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a87fe8 No.20925787 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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a87fe8 No.20925791

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 —————— Australia #36

>>20842620 —————— Canada #58

>>20584322 —————— China #1

>>16694358 —————— France #7

>>19988670 —————— Germany #106

>>20478803 —————— Japan #22

>>20584358 —————— Korea #1

>>16694250 —————— Nederland #10

>>17784579 —————— QAJF #1

>>20584333 —————— Russia #1

>>20584424 —————— Saudi Arabia #1

>>20038152 —————— Scotland #9

>>19636057 —————— South Africa #12

>>19804572 —————— UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20883496 If a signed in baker posts notes in the current bread and then hands off, the next baker must keep them

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


#25664 >>20925054

>>20925079 A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors

>>20925127 Japan is building an ‘elevator to space’ for humans to experience what space looks like in person by 2025.

>>20925176 United Airlines flight catches fire before takeoff in Chicago, resulting in delays. No injuries have been reported.

>>20925410 Macron’s ‘Empire’ Has Fallen: He Tries To Contain Chaos in French Post-Colonial Territories, Travels To Mend Fences With Germany on the Eve of EU Elections

>>20925466 Rep. Mast Writes to VA on Behalf of Veterans Who Say They Are Losing Access to Their Doctors (Video)

>>20925561 ‘Certain friends and foes’ want Georgia to send troops to Ukraine (RT)

>>20925615 Tucker: Patrick Bet-David on Trump, Iran, and What Chris Cuomo Should Do with the Rest of His Life

>>20925778 #25664

#25663 >>20924299

>>20924306 Baker out

>>20924324 CIA is hiding a weapon that’s “Designed is to make the target feel like they're crazy"

>>20924326 Dough claim

>>20924315 James Biden associate Keaton Langston pleads guilty to $51M Medicare fraud

>>20924363 Benjamin Netanyahu calls civilian deaths in Rafah after latest Israeli attacks "tragic mistake"

>>20924428 PF Report: RCH613 C17 departed Port Au Prince after ground stop to Charleston

>>20924603 Jan. 6 supporters hold Memorial Day 'Freedom March' for 'hero' Ashli Babbitt

>>20924611 PF Report: AE67E8 US Navy P8 Poseidon off Dubai and south of the Straight of Hormuz at 1:20am local time. Sez 631kts so if accurate it’s hauling ass

>>20924638 PF Report: Belgian AF MACE41/42 F16s up just south of Brussels Intl where Zelensky’s A319 >>20924055 lb is parked and certainly putting on a show as who dafuq is gonna attack an unarmed parked aircraft at a public airport?

>>20924644 BF Report: an Iranian-flagged Landing Craft in the area supposed to be out of UAE heading for Bandar Abbas

>>20924649 Biden Administration Presses Allies Not to Confront Iran on Nuclear Program (WSJ)

>>20924654 Neighbours condemn North Korea launch that ends in mid-air fireball

>>20924666, >>20924668 US national security adviser, Saudi Arabia’s crown prince meet to discuss ‘semi-final’ security deal

>>20924761 POTUS Truth - Can you imagine, a President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in the history of our Country, and who is also the Republican Nominee for President in the upcoming 2024 Election, and leading in all polls against the Democrat Nominee, Joe Biden, is tomorrow going before a Corrupt and Conflicted Democrat Appointed, Acting New York Judge, on a FAKE & MADE UP CASE by a Soros backed failed D.A., and the Judge himself, to see whether or not he will become a common criminal?

>>20924838 These US properties are linked to the most notorious cults

>>20924845 POTUS Truth - Could somebody please ask Judge Merchan, whatever happened to MARK POMERANTZ, the man Alvin Bragg was furious at for the things he did on this contrived and unconstitutional case, and why wasn’t he allowed to testify?

>>20924854 @FBI - Self-proclaimed king of Bissonnet heads to prison for multi-state sex trafficking scheme @FBIHouston


>>20924911 Biden’s ex-border chief denounces admin’s policies, says president never called: ‘That’s a problem’


>>20924966 PF Report: 73-1677 E4B Nightwatch heading to JBA from Offut AFB (STRATCOM)

>>20925043 #256633

#25662 >>20923466

>>20923481 @DJT Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

>>20923517 Q 1513, 313 >>20923524 Q 1212 >>20923546 Q haberman >>20924065 VPPence

>>20923517, >>20923494 New Dan MP4 T1:04 @1:05 Est ( :01 )

>>20923506 You know it’s bad when the Illegal aliens are also concerned about America’s open borders.

>>20923511 Concerning Meme of Truth? AI-gen

>>20923516 Impact Covid Vax MP4

>>20923522 Dr Peter McCullough on vaccines and autism.

>>20923572 RCH4609 C17 Globey arrived at Caen from its JBA

>>20923579 We got Libertarian Meme #Clown

>>20923585 MEMORIAL DAY: Delivering The Truth with General Mike Flynn

>OLD Baker Notes

>>20923481, >>20923517, >>20923524, >>20923546 Anons dig Q+ 12:12 (John 15:13)

>>20923494, >>20923504, >>20923534, >>20923568, >>20923505 DanS 1:05pm (Arlington vid 1:04)

>>20923496 Biden's surprise night visit to Hunter's ex days before she testifies in his gun trial

>>20923486, >>20923516 Andrew Bridgen, an MP in England, "said this [COVID] is probably bigger than the Holocaust"

>NEW Baker Continues

>>20923618 Just recovered US-made M112 explosive charges in a @UNRWA School in Jabalia, Gaza.

>>20923626 Reminder we have Talking Points OP: Focus24 24/05/25


>>20923644 Covid Memes

>>20923648 Anon speculates HRC is not with us anymore

>>20923650 Anon Points Out: PDJT & Joe #ArligntonDelta

>>20923671 Joe and Hunter Biden used a visit to Sandy Hook memorial service to set up secret meet with Chinese?

>>20923695 Sleepy Joe nods off at Arlington MP4

>>20923704, >>20923972, >>20924055 PF: Zelensky left Madrid w/$1B from Spain-went to Brussels for moar-2 F16s

>>20923729 archive.org is under a ddos attack

>>20923773 Cornshucker flapping his lips in public #JamesCommie

>>20923787 Anon wants to know, has anyone heard this whistleblower’s story about Bidens?

>>20923816 @DanScavino RIP SHINZO


>>20923860 Judge Approves Class-Action Lawsuit Against American Airlines Over ESG Pension Investments Canada #58


>>20923913 OpenAI Not Focused on Safety, Partners With News Corp, Working with Apple? + Meta forms advisory board

>>20923971 Anon asks, Who wrote down the stories from Adam to Noah?

>>20923986 Homeowner finds still-warm 'meteorite'

>>20924049 North Korean spy satellite EXPLODES in mid-air #ElonMeToo

>>20924072 Global Outrage After Deadly Israeli Strike On Refugee Tent Camp In Rafah

>>20924039 @surflant - Never a dull moment #Deployment

>>20924119 Geometric Clouds in Arizona???!

>>20924122 @Kash Shout out to Patriots WW

>>20924125 SAM937 G5 WN from JBA

>>20923485, >>20923504, >>20923505, >>20923508, >>20923584, >>20923591, >>20923598, >>20923602, >>20923605, >>20923606, >>20923653, >>20923785, >>20923811, >>20923828, >>20923849, >>20923976, >>20924079, >>20924199, >>20924201 THANK YOU PATRIOTS

>>20924277 #25662

#25661 >>20922659, >>20922731

>>20922683 Supplemental Notables bun for #25658

>>20923183 (anon) Thank you to all the patriots who gave everything to protect the United States of America.

>>20922678, >>20922950, >>20922988 Q+ 10AM Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum.. working so hard

>>20923319, >>20923360 Q+ 12:12pm Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

>>20922786, >>20922826, >>20922923, >>20923256 QClock "Fishing Expedition" Psycho Joe Connection

>>20922711, >>20923047 USSOCOM 8:00am ...stop to reflect and remember > Q800 Coincidence?

>>20922727 AFMC 6:50am Today we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

>>20922737 USArmy 9:31am #HonorTheFallen

>>20922752 4thpsyopgroup - #HonorTheFallen #RememberAndReflect

>>20922872 US Naval Inst. 10:46am 'unlocks'> Q1046 They are all here. 24/7/365. Enjoy the show.

>>20922817 Trump says he 'would have absolutely gotten' Libertarian nomination if he could have run, slams RFK Jr.

>>20922873 @Jim_Jordan From Bunker Hill to Benghazi to Abbey Gate. Never forget

>>20922677 Lawmaker calls for Tlaib's removal after speech to 'People’s Conference for Palestine'

>>20922724 DeSantis signed bill 5/15 to remove "climate change" from state statutes, effective 07/01

>>20922738, >>20922755, >>20922812 Potato 8:26 suspicious Arlington headstone pic > Q826 COMMS GOOD. Nice try.

>>20922717 Renegade 9:45am - Arlington pic > Q945 BOOOOOM!

>>20922939 Hunter used Sandy Hook memorial to finesse meeting b/t dad and Chinese biz: docs

>>20922778 Margaret Brennan plays Q+ Rally “no one want EVs..” Then she says too butthead, “He’s Not Wrong”

>>20922888, >>20922982 NYTs calling Fetterman DangerousDems freaking out

>>20922922, >>20922985, >>20923214, >>20923252 NY Post pic (Is it HRC or memorex?)

>>20922825 @JudicialWatch "Mr. Biden has directed and overseen.. systematic deconstruction of U.S. border security

>>20923069, >>20923072, >>20923074 (reminder) Q+ historically against mass vaccines for children esp., "doctors lied"

>>20922809, >>20923217 evidence Q+ is legal Commander In Chief

>>20922941, >>20923039 Chessfags explore Wonderland

>>20923317 PF updates Ukraine AF UNKN1119 A319 landed at Madrid a few hours ago

>>20922931, >>20922938 explosion was seen in the sky over Japan after a warning about NK missile launch

>>20923006 ‘Korean NASA’ opens its doors

>>20923330 Space Force inches closer to classified remote work

>>20923363 Airmen, Space Force Guardians Could Grow Beards Under Pilot Program Proposed by House

>>20922832, >>20923099 NCAA, Power 5 agree to deal that will let schools pay players

>>20922870 Cannes security guard who clashed with Kelly Rowland strikes again as she 'disrespects' Korean actress

>>20922681, >>20922883, >>20922934 Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 exposed - Why Are They Hiding 6,000 Patents?

>>20922892 Ex-KKK leader’s child comes out as transgender in new memoir

>>20923034 500% Surge: Colorectal Cancer Rates Among U.S. Youths (data 1999-2020)

>>20923275 Telegram to Introduce Fact-Checking Feature

>>20923435 #25661

#25660 >>20921680

>>20921868, >>20922400 Remember and Honor our Heroes today

>>20922354, >>20922365 POTUS 7:42 am WE REMEMBER. (Memorial Day salute)

>>20922373, >>20922384, >>20922392 @82ndABNDiv 7:42 a.m. - our Paratroopers participated in Coca-Cola 600

>>20922444, >>20922538, >>20922587 Melania 8:19 am tribute to the brave souls who sacrificed their lives for our freedom

>>20921758 POTUS Truth Join 2/2022 > Q222

>>20922543, >>20922552 Q Clock "Fishing Expedition" (Fishing is Fun) > Q+ @NASCAR "Bass Pro Shops"

>>20921962, >>20922493, >>20921962 DanS. 11:05 (17 in pic w/POTUS @ NASCAR)

>>20922197, >>20922236, >>20922248, >>20922254 DanS. 11:07 pm (5/26) #CocaCola600 #NASCAR (00:54 vid)

>>20921766, >>20921770 Donald Trump given thunderous welcome at NASCAR race (vids)

>>20921780, >>20921803, >>20922021 PFs - Fly by over CMS at 1525ft prior to landing; others

>>20921961 US Naval Inst. 4:16 (5/26) "Tuck"; Smith > Q416

>>20922005, >>20922013, >>20922049 USS Constitution 12:46 (5/26) Open for tours Memorial Day

>>20922084 SURFLANT 6:00 am Honoring the Courage and Sacrifice of Our Heroes

>>20922168 @PapiTrumpo 1:21 (5/26) FAKE NEWS GOING DOWN!!!

>>20922180 @PapiTrumpo 6:43 (5/26) LOVE OUR BEAUTIFUL GOLD STAR FAMILIES!!!

>>20922438, >>20922473 anyone know when was the last time klaus schwab seen in public ?

>>20921979, >>20921980 Fani Willis appeals after judge drops multiple Trump charges

>>20922390, >>20922404 Defense Secretary Austin, 70, to transfer power to deputy as he goes under the knife again

>>20921958 Brigitte Macron & Germanys First Lady laugh on walk through Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial

>>20921915 Is Dem Rep. Gene Wu from texas a pedophile?

>>20922053, >>20922207 (vids) widow of NO Name, admits everyone in D.C. knew Elites went to Epstein Island

>>20922528 CA wrongly claimed millions in Medicaid services for illegals, watchdog reports

>>20921778 Zombies Fester in the Rot of California’s Streets In Newsom’s “National Model”

>>20922430 Judge Judy scathing verdict on out-of-control crime; rips 'ridiculous' liberal policies

>>20921692 "Democrat Messaging is Full of Sh*t!” -- James Carville Goes Off on Democrats

>>20922066 female teacher "elite" NYC prep school resigned after accusations she sexually abused student

>>20921706 F-35 Sustainment Challenges for the U.S. Taxpayer

>>20921714 Over 120 MP’s across all parties literally quitting their jobs. Why?

>>20921796, >>20921800, >>20921806 Sheffield, England violence between rival immigrants gangs.

>>20922079 Japanese researchers warn of risks of using blood from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients

>>20922475 professional cheating services are employing AI to craft seemingly "original" academic papers

>>20922425 Ukraine has allocated $11 million for penguin research in Antarctica.

>>20922063, >>20922067 (archive) bun - the history of the black notability

>>20922616 #25660

Previously Collected

>>20921666 #25659

>>20919185 #25656, >>20919951 #25657, >>20920770 #25658

>>20916446 #25653, >>20917885 #25654, >>20918327 #25655

>>20915579 #25652, >>20914825 #25651, >>20915579 #25652

>>20913189 #25649, >>20913966 #25650, >>20914825 #25651

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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a87fe8 No.20925798

File: 10f12969d30d1b4⋯.jpg (169.03 KB,800x557,800:557,memebetter_com_20200612061….jpg)

Dough; Looking for handoff or ghosting shortly


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2d85ae No.20925800

Evenin’ Nightshift

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24334e No.20925807

File: bafe619b56f5081⋯.png (213.3 KB,474x527,474:527,IMG_4516.png)

File: 2274fc93141b558⋯.png (183.96 KB,499x499,1:1,IMG_4517.png)

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38e904 No.20925810

File: bc426da79992240⋯.png (903.87 KB,736x792,92:99,bc426da799922409090714f777….png)


Great Mammaries

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a62ab0 No.20925814

File: 2f7df0ab487b603⋯.jpg (16.44 KB,255x244,255:244,6c8879669b7dc46e1b82de22b9….jpg)



firm it

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627d58 No.20925815

File: 4fc81b6336cb7ad⋯.png (317.28 KB,640x320,2:1,Screenshot_2024_05_27_at_2….png)

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a87fe8 No.20925816


handoff confirmed

…Time for dinner.

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322ede No.20925817

File: e4e0ae545ba01e2⋯.jpeg (42.12 KB,900x675,4:3,IMG_1960.jpeg)

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66faab No.20925818

File: 7782e2eef3e9395⋯.png (165.53 KB,600x401,600:401,5f7ab520ccd035bf61a2a62a2d….png)

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a62ab0 No.20925819


jelly of eats



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ae3fda No.20925820

File: b4182a44e70ae88⋯.png (199.49 KB,659x656,659:656,b4182a44e70ae88ee727c1c5d8….png)

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731582 No.20925821

File: 78e906e0f6c3cc4⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,480x598,240:299,YUT.mp4)

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5c56ef No.20925822

if the wars were fake does it complicate honoring the soldiers?

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f878da No.20925823

File: b572801779a20fc⋯.jpg (81.55 KB,507x499,507:499,8rszns.jpg)



Careful, the ADL Aka Mr pig will call you antisemitic now. Anyone saying good morning, evening or night is now automatically praising hitler

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5c56ef No.20925824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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40e839 No.20925825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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72c461 No.20925826

File: bafcaf82170ec5d⋯.jpg (154.24 KB,1080x1071,120:119,305077_1_.jpg)

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89686e No.20925827


dam you guys love General Motors. The kind of fucked up with the EV shit though, trying to save them?

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89686e No.20925828

>>20925788 pb

doubt it, more like, watch me guilt my dad into unfettered support for Israel while nothing else happens

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1f688a No.20925829

File: b5d2011dba4f3d7⋯.png (785.1 KB,570x760,3:4,b5d2011dba4f3d78624658fea8….png)

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8c881b No.20925830

File: 45270d3028b1229⋯.jpg (980.99 KB,1581x1576,1581:1576,45270d3028b122904d65dece8b….jpg)

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f878da No.20925831

File: 71b6a67a6599fad⋯.jpg (47.27 KB,513x500,513:500,8rt10b.jpg)


Change my mind

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1aaa2a No.20925832


Just one of the many reasons for the movie.

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a9b0b2 No.20925833

File: e79760ac9a1a7d5⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,854x480,427:240,klaus_no_elections_needed.mp4)

File: fc30ebb95af60f9⋯.png (896.67 KB,781x520,781:520,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b279b76bbd30457⋯.png (647.2 KB,500x557,500:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9db63d8ed2440e⋯.png (1023.36 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b4d1c83092da42⋯.mp4 (605.73 KB,480x480,1:1,ride_never_ends.mp4)



your notables are shit again.

missed shit loads again.

you are fucking up the kitchen.

going to have to go back and give it a scrape

stop sitting on the bread if you do not want to bake properly

are you purposely blind or ignoring shit.

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e335e8 No.20925834

File: c5e24164f1ec3e1⋯.png (5.22 MB,1776x1776,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


This guy gets it…

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f67440 No.20925835

File: bf36ba1334635eb⋯.png (2.74 MB,1403x1871,1403:1871,bf36ba1334635eb88230f5339d….png)

File: de79b40a7d3a24d⋯.jpg (121.56 KB,540x675,4:5,de79b40a7d3a24d58bd3f7ea9d….jpg)

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627d58 No.20925836

File: 1a24ddba57d7506⋯.png (34.78 KB,1020x150,34:5,Screenshot_2024_05_27_at_2….png)

File: f1679a509e2e546⋯.png (229.1 KB,550x709,550:709,Screenshot_2024_05_27_at_2….png)


a dumbbell in the gym and a meat cleaver in the kitchen…

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181dac No.20925837

NATO has gone from a Defensive pack "Protecting" it's members

To NATO being an Offensive Pact Because aNon-Memberis at war with their Nemisis

NATO has got to go

Leave NATO before it's too late

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934b29 No.20925838

File: 526fc09624aa102⋯.jpg (267.05 KB,1300x867,1300:867,154513.jpg)



The old memes were better.

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f878da No.20925839

File: b0439359dc053b2⋯.jpg (47.16 KB,500x500,1:1,8rswmf.jpg)

Anons have a Tippy Top circadian rhythm at all times of day and night.

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ce827c No.20925840

File: abeea8377368201⋯.jpeg (551.57 KB,771x711,257:237,18F7A30B_E647_4AA6_8F17_B….jpeg)

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d469f7 No.20925841


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8f3977 No.20925842

File: a7c97734c84f199⋯.jpg (105.69 KB,500x715,100:143,8rqvh4.jpg)

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6d462c No.20925843

File: d6c92e7f0894fe3⋯.jpeg (386.65 KB,1125x1215,25:27,IMG_0982.jpeg)

File: f43c0b37f4590c2⋯.jpeg (876.96 KB,1125x991,1125:991,IMG_0983.jpeg)

File: 4858a1fa3c9b6bf⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB,1125x1890,25:42,IMG_0984.jpeg)

File: 7d880bd4b836916⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB,1125x1912,1125:1912,IMG_0985.jpeg)

Wow Joseph!!!

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742fc2 No.20925844

She’s Christian

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bb330b No.20925845

INTERPOL detects 200 stolen vehicles from Canada each week

INTERPOL’s Stolen Motor Vehicle (SMV) database connects 137 countries and holds data on 12 million vehicles worldwide.

LYON, France: More than 1,500 vehicles stolen in Canada have been detected around the world since the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) successfully integrated the Canadian Police Information Centre’s (CPIC) stolen vehicle information with INTERPOL’s Stolen Motor Vehicle (SMV) Database in February 2024.

The RCMP’s CPIC database contains details on approximately 150,000 vehicles stolen in Canada. Since the integration, more than 200 of the stolen vehicles have been identified each week as their information is checked by law enforcement around the world, usually at national ports of entry.

Canada ranks among the top 10 countries in hits received via the SMV database this year, out of 137 countries connected worldwide.

INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock said:

“Stolen vehicles are international criminal currency. Not only are they used to traffic drugs, but also as payment to other criminal networks as well as fueling activities from human trafficking to terrorism.

“Sometimes overlooked, a stolen car is not just car theft. It is part of a major revenue stream for transnational organized crime. Through increased data sharing at the global level, we can better screen vehicles at border points, identify trafficking routes and arrest the perpetrators.”

INTERPOL’s SMV database allows police in the organization’s member countries to run a check against a suspicious vehicle and find out instantly whether it has been reported as stolen.

In 2023, around 226,000 vehicles were identified as stolen globally through the SMV database.

Joint vehicle crime project

In recent years, Canada has emerged as a key source country for stolen motor vehicles, in part given its large supply of sought-after high value models such as SUVs and crossovers. Many of the vehicles are shipped to the Middle East and West Africa, where they are then traded or re-sold.

