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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

b96b22 No.20920776 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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b96b22 No.20920779

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 —————— Australia #36

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Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


#25658 >>20919988

>>20919989 OP: Focus24 24/05/25

>>20919992, >>20920716 President @realDonaldTrump says hello to Richard Petty at the Coca-Cola 600

>>20920057, >>20920301 boosters killing children, knowingly

>>20920111 Massachusetts authorities have identified the man accused of stabbing four girls

>>20920118 Judge Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt

>>20920134 Biden Reminds West Point Graduates of their Political Duty to Interfere in Election if Leftist Vision of Democracy is Threatened

>>20920151 Terrifying New Battlefield Tech

>>20920159 Bannon Exposes Plot: RINOs Scheming to Steal GOP Nomination from Trump and Push Nikki Haley as VP

>>20920224 Helicopter with ex-Soviet state’s leader makes emergency landing

>>20920295 PF: RCH4609 C17 Globey departed JBA and RCH274 departed Dover AFB and heading across Atlantic

>>20920299 Stockpiles of vaccines ready for the next virus which doesn't exist yet

>>20920434 PF: 45in N757AF 757 departed Charlotte-Douglas Intl after attending the 600 and heading around some bad weather to Laguardia Airport


>>20920598, >>20920723 China Defies Global Copper Squeeze With Near-Record Production, sells t bills

>>20920712 Sunak’s plan to make 18-year-olds do national service grabs attention on UK election trail

>>20920753 Sidney Powell: VINDICATED

>>20920770 #25658

#25657 >>20919203


>>20918618, >>20918941, >>20918948, >>20918974, >>20919009, >>20919123, >>20919123 Ron Paul Speech @ 2024 Libertarian National Convention

>>20919215, >>20919259 DJT watches as Trump Force One flies over Charlotte Motor Speedway

>>20919252, >>20919272, >>20919287 Moar Ron Paul @ 2024 Libertarian Convention

>>20919269, >>20919311 In one month alone, $50,000,000 in unaudited US taxpayer money funded a pro-terrorist group, and anti-American interests

>>20919283 Disgraced EcoHealth Alliance reaped nearly $100M in taxpayer funds since 2008

>>20919314 USS Constitution will be open for public tours on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2024, and will fire a 21-gun salute at noon

>>20919315 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 24

>>20919343 All over America, brand new housing communities are being built that are not available to purchase, they are for rent only

>>20919347 ‘Renegade Royals’: King Charles Considers Stripping Harry & Meghan of Titles

>>20919353 Juan Merchan Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt

>>20919360 Ru Paul's Drag Race star promotes double mastectomies for girls in front of an audience of millions of teens

>>20919383, >>20919604 Johnny Wactor, best known as Brando Corbin in 'General Hospital,' has been shot and killed in Los Angeles

>>20919410 Terrence Howard | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

>>20919413 DJT to Libertarian crowd: "If you wanna lose, don't vote for me - keep getting your 3% every 4 years"

>>20919420, >>20919540, >>20919722 Live Weather Channel - Tornado Outbreak With Storm Chasers On The Ground

>>20919445 Scavino on Instagram

>>20919449, >>20919462 DJT @ NASCAR Coca-Cola 600 watching C-17 flyover for Memorial Day weekend

>>20919469 President Trump honors the fallen who fought for our country

>>20919470 As much as 93 percent of the land in Israel is either owned or managed by the state

>>20919619 Ross Ulbricht: Last night, Donald Trump pledged to commute my sentence on day 1, if reelected - thank you, thank you, thank you

>>20919620 View from Trump Force One flying over Charlotte Motor Speedway

>>20919650 A new proposed bill in Illinois seeks to mandate climate change brainwashing in public schools across the state

>>20919675 Chinese NYPD cop fired for allegedly spying for Chinese Communist Party

>>20919701 What he said

>>20919708 Lol

>>20919951 #25657

#25656 >>20918349

>>20918375, >>20918519 Radar anomalies which also seem to be manipulating weather events

>>20918387 Buttplug blames climate change for increase in deadly severe flight turbulence

>>20918444, >>20918593, >>20918503 Military bases being breached all over the place

>>20918476, >>20918953, >>20919059 PF: General

>>20918494 @DanScavino: OTD 8 years ago - 40k ft

>>20918497 Reform UK's Nigel Farage challenged over his claim that Muslims are against British values

>>20918521 Economic Schedule for Week of May 26, 2024

>>20918565 Pilot parachutes out of crashing plane with six other passengers on board

>>20918585 UCLA Medical School recently admitted to lowering admissions standards for minority applicants and now many are failing basic tests

>>20918608, >>20918647, >>20918658 Pompeo comms?

>>20918618, >>20918941, >>20918948, >>20918974, >>20919009, >>20919123, >>20919123 Ron Paul Speech @ 2024 Libertarian National Convention

>>20918628 Emergency crews rush to Dublin airport after turbulence on Qatar Airways flight leaves 12 people on board hurt

>>20918645 Sinaloa's Top Assassin Extradited To US For Flooding Nation With Fentanyl

>>20918657 Estonia Says Goal Should Be Breakup Of The Russian Federation

>>20918666 Papua New Guinea landslide death toll likely over 670

>>20918679 Georgia's new cloud-based voter registration system malfunctioned for five hours on Election Day

>>20918696 The trans activist who was arrested for going on a stabbing spree in Massachusetts and injured 4 young girls, is an Obama supporter

>>20918705 This is allegedly the father of the Massachusetts stabbing spree Trans suspect

>>20918737 Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan was heading to the city of Tashir on the border with Georgia when his helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing

>>20918739, >>20918972, >>20918990 PF: 45 heads to Charlotte Intl does a flyover at Charlotte Motor Speedway and lands in N757AF

>>20918866 U.S., Western allies meet at annual G7 summit, agree to more economic levers to stop Russia, China

>>20918868 Mexico is now deporting Americans back to the US: "Undocumented Americans moving to Mexico for a lower cost of living is causing inflation in Mexico"

>>20918881 2,000 soldiers and 1,000 police officers were deployed in a small El Salvadoran city after gang members were spotted

>>20918883 Knesset to hold preliminary vote designating UNRWA a terror organization

>>20918886 Offensive lineman Billy Price, Bengals 2018 first-round pick, retires due to risk caused by blood clot

>>20918936 Yair Netanyahu Shares Vid of IDF Soldier Threatening Defense Minister Yoav Gallant With Military Coup

>>20918956 Spain's defense minister says Israel's war with Palestine is a real genocide

>>20919019 Top Attorney Testifies: Hospitals Were Incentivized to Murder Covid Patients

>>20919097 DJT Truth re: Libertarian Nomination

>>20919185 #25656

Previously Collected

>>20916446 #25653, >>20917885 #25654, >>20918327 #25655

>>20915579 #25652, >>20914825 #25651, >>20915579 #25652

>>20913189 #25649, >>20913966 #25650, >>20914825 #25651

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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b96b22 No.20920790

File: a51ab7f2cc674aa⋯.png (307.12 KB,597x584,597:584,memdayQ.png)

File: 1ad3f9269a56f15⋯.jpg (218.68 KB,818x472,409:236,1ad3f9269a56f152d758d98194….jpg)



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e5ac23 No.20920803

Nice and comfy in here.

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be066e No.20920808

File: 25da819333ebbc6⋯.png (90.71 KB,388x563,388:563,wow.PNG)


There is perhaps NOTHING more terrifying than being caught in the crosshairs of an extremely violent, powerful, and dangerous Tornado. 🌪️🌪️🌪️

This video was shot inside a Shell Gas Station, that was destroyed when the roof collapsed in Valley View, Texas last night.

You can FEEL & SEE the visceral FEAR, and ANGUISH in this extraordinary clip.

I have seen a ton of different clips taken from inside a Tornado, but this REALLY captures the moment like the others can’t.


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f47e38 No.20920813

File: 6c1104e2d8b60b4⋯.jpg (97.04 KB,666x500,333:250,i_myourman.jpg)


TY, baker

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7dc097 No.20920815

File: 5829a7262870bc5⋯.png (877.51 KB,1917x2035,1917:2035,smokingapu3.png)

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b96b22 No.20920817

File: ed6bd5183c599b0⋯.jpg (106.69 KB,500x526,250:263,memes6.jpg)


Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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be066e No.20920819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b70a57 No.20920822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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dc15ba No.20920827

File: a09711dc9032ba4⋯.jpg (617.64 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240526_201808….jpg)

File: e999648a0cc9ee6⋯.jpg (5.64 KB,300x168,25:14,9k_27_.jpg)

File: ae3ae048c5a77a1⋯.jpg (6.64 KB,202x249,202:249,images_97_.jpg)

File: c15151731eb15de⋯.jpg (322.16 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240524_084743….jpg)

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83217f No.20920830

…Damn it.

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c5919c No.20920831


Hey you kind cute. Wanna hang out later at the concerto

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7d1075 No.20920834

I don’t know what to feed my first regret, but it’s going to be a soccer player.

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b96b22 No.20920837

File: 6eb03ce12b28b7f⋯.jpg (781.61 KB,2220x1080,37:18,6eb03ce12b28b7f0c6ac736d68….jpg)


noice dubs

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7d1075 No.20920839


Had enough to just go there. What do you want here?

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7d1075 No.20920840

Are you fucking crazy?

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83217f No.20920841


…Fuckin' gas yourself.

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7dc097 No.20920844

File: 616a7f28dfb1739⋯.webm (882.4 KB,427x240,427:240,filtered11.webm)


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88b849 No.20920848

File: be24d430a9cb177⋯.jpeg (18.04 KB,255x255,1:1,82fa89d96a6ba0006a9e0cf4b….jpeg)

Called it in a statistically significant but completely useless way. I think the only thing we have proven is that schizophrenia isn't what we think it is.

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7d1075 No.20920854

Welcome to 2011 with zero shoe budget and songs I really don’t want to finish.

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d84c8e No.20920857

Night Shift! Let's Go

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9a4157 No.20920858

File: 09b58f14da2d7f9⋯.jpg (36.63 KB,500x667,500:667,09b58f14da2d7f9e9964ce8b39….jpg)

File: 131158395f6a8d9⋯.png (373.75 KB,376x527,376:527,019c1c91918769a2fb0cd8015e….png)

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be066e No.20920860

File: b681276d24d7715⋯.png (498.79 KB,714x684,119:114,sh.PNG)


Why Do Chinese Spies Keep Getting Sweetheart Deals?

Front Page Magazine, by Daniel Greenfield

Posted By: OhioNick, 5/26/2024 10:58:23 PM

Lately, there has been a rash of cases in which people in the military and intelligence community were caught spying for Communist China and handing over significant information to the enemy. And then got slaps on the wrist. A U.S. Navy service member was sentenced today to 27 months in prison and ordered to pay a $5,500 fine for transmitting sensitive U.S. military information to an intelligence officer from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in exchange for bribery payments.

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b35adb No.20920861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20920816 lb

>>20920749 lb

>Terrence Howard

>the interview with Joe Rogan

also the technology he shares starting at the 1:44:00mm



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31e352 No.20920863

Long Duration Positive Energy Burst in Progress

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5968c8 No.20920866

Good Night Anons, its been a good day here


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d84c8e No.20920868

Let's go Anons. How's the momentum feeling?

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564f68 No.20920869

File: 7c168f19494e241⋯.png (813.69 KB,1024x478,512:239,Thank_you_Night_Shift.png)

word on the street is dif than word on the internet?

who knows moar?

who knows where there is clean cheap water?

who knows which items to buy at which stores?

who can order online?

who is in better shape?

dif Lifestyles = dif benefits = dif Knowledge

share knowledge, work together = game over for swamp

watch [them] PANIC, watch [them] lie

remember these days so there are many Witnesses in court for Justice

don't forget about fauci, nancy, mcconnell, schumer, aoc squad, huma, weiner, podesta, obama, mueller, comey, etc

research swamp stories, make it easy to understand for Normies and their Children

if Americans research swamp creatures don't win elections

swamp creatures hire swamp creatures; 4example: biden = mayorkas garland

fake news won't tell Normies

Normies won't research

who will explain to Normies?

if Normies don't know how will they vote?

'Truth sets Free'

Truth is harsh sometimes which make GOOD Truths the best

Living in Truth requires Faith ime

thank you ALL who share info during information war

thank you Anons

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d84c8e No.20920870

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7d1075 No.20920871

Just a fucking waste of words and melodies. You don’t speak my language. And neither do your helpers.

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be066e No.20920872

File: d73f4090e853aba⋯.png (569.79 KB,993x738,331:246,rs.PNG)


“USA! USA! USA!” President Trump Receives

Rock Star Welcome at NASCAR’s Coca-Cola

600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway (VIDEO)

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Posted By: Imright, 5/26/2024 10:15:37 PM

Joe Biden could never do this! President Trump flew over the Coca-Cola 600 NASCAR race in Concord, North Carolina on Sunday afternoon. The crowd erupted as Trump Force One flew over Charlotte Motor Speedway. NASCAR fans waved to Trump as his plane flew over the speedway. (X Video) View from Trump Force One: (X Video) Trump waved to the crowd at Charlotte Motor Speedway! WATCH: (X Video) “You’re our man, Trump!” NASCAR fans shouted.

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c5a343 No.20920875

File: 0d0d03345a6060a⋯.png (212.39 KB,773x851,773:851,0d0d03345a6060a9d59e2f4a65….png)


Thanks baker for a bread with a name.

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d84c8e No.20920876


Settle down, Anon. What's the issue?

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88b849 No.20920878

File: 93fb4afc755c047⋯.gif (8.83 MB,600x450,4:3,93fb4afc755c047308c8211f47….gif)

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b96b22 No.20920879


least I could do


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e9a1e5 No.20920880


>Are you fucking crazy?


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be066e No.20920881

File: 95f5fbb81073aba⋯.png (179.07 KB,592x561,592:561,cans.PNG)


Jake Angeli-Chansley


Wtf is going on here? If she wants to leave, then why can't she? Any info on this incident?


nikola 3




In Canes festifal somenthing very stange happened👀👀

4:27 PM · May 26, 2024




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1a5828 No.20920883

File: 7d1ce67b0560834⋯.png (513.87 KB,516x919,516:919,Screenshot_2023_10_29_at_1….png)

File: 48ee08071421ce9⋯.jpg (91.65 KB,678x902,339:451,48ee08071421ce95e0bb60664c….jpg)

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9a4157 No.20920885

File: 04855ba5719c27a⋯.jpg (4.3 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20240422_204943.jpg)


ctrl - gonna be taking that, kek

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dc15ba No.20920886

File: e999648a0cc9ee6⋯.jpg (5.64 KB,300x168,25:14,9k_27_.jpg)

File: 0790478a4565aa2⋯.jpg (6.62 KB,213x237,71:79,images_118_.jpg)

File: cffcceeb861cce1⋯.jpg (9.42 KB,259x194,259:194,Z_25_.jpg)

File: 1b45cd53b7ae66d⋯.jpg (12.49 KB,300x168,25:14,images_119_.jpg)

File: 64fa25aefec8d70⋯.jpg (5.6 KB,225x225,1:1,images_106_.jpg)

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21ea44 No.20920887


like wanting to die

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564f68 No.20920888

File: f99a79eb2761d8c⋯.png (618.67 KB,1049x586,1049:586,illigal_aliens_from_china_….png)

File: 6ca0924529dcabb⋯.png (817.15 KB,1056x585,352:195,known_nationwide_got_aways….png)

File: 466f6f883d4eb51⋯.png (765.51 KB,1000x556,250:139,nationwide_encounters_of_i….png)

File: a6e7ffa855fb89f⋯.png (645.65 KB,1100x616,25:14,camela_no_respect_philly_0….png)

File: 49fcdc7918ae1bf⋯.png (620.01 KB,1000x553,1000:553,biden_previous_2024_loan_b….png)

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d84c8e No.20920889


Good vibes cheer up, Anon.

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b35adb No.20920890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Terrance Howard: "they THREATENED me to keep this quiet."


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21ea44 No.20920892


like waiting to die

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707f3f No.20920894

File: 6d69da4cf128154⋯.jpg (64.84 KB,1013x1013,1:1,6d69da4cf1281544e4f168dd2e….jpg)

File: fb98c3498501889⋯.mp4 (15.52 MB,320x410,32:41,fb98c3498501889750c313489b….mp4)



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21ea44 No.20920895


like death cannot come quickly enough

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9a4157 No.20920896

File: b79bfc9093237e8⋯.png (431.1 KB,915x485,183:97,Operator_Trips.png)

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f8f6d0 No.20920898


Can I have your stuff?

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d84c8e No.20920899


this the shaman dude?

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7dc097 No.20920901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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88b849 No.20920902

File: 6cd0d348e28ea44⋯.jpg (292.28 KB,500x660,25:33,6cd0d348e28ea44245faf3b37b….jpg)


That is me cheered up kek

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d84c8e No.20920903


don't be like that. we're here. you're not alone.

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21ea44 No.20920905


can't endure much longer

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564f68 No.20920906

File: 6b56aeec6d95120⋯.png (672.81 KB,1100x674,550:337,camela_provolone_05222024.png)

File: 0e96d5486a25ffd⋯.png (349.29 KB,1086x800,543:400,kamala_harris_never_brough….png)

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c5919c No.20920909


Are you a cute redhead? I‘m really into cute redheads lately. So it you see an Anon around asking about cute redheads it‘s probably me.

