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File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, af4716b34464fb65200311d59b….png)

9aa7d4 No.1997787

Welcome To Q Research General

"We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring America down." –President Donald J. Trump



Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Sunday 07.01.18

>>1992408 ———————– Thank you, Ben

>>1991829 ———————– There will be no civil war

>>1991107 ———————– Thank you USSS

>>1987414 ———————– https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/us-really-did-have-manchurian-candidate-white-hous/

>>1986553 rt >>1986489 —- Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG!

>>1986443 rt >>1986153 —- Ask yourself & the more you know

>>1986153 rt >>1986043 —- Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments? Who has that kind of manpower?

>>1986043 ———————– Nothing being done?

>>1984605 ———————– Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? They are scared of you ( https://archive.is/yAyDg & https://archive.is/bKS9t )

>>1983801 rt >>1983724 —- Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot

>>1983724 rt >>1983663 —- Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination

>>1983678 rt >>1983633 —- You save what you do need

>>1983636 ———————– What a coincidence

>>1983529 ———————– #GoodbyeDemocrats

>>1983481 ———————– Antifacist logos

Saturday 06.30.2018

>>1973815 rt >>1973737 —– It will not be Gowdy.

>>1973688 rt >>1973567 —– Think SC vote to confirm (coming).

>>1973527 rt >>1973514 —– Think logically. Ask yourself - is this normal? #2

>>1973514 ———————– Think logically. Ask yourself - is this normal? #1

>>1972546 ———————– You have a choice. The choice has always been yours.

>>1971603 ———————– Play LOUD. Be PROUD

Friday 06.29.2018

>>1953310 rt >>1952748 ---- It must happen

>>1952583 rt >>1952489 ---- We are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.

>>1952499 ----------------------- What vote occured today?

Thursday 06.28.018

>>1952168 ———————– Coordinated effort to ramp pro violent attacks (4ch 8ch /pol/) (threads).

>>1950715 rt >>1950617 —- Site under attack.

>>1950581 ———————– SEC TEST

>>1950407 rt >>1950237 —- Past drops go missing.

>>1950233 rt >>1950123 —- Think strategy.

>>1950090 rt >>1949870 —- The key = therapist.

>>1949848 rt >>1949789 —- Brand of Sacrifice (pic)

>>1949784 rt ——————- Bottom graphic.

>>1949464 rt >>1949195 —- Find paper articles re: Freemasons.

>>1948303 rt >>1947578 —- Should the bad spoil the bunch?

>>1946524 rt >>1946381 —- Everywhere!

>>1946309 rt >>1946203 —- Why are Freemasons on the scene of most shooting locations?

>>1946203 ———————– Law enforcement should interview the therapists.

>>1945864 rt >>1945685 —- JA in the news a lot lately (out of nowhere).

>>1945747 rt >>1945594 —- Low IQ Maxine should be blamed!

>>1945571 rt >>1945408 —- Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).

>>1945344 ———————– http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/06/28/report-facebook-investors-consider-coup-of-ceo-mark-zuckerberg/

>>1942657 rt >>1942629 —- PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>>1942596 ———————– Trying to “normalize”.

>>1941208 ———————– Are You Ready?

>>1940910 ———————– We remember you, Mr. VIP!

>>1940746 rt >>1940664 —- Who brought the bill to the floor?

>>1940684 ———————– Why are they trying to ‘normalize’ this?

>>1940595 rt >>1940568 —- Focus on House floor vote (now).

>>1940496 ———————– Only the beginning. Power to the people.

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621 How To Quickly Spot A Clown ; >>1838738 Freedom of Speech

Post last edited at

9aa7d4 No.1997795


are not endorsements


>>1976280, >>1976496 BO: There has been a unanimous decision to remove the BV (M_knZhVGT).

>>1976282 BV on whitewashing of notables Retracted >>1979400

>>1964963 BO confirms: Link to QAnon.pub or QProofs.com, NOT HERE

>>1787690 BO lays it out for Newfags

>>1914368 BO: Vote for poll on baker TC's (https://www.strawpoll.me/15973538)


>>1997514, >>1997642 Planefag Reports

>>1997491 EarthQuakeFag Reports

>>1997400 Today could be the day. Fire up your twitters and blast this out to the WH Press Corps!!!

>>1997188 Photoshop image of [Obamas]?

>>1997098 Turkey's Most Wanted, Back on The Menu

>>1997133 ICE Rescued 904 Children from Being Raped and Molested — Democrats Want to End This

>>1997141 Swedish Party Scolds 'Destructive Multiculturalism', Pledges Mass Deportations

>>1997143 Another Trump Miracle? Is Bolton Now a Peacenik?

>>1997144 TAX payers WILL pay for [BHO] ego glorifying constructions

>>1997186 Amazon's Alexa will refuse to respond to "sexist" language.

>>1997223, >>1997227 Following up on the ProgressNow email notable.

>>1997234 Articles on HRC's comments on "The Black Vote"

>>1997260, >>1997287, >>1997311 Time Traveler's Guide to the Q CLOCK

>>1997305 Long Islanders Take Shelter From Tick Threat This Summer

>>1997329 UK National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Deem Facebook Most Used Site for Child Sex Grooming

>>1997341 [>>>vatican<<<] Declares Priests have MORE POWER than God Himself

>>1997360, >>1997378, >>1997378, >>1997397 "CLEVELAND, Ohio – Federal law enforcement arrest of a person suspected of planning a Fourth of July attack

>>1997398 FBI arrest on secret indictment.

>>1997414, >>1997435, >>1997747 KR Digs on previous noteables

>>1997581 Unsealed docs detail tactics in [Clinton] email probe .

>>1997564, >>1997567 Dig on Hussein in Satan mask

>>1997763 War room incoming


>>1996239 Keith Raniere's (NXIVM) through FIRST PRINCIPLES INC., rejected patent for claiming Luciferian's aren't Sociopaths, >>1996302

>>1996338 BAKERS NEEDED: The Bakery & The Great Awakening needs you!

>>1996361 Cambridge Analytica (named in FB fuckery) fueled a shady global passport bonanza

>>1996389 Happy News: Kaley Cuoco marries Karl Cook

>>1996419 {Autists Needed} Digs on Swamp Creature John Barro, favourite columnist of Barack Obama. Possible relating to SR murder?, >>1996511, >>1996558, >>1996507,

>>1996475 The Word Is Spreading: WWG1WGA spotted on Old Schoolhouse's Antique Flea Market Billboard

>>1996518 Ginger McQueen: Calls #Qanon a larp, claims to support POTUS

>>1996597 Obahama-Tehp's Presidential Library planned to be funded with taxpayer money ($139 million)

>>1996628 Recipe for Banana Bread

>>1996650 "Counter measures in place": Interesting link between Q post 1585 & Thomas Wictor thread

>>1996658 UK Ministers prepare for Queen’s death in ‘unprecedented’ exercise – reports

>>1996664 How To Get The Word Out?

>>1996684 Voodoo Nurse & Human Smuggler Josephine Iyamu sentenced in the UK for horrific crimes

>>1996762 Anon posts about the Omniwar

>>1996868 NK nuclear expansion is FAKE NEWS to catch WH leakers?

>>1996905 Who is Fat Leonard?, >>1996929, >>1996903, >>1996911, >>1996919, >>1996921, >>1996939

>>1996928 Planefags: Plane oddity on Saudi-Cabal: GUNSHY 24

>>1996949 #WalkAway going Viral

>>1996955 Najib Razak, Malaysia's Ex-PM, sings a song on Obama Child $$

>>1996988 Apparently some momvent on Sherman Case: Suicide Ruled out. Sheman Apotex is CFI Drug merchant

>>1996999 The Unprecedented Donald Trump Video approx 38 mins

>>1996868 Not sure if this has been pointed out yet but anons need to reread crumbs.


>>1996011 BO asks that the Bakers TC's be removed from global

>>1995895 BO announces plan for bakers and baking w/o TCs

>>1995948 Pentagon Launches New Push For Tunnel-Warfare Tech

>>1995808 Calendar style connections of Q posts and real world events for June & July

>>1995765 , >>1995826 , >>1995954 , >>1995959 , >>1995007 Ideas for how we can be heard

>>1995784 US strikes more 20 Taliban targets after cease fire

>>1995687 ProgressNow (non profit) dig, from the Podesta emails

>>1995533 Iran Regime OPENS FIRE on Demonstrators Protesting Lack of DRINKING WATER!

>>1995550 US Vessel Carrying Chemicals Enters Persian Gulf

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

9aa7d4 No.1997799

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 – Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 — META

>>494745 — Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>198093 — Q Memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>1606439 – Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1286065 – Find The Key Dig

>>1310117 – For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 – Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 – Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>1991403

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

9aa7d4 No.1997801

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, 24 >>1745576, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist – main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

9aa7d4 No.1997814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NEW DOUGH: pastebin.com/g9DHQq6u

52f5cc No.1997838

qmap.pub maintainer here. quick update on site traffic. seeing about 9,000 active daily users now (picking up a couple thousand users per month). also seeing a very big uptick in hacking attempts / vulnerability scans.

next big feature coming to the site is a way to auto-create spider web maps (graph database visualizations showing connections btw the players & themes). hoping to have it working later this month.



64f5c0 No.1997852

File: 34dcbb51f3af3b0⋯.jpeg (126.93 KB, 720x790, 72:79, 4E7A4420-6BE5-4226-9C07-C….jpeg)

9aa7d4 No.1997861


I need to get some things done today . I will stay till help arrives though.

20507d No.1997878

File: ba029af226d0833⋯.jpg (100.65 KB, 720x447, 240:149, thequestion720.jpg)

File: d4bec6497f0d8e6⋯.jpg (149.66 KB, 960x595, 192:119, thequestion960.jpg)

7e4a17 No.1997883

File: 7f06420591f4310⋯.jpg (73.37 KB, 952x595, 8:5, who is Q 2.JPG)







Better??? Easier to ready?

8c7552 No.1997884


Why does that cobbled street with lots of bicycles look so much like Amsterdam if Trump supporters did this?

Or are you saying that Trump supporters in Europe now outnumber Antifa there?

d556fc No.1997885


Please remove photos of Obama asking if photoshopped. It's a huge slide and serves no purpose. It's obvious the hands were photoshopped. So what?

85b9d0 No.1997886

48ae05 No.1997887


This is a staged photograph! Check last bread.

204ebf No.1997888


Nice meme, man.

9aa7d4 No.1997889


Awesome work Anon I will post this on twat when Im done baking today .

130a81 No.1997890

POTUS is quiet this morning (no tweets)…might end up be an interesting day. Fingers crossed for fireworks all week long.

637966 No.1997891


And when the left came out with how to eat bugs. Like they expect us to be so poor that our nutrition will be from bugs and that will be normalized. I have fire in my soul for the destruction of that cabal of evil.

9fd5e8 No.1997892


Great job anon! Did you manually create that list of players or is there a list somewhere here?

8756ee No.1997893

>>1997835 pb

Im fairly confident satoshi was a good guy(s), and is(are) hopefully still alive. Im just saying due to it's nature it was abused by bad people fairly quickly, now those same bad people responsible for massive rises in price will get trapped, hopefully. Then it is on to continuing development for the good of mankind as a lot have been doing in recent years. So many good projects to keep track of. It might be a bloodbath for btc, but many other better chains, better real world use case chains/tokens are ready to take it's place if it comes to that, or adoption and seized coins due to 13818 EO dont effect it too much and it continues to rise in coming years, still less than 21 million total, ever. Likely a lot less with lost early wallets. In the long game, it isnt going away, just like the internet. /end my crypto talk. back to digging.

5dd0ba No.1997894


Wow! Much better. Looks awesome.

756f1f No.1997895

File: d811e5c211e1a04⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1064x773, 1064:773, pepe Gerome.png)


Can give you a hand with notables if you want

to keep baking until a daybaker shows up. Should be here for a couple

hours if you need to workfag and handoff also.

either way.

0f5642 No.1997896


thank you for hosting

ad6e08 No.1997897


Yes!! I love it anon ty! Will screen shot and use if ok?

0e2cf9 No.1997898

I wonder what type of firework is Q’s favourite for 4th of July?

9aa7d4 No.1997899


>>1997885 done .I added property sale dulce dig to dough last bread whoever posted it late.

NEW DOUGH UPDATED.. https://pastebin.com/bvp1aZSh

48ae05 No.1997900


Trump supporters wouldn't do such a faggot thing? Think about it! They would just knock the guy out and his buddies would haul him off. Trump supporters don't duct tape people to objects and spray paint them. Photo is fake and gay!

9aa7d4 No.1997901


No need for stress for you .I can handle notes. Pls enjoy your break. I got this .

130a81 No.1997902




68efa4 No.1997903

File: 37913273b7325cd⋯.jpg (211.09 KB, 1050x498, 175:83, TRUMP v OBAMA.jpg)

ad6e08 No.1997904


The kind that make cabals heads blow off? Lol (wow I’m mean this morning I should have more covfefe)

7e4a17 No.1997905





Mucho Thank you's Anons!! My first meme ever!!

Not gonna lie, I'm kinda proud!!

b20ee7 No.1997906

>>1997856 (prev. bread)

that is the knife cut from killing his ex and the kid. it is documenting the cut on his finger. the 187 refers to the crime. Did you check the date?

d556fc No.1997907



thank you very much baker!


48ae05 No.1997908

File: 5708b0b1638639a⋯.png (940.55 KB, 647x638, 647:638, Screenshot_78.png)


thank you, Baker!

7b853e No.1997909

File: 7502adaed4ddb49⋯.png (531.63 KB, 874x271, 874:271, Bumper sticker 1.png)

File: 25bfd5d731d2f06⋯.png (74.41 KB, 875x275, 35:11, Bumper sticker 2.png)

File: eb947d81f20c9a2⋯.png (23.34 KB, 875x266, 125:38, Bumper sticker 3.png)


an anon can get any design printed at tshirt shop, or order online( any design you make)

Anons should not buy premade Q merchandise by people trying to profit

( like a Q necklace, like letter innitials is fine,they have been selling those for decades)

If you want a shirt, make your own( craft store iron on letters)

there is usually a store, or booth in the mall where you can get your own design printed.

They also do it online too.

You can make your own bumper stickers( same price no matter what you put on it)

I made these ones.

The first one is from the meme i made( i used wrong pic, kek, oh well, pic i should have used had lettering away from lions face.)

ad6e08 No.1997910


;) as you should be! Pride is only a bad thing when it hurts others..enjoy the feeling/moment

135386 No.1997911

I just found retard central. If anyone is in the mood for a laugh, this is the place:

https://8ch.nethttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cYZ8dUgPuU …………….catalog.html

756f1f No.1997912



rgr haven't had to bake as much with so many

new bakers around. Its glorious.

Godspeed Baker.

46e2c0 No.1997913

File: 5c06e6c380778e0⋯.png (9.83 KB, 571x79, 571:79, ClipboardImage.png)

Gorka says Alice In Wonderland.

May 2017


1dfb80 No.1997914


96d20b No.1997915


I like the one that looks like a giant taco

d556fc No.1997917


but you know those stupid antifa types will believe. That's why they're in antifa to begin with. Anyone that uses even half his brain wouldn't be Antifa.

135386 No.1997918

The fuck happened to my link to retard central?

Trying again:

https://8ch.nethttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cYZ8dUgPuU …………….catalog.html

c00ced No.1997919

File: 04b78a160960676⋯.gif (1.03 MB, 600x338, 300:169, a0b08d9276e307fd624ea0df3e….gif)

File: c5310b6324f65e1⋯.png (830.85 KB, 1696x1040, 106:65, c5310b6324f65e10f5144ebb0a….png)

File: a267c8afc2f17f6⋯.jpeg (11.03 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 9d3c143ddc1397b6e822f00c8….jpeg)

File: 37be8c1a8e48b38⋯.jpeg (8.66 KB, 255x103, 255:103, 7cf0214a920e1df543a02b242….jpeg)


ac2a4c No.1997920

File: 4741700c792225b⋯.png (852.02 KB, 1800x1028, 450:257, 2018-07-02 15_47_48_CEST_W….png)

File: d01f0fa51416c00⋯.png (971.12 KB, 1697x1029, 1697:1029, 2018-07-02 15_51_01_CEST_W….png)

File: 3f2ca1fe4c741d8⋯.png (758.96 KB, 1853x958, 1853:958, 2018-07-02 15_55_02_CEST_W….png)

File: 8fbcc550c2e98bf⋯.png (627.64 KB, 1821x909, 607:303, 2018-07-02 15_58_06_CEST_W….png)



Hey R7. I see it 2-RBTS got past Greece heading south-east.

Got a UK Dassault Falcon 20 EW (ZODIAC51, reg: G-FRAT) east of the UK

Got some drills over US, Colorado and a german airplane coming into the US, currently over Maine. (GAF061)

And a UK Airbus Voyager KC2 (RRR2787, reg: ZZ330) over US, Alaska

203d6e No.1997921

File: bc1f38990c741e3⋯.pdf (1.32 MB, Loudon-Alice-Palmer.pdf)

The moar I read the Alice Palmer document I posted lb, you need to add it to notables baker and everybody has to read it.

Committees of Correspondence leader Manning Marable, writing in the December 2008 issue of the British Trotskyite journal Socialist Review, explained Obama's relationship to the Chicago left:

What makes Obama different is

that he has also been a community

organizer. He has read left literat

ure, including my works, and he

understands what socialism is. A lot

of the people workin

g with him are,

indeed, socialists with backgrounds

in the Communist Party or as

independent Marxists. There are a lot

of people like that in Chicago who

have worked with him for years…

7a4934 No.1997922


Wasn't JM leaving the 4th? They better deny his wife the seat, this isn't a fucking monarchy where the next of kin steps into power. It's a joke.

9fd5e8 No.1997923


Ironic post is ironic.


6b8824 No.1997924

I went down a personal rabbit hole and ran across the Between Two Ferns episode with a certain would-be-president and it felt like there might be something useful in there.


9aa7d4 No.1997925


Good, you did enough . Il hold the line as long as needed . I can multi task well. Slow bread as well helps.

135386 No.1997926

OK, I'm breaking the ling to see if that works.

Retard central here, for your amusement

8ch.net / banned from qresearch / catalog.html

7dedeb No.1997928



7b853e No.1997929

File: e2f509962551715⋯.jpg (90.37 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2d8gc6.jpg)

96d20b No.1997930


y dont you go there

62ffc9 No.1997931



204ebf No.1997932

File: e35ea3e8027b381⋯.jpg (133.42 KB, 536x381, 536:381, Screen Shot 2017-09-12 at ….jpg)

1dfb80 No.1997933



if it was true though.

9aa7d4 No.1997934


Well give me a link or something. "need to add it " Add what where?

b20ee7 No.1997935


whoa, nice. thanks

f98834 No.1997936

File: 5adfa5abc75c5f7⋯.jpeg (192.74 KB, 750x963, 250:321, 6B70CE02-E556-4233-8DED-3….jpeg)

Travelled through Lakewood, CO and noticed pic attached. Appears to be another Pedo Paradise. Signs signs everywhere signs.

8ad54d No.1997937

Guys posted this at the tail end of the last board and don't know if anyone saw it. Just an idea for a Q proof and a way to troll press "corpses" and as Buckwheat would say it.

Board Owner & Q:

Just a thought….how about Sarah Sanders combating these left wing Demoncrats and their pizza broaches by coming out to do the daily presidential briefing with a Q broach on.

What a better way to scare the crap out of the president press morons and force the issue to ask the question on what/who is Q.

Just make sure there is a camera behind Sarah so it can pick up the facial responses to her walking out for the briefing with the Q broach on.

We then can meme all their reactions as a group or individually.

131e2d No.1997938


>Duct taped to a box and mocked

Funny, but fake. Kek :)

ca4dc5 No.1997939

>>1997875 lb

and how do you "know" it's the word of god? oh yea (((somebody))) told you it was. Think About It! (((they've))) criminalized Direct Experience: sacred plants. and now all

we know is that the Torah/Bible are direct words of the creator. And to close the deal you get warm fuzzy feelings if you have "faith" that the original person who got the info is not lying.

135386 No.1997940


I did. It was really funny to watch the rabid screeches. I'm just recommending it to anyone with the same taste in entertainment.

b2b938 No.1997941

File: 98de0ef7ecb524f⋯.png (892.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

1dfb80 No.1997942

Tweet POTUS! Its a good Monday!

203d6e No.1997943


Sorry bro.


342974 No.1997944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thanks for the bread Baker!!

0f3900 No.1997945

File: e57f68fa5ecb777⋯.png (141.01 KB, 956x417, 956:417, hiddenin.png)

c1dc95 No.1997946

File: a395a1589182db4⋯.jpg (99.33 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, rVdRCGekcETYOYegEjlO8rZ3Fu….jpg)

Is corn now a racist crop?

The world is waking up; images like this warm my heart :-)

That said…Please save California!!!

b20ee7 No.1997947


I got some scrabble squares on ebay. You can drill through them and string them on a necklace, etc. a Nice "Q" or QANON would make easy jewelry.

just a thought.

d556fc No.1997948


It's already been worked out with the Govenor. He will appt her the seat when no name retires.

Think we need to get some laws changed?

1dc8b7 No.1997949

File: c89e35a27f196f0⋯.jpg (40.5 KB, 491x491, 1:1, Behind this post.jpg)


Is this the new JIDF script?

The Pagan Larper

Q quotes the Bible often

9aa7d4 No.1997950


DM/ourguy ! MONDAY Great Awakening habbenings

dec3c7 No.1997951


Baker, I'm calling notables on this (sorry, my own), more people of EU have to see this


Also adding additional info:

Sexymodels_eu host company: Website title: n / a Mail Server (MX): (ltvnsplsk29_hostex_en)

HOSTEX involved.

Eurid Whois data Domain name sexymodels_eu Registered June 12, 2018 RegistrarTelia Lithuania, AB Telia

5c5c1a No.1997952

85b9d0 No.1997953


Worthless. KYS.

62ffc9 No.1997954

File: 64d9eeea78e7242⋯.png (225.8 KB, 900x507, 300:169, 2018-07-02_10-09-58.png)

File: 282e1abf31b86ea⋯.png (458.89 KB, 726x482, 363:241, 2018-07-02_10-10-19.png)



And who is fake news?

3182e1 No.1997955


I noticed that there are like seven pages of new Q, great awakening, WWG1WGA tshirts on Amazon believe it or not. Won't buy it from there. Trying to find a local who is just trying to get the word out. I was going to make my own jewelry as well.

cf772c No.1997956

File: b4071b8932677c2⋯.jpg (660.2 KB, 1874x1323, 1874:1323, easy graphics with ms pain….jpg)


>Anons….. My first meme….

>Could I please have some feedback?

>(be kind)

>please and thank you

EXCELLENT WORK FOR FIRST TRY, however, I agree with much of the constructive advice posted from other anons.

For other Lurkers who would like to learn to make graphics/proofs/memes, here is a simple tutorial I put together for anons. You will be amazed at what you can do with just MS Paint. While it is nice to have fancy software, there is often a steep learning curve and besides, to paraphrase Jack White, "you are more creative when you have less to work with."

f67c2b No.1997958

>>1997883 I like it …can you make letters a little larger ?

44fc59 No.1997959

>>1997331 (lb)

Ya'll know this is a shoop…right? really old one at that

supposed to be clinton naked with woman…

c0569e No.1997961


Cool but can you explain to us amateurs - what are we looking for in figuring out if this is photoshopped or not in the inverse version? Thanks in advance… seems like knowing this will come in handy these days

48ae05 No.1997962

File: d4b2763042560a1⋯.png (362.05 KB, 638x325, 638:325, Screenshot_95.png)

637966 No.1997963


I called our local new station and requested the broadcasters use the words Independence Day instead of 4th of July. Just another way of lessening the importance of our nation fighting and winning our independence.

b20ee7 No.1997964


sorry but i can't willingly go and watch anything with the ol' hil in it. I can't stomach her anymore.

