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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

25190c No.20925044 [View All]

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703 posts and 483 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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a99f80 No.20925758

File: 663a828ffd8886c⋯.jpg (30.31 KB,735x581,105:83,c2bf2b114afb219253890c2ade….jpg)


It was a beautiful morn'n

Afternoon too

Beautiful evenin

GN foo

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25190c No.20925759

File: 4e65dcde4589985⋯.jpg (57.75 KB,678x800,339:400,86252658cf9ca7fa93229ff6f6….jpg)

~@700Last call

…Bakering around 720


#25664 >>20925054

>>20925079 A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors

>>20925127 Japan is building an ‘elevator to space’ for humans to experience what space looks like in person by 2025.

>>20925176 United Airlines flight catches fire before takeoff in Chicago, resulting in delays. No injuries have been reported.

>>20925410 Macron’s ‘Empire’ Has Fallen: He Tries To Contain Chaos in French Post-Colonial Territories, Travels To Mend Fences With Germany on the Eve of EU Elections

>>20925466 Rep. Mast Writes to VA on Behalf of Veterans Who Say They Are Losing Access to Their Doctors (Video)

>>20925561 ‘Certain friends and foes’ want Georgia to send troops to Ukraine (RT)

>>20925615 Tucker: Patrick Bet-David on Trump, Iran, and What Chris Cuomo Should Do with the Rest of His Life


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0115e5 No.20925760


when your waiting to see a midget to confirm the circus is in town.

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3536ac No.20925761

File: 02cb890e4d222d1⋯.jpg (49.14 KB,700x700,1:1,02cb890e4d222d1ea120ce8bba….jpg)


It has a function in the morn

But when it gets attacked it becomes a subject

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b24576 No.20925762

File: 38f249fa9f3a595⋯.jpg (458.41 KB,2040x1360,3:2,0cmOj5e.jpg)

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cc4658 No.20925763


quiet night?

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0115e5 No.20925764


Pull him.

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fb7ea4 No.20925765


[M] before [N]

GM before GN

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2b1f08 No.20925766

File: a8ee0892a573517⋯.png (294.67 KB,395x332,395:332,ClipboardImage.png)


>but the main battle here is long over.

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cb1250 No.20925767

File: bd04d893e415e47⋯.png (7.39 KB,255x191,255:191,aa275baaeb24c54db1bd5d47b7….png)

File: 754d36e7f295944⋯.gif (582.41 KB,160x160,1:1,giphy_5_.gif)

File: a9bf0a8e54ab908⋯.png (2.45 MB,1403x1871,1403:1871,a9bf0a8e54ab908975abcc9f9d….png)


do a line and call me 26 kekpull muh hairbox

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b24576 No.20925768

File: 0dc0c5dc5f5af94⋯.jpg (2.79 MB,1350x1826,675:913,0dc0c5dc5f5af9459a0ff6e0e0….jpg)

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d14b1a No.20925769


you may know this already, but even high grade organic olive oil is kind of fucked. there is so much adulteration of quality oils. been watching the good options get more expensive, then disappear off shelves completely. it's scary to have to switch oils and then end up with one that makes you sick every meal

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5fc340 No.20925770

File: b1110a00383c064⋯.png (118.19 KB,300x359,300:359,GRAMMAR_PIG.png)


>WWII joins back to WWI, which leads back to the BOAR WAR

*Boer war>>20925744

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1d180d No.20925771

File: 39cd8bd427f7c93⋯.jpg (725.79 KB,3519x2700,391:300,39cd8bd427f7c93e74a0716bbd….jpg)



I was looking for that … got it someplace. couldn't find it.


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b3cdf6 No.20925772


Brilliant !!Notable

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49672e No.20925773



I find it really hard to watch him.

The "chutzpah" as he might call it is through the roof. Literally everyone knows he's lying and he literally does not give a damn

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b24576 No.20925774

File: 3ecc51eaca410f9⋯.png (23.96 KB,500x250,2:1,2ndAmericanRevolution.png)

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d14b1a No.20925775


we have everything we need

maybe q will be back, but there is no reason to demand it

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9f7ecb No.20925776

File: 576fd990340b474⋯.jpg (241.67 KB,707x635,707:635,AS_IT_IS.jpg)





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b24576 No.20925777

File: 7354c3687dc6228⋯.png (307.35 KB,1478x900,739:450,5c213502998709ff852b7f247e….png)

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25190c No.20925778

File: 0f2b6b37d75e782⋯.jpg (163.03 KB,500x332,125:83,Bread_Burning_4157911219.jpg)


…Bakering now


#25664 >>20925054

>>20925079 A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors

>>20925127 Japan is building an ‘elevator to space’ for humans to experience what space looks like in person by 2025.

>>20925176 United Airlines flight catches fire before takeoff in Chicago, resulting in delays. No injuries have been reported.

