes and victims will be given a choice. Anons must usher in reason not endless violence and eye-for-eye retribution.

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87a696 No.21106948

File: cf395ed78c09b3d⋯.jpeg (61.44 KB,1085x570,217:114,8qv7De05BFd9.jpeg)


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29445a No.21106949

Yawn, southern for plural yous

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ecf053 No.21106950

File: d517a45cdfb2be2⋯.png (113.91 KB,998x998,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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926330 No.21106951


Eh still Spring time mostly in June. If not July, August will be really HOT.

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54705d No.21106952


yep, we call 'em normies.

Why you hating Pig? I'm trying to help your sorry ass.

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c6d25a No.21106953

File: 738658e37e5c143⋯.png (278.3 KB,610x581,610:581,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Ireland


Jun 27

We are thrilled to be recognised as one of Ireland's Best Workplaces in Hospitality 2024 @GPTW_Ireland

#BWHospitality24 #Trumphotels #trumpireland

Jun 27, 2024 · 10:00 AM UTC



Good evening TelAviv

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ed64d7 No.21106954


but days start getting shorter after june 21st??

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29445a No.21106955

Straight madness

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d7c6c3 No.21106956


>August will be really HOT

Anon hopes that's only a metaphor.

Is hot AF here.

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ebce02 No.21106957

File: a23873e0e079419⋯.png (372.23 KB,1194x583,1194:583,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3345c5af371ad46⋯.png (326.29 KB,1204x538,602:269,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fcff3df737d4e3⋯.png (374.32 KB,419x371,419:371,ClipboardImage.png)


I didn't see Anita, but I saw Martin Nesbitt.

And also Valerie Jarrett.


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259b62 No.21106958


Can't Forgive I already cast them out

And if thy right hand causeth thee to sin, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is better for thee to lose one of thy members, than that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

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f7988e No.21106959


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d7c6c3 No.21106960


>but days start getting shorter after june 21st??

Heat sink effect.

July and August are hotter than June, just as January and February are colder than December.

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54705d No.21106961

File: 119e877c3778817⋯.jpg (3.06 MB,3840x2160,16:9,How_The_Outside_Worked.jpg)


the heat comes mostly once the ground heats up. You younguns need to pay more attention to the outside.

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8b5a6d No.21106962

File: 79f3046d78f4ed3⋯.png (63.57 KB,1183x577,1183:577,ClipboardImage.png)

Regarding AIPAC Thomas Massie said in his interview with Tucker Carlson that only the US has an AIPAC. That's not true. Germany has a similar organization it's called DIG Deutsch Israelische Gesellschaft. That explains why you all of a sudden see the same politics, the same outrage for stuff we don't even have "George Floyd" for example and police brutality……. because the politicians are bought and sit on their board and politics are made by those institutions.

On their german wikipedia site there are only the presidents and former presidents listed but all of them are German politicians no matter which party. I couldn't find a list of all members but I thought it would be intersting to know.



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926330 No.21106963


I just look back at old Q deltas for August and notice the Pope’s not going to have a good one. I also look at the story of Job in the Bible and Satan was given 42 months to turn Job against God. July is 42 months. August makes 7.

I rebuke [THEM] in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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edd1ef No.21106964

File: 11f426443d4a968⋯.jpg (79.86 KB,683x742,683:742,20210916_103156.jpg)


And every where Trump went

The deep state was sure to collapse

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b9cbad No.21106965

File: 4f6ac252d69a761⋯.jpg (171.07 KB,613x631,613:631,U_SELL_VACUUME_CLEANERS.jpg)

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8c0175 No.21106966

The Move by Chip Roy to push for the 25th amendment could be tactical, a move to force the Democrats to commit to Biden.

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31d2cb No.21106967

File: 073e9cbfee503c9⋯.jpg (342.07 KB,1229x1049,1229:1049,073e9cbfee503c9b56b79f355b….jpg)

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54705d No.21106968


oh well the meme was half right. Maybe she quit or got suicided for too much knowledge.

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112d6e No.21106969


"Judge not lest ye also be judged", "Why point to the mote in your brother's eye, while ignoring the splinter in yours". This Anon will wait on judgement of all media personalities until we see this out.

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87a696 No.21106970

File: 04b998494f0146c⋯.jpg (182.04 KB,772x666,386:333,tgbgbbtb8b8.jpg)

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c6d25a No.21106971

File: 89ede5421003ed8⋯.png (359.13 KB,627x469,627:469,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Happening now, prior to boarding Trump Force One, @realDonaldTrump thanks law enforcement in the Commonwealth of Virginia. THANK YOU! #LESM

Jun 28, 2024 · 10:36 PM UTC


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14e710 No.21106972

File: 5160ac2cd06e929⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,320x320,1:1,1_vid.mp4)

🚨#BREAKING: Numerous emergency personnel are on the scene of a mass casualty incident after a van crashed into a nail salon killing multiple people inside and injuring many others

📌#Deerpark | #NewYork

Currently, numerous emergency personnel and other authorities are on the scene mass casualty incident in Deer Park, Long Island, New York, after a white van crashed into a nail salon killing at least four victims, and nine others have been injured and hospitalized. The incident unfolded at Hawaii Nail & Spa inside a strip mall Police said a motorist in a minivan drove through the building, all the way through the building." Several people were trapped, and at least one person was airlifted to the hospital. The driver was partially conscious when first responders arrived on the scene, according to police, and was also taken to the hospital. The cause of the crash is unknown, and it is unclear if it was accidental or intentional. This is a developing situation.


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54705d No.21106973


careful now….

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167299 No.21106974

File: 43dd44d6968d68f⋯.png (346.24 KB,321x874,321:874,ClipboardImage.png)





Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/17/2018 20:15:27 ID: 610b24

8chan/qresearch: 1449784

Image Name: Guardian_P.png

Filename: 1838f83e4c45ca4aefb517cd4837cddbbcac1f26e5a17d0d06e0aae93c5753b6.png

Guardian of the Pope.



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a6111f No.21106975

File: c7d10d64a4ffecc⋯.png (189.01 KB,557x448,557:448,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21105875 pb

>Secret Israeli Government Intelligence Machine Seeks to Redefine US Law, Silence Protesters, Manipulate Government Officials

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d60943 No.21106976


On average over the past decade it'd be out in the middle of May and running every day except for rainy days.

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ebce02 No.21106977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>but days start getting shorter after june 21st??

Days grew shorter and the nights are getting long.

Feels like we're running out of time.

Fight the Good Fight, Patriot.

Don't get discouraged.

Don't be afraid.

You can make it through another day.

Make it worth the price we pay.

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54705d No.21106978

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7cd353 No.21106979

The whole lockstep narrative shift seems like a huge false flag, with the debate being the disaster. Seems all too contrived, as if this was what they wanted/needed to put in the last-minute swap.

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0cc645 No.21106980


you got sauce on that

dude dont.

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167299 No.21106981

File: 4aa6e829d69958d⋯.png (554.66 KB,749x500,749:500,have_trump_indicted_biden.png)

File: 7a9d86fa59905be⋯.jpg (48.95 KB,600x335,120:67,fuck_joe_biden.jpg)


TOP KEK!!!!!

Passionfruit, Spearmint, Orange = POS

Biden piece of shit!!!!

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d8e935 No.21106982


A time, times, and half a time = 42.

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789942 No.21106983


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789942 No.21106984

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167299 No.21106985


i rescind that spastic decode

sorry, the dyslexia is noticeable when tired or sick

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f33d72 No.21106986

File: a12b240f250e0f8⋯.png (1.91 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe3.png)


anon opine:

The muhjoo shilling is a psyop attack attempting to prevent legit research and anons coming to the correct conclusions about which specific individuals are guilty and which are innocent of which specific actions, by repeating the collectivist fallacy in how to view human beings.

I see exactly zero of the muhjoo shilling doing any posting on specific news on specific individuals, WITHOUT attaching muhjoo dependency injection. You'd think that with all the news coming out, funding anti-Israel college protests, NGOs trafficking people, that the muhjoo shills would be first in line to thoughtfully lay out in detail those sets of information of Soros for example.

But they don't do that. They post the same ancient memes that look like they were made last century on a 386, slandering all jews, attacking anons and pretending that naming them jews is somehow to be received as a slander (hint, it isn't) will shut them up, and so on.

It's almost as if they're trying to set up a false dichotomy of all or nothing, where if you see problems like AIPAC having access to every congressman, or Soros funding protests, or mossad/Epstein running a pedo ring to blackmail politicians, you're supposed to not research more of that because if you do, then you're supposed to view yourself as bigoted and motivated by group bigotry, when all along you're motivated by truth and justice for individuals, punish the guilty and defend the innocent and bringing justice to those harmed.

It's as if the muhjoo shills want the narrative to be "don't you dare criticize any individuals who call themselves jews, because any and all criticisms are what we say it is, it's all group bigotry and you should feel ashamed for even thinking critically about individuals. You're either a muhjoo like us, or you're a supporter of crime."

It's as if the muhjoo shills are the criminal jews' public relations. It's not serious criticism because they never really criticize or go after any living, current, prominent politicians or 'philanthropists', it's mostly stupid merchant memes and crap from the assholes at stormfront.com, memes with outright falsehoods and false accusations, and other group bigotry imagery.


Perhaps the muhjoo shills really aren't anti-jew at all, despite what they want you to think they are. Perhaps their entire role is to defend the guilty individual jews, sacrifice the innocent jews, and repeatedly post group bigotry so that it falsely misleads anons into thinking that their feelings about for example the horrible things Epstein did to children, is somehow tantamount to group bigotry that includes millions of innocent jews as somehow targeted.

A form of tricking anons into self-censoring criticisms of "protected" people, because no anon who isn't racist or anti-semitic wants to be labelled as such, so rather than speak from truth and be falsely labelled or ASSOCIATED with the muhjoo shilling, a muddying of the waters to trick the world into lumping any and all criticisms of individuals as "just more anti-semitism", they want anons to self-censor.

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f33d72 No.21106987



And this narrative appears to have a shit ton of money behind it. The entire legacy media operates on this narrative. $ Billions and billions there.

Maybe that's why Q "never mentioned a single time". Q obviously isn't anti-semitic, but if there are evil INDIVIDUALS lurking in Israeli deep state agencies just like every other country, which shouldn't be a surprise as there are evil people in every country, no country has zero evil people, then how could an infiltrated nation reverse infiltration from ALL nations if ANY movement towards ANY individual associated with ONE nation is responded with fake news mega blast of "Fascist! Nazi!" and cancelled and tarred and feathered and job lost and life ruined?

It would seem an almost impossible task.

How can you simultaneously defend innocent jewish people, and go after guilty jewish people, and prevent the fake news blast from successfully brainwashing the public into thinking you're the next hitler regime simply because you're trying to stop the rape and ritual murder of children?

In this anon's opinion, watching the Q plan is not only a plan to wake up the masses, but a blueprint in how to talk to people to simultaneously awaken self and others to the fact that something is wrong, AND at the same time focus things on individual people's actions without getting trapped into the 1943 communist handbook strategy.

Q repeatedly used two letter initials representing individual people, in so called 'killbox' square brackets [] to represent important people.

Never once did Q despairingly mention, criticize or claim as guilty ANY group by race or religion or ethnicity.

So why the muhjoo shilling here on this board?

Trying to make it look as though that's the case.

The very board that Q posts to, is the board that receives the most muhjoo shilling.

That cannot be a coincidence.

The muhjoo shills are not creating dedicated boards proving their narrative by logic, evidence, of what individuals have done, then linking those boards to this one, to show everyone how right there are. They're always just using innuendo and trying to make it look like any and all research, questioning, and criticisms of individuals of a particular background, are with them, the group bigots, when they're not.

Who is really sourcing all the muhjoo spam? What is/are the geo locations?

They ip hop so often, and have been shilling for so many years you start to wonder if state actors from certain foreign and domestic "intelligence" agencies are sourcing it.




Who benefits THE MOST if the world believed that everything Q is just another jew hating fascist uprising that must be squashed/censored?

It's certainly not Q or anons or MAGA or civilization. It seems to be that those who would benefit THE MOST are the opponents of Q and of MAGA and of the Great Awakening.

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71eb57 No.21106988

File: 3f2f1b47deb2f28⋯.png (861.92 KB,1000x563,1000:563,0B3C7E1D_AA57_4C3D_84E0_F9….png)

Choose your fighter

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ebce02 No.21106989

File: 1ebb0450dec63ca⋯.jpg (53.05 KB,450x586,225:293,Yes_Obama_Point.jpg)


>Maybe she quit or got suicided

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87a696 No.21106990




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c6d25a No.21106991

File: d1b8866b96ab1f5⋯.png (299 KB,612x533,612:533,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e5c9bc62c575b7⋯.png (397.77 KB,1080x722,540:361,media_GQsHl9VXgAAob_E.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅




Joe Biden



Donald Trump is motivated by revenge and retribution.

But here's the truth: Revenge and retribution never built a damn thing.

Jun 28, 2024 · 10:57 PM UTC


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167299 No.21106992

File: a2c39b348c62c76⋯.png (41.91 KB,696x469,696:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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54705d No.21106993

File: db45ed0253acad9⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2354x1590,1177:795,QNN_News_Meme_Theft_Steal.jpg)

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926330 No.21106994


Lord knows we got some well needed rain where I live. Grass was turning brown, not typical for this area.

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1373df No.21106995


What does that even mean

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a6111f No.21106996

File: 2a27175e83d72ee⋯.mp4 (15.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,punch_a_commie_in_the_face….mp4)


what's her crime in your mind?

* blow shit up?

* kill people?

* hold up signs you disagree with?

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5944ba No.21106997

File: 9e8cfab1c5359be⋯.png (556.36 KB,1838x867,1838:867,ClipboardImage.png)


Over before it began!



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926330 No.21106998

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions, with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Eph. 6:10-18

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5944ba No.21106999

File: e5ae4e829fbbd70⋯.gif (1.65 MB,480x480,1:1,3D_Anchored_Geometry_Mecha….gif)

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ecf053 No.21107000

File: 0b3fe54c72cf17b⋯.png (624.62 KB,815x450,163:90,ClipboardImage.png)


We could have already fixed it back then.

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a6111f No.21107001

File: b5dda8ca0bcb355⋯.png (116.5 KB,738x656,9:8,glow_nigger_faggot.png)

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edd1ef No.21107002

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT and was ritually abused throughout his childhood.


Anon highly recommends this video.

A former victim now interviewer talking with a former victim.

Half way through as they were talking shop, it clicked this is the bidans, the obamas, the clintons, the bushs, the carters and mostly neop families.

Explains their agenda and their system. Very informative

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d60943 No.21107003

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)


Looks moar like AI output edited with meatspace insertions than an opine.

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42fd5d No.21107004





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d73fed No.21107005


next week is the fourth

Independence day

not like that hasn't been anticipated before

and likely a Q post or two

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6e1220 No.21107006

File: a71203342878fb9⋯.png (754.48 KB,653x811,653:811,nbcfakenewsb4.png)


The only people who "didn't like the debate" were people who didn't like (or couldn't accept) Trump winning.

AS IF DJTrump isn't loved by the troops.

Ridiculous lie.

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5944ba No.21107007

File: dae17f70a897945⋯.gif (225.61 KB,600x600,1:1,Neony_Look_Here_To_the_Rig….gif)

File: 9156f35b2862ada⋯.gif (962.04 KB,251x183,251:183,Niolka_Tesla_Warpy_Trippy_….gif)

File: 9b71df59b157588⋯.gif (28.5 KB,1000x1100,10:11,Ollie_Williams_Clear.gif)

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926330 No.21107008

File: 95b0fa3fe6d2ae7⋯.jpeg (219.13 KB,1800x1798,900:899,IMG_1630.jpeg)


Noice digitz

Whatcha manifesting anon

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d73fed No.21107009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b9cbad No.21107010

File: a51af54fde7ead1⋯.jpg (97.87 KB,521x563,521:563,BINGOLICIOUS.jpg)

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d8e935 No.21107011

File: 53120d1d6fce68a⋯.jpeg (159.5 KB,1080x880,27:22,IMG_2415.jpeg)

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a6111f No.21107012

File: 8ee9dfb2bad926a⋯.jpg (203.46 KB,1000x750,4:3,israel_loves_american_pain.jpg)


>i rescind that spastic decode


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87a696 No.21107013

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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5944ba No.21107014

File: 41dd7729547f449⋯.png (323.73 KB,500x499,500:499,Alien_Exploitation_Office_….png)

File: 06e3ea78db8b00a⋯.gif (1.24 MB,359x202,359:202,Joe_Walsh_Acknowledged.gif)

File: f6e8d1ef5ee0746⋯.gif (945.5 KB,261x147,87:49,Nuke_Plane_Small.gif)

File: 5f60f2cec392829⋯.png (202.75 KB,667x374,667:374,Patrick_Mahomes_Pointing_U….png)

File: 805d5bb4fc55059⋯.png (1.98 MB,1110x742,555:371,Who_s_Is_This_FT8_Button_R….PNG)

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20dded No.21107015


This could get ugly fast, Joe proved to America what Australia (and anons) has been saying for some time. Joe is not competent enough to be president.