0db877 No.1997965

File: efc44908be28716⋯.png (373.3 KB, 587x761, 587:761, Philip Crowther - Q.PNG)


This actually happened.

fe0c87 No.1997966

File: f9e8c7f031c5745⋯.png (377.93 KB, 670x875, 134:175, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30f34557968057e⋯.png (34.99 KB, 472x864, 59:108, ClipboardImage.png)

Plot foiled Cleveland July 4th - quick dig info

The Federal Bureau of Investigation said Demetrius Nathaniel Pitts, who also used the name Abdur Raheem Rafeeq

Not sure if the Farcebook clip is really same guy but if so …yet another Chicago Commie connection here?

b870f8 No.1997967


Ah ok thanks bc I wasn’t sure since I haven’t seen it since idk if real or not thanks for clarifying

7b853e No.1997968


NICE, Anons can be quite resourceful.

To make the Q Christmas tree ornaments, i bought wood and metal Q's. They have them at any craft store, Walmart, target, etc

Then you can paint them.

ad6e08 No.1997969


What I know is this ..15 yrs ago I heard in my head I’d meet a nice short stocky red head and married him (happened) then 10 yrs ago my head told me he would break his leg, three days later hurt at work..2yrs 18 surgeries lost his leg…your welcome to believe whatever you want but I know what I believe and at times it’s trippy!

ca561c No.1997970


clearly a picture from a stag do…

ca4dc5 No.1997971


Q is a great patriot! just confused about the origins of spirituality like we all are or have been. Actually the jew shills want desperately for you to continue "believing" in the enslaving doctrine of (((Abraham))). Don't have Direct Experience, no. Stay asleep.

44fc59 No.1997972

>>1997342 (lb)

>McCain To Resign Senate Seat on the 4th of July


>From Hal Turner, so, file under "speculative rumor and/or wishful thinking and/or clickbait."

kek…Hal Turner…newfags…see encyclopedia dramatica for the story on him…one of half's most successful raids/exposes…ever.

d59686 No.1997973

File: 0215bcf5a47b2ea⋯.jpg (83.87 KB, 600x336, 25:14, Satanists are fucked NOW..jpg)

def849 No.1997974

File: a5b1ca5ed345b00⋯.jpg (121.64 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, IMG_20180702_194136.jpg)

7e4a17 No.1997975


I tested on twitter…. seems fine. worried if I make the phrasing larger it will take focus away for


What say you?

05708f No.1997976

File: 3f85895c05ec224⋯.jpg (125.87 KB, 488x433, 488:433, 7d3a2ebb707a6bd356ee9e4710….jpg)


Note the concern on the two pilots faces, as they watch O and his daughter, who does not look very happy.

69ff26 No.1997977

anon here answering call to learn to bake from aboves

before i go there, as newfag enough to wonder what that is but not so new as to not have an idea what it is?

1. mostly its making a new thread in qresearch board so that anons have a board for them to posts

2. we have to make a new thread because the thread is limited to 751 posts

3. adding the first posts in the new thread from copypasta from a pastebin so its quick

4. sifting through chatfags, shills, etc, for things thats might want to be bookmarked from that thread, the notables section

5. maybe some other shit but mostly above yea?

44fc59 No.1997978


no worries…it was hysterical when it came out…I suspect half…but I've also seen a version with Trump's head…so…

713478 No.1997979

File: e170eb1a0fc54c7⋯.jpg (4.11 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images-9 (2).jpg)


You made Q Xmas decorations?

f67c2b No.1997980


It looks good ..oldfag here who needs glasses

985832 No.1997981

WATCH: # WalkAway Movement to Abandon Liberalism Goes Viral

Anons winning the meme War !!!

https ://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/07/01/watch-walkaway-movement-to-abandon-liberalism-goes-viral/

0db877 No.1997982

File: 875b55b72f75d5e⋯.jpg (44.23 KB, 359x538, 359:538, 8b1bf575775350dba4b3ce08f0….jpg)


Nice work, but don't dox yourselves!

ebae28 No.1997983

So… I have a group of people that may be interesting to dig on. There is a personal connection, however, and some of my own feelings are mixed up in the decision on whether or not to cue you all in.

They are shady. I don't know about child-sacrifice shady, but a few of their members are on very bad terms as far as I am concerned (that is where the personal feelings come in - I will not deny that there are a few of them I want dead on principle and that means my motive is tainted).

I will make preparations for exposure, as I did not archive or screen shot before out of a respect for the person I do care about within that group. They are also curiously tangent to Q, aware of it and seemingly monitoring… Or perhaps a part of it, and I am just a fool.

We shall see, I suppose. Curious on what other anons may think.

f64e5b No.1997984

File: 03991af43dde1c3⋯.png (238.37 KB, 362x544, 181:272, FakaNews.png)

05708f No.1997985

File: dd35c90d97e9edc⋯.jpg (360.42 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, pageh.jpg)

b00b92 No.1997986

>>1997749 pb BTC tanking after EO

I wonder what other companies have tanked since the EO? Is this something we should be tracking?

I did a quick check on worst performing stocks of 2018 and Kraft Heinz Company popped up- drops coinciding with EO. Wasn’t a Heinz heiress married to someone we dug on?

9aa7d4 No.1997987


I learned from a decent 1 hr how to bake instructional video in /comms post >>780

48ae05 No.1997988

File: 1e8fdeb1dd5a8a1⋯.png (688.99 KB, 1041x927, 347:309, Screenshot_96.png)




08b7ad No.1997989

File: 285baa5abb4cbdf⋯.png (802.48 KB, 601x514, 601:514, federalCenter.PNG)


USG Federal Center located in Lakewood is what put the place on the map. Large federal facility that employs many. Otherwise, a bedroom for Denver.

0f5642 No.1997990


god bless those patrios


7e4a17 No.1997991


lil secret from another old fag?

They now sell glasses on like Zennie Optical that work for near (computer work) They are awesome.


ad6e08 No.1997992


Hey I was thinking about it too! Lolll

8b8d16 No.1997993



jump right into downtown on google maps

look for pizza places; art galleries; local or national kids charities; kid focused businesses that involve health care or any sort of physical contact; fancy 'locally sourced" restaurants; anything whatsoever local that is "goth"; all alternative music venues / clubs etc.

search local sources 2000 onwards for any hints of SAR or pedo.

d556fc No.1997994

3182e1 No.1997995


Good day anons, constant lurker here, well I just woke up not feeling too well and saw on Fox that Michael Cohen gave Stephanopoulos an interview in a fxxking hotel room not on tape f2f. They are promoting it like its some big bomb shell. Why the hell would he talk to Stephanopoulos, he is the biggest Clinton ass kisser in media. It just pisses me off, sorry for being a concernfag today, really just want to see someone spouting lies get proven wrong for once. Can't talk about this with anyone at the moment so just venting. Back to lurking. Have a great day all.

69277e No.1997996


Right next to the hospital…

48ae05 No.1997997

File: c23653974756a8a⋯.png (785.59 KB, 920x998, 460:499, Screenshot_92.png)

File: d8241bd1e2ac875⋯.png (211.32 KB, 267x342, 89:114, Screenshot_91.png)

File: e463abc75738b15⋯.png (483.01 KB, 473x551, 473:551, Screenshot_94.png)

File: 201e397659e3158⋯.png (836.54 KB, 1084x1162, 542:581, Screenshot_93.png)

def849 No.1997998

File: 34e09a294f638d5⋯.jpg (542.31 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20180702_194752.jpg)

715f39 No.1997999

File: 71aed28130f747e⋯.png (216 KB, 600x600, 1:1, twain.png)


>>1914368 BO: Vote for poll on baker TC's (https://www.strawpoll.me/15973538)

>>1996011 BO asks that the Bakers TC's be removed from global

05708f No.1998000

118f74 No.1998001


Heinz heiress is married to John Kerry!

713478 No.1998002


Lol!! To each their own. This is all very interesting to witness. Amazing how the mind works or can be worked.

0f5642 No.1998003


Flint, Michigan. Hammerburg Road exit near the GM plant.

7e4a17 No.1998004


Go Patriots!! Go Go Go!!!

69277e No.1998005


That's some major sauce!

1c3f83 No.1998006


it was a bad idea

so it was withdrawn

9aa7d4 No.1998007

File: 0e477238e44b8b4⋯.jpg (12.53 KB, 236x306, 118:153, 0e477238e44b8b419b10f4b3cf….jpg)


I removed the TC post cap'n Trips

b870f8 No.1998008


That’s actually pretty funny good photoshop skills if anything

05708f No.1998009


grow up

7b853e No.1998010



Not that i ever saw or noticed( used to live there)

But , back in late 1980's, early 1990's there was a 10 year old boy, jacob mcknight,( i think that was his name) who was raped and stabbed in a park.

It shocked the entire area, as did Columbine.

Columbine is close to Lakewood.

But then they hide that stuff right under peoples noses, so it's possible that sign is bad news for that area.

As far as i saw, or experienced, it was a really good area( except as you go closer to denver )

b5689a No.1998011

I remember we used to have more than just qanon.pub and qmap.pub

And then we found out that the "other guy" was harvesting shit with Google crapola.

I completely forgot which site that was…. what happened to him?

b00b92 No.1998012


Thanks! I kept thinking Schumer but knew that was wrong. Follow the wives…

204ebf No.1998013

File: e3c2f59c1408575⋯.png (373.44 KB, 820x652, 205:163, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at ….png)

2c5714 No.1998014

File: b53c9cdd7cdddd6⋯.jpg (645.61 KB, 1916x962, 958:481, 2018-07-02 14:19:34Z.jpg)

Belgian AF squawking 7700 in-flight emergency somewhere over the area of this map (see lat/long for position, not mapped). Altitude 1600'


84a92f No.1998015

File: a1c8b7d0625f2b7⋯.jpg (196.31 KB, 1099x648, 1099:648, fuckyourwallet.jpg)


Great sign besides the merchandise profiting on that PatriotQ website.

The wrong people profiting off of a new movement is what eventually corrupts it in the future.

25 dollars for a shirt in this movement is bullshit.

ad6e08 No.1998016


My mom has a whole 4th of July tree with flags and cross stitched stuff sewn stuff and these eagles she’s found …I wasn’t planning on going that far,but it does make her “happy” and isn’t that what we all want..to be happy in life

953f1d No.1998017



>Why does that cobbled street with lots of bicycles look so much like Amsterdam if Trump supporters did this?

dutchfag here. this is almost certainly somewhere in a city in the Netherlands. cobbled streets + bikes. unlikely to be amsterdam though as it is missing the amsterdammertjes (A'dam has very specific poles to protect sidewals and/or squares from cars. middle top of the photo…..these are not the amsterdam ones - amsterdam has rust/red colored poles made of metal with xxx on them).

the electrical box or whatever it is is also Dutch style. looks like something that might happen during hazing for the student clubs in the university cities. and lastly the constructions used to lock your bike against is one of the types used in the Netherlands.

204ebf No.1998018


Those aren't even that good.

2146bd No.1998019


Agreed! Stay away from Paytriots

46e2c0 No.1998020

File: 3b78e047703976d⋯.png (95.82 KB, 418x229, 418:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8b213283429fc9⋯.png (252.42 KB, 394x352, 197:176, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 607a62809110596⋯.jpg (208.76 KB, 784x534, 392:267, ChappaquaServer.jpg)

The Key is the Server, and July is the month that it is revealed that Trump, maybe Blackwater has it physically, taken from Chappaqua in January?

715f39 No.1998021


you have it surrounded

the most critical part is

>4. sifting through chatfags, shills, etc, for things thats might want to be bookmarked from that thread, the notables section

and timing

not too early

not too late

2c5714 No.1998022

>>1998014 Descending 400' over Ramstein AB

Hope everything's OK

82e714 No.1998023


Yeah, can we not neo-liberalism this? lol thxbai

0ad1c7 No.1998024


Easy enough to make your own. People making $ off of Q don’t understand Q. Paytriots.

ad6e08 No.1998025


On 7/7 you think anon?

48ae05 No.1998026

File: 72dc26a81f828f1⋯.png (728.31 KB, 448x637, 64:91, Screenshot_97.png)

3f7008 No.1998027


not a peep from @realDonaldTrump or @POTUS, yet

e22e99 No.1998028

I'd rather make a Q shirt of my own……it's original, there's more substance and value to it when personally made rather that paying someone for one that are mass produced…..we used our imagination as kids,

e3bd8d No.1998029

File: 6d5b7df72d1f23b⋯.png (106.98 KB, 588x356, 147:89, ClipboardImage.png)


This is the link to the transcript of an interview with Ronald Bernard. He blew the whistle on the financial system and satanic worship, for me anyway. Look at POTUS schedule today and read this portion of the interview. Might be an interesting meeting.

Interviewer: You are talking about world wide cash flows, so not the Netherlands in particular where you started working?

Bernard: The Netherlands do play a distinct part in this story, but the world does not revolve around it. The Netherlands are part of a large global financial system in which you work through the exchange market if you want to do official transactions. And many banks who do the currency exchange get certain assignments from clients, which they can’t get away with easily. Then the need arises for people like me, who were the straw men where big money flows are involved. We used certain financial constructions, international legislation, to move the money in such a way making everything ‘OK.’ So all supervisors, regulatory bodies that are in place world wide, because they are… That no one wakes up seeing what is going on, like a year or two ago, with the scandal around Panama…

Interviewer: The Panama Papers.

7b853e No.1998030



made my own for much cheaper, only 2 bucks, free shipping,, FUCK THOSE PEOPLE TRYING TO PROFIT.

You can design and make your own bumper stickers.

ca4dc5 No.1998031


Did your head tell you to believe someone who said he talked to the creator 3500 years ago, and follow the rules he was "told"? 10000 years ago people used sacred plants grown on earth to have Direct Experience with the creator. No "Faith" needed, only courage to come face-to-face with the creator.

956de5 No.1998032

File: 4c88f1e7ff0ec9c⋯.jpg (25.25 KB, 746x111, 746:111, YouTube DOWN.jpg)


YouTube Down

anyone else?

2c5714 No.1998033



Error. Had wrong plane selected.

Belgian AF squawking 7700 is between Dusseldorf and Antwerp. Descended to 400' then quickly gained altitude to 1700'

and no longer squawking emergency.

Carry on.

fca7ea No.1998034


Damn look at the results


05c929 No.1998035

File: 0ded7b7ab141a8b⋯.jpg (4.42 MB, 2904x2920, 363:365, annamariehopegavin.jpg)


>>1997564 (pb)

>>1997567 (pb)

more on the instagram girl. i don't know how long you've been looking into her, but she has lots of 'artsy' friends, globally. i collected dozens of her pictures, and archived everything locally.

her parents don't appear to be anyone important, and at young ages, she was all over the world. thailand, melbourne, london, chicago, burning rock. she doxxes herself on her page, her last name is easy to find.

0e2cf9 No.1998036



My apologies, I’m a down under fag. You are very correct.

713478 No.1998037


Well that is a very interesting question.

I always wonder if it is truly their idea of happiness or if it is the commercialism and materialism that makes them happy.

50 years ago. A BBQ and some fireworks was plenty to celebrate.

Bigger, better, more expensive. It is the way we have been trained.

So does it truly make people happy? So far all holidays are commercialism now.

Buy buy spend spend.

118f74 No.1998038


I get what you are saying but some of us don’t have the time or skills necessary to make Q stuff. I just ordered a Q coffee mug and some decals for cars, work, etc. it saves me time and I just hope that my money is supporting small business anons!

Where there is demand, there will be supply. Doesn’t mean they are a paytriot just smart autists and anons helping the movement.

204ebf No.1998039

File: 1bc8e1082994cfc⋯.png (638.49 KB, 928x647, 928:647, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at ….png)

File: 8077d4da98a9a21⋯.jpg (106.12 KB, 593x767, 593:767, prfjIwKV_eQh6gLJV5qQYwgiQl….jpg)

62ffc9 No.1998040

File: f374c919eb47344⋯.png (566.14 KB, 726x524, 363:262, 2018-07-02_10-24-30.png)

File: f374c919eb47344⋯.png (566.14 KB, 726x524, 363:262, 2018-07-02_10-24-30.png)


It's a beauty!

We all have a role to play.


God Bless America

85b9d0 No.1998041




reddit seemed to be having problems earlier also

48ae05 No.1998042


Hate to think any of that shit.

Tucson was noted for trafficking, the mayor is a Rothschild.

596fbf No.1998043


Mine's up anon.

05708f No.1998044


site unavailable…

a6ed98 No.1998045

File: 23a0a18222fd771⋯.png (45.37 KB, 285x106, 285:106, ClipboardImage.png)


MS word red squiggles?

7e4a17 No.1998046

File: 0c7202813d5818d⋯.jpg (33.77 KB, 625x390, 125:78, Girl pepe.jpg)


Here is my thought on it….

I am taking an old jean jacket that I wear all of the time….

Putting my own Q iron on that I made… going to bejewel it with crystals…. ON THE BACK!

Who sees the front? More people see it from the back as you walk away anyway!!

I know.. I know.. TOGTFO…. so here..

713478 No.1998047


Also. I witness many moments of 30 second happiness. We have also been trained in that too.

They great high of brief happiness.

956de5 No.1998048


nevermind. anon's link was clearly fucked.


I looked at the link and it's missing the :


406693 No.1998049


Cobham Falcon 20EW c/sign Zodiac51 is not spoopy. Engaged in training exercise near the UK electronic warfare range in NE England.

Cluster in Colorado are training out of USAF academy. Looks like normal training.

Kek 1.

c8841b No.1998050

>>1997852 it may be fake but it’s funny as fuck. Well done anon

48ae05 No.1998051






204ebf No.1998052

File: 6c3fc92493181d0⋯.png (271.57 KB, 732x567, 244:189, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at ….png)

ad6e08 No.1998053


If you wish to know what I believe it’s simple …be honest in your fellow man…follow the 10 commandments….follow the golden rule….follow the laws of the land….and raising children is about RESPECT not popularity if you have the child’s respect the rest will fall into place….anything else anon?

f98834 No.1998054


Dude I would but I’m on the road and phonefagging. Had to pull over for gas so did a quick drop of the pic. All pedos must burn. I’ll be deep diving into Lakewood as soon as I’m back to my home base but for now I leave all deep digs to my fellow anons.

62ffc9 No.1998055

File: d35712c4e49d3ef⋯.png (260.54 KB, 655x399, 655:399, 2018-07-02_10-28-55.png)


Soon to be widow of John Kerry!



204ebf No.1998056

File: a4d3978c2d0bf4e⋯.png (397.41 KB, 628x673, 628:673, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at ….png)

1e5263 No.1998057

File: 1754eae75b6af6b⋯.jpg (277.58 KB, 1600x600, 8:3, 198129.jpg)

I have a question regarding the Great Awakening.

Once the criminals and cabal are taken down, MSM media reporting real news again, will America revert in some ways to that "1950's era" some romanticize where everyone has a job and is doing well? Stock market rising? Jobs? Great everything?

I know it won't be immediate but am generally curious what others think.

46e2c0 No.1998058

File: bb50586153b85e5⋯.png (47.52 KB, 395x554, 395:554, ClipboardImage.png)


6th is deadline for RR.

I think server may be later in the month, not sure, and indictments might start to get unsealed.

In my opinion, Q is telling us the case is made, investigation is basically complete, ie NSA deleting records.

The build is near complete

ac2a4c No.1998059


Alright, thanks

5b3eca No.1998060


Are there any police or public records involving them? Newspaper reports?

48ae05 No.1998061


In Europe, they hung the wives too!

7e4a17 No.1998062


It is… yes. (ashamed)

130a81 No.1998063


I make tshirts using vinyl – Anyone wanting a decal I can make (for cost and shipping) and ship you press/iron on.

204ebf No.1998064

File: 967986af3ae5670⋯.png (113.33 KB, 955x579, 955:579, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at ….png)

8c7552 No.1998065

Anybody ever watch the TV series The Mentalist?

Remember Red John?


ad6e08 No.1998066


I agree anon ..nervous excited and a bit scary all at the same time! Lol

79d87e No.1998067

File: 3f557e3a6ff5d7c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 664x774, 332:387, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)

>temp banned from plebbiit/r/ga

>bcus racist

>kike mein negger


7e4a17 No.1998068

File: 123d6cde72319bb⋯.jpg (71.96 KB, 947x593, 947:593, who is Q 2.JPG)


better??? fixed

637966 No.1998069


If we were barbaric we would hang the offspring too.

85b9d0 No.1998070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ultimate KEKs here

c3dec1 No.1998071

#WalkAway has got to be the biggest thing on Twatter. Every other Twat is why I #WalkAWay.



hispanic teen girl




gay black democrat

Seriously, I have never seen anything like it.

3182e1 No.1998072


Local craft store or even Walmart has a bunch of stuff you use to make your own. Just find some old tshirts you still love, use a fabric marker and write Q, Quanon, WWG1WGA, The great awakening or any other Q related phrase of prose and then tyedye it, wa la, your own original piece that no one else will have, just like Q, one in a million.

ca4dc5 No.1998073


Why was the practice of eating sacred plants made "illegal" and demonized by Judaism and Christianity when (((Abraham))) came along? Destroy competition, destroy Direct Experience of the Divine. You can't eslave a people who personally experience the creator themselves. Kill Them All. which (((they))) did. And they didn't call themselves Pagan, that was the label (((given))) to them by their killers.

b5689a No.1998074


kek it's already happening

look at trucking

(they) are blowing their top because truckers are making a shit ton of money right now

what will happen when (everyone) has a chance at a job?

wages increase

in 1979 starting salary was the equivalent of $45,000 today

it will happen.

406693 No.1998075


Spoopy coinkidink an anon posted a poem by Rudyard Kipling earlier and there is a Kipling St on the right edge of the pic.

0bab53 No.1998076

File: 2c39128d00e00f9⋯.png (602.83 KB, 651x882, 31:42, JBN.png)


596fbf No.1998077

File: f64c809eb4f4444⋯.jpg (46.56 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 204169-thomas-jefferson-qu….jpg)

File: 2325c0a279236ac⋯.jpg (876.56 KB, 1000x760, 25:19, self-evident-quotes-6.jpg)

File: 16922d9cbd9cb7f⋯.jpg (95.89 KB, 625x905, 125:181, 14e5740524b09fe1d4881d9dc0….jpg)

Every time I hear these words I get goose bumps.

These are the most interesting times. We haven't seen anything like it since our forefathers. They had a plan, Q has a plan.

Together, united under our glorious flag we will bring JUSTICE!

Don't forget to archive, make a Q "bible" to explain to the normies exactly what is going on.

It's coming. This movement is about to unleash hell on those who wish to bring us to our knees.

We the people make our stand, we are the MAJORITY. We will no longer bow to the oppressors demands. Find your voice and be HEARD!

God be with us Patriots.

46e2c0 No.1998078

File: ad70f0f0a74cab3⋯.jpg (191.04 KB, 630x549, 70:61, RosensteinCook.jpg)




Interesting how this also ties into the white squall (movie)

His wife's name was Alice. Had a cat that disappeared and reappeared (Cheshire).

