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File: 636241c0a2edf07⋯.png (100.06 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

320c99 No.21106821 [View All]

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61a28c No.21107575

File: 77c83feafbe9e42⋯.png (135.81 KB,606x851,606:851,cm.PNG)


Phil Holloway ✈️



Judge Glanville in the #FaniWillis v #YoungThug trial was just checkmated by @doug_weinstein

He filed his mandamus in Superior court following guidance from the GA Supreme Court

The Supreme Court explicitly said a different judge would have to hear the motion


9:47 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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b9cbad No.21107576

File: 9d1752baa4e29db⋯.jpg (117.34 KB,460x669,460:669,NO_FEAR_ATOLL.jpg)

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a9a812 No.21107577


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54705d No.21107578


>#FaniWillis v #YoungThug


They making rap music now?

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926330 No.21107579

File: de468de765e83d7⋯.jpeg (912.46 KB,1170x1749,390:583,IMG_1750.jpeg)

File: 29731902177541d⋯.jpeg (101.42 KB,1170x465,78:31,IMG_1751.jpeg)

File: 5496850876454ac⋯.jpeg (395.26 KB,1170x1573,90:121,IMG_1752.jpeg)


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789942 No.21107580

if EVERY thing has meaning, then does anything really have meaning?

Incredible's logic, nothing more.

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61a28c No.21107581

File: 7d0038973db85e7⋯.png (405.12 KB,589x707,589:707,joe.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Is this Joe?

0:12 / 1:09

1:51 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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6e5ae5 No.21107582


Heard the song years ago

even saw them in San Jose

Kid Rock opened

B Stage

but that's a trippy vidya

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90ecc5 No.21107583

File: 693f0220cbbf11e⋯.jpeg (2.23 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_3283.jpeg)

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c945c3 No.21107584


Nothing has meaning in this world.

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a6111f No.21107585

File: 4abf050e91844a0⋯.png (390.48 KB,1080x1052,270:263,ClipboardImage.png)

apparently milo cares about women's feeling now

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1ea72b No.21107586



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d4ff9b No.21107587


people waking up.

one mask at a time.

plant the seeds anons.

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526acc No.21107588


Fried Tater yummmm

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54705d No.21107589


Yes it is.

He's super frail and super fucked up, medicated to the max and almost on death's door. Warm the crypt.

Not Presidentially capable at all.

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61a28c No.21107590

File: 189ec4b04b97929⋯.png (584.39 KB,473x821,473:821,lit.PNG)

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33709d No.21107591

File: 9c200dd356e9812⋯.jpg (66.54 KB,600x428,150:107,9c200dd356e9812c6538a74023….jpg)

File: ed6acc098dc4e9a⋯.png (34.1 KB,240x240,1:1,Product_3657_removebg_prev….png)



#25872 >>21106835

>>21106867, >>21107075, >>21107081, >>21107165, >>21107167 @DanScavino Biden Tic Tacs #TICTACFLATION - tictacs/tactics - Peach Mint Orange 11/3


>>21106932 @TrumpBedminster Cheers to longer days and warmer nights. We’re excited to dive right into summer fun!

>>21106953 @TrumpDoonbeg We are thrilled to be recognised as one of Ireland's Best Workplaces in Hospitality 2024

>>21106970, >>21106990 Babylon Bee

>>21106971 prior to boarding Trump Force One, @realDonaldTrump thanks law enforcement in the Commonwealth of Virginia

>>21106972 Numerous emergency personnel are on the scene of a mass casualty incident after a van crashed into a nail salon killing multiple people


>>21107002 Anon highly recommends this video A former ritual abuse victim now interviewer talking with another former victim

>>21107040, >>21107291 PlaneFaggin'


>>21107077 clown ops comms in movies and series - paul sperry (remember anons)

>>21107140 New York Times editorial board calls on Biden to drop out of 2024 race

>>21107149 Lying to start a war Netanyahu Tells US Delegation Iran Seeks To Topple Saudi Arabia, Jordan

>>21107157 Nothing To See Here, Just A Smiling Robot Face Made From Living Human Flesh

>>21107168 2024 RIMPAC Press Conference

>>21107172 RFK Jr. Says He’s Open to The Idea of Replacing Biden on Democrat Ticket

>>21107205 Mil Tweets

>>21107255 Dan's doing extra letters "WE'RE SOOO BACCCCK!!!"

>>21107284 Cart boy share story of when Biden came to play at his country club ealier this year "Joe shot a 96"

>>21107293 Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, - obumma post

>>21107296 @elonmusk "Tonight was a clear victory - for memes"

>>21107300 anon brings forward some missed notes from lb

>>21107309 Iranian boxship converted into drone carrier readies for duty

>>21107329 @realDonaldTrump - I’M IN VERY GOOD HEALTH — MAGA!

>>21107331 @LindellTV Julie Kelly The Real Hero In SCOTUS Fischer Decision

>>21107332 Biden joins Elton John, Hochul for opening of NYC Stonewall Inn national monument

>>21107345 Biden's own Pentagon press secretary admits Biden was LYING when he outrageously claimed he's the "only president this century" not to have any troops killed during his term

>>21107347, >>21107349, >>21107400, >>21107419, >>21107495 @elonmusk and RFK Jr moderate alternative Presidential debate

>>21107363 @Vivek "Biden is not actually running the country which raises an uncomfortable question: who is?" @Musk "Maybe Nobody"

>>21107425 @WarRoom DeGrasse: Debate Causes Political Earthquake In Senate And House Seats

>>21107430, >>21107562 for keks - South Korea administrative robot defunct after apparent suicide

>>21107453 Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All' - 06/28/2024

>>21107506 'Ticking Bomb: Biden Border Crisis Triggers Urgent Terrorism Warnings

>>21107522 Appearing on a QAnon-supporting podcast (X22), Eric Trump praises the host for his “honest voice”

>>21107534 @WarRoom Liz Harrington On First Presidential Debate: That Was Not A Debate, It was A Set Up

>>21107565 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107575 BREAKING 🚨 Judge Glanville in the #FaniWillis v #YoungThug trial was just checkmated by @doug_weinstein

>>21106964, >>21106993, >>21107042 Memes

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54705d No.21107592


This is why we meme.

