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File: aad962f60c9e86f⋯.png (1.07 MB,1800x1012,450:253,aad962f60c9e86f517cf4266f3….png)

8930c8 No.20913175 [Last50 Posts]

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8930c8 No.20913176

International Q Research Threads

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Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


#25648 >>20911604

>>20911619 Putin Wants Ceasefire Which Freezes Current Lines In Ukraine

>>20911629 DARPA And DoD-Backed AI Chip Company Seeks To Raise $70 Million

>>20911632 Meanwhile, at le RFK event

>>20911635 Princess of Wales will probably “not appear in public for the rest of the year”

>>20911837, >>20911814, >>20912087 We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

>>20911854, >>20911842 Arrest Binken for WAR CRIMES?

>>20911853 Legendary U.S. World War II submarine located 3,000 feet underwater off the Philippines

>>20911992 S soldier arrested in Russia over alleged theft to remain in custody

>>20912007 FDIC Chair Says He’ll Leave Job After Toxic Workplace Report

>>20912036 Senate Dems press John Roberts for meeting to demand Justice Alito’s recusal from Trump cases

>>20912040 Jack Smith and Jay Bratt's motion to unconstitutionally gag Trump is a political setup, to discredit Judge Cannon.

>>20912044 Congress investigates Jordanians caught trying to sneak onto Marine base

>>20912046 Reinforcement learning AI might bring humanoid robots to the real world

>>20912061 3 US soldiers hurt during Gaza pier mission

>>20912065 Here’s the mammoth $883.7B Defense bill the House passed

>>20912083 Remember the Trucker Protest?

>>20912159 Muslim immigrants held a march in support of Palestine in Berlin. Berlin seems lost

>>20912194 Iran's Military Concludes No Foul Play In Raisi Helicopter Crash

>>20912197, >>20912199 Exposing The CIA's Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media/ InQtel - the CIA's mission-driving venture capital firm

>>20912207 "Pro-Pedophile" activist group celebrates as Germany decriminalizes child porn possession

>>20912218, >>20912219 Pickton, Trudeau, Lucki: The Unholy Trinity

>>20912289 ICE Apprehends Rapist, Child Abuser, Other Dangerous Illegal Immigrants in Major Bust

>>20912303 @DanScavino

>>20912312 @NavalInstitute Proceedings Photo of the Week: Marines post security after receiving simulated fire during Exercise Native Fury 24 in the United Arab Emirates

>>20912356 #25648

#25647 >>20910788

>>20910907, >>20910916, >>20910918, >>20910923, >>20910963 @realDonaldTrump "The Worst FBI Director in History" (Has Comey become a liability?)

>>20911292 BREAKING: Hunter Biden gun trial jurors can see laptop evidence of illegal drug use.

>>20911333, >>20911402 PF: SAM775 G5 departed JBA NE, RCH4545 VIPs or someone traveling incognito as we’ve had a few examples of that: Blinken and Austin “to Kiev” is but one on C17s

>>20910814, >>20910833, >>20910843, >>20910858, >>20910864, >>20910891, >>20910901 Where has 99c gone?

>>20910827 NY only allowed 4,000 at the rally in the park. The NYPD estimated there were 8x that much. (Estimated 32,000 showed up)

>>20910934, >>20910936 Hollywood Actor Nick Searcy Was in D.C. on Jan 6: This is What Really Happened at the Capitol

>>20910948 Trump's gag order was because he was calling out the awful things Merchan's wife was saying about him

>>20910958 America First Legal Investigates Dr. Fauci’s Evasion of the Freedom of Information Act by Illegally Using a Private Email for Official Business

>>20910962 Cencora,Inc. sold by Walgreens Boots Alliance: $400m-May 22

>>20911002 Raheem Kassam: Open Secret That US And UK Have Military Assets In Eurasia. Bidan fucks up


>>20911087 Civitas Resources sold by Canada Pension Plan Investments: $509.35m-May 15

>>20911122 Harnwell: British Member Of Parliament Confirms Rumors --- US And UK Soldiers Are Active In Ukraine

>>20911193, >>20911207 Big banks are abandoning rural America for [15 Minute Cities0, leaving many communities without adequate access to capital

>>20911200, >>20911209 Prosecutors seek Trump gag after 'dangerous' comments

>>20911238, >>20911244 Kane of Citizen Free Press: Something Changed In The Bronx Yesterday

>>20911248 Prosecutors seek to bar Trump in classified files case from statements endangering law enforcement

>>20911276 All Hands On Deck For Texas Runoffs, get rid of Phellan. Tomorrow is Primary Voting Day, May 25th

>>20911295 Wambsganns: It's Time For Dade Phelan To GO. TX GOP electionOver 3,000 democrats crossed over to vote the Republican.

>>20911296 Special counsel Smith seeks order from judge barring Trump from making statements that pose risk to law enforcement

>>20911301, >>20911384 Leaked Video Shows Moderna CEO Telling Fauci “We Should Fake a Pandemic” – One Month Before COVID Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

>>20911307 Federal hate crime charges have been DROPPED against the man who destroyed a Satanic altar in the Iowa State Capitol, Michael Cassidy.

>>20911315 Attorney General Marshall Leads 19-State Lawsuit Against California & Others Threatening Energy System

>>20911340 US sends $275 million of weapons and military aid to Ukraine

>>20911393 Ohio Gov calls special session to ensure Crooked Joe's spot on 2024 ballot

>>20911419 Utah man declined $100K offer to travel to Congo on ‘security job’ that was covert coup attempt

>>20911439 Kash Patel: President Trump Experiencing Historic Surge In Nevada

>>20911449 Demi Moore scolded the audience while introducing Cher during the amfAR Cinema Against AIDS Gala, in Cap d'Antibes, France, on Thursday.

>>20911468 HHS Set to Roll Out Bird Flu Vaxes by the Millions - PJ Media

>>20911507 What's Up America? The anti-Trump anti-MAGA forces are governing through coercion, intimidation, fear and force - Praying Medic

>>20911427 The FBI isn't in the US Constitution. Show anon.

>>20911571 #25647

#25646 >>20909962

>>20909978, >>20910029, >>20910039 Notice of Suspension and Proposed Debarment of Dr. Peter Daszak

>>20909995 Capt. Fanell Warns Of The CCP's "Strangulation Strategy" Against Taiwan, Test Of Command & Control

>>20910008 Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military will be sent to Ukraine

>>20910012 Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting

>>20910015 Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson learned he was running for governor against two other Bob Fergusons, causing confusion

>>20910036 Judge Merchan, and his family, took million of dollars directly from Democrats in Congress

>>20910055 Alleged American-Israeli Spy Ring in Yemen nabbed by Houthis, accused of sabotage

>>20910061 Jason Trennert: The Biden Admin Has Had Zero Coordination Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy

>>20910071 Western Australia’s Bankwest is transitioning into 100% digital banking - branches shut

>>20910088 Justice Clarence Thomas’ 'checkmate' of the NAACP in the South Carolina ruling is a thing of beauty

>>20910090, >>20910107 The mystery of the missing Princess

>>20910103 Glenis Zapata, Miss Indiana Latina 2011, is charged with trafficking and links to the Mexican drug cartel

>>20910112, >>20910128 African-American Democrat man sees first-hand the difference between Democrats and Republicans

>>20910144 Attacks on Supreme Court Justice Alito’s flags reveal Dem desperation to get Trump via lawfare

>>20910145 Mark Paoletta Explains How The Left Plans To "Control The Supreme Court" Through Threats

>>20910146 Facebook Censors Media Who Criticize FBI’s ‘Deadly Force’ Raid Against Trump

>>20910182, >>20910601, >>20910611, >>20910680, >>20910731 Marketfag

>>20910226 Senate Dems Fail To Advance ‘Stunt’ Border Security Bill

>>20910235, >>20910188 Planefag: KC-135 tanker setting up in the “at Wilmington, DL” position

>>20910257, >>20910271 Scavino: Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, May 23, 2024….

>>20910262, >>20910405 Bronx reactions to President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx

>>20910283 Michigan Freedom Caucus Joins Forces With Law Enforcement To Combat Democrat Border Bloodbath

>>20910290 Federal Court Strikes Down Colorado University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate as Unconstitutional

>>20910293 “The Migrant Has To Be Received”: Pope Francis Says US Border Should Not Be Closed

>>20910314 David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, and other prominent tech billionaires are hosting a MEGA fundraiser for Trump in San Francisco, CA

>>20910327, >>20910333 Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman backs Trump, will raise money for him

>>20910328, >>20910384 Legal expenses vs legal expense

>>20910340 Chuck Schumer: “Our ultimate goal” is to give every illegal alien citizenship

>>20910345, >>20910439, >>20910453 Natalie Biden's boyfriend / resemblance to Hillary

>>20910378 Boeing’s first crewed spaceflight to take off despite defect

>>20910380 Biden Nominee Ordered Google to Hand over Emails of Journalist Who Obtained Ashley Biden's Diary

>>20910392 Kathy Griffin admits her brother was a pedophile

>>20910426 Louisiana is on track to make illegal immigration a state crime

>>20910428, >>20910422 Hunter's Sugar Daddy Cuts Funding after CIA Protection Revealed

>>20910491 Papua New Guinea: Up to 3,000 people are reported missing after a massive landslide hit several remote villages

>>20910546 Rep. Byron Donalds: The crowd spoke for itself... it was an amazing event, probably the BEST political rally I’d ever been to

>>20910555 The Secrets of The Payseur Family; Myths, Legends & Stories from The Old World

>>20910558 Chinese takeaway worker Jian Wen jailed for money laundering after £3bn Bitcoin seizure

>>20910617 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20910629 (8:00 PM EDT) 2024 Libertarian National Convention: Vivek Debate

>>20910646 Barack and Michelle Obama producing a tv-series in Ireland

>>20910693 Judge Merchan had Steve Bannon's case, had Allen Weisselberg's case, and somehow, he also gets assigned Donald Trump's case

>>20910759 #25646

Previously Collected

>>20908222 #25643, >>20909071 #25644, >>20909942 #25645

>>20905735 #25640, >>20906549 #25641, >>20907367 #25642

>>20903222 #25637, >>20904262 #25638, >>20904937 #25639

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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8930c8 No.20913178

File: 77226d24533a8e9⋯.png (3.02 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Old Dough


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a19dd5 No.20913182

File: 1009f99f2fe0f3b⋯.png (384.47 KB,593x479,593:479,pp.PNG)






Dr Naomi Wolf reposted

Moms for Liberty


Planned Parenthood is Helping Teenagers Transition After a 30 Minute Consult. Parents and Doctors are Sounding the Alarm.

From freebeacon.com

4:07 AM · May 25, 2024




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8930c8 No.20913186

File: 23e8432ddcb59f4⋯.jpg (57.82 KB,620x455,124:91,nobaker.jpg)



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84be51 No.20913188

File: a7fe8758aff0b90⋯.gif (1.32 MB,498x342,83:57,BatmanIsThinking.gif)

Why was last bread locked and no new bread baked?

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bcf700 No.20913189




#25649 >>20912361


>>20912378 @KenPaxtonTX: I won't stop fighting for you!

>>20912379 Dr. Keith Ablow treated Hunter Biden for cocaine addiction. In February of 2020, armed federal agents raided Ablow’s office…

>>20912402 New York Times: the bodies of Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Abdollahian

>>20912484 UN court order demanding Israel to halt Gaza offensive further isolates US position

>>20912438 From May 8: Judicial Watch: Voicemail Recording Shows FBI and Secret Service Coordination on Raid of Trump’s Home

>>20912471 Dementia Joe today

>>20912477, >>20912486 Judge denies Alec Baldwin bid to drop 'Rust' shooting case

>>20912515 Notetaker out

>>20912567 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 25, 2024 - Manicouagan Impact Crater from Space

>>20912593 POTUS Truth - Don’t waste any Republican or Conservative votes on Junior.’ He’s one of the most Liberal Lunatics ever to run for office. He caused massive high energy pricing in New York and New England. He just admitted that he was actually OK with the Vaccine. A Phony Radical Left fool whose poll numbers are TERRIBLE, and getting worse. His campaign is falling apart, great dissension!!!

>>20912599 NASA Engages in Artemis Accords Workshop to Advance Exploration



>>20912609, >>20912624, >>20912641, >>20912745, >>20912891 PF Reports

>>20912631 North Carolina groundskeeper discovers mysterious space debris along hiking trail: ‘It’s not from up here’

>>20912633 PF Report: Black wing over the Yellow Sea.

>>20912804 Rocket Lab launches NASA cubesat to study heat lost from Earth's poles

>>20912852 Senate confirms Melissa Dalton as next Under Secretary of the Air Force

>>20912939, >>20912978 @NWSSPC - An outbreak of severe thunderstorms is possible from late afternoon into tonight. The most numerous and intense storms are expected across portions of OK, KS, MO, and TX.

>>20912949 Space Force to accept Air Force Reserve volunteers for full-time positions

>>20913007 Biden's 'brainless 26-year-old socialist' advisers are 'ticking off' enough voters about student loan forgiveness to hand Trump the presidency, predicts GOP Gov. Chris Sununu

>>20913035 Volcano threatens ! Chaos amongst the Population with no functioning Evacuation Plan #Naples #Italy


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Post last edited at

3f47af No.20913192

File: 1404808602147b5⋯.png (52.85 KB,769x960,769:960,zWiPiM1LskPiNVeSzzVz_25_a8….png)

File: 432073852a6a2ae⋯.jpeg (24.61 KB,548x745,548:745,ZWU1E18bNZmq3S9JFU7Q_09_8….jpeg)

File: 64476251fd5f2fc⋯.jpeg (45.87 KB,615x755,123:151,zYxKBcSit7lOqIFGBJjf_18_3….jpeg)

File: b8c056a565442cb⋯.png (158.03 KB,320x317,320:317,_00Crying2.png)

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415847 No.20913195



thanks for the fresh bread

who locked the other one?

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289ccf No.20913198

File: c55f37d725c0067⋯.jpg (85.99 KB,486x323,486:323,QR_ASS.jpg)


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def796 No.20913199

File: 9c09ac2b9ac1687⋯.jpg (159.95 KB,720x1083,240:361,Screenshot_20240525_080810….jpg)

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268478 No.20913202


is observably too stupid to chan

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268478 No.20913203


is observably too stupid to chan

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268478 No.20913204


is observably too stupid to chan

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da7128 No.20913205

File: 136b8caa0b74c12⋯.jpeg (362.51 KB,914x483,914:483,5A82B22E_222D_43F7_B073_9….jpeg)



>cleaner bred

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5ebd15 No.20913207

Been buckling up for 7 fucking years.

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9c04b7 No.20913208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AOC is gathering Full Houses, not like Trump


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3f47af No.20913209

Irainian Presidents funeral 5/23/2024

May 23rd the 144th day of the year (leap year) with 222 days remaining.

"President Ebrahim Raisi" = 222 (Ordinal)

"World Economic Forum" = 222 (Ordinal)


"Master Mason" = 523 (Satanic) 5/23

"Ebrahim Raisi" = 532 (Satanic) 23/5

Willing to kill each other off just for a little extra time.

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818700 No.20913211

File: 3aad9fb659cff7c⋯.png (149.93 KB,500x508,125:127,upsidedowncrosschelsea.png)

File: 0edb306bb46ec1e⋯.png (76.38 KB,711x520,711:520,upsidedowncrossdetail.png)

>>20913111 lb

>>20913099 lb

>>20913092 lb

>>20913083 lb

>>20913047 lb

>>20913033 lb



Bun on Chelsea Clinton resembling her mother's law partner Webster Hubbell

>>20913061 lb

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a19dd5 No.20913213

File: 94eeae8c8dd25a4⋯.png (354.3 KB,593x472,593:472,need.PNG)




Democrats and the media needs you to forget they did this. Don’t.

5:32 AM · May 25, 2024




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8930c8 No.20913214



updated dough

no lb notes needed


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90fa8b No.20913215

File: 2f66e689e60e758⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)

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04c503 No.20913216

File: e5d72c83fa19a8b⋯.png (442.75 KB,576x561,192:187,e5d72c83fa19a8b2c61afa738e….png)

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da7128 No.20913217

File: 533cccd74c185ae⋯.png (622.19 KB,735x637,15:13,F479E10B_119C_4426_BC42_DB….png)

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76d10b No.20913218


Tenk you bakerooo!

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b975bc No.20913219

The great back to sleep is really astonishing to me, especially amazing is the double speech morphing back into single speech to make sure I will not ever accidentally wake up to any of this, and most certainly will never be reminded of anyone in particular.

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268478 No.20913220


trusts the babylonian number magic.

this fucking stupid.

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f1d754 No.20913223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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647810 No.20913224

File: 18456e99e3e57e3⋯.jpg (53.01 KB,750x487,750:487,trumpteachchildren.jpg)

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be8fb5 No.20913225

File: 503c9d77d4fb35f⋯.png (944.63 KB,769x747,769:747,ClipboardImage.png)

i gm'd before gm'ing was cool

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def796 No.20913226

File: fa4d724510c44e4⋯.jpg (34.68 KB,522x494,261:247,Screenshot_20230725_194004….jpg)

File: 2dba828d82f4019⋯.jpg (100.8 KB,720x1033,720:1033,Screenshot_20230727_094054….jpg)

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9c04b7 No.20913227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AOC’s Bronx Tantrum— Locals Turn on AOC to Favor Trump


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e75a22 No.20913229

File: 08d90c574079cb9⋯.jpeg (100.07 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_2302.jpeg)

25 May, 2024 14:59

Ukraine attacked key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella — Russian senator

The US is so deeply involved in the conflict that it likely knew about Kiev’s plans, Senator Dmitry Rogozin says

The US is directly responsible for a Ukrainian strike on a key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella, Senator Dmitry Rogozin has said, warning thatsuch attacks could lead to the collapse of the entire global nuclear security architecture.

In a statement on Telegram on Saturday, Rogozin, a senator who previously headed up the Russian space agency Roscosmos and is now in charge of a military technical center called Tsar’s Wolves, said that the attack targeted a nuclear early warning system in the southern Krasnodar Region. The Russian Defense Ministry has yet to comment on the matter, while the extent of the damage remains unclear.

Rogozin suggested that it was extremely unlikely that the strike, which Ukrainian media reported involved several drones, was carried out at Kiev’s sole initiative and without US involvement.

According to the senator, Washington has always sought to achieve military superiority over Moscow since the very dawn of the nuclear age, but this rivalry was mostly limited to a battle of minds between scientists, strategists, and policymakers.

This seems to have changed, however, as “the US has commissioned a crime by hiring an irresponsible bandit” to attack Russia’s early warning system, the official said, apparently referring to Vladimir Zelensky.

Rogozin claimed that Washington’s “deep involvement in the armed conflict and total control over Kiev’s military planning means that the version that the US does not know about Ukrainian plans to strike Russia’s missile defense system can be discarded.”

Thus, we stand not on the precipice, but on the very edge… If such enemy actions are not stopped, an irreversible collapse of the strategic security of nuclear powers will begin.

The attack apparently targeted an advanced Voronezh radar station in the city of Armavir, which went into operation in 2013. The system can detect incoming cruise and ballistic missiles at a range of 6,000km and can track up to 500 targets. During the inauguration of the system, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that it would significantly increase the country’s defense capabilities in the southern and southwestern directions.

(Is Zelensky trying to initiate nuclear war to cover up his failures? He is playing with something more than “fire”)


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84be51 No.20913230

File: e048d11553bec84⋯.jpg (27.83 KB,600x327,200:109,i_can_show_qtgy5d.jpg)

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76d10b No.20913231

File: c318d65d2f7f403⋯.png (405.35 KB,500x491,500:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e62e6 No.20913232

File: 8909f3ce767a65a⋯.jpg (35.62 KB,1085x621,1085:621,Looking.jpg)

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302c80 No.20913233

File: 4e050297c9a74a4⋯.png (74.37 KB,258x387,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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8930c8 No.20913234

File: b82adc21a7e8bd3⋯.png (426.41 KB,507x569,507:569,0f159d9060e1df98752aea2e35….png)


tyvm baker

claim if want



thanks fam

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9c04b7 No.20913235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24

Join RSBN for President Trump's big speech at the Libertarian Party's National Convention on May 25 in Washington D.C.

RSBN will be LIVE on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 5:00 P.M. ET.


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bcf700 No.20913236


…Occupied with other things, at the moment. Can't bake.

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275b3c No.20913237

That's a damn lie. Stop it.

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8930c8 No.20913239



glad for the notez

haz guud one

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a7ed83 No.20913240

Dag Nabbit, I wish we had one of them there good ol’ patriot bakers like back when Q was posting. A Q post would tidy up the ship real quick like.

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1dbd2a No.20913241

Hey you tiny pedos, ignore the following. You're parasites so you won't understand. Your whole mind-set is "one host is as good as the next."

But, to my fellow Americans, the Americans who still know that there's only two genders:

Pondering the Alamo, a whisper, "at some point a man has to decide what he's willing to die for, because you might be asked to do it."

Then David Crockett: Just be sure you're right…then go ahead.

God's will in all things. Spirit is something no one can destroy.

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863d5a No.20913242

File: 1ddd40096cd6b27⋯.png (292.53 KB,657x650,657:650,ClipboardImage.png)




claiming the doughski

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da7128 No.20913243

File: 8b2f19661d2bafb⋯.jpeg (354.38 KB,1119x577,1119:577,42F138CE_301D_4D2D_B1DE_A….jpeg)

File: 38d60710e501745⋯.jpeg (490.15 KB,828x734,414:367,3C0CB22A_E83D_4D52_B8AD_C….jpeg)

RCH606 C17 to Port Au Prince and RCH333 (Chek’t) C17 from same and back to Charleston

SPAR11 C40C still frozen from it’s departure S outta JBA about 23 hours ago.

Not gonna let us see where that went but South America for sure

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efe314 No.20913244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I noticed a low rumble after the second plane hit …I hadn't noticed that before. To me it sounded like ground level…muffled sound like an earthquake.

Did this register on usgs? It seems to me I remember rearing that.

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2d5566 No.20913245

File: 0e42e0fc43c081b⋯.png (320.28 KB,567x440,567:440,0e42e0fc43c081bdf43b810a66….png)

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da7128 No.20913246

File: c49869d4dadcf46⋯.jpeg (200.07 KB,1080x1060,54:53,5FB5A854_A821_46D7_A1DB_A….jpeg)


Afternoon to ya

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f1491a No.20913247

File: 2e5e50ef964c373⋯.jpg (34.12 KB,348x268,87:67,20240525_110229.jpg)

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3d24b5 No.20913248

File: cd1eec8c504b418⋯.png (1.71 MB,1200x664,150:83,ClipboardImage.png)

If we're not supposed to laugh, why did they make it look so funny?

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86180a No.20913249

Who is deleting posts from last bread?

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415847 No.20913250

File: fce791640a86565⋯.png (70.9 KB,818x856,409:428,4965.png)


>A Q post would tidy up the ship

was about to ask if we could get a Q&A

like some meat&wine for the soldiers

>"in time"

it's about time though

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def796 No.20913251


Freemason is satanism

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f1491a No.20913252

sheer hubris

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e75a22 No.20913253

25 May, 2024 14:59

Slovak PM’s condition improving – hospital

Robert Fico’s medical team has confirmed that he is recovering following an attempted assassination

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico’s condition has improved, the hospital where he is undergoing treatment has said. He is recovering from gunshot wounds after an attempted assassination earlier this month.

F.D. Roosevelt University Hospital in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia released a short statement on Fico’s condition on Saturday: “After today’s medical board meeting, the team of attending physicians confirmed a subjective improvement in the prime minister’s health condition.”

The prime minister was attacked on May 15 after a political event in the city of Handlova, receiving multiple gunshot wounds. Fico was rushed to the hospital in life-threatening condition and underwent five-hour emergency surgery. He has been recuperating in the hospital since the assassination attempt.

The alleged attacker was apprehended at the scene, later identified by the media as Juraj Cintula, 71, a former security guard and published poet. Cintula was reported to have legally owned the gun he used due to his security job.

According to the Special Criminal Court, which is hearing Cintula’s case, one of the main reasons behind the attack was Bratislava’s decision not to send weapons to Ukraine in the ongoing conflict with Russia. Fico has argued against supplying Kiev with weaponry, fulfilling his campaign promises and stopping all Slovak military aid to Ukraine after taking office last year.

The suspect has also shown a general resentment towards the government, disagreeing with it on various issues, including what he described as persecution of the media and artists, as well as the dismantling of the state’s graft prosecution unit, the court said.

Thus far, the attack has been treated as an attempted murder, yet it could end up being re-classified as an act of terrorism, Prosecutor General Maros Zilinka said earlier this week.

“If questions arise in society as to why this is not treated as a crime of terrorism, I answer that it may happen that the act is reclassified as such, but only based on the results of the evidence,” Zilinka told reporters on Wednesday.


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275b3c No.20913254

File: e1a0d7e8cad141e⋯.png (663.2 KB,628x628,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8a0bf No.20913255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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656421 No.20913256

File: 2418b615a47edd0⋯.jpeg (109.28 KB,474x356,237:178,IMG_0942.jpeg)

Post moar charts!

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a19dd5 No.20913257

File: f09b5b3272e7026⋯.png (613.6 KB,682x685,682:685,v.PNG)


Navy Commander: We’re Seeing More Attempts

by Foreign Nationals to Penetrate Bases,

‘Two or Three Times a Week’

Breitbart, by Ian Hanchett

Posted By: Dreadnought, 5/25/2024 12:37:58 PM

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” U.S. Fleet Forces Command Commander Admiral Daryl Caudle stated that attempted penetrations of military bases by foreign nationals “is happening more and more. This is something we see probably two or three times a week, where we’re stopping these folks at the gate” in the Navy alone and the nationals come from all different nations and many times have passports and papers. Caudle said, “This thing of our military bases getting penetrated by foreign nationals is happening more and more. This is something we see probably two or three times a week, where we’re stopping these folks at the gate.”

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739ead No.20913258

File: 39894f89aa4459d⋯.png (5.18 KB,494x31,494:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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def796 No.20913259

File: c712692f103c184⋯.jpg (210.57 KB,661x1038,661:1038,Screenshot_20240525_080102….jpg)

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76d10b No.20913260

File: e750b78471b5a95⋯.png (302.7 KB,900x953,900:953,ClipboardImage.png)


The enemy within , an enemy our leaders purposefully imported into OUR nations. Mass deportations are the only solution otherwise Europe will fall


Europe Invasion




Muslim immigrants held a march in support of Palestine in Berlin. Berlin seems lost.

0:04 / 0:51

2:23 AM · May 25, 2024


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d213b2 No.20913261


Contrived nonsense.

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76d10b No.20913262

File: d0544a6ebd3a3a7⋯.mp4 (7.01 MB,720x1280,9:16,0j0dYYyVJFKkB_as_1_.mp4)

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d213b2 No.20913263


>Europe will fall

Rhetoric nonsense.

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594037 No.20913264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Criminals have more rights than anyone. The West is being gutted on purpose.


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b0f881 No.20913265

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415847 No.20913266



that wording…

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6fee05 No.20913267



and wrong

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def796 No.20913268


UK is so fucked.

The snap election will be devastating

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3d24b5 No.20913269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Deny, denounce, delay”: The battle over the risk of ultra-processed foods

Big Food is trying to dampen fears about the effects of industrially formulated substances.

When the Brazilian nutritional scientist Carlos Monteiro coined the term “ultra-processed foods” 15 years ago, he established what he calls a “new paradigm” for assessing the impact of diet on health.

Monteiro had noticed that although Brazilian households were spending less on sugar and oil, obesity rates were going up. The paradox could be explained by increased consumption of food that had undergone high levels of processing, such as the addition of preservatives and flavorings or the removal or addition of nutrients.

But health authorities and food companies resisted the link, Monteiro tells the FT. “[These are] people who spent their whole life thinking that the only link between diet and health is the nutrient content of foods … Food is more than nutrients.”

Monteiro’s food classification system, “Nova,” assessed not only the nutritional content of foods but also the processes they undergo before reaching our plates. The system laid the groundwork for two decades of scientific research linking the consumption of UPFs to obesity, cancer, and diabetes.

Studies of UPFs show that these processes create food—from snack bars to breakfast cereals to ready meals—that encourages overeating but may leave the eater undernourished. A recipe might, for example, contain a level of carbohydrate and fat that triggers the brain’s reward system, meaning you have to consume more to sustain the pleasure of eating it.

In 2019, American metabolic scientist Kevin Hall carried out a randomized study comparing people who ate an unprocessed diet with those who followed a UPF diet over two weeks. Hall found that the subjects who ate the ultra-processed diet consumed around 500 more calories per day, more fat and carbohydrates, less protein—and gained weight.

he rising concern about the health impact of UPFs has recast the debate around food and public health, giving rise to books, policy campaigns, and academic papers. It also presents the most concrete challenge yet to the business model of the food industry, for whom UPFs are extremely profitable.

The industry has responded with a ferocious campaign against regulation. In part it has used the same lobbying playbook as its fight against labeling and taxation of “junk food” high in calories: big spending to influence policymakers.