In the end, they lost six, including his wife, and the cook (Rosenstein). Captain was accused but was ultimately exonerated (Trump)

5a068a No.1998080

File: fdb841308390a00⋯.png (815.32 KB, 952x595, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


It looks great to me. I did fix the red MS Word squiggles for you tho for those who didn't like them. KEK

7b853e No.1998081




The only way i could ever have any RESPECT for the people at PatriotQ.com, the ones selling the tshirts and stickers,is,, IF THEY DONATE ALL PROFITS TO WOUNDED WARRIORS OR TO FAMILIES AND CHILDREN OF PATRIOTS LOST FIGHTING FOR OUR FREEDOM.

f45ee8 No.1998082

File: db255f176d75c99⋯.jpg (51.03 KB, 617x284, 617:284, released.JPG)

File: 16260054d21e119⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 720x720, 1:1, released2.jpg)

The guy that knocked out the Antifa thug.

ad6e08 No.1998083


You can not punish a child for the evils of the father …..only for their own, just like judgement day we only answer for ourselves (thankgod)

d9ca25 No.1998084

File: ef4c0ef85c9447a⋯.png (59.63 KB, 330x235, 66:47, ef4c0ef85c9447a1d06d593c8b….png)

b870f8 No.1998085

Any anons know how to make a Q related “QR” Code? It’d be super easy to spread that way

48ae05 No.1998086

File: d3c9df4c38ac33a⋯.png (1002.52 KB, 786x524, 3:2, Screenshot_56.png)

8c7552 No.1998087


Who says MSM is going to start reporting real news? Why would they?

Nothing is gonna change when the cabal is taken down, NOTHING!. Unless of course, people want it to change and then it will change in the way that the people change it. Which pretty clearly is not gonna be any kind of central planning committee from the communist party of Q Research. So you are barking up the wrong tree and asking your question of the wrong audience.

There are well established techniques for surveying the population, but the key element is that you have to GO OUT THERE and ask REAL PEOPLE.

e22e99 No.1998088

Hour of the Time

Episode 618 "They Risked Everything"

Excellent to listen to during this period of celebrating Independence

Very very inspiring

4a6f51 No.1998089

File: 459a5fb2685a5d1⋯.png (29.27 KB, 505x272, 505:272, 30614.png)

93b2e9 No.1998090



c9d820 No.1998091


Had a friend switch from google chrome to fire fox in order to pull up his Yahoo mail account yesterday.

My Yahoo was sending out only half the information I posted in some of my emails yesterday. Haven't tried to send anything out of it since last night.

All of Chrome is sluggish spinning wheels , spinning spinning from one tab to another

8acb7a No.1998092

>>1997830 (PB)

Anton (Anthony) Rezko is listed in here as a friend of Obama and Alice Palmer. A definite connection to money laundering!

1dc8b7 No.1998093

File: 5b002abfbc1b7d2⋯.jpg (165.61 KB, 1070x949, 1070:949, ScofieldBible.jpg)


The video is pretty clear on who attacked who first.

This is an excellent outcome

b870f8 No.1998094

Q and R = can anyone make a QR Code? Directing traffic directly to timelines? I don’t know how but I had the idea so sharing for anons to do what anons do best

4f83ac No.1998095

File: 4f68d3411530dda⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1920x1036, 480:259, get krushed MM.png)

File: 8349bf6b0d2c181⋯.jpg (77.96 KB, 342x343, 342:343, slice moloch.jpg)

File: 4056410307074cf⋯.jpg (11.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 15886593c10ce5750436d8f59c….jpg)

File: 3cc5eaafa574769⋯.jpg (85.16 KB, 775x516, 775:516, celebrate diversity.jpg)

File: 2b6b4ede30a06fc⋯.jpg (79.71 KB, 600x776, 75:97, time to get aviated.jpg)

406693 No.1998096


Flying around 1600ft might have suffered a birdstrike.

a83738 No.1998097


It is difficult to describe.

Imagine if you found out something like… Say… Kurt Cobain was alive and well, chatting away using codified speech with a group of dedicated people around him, using My Little Pony as a metaphor for communicating and coordinating group activity.

To fans of MLP, they just look like pedantic arguments among fans…unless you have a window to the inside… A bit of a key to realize that you are seeing more than meets the eye.

Mobilefag, IP usually changes when signal drops. Pseudo-VPN.

62ffc9 No.1998098

File: e39d6a903044c70⋯.png (227.78 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 2018-07-02_10-35-33.png)


Say NO to these people!

Express your inner patriotism, create your own.

Buy a white t-shirt and a few markers, or go online.

8c7552 No.1998099


Yes, I do. I can do darn near anything.

Here's how.

1. Google "make QR code"

2. …

I'll let you take it from here, OK?

9aa7d4 No.1998100


My dream is to see a telephone pole sized Tungsten rod dropped from low earth orbit rite thru the roof of CNN HQ live on Air !!!!

204ebf No.1998101

File: 9a00ef09c088ab4⋯.png (315.18 KB, 751x642, 751:642, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at ….png)

https://www.wivb.com/news/crime/police- mom-tries-to-sell-8-year-old-for-sex-makes-explicit-videos/1258778630

4f83ac No.1998102

File: 56aa68f9d03d694⋯.jpg (59.21 KB, 421x564, 421:564, real fake news.jpg)

File: 412bf54a045663c⋯.png (243.17 KB, 1024x480, 32:15, slavs subhuman.png)

File: 28306d25a06bd84⋯.png (285.89 KB, 557x401, 557:401, prime genetic stock.png)

File: 335919a2586b7eb⋯.jpg (26.72 KB, 288x325, 288:325, bezmenoved.jpg)

File: d42e5034bb00f9c⋯.png (836.39 KB, 1448x650, 724:325, Equality Requires Decrimin….png)

884b71 No.1998103

File: cb186c8c30edace⋯.jpg (102.13 KB, 620x340, 31:17, POPE.jpg)

WikiLeaks: 'The Deep State' Forced Conservative Pope Benedict to Resign

Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/features/1423-wikileaks-the-deep-state-forced-conservative-pope-benedict-to-resign

© Neon Nettle

756f1f No.1998104

File: aa6e8df439db110⋯.png (755.64 KB, 1340x516, 335:129, Alice Palmer 3.png)

File: c36c8123d540fdf⋯.png (797.66 KB, 1535x1263, 1535:1263, Alice Palmer.png)


On June 6, 1991, Palmer, replaced state senator Richard Newhouse as the representative for Illinois' 13th Legislative District, a post she would hold until January 1997.

In the mid-1990s, state senator Palmer attended a number of political meetings with former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn. At those gatherings, Palmer developed a friendly relationship with another attendee, a young aspiring politician named Barack Obama.

As late as 1994, Palmer was known to be working closely with members of the (((Committees of Correspondence,))) a Communist Party USA splinter group.

In 1995, Palmer decided to pursue an opportunity to run for a higher political office when Mel Reynolds, the congressman from Illinois’ 2nd District, resigned from the House of Representatives amid scandal.

As Palmer prepared to leave the state senate, she hand-picked Barack Obama as the person she most wanted to fill her newly vacated senate seat.

But in November 1995, Jesse Jackson, Jr. defeated Palmer in a special election for Reynolds’ empty congressional seat. At that point, Palmer filed to retain the Democratic nomination for the state senate seat she had encouraged Obama to pursue

Obama refused to withdraw. Obama promptly challenged the legitimacy of those signatures Palmer Gathered to retain her seat, and charged Palmer with fraud. A subsequent investigation found that a number of the names on Palmer’s signature list were technically invalid, thus she was knocked off the ballot. (Names could be eliminated from a candidate's petition for a variety of reasons. For example, if a name was printed rather than written in cursive script, it was considered invalid. Or if the person collecting the signatures was not registered to perform that task, any signatures that he or she had collected likewise were nullified.)

Obama also successfully challenged the signatures gathered by his other two opponents, and both of them were disqualified as well. As a result, Obama ran unopposed in the Democratic primary and won by default.


Anon's have Dug on Alice Palmer before I'm sure.

Hussein is such a piece of garbage, what a snake

in the grass. Palmer helps groom him, then he

steals her seat.

1c9c25 No.1998105

can some fag please explain why this is in the notables?

>>1996628 Recipe for Banana Bread

b870f8 No.1998106


Thanks but don’t have software to build timelines and cross reference them unfortunately

4f83ac No.1998107

File: 6d429676c1a062d⋯.jpg (88 KB, 600x604, 150:151, eternal.jpg)

File: 0c13c09a2b14ee3⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1172x1446, 586:723, science rules.png)

File: 7b32c27121454be⋯.jpg (147.22 KB, 450x735, 30:49, when your worldview gets s….jpg)

File: 905796c4e3ee1dd⋯.jpg (101.23 KB, 710x532, 355:266, bbe5f207532f6a565d73da27b7….jpg)

File: 01b02b049883bd5⋯.jpg (24.41 KB, 701x516, 701:516, ideological subversion as ….jpg)

8acb7a No.1998108


Do you see Anthony Rezko also??

b2b938 No.1998109


>using My Little Pony as a metaphor for communicating and coordinating group activity

you talking about VQC?

a67aa6 No.1998110

File: 4196021a5426343⋯.png (67.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4196021a54263432a096203d48….png)

File: 39201ee3b21bdff⋯.png (1.29 MB, 3387x2259, 1129:753, 39201ee3b21bdffb26d06b9d02….png)

File: 81457c7b0d770e7⋯.png (356.31 KB, 352x452, 88:113, 81457c7b0d770e7021ff389ffd….png)

File: 18b878e23a70cae⋯.png (40.1 KB, 400x544, 25:34, 18b878e23a70caed8fe67fc052….png)

File: 78d9e15fb5209f3⋯.png (51.6 KB, 720x408, 30:17, 78d9e15fb5209f3bb0eb67af71….png)

48ae05 No.1998111

File: 6110408ecbd4c58⋯.png (962.42 KB, 1127x538, 1127:538, Screenshot_45.png)





You Bake,


ccbf3b No.1998112


Nice, Anon!

a67aa6 No.1998113

File: 5b0e51bd75f4e6f⋯.webm (2.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5b0e51bd75f4e6f86e0b4593a….webm)

File: 6273fcf324831cb⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1169x1071, 167:153, 1527174402318.png)

File: f321e92eace080a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1165x884, 1165:884, horse vs goddess.png)

File: 5d02c233db5c0a1⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Pat nose dance.gif)

File: 66923834bc572aa⋯.png (169.71 KB, 650x900, 13:18, 66923834bc572aae9e3dca78c9….png)

ac2a4c No.1998114

File: a78de788c265115⋯.png (519.32 KB, 1519x939, 1519:939, 2018-07-02 16_33_09_CEST_W….png)

File: c2dc2ead0fb9ce4⋯.png (558.27 KB, 1460x1003, 1460:1003, 2018-07-02 16_34_40_CEST_W….png)



Update on German plane GAF061

Found an Algerian plane (7TVPR) as well, over South Carolina. Heading south-west

69277e No.1998115

File: fa298172823a8e2⋯.png (73.76 KB, 320x236, 80:59, drpepe.png)

One can always hope

Supreme Court nominee may gut 2010 law

Obamacare’s defenders are using the 2010 program to stir up opposition to President Trump next pick for the Supreme Court, saying the same kind of urgency that blocked GOP repeal efforts last year will be needed to tank any nominee who appears hostile to their prized law.

A progressive coalition on Monday released an ad, dubbed “Emergency,” that argues Mr. Trump cannot be trusted to pick someone who will uphold protections for sicker Americans, as a new anti-Obamacare lawsuit wends its way through the courts.


db1f58 No.1998116

File: 42eb3657d5d702d⋯.png (1.26 MB, 978x550, 489:275, ClipboardImage.png)

>>1995149 (prev)

I suggest a smart billboard in NYC - best location we can afford. We pick the best of the best Q posts - then we display them - one day at a time.

People will follow daily - just like we all did. Zero chance that MSM could not cover it.

ccbf3b No.1998117

File: 63b09f6d22a5912⋯.jpg (426.05 KB, 1306x1004, 653:502, Abolish ICE.jpg)

Why are Demonrats trying to protect child traffickers? Sick, evil bastards!

2894b0 No.1998119

Turkey invades Syria.

01d283 No.1998120


Pain administered. Foreshadowing for other cretins that think Patriots will not defend themselves and our Nation.

204ebf No.1998121

File: 44d0192dc221dcc⋯.png (140.29 KB, 833x562, 833:562, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at ….png)

Buffalo… "An All-American City"

ad6e08 No.1998122


No worry here anon , I still won’t wear my Trump campaign shirt out of my home to check the mail! Q shirt about to be just as dangerous I’m sure

b5689a No.1998123

Anyone else read Jim Stone Freelance regarding Orborador?

Sounds like he is truly Mexican's Trump.

b388fc No.1998124



I've read this post and I have considered all aspects of your assertion that there will be no civil war. If we are to frame it in the context of the first Civil War, you are correct.

While the MSM is fanning the flames of division within the country, there remains a solid core of Trotskyites who are firmly resolved to bring down the system. Combined with the ideologues are the globalists and the funding with [George Soros]. As a student of history, the level of conflict within the society has always escalated into physical violence. Not even POTUS can overcome history.

The international bankers are at the very top, the globalists are below them, the leftists true believers are below them and the indoctrinated masses are at the bottom. While it's easy to brush off the pussy hat wearing harpies and soy boys, the next ranks behind them are likely making bombs and other measures of rather potent violence. I'm a boomer and was a kid in the 1970s and saw the bombs that Bill Ayers and his ilk used. It was not a peaceful time.

When I look back at all of the warfare that has cost the blood and treasure of America for the profits of Goldman Sachs, it is clear that the power elites don't mind killing many people for fun, control and profit.

I've seen LA and other cities burning. Chicago is hell on earth for the blacks.

While there are some positive trends such as #WalkAway, Candice Owen, Kanye West, etc. I do not know how the overall black population is feeling right now. Likewise I don't know how the hispanic or asian populations feel and how they will respond to devastating news.

There have been 5th columns in the country for over a century. Communists infest the State Department and other branches. We've seen weaponized IRS and other agencies.

My point is this: our movement, The Great Awakening must make some strides across ALL segments of the population to avert riots and violence on a large scale. There will still be riots and violence - it is a matter of degree.

The summer is upon us. The weather is hot and so are tempers. I pray for peace every day, but I am prepared for war.

We anons have researched the hell out of the evil satanists. We have the data and we are ready to share with our fellow countrymen when THEY are willing to listen.

I have been studying the NWO since 1982. I'm considered smart. Hell, the clowns tried very hard to hire me back in the day. Really hard.

There MUST be a break into the consciousness of everyday Americans and it must come soon.

1c9c25 No.1998125


check. "I" need to lighten up Francis

91ae70 No.1998126

File: 8349bf6b0d2c181⋯.jpg (77.96 KB, 342x343, 342:343, slice moloch.jpg)

File: 225ba234bfe8d71⋯.pdf (1.4 MB, Savitri Devi - Defiance_ T….pdf)

File: 28775917014b1c7⋯.pdf (987.15 KB, Alfred Rosenberg - The Myt….pdf)

File: ed518f8c8217b1b⋯.pdf (639.89 KB, Gottfried Feder - Manifest….pdf)

File: 0a44ee73745219f⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1833x1345, 1833:1345, jews online.png)

b870f8 No.1998127


Funny senator resigns same day gee I wonder why

3c0dc9 No.1998128


I think this is probably true. There is a petition out there asking Trump to investigate the election of Francis. It was clearly rigged by the deep state.

db3572 No.1998129

File: a309084829b1166⋯.png (26.31 KB, 437x439, 437:439, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at ….png)


WTF is this shit, how is it notable?

Seriously, what the hell is going on? Since when do Hollywood f*cking weddings find their way to notables?!

20507d No.1998130

File: 3c9b7cf05de43ea⋯.jpg (84.03 KB, 630x560, 9:8, TrumpQ.jpg)

a9e8ab No.1998131

File: 38dc1a213b39a88⋯.jpg (131.09 KB, 1400x900, 14:9, 5stages.jpg)


Why is everyone talking about 5:5 as it would mean only "understood" or similar?

What if 5:5 is 5 steges? That we now are in stage 5 of 5.

Post Q1314 talks about 4 steges being "OnReady". The 4 first stages are Election, Security, Dir and Cap.


The stage must be set.


How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?

Define stages.


D's dropping all around over sexual misconduct (1st stage).




Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774.

We have it all.

Re_read re: stage.










[ ]



“Set the STAGE. ” - POTUS





The stage had to be set.


Who makes arrests?


Can you make arrests w/ a crooked FBI sr team?

See prev post re: FBI.

Not easy for anyone.

We are in this together.

Much appreciation.

It’s what you don’t know and can’t see (ongoing) that will validate your efforts.

Trust the plan.

Step back.

Remove arrests.

What do you see?

Stage being set?

Godspeed, Patriot.



[Future Comms]

Pre_stage ele_y

Pre_stage sec_y

Pre_stage dir_y

Pre_stage cap_y




Did you witness the stage being set today?


IG started long before Huber setting stage.


Be ready.



We stand at the ready.


We stand at the ready.


Are you ready?




Think stages.

91ae70 No.1998132

File: 93388996ce37476⋯.jpg (43 KB, 393x395, 393:395, coincidence.jpg)

File: 7a61d5ae652443e⋯.png (455.04 KB, 870x1080, 29:36, 7a61d5ae652443e78b53774893….png)

File: 805826d824b3d8e⋯.png (497.8 KB, 750x840, 25:28, 805826d824b3d8e1cf0a6dd4e6….png)

File: c220595d3e7a91d⋯.png (71.21 KB, 1862x656, 931:328, shills.png)

File: 65d0159b09b7993⋯.pdf (181.1 KB, Will you stand and fight -….pdf)

713478 No.1998133

The FBI has announced that they arrested an individual that was allegedly helping plan a terrorist attack in downtown Cleveland on the 4th of July.

According to FBI agent Vicki Anderson, the man, 48, faces charges of providing a foreign terrorist group with financial support.

The FBI will hold a media conference at 9:15am at the FBI headquarters in Cleveland, where the Joint Terrorism Task Force and other executives are expected to announce more details of the arrest.

342974 No.1998134

File: 94eb7545cfe7c51⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1257x759, 419:253, heinz.PNG)



I absofucking hate thie mfkr so it is with great joy to share this. Perhaps the EO is doing what it is supposed to do and hurting thyese fkrs where it counts (for them).

John Kerry, Teresa Heinz sell waterfront Nantucket home for $17.5M

A sprawling waterfront property on Nantucket that was long owned by former Secretary of State John Kerry and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, has sold for $17.5 million.

A Nantucket deed lists the purchaser as 5 Hulbert Avenue LLC, which is registered to Nantucket law firm Vaughan, Dale, Hunter and Beaudette.

Kerry and Heinz originally asked $25 million for the property in mid-2016, the Boston Globe reported at the time. The Inquirer and Mirror of Nantucket first reported news of the $17.5 million sale.

The “rare and exceptional” waterfront property near Nantucket’s Brant Point lighthouse features “stunning views, a wide sandy beach and gracious hedged-in lawns and gardens,” according to an online listing.

The five-bedroom, six-bathroom home sits on a 0.83-acre lot and was built in 1920, the listing states. The assessed value for the 5,626-square-foot home is $21.5 million, according to the Nantucket Assessor.


0bab53 No.1998135

File: ae51fab346ac936⋯.jpg (48.46 KB, 910x192, 455:96, the_narlo_edge1.jpg)

File: ff80924ac52fbca⋯.jpg (238.43 KB, 1157x1536, 1157:1536, sign.jpg)


7dedeb No.1998136


Looks like wholsQ

No whoisQ

4e0bde No.1998137

File: 16681946e88c307⋯.jpg (2.55 MB, 2974x2234, 1487:1117, Democrats_Crimes.jpg)

6cce2d No.1998138


More where he came from.

9aa7d4 No.1998139


Give me some bread numbers people. I can't just magically read your minds . Help the fucking bakers

b5689a No.1998140


>I do not know how the overall black population is feeling right now. Likewise I don't know how the hispanic or asian populations feel and how they will respond to devastating news.

I believe that they know more about Q and The Plan that you will ever realize.

26ae4e No.1998141

File: 537800d29a1664a⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 537800d29a1664ad3401a909d7….jpg)

File: 7fe8bb28e98cb6c⋯.jpg (38.75 KB, 299x432, 299:432, cafe4d5ec46af24b8683a9544f….jpg)

File: 905796c4e3ee1dd⋯.jpg (101.23 KB, 710x532, 355:266, bbe5f207532f6a565d73da27b7….jpg)

File: 1b3d088dbf90ac7⋯.jpg (45.48 KB, 400x261, 400:261, brazen.jpg)

File: 24c41ada71da69f⋯.jpeg (126.57 KB, 1024x978, 512:489, Qlarp retardation.jpeg)

b607a0 No.1998142


thats some LARP-like shit right there ffs

596fbf No.1998143


Agreed. I thought the same thing and thought, who the fuck cares?

ebce68 No.1998144


Listen to all you fucking socialists! The fuck is wrong with you?! It's a goddamn FREE MARKET you blithering puddles of cunt puss. They're not selling information, they're selling a product and You're free to make your fucking own and do with it what you will. Fuck right off outta here.

Paytriots my ass, I fucking salute them for seizing an opportunity and having the freedom to do so. Vote with your bitch ass wallet and stop talking like you want to affect someone else's free choice.

For some people it's worth it not having to make your own shirt. So fucking what. The people providing that service SHOULDN'T PROFIT?

Do you FUCKING hear yourselves? Jump up your own festering assholes. Worthless faggots.

e8f8bf No.1998145

File: dddcf50370bdd20⋯.jpg (55.76 KB, 720x480, 3:2, pope-francis-donald-trump-….jpg)


It's coming

7b853e No.1998146

File: c1a78b9c20e2f23⋯.jpg (4.95 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, Q Christmas tree 2 004.jpg)

File: 35b1f9cda809ba1⋯.jpg (23.47 KB, 191x255, 191:255, Q Christmas Tree 12 days.jpg)



The Q christmas tree last December, KEK

You never saw it before?

It had Alice in wonderland, keys, and other storm related ornaments. kek

Anons made memes with it too, kek

someone did the twelve days of Christmas, KEK

26ae4e No.1998147

File: 3cc5eaafa574769⋯.jpg (85.16 KB, 775x516, 775:516, celebrate diversity.jpg)

File: c428006d214f00c⋯.jpg (44.53 KB, 480x818, 240:409, titus bring the 50 cal.jpg)

File: 961581d5f341a6c⋯.jpg (104.03 KB, 500x657, 500:657, watto you mean I'm a jew.jpg)

File: 726a14d0fda451a⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 500x706, 250:353, volks-gemeinschaft.jpg)

File: c825c650c1828ea⋯.png (613.14 KB, 916x702, 458:351, Dune Litany against Fear.png)

b00b92 No.1998148


Had to switch devices, but there are a crapload of other stocks that have tanked within 1 year. Medical/pharmaceuticals, financials, and retail/consumer (article only lists 25 companies). Cummins is listed which seems odd with the upsurge in trucking and other fields using big machinery.

-Celgene (CELG)

-Incyte (INCY)


-L Brands (LB)

-Coty (COTY)


b388fc No.1998149


That would be good. I'm a Straight White Male.

1dfb80 No.1998150

REEEEEE @DZ Mueller is not going to investigate himself for U1. He's being leveraged by the fact that he was involved in the U1 scandal. Why do you not understand that?! Do whatever you want to do but don't screw things up for the rest of the country just because you want your data to control how things go. Don't be stupid.

9aa7d4 No.1998151

You guys do know bakers in the middle of the night are not the current bakers at 11 am . Too much hostility no wonder no one wants to bake .