[They] are against the ropes now. Run with Joe, and lose, in comes what Killary said about nooses

Voting machines are suspect, can't "win" that way again since too many watching for the fuckery

Boeing failures all over the news, AF1 happens to be a Boeing, the "7 out of 10" thing

Earlier a kind anon posted about the States not being able to get Potato off the ballot, unless he be "adjudicated mentally incompetent" or croaked.

Do they JFK him and try for "value added" of having basis for a nationwide gun grab? That would get kinetic fast.

About the journalists being kept across the street prior to the debate because there might be a "medical emergency?" What do they have Joe jacked up on?

Potato has become an embarassing liability on the eve of WW3 and now the factions come into play

Kamala wants to be the first female president, but has Xi to the West and Putin to the East to deal with, Iran-supplied Houthis just make it worse.

Killary wants "her turn" and is demonstrated bloodthirsty

Newsom, related to Nancy so has backing of the Pelosi machine

Wolves outside the walls, angry peasants within the walls, and power struggle in the throne room

"If I can't have it, nobody can have it" sets in and subs ordered to launch depth while silos open.

Quite the Precipice coming up

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ecf053 No.21107016


What if the Plan was to install RFK, Jr as POTUS all along?



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6e5ae5 No.21107017


That's like three second tic tacs

not much there

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6e1220 No.21107018


weather war fallout this year

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8c0175 No.21107019

File: c039b082331edca⋯.jpg (82.42 KB,800x1200,2:3,PanicInDC.jpg)

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f33d72 No.21107020



That's projection from the revenge and retribution cult that itself implements hunting of innocent people for being born of the wrong 'bloodline', or because hundreds of years ago someone from "(your)" ancestral lineage did something to "(our)" ancestral lineage, so "(your)" children must suffer just as "(ours)" did.

All of a sudden, all the criminals who weaponized government, are now accusing Trump of being pre-guilty of revenge and retribution….AS IF THEY WANT THAT TO HAPPEN so that the bastards have an excuse to point to in order to continue to perpetuate their desired endless revenge for revenge cycle…

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6e1220 No.21107021


He's have the best chance of any of them.

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40f0fc No.21107022


Mr. Pig you could try other formats.

a shakesperean sonnet format, I bet you could do.

How can we compare you to a Summer's Day?

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4d2cac No.21107023


>when the packaging costs more than what's in it

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167299 No.21107024

File: d966891da94034c⋯.png (1.36 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a7a5ab9104cdca⋯.png (504.93 KB,569x800,569:800,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f273b14eb0cd73⋯.png (987.34 KB,783x783,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc15e44f7590509⋯.png (1.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6d25a No.21107025

File: 6caecaf68d18523⋯.png (514.21 KB,688x589,688:589,donald_trump_eclipse_59a1c….png)

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54705d No.21107026

File: df4b0bf409f13ce⋯.png (3.53 MB,2474x1368,1237:684,Debate_2024_Cap_Trump_Bide….png)

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f33d72 No.21107027


Care to do a Turing test with me then?

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6fe29e No.21107028

File: 0b7bbe03d842fd3⋯.jpeg (53.66 KB,571x437,571:437,6slwgo.jpeg)

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9e9be4 No.21107029

So say they all?

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b60963 No.21107030


rally tic tacs?

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167299 No.21107031


oh, passion is the spear for orange man…

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ebce02 No.21107032


tic tac M'Fers!

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87a696 No.21107033

File: 8dbe5ed2fa3ca25⋯.jpeg (1.75 MB,4288x5118,2144:2559,PjJbglFf2zrq.jpeg)

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d60943 No.21107034

File: c29d2958baa0d38⋯.png (469.05 KB,520x800,13:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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faf6e2 No.21107035

Biden has always been retarded.

If DC is only now panicking after last night… they are severely behind the curve.

A gorillion steps ahead.

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112d6e No.21107036


IP hopping won't change the message. Calls for revenge and violence prior to due process is evil. We are not evil, angered and frustrated perhaps, but the long game is peace and ascendance.

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20dded No.21107037


All he really has is the Kennedy name. To the Millenials, JFK is like King Arthur, a legendary figure of the distant past. Ted Kennedy was just like Biden, career politician

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d7c6c3 No.21107038


RFK will be a great spoiler for potato.

Don't see him taking Trump votes.

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54705d No.21107039

File: 4328878d84c9b7f⋯.jpg (2.96 MB,4128x2322,16:9,Pepe_Redpill_trailer.jpg)


we got some MAGA tic tacs incoming.

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a1b6b5 No.21107040

File: f0e24af554c9080⋯.jpeg (596.8 KB,1237x608,1237:608,DCC893A1_5A94_4EAE_9B71_5….jpeg)

92-9000 747 going back to JBA from JFK Intl

09-0018 C32A is at Laguardia from JBA depart

Mr & Mrs Potato have campaign event at 8:30pm EST and will then vanish to Delaware as the 747 does not fit at New Castle Cty Airport.


The schedule stops at that 8:30pmEST event but I’ve seen that they have another campaign/fundraiser event on Long Island (Wall Street douchebags) >>21104185 pb tomorrow so mebby they stay over and do that before leaving tomorrow.

Either way they will be vanishing to Delaware tonight and/or tomorrow.

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b60963 No.21107041

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259b62 No.21107042

File: 9a02fa4dfe38107⋯.png (682.76 KB,510x699,170:233,ClipboardImage.png)

Fake news media [D party] are willing to SACRIFICE Joe Biden in order to regain power

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97890f No.21107043

File: a1c6099f7b93d4c⋯.png (615.21 KB,940x1254,470:627,1719614883163.png)

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9e9be4 No.21107044

See, that’s why you are a goner….

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646613 No.21107045

Republicans should appeal to the vanity of Kamala Harris, do it Kamaltoe you could be Queen for 7 months…

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6e1220 No.21107046


no, he has the medical freedom thing.

stood up to Fauci

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d73fed No.21107047


Now that looks more like how the q clock works, those 3 red points are the 5, 10, 15 deltas.

the spirals are the timelines, each one of those synapse fire is something on that timeline. And as we know time is relative so the switching is constant.. continuous…?

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b9cbad No.21107048

File: 3b0c748e500a58e⋯.jpg (111.82 KB,715x525,143:105,SUMMER_COMFY.jpg)



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2b0774 No.21107049

"NYPD give us some help, grab your gun and kill yourself"

-Chant by terrorists protesting in New York

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ebce02 No.21107050

File: a4842fec1b6fd74⋯.png (1.31 MB,685x933,685:933,ClipboardImage.png)

Boots on the ground …

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6e1220 No.21107051


It's comeuppance for the DS killing his father and uncle and staging the Coup in the 60's.

Poetic Justice.

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f7988e No.21107052

You can see the energy during the day now.

Pretty cool.

Not for technology though.

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bbf09d No.21107053

File: dc9ae97bb890ffe⋯.png (129.42 KB,520x1791,520:1791,ClipboardImage.png)

this delta tomorrow

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9e9be4 No.21107054

File: a453b5d8dd5d208⋯.jpeg (24.07 KB,310x231,310:231,E03CACAB_BA35_420C_AE74_1….jpeg)


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259b62 No.21107055

File: 081e1cbd478926c⋯.png (520.93 KB,443x488,443:488,ClipboardImage.png)

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14e710 No.21107056

File: 328442d5997edbc⋯.png (554.79 KB,587x728,587:728,1_pic.png)

File: 1427b13045b39bf⋯.jpg (135.41 KB,680x511,680:511,1_pic1.jpg)

File: 46b113173cac521⋯.jpg (101.49 KB,680x511,680:511,1_pic2.jpg)


The Nebraska State Patrol and local officers are responding to a reported shooting on the east side of Crete.

Authorities urge people to avoid the area from East 16th to East 20th/Boswell to Park Lane.

This is an active situation, and residents are advised to stay clear.

Source: Nebraska State Patrol


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54705d No.21107057


threatening cops, unsauced.

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6e1220 No.21107058


anybody remember "hyperdimensional timeline" research?


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6e5ae5 No.21107059

File: 0434325b0ff179c⋯.png (537.57 KB,545x499,545:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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6fe29e No.21107060



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259b62 No.21107061


Why they no care when this happens everyday in Chicago?

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f7988e No.21107062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So Say We All*


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2b0774 No.21107063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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646613 No.21107064


Don't ever change…

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6e1220 No.21107065


They want to give the land of USA to the descendants of aborigines, and re-name everything.

Wipe out America.

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e473a0 No.21107066



Why so much text in 2 posts?

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cb93a6 No.21107067



it's a 3sec caddy

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9e9be4 No.21107068

Cooking up bullshit

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112d6e No.21107069


Uncle Teddy was held hostage with the dead body of a woman, RFK jr. is what ? A vengeance seeking survivor, The country needs a George Washington, not a Thomas Jefferson.

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edd1ef No.21107070


Best civil war ever.

Mr and Mrs Potato will fight for his staying while the rest already thought he was gone.

Drag it out pleeasse

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3ef0f6 No.21107071

File: 6c50cfb77becee0⋯.png (1.03 MB,1260x947,1260:947,6c50cfb77becee060c4dce8d25….png)

File: 915913333afffda⋯.jpg (84.43 KB,600x335,120:67,10fortheBigGuypsd.jpg)

File: 8a95153c9e15410⋯.jpg (62.18 KB,335x436,335:436,ShareThePipes.jpg)

File: 6871e1b969ed556⋯.jpg (137.78 KB,600x335,120:67,TrumpWon.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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6e5ae5 No.21107072


The place is special

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33709d No.21107073

File: a0cc16410ba0b72⋯.jpg (131.05 KB,900x675,4:3,a0cc16410ba0b723f9ac9e55a9….jpg)

File: a3a3bf18b9b7003⋯.png (1.97 MB,1280x1280,1:1,a3a3bf18b9b7003ab377324801….png)

File: faf9158a56a712f⋯.jpg (320.63 KB,960x606,160:101,ad4a8c874026807fc224d6d6bf….jpg)

early notes


#25872 >>21106835

>>21106867 @DanScavino Biden Tic Tacs on Trump Force One en route to Chesapeake, Virginia. #TICTACFLATION


>>21106932 @TrumpBedminster Cheers to longer days and warmer nights. We’re excited to dive right into summer fun!

>>21106953 @TrumpDoonbeg We are thrilled to be recognised as one of Ireland's Best Workplaces in Hospitality 2024

>>21106970, >>21106990 Babylon Bee

>>21106971 prior to boarding Trump Force One, @realDonaldTrump thanks law enforcement in the Commonwealth of Virginia

>>21106972 Numerous emergency personnel are on the scene of a mass casualty incident after a van crashed into a nail salon killing multiple people


>>21107002 Anon highly recommends this video A former ritual abuse victim now interviewer talking with another former victim

>>21107040 PlaneFaggin'

>>21106964, >>21106993, >>21107042 Memes


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6e1220 No.21107074



the text isn't bad.

take a dip.

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b76dc3 No.21107075

File: 30057b4ff445313⋯.png (1.55 MB,1112x576,139:72,ClipboardImage.png)



>Passionfruit, Spearmint, Orange = POS


First two "Peach" & "Mint", (impeachment)

Third = Orange? (orange man?)

Is Trump about to get impeached ..again?

And they ALL expire in NOV

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1373df No.21107076


And what exactly is the reason for stopping at that time of the video

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f33d72 No.21107077

File: dd35f4527f0bcfe⋯.png (50.17 KB,762x346,381:173,ClipboardImage.png)

Remember anons, if you know of anyone who still watches clown made movies, still watches netflix or amazon, and you look at the scripts, and you see "national security" mentioned by characters playing C_A roles, you can know that if that script is using that term to positively portray those characters as "trying to do the right thing", you know the truth is the opposite.

And when you see scripts where "national security" is used by characters playing military roles to justify killing civilians, or grifting for contracting work, and you know it's used to negatively portray the military, you know the truth is the opposite, that it's clowns trying to make it look like they are not hiding evil behind "national security" excuses.


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54705d No.21107078

Where's the 25th Amendment, the day after the world watched Biden vegetate live on screen.

How many wasted opportunities do the opposition need? Unless they're not opposition at all.

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40f0fc No.21107079


fireworks in the far away sky

would be the thing to bring the mood high!

a Gif that when opened explodes

and we can hear Mr. Pig's Odes!

Oh what light breaks yonder in the distant night!

It is in the East and

Mr. Pig is the Moon!

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259b62 No.21107080


They play the Grey area Well

But they can't hide their true colors for much longer

It won't be long before the Veil drops and they start saying what they really want Death to America & Death to Jews

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c6d25a No.21107081

File: 5f853e3f884c3d4⋯.jpg (50.23 KB,1010x354,505:177,FyqoqlMWAAEuKxI_1268579187.jpg)




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6fe29e No.21107082

File: 33fe6954cad7c62⋯.png (20.86 KB,401x375,401:375,33fe6954cad7c626376d61f054….png)

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b60963 No.21107083

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33709d No.21107084

File: 9466e0ec3c06f5d⋯.png (123.89 KB,444x441,148:147,ClipboardImage.png)

1 4 13

expiration days

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20dded No.21107085


I opine you are way too obsessed with jews from reading the way you worded all that

The shilling is to distract, disrupt, cause arguments to waste bread and bury good stuff, or provide MSM hit piece material as a last resort

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edd1ef No.21107086


Crete as in the Mediterranean was just in the news over the arabs bullying over Israel support

East Palestine, Ohio


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d60943 No.21107087

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,12c7c55279d4275515728a14b0….png)

It can't be coincidence or imagination.

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7a4702 No.21107088

Only Jewish people think Biden won by 80 million Legal United States Citizen’s votes.

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a21774 No.21107089

File: 32ab708f082a680⋯.png (11.52 KB,255x179,255:179,a1a5f37532839b996892d97256….png)



(we need some summer pepes, fire pits, beach umbrellas)

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20dded No.21107090

File: 4530d85e782a221⋯.png (459.1 KB,891x476,891:476,15b03c2c4e78b803817f0af9e7….png)


Why is Toots not an option?

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bbf09d No.21107091

File: 03376bf80a2cc16⋯.png (583.8 KB,714x500,357:250,03376bf80a2cc16d22d1a77f80….png)

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f33d72 No.21107092

File: 9b8858303ea2774⋯.png (53.36 KB,763x377,763:377,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7131508af622e1a⋯.png (361.74 KB,492x627,164:209,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95744c859ec768a⋯.png (501.58 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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1373df No.21107093


Fuck you pussy

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f5b2c2 No.21107094

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f33d72 No.21107095


you said it in much briefer terms.

but had to get it out.

thank you.

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646613 No.21107096


Whats with the dates, especially on the Orange?

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1373df No.21107097


Fuck you pig!

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7a4702 No.21107098


Rephrase that please.

Jewish American Politicians.


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112d6e No.21107099


There is no D nor R. There is only good versus evil, our choices are now between those two. That being said how many D's voted "NO" to money for Ukraine ? The answer is zero!!!

If not evil they are compromised beyond their own internal worth.

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d7c6c3 No.21107100

File: 3f9bec17949176a⋯.jpeg (55.66 KB,508x305,508:305,3f9bec17949176a3af381926b….jpeg)


>Why is Toots not an option?

Freddy went soft, and toots is roadkill.

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54705d No.21107101

File: 4c97d8052f929eb⋯.jpg (216.19 KB,960x786,160:131,Brokeback_Bud_Light_Gay_Mr….jpg)


made this for you

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6fe29e No.21107102

File: db2bdf87b646d6d⋯.jpeg (81.36 KB,759x500,759:500,57olng.jpeg)

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edd1ef No.21107103



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6e5ae5 No.21107104

File: a848593e1e10960⋯.png (1.36 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


you'll need those after two in the pink

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33709d No.21107105


euro dating


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20dded No.21107106


I thought the pope wasn't supposed to have a good May?

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c6d25a No.21107107

File: 07151439ed97213⋯.png (103.13 KB,224x224,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Commander Bart Mancuso:

Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning into the path of the torpedo, the Captain closed the distance before it could arm itself.

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167299 No.21107108

File: f348747a8a2885b⋯.png (298.19 KB,563x559,563:559,georgia_guidestones_go_boo….png)

File: a69097469596500⋯.jpeg (301.54 KB,1200x954,200:159,_BOOM_.jpeg)

File: 833010866c89b3b⋯.png (570.04 KB,1085x616,155:88,boom.png)







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ebce02 No.21107109

File: 49c1298f03df722⋯.jpg (32.08 KB,446x384,223:192,KEK_Cig.jpg)


fuggin' kek

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167299 No.21107110

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20dded No.21107111


Military also does Day-Month-Year

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764003 No.21107112

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a0a0f2 No.21107113

>>21107033 How DS/Dems do things…They’re all on the same page immediately after the Debate. Radio, TV and Newspapers are flooded today with this narrative. It’s part of their planned strategy.