On February 21, 2024, the Government of Canada announced that INTERPOL’s joint transnational vehicle crime project will receive $3.5 million (EUR 2.4 million) to enhance information sharing and investigative tactics to identify and retrieve stolen vehicles and parts around the world.


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d469f7 No.20925846

File: 1ed43c3e86ea8b5⋯.gif (200.85 KB,900x450,2:1,1ed43c3e86ea8b5c73df607433….gif)



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1a63e1 No.20925847

File: cff4ff04391fbb4⋯.jpg (1.55 MB,3384x3272,423:409,20231104_163815.jpg)

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f67440 No.20925848

File: 9e2cb6998ab4365⋯.jpeg (7.33 KB,224x225,224:225,images_49_.jpeg)

File: bf36ba1334635eb⋯.png (2.74 MB,1403x1871,1403:1871,bf36ba1334635eb88230f5339d….png)


nipple it's there saw it

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f9760e No.20925849



Today, we are not just the fortunate heirs to our fallen heroes' legacy.

We have the responsibility to be the keepers of their mission.

The truest memorial to their lives are the actions we take every day to ensure that our democracy and the very idea of America endures.

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bb330b No.20925850

File: 4975d2ab44ec2f5⋯.png (369.25 KB,519x418,519:418,ClipboardImage.png)

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f878da No.20925851


All virtue signaling Filter queen 🎤 💧's get in muh filter

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f02414 No.20925852



Here we go.

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7e01a0 No.20925853

File: b347b4223145d64⋯.png (20.14 KB,385x244,385:244,ClipboardImage.png)



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181dac No.20925854

File: a3a199bf17043e6⋯.png (2.35 MB,1359x763,1359:763,ClipboardImage.png)

Doe he know what that Symbol Means?

Does he Know Where it was Used?

Borris Johnson is a NAZI Sympathizer just like Trudeau

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8f3977 No.20925855

File: 3f489ecae3dabbd⋯.jpg (13.57 KB,255x190,51:38,buguu.jpg)

Imagine the chit-chat

What could that be

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e808b1 No.20925856

File: 9d6aae2d07ea76a⋯.jpg (110.93 KB,702x366,117:61,HONOR_THE_FALLEN.jpg)

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bb330b No.20925857

File: f2f311c9e3ec549⋯.png (244.8 KB,503x245,503:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce827c No.20925858

File: b7d21149df83594⋯.jpeg (317.51 KB,1022x664,511:332,7A660D0D_5594_4E9E_8566_9….jpeg)

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82072e No.20925859

File: 1d4e524aa39c0c9⋯.png (383.65 KB,1320x834,220:139,ivermectin_cancer_leukaemi….png)

File: ca8aca96340b3dc⋯.png (64.82 KB,1176x397,1176:397,new_study_how_ivermectin_k….png)

>>20925275 pb

>My cousin is currently taking 36mg per day. Sent her enough for 90 days for less than $250. Also provided her with a 90 day supply of Fenbendazol (222mg daily). I am hoping it kicks her cancer in the ass :)

This sounds like a reasonable regimen to me.

I take about 1000mg of Fenben every week or 2

That's about 2 tablespoons

Very very well tolerated

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490bcf No.20925860

File: b804c2e58ba0924⋯.png (84.41 KB,276x183,92:61,ClipboardImage.png)

o7 to all who came before us - salute!

>>20925798 tyb

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a87fe8 No.20925861

File: 5d83f17c807574b⋯.jpg (18.98 KB,473x366,473:366,5d83f17c807574b1ad5eb62eff….jpg)


…Fuck you.

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731582 No.20925862

File: bc540068a4d87f2⋯.png (519.37 KB,552x414,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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836bdf No.20925863


what a tard. this is a republic, not a democracy

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89686e No.20925864


where do you get it?

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f02414 No.20925865

File: 08762744d5cf804⋯.jpg (36.07 KB,489x328,489:328,NotableBegging.JPG)


Uh-oh, it's a pile on now.

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f67440 No.20925866


Gold Morning seems like a larp but ok

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d1b4d1 No.20925867

File: 4872e7de1ba3ab5⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_05_21_19_20_08.mp4)

> >>20925856 (You)

Do (you) ever wonder what it is like to be anon?

Anon bets you say it angrily like Joe blow does, kek.

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1b677d No.20925868

File: d97c0334f925533⋯.mp4 (2 MB,888x716,222:179,RawSoetoro.mp4)


Make [them] send their own kids. Make them fight their own wars.

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f02414 No.20925869


Oh my.

Baker is based af.

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e808b1 No.20925870

File: 7620894a15db9cc⋯.jpg (123.91 KB,535x569,535:569,NOW_UR_JUST_DIVIDING.jpg)

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6f0c74 No.20925871

File: 95d1833a551ee63⋯.jpg (39.73 KB,562x562,1:1,IMG_20240527_211823.jpg)

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3c76ac No.20925872

File: 9cf5054f33c782d⋯.png (115.44 KB,340x177,340:177,Screenshot_2024_05_27_2055….png)

File: 8bbeb2b06a359a1⋯.gif (1.36 MB,354x254,177:127,IMG_0176.gif)

>The original two weeks.

Is it over

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322ede No.20925873

File: 4f5654b288b4a62⋯.jpeg (61.08 KB,512x512,1:1,IMG_1957.jpeg)

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bb330b No.20925874

File: 8c6db878442a3d0⋯.png (127.1 KB,686x599,686:599,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 388cf9b3f1d8c31⋯.png (125.1 KB,707x574,101:82,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b80f37a0e3cb07f⋯.png (115.39 KB,704x415,704:415,ClipboardImage.png)

Will Gen Z change America’s foreign policy towards Israel?

Not just the protests, but myriad polls show a dramatic shift away from unconditional support

That Gen Z Americans have unique foreign policy views isn’t news, but the recent student-led protests over the Israel-Hamas war has highlighted the generational differences in this country and may portend a future political distancing of the U.S. from its long-time client in Tel Aviv.

Some of the indicators may be concerning. Aside from displaying more support for ceasefire than their older cohorts, a majority of 18-24 year-olds in a December Harvard/Harris poll — 67% — said they believe Jews “as a class” are oppressors, and that the 10/7 attack was justified by Palestinians’ grievances (60%). But then, the poll also found 78% of Americans aged 18-34 believe Israel has a right to exist. The majority of this cohort also called what Hamas did on Oct. 7 terrorism and said anti-Semitism is on the rise on college campuses.

Meanwhile, an April POLITICO-Morning Consult poll found only “15 percent of Gen Zers said they’re more sympathetic toward the Israelis, compared to 4o percent of Baby Boomers,” and 24% of Gen Zers said it was a top issue that would affect their vote vs. 11% for over-65 voters. Some 20% of Gen Zers support providing weapons to the Palestinians vs. 2% of over-65 voters.

And in April, Pew Research reported, “A third of adults under 30 say their sympathies lie either entirely or mostly with the Palestinian people, while 14% say their sympathies lie entirely or mostly with the Israeli people” and “older Americans, by comparison, are more likely to sympathize with Israelis than Palestinians.”

In November, the Brookings Institution reported, “Even before the Hamas invasion, there were distinct generational differences in Americans’ attitudes towards Israel,” adding, “only 41% of those aged 18-29 had a favorable view of Israel, compared to 69% of those aged 65 or older.”

To say this generation was primed for a shift is an understatement. New media has certainly taken advantage and is, at the same time, being fueled by these young voices and their consumption habits. Israel can no longer control the flow of information and messages. Networked tribalism, according to John Robb at City Journal, “bypasses traditional media by directly delivering information and moral framing to people using social networks.”. On TikTok, #freepalestine has 31 billion posts compared to 590 million for #standwithisrael, which led The New Arab to claim, “Palestinian solidarity won the internet.”

By the way, the U.S. has the most TikTok users — 116.5 million; a Pew survey late last year reported that about one-third of young Americans get their news from TikTok.

Recently, Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and Secretary of State Tony Blinken commiserated over the negative effect of social media on the sustainability of the pro-Israel narrative. Romney volunteered that was the reason Congress voted to ban TikTok.

They don’t like that 50% of young Americans trust news from social media nearly as much as they do legacy media, and that more student protesters are relying on foreign media like Al Jazeera, which had been covering the conditions on the ground in graphic and persistent measure until Israel banned the network from operating there in early May.


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1b677d No.20925875

File: 87b90b95b776e32⋯.png (693.65 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae3fda No.20925876

File: be2ab7a8a487e3c⋯.gif (544.28 KB,320x180,16:9,popcorn4.gif)

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a87fe8 No.20925877

…This 'supplimental note' shit has to fuckin' stop. It's become a pattern, at this point.

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1f688a No.20925878

File: af2d6e1dba8837f⋯.png (57.09 KB,573x579,191:193,1685140837643065.png)

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24334e No.20925879


Love that movie

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82072e No.20925880


a few different places but recently bigdweb because the price is pretty good

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836bdf No.20925881


not the only thing

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bb330b No.20925882

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e808b1 No.20925883

File: 18a92c085ccb631⋯.jpg (105.79 KB,491x558,491:558,BIG_SPENDER.jpg)

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731582 No.20925884

File: 7107d064506c901⋯.png (242.29 KB,474x210,79:35,ClipboardImage.png)


bishop jumps the queen

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72c461 No.20925885

File: 06b059772787973⋯.png (1000.35 KB,683x1024,683:1024,06b059772787973aeb8fbd288a….png)

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8f3977 No.20925886

File: 061698bbfd8c962⋯.mp4 (171.68 KB,608x360,76:45,_BarackObama_No_one_especi….mp4)


Good news !

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934b29 No.20925887

File: 7a1bc4122145631⋯.png (198.69 KB,616x529,616:529,ClipboardImage.png)

The Trump Organization



Remembering and honoring the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. #MemorialDay

May 27, 2024 · 9:48 PM UTC



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1b677d No.20925888

File: 196177631222edd⋯.png (108.88 KB,409x426,409:426,ClipboardImage.png)

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24334e No.20925889

File: afd8c2b002e2a5a⋯.jpeg (130.11 KB,1002x943,1002:943,IMG_4451.jpeg)

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731582 No.20925890

File: ac1917e9abb0b9f⋯.jpg (21 KB,255x237,85:79,757a1e54123e6d211fb9e2f2c0….jpg)

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1b677d No.20925891

File: b2144a6674593b1⋯.png (268.17 KB,489x447,163:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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f02414 No.20925892


There's a small crew of newsbots that dominate the Notables.

They and their fav Baker throw tantrums whenever they get skipped.

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ae3fda No.20925894

File: 776703f4a99eb55⋯.png (956.57 KB,960x621,320:207,776703f4a99eb55d295f5918da….png)

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b3fa05 No.20925896

File: 4c457e5de351723⋯.mp4 (9.37 MB,478x850,239:425,MfVCyrqxGuIdj8XD.mp4)

File: 32969887770ae91⋯.jpg (41.43 KB,484x608,121:152,gdsf.JPG)


Bronze Giant


Evil never sleeps.

Look at the amount of human bones.


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89686e No.20925897


my my that's a new one

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e210c3 No.20925898

File: b6eafc1adcc3404⋯.png (240.55 KB,606x479,606:479,47.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Kash: I told the Boss - We need a 24/7 declassification

2:20 PM · May 27, 2024




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490bcf No.20925899

File: a7838775496015b⋯.png (406.61 KB,634x536,317:268,ClipboardImage.png)


Pope Francis shocks bishops by allegedly saying gay men should not be admitted to church seminaries because 'there's already too much f*ry'

- Bishops told Italian media the comments were met with 'incredulous laughter'


Pope Francis has allegedly shocked bishops in Italy by using an offensive slur when saying that homosexual men should not be admitted to church seminaries because there is already 'too much' gay sexual activity.

The pontiff told a closed-door meeting at an episcopal conference at the Vatican that homosexual men should not be allowed into colleges to train for the priesthood, Italian media reports.

Bishops at the meeting were reportedly taken aback by the language the 87-year-old used to make the statement - the derogatory word 'frociaggine', which roughly translates to f*ry.



Italian news agency Adnkronos, citing sources, reported that the Pope said in the speech: 'Look: there is already an air of f*ry around that is not good. There is today's culture of homosexuality with respect to those who have a homosexual orientation [who] are better off not being accepted [into the seminary].'

The remark was met with 'incredulous laughter', bishops told newspaper Corriere della Sera. Some suggested that it was an honest mistake by the Pope, for whom Italian is a second language, and that he 'did not know' how offensive the word was. The alleged comments, which seem to go against recent moves to amend seminary admission rules, have come as a surprise to some in the church as Francis is known for taking a more liberal view than his predecessors on LGBT rights.

When asked about his views on homosexuality in 2013, he famously said: 'If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?' Last year, he described laws that criminalise homosexuality as a 'sin' and an 'injustice', and allowed Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples in a significant advance for LGBT rights in the church.

However, the Pope delivered a similar message on gay seminarians - minus the reported swear word - when he met Italian bishops in 2018, telling them to carefully vet priesthood applicants and reject anyone suspected of being homosexual.

Political gossip website Dagospia was the first to report on the alleged incident, said to have happened on May 20, when the Italian Bishops Conference opened a four-day assembly with a non-public meeting with the pontiff.

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Francis's native language is Spanish, and though he is fluent in Italian he has made a number of linguistic faux pas in the past.

He has previously said that if a boy is unsure about his sexuality and is facing mental health challenges he might need 'psychiatric' support. It's widely believed he instead meant 'psychological' help, words he has also confused on other occasions.

Francesco Lepore, a former priest who is now a gay rights activist, said he was 'stunned' by the comments allegedly made by Francis, who is also known by his birth name Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

'Despite being accustomed by now to the type of direct language on the part of Bergoglio, speaking of 'f*ry' in the seminaries seems more like a bar and a tavern than a Pontiff,' he told la Repubblica.

'This expression would never have appeared on the lips of Paul VI, John Paul II or Benedict XVI, who also took damning positions towards homosexuality. He added: 'The Pope is right that the number of homosexual seminarians and clerics is very high. But the simplicity of language has nothing to do with vulgarity.'

Reports about the pontiff's remarks at the meeting come after bishops approved a document regulating admission to Italian seminaries, according to Corriere.

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6f0c74 No.20925900

File: 2340efb1d729dc6⋯.png (1.02 MB,1262x2919,1262:2919,1716858583062.png)



and freaks

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8f3977 No.20925901


Digits confirm

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66faab No.20925902

File: 6e952e35a2a032d⋯.jpg (96.97 KB,669x738,223:246,6e952e35a2a032dba25aaf5ca7….jpg)

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81dec2 No.20925903



not even for the team, or to save mankind.

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836bdf No.20925904


the board team throw tantrums. clickbait prostitutes doesn't begin to describe

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1b677d No.20925905

File: 53f9212dd87a6bb⋯.png (445.87 KB,696x452,174:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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181dac No.20925906

File: a3714f371e93ba8⋯.png (975.77 KB,871x500,871:500,ClipboardImage.png)

Remember this Guy?

He was Shot by the Kenosha Kid

& He's on the side of Pro-Hamas

It couldn't be any more obvious who the baddies are


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490bcf No.20925907

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d1b4d1 No.20925908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1b677d No.20925909

File: 6f1684da8533107⋯.png (2.75 MB,1068x1061,1068:1061,ClipboardImage.png)

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82072e No.20925910



I've had nightmares of something like that

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38e904 No.20925911


Has anyone seen muh pinata stick?

Need it for a fren.

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f67440 No.20925912


the mexican chicks got bigger nipples .

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322ede No.20925913



It’s always been the same group.

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1b677d No.20925914

File: e73bf3e77629658⋯.png (225.07 KB,300x638,150:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f3977 No.20925915



What a satanic freemason thing to call your website.

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ae3fda No.20925916

File: 1ded49276fe2f68⋯.webm (415.1 KB,427x240,427:240,_.webm)

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9e7ca3 No.20925917

Let's not forget that we never had a choice. Propaganda was fed to us since we could speak and comprehend English. All wars fought since Napolean have been bankers' wars. WWII was a giant heist, a robbery. Korean War, Vietnam,, where so many young men died needlessly, Iraq too. All for bankers.

The world has seen it, and now they've had enough of it. Can we have fun now? The world needs something to celebrate and get behind, a perfect time for the arrival of the Dude right? Those DNA memories are starting to come back, you're starting to remember. You survived the last one.

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d1b4d1 No.20925918



look in the mirror for an even more extreme example

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40e839 No.20925919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e210c3 No.20925920

File: b76e0a8bce7183c⋯.png (251 KB,600x467,600:467,ny.PNG)




Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


If Trump takes New York, it’s game over

2:06 PM · May 27, 2024




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bb330b No.20925921

File: f645fd56bc96e42⋯.png (346.15 KB,540x463,540:463,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7df1a0210bb4e1⋯.png (78.65 KB,1144x437,1144:437,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb35e20b94e1c64⋯.png (70.04 KB,1153x448,1153:448,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1badd3402dd0d0⋯.png (81.88 KB,1174x410,587:205,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58f9fde785ddd2a⋯.png (78.52 KB,1138x464,569:232,ClipboardImage.png)

Australia, Israel and the ICC. One rule for Ukraine, another for Palestine

Already on trial for genocide, Israel has defied the International Court of Justice and amped up its slaughter of Palestinians. Ian McGarrity looks at the ‘global rules based order’, Australia and the predicament for world justice.

How many times have you heard Australian political leaders and senior bureaucrats intone our country’s belief in, and strategic reliance on the international community conforming to the ‘rules-based international order’?

But how consistent is a country like Australia likely to be when faced with supporting orders and obligations flowing from last week’s actions of rules-based entities like the International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ) when it doesn’t suit us or our own domestic values environment? Let alone those espoused by our ally, the United States?

The ICC is like a standing war crimes entity that deals with individuals accused of committing certain prescribed international crimes who are not likely to be dealt with by their own nation’s judicial system. The ICJ is a UN instrumentality dealing with disputes between countries.

Anthony Albanese and our urbane Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, are currently trying to navigate the complex thicket the ICC and ICJ have presented them. And the PM is seemingly not making a great fist of mastering the nuanced political, and arcane legal language used by the ICJ and the ICC in their respective orders and actions concerning the Gaza war last week.

ICJ orders and ICC’s Netanyahu arrest warrant

The ICJ made orders on May 17, which, on their face, appear to require Israel to cease military operations in the Gaza city of Rafah. The language of these orders is so tortured from seeking compromise and agreement from 13 of the 15 relevant judges, that international legal experts and the two dissenting judges are not really sure of their exact legal meaning.


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b3fa05 No.20925922

File: c692808711691e2⋯.gif (1.12 MB,360x270,4:3,R_1_.gif)





all classified info in US history from all agencies and departments, etc…

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38e904 No.20925923

File: b8bc1ec1232f191⋯.jpg (81.94 KB,596x499,596:499,b8bc1ec1232f1919ce8d6f3f3b….jpg)

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836bdf No.20925924


can you wait about six months nibba get to work for now

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8f3977 No.20925925

File: dedf282ad4e3de4⋯.jpeg (14.45 KB,182x274,91:137,images_1.jpeg)

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d469f7 No.20925926

File: 46898a5525b2551⋯.png (153.23 KB,868x600,217:150,looksaggyboobies.png)

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b3fa05 No.20925927


Imagine how many cities globally have this or something similar below…

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3c76ac No.20925928


Image 🍎 cycle counts postponed until Christmas?

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d14e99 No.20925929


>if the wars were fake does it complicate honoring the soldiers?

I would say that many of the soldiers were at the very least, just doing their jobs. Some of them truly believed they were somehow protecting their country, rather than the "interests of the United States inc."

IMHO it is a good thing to honor those that fought and died while believing it was to protect our freedom. It is certainly kinder to those who have lost loved ones.

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490bcf No.20925930

File: 80395828c5f630f⋯.png (433.36 KB,634x634,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese doctors say they've CURED diabetes in man, 59, using stem cell therapy in a world-first


Researchers in China say they have cured diabetes for the first time.

The patient, a 59-year-old man, received a pioneering cell transplant in 2021 and has been medication-free since 2022.

The experimental treatment involved creating an artificial version of cells found in the pancreas that produce insulin and keep blood sugar levels in check.

The man had suffered from type 2 diabetes for 25 years and had lost almost all function of these cells, known as islets.

He was deemed high risk of deadly complications, requiring multiple insulin injections every day to prevent him from going into a diabetic coma. Up to this point, no one has ever been 'cured' of diabetes, but doctors have figured out how to put it into remission.

But this requires patients to keep up a relatively strict diet and exercise program to stop the blood sugar problems returning. However, the case in China suggests it's possible to restore the body's ability to naturally regulate blood-sugar without a patient changing their lifestyle.

The treatment used stem cells, which are a blank-slate kind of cell that can be turned into the many different types of cells the body needs to function. Under the right conditions, stem cells can turn into brain, muscle, kidney or even pancreas tissue. This treatment used a new chemical cocktail to turn the patient's stem cells into pancreas cells.

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40e839 No.20925931



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3c76ac No.20925932

File: 48a35d89da95fe5⋯.jpeg (16.18 KB,649x86,649:86,Image_5_27_24_at_9_29_PM.jpeg)

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be0689 No.20925933


Tonight is the night.

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e210c3 No.20925934

File: 97579d1e9904bc5⋯.png (226.21 KB,640x476,160:119,3d.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Kash: Trump is thinking like 3 dimensional chess

1:45 PM · May 27, 2024




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3c76ac No.20925935


Although it was more than that if you want to be meticulous.

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f67440 No.20925936


full moon bleed and seed?

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e210c3 No.20925937

File: 51af73d9bc79bc2⋯.png (196.08 KB,387x593,387:593,rego.PNG)


Neato - Terrance Howard mentions Zeolite heavy metal detox and Oregano Oil on Joe Rogan's show.

He actually pulls out a bottle of Touchstone Zeolite spray.

