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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

a87fe8 No.20925787 [View All]

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701 posts and 428 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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181dac No.20926517

File: f4c2521e0019320⋯.png (562.85 KB,634x358,317:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3056f No.20926518


Sauce ?

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8f3977 No.20926519

john 3:16,18


john 3:16-18

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05a779 No.20926520


Many American citizens had their heads bashed in by BLM and antifa, illegals have killed many of our citizens, and the hospitals killed even more. It is a movie for anons, for Patriots it is a war, and like all wars, the field is constantly changing. Go tell the Palestinians it is just a movie.

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c18600 No.20926521


Concur. During covid, an Australian news broadcast was interrupted though with video of low iq's performing a Satanic mass. No thrones made of bones, just long dark robes and satanic gibberish.

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517842 No.20926522

File: b81836ff87b5f4b⋯.png (1.16 MB,668x1798,334:899,Scrcduj.png)

File: 65d9545fe1b4efa⋯.png (1014.63 KB,1080x719,1080:719,Screvh.png)

File: 03d3e27859834f4⋯.png (1.33 MB,1080x1160,27:29,Screenshot_20b.png)


Slick Willie made a huge mistake by leaving Monica Lewinsky behind…. Hillary Clinton is currently a monster.

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ae3fda No.20926523

File: df259acf9b5dc0d⋯.webm (394.21 KB,427x240,427:240,another_one.webm)


Desperate retard running his NPC despairfag persona on that ID. Filtered. Now IP hop, AEI, like the l'il clown bitch that you are.

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ed842e No.20926524

File: e98a46ce11a63f1⋯.png (199.38 KB,1080x1783,1080:1783,ClipboardImage.png)

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a840c7 No.20926525


>typing harder.

Can you get any lazier than two words?

Who have you fought? You mean you made a goofy meme? Well then, I salute you.

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517842 No.20926526



Gay on the next level.

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a5b7d2 No.20926527


They looking to frame Trump supporters they are out in mass it looks like to me…

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a840c7 No.20926528


If you have it all then end the suffering of our people.

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934b29 No.20926529

File: 1b813d3ab979630⋯.png (29.27 KB,588x151,588:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c883b5f5945ad7⋯.png (35.49 KB,278x400,139:200,ClipboardImage.png)




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181dac No.20926530


Not time yet

The Bread is still doughy

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f03d90 No.20926531

in almost every town they named the roads or avenues some by states and watnots. some states have the same towns names.

why would they do that you think?

my best guess is to confuse ppl.

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3c54ab No.20926532

File: ea527b72da1cdc6⋯.jpg (74.5 KB,500x624,125:156,8rqpwj_1.jpg)

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a62ab0 No.20926533


#25665 >>20925798

>>20925996, >>20926319 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20925845 INTERPOL detects 200 stolen vehicles from Canada each week

>>20925874 Will Gen Z change America’s foreign policy towards Israel?

>>20925896, >>20926119, >>20926303 Look at the amount of human bones. Catacombs of Paris

>>20925920 If Trump takes New York, it’s game over

>>20925919, >>20925974, >>20926009, >>20926138, >>20926191 TRUMP WILL BE ON TIM POOL

>>20925941 Corrupt NACC Commissioner Paul Brereton exposed protecting his mates in the ADF

>>20925970 Denver Offers How-To Guide on Turning Cities into Taxpayer-Funded Immigrant Sanctuaries

>>20926013 Donald Trump says local law enforcement will carry out his planned mass deportation

>>20926073 Texas is currently constructing a real border wall in Del Rio County after the Democrat sheriff called for help

>>20926091 Trump says the real number of illegal Immigrants under Biden could be 17 million, not the 7 million that’s being reported

>>20926169 ICYMI: Ret Adm Rogers, CISO

>>20926192, >>20925898 Kash on transparency

>>20926223 Argentina’s Milei fires Cabinet chief as bill stalls in Congress

>>20926324, >>20926325 Bragg and the Jackson Pollock School of Prosecution: Why the Trump Trial Could End With a Hung Jury