26ae4e No.1998152

File: 29b251339c67de9⋯.png (46.99 KB, 518x740, 7:10, 29b251339c67de97c3317a3a6f….png)

File: 9cfb475d66b8747⋯.png (514.65 KB, 945x630, 3:2, 9cfb475d66b8747df65a100f36….png)

File: c28cadc580c0c18⋯.png (321.44 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, c28cadc580c0c181e878a7541d….png)

File: b3857d176ba3129⋯.png (57.95 KB, 600x473, 600:473, b3857d176ba3129116ba78b2c0….png)

File: b9da3282feab6ad⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1545x963, 515:321, b9da3282feab6adaa14c276ded….png)

ad6e08 No.1998153


May I share a saying with you? Ppl who think they know EVERYTHING can’t learn ANYTHING..so my suggestion is this keep learning,always more to learn

f33751 No.1998155

File: 0863c07839d046d⋯.jpg (166.6 KB, 1200x778, 600:389, 0863c07839d046ded70eba1e8a….jpg)


Interesting to compare those maps with the indictment map anon posted yesterday.

9aa7d4 No.1998156


>>>>>>>[[[[[[[[[POPE OF ROME JESUITS]]]]]]]]]]]]<<<<<<


44fc59 No.1998157


>This is the link to the transcript of an interview with Ronald Bernard.

I have watched all Bernard videos, read all his stuff….even the fake Bernard is dead stuff (he's not dead)…and I have ONE Q-uestion for you…why is he still alive?

a83738 No.1998158


More like I found a blood line. I just don't know which one, exactly.

713478 No.1998159


I do Remember! Seeing the pic. And I still thought it was strange. Doesn't make it right or wrong. :)

f93635 No.1998160

File: 430922aeca57933⋯.jpg (375.59 KB, 1982x1328, 991:664, corsibaker.jpg)


>You guys do know bakers in the middle of the night are not the current bakers at 11 am . Too much hostility no wonder no one wants to bake .

0879d8 No.1998161




d5ff42 No.1998162


I went to Kettering for a little while. Was there when 9/11 happened

ccbf3b No.1998163


Thanks, Anon, saved!

2c5714 No.1998164

File: 6d7fd68ab1b5fe4⋯.jpg (342.14 KB, 1352x971, 1352:971, GAF676 Berlin-Saarbrucken ….jpg)

File: 530bdfad951da4f⋯.jpg (296.63 KB, 1344x978, 224:163, 2RBTS Jersey-Athens 2018-0….jpg)


2 flights we were watching seem to have landed.

1. German AF GAF676 from Berlin probably landed at Saarbrucken near the French border. I presume that was NOT an evacuation of Merkel unless subsequently crossing the border by land vehicle or civilian transport. Will keep monitoring Berlin airspace.

2. 2-RTBS flew from Isle of Jersey to Athens. Not positive it landed in Athens but it did change course, descend, and slow, suggesting a landing occurred.

* * For those new here, 2-xxxx planes are registered on the island of Guernsey (one of the channel islands owned by the British Crown) as "military" although they are private civilian planes, bypassing customs and immigration checks as they cross international borders. Planefags are monitoring them for suspicious activity, i.e. transport of contraband.

9fdd37 No.1998166

File: 86ca6262651aa18⋯.pdf (1.76 MB, Adolf Hitler, Ralph Manhei….pdf)

File: 7c8d7b29c4ba1c9⋯.png (1023.44 KB, 1136x668, 284:167, JIDF.png)

File: 9b7fdb93812f945⋯.webm (9.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, OC redpill Nuremberg slau….webm)

File: 8c45b49d048d759⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 3000x2055, 200:137, the light vs the dark.jpg)

File: 087cc7b4658ec2f⋯.png (820.06 KB, 1354x4294, 677:2147, welcome to pol sitrep and ….png)

b388fc No.1998167


Truth. I learn more every day. I don't claim to know all the answers.

I've learned so much on the boards with the anons. This has been an amazing experience.

0f5642 No.1998168


I went to Neithercut elementary less than 2 miles from there. God bless anon

b5689a No.1998169


This is WW and in prophesy…. (they) know they are going down…. as Q has said the resistance is far smaller than (they) want you to know about

Just look at their rally pictures. Not more than 100 people at many of their rallies and they have to take certain shots to make it look like they have way more people.

Then there's the fools who just come out for a party…. and "join" the rally…..

Not too much to worry about.

1dc8b7 No.1998170


He was asked that

His answer

"I refuse to name the people involved"

1c9c25 No.1998171



4e0bde No.1998172

File: a62d8344b1be722⋯.png (82.34 KB, 796x398, 2:1, 1513103217661.png)


That's pretty spicy anon

8c7552 No.1998173


My Little Pony is the show that got my little daughter red pilled and made her into a conservative who rants about liberals and the perversion of the education system. Now she is 11yo and watches a YouTube channel called The Truth Factory where a cat from CNN, the Cat News Network, tells it like it is.

She started on MLP cannon ( that is MLP jargon for the actual My Little Pony cartoon series) and then went on to various MLP fan channels. First the people who made MLP slide shows with their own dialogue like fan fiction. Then the commentaries analyzing the stories and pointing out all the little details ENCODED in MLP. And then on to Praeger University as well.

Thing is, I didn't really encourage any of this, in fact I tried to get her to do OTHER THINGS like read books, go out to physical activities and so on.

In fact, the reason I got into digging on the Illuminati is that she came home and when I asked about school she would mention an Illuminati confirmed incident from time to time. This was in her class a few years back when she was 8yo. So I started digging and discovered much of what we discuss on Q Research.

The younger generation is NOT a lost generation. Among them are some very aware individuals who are just coming into their own. In the next year or two they will be red pilling people in their schools and there will be a SEA CHANGE in the younger generation, probably more so than the people who are involved in MAGA groups.

9aa7d4 No.1998174

Did any of you actually SEE the towers get demoed? That must have been horrific to see live.

9fdd37 No.1998175

File: d80bc2eed270e9e⋯.png (125.03 KB, 568x800, 71:100, d80bc2eed270e9e7d8334d0332….png)

File: 5b23b8832c86414⋯.png (287.53 KB, 1200x831, 400:277, 5b23b8832c86414bf53d170d3c….png)

File: 2dbd5288487bee2⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2dbd5288487bee2fa5c16c5d3b….png)

File: f121b4943045085⋯.png (883.14 KB, 515x438, 515:438, f121b49430450855f213e6e548….png)

File: ca3a101ebbb8475⋯.png (115.68 KB, 1307x822, 1307:822, purity spiral rebuttal.png)

fca7ea No.1998176

File: 6655cf57f6965f9⋯.pdf (1.54 MB, EL_TheBloodlines.pdf)

df9ed9 No.1998177

Mockingbirds pushing fake video narrative again. Getting ready for some big news?


65cc8b No.1998178


Any antifa losers that are thinking about suiting up should watch this beat down video.

Mr Panman is built like the friggin hulk. what could that dumbass have been thinking?

Q is correct. there will be no civil war. They are not up to the task.

When Antifa numbnutz wakes from his coma…if he comes to a #walkaway moment, i truly hope Mr Panman…badass that he is would be among the first to hold out his hand and say "welcome home brother". I hope these lefty jacknuts will see the error of their ways with limited beat down administration. cause if necessary this is the "roadmap" of things to come.


eea501 No.1998179


Good assessment. My mind read stages as "phases" the first time, like in a military campaign.

Except we are watching a movie, stages are apropos.

ad6e08 No.1998180


Agreed ;)

9fdd37 No.1998181

File: 72a635ea846dac3⋯.pdf (193.7 KB, Terrorists Handbook.pdf)

File: c4278066fd4abc3⋯.jpg (180.52 KB, 756x813, 252:271, breslau unbesiegt.jpg)

File: 8d148495cb9c962⋯.jpg (167.56 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1527355755636.jpg)

File: a340683a0f6df97⋯.png (71.12 KB, 720x322, 360:161, a340683a0f6df97fc5da66210a….png)

File: a29634367742906⋯.png (564.25 KB, 1000x592, 125:74, a29634367742906baa0d0428a5….png)

cf772c No.1998182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I had an Epiphany recently

I realized that the Qanon Movement is more than just exposing the deep state, we are actually learning en masse how to recreate and renew our culture from the bottom up and this is a beautiful thing indeed.

"None but ourselves can free our minds" ~ Bob Marley


67f5ec No.1998183


i like it: stage 5 of 5

we are in the 5th stage

20507d No.1998184

File: 8912fbd03f3b481⋯.jpg (107.94 KB, 698x609, 698:609, expose9.jpg)

44fc59 No.1998185

File: 3cb58790b29e89a⋯.jpg (596.78 KB, 1680x2033, 1680:2033, qfire.jpg)

File: eb7934a0080fafa⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 2621x2149, 2621:2149, qflag.jpg)


get your FREE patriot artfag designed Q art here


lots of designs to choose from…make t-shirts, window clings, bumper stickers…anything…choose your design, make it yourself or duckduck an online company to order from like I did. No need to do business with PAYtriots!

31c981 No.1998186

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GermanArchiveAnon Update

Fellow Anons,

I added #2503 to #2519 to the folder and updated the checksums.



2503-2519.zip MD5: 90121faba64da89a23f485936cef56a0


2503-2519.html.zip MD5: 4ea9b0f54d504e582714d253b502c6b5

The archive now contains 2525 breads.


GermanArchiveAnon Out

ad6e08 No.1998187


I watched on tv that was horrific enough waking up to

28d72a No.1998188

File: d489ba389f1caa2⋯.jpg (14.14 KB, 236x327, 236:327, 3aaaa1868ecd6b3d002b3d859e….jpg)

File: 0a1b08d28e1844f⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 500x380, 25:19, jews lie.gif)

File: 7ca75fc9bb67099⋯.jpg (31.9 KB, 640x421, 640:421, IQ and niggers.jpg)

File: 7e32d820b6dcedb⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 3434x4000, 1717:2000, jew global clique meme.jpg)

File: 003b08e6c7de412⋯.png (582.31 KB, 609x515, 609:515, Space-Marine-Captain.png)

55b08a No.1998189

Fair and Reciprocal Tariff Act would devastate globalist org

FaRT act…nice

f16ba5 No.1998191

Dear Qteam and QResearch board,

I must say thank you. I have learned so much from you, and from this board, by watching you. Namely, the value of self-control and patience. Those two things have become very effective tools in my little sphere at the moment, and I am, by nature, normally emotional and quick-tempered. I have learned being controlled by one's emotions leads to defeat.

Those two things, self-control and patience, are also Scriptural things, and as a Christian, to my shame, something I should have already learned to practice. That said, I find it completely ironic that I found the value of those 2 lessons among the debauchery of this board.

The pearl of great price, which the farmer only found by digging down into the muck. Thank you so much. I am forever in your debt.

7b853e No.1998192

File: 919b60b9772b6f1⋯.jpg (94.19 KB, 600x425, 24:17, 2chd6y.jpg)

File: a7c9e69466cbf63⋯.jpg (131.32 KB, 712x499, 712:499, Make Iran Great Again Badg….jpg)

0879d8 No.1998193


Important post. all we need is each other and we can take down anything.

406693 No.1998194


Any history on the Algerian.

Seems to be taking the long way around if he's come from Algeria over the N Atlantic.

A G-IV has plenty of range to take the southern route via the Azores-Carib area that would be shorter & quicker.

It might be going home that way.

985832 No.1998195

Testimony of Ronald Bernard about heavily damaged children and our liberatio

This testimony of Ronald Bernard gives you inside information about his life, how the world works, your inner child, the 'program' and the effects on damaged children.

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAv0aLq6V_s

c3ff2c No.1998196


Another case of Francis covering up pedo activity.

When will he and those who supported him be exposed?

Dark to Light.

Who got him elected?

Who supported him?








c00ced No.1998197

File: ef6c7a35377ced2⋯.png (965.75 KB, 1366x1022, 683:511, 1654913031457236.png)

69277e No.1998198

CBS affiliate evacuated, newscasts canceled after trespasser enters building twice

A CBS affiliate in New Mexico was evacuated after a trespasser entered the building twice on Sunday night, according to local police.

The incident comes just days after a man entered the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Md., and shot and killed five people.

Two newscasts were canceled as a result of Sunday's evacuation at KRQE, which is based Albuquerque, after an unidentified man entered the building without permission, sitting on a couch in the television studio at one point, according to Simon Drobik, Albuquerque Police public information officer.


28d72a No.1998199

File: 8349bf6b0d2c181⋯.jpg (77.96 KB, 342x343, 342:343, slice moloch.jpg)

File: 89d6860c93a27d8⋯.png (619.88 KB, 1422x1412, 711:706, Equality Requires Decrimin….png)

File: 9b41dca7ef9a701⋯.png (3 MB, 1981x1373, 1981:1373, rothschilds march of tyran….png)

File: e94bdf536faf1ba⋯.jpg (910.4 KB, 1477x1906, 1477:1906, SS global.jpg)

File: 508218f99fdbafa⋯.png (218.18 KB, 736x781, 736:781, tell the truth.png)

2146bd No.1998200

Doing some digging and reading on DWS. Anyone ever found any sauce on the hubby?

db3572 No.1998201

File: f28e997dc455af1⋯.png (295.81 KB, 478x357, 478:357, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at ….png)





Please remove >>1996389 from bread #2518 notables

It is merely "news" of a celebrity wedding, the complete opposite of notable.

I know it's tough around here, but we are not a celebrity rag. Thank you.

14a87d No.1998202

Grassley and Leahy letter to Supreme Court asking for same-day audio of cases it hears


28d72a No.1998203

File: e60935cc90e06e7⋯.gif (255.21 KB, 634x769, 634:769, kike media lifetime brainw….gif)

File: 58b4a552332b74c⋯.jpg (467.29 KB, 907x1521, 907:1521, Jews vs Muslims - Neither.jpg)

File: 93388996ce37476⋯.jpg (43 KB, 393x395, 393:395, coincidence.jpg)

File: 7a61d5ae652443e⋯.png (455.04 KB, 870x1080, 29:36, 7a61d5ae652443e78b53774893….png)

File: 053b876dd2fcc98⋯.png (655.32 KB, 1608x880, 201:110, coincidences.png)

006cbc No.1998204

File: fdf9062cbe6a5be⋯.png (784.97 KB, 1164x558, 194:93, sewhoisq.PNG)

File: 12760dda53eb813⋯.png (23.74 KB, 1124x200, 281:50, dp.PNG)



Just a thought..hear me out..

I guess many of you have already tried to get him to ask the #WhoIsQ question..I at least hope so.

For those of you following the daily press briefings closely..you know he ALWAYS gets the last question, right?

And his questions are pretty much legit, well articulated, he asks with respect and he is NOT a mockingbird sickfuck like those other cunts sitting in there…SO..before we try to get some NBCunts or Jim Acunta to ask the question that would pretty much destroy their own career, we could get him to ask it for us.

Follow me here…the guy is from an news organization founded by Tucker Carlson. If Tucker is not /ourguy/ then WHO THE FUCK IS?

I don't think Tucker would go that far on his program. FNC is still in huge parts a swamp fuckery on it's own with all those RINO cunts, war mongers and Shepcunt Smith..

Not to forget the weekends which are underperforming for conservatives..

Here's my point.

It's a totally legitimate question by now from a journalistic standpoint. THINK ABOUT IT.

TIME magazine lists Q as one of the 25 MOST INFLUENTUAL INTERNET PERSONS.




The QAnon phenomenon is totally LEGIT at this point. People wear shirts on rallies. There are fuckin covfefe mugs out there…

What the SwampMedia has to lose is totally clear at this point. They are desperate and fuckin panicking all over the place.

BUT conservative media has only to gain from this thing. No leftist will read..because muh narrative..they're hardcore fascists and don't even recognize..

conservative media is FREE to ask whatever question comes on the plate.

As long as he or the journalist we finally get to do it references all those leftist media reports that have already published articles about the phenomenon.

How many of potential /ourguys/ do we have in the White House?

Saagar, Mr. Enjeti..I really hope you're with us from time to time and someone leads you here..I hope this will be disussed further.

I hope you get the slight urgency of this endeavour.

I hope you're with Patriots on this. We're NOT Nazis. We're the complete opposite.

We need to UNITE, patriots.

Game Plan:

Archive articles. Make screenshots. Don't meme the shit out of him. Ask politely if he would be interested to apply his journalistic skills to ask a precise question about this ONGOING AND GROWING PHENOMENON CALLED QANON.

Be POLITE Anons.

It's his journalistic duty. In the end. Not that he has a duty toward us. But he could clear it up a little. OR BIG TIME. However.




9015c8 No.1998205

File: ca0b5722e1442f4⋯.png (82.61 KB, 672x480, 7:5, ca0b5722e1442f47b245e2cbf6….png)

File: b5e0b0b78abda4f⋯.png (222.14 KB, 628x1195, 628:1195, b5e0b0b78abda4f00551180f29….png)

File: 81fad9ee3810a45⋯.png (472.54 KB, 1224x1632, 3:4, 81fad9ee3810a452b2a96fcfec….png)

File: 87df9275f347514⋯.png (743.55 KB, 1296x834, 216:139, 87df9275f34751403eec1c2992….png)

File: 871d8d78fd519f4⋯.png (54.88 KB, 459x646, 27:38, 871d8d78fd519f4de7e8091042….png)

2c5714 No.1998206


The flight drills over the AF Academy in Colorado Springs are a daily occurrence, of no particular consequence to planefags unless there's a major change from the daily routine.

Cobham Aviation provides contract services to the UK military for pilot training. Just as ATAC provides in the US for American pilot training. They fly foreign military aircraft in drills so our pilots can become familiar with their flight characteristics. You can safely ignore ATAC and Cobham-badged a/c.

Have seen something interesting somewhere south of the Mediterranean today. Will post later after mission complete.

8acb7a No.1998207


After the arrests start, the Normies will have another 5 stages to endure.

The 5 Stages of Grief & Loss

The 5 stages of grief and loss are:

1. Denial and isolation;

2. Anger;

3. Bargaining;

4. Depression;

5. Acceptance.

People who are grieving do not necessarily go through the stages in the same order or experience all of them.

1c9c25 No.1998208


Good for you… Fag on.


e8f8bf No.1998209

File: 901d05a452c6545⋯.png (16.29 KB, 255x254, 255:254, fbf9e7cf85cee2375abf79b201….png)

fbbcb2 No.1998210

Judge Napolitano for SC??? or naw?

9015c8 No.1998211

File: e94bdf536faf1ba⋯.jpg (910.4 KB, 1477x1906, 1477:1906, SS global.jpg)

File: b5e0b0b78abda4f⋯.png (222.14 KB, 628x1195, 628:1195, b5e0b0b78abda4f00551180f29….png)

File: 73bdd12e6074d56⋯.png (78.06 KB, 677x907, 677:907, 73bdd12e6074d5634732334e97….png)

File: b4163e99380cb7e⋯.png (58.77 KB, 540x673, 540:673, b4163e99380cb7e353f07b2451….png)

File: 77593b0ab29bf00⋯.png (77.94 KB, 719x479, 719:479, 77593b0ab29bf00bf4cb2c5eac….png)

ad6e08 No.1998212


We all work on those things, your never alone and we all have moments of weakness ;) we only stop learning when we pass…because then the veil is lifted and we become completely awake

d5ff42 No.1998213


Unfortunately, many of those charities are basically scams as well. Very little of the money goes to where they say it does

c276b2 No.1998214

File: 90c8b1930b11d5a⋯.jpg (164.3 KB, 750x544, 375:272, cheq_urself_faggot.jpg)


Go away rabbi.

c3ff2c No.1998215


Time to investigate who was behind Francis.

Light to Dark.


85b9d0 No.1998216


No. Too old.

c6e1ab No.1998217


Exactly what I see everytime I've looked at that image. Whols

27e059 No.1998218

File: 937ebc2bc76c660⋯.jpg (50.14 KB, 640x396, 160:99, jesuit.jpg)

File: bebe789523e2032⋯.jpg (53.73 KB, 673x344, 673:344, gesu.jpg)

File: fccbb31671e31a1⋯.jpg (802.71 KB, 2145x1419, 65:43, g.jpg)

File: 049196906358233⋯.jpg (76.44 KB, 720x399, 240:133, jes.jpg)

File: 5685d6d742dcc8c⋯.jpg (57.88 KB, 580x350, 58:35, TheNewCross.jpg)

9015c8 No.1998219

File: e60935cc90e06e7⋯.gif (255.21 KB, 634x769, 634:769, kike media lifetime brainw….gif)

File: 7b32c27121454be⋯.jpg (147.22 KB, 450x735, 30:49, when your worldview gets s….jpg)

File: 905796c4e3ee1dd⋯.jpg (101.23 KB, 710x532, 355:266, bbe5f207532f6a565d73da27b7….jpg)

File: 01b02b049883bd5⋯.jpg (24.41 KB, 701x516, 701:516, ideological subversion as ….jpg)

File: 3bd4e94977754e3⋯.pdf (1.54 MB, Muslim_Werewolves.pdf)

27e059 No.1998220

File: bff9e1150791b42⋯.jpg (650.81 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, black.pope.jpg)

756f1f No.1998221

File: 2c86aae0b814672⋯.png (274.24 KB, 1336x1134, 668:567, Tony Rezko.png)


>Anton (Anthony) Rezko

Judge them by the company they keep, huh anon?


d556fc No.1998222


They sold it to a LLC which is registered to a law firm. Nothing to see here. Move along….

64bc5f No.1998223



current :


>>1997920, >>1998114, >>1998164 Planefag Reports

>>1997909 Anon can get any design printed at tshirt shop, or order online( any design you make)

>>1997921, >>1997943 Alice Palmer digs

>>1998020 The Key is the Server?

>>1998082 Rufio Panman was relased form custody .VS Antifa thug

>>1998104 Palmer, replaced state senator Richard Newhouse

>>1998117 Why are Demonrats trying to protect child traffickers? Sick, evil bastards!

>>1998121, >>1998127 Buffalo releases names of 42 pedo priests+ Senator resigns same day note

>>1998198 CBS affiliate evacuated, newscasts canceled after trespasser enters building twice


Will return asap. Pls keep notes until I get back TQ.

ad6e08 No.1998224


Should it type Whois ? So I don’t look like a L?

44fc59 No.1998225


You're right of course. What do you think (((THEY))) meant by ;;;no no don't let them eat from that plant…then they will become like "gods"…so sayeth the OT.

That being said I've never understood how the obscure "god" of an even more obscure desert tribe came to rule the world…after all, it's not very hard to be "chosen" when you write the text yourself…that being said much of the OT is flat out plagiary from the much older Sumerian texts. See the work of FORMER Hebrew translator for the Vatican Mauro Biglino for a symbol by symbol translation of the OT…rather than the currently accepted translation which includes ADDED VOWELS and punctuation. Hebrew students also did a concordant symbol by symbol translation. If I recall correctly it's called something like…Chronicles online…but Maruo's work is all one needs to sort things out.Sacred Plant medicine is sacred. There's a reason why it's a FELONY to pluck a mushroom from a cow pat….a FELONY to even pick it.

There's a reason why Ibogaine is banned, why Aya is banned, why Peyote is banned…Keep them asleep….sleep.

3a002a No.1998226

File: b00bf6112a26296⋯.jpeg (126.98 KB, 720x790, 72:79, image.jpeg)


In the mind of Antifa those who oppose them are Trump supporters.

That may be but I see an opportunity here. Those who oppose Antifa need to identify as Americans rather than Trump supporters. Grabbing that ground makes it more obvious that Antifa is anti-American.

8c7552 No.1998227


I think we should discourage people from this shit

That is LIBERAL mentality

And it is Illuminati programming

Superheroes are BULLSHIT!

They do not exist.

Behaving like a superhero will just get you killed.

There is a reason why real warriors talk about things like

A band of brothers or he's got my back

That's because no matter how physically strong you are

You need to fight in a team, or shield the weaker members of the group

As a team. It is always teamwork that wins

Putting one person up on a pedestal

While everyone else waits for them to do their magic

Is a recipe for failure.