FT analysis of US lobbying data from non-profit Open Secrets found that food and soft drinks-related companies spent $106 million on lobbying in 2023, almost twice as much as the tobacco and alcohol industries combined. Last year’s spend was 21 percent higher than in 2020, with the increase driven largely by lobbying relating to food processing as well as sugar.

In an echo of tactics employed by cigarette companies, the food industry has also attempted to stave off regulation by casting doubt on the research of scientists like Monteiro.

“The strategy I see the food industry using is deny, denounce, and delay,” says Barry Smith, director of the Institute of Philosophy at the University of London and a consultant for companies on the multisensory experience of food and drink.



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503dc4 No.20913270

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The FIRST Lawsuit Against AstraZeneca Has Now Been Filed. Others May Be On The Way…

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ce3c89 No.20913271

Daily Reminder

Shills N Grifters get the rope for TREASON

That is all.

Have a nice day.

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a19dd5 No.20913272

File: 2acd2a90af3393a⋯.png (302.97 KB,595x552,595:552,ng.PNG)




Elon Musk




“Tesla is far ahead in self-driving cars” – Jensen Huang

2:20 / 2:20


The AI Investor

Tom Fitton


Interesting analysis.

6:04 AM · May 25, 2024




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d213b2 No.20913273


Sauce it then faggot.

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fc7ae3 No.20913274



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def796 No.20913275


Faggots, definitely

Fake Christians you betcha

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da7128 No.20913276

File: 491bf7e14869ce5⋯.gif (1.92 MB,498x278,249:139,D40E027E_FA82_4EF8_8D0E_66….gif)

File: 94839a58ba317ec⋯.png (78.58 KB,800x430,80:43,783D4A51_0F81_400B_862C_03….png)

File: b1d1ecb9d267bda⋯.png (119.01 KB,800x395,160:79,03C87334_5DA8_4DC1_96A2_14….png)

File: 90451316552e613⋯.png (79.82 KB,800x427,800:427,2C3F0109_9F7A_46C8_B699_6B….png)

File: ecb61a82f917957⋯.jpeg (293.5 KB,1136x573,1136:573,608ACE5C_3858_4539_93AB_F….jpeg)

OJ Prices Squeeze Into Blue-Sky Breakout As Food Inflation Fears Soar

(Monumental short squeezes abound in the commodity’s sector-some like this are supply driven but some are not as hedgies see the collapsing economy and have shorted real things but it’s turned on them HARD)

Orange juice futures in New York surged to new record highs on Friday morning, with prices squeezing over 30% in just a few short weeks. The latest price jump comes as citrus crop troubles across Brazil and the US continue to worsen global supply fears. 

The price of orange juice futures has soared to records, adding strain for consumers of the staple breakfast beverage. Citrus-crop woes in Brazil and the US are helping to fuel the relentless surge higher. Brazil is expected to see its worst orange harvest in 36 years, which will have a dramatic impact on global juice supplies — the South American nation accounts for about 70% of total exports of the beverage. In the US, Florida's orange groves have also suffered from decades of damage from disease and weather, putting limits on supplies from the top US juice producer. -Bloomberg 

According to Bloomberg data, OJ prices rose 10 cents, or 2.14%, to $4.765/lb, the exchange limit. Prices are in blue-sky breakout territory. 

As of 0912 et, the futures spread for July FCOJA-A versus Sept. FCOJA-A widened 1.75 cents/lb to 19.25 cents/lb. This is a sign of a market fraught with supply fears.  The most recent driver of the price surge: Sliding production in Brazil. Let's not forget about collapsing production in Florida. Ignore hyperinflating food prices. No alarm bells here. Whoops! But Democrats say food inflation is caused by 'greedy' corporations. 

Enjoy higher prices. Inflation is sticky. 


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90fa8b No.20913277

File: aa68aed0947bbd6⋯.png (517.44 KB,1318x1480,659:740,aa68aed0947bbd64d0b5926ed4….png)

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3d24b5 No.20913278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What is pink slime in meat?

Pink slime in meat refers to the controversial product known as lean finely textured beef (LFTB). It is an inexpensive meat filler made from trimmings and connective tissues that are mechanically separated from beef. This gelatinous substance is then treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill bacteria, before being blended into ground beef. The use of pink slime has sparked heated debates among consumers, raising concerns about its safety and nutritional value.

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d213b2 No.20913279

File: a12eb01ac49fb1d⋯.png (110.22 KB,618x343,618:343,ClipboardImage.png)


Here ya go retard.

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080f07 No.20913280



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a8a0bf No.20913281

File: 14c82c332b79a2e⋯.png (1.7 MB,1200x679,1200:679,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49751a2ae16199f⋯.png (1.64 MB,1200x799,1200:799,ClipboardImage.png)

First Space Force Joint PME grads honored at JHU

May 23, 2024

The Space Force has minted its first-ever graduates of the service’s debut of independent officer Intermediate Level Education (ILE) and Senior Level Education (SLE) programs.

“This is a major accomplishment for not only those graduating today, but for our Space Force, and for STARCOM,” said Lt. Gen. Shawn Bratton, Deputy Chief of Space Operations, Strategy, Plans, Programs and Requirements to graduates of the Schriever Space Scholars and West Space Scholars programs on May 21.

“One of the clear tasks for STARCOM during the early days of the Space Force was to create an independent Professional Military Education program.

You can go back to the initial planning guidance when the Space Force was established and see it there. From the very beginning, this program was a key priority for the Space Force, and it’s great to see it come to life.”

The Schriever Space Scholars Program is the Space Force’s independent ILE program, named for General Bernard Schriever. Likewise, the West Space Scholars Program is the Space Force’s SLE program, named for Dr. Gladys West.

These programs were specifically designed to deliver a graduate education to prepare mid-grade and senior uniformed and government civilian leaders for the evolving needs of the Space Force and Joint, Combined Force writ large, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Under the Space Force’s partnership with JHU’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), select Space Force officers, as well as other service members and civilians, studied at SAIS in Washington D.C. in an in-residence program.

The first cohort of 49 total graduates were a mix of Space Force Guardians, joint representation from every U.S. military branch, Department of Defense civilians, and an international student, according to Space Delta 13 officials.

Scholars were competitively selected amongst hundreds of candidates, and both ILE and SLE consisted of rigorous academic requirements.

“Ten months, six core courses, four electives, 110 core-course seminars, an estimated 15,000 pages of reading. This required some impressive commitment from our graduates,” said Bratton.

The Schriever Space Scholars and West Space Scholars programs are ten-month programs where students receive Joint Professional Military Education I or II credit, and Johns Hopkins awards students a Masters in International Public Policy.

The Space Force’s second SSS and WSS classes, starting in July, aims to build upon the successes of its first year, said Space Force Col. Kirk Johnson, commandant of Detachment 3, responsible for administrative oversight and academic development.

“Our first cohort of students, and the faculty that supported them, made an impact here, shaping a unique Space Force culture,” said Johnson.

“We’re confident that our next students will carry the baton, with the help of our impressive cadre of faculty, as we consider the lessons learned from our first year.

We will continually implement new ideas and new thinking to solve the complex challenges of defending our nation’s interest in, from, and to space.”

For the first-ever graduates of the Space Force’s inaugural independent officer PME, the real test is yet to come, said Bratton.

“This is not over … the real work now begins,” said Bratton. “These were the first classes to complete the independent Schriever Space Scholars and the West Space Scholars programs, but more importantly, these are the first service members to go out and do something with what they’ve learned. The Space domain presents many challenges, but those graduating today will take what they’ve learned, and the relationships they have forged, to solve complex challenges standing in our way.

We need it all, and I’m confident in our nation’s defense with what is represented by our leadership graduates today.”


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d213b2 No.20913282


you are moron. Learn to read. RHETORIC!

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b975bc No.20913283

I do not give a damn about this game but keep playing all your cards in vain.

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def796 No.20913284

😡 Angry 😡 shills 😡

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dbae6d No.20913285

File: 10ca9cabed30955⋯.gif (1.8 MB,498x337,498:337,10ca9cabed30955533c7c992f0….gif)


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818700 No.20913286

File: 4a92dc6765a4031⋯.png (281.43 KB,603x651,201:217,lethalforceagainstformerpr….png)


No Way Julie Kelly's messages on 'X" are able to freely circulated.

Definitely damped.

Twitter never reformed.


Should have MANY moar views.

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7cb88b No.20913287

Space Marines…


larval stage

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def796 No.20913288

Shills trying to get their rage agenda rolling 🤣

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415847 No.20913289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


just do it like this

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7cb88b No.20913290




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8b7c72 No.20913291


What kind of posts?

muh joo, fedboi, cp, gore, vatican dude or just angry inch?

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656421 No.20913292

File: 0ebc0dfbf385c58⋯.jpeg (237.78 KB,901x1024,901:1024,IMG_0943.jpeg)


You can’t sue big.

Fuckin nerve of these miscreants.

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def796 No.20913293

File: de0954618b18490⋯.jpg (174.68 KB,657x828,73:92,Screenshot_20240522_083828….jpg)

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4066c0 No.20913294

File: 126fd8b5f9d4e98⋯.mp4 (7.25 MB,720x1280,9:16,126fd8b5f9d4e98a6bb0d92a52….mp4)

Biden's political base is solid

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a19dd5 No.20913295

File: d4f19e0278b6082⋯.png (2.2 MB,1114x916,557:458,m.PNG)

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7cb88b No.20913296


looks pretty squishy from hier.

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415847 No.20913297


this is the youngest, freshest and prettiest example

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def796 No.20913298

File: 4d6d2602e595ba8⋯.jpg (28.63 KB,500x446,250:223,8khm4c.jpg)

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a19dd5 No.20913299

File: ad8407d1a052f9f⋯.png (1.38 MB,1029x681,343:227,hm.PNG)


BREAKING: Jack Smith makes new ‘Hail Mary’ move to silence Trump and oust Judge Cannon…

May 25, 2024 (4 minutes ago)

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415847 No.20913300


forgot smartest

smartest also

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43f625 No.20913301

File: d7a25624b36af8a⋯.png (1011.33 KB,998x1176,499:588,Mar_a_Lago_raid_had_deadly….png)


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4b65ea No.20913302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang talks blowout quarter, AI, inferencing, ongoing demand, and more


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275b3c No.20913303


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94f3e8 No.20913304

File: cf66c3b68445290⋯.gif (2.2 MB,320x213,320:213,trading.gif)


maybe somebody trying to corner the

orange juice market??

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9d1872 No.20913305

Buckle up buttercup!

With the exposure of Joe Biden’s weakness, himself, more and more life long Dems say they are voting for Trump. A large number of AfricanAmerican and Spanish Americans have publicly expressed their disdain for Biden/Harris recently at a South Bronx Trump Rally and expressed their support for Republicans and Trump.

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def796 No.20913306

File: a229c059c74a667⋯.jpeg (170.14 KB,880x1320,2:3,download_4.jpeg)

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da7128 No.20913307

File: 4101f2a5fbb865a⋯.jpeg (587 KB,1235x619,1235:619,2111B8EB_6D83_4681_B292_C….jpeg)

File: 37fb29d8ee9c1b7⋯.png (442.16 KB,602x602,1:1,28C70D42_0335_4F02_8BCE_2A….png)


Potato in 09-0018 C32A departed Stewart Air National Guard Base for his vanishing act back at Wilmington,DL-New Castle Cty Airport

And th-th-that’s all folks


09-0017 C32A was on hold over Williamsport, PA as the escort and heading back to JBA

SAM969 C40B landed at JBA from Paris depart

JCOS related

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3d24b5 No.20913308

File: df1d04d146d3434⋯.png (110.41 KB,1185x1887,395:629,ClipboardImage.png)

Encyclopedia of Rhetoric

(limited online function)

Rhetoric is the third stage of the trivium, the basic elementary education every student in the middle ages required. Some traditional schools still teach a modified trivium, students present in debate what they're learned about logic grammar and persuasion.


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971cf0 No.20913310

File: d8f9831e078e0ef⋯.png (115.05 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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da7128 No.20913311


Quick get the Duke Brothers on the phone!

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7b4e31 No.20913312

File: 04f02f963fb82be⋯.mp4 (8.91 MB,854x478,427:239,04f02f963fb82be205f1990d33….mp4)

File: 1365a03d045c034⋯.png (40.29 KB,440x550,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

comms through gmail is now public information, how long until we get to the drafts folder?


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818700 No.20913313

File: d43c5a93e5d8eca⋯.png (611.61 KB,506x654,253:327,weinerwagonhillary11.png)

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94f3e8 No.20913314

File: e68b143de7115e4⋯.png (252.18 KB,526x534,263:267,earlyrock.png)


>The West is being gutted on purpose.

Well, duh . . .

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3d24b5 No.20913315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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0a09a5 No.20913316


I just don't understand how the puppets are so loyal to such a disease. It only makes sense if they are related to each other (Bloodlines).

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818700 No.20913317


the guy being questioned won't answer the questions.

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d213b2 No.20913318




: the art of speaking or writing effectively: such as


: the study of principles and rules of composition formulated by critics of ancient times


: the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or


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ff8aee No.20913319

File: 9850e42ac66f99b⋯.jpg (11.75 KB,255x108,85:36,51ed1369c2eed3d1e6b0bead4a….jpg)

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ce5dcd No.20913320

File: 3152ec8335bc396⋯.png (387.68 KB,678x606,113:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 033f15de9a9d1a6⋯.png (604.49 KB,1024x778,512:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dcdfea615b27606⋯.png (965.82 KB,1024x733,1024:733,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8d066c14012eda⋯.png (745.78 KB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14a31aea3975033⋯.png (552.55 KB,1024x652,256:163,ClipboardImage.png)

Silicon Valley investors embrace Trump after years of leaning left: ‘Impossible to support Biden’


Some Silicon Valley venture capitalists have begun to turn against President Biden while openly touting their support for former President Donald Trump — a sea change for an industry that has overwhelmingly supported Democrats in years past.

Prominent moguls such as David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Marc Andreessen and Shaun Maguire have grown disillusioned with signature Biden policy proposals such as his call for a 25% “billionaire tax” as well as antitrust crackdowns waged by the Federal Trade Commission.

“It’s impossible to support Biden,” Keith Rabois, an early executive at PayPal who also played a role in the growth of LinkedIn, Square and Slide, told the New York Times.

While Rabois said he was not a fan of Trump, he would be “focused on electing a GOP Congress and Senate.”

Tech executives are also unhappy with the stringent regulations imposed on the cryptocurrency sector by Gary Gensler, Biden’s pick to head the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Lina Khan, Biden’s chair of the FTC, has sought to move aggressively against large tech companies that critics say have amassed too much power in the marketplace.

Khan unsuccessfully challenged Microsoft’s $70 billion acquisition of video game maker Activision Blizzard as well as Meta’s attempt to buy virtual reality startup Within. Last year, the FTC sued Amazon, accusing the e-commerce giant of being a monopoly.

Andreessen, founder of powerhouse VC firm Andreessen Horowitz, recently said there are “real issues” with the Biden administration.

A second Trump administration would be staffed by “very different kinds of people,” particularly at the SEC and FTC, Andreessen said in a recent podcast interview.

Ben Horowitz, co-founder of Andreessen Horowitz, wrote in a blog post last year that his company would support any politician who backed “an optimistic technology-enabled future.”

Sacks, the entrepreneur and investor who made his fortune as chief operating officer at PayPal during its early days, plans to host a fundraiser for Trump as well as interview the former president on his “All In” podcast.

Following the incident, Sacks said the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the US Capitol disqualified Trump from elected office.

But four years of a Biden presidency have changed Sacks’ mind, according to the New York Times.

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2d5566 No.20913322

File: da5d7492f853510⋯.jpg (13.16 KB,251x255,251:255,95e6e24e0e47dc08006da4a21f….jpg)

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04c503 No.20913323

File: 13752c19f95bf2d⋯.png (918.18 KB,831x640,831:640,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3bac88c6833794⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,480x270,16:9,NCSWIC.mp4)



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818700 No.20913324


asking for a kickback.

answers "yes"

grantee gives a kickback

probably perjury

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3e2a90 No.20913325


illegal criminal ackshuns simply black humor

laptop humor

not like he said he was grabbing what used to be known as woman but meaning is now unknown private parts

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818700 No.20913326


guy's trying to claim it's a joke.

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43f625 No.20913327

File: fb5368fb162872b⋯.png (2.52 MB,1612x1286,806:643,Ben_Garrison_Trump_gold_Sn….png)

File: aaeb5180cfc3abc⋯.png (1.04 MB,846x1356,141:226,Ben_Garrison_s_truth_post_….png)

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def796 No.20913328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP': Bronx residents backing Trump explain their support


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3d24b5 No.20913329

File: 432454201dd22ef⋯.png (469.9 KB,634x511,634:511,2ec825afcec5282118faa0a94d….png)

File: 21618e0a66b87a1⋯.jpg (163.7 KB,852x1024,213:256,21618e0a66b87a157f36d06733….jpg)

The new change to the Criminal Code means that the minimum penalty for possession has been reduced from one year to three months and changes possession to a misdemeanor. Distribution penalties will be punishable by a minimum of six months' imprisonment. That still makes possession illegal but gives flexibility to judicial authorities to decide on cases judged to be at the "lower end of criminal liability."


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5b0779 No.20913330

Buckle Up!? Have we heard this before? Buckle Up for what? How many times do we have to say we are ready and wrwy? Does anyone have the will to defend this nation Today? What are we waiting for? Why is everyone so scared of these criminals? They have never served anything but themselves least an entire country. They have destroyed this country and are laughing all the way to the bank. We want full disclosure today, this has been going on for 7 years now; both world wars ended in less time. Walk in faith, move, show yourself a true believer, and rectify by arresting them, today.

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2d5566 No.20913331


They should all go to Palestine & help fight

Two birds one stone

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e215d6 No.20913332

File: 298a80a1f6d31ce⋯.jpg (39.57 KB,750x750,1:1,Q_fireworks_airplane.jpg)


kittens on parade….

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f5dab2 No.20913333

File: 1d90cd33adad03c⋯.png (70.72 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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94f3e8 No.20913334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Super intelligent driver of

Tesla Cybertruck

Finger test . . .

Trust in Leon Skum (eLon muSk)

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0dfbda No.20913335

File: b83e62d336523e2⋯.mp4 (292.8 KB,476x270,238:135,b83e62d336523e21f82ff837cb….mp4)

uncharter the un

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ce5dcd No.20913336

File: b7eb183cef66e3f⋯.png (451.25 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b9d09a4bcc6637⋯.png (409.62 KB,634x424,317:212,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a8d79cc753921e⋯.png (358 KB,634x473,634:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1aeccb96a961d1⋯.png (376.58 KB,634x412,317:206,ClipboardImage.png)

Red Lobster staff dish on the toxic and demoralizing workplace and how Thai bosses destroyed the world's largest seafood chain


- Red Lobster staff opened up about the 'miserable' environment at the workplace

- They blamed Thai bosses for the decline of the world's largest seafood chain

- The company confirmed on Sunday it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection

Staff at Red Lobster have opened up about the 'miserable' environment at the workplace and blamed Thai bosses for the decline of the world's largest seafood chain.

The company confirmed on Sunday it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection days after shuttering nearly 100 restaurants across America. It has been struggling with rising leases and labor costs in recent years and also promotions like its iconic all-you-can-eat shrimp deal that backfired.

Now former workers at the seafood restaurant chain have claimed majority owner Thai Union contributed to a toxic work environment and destroyed Red Lobster.

'It was miserable working there for the last year-and-a-half I was there,' West Coast division vice president Les Foreman told CNN.

Former Red Lobster executive Foreman worked at the company for 20 years before he was fired in 2022.

'They didn’t have any idea about running a restaurant company in the United States,' he said.

Thai Union blamed the pandemic and 'sustained industry headwinds, higher interest rates and rising material and labor costs' for the issues Red Lobster has faced.

But former employees claim it was the ineptitude of the bosses which led to its downfall.

They said dozen of Red Lobster leaders with a deep understanding of the brand were fired or resigned and Thai Union replaced them with its own executives.

>A former leader claimed Thai Union CEO Thiraphong Chansiri visited the chain's headquarters in 2022 and brought along a feng shui consultant.

He said the consultant determined the offices in Orlando were 'bad Feng shui and no one should use them', and they later sat empty. The former Red Lobster workers said the work environment at the headquarters became toxic and demoralizing before interim CEO Paul Kenny took over in 2022.

Kenny allegedly made derogatory comments about Red Lobster employees and criticized them at meetings, according to one source. A previous executive claimed the former CEO commented on a woman's weight at a conference in Dallas two years ago.

'We need to institute an exercise program in this company,' he is accused of saying.

Red Lobster also cut two of its longtime shrimp suppliers in order to purchase more from Thai Union at a higher cost, according to the company's bankruptcy filing.

'Thai Union exercised an outsized influence on the Company’s shrimp purchasing,' Red Lobster alleged in the document. But Thai Union said the accusations were 'meritless' and it looked forward to the 'full representation of the facts'.

Former employees claimed they were pressured by representatives of Thai Union to buy more seafood from their company. 'Our suppliers were really upset that [Thai Union representatives] were in those meetings with them,' one person said. There were a host of changes to the restaurant operations which led to a decrease in sales.

It began leaving the tails on shrimp in pasta and and eliminated sauté stations, according to a former employee. Servers were also asked to cover 10 tables instead of three and a host was removed from the entrance during lunch hours.

Barry Fulghum, who rose to become an operations director from a dishwasher at Red Lobster in the 1970s, said: 'There would be times we would have one or two people working the kitchen line. 'What those cooks did on the line was amazing given the staffing situation they were dealt.'

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c964ae No.20913338

File: 76cc0aec93cbf7a⋯.png (400.26 KB,640x591,640:591,BearChoosesMan.png)

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3d24b5 No.20913339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


“I know what you mean,” he said. “But that don’t make any difference. You just have to keep on giving, that’s all, see? Not all of ’em turn back. It helps a lot. Money is the only dangerous thing to give—but I never give money—not very often. I give myself, rather, as much as possible. I give food and clothing, too, but I try to show ’em a new way—that’s not money, you know. So many people need a new way. They’re looking for it often, only they don’t seem to know how. But God, dear brother, however poor or mean they are—He knows. You’ve got to reach the heart, you know, and I let Him help me. You’ve got to make a man over in his soul, if you want to help him, and money won’t help you to do that, you know. No, it won’t.”

He looked up at me in clear-eyed faith. It was remarkable.

“Make them over?” I queried, still curious, for it was all like a romance, and rather fantastic to me. “What do you mean? How do you make them over?”

“Oh, in their attitude, that’s how. You’ve got to change a man and bring him out of self-seeking if you really want to make him good. Most men are so tangled up in their own errors and bad ways, and so worried over their seekings, that unless you can set them to giving it’s no use. They’re always seeking, and they don’t know what they want half the time. Money isn’t the thing. Why, half of them wouldn’t understand how to use it if they had it. Their minds are not bright enough. Their perceptions are not clear enough. All you can do is to make them content with themselves. And that, giving to others will do. I never saw the man or the woman yet who couldn’t be happy if you could make them feel the need of living for others, of doing something for somebody besides themselves. It’s a fact. Selfish people are never happy.”


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818700 No.20913340

File: 6544910b3f41bd2⋯.png (249.42 KB,487x510,487:510,weissmensogay.png)




I don't know who they are, though.

[sure someone from the fbi just told him the name. another bald]


Gives proof FBI is attempting to frame q researchers for violent crime

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818700 No.20913341


what is this guy's name

is there a link?

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c9e29e No.20913342

>>20913035 (pb)

"Is it safe to travel to Naples? Italy plans evacuations after earthquake tremors "


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656421 No.20913343

File: f24f48258108570⋯.gif (730.14 KB,480x270,16:9,IMG_0913.gif)

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3f47af No.20913344

File: e5627a14aef8f5a⋯.jpeg (22.37 KB,548x540,137:135,ZQBSEEBfN81sgu8vHXVm_01_b….jpeg)

File: 9455ad1c884bec6⋯.png (11.53 KB,467x429,467:429,ZQE2gIXbLF6zxv4DrYj2_18_4f….png)

File: 800827901b4f345⋯.png (97.01 KB,1080x1081,1080:1081,Zr41y79oTGpC7dN572mM_28_de….png)

File: 3aba536b1ef772a⋯.png (92.31 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ZrqwVKODGTrTUWg735DP_25_08….png)

File: 9dbc56634adfb31⋯.png (19.14 KB,316x475,316:475,ZtbxueJ9C7h1h9h5QdR3_15_f4….png)

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def796 No.20913345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If Trump supporters are ‘clowns,’ Hochul is a ‘jacka**’: Mother of slain NYC veteran

219K views · 1 day ago


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547d2f No.20913346

Did Trumps lawyer ever introduce the letter signed by Stormy that Trump posts on Truth Social?

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9cfe08 No.20913347

File: 3e910592e330e61⋯.mp4 (8.55 MB,1256x696,157:87,T56ks0JDS0Jx8xnn.mp4)


The National Institutes of Health DISPROVES EcoHealth Alliance Dr. Peter Daszak's public testimony.

EcoHealth was, in fact, not "locked out" from submitting its required @NIH

grant research update report on time. Here's the truth👇


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04cc1b No.20913348



>Gives proof FBI is attempting to frame q researchers for violent crime

Do not worry about the FBI, if they come to your door, arrest them for treason for covering up 911 which has led to all of today's chaos that has killed million upon millions of people as a result.

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c964ae No.20913350

File: c87ebb76dc747a9⋯.jpeg (47.54 KB,624x454,312:227,EnjoyTheShow.jpeg)

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0dfbda No.20913351


Dr. David Morens


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c964ae No.20913352

File: 6b97b925bb7bc1e⋯.png (977.53 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3503b2 No.20913353


The FBI needs to do full disclosure on 911 and answer why they let the dancing Israelis get away with filming the event. They obviously had fore knowledge and those Mossad agents never warned America. Just start here, then we will get to Silverstein, Building 7, and the Bush security details of both WTC buildings.

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930e56 No.20913354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live in 3 hours

May 25 at 2:00 PM

LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24


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0a09a5 No.20913356

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AOC reacts live as she's called a false prophet at Trump rally


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971cf0 No.20913357


Shit food anyways, never understood why anyone even went there.

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3e2a90 No.20913358


not a kickback, its coincidence

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173536 No.20913359

File: 1f945417c8914a9⋯.png (295.71 KB,739x317,739:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0d46b No.20913360

File: 20e109b087171a5⋯.jpeg (77.18 KB,665x375,133:75,IMG_8499.jpeg)

Both T and RFKjr mentioned truth and reconciliation. That’s a good offer considering the alternative.

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3f47af No.20913361

File: f91de41dcacb1be⋯.jpeg (87.79 KB,500x381,500:381,yt5Y4giFIEYMQZN5jRak_21_b….jpeg)

File: 992eb363af3e7b8⋯.png (73.33 KB,1024x950,512:475,Yxo1veq6ZgsXB2DgJEGo_07_dd….png)

File: 1c772be308d8b7b⋯.jpg (94.6 KB,640x480,4:3,Z1pChpxCqYBrF1S1edOx_05_a7….jpg)

File: b7a7c0c41445f29⋯.jpeg (70.56 KB,980x1199,980:1199,z8UyIAwqL6YipGJZK6FL_12_d….jpeg)

File: 81e0ec1b1177026⋯.jpeg (62.76 KB,1234x1116,617:558,ZEBvizgWjqyKDoYItaut_20_8….jpeg)

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930e56 No.20913362

File: 717b86d25e6eb99⋯.mp4 (9.46 MB,1920x1080,16:9,sqOT0vssEksGvbla.mp4)



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63ad0f No.20913363

File: 958fcc316475e26⋯.gif (1.42 MB,498x498,1:1,pepe_pepe_enjoy_the_show.gif)

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930e56 No.20913364

File: 39f87930b5c18c9⋯.png (2.08 MB,1079x1767,1079:1767,39f87930b5c18c9a4f7f1c5d40….png)


Thanks baker!

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def796 No.20913365

Emergency landing for Armenia PM Pashinyan's chopper

Nikol Pashinyan was heading to the city of Tashir on the border with Georgia when his helicopter was forced to make the landing on Saturday, but the Armenian Prime Minister insisted that he was fine and would continue by car.

The emergency landing was reportedly caused by bad weather conditions. 🤔



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ff8aee No.20913366

File: 528fa0264d08a68⋯.jpg (6.78 KB,126x110,63:55,Screen_Shot_2024_05_25_at_….jpg)

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bacae4 No.20913367




Did Admiral Salty Caudle cozy up with Fat Leonard?

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a8a0bf No.20913368

File: 318d5583e49d487⋯.png (154.41 KB,768x431,768:431,ClipboardImage.png)

Report: The Pentagon Is Lying About UFOs

May 25th, 2024

WASHINGTON DC – Congress held a historic hearing on UFOs last July.

The hearing, which featured testimony from two former Navy fighter pilots and a former senior intelligence officer, garnered a notable amount of attention and interest not seen on Capitol Hill in years.

In one remarkable exchange, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) described how his office received a “protected disclosure” from Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, regarding a January 2023 UFO incident over the Gulf of Mexico.

After being stonewalled by the Air Force, he delivered a tense, on-base reminder to the military about “how authorities flow in the United States of America.” The Air Force relented, permitting Gaetz to review sensor data gathered during the encounter.