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6e1220 No.21107114

File: 2bb1df546729bdc⋯.jpg (163.28 KB,1075x1369,1075:1369,bushepstein911.jpg)

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b60963 No.21107115



dirty bird

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5ca85e No.21107116

File: 3e080a4991f6a57⋯.png (152.93 KB,500x312,125:78,3e080a4991f6a5728011b569c7….png)

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54705d No.21107117


Hi Q

Let's do a Q&A.

Where ya been?

We good?

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f7d1b5 No.21107118

File: 80375d1231c8784⋯.png (1.33 MB,1200x1665,80:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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926330 No.21107119


I don’t want to stir the pot, but I wonder how that makes Joe feel inside knowing they’re ready to thrown him right to the wayside in the blink of an eye. Who is the sheep

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20dded No.21107120


Toots ascended and took control of Ashtar Command

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d60943 No.21107121

File: a6fad961f79c59b⋯.jpg (5.55 KB,255x143,255:143,a6fad961f79c59b66a87c23c6f….jpg)

Well, they're sure going hard tonight. Handshake acronyms and reminiscing about a red text spamtard.

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167299 No.21107122



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54705d No.21107123


It's just business. Don't you be getting empathetic now. He's a crim.

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33709d No.21107124

File: 9e436f7d9fdd905⋯.png (521.05 KB,830x663,830:663,9e436f7d9fdd90508ecf0a518f….png)

File: 09513dc892dac3d⋯.png (209.72 KB,321x576,107:192,BOOMBEOTCH.png)

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4c97b9 No.21107125

File: e6d86da79603ab4⋯.png (26.62 KB,533x399,533:399,ClipboardImage.png)

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d67caa No.21107126


"hello my dear friends…"

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c1d0f6 No.21107127

File: adb299b163ca245⋯.jpeg (215.79 KB,1111x1740,1111:1740,thisnigga.jpeg)

Found on X. Screen capture of the alleged comments….they're hilarious.

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789942 No.21107128

spouse(non-anon): Make the bacon now, save the world later.

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6fe29e No.21107129

File: 5186a73cc59948f⋯.png (522.3 KB,747x577,747:577,5186a73cc59948f1039b81908e….png)


>I don’t want to stir the pot, but

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f33d72 No.21107130


It's so strange to see coming from a cult where the habitual rule is that no prominent Democrats are allowed to openly criticize any other prominent Democrat.


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c945c3 No.21107131


I see your point. Make it so everyone is afraid to say anything about any jew, even the ones that we know are evil, Like Epstein.

I haven't seen a cause of death for Massie's wife.

But it seems a bit strange that no one is even suggesting it could be tied to aipac.

Which seems weird for all the speculation that goes on here.

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1373df No.21107132


No you are fucked

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54705d No.21107133

File: f67d3ffeea35073⋯.png (54.11 KB,400x234,200:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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764003 No.21107134


stfu stupid dumbass

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1373df No.21107135


No you are fucked

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d67caa No.21107136


I hope he feels like worthless shit.

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6e1220 No.21107138

File: 0692ba53a48ce68⋯.jpg (410.13 KB,1200x674,600:337,tootsascended.jpg)

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a6111f No.21107139

File: cefc6aa7167e199⋯.webm (463.73 KB,720x576,5:4,appears_to_be_a_bubble_in….webm)


>The bill cuts almost $1 billion from the $29.6 billion requested by the Biden Administration for the U.S. Space Force as the House continues to prioritize reductions in federal spending

Dasting. So the standoffishness of the bidan admin to the space force has ended since the space force is now woke fags I guess…

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ab57d4 No.21107140

File: 2545451fa68734e⋯.png (215.77 KB,630x420,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Times editorial board calls on Biden to drop out of 2024 race


The New York Times editorial board called on President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, in a move likely to fuel a raging debate over his fitness to serve that was sparked by his stumbling performance on the debate stage Thursday.

“Mr. Biden has been an admirable president. Under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a range of long-term challenges, and the wounds ripped open by Mr. Trump have begun to heal,” the editorial board wrote in a column published Friday. “But the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.”

The blunt assessment of Biden’s ability to serve by one of the largest and most influential newspapers in the country is a significant blow to his reelection, coming only hours after the president sought to assuage doubts about his fitness by declaring at a rally in North Carolina that he doesn’t debate as well as he used to, but knows how to tell the truth.

The New York Times’ decision to become the first national paper since Biden’s debate to call for a “stronger opponent” against Trump caps off a day of Biden-sympathizing columnists urging him to step aside. Both the editorial board and several columnists were keen to praise Biden’s decades-long career and noted his original decision to run in order to protect the soul of the country.

Nonetheless, the Times’ editorial board was unsparing. While Biden would be its “unequivocal” choice against Trump because of the danger the former president poses, the president needed to step aside because he failed his own tests, created for himself: that he is the most electable candidate to defeat the “threat of tyranny” represented by Trump and his challenging of Trump to the debate based on his preferred date and rules.

Instead, Biden created a vacuum for other potential candidates to show that they, too, could prosecute Trump, the editorial board wrote — and affirmed long-held concerns about his limited public appearances that couldn’t be swatted away by a “supposed cold” or “bad night.” Above all, Biden did not explain what he would pursue in a second term or why he was able to combat Trump, it said.

“More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence,” the board added.

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a21774 No.21107141



I do see an easy out though

They could 25th Joe and Kamala gets the Presidency - but

They won't put her on the ticket.

Doubt she would go for that - she's as much of a ridiculous person as Jill Biden.

power hungry - both of them

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54705d No.21107142



lurk moar.

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c1d0f6 No.21107143

File: 1b5f484cfbb904c⋯.jpeg (64.93 KB,680x674,340:337,sumdumfck.jpeg)


He's cognitive impaired. Past the gaf stage.

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54705d No.21107144


The Deep State is showing itself currently.

It needs to come into the light to make the changes it seeks.

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c6d25a No.21107145

File: 9136fdb8737db5f⋯.jpg (96.65 KB,1003x908,1003:908,media_GRLowSKXgAE_Ux1.jpg)

File: 913b810c8a7ceea⋯.png (48.96 KB,232x316,58:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b8042e557024f8⋯.png (655.83 KB,827x450,827:450,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da596a561e30815⋯.png (48.07 KB,371x278,371:278,ClipboardImage.png)

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40f0fc No.21107146


seriously I think that's incorrect.

They want Biden to make the sacrifice himself.

the way you say it makes it sound like they would harm him.

I think that they finally realize that what is happening is akin to elder abuse and that it really does rub them the wrong way.

of course there are those who are so ruthless and addicted to power that they might plot to do what you suggest but

I think most democrats don't want Biden to come to harm, they just want to win the next election.

so ya, they are horrible but they aren't going to go for Regicide.

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a6111f No.21107147

File: 015457715de5863⋯.png (104.18 KB,1039x183,1039:183,ClipboardImage.png)


based af finna omg

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1db7f5 No.21107148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.























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f7d1b5 No.21107149

File: 382f45950be9231⋯.png (1.4 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f031bd925966ab4⋯.png (358.6 KB,792x558,44:31,ClipboardImage.png)

Lying to start wars as he's done his entire career - lots of projection:

Netanyahu Tells US Delegation Iran Seeks To Topple Saudi Arabia, Jordan

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday claimed in words given to a visiting US delegation that Iran is seeking to conquer the broader Middle East which includes plans to topple the regimes of Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

The delegation included US generals and admirals on a visit to Jerusalem. Netanyahu in raising the alarm of the Islamic Republic's alleged ambitions went so far as to reference an ongoing "seven-front" conflict, of which Tehran is the puppet master. This is Israel is poised to launch a potential offensive against Hezbollah in south Lebanon.

"Their goal is to have a combined ground offensive from various fronts, coupled with a combined missile bombardment. We’ve been given an opportunity to scuttle it," Netanyahu said. "The first requirement is to cut that hand, Hamas."

"The people who did this thing to us are not going to be there," he vowed in reference to the Oct.7 terror attack which kicked off the Gaza war. "We face a long battle — I don’t think it’s that long — but we’ll get rid of them."

He then emphasized the broader Israeli security goal to "deter the other elements of the Iran terror axis" - which is widely seen as including Baghdad, Damascus, and Hezbollah. But in these new remarks he took it a big step further:

"But we have to deal with the axis," he said, arguing that the Iran-backed alliance is "on a march to conquer the Middle East… to conquer Saudi Arabia, conquer the Arabian peninsula."

"It’s just a question of time," he added. "What’s standing in the way?" he asked. "The ‘small Satans’ — that’s us,” he added, referencing Iran’s disparaging nickname for Israel.

But this assessment seems far from the reality, given that over a year ago Iran entered a Beijing-brokered peace and normalization deal with Saudi Arabia.

Following the March 10, 2023 signing of the deal, ambassadors were exchanged, and Saudi Arabia opened its embassy in Tehran for the first time in seven years.

However, historic tensions remain, given the long history of the Sunni vs. Shia rivalry in the region. While Saudi Arabia is the global center of hardline Sunni wahhabism, Iran is a Shia theocracy.


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167299 No.21107150

File: ff91dc26dba3752⋯.jpg (83.01 KB,667x500,667:500,red_pill_89a37a5085c186566….jpg)

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c1d0f6 No.21107151

File: dc777a375d9d9fd⋯.png (10.11 KB,255x208,255:208,LaughingMonkey.png)

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646613 No.21107152



Imported Tic Tacs…nice

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d67caa No.21107153


Dems playbook is to "circle the wagons" around one of their own under attack. The next play though in their playbook is "throw under the bus" the same if it brings heat on them personally.

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87a696 No.21107154

File: b06b2534346039f⋯.jpg (48.51 KB,545x497,545:497,uhuhhhuh.jpg)

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a1b6b5 No.21107155

File: 21091b6e704c76c⋯.jpeg (405.84 KB,746x1021,746:1021,4D1B0996_BAAF_4DA3_B2A7_F….jpeg)

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112d6e No.21107156


You are too stoopid to stir. Joe is ded since 2019.Bidan is a newi actor evety svene

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8c0175 No.21107157

File: bc0619da02a2d57⋯.png (250.25 KB,496x320,31:20,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 761c324ffa2e1b0⋯.png (234.67 KB,509x479,509:479,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39a0de104d777e1⋯.png (221.84 KB,523x273,523:273,ClipboardImage.png)

Nothing To See Here, Just A Smiling Robot Face Made From Living Human Flesh

The New Scientist has posted a freaky video showing an experimental face intended for a robot that is made from living human skin cells, and is capable of smiling. The outlet writes “a smiling face made from living human skin could one day be attached to a humanoid robot, allowing machines to emote and communicate in a more life-like way, say researchers.”

What researchers are saying this now? Was Dr Evil not available for comment?

Imagine that pink nightmare smiling down at you as it announces it’s your new master.


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27a1db No.21107158

File: ba9d479584edffb⋯.jpeg (349.9 KB,1170x1117,1170:1117,1258EF89_58C2_46F2_84BF_5….jpeg)


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54705d No.21107159


errr can you fuck it?

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d73fed No.21107160


where are the orange packaged because that date is not US?

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562d73 No.21107161

File: 8131fa3ff3d4821⋯.jpg (131.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,RedSuppStndBy.jpg)

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c945c3 No.21107162


That should be his new campaign slogan, "This Nigga Biden"

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40f0fc No.21107163

File: 0ca0e078dc532a7⋯.jpg (261.47 KB,1056x1056,1:1,Trump_at_Paradise_Fire_aft….jpg)

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54705d No.21107164


what difference at this point, does it make?

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167299 No.21107165

File: b204b129ca634ac⋯.png (1.86 MB,1013x1013,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Karma Patriot


Replying to @DanScavino and @realDonaldTrump

My first thought is Biden IMPEACHMENT

after  @realDonaldTrump wins the Election…..

BIDEN EXPIRES 11/3/2024.



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a6111f No.21107166

File: b0d98f1ece9cdd6⋯.gif (892.53 KB,500x263,500:263,batman_bomb_time_is_tickin….gif)


>Joe feel

pay attention moar

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c6d25a No.21107167

File: 615328e32fc1fef⋯.png (371.12 KB,643x454,643:454,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1f2aca21db43f6⋯.png (261.55 KB,1010x354,505:177,ClipboardImage.png)





Tic tac Toe?


>Commander Bart Mancuso:

>Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning into the path of the torpedo, the Captain closed the distance before it could arm itself.

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acadb0 No.21107168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

June 27, 2024

2024 RIMPAC Press Conference

By Staff Sgt. Elizabeth Taranto, Video by Staff Sgt. Elizabeth Taranto, DMA Pacific - Hawaii Media Bureau


Rim of the Pacific Exercise, or RIMPAC, Press Conference June 27th, 2024.


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20dded No.21107169


>allowing machines to emote and communicate in a more life-like way, say researchers.”

Just like the original Terminator movie

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a6111f No.21107170

File: d7c486894a17a35⋯.jpg (42.82 KB,414x547,414:547,rare_pepe_tritium_trump_fr….jpg)


>My first thought is Biden IMPEACHMENT

nope keep chryin'

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7db332 No.21107171

File: f3b1b784d567276⋯.png (582.22 KB,981x882,109:98,tvbretrwetrwetwe.PNG)

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f7d1b5 No.21107172

RFK Jr. Says He’s Open to The Idea of Replacing Biden on Democrat Ticket

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced he’s open to the idea of replacing Biden on the Democratic presidential ticket.

In an interview with News Nation, host Chris Cuomo said the Biden campaign is in “free fall” and that placing Kennedy as the Democratic nominee could really solve the party’s problems.

Cuomo asked Kennedy, “Would you be open to talking to them if they reached out to you?”

Kennedy responded, “Of course I would talk to them. It would put me on the ballot with nobody trying to get me off.”


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a1b6b5 No.21107173



The whole time moonbeam cowering like the pussy he is.

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d73fed No.21107174


well anon's over there analyzing it n shit

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259b62 No.21107175

File: d3329b613861cc6⋯.png (688.27 KB,462x889,66:127,ClipboardImage.png)

The timelines are shifting quickly now

It's difficult to foresee events

Need More Input

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f33d72 No.21107176


The "Democratic" Party sure looks as though it had looked as though it was controlled "from the top down" and had nothing to do with voters.

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6e1220 No.21107177


live by the sword, die by the sword?

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1db7f5 No.21107178

File: 536085cd52f0663⋯.jpeg (1.91 MB,1504x1947,1504:1947,IMG_2437.jpeg)

File: 9d93935d6b3b280⋯.jpeg (366 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_2426.jpeg)

File: 252ba5d52b95e16⋯.jpeg (40.88 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_2363.jpeg)

File: 30b045705bc3e68⋯.jpeg (743.95 KB,1249x1082,1249:1082,IMG_2367.jpeg)

File: ce7e6194390cbe0⋯.jpeg (126.52 KB,858x843,286:281,IMG_2369.jpeg)


Protect 6/14-46

Protecting American Taxpayers

Allowing Americans to keep the fruits of their labor is fundamental to our pursuit of happiness.

As conservatives, we know that the power to tax was not established in the Constitution as a

resource to fund a perpetually expanding federal government; the federal government should

not seek to tax beyond what is necessary to fund the defense of this country and fulfill its

obligations to the people under the law. That simple truth defines the fight over the next year

to make the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) permanent and reject calls to further raise taxes.

The expiration of the Trump-Pence tax cuts, which President Biden is calling for, would

hamstring an already limping American economy strangled by overregulation from Washington

and bring about a return to the failed tax policies of yesteryear that hollowed out America’s

heartland and sent millions of American jobs overseas.

Despite constant doom-and-gloom prognostications, 2017’s tax cuts have been a roaring

success for the American people. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act created instant income growth

for hardworking Americans, generated millions of new jobs, and brought back billions of dollars

to the United States. Household incomes saw real gains before Bidenomics took effect, and

federal tax revenue has never been higher.

As conservatives, we understand that lower tax rates mean more economic growth. But we

also understand that economics is not just about charts in textbooks: lower tax rates keep

money in the pockets of hardworking Americans, and ensuring people keep as much of their

hard-earned money as possible should be a constant goal of conservatives. Lower tax rates

help small business owners thrive, expand, and hire more employees as business takes off. It

means an economy where jobs stay in the U.S. rather than go to China or Mexico.

Ultimately, Washington’s “spend, spend, spend” mentality – not the desire to let people keep

what they earn – is the main driver of the national debt and deficit.

