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File: c37757bde6a2ec3⋯.png (45.12 KB,250x140,25:14,iwojima_banner.png)

7943bc No.20923447 [View All]

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702 posts and 448 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d7b881 No.20924243


Ask any soldier in from any country, if there is a killer holding a baby, and the killer is shooting at the soldier, can the soldier return fire and risk killing the baby.

The biggest blame should be on the evil son of a bitch using the baby as a human shield.

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8944fc No.20924244

File: 3425d09db008ee8⋯.png (1.02 MB,1438x1240,719:620,Screenshot_2024_05_27_1348….png)

Happening now in Mexico.


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c6748d No.20924245



Where's Wally?

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8e7c80 No.20924246


steel important

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556859 No.20924247

File: 3034bf6049c3d65⋯.jpg (72.7 KB,625x960,125:192,3034bf6049c3d65fb526712796….jpg)

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d2f78f No.20924248


*i wasn't talking to you

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556859 No.20924249

File: cc7789b8b7f28b1⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,2550x2970,85:99,1477180096633.jpg)

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c958de No.20924250

File: b86b8369b1c1ecf⋯.png (424.57 KB,564x564,1:1,F17CD633_EBB5_4152_87F4_4A….png)


Trips confirm you are a cherry picking winger

Complete sentence: There is moar info in muh PF posts than any other ones yet you don’t complain about those.

Meaning ANY OTHER PF posts

You do engrish right?

Nao run along as mom haz hot pockets for you

>nice try phaggit

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556859 No.20924251

File: 53420f474bb6d62⋯.jpg (140.16 KB,565x565,1:1,A_Dig1.jpg)

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768755 No.20924252


…Are you fuckin' stupid?

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364d74 No.20924253


>it's easy to bait with!

And there it is, your true purpose for being here

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556859 No.20924254

File: bb3afb54f956f14⋯.jpg (69.9 KB,500x350,10:7,afternoon_shift.jpg)

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d2f78f No.20924255


division faggot detected

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c2e6e8 No.20924256

File: e7ddfb60f85fe4d⋯.png (677.56 KB,500x570,50:57,e7ddfb60f85fe4d44987f99633….png)


Here calm ypur ass

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6fa23c No.20924257

File: d509bacd4db7ca4⋯.jpg (53.43 KB,1052x615,1052:615,joe_hates_america.jpg)


Biden Administration Pushing Allies to Back Off Iran

President Joe Biden's administration is privately pushing allied countries in Europe not to proceed with plans to censure Iran over its nuclear program, The Wall Street Journal reports.

The U.S. is reportedly attempting to convince Great Britain and France not to censure Iran during the next meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency member state board in June, multiple diplomats told the Journal, adding that the U.S. is pressuring several countries to abstain should a vote to censure Iran take place.


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8e7c80 No.20924258


compromised Chinedu trolley between 717 millions tonnes of salt.

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9507b1 No.20924259


not against pf AND mil posts not having sauce

this anon respects the military like Q does hope u do too

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556859 No.20924260

File: 7ad457a58a565a8⋯.jpg (101.12 KB,596x479,596:479,AIMpigfacejpg.jpg)

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411078 No.20924261


should not the headline actually say

the first leader with an admitted Jewish background?

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0c0f65 No.20924262

File: c36477aee61d815⋯.png (1.08 MB,768x954,128:159,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c8366 No.20924263






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556859 No.20924264

File: 0fc13876ede28e1⋯.jpg (4.3 MB,4314x4460,2157:2230,AlphabetInc.jpg)

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dae45f No.20924265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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de5bcd No.20924266


Bounce those RADIO SIGNALS 4-10

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e40299 No.20924267


The Spirit World overlaps with the Physical World.

Jesus sent demons into pigs.

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411078 No.20924268


your depravity has no effect.

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7f0af6 No.20924269


Your tax dollars on vacation…

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6190e5 No.20924270

File: e3d4377f3e2a6cd⋯.mp4 (127.77 KB,2023_07_09_19_11_54.mp4)

>or something

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f200ca No.20924271

Yo…expand my thinking on ——-tornado warnings

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556859 No.20924272

File: 606479403653f28⋯.jpg (9.94 MB,7400x5550,4:3,breadtunnel.jpg)

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cadfb6 No.20924273


you literally talked about how I was dead on the inside as a joke in this post >>20924066 . fuck you dipshit.

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b6dd62 No.20924274


Just keep showing up here. You have seen the evil and felt its energy, so you can spot it out better that most.

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556859 No.20924275

File: 4eb246f1811d264⋯.jpg (459.73 KB,998x1117,998:1117,Chan_Analysis_Division.jpg)

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09952d No.20924276

Sounds like Fetidman is trying to get his beaner deported.

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9c8366 No.20924277

#25662 >>20923466

>>20923481 @DJT Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

>>20923517 Q 1513, 313 >>20923524 Q 1212 >>20923546 Q haberman >>20924065 VPPence

>>20923517, >>20923494 New Dan MP4 T1:04 @1:05 Est ( :01 )

>>20923506 You know it’s bad when the Illegal aliens are also concerned about America’s open borders.

>>20923511 Concerning Meme of Truth? AI-gen

>>20923516 Impact Covid Vax MP4

>>20923522 Dr Peter McCullough on vaccines and autism.

