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7943bc No.20923447 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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7943bc No.20923450

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 —————— Australia #36

>>20842620 —————— Canada #58

>>20584322 —————— China #1

>>16694358 —————— France #7

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>>20584358 —————— Korea #1

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>>19804572 —————— UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

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>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20883496 If a signed in baker posts notes in the current bread and then hands off, the next baker must keep them

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


#25661 >>20922659, >>20922731

>>20922683 Supplemental Notables bun for #25658

>>20923183 (anon) Thank you to all the patriots who gave everything to protect the United States of America.

>>20922678, >>20922950, >>20922988 Q+ 10AM Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum.. working so hard

>>20923319, >>20923360 Q+ 12:12pm Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

>>20922786, >>20922826, >>20922923, >>20923256 QClock "Fishing Expedition" Psycho Joe Connection

>>20922711, >>20923047 USSOCOM 8:00am ...stop to reflect and remember > Q800 Coincidence?

>>20922727 AFMC 6:50am Today we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

>>20922737 USArmy 9:31am #HonorTheFallen

>>20922752 4thpsyopgroup - #HonorTheFallen #RememberAndReflect

>>20922872 US Naval Inst. 10:46am 'unlocks'> Q1046 They are all here. 24/7/365. Enjoy the show.

>>20922817 Trump says he 'would have absolutely gotten' Libertarian nomination if he could have run, slams RFK Jr.

>>20922873 @Jim_Jordan From Bunker Hill to Benghazi to Abbey Gate. Never forget

>>20922677 Lawmaker calls for Tlaib's removal after speech to 'People’s Conference for Palestine'

>>20922724 DeSantis signed bill 5/15 to remove "climate change" from state statutes, effective 07/01

>>20922738, >>20922755, >>20922812 Potato 8:26 suspicious Arlington headstone pic > Q826 COMMS GOOD. Nice try.

>>20922717 Renegade 9:45am - Arlington pic > Q945 BOOOOOM!

>>20922939 Hunter used Sandy Hook memorial to finesse meeting b/t dad and Chinese biz: docs

>>20922778 Margaret Brennan plays Q+ Rally “no one want EVs..” Then she says too butthead, “He’s Not Wrong”

>>20922888, >>20922982 NYTs calling Fetterman DangerousDems freaking out

>>20922922, >>20922985, >>20923214, >>20923252 NY Post pic (Is it HRC or memorex?)

>>20922825 @JudicialWatch "Mr. Biden has directed and overseen.. systematic deconstruction of U.S. border security

>>20923069, >>20923072, >>20923074 (reminder) Q+ historically against mass vaccines for children esp., "doctors lied"

>>20922809, >>20923217 evidence Q+ is legal Commander In Chief

>>20922941, >>20923039 Chessfags explore Wonderland

>>20923317 PF updates Ukraine AF UNKN1119 A319 landed at Madrid a few hours ago

>>20922931, >>20922938 explosion was seen in the sky over Japan after a warning about NK missile launch

>>20923006 ‘Korean NASA’ opens its doors

>>20923330 Space Force inches closer to classified remote work

>>20923363 Airmen, Space Force Guardians Could Grow Beards Under Pilot Program Proposed by House

>>20922832, >>20923099 NCAA, Power 5 agree to deal that will let schools pay players

>>20922870 Cannes security guard who clashed with Kelly Rowland strikes again as she 'disrespects' Korean actress

>>20922681, >>20922883, >>20922934 Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 exposed - Why Are They Hiding 6,000 Patents?

>>20922892 Ex-KKK leader’s child comes out as transgender in new memoir

>>20923034 500% Surge: Colorectal Cancer Rates Among U.S. Youths (data 1999-2020)

>>20923275 Telegram to Introduce Fact-Checking Feature

>>20923435 #25661

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7943bc No.20923453

#25660 >>20921680

>>20921868, >>20922400 Remember and Honor our Heroes today

>>20922354, >>20922365 POTUS 7:42 am WE REMEMBER. (Memorial Day salute)

>>20922373, >>20922384, >>20922392 @82ndABNDiv 7:42 a.m. - our Paratroopers participated in Coca-Cola 600

>>20922444, >>20922538, >>20922587 Melania 8:19 am tribute to the brave souls who sacrificed their lives for our freedom

>>20921758 POTUS Truth Join 2/2022 > Q222

>>20922543, >>20922552 Q Clock "Fishing Expedition" (Fishing is Fun) > Q+ @NASCAR "Bass Pro Shops"

>>20921962, >>20922493, >>20921962 DanS. 11:05 (17 in pic w/POTUS @ NASCAR)

>>20922197, >>20922236, >>20922248, >>20922254 DanS. 11:07 pm (5/26) #CocaCola600 #NASCAR (00:54 vid)

>>20921766, >>20921770 Donald Trump given thunderous welcome at NASCAR race (vids)

>>20921780, >>20921803, >>20922021 PFs - Fly by over CMS at 1525ft prior to landing; others

>>20921961 US Naval Inst. 4:16 (5/26) "Tuck"; Smith > Q416

>>20922005, >>20922013, >>20922049 USS Constitution 12:46 (5/26) Open for tours Memorial Day

>>20922084 SURFLANT 6:00 am Honoring the Courage and Sacrifice of Our Heroes

>>20922168 @PapiTrumpo 1:21 (5/26) FAKE NEWS GOING DOWN!!!

>>20922180 @PapiTrumpo 6:43 (5/26) LOVE OUR BEAUTIFUL GOLD STAR FAMILIES!!!

>>20922438, >>20922473 anyone know when was the last time klaus schwab seen in public ?

>>20921979, >>20921980 Fani Willis appeals after judge drops multiple Trump charges

>>20922390, >>20922404 Defense Secretary Austin, 70, to transfer power to deputy as he goes under the knife again

>>20921958 Brigitte Macron & Germanys First Lady laugh on walk through Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial

>>20921915 Is Dem Rep. Gene Wu from texas a pedophile?

>>20922053, >>20922207 (vids) widow of NO Name, admits everyone in D.C. knew Elites went to Epstein Island

>>20922528 CA wrongly claimed millions in Medicaid services for illegals, watchdog reports

>>20921778 Zombies Fester in the Rot of California’s Streets In Newsom’s “National Model”

>>20922430 Judge Judy scathing verdict on out-of-control crime; rips 'ridiculous' liberal policies

>>20921692 "Democrat Messaging is Full of Sh*t!” – James Carville Goes Off on Democrats

>>20922066 female teacher "elite" NYC prep school resigned after accusations she sexually abused student

>>20921706 F-35 Sustainment Challenges for the U.S. Taxpayer

>>20921714 Over 120 MP’s across all parties literally quitting their jobs. Why?

>>20921796, >>20921800, >>20921806 Sheffield, England violence between rival immigrants gangs.

>>20922079 Japanese researchers warn of risks of using blood from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients

>>20922475 professional cheating services are employing AI to craft seemingly "original" academic papers

>>20922425 Ukraine has allocated $11 million for penguin research in Antarctica.

>>20922063, >>20922067 (archive) bun - the history of the black notability

>>20922616 #25660

#25659 >>20921666

>>20920872 “USA! USA! USA!” President Trump Receives Rock Star Welcome at NASCAR

>>20920993 VID POTUS Saluting. If only more people knew about him and his history… has ALWAYS been the same.

>>20920951 POTUS Truth 11:24 PM (NASCAR event)

>>20921031 POTUS Truth 12:02 AM (video re golf)

>>20921499, >>20921520 POTUS Truth 7:56 pm (vid @ NASCAR)

>>20921100, >>20921473, >>20921155, >>20921213 Anons dig Q Denver airport drop

>>20920860 Why Do Chinese Spies Keep Getting Sweetheart Deals?

>>20921266 S.Korea system to detect short-selling to be ready Q1 2025, watchdog say

>>20921365 WHO Director General dr. Tedros announces the failure of Pandemic Agreement/Treaty.

>>20921439 Actress Massiel Taveras had a portrait of Jesus Christ on her dress at the red carpet.

>>20921465 Botched SpaceX Engine Test Results in Spectacular Fireball

>>20920930, >>20921070 PF Updates

>>20921666 #25659

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7943bc No.20923459

#25658 >>20919988

>>20919989 OP: Focus24 24/05/25

>>20919992, >>20920716 President @realDonaldTrump says hello to Richard Petty at the Coca-Cola 600

>>20920057, >>20920301 boosters killing children, knowingly

>>20920111 Massachusetts authorities have identified the man accused of stabbing four girls

>>20920118 Judge Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt

>>20920134 Biden Reminds West Point Graduates of their Political Duty to Interfere in Election if Leftist Vision of Democracy is Threatened

>>20920151 Terrifying New Battlefield Tech

>>20920159 Bannon Exposes Plot: RINOs Scheming to Steal GOP Nomination from Trump and Push Nikki Haley as VP

>>20920224 Helicopter with ex-Soviet state’s leader makes emergency landing

>>20920295 PF: RCH4609 C17 Globey departed JBA and RCH274 departed Dover AFB and heading across Atlantic

>>20920299 Stockpiles of vaccines ready for the next virus which doesn't exist yet

>>20920434 PF: 45in N757AF 757 departed Charlotte-Douglas Intl after attending the 600 and heading around some bad weather to Laguardia Airport


>>20920598, >>20920723 China Defies Global Copper Squeeze With Near-Record Production, sells t bills

>>20920712 Sunak’s plan to make 18-year-olds do national service grabs attention on UK election trail

>>20920753 Sidney Powell: VINDICATED

>>20920770 #25658

Previously Collected

>>20919185 #25656, >>20919951 #25657,

>>20916446 #25653, >>20917885 #25654, >>20918327 #25655

>>20915579 #25652, >>20914825 #25651, >>20915579 #25652

>>20913189 #25649, >>20913966 #25650, >>20914825 #25651

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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7943bc No.20923466

File: 0cbb53fb349bfd4⋯.png (23.8 KB,697x176,697:176,1212.png)



Baker seeking handoff. TY Patriots.

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d94eef No.20923477

File: 06d03ae23f24f2b⋯.jpeg (117 KB,960x1280,3:4,Gzh1cEbagnQz.jpeg)

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743fec No.20923481

File: d45cdc2cb5e3834⋯.png (24.45 KB,582x188,291:94,ClipboardImage.png)




Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

12:12 ET


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daa861 No.20923482




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c2216d No.20923483

File: c7e5edb0c250a23⋯.jpg (44.46 KB,750x563,750:563,topkek_.jpg)

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fb05f2 No.20923484

File: 1437b6584016ed6⋯.jpeg (54.26 KB,400x253,400:253,IMG_0697.jpeg)

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b9bfd2 No.20923485

File: dd88687f9b4679d⋯.jpg (111.95 KB,795x499,795:499,Freedom.jpg)


TY, baker.

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98b571 No.20923486

File: 6f580d8c495c235⋯.png (409.79 KB,819x1618,819:1618,1.png)

File: 171eb33b6987b56⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,640x360,16:9,2.mp4)

File: 585a4dbc069567b⋯.png (502.41 KB,820x1122,410:561,3.png)

File: e308b0e3e7808fb⋯.mp4 (4.5 MB,640x360,16:9,4.mp4)

Andrew Bridgen, an MP in England, "said this is probably bigger than the Holocaust, because we've lost…anywhere between 17 and 20 million people already [to the COVID injections]. And those are the people we know about, okay?"

Radiologist Dr. Phillip Triantos describes for The Blaze Senior Editor Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative) how the COVID injections have likely been more deadly, on a global scale, than the Holocaust. The radiologist also highlights two personal instances of members of his family dying after receiving the injection.

Triantos notes that Andrew Bridgen, an Independent member of UK parliament, has said that "this is probably bigger than the Holocaust, because we've lost…anywhere between 17 and 20 million people already." The radiologist adds that "those are [just] the people we know about…"

Triantos also highlights injection-caused deaths he knows of in his own family, including his first cousin, who was a health instructor living in Greece.

"[S]he finally took it, she calls her husband driving home from work and says, 'I don't feel good.' She pulls over in her car and died of a heart attack," Triantos says.

The radiologist also says that he has a half-sister in England who died due to the injection.

"[J]ab, jab, booster, booster, [and they] found her dead on the kitchen floor of a heart attack," Triantos says.


Breaking News: British MP Andrew Bridgen London makes shock claim.

"I'm afraid I think its going to be bigger than the holocaust because there's got to be between 10 and 20 million people who have been killed by these experimental vaccines worldwide"

"the vaccine rollout is the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust"

Other MPs "have got their hands into blood up to their armpits…they have put out hundreds of thousands of letters saying that the vaccines are safe and effective over the last few years"

The Vaccines are neither safe nor effective.

#ExcessDeaths #VaccineInjuries


Full vid: https://rumble.com/v4xk08q-a-radiologist-exposes-terrifying-blood-clots-from-covid-vaccine.html

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9c8366 No.20923488

File: b4664914b5b91cb⋯.png (826.14 KB,636x900,53:75,ClipboardImage.png)



I got 1 on it

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8019dd No.20923492

File: 67b6e22a5ce879e⋯.jpg (153.73 KB,1200x1682,600:841,zadroga_2018_10_19_q01_z.jpg)

>>20922702 pb

>Trump called fallen soldiers suckers and losers!?

>Confirmed by General John Kelly. Wow!


Then why would President Trump work with me to end the Afghanistan War, gives Vets free choice, and the right to try; if they are losers and suckers? President Trump "ALWAYS" answers the call. Matter of fact, when high school girls were being literally gutted by MS-13 out on LI, he arrived on the scene that week and arrested over 70 murderous thugs in just two days. He is a "True Patriot" and an "American Hero". This is why I also saw him working a few blocks from "Ground Zero" on 911. Where was this General or the other mouths on that day? I am sure the general had more access than us. The more you know. This is testimony, not guessing. Never Forget.

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d94eef No.20923493


Silence, VaticanClown. Now IP hop like a bitch.

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743fec No.20923494

File: d3f9663025ad879⋯.mp4 (7.8 MB,480x480,1:1,Arlington_Taps.mp4)


new Dan


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e66a7a No.20923496

File: c99c16e9bbf865d⋯.jpeg (534.51 KB,1536x825,512:275,IMG_4366.jpeg)

I guess it’s better than showing up in the shower…

President Biden made a surprise nighttime visit to the Delaware home of Hallie Biden on Sunday — just before she’s due to serve as one of the most important witnesses at first son Hunter Biden’s federal trial for alleged gun crimes.

Biden stopped by Hallie’s home around 8 p.m. for a brief private talk eight days before the 54-year-old first son’s trial is scheduled to stand trial beginning June 3.


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1d473d No.20923497

File: cb8887e233b6412⋯.png (1.37 MB,1169x1664,1169:1664,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c8366 No.20923498


>well you need to find 4 moar!


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af6277 No.20923499

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9c8366 No.20923500

File: 32a87f9b007963e⋯.png (482.03 KB,1170x1262,585:631,ClipboardImage.png)

lb fifya

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c836fd No.20923501

File: 74f7cd52afc8463⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,426x286,213:143,Bongo_biden_dancing_trump_….mp4)

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bd81d2 No.20923503

File: 8cdd02fa0f0bf62⋯.png (1.15 MB,500x1118,250:559,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c6220c5031ba73⋯.png (778.64 KB,739x552,739:552,ClipboardImage.png)

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ccb3b6 No.20923504

File: 45132ede0684d97⋯.png (338.57 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d94eef No.20923505

File: bf302dd8f0b25ea⋯.png (790.49 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Taking a moment to think on a day like today really puts things into perspective.

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7d1c4d No.20923506

File: 3d923295921eda8⋯.mp4 (10.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_5731.MP4)

You know it’s bad when the Illegal aliens are also concerned about America’s open borders.



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9c8366 No.20923508


btw are we considered a mil branch?

asking for some benefits, kek

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1d473d No.20923509

File: 0f48b7f9fa1f101⋯.png (565.67 KB,1174x1070,587:535,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d473d No.20923511

File: d3619e09a963d7f⋯.png (2.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d1c4d No.20923512

File: 28ce892efdfa579⋯.jpg (83.98 KB,700x710,70:71,photo_2024_05_26_19_54_29.jpg)

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d94eef No.20923513


>btw are we considered a mil branch?


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e41c22 No.20923514

File: 1db3966c7c5f3ff⋯.mp4 (980.94 KB,720x1280,9:16,tranny_hails_satan.mp4)

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c836fd No.20923516

File: 0bf767372d106ef⋯.mp4 (7.29 MB,640x360,16:9,Impact_of_COVID_Vaccinatio….mp4)

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bd81d2 No.20923517

File: 923075a86fec6e5⋯.png (233.97 KB,536x872,67:109,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61ed74fcaf8a991⋯.png (225.8 KB,486x583,486:583,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32793efe01ffaaa⋯.png (47.81 KB,553x869,7:11,ClipboardImage.png)


1513 and 313 timestamps

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7d1c4d No.20923519

File: d08398524c1a8e8⋯.jpg (84.22 KB,824x739,824:739,photo_2024_05_27_08_30_04.jpg)


The unvaccinated.


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7d1c4d No.20923522

File: 41e5e2e649984b4⋯.mp4 (5.24 MB,640x640,1:1,IMG_6396.MP4)


Dr Peter McCullough on vaccines and autism.


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7943bc No.20923523


In English?

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bd81d2 No.20923524

File: c81440ce62fe41d⋯.png (50.71 KB,556x883,556:883,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20923481 ←djt post

>>20923517 ←verse 1513

correction timestamp is 1212


Apr 20, 2018 10:37:07 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c95f7e No. 1123499

Apr 20, 2018 10:32:06 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c95f7e No. 1123388

Apr 20, 2018 10:26:43 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c95f7e No. 1123269





http:// newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/09/28/agnes-nixon-soap-operas/



Hint: Hussein & Maggie


How many pics can you find of them together?

Age 10, 11, 12….


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c836fd No.20923525

File: c6e99982ddd83a5⋯.mp4 (15.84 MB,380x342,10:9,FemaFascistConspiracy.mp4)

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e40299 No.20923527

File: f8cf44853cbc978⋯.png (148.97 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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c2216d No.20923528

File: e230154b8c1008c⋯.png (203.88 KB,720x711,80:79,Pepe_Apu_filter_comfy.png)

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629c11 No.20923530

File: 63a99a67bbc1c9a⋯.jpg (44.3 KB,460x402,230:201,2x4_aliens.jpg)

File: 326ad2d3e80abd1⋯.png (14.74 KB,168x100,42:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b63b576c09277d⋯.jpg (193.03 KB,600x471,200:157,somemoreplease.jpg)


>well you need to find 4 moar!

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de5bcd No.20923533

File: 522a403c216d709⋯.jpg (193.34 KB,1024x665,1024:665,trump5b_png.jpg)

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7943bc No.20923534

File: 72272abb223e287⋯.png (849.31 KB,678x588,113:98,104.png)

File: a91d4709905897f⋯.png (6.34 KB,444x137,444:137,104_Q.png)


May 27, 2024, 1:05 PM

Vid is 01:04


Now is the time to pray.

We're operational.

God bless the United States of America.

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d2f78f No.20923535


is this a post for memorial day?

if not it sounds a bit scary to me..

God bless DJT!

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c2216d No.20923536


>is this a post for memorial day?


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c836fd No.20923537

File: 6e8cf2c6c36c89a⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,640x464,40:29,FakeUnUkrBS.mp4)

File: 194ec0996307229⋯.mp4 (3.78 MB,320x480,2:3,194ec0996307229d86057ecb9a….mp4)

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d94eef No.20923538

File: 59a6ba6ed840df1⋯.png (214.83 KB,502x383,502:383,memewarfare.png)

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d2f78f No.20923540

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743fec No.20923543

File: a0a4ac48c525381⋯.mp4 (11.25 MB,480x480,1:1,Supreme_Court_Justice_befo….mp4)



This is who was confirmed to our Supreme Court

Republicans Murkowski, Collins, and Romney voted “yes” to the confirmation 


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7943bc No.20923544


Still, POTUS been laying down his life for us every single day since he agreed to the mission.

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d2f78f No.20923545

File: 2e7b9757ccc50da⋯.mp4 (6.08 MB,640x360,16:9,bItu44GqwretcWIw_mp4_tag_1….mp4)

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bd81d2 No.20923546

File: 84dcc278e3447da⋯.png (223.7 KB,1150x851,50:37,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d4d8d34a890451⋯.png (131.68 KB,1727x923,1727:923,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b19976276861b4d⋯.png (102.28 KB,1749x893,1749:893,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20923524 ←1213

>>20923517 ←1513

>>20923481 ←Djt post

WENDY ''haberman 8 post


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d2f78f No.20923548



even for nonAmericans


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c958de No.20923550

File: 17865fe650b9aef⋯.jpeg (477.51 KB,779x753,779:753,A7975685_ED64_4BA3_AA42_C….jpeg)


>Biden stopped by Hallie’s home around 8 p.m. for a brief private talk eight days before the 54-year-old first son’s trial is scheduled to stand trial beginning June 3.

Totally NOT inappropriate at all /s

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1d473d No.20923551

File: baa8c974565f548⋯.png (6.51 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,ClipboardImage.png)

I have a dream

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ddec0a No.20923553


>>>20919343 All over America, brand new housing communities are being built that are not available to purchase, they are for rent only

Private Equity put well run companies into debt with leveraged buyouts. Then the financial system collapsed and they asked for trillions. Both the money from the debt and the bailout are sitting offshore waited for the country to get squeezes just enough so that all that money can come back in and but up our freedom on the cheap while also making us slaves to the debt they used to buy us all out. Giant circle jerk, but America gets fucked.


>>>20919413 DJT to Libertarian crowd: "If you wanna lose, don't vote for me - keep getting your 3% every 4 years"

Trump went NOT to get the Libertarian nomination, so that if/when the republicans steal the nomination from him, he can tell the Libertarians to GFTS and run as an independent. OWE NOTHING…but to We the People.

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ed6815 No.20923554

File: e94380a2e3fa153⋯.jpg (421.56 KB,1200x1200,1:1,306_dollar_halving.jpg)

When is the US Dollar's next halving?

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c836fd No.20923555

File: 2fcf75c74f4aa88⋯.mp4 (2.62 MB,640x360,16:9,human_shields.mp4)

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9c8366 No.20923557


damn, well anons gonna change that.


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174ab4 No.20923558

File: c4a14b776d2c516⋯.png (949.35 KB,947x676,947:676,ClipboardImage.png)

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d94eef No.20923559

File: 7ead7493a689303⋯.jpeg (342.55 KB,640x877,640:877,40a4b391740d62761b6df2c0b….jpeg)


Yep. assassination attempts on both his life and his character. Never been another president like him in my lifetime.

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629c11 No.20923561

File: bf517bcdfb3cf92⋯.jpg (47.28 KB,600x466,300:233,Danny_DeVito_Memes_1_42266….jpg)


>whack a mole!

>i love this game!

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e44f27 No.20923562

File: 79d764e38dd05c4⋯.png (2.52 MB,4323x5304,1441:1768,Screenshot_2024_05_27_at_1….png)

reposting from lb because posted too late

Researchers may have found a way to repair damaged kidneys, giving hope to millions of people on dialysis


SINGAPORE – Patients with kidney failure may be able to reverse the damage, if a new treatment is proven to be as good in humans as it is in mice. Safety trials in humans will start in 2023, and if all goes as well, clinical trials in patients will begin in the next two to three years.