According to Gaetz, fighter pilots tracked four unknown objects flying in a “clear diamond formation.”

Notably, the incident occurred on a training range typically conspicuously free of any airborne clutter.

Still imagery indicated that one of the objects demonstrated capabilities that Gaetz, who has served on the House Armed Services Committee for nearly a decade, was “not able to attach to any human capability, either from the United States or from any of our adversaries.”

Radar data, according to Gaetz, showed that the four objects moved in a “very clear formation [with] equidistant” separation.

As Gaetz noted, and further documentation confirmed, the fighter jet’s radar stopped working as the jet closed within 4,000 feet of one of the objects.

The jet’s infrared camera malfunctioned too, requiring the pilot to take still images of one of the unknown objects manually.

In a case resolution report published last week, the Pentagon’s UFO analysis office concluded with “moderate” confidence that the object observed by the pilot was a balloon, likely “a large commercial lighting balloon.”

This so-called explanation insults the intelligence of any reader who takes a few moments to review the details of the incident. It did not convince the world’s most prominent UFO skeptic.

The pilot’s sketch of the object, described as akin to an “Apollo spacecraft,” bears no plausible resemblance to the design of any known industrial lighting balloon.

I called the Florida-based company that produces the high-end commercial lighting balloons alluded to by the UFO office. According to the firm, it is unheard of that such industrial-grade tethered balloons would spontaneously float away.

In a brief video, Emmy-winning lighting designer Matt Ford, who has used the lighting balloons in question, detailed the sheer absurdity of the Pentagon’s explanation.

The Pentagon, astoundingly, would have the American public believe that this seemingly impossible event occurred four times, simultaneously. Meanwhile, dual sensor malfunctions aboard the fighter jet, one of which occurred only in close proximity to the UFO, remain unexplained.

Perhaps most glaringly, the Pentagon UFO office does not address how multiple balloons, separated vertically by thousand-foot increments, could plausibly maintain a “very clear,” “equidistant” diamond formation at high altitudes in strong winds aloft.


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b51c2c No.20913370

Degree of incline? Indicate depth?

Idk…40,000 ft

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3f47af No.20913371

File: ecf052bc2ce03ab⋯.png (180.34 KB,536x485,536:485,Capture.PNG)

#OTD in 2001, PEARL HARBOR was released. Savaged by critics and historians alike, the film was still a major box office success. It was also a surprise hit in Japan where the marketing campaign put more emphasis on the romance storyline. Do you love it or hate it?


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971cf0 No.20913372

File: eae591d9259bfad⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB,540x310,54:31,We_Want_Donald_Trump.mp4)

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f5dab2 No.20913373

File: 8dacd04246258fa⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,464x360,58:45,MakeTheDealMotherfucker.mp4)

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0a09a5 No.20913374

File: d067583b7f4bb19⋯.png (13.65 KB,559x423,559:423,ClipboardImage.png)


This is the first time I've seen RT (Russian Propaganda) admit they've lost a single thing to Ukraine so far.

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8b7c72 No.20913375

File: bc7bbdf716bb990⋯.png (563.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,corrodedmarker.png)

MARAD Announces $4.8 Million in Funding for Marine Highways

Mike Schuler May 24, 2024

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) has announced plans to allocate $4.8 million in Fiscal Year 2024 funds to the United States Marine Highway Program (USMHP).

The amount is significantly less than the $12 million awarded in FY 2023 and the $39 million granted in FY 2022, which included $25 million through President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and an additional $14.8 million via the 2022 Appropriations Act.

The USMHP is committed to projects that encourage the movement of freight on America’s navigable waterways, which offer more efficient transport than rail and road.

Since the start of the Marine Highway Program, MARAD has granted more than $103 million to eligible public and private organizations for marine highway services.

Assessment criteria for USMHP funding include the impact on movement of goods, the level of non-federal funding investment, project readiness, and considerations for climate change and sustainability, equity, and workforce development.


Any anons seen any dredging? Replacement of channel buoys? Repainting of daymarks?

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3503b2 No.20913376


Because the FBI covered up 911, the DS figured if we can kill 2,977 US Citizens and no one says shit, then we can do whatever we want. Now the Jews were smart enough to know that they screwed up with Building 7 which collapsed for no reason and that the world and America would one day wake up to that fact, what did they do? They planned for nearly two decades to blame all the world woes on the white man by casting them as supremacists. They planned to genocide by way of vaccinations using a false narrative of a pandemic. These are all proven facts.

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173536 No.20913377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pearl Harbor Revisited by Webster Tarpley


Next time the royals throw a war, let them fight it to the bitter end. Do it for your children.

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8b7c72 No.20913378


>These are all proven facts.

OH? where is this "proof?"

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07b854 No.20913379

File: 027e43a91d13f5f⋯.png (980.12 KB,595x561,35:33,027e43a91d13f5f6b5ebdcfdae….png)


Guys I don't see this bread in the catalog

how is Q going to find us

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6ce98e No.20913380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Timeless Knowledge


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8b7c72 No.20913381


What bread is that supposed to be?

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e215d6 No.20913382

File: 92f2003296b4e3a⋯.png (81.77 KB,512x159,512:159,FUCKIN_RIGHT.png)

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bacae4 No.20913383


Somebody will call Q homo

A fren will tell Q

Q will go and look at the index when it isn't seen in the catalog

or something like that

no homo

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07b854 No.20913384


I meant the bread we're in.

pic unrelated

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0a09a5 No.20913385


All that connective tissue / cartilage / bone marrow / organ meat is the healthiest part of the animal to eat actually.

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e215d6 No.20913386

File: f388b0829384716⋯.png (638.44 KB,1821x930,607:310,2024_05_25_11_02_39.png)



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3503b2 No.20913387


After David Rockerfeller had his 3rd heart transplant, I asked the Lord of Hosts, the Living God: "Does this man have a new heart?"

They never counted on the recompense of holiness, and that was their downfall.

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9c04b7 No.20913388

File: 1d1566f6f8f73a8⋯.png (19.56 KB,156x207,52:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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07b854 No.20913389


Yeah it wasn't showing up for me at first I don't know why but I see it now thanks, no need to yell


this pic go hard

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f58ab7 No.20913390

File: f490f32ee1efbb4⋯.png (230.33 KB,436x775,436:775,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fce52e808fb61c0⋯.png (51.11 KB,276x201,92:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22fb7670ebc872c⋯.png (90.64 KB,352x775,352:775,ClipboardImage.png)


7 planes [one off to side filming]

7 second video

7:00 timestamp



Q post 777

SOOOOOO, it was the government agency's that were NOT able to 'crack the encryption' to spy on us, and THAT is ultimately the reason that they were made obsolete. Government could NOT have that! BLACKBERRY refused to backdoor their products…

other thoughts on marker [7]

https://qagg.news/?q=%5B7%5D&q2= QUERY for the [7] marker…

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173536 No.20913391



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94f3e8 No.20913392

File: ee85b0ec626de2b⋯.jpeg (208.04 KB,817x1222,817:1222,heidi_klum_leni_klum_abou….jpeg)

File: cd18f7bcc7d6f41⋯.jpg (265.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,victorias_secret_runway_pr….jpg)

Your mission,

should you choose to accept it,

is to learn how to discern

the tranny.

Be not deceived.

Once you learn, you will see them everywhere.


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b51c2c No.20913393


"To control what people say and to tell people what to believe – I don't tell any other f—ing human being what to say, what to think and there's no leashes on any of them. "It's ridiculous to say I give somebody a leash. Free speech, brother.“

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e215d6 No.20913394



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3503b2 No.20913395

File: 4ffc13fb0f8346e⋯.jpg (23.63 KB,320x221,320:221,building7.jpg)

File: fb8f8ceea51dd44⋯.jpeg (26.14 KB,255x254,255:254,building_7_wide.jpeg)


>Building 7 which collapsed for no reason

>OH? where is this "proof?"

Where is the fire? Where is the structural damage? Where is the debri on top of the building that damaged it? You are obviously a Jew, doubling down.

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07b854 No.20913397

File: 237f8e277947fc2⋯.gif (800.16 KB,220x220,1:1,1715839462666820.gif)

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930e56 No.20913398

File: 47ed3a5d94273e2⋯.png (516.63 KB,923x542,923:542,m86b53v543654.png)

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b51c2c No.20913399


Not necessarily a Jew. Someone who made a big mistake and is trying to deceive new eyes. As per usual, controlling the narrative.

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c964ae No.20913400

File: 011c10c3771ebe5⋯.png (594.89 KB,862x1280,431:640,ClipboardImage.png)

The Washington Post reveals they actually already discovered in Jan 2021 the Alito flag story was fake and chose not report it after they determined it was part of a neighborhood dispute not rooted in politics. It's a good thing we didn't let this all get out of hand!

🔗 (https://x.com/philipletsou/status/1794391459455774762?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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d65967 No.20913401


Excellent idea

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45036f No.20913402

File: ac19edfdda92c8e⋯.mp4 (12.7 MB,720x1280,9:16,2024_05_24_10_43_46.mp4)

Who owns the school system? Bankers: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and JP Morgan.

Book secrets of the federal reserve by Eustace mullins


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ce5dcd No.20913403

File: 70a873f4f09e40a⋯.png (1.44 MB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

North Carolina House pauses passage of bill that would ban masking for health reasons


RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina bill partially meant to address mask-wearing at protests was under review Wednesday after some House Republicans raised issue with the legislation’s impact on people who wear masks for health reasons.

The state House voted not to accept changes made to the bill by the state Senate that would remove a pandemic-era masking exemption for health purposes.

Aside from the health exemption removal, the bill would enhance penalties for people who wear masks while committing a crime and for people who block roadways during a demonstration. The bill comes, in part, as a response to widespread college protests, including on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s campus, about the war in Gaza.

The House’s vote means the legislation will head to a team of lawmakers to negotiate revisions to it.

(pictured) Rep. Erin Pare, the only Republican who represents part of Wake County, posted on the social platform X over the weekend saying she opposed the bill’s removal of the health exemption — a law passed along mostly bipartisan lines during the start of the pandemic in 2020. The bill as written has already caused confusion for the public, she said. “The right thing to do here is to add back the deleted provisions regarding medical masking and give the public clarity on the issue,” she wrote.

Due to the GOP’s slim supermajority in both chambers, the party needs every Republican vote to secure the bill’s passage, or it could fail.

House Speaker Tim Moore told reporters after the vote that he understood why the Senate proposed its changes to the bill, but there was interest in the House to draft language to maintain health and safety protections for masking.

Before Pare took her stance publicly, many Senate Democrats repeatedly echoed concerns that immunocompromised people could be targeted for wearing a mask in public. Republican supporters have said the bill’s intention isn’t to criminalize masking for health reasons but rather to stop people from concealing their identity while committing a crime.

Legislative staff said in a Senate committee last week that masking for health purposes would violate the proposed law.

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45036f No.20913404

File: 18af134c40021d1⋯.jpg (104.71 KB,1032x1280,129:160,photo_2024_05_25_06_04_56.jpg)



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6ce98e No.20913405



>how is Q going to find us



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b51c2c No.20913406


Rockefeller -> Soros

So you’re learning from Soros

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d65967 No.20913407


Third from the left can impregnate the other three

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173536 No.20913408


The cops can call mtheir thousands of friends who are retired cops or working in private security and they as civilians can citizen arrest all this bullshit. They have already been doing it forever.

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3503b2 No.20913409


>Not necessarily a Jew. Someone who made a big mistake and is trying to deceive new eyes. As per usual, controlling the narrative.

That is called an accomplice to murder. There is no defense to these facts.

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9f2f8b No.20913410

File: 265b83bed5e7fa6⋯.png (71.46 KB,640x708,160:177,150_7_.png)

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1ac417 No.20913411


both narratives can work either way. middle-east is still an enemy of the west so who cares. isreal will get btfo by pretty much everyone anyways for what they've done to the world in general.

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b51c2c No.20913412


There’s no escaping this they don’t get it

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1ac417 No.20913414


the people who know, know. it is too hard to explain this shit to a normie. just maintain current braindead narrative. the truth is here if people want to know.

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9f2f8b No.20913415

File: a55423c40dbe7ab⋯.png (23.97 KB,640x496,40:31,124.png)

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2a7173 No.20913416


This whole gm thing is lame.

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930e56 No.20913417

File: f68de7c94013080⋯.png (954.24 KB,866x721,866:721,7_m5ynytrey.PNG)

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bacae4 No.20913418



it's like a sternly worded letter

ain't no one

no way no how

going to indict these fuckers until the courts are cleared of the engorons, merchan, etc.

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8b7c72 No.20913419

A New Trade War Offers No Easy Way Back for Old Global Order

Bloomberg May 24, 2024

The world’s three dominant economies are entering a new, combative phase as the US increasingly uses trade weapons borrowed from China’s playbook. That’s threatening to deepen international fractures and to challenge decades of free-market orthodoxy — and it leaves Europe with big decisions to make.

Then-President Donald Trump fired the first shots with tariffs on China seven years ago, and then Joe Biden ushered America into the new industrial policy age. Stage three, punctuated by Biden’s latest round of duties on Chinese imports, builds on the first two: using tariffs to defend US interests, with subsidies now at the core of policy and without fear of retaliation.

The $31 trillion arena of international commerce has withstood a series of shocks in recent years, including the US-China trade war. This time, the linchpin is the European Union — caught between preserving its self-styled role as defender of multilateral rules and fearing the loss of millions of jobs and tens of billions in investment while the US and China wield market-distorting subsidies and tariffs.

“Trump let the protectionist genie out of the bottle,” said Simon Evenett, founder of the St. Gallen Endowment for Prosperity Through Trade, a group based in Switzerland that tracks trade policies. “No one dared to put it back in.”

After the US tariff announcement last week, China signaled it’s ready to unleash duties as high as 25% on imported American and European autos — a retaliation threat aimed at both sides of the Atlantic.

That’s because Brussels is nearing the end of an electric-vehicle subsidy investigation that is likely to lead to defensive measures against China’s auto exports. The bloc’s levies are expected to be significantly lower than the US’s and based on a different approach within World Trade Organization rules and procedures.

Washington’s latest salvo against Chinese EVs, semiconductors, batteries, critical minerals and other products comes as US officials ask other nations to join its fight against Chinese industrial policy that they say is flooding the world with cheap goods — a charge China pushes back on.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen reiterated the pleas in a speech this week. “China’s industrial policy may seem remote as we sit here in this room, but if we do not respond strategically and in a united way, the viability of businesses in both our countries and around the world could be at risk,” she told an audience in Frankfurt.

The impact of the new US tariffs on China’s $18.5 trillion economy will likely be modest, according to Bloomberg Economics. But bigger risks lie in a wider battle targeting Chinese innovation and Trump’s proposed 60% tariff on all imports from the US’s third-biggest trading partner.

Such economic costs might be worth paying. At least that’s among the messages accompanying Biden’s tariffs — that domestic concerns about national security and China’s threats to it may override what conventional wisdom once considered to be in the interest of the international economic good.

“More significant is the signaling effect to the rest of the world that no matter who occupies the White House, the overall policy direction of America First and a partial decoupling with China will continue,” said Yeo Han-koo, a former South Korean trade minister.

Trade tensions are lurking as Group of Seven finance ministers, central bankers and top economic officials meet in the Italian lakeside resort of Stresa on Friday. OECD chief Mathias Cormann worried about the extent of any fallout.

“What we should be doing is improving the way globalization is working and delivering,” he told Bloomberg Television. “But we have to be very careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

In Europe, there are concerns that economically driven actions that go beyond restrictions for military purposes could hurt the continent’s competitiveness.

While bilateral trade disputes among the US, China and Europe have been simmering for years, Biden’s decision to maintain some Trump-era steel tariffs on the EU and his more recent $18 billion tariff volley at China shattered any lingering hope for a return to consensus and fairness.

Export Exposure

The resulting trade fragmentation will be more damaging for nations such as China, South Korea or Japan, whose economies depend more on international trade than the US or many countries in the EU.

While it fueled protectionist sentiment, the pandemic actually made China more dependent on exports as a driver of growth. When Hong Kong is included, China is the source of about 20% of all global exports, double the US’s share, according to WTO figures.

Such reliance helps explain why China plays an active role in the WTO-centered system and claims to play by the rules. It’s also why Beijing has been trying to build out a series of trade deals with both its neighbors and countries further afield, such as Serbia and Hungary.

But the imbalance between China’s GDP and its manufacturing output lies at the heart of US and European concerns about the consequences that Beijing’s current path could have for the global economy.

The growing protectionist fervor faces few voices of restraint now that US politicians of both parties have convinced much of the electorate that higher tariffs and government aid are tools to save American jobs.

“Key priorities for trade policy in this administration have been to enhance supply chain resiliency, to shift the emphasis onto benefits for workers, and protect and rebuild the manufacturing base at home,” said Mark Wu, a trade law professor at Harvard who was senior adviser to the US Trade Representative in 2021.

Without American leadership at the WTO or other forums aimed at trade liberalization, it’s hard for some economists to see where the race to the bottom stops.

Awash in Subsidies

Almost 70% of global exports worth $14.1 trillion compete with subsidized rivals, up from about 50% a decade ago, according to Evenett’s research group at the Global Trade Alert, which tracks market-distorting policies.

With tariffs and subsidies flying, much will depend on how severe any retaliation gets.

American farmers are among the most vulnerable if Chinese importers send their orders elsewhere, according to Christine McDaniel, an expert on international trade at the Mercatus Center and a former trade economist at the White House.

She sees the rules of the road for world trade changing in ways that rewind the clock.

“We are stepping away from a WTO world and essentially going back to a GATT world where tariffs and subsidies were rampant, but countries tried to make international trade easier, at least with some of their partners,” she said, referring to the system of rules before the WTO was established in the mid-1990s.

The risks of a breakdown of multilateralism may be the highest for the EU. The bloc’s postwar economic model was built for a rules-based system that encouraged open markets and competition. For decades, the US was a natural ally leading developing nations along the same path.

Now officials in Brussels still espousing adherence to WTO rules are starting to feel isolated.

Two European officials said it’s their view that the US has abandoned the principles of trade rules and procedures in favor of an approach based mostly on economic security — protecting newly emerging technology at home and reinforcing domestic supply chains. That approach essentially tries to cut China out, the officials said.



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e75a22 No.20913420

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“It Bears Coverage Every Year”: Raheem Kassam On The Lost Lives Of World War



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3f47af No.20913421

File: 751edc045460fa1⋯.png (165.13 KB,307x379,307:379,timeshock.PNG)

File: fe9a6fa85c632d4⋯.jpeg (69.01 KB,720x900,4:5,tjTvkON6p15Ry6C1OUwS_27_6….jpeg)

File: bfd25c863b9fe2a⋯.jpg (149.2 KB,960x720,4:3,TrudeauPunch.JPG)

File: 48af368787635cc⋯.png (55.03 KB,601x451,601:451,tTmJlGsQsJVL85Ig64vm_15_3d….png)

File: d9c8e4ab241aaaf⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,640x426,320:213,tZ1V1IeZNKwknOboQGyf_01_46….jpg)

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d65967 No.20913422


(Liz Cheney says Toodles!)

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ce5dcd No.20913423

File: cd1f665979b9719⋯.png (Spoiler Image,267 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Clinton says women abandoned her because she wasn’t ‘perfect’


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reflected on her 2016 presidential campaign, saying in a recent interview that female voters deserted her in the last days of the campaign because she was “not perfect.”

“They left me because they just couldn’t take a risk on me, because as a woman, I’m supposed to be perfect,” Clinton said in an interview with The New Times, published Saturday. “They were willing to take a risk on [former President Trump] — who had a long list of, let’s call them flaws, to illustrate his imperfection — because he was a man, and they could envision a man as president and commander in chief.”

Clinton wasn’t the only one to share that sentiment during the 2016 election cycle, when the former first lady lost to Trump. Several of her allies described a sexist double standard on the campaign trail, saying she dealt with questions and criticisms that male candidates would not face.

“Is there a double standard? One hundred percent times 100 percent,” Tracy Sefl, a Democratic consultant and Clinton surrogate, said at the time. “And God forbid if she coughs.”

More recently, former GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley faced her own set of sexist attacks, before suspending her campaign in March. During a Republican primary debate last year in Miami, fellow candidate Vivek Ramaswamy — who dropped from the race in January and endorsed Trump — referred to her as “Dick Cheney in three-inch heels.”

In the interview with the Times, Clinton also went after members of her party for what she said was a long-term failure in not shoring up abortion rights. She argued that Democrats didn’t fully estimate the power of anti-abortion powers until most of them were “taken by surprise” with the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022, which ended the federal right to abortion access.

“We didn’t take it seriously, and we didn’t understand the threat,” Clinton said. “Most Democrats, most Americans, did not realize we are in an existential struggle for the future of this country.”

“We could have done more to fight,” she added in the interview, which was originally conducted by the publication in February.

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bacae4 No.20913424


now if Fauci goes bird hunting with Liz or Tricky Dick…

that's a different story

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3503b2 No.20913425


>both narratives can work either way.

Wrong, Building 7 was announced to have collapsed by the BBC 20 minutes too early because they had fore knowledge. There is only one version of the truth, so it works only one way.

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54b889 No.20913427

It’s HOT outside yo!

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8ce224 No.20913428

File: 457c920ecd4cbda⋯.jpg (55.27 KB,474x688,237:344,th_2464415298.jpg)

File: ff3eda6329d6bd5⋯.jpg (335.01 KB,1080x1652,270:413,Screenshot_20231020_204406….jpg)

File: a7376218a7b4970⋯.jpg (33.35 KB,474x474,1:1,th_1038855177.jpg)

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b51c2c No.20913429



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7bbbce No.20913430

File: dc0a1842dac2f8c⋯.jpg (261.85 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1006.JPG)

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bacae4 No.20913431



Los huevos esta muy caliente

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930e56 No.20913432

File: 1708fb562668044⋯.png (122.39 KB,397x332,397:332,nrwetbrvtrewtrew.PNG)

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b51c2c No.20913433


If you’re a potato or old or suffer from obesity I’d say it’s a pretty nice day outside

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3503b2 No.20913434


>There’s no escaping this they don’t get it

Correct, they keep doubling down, which goes to show that they have no remorse, not one of them, and that they are bedfellow and accomplices and accessories to the crimes.

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94f3e8 No.20913435

File: 867f734c622abe3⋯.png (380.26 KB,666x666,1:1,5f83eea6a4cc7e8e011583244a….png)


They are ALL trannies in that picture.

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038a58 No.20913436

File: 1e2c23e41ed8974⋯.jpg (4.31 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Buckle_Up_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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b664dc No.20913437

File: feb2f8026b0528e⋯.png (997.63 KB,897x605,897:605,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b83b7cc41b2882a⋯.gif (2.5 MB,480x200,12:5,warp_speed_ns.gif)

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76d10b No.20913438

File: 9198c75181c933e⋯.png (574.36 KB,920x864,115:108,ClipboardImage.png)


Flashback to May 30, 2019–After delivering his commencement address at the US Air Force Academy, @realDonaldTrump stays to shake hands with 1,000 cadets🫡🤝✈️🇺🇸🦅

2:22 PM · May 25, 2024


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b21219 No.20913439


Muy malo, mi huevos es sudorosa


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f075c8 No.20913440

File: be0fffe7ff863f2⋯.png (264.12 KB,680x368,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

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b51c2c No.20913441


They just keep people triggered and stuck on the past. The complete opposite of what a professional would do.

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ce5dcd No.20913442

File: ff5b9fb9f21047d⋯.png (Spoiler Image,234.7 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20913423 (me)

Hillary Clinton gives dire warning on abortion: ‘We could have done more to fight’


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a new interview criticized her fellow Democrats for their response to the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, arguing they could have “done more.”

“We didn’t take it seriously, and we didn’t understand the threat,” Clinton said in an interview with The New York Times, published Saturday. “Most Democrats, most Americans, did not realize we are in an existential struggle for the future of this country.”

“We could have done more to fight,” she added.

The former first lady issued a dire warning in the interview, conducted in February, claiming that Democrats spent decades in a state of denial that abortion rights — which had been enshrined for generations under Roe v. Wade — could be revoked. While in that state, Clinton said the anti-abortion movement was able to chip away at the legal precedent until it was too late.

“One thing I give the right credit for is they never give up,” Clinton said. “They are relentless. You know, they take a loss, they get back up, they regroup, they raise more money.”

“It’s tremendously impressive the way that they operate. And we have nothing like it on our side,” she added.

The former presidential nominee also slammed the conservative justices on the high court who handed down the history-making Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health ruling, which handed abortion access decisions back to the states. She also hit Democrats in the Senate, who, she said, didn’t do enough to stop those justices from being appointed.

“Our side was complacent and kind of taking it for granted and thinking it would never go away,” she said in the interview, per the Times. Clinton, who lost the 2016 presidential election to former President Trump, said she tried to raise alarms during her campaign about anti-abortion efforts, but was largely dismissed as an alarmist. The Times noted that polling and focus groups from that time showed voters truly did not believe that Roe v. Wade was at risk.

With Trump in the middle of his third campaign, Clinton warned that the election this fall is “existential” because it could mean a small group of conservatives would continue “turning the clock back on women.”

Following the Alabama Supreme Court ruling that resulted in controversy around in vitro fertilization, Clinton warned that birth control would be next on the to-do list for Republicans who want to restrict women’s rights. In the same interview, the former secretary also signaled that she faced sexism while on the campaign trail, claiming she was deserted by female voters because she was “not perfect.”

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8b7c72 No.20913443


>They planned for nearly two decades to blame all the world woes on the white man by casting them as supremacists. They planned to genocide by way of vaccinations using a false narrative of a pandemic. These are all proven facts.

A bit more from your post.

Now, where's the proof of this planning?

Between you (3503b2) and your partner b51c2c can you post a straight answer, or just more tangents?

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818700 No.20913444


NIH could be lying about ECOHEALTH

This dude is lying.

They can block people from uploading reports


they do it to frame people

NIH guy is trying to save their own asses

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9c04b7 No.20913445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24

Join RSBN for President Trump's big speech at the Libertarian Party's National Convention on May 25 in Washington D.C.

RSBN will be LIVE on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 5:00 P.M. ET.


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872400 No.20913446


I’m a little chunky so I am sure that adds to the warmth, anon!

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63ad0f No.20913447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What does "gm" mean?


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818700 No.20913448



NIH who could trust those murderers.


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863d5a No.20913449

notables @ 240

#25650 >>20913178

>>20913235 President Trump To Address Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (speaking time TBA)

>>20913182 Planned Parenthood is Helping Teenagers Transition After a 30 Minute Consult

>>20913213 Democrats and the media needs you to forget they did this

>>20913243, >>20913307 Planefag

>>20913257 Navy Commander: We’re Seeing More Attempts by Foreign Nationals to Penetrate Bases, ‘Two or Three Times a Week’

>>20913276 OJ Prices Squeeze Into Blue-Sky Breakout As Food Inflation Fears Soar

>>20913281 First Space Force Joint PME grads honored at JHU

>>20913299 Jack Smith makes new ‘Hail Mary’ move to silence Trump and oust Judge Cannon

>>20913301 DJT: Biden's DoJ authorized use of deadly force against President Trump in Mar-a-Lago Raid

>>20913302 Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang talks blowout quarter, AI, Tesla, inferencing, ongoing demand, and more

>>20913312, >>20913351, >>20913347 David Moren admitting to using personal email while advising and advocating on behalf of Fauci

>>20913320 Silicon Valley investors embrace Trump after years of leaning left: ‘Impossible to support Biden’

>>20913323 NCSWIC

>>20913328 'PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP': Bronx residents backing Trump explain their support

>>20913329 Fact Check: Did Germany Decriminalize Child Porn Possession?

>>20913336 Red Lobster staff dish on the toxic and demoralizing workplace and how Thai bosses destroyed the world's largest seafood chain

>>20913345 If Trump supporters are ‘clowns,’ Hochul is a ‘jackass’: Mother of slain NYC veteran

>>20913356, >>20913362, >>20913372 AOC reacts live as she's called a false prophet by pastor Ruben Diaz at Bronx Trump rally

>>20913365, >>20913377, >>20913410 #OTD in 2001, PEARL HARBOR was released

>>20913375 MARAD Announces $4.8 Million in Funding for Marine Highways

>>20913390 Scavino Truth decode

>>20913400 The Washington Post reveals they actually already discovered in Jan 2021 the Alito flag story was fake and chose not report it

>>20913402 Who owns the school system? Bankers: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and JP Morgan


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b51c2c No.20913450


Same here dark colors are a no go for today.

Somehow being outside is more comfortable if you know what I’m saying

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7bbbce No.20913451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9c04b7 No.20913452

File: 934d8ce34e45fd6⋯.jpeg (26.81 KB,474x322,237:161,fauci_rats_of_nih.jpeg)

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d65967 No.20913453

File: bff1dba1edf6983⋯.jpg (143.13 KB,715x1035,143:207,Gyve.jpg)

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61c0fc No.20913454


: Zustimmen.