I've been working with that company for a bit. You can learn more about it and get your first bottle for under $14 here 👉 https://jsather.thegoodinside.com/pbx-trial-offer-10c2020-lp

& I have Oregano Oil on @ConsciousStrength - https://www.consciousstrength.net/oregano-oil - stuff does wonders at helping wipe out sinus infections, sore throats, colds, and candida. Good on the skin, too, like with psoriasis and eczema.

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e335e8 No.20925938

File: 30cc58e44667c34⋯.png (467.81 KB,681x535,681:535,1711741265.png)



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836bdf No.20925939


he's on now

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e808b1 No.20925940

File: 1e11afc7ff96f3c⋯.jpg (107.64 KB,480x559,480:559,BIG_BRAIN_ON_BRAD.jpg)

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bb330b No.20925941

Corrupt NACC Commissioner Paul Brereton exposed protecting his mates in the ADF, including Governor-General David Hurley, from war crimes

National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) Commissioner Paul Brereton headed up the “Brereton Inquiry” into war crimes by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan with Brereton finding “that some responsibility for the “murder” of 39 Afghan prisoners and civilians could not fall on the most senior officers”.

The problem is that Commissioner Paul Brereton is also Major General in Australia’s Army Reserve so the “most senior officers” are Brereton’s mates and it should be no surprise that Brereton found they were not liable for the “murder” of 39 Afghan prisoners and civilians.

Brereton has been busted in his “Brereton Inquiry report” trying to protect his “senior officer” mates in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) which totally undermines Paul Brereton’s position as Commissioner of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC).

The government also set up the Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel to oversee the implementation of the recommendations in the Brereton Inquiry report.

A report by the Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel was only released on Thursday (16/5/24) and the ABC reported:

Afghanistan panel suggests military top brass be held ‘accountable’ for command failures over alleged war crimes

Serving and former defence chiefs, including Governor General David Hurley, are facing fresh calls to take responsibility for command failures which may have led to alleged war crimes in Afghanistan under their watch.

A report from an independent panel appointed to oversee the landmark Brereton inquiry has finally been released, warning that a lack of accountability from Australia’s military top brass has generated “anger and bitter resentment” among troops and veterans.

In 2020, a report prepared for the Inspector General of the Australian Defence Force by Justice Paul Brereton recommended 19 soldiers be investigated by police for the “murder” of 39 Afghan prisoners and civilians, and the cruel treatment of two others.

Now, the subsequent Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel has rejected Justice Brereton’s conclusion that senior commanders should not be held accountable for the murders of 39 Afghans.

“The Panel did not agree with the Brereton Inquiry’s view that some accountability and responsibility could not fall on the most senior officers and it suggested that issue should be the subject of further consideration,” it said.

“There is ongoing anger and bitter resentment amongst present and former members of the special forces, many of whom served with distinction in Afghanistan, that their senior officers have not publicly accepted some responsibility for policies or decisions that contributed to the misconduct, such as the overuse of special forces.”

Members of the oversight panel, led by former inspector-general of intelligence and security Vivienne Thom, also compared the failure of senior Defence leaders to accept accountability for war crimes to company bosses who face dismissal or even criminal charges for corporate collapses.

“In the private sector, major corporate failures result in both an organisational and individual responsibility,” the report handed to the government in November 2023 states.

“Personal knowledge or direct involvement of the senior officers in the causes or behaviour that led to the corporate failure are not required.” (Click here to read more) (Click here: for a full copy of the Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel report)

For example, if an employee dies working for a company in breach of Workplace Health and Safety laws on a construction site, the directors can be found liable and jailed and fined, which Paul Brereton would know because he is also a former judge of the Supreme Court of NSW.

So, why did Paul Brereton fail to “look closely at the collective accountability and responsibility of Defence’s most senior leaders” as the Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel found? Brereton was protecting his mates is the only conclusion that a “fair-minded lay observer might reasonably apprehend” and his job as NACC Commissioner is not tenable.


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7a521b No.20925942

File: 8fa01443377dacb⋯.jpg (4.7 MB,6000x3376,375:211,8fa01443377dacb83f24a8eed6….jpg)

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836bdf No.20925943


moab monday

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a6fc23 No.20925944

File: 85048647e45fb70⋯.jpg (11.27 KB,225x225,1:1,images_146_.jpg)

File: 7b1db22f9162956⋯.jpg (11.5 KB,300x168,25:14,images_145_.jpg)

File: a171c9392ecaba7⋯.jpg (9.8 KB,275x183,275:183,images_144_.jpg)


Nay zees…

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41dda3 No.20925945

File: 745e247c9ce683d⋯.jpg (710.17 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Never_Forget_Soldier_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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89686e No.20925946



its cognitive dissonance at its finest. you hate leftist in the country so much that you support killing kids in the name of security for Is Ra El? Kind of like and the taught them how to paint their eyes and make war.

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be0689 No.20925947


Vats indicate Adrenochrome.

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68e18b No.20925948


>All for Satanists

Without the masculine men coming home, who will stand up to the Satanists?

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e210c3 No.20925949

File: 2f91fef5c93be55⋯.png (160.07 KB,597x458,597:458,ew.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Ukraine is the new Afghanistan

1:40 PM · May 27, 2024




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490bcf No.20925950

File: a9c5801f51c010d⋯.png (200.23 KB,639x455,639:455,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff83c6a16465e5c⋯.png (331.76 KB,634x985,634:985,ClipboardImage.png)

Terrifying moment United Airlines plane catches fire before takeoff at Chicago's O'Hare airport sparking travel chaos on busy Memorial Day


A United Airlines flight aborted takeoff after the plane engine caught fire while on the taxiway at Chicago's O'Hare airport.

The Seattle bound United Flight 2091 with 148 passengers and five crew members on board was halted around 2pm Monday, according to the FAA. Video showed clouds of black smoke pluming out of the Airbus A320 wing. Ground crews and emergency responders 'immediately addressed' the issued and the plane was towed to the gate where passengers deplaned, reported NBC Chicago.

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ae3fda No.20925951

File: 143704bc6b06b88⋯.jpeg (73.21 KB,500x500,1:1,55bd89b7eeda3eb8c7e57e9ef….jpeg)

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1aaa2a No.20925952


Can't grow poppies there.

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82072e No.20925953

File: 40af66199e160f5⋯.png (470.67 KB,468x834,78:139,ClipboardImage.png)


Why would that stupid fucking asshole sit in the chair of bones

and why are the candles lit

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181dac No.20925954



Rogan Read "Pure Body"

Is that the same product that is being promoted in this post?

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1aaa2a No.20925955


Vegetable seed oil diet

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934b29 No.20925956

File: 9e1b13a7b9d304d⋯.jpg (226.64 KB,2048x1578,1024:789,media_GOjS6q_W4AEq1XN.jpg)

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1b677d No.20925957

File: b4fa010893ded54⋯.png (74.61 KB,222x282,37:47,lhb.png)

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a87fe8 No.20925958

File: 317817ae4ef2f33⋯.jpg (2.33 MB,2448x3264,3:4,dinner.jpg)

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673752 No.20925959

File: c19d946870cf7c4⋯.png (692.14 KB,1011x568,1011:568,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f35ba No.20925960

15 16 17 million people

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ce827c No.20925961

File: d4dae28c2fee37c⋯.gif (513.98 KB,300x220,15:11,AA1D9632_F9A9_47CA_941D_28….gif)

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181dac No.20925962


I could care less for the Current thing

I'm Busy with my own Barbarians

On my own Continent

In my own Country

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1b677d No.20925963

File: 696fd853920df0f⋯.png (399.51 KB,503x444,503:444,ClipboardImage.png)

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673752 No.20925964


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836bdf No.20925965

File: b197921576528fd⋯.png (306.26 KB,711x453,237:151,ClipboardImage.png)

New potus!

May 27, 2024, 9:22 PM


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a62ab0 No.20925966


major jelly

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24334e No.20925967

File: c00c26e1713007a⋯.mp4 (9.36 MB,576x1024,9:16,_8292062365763929097.mp4)

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f67440 No.20925968


big macs on sale now. definitely not ground up migration burger. beef is cheap as fuck

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89686e No.20925969


laundering US tax dollars is more profitable and less messy

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bb330b No.20925970

File: d1a39f38cc1f8f1⋯.png (375.5 KB,445x571,445:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d39e42750246f94⋯.png (130.94 KB,714x504,17:12,ClipboardImage.png)

Denver Offers How-To Guide on Turning Cities into Taxpayer-Funded Immigrant Sanctuaries


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e210c3 No.20925971

File: 098516346420fff⋯.png (229.23 KB,353x770,353:770,oon.PNG)


Ohhhh no! Another “Chinese” balloon with a United States Registration!

Not dominating the News tho HAHA

Bummer. 👉🏻💩

It never was a Chinese balloon. Do you believe we have to spell that out for people?

I saw a few comments about “what is a Chinese balloon doing in Florida and why aren’t they doing something about it?”

Quotations around Chinese means IT’S not a Chinese balloon.

That’s typed out sarcasm, folks.

They have NEVER been Chinese.. even the one last February that was ALL OVER THE NEWS…

United States Registration.

It’s called a DISTRACTION 🎯

Hey!!!! Look over here!!! While something happens to your opposite. 🔥🐂🇺🇸

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82072e No.20925972

File: 0154f687400d439⋯.jpg (13.89 KB,435x365,87:73,tucker_laught.jpg)


>get your first bottle for under $14 here 👉 https://jsather.

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1b677d No.20925973

File: 1ec22aab4da1f28⋯.png (432.63 KB,719x377,719:377,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 237d42cd03d2d5c⋯.png (345.27 KB,620x372,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


AirBus too? Then it probably isn't the French, doing this sabotage.

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2de3e5 No.20925974

President Trump [Pool]: The local police know the criminals that we're talking about [illegals]. They know their first name, their middle name, and their last name. They know everything about them…they will bring them in…it's an invasion.

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9e7ca3 No.20925975


Jesus, if you only knew who talks to you here, you'd crap your pants, in a very good way.

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ae3fda No.20925976

File: d9259d577d4776a⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_damn2.png)

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1b677d No.20925977

File: b19b9e2dc9ba458⋯.gif (2.88 MB,320x292,80:73,b19b9e2dc9ba45885ac0582c29….gif)

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836bdf No.20925978


"today the whole world is on fire" - djt

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f67440 No.20925979


1 billion served

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0eb54a No.20925980

How many days until fake news says Good Morning is racist?

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72c461 No.20925981


Those wooden barrels are probably for blood, not wine

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673752 No.20925982

File: 8392df4de877e6b⋯.png (38.37 KB,373x348,373:348,ClipboardImage.png)


>98,836 watching now

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679d01 No.20925983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tim Pool interviewing DJT right now

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e210c3 No.20925984

File: f62a569851d22ee⋯.png (325.46 KB,586x484,293:242,co.PNG)

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836bdf No.20925985


he said the thing about having only been to DC "17 times"

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f62d26 No.20925986

File: 9e94b6f860b7ea5⋯.png (331.56 KB,439x440,439:440,120853329c53e43ee9d4996f6d….png)

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f67440 No.20925987


Goddamn Mosquitos

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6b1ee4 No.20925988

File: 7fa2632542b1dd2⋯.png (184.79 KB,396x520,99:130,nkbootie.png)

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f41096 No.20925989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Subliminal Warfare | Mind Control and Invisible Influence

The Why Files


The shocking truth about subliminal messages and their power to control minds.

From advertising to warfare, there are hidden ways your thoughts and actions are being manipulated.

Subliminal technology has moved from marketing to the military.

Learn the truth behind this controversial technology.

worth the watch at 1.25 or 1.5

lots of history and points to research

Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud's nephew, and how he controlled populations via MKUltra/Mind Control


and these Why Files vids are good to share with those just waking up - they are mostly Norm and Norma friendly

the earlier ones were more cynical, but the newer ones are on point and chocked full of facts

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1f688a No.20925990

File: f26a9333dbd3b0a⋯.jpg (366.54 KB,1070x916,535:458,20200425_175913.jpg)

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40e839 No.20925991


Everyone in here is special as fuck - just get used to being a Legend.

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322ede No.20925992

File: e9dbb9bc28a2797⋯.png (473.1 KB,536x511,536:511,IMG_1882.png)

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d1b4d1 No.20925993


Does Mr. Pig ever wonder what it's like to be an anon?

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e210c3 No.20925994

File: 4c2a9c02b12529e⋯.png (567.81 KB,897x649,897:649,ir.PNG)



Lara Logan Issues Dire Warning to U.S. Special Operations Troops

“The snakes have come in from the garden and they are in the house.”

Share this:

on May 27, 2024

By Creative Destruction Media

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d14e99 No.20925995


>Why would that stupid fucking asshole sit in the chair of bones

Why wouldn't he? It's fucking cool.

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ce827c No.20925996

File: 6119dcb8ea408ba⋯.jpeg (348.69 KB,1122x600,187:100,16E40108_AE0B_47CD_9334_9….jpeg)

File: 83e514636e0471e⋯.gif (1.69 MB,400x204,100:51,FBBA06C0_5322_4E96_9086_9D….gif)

File: 3ace0e408444fe4⋯.jpeg (475.89 KB,828x567,92:63,0DBE25DF_6E25_440F_871D_7….jpeg)

PF: C102 USCG G5 heading for Singapiore as Sec. Def. Austin will go to Singapore (Shangri-La Defense Conference) first then Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Deez USCG G5s are always in the middle of high level stuff when they travel Internationally

C102 departed JBA on 0525 and arrived at Hickam AFB, Oahu.

It likely stopped at Guam but no trace as it left Hickam yesterday and has reappeared as is just W of PI

That Nightwatch that arrived at JBA from Offut is for Sec. Def. Austin and should leave at some point tomorrow as TITAN25

>>20924966 pb

>Mebby Austin buggin’ out after muh hospital stay

US Defense Secretary Austin to Visit Cambodia Next Week

Lloyd Austin’s visit is a sign that Washington is seeking to re-engage the new look leadership in Phnom Penh, in a bid to draw the country out of China’s orbit.

In a statement on Friday, the Defense Department said that Austin will travel to Phnom Penh on June 4 after attending the Shangri-La Dialogue defense forum in Singapore, where he will meet “with other counterparts from across the Indo-Pacific region,” and hold his first meeting with Dong Jun, the Chinese defense minister. The Defense Department did not offer much detail about Austin’s visit to Cambodia, except that he would meet with “senior officials.” The Financial Times, quoting three U.S. officials, said that Austin will meet Prime Minister Hun Manet, son of the former leader Hun Sen, who took over from his father last August.


China’s defense minister to attend Singapore security forum

Dong Jun expected to meet US counterpart Lloyd Austin who will also address summit. China’s Defense Minister Dong Jun will attend the 21st Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore this week, Beijing said on Monday. It is Dong’s second public overseas trip since being appointed last December, replacing Li Shangfu who was unceremoniously removed in October. Earlier, he visited Kazakhstan for a regional security conference. Dong will visit Singapore from Wednesday until Sunday, said the Chinese Defense Ministry. He will address the summit on the topic of "China's Approach to Global Security," it said.

Officials from almost 50 nations are expected to attend the three-day summit. Dong will meet with the heads of delegations of relevant countries, said the ministry.


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41dda3 No.20925997



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353083 No.20925998


I hear German.

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673752 No.20925999

File: 855c28acdb1c88b⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,1080x1920,9:16,gifthankme3g4h3h9w.mp4)

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e210c3 No.20926000

File: f7b1cbe134069e9⋯.png (46.42 KB,382x462,191:231,ck.PNG)


How are young home buyers affording a new home? They’re not. Their parents are.

Nearly 1 in 4 buyers ages 25 to 33 now receives cash gifts or loans from their parents to afford a home.

Overall, 12% of buyers relied on help, up from 9% the year before.

More than a fifth of millennials are now living with parents to save up for their first home as mortgage rates remain at 20-year highs.

The easy money, lavish government spending and ensuing rate increases of Bidenomics has pushed the American dream increasingly out of reach for young people, especially for those without family money to lean on.

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8f3977 No.20926001


Wrinkly flag

Just saying

Imagine the stench coming of the stupid winter cap.

Ty anon

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ae3fda No.20926002

File: d7f57212e50f24f⋯.png (164.03 KB,850x400,17:8,anyshitpost3.png)


>just get used to being a Legend.

Just a shitposter. I don't claim title of anything I am not.

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85e87b No.20926003


Now I want some flap jacks for breakfast tomorrow.

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7e01a0 No.20926004

File: d12dea360e7a7c5⋯.png (1.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c462566b0b1b01⋯.png (1.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Oranges in socks, as a weapon.

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934b29 No.20926005

File: 2a8f73449a9f6cc⋯.png (419.78 KB,633x507,211:169,ClipboardImage.png)



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e808b1 No.20926006

File: 0819a21e663f7e6⋯.jpg (68.96 KB,406x470,203:235,WHY.jpg)

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d14e99 No.20926008


>definitely not ground up migration burger.

Would be an efficient method of reducing their presence in our country.

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2de3e5 No.20926009

President Trump: If Hillary won that race [2016], you would have had a nuclear war [North Korea], and millions of people would have been killed…you would have had a nuclear war, guaranteed.

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d1b4d1 No.20926010


You should try it.

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322ede No.20926011


New dimensions to the “Snu-Snu”.

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934b29 No.20926012

File: d5a0df3f717f9bd⋯.png (553.81 KB,701x430,701:430,ClipboardImage.png)


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e210c3 No.20926013

File: ad4304604920966⋯.png (302.03 KB,592x539,592:539,cot.PNG)


The Post Millennial


On @timcast

, Donald Trump says local law enforcement will carry out his planned mass deportation:

"We have to give honor and respect back, and, I believe, immunity."

2:41 PM · May 27, 2024




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f67440 No.20926014


temporary work permit. done.poof.into the grinder paperwork is a bitch

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33ec7f No.20926015


bleached anus 'Nam still troubles waltur

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8f3977 No.20926016

File: f81edd05dc71dc6⋯.jpg (90.14 KB,500x707,500:707,8rmo7n.jpg)

All we are saying is give ack a lak

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b3fa05 No.20926017


Wine has likely been metaphor for blood for a long time…

Ambrosia/'nectar of the gods' too

family tree/tree of life

know them by their FRUITS etc

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d1b4d1 No.20926018

File: fccf65c63f2e569⋯.png (205.96 KB,429x413,429:413,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbc2aa60fe0eb8b⋯.png (598.25 KB,792x991,792:991,ClipboardImage.png)

Business degree on a football scholarship.

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836bdf No.20926019


he also said will talk n think about pardoning JA

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f02414 No.20926020



Yeah, the crypto part sure tf was.

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82072e No.20926021

File: a927641e6e2d56f⋯.png (297.13 KB,1306x400,653:200,left_clown_types_are_all_p….png)

File: 10458ef7583b2b7⋯.jpeg (73.82 KB,602x571,602:571,stopping_every_car_going_….jpeg)

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d1b4d1 No.20926022


would pay to watch them head butt each other

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e210c3 No.20926023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Warren G - Regulate

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b3fa05 No.20926024

File: de4bdfc1111eac7⋯.jpg (25.09 KB,611x213,611:213,gdfs.JPG)

File: 46f5004b0c61927⋯.jpg (61.59 KB,700x700,1:1,Schwechater_Bier_Dose.jpg)

File: fa288c5472da854⋯.jpg (19.77 KB,474x474,1:1,OIP_8_.jpg)

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89686e No.20926025


he had 4 years to do that already, some times he is a real tool.

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7e01a0 No.20926026


I would say the memer couldn't spell. They're speaking German, so likely they are "young Austrians", not Australians.

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ed842e No.20926027

File: e00568cef980d84⋯.jpg (2.65 MB,3072x2304,4:3,2008_06_06_05_46_IMG_5563.JPG)


>bleached anus 'Nam still troubles waltur

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82072e No.20926028


>"We have to give honor and respect back, and, I believe, immunity."

not blanket immunity, I assume

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14b70b No.20926029

File: 85c85de0082b63c⋯.jpg (614.7 KB,2048x1576,256:197,pu.jpg)


Funny, I was feeling the same thing.

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30e950 No.20926030


No, it's pure evil…

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9e7ca3 No.20926031


She's killed when on a tilt a whirl. Like that stretchy chick in the incredibles, her tits are like tow straps. Practice tennis at home too.

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6b1ee4 No.20926032

File: 07a0c6c4e5af202⋯.jpg (80.76 KB,655x760,131:152,hott.jpg)

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5c56ef No.20926033


also in Austria they may have burying grounds like for a Black Plague or something, and then some others added items there

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ed842e No.20926034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dont ask tom hanks fault

bout 'land sharks'

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e335e8 No.20926035

File: 4fd5f072f28a320⋯.png (1.38 MB,1530x844,765:422,ClipboardImage.png)

Y didn't he stand up?

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ed842e No.20926036


zelda wants creepypasta uncl seks

in strange places

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e210c3 No.20926037

File: b90844610f17ac7⋯.png (185.72 KB,385x753,385:753,fox.PNG)


🚨 NEW: Tim Pool tells Donald Trump, “I think you’re the greatest president of my lifetime.”

“I’ll be honest. I didn’t vote for you in 2016. I was jaded. Obama let me down. I’m from Chicago. I thought 2016 was silly. And then in 2020, with the timeline for getting out of Afghanistan, when you tried to get our troops out of Syria. My question is, ‘Why are we in Syria?’ Who even knew? And they lied to you and they lied to us about the number of troops in there. And so, maybe it’s a bit blunt for me to say I want to see people prosecuted for the lies to the American people. But in terms of foreign policy, perhaps it’s a little bit of a biased interview, but I think you’re the greatest president of my lifetime.”

“I look at your policies, I see secure the borders, bring jobs back. I look at the Democrats and many Republicans, and it’s foreign war and foreign expansion.”

Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHrGC_-vCWA&list=PLErukX1W1OYjFx2pG8zjWiMuPMG0F-LbI&index=2

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

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886538 No.20926038

File: 65d885d4b46fc78⋯.jpg (832.05 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240527_184358….jpg)

File: 958f781357ff8a4⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,300x168,25:14,images_121_.jpg)

File: b65856ea228d3ff⋯.jpg (573 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240527_185111….jpg)


50 y/0 congress member goes sports illustrated

Old girl, too.

So, serious question..

Is mtg jerking it here?…

sofa king…!

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89d6f0 No.20926039

File: 60f8fca08345cc3⋯.mp4 (13.1 MB,1920x1080,16:9,morganreynoldsonfoxsmall.mp4)

>>20925792 lb

>>20925799 lb

>>20925803 lb

>>20925804 lb

sheesh. I guess people read this board.



neat first use i've seen of those templates.


Morgan Reynolds on Fox News.

super-credit for that.

No one else could do that.


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836bdf No.20926040


Trump Campaign Launches “Veterans and Military Families for Trump” Coalition

Today, President Donald J. Trump announces, “Veterans and Military Families for Trump”, a Coalition with over 175 endorsements from decorated Veterans, Gold Star families, and heroes who love our country. This and every Memorial Day we honor and pay tribute to those patriots of service who have died. This somber day of remembrance should also inspire us to reflect and be grateful for those of service who remain and those still serving today while risking everything to defend our great nation.

May 26, 2024


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e808b1 No.20926041

File: 1b0c0e66c975e94⋯.jpg (103.25 KB,473x555,473:555,KNOW.jpg)

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76dd35 No.20926042


i greeted him a few breads back…

patterns anon patterns


pictures that could only come from one source

speech patterns & writing style

but seriously…

much love an nohomo!


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f02414 No.20926043


He did right after that and then shook his hand again while standing.

At that particular moment it was Tim that led with his hand before PDJT stood up.

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792e58 No.20926044

File: 523957f8d27e52f⋯.png (468.3 KB,500x667,500:667,ClipboardImage.png)

Much better

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b3fa05 No.20926045



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ed842e No.20926046


>creepypasta uncl seks

an his twat fayk too

butt duz

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89d6f0 No.20926047

File: bd2fa29f1e203bd⋯.png (1.47 MB,1273x895,1273:895,arabicaramaic.png)


all are lb

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ed842e No.20926048


climb into his asshole rabbi josh

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ae3fda No.20926049

File: b3bb8d6ec037800⋯.png (691.14 KB,630x400,63:40,bladerun.png)

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d14e99 No.20926050


Meh. We don't know how or why they died. They aren't around to complain about having their bones sat on. Sitting on a chair made of calcium deposits is not evil.

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e808b1 No.20926051

File: a29069657af4060⋯.jpg (111.68 KB,547x556,547:556,RADAR_LOCK.jpg)

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d1b4d1 No.20926052


so (you) think being an anon stinks?

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a8a012 No.20926053


Don't worry. They have to go to China to steal your job.

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76dd35 No.20926054


agree to disagree

jus cuz your cow looks ugly AF in a boobkini…

the woman is good looking as trump would say and he's right ya know

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e335e8 No.20926055


Yeah well they have to point the cameras down if they wanna see Tim at all so that's understandable

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f67440 No.20926056


she was wearing a mexican wig and bad stripper lipstick on fuck it anyway

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5778dc No.20926057


where'd you get that one?

what a genius you are.

end satire

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4b1f83 No.20926058


That is fucking insane. I wonder how old the bones are, that is a lot of people.

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934b29 No.20926059

File: 3c5dfa18efa32c8⋯.jpg (78.23 KB,880x1020,44:51,media_GOmlUv8WYAAMuXp.jpg)

File: 38f847cb4c824bb⋯.png (2.21 KB,167x76,167:76,ClipboardImage.png)



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865d91 No.20926060




Dude, you just bagged an old lady.

She's, like, 50. Hella old

You r grodie

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ed842e No.20926061


>climb into his asshole rabbi josh

an wav round a shillary meme till ya figur out who yodaddy wuz

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e210c3 No.20926062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d8774a No.20926063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a87fe8 No.20926064

File: 16cc5e0e4f5ad0a⋯.jpg (623.21 KB,1822x1367,1822:1367,Catacombes_de_Paris.jpg)

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89d6f0 No.20926065

File: 57dfc15395930ce⋯.png (310.83 KB,414x365,414:365,billofrights.png)

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71ac9b No.20926066

File: 5ce8d076398398b⋯.png (3.97 MB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_2268.png)

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a62ab0 No.20926067


#25665 >>20925798

>>20925996 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20925845 INTERPOL detects 200 stolen vehicles from Canada each week

>>20925874 Will Gen Z change America’s foreign policy towards Israel?

>>20925896 Look at the amount of human bones.

>>20925920 If Trump takes New York, it’s game over

>>20925919, >>20925974, >>20926009 TRUMP WILL BE ON TIM POOL

>>20925941 Corrupt NACC Commissioner Paul Brereton exposed protecting his mates in the ADF

>>20925970 Denver Offers How-To Guide on Turning Cities into Taxpayer-Funded Immigrant Sanctuaries

>>20926013 Donald Trump says local law enforcement will carry out his planned mass deportation

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ae3fda No.20926068

File: bdc2488390ab7fa⋯.jpg (38 KB,522x538,261:269,cornflakes_pepe.jpg)


Neatly stacked too. A lot of time was spent there. Part of me is questioning if its staged but instinct is telling me it feels real.

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4b1f83 No.20926069

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9bd06c No.20926070


Does anyone know what happened to Kash's arm, out of curiosity?

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679d01 No.20926071


Catacombs like that are common throughout EU.

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9a81cb No.20926072

File: 34f87a7c91f9436⋯.jpg (277.88 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240527_160936….jpg)

? Where will they go? Xi said fake China isn't chinese

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e210c3 No.20926073

File: 3232c218ecba86f⋯.png (319.52 KB,596x585,596:585,cur.PNG)

File: 4c6098993ec82a3⋯.png (906.77 KB,906x911,906:911,ask_not.PNG)




BREAKING: Texas is currently constructing a real border wall in Del Rio County after the Democrat sheriff called for help

Sheriff Joe Martinez had just 4 deputies patrolling 100 miles of the border, his team found dead bodies in the Rio Grande, etc


Ali Bradley

6:36 AM · May 27, 2024




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f99392 No.20926074

File: d019612d5d84249⋯.jpg (342.24 KB,1632x1102,816:551,Cleric_Elmore_Not_BasicSet.jpg)


I call bullshit.

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a8a012 No.20926075

File: f16c73ae159e5af⋯.png (937.04 KB,1200x751,1200:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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89686e No.20926076

File: 1f30c5381e2354e⋯.png (203.88 KB,703x518,19:14,ClipboardImage.png)


back before memes were a thing, maybe would have made a difference.

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8f3977 No.20926077


Confident patriotic red blooded American woman

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e808b1 No.20926078

File: bf936963f28db3e⋯.jpg (116.04 KB,498x558,83:93,HEAR_WEEEEEEGO.jpg)

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5a9e70 No.20926079

File: d7f018c73749b25⋯.png (1.49 MB,1544x958,772:479,months.png)

File: af27dae8623561a⋯.png (773.23 KB,1209x624,31:16,WARS.png)

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2dea50 No.20926080

File: 7e242091522dc31⋯.png (127.83 KB,900x868,225:217,ClipboardImage.png)

One of the most truthful signs I've seen


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f67440 No.20926081


clam bake fucking Congress. imagine the smell.

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353083 No.20926082

File: bf9bb434887f730⋯.png (11.42 KB,444x121,444:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f906192d4a0ca1⋯.png (835.04 KB,1049x1627,1049:1627,ClipboardImage.png)



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89468a No.20926083


Chess with real ppl, smashing idea.

Looks like someone just got pawn sacrificed tho. :(

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d7c7d9 No.20926084


did we ever figure this one out?

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a8a012 No.20926085

File: e397ff7488a2e69⋯.png (823.26 KB,1058x500,529:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8774a No.20926086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b3fa05 No.20926087



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6b1ee4 No.20926088

File: ac5cbe15d9991a6⋯.jpg (59.44 KB,1000x566,500:283,wth.jpg)

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8f3977 No.20926089


Would never air on faux today

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a8a012 No.20926090

File: ce9f45ae5379480⋯.png (615.57 KB,1023x621,341:207,ClipboardImage.png)

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e210c3 No.20926091

File: aa139a7cb432104⋯.png (316.99 KB,587x495,587:495,mil.PNG)


johnny maga


Trump says the real number of illegal Immigrants under Biden could be 17 million, not the 7 million that’s being reported


MAGA War Room

2:41 PM · May 27, 2024




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921116 No.20926092

File: 8c3f8a4d2563277⋯.jpeg (1 MB,1125x1643,1125:1643,IMG_0986.jpeg)

File: b68beb9a672e0cc⋯.jpeg (1008.97 KB,1125x1572,375:524,IMG_0987.jpeg)

Changed “allied” to “allowed”

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8f3977 No.20926093


Prolly car bombs anyways

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792e58 No.20926094

File: 8e38eec013e4cce⋯.png (427.31 KB,635x433,635:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8a012 No.20926095

File: d6a6789ef64695c⋯.png (355.88 KB,555x449,555:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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16a22f No.20926096


it's general motors

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89d6f0 No.20926097

File: fd658b07d070030⋯.jpg (155.72 KB,737x720,737:720,babyshoes.jpg)


baby shoes.

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16a22f No.20926098


it's your mom's fault not me

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a8a012 No.20926099

File: 1fe5a6bf7cad63c⋯.png (72.19 KB,564x503,564:503,ClipboardImage.png)

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e210c3 No.20926100

File: 15be0d4feba7744⋯.png (354.42 KB,831x629,831:629,dr.PNG)


Fox News

Colorado police plan to use drones as first responders, calling the technology 'future of law enforcement'

Several local law enforcement agencies in Colorado, including Denver, are making plans to start dispatching drones instead of officers to respond to 911 calls.

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2dea50 No.20926101

File: a265498b1723dbb⋯.png (33.42 KB,474x675,158:225,ClipboardImage.png)


RFK Jr started out saying some good things about Big Pharma when he first announced he was running for Pres..

Then after he got a rich running mate, now he's FOR Abortion Up to BIRTH, and he's sucking Israel's dick that "Israel is not committing Genocide."

He's a joke now. Guess he knows which side his bread is buttered on.

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5c56ef No.20926102

File: d8256982c45cc2b⋯.png (136.43 KB,1262x420,631:210,plag.png)

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742fc2 No.20926103

So again we’re gonna let murder go down

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de7868 No.20926104

File: 074f88289994b0d⋯.jpg (681.04 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240527_190306….jpg)


So, is Texas assuming the role if the feds? Thats actually not the question.

What if the Texas / Mexico border is actually located in a different geography from the U.S. / Mex border and wheels is putting up walls, but actually changing international and national boundaries?

Q2: Who's jurisdiction is there?

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89686e No.20926105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


sounds like some shit mn Somali rap. Chicago made some music even if they also wrote songs about some utopian future. the chicago 18 version was a bit more clear eyed about where things were going.

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e210c3 No.20926106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump Talks Immigration & War WIth Tim Pool w/ Trump & Kash Patel | Timcast IRL

Timcast IRL

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6b1ee4 No.20926107

File: 560cc8659f91e03⋯.jpg (167.17 KB,1236x820,309:205,pjc.jpg)

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14b70b No.20926108

Why not immunity for everyone? On the condition that they confess to everything.

But the confessions will be telecast live all around the world.

They'd be "free" but it would not be safe for them to walk the streets.

Just spitballin'

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8f3977 No.20926109


Sounded Spanish

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f67440 No.20926110


Marjorie walking in stripper heels and $117 panties wit an expensive bra drinking whiskey tango Happy birthday ya old cooch'

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e210c3 No.20926111

File: d8ee03c396679ed⋯.png (402.8 KB,606x479,606:479,cal.PNG)


John Solomon


California wrongly claimed millions in Medicaid services for illegal migrants: HHS watchdog reports

Guatemalan migrants, Sept. 9, 2021 | Luis Vargas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

From justthenews.com

12:50 AM · May 27, 2024




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679d01 No.20926112

ThisAwesomeInterview is way to long for this Anon to embed. Hep me, plz.

Wall Street Apes



May 26

Native New Yorkers Aren’t Holding Back. Ex Barack Obama Voter Tells The Media They Will Not Tolerate Another Stolen Election

One of the most epic interviews ever 🇺🇸

“You guys are going to see in 2024 when there's a Red Wave and there's a landslide, what's going to happen. And…


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b3fa05 No.20926113

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


same thing Ivan said.


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4b8d50 No.20926114


thought they were going to say something in the tool drawer like a hammer…they got somting for hammers you know



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2dea50 No.20926115



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8f3977 No.20926116


First thought that came to anon too

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4b1f83 No.20926117


Interesting theory about the United States Border and Texas Border. What does the UNITED STATES CORPERATION doing there?

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0ecef7 No.20926118

File: 00e6ecfb4c23546⋯.jpg (96.22 KB,1354x1804,677:902,IMG_20240527_220927.jpg)

the first step is knowing there's a problem

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a87fe8 No.20926119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


…It's the Catacombs of Paris.

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fd2319 No.20926120

File: 1b933481d9018a8⋯.jpg (73.16 KB,500x621,500:621,say_hello_to_my_little_fre….jpg)

File: 9ae01af8dec76ad⋯.png (1005.28 KB,961x1280,961:1280,9ae01af8dec76ad30436589c75….png)

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ed842e No.20926121


total retard

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d8774a No.20926122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I like old sounds mixed with new shit the most.

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679d01 No.20926123


They have more in Italy.

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8f7ccd No.20926124



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ed842e No.20926125

File: ef5aafd7fd1c1e6⋯.jpg (282.38 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,2008_03_08_20_39_IMG_3833.JPG)

halyna strikes back

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4b8d50 No.20926126


crime in progress …yes we see it and will file a report.

would you like your delivery food order now or after you fend off the attackers?

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f02414 No.20926127

File: 9ede8f7a6b9dc41⋯.jpg (112.05 KB,796x588,199:147,Q_Deals.jpg)


Well, some deals were made early on so you're not wrong.

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41dda3 No.20926128

File: db0526ee6f9c426⋯.jpg (56.01 KB,736x552,4:3,Good_Eve.jpg)

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2dea50 No.20926129

File: 69ebba862164917⋯.png (15.4 KB,474x323,474:323,ClipboardImage.png)


The truth will put 60% of people in the hospital.


You really need to prepare yourself. Start by listening to Jesse Czebotar's interviews on ytube.

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bb330b No.20926130


That was my first instinct too

A little to good to be true

Good way to discredit such things moving forward

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679d01 No.20926132


Dats a Bourbonnais.

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934b29 No.20926133

File: 3ce15a69bc9ce7d⋯.png (377.52 KB,624x549,208:183,ClipboardImage.png)

Jack Straw



Top Israeli Military Lawyer Investigating About 70 Possible Legal Violations During Gaza War - Israel News - Haaretz.com

May 27, 2024 · 11:27 PM UTC


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e210c3 No.20926134

File: aa6b5eaae7b26eb⋯.png (1.87 MB,1206x870,201:145,rg.PNG)

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ed842e No.20926135

File: 54ba2bfbdb248bf⋯.jpg (186.03 KB,454x644,227:322,2012_10_24_02_09_IMG_7530.JPG)

easter egg island fag missed taht 'gaychit'

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ae3fda No.20926136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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68c1aa No.20926137


probably more and more about muh holocaust

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e210c3 No.20926138

File: 2d125291c8292bf⋯.png (184.15 KB,385x751,385:751,if.PNG)


Trump says that if Hillary Clinton had won in 2016 there would have been a nuclear war costing millions of lives.

This is exactly what many of us have come to believe. That Trump came in at the exact red line and prevented a planned disaster by Clinton, Obama, the deep state, and their masters.

I truly believe we are on the best timeline despite the growing pains we are currently experiencing. Imagine how terrible world would be had that serial killer, Clinton gotten in.

"If Hillary had won that race you would have had a nuclear war and millions of people would have been killed. It never happened and it was never going to happen…

We had no nuclear war. You would have had a nuclear war guaranteed… You won't…If we have the right President, if you have someone who knows what he is doing. You're not going to have World War 3. If on the other hand, we don't.. you're going to end up in World War 3 and it's going to be a war like no other because of the power of weaponry." X (https://x.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1795276889226928522)

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792e58 No.20926139

File: b7b1f945e6c2362⋯.mp4 (14.46 MB,480x616,60:77,9nnZfFp822C1uijG_1_.mp4)

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e210c3 No.20926140


John Solomon


California wrongly claimed millions in Medicaid services for illegal migrants: HHS watchdog reports

Guatemalan migrants, Sept. 9, 2021 | Luis Vargas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

From justthenews.com

12:50 AM · May 27, 2024




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4b1f83 No.20926141

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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8f3977 No.20926142

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4b8d50 No.20926143


abandoned catacombs ?

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ecb08b No.20926144


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ed842e No.20926145

File: 7f696b007b6241f⋯.jpg (84.78 KB,500x333,500:333,2011_02_22_14_33_IMG_7322.JPG)

mag hatter befor duh fudgfactory

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5a9e70 No.20926146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wow that faux host said: "you're suggesting that the news media was a part of this".

Damn, isn't such a thing their sole PURPOSE?

This documentary (VID embed) is almost an hour long as it's thorough, so hope people bookmark and, at their leisure, see the facts from the very beginning of the "news" media.

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ed842e No.20926147

File: 246609c52c98ea8⋯.jpg (121.85 KB,930x590,93:59,2015_05_05_12_54_IMG_7418.JPG)


>mag hatter befor duh fudgfactory

an tahn duh fudge factory

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a9b0b2 No.20926148

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)



Q Research General #25664: God Bless the Fallen (but not forgotten) Edition

>>20925054 dough

>>20925062, >>20925555, memorial day - social media posts bun mp4 vid

>>20925064, >>20925096, Seattle police Assistant Chief Tyrone Davis has been placed on paid administrative leave as the department sees a surge in internal issues.- john solomon

>>20925176 The Federal Aviation Administration confirmed that United Flight 2091 was supposed to take off at 2 p.m., when the engine caught fire. - john solomon

>>20925208, >>20925724, u.k tories to bring in draft for 18 years - john solomon plus germany

>>20925079 A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors - frontpagemag.com

>>20925080 big donors told not to give money to donald trump or the fbi will turn up at their door - mp4 vid.highly notable, get to djt

>>20925107, >>20925118, >>20925138, Cancer Surgeon Reveals the Surprising Potential of Ivermectin Against Cancer - needtoknow.news bun

>>20925135, >>20925279, libertarian voting for Trump after the party voted for a gay communist for p.m - twat

>>20925174 soros backed d.a bragg - screenshot dig without source.

>>20925189 Jack Smith FREAKING OUT; Trump Trial Jury Instructions; Biden PLOTS after Verdict - rumble r.gouveia

>>20925191, >>20925198, >>20925235, >>20925360, Channel 12 reported that Netanyahu hid in a nuclear shelter ahead of Iran's operation - twat (israel v the world bun)

>>20925238, >>20925242, >>20925297, >>20925381, >>20925497, pope francis says gay men not welcome in church - twat noise pedo and groomer bun

>>20925266, >>20925291, newsom earth day laser focused - parks.ca.gov (arson season)

>>20925273, >>20925536, What if I told you there was a cure for autism - twat (might be worth a dig)

>>20925343 Brighteon Media SUES Google, Facebook,Twitter, Dept. of Defense for Censorship - naturalnews.com

>>20925367, >>20925413, >>20925414, >>20925447, >>20925458, >>20925481, >>20925501, >>20925526, >>20925599, >>20925613, >>20925655, >>20925673, meme call, merchan, etc bun

>>20925433, >>20925463, The great Bill Walton passes away at 71. - twat and mp4 vid

>>20925489, >>20925443 uk mp loses both arms and legs applauded by mps in chamber - rumble.

>>20925522, >>20925561,>>20925734, Matteo Salvini slams Stoltenberg’s call for lifting of restrictions on Ukraine using its Western weapons to attack sites in Russia - rt.com (russia v ukraine) bun

>>20925541 Matteo Salvini slams Stoltenberg’s call for lifting of restrictions on Ukraine using its Western weapons to attack sites in Russia - gwp

>>20925511, >>20925528, >>20925535, >>20925546, >>20925632, >>20925657, 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad - twat bun mp4 vid wargames on 911 air traffic control hijacking

>>20925566, >>20925661, Oil Climbs as Geopolitical Tensions Rise Ahead of OPEC+ Meeting - economics

>>20925642 after bronx rally - scotty films and Q decodes - rumble

>>20925690, NYC Mayor Adams Working With ICE To Circumvent 'Sanctuary City' Laws - zerohedge

>>20925475, >>20925654, >>20925759, >>20925778, baker notes bun

full notables at 751 whilst baker was off grilling

dough below for notes above


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2dea50 No.20926149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Way behind the times.

China has an army of robot dogs mounted with machine guns.

Robot Dogs can be dropped by drone anywhere.

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4b8d50 No.20926150


what if the job posting was for the KKK

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b3fa05 No.20926151


and Vienna, Alexandria, Rabat, Pallermo, Brno, etc

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4b1f83 No.20926152


I have seen these in the small cities where I live just watching the ghetto, I was only in the ghetto visiting the Pharmacy ;)

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f72b4e No.20926153

File: df5b2068328754e⋯.png (10.75 KB,122x86,61:43,ClipboardImage.png)


>Borris Johnson is a NAZI Sympathizer just like Trudeau

Dude's head is transparent.

Looks like the former Prince of Wales.

