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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

25190c No.20925044 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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25190c No.20925050

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 —————— Australia #36

>>20842620 —————— Canada #58

>>20584322 —————— China #1

>>16694358 —————— France #7

>>19988670 —————— Germany #106

>>20478803 —————— Japan #22

>>20584358 —————— Korea #1

>>16694250 —————— Nederland #10

>>17784579 —————— QAJF #1

>>20584333 —————— Russia #1

>>20584424 —————— Saudi Arabia #1

>>20038152 —————— Scotland #9

>>19636057 —————— South Africa #12

>>19804572 —————— UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20883496 If a signed in baker posts notes in the current bread and then hands off, the next baker must keep them

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


#25663 >>20924299

>>20924306 Baker out

>>20924324 CIA is hiding a weapon that’s “Designed is to make the target feel like they're crazy"

>>20924326 Dough claim

>>20924315 James Biden associate Keaton Langston pleads guilty to $51M Medicare fraud

>>20924363 Benjamin Netanyahu calls civilian deaths in Rafah after latest Israeli attacks "tragic mistake"

>>20924428 PF Report: RCH613 C17 departed Port Au Prince after ground stop to Charleston

>>20924603 Jan. 6 supporters hold Memorial Day 'Freedom March' for 'hero' Ashli Babbitt

>>20924611 PF Report: AE67E8 US Navy P8 Poseidon off Dubai and south of the Straight of Hormuz at 1:20am local time. Sez 631kts so if accurate it’s hauling ass

>>20924638 PF Report: Belgian AF MACE41/42 F16s up just south of Brussels Intl where Zelensky’s A319 >>20924055 lb is parked and certainly putting on a show as who dafuq is gonna attack an unarmed parked aircraft at a public airport?

>>20924644 BF Report: an Iranian-flagged Landing Craft in the area supposed to be out of UAE heading for Bandar Abbas

>>20924649 Biden Administration Presses Allies Not to Confront Iran on Nuclear Program (WSJ)

>>20924654 Neighbours condemn North Korea launch that ends in mid-air fireball

>>20924666, >>20924668 US national security adviser, Saudi Arabia’s crown prince meet to discuss ‘semi-final’ security deal

>>20924761 POTUS Truth - Can you imagine, a President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in the history of our Country, and who is also the Republican Nominee for President in the upcoming 2024 Election, and leading in all polls against the Democrat Nominee, Joe Biden, is tomorrow going before a Corrupt and Conflicted Democrat Appointed, Acting New York Judge, on a FAKE & MADE UP CASE by a Soros backed failed D.A., and the Judge himself, to see whether or not he will become a common criminal?

>>20924838 These US properties are linked to the most notorious cults

>>20924845 POTUS Truth - Could somebody please ask Judge Merchan, whatever happened to MARK POMERANTZ, the man Alvin Bragg was furious at for the things he did on this contrived and unconstitutional case, and why wasn’t he allowed to testify?

>>20924854 @FBI - Self-proclaimed king of Bissonnet heads to prison for multi-state sex trafficking scheme @FBIHouston


>>20924911 Biden’s ex-border chief denounces admin’s policies, says president never called: ‘That’s a problem’


>>20924966 PF Report: 73-1677 E4B Nightwatch heading to JBA from Offut AFB (STRATCOM)

>>20925043 #256633

#25662 >>20923466

>>20923481 @DJT Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

>>20923517 Q 1513, 313 >>20923524 Q 1212 >>20923546 Q haberman >>20924065 VPPence

>>20923517, >>20923494 New Dan MP4 T1:04 @1:05 Est ( :01 )

>>20923506 You know it’s bad when the Illegal aliens are also concerned about America’s open borders.

>>20923511 Concerning Meme of Truth? AI-gen

>>20923516 Impact Covid Vax MP4

>>20923522 Dr Peter McCullough on vaccines and autism.

>>20923572 RCH4609 C17 Globey arrived at Caen from its JBA

>>20923579 We got Libertarian Meme #Clown

>>20923585 MEMORIAL DAY: Delivering The Truth with General Mike Flynn

>OLD Baker Notes

>>20923481, >>20923517, >>20923524, >>20923546 Anons dig Q+ 12:12 (John 15:13)

>>20923494, >>20923504, >>20923534, >>20923568, >>20923505 DanS 1:05pm (Arlington vid 1:04)

>>20923496 Biden's surprise night visit to Hunter's ex days before she testifies in his gun trial

>>20923486, >>20923516 Andrew Bridgen, an MP in England, "said this [COVID] is probably bigger than the Holocaust"

>NEW Baker Continues

>>20923618 Just recovered US-made M112 explosive charges in a @UNRWA School in Jabalia, Gaza.

>>20923626 Reminder we have Talking Points OP: Focus24 24/05/25


>>20923644 Covid Memes

>>20923648 Anon speculates HRC is not with us anymore

>>20923650 Anon Points Out: PDJT & Joe #ArligntonDelta

>>20923671 Joe and Hunter Biden used a visit to Sandy Hook memorial service to set up secret meet with Chinese?

>>20923695 Sleepy Joe nods off at Arlington MP4

>>20923704, >>20923972, >>20924055 PF: Zelensky left Madrid w/$1B from Spain-went to Brussels for moar-2 F16s

>>20923729 archive.org is under a ddos attack

>>20923773 Cornshucker flapping his lips in public #JamesCommie

>>20923787 Anon wants to know, has anyone heard this whistleblower’s story about Bidens?

>>20923816 @DanScavino RIP SHINZO


>>20923860 Judge Approves Class-Action Lawsuit Against American Airlines Over ESG Pension Investments Canada #58


>>20923913 OpenAI Not Focused on Safety, Partners With News Corp, Working with Apple? + Meta forms advisory board

>>20923971 Anon asks, Who wrote down the stories from Adam to Noah?

>>20923986 Homeowner finds still-warm 'meteorite'

>>20924049 North Korean spy satellite EXPLODES in mid-air #ElonMeToo

>>20924072 Global Outrage After Deadly Israeli Strike On Refugee Tent Camp In Rafah

>>20924039 @surflant - Never a dull moment #Deployment

>>20924119 Geometric Clouds in Arizona???!

>>20924122 @Kash Shout out to Patriots WW

>>20924125 SAM937 G5 WN from JBA

>>20923485, >>20923504, >>20923505, >>20923508, >>20923584, >>20923591, >>20923598, >>20923602, >>20923605, >>20923606, >>20923653, >>20923785, >>20923811, >>20923828, >>20923849, >>20923976, >>20924079, >>20924199, >>20924201 THANK YOU PATRIOTS

>>20924277 #25662

#25661 >>20922659, >>20922731

>>20922683 Supplemental Notables bun for #25658

>>20923183 (anon) Thank you to all the patriots who gave everything to protect the United States of America.

>>20922678, >>20922950, >>20922988 Q+ 10AM Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum.. working so hard

>>20923319, >>20923360 Q+ 12:12pm Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

>>20922786, >>20922826, >>20922923, >>20923256 QClock "Fishing Expedition" Psycho Joe Connection

>>20922711, >>20923047 USSOCOM 8:00am ...stop to reflect and remember > Q800 Coincidence?

>>20922727 AFMC 6:50am Today we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

>>20922737 USArmy 9:31am #HonorTheFallen

>>20922752 4thpsyopgroup - #HonorTheFallen #RememberAndReflect

>>20922872 US Naval Inst. 10:46am 'unlocks'> Q1046 They are all here. 24/7/365. Enjoy the show.

>>20922817 Trump says he 'would have absolutely gotten' Libertarian nomination if he could have run, slams RFK Jr.

>>20922873 @Jim_Jordan From Bunker Hill to Benghazi to Abbey Gate. Never forget

>>20922677 Lawmaker calls for Tlaib's removal after speech to 'People’s Conference for Palestine'

>>20922724 DeSantis signed bill 5/15 to remove "climate change" from state statutes, effective 07/01

>>20922738, >>20922755, >>20922812 Potato 8:26 suspicious Arlington headstone pic > Q826 COMMS GOOD. Nice try.

>>20922717 Renegade 9:45am - Arlington pic > Q945 BOOOOOM!

>>20922939 Hunter used Sandy Hook memorial to finesse meeting b/t dad and Chinese biz: docs

>>20922778 Margaret Brennan plays Q+ Rally “no one want EVs..” Then she says too butthead, “He’s Not Wrong”

>>20922888, >>20922982 NYTs calling Fetterman DangerousDems freaking out

>>20922922, >>20922985, >>20923214, >>20923252 NY Post pic (Is it HRC or memorex?)

>>20922825 @JudicialWatch "Mr. Biden has directed and overseen.. systematic deconstruction of U.S. border security

>>20923069, >>20923072, >>20923074 (reminder) Q+ historically against mass vaccines for children esp., "doctors lied"

>>20922809, >>20923217 evidence Q+ is legal Commander In Chief

>>20922941, >>20923039 Chessfags explore Wonderland

>>20923317 PF updates Ukraine AF UNKN1119 A319 landed at Madrid a few hours ago

>>20922931, >>20922938 explosion was seen in the sky over Japan after a warning about NK missile launch

>>20923006 ‘Korean NASA’ opens its doors

>>20923330 Space Force inches closer to classified remote work

>>20923363 Airmen, Space Force Guardians Could Grow Beards Under Pilot Program Proposed by House

>>20922832, >>20923099 NCAA, Power 5 agree to deal that will let schools pay players

>>20922870 Cannes security guard who clashed with Kelly Rowland strikes again as she 'disrespects' Korean actress

>>20922681, >>20922883, >>20922934 Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 exposed - Why Are They Hiding 6,000 Patents?

>>20922892 Ex-KKK leader’s child comes out as transgender in new memoir

>>20923034 500% Surge: Colorectal Cancer Rates Among U.S. Youths (data 1999-2020)

>>20923275 Telegram to Introduce Fact-Checking Feature

>>20923435 #25661

#25660 >>20921680

>>20921868, >>20922400 Remember and Honor our Heroes today

>>20922354, >>20922365 POTUS 7:42 am WE REMEMBER. (Memorial Day salute)

>>20922373, >>20922384, >>20922392 @82ndABNDiv 7:42 a.m. - our Paratroopers participated in Coca-Cola 600

>>20922444, >>20922538, >>20922587 Melania 8:19 am tribute to the brave souls who sacrificed their lives for our freedom

>>20921758 POTUS Truth Join 2/2022 > Q222

>>20922543, >>20922552 Q Clock "Fishing Expedition" (Fishing is Fun) > Q+ @NASCAR "Bass Pro Shops"

>>20921962, >>20922493, >>20921962 DanS. 11:05 (17 in pic w/POTUS @ NASCAR)

>>20922197, >>20922236, >>20922248, >>20922254 DanS. 11:07 pm (5/26) #CocaCola600 #NASCAR (00:54 vid)

>>20921766, >>20921770 Donald Trump given thunderous welcome at NASCAR race (vids)

>>20921780, >>20921803, >>20922021 PFs - Fly by over CMS at 1525ft prior to landing; others

>>20921961 US Naval Inst. 4:16 (5/26) "Tuck"; Smith > Q416

>>20922005, >>20922013, >>20922049 USS Constitution 12:46 (5/26) Open for tours Memorial Day

>>20922084 SURFLANT 6:00 am Honoring the Courage and Sacrifice of Our Heroes

>>20922168 @PapiTrumpo 1:21 (5/26) FAKE NEWS GOING DOWN!!!

>>20922180 @PapiTrumpo 6:43 (5/26) LOVE OUR BEAUTIFUL GOLD STAR FAMILIES!!!

>>20922438, >>20922473 anyone know when was the last time klaus schwab seen in public ?

>>20921979, >>20921980 Fani Willis appeals after judge drops multiple Trump charges

>>20922390, >>20922404 Defense Secretary Austin, 70, to transfer power to deputy as he goes under the knife again

>>20921958 Brigitte Macron & Germanys First Lady laugh on walk through Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial

>>20921915 Is Dem Rep. Gene Wu from texas a pedophile?

>>20922053, >>20922207 (vids) widow of NO Name, admits everyone in D.C. knew Elites went to Epstein Island

>>20922528 CA wrongly claimed millions in Medicaid services for illegals, watchdog reports

>>20921778 Zombies Fester in the Rot of California’s Streets In Newsom’s “National Model”

>>20922430 Judge Judy scathing verdict on out-of-control crime; rips 'ridiculous' liberal policies

>>20921692 "Democrat Messaging is Full of Sh*t!” -- James Carville Goes Off on Democrats

>>20922066 female teacher "elite" NYC prep school resigned after accusations she sexually abused student

>>20921706 F-35 Sustainment Challenges for the U.S. Taxpayer

>>20921714 Over 120 MP’s across all parties literally quitting their jobs. Why?

>>20921796, >>20921800, >>20921806 Sheffield, England violence between rival immigrants gangs.

>>20922079 Japanese researchers warn of risks of using blood from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients

>>20922475 professional cheating services are employing AI to craft seemingly "original" academic papers

>>20922425 Ukraine has allocated $11 million for penguin research in Antarctica.

>>20922063, >>20922067 (archive) bun - the history of the black notability

>>20922616 #25660

Previously Collected

>>20921666 #25659

>>20919185 #25656, >>20919951 #25657, >>20920770 #25658

>>20916446 #25653, >>20917885 #25654, >>20918327 #25655

>>20915579 #25652, >>20914825 #25651, >>20915579 #25652

>>20913189 #25649, >>20913966 #25650, >>20914825 #25651

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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25190c No.20925054

File: 3dccca28f135bb4⋯.png (699.23 KB,960x633,320:211,3dccca28f135bb42997c847660….png)



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fb7ea4 No.20925055

File: 0cb3c29bbc135a7⋯.jpg (170.06 KB,1715x1080,343:216,0cb3c29bbc135a7cc5352ffde7….jpg)

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4f1a94 No.20925056

File: cab6a4742908145⋯.png (13.59 KB,250x249,250:249,salute2.png)

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9cfde9 No.20925057

File: 25fa5d4e551e363⋯.jpg (153.41 KB,1024x702,512:351,1691694037404852.jpg)

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ab37dd No.20925058

File: f7b4f22f0fa7ec6⋯.png (127.82 KB,587x391,587:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f01d4 No.20925059

File: e658dadd3ebda9d⋯.png (32.21 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)


Thank you Baker!!!

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91b48a No.20925060


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00ee38 No.20925061

File: 92ba2faa128b929⋯.png (728.62 KB,1659x1902,553:634,surfer_silver_pepe4.png)

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7524b0 No.20925062

File: f6196d11ae82fe1⋯.png (428.93 KB,870x680,87:68,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b24bdf1689a943⋯.mp4 (807.29 KB,480x270,16:9,ONE_NATION_UNDER_GOD.mp4)




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6f01d4 No.20925063

File: bdf2941a90e1d41⋯.png (28.78 KB,512x300,128:75,unnamed_2.png)



Howdy Game Masters.

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938785 No.20925064


Seattle police Assistant Chief Tyrone Davis has been placed on paid administrative leave as the department sees a surge in internal issues.

The Seattle Police Department confirmed the move to The Center Square on Friday and referred further questions to the Seattle Office of Police Accountability.

According to a report from The Seattle Times, the investigation involves a complaint from the Community Police Commission, where Davis served as a department liaison.

Davis first joined the Seattle Police Department in 1999. Last year, Davis was promoted to assistant chief of the department’s Special Operations Bureau, which includes SWAT, hostage negotiations team, and the arson/bomb squad. ..

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00ee38 No.20925065

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)

It's morning in China right now. Interesting.

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8875e6 No.20925066

File: e59ad9263eef2a2⋯.png (1.3 MB,1000x878,500:439,downloadfile.png)

File: 874b93bc4fb1cd7⋯.jpg (81.02 KB,954x536,477:268,downloadfile.jpg)

File: 742e3a7b955f475⋯.jpg (11.86 KB,474x264,79:44,downloadfile_1.jpg)

Jewish refugee Shelly Wilson was a lesbian porn addict. She ran pretty much everything in New York city.

Not surprised at all she is Jewish.

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9cfde9 No.20925067

File: 03020f7208b8636⋯.png (208.83 KB,370x368,185:184,03020f7208b8636fc050c6834a….png)

File: 9e2a71ce67cd016⋯.jpg (458.38 KB,1824x1212,152:101,9e2a71ce67cd016d9112f7be82….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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b5ed1f No.20925068

File: 62d1129dbaab1ba⋯.jpg (245.49 KB,845x894,845:894,10d9a27de2216b85.jpg)

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1fb59d No.20925069

File: 6b0a95738c5202d⋯.jpg (70.44 KB,770x760,77:76,brians.jpg)

>>20924988 (pb)

Or let's check Gematria

37 kabbala

120 bael <- that may be close


Oh now it actually makes sense.

"Just say the name of our demon"

potentially some NPC test on top of that

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56ecf7 No.20925070

Why is it when Trans snap they Shoot & Stab Children?

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ab37dd No.20925071

File: 003da849dbf0d31⋯.png (538.76 KB,948x789,316:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b3f09 No.20925072

File: ec097142aee82ae⋯.png (605.37 KB,542x721,542:721,p.PNG)

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938785 No.20925073

>Kevin Sorbo


How many truly believe in transformation through faith? 'The Firing Squad' is a true story of redemption, turning drug dealers into devout Christians. This powerful film can change lives. This powerful film can save people.

Your investment can help it reach a wider audience. Join us as a partner in this inspiring journey, and be a part of a story that not only entertains but also inspires real change.

In Theatres Nationwide

August 2, 2024

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8748a2 No.20925074

File: c9897c8c17ac266⋯.jpg (58.68 KB,500x647,500:647,8rp6qn.jpg)

Unfinished meme any takers….?

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55d097 No.20925075

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)

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5747ce No.20925076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5fc340 No.20925077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b42806 No.20925078

File: e4583eb04ec0c60⋯.png (674.23 KB,910x472,455:236,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b3f09 No.20925079

File: b3259e96f368ae8⋯.png (679.43 KB,744x638,372:319,pac.PNG)


A Pakistani Government Official Was One

of Biden’s Largest Donors

Front Page Magazine, by Daniel Greenfield

Posted By: OhioNick, 5/27/2024 6:25:12 PM

Right before Election Day, Biden finally released the names of his ‘bundlers’: the big money fundraisers who backed his 2020 campaign. The David Horowitz Freedom Center’s investigative arm did some last minute sleuthing and found some interesting names on that list. One of them was ‘Muhammad’ Tahir Javed: a Biden surrogate, Democratic National Committee deputy finance chair, and future Pakistani cabinet member. Javed bragged that he had “raised over $2M for the Biden Harris transition team” and “recruited 30+ donors to the transition team and general campaign, four of whom were recognized along with myself… to have raised over $100,000 personally.”

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b5ed1f No.20925080

File: 947ca2c929fb444⋯.mp4 (4.12 MB,270x480,9:16,Can_t_make_contribution_to….mp4)

get this to POTUS DJT right fucking now Q!

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555dbf No.20925081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


GM as fuck.

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ab37dd No.20925082

File: 01c13f1ad0e1b31⋯.png (297.34 KB,593x514,593:514,ClipboardImage.png)



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33ebf0 No.20925083

File: a7ade60f391a7c4⋯.png (987.74 KB,1081x1082,1081:1082,ClipboardImage.png)

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107294 No.20925084

File: 95458173aad1293⋯.png (21.42 KB,657x527,657:527,chinkpepe.png)

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6f01d4 No.20925085

File: 82ba30e034748c3⋯.jpg (78.11 KB,500x647,500:647,c9897c8c17ac266c2731db87eb….jpg)

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938785 No.20925086

File: 9d49a464da150bc⋯.png (420.7 KB,1085x993,1085:993,china_wanda_group_amc_0527….png)

File: a0285ede061f351⋯.png (607.52 KB,1101x1056,367:352,amc_china_wanda_group_0527….png)

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56ecf7 No.20925087


So if a Pot Hole Forms from the Rain

Will they charge God with a Felony?

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3536ac No.20925088

File: 1589604de8239f8⋯.png (748.32 KB,642x677,642:677,1589604de8239f8b080068030c….png)

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55d097 No.20925089

File: d54daa9306fb5c5⋯.gif (3.59 MB,540x540,1:1,neo_night_shift.gif)

File: d3779e62600a3dc⋯.mp4 (11.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,hammer_2.mp4)






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764b36 No.20925090

File: 970a1c198c6be6a⋯.jpeg (851.76 KB,855x1202,855:1202,IMG_2160.jpeg)

File: 15e0e8cfd79c7ad⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,1249x1194,1249:1194,IMG_2159.jpeg)

File: 1dc8463f1b8a603⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1279x1139,1279:1139,IMG_2149.jpeg)

File: b4b0acdbdc89cb1⋯.jpeg (134.55 KB,846x451,846:451,IMG_2148.jpeg)


PDJT went to the #CocaCola600

VPPence went to the #Indy500


VPPence Tweets John 15:13 at 10:50 am

PDJT Truths John 15:13 at 12:12

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d7c6c6 No.20925091

File: 393ab43da43f96b⋯.png (277.31 KB,365x323,365:323,ClipboardImage.png)



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56ecf7 No.20925092


What is a Gestapo for $400 Alex

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00ee38 No.20925093

File: 4af94ec518911db⋯.webm (467.09 KB,427x240,427:240,incendiary.webm)

So easy to filter. I mean, what better way to paint retard on a forehead in fluorescent pink paint than posting an inorganic abbreviation spread by paid posting clowns.

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b5ed1f No.20925094

File: 3177b249797d7b3⋯.png (348.66 KB,704x544,22:17,1st_nightshift.png)



I'm ok with this

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6f01d4 No.20925095

File: 4d78ebc46492280⋯.png (85.69 KB,630x400,63:40,rbg_grand_marshal_title_63….png)


Looks like there is another Grand Marshal in town.

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938785 No.20925096

File: ad2e59b3ec731f8⋯.png (857.22 KB,1100x619,1100:619,baby_dies_after_overdosing….png)

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6412de No.20925097


Deep steak thought patrol

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107294 No.20925098

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7b243f No.20925099


Good Morning CCP Shills and Shit Posters

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938785 No.20925100

File: a5ca9d77c67a2a0⋯.png (154.01 KB,756x806,378:403,Posobiec_text_buzzfeed.png)

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56ecf7 No.20925101

File: c2f48b4f34921f9⋯.png (124.14 KB,403x273,31:21,ClipboardImage.png)



I am Also ok with this

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66200d No.20925102

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f5ebca No.20925103

File: 0a846aa7840b95a⋯.png (389.35 KB,2110x550,211:55,1237drop.png)

File: df2caf61954ba15⋯.png (668.72 KB,2000x1777,2000:1777,muslimbrotherhoodsalon1.png)

File: 833e7eb6cbeac91⋯.jpeg (41.44 KB,596x335,596:335,rm237.jpeg)

File: 461157e96a68881⋯.jpeg (44.59 KB,474x825,158:275,pedobearviewthroughrm237.jpeg)

File: 2476cea0534041b⋯.jpg (406.55 KB,504x747,56:83,room237movie.jpg)



Rm 237 is the Pedo Room

there's a movie about it.