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0a6a54 No.21107593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Ended under show post options

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acadb0 No.21107594

File: f49df58ccb4342b⋯.png (327.1 KB,321x421,321:421,42352532h32.PNG)



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926330 No.21107595


Yea plant the seed ™️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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16d06c No.21107596

File: 9465ee8822f21a4⋯.jpg (158.08 KB,960x938,480:469,ISISdrop2.JPG)

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053225 No.21107597

File: 6dd65d96ea2b850⋯.jpg (19.5 KB,320x311,320:311,JoeBlow.jpg)

How do you slip one in? …

I once heard this dude say something like that?

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b9cbad No.21107598

File: be7128109159178⋯.gif (1.45 MB,374x525,374:525,STORM_2.gif)

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6e1220 No.21107599

File: 7c5a4614828250c⋯.jpg (97.7 KB,1200x838,600:419,robocop.jpg)


right out of "Robocop"

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167299 No.21107602

File: 60166884a8cb0cc⋯.jpg (56.5 KB,500x313,500:313,v8wdh_Copy.jpg)

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6e5ae5 No.21107603

Once 11.3 verifies

Three tic tacs

Expire in November

1, 4, 13

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ba0142 No.21107604

File: 5622b6e123b694e⋯.png (160.45 KB,425x408,25:24,5622b6e123b694e74992e1885e….png)

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789942 No.21107605

Anon looked in the mirror and fell through the looking glass, accidentally.

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167299 No.21107606


got a link?

interdasted enough to look…

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61a28c No.21107607

File: a0064338f4d0d84⋯.png (391.55 KB,589x484,589:484,mass.PNG)


johnny maga


Trump’s crowd today in Virginia was massive


Daniel Baldwin

11:19 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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6e1220 No.21107609


a new "Joe" with a pointy chin.


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d49e5b No.21107610


That's "one" of the Joes. Egg Headed Joe Is His Secret Service Code Name AKA Humpty Dumpty

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b9cbad No.21107611

File: 4a739b74c9e09fb⋯.jpg (105.15 KB,824x741,824:741,PIG_PIRATE.jpg)

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33709d No.21107612

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB,1027x731,1027:731,2126a42cbef85839a033d5319a….gif)

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167299 No.21107613

File: a2f41a1a9562b2c⋯.png (543.44 KB,586x578,293:289,trump_kennedy_2024_rtttujr….png)

File: e3f7e1deeb4480d⋯.png (479.55 KB,591x582,197:194,trump_kennedy_2024_p0o.png)

File: e39a53feac29f19⋯.png (81.58 KB,225x274,225:274,trump_kennedy_2024_hgoiu.png)

File: d6269049d2c9481⋯.png (216.13 KB,667x593,667:593,trump_kennedy_2024_hgf.png)

File: ded92d65c610736⋯.png (304.43 KB,794x524,397:262,trump_kennedy_2024_0po9i.png)

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cda32f No.21107614



> >>21107157 Nothing To See Here, Just A Smiling Robot Face Made From Living Human Flesh

whose face is it wearing

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61a28c No.21107615

File: 133fa3ec33ba3b6⋯.png (2.11 MB,873x874,873:874,jill.PNG)

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b9cbad No.21107616

File: e38530f8fc8b3f0⋯.jpg (97.26 KB,441x537,147:179,JERSEY_RALLY.jpg)

File: e1ce31e23e23493⋯.jpg (94.85 KB,783x368,783:368,FLY_OVER_JERSEY.jpg)

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a24d79 No.21107617


I looked in your fridge. No eggs

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33709d No.21107618

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.jpg (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….jpg)

File: 024017ab08cd86d⋯.png (1.02 MB,1078x718,539:359,024017ab08cd86dc689b0f6dc9….png)

File: 64456a20ab7f800⋯.png (751.13 KB,720x720,1:1,64456a20ab7f800b0e8f862d80….png)

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54705d No.21107620

File: 9984aaf49450dc5⋯.png (800.03 KB,1280x700,64:35,ClipboardImage.png)


Mecha Streisand!

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cda32f No.21107621


you lied about wikileaks dump

for clicks, someone said


stop posting nonsense

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c6d25a No.21107622

File: 8ab22f03484963e⋯.jpg (27.75 KB,680x589,680:589,media_F5SK_jeWwAAL_L3.jpg)

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6e5ae5 No.21107623

File: cf83ba0123989bf⋯.png (871.78 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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33709d No.21107624

File: a003f7e6725b101⋯.png (160.39 KB,294x340,147:170,a003f7e6725b101bc7160da46f….png)

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54705d No.21107625


Be sure to let us know when you "come out"

Seems close now.

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0a6a54 No.21107627

File: 0ebc6337d996f6e⋯.jpg (21.72 KB,945x816,315:272,IMG_20240628_100819_003.jpg)

Finish your bread fags.

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d1c931 No.21107628

File: 7b62699b635a8c0⋯.jpg (13.17 KB,213x255,71:85,07643ba0a296a8e8964063aae7….jpg)

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0a6a54 No.21107634


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