8acb7a No.1998228


Thanks for saucing. Work fagging here.

9015c8 No.1998229

File: ed518f8c8217b1b⋯.pdf (639.89 KB, Gottfried Feder - Manifest….pdf)

File: 86ca6262651aa18⋯.pdf (1.76 MB, Adolf Hitler, Ralph Manhei….pdf)

File: 2a306a203e9acf6⋯.jpg (6 MB, 4992x3516, 416:293, the world government 2.jpg)

File: e94bdf536faf1ba⋯.jpg (910.4 KB, 1477x1906, 1477:1906, SS global.jpg)

File: 508218f99fdbafa⋯.png (218.18 KB, 736x781, 736:781, tell the truth.png)

204ebf No.1998230

File: 5c7d5d49021e826⋯.png (295.26 KB, 723x657, 241:219, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at ….png)

https://www.wkbw.com/news /child-sex-abuse-survivorsits-time-to-protect-children-over-pedophile

7b853e No.1998231

File: 4c31872db1ec159⋯.jpeg (377.56 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, 950ffc514becbcf660641ded7….jpeg)


they need an updated map, showing all of the indictments. Alot of states are red now.

da144a No.1998232

File: 07aae8008fbefe1⋯.png (7.12 MB, 2412x1644, 201:137, sadsasha.png)



she does look like shit is wrong

Malia looks totally evil and always on portrayal mode (acting) but she looks as if she's their slave

Malia at least looks independent/ like her own person unlike Sasha

pic related (sorry for size idk how to size down w/o destroying resolution)

I found this on google results but it won't open



db3572 No.1998233


THANK YOU, please also remove >>1996628 RECIPE FOR BANANA BREAD in NOTABLES

b52c02 No.1998234

File: 15bb2452287d7ff⋯.jpg (28.42 KB, 450x300, 3:2, 2d9slh.jpg)

File: b513fafc2226403⋯.jpg (47.43 KB, 442x439, 442:439, 2d9sk7.jpg)

I have a feeling we will be using these memes on public figures soon

fbbcb2 No.1998235

I agree for the most part. We need to spread the word, and a bumper sticker or shirt helps SPREAD! Most people only make a very small portion on a shirt or sticker, the printing and shipping companies get most.

0f6207 No.1998236


it is taking off. Bye Democrats

7f723c No.1998237

File: f6cd7993442c24b⋯.jpg (206.98 KB, 652x960, 163:240, afbabd26b1ae654ffa32cebc19….jpg)


Fuck off back to reddit

a83738 No.1998238


Please understand that I am not being direct. MLP was an example. Many other shows with active fandoms could be used for embedded comms.

d556fc No.1998239


hmmmm…wonder what that's all about. Grassley suspect some fuckery in the SC?

def849 No.1998240

File: 7736dbf3793d3a1⋯.png (167.08 KB, 1080x1831, 1080:1831, Screenshot_20180702-202254….png)

cc7897 No.1998241

Uh guys,

Catholic Church in the mainstream media in The Philippines - against everyones second favourite President…

https://www. philstar.com/headlines/2018/07/02/1829950/palace-now-claims-church-officials-could-be-behind-ouster-plot

MANILA, Philippines — Some members of the Catholic Church may be involved in an ouster plot against President Rodrigo Duterte after all.

Just days after he denied that the Catholic Church is part of an ouster move against Duterte, presidential spokesman Harry Roque said some of its members could partner with Maoist rebels to topple the popular president…..

And where have we heard this story before, lol

"The criticisms of the Church started when its candidate lost during the elections. Let's be frank: Many in the Church could not accept that their candidate was a loser,"

A quick reminder - Duterte sings "you are the light" for trump


Pretty bold story for the main English language newspaper in the country.

fbbcb2 No.1998242


Ok true.

2c5714 No.1998243

File: 55ed6060ae03a6a⋯.jpg (78.24 KB, 605x495, 11:9, ArchiveOffline.jpg)


Appreciate your service. Thank you.

Anons - Downloading from GermanArchiveAnon's source is the easiest way to archive the chan offline. Recommended. I do.

6fd9ae No.1998244

File: 946a58d743e1447⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1280x1683, 1280:1683, Whos the BOSS.png)

File: 89d6860c93a27d8⋯.png (619.88 KB, 1422x1412, 711:706, Equality Requires Decrimin….png)

File: 9b41dca7ef9a701⋯.png (3 MB, 1981x1373, 1981:1373, rothschilds march of tyran….png)

File: ebd9dd2b8cdc426⋯.jpg (265.17 KB, 650x900, 13:18, jews did this.jpg)

File: b5e0b0b78abda4f⋯.png (222.14 KB, 628x1195, 628:1195, b5e0b0b78abda4f00551180f29….png)

ad6e08 No.1998245


You still tripping on the pot plant anon? Nancy Reagan made it a schedule 1 whyll high on her pain meds(opiates) that says it all in a nutshell far as I’m concerned

4a551e No.1998247

President Trump’s White House payroll has 374 employees, that’s 95 fewer staffers than Barack Obama at the same point in their presidencies. The Trump White House workforce runs 20 percent leaner.

This year, not only did the president maintain a lean staff, he cut the total payroll budget from $35.7 million (2017) to $35.2 million and further honed the books. In FY2015, Barack Obama’s payroll was much larger and exceeded $40.9 million with 477 staffers.


7b6317 No.1998248

File: f9142ce438d1adf⋯.jpeg (154.3 KB, 731x1000, 731:1000, F11E2248-2371-4FDD-A7A9-7….jpeg)

7b853e No.1998249


I heard Trump had donated to some of those charities( ones run by military, or for military i believe are good guys)

6fd9ae No.1998250

File: 56aa68f9d03d694⋯.jpg (59.21 KB, 421x564, 421:564, real fake news.jpg)

File: 86ca6262651aa18⋯.pdf (1.76 MB, Adolf Hitler, Ralph Manhei….pdf)

File: 8d148495cb9c962⋯.jpg (167.56 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1527355755636.jpg)

File: 6273fcf324831cb⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1169x1071, 167:153, 1527174402318.png)

File: 338bb98d966ba07⋯.png (55.45 KB, 601x800, 601:800, 338bb98d966ba073a33760d3ef….png)

5b3eca No.1998251



>John Kerry, Teresa Heinz sell waterfront Nantucket home for $17.5M

>A sprawling waterfront property on Nantucket that was long owned by former Secretary of State John Kerry and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, has sold for $17.5 million.


Article is from April 13 and property was sold for $4 million less than it was assessed at. Someone got a deal. Maybe J Fn' wants some liquidity. Wonder if he's planning to take a trip on his yacht somewhere.

bdaf4e No.1998252

Anyone seen this one yet, apologies if already posted. It mentions 8chan… https://www.mintpressnews.com/pro-trump-conspiracy-monger-qanon-calls-for-regime-change-in-iran/244686/

f33751 No.1998253


Anon who posted map also posted that chart. Said both are as of June 30. Poster anon said he's one of the guys who works on this task.

44fc59 No.1998254


>and raising children is about RESPECT not popularity if you have the child’s respect the rest will fall into place

religious affiliation is assigned at birth by mere accident of birth. Where you are born signifies almost exclusively what religious stamp you'll bear…children..indoctrination from birth…it is what it is. EVERY single religion has a "we're right and you're wrong" doctrine and a set of rules designed to marginalize other religions…the movie P.K. made in India caused quite a stir…as the main character roamed about looking for the "stamp" on people which would indicate their religious affiliation. Beautiful movie about dialing the "wrong number" when connecting with the divine source. Strongly recommend..it's also very funny.

6fd9ae No.1998255

File: 0c13c09a2b14ee3⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1172x1446, 586:723, science rules.png)

File: 7b32c27121454be⋯.jpg (147.22 KB, 450x735, 30:49, when your worldview gets s….jpg)

File: 01b02b049883bd5⋯.jpg (24.41 KB, 701x516, 701:516, ideological subversion as ….jpg)

File: 1b3d088dbf90ac7⋯.jpg (45.48 KB, 400x261, 400:261, brazen.jpg)

File: 24c41ada71da69f⋯.jpeg (126.57 KB, 1024x978, 512:489, Qlarp retardation.jpeg)

4a6f51 No.1998256

File: 3e5a3fa99c8ae4e⋯.png (22.48 KB, 505x272, 505:272, psa.png)

I guess they did nazi me coming!

b00b92 No.1998257


-Incyte started dropping SEP 17 (steady decline)

-Celgene dropped NOV 17 (sharp drop then gradual decline)

-Dentsply had been climbing until beginning of JAN 18 then steady decline

-Coty had been doing well until FEB/MAR 18 then steady decline

L Brands might be our winner- had been climbing up until DEC, then sharp drop and steady decline since. Victoria's Secret is part of L Brands and their CEO, Sharon Jester Turney, suddenly resigned in FEB 18.

8c7552 No.1998258


On a badge in one photo it says

Biz alla bilen

That is an eastern turkic dialect and it means


27e059 No.1998259

File: 654f2cb66d2b9aa⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 640x427, 640:427, fetish.jpg)

ad6e08 No.1998260


I think I remember their was a wounded warrior charity scandal and it’s been cleaned up …but don’t take my word for it …if I can donate I do it locally ..plenty of food banks shelters and military base in my area to go right to the source then it passes thru others hands to decide for me

6ebe0f No.1998261

File: 78d9e15fb5209f3⋯.png (51.6 KB, 720x408, 30:17, 78d9e15fb5209f3bb0eb67af71….png)

File: f36b1fba972be11⋯.png (89.83 KB, 618x385, 618:385, f36b1fba972be11aa1ca8c1601….png)

File: 5b23b8832c86414⋯.png (287.53 KB, 1200x831, 400:277, 5b23b8832c86414bf53d170d3c….png)

File: 2dbd5288487bee2⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2dbd5288487bee2fa5c16c5d3b….png)

File: 6ce198b17107d53⋯.png (5.97 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Love or Hate.png)

44fc59 No.1998262


she's pretty!

(KEK finally I'm first!)

135386 No.1998263


>truckers are making a shit ton of money right now

Good. I hope they'll save up and make plans for a rainy day, such as when AI-driven trucks make them all unemployed. Won't be long , the first generation is already rolling out.

b5d466 No.1998264

do we have a list of Fallen Patriots?

Cpt Mike Green



Michele ___ murdered investigating CF in Haiti

a63917 No.1998265


imo this one is a stretch

True pedo wouldn't even bother with the tree

aa8ed1 No.1998266

File: b20c6470612ca58⋯.png (396.12 KB, 892x294, 446:147, ClipboardImage.png)

Well I am impressed! Second one thwarted in ONE DAY!


ffcad3 No.1998267


He plans to donate his entire salary, 1st quarter went to VA:

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is donating his first quarter salary to the Department of Veterans Affairs, as his search continues for a nominee to lead the agency.

Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders presented a check from the president to acting VA secretary Robert Wilkie during the White House briefing on Thursday.

Trump has pledged to return his entire salary to the federal government, and has used the symbolic check handover quarterly to highlight his administration’s policy efforts.

962625 No.1998268

File: 0fa2f14bba7e2d0⋯.jpg (81.98 KB, 660x448, 165:112, trump-pope13.jpg)

9efad2 No.1998269

File: 4b6dad33e943ab5⋯.jpg (305.06 KB, 918x1200, 153:200, Trudeau.jpg)

Little Potato Finds Himself in Hot Water

https://www.msn .com/en-ca/news/canada/i-dont-remember-any-negative-interactions-trudeau-says-of-groping-allegation/ar-AAzsdr3

>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed allegations of "groping" a reporter at an event 18 years ago, saying Sunday that he does not recall any "negative interactions" that day.

>Trudeau was asked Sunday in Regina about an allegation dating back to 2000, when a 28-year-old Trudeau was visiting the Kokanee Summit music festival in Creston, B.C.

>An unsigned editorial appeared in the Creston Valley Advance after the event accusing Trudeau of "groping" and "inappropriately handling" a young female reporter while she was on assignment. It suggests the woman felt "blatantly disrespected" but provides no other details about what occurred.

https://www.cbc .ca/news/opinion/trudeau-zero-tolerance-1.4723664

>The allegation originally appeared in an August 2000 edition of the Creston Valley Advance, a small community newspaper in B.C. The editorial, which resurfaced earlier this month, claimed that the then-28-year-old Trudeau "groped" a young reporter at a music festival, noting that he only apologized when he learned that she worked for a newspaper.

6ebe0f No.1998270

File: afd5cf2bd14ff06⋯.webm (1.82 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I will not live as a slav….webm)

File: b5ffe4283d592ec⋯.jpg (230.59 KB, 960x647, 960:647, new voters.jpg)

File: 88d798d0d41ba6b⋯.jpg (821.89 KB, 1712x1704, 214:213, 1526392566057.jpg)

File: 7ca75fc9bb67099⋯.jpg (31.9 KB, 640x421, 640:421, IQ and niggers.jpg)

File: 75ad3b46552c1ba⋯.jpg (47.6 KB, 399x720, 133:240, face reality as it is.jpg)

8c30cc No.1998271



69a51b No.1998272


244728 No.1998273

File: ba09cf8804b7348⋯.jpg (55.58 KB, 833x422, 833:422, DEADmunk.deripaska.ROT.jpg)

>>1997637 LB


f93635 No.1998274

File: d753cd2d35c9c31⋯.png (195.12 KB, 546x392, 39:28, ROSIEBLOW.png)

ad6e08 No.1998275


Ok I gotta say it …ya kiss baby on head or the toes or hand..not on the crotch! No one does so wtf does that tell ya? PLenty

67f5ec No.1998276

File: e334aaab9254a06⋯.jpg (65.87 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepe-tupac-frog-life.jpg)


you are appreciated

751225 No.1998278

File: d64da16c5a739d1⋯.png (519.23 KB, 749x516, 749:516, HuberHammer.png)

File: 4b30a4f81ba0a15⋯.png (493.09 KB, 749x516, 749:516, HuberHammer2.png)

1dfb80 No.1998279

Blah blah blah Muh Cohen is going to flip on POTUS. Hope porn for the dems. lol.

131e2d No.1998280


>she's pretty…

Dead due to bad choices. And she has the crazy eyes; That by itself kills any attractiveness, for me.

956de5 No.1998281


Hopefully they meant well.

Terrible idea though.

KIK? (sign better dude).

Attending was a dumb move too.

6ebe0f No.1998282

File: f815ec88f2fbd71⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 5000x3333, 5000:3333, new awakening reading list.jpg)

File: 28775917014b1c7⋯.pdf (987.15 KB, Alfred Rosenberg - The Myt….pdf)

File: ed518f8c8217b1b⋯.pdf (639.89 KB, Gottfried Feder - Manifest….pdf)

File: 9b7fdb93812f945⋯.webm (9.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, OC redpill Nuremberg slau….webm)

File: 397bc21ee662e68⋯.jpg (36.63 KB, 558x720, 31:40, 397bc21ee662e68151fab7c6d3….jpg)

d5ff42 No.1998283


LOL, it is a bit embarrassing. I don't really care if they decide to dress like this, but we shouldn't be confronting antifa in the streets. As much as I love seeing them get knocked the fuck out, it's exactly what antifa wants. Cause chaos to the point that violence erupts. That's not what this movement is about

ccbf3b No.1998284

aa8ed1 No.1998285



A terrorist attack aimed at France has been thwarted.

A couple of Belgium with Iranian origins have been arrested Monday morning near Brussels by the local police. 500 grams of explosives have been found in their car.

A meeting aimed for the region of Paris?

ad6e08 No.1998286


That’s a dude

44fc59 No.1998287


Ultimately this is what it is going to come down to. We the people running these criminals out of town on a rail….tar and feathers an option as well. Police are not protecting the people, they're protecting the politicians and themselves for many many of them (including the smiling judge who sentenced Tommy Robinson) have participated in the "gifts" of little girls.

EVIL will be dealt with….just wait…the people have had enough.

This video confirms things I've "seen" in regards to how this filth will be cleansed from our lives.

a1791f No.1998288


The prosecutor has revealed that two Belgian citizens of Iranian origin were plotting a bomb terrorist attack on the Iranian conference which took place in France on June 30.

The two suspects carrying 500 grams of a home made explosive were arrested by Belgian police on Saturday. In addition, an improvised explosive device was found in their vehicle.

According to the Belgian prosecutors, the suspects were plotting a bomb attack on a conference, which was held in the French city of Villepinte on Saturday by an Iranian left-wing organization, banned in Iran. The event was attended by nearly 25,000 people.

Meanwhile, the AFP news agency reported, citing legal sources, that three people were also detained in France over the terror plot during the Iranian conference.

→ https:// sputniknews.com/europe/201807021065963101-belgium-detention-terror-attack-plot-iranian-conference/

342974 No.1998289


What does that even mean?


They sold for more than 4 mil below their asking… Sounds like they were in a hurry to get some scratch.

Besides, your LLC is on Nantucket and specializing in this, makes sense they would by property on Nantucket at bargain rate as well.

7ce742 No.1998290

What role can MIL INTEL play?

DoD 5240.1-R, December 1982





This procedure applies to the provision of assistance by DoD intelligence components to law enforcement authorities. It incorporates the specific limitations on such assistance contained in E.O. 12333 (reference (a)), together with the general limitations and approval requirements of DoD Directive 5525.5 (reference (i)).


C12.2.1. Cooperation with Law Enforcement Authorities. Consistent with the

limitations contained in DoD Directive 5525.5 (reference (i)), and paragraph C12.2.2., below, DoD intelligence components are authorized to cooperate with law enforcement authorities for the purpose of:

C12.2.1.1. Investigating or preventing clandestine intelligence activities by

foreign powers, international narcotics activities, or international terrorist activities;

C12.2.1.2. Protecting DoD employees, information, property, and facilities;


C12.2.1.3. Preventing, detecting, or investigating other violations of law.

C12.2.2. Types of Permissible Assistance. DoD intelligence components may

provide the following types of assistance to law enforcement authorities:

C12.2.2.1. Incidentally acquired information reasonably believed to indicate a

violation of Federal law shall be provided in accordance with the procedures adopted pursuant to section 1.7(a) of E.O. 12333 (reference (a));

C12.2.2.2. Incidentially acquired information reasonably believed to indicate a

violation of State, local, or foreign law may be provided in accordance with procedures adopted by the Heads of DoD Components;

C12.2.2.3. Specialized equipment and facilities may be provided to Federal law

enforcement authorities, and, when lives are endangered, to State and local law

enforcement authorities, provided such assistance is consistent with, and has been approved by an official authorized pursuant to, Enclosure 3 of DoD Directive 5525.5 (reference (i)); and

C12.2.2.4. Personnel who are employees of DoD intelligence components

may be assigned to assist Federal law enforcement authorities, and, when lives are endangered, State and local law enforcement authorities, provided such use is consistent with, and has been approved by an official authorized pursuant to, Enclosure 4 of DoD Directive 5525.5 (reference (i)). Such official shall ensure that the General Counsel of the providing DoD Component concurs in such use.

C12.2.2.5. Assistance may be rendered to law enforcement agencies and

security services of foreign governments or international organizations in accordance with established policy and applicable Status of Forces Agreements; provided, that DoD intelligence components may not request or participate in activities of such agencies undertaken against United States persons that would not be permitted such components under these procedures.

Change 2, 4/26/2017

aa8ed1 No.1998291


** Belgium citizens

2146bd No.1998292



342974 No.1998293



>What does that even mean?


>They sold for more than 4 mil below their asking… Sounds like they were in a hurry to get some scratch.

>Besides, your LLC is on Nantucket and specializing in this, makes sense they would by property on Nantucket at bargain rate as well.


52f5cc No.1998294


Manually created both the players and themes. The goal was to provide an easy way to navigate through the qposts and help with general awareness.

1c9c25 No.1998295

File: f395488dedbef54⋯.jpg (96.57 KB, 1000x525, 40:21, patton_oswalt.jpg)


I was trying to remember who Huber looked like.

6ebe0f No.1998296



27e059 No.1998297

File: d1ad5a6d43ee784⋯.jpg (71.17 KB, 960x640, 3:2, j1.jpg)

File: 3583dce9db4b8f1⋯.jpg (86.81 KB, 500x500, 1:1, j2.jpg)

File: 1db1c9096cd7cfe⋯.jpg (85.12 KB, 500x800, 5:8, j3.jpg)

82e714 No.1998298

File: 8746e8bf953bfa9⋯.jpg (42.16 KB, 235x400, 47:80, 4804687.jpg)

aa8ed1 No.1998299

That makes two terrorist attacks or FF thwarted in ONE DAY!

aa8ed1 No.1998300


… and you guys talk about farts. Nice.

a1791f No.1998301




http:// www.france24.com/en/20180702-belgium-charges-two-attack-plot-iran-opposition-france

131e2d No.1998302


>That's a dude

He/She/It… doesn't matter. The whole Nassim thing is a comped slide using an obviously troubled person that wound up dead due to trying to go about things the wrong way.

27e059 No.1998303

File: 2f9c4c302035b46⋯.jpg (146.67 KB, 500x517, 500:517, AWAN.jpg)

awan congrees spy ring

not photo shopped

006cbc No.1998304


you didn't even read..dumb retard..

e85acc No.1998305


I wish she never posed as stiff as a board the whole time. She looked like a lost soul

596fbf No.1998306

File: 96d20f2d12f1b7d⋯.jpg (622.63 KB, 800x578, 400:289, GOODBYE DEMOCRATS.jpg)

c3dec1 No.1998307

File: 66da7ba9a66f54e⋯.png (640.55 KB, 864x789, 288:263, ClipboardImage.png)

Don't know if its already been mentioned but Mike Huckabee echoed Q in this fox news tweet, did he not?


7b853e No.1998308

File: dd74b3f748a3806⋯.png (22.45 KB, 613x423, 613:423, Q post June 30.1.png)




Nothing wrong with wearing a Q shirt, or a Trump shirt. We are the good guys, we are the people standing for freedom and justice.

Be nice to anyone who says anything, and red pill them. ( tell them to look up facts, to research, not listen to what bad people tell them, people with an agenda)

Tell them about the cures coming, that we will be UNITED.



3ce5c7 No.1998309

File: 39a778e13c5f870⋯.jpg (9.36 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download.jpg)

File: ec091e79d3a1000⋯.jpg (13.4 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download (1).jpg)

screw the no civil war crap. we need a real purge.

they doxx one of ours and go after our families?

we kill 20 of theirs.

637b60 No.1998310

File: 5403832a1064403⋯.mp4 (6.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Andrew Breitbart - Fuck. Y….mp4)

b5689a No.1998311

What ever you do…. don't believe that Orborador is a LEFTIST because he is NOT in bed with the Globalists….. he is a NATIONALIST and will be helping Trump sort out the mess in Mexico.

The Soros backed candidate lost by a landslide.

Make Mexico Great Again!!

5b3eca No.1998312


>Anyone seen this one yet, apologies if already posted. It mentions 8chan… https://www.mintpressnews.com/pro-trump-conspiracy-monger-qanon-calls-for-regime-change-in-iran/244686/

This too (8chan mentioned); http://billlawrenceonline.com/q-anon-phenom/

5b3eca No.1998313


I'm kind of thinking the good guy won too.

8c7552 No.1998314


Why are people upset about this Obama photo.

I saw one comment about height which is bullshit. It is common for children to be taller than their parents, especially if the parents are from a generation that either grew up in the 3rd world, or that grew up before the 60s when corn syrup started to be added to everything. Barrack and Michelle are old enough that they predate the corn syrup generations

f0af3b No.1998315


FF or Cabal attack?