>>20924824 lb

>>20924786 lb

>>20924802 lb

>>20924811 lb

>>20924817 lb

>>20924990 lb

Scavino's post yesterday says "Trump 1237"

April 22nd 2018 was the day of that Q post.


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8748a2 No.20925104

File: 64b79103cbb835d⋯.png (481.97 KB,894x854,447:427,Screenshot_20bvh.png)



Pringles pretty much says it all.

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55d097 No.20925105

File: af2a9e6a44b40be⋯.gif (15.37 MB,720x299,720:299,forward.gif)


they should never have fucked with nightshift.

only niggers behave like shills.


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f95fc2 No.20925106

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66200d No.20925107

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cancer Surgeon Reveals the Surprising Potential of Ivermectin Against Cancer

Dr. Kathleen Ruddy is a member of Front Line Covid19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCCA) and a retired cancer surgeon trained at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. She is conducting her own observational study on the effect on late-stage cancer patients who use Ivermectin. Dr. Ruddy explained that Ivermectin comes from a single cell organism discovered in soil in Japan. She said that Ivermectin can kill parasites and it can dismantle viruses. She believes that the majority of cancers are caused by tumor viruses yet to be discovered. She discussed three patients who had astonishing reversals of cancers and metastatic spread after using Ivermectin.




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a99f80 No.20925108

File: 4d289e65d92670a⋯.jpg (194.85 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240525_182909….jpg)



Sorry to the BVs for the GM. GM has now reached critical mass and Anon didn't expect it. GM went from one morning into an international biblical awakening. Anon didn't expect wishing others a guud morn'n would become so big, but it did. At times GM can slide because of the sheer amount of positive vibes, so Anon will do his best to contain GM to the morn'n.

God bless.

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938785 No.20925109

File: 5a84e885b121b28⋯.png (167.59 KB,733x701,733:701,joe_biden_shower_daughter_….png)

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b5ed1f No.20925110

File: 090c4b8075fcfe3⋯.jpg (62.71 KB,474x474,1:1,090c4b8075fcfe33237393ca33….jpg)


I clicked dat shit, kek

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555dbf No.20925111

Should I only take Ivermectin when I need it or like once every 3-6 months? It's $55 for 15mg (1 dose according to my weight). From what I read, it just takes 1 or 2 doses to kill off all sorts of parasitic infections.

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8e6c8f No.20925112

File: d7a902aad0a447c⋯.png (20.88 KB,288x346,144:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5a410 No.20925113

File: ab301ee8525dfbc⋯.jpeg (217.98 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_0350.jpeg)


GM fellow Agents

let's get our glow on!


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00ee38 No.20925114

File: f90343e11d5b3d2⋯.webm (314.29 KB,427x240,427:240,WAR.webm)

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848f80 No.20925115


GB you too

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fb7ea4 No.20925116


This nigger announcing his fake filters in red text


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8748a2 No.20925117

File: aac66b07e587ff4⋯.jpg (44.54 KB,500x426,250:213,8fzja9_1.jpg)

File: 040bc68b00ed9a5⋯.png (587.4 KB,1080x1055,216:211,Scremgxh.png)

File: 3057feee3121a93⋯.png (319.5 KB,1080x993,360:331,Screenbvx.png)


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66200d No.20925118

File: 0d96ac0826e6fae⋯.png (476.67 KB,678x381,226:127,ClipboardImage.png)

Business Titans Privately Urged NYC Mayor to Use Police on Columbia Protesters

The Washington Post reported that an group of more than 100 high-profile wealthy Jewish businessmen joined a private WhatsApp group with the stated purpose of shaping Americans’ public opinion to “change the narrative” to favor Israel in its war in Gaza by focusing on atrocities, some of which have been debunked. In addition, they used their money and power to influence the actions of political leaders, along with business and academic leaders. Critics have accused the group of bribery and conspiracy.

Some of the members, Daniel Lubetzky, Daniel Loeb, Len Blavatnik, and Joseph Sitt, participated in a Zoom call with New York Mayor Eric Adams on April 26 and urged him to use police to suppress protests at Columbia, which he did. They also discussed giving political donations to the Mayor and pressuring Columbia’s president and trustees to permit NYPD police on campus.

From the start of the chat, members coordinated with officials in the Israeli government, former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett and Benny Gantz, a member of the Israeli war cabinet.

The media is silent about the group of influential billionaires that are manipulating the American public to support and fund a foreign war that is against US interests, in order to benefit the foreign country of Israel. In addition, the suppression of protests on US campuses violates free speech.

A majority of US states have passed a definition of antisemitism from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance that states that it is antisemitic to propose that Jewish people are more loyal to Israel than their country of citizenship and to suggest that they work together. JW Williams



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56b06f No.20925119


youi never did wish anyone anything more than the aggravation of a stupid insider click and their ridiculous clown town behavior.

it was ill will all the way from the very beginning.

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33ebf0 No.20925120

File: 7e4ffdfd775ce91⋯.png (84.19 KB,547x193,547:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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848f80 No.20925121



God Bless

There shouldn't be a problem with this abbreviation, right?

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2ae08c No.20925122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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524042 No.20925123



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5fc340 No.20925124

File: 4f902b613f544a0⋯.jpg (51.02 KB,784x643,784:643,4f902b613f544a00f15c55c132….jpg)



Death penalty

Execution at reveille

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66200d No.20925125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Was There a Mafia Coverup in the ‘Trial of the Century’ Against OJ Simpson?

Investigator Chris Todd explains why he believes that OJ Simpson had an accomplice, a member of the mafia named Charlie, in the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Todd says a man named Charlie has come forward says he ‘witnessed’ the murders of Nicole and Ron. Charlie was reported to be affiliated with crime boss and drug supplier Joey Ippolito. Todd said that evidence was covered up because the mafia was supplying drugs to fancy restaurants for distribution to famous and wealthy clients. Some of the evidence was not presented at OJ’s criminal trial that includes 10 fingerprints at the crime scene that belonged to someone other than Nicole, Ron or OJ; blood in the Bronco that did not match Nicole, Ron or OJ; Type B blood underneath Nicole’s fingernails, and more. Todd’s evidence shows that the corruption extends from the District Attorney’s office and Judge Ito to the LAPD, and especially the media that omitted evidence and is ignoring Todd.




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7b243f No.20925126


Because they were abused and told they are not as good as other children who listen and obey. They transfer their hate to the other good children.

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ab37dd No.20925127

File: 8994c2671f49993⋯.png (339.67 KB,596x996,149:249,ClipboardImage.png)


Japan is building an ‘elevator to space’ for humans to experience what space looks like in person by 2025

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af73b6 No.20925128

File: 24054381ca0d343⋯.png (1.76 MB,1094x731,1094:731,IMG_1017.png)

“Shall not be infringed.”

Doesn’t ATF very existence “infringe”?

“Why yes, Anon. Yes it does.”

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fb7ea4 No.20925129

File: ea7ef20004b4dd8⋯.jpg (34.51 KB,474x568,237:284,ea7ef20004b4dd84d819355a4a….jpg)

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1e3dcf No.20925130

File: 8c0fb651ddc9ef2⋯.png (44.15 KB,800x745,160:149,ClipboardImage.png)


thank you Baker

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6f01d4 No.20925131


GB stands for Gigabyte. Will create moar confusion.

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524042 No.20925132


ching chong bing bong


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56b06f No.20925133

here is a point: if they want people to have a good morning, why do they post a psyop acronym just to be annoying and 'trigger the right people'?

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848f80 No.20925134


GM and GB you too

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ba1aba No.20925135

File: cfe7c4e7c11c02a⋯.jpeg (452.27 KB,1181x2118,1181:2118,IMG_2522.jpeg)

God, this is too funny!

As the Rolling Stones sang: “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you might find, you get what you need


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c12d17 No.20925136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Philly man live-streams about GetTrumpSneakers.com while Trump's Never Surrender Golden High-Top Sneakers were still available! Did he buy them before they sold out???


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524042 No.20925137


Great Britain

Gritty Ballsack

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66200d No.20925138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New York: Man Sets Subway Passenger on Fire with Flaming Liquid in Second Attack in 3 Months

Police arrested Nile Taylor, 49, for allegedly setting a man on fire with a flammable liquid aboard a subway train in Manhattan on May 25. The victim, Petrit Alijaj, 23, suffered a burn to his upper torso as his shirt caught on fire. Taylor is a suspect in what the NYPD said was a similar incident on February 5, 2024 and is accused of throwing a “lit container of flammable liquid” at a group of people standing on a subway train platform in Manhattan. There has been an increase in crime in the subways in New York due to soft-on-crime Criminal Justice Reform policies and resistance by leftist Soros-backed prosecutors to prosecute crimes.




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524042 No.20925139

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33ebf0 No.20925140

File: c8f22c66611620f⋯.png (410.25 KB,612x599,612:599,ClipboardImage.png)

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56b06f No.20925141

Fastidous Undertakings to all the Good Morning anon.

FU to the GM

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6f01d4 No.20925142

File: 62978193909a18c⋯.png (2.64 MB,1024x1024,1:1,62978193909a18c057b02c94bb….png)


Game Master and Gigabyte? Make no sense.

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07c2f7 No.20925143

File: 0b8c3f9cdafff4c⋯.png (83.71 KB,155x200,31:40,ClipboardImage.png)


Is this a rerun?

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555dbf No.20925144

File: 7511eae2a56b3cf⋯.png (361.06 KB,598x420,299:210,ClipboardImage.png)


>contain GM to the morn'n

GM is a vibe… a way of life.

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2b1f08 No.20925145

File: 6b127491619d3a9⋯.jpg (381.37 KB,1067x800,1067:800,rock_fountain.jpg)

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8748a2 No.20925146

File: d13bd0f4b201211⋯.webm (1.95 MB,576x1024,9:16,1716760562746784_2.webm)

File: e59ad9263eef2a2⋯.png (1.3 MB,1000x878,500:439,downloadfile.png)

File: 742e3a7b955f475⋯.jpg (11.86 KB,474x264,79:44,downloadfile_1.jpg)

Jewish women are unscrupulous people.

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a99f80 No.20925147

File: daf33555da71f97⋯.png (617.34 KB,452x618,226:309,daf33555da71f97256a1701e6f….png)

Guud evening, nightshift

Another night at the office?

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6f01d4 No.20925148

File: efc2e34dea65bad⋯.gif (852.75 KB,200x267,200:267,efc2e34dea65bad379e23f5b97….gif)


Gastro Biopsy

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ab37dd No.20925149


I think it was a prophecy.

Along with Noah's Ark.

They didn't happen, but they were prophecies for what is going to happen.

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ba1aba No.20925150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wasn’t the original song Trump played at rallies in 2016?

The Rolling Stones - You Can’t Always Get What You Want(Official Lyric Video)


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6f01d4 No.20925151

File: 117dff264b1d8b5⋯.png (140.52 KB,1200x1200,1:1,General_Electric_logo_svg.png)


General Electric to you too.

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184521 No.20925152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b42806 No.20925153


Gay Mafia makes more sense

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56ecf7 No.20925154

File: 868c385c8469c9f⋯.png (930.67 KB,888x500,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

It's a Trick

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b75980 No.20925155

File: f7d5a7f24c97a96⋯.png (291.37 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

I get the gm shit.

I'm on 3 SM sites and it's boring as fuck.

QR has a tendies to get boring, too atm.

GM and alike others may wake shit up again.

Something may come of it. yw

This too shall pass. fu kek

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58920c No.20925156

File: 1bfb44f09481401⋯.jpg (21.08 KB,466x263,466:263,GM_Crew.jpg)










You're either with GM














Or against it



These anons are Switzerland about it


Vatty's take for those anons that auto think/do the opposite of him.

QR must haz Board War.

People don't think it be like it is but it do.

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938785 No.20925157

File: dcfa6c4e82f7a72⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB,1188x668,297:167,endless_war_via_Assange.mp4)

>endless war plan via Assange

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ee7179 No.20925158

Does a High School education even mean anything anymore? Child anon is bored in school and spouse anon is convinced that taking child anon out of school and putting them into an intermediate unit will help. Child anon is very smart and creates these computer things that he sells for Amazon gift cards.

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107294 No.20925159

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00ee38 No.20925160

File: 54b7dd58937808b⋯.png (285.19 KB,698x460,349:230,umpty.png)

And now everyone is chasing their tails trying to figure out what it could possibly mean, right where the clowns want y'all. It's insignificant, treat is as such.

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555dbf No.20925162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Replay: Hot Miami Styles runway show w/ Models Patricia Pearl, Karen Rodriguez, and Kathryn Celestre

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6f01d4 No.20925163

File: e5ec9ef72c8e299⋯.png (134.04 KB,1080x753,360:251,Screenshot_20240527_173952.png)


No way, it's already proven that it's Game Mater or Grand Marshal.

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6f01d4 No.20925164


Good bread, yes I agree.

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56ecf7 No.20925165

ABC is Becoming a Terrorist Cell

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938785 No.20925166

File: 8c77a4d8d9189b6⋯.png (993.24 KB,800x1100,8:11,soros_bragg.png)

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6f01d4 No.20925167

File: 0944b622be9210c⋯.jpg (141.82 KB,500x542,250:271,8nsl7b.jpg)

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b3cdf6 No.20925168


But it is always morning somewhere

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867238 No.20925169


Am in the middle of a wildfire. Son is listening to scanner and hears that the DIA has been called in. Why would the Defense Intelligence Agency be called out during a wildfire?

Another scan said Code 4. Conscious and stable. Don't know if it's related to first message.

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8748a2 No.20925170

File: b51b25f448ed5d6⋯.png (571.3 KB,1080x1371,360:457,George_Conway_jk.png)


GM FAGGOT George Conway is a short filipino faggot.

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3536ac No.20925171

File: 1ebeb9eddb74d45⋯.jpg (90.25 KB,626x764,313:382,tvvitvtvvi.jpg)


The gematria shows that saying GM or Good Morning is something holy anon

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f5ebca No.20925172

File: 0a05159a5eabc37⋯.png (372.93 KB,1889x819,1889:819,237mininuke.png)

File: b9441a25c617042⋯.png (50.37 KB,943x281,943:281,november302017.png)


237# came in on November 30th 2017

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b5ed1f No.20925173


I been wondering same, I think you can take it once or like you stated a routine like once or twice a year.

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938785 No.20925174

File: bec2510dae715cc⋯.png (629.32 KB,900x503,900:503,2023_bragg_has_downgraded_….png)

File: 22fbc304a11ba6f⋯.png (161.14 KB,684x669,228:223,new_york_district_attorney….png)

File: 50f247081c585fe⋯.png (90.64 KB,690x1191,230:397,alvin_bragg_color_of_chang….png)

File: 99ac258aab5b6a5⋯.png (83.33 KB,677x1137,677:1137,alvin_bragg_soros_color_of….png)

File: 5ff79695c04b94c⋯.png (105.63 KB,1154x1105,1154:1105,color_of_change_soros_1_mi….png)

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6f01d4 No.20925175

File: bdf2941a90e1d41⋯.png (28.78 KB,512x300,128:75,unnamed_2.png)


These Game Masters keep multiplying.

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938785 No.20925176


A United Airlines flight aborted takeoff after an engine caught fire at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport on Monday, resulting in delays and halting arrivals.

The Federal Aviation Administration confirmed that United Flight 2091 was supposed to take off at 2 p.m., when the engine caught fire.

The plane was supposed to go to Seattle, Washington. A spokesperson said the situation was resolved safely, according to Fox News.

United Airlines told the outlet that the plane was taken to the gate and that no one was injured. ..

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00ee38 No.20925177

File: 671562d6da977bc⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,2560x2560,1:1,671562d6da977bcc2075549ee8….jpg)

Most likely in an attempt to fool the normies, come to think of it. They're trying to present anyone that sees it for what it is as the shill and they're the innocent ones just trying to have a good time. What else does that sound like? Some sort of secret perhaps? A covenant to bind themselves with perhaps? Inversion? KEK. Poor bastards putting all their eggs in one basket with an abbreviation. They don't have much time left before the axe falls on the back of their necks.

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848f80 No.20925178

File: 5eab8784cbd7128⋯.gif (5.21 MB,260x260,1:1,8rswqe.gif)


>GM is a vibe… a way of life.

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b88b3d No.20925179

File: 8a458e3356ab581⋯.png (62.71 KB,602x358,301:179,ClipboardImage.png)


Memorial day Parades end with Redcoats.

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867238 No.20925180


This wildfire started over a week ago and they decided to let it burn. Then the winds came and it got out of hand…again. Forest Service needs new management because the ones they have are idiots. This is the 4th fire in as many years that have been the Forest Service's fault.

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95bda1 No.20925181

File: 23d4316cf0c125a⋯.png (434.45 KB,825x465,55:31,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20924487 lb

Gee wonder why




The forgotten friendship Israel and the Soviet Bloc 1947-53 url:archive.org



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b3cdf6 No.20925182


Good Borning Glad you made it

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7b243f No.20925183


Homeschooling is a choice that doesn't limit curriculum by age. Help child Anon to realize that history is valuable and much different than the books.

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447c00 No.20925184

File: c177501ade35698⋯.jpeg (191.88 KB,1242x922,621:461,c177501ade356985709634d78….jpeg)

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1e3dcf No.20925185

File: 5faa452a9a43c16⋯.png (37.36 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


the Seed of the Serpent oppresses the world through their $$$$$ Babylonian Magick Money System.

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a99f80 No.20925186

File: b0439359dc053b2⋯.jpg (47.16 KB,500x500,1:1,8rswmf.jpg)

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938785 No.20925187


Original air date: Jan. 28, 2024

You already know that much of the nation is in the grip of a crime wave. A subset of that crime wave is a spike in crimes committed by children. After a decades-long decline, juvenile crime is back in a big way and taking a major toll, not just in America’s big cities. Today, we’re off to rural Florida where they’re dealing with one of the most shocking and horrific crimes committed by kids. ..

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f5ebca No.20925188

File: c2e72faa56e33ed⋯.jpeg (57.97 KB,640x340,32:17,DEW_Drone.jpeg)


Because it was set or done by laser aircraft?



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55d097 No.20925189

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: It is a shit show with jam on it, this is just the first draft of the jury elections which have been released, it is basically stating that cohens crimes can be tied to trump so they can convict trump 6 ways to sunday.

Trump must not be allowed to be put in jail.

Already seen what they did to Imran Khan, they want to remove his security detail if this is allowed to happen.


Jack Smith FREAKING OUT; Trump Trial Jury Instructions; Biden PLOTS after Verdict




Jack Smith is getting more nervous by the day, now filing urgent motions to gag Trump to try to stop him from commenting on newly unsealed materials that detail the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago.


#Trump #Trial #Classified

Proposed jury instructions in the New York Trump Trial have been released, providing some insight into the rules the jurors will use in their upcoming deliberations.

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8748a2 No.20925190

File: 683047178ac4d8f⋯.jpg (69.54 KB,500x647,500:647,8rp67u.jpg)

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2b1f08 No.20925191

File: 1ed47dae4c1adfa⋯.png (300.35 KB,634x459,634:459,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r F a c t o r y



The Israeli regime's Channel 12 reported that Netanyahu hid in a nuclear shelter ahead of Iran's operation.0

The Israeli regime's Channel 12 report discussed the published news that Netanyahu was at the home of an American billionaire in Quds before the Iranian missile operation and that it was reported that there was a nuclear shelter there

May 27, 2024 · 10:56 PM UTC


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6f01d4 No.20925192

File: e5ec9ef72c8e299⋯.png (134.04 KB,1080x753,360:251,Screenshot_20240527_173952.png)



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b48422 No.20925193

File: 195341d6e02af51⋯.mp4 (6.23 MB,576x576,1:1,Spherical_wave_reflections….mp4)

Spherical wave reflection interactions inside a cube.

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a99f80 No.20925194

File: c70564ad681e8e7⋯.jpg (67.88 KB,602x500,301:250,8rswrz.jpg)


Guud evening smoking 🎤 💧

God bless you

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938785 No.20925195

File: e7a788c29f21ac2⋯.png (163.04 KB,1100x800,11:8,States_discussing_election….png)

File: 0999b8450809a29⋯.png (208.83 KB,1100x693,100:63,Truth_Summit_08202022_Mike….png)

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fb7ea4 No.20925196


You wrote so much text, again.


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107294 No.20925197

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ba1aba No.20925198

File: e550ccfa51902f5⋯.jpeg (60.59 KB,640x480,4:3,IMG_2523.jpeg)

Rashida Tlaib Speaks at Anti-Israel Conference Linked to Terror Group PFLP

JOEL B. POLLAK27 May 2024

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) spoke Saturday at an anti-Israel conference in Detroit, Michigan, that was connected to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which the U.S. regards as a Foreign Terror Organization (FTO).

The Detroit Free Press reported on Tlaib’s remarks at the People’s Conference for Palestine at Wayne State University:

U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib slammed President Joe Biden and some of her congressional colleagues in a speech to the People’s Conference for Palestine in downtown Detroit, urging them to do more to stop what she calls the “genocide” in Gaza.

More than 3,000 people registered for the three-day People’s Conference for Palestine, organizers said, and they descended on Detroit starting Friday from around United States, and some from outside the country. The goal was to “serve as a space to assess, strategize and prepare for what is required for us in the next phase of struggle,” organizers said.

Sessions included “Palestinian Resistance and the Path to Liberation,” “Confronting Zionism in Higher Education” and “Zionism and U.S. Imperialism.” A vendor fair included Palestinian art, clothing and more. Many wore keffiyehs, the headdress or scarf that has come to be a symbol for Palestinians.

The National Review noted that one of the speakers, Wisam Rafeedie, is “associated” with the PFLP; while another, Sana Daqqah, is married to a PFLP terrorist:

Among the speakers at the Michigan event was Wisam Rafeedie, an activist associated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Marxist-Leninist terror group active in Gaza and headquartered in the Syrian capital of Damascus. The U.S. State Department, as well as Japan, Canada, and the European Union, has designated the PFLP as a terrorist organization.

The keynote speaker at the People’s Conference for Palestine was Sana’ Daqqah, the wife of PFLP terrorist Walid Daqqah. In April, Daqqah died from cancer in an Israeli prison, where he was detained for leading the PFLP operation that kidnapped, tortured, and murdered Israeli soldier Moshe Tamam in 1984.

The Israel Defense Forces said in November that Hamas, which perpetrated the brutal October 7 invasion of Israel, likely handed over a ten-month-old Israeli infant and his family to a separate Palestinian terror group in Gaza. Security analyst Michael Horowitz told the Telegraph that the group is believed to be the PFLP.

Rafeedie’s remarks, translated live, called claims that Hamas fighters had sexually assaulted women and killed children on October 7 “cheap lies” and “propaganda against our people.”

A photo of Daqqah at the conference circulated online:

Posters of Walid Daqqah have been spotted at pro-Palestinian “encampments” in recent campus protests.