>>20926412 North Korea fails in attempt to launch spy satellite

>>20926424, >>20926358, >>20926436 big donors told not to give money to donald trump or the fbi will turn up at their door

>>20926432 GITMO update


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b477cd No.20926536

File: ee9f12f4bb81caa⋯.png (303.49 KB,1704x851,1704:851,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6f24c3dfdd632f⋯.png (3.56 MB,1388x1080,347:270,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce827c No.20926537

File: 84bdecb88347573⋯.gif (1.51 MB,492x200,123:50,FCCB37E1_5DED_4B57_AEA8_F7….gif)


Night B

In the morn’

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934b29 No.20926538

File: 2b6bad728e0781f⋯.png (244.88 KB,523x590,523:590,ClipboardImage.png)

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c2e56b No.20926539

File: 90dc7d3ce173c1d⋯.jpeg (155.17 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_1988.jpeg)


Planned Parenthood says Hold my Beer!

And your taxes pay for that, too

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181dac No.20926541

Suffering is a Choice

There is another way

The people will Learn this before it's over

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a62ab0 No.20926542

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181dac No.20926544

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8f3977 No.20926545


We are winning and the plan is unfolding according to Trump's timetable. The CiC.

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8f3977 No.20926548



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91e05c No.20926549

File: 2c6586eedfb39fa⋯.jpg (129.94 KB,590x614,295:307,1716870670.jpg)

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91e05c No.20926550

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91e05c No.20926553

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95b7dd No.20926554


>Suffering is a Choice

>There is another way

>The people will Learn this before it's over

This is stupid new age philosophy. Suffering is a choice. So if someone beats you or one of your loved ones half to death, then according to your philosophy, then it is because you or your loved one caused and wanted to suffer.

"The Secret" new age crap that puts the blame only on you. The cabal laughs all the way to the bank.

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91e05c No.20926555


the bull is hungry.


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ce827c No.20926556

File: 1979f6558e81ca4⋯.jpeg (298.74 KB,2400x1689,800:563,DB866AD8_2A25_414D_AC6E_0….jpeg)

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91e05c No.20926558


thinks its enemy cares about money.

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181dac No.20926559


Someday you will understand

Perhaps in a couple decades

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91e05c No.20926560


that bad huh

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d8f059 No.20926561


>We are winning and the plan is unfolding according to Trump's timetable. The CiC.

Yes but it is long in the tooth. Sides have been chosen a long long time ago. I care not to win any of them over they made their bed and the fact is is that they won't change only fool you for leniency at best. Tell that to Lara Logan.

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91e05c No.20926562


maitreyan fool thinks it has time

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c18600 No.20926563


>It is a movie for anons,

More like a movie for psychopaths. Please note I am not calling anons psychopaths. Q perhaps but not anons.

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ed842e No.20926565

File: c12ae5c5d85f9ea⋯.png (20.86 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8f059 No.20926566


>thinks its enemy cares about money.

Go ask them for a few million and see what they say.

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181dac No.20926567


Maybe you will never grasp it

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91e05c No.20926572


she is awesome randy.

keep it up.

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5b3f59 No.20926574

File: d3f289002a18044⋯.jpg (166.65 KB,600x335,120:67,QRB4.jpg)

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91e05c No.20926575


one discarded it

long ago

you are a fool

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c18600 No.20926576


>"The Secret" new age crap

aka satanic gibberish.

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91e05c No.20926578


still does not know its enemy

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5b3f59 No.20926579

File: 64e283cd960f1ef⋯.jpg (130.2 KB,600x335,120:67,QRB3.jpg)

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d8f059 No.20926580


>Someday you will understand

>Perhaps in a couple decades

Yet the scenario I just explained happens all the time, so I guess everybody wants to be a victim and it is their fault. They just aren't using the universe properly. So stupid, I guess no one does anything evil but are just wish fillers.

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ce827c No.20926582

File: 7a3fca9590e4f4c⋯.jpeg (70.54 KB,800x784,50:49,ED857096_378E_4E2D_8CB3_8….jpeg)

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91e05c No.20926586


looks like the magical dwarf

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