187e23 No.1998316

David Wilcock's new article. https://divinecosmos.com/davids-blog/21127-new-briefings-alliance-seizing-trillions-stolen-by-deep-state-preparing-to-give-it-back/

If you haven't read his book length article on "Financial Tyranny" you really should. Russia did a documentary on this years ago. Great research, intel, etc. Good for redpilling people.

New article is very positive; thank God!

713478 No.1998317

File: d144e57d778eb3e⋯.jpg (101.27 KB, 1200x640, 15:8, Quotation-Marcus-Aurelius-….jpg)

2146bd No.1998319


My thinking too. Why would POTUS congratulate the bad guy?!

6cce2d No.1998320

File: 5b09bf7663b32cb⋯.png (48.09 KB, 873x238, 873:238, ClipboardImage.png)

Alert your daughters.

3c2afd No.1998321



just got on, is this the fucking ESS baker??

637966 No.1998322


I can't wait for a sticker in the mail. I am going to a Sharpie to my car window in the corner and make my own Q. I am looking forward to meeting other Anons that way.

212d1f No.1998323


This would be my approach.

Maybe a new thread for possible designs by talented anons?

c20054 No.1998324


might be the plan to help Mexico sort its shit out so they can take thier country back

b5689a No.1998325


He sure did.

MSM in America will NOT report it because they need a story to run with but they can't tell the truth.

Just look at Trump's tweet about him…… why is he being so nice when he always tells it like it is?

e3bd8d No.1998326


Good quote.

b48996 No.1998327

File: 70eee91fb19c8d3⋯.jpg (52.07 KB, 435x574, 435:574, JFKQuote.JPG)

Hey anons, I haven't posted any memes or anything on social media (I haven't really used it in years), however once Q hits the mainstream I'm thinking about sharing bits of my favorite Q posts and a link to the "Plan to save the world" video to introduce them to Q. Let me know if you guys think this is a good idea and if you think I should add or remove anything.

"July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.

TRUTH belongs with the PEOPLE.

It must happen.

Truth will shock the WORLD.

Conspiracy no more.

This is bigger than people can possibly imagine.







Dark to LIGHT.

We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH.

Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.

The end won't be for everyone.

That choice, to know, will be yours.







fca7ea No.1998328

When is Ginsburg going to get revealed that she is part of the Pedogate crowd and resign?

131e2d No.1998329


When they wake her up.

b5689a No.1998330


Yes it is…. Orboradar is a common man.

What will happen next, according to street rumor?

The Mexican mafia will be the first to meet with Obrador once the spotlights are off. They will issue ultimatums, and try to get Obrador over to their side. Chances are Obrador already knows this. He is not corruptible. His history proves he can't be bought or threatened into submission. Chances are his government security forces will be run by the cartels. Chances are, Obrador KNOWS his security forces will be run by the cartels. Obrador has been at this since 1976. He is by no means a newbie, or an easy target like Trump. As mayor of Mexico city, he has already held the #2 spot in the Mexican government. He definitely knows the ropes (and where they are hanging) PREDICTION:

If Obrador believes he is legitimately threatened, he has 20,000,000 homes to go to AT LEAST that are not only secure, he'll be loved there. Lots more homes love him than that, but are not secure enough. He already knows about over a thousand that he can go directly to. He will play fake to the cartels, and the moment he is out of sight he'll get into an early 80's Mazda B2000 sundowner with tinted glass and smoky exhaust, look like tamale Juan in transit, get to a safe house, and blow the lid off the entire thing. He's not going to play the usual game.

Obrador is, without question, the one man who can go up against the cartels and win. Previous presidents WERE THE CARTEL. This will be interesting to watch to say the least.

jim stone freelance

d5ff42 No.1998331

File: dc0575ca714f56f⋯.jpg (18.45 KB, 240x317, 240:317, dc0575ca714f56f93dd9f141ab….jpg)


Your posts come across as the typical JIDF bullshit. Did Soros suck off your foreskin when you were a baby?

bdaf4e No.1998332


Thx anon attacks will intensify

c9d820 No.1998333


Never could quite figure out what the big deal was about anyone profiting from their time and personal work product, regardless if it was Qsmiley faces, or Q coffee mugs. etc etc

It would appear they were or would have been doing Q a service in advance, if they did. Since it would look like he want's an interest in the Q and people to start asking, "What is Q".

713478 No.1998334


He had a great mentor. :)

44fc59 No.1998336


>You can not punish a child for the evils of the father

The sins of the father…shall be visited upon the children…Oddly the Bible is contradictory about this in a two places…


but it could be referencing genetic memory…which is a real scientific thing.

1c9c25 No.1998337


who has the shuffle meme?

b5689a No.1998338

File: 6287c1b484af167⋯.png (10.22 KB, 976x157, 976:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Orborador is a NATIONALIST

637966 No.1998339


I know a man who was in college in NYC, had a camera and went out and recorded the first plane in photo. Won't share what he saw. I asked if it was a plane he and his father said it was a plane. What ever it was he is afraid to share. Wife is uber liberal overbearing and he is meak. Just sayin.

1dfb80 No.1998340


I think she will resign once the new SCOTUS Judge is confirmed. Right now she is a place holder but once we have the majority by 2 votes theres no reason for her to be there at her age and I think she will just step own.

212d1f No.1998341

Heading to the governor's mansion for a weekend gathering of Republicans Saturday.

Will be sporting a Q one way or another.

Not the kind of thing I can use a hat or tshirt…

No time to find a pin.

Will need to be creative.

3efa0e No.1998342


Nice dig

b5d466 No.1998343

File: e6e5c2ea6ef8e87⋯.jpg (258.51 KB, 1080x1273, 1080:1273, Screenshot_20180702-080807….jpg)


7bf9de No.1998344

File: 27fffa2abc379f1⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 27fffa2abc379f1f22f228325e….jpg)


Dude, how about 'no'?

Let them cry and wail about their silly war however much they want. If there is no-one there to fight them for real, what are they going to do? Cry harder? KEK

Love, never War

5b3eca No.1998345


If Mexico had the 2nd Amendment a lot of their problems would be solved.

ad6e08 No.1998346


Dude that all sounds well and good but when your a tiny weak chick I’d rather not get my ass killed or beat up in the store parking lot..get it?

8bb876 No.1998347


Brant Point is way too congested.

Wauwinet is a thousand times better.

131e2d No.1998348


> Orboradar is a common man.

>What will happen next, according to street rumor?

Are you saying that MMGA starts with Ordorador?

If so, Godspeed to him and the Mexican People.

596fbf No.1998349

File: 63ffafc40f1f435⋯.png (568.09 KB, 1663x927, 1663:927, Hollywood Actor and Comedi….png)


Dickless Andy aka Kathy Griffin lite. Charged with sexual battery! https://www.lifezette.com/popzette/hollywood-actor-and-comedian-charged-with-sexual-battery/

dda1b3 No.1998350

File: 0cea7f38fd19869⋯.png (220.52 KB, 1848x1293, 616:431, TG QCLOCK 4TH Q_UARTER .png)

Dividing the QCLOCK 4th Quarter

This may be a possibility with all the 4th references?

cf772c No.1998351


>I find it completely ironic that I found the value of those 2 lessons among the debauchery of this board.

The real irony is that you feel shame, when you need not. After all, Christ himself spent his time with the "deplorables," not with the 'hypocrites' in the Temple, who act out so that they may be praised and seen by others.

0902e3 No.1998352



Smells like a deep state/Gladio false flag op to give Rajavi some credit. Rajavi and her MEK will fail bigly. Iranian people know what these terrorists did to Iran. Killed many innocent Iranians and American servicemen.

27e059 No.1998353

File: cc46d17c17812c5⋯.jpg (96.17 KB, 447x607, 447:607, aw.jpg)

File: 30cb1e5fbc89f13⋯.jpg (115.6 KB, 515x788, 515:788, cons.jpg)

File: 0c26ff5359fb8bf⋯.jpg (164.85 KB, 254x338, 127:169, malta.jpg)

File: 55c55b14f4cf7b9⋯.jpg (29.16 KB, 400x400, 1:1, yes.jpg)

File: 47424b96b83b7ca⋯.jpg (41.13 KB, 650x394, 325:197, soy.jpg)

b5689a No.1998354

>Chalk it up to the law of unintended consequences. By insulting and bullying Mexico and Mexicans, starting when he announced his run for president in 2015, Trump has helped antagonize millions of Mexican voters into electing his mirror image, a tenacious ideologue and unabashed proponent of the working class with a fervent base of millions of supporters.


Can you read between the lines? Is Trump not a unabashed proponent of the working class with a fervent base of millions of supporters???????

8b830f No.1998355

For all the clock anons, side-by-sides, and proof-anons, the timestamps of all Q's and @RealDJT tweets are currently up to date on the spreadsheet. Use as you will talented ones!


c7c4a8 No.1998356

File: 33a304933fd5b66⋯.png (59.1 KB, 625x626, 625:626, ClipboardImage.png)


pst don´t respond to shills !

596fbf No.1998357


Seems he has trouble sleeping:

"“I don’t grope people anymore. I don’t expose myself anymore,” Dick said to The Hollywood Reporter at the time. “I do understand that the temperature in the world right now is delicate.”

He also said, "I didn't grope anybody. I might have kissed somebody on the cheek to say goodbye and then licked them. That's my thing — I licked Carrie Fisher at a roast. It's me being funny. I'm not trying to sexually harass people.”

Andy Dick has previous arrests on his record for exposing himself and groping a bartender.

His wife, Lina Sved, said in court papers in recent months the actor and comedian has been heavily drinking and lashing out at family members."

dd4dea No.1998358


It's hilarious and brilliant and I've watched it a bunch of times… so what did I apparently miss?

d9ca25 No.1998359

File: cb8497f52f1778c⋯.png (130.53 KB, 492x649, 492:649, play-loud-booms-q-pepe.png)

b5689a No.1998360


Sure does.

US military has been off the coasts of Mexico for the last couple of weeks.

I am wondering if that was to stop Soros from stealing the election.

342974 No.1998361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Looks like we lost another Rocker……..

Alan Longmuir, bassist with the Bay City Rollers – obituary


c9d820 No.1998362


David Wilcock is a shill. He has been gaming the newagers for years. Please don't bring up his con in here

5b3eca No.1998363


>Dickless Andy aka Kathy Griffin lite. Charged with sexual battery! https://www.lifezette.com/popzette/hollywood-actor-and-comedian-charged-with-sexual-battery/

I'm skeptical. The article says he did it to a woman.

1bc940 No.1998364


Godspeed anon.

c20054 No.1998365

File: e876460f18e054c⋯.jpg (4.78 KB, 220x229, 220:229, images (2).jpg)

f51e78 No.1998366


tie, handkerchief, or one hte bottom/soles of your shoes

311adb No.1998367



so independent!

f70e9e No.1998368



131e2d No.1998369

File: a506104f7cebe0a⋯.png (59.83 KB, 624x628, 156:157, a506104f7cebe0abd067776841….png)

ad6e08 No.1998370


Wait are we missing part of the obvious? What happens to “the clock” in Alice in wonderland ..the white rabbit has it and…(can’t remember gonna ask kids lol)

1bc940 No.1998371


Clearly you need to do a bit more research

1c9c25 No.1998372


Nuice! They have it all

8c7552 No.1998373


Hey, maybe people aren't buying Heinz because they are making their own ketchup. It is possible to do this.

Or maybe it's because more people realize that huge monopolies like Kraft-Heinz are an implementation of Communism with Communist central committee planning replaced by interlocking directorship among members of the cabal.

So we can all buy smaller local brands. In Canada there is a company called French's that makes ketchup and mustard who have TV ads pointing out that they are a local company so why not support them.

Many of you probably know about Black Rifle Coffee, but how many take the trouble to look for non-Starbucks coffee shops in your local area?

It's the same as MSM. When we had a free press it was because there were literally THOUSANDS of new sources competing in a free market. Now there are 6 sources and they all get their 4am talking points from one central committee called Gannett, A division of Clowns In America Inc.

How many of you go to your local film school and talk to young film makers about being independents rather than plugging into the Illuminati machine of Hollywood?

We need diversity and HEALTHY competition.

637b60 No.1998374

File: e3fe4d1d3e5d149⋯.pdf (96.33 KB, Status-Report.pdf)

File: 0dbc8a68c02a657⋯.jpg (87.43 KB, 786x847, 786:847, Flynn Status Report.jpg)

Mueller kicks the can further down the road in Flynn case.

ac3a18 No.1998375



don't be such a clown.

We will defend if attacked.

We are ready for that.

But we will not attack.

ac2a4c No.1998376

File: a9b681a7b5303d0⋯.png (526.15 KB, 1398x915, 466:305, 2018-07-02 16_48_42_CEST_W….png)

File: 0936d2a8a1f18f1⋯.png (501.21 KB, 1782x836, 81:38, 2018-07-02 16_52_35_CEST_W….png)

File: 9871e09f2dc95e9⋯.png (423.86 KB, 1553x718, 1553:718, 2018-07-02 17_10_18_CEST_W….png)




The /T-VPR Algerian Government plane looks like a frequent visitor of Savannah, Georgia.

9months ago: https://flightaware.com/live/flight/7TVPR

Which is where it also landed this time, see the decreasing speed and the fact that it's gone now.

Would like to know what the Germans are doing in the US though.

342974 No.1998377



I put this up for well, I don't know but look at the Illuminati shit in the background. Man I was like 10, had no fkg clue…..

3bb9aa No.1998378

File: e251415c34d526d⋯.png (118.77 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

ccbf3b No.1998379


>don't believe that Orborador is a LEFTIST

Isn't he the one that told Mexicans to flood US border?

f5c775 No.1998380

File: e0c445bea5cd420⋯.jpg (111.01 KB, 800x500, 8:5, IMG_3947.JPG)

ffcad3 No.1998381

File: 5c00410afbfb96a⋯.png (3.67 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_3667.PNG)

File: 05edd35cbfefa03⋯.png (3.85 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_3668.PNG)

"Quiet winds and soft landings"

69a51b No.1998382


I doubt she goes voluntarily, but if she did, it would be before midterms to motivate the death loving base.

406693 No.1998383


Fukken KEK. Damn you anon! I just sprayed my covfefe over my keyboard.

660419 No.1998384

File: ff985fdca859c5e⋯.jpg (509.89 KB, 1632x918, 16:9, WP_20150820_20_08_22_Rich.jpg)

This is what Hollywood anon thinks we should do with C_A's mind control system, cultist controlled Hollywood, where HA has worked 30 years (counter programming division)

This anon watched the Matrix bros turn into the Matrix sisterhood over lunch . It starts with cardigan sweaters, and when they turn angora you know the tits are about to come out. Seriously anons, it was freaky. Cast a cold eye on life, on death.

Here is my thinking on negotiating the transition phase of our human adventure. It's what alchemists called the nigredo, or blackening, in social terms it is reckoning with sins, acknowledgement of same, penalties and then reaffirmation of values, and explicit re commitment to those values, for our purposes truth, factual information about reality. That will be first and foremost what we need. One of the ways humanity has been deceived is by the falsification of both current and historical events. Selective suppression of some historical events and the extraordinary emphasis placed on others has rendered our history discontinuous, full of paradoxes and missing bits,altered documents and augmented with disinformation. Historical Forensics with be a popular passion, the way ancestry research is today for numerous people.

The will be emphasis on accurate, error free programming. The programming will need to offer reassurance and accurate verifiable accounts of reality - even the "fiction" entertainment.

Drama was sacred in Greece for a reason. Drama has the power to rewrite our minds and change who we are. This was once no secret. It's why the Church fought theaters from Shakespeare's time until today. When we watch filmed entertainment we relax. We lower our critical barriers. We are non-critically perceiving. This means we have opened our unconscious minds, and they are wide open to inputs normally screened by our attention. IE unprotected and available for the insertion of messages below the viewers conscious awareness. This has been done and can be shown to have been done by Walt Disney company, by Warner Brothers, HBO, and by others. I am NOT talking about subliminal messaging but something more subtle. Many of the guilty parties are the same influential figures raping children and young people looking for work. Not surprisingly the possessors of mind control systems like to use them.

few people understand what happens in an information war, how the damage is inflicted and how it is repaired using the same tools employed to inflict it.

Hollywood bears responsibility for much of the damage done. It will not survive in it's current form due to pervasive corruption as well as subversive seditious or treasonous activities by c suite figures and celebrities.

Hollywood's job RIGHT NOW produce entertainment that will necessarily meet new standards of fidelity to reality, and to convey the astonishing things going on right now in science.

We have exponential growth kicking in, it's showing up on the bottom line. Things like nano lubricants mean machines don't wear out and so on.

You NEVER hear about this on mainstream media, there are many scientist anons. All the cures, the ability to extend lifespan (without no fetus eating) are all there. I've seen a bunch of them. All this stuff is backed up in the lab. Amazing stuff that will prosper and not harm us, not to be a TED talk shill.

A key to unlocking many possibilities is our ability to use virtual space. Right now it is unsafe, and it will be until we have a new kind of networking to replace the internet.

For example 360 video VR and MR offer multi-party realtime tele-presence. This is the digital frontier.

They cultist all want to control it. Because it would control us all. That's why Facebook paid 2 billion for Occulus.

They are all spending billions. How do you secure that domain, virtual space, for the public, not for some corporation?

By building this new kind of network, this digital republic vest ownership in users, and gives them title and control when initial investors returns are capped out a multiple of original investment.

This has to happen because streaming 360 video over the internet means anyone with access can inject into the stream, which is a direct high bandwidth path to the brain.

Anyone who uses VR MR from an untrusted or source can be colonized (cough) or hit with a Neal Stevenson grade mind virus. Why do you think FB so anxious to roll this VR crap out that the ginger clone dropped two billion on Palmer Luckey for a bunch of old tech held together with masking tape?

pic not unrelated

596fbf No.1998385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember FBI text message about the Ohioans who were buried in Arlington.


fca7ea No.1998386


This is promising

López Obrador hired former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani to craft a zero-tolerance policy that would help reduce the escalating crime in Mexico City.

d5ff42 No.1998387

File: 74d4d552e886eaf⋯.jpg (48.1 KB, 600x400, 3:2, IMG_0247.JPG)

05c929 No.1998388


>Be nice to anyone who says anything

this is something which is difficult to do, but crucial.

94-96% of the population are GOOD people.

but look on twitter or fb, or anywhere else, and everyone hates the opposition.

even the marginalized, even those who anons sometimes mock.

everyone needs to know about this, with kindness and love. aggression and sarcasm will stall progress.

46e2c0 No.1998389

File: e65be434879e5b6⋯.png (174.08 KB, 909x457, 909:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e0b8c5b8ef924a⋯.jpg (82.53 KB, 647x369, 647:369, ServerHouseOfCards.jpg)


The server brings down the house.

5c5c1a No.1998390


kys shill

342974 No.1998391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Holy crap, look at these videos… MK Ultra much???

3bb9aa No.1998392

File: a3fa2f76e46479f⋯.png (1011.83 KB, 968x681, 968:681, ClipboardImage.png)

Eleven members of family in India found blindfolded and hanging from ceiling

Handwritten notes 'point towards observance of some definite spiritual/mystical practices by the whole family'


Eleven members of the same family have been found dead in India’s capital city, most hanging from the ceiling of their home, blindfolded, gagged and with their hands tied behind their backs.

Police said some handwritten notes had been found in the house ”which point towards observance of some definite spiritual/mystical practices by the whole family”.

“These notes have strong similarity with the manner in which the mouths, eyes etc of the deceased were tied and taped,” authorities said.

956de5 No.1998393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bye DemoRats! No moar buying democrats.

((They)) should remember this song well!!

Democrats sang “hey, hey, hey, goodbye” after House Republicans voted to repeal Obamacare.

c9d820 No.1998394



Sorry, but is this Orboradar the same guy who wants to legalize heroin and manufacturer it in Mexico?

131e2d No.1998395


Insurance of integrity is a good thing, let's hope this is the case.

27e059 No.1998396

File: e54eb85ee6045d1⋯.jpg (86.18 KB, 700x459, 700:459, jj1.jpg)

File: da7807d17180c47⋯.jpg (200.43 KB, 1000x690, 100:69, jj2.jpg)

File: 154d873cdb1d069⋯.jpg (51.83 KB, 636x443, 636:443, jj3.jpg)

File: ccdf06f520428a6⋯.jpg (58.67 KB, 367x464, 367:464, pyr.jpg)

File: 3614e7b97ce7831⋯.png (383.15 KB, 854x448, 61:32, no.hell.png)

0db877 No.1998397


I think the numbers for today's WH Presser Viewership are going to be quite high. What do you all think?

f70e9e No.1998398


Q was here

406693 No.1998399


Q said no civil war.

64bc5f No.1998400


c276b2 No.1998401


Illuminati's kinda a played out word… lets just call it gay.

85b9d0 No.1998402




Yep, Wilcock is a fraud. He sells the idea of hope and enlightenment but he's really just like everyone else in his circles. Basically the Alex Jones of spiritualism.

f51e78 No.1998403

File: 6433a596d57b25d⋯.png (16.04 KB, 446x340, 223:170, rampproviolent8ch.png)

ffad4d No.1998404

good morning anons

i just hopped on and was scanning bread

there was a page on bummer with family

i clicked it to read further and its gone…

why deleting posts?


9fd5e8 No.1998405

File: 7a946f1791ebad1⋯.gif (581.3 KB, 480x272, 30:17, dontbeadick-itejy85.gif)

47a74f No.1998406

New target to shutdown while it's early enough.


New Dem darling insists socialist message can win in Midwest


c1dc95 No.1998407

File: 4a5bbfcf4951725⋯.png (111.41 KB, 400x267, 400:267, walkaway-400x267.png)

Apologies if this has already been discussed/posted ad nauseam, but has anyone taken note to how Twitter is actively suppressing/hiding the #WalkAway trending-hashtag?


There are rampant discussions ongoing on other platforms, but haven't seen quite as much here.

Anyhow, I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday and week ahead. It feels good to be on the winning side of history!

f93635 No.1998408

>>1998389 The server brings down the house.


ac3a18 No.1998409


The more time passes, the more amazed I am that our founding fathers were able to peer into the future.

Of course, they had seen the terrors of the Reformation and the Inquisition, and their own ancestors lived through the purge of the Highlands by the British. So they both drew on what they knew and what they could foresee.




50f691 No.1998410



<3 for you, FunnyAnon!

69277e No.1998411

File: 7c8631d03d7e7c2⋯.jpg (43.74 KB, 931x524, 931:524, melissaford.jpg)

accident or message?

'Melyssa Ford suffers skull fracture in brutal wreck on California freeway

Radio personality Melyssa Ford was recovering at a Los Angeles hospital Sunday after suffering significant injuries in a major car wreck.

Ford, 41, suffered head injuries, including a skull fracture, when her Jeep flipped on the Ventura Freeway on Thursday, her rep told Us Weekly. A tractor trailer-reportedly clipped the back of Ford’s tire and sent her into a tailspin on the freeway.

Ford is currently the co-host of "Hollywood Unlocked Uncensored." She’s also appeared on the Bravo series “Blood, Sweat & Heels” and the movie “Think Like a Man.”


1c3f83 No.1998412



THE FEAR is palpable

days are numbered

your fakeposts will not save (((you)))

131e2d No.1998413


Sorry, did you have sauce for that.. your offering is dry as fuck and kinda bland.

5f8eac No.1998414

Shit or get off the pot Q. We are in July, no arrests have been made and there are 45,000 sealed indictments. You have it all, you claim Trump is on the offensive, and waiting would make it blatantly obvious that Trump is being political and tyrannical locking up opposition right before the midterms. Everyone knows how corrupted our government is. No one believes Russia hacked the election. We have all been patient, but we need action.