The Jerusalem Postadded:

As part of the promotion of the event, the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM), one of the organizers, shared an endorsement video by Salah Salah, one of the founding members of the PFLP, which has been recognized by the US as a terrorist organization since 1997. The PFLP has referred to Salah as a “historic leader.”

Wisam Rafeedie, a self-admitted member of the PFLP, is among those who will address the event. According to Amnesty International and the UN’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Rafeedie also ran a clandestine publishing house for the PFLP during the 1980s. Another key speaker is Sana’ Daqqa, the wife of Walid Daqqa, a PFLP member who was indicted for kidnapping and murdering an Israeli soldier in 1984, and who died last month in an Israeli prison.

The PFLP, it is worth noting, explicitly boasted about its active participation in the October 7 massacre, in which 1,200 people were murdered by Palestinian terrorists and an additional 240 taken hostage into Gaza, some of whom are reportedly being held by the PFLP. Hamas and the PFLP have also been coordinating their activities in Gaza and their joint stance concerning potential hostage release deals.

Tlaib has been open in the past about her support for a “one-state solution,” i.e. one that would involve the dismantling of Israel. She told the conference that people should refuse to vote for President Joe Biden in the November 2024 election to show their opposition to his support for Israel (however lukewarm).

The PFLP was designated by the U.S. State Department as a foreign terror orgnization in 1997.


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555dbf No.20925199


Some anons were using the paste like 3-4 times per week; wondering if even needed. I think 1 or 2 doses on the Solstices / Equinoxes is enough. I'm using a bunch of other natural stuff too year-round.

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c12d17 No.20925200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0:30 / 2:49

"Man Who Bought $9,000 Trump Sneakers was criticized and now He Hits Back"



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447c00 No.20925201

File: c411e1b66c32ef6⋯.png (433.08 KB,1080x673,1080:673,c411e1b66c32ef6e5780969aaa….png)

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56ecf7 No.20925202


Teach them Math & Engrish

Then Cooking, Cleaning, Repair & how to buy Food

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9f7ecb No.20925203

File: 9d6aae2d07ea76a⋯.jpg (110.93 KB,702x366,117:61,HONOR_THE_FALLEN.jpg)

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00ee38 No.20925205

File: e31df324c261b02⋯.gif (1.12 MB,480x270,16:9,g56OY_1040749375.gif)

Pay attention to the filenames of who is posting it. They're creatures of habit and name their files a certain way and it'll help you notice them if they're trying to blend in. Sentence structure, vocabulary, and punctuation help as well.

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6f01d4 No.20925206

File: 6b70812136131dc⋯.jpg (19.86 KB,580x341,580:341,589494_14973184474473827.jpg)

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b24576 No.20925207

File: e5c834a928b4172⋯.png (168.65 KB,262x219,262:219,20220717_042617.png)


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938785 No.20925208


Great Britain's Conservative Party is expected to introduce mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if they win the national election in the coming months.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said Sunday that young adults will have the choice of volunteering one weekend every month for a year or spending a full year in the armed forces.

"Britain today faces a future that is more dangerous and more divided. There's no doubt that our democratic values are under threat. That is why we will introduce a bold new model of national service for 18-year-olds," Sunak said on Sunday.

Politicians in the Labour Party rejected the suggestion. ..

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8748a2 No.20925209

File: 80993766c3bfa8b⋯.png (739.72 KB,1080x671,1080:671,Fake_n_Gay.png)

File: c30536d09b5a888⋯.png (1.16 MB,1080x1355,216:271,Screenshot_20240526_121418….png)

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56b06f No.20925210


the anon are fin with people saying good morning.

and most don't really care very much about the psyop, we just want to understand it.

and when we ask

'what doe it mean, what does it mean' we get faced with 'oh you hater, you shill, you horrible baddie'

say good morning if you mean good morning.

say Fu K Off if you mean Fu K off (or something where there is no mistaking it).

the fact is once it became a gleeful role call, and all the mimics piling on it, the REAL anon wanted to know what is up.

and the fakers and governmental monitors thought 'oh, we have something that annoys them.'

no, the term GM doesn't annoy anyone. It's the smug stupidity of the crew who thinks it does that is kind of ridiculous and note worthy.

the got nothing on the anon, and they really can't get under the skin of the anon so they keep repeating nonsense and say 'see, we get under their skin'

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a99f80 No.20925211

File: 0e1c339270f0df7⋯.jpg (69.88 KB,930x500,93:50,8rswub.jpg)





Anons conquered GM

GE is our new battlefront

All Anons be habbin a guud morn'n nao already

Finish the night with a bigly GE

GB (You)

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848f80 No.20925212



You should really spell it out Pig, Abbreviations are getting heat right now.

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b3cdf6 No.20925213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Again South Park predicts it


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354fe4 No.20925214


they have no ability to reproduce for themselves so they try to take away from others what they cannot have for themselves.

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fb7ea4 No.20925215


If you can't understand Good Morning, you're fucken retarded

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3433cb No.20925216

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55d097 No.20925217

File: 7f08eba8cdf644f⋯.gif (1.22 MB,404x305,404:305,gabby.gif)




learn to discern.

ask the clockfags for instructions.

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56b06f No.20925218


and then they want to start fights and start in the with the name calling.

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f95fc2 No.20925219


the bugs have a life cycle

monthly is best

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1acfdd No.20925220


now we know what the home of a prison industrial complex gm mastermind looks like

pathetic but well deserved

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3536ac No.20925221

File: 3d0657012a8444f⋯.jpg (293.51 KB,1280x1176,160:147,476175.jpg)


Ty anon. Wish you a great evening also

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8e6c8f No.20925222


why is it GE and not GN

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00ee38 No.20925223


>no, the term GM doesn't annoy anyone. It's the smug stupidity of the crew who thinks it does that is kind of ridiculous and note worthy.

Eloquently put, anon. Your post is a nice and concise summation of their retardation.

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848f80 No.20925224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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25190c No.20925225


…Anon must be retarded for not participating in the latest cult greeting.

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8e6c8f No.20925226


if it does not annoy anyone why was it deleted this morning ?

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1e3dcf No.20925227

File: a3e7cf53d0f7a50⋯.png (37.01 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


that's in Tel Aviv. They're building the Azriel Tower

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f95fc2 No.20925228



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f76d8b No.20925229


Good evening is a greeting and god night is a departing note.

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0932bd No.20925230

File: 0b26374195c726d⋯.jpeg (487.31 KB,792x731,792:731,2DB7BCA5_036F_4456_BF26_0….jpeg)

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b5ed1f No.20925231

File: 53c08c6aa766fb2⋯.jpg (93.57 KB,500x516,125:129,GE_covfefe.jpg)

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524042 No.20925232



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9418df No.20925233

File: 0190164c5c9f7eb⋯.png (790.77 KB,1080x1009,1080:1009,Scrgcu.png)



To be honest with you Q never proved anything and America since then has slipped into the abyss.

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f4ac28 No.20925234

File: 2240cd15f614424⋯.jpg (83.42 KB,640x480,4:3,8rsxes.jpg)

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ba1aba No.20925235

File: fb5419daf9b38a8⋯.webp (130.18 KB,1122x842,561:421,IMG_2524.webp)

File: 6d47e6021a1c707⋯.webp (52.2 KB,1122x749,1122:749,IMG_2525.webp)

File: 700830961991022⋯.webp (202.25 KB,1122x842,561:421,IMG_2526.webp)

File: 634d4187b8e9bcb⋯.webp (161.59 KB,1122x842,561:421,IMG_2527.webp)

'Where's your red line?': Tlaib hits Biden, others on Gaza war at Detroit Palestinian conference

U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib slammed President Joe Biden and some of her congressional colleagues in a speech to the People's Conference for Palestine in downtown Detroit, urging them to do more to stop what she calls the "genocide" in Gaza.

"Where's your red line, President Biden?" she told a cheering crowd at Huntington Place in what conference organizers described as a surprise appearance on Saturday.

Israeli officials have said they have conducted a legitimate defense of their people and not committed genocide in the war against Hamas in Gaza after Hamas' Oct. 7 attack that killed 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and took 250 people hostage. Israeli legal adviser Tal Becker told the United Nations' highest court in January that the country is fighting a “war it did not start and did not want" and that it is Hamas militants who are guilty of genocide.

And in April, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the U.S. hasn’t seen any evidence of Israel committing genocide in Gaza.

Tlaib, D-Detroit, the only Palestinian American in Congress, criticized the president's willingness to describe Russian President Vladimir Putin as a war criminal even as he "shields the murderous war criminal Netanyahu," referring to the Israeli prime minister. She said Biden is an "enabler."

Tlaib was also one of several elected officials urging people to vote "uncommitted" in February's presidential primary to protest the Biden administration's handling of the war in Israel. About 13% of Democratic primary voters voted uncommitted, and "uncommitted" prevailed in Dearborn, Dearborn Heights and Hamtramck, cities with large Arab American or Muslim populations.

Biden has often been critical of Netanyahu and the way the war has been conducted, but last Monday when the chief prosecutor of the world's top war crimes court sought arrest warrants for the leaders of Israel and Hamas including Netanyahu, Biden lambasted the prosecutor and supported Israel's right to defend itself.

Tlaib, who said she'd come to the conference after visiting with pro-Palestinian protesters at a Wayne State University encampment on Saturday, made similar comments about Biden's lack of a "red line" in a social media post a day earlier, referring to Israel's military operation in Rafah.

"Just imagine — war crimes," Tlaib said, describing reports she said she's received from doctors about grisly deaths of children in Gaza. "President Biden, I hope you hear us loud and clear."

More than 3,000 people registered for the three-day People's Conference for Palestine, organizers said, and they descended on Detroit starting Friday from around United States, and some from outside the country. The goal was to "serve as a space to assess, strategize and prepare for what is required for us in the next phase of struggle," organizers said.

It made sense to host it in Detroit, they added, given the state's large Arab American and Muslim communities and general passion for pro-Palestinian issues.

Sessions included "Palestinian Resistance and the Path to Liberation," "Confronting Zionism in Higher Education" and "Zionism and U.S. Imperialism." A vendor fair included Palestinian art, clothing and more. Many wore keffiyehs, the headdress or scarf that has come to be a symbol for Palestinians.

Chants before and after sessions included: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be set free," and "We want justice, you say how? End the siege on Gaza now."

"From the river to the sea" refers to the geographic area between the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea that includes Israel.

In April, the U.S. House passed a resolution condemning the phrase, "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" as an antisemitic "call to arms" for the elimination of Israel. Last fall, Tlaib was censured by her House colleagues after her defense of the phrase, which she has said is an aspirational call to freedom, human rights and "peaceful coexistence" and "not death, destruction or hate."

The goal of the conference is to gain a better collective understanding of where the Palestinian liberation movement stands now, and how it can continue to strategize and gain momentum, including by getting more people "politicized" and signed up for activist groups, said Tara Alami, with an organization called the Palestinian Feminist Collective and one of the organizers of the Detroit event…


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56b06f No.20925236


why ask me? I'm not a board volunteer.

my guess, and you should just ask them, they see it as spam and disruptive.

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9f7ecb No.20925237

File: 800a845c27bd3a1⋯.jpg (105.27 KB,480x565,96:113,AS_THEY_SHOULD.jpg)

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2b1f08 No.20925238

File: f2901fbf45b14af⋯.png (343.3 KB,620x485,124:97,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



Pope Francis shocks bishops by allegedly saying gay men should not be admitted to church seminaries because 'there's already too much f*ry'


May 27, 2024 · 8:49 PM UTC


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6f01d4 No.20925239


General Elections?

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95bda1 No.20925240

File: 1561f74867da015⋯.png (419.35 KB,720x405,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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524042 No.20925241



good bye is god be with ye

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f703c7 No.20925242

File: 62464fce86273cc⋯.jpg (142.83 KB,720x960,3:4,20240527_171932.jpg)


The 35-year-old child of former Ku Klux Klan leader Don Black and a close family friend of the notorious former KKK grand wizard David Duke is coming out as transgender.

What a Fag

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555dbf No.20925243

File: ddd248e7dda959e⋯.png (21.88 KB,255x252,85:84,ClipboardImage.png)


Has there ever been an easier way to burn out the shills? 2 letters: GM.

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524042 No.20925244



Gonad Emissions

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fb7ea4 No.20925245

File: 20ed7b4f5e2745c⋯.png (573.21 KB,735x480,49:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f01d4 No.20925246

File: e5ec9ef72c8e299⋯.png (134.04 KB,1080x753,360:251,Screenshot_20240527_173952.png)

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b5ed1f No.20925247

File: 01d9df4552bebe1⋯.jpg (91.69 KB,888x500,222:125,01d9df4552bebe1f99394fe22b….jpg)


>General Elections?


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5fa0db No.20925248


loves GM so much he makes a meme

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f5e947 No.20925249

File: f86f813e5ce25e9⋯.jpg (116.18 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1775353384.jpg)

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8fa3e9 No.20925250


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7b243f No.20925251


Like a good pet, dewormer once a month, 3 daily doses.

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8e6c8f No.20925252


not assuming you were, just that you stated that it was not really annoying anyone, which is true. Saying it triggers people is stupid which is why I thought it was funny that it was being banned this morning.

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1e3dcf No.20925253


Love your Lego memes. Especially the Chabad Tunnel one.

Did you know that the Baker or BVs delete all your Lego posts because they pertain to a certain tribe?

I've saved your posts, and went back to find it's deleted. Even when I repost your Lego stuff and save my post with it, those are deleted too.

Don't know when this site became as bad as Google in Censorship of anything unflattering to the tribe.

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6f01d4 No.20925254



Gastroente Emissions

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5fa0db No.20925255


that rocket was made by GE

General Electric

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1acfdd No.20925256


who will hire first, msndcTheView or a biden cabinet buttgig position

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f76d8b No.20925257


All latin derived, but I don't know the idioms to save my life.

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75c48b No.20925258


That's good advice right here. God your child.

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d7c6c6 No.20925259

File: 658f612e6bcbd8a⋯.png (375.18 KB,546x773,546:773,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00654bc7296727c⋯.png (250.3 KB,546x773,546:773,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5620f1fd460f867⋯.png (1.61 MB,1024x744,128:93,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca1169e5835584a⋯.png (16.12 KB,652x152,163:38,ClipboardImage.png)

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3433cb No.20925260


>Don't know when this site became as bad as Google in Censorship of anything unflattering to the tribe.

Jan 2023 to be exact

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00ee38 No.20925261


And the MuhJoo uses the abbreviation. The circle is complete.

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5fa0db No.20925262


don't call me an idiom!

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fb7ea4 No.20925263



Personal finance is kinda important too

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3dd1d4 No.20925264

File: 3c4d0992e2750a9⋯.jpg (47.32 KB,384x360,16:15,GM.jpg)

File: 477a9f37c8af750⋯.jpeg (24.87 KB,474x248,237:124,th_3958310286.jpeg)

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b5ed1f No.20925265

File: b199b53caa94a03⋯.png (1.53 MB,646x824,323:412,b199b53caa94a031e1af8521a7….png)

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6109f8 No.20925266

File: d4046c0957e6ca8⋯.jpg (6.96 KB,299x168,299:168,2Q_30_.jpg)

File: 0202faceca7861d⋯.png (9.17 KB,194x259,194:259,images_3_.png)

File: dc969de45789a21⋯.jpg (636.15 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240527_162306….jpg)

Money to burn

SACRAMENTO, Calif.— California State Parks in partnership with Governor Gavin Newsom, First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom and the California Natural Resources Agency are excited to announce on this Earth Day that California will open its newest state park in the San Joaquin Valley on Wednesday, June 12. The opening day coincides with the launch of the Third Annual State Parks Week June 12-16. This year’s theme is “This is Where You Live” which is befitting for the opening of Dos Rios.

“There’s no better way to spend Earth Day than celebrating California’s first new state park in nearly a decade. The Golden State’s natural beauty is unmatched andwe’re laser-focusedon ensuring every Californian can enjoy these spaces,” said Governor Gavin Newsom. “And the benefits don’t just stop at recreation – this park is a key asset to fighting the climate crisis, home to the state’s largest floodplain restoration project. We’re not just protecting these spaces, we’re restoring them for future generations.”


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5fa0db No.20925267



is muh joo

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55d097 No.20925268



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e216ff No.20925269

1237 = AWG

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6f01d4 No.20925270



Genetically Enhanced

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a99f80 No.20925271

File: 912631bd14e1873⋯.jpg (52.82 KB,500x500,1:1,8rsxov.jpg)



Trips checked

Anon gave this thousands of hours of thought already. If Anon were to say GN ur guud night it's more of a farewells I'm off to bed greeting. If Anon says GE it contains moar sauce, moar energy, moar vibe. Anon who says guud night is weary from the battle, Anon who says GE is ready to fuck shit up and own the night until the GM Anons take over. God bless you.

o7 and GE, not GN yet

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938785 No.20925272

File: 200c0e560a5e11a⋯.png (308.59 KB,1104x999,368:333,wanda_dalian_china_amc_May….png)

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7cab0f No.20925273

File: d4a3cb458fd1deb⋯.png (48.09 KB,575x517,575:517,ClipboardImage.png)

What if I told you there was a cure for autism? 🤔👇🏼

Pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of internal inflammations

Patent # WO2018185347A1



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555dbf No.20925274


Ivermectin stays in the system for a couple days in pill form, not sure about the paste. If you read up on it, just one dose kills almost everything. Two doses just to be sure a week after the first one.

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c40228 No.20925275


My cousin is currently taking 36mg per day. Sent her enough for 90 days for less than $250. Also provided her with a 90 day supply of Fenbendazol (222mg daily). I am hoping it kicks her cancer in the ass :)

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5fa0db No.20925276



Globalist Minions

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9418df No.20925277

File: 0b41376c846f876⋯.webm (2.64 MB,640x800,4:5,1715297914271279.webm)




GM will come and go just like Mr Pig.

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b5ed1f No.20925278

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ba1aba No.20925279

File: fee88f4fd46d92a⋯.jpeg (449.24 KB,1241x1672,1241:1672,IMG_2528.jpeg)


Thank God the Libertarians didn’t and couldn’t choose Trump

This is there nominee!


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3fda88 No.20925280

File: 4ad4e94898720dc⋯.jpg (14.44 KB,195x255,13:17,4ad4e94898720dcc8fb97757e3….jpg)


glad you bakin again


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56b06f No.20925281


the BV delete spam, as well as other stuff.

the GM people have over played it.

as a matter of fact there might be an explanation in a previous bread, you should look for it. when I say 'over played it' I'm repeating what I read from someone else earlier in the day.

anon don't mind an inside joke, and don't mind a good looking girl, or a manly man, but they don't appreciate hard core porn or dehumanizing people.

the GM thing is purposefully annoying. It's not wishing for a good anything, it's wishing for an annoyance and to trigger.

so it's disrespectful. Perhaps that is part of why the BV are targeting it now.

you should ask them. They'll tell you, but they might be a little short with you.

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6f01d4 No.20925282



Globalist Niggers

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1fb59d No.20925283


>the gematria

You are using an obscure cypher called Septenary. I'm not worshipping "the week".

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b3cdf6 No.20925284


Anti Israel, I like her

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00ee38 No.20925285

File: 0c0559b9455657e⋯.webm (707.92 KB,427x240,427:240,poor_bastards4.webm)

Ah, that's the gimmick now. Abbreviate all the things. I don't care if it's clowns or anons following the clowns' lead, that shit gets filtered on this end on sight.

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8fa3e9 No.20925286


Maybe your thinking is adolescent. Night does not mean lack of energy. Night does not necessarily mean sleep. A night can be good for many reasons. Good Night, Anon.

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0932bd No.20925287

File: 1768c73be9ecb31⋯.jpeg (173.44 KB,1280x1280,1:1,BFDB68CB_89D7_4AAD_B9C8_F….jpeg)


It’s worn out


The ubiquitous “I agree with you” that always shows up

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b5ed1f No.20925288

File: 74fff8559be6a07⋯.jpg (166.45 KB,1179x641,1179:641,feels_good_man.jpg)

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5fa0db No.20925289


nignogs and machinery !

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c12d17 No.20925290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Barack HUSSEIN Obama gives up on 47…Kailuana Place


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d2d57d No.20925291

File: 1c840c81e9c3da6⋯.jpg (15.67 KB,275x183,275:183,images_134_.jpg)

File: 74d736c9bc80979⋯.jpg (13.41 KB,251x201,251:201,images_135_.jpg)

File: 064c2ebae95fe2e⋯.jpg (10.4 KB,300x168,25:14,images_133_.jpg)


California State Bathroom/Parking Lot patrol

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fa8381 No.20925292


What did you expect from Crypto Coomers? If Trump got 10-20% of the Libertarian vote, it was still worth the visit - it only took a few hours of time.

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00ee38 No.20925293


Yeah, because Anons aren't allowed to agree with each other, right? Go fuck yourself with a wire brush, you goddamn moran.

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8e6c8f No.20925294


makes sense appreciate the semantics .

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49a2b2 No.20925295

>>20924946 (lb)

Uhh.. do they say "allahu maxwell"… at the start…???

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55d097 No.20925296

File: adad5c3760ff576⋯.png (25.29 KB,830x505,166:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3baee088973f14d⋯.gif (3.06 MB,600x251,600:251,a_nightshift_new_version.gif)

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5747ce No.20925297


Pope Francis shocks bishops by allegedly saying gay men should not be admitted to church seminaries because 'there's already too much frociaggine'

Bishops told Italian media the comments were met with 'incredulous laughter'

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f5a410 No.20925298


I agree with you

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6f01d4 No.20925299

File: aba7a6d873b38a7⋯.png (92.34 KB,500x715,100:143,aba7a6d873b38a74ad11e08527….png)

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848f80 No.20925300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide adapted as a solution

Stable Genius

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f5ebca No.20925301

File: f5cfca6cf7088a3⋯.png (243.31 KB,800x462,400:231,shawn_lucas.png)

File: 08e129021305789⋯.jpg (70.01 KB,790x414,395:207,sethrich.jpg)






Remember those who came before and send them good wishes and gratitude to Heaven for their sacrifice.

#SethRich #ShawnLucas

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c40228 No.20925302


You'll need to take a higher dose for a longer period if your trying to fight cancer. If your just fighting the flu, etc then 12mg tablets over the course of a week usually works well…

Have done numerous short term uses for colds, flu, infections, etc

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b3cdf6 No.20925303

File: 38f035e20c2b162⋯.gif (7.31 KB,220x128,55:32,38f035e20c2b162949f8b30f97….gif)


>GM will come and go just like Mr Pig.

When does Mr Pig go?