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b51c2c No.20913456


Good morning

Or Group Message

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3503b2 No.20913457


The vast majority of the entire world knows but choose to: (in descending order of count)

1. Remain silent out of fear

2. Take sides with evil for a future

3. Agree and take a stand

1. is billions

2. is millions

3. is a handful

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b664dc No.20913458

File: 9fad9475c3b5101⋯.mp4 (122.07 KB,260x210,26:21,8hrc1c.mp4)


ty for reminder.


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a8a0bf No.20913459

File: 1f98850f53aae2a⋯.png (854.97 KB,928x522,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d387121df6b4b4f⋯.png (1.05 MB,928x834,464:417,ClipboardImage.png)

Clinical professor says solar system ‘full of life’ in staggering alien verdict

24/05/2024 - 16:08

Clinical Professor, Greg Autry has made the staggering claim that the solar system is "full of life" when asked if aliens exist.

Appearing on GBN America, Patrick asked the professor if he believes that "aliens exist", as speculation continues surrounding the existence of extraterrestrial life in space.

Autry responded: "I like to tell folks that I was the White House liaison at NASA. So you would think that if they did, I would know.

"And I'm going to tell you now, there are no intelligent aliens that have come to the Earth to visit us.

"We do think, though, and most scientists believe, that we'll find a solar system and a galaxy full of life.

"Probably not much of it is intelligent, but I believe somewhere that they are out there, they're not wasting their time spending the massive energy to come to the earth, only to hang outside of US military bases and hide badly. That doesn't seem realistic."

The professor discussed the space race and explained that while Joe Biden’s administration has carried on much of the work initiated by Trump, it has done so to a lesser extent.

“The Trump administration did more to advance space travel in the US since the 1960s, the Kennedy era. We committed to returning to the Moon.

“We established a US Space Force to focus our capabilities and people in that domain for success.

“We re-established the National Space Council. There were several other initiatives, it was a comprehensive move forward.

“Every Trump initiative in space has been continued in the Biden administration but with less enthusiasm.”

Asked why such operations are so important, he said: “When you think about the resource limitations which we’re beginning to see on Earth to some degree, you have to look to somewhere else.

“Space has a lot of the things we really need. We want to make sure we’re in a position to get to those resources before our competitors, frankly, China, tie them up.”

In 2020, Trump signed an executive order stating America has the right to explore and use resources from outer space.

It’s said that a number of important resources can be harvested on the Moon, which has not been ventured to since 1972.

The last crewed mission was Apollo 17 which broke records such as the longest space walk and the longest lunar landing.

According to Autry, Trump sought to do similar and could do the same if he regains the White House.

But he could face competition, with the professor claiming Russia and China are making significant strides.


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76d10b No.20913460

File: dd5ccd9e555acdb⋯.png (30.35 KB,604x316,151:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dde549ee76169fa⋯.png (1.15 MB,1332x850,666:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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be8fb5 No.20913461

File: 8e43864b3a633d6⋯.png (263.54 KB,527x769,527:769,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa5fe7f5a09298c⋯.png (65.51 KB,510x530,51:53,ClipboardImage.png)



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7bbbce No.20913462

File: 71743a61626b6fb⋯.jpeg (208.22 KB,1255x1435,251:287,IMG_1093.jpeg)

File: 678a949daafb560⋯.jpg (415.02 KB,962x963,962:963,Gay_Barry_Likes_This.jpg)

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820038 No.20913463

it was said, George W. Bush Jr. inherited his sister in a jar when his father passed away.

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791855 No.20913464


if you want justice then stick with the current narrative. if you want to confuse the fuck out of normies because they don't get physics and patterns anyways then go ahead and waste your time.

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818700 No.20913465



Isn't that what Fani said from the pulpit?

Basically admitting she messed-up?

"Black Woman aren't Perfect"

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7bbbce No.20913466

File: ccf4f399b2ac70a⋯.mp4 (626.93 KB,packandelempackatlackact_B….MOV)

File: 0fc5fb2fb6dd102⋯.jpeg (51.34 KB,320x279,320:279,IMG_1092.jpeg)

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e75a22 No.20913467

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boris Johnson And The Global Elites Have Extended The Ukrainian War To Leverage For Political Gain

Why is Boris Johnson still in the picture? Is he the Shadow Prime Minister?



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791855 No.20913468


people just forget and give up. it's the recurring them in the old testament.

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791855 No.20913469

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3f47af No.20913470

File: c9a85000161111b⋯.png (70.12 KB,530x485,106:97,image_2024_05_25_142950538.png)

The B-1, B-2, and B-52 graced the skyline of Miami Beach today! Air Force Global Strike Command is proud to represent the


as we remember those we have lost this Memorial Day weekend. Thank you to the city of Miami for welcoming us with open arms!


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7bbbce No.20913471

File: 1fc65b620885884⋯.jpg (325.78 KB,1511x1784,1511:1784,IMG_1064.jpg)

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342196 No.20913472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Subliminal WarfareMind Control and Invisible Influence

by Why Files

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d65967 No.20913473


All acks on deck !

This is not a drill !

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3d24b5 No.20913474

File: 4493775a6875a86⋯.jpg (169.28 KB,830x900,83:90,1574153413578.jpg)

File: b5854f0632e9dfd⋯.jpg (66.23 KB,474x474,1:1,db220d2e00fdfff814cf83cc2f….jpg)

File: ceaf195953a6348⋯.jpg (590.9 KB,1612x1612,1:1,e4bbf3e848c00af76b82a9471a….jpg)

"Psychological Operations" "Non linear war" "Information War" "Unrestricted War"

Psychological operations are by far the most potent weapons in warfare, and psycho-social effects of these weapon may develop slowly, certainly over decades or longer. Often a change is so gradual as to be almost imperceptible, and when we do notice we take it to be natural. The change is always negative, always portrayed as beneficial, a social step forward. One example.

Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

In the 1950s the US Post office employed hundreds of agents to police the mails. Pornography was seized regularly.

Freedom of speech arguments prevailed in our courts and allowed the cult/mob to take us from no-sexual- material-goes-through -the-US mail in the 1950s to Deep Throat opens in regular theaters and drive-ins in 1972.

Masturbation was declared by 'experts' to be harmless and pornography was said to be wholesome and natural sexual expression of delight in the beauty of the opposite sex and to offer a safe outlet to perverts who might otherwise rape children.

Porn was marketed and promoted professionally. When Meyer said "We're bigger than US Steel," in the 1950s he was being modest. That the former mob business "went legit" is another way of saying our entire culture adopted a ruthless efficient and extractive economy that has no concern for destructive effects on the host population.

US porn was a NY based, Gambino family business, run by Robert DiBernadino partnered with the Cleveland porno distributor and dildo manufacturer Reuben Sturman. The two men controlled almost all the print and film/video porno produced and distributed in the US and worldwide with exception of honeypots like Playboy magazine which was C_A controlled from Langley. The idea that the 50s were staid and uptight is myth. This was a planned psychological attack, it created a hyper sexualized culture where media is perfused with overt and subliminal imagery and people count orgasms and leave the driving to the Uber.


Pop culture is an entirely artificial medium. It was and is engineered to control purchasing habits, regulate our mental capacity, our morality and guide our choices for the future by controlling the range of possibilities we are aware of.

Information Operations or "psyops" use our powerful innate drives or instincts against us.

Our reproductive drive is among our most powerful. When we are sexually aroused we do not think clearly and are more vulnerable to hypnotic induction techniques which alter our belief systems, slowly, over time, in ways we are not consciously aware of. The population is kept in a perpetual state of low key sexual arousal. Promiscuity is promoted etc.

Pornography, promoted as naturally healthy, harmless and a safe outlet for sexuality, is not. It is part of the comprehensive social subversion and social control operation intended to weaken and distract our attention from the looting of the US treasury, the infiltration of financial, judicial, legislative, and regulatory systems.

The pedovore cult controls all media content and distribution infrastructure, including porno.

Our civilization rests on the integrity of an information distribution system controlled by entirely corrupt individuals, uniformly devoted to the enslavement and/or destruction of human beings.

Some may recall that Gambino wiseguy Robert (DiB) DiBernardo the Gambino family's czar of pornography, including, disturbingly, child pornography who was made to disappear on Gambino boss John Gotti’s orders, played a role in the 1984 presidential election.

Porn is good for you












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c964ae No.20913476

File: 038fd310e60f212⋯.jpg (26.48 KB,562x257,562:257,TopSecret.jpg)


Top Secret

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9c04b7 No.20913477

File: 96fbcc659eece36⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB,1280x710,128:71,b1_2_52.mp4)

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b6c8e3 No.20913478

File: e6bfe2d786ff3b8⋯.png (318.74 KB,473x477,473:477,ClipboardImage.png)

NATO is no longer a Defense Pact

It's gone Offensive & it's Targets

are anyone that goes against their Globohomo

NATO is Wicked

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be8fb5 No.20913479

File: 772668bb85f7bc2⋯.png (891.52 KB,804x805,804:805,ClipboardImage.png)


>plebbit space

no u

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45036f No.20913480

File: ba89a9f6fcb3337⋯.mp4 (3.79 MB,320x320,1:1,IMG_8632.MP4)




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b042a1 No.20913481

>>20912652 (LB)

I wonder what Cogent's DEI policy is?

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76d10b No.20913482

File: f2f828609f375fd⋯.png (638.9 KB,915x733,915:733,ClipboardImage.png)


US Special Forces Operator Kills Undocumented Chechen Outside Home In Possible Spy Incident


From zerohedge.com

11:05 AM · May 25, 2024



US Special Forces Operator Kills Undocumented Chechen Outside Home In Possible Spy Incident

Tyler Durden's Photo


SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2024 - 11:05 AM

Two Chechens with no personal identification - and who were in no US national databases, otherwise illegal aliens that likely invaded the nation through the southern border, were 'taking photos' - or possibly surveilling - outside the home of an elite US Army special forces colonel near Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg, in North Carolina.

Fox News reports the colonel confronted the men, one of which was using a "telephoto lens" and taking "photos of his children" outside his home on the evening of May 3, and that's the moment when an altercation broke out, with the special forces operator shooting and killing one of the Chechens.

The FBI told Fox News, "Our law enforcement partners at the Moore County Sheriff's Office contacted the FBI after a shooting death in Carthage. A special agent met with investigators and provided a linguist to assist with a language barrier for interviews."

Local Sheriff Ronnie Fields said, "The caller indicated that an individual was observed taking photographs on the property and had become aggressive towards a resident outside their home…. The deceased was found approximately 250 yards from the roadway, along a powerline on the residential property."

Over the years, special operations soldiers have seen an increase in "strange interactions" and "suspicious surveillance of them and their families," according to Fox News. Some say this is part of foreign spy programs.

The illegal alien who was killed, 35-year-old Ramzan Daraev, was working as a subcontractor for Utilities One, but at the time of the incident, "Daraev was not in possession of any utility equipment, utility clothing, or identification," Fox News said.

Intel sources explain to Fox that "power company employment is often a cover for status/action."

This incident is still a mystery. The biggest red flag is an illegal alien using a telephoto lens to snap photos outside the home of an elite special forces officer. Maybe if Joe Biden and the Democrats didn't flood the nation with ten million illegals, incidents like this wouldn't happen.

Also, why is a "foreign corporation" working on US critical infrastructure?

There are a lot of questions here.

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7bbbce No.20913483

File: b90c4db359ec900⋯.png (2.4 MB,1314x955,1314:955,4E799201_0318_4FA7_BAF3_9F….PNG)

File: ead7a9a6cadd335⋯.png (619.26 KB,800x450,16:9,5E6042BE_F2D6_4792_BB07_6A….PNG)

File: 6590ea372e51689⋯.png (1.44 MB,1200x798,200:133,931CA29F_DAE8_4B34_9433_ED….PNG)

File: 680efd9929b3c72⋯.png (4.85 MB,1890x1890,1:1,C399C2C8_A856_4766_886A_EF….png)

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791855 No.20913484


even king solomon had all the wealth and wisdom in the world, saw all the miracles, and even he fucked up. just gotta be grateful, and never give up.

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f5dab2 No.20913485

File: 75b14578bffd27b⋯.jpg (13.73 KB,231x218,231:218,75b14578bffd27b1a1580e1882….jpg)

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7bbbce No.20913486

File: 3fb03cb5358f309⋯.png (9.8 MB,4096x2732,1024:683,86713226_33E5_45B7_9C1A_56….PNG)

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d65967 No.20913487

Potato draining the reserves on the east coast.

If they steal the election..dark winter

If they are stopped….try to hurt Trump's term

Won't happen either way

Drill baby drill

187 by Christmas

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a78452 No.20913488

File: a373478c0752126⋯.png (807.12 KB,878x1058,439:529,a373478c07521266b65af8ddc3….png)

File: b51b25f448ed5d6⋯.png (571.3 KB,1080x1371,360:457,George_Conway_jk.png)


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aecfaa No.20913489


>if you want justice then stick with the current narrative. if you want to confuse the fuck out of normies because they don't get physics and patterns anyways then go ahead and waste your time.

Not rocket science, one sentence: 2 planes hit two buildings != 3 collapsing


>They just keep people triggered and stuck on the past. The complete opposite of what a professional would do.

911 is the reason for the current chaos, go back and reread my posts. Because you keep doubling down, no one will have sympathy for your people, so you provide a disservice.

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415847 No.20913490


gay mongering

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bcf700 No.20913491


…Now, do one of those Clown AI 'memes'. Dumbass, you cannot hide that special glow.

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217e04 No.20913492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bill Gates "nice Karma"

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3255a9 No.20913493

File: 223deb53bcf07ac⋯.png (431.87 KB,440x550,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

INTEL by Ghost Ezra Cohen on EBS & 'The Movie'

Ezra Cohen, also known as Ezra Cohen-Watnick, is an American intelligence official who served as the acting under secretary of defense for intelligence during the Trump Administration.

From Ezra Cohen-Watnick

I'm going to spell it out one time only for those who are lost and not registering the 100's of clues I've been dropping you.

Here we go 1 time.

Pay close attention.

You are watching a movie.

A lot of what you are seeing is completely bullshit and fake.

It's so outrageous on purpose to get your attention at this point.

It will continue until it has accomplished that goal fully.

There is no Biden presidency.

The real Biden was executed for his crimes long ago along with Clinton.

No, that woman in purple the other day wasn't Hillary Clinton.

You are seeing actors, some have masks.

That's why Biden keeps referring to himself as the mask president.

This means they are the good guys in this movie on the team of freedom.

This whole election was fake along with a fake inauguration.

Fake executive orders.

Fake oval office.

It's all bullshit.

Wake up.

The military is right now controlling our country until the new elections in a couple of months.

Insurrection Act has been signed.

EO from 2018 is in full effect.

Things will soon be revealed publicly.

Hopefully you can wake up before then so you don't have a heart attack in the process.

They really tried stealing our election that part is real.

Trump knew this and allowed it to expose them and arrest those involved and will be implementing a blockchain fraud proof election system which was already patented back in August 2020.

He skipped the 9th circuit corrupt courts because they too were compromised and went 100% FISA.

This is a total military operation.

The goal was to arrest and remove these crooks first before ever winning an election.

Furthermore, the Vatican owned the corrupt DC corporation and that is no longer.

It will soon be a republic for which it stands under the constitution as originally intended.

You will get a history lesson in the process along with a solid grasp of the constitution.

Many corrupt DC rats and Hollywood pedophiles have gone to jail and or been executed for crimes of high treason, conspiracy.

Many more are in the process of meeting justice via military tribunals.

Things will be made public in time very soon, no more secrets no more games.

There are many actors in the movie, not just Biden double comedian guy.

Who's who at this point is somewhat of a mystery.

We don't know exactly who is who 100%.

Some are playing a part from the very beginning.

Others flipped for a deal and are now playing a part in this movie.

The best thing you can do right now is just wake up to the truth that being shown to you, take heart that communists have no real power over our country and look forward to the things Trump has already pre-planned long ago for you.

I'll warn you now, things will get stranger from here.

If you pay attention and listen to what I've told you here you'll laugh.

If you are watching the mockingbird media CNN or FAUX NEWS you'll cry.

What ever you do, please don't call Joe Biden president.

He's really long gone and his double has no power.

Enjoy the show.

moar: https://x.com/CMDRVALTHOR/status/1793945006597619733

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818700 No.20913494

File: 2ba3432d257cbe5⋯.png (135.17 KB,486x419,486:419,ratface.png)

File: 3523df78fc7cfc6⋯.jpg (95.23 KB,1025x523,1025:523,ratsofftheshipstorm2.jpg)



rat-like face, what a coincidence.

mass murderer.

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b6c8e3 No.20913496

File: dfea54e48e2c28e⋯.png (2.01 MB,1024x908,256:227,ClipboardImage.png)

The Return Swing of the Pendulum

-Death sentence for Pedos

-Death sentence for Drug Dealers

-Death sentence for Human Trafficking

-Ban Porn

-Ban ABC+

-Ban Child Mutilation

-Pro God

-Pro Family

-Pro Parental rights

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d65967 No.20913497


Wow notable

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bacae4 No.20913498


Te llamas Pedro?

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61c0fc No.20913499

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4f2d82 No.20913500


>Now, where's the proof of this planning?

>Between you (3503b2) and your partner b51c2c can you post a straight answer, or just more tangents?

Go read the Georgia Guidestones and Kissenger's "The Plan". We are way beyond your futile attempts to thwart blame, as both were already destroyed and your people will be next unless you show some type of remorse. Doubling down proves not one of you are worth saving. Give up your dead.

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7bbbce No.20913501

File: c33ce26ca5c9782⋯.gif (1.11 MB,500x202,250:101,IMG_1131.gif)

File: 96c51dadb0af714⋯.gif (401.71 KB,500x170,50:17,IMG_1130.gif)

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210efb No.20913502

File: 0190164c5c9f7eb⋯.png (790.77 KB,1080x1009,1080:1009,Scrgcu.png)




Black African negroid go eat shit~

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791855 No.20913503


911 was huge. wasn't just 2 buildings falling down and 3,000 lives. it was mass demoralization / trauma for the West. the current narrative will bring justice, trust.

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818700 No.20913504



Ghost Ezra is fraud

is different from Ezra Cohen

'Ghost Ezra' is a complete LARP

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bcf700 No.20913505


…Busted! Stupid asshole, KEK!

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6e4ace No.20913506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b46372 No.20913507


They are for stopping The Jew whats wrong with that?

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c964ae No.20913508

File: c52e3cddf4c780d⋯.jpg (220.36 KB,921x1280,921:1280,GMSaturday.jpg)

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45451f No.20913509

File: 8cec9d9c93d32eb⋯.png (51.68 KB,735x1103,735:1103,sauce.png)



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40b0c1 No.20913510




does not know wtf it is talking about.

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da7128 No.20913511

File: f30df95f9b89fd6⋯.jpeg (633.53 KB,1263x613,1263:613,507C2E32_7C9E_4EC2_A9BB_E….jpeg)


Dropped off Potato at Wilmington and 09-0018 back to JBA

SAVOR50 E6B Mercury went down the mid-Atlantic States and now NE -departed Pax River earlier today

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40b0c1 No.20913512

hubris is fucking deadly.

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1f65ed No.20913513

Joe, can you place a call to have Amsterdam police release Nicki immediately?

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7bbbce No.20913514

File: 14b969ad303de2b⋯.gif (1.95 MB,512x512,1:1,IMG_1035.GIF)

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1f65ed No.20913515


It’s just pot.

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818700 No.20913516


I followed that account on Telegram.


it will block you for asking a question. Or posting what it doesn't like


If it says.

"I telling you once. Listen to me. " "Don't say this" "Don't say that" it means it's an idiot.


Not the actual Ezra Cohen

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45036f No.20913517

File: 3e87b59bce7ca66⋯.jpg (56.49 KB,1107x687,369:229,photo_2024_05_23_15_12_57.jpg)




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c964ae No.20913518

File: b45145edff2b826⋯.png (237.05 KB,502x280,251:140,ClipboardImage.png)

Everything Biden touched turns to shit

Biden's $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach

The recovery operation has not gone well either, as "Another ship was then sent to try and extract the stuck vessel, but also got beached," Fabian writes.

And yet a second US Army vessel also got stuck in shallow waters while trying to rescue the pier section. Overnight US ships had been moving two pieces of the floating pier to the Port of Ashdod in southern Israel when the now beached section detached and drifted away. American troops can be seen in footage standing helplessly on the beach.

An official US Central Command (CENTCOM) statement says the following:

This morning four U.S. Army vessels supporting the maritime humanitarian aid mission in Gaza were affected by heavy sea states. The vessels broke free from their moorings and two vessels are now anchored on the beach near the pier.

The third and fourth vessels are beached on the coast of Israel near Ashkelon. Efforts to recover the vessels are under way with assistance from the Israeli Navy.

The pier operation was already last week off to a rough start and was paused for two days after desperate Palestinians mobbed and ransacked the first trucks transporting aid unloaded from the pier before they could reach a distribution warehouse managed by the World Food Programme.


A section of the $320 million floating pier built and erected off Gaza's coast has broken off and floated onto an Israeli beach. The Saturday mishap is the latest setback for the US humanitarian aid project, after three US troops were reported injured aboard the pier two days prior, including one critically.

The Times of Isreal's military correspondent Emanuel Fabian has reported that "An American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a floating pier disconnected from a small boat tugging it this morning due to stormy seas, leading it to get stuck on the coast of Ashdod, eyewitnesses say."

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b6c8e3 No.20913519


Bet they're working for Ukraine

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7bbbce No.20913520

File: 9d8be0038563933⋯.jpeg (124.85 KB,800x498,400:249,This_is_Tartar.JPEG)

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3f47af No.20913521


Thank you anon

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45036f No.20913522

File: fc5c820fc1847b6⋯.png (578.29 KB,553x499,553:499,984ew.png)

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4f2d82 No.20913523


>people just forget and give up

Not true, people do not forget, they just live in fear but that is not necessarily giving up. If those same people saw enough take courage they would too. The Armor of God then WWG1WGA.

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04e6d9 No.20913525

File: 3814b06c5ca6f4b⋯.png (285.47 KB,535x467,535:467,Scvxgu_removebg_preview.png)



You got owned already.

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ea0411 No.20913526

File: 6d7623aa0d0feb0⋯.jpg (20.26 KB,255x244,255:244,6d7623aa0d0feb0b1c6ed12233….jpg)

How did anyone miss this? Just WOW!

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7bbbce No.20913527

File: 6b87ebfde6fbc1f⋯.mp4 (66.78 KB,360x360,1:1,Side_Eye_Cat.mp4)

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f4fb05 No.20913528


destroying records but not murder

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ea0411 No.20913529



>How did anyone miss this? Just WOW!

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45036f No.20913530

File: 99740e252733f57⋯.png (191.27 KB,500x583,500:583,kuy5.png)

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bcf700 No.20913531

File: f11aa899198dbf2⋯.png (330.14 KB,646x430,323:215,bbsocko.png)


…Beep boop more. Be sure to short circuit yourself, too.

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b75260 No.20913532


Just like so many others. Anything that has "E" "EyeTheSpy", "GhostEzra" etc, anything other than EWC's official account is bunk.

These retard larpers latch onto something/someone legit and are completely shit.

One of few things that get an automatic filter are the tards that post that shit

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947d61 No.20913533

File: 8cec9d9c93d32eb⋯.png (51.68 KB,735x1103,735:1103,sauce.png)


Again I ask for sauce. Cant prove it? STFU!

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8073a7 No.20913534

File: 8eaa3342b45abac⋯.png (1.19 MB,1013x1013,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Why deadly force?

Because the criminal puppet masters controlling Biden's DOJ were so terrified of the INCRIMINATING [TO THEM] TRUTHS in the documents, that they were willing to use deadly force to prevent exposure.

The people going after Q+ are criminals who deserve prison or capital punishment themselves. Their threats to use deadly force is not to protect the public from danger, but to protect their own hides from justice.

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da7128 No.20913535

File: 6cc8e773deb2acc⋯.jpeg (478.99 KB,1222x623,1222:623,40F4F33E_A70B_49A4_B4DA_5….jpeg)

File: a0d3b7dc05c5456⋯.jpeg (501.58 KB,1365x617,1365:617,31211424_7945_4385_A6AF_4….jpeg)


B1 visible @1k ft in cap 2

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3f47af No.20913537


Good job anon.

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791855 No.20913538


solomon's pitfall was that he married many women who worshipped other gods. so he lost his way and started building temples to their gods, including molech. that would be like the highest degree of fucking up.

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b21219 No.20913539


Mi llamo Anon

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7bbbce No.20913540

File: 8cfefdfe9c0c324⋯.jpg (403.6 KB,1392x788,348:197,Chairforce_One.jpg)

File: acb38f3d7c80db0⋯.png (2.19 MB,1940x1245,388:249,Joe_Biden_Ice_Cream_06.PNG)

File: d3625f65b5eaf4b⋯.png (668.71 KB,694x917,694:917,Joe_Biden_Scooter.PNG)


Add that to Biden’s collection of vehicles

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0cc6db No.20913542

File: 13e4eeb176aecf5⋯.gif (3.75 MB,487x416,487:416,1714427204881808.gif)


Faggot stay calm I can talk you through this…

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6ce98e No.20913543

File: dc317becd2935b7⋯.jpg (104.25 KB,1280x1280,1:1,2023_09_29_18_05_52.jpg)

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791855 No.20913544


people live quite fearlessly in being degenerate from what i see. they gave up in the sense that they made truce with their sin and do not cease their wicked ways.

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f075c8 No.20913545

File: 877d8b1adc101e2⋯.png (1.57 MB,1280x818,640:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe65dc No.20913546

File: eb472c77035765c⋯.jpg (19.26 KB,186x255,62:85,dancing.jpg)

File: 0f37b2a6557d1c6⋯.gif (7.55 KB,255x255,1:1,salute.gif)


>the current narrative will bring justice, trust.

I Trust in the Lord, the Living God who loves Truth, because it saves lives; lies cover up even genocide. This is about Memorials. I will never forget nor forgive, for the sake of the 2,977 victims on that day, the 74k service members who lost their lives fighting the wrong enemy, and all those put to death from this lame excuse of a pandemic in order to genocide the masses by toxic vaccines.

For God and Country, and at all cost.

Semper Fidelis.

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bcf700 No.20913547

File: be6a664e869b8f1⋯.jpg (117.37 KB,687x500,687:500,clownbox.jpg)


…So clever. Now, get back in the fuckin' clown box, where you belong.

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e75a22 No.20913549

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sabin Howard Previews WWI Memorial Set To Be UnveiledThis is amazing the amount of time, talent and manpower put into this WWI Memorial to be installed in DC, is incredible



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863d5a No.20913550

notables @ 340

#25650 >>20913178

>>20913235 President Trump To Address Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (speaking time TBA)

>>20913182 Planned Parenthood is Helping Teenagers Transition After a 30 Minute Consult

>>20913213 Democrats and the media needs you to forget they did this

>>20913243, >>20913307, >>20913511 Planefag

>>20913257 Navy Commander: We’re Seeing More Attempts by Foreign Nationals to Penetrate Bases, ‘Two or Three Times a Week’

>>20913276 OJ Prices Squeeze Into Blue-Sky Breakout As Food Inflation Fears Soar

>>20913281 First Space Force Joint PME grads honored at JHU

>>20913299 Jack Smith makes new ‘Hail Mary’ move to silence Trump and oust Judge Cannon

>>20913301 DJT: Biden's DoJ authorized use of deadly force against President Trump in Mar-a-Lago Raid

>>20913302 Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang talks blowout quarter, AI, Tesla, inferencing, ongoing demand, and more

>>20913312, >>20913351, >>20913347 David Moren admitting to using personal email while advising and advocating on behalf of Fauci

>>20913320 Silicon Valley investors embrace Trump after years of leaning left: ‘Impossible to support Biden’

>>20913323 NCSWIC

>>20913328 'PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP': Bronx residents backing Trump explain their support

>>20913329 Fact Check: Did Germany Decriminalize Child Porn Possession?

>>20913336 Red Lobster staff dish on the toxic and demoralizing workplace and how Thai bosses destroyed the world's largest seafood chain

>>20913345 If Trump supporters are ‘clowns,’ Hochul is a ‘jackass’: Mother of slain NYC veteran

>>20913356, >>20913362, >>20913372 AOC reacts live as she's called a false prophet by pastor Ruben Diaz at Bronx Trump rally

>>20913365, >>20913377, >>20913410 #OTD in 2001, PEARL HARBOR was released

>>20913375 MARAD Announces $4.8 Million in Funding for Marine Highways

>>20913390 Scavino Truth decode

>>20913400 The Washington Post reveals they actually already discovered in Jan 2021 the Alito flag story was fake and chose not report it

>>20913402 Who owns the school system? Bankers: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and JP Morgan

>>20913419 A New Trade War Offers No Easy Way Back for Old Global Order

>>20913470, >>20913477, >>20913535 The B-1, B-2, and B-52 graced the skyline of Miami Beach today


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8b7c72 No.20913552

File: 9cf9c76b7a3732d⋯.png (307.82 KB,748x612,11:9,9cf9c76b7a3732dbb69adca2f1….png)


hello Special Agent

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7bbbce No.20913553

File: 6247c42dfe80695⋯.jpeg (221.05 KB,1130x1112,565:556,IMG_1132.jpeg)


Kek’d and stolen

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962314 No.20913554

File: 14b8148d22d8755⋯.gif (2.71 MB,498x280,249:140,14b8148d22d87556ed7a086985….gif)

File: 557ec1dfab4fc3a⋯.gif (4.67 MB,296x292,74:73,ezgif_3_f8be915d29.gif)

File: 84340c77e759ee2⋯.gif (3.8 MB,396x263,396:263,flyingfuckyou.gif)

File: 087c919c96cf31b⋯.gif (147.87 KB,480x319,480:319,fuckyou.gif)

File: a882d39548e8dc7⋯.gif (1.91 MB,196x300,49:75,fuckyoumagictrick.gif)


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0cc6db No.20913555

File: b65688953de54be⋯.png (899.12 KB,1080x793,1080:793,Floyd.png)

File: d7748474b1fc8f3⋯.png (810.04 KB,1080x929,1080:929,Screenfg_1.png)


You got no game.