756f1f No.1998415



for your consideration baker

>>1998290 What Role Can Mil-INTEL play?

>>1998301, >>1998266, >>1998285, >>1998288 French Terror attack thwarted

>>1998241 Catholic church in Philippines may be involved in coup plot

>>1998349 Andy Dick Charged with Sexual Battery

212d1f No.1998416

File: 357a7cf481417c2⋯.jpg (23.79 KB, 430x430, 1:1, q.jpg)


This is promising. Might make it in time.


29599a No.1998417


That's Marine One, they were still in the White House. The People's House! I don't blame her I'd be pissed to

c3dec1 No.1998418


This is it!

DoD Directive 5525.5 <<Am I seeing this right?


962625 No.1998419

File: 4a7fb35fd8f5a96⋯.jpg (68.97 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 5909cfe6-013a-4ee1-a4eb-1b….jpg)

You love fukin nazi's you must love Angela Merkel

7aa4e6 No.1998420

Q and anons, what should we expect if/when Cohen is flipped?



db54f2 No.1998421

File: 18d15b873bcc74c⋯.png (41.98 KB, 132x113, 132:113, 8765eece-539b-41f4-8a23-1b….png)

44fc59 No.1998422



>He was asked that

>His answer

>"I refuse to name the people involved"

MANY have died merely because they could…and anyone could be convinced to talk…his own admission of his OWN crimes would be reason enough to arrest him and bargain for the names (like Keith R…and Alison Mack)…so that answer is not quite good enough. By his own admission he committed many horrific crimes…so..there's that.

212d1f No.1998423


Nope. I've got friends in low places…

1c3f83 No.1998424

File: b73f01662b01721⋯.jpg (8 KB, 300x168, 25:14, jesustheman.jpg)


Here is the unebelievable true story of a small group of people who have virtually controlled and shaped the world we live in - and continie to do so to this very day. A summary of (((their))) evil accomplishments is impressive indeed. in fact it is truly miraculous - see for yourself:

THEY control a WW cabal which controls the minds of the entire general population

THEY control the media

THEY control hollywood

THEY control all banks

THEY created the system of usury which enslaves the planet with debt

THEY created a fake holocaust to make themselves look like victims

THEY caused all the WW wars

THEY perpetrated the 9-11 attack and publicly celebrated the disaster

THEY control the President of the USA and the Congress and the Supreme Court

THEY have a secret arsenal of nuclear weapons

THEY infiltrated and control the internet through the JIDF

THEY control the Vatican and the Pope

THEY created an evil mystical doctrine known as kabbalah which hides satanic activities

THEY created the talmud which are holy books describing their evil beliefs

THEY created a WW synagogue of satan as they are lucifer worshippers

THEY believe they are superior to all others and consider others animals

THEY killed our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

THEY devised and published detailed protocols to control the world

THEY sacrifice children and drink their blood

THEY run the WW slave trade

THEY run WW child traffic and organ harvesting

THEY have been expelled from many countries for their evil deeds.

THEY cause hatred of themselves as a hoax to remain as victims on the WW stage and make criticism impossible

THEY are only loyal to others in their tribe and to their evil state

THEY are unpatriotic

THEIR state was established to control a WW cabal they operate

THEY have forced America to pay for and fight wars for their sole benefit

THEY illegally occupy land and abuse the human rights of all others

Now if that is not enough - at the same time as all this has been occurring THEY have managed to amass a truly staggering record of other activities - far far far too numerous to mention. THEY make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates.

THEY make up 2 percent of the U.S. population, but 21 percent of the Ivy League student bodies, 26 percent of the Kennedy Center honorees, 37 percent of the Academy Award-winning directors, 38 percent of those on a recent Business Week list of leading philanthropists, 51 percent of the Pulitzer Prize winners for nonfiction.

MORE? OK THEY wrote the entire BIBLE - 100% of it - which is considered the greatest book of all times - but only because THEY lied to you about that.

MORE? OK - THEY were all of the Apostles - and even more astounding - JESUS - the most important individual that ever walked the earth - was one of THEM. Now given all of this can THEY be considered anything less than the most unique and most significant group of humans that ever lived?

YES - STILL MUCH MUCH MORE - Here are some links to browse:





7b6317 No.1998425


The instruments are props. May not even be their voices.

0db877 No.1998426


Does it not say anything to you that the sealed numbers keep going up? Perhaps when they stop climbing, they can unleash all Hell on the cabal?

Let's do it once, and do it right.

c0569e No.1998427


I like this idea. Anything that doesn't just SELL Q shit for profit.

8acb7a No.1998428


Mueller knows he is fucked.

1dfb80 No.1998429

File: 96b4c764ac74edb⋯.png (123.63 KB, 782x581, 782:581, caocao.PNG)



c9d820 No.1998430


Make a great Tee … cute

05c929 No.1998431


agreed. i support this nonviolent response.

7bf9de No.1998432


I expect people to get here soon who are not aware that the opinions of posts like this does not reflect the board at large.

Aka, I won't let any narrative be built here unopposed, especially when it comes to espousing violence. ;)


64bc5f No.1998433


TQ so much for helping. I added all these notes.

ccbf3b No.1998434


>Will need to be creative.

Print you out some "Who is Q?" cards and randomly place them all over (bathrooms, tables, flower arrangements) the Gov's mansion! and take pic to share here! :)

c93aa0 No.1998436


I wonder, is it really hot sauce, or a vial of blood?

f51e78 No.1998437

File: 0a9450bd2c32cc3⋯.jpg (16.33 KB, 600x600, 1:1, bait.jpg)

13371d No.1998438

File: a6dfa0b8ed9a41f⋯.jpg (80.9 KB, 750x485, 150:97, 2d9sw7~2.jpg)

Michael Cohen punked.

3bb9aa No.1998439

File: 0a625787e38f60a⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1842x1036, 921:518, ClipboardImage.png)

these people have

no humanity

WaPo 'Conservative' Columnist: Sarah Sanders Should Get 'Life Sentence' Of Being Publicly Harassed

Speaking on Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC contributor, supposed “conservative” Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin hit the daily double of nastiness: accusing the Trump Administration of inciting gunmen to violence against the press, and stating that White House Press Secretary Sarah Hucakbee Sanders deserved a "life sentence" of being harassed publicly.


1c3f83 No.1998440

File: 21fc59b9d37cd72⋯.jpg (6.57 KB, 299x168, 299:168, trumpthumbsup.jpg)


Q has just clearly confirmed that the muhjoo shills are wrong. Q posted Mossad is a problem - Masons are a problem - the Pope and Vatican is a problem - DOJ/FBI are a problem, and so on and so on - however this latest Q post states that every large organization has sinister elements and theplan will NOT destroy the organizations - it will purge them of the sinister elements. POTUS has also said this many time about the DOJ and FBI and CIA.

this is exactly as set forth in the post below and just as common sense and all anons (other than the muhjoo shills) have been posting all along. And confirmed by POTUS many statements of support.

that said - i will concede that the cabal could not operate without the jews. So in that sense they are culpable and should be exposed and destroyed - however, it is just as true to say that non cabal activity could also not operate without the jews - as the jews have a substantial and key presence in these activities as well.

Why do the jews have such a disproportionate role in world affairs? Well if you believe in the Bible the answer is easy - they are the key to redemption. If you believe in Annunaki or other aliens then it is clear that the jews have proven themselves extremely helpful - for both the good guys and the bad. If you are an atheist thenjust look at the objective statistics and this proves out. The jews are disproportionately powerful in both good and evil causes.

from 40000 feet it must be seen and conceded that the jews have a major role to play in the GA - on both sides of the conflict. and it also must be conceded that Q and POTUS have no intention whatsoever of fulfilling the Nazi/skinhead/muzzie wet dream of jewish genocide. This does indeed remain a CABAL false flag - blame the jews - but the CABAL will never give up their jews - never. And genocide will never happen - nor should it from any rational approach.

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: cdb588 No.1948303 📁

Jun 28 2018 19:04:44 (EST)


Most all powerful organizations have sinister components.

With power comes corruption.

Like alphabet agencies, not all are bad apples.

Should the bad spoil the bunch?

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:Dx5TPc5d Thu 09 Nov 2017 23:24:35 No.148781546

[C]los[I]ng [A]ct:


Impossible to clean.

Operations → [N]o [S]uch [A]gency


287ee8 No.1998441



1bc940 No.1998442


What would be some good alternatives? Who covers both aliens and spirituality?

0a7427 No.1998443


You should expect another segment on CNN to keep their bills paid by luring idiots like you into watching and investing in their propaganda.

ccbf3b No.1998444


double space asshole!

fuck off

077671 No.1998445

File: fb3f6ade94e2f90⋯.png (420.92 KB, 720x720, 1:1, HCTP.png)

131e2d No.1998446

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


(vid related)

f93635 No.1998447

File: b8487642e6775f2⋯.png (92.39 KB, 940x857, 940:857, praisekek.png)


>Who covers both aliens and spirituality?

We do. kek

b5d466 No.1998448


wil-cock & D-ick are shills… interesting names, no?

311adb No.1998449


Can I ask you a Q?

1c3f83 No.1998450

File: baeed8346a59c35⋯.jpg (12.75 KB, 255x173, 255:173, shill3.jpg)

c3dec1 No.1998451

Clearly either the newfags haven't read the newfag post at top or these shills are fucking stupid. Hard to tell




muh fuhkas

1dfb80 No.1998452


Theres nothing for Cohen to share that will implicate POTUS. He can "flip" all he wants but a clean man is a clean man. And POTUS is clean.

e962c6 No.1998453

File: f24aa3bcc165285⋯.png (206.68 KB, 600x592, 75:74, stay-woke-1.png)


Pilgrims + Founding Fathers used the Geneva. Mostly long forgotten.

c1dc95 No.1998454


What's worse is that it isn't beyond the realm of reason, given what we've learned about these people…

47a74f No.1998455


July 4 terror plot thwarted in Cleveland, FBI says


78c231 No.1998456


you should probably install fail2ban if you haven't already. configure and test in another box first though,

5f8eac No.1998457



Just because arrests would begin, does not mean investigations would end. That means sealed indictments could continue to pile up. Why the fuck should they do everything at once?

3bb9aa No.1998458

File: 1c358af7b39529a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1842x1036, 921:518, ClipboardImage.png)

thank you patriots

FBI Foils July 4th Terror Attack In Cleveland

Undercover agent posed as member of al-Qaeda

The FBI revealed on Monday that after conducting an undercover sting operation, agents arrested a radical Islamist planning a Fourth of July terror attack in downtown Cleveland.

The terror suspect, a 48-year-old Maple Heights resident (whose name is withheld here per Daily Wire policies), was arrested over the weekend and has been charged under 18 USC 2339B for material support of a foreign terrorist organization in his attempts to help carry out an attack in the city on Independence Day.

In a press conference Monday morning, authorities explained that the suspect's "disturbing" social media posts alerted agents to him as a possible threat. One of the statements the suspect, who adopted an Islamic name, posted online read: "We as Muslims need to start training like this every day. We need to know how to shoot guns, throw hand grenades, hand-to-hand combat."


44fc59 No.1998459


Honestly I take their outfits as a "play" on the Pantifa black shit and backpacks. I find them amusing…and this has been done before to great effect…if anyone recalls Chanology…we made comic outfits and confronted some of the most dangerous people on the planet..with memes and hysterical costumes, dancing and caek….So basically I see them as making fun of Pantifa…

a9e8ab No.1998460


I think we are on something here fellow anon.

Election > Denial and isolation

Security > Anger

Dir(Direct?) > Barganing (False hope)

Cap(Capitulation, Capital?) > Depression

5:5(Win) > Acceptance

dda1b3 No.1998461

File: f82b7b3e68b5be0⋯.png (219.04 KB, 1700x1276, 425:319, TG QCLOCK 4TH Q_UARTER .png)


needed one more line, added.


Ha! Don't remember either.

c3d489 No.1998462

"Supercollider" staring Key and Peele as a pair of physicists trying to realize their dream of creating the largest particle accelerator known to man. As the pair seek funding and approval, a comedy of errors and extreme personalities ensues. How will they publish results when all who would help them fail? An Asian warlord promises to bore their tunnel creates only a straight shot from his palace to Amsterdam. Covert Nazis in the Eurpoean government are tricked into building the collider loop, but they thought they were getting a doom's day bunker. How will the pair please their monetary masters and survive their predicament all while seeking to discover the next big thing in physics?

713478 No.1998463

File: 31f7bd07cb36cfe⋯.jpg (465.15 KB, 2222x1667, 2222:1667, Andres-Manuel-López-Obrado….jpg)

File: c4348f6f177ec1d⋯.jpg (47.29 KB, 680x383, 680:383, stream_img.jpg)

File: f9851885f9c7506⋯.jpg (48.76 KB, 2048x1200, 128:75, New president Mexico AMLO.jpg)

File: 3b95dc58bdff510⋯.jpg (39.8 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrado….jpg)

Interesting. Need a closer look.

b48996 No.1998464



He's not a fraud or a shill, nothing like Alex Jones, he just makes compromises so people will buy his books. He's been wrong about things over the years but he always said they were just theories. He was right about the great awakening, he's been predicting this type of movement for years, before many of us were even redpilled so I think he deserves some respect.

13371d No.1998465

File: ef3bbb308e5cbe4⋯.jpg (82.06 KB, 750x485, 150:97, 2d9si0~2.jpg)

0db877 No.1998467

5c5c1a No.1998468


You reek of concernshill, kys

9b48e2 No.1998469


Under those clouds? LOL

f51e78 No.1998470

File: 73ada083e71383e⋯.png (561.85 KB, 458x613, 458:613, goodworkanon2.PNG)


spot on anon

ac3a18 No.1998471


that's clowns.

Brock's internet guerilla army has had 0 luck with us, so we're going to get the clown agents provocateur.

We've had one major coordinated psyop to get us out into the open which failed.

I dont really know how they think they get autists from their keyboards. Autists are not possible to emotionally manipulate. Newfags may be affected though.

Keep pointing them here to learn, extensive info on clowns, bots and shills:


6cce2d No.1998472

Brazil v Mexico playing in the world cup right now.

Two of the worst countries on earth.

8c7552 No.1998473


If what you say is true then he almost certainly has contacts with the Trump camp via the US military. They have likely shared with Obrador information on which military and police units are loyal, and Obrador will use similar strategies as Trump did and surround himself with a buffer zone of loyal armed forces.

Also, remember in North Korea we had JSOC teams go into the palaces and fortresses of the real powers in the country and take them out? We could very well do the same thing in Mexico. But because of the hydra problem, this has to be carefully planned and done at the right time. Cutting off the head only works when there is pressure on another front that prevents the cartel from growing a new head. Otherwise we will see the same bottom to top takedowns that are happening in the USA.

In fact the first publicly visible sign of things changing is likely to be almost zero central american illegals at the southern border. If Mexico stops the illegals from entering Mexico, we will notice it on the USA border.

76151f No.1998474


Go out to utube and search "the event". or "ascension". will blow your mind how everything ties together.

d5ff42 No.1998476



He's not gay? TIL. He's still a faggot, though

ccbf3b No.1998477


WTF is up with all you double spacing assholes this morning? ffs

64bc5f No.1998478

I am really happy to see comped BV cunt got the boot. Good Job BO. When your sous chefs put out poison in the food its YOUR FAULT. Good work . Trusting the BO plan more by the min. Breads been clean and no bans . Doing better .

1bc940 No.1998479


People are too polarized about things. Many items are either the best thing since sliced bread or the spawn of satan itself. Why? Is it so hard to extract the truth-crumbs and build a picture for yourself, even for things Q has only hinted about.

50f691 No.1998480


Sure, far left CAN win in the Midwest.

THAT far left cannot win in the Midwest.

Because democratic socialism is the —T E—- equivalent of political ideologies.

f026dd No.1998481

A happy thing is concord in the community!

One who assists in making harmony,

loving concord and righteousness,

does not fall away from freedom.

1dfb80 No.1998482


Maybe he just realized that the raids were set up by us to help take people down. Maybe he should have been more careful with who he was hanging out with.

a9a22b No.1998483

File: a62d1abc0f1aad6⋯.jpg (471.39 KB, 1183x546, 13:6, sparrow.jpg)

b5d466 No.1998484


i did not know this

fca7ea No.1998485

This gives me more hope for Mexico.

The collapse of the Peso really turned Mexico into a shithole.

He also stated that if he elected, he would firmly reject any intelligence activity from the United States, including money and weapons in aid. This policy would put a stop to the operations in Mexico of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Drug Enforcement Administration, including the use of unmanned drones.[115] But it could also discourage U.S. aid to Mexico ($1.6 billion since 2008).

cd1435 No.1998486

Whoever got the porn ads off the bread deserves a medal! So happy to see that perverted cartoon advertising child porn gone!

ffad4d No.1998487


oh calm down, thought it makes easier reading for phonefags, idk ffs

1bc940 No.1998488


This. Fair warning, one needs a really healthy mind to wrap it up.

212d1f No.1998489


Oh dang. There's an idea.

406693 No.1998490


Algerian looks like it is probably visiting Lockheed Martin factory. Training/maintenance issues for their C-130s most likely.

67f5ec No.1998491

File: d500dbc594a608c⋯.png (262.51 KB, 676x1744, 169:436, mexico-killings-elections-….png)


- so this was a push by the cartels to ensure Obrador did not win?


1c9c25 No.1998492

File: 25ec3514d6a0226⋯.jpg (102.61 KB, 500x637, 500:637, shhhhh_shills.jpg)

c7c4a8 No.1998493


(You) giving ((them)) shekels won´t solve the problem.

i dunno how many times i have to explain this but;

the ONLY WAY prevent newfags from "getting the wrong intention" is to educate them in critical thinking

why anon ?

why free speech ?

why no global filter ?

why let nazis/kikes/pornfags/whateveryoudon´tlike post ?

Question everything

c0569e No.1998494


If (((they))) fake news shills simply regurgite 4am talking points and know they are lying and perpetuating fake news… HOW DO THEY THINK THEY WILL SAVE their reputation and job after they are exposed??? It's baffling to me - do they do it for money? Do they really believe they are doing good? Are they controlled and have no choice??

ccbf3b No.1998495


Uggg, he looks like a Mexican Soros in that middle pic at the top!

c9d820 No.1998496


Already have one like that. So do some of my friends. I think a Q hat, Q Mug, Q Tee are where your going to find your best market.

You could run with your theme of who is Q by putting 'Who Is" on the front side of a Mug or Tee and Q on the backside.

I like "Q was here" too.

962625 No.1998497



if they simply stretched out their reply box, they wouldn't be inclined to double space

c93aa0 No.1998498


This is the purest form of the Bible, pre-fuckery by King James, etc. The 1599 Geneva Bible is what I own.

e29855 No.1998499

File: 45079f6af32f1c3⋯.png (972.95 KB, 1312x1324, 328:331, Screenshot 2018-07-02 at 1….png)

arrest these idiots.

5f8eac No.1998500


And you reek of a brainless millenial. Neck yourself. Some of you cultists believe anything. Can't Q walk and chew gum at the same ? Start the arrests.

f0af3b No.1998501


With a defibrilator

76151f No.1998502


Once you see, you can't stop seeing. Synchronicity everywhere

1dfb80 No.1998503

File: 1f500932bb598b5⋯.jpg (96.05 KB, 1280x657, 1280:657, WEIHE COHEN UKRAINE EMAIL.jpg)

File: 16489f3012dae8f⋯.png (52.89 KB, 894x646, 447:323, WEIHLE EXPLAINED WIKILEAKS….PNG)

79ef01 No.1998504

File: 663e5717e092c40⋯.png (79.67 KB, 1587x345, 23:5, redoinefaid.PNG)


Maybe related, it'd be a stretch, but he's trying awfully hard to get to Israel. lots of theatrics involved in his escapes… sounds like a distraction so people pay less attention to the terror news.

Manhunt underway after notorious French gangster Redoine Faid breaks free from jail in dramatic helicopter escape


713478 No.1998505


I'm not looking at his face.

ac3a18 No.1998506

File: 1e578464b26de74⋯.jpg (128.45 KB, 724x601, 724:601, MEGA.JPG)


"israel for last."

We follow instructions

and muhjoos mocking=not all jews

Seth Rich was Jewish.

d59686 No.1998507

File: 1810520d98f6630⋯.jpg (454.09 KB, 2166x1416, 361:236, Q questions.jpg)

ffad4d No.1998508


i been wanting to get a copy, but i just go to bible hub to read all translations

3c2afd No.1998509


>you cultists

old shill tactic

kys shill

13af30 No.1998510

File: 808f97dc9b5208a⋯.jpg (57.6 KB, 554x435, 554:435, DeepStateFear.jpg)

I can't find anything else online about this and supposedly, it's habbening today!

Devin Nunes will depose 17 members of the deep state has been suppressed.

https: //m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=Do_iL4btNnw

e962c6 No.1998511

File: f863dbf5fd90779⋯.jpg (218.56 KB, 1875x1875, 1:1, pepe-covfefe-flag-eyes.jpg)


King James was a Bar attorney.

d5ff42 No.1998512


He pretends to be so spiritual, yet he has one of the largest egos around. Sure, he speaks some truths just like Alex Jones, but I don't trust either one of them

a22854 No.1998514

File: 2ae72efb84917f6⋯.jpg (9.89 KB, 162x255, 54:85, 2ae72efb84917f6ae4ed55ba85….jpg)


OMG top fucking KEK!

God I love this place.

b52c02 No.1998515


13371d No.1998516

File: 3ae6bc815b997d5⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 750x487, 750:487, 2d9sn2~2.jpg)

I believe Cohen tried to extort Trump and the bottom fell out.

ccbf3b No.1998517


>Oh dang. There's an idea.

You could print "Who is Q?" on one side and "Qanon.pub" or "Qproofs.com" on the other!

f93635 No.1998518

File: 1d6e58eecf9fff0⋯.png (80.77 KB, 489x487, 489:487, pepecult.png)


>Some of you cultists believe anything.

c3dec1 No.1998519



Excellent work.

There is always a bad grape or two, but spare the rest of the vine

d556fc No.1998520


Whjy would a LLC registered to atty's buy such a property. BTW: not MY LLC. Have you researched the atty that the co is registered to? Do those atty's have any connections to Kerry? Could they just be getting the property out of their name so it's not confiscated?

These people are sick and evil. Always suspect anything they do.

713478 No.1998521

File: 2a7edee508ecca0⋯.jpg (149.97 KB, 680x382, 340:191, Studio_20180702_092932.jpg)


That is what I was looking at

ac3a18 No.1998522


turning off their own brain filters and letting behind the scenes people decide what they can and can't see is what got us all into this mess.

we have to help them train their freedom muscles

b98d55 No.1998523

The Q clock anon are far ahead of this. Go take a look…

But, for JULY 9th, the SC candidate date, here are some of the posts from the Q Clock dates 11/11,/12/10, 2/08, 4/05, 5/10 :

USSS on high alert.

Panic in DC.

Leverage depleted - POTUS freed.

EXTREME chatter.

(Long post….)


We will not be held hostage.



Fellow Patriots:

What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.

Stay the course and trust the plan.

Protective measures are in place.

Remain BRAVE.

We knew this day would come.


United We Stand (WW).



Conspiracy no more.


Please note that this might be for: Aug 8, Sept 7 Oct 7, Nov 6.

f5c775 No.1998524

File: 67257bcc1878b32⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_3949.PNG)

File: 554ba9f89c0a5eb⋯.png (517.53 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_3950.PNG)

File: 1d425014d1faed4⋯.png (352.48 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_3951.PNG)

File: 83d3920714ca104⋯.png (454.85 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_3952.PNG)

8acb7a No.1998525


>I believe Cohen tried to extort Trump and the bottom fell out.