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1acfdd No.20925304


the ultimate sacrifice for decency and democracy

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6fb672 No.20925305

File: 2794c5845450395⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,2000x1999,2000:1999,DonnaMichelled.jpg)

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9f7ecb No.20925306

File: acdbd1763ee7f3b⋯.jpg (198.7 KB,753x497,753:497,PIG_WAR_COLLEGE.jpg)





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0932bd No.20925307

File: fa8039df66ecf13⋯.gif (1.78 MB,364x274,182:137,1656AA54_F723_4757_8F2F_AA….gif)



That took so long and totally not triggered /s

It’s always that way you phaggits glow hard

Kiss muh ass script reader

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f5a410 No.20925308

File: a3582e1ffc1d0eb⋯.jpeg (125.22 KB,500x715,100:143,IMG_0207.jpeg)

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49a2b2 No.20925309


>Azriel Tower


Ephraim. Tribe of Israel.

Various states of angel radio usage.

Rafael has had many names.

Efficia Fretum Quietum

The phrase “Efficia Fretum Quietum” is a Latin inscription that translates to “Keep the Gulf Quiet”. It is often associated with the archangel Raphael

- When the mouth does not form the “l” properly but an “n” or “m” and the computer recognizes the latter. Mouth may be closed for accidental “m” production. “M” production and “f” or “ph” production is almost identical when the mouth is closed.

Ephraim. - Hebrew - A Tribe of Israel

Repha'im. Hebrew -  refers either to a people of greater-than-average height and stature in Deuteronomy 2:10-11, or departed spirits in the afterlife

Remphan. - Koine Greek - Ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. (27) Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the LORD, whose name is The God of Hosts.

Rephan. - Koine Greek - Variant of Remphan

Raiphan. - Koine Greek - Variant of Remphan

Raphael. - English. Variant of Rafael

Rafael. - Hebrew -  is an archangel first mentioned in the Book of Tobit and in 1 Enoch | binds the armies of Azazel and throws them into the valley of fire. While disguising himself as a human. In the text he acts as a physician and expels demons

Is Rafael. "He imposes peace in His heights" (Job 25:2). With Raphael being the Archangel of Air

- When the word is said quickly and the computer does not recognize the “ra”

Oriphiel. -  Hebrew. A variant of Phanuel. (Hebrew: פְּנוּאֵל or פְּנִיאֵל Pənūʾēl/Pənīʾēl, Tiberian: Pănūʾēl/Pănīʾēl)[2] include Panuel, Paniel, Peniel, Penuel, Fanuel and Fennel

Israfil / Israfel - Arabic. is the angel who blows the trumpet to signal Qiyamah (the Day of Judgment) in Islam

Yisra'el. - Hebrew. Nation of Israel. - When the computer doesn’t recognize the “f”

Israel. - Nation

- When the mouth is closed and he says his name the teeth together produce a “z” sound instead of many other consonants. May be when there is anger and gritting teeth causing these profiles / shades to be angry in practice.

Za-za-e'il. Syriac. Variant of Azazel. - When the computer doesn’t recognize the “a”

Azariah. - Hebrew. Another name for Rafael when in human form. - “When the computer doesn’t recognize the “l”

Azaziʿil. - In Mandaean texts. A variant of Azazel.

Aza'el. - Hebrew. A variant of Azazel.

Azazel. - Hebrew.  Azazel is the Hebrew word for scapegoat. Was one of the chief Grigori, a group of fallen angels who married women. Represents a desolate place where a scapegoat bearing the sins of the Jews was sent during Yom Kippur. During the late Second Temple period (after the closure of the Hebrew Bible canon), Azazel came to be viewed as a fallen angel responsible for introducing humans to forbidden knowledge, as described in the Book of Enoch. His role as a fallen angel partly remains in Christian and Islamic traditions.

Azael. - Hebrew a variant of Azazel.

- Possibly very curtly or rapidly said or abbreviated versions of the name with very minimal mouth movement.

Aza. - Hebrew a variant of Samyaza.

Azza. - A variant of Samyaza.

- Minimal phonetic difference between “ah” and “uh”.

Uza. - A variant of Samyaza.

Uzza. - A variant of Samyaza.

Uzziah. - Hebrew. Another name for Azariah.

Uzziel. - Hebrew. A variant of Uziel.

Uzael. - Hebrew. Another variant of

Uziel. - Hebrew. He was among to very first who joined Lucifer in the War in Heaven and was cast down to Hell for his crime.

- Less teeth clenching and more “r” formation

Uriel. - Hebrew. A variant of Uziel.

Usiel. - Hebrew. A variant of Uriel.

Sam / Sem / Shem - Hebrew - Meaning “name”

Samyaza - Hebrew -  is a fallen angel of apocryphal Abrahamic traditions and Manichaeism as the leader of the Watchers.

AKA “Samyaza", "Shemhazai", "Samiaza(z)", "Semiaza", "Shamazya", "Shemyazaz", "Shemihazah", "Shemyaza", "Sêmîazâz", "Semjâzâ", "Samjâzâ", "Šemihaza", and "Semaza"


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e78082 No.20925310

File: 0374f310b2ece8b⋯.png (622.13 KB,602x624,301:312,0374f310b2ece8b32c433acf25….png)

File: f2a8c81fb1f820b⋯.jpg (320.93 KB,2000x1270,200:127,downloadfile_3_4_.jpg)

File: ea527b72da1cdc6⋯.jpg (74.5 KB,500x624,125:156,8rqpwj_1.jpg)

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c82119 No.20925311


Marty Leeds septenary cipher.

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fb7ea4 No.20925312

File: 6b2cf8575184e5f⋯.png (359.36 KB,671x680,671:680,6b2cf8575184e5fbc2442477e9….png)

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6f01d4 No.20925313

File: eac3ab886ecfa24⋯.png (398.71 KB,671x632,671:632,357.png)

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f5a410 No.20925314


I concur

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58920c No.20925315


>Saying it triggers people is stupid

They're not wrong.

It didn't get to be so hot right now without some amount of triggering on all sides.

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3d8b31 No.20925316

File: ad2902291013872⋯.jpg (400.14 KB,912x898,456:449,SchiffClown.JPG)

File: 196826bc164c8ee⋯.jpg (99.87 KB,568x379,568:379,BigTechNazis.JPG)

Verizon switches me to a shit cell tower whenever I post on qresearch.

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57b0bc No.20925317

File: 4ab76a791852a0f⋯.webp (27.5 KB,417x626,417:626,kid_having_fun_bounce_hou….webp)

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56b06f No.20925318


explaining a psyop isn't a slide.

it's a public service.

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ba1aba No.20925319

File: d8fd35a654ecfc1⋯.jpeg (303.97 KB,1241x1478,1241:1478,IMG_2530.jpeg)

Parisians to ‘take a sh*t’ in Seine ahead of Olympic Games

Gergana Krasteva

Published May 27, 2024,

Drop of pork prices? Release piglets in supermarkets in western France. Low prices of eggs? Smash 200,000 yolks. Changes in tobacco packaging? Leave four tonnes of carrots outside the Socialist Party offices.

Protesting – in particular, radical acts of rebellion – are embedded in the French’s relationship with the government.

And next on the list is the £1.2 billion state-backed plan to clean up the Seine in Paris ahead of this summer’s Olympic Games.

People are now organising a ‘sh*t flashmob’ in the river on the day that president Emmanuel Macron and mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, promised to take a swim in it to prove that their efforts are not in vain.…


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332e48 No.20925320



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b5ed1f No.20925321

File: f558acd609f8575⋯.png (156.64 KB,503x476,503:476,SSG_Fren_Pepe.png)


Ty fren

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d2d57d No.20925322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Opinion | The Supreme Court will hear a case on …

www.washingtonpost.com › 2024/04/19

Apr 19, 2024 · Enforcement of camping ordinances is impermissible if even one homeless person is without a bed. This paralyzes cities' attempts to cope with …


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e216ff No.20925323

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447c00 No.20925324

File: 5cb9dc4ff0ed671⋯.jpeg (14.81 KB,255x152,255:152,5cb9dc4ff0ed671f59432b3e9….jpeg)


attention whore

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848f80 No.20925325

File: 76959195b42ffe9⋯.png (648.68 KB,698x393,698:393,ClipboardImage.png)


sometimes slides are fun

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ba1aba No.20925326


Kek, they do have a sense of humor, and are effective!

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a99f80 No.20925327



They cry over GM

They cry over GE

They cry over GN

God bless you!

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ab37dd No.20925328

File: 3255575c5929cf4⋯.mp4 (217.92 KB,320x330,32:33,VKuLyZw9MEyNlNwi.mp4)

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fb7ea4 No.20925329

File: ec75a054be0d866⋯.png (1.03 MB,773x1056,773:1056,faggotry2.png)

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e216ff No.20925330

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56b06f No.20925331


how are things in New Caledonia these days?

Is "Free New Caledonia" going to be the new protest?

Will the New Caledonian natives take hostages and claim genocide and disrupt the olympic charade?

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da7420 No.20925332


My phone heats up and drains the battery whenever I poast truth about them Jews when on WiFi @ work.

Go figure.

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e78082 No.20925333

File: 34e3f6c9cc3993c⋯.png (813.5 KB,1080x1055,216:211,Screenddd.png)

Ron Paul said at the libertarian convention America has been doing coups all over the world.

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58920c No.20925334


Good point.

Abbreviations need a time out.

Anons, please start spelling it out if you want everyone else to see your posts.

And, yes, it starts with Thank You Baker.

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f5e947 No.20925335


twice a year for wifeanon and i

we share a tube of paste

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56b06f No.20925336


use it to make cup-o-soup

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71176d No.20925337

File: 00dc9e6136bda46⋯.png (95.15 KB,295x171,295:171,00dc9e6136bda46213a82b2588….png)



the hell does this even mean?! Gobble-de-gook!

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3433cb No.20925338

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f5e947 No.20925339


daily til gone

maybe a week

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b75980 No.20925340


Good lord god NO Fuck ewww !!!

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524042 No.20925341


I gave my depressed pretty cousin 5 lbs of fresh firm hot sausage and she perked right up

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56ecf7 No.20925342

Trans Shoot & Stab Children

& Not a Single ABC Club has come out to denounce it

ABC is a Terrorist Cell

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1e3dcf No.20925343

File: 745b38104bec42c⋯.png (251.98 KB,1000x563,1000:563,ClipboardImage.png)

Brighteon Media SUES Google, Facebook,Twitter, Dept. of Defense for Censorship

Brighteon Media sues Google, Facebook, Twitter, NewsGuard, Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Global Engagement Center, ISD and others for globally-coordinated government-funded censorship collusion against Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Natural News and Brighteon

Memorial Day, 2024: On the same day that we honor our ancestors and fallen soldiers who fought for the fundamental freedoms upon which our constitutional republic is based,we are filing suit against an array of Big Tech platforms, overseas NGOs and Big Government departments,all of which we assert have been deliberately weaponized to silence the free speech of Americans.

The lawsuit, filed in Federal court the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas (Austin Division) explains, "The United States has been helping identify, pay for, and facilitate private corporations’ suppression of Americans' free speech."

The suit presents conclusive evidence that reveals U.S. government departments specifically naming Brighteon, Natural News and the Health Ranger for censorship targeting.

The lawsuit is filed as civil action 24-cv-00576, filed on 5/27/2024. It can be viewed at this link on Natural News servers.

The complaint lays out the global coordination of a vast censorship industrial complex involving government entities, Big Tech platforms and private NGOs such as the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, the Global Disinformation Index, and other similar entities. The suit also references ten "Joe Doe" defendants whose identities shall be revealed during discovery.

See the interview with attorney Jeffrey Greyber and expert consultant Jason Fyk at this link on Brighteon.com:


US government engaged in "censorship laundering" to silence the speech of Americans

In summary, the lawsuit asserts that the United States government, in violation of the United States Constitution, engaged in "censorship laundering" by colluding with (and helped fund) overseas organizations whose censorship directives were adopted by tech platforms to selectively silence the speech of certain Americans.

Mike Adams of Natural News is the founder of free speech platform Brighteon Media.

Sauce: https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-05-27-brighteon-media-sues-google-facebook-twitter-newsguard-homeland-security-department-of-defense-censorship-collusion.html

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da7420 No.20925344



Probably could.

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5b0f8c No.20925345

File: d6a1e34b5773616⋯.png (93.43 KB,458x384,229:192,ClipboardImage.png)


just because you pedofiles put bound little girls in the bread (that was the worst of them too!) and then you put children with large knockers and a sliced off head so nobody would know it was kiddy porn…

yeah we know who you are and yeah, retribution is coming perverts!

sadly we have a night shit baker that does that as well, sneaks in kiddy porn!

so in conclusion, i'm cranky and in need of coffee, ran out two days ago!

and finally, the reporting mechanism is under attack so said perversions stayed up longer then normal as most anons gave up waiting for the form to load,

to the shill armies, well played and rot in hell.

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1fb59d No.20925346


>And, yes, it starts with Thank You Baker.

I never really got that.

If you really want to thank the baker, why the fuck can't you even spell it out, which takes 5 seconds.

I mean seriously.

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ba1aba No.20925347


I know, and that was the goal. I didn’t know Libertarians were insane though

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b3cdf6 No.20925348

File: 9f7b6b6845b4cb9⋯.jpg (56.88 KB,680x383,680:383,faggotrytoohigh.jpg)

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2d3d48 No.20925349

File: 79d310c39bb955f⋯.jpg (8.58 KB,275x183,275:183,images_132_.jpg)

File: 47e5ed6f825c51d⋯.jpg (10.47 KB,211x210,211:210,2Q_26_.jpg)

File: 5b518abe24ba904⋯.jpg (10.83 KB,251x201,251:201,images_136_.jpg)

File: d17c270c207a921⋯.jpg (11.59 KB,259x194,259:194,images_84_.jpg)





International just fucked up

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56b06f No.20925350


not reading this


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58461b No.20925351


It's like a once a year drug. Dosed by body weight. I got 24, twenty one mg pills for around 100 bucks. Got it from a compounding pharmacy in NY.


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107294 No.20925352

File: aac3cd8b82994e4⋯.png (138.38 KB,1284x927,428:309,gfy.png)

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961879 No.20925353


It's your preview of Hell?

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524042 No.20925354


GM Moloch worshippers

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f928e0 No.20925355

File: b1862ddcd6eb890⋯.png (9.9 KB,264x191,264:191,ClipboardImage.png)


Only shills have Good Nights because they can't wait to not deal with the Good Mornings until the Morning; therefore it is always Good Morning now.

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d930ac No.20925356

File: 427a4f6e7e56f66⋯.png (225.39 KB,592x333,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


None of which matters when they turn blue.

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b5ed1f No.20925357

File: 377d9b344c76c02⋯.gif (1.83 MB,500x374,250:187,SLIDE.gif)


>sometimes slides are fun

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58920c No.20925358

File: 3bcac704df50b03⋯.jpg (19.07 KB,191x255,191:255,SlideBurns_2.jpg)


It's the slides that keep the pulse of the board healthy during The Precipice.

Have you seen't what a ded no-slide bread looks like these days.

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d930ac No.20925359

File: 5d54e619074ed28⋯.png (197.87 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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5747ce No.20925360

File: b0acfa90d6f7b7c⋯.mp4 (5.91 MB,1280x720,16:9,IDFcaptured.mp4)


Following a successful operation targeting an IDF force infiltrating a tunnel that killed and wounded several, a soldier was captured.

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c645a4 No.20925361

So, if things are worse then we think… how worse are they exactly?

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5fa0db No.20925362


I gave your wife plenty last nite

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56b06f No.20925363


Did he say it in Italian, Spanish, or in Latin?

I'm calling BS on this.


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5b0f8c No.20925364

File: 227bedbbba2c0f2⋯.png (130.2 KB,1295x281,1295:281,ClipboardImage.png)

see i triggered a pervert by muh last post!

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185375 No.20925365

File: f9cf30ae2e13f71⋯.webm (2.4 MB,480x724,120:181,1715299732432316.webm)

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d930ac No.20925366

File: c031c381cfd9014⋯.png (226.45 KB,474x296,237:148,ClipboardImage.png)

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55d097 No.20925367

File: 8109971b3995472⋯.png (2.71 MB,1319x879,1319:879,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1343f4d72f5debd⋯.png (495.9 KB,624x578,312:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 515f70562d66bc1⋯.png (890.65 KB,500x677,500:677,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60f541d8cc2c8a0⋯.png (614.78 KB,602x500,301:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a9570f3a3ddd2f⋯.png (1.72 MB,1126x1024,563:512,ClipboardImage.png)

where are the meme lords?

fire up the memes.

we defeated the pandemic treaty.

now lets take down merchen.


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b3cdf6 No.20925368

File: 99419d1b18c02ce⋯.jpg (57.39 KB,680x383,680:383,faggotrytoohighcorrect.jpg)


Damn I fixed grammar

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1e3dcf No.20925369

File: 1409f0e904724d3⋯.png (19.94 KB,400x300,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Sure hope you didn't take the kill shot jabs because when they fire up the 5G towers your phone could fry your brian for daring to poast any truth.

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ba1aba No.20925370


Thats where the leader is supposed to be! Thats like when they tried to shame Trump, when SS took him to the bunker when the WH was being attacked

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00ee38 No.20925371


It's not the abbreviation that was the trigger. It was your dismissal of a very succinct breakdown that Anon put forth that explains what I've been trying to say for over a month, as well as using the agreement as reason for the dismissal. You're a clown, playing a losing hand.

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458e3a No.20925372

File: 42e3536757565b9⋯.jpeg (28.95 KB,255x128,255:128,IMG_5192.jpeg)

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b5ed1f No.20925373


>daily til gone

I have never researched if someone can OD on Ivermectin

I guess, kinda?

Symptoms of overdose

Confusion about identity, place, and time

decreased awareness or responsiveness

severe sleepiness

Some side effects may occur that usually do not need medical attention. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them:


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6412de No.20925374


I’m not a doctor anon I recommend a low dose

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6f01d4 No.20925375


That pepe in the photo is one bad ass Grand Marshal.

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d14b1a No.20925376

so what is going to happen to geotus tomorrow? how many more indignities before we see something resembling retaliation

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58920c No.20925377


I am glad that President Donald John Trump is not that lazy.

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56ecf7 No.20925378

Don't Let your Children join the ABC Club

They're Terrorists

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da7420 No.20925379

File: 1420af2a323a8c8⋯.jpeg (229.16 KB,1000x1000,1:1,IMG_1953.jpeg)

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fb7ea4 No.20925380

File: b43e9a7c1c95242⋯.png (6.48 KB,204x204,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f703c7 No.20925381

File: 7c9e75276c4aece⋯.jpg (156.74 KB,720x939,240:313,20240527_174047.jpg)

File: 0688be90471fd10⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB,720x1134,40:63,Dr_Jebra_Faushay_20240527_….mp4)


Alien wearing a human skin mask?

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6412de No.20925382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f928e0 No.20925383


Is there a generic version? How did this anon get so many pills for so cheap?


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fc5857 No.20925384


They must be illegally searching my posts because it just jumped to 4 bars.

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b48422 No.20925385

File: 5a668059d905058⋯.png (53.25 KB,825x412,825:412,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5e947 No.20925386

File: 6c3d7fe2add1656⋯.jpg (518.18 KB,1920x1440,4:3,Picsart_24_05_27_18_42_31_….jpg)

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8fa3e9 No.20925387


Depends on how bad you think things are

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447c00 No.20925388

File: d1574df747578e0⋯.png (323.71 KB,500x500,1:1,722d988e50ab1be3327c80e246….png)

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34f881 No.20925389

File: 45df2bee6378da0⋯.jpg (142.01 KB,948x966,158:161,45df2bee6378da0e2398791bd1….jpg)

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5747ce No.20925390

File: e6219540e903288⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,576x1024,9:16,ethnic_cleansing.mp4)

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6f01d4 No.20925391

File: 4b6dfbb59f0be63⋯.png (557.96 KB,716x513,716:513,4b6dfbb59f0be63cb2ede8916e….png)

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1c79aa No.20925392

File: 9d84620a94ebc0e⋯.png (73.48 KB,296x286,148:143,9d84620a94ebc0e9969096d250….png)


Well, he must look like his mama cause he don't look like his daddy at all.

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d1055a No.20925393

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f5a410 No.20925394


if only you knew….

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c82119 No.20925395

File: 81407dbfe070885⋯.png (379.22 KB,601x389,601:389,ClipboardImage.png)

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b75980 No.20925396

File: 2162a18f3f22966⋯.mp4 (7.2 MB,270x480,9:16,Horse_Patriot_Karli.mp4)

Karli Post.

Happy Memorial Day, Anons.

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e216ff No.20925397

Freedom = individual sovereignty

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b5ed1f No.20925398

File: de7672ec1c238fd⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,255x166,255:166,Pepe_Shocked.jpg)



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3433cb No.20925399

File: 3adb326b2cc3ea6⋯.png (1.75 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


What kind of meme do you want

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1fb59d No.20925400


also if your liver has problems, it will stick in your system for longer. it's not candy. people should try to understand that. you shouldn't take it just because. and you shouldn't take it non-stop either.



factually wrong.

>til gone

Oh I see, very funny. "haha, till (you) are gone" haha

fuck you


The recommended dosage of ivermectin tablets for the treatment of strongyloidiasis isa single oral dosedesigned to provide approximately 200 mcg of ivermectin per kg of body weight. See Table 1 for dosage guidelines.

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e880c1 No.20925401


Michael Aquino's spawn

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7b243f No.20925402


Thanks anon.

been following 200mcg/Kg 3 doses.

The stuff should be taken based on your weight not just pick a pill. So if you are a fatty anon you need more, if you are a skinny anon you need less.

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2665bd No.20925403

File: 16db4d05d9d82da⋯.png (3.74 MB,1403x1871,1403:1871,ClipboardImage.png)


>Depends on how bad you think things are

Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (


) turned 50 today and shared this picture to mark the day. Kindly give her 50,000 likes.

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5747ce No.20925404

File: 5d9c08f07383bdf⋯.png (674.96 KB,720x632,90:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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98d5f9 No.20925405



No secret now

Watch the documentary Ukraine on fire, the coup leading to leadership change to the events in Ukraine today

A tinder box for ww3

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c645a4 No.20925406

File: 68722fa615d8377⋯.png (2.64 MB,1475x1080,295:216,ClipboardImage.png)


About here…

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58920c No.20925407



Come on, anon.

Spell it out, please.

God Emperor Of The United States

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4be4ad No.20925408


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6412de No.20925409


My skull is on fire

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3dd1d4 No.20925410

File: 4706bb0bbf5beb6⋯.jpg (37 KB,600x338,300:169,macron_empire_fail_600x338.jpg)

Macron’s ‘Empire’ Has Fallen: He Tries To Contain Chaos in French Post-Colonial Territories, Travels To Mend Fences With Germany on the Eve of EU Elections

Globalist poster boy and former Rothschild banker, French President Emmanuel Macron loves to play emperor ‘but his empire looks like it’s falling apart’, according to a British magazine.

Before he engaged in the state visit to Germany – the first by a French President since the year 2000, Macron visited some of his troubled territories in the Indic Ocean and South Pacific.

We feel like calling them colonies, but France calls them ‘departments’, parts of a Republic that is ‘indivisible’. Yeah, right.