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48ff40 No.20913556


israelites also utilized spies and deception on their enemies. truth is also very powerful of course.

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b6c8e3 No.20913558

It's Easier to list the Non Protected Classes






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f075c8 No.20913559

File: a338a6b32d4500d⋯.png (1.57 MB,1280x818,640:409,ClipboardImage.png)


Cleaned it up a bit.

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bacae4 No.20913560

File: 377f0cb07698c07⋯.png (169.22 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Anon muy bien

orale Buey

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415847 No.20913561


you forgot children!

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da7128 No.20913563

File: 0913f7c01bcf3fe⋯.jpeg (564.56 KB,1115x619,1115:619,F4B8E79B_1CF1_464D_8522_A….jpeg)

File: f1d4637dd987721⋯.jpeg (448.7 KB,890x602,445:301,4C7CB247_4776_4973_A241_8….jpeg)


Army’s Golden Knights parachute team setting up for a jump in GKA609 Dash 8

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fd59ad No.20913564

File: 984d753cb9fe30d⋯.png (16.45 KB,229x221,229:221,Laughing_pepe.png)

Love baiting them so they show us who they are.

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76d10b No.20913565

File: 0d9e2ccdb8570f6⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB,436x270,218:135,adQQKZb1F_9BIB_5_1_.mp4)



>Flashback to May 30, 2019–After delivering his commencement address at the US Air Force Academy, @realDonaldTrump stays to shake hands with 1,000 cadets🫡🤝✈️🇺🇸🦅

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b51c2c No.20913566

File: 5b22a3b9ce17f30⋯.jpeg (689.6 KB,2500x1500,5:3,IMG_1349.jpeg)


Looks like I’m fooked

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173536 No.20913567

File: 0337161196c89b9⋯.png (199.04 KB,474x263,474:263,ClipboardImage.png)


Happens all the time. People's hands and feet just rot away. Nothing to see here.

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fe65dc No.20913569


>people live quite fearlessly in being degenerate from what i see. they gave up in the sense that they made truce with their sin and do not cease their wicked ways.

Wrong, you only describe DS sympathizers like yourself. Go ask a relative of a 911 victim or service member, they are not subscribing to your abominations.

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0cc6db No.20913570

File: b8734b468649725⋯.jpg (47.12 KB,600x411,200:137,82px9l_1.jpg)


CornPop is a certified shithead.

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9ca47e No.20913571

File: a9a0e4ff669e147⋯.jpg (156.35 KB,720x1079,720:1079,20240525_125337.jpg)

File: fd82e2bafdbb79f⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,480x852,40:71,David_Vance_20240525_5_new.mp4)


These rocket scientists and likely neurosurgeons illustrate the changing face of British society.

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b6c8e3 No.20913572


you can add it when you bake

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6ff3f1 No.20913573

File: c20a92ad55abf78⋯.jpg (32.88 KB,400x320,5:4,fuckery.jpg)

>>20911635 (pb)

How many elites or Royals have underwent Chemotherapy? I can't think of one, ever!

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b6c8e3 No.20913575


Are they afraid of Covid?

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18e9de No.20913576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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415847 No.20913577


she ded

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971cf0 No.20913578


(You) should L2Bake

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d2f5ea No.20913579


keks in remembering time Q couldn't find bread so Q posted in UK instead.

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6ff3f1 No.20913580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3 months ago…

Behold a pale horse..

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b6c8e3 No.20913581


When you bake, you can notable what you please

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bcf700 No.20913583



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45036f No.20913585

File: 55d9bd7a3f2a496⋯.jpg (61.5 KB,500x500,1:1,photo_2024_03_09_18_49_47.jpg)

File: dc303751f01d5d1⋯.jpg (61.21 KB,500x581,500:581,photo_2024_03_09_19_26_01.jpg)

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962314 No.20913587



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6ff3f1 No.20913589


Jesus dubs confirm.

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9ca47e No.20913590


Nah, Covid masking opened up a whole new world for criminals to freely commit crimes and not be identified

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b51c2c No.20913591



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863d5a No.20913596

File: 94b5d5eb45e2abd⋯.png (295.88 KB,1023x1788,341:596,ClipboardImage.png)

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173536 No.20913597

File: ba2ebcdb25a1248⋯.png (400.68 KB,853x480,853:480,ClipboardImage.png)


[They] are right about 1 thing. This is going to be the hottest winter in history.

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d65967 No.20913599


King Chuckie e cheese will be in hiding for a long time waiting for rescue.

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6f7379 No.20913600

File: a3e68dd5c01673e⋯.png (243.02 KB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


i memeber the fun they had on runway prep for that thing's first landing at cfb cold lake. i memeber the crowd of peeps and vehicles camped at the backgate and lining the road way in expectation of it's arrival. and i memeber the shear excitement of seeing it on approach, flying ober muh head and landing!

the BEST of Times anon!

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7bbbce No.20913601

File: 4a7fadea0fb24c4⋯.mp4 (10.94 MB,David_Attenborough_on_Joe_….mp4)

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bcf700 No.20913602


…You might as well to tattle in META and throw your tizzy fit, somewhere else.

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6ce98e No.20913604

File: d96a5ead17d4eca⋯.jpg (20.03 KB,564x145,564:145,Screen_Shot_2024_05_25_at_….jpg)

File: 18649ebb8411da1⋯.jpg (18.63 KB,559x122,559:122,Screen_Shot_2024_05_25_at_….jpg)

File: e19e0252c9c9467⋯.jpg (22.01 KB,558x180,31:10,Screen_Shot_2024_05_25_at_….jpg)


Type: C17


Q 288


Q 410


Q 476


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b6c8e3 No.20913605


we are beyond Q proofs

by about 5 years

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173536 No.20913606

File: fd7cb88e240cd0f⋯.png (341.15 KB,482x540,241:270,ClipboardImage.png)

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a19dd5 No.20913607


BREAKING: Jack Smith makes new ‘Hail Mary’ move to silence Trump and oust Judge Cannon…

May 25, 2024 (4 minutes ago)

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b6c8e3 No.20913609


When you bake you can add it

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415847 No.20913610




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90fa8b No.20913612

File: 66a6319f29b4bdb⋯.gif (505.64 KB,220x220,1:1,kek7.gif)


What would you rather see? Them posting an ethnic accusation division narrative, or them behaving like middle-schoolers with their little abbreviation. They look dumb as fuck when using it so I say they continue using it. Just when you think they couldn't come up with even lower hanging fruit that's filter worthy, they come up with their little inside joke abbreviation.

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173536 No.20913613


"our leaders"? Tommy, they aren't your leaders. They are foreign occupiers.

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d65967 No.20913615


Sir David is all in on globalism

Don't get a sir with knowingly p

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ba0602 No.20913616



I'm guessing without "total" control of clandestine comm resources, "Q" won't risk drops thereby preventing being comp'd. Once POTUS is back in office (officially), my guess is the Q&A will occur.

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415847 No.20913617


you were told recently by BO that you have to include notable calls from anons whether you like it or not

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b6c8e3 No.20913619


When you bake, you can add it

The solution is simple

Bake a bread

Add it

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b6c8e3 No.20913622


Not Notable

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9ca47e No.20913623

File: 95b21d30680dc31⋯.jpg (90.29 KB,643x1019,643:1019,20240525_130309.jpg)

File: 74ba371e24119f5⋯.jpg (188.91 KB,2160x2700,4:5,20240525_130540.jpg)

George Floyd should be alive. He deserved so much more.

Today, I join all those who loved him and all those touched by the civil rights movement he inspired in remembering the tragedy and injustice of his death.

He changed the world.

Now, let's act in his memory.


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77b302 No.20913624

File: 7db2558b7ecbb20⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,852x480,71:40,Unearthed_video_of_Peter_D….mp4)


>drafts folder?

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76d10b No.20913626

File: f6fec4ee3168630⋯.png (3.32 MB,2763x2140,2763:2140,QClock_May_25_2024_Airforc….png)


QClock May 25, 2024 - Airforce Commencement, Scavino is a Clockfag

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d65967 No.20913627

File: 205fdf23fa74254⋯.jpg (76.97 KB,720x504,10:7,Fvvujycr.jpg)

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2e62fd No.20913628

File: c7a73983da14643⋯.png (976.37 KB,978x1110,163:185,seet.png)

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9c04b7 No.20913629

File: 218a807d477b591⋯.png (485.3 KB,770x698,385:349,pepe_thumb2.png)

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1452c4 No.20913630

File: 415f6b7c6d95287⋯.png (585.27 KB,658x499,658:499,IMG_5188.png)


> BREAKING: Jack Smith makes new ‘Hail Mary’ move to silence Trump and oust Judge Cannon…

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8b7c72 No.20913634

File: afcbca8b4554840⋯.png (935.35 KB,700x933,700:933,79529c2391ddb4716b1a552b16….png)

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90fa8b No.20913635

File: a6b7d2babeb9b05⋯.webm (265.5 KB,427x240,427:240,silence5.webm)


Sit down and shut up.

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d2f5ea No.20913636

File: a5c96a47cd3acbf⋯.png (92.3 KB,254x235,254:235,ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm guessing

Did no one notice the change in command structure?

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863d5a No.20913639

notables @ 430

#25650 >>20913178

>>20913235 President Trump To Address Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (speaking time TBA)

>>20913182 Planned Parenthood is Helping Teenagers Transition After a 30 Minute Consult

>>20913213 Democrats and the media needs you to forget they did this

>>20913243, >>20913307, >>20913511 Planefag

>>20913257 Navy Commander: We’re Seeing More Attempts by Foreign Nationals to Penetrate Bases, ‘Two or Three Times a Week’

>>20913276 OJ Prices Squeeze Into Blue-Sky Breakout As Food Inflation Fears Soar

>>20913281 First Space Force Joint PME grads honored at JHU

>>20913299 Jack Smith makes new ‘Hail Mary’ move to silence Trump and oust Judge Cannon

>>20913301 DJT: Biden's DoJ authorized use of deadly force against President Trump in Mar-a-Lago Raid

>>20913302 Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang talks blowout quarter, AI, Tesla, inferencing, ongoing demand, and more

>>20913312, >>20913351, >>20913347, >>20913624 David Moren admitting to using personal email while advising and advocating on behalf of Fauci

>>20913320 Silicon Valley investors embrace Trump after years of leaning left: ‘Impossible to support Biden’

>>20913323 NCSWIC

>>20913328 'PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP': Bronx residents backing Trump explain their support

>>20913329 Fact Check: Did Germany Decriminalize Child Porn Possession?

>>20913336 Red Lobster staff dish on the toxic and demoralizing workplace and how Thai bosses destroyed the world's largest seafood chain

>>20913345 If Trump supporters are ‘clowns,’ Hochul is a ‘jackass’: Mother of slain NYC veteran

>>20913356, >>20913362, >>20913372 AOC reacts live as she's called a false prophet by pastor Ruben Diaz at Bronx Trump rally

>>20913365, >>20913377, >>20913410 #OTD in 2001, PEARL HARBOR was released

>>20913375 MARAD Announces $4.8 Million in Funding for Marine Highways

>>20913390, >>20913596 Scavino Truth decodes

>>20913400 The Washington Post reveals they actually already discovered in Jan 2021 the Alito flag story was fake and chose not report it

>>20913402 Who owns the school system? Bankers: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and JP Morgan

>>20913419 A New Trade War Offers No Easy Way Back for Old Global Order

>>20913438, >>20913565 Flashback: After delivering his commencement address at the US Air Force Academy, Trump stays to shake hands with 1,000 cadets

>>20913470, >>20913477, >>20913535, >>20913563 The B-1, B-2, and B-52 graced the skyline of Miami Beach today

>>20913623 Biden: George Floyd should be alive - he deserved so much more

>>20913626 QClock May 25, 2024 - Airforce Commencement, Scavino is a Clockfag


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04c503 No.20913640

File: e6bd573c5fd7823⋯.jpg (39.57 KB,679x283,679:283,ek.jpg)

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962314 No.20913642

File: 1d1aae9613df42f⋯.gif (444.87 KB,300x186,50:31,1d1aae9613df42f310ed84893e….gif)

File: 7ffe7c358c55002⋯.gif (2.56 MB,300x424,75:106,7ffe7c358c55002c8450ac6452….gif)

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ba0602 No.20913643

File: 7ee8023d3bd1e7f⋯.png (1.09 MB,750x748,375:374,7ee8023d3bd1e7fa69b8867cab….png)


Says you. Relax, it was just a simple observation / opinion. Why so mad anon?

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a19dd5 No.20913644

File: 9a13efee3fc9d22⋯.png (341.88 KB,358x640,179:320,mi.PNG)


Amazing version of Mission Impossible all done with only a guitar

- - - -

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3f47af No.20913646


Good catch

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b6c8e3 No.20913647

File: e22d6e0df1e9951⋯.png (1.25 MB,1098x735,366:245,ClipboardImage.png)


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c964ae No.20913649


Biden is No King Midas

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da7128 No.20913651

File: 80ca6db6e27cc55⋯.jpeg (392.72 KB,1164x617,1164:617,746C3346_B263_4C11_AA1C_7….jpeg)

File: 9797aa46c037516⋯.png (24.31 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20912745 lb

SAM766 C40BJanet Yellendeparted Shannon, Ireland after a fuel stop and left Milan-Malpensa Intl earlier after G7 Finance meeting.

She was there 2 days before that began so wut else was she up to?

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ba0602 No.20913652

File: cb184e04cf58d1d⋯.jpeg (59.94 KB,500x500,1:1,_vote_stolen_pepe.jpeg)

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b6c8e3 No.20913653


[a4cc65] You are Denounced

It's been noted in the Ship's Log & the Historical Document

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2e62fd No.20913654


"memroy" memorial day

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656421 No.20913655


Covid be hard on Tay

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7bbbce No.20913656

File: f3ad4e9eb7b9d49⋯.png (3.63 MB,1510x1784,755:892,0DBF6354_3C00_44F3_9873_CC….png)

File: d2344cdd7cfd746⋯.png (3.61 MB,1510x1784,755:892,5C69BA29_2DA6_4365_8955_78….png)

File: 076ff755114d2e2⋯.png (3.56 MB,1510x1784,755:892,76ADB937_B8CF_4AEB_BAC9_2F….png)

File: 0bb1607d46d248d⋯.png (3.59 MB,1510x1784,755:892,20E065A4_4FC1_4451_B69B_BB….png)

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3f47af No.20913658

File: 60044f5c5feb534⋯.png (160.17 KB,471x698,471:698,Capture.PNG)

Weekend Warfighting

USS Wasp (LHD 1) launches a RIM-116 missile during the live-fire with a purpose (LFWAP) exercise.

📹: MC3 Keresea Illenye

#LFWAP #Missile #NavyReadiness #MaritimeDefense #Warfighting


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a19dd5 No.20913659

File: b79ad7c10ba48a0⋯.png (38.46 KB,585x423,65:47,mi_c.PNG)

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97b76b No.20913661


all of them

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d2f5ea No.20913662

File: 848ae2f32089e5a⋯.png (647.6 KB,1920x1015,384:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aafd9f2aa74c88f⋯.png (736.5 KB,1086x724,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)





Former Ellsworth based. Now Dyess.


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77b302 No.20913664


>illegal alien using a telephoto lens to snap photos outside the home of an elite special forces officer


Mysterious shooting outside Army Special Forces residence in North Carolina raises questions

Chechen power company subcontractor found shot in North Carolina near Army colonel’s home

Sheriff Ronnie Fields said in a statement: "The caller indicated that an individual was observed taking photographs on the property and had become aggressive towards a resident outside their home…. The deceased was found approximately 250 yards from the roadway, along a powerline on the residential property. Identification was not initially found on Daraev; however, his identity was later confirmed through family members and an international identification located in his vehicle."

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d65967 No.20913665

File: 7859f9084e7cfbd⋯.jpg (59.35 KB,500x656,125:164,fsw3.jpg)

Steals my meme

Then shadow tags me with it

Still comfy.png

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7bbbce No.20913667

File: 0c5bc3f5d293501⋯.jpg (594.17 KB,934x955,934:955,IMG_1083.jpg)

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173536 No.20913668

File: 7fcc2b38957af83⋯.png (478.88 KB,720x577,720:577,ClipboardImage.png)

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a19dd5 No.20913669

File: 789288778579201⋯.png (177.58 KB,598x879,598:879,folly.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen


Biden’s folly. It never pays to aid terrorists and their associates.


Lara Seligman




BREAKING: This morning four U.S. Army vessels supporting the maritime humanitarian aid mission in Gaza were affected by heavy sea states.

The vessels broke free from their moorings and two vessels are now anchored on the beach near the pier. The third and fourth vessels are

Show more


7:15 AM · May 25, 2024




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da7128 No.20913670

File: 01ed7c0cc64db12⋯.png (225.93 KB,487x460,487:460,C57B7B17_D587_4282_9354_B3….png)

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ce5dcd No.20913671

File: 3639d0292a29ece⋯.png (385.7 KB,866x438,433:219,ClipboardImage.png)


So 'she was out shopping a couple months ago', walking briskly….most people didn't think it looked like her. If she's doing chemo, her hair all fell out and she's under 100lbs. Did [they] Diana her?

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8073a7 No.20913672

File: 5832a18962edacd⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB,848x480,53:30,7_AGHRHTkWXNDS7y.mp4)


JR: "I never really considered that until I read the title of your book and I read the synopsis of it. I never really considered it.I never considered that thinking about your problems all the time and talking about your problems all the time literally make the problems grow.

BOOM SHAKALAKALA, the stars are all aligning. What this ALSO describes, unintentionally but nevertheless right on point, is the core logic of the globalist's operating system, the dialectic.

The reason they fund and push ECHOES across all their assets of 'anti' this and 'struggle' that and 'phobia' this and all the rest, the constant relentless 'CRITICAL THEORY' in all its forms, "negating the negation", and on and on, IS PRECISELY TO MAKE THE PROBLEMS THEY ARE REFERENCING TO GROW.

When fake news, and when infiltrated universities and colleges focus on and talk about 'fighting' racism, sexism, etc, etc, the goal is not to eventually solve the problems so as to make it no longer necessary to think or talk about them, the goal is to DELIBERATELY MAKE THE PROBLEMS WORSE!

Remember when Morgan Freeman told Mike Wallace that the solution to "the problem of racism" is to stop talking about it? Freeman gets it.

The whole point of the radical left's obsession over "the rights of victim class X", the goal is to make whatever problems they're claiming to be solving, WORSE!

When they rail against "the patriarchy", the goal is to make sex relations worse, to increase conflict based on that category, to increase conflict between people who are to blindly accept that they too have to think about and talk about sexism day after day after day, THEREBY THEMSELVES BECOMING A SOURCE OF SEXISM. It's a training program for useful idiots to believe that if they stop thinking about and talking about getting things done, and instead thinking about and talking about how sexism is victimizing them, oppressing them, etc, etc, that they will become better off, when the truth is the exact opposite. They will become and are becoming worse off because by thinking about and talking about the problem all the time, THEY BECOME A SOURCE of that very problem.

How many times have you seen self-professed activists who claim to be protesting or fighting against racism, IMPLEMENTING RACISM IN THEIR OWN BEHAVIOR?

We see this in so many captured corporations as well. Self-professed anti-racist busy body hiring managers, who spend all day every day thinking about and talking about "how capitalism is racist, so we need to fight back and solve it" are often implementing racist hiring decisions themselves!

We see it in universities and colleges like UCLA medical school. Over there they think about and talk about the problems of racism in academia, yet their behavior is itself racist because they are implementing racist criteria in admission and testing standards.


The mind virus.

Wokism is peak rumination. The globalists fund and push woke ideology because they want the public to think less about getting things done, and talk less about getting things done, and to think more about the problem of racism, and to talk more about the problem of racism, SO AS TO INCREASE RACISM THEREBY AGGRANDIZING FOR THEMSELVES THE POSITION OF "AUTHORITY TO FIX THE PROBLEM OF RACISM ThAt EvErYoNe iS NoW tAlKiNG AbOuT".

When thinking about rumination, kind of puts organizations obsessing over the problem of the world being too 'anti-this or that', even where it does not exist, under a whole new light doesn't it? Almost like they WANT more of it so as to aggrandize for themselves the position of authority to "fix" the INCREASED ANTI-THIS OR THAT that results from their own behavior.


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173536 No.20913673


Shred the UN Kleptocracy

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b6c8e3 No.20913674


I think Death Threats is a Permanent ban

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6ff3f1 No.20913675


Meg Ryan must have went to a butcher.

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63ad0f No.20913676

File: b00de1f0c2e691b⋯.png (133.87 KB,625x591,625:591,b00de1f0c2e691bf9c7ecec18d….png)


You still miss your GF?

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7bbbce No.20913677

File: 0adb2ef8069426b⋯.mp4 (4.71 MB,Comfy_Dog.mp4)

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2e62fd No.20913678

was Red Lobsster pro Palestine?

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77b302 No.20913679


>The National Institutes of Health DISPROVES EcoHealth Alliance Dr. Peter Daszak's public testimony.


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a19dd5 No.20913680

File: 9ea8e384e808916⋯.png (214.75 KB,912x454,456:227,eek.PNG)


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban

Seeks Exit from NATO Conflict with Russia

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 5/25/2024 2:59:20 PM

The position of Hungary in the Ukraine vs Russia conflict has been consistently pragmatic. Ukraine is NOT a NATO country, and when the USA essentially demanded that all NATO member states join in a unified mission against Russia, to promote the specific interests of the United States, it never made sense. Hungary has maintained a consistent position that NATO is a defensive partnership that should not seek conflict and war outside its member state boundaries. However, the USA has previously used its leadership role in NATO to pressure member states to join in conflict outside the NATO boundaries, ie. Iraq and Libya.

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da7128 No.20913681

File: 5bb2aa1d4aa6308⋯.jpeg (478.79 KB,1220x611,1220:611,7638273A_7D1C_463D_917D_0….jpeg)

File: e9c3e22dbb8f68f⋯.png (786.03 KB,801x577,801:577,7840ED7C_E7B7_404D_B0E9_50….png)

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2e62fd No.20913682

is Netanyahu going to escape to Hungary Budapest?

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90fa8b No.20913683

File: 56338c315a33ccd⋯.png (320.88 KB,511x471,511:471,smokingdeadbeat2.png)

They're right on the cusp of panic. Poor bastards.

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a19dd5 No.20913684

File: 4c7b98ee840bc6a⋯.png (53.45 KB,629x432,629:432,fm.PNG)


To understand the craziest Democrat policies,

always follow the money

American Thinker, by Jack Hellner

Posted By: 4250Luis, 5/25/2024 2:43:56 PM

Why do scientists just repeat that the science is "settled" on climate change? Follow the money. Scientists get their funds cut off if they tell the truth that the climate has changed cyclically and naturally. Why did the media and other Democrats shut people up on COVID and do what teachers unions want? Again, follow the money. The got federal funds for endorsing their positions, despite the harm their positions were doing to the economy and to schoolchildren. They sure didn't care about science or the kids. Why don't Democrats and the media care that Biden dictatorially and unconstitutionally pays off student loans that go to rewarding universities that push leftist policies?

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d2f5ea No.20913685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Philippines Mayor Alice Guo Investigated As Chinese Spy

China Uncensored

1.94M subscribers


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77b302 No.20913686

File: 55b47fd990b3909⋯.jpg (395.22 KB,746x1097,746:1097,TunnelRatGuide.jpg)


>Be not deceived.

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8dcd0b No.20913687

File: 64f1771f2faeecb⋯.jpg (16.41 KB,255x179,255:179,911Globe.jpg)



This Memorial Day, we honor those that have gone before us and paid the ultimate price and those that suffer to this very day as a result. We vow to put an end to all the lies, liars, and deceptions that have cost us so much for their sake, the sake of humanity, and the future of our children.

May God's Kingdom come, Amen.

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2e62fd No.20913688


who me?

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8073a7 No.20913689

File: 413f0258819db2c⋯.png (47.73 KB,746x307,746:307,ClipboardImage.png)

Q+ decode:

Central banking cartel consider Crypto Currency a THREAT.

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da7128 No.20913690

File: 2d3aaeddd42fdb4⋯.jpeg (37.48 KB,600x360,5:3,2F21616B_CC50_449E_860C_2….jpeg)


Ebil trips confirm total lunatic and making shit up per the usual script.

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64084a No.20913691

Ukraine attacked key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella — Russian senator

The US is so deeply involved in the conflict that it likely knew about Kiev’s plans, Senator Dmitry Rogozin says

The US should be seen as directly responsible for a Ukrainian strike on a key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella, Senator Dmitry Rogozin has said, warning that such attacks could lead to the collapse of the entire global nuclear security architecture.

In a statement on Telegram on Saturday, Rogozin, a senator who previously headed up the Russian space agency Roscosmos and is now in charge of a military technical center called Tsar’s Wolves, said that the attack targeted a nuclear early warning system in the southern Krasnodar Region. The Russian Defense Ministry has yet to comment on the matter, while the extent of the damage remains unclear.

Rogozin suggested that it was extremely unlikely that the strike, which Ukrainian media reported involved several drones, was carried out at Kiev’s sole initiative and without US involvement.

According to the senator, Washington has always sought to achieve military superiority over Moscow since the very dawn of the nuclear age, but this rivalry was mostly limited to a battle of minds between scientists, strategists, and policymakers.

This seems to have changed, however, as “the US has commissioned a crime by hiring an irresponsible bandit” to attack Russia’s early warning system, the official said, apparently referring to Vladimir Zelensky.

Rogozin claimed that Washington’s “deep involvement in the armed conflict and total control over Kiev’s military planning means that the version that the US does not know about Ukrainian plans to strike Russia’s missile defense system can be discarded.”

Thus, we stand not on the precipice, but on the very edge… If such enemy actions are not stopped, an irreversible collapse of the strategic security of nuclear powers will begin.

The attack apparently targeted an advanced Voronezh radar station in the city of Armavir, which went into operation in 2013. The system can detect incoming cruise and ballistic missiles at a range of 6,000km and can track up to 500 targets. During the inauguration of the system, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that it would significantly increase the country’s defense capabilities in the southern and southwestern directions.


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d65967 No.20913692

File: a8c86b2493f35f7⋯.jpg (309.76 KB,1560x720,13:6,Screenshot_20240524_121713….jpg)

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a19dd5 No.20913694

File: 5a072ab4fe2f1e6⋯.png (387.85 KB,439x439,1:1,face.PNG)


"Actually, no. It wasn't the voice of reason, Jimmy."

Comedian Alistair Williams on how the establishment uses comedy.

There's a lot of revisionism going on out there amongst the spineless and complicit as of late.

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d65967 No.20913695

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e75a22 No.20913696

File: ee7530a2a73f6c4⋯.jpeg (508.3 KB,1241x2049,1241:2049,IMG_2305.jpeg)


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90fa8b No.20913697

File: dcd130c92b2b68f⋯.jpeg (31.16 KB,750x405,50:27,donecare3.jpeg)

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77b302 No.20913698

File: ef5361f3037dd59⋯.png (869.88 KB,755x526,755:526,SS.png)


>There's a lot of revisionism going on out there amongst the spineless and complicit as of late.

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962314 No.20913700

File: 914dfde076f32da⋯.png (2.66 MB,960x1226,480:613,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0d46b No.20913701

File: 4a3b8d6ee312c10⋯.jpeg (94.83 KB,500x591,500:591,IMG_0879.jpeg)

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173536 No.20913702


Loyd can't take his loot with him.

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9c04b7 No.20913703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Biden Gaffes Today From West Point Commencement


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8b7c72 No.20913704

China Conducts Mock Missile Strikes on Taiwan

By Bernard Orr and Yimou Lee Reuters May 24, 2024

BEIJING/TAIPEI, May 24 (Reuters) – China staged mock missile strikes and dispatched fighter jets carrying live missiles along with bombers on Friday, state broadcaster CCTV said, as part of exercises Beijing has said were launched to punish Taiwan’s new president, Lai Ching-te.

The bombers set up several attack formations in waters east of Taiwan, carrying out mock attacks in co-ordination with naval vessels, it added, as China tested its ability to “seize power” and control key areas of Taiwan.

The two days of drills in the Taiwan Strait and around groups of Taiwan-controlled islands near the Chinese coast, which a Taiwanese official said also included the mock bombing of foreign vessels, started just three days after Lai took office on Monday. Taiwan has condemned China’s actions.