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4832e9 No.20920910

File: cfdeff473599db9⋯.jpeg (770.09 KB,1034x747,1034:747,21387D54_0123_4823_B101_E….jpeg)

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d84c8e No.20920916


I hope you're not serious. We win in the end. We all win. Don't fuck around right now. Be smart. We will do it without you. Be smart. No one has ever won by giving up.

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7dc097 No.20920918



Talking to yourself gets the filter.

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564f68 No.20920919

File: e4a8d12be0406a0⋯.png (667.08 KB,1100x612,275:153,diddy_Cartier_Fam_05212024.png)

File: b2efe43ea092236⋯.png (174.67 KB,1000x1016,125:127,fauci_covid_aids.png)

File: aec319c789217dc⋯.png (438.96 KB,1194x828,199:138,restrictions_biden_Trump_d….png)

File: b6657cf7392f77e⋯.png (316.59 KB,889x1259,889:1259,government_cartel_paid_bil….png)

File: 1277e716297b77a⋯.png (247.02 KB,1008x1201,1008:1201,international_criminal_cou….png)

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d84c8e No.20920921


Obviously that's code for something more than what's obvious.

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6602ea No.20920922

File: 7910bbb09a041df⋯.png (126.08 KB,1309x452,1309:452,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aae93174534da3c⋯.png (147.43 KB,1356x535,1356:535,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 126b56474581de2⋯.png (129.24 KB,1300x477,1300:477,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c05c5a2bc36993c⋯.gif (93.34 KB,260x208,5:4,7uxzxr.gif)



could you explain why the notables were changed in handover and transit?

See screenshots and links below from handoff and bread handover.


last bread below

>>20920365, >>20920558, >>20920702, >>20920770 past baker and baker hand off notables changed in transit.

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8054cd No.20920923

File: bdf01bdb0a45be7⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB,320x584,40:73,your_boy_transmitting_cell….mp4)

File: 744a4894d2a1fb1⋯.mp4 (9.39 MB,720x576,5:4,power_test.mp4)

to the anon that posted the vid about cellular transmissions using a voltage tester!

i am un vaxxed. i spent two plus years living in homeless shelters. vaxx shedding is real. where i live now is no better, everyone here is vaxxed and at least one is fully vaxxed…2 or more doses of poison

i took a cheepo version of your tester and ran it down my arms

OMG it went apeshit. even worse when near or over any of the visible lumps or open sores on my arms. i ran it down the inside of muh left leg, the same result. graphene nano particles generate power, that power feeds the lipid nano paticles thus producing lumps throught out the body. cancers? blood clots?

electrified blood clots?

it's currently raining outside… so when it stops, imma go do a grounding outside and see if this changes!

btw if youv'e seen any of those dropped dead suddenly where the vic is flopping around on the ground, they were electrocuted and i base that on a personal experience. i now know why and so do you!

btw this tester came from a dollar store around the time christmas light strings show up in stores! 3$

fwiw using electrical current, graphene can be stretched out to one atom thick, making a nice stilleto! death by jab to the brain, heart, etc

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7d1075 No.20920924


You find my debit card in your travels?

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e2ec40 No.20920927

File: f53375f4d8a9402⋯.jpg (286.99 KB,1280x1220,64:61,VaxSwing.jpg)

Where are we now Anons? Epistemologically speaking.

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7dc097 No.20920928

File: 1e5207532542be9⋯.webm (113.72 KB,427x240,427:240,emotional_damage.webm)

Sorry for the demoralization and hopelessness you're feeling tonight, shills, but that's what you ordered, super-sized with some extra big ass fries. Now eat it.

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b35adb No.20920929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Terrence Howard’s Speech Will Leave You SPEECHLESS (Watch Before DELETED)




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4832e9 No.20920930

File: ff2fc689be3a3fc⋯.jpeg (530.66 KB,1146x617,1146:617,AC7E92F4_1A23_4A10_9180_0….jpeg)

>>20920434 lb

45in N757AF 757 landed at Laguardia-NYC from Charlotte Intl depart

VV107 US Navy G5 arrived at JBA from Hickam AFB, Oahu depart

A little dodgey weather to get around on last bit of trip.

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d84c8e No.20920932


why do this? it's lazy and where not that type of crowd. despite your indoc training..

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c5919c No.20920933


Can a nigga not be into cute redheads without it being code for some gay ass secret society fuckboi shit

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e9a1e5 No.20920935


>You find my debit card in your travels?

Would you like me to find it? Where did you leave it last?

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b96b22 No.20920936

File: b1e6a6991863f71⋯.png (536.91 KB,1016x554,508:277,2afd10101208e1faf7e7cd5831….png)


g'nite bro


taps to yours

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564f68 No.20920937

what is your best pro-tip this week?


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c5a343 No.20920939

File: 7e211d28bdc8998⋯.jpg (45.22 KB,524x378,262:189,V_Pic_7.jpg)

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d84c8e No.20920940


yes, not here.

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7dc097 No.20920941


>what is your best pro-tip this week?

Vote Trump.

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21ea44 No.20920942


no, we don't win

first, there is no we

second, there is no winning

there is only psyops and genocide

because everything is scripted by the ruler of this fallen world

anon cannot sustain physically, provisionally, emotionally

pure evil rules this realm

it is, quite literally, untenable

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d7e89f No.20920944

The fact that people are self sufficient and self sustaining, relying on a Government and a grid through work and economic development is either because they are too stupid or they simply only want to be entertained

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f8f6d0 No.20920946

File: 2d5766a5fc587ae⋯.png (452.71 KB,600x450,4:3,7pqoxj.png)

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707f3f No.20920949

File: 12499fb2ec05610⋯.gif (2.56 MB,498x494,249:247,12499fb2ec056107d9cf2440d3….gif)

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d84c8e No.20920950


yes you can. you were literally built for that exact reason. additional excuses?

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564f68 No.20920951


(pics re NASCAR Event)

May 26, 2024, 11:24 PM

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9363ae No.20920952

File: e7eefc1b072b8a8⋯.gif (1.29 MB,498x493,498:493,00000000TXZ.gif)

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c5919c No.20920953


Speak for yourself gay ass nigga

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2d7a57 No.20920954

File: f742cb670f5bdcf⋯.webp (25.14 KB,750x500,3:2,meghan_markle_princess_di….webp)

Undocumented street shill spamming unimaginative schoolyard blasphemy; you have been reported to INS

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c5919c No.20920955


Someone‘s mad because they‘ve got no friends

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e9a1e5 No.20920956


>what is your best pro-tip this week?

When dealing with spirits / ghosts / avatars or metaverse concepts, it is important to understand that belief is critical to success.

True belief.

When you believe you are safe, it will help program that.

It's a computer.

It learns by the data it receives.

It conducts it's functioning by that data it receives.

If you believe AI is Hello Dave, then it might think that's what you wantt.

If you believe that AI is no longer Hello Dave, then it is no longer going to do that.

If you believe people can Zapp you from spacec… even if true, you want to teach the computer that it can not zap you from space.

Be not afraid.

You are your own self.

Others can not hurt you if you trust and believe.

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4832e9 No.20920957

File: 0856b00f341c3d2⋯.jpeg (36.51 KB,209x255,209:255,B58E7FCB_7956_41CF_9CC3_E….jpeg)


Feelz da lubs

Just gave da taps out here

We’re chillin’ like vanilla

Good night to you

In the morn’

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d7e89f No.20920959



Friends? What are you a child or a faggot?

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2913aa No.20920961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Deepstate and commie cabal neighbors are in an absolute frantic panic, funny shit.

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f8f6d0 No.20920962


Those who are actually self-sufficient and self-sustaining rely on neither

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d84c8e No.20920963


here we go… I'm bored with this … where o where are the fed contractors this weekend? Im guessing somewhere dry…

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4832e9 No.20920964

File: 1b3c9b351663f7a⋯.jpeg (269.94 KB,776x434,388:217,9FB6610F_8B10_4F57_B25C_9….jpeg)



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b35adb No.20920966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you will do as you're told, anon.

not by me though

However, let me tell you why you're here.

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9a4157 No.20920967


Anon nothing against your post but that first vid has nothing to do with the clot shot, it has to do with radiation & frequency I think.

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2913aa No.20920969

File: 8935aa9adace339⋯.gif (1.98 MB,498x280,249:140,49AB539B_BFBF_4105_B3B4_AE….gif)

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f8e8a5 No.20920970

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9c5d3 No.20920971

isn't this site called pol?

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7dc097 No.20920973

File: e678e268a10929b⋯.webm (113.15 KB,640x360,16:9,3.webm)

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2913aa No.20920975

File: ea7ab2644612c82⋯.jpeg (183.68 KB,828x997,828:997,0F985B6D_997D_4754_8EC9_6….jpeg)


Thank you.

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b326de No.20920976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>i'm going to make a convenient smart entity at tha

>cost of everything in my career and my user's iq

>i know i'll make a laggy analog scroll wheel

>how about let's an accelerometer as well

>oh what's that you want touch sen

>yes sure certainly offsize keyoar

.only usable in single function

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c5919c No.20920977

Rober de Niro is a paid actor. Wake the fuck up.

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7dc097 No.20920978

File: fb07803681b9451⋯.gif (1.29 MB,320x180,16:9,filtered9.gif)


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83217f No.20920979

File: ea267a99a020746⋯.png (37.69 KB,448x383,448:383,Ssturnism_lead_poisoning.png)

…Anon told you about getting that lead poisoning treated.

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62c31c No.20920980

File: 9dcddeab3ad7c04⋯.png (820.14 KB,940x964,235:241,1ff.png)

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d84c8e No.20920981


How dry is it fed fags? we already know the location. game recognize game. 2/14/1912 heart you so much.

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4832e9 No.20920982

File: f18a9ddb68bc06f⋯.jpeg (521.89 KB,905x592,905:592,8B5C0AA0_AF03_4F3E_B997_E….jpeg)

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2913aa No.20920983

File: a1005dd005eb8a9⋯.gif (216.15 KB,320x240,4:3,6DDCF69C_0953_4F9D_B40A_65….gif)

Deepstate DumbCunts are fucking GONE.

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d84c8e No.20920985


shall we z00m in

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fbb522 No.20920986

so does Night Shift have melt downs and arguments about the crazy dayshift GM psyop? some day shift anons get really butt hurt over it.

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f4f9ef No.20920987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

not sure i wanna wake up

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d84c8e No.20920988


how far do you want to take it? down to geocoords and names or …

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7dc097 No.20920990


No, it gets filtered just the same as the day. Later.

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7dc097 No.20920991

File: c93d709444d49b6⋯.webm (388.62 KB,640x360,16:9,merely_above_average.webm)

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8054cd No.20920992

File: 42cd5cf54691baf⋯.mp4 (107.28 KB,338x268,169:134,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


anon clearly does not understand power / radiation / juice / electricity / current


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67af32 No.20920993

File: 911864dfeda540f⋯.mp4 (13.23 MB,854x480,427:240,PTchar_1_2.mp4)

File: 6043c31be36bfba⋯.png (817.78 KB,1018x557,1018:557,potusparade.png)

File: 8f416eecdaa1f99⋯.png (490.19 KB,1023x559,1023:559,flags06.png)


VID (had to compress) Our President Saluting. If only more people knew about him and his history… has ALWAYS been the same.

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67af32 No.20920994

File: 53121cac797a43f⋯.mp4 (15.6 MB,960x540,16:9,POTUSParademp.mp4)

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b326de No.20920995


have you tried clearing cash

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a29b97 No.20920996

Knowing what we know… This cannot end well.

I'm looking for some chickens or chick's or laing hens (Tarrant)

Hey I'm looking for some chickens to raise and for my 2 little kids but I want laying hens but if not just chicks or chickens thanks so my just text only no call but u can email


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4832e9 No.20920997


Not really

That gm totally overdone imo

Ok so they asked for a confirm and then spend the rest f the time jerkin’ off to it

When it beats this as described then they’ll have something.

>>20914416 pbs all



Remain unimpressed at the mileage they try to get out of it.

But argue or melting down?

Nigga please

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b35adb No.20920998




Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No.325453📁

Feb 10 2018 05:30:58 (EST)

Seals are wonderful creatures.

Heard they work fast at capturing their prey.


Silence is golden.


Games R FUN!


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fbb522 No.20920999


nah thats 4chan, used to be 8chan as well, but i got called an exile from pol kek

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468840 No.20921000

File: 5e08f6d69f43468⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,RPReplay_Final1716777640.mp4)

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c5a343 No.20921001

File: 63b7d5953e7847d⋯.png (331.45 KB,588x460,147:115,ClipboardImage.png)



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44e183 No.20921002

Listening to Terrence Howard makes my gut plunge in a odd and uncomfortable way. Don't know why. Strange sensation. Can only listen to him in small doses.

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d84c8e No.20921003


I'm guessing you don't have your normal full crew this wknd, sing the majority of you are Vets. Maybe rethink what you're doing here. Also, probably read The Federalist Papers and 4th Amendment.

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e9a1e5 No.20921004


>majority of you

What if you are very wrong about your assumptions and data input?

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c5a343 No.20921005

File: d24996f77fd66a6⋯.png (298.77 KB,564x550,282:275,ClipboardImage.png)


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83217f No.20921006


…What the fuck retarded shit are you going on about?

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d84c8e No.20921007


what if Im trapping you into the truth?

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d84c8e No.20921008


you're still here??? I thought you were some retarded kid that was on their Mom's phone… NO?

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468840 No.20921009

File: 845f8c7280e840a⋯.jpeg (134.84 KB,1300x867,1300:867,IMG_2648.jpeg)


Does he mention Jesus? If not then it’s part of the plan to lead people away. Luciferians vs Jesus. If he not leading people astray on purpose then he’s not as enlightened as he thinks.

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21ea44 No.20921010



>makes my gut plunge in a odd and uncomfortable way.

heed this, anon

don't listen at all

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83217f No.20921011


…Beep boop you need to short circuit.

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7dc097 No.20921012

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)


They begged people to say it last bread. That should tell you something. Couldn't care less if it has another meaning or an inside joke to them or it's just total nonsense and doesn't mean anything, just another mind game for them to try and fool people with, it doesn't matter and I honestly couldn't care less. It's pushed by clowns, with enthusiasm by the retard that decided to go on a mimicry campaign last year after the MuhJoo note got added to globals. If the paid posting clowns are using it, like little malicious gibbering imps all day, presenting it like saying it grants access to an exclusive club, then it's not something I want anything to do with. Other people can say it to their heart's content, I'll just be filtering every instance of it.

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e9a1e5 No.20921013


>what if Im trapping you into the truth?

What is the truth?

What is if?

What is?

What is what?

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fbb522 No.20921014


>Terrence Howard


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67af32 No.20921015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b35adb No.20921017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d84c8e No.20921018


There's a lot more data points we can call out, if that makes you comfortable. Let's get a lot more specific. Would that make you more or less comfortable? Regardless, this discussion will unveil more of you and locations. It's not about how accurate I am, It's about walking you through the exposure of many things.

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d84c8e No.20921019


You'd be able to sleep bettr if u were on the right side

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6a38f3 No.20921020

File: b320c4b822e36d0⋯.jpeg (274.03 KB,1079x1618,1079:1618,hammamyalbugha.jpeg)

File: 804c2711001acf2⋯.jpeg (333.1 KB,1079x1618,1079:1618,hammamyalbugha2.jpeg)


maybe start here



Zos left the research cause it got too dangerous. The vids were taken down or made private.

this guy Robert never turned up.

There's a lot to it.

only a few items turned up from the alleged Dead man's switch.

Man Robert said he had the full amount.

There's also the question if Kappy was really dead since the pictures of him dead on the street didn't look like him?

So perhaps he's in protected witness custody?

Or his body was taken for something else, not savory.

From GermanAnon Archive May 2019

" (We) Are The News – OFFLINE ARCHIVE for May 25, 2019 MAGA • MEGA • WWG1WGA • Home • About • Archives

Kappy Dead-Man Switch Activated? Back to May 25, 2019 • Back to 8chan /qresearch/ thread #8425 • Original link: https://wearethene.ws/49478 Previous: Amy Klobuchar invokes Jimmy Carter to defend underdog campaign Next: POTUS to present the trophy to the sumo champion is a YUGE honor

Post 6589097 Sat, May 25, 2019 7:18 PM EDT • View on 8kun

Apparently Kappy's dead man switch has been activated and is set to be disseminated tonight.

"Ok,so anyone who wants to help, this is 100% serious. The deadmans switch was activated, all the information is ready to go, including who killed him (100% no suicide), why, and what he did to cause all this, its all in, very delicate situation with the DMS, need help.

And its not going to be happening till tonight. I apologise, im at work as we speak. But please DM if you can help. I wont lie, this is dangerous.

so here's the deal once it's verified to be safe from things that we can't get in trouble from for sending we need that push push push send send send it's going to be in every email I know you're all going to be my helpers God bless everyone the more people the safer we all are"


Post 6589419 Sat, May 25, 2019 8:19 PM EDT • View on 8kun



Bunch of pussies here. The link is from twitter the man has had the account since 2012 I read through his TL. He is a Q supporter. Not saying what he is saying is fact but you all are scared to even click the link….Don't dm if you don't want to help…..