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1f688a No.20926154

File: 939b7d2e57678be⋯.jpg (163.16 KB,1280x720,16:9,20200421_184149.jpg)

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a9b0b2 No.20926155

File: fb4bd4ea28538e9⋯.gif (216.62 KB,326x52,163:26,a_wtf_did_you_say_to_me.gif)

File: 7ab3851c274d759⋯.gif (1.27 MB,460x184,5:2,keyboard.gif)


you are repeatedly acting like a faggot baker

step aside and stop hogging the bread.

you want hand off just ask.

this week is as important as last week

once this court case is over things can relax again.

right now you are moar of a hinderance than a help.

frenly advice.

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8f3977 No.20926156


Beautiful notable

Worth your time

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a87fe8 No.20926157

File: d942ec4285699fd⋯.png (1.46 MB,1948x1892,487:473,d942ec4285699fd36e02463f3a….png)


…Get fucked, once again. Don't care about your goddamn tantrum.

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ce827c No.20926158

File: 38eabbd5bd7b0fe⋯.jpeg (503.27 KB,789x969,263:323,24B322C9_4E62_49DC_AFA7_6….jpeg)


‘Sup nizza

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679d01 No.20926159


Danks, Fren! Great clip, and he's talkin' to a NYSlimes reporter.

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8c881b No.20926160

File: 20944662accace2⋯.png (79.49 KB,255x179,255:179,20944662accace2ad212e43d38….png)

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0f0521 No.20926161

File: b469d807f153670⋯.jpg (4.92 KB,197x256,197:256,czxcm.jpg)


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d14e99 No.20926162

File: bc9d025e40a7660⋯.mp4 (391.56 KB,320x506,160:253,High_wire_toast.mp4)

This guy gets cooked. Doubt he survived.



I am not allowed to post videos here unless they are only from YT. So there's the links and here is a low res mp4

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89686e No.20926163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


not bad, here's something to broaden the pallet.

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ed842e No.20926164

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e210c3 No.20926165

File: 3c0fc5bcdcc5101⋯.jpg (44.53 KB,584x585,584:585,pepe_boner.JPG)

24/7 declass

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181dac No.20926166


The shock is survivable

But the fall on the other hand, likely not

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ae3fda No.20926167

File: d01a15e69f487e9⋯.png (598.59 KB,800x800,1:1,d01a15e69f487e986823f7d4f3….png)


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7e01a0 No.20926168



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934b29 No.20926169

File: 0c4cf6e93599820⋯.png (298.08 KB,637x580,637:580,ClipboardImage.png)


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a9b0b2 No.20926170

File: 93ea98abd57929b⋯.gif (6.24 MB,400x400,1:1,pepe_head_blown.gif)


australia was known for the pedos paradise.

nicole kidmans father plus many others.

including it was a prison colony for the brits.

least it has now been found but

these idiots think it is funny

fucking morans.

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f67440 No.20926171


she's dressed up fancy limpdick

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6b1ee4 No.20926172

File: 03b56c69927fd33⋯.jpg (67.27 KB,680x843,680:843,tina.jpg)

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679d01 No.20926173


Daley sued 'em for that. Terry Kath was a genius, but fully nuts.

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d14e99 No.20926174

File: ebd7fe50285dacb⋯.png (356.04 KB,473x440,43:40,Soul_burned_out.PNG)


>The shock is survivable

Maybe, but he got cooked hot.

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1f688a No.20926175

File: dd6024f48c7b0af⋯.jpeg (188.13 KB,1440x1080,4:3,1528328882.jpeg)

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a62ab0 No.20926176

File: 876599c9ca851ec⋯.jpg (68.23 KB,325x369,325:369,876599c9ca851ecc631e287607….jpg)


kangs n sheitz


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a87fe8 No.20926177

File: 337c592fd797906⋯.jpg (162.31 KB,800x800,1:1,imnasshle.jpg)


…Cry more.

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fd2319 No.20926178

File: 0212790c89e1dcf⋯.png (215.37 KB,779x460,779:460,Imagine_the_smell.png)

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8c881b No.20926179

File: 1009b9e297ac987⋯.png (73.02 KB,255x180,17:12,1009b9e297ac9879e8c7458777….png)

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c68a99 No.20926180


>Lara Logan Issues Dire Warning to U.S. Special Operations Troops

>“The snakes have come in from the garden and they are in the house.”

Today was a strong reminder that all those Veterans in Arlington still have not been avenged; much less the average US Citizen. Do not lose focus, we still have to answer the call, but first the call has to come. Are we done with the exposures and puzzles? We have a nation to defend.

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2dea50 No.20926181

File: a9a5c5a747e4230⋯.png (19.38 KB,474x296,237:148,ClipboardImage.png)


ADL Pig finally outed himself.

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4b8d50 No.20926182

File: 0cf08a1e1d31f75⋯.png (134 KB,600x401,600:401,mound.png)


somebody say…

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8478bd No.20926183


>Can we handle it

>We asked for it

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e808b1 No.20926184

File: 592be26d9f18375⋯.jpg (178.18 KB,715x467,715:467,BARE_TRUTH.jpg)

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7e01a0 No.20926185


Yes, we did, discover that history has been rewritten over time, meaning details in history books change, the newer the publishing date is.

The newer the history book, the more prolific the lies and propaganda.

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4b1f83 No.20926186


They invented that dog here and the other robots we have are much better. China would have to get all that here, it would depend on how they take over our neighbors and create supply lines through them.

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f67440 No.20926187





fuckin' Margo's got the cargo and she wants caack

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b3fa05 No.20926188


100% revelation of all secrets or all this was for not.

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ed842e No.20926189


goat fukas gotta lie bout sumting huh

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ae3fda No.20926190

File: 2a9a714779256f3⋯.jpeg (98.14 KB,964x970,482:485,8DlAqbWtf2ha.jpeg)


That's nice, pissflap.

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353083 No.20926191

File: 7d68126afef07a0⋯.mp4 (5.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_says_that_if_Hillary….mp4)



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e210c3 No.20926192

File: c98161813bd11ef⋯.png (363.17 KB,605x705,121:141,hg.PNG)


Green Lives Matter


Kash Patel says he wants the Epstein Black Book unveiled on day one after Trump's public return to office.

Trump's closest allies want reveal the truth about the pedophile elite to the world and Epstein Island was literally shut down under his tenure yet people somehow delude themselves into thinking he has anything to be afraid of about this topic.

People are going to one day realize how much of an impact Trump and his allies had over politics, the cabal, and the world. The ripple effects will be reverberating for generations. Save the children.

Declass everything.

What is the first thing you want to see declassed?

3:36 PM · May 27, 2024




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e4658b No.20926193

So much bigger than a sneaky gondola move. Still processing.

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d14e99 No.20926194

File: d2957afcf5232ce⋯.jpg (25.39 KB,360x270,4:3,BackHole.jpg)

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f67440 No.20926195


b cups are awesome.

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4b1f83 No.20926196


Like a Cartoon hand coming out of the electricity, died instantly Id imagine.

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a9b0b2 No.20926197

File: 7ffe7c358c55002⋯.gif (2.56 MB,300x424,75:106,dance_gif.gif)

File: 72a0d241a456abf⋯.png (738.36 KB,1200x600,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


carry on.

but most anons know you are a shill baker and the only ones giving you back up are the shills now.

carry on dancing for your chicken dust for your noodles.

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1f688a No.20926198

File: c0de6b2cc3deffd⋯.gif (279.66 KB,300x200,3:2,c0de6b2cc3deffd6b80dcd37bd….gif)

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ed842e No.20926199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



panties droppin

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ce827c No.20926200

File: 4472fa43c8df0ac⋯.jpeg (1.89 MB,2400x1600,3:2,7A8457C5_F92D_4EA7_BCC1_2….jpeg)


Good to hear brutha

got some ice cream from da ice cream man

Haven’t done that in years

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89d6f0 No.20926201

File: 19c4b76e1282545⋯.jpg (441 KB,818x1126,409:563,thomaspainemockery.JPG)


not as absurd as it used to sound; Thanks to DJT coining the term "fake news"!

Trump did it!

Thomas Paine got around the Establishment. We can too.

His pamphlets are said to have inspired the winning of the War.

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ed842e No.20926202

File: 242d659351b10fa⋯.jpg (45.32 KB,598x803,598:803,2016_10_10_17_21_IMG_0007.JPG)

whats a challenger gasket explodsion

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e50484 No.20926203


TY Baker

Release the NightShift

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a87fe8 No.20926204

File: dc9e6d264b798af⋯.jpg (148.62 KB,800x800,1:1,BBfilter.jpg)

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8f7ccd No.20926205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The end won't be for everyone.

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ae3fda No.20926206

File: c69255d49527226⋯.png (276.33 KB,568x699,568:699,c69255d495272261ccc751e4c4….png)

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e4658b No.20926207

File: bd26c2e9d8dfe47⋯.jpeg (22.56 KB,188x268,47:67,IMG_0426.jpeg)

>Even if I invite backup, there’s no way they pull it off.

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d14e99 No.20926208


Thanks for the reminder. I got taco fixins.

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ed842e No.20926209

File: 549f91eeaee8cf7⋯.jpg (126.23 KB,450x674,225:337,2009_01_20_06_39_IMG_4136.JPG)

bronie buffet closed

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66faab No.20926210

File: 83241567a5231b5⋯.jpg (566.06 KB,1080x1342,540:671,83241567a5231b592765c7fc42….jpg)

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742fc2 No.20926211



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8f3977 No.20926212


Never gonna habben

It would scar the future

It needs permanent removal and the hedge of protection restored.

Space Force

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6b1ee4 No.20926213

File: abe217d3bb46982⋯.jpg (84.72 KB,671x466,671:466,tina.jpg)


>Doubt he survived.


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a62ab0 No.20926214


it's hot enough huh


ice them drinks yo

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742fc2 No.20926215

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ac47ad No.20926217


This is a good sign for our Country.


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fd2319 No.20926218

File: b2f1ef134cdbbcc⋯.png (575.01 KB,408x612,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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792e58 No.20926219

File: 9008cc75089225e⋯.png (467.34 KB,750x333,250:111,ClipboardImage.png)


Pig exposed all of them

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89d6f0 No.20926220


Strzok Page messages.

And the messages between the special "8" of the Congress.

the FISA warrants?

Never turned over. None of it yet. Still waiting. Trump ordered it long ago. They disobeyed.

How could you know what you want to be turned over, when you have little notion of what is there?

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ed842e No.20926221

File: 3c35a4c91111379⋯.jpg (187.96 KB,1242x857,1242:857,2016_11_26_00_32_IMG_4019.JPG)

mad hatter finds oompa loompas

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4b1f83 No.20926222

File: ef0fe6c740c0f3f⋯.png (224.63 KB,314x328,157:164,grimessatanisreal2.png)

File: c471c5e5a8de2ff⋯.png (1.28 MB,750x927,250:309,grimesisreal.png)

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ce827c No.20926223

File: e827de489e9c38b⋯.gif (801.65 KB,499x366,499:366,CA973F0D_7744_4AB0_92A9_92….gif)

Argentina’s Milei fires Cabinet chief as bill stalls in Congress

Argentina's President Javier Milei fired his Cabinet Chief Nicolás Posse Monday as the government’s major reform bill has stalled in Congress, marking the most high-level departure since the head of state took office December 10. Argentina's President Javier Milei fired his Cabinet Chief Nicolás Posse Monday as the government’s major reform bill has stalled in Congress, marking the most high-level departure since the head of state took office December 10.

Milei accepted Posse’s resignation and replaced him with Interior Minister Guillermo Francos, according to a statement on the government’s X account. Francos has coordinated negotiations between the president and congressional leaders over the bill. The Cabinet shift comes as Milei departed for the United States Monday evening for a week of meetings with tech executives in the San Francisco area.


Don’t be fooled by this globalist stooge-he is NOT as he appears and he’ll be pandering to all the leftists in the Bay Area starting on Tuesday

Warned about him before he was elected and the first thing he does is say he’s “kicking out the IMF and World Bank” and then comes here and goes to Chabad for his initiation bullshit.

His antics are a lot like a John Belushi but not in a good way-he is a total act and an NWO stooge.

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181dac No.20926224


Strange that the People that "Debunked" Pizzagate

Turned out to be Pedophiles

It's that odd

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679d01 No.20926225

File: f006eef59aa72f2⋯.png (38.54 KB,240x152,30:19,ClipboardImage.png)

Markets & Mayhem




Google's so-called AI is so bad that it gave people answers from parody website The Onion …


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e814f3 No.20926226



despite the graffiti, the shoes and abandoned clothes are recent, so perhaps they stopped using it after it was posted somewhere.

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913d22 No.20926227


im late 50s she looks mighty fuckable to me….. considering most yank females are fat and lazy hoes

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b3fa05 No.20926228


>What is the first thing you want to see declassed?




C_A, et al selection and testing of gifted children


tough to choose 'first'. kek

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679d01 No.20926229

File: bf522bda6ee5c2b⋯.png (1.52 MB,1132x1091,1132:1091,ClipboardImage.png)



Dr. Eli David


Yep, we reached that level.


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ae3fda No.20926230

File: f31872c24c1e039⋯.png (869.83 KB,736x981,736:981,f31872c24c1e039ba1b0efe9e1….png)

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89d6f0 No.20926231


X- files about the "inter-dimensional contacts"

? I guess, unless it would cause harm.

If we say now, they might destroy it or hide it, in advance?

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81dec2 No.20926232


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2dea50 No.20926233

File: a4c49915872433d⋯.png (12.24 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


The real secret is that "Nazi" comes from the "AshkenNazi".

Hitler was a Rothschild puppet. The Agenda was to kill enough Jews to scare them enough to move to Palestine, so the Rothschilds can fulfill Bible Prophecy for the End Times.

Euro Jews were quite comfy in Europe. They had businesses, culture, arts, education etc.

Why would they move to Palestine, an undeveloped barren desert land? WWII, Hitler, concentration camps was planned to create Israel.

Why do you think Zelensky (a Jew) owned by Ihor Kolomoisky (a Jew) would have as Ukraine's elite fighting force the Nazi Azov Battalion?

Why aren't they screaming Nazi Holocaust?

Because Nazi comes from AshkeNazi.

Macron is a Crypto-Jew Rothschild. All his pre nose jobs have been scrubbed from the net.

Castrudeau's bio father Fidel Castro was a Sephardic Jew.

btw - this TV Season there are 3 American TV new series about the HollowCau$t - to keep mind controlling their Victim Narrative.

Even though WWII and the campsENDED 79 YEARS AGO!

Nazi = AshkeNazi

The Truth Will Out.

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f67440 No.20926234


pencil skirt & bra

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742fc2 No.20926235


As real as a heart attack or brain hemorrhage

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ce827c No.20926236


Not here but feel for ya

No AC use yet and almost needed heater this morning.

Typical though and I’ll be wishing for it in another few weeks

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e210c3 No.20926237

File: 2cdc5619633a1bb⋯.png (1001.15 KB,841x694,841:694,sa.PNG)


Those 'All Electric' Fire Trucks are a

Sad Joke

Hot Air, by Jazz Shaw

Posted By: Beardo, 5/27/2024 9:49:11 PM

New Mexico Democratic Governor Michelle Grisham was recently excited to announce that the state's Environment Department was awarding a nearly half-million dollar grant to Bernalillo County to partially finance the purchase of a new "all-electric" fire truck for their fire department. (snip) a Pierce Volterra battery electric fire engine was more than $1.8 million. (snip) The supposedly "all-electric" fire engine has a diesel engine in it. The pumps that actually deliver the water to put out fires run off of the diesel engine and the truck itself can run off of diesel when the battery inevitably runs out.

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ed842e No.20926238

File: d26569bf48945b6⋯.jpg (136.03 KB,1184x675,1184:675,2017_12_16_22_47_IMG_0419.JPG)


>mad hatter finds oompa loompas

mad hatter wants to nekid default short swap oompa loompa enemies too

has butt watch problem wiff ass apples

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89d6f0 No.20926239


what happened to all the flesh on all those bones?

were they eaten?

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7a521b No.20926240

File: 14749ab57e8d55e⋯.png (159.21 KB,399x386,399:386,14749ab57e8d55eed6a05d796d….png)


I think he will be alright its just a flesh wound.

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f72b4e No.20926241



Yet, evil is easy to defeat.

Lucifer runs away.

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eaeefe No.20926242

>>20925615 (You) Tucker: Patrick Bet-David on Trump, Iran, and What Chris Cuomo Should Do with the Rest of His LifePN


This was the longest interview with Tucker I’ve heard, extremely interesting and educating, they really went over so many subjects, but each of them were very enlightening

If you want to zone out and just listen, it was very good

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66faab No.20926243

File: 81a9c8da4fd6ae0⋯.png (448.14 KB,684x709,684:709,Screenshot.png)


mighty yeah

fuckable no.

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a62ab0 No.20926244


we had really hot May, moar than usual, has cooled since but……………….

glad you doin well

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8f3977 No.20926245

Saw a short on yt today .

A cute little baby awww how cute.

They were impressing the interwebs with their swaddling method.

The baby had a hole in its arm where the vaxxxxx would have been given

Googled Vax inject injuries

And after getting past the algorithms found some very disturbing images just say

Guess it's another thing

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ed842e No.20926246

File: 629a2cfe4e89164⋯.jpg (563.64 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,2010_08_28_12_38_IMG_3544.JPG)

hetero outdoor russian shit tax free

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792e58 No.20926247


I only put a bag over her head. Because it is ugleh.

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c42fff No.20926248

So they are probably going to put Trump in jail and I hate them and have hated them for a long time now. But when that happens what are we going to do about it. Posting memes on this board won't matter anymore, fighting shills here won't matter anymore. What are we going to do? It has been an awesome run on 8Chan then 8Kun but Q is obviously gone, the plan doesn't seem to be working as well as it was intended to and this doesn't seem to be helping anything anymore. I know what you are thinking, this is a concern fag or some other type of fag or shill that constantly infects these boards but I'm not. I have been with Trump since the beginning, I have been lurking here since the beginning, following everything, laughing at all the good memes. But lately I haven't seen anything substantial, anything that we can be proud of, not to anyone's fault here but society itself obviously. We are running around in circles here at this point, we all come here hoping to finally see that great piece of news that something has finally happened but there is nothing. So to fill that void we just keep scrolling to find a funny meme and maybe we post one but after about an hour or so we still feel unsatisfied. When does this all end, when do all our efforts pay off, even a little? Don't get me wrong I'm not giving up, I'm going to keep going, keep coming here, keep fighting for my family and trying to do the right thing.

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af8215 No.20926249


you're outta control

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742fc2 No.20926250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Lucifer runs away


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4b8d50 No.20926251


> the shoes

a close look at the shoe design would give an indication of when it was abandoned

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2dea50 No.20926252

File: e45f35b44ff6b57⋯.png (38.07 KB,474x446,237:223,ClipboardImage.png)

Obesity in America

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f67440 No.20926253


she giigghles n snorts the whole the fucking time and thing. fuck it properly and no issues.

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6b1ee4 No.20926254

File: 94d0e53ee0579bf⋯.jpg (56.6 KB,590x678,295:339,ghey.jpg)


hey christopher

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f72b4e No.20926255


>>Lucifer runs away



Compounding interest:


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5a9e70 No.20926256

File: 588db219e287c8e⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,640x360,16:9,RUDYsaysburied.mp4)

File: 4ac4eba52629a42⋯.png (723.32 KB,1155x970,231:194,JustTheTrash2.png)

File: 43fb9055e7dc5eb⋯.png (737.38 KB,1044x966,174:161,justtheTrash823.png)

Just a reminder for anyone still citing that hack, john solomon - nothing more than a half-assed water carrier for whatever false narratives FAUX is pushing.

Has there ever been a correction or APOLOGY for PARROTING the slandering of our President over the J6 crap? People STILL insist he "incited riot".

justthenews.com Tucker Carlson blasts Trump, says he 'recklessly encouraged' supporters before riot at Capitol "That is in fact what happened," Carlson said. https://archive.is/l5mOa https://justthenews.com/government/white-house/tucker-carlson-blasts-trump-says-he-recklessly-encouraged-supporters-riot

VID (00:30) Rudy Giuliani Says Sean Hannity, John Solomon & Mike Pompeo “BURIED” Hunter Laptop from Hell in 2019 ‘I gave it to Hannity in early 2019, then to John Solomon, then to Mike Pompeo, who also buried it.’ if still there: https://youtu.be/sdId5FR0LNU Around the 4:20 mark: https://archive.vn/OVucA https://www.sgtreport.com/2022/12/rudy-giuliani-says-sean-hannity-john-solomon-mike-pompeo-buried-hunter-laptop-from-hell-in-2019/

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ed842e No.20926257

File: 4ec9fbf93720754⋯.jpg (987.32 KB,1600x1229,1600:1229,2013_02_08_23_24_IMG_4025.JPG)


>outdoor russian shit tax

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89686e No.20926258


the first 'AI' Microsoft put on line 10 plus years ago immediately became racist and misogynistic and they had to take it offline.

but nvidia is worth 2 Trillion because of AI.

seems kinda like a bubble to me.

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8f3977 No.20926259

File: fbde8c4d61741a7⋯.jpg (216.75 KB,1133x906,1133:906,18c580e1016d9a57.jpg)

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b477cd No.20926260

File: c724b243b98e129⋯.png (469.21 KB,549x499,549:499,ClipboardImage.png)


no wins ?

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89686e No.20926261


dats a belly full of worms

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ce827c No.20926262

File: e073a81452f4212⋯.jpeg (687.34 KB,1281x714,61:34,47641D43_177B_4BAF_865A_6….jpeg)


Well at least you had that. Always remember 3 showers/daily on those trips too late.

Ups and downs here but don’t let the downs outweigh the ups.

This place helps keep muh brian from mushin’ too much.

Get another shot Weds to move it all along.