“This discovery could be a real game-changer in the treatment of chronic kidney disease – which is a major public health concern in Singapore and globally – bringing us one step closer to delivering the benefits promised by regenerative medicine,” said Professor Thomas Coffman, dean of Duke-NUS Medical School, and a member of the research team.

The team from Duke-NUS Medical School, National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS), and researchers from Germany, were able to inhibit a protein which plays a major part in organ damage, resulting in the injured kidneys regenerating and renal function restored.

The team said this is a first in the world, where treatment has enabled damaged kidneys to regenerate. They had been working on this project for more than a decade, not just in kidneys but also other organs like the lungs and liver.

Kidney failure is a global epidemic with about 850 million people suffering from it, said Assistant Professor Anissa Widjaja, a molecular biologist with Duke-NUS’ Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders Programme. Kidneys can be damaged through acute infections or chronic diseases such as diabetes. She said Singapore ranks first in the world for diabetes-induced kidney failure and fourth in terms of kidney failure prevalence.

The researchers saidkidneys have the innate ability to regenerate.

They gave mice with inflamed and scarred kidneys a neutralising antibody against the interleukin-11 (IL-11) protein, which is known for causing damage and scarring in organs such as the kidneys, liver, lungs and heart.

The treatment targeted the cells on the lining of the tiny tubes inside the kidney that return nutrients into the body, leaving urine behind. When treated with the neutralising antibodies against IL-11, the tubule cells were able to proliferate and regenerate the kidney, reversing the damage.

There was improvement in all the mice, no matter how badly damaged the kidney was.

The results of the pre-clinical study were published online in the Nature Communications journal in December 2022.

“The therapy could be used to treat people at risk of acute kidney disease to prevent it, to treat people who have acute kidney disease to reduce kidney damage, and to treat patients with established chronic kidney disease to reverse it. This is because activating regeneration in the kidney is useful across all types of kidney disease,” said Professor Stuart Cook, a cardiologist with the Duke-NUS’ Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders Programme as well as a clinical scientist at the NHCS.

Prof Cook, who was the principal investigator of the study, said: “We showed that anti-IL-11 therapy can treat kidney failure, reverse established chronic kidney disease, and restore kidney function by promoting regeneration in mice, while being safe for long-term use.”

Testing the antibody in healthy humans will begin early in 2023. If that goes well, clinical trials in patients should begin in 2024. These will be done by pharmaceutical giant Boehringer Ingelheim, whose researchers were involved in the study, as it has purchased the licence to do so. The trials in humans are likely to start with patients with fibrotic lungs, with trials among kidney patients coming next.

The experiment in mice involved a number of cohorts over several years, to ensure “robustness” in the results. To test its effectiveness against chronic kidney disease, the kidneys in mice were “badly damaged” to lose about a third of their function. After about three weeks to stabilise the damage, the mice were injected with the antibody.

Over a period of three months, the treatment resulted in more than 50 per cent reversal of kidney dysfunction and fibrosis, and the kidneys were visibly “growing back”, said Prof Cook.

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9c8366 No.20923563


FIRM IT = Confirm the Handoff?

Bakes, you ok today or what?

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d2f78f No.20923565


it's not a branch

it's a vocation

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e41c22 No.20923567

He’s a nigga named Quinn but his frens call him Q.

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7943bc No.20923568

File: 0ee72d7231f6118⋯.png (8.69 KB,444x201,148:67,105_Q.png)


1:05 pm est

Q105 (Nov 5, 2017)

Please pray.

Operators are in harms way.

High risk.

High value targets.

Please pause and give thanks to those who would die to save our republic.

More to follow.

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c836fd No.20923569


His Majesty thanks you for dying for His treasury since 1914

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d94eef No.20923570


No. Filtered.

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e40299 No.20923571


>if not it sounds a bit scary to me

Thought same.

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c958de No.20923572

File: 65621970a725acd⋯.jpeg (586.68 KB,1197x617,1197:617,075715F1_9CA4_42D0_B60C_3….jpeg)

>>20920295 pb

RCH4609 C17 Globey arrived at Caen from its JBA depart

A load of equipment for D Day coming up next week.

Don’t know who is going but only one load so far and if it stays only one then prolly Blinken or Austin (whichever one of the 3 of him there seems to be)

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de5bcd No.20923574


We have to wait for Biden's Invasion to activate and overtake a military base like AFGHANISTAN, NIGER, CHAD etc Be patient their Weapons are stored in the STRONG CITIES and their SPY shit is in the SMART CITITES.

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d87682 No.20923575

File: 8935aa9adace339⋯.gif (1.98 MB,498x280,249:140,IMG_7875.gif)


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629c11 No.20923577

File: 8327ca51ad8d25f⋯.png (139.06 KB,300x300,1:1,127222257_3816661015061097….png)

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c836fd No.20923579

File: d4f768980d76e5a⋯.png (174.87 KB,405x321,135:107,ClipboardImage.png)


Just kidding. He says to up your casualties.

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d2f78f No.20923580

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c836fd No.20923581

File: defade9ddd8c226⋯.png (229.83 KB,432x286,216:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7c7169b50d9f2e⋯.png (440.09 KB,480x538,240:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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0605bd No.20923583

File: 81bc48f28b63198⋯.jpg (204.22 KB,1374x683,1374:683,UberWoke.jpg)

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7d9839 No.20923584

File: 0f37b2a6557d1c6⋯.gif (7.55 KB,255x255,1:1,salute.gif)


ThankQ Dan:

We honor them both in life and in death for their service to this great nation and for the sake of humanity. They performed their duties, no questions asked nor delay, and paid the ultimate price; regardless of correct or incorrect policies. From now on "We are their Voice of Reason" and we will never quit until the truth is revealed and the true enemy is brought to justice. Thank you President Trump for having the courage to stand up to the lies and ending the Afghanistan War that was costing, on average, the lives of 275 service members per month; who were mainly being killed by road side bombs due to internal renegades giving away their positions in order to weaken America. We will Never Rest, Forget, nor Forgive. Godspeed Patriots.

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e7aa4f No.20923585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MEMORIAL DAY: Delivering The Truth with General Mike Flynn

Louder With Crowder


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f10aac No.20923587

File: 76ad12c91f77b56⋯.png (53.45 KB,491x595,491:595,76ad12c91f77b5683f3470a275….png)



hey bakes… thats legit offer for handoff. dont dick around

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34e8db No.20923589

File: 9d2401abde1841a⋯.jpeg (13.01 KB,300x168,25:14,ds2.jpeg)


they honor the dead

swear oaths

hide behind religion, children what have you

whatever makes the big bucks…

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2f6229 No.20923590

File: e2ae3137ae2b50c⋯.png (188.38 KB,400x325,16:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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202468 No.20923591

File: c25af7e331d4364⋯.png (3.72 MB,1665x933,555:311,c2rqwrewqer.PNG)

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c00d32 No.20923592

File: c259774200012e2⋯.jpg (62.81 KB,750x492,125:82,sdfvsdfygsbfdgbfvd.jpg)

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34e8db No.20923593

File: e31b551b7102897⋯.png (1.58 MB,1208x2060,302:515,SEEYOU3a.png)

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0280bc No.20923594

File: 72072190e11c6cf⋯.jpg (381.3 KB,1450x1080,145:108,BushCCP.JPG)

File: c7ffb76e6816711⋯.jpg (157.4 KB,800x532,200:133,BushDids.JPG)

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34e8db No.20923595

File: 640f8aa3ea47156⋯.png (60.23 KB,582x444,97:74,Q_1295.png)

whatever makes the big bucks…

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7943bc No.20923596

File: 54533421ca8ab97⋯.png (659.55 KB,1024x768,4:3,warishell.png)


I'm fine. Use SOP English in the future, perhaps.

Handoff confirmed

#25662 >>20923466

>>20923481, >>20923517, >>20923524, >>20923546 Anons dig Q+ 12:12 (John 15:13)

>>20923494, >>20923504, >>20923534, >>20923568, >>20923505 DanS 1:05pm (Arlington vid 1:04)

>>20923496 Biden's surprise night visit to Hunter's ex days before she testifies in his gun trial

>>20923486, >>20923516 Andrew Bridgen, an MP in England, "said this [COVID] is probably bigger than the Holocaust"

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34e8db No.20923597

File: 6c0f6f010f02ea9⋯.png (116.31 KB,574x822,287:411,Q_1328.png)

File: d3b4a17c600483c⋯.png (128.25 KB,580x990,58:99,Q_1339.png)

File: 41e764237653a36⋯.png (100.08 KB,576x842,288:421,Q_1343.png)


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c958de No.20923598

File: 8a4f036ae6230f2⋯.png (77.17 KB,480x391,480:391,1AD672EE_273D_4384_8D11_9B….png)


Something in muh eye

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f4aa1f No.20923599


Is this worth watching?

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663f26 No.20923600

File: 36a33b98f603d4d⋯.png (221.54 KB,1126x385,1126:385,ClipboardImage.png)

the Lake of Fire winner is..


it's gonna be between a man and a sodomite and a dementia patient…

slam dunk get out and vote!

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98b571 No.20923601

File: 2b0a22af97182f4⋯.jpg (272.99 KB,1001x943,1001:943,2b0a22af97182f4d29a490d454….jpg)

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7943bc No.20923602

File: 430f8bf00081b60⋯.png (513.08 KB,612x612,1:1,o7.png)

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34e8db No.20923604

File: 866d985f62d8e41⋯.gif (2.97 MB,480x200,12:5,1q.gif)


what was it, almost a year or so you were inactive here because you could not find $5 for VPN?

Never retreat from the battlefield though…

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bd81d2 No.20923605

File: 72d62e76f50ce21⋯.png (58.62 KB,482x390,241:195,ClipboardImage.png)

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03d4b5 No.20923606

File: bed04b4543bef56⋯.jpg (680.99 KB,2560x2560,1:1,WWG1WGA_Soldier_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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1d473d No.20923607

File: 8a75de13e672ad5⋯.png (159.05 KB,720x355,144:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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7943bc No.20923608


No. Now wake up, you're dreaming again.

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de5bcd No.20923609

File: 1d6d091d19854e2⋯.png (5.13 MB,1900x1188,475:297,ClipboardImage.png)

Your new Tiny house is ready

just kidding, this is probably the worst house ever fucking designed.


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fa2e79 No.20923610

File: bdd2d5c2f9f2837⋯.png (255.8 KB,1243x863,1243:863,Screenshot_2024_05_27_at_1….png)

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aa3a5e No.20923611


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c836fd No.20923612

File: 183a1cb1d6dd146⋯.png (138.2 KB,760x246,380:123,ClipboardImage.png)

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34e8db No.20923613

File: d326a2a18cf39a0⋯.gif (802.15 KB,480x200,12:5,1p.gif)


Yes…. its called Reality

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629c11 No.20923614

File: 840cb85e6ccd7cc⋯.png (119.37 KB,462x311,462:311,silence_.png)


>sounds really scary!

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c836fd No.20923615

File: cfff553556cb6cd⋯.png (111.28 KB,204x255,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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55d8f6 No.20923616



No faggot, I won't vote. Not for a pedophile wearing a mask.

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34e8db No.20923617

Just curious… since you should know better… and all that…


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803146 No.20923618

File: cbdc56bcee7f6b5⋯.png (694.05 KB,650x504,325:252,ClipboardImage.png)

Dang, she tagged them too!





just recovered US-made M112 explosive charges in a


school in Jabalia, Gaza. Intelligence sources have told me that the batch numbers on the charges indicate that they are from a 2007 US production that were sold to the Egyptians.

This is a major escalation as it relates to the US Government’s involvement in the war between Israel and Gaza, as it is evidence of the US Government providing explosives, and possibly other weapons to HAMAS.

Congress, DoD


, and the State Department


need to launch an immediate investigation to determine who in the US government has been providing the Egyptians with these explosives, and what/when the


knew about this Egyptian-sponsored smuggling of US-made explosives to Hamas in GAZA!


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9c8366 No.20923619


>Use SOP English in the future


CONFIRM or any derivative there of.

Please note your anon manual and update.

>Firm it





>>20923596 Handoff confirmed

New Baker ID 9c8366


not to be confused with ID 9c8369

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34e8db No.20923620

you can hear it in your mind…

"whatever makes the big bucks…"

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c836fd No.20923621


Sure. That's why the Italian fake popes have been at war with your ancestors and betters for over 1200 years. Mac.

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34e8db No.20923622

"right to the very top…"

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34e8db No.20923623

"was chosen…"

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ee3ef5 No.20923624


Considering the revolving door between government and industry in America (Mussolini's Fascism), maybe it should be called the Corporate Death Cult.

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34e8db No.20923625

yet you never wondered by whom…

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9c8366 No.20923626

OP: Focus24 24/05/25

"They" are attacking on many fronts and cause many distractions, but President Trump always repeats in his rallys:

Border, Inflation, Taxes, Democrats, Environment, Persecution, Abortion, J6, The Vote, Second Amend and The Wars.

Pick your [ CAMPAIGN TALKING POINT ] and run with it. Post all about it, get others involved, ask for assist, random it around.

Dont stop until Donald J. Trump is the 47th President!!! And then meme about that!!!

Dig.Meme.Pray ALL [3] - Know your Meme Warrior Dashboard. https://archive.ph/0eN8H [S.T.F.U.]


*Starter memes and info provided below


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=southern%20border&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/4kWS16zj

>#Immigration #Crime #HumanTrafficking #Fentanyl #Cartels



X: https://twitter.com/search?q=inflation&src=typed_query&f=live

>#Gas #Oil #Food #Utilities #Taxes


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=democrats&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/Vw1vRSxH

>#CrimeRate #SanctuaryCities


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=environment&src=typed_query&f=live


>#Electric #Windmills #China #AutoIndustry #MilitaryEquipment


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=donald%20j.%20trump&src=typed_query&f=live


>#CorruptJudges #NewYork #DistrictAttorney #Soros #TrumpIndictments #ElectionInterference


X: https://x.com/search?q=abortion&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/npwCRd7

>#PlannedParentHood #ProLife #SaveTheChildren

6. J6

X: https://x.com/search?q=j6&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/FXqjxZDW

THREAD: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/19957122.html

>#Insurrection #Protest #PoliticalPrisoners

7. Secure the Vote

X: https://x.com/search?q=%22Secure%20the%20Vote%22&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/9nZ21jW

>#VoterID #SameDayVoting #Paperballots #VoterFraud

8. Second amendment

X: https://x.com/search?q=%22second%20amendment%22&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/9d08pF8

>#2A #Save2a #SecondAmendment

9. WAR

A. #RUSSIA #UKRAINE https://twitter.com/search?q=russia&src=typed_query&f=live

B. #CHINA #TAIWAN https://twitter.com/search?q=china&src=typed_query&f=live

C. #ISRAEL #PALESTINE https://twitter.com/search?q=israel&src=typed_query&f=live

>#War #WorldWar #NATO #UN #WHO #CIA #FBI

*MEME THREAD: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/19266726.html

*VIDEO ARCHIVE: http://trutube54vqa3baer2kc7aggfc5qstxkgcmzm4qxxzfaxdsihu3znzid.onion/

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34e8db No.20923627

you never seemed to care…

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c836fd No.20923628

File: 97737082855c0b7⋯.png (234.28 KB,298x357,298:357,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d1c4d No.20923629

File: 04ad19b8e24e312⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB,464x848,29:53,IMG_5880.MP4)

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7943bc No.20923630

File: 8affa269a828a98⋯.png (646.64 KB,712x486,356:243,105_DS.png)


He did another at 1:05

May 27, 2024, 1:05 PM

Dan Scavino


(00:54 vid)

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34e8db No.20923631

until maybe right now…

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614ef6 No.20923632

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9c8366 No.20923633






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7cf38f No.20923634


What a mongrol

Calling yourself a celt or norman is seen as even more white supremacist than calling yourself irish

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7943bc No.20923635


Firm it is stupid tho.

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ee3ef5 No.20923636


Now how would HAMAS be getting access to US weapons in that region? Let's look everywhere but the obvious.

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f3a655 No.20923637

File: caf9b791428ef00⋯.jpg (138.87 KB,640x480,4:3,FauciIsSpecial.JPG)

File: dd49a102217e21b⋯.png (339.52 KB,367x680,367:680,FauciChinaAsset.PNG)

File: a3237de7141102e⋯.jpg (293.54 KB,1508x856,377:214,CommieNN.JPG)

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de5bcd No.20923638


Woke ass psychiatrist gona subjectively opinion on political targets and call it science.

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b351e0 No.20923639

File: 5874dc006ba3c96⋯.png (2.16 MB,1465x912,1465:912,d.PNG)



HopeGirl Alternative News

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0fda75 No.20923640


>if not it sounds a bit scary to me

First, yes. But if that would happen, all hell would break loose. Blood and madness in every street! And this whole mission is to prevent that from happen.

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1d473d No.20923641

File: 298ae327ff06c7d⋯.png (268.75 KB,1290x783,430:261,ClipboardImage.png)

ok where is the (((idf)))shill who insisted that the attack yesterday was fake and gay?

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ce3f7a No.20923642

File: 7ae2e5f4f4f698d⋯.gif (860.53 KB,280x281,280:281,7ae2e5f4f4f698d858eb9c9950….gif)

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9c8366 No.20923643


>Firm it is stupid tho.

so is handoff, but bakers must baker

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98b571 No.20923644

File: 61a6c4f1ba2ace6⋯.jpg (67.25 KB,501x480,167:160,61a6c4f1ba2ace6657ae0d40f6….jpg)

File: af6aad5a73a177c⋯.png (278.16 KB,800x600,4:3,af6aad5a73a177c8c0249c8110….png)

File: 5834bdb9455e9ff⋯.png (187.74 KB,834x468,139:78,5834bdb9455e9ffc628eeb7346….png)


>focus on these things

brought to you by:

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c836fd No.20923645

File: d8b5e40d4dfe709⋯.png (247.45 KB,510x296,255:148,ClipboardImage.png)

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b351e0 No.20923646

File: e07cd5ce39cc735⋯.png (508.73 KB,605x390,121:78,t.PNG)

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e40299 No.20923647


No benefits unless you were in a war or a conflict.

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e7c5f4 No.20923648

File: c280014c8bcb945⋯.mp4 (12.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_6671.mp4)


That witch was Gitmoed before the election.

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9c8366 No.20923649


i dont hear much about thje jab as much as the other talking points mentioned, think the people are awake on that point, but if you want. post em and anon will collect


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743fec No.20923650

File: 104249355c05022⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB,854x480,427:240,Dan_vid_5_27_2024.mp4)


Notable- Dan vid of PDJT at Arlington


vid capped - Joe was just there today, we have drops about whats under the tomb, no?

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0fda75 No.20923651

File: 4917f4f812a4e31⋯.jpg (159.37 KB,1440x907,1440:907,History.jpg)



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ce3f7a No.20923652

File: bf6e521de3036a2⋯.png (441.66 KB,1862x795,1862:795,Disgusting_.png)

File: 5c8e67402f10aea⋯.jpeg (379.25 KB,1125x2380,225:476,HRN_stealing_other_people….jpeg)

File: 2120925f0c02453⋯.png (421.37 KB,607x411,607:411,2120925f0c0245384355f142e0….png)

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,HRN.jpg)

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663f26 No.20923653

File: f270a78ed9f91a5⋯.png (1.92 MB,1665x933,555:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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71e4a5 No.20923654

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9c8366 No.20923655


>or a conflict.

kek, 20 times a day here if i had to count.


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cf9491 No.20923656


what if this gets declared a war and or conflict?

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ce3f7a No.20923657

File: 914a2bf98249dcb⋯.jpg (35.76 KB,474x668,237:334,914a2bf98249dcbc8b399ada88….jpg)

I think I might go for a shave.

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9c8366 No.20923658









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7943bc No.20923659

File: c9ac9aeac0fddc5⋯.png (18.97 KB,698x484,349:242,105_DS_54.png)


Nothing to fear when God wins. Situational awareness? Prayer changes reality.





"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

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614ef6 No.20923660

File: f2f7797159a016b⋯.png (2.51 MB,1200x840,10:7,ClipboardImage.png)

In Communist Canada

The Biggest Threat to Canada?

People with the Wrong Opinions

I Believe there is a Bible Verse about where we are right now

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ee3ef5 No.20923661


An out-of-touch politician is a possible indication of a stolen election. WHO voted for that?

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e40299 No.20923663


All kinds of underground bunkers, DUMBs.

Arlington would be the ideal place for a DUMB.

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ddec0a No.20923664

Moral culture is upstream from religion.

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35d2b8 No.20923665


simple message like the letters at the bush sr funeral. pic of him in an orange jumpsuit with today's NYT. makes: "is this real?" a quick nod kinda answer.

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629c11 No.20923666


Uno and a duo.

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c836fd No.20923667


She stills owes her campaign donors.

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ce3f7a No.20923668

File: e779d3b1e798273⋯.jpg (161.34 KB,800x800,1:1,e779d3b1e798273a08367855f0….jpg)

File: bf10d394bdebafc⋯.png (427.47 KB,500x500,1:1,bf10d394bdebafc91f7384bd0c….png)

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e7aa4f No.20923669

it's long….you could watch it while doing other things with this in the background, nothing earth-shattering >>20923599

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2f6229 No.20923670

File: 0be928f730ed0da⋯.png (690.4 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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e7aa4f No.20923671

File: 48e77ac690e85b3⋯.png (505.74 KB,656x606,328:303,ClipboardImage.png)


EXCLUSIVE: Bombshell new emails reveal Joe and Hunter Biden used a visit to Sandy Hook memorial service to set up secret meet with Chinese over $10m-a-year deal

Hunter Biden texted Chinese business partners to arrange a meeting with Joe. The messages come from a fresh tranche of documents released by Congress on Wednesday, given to them by IRS agents who investigated the First Son. On December 12, 2017 Hunter wrote on the Chinese messaging app WeChat to Liu Yadong, a top executive at Chinese oil giant CEFC, to arrange a meeting with his father.

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c836fd No.20923672

File: aa6018759644fed⋯.png (114.66 KB,198x255,66:85,ClipboardImage.png)


I don't think so

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ce3f7a No.20923673

File: e0966a1fe3f30af⋯.png (136.47 KB,320x240,4:3,e0966a1fe3f30af5599e2d4eaa….png)

File: f7c3a18a538dea0⋯.png (1.4 MB,1024x1024,1:1,f7c3a18a538dea0e60949e4579….png)

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e40299 No.20923674


Did he threaten her?

Give her an ultimatum?

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de5bcd No.20923675

File: 8846a694b1bb5b7⋯.png (417.69 KB,500x627,500:627,ClipboardImage.png)

Highest Ranking

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c836fd No.20923676

File: 9c1a8432e2a8898⋯.png (56.87 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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663f26 No.20923677

File: 8c544ef7d293ba0⋯.png (734.87 KB,2011x1116,2011:1116,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f6229 No.20923678

File: 4441ef6b6b519c5⋯.png (386.46 KB,775x653,775:653,slimfast.png)

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c836fd No.20923679

File: 5d4e6ffb2d47b3f⋯.png (54.32 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee3ef5 No.20923680


Never let a crisis go to waste.