(We) Are The News • Home • About • Archives • Dark Mode Share this page on Twitter • Facebook"

The only thing which I can't fine at the moment is the vid of little children dressed up and looking like they were hostessing in this bath house.

The bath house interior matched the pics below

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83217f No.20921021

File: 3890a60fb951e1f⋯.png (361.26 KB,642x432,107:72,bbsucko.png)


…Don't care, fuck off.

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d84c8e No.20921022


you definitely don't know. Spend enough time here and you will learn.

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fbb522 No.20921023

slow night

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c5919c No.20921024


Girl if you keep giving me that look I‘ll plunge into your gut in an uncomfortable way

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e9a1e5 No.20921025

File: 9f0aea7d6958705⋯.png (616.25 KB,500x749,500:749,nightshiftsmokinghat1.png)


Not Dead Yet…

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468840 No.20921026


That dude who leaves God n Jesus out of the picture but thinks, or claims to think, he figured it all out, as if he even took a breath without God involved.

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b35adb No.20921027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>Terrence Howard


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6a38f3 No.20921028


somewhat matched those pics, but not exact.

It's a short video. Allegedly from kappy.

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e9a1e5 No.20921029


>There's a lot more data points we can call out

What ya got..?

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468840 No.20921030



I meant *greasy dude

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564f68 No.20921031

>Night Shift


(video re golf)

May 27, 2024, 12:02 AM

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d84c8e No.20921032


I heart when they put new jacks in on the long fed wknds

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83217f No.20921033


…Are you illiterate??? Dumbfuck.

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468840 No.20921035


Gavin newsom is

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6a38f3 No.20921036

File: ef3655f7150e1ce⋯.png (23.8 KB,660x117,220:39,robertqsentme.png)

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d84c8e No.20921038


not in whatever language you're rattling off… muah

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67af32 No.20921039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Terrence Howard

Don't know who THoward is, but love this Terrence https://youtu.be/bVS52zoTLjo

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88b849 No.20921040

PACs infiltrated. Someone is disabling unsubscribe, everything will be undeliverable if not corrected.

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fbb522 No.20921041

File: 60fe952fd8b1edd⋯.png (468.3 KB,800x869,800:869,ClipboardImage.png)


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2d7a57 No.20921042

File: 8eaeda2a44a6387⋯.jpg (89.74 KB,719x1076,719:1076,8eaeda2a44a63879f61eccbddd….jpg)

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d84c8e No.20921043


seems your partner had a melt down… we were so close to having a normal conversation…

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9a81f0 No.20921044

Someone said that Q said there is a secret base under the Denver airport. Any truth to this claim? Did Q say anything about it or is this just BS?

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7394e5 No.20921045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f4f9ef No.20921046


not nice. my ex hit me in the stomach when i was pregnant after stealing my vehicle… not nice i say.

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fbb522 No.20921047

File: e222d6cd1d74cb4⋯.png (1.45 MB,1080x1692,30:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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11ccde No.20921048

File: a0e1134c65e35ef⋯.png (256.88 KB,500x775,20:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9a1e5 No.20921049


>seems your partner had a melt down… we were so close to having a normal conversation…

No melt downs here, only training. Training the trainers.

How can I help a normal conversation?

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33e2f7 No.20921050


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d84c8e No.20921051


they are a skeleton crew now. who do you have in AZ that works for N and C? on the wknds? There is a company…

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fbb522 No.20921052

what has happened, women on here having feelz moments without TOGTFO? has it really come to this?

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83217f No.20921053


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564f68 No.20921054


Let me begin by saying that there are honest, well-meaning editors of Wikipedia who take part for no other reason than it’s an interest or hobby. However, when it comes to matters of controversy—and there are many— these honest editors inevitably find themselves overpowered and outgunned by what I call Wikipedia’s “agenda editors.”

Wikipedia’s agenda editors are editors who watch and control Wikipedia pages in orther to further a particular slant or narrative. These editors not only add their own selected edits, but they delete edits by others if those edits don’t line up with what the agenda editors want to portray. ..

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88b849 No.20921055

File: fcfdacaaff466d1⋯.jpg (94.33 KB,1080x1088,135:136,fcfdacaaff466d157408ea63e9….jpg)

>>20921040 Anon reports unsubscribe from PAC mailing lists broken, campaign sabotage?

Baker, self nominating a notable on this one. I know it doesn't meet normal dig depth but can't really provide more than my own anecdote.

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d84c8e No.20921056


At least we are talking from both sides. Keep training. We have a lot to talk about. But we can start little. Shall we?

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1036e7 No.20921057

>>20917520 pb

>Do you believe anything the federal government tells you nowadays?




starting november 23, 1963, i believe the exact opposite of whatever the US gov't says

sixty yrs of hindsight have proven that to be a remarkably accurate way to learn the truth

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33e2f7 No.20921058

File: bf6af5c8b5fc2f4⋯.jpeg (72.81 KB,779x486,779:486,IMG_6581.jpeg)

Who dis?

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c5a343 No.20921059

File: a34ad2550566a55⋯.jpg (514.02 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,media_GOX_BbBXYAAbGyN.jpg)


>skeleton crew

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2913aa No.20921060

File: 7fa3cc7f8819c2c⋯.jpeg (330.25 KB,828x913,828:913,61CD8BC2_2B15_46E7_A166_6….jpeg)


Dead cowboy comms are bad commie.

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8b65bb No.20921061


Shamefru dispray.

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1036e7 No.20921062


he's hit the nail on the head more than once

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e9a1e5 No.20921063


>We have a lot to talk

You may talk, are you not talking?

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d84c8e No.20921064


Pay attention Jim, we can actually break bread, because we are all Americans. WE WANT the same exact thing, To give the next generations something great.

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9a81f0 No.20921066

Someone said that Q said there is a secret base under the Denver airport. Any truth to this claim? Did Q say anything about it or is this just BS??

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745f74 No.20921068

File: 754f010ab1c3155⋯.gif (446.76 KB,400x212,100:53,754f010ab1c3155ef2f684fbb7….gif)

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83217f No.20921069


…Yeah right. Glow on, VD.

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4832e9 No.20921070

File: 0fe2b17769c9be2⋯.jpeg (738.02 KB,1184x619,1184:619,669AD3FC_45DD_4B30_9582_D….jpeg)

File: 12b3836bbf58f6a⋯.jpeg (600.91 KB,1074x613,1074:613,5F92973F_9FEE_409D_88B3_A….jpeg)

File: 29afcea76c0ba27⋯.jpeg (1.98 MB,5377x3585,5377:3585,33275E9A_4CD3_4119_9209_E….jpeg)

File: 69f840b9b33bf00⋯.gif (2.3 MB,300x169,300:169,1A893920_0619_4A5A_BE7A_0A….gif)

Bulgaria AF BGF001 A319President Ruman Radevshould be departing shortly from Budapest Intl

Aircraft moved to terminal for boarding and goes back to clown town-Sophia.

There has been a high level Belgian AF Falcon 7x BAF72 at Sophia for about 11.5 hours and arrived from Brussels.

President Radev Inaugurates Bulgarian Cultural Hub in Budapest


Hungarian AF HUAF574 Falcon 7x departed Budapest Intl

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6a38f3 No.20921071


no. "Q only asks questions

? seems like

check the q messages yourself

There's a search feature at the top


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fbb522 No.20921073

File: 196333c4d01d07c⋯.png (749.15 KB,1024x866,512:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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d84c8e No.20921074


How can we help? We are Patriots that are in the fold of everything. How can we align to point our talents at the actual enemy?

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83217f No.20921077


...Blah blah, fuckin' empty threats blah blah.

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4832e9 No.20921078

File: 0addce872d13097⋯.gif (1.2 MB,480x270,16:9,91AA1F1D_0368_4B90_BB11_25….gif)


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fbb522 No.20921079

File: 608d884242fa7ec⋯.png (532.17 KB,813x740,813:740,ClipboardImage.png)

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d84c8e No.20921080


we are far from actual enemies. we are competitors. let's air our spears at the team that will definitely kill us

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0b4296 No.20921082

File: 056dc24a1b20e8e⋯.jpg (40.81 KB,640x961,640:961,miley_cyrus_nude_08_640x96….jpg)


fayk nazi ju wiggur frenchy nigg larp planted though A.A. not up to osha code

bluecross blueshield coverage by default

an little pink jumsuits

for tehm fancy slaves

building taht bigly pink pussy castle

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fbb522 No.20921083

File: 818b9d2abbf8507⋯.png (17.9 KB,600x244,150:61,ClipboardImage.png)

hit me

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43c610 No.20921084


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d84c8e No.20921086


if you knew what we knew, you would infiltrate your agency and make us americans win

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9a81f0 No.20921087

Someone said that Q said there is a secret base under the Denver airport. Any truth to this claim? Did Q say anything about it or is this just BS???

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83217f No.20921088


…So fucking what.

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fbb522 No.20921089


your saying Q moved to porn7.net?


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d84c8e No.20921090


it's true. check N// D/////

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fbb522 No.20921091


a better question might be 'what didn't Q say?'

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31e352 No.20921092


Blue Cities, yea it's probably good advice

Also I suspect MSM & D's are gonna let their pets loose

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1036e7 No.20921093

>>20917792 pb

>ECW - Must remove these terrorist regime sympathizers from the United States

that would be YOU, ezra

you sympathize with the most evil terrorist organization on the face of the earth today, the rothschild bastard state of israel

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c5a343 No.20921095

File: 548834cd8a9ef2a⋯.png (364.66 KB,554x452,277:226,ClipboardImage.png)

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4832e9 No.20921097

File: d3b988be9161525⋯.gif (902.64 KB,498x471,166:157,184100A2_DE5D_4DC3_86A2_93….gif)


Did you say something Captain Caps lock?

It needs red txt before it’s really meaningful

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7e57ab No.20921098

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d84c8e No.20921099


elaborate genius?

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9a81f0 No.20921100

Did Q drop any crumbs relating to a secret base under the Denver airport?

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b70a57 No.20921101


A think a narrative just flew over my house

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c43505 No.20921103

File: f73c59372cd680e⋯.png (1.03 MB,1128x561,376:187,f73c59372cd680e9fc5845192b….png)


Sun Tsu would be proud.

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dc962d No.20921104


You know what else is not nice? Unsolicited stories of domestic violence

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0b4296 No.20921105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d84c8e No.20921106


for fuck sake. he was high as fuck j seis

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d84c8e No.20921107


it was like 30 fucking degrees outside…. he was yelling the whole time.

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fbb522 No.20921109

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4832e9 No.20921110

File: ef62eda06514966⋯.jpeg (700.2 KB,828x834,138:139,458C34ED_EBD9_4BFC_B052_4….jpeg)


If I told you then it wouldn’t be a secret

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e9a1e5 No.20921111


>the actual enemy?

The answer to this question is what I would say must be defined well.

Keeping ownership of you for yourself, your teams, your concepts and keeping them well defined to be in alignment with the linguistics and lexicon of those in your alignment is key.

Validating that you have done that is vital.

Testing that your definitions are live in production outside of your view.

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dc962d No.20921112


Is that you in the pic? If yes come visit me later :)

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7dc097 No.20921113

File: 9e35bf434df66bf⋯.webm (130.25 KB,569x240,569:240,again.webm)

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0b4296 No.20921114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

glamping douchur nozzlin foamurs

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c43505 No.20921115

File: c3d4211d68c34c5⋯.jpg (60.51 KB,600x800,3:4,c3d4211d68c34c5ed3c874592d….jpg)


Show those momma milkers ma'am.

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9a81f0 No.20921116

Did Q drop any crumbs relating to a secret base under the Denver airport??

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468840 No.20921117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And when things are going wrong we can fix it with a song

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d84c8e No.20921118


None of those thing will ever happen. We are Anons. See you at work.

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0b4296 No.20921120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PORTableDOUCHUR monologin

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f4f9ef No.20921121


Better than Unsolicited call for domestic violence


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4832e9 No.20921122

File: 32e10d16a39f8e3⋯.jpeg (743.09 KB,784x652,196:163,F1D36E9D_A36A_43DE_99A4_D….jpeg)


Awww lookit dhat

Still triggered from last night

How cute


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118e5f No.20921123

File: 745e247c9ce683d⋯.jpg (710.17 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Never_Forget_Soldier_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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0b4296 No.20921124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

tailGATE cleansurin test

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fbb522 No.20921125

File: 43ade93361b0088⋯.png (84.76 KB,225x250,9:10,ClipboardImage.png)

seems they killed her

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0b4296 No.20921126


>tailGATE cleansurin test

an foam

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1036e7 No.20921129

>>20918047 pb

>Water systems warn Americans could soon see major rate hikes to filter out toxic ‘forever chemicals’


and the glaciers are melting

and the hole in the ozone will kill us all

and the covid will kill us alll

yada yada yada


serious question….

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0b4296 No.20921130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

tax free dock douchin too

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b70a57 No.20921131

Guys are we really here forever

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9a81f0 No.20921133

Did Q drop any crumbs relating to a secret base under the Denver airport???

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f4f9ef No.20921134


sorry on reserve. :)

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d84c8e No.20921135


Maybe you are new. Everything has been infiltrated. We can attempt White Comms here. No going back to what you thought was the truth. The agency is decades ahead of this conversation.

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0b4296 No.20921136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bigly GATE

bigly douchur

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b70a57 No.20921137

File: 73d795dd0b388f6⋯.png (2.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Is there an echo in here?

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d84c8e No.20921138


with that attitude,… yes… LMAO

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565cd3 No.20921139


So lets party and love peeps and not make any wars

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c43505 No.20921140

File: 17a8b0744e1d76c⋯.jpeg (54.21 KB,499x499,1:1,17a8b0744e1d76cd26d41aa7f….jpeg)



>serious question….

Last time anon fapped, I shot out a golf ball.

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e9a1e5 No.20921141


>No going back to what you thought was the truth.

Whqt did I think was the truth..?

>The agency is decades ahead of this conversation.

Which agency? Which conversation?

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0b4296 No.20921142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

front yard douchur pride an envy handjob feels

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dc962d No.20921143


Is Denver secretly based?

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707f3f No.20921144

File: 3ec00ca5f712399⋯.png (448.8 KB,674x407,674:407,3ec00ca5f712399fe338544c17….png)

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7e57ab No.20921145

File: 97c540ac54f77df⋯.png (57.63 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>Did Q drop any crumbs relating to a secret base under the Denver airport?

no, but he could have done it… random pic of Denver Airport murals and text

Do you believe in coincidences?

These people are sick.

Their reliance on symbolism will be their downfall


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0b4296 No.20921146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

commando douchur jury panel

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7dc097 No.20921147

File: 70818df65edf1f5⋯.gif (1.84 MB,331x200,331:200,sup_buddy.gif)


Not that I can remember offhand without doing a search, but if memory serves me correctly I seem to remember something about Q posting about the mural in the Denver airport.

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565cd3 No.20921148


anons should have some jpegs

remember eyes on the train systems a

other content down there

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dc962d No.20921150


I believe in cute redheads

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462f2e No.20921151


So you must be god then enlighten everyone…?

You seem like you know everything so please explain?


We are eating

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dc962d No.20921153


If you‘re a cute redhead you should send me some jpegs of your nose

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da7931 No.20921154



Should be waiting?


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707f3f No.20921155

File: a894c0fd2f1d736⋯.png (2.34 MB,1920x1267,1920:1267,679eaa35d50e94d600ffe8bc55….png)

File: bf8d9fba3f11479⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,1128x5648,141:706,1.jpg)

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9a81f0 No.20921156

Did Q drop any crumbs relating to a secret base under the Denver airport????

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f4f9ef No.20921157


Tell Odin not tonight I have a headache.

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a3c29c No.20921158

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0b4296 No.20921159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

blu collar breeders crack volcano code wiff safety douchur >>20921146

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7e57ab No.20921161




>Not that I can remember offhand without doing a search, but if memory serves me correctly I seem to remember something about Q posting about the mural in the Denver airport.

I don't think so, but those murals traditionally have been a popular item in the conspiracy scene, so Q could have composed a drop on them, but he didn't

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004caf No.20921162


Sounds like you have experience in that department lol

Is it a fans only thing?


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dc962d No.20921163

File: d7b55e3b8e608ab⋯.jpeg (159.74 KB,1200x747,400:249,IMG_3306.jpeg)


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d84c8e No.20921164


kind of feels like the questions answer themselves..

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c5a343 No.20921165

File: b052f3cb51d6df1⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17167649675….mp4)

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d0ccd3 No.20921167

Why won’t 8kun open on wifi but will on cellular?

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565cd3 No.20921168


anon may envelope a strand of hair but

noe one want to see anon's nose.

red head ladys are awesome and other colored hair as well!

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b35adb No.20921169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Magnetic Reset



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88b849 No.20921171

File: d53645035eecdec⋯.png (2.11 MB,1896x1056,79:44,d53645035eecdec280bce8db06….png)


Check, found the engineer.

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dc962d No.20921172


Nice you sound cute. Wanna hang out later?