Taps to gang and hope all well or as good as can be on that front

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e4658b No.20926263

The cricket hops on his pillow. Not this again. He puts the bug on the ground and falls back asleep. Not more than five minutes go by, and the cricket is hopping around his head again. Piece by piece the alarm goes off. He tried to avoid the song by switching up the minute hands wake time. Never fails. The cricket is back, different hour and minute, piece by piece. They are crowding the boy with concern and worry, maybe even a desire to know what he’s laughing at. The screens and the scenes he’s writing aren’t finished. Now the cricket and the magical playlist crowd him worse than the actresses at work. Here’s a horrific tale, look at the mess, his impression of your insecurity, and his belief that the vault will one day not let his spirit outside anymore.

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81dec2 No.20926264

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ed842e No.20926265


oh wow

bleached anus edipus

how segue

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d7c7d9 No.20926266


i dont think thats ALARMING to any of us here. pretty much a known fact way before Q.

i meant specifically related to ww1/ww2

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6b1ee4 No.20926267

File: db59c6c917a92d4⋯.jpg (31.2 KB,625x795,125:159,ghey.jpg)


hi robert

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89d6f0 No.20926268

File: 61010e597065349⋯.jpg (5 MB,7000x7000,1:1,pizzagatechart7.jpg)

File: eae44d0c92b8fb4⋯.jpg (89.16 KB,640x693,640:693,pizzahilaryemails.jpg)



yes, what a coincidence.

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8f3977 No.20926269

The world would be a better place if the brits were wiped off the face of the earth.

True story


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66faab No.20926270

File: c328f287e32dbba⋯.gif (145.37 KB,640x504,80:63,c328f287e32dbba70238d05eca….gif)


whatever your faggot friend Christopher done to you: it sure is not me, homo!

So don't try again!

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ed842e No.20926271



kenedy lawyur fees aRR chickenhawkin right now

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035cf0 No.20926272

File: 2776feeeee22a19⋯.jpg (10.59 KB,299x168,299:168,images_150_.jpg)

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a62ab0 No.20926273


be like brain much realz



taps to yo's too bro

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6b1ee4 No.20926274

File: 82fa3034306c1dd⋯.jpg (239.24 KB,725x932,725:932,ghey.jpg)


is that bitch asleep?

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a62ab0 No.20926275




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ce827c No.20926276

File: fe59fc3088c2c0d⋯.gif (1006.64 KB,450x250,9:5,1D133A54_7892_4FA7_91F6_DD….gif)


Who’s “we” nigga?

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af8215 No.20926277


they can extinguish their own trucks when they erupt

quick response time

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181dac No.20926278


Oh yea

They got him for sure this time

Yup, No way he can get out of this mess

For Sure, He's done like dinner

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6b1ee4 No.20926279

File: 677b8de7231e778⋯.jpg (48.34 KB,800x640,5:4,ghey.jpg)


she ded *slurp*

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ed842e No.20926280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bikini revenge pizza wai

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4b1f83 No.20926281

File: 1afe05271bae1a8⋯.png (486.77 KB,516x919,516:919,Screenshot_2023_10_29_at_1….png)

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bb330b No.20926282



The glory is God's in the final victory over D EVIL

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89d6f0 No.20926283

File: f508ee478184470⋯.png (307.4 KB,600x315,40:21,CIA_clown_starting_wars.png)

File: 026f34046fce0c4⋯.jpg (110.6 KB,500x375,4:3,clown.jpg)




you sound like the "OathKeepers" who attempted to convince people to storm the Capital.

What else ya got, FED?

Try harder, clown.

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4926a5 No.20926284



Buy muh book.

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ce827c No.20926285


‘Member that you just needed a break for a bred and then good ta go.

Doggo rec’d taps and ty.

Even got an ice cream as dad ‘gets it’

Once and a while ok

Ttyl or in morn’

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31b410 No.20926286

File: 424e3e09645bed4⋯.jpeg (204.7 KB,828x822,138:137,IMG_0427.jpeg)


Ran it through the crowd source taboo machine.

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792e58 No.20926287


Speak for yourself faggot, I see wins every day.

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a62ab0 No.20926288


g'nite bro mang

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e814f3 No.20926289


could be a combination of that and critters, but I would not be surprised at all if cannibals eat every part.

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ce827c No.20926290


Ty for that and back at ya

Prolly be around but in/out

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bb330b No.20926291

File: 4965ab1948a9eac⋯.png (111.13 KB,692x303,692:303,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a04c0d58ae73c4⋯.png (354.39 KB,672x497,96:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18aaa4a10f36d1a⋯.png (102.66 KB,671x646,671:646,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a04ac6f05b69d28⋯.png (452.86 KB,669x538,669:538,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67fa1cbe6742987⋯.png (80.58 KB,664x571,664:571,ClipboardImage.png)

Don’t even think about siding with Israel until you read this indisputable and shocking history of the rape of Palestine.

For many Palestinians, al-Nakba not only refers to the forced expulsion from 1947 to 1949 but evokes the entire history of Palestinian displacement, which is still occurring in 2021. Forced displacement of Palestinians was occurring even during British colonization, and between 1936 and 1939, British authorities destroyed up to 5,000 Palestinian homes.

From its inception, the Zionist project has sought to create a nation through colonialism, made apparent by organizations such as the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association. And as noted by Hadar Cohen, this violence has been committed and continues to be committed in the name of Judaism, despite the fact that for many, “displacing and oppressing others is antithetical to [their] Jewishness.”

As of 2021, Palestinian people continue to fight for their right to self-determination and their right to return. Meanwhile, countries like the United States continue to provide billions of dollars of aidto Israel, effectively funding the continued forced displacement of Palestinian people. This is the tragic true story of the 1948 Palestinian displacement.

Throughout history, the land currently occupied by Israel, also known as Palestine, has seen numerous conquerors, from the Assyrians in 721 B.C. to the Ottoman Empire in 1516 C.E. And according to Palestinian anthropologist Ali Qleibo, “throughout history a great diversity of peoples has moved into Palestine as their homeland: Jebusites, Canaanites, Philistines from Crete, Anatolian and Lydian Greeks, Hebrews, Amorites, Edomites, Nabateans, Arameans, Romans, Arabs … the various cultures shine for a brief moment before they fade out of official historical and cultural records of Palestine. The people, however, survive.”

The Ottoman occupation of Palestine lasted until 1918, one year after British forces entered Palestine, seeking to gain control over the territory as World War I drew to a close. ARIJ writes that although it was believed that Palestine would become an “international zone not under direct French or British colonial control,” Palestine ended up remaining under British occupation until 1948. With the Partition Plan, the land was divided by the United Nations, with one part for the Palestinian people and one part for the Zionist state of Israel.

This wasn’t the first time that Palestine was treated by Europeans as a place for Jewish people to return to. In 1799, Napoleon offered Palestine to Jewish people who were under France’s protection, describing them as “Rightful heirs of Palestine!“


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89d6f0 No.20926292


that's an old one.

It was used.

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faf08d No.20926293


she always reminds me of Meg Anon for some reason Y'all.

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bb330b No.20926294

File: 4d65d06be4a63d8⋯.png (650.7 KB,590x612,295:306,ClipboardImage.png)

Prince Richard Windsor the Duke of Gloucester with his wife Duchess Birgitte of Gloucester. Prince Richard is related to the House of Montagu through his mother Lady Alice Montagu-Douglas-Scott and he works with the Montagu, Douglas, Scott, and Percy families which are Anglo-Scottish nobles that are all involved with Freemasonry.

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2de3e5 No.20926295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Police chase in Los Angeles

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ae3fda No.20926296

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB,252x263,252:263,somuchtext.gif)


Don't start by telling me what I can't do and then follow with telling me what I should do, MuhJoo faggot.

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bb330b No.20926297

File: 3729a30cf5cb14a⋯.png (390.98 KB,630x315,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Prince Vittorio Emanuel IV of Savoy the Prince of Naples is the primary owner of the Genovese crime syndicate and a major owner of various Camorra mafias as well as a top authority over the nation of Switzerland. The Savoys were the monarchs of Italy and were rulers in Switzerland for hundreds of years. The Swiss flag and Savoy coat of arms are the same with a red background and white cross. JP Morgan was knighted by the House of Savoy in 1906 and JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley are currently run by the Roman Catholic and Jesuit agents Steve Burke and James Gorman. Prince Vittorio finances particle accelerator weapons through CERN which is based in Switzerland. The Genoveses specialize in extortion and theft through stock fraud as well as prostitution and gambling rackets. The Savoys have residences in Geneva, Switzerland. Prince Vittorio was a member of the P2 Masonic lodge and he was arrested for murder and investigated for arms trafficking while working for Augusta and later investigated for running prostitution rings, racketeering, bribery, and rigging slot machines.

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d469f7 No.20926298

File: 17a013b56e108a5⋯.jpg (61.89 KB,940x1024,235:256,17a013b56e108a50517ac9c592….jpg)


they were esten a long time ago then what remained decomposed over time. then after who knows how long, dumbshit kids discover it and use it as a test of bravery to see who could make it the furthest in to HELL!!!!!11111oneoneoneone

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af8215 No.20926299


all these faggot royals think theyre something else

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ed842e No.20926300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>bikini revenge pizza wai

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d469f7 No.20926301


can we all agree she was the least fappable celebrity nude reveal that thusfar existed?

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b47e83 No.20926302

File: 1ec9b15e035dcf8⋯.jpg (46.67 KB,559x333,559:333,Screen_Shot_2024_05_27_at_….jpg)

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a87fe8 No.20926303

File: 1ed9f7bb74cb4b8⋯.jpg (69.8 KB,768x510,128:85,33257372_768x510_525002465.jpg)

File: ce50bb98b696527⋯.jpg (64.91 KB,1024x736,32:23,10_spooky_pictures_of_the_….jpg)

…Catacombs of Paris, ya fuckin' nobs!

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ae3fda No.20926304

File: a05ab2bbc5a5723⋯.gif (456.38 KB,500x350,10:7,a05ab2bbc5a5723efd64e43c44….gif)

Was only half a line, not technically not a single line.

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ed842e No.20926305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


trotsky on a toothpick

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89d6f0 No.20926306


yes but the baby shoes were new

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0490e2 No.20926307


>can we all agree she was the least fappable celebrity nude reveal that thusfar existed?

Are you asking for Amy Schumer pics?

Because that’s how you get Amy Schumer pics.

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8f3977 No.20926308


She's pretty

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0d53cf No.20926309


still best.

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bb330b No.20926310

File: 1c87680c9aae6a8⋯.png (174.31 KB,629x347,629:347,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd132899a9d0ac0⋯.png (594.64 KB,647x608,647:608,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fca64d0b2576d24⋯.png (480.64 KB,652x462,326:231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc8db197385d5cd⋯.png (244.16 KB,662x602,331:301,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd4db2034eb40af⋯.png (451.43 KB,399x594,133:198,ClipboardImage.png)

House of Savoy

Princess Marina of Savoy the Princess of Naples is a top authority over Goldman Sachs and Switzerland. Princess Marina is from the Ricolfi-Doria family of Genoa and she was born in Switzerland. The Italian city of Genoa or Genova has the same name as the Swiss city Geneva. The Savoys have a noble branch in Genoa and the Dorias originated from Genoa. The Savoys also ruled regions of Switzerland for hundreds of years before becoming the Italian monarchs.

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ed842e No.20926311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>trotsky on a toothpick

heibert fine fuud got duh baldwin steak fingurs FiB

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181dac No.20926312

File: b2d1c81c8f640bc⋯.png (711.9 KB,724x1024,181:256,ClipboardImage.png)

The[y]'ll all pay the price in the end

Perhaps some have already

It will be as it was written

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d469f7 No.20926313


can we make catacombs a thing again? or is there just something wrong about dumping a bunch of bones down the same hole?

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e814f3 No.20926314


If they only use that place a few times a year you would never know.

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a62ab0 No.20926315


#25665 >>20925798

>>20925996 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20925845 INTERPOL detects 200 stolen vehicles from Canada each week

>>20925874 Will Gen Z change America’s foreign policy towards Israel?

>>20925896, >>20926119, >>20926303 Look at the amount of human bones. Catacombs of Paris

>>20925920 If Trump takes New York, it’s game over

>>20925919, >>20925974, >>20926009, >>20926138, >>20926191 TRUMP WILL BE ON TIM POOL

>>20925941 Corrupt NACC Commissioner Paul Brereton exposed protecting his mates in the ADF

>>20925970 Denver Offers How-To Guide on Turning Cities into Taxpayer-Funded Immigrant Sanctuaries

>>20926013 Donald Trump says local law enforcement will carry out his planned mass deportation

>>20926073 Texas is currently constructing a real border wall in Del Rio County after the Democrat sheriff called for help

>>20926091 Trump says the real number of illegal Immigrants under Biden could be 17 million, not the 7 million that’s being reported

>>20926169 ICYMI: Ret Adm Rogers, CISO

>>20926192, >>20925898 Kash on transparency

>>20926223 Argentina’s Milei fires Cabinet chief as bill stalls in Congress

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0d53cf No.20926316

File: afe0d1bc54cc380⋯.jpg (53.1 KB,641x389,641:389,ewww.jpg)

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bb330b No.20926317

File: e964cb964e255bc⋯.png (517.51 KB,480x581,480:581,ClipboardImage.png)

Princess Elvira Grimaldi di Nixima a Sicilian noble with her husband Alfred Oeteker who is a billionaire and whose family were Nazis involved with financing Hitler and using slave labor during WWII. The Oetekers finance modern Nazism and they also finance Sicilian Mafia crime operations. The Grimaldi di Nixima family are Sicilian nobles related to the royal Grimaldis of Monaco which originated in Genoa.

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181dac No.20926318

File: eae31d0e2c9115c⋯.png (1.49 MB,901x597,901:597,ClipboardImage.png)

I may be just Pawn in God's Plan

But Trump

He's Colluding with God

That's a Tough act to beat

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ce827c No.20926319

File: e98c3b596cbfb45⋯.jpeg (347.87 KB,1270x610,127:61,59BD5A49_D00A_464D_91E6_3….jpeg)

File: b2b50a4c9bf42c4⋯.png (59.92 KB,1920x1131,640:377,ClipboardImage.png)

AE57CC US Navy P8 Poseidon returning to Pt. Mugu after a trip up and back down the CA coast

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bb330b No.20926320

File: 3673dd1b0ffdcbf⋯.png (223.72 KB,400x225,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95b772c10f4f4b6⋯.png (449.64 KB,672x592,42:37,ClipboardImage.png)

Vladimir Putin with his close friend Prince Albert II of Monaco. Putin and Prince Albert can be seen together many times over the past decade. Putin was knighted by Prince Albert II and the Russian Mafia have a major headquarters in Monte Carlo with the Sicilian Mafia. The royals of Monaco or House of Grimaldi originated in Genoa which ruled the Black Sea region including Ghazaria which had major influence over trade in Russia. Genoa and Russia and the Grimaldis and Romanovs have worked together for centuries.

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8f7ccd No.20926321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dark mother

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d469f7 No.20926322


you think amy schumer is less fuckable than MTG? yep, you're a shill, alright.

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934b29 No.20926323

File: 73cf9a851f32541⋯.png (247.4 KB,640x273,640:273,Traitors.png)

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eaeefe No.20926324

File: 232e45ac3e4b4ef⋯.jpeg (335.12 KB,720x901,720:901,IMG_2537.jpeg)


Bragg and the Jackson Pollock School of Prosecution: Why the Trump Trial Could End With a Hung Jury


Below is my column in the Hill on the approaching closing arguments in the Trump trial. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg appears to be launching his own school of abstract legal work in the Trump indictment. The key is to avoid any objective meaning.

Here is the column:

Abstract artistJackson Pollock once said that his paintings have no objective meaning, so the best way for people to enjoy them is to stop looking for it.

For many of us, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has created a new school of abstract law where there is no need for objective meaning.The jury is simply supposed to enjoy it for what it is:a chance to convict Donald Trump.

Pollock was famous for his painting drips on large canvases. Bragg has achieved the same effect by regenerating a dead misdemeanor on falsifying business records as 34 felony counts. To achieve that extraordinary goal, he has alleged that the document violations (which expired long ago under the statute of limitations) were committed to hide some other crime.

Originally, Bragg vaguely referenced four crimes and there havebeen months of confusion as to what he was specifically alleging as his criminal theories. Even legal analysts on CNN and MSNBC have continued to question the specific allegations against Trump as we head into closing arguments.

As it stands, there are three crimes that have been referenced by prosecutors: state and federal election violations and taxation violations.

Bragg’s legal vision for non-objective indictments was greatly advanced by Judge Juan Merchan,who will allow the jury to reach different rulings on what crime is actually evidentin Bragg’s paint splatters.

Merchan has ruled that thejurors can disagreeon what actually occurred in terms of the second crime. This means there could be three groups of four jurors, with one believing that there was a conspiracy to conceal a state election violation, another believing there was a federal election violation (which Bragg cannot enforce), and a third believing there was a tax violation, respectively.Nonetheless, Merchan will treat that as a unanimous verdict.

In other words, they could look at the indictment and see vastly different shapes,but still send Trump to prison on their interpretations.

Moreover, Michael Cohen is the sole witness even to address the elements of any of these crimes. Cohen is a convicted serial perjurer and disbarred attorney who appears to have lied again during the trial. Even if they consider his testimony, there is no direct corroboration in evidence on Trump’s intent or knowledge. As a result, the prosecutors will rely on circumstantial evidence to support whichever interpretation the jurors will buy.

Faced with charges that can mean different things to different jurors,Trump’s team will have to focus on the spaces between the paint drips; the canvas itself.

All of this case is based on the payment for a non-disclosure agreement that isperfectly legaland indeed common in business and politics. The Trump team needs to stop dancing around the NDA.

The jury likely believes that Trump knew of the NDA and supported it. The defense has to emphasize the testimony of David Pecker, the former publisher of the National Inquirer, that he killed stories for a variety of celebrities and politicians, including Rahm Emmanuel and Arnold Schwarzenegger. He also said that he killed stories for Trump for years before he even thought of running for president….


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eaeefe No.20926325

File: 232e45ac3e4b4ef⋯.jpeg (335.12 KB,720x901,720:901,IMG_2537.jpeg)



They need to emphasize the testimony of multiple witnesses that Trump seemed to want to avoid embarrassment to his family. He was also the host of a popular television show and an international businessman. The payment of a couple hundred thousand to kill stories is considered a cost of doing business for most celebrities, particularly those who have television contracts with provisions allowing cancellation for scandals.

In the instructions, the court will tell the jurorsthat payments cannot be campaign contributions if they would have been made anyway regardless of the campaign.

They also need to point out other gaps. It was not Trump who listed payments as legal expenses or retainer payments. Witnesses said that payments to lawyers are routinely recorded as legal expenses. Indeed, it is not clear how the money should have been denominatedbut the decision was being made by others in the Trump organizationand by Cohen himself.

Moreover, on the characterization of payments as part of a “retainer,” the other party to that characterization was former Trump OrganizationCFO Allen Weisselberg.He is currently in prison in New York,but was not called by the prosecution. The prosecutors elected to rely entirely on Michael Cohen with various witnesses, including Cohen, referencing Weisselberg’s decision on how to pay the money.

That made the canvas itself largely Michael Cohen. All of this is held together by awitnesswho admitted that he haslied to banks, Congress, prosecutors, business associates, andvirtually every creature that has ever walkedor crawled on the face of the Earth. He alsolied in front of the juryabout the critical call where he said that he told Trump about the NDA payment.

The defense showed that that 96-second-long call was to Trump’s bodyguard, Keith Schiller, in late October 2016. It was preceded and followed by text messages that indicated that their conversation was actually about a teenager harassing Cohen.

Moreover,Cohen admitted to making millions by bashing Trump, and that he has a personal interest in his conviction.

You can throw paint onCohenall day, but it will not cover up the fact that heis a pathological liarand grifter.

That is whyI still believe that a hung jury might even be the most likely possibility. That may change when we see Judge Merchan’s final instructions. However, the only thing worse in New York than being a Trump supporter is being a chump. To rely solely on Cohen and not even call someone like Weisselberg is to play these jurors as chumps.

Pollock was doing more than just throwing paint at a canvas. As Pablo Picasso said, “there is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.”Bragg started with nothing and sold it as a legal abstraction.


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89d6f0 No.20926326

File: 07da9529c8a874e⋯.png (1.21 MB,1042x1458,521:729,huntersdickonapizza.png)


Hunter's into PiZZA. Who knew?

Oh right, it was on the laptop.

The people trying Hunter have the laptop as evidence?

Millions of pages released on Hunter.

Wonder if they got this photo or some of the others?




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d14e99 No.20926327


>we all come here hoping to finally see that great piece of news that something has finally happened

We are watching a movie. I know that is so very tired. It is this simple: Problem, reaction, solution. All pre-planned by a military of sorts, whatever they call themselves. It remains to be seen if protecting mankind and the country is a priority for them, or if they are just blowing smoke up our ass long enough to take it all from us. Either way, there ain't a god damned thing you can do about it. So just watch, or not, if you can help it.

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ed842e No.20926328

File: bfb0b7462d3fd09⋯.png (7.67 KB,283x178,283:178,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a02957a58a7d415⋯.png (473.08 KB,512x512,1:1,a02957a58a7d41565063137c25….png)

File: 87318319580be18⋯.png (315.93 KB,500x372,125:93,87318319580be18ae1e3cd9e34….png)

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8f3977 No.20926329


"vaxx wound at injection spot"

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bb330b No.20926330

File: 5f2a0cf8ff68afc⋯.png (557.05 KB,426x640,213:320,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3daf941bfebaf1a⋯.png (234.65 KB,644x453,644:453,ClipboardImage.png)


Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy is a top authority over the Club of Leaders which is mostly a Swiss based secret society of wealthy and powerful European and Middle Eastern royals, bankers, politicians, and businessmen.

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0490e2 No.20926331

File: 40dd1cb13e1492d⋯.jpeg (31.56 KB,420x294,10:7,8FD182E6_7DE5_45F6_9426_5….jpeg)


Potatoes are for making vodka, not fucking.