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f5a410 No.20925411



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b3cdf6 No.20925412


>ask the clockfags for instructions.

Clockfags who just use random 25 min angles that have nothing to do with date or posts.

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d930ac No.20925413

File: 1719fd64821d387⋯.png (509.08 KB,657x648,73:72,ClipboardImage.png)


They aren't. Those are Soros clowns

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55d097 No.20925414

File: ed79c8a4604f85b⋯.png (480.79 KB,574x680,287:340,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5433b32d729ab29⋯.png (812.77 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bd46dda113ff48⋯.png (70.64 KB,737x468,737:468,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc5bfe84a147468⋯.png (698.7 KB,680x511,680:511,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7e7653aad01614⋯.png (440.25 KB,549x500,549:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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447c00 No.20925415

File: b77f7a2f66a809c⋯.jpeg (101.54 KB,646x720,323:360,b77f7a2f66a809c8ac89c4f2d….jpeg)

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fb7ea4 No.20925416


Butterface, nice body for 50 tho

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1b6493 No.20925417

File: 1b45cd53b7ae66d⋯.jpg (12.49 KB,300x168,25:14,images_119_.jpg)


Crimes? Our constitution, our government.

e.g., scotus and pres candidate gaying

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f928e0 No.20925418


How do you take the 3 doses? Once per day for 3 days? 1 week apart? Also how often do you do the protocol?

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6f01d4 No.20925419


Nothing against her…


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da7420 No.20925420

File: 0a8bda8181913a0⋯.jpeg (306.57 KB,900x604,225:151,IMG_1883.jpeg)

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e93be2 No.20925421


lookin a lil ghey

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58461b No.20925422


>How did this anon get so many pills for so cheap?

Probably a pharmacy in India. I don't recommend using it, importing Rx is a felony.


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447c00 No.20925423

File: 70f346ffb050be3⋯.png (178.76 KB,576x566,288:283,70f346ffb050be3cf2480fb29b….png)

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f928e0 No.20925424


Ivermectin can cause liver problems apparently. Maybe your cousin shouldn't be taking so much because it's not needed.

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5ca544 No.20925425


Nah those are the clockshills designed to create your thought and posting to discourage clockfagging

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6fb672 No.20925426

File: 002f7d5237dd397⋯.jpg (135.59 KB,666x882,37:49,Spuds.jpg)

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cdeadb No.20925427

File: 92df4e8f89eb1a9⋯.png (575.38 KB,1080x899,1080:899,Screenshot_20231024_020458….png)

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c645a4 No.20925428

File: b6c9432449acf47⋯.png (314.79 KB,600x409,600:409,ClipboardImage.png)


Good luck Billy "CUNT" Gates

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00ee38 No.20925429


Born in '74. Same age. Hitting the half century myself in less than two weeks.

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b3cdf6 No.20925430

File: 665a99bf8e9d8aa⋯.jpg (47.83 KB,511x500,511:500,would3rdeye.jpg)

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f928e0 No.20925431


Denying critical medicine to people is beyond a felony - kiss my ass therefore.

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61ffb9 No.20925432

File: afade78abd891de⋯.jpg (855.83 KB,2560x2560,1:1,afade78abd891de0a5fb54b3e5….jpg)


YIKES! Burn the hat and get caps!

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ba1aba No.20925433

File: 2dbac5128aaa3e6⋯.mp4 (6.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17168305382….mp4)

File: 02eb45344155375⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17168537236….mp4)

Citizen Free Press

America has just lost a true original.

The great Bill Walton passes away at 71.

This is a brilliant response from Bill.


Citizen Free Press

The great Bill Walton has died at 71.

Love this guy. This is a sad day.

1:24 PM · May 27, 2024



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0932bd No.20925434

File: 43d6273708f09fc⋯.gif (3.41 MB,356x200,89:50,EE6AD9BA_1A92_4893_AE88_EF….gif)


Ask me if I care next

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f5e947 No.20925435


my bad meant weekly

every friday

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524042 No.20925436


4 bars means they are triangulating you for a drone strike

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34f881 No.20925437

File: 77f5b7caef4080e⋯.gif (36.16 KB,315x321,105:107,aad92ac9a0198a333c880afb44….gif)

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fb7ea4 No.20925438


I think there's only 2-4 real clockfags, rest are shills.

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5b0f8c No.20925439

File: bdf01bdb0a45be7⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB,320x584,40:73,your_boy_transmitting_cell….mp4)

File: 548a85233f0f370⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB,720x576,5:4,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

File: 744a4894d2a1fb1⋯.mp4 (9.39 MB,720x576,5:4,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


tucker calson and eric prince explained it well, then this anon (not me) dropped this a few breads back. then i added to it.

i don't have the tucker vid ( its at https://rumble.com/c/TuckerCarlson or banned dot video )

here are the other three

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b4436d No.20925440

File: fa2aafd622d846d⋯.png (10.14 KB,255x253,255:253,GodWins2.png)


A Patriot is your best friend, regardless if you are theirs.

For God and the Country, at all costs.

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4be4ad No.20925441

File: 3934dbb717349e4⋯.png (96.14 KB,563x301,563:301,85C1695E_2AF9_4F5B_A695_B8….png)






all subsequent posts, referenced, are past breads:














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447c00 No.20925442

File: 04cb06e71448961⋯.png (10.2 KB,206x255,206:255,2a66d88d8e440beab97109bf25….png)



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c645a4 No.20925443

File: da3bff88e2b9b6f⋯.png (482.52 KB,597x680,597:680,ClipboardImage.png)


And here is the dumb bastard, executing himself…

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8fa3e9 No.20925444


Literally weightless?

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00ee38 No.20925445


Why would I ask something I don't care about if it cares? Now I'll filter your sorry ass.

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a99f80 No.20925446

File: b572801779a20fc⋯.jpg (81.55 KB,507x499,507:499,8rszns.jpg)

Shills whine over GM

Shills whine over GE

Shills whine over GN

Shills whine

Anons kek

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55d097 No.20925447

File: 663965a148492e2⋯.png (45.63 KB,546x740,273:370,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1393187d2466687⋯.png (248.88 KB,500x677,500:677,ClipboardImage.png)


merchen, stormy, cohen, jack smith

go all out.

those on x or twatter plus other social platforms are shit at memeing.

show them the way.

the most potent weapon anons have is memes.

Q stated it in 41 posts.


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b3cdf6 No.20925448


I think there is something to the clock. I bet if you could put facebook posts on a clock like that and see the patterns your mind would be blown. They probably use a storage system like that to predict your life. That is why Q pointed to the clock. Just my opine

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f703c7 No.20925449


I deploy my meme cannons but I am ShadowBanned to the netherzone

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0dcc0f No.20925450

File: 50e942cd09319c9⋯.mp4 (4.19 MB,FullSizeRender.MOV)



Evening All

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c645a4 No.20925451


You're taking it well.

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5fa0db No.20925452

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4be4ad No.20925453

Your daughter is married.

Leave me in peace.

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b3cdf6 No.20925454


>I think there's only 2-4 real clockfags

I tried before and it takes a lot of effort so I give the real ones credit

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f5e947 No.20925455

File: 2248ccd6d6b767b⋯.jpg (8.89 MB,4242x2828,3:2,Picsart_24_05_27_11_49_20_….jpg)

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0932bd No.20925456

File: c938455b075231e⋯.jpeg (70.88 KB,416x620,104:155,43E38964_66BF_4B25_9430_5….jpeg)

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a99f80 No.20925457

File: 31884ebecdeef5a⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,520x480,13:12,8rszzz.jpg)

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56ecf7 No.20925458

File: 6064f0516365dbf⋯.png (484.27 KB,525x680,105:136,ClipboardImage.png)

Not One ABC Rainbow Club

-Not a One-

Has Denounced the targeting of Children by their members

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f928e0 No.20925459

File: 6016763ff3e350a⋯.png (49.25 KB,647x386,647:386,ClipboardImage.png)

Good Mornings bring the heat.

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d14b1a No.20925460


not really. people are just used to seeing other people who have prematurely aged through booze, crap food, and sun. you can be 50 and quite youthful-looking if you take care through the years. unlike this bridgetroll. that writ, "her" shenanigans and pissing off the left are appreciated

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ab37dd No.20925461

File: 13bae9849a98b04⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB,320x496,20:31,MKWbH4ltrg8C52TV.mp4)

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b24576 No.20925462

File: 43c92b7b81f1036⋯.png (1.2 MB,592x709,592:709,Screenshot_5334_.png)


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ba1aba No.20925463

File: 103b4ab88c02dff⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,720x946,360:473,ssstwitter_com_17168540257….mp4)

One more video

Citizen Free Press


Bill Walton, legendary human being, ambassador of kindness and hilarity, passes away at 71


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b5ed1f No.20925464

File: 729e27550fd6780⋯.png (63.46 KB,878x617,878:617,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e098c543a4d4fc⋯.png (53.08 KB,681x632,681:632,ClipboardImage.png)



>How do you take the 3 doses? Once per day for 3 days? 1 week apart? Also how often do you do the protocol?



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b75980 No.20925465

File: 63d2d4d71909e95⋯.png (130.49 KB,1119x825,373:275,ClipboardImage.png)



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3dd1d4 No.20925466

File: b7c64050e9e8327⋯.jpg (51.08 KB,1200x630,40:21,brian_mast_600x338_1_1200x….jpg)

Rep. Mast Writes to VA on Behalf of Veterans Who Say They Are Losing Access to Their Doctors (Video)

Several Veterans recently spoke with Fox News to share how the Veterans Affairs medical facility in West Palm Beach, Florida, is taking away access to the community providers they are forced to find because the VA is unable to meet veteran needs.

Michael Cohen, a 22-year veteran of the United States Air Force, sought help for emotional challenges resulting from his service. Cohen told Fox that for years, he tried to see Cohen multiple VA therapists, but they could not see him on a regular basis. He opted to seek out-of-pocket private treatment through the VA’s community care — a program designed for eligible veterans to receive care from a community provider when the VA cannot provide the care needed.

But now, the West Palm Beach VA Healthcare System is no longer approving their requests for community care and cutting off those who have served our nation from their longtime mental health providers.


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2ae08c No.20925467

File: cc6b256adc3b461⋯.jpg (61.52 KB,491x373,491:373,Screen_Shot_2024_05_27_at_….jpg)



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447c00 No.20925468

File: fd2676a1395aad6⋯.jpeg (199.75 KB,1118x1000,559:500,fd2676a1395aad603e127fea1….jpeg)


anon is also 50

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f5ebca No.20925469

File: 71eddd65cf88285⋯.png (256.96 KB,589x792,589:792,alcaponefbiapologetic.png)

File: 416ce4ee28d1b8c⋯.jpg (1.33 MB,1536x1828,384:457,alcaponetechnicalities.JPG)

File: 9f308bac750d63c⋯.jpg (400.21 KB,864x1200,18:25,alcapone.JPG)


Biden is already planning on DJT being found guilty and put in jail

He's got his speech ready.

Be careful what you wish for.

DJTrump who is innocent of any crime is treated worse than Al Capone.

Depending on: if the government crooks favor you or not (Face it Capone was a crook in-with the two Hoovers (Edgar and Herbert) and other government crooks; hence the lag in his arrests and weak charges.)

Capone was never raided as was POTUS Trump.

FBI is apologetic about how long it took to finally arrest Capone; though Al the gangster was known to have committed many murders "It wasn't our jurisdiction" they said.



They made-up excuses as to why they couldn't put Capone away; for many years.

Check picrel contemporary political cartoon (Memes of the day)

Kinda like HRC - how many murders has she apparently ordered since Comey failed to reel her in?

Is Trump a gangster on par with these others?

Was Mar a Lago a federal jurisdiction?

Not according to the Constitution and the separation of Powers.

FBI is under the jurisdiction of the Executive Branch, if I'm not mistaken?

Who do the Presidential records belong to?

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b3cdf6 No.20925470


Like he is creeping on those girls, fucking loser

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9ee7e5 No.20925471



Curtailing freedom deserves no respect

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463571 No.20925472

File: 5ccbff39287987d⋯.jpg (75.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,SPLC_Extremist_Files_Don_B….jpg)

File: 4aab3f3a5849f85⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,2633x3840,2633:3840,Senate_David_Duke_JPG.jpg)


Who's yo daddy?

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cb1250 No.20925473

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34f881 No.20925474


so your uncle/step uncle's friend?

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25190c No.20925475

File: 4578554d3db85f5⋯.png (188.88 KB,572x436,143:109,b6c0b386e90bd66b541e68a9a2….png)



#25664 >>20925054

>>20925079 A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors

>>20925127 Japan is building an ‘elevator to space’ for humans to experience what space looks like in person by 2025.

>>20925176 United Airlines flight catches fire before takeoff in Chicago, resulting in delays. No injuries have been reported.

>>20925410 Macron’s ‘Empire’ Has Fallen: He Tries To Contain Chaos in French Post-Colonial Territories, Travels To Mend Fences With Germany on the Eve of EU Elections

>>20925466 Rep. Mast Writes to VA on Behalf of Veterans Who Say They Are Losing Access to Their Doctors (Video)


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2ae08c No.20925476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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938785 No.20925477

File: 03fa019cbfaf52e⋯.png (125.39 KB,654x615,218:205,zinc_ionophore_2.png)

File: 6bc23222015e2f0⋯.png (310.42 KB,1100x800,11:8,zinc_ionophore_3.png)

File: 2d50070077504ca⋯.png (120.65 KB,654x605,654:605,zinc_ionospore_ivermectin.png)

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9f7ecb No.20925478

File: 40e1c9a1038f55c⋯.jpg (118.75 KB,583x473,53:43,FAILING_PYSOP.jpg)

File: 0f0d0594e9956d1⋯.jpg (64.01 KB,462x500,231:250,GENERAL_MOTORS_BAD_BOIS.jpg)

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f928e0 No.20925479


I don't mean to scare away anons from Ivermectin with the liver thing. Just sayin' if your cousin dies from liver failure on that dose and protocol, let us know at least.

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b5ed1f No.20925480

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is my new frens vid on how the debate will go!

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55d097 No.20925481

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB,588x588,1:1,kek_gif.gif)

File: 690c5517810ff74⋯.png (611.13 KB,749x500,749:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb59d14950ea870⋯.png (624.53 KB,657x500,657:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82ac102157abbfc⋯.png (683.06 KB,500x668,125:167,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc30ebb95af60f9⋯.png (896.67 KB,781x520,781:520,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5a410 No.20925482

File: ac03cf98c6d9f8d⋯.jpeg (28.82 KB,152x267,152:267,IMG_0317.jpeg)

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f5e947 No.20925483


My Sack is Nice - Creed

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b4436d No.20925484


message received.

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b5ed1f No.20925485

File: 9c7c625a20aad5d⋯.jpg (101.85 KB,996x635,996:635,0a54a60c1e04c8a2.jpg)


and I do mean top kek

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b3cdf6 No.20925486


A Perfect red Heifer

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0932bd No.20925487


Wait until NYMEX opens

It got whacked last week because COMEX raised margin requirements 3 times.

All the spec chasing momo chasing traders had to put up or get out.


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7cab0f No.20925488

File: 67e6feb7e01a04e⋯.png (5.33 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>the hell does this even mean?!

Muh suspicion is that you failed reading comprehension in school and have no idea where to learn what the big words mean. On the bright side you probably excel at video games, living rent free in mommy's basement and being a closet Bronie.

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55d097 No.20925489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



MPs welcome Craig Mackinlay back to Commons with standing ovation after quadruple amputation


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cb1250 No.20925490

File: fe21a1535df2306⋯.jpg (74.02 KB,458x636,229:318,fe21a1535df2306e18f82c0c12….jpg)

File: d3036bea902d664⋯.jpg (152.55 KB,636x700,159:175,43514comox09tom_web.jpg)

File: 0fc13876ede28e1⋯.jpg (4.3 MB,4314x4460,2157:2230,0fc13876ede28e1baf6adec3cc….jpg)

File: 0bb3aa78613ac9a⋯.gif (486.37 KB,200x150,4:3,200w_12_.gif)

File: 90178eb9820e526⋯.gif (1.11 MB,480x360,4:3,giphy_3_.gif)


Quebec Magog

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f928e0 No.20925491


Zinc stops viruses from replicating. I use a Zinc Oxide Ointment / Paste for Athlete's Foot since I go to the public swimming pool and sauna often and it gets rid of it in one application. I use it under my armpits, crotch area, and feet every couple days just to keep those areas clean since lots of moisture in those areas that breed bacteria and odor.

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d930ac No.20925492


The Merchans have too much loot to be allowed to escape justice.

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7b408f No.20925493


it's Woody Harrelson

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d930ac No.20925494

File: 19a9f06abdc1bc6⋯.png (452.06 KB,1494x1540,747:770,ClipboardImage.png)

Equal protection under the law?


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f5ebca No.20925495

File: 38106f954d323d8⋯.jpg (224.28 KB,1200x480,5:2,whoistheirboss.JPG)


FBI is stepping out of line.

I wonder who their boss is?

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da7420 No.20925496

File: e2f0aa82d6dace9⋯.jpeg (155.51 KB,610x494,305:247,IMG_1955.jpeg)


“Full control.”

What does that mean?

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ba1aba No.20925497

File: 0d1c08e165abb43⋯.webp (50.99 KB,1000x563,1000:563,IMG_2534.webp)

Richard Dreyfuss Slammed for Alleged Sexist and Homophobic Comments at ‘Jaws’ Screening

The Massachusetts theater that hosted the actor has apologized for his remarks, writing in a statement, "We deeply regret the distress that this has caused to many of our patrons.“


MAY 27, 2024 10:06AM


A Massachusetts theater is apologizing to its patrons who came to attend a screening of Jawswith star Richard Dreyfuss but instead were subjected to alleged sexist and homophobic comments from the actor over Memorial Day weekend.

Attendees who headed Saturday to The Cabot theater in Beverly, Massachusetts, for what was billed as “An Evening With Richard Dreyfuss + Jaws Screening” were likely anticipating some amusing or insightful anecdotes from the actor about filming the classic Steven Spielberg action blockbuster.

Instead, the Oscar winner went on a free-form rant that, according to social media posts from those in attendance, began whilehe was speaking about Barbra Streisand and moved into his bigoted perspective on trans youth, the Academy Awards’ inclusion rules and then on to trans kids affirming their gender.

Following the event, attendees quickly took to social media to criticize the actor’s remarks, with some saying they even walked out during the event.

One attendee and X (formerly known as Twitter) user named Rogue Mama wrote, “Came here to see if Richard Dreyfuss had been canceled tonight after appearing at #TheCabot in Beverly.” Another suggested ​​an alternative title for the night’s event: “An Evening of Misogyny and Homophobia With Richard Dreyfuss. Disappointing doesn’t even begin to cover it.”..


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d14b1a No.20925498

any other anons with chronic health issues feeling like we are being culled harder than ever rn? "crohn's disease" has reactivated this spring and it feels like my time is running out. the weather is so fucked here lately - the buttfuck constipated gray skies with scant rain. you can be looking at a forecast online that tells you it's raining out, then look out the window to see no rain. wtf is happening. it sure looks like the retards in charge are trying to create rain here and can't because they have fucked things up so badly. when i was a kid, you'd get a whole week of nice rain and it wasn't unusual. please let me make it another year or two

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3536ac No.20925499

File: 5d6a5791222d65c⋯.mp4 (6.13 MB,720x824,90:103,0_QoXx2KFjzD2YW1.mp4)


The great messiah is Jesus Christ

And push it too hard is a grammar fail

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5b0f8c No.20925500


add the toronto stabber the other day… trans lunacy at it's worst. they realize they were duped and they are angry, frustrated, and vindictive as a result. there is no way back, there is no addadictome that fixes this lie that they have beleived and acted on.

there is one hope though, and few will take it as they prefer to off themselves…

the Blessed Hope of Jesus Christ, they are still fucked but if they live clean and upright lives, Jesus Christ accepts them.

and before you shout off your toad stool, the thief on the cross still died a horrible death for his crimes but his soul was redeemed, let that sink in.

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55d097 No.20925501

File: c936a9ce4b99ceb⋯.png (58.02 KB,543x786,181:262,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,anons_united_vid.mp4)


deploy here

they will be stolen and you will see them on the interwebs

how do you think GEOTUS gets so much traction. they cannot stop the memes and djt.

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da7420 No.20925502

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447c00 No.20925503

File: d6b29b18f7994ab⋯.png (586.34 KB,1141x1080,1141:1080,d6b29b18f7994ab85bf3785be5….png)

File: f0b3d7595efa00e⋯.png (556.27 KB,678x817,678:817,f0b3d7595efa00e939877e9bd7….png)

File: 1734c9422ad3593⋯.jpeg (60.23 KB,800x574,400:287,1734c9422ad3593bde4950bac….jpeg)

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d14b1a No.20925504



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107294 No.20925505

File: 75ee7a2eb4432c6⋯.png (1.11 MB,1199x679,1199:679,ClipboardImage.png)

AOC Added To Iwo Jima Memorial For Surviving Capitol Riot https://buff.ly/3vrO6Td

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b3cdf6 No.20925506

File: 7d1ce67b0560834⋯.png (513.87 KB,516x919,516:919,Screenshot_2023_10_29_at_1….png)



Is that why they hate GM so much here? Can't be

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f928e0 No.20925507


>"crohn's disease"

Let me guess, you smoke cigs and/or drink alcohol regularly.

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6b6b53 No.20925508

File: b4ec3d60fa3ac14⋯.jpg (944.6 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240527_170108….jpg)

File: ed5bae2b17662a7⋯.jpg (991.71 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240527_170033….jpg)

File: 5288695b155551d⋯.jpg (15.2 KB,262x192,131:96,images_137_.jpg)



Time to go, Vaticanni

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a99f80 No.20925509

File: c2f437761867faf⋯.jpg (54.91 KB,636x499,636:499,8rt0qu.jpg)

GE Frens. Did Mr pig just admit to being an ADL tard? Guess it all makes sense now

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56ecf7 No.20925510

File: aa945b4428d9114⋯.png (1.62 MB,1440x1080,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


no Sauce

but It does appear to be a Logical Conclusion

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1e3dcf No.20925511

File: 471419e3b72d3ed⋯.png (48.85 KB,800x535,160:107,ClipboardImage.png)

9/11 From Cheney to Mossad

7 min Video showing Israeli/Mossad involvment in 9/11.

'''Israeli Art Students in NYC - called their group the Gelitin group.

(Israeli Bomb Experts)

Gelitin often refers to as Gelignite or blasting jelly'''

They were actually allowed to live in the 91st floor. (Twin Tower)

61 page document on the site referenced in 7 minute video.

Can't Embed:

Sauce: https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1794652170920579358

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7b243f No.20925512


Act 12:23  And instantly an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give the glory to God. And having been eaten by worms, his soul went out.

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0890c6 No.20925513


Naaaww! I own my own home outright, know all manner of "big words" and their meanings, reading comp is off the charts, paid cash for my bmw and do not own or play any vidya games. Your suspicions are incorrect about me. How bout you little mongrel?