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0c0f65 No.20923681



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c836fd No.20923682

File: 1056279e8ca7471⋯.png (70.76 KB,255x179,255:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f4117 No.20923683


An action that suggesting no so potato after all


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663f26 No.20923684

File: 6cd003cb3392f49⋯.png (135.36 KB,718x480,359:240,ClipboardImage.png)

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c836fd No.20923685

File: 08b5bd4ec3987b8⋯.png (57.48 KB,255x149,255:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c7b8d No.20923686


Meme War casualties belong only to the left

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de5bcd No.20923687


So that's how all those houses got PAID for on the same day.

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803146 No.20923688


Boom! She tagged tater and the State of Israel





needs to explain why he’s supplying HAMAS with weapons via the Egyptians.

This is a major escalation. Especially after today’s firefight between


and Egypt.


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84d2a1 No.20923689


Set this to the opening video/music from "2001: A Space Odyssey"

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c836fd No.20923690

File: 6e47b311164089c⋯.png (76.25 KB,255x186,85:62,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee3ef5 No.20923691


When you accidentally during a genocide and say, "oops."

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e40299 No.20923692


They spelled Sandy Hoax wrong.

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7943bc No.20923693

File: 63002c65934d8d4⋯.png (9.96 KB,444x273,148:91,1333_Q.png)

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ce3f7a No.20923694

File: 46e5701178a045e⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,46e5701178a045e822f21564cf….jpg)

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743fec No.20923695

File: 7c6e1639a5b5986⋯.mp4 (11.43 MB,480x480,1:1,Sleepy_Joe_nods_off_at_Arl….mp4)

Sleepy Joe nods off at Arlington


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cf23e1 No.20923696

File: 77701b055b27c99⋯.jpg (159.68 KB,720x1207,720:1207,20240527_115507.jpg)

File: d03a864204afca5⋯.jpg (209.42 KB,1144x2048,143:256,20240527_115350.jpg)

Sorry to say, archive.org is under a ddos attack. The data is not affected, but most services are unavailable.

We are working on it. This thread will have updates.


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411078 No.20923697


false platitudes are abbreviated indications

of a shill, trying to 'sum it all up' and be the 'winner' of the encounter and adding nothing of value.

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663f26 No.20923698

File: 1a85be65518e621⋯.png (283.15 KB,958x551,958:551,ClipboardImage.png)

want proof…

the latest tranny stabbing in the news

the libertarian nominee

big mike

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fb05f2 No.20923699

File: 24d02057abd621a⋯.jpeg (116.23 KB,1024x768,4:3,IMG_1011.jpeg)

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adb77f No.20923700


Who controls XRvision?and why hasn't it been run on the Smocking Party with the democrats ?

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743fec No.20923701

File: 49c3fdb795ce822⋯.mp4 (3.84 MB,854x470,427:235,Who_s_a_pretty_bird.mp4)

Kek, who's a pretty bird?

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ee3ef5 No.20923702


God's judgement upon a wicked land.

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c46f5d No.20923703

For me the coal be the black man

Milder finish than he who lit the smoke with his hand

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c958de No.20923704

File: b4557d97bcb15f3⋯.jpeg (527.55 KB,1212x619,1212:619,77A8EF71_ACC0_47BE_B154_8….jpeg)

File: da8824452a2f771⋯.jpeg (404.04 KB,1138x593,1138:593,61512CB6_6F19_4C57_9A74_E….jpeg)

>>20923317 lb

Ukraine AF UNKN1119 A319Zelenskyleft Madrid NE after baggin’ a promise for another billion in weapons and cash

Mostly tanks (good luck with those death traps but better than the US ones-Germans can make tanks but we can’t very well) and Patriot Missiles-so we’ll be looking for an uptick in US C17s from Dover and JBA to Spain and then the Spanish AF with A400ms to Rzeszow Airporr in SE Poland. It also looks like both Pedro Sanchez and King Felipe VI went to the Airport (article sez king did but no mention about Sanchez….ProTip for Spaniards: DON’T Vote for Pedro.

Spain pledges €1 billion of military aid to Ukraine as Zelensky visits Madrid

Spain has pledged €1 billion in military aid to Ukraine after Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a security deal in Madrid on Monday.

The deal ‘includes a commitment for €1 billion in military aid for 2024’, Sánchez told a joint news conference ‘It will allow Ukraine to boost its capabilities including its essential air defence systems to protect its civilians, cities and infrastructure which are still suffering indiscriminate attacks as seen this weekend in Kharkiv,’ he said, referring to a Russian strike on the northeastern city that killed at least 16 people.

Zelensky’s visit comes as Ukraine has been battling a Russian ground offensive in the Kharkiv region which began on 10 May in Moscow’s biggest territorial advance in 18 months.

With the Russian assault now in its third year, Ukraine has been pleading for more weapons for its outgunned and outnumbered troops, notably seeking help to address its lack of air defence systems.


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0c0f65 No.20923705

File: 77e831c370d148e⋯.jpg (12.19 KB,474x266,237:133,The_gods_Must_Be_Crazy.jpg)

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783857 No.20923706


She's half-asian. Does macrame unravel?

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9c8366 No.20923707

File: b2f96a75c325527⋯.png (2.42 MB,1072x1429,1072:1429,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5309d5c24f7f307⋯.png (9.34 MB,2048x2048,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Do anons believe in Miracles/Majek?

Book of Thoth is a name given to many ancient Egyptian texts supposed to have been written by Thoth, the Egyptian god of writing and knowledge. They include many texts that were claimed to exist by ancient authors and a magical book that appears in an Egyptian work of fiction.


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98b571 No.20923708

File: a743d82cdd013ea⋯.mp4 (511.59 KB,640x360,16:9,wehavequestions.mp4)

File: 6ecd5432f1d4777⋯.jpg (151.32 KB,1280x720,16:9,emci.jpg)

File: a49b165a24966c0⋯.jpg (99.67 KB,360x422,180:211,1.jpg)

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663f26 No.20923709

File: c5731c0d1e66b86⋯.png (239.27 KB,720x388,180:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba97112a517109b⋯.png (208.53 KB,720x388,180:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1d5da26939e8cb⋯.png (204.57 KB,720x388,180:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47ce7ba2f75ad46⋯.png (209.48 KB,720x388,180:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c34392f245f183d⋯.png (208.38 KB,720x388,180:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f4117 No.20923710

File: a229fa11c8c15d0⋯.jpg (42.73 KB,500x500,1:1,IAm.jpg)

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ee3ef5 No.20923711


If Charlie was in Georgia he could vote multiple times without leaving the cage.

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19cd3c No.20923712

What a spam nigger GM hater baker earlier. 72 posts? Wtf

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411078 No.20923713


conflict mongers are an

easy filter

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1c7b8d No.20923714

File: 214a9db5d1c78c6⋯.jpg (652.91 KB,1974x1440,329:240,Picsart_24_05_27_13_01_26_….jpg)

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9c8366 No.20923715

File: 5d737e9e1b38faf⋯.png (9.94 KB,578x146,289:73,ClipboardImage.png)




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fa2e79 No.20923716

File: e1f7fd277648820⋯.png (2.72 MB,1468x1995,1468:1995,arlington.png)

File: f66e46d0979878d⋯.png (344.81 KB,477x533,477:533,dodArlington1.png)



>He did another at 1:05

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e7aa4f No.20923717

File: ad790d567c644c1⋯.png (418.31 KB,634x476,317:238,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddac633f7c626ca⋯.png (468.36 KB,634x577,634:577,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden makes surprise visit to Beau's widow and Hunter's ex Hallie just a week before she is set to testify in the president's son's federal gun trial


President Joe Biden stopped to see Hallie Biden, the widow of the late Beau Biden and son Hunter's ex, on his way back to Washington D.C. on Sunday night, just a week before she is scheduled to testify in his son's trial.

Biden spent about 15 minutes at her home in Wilmington, Delaware. His motorcade stopped there in route to the Delaware National Guard Station, where Biden would lift off on Marine One to return to the White House.

The White House didn't say why Biden made the stop. His grandchildren, Natalie and Little Hunter, live with their mother. Additionally, May 30th marks the anniversary of Beau Biden's death from cancer.

In addition to Hallie Biden, Hunter's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle and his ex-girlfriend Zoe Kestan will also testify in the trial, where Hunter faces three charges related to illegal possession of a gun. If convicted, he faces up to 25 years in prison. He has pleaded not guilty.

The trial is scheduled to begin in Wilmington, Delaware, on June 3rd.

Special counsel David Weiss alleges that Hunter Biden unlawfully purchased and kept a Colt Cobra 388PL revolver in October 2018 and made false statements on a form used for gun purchases, claiming he was not an unlawful drug user.

None of the women were named in the court papers but they do state that 'Witness 1 was previously married to the defendant' and that 'she would check his vehicle from time to time because she did not want their children in a vehicle with drugs.'

Hunter and Kathleen separated in October 2015, five months after Beau Biden's death.

Witness 3, according to the filings 'was in a romantic relationship with the defendant in October 2018, and before and after.'

And it also references Witness 2, a woman who 'was previously in a romantic relationship' with Hunter and 'observed the defendant using crack cocaine frequently—every 20 minutes except when he slept.'

Hallie and Hunter dated in 2017, two years after Beau Biden died of brain cancer. Hunter has said the relationship developed out of their shared grief over Beau.

In May 2019, Hunter wed South African filmmaker Melissa Cohen. Their son Beau was born in March 2020.

Witness 1 is alleged to be Buhle, 2 to be Hallie Biden and 3 to be Kestan. It's unclear if Hunter will take the stand in his own defense.

It's expected the trial will last up to nine days.

Hunter Biden has acknowledged an addiction to crack cocaine during the period in which he purchased the gun but his lawyers have said he didn't break the law and the case is politically motivated.

But prosecutors won a victory on a key point as U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika found that they wouldn't have to prove that he specifically used drugs on the day of the purchase. Judge Noreika, however, agreed to a defense push to keep out other details about his past, including a child-support case in Arkansas and his dismissal from the Navy after a positive drug test.

Also next month, Hunter Biden could go to trial on the opposite coast for the case involving tax evasion. That trial is scheduled to start June 20.

He's accused of failing to pay at least $1.4 million in taxes over four years while living an 'extravagant lifestyle' during a period in which he has acknowledged struggling with addiction. The back taxes have since been paid.

If convicted in the case, Biden faces a maximum of 17 years in prison.

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19cd3c No.20923718


Virtue signaling Filter queens are an easy filter

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d2f78f No.20923719



vaxxed were injected with implant from another species which leads to demonic possession

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663f26 No.20923720


i was just thinkin that when i rolled over your reply


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411078 No.20923721


demons are not animals but spirits.

easy filter

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c958de No.20923722

File: ed40311705bd60c⋯.jpeg (30.32 KB,460x288,115:72,3693B61E_BB7A_40DA_9AF7_8….jpeg)


Burnin’ a hole in dhere pocket

Smart criminals would have spread out those transactions

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ee3ef5 No.20923723


Witness tampering?

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cf23e1 No.20923724

File: eddd0ff2f781087⋯.jpg (120.06 KB,720x718,360:359,20240527_120207.jpg)

File: 9b00e9086187c2b⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,drefanzor_memes_20240527_3….mp4)


When it's June 1st and your kid comes home looking like this:

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e40299 No.20923725

File: b947a6bb3d79f27⋯.png (159.39 KB,740x1080,37:54,ClipboardImage.png)

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f45188 No.20923726

File: dc532f3132e2a58⋯.png (199.61 KB,354x728,177:364,20240527_120417.png)


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b351e0 No.20923727

File: afbb5c2e28acd43⋯.png (977.09 KB,503x840,503:840,pg.PNG)

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2bdd9b No.20923728


Germany's Scholz, France's Macron urge reform on "mortal" Europe

May 27th, 13:04:01

BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and France's President Emmanuel Macron warned in a joint opinion piece for the Financial Times that the European Union had to make dramatic efforts to improve its competitiveness or risk seeing its way of living undermined.

Among the reforms needed were further efforts to decarbonize the economy, while leaving the precise means of doing so up to member states, they wrote, in what seemed to be a boost for the French nuclear power industry.

The leaders also urged European Union member states to complete the single financial market by introducing common insolvency, tax and investment frameworks.

"We can't take for granted the foundations on which we have built our European way of living and our role in the world," they wrote in the article, due to appear in Tuesday's edition of the newspaper.


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d2f78f No.20923729



archive.org is under a ddos attack

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1d473d No.20923730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


notice how little response you get, everyone here saving the world by voting for Trump. kek

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f3467f No.20923732

File: 3630571662f6c2f⋯.jpg (675.92 KB,1778x1514,889:757,WithGodAllThings.jpg)

File: 280b5e27f1aa003⋯.jpg (432.96 KB,2225x1080,445:216,SymbolBB.JPG)

File: 59a64aa8aed4a1e⋯.png (154.55 KB,441x586,441:586,IMG_6072.png)

File: 0edd117029dd5f2⋯.jpeg (211.03 KB,1200x950,24:19,IMG_6064.jpeg)


>Do anons believe in Miracles/Majek?


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9c8366 No.20923733





>nb4 having to read your mind

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b351e0 No.20923734

File: 0688e8e25179ecc⋯.png (759.84 KB,1167x672,389:224,how.PNG)



Podcast – How the Internet of Nano-Things Will Enhance Our Bodies

By: Caio Castro

Can you imagine your body’s cells connected to the internet? What about not only measuring your health but literally taking control of it? In this episode of Tech 2030, a 6GWorld podcast, the host Renuka Racha and Professor Josep Jornet from the Northeastern University talk about the Internet of Nano-Things, sensing, and how connectivity will enhance our lives at the cellular level.

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f192d8 No.20923735

File: 38e5d5f93884e93⋯.png (446.28 KB,405x609,135:203,ClipboardImage.png)


wasn't me yo

keks in strange

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adb77f No.20923736

File: faf02848450e485⋯.mp4 (10.78 MB,640x360,16:9,OsE1kNPUc9tY9xjZ_mp4.mp4)


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de5bcd No.20923737


and fucking up the barge.

The US government is the US State Department and doesn't obey WE THE PEOPLE anymore.

I really don't know what the fuck to do about it. Perhaps a BASE needs to be over-run by INVADERS BIDEN INVITED BY POURING SUGAR ON THE GROUND.

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4a2e47 No.20923738


"Don't mention how we had to sacrifice our first born to get in the club."

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7cf38f No.20923739


Injecting with insect DNA and then let them eat bugs would quite humorous for cannibals'

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c836fd No.20923740


opines anglo-irish mongrel

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1d473d No.20923741


quick poll: How many of you GM purveyors got the vax?

seriously interested

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c3e6ea No.20923742

File: 0f7f13a78d5e3c7⋯.png (1.07 MB,714x567,34:27,IMG_0091.png)

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1588d6 No.20923743


you know theres a thing called delta sleep?

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8b2b45 No.20923745

File: 483ae2bbf762a0e⋯.png (222.13 KB,680x425,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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de5bcd No.20923746

Turning Edwards AFB into a CARTEL CHAZ ZONE….. it could happen on Biden's watch.

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172de9 No.20923748

File: f43ae61633e25c3⋯.png (4.55 MB,1897x1066,1897:1066,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a231019c69e34d4⋯.png (493.38 KB,607x572,607:572,ClipboardImage.png)


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f192d8 No.20923749


came up fine for me


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a0c44c No.20923751

Autismus 3:16

Maybe when the NSA saca el dedo and accidentally releases it all

Savior in a way….they are a combatant command nao #17?

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adb77f No.20923752

File: 9e87f381590b261⋯.png (845.71 KB,1440x912,30:19,Screenshot_2024_05_27_at_1….png)

Bill Walton died on Monday at the age of 71.

David Dow/NBAE via Getty Images


Bill Walton, the basketball Hall of Fame center who won a record 88 straight games at UCLA, won two NBA championships and later put the “color” in color commentator, died Monday following a prolonged battle with cancer, the National Basketball Association announced.

Walton was 71. He was surrounded by his family, according to the NBA.

“Bill Walton was truly one of a kind,” NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said in a statement. “As a Hall of Fame player, he redefined the center position. His unique all-around skills made him a dominant force at UCLA and led to an NBA regular-season and Finals MVP, two NBA championships and a spot on the NBA’s 50th and 75th Anniversary Teams.

“Bill then translated his infectious enthusiasm and love for the game to broadcasting, where he delivered insightful and colorful commentary which entertained generations of basketball fans.

“But what I will remember most about him was his zest for life. He was a regular presence at league events – always upbeat, smiling ear to ear and looking to share his wisdom and warmth. I treasured our close friendship, envied his boundless energy and admired the time he took with every person he encountered.”

Walton’s journey began at UCLA, where the 6-foot-11, red-headed center starred under legendary coach John Wooden and led the Bruins to national championships in 1972 and 1973, both in perfect 30-0 seasons. The team at one point won 88 straight games, a men’s record that still stands. Walton was also a three-time national college player of the year and three-time All American at UCLA.

The big man with the nifty hook shot was the #1 pick in the 1974 NBA Draft by the Portland Trail Blazers and led the team to its first and only NBA championship in 1977. He was named the NBA Finals Most Valuable Player in that playoffs, and the next season he was named the NBA’s regular season MVP.

However, his career was derailed due to a series of injuries. He left Portland to play for the San Diego/Los Angeles Clippers from 1979 to 1985 but never reached the heights of those earlier seasons and struggled through foot and knee injuries.


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fa2e79 No.20923755

File: 964fdaab7c95189⋯.mp4 (12.65 MB,640x360,16:9,OldGuard21gunvsFuneralSalu….mp4)

File: c20ef4d9afada0b⋯.png (227.76 KB,1258x630,629:315,gunsSalute.png)





Remember when the Old Guard had an Arlington Funeral Salute on Potato's "Inauguration" day?

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629c11 No.20923756





>Highest Ranking

Hardest Laughing


If only you knew, then you would know.

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c2216d No.20923758

File: 31418cc29c4d0e4⋯.jpg (82.53 KB,1024x702,512:351,Pepe_Apu_forklift.jpg)

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2f6229 No.20923762


pureblood here

never felt like saying gm til bitches started crying about it

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de5bcd No.20923764


The NSA isn't in the Constitution. They won't CLEAN themselves up.

The system is BROKEN and will never work.

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b351e0 No.20923766

File: a7254b0eb41a97d⋯.png (567.16 KB,767x495,767:495,ftn.PNG)


WATCH: This Clip of Biden Was So Bad, CBS’ Margaret Brennan Thought It was Fake

By Will TannerMay 27, 2024Updated:May 27, 2024

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9c8366 No.20923767




last dough comes up fine for me, this one does not

pass removed, confirmed

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c836fd No.20923768

File: 162cd7ecb2ff3e7⋯.gif (28.31 KB,368x200,46:25,brundle_fly.gif)

File: 552cc197c685ba6⋯.gif (551.05 KB,500x239,500:239,just_kidding_bill_now_put_….gif)

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434a11 No.20923773

File: 6781c5cb9800899⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,854x480,427:240,VxlSADImuOMcxMFm.mp4)

File: dcdf7f781d36fb4⋯.mp4 (4.44 MB,1280x720,16:9,JGI_J8yTWbSB9Abb.mp4)







Cornshucker flapping his lips in public always activates anon's almonds… >>20910907 pb


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0605bd No.20923774


my guess, NSA is now under the military

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9c8366 No.20923775


>delta sleep

Epsilon or death!

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adb77f No.20923776

File: a909bbe43652526⋯.mp4 (867.67 KB,720x720,1:1,AJwXGNOb7gBSEJWT_mp4.mp4)


Play like nobody is watching

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d94eef No.20923777

File: 17ee654f958cebb⋯.jpg (41.6 KB,335x436,335:436,17ee654f958cebb15350420538….jpg)

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a0c44c No.20923778


Bing Bing Bong Bong high speed low drag cadence


Bing Bing Bong potatato cadence

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f192d8 No.20923779



haven't had that prollem since beginnin of new admin, BO locked his dough all the time


was an automatic fill in and he didn't realize it


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1d473d No.20923780


any chance you slept with a vaxie?

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9c8366 No.20923781







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b6dd62 No.20923782

Psalm 30:5

Weeping may tarry for the night,

but joy comes with the morning.

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743fec No.20923783


Best way I've ever seen it described, kek

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c836fd No.20923784


Subverted by foreign powers and Traitors. Give them nothing.

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85eca4 No.20923785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2024 National Memorial Day Parade [OFFICIAL STREAM]

American Veterans Center


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f200ca No.20923786

File: 556ee0d4828d8df⋯.gif (299.46 KB,400x167,400:167,IMG_2483.gif)

File: b3065aa087f3ecf⋯.jpeg (711.88 KB,1668x652,417:163,IMG_2478.jpeg)

File: 20f7fcee88a49e8⋯.jpeg (161.06 KB,540x532,135:133,IMG_2479.jpeg)



Time MAGA To Come Out of the Shadows Edition

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cf23e1 No.20923787

File: ff28e7b1d8063c3⋯.jpg (120.48 KB,720x1028,180:257,20240527_121412.jpg)

File: 0445622e4981e6b⋯.mp4 (5.32 MB,480x852,40:71,I_Meme_Therefore_I_Am_2024….mp4)


Did anyone heard this whistleblower’s story about Bidens?

Is this lady credible, is she even still alive?

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a0c44c No.20923788



The Founders of this Feast

Well shit feast.

Do themselves in suicidal style and clean it for us setting up the return

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e40299 No.20923789


Based Granny

Wonder if she posts here.

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d73436 No.20923790

File: 31d1866923ef327⋯.jpg (662.97 KB,1079x1913,1079:1913,Screenshot_20240527_111619….jpg)

Sunnyside Hospital being decontaminated after radiation exposure


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c74beb No.20923791

File: 986e50e994d91ec⋯.jpg (5.92 KB,255x145,51:29,GodWins4.jpg)

All pbs

>>20923319, >>20923360 Q+ 12:12pm Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

New American Standard Bible, Luke 3:16

John responded to them all, saying, “As for me, I baptize you with water; but He is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to untie the straps of His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Water = Mercy

Fire = Strength

The Armor of God

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de5bcd No.20923792

File: 92ff99af7588d19⋯.png (42.26 KB,136x147,136:147,92ff99af7588d19e8d04c78b2a….png)

Biden had some EARLY business you say?

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8e7c80 No.20923793


GMO Mosquitoes

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adb77f No.20923794

File: 0cba0ad869e1e43⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB,640x360,16:9,qtrZeSYY_ywsYdEQ_mp4.mp4)

Joni Job


Hunter and Hallie Biden snickering… I mean grieving at Beau Biden's Memorial Service.

The Incest Family


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adb77f No.20923795


Checkem the Angel trips

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b351e0 No.20923796

File: 4020f088da321ab⋯.png (534.58 KB,1303x896,1303:896,bbv.PNG)


☣(SMHP) The Truth about BBC 322 - The News Benders (Documentary)

May 26, 2024

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c836fd No.20923797

File: 3b7474c1e1bffd6⋯.png (770.36 KB,720x705,48:47,ClipboardImage.png)


"Higher Loyalty" Comey

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de5bcd No.20923798

File: 95a5e2bb20c091b⋯.png (259.31 KB,718x480,359:240,ClipboardImage.png)

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f200ca No.20923800

File: 701eee927044777⋯.jpeg (279.31 KB,1654x489,1654:489,IMG_2487.jpeg)



thanks for the Reminder Edition


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2f6229 No.20923801

File: 75acbac94a76244⋯.jpeg (16.21 KB,255x254,255:254,pfizer.jpeg)

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98b571 No.20923802

File: 5af49da251e74c1⋯.jpg (88.95 KB,941x699,941:699,5af49da251e74c1702dde02858….jpg)


>GMO Mosquitoes

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7cf38f No.20923803

File: 3916e8243f9cc4e⋯.jpg (240.53 KB,1180x1024,295:256,YTVYVYVYYVL.jpg)

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c7241a No.20923804

File: 637a04d86ad03c3⋯.png (784.61 KB,739x939,739:939,ClipboardImage.png)

Kind of hard to ignore at this point…



Laura Loomer




Check this out!





have some major explaining to do.