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181dac No.20926332

File: 4e603e14ab18d03⋯.png (227.14 KB,409x409,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

It's Good Vs. Evil

The Ultimate Battle

A tale to tell the next generation

All that hear it, will be Mesmerize and Bewildered

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89d6f0 No.20926333

File: de034a4569c2bb7⋯.jpg (130.62 KB,800x1200,2:3,greatawakening3.jpg)

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1b677d No.20926334

File: 1985dd3eed73676⋯.png (158.93 KB,255x243,85:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb330b No.20926335

File: b5c3789ac0d7dde⋯.png (566.8 KB,478x640,239:320,ClipboardImage.png)

Stephen Hearst is a major landowner with hundreds of thousands of acres for timber and cattle. The Hearsts also owned gold mines which is where they obtained a portion of their wealth. The Hearst family are worth about 28 billion and they are one of the most evil families in the United States.

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d14e99 No.20926336


>no wins

Well, you got the military distributing the culling shots at warp speed. Depends on who is winning.

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bb330b No.20926337

File: d8e206bfdc6d556⋯.png (209.32 KB,312x400,39:50,ClipboardImage.png)

Tom Disney is a member of the Disney family which are worth 1-2 billion. Roy E Disney was a Vatican Knight of the Order of Saint Gregoery. The Disneys are business partners with the Hearsts and both the Disneys and Hearsts have old French ancestry which migrated to Ireland before moving to the United States. They are from the same clan. Tim Disney is the Director of Shamrock Capital Advisers which is part of their family’s investment firm Shamrock Holdings. The Disneys are Freemasons and they run a massive pedophilia ring in the United States.

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ed842e No.20926338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

before atari attempted murdur

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e43e77 No.20926339

File: fedd947e90b9066⋯.jpg (11.77 KB,334x251,334:251,grazieanon.jpg)

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d584b7 No.20926340


with enough current, anything can be a fuse

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8c881b No.20926341

File: 3e26fe811c12826⋯.png (626.72 KB,760x460,38:23,3e26fe811c12826e420f892563….png)

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b477cd No.20926342

>>20926315 #25664 lb supplement notes


baker please add these as a link to your notables.


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bb330b No.20926343

File: e6342e632f67d62⋯.png (609.83 KB,670x631,670:631,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed842e No.20926344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bill gates keeps copyright rights or ass apple plug fails

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bb330b No.20926345

File: c3de6c8bb671a73⋯.png (477.4 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Lachlan Murdoch is co-chairman of News Corp and the Executive Chairman and the CEO of Fox Corporation. He is also worth over 2 billion. The Murdochs have Scottish ancestry. Lachlan Murdoch is a high level authority over Scottish Rite Freemasonry and is a major media propagandist. Fox News heavily promoted the criminal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq which led to the deaths of about 1 million people. Fox News also heavily promotes Christianity and uses religion as its shield of self proclaimed righteousness. The Murdochs are major war criminals and they use religion as a shield which is Luciferianism. Fox really refers to the English Foxwell family. The Foxwells are married with the Massimo di Roccaseccas which are Roman-Vatican nobles that reside in London and work in business with the Spencer-Churchills. Rupert Murdoch was knighted by the Vatican’s Order of Saint Gregory.

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ce827c No.20926346

File: 659ae0a9f50a31a⋯.jpeg (145.36 KB,1200x606,200:101,C7539975_8173_4C07_B2E6_5….jpeg)


A lot of truth to this and although they don’t hang around here for long the uptick in libtard staffed camps to help them drastically increased over the last year.

They headed for points north, east, and slightly west from here and here is the “danger zone” iykwim

>pic hint

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934b29 No.20926347

File: 0c78a965954c9c2⋯.jpg (55.3 KB,1184x762,592:381,media_GOnBK7iXsAATW3z.jpg)

File: f5598cd002e356d⋯.png (15.29 KB,476x139,476:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d176f14fb79d709⋯.png (77.31 KB,790x471,790:471,ClipboardImage.png)



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742fc2 No.20926348


Hillary is a nasty woman

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ed842e No.20926349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'die glocke' mad bout gettin framed ova jelly donut city wall

chits tacos

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d469f7 No.20926350

File: eb55bc845256b1b⋯.png (189.86 KB,640x427,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)


no, I just cant

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181dac No.20926351

File: c329dee3f7366e6⋯.png (105.13 KB,487x526,487:526,ClipboardImage.png)

They say they are Jews

But they are not

They don't believe in God

They Despise God

& They use the Jews as the Escape Goat

Just like us the Jewish People are Hostages to Satanists

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ed842e No.20926352



juuu should date taht dude

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bb330b No.20926353

File: d6f5f54fbaa59d3⋯.png (279.32 KB,660x591,220:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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d469f7 No.20926355


gimme a million dollars USD and you got yourself a deal!

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ed842e No.20926356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

baldwins get hooked on buugur suugur

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ae3fda No.20926357

File: af62a093284d5af⋯.gif (1.6 MB,498x498,1:1,af62a093284d5af8df87267e68….gif)

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b477cd No.20926358

File: 947ca2c929fb444⋯.mp4 (4.12 MB,270x480,9:16,donors_told_if_they_give_m….mp4)



>>20926148 #25664 lb supplement notes

>>20925080 lb big donors told not to give money to donald trump or the fbi will turn up at their door - mp4 vid.highly notable, get to djt


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eaeefe No.20926359

File: c2bf619340740fb⋯.webp (52.97 KB,686x384,343:192,IMG_2538.webp)

OK, this is trulykek

Vanity Meets Villainy: California Man Poses for Pictures After Random Attack on Elderly Man

May 27, 2024

Nicholas Hosteter, 25, is not the first alleged felon to be caught after the circulation of a photo. He is one of the few, however,who can claim that he posed for a wanted picture taken by one of his own victims.

Hosteter wasarrested in connection to the two attacks on elderly men, according to the Campbell Police Department.

On May 4, Hosteter allegedly punched a victim on San Tomas Aquino Road and thevictim pulled out his cellphone to take a pictureof his attacker. To his surprise,Hosteter stopped and posed for the picture. The police then used it to capture him.

The second random attack involved a 75-year-old man taking a walk. He was punched in the face. The victim and his family returned to the scene shortly afterward to look for surveillance cameras. They then spotted Hosteter who allegedly tried to fight the family and then left the area.

Police made the arrest at his home where he lives with his parents.

He is now facing two counts of elder abuse and battery of an officer (due to kicking one of the arresting officers).

Obviously, a psychiatric evaluation should be one of the first things ordered by the court.


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bb330b No.20926360

File: e6cd0cdf6748f48⋯.png (387.95 KB,432x414,24:23,ClipboardImage.png)

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d469f7 No.20926361

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ed842e No.20926362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

die glocke fuukd now

haz gotta chit betta tacos

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d584b7 No.20926363

File: 1c75e39fe5d5316⋯.png (578.49 KB,2664x1724,666:431,ClipboardImage.png)


Where's demolition man to actually do something?

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ed842e No.20926364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

die glocke still in duh closet bout taht atari murdur

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181dac No.20926365

File: 2af17e0af4baec8⋯.png (2.03 MB,2383x1225,2383:1225,ClipboardImage.png)

Working for God is the Best job one could ever have

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a62ab0 No.20926366


needs sauce please

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b477cd No.20926367


Need source ..

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ed842e No.20926368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

die glocke wuz ignant bout duh lettusfalandur baldwin

an duh salad tossin >>20926364

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66faab No.20926369

File: ee8372ab8229876⋯.png (403.05 KB,857x765,857:765,Screenshot.png)

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8f3977 No.20926370


Then God bless Israel

He knows which are his people

Also get yourself some help with your obsession

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2d85ae No.20926371

They are just not sending their best. Much shill retardation.

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7cdd53 No.20926372

File: b27a008a57d80d4⋯.jpg (207.13 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG_snoAilfYDUtokA.jpg)

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ce827c No.20926373

File: 5db060271968707⋯.jpeg (229.35 KB,1254x760,33:20,179F70FD_D7D7_4C41_8E18_6….jpeg)

>die glocke

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181dac No.20926374

File: 5127620fc90bb73⋯.png (2.4 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

The People must See for themselves

they must learn to trust in themselves

to think and understand for themselves

Then comes the Reveal

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934b29 No.20926375

File: 5826e7a6ed69467⋯.jpg (207.98 KB,964x1200,241:300,FvfaRvvWAAckr1t.jpg)

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ed842e No.20926376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

jelly donut city looosur wall ova duh 'notgay'

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792e58 No.20926377


(You) don't believe in God

(You) Despise God

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4d3c3c No.20926378

File: bedeb53d03795d2⋯.jpg (11.87 KB,224x224,1:1,Z_27_.jpg)

File: 0dd1931c67bb739⋯.jpg (12 KB,177x285,59:95,images_141_.jpg)

File: 2c61af1285acdad⋯.jpg (8.66 KB,275x183,275:183,Z_29_.jpg)

File: 3ec7e230add034d⋯.jpg (13.17 KB,225x225,1:1,images_142_.jpg)



November 5, 1952

La Mesa, California, U.S.


May 27, 2024 (aged 71)

Worm is Hella emotional

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ed842e No.20926379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

draccos an fingurin fuud waltz

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8f3977 No.20926380

We have everything



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eaeefe No.20926381


Is this Hamas material being posted here?I think it is because I see a lot of negative posts of Israel and none of Hamas, that do horrific things to Palestinians.

Bakers please be aware of this.

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ed842e No.20926382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

die glocke tries appealin its chittin tacos problem to west coast lesbos

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d14e99 No.20926383


With salt and butter lipstick.

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b477cd No.20926384

File: a5d22eb6bacc9d9⋯.png (425.54 KB,375x662,375:662,ClipboardImage.png)


anyone know who this guy is?

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181dac No.20926385


God has Glimpsed to me the Beginning & the End

Only by God's Grace do I Persist beyond the day I died for the first time

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e43e77 No.20926386

File: 4a57169fc64da2b⋯.jpg (79.12 KB,1280x703,1280:703,amy.jpg)

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a62ab0 No.20926387

File: 6f334ed2c9175ba⋯.png (1.41 MB,1114x630,557:315,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecb08b No.20926388


>you think amy schumer is less fuckable than MTG? yep, you're a shill, alright.

You have got to be fucking kidding?

That bitch is disgusting in both body and mind.

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ed842e No.20926389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

die glocke get caught in fayk nazi juwin frenchy germs extortion ring ova chittin tacos to drunks

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7a521b No.20926390

File: 5c5e16c38823a4b⋯.jpg (55.07 KB,474x609,158:203,5c5e16c38823a4bad4b75d6abc….jpg)

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8f3977 No.20926391


She was potato before potato was fool

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ed842e No.20926392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cb104d No.20926393

File: 4639f8e3cd96349⋯.jpg (3.17 KB,96x128,3:4,th_5_.jpg)


What if I told you it was Rigged For Red

Scare event

Who do you trust?

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934b29 No.20926394

File: 715f42c894694dc⋯.png (225.71 KB,459x257,459:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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eaeefe No.20926395

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


il Donaldo Trumpo


Good Night true autists and anons!



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7cdd53 No.20926396

File: 9ea2ffd9245cf52⋯.gif (8.81 MB,600x450,4:3,SHITPOSTS.gif)

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0b42af No.20926397

File: 5f7bf1f717b484b⋯.png (6.02 MB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5028.png)

File: 66ebbc8ca44d641⋯.png (9.25 MB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5027.png)

Gang stalkers… fallowing me daily

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1b677d No.20926398


The enlightenment was cancelled 12-23-1913

The renaissance was cancelled 11-22-1963

This globohomo dark age started spreading out from the center when DCI Bush got VP in 1980.

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8f3977 No.20926399


Pedo Pete's pedo pedigree

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b47e83 No.20926400

File: 52e4598f19d5bad⋯.jpg (257.68 KB,1285x1334,1285:1334,52e4598f19d5bad457814429f8….jpg)


>you can do.

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f72b4e No.20926401


>Gang stalkers

Chat em up. Be friendly. They'll go away.

They don't know why they're doing that.

They don't know you.

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ed842e No.20926402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>jelly donut city looosur wall ova duh 'notgay'

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ed842e No.20926403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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45177d No.20926404


spoken as if this is the place where anything else gets done.. things are habbening.. you can be part of it…. just not here..

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ed842e No.20926405

saturn taco https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fcssnp5JOL0

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181dac No.20926406

File: 937e650a5ef47e8⋯.png (277.73 KB,520x324,130:81,ClipboardImage.png)

The Rude Awakening for all these young people

Will be Talk of Conscriptions, Drafts & Mobilizations

There is only One Man Talking Peace

& when the Precipice comes to these young people

They will vote for Trump

Left, Woke, Antifa, BLM, Pro-Hamas….

They All will Vote for Trump

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ed842e No.20926407

File: 3d97353e17bf41a⋯.png (9.58 KB,267x189,89:63,3d97353e17bf41aee69c0df973….png)

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eaeefe No.20926408

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


il Donaldo Trumpo



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2d85ae No.20926409


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ed842e No.20926410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

an die gloske still chittin duh tacos

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8f7ccd No.20926411



Shadow hi-five chkt

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ce827c No.20926412

File: 054ef372a463320⋯.jpeg (510.21 KB,776x968,97:121,00E17D42_3742_4D6D_A319_D….jpeg)

North Korea fails in attempt to launch spy satellite

North Korea unsuccessfully attempted to launch a rocket carrying a reconnaissance satellite on Monday night, Pyongyang's state media reported, hours after a trilateral summit among China, Japan and South Korea that took place in Seoul. A dispatch by the North's official news agency in the early hours of Tuesday said the launch failed in midair due to an explosion that occurred in the first stage of the rocket's flight. The Korean Central News Agency said authorities had drawn the preliminary conclusion that the cause of the explosion was a liquid-fuel engine but that other possible causes also would be investigated. Pyongyang has said it plans to launch three military spy satellites in 2024. It successfully put a military spy satellite into orbit in November 2023 after two failed attempts the same year. South Korea's intelligence service said that Russia appeared to have provided the North with technical assistance related to the launch.

Analysts have said North Korea wishes to develop its own reconnaissance satellites to gather information that would aid its ballistic missile program, such as intelligence on military movements by other countries. The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said Monday's launch occurred around 10:44 p.m. in a southerly direction over the Yellow Sea from North Pyongan province. Military authorities said they found large amounts of debris in North Korean waters.

Japan's Defense Ministry announced at 10:46 p.m. Monday that North Korea had launched what Tokyo said was a possible ballistic missile. The Japanese government issued an emergency alert for Okinawa prefecture but later lifted it, saying the object would not fly over the territory. We believe that North Korea attempted a launch utilizing ballistic missile technology for the purpose of launching a satellite, but we estimate that it vanished over the Yellow Sea. Further details are under analysis," Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said at a press conference. "It is assumed that no object was inserted into space." “The series of actions by North Korea, including its repeated missile launches to date, threaten the peace and security of our country, the region and the international community," Hayashi said. “Such launches violate relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions and are a serious matter concerning the safety of our people," he said. Japan protested the launch "through our embassy route in Beijing," Hayashi said. "The government will respond in close cooperation with the United States, South Korea and the international community, including at the U.N. Security Council."

Footage shot by Japan's NHK from near the border between China and North Korea indicates the projectile was ablaze in midair, suggesting that it experienced trouble.

The Japan Coast Guard said on Monday that North Korea had notified it of plans to carry out a satellite launch between May 27 and June 3.


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8f3977 No.20926413

There are New Trumpers forming everyday

All need to show their MAGA

Like the Bronx did

If you hide your vote

It helps the their lie


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ae3fda No.20926414

File: bf10d394bdebafc⋯.png (427.47 KB,500x500,1:1,all_their_vpns.png)

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ed842e No.20926415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

die glocke coulda wacked jfk butt boo

bobble head mocks

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e43e77 No.20926416


fake and gay

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8f3977 No.20926417

Only 7 or 8 charging stations have been constructed for a $7.5 billion taxpayer investment.

Is the Green Agenda another money laundering scam? Asking for a fren.

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ed842e No.20926418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>whats a challenger gasket explodsion

prol a gingur heifur roayl bastard rasberries problum

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181dac No.20926419


The True motive is to fund Terrorist Cells in America

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ce827c No.20926420


>Bush got VP in 1980.

Defacto POTUS as Reagan highly controlled and even rumors he actually died and had a double since the assassination.

They waited all of 70 days (or about that) into his presidency to kill him too.

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ed842e No.20926421

File: 2ee7e48bfa76701⋯.jpg (128.76 KB,800x1200,2:3,006_3_.jpg)

halyna strikes back biggur an uncut

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3a55ab No.20926422


trip test

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ed842e No.20926423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>whats a challenger gasket explodsion

>prol a gingur heifur roayl bastard rasberries problum

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b477cd No.20926424

File: d7cae8c0229df57⋯.png (258.45 KB,516x658,258:329,ClipboardImage.png)

File: af2fc9adc8299c6⋯.png (333.06 KB,632x521,632:521,ClipboardImage.png)




Roger Frederick Wicker (born July 5, 1951) is an American attorney and politician serving as the senior United States senator from Mississippi, a seat he has held since 2007. A member of the Republican Party, Wicker was a Mississippi State Senator from 1988 to 1995 and the U.S. Representative from Mississippi's 1st congressional district from 1995 until 2007.

Born in Pontotoc, Mississippi, Wicker is a graduate of the University of Mississippi and the University of Mississippi School of Law. He was an officer in the United States Air Force from 1976 to 1980 and a member of the United States Air Force Reserves from 1980 to 2003. During the 1980s, he worked as a political counselor to then-Congressman Trent Lott on the House Rules Committee. In 1987, Wicker was elected to the Mississippi State Senate, representing the 6th district, which included Tupelo.

Wicker was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1994, succeeding longtime Representative Jamie Whitten. Wicker served in the House from 1995 to 2007, when he was appointed to the Senate by Governor Haley Barbour to fill the seat vacated by Lott. Wicker subsequently won a special election for the remainder of the term in 2008 and was reelected to a full term in 2012. Wicker served as chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee from 2015 to 2017 and is a deputy Republican whip. He was reelected in 2018, defeating Democratic nominee David Baria.

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28e546 No.20926425

File: ca131e899d2670f⋯.png (9.31 MB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5032.png)



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ed842e No.20926426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>jelly donut city looosur wall ova duh 'notgay'

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ae3fda No.20926427

File: 32b548b26a8b5c7⋯.png (235.6 KB,437x488,437:488,32b548b26a8b5c7780a089070b….png)

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8f7ccd No.20926428

File: f8e77133c92d1cc⋯.jpg (45.65 KB,474x266,237:133,th_jpeg_5.jpg)

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acf19a No.20926429

File: ef39960af03708e⋯.png (214.32 KB,935x734,935:734,ef39960af03708e2d446306972….png)

File: 80915c7d882a63a⋯.png (14.78 KB,209x255,209:255,20f828607ce576f2a03ec028e4….png)

File: f100130a65e0015⋯.png (18.49 KB,241x255,241:255,b48bbb56a56915af7211c6c7b2….png)

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e46139 No.20926430


Wheezy license plate

Like to flash navy



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76dd35 No.20926431

Good Evening Mr President

I enjoyed your chat on Timcast or whateva it's called.

quick question, i've read the reports and i know you have too… will you pardon derek chauvin? he got obamma roaded and we all know it!

thank you Sir

lowest ranking anon and o7


it is good to see you back here and shitposting right along us all.

wink wink nudge nudge

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934b29 No.20926432

File: d11065e55cbe9b4⋯.png (446.54 KB,661x563,661:563,ClipboardImage.png)

GITMO update

Carol Rosenberg



Flags flew at half mast across the base until noon today, including one representing the USS Cole. Here’s what it looked like on the main thoroughfare, but from more permissive times for working journalists. The Cole case pretrial hearings are due to start at 0800 tomorrow.

May 27, 2024 · 11:13 PM UTC


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36b629 No.20926433


it's all so fucking intuitive and apparent how to reverse this shitshow

elect POTUS

massive deregulation, especially energy and climate, epa bullshit

massive cuts to defense spending, coupled with trade and security agreements

massive cuts to agencies

massive cuts to social spending

use those funds for massive infrastructure investment, including massive federally funded deportation of most illegals

massive truth and reconciliation commission on crimes against humanity and crimes against the homeland

we'll have so much work to do and so much spending and investment on the middle class, nobody will have time to be lazy or a fucking degenerate anymore

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ed842e No.20926434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bob got framed at chucky cheese to keep jebus beans out of duh chicken church fire

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181dac No.20926435

File: 6a6a156a24e4391⋯.png (460.31 KB,668x466,334:233,ClipboardImage.png)

If God had not Intervened

I would not be walking the path that I am

& I'm not the only one

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b477cd No.20926436

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




An Opportunity To Vote Out A RINO



Mississippi's Sen. Roger Wicker just voted to send a bunch of money overseas and none to you: what should the GOP voter do about it? Former Marine Col. Ghannon Burton is running to unseat Wicker in a primary vote THIS year. If you're from the state of Mississippi and you care about your country, Burton might be the man to listen to.

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ed842e No.20926437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

squanto luubs chucky cheese

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ae3fda No.20926438

File: 893e5a567212cb3⋯.png (474.06 KB,826x826,1:1,234812938129083.png)

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76dd35 No.20926439

you and me both Sir, you and me both!

much love, nohomo


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520c6a No.20926440


Listen very closely, many here including authorities and across this country are cowards., that is what got us into this mess to begin with. The sound of the FBI makes them tremble in fear. They cannot stand up and tell their bosses this is bullshit, and the women of this country are crying out for us to take a stand. Emerald Robinson does all the time, and even Lara Logan did today. You have no clue what one Patriot is capable of that cares nothing for his life. I have the right to move second as a defensive technician. Let the rest tremble, if things go South, you are going to find out who the real Kraken is, and you will know by the sounds of the enemies heads hitting the ground. God is with me and you, you just have to walk in faith.