>>20923572 RCH4609 C17 Globey arrived at Caen from its JBA

>>20923579 We got Libertarian Meme #Clown

>>20923585 MEMORIAL DAY: Delivering The Truth with General Mike Flynn

>OLD Baker Notes

>>20923481, >>20923517, >>20923524, >>20923546 Anons dig Q+ 12:12 (John 15:13)

>>20923494, >>20923504, >>20923534, >>20923568, >>20923505 DanS 1:05pm (Arlington vid 1:04)

>>20923496 Biden's surprise night visit to Hunter's ex days before she testifies in his gun trial

>>20923486, >>20923516 Andrew Bridgen, an MP in England, "said this [COVID] is probably bigger than the Holocaust"

>NEW Baker Continues

>>20923618 Just recovered US-made M112 explosive charges in a @UNRWA School in Jabalia, Gaza.

>>20923626 Reminder we have Talking Points OP: Focus24 24/05/25


>>20923644 Covid Memes

>>20923648 Anon speculates HRC is not with us anymore

>>20923650 Anon Points Out: PDJT & Joe #ArligntonDelta

>>20923671 Joe and Hunter Biden used a visit to Sandy Hook memorial service to set up secret meet with Chinese?

>>20923695 Sleepy Joe nods off at Arlington MP4

>>20923704, >>20923972, >>20924055 PF: Zelensky left Madrid w/$1B from Spain-went to Brussels for moar-2 F16s

>>20923729 archive.org is under a ddos attack

>>20923773 Cornshucker flapping his lips in public #JamesCommie

>>20923787 Anon wants to know, has anyone heard this whistleblower’s story about Bidens?

>>20923816 @DanScavino RIP SHINZO


>>20923860 Judge Approves Class-Action Lawsuit Against American Airlines Over ESG Pension Investments Canada #58


>>20923913 OpenAI Not Focused on Safety, Partners With News Corp, Working with Apple? + Meta forms advisory board

>>20923971 Anon asks, Who wrote down the stories from Adam to Noah?

>>20923986 Homeowner finds still-warm 'meteorite'

>>20924049 North Korean spy satellite EXPLODES in mid-air #ElonMeToo

>>20924072 Global Outrage After Deadly Israeli Strike On Refugee Tent Camp In Rafah

>>20924039 @surflant - Never a dull moment #Deployment

>>20924119 Geometric Clouds in Arizona???!

>>20924122 @Kash Shout out to Patriots WW

>>20924125 SAM937 G5 WN from JBA

>>20923485, >>20923504, >>20923505, >>20923508, >>20923584, >>20923591, >>20923598, >>20923602, >>20923605, >>20923606, >>20923653, >>20923785, >>20923811, >>20923828, >>20923849, >>20923976, >>20924079, >>20924199, >>20924201 THANK YOU PATRIOTS


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556859 No.20924278

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB,753x861,251:287,Chan_Archive_Service.jpg)

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c958de No.20924279

File: 569e42d77a8969f⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1770x2134,885:1067,5022BCDE_CF7B_4733_BB7E_1….jpeg)


>wasn’t talking to you

Truth hurts don’t it?

You are trying to spin this as new

Certainly not new but your whinging isn’t either

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b351e0 No.20924280

File: 7a70b682c2eceba⋯.png (350.18 KB,440x300,22:15,j.PNG)

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3fe2a2 No.20924281

File: 78ec1e84ecc6892⋯.mp4 (491.5 KB,280x270,28:27,naomi_joes_twin_brother.mp4)

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743fec No.20924282

File: 91ff7ff734e92e8⋯.mp4 (914.59 KB,576x446,288:223,Bahahaha_Wooh.mp4)

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556859 No.20924283

File: 0011bde23aa5e58⋯.jpg (99.34 KB,748x851,748:851,Chan_Intel_Recon_1.jpg)

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0e87bd No.20924285

File: 9e622b4c1797371⋯.jpeg (56.65 KB,255x252,85:84,IMG_3613.jpeg)

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31c3a4 No.20924287

File: 2c1d1dc22d741b8⋯.jpg (2.11 MB,3155x2061,3155:2061,Riders_of_th_Sidhe_big_1_.jpg)


I guess it's controversial whether Dan was one of the Tribes or not.

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556859 No.20924288

File: f544e1d8ee093d6⋯.jpg (407.93 KB,886x953,886:953,Chan_OCD_Division.jpg)

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d2f78f No.20924291


what truth?

the proof that you are too dumb to read?

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202468 No.20924292

File: 809c1c131bae5e8⋯.png (376.97 KB,542x679,542:679,_8trmn6tnmmtrukty.PNG)

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556859 No.20924295

File: 9f17b2d704a096b⋯.jpg (192.8 KB,565x629,565:629,Chan_Special_Ops.jpg)

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c958de No.20924296


Breh stop the spinning

You are creating this

And FU for gaslighting

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768755 No.20924297

File: f440a2d2bc06129⋯.png (1.61 MB,944x794,472:397,omniuntitled_3_.png)

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556859 No.20924298

File: 115d067a04ece18⋯.jpg (137.1 KB,567x567,1:1,ChanMiners.jpg)

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