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a0c44c No.20923805


It is a combatant command


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614ef6 No.20923806

Here's what will Happen

Child Rapists, Rapists, Murderers & Criminals will say they're ABC they get protections & rewards

Within a Matter of years, that criminal group will Have taken over control of the ABC club

The protections will still be in place

So we'll have a Criminal, Borderline Terrorist, Group with Protection from Critics and the power to jail anyone that opposes them

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783857 No.20923807

File: cda2c59eed96a1f⋯.jpg (234.86 KB,1595x785,319:157,OwlsPests.JPG)


Charlie is an eagle at heart

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8e7c80 No.20923808

File: bd1c031f5ffc0df⋯.jpeg (558.21 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GOhFFhBX0AAI1tL.jpeg)

File: c546af50e1954d2⋯.gif (793.02 KB,480x360,4:3,giphy_4_.gif)

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d2f78f No.20923809


cute panic vids you have there

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14879e No.20923810

File: 1656ccbf817f874⋯.jpg (194.72 KB,1842x1227,614:409,C_67_article_2070125_body_….jpg)

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c74beb No.20923811


Honor and Respect.

For God and Country, Amen.

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d94eef No.20923812

File: 62a4fbbc6055be4⋯.jpeg (97.53 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepeGN.jpeg)

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743fec No.20923813

File: 487cebda53b405f⋯.jpeg (82.99 KB,637x509,637:509,Notables.jpeg)



We shouldNote

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de5bcd No.20923815



When HSBC got diplomatic immunity Comey should have faced Capitol punishment for harming more than three people.

Anon proposes a LAW where if that bank can't balance their books, and it harms more than three people, they face capitol punishment.

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b351e0 No.20923816

File: 04654c2e32e771a⋯.png (495.89 KB,584x706,292:353,five.PNG)



Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



May 27, 2024, 7:12 AM


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c836fd No.20923817

File: 88dc70118743818⋯.png (64 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Bill was a deadhead

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ddec0a No.20923818


No, I'm summarizing why pushy evangelicals of any faith miss the fucking point. Make your culture awesome and people will adopt your values. Fuck off with the dogma.

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f200ca No.20923819

File: 5379922f9cf7537⋯.gif (99.75 KB,630x353,630:353,IMG_2491.gif)

File: 2aaec0e7dea31ed⋯.jpeg (138.61 KB,630x354,105:59,IMG_2490.jpeg)

File: 0beda5ad99c3e9d⋯.jpeg (38.84 KB,212x238,106:119,IMG_2489.jpeg)

File: 504554c40812f8c⋯.jpeg (240.36 KB,664x945,664:945,IMG_2488.jpeg)


It’s been habbening

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f200ca No.20923820



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614ef6 No.20923821

All a Criminal, Rapist, Child Molester, murderer has to say "I'm a ABC"

& they're in the club with protections & benefits

why would a Criminal not take advantage of this cloak of protection?

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b5c609 No.20923822

You got your finger on the button today Jim

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f3467f No.20923824

File: f0bb730af337626⋯.jpg (426.7 KB,1080x1322,540:661,BidenOrder.JPG)

File: a0895e3cf82eb74⋯.jpg (240.99 KB,1063x711,1063:711,BidenClearedHow.jpg)

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b5c609 No.20923825


The musics about to stop

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de3e52 No.20923826


Didn't Hallie throw Hunter's laptop into the pool after she found out Hunter was doing drugs with Natalie and boffing her?

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b351e0 No.20923827

File: b111c570a8a6fc1⋯.png (411 KB,590x657,590:657,ft.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸





Real America's Voice (RAV)



7:16 AM · May 27, 2024




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743fec No.20923828

File: 6e15faba90661fa⋯.png (709.91 KB,871x734,871:734,ClipboardImage.png)

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d94eef No.20923829

File: 215bd6edb74d68c⋯.png (1.74 MB,624x1395,208:465,215bd6edb74d68c33fb99bd884….png)

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c836fd No.20923831

File: ba180c2ba5e36a2⋯.png (45.53 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6dd62 No.20923832

File: f90e141f3f8da17⋯.png (2.11 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

So I was reading Job yesterday. God will allow Satan to Troll you to see where your heart is when everything is taken from you. Job was prob that goodie-2-shoes fag that had it easy his whole life, never took risks, but kept God close with him. So how could God know who Job is at his lowest?

So Satan comes along for the first time in that chapter and says to God something like: "Watch what he will do when he has nothing; he will spit in your face". So God tells Satan to Troll Job, just don't take his life. Long story short, Job passes God's test and God gives Job back 2x what he had before, and had the most beautiful daughters in the land.

The sharpest and most powerful weapons are forged in the most excruciating circumstances. Burned in Hell, beaten down and folded by the hammer and anvil, over and over and over again - the more often beaten and folded, the sharper the blade. Then finalized in the dousing / baptized in water. Then balanced and made usable with the Hilt / Handle of the blade.

So the same applies to God's sharpest Champions - the ones Forged in Fire.

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e8c4eb No.20923833


Crazy indeed

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2f4117 No.20923834

File: b70f5010b889a02⋯.jpg (50.64 KB,667x374,667:374,MongoPoster.jpg)

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614ef6 No.20923835

Within 5 Years, -ALL- Criminals will be "ABC"

This is what happens when Feeling are above the Law

Russia see's it coming & Banned it

Trudeau & Biden Want it to happen cause they're Communists

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e7aa4f No.20923836

File: e20cb3e4ddac59a⋯.png (32.62 KB,496x351,496:351,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad5cba No.20923837

Anyone's thoughts of the master from admiral byrd, as the chair serves the master

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18d7fb No.20923838

File: a6bfa096f1baa54⋯.jpg (9.39 KB,197x255,197:255,oldgloryeagle.jpg)

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de5bcd No.20923839

File: 27d1691f3f79ca9⋯.png (139.17 KB,829x841,829:841,ClipboardImage.png)


What's the fight or flight pheromone called?

Can civilians buy that shit in a spray Can?

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0605bd No.20923840


Best damn reporting on the planet.

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b351e0 No.20923841

File: ff946b7a53b7d66⋯.png (614.62 KB,504x593,504:593,ss.PNG)

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18d7fb No.20923842


We took the oath, didn't we?

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de3e52 No.20923843

File: 79cfeec54ad1acc⋯.png (82.6 KB,740x462,370:231,ClipboardImage.png)


I miss him.

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d2f78f No.20923844


very nice

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8e7c80 No.20923845

File: 4c722184ef5a167⋯.jpg (214.86 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_27_14_2….jpg)

File: 376579b83f4b488⋯.png (411 KB,640x1684,160:421,1158_1_.png)

File: ed28a9d15c9a5bc⋯.jpeg (85.57 KB,737x595,737:595,GOmOHnBWUAAeM4x.jpeg)

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73da00 No.20923846


President Trump, and whoever promotes this meme, needs better friends and advisors.

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85eca4 No.20923847

File: aa75ddb1143a3f8⋯.png (528.16 KB,1000x1200,5:6,WWN_min.png)

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c958de No.20923848

File: 82aa210e70971d3⋯.png (43.66 KB,657x651,219:217,55F37867_BF38_45AF_9A1B_61….png)


Potato does NOT have the highest Sec. Clearance.

Your meme is incorrect

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743fec No.20923849

File: 69b49e963e285b2⋯.png (503.96 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f49296972203db⋯.png (1.06 MB,734x871,734:871,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1e8f0ab23d0f91⋯.png (1.48 MB,977x655,977:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5e35dcb35743dd⋯.png (1.3 MB,980x653,980:653,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e7c80 No.20923850


it's a marathon not a race. conditions under yellow tornado warning. ideal conditions 17-18 degrees

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a0c44c No.20923851


That's why he took it in

Water damage

If she did it


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c836fd No.20923852


Millennial daughters of banksters who used their student loans to pay their lawyers…

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3be3ac No.20923853

Take time out today to remember that all wars are jew wars.

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f200ca No.20923854

File: 0c26ddab68b2732⋯.png (2.97 MB,2388x1668,199:139,IMG_2005.png)


On the way to finding a job…I got a Job experience.

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364d74 No.20923855


Canada #58 >>20923541

EU in serious danger – Macron

26 May, 2024

The bloc is living through a crisis of democracy and could end up “dying,” the French president warns

The EU is facing a record number of “external and internal enemies,” who pose an existential threat to the bloc, French President Emmanuel Macron has said, doubling down on a warning he’d given earlier, that “our Europe” could end up dying.

Macron made the remarks while speaking alongside Germany’s head of state, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on the first of his three-day state visit. The two attended the Festival of Democracy, held in Berlin’s government quarter, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the country’s constitution.

“I think that we are experiencing a moment in our Europe which is existential because I really believe that our Europe can die,” Macron stated, referring to a keynote speech he’d delivered in April.

The French president urged a vote for pro-EU forces in the upcoming European elections, warning the bloc has “never had so many enemies inside and outside” as it has now. The purported internal enemies are apparently European nationalists, with their rise raising questions about democracy itself, Macron asserted.

“There is a form of fascination with authoritarianism which is born in our own democracies … which also feeds nationalism and other extremes on our continent,” he claimed.

Macron painted a grim picture of “nationalists” entering government, alleging that they would have failed to tackle Covid-19 and shown “no capacity to respond to migration challenges,” climate change issues, and so on.

“We would have abandoned backing Ukraine against Russia, which all the nationalists in our countries support. And, therefore, history would have not been the same,” the president alleged.

“For all these reasons, it is important to vote in the Europeans,” he concluded.

The call was backed by Steinmeier, who said that the mere fact that Macron had shown up at the Festival of Democracy was somehow “a signal that we need an alliance of democrats in Europe.”


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2f4117 No.20923856

File: d75824d1773b9ac⋯.png (264.96 KB,442x456,221:228,ClipboardImage.png)


Inside the football

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f200ca No.20923857

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8edcca No.20923858

File: 6dd57d255f152f8⋯.png (63.8 KB,360x202,180:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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614ef6 No.20923859

File: 28b332728ede9cd⋯.png (861.38 KB,877x486,877:486,ClipboardImage.png)

Does it Help Pro-Hamas by Interrupting Memorial Day Parishioners?

Yes it does

Because "Death to America" is their real goal


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364d74 No.20923860

Canada #58 >>20923367

Judge Approves Class-Action Lawsuit Against American Airlines Over ESG Pension Investments

Authored by Matt McGregor via The Epoch Times Sunday, May 26, 2024

A district judge has granted a pilot’s request for a class-action lawsuit against American Airlines for allegedly investing pension funds into environmental, social, and governance (ESG) funds.

The case revolves around the allegation that American Airlines—headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas—violated its fiduciary obligation to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) “by investing millions of dollars of American Airlines employees’ retirement savings with investment managers and investment funds that pursue political agendas” through ESG initiatives.

“By pursuing ESG goals, Defendants gave Plan assets to fund managers, such as BlackRock, who allegedly ignored financial returns as the exclusive purpose and lowered the value of Plan participants’ investments,” the order states.

In addition to being disloyal to the employees, the plaintiff, Bryan Spence, argues that American Airlines’ investments were “imprudent because it is well known that ESG funds are associated with poor performance given the detrimental effects of such activism on stock prices.”

“To remedy these alleged ERISA violations, Plaintiff filed this lawsuit individually and on behalf of a proposed class of Plan participants and beneficiaries,” the order says. “ERISA authorized participants in a qualifying plan to bring an action on behalf of other participants to enforce the statute’s fiduciary obligations and remedial provisions, as well as recover all losses to a plan caused by a breach of a fiduciary duty.”

Texas District Judge Reed O’Conner—a George W. Bush appointee—writes in his order that the case is eligible for class action because of the similarities of ERISA violations.

“Even if the damages are diverse, finding in favor of Plaintiff on his ERISA claims would also resolve the ERISA claims of this class,” he writes.

The remedy for damages would be the same for all plaintiffs in the class-action lawsuit, he says.

‘Underperforms Financially’

According to the complaint, ESG funds are usually more expensive for pension enrollees than non-ESG funds.

They also “underperform financially,” and instead of maximizing “risk-adjusted financial returns” for enrollees, they “engage in shareholder activism to achieve ESG policy agendas.”

“Defendants have also selected and included as investment options funds that are managed by investment companies that pursue ESG policy agendas through proxy voting and shareholding activism,” the complaint says. “Many of these funds are not branded or marketed as ESG funds; however, the actions of their investment advisors and managers give rise to the same ERISA violations as those funds that do market themselves as ESG funds.”

The complaint states that Mr. Spence, an American Airlines pilot and Lt. Col. in the U.S. Air Force, “has suffered specific financial damages” as a result of American Airlines’ “unlawful conduct.”

The pension plan itself “has suffered millions of dollars in losses because of the Defendants’ fiduciary breaches and the Plan remains vulnerable to continuing harm.”

The complaint defines ESG as an investment strategy “aimed at influencing societal changes.”

“Generally, three criteria are used to evaluate companies for ESG investing,” the complaint says.

‘Aggressive Climate Goals’

Among the criteria are environmental commitments to reduce a company’s carbon footprint and a pledge to support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agendas.

“American Airlines is fully committed to ESG strategy as a company,” the complaint says. “According to its annual ESG Report, American Airlines views its ESG efforts as a ‘key part of American’s success,’ and ‘an important part of American’s long-term strategy,’' the complaint says. “It sets DEI goals and strives to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.”

On its ESG webpage, American Airlines declares its commitment to “aggressive climate goals.”

American Airlines states on its DEI webpage that it strives for diversity in hiring and that its employees “work to make American a place where people of all generations, races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, gender identity, disabilities, religious affiliations and backgrounds feel welcome and valued.”

The Human Rights Campaign awarded American Airlines a “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality” in 2021, according to the webpage.

The Epoch Times contacted American Airlines for comment.



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8e7c80 No.20923861

File: fcd4ff4f398d9fa⋯.jpg (124.61 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_27_14_3….jpg)

File: e97e8f8e94b0316⋯.png (76.28 KB,640x612,160:153,12_26_.png)

File: 376579b83f4b488⋯.png (411 KB,640x1684,160:421,1158_1_.png)

video length 2:18

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629c11 No.20923862


One raises another, then returns the favor…

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ddec0a No.20923864

File: 37145c62f3a92de⋯.png (306.24 KB,679x864,679:864,ClipboardImage.png)


>What's the fight or flight pheromone called?

>Can civilians buy that shit in a spray Can?

The real musk is natural only, but you could try this.

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b5c609 No.20923865

File: 8c10ca8a9f0eedd⋯.jpeg (52.11 KB,640x427,640:427,IMG_1407.jpeg)

You all need to come to grips with the fact that these people loosh all your ideas and don’t work not a second out of the day. They just torment people. Billionaires

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b351e0 No.20923866

File: 178ffe169e138ec⋯.png (592.65 KB,456x578,228:289,now.PNG)

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8edcca No.20923867

File: 7ac0f6435fb503e⋯.gif (3.9 MB,360x202,180:101,8rs5bu.gif)

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18d7fb No.20923868

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8e7c80 No.20923869

File: c5f078005cf7d49⋯.jpg (176.81 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_27_14_3….jpg)

File: b0525506a5e491e⋯.png (135.65 KB,640x1650,64:165,1139_3_.png)

File: aa9a08bd28b7e3e⋯.png (340.13 KB,640x2754,320:1377,1241_1_.png)

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d94eef No.20923870

File: df259acf9b5dc0d⋯.webm (394.21 KB,427x240,427:240,another_one.webm)

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202468 No.20923871

File: fbf8b20f33750f8⋯.png (727 KB,1012x567,1012:567,fbf8b20f33750f8f52cc5bbff5….png)

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663f26 No.20923872

File: 232aa583bef1534⋯.png (194.11 KB,720x711,80:79,ClipboardImage.png)

i filtered your meme into gimp


o7 anon

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2f4117 No.20923873

File: 00b13c56775f938⋯.png (343.05 KB,646x457,646:457,ClipboardImage.png)

Make the Call

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f9ec51 No.20923874

File: a87629bacfe8134⋯.png (344.49 KB,519x540,173:180,ClipboardImage.png)

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de3e52 No.20923875

File: b50942e0696ff40⋯.png (36.49 KB,474x308,237:154,ClipboardImage.png)


Forced conscription will fix that shit.

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2f6229 No.20923876

File: 3b398c23fced945⋯.png (576.9 KB,710x648,355:324,3b398c23fced9457c5bcbefdd6….png)

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b5c609 No.20923877


Who are the silent thieves? Who do you trust?

Not even in control of their trusts…all that money they claim they work so hard for..LIES. They’re broke morally and in the grand scheme of things broke in every regard. 24/7/365 profiting off of torturing someone. Gang stalking. Filling in tv analysts and radio analysts of your precise location and thoughts. These people are sick.

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629c11 No.20923878


>Inside the football

Seems harmless compared to North Korea baggage.

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b351e0 No.20923879

File: 685e0063badfb4c⋯.png (1.91 MB,1469x913,1469:913,oke.PNG)


Babylon Bee BREAKS the internet with viral "Woke Jesus" video


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0de2f1 No.20923880

File: 8a822019f1580d5⋯.png (1.82 MB,1366x1094,683:547,A90148F2_9F02_462B_AFB3_15….png)

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663f26 No.20923881


kekkity kek kek


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8e7c80 No.20923882

Question Of The Day

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0de2f1 No.20923883

File: bfdb4243cc324db⋯.jpeg (534.83 KB,971x784,971:784,IMG_1209.jpeg)

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b5c609 No.20923884


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768755 No.20923885


…That still looks too complicated.

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8e7c80 No.20923886

File: 13df3c4a2af4222⋯.jpg (174.3 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_27_14_3….jpg)

File: 659a2893ec57041⋯.png (490.8 KB,640x3130,64:313,1236.png)

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663f26 No.20923887


soory, no working phone!

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18d7fb No.20923888


That's a good actor!

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614ef6 No.20923889

Dear Mr. Sky

Leaving, Is Exactly what Trudeau wants you to do


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2f4117 No.20923890

File: 8972a2879164970⋯.png (23.29 KB,344x415,344:415,ClipboardImage.png)


NK Astronauts

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b5c609 No.20923891

I can’t work because of neck pain I suffered on the end of torture. I can’t sleep at night because I’m constantly woken up by the hour every hour. Guaranteed woken up during witching hour. They’re trying to kill me…no one does anything.

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d2f78f No.20923892




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614ef6 No.20923893


Biden Falls asleep = Zero MSM Coverage

Trump "Falls Asleep" = Wall to wall 24/7

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411078 No.20923894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Death Don't have no Mercy

Grateful Dead

don't know if Bill was at this show . . .

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1c7b8d No.20923896


welcome to the party pal

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6161b3 No.20923897

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patrick K O’Donnell On Why He Started Writing About America’s Greatest HeroesHe’s a war Historian and has written 14 books on our soldiers, wars and gives great detail.Most recent best seller is “The Unvanquished” it took him 7 years to complete the book. All personal stories of those involved

Six segments this is the first. Fascinating. Memorial Day Special.



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c74beb No.20923898

>>20923865 100% correct.

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0de2f1 No.20923899

File: 6c46b3a29f2e685⋯.jpeg (545.1 KB,972x777,324:259,IMG_1212.jpeg)

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629c11 No.20923900

File: b0e1f61d0d58420⋯.jpg (52.83 KB,500x375,4:3,the_mask.jpg)

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1c7b8d No.20923901

where are all the individual post counts

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8edcca No.20923902

File: cda29f4dd50d348⋯.png (259.48 KB,500x775,20:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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743fec No.20923903

File: fbb887517f71898⋯.png (1.64 MB,1058x1200,529:600,Proper_Trips.png)


proper trips

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d4d0b2 No.20923904

What’s the proof corona virus exists?

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9c8366 No.20923905


>We took the oath, didn't we?



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b5c609 No.20923906

They’re not even agents by law. Operators never divulge. They surround themselves with agents, and exploit their resources. They have done every CIA torture experiment on me. Subtweet me, dress like me, and manipulate people into believing they like me or they’re good people or Biden is actually the President or person in power. She will kill herself. Can’t wait. For all the times you told me too.

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629c11 No.20923907

File: 9e68b7de96ce028⋯.jpg (69.17 KB,912x548,228:137,86978526_206770253.jpg)

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fb05f2 No.20923908

File: 89ed3c1a4da0717⋯.jpeg (60.08 KB,569x381,569:381,IMG_1014.jpeg)

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d2f78f No.20923909

do anons know by chance how many people on earth are c19 unvaxxed?

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2f4117 No.20923910

File: 704e0ce304473e4⋯.png (827.27 KB,1080x1086,180:181,EatingBugs.png)


Trust the Science

I do

Such little Faith

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b351e0 No.20923911

File: 40ef6c88ec25556⋯.png (293.23 KB,611x490,611:490,pad.PNG)

File: 74f49d34a6c3fd8⋯.png (508.16 KB,497x441,71:63,dr.PNG)


Historic Vids


The Oprah Winfrey Show encourages shoulder pads for a better figure

7:20 AM · May 27, 2024




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e4d760 No.20923912

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17c696 No.20923913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


AI News: Google’s Hilariously Bad AI FAILURE?!

0:15 Google's AI Search FAIL

3:43 OpenAI Not Focused on Safety

8:20 OpenAI & Scarlett Johansson Controversy

11:14 OpenAI Partners With News Corp

12:47 OpenAI Working With Apple?

13:38 Microsoft Build Announcements

14:51 Microsoft Copilot+ PCs

16:30 Microsoft Recall

19:37 Microsoft Paint AI Upgrade

20:03 Microsoft Edge Translation and Dub

20:47 Microsoft AI Copy and Paste

21:08 Microsoft Copilot for Teams

21:51 Microsoft Phi-3 Multimodal Model

22:33 GitHub Copilot Gets Extensions

23:26 Meta Chameleon Multimodal Model

24:03 Meta AI Advisory Team

24:37 Leonardo AI Overhaul and Consistent Characters

26:33 MidJourney's New "Rooms" Feature

27:01 Adobe Firefly Comes To Lightroom


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fb05f2 No.20923914

File: b68698b875c1558⋯.jpeg (222.26 KB,750x568,375:284,IMG_1012.jpeg)

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1c7b8d No.20923915

File: bb5f8eb6c65a267⋯.jpg (93.5 KB,1440x983,1440:983,Screenshot_20240527_134513….jpg)



would a Q delta drop be suffice

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b5c609 No.20923916


Anons don’t, they do. So they’ll torture you from staying on the outside of the flock. They can’t heard you. So they kill you. Out in the open, publicly for everyone to see. As if people will follow the stars.

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7cf38f No.20923917


Most in Africa are not c19 vaxxed.