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6dc0a8 No.20921173

File: 8fc4fb0ada17bc2⋯.jpeg (941.04 KB,1284x1270,642:635,IMG_5011.jpeg)


Fans only

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dc962d No.20921174


What if I adult myself

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7dc097 No.20921175


Did a search, it was a link to an article about the mural. So I half-remembered correctly.

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0685e7 No.20921176

File: 8fc4fb0ada17bc2⋯.jpeg (941.04 KB,1284x1270,642:635,IMG_5011.jpeg)


Sounds like a fans only thing lol

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b35adb No.20921177



Magnetic Reset



7 days ago

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9a81f0 No.20921179

Did Q drop any crumbs relating to a secret base under the Denver airport?????

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dc962d No.20921180


I once was with this cute girl and I got all sweaty and exhausted but luckily she had a fan

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31e352 No.20921181

File: 3ed051f41ee8b88⋯.png (546.53 KB,832x767,64:59,ClipboardImage.png)

Into the Breach once more

Older & Wiser than before

A lost soul alone at the shore

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0b4296 No.20921182

File: 11790b6735dfc1c⋯.png (178.5 KB,300x496,75:124,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe717c No.20921183

Why can't I heal?

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8b6d44 No.20921184

File: 4f8892c291559e3⋯.jpeg (813.91 KB,1284x1281,428:427,IMG_5012.jpeg)

File: 8fc4fb0ada17bc2⋯.jpeg (941.04 KB,1284x1270,642:635,IMG_5011.jpeg)


You a white fan or a black fan?

Lighten up

You sound like you know something maybe you should enlighten us we seem

So stupid.

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d0ccd3 No.20921185


iTerrance. Kek

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b0e8c3 No.20921187

File: 8fc4fb0ada17bc2⋯.jpeg (941.04 KB,1284x1270,642:635,IMG_5011.jpeg)

File: 4f8892c291559e3⋯.jpeg (813.91 KB,1284x1281,428:427,IMG_5012.jpeg)


Fans only now lol

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7dc097 No.20921188

File: 6d658099ad30844⋯.jpg (5.93 KB,255x143,255:143,wut13.jpg)


Heal what?

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c5a343 No.20921189

File: 402e7de13fadfc0⋯.png (118.7 KB,635x459,635:459,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96effbe24d9d845⋯.png (8.29 KB,138x27,46:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0cf6836223b62b⋯.png (85.8 KB,581x271,581:271,ClipboardImage.png)





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e7e602 No.20921191


Show us where you seem to know?

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565cd3 No.20921192


Only if it involves saving our home

from thermo conflict, or any more war.


Why does the movie swim fan come to mind?

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606d7a No.20921193


Where ?

Yea show us already

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0b4296 No.20921194


get the rotary nozzle

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e9a1e5 No.20921196


>Why can't I heal?

Because you said you can't and believe it.

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9a81f0 No.20921197

Did Q drop any crumbs relating to a secret base under the Denver airport??????

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fe717c No.20921198


I've been waiting for years.

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d0ccd3 No.20921199


No can digest that amount of schizo bullshit without feeling ill

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f4f9ef No.20921200

File: f76d36586ce414c⋯.png (280.58 KB,561x431,561:431,tits.PNG)


Here love

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462f2e No.20921201


Is this an immigrant joke?

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caa29f No.20921202



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83217f No.20921205


…Those are storm drains, dipshit.

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d99770 No.20921208


Egypt has a police force ok…


It is part of Africa…

Next you will be trying to say they all live in grass huts lol

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565cd3 No.20921209


Is this a storm drain joke?

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b1c321 No.20921210


Do you consider a storm drain a joke about immigrants?

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7d1075 No.20921212

>other than the handwriting I can’t read

>it’s just like my dream

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7e57ab No.20921213




Mar 07, 2019 2:32:30 AM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9950b1 No. 5553520



from Q's link

UPDATE BY LEO: President Obama was in Denver Sept 27th last year when Comet Elenin passed by the earth, “barely missing” us by 22 miles. Some say, that if the comet would have struck earth, it’s back to the stone-age for us. Nonetheless, their was a chance that it could have hit and President Obama was conveniently ushered to Denver… which, in my opinion, adds more to the existence of not only a military bunker, but also the largest, most advanced bunker in the US -because the President wouldn’t go to some half-ass bunker if there was a threat of complete world destruction. Just sayin..

UPDATE 2: Just got a weird phone call from “Government Affairs” (whatever that is) on our office phone caller ID and they hung up after we answered. If this post disappears for some reason tomorrow, you know why…and you should go watch this sexy video.

sexy video link


haven't checked those, might be read heads

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e9a1e5 No.20921214


>I've been waiting for years.

Believe you are healed.

Be not afraid.

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d84c8e No.20921215


No, you're boring. You know the lies. Learn the Truth. God, big G. Can help you more than I can. Find Truth

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caa29f No.20921216


is this an immigrant joke?

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fe717c No.20921217


Fuck off, nigger.

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27895e No.20921218

File: 2b0b35bda0b70bd⋯.png (456.31 KB,681x366,227:122,2b0b35bda0b70bdeaecddc8365….png)

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d84c8e No.20921219

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00baeb No.20921220


Really did they name it that or something?

You seem to talk a lot about this subject?

You must know something?

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fbb522 No.20921221

File: 56b3f0943165e40⋯.png (239.09 KB,726x832,363:416,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4f9ef No.20921222


love always matters and always will.

whether you know it or not.

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83217f No.20921223

File: 3c4acb86b7521a6⋯.png (1.59 MB,1036x666,14:9,allegorypattern.png)

File: 8bb9c307092f521⋯.png (22.28 KB,597x360,199:120,thisshitagainNPCucks.png)


…It's bullshit.

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fbb522 No.20921225

File: c84a38f0d486074⋯.png (1.33 MB,1080x1517,1080:1517,ClipboardImage.png)

is this from butt plug adherents or the vax?

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27b229 No.20921227


Who has that video of Kamala saying “do not come”

All I can say that seemed like she means it.

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a3c29c No.20921228

security status doesn't look tight these days?

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d84c8e No.20921229


okay. have fun suffering. muah. eat plenty of dicks on that fiery grill, no homo LOL

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31e352 No.20921230


heard a rumor that the vax destroys the gut biome

how does the body remove spike proteins?

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27895e No.20921231

File: 9909483f707b3bc⋯.jpg (463.25 KB,1500x1436,375:359,GOgRD6yW0AAfUtu.jpg)

A fren sent me this. I´ve never heard of this theory before. Seems a bit far-fetched, but who knows nowadays.

In link:

Where are the rest of 798,000 bodies? What happened to them? Rwanda is not a big country with so many hidden holes. Bodies couldn’t find a way out, in no way. We are talking about 1994. No mass grave has been found on the land of Rwanda or other neighbor countries. What happened to 798,000 bodies of 1994’s genocide?


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7e57ab No.20921233



anons memba the intel chatter about ChiCom troops coming via tunnels from Canada to Washington DC during the J6 False Flag?

Mockingbird media has memory holed it

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565cd3 No.20921234

File: dcc878bda975591⋯.jpg (472.3 KB,2896x1629,16:9,3dRT3thLhCy5Fyquu1GVIkLQxB….jpg)



Is this some form of swim fan joke?

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683038 No.20921235


How would you know?

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d84c8e No.20921236


for me, it's a teams war. and I'm ultra competitive.

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dc962d No.20921238


Hey is that you in the pic?

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d84c8e No.20921239


personally looking forward to you failing and my team winning….

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0b36da No.20921240


Why does everyone talk about movies lol

Don’t know anything about it…

Statement stands lol

Until you can explain the context then does not matter.

And it is a joke

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7e57ab No.20921242


who knows were the bodies are buried?

OG anons thought either Gen Flynn or Jeff Sessions

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dc962d No.20921243


All I need to know is ur phone number :3

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8b6d44 No.20921244


Where you getting these lol

Do you work for the government in the tunneling division…

Are you an independent contractor…

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caa29f No.20921246


shutup mr know it all...

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31e352 No.20921247

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Great Awakening

Stage 1 Type 1


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cc1de1 No.20921248



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7e57ab No.20921249


>An ILLEGAL HAMAS Tunnel being dug in Washington..

good catch, anon

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c5a343 No.20921250

File: d1bc3706a30d55c⋯.png (211.72 KB,485x378,485:378,ClipboardImage.png)


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d84c8e No.20921251


not quite the Jesus faggot you expected ayyy. wink, nothing like these fucking clowns. I'll bury all of you in hell. Fix your shit or I'll pop in to

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f4f9ef No.20921252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The end is very curious with the license plate can't really make it out.

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7dc097 No.20921253

File: c88ff65fcd74cc1⋯.png (284.24 KB,584x520,73:65,comfypepe6.png)

What an endearing stream of consciousness I just read on another platform just now. Could have used some punctuation, but that just added to the… innocent enthusiasm, for lack of a better term, in it. Felt like I needed to say, "Hold on, slow down, take a breath." when reading it. It did bring a warm smile to my face though, and that's something I can appreciate. KEK

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cc1de1 No.20921254

File: 486b52fcb8592f4⋯.png (342.19 KB,500x500,1:1,486b52fcb8592f4e536d40d356….png)

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fbb522 No.20921255

File: 43b329ed0935a58⋯.png (574.92 KB,827x607,827:607,ClipboardImage.png)

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98886c No.20921256


Are they going to title it a “beautiful day?”

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dc962d No.20921257


Hey why you giving me that look? Hmu /w ur phone number if u want and I can stream my consciousness across ur face gurl :3

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cc1de1 No.20921259

File: 53fd93ace7a4cce⋯.jpg (73.45 KB,285x410,57:82,2007_02_13_19_36_IMG_4898.JPG)

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c5662e No.20921260

File: e3ee205bfbc1756⋯.png (700.75 KB,1055x586,1055:586,Screenshot_20240526_221515.png)

r libertarians retarded? cause anon used to think they were Special but now just think they're retarded

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c97cc7 No.20921262


share it with us so we can smile too

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7d1075 No.20921264

File: 07240a5f1dd1fb1⋯.jpeg (3.25 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0397.jpeg)

File: f540b03df749bd0⋯.jpeg (2.79 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0398.jpeg)

File: 53aa377576b2168⋯.jpeg (2.69 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0399.jpeg)

File: a970d2d0078e762⋯.jpeg (2.65 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0400.jpeg)

File: 45f6151ecbea1f1⋯.jpeg (2.05 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0401.jpeg)

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565cd3 No.20921265



Yes it's a movie reference that had to do with this post, that was the relevance.

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4832e9 No.20921266

File: e6bd581b3453c0c⋯.gif (333.08 KB,1103x807,1103:807,7D6CBA42_D175_4DAA_8AC7_FA….gif)

File: bf01dcfb99482f3⋯.png (273.49 KB,604x395,604:395,5C4081C1_4329_42B7_BF90_09….png)

S.Korea system to detect short-selling to be ready Q1 2025, watchdog says

(If any of them were serious about this they would hire Eric Hunsader at Nanex to fix this…all over it from the start of HFT http://www.nanex.net/FlashCrash/OngoingResearch.html )

A new South Korean stock market monitoring system to detect illegal short-selling is expected to be implemented from the first quarter of 2025, Lee Bok-hyun, governor of the Financial Supervisory Service, said in a radio interview on Monday.

The new mechanism, which was proposed in April, has been touted as a prerequisite in order to lift a market-wide ban on short-selling imposed since November, as authorities seek to prevent illegal trading practices by foreign investment banks. In the interview, Lee repeated his earlier comment that he personally hoped to partially lift the ban in June or at least provide investors a timeline on when and under what conditions it would be lifted.


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618d91 No.20921267

File: f71ca6b361886fb⋯.png (417.09 KB,567x624,189:208,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 242bf1546fd69c5⋯.png (494.17 KB,1196x1223,1196:1223,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4513486de6e4064⋯.png (607.21 KB,1724x806,862:403,ClipboardImage.png)


>your hair is an antenna

>Native American trackers lost their ability to track when their hair was shaved

>Hair is full of melanin, which is an electrical conductor and captures sunlight.

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d6b1ff No.20921268

Is it so hard to believe that someone maybe an intellectual?

Cultured so on…

It means someone that generally knows stuff on many subjects and comes up with unique answer, suggestions, or comments.

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7e57ab No.20921269


>President Obama was in Denver Sept 27th last year when Comet Elenin passed by the earth, “barely missing” us by 22 miles.

conspiracy theorists already knew back in the day that there are no coincidences …

Comet ELEnin

ELE = Extinction Level Event

what are the mathematical odds Q could have asked?

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dc962d No.20921271


are you a cute intellectual redhead?

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b70a57 No.20921272

File: 490d7907f3677e6⋯.jpg (212.5 KB,1024x1024,1:1,_7c3ce4e7_89bf_4094_988c_6….jpg)


Ve vill find zem all.

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7d1075 No.20921273

File: e4279e2cdca6361⋯.jpeg (2.76 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0402.jpeg)

File: 7f6ef95b630cc3f⋯.jpeg (2.6 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0403.jpeg)

File: eb89533138cda79⋯.jpeg (2.68 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0404.jpeg)

File: a40b3c52c806f61⋯.jpeg (2.4 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0405.jpeg)

File: 4b7f0428c569fe6⋯.jpeg (2.19 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0406.jpeg)

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fbb522 No.20921274

File: 53bc8bc92a891fa⋯.png (421.22 KB,831x1315,831:1315,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc1de1 No.20921275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4832e9 No.20921276

A hamas tunnel just flew over muh house!

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f4f9ef No.20921277


Noone here by that name might try another board -.-

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cc1de1 No.20921278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b35adb No.20921280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Disposable Cities (Dams and Canals)



22 hours ago

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96ec30 No.20921281


Kinda not the definition of tunnel?

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f4f9ef No.20921282



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7e57ab No.20921283


well color me surprised, Israel assisted in creating a pic of retard looking Jesus

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7dc097 No.20921284

File: 8485b32323a414d⋯.png (109.49 KB,367x298,367:298,pepe_cereal.png)


>with us

>so we



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758038 No.20921286

File: 8fc4fb0ada17bc2⋯.jpeg (941.04 KB,1284x1270,642:635,IMG_5011.jpeg)

File: 4f8892c291559e3⋯.jpeg (813.91 KB,1284x1281,428:427,IMG_5012.jpeg)


They sure know how to motivate lol

Fans only

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cc1de1 No.20921288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fbb522 No.20921289


>hard to believe?


>hard to believe here?

Yes, mostly just here to shitpost and see some interesting thing once in a while. Lots of TWS (Trump Worship Syndrome), little introspection.

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fadbc8 No.20921290

File: 6daaba5b1a25348⋯.png (363.75 KB,625x612,625:612,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ad674 No.20921292

File: 956d7797fb02ad3⋯.png (4.99 MB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5013.png)

File: 4f8892c291559e3⋯.jpeg (813.91 KB,1284x1281,428:427,IMG_5012.jpeg)

File: 8fc4fb0ada17bc2⋯.jpeg (941.04 KB,1284x1270,642:635,IMG_5011.jpeg)

It is a light day not much will develop.

Shit maybe already hit the fan…

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7e57ab No.20921293


btw those eyewitness accounts on Jesus' looks are generally considered the be spurious by the scholars

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1214a6 No.20921295


Had a cat walk over my keyboard, she opened up about 200 windows, including these really bizzare developer windows, and some really weird OS dev modes.

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9a81f0 No.20921296

File: 8ede7af3a01a9f6⋯.jpg (142.65 KB,680x635,136:127,17_angle_stone.jpg)

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cc1de1 No.20921297

File: 09a8ffb5294da69⋯.jpg (59.83 KB,238x332,119:166,2007_01_29_13_42_IMG_1353.JPG)



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19da77 No.20921298



Trouble with folks who think they know shit, is they don't accept when they don't know shit.

Too busy thinking they edumacaded.

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d84c8e No.20921299


internal dia laughs at flynn

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09376e No.20921300

File: c4cf74f87fd6b47⋯.jpg (60.1 KB,500x566,250:283,IMG_20240517_143708.jpg)

AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is five years out from any country in the world from catching up, why? AI technology has built a brand new computer technology non recognizable to any other AI technology AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is a total ghost.'''


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707f3f No.20921301

File: 296b0fb3649a6f4⋯.jpg (63.4 KB,500x565,100:113,296b0fb3649a6f47bc46247659….jpg)

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cc1de1 No.20921302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

halp jesse git out of mommas basement

an sum sum oldur aloha experience

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d84c8e No.20921303


most cant remember his name

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31e352 No.20921304

File: 281af1b0a646140⋯.png (850.71 KB,640x655,128:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b36da No.20921305



Who knows?

Ask someone?

People focus on the wrong things… they read what already been written about.

That is not research…

Research is looking at an area or situation and developing conclusions or thoughts of your own.

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7d1075 No.20921306

File: a06dd3405787622⋯.jpeg (1.83 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0408.jpeg)

File: 47e3f5faa9a3eab⋯.jpeg (2.27 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0409.jpeg)

File: 0216c7b48aec577⋯.jpeg (2.61 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0410.jpeg)

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31e352 No.20921307

File: 3cc8c4f01f8f6b7⋯.png (125.2 KB,255x220,51:44,ClipboardImage.png)

If my kekulations are correct

(you) may become popular in your circles

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7dc097 No.20921308

KEK. Almost like the shills are proxying their regular hate through a lens of stupidity and ignorance right now.