Maybe he was just a pawn to be raided setting precedent for the raids to come.

6b8824 No.1998526


Oh, sorry, I didn't pick up on anything specific. My wild tangent went a bit deep and I just shared it out of a hunch i felt when I ran across it.

5c5c1a No.1998527


> cultists

Aww look its a Muh Cult 45 shithead

kys faggot

5f8eac No.1998528


Brainwashed millenial muh woke tactic, call people shills. Who am I shilling for? Oh wait, muh jews right? Fucktard central around here.

0c582a No.1998529

We need a bit of bread cleanup, Bakers...

BREAD 2518:


>>1996389 Happy News: Kaley Cuoco marries Karl Cook

We are not concerned with celebrity weddings. This is not a checkout stand tabloid site.

>>1996868 Not sure if this has been pointed out yet but anons need to reread crumbs.

>>1996868 NK nuclear expansion is FAKE NEWS to catch WH leakers?

This is, 1) not really notable... and 2) Just pointing out what Q has said... and 3) Is duplicated in the Dough (as in, listed twice in notables)... and 4) Is unsauced speculation.

>>1996628 Recipe for Banana Bread

SERIOUSLY!? WTF is this shit? Who was the fucking retard baker on this bread?

>>1996475 The Word Is Spreading: WWG1WGA spotted on Old Schoolhouse's Antique Flea Market Billboard

Not fucking notable... If this is notable, then hundreds of other posts are notable as well. (As far as I'm concerned, notable posts are ones that bring us closer to truth, because of good digging... )

>>1996664 How To Get The Word Out?

Not really all that notable... *rolleyes*

And that's just bread 2518...

212d1f No.1998530


Thanks anon! Will order one RIGHT NOW.

ccbf3b No.1998531

File: 7e9df5a077f864f⋯.png (353.13 KB, 1202x630, 601:315, synchronicity.png)


>Synchronicity everywhere

Did you see this 'Synchronicity' from last night?

It was beyond wild!

44fc59 No.1998532


>More like I found a blood line. I just don't know which one, exactly.

interdasting…basically the bloodline is a myth of control…there's a massive long story behind why this is true, but factually the story works because people believe it. the bloodline myths are created around a ancient FAIL…and continues to this day. I know this because I was on the inside of a bloodline genetic study…which was HYSTERICAL when the results started coming back….hysterical…they were not only normal, they were painfully normal…nothing unusual about their DNA in the least….nothing. HOWEVER the power of the myth is powerful, their belief sets are passed generation to generation (you're special)..their control is based on MONEY and heredical teachings and money passed from generation to generation. It's the flip side of generational religiousity…..rituals, beliefs, etc…power in the blood..etc…when in fact they are a FAIL experimentally and literally if we could stop propagating their power via myth…they'd quickly fall.

I'm curious about the angle you've discovered tho.

e962c6 No.1998533


saving up for one of these:


not sure what edits there were between 1560 and 1599 editions.

f51e78 No.1998534

File: 198ba401da69020⋯.jpg (7.63 KB, 172x208, 43:52, 8747f67f67a26cea81c8b2f2fa….jpg)


use this anon

13371d No.1998535

File: 074296bbdb93383⋯.jpg (45.61 KB, 319x295, 319:295, 2d8zks~2.jpg)


For his sake I hope so.

3c2afd No.1998536


no you're just a faggot

ed0606 No.1998537


Wow They think we are brainwashed.


9b48e2 No.1998538

766b9e No.1998539

File: 09e4b3e6f3c4bcd⋯.png (87.49 KB, 893x614, 893:614, water.PNG)

Watch the Water?

32d36a No.1998540

File: 521a1abd0065ee9⋯.png (376.41 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (34).png)

File: f691b28328b0bc6⋯.png (743.11 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (35).png)

File: 273e924df6a6216⋯.png (434.92 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (36).png)

File: 059b2ff3c86f2a4⋯.png (317.81 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (37).png)

File: bb847bff7e0ad20⋯.png (74.38 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (39).png)

FOUND IT! The flower garden reference

Mr Antonov-Ovseyenko said: "Sometimes he would have his henchmen bring five, six or seven girls to him. He would make them strip, except for their shoes, and then force them into a circle on their hands and knees with their heads together.

"He would walk around in his dressing gown inspecting them. Then he would pull one out by her leg and haul her off to rape her. He called it the flower game."


64bc5f No.1998541


I removed alot of this. Not my fault I got here 6 am. Give me bread numbers man I cant spend all day looking for this crap. I removed the wedding and bread recipe. Baking soon .

1bc940 No.1998542

131e2d No.1998543


> The white rabbit's watch

the Mad Hatter and the March Hare try to "fix" his watch, proclaiming it "exactly two days slow". This doesn't end well for the rabbit's watch.


077671 No.1998544

File: 139e30c0faac10e⋯.png (410.56 KB, 720x720, 1:1, AFP.png)

79ef01 No.1998545


Didn't waste any time getting yesterdays escape updated on wikipedia either. Obviously it was the last escape that had him trying hard to get to israel.. Im wondering what else happened on 29 may 2013

311adb No.1998546

File: d72b8211596997a⋯.png (290.01 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Spitball.png)


We needed a bit of a happy bread, anon

64bc5f No.1998547


I see bread number 2518 sorry. Il do what I can .

5f8eac No.1998548


And you play with mommas dildos. Neck yourself.

713478 No.1998549

File: f3a255b83c77666⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 2222x1666, 1111:833, Studio_20180702_093159.jpg)

962625 No.1998550


you can't fathom the design of this roll out to minimize accusations of dictatorship and political persecution as awaking people with a steady pace of released info so as not to freak them the freak out.

This is strategy and you need to look deeper and discern some logistical understanding of the situation that we are all in…that POTUS and company are in

13371d No.1998551

File: 6c539d40fa8cbea⋯.jpg (52.38 KB, 469x407, 469:407, 2d8kl6~2.jpg)

File: a1a67c4394bf71e⋯.jpg (63.64 KB, 721x499, 721:499, 2d7w3h.jpg)

756f1f No.1998553

File: fe2fbcb45480e92⋯.jpeg (75 KB, 640x480, 4:3, image1(1).jpeg)

File: 5e177fb09d4631d⋯.jpeg (170.53 KB, 640x480, 4:3, image2.jpeg)


Strange the Bros use a KJV.

d5ff42 No.1998554


I highly recommend James Gilliland. You can even go to his ranch and have your own experiences if you've never had one before.

ac3a18 No.1998555


and yet science has proven genetic memory is tied to our DNA


1c3f83 No.1998556

muhjoo shills on pace to post 150 times per bread

thank you BO for exposing the subversion

no filter

no ban

anons cab smell the FEAR as the narrative collapes

mpre volume of lies will not save them




















1dc8b7 No.1998557

File: cd0f6c01be54ff4⋯.jpg (40.84 KB, 594x448, 297:224, crying-jews.jpg)





Imagine that…the spam posts stop and you idiots show up

What (((Cohencidence)))

cd1435 No.1998558


The 1599 Geneva Bible put out by Tolle Lege Press is a great translation. Don't buy the version sold by Walmart–it is old English and near to impossible to read. For new BibleFags, be warned,the 1599 Geneva is difficult to read. Read a simpler, easy to read, translation first, then for deeper study, you can cross reference with the Geneva. There is a reason King James banned this translation (the 1599 Geneva) read by the Pilgrims

a2d9ea No.1998559

File: dd9ba6acf9e4634⋯.jpg (176.96 KB, 522x522, 1:1, patton.jpg)

d59686 No.1998560

File: 9a30c7431fe1ef7⋯.jpg (612.75 KB, 2036x1020, 509:255, PAY TAX WITH ASSETS.jpg)

File: 8ecd8139180cff9⋯.jpg (27.93 KB, 288x175, 288:175, HILLARY LIKES BLOOD.jpg)

File: 0a8905ea1397412⋯.jpg (84.51 KB, 782x396, 391:198, OPEN HEARINGS NOW.jpg)

52f5cc No.1998562


Thanks. Using something similar already.

1c9c25 No.1998563


Mein Nigga

199571 No.1998564



cf772c No.1998565



>Will return asap. Pls keep notes until I get back TQ.


>Important post. all we need is each other and we can take down anything.

Consider for NOTABLES

>>1998182 MAGA: Reclaiming our Minds & Recreating our culture

5c5c1a No.1998566


Is that the best insult you got faggot?

All anons have heard better insults

and far better comebacks.

kys antifashill

8acb7a No.1998567

File: c7551041725525a⋯.jpg (71.21 KB, 1417x256, 1417:256, 666.JPG)


b9d517 No.1998568


Fuck people.

Fifth Avenue Antifa?

Parody account.

342974 No.1998570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Have you researched the atty that the co is registered to?

No I haven't, maybe someone should which is the point of what we do here, kick ideas around, not just dismiss them.

Have you? If not then why are YOU so quick to dismiss it??


>Do those atty's have any connections to Kerry? Could they just be getting the property out of their name so it's not confiscated?

Yes they could, which is why I bring it up….

>These people are sick and evil. Always suspect anything they do.

I am, which is why this discussion….

62ffc9 No.1998571

File: da9682d9c26bd93⋯.png (2.44 KB, 576x58, 288:29, 2018-07-02_11-27-01.png)

File: becc05f80c9f0ca⋯.png (431.78 KB, 2137x2441, 2137:2441, 2018-07-02_11-30-58.png)


Can I ask you a Q?


But you can search for Q yourself.

130a81 No.1998573

Unsealed documents in Clinton Email probe.

New name to dig on Mitch Murata - Japan-based venture capitalist and management consultant


342974 No.1998574


Hahahaha Sorry bout the leftover embed.

79ef01 No.1998575


It Made the headlines in Israel too!


7ce742 No.1998577


Here is the link. Notice the date of the changes made. 4.26.2017


3c2afd No.1998578

File: 55b31d6ffbffc66⋯.png (808.04 KB, 864x1036, 216:259, ClipboardImage.png)


I do not, yet you don't refute you're a faggot

so kys shareblue faggot

095f48 No.1998579

File: d898174875db10b⋯.jpg (71.5 KB, 528x423, 176:141, pope.jpg)

13371d No.1998580

File: 9fc0b21fe805d36⋯.jpg (63.09 KB, 485x485, 1:1, 2d6n2a~2.jpg)

File: d14cc6b04c4d0f1⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 468x468, 1:1, 2d6nbr~2.jpg)

Actually the Talmud foes refer to black's as monkeys.

e29855 No.1998581





666 Geneva.

666 replies.

1c9c25 No.1998582


I hate oswalt.. just kinda looks like Huber

44fc59 No.1998583


Malia was farmed out to Harvey Weinstein….payment? In any case those are not the biological children of Obamas…

5f8eac No.1998584


I can discern the plan. I understand it completely. I can also read, and Q has contradicted his own plan several times. Here comes the pain! Meh. Here comes arrests! Flynn will be free! Nope.

7520fd No.1998585

File: 346f18fca727632⋯.jpeg (69.9 KB, 702x395, 702:395, 1CA8DCCE-DEE4-47F0-BABE-4….jpeg)

File: 27de8ffa979783c⋯.jpeg (61.31 KB, 600x471, 200:157, B59FD33E-9D8D-4213-BF0C-A….jpeg)

File: 96a6fb6abc06d97⋯.jpeg (66.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 4E16D0E0-54FB-4E9C-8C68-5….jpeg)

File: 42eda08faa8535a⋯.jpeg (77.76 KB, 381x378, 127:126, BE2A4B73-6B9A-4D80-B3A3-D….jpeg)

File: cab49127086eac0⋯.jpeg (45.54 KB, 500x350, 10:7, 8DBAFD2D-BB26-4472-BC1B-5….jpeg)

b388fc No.1998586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b48996 No.1998587


Great post, wish more anons understood this is the main shill tactic now. Jews have a central role in the NWO because this idea was passed to the Jews during the time Babylon took control of Judea, and was passed down through Pharisees and the Talmud. Many of them were probably crypto-jews though, and they certainly don't represent the beliefs most jews. Also Jews do have the highest IQs out of any race so they would be over-represented in positions of power regardless of their involvement in the NWO.

05c929 No.1998588

File: 25094429cd0f10d⋯.png (44.47 KB, 871x216, 871:216, ClipboardImage.png)


the whole album is good, but i really like track 39.

34ce8f No.1998591


This cartoon by Ben was first circulated here in the breads months ago…I wonder why Q just posted it yesterday?

Do you remember?

69a51b No.1998592


b00b92 No.1998593




Won’t let me embed interactive graph showing 1YR

e962c6 No.1998594

File: 4f6a26028a4aa95⋯.png (46.9 KB, 556x346, 278:173, Screenshot-2018-7-2 1560 G….png)

ccbf3b No.1998595


>I can't find anything else online about this and supposedly, it's habbening today!


It took me all of 3 seconds!

Nunes calls for testimony from 17 FBI, DOJ officials on government surveillance abuse www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/29/nunes-calls-for-testimony-from-17-fbi-doj-officials-on-government-surveillance-abuse.html

212d1f No.1998596

Jenkies. Opportunity to red pill a stubborn friend of 30 years on immigration.

This won't be easy.

Wish me luck.

7b853e No.1998597



They highlight a few stories to hype that up, but it is not real, like they pretend it is


Who would beat up a woman?

Make sure you have your camera phone ready to go, if anyone trys anything turn it on, or call police.

I'm probably just as small as you, and i wear my Q shirt as mush as possible.

Get a Q shirt, if your afraid to wear Trump shirt.

But regardless, if anyone touched you in anyway, they can be arrested.

cf772c No.1998598

b5a16b No.1998599

Post 2,000,000 has to have boobs and be funny or we have to start over again.

8acb7a No.1998600


Nice Autism!

3c2afd No.1998602


I do

it was twatted by BG yesterday:

Thank you, Ben.

We rather enjoyed this one.



Q said we enjoyed this, as in past tense

probably saw it again then commented on it now

d556fc No.1998603


Do you have pg 1 anon? Would love to see Mueller's excuse for postponing the sentencing hearing.

64bc5f No.1998604


Got sharked by Anon with the note requests late in the bread,

Fucking attitude of some of you anons twords bakers is fucked up. Chill the fuck out current bakers dont do work from 9 hrs ago. Think before you post asshole.

131e2d No.1998605


You know they are desperate when they try to apologize with Star Wars.

We all already know that those original 6 movies were written about 20th century themes that had already taken place, prior to the 2016 elections.

Fucking posers.

1dc8b7 No.1998606

File: 882ed66bf0320b0⋯.jpg (215.83 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, SmartJewMyth.jpg)


I agree with everything but the High IQ

They use nepotism and game the system for their own success

ccbf3b No.1998607

File: 360b6b0a5a0609f⋯.png (103.38 KB, 600x616, 75:77, ClipboardImage.png)


>I can't find anything else online about this and supposedly, it's habbening today!


8acb7a No.1998608

13371d No.1998609

File: 8d72074953a78fa⋯.png (35.53 KB, 480x438, 80:73, Screenshot_2018-06-27-15-3….png)

Q when is the Huber drop?

0c582a No.1998610


>>1997305 Long Islanders Take Shelter From Tick Threat This Summer

WTF!? How is this notable at all? Unless it has something to do with the Cabal, Q, The Plan, The Great Awakening… it's nothing more than what we typically call "News"… which is not the purpose of the bread, from what I have ever seen…

>>1997186 Amazon's Alexa will refuse to respond to "sexist" language.

Not notable… not relevant… merely SJW bullshit that has nothing to do with anything this board is dedicated to.

>>1997144 TAX payers WILL pay for [BHO] ego glorifying constructions

More NEWS being confused for being NOTABLE.

>>1997188 Photoshop image of [Obamas]?

While interdasting… not really relevant… the whole purpose of the NOTABLES section, if I'm not mistaken, is to distill down all the fuckery in the breads… and highlight the stuff that matters.

c3dec1 No.1998611

I know many Jewish people from all over the wrld and while they are generally disagreeable due to their lack of patience for stupidity, they are, like every one else. Some are great people, others not so much. I will not condemn all for the actions of some individuals. Joo shilling is stupid. WWG1WGA


4a6f51 No.1998612


1dfb80 No.1998613


Any time, day or night.

13af30 No.1998614


I was using duckduckgo and not, this did not come up! thank you!

316827 No.1998615




44fc59 No.1998616


>Dead due to bad choices. And she has the crazy eyes;

dude…she's pretty is a meme…just sayin…

cbcafa No.1998617

File: 8afc1e859642252⋯.png (791.46 KB, 869x965, 869:965, scarf.png)

All your red scarfs are belong to us.

34ce8f No.1998618

>>1998602 good luck brother

>>1998596 ok. I see what you're saying. Makes sense.

64bc5f No.1998619


Thank Q I will adjust and repost new dough next bread.

879bde No.1998620

The cleric's claim could, in the U.S., fuel Republican complaints about the concessions made by the Obama administration during that period – including not just sanctions relief, but the $1.7 billion payment supposedly tied to a legal settlement that coincided with the 2016 release of American prisoners


3c2afd No.1998622


that was horrible

I'm prepared for that to happen again

dd4dea No.1998623


Lol the Prime Minister of the the Netherlands doesn't even get a lunch, never mind a dinner.

d556fc No.1998624



try not to let those assholes get to you. They are nothing but shills looking to divide. NOT worth your time or stress. True anons appreciate the hard work and sacrifice of the bakers.

<3 <3 <3

44a7dc No.1998625


he does what he does, doesn’t work for me.

i pay him zero attention so this ends here.

you do you.

im good.

ffcad3 No.1998626

File: 4eadb1c82bd09eb⋯.png (7.46 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_3676.PNG)


b5a16b No.1998627


I know. I was there live! Perfect.

962625 No.1998628

File: 912245a8ee1e1d9⋯.jpg (52.39 KB, 468x312, 3:2, salty.jpg)

divisive impatient concern fag.

e0e56f No.1998629


https:// hooktube.com/watch?v=4YHSJ6zY0oM

Duterte to the Filipino Catholic Church "Your god is not my god, your god is stupid, my God is perfect" then he goes on about his God being hte supreme creator, and not the "gods of man"

6a3ed2 No.1998630

131e2d No.1998631


You're a meme ;p

0db877 No.1998632

Question anons. What time is the WH Press Briefing, normally? Today, it's at 3:45pm ET. Isn't it normally around noon or so? I can't remember.

b5d466 No.1998633

File: 06bdf712bcacdb3⋯.jpg (141.72 KB, 540x1391, 540:1391, Comb02072018083819.jpg)


any1 have 5k i may borrow xD .. theres a good chance i wont pay u back :]

713478 No.1998634

Ooooo oooo weeeeee.

My Spidey senses are tingling with Mexicos new president.

970bd6 No.1998635

I tried to masturbate but couldn't tap into the psychosphere.

Maybe you guys are right about a shift happening yesterday

6d40fa No.1998637

>>1997491 This does not belong on this board. Another slide. Go to www.emsc-csem.org if interested in real time earthquakes. There are other advanced sites for this discussion.

316827 No.1998638


i had no problems there..

( • )( • )

962625 No.1998639

ffcad3 No.1998640

File: 7613c5800dfe598⋯.png (9.99 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_3673.PNG)

c9d820 No.1998641


Like I said, the guy has been around a long time, switches his game a little and then proceeds to game the newagers with his latest slant. This Cassidy broad is his spring board. She promotes all these wild ass ET SPACE CADETS and their theorys like its fact. Mysterious sources…woo woo. Bascially they take the facts as they stand today, run their updated conspiracy 60's themes mixed in and wah la, they've just gotten another 10 years out of their bull, to buffalo their audience's with.

d5ff42 No.1998642

File: 3f45026c75abf56⋯.jpg (75.56 KB, 640x886, 320:443, 3f45026c75abf56b1caa02d101….jpg)

File: dc0575ca714f56f⋯.jpg (18.45 KB, 240x317, 240:317, dc0575ca714f56f93dd9f141ab….jpg)


Nice bait. Notice how all of those posts follow the flat earth model of spamming? Those posts just use a bunch of pictures and the posts are unprovoked. I wonder who could be behind all of it

7b853e No.1998643

File: 838a00b47ed09e9⋯.jpg (2.86 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, Q flag stickers 002.jpg)

File: 11bf285a1e3075b⋯.jpg (2.88 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, Q flag stickers 003.jpg)



I bought some american flag decal stickers at a garage sale. I put messages on the back, and plan to give them to people i red pill.

13371d No.1998644

File: 76c0565d86cfcce⋯.png (191.62 KB, 308x842, 154:421, aeee925c6d184ea4d4d34144eb….png)

File: 380f0b22a0dfc5f⋯.png (33.3 KB, 480x479, 480:479, Screenshot_2018-07-01-08-5….png)

0c582a No.1998645

File: fcbea42cf5d5525⋯.jpg (47.36 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 13507012_967496520038206_5….jpg)

File: 208426c53e875d0⋯.jpg (93.57 KB, 788x960, 197:240, 13912887_1160157347375111_….jpg)

File: 68aee5b1af1c809⋯.jpg (22.17 KB, 321x540, 107:180, 15825850_1376416119037388_….jpg)

File: 120e13d8adcb61b⋯.jpg (71.98 KB, 552x892, 138:223, 15823237_1376432925702374_….jpg)

File: 47f42cc642eb6b5⋯.jpg (82.5 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 16864644_206380569844768_8….jpg)


Yeah, I reported some of this earlier, but got called away… I saw your request for bread #s but by that time that bread was at 751… and I JUST got back home to post again.

Thanks for the cleanups… Here, have a few hot redheads.

8b830f No.1998646


It's usually after 3PM each day as it comes on Fox when jerk Shep Smith is on and he's from 3-4PM weekdays.

5c5c1a No.1998647

Cleveland Man arrested for bomb threat, wanting to set off bombs at July 4th Parade

CLEVELAND (AP) — Federal authorities say they’ve arrested a man who talked about setting off a bomb at a Fourth of July parade in Cleveland and attacking people watching fireworks.

Officials said Monday that the man who’s an American citizen often expressed his support for al-Qaida and said he wanted to kill members of the U.S. military.

Authorities have charged Demetrius Pitts with attempted support of a terrorist organization. There are no court records listing an attorney for Pitts, who lives in the Cleveland area and was arrested Sunday.

FBI Special Agent Stephen Anthony says Pitts scouted out locations this past week for a site to attack in downtown Cleveland.

Anthony says it’s not clear how close Pitts was to carrying out his threats, but he says authorities couldn’t sit back and wait.

Sauce: https://www.apnews.com/e1dc278364a54791afaf878bb2f4b791?utm_medium=APEastRegion&utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=SocialFlow

64bc5f No.1998648

File: f0d28fce404af80⋯.jpg (111.41 KB, 620x360, 31:18, f0d28fce404af80f271c261387….jpg)







Life calls

Learn to bake Anons there are tons of resources it takes literally 2 hrs to learn.

3c2afd No.1998649


shills like you

44fc59 No.1998651


FAIR WARNING on new Iranian green revolution and regime change. The exact same thing that happened in Egypt is happening there…"ok Iranians, here's your regime change"…again chosen by the controllers..efforts underway to make that shah's son the new leader…fake revolution is fake unless the Iranian people have a CHOICE not foisted on them by the globalists like (((THEY))) chose the ex CIA operative CISI in Egypt. Iranian people want freedom, not a prison or control mechanism by another name.


131e2d No.1998652

File: 092da886deaa690⋯.png (176.31 KB, 605x539, 55:49, 092da886deaa690892e5258d3f….png)


Somebody thinks they were given the dictator hat today…

342974 No.1998653


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