And nothing happened there

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85eca4 No.20923918

File: 113ade160940343⋯.jpg (33.86 KB,713x401,713:401,pepe_movie.jpg)

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e40299 No.20923919


There is no Jewish race either.

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0de2f1 No.20923920

File: 16dee0b645ab91d⋯.jpg (243.73 KB,957x1073,33:37,IMG_1065.jpg)

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629c11 No.20923921

File: acf09e53b66402a⋯.png (850.97 KB,574x804,287:402,funportraits2.png)

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b5c609 No.20923922

Where’s your whore mother at? I caught you. We caught them all. I survived and I will continue to survive. You look like an ant eater.

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9c8366 No.20923923

















#25662 >>20923466

>>20923481 @DJT Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

>>20923517 Q 1513, 313 >>20923524 QA1212 >>20923546 Q haberman

>>20923517, >>20923494 New Dan MP4 T1:04 @1:05 Est ( :01 )

>>20923506 You know it’s bad when the Illegal aliens are also concerned about America’s open borders.

>>20923511 Concerning Meme of Truth? AI-gen

>>20923516 Impact Covid Vax MP4

>>20923522 Dr Peter McCullough on vaccines and autism.

>>20923572 RCH4609 C17 Globey arrived at Caen from its JBA

>>20923579 We got Libertarian Meme #Clown

>>20923585 MEMORIAL DAY: Delivering The Truth with General Mike Flynn

>OLD Baker Notes

>>20923481, >>20923517, >>20923524, >>20923546 Anons dig Q+ 12:12 (John 15:13)

>>20923494, >>20923504, >>20923534, >>20923568, >>20923505 DanS 1:05pm (Arlington vid 1:04)

>>20923496 Biden's surprise night visit to Hunter's ex days before she testifies in his gun trial

>>20923486, >>20923516 Andrew Bridgen, an MP in England, "said this [COVID] is probably bigger than the Holocaust"

>NEW Baker Continues

>>20923618 Just recovered US-made M112 explosive charges in a @UNRWA School in Jabalia, Gaza.

>>20923626 Reminder we have Talking Points OP: Focus24 24/05/25


>>20923644 Covid Memes

>>20923648 Anon speculates HRC is not with us anymore

>>20923650 Anon Points Out: PDJT & Joe #ArligntonDelta

>>20923671 Joe and Hunter Biden used a visit to Sandy Hook memorial service to set up secret meet with Chinese?

>>20923695 Sleepy Joe nods off at Arlington MP4

>>20923729 archive.org is under a ddos attack

>>20923773 Cornshucker flapping his lips in public #JamesCommie

>>20923787 Anon wants to know, has anyone heard this whistleblower’s story about Bidens?

>>20923816 @DanScavino RIP SHINZO


>>20923860 Judge Approves Class-Action Lawsuit Against American Airlines Over ESG Pension Investments Canada #58



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de5bcd No.20923924


What's the fight or flight pheromone called?

Can civilians buy that shit in a spray Can?>>20923864

it's not the thing I speak of..

this is more of a CHEMICAL WEAPON used on the public


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2f4117 No.20923925


The protected class

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76fa54 No.20923926


you serve in other ways.

you dont need to go die for the corrupt DC rich mans club, opium, oil, arabs or jews.

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0de2f1 No.20923927


They’re all in Europe now.

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ddec0a No.20923928


something a democrat with a small d would do.

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2f4117 No.20923929

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743fec No.20923930

File: e2eb593ef3a9829⋯.png (489.39 KB,797x561,797:561,ClipboardImage.png)



>would a Q delta drop be suffice

What's the delta from?

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b5c609 No.20923931

“Just fucking work hard” get off my dick, that big ass scnozole needs more work. All the cocks you’ve taken couldn’t be counted with 100 hands.

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d2f78f No.20923933


ty, but it should be:

>>20923696, >>20923836 archive.org is under a ddos attack

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c958de No.20923934


>>20923704 Ukraine AF UNKN1119 A319 Zelensky left Madrid NE after baggin’ a promise for another billion in weapons and cash

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1f788b No.20923935


458/$10 million

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0de2f1 No.20923936

File: a7fba0e8a263fa2⋯.png (1.26 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Kamala_Harris_AI.PNG)

File: 5467d56f764f2be⋯.png (1.18 MB,626x1898,313:949,IMG_1039.PNG)

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861da4 No.20923937

File: 7ae5c2c7cdb6a17⋯.png (779.79 KB,940x562,470:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31a1fb0db746655⋯.png (265.06 KB,940x562,470:281,ClipboardImage.png)

Sun is always happening even when it's just fusing nuclei and maintaining the most complex magneto-optical information processing system in light years.

Is the sun conscious?

If it wasn't, would we be?

And when it comes to that, and it does come to that, no single human being can develop language, no single human being can feed, clothe or defend him or herself from a hostile environment and no single human being can copy or reproduce themselves.

Which then is the animal? The individual? Or the social organism created by many individuals to share tasks, to acquire and analyze sensory data organize and store new, objectively true knowledge, which shapes collective belief and our common future?

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e7c5f4 No.20923938

File: 62878b6652a19c9⋯.png (627.1 KB,490x640,49:64,ComeyCliff.PNG)

File: c9179a24d42ab79⋯.jpg (546.3 KB,1707x1080,569:360,AirQubana.JPG)

File: 77823fa588e7136⋯.jpg (576.87 KB,2027x1080,2027:1080,EasyWayOut.JPG)

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b5c609 No.20923939

She’s glitching out , Q.

Release it all.

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6161b3 No.20923940

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20922809, >>20923217 evidence Q+ is legal Commander In ChiefPN

More proof, why does il Trumpo seem to get a lot of posts and videos before others?


il Donaldo Trumpo



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adb77f No.20923941

File: 1cd716722902447⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB,1056x626,528:313,zEYk5lM_IXD1TKYh_mp4.mp4)



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9c8366 No.20923942



main is good enough me feels, if anons are confused then will add addition supplemental information

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b351e0 No.20923943

File: 0cb4a225c0de608⋯.png (432.74 KB,594x594,1:1,so.PNG)


Lara Logan


This is so obvious it is laughable.

Make no mistake: veterans & active duty, especially in Spec Ops, know exactly what this means.

NEW Info About the Chechen Illegal Who Was Shot While Possibly Surveilling Special Ops Soldier's NC Home – RedState

From redstate.com

7:48 AM · May 27, 2024




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e4d760 No.20923944

File: 705b614ce853a3a⋯.jpg (231.24 KB,1540x460,77:23,media_GOmqKqWXMAApk9a.jpg)

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b5c609 No.20923945

They’re so fucking cringe. You should hear them for yourselves. Absolutely fucking cringe.

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d2f78f No.20923946


not entirely true


or let's say how many people do anons estimate are c19 unvaxxed (in percentage)?

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9c8366 No.20923947

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b5c609 No.20923948

Take a picture of another bag, whore.

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6161b3 No.20923949


Remember the night il Trumpo posted “Hold On I’m Coming” song on twitter before the first rally PDJT played that song? I do!

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fb05f2 No.20923950

File: ec761f8012caef8⋯.jpeg (71.33 KB,640x422,320:211,IMG_0979.jpeg)


Shut up, bitch.

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3fe2a2 No.20923951

File: 3d7a885e29e1970⋯.mp4 (4.46 MB,1080x1080,1:1,trans_airlines.mp4)


If they make it home.

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1c7b8d No.20923952

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629c11 No.20923953


>Where’s your whore mother at? I caught you. We caught them all. I survived and I will continue to survive. You look like an ant eater.

Are you fucking serious? If so just think about all this again, might just backfire at yourself?

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a0c44c No.20923954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In the pipe


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85eca4 No.20923955

File: 0e1ec5a29c70414⋯.png (215.93 KB,768x768,1:1,pepe_flag.png)

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d2f78f No.20923956


huh? i just notabled it, the main post is from this anon >>20923696

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2f4117 No.20923957

File: c4e54f7c2bdaa5b⋯.jpg (97.42 KB,926x499,926:499,GFY.jpg)

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9ca826 No.20923958

File: f425d261eff952c⋯.jpg (752.84 KB,1079x1441,1079:1441,Screenshot_20240312_104842.jpg)

File: f2c824f16746ec3⋯.jpg (683.43 KB,1079x819,83:63,Screenshot_20240312_104850.jpg)

memorial day in 2024

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663f26 No.20923959

File: 656e259c18f7fb0⋯.png (162.9 KB,611x608,611:608,ClipboardImage.png)


mongo, like me, wouldn't last five shitposts on any platform except onE. and only if mongo pays the tax to andrew is mongo's shitposting allowed.

cheers ol boy

you are not alone


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6190e5 No.20923960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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adb77f No.20923961



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861da4 No.20923962

File: 52ca02eecedcee8⋯.png (330.58 KB,795x480,53:32,d8561ec87f93ff8a0b17dc38fc….png)


behold 'em.

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17c696 No.20923963

File: b67636c988c8fa3⋯.jpg (172.59 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1711059494996789.jpg)

>>20923913 OpenAI Not Focused on Safety, Partners With News Corp, Working with Apple? + Meta forms advisory board


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7dbc1e No.20923964

File: 569b65e54ebf118⋯.jpeg (293.86 KB,837x1238,837:1238,IMG_1353.jpeg)

File: bc14aee3346b9ae⋯.png (223.97 KB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_1347.png)

File: fb685711d652951⋯.png (194.22 KB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_1348.png)

File: 866c361dedfcbca⋯.png (1.89 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_1349.png)

File: f29acaaf2ca65a1⋯.jpeg (467.26 KB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_1350.jpeg)

Willie Vesta? Anyone? Not returning in a search of ANC app.

The other easily readable one, John Franklin Davis, was listed in app.

Searched for other "Vesta" family members with no return.

Willie Vesta / Wavellites

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b5c609 No.20923965

Do everyone a favor and throw another hissy fit you fucking creep pedophile peeping Tom high priestess fucking robot beef flaps sex kitten rapist pedophile sodomite whore human trafficker black mailer

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adb77f No.20923966


What ever became of this Jew? is he a Five Star General now?

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8e7c80 No.20923967

File: 3e5fb6fb1c90ae4⋯.mp4 (69.23 KB,144x144,1:1,images_7_.mp4)

File: 956ec4fa7263fc7⋯.mp4 (84.9 KB,216x144,3:2,images_6_.mp4)

File: 754d36e7f295944⋯.gif (582.41 KB,160x160,1:1,giphy_5_.gif)


muh left nut

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14879e No.20923968

File: 6a5caeaee60e80b⋯.mp4 (12.51 MB,320x180,16:9,destruction_of_the_old_gua….mp4)

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cf23e1 No.20923969

File: faf46529937d225⋯.mp4 (9.32 MB,480x852,40:71,Mittens_20240527_5_new.mp4)


God bless the retards, and God bless America!

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411078 No.20923970


an unelected dictator has the West as his vassals.


what does Ukraine hold over the heads of all those other countries ruling elites?

what kind of blackmail, what kind of unholy information.

they have the excuse to say 'he's a dictator, he wasn't elected, his reign is illegitimate' but instead they hand him more money so that him and his 'frens' and keep their cocaine holiday on the beach at the mansion or the yachut lifestyle going.

meanwhile his relatives run for congress in the US and don't fight the Russians, but demand that everyone else keep giving more , more, more.

what do they have, what blackmail, what unholy information?

was it from the Epstein and Maxwell honey paugts? do they still use that for blackmail?

am I missing something?

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e40299 No.20923971


Moses was the adopted son of one of Pharaoh's daughters.

Did the Egyptians teach Moses how to write?

Who wrote down the stories from Adam to Noah?

From Noah to Abraham? From Abraham to Moses?

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c958de No.20923972

File: 91f93623ccb7898⋯.jpeg (756.46 KB,1202x610,601:305,3DB6FB7C_244B_4851_B88C_4….jpeg)


Ukraine AF UNKN1119 A319Zelenskyheading for Brussels from Madrid Intl depart

All (most) of the EU Foreign Ministers in Brussels nso so this will be muh “unannounced visit”

2 Belgian AF F-16s up from Kiene Brogel AB

Czech AF CEF05C A319FM Jan Lipavskywent to Brussels from Prague

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c7241a No.20923973





Finally, we are getting some clarity about the violent US/Egyptian/Qatari objection to the IDF operations in Rafah. Following the release of my exclusive report (seen below) today, a few things have become patently clear:

1.There are multiple active tunnels from Gaza to Egypt. Some of them are large enough for a vehicle to drive through.

2.The pattern of life in the tunnels indicates that they were in constant use until just before the IDF offensive in #Rafah began.

3.The tunnels were used to infiltrate/exfiltrate HAMAS and Egyptian intelligence operators, deliver supplies and weapons, and keep the Israeli hostages hidden - including American citizens who


has done nothing to help extract all while the US has continued to supply Egypt with weapons and explosives.

4.On the Egyptian side, the tunnels were operated and controlled by Egyptian intelligence.

5.The US has known about these tunnels for years and what was being transferred through them.



likely played an active role in facilitating the tunnel activity through their Egyptian and Qatari counterparts.

There needs to be an immediate Congressional investigation into the Biden administration’s funding of HAMAS attacks on


via military aid and funding to Egypt, as well as the involvement by the US








you might want to get on this ASAP.










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3fe2a2 No.20923974

File: 79f749ffa3df698⋯.png (1.74 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f33a1109fa2f88⋯.png (493.5 KB,637x475,637:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7b2d4 No.20923975


Why and what was up during the lockdowns?

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265a45 No.20923976

File: e4a6334b2ca5a5a⋯.png (252.67 KB,1307x677,1307:677,Pepe_Fren_Cheers.png)

File: 00ed80cb9d543d6⋯.png (335.23 KB,714x500,357:250,Pepe_fren_shift.png)







Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his frens.

John 15:13

I love you, frens. You're going to be very happy in the near future as my other frens and I bring some info to the forefront. We laid down our lives for you all, and we would do it again, if ever called.

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6190e5 No.20923977

File: 2111c4eab36fe8e⋯.png (456.57 KB,469x551,469:551,Screen_Shot_2021_02_04_at_….png)

For the anon has what the anon needs when the anon needs.

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7dbc1e No.20923978

File: d11cec16c3b5b2d⋯.jpeg (2.01 MB,2079x1025,2079:1025,IMG_1354.jpeg)

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85eca4 No.20923979

File: ab68bd1c396899c⋯.png (522.76 KB,800x435,160:87,treason_intensifies.png)

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b5c609 No.20923980


Backfire? Backfire? Huh huh huh huh ooo oo oo ooo ooo shut the fuck up creep pedophile high priestess peeping Tom ugly cunt any eater looking thot can’t wait til you kill yourself bc you can’t and wouldn’t last a day in prison do us all a favor Kim Jung Un you can’t compose yourself you’re a fucking weirdo and you’re awkward and you’re embarrassed yourself you will absolutely 110% kill yourself and we can’t wait

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cf23e1 No.20923981



Special needs rock band performs Proud to be an American

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17c696 No.20923982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Microsoft's AI-Powered CoPilot+ PCs Are Spyware

Mental Outlaw


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31c755 No.20923983

File: ab1b4a9f0019490⋯.jpg (100.81 KB,385x472,385:472,2008_05_28_10_51_IMG_9460.JPG)

trotsky died lik a corndog

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2f4117 No.20923984

File: bf72f97a21f4317⋯.jpg (59 KB,905x744,905:744,Boob.jpg)

File: aa275baaeb24c54⋯.png (4.45 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)


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de5bcd No.20923985

File: 2beaa653cb776b9⋯.png (116.3 KB,987x649,987:649,ClipboardImage.png)



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e4d760 No.20923986

File: 1776e59fb7125d1⋯.png (245.9 KB,617x471,617:471,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



Homeowner finds still-warm 'meteorite' after suspected space rock lands metres from his back garden - and he thinks it's from Halley's Comet


May 27, 2024 · 4:41 PM UTC


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411078 No.20923987


my guess? he's got a tranny face.

probably that.

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b351e0 No.20923988

File: f0ce3da2e272aa9⋯.png (327.18 KB,661x816,661:816,slit.PNG)

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f9ec51 No.20923989

File: 92a3fb9874070fa⋯.png (338.13 KB,590x350,59:35,3f4cdd18c63aec54fbaac8eac3….png)

File: dc08b432d091e9e⋯.png (100.44 KB,342x190,9:5,251e860bff8d811f2dad61c468….png)

File: 380e286d78c381a⋯.png (378.4 KB,370x460,37:46,ClipboardImage.png)

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14879e No.20923990

File: 6b5e0a142386fd7⋯.gif (2.17 MB,480x248,60:31,6b5e0a142386fd7a085fb7e433….gif)

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629c11 No.20923991


>something a democrat with a small d would do.


>Play Doe

Please be patient, these memes are too early, I am still poor.

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2f4117 No.20923992

File: df65f100686457f⋯.png (408.03 KB,1800x1103,1800:1103,ClipboardImage.png)



I have a few more if you need

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3be3ac No.20923993


University of Texas History Department Hires The West Point “Commie Cadet”


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8e7c80 No.20923994

File: 41e8679b7a594fe⋯.png (16.19 KB,255x255,1:1,f82dccae500fc5e2bba638bd97….png)

drive in movies Pembroke you stupid fucks drive in movies 1972

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7dbc1e No.20923995

File: 5d61375d5690f99⋯.jpeg (549.27 KB,751x1554,751:1554,IMG_1356.jpeg)

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768755 No.20923996


>he thinks it's from Halley's Comet

…Or any number of other comets. Smells like bullshit and comms.

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1c7b8d No.20923997


it takes a vet or cirrent SF member to google and "get it"

yeah seems laughable

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adb77f No.20923998

File: e209b6f8b740bf6⋯.jpg (80.42 KB,555x455,111:91,zionistgonnazion.jpg)

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e40299 No.20923999


They never thought she would lose.

They got sloppy.


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2f4117 No.20924000

File: 5469cfdfd1e7c3a⋯.png (755.75 KB,1024x768,4:3,It_s_hot.png)

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8e7c80 No.20924001

File: 41e8679b7a594fe⋯.png (16.19 KB,255x255,1:1,f82dccae500fc5e2bba638bd97….png)

File: e2dd62e7fa263ee⋯.jpeg (50.99 KB,680x340,2:1,GOldjYGXYAAjYk2.jpeg)

File: 4e8a18f7a0c356d⋯.jpeg (237.86 KB,1920x1440,4:3,GOlXvXwW0AA3bSH.jpeg)

File: f13b8094937cd6a⋯.jpeg (83.97 KB,936x648,13:9,GOlHxDSWkAAQqZY.jpeg)

File: 7f8c4fd821b82b6⋯.png (39.76 KB,772x703,772:703,7f8c4fd821b82b62a7bce8509e….png)

drive in movies Pembroke you stupid fucks drive in movies 1972 environment CANADA

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629c11 No.20924002

File: fdb84f28174d134⋯.png (2.36 MB,1006x1414,503:707,peanuts.png)


>In the pipe


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3a174c No.20924003

File: 9c33f3e8726b389⋯.png (439.65 KB,570x428,285:214,jytryttryre.PNG)

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663f26 No.20924004

File: 794a6bf985bb3bf⋯.png (242.81 KB,630x633,210:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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743fec No.20924005

File: ac30b64ccc1d5ba⋯.png (4.03 MB,1913x1084,1913:1084,ClipboardImage.png)

Fox News just announced this guy is retiring early due to a risk of a blood clot.

Then they proceeded to claim it's due to obesity but they did mention the vax & announced a study that was just completed.

1 Million people with the covid Vax

1 Million people without such

Results: those with the clot-shot were 70% more likely to get a blood clot.

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411078 No.20924006


Nikki Haley did do a spectacular crash and burn during the primary season, maybe she's somehow involved. But . . . no, it's not from Halley's comet. That isn't due back till 2061.

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7dbc1e No.20924007


Moses' mother was "found" to be his wet nurse.

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adb77f No.20924008



Thank You Anon


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de5bcd No.20924009


>get it



May 24 2024

The Dancing Israelis and the Jewish Control of US Critical Infrastructure

The deal is that the politician gets Jewish money and support and a guarantee of the simulation of personal prestige and a job. In return the Politician does what the Jews tell it to do. And the Jews want to control US electrical grid and water supply and transportation infrastructure this way guaranteeing their ability to shut off our power, poison our water and destroy our roads, railroads and bridges and ports and by doing so, strip the American people of their assets, homes and dignity …and

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c958de No.20924010

File: c938455b075231e⋯.jpeg (70.88 KB,416x620,104:155,B1D8DC92_ACDC_4377_B8AC_D….jpeg)


>thinks it’s from Halley’s Comet

Who dafuq writes this shit like that

Fuggen idiots

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6161b3 No.20924012

File: 756790952f7c468⋯.jpeg (72.59 KB,597x360,199:120,IMG_2426.jpeg)

Carville losing his mind again…Kek

James Carville tears into Democratic Party over messaging: 'Full of s—'

Hanna Panreck

Sun, May 26, 2024 at 4:00 PM EDT

2 min read


Democratic strategist James Carville tore into the Democratic Party on Saturday over their messaging on Gaza and student loan forgiveness.

"We keep wondering why these young people are not coming home to the Democrats," Carville said during his Politicon podcast. "Why are Blacks not coming home to the Democrats? Because Democrat messaging is full of s—, that’s why!"

Carville, who has repeatedly sounded the alarm on President Biden's re-election chances and the Democratic Party's losses among key voting blocs, also called out Democratic messaging on student loan forgiveness.

"Why are we forgiving student loans for people that go to Harvard?" Carville said, before referencing Scott Galloway. "Which, according to Scott Galloway, quite accurately, is nothing but a hedge fund that has classrooms, well, they got a $52 billion f-- surplus! Why are taxpayers going to bail these people out?!"

"Don’t talk about f-- Gaza and student loans!" Carville yelled.

The Democratic strategist cited Harvard/Harris polling that found the war in the Middle East ranked lower than economic issues for Americans.

Carville suggested the Democrats come out with a proposal to tax university endowments over $5 billion dollars and use the money to forgive student loans.

He said Monday during an appearance on MSNBC that the age issue was "suffocating" President Biden and told the president to stop griping about negative media coverage of the issue.

"I do think the president has to deal, the age issue is suffocating him.He needs to bring up that he is only four years older than Trump," Carville told MSNBC's Jen Psaki in response to a question about how Biden and former President Trump could possibly be tied in the polls.

Carville suggested Biden talk about his record and about how he plans to "change people’s lives" during the interview.

"It's pedestrian, but it's the stuff that wins elections," he said.

He has expressed concern over Biden replicating his 2020 coalition, citing major losses among young, Black male voters.

"I think President Biden could win the election, but I think in terms of identifying which party, in terms of building as you go forward, it —the male detachment in the United States is a significant problem,particularly among what we would call non-White males," he said during a media interview.


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411078 No.20924013


he was a prince of Egypt, what do you think?

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e40299 No.20924014


By June of 2016, I still really didn't know much about DJT. Just that he was rich, and had a reality TV show call The Apprentice, that I never watched. And also that he had interdasting and iconic hair.

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8dfd18 No.20924015

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411078 No.20924016


the white vs everyone else psyop:

easy filters are easy

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c74beb No.20924017


ThankQ, same here.

For God and Country, at all costs. Amen.