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f5ebca No.20925514

File: 6aeeeeb7216bee0⋯.jpeg (165.4 KB,902x902,1:1,abouttogetamazing.jpeg)


Why do you try to push that?


You think there is a magic wand?

We already can prove "Q did disinfo and can't be relied upon.

We're supposed to figure it our for ourselves; not take it as "Words from on high"

What you're saying is possible but I need to see it, rather than just "believe" in 'what the Guru says'

You're like the guy who tries to tell the end of the movie before its over?

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58920c No.20925515


GM must be super serious.

Even Mr. Pig is doing diggs about it now.

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a2d40f No.20925516

skirmish of good morning klan and good evening klan ensues

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da7420 No.20925517

File: 00a8262563f1436⋯.jpeg (66.21 KB,640x640,1:1,IMG_1951.jpeg)

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0932bd No.20925518

File: 7cadbd34d0747a5⋯.png (302.55 KB,474x527,474:527,1F3028BF_6C37_477E_ADD1_2B….png)

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49672e No.20925519

File: d9ed1ad8800a61b⋯.mp4 (6.63 MB,720x1280,9:16,0_House_CIA_hiding_weapon_….mp4)

>>20924324 pb notable

>0 ! House - CIA hiding weapon 'Designed to make target feel they're crazy-imagining things-low intensity long duration'

As a survivor of being attacked by these 'remote weapons', this is the most important video on this subject I've seen.

It seemed to be AI-controlled as far back as 2005.

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848f80 No.20925520


But if it switches to GE or GB is it still antisemitic?

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ab37dd No.20925521

File: b11b68135c55066⋯.mp4 (485.88 KB,320x400,4:5,viBdNofV7iOreGAe.mp4)

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ba1aba No.20925522

File: 88446141d7ee238⋯.jpeg (68.55 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_2535.jpeg)

27 May, 2024 20:27

Italian deputy PM calls NATO boss ‘a dangerous man’

Matteo Salvini slams Stoltenberg’s call for lifting of restrictions on Ukraine using its Western weapons to attack sites in Russia

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has called NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg a “dangerous gentleman” for his proposal to allow Kiev to strike targets in Russia with Western weapons. Such a move could lead to World War III, Salvini has warned.

The NATO chief has been urging western donors of longer-range weapons to allow attacks against targets on Russian soil. The arms were reportedly provided on the condition that they would not be used outside territory claimed by Kiev. The stipulation is intended to prevent further escalation of the conflict. However, in an interview with The Economist last week, Stoltenberg claimed it is time for the US-led military bloc’s allies to reconsider all the restrictions.

He reiterated his stance on Monday during a press conference at the 2024 Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Commenting on Stoltenberg’s words,Salvini described them as “dangerous and reckless.”

“This gentleman is dangerous because the talking about a third world war, about Western weapons capable of striking and killing inside Russia, seems to me very, very dangerous and reckless,” he told reporters on Monday.

Senior Italian officials, including Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, have rejected Stoltenberg’s public calls for a policy change. The Italian PM has advised “greater caution.”

On Sunday, Salvini told an election rally that Stoltenberg “cannot speak on behalf of the Italian people.”

“NATO cannot force us to kill in Russia, nor can anyone force us to send Italian soldiers to fight or die in Ukraine,” Salvini said, arguing that Rome is sending Kiev weapons only to “defend itself,” not to “fight, strike and kill outside its territory.”

Western leaders, most notably French President Emmanuel Macron, have been making increasingly bold statements about attacks on Russian territory. However, according to Moscow, the claims of existing restrictions on the use of Western munitions are false and designed to maintain an illusion that the West is not part of the conflict.

The West is already “at war” with Russia and the weaponry it supplies to Ukraine is being actively used to strike deep inside the country, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has insisted.


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5b0f8c No.20925523

File: 62a7f98f75a280e⋯.png (984.41 KB,2011x1141,2011:1141,ClipboardImage.png)


you brought a tear to muh eyes

thank you from the top of muh heart


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9f7ecb No.20925524

File: 74caecf0fee7a29⋯.jpg (152.46 KB,593x563,593:563,U_FAIL.jpg)

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1fb59d No.20925525

File: 0c69ab5644136e2⋯.png (926.65 KB,1632x915,544:305,IBD.png)


>Let me guess

actually vaccinated or not

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56ecf7 No.20925526

File: f8d44d7a724dd86⋯.png (590.64 KB,1048x690,524:345,ClipboardImage.png)


"Massachusetts Stabber Identified as Trans"

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6950b0 No.20925527

File: 5e1682f6bc29839⋯.jpg (9.65 KB,225x225,1:1,2Q_31_.jpg)

How are your demons treating you? I won't be as nice….


You know the line, barracho! You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here…!!!!!!!

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5747ce No.20925528




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49672e No.20925529

File: b2a8f9b3b2b6982⋯.png (456.71 KB,1038x564,173:94,ClipboardImage.png)

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da7420 No.20925530


Biden is an incompetent placeholder.

He has no “wants” of relevance.

He is in office to wake up a sleeping giant.

Realize this.

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d14b1a No.20925531


no asshole, in fact the opposite. went organic on the food front about 20 years ago. no booze. never smoked cigs. the whole point is to make it as far as possible without having parts cut out or needing steroids, etc.. can't travel, can't dine out, due to food allergies. constantly trying to explain this balance to fuckwits who are free to graze.

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107294 No.20925532

File: 9811bf257c8bd2b⋯.jpeg (214.6 KB,1200x1200,1:1,wtf.jpeg)

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7b243f No.20925533


Good for Richard, Yet another hollyweird conversion.

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5b0f8c No.20925534

File: d0c59aa0b33fc7d⋯.png (248.74 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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d930ac No.20925535

File: a65f659393938fe⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,414x270,23:15,9_11_gelitin_spies.mp4)



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66200d No.20925536

File: f4eb4b4c7cb1756⋯.png (172.67 KB,263x500,263:500,ClipboardImage.png)


oral version

Master Mineral Solution, MMS or WPS Solution - Why has this Product Become so Popular?

Chlorine dioxide is a powerful anti microbial compound that has a long history of use - mostly known for its ability to sanitize drinking water (the last 60 years being the primary chemical used in municipal water supplies). The reason being is that it Chlorine Dioxide Moleculeworks, & works well. There are very few pathogens out there in water anywhere in the world that cannot be made potable with the use of this potent little molecule.


I read years ago that this is used in pill form for overseas soldiers who may get sick from drinking water or eating local food.

It was also being used by the military to sanitize surfaces and utensils in kitchens.

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2b1f08 No.20925537

File: 3684a203c659cf2⋯.jpg (95.38 KB,1000x1000,1:1,media_GOb6nfaXsAAVyL3.jpg)

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b3cdf6 No.20925538

File: b964f5048f960bd⋯.png (70.31 KB,1377x859,1377:859,Screenshot_2024_05_27_at_2….png)

File: 728ccf9f7866074⋯.png (69.32 KB,1368x844,342:211,Screenshot_2024_05_27_at_2….png)

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447c00 No.20925539

File: b0bf45de1304fd8⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,640x640,1:1,b0bf45de1304fd80b9d1f6d4ee….mp4)

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7b243f No.20925540


Israel saved for last for a reason.

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34f881 No.20925541

File: 7a089e5b50a3235⋯.png (457.03 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Macron’s ‘Empire’ Has Fallen: He Tries To Contain Chaos in French Post-Colonial Territories, Travels To Mend Fences With Germany on the Eve of EU Elections

Globalist poster boy and former Rothschild banker, French President Emmanuel Macron loves to play emperor ‘but his empire looks like it’s falling apart’, according to a British magazine.

Before he engaged in the state visit to Germany – the first by a French President since the year 2000, Macron visited some of his troubled territories in the Indic Ocean and South Pacific.

We feel like calling them colonies, but France calls them ‘departments’, parts of a Republic that is ‘indivisible’. Yeah, right.


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1e3dcf No.20925542


Thanks Anon

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ab37dd No.20925543

File: a46a49a463ec6c5⋯.png (156.5 KB,315x378,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)

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49a2b2 No.20925544


>"crohn's disease"

This is a virtual object in the metaverse that is in a body with Crohn's disease. It can be moved with the will of mind.

If you believe it is gone and the curses against you are gone, then it goes away.

It may even feel like 5 digits poking through your stomach. Feel it closely and move it.

It's not real.

Discomfort in your body is not real in most cases.

The itches are not real in most cases.

Believe you do not have illness.

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1e3dcf No.20925545

Thanks Anon


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49672e No.20925546

File: 79308bd5a04fbff⋯.mp4 (15.38 MB,854x480,427:240,The_Ultimate_911_Red_Pill_….mp4)


Here's a video about the "wargames" held that day with fake radar blips that confused the air traffic control who were trying to respond to the "hijackings"

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cb1250 No.20925547



earth song 23:18

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f928e0 No.20925548


In that case you need to try fasting, bone broth, and try the Carnivore diet until you heal your gut. Otherwise use a dose or 2 of Ivermectin maybe you got bugs living down there.

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7cab0f No.20925549

>>20923827 pb notable


My father, a career USAF man, warned his three sons not join the military back in the early 80's.

We are all far more successful than he was so thanks dad! You never steered us wrong!

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83872f No.20925550


>Worms in your butt

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58461b No.20925551


You'd make a shitty doctor.

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7b243f No.20925552


"Nattokinase with excellent anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and anti-hypertension properties has been used in the development of several healthcare products in many countries. The probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) with anti-inflammatory effect is commonly used to treat inflammatory bowel disease. To determine whether nattokinase could enhance the therapeutic efficacy of EcN in colitis, a recombinant E. coli Nissle 1917 strain (EcNnatto) with nattokinase-expressing ability was successfully constructed, and the protective effect of the engineered strain on mice with experimental chronic colitis was investigated. Although both EcN and EcNnatto strains substantially alleviated the clinical symptoms and pathological abnormalities in colitis mice by regulating gut flora and maintaining intestinal barrier function, the EcNnatto strain was found to perform better than the control strain, based on a further increase in colon length and a downregulation in pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and TNF-α). "


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a2d40f No.20925553

File: caa67ee9fd70ea5⋯.jpg (180.89 KB,894x942,149:157,Screenshot_20240320_174859.jpg)

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8239d7 No.20925554

Concha Calleja provides new and worrying data about Kate Middleton's health: "The worst has not happened" 05/26/2024 7:55 p.m.

Concha the Spanish gossip columnist

Says Kate will need a second surgery

Most like in Aug.

This if proven true it will lend to the theory going around among london doctors who have been consulted that Kate had bowel cancer.

partial bowel removal and now has a bag which would require a 2nd surgery

William advocated for the royals to get the vaxx.





All had cancer diagnoses since

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b5ed1f No.20925555

File: b23e6bb851f08ad⋯.mp4 (12.62 MB,854x480,427:240,Rep_Clay_Higgins_Memorial_….mp4)

Memorial Day.

Are we worthy…

7:58 ET


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4cf0b2 No.20925556

File: 45b5f3c5a47cab6⋯.jpg (48.6 KB,810x810,1:1,IMAGE_2023_10_25_01_54_54.jpg)

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a99f80 No.20925557

File: 71b6a67a6599fad⋯.jpg (47.27 KB,513x500,513:500,8rt10b.jpg)




Guud evening, frens

Shills whine

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b42806 No.20925558


Failfags, fail again. No surprise there. Foiled by the cat they hate too. Well done o7

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66200d No.20925559



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1e3dcf No.20925560

File: 1e323e250033279⋯.png (61.48 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel Bombed the US Marine Barracks in Beirut and Killed 241 US Marines

*Robert David Steele (co-founder of the US Military Delta Force) was 2nd highest ranking civilian In Marine Corps Intelligence when the Long Commission on the Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing came out.

*Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing - Oct. 23, 1983 Attack killed 307 people.

killed 241 US Marines

-58 French soldiers

-6 civilians and the 2 attackers

He says that it was not done by Iran, but by Zionist Israel.

9:01 "There is nothing in the Long Commission that can in any way connect Iran to the Marine Barracks Bombing in Beirut.  However … I'll go a step further, what others have Not been willing to say. That Barracks Bombing occurred almost one month to the Day, after a single Marine following orders stopped a Zionist Tank Column from going outside of the established containment lines."

9:31 "I believe the Marine Beirut Barracks Bombing, like the USS Liberty, and like 9/11, was done by Zionist Israel. In order to hurt the United States, and also push the United States into Middle East chaos"

*On Jared Kushner, Mossad, Ivanka marriage:

13:07 "now Jared Kushner, is another Zionist in the White House. Kushner's been reported by MI6 to one of my many London contacts, as someone who is a closet homosexual, who is being sexually and financially compromised by more than one Zionist Sugar Daddy based in New York City."

13:40 "Yes, I have written publicly that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of Robert Maxwell, the very famous Zionist Spy……. I believe that they profiled both Ivanka and Chelsea Clinton. Then the Mossad ran a series of Ashkenazi Jews in front of both of them, so as to Capture both those daughters for the Zionist Tribe".

37:25 "Senator Schumer is an out and out traitor. I think he is an unregistered agent of a foreign power. He works for Israel….. He should be fired, indicted and expelled."

38:18 "Haaretz (publication) in Israel is saying : Is it time for all Jews to Boycott Zionist Israel?"

38:36 "The power of Israel in the United States is based on Bribery, Blackmail and Lies".

38:46 "The second big thing in 2020,  is going to be  9/11 and Expelling Zionists from the US Economy, the US Government and US Society…….. If you are a dual citizen, I am taking away your Passport and sending you back to Israel."

39:56 "There are 23, 25 states that demand that you swear a Loyalty Oath to Israel before you can have a State job or have a contract with the State."

40:07 "There are 90 people in Congress at least, who have sponsored legislation that have makes it a Felony to criticize Israel…..I would be going to every single one of their Districts and ask: do you people really want someone in Congress who represents Israel ? rather than the United States?"

41:50 "Zionists own the Dept. of State,… they own the Dept. of Commerce, they own the Dept. of Treasury, and they own the Dept. of Defense."

Video quoted above has been Censored by ytube

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ba1aba No.20925561

File: af49b00fe9d123b⋯.jpeg (102.07 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_2536.jpeg)

27 May, 2024 21:28

‘Certain friends and foes’ want Georgia to send troops to Ukraine – official

Tbilisi has been consistently pushed by various actors into war with Russia, the speaker of the country’s parliament says

Georgia has been repeatedly pushed into a conflict with Russia, with “certain friends and foes” urging Tbilisi to impose sanctions on the country and even to deploy troops to Ukraine, the President of the Georgian Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, has said.

Speaking to reporters on Monday, the house speaker said the country has been repeatedly bombarded with such demands, both in public and in private.

“Certain friends and foes have been pushing us into this, so that we would send fighters to Ukraine, which would have directly meant war with Russia,”he explained.

Top Ukrainian officials, including the former head of theNational Security Council Alexey Danilov, have repeatedly urged Georgia to open a “second front” against Russia, with the calls consistently shot down by Tbilisi.

While Papuashvili did not mention any actors in particular, he implied that members of the US-led NATO bloc were among them. With “such actions” demanded for some unknown reason from Georgia, NATO states themselves were abstaining from sending in their own militaries, he said. Apart from demands to enter the conflict directly, Georgia has for long been facing pressure to join Western sanctions against Moscow, he also noted.

Non-state actors have been pushing Georgia into war with Russia as well, Papuashvili claimed, stating that “non-governmental organizations that held rallies in Tbilisi with similar calls have also demanded our troops be sent to Ukraine.”

The speaker’s jab at the NGOs comes as the country continues to experience domestic unrest and foreign pressure over its draft “foreign agents” legislation, requiring those organizations and individuals receiving over 20% of their funding from abroad to register and disclose their sources of income. The controversial bill ended up being shelved amid mass protests and foreign pressure last year, with the new attempt to pass its slightly modified version running into the same troubles. However, the Georgian government has stood its ground and vowed to adopt the bill no matter what.

While Tbilisi has maintained an explicitly neutral stance on the Ukrainian conflict, a sizeable number of mercenaries originatingfrom the country have been fighting on Kiev’s behalf. According to the Russian military’s estimates, the country has provided some 1,042 mercenaries, with the figure beaten only by Kiev’s top backers, namely the US and Poland, with at least 1,113 and 2,960 fighters coming from those two countries, respectively. At least 561 Georgian nationals in the Ukrainian military’s ranks ended up killed during the hostilities, according to Moscow’s estimates.


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5b0f8c No.20925562

File: cc565b4922d5cc0⋯.png (46.76 KB,960x289,960:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0512d566414cdd5⋯.png (29.26 KB,962x246,481:123,ClipboardImage.png)

anything with good is considered antisemetic

biblical reference

it really is that simple anon

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1d180d No.20925563

File: 331ca89597476bb⋯.jpg (84.53 KB,640x622,320:311,331ca89597476bb625136cbfca….jpg)

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49a2b2 No.20925564


>You'd make a shitty doctor.

I would.. not a shitty healer.

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d14b1a No.20925565

one of the scariest aspects is that i can't tolerate the stuff i'm supposed to take to heal my gut. stuff like curcumin, etc. it gives me this horrible gut pain as it passes through and causes weird skin rawness. relative has cd also, and they have not been careful. they have had part of gut removed and are now on the last medicine that seems to have an effect. but they have also lived a much fuller life during this time, compared to my sad, lonely existence

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0932bd No.20925566

File: 8e8724311a2821e⋯.jpeg (326.17 KB,828x458,414:229,34DB7FFE_5D89_4BED_A3CC_1….jpeg)

File: e020f57f02694ce⋯.jpeg (256.36 KB,828x1130,414:565,8DF08768_5B95_4A89_9A94_B….jpeg)

Oil Climbs as Geopolitical Tensions Rise Ahead of OPEC+ Meeting

(Mebby that rather LARGE head and shoulders on the 6 month chart might gibs you a clue-barring moar additional production cuts-its ded)

Oil rose as tensions in the Middle East ratcheted higher following the death of an Egyptian soldier during a clash with Israeli troops. West Texas Intermediate climbed about 1% from Friday’s close toward $79 a barrel, with no settlement on Monday due to a US holiday, while Brent traded near $83. Egypt’s military confirmed that a border guard died at the Rafah crossing into Gaza on Monday, which could escalate tensions with Israel.

Oil has risen this year on persistent geopolitical risks and OPEC+’s roughly 2 million barrels a day of output cuts, which the group is expected to prolong into the second half of the year at a meeting on Sunday. Prices have dipped since early April on disappointing demand from Asia, causing Brent’s prompt spread to get close to a bearish contango structure that indicates supply is increasing relative to consumption.

Investors will also be looking for signs of US fuel demand data after the Memorial Day holiday, which traditionally marks the start of the summer driving season.



OPEC heavyweights are cheating on their targets

The organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (opec) and its allies, a group that produces 40% of the world’s crude, wants to keep oil prices high and stable. Lately they have certainly been stable, even if not that high. Despite the recent death of Iran’s president and the escalating war in Gaza, prices of Brent crude, the global benchmark, have stayed within $2 of $82 a barrel since the start of May. Part of the reason why opec is failing to keep prices high is because its members are failing to keep to their output targets. In March the group’s leaders and Russia extended production cuts, vowing a reduction of 2.2m barrels a day (b/d), or 2% of global supply, until the end of June, on top of 3.7m b/d of previously agreed cuts for 2024. Yet the cartel is now overproducing so much that its daily output in 2024 is little changed from the last quarter of 2023. This will create tensions when members get together to decide their strategy at opec’s ministerial meeting on June 2nd.


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ab37dd No.20925567

File: b2445d3572b6b72⋯.mp4 (682.99 KB,320x460,16:23,E3GC2F_VpRe8FyV3.mp4)

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b75fc7 No.20925568


now i dont have to watch whatever happens next month.

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0dcc0f No.20925569


Trump Quicksand

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56b06f No.20925570


I had the same result a week or so ago.

there is no 'GM' listed in the ADL hate database.

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3b2090 No.20925571

interesting this and lb have catholic bread names

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49672e No.20925572

File: 125bf33056b400c⋯.png (116.42 KB,301x180,301:180,ClipboardImage.png)


>Robert David Steele (co-founder of the US Military Delta Force)

That seems highly unlikely

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d14b1a No.20925573


seriously, their response was next-level woowoo. they did not absorb what q highlighted re: how early we are set on a path of illness via chemicals, etc.. zany anon would tell them it's all in their heads

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56b06f No.20925574


Memorial day.

it's a Memorial Day title this bread.

what country are you in?

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f5ebca No.20925575

File: a1b29fe384d2229⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,1431x1806,477:602,getwellsoon2.JPG)


the weather is messed up this year especially. You're correct.

Try to change your attitude?

I know when one is feeling sick the attitude tends to fail.

There's remedies, though.

Never give up.

Have you tried famatodine?

There's many things to help the gutt flora. Never give up.

Keep trying remedies.

Front Line docs have free info and free Zoom. Also

try searching qresear.ch

You Can Make It!

There are many remedies, Never give up. Get informed!

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af9e57 No.20925576

File: cffcceeb861cce1⋯.jpg (9.42 KB,259x194,259:194,Z_25_.jpg)

File: ae0b09e0171afa5⋯.jpg (4.83 KB,220x229,220:229,images_131_.jpg)

File: 07aa349e86a4c09⋯.jpg (6.19 KB,183x275,183:275,images_138_.jpg)

File: ff75ee5f987755c⋯.png (6.99 KB,388x130,194:65,images_4_.png)

File: 071a6f22438311c⋯.png (9.82 KB,225x225,1:1,images_5_.png)

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25190c No.20925577


…Spoiler: The current baker is atheist.

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c40228 No.20925578

She gets


She's going to be dropping it after the first 30 days but will have enough

to continue at a later date if necessary…

Scheduled for a full blood analysis in two weeks so we'll see what the numbers are….

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49672e No.20925579

File: 83a8dc6195916e5⋯.png (994.54 KB,1354x1160,677:580,memorial_day_fake_wars_pow….png)


It's for memorial day. It's kind of a semi-religious holiday for American conservatives

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3b2090 No.20925580


this one but God bless (insert anyone deceased) is only catholic here (far as Christian denoms go)

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37478a No.20925581


Cell phone fuckery and Unplugged phone discussion starts around 1:20:50.

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2b1f08 No.20925582

File: 48dd49f4515704d⋯.png (163.04 KB,607x515,607:515,ClipboardImage.png)


o7 Sammicher in Chief.


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56b06f No.20925583


ah, the 'start a fight between the Christians' tactic.

guess what: those who agree that Jesus Christ is Lord don't fight, they agree to disagree.

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3b2090 No.20925584


why atheist baker asking God to bless deceased ppl?