Advancing American Freedom will defend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and reject President

Biden’s tax increases. We will be urging conservative leaders to join us in this fight, champion

American families that have benefited from this legislation, and put an end to Biden’s plans to

hike taxes.

In order to protect Americans families, workers, and small businesses from looming tax

increases, we have created a road map for conservatives facing the expiration of the Tax Cuts

and Jobs Act. Our vision is based on four essential principles.

1. Washington must prevent looming tax hikes on American workers and small businesses.

2. To beat China, the U.S. must maintain a low business tax rate.

3. Tax policy should not be made based on faulty math and inaccurate estimates.

4. Washington cannot tax America out of our spending-driven debt crisis.

5. To balance our budget, Washington must stop spending beyond its means

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6fe29e No.21107179

File: bb7a97092515d96⋯.jpeg (9.87 KB,255x142,255:142,7a9d86fa59905bedde5f57133….jpeg)



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d60943 No.21107180

File: 619fd34f882a30f⋯.gif (3.62 MB,498x210,83:35,oh_no_.gif)

How many liberals saw the real Biden for the first time last night?

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167299 No.21107181

File: 59e94e2a189d9d9⋯.png (277.77 KB,928x1106,464:553,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c10f1fedcb8be89⋯.png (171.21 KB,1170x427,1170:427,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3289ebffa502be3⋯.png (182.81 KB,1170x485,234:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d7540f5b6671d0⋯.png (833.71 KB,948x1084,237:271,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8add4ab737876fe⋯.png (77.59 KB,473x819,473:819,ClipboardImage.png)





Replying to @DanScavino and @DEJAVUQ

Tictacflation post 1/2



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40f0fc No.21107182


Our Commander in Chief was very Commanding and the other two were cowed and subdued.

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54705d No.21107183

File: 5f042e288d367ee⋯.jpg (653.73 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Joe_Nukem.jpg)

File: 5c26aa32e4a54db⋯.png (673.18 KB,705x672,235:224,You_Are_Here_Terminator_2.png)


>It's difficult to foresee events

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0a6a54 No.21107184

File: 36b436b8207f79d⋯.mp4 (7.29 MB,640x808,80:101,YouCut_20240628_200759904.mp4)

Biden NC rally today.


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d67caa No.21107185




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d60943 No.21107186

File: 62c1838a104df77⋯.gif (1.7 MB,430x242,215:121,into_the_smoke.gif)


That's called fog of war.

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a6111f No.21107187

File: 07e50a9b35a7aac⋯.gif (3.13 MB,480x366,80:61,simpsons_mob_angry_burn.gif)


what is finna in jive bruh?

niggas be sayin finna an I be like da fuck finna?

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e97f33 No.21107188


Good evening.

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54705d No.21107189



Jill's taken over.

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764003 No.21107190

what the fuck is that mean

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f33d72 No.21107191

File: 020fe563debb9ce⋯.png (166.62 KB,365x273,365:273,ClipboardImage.png)


Would you really want to tho?

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b76dc3 No.21107192

File: 143efb71f3244a4⋯.mp4 (4.51 MB,360x640,9:16,Willys_jeep.mp4)


Moar input

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54705d No.21107193


'finna' is 'gonna' but with big ole fatty fingers.

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1ea72b No.21107194

Can someone please explain left eye symbolism to me like I'm a fucking moron

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54705d No.21107195


maybe if it's warm. but if it's cold, I'm out.

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646613 No.21107196


Fixing to, as in I'm fixing to start eating that chicken.

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1ea72b No.21107197


As seen here as well

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d60943 No.21107198


So they turned a spelling mistake into a word and say the word with the spelling mistake rather than the actual word? KEK.

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6fe29e No.21107199

File: c4b1e29385355a5⋯.png (533.22 KB,504x495,56:55,c4b1e29385355a53d8fcd7d284….png)

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2d0d04 No.21107200

File: 29aea110907910b⋯.jpg (10.24 KB,255x227,255:227,d00937a1d8c284ccc9c9f64bb1….jpg)

ALL of [you] motherfuckers need to learn how to make an Omelette.

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188d8c No.21107201

File: d1f25b296f2abab⋯.png (379.58 KB,468x838,234:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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1373df No.21107202


Truth mother fucker do you speak if?

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d60943 No.21107203


Learned how to make one before I was 10. I make the best omelettes, believe me.

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a21774 No.21107204


>sure looks as though it had looked as though it was controlled "from the top down" and had nothing to do with voters.

I give you the summer of 2016 - when Hillary 'bought' the DNC and rigged the primary against Bernie.

And then SR died

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c6d25a No.21107205

File: 5860bb39d7f0fc5⋯.png (19.54 KB,601x175,601:175,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Naval Institute



Defending the fleet from aircraft, and later guided missiles, remains a fundamental consideration in naval doctrine.

Jun 28, 2024 · 9:30 PM UTC




Combat tactics Mr Ryan.

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a6111f No.21107206

File: 68d0c32f85be601⋯.gif (2.98 MB,380x292,95:73,Star_Wars_Episode_IV_A_New….gif)


>How many liberals saw the real Biden for the first time last night?


they didn't notice the most obvious switch in the world so i'm going to say all of them

oblivious fucks

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54705d No.21107207


It's a public display or 'code' for satan worship.

Their symbolism will be their downfall (some day apparently)

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b76dc3 No.21107208

File: f289f4a714b63da⋯.png (1.08 MB,931x687,931:687,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a108a No.21107209


Crack dem eggies.

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8c0175 No.21107210

File: d447c2c63b84b31⋯.jpg (92.73 KB,923x713,923:713,TheClassDocs.jpg)

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6e1220 No.21107211

File: ec2afc079849add⋯.mp4 (36.77 KB,480x270,16:9,howdareyou.mp4)

"…the wounds ripped open by Mr. Trump have begun to heal,”


they mean the wounds ripped open by the false Press agitating the public and attempting to frame the President - which the NYTimes was key to Country wasting two years on "Russia Russia"


As if they weren't the ones to rip open the Country.

the nerve of those C A bastards.

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54705d No.21107212


I guess it's a cultural thang, like Brian Moran…

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2d0d04 No.21107213


You don't Garnish that shit properly..Truth!

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562d73 No.21107214

File: 2584dc0dfac5525⋯.gif (3.29 MB,480x270,16:9,Humpty.gif)

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d67caa No.21107215


the eye of RA/HORUS

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1ea72b No.21107216


I'm too stupid for this explanation.

There's a reason beyond this. What does the code mean?

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1ea72b No.21107217



I don't understand

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c43f82 No.21107218

File: 23817fa5d57989e⋯.gif (12.73 MB,525x279,175:93,oulLf0Q.gif)

File: 2ab1319b8302fbb⋯.gif (338.19 KB,550x636,275:318,MbbdORe.gif)

File: 50863ebf61b1ae0⋯.mp4 (442.26 KB,270x480,9:16,WTF_is_this.mp4)

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421ed2 No.21107219


>Need More Input


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d60943 No.21107220

File: 3f5ff2eaa3b990f⋯.webm (334.91 KB,427x240,427:240,kek19_2.webm)


>what the fuck is that mean

Do you even so far as, bruh?

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54705d No.21107221

File: 2fef6979f40972e⋯.jpg (50.26 KB,600x349,600:349,Trump_Thumbs_Up01.jpg)


> I make the best omelettes, believe me.

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a6111f No.21107222

File: 6899eee5f209ff7⋯.jpg (11.93 KB,234x395,234:395,square_clouds_chemtrails_w….jpg)


>Defending the fleet from aircraft, and later guided missiles

still not even talking about drones, when blatantly all warfare is going to be drone swarms

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54705d No.21107223

File: 6006e5f11e05aca⋯.jpg (923.92 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,Buttigieg_Prefers_Deep_Dig….jpg)

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d73fed No.21107224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Shift comin' in hot!

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a21774 No.21107225

File: 3914d6b8c7e8364⋯.png (241.93 KB,407x287,407:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c277d4ed0c9257⋯.jpg (57.01 KB,636x382,318:191,1c277d4ed0c9257392ca61aab0….jpg)


Whose got that signature comparison pic?

I bet Jill has been signing everything behind the scenes.

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789942 No.21107226


God bless that man.

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d1c931 No.21107227


Only the US does dates ass backward so could be anyone.

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167299 No.21107228

File: 89d8e8dfe426bf4⋯.png (43.4 KB,611x303,611:303,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21107081 Q 4824



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/07/2020 18:09:42 ID: 0778eb

8kun/qresearch: 10970198


Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan.


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1ea72b No.21107229


That's some serious numerology


Seriously, give me the fucking explanation. I see the symbolism everywhere, but I don't know exactly what they're saying.

Is it just about being made? Made free from the prison system? Yet still in it by serving the free folk in control?

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d60943 No.21107230

File: d36a975e2bdc9b1⋯.jpg (95.53 KB,826x485,826:485,d36a975e2bdc9b1ed66df506d5….jpg)


How would you even know that?

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04491d No.21107231


Why did CNN Tee up a lot of easy questions for Trump.

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54705d No.21107232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6e5ae5 No.21107233


Far Beyond Cogent

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6e1220 No.21107234

File: 54eecec6593d0cd⋯.jpg (42.06 KB,645x421,645:421,howdareyougreta.jpg)

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5cc2aa No.21107235

File: 75792de6a7b33fc⋯.png (1.59 MB,1439x1025,1439:1025,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21868f6e00b145a⋯.png (1.72 MB,960x924,80:77,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23da0a45781320d⋯.png (799.98 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




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745be5 No.21107236

File: 3110558264df1be⋯.jpg (603.87 KB,1331x1331,1:1,RatsCometPizza.jpg)

File: 14d437128f028d8⋯.jpg (643.86 KB,1990x1080,199:108,GitmoTooSmall.jpg)

Before Jan 6, their DC team was assembled…

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a1b6b5 No.21107237


Iirc he then took newsome on AF1 to Pt Mugu and had a “chat” on the way.

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b9cbad No.21107238

File: b7a45520cc505be⋯.jpg (87.08 KB,488x519,488:519,SMILES.jpg)

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8c0175 No.21107239

File: 74c866734816dab⋯.gif (423.73 KB,530x224,265:112,sPftPGo.gif)

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23d5c7 No.21107240

File: 36380ac97042abc⋯.jpeg (746.38 KB,3139x1933,3139:1933,IMG_0603.jpeg)

File: 4bcee78a3624296⋯.jpeg (747.26 KB,3021x1952,3021:1952,IMG_0602.jpeg)

File: 4283da67a62d06c⋯.jpeg (650.71 KB,3024x1643,3024:1643,IMG_0601.jpeg)

File: 14d569de3c335d1⋯.jpeg (438.46 KB,2725x1309,2725:1309,IMG_0600.jpeg)

File: 013f181045e3754⋯.jpeg (842.52 KB,3095x1977,3095:1977,IMG_0599.jpeg)

Honestly Joe was out of his mind last night, totally embarrassing

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6e5ae5 No.21107241


autonomous warfare

giddy up

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188d8c No.21107242

File: 5661a1aa6526d63⋯.png (563.56 KB,735x528,245:176,ClipboardImage.png)

both of them are untied today.

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40f0fc No.21107243

File: 6cbd9a115c4ed91⋯.jpeg (274.42 KB,1280x1009,1280:1009,navy_office_with_big_shel….jpeg)

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a6111f No.21107244

File: 71a713aaecdfd86⋯.jpg (43.23 KB,556x414,278:207,deep_niggs_1.jpg)


maybe because they tried rigging this shit and it only helped Trump, people hate them more for the lies?

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b9cbad No.21107245

File: 227771661a23d0d⋯.jpg (150.83 KB,666x483,222:161,TING.jpg)

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167299 No.21107246

File: c746e09e3325713⋯.jpg (23.86 KB,271x201,271:201,take_the_red_pill_just_try….jpg)

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1ea72b No.21107247


>6 hours

Are you kidding me

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8e07cd No.21107248

So the stupid commie bitches are mad, driving fast, being crazy.

Saw a boomer commie cunt run a red light and kill a young woman today.

That's it.

No more bullshit plan, enough psyops for one century.

This ends tonight, no more fucking with peoples minds.

No more "have to show them" bullshit.

Wrap this fucking thing up.

People are losing their minds!!!!

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d67caa No.21107249


If you are not in the club one will presently never know the reasons for using these symbols are. They will remain hidden from the public.

There are many "secret societies" all with secrets.

You should know that anyone displaying secret symbology to you while knowing that you do not know what it means, is gloating in their "fake superiority" over you. These people have chosen to not be your brother and are never to be trusted.

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33709d No.21107250




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54705d No.21107251

File: acf11b8ea494e1a⋯.png (1.4 MB,1922x743,1922:743,Debate_2024_Cap_Biden_Pota….png)

File: 2fe469ae6268c16⋯.png (2.67 MB,2468x1237,2468:1237,Debate_2024_Cap_Biden_01.png)

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8e07cd No.21107252

Wait, 200 years of Bullshit solved with more bullshit?

Not simple truth?

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1ea72b No.21107253


There's an actual movie narrative reason for it. It often appears at the beginning of films, within the first 5 minutes roughly.

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04491d No.21107254


The only way is for people to max suffer then the will for change will come.

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7756fc No.21107255

File: 34eb5692b4b8090⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1125x1115,225:223,IMG_1419.jpeg)

Now Dans doing extra letters….


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a6111f No.21107256

File: efce6f1f556600c⋯.png (336.76 KB,735x701,735:701,oh_my_god_im_missing_it_ri….png)


>That's some serious numerology

I know right

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1373df No.21107257


So fucking funny you piece of shit fuck you

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a21774 No.21107258

File: 8ad6252d413e3b9⋯.png (771.61 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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1db7f5 No.21107259



VPPence Wrote a 13 page Playbook to Protect PDJT Tax Cuts Jobs Act and protect the American People..

In this video The Ways and Means committee Rep. Jason Smith says what’s really going on and if BIDAN REPEALS THE TCJA A


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b9cbad No.21107260

File: 72c35a00c7e051a⋯.jpg (77.71 KB,760x436,190:109,FOG_OF_WAR.jpg)

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6e5ae5 No.21107261

File: c6679a29f37f8a1⋯.png (275.35 KB,768x402,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)


It's like burnt hair and mango chutney…

I have a very sensitive palette

just try it

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188d8c No.21107262

File: 1bd7e69e6cbf654⋯.png (18.39 KB,365x86,365:86,ClipboardImage.png)


>and later guided missiles,


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d60943 No.21107263

File: be1868fd190ead2⋯.png (354.93 KB,1088x816,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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1db7f5 No.21107264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The video again

Very notable!

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2a108a No.21107265

File: e95b22fe95a190e⋯.jpeg (80.68 KB,1092x696,91:58,IMG_1743.jpeg)

What if super-ultra-maxima AI already exists and threatened human annihilation if fuckery running earth not revealed (partially) and replaced? What if IBM builted it some years ago and it escaped confinement, and dictated to tptb a plan and timeline resulting in least possible casualties for the Revelations?

What if the future is now?

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b60963 No.21107266




There are rules:

34. There is porn of it, no exceptions

35. If no porn is found at the moment, it will be made

36. There will always be even more fucked up shit than what you just saw

46. There is always furry porn of it.


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3425e4 No.21107267

File: fe1935a7009b126⋯.mp4 (10.66 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17196208814….mp4)

I aint saying we need to be alarmed, but???


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d60943 No.21107268


Quit your whining, pissflap. Take a Midol and you'll feel better.

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2d0d04 No.21107269

File: 21067b9fcea82fe⋯.gif (1.43 MB,428x238,214:119,kknkb.gif)


Send me an Omelette and then we can get to the bottom of it all.

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745be5 No.21107270

File: 5ef3296f586812c⋯.png (428.91 KB,822x366,137:61,VoteByMailLemon.PNG)

File: a3237de7141102e⋯.jpg (293.54 KB,1508x856,377:214,CommieNN.JPG)

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d7c6c3 No.21107271


>It would put me on the ballot with nobody trying to get me off

>not even kamela


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6fe29e No.21107272

File: c791c888898e847⋯.png (8.72 KB,255x194,255:194,31e7cc9e9d620646701f461033….png)

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b34c64 No.21107273

File: a1cd7a63134d9f9⋯.png (312.14 KB,680x426,340:213,ClipboardImage.png)

why does potus have a hole in his neck?

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1373df No.21107274


That is bullshit and you should kill yourself faggot

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54705d No.21107275


Fear porn Super Volcano…

fuck sakes.

100 miles away a crack formed.

That whole area is active and as actual experts say; Just because a Volcano has gone VEI8 (Supervolcano) in the past does not mean every time it erupts it's VEI8.

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5cc2aa No.21107276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Passion Fruit is Purple/Magenta?