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116df9 No.20924018

File: 0948099ef6fb8dc⋯.gif (3.59 MB,333x250,333:250,0948099ef6fb8dcc010f4ad950….gif)

Anyone else ever get the feeling that there is only, and has only ever been, "now" and all your memories are somehow fake?

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1c7b8d No.20924019

File: dd247f100e66cf5⋯.jpg (225.45 KB,1499x974,1499:974,The_Waterboy_1999_kathy_ba….jpg)



fuckin guy is paid millions to play every down at an elite level

no longer a fan of foosball

but they are in shape

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768755 No.20924020

File: 9341e4b474d9c9f⋯.png (483.35 KB,633x475,633:475,breadonfire.png)

…Fuck it.

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6161b3 No.20924021


This reminds of Bill telling Hillary she should do more rallies in Red States where Trump was going.Her and her staff ignored Bill’s advice

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411078 No.20924022


no one else has ever had that feeling, and neither do you.

your post is fake.

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663f26 No.20924023


thank you and you are welcome


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c958de No.20924024

File: dbfb1c474668ae8⋯.gif (2.16 MB,500x211,500:211,AF8A6C4F_D9D4_4EF0_A9AB_F4….gif)



Yeah I get that and why Rummy used as he was a smarter criminal

Moar to point it out

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f8f13d No.20924025

File: 264b946fbda60ec⋯.png (229.73 KB,740x631,740:631,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 923cd44281dab3d⋯.png (73.02 KB,731x621,731:621,ClipboardImage.png)

Trust The "Science"…That Just Retracted 11,000 "Peer Reviewed" Papers

It's yet another reminder of why blindly 'trusting the science' may not always be the best go-to move in the future.

217 year old Wiley science publisher has reportedly "peer reviewed" more than 11,000 papers that were determined to be fake without ever noticing. The papers were referred to as "naked gobbledygook sandwiches", Australian blogger Jo Nova wrote on her blog last week.

"It’s not just a scam, it’s an industry," she said. "Who knew, academic journals were a $30 billion dollar industry?"


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6190e5 No.20924026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e4d760 No.20924027

File: e704277856c166e⋯.png (102.34 KB,619x437,619:437,Opera_Instant_nea_2024_05_….png)

File: 531c3edeea22a82⋯.png (217.32 KB,314x261,314:261,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



Homeowner finds still-warm 'meteorite' after suspected space rock lands metres from his back garden - and he thinks it's from Halley's Comet


May 27, 2024 · 4:41 PM UTC



The sky is falling.

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1588d6 No.20924028

anyone know of a day that is not symbolized and not attached to anything? is there such a day?

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fd69fd No.20924029


Why do you think they keep saying Trump will lock them up? He already has cuffed half off them. They're reading off scripts to save their lives.

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9ca826 No.20924030




Moses: Abolitionist and Human Trafficker

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1c7b8d No.20924031


i think the majority get it

the way she laid it out i thought maybe there was code in the numbers on the pole


mebbe im to quick to dig

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7f0af6 No.20924032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d57e93 No.20924033

File: 361726a6c55aab4⋯.png (225.87 KB,350x533,350:533,ClipboardImage.png)


Joe Biden is funding both sides of the war and enabling Iran to obtain a nuclear bomb.

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116df9 No.20924034

File: 9e82cef9ff8b7bc⋯.png (277.88 KB,798x698,399:349,wtfPepe.png)


>and neither do you.

Not currently. No.

But I did, it happens from time to time.

It's like stepping out of reality for a split second. It feels really weird.

I might be insane or something.

>your post is fake.

It's right there. It's as fake as yours.

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1c7b8d No.20924035


Haille biden comms

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8e7c80 No.20924036

File: 2ed0e12dc637796⋯.jpeg (68.43 KB,869x579,869:579,GONF1QiW4AAGveA.jpeg)

filter in use

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629c11 No.20924037

File: 63540e4958de7fd⋯.jpg (154.95 KB,1200x1423,1200:1423,87539887.jpg)

Between you and me.

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fd69fd No.20924038


Goes all the way back to Reagan.

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8e7c80 No.20924039

File: 8278d63416564bd⋯.jpg (211.59 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_27_15_0….jpg)

File: 1aef3cc01d7b97a⋯.jpeg (116.16 KB,910x694,455:347,GONF1QfWYAAtZqH.jpeg)

File: 94e4f4249c90ef2⋯.jpeg (90 KB,902x650,451:325,GONF1PpWMAAcv6D.jpeg)

File: c767e48c0bd678f⋯.jpeg (102.43 KB,900x600,3:2,GONF1QhWsAAjXze.jpeg)

File: 2ed0e12dc637796⋯.jpeg (68.43 KB,869x579,869:579,GONF1QiW4AAGveA.jpeg)

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3fe2a2 No.20924040

File: cbc6183b8248b1a⋯.png (1.1 MB,1000x710,100:71,ClipboardImage.png)


It will get worse, for those effected and those responsible.

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b351e0 No.20924041

File: 4dc0fb48a27272e⋯.png (322.95 KB,1050x605,210:121,tell.PNG)


Biden, at Memorial Day Wreath-Laying Ceremony

at Arlington National Cemetery, Tells

Gold Star Families About His Son’s Death

From Cancer (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Cristina Laila

Posted By: DW626, 5/27/2024 2:04:38 PM

Joe Biden on Monday morning delivered remarks at a Memorial Day Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. Earlier Monday morning Kamala Harris and Joe Biden participated in a wreath-laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Biden looked bored and distracted. He would rather be anywhere else. At one point Biden wiped his nose and put his head down while the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff welcomed Gold Star families As usual, Biden made his speech about himself. He told the Gold Star Families about his son Beau’s death. Beau Biden died of brain cancer at Walter Reed in Bethesda, Maryland in 2015, but Joe Biden usually suggests

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17736c No.20924042

Wait til the hydrangeas start blooming. They are going to be spectacular this year.

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e4d760 No.20924043

File: 010b93dbf031957⋯.png (123.82 KB,220x225,44:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8f13d No.20924044

Hobbs’ Veto of China’s Organ-Harvesting Bill Spurs Questions

The April 10 veto has proponents of the legislation and human rights activists scratching their heads. Over the last year, Texas, Utah, and Idaho have enacted similar legislation, and legislatures in Missouri, Ohio, and North Carolina are debating similar measures. The bipartisan bills would prevent health insurance plans from reimbursing individuals for any organ transplants in China or other U.S. adversaries. They also would bar insurance payments for post-operative procedures related to organ transplants if the organ came from China or any other nation that funds or engages in forced organ harvesting.

Idaho’s and Arizona’s versions also included language prohibiting medical reimbursement for DNA and other genetic sequencing procedures conducted on sequencing devices from China and other adversary countries.

For decades, China has harvested prisoners’ organs even though the government initially asserted that all of its organ extractions were from voluntary donors. Yet, as far back as 2005, the top transplant doctor in China, then serving as the nation’s vice minister of health, admitted that roughly 95% of all organ transplants come from prisoners killed for their body parts.

Despite an international outcry over this practice, China ramped up its organ harvesting trade over the last two decades to become a $1 billion-a-year industry, according to international human rights experts. A growing body of research has revealed a particularly reprehensible aspect of the life-ending extractions: Religious minorities and political dissidents are the primary victims, with an estimated 25,000 to 50,000 being killed for their organs each year.

Other research has shown that Chinese authorities have used DNA tests on prisoners in forced labor camps to identify which prisoners would be ideal for organ harvesting.

China has vehemently denied these findings, but in 2019, the China Tribunal, a non-governmental commission in the U.K., concluded otherwise. The Tribunal found that the Chinese organ trafficking industry is harvesting organs from executed prisoners at an industrial scale, actions that constitute crimes against humanity.

Katrina Lantos Swett, president of the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and co-chair of the annual International Religious Freedom Summit, hailed the passage of the state measures aimed at prohibiting any U.S. complicity in China’s organ-harvesting trade, calling the steps “greatly encouraging.”

“For years, we have known that China is engaged in the despicable and ghoulish practice of forced organ harvesting. We also know that the victims of this crime are most often religious minorities and political dissidents,” she said in a statement. “Sadly, the beneficiaries are usually wealthy patients who may not know the details of this illegal practice. Still, their ignorance does not excuse them from being complicit in this crime against humanity.

“I commend the states that are acting to cut off any healthcare funding for this barbaric practice,” she added. “The demand from wealthy westerners for healthy organs cannot justify, and must never encourage, the brutal harvesting of organs from helpless victims in China and elsewhere.”

In issuing her veto, Katie Hobbs provided a three-line explanation, arguing that the measure “includes overbroad provisions for genetic sequencing equipment that create compliance challenges for hospitals, healthcare providers, and researchers.”


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fd69fd No.20924045


Kek'd and then realised its all over because of AI

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c958de No.20924046

File: 388074561fb0c24⋯.jpeg (65.98 KB,640x640,1:1,8CDDCEBB_E03C_4BB0_BD1F_A….jpeg)


Iran had nukes in the 80s sold to them by Menachem Begin

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b6dd62 No.20924047

File: df78ce9ba3b17af⋯.png (266.23 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


When you're going through Hell, just keep going.

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85eca4 No.20924048

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg participated in the 2024 Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Sofia, Bulgaria on Monday (27 May 2024), focusing his remarks on preparations for the upcoming Washington Summit.


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6161b3 No.20924049

File: be5f6affd2eccb9⋯.jpeg (134.7 KB,1241x895,1241:895,IMG_2428.jpeg)

File: c76b20b272ba231⋯.jpeg (89.25 KB,1241x654,1241:654,IMG_2429.jpeg)

File: a02525527bd7caa⋯.jpeg (312.22 KB,1241x713,1241:713,IMG_2430.jpeg)

File: 5e1b70c254a4916⋯.png (1.66 MB,1242x2688,207:448,IMG_2427.png)

NewsUS News

ROCKET BLAST Moment North Korean spy satellite EXPLODES in mid-air in humiliating failed launch for Kim Jong-un’s space mission

Kim sent the first military reconnaissance satellite into orbit last November

Iona CleaveWill Stewart

Published: 13:44 ET, May 27 2024

A NORTH Korean rocket carrying its second spy satellite reportedly exploded midair today in a dramatic setback for Kim Jong-un.

Footage showed a red, orange and yellow fireball in the night sky soon after the launch that was strongly condemned by the pariah state's neighbours.

North Korea's official state news agency said it launched a spy satellite aboard a new rocket from its main space centre tonight.

But it added that the rocket blew up during a first-stage flight soon after liftoff due to a suspected engine problem.

Japanese TV broadcast apparent footage of a missile exploding showing a huge fiery ball lighting up the sky.

Earlier today, residents of the Japanese island of Okinawa were urged to take shelter inside buildings or underground premises as part of a missile alert.

The public alerts were withdrawn after it became clear the rocket would not fly over the islands.

North Korea had informed its neighbour of an imminent launch of a satellite rocket during a launch window from Monday through June 3.

There was a warning of caution in the waters between the Korean Peninsula and China and east of the main Philippine island of Luzon.

North Korea had been strongly urged to abandon the launch, which had been predicted by South Korea…


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fd69fd No.20924050


90's PlayStation commercial

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c46f5d No.20924051

She resuscitated the reformation.

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253aa0 No.20924052

Moses saw the back side of God when he was in the burning bush , which means he saw the beginning of man. God never moves backward always moving forward.>>20923971

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b351e0 No.20924053

File: 98581a048f5b859⋯.png (472.25 KB,608x847,608:847,muse.PNG)


Catturd ™








LAWFARE: While Trump and everyone working with him is gagged from publicly speaking about the witnesses in his trial, President Biden is allowed to personally visit the star witness against his son. What did he tell Hunter's ex-wife? Did he promise her anything? Threaten her?


7:54 AM · May 27, 2024




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261eb7 No.20924054

File: e035e12f80de629⋯.jpeg (70.32 KB,755x506,755:506,IMG_2154.jpeg)

Was this image in a Q post?

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c958de No.20924055

File: d0f69b60039fe66⋯.jpeg (1020.37 KB,1248x615,416:205,0EB99F8B_5CAD_4F16_8976_1….jpeg)


Zelensky on final for Brussels Intl for some pandering at the EU FM Meeting UKN1119 A319

Belgian AF FA77 with a pass behind UKN119 on final

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d7b881 No.20924056


>ever get the feeling

references past

>and has only ever been

another reference to the past


pick one

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411078 No.20924057


I said what I said to be funny.

yes, that has come up as a 'comic book' plot idea from time to time but I'm sure it's not the case.

also there is this idea of 'vu ja dai' which is 'that strange feeling that none of this has ever ever happened before'

as far as your post being fake, obviously it's a real post.

so that was my clue that I was making sport of your comment.

if it were the case that you could have a full new set of memories, why not a whole bunch of different sets of memories? and in fact isn't that what dreams are?

but the waking world is the hear and now, along with your memories. So just go with it.

if you're worried, keep notes. I find that over time memories morph.

also later in your life you start to recollect all kinds of curious incidents from your youth.

I realized a lot of things about my home town that it would have been nice to know when I was a boy.

winners were pre chosen, some kids had a go-to-the-head of the class card.

some kid were actually older than it was said, so that they could be at the top of the class.

there was a lot of favoritism, but not for me.

anyway, pray for all those people in your memories. that will ease your day!

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de5bcd No.20924058

File: b0cf196b839481a⋯.png (585.92 KB,733x615,733:615,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f4117 No.20924059

File: 38fe73ee045b5cb⋯.png (214.48 KB,681x525,227:175,ClipboardImage.png)

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cadfb6 No.20924060

File: cd3ce4edd63ab60⋯.jpg (278.28 KB,900x604,225:151,cd3ce4edd63ab60c0f073e2ef0….jpg)

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fd69fd No.20924061

File: a187dfc26e06fe4⋯.png (973.19 KB,870x499,870:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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d7b881 No.20924062

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6190e5 No.20924063

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Freedom_Flag_copy.png)

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cadfb6 No.20924064


found the libertarian!!

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261eb7 No.20924065

File: b4b0acdbdc89cb1⋯.jpeg (134.55 KB,846x451,846:451,IMG_2148.jpeg)

File: 1dc8463f1b8a603⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1279x1139,1279:1139,IMG_2149.jpeg)

PDJT and VPPence same scripture today

VPPence posted first 10:50am

PDJT 12:12


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411078 No.20924066


how about this headline:

man who thought he was too angry to die was already dead on the inside . . .

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1588d6 No.20924068

any non special day??

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8e7c80 No.20924069

File: 8e54cf0ffbe97d1⋯.jpg (216.62 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_27_15_1….jpg)

File: ffc146e3c3002cb⋯.png (411.29 KB,640x1008,40:63,1205_3_.png)

File: 8cf3579cc3f60b5⋯.jpeg (316.61 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GOmMxwTWkAAGv65.jpeg)

File: 8e6b5581fe433b8⋯.jpeg (300.03 KB,2048x1235,2048:1235,GOmMhSFWEAAn5c0.jpeg)


12:05 phonefagging the tail number is tiny.

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c74beb No.20924071


ThankQ for listening, we caught them all.

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f8f13d No.20924072

File: f71495da583bf88⋯.png (577.34 KB,840x488,105:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75dba7a13969f99⋯.png (102.61 KB,498x631,498:631,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9f79df233d77c6⋯.png (40.94 KB,740x329,740:329,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 394a0b50149b19d⋯.png (12.86 KB,717x108,239:36,ClipboardImage.png)

Global Outrage After Deadly Israeli Strike On Refugee Tent Camp In Rafah

There have been widespread reports of a civilian massacre following a Sunday Israeli air strike on a camp for displaced Palestinians in the besieged southern city of Rafah, which the Gaza Health Ministry says killed 45 people, including women and children.

Israel says it is investigating the strike, amid widespread international condemnation and as horrific videos of the attack aftermath circulate widely, with Israel’s top military prosecutor calling the attack "very grave".

Major-General Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi said in a briefing the Israeli army "regrets any harm to non-combatants during the war" and that "The details of the incident are still under an investigation, which we are committed to conducting to the fullest extent."

The targeted area of the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood had been a recognized UN-run "safe zone" which lies about 2km to the northwest of the Rafah city center.

Incredibly graphic and disturbing social media videos show people burning in tents and rescuers carrying mangled and burned children's bodies. According to an eyewitness description:

Mohammad al-Mughayyir, a senior official at the civil defense agency, told AFP that at least 40 Palestinians were killed and at least 65 wounded in the Israeli strikes.

"We saw charred bodies and dismembered limbs… We also saw cases of amputations, wounded children, women and the elderly," Mughayyir said. Eyewitnesses told Reuters that tents were "melting" after the bombardment, burning people alive.

The Israeli strikes followed a rare Hamas rocket launch on Tel Aviv earlier the same day, which included at least eight projectiles, most of which were intercepted.

An international humanitarian organization, ActionAid, said it was "outraged and heartbroken" that the strike hit a tent area to a UNRWQ warehouses stocking "vital aid."

"The images coming from our partners of burned bodies are a scar on the face of humanity and the global community, which so far has failed to protect the people of Gaza. One of our own ActionAid colleagues narrowly escaped this atrocity, having left the shelter just a day before the attack," ActionAid said.

A Hamas statement called it a "massacre" and said the group also holds the United States responsible as it supplies Israel's military with weaponry.


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cadfb6 No.20924073


yes, my soul was murdered when I was 6 and had to watch my oldest brother murder my father and 2nd brother in front of me. what's your point?

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9507b1 No.20924074

File: 8b6afc8c705080a⋯.png (11.88 KB,444x303,148:101,4950.png)



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b351e0 No.20924075

File: bc3462513d6eb42⋯.png (40.96 KB,600x507,200:169,p.PNG)




It's the same Palantir that drew up plans for the destruction of WikiLeaks back in 2010, in an excruciatingly undergraduate slide deck "The WikiLeaks Threat" 3/4

From businessinsider.com

11:32 PM · May 24, 2024




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8e7c80 No.20924076

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e4d760 No.20924077

File: 283d23874d14be9⋯.png (51.28 KB,152x177,152:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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261eb7 No.20924078

File: 8e784c438130567⋯.jpeg (309.31 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_2155.jpeg)


Libertarians are groomer pedos! Fake MAGA

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58f22b No.20924079

File: 497b5d0d552bdab⋯.jpg (150.92 KB,556x299,556:299,thank.jpg)

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c958de No.20924080

File: 01bb88e7b75700c⋯.jpeg (110.14 KB,780x557,780:557,895ECE73_B6B2_4F05_B782_5….jpeg)

>>20923704, >>20923972, >>20924055 PF: Zelensky left Madrid w/$1B from Spain-went to Brussels for moar-2 F15s covered arrival At Brussels

Baker..All nice and neat titled and bunned


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d2f78f No.20924081



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411078 No.20924082


not to be assaulted by your emotional dump truck.

what do you expect someone to say to you when you dump that on them?

if all that happened to you why do you use it as a cuddgle to cause a negative reaction?

other people have bad stuff that happens to them and they don't just blurt it out to strangers as emotional black mail.

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6161b3 No.20924084

File: 4554bf7d42ad488⋯.jpeg (45 KB,581x400,581:400,IMG_2431.jpeg)

Ukrainian strike on Russian nuclear radar system causes alarm in WestSTUPID

James Kilner

Sun, May 26, 2024 at 12:38 PM EDT

A Ukrainian drone strike on a Russian radar station that can track nuclear missiles has sparked alarm in the West.

Kyiv hit the Armavir radar station in the Krasnodar border region on May 23, damaging the state-of-the-art facility, which provides conventional air-defence as well as forming part of Moscow’s nuclear warning system.

Ukrainian officials confirmed on Saturday that their forces had carried out the strike, saying the facility monitors airspace over the country and occupied Crimea.

The radar station has reportedly been able to track long-range Atacms missiles, delivered by the US to Ukraine earlier this year.

Mauro Gilli, a senior researcher at the Centre for Security Studies at ETH Zurich, said the drone strike had been a tactical success because it will force Russia to redeploy air defence systems and it also put down a marker that no Russian military site was untouchable.

“We can debate the effectiveness and merit but strategically there is logic,” he said.

Other Western analysts, though, were more hesitant and said that Ukraine should avoid striking Russia’s nuclear infrastructure.

••“Not a wise decision on the part of Ukraine,” said Hans Kristensen, a nuclear arsenal expert at the Federation of American Scientists==. “Bombers and military sites in general are different because they’re used to attack Ukraine.”

Thord Are Iversen, aNorwegian military analyst, said striking a part of Russia’s nuclear-warning system was “not a particularly good idea… especially in times of tension.”

“It’s in everyone’s best interest that Russia’s ballistic missile warning system works well,” he said.

One of Russia’s most modern radar systems, the Kremlin has deployed 10 Voronezh class installations along the Russian border. Each has a range of around 4,000 miles and can track 500 objects simultaneously.

Russia has yet to comment on the alleged attack, but it fits a pattern of intensified Ukrainian drone strikes this year on targets deep inside Russia, including oil refineries and transport hubs.

The strike came shortly after Moscow began tactical nuclear missile exercises in its Southern Military District.

Olaf Scholz has pointedly refused to deliver Germany’s long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine, saying he fears potential nuclear escalation.

The US has so far not relented to Ukrainian requests that it be allowed to use Western weapons in cross-border strikes.

Frustrated Ukrainian military commanders said they had to watch as Russia built up forces across the border in a de facto harbour area that they were not allowed to strike.

Since then, Russian forces have captured several villages and pounded Kharkiv with missiles fired from launch sites and warplanes inside Russia.

Britain has already given permission to Ukraine to use its missiles to strike Russia and now pressure is building on the White House to follow.

Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, is reportedly in favour of the change and this weekend Jens Stoltenberg, the Nato Secretary General, told the Economist that it was time to “lift some of the restrictions”.

Ukraine and its Nato allies still need to be cautious, said Fabian Hoffmann, a missile technology doctoral research fellow at the University of Oslo, because some US officials and some of Ukraine’s European allies will view the radar strike as reckless.

“I have some concerns about how politically wise this decision was, as it may have negative repercussions for Ukraine down the road in terms of targeting restrictions,” he said.


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b6dd62 No.20924085


>Do anons believe in Miracles?

I've personally witnessed and experienced the kinds of Miracles spoken about in the Bible. All you have to do is Seek, and work on ceasing your Wicked ways (porn, masturbation, prostitutes, drugs, cigs, alcohol, junk-food, etc).

2 Chronicles 15:2

The Lord is with you while you are with Him.

If you seek Him, He will be found by you

but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.

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0e87bd No.20924086

File: 1a00f51f36b355e⋯.png (48.38 KB,328x248,41:31,IMG_4855.png)


> Libertarians

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c958de No.20924087


Fixed F15 to F16

>>20923704, >>20923972, >>20924055 PF: Zelensky left Madrid w/$1B from Spain-went to Brussels for moar-2 F16s covered arrival At Brussels

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1588d6 No.20924088


because noone ever listens to the ones that has been through the ringer.

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17c696 No.20924089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Wire GRINTSUM: Spies, Helicopters, and Taiwan

May 25, 2024

00:00 - Northeast Region

01:38 - Southeast Region

09:56 - Western Region

12:05 - Western Europe

14:34 - Iranian Helicopter Crash

19:18 - Far East/Taiwan

34:30 - GhostNet Reports

36:56 - Closing Thoughts


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629c11 No.20924090

File: d1b0e1927d9a4d7⋯.jpg (76.62 KB,498x669,166:223,G_luck.jpg)


>Yep, Boob

Now one for the word Coup or Cop.