China views democratically governed Taiwan as its own territory and denounces Lai as a “separatist.” It strongly criticized his inauguration speech, in which he urged Beijing to stop its threats and said the two sides of the strait were “not subordinate to each other.”

The Eastern Theatre Command of the People’s Liberation Army said the exercises, dubbed “Joint Sword – 2024A,” were to “test the ability to jointly seize power, launch joint attacks and occupy key areas.”

“This action is completely reasonable, legal, and necessary to combat the arrogance of ‘Taiwan independence’ and deter the interference and intervention of external forces,” said Wu Qian, a spokesperson of China’s defense ministry.


The Chinese theater command showed an animated video on Friday on its WeChat social media account of missiles being launched at Taiwan from the ground, air and sea, which then slam into the cities of Taipei, Kaohsiung and Hualien in balls of flame. CCTV later said China staged mock missile attacks on Taiwan using dozens of missiles.

“Sacred weapons to kill independence,” read words in red, written in the traditional Chinese characters Taiwan uses, at the end of animation.

Taiwan’s armed forces have mobilized to monitor and shadow Chinese forces.

Taiwan’s defense ministry on Friday published pictures of F-16s, armed with live missiles, patrolling the skies.

It also showed pictures of Chinese coastguard vessels and Chinese Jiangdao-class corvettes, though it did not say exactly where the images were taken.

The ministry said that as of 6 a.m. (2200 GMT) on Friday, it had detected 49 Chinese military aircraft, 19 navy and seven coastguard ships. Of the aircraft, 28 crossed the strait’s median line, which once served as an unofficial barrier though China says it does not recognize it.

The closest Chinese aircraft got to Taiwan’s coast was 40 nautical miles (74 km) from the northern city, and navy base, of Keelung, according to a map the ministry provided.

Lai has repeatedly offered talks with China but has been rebuffed. He says only Taiwan’s people can decide their future, and rejects Beijing’s sovereignty claims.

Taiwan is well-used to China’s military threats, and the latest drills have caused no undue alarm on the island, with life carrying on as normal.

Taiwanese media have covered the drills, but also given a lot of time to ongoing drama about contested parliament reforms that have brought thousands of people onto the streets to protest.

On China’s highly regulated Weibo social media site, “Eastern Theatre” was the top searched item, with most of the comments supporting the drills. Another hot topic was “the return of Taiwan.”

Analysts, regional diplomats and senior Taiwan officials noted the scale of the drills so far were smaller than the similar exercises in 2022 and were widely anticipated by Taiwanese and foreign officials, but they still raised the risk of accidents or miscalculations.


A senior Taiwan security official told Reuters that several Chinese bombers conducted mock attacks on foreign vessels near the eastern end of the Bashi Channel, which separates Taiwan from the Philippines, practicing how to seize “total control” of areas west of the so-called first island chain.

The first island chain refers to the area that runs from Japan through Taiwan, the Philippines and on to Borneo, enclosing China’s coastal seas.

The official, speaking anonymously given the sensitivity of the situation, said several Chinese coastguard boats also conduced “harassment” drills off Taiwan’s east coast, including mock inspections of civilian ships.

China’s coastguard said it had conducted “law enforcement drills” in waters east of Taiwan on Friday, focused on training on verification and identification, warning and repulsion.

Chinese vessel Nantong carried out combat readiness patrol and practical drill missions in the Taiwan Strait, with Taiwanese ship Zheng He following 0.6 nautical miles behind, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said.

A public relations officer of the U.S. Navy 7th Fleet said it was paying attention to “all of the activities” in the Indo-Pacific and takes “very seriously” the responsibility to deter aggression in the region.

Taiwan and the United States have no official diplomatic relationship, as Washington formally recognizes Beijing, but is bound by law to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself and is the island’s most important international backer.

Speaking in Taipei, Taiwan Foreign Minister Lin Chia-lung said the island would not succumb to pressure.

“We will not make any concessions because of this Chinese military exercise, because it concerns the development of democracy in Taiwan,” he said.


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04c503 No.20913705

File: 020875c85b7b96e⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB,640x480,4:3,Mike_Wallace_interviews_Mo….mp4)

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77b302 No.20913706


Video illustration of the UN and WHO* program to teach and encourage young children to masturbate (I think no translation needed)

* “ Every child should have a sexual partner . Young children are sexual beings who should have sexual partners, and start with sex as soon as possible. Having sex is a human right regardless of age. For this reason, kindergartens and primary schools should teach children to develop lust and sexual desire, teach masturbation, build same-sex relationships, use online pornography and learn various sexual techniques such as oral sex .”

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ce5dcd No.20913707

File: 57a2f3a77c6ce17⋯.png (185.75 KB,1170x1101,390:367,ClipboardImage.png)




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7bbbce No.20913709

File: fab52a70f53ed00⋯.jpeg (233.9 KB,1280x1280,1:1,IMG_1147.jpeg)

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173536 No.20913710

File: 053005beccdf4d3⋯.png (999.4 KB,668x900,167:225,ClipboardImage.png)


I can rent that out for $10 for 2 minutes. More than 2 minutes, I'll have to pay the johns.

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68dbaf No.20913711


trip test

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9c04b7 No.20913712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OMG!! Joe Biden FREEZES UP at West Point TODAY during Commencement Remarks


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04c503 No.20913714

File: c3d0d5ef02b7a78⋯.png (292.86 KB,769x478,769:478,c3d0d5ef02b7a783a590247d0b….png)

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90fa8b No.20913715


Makes a person wonder how many people they convinced there was something wrong with them, just to peddle some drugs and push a destructive agenda on an unsuspecting population.

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415847 No.20913716


me personally don't like this cryptoshit

same as digimoney (at least for me)

i'd rather repair your shoes for some beef/eggs/veggies but yeah

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7bbbce No.20913717

File: db7b4407703592b⋯.jpg (31.31 KB,347x298,347:298,King_Down.jpg)

File: 4fd4730ac3c865e⋯.png (1.32 MB,1158x664,579:332,Windsors_Executed.PNG)

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d65967 No.20913718

good way to avoid making public appearances this weekend ?


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97b76b No.20913719


well that is a massive fuck you to the banks unless djt does a uturn and fucks everyone over with a dome and cbdc under another name.

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da7128 No.20913720

File: 6c1987e22a06032⋯.jpeg (490.5 KB,828x818,414:409,2279214D_B801_4EAC_95E6_E….jpeg)

File: 5be25d84edce597⋯.jpeg (486.94 KB,828x904,207:226,443AF66F_502E_4944_99EA_A….jpeg)


Hope it hurt

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77b302 No.20913721

File: 970542227a68a3d⋯.png (547.75 KB,478x671,478:671,ClipboardImage.png)


Chelom Eastwood Leavitt

I grew up in Central Washington with seven sisters and a brother. I attended Brigham Young University and then went to law school at J. Reuben Clark. I later got my PhD from Penn State. Along the way, I noticed how many couples struggle to feel strong connections in their most intimate relationships. In our complex culture, relationships can be challenging. Relationships are like a beautiful piece of art that takes skill and patience to create and not all of us are naturally gifted at building relationships. My research reveals a few areas where simple changes can bring powerful results. Come learn with us as we explore how being more intentional and gentle can transform your connections with your spouse, children, and friends.

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3d24b5 No.20913722

File: fd12a1b5e2d15c0⋯.jpg (133.8 KB,1600x640,5:2,p02m3jzd.jpg)

Unrestricted or non linear war uses "psychological operations" or Information Operations to attain military economic and social objectives.

NL war has largely made kinetic war obsolete.

If we observe the most sophisticated predators in the natural world, we see that prey species are often unaware they are being attacked and ignorant of the very existence of the parasite predators living among them.

That is the model in nature for successful, long term inter species predation.


Behavior changing parasites gaslight the species they prey on, even living among and sharing the same nest or habitat with the victim species. We would look for that prey/predator structure to be repeated in other social species.

These tactics have been recognized, emulated and used effectively against human populations by sophisticated physical and non-physical parasitic entities.


https://en.wikipedia.org.wiki.Behavior-altering parasite

How might a parasitic predator cripple a host civilization or colony defense system?

the human male sexual instinct - can easily be modified or controlled by common hormones easily introduced undetectably into a water supply already saturated with female hormones from the urine of birth control users, livestock and transitioning shills

We see only visible light, we hear only mid-range sounds, we don't notice slow things and don't see very fast things, we are easily hypnotized and extremely suggestible (rather, our species is.)

We also see and remember things we are not conscious of having seen, and because of this it is possible to introduce information, images and text, into our minds below the threshold of our conscious awareness, this information is retained and influences our behavior in ways that are predictable.

That is the power of Mind Warfare; by providing the TA or Target Audience with specially prepared information, we can induce the TA to voluntarily perform any desired behavior.

The use of sophisticated "mixed" biological and psychological war tactics it typical of non linear war, where one component of a weapons system is often purely abstract. Unrestricted war as the Chinese defined it uses every available weapon to exploit every available weakness. Obviously, the biggest weakness we have is one that affects us all.


Just as we have a big blind spot in the center of our visual field no one notices until they shown, we have obvious weakness in our reproductive and sexual drive which is easily activated by images. Use of sexual images in advertising makes use of this, as does most media content. A population in a constant state of low-key sexual arousal is not able to think clearly, extremely pliant and readily suggestible. Child pornography also exploits our already weakened moral judgement capacity.

CP is infectious and contagious, it spread on digital networks covertly and for a small percentage of those exposed CP will prove obsessive and addictive and sooner or later may lead to sexual assault on a child. This weakness is so glaring and profound, so little known or discussed that the intelligence agencies have been exploiting it forever, building control networks. Absolutely obedient human botnets. Who wouldn't want one?

The cult didn't create a self-referential hypersexualized pop culture by accident, they created to control the population, to weaken us, to make us pliable, petulant and unfit to protect ourselves as well as insecure, dependent, frightened.

MSM pop culture poisoning is real, and another satanic weapon in Mind warfare. In the same way an enemy will use a child's toy as an IED, the cult uses elements which attract us to administer poisons.


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a19dd5 No.20913723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Andrew Bridgen Reveals UK ALREADY At WAR With Russia‼️👀

Ex British Army Paz49

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7bbbce No.20913724

File: 524cffd26ee20d6⋯.jpeg (151.1 KB,651x800,651:800,Mitch_McConnell_Frozen_02….JPEG)

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6ce98e No.20913725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1452c4 No.20913726

File: faa8d860e59469e⋯.jpeg (36.46 KB,255x251,255:251,IMG_2894.jpeg)

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b46372 No.20913727


By a Normie

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77b302 No.20913728

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6f7379 No.20913729

File: c4bb93be79ac615⋯.png (165.31 KB,960x720,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ae62c722e0e25e⋯.png (100.72 KB,1200x475,48:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21f3046c95f8b0c⋯.png (110.32 KB,500x390,50:39,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8f0c29a69b923b⋯.png (1.67 MB,2048x860,512:215,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e3686dac493276⋯.png (375 KB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>Or Group Message

Net Send Command Syntax

net send {name | * | /domain[:domainname] | /users} message [/help] [/?]

way back in doze 3.1 / NT, it was way simpler to say Good Morning. you picked up the phone, dialed the number, shot the shit and said gm! the best of times! then came twatter and it's 140 charactor limit… the birth of perverse mispellings in order to fit in that limit!

so it's twitters fault we say gm instead of good morgun, da? da!

lan party quake / doom / duke nukem / unreal tourney

there will always be those who don't want or need interaction, those who find any reason to complain, those you will stab you in the back over stupid shit, and those who appreciate that same gesture of a good faith greeting! and those like me … who don't gibs a shit about hurt feelz and do it for sport!


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f4fb05 No.20913730



not liking his backing on crypto

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1ac417 No.20913731


they vaxxed everyone with their bioweapon so now they are out of organic food.

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930e56 No.20913732

File: a267c1ceef54f0b⋯.png (997.58 KB,665x649,665:649,juturyuyryrt.PNG)

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ce5dcd No.20913733

File: 9237b43710d5e19⋯.png (86.63 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 079a5eb23bc73cb⋯.png (92.82 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c78fe943f7ba574⋯.png (95.66 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79f98c5cbe40169⋯.png (56.32 KB,238x212,119:106,ClipboardImage.png)

File: df991c6a236ef4f⋯.png (98.95 KB,310x163,310:163,ClipboardImage.png)


so anyway

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6ff3f1 No.20913734


Paz needs to put his big boy soldier pants on ffs. He sounds so deflated and limp in this video.

Man up soldier.

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77b302 No.20913735

THEY are watching.


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90fa8b No.20913736

File: da4c9962835521c⋯.jpg (155.39 KB,1340x920,67:46,sabotage2.jpg)

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d38755 No.20913737

We love our Nations Heroes!

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a19dd5 No.20913738

File: 8f92dcdb9e5b74e⋯.png (496.09 KB,796x537,796:537,nb.PNG)



Special counsel Smith seeks order from judge barring Trump from making-

- statements that pose risk to law enforcement

Standoff with suspect on 91 freeway in Anaheim ends in fatal shooting

American missionaries killed by gang in Haiti

Bird flu detected in beef for first time, USDA says

Judge denies Alec Baldwin's motion to dismiss involuntary manslaughter charge

Midwest hit by more strong storms, reported tornadoes

Morgan Spurlock, filmmaker behind 'Super Size Me' documentary, dies from cancer

More than 100 feared dead in massive landslide in Papua New Guinea

Notre Dame cathedral cross reinstalled in Paris amid restoration efforts

US Army soldiers placed flags at the headstones of more than 260,000 fallen-

- service members at Arlington National Cemetery

Ex-CIA officer accused of spying for China pleads guilty

Kabosu, the Japanese dog behind the Doge meme, has died

1 John 5:11

Have you ever cleaned a gravestone?


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9c04b7 No.20913739

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0_LAUGH.png)

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415847 No.20913740

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f4fb05 No.20913741

File: a709e2ae1a3b0c1⋯.mp4 (9.54 KB,406x270,203:135,1703300643.mp4)

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9c04b7 No.20913742

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0_LAUGH.png)

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7bbbce No.20913743

File: 4fa378f5a261c53⋯.jpg (303.88 KB,1299x1024,1299:1024,Windsors_Staged_Photos_202….jpg)

File: dfb3087757b7862⋯.jpg (168.04 KB,1088x849,1088:849,Fake_Kate_Staged_Photo.jpg)

File: 6f921f3284e3471⋯.jpeg (2.09 MB,4380x2464,1095:616,Windsor_Headlines_March_2….JPEG)

File: 0b4b20ed575b395⋯.jpg (290.98 KB,1088x1136,68:71,Royal_News.JPG)

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173536 No.20913744


O dear. British blacks are regressing to murkin gimmedats. Well, at least there's nothing left to steal. Ta mates

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da7128 No.20913745


Nope not getting behind the hot air train.

Sorry not buying dhat.

Not a deal breaker but not supporting that

>inb4 the cryptotards say “You just understand it”

Understand it just fine and loved that the ripple tards didn’t know it was a Mellon funded project until I told them in here a few years ago.

Clintons heavily involved too.

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173536 No.20913746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a19dd5 No.20913747

File: 710bd53787c4a8c⋯.png (63.19 KB,853x895,853:895,cap.PNG)


Know Your 2024 Electoral College: Iowa (6 Electoral Votes)

Topic: Elections

Capt. Seth Keshel

May 25, 2024

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63ad0f No.20913748



Crypto started as decentralized but now there are just a few competitive rigs. And in the end only 1

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3d24b5 No.20913749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>American missionaries

Common cover for child traffickers. See Silsby, Laura.

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77b302 No.20913750

The head of the investment fund Blackstone, the largest owner of commercial real estate in the world, supported the candidacy of Donald Trump as a “voice for change.”

“The sharp rise in anti-Semitism has made me more urgently focused on the implications of the upcoming election,” said Stephen A. Schwartzman, who is Jewish. Probably referring to the Biden administration's negative statements about Israel.

He noted that he supports Trump because he believes that “our economic, immigration and foreign policies are taking the country in the wrong direction.”

The Financial Times believes Schwarzman's support could lead to more Wall Street money for the Trump campaign.

“This was the latest sign that Republican megadonors who previously criticized the former president are joining him,” the publication concluded.

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415847 No.20913751

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


don't know how many times i posted this…

The Prince and Princess of Wales


A conversation for #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek showing just how important the Duchy of Cornwall's Mental Health Strategy is. Featuring Duchy tenant Sam Stables and Farmer Will Young.



Why would "Kate" and William post sth about suicide awareness NOW (on May 17th, 2024)


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656421 No.20913752

File: 9efe514f8fbfc31⋯.jpeg (50.29 KB,573x376,573:376,IMG_0950.jpeg)

“Thar be a storm a brew in’.”

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d2f5ea No.20913753

File: 4c84c73e044abeb⋯.png (2.36 MB,1416x966,236:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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90fa8b No.20913754

File: 86f5fb2e6c05454⋯.png (481.56 KB,680x394,340:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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738703 No.20913755

File: bc1a07f0cd6e1e5⋯.jpg (341.53 KB,1200x1035,80:69,goodmorningstopbelivingwha….jpg)

File: 2dad255b57948c8⋯.png (661.4 KB,1024x996,256:249,meansthatitsworkinge.png)




^ narcissist inquisitor

That's all they got.

People who are mentally ill get angry if you say, "Hello"


What are the Trump-haters and Liberals?

Why do they hate innocence?

Why do they need to pretend to be "Greater Than." others?

That's all they've got.

They think they are trolling us.


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64084a No.20913756

Over 40 Democrat Mayors Demand Biden Give Illegal Aliens Jobs and Work Permits, Claim They Will Boost Economy By $7 TRILLION!

Over 40 Democratic mayors and county officials have demanded that Joe Biden give jobs and work permits to migrants who have entered the U.S. illegally, claiming that new arrivals will add a staggering $7 trillion to the economy over the next decade.

In a letter signed by the likes of New York City Mayor Eric Adams, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and San Francisco Mayor London Breed, the Democrats plead with Biden to force the Department of Homeland Security to “leverage its authority to grant parole for longterm undocumented immigrants and our most recent arrivals to create a process for streamlined work authorization.”

The letter states:

Our request is rooted in the belief that extending the dignity of legal authorization to work for our residents born in Mexico, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and other countries would be a positive step forward. These individuals have embraced the United States as their home and have, over decades, worked diligently, paid taxes, raised families, started businesses and bought homes. A substantial majority of Americans, including approximately half of surveyed Republican voters, strongly endorse the extension of work permits for individuals who have made long-term contributions.

Today, approximately 11.3 million U.S. citizens share a home with someone who is undocumented, making this issue resonate in key electoral states like Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina. Both recent arrivals and the long-standing undocumented community are susceptible to dangerous work conditions and exploitation that often result when individuals lack access to work authorization and the protections that come with it.


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da7128 No.20913757


ecash first back in early 90s

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4aaa35 No.20913758

File: 73107a3fb579543⋯.png (150.26 KB,218x323,218:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec1132 No.20913759

File: 3f2adda1caba048⋯.png (38.74 KB,750x197,750:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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7bbbce No.20913760

File: 5eeda9c1797e005⋯.mp4 (10.62 MB,mematicMeme.mp4)

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a19dd5 No.20913761

Joe Biden just said he was “appointed” to the Naval Academy.

There is no record of this ever happening.

Biden is an embarrassment.

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173536 No.20913762

File: b3496aa694027e2⋯.png (371.74 KB,500x556,125:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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77b302 No.20913763

File: 946ae1f02f4d10a⋯.mp4 (494.17 KB,720x370,72:37,backflip.mp4)




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64084a No.20913764

File: d0b68787ccd9cb9⋯.png (269.74 KB,516x430,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden's $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach

A section of the $320 million floating pier built and erected off Gaza's coast has broken off and floated onto an Israeli beach. The Saturday mishap is the latest setback for the US humanitarian aid project, after three US troops were reported injured aboard the pier two days prior, including one critically.

The Times of Isreal's military correspondent Emanuel Fabian has reported that "An American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a floating pier disconnected from a small boat tugging it this morning due to stormy seas, leading it to get stuck on the coast of Ashdod, eyewitnesses say."


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b6c8e3 No.20913765


Nah, deport them

Should have gone through a POE

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8073a7 No.20913766

File: 23545a7ecd6a61d⋯.png (441.31 KB,1430x843,1430:843,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db46073694610bf⋯.png (654.13 KB,1887x850,111:50,ClipboardImage.png)


"Sitting around and thinking about your problems all the time, that is a bad habit. The best cognitive behavioral therapists and others, the dialectical behavioral therapists, the ones who do really well with depression, the first thing they do is try to break that bad pattern.But a lot of therapists just indulge it."

DREAM TO REALITY: "Therapists" who indulge the bad habit of focusing on a vulnerable person's problems, ARE TO MAKE THE PROBLEMS WORSE FOR THAT VULNERABLE PERSON…to convert them into 'puppets', e.g. mass shooters.

==e.g. grooming teachers who focus on and talk about a vulnerable child's problems learning about their own nature, their own identity, to ENCOURAGE those problems to grow and fester in the child's mind, where otherwise the child would outgrow it. To incite inner turmoil in children who are told to think about and talk about the problems they are having in learning about their own selves, to INDULGE those problems, to convert more human beings into lifestyles away from procreating themselves. ANOTHER depopulation program, a psychological program to encourage and incite human beings into thinking about and talking about their supposed problems of "being born the wrong way" all day every day, TO MAKE THE PROBLEM GROW, TO INCREASE, NOT DECREASE, IN THE PEOPLE'S MINDS.



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f4fb05 No.20913767

File: 89c12a67e4dab02⋯.jpg (1.78 MB,1440x9621,160:1069,Screenshot_20240525_143838….jpg)


current cypto prices

wasn't aware there were so many

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d65967 No.20913768


The slanted grimace makes anon think it was her

Maybe steroids bloated her face.

You wouldn’t perfec a grimace

You would work on a smile

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ce5dcd No.20913769

File: abe3087d1cce9bd⋯.png (1.46 MB,1440x963,160:107,ClipboardImage.png)

Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

A new South Dakota policy to stop the use of gender pronouns by public university faculty and staff in official correspondence is also keeping Native American employees from listing their tribal affiliations in a state with a long and violent history of conflict with tribes.

Two University of South Dakota faculty members, Megan Red Shirt-Shaw and her husband, John Little, have long included their gender pronouns and tribal affiliations in their work email signature blocks. But both received written warnings from the university in March that doing so violated a policy adopted in December by the South Dakota Board of Regents.

“I was told that I had 5 days to remove my tribal affiliation and pronouns,” Little said in an email to The Associated Press. “I believe the exact wording was that I had ‘5 days to correct the behavior.’ If my tribal affiliation and pronouns were not removed after the 5 days, then administrators would meet and make a decision whether I would be suspended (with or without pay) and/or immediately terminated.”

The policy is billed by the board as a simple branding and communications policy. It came only months after Republican Gov. Kristi Noem sent a letter to the regents that railed against “liberal ideologies” on college campuses and called for the board to ban drag shows on campus and “remove all references to preferred pronouns in school materials,” among other things.

All nine voting members of the board were appointed by Noem, whose remarks in March accusing tribal leaders of benefitting from illegal drug cartels and not properly caring for children has prompted most South Dakota tribes to ban her from their land.

South Dakota’s change comes in the midst of a conservative quest to limit diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives gaining momentum in state capitals and college governing boards around the country, with about one-third of the states taking some sort of action against it. The college faculty advocacy group American Association of University Professors is not aware of any other faculty at a public university in the U.S. being required to drop their preferred pronouns in official correspondence, spokesman Kelly Benjamin said.

“Anecdotally I’ll say, because I live in Florida and have seen what’s happened with all the anti-wokeness and targeting of education here, I know this is part and parcel to a longer-term agenda,” Benjamin said.

A spokeswoman for the University of South Dakota declined to answer questions about whether its administrators or the University Faculty Senate had been consulted before regents adopted the policy, referring questions to the Board of Regents.

Shuree Mortenson, a spokeswoman for the regents, said all six universities under the regents board umbrella were given the opportunity to review the policy, “but ultimately, the Board of Regents made this decision.” She declined to say whether other faculty at any of the five other schools had received warnings about not using gender pronouns, tribal affiliation or other identifiers, but defended the new policy as providing “consistency to safeguard the brand.”


>muh pronouns

>muh tribe

….if Noem is correct and many Native American tribes are cartels (or are helping the cartels), she's doing them a favor by not allowing them to identify with the criminal entities.

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c964ae No.20913770

File: d3d94afcc32a6ab⋯.png (567.43 KB,834x539,834:539,ClipboardImage.png)

Oops!… I Did it Again – Singer Britney Spears Posts Nude Video on Beach: “Hello to My Ass !!!”

Pop star Britney Spears took to Instagram on Thursday with a bizarre nude video, sparking more concerns over her mental health.

Via Oli London on X:

Britney Spears posts NAKED video on Instagram, showing off her behind, as she writhes around in the ocean- days after her family expressed extreme concern for her well being.

The star captioned the video “Hello to my a**.”


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64084a No.20913771

File: 645a79df66660dd⋯.png (439.99 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

FFS another one

‘God has sent me for a purpose’ – India’s Modi

The Indian prime minister, who is eyeing a third term in office, has claimed that the almighty is directing his actions

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has claimed that God has sent him “for a reason” and that his work “will be done” once the purpose is achieved.” The Indian leader made the statement during his latest interview with the news channel NDTV amid the six-week-long election in the country.

Modi, who is seeking a third term as the prime minister of the world’s most populous country, has lately appeared in a string of interviews with several prominent news channels. “I am convinced that God has sent me for a purpose and once that purpose is completed, my job will be done,” he told NDTV, adding that he has “completely devoted” himself to God.

When asked what his “purpose” is, Modi said that God has not revealed the plans to him. “He keeps making me do things; I do not have direct access to dial him to ask what plans he has for me.”

Campaigning during the ongoing election has been heating up, with Modi triggering several controversies on the trail. India’s independent election body has warned the Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and rival Congress party against campaigning on the basis of caste, community, language, and religion.

“You will find 10 people who will hurl the foulest abuses toward me, and 50 who will have good things to say”, Modi said. “My duty is to ensure that the ones who express goodwill are not hurt, so I try to carry out the duty.” The Indian leader also asserted that he does not view the leaders of the opposition as his “enemies,” and wishes to work with them.

During his second term in office, Modi fulfilled three of the core pledges he made in 2019: overturning Article 370 of the Constitution granting special rights to the Kashmir region, enacting a citizenship act to fast-track naturalization for ‘minority’ communities from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, most of them belonging to the Hindu religion, and erecting a temple devoted to the Hindu deity Ram in Ayodhya on a contested plot of land where a mosque had once stood.

In 1992, the 16th-century mosque was razed by Hindu nationalists, who believed that Muslim invaders had erected the building on the ruins of a Hindu temple. After a trial spanning 18 years that sought to determine whether Hindus or Muslims were the rightful owners of the land, the Supreme Court of India sided with the Hindus in 2019, paving the way for a temple dedicated to the deity. The temple, built for around $200 million, was inaugurated in January.

The Indian prime minister is seeking re-election from Varanasi, a town considered sacred by the Hindus. Polling in the constituency will be held on June 1, the seventh and last phase of the election. Votes will be counted on June 4.


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5ebd15 No.20913772

Trump criticizes Biden for withholding aid to israel. How do anons reconcile this?

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1ac417 No.20913773


you can hoard gold and silver and manipulate prices and the market too… but with crypto at least there is an open ledger where you can see how much is being hoarded.

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76d10b No.20913774

File: 5835a5b3cdf7452⋯.png (27.88 KB,131x1161,131:1161,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1278029a3b5cf80⋯.png (108.18 KB,423x1233,47:137,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>20913356, >>20913362, >>20913372 AOC reacts live as she's called afalse prophetby pastor Ruben Diaz at Bronx Trump rally

pretty funny…that's on the :16 line… (image from my workbook)…

:16 is where we find the Nuclear Alien UFO drop…442. Oppossite side is :46….where we find the Roswell Drop…. #2222 which is why i put that alien pic in another post….

All good food for thought….

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bd4d49 No.20913775

File: 524638296891815⋯.jpg (258.1 KB,2880x2880,1:1,20240306_200335.jpg)


Forgot the pic

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415847 No.20913776

File: da409bac45e6a2e⋯.png (211.7 KB,2606x432,1303:216,cryptopepe.png)

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68dbaf No.20913777

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f4fb05 No.20913778

File: 305c0ea13f2f12d⋯.jpg (24.61 KB,1440x232,180:29,Screenshot_20240525_144135….jpg)

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8073a7 No.20913779

File: e2c2614d10d5793⋯.png (106.99 KB,466x855,466:855,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cc71a3b1b8dcc3⋯.png (88.66 KB,473x656,473:656,ClipboardImage.png)


Jack Smith's psychotherapist sister-in-law


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1ac417 No.20913780


and if 1 guy hoards 1 crypto everyone can just move onto another one.

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64084a No.20913781

NATO ‘preparing for war’ with Russia – Orban

Hungary is reassessing its role within the bloc as it has no wish to take part in a conflict against Moscow, the PM has said

“Hungary’s position must be redefined, our lawyers and officials are working on ways to allow Hungary to continue to exist as a NATO member without participating in NATO activities outside the bloc’s territory. We need to create a new approach, a new definition for our position as a pro-peace force within NATO,” Orban said.