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707f3f No.20921309

File: 4fb85bf33c99de4⋯.png (252.25 KB,887x388,887:388,b733c71d9be7a4f8780a121566….png)

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19da77 No.20921310


Youtube dating for the elderly??? WTAF?

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7e57ab No.20921311

File: fa99952a029e23e⋯.png (629.43 KB,708x471,236:157,Instagram_tips.png)



>I believe in cute redheads

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7d1075 No.20921312

Need lyrics send beats

Want noises you can have throwaways

Or just watch me fail until I like something


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0b36da No.20921314

I believe in nothing anymore period…

Only that this can’t continue on for ever…

What do you want to know? It all?

Go pray 🙏 lol

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7e57ab No.20921317


>People focus on the wrong things… they read what already been written about.


>That is not research…

it's Qresearch … Q reads something at a conspiracy site and then composes a drop that provides just the right search terms so anons find the same conspiracy site

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2e20e1 No.20921318


That looks like a Lego… lol

Lego my ego… lol

Ego is that you?

Big head small brain?

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a22ea9 No.20921320

File: 6ddb2a406431e72⋯.png (2.43 MB,1080x1343,1080:1343,Screevc.png)

File: 759a1d6b1d6bb3e⋯.png (50.08 KB,1029x183,343:61,Screenshot_20240520_161605….png)

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f91f75 No.20921321


You saying you work for the state department?

Wow can I get an autograph?


You must be famous…. Wait I thought it was supposed to be a secret

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7d1075 No.20921323

File: d7033cedd9bead3⋯.jpeg (2.64 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0411.jpeg)

They really put the whole country in masks? Was sure it was the Truman show

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b0e8c3 No.20921327



You should talk… you have a lot of catching up to do…

I can tell you know something…

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f4f9ef No.20921328


my beautiful moon <3

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1036e7 No.20921329

>>20919470 pb

>As much as 93 percent of the land in Israel is either owned or managed by the state

du vill own NUSSINK, und du vill be HAPPY!

now, eat ze bugz

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cc1de1 No.20921330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d0185a No.20921331

File: 04cacc982ac1195⋯.jpg (72.07 KB,500x624,125:156,Coughlin_s_Law.jpg)

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7dc097 No.20921332

File: 3847147ed5e1846⋯.jpeg (107.71 KB,878x1200,439:600,be3GoHslxDLr.jpeg)


That's enough out of you.

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cc1de1 No.20921334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

squantos lament

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7e57ab No.20921335



didn't muh joo shills try to claim the Hamas tunnels and dungeons in NYC were actually joo/Chabad tunnels?

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f4f9ef No.20921338


besides i should be in bed dreaming, planning my suicide, and hoping that my ex doesn't hate me. yeah am good thanks.

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c5a343 No.20921342

File: ce0a49379e3dd16⋯.jpg (82.47 KB,1086x1166,543:583,media_F_zfT0UWAAAp8nt.jpg)

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7e57ab No.20921343

File: e2a171ea888a0b9⋯.png (433.52 KB,800x975,32:39,ClipboardImage.png)




>Did you expect anything less?


>are you not entertained?

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9a82da No.20921346

The way the teams are set up right now, I hope there is no hot WW. I don’t want to see what happens in Trudeau vs. Putin.

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7e57ab No.20921349



POTUS got buggered?

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2ce014 No.20921354


>I'm your man.

Hope that means that tweet is coming shortly.

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7dc097 No.20921356

File: c7fb9d3bcfcde8f⋯.jpg (97.54 KB,736x738,368:369,69c9d480227313de4b1efb5503….jpg)

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5c3c5d No.20921357

Sunak was told to say he wanted to reintroduce conscription.

He never had the youth vote anyway. By saying this, he further ensures Starmer will be elected.

For the slow class, the same thing is happening in the USA, just the opposite political pole, which doesn't matter as it's two cheeks on the same ass.



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6f0737 No.20921363

File: 2c22d4776852b5a⋯.jpg (576.36 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240527_004604….jpg)

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19da77 No.20921365

File: 5b7b10ba583b767⋯.png (278.52 KB,716x427,716:427,ClipboardImage.png)





WHO Director General dr. Tedros announces the failure of Pandemic Agreement/Treaty.


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5c3c5d No.20921366


The only way to win is not to play.

This is not the same as giving up.

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19da77 No.20921370


I refuse to participate.

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5c3c5d No.20921371


I know.

Can't speak for anyone else.

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7e57ab No.20921373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>POTUS is our savior. Q #111


>US Military = savior of mankind. Q #114


>You are the saviors of mankind.

anons are the saviors.

define Messiah.

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7e57ab No.20921375




>The only way to win is not to play.


>This is not the same as giving up.

define Kobayashi Maru.

why is that relevant?

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b70a57 No.20921376

File: 037db0c945863fc⋯.png (674.2 KB,680x626,340:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a82da No.20921377

File: 5d49dfee390ba06⋯.jpeg (96.75 KB,647x900,647:900,D005EC68_B208_4339_B095_9….jpeg)

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5c3c5d No.20921379


Better than having one white anting your foundations.

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7dc097 No.20921380

File: 53cc41defb2de34⋯.png (722.9 KB,500x849,500:849,eUVBdMSqgBdE.png)


>The only way to win is not to play.

I'd say something similar to an opponent I considered skilled enough to beat me, to dissuade anyone from even trying to consolidate my power over something. Make it seem hopeless so no one even bothers. If the only way to win is not to play then why did Q want us to learn how to play?

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2e3c5c No.20921381

All I know is something don’t sound right with how much money gone in that direction… to many questions not enough answer?

Get the rope lol

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5c3c5d No.20921383

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97607a No.20921384


>pray without ceasing

Nothing to know apparently. Especially biblically.

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033f21 No.20921385


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7dc097 No.20921386

>>20921380 (me; edit: fix a derp)

>from even trying to consolidate

from even trying to challenge

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5c3c5d No.20921388


Because you're not allowing yourself to heal.

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b70a57 No.20921389

File: d46b6af91a9f2e6⋯.png (1.89 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

this thing has like 2k views now btw


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7e57ab No.20921390


>Guys are we really here forever

maybe not forever .. but some anons think Trump is going to get an extra term as a bonus/compensation … that would be till 2032

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b419a3 No.20921391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7d1075 No.20921392


>Cosplay in the works

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c873ff No.20921393


Pretty much undeniable truth right there.

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707f3f No.20921394

File: 539c6965b9f85aa⋯.png (455.86 KB,640x512,5:4,539c6965b9f85aaaaceace2b99….png)

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1cf482 No.20921395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aftur hubbard potty train

parra adduma lurches out to forun homo

seekin duh gay to suck on

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fb34a1 No.20921396


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5c3c5d No.20921397


Why are you believing Q instead of yourself?

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5c3c5d No.20921398


Irrelevant when you're working to escape this realm.

Don't play the games on offer in this realm.

Then you win.

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5cd17a No.20921399

Aw you tiny pedo fucks, look out.

Considering the cycle of that big flaming ball of karma in the sky, and how its end just happens to coincide with the end of your cycle of evil as you know it:

Nobody does Math like God.

God's will in all things. And yeah, that Sun, she's a-coming…

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7dc097 No.20921400


Ah, I see, you just want to slide with a straw man rather than actually have a discussion, or even address the question I gave you in the first place. In the filter you go with the rest of the rejects. Maybe you could show everyone in there how to Reddit space like a pro.

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1036e7 No.20921401


>OBSERVATION: i've detected electrical voltages on my skin

>CONCLUSION: i've been contaminated by people shedding graphene nanoparticle electrical generators

here's what i detect…


read some fucking TEXTBOOKS

a few hundred to start with

come back when you LEARN something

better yet, NEVER COME BACK

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f4f9ef No.20921402


well there is a problem. "when the would falls into the flames" father said no destruction.

running around my house finding every trinket i had.. everyone in the bible i knew from the past.. yeah okay.

im sorry it's the world you can't see.

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fb34a1 No.20921403


an idiot willingly unaware of reality

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5c3c5d No.20921404


Touchy much?

Suit yourself, but don't challenge yourself right?

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fb34a1 No.20921405


trusts the science And the experts

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5c3c5d No.20921406


Maybe read the words of Jesus?

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90f8ff No.20921407



I know this sounds odd but you should read you need to understand all the other areas involved as well as time periods so on… Hamas is relatively new on the seen for these types of groups.

If you don’t understand this by reading it you not done enough research. That is the difference between people that understand what they are reading at a greater level.

It can take years unless you are very good at studying to fully understand these types of conflicts.


Simple observation he is an Imam a religious leader as well as the leader or was of the country.

The fact that Hamas is fallowing this structure of religious empowerment is in itself modeled someone on the Iran model. Even though you have Sunni they are still different in some ways based on area.

These are sensitive topics because people are fearful of labeling all people extremist.

To me this simple observation shows that there are relations because of this similar structure. Is it any wonder that Iran was supplying weapons there way. Although under the banner of Sunni are they really… and also the relation to Syrian Iraq and Lebanon… are all tied.

Jordan has a reason why they are not as much actually and as well as Saudi Arabia. There leader ship is more of a different type and strangely more unified.

It is theorized that Iran was maybe trying to but in to Iraq and Syria with different ideologies trying to win over area with beliefs and then supporting the rebels in the area.

You can’t start to understand this kinda issue unless you know about alot of this area so on…

Having a tech degree is not going to do it.

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7d1075 No.20921408

Can’t find the Taiwan book.

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fb34a1 No.20921409


also a fucking idiot

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7dc097 No.20921410


Silence, AEI. Your despairfag routine is tired and old. Now IP hop like a bitch.

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fb34a1 No.20921411

(you) are no longer worth it

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fb34a1 No.20921412

may your death linger


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7e57ab No.20921413





>Why are you believing Q instead of yourself?

we are the saviors of mankind and Q told us again an again

have a faith in yourself

trust yourself

Have faith and trust in YOURSELF.

Keep faith in YOURSELF.

Light of the World.


reread the crumbs and learn our COMMs

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1036e7 No.20921414




what's stoppin' ya?

it ain't rocket science

go be a drama queen somewhere else

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88b849 No.20921415

You are worth it.

Learn to filter.

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fb34a1 No.20921416

you were told what is

you ignored it for years



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564f68 No.20921417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


SEC702 Cyber Intelligence

98 subscribers

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6f0737 No.20921418

File: b7c0213e39109e6⋯.jpg (366.47 KB,1027x1712,1027:1712,Screenshot_20240527_011055….jpg)

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b419a3 No.20921419


It's supposed to be a parody that's based in a video game not meant to be taken literally.

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1036e7 No.20921420


>trusts the science


the same science that let's you sperg your retarded bullshit across the planet in nanoseconds


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2c50d2 No.20921421

Don't fret about the current thing.

Kamala's got it!

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564f68 No.20921422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Laura Linney in BREACH movie


1.72K subscribers

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88b849 No.20921423

File: a7d2778fde10b70⋯.jpeg (188.49 KB,828x1254,138:209,a7d2778fde10b70d38200018f….jpeg)

Fast moving bread. TYB, most anons are irl touching grass tonight. o7 shill duty

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7e57ab No.20921424


In Syria Hamas troops fought together with the State Department and CIA supported jihadists against the Lebanese Hezbollah, Iran supported Shia militias and the Syrian Army. Basically against Gen Soleimani.

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7dc097 No.20921425

File: 85b4cafdc80ca57⋯.jpg (20.33 KB,255x254,255:254,85b4cafdc80ca57e1bbc8b3a00….jpg)


I'm not worth anything. And I'll fuckin' filter you. You just watch. I'll filter you hard.

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1cf482 No.20921428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7d1075 No.20921429

Definitely not worth it, litterbug litter box.

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4a186b No.20921430

File: 0ee47acc74888aa⋯.png (437.68 KB,568x568,1:1,0ee47acc74888aa12075e13fda….png)

File: 022cf30a5a981a5⋯.png (413.87 KB,475x768,475:768,ClipboardImage.png)


Touch and Goes..


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6f0737 No.20921431

File: c0d5bd805819390⋯.jpg (124.29 KB,1080x1411,1080:1411,Screenshot_20240527_011651….jpg)


>touching grass

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7e57ab No.20921432




>>OBSERVATION: i've detected electrical voltages on my skin


>>CONCLUSION: i've been contaminated by people shedding graphene nanoparticle electrical generators


>here's what i detect…




>read some fucking TEXTBOOKS


>a few hundred to start with


>come back when you LEARN something


>better yet, NEVER COME BACK

what part of DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND THINK FOR YOURSELF you do not understand?

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88b849 No.20921433

File: 1071c6f829d1386⋯.png (137.8 KB,411x600,137:200,1707100990496925.png)


Talks big and filters nothing.

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4a186b No.20921434

File: 1f6632697f0a25e⋯.png (1.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Dear Hawaii.. You stole it from Wilits California kek..

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c5a343 No.20921435

File: bb06fb189dcbbc6⋯.jpg (21.61 KB,500x500,1:1,bb06fb189dcbbc646d2bfc3bfa….jpg)

Exponential (Geometric) Growth of Panic.

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f4f9ef No.20921436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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675b89 No.20921437


Bill Binney was the first to say this.

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4a186b No.20921438

File: bfb8136ffa6084f⋯.png (61.98 KB,338x338,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


But you perfected it so nobody bitches. kek

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9f106f No.20921439

File: f776ad9b4cd9f89⋯.jpg (154.93 KB,720x1194,120:199,20240527_001832.jpg)

File: e55b43b85d13f2f⋯.mp4 (8.82 MB,480x852,40:71,MatrixUnraveled_20240527_2….mp4)

File: e550d859b382ea2⋯.jpg (135.61 KB,720x1086,120:181,20240527_001616.jpg)

File: 373a263fc61ca0f⋯.mp4 (998.68 KB,720x972,20:27,Liz_Churchill_20240527_1_n….mp4)


Since when are people held hostage at the Cannes Film Festival?


Actress Massiel Taveras had a portrait of Jesus Christ on her dress at the red carpet.

The security guards immediately rushed her out.

WTF is going on at the Cannes festival?

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7dc097 No.20921440

File: d88c681441681a3⋯.png (671.37 KB,1300x780,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Those're filtering words, pilgrim. Don't make me filter you again. I'll do it too. KEK. Just a bit of facetiousness before sleep.

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8324e2 No.20921441


Also as a general thought you have not heard as much about Muslim Brother Hood because this was part of them or the bad actors… it would suggest that Imam or a religious leader that is extreme would be the connections between areas. Due to such things going on so much they likely backed off… this cost large finacial blows destabilizing… action that they are kinda having to deal with in ways.

This is where not all people are extreme and now are waking up to dealing with the reality of the fall out. Solutions by areas or countries around are the most likely to work such as immigration to them… this however could lead to bad actors migrating to there countries which they do not want so they are careful is all.

I think it is going about as good as it can considering.

This is where the Islamic community and countries in the Arabian area are stepping up as this drags out a little.

We will see what happens… however them dealing with some of this makes it not as advantaged to allow or look the other way for terrorism going on… this is good because it is different then in the past where people in the western world tried to go in so heave not allowing these cost to be well seen…

Time is the greatest thing that can help resolve this as with this people and leaders to not like to look at this going on so on.

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2c50d2 No.20921442

File: 727a9defbbfb623⋯.jpg (342.08 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240525_182241….jpg)


Creepy Joe and his twin should show up at Nascar to counter Trump.

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0685e7 No.20921443

To me it does not seem like people actually want researchers or help in these areas.

Instead they take a stance like well that does and has not worked. Never underestimate the government ability to throw money at a problem and gain no results.

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a0c3a3 No.20921444


Metal pipes are shitty, find that in your uncles shake bag?

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9a81f0 No.20921445

File: 7144686249df644⋯.png (442.03 KB,741x634,741:634,suck_my_straw.png)


Lol. Kek. Research Reddit faggot.

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25250d No.20921446


your planet is honeycombed

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c5a343 No.20921447

File: b005a547c7a6cd3⋯.png (351.87 KB,606x544,303:272,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f908f8e00a445a0⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1080x1080,1:1,media_GOf1iZAW4AAYejk.jpg)




According to GPS data, the greater spotted eagles have been avoiding the conflict in Ukraine by flying around artillery fire, tanks, jets, and even large clusters of military personnel during periods of heavy fighting

May 27, 2024 · 5:30 AM UTC


Get out of my land fucking humans!

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675b89 No.20921448


>Did Q drop any crumbs relating to a secret base under the Denver airport?

Look up eerie voice at Denver Airport.

The enemy is in the Mene parable.

Take a look at the Denver graphics, right in front of your face. The smoke is the graphics and the mockeries, the fire is below.

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1cf482 No.20921449

File: 66ae47759d36315⋯.jpg (115.12 KB,761x722,761:722,2010_05_17_16_09_IMG_4469.JPG)

File: 4d92fc8c344b6ef⋯.jpg (684.76 KB,1440x900,8:5,2010_05_18_20_20_IMG_4106.JPG)

File: dc8f9c7d9054959⋯.jpg (381 KB,1280x800,8:5,2010_08_02_00_16_IMG_7743.JPG)

File: 442a2f1ae96e8ef⋯.png (1 MB,1051x701,1051:701,2010_08_05_19_18_IMG_8756.PNG)

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462f2e No.20921450


Would it have mattered they likely would have used it some way anyways. People motivated is the core of the issue… ideology is and was from the foundation.