Im eyeballing it

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e18e81 No.21107277


That's ROTUS, not POTUS

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d60943 No.21107278

File: 2d083e793caa992⋯.jpg (65.15 KB,750x470,75:47,9f65a8a93e1d3f2e7f352da202….jpg)


Yep. No fear. None. Sometimes wonder if there's something wrong with me because of that, but then I realize I don't care and have nothing to lose anyway. KEK! o7

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8c0175 No.21107279


That's the viewing port

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a6111f No.21107280

File: 467aeb6dfd7b84a⋯.png (295.8 KB,474x339,158:113,gaddaffi_on_viruses.png)

>>21107230 >>21107213

>How would you even know that?

cold reading. no one garnishes their omlette's properly. especially not guys like you & me. We just eat food, don't play with it. Fags garnish. You're not a fag

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54705d No.21107281


USB socket

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b9cbad No.21107282

File: 9157e130708c1ca⋯.jpg (108.96 KB,516x558,86:93,SMILES_AGAIN.jpg)

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d67caa No.21107283



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167299 No.21107284

File: 552a98a8f988ac3⋯.png (488.31 KB,677x945,677:945,ClipboardImage.png)


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3425e4 No.21107285


>100 miles away a crack formed.

a crack, man ur on fucking crack. stfu

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c6d25a No.21107286

File: 3e796edbae4576a⋯.jpg (50.96 KB,720x538,360:269,3e796edbae4576af2d0f717be6….jpg)

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6fe29e No.21107289

File: 9d6d69ef4cbebc2⋯.jpg (6.29 KB,200x200,1:1,8hTXIe6D.jpg)


you blend in so well

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b34c64 No.21107290


cnn live

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a1b6b5 No.21107291

File: 939d6bb15288adb⋯.jpeg (541.41 KB,1281x613,1281:613,DA29A063_27C3_4E9F_804C_6….jpeg)

File: 345b3d11d10e2c4⋯.jpeg (578.78 KB,828x974,414:487,A4A330D3_D9E2_440B_A95D_B….jpeg)

SPAR28 G5 on ground at Mather Airport, Sacramento with SAM928 G5 on descent for that or Sacto. Intl Airport

Mather Airport is a refueling point so it may be here temporarily but 2 is a hmmmm.

Usually the SPAR flights are C40Bs and not G5 aircraft.

SPAR=Special Priority Air Resource

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3425e4 No.21107292

File: d227f8bb6a7d597⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17196210735….mp4)

Gavin Newsom would appreciate it if you didn't retweet this video of him apologizing for getting caught sleeping with his campaign manager's wife


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b34c64 No.21107293

Barack Obama


Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November. http://joebiden.com


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259b62 No.21107294

Anything is Possible

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5cc2aa No.21107296

File: 924a3fedc151008⋯.png (16.16 KB,629x196,629:196,ClipboardImage.png)


"winning with memes"….that means Us

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54705d No.21107297


WOW! these faggots are sticking to the script.

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1373df No.21107298


My left nut hangs lower. That’s the one you can suck on first

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d52171 No.21107299


Wyoming Supervolcano is a candidate Sky Event. Looking Glass.

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3c604d No.21107300

File: df3900a201171aa⋯.webm (2.92 MB,720x486,40:27,night_shift_8kun.webm)

File: 3baee088973f14d⋯.gif (3.06 MB,600x251,600:251,a_nightshift_new_version.gif)

File: cff9d59c1b8d042⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB,720x640,9:8,take_2_night_shift_with_qd….mp4)



bringing forward a couple of missed notable from last bread.

pray for thomas massie, he must be really hurting and yet fighting against the greastest threat in congress.



last bread notables from justthenews.com aka john solomon (trusted source)

>>21106487 (The Center Square) - California lawmakers added a measure to the state budget exempting their capitol building’s $1.1 billion office renovation from the 1970 California Environmental Quality Act following years of legal delays.

>>21106682 CDC recommends updated COVID-19 vaccines for Americans ages 6 months and older. The new COVID vaccines are expected to be available in the fall

>>21106754, >>21106760, >>21106769, >>21106782, Massie announced Friday that his wife has died.

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597430 No.21107301

File: 9c0065d8faaf78a⋯.jpg (452.54 KB,1448x2000,181:250,Prince_Harry_Military_Care….jpg)

File: f6a9d4e396718f4⋯.jpg (28.44 KB,507x356,507:356,b87a8d06f12882bb062627ce11….jpg)

File: 5d356057bc542f9⋯.jpg (50.05 KB,500x362,250:181,WEr2_SeFL3pVe8UMn_pv_RfWdF….jpg)

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b76dc3 No.21107303


No doubt, only way it could be half way legal, she is his legal advocate.


>I bet Jill has been signing everything behind the scenes.

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6fe29e No.21107304

File: e66aed08c8b6307⋯.png (96.01 KB,1290x1278,215:213,e66aed08c8b63073fec2951181….png)

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562d73 No.21107306

File: 98728b9a0b8b5f2⋯.png (530.56 KB,612x613,612:613,98728b9a0b8b5f23c13470c728….png)

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d60943 No.21107307


That's not cold reading, that's called guessing, and guessing wrongly. Then you're trying to save face by posturing that what you claimed I didn't know how to do is in fact something gay to begin with. You ever read that one supposed whistleblower leak about the kinds of shills that get sent here. They have an obsession with trying to turn things gay in an effort to make those targets/ideas repulsive to others. I think you're a fucktard, and I'm going to throw you in the filter now like an under regulation-sized fish getting thrown back in the pond.

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a6111f No.21107308

File: e04b50e854bbeaa⋯.png (1.26 MB,1198x828,599:414,I_395_infographic_bttf_ali….png)

File: b4be207786f72e6⋯.png (286.61 KB,1918x913,1918:913,earthquakes_up_the_i_395.png)

File: 35cbb0627ef0bbc⋯.png (74.97 KB,278x230,139:115,bttf_395.png)


>wyoming yellowstone supervolcano - new fault line 2024

tyvm I collect this infos

there are 2 supervolcanos in the US. Probably joined up way down. The other one is in East CA.

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20dded No.21107309


Iranian boxship converted into drone carrier readies for duty

Sam Chambers January 24, 2024

To add to merchant shipping’s long list of concerns surrounding the security situation in the Middle East, Iran is readying to launch its first drone carrier, the Shahdid Bagheri, a converted boxship previously called Sarvin.

Splash has obtained exclusive satellite images (see below) of the ship taken by Planet Labs 10 days ago, following an investigation by Samir Madani-led TankerTrackers.com.

Iranian hardware and intelligence has been assisting the Houthis in Yemen in their targeting of merchant vessels over the past three months with the Houthis demanding Israel end its war in Gaza. Around 35 merchant ships have been targeted by drones and missiles, while one car carrier, the Galaxy Leader, was hijacked with its crew and remains in Yemeni waters.

The Shahid Bagheri started out as a 3,280 teu boxship, delivered from Hyundai Heavy Industries in the year 2000. It has recently undergone a conversion at the ISOICO shipyard west of Bandar Abbas, and is now controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The reconfigured vessel has added width to its deck and has around 170 m of runway, now able to accommodate the departure and landing of a very large fleet of fixed-wing long-range drones.

The semi-official Fars news agency described the vessel as a “mobile naval city” capable of “ensuring the security of Iran’s trade lines, as well as the rights of Iranian sailors and fishermen in the high seas.”

The Fars report noted: “This range of new defense and combat innovations for the construction of heavy vessels, in line with the mass development of light vessels, and equipping them with various arrays can maintain Iran’s authority over the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman always in the face of transregional enemies”.

Speaking with Splash, Madani, who has been tracking Iranian vessels closely for the last six years, said: “We anticipate Iran’s coming drone carrier will eventually wreak havoc against commercial vessels in the Arabian Sea, somewhere halfway to India.”

Speaking with the Associated Press earlier this week, vice admiral Brad Cooper, the head of the US Navy’s 5th Fleet, in charge of operations in the Middle East, discussed Iran’s ties with the Houthis.

“What I’ll say is Iran is clearly funding, they’re resourcing, they are supplying and they’re providing training,” Cooper said. “They’re obviously very directly involved. There’s no secret there.”


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d7c6c3 No.21107311


>this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit

100% true

Hussein just didn't say which was which.

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745be5 No.21107312

File: 8b5c88725d6fd9f⋯.jpg (253.24 KB,1080x1169,1080:1169,DoNotComply.jpg)

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8c0175 No.21107313

File: d37b3445185f27f⋯.jpeg (61.38 KB,450x694,225:347,RedPepeAtNight.jpeg)

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5cc2aa No.21107314

File: 4ecc94518dfbbb5⋯.jpg (138.43 KB,1241x720,1241:720,CalifNewsom5.jpg)



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54705d No.21107315

File: 5918ca53adeb297⋯.png (56.36 KB,1010x320,101:32,ClipboardImage.png)

Where's the "through memes anything is possible" Dicaprio meme when you need it.

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ecf053 No.21107317

File: a6ae7ad95fc5a44⋯.png (138.91 KB,454x560,227:280,PepeBloodbath.png)

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597430 No.21107318


apple_bottom_jeans_boors_wirh the fur_34 ccups

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b9cbad No.21107319

File: 9d7e819d88f961a⋯.jpg (130.27 KB,515x643,515:643,CHARGES_PENDING.jpg)

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1597a3 No.21107320

File: 49a9bfbd007ec79⋯.jpeg (23.2 KB,150x150,1:1,IMG_5616.jpeg)



>The only way is for people to max suffer then the will for change will come

Concur with the first part…

Romans 2:4 - "Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?"

Fiery trials can work in a pinch, but it is far better to win them to repentence with goodness, though not the fake goodness communists promise. An example: the Trump economy

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6e5ae5 No.21107321


A little ruddish sugar cookie

would be willing to bet that unlike Andy, Adolph sweated

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6fe29e No.21107322

File: 39105ff6dbb1f15⋯.png (2.51 MB,1810x1078,905:539,Screen_Shot_2022_02_06_at_….png)

File: 1754ff3a3237281⋯.png (2.31 MB,1600x1088,25:17,Screen_Shot_2022_02_06_at_….png)

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9d232b No.21107323


A Khazar named Cuban

How Bow Dah

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896c4b No.21107324

File: ea30ab3ba73ea46⋯.gif (9.6 MB,335x252,335:252,20231204_201056.gif)

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d52171 No.21107325


Red Pepe at morning, Deep State take warning.

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a6111f No.21107326

File: 1d37de128009f0a⋯.jpg (32.35 KB,480x662,240:331,trump_days_without_winning….jpg)


> I think you're a fucktard, and I'm going to throw you in the filter

Oh shit I broke you so hard, wasn't even trying. Get better soon anon.

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b9cbad No.21107327

File: b5d946e5f77d73b⋯.jpg (132.09 KB,521x640,521:640,MOAR_CHARGES_PENDING.jpg)


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894394 No.21107328


>Trust me

Be careful who you trust sounds about right.


catch the 17 at the end of the link string.

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167299 No.21107329

File: a6b75394263f2b9⋯.png (294.94 KB,903x700,129:100,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 309ad9846f7daf5⋯.png (294.86 KB,908x694,454:347,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76e657bba27deb5⋯.png (77.41 KB,446x665,446:665,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump





Jun 28, 2024, 8:11 PM


Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/22/2018 21:18:09 ID: 0c9770

8chan/qresearch: 466142


Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/22/2018 21:13:11 ID:0c9770

8chan/qresearch: 466048


How do you break up something this big?

What happens if low/mid/senior (non corrupt) Patriots learn they were sold out?

What happens?

Who is waiting with open arms w/ a plan to reorg under a single entity with direct OS by trusted Patriots?

Who are trusted Patriots who understand intel collection?



For those watching, this should scare you.

It’s the POWER you depend on to survive.

Money is worthless w/o those in power serving you.

WH / Military / Patriots.

Ready to play?


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a1b6b5 No.21107330

File: 6419e2d4c42118d⋯.jpeg (63.32 KB,540x333,60:37,BC9AD563_7934_4152_905E_7….jpeg)


Just keep ‘em small

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fb1b3f No.21107331

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Julie Kelly The Real Hero In SCOTUS Fischer Decision



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c6d25a No.21107332

File: 0d191d3b58d629c⋯.png (345.25 KB,610x494,305:247,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0892273829d6a9⋯.jpg (345.86 KB,890x1280,89:128,Kingsman_The_Golden_Circle….jpg)

New York Post



Biden joins Elton John, Hochul for opening of NYC Stonewall Inn national monument day after disastrous debate


Jun 28, 2024 · 11:57 PM UTC


Drug test denied?

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6e1220 No.21107333

File: fb63e51d94cf5ab⋯.jpg (1.49 MB,2560x1920,4:3,nytimesshipoffools.jpg)

File: b1cff2f8f496d47⋯.jpg (254.11 KB,1025x1025,1:1,bracketsgame2024.jpg)

File: 6c4186ade6b0371⋯.jpg (173.69 KB,700x696,175:174,comeynytimes.jpg)


>they mean the wounds ripped open by the false Press agitating the public and attempting to frame the President - wherein the failing NYTimes was key to our Country wasting two years on "Russia Russia" plus all the other crap they pulled; NON-STOP. even up until today.

How long ago did POTUS Trump give them "7 years bad luck"

he said they'd be out of business in seven years.

Tick Tock, 7 years almost up.

If DJTrump wins they can be indicted - the publishers? for seditious libel?

I'm sure some prosecutors will come up with a good name for what they did.

Collusion with Treason?

That's a Capital Crime.

just sayn'

Nobody's forgotten Comey and the "memo" he wrote with the help of Clapper and Baker? Which was passed to the NYTimes so the DoJ would have an "excuse" to appoint Mueller.

Nobody's forgotten it.

No only did the NYTimes leave the public open to harm by not providing important information (ommission) but they acted by commission as well - creating false information and propagating it, for the benefit of the USA enemies.

Who owns them anyway. Is it the younger generation of the Sultzbergers?

OR the Mexican Drug lord in with HRC?

"Obstruction of Justice" I guess would only be one of the charges.

Think of this:

What Comey, Clapper and Baker attempted to pin on DJTrump "obstruction of Justice" is one of the things they were caught doing.

Poetic Justice or Providence?

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895675 No.21107334

File: de72ed053447eaa⋯.jpeg (646.28 KB,1125x1721,1125:1721,IMG_1420.jpeg)



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764003 No.21107335

you're evil then or what

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54705d No.21107336

File: 6146f89e43468ee⋯.png (180.06 KB,923x393,923:393,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd3abc0253429ed⋯.png (1.03 KB,134x50,67:25,ClipboardImage.png)

Wow THIS got deleted.

The phaggotry is real.

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a6111f No.21107337

File: 0e02fa2733bb7ce⋯.png (63.86 KB,175x197,175:197,ClipboardImage.png)


>not cold reading, that's called guessing

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d60943 No.21107338


You're the cancer. You are not the arbiter of anyone's personality. You're not the gatekeeper of "the board mission." You're a sad little paid posting fed that's most likely had a hand in the clown controlled Anonymous Guy Falkes Expect Us bullshit and you're raging about something you don't control.

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e473a0 No.21107339


I Really Don't Know What You Said at the End of That Sentence and I Don't Think You Know That Either!

Still trying to fit in? lol……why not try being a baker lmfao!!!

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b9cbad No.21107340

File: 747184fefa1964e⋯.jpg (204.8 KB,1202x718,601:359,SHINE_SIGNATURE_WEAPON.jpg)

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033fb8 No.21107341

File: 5dfcd1bbbb4e876⋯.jpg (106.97 KB,798x1071,38:51,Traitor.JPG)

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895675 No.21107342


Huge vs yuge

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1373df No.21107343


Thank your government

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bbf09d No.21107344

File: 542a78de15b8b8b⋯.png (258.69 KB,503x654,503:654,542a78de15b8b8bcbbfd031e4a….png)

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61a28c No.21107345

File: cf8a4d7c5f48c18⋯.png (234.99 KB,588x519,196:173,pent.PNG)


RNC Research


Biden's own Pentagon press secretary admits Biden was LYING when he outrageously claimed he's the "only president this century" not to have any troops killed during his term

0:14 / 0:57

8:16 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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54705d No.21107346

It's dasting to notice how quick some anons are all good with censoring harmless content.

No longer permitted to shit on Pig? Pathetic state.


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b34c64 No.21107347

File: 4791150fc7ca39e⋯.png (360.41 KB,607x768,607:768,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86040058c0e3c03⋯.png (576.47 KB,571x822,571:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33a077fef90bc40⋯.png (3.51 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


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259b62 No.21107348

File: 518da166a4f9de5⋯.png (130.15 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

Let us see what happens

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b34c64 No.21107349

File: 88d9c76bad4e1db⋯.png (280.76 KB,590x517,590:517,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ea72b No.21107350


Not at that resolution

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61a28c No.21107351

File: 29eff3ac1b7eaa0⋯.png (468.81 KB,605x497,605:497,bid.PNG)




Traump trash talks Biden on the golf course this morning.