According to the prime minister, there are “alarming similarities” between the emotionally charged media publications and statements by Western politicians regarding the Ukraine conflict and the atmosphere preceding the First and Second World Wars.


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f4fb05 No.20913782


nose just above water

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173536 No.20913783

File: 99cb75b24d1f20b⋯.png (311.99 KB,512x379,512:379,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbc3e0e04decc74⋯.png (481.19 KB,687x420,229:140,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6c8e3 No.20913784


Don't care

Got Bigger problems in our own Country

On our own Continent

With our own barbarians

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94c7a3 No.20913785


walking about and carrying a bag after complicated stomach surgery?

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a19dd5 No.20913786

File: b4738ba1f52c37c⋯.png (270.44 KB,601x487,601:487,sup.PNG)




Blast from the past - George Clooney states his position on Covid19 vaccines "I support mandatory vaccines, period"

8:35 AM · May 25, 2024




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97b76b No.20913787

File: e5b7c7355a64298⋯.png (90.35 KB,457x303,457:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec1132 No.20913788

File: a8131cc4e132ef7⋯.png (1.04 MB,676x789,676:789,ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary to fauci:

Shoulda used a blackberry.


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415847 No.20913789


>gold, silver, crypto blah

maybe i'm too old for this

i'm still thinking if you can't eat or actually use it to build sth solid, like a house, clothes or whatever, it's not worth it

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da7128 No.20913790

File: dbfb1c474668ae8⋯.gif (2.16 MB,500x211,500:211,A2B59581_E3F3_465E_A69F_0B….gif)


Dhats right

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76d10b No.20913791

>>20913774 (me)


oh, wait, that happened yesterday....yesterday was 4 10 20 on the clock....


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173536 No.20913792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f4fb05 No.20913793


how does one hoard air

how heavy or what shape is bitcoin

how many can i put in my purple crown royal bag

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64084a No.20913794

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The goal of citizenship for all illegals is very clearly stated by the leader of the Senate.

For some reason, a lot of people still think this is some crazy conspiracy theory!


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77b302 No.20913795

File: a3ddb59a9e04697⋯.png (1.04 MB,700x934,350:467,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec1132 No.20913796


Crypto is worse than fiat

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b46372 No.20913797

File: 6f7eef845f2ce96⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Snapinsta_app_video_318861….mp4)


Our Girl

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d2f5ea No.20913798


>how many can i put in my purple crown royal bag

buy a hardware wallet and put it in the bag

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04c503 No.20913799

File: 89812ab898e1537⋯.mp4 (459.61 KB,480x270,16:9,Clooney_Mandatory_vax.mp4)

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656421 No.20913800

File: 1a3ef4e9b1d152f⋯.jpeg (73.13 KB,680x673,680:673,IMG_0806.jpeg)


Fuck them Kikes?

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1ac417 No.20913801


you can manipulate all of that by hoarding it. there will always be some fag hacking the system.


>how does one hoard air


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d65967 No.20913802

William is the basket case.

He says so

He says he is frozen at 16 years of age

when dianne was killed


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eb5566 No.20913803

File: 1eb8a2fd131cb73⋯.png (82.23 KB,501x554,501:554,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ac417 No.20913804


maybe protect Christians in your country better.

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f4fb05 No.20913805

File: fb5a455ce8955ba⋯.jpg (2.2 MB,4000x2667,4000:2667,20180212_barnimages_007_23….jpg)

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77b302 No.20913806

File: 1d3fa9015308d08⋯.png (535.59 KB,624x447,208:149,ClipboardImage.png)



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0d7bb5 No.20913807


>Imagine the feel

Wonder if she is doing these entirely on her own idea, like her man.. hold this cell phone and record my ass.

What is the difference between her, instathots, and only fans?

Paid not paid

Wonder if shed open up about the abuse and drug use she most likely experienced early on. Considering all the documentaries flooding the streaming services

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a19dd5 No.20913808

File: 81b3cab310b83ca⋯.png (210.84 KB,580x439,580:439,e.PNG)

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bacae4 No.20913809

File: 9899ae8f48a874d⋯.mp4 (7.47 MB,888x1094,444:547,9899ae8f48a874d008e64e6d9a….mp4)

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97b76b No.20913810

File: 906696158b78477⋯.png (110.5 KB,255x253,255:253,ClipboardImage.png)


she looks like she is having fun

sandy bush beach and crab to crab contact.

nothing wrong with this other than a bit of attention seeking.

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4b994d No.20913811


one of the few famous 5/4 tunes

apart from take five

this is one of two genuine morse code songs

other was "here we go hi de hi"

hi = di-di-di-dit di-dit

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415847 No.20913812


that is why everyone who plants and grows should always keep seeds from everything

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eb5566 No.20913813

File: 571026cc1c5800c⋯.png (104.65 KB,1165x711,1165:711,ClipboardImage.png)


After ip-hop and clear the cookies…

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d3afdd No.20913814


If she wasn't going to prison, she would be the next Pelosi

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da7128 No.20913815

File: e1fbcc6ba5aab2d⋯.jpeg (65.37 KB,594x350,297:175,759B6E45_3ED1_4B56_A1F0_B….jpeg)


If (((they))) tokenize the derivatives shit pile it’s lights out.

Gonna be hard to get outta that

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f4fb05 No.20913817



gamers cant even pass on their Steam gaming libraries onto family after death,

some dudes have thousands in games that they are leasing until they croak

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a19dd5 No.20913818

File: 660bb1743e79b80⋯.png (408.54 KB,624x865,624:865,d.PNG)




𝘿𝘾 𝙇𝙞𝙙𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙚






May 24

What do I do in case of nuclear explosion?

0:17 / 1:12

8:49 AM · May 25, 2024




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f075c8 No.20913819

File: 8b21aa1fba57a20⋯.png (671.39 KB,537x751,537:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f7379 No.20913820


and now you know how they got mike jonhson, mtg, evert last one of them who won't step up and quash the J6 bullshit and release the victims of nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, et al

make the deal motherfucker

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1ca54e No.20913821

File: fb8c01daf4c3073⋯.jpeg (815.41 KB,1125x1582,1125:1582,IMG_0897.jpeg)


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90fa8b No.20913822

File: 8bd35c8b9991d79⋯.jpg (225.82 KB,963x1000,963:1000,affd22db1db01c5f6a45fdfaa3….jpg)

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173536 No.20913823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She's been quiet so far. Best decision ever.

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e75a22 No.20913824

File: f50af9f4af7da4a⋯.mp4 (5.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17165849759….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Steve Bannon comes out hot in new interview.

This is some Andrew Breitbart shit right here.

'Conservative leaders in America and Europe don't have the fucking balls to stop the cultural collapse of the West.'

3:30 PM · May 25, 2024





Best video of Bannon I’ve seen. Kek

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738703 No.20913825

File: ce98a3c80659b3e⋯.png (376.04 KB,533x500,533:500,dukeofkentcrowleysidebysid….png)

File: 0433a454df55c4d⋯.jpg (73.25 KB,468x374,234:187,queenscousin.jpg)

File: 1fc83c3db4dd88c⋯.png (1.37 MB,1428x606,238:101,catherineincarwithmother.png)


cause his friend and husband of a family member (cousin) allegedly committed suicide in a back house while visiting his parents.

The uncle in law is a top Freemason of the world and resembles a "Rothschild" - though allegedly first cousin of Q. Elizabeth.

If Catherine was dead she wouldn't have shown up in a car with her Mom resembling a mental patient.

Remember Elizabeth the Queen put her defective cousin ( a Lyon from her mother's side) is a home and never visited?

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77b302 No.20913826

File: 2e98a187f7fddc5⋯.png (10.98 KB,271x95,271:95,ageofgoblins.png)

File: 38113575fab7432⋯.png (1.35 MB,1005x1024,1005:1024,goblin.png)

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302c80 No.20913827

File: c838ab611cf41ee⋯.png (682.84 KB,1762x1368,881:684,ClipboardImage.png)


that's what happens when you don't let someone have coffees

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64084a No.20913828

AI Relies On Mass Surveillance, Warns Signal Boss

The AI tools that crunch numbers, generate text and videos and find patterns in data rely on mass surveillance and exercise concerning control over our lives, the boss of encrypted messaging app Signal told AFP on Thursday.

Pushing back against the unquestioning enthusiasm at VivaTech in Paris, Europe's top startup conference where industry players vaunt the merits of their products, Meredith Whittaker said concerns about surveillance and those about AI were "two framings of the same thing".

"The AI technologies we're talking about today are reliant on mass surveillance," she said.

"They require huge amounts of data that are the derivatives of this mass surveillance business model that grew out of the 90s in the US, and has become the economic engine of the tech industry."

Whittaker, who spent years working for Google before helping to organise a staff walkout in 2018 over working conditions, established the AI Now Institute at New York University in 2017.

She now campaigns for privacy and rails against the business models built on the extraction of personal data.

And she is clear that she has no confidence that the AI industry is developing in the right direction.

AI systems have a hunger for data to input but they produce vast amounts of data too.

Even if it is incorrect, she said, this output "has power to classify, order and direct our lives in ways that we should be equally concerned about".

And she pointed to the power imbalances created by an industry controlled by "a handful of surveillance giants" that are "largely unaccountable".

"Most of us are not the users of AI," she said.

"Most of us are subjected to its use by our employers, by law enforcement, by governments, by whoever it is.

"They have their own goals but they may not be goals that benefit us or benefit society."

She said a striking example was the way AI firms liked to say that they were helping to find solutions to the climate crisis.

In fact, she said, they were taking money from fossil fuel companies and their technology was being used to find new resources to extract.

"Because, of course, where is the revenue? It's not in saving the climate," she said.


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1ac417 No.20913829


that's the benefit of crypto. the open ledger. if someone is hoarding you can see amounts in the wallets. then you can sell and use another one.

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bacae4 No.20913830


Blythe Masters?


This is gonna be good

Down with the Morgue

Give anon back WaMu and Trump too

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788bbe No.20913831

Everybody would clean his clock, even Joe , if he didn’t have to follow his handlers script to look dumb.

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930e56 No.20913832

File: e91b943bad06777⋯.mp4 (385.26 KB,510x270,17:9,8l4k76een47.mp4)



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173536 No.20913833


Wrong! They too are petty, vicious, envious and spiteful to want to save it.

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173536 No.20913834

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6d0581 No.20913835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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77b302 No.20913836

Nerissa and Katherine Bowes-Lyon

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6e3d93 No.20913837

notables @ 620

#25650 >>20913178

>>20913235 President Trump To Address Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (speaking time TBA)

>>20913182 Planned Parenthood is Helping Teenagers Transition After a 30 Minute Consult

>>20913213 Democrats and the media needs you to forget they did this

>>20913243, >>20913307, >>20913511, >>20913681 PF: General

>>20913257 Navy Commander: We’re Seeing More Attempts by Foreign Nationals to Penetrate Bases, ‘Two or Three Times a Week’

>>20913276 OJ Prices Squeeze Into Blue-Sky Breakout As Food Inflation Fears Soar

>>20913281 First Space Force Joint PME grads honored at JHU

>>20913299 Jack Smith makes new ‘Hail Mary’ move to silence Trump and oust Judge Cannon

>>20913301 DJT: Biden's DoJ authorized use of deadly force against President Trump in Mar-a-Lago Raid

>>20913302 Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang talks blowout quarter, AI, Tesla, inferencing, ongoing demand, and more

>>20913312, >>20913351, >>20913347, >>20913624 David Moren admitting to using personal email while advising and advocating on behalf of Fauci

>>20913320 Silicon Valley investors embrace Trump after years of leaning left: ‘Impossible to support Biden’

>>20913323 NCSWIC

>>20913328 'PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP': Bronx residents backing Trump explain their support

>>20913329 Fact Check: Did Germany Decriminalize Child Porn Possession?

>>20913336 Red Lobster staff dish on the toxic and demoralizing workplace and how Thai bosses destroyed the world's largest seafood chain

>>20913345 If Trump supporters are ‘clowns,’ Hochul is a ‘jackass’: Mother of slain NYC veteran

>>20913356, >>20913362, >>20913372 AOC reacts live as she's called a false prophet by pastor Ruben Diaz at Bronx Trump rally

>>20913365, >>20913377, >>20913410 #OTD in 2001, PEARL HARBOR was released

>>20913375 MARAD Announces $4.8 Million in Funding for Marine Highways

>>20913390, >>20913596 Scavino Truth decodes

>>20913400 The Washington Post reveals they actually already discovered in Jan 2021 the Alito flag story was fake and chose not report it

>>20913402 Who owns the school system? Bankers: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and JP Morgan

>>20913404 Rand Paul: Fauci 'Could Be Indicted' for Destroying Records

>>20913419 A New Trade War Offers No Easy Way Back for Old Global Order

>>20913438, >>20913565 Flashback: After delivering his commencement address at the US Air Force Academy, Trump stays to shake hands with 1,000 cadets

>>20913470, >>20913477, >>20913535, >>20913563, >>20913662 The B-1, B-2, and B-52 graced the skyline of Miami Beach today (+ PF)

>>20913549 Sabin Howard Previews WWI Memorial Set To Be Unveiled

>>20913623 Biden: George Floyd should be alive - he deserved so much more

>>20913626 QClock May 25, 2024 - Airforce Commencement, Scavino is a Clockfag

>>20913651 PF: SAM766 C40B Janet Yellen departed Shannon, Ireland after a fuel stop and left Milan-Malpensa Intl earlier after G7 Finance meeting

>>20913684 To understand the craziest Democrat policies, always follow the money

>>20913685 Philippines Mayor Alice Guo Investigated As Chinese Spy

>>20913707, >>20913767 DJT Truth re: Crypto

>>20913756 Over 40 Democrat Mayors Demand Biden Give Illegal Aliens Jobs and Work Permits

>>20913764 Biden's $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach

>>20913769 Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

>>20913781, >>20913680 Viktor Orban seeks to bail on NATO allies due to rising escalations with Ukraine / Russia

>>20913786, >>20913799 Blast from the past: George Clooney states his position on Covid19 vaccines "I support mandatory vaccines, period"


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3d24b5 No.20913838

File: 816e8d76183c1a4⋯.jpg (97.48 KB,1170x1150,117:115,816e8d76183c1a4691421c2d74….jpg)

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f075c8 No.20913839

File: 7f54d9e980110eb⋯.png (88.93 KB,329x500,329:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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8073a7 No.20913840

File: 92f2383bd1dc63f⋯.png (775.41 KB,847x1200,847:1200,ClipboardImage.png)


"bEcAuSe oF wHo tHeY aRe"

Notice how so many Ruminists contradict themselves, simultaneously asserting that the children are not who they are, they are in the wrong bodies.






Is this really about the good for children, or is this a KNOWING, i.e. sinister demonic criminal worse than treason, ATTACK on children for the sake of implementing a controlled world "culture" of indocitrinated SELF_ALIENATED/SOCIALIZED_MAN who live lives where they are now MORE outwardly dependent to prolong the echoes of "I was born in the wrong body" ideological weaponization of information?

"they are not who they are, they are born in the wrog body"

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97b76b No.20913841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i watched the whole lot the other day.

gbn america

release the 15 hours of epstein video bannon you fat grifting blob…


Steve Bannon: Lying Tories betrayed Britain, World War 3 & how to destroy the Left


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77b302 No.20913842

They were registered as dead and hidden from the world in the Royal Earlswood Institution for Mental Defectives — known as The National Asylum for Idiots — in Redhill, Surrey, after being born with severe learning disabilities.

And there they stayed for most of their long lives — barely ever visited — until Nerissa’s death aged 66, and Katherine’s aged 87.

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c964ae No.20913843

File: 985d70b1f215323⋯.jpg (83.17 KB,750x500,3:2,NightShiftGhoul.jpg)

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cd69fd No.20913844


This is interesting, this is happening however it goes unnoticed, native Tribes have a history of glorifying and adopting Latin traditions, I know this happens however knowing the players IRL distances you from the scope of the issue/ ie Indian kid goes to school with Mexican kid Mexican kid becomes a real freind as they grow the Mexican kid has connections from family Indian kid sells it to all his buddies,Indian kid gets to big send in freemason cops to take him out then his friend takes over rinse and repeate

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bacae4 No.20913845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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656421 No.20913846

File: d98a37979b06e23⋯.jpeg (83.15 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_0953.jpeg)

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3b6a7b No.20913847

File: fe16f5d12f475e9⋯.jpg (53.45 KB,500x483,500:483,Clown_Show.jpg)

File: 877ca380383e554⋯.jpg (53.58 KB,500x482,250:241,8dyui.jpg)

File: 089a9a38cf1db78⋯.jpg (38.32 KB,500x504,125:126,8rlymq_1.jpg)


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77b302 No.20913848

File: f62374b6da94a84⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,RightInTheButt.mp4)

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eb5566 No.20913849

File: 643fc77e11d2137⋯.png (1.12 MB,1223x778,1223:778,ClipboardImage.png)

It's so strange to see everybody posting.




>>20912922 lb

>>20912768 lb

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d2f5ea No.20913851

File: e6eebda49d47d57⋯.png (1.06 MB,1919x968,1919:968,ClipboardImage.png)


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da7128 No.20913852



Blythe went down with the Credit Suisse ship on the BoD.

Back to ambiguity at Motive

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738703 No.20913853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember Elizabeth the Queen put her defective cousin ( a Lyon from her mother's side) in a home and never visited?


"The Tragic Tale of the Queen’s Secret Cousins | The Bowes-Lyon Sisters"

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77b302 No.20913855

File: 57b3163d01ad7e6⋯.png (1.08 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

The grave of Nerissa Bowes-Lyon at Redhill Cemetery.

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3d24b5 No.20913856

File: 66ca85abd31c088⋯.png (918.7 KB,637x559,49:43,66ca85abd31c0884f58bab0c1a….png)

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b6c8e3 No.20913857


There are no Jobs Left

There are no Homes Left

Young Americans are being negatively affected by this route

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161320 No.20913858

File: 3d1d14d3006f63e⋯.png (1 MB,1015x1009,1015:1009,Screenshot_2024_05_25_1402….png)

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90fa8b No.20913859

File: 177064c8aa35fb5⋯.png (1.12 MB,1121x867,1121:867,177064c8aa35fb5b2702da15ab….png)


Wasn't even allowed to have a coffee? That's… kind of sad.

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a19dd5 No.20913860

File: ece5789da933c31⋯.png (34.6 KB,844x371,844:371,30.PNG)


Professional golfer Grayson Murray, 30,

dies after withdrawing from Charles Schwab Challenge

CBS Sports, by Kyle Porter

Posted By: Mizz Fixxit, 5/25/2024 3:44:15 PM

Professional golfer Grayson Murray has died. He was 30 years old. Murray's death comes after he withdrew Friday during the second round of the 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge, citing an illness. "We were devastated to learn and are heartbroken to share that PGA Tour player Grayson Murray passed away this morning. I am at a loss for words," said PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan in a statement. "The PGA Tour is a family, and when you lose a member of your family, you are never the same. We mourn Grayson and pray for comfort for his loved ones.

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302c80 No.20913861

File: ff8650ede007a84⋯.png (309.2 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b7c72 No.20913862


AOC as Miss Lube Rack 2024?

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c964ae No.20913863

File: 9040d2f63f2481c⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB,720x1280,9:16,video_2024_05_25_16_03_38.mp4)

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64084a No.20913864

File: 2a91496d31f0938⋯.png (79.47 KB,807x243,269:81,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4f21d6b06e07ea⋯.png (87.64 KB,788x496,197:124,ClipboardImage.png)

Newly discovered ransomware uses BitLocker to encrypt victim data

A previously unknown piece of ransomware, dubbed ShrinkLocker, encrypts victim data using the BitLocker feature built into the Windows operating system.

BitLocker is a full-volume encryptor that debuted in 2007 with the release of Windows Vista. Users employ it to encrypt entire hard drives to prevent people from reading or modifying data in the event they get physical access to the disk. Starting with the rollout of Windows 10, BitLocker by default has used the 128-bit and 256-bit XTS-AES encryption algorithm, giving the feature extra protection from attacks that rely on manipulating cipher text to cause predictable changes in plain text.

Recently, researchers from security firm Kaspersky found a threat actor using BitLocker to encrypt data on systems located in Mexico, Indonesia, and Jordan. The researchers named the new ransomware ShrinkLocker, both for its use of BitLocker and because it shrinks the size of each non-boot partition by 100 MB and splits the newly unallocated space into new primary partitions of the same size.

“Our incident response and malware analysis are evidence that attackers are constantly refining their tactics to evade detection,” the researchers wrote Friday. “In this incident, we observed the abuse of the native BitLocker feature for unauthorized data encryption.”

ShrinkLocker isn’t the first malware to leverage BitLocker. In 2022, Microsoft reported that ransomware attackers with a nexus to Iran also used the tool to encrypt files. That same year, the Russian agricultural business Miratorg was attacked by ransomware that used BitLocker to encrypt files residing in the system storage of infected devices.

Once installed on a device, ShrinkLocker runs a VisualBasic script that first invokes the Windows Management Instrumentation and Win32_OperatingSystem class to obtain information about the operating system.

“For each object within the query results, the script checks if the current domain is different from the target,” the Kaspersky researchers wrote. “If it is, the script finishes automatically. After that, it checks if the name of the operating system contains 'xp,' '2000,' '2003,' or 'vista,' and if the Windows version matches any one of these, the script finishes automatically and deletes itself.”


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6d0581 No.20913865



Biden’s campaign is hiring a meme manager

They meme business.

The Biden-Harris campaign is seeking to recruit a savvy netizen to help whip up memes and bolster its internet strategy as a partner manager on its digital partnership team.

It’s a job seemingly built for online political trash-talkers, but there’s a potential catch — whoever is hired for this role must work out of the president’s hometown of Wilmington, Del., according to a notice.

“The ideal candidate for this role is passionate about bringing political content to voters where they already are on the internet. They have a deep interest in politics and thrive in a fast-paced environment,” a Daybook posting for the role says.

President Biden’s campaign has invested heavily in its ground and digital apparatuses.

The campaign maintains a presence on all the top social media platforms, including TikTok, despite Biden, 81, signing legislation that could ban it in the US.

At least one of former President Donald Trump’s allied Super PACs is also on TikTok.

To needle Trump, 77, and preach the liberal gospel to the MAGA faithful, the Biden-Harris campaign is also on the 45th president’s Truth Social platform.

Key responsibilities for the meme master role include: cultivating relationships with top producers on the Internet, crafting engagement opportunities, and fostering “innovative ideas.”

Aspiring candidates must ideally have 2 to 4 years of experience, “exceptional creativity,” alignment with the campaign’s goals, and an ability to remain organized, according to the notice.

Another requirement, even in 2024, is for candidates to be “up to date” on their COVID-19 vaccination unless they have a valid excuse.


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6e3d93 No.20913866

notables @ 620

#25650 >>20913178

>>20913235 President Trump To Address Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (speaking time TBA)

>>20913182 Planned Parenthood is Helping Teenagers Transition After a 30 Minute Consult

>>20913213, >>20913799 Democrats and the media needs you to forget they did this

>>20913243, >>20913307, >>20913511, >>20913681 PF: General

>>20913257 Navy Commander: We’re Seeing More Attempts by Foreign Nationals to Penetrate Bases, ‘Two or Three Times a Week’

>>20913276 OJ Prices Squeeze Into Blue-Sky Breakout As Food Inflation Fears Soar

>>20913281 First Space Force Joint PME grads honored at JHU

>>20913299 Jack Smith makes new ‘Hail Mary’ move to silence Trump and oust Judge Cannon

>>20913301 DJT: Biden's DoJ authorized use of deadly force against President Trump in Mar-a-Lago Raid

>>20913302 Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang talks blowout quarter, AI, Tesla, inferencing, ongoing demand, and more

>>20913312, >>20913351, >>20913347, >>20913624 David Moren admitting to using personal email while advising and advocating on behalf of Fauci

>>20913320 Silicon Valley investors embrace Trump after years of leaning left: ‘Impossible to support Biden’

>>20913323 NCSWIC

>>20913328 'PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP': Bronx residents backing Trump explain their support

>>20913336 Red Lobster staff dish on the toxic and demoralizing workplace and how Thai bosses destroyed the world's largest seafood chain

>>20913345 If Trump supporters are ‘clowns,’ Hochul is a ‘jackass’: Mother of slain NYC veteran

>>20913356, >>20913362, >>20913372 AOC reacts live as she's called a false prophet by pastor Ruben Diaz at Bronx Trump rally

>>20913371, >>20913377, >>20913410 #OTD in 2001, PEARL HARBOR was released

>>20913375 MARAD Announces $4.8 Million in Funding for Marine Highways

>>20913390, >>20913596 Scavino Truth decodes

>>20913400 The Washington Post reveals they actually already discovered in Jan 2021 the Alito flag story was fake and chose not report it

>>20913402 Who owns the school system? Bankers: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and JP Morgan

>>20913404 Rand Paul: Fauci 'Could Be Indicted' for Destroying Records

>>20913419 A New Trade War Offers No Easy Way Back for Old Global Order

>>20913438, >>20913565 Flashback: After delivering his commencement address at the US Air Force Academy, Trump stays to shake hands with 1,000 cadets

>>20913470, >>20913477, >>20913535, >>20913563, >>20913662 The B-1, B-2, and B-52 graced the skyline of Miami Beach today (w/ PF)

>>20913549 Sabin Howard Previews WWI Memorial Set To Be Unveiled

>>20913626 QClock May 25, 2024 - Airforce Commencement, Scavino is a Clockfag

>>20913651 PF: SAM766 C40B Janet Yellen departed Shannon, Ireland after a fuel stop and left Milan-Malpensa Intl earlier after G7 Finance meeting

>>20913684 To understand the craziest Democrat policies, always follow the money

>>20913685 Philippines Mayor Alice Guo Investigated As Chinese Spy

>>20913707, >>20913767 DJT Truth re: Crypto

>>20913756 Over 40 Democrat Mayors Demand Biden Give Illegal Aliens Jobs and Work Permits

>>20913764 Biden's $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach

>>20913769 Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

>>20913781, >>20913680 Viktor Orban seeks to bail on NATO allies due to rising escalations with Ukraine / Russia


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4aaa35 No.20913867

File: 6272bf9a09a99ed⋯.png (548.17 KB,922x625,922:625,ClipboardImage.png)

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64084a No.20913868

Lindsey Graham tells UN International Court of Justice to 'go to hell' over ruling against Israel

Graham said he has also talked to Senate and House members about sanctioning ICC over Israel arrest warrants

"As far as I’m concerned, the ICJ can go to hell," he wrote Friday on X. "It is long past time to stand up to these so-called international justice organizations associated with the UN."

"The ICJ’s ruling that Israel should stop operations that are necessary to destroy four battalions of Hamas killers and terrorists – who use Palestinians as human shields – is ridiculous," he added. "This will and should be ignored by Israel."


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3d24b5 No.20913869

File: 4308073e6ee7940⋯.png (135.4 KB,1111x680,1111:680,ClipboardImage.png)

Ever wonder where they get the children?

NPC surrogate 100 k?

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2a59cd No.20913870


Lindsey Graham

Shills new hero!

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97b76b No.20913871

File: 96f7288114052da⋯.png (621.48 KB,586x475,586:475,ClipboardImage.png)


schwab challenge.

that is definitely a suddenly.

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77b302 No.20913872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6d0581 No.20913873



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64084a No.20913874

File: 6cd7c024f86cac9⋯.png (188.65 KB,702x535,702:535,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b7c72 No.20913875


Still not seeing any "proof" of the planning you assert

Georgia Guidestones, really?

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6f7379 No.20913876


prepping the road for brain surgury!

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5b92bb No.20913877

File: 6cd451ac5ea6fbe⋯.jpg (7.82 MB,4000x9200,10:23,SymbolsInfographic.jpg)

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bacae4 No.20913878


an Advisory Board Member of the US Chamber of Digital Commerce

as if she didn't do enough coming up with CDS…speaking of wasn't Weissmann involved in that as well?

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ecc3bc No.20913879

File: 3af3a85c3780c48⋯.png (1.78 MB,1024x1024,1:1,mD8Ds_yMQGq8LtJGd34bFA.png)

File: 8d5615ba449b56b⋯.png (1.57 MB,1024x1024,1:1,7M9pY_3sQp2ZdTiZZ3zVZw.png)


Working for Biden would be treason… Not interested.

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656421 No.20913880


Linda needs the ‘Bolton War Mustache®’

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77b302 No.20913881

File: df0013a996ca9c9⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,848x464,53:29,Lindsey_Graham_John_McCain….mp4)

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2a59cd No.20913882

File: 3be66597bf100cd⋯.mp4 (4.5 MB,360x640,9:16,JewPig.mp4)


Why do people not like Jews?

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64084a No.20913883

IDF opens criminal investigation into video of reservist threatening mutiny

Clip posted to social media,shared by PM’s son, shows masked soldier warning troops will not obey orders if gov’t doesn’t pursue ‘complete victory’ over Hamas, demanding Gallant quit

The Israeli military said Saturday that it was opening a criminal probe into a video shared online showing a masked reservist threatening mutiny if the government doesn’t pursue what he defined as “complete victory” over Hamas.