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49672e No.20925585

File: 75a26275d61ccde⋯.png (181.28 KB,410x250,41:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff28f71f6144bb5⋯.jpg (125.32 KB,1082x1051,1082:1051,worm_typing_keyboard.jpg)

File: 8b837261abf96c7⋯.png (500.95 KB,637x836,637:836,rome_was_infested_with_par….png)

File: e93de54bece8830⋯.png (376.66 KB,1030x852,515:426,wormpill_parasites_mind_co….png)

File: 927ca7257aee77a⋯.png (534.58 KB,960x540,16:9,mend_bending_sentient_worm….png)


the worms make gays thin

that's literally why gays are known as thin

I'm not saying RFK Jr is closet gay, his wife dies under semi-mysterious circumstances but he did have a worm in his brain

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7cab0f No.20925586


Why the IP hopping?

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35c55c No.20925587


Let's get these all these scumbags tonight!

Make it a Memorial Memorial Day.

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0932bd No.20925588

File: 617fa2765419d67⋯.png (523.3 KB,792x523,792:523,4CC7F8EA_1745_4283_BA6A_3B….png)




Total clown

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3b2090 No.20925589


yabbit, only catholics ask God to bless dead ppl

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1fb59d No.20925590


>probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle

why get this pharma garbage, when you can get Lactobacillus Reuteri instead?

>smoke, that fixes it

There is a cause for the inflammations. Just suppressing them won't cure you, that's literally what Pharma is doing.

A professor in Germany actually figured it out and has developed a cure to stop that from happening over 20 years ago. And just a few months ago, it's finally getting sold outside of studies.

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447c00 No.20925591

File: d1d75136a8c3fe2⋯.jpeg (101.44 KB,500x570,50:57,download_1_.jpeg)

File: 992cbdfaf278b11⋯.png (651.93 KB,1560x606,260:101,Screen_Shot_2021_11_14_at_….png)

File: 794ef47fa073085⋯.jpeg (76.91 KB,750x500,3:2,6ijoqy.jpeg)

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7524b0 No.20925592

File: 01ada74288bdb75⋯.jpg (50.84 KB,600x400,3:2,01ada74288bdb754dae5e1dd14….jpg)

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d14b1a No.20925593


it's such a slog rn. father is dying of cancer and letting western med pump whatever they want into him. zero interest in anything natural. my goal is to not follow suit. western medicine doesn't give a shit about my peculiar combo of issues

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f5e947 No.20925594


whats gonna happen when you die

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cb1250 No.20925595

MJ 23:18 >>20925587

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ab37dd No.20925596

File: 0821bf27c868fb2⋯.mp4 (297.84 KB,320x570,32:57,A7DbOlFAxhjVqYh5.mp4)

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3b2090 No.20925597


to the contrary i said interesting.

you, the only one who said fighting.

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bd8e52 No.20925598

File: dad8fdeae1170c2⋯.png (13.55 KB,202x250,101:125,swAAAABJRU5ErkJggg_.png)

File: 247be3ae2401efa⋯.png (3.22 KB,225x225,1:1,wAmnldPs9mWUwAAAABJRU5ErkJ….png)

File: bedeb53d03795d2⋯.jpg (11.87 KB,224x224,1:1,Z_27_.jpg)

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f703c7 No.20925599

File: 7ac96596119a7d1⋯.png (1.46 MB,936x1259,936:1259,1715735111803.png)


I deploy them here too kek, made this one and have seen it floating around the webs

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56b06f No.20925600


what you are doing is obvious.


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848f80 No.20925601

File: 7d9e6369b2f573f⋯.png (326.52 KB,1342x790,671:395,ClipboardImage.png)


maybe look around a little bit?

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d14b1a No.20925602


what does that even mean. like you want to know how funerals work?

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3b2090 No.20925603


go ahead filter who cares? i pray w/catholic ppl all the time and you don't know shit

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1fb59d No.20925604


Were you vaccinated as a child?

Did you ever get antibiotics?

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57cad3 No.20925605

File: 9aaa166caa8c5c8⋯.jpeg (2.34 MB,4096x3500,1024:875,IMG_0348.jpeg)


If you check the Clockwork Qrange bread you will see that 4 ClockFags have done most of the work.

JA documentary on Russia Today now.

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3b2090 No.20925606


seen it, pence did not lay down his life for potus (traitor). nothing about God blessing dead ppl tho. i notice things.

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f5ebca No.20925607


"Biden" could work for the good guys or for the bad guys, neither is proven.

He's an imposter, sure, a puppet - but who are the masters?

No proof either way?

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00ee38 No.20925608

File: 0414e6f01ab845f⋯.png (438.23 KB,639x426,3:2,0dee9709a833a7524a45546953….png)

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2b1f08 No.20925609

File: bafdb3257b29cc4⋯.png (256.11 KB,387x257,387:257,ClipboardImage.png)


>It's for memorial day. It's kind of a semi-religious holiday for American conservatives

One day of sacrifice each moon?

We live deceived by worshipping old demons.

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501228 No.20925610

File: f157edaa3e8b8dd⋯.jpg (12 KB,262x193,262:193,images_140_.jpg)

File: a5450397e8cd86e⋯.jpg (11.95 KB,242x209,22:19,images_139_.jpg)

File: 0dd1931c67bb739⋯.jpg (12 KB,177x285,59:95,images_141_.jpg)

File: a5487cbcf4f8139⋯.jpg (13.97 KB,182x277,182:277,Z_28_.jpg)


The Cruise Ship

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b75fc7 No.20925611

File: 4a4af58bbec6720⋯.png (1.56 MB,864x1322,432:661,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e3dcf No.20925612

File: 17da73c0f28df65⋯.png (25.86 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)



2. USS LIBERTY -Killed 34 US Sailors, Injured 172 other US Sailors

3. 9/11 NYC -Killed 2,977 Americans

*Any Truthful anon being called "muhjoo shill" by Jewish and/or Israeli Jewshills, it will be

A Badge Of Honor

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cb1250 No.20925613

File: ee1fe978e153875⋯.jpg (514.47 KB,894x1855,894:1855,ee1fe978e15387545b526bd9e9….jpg)

File: c8d80a13cb1623f⋯.png (67.43 KB,255x142,255:142,c8d80a13cb1623f9271b0ee6d0….png)

File: f6a9d4e396718f4⋯.jpg (28.44 KB,507x356,507:356,b87a8d06f12882bb062627ce11….jpg)

File: 6a8b993057c93cd⋯.png (774.67 KB,898x503,898:503,6a8b993057c93cd9ed03ed6768….png)

File: f650de7456cf1a2⋯.jpg (28.64 KB,301x447,301:447,f650de7456cf1a27385d5ed58c….jpg)

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5b0f8c No.20925614


it was a reference to yur adl digg…

thanks btw, i forgot to tag you in muh scripture verse post

we who know know


o7 brother

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ba1aba No.20925615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker: Patrick Bet-David on Trump, Iran, and What Chris Cuomo Should Do with the Rest of His Life

Bet-David says there will be gamification in the 2024 election


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da7420 No.20925616


Having proof would take all the fun out of it.

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f5ebca No.20925617

File: 47da268c9b051b5⋯.png (331.74 KB,599x569,599:569,bidenmask.png)


sorry, impostor

? (sp)

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447c00 No.20925618

File: 2397fdc7c89ee0b⋯.jpg (123.48 KB,750x500,3:2,4nw1tj.jpg)

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d14b1a No.20925619


parents were "homesteaders" and wanted to keep me clean, but i did heave weird nosebleeds and earaches as a kid that required antibiotics. haven't gotten any vaccines in decades. ate a shitty diet in the 80s like many kids, until my gut broke

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1d180d No.20925620

File: 9ab2e393aedf9ab⋯.gif (882.24 KB,220x217,220:217,pants_on_fire.gif)

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50e9a3 No.20925621

File: b6affe195a0514a⋯.jpg (141.23 KB,640x613,640:613,XenuGirl.JPG)

File: a8743bcdafe42e7⋯.jpg (426.77 KB,2048x1536,4:3,XenuKap.jpg)

File: 18827b241eafb36⋯.jpg (285.69 KB,1224x680,9:5,XenuDumb.JPG)

File: dcdc9345e35e89e⋯.jpg (109.41 KB,1210x639,1210:639,XenuSchiff.JPG)

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56b06f No.20925622

File: 2a9e8cfa04be40c⋯.jpg (340.46 KB,1024x1024,1:1,inspirational_pepe_in_gree….jpg)

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f5ebca No.20925623


dunno. For me, I love to see the proofs.

Doubt we'll be left hanging on this one; like the last season of "Twin Peaks"

boy that was a let down.

Reality is always a better story than fiction.


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00ee38 No.20925624

File: 777ea838e669969⋯.gif (259.35 KB,817x653,817:653,fibfaggots.gif)

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5b0f8c No.20925625


it is sooooo true… now where's that meme of pepe on the crapper meme-ing and them in their shiney war game room again?

i didn't save it or i'd repost it

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49672e No.20925626

File: 459239b22768148⋯.jpg (242.96 KB,864x1000,108:125,nigs_could_be_here_he_thou….jpg)


Sorry about the ignorant assholes who don't seem to know about crohn's. It's a few vocal assholes, not the whole board though it might seem like that

Yes, morons, mordern "medical science" is dumb. There are diseases that it either doesn't know what they are or chooses to not treat

Your disbelief comes from the same "trust the science" place as vaxxers have

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cb1250 No.20925627


fucking hoe is dull dear

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1e3dcf No.20925628

File: d403b08fef461d4⋯.png (18.06 KB,474x248,237:124,ClipboardImage.png)


In Pontius Pilate's letter to Emperor Tiberius, he avowed that he held "no ill will towards Jesus", did not wish him dead, but that the Sanhedrin insisted on crucifying Jesus.

Pontius Pilate stated that "Jesus had yellow hair."

Also Jesus' mother Mary was a Galilean. The Galileans were not Jews.

and no Jew has EVER named their daughters "Mary".

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cb1250 No.20925629


fucking hoe is dull dear

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00ee38 No.20925630


>Sorry about the ignorant assholes who don't seem to know about crohn's.

Know someone that has that. Lost 1/3 of their intestines. Colostomy bag. Shit's no joke.

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f5e947 No.20925631


the afterlife

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49672e No.20925632

File: fa73b908b181a21⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,854x480,427:240,The_Ultimate_911_Red_Pill_….mp4)

File: 64e8cbca5ec0065⋯.mp4 (10.78 MB,854x480,427:240,The_Ultimate_911_Red_Pill_….mp4)


>3. 9/11 NYC -Killed 2,977 Americans

More than 10,000 died from the asbestos cancers, and that's just the official numbers

Most likely 100,000 New Yorker lives were shortened from Silverstein's asbestos

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3b2090 No.20925633

anon where u at

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56b06f No.20925634


you need to sauce this.

post the original latin or the latin writer who wrote about it.

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1fb59d No.20925635

File: d2b6ae7244ff3c0⋯.png (2.51 MB,1280x4026,640:2013,2018_02_12_Israeli_Miracle….png)


>in decades

irrelevant, did you get them as a child? they cause tons of shit, because they are poison, also antibiotics mixed in too ("disinfectants")

MMR rises the risk of UC / CD like crazy.

For UC the cause is known. It's a certain fat that is supposed to be there, protecting it from all the bacteria. And the amount of that fat is way lower for UC patients than for regular people. This in turn causes bacteria to get in and cause the inflammations, so it's not an "auto-immune disease", but instead the body reacting as it should be.

I bet Crohn's is the same. They are similar after all.

There is also one antibiotic which actually works with UC, and stops these bacteria that cause the inflammations, but I think it's not working for Crohn's.

There is at least pic related in the works.

If you had UC, I would probably be able to help you.

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58920c No.20925636


they gone

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6e4b4c No.20925637


GM = Greedy Mossad

GE = Get Everyone

GN = Gulag Now

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f5e947 No.20925638



mary is a derivative

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3dd1d4 No.20925639

File: ca8b13617c3b465⋯.jpg (44.18 KB,800x450,16:9,GettyImages_1235149217.jpg)

California wrongly claimed millions in Medicaid services for illegal migrants: HHS watchdog reports

California wrongly claimed millions in Medicaid services for illegal migrants: HHS watchdog reports

The office alleged that the State of California improperly claimed about $52.7 million in federal medicaid reimbursements. The Biden administration has plans to allow as many as 100,000 uninsured illegal immigrants to access taxpayer-funded health insurance.


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56b06f No.20925640


the guy has no source. What he says is just made up.

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1d180d No.20925641

File: 6fcc668d3f1b99d⋯.jpg (102.48 KB,600x425,24:17,6fcc668d3f1b99d673056e1d7d….jpg)

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55d097 No.20925642

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

scotty films - 3 days ago



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25190c No.20925643

…While you were bickering among yourselves, Baker managed to:

1) Empty out the ashes from the smoker/grill

2) Replace ashes with charcoal briquettes and got those started.

3) Throw a rack of pork ribs (wrapped in aluminum) on heated smoker/grill.

4) 1/2 hour on each side, removed foil and grilled 5 minutes on each side,

5) Dinner is done.

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b75fc7 No.20925644

File: ffc0cffbdbde46d⋯.png (1.9 MB,1186x1339,1186:1339,ClipboardImage.png)

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56b06f No.20925645


when will you be delivery it?

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6e4b4c No.20925646


[LL] = Lynch Larry

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1fb59d No.20925647



I also know for a fact that food intake makes a major difference for UC.

The most important part - avoid all sugars, all of it, including honey. It's all heating up inflammations, and you don't want that.

You could also look into reuteri bacteria, which are good bacteria, but they are very vulnerable re: antibiotics. It's said that they would be able to reset the bacteria inside the colon and upper gi

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58920c No.20925648


>it's slow so wtf

So, John = Jonathan, Joe = Joseph, Jen = Jennifer etc.

But Mary = Mary.

Same with Gary = Gary.

It's about half-n-half I'd say.

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5257fa No.20925649


I've heard of multiple potential cures for crohn's disease like wormwood and some essential oils, but I don't really have the time to dig into it unfortunately.

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3b2090 No.20925650


won't happen, not true

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f5ebca No.20925651


cause "Mary"'s name is a christianization; Mariam.

It means 'Bitter'

Just as "JESUS" wasn't the name he was called them either.

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ba1aba No.20925652


This is a must listen, Bet-David talks about the left wanting to get rid of Trump In any way possible including assassination. He talks about the signals, messages and movies they are putting out. New movie comming out with the assassin being the hero

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1e3dcf No.20925653

File: 2b97b83668617e6⋯.png (29.33 KB,474x248,237:124,ClipboardImage.png)


Truth about the Organized Jewry Mafia Kabal is not "Racist"

Truth about Israel's crimes is not "Racist" either.

Anons don't give a shit what the Enemy tries to "Paint Patriots" as.

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25190c No.20925654

File: 12eaea2efea2d78⋯.png (159.55 KB,583x428,583:428,3ead73ced9f6bf98c3f45b54d9….png)



#25664 >>20925054

>>20925079 A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors

>>20925127 Japan is building an ‘elevator to space’ for humans to experience what space looks like in person by 2025.

>>20925176 United Airlines flight catches fire before takeoff in Chicago, resulting in delays. No injuries have been reported.

>>20925410 Macron’s ‘Empire’ Has Fallen: He Tries To Contain Chaos in French Post-Colonial Territories, Travels To Mend Fences With Germany on the Eve of EU Elections

>>20925466 Rep. Mast Writes to VA on Behalf of Veterans Who Say They Are Losing Access to Their Doctors (Video)

>>20925561 ‘Certain friends and foes’ want Georgia to send troops to Ukraine (RT)

>>20925615 Tucker: Patrick Bet-David on Trump, Iran, and What Chris Cuomo Should Do with the Rest of His Life


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56ecf7 No.20925655

File: ca345d20d745876⋯.mp4 (12.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,1620259831_Copy.mp4)

Hammer & Scorecard

2020 Election was Rigged & Stollen

Please Stand-by as POTUS is Given a Bonus 4 Year Presidency

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3b2090 No.20925656


why do you have a + for a name? are you special? who are you? you want us to know

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49672e No.20925657

File: eec84427962909e⋯.mp4 (3.25 MB,854x480,427:240,The_Ultimate_911_Red_Pill_….mp4)

9/11 - john lear court case & planes could not have done that

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da7420 No.20925658


“Twin Peaks” unfamiliar for me.

Sounds disappoint.

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b20600 No.20925659

The FDA is poisoning us through mandates and required "additives".

The obesity epidemic is not by chance.

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9f7ecb No.20925660

File: fe8a1c689715f06⋯.jpg (166.05 KB,578x550,289:275,IT_GONE.jpg)

File: 632889e2813eaf2⋯.jpg (140.08 KB,565x556,565:556,IT_GONE_2.jpg)

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0932bd No.20925661

File: 12309f98794d2ba⋯.png (347.34 KB,485x485,1:1,7D7C55F5_F6ED_4E73_A393_81….png)

Cathie Wood's Ark Invest has destroyed $14 billion in wealth over the past decade, Morningstar says

(It is a testament to the stupidity of retail investors that they still give money to thus dude…all you need to do is buy the individual equities and no management fee, delta slip etc…these are the financial equivalent of cancer and do is “Cathie”-still think it’s a dude)

Cathie Wood's Ark Invest has destroyed an estimated $14.3 billion in wealth over the past decade, according to a recent Morningstar analysis. Ark Invest was all the rage in 2020 and 2021, when its concentrated bets on highly speculative technology companies paid off in a big way thanks to low interest rates and a boom in risk appetite among retail investors.

Ark's flagship innovation ETF, ARKK, soared nearly 150% in 2020, and that massive outperformance helped drive a surge of inflows into its funds right near its peak. The firm attracted nearly $30 billion in assets in 2020 and 2021, which were then decimated during the 2022 bear market when its flagship fund plunged 67%.

The ARKK ETF destroyed $7.1 billion in wealth, while its healthcare-focused ARK Genomic ETF destroyed $4.2 billion in wealth, according to Morningstar. Across all fund families that have destroyed wealth over the past decade, Ark Invest topped the list — and its losses were more than double the next firm on the list. What's striking is that Ark's massive wealth destruction occurred during a favorable time for the stock market.

"These funds managed to lose value for shareholders even during a generally bullish market," Morningstar analyst Amy Arnott said.

The ARKK ETF has generated a total positive return of 121.8% since its inception in 2014, which is less than half the Nasdaq 100's gain of 329.5% over the same time period. Meanwhile, the ARKK ETF is still down 71% from its record high.

Despite the massive wealth destruction, ARK Invest as a business is doing just fine. The investment company still has more than $13 billion in assets across its suite of ETFs, signaling that not all investors have abandoned Wood's investment strategy.

But in an investment world that is shifting to valuing profits over growth, it is unclear when Ark Invest's investment strategy might pay off again for investors.

The firm's top holdings currently include Coinbase, Tesla, Roku, and Zoom Video, all of which have had a rough start to 2024.


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c40228 No.20925662


Will post test results in a couple of weeks. Am really hoping her cancer markers strongly drop this time around…prior to this all she had was chemo and it kills your immune system. that's why I sent her a few hundred bucks of IVM and FenBen in hopes that she would make better progress this time around…a small price to pay IMO if it causes her cancer markers to drop :)

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447c00 No.20925663

File: acd68903a4cff45⋯.png (806.47 KB,1200x630,40:21,acd68903a4cff451059a312252….png)

File: 399ac37a370ef92⋯.png (940.92 KB,874x772,437:386,399ac37a370ef92ae629f38726….png)

File: e8874aa3273b051⋯.png (920.37 KB,1169x622,1169:622,e8874aa3273b05127563d21b6f….png)

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5b0f8c No.20925664

File: 9a4e38969921d86⋯.png (376.42 KB,886x560,443:280,ClipboardImage.png)


yall recall the french tank debacle.

5 speed in reverse and one forward?

it was seriusly memed at the time on half chan / pol and full chan /pol

an i think maybe in the beginning of 8kun iirc

lol i even memed bread 10000 way back then. anon remembers!

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56b06f No.20925665


you have no sauce. I asked for sauce.

why do you not have sauce?

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3b2090 No.20925666


which breads did you edit

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a6da9b No.20925667


"muhjoo shill" already is a badge of honor.

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56ecf7 No.20925668

File: d28afef806b302c⋯.png (936.24 KB,800x790,80:79,ClipboardImage.png)

8 More Years

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1e3dcf No.20925669


I didn't save it when I saw it.

Will find it when I have time.

What I saw was translated.

I've seen it posted here but stuff like that will NEVER be Notabled by the Bakers/BV because this site is now overtly pro-Jew pro-Israel gatekeepers.

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fb7ea4 No.20925670

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56b06f No.20925671


I accept your explanation.

you've been honest and forthright with your behavior here. your reputation is stellar!

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f5e947 No.20925672

if you spoke more than one language

you would understand how this shit works

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00ee38 No.20925673

File: a1628406086ecd5⋯.png (589.01 KB,600x673,600:673,see_frogs.png)

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49672e No.20925674

File: 987bdac4f088908⋯.png (506.55 KB,806x631,806:631,nig_robs_white_girl_at_gun….png)

File: 31e86e6bee6cffd⋯.png (89.9 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


>Doesn’t ATF very existence “infringe”?

no. The ATF is suppoed to enforce important laws like preventing violent felons from having guns

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

When we return to a moral and religious people, we can eliminate many government agencies

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5d002b No.20925675

File: 24faf116d64e314⋯.jpg (258.24 KB,706x867,706:867,Screenshot_20240527_174139….jpg)

Of course I'm alive, you unwashed peasants! Heres an authentic pic of Wills and I out shopping just yesterday. Love, Kate

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ab37dd No.20925676

File: 899b86be1690779⋯.png (84.53 KB,284x199,284:199,ClipboardImage.png)

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da7420 No.20925677

File: a5ddaa9892b6b98⋯.jpeg (64.95 KB,728x455,8:5,IMG_1959.jpeg)

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d6feb8 No.20925678

File: 5f904fd731d6536⋯.jpeg (92.1 KB,1020x572,255:143,DWpWHSQX4AMAh7_.jpeg)

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0115e5 No.20925679

File: 97800114bbc300f⋯.png (275.02 KB,465x279,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


They're not just locking up Americans.

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b5ed1f No.20925680

File: 0f9277a6f7c267a⋯.mp4 (11.57 MB,854x472,427:236,Kash_Pull_the_security_cle….mp4)

Pull All Security Clearances - Kash

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56b06f No.20925681


we can elliminate those corrupt agencies no matter what, and we should.

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5b0f8c No.20925682


it is the same with canada's WEF owned politicians.. the WEF scrubbed them last month due to questions in the house of commons

fwiw any pol who shrugs it off is one of them

o7 piggie

yall know i had a comfy rockin chair in the pig farrowing barn as i grew up farming memes and other crops


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1e3dcf No.20925683



Myriam is the name of Moses' sister which a lot of Jews name their daughters after.