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ed842e No.20926441

File: 7e1d4d98c8509d5⋯.jpg (81.91 KB,800x1200,2:3,028_3_.jpg)

halyna stars in "MILF fake"

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ed842e No.20926442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ramdom alohagay

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02262c No.20926443

File: 1fd909c74dc6c1d⋯.jpg (156.86 KB,560x768,35:48,1fd909c74dc6c1de63e573f41a….jpg)

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8f7ccd No.20926444


Israel = Hamas = Palestine = Judea

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41dda3 No.20926445

File: 73a42fa31a0621e⋯.png (722.64 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Enjoy_the_show_Q_Alpha.png)

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a62ab0 No.20926446

Last Call

#25665 >>20925798

>>20925996, >>20926319 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20925845 INTERPOL detects 200 stolen vehicles from Canada each week

>>20925874 Will Gen Z change America’s foreign policy towards Israel?

>>20925896, >>20926119, >>20926303 Look at the amount of human bones. Catacombs of Paris

>>20925920 If Trump takes New York, it’s game over

>>20925919, >>20925974, >>20926009, >>20926138, >>20926191 TRUMP WILL BE ON TIM POOL

>>20925941 Corrupt NACC Commissioner Paul Brereton exposed protecting his mates in the ADF

>>20925970 Denver Offers How-To Guide on Turning Cities into Taxpayer-Funded Immigrant Sanctuaries

>>20926013 Donald Trump says local law enforcement will carry out his planned mass deportation

>>20926073 Texas is currently constructing a real border wall in Del Rio County after the Democrat sheriff called for help

>>20926091 Trump says the real number of illegal Immigrants under Biden could be 17 million, not the 7 million that’s being reported

>>20926169 ICYMI: Ret Adm Rogers, CISO

>>20926192, >>20925898 Kash on transparency

>>20926223 Argentina’s Milei fires Cabinet chief as bill stalls in Congress

>>20926324, >>20926325 Bragg and the Jackson Pollock School of Prosecution: Why the Trump Trial Could End With a Hung Jury

>>20926412 North Korea fails in attempt to launch spy satellite

>>20926424, >>20926358, >>20926436 big donors told not to give money to donald trump or the fbi will turn up at their door

>>20926432 GITMO update

if anon wants lb collected notes added must repost as anon notes and no smart ass comments or no go


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3a55ab No.20926447


trip test

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fecc8e No.20926448

Please stop calling links to a twitter post with an influencer posting a clip from a podcast and a clickbait wordcraft alongside 'notable'

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ae3fda No.20926449

File: 7565dafa0b6a700⋯.png (841.04 KB,1635x933,545:311,dontcare.png)

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934b29 No.20926450

File: 52ce2d2f4dc89f7⋯.png (373.56 KB,593x585,593:585,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 713e3c7c4178857⋯.gif (2.73 MB,480x480,1:1,713e3c7c4178857c5f1c7a0783….gif)




For the Night Stalkers who gave all, we remember. "…for they loved to fight, fought to win and would rather die than quit."

Night Stalkers Don't Quit!

#Remember #NSDQ #GoldStarFamilies #MemorialDay #USASOC #USASOAC #USARMY

May 27, 2024 · 1:00 PM UTC


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af8215 No.20926451


do you even post bro

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a8a012 No.20926452

Its all going to be thrown out on appeal.

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a8a012 No.20926453

File: 647f31dcaa1123c⋯.png (2.53 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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181dac No.20926454

File: efab827a80542be⋯.png (173.71 KB,254x255,254:255,ClipboardImage.png)

There isn't Enough Illegals in America that can take the Election from Trump

Biden will only have the illegals + Deep State + Cheats

100,000,000+ for Trump

81,000,000- for Biden

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ce827c No.20926455

File: 793526602365121⋯.jpeg (48.56 KB,700x394,350:197,E09DF04A_088B_4932_BF06_E….jpeg)

Ukraine's Zelensky To Visit Belgium Tuesday

(Ummm he’s been there for 9 fuggen hours!!! >>20923704, >>20923972, >>20924055 pb thanks for the “Breaking News”)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will visit Belgium Tuesday to ink the latest in a string of security accords with Western allies, the Belgian prime minister's office said Monday.

The Ukrainian leader is set to jet into Brussels from Spain as part of a whistlestop tour to several European countries in a bid to rally support for Kyiv. Zelensky will hold a press conference with Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo after the two leaders sign a bilateral security deal.

Zelensky will also visit a military airbase in the Belgian capital, where he will meet instructors helping to train Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16 jets.

Belgium has pledged to supply F-16 fighter aircraft to Kyiv as part of a broader initiative by European allies and hopes to begin deliveries this year. Overall Brussels says it has committed 1.2 billion euros ($1.3 billion) to providing military support for Ukraine since Russia's 2022 invasion. Spain on Monday pledged one billion euros in military aid to Ukraine as Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Zelensky signed their own security deal in Madrid. Zelensky's latest tour to allies comes as Ukraine is struggling to hold back a Russian ground offensive in the Kharkiv region, which has seen Moscow's biggest territorial advance in 18 months.

After Belgium, Zelensky is then expected to head to Portugal.


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45177d No.20926456


pre-hamas is chillin and they're like, hey what should our name be, something in hebrew probably, how about Hamas? Isn't that like the chick pea dip? it means violence, well whatever, come up with an acronym cuz that's what Islamic movements do, use acronyms.

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02262c No.20926457

File: 8dc5757ed0197d0⋯.jpeg (246.84 KB,1920x1080,16:9,NSDQ.jpeg)

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a8a012 No.20926458


If US troops go into Ukraine it better be to arrest the Zelensky regime.

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8c881b No.20926459

File: 5276ab5d9f2c09b⋯.png (478.7 KB,663x480,221:160,3328ee29aef6984ec34f12fa8d….png)

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c4de6b No.20926460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8f3977 No.20926461

The $320M dock that the American taxpayers paid for in order to bring more food into Gaza is sinking. What an amazing metaphor for current US foreign policy!


⅓ of billion dollars on a pretend raft that sank the next day.


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a8a012 No.20926462

File: 3c8fd0e09a12adb⋯.png (262.31 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Heh heheh heh heh hahahahah ahahaha ahaha ahaha

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a8a012 No.20926463


It takes time to unload 15 tons of blow

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181dac No.20926464

File: a11518ac9dc0d6c⋯.png (606.38 KB,564x584,141:146,ClipboardImage.png)

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af8215 No.20926465

File: fb5a455ce8955ba⋯.jpg (2.2 MB,4000x2667,4000:2667,20180212_barnimages_007_23….jpg)

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a8a012 No.20926466

File: 058472222050d31⋯.mp4 (30.41 KB,480x480,1:1,PAtreason.mp4)

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8f3977 No.20926467

File: b20e781ae298012⋯.jpg (162.64 KB,649x898,649:898,Screenshot_20240527_235735….jpg)

Mazel tov Montreal

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b47e83 No.20926468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c4de6b No.20926469

File: c89d3b48793ac49⋯.png (1.3 MB,978x788,489:394,getb.png)

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8f3977 No.20926470


Give and your shall receive press down and over flowing

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ed842e No.20926471

File: ca09d42ab57861f⋯.jpg (92.05 KB,800x1200,2:3,056_3_.jpg)


>do you even post bro

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181dac No.20926472

The World is Changing

Because (you) have Changed

This Realm is Bending to your will

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f03d90 No.20926473


beautiful song.

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05a779 No.20926474


Sorry if I get livid but today and 911 always reminds me that we are dealing with murderers and that we haven't made our resolve known. One days like this, I can't help but remember how many were put to death by these sneaky little cowards utilizing every institution that we use to hold sacred from the hospitals, the police, the courts, protective services, record keepers, bankers, big pharma, and many, many more. Too many of you people think this is a game.

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896a60 No.20926475


Does she come with my Stretch-Limo ?

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934b29 No.20926476

File: d5417617ddda372⋯.png (400.19 KB,649x476,649:476,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 869a4d8466c3674⋯.png (393.64 KB,633x494,633:494,ClipboardImage.png)

Kainuun prikaati


May 26

Early in the morning REDFOR conducted an air assault near BLUEFOR. But it didn´t guess that the tank guys are ready and waiting. Now it`s all about to delay and to defend. 🇫🇮🇺🇸

#NorthernForest24 #Rovajärvi #kaipr #maavoimat @10MTNDIV

May 26, 2024 · 1:41 PM UTC



T(h)anks baker, fucking t(h)anks!

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1b677d No.20926477

File: 2a893779d45a943⋯.png (624.27 KB,795x894,265:298,ClipboardImage.png)

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91e05c No.20926478


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ed842e No.20926479

File: 7e8389935eb2788⋯.jpg (115.02 KB,1200x800,3:2,066_3_.jpg)

"MILF fake' iz not submitting

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1b677d No.20926480

File: 8432f81f3c27396⋯.png (1.43 MB,1098x770,549:385,ClipboardImage.png)

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91e05c No.20926481



it'll be too big to rig though.

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ed842e No.20926482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

mcuchin is cruzin duh weisman FiB chickenhawkin fo sum chucky cheese bob framed right now

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1b677d No.20926483


You could do it. The Chinese would definitely approve.

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91cafa No.20926484


Do your boobs hang low

Do they dangle to and fro

Can you tie them in a knot

Can you tie them in a bow

Can you throw them o'er your shoulder

Like Continental soldier

Do your boobs hang low?

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91e05c No.20926485


the American business owner says the movie costs too damn much.


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8065b5 No.20926486

File: 336208a291e6bd7⋯.png (665.51 KB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5033.png)

File: b4474ddc1769bea⋯.png (455.44 KB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5037.png)

File: 66ebbc8ca44d641⋯.png (9.25 MB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5027.png)

CRT and Trump Or CTT…

Critical Trump Theory…

This is where they gas light Trump hating and fallow you around…

Welcome to every day…


I heard they got them a ford explorer as they called it … lol

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ed842e No.20926487

File: f8eaf99ca183cc6⋯.jpg (316.8 KB,1067x1600,1067:1600,MCB_Shower_90.jpg)

"MILFfake' saw dat gaychit

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934b29 No.20926488

File: 928616486d6e8a7⋯.jpg (76.77 KB,1276x1754,638:877,media_GLJogILWMAARq6L.jpg)

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181dac No.20926489

File: 10280396a09d3d1⋯.mp4 (8.44 MB,854x480,427:240,4c12cf2f517a5dadd38ad828b2….mp4)

Accountability is Coming

It's Inevitable

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05a779 No.20926490


Remember, you have Memorial day while others had their lives cut short because we failed them not the other way around. Let's get moving, Armor up, stay focused, and fight them whenever and wherever you can. Every confrontation makes them think twice.

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1b677d No.20926491

File: a35998a70380dcc⋯.png (1.11 MB,735x1023,245:341,ClipboardImage.png)



There is a right way to do it and I wouldn't tell my replacements for the world.

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c4de6b No.20926492

try to win a free country to honor them

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ce827c No.20926493

File: e8385ffc1f7e9e1⋯.jpeg (533.03 KB,1047x516,349:172,0DCD07E2_A5A9_46AB_82B2_1….jpeg)


Agree and no argument on that.

They gonna try to load some of that cash in to Switzerland during the fake summit

That plane gonna be heavy AF heading there

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91e05c No.20926494


typing harder.

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37a1c2 No.20926495

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8f3977 No.20926496

File: 8a112171f918f78⋯.jpg (51.07 KB,499x401,499:401,8rtj2z.jpg)

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91e05c No.20926497


h3llo wwiii

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ce827c No.20926498

File: 38d60710e501745⋯.jpeg (490.15 KB,828x734,414:367,2D0BFB32_21F9_4DB1_969B_E….jpeg)

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ae3fda No.20926499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ed842e No.20926500

File: 974dd3e0da22039⋯.jpg (110.86 KB,667x1000,667:1000,https_mcbourbonnais_com_wp….jpg)

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934b29 No.20926501

File: f446714465d9195⋯.jpg (1.75 MB,1920x1280,3:2,media_GOJWh7OXMAAX4j6.jpg)

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91e05c No.20926502


stupidity is inevitable.

you only hope.

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791de4 No.20926503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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91e05c No.20926505


is it raining yet randy?

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181dac No.20926506

File: 8ee8a6023528948⋯.png (1.15 MB,600x848,75:106,ClipboardImage.png)

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91e05c No.20926507


no one cares neo.

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aa8351 No.20926508

File: e4b5a49a3ad0e52⋯.jpg (94.15 KB,591x615,197:205,Bill_The_Cat_.jpg)

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8f3977 No.20926509

File: a94d73a38311940⋯.jpg (65.15 KB,668x435,668:435,20210715_184000.jpg)

45-47 means inclusive.

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181dac No.20926510


I don't care

There is no Earthly Punishment that can sway me from doing what God has asked me to do

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91e05c No.20926511


you have zero court admissable evidence is what you have.

that is to say,


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05a779 No.20926512


You are watching a movie is not entirely true. The problem is that the DS uses little cronies to attack the health of our people still to this day. Example: Just like many here, my son-in-law would scoff when my wife told him about chemical and radiation attacks but today his tune seemed to change. He was perplexed as to why his french bulldog has lost most of his muscle and can hardly walk anymore yet he scoffed at me and walked away when I told him that his dog was under chemical attacks of this DS spike protein, for lack of better terms. If he would have listened he would have protected him but looks like the dog may die now. I told him that they spray cyanide and what it does but seems no one considers anything because they are truly lazy and considering would require some type of extra work. Sad.

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76dd35 No.20926513

File: 4334ed92a2f84e9⋯.png (45.33 KB,250x114,125:57,ClipboardImage.png)


>That plane gonna be heavy AF heading there

with all that loot, they gonna need a globemaster c17

lucky for us, it's made by boeing, so it will probably have an accident or something nefarious before it arrives.

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ce827c No.20926514

File: 470273efc190910⋯.jpeg (43.61 KB,640x426,320:213,B3C5D23B_FCD1_4528_B275_9….jpeg)


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ed842e No.20926515

File: fe73e3a177d2a6a⋯.png (45.3 KB,533x800,533:800,ClipboardImage.png)

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91e05c No.20926516


thinks it knows…

it doesn't.

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181dac No.20926517

File: f4c2521e0019320⋯.png (562.85 KB,634x358,317:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3056f No.20926518


Sauce ?

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8f3977 No.20926519

john 3:16,18


john 3:16-18

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05a779 No.20926520


Many American citizens had their heads bashed in by BLM and antifa, illegals have killed many of our citizens, and the hospitals killed even more. It is a movie for anons, for Patriots it is a war, and like all wars, the field is constantly changing. Go tell the Palestinians it is just a movie.

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c18600 No.20926521


Concur. During covid, an Australian news broadcast was interrupted though with video of low iq's performing a Satanic mass. No thrones made of bones, just long dark robes and satanic gibberish.

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517842 No.20926522

File: b81836ff87b5f4b⋯.png (1.16 MB,668x1798,334:899,Scrcduj.png)

File: 65d9545fe1b4efa⋯.png (1014.63 KB,1080x719,1080:719,Screvh.png)

File: 03d3e27859834f4⋯.png (1.33 MB,1080x1160,27:29,Screenshot_20b.png)


Slick Willie made a huge mistake by leaving Monica Lewinsky behind…. Hillary Clinton is currently a monster.

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ae3fda No.20926523

File: df259acf9b5dc0d⋯.webm (394.21 KB,427x240,427:240,another_one.webm)


Desperate retard running his NPC despairfag persona on that ID. Filtered. Now IP hop, AEI, like the l'il clown bitch that you are.

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ed842e No.20926524

File: e98a46ce11a63f1⋯.png (199.38 KB,1080x1783,1080:1783,ClipboardImage.png)

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a840c7 No.20926525


>typing harder.

Can you get any lazier than two words?

Who have you fought? You mean you made a goofy meme? Well then, I salute you.

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517842 No.20926526



Gay on the next level.

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a5b7d2 No.20926527


They looking to frame Trump supporters they are out in mass it looks like to me…

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a840c7 No.20926528


If you have it all then end the suffering of our people.

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934b29 No.20926529

File: 1b813d3ab979630⋯.png (29.27 KB,588x151,588:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c883b5f5945ad7⋯.png (35.49 KB,278x400,139:200,ClipboardImage.png)




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181dac No.20926530


Not time yet

The Bread is still doughy

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f03d90 No.20926531

in almost every town they named the roads or avenues some by states and watnots. some states have the same towns names.

why would they do that you think?

my best guess is to confuse ppl.

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3c54ab No.20926532

File: ea527b72da1cdc6⋯.jpg (74.5 KB,500x624,125:156,8rqpwj_1.jpg)

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a62ab0 No.20926533


#25665 >>20925798

>>20925996, >>20926319 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20925845 INTERPOL detects 200 stolen vehicles from Canada each week

>>20925874 Will Gen Z change America’s foreign policy towards Israel?

>>20925896, >>20926119, >>20926303 Look at the amount of human bones. Catacombs of Paris

>>20925920 If Trump takes New York, it’s game over

>>20925919, >>20925974, >>20926009, >>20926138, >>20926191 TRUMP WILL BE ON TIM POOL

>>20925941 Corrupt NACC Commissioner Paul Brereton exposed protecting his mates in the ADF

>>20925970 Denver Offers How-To Guide on Turning Cities into Taxpayer-Funded Immigrant Sanctuaries

>>20926013 Donald Trump says local law enforcement will carry out his planned mass deportation

>>20926073 Texas is currently constructing a real border wall in Del Rio County after the Democrat sheriff called for help

>>20926091 Trump says the real number of illegal Immigrants under Biden could be 17 million, not the 7 million that’s being reported

>>20926169 ICYMI: Ret Adm Rogers, CISO

>>20926192, >>20925898 Kash on transparency

>>20926223 Argentina’s Milei fires Cabinet chief as bill stalls in Congress

>>20926324, >>20926325 Bragg and the Jackson Pollock School of Prosecution: Why the Trump Trial Could End With a Hung Jury

>>20926412 North Korea fails in attempt to launch spy satellite

>>20926424, >>20926358, >>20926436 big donors told not to give money to donald trump or the fbi will turn up at their door

>>20926432 GITMO update


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b477cd No.20926536

File: ee9f12f4bb81caa⋯.png (303.49 KB,1704x851,1704:851,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6f24c3dfdd632f⋯.png (3.56 MB,1388x1080,347:270,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce827c No.20926537

File: 84bdecb88347573⋯.gif (1.51 MB,492x200,123:50,FCCB37E1_5DED_4B57_AEA8_F7….gif)


Night B

In the morn’

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934b29 No.20926538

File: 2b6bad728e0781f⋯.png (244.88 KB,523x590,523:590,ClipboardImage.png)

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c2e56b No.20926539

File: 90dc7d3ce173c1d⋯.jpeg (155.17 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_1988.jpeg)


Planned Parenthood says Hold my Beer!

And your taxes pay for that, too

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181dac No.20926541

Suffering is a Choice

There is another way

The people will Learn this before it's over

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a62ab0 No.20926542

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181dac No.20926544

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8f3977 No.20926545


We are winning and the plan is unfolding according to Trump's timetable. The CiC.

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8f3977 No.20926548



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91e05c No.20926549

File: 2c6586eedfb39fa⋯.jpg (129.94 KB,590x614,295:307,1716870670.jpg)

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91e05c No.20926550

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91e05c No.20926553

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95b7dd No.20926554


>Suffering is a Choice

>There is another way

>The people will Learn this before it's over

This is stupid new age philosophy. Suffering is a choice. So if someone beats you or one of your loved ones half to death, then according to your philosophy, then it is because you or your loved one caused and wanted to suffer.

"The Secret" new age crap that puts the blame only on you. The cabal laughs all the way to the bank.

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91e05c No.20926555


the bull is hungry.


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ce827c No.20926556

File: 1979f6558e81ca4⋯.jpeg (298.74 KB,2400x1689,800:563,DB866AD8_2A25_414D_AC6E_0….jpeg)

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91e05c No.20926558


thinks its enemy cares about money.

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181dac No.20926559


Someday you will understand

Perhaps in a couple decades

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91e05c No.20926560


that bad huh

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d8f059 No.20926561


>We are winning and the plan is unfolding according to Trump's timetable. The CiC.

Yes but it is long in the tooth. Sides have been chosen a long long time ago. I care not to win any of them over they made their bed and the fact is is that they won't change only fool you for leniency at best. Tell that to Lara Logan.

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91e05c No.20926562


maitreyan fool thinks it has time

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c18600 No.20926563


>It is a movie for anons,

More like a movie for psychopaths. Please note I am not calling anons psychopaths. Q perhaps but not anons.

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ed842e No.20926565

File: c12ae5c5d85f9ea⋯.png (20.86 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8f059 No.20926566


>thinks its enemy cares about money.

Go ask them for a few million and see what they say.

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181dac No.20926567


Maybe you will never grasp it

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91e05c No.20926572


she is awesome randy.

keep it up.

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5b3f59 No.20926574

File: d3f289002a18044⋯.jpg (166.65 KB,600x335,120:67,QRB4.jpg)

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91e05c No.20926575


one discarded it

long ago

you are a fool

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c18600 No.20926576


>"The Secret" new age crap

aka satanic gibberish.

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91e05c No.20926578


still does not know its enemy

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5b3f59 No.20926579

File: 64e283cd960f1ef⋯.jpg (130.2 KB,600x335,120:67,QRB3.jpg)

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d8f059 No.20926580


>Someday you will understand

>Perhaps in a couple decades

Yet the scenario I just explained happens all the time, so I guess everybody wants to be a victim and it is their fault. They just aren't using the universe properly. So stupid, I guess no one does anything evil but are just wish fillers.

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ce827c No.20926582

File: 7a3fca9590e4f4c⋯.jpeg (70.54 KB,800x784,50:49,ED857096_378E_4E2D_8CB3_8….jpeg)

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91e05c No.20926586


looks like the magical dwarf

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