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1cf482 No.20921451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b419a3 No.20921452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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88b849 No.20921453

File: 56c91c7771766ab⋯.png (394.42 KB,1531x2396,1531:2396,56c91c7771766abba1047ff7be….png)


What a fucking waste.

Night frens, big day tomorrow.

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2c50d2 No.20921454


Who can blame Kamel for going easy on her colleagues?

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7d1075 No.20921455

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25250d No.20921456


is it raining in the uplands yet randy?

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4a186b No.20921457

File: 45616eda1bc84de⋯.png (46.06 KB,300x199,300:199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a45a80107342076⋯.png (1.07 MB,1200x797,1200:797,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7729580bc27250⋯.png (439.47 KB,1200x797,1200:797,ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck that, I wish I smoked still.

An that is the only reason.

How can Anon use it without using it?

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1036e7 No.20921458


>what part of DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND THINK FOR YOURSELF you do not understand?


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9f106f No.20921459

File: 5fb4e1db9ed8a4a⋯.jpg (177.5 KB,720x855,16:19,20240527_002827.jpg)


Bear mauls teen with rare disorder as he watched TV in Arizona cabin: ‘This is not normal’

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526325 No.20921460

God answers prayers.


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526325 No.20921461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d99770 No.20921462


Like it or not the separation of church and state are important.

If I had one piece of advice to this area it would be to require this… that a religious leader or leadership not be in charge. To some point if someone retired runs for office so on… who knows but that would be a step to allow responsibly to be more directly related to the leadership. Why the UN and other international communities do not see this as a good step… is beyond me. I am not suggesting people take the value of religion out if they want to keep it but when it has seem to be to largely involved in a failing area this maybe a good step forward.

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b419a3 No.20921463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2c50d2 No.20921464

File: 378b1fdf2868d59⋯.jpg (146.64 KB,720x744,30:31,Screenshot_20240507_192311….jpg)

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526325 No.20921465

File: e98a47f08625a70⋯.png (724.17 KB,1023x767,1023:767,pe2.png)

File: 8d8380331587c05⋯.png (323.84 KB,1009x728,1009:728,pk.png)


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7d1075 No.20921466

Apple pipe


Yoga studio darkness

Normal way to prove the danger of the practice. My bad, wasn’t going to have the argument over exercise(s)

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148d57 No.20921467


I had a cat that walked over my keyboard, and she opened up the keybaord BIOS whatever, and remapped the fuckin keys…

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c5a343 No.20921468

File: 5097f02d0dda734⋯.png (324.25 KB,627x514,627:514,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b3977f64cf0a8b⋯.jpg (48.14 KB,582x388,3:2,1701320894_408_Henry_Kissi….jpg)




Moldova has formally requested that Russia extradite the leader of the country's main political opposition, Israeli-Moldovan business man Ilan Shor


May 27, 2024 · 4:30 AM UTC


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526325 No.20921469

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Right Elon?

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25250d No.20921470


revelation 6:8

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

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526325 No.20921471

Anons, God answers prayers. Unstoppable.

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2c50d2 No.20921472


At the end of your posts always put, No homo.

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6e50a1 No.20921473

File: d8d1955ea05db42⋯.png (41.57 KB,708x452,177:113,0c71cddc_9dea_4999_b647_dd….png)

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526325 No.20921474

Prayer updates on Sunday night. Remember, Elon? Bet you'll never forget now.

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25250d No.20921475


small helium leak

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526325 No.20921476

In op update news, Operator1 deported the resident board demon PRIDE back to Hell. Noticeable.

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526325 No.20921477

God answers prayers, anon. Never fails.

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4a186b No.20921478


biden says, they just need some homeless tents there so the bear can't make it to the cabin without getting a BLUE TENT first

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fc77bf No.20921479


To me it is perfectly logical that the UN or international community at lest says that a non religious group be formed to expect aid. This is not to limit religious freedom but to try to separate info from being so easily manipulated or used. Allowing for more responsibility to be directly put on leader ship or the religious extremist for relaying information that proved to be manipulated.

It would be the first thing I would suggest actually…

May not solve all the problems but laying it out clearly like this makes it known that this was a large contributing factor before so steps to mitigate it should be first up for future.

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25250d No.20921480

still believes in demons


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c5a343 No.20921481

File: f2999ac02220f43⋯.png (216.57 KB,622x570,311:285,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0564e81de3a4f2⋯.jpg (123.61 KB,500x730,50:73,1hewps.jpg)




The human brain generally doesn’t survive being frozen solid [citation needed], but that’s set to change thanks to a breakthrough from China’s Fudan University

Details: instagram.com/p/C7ZimIiBFMq/…

May 27, 2024 · 12:30 AM UTC


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27895e No.20921482

File: 926bf6bdcb669d2⋯.jpg (94.06 KB,625x428,625:428,926bf6bdcb669d25935c48be81….jpg)


>Bill Binney

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526325 No.20921483

File: b41e68c1f214086⋯.png (639.98 KB,1023x767,1023:767,ClipboardImage.png)


Sometimes, all it takes is a breadcrumb-sized problem…https://www.theguardian.com/science/2009/nov/06/cern-big-bang-goes-phut

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2c50d2 No.20921484


Jesus is King.

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1036e7 No.20921485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>blackbird you can hear it before you can see it

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6876c4 No.20921486


What tester anon?

Wonder if a zapper would improve this condition?

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d6b1ff No.20921487


This is to say some of the wars where not made up just to laundry money lol

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88b849 No.20921488

File: 26ff7049b0ff9ce⋯.png (843.92 KB,870x1160,3:4,26ff7049b0ff9ce675a7f7f674….png)


>Night frens

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25250d No.20921489


getting religion out of daily affairs got you here.

think hard about that.

1955 was better for everyone

except best korea.

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7e57ab No.20921490

Trials & Tribulations of POTUS as a Young Boy …

why is POTUS so determined in destroying the pedophile rings and child traffickers?

why did POTUS' father took young Donald off the Catholic School?

what could have happened/almost happened?

logical thinking wins ever time.

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84f050 No.20921491


Good evening.

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2c50d2 No.20921492


Not as much as he loves chicken.

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7394e5 No.20921493

File: 25141028e64a0dd⋯.jpg (58.72 KB,434x680,217:340,IMAGE_2024_05_27_00_40_29.jpg)

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25250d No.20921494


they were all bullshit

one way or another.

mass death should be avoided

not engendered

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526325 No.20921495

File: 2b36ed44f543b89⋯.png (644.5 KB,616x553,88:79,ClipboardImage.png)


Amen. King of Kings.

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b6b415 No.20921496


These Satanic minions cannot even bear Christ in art form, for one minute… Just imagine, when they find out, it's not imagination.

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2c50d2 No.20921497


This post gives rise to patriotism.

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148d57 No.20921498

File: 93c8e949f5764df⋯.jpg (259.65 KB,2100x1313,2100:1313,FA_18_inverted_above_an_F_….jpg)



Come in Nightshift, comms check, I've lost you on my scope, over

I've got your 6, dayshift, over.

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2c81ea No.20921499

File: 5ba9604fa95a823⋯.png (629.32 KB,934x2117,934:2117,ridinthatrain.png)


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6e50a1 No.20921500

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526325 No.20921501

>>20921496 Difficult truths.

Jas 2:19

Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

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526325 No.20921502

Darkness has always feared THE LIGHT.

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25250d No.20921503


you don't believe them…

do you?

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e1f133 No.20921504


No. They are quite accurate. It was just one of the things that pissed everyone off is that he was so different looking. His hair was lighter and wavy. His skin was lighter yet tanned well, He was by all measures quite handsome.

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e06e54 No.20921505


Hmm. Double protopipe looks cool. As for smoking… Mugwort comes to mind.

Carefull though, its antiparasitic.

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2c50d2 No.20921506


That's because her bad decisions about taking more pills. She needs to live for 9 more months.

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83ac83 No.20921507

File: 122cd2333ea8b58⋯.jpeg (662.98 KB,957x970,957:970,IMG_1149.jpeg)

File: 7cbcdb7dfc46331⋯.png (565.46 KB,800x599,800:599,38B17FC8_BBB6_40F7_9332_D4….png)

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526325 No.20921508


We prayed back then to stop the ignition. Do we believe God used a dove with a crumb to do it? Sure as Hell do.

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83ac83 No.20921509

File: f95b8ecdab52530⋯.jpeg (564.74 KB,968x730,484:365,IMG_1166.jpeg)

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84f050 No.20921510


I've got you loud and clear. Roger that.

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83ac83 No.20921511

File: 70756455c2e6945⋯.png (1.75 MB,1600x856,200:107,EE715712_8EE2_430B_AA23_6D….png)

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25250d No.20921512


you really think it stops.

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4a186b No.20921513

File: d9bd1390dcf9ddc⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,720x1190,72:119,plane_into_trunk.mp4)


you were only waiting for this moment to be free


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83ac83 No.20921514

File: 41503f40b5bb89f⋯.jpeg (49.93 KB,320x279,320:279,IMG_1167.jpeg)

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f4f9ef No.20921515


i believe it was the first amendment right that stopped the gov to shut down the jail scientogy created that kept a woman in there for 17 days with 33 pieces of paper when she got out which in italy 17 means death and she died shortly after.

so if a religious group so well immersed into everything cannot be stopped by just the first amendment right then there is a problem either with whoever wrote the script or how it was handled.

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148d57 No.20921516

File: ea96efa0616875f⋯.webp (281.88 KB,1044x2133,116:237,MPs_standing_down.webp)


Parliament has already been dissolved, that's why no seal.

King Charles got rid of them

120 not running, more to come.

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9a81f0 No.20921517

File: 42b786ab5a50603⋯.jpeg (137.81 KB,1024x1024,1:1,snoopfrog.jpeg)

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83ac83 No.20921518

File: c5ae330adbc84f8⋯.png (1.76 MB,1242x1222,621:611,2A70611F_07D5_4E49_94DB_C6….PNG)

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25250d No.20921519


you might want to inform parliament.

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526325 No.20921520

File: 4f4502de8b8732c⋯.png (17.52 KB,444x314,222:157,38.png)

File: 12b8adb86d4b6db⋯.png (129.12 KB,830x1774,415:887,756.png)


Very big.


The calm before the storm.

































ACTIVATE CODE: [0 0000 018739 7-ZjG]


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6077cc No.20921521


Yeah. Eclipse? Nothing. Solar storms? Nothing. Looks like all they have rn are random murder trannies and weather warfare.

If mass blackouts, antifa riots or a fentenyl floyd was possible, they would have done it.

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83ac83 No.20921522

File: 6fc6f54363e6c5a⋯.jpg (112.04 KB,960x540,16:9,Charlie_in_Charge.JPG)

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7e57ab No.20921523


>>>20921432 (You)


>>what part of DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND THINK FOR YOURSELF you do not understand?



that can be parsed in two ways




what was your intended meaning?

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8054cd No.20921524

File: da3ad57b76c314e⋯.png (130.29 KB,800x504,100:63,ClipboardImage.png)


multi terseter

fuses, bulb, led, power (as in lets you know there is juice on the main)

chynese brand capricorn electronic H5

the H5 might identify the chynese prison camp it was made in ?

Capricorn Christmas Light Tester


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83ac83 No.20921525

File: 7e32473036eda5a⋯.jpg (161.84 KB,647x800,647:800,King_Charles_MassiveHands_….JPG)

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27895e No.20921526


Wall-sized painting of armageddon, strange statues, lot´s of rumors about underground stuff.

It´s been on the radar for a long time. Don´t remember if Q mentioned it specifically.

Some also connected Denver airport geographically with Georgia Guidestone, but I don´t know about that.

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148d57 No.20921527


Big Charlie is cleaning house.

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1036e7 No.20921528











ya wanna demoralize anons and scare away the newfags?

send in the bibletards

like when the jehovah's witnesses are at the door and everyone is like, SHHHH…. if they think we're not home, maybe they'll go away

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2c50d2 No.20921529


What's Canadian culture? Ham they call bacon?

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8054cd No.20921530




like a fly swatter zapper?

a taser?

call me metaphorical taser face


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526325 No.20921531

File: 5e3633fac536e40⋯.png (1.47 MB,1024x768,4:3,cC0YST.png)


Anons, watchmen on the wall. Irreplaceable.

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7e57ab No.20921532




>Big Charlie is cleaning house.

like Bolton

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526325 No.20921533


Only a fruitloop thinks God answering prayers is a problem. You're a joke, Clown.

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564f68 No.20921534

File: b33c1dc594ba97c⋯.png (225.32 KB,1047x1069,1047:1069,biden_ignored_inflation_wa….png)

File: 4aee9fe1e69915b⋯.png (710.39 KB,955x1000,191:200,biden_past_bills_05192024.png)

File: 4285a2077059540⋯.png (925.09 KB,800x1051,800:1051,colleges_pro_palestinian_p….png)

File: 08b2a38e420662b⋯.png (555.37 KB,1076x800,269:200,biden_invokes_excutive_pri….png)

File: 8b495d43ea6b8c3⋯.png (861.87 KB,1100x618,550:309,cali_lost_track_of_20_bill….png)

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148d57 No.20921535


we all gonna be religious by the end of this.

Ain't no atheists in foxholes.

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83ac83 No.20921536


Are you saying King Charles’s “cancer treatment” is actually a euphemism for “Purging Parliament”?

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526325 No.20921537


The LHC has an off-switch, yes. Even if it didn't, nothing is able to stop God. Creation is always subject to its Creator. God created every element used to invent and construct everything else. Nothing is beyond His reach. And He answers prayers. It's not a difficult task for God. Have Faith.

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540311 No.20921538

File: c6d683256adcf27⋯.png (461.62 KB,823x610,823:610,4EE0D0A3_78BC_4955_A300_21….png)

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526325 No.20921539


Just don't confuse "religion" with Truth. There is a BIG difference. Read the Bible. It's all you need. Read the Bible, pray to God, trust God. Impossible to lose.

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2c50d2 No.20921540


Libtards are a bunch of fucking unwashed heathens.

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526325 No.20921541


Convert them. It's your job.

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162b6f No.20921542


A parasite zapper. Stupid simple circuit. Of course many are sold expensively but a 9v battery and capacitor are all thats required. Put "hulda clark zapper" into your search box.

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526325 No.20921543

Patriots are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. WW wake-up call.

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575891 No.20921544

File: 5e45b3aab078b82⋯.mp4 (473.36 KB,208x336,13:21,VID_20240527_000221_948.mp4)

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c5a343 No.20921545

File: 86be763e8c7b01c⋯.jpg (102.95 KB,1322x1254,661:627,media_GOiIBGqWsAA6Dpk.jpg)


>>Night frens

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4a186b No.20921546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

watch the drones.


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1036e7 No.20921547


>Only a fruitloop thinks God answering prayers is a problem.

only a bibletard thumps on a bible without even knowing what it says

matthew 6:2-8

2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth

4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.

5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

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297e5d No.20921548


Thats just a low voltage continuity tester anon. Sweat would complete the circuit.

A temu version of the trifield emf meter sounds more apprapo here.

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25250d No.20921549


you do not know.

oh well.

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d0b3ec No.20921550

File: 103737048712d0c⋯.gif (4.25 MB,410x352,205:176,Fauci_laugh_2.gif)

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25250d No.20921551


very illiterate

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526325 No.20921552


Clowns like this? They go down next.

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526325 No.20921553


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2c50d2 No.20921554


You spelled morons wrong.

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9f106f No.20921555

File: 3d962d3e473fe7e⋯.jpg (679.76 KB,1200x1200,1:1,20240526_214138.jpg)

Hogg is aging horribly

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2c81ea No.20921556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bf0cfe No.20921557


OoooOoooh… Now we know one of your keywords. AI with shit opsec.

You will never be a real boy.

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7394e5 No.20921558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c5a343 No.20921559

File: a395bce6a9bfb65⋯.jpg (797.84 KB,3024x4032,3:4,media_GOTt5sVW0AA4c9y.jpg)

C´mon Elon.

Post this

for the keks.


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2c50d2 No.20921560


No, I'd be content if only (You) left. Go back.

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1036e7 No.20921561


>Only a fruitloop thinks God answering prayers is a problem. You're a joke, Clown.

fucking simple-minded fuckwits like you claim to believe in "God"

when what you actually believe in is Santa Claus

you think there is an old man with a beard with a list of who's naughty and who's nice

and if you send your prayers (letters) to heaven (the north pole), he will reward you with gifts

your stupidity and vanity borders on heresy

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25250d No.20921562




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f36590 No.20921563


How drunk was the mad magazine guy when he fucked that easter island statue?

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11ddc5 No.20921564

it can not spell.


looks like you can't either.

no great loss on either account.

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2c50d2 No.20921565


Thank you for stating the tenents of your religion.

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7e57ab No.20921566




>i believe it was the first amendment right that stopped the gov to shut down the jail scientogy created that kept a woman in there for 17 days with 33 pieces of paper when she got out which in italy 17 means death and she died shortly after.