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41c71b No.20924091

File: 5dd190484581fdb⋯.jpg (77.91 KB,1200x800,3:2,Difference_Between_Crack_a….jpg)

Hallie Biden's Comment

>guy holdin up a rock

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411078 No.20924092


the way we respond to that is also very important. We recognize that it's the effect of The Lord and give copious Thanksgiving!

Praise the Lord!

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3fe2a2 No.20924093

File: f794ffe640c44a3⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,640x332,160:83,Chris_Miller_Thanks_VP_Pen….mp4)

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116df9 No.20924094


>references past

>pick one

-> >>20924034


>there is this idea of 'vu ja dai'

Never heard of that. Will look into it. Maybe that's what I'm experiencing.

>but I'm sure it's not the case.

I'm not fully convinced yet. But as you said better to:

>just go with it.

I wasn't trying to claim some bs


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9507b1 No.20924095



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8e7c80 No.20924096

File: 11fcc94027d8a90⋯.png (547.09 KB,640x3562,320:1781,151_3_.png)

File: a00cc46c9d43664⋯.png (1007.37 KB,640x1900,32:95,1500_1_.png)


thank you

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7f0af6 No.20924097

File: 1d4a6628b4f4fe4⋯.png (672.35 KB,750x770,75:77,ClipboardImage.png)


It is far, far better to sue them into suicide than it is to be charged with murder

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c46f5d No.20924098



She don’t want this.

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9cadc1 No.20924099


The cannas are kind of slow right now.

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b6dd62 No.20924100


Yes. Gratitude / Praise is the most important part. Not just with God, but in general too.

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629c11 No.20924101


>90's PlayStation commercial

2 players with very different scores, but let just say 1-0 for the easy gamers.

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b351e0 No.20924103

File: 448667d1052cb4f⋯.png (1.25 MB,1136x788,284:197,da.PNG)


This QAnon Candidate Could Cost Trump a Key Swing State


Trump loves this gubernatorial candidate, despite the liability he poses from his well-documented history of bonkers comments. “It’s not great,” a Trumpworld source fretted.

Jake Lahut

Jake Lahut

Politics Reporter

Published May 27, 2024 4:30AM EDT

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d2f78f No.20924105


no sauce, not notable

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411078 No.20924106


'vu ja dai'

it's a joke.

Dai ja vu is that sense that soemthing has already happened, you've already been through the situation.

Vu ja dai reverses the words and it's a way to react to someone who talks about Dai ja vu, because , to make an ironic note, we have all experienced people talking about that and unless they are an intimate friend, and your at the summer place at the end of the day, in an intimate situation, it's tiring to hear neophytes discussing it so they say 'Vu jai dai' as a way to defuse the person and hopefully get them to lighten up and just be-there-now (live in the time you are in.).

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d3cdbe No.20924107

So there is a car looked like a ford focus or other it is black. The guy got out with blue shit and black shorts. He was there to cause barking of a dog that continues to go on. They do this when ever I take a shower… again they like to do this. I looked out my window a guy with a shaved head local… about 6 ft blue shirt and black shorts. Black smaller car…

They blm antifa do this every money same house…

It continues to go on

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63fcf6 No.20924108


Q we know. Anon we know.

WTF is QAnon?

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cadfb6 No.20924109


i expect them to say sorry and learn to watch what they say. a lot of us here are going through similar hells, and that's just here. go read the reddit PTSD forum and see what some of the soldiers, first responders, and innocent civies say on there. half cooked babies from a house fire. children raped with torched butter knives. yall mother fuckers that never went through that shit need to learn some respect.

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c74beb No.20924110


There is a Storm looming right now in NY. I can hear the Thunder rumbling forth. Let God's Kingdom come. We will never forget.

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6161b3 No.20924111


Kiev is accelerating their own demise!

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de5bcd No.20924112


QAnon is a fucking POISON and I been saying it over and over and thirty fucking Q Trolls will follow this post spewing all manner of snake hissing and foul mouthery.

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411078 No.20924113


they probably see you there and think you're doing something like what you think that they are doing . . .

go say Hi.

ask them to donate to your cause, but make it a good one.

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6fa23c No.20924114


Imagine the outrage if President Trump had visited Stormy right before she testified on the stand.

Americans have a completely corrupt justice system. The Legislative branch is passing laws that regular citizens are subject too, but they themselves are not. That's what passes for a representative government in America.

The Executive branch and the military are led by a man, who's own son's nickname for is "PedoPete", who never won the election in the first place. There's a four year invasion that been happening and despite spending trillions of dollars on the Armed Forces, and somehow misplacing trillions more, no one seems to be able to do anything to close the border.

Joe's puppet presidency is fully committed to supporting Hamas and ensuring Iran ends up with billions of dollars to support and fund terrorism and eventually get a nuclear weapon. It's been a week or two since the US taxpayer has been forced to send billions more to Ukraine, so you can expect that to happen sooner rather than later.

Happy Memorial Day? Are you fucking kidding me?

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9507b1 No.20924115


Add the link to post please.

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cf513b No.20924116


They do this when ever I use the bathroom period… so it is coordinated with the people watching me some how with cameras in my building that this is going on…

So this is mob as far as what is going on completely leaking my location not just that I am home but that I am getting ready for work…

They call this coffee… house over site committee covefef

Because this is coordinated this is harassing someone at there residence and is consider a hate crime.

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b6dd62 No.20924117


Why did your Older Bro let you live? The other 2 and your father were bullying him?

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8e7c80 No.20924118

Gold Mastiff

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e4d760 No.20924119

File: 428ded53986c96b⋯.png (114.37 KB,546x566,273:283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 372fbff6cc4a5c1⋯.png (150.45 KB,567x588,27:28,ClipboardImage.png)


S p r i n t e r F a c t o r y



Geometric Clouds in Arizona

May 27, 2024 · 7:01 PM UTC>>20924027



>The sky is falling.

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b5c609 No.20924120

I told you about yourself. You know exactly what you have done. Stop deflecting pizza queen. Fucking creep.

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411078 No.20924121


you expect too much then, anon.

strangers should not have to deal with your emotional blackmail.

you aren't being fair to them.

just because you had a ration of very bad stuff happen to you doesn't give you a blank-check to go and emotionally terrorize people with your needs and wants and desires.

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b351e0 No.20924122

File: 539c744b18a662f⋯.png (730.02 KB,589x772,589:772,r.PNG)


Truth Details


Kash Patel


🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 why we are free 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

May 27, 2024, 8:26 AM

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629c11 No.20924123


>it's a joke.

Kill the fire within yourself, that be a good start.

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8e7c80 No.20924124

head of the game warning

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c958de No.20924125

File: eee90d43121607d⋯.jpeg (564.2 KB,1243x576,1243:576,B0A01E17_A1D7_4291_B572_F….jpeg)

SAM937 G5 WN from JBA

73-1676 E4B Nightwatch Robbins AFB to Offutt AFB

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de5bcd No.20924126


>representative government

you mis-spelled J O N E S P L A N T A T I O N

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db8ea5 No.20924127


I believe they had a guy with a blue shirt and black shorts like I dress every morning. This how they try to make people crazy. The guy was a local guy shaved head… I think they tried to make it even look like someone I know but it was not them they where too small.

They do this with actors… they get paid it is called the game…

This is part of the gang stalking and human trafficking group that goes on…

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c836fd No.20924128

File: 7cf7d5718b4f650⋯.png (349.36 KB,516x500,129:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8f13d No.20924129

File: 36a643e6dd7491b⋯.png (274.92 KB,503x453,503:453,ClipboardImage.png)

Democrat Congressman Rips The ICC Over Israeli Arrest Warrants

Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) slammed the International Criminal Court during an interview over the weekend over the arrest warrant applications that they filed for Israeli leaders last week.

The ICC filed for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for what they claimed were war crimes in Israel’s war against the Hamas terrorist organization.

Moskowitz made the remarks during a Sunday interview on “Fox News Sunday” with host Shannon Bream when asked about the development from last week.

“When [Syrian dictator] Assad killed 300,000 civilians using chemical weapons if you recall, which was a red line for this country, did the ICC go after Assad? No, they didn’t because they said Syria was not a party to the ICC,” he said. “People have asked them to look at the human rights violations in China, have they gone after China? No, the ICC has specifically said China is not a party to the ICC.”

“But is Israel a party to the ICC? They are not, and yet they are now going after Israel,” he continued. “This is totally political. The ICC is irrelevant. They have no jurisdiction. We might as well call them the Harry Potter Ministry of Magic. They’re irrelevant because Israel is not a party to their treaty.”


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8e7c80 No.20924131

fucking bush league tornado

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9507b1 No.20924132

It's OK for PFs to forgo links tho right, Bakes? Double-standard…?

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411078 No.20924133


what fire is that?

ego death doesn't help, anon.

as soon as you kill your ego another one pops right up.

you kind of need it to function in this life.

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41c71b No.20924134

anon has heard 2 idjits refer to Qanon irl

anon played dumb n won oscars

two idjits had no further info other than the word, Qanon

i take it back

one said they were white supremacists out to make Trump look bad

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c958de No.20924135

File: 793526602365121⋯.jpeg (48.56 KB,700x394,350:197,7130907B_1660_49BF_B634_7….jpeg)



Z still gettin’ paid

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5d7214 No.20924136


This would be visible from orbit.

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8e7c80 No.20924137

blizzard durachio

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cadfb6 No.20924138


no, unfortunately my brother had been battling mental health issues for many years and back in the 60s and 70s nobody knew what to do about PTSD and trauma. his brain failed to recognize our father that sat next to him so my brother got triggered/scared, grabbed a gun, and pulled the trigger. it was 100% innocent and nobody is to blame except for my father himself for leaving the gun out that was used to kill him. I still love all my family. my oldest brother is now going to school to become a psychologist and he's doing extremely well in his schoolings.

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721845 No.20924139


The police have already been to the house they would not come to the door is what I was told for some reason by the officer. They said they don’t understand why…

So I believe the gang stalkers and mob do this because of trying to act like someone is crazy… this how they get water… just as they said watch the water they get paid to do this…

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861da4 No.20924140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9507b1 No.20924141


You don't put the link it can't be notable. Baker is double-standard baking.

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fd69fd No.20924142


>“When [Syrian dictator] Assad killed 300,000 civilians using chemical weapons if you recall, which was a red line for this country, did the ICC go after Assad?

No, because we all know it never happened.

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c46f5d No.20924143

Nobody wanted the game until pain.

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364d74 No.20924144


Do you have any idea how many times the "heartstrings" tactic has been pulled here?

Some of us don't need PTSD forums, we know what today is and we've seen some shit in our time

Here you come trying to guilt trip anons, get sympathy?

Not gonna happen.

I don't buy your story

Take your bullshit back to reddit

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411078 No.20924145


Did they also issue them for the Hamas terrorists?

they should have done that back in October.

the ICC seems illegitimate.

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8e7c80 No.20924146

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9e0163 No.20924147


I am constantly told they are blm and antifa and they want to extort me though my phones auto correct… and so on because they believe in doing mk ultra and human trafficking

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f8f13d No.20924148


They issued warrants for the Hamas leaders and Israeli

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e7c5f4 No.20924149

File: 39df90399992de9⋯.jpg (159.98 KB,953x762,953:762,NewsomRocky.jpg)

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411078 No.20924150


I didn't even mention that often when one tries that kind of emotional blackmail the person that tehy pull it on has stories of their own that they don't share because they don't want to echo the bad and hurt and sorrow.

it's as if they think that they don't have to care about others because someone was once a beast in their sight.

I agree with you: he ought to go elsewhere with his sorrow.

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fdda7f No.20924151


We love our heroes.

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cadfb6 No.20924152


lifes not fair. too fucking bad.

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851c69 No.20924153

>>20922872 (pb)

Anin says


You are not alone.

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08e976 No.20924154


>why we are free

we are free because the masters allowed us to be free so they can eat us and our children. Not to mention freedom is an illusion. Don't pay our property taxes and see if they take your home.

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b351e0 No.20924155

File: d0e62c1af845cb0⋯.png (13.07 KB,593x203,593:203,ia.PNG)


Internet Archive


Sorry to say, http://archive.org is under a ddos attack. The data is not affected, but most services are unavailable.

We are working on it. This thread will have updates.

4:40 AM · May 27, 2024




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c74beb No.20924156



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9507b1 No.20924157


Probably not Bakes tho, he doesn't like u.s. military posts

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364d74 No.20924158


Twirling the vpn and doing yet more schizo shit today?

Got bored with your shit last night

Find yourself a better hobby

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c958de No.20924159


Barking up wrong tree on that

That worn out

Try again

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6190e5 No.20924160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Part 1:9



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c74beb No.20924161


>Nobody wanted the game until pain.

23 and the Armor of God.

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6161b3 No.20924162

File: dfb8d6f79e9cf2a⋯.jpeg (47.52 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_2432.jpeg)

27 May, 2024 17:14

EU state’s FM claims Ukrainian men fear ‘certain death’

Hungary’s Peter Szijjarto has told reporters that Kiev’s main problem isn’t lack of weapons but shortage of manpower

Ukrainian men are running for their lives trying to escape their home country

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto claimed during a press conference on Monday. The official’s comments came following a meeting with EU counterparts that focused on military aid to Kiev.

In a statement aired by the M1 TV channel, he explained that Hungary, which has vetoed sending EU funds to Ukraine, remains opposed to providing more weapons and money to the war-torn country.

The minister pointed out that Ukraine’s main issue on the battlefield is not a lack of Western weapons, as Kiev has often suggested, but a lack of manpower.

“We see how Ukrainians want to escape from Ukraine, we see that they do not want to go to the front and face certain death,” Szijjarto said.

He went on to tell reporters that amid Kiev’s lack of success on the battlefield, a number ofEU members are now proposing “increasingly crazier ideas,” such assending their troops to Ukraine, or using Western weapons against targets in Russia.

Szijjarto warned that such proposals could have very dangerous and tragic consequences, stressing that Budapest vehemently opposes them, particularly ideas regarding mandatory conscription and the deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine.

“We understand exactly what this proposal refers to(…) Ukrainian casualties are becoming more and more unbearable, men are not being allowed out of Ukraine, and now they want to conscript European youth into the war,” he said, noting that young people from Central Europe, including Hungarians, would likely be the first to be sent to the front line, due to their geographic proximity.

“We do not want to see Hungarian people on the front lineof the Ukrainian-Russian war, and we do not want Hungarian youth to be taken to Ukraine, because this is not our war, we have nothing to do with this war,” the minister stressed.

Earlier this month, Deputy Prime Minister of Hungary Zsolt Semjen announced thatBudapest would not extradite back to Ukraineany refugees eligible for military service and “will not allow them to be sent to their deaths.”

“The Ukrainians want them to be handed over to be sent to the war, to the front line, where people are being killed. For that reason,those who fled to us from Ukraine are all safe, and we will not extradite them,” Semjen said.


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9507b1 No.20924163


Wut tree would that be?

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08e976 No.20924164


So much pandering.

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411078 No.20924165


why did it take them 7 months to issue them to Hamas?

as much as I dislike Bibu's government, I think that ICC is illegitimate.

What Hamas did shouild have been addressed months ago.

lumping it all together taints it. Hamas was clearly out of bounds in October.

Bibi is doing what he thinks he needs to do.

as much as I don't like it I don't have all the information he has.

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b6dd62 No.20924166


What a story. You're literally the Forged in Fire character I was talking about earlier. We got many of them here though I believe.

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c836fd No.20924167

File: 15bb419e82087fd⋯.png (409.32 KB,817x333,817:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8f13d No.20924168

Egyptian soldier killed in fire exchange with Israeli forces near Rafah crossing

Egypt confirms death and says it is investigating the incident on the border with Gaza

An Egyptian soldier was killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli forces at the Rafah crossing on Egypt's border with the Gaza Strip on Monday.

Kan public broadcast said no Israeli soldiers were hurt in the incident which left one Egyptian killed and others wounded.

The Israeli military said: "A few hours ago there was a shooting incident on the Egyptian border, the [incident] is under investigation, dialogue is taking place with the Egyptian side."

Egypt's military confirmed one person was killed and said it is investigating the shooting.

Daily News Egypt, an independent English-language Egyptian newspaper, cited unnamed sources as saying Egyptian soldiers were "affected" by the Rafah massacre on Sunday, in which an Israeli bombing led to the killing of 45 Palestinians at a displacement camp.


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85eca4 No.20924169


How The Shift is an Allegory of Job

by Angel Studios | December 1, 2023

WARNING! This blog contains major spoilers for The Shift, showing in theaters starting December 1. For the best movie-watching experience, bookmark this blog and come back once you’ve seen the film.


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12bbd2 No.20924170


they are deleting something

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68e4a1 No.20924171


Some bakers are gatekeepers, we just workaround that.

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b351e0 No.20924172

File: ac0b1af01b00683⋯.png (561.59 KB,611x769,611:769,un.PNG)




The amount of crap Trump got about sitting in court, we will never see this in the media, this guy is sleeping in Memorial Day.

Unreal 😡

8:35 AM · May 27, 2024




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c836fd No.20924173

File: b2d48328602ebcc⋯.png (281.28 KB,500x668,125:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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cadfb6 No.20924174


why would i want sympathy? that shit happened over 30 years ago. i have my own family, house, and everything now. i said what I did just to expose the fuckheads on these boards that don't give a shit about our soldiers, country, or way of life. it's easy to bait with!

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768755 No.20924175

…Can't blame anon, for this shit.

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1588d6 No.20924176



ok remember that next time someone says please pray for me and tells you why. Put your answer to that ID. Same exact thing only in a different if not form.

See how cold and heartless that is?


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c958de No.20924177

File: c08870c34689886⋯.png (251.99 KB,648x382,324:191,959EB236_4B6F_4D29_BED6_C2….png)


Welcome newFag

Been that way forever

Callsigns and hex ids all verifiable

See below


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364d74 No.20924178


This tree:

Same playbook:

Attack Jim W if and when possible, when that fails

Attack BO, when that fails

Attack BVs, when that fails

Attack Bakers, when that fails←You Are Here

Attack anons in general, when that fails

Attack specific anon, when that fails

Back to top

Now is the part where you try to start an argument to waste bread and bury good stuff


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b1ac14 No.20924179

File: eca8d71dbaf20c3⋯.png (26.39 KB,255x202,255:202,Para_gliders.png)


>They issued warrants for the Hamas leaders and Israeli

Good they are the same.

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98b571 No.20924180

File: f31a14649859c61⋯.png (326.88 KB,500x500,1:1,f31a14649859c611b1f2e003e5….png)

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9c8366 No.20924181


>I've personally witnessed and experienced the kinds of Miracles spoken about in the Bible. All you have to do is Seek, and work on ceasing your Wicked ways

porn - does fb porn count <asking for frn

masturbation - nah

prostitutes - she lives with me, now what?

drugs - weed count?

cigs - yep

alcohol - nope

junk-food - damn the chocalate

etc - i hear ya

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629c11 No.20924182


>what fire is that?

Dai ja vu, to kill the fire with water perhaps? It has multidimensional meaning I guess.

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9507b1 No.20924183


so are military tweets

which one was Q posting about more? mil tweets or pf?


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9e0163 No.20924184


The message is clear they are the mob and want to human traffic people though harassment.

They told me they are going to make me beg them to stop abusing me constantly.

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f8f13d No.20924185

Report: IDF Negotiator Says There Will Be No Hostage Deal Under Netanyahu Govt

Indirect negotiations are expected to resume soon

An Israeli military officer involved in the indirect hostage deal negotiations with Hamas has expressed frustration with the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to a report from Israel’s Channel 12.

The report said that Maj. Gen. Nitzan Alon told Israeli military officials that Israel wouldn’t reach a deal with Hamas under the current government. “We are desperate. With this government formation, there will be no deal,” he said.

Alon also explained that it would be possible to restart military operations in Gaza even if Israel agreed to a deal that would include a commitment to a permanent ceasefire, which has been Hamas’s main demand. Netanyahu has repeatedly rejected the idea and continues to vow he will “eradicate” Hamas, a goal the US believes is unrealistic.

“The deal I’m pushing for would provide for the return of all the hostages, while Hamas insists that it must provide for an end to the war,” Alson said. “I told the prime minister that it will be possible to return to fighting at any given moment.”

In response to the report, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) insisted Alon was taken out of context. “Gen. Alon was asked a question by the public about the effect the political leadership has on the talks, and he answered that as one in uniform, he cannot answer such questions,” said IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari.

Netanyahu’s office released a statement criticizing Alon’s comments. “The clashes from within the negotiating team only strengthen Hamas’s position, harm the families, and distance the release of our hostages,” the office said.

Hostage deal negotiations have been suspended since around the time Israel launched its invasion of the southern Gaza City of Rafah, which it began by capturing the Rafah crossing on the Egyptian border. Reports say negotiations are expected to continue this week after CIA Director William Burns met with Mossad Chief David Barnea and Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim al-Thani.


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411078 No.20924186


wow you echo out a valid point and still try to be unfair.

life's unfair? if you kinow that you ought to act like you're walking on eggshells. You say it's unfair and then you behave unfairly to all those around you, expecting them to be psychic and know your situation.

life is unfair. that's true. that is just the way it is.

but you, being unfair? you don't have to be that way, anon.

try harder.

you're not treating those around you with love and respect. you're lashing out as if it were they who did those bad things, when it wasn't. You're trying to share the pain instead of trying to cure it.

does that seem correct to you?

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0c0f65 No.20924187

File: fe39040a44038a4⋯.png (1.24 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 221d266f5fb82b5⋯.png (153.28 KB,326x308,163:154,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5fa5a1418d50a6⋯.png (341.75 KB,589x604,589:604,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4667450f8f0be39⋯.jpg (31.02 KB,680x383,680:383,Ewww_Pepe.jpg)

@OANN 1h

Nikki Haley Visits Israel In Solidarity Trip

Former presidential candidate and United States ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, visited the site of the musical festival attacked by Hamas terrorist on October 7th.

On Monday, Haley heard from survivors of the Nova Festival attack as part of her solidarity trip to the Jewish state.

She also visited other sites targeted by Hamas, including communities near the border with Gaza where many hostages were taken from.

Survivors of the attacks shared gruesome details about their ordeal.

“They made sure that the people won’t be recognizable, they shot people four and five times, like gunshots in the face just to make sure that people won’t be able to recognize their children, their sisters, their brothers,” Tali Binar, a survivor of the attack, said.


11:31 AM – Monday, May 27, 2024


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6190e5 No.20924188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Armor of God.

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cc7f7d No.20924189




>Add the link to post please.



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c958de No.20924190

File: eaabb10d77066fb⋯.gif (1.55 MB,498x338,249:169,77C7353A_E1AF_486F_95ED_22….gif)


The tree of you need to try harder


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9507b1 No.20924191


hey, the baker is Ok with some not having sauces, but not others. i call the spades as they present.

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cadfb6 No.20924192


I think we do too. i fell a lot of us "autists" have gone through similar trials and tribulations and are tired of the shit going on and are here by pure rage to see whatever "plan" Q talked about be a success.



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7f2396 No.20924193


They say they want to extort me to move from my place is the bottom line.

They keep saying they can do what ever they want and will harass me until I move. This is there goal because they seem to own the place where I am at.