“The behavior in the video is a serious violation of IDF orders and IDF values, and constitutes a suspicion of criminal offenses,” the military said in response to a query on the matter.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said the Military Advocate General has ordered an immediate Military Police investigation into the clip.


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f4fb05 No.20913884


that cart needs mods

Trump Force 2

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8b7c72 No.20913885

File: bb10fd87a09d94a⋯.png (367.05 KB,480x300,8:5,TELEMMGLPICT000001689491_t….png)

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f075c8 No.20913887


That would be the quickest route.

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64084a No.20913888

File: 9947f67a5d91a66⋯.png (470.02 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

IDF opens probe after social media posts show troops burning Quran, other books in Gaza

IDF says ‘severe’ incidents are ‘inconsistent with values’; Military Police’s findings to be submitted to Military Advocate General for review

The Israel Defense Forces said Friday that the Military Police was investigating incidents in which soldiers filmed themselves burning books, including a Quran, during operations in the Gaza Strip.

Footage of the book burnings were taken by the soldiers, uploaded to social media, and later recirculated by Palestinian accounts.

One video, reportedly taken in the Rafah area, apparently showed a soldier holding a Quran before tossing it into a fire.


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68dbaf No.20913889

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3b23fa No.20913890


Put that lil thing up, anon

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738703 No.20913891

File: d2f49983bcfec74⋯.png (507.23 KB,648x702,12:13,boweslyonteeth.png)





Rumor is that Queen's mother was a look alike to the alleged nobel bloodline LYON.

why did they let the Queen's mother's teeth rot when they have so much money and basically, allegedly, rule the world?

the insider story is:

Elizabeth's father, George, was a retard, and the real Lady Bowes-Lyons "WOULDNT"

So they brought in a maid from Scotland to play the part of the Mum.

Is that why she was snubbed by Phillip? And why no one ever paid to get her teeth done?

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302c80 No.20913892

File: ef99e4daa4261ca⋯.png (431.85 KB,700x622,350:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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656421 No.20913893

File: e783b92f23e6992⋯.jpeg (133.69 KB,1052x756,263:189,IMG_0252.jpeg)

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cd69fd No.20913894

File: 504d56703470e37⋯.png (320.45 KB,678x447,226:149,504d56703470e373e3d460f5dd….png)

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b6c8e3 No.20913895

Should be a good year for Crisis Actors

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3e2a90 No.20913896


it's true –10% all in stupid biden mother fuckers won't take the deal. It is said NY MN will always vote biden to ensure thar way of life, taken for granted Like taking the vaxx

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c964ae No.20913897

File: a31aa048ef1b5c3⋯.jpg (117.94 KB,576x433,576:433,TrumpWonPower.jpg)

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dfdf35 No.20913898

File: db495c27765e132⋯.png (865.71 KB,1080x1539,40:57,Screenvgf.png)

File: 92234d4c118c1fa⋯.jpg (92.26 KB,500x676,125:169,8n0w5x_3.jpg)

File: 2d155a182c9528a⋯.jpg (63.51 KB,500x629,500:629,8r7zcp_1_1.jpg)

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63f117 No.20913899


We love solving puzzles!

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f4fb05 No.20913900


2 E's should be lit up in "people"

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a62b2a No.20913901

File: 85d4dbd97279ea6⋯.png (131.28 KB,825x330,5:2,steveBannonFable.png)


>Steve Bannon comes out hot in new interview.

>This is some Andrew Breitbart shit right here.

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1452c4 No.20913902

File: 67b3246b6e89828⋯.jpeg (26.18 KB,215x255,43:51,IMG_3880.jpeg)


> Biden’s campaign is hiring a meme manager

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63f117 No.20913903


Vaccines are killing people.

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e75a22 No.20913904

File: 1e68d16f5e72f03⋯.jpeg (270.65 KB,1110x1450,111:145,IMG_2308.jpeg)

Professional golfer Grayson Murray dies at age 30

Associated Press

May 25, 2024, 03:35 PM ET

Two-time PGA Tour winner Grayson Murray died Saturday morning at age 30, one day after he withdrew from the Charles Schwab Cup Challenge at Colonial.

There were no immediate details on the circumstances of his death, only shock and grief from the PGA Tour and his management team.

"I am at a loss for words," PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan said in a statement. "The PGA Tour is a family, and when you lose a member of your family, you are never the same. We mourn Grayson and pray for comfort for his loved ones.".

His management company, GSE Worldwide, confirmed the death and said it was heartbroken.

"We will hold off on commenting until we learn further details, but out heart aches for his family, his friends and all who loved him during this very difficult time," GSE said in a statement.

Monahan said he spoke with Murray's parents to offer condolences, and they asked that the tournament in Fort Worth, Texas, continue.

He said grief counselors would be on-site at the PGA Tour and Korn Ferry Tour event. Monahan said he was headed to Texas.

Murray, who spoke about alcohol and mental health in the past, made a massive turnaround this year and won the Sony Open, hitting wedge to 3 feet for birdie on the final hole to get into a playoff and winning it with a 40-foot putt.

He had won the Barbasol Championship the year before.


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cd69fd No.20913905


I didn't make it but being an autist I noticed that my theory is they just picked the E prior we need a photo shop anon to make the spots glow yellow to correct the world

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64084a No.20913906

Anti-Israel activists argue IDF mistranslated Arabic in footage of abduction of Israeli women

The debate is over the word "sabaya," which, depending on its spelling and slight pronunciation differences, can mean either young woman or sex slave.

Following the release of the footage of the abduction of five Israeli women from the Nahal Oz base by Hamas, some anti-Israel activists took to social media to argue that the English translation of the Arabic heard in the video was inaccurate, specifically, one line, which, if translated correctly, implied that the terrorists were planning on sexually assaulting their victims.

Hebrew and English subtitles were provided by IDF translators, and about midway through the clip, the subtitles read: “Here are the girls, (women who can get pregnant).”

The debate is over the Arabic word sabaya. It can either be understood to mean, depending on its spelling and slight pronunciation differences, a young woman, or – a sex slave. The IDF translated it per the latter interpretation, while Hamas sympathizers argued that the term was simply being used to refer to the captives as “women” or “girls.”


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f075c8 No.20913907

File: 58d14787aa94e7c⋯.png (1.61 MB,1834x2009,262:287,ClipboardImage.png)


Tripping hazard.

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6e3d93 No.20913908

notables @ 655

#25650 >>20913178

>>20913235 President Trump To Address Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (speaking time TBA)

>>20913182 Planned Parenthood is Helping Teenagers Transition After a 30 Minute Consult

>>20913213, >>20913799 Democrats and the media needs you to forget they did this

>>20913243, >>20913307, >>20913511, >>20913681 PF: General

>>20913257 Navy Commander: We’re Seeing More Attempts by Foreign Nationals to Penetrate Bases, ‘Two or Three Times a Week’

>>20913276 OJ Prices Squeeze Into Blue-Sky Breakout As Food Inflation Fears Soar

>>20913281 First Space Force Joint PME grads honored at JHU

>>20913299 Jack Smith makes new ‘Hail Mary’ move to silence Trump and oust Judge Cannon

>>20913301 DJT: Biden's DoJ authorized use of deadly force against President Trump in Mar-a-Lago Raid

>>20913302 Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang talks blowout quarter, AI, Tesla, inferencing, ongoing demand, and more

>>20913312, >>20913351, >>20913347, >>20913624 David Moren admitting to using personal email while advising and advocating on behalf of Fauci

>>20913320 Silicon Valley investors embrace Trump after years of leaning left: ‘Impossible to support Biden’

>>20913323 NCSWIC

>>20913328 'PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP': Bronx residents backing Trump explain their support

>>20913336 Red Lobster staff dish on the toxic and demoralizing workplace and how Thai bosses destroyed the world's largest seafood chain

>>20913345 If Trump supporters are ‘clowns,’ Hochul is a ‘jackass’: Mother of slain NYC veteran

>>20913356, >>20913362, >>20913372 AOC reacts live as she's called a false prophet by pastor Ruben Diaz at Bronx Trump rally

>>20913371, >>20913377, >>20913410 #OTD in 2001, PEARL HARBOR was released

>>20913375 MARAD Announces $4.8 Million in Funding for Marine Highways

>>20913390, >>20913596 Scavino Truth decodes

>>20913400 The Washington Post reveals they actually already discovered in Jan 2021 the Alito flag story was fake and chose not report it

>>20913402 Who owns the school system? Bankers: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and JP Morgan

>>20913404 Rand Paul: Fauci 'Could Be Indicted' for Destroying Records

>>20913419 A New Trade War Offers No Easy Way Back for Old Global Order

>>20913438, >>20913565 Flashback: After delivering his commencement address at the US Air Force Academy, Trump stays to shake hands with 1,000 cadets

>>20913470, >>20913477, >>20913535, >>20913563, >>20913662 The B-1, B-2, and B-52 graced the skyline of Miami Beach today (w/ PF)

>>20913549 Sabin Howard Previews WWI Memorial Set To Be Unveiled

>>20913626 QClock May 25, 2024 - Airforce Commencement, Scavino is a Clockfag

>>20913651 PF: SAM766 C40B Janet Yellen departed Shannon, Ireland after a fuel stop and left Milan-Malpensa Intl earlier after G7 Finance meeting

>>20913684 To understand the craziest Democrat policies, always follow the money

>>20913685 Philippines Mayor Alice Guo Investigated As Chinese Spy

>>20913707, >>20913767 DJT Truth re: Crypto

>>20913756 Over 40 Democrat Mayors Demand Biden Give Illegal Aliens Jobs and Work Permits

>>20913764 Biden's $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach

>>20913769 Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

>>20913781, >>20913680 Viktor Orban seeks to bail on NATO allies due to rising escalations with Ukraine / Russia

>>20913860, >>20913904 Professional golfer Grayson Murray, 30, dies after withdrawing from Charles Schwab Challenge

>>20913868 Lindsey Graham tells UN International Court of Justice to 'go to hell' over ruling against Israel

>>20913888 IDF opens probe after social media posts show troops burning Quran, other books in Gaza


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b6c8e3 No.20913909


Was he Vaxxed?

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ce5dcd No.20913910

File: b2b286a684246c2⋯.png (56.15 KB,232x218,116:109,ClipboardImage.png)

Pika Pika (Pikachu)


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5bf75a No.20913911



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bacae4 No.20913912



The leaf is up


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f4fb05 No.20913913

when does anon infiltrate the crisis actor cabal and report back

too dangerous

anon would probably be set up to take real rounds

kek er nah

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8b7c72 No.20913914




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415847 No.20913915


and whatever happened to QE2's sister….

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1452c4 No.20913916

File: 030160496c1acd5⋯.png (290.36 KB,500x710,50:71,IMG_3168.png)


> Report: Biden plans Photo ID for illegals

> Access to public benefits

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091942 No.20913917


That’s more like it, froggie!

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6ce98e No.20913918


Enjoying herself finally?

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9ca47e No.20913919

File: 1cc6629707bc541⋯.jpg (240.2 KB,720x1245,48:83,20240524_205925.jpg)

File: a5bc616fc7dda77⋯.jpg (391.43 KB,1570x2048,785:1024,20240524_205856.jpg)

This strange new portrait of Kate Middleton on the cover of Tatler Magazine is going viral!


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e75a22 No.20913920

File: 244aba1df5d970c⋯.jpeg (353.1 KB,1241x1779,1241:1779,IMG_2309.jpeg)



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4aaa35 No.20913921

File: f7d1ba40a83178d⋯.png (238.09 KB,456x538,228:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b92bb No.20913922

File: d97abc0e05e1530⋯.png (7.02 MB,2500x2500,1:1,Satanic_owl_moloch_illumin….png)

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94c7a3 No.20913923

Who owns America?

Does the US have nobility?

Benjamin Franklin Esquire?

Your land is still owned by the King.

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5a0db8 No.20913924

File: d9970bd16d498f3⋯.jpg (27.6 KB,500x500,1:1,d9970bd16d498f389b99dbf3c7….jpg)

All Biden's new Meme Manager has to do is post pictures of liberals.


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552065 No.20913925


The Formal Surrender Of City Of London to King Charles.

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5b92bb No.20913926

File: 944303baa0743d2⋯.png (5.54 MB,5657x6542,5657:6542,JPodesta.png)

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f075c8 No.20913927

File: 46936734f1ab985⋯.png (414.03 KB,959x947,959:947,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ea30a No.20913928

File: 82ac102157abbfc⋯.png (683.06 KB,500x668,125:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b92bb No.20913929

File: 2eb90a9a90bd7af⋯.jpg (4.71 MB,7000x7000,1:1,PizzagateInfographic.jpg)

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eb5566 No.20913930


I think a lot of qurans were blown up.

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77b302 No.20913931

File: 5cd18525b26c48c⋯.png (424.45 KB,634x793,634:793,ClipboardImage.png)


Biden posts job advert for 'meme page manager': So can the lucky candidate save him from the merciless mockery he gets online?

Biden, 81, has been cultivating a cutting online image

His team promotes 'Dark Brandon' and other online memes and mocks Trump

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5b92bb No.20913932

File: 33926b807c8621c⋯.jpg (3.2 MB,1200x9900,4:33,Hillary_Clinton_huge_infog….jpg)

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da7128 No.20913933


I think he was part of Jamie’s SWAT team so yeah prolly had a hand in it

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77b302 No.20913934

File: 719ef8b5dbbc2e0⋯.png (450.29 KB,634x637,634:637,ClipboardImage.png)


>Dark Brandon


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94c7a3 No.20913935

File: 86e29eac3b6c939⋯.png (4.17 MB,2060x2048,515:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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656421 No.20913936


Supporting Trump doesn’t mean awakened in ANY way at all. What fucking tardation is this Faux bullcarp!

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5b92bb No.20913937

File: cdd5f7975c042f1⋯.png (2.8 MB,5393x7897,5393:7897,Laura_Silsby_web_of_connec….png)

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5b92bb No.20913938

File: e02c755afe15d36⋯.png (1.45 MB,5191x3799,179:131,USGovPersonnelConvictedWeb.png)

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552065 No.20913939


>stomach surgery

Hung, drawn and quartered.

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5b92bb No.20913940

File: 15a480671917dda⋯.jpg (880.45 KB,2672x1600,167:100,Jeffesron_on_misinformatio….jpg)

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6d0581 No.20913941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Monday the 27th is 33 days after the bloodied horse gallop.

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f075c8 No.20913942

File: a2286168ee927b9⋯.png (1.1 MB,709x720,709:720,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b92bb No.20913943

File: 9f11567a34a702b⋯.png (866.16 KB,1939x1781,1939:1781,Schumer_web_connections.png)

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8e0879 No.20913944

File: 18062056c9743ea⋯.jpeg (337.66 KB,976x562,488:281,IMG_0852.jpeg)

File: 43710c76aa82400⋯.jpeg (736.25 KB,1125x1397,1125:1397,IMG_0898.jpeg)

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5b92bb No.20913945

File: caaaad5782f1aa8⋯.png (776.63 KB,1440x1079,1440:1079,ElitistConnectionsWeb.png)

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64084a No.20913946

File: 429a146954c0b32⋯.png (103.73 KB,280x163,280:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd69fd No.20913947


O ya sure its just dumb luck


I don't see it WTF R U trying to show us here? I can clockfag but I don't know what you are pointing out

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e75a22 No.20913948


The left can’t meme and whoever they hire can’t meme!

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77b302 No.20913949

File: 5437bd43a252954⋯.png (1.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>that cart needs mods

it's a sleeper

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5b92bb No.20913950

File: 7c427b6760d3b4a⋯.png (667.75 KB,3292x2365,3292:2365,ChildTraffickWeb.png)

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eb5566 No.20913951

File: 6ca08c5b62a1d97⋯.mp4 (4.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,Joe_had_a_pier_installed_a….mp4)



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3e2a90 No.20913952


…save merciless mockery, groping, sniffing and unlimited cocaine

line is out the door

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5b92bb No.20913953

File: 804d9a4e1d3654d⋯.png (642.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,AgencyInformation.png)

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552065 No.20913954


King Charles has dissolved the parliament, new elections, all the corrupt players BTFO'd

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48ff40 No.20913955


i am living in a libtard stronghold so my viewpoints might be somewhat bias. not saying things aren't getting better. the porn and drug problem is huge though.

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5b92bb No.20913956

File: fe79d01d6e1d308⋯.jpg (572.65 KB,1084x1620,271:405,Epstein_Orgy_Island_infogr….jpg)

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738703 No.20913957

File: efaab44f6a26765⋯.jpg (34.94 KB,421x596,421:596,rats.jpg)

File: 31530a91515237c⋯.jpg (49.13 KB,590x430,59:43,demonmickymousea.jpg)

File: d18838b86aa71db⋯.jpg (66.84 KB,960x856,120:107,mickeywicked2.jpg)

File: b99e452551b7785⋯.jpg (28.89 KB,253x255,253:255,mickymouseillumaniti.jpg)

File: 76672094c97eda4⋯.jpg (11.03 KB,428x561,428:561,mickmouse.jpg)


This ^^^^^^^^^

They have no HARD AI

supposed to achieve it by 2001.

Their premises are incorrect.

they keep lying about it to keep the stock prices up.

No machine/ software combo has truly passed the "Turing Test." for indistinguishability from a human being.


They use humans behind the scenes to make it seem real, Like OZ behind the curtain.

AI is nothing but MASS SURVEILLANCE plus Brute Force.

The machine doesn't actually think; it can only do what its told.

If it crashes and grinds to a halt, somebody has to be there to re-boot.

"The Stopping Problem"

Dave tried to unplug HAL.


that's predictive programming. The owners want you to think AI wants to kill you

keke (sorry shouldn't laugh)

Remember "autoanimatronics" of Disney?

Same people. It's was robots with a script. And even then could never be mistaken for a real human.

Is Micky Mouse a RAT?

He puts is hands all over Minnie. Til he gets a "NO"?

he's eligible for a pardon if he turns and does something good?


Dont want to break the children's hearts? Right.

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da7128 No.20913958

File: b11ffc30512eb26⋯.jpeg (432.16 KB,738x709,738:709,E310D15A_39FB_409A_A148_9….jpeg)

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e0a20d No.20913959


The person that runs Biden Harris HQon X is pretty damn good!

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d2f5ea No.20913960

File: 4872e7de1ba3ab5⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_05_21_19_20_08.mp4)


>The left can’t meme

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27b172 No.20913961

File: b2b5c2aa2a89562⋯.png (342.83 KB,397x526,397:526,b2b5c2aa2a8956280bd2c2e2ab….png)

File: 0e1130e86a693a0⋯.jpg (64.18 KB,680x459,40:27,0e1130e86a693a06509cb8e5c2….jpg)

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5b92bb No.20913962

File: 6bb856c8241d1cd⋯.jpg (579.76 KB,2195x1445,439:289,Conspiracy_Rule_World.jpg)

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9ca47e No.20913963

File: 3a7eb28a462fdf2⋯.jpg (70.03 KB,519x720,173:240,20240524_214814.jpg)

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cd69fd No.20913964

File: b8eb8cae3b3fe9f⋯.jpg (11.68 KB,197x255,197:255,b8eb8cae3b3fe9fa67f3c14621….jpg)


If we tried to meme for the left we would fail, they are meme criptonite, anything we made would backfire, ya you would need walls of text to counter the kek of it

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5b92bb No.20913965

File: db58f9a86203b6d⋯.jpg (471.21 KB,2896x2896,1:1,CIA_shadow_government_info….jpg)

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6e3d93 No.20913966


#25650 >>20913178

>>20913235 President Trump To Address Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (speaking time TBA)

>>20913182 Planned Parenthood is Helping Teenagers Transition After a 30 Minute Consult

>>20913213, >>20913799 Democrats and the media needs you to forget they did this

>>20913243, >>20913307, >>20913511, >>20913681 PF: General

>>20913257 Navy Commander: We’re Seeing More Attempts by Foreign Nationals to Penetrate Bases, ‘Two or Three Times a Week’

>>20913276 OJ Prices Squeeze Into Blue-Sky Breakout As Food Inflation Fears Soar

>>20913281 First Space Force Joint PME grads honored at JHU

>>20913299 Jack Smith makes new ‘Hail Mary’ move to silence Trump and oust Judge Cannon

>>20913301 DJT: Biden's DoJ authorized use of deadly force against President Trump in Mar-a-Lago Raid

>>20913302 Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang talks blowout quarter, AI, Tesla, inferencing, ongoing demand, and more

>>20913312, >>20913351, >>20913347, >>20913624 David Moren admitting to using personal email while advising and advocating on behalf of Fauci

>>20913320 Silicon Valley investors embrace Trump after years of leaning left: ‘Impossible to support Biden’

>>20913323 NCSWIC

>>20913328 'PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP': Bronx residents backing Trump explain their support

>>20913336 Red Lobster staff dish on the toxic and demoralizing workplace and how Thai bosses destroyed the world's largest seafood chain

>>20913345 If Trump supporters are ‘clowns,’ Hochul is a ‘jackass’: Mother of slain NYC veteran

>>20913356, >>20913362, >>20913372 AOC reacts live as she's called a false prophet by pastor Ruben Diaz at Bronx Trump rally

>>20913371, >>20913377, >>20913410 #OTD in 2001, PEARL HARBOR was released

>>20913375 MARAD Announces $4.8 Million in Funding for Marine Highways

>>20913390, >>20913596 Scavino Truth decodes

>>20913400 The Washington Post reveals they actually already discovered in Jan 2021 the Alito flag story was fake and chose not report it

>>20913402 Who owns the school system? Bankers: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and JP Morgan

>>20913404 Rand Paul: Fauci 'Could Be Indicted' for Destroying Records

>>20913419 A New Trade War Offers No Easy Way Back for Old Global Order

>>20913438, >>20913565 Flashback: After delivering his commencement address at the US Air Force Academy, Trump stays to shake hands with 1,000 cadets

>>20913470, >>20913477, >>20913535, >>20913563, >>20913662 The B-1, B-2, and B-52 graced the skyline of Miami Beach today (w/ PF)

>>20913549 Sabin Howard Previews WWI Memorial Set To Be Unveiled

>>20913626 QClock May 25, 2024 - Airforce Commencement, Scavino is a Clockfag

>>20913651 PF: SAM766 C40B Janet Yellen departed Shannon, Ireland after a fuel stop and left Milan-Malpensa Intl earlier after G7 Finance meeting

>>20913684 To understand the craziest Democrat policies, always follow the money

>>20913685 Philippines Mayor Alice Guo Investigated As Chinese Spy

>>20913707, >>20913767 DJT Truth re: Crypto

>>20913756 Over 40 Democrat Mayors Demand Biden Give Illegal Aliens Jobs and Work Permits

>>20913764, >>20913951 Biden's $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach

>>20913769 Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

>>20913781, >>20913680 Viktor Orban seeks to bail on NATO allies due to rising escalations with Ukraine / Russia

>>20913860, >>20913904 Professional golfer Grayson Murray, 30, dies after withdrawing from Charles Schwab Challenge

>>20913868 Lindsey Graham tells UN International Court of Justice to 'go to hell' over ruling against Israel

>>20913888 IDF opens probe after social media posts show troops burning Quran, other books in Gaza

>>20913920 Refresher: Ilhan Omar is a fraud


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5b92bb No.20913967

File: 5d1173063a0042a⋯.jpg (348.03 KB,3646x2745,3646:2745,ToddandClare_dot_com_conne….jpg)

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9301e6 No.20913968


That’s wicked

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5b92bb No.20913969

File: e067ff8f62ed53b⋯.png (307.68 KB,1087x802,1087:802,Op_Mockingbird_infographic.png)

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77b302 No.20913970

File: 7e6546410334a62⋯.gif (2.18 MB,480x260,24:13,wellthereitis.gif)

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5b92bb No.20913973

File: 7354c3687dc6228⋯.png (307.35 KB,1478x900,739:450,5c213502998709ff852b7f247e….png)

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5b92bb No.20913978

File: d6b73863e52c948⋯.jpg (278.4 KB,1300x1390,130:139,InQTel_Scrubbed_from_Gener….jpg)

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971cf0 No.20913981


Even Biden is trying to mimic Mr Pig now.

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5b92bb No.20913982

File: a5dbe5c7cc251fb⋯.png (270.02 KB,500x500,1:1,DeepState.png)

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4aaa35 No.20913983

File: aec21212d8ee8b6⋯.png (853.5 KB,665x649,665:649,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d0581 No.20913984


Mr.Pig needs to be Biden's meme manager.

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5b92bb No.20913986

File: 6c9c0bb98f11622⋯.png (258.88 KB,2538x1404,47:26,SchmidtFoundationWeb.png)

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6e3d93 No.20913987

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5b92bb No.20913988

File: a4d9af900f94ec2⋯.png (238.7 KB,2536x1396,634:349,McKinsey_spider_web.png)

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5b92bb No.20913990

File: e5f97b1abce4089⋯.png (237.98 KB,2601x1482,867:494,Gannett_Co_web.png)

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9c04b7 No.20913991

File: 9d6089b6c77faac⋯.png (115.94 KB,744x583,744:583,ClipboardImage.png)



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5b92bb No.20913992

File: 5d4c526cb0039fe⋯.jpg (192.12 KB,1180x830,118:83,AlinskyInfo.jpg)

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971cf0 No.20913993


Pig is overqualified. They will send their meme page manager here to learn from Pig I bet.

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1452c4 No.20913994

File: 948d319efc58888⋯.jpeg (54.04 KB,246x255,82:85,IMG_4953.jpeg)

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5b92bb No.20913995

File: 80c96a0599a13a1⋯.jpg (154.99 KB,1081x614,1081:614,Jeffrey_Garten_connections….jpg)

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6d0581 No.20913996


notably unvaxxed

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5b92bb No.20913997

File: 5fe3314ad266a31⋯.jpg (149.21 KB,1200x675,16:9,Fake_Dossier_engineered_by….jpg)

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5b92bb No.20913999

File: a81edf5e62df901⋯.jpg (141.31 KB,1286x725,1286:725,Uranium_1_connections.jpg)

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6d0581 No.20914002


Pig could easily infiltrate and create denigrating memes that the Biden campaign would not understand.


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be8fb5 No.20914003


there's around 2.52+ million cryptocurrencies out there

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5b92bb No.20914004

File: d6d361084c12a2f⋯.png (135.85 KB,662x591,662:591,McKinsey_Co_web_connection….png)

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5b92bb No.20914008

File: 652e0abc5ab5f12⋯.jpg (132.49 KB,700x525,4:3,Muslim_Brotherhood_in_Nort….jpg)

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77b302 No.20914009

File: 0c7d79712c1ad83⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB,640x360,16:9,todaywasagoodday.mp4)

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5b92bb No.20914010

File: e3d71ee4fe12ec0⋯.png (119.36 KB,973x700,139:100,Kissinger.png)

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5b92bb No.20914012

File: 4290e361578fc53⋯.png (116.8 KB,949x689,73:53,TidesFoundationWeb.png)

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5b92bb No.20914014

File: 0a8a8298331ddf9⋯.jpg (114.55 KB,600x600,1:1,VernonJordanWeb.jpg)

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5b92bb No.20914016

File: 3240b412ad80c36⋯.png (109.42 KB,952x655,952:655,SchmidtFamilyWeb.png)

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5b92bb No.20914019

File: 1200f8eda568e85⋯.png (100.96 KB,954x696,159:116,Rothschild_Munk_DeripaskaW….png)

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5b92bb No.20914022

File: d1ac8c3ce14a3a3⋯.png (89.52 KB,658x600,329:300,Gannett_web_connections.png)

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738703 No.20914025

File: 50b15d8eda0b815⋯.jpg (38 KB,404x435,404:435,pronounsareshowingfe.jpg)

File: a08bc1fb46bd79c⋯.png (270.15 KB,1000x594,500:297,tonyperkinspsychoc.png)


Dont want to break the childrens' hearts? Right.

Spell correct.

mia culpa

(picrel) Imagine have that 'thing' as your kindergarten teacher. scary

It's fine in privacy; in night clubs, adult reviews. Drag Contests. That's all fun, sure.


Even drag queens agree.

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5b92bb No.20914027

File: 93b73ece92c0d30⋯.png (83.48 KB,955x685,191:137,Emmet_J_Rice_web.png)

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d2f5ea No.20914028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5b92bb No.20914029

File: 7b3ef1fb2d5642e⋯.png (80.97 KB,650x600,13:12,albright.png)

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5b92bb No.20914030

File: 47c5fff166ea72d⋯.png (78.46 KB,950x694,475:347,Ian_Cameron_web.png)

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2a6d15 No.20941956

File: 6d3808178ca1d10⋯.jpg (3.76 MB,2475x3360,165:224,serious_autism_added_8ch_b….jpg)

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2a6d15 No.20941962

File: 3ef56e7bc23e96f⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,4400x2820,220:141,Swamp_infographic_10.jpg)

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2a6d15 No.20941965

File: a1f85103dc3b75c⋯.jpg (3.2 MB,5599x6000,5599:6000,Godfather_III.jpg)

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acc33b No.20941969

File: a1f85103dc3b75c⋯.jpg (3.2 MB,5599x6000,5599:6000,Godfather_III.jpg)

such fun

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