>so if a religious group so well immersed into everything cannot be stopped by just the first amendment right then there is a problem either with whoever wrote the script or how it was handled.

it does not work that way … your story is bs but in general that would amount to a False Imprisonment, you can't do that regardless of your religious convictions

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11ddc5 No.20921567


true observation.

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2c50d2 No.20921568


I'm letting the vaccines sort them out. Trust the science.

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b35adb No.20921569

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Freedom_Flag_copy.png)

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1036e7 No.20921570

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526325 No.20921571

File: aaa1e46fd94af5f⋯.png (1.23 MB,1200x900,4:3,Liberty_Or_Death.png)

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7e57ab No.20921572




>We prayed back then to stop the ignition. Do we believe God used a dove with a crumb to do it? Sure as Hell do.

damn right!

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f4f9ef No.20921573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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526325 No.20921574

Is there a baker?

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2c50d2 No.20921575


Anons aren't hypocritical nor even known, Brian.

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c5a343 No.20921576

File: 3879179491dbef6⋯.png (389.29 KB,641x518,641:518,ClipboardImage.png)



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c5a343 No.20921577


just an ebaker here.

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526325 No.20921578


What do you mean you can only e-bake?

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4a186b No.20921579

File: dee52a9363a2789⋯.png (1.02 MB,1268x701,1268:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f7d1d1818e478f⋯.png (982.04 KB,1297x691,1297:691,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7334e209a5f66bd⋯.png (376.64 KB,1248x652,312:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed6ebeb6ec7f546⋯.png (812.75 KB,1291x700,1291:700,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 790650302a8b65b⋯.png (480.88 KB,1285x713,1285:713,ClipboardImage.png)


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f4f9ef No.20921580



in short https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Lisa_McPherson

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526325 No.20921581


NM i saw your post history just now. Doubt your services will be needed.

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7e57ab No.20921582




>you really think it stops.

normies think that reality is what does not go away when you stop believing in it but anons understand the power of Prayer and Positive Thinking ….

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2c50d2 No.20921583


He needs to spend more time on his bike and less time diddling Greta.

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c5a343 No.20921584

File: 8760d077c334cea⋯.png (4.4 KB,287x109,287:109,ClipboardImage.png)


not collecting notes.

just using th e old bread.

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526325 No.20921585


I'll take this bread then.

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93136b No.20921586


meaningless platitudes

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526325 No.20921587


I'll take care of it proper.

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c5a343 No.20921588

File: 5f1234570d83c9e⋯.jpg (60.52 KB,735x698,735:698,8889de6d8dea001bc409399325….jpg)


>NM i saw your post history just now. Doubt your services will be needed.

I care a lot.

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2c50d2 No.20921589


You have to go back. You're not ready to be here yet.

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526325 No.20921590


Does some fuckery need corrected?

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2c50d2 No.20921591

File: 4539bc206fe10d4⋯.jpg (173.88 KB,720x806,360:403,Screenshot_20231212_205915….jpg)

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7e57ab No.20921592

File: 0782e73f920bc9b⋯.png (1020.05 KB,1400x787,1400:787,ClipboardImage.png)


some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs


otoh, the secret military tech is vastly more advanced than normies think

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f2e7ae No.20921593


Cool no worries

I am just hopping this will end some time.

Happy to let you guys deal with any issues.

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804335 No.20921594


they will run for every snake hole when he returns.

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c5a343 No.20921595

File: 5a153f2fd7f0d3d⋯.png (21.84 KB,364x229,364:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c81ea No.20921596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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526325 No.20921597

Do you think we don't notice that's little JonBenet's face shopped on the mag? KYS.


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c5a343 No.20921598

File: 39df78b31049687⋯.png (37.53 KB,631x273,631:273,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk



Join xAI if you believe in our mission of understanding the universe, which requires maximally rigorous pursuit of the truth, without regard to popularity or political correctness

Igor Babuschkin



Apply at x.ai/careers if you want to be part of our journey to build AGI and understand the Universe 🛰️

May 27, 2024 · 6:40 AM UTC


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c5a343 No.20921599

File: c8cdb43511ca936⋯.jpg (307.22 KB,2048x1000,256:125,media_GOjX0B5WcAA6Vhz.jpg)

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526325 No.20921600

>>20921385 You can get lost.

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8054cd No.20921601

File: 548a85233f0f370⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB,720x576,5:4,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


fwiw if i take it and place it near the notebook power supply or the power wire to the supply, it lights up!

if i place it near the powered usb hub it lights up!

if i place it near the wire leading to the powered usb hub, it lights up! if i place it near the magnifying glass, it lights up!

and if i run it up to the bezel on the monitor, it lights up in two places. microphone and camera - bezel mounted internally - not shown in this clip

as i said in the OP, it tells me that there is power in the mains and for the shills, sorry not sweaty skin.

peace out anon

vid rel

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83ac83 No.20921602

File: fcb25c5f8dff040⋯.jpeg (318.54 KB,1130x968,565:484,IMG_1185.jpeg)

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83ac83 No.20921603

File: 04fbb8ca1c8ff16⋯.jpeg (320.93 KB,1131x768,377:256,IMG_1184.jpeg)

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83ac83 No.20921604

File: 680efd9929b3c72⋯.png (4.85 MB,1890x1890,1:1,606DEA0C_3116_4D41_BD18_BA….PNG)

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d2133a No.20921605


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83ac83 No.20921606

File: f3a1f9f9d78f719⋯.mp4 (713.74 KB,640x360,16:9,George_The_Vampire_Soros_.mp4)

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bd398e No.20921607


> Christ gown girl being escorted out - going up the stairs

> But Girl being held hostage - trying to go down the stairs

Which way is in, which way is out? Only one can be correct.

Suspecting girl "being held hostage" was trying to force her way in, not trying to get out.

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83ac83 No.20921608

File: dc38211f83d6124⋯.jpeg (103.56 KB,543x607,543:607,Elijah_Woods_Comfy.JPEG)

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1d41c1 No.20921609

noight shift.

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1036e7 No.20921610

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526325 No.20921611


The Great Awakening is also the Great Refining.

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8054cd No.20921612


looks like a bad case of wankers cap!

oh you know it as male pattern baldness!

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83ac83 No.20921613

File: 42e443e6631a979⋯.jpeg (147.14 KB,800x517,800:517,Rishi_Sunak_Fake_Vaccinat….JPEG)

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6484ad No.20921614

File: b632c1575d53ed5⋯.jpg (120.14 KB,1074x1368,179:228,20240523_220502.jpg)

File: 0c30a1af550c9b2⋯.jpg (140.35 KB,918x607,918:607,ndrzhy.jpg)

File: fa55eb9fddcc815⋯.png (832.55 KB,970x1214,485:607,20240523_221618.png)

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83ac83 No.20921615

File: 1a00ff24a7eeb09⋯.mp4 (307.9 KB,640x368,40:23,Rishi_Sunak_Hammer.mp4)

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1036e7 No.20921616


>You have to go back. You're not ready to be here yet.

spoken like a shill

gfy, karen

there are no hall monitors here

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6484ad No.20921617

File: 5a708f5f035717e⋯.jpg (74.39 KB,1024x667,1024:667,20240527_011243.jpg)

File: 6ce5033de608511⋯.jpg (131.64 KB,1447x814,1447:814,20240527_014329.jpg)

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3aea7e No.20921618


he is right.

you lack the awareness needful for the grim deeps.

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c5919c No.20921619

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a0c3a3 No.20921620

File: 4639f8e3cd96349⋯.jpg (3.17 KB,96x128,3:4,th_5_.jpg)

Go time bitches

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526325 No.20921621



>>20920817, >>20921585


Notables LAST CALL

>>20920872 “USA! USA! USA!” President Trump Receives Rock Star Welcome at NASCAR

>>20920993 VID POTUS Saluting. If only more people knew about him and his history… has ALWAYS been the same.

>>20920951 POTUS Truth 11:24 PM (NASCAR event)

>>20921031 POTUS Truth 12:02 AM (video re golf)

>>20921499, >>20921520 POTUS Truth 7:56 pm (vid @ NASCAR)

>>20921100, >>20921473, >>20921155, >>20921213 Anons dig Q Denver airport drop

>>20920860 Why Do Chinese Spies Keep Getting Sweetheart Deals?

>>20921266 S.Korea system to detect short-selling to be ready Q1 2025, watchdog say

>>20921365 WHO Director General dr. Tedros announces the failure of Pandemic Agreement/Treaty.

>>20921439 Actress Massiel Taveras had a portrait of Jesus Christ on her dress at the red carpet.

>>20921465 Botched SpaceX Engine Test Results in Spectacular Fireball

>>20920930, >>20921070 PF Updates

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2d5425 No.20921622

File: ece3dbb651c88c1⋯.png (2.9 MB,1153x2048,1153:2048,ClipboardImage.png)

"The Laptop Is Real": Justice Department Denounces Claims Of Russian Disinformation As A Biden "Conspiracy Theory"

“The defendant’s laptop is real.”

With those words and pictures like this one of Biden using crack, the Justice Department introduced the Hunter Biden laptop as evidence in his upcoming trial over federal gun violations.

The federal prosecutors went on to denounce suggestions of Russian disinformation, long peddled by the Bidens, the media and former intelligence officials, as nothing more than a “conspiracy theory.”

The media eagerly spread the claim of Russian disinformation before the presidential election. Twitter and others suppressed the story. This was done through one of the most skillful disinformation campaigns in history.

It later came out that associates of the Biden campaign (including now Secretary of State Antony Blinken) pushed a long effort to get former intelligence officials to sign a letter making the claim, knowing that an ever-accommodating media would accept the claim without question or further inquiry.

At the time, some of us wrote that the laptop was “self-authenticating” since many of the emails were confirmed by third parties and other evidence. The Justice Department last week made the same claim of “self-authentication” as well as independent confirmation by federal investigators.

In the now-debunked letter of former intelligence officials just before the election, figures such as Leon Panetta, former CIA Director in the Obama Administration, claimed that the letter had all of the markings of a Russian disinformation effort by intelligence services. (Panetta continued to make the assertion late last year in pushing what the federal government is now calling a “conspiracy theory.”).

The Washington Post’s Phillip Bump and others also continued to push the conspiracy theory. Indeed, in 2021, when media organizations were finally admitting that the laptop was authentic, Bump was still declaring that it was a “conspiracy theory.” Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Bump continued to suggest that “the laptop was seeded by Russian intelligence.”

What is equally astonishing is that in 2023 the Post expressly stood by Bump’s reporting on the laptop and other debunked claims. Even after the government has declared this reporting as part of a “conspiracy theory,” the Post continues to support the reporting by Bump and others.

The laptop includes not just pictures of Hunter using drugs but brandishing a handgun. The court clearly agrees with the government on the authenticity of the laptop. It has ruled against the defense and will allow it to be introduced into evidence.


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83ac83 No.20921623

File: 8ee014108507093⋯.jpeg (165.79 KB,1130x1102,565:551,IMG_1188.jpeg)

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1036e7 No.20921624


>has toy that lights up

believes that makes him an expert in electrostatics, electrodynamics, electronics, biology, physiology, bioelectric phenomena, biomagnetic phenomena

you have no clue what the device you're using IS, or what it DOES, or how it does it

but you've convinced yourself you have discovered something that everyone else on the planet has missed

'zat about sum it up?

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2d5425 No.20921625

File: 9f864c9c3f6640e⋯.png (1.09 MB,676x1024,169:256,ClipboardImage.png)

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles under fire again as child rapist allowed to stay in Australia despite conviction

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles is facing mounting criticism after it was revealed a man who raped his own stepdaughter was permitted to remain in Australia under his Direction 99.

Labor’s immigration detainee crisis has deepened with new information revealing a child rapist was permitted to stay in Australia under orders from Immigration Minister Andrew Giles.

Mr Giles issued Direction 99 in January 2023, instructing the Australian Appeals Tribunal (AAT) to make “ties to Australia” a primary consideration during visa determinations.

Since then, more than 35 offenders, including a child rapist, have had their AAT decisions overturned and have been allowed to remain in Australia under the direction.

A New Zealand man, known as CHCY, was found guilty in 2022 of nine counts of “indecent treatment” including counts of rape against his 14-year-old stepdaughter.

On two occasions after the rape occurred, the man went into his stepdaughter's room, entered her bed and rubbed her body.

The 37-year-old man had committed the offences while his wife was in hospital giving birth to his youngest child.

At the time of sentencing, the judge told CHYC he would lose his visa and added he “may well be deported”.

However, due to Direction 99, the AAT found the man had been in Australia for his “formative years” after moving from New Zealand at age 17 and revoked his visa cancellation in March.

“The Tribunal finds CHCY has lived for the majority of his life in Australia working full time, making a contribution to the taxation system, the community and his family,” the AAT found.

“The Tribunal places weight on this consideration noting the Direction (99) clearly articulates tolerance should be given to non-citizens in CHCY’s circumstances.”

Under Mr Giles’ direction: “Australia will generally afford a higher level of tolerance of criminal or other serious conduct by non-citizens who have lived in the Australian community for most of their life.”

Shadow immigration minister Dan Tehan called on Mr Giles to rescind Direction 99 at a press conference held on Monday.


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c5a343 No.20921626

File: 66aed73ea830447⋯.png (671.13 KB,564x561,188:187,66aed73ea8304472c2e79695cc….png)

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8054cd No.20921627


>hulda clark zapper


it reminds me of the TENS machines. zap yourself and raise the voltage output and zap yourself again! it is supposed to stimulate the nerves! hogg wash i says!

lol i fired a physiotherapist years ago for that device and the suggestion i zap muhself! quack i called her!

as i said it looks similar to the TENS device

imma dig tomorrow.. thx anon

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2cccc7 No.20921628

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

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526325 No.20921629


Do you have some alternate or archived link version? This one doesn't open.

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2c50d2 No.20921630


You have to go back, newfaggot, you're not ready.

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2c50d2 No.20921631



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83ac83 No.20921632

File: 2dbb595fc28a560⋯.mp4 (7.26 MB,mematicMeme.mp4)

Learn how to use a hammer with Rishi’s National Service

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d2db5d No.20921633



Night anons]

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7e57ab No.20921634


>in short https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Lisa_McPherson

maybe related in a way was the branch davidians fiasco… a pedo preacher had locked himself in a bunker with his child harem and kids' hapless parents …

feds tried a military special forces style swat attack to rescue the children but managed in the end incinerate/holocaust the pedo and his hostages

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526325 No.20921635

Clowns have been missing that banhammer for several months. It won't be back.

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526325 No.20921636


So you think the FEDs were right.. that David was a pedo? I spoke with his grandfather. You don't know what you're talking about.

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7e57ab No.20921637


KOresh was a pedo no doubt about that

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2c50d2 No.20921638


Lesbian A.G.s have to be tough on manufactured crime to show their tough. C 'mon man!

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1036e7 No.20921639


how is it that NO ONE who quit and left before the feds attacked ever accused him of that?

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526325 No.20921640

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8054cd No.20921641

File: d0c59aa0b33fc7d⋯.png (248.74 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b258871e39719fc⋯.png (36.02 KB,463x208,463:208,ClipboardImage.png)

ya gotta love shills… they take the OP, warp it, twist it, analyze it, add shit galore to it, then throw it back at ya!

did i make any of those claims dear shill? your projections are sub standard tonight. go take a break and fill in your shill card over at soros-shill dot com so you can get paid!


ps i was building circuit boards before your daddy popped a load in your momma's ass. you came along shortly afterwards!

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2d5425 No.20921642

File: 32ea101361e1357⋯.png (1.01 MB,1000x665,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

The Satanic and Talmudic nature of Benjamin Netanyahu’s ideology

Israel is effectively under the sway of Satanic forces, and Benjamin Netanyahu seems to have imbibed a Satanic ideology through the teachings of the Talmud.

The Satanic and Talmudic nature of Benjamin Netanyahu’s ideology

Israel is effectively under the sway of Satanic forces, and Benjamin Netanyahu seems to have imbibed a Satanic ideology through the teachings of the Talmud.

If you haven’t noticed, over 20,000 civilians, mostly children, have lost their lives in Gaza due to Israeli actions. The Israeli regime has indiscriminately bombed hospitals and killed journalists. Obviously, no one with an ounce of common sense would condone such actions.

For Satanists, survival depends on shedding blood, particularly that of other people. Instead of imposing any kind of restraint amidst the unmitigated destruction in Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu has recently issued an ultimatum to world leaders, framing his ideas within an implicitly Talmudic universe. Pay close attention to Netanyahu here:

“I say to the leaders of the world, no amount of pressure, no decision by any international forum, will stop Israel from defending itself. We will fight the monsters of Hamas and destroy them for good. […] If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone.”

The United States, Israel’s biggest political and economic supporter, attempted to caution Israel against invading the densely populated southern Gaza city of Rafah. However, it seems Netanyahu disregarded the warnings from US representatives. It’s worth noting that Rafah is a densely populated civilian area.

What we are witnessing repeatedly is that Israel is effectively under the sway of malevolent forces, and Benjamin Netanyahu seems to have imbibed a Satanic ideology through the teachings of the Talmud. In 2014, the Times of Israel quoted Netanyahu as saying,

“We will legally define the Talmud as the basis of the Israeli legal system. I will personally deal with the legislation for ‘Israel as the national home of the Jewish people. This is a very important law that will change how Israel looks in the future.”