>>20925410 Macron’s ‘Empire’ Has Fallen: He Tries To Contain Chaos in French Post-Colonial Territories, Travels To Mend Fences With Germany on the Eve of EU Elections

>>20925466 Rep. Mast Writes to VA on Behalf of Veterans Who Say They Are Losing Access to Their Doctors (Video)

>>20925561 ‘Certain friends and foes’ want Georgia to send troops to Ukraine (RT)

>>20925615 Tucker: Patrick Bet-David on Trump, Iran, and What Chris Cuomo Should Do with the Rest of His Life


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b3cdf6 No.20925779

File: e209b6f8b740bf6⋯.jpg (80.42 KB,555x455,111:91,zionistgonnazion.jpg)

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938785 No.20925780


>corn is a grain?

think i heard Dr Ardis say corn is a grain

also he warned about peanuts (fungus)

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3b2090 No.20925781

all these gm fags post like theyre in a facility together

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b24576 No.20925782

File: 25a95745f31ca7c⋯.jpg (80.04 KB,666x500,333:250,21l61o.jpg)

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b24576 No.20925783

File: c62c3fda52be74f⋯.jpg (81 KB,586x454,293:227,22ayqr.jpg)

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55d097 No.20925784

File: fb4bd4ea28538e9⋯.gif (216.62 KB,326x52,163:26,a_wtf_did_you_say_to_me.gif)

File: 7ab3851c274d759⋯.gif (1.27 MB,460x184,5:2,keyboard.gif)


what did you say to me….

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f5ebca No.20925785

File: 56e1e5048eff089⋯.mp4 (6.09 MB,1024x576,16:9,hwfuneralmarch.mp4)



Oh course he would.

Pathetic. Look how easy that slips off his mouth.

Look at him smirk right before he gets the bad news.

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cc24fa No.20925786

what are gm comms some antisemtiic?

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b24576 No.20925788

File: f361d694017fbbe⋯.jpg (46.41 KB,500x500,1:1,22d0l3.jpg)

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2b1f08 No.20925789


Zero hope on Q return.

we are alone on this.

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1fb59d No.20925790


>it's scary to have to switch oils and then end up with one that makes you sick

that's the point of it

that way more sick people

that way more profits for hospitals, doctors and other scams

also look into raw milk, maybe you already did.

raw milk is the good stuff.

avoid supermarket (pasteurized) milk, unless you are doing reuteri yoghurt. In the latter you need to pasteurize the milk anyway.

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b24576 No.20925792

File: 24ab015f19bfc92⋯.jpg (42.5 KB,564x491,564:491,24ab015f19bfc9228cb62083f2….jpg)

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a99f80 No.20925793

File: 8d52f29acd96967⋯.jpg (45.86 KB,536x500,134:125,8rt5cp.jpg)

Now that they are screaming and REEEEEEEing and whining and crying that GM is some sinister psyop, it's time to bust out the GE/GN. Where's your antisemitic trope for those now Mr ADL pig fag? Kek

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0932bd No.20925794


Yeah it’s earily just like your crew of phaggits

They couldn’t be connected at all /s

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b24576 No.20925795

File: 17f4943a938f642⋯.jpg (65.17 KB,627x556,627:556,666_finger_gesture.jpg)

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b75fc7 No.20925796


call it: Short list of notables this time, anons spent last bread arguing about what GM, GA, GE, and GN mean.

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b24576 No.20925797

File: 886dc5d715a0b3c⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_Bill_Cooper.jpg)

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b24576 No.20925799

File: 634bb5bd0d36620⋯.jpg (51.52 KB,600x450,4:3,911_Truth.jpg)

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fb7ea4 No.20925801


God Bless!


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49672e No.20925802

File: fdba8efcd8bdea7⋯.jpeg (125.86 KB,1024x1024,1:1,kek_force_one_plane.jpeg)


>it's time to bust out the GE/GN

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68c33a No.20925803

File: 8aa868a49f6e32a⋯.png (120.5 KB,2048x1364,512:341,fren_around_and_find_out.png)


we are never alone anon

there is always at least one representative from each intelligence agency ALWAYS here

and frens as well

"we never left" remember


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b3cdf6 No.20925804

File: b3803e0a26291e1⋯.png (197.11 KB,595x420,17:12,Screenshot_2024_05_27_at_2….png)


Looks like it gor community noted , thanks Pig


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a99f80 No.20925805


TL;DR ADL post

The left can't meme

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b24576 No.20925806

File: 9724c2328ecb57e⋯.jpg (502.79 KB,1406x1043,1406:1043,05312c05f42fa641f8db586caa….jpg)

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3efcbb No.20925808

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ab37dd No.20925809

File: 8037597a2b7da7d⋯.mp4 (969.32 KB,320x392,40:49,JesusDress.mp4)

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b24576 No.20925811

File: 9f7fb5bf8d0baa9⋯.png (172.43 KB,1024x791,1024:791,5524aa56de42deb61a7f4185a0….png)

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25190c No.20925812

File: 17b75155b0eae7f⋯.png (1.28 MB,838x668,419:334,shiptoast.png)

Fresh bread




This way

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1e3dcf No.20925813

File: ab82837448d97f9⋯.png (98.04 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)



Why do Jewshills always use profanity and seething hatred? It's like all your inbreeding pinches your brian.

As soon as the "Federal" Reserve Jewish Bankster Cartel is knocked down, the Unlimited Money$$$ protecting your tribe ENDS.

Then the Truth will be revealed to the World.

Can't Wait!!!


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