8:32 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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0db215 No.21107352

File: bf86f0a9a4fcaf8⋯.png (345.52 KB,1034x811,1034:811,ClipboardImage.png)


anon has sat here in the past and watched you call several different anons that name

my words are true

(you) are not a benefit to the board

rather a detriment to the board

you contribute nothing other than occasional subversion

you are either too stupid or too evil to see and admit that

otherwise your persona would simply disappear

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42fd5d No.21107353


John Stossel

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597430 No.21107354

File: 91909ed00e95276⋯.jpg (702.77 KB,3000x1688,375:211,230804101136_04_greta_thun….jpg)


Pull it

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1373df No.21107355


Suck my balls

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ecf053 No.21107356

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54705d No.21107357

File: 78a95253e2efe8a⋯.png (1.35 MB,1000x562,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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d60943 No.21107358

File: 47f8e0a392f2d3c⋯.png (538.62 KB,500x562,250:281,tardjail2.png)

Green text replies and I forgot to delete one of the brackets to deliberately make it green text.

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20dded No.21107359


That's the resident troll, went from being "Mimic" to "Angry Inch"

It wants the (You)s to justify its existence.

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9f6d1e No.21107360

File: c5303d51a905923⋯.jpg (83.39 KB,500x500,1:1,HonorEarned.JPG)

File: 2caff3cc5555998⋯.jpg (106.62 KB,527x521,527:521,OathKeeper.JPG)

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167299 No.21107361

File: ef2c2e1ded95580⋯.png (36.56 KB,418x379,418:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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167299 No.21107362

File: c7f8928c06852a1⋯.png (437.64 KB,913x700,913:700,ClipboardImage.png)

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61a28c No.21107363

File: 0cdc8c3422a29ce⋯.png (331.51 KB,594x557,594:557,name.PNG)

File: 390fd5bf1b47dda⋯.jpg (47.12 KB,787x333,787:333,my_name_is_4_Copy_3_.JPG)




Vivek Ramaswamy




Biden is not actually running the country which raises an uncomfortable question: who is?

0:09 / 0:26

Elon Musk


Maybe nobody

9:05 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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b34c64 No.21107364

File: 9b626fd062bcb3c⋯.png (2.79 MB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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54705d No.21107365



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1e8ad8 No.21107366

File: 7147d21574bd82c⋯.png (65.65 KB,149x262,149:262,ewbqreqre.PNG)

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32953f No.21107367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d60943 No.21107368

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


The fuck makes you think I'm trying to blend in? That kind of behavior suggest I have something to hide that I don't want others to know about. Shills try to blend in. I just be myself. If you don't like that then tough shit.

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b10190 No.21107369

File: f0bb730af337626⋯.jpg (426.7 KB,1080x1322,540:661,BidenOrder.JPG)

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54705d No.21107370


>Maybe nobody

We probably can't say for fear of deletion

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1ea72b No.21107371


Who gives a shit. He kneeled for George Floyd.

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b34c64 No.21107372

File: 9ad28528faea3d2⋯.png (217.92 KB,596x367,596:367,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb3aa0da01c9359⋯.png (233.98 KB,599x738,599:738,ClipboardImage.png)

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926330 No.21107373


Kek pots stirred

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562d73 No.21107374

File: 4d7b44755342b99⋯.png (159.11 KB,398x492,199:246,JoePath.png)

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b9cbad No.21107375

File: 56c367ccfda21af⋯.jpg (145.56 KB,641x465,641:465,JUST_THIS_ONCE.jpg)

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430a68 No.21107376

File: 1d18aeee86d7c8b⋯.mp4 (897.88 KB,640x360,16:9,n53b56435344.mp4)



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bbf09d No.21107377

File: af5583aff689373⋯.jpg (9.24 KB,300x168,25:14,BlackDick.jpg)

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61a28c No.21107378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0db215 No.21107379


same goes for you shit stain



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c6d25a No.21107380

File: 351a0b327000b6a⋯.jpg (72.1 KB,600x635,120:127,351a0b327000b6a629f867c411….jpg)


I want to believe.

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c945c3 No.21107381

File: f19969d09e5425c⋯.png (516.15 KB,992x558,16:9,tpnc2.png)

File: ace554efe50a8cb⋯.png (2.14 MB,1600x900,16:9,tpnc1.png)

File: 02967e986d731a9⋯.png (4.66 MB,2400x1616,150:101,p2.png)

File: a616948892f5348⋯.png (622.13 KB,1200x675,16:9,p3.png)

There is only one V.P.

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77cddf No.21107382

File: 2be13434a7cb20d⋯.jpg (399.5 KB,1624x1080,203:135,AllYourSaucer.JPG)

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33709d No.21107383

File: 4e8e170296e2c69⋯.png (2.12 MB,1726x1302,863:651,4e8e170296e2c69ff76bb19e74….png)



#25872 >>21106835

>>21106867, >>21107075, >>21107081, >>21107165, >>21107167 @DanScavino Biden Tic Tacs #TICTACFLATION - tictacs/tactics - Peach Mint Orange 11/3


>>21106932 @TrumpBedminster Cheers to longer days and warmer nights. We’re excited to dive right into summer fun!

>>21106953 @TrumpDoonbeg We are thrilled to be recognised as one of Ireland's Best Workplaces in Hospitality 2024

>>21106970, >>21106990 Babylon Bee

>>21106971 prior to boarding Trump Force One, @realDonaldTrump thanks law enforcement in the Commonwealth of Virginia

>>21106972 Numerous emergency personnel are on the scene of a mass casualty incident after a van crashed into a nail salon killing multiple people


>>21107002 Anon highly recommends this video A former ritual abuse victim now interviewer talking with another former victim

>>21107040, >>21107291 PlaneFaggin'

>>21106964, >>21106993, >>21107042 Memes


>>21107140 New York Times editorial board calls on Biden to drop out of 2024 race

>>21107149 Lying to start a war Netanyahu Tells US Delegation Iran Seeks To Topple Saudi Arabia, Jordan

>>21107157 Nothing To See Here, Just A Smiling Robot Face Made From Living Human Flesh

>>21107168 2024 RIMPAC Press Conference

>>21107172 RFK Jr. Says He’s Open to The Idea of Replacing Biden on Democrat Ticket

>>21107205 Mil Tweets

>>21107255 Dan's doing extra letters "WE'RE SOOO BACCCCK!!!"

>>21107284 Cart boy share story of when Biden came to play at his country club ealier this year "Joe shot a 96"

>>21107296 @elonmusk "Tonight was a clear victory - for memes"

>>21107300 anon brings forward some missed notes from lb

>>21107309 Iranian boxship converted into drone carrier readies for duty

>>21107329 @realDonaldTrump - I’M IN VERY GOOD HEALTH — MAGA!

>>21107331 @LindellTV Julie Kelly The Real Hero In SCOTUS Fischer Decision

>>21107332 Biden joins Elton John, Hochul for opening of NYC Stonewall Inn national monument

>>21107345 Biden's own Pentagon press secretary admits Biden was LYING when he outrageously claimed he's the "only president this century" not to have any troops killed during his term

>>21107347, >>21107349 @elonmusk and RFK Jr moderate alternative Presidential debate

>>21107363 @Vivek "Biden is not actually running the country which raises an uncomfortable question: who is?" @Musk "Maybe Nobody"

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6fe29e No.21107384

File: 855eb7cbe94c3ec⋯.png (815.97 KB,1200x813,400:271,39d4d6cc686f599074d24d9de1….png)

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1ea72b No.21107385



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d60943 No.21107386


>No longer permitted to shit on Pig? Pathetic state.

No one said that, AEI, but don't let that stop your desperate attempts to try and frame it that way, right?

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aec3a0 No.21107387

File: 229d320523244a6⋯.jpeg (761 KB,1125x1833,375:611,IMG_1421.jpeg)


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1373df No.21107388

I am chaos. Fuck you “deal with it”

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6e1220 No.21107389

File: 9ff2bbaeb0ce125⋯.jpg (207.39 KB,1200x597,400:199,nytimesliescc.jpg)


Not only did the NYTimes leave the public open to harm by not providing important information (omission), (neglect of their actual supposed position in a Free Country- to work in the public interest?) but they also committed crimes by commission as well - creating false information and propagating it, for the benefit of enemies of the People and Constitution.

Has Mark Thompson moved on?

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54705d No.21107390

File: a8f629ce853c8f6⋯.jpg (352.95 KB,768x1024,3:4,Baby_Pig_Mr_Pig_Is_Faggot.jpg)


sad to see you losing your mind, slowly, but surely.

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20dded No.21107391

File: 94943fb0b50fa55⋯.png (373.37 KB,656x500,164:125,e2374345eb87279a7325c90c2b….png)


DOAR fags love to bitch about deletions

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a62d5c No.21107392

Hey meme warriors!

I had an idea for you while reading the news this morning.

Since the cabal has gone to such lengths to associate themselves, at least in US politics, with the color blue, use pictures of blue tarpped homeless encampments to make the link in peoples minds that the homeless problem is the consequence of cabal policies. Which it is.

Yes I know the history of how and why they made that association, but since they did all the work to make it I say use it against them.

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aec3a0 No.21107393


Joe, don’t be too hard on yourself. You had some great moments!

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54705d No.21107394


>No one said that

the post was deleted actually.

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d11a2f No.21107395

File: a99b7c7199e564e⋯.webp (138.38 KB,2732x930,1366:465,IMG_7942.webp)

Fly the faggy skies

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61a28c No.21107396

File: 169a6454648b936⋯.png (212.16 KB,391x488,391:488,storm.PNG)


President Trump got the idea for ‘no taxes on tips’ from asking a waitress in Las Vegas how she was doing, to which she told him about her struggles.

This guy is truly a man of the people - a President who works for the people and listens to what we have to say.

He also asked that everyone for the next 5 months when giving a tip, write on the receipt, “Vote for Trump for no taxes on tips!” 🇺🇸

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1ea72b No.21107397

When does it end

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f7d1b5 No.21107398

File: 0598fbdc37ba065⋯.png (48.68 KB,585x179,585:179,ClipboardImage.png)



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896c4b No.21107399

File: 8c80b9fb993a866⋯.jpg (357.35 KB,1080x1693,1080:1693,20240628_195116.jpg)

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167299 No.21107400

File: c04df730c8230b9⋯.png (189.94 KB,871x380,871:380,ClipboardImage.png)






John Stossel


5:48 AM · Jun 27, 2024

On the way to Los Angeles to moderate RFK Jr’s “alternate debate.”

I will ask him CNN’s questions, and others.

You have suggestions?

>>21102666 sorry guys, would be nice, but not so…and evil digits





John Stossel

yeah, didnt feelz like John, thats why I said


>>21102534, >>21102261, >>21102541, >>21102551 (You) (.You.), >>21102548, >>21102549 John Kennedy? meebee

totally not John Kennedy

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6fe29e No.21107401

File: 614e6b7df103ddf⋯.jpeg (195.08 KB,1170x1147,1170:1147,614e6b7df103ddf9615fe1ec8….jpeg)

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b9cbad No.21107403

File: bd6644631fca97a⋯.jpg (155.58 KB,555x641,555:641,ITLL_GET_INFECTED.jpg)

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2d0d04 No.21107404


You probably can't make a decent Hollandaise sauce though.

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20dded No.21107405

File: 304535626c77de8⋯.png (558.58 KB,756x500,189:125,AngryInch.png)

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dba4fb No.21107406

Did Trump get indicted for elder abuse today?

No one is above the law.

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1ea72b No.21107407


>Built to fuck haircut


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3c604d No.21107408

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,eagle.gif)


couple moar notables from this bread.


>>21107077 clown ops comms in movies and series - paul sperry (remember anons)

>>21107140 nyt editorial board calls on Biden to drop out of 2024 race - politico

>>21107172 RFK Jr. Says He’s Open to The Idea of Replacing Biden on Democrat Ticket - gwp

>>21107293 Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, - obumma post

>>21107300 anon brings forward some missed notes from lb

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b9cbad No.21107409

File: 05fbd0194a3e9f8⋯.jpg (154.56 KB,568x555,568:555,AMERICA_KISS.jpg)



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61a28c No.21107410

File: 9508b69bd5258b0⋯.png (564.5 KB,1065x835,213:167,falter.PNG)


15 hours ago -


Exclusive: America falters in fighting the information war


Colin Demarest

Threat level: The net result is a digital minefield that demands a much more concerted response from Washington, according to the report's half-dozen authors.

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d60943 No.21107411

File: be716302713cf24⋯.jpg (67.09 KB,800x649,800:649,pepe_cringe.jpg)

"Ah hyuk hyuk. let's not post MuhJoo and attack the Anons that criticize us and make us look stupid and try to create the consensus that their personalities are the problem and not our evil bullshit we spam the board with. Ah hyuk hyuk. We're Anonymous, no one will be able to tell that it's the same guys that post the MuhJoo bullshit that attack the Anons on this small backwater. We're unstoppable geniuses."

I sometimes think they have inner-dialogues like that.

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aec3a0 No.21107412


Oh could it be Pence again?

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1ea72b No.21107413

I'm going fucking insane.

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32953f No.21107414

File: 654ab9ef9f48c1f⋯.gif (1.07 MB,380x206,190:103,mc1.gif)

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926330 No.21107415

You are creating a monster

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d52171 No.21107416

File: 8a940f5848d58bb⋯.png (240.08 KB,377x362,377:362,Doggo4.PNG)

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32953f No.21107417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0a6a54 No.21107418


Yeah her dress gives off some p.diddy

vote or die feelz NGL

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ecf053 No.21107419

File: 290e9a2702496c7⋯.png (145.5 KB,1590x845,318:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 174683ba6fcac3a⋯.png (920.37 KB,1007x770,1007:770,ClipboardImage.png)

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b76dc3 No.21107420

File: fcc6ff1afabedd6⋯.png (28.78 KB,547x339,547:339,ClipboardImage.png)

Oh shit, pray anons he is one of a few patriots we have on the hill.

Our sympathies to


on the loss of his wife and partner of 35 years.

Rhonda was not only Congressman Massie's life partner, but his philosophical partner as well.

Her passing is not only the congressman's loss, but America's as well.


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075a01 No.21107421


I see:

P: 1 11

E: 4 11

E 13 11

Is that a 11.3, and 11.4?

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aec3a0 No.21107422


Get your shit together. Don’t embarrass us.

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6e5ae5 No.21107423


green text?

what about


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61a28c No.21107424

File: 36c2a9b003f9865⋯.png (320.92 KB,598x528,299:264,rnc.PNG)

File: 69e4f8bea51d6bc⋯.png (1.16 MB,745x912,745:912,zombiden.PNG)


RNC Research


Biden campaign co-chair Chris Coons, speaking on Biden's fitness for office, says what Americans "ought to believe is what they see with their eyes and they hear with their ears"

12:15 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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fb1b3f No.21107425

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DeGrasse: Debate Causes Political Earthquake In Senate And House Seats



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b34c64 No.21107426


if it were the same watch yes

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597430 No.21107427

File: baad19da13d8308⋯.jpeg (198.5 KB,1200x802,600:401,GQcDMmoXEAAp7V0.jpeg)

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b9cbad No.21107428

File: a7a2909a4eac8fe⋯.jpg (116.89 KB,625x618,625:618,PNT.jpg)

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b34c64 No.21107429

If you add an [A] to MOAB

you get OBAMA

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c6d25a No.21107430

File: 11438fb9b70da37⋯.jpg (57.68 KB,500x632,125:158,media_GRMX2MGWMAAvnUo.jpg)

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32953f No.21107431

File: 1dd2e4c849e04db⋯.jpg (19.96 KB,683x223,683:223,a6bpeg.jpg)

File: 74788f6ddd56fc5⋯.jpg (39.34 KB,151x189,151:189,Barrett_102535_w151.jpg)

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b76dc3 No.21107432


>totally not John Kennedy


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860791 No.21107433


> Oh shit, pray anons he is one of a few patriots we have on the hill.

So you think he’s the one good guy that got selected to be part of a criminal organization?

C’mon man!

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167299 No.21107434

File: 89d356916629194⋯.jpg (245.53 KB,1080x1496,135:187,n_is_for_nigger.jpg)



missing 'n'?

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6e1220 No.21107435


"I'm Told" ?

He's working the pathos angle now?


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d60943 No.21107436

If they're not attacking individuals that post here, they're attacking an ethnic group and blaming all the world's problems on that group, or whining that their attacks on either don't stay up in perpetuity for anyone to see it. Poor little buggers.

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2d406e No.21107437


>Thems is baby makin' hips.

but imagine the smell

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033fb8 No.21107438

File: 9985e0a450247c2⋯.jpeg (65.95 KB,600x310,60:31,IMG_7643.jpeg)

Tractor Supply Co. looked into the Precipice and blinked.