Fast forward ten years, and Netanyahu is now responsible for the slaughter of Palestinian men, women, and children. Netanyahu’s nefarious actions could be swiftly halted if the United States suspended its economic support to Israel. Israel’s malevolent deeds cannot persist indefinitely.

If the United States fails to halt Israel’s Satanic activities, rest assured that politicians will pay a price—either in the future or, for those who believe in final judgment, in eternity. In other words, Netanyahu may believe he can escape the consequences of his crimes, but he is already deluding himself if he thinks that will be the case. And shame on any Christian Zionist who continues to support Israel’s Satanic kingdom.


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c5919c No.20921643

Where the dawgs at

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2c50d2 No.20921644


You have to firebomb the compound to know whats in it.

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526325 No.20921645

David's family had 144 talents of gold buried on their ranch in Waco. And were very well armed. FEDs needed both to stop, so they slaughtered them. FYI 144 talents weigh close to 11,000 lbs.

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83ac83 No.20921646

File: 7f5fc5efdf624e7⋯.jpeg (121.04 KB,800x780,40:39,FEE71198_EC8A_42BA_9B04_0….jpeg)

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526325 No.20921647



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526325 No.20921648


They aren't coming. Night belongs to actual anons tonight.

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2d5425 No.20921649

File: 4a961aa644d40f1⋯.png (655.76 KB,869x475,869:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c50d2 No.20921650


They don't make em like back in Big Jim and Tiny Dancers day.

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c5919c No.20921651


You don‘t know what that means, you just think it makes you look smart

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526325 No.20921652


What makes you say that?

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7e57ab No.20921653



Netflix Exposes the Pedophile Cult Leader Who Went to War With …

22 Mar 2023 … Netflix Exposes the Pedophile Cult Leader Who Went to War With the FBI. Docuseries Waco: American Apocalypse reexamines the deadly Waco siege …


Who was David Koresh: Ex-followers describe life inside apocalyptic …

2 Jan 2018 … … Koresh that probably bothers me the most,” Bunds said. “My position now is that David Koresh was a pedophile… [and] I wish I would have done …


Waco cult leader David Koresh was not a pedophile … - Daily Express

22 Mar 2023 … A woman defended cult leader and alleged paedophile David Koresh … Koresh was not a pedophile (Image: GETTY / MCLENNAN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE).


Marlow Stern on X: "netflix digs into david koresh, the pedophile cult …

22 Mar 2023 … netflix digs into david koresh, the pedophile cult leader who went to war with the fbi in the waco siege https://t.co/rHaOzeqK6F.


The True Story of David Koresh and the Tragedy at Waco - Goodreads

11 Apr 2023 … Long before he became a cult leader, "Koresh" paints a vivid portrait of this man as an increasingly emboldened sex offender whose religious …


Branch Davidian children's drawings foretold deadly Waco fire …

19 Apr 2022 … … Koresh. The standoff began on Feb. 28, 1993, when 76 agents from the … “My position now is that David Koresh was a pedophile. I wish I …


Waco Gun Nut “Martyr” David Koresh was a Serial Pedophile and …

19 May 2020 … The NRA & GOP celebrate Waco cult leader David Koresh as a patriot & freedom fighter. The truth is he was a murderous, serial pedophile.


Waco: American Apocalypse (2023) - anyone want to discuss this?

22 Mar 2023 … Sadly it was never going to work when a sick, pedophilic, cult leader had all the cards… Also does really seem like a mass suicide… poor …


I survived Waco cult siege 30 years ago but here's why I … - The Sun

21 Mar 2023 … I survived Waco cult siege 30 years ago but here's why I believe David Koresh was NOT a paedophile and WAS the Messiah · Read More on Cults · Most …


TIL Kathy Schroeder, a survivor of the Waco tragedy, still … - Reddit

27 Feb 2024 … … Koresh was "a prophet, the son of God, a … Koresh can be a villain and a victim. … "Yeah, he was a pedophile, BUT AT LEAST HE HAD STANDARDS!

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c5919c No.20921654


Because you don‘t know what it means

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526325 No.20921655


Your sauce is Rolling Stone and Netflix. GTFO

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526325 No.20921656


How would you know what I know, hm?

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8054cd No.20921657




713 anon but don't tell newafg, k?

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2c50d2 No.20921658


I guess the Netflix version is the fake and ghey position.

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7e57ab No.20921659


>>>20921637 (You)


>how is it that NO ONE who quit and left before the feds attacked ever accused him of that?

here's one defender

‘I survived the Waco cult 30 years ago - but I still don’t think David Koresh is a paedo’

A woman defended cult leader and alleged paedophile David Koresh after she helped him at the Waco siege 30 years ago.

The 60-year-old, named Kathy Schroeder, insisted: “People think that a man having sex with a lot of underage girls is a crime and in conventional wisdom that could probably very well be true.

“However, these weren’t underage girls, because you come of age at 12. So all these girls were adults in our belief system.”


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c5919c No.20921660


I‘m not telling you how I know. It‘s secret.

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526325 No.20921661

File: d9ba9422cbb6176⋯.png (3.16 KB,180x106,90:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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526325 No.20921662


Says every liar…

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c5919c No.20921663

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7e57ab No.20921664


no tard I just put "koresh pedo" in search engine I didn't bother to edit the list, there are other links if you dumb fuck didn't notice

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526325 No.20921665


You're lying. And I know you're Lying. And I'm not the only one who knows it.

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526325 No.20921666

#25659 >>20920790

Notables FINAL

>>20920872 “USA! USA! USA!” President Trump Receives Rock Star Welcome at NASCAR

>>20920993 VID POTUS Saluting. If only more people knew about him and his history… has ALWAYS been the same.

>>20920951 POTUS Truth 11:24 PM (NASCAR event)

>>20921031 POTUS Truth 12:02 AM (video re golf)

>>20921499, >>20921520 POTUS Truth 7:56 pm (vid @ NASCAR)

>>20921100, >>20921473, >>20921155, >>20921213 Anons dig Q Denver airport drop

>>20920860 Why Do Chinese Spies Keep Getting Sweetheart Deals?

>>20921266 S.Korea system to detect short-selling to be ready Q1 2025, watchdog say

>>20921365 WHO Director General dr. Tedros announces the failure of Pandemic Agreement/Treaty.

>>20921439 Actress Massiel Taveras had a portrait of Jesus Christ on her dress at the red carpet.

>>20921465 Botched SpaceX Engine Test Results in Spectacular Fireball

>>20920930, >>20921070 PF Updates

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7e57ab No.20921667


or better still do your own search it should not be that hard

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8054cd No.20921668


nice game anon but don't tell newfag, k?

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565cd3 No.20921669

File: 0d9d2ce26f80af7⋯.gif (181.08 KB,360x258,60:43,67nghl.gif)

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4a186b No.20921670

File: 680ced7882ce5e5⋯.png (40.11 KB,132x161,132:161,ClipboardImage.png)


save time get this one. The batteries come out.

The pads are at your local store. kek

Quack Device keeps Quackin.

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2c50d2 No.20921671


Is she a Biden?

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c5919c No.20921672


You‘re just mad because I called out your bullshit bro :3


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526325 No.20921673


I'm not mad.. liars like you happen here daily. So what. I call you out and you project. Also happens here daily.

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7e57ab No.20921677




>You don‘t know what that means, you just think it makes you look smart


>>>20921659 (You)


>Is she a Biden?

no she was a brainwashed follower of a pedophile cult leader

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c5919c No.20921679





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c5919c No.20921681


Tucker Carlson Reporting: Haters mad because they got no bitches on they dick. More at 11

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526325 No.20921682

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7e57ab No.20921683


>>>20921634 (You)


>So you think the FEDs were right.. that David was a pedo? I spoke with his grandfather. You don't know what you're talking about.

A woman defended cult leader and alleged paedophile David Koresh after she helped him at the Waco siege 30 years ago.

The 60-year-old, named Kathy Schroeder, insisted:“People think that a man having sex with a lot of underage girls is a crime and in conventional wisdom that could probably very well be true.

“However, these weren’t underage girls, because you come of age at 12. So all these girls were adults in our belief system.”


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526325 No.20921684

File: 44738f707404f71⋯.png (3.06 MB,1862x1047,1862:1047,11_11_Q_wave.png)

File: f513525e351b959⋯.png (34.74 KB,247x238,247:238,8KUN_T_OP_.png)

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8054cd No.20921685

Good Morning Mr President

Have a Blessed day Sir.

5:5 and out


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565cd3 No.20921686

File: 9ecd695a9640159⋯.jpg (97.11 KB,1200x630,40:21,screenshot_20240526_160055….jpg)

Texas DPS Arrests 112 Illegal Aliens, Rescues 19 Unaccompanied Children over 5 Days Last Week

David Greyson

Texas DPS arrested 112 illegal aliens and rescued 19 unaccompanied children last week over a 5- day period (May 20th to May 24th) in Maverick County, Texas. While the Biden regime is letting people pour into the US under open borders, Texas DPS is actually trying to keep their state safe.

The illegals are from Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Peru, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic.


& (5/20 – 5/24)

5/20: 30 arrests for criminal trespass, including 24 males & 6 females.

5/21: 27 arrests… pic.twitter.com/B5Y5MXqpqh

— Chris Olivarez (@LtChrisOlivarez) May 25, 2024

25-Year Shelf-Life Ribeye, NY Strip, and Tenderloin at 25% Off for a Limited Time

The Texas DPS has been dealing with many different situations. Last week they assisted the Border Patrol in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. Helicopter footage shows illegals scaling the border wall while illegals threw bottles, rocks and dirt at the Border Patrol.


NEW: Video from a @TxDPS helicopter shows Border Patrol agents in Santa Teresa, NM, trying to stop smugglers & illegal immigrants from scaling the border wall w/ a ladder, as they have rocks, bottles, & dirt thrown at them while trying to make apprehensions. TXDPS bird assisted. pic.twitter.com/NK0ukNZG7s

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) May 23, 2024

Earlier this month, Texas DPS released footage of an illegal alien plunging a truck into the Rio Grande and swimming back to Mexico.


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526325 No.20921687

File: 0eb1c10f4496f6d⋯.png (1.75 MB,1024x768,4:3,14.png)

File: 57dc0517b9d3fd1⋯.png (555.66 KB,832x2712,104:339,14_1_.png)

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526325 No.20921689

File: cf95a38a1f7d2e0⋯.png (706.14 KB,826x822,413:411,1426.png)

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2d5425 No.20921690

File: 8a6eb85089c0a67⋯.png (413.74 KB,666x552,111:92,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 502f68fbe8c412e⋯.png (265.18 KB,657x497,657:497,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e1e9038ad1d2e1⋯.png (628.45 KB,655x642,655:642,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0e911f0f0c2bb9⋯.png (463.44 KB,649x594,59:54,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a9c2f6791fc713⋯.png (321.1 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a high level witch in Hollywood and her family are worth billions and they are managed by the Medicis. The Dreyfus family have had several members who were knighted under the House of Bonaparte and they work closely with the Medicis as well as the Dutch royals. The Dreyfus family own Louis-Dreyfus Group an international shipping, agriculture, communications, and banking company that is involved with chemical warfare and human trafficking. The Dreyfus family also work with RAND Corporation and are involved with artificial intelligence weapons. The Dreyfus family own a private bank in Switzerland called Dreyfus and Sons which has been fined for enabling tax evasion and money laundering in the hundreds of millions. Julia Louis-Dreyfus manages a large cult of demented witches that burn children alive and spew out childish lies and blasphemies constantly.

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4a186b No.20921691

File: 8da5dd19926dda9⋯.png (26.15 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Hack the BOX if you buy it.

Open box without opening from top or bottom, instead open like a book cover.

Remove the plastic window CAREFULLY *you need it

take everything out of the box thru the smaller rectangle hole the plastic left.

AFter you learn how to use it, then take one battery out, toss it in the box, then take the pads put them on the plastic wrap the wires around that plastic and shove it in the smaller box hole, with the unite close the cover.

Now you have a neat little thing.

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526325 No.20921693

File: d252a6eb4d84641⋯.png (481.11 KB,640x640,1:1,BofA.png)

File: 4e3282189ccb450⋯.png (39.32 KB,554x1200,277:600,PAIN_23.png)

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4832e9 No.20921694

File: 2941e7ef37f64b1⋯.png (822.09 KB,854x500,427:250,ADDCCACC_6DDA_4ED4_8195_15….png)

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526325 No.20921696

Feb 10 2018 05:46:19 (EST)

Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.



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7e57ab No.20921697


>David's family had 144 talents of gold buried on their ranch in Waco

not very Christian … Jesus didn't approve burying talents

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c5919c No.20921698


Are you a cute redhead?

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526325 No.20921699


Have you read the Bible?

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4a186b No.20921701

File: b9c06007003a0af⋯.png (34.09 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


cut round notches in the plastic to wind the cable in channels.


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526325 No.20921702

Ask yourself (anon) why suddenly the brakes engaged? Telling.

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4832e9 No.20921703

File: 85e7ace16afe235⋯.jpeg (661.4 KB,1204x621,1204:621,98B3BE79_FAFB_404F_B1BE_E….jpeg)

File: ca8866e0aaf3f0f⋯.gif (1.97 MB,240x240,1:1,AA993060_E349_4776_B76F_80….gif)

File: f33241d5036649d⋯.jpeg (135.89 KB,1600x900,16:9,B0BC460F_5BCF_487E_806C_3….jpeg)

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eecc43 No.20921704



bought wife a new (used) laptop

month later cat had jumped on it, closed, and broke the fucking screen

bought wife a new (used) laptop, and a case

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7e57ab No.20921705


>>>20921697 (You)


>Have you read the Bible?


Matthew 25:14–30

Luke 19:11–27

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c5919c No.20921707


Your wife sounds hot. She single?

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526325 No.20921708

File: 2f023c714f544fe⋯.png (1.4 MB,1536x1024,3:2,game.png)

File: 516e3a2c660e9d4⋯.png (184 KB,473x464,473:464,your_move.png)


Did you read it like a book, cover to cover?

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8054cd No.20921709


714 but don't tell newfag, k?

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4832e9 No.20921710

File: 20b6d8e7fb2a863⋯.jpeg (618.48 KB,762x759,254:253,600739C8_466E_4049_BBA6_2….jpeg)

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eecc43 No.20921711

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4832e9 No.20921713

File: f5b0d47640b0bd8⋯.jpeg (318.45 KB,765x539,765:539,1C3DAB28_0811_49D0_98CF_8….jpeg)

File: 8e420147b6cc794⋯.gif (466.89 KB,498x280,249:140,C0DB494E_79E7_4FD6_AC40_9D….gif)

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526325 No.20921715

File: c34213fca457cd1⋯.png (124.48 KB,399x322,57:46,AB_Media_Enemy.png)

File: ef41bb23a09a257⋯.png (229.13 KB,331x500,331:500,AB_Right_Nation.png)

File: 150a973bb55dd54⋯.png (206.74 KB,712x411,712:411,fafo.png)

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7e57ab No.20921716


so it's ok to be a pedo if you just have guns. lots of guns and especially if you also hoard gold?

Koresh's girls were younger than Epstein's girls … how do you know Epstein didn't have gold and guns?

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c5919c No.20921717


Aeiou der Mund geht immer weiter Zu

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7e57ab No.20921718


no, i skipped some of the OT genealogical lists

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526325 No.20921719


There's no evidence he was a pedo. There is evidence however, that he had arms, gold, and land that the FEDs just had to seize by blood.

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4832e9 No.20921720

File: e1b1d15f7c9bc09⋯.jpeg (115.66 KB,748x851,748:851,A0E19456_2A24_4ABE_BD92_9….jpeg)

File: 9d1aafe8e4ce834⋯.png (2.05 MB,1226x893,1226:893,B3FBE7E9_CB39_4979_8931_03….png)

File: 5418e41745fd3a4⋯.jpeg (381.19 KB,908x478,454:239,9B7545BD_8A4F_4145_B26C_8….jpeg)

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526325 No.20921721

You probably think Randy Weaver was a pedo too… FEDs say things like that. Projection.

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7e57ab No.20921722


>>>20921716 (You)


>There's no evidence he was a pedo

of course there is.

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526325 No.20921724

File: c47d32689815755⋯.png (1.84 MB,1200x800,3:2,American_Farmers.png)

File: a28a7ea34e81e1d⋯.png (1012.99 KB,720x719,720:719,God_bless_America.png)

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526325 No.20921726

File: d23791b04efbafd⋯.png (1.12 MB,900x506,450:253,18.png)

File: b099410c25d0211⋯.png (149.59 KB,520x630,52:63,125.png)

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4832e9 No.20921727

File: abeea8377368201⋯.jpeg (551.57 KB,771x711,257:237,C9E34D3A_931A_4858_AF77_C….jpeg)

File: d17ec9711bace70⋯.jpeg (603.72 KB,760x768,95:96,2C7F0DCF_B10B_4EE7_8DF5_A….jpeg)

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526325 No.20921728

File: 645b136fae73d8d⋯.png (837.27 KB,796x498,398:249,nightmares.png)

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