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9507b1 No.20924194

shunning the military posts on MEMORIAL DAY like a libtard karen

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efe3f9 No.20924195


Mildly dasting…

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c74beb No.20924196



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f8f13d No.20924197

File: edf7246c39fdba4⋯.png (107.4 KB,587x601,587:601,ClipboardImage.png)

Stoltenberg Joins Calls for NATO Weapons To Be Used on Russian Territory

Blinken is reportedly pushing for Biden to lift the restriction

On Friday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg joined calls for Ukraine to be able to use NATO-provided weapons to strike Russian territory, a step that would mark a major escalation in the proxy war.

“The time has come for allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have put on the use of weapons they have donated to Ukraine,” Stoltenberg told The Economist.

“Especially now when a lot of the fighting is going on in Kharkiv, close to the border, to deny Ukraine the possibility of using these weapons against legitimate military targets on Russian territory makes it very hard for them to defend themselves,” he added.

Russia’s offensive in Kharkiv has prompted calls from many members of Congress, including House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), for President Biden to allow Ukraine to use US-provided missiles in strikes on Russian territory. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is reportedly leading the charge within the administration to get the restriction lifted.

Russia has made clear that it could have a major response to NATO missiles hitting its territory. After UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron said Ukraine could use British missiles on Russian territory, Russia warned the UK that it could strike British military sites in Ukraine and “beyond” in response.

Ukraine has been using US and other Western-provided missiles to target Crimea, which has been controlled by Russia since 2014. But Russia appears to be drawing a red line when it comes to attacks on territory inside the Russian mainland.

Hawks in the US downplay the risk of escalation, but Russia just launched drills simulating the use of tactical nuclear weapons in response to provocative rhetoric from Western officials, including the talk of potentially sending NATO troops to Ukraine.


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202468 No.20924198

File: 7e2ebbebaeda9c8⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB,576x554,288:277,k865e54j6546j54.mp4)



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85eca4 No.20924199

File: 06f0af58646b06b⋯.png (300.8 KB,676x438,338:219,2024_National_Memorial_Day….png)

2024 National Memorial Day Parade Biden Tribute

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411078 No.20924200


he explains himself. He's trying to cause pain himself.

you lost the transation, go back to where every you crawled out of.

no one here hasn't had something that they know about that wasn't right.

we are all from the Island of unwanted toys, anon, everyone of us. there is nothing special about you.

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434a11 No.20924201

File: 174a90aa93bdf4c⋯.png (2.92 MB,2560x2560,1:1,174a90aa93bdf4c73ed08ae400….png)


5:5 WRWY

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970fbf No.20924202


in America we have a word for political war torn, meat for the grinder' refugees - asylum seekers. term bastardized by the 'evil that be' open border policy

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31c3a4 No.20924203


Let me guess do they call themselves common wheel? If they can do whatever they want why can't you. Buy a gun.

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41c71b No.20924204


why post it here

less than 1% give a fuck what you went thru

unless asked

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c958de No.20924205

File: 0fafc18b208af36⋯.gif (6.62 MB,498x479,498:479,53A70C62_E239_4CA6_B876_9F….gif)


Not muh problem

Take it up with baker or go to Meta

Get a new script and stop crying

There is moar info in muh PF posts than any other ones yet you don’t complain about those.

KYS script reader

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8e7c80 No.20924206

File: 2c9df71ccd7a455⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB,464x848,29:53,2c9df71ccd7a455e3acc0db376….mp4)


fucking conspiracy theory

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d2f78f No.20924207


you notabled an anon who never sauces anything and tries to make this a new standard

lurk the fuck moar!

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f8f13d No.20924208

File: 71b84a84653677d⋯.png (644.6 KB,1157x462,1157:462,ClipboardImage.png)

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629c11 No.20924209


What about some competition, that will stir up the market, maybe we can get one more of those crazy carnivals they had setup next to the election fraud in the fucking USA.

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e6a874 No.20924210

File: 9d7ae434029d95c⋯.jpg (201.83 KB,907x458,907:458,Potato.jpg)


dubs, chk

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f9e98b No.20924211

File: 011a5672b7ee856⋯.jpg (606.92 KB,2048x1536,4:3,BrennanOnEthics.jpg)

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d7b881 No.20924212


>they can never disprove

that isn't how it works.

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0e87bd No.20924213

File: fc160c20c1c8f29⋯.jpeg (24.99 KB,255x234,85:78,IMG_9379.jpeg)

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05a111 No.20924214


So this was a set up as they had the guy where the same color cloths as I wear for work that way when the police show up they would think it was me because I describe the guy to then… that way except he was local and shaved head.

So this how they try to frame people… I call the police they send someone that dressed in the same color shirt and shorts so if the police saw me they would just say it was me… I would have to explain that it was not.

This is what is known as swating meaning people try to get people arrested or in trouble to teach them they are the mob… organized crime and don’t “fuck with them.”

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cadfb6 No.20924215


nope. the only thing that's correct here is fucking with disrespectful people.

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6161b3 No.20924216


NATO better end this war now, Zelensky is dragging the West into WWII

These people are so stubborn and stupid, it was a dumb idea in the first place

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e4d760 No.20924217

File: c5b5b8846d49c63⋯.jpg (193.62 KB,1080x1080,1:1,media_GOmgSP7XYAApjiL.jpg)

File: 701b154a9b15f7f⋯.png (23.89 KB,642x148,321:74,ClipboardImage.png)



As a Bob, so Alice.

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8e7c80 No.20924218


the capital of CANDA has lubricants problems on the trolley Allston train track bush sharp curves

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db8ea5 No.20924219


As this goes no now they have loud cars they call this covfefee

They continue to say they are claiming responsibility though my auto correct on my phone period.

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411078 No.20924220


I really don't understand this post.

I guess I filter out the cold and the heartless and try to cure the pain with whimsy and ironic punning.

and when I meet someone like you I say to them : just because you were brutalized doesn't give you the right to do that same kind of stuff to others.

if you spent your energies trying to heal the pains of others you'd find that you'd have a suave to heal your own pain.

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c958de No.20924221

File: 9208df91b320e7e⋯.jpeg (79.53 KB,828x605,828:605,A51A5F04_6D22_43E9_909A_7….jpeg)


>tries to make this a new standard

Not new and no matter how many times you say it that doesn’t make it true


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9507b1 No.20924222


>There is moar info in muh PF posts than any other ones

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cadfb6 No.20924223


cause it fucks with disrespectful people.

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f200ca No.20924224


All their comms belong to us…attacks on US soil

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9c8366 No.20924225


>>20923485, >>20923504, >>20923505, >>20923508, >>20923584, >>20923591, >>20923598, >>20923602, >>20923605, >>20923606, >>20923653, >>20923785, >>20923811, >>20923828, >>20923849, >>20923976, >>20924079, >>20924199, >>20924201

#25662 >>20923466

>>20923481 @DJT Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

>>20923517 Q 1513, 313 >>20923524 QA1212 >>20923546 Q haberman >>20924065 VPPence

>>20923517, >>20923494 New Dan MP4 T1:04 @1:05 Est ( :01 )

>>20923506 You know it’s bad when the Illegal aliens are also concerned about America’s open borders.

>>20923511 Concerning Meme of Truth? AI-gen

>>20923516 Impact Covid Vax MP4

>>20923522 Dr Peter McCullough on vaccines and autism.

>>20923572 RCH4609 C17 Globey arrived at Caen from its JBA

>>20923579 We got Libertarian Meme #Clown

>>20923585 MEMORIAL DAY: Delivering The Truth with General Mike Flynn

>OLD Baker Notes

>>20923481, >>20923517, >>20923524, >>20923546 Anons dig Q+ 12:12 (John 15:13)

>>20923494, >>20923504, >>20923534, >>20923568, >>20923505 DanS 1:05pm (Arlington vid 1:04)

>>20923496 Biden's surprise night visit to Hunter's ex days before she testifies in his gun trial

>>20923486, >>20923516 Andrew Bridgen, an MP in England, "said this [COVID] is probably bigger than the Holocaust"

>NEW Baker Continues

>>20923618 Just recovered US-made M112 explosive charges in a @UNRWA School in Jabalia, Gaza.

>>20923626 Reminder we have Talking Points OP: Focus24 24/05/25


>>20923644 Covid Memes

>>20923648 Anon speculates HRC is not with us anymore

>>20923650 Anon Points Out: PDJT & Joe #ArligntonDelta

>>20923671 Joe and Hunter Biden used a visit to Sandy Hook memorial service to set up secret meet with Chinese?

>>20923695 Sleepy Joe nods off at Arlington MP4

>>20923704, >>20923972, >>20924055 PF: Zelensky left Madrid w/$1B from Spain-went to Brussels for moar-2 F16s

>>20923729 archive.org is under a ddos attack

>>20923773 Cornshucker flapping his lips in public #JamesCommie

>>20923787 Anon wants to know, has anyone heard this whistleblower’s story about Bidens?

>>20923816 @DanScavino RIP SHINZO


>>20923860 Judge Approves Class-Action Lawsuit Against American Airlines Over ESG Pension Investments Canada #58


>>20923913 OpenAI Not Focused on Safety, Partners With News Corp, Working with Apple? + Meta forms advisory board

>>20923971 Anon asks, Who wrote down the stories from Adam to Noah?

>>20923986 Homeowner finds still-warm 'meteorite'

>>20924049 North Korean spy satellite EXPLODES in mid-air #ElonMeToo

>>20924072 Global Outrage After Deadly Israeli Strike On Refugee Tent Camp In Rafah

>>20924039 @surflant - Never a dull moment #Deployment

>>20924119 Geometric Clouds in Arizona???!

>>20924122 @Kash Shout out to Patriots WW

>>20924125 SAM937 G5 WN from JBA



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aac2f5 No.20924226


Please nuke this spot

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1588d6 No.20924227

Grab your rubber duck and the bubble bath as January celebrates “Bath Safety Month”.


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b6dd62 No.20924228


>masturbation - nah

In Genesis 38 there was a quick story about a guy named Onan would would spill his seed on the ground as to not get some chick pregnant. God killed him. It wasn't specific on how, but you could be dead in many other ways, the same way you can be blind spiritually.

Wasting seed makes you fragile and impairs cognition. Try nofap for 90 days and see the difference, or practice orgasming without ejaculation (read Multi-Orgasmic Man, by Mantak Chia).

>prostitutes - she lives with me, now what?

Well I guess she is a concubine then, which is different than a prositute.

>drugs - weed count?

Yes, weed is indeed bad.

>cigs - yep

Stop smoking

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f8f13d No.20924229

File: 4370875e5f5b759⋯.png (193.67 KB,530x483,530:483,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40a4e88d868f749⋯.png (264.79 KB,559x660,559:660,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel Massacres Children, Which the Western Press Says Is Fine

Israel has not only completely disregarded the orders of the International Court of Justice to cease its assault on Rafah as we expected it to do, but has actually ramped up its ruthlessness as though trying to make a point. There were reportedly more than 60 Israeli airstrikes on the southernmost city in the Gaza strip in the 48 hours after the ICJ ruling, including a horrifying massacre on a displacement camp full of civilians in tents.

The ABC reports:

Israeli air strikes have killed at least 35 Palestinians and wounded dozens in an area in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah designated for the displaced, Palestinian health and civil emergency service officials said.

Gaza’s Health Ministry said women and children made up most of the dead and dozens of wounded.

The strike took place in Tel Al-Sultan neighbourhood in western Rafah on Sunday, local time, where thousands of people were taking shelter after many fled the eastern areas of the city where Israeli forces began a ground offensive over two weeks ago.


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768755 No.20924230


…Trip 2s check'd and very factual. Chess pieces moving about, on the grand board.

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84d2a1 No.20924231


Crypto unnecessary

Weather sats

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8e7c80 No.20924233


wheel bearings are fooked iron shitrail

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9507b1 No.20924234

THANK YOU US MILITARY anon even when you post CA cuz ur Canadian or something. POTUS gave props to CA at NYC rally 07

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411078 No.20924235


no one is being disrespectful.

I, for one, am trying get through to you: echoing the hurt, being a brute, isn't what you need to do to get past your hurt and suffering.

I'm not saying you don't have that, or that you don't feel it. I'm saying that you're being a beast, yourself, by using that as an emotional blackmail card. No one here is going to deal with your truculent bullying, even if you were a trauma victim.

just as there are no women on the Internet, there are not trauma victims either.

(the same idea)

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41c71b No.20924236


wrong platform

try dr. phil


is Donahue still around

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d4d693 No.20924237

File: 9cb32b0091101e6⋯.jpg (217.64 KB,1080x1029,360:343,TrumpYourMove.JPG)

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9507b1 No.20924238


you believe there is more info in planefag posts than any other posts on the board? there ain't

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116df9 No.20924239

File: f8487997f1cc712⋯.png (144.54 KB,480x360,4:3,TsoukalosAss.png)



>>they can never disprove

>that isn't how it works.

And yet it is easily disproven as Zachariah Sitchin who came up with the idea of the alien Anunakki was a bullshit artist who couldn't read a single word of the language that the text he claimed to have gotten it from was written in.

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f8f13d No.20924240

File: e52db9e4b72a8e5⋯.png (288.99 KB,794x432,397:216,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2f78f No.20924241


errr… i was talking to you

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556859 No.20924242

File: e53390a4cab1ca5⋯.jpg (41.8 KB,665x900,133:180,82b1fac792f7d4a3aebd9e6c48….jpg)

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d7b881 No.20924243


Ask any soldier in from any country, if there is a killer holding a baby, and the killer is shooting at the soldier, can the soldier return fire and risk killing the baby.

The biggest blame should be on the evil son of a bitch using the baby as a human shield.

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8944fc No.20924244

File: 3425d09db008ee8⋯.png (1.02 MB,1438x1240,719:620,Screenshot_2024_05_27_1348….png)

Happening now in Mexico.


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c6748d No.20924245



Where's Wally?

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8e7c80 No.20924246


steel important

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556859 No.20924247

File: 3034bf6049c3d65⋯.jpg (72.7 KB,625x960,125:192,3034bf6049c3d65fb526712796….jpg)

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d2f78f No.20924248


*i wasn't talking to you

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556859 No.20924249

File: cc7789b8b7f28b1⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,2550x2970,85:99,1477180096633.jpg)

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c958de No.20924250

File: b86b8369b1c1ecf⋯.png (424.57 KB,564x564,1:1,F17CD633_EBB5_4152_87F4_4A….png)


Trips confirm you are a cherry picking winger

Complete sentence: There is moar info in muh PF posts than any other ones yet you don’t complain about those.

Meaning ANY OTHER PF posts

You do engrish right?

Nao run along as mom haz hot pockets for you

>nice try phaggit

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556859 No.20924251

File: 53420f474bb6d62⋯.jpg (140.16 KB,565x565,1:1,A_Dig1.jpg)

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768755 No.20924252


…Are you fuckin' stupid?

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364d74 No.20924253


>it's easy to bait with!

And there it is, your true purpose for being here

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556859 No.20924254

File: bb3afb54f956f14⋯.jpg (69.9 KB,500x350,10:7,afternoon_shift.jpg)

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d2f78f No.20924255


division faggot detected

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c2e6e8 No.20924256

File: e7ddfb60f85fe4d⋯.png (677.56 KB,500x570,50:57,e7ddfb60f85fe4d44987f99633….png)


Here calm ypur ass

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6fa23c No.20924257

File: d509bacd4db7ca4⋯.jpg (53.43 KB,1052x615,1052:615,joe_hates_america.jpg)


Biden Administration Pushing Allies to Back Off Iran

President Joe Biden's administration is privately pushing allied countries in Europe not to proceed with plans to censure Iran over its nuclear program, The Wall Street Journal reports.

The U.S. is reportedly attempting to convince Great Britain and France not to censure Iran during the next meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency member state board in June, multiple diplomats told the Journal, adding that the U.S. is pressuring several countries to abstain should a vote to censure Iran take place.


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8e7c80 No.20924258


compromised Chinedu trolley between 717 millions tonnes of salt.

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9507b1 No.20924259


not against pf AND mil posts not having sauce

this anon respects the military like Q does hope u do too

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556859 No.20924260

File: 7ad457a58a565a8⋯.jpg (101.12 KB,596x479,596:479,AIMpigfacejpg.jpg)

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411078 No.20924261


should not the headline actually say

the first leader with an admitted Jewish background?

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0c0f65 No.20924262

File: c36477aee61d815⋯.png (1.08 MB,768x954,128:159,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c8366 No.20924263






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556859 No.20924264

File: 0fc13876ede28e1⋯.jpg (4.3 MB,4314x4460,2157:2230,AlphabetInc.jpg)

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dae45f No.20924265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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de5bcd No.20924266


Bounce those RADIO SIGNALS 4-10

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e40299 No.20924267


The Spirit World overlaps with the Physical World.

Jesus sent demons into pigs.

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411078 No.20924268


your depravity has no effect.

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7f0af6 No.20924269


Your tax dollars on vacation…

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6190e5 No.20924270

File: e3d4377f3e2a6cd⋯.mp4 (127.77 KB,2023_07_09_19_11_54.mp4)

>or something

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f200ca No.20924271

Yo…expand my thinking on ——-tornado warnings

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556859 No.20924272

File: 606479403653f28⋯.jpg (9.94 MB,7400x5550,4:3,breadtunnel.jpg)

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cadfb6 No.20924273


you literally talked about how I was dead on the inside as a joke in this post >>20924066 . fuck you dipshit.

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b6dd62 No.20924274


Just keep showing up here. You have seen the evil and felt its energy, so you can spot it out better that most.

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556859 No.20924275

File: 4eb246f1811d264⋯.jpg (459.73 KB,998x1117,998:1117,Chan_Analysis_Division.jpg)

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09952d No.20924276

Sounds like Fetidman is trying to get his beaner deported.

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9c8366 No.20924277

#25662 >>20923466

>>20923481 @DJT Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

>>20923517 Q 1513, 313 >>20923524 Q 1212 >>20923546 Q haberman >>20924065 VPPence

>>20923517, >>20923494 New Dan MP4 T1:04 @1:05 Est ( :01 )

>>20923506 You know it’s bad when the Illegal aliens are also concerned about America’s open borders.

>>20923511 Concerning Meme of Truth? AI-gen

>>20923516 Impact Covid Vax MP4

>>20923522 Dr Peter McCullough on vaccines and autism.

>>20923572 RCH4609 C17 Globey arrived at Caen from its JBA

>>20923579 We got Libertarian Meme #Clown

>>20923585 MEMORIAL DAY: Delivering The Truth with General Mike Flynn

>OLD Baker Notes

>>20923481, >>20923517, >>20923524, >>20923546 Anons dig Q+ 12:12 (John 15:13)

>>20923494, >>20923504, >>20923534, >>20923568, >>20923505 DanS 1:05pm (Arlington vid 1:04)

>>20923496 Biden's surprise night visit to Hunter's ex days before she testifies in his gun trial

>>20923486, >>20923516 Andrew Bridgen, an MP in England, "said this [COVID] is probably bigger than the Holocaust"

>NEW Baker Continues

>>20923618 Just recovered US-made M112 explosive charges in a @UNRWA School in Jabalia, Gaza.

>>20923626 Reminder we have Talking Points OP: Focus24 24/05/25


>>20923644 Covid Memes

>>20923648 Anon speculates HRC is not with us anymore

>>20923650 Anon Points Out: PDJT & Joe #ArligntonDelta

>>20923671 Joe and Hunter Biden used a visit to Sandy Hook memorial service to set up secret meet with Chinese?

>>20923695 Sleepy Joe nods off at Arlington MP4

>>20923704, >>20923972, >>20924055 PF: Zelensky left Madrid w/$1B from Spain-went to Brussels for moar-2 F16s

>>20923729 archive.org is under a ddos attack

>>20923773 Cornshucker flapping his lips in public #JamesCommie

>>20923787 Anon wants to know, has anyone heard this whistleblower’s story about Bidens?

>>20923816 @DanScavino RIP SHINZO


>>20923860 Judge Approves Class-Action Lawsuit Against American Airlines Over ESG Pension Investments Canada #58


>>20923913 OpenAI Not Focused on Safety, Partners With News Corp, Working with Apple? + Meta forms advisory board

>>20923971 Anon asks, Who wrote down the stories from Adam to Noah?

>>20923986 Homeowner finds still-warm 'meteorite'

>>20924049 North Korean spy satellite EXPLODES in mid-air #ElonMeToo

>>20924072 Global Outrage After Deadly Israeli Strike On Refugee Tent Camp In Rafah

>>20924039 @surflant - Never a dull moment #Deployment

>>20924119 Geometric Clouds in Arizona???!

>>20924122 @Kash Shout out to Patriots WW

>>20924125 SAM937 G5 WN from JBA

>>20923485, >>20923504, >>20923505, >>20923508, >>20923584, >>20923591, >>20923598, >>20923602, >>20923605, >>20923606, >>20923653, >>20923785, >>20923811, >>20923828, >>20923849, >>20923976, >>20924079, >>20924199, >>20924201 THANK YOU PATRIOTS


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556859 No.20924278

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB,753x861,251:287,Chan_Archive_Service.jpg)

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c958de No.20924279

File: 569e42d77a8969f⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1770x2134,885:1067,5022BCDE_CF7B_4733_BB7E_1….jpeg)


>wasn’t talking to you

Truth hurts don’t it?

You are trying to spin this as new

Certainly not new but your whinging isn’t either

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b351e0 No.20924280

File: 7a70b682c2eceba⋯.png (350.18 KB,440x300,22:15,j.PNG)

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3fe2a2 No.20924281

File: 78ec1e84ecc6892⋯.mp4 (491.5 KB,280x270,28:27,naomi_joes_twin_brother.mp4)

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743fec No.20924282

File: 91ff7ff734e92e8⋯.mp4 (914.59 KB,576x446,288:223,Bahahaha_Wooh.mp4)

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556859 No.20924283

File: 0011bde23aa5e58⋯.jpg (99.34 KB,748x851,748:851,Chan_Intel_Recon_1.jpg)

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0e87bd No.20924285

File: 9e622b4c1797371⋯.jpeg (56.65 KB,255x252,85:84,IMG_3613.jpeg)

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31c3a4 No.20924287

File: 2c1d1dc22d741b8⋯.jpg (2.11 MB,3155x2061,3155:2061,Riders_of_th_Sidhe_big_1_.jpg)


I guess it's controversial whether Dan was one of the Tribes or not.

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556859 No.20924288

File: f544e1d8ee093d6⋯.jpg (407.93 KB,886x953,886:953,Chan_OCD_Division.jpg)

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d2f78f No.20924291


what truth?

the proof that you are too dumb to read?

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202468 No.20924292

File: 809c1c131bae5e8⋯.png (376.97 KB,542x679,542:679,_8trmn6tnmmtrukty.PNG)

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556859 No.20924295

File: 9f17b2d704a096b⋯.jpg (192.8 KB,565x629,565:629,Chan_Special_Ops.jpg)

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c958de No.20924296


Breh stop the spinning

You are creating this

And FU for gaslighting

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768755 No.20924297

File: f440a2d2bc06129⋯.png (1.61 MB,944x794,472:397,omniuntitled_3_.png)

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556859 No.20924298

File: 115d067a04ece18⋯.jpg (137.1 KB,567x567,1:1,ChanMiners.jpg)

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