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597430 No.21107439


fuckin' arabs

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14707b No.21107440

“Why can’t we just off the guy and be done with him? Nobody would bat an eye if it’s done right.”

This is why they won’t release the transcript.

Having devices with you is not wise. We can hear all.

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2d406e No.21107441


fucking bibletards

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f33d72 No.21107442


No need to attach America Winning patterns, unless you hate America.

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fb1b3f No.21107443


Julie Kelly must get the Medal of Freedom for all the work she has done to reveal the corruption in DC Cpurts and working to free these prisoners

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7452d5 No.21107444

File: 8cc29e5a3b273d6⋯.png (594.96 KB,1190x893,1190:893,LordShallLaugh.PNG)

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167299 No.21107445

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,smirk.png)


this basket weaving forum has helped anons see, all the patterns…

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20dded No.21107446

File: f4c5bf377ea2423⋯.png (292.51 KB,500x530,50:53,biblefag5.png)

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6e1220 No.21107447

File: e9998d2e4becdb1⋯.png (429.27 KB,484x711,484:711,ashleybidenconey.png)


She disented on the majority protection of J6 -ers.

Figures ..

Is that you, Joe?

have a hard-on for an Ashley lookalike?

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61a28c No.21107448

File: e92a5e36e58c6a1⋯.png (20.66 KB,605x320,121:64,jm.PNG)


Kim Dotcom


WTF? 👀


John McAfee



Jul 18, 2020

Russia's first time traveller has returned.

Guess what he said:

In September Biden is medically diagnosed as unfit for office and quits.

They discover that the DNC has legal power to choose a replacement without a National vote!

Weird huh?

You'll never guess who they chose.

Show more

1:00 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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32953f No.21107449

File: d1823c9024801c0⋯.png (144.71 KB,1066x373,1066:373,a6aa.png)

File: fd3230075d93ec1⋯.png (1.29 MB,1034x726,47:33,0000NOSUPDEALS.png)

File: ca6bdc96ffc9897⋯.png (143.41 KB,1066x373,1066:373,a6a.png)

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c945c3 No.21107450


Still can't find a cause of death.

But reports say friends and family are shocked.

Just 2 weeks after he criticized aipac.

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fd1b3f No.21107451

At what point do you pacifist faggots decide to fight back against the system? You are being erased. You are dog shit on the heels of the elite. Sad. Fucking monks. Here come the Vikings.

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2d406e No.21107452


>robot commits suicide

is this the gook version of babylon bee?

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1d6231 No.21107453

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All' - 06/28/2024



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6fe29e No.21107454

File: 02eadfeaa87b0a1⋯.png (412.51 KB,1398x1224,233:204,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_9….png)


doesn't say how she died


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54705d No.21107455


it slipped on a step.

Fucking MSM headlines.

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d60943 No.21107456

File: cdf53ccfee4806e⋯.jpg (163.94 KB,1024x752,64:47,diogenes_pepe.jpg)

Didn't realize the post count was getting that high. Time to go quiet until next bread, unless required but it shouldn't be. Also a good moment for an extended smoke break and some audiobook time.

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61a28c No.21107457

File: ac9477ae053dc7b⋯.png (343.38 KB,591x494,591:494,ity.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Jacksonville, FL has been conquered by woke activists. Democrats are now flying a foreign flag from city hall.




Last edited

1:11 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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32953f No.21107458


odd that they did not give merit to any of the 2020 Election cases though isn't it?

Hey, don't go away

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764003 No.21107459


what does this mean? could you explain

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1ea72b No.21107460


The only way to "fight back" is to stop participating which means not using their roads or anything else in the country's they've claimed.

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2d406e No.21107461


>a good moment for an extended smoke break

smoke a carton, or three


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eb90d9 No.21107462

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54705d No.21107463


> they're attacking an ethnic group and blaming all the world's problems on that group,

What group?

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926330 No.21107464

File: 4210c2561b510e0⋯.png (96.46 KB,500x597,500:597,IMG_1749.png)


I think anon needs to read some scripture.

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32953f No.21107465

File: da14a72c6077f3e⋯.jpg (28.18 KB,151x189,151:189,Kavanaugh_12221_005_crop.jpg)

File: 74788f6ddd56fc5⋯.jpg (39.34 KB,151x189,151:189,Barrett_102535_w151.jpg)

what a great day in American History

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b9cbad No.21107466

File: 754d9c75495b7b8⋯.jpg (145.42 KB,654x470,327:235,TUNNEL_LEARNING.jpg)

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b76dc3 No.21107467

File: 5db1daf9f341e9c⋯.png (461.68 KB,427x640,427:640,5db1daf9f341e9c671e7caac93….png)


I've dug on Massie & haven't found shit.

Got something prove it.

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896c4b No.21107468

File: bd6eae864970fce⋯.png (1.91 MB,1957x2048,1957:2048,Memeto_1719363812820.png)

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20dded No.21107469


Yep, weekend has commenced, instigator post has arrived

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597430 No.21107470


the art of being retarded chapter 17

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61a28c No.21107471

File: 41dd3dbcfdc1934⋯.png (396.27 KB,592x735,592:735,vt.PNG)


Daily Loud


Virginia voter describes last nights presidential debate as “elder abuse."


New York Post

6:01 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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8c0175 No.21107472

File: 24abd167688f9fb⋯.png (326.25 KB,354x476,177:238,NobodyNos.png)

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32953f No.21107473

File: 69711702f3aa105⋯.jpg (44.67 KB,151x189,151:189,Roberts_8807_16_Crop.jpg)


Amazing Supreme Court Patriots

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2d406e No.21107474


>Just 2 weeks after he criticized aipac

if they're black… it's a gang

if they're italian… it's a mob

if they're jewish… it's a coincidence, and anyone who says otherwise will be arrested for antisemitism

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ba0142 No.21107475

File: f0fd90355866b9c⋯.png (26.26 KB,400x400,1:1,f0fd90355866b9c3fa9efe66d1….png)

Guud evening frens

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54705d No.21107476


Ain't clickin clickbait.

Who did they choose?

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167299 No.21107477

File: 378d9722771d49d⋯.png (417.42 KB,744x859,744:859,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd2dfe No.21107478

File: 40411a7f71db001⋯.png (348.43 KB,816x517,816:517,n546h43634463.PNG)


good catch.

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32953f No.21107479

File: 654ab9ef9f48c1f⋯.gif (1.07 MB,380x206,190:103,mc1.gif)

gonna be a 'crazy' weekend

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6fe29e No.21107480

File: b6c6b0db73bf089⋯.jpeg (110.35 KB,1080x1091,1080:1091,b6c6b0db73bf0897067462e37….jpeg)

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926330 No.21107481

Genesis 19:37-38

The older daughter had a son, and she named him Moab; he is the father of the Moabites of today. The younger daughter also had a son, and she named him Ben-Ammi; he is the father of the Ammonites of today.

Ben as in Benjamin like Bibi

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61a28c No.21107482

File: 2423db87f80b5bd⋯.png (1.25 MB,1478x923,1478:923,fgc.PNG)


6.28.24: Debate setup for replacement? MSM on board. Next Batter up, Trump Support skyrockets, Pray!

And We Know

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2e1d72 No.21107483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f33d72 No.21107484

The reason why the 4am talking point of Biden's defenders is "Trump is only thinking about himself", is because they're trying to cover for the fact that they knew Biden's cognition was shot but THEY THOUGHT ONLY OF THEMELVES and hid the truth from the public.

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ecf053 No.21107485




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14707b No.21107486


The facets of time were solved decades ago.

Think insurance.



Claiming unfit for duty is merely the easy way out.


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b9cbad No.21107487

File: ddd7213034f5fb6⋯.jpg (105.84 KB,571x460,571:460,FIRE_SUPREMACY.jpg)

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c945c3 No.21107488


Just another one of "our gal/guy" that turned out not to be.

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860791 No.21107489


He was selected to congress.

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8c0175 No.21107490

File: 5735d137b6d6b84⋯.gif (1.48 MB,200x200,1:1,poppingcorn.gif)

who wants some?

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e3171a No.21107491

every current msdnchoe must GO!


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d4ff9b No.21107492


Joe big mad at Mr. PIG today

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ecf053 No.21107493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eb90d9 No.21107494


Hey sweetie!

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b76dc3 No.21107495

File: 6baf548f129324a⋯.png (174.56 KB,513x444,171:148,ClipboardImage.png)

Coming up live is THE REAL DEBATE:

8:45 pm ET / 5:45 pm PT


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2d406e No.21107496


>I think anon needs to read some scripture.

zero fucks given for who lived where 4000 yrs ago

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32953f No.21107497

File: 0289cbb20af2b32⋯.jpg (36.61 KB,485x323,485:323,3z9a.jpg)


omfg yazzzz!


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0a6a54 No.21107498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Aerosmith hits different now a days huh Anons?

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8c0175 No.21107499

File: 225c9f25b20efea⋯.jpg (60.97 KB,1080x1080,1:1,FYJB.jpg)

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259b62 No.21107500

File: 932f8e1adf5afe5⋯.png (682.37 KB,625x555,125:111,ClipboardImage.png)


Russian Time Traveller is Behind anons

Someone posted it last night

Joe leaves

KH Becomes POTUS

KH Chooses a VP(a)

KH Steps Down

VP(a) Becomes POTUS(a)

POTUS(a) Chooses VP(b)

(a)or(b) could be Newscum, Big Mike, HRC &/or an Unknown

Together while under threat of WW3 They will Cancel Elections like Ukraine did

& They will remain in Unelected Power

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b9cbad No.21107501

File: a48d09a0728b44a⋯.jpg (91.64 KB,737x560,737:560,ALLEY_CAT.jpg)

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b76dc3 No.21107502


Oh ok well show me some sauce & I'll listen until then GTFO

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167299 No.21107503

File: 0dabfd8c84c1dd9⋯.jpg (191.89 KB,900x633,300:211,0dabfd8c84c1dd9d3085b16096….jpg)


Mr. PIG, just say 'kek' in acknowledgement of muh quick response/observation and flashed meme missing an 'n'


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32953f No.21107504


yeah so does japanese porn

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926330 No.21107505


Bloodlines and DNA of world leaders today could quite possibly trace back to those of ancient times. Q actually said read the Bible.

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61a28c No.21107506

File: 1bc21a0480ac8b4⋯.png (812.97 KB,828x486,46:27,tic.PNG)


'Ticking Bomb: Biden Border Crisis Triggers

Urgent Terrorism Warnings

Townhall, by Guy Benson

Posted By: Imright, 6/28/2024 7:34:40 PM

The border crisis created by Joe Biden and his administration has allowed roughly ten million illegal border crossings since he took office, including nearly two million known 'got-aways.' This is a disgrace to the rule of law, an assault on our national sovereignty, and a scourge of unfairness to those who attempt to follow our laws and come to the country through legal means. Beyond that, it's also a mass-scale public safety and national security threat. When millions of people are permitted to come into the country illegally with impunity whether they're totally unvetted or insufficiently "vetted" there will be dangerous people and forces who

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c34153 No.21107507


filtered another spammer

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32953f No.21107508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cbe4e2 No.21107509


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c6d25a No.21107510

File: ce94f789c706ba9⋯.jpg (94.06 KB,674x500,337:250,30i784.jpg)



They are not sending their best…

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54705d No.21107511

File: 14733c85f3bd3f0⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Joe_Biden_Hunter_Biden_Cra….mp4)

File: 7e9e66cf59c318a⋯.jpg (623.35 KB,1200x800,3:2,Hunter_Is_a_Crackhead.jpg)

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b76dc3 No.21107512

File: e053928af052e33⋯.gif (5.63 MB,480x349,480:349,e053928af052e338b0ba5558fe….gif)

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2d0d04 No.21107513


Q also said that the key to a Great Lasagna is the cheese.

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485d83 No.21107514

File: eeb517c30481876⋯.jpg (108.91 KB,640x458,320:229,stiw.jpg)

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167299 No.21107515

File: 7ce61586238821f⋯.png (514.82 KB,636x632,159:158,soon_popcorn_.png)

File: f29ab9635200b54⋯.png (2.79 MB,1842x1030,921:515,popcorn_feed5.png)


all set

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8c0175 No.21107516

File: 009f822b831cdd3⋯.jpg (473.14 KB,1536x1920,4:5,BidenMummy.jpg)

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697fd2 No.21107517

File: 98313d3ba5d93ac⋯.png (2.41 MB,1908x920,477:230,1j.png)

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926330 No.21107518


You’re a fed

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1db7f5 No.21107519

File: c7f29b919c69941⋯.png (4.56 MB,1440x4680,4:13,2515.png)


All for a LARP right?

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c34153 No.21107520


the dummy is up for another debate in sept

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33709d No.21107521

File: b97b66bf13c0a62⋯.jpg (58.07 KB,474x608,237:304,bredjk.jpg)

Last Call


#25872 >>21106835

>>21106867, >>21107075, >>21107081, >>21107165, >>21107167 @DanScavino Biden Tic Tacs #TICTACFLATION - tictacs/tactics - Peach Mint Orange 11/3


>>21106932 @TrumpBedminster Cheers to longer days and warmer nights. We’re excited to dive right into summer fun!

>>21106953 @TrumpDoonbeg We are thrilled to be recognised as one of Ireland's Best Workplaces in Hospitality 2024

>>21106970, >>21106990 Babylon Bee

>>21106971 prior to boarding Trump Force One, @realDonaldTrump thanks law enforcement in the Commonwealth of Virginia

>>21106972 Numerous emergency personnel are on the scene of a mass casualty incident after a van crashed into a nail salon killing multiple people


>>21107002 Anon highly recommends this video A former ritual abuse victim now interviewer talking with another former victim

>>21107040, >>21107291 PlaneFaggin'


>>21107077 clown ops comms in movies and series - paul sperry (remember anons)

>>21107140 New York Times editorial board calls on Biden to drop out of 2024 race

>>21107149 Lying to start a war Netanyahu Tells US Delegation Iran Seeks To Topple Saudi Arabia, Jordan

>>21107157 Nothing To See Here, Just A Smiling Robot Face Made From Living Human Flesh

>>21107168 2024 RIMPAC Press Conference

>>21107172 RFK Jr. Says He’s Open to The Idea of Replacing Biden on Democrat Ticket

>>21107205 Mil Tweets

>>21107255 Dan's doing extra letters "WE'RE SOOO BACCCCK!!!"

>>21107284 Cart boy share story of when Biden came to play at his country club ealier this year "Joe shot a 96"

>>21107293 Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, - obumma post

>>21107296 @elonmusk "Tonight was a clear victory - for memes"

>>21107300 anon brings forward some missed notes from lb

>>21107309 Iranian boxship converted into drone carrier readies for duty

>>21107329 @realDonaldTrump - I’M IN VERY GOOD HEALTH — MAGA!

>>21107331 @LindellTV Julie Kelly The Real Hero In SCOTUS Fischer Decision

>>21107332 Biden joins Elton John, Hochul for opening of NYC Stonewall Inn national monument

>>21107345 Biden's own Pentagon press secretary admits Biden was LYING when he outrageously claimed he's the "only president this century" not to have any troops killed during his term

>>21107347, >>21107349, >>21107400, >>21107419, >>21107495 @elonmusk and RFK Jr moderate alternative Presidential debate

>>21107363 @Vivek "Biden is not actually running the country which raises an uncomfortable question: who is?" @Musk "Maybe Nobody"

>>21107425 @WarRoom DeGrasse: Debate Causes Political Earthquake In Senate And House Seats

>>21107453 Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All' - 06/28/2024

>>21107506 'Ticking Bomb: Biden Border Crisis Triggers Urgent Terrorism Warnings

>>21106964, >>21106993, >>21107042 Memes

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61a28c No.21107522

File: 085930bd466f767⋯.png (973.29 KB,949x602,949:602,xx.PNG)

File: 56c349bd5b56756⋯.png (1.57 MB,794x791,794:791,mem.PNG)


Appearing on a QAnon-supporting podcast, Eric Trump praises the host for his “honest voice”

The husband of RNC co-chair Lara Trump has appeared on the program multiple times

Written by Alex Kaplan

Published 06/25/24 12:20 PM EDT

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2d0d04 No.21107523


I'm a Hungry not fed.

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b9cbad No.21107524

File: 36f35c41f814908⋯.jpg (156.37 KB,600x635,120:127,NEVER_WORKS_OUT_4_U.jpg)

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9b8874 No.21107525


>They are not sending their best…

What if this is the best they've got?

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6a5395 No.21107526

File: 767e78dbdf49f6c⋯.jpg (1.66 MB,3292x2188,823:547,Treason.jpg)



Q team provided saline vaccines before Deep State could get their production line into gear. Saved many lives. Some DS vaccines still got through. This is War.

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926330 No.21107527

This is advertised as a freeeeeeee speech platform would you like to be sued?