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f5e947 No.20925684

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cb1250 No.20925685


GMO Mosquito

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d6feb8 No.20925686

File: 41c64b0d256fe66⋯.jpg (4.27 MB,4029x2441,4029:2441,20230125_092203.jpg)

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b75fc7 No.20925687

File: d58a3a4399254e3⋯.png (786.25 KB,647x493,647:493,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 999d2207b25e2a5⋯.png (26.01 KB,1043x221,1043:221,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5bf9274ff045b3⋯.png (21.69 KB,1003x145,1003:145,ClipboardImage.png)

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56b06f No.20925688


that person has no sauce, why are you arguing with him? It's a troll running a slide.

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3b2090 No.20925689


fact that it says 3:03pm is a nice touch

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34f881 No.20925690

File: 4671c66024ba33d⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


NYC Mayor Adams Working With ICE To Circumvent 'Sanctuary City' Laws

New York City Mayor Eric Adams' administration has been coordinating with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to circumvent the city's strict sanctuary city laws, which the agency says has hamstrung their efforts to perform their duties, the NY Post reports.


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0932bd No.20925691

File: f9ca7d2c0d6e2cf⋯.gif (228.81 KB,220x127,220:127,16A27CF3_3033_4021_A2D1_E1….gif)


Another statement from the KING of bullshit.

Spam gets deleted and if you connect your id to a posted story along with spam guess who’s fault that is?

5 uses of “I” in one post

Always FOS

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da7420 No.20925692

Is the world record for largest buger held by an Israeli?

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58920c No.20925693

File: 4d12202f993701a⋯.jpg (33.85 KB,482x331,482:331,GM_NextLevel.jpg)


Now this is astute.

Ginger Mound anons have plausible deniability.

They can be in the GM Crew, but claim that's not what their GM stands for when the heat shows up.

Well played.

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1e3dcf No.20925694


I will find it again and post it.

Get ready to eat crow.

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d14b1a No.20925695


ye, thanks for info. i've already learned a lot and heard so many possible treatments over the years. western med getting hopes up that a "cure" was coming, etc.. the lack of curiosity on the part of my docs has been impressive

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6e4b4c No.20925696

File: 7320e2c7860aba0⋯.png (7.23 KB,255x134,255:134,Q_Angel.png)


Every time I refresh or load a page today, I keep getting a plus for some reason. I do not know why, but maybe predicting all this BS and chaos and being right about it since 911 has something to do with it. The more you know.

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49672e No.20925697

File: f9ddb0ed2d958f6⋯.png (100.91 KB,990x462,15:7,israel_false_flag_lavon_af….png)


>Linked to

your post is linked to the Lavon affair

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b75fc7 No.20925698

File: 5eda548aa0cd740⋯.png (18.21 KB,887x141,887:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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49672e No.20925699

File: c84b4310caa7da1⋯.png (53.4 KB,255x144,85:48,he_s_right_you_know_pepe.png)


>If you can't understand Good Morning, you're fucken retarded

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f5e947 No.20925700


not sure how the fuck you misspelled it

but you did

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56ecf7 No.20925701


I trust PIG

Wonder if someone with a way-back Machine could find it?

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5b0f8c No.20925702

File: 5b46dfbc1286a06⋯.png (1.23 MB,1500x1340,75:67,ClipboardImage.png)


thank you anon

much love - nohomo

i been waiting for a fren to drop this template

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f5ebca No.20925703

File: 268d9339162a905⋯.png (531.13 KB,1273x895,1273:895,maryam.png)

File: bd2fa29f1e203bd⋯.png (1.47 MB,1273x895,1273:895,arabicaramaic.png)

Just as "JESUS" wasn't the name he was called then either.



Maryam Arabic. Aramaic.

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3b2090 No.20925704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


one nation under one God. ✞

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d6feb8 No.20925705

File: 8a63cd340a4b142⋯.png (921.13 KB,1080x786,180:131,20220205_125613.png)


>I trust PIG

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d14b1a No.20925706


as an anon who saw the start of the q drops, asshole anons are not really a surprise. sometimes it just seems like the main goal here these days is to rush and dunk on comments before anyone else

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b3cdf6 No.20925707


I believe you, nothing on Wayback or iDK how to use it properly. It is stupid people get triggered by GM or maybe Jewish people do get triggered by it i really don't know, It is a silly thing to bicker about IMO

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cb1250 No.20925708

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ab37dd No.20925709

File: 9f52d27fecaad2d⋯.mp4 (412.53 KB,480x270,16:9,faafo.mp4)

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eb6385 No.20925710


Now do psoriasis

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b75fc7 No.20925711

File: 48b1af8fdb71861⋯.png (30.16 KB,1264x233,1264:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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da7420 No.20925712


Have faith and know if there’s a way, I will find it.

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6f01d4 No.20925713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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49672e No.20925714

File: 7476f80050adbe7⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,Jeb_Really_Likes_His_Dad_w….mp4)

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1e3dcf No.20925715

File: ee20f836532a325⋯.png (26.41 KB,474x512,237:256,ClipboardImage.png)


Your innate tribal hostility is showing.

i can't wait when the Kabal Media is taken down and all the Sheeple are awakened to who is behind every False Flag killing American Gentiles.

Your vitriole will make that moment so much moar Delicious!


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1fb59d No.20925716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are a gold mine for these "doctors", they don't want that money flow to ever stop.

You could try avoiding not only sugars, but also all types of grain. Yes I know, sounds crazy, but that also works for UC.

It may not really fix the issue, but stop most of the inflammations.

See video

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cc24fa No.20925717

was World War 2 or 9/11 faker?

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3b2090 No.20925718


O. u could have saved 3 sentences by typing 'bc i'm insane'

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d14b1a No.20925719


already down to only organic brown rice for grains. can only tolerate two or three meats, depending.

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58920c No.20925720


GM will continue to be the battlefield until another Board War Squirrel comes along.

That's just QR for ya what do?

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938785 No.20925721

File: 277db23af79354c⋯.png (594.14 KB,693x785,693:785,Zelenko_protocal_zinc_D3_c….png)

File: 2f9f52c1f752803⋯.png (96.1 KB,731x864,731:864,nih_Quercetin.png)

File: f3845955fda174d⋯.png (125.12 KB,802x865,802:865,Quercetin_how_the_liver_br….png)


>my armpits, crotch area, and feet every couple days just to keep those areas clean since lots of moisture in those areas that breed bacteria and odor.

kek, gross, good job = gj (kek)

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cc24fa No.20925722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6e4b4c No.20925723


>O. u could have saved 3 sentences by typing 'bc i'm insane'

Wrong, not insane, QQ.

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07c2f7 No.20925724

Kill whitey goes into overdrive

“Germany’s military rearmament, in addition to a representing a major financial outlay, also involves solving a pressing problem: the shortage of soldiers in the army. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has been discussing possible models to revive compulsory military service for some time and now more and more political figures, both from the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the conservative CDU/CSU, are preparing the ground for what already looks like a probable reintroduction of conscription.”


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49672e No.20925725

File: 819d6f25fb95244⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,472x368,59:46,malcolm_x_on_liberals_reco….mp4)


>sometimes it just seems like the main goal here these days is to rush and dunk on comments before anyone else

Yeah we're not professionals

I have dunked comments myself

The shills make us that way, and it's effective

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a99f80 No.20925726

File: 75632dd2750a1b8⋯.jpg (12.49 KB,225x225,1:1,images_jpeg_1.jpg)

Now I wonder what kind of obfuscation Mr ADL pig can make out of "Good night frens"

Kek, pathetic

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3b2090 No.20925727


u neither are nor know Q

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0932bd No.20925728

File: e27f1cee2521527⋯.gif (978.18 KB,453x255,151:85,CBF8314D_9AB1_49ED_8D7C_B7….gif)


Sure statement KING whatever you say cuz that’s all there is with you.

Do you have additional projections you’d like to make up?

Cuz if you don’t go ahead and crawl back over to that cubicle and GFY

Lubs it!!!

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fb7ea4 No.20925729

File: 04a0756fc0db5bf⋯.gif (471.36 KB,498x498,1:1,04a0756fc0db5bfa493e9da9aa….gif)

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56ecf7 No.20925730

File: 69c77674a638029⋯.png (892.18 KB,1085x664,1085:664,ClipboardImage.png)


Freedom of Opinion

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cb1250 No.20925731


fly on the wall

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5b0f8c No.20925732


they areNOTthe same

yall recall the trump pence baseball bat photos? trump should have followed through on that swing, we would not be here today if he had, just sayin is all

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49672e No.20925733

File: 7a8562973985a34⋯.jpg (69.08 KB,800x800,1:1,hitler_s_weird_practicing_….jpg)

File: e0077ea98973a55⋯.png (32.08 KB,472x522,236:261,Q_hitler_puppet_2_posts_ww….png)


>was World War 2 or 9/11 faker?

we'll never truly be free until ww2 is unraveled

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2b1f08 No.20925734

File: e9161bd7cdb1cb3⋯.png (434.86 KB,642x556,321:278,ClipboardImage.png)


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b75fc7 No.20925735



pressure cooking rice seems to help. lots of other places to pick up lectins though

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b5ed1f No.20925736

File: 76bed8d21b256eb⋯.mp4 (11.13 MB,854x480,427:240,California_fleein_.mp4)

California fleein’

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1d180d No.20925737

File: 1a4f3b9212cce78⋯.png (1.16 MB,1108x920,277:230,1a4f3b9212cce7886e5b551c68….png)




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4cf0b2 No.20925738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d14b1a No.20925739


but the main battle here is long over. may as well settle into a more sympathetic approach. carry on shitting on overt shills, of course!

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cc24fa No.20925740


it's like we're at war (info war) with a war that already ended

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3b2090 No.20925741


guys spending all day n night on GM is like guys dressing in french maid uniforms

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49672e No.20925742

File: b70a545586dc3f9⋯.png (274.88 KB,633x659,633:659,now_hear_this.png)


>the main battle here is long over

but we don't want it to be

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a99f80 No.20925743

File: b23c11aaf2e12f6⋯.jpg (78.38 KB,900x900,1:1,FZRvjfUWIAAmSXl_jpeg.jpg)


Now that looks comfy

Anons winning

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421d05 No.20925744


WWII joins back to WWI, which leads back to the BOAR WAR, which leads into the Balfour Agreement.

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0115e5 No.20925745


some people should be allowed to wear the hood again

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3b2090 No.20925746

File: 310bc5ab260e1e9⋯.jpg (34.1 KB,379x316,379:316,O_o.jpg)

lets go to q research and talk about gm all day n night! fkn creepy

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f2a56b No.20925747

File: ce04fc1fd531428⋯.jpg (5.34 KB,222x227,222:227,9k_29_.jpg)

File: 06bb67431bc6c37⋯.jpg (8.11 KB,224x225,224:225,2Q_25_.jpg)

File: 1bae206cae1a19e⋯.jpg (5.68 KB,300x168,25:14,2Q_24_.jpg)

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677180 No.20925748

File: beeda56afcf1c5d⋯.png (48.59 KB,480x720,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


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6e4b4c No.20925749


>u neither are nor know Q

Correct because I have been right about everything since 911 and have my own reasoning. Most of you would have been dead by now if it wasn't for my insights.

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d6feb8 No.20925750

File: 7633e5707c264aa⋯.jpeg (72.06 KB,900x900,1:1,1561225052.jpeg)

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d14b1a No.20925751


things will definitely heat up again soon. the curiosity is killing me- cannot wait to see when this finally turns on the cabal publicly (yes, it has already started). this has sustained me during times of suicidal thoughts tbh

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cc24fa No.20925752

File: 42d61d7b8dd8b74⋯.png (684.89 KB,976x528,61:33,dec.png)

why is Bill Pullman declaring war on ww2

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1fb59d No.20925753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



means less poison, that's basically it.

also look into minerals.

pic related

your body needs tons of minerals, and most of the current food (organic or not) do not contain them anymore.

without sugars, your body will switch into fat consumption mode, you don't need sugar intake.

watch the previous video, you really have to avoid all grains, no exceptions, there are no good ones, they are all crap.

yes, this means no bread, no rice, no nothing.

Also avoid vegetable oils, there are crap as well.

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ab37dd No.20925754

File: e3c45e2358c0834⋯.png (302.53 KB,598x793,46:61,ClipboardImage.png)


Pedo Gets the Dogs

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49672e No.20925755

File: 7906a6186c5e8a5⋯.png (820.53 KB,mount_rushmore_with_laughi….png)

File: 83c16491eab72df⋯.jpg (18.29 KB,oss_kermit_roosevelt_s_l30….jpg)


>WWI, which leads back to the BOAR WAR

from an American perspective, WW1 leads back to the Spanish-American war possibly the 1st media-driven war by he Hearst empire

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1e3dcf No.20925756

File: f6a5f2ea33f0555⋯.png (33.61 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Silverstein has had Parkinson's disease for a long time.

Friend of mine whose family is longtime friends with Silverstein told me that like 20 years ago.

He said that Larry hides his tremors when he does interviews. Probably why he hasn't done any interviews in ages.

Too bad because we may not get to see him hanged.

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fb7ea4 No.20925757

File: 7c12c5fc863bcca⋯.jpg (36.81 KB,844x662,422:331,7c12c5fc863bcca414b8fffabe….jpg)


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a99f80 No.20925758

File: 663a828ffd8886c⋯.jpg (30.31 KB,735x581,105:83,c2bf2b114afb219253890c2ade….jpg)


It was a beautiful morn'n

Afternoon too

Beautiful evenin

GN foo

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25190c No.20925759

File: 4e65dcde4589985⋯.jpg (57.75 KB,678x800,339:400,86252658cf9ca7fa93229ff6f6….jpg)

~@700Last call

…Bakering around 720


#25664 >>20925054

>>20925079 A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors

>>20925127 Japan is building an ‘elevator to space’ for humans to experience what space looks like in person by 2025.

>>20925176 United Airlines flight catches fire before takeoff in Chicago, resulting in delays. No injuries have been reported.

>>20925410 Macron’s ‘Empire’ Has Fallen: He Tries To Contain Chaos in French Post-Colonial Territories, Travels To Mend Fences With Germany on the Eve of EU Elections

>>20925466 Rep. Mast Writes to VA on Behalf of Veterans Who Say They Are Losing Access to Their Doctors (Video)

>>20925561 ‘Certain friends and foes’ want Georgia to send troops to Ukraine (RT)

>>20925615 Tucker: Patrick Bet-David on Trump, Iran, and What Chris Cuomo Should Do with the Rest of His Life


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0115e5 No.20925760


when your waiting to see a midget to confirm the circus is in town.

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3536ac No.20925761

File: 02cb890e4d222d1⋯.jpg (49.14 KB,700x700,1:1,02cb890e4d222d1ea120ce8bba….jpg)


It has a function in the morn

But when it gets attacked it becomes a subject

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b24576 No.20925762

File: 38f249fa9f3a595⋯.jpg (458.41 KB,2040x1360,3:2,0cmOj5e.jpg)

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cc4658 No.20925763


quiet night?

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0115e5 No.20925764


Pull him.

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fb7ea4 No.20925765


[M] before [N]

GM before GN

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2b1f08 No.20925766

File: a8ee0892a573517⋯.png (294.67 KB,395x332,395:332,ClipboardImage.png)


>but the main battle here is long over.

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cb1250 No.20925767

File: bd04d893e415e47⋯.png (7.39 KB,255x191,255:191,aa275baaeb24c54db1bd5d47b7….png)

File: 754d36e7f295944⋯.gif (582.41 KB,160x160,1:1,giphy_5_.gif)

File: a9bf0a8e54ab908⋯.png (2.45 MB,1403x1871,1403:1871,a9bf0a8e54ab908975abcc9f9d….png)


do a line and call me 26 kekpull muh hairbox

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b24576 No.20925768

File: 0dc0c5dc5f5af94⋯.jpg (2.79 MB,1350x1826,675:913,0dc0c5dc5f5af9459a0ff6e0e0….jpg)

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d14b1a No.20925769


you may know this already, but even high grade organic olive oil is kind of fucked. there is so much adulteration of quality oils. been watching the good options get more expensive, then disappear off shelves completely. it's scary to have to switch oils and then end up with one that makes you sick every meal

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5fc340 No.20925770

File: b1110a00383c064⋯.png (118.19 KB,300x359,300:359,GRAMMAR_PIG.png)


>WWII joins back to WWI, which leads back to the BOAR WAR

*Boer war>>20925744

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1d180d No.20925771

File: 39cd8bd427f7c93⋯.jpg (725.79 KB,3519x2700,391:300,39cd8bd427f7c93e74a0716bbd….jpg)



I was looking for that … got it someplace. couldn't find it.


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b3cdf6 No.20925772


Brilliant !!Notable

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49672e No.20925773



I find it really hard to watch him.

The "chutzpah" as he might call it is through the roof. Literally everyone knows he's lying and he literally does not give a damn

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b24576 No.20925774

File: 3ecc51eaca410f9⋯.png (23.96 KB,500x250,2:1,2ndAmericanRevolution.png)

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d14b1a No.20925775


we have everything we need

maybe q will be back, but there is no reason to demand it

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9f7ecb No.20925776

File: 576fd990340b474⋯.jpg (241.67 KB,707x635,707:635,AS_IT_IS.jpg)





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b24576 No.20925777

File: 7354c3687dc6228⋯.png (307.35 KB,1478x900,739:450,5c213502998709ff852b7f247e….png)

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25190c No.20925778

File: 0f2b6b37d75e782⋯.jpg (163.03 KB,500x332,125:83,Bread_Burning_4157911219.jpg)


…Bakering now


#25664 >>20925054

>>20925079 A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors

>>20925127 Japan is building an ‘elevator to space’ for humans to experience what space looks like in person by 2025.

>>20925176 United Airlines flight catches fire before takeoff in Chicago, resulting in delays. No injuries have been reported.

>>20925410 Macron’s ‘Empire’ Has Fallen: He Tries To Contain Chaos in French Post-Colonial Territories, Travels To Mend Fences With Germany on the Eve of EU Elections

>>20925466 Rep. Mast Writes to VA on Behalf of Veterans Who Say They Are Losing Access to Their Doctors (Video)

>>20925561 ‘Certain friends and foes’ want Georgia to send troops to Ukraine (RT)

>>20925615 Tucker: Patrick Bet-David on Trump, Iran, and What Chris Cuomo Should Do with the Rest of His Life


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b3cdf6 No.20925779

File: e209b6f8b740bf6⋯.jpg (80.42 KB,555x455,111:91,zionistgonnazion.jpg)

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938785 No.20925780


>corn is a grain?

think i heard Dr Ardis say corn is a grain

also he warned about peanuts (fungus)

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3b2090 No.20925781

all these gm fags post like theyre in a facility together

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b24576 No.20925782

File: 25a95745f31ca7c⋯.jpg (80.04 KB,666x500,333:250,21l61o.jpg)

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b24576 No.20925783

File: c62c3fda52be74f⋯.jpg (81 KB,586x454,293:227,22ayqr.jpg)

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55d097 No.20925784

File: fb4bd4ea28538e9⋯.gif (216.62 KB,326x52,163:26,a_wtf_did_you_say_to_me.gif)

File: 7ab3851c274d759⋯.gif (1.27 MB,460x184,5:2,keyboard.gif)


what did you say to me….

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f5ebca No.20925785

File: 56e1e5048eff089⋯.mp4 (6.09 MB,1024x576,16:9,hwfuneralmarch.mp4)



Oh course he would.

Pathetic. Look how easy that slips off his mouth.

Look at him smirk right before he gets the bad news.

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cc24fa No.20925786

what are gm comms some antisemtiic?

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b24576 No.20925788

File: f361d694017fbbe⋯.jpg (46.41 KB,500x500,1:1,22d0l3.jpg)

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2b1f08 No.20925789


Zero hope on Q return.

we are alone on this.

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1fb59d No.20925790


>it's scary to have to switch oils and then end up with one that makes you sick

that's the point of it

that way more sick people

that way more profits for hospitals, doctors and other scams

also look into raw milk, maybe you already did.

raw milk is the good stuff.

avoid supermarket (pasteurized) milk, unless you are doing reuteri yoghurt. In the latter you need to pasteurize the milk anyway.

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b24576 No.20925792

File: 24ab015f19bfc92⋯.jpg (42.5 KB,564x491,564:491,24ab015f19bfc9228cb62083f2….jpg)

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a99f80 No.20925793

File: 8d52f29acd96967⋯.jpg (45.86 KB,536x500,134:125,8rt5cp.jpg)

Now that they are screaming and REEEEEEEing and whining and crying that GM is some sinister psyop, it's time to bust out the GE/GN. Where's your antisemitic trope for those now Mr ADL pig fag? Kek

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0932bd No.20925794


Yeah it’s earily just like your crew of phaggits

They couldn’t be connected at all /s

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b24576 No.20925795

File: 17f4943a938f642⋯.jpg (65.17 KB,627x556,627:556,666_finger_gesture.jpg)

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b75fc7 No.20925796


call it: Short list of notables this time, anons spent last bread arguing about what GM, GA, GE, and GN mean.

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b24576 No.20925797

File: 886dc5d715a0b3c⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_Bill_Cooper.jpg)

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b24576 No.20925799

File: 634bb5bd0d36620⋯.jpg (51.52 KB,600x450,4:3,911_Truth.jpg)

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fb7ea4 No.20925801


God Bless!


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49672e No.20925802

File: fdba8efcd8bdea7⋯.jpeg (125.86 KB,1024x1024,1:1,kek_force_one_plane.jpeg)


>it's time to bust out the GE/GN

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68c33a No.20925803

File: 8aa868a49f6e32a⋯.png (120.5 KB,2048x1364,512:341,fren_around_and_find_out.png)


we are never alone anon

there is always at least one representative from each intelligence agency ALWAYS here

and frens as well

"we never left" remember


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b3cdf6 No.20925804

File: b3803e0a26291e1⋯.png (197.11 KB,595x420,17:12,Screenshot_2024_05_27_at_2….png)


Looks like it gor community noted , thanks Pig


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a99f80 No.20925805


TL;DR ADL post

The left can't meme

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b24576 No.20925806

File: 9724c2328ecb57e⋯.jpg (502.79 KB,1406x1043,1406:1043,05312c05f42fa641f8db586caa….jpg)

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3efcbb No.20925808

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ab37dd No.20925809

File: 8037597a2b7da7d⋯.mp4 (969.32 KB,320x392,40:49,JesusDress.mp4)

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b24576 No.20925811

File: 9f7fb5bf8d0baa9⋯.png (172.43 KB,1024x791,1024:791,5524aa56de42deb61a7f4185a0….png)

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25190c No.20925812

File: 17b75155b0eae7f⋯.png (1.28 MB,838x668,419:334,shiptoast.png)

Fresh bread




This way

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1e3dcf No.20925813

File: ab82837448d97f9⋯.png (98.04 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)



Why do Jewshills always use profanity and seething hatred? It's like all your inbreeding pinches your brian.

As soon as the "Federal" Reserve Jewish Bankster Cartel is knocked down, the Unlimited Money$$$ protecting your tribe ENDS.

Then the Truth will be revealed to the World.

Can't Wait!!!


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