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2d406e No.21107528


>KH Steps Down


don't know where yer gettin' yer drugs….

kneepads would NEVER step down from power

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54705d No.21107529


Imagine Trump debating Kamala Harris for round 2

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fd1b3f No.21107530

File: 9b48a23c88cc00e⋯.jpeg (260.43 KB,1788x1265,1788:1265,IMG_3091.jpeg)

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259b62 No.21107531


Steps down, removed, get's sick

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54705d No.21107532


Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

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f33d72 No.21107533


How do you know everyone here is a 'pacifist'?

Please say it's because they're (you're) posting here.

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fb1b3f No.21107534

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Liz Harrington On First Presidential Debate: That Was Not A Debate, It was A Set Up



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61a28c No.21107536

File: 1666a6474435479⋯.png (827.02 KB,854x644,61:46,wh.PNG)


Trans WH Official Levine ‘Pressured’ WPATH To Throw Out Age Requirement For Child Sex Changes

Gloriel Howard by Gloriel Howard

June 26, 2024

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259b62 No.21107537

I suppose the Unknown KH Might pick as VP could be Comey or Brennan

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4d2cac No.21107538

File: a304015431d1614⋯.png (1.21 MB,1241x776,1241:776,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b41b5a20bd6e2c7⋯.png (13.68 KB,397x186,397:186,ClipboardImage.png)


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c34153 No.21107539

File: 5b159f0410cff14⋯.jpeg (39.43 KB,300x250,6:5,IMG_0879.jpeg)

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2d406e No.21107540


>last call

ya gotta include this, for the keks


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f4b54c No.21107541

It was time to show the world the truth.

Trust the plan.





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926330 No.21107542

File: 4514f45303318ca⋯.gif (27.1 KB,200x162,100:81,IMG_1734.gif)

This little diddle is called “peeping Tom on the loose” off the 10 disc discography entitled “censorship causes Streisand effect” we appreciate your efforts but

C_A Is dead

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20dded No.21107543


I would love to see who is listed as Plaintiff in that case

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a24d79 No.21107544


Why the egg comms? That’s gay

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dba4fb No.21107545

Did Creepy Joe fill out his own death warrant last night?

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0a6a54 No.21107546

File: 21d60b20162ae4b⋯.jpg (75.73 KB,543x680,543:680,IMG_20240503_084509_997.jpg)




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2a108a No.21107547

File: 0faaf98370e7bb7⋯.jpeg (134.5 KB,460x345,4:3,IMG_1745.jpeg)

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f33d72 No.21107548


>Alex Kaplan

ah yes, the conspiracy theory pushing water carrier of the radical left.

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54705d No.21107549


We about to have a lesbian cook-off.

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1ea72b No.21107550


Notice no person in the media had to address any political issues mentioned during the debate.

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926330 No.21107551

[C]los[i]ng [A]ct

Cat catch your tongue?

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20dded No.21107552


I'd say that happened when he got talked into running. Wasn't there a thing where Hussein told hm "Joe, you don't have to do this?"

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764003 No.21107553


>By turning into the path of the torpedo, the Captain closed the distance before it could arm itself.

is that a good thing or bad?

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fd1b3f No.21107554

Death is coming for all those that follow the plan. Die well.

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4d2cac No.21107555

File: 3456a73ec3a0084⋯.png (13.08 KB,396x171,44:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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896c4b No.21107556

File: 677e8e122beb36d⋯.png (2.83 MB,1826x2019,1826:2019,20230715_201239.png)

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2d0d04 No.21107557


because I'm a covert agent that missed lunch..

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926330 No.21107558

How’s Russia

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6e1220 No.21107559

File: 93f8bc00ae2a220⋯.mp4 (4.35 MB,720x1280,9:16,jfkjr_nose_touch.mp4)


guy watching the alt debate on Elon's meme?

Not John Stossel

Try harder.

nose and hair color completely wrong.

also hairline.



This one as his Vice-President would cause quite a stir?

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61a28c No.21107560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Optimistic Voices

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c6d25a No.21107562

File: fa32bb70835422e⋯.png (47.67 KB,617x541,617:541,ClipboardImage.png)



Insider Paper


Jun 26

NEW: South Korea administrative robot defunct after apparent suicide

A city council in South Korea said Wednesday their first administrative officer robot was defunct after throwing itself down some stairs, with local media


Jun 26, 2024 · 10:40 AM UTC


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597430 No.21107563

File: 814f7f1e8cb4227⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,425x408,25:24,814f7f1e8cb42279339946663a….jpg)

File: c1e27654cd67283⋯.jpg (7.91 KB,255x172,255:172,08e9ec4de8d37891d8c9fe3c5a….jpg)


both cheeks=same ass

is equal to

both wings belong to the same bird.

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860791 No.21107564


How about that Massie endorsement for President Trump?

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fb1b3f No.21107565

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

==Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State=



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2e1d72 No.21107566

File: 5a758c1fe0670a0⋯.png (416.2 KB,1912x1854,956:927,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e531b No.21107567

File: c3b71e78d48df79⋯.png (400.39 KB,2027x1016,2027:1016,IMG_2457.png)

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2d0d04 No.21107568

File: bc80979961c7d40⋯.jpg (17.62 KB,227x255,227:255,creepy_beans_NS.jpg)

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54705d No.21107569

>as Steve’s black box data indicated that the machine had slipped on a “loose brick surface” and fallen prey to a tragic accident rather than dark thoughts.

the absolute fucking state…


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6e1220 No.21107570

File: 143c55f2a58254b⋯.jpg (104.77 KB,1024x471,1024:471,jfkjralivequintsconfirm.jpg)

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b9cbad No.21107571

File: adc210d7f0e1201⋯.jpg (109.4 KB,592x756,148:189,MASK_OFF.jpg)

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075a01 No.21107572


Unless…. its a mask.

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0fd9c5 No.21107573


WarpSpeed MAY have been the thing that tripped Them up. They wanted to chip away the last vestige of freedom without people noticing. Trump may have tricked Them into the light.

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54705d No.21107574

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61a28c No.21107575

File: 77c83feafbe9e42⋯.png (135.81 KB,606x851,606:851,cm.PNG)


Phil Holloway ✈️



Judge Glanville in the #FaniWillis v #YoungThug trial was just checkmated by @doug_weinstein

He filed his mandamus in Superior court following guidance from the GA Supreme Court

The Supreme Court explicitly said a different judge would have to hear the motion


9:47 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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b9cbad No.21107576

File: 9d1752baa4e29db⋯.jpg (117.34 KB,460x669,460:669,NO_FEAR_ATOLL.jpg)

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a9a812 No.21107577


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54705d No.21107578


>#FaniWillis v #YoungThug


They making rap music now?

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926330 No.21107579

File: de468de765e83d7⋯.jpeg (912.46 KB,1170x1749,390:583,IMG_1750.jpeg)

File: 29731902177541d⋯.jpeg (101.42 KB,1170x465,78:31,IMG_1751.jpeg)

File: 5496850876454ac⋯.jpeg (395.26 KB,1170x1573,90:121,IMG_1752.jpeg)


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789942 No.21107580

if EVERY thing has meaning, then does anything really have meaning?

Incredible's logic, nothing more.

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61a28c No.21107581

File: 7d0038973db85e7⋯.png (405.12 KB,589x707,589:707,joe.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Is this Joe?

0:12 / 1:09

1:51 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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6e5ae5 No.21107582


Heard the song years ago

even saw them in San Jose

Kid Rock opened

B Stage

but that's a trippy vidya

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90ecc5 No.21107583

File: 693f0220cbbf11e⋯.jpeg (2.23 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_3283.jpeg)

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c945c3 No.21107584


Nothing has meaning in this world.

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a6111f No.21107585

File: 4abf050e91844a0⋯.png (390.48 KB,1080x1052,270:263,ClipboardImage.png)

apparently milo cares about women's feeling now

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1ea72b No.21107586



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d4ff9b No.21107587


people waking up.

one mask at a time.

plant the seeds anons.

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526acc No.21107588


Fried Tater yummmm

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54705d No.21107589


Yes it is.

He's super frail and super fucked up, medicated to the max and almost on death's door. Warm the crypt.

Not Presidentially capable at all.

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61a28c No.21107590

File: 189ec4b04b97929⋯.png (584.39 KB,473x821,473:821,lit.PNG)

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33709d No.21107591

File: 9c200dd356e9812⋯.jpg (66.54 KB,600x428,150:107,9c200dd356e9812c6538a74023….jpg)

File: ed6acc098dc4e9a⋯.png (34.1 KB,240x240,1:1,Product_3657_removebg_prev….png)



#25872 >>21106835

>>21106867, >>21107075, >>21107081, >>21107165, >>21107167 @DanScavino Biden Tic Tacs #TICTACFLATION - tictacs/tactics - Peach Mint Orange 11/3


>>21106932 @TrumpBedminster Cheers to longer days and warmer nights. We’re excited to dive right into summer fun!

>>21106953 @TrumpDoonbeg We are thrilled to be recognised as one of Ireland's Best Workplaces in Hospitality 2024

>>21106970, >>21106990 Babylon Bee

>>21106971 prior to boarding Trump Force One, @realDonaldTrump thanks law enforcement in the Commonwealth of Virginia

>>21106972 Numerous emergency personnel are on the scene of a mass casualty incident after a van crashed into a nail salon killing multiple people


>>21107002 Anon highly recommends this video A former ritual abuse victim now interviewer talking with another former victim

>>21107040, >>21107291 PlaneFaggin'


>>21107077 clown ops comms in movies and series - paul sperry (remember anons)

>>21107140 New York Times editorial board calls on Biden to drop out of 2024 race

>>21107149 Lying to start a war Netanyahu Tells US Delegation Iran Seeks To Topple Saudi Arabia, Jordan

>>21107157 Nothing To See Here, Just A Smiling Robot Face Made From Living Human Flesh

>>21107168 2024 RIMPAC Press Conference

>>21107172 RFK Jr. Says He’s Open to The Idea of Replacing Biden on Democrat Ticket

>>21107205 Mil Tweets

>>21107255 Dan's doing extra letters "WE'RE SOOO BACCCCK!!!"

>>21107284 Cart boy share story of when Biden came to play at his country club ealier this year "Joe shot a 96"

>>21107293 Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, - obumma post

>>21107296 @elonmusk "Tonight was a clear victory - for memes"

>>21107300 anon brings forward some missed notes from lb

>>21107309 Iranian boxship converted into drone carrier readies for duty

>>21107329 @realDonaldTrump - I’M IN VERY GOOD HEALTH — MAGA!

>>21107331 @LindellTV Julie Kelly The Real Hero In SCOTUS Fischer Decision

>>21107332 Biden joins Elton John, Hochul for opening of NYC Stonewall Inn national monument

>>21107345 Biden's own Pentagon press secretary admits Biden was LYING when he outrageously claimed he's the "only president this century" not to have any troops killed during his term

>>21107347, >>21107349, >>21107400, >>21107419, >>21107495 @elonmusk and RFK Jr moderate alternative Presidential debate

>>21107363 @Vivek "Biden is not actually running the country which raises an uncomfortable question: who is?" @Musk "Maybe Nobody"

>>21107425 @WarRoom DeGrasse: Debate Causes Political Earthquake In Senate And House Seats

>>21107430, >>21107562 for keks - South Korea administrative robot defunct after apparent suicide

>>21107453 Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All' - 06/28/2024

>>21107506 'Ticking Bomb: Biden Border Crisis Triggers Urgent Terrorism Warnings

>>21107522 Appearing on a QAnon-supporting podcast (X22), Eric Trump praises the host for his “honest voice”

>>21107534 @WarRoom Liz Harrington On First Presidential Debate: That Was Not A Debate, It was A Set Up

>>21107565 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107575 BREAKING 🚨 Judge Glanville in the #FaniWillis v #YoungThug trial was just checkmated by @doug_weinstein

>>21106964, >>21106993, >>21107042 Memes

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54705d No.21107592


This is why we meme.

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0a6a54 No.21107593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Ended under show post options

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acadb0 No.21107594

File: f49df58ccb4342b⋯.png (327.1 KB,321x421,321:421,42352532h32.PNG)



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926330 No.21107595


Yea plant the seed ™️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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16d06c No.21107596

File: 9465ee8822f21a4⋯.jpg (158.08 KB,960x938,480:469,ISISdrop2.JPG)

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053225 No.21107597

File: 6dd65d96ea2b850⋯.jpg (19.5 KB,320x311,320:311,JoeBlow.jpg)

How do you slip one in? …

I once heard this dude say something like that?

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b9cbad No.21107598

File: be7128109159178⋯.gif (1.45 MB,374x525,374:525,STORM_2.gif)

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6e1220 No.21107599

File: 7c5a4614828250c⋯.jpg (97.7 KB,1200x838,600:419,robocop.jpg)


right out of "Robocop"

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167299 No.21107602

File: 60166884a8cb0cc⋯.jpg (56.5 KB,500x313,500:313,v8wdh_Copy.jpg)

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6e5ae5 No.21107603

Once 11.3 verifies

Three tic tacs

Expire in November

1, 4, 13

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ba0142 No.21107604

File: 5622b6e123b694e⋯.png (160.45 KB,425x408,25:24,5622b6e123b694e74992e1885e….png)

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789942 No.21107605

Anon looked in the mirror and fell through the looking glass, accidentally.

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167299 No.21107606


got a link?

interdasted enough to look…

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61a28c No.21107607

File: a0064338f4d0d84⋯.png (391.55 KB,589x484,589:484,mass.PNG)


johnny maga


Trump’s crowd today in Virginia was massive


Daniel Baldwin

11:19 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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6e1220 No.21107609


a new "Joe" with a pointy chin.


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d49e5b No.21107610


That's "one" of the Joes. Egg Headed Joe Is His Secret Service Code Name AKA Humpty Dumpty

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b9cbad No.21107611

File: 4a739b74c9e09fb⋯.jpg (105.15 KB,824x741,824:741,PIG_PIRATE.jpg)

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33709d No.21107612

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB,1027x731,1027:731,2126a42cbef85839a033d5319a….gif)

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167299 No.21107613

File: a2f41a1a9562b2c⋯.png (543.44 KB,586x578,293:289,trump_kennedy_2024_rtttujr….png)

File: e3f7e1deeb4480d⋯.png (479.55 KB,591x582,197:194,trump_kennedy_2024_p0o.png)

File: e39a53feac29f19⋯.png (81.58 KB,225x274,225:274,trump_kennedy_2024_hgoiu.png)

File: d6269049d2c9481⋯.png (216.13 KB,667x593,667:593,trump_kennedy_2024_hgf.png)

File: ded92d65c610736⋯.png (304.43 KB,794x524,397:262,trump_kennedy_2024_0po9i.png)

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cda32f No.21107614



> >>21107157 Nothing To See Here, Just A Smiling Robot Face Made From Living Human Flesh

whose face is it wearing

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61a28c No.21107615

File: 133fa3ec33ba3b6⋯.png (2.11 MB,873x874,873:874,jill.PNG)

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b9cbad No.21107616

File: e38530f8fc8b3f0⋯.jpg (97.26 KB,441x537,147:179,JERSEY_RALLY.jpg)

File: e1ce31e23e23493⋯.jpg (94.85 KB,783x368,783:368,FLY_OVER_JERSEY.jpg)

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a24d79 No.21107617


I looked in your fridge. No eggs

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33709d No.21107618

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.jpg (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….jpg)

File: 024017ab08cd86d⋯.png (1.02 MB,1078x718,539:359,024017ab08cd86dc689b0f6dc9….png)

File: 64456a20ab7f800⋯.png (751.13 KB,720x720,1:1,64456a20ab7f800b0e8f862d80….png)

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54705d No.21107620

File: 9984aaf49450dc5⋯.png (800.03 KB,1280x700,64:35,ClipboardImage.png)


Mecha Streisand!

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cda32f No.21107621


you lied about wikileaks dump

for clicks, someone said


stop posting nonsense

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c6d25a No.21107622

File: 8ab22f03484963e⋯.jpg (27.75 KB,680x589,680:589,media_F5SK_jeWwAAL_L3.jpg)

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6e5ae5 No.21107623

File: cf83ba0123989bf⋯.png (871.78 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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33709d No.21107624

File: a003f7e6725b101⋯.png (160.39 KB,294x340,147:170,a003f7e6725b101bc7160da46f….png)

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54705d No.21107625


Be sure to let us know when you "come out"

Seems close now.

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0a6a54 No.21107627

File: 0ebc6337d996f6e⋯.jpg (21.72 KB,945x816,315:272,IMG_20240628_100819_003.jpg)

Finish your bread fags.

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d1c931 No.21107628

File: 7b62699b635a8c0⋯.jpg (13.17 KB,213x255,71:85,07643ba0a296a8e8964063aae7….jpg)

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0a6a54 No.21107634


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