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File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, af4716b34464fb65200311d59b….png)

a142e6 No.1874045

Q Research General #2360: Jerry Was A Race Car Driver Edition

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.



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Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

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Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Friday 06.22.2018

>>1866070 ---------------------- Q&A reschedule THERES A THREAD FOR QUESTIONS

Thursday 06.21.2018

>>1843122 rt >>1843055 ---- Q&A Saturday. Time TBD.

>>1843055 rt >>1842740 ---- We stand. We fight. TOGETHER

>>1842740 rt >>1842655 ---- We told you proofs were going to be important very soon.

>>1842655 rt >>1842592 ---- Jan 20, 2017 June 20, 2018 Exactly 17 months.

Wednesday 06.20.2018

>>1840075 ----------------------- Now that's what I call a VIP!

>>1838471 ----------------------- Shift in tactics

>>1838281 rt >>1838246 ---- R they serious?

>>1838246 ----------------------- Boom!

>>1837073 rt >>1837019 ---- Look for more direct confirmations. It's time

>>1837019 rt >>1836621 ---- TOGETHER. WWG1WGA! #WINNING

>>1835669 ----------------------- We hear you, Patriots! WWG1WGA!

>>1834282 ----------------------- Abandon Ship! Hussein Staff Talking

>>1831799 ----------------------- They want you DIVIDED!

>>1829713 ----------------------- DOJ forced to supply

>>1828656 rt >>1828594 ---- (Sheila Jackson Lee is) Part of the club

>>1828504 rt >>1828481 ---- Spelling error due to mobile

>>1828481 ----------------------- FF Prevented

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1730603 How To Quickly Spot A Clown, >>1510286 Useful filters & >>1838738 Freedom of Speech

a142e6 No.1874052


are not endorsements


>>1844122 A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A on Saturday

>>1847813 Summaries Of IG Report 2018.06.14

>>1787690 BO lays it out for Newfags


>>1873349, >>1873366, >>1873422, >>1873475, >>1873481, >>1873571,

>>1873666, >>1873676, >>1873676, >>1873793, >>1873805, >>1873904 Planefag Reports

>>1873632, >>1873636, >>1873638, >>1873649 AIR SERVICE LIEGE IS A SPOOPY AIRLINE

>>1873631, >>1873662 Etihad merged with Alitalia in 2014.

>>1873289, >>1873990 OBAMA schemes to ruin midterms

>>1873351 Who Toppled Iran's Shah ?

>>1873510, >>1873549, >>1874005 Tom Arnold CNN interview rehash+extra info

>>1873356 UN condemns Trump for migrant bs, related to ^^^Russia/OPEC deal?^^^

>>1873356 Reuters reports on the Russia/OPEC oil boost, relates to #2349 <<1865144

>>1873376 Frances Ford Seymour, Peter/Jane Fonda's mom: socialite, sex abuse, (((Bauer)))

>>1873382 Is Flynn's case done when truths about false filled 302 comes out = Flynn is free?

>>1873522 FB fueling concernes for child abuse

>>1873535 FBI Agent #2 texts


>>1873561 Republican Congressional Candidate Katie Arrington Injured In deadly crash

>>1873664 Today's Qlock.

>>1873661 Meadows subpeona forthcoming

>>1873785 US readies coffins at DMZ for collection of promised veterans' remains from North Korea

>>1873796 Trump ordered new military branch after Pentagon foot-dragging

>>1873816 IRAN Nuke Deal in ICU

>>1873948 Defendant in 8 bike path deaths hails ISIS in court hearing

>>1873967 Attention Possible FF in the works

>>1873973 Hundreds in New Mexico call for end to family detentions


>>1874001 Proof Unaccompanied Minor Children is not a Trump Administration problem


>>1872449 Technique to reduce Twitter shadow ban impact

>>1872507 Comey tweets hope for an awakening for the American people

>>1872606, >>1872834 Operation Ajax, Ayatollah Khomeini was a CIA imposter

>>1872597, >>1873123 Johnny Depp fraud lawsuit and unflattering Rolling Stone profile

>>1872637 Just remember, you're here forever

>>1872715 George Soros buys a stake in Tesla

>>1872753 Articles and cables about Iran and the Shah

>>1872815 QAnon signs on the road

>>1872819 The corporate pychopaths theory of the global financial crisis

>>1872866 POTUS Q gesture at rally

>>1872869 US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's mother and father involved in NXIVM

>>1872900 POTUS calls out "massive child trafficking ring" at immigration cabinet meeting

>>1872903 Iranian man charged in Chicago, tried to export aluminum tubing

>>1872921 Child prostitution alleged at Hawaii house for naked parties

>>1872944 Sputnik: Italian Deputy PM: Very Existence of United Europe to be Decided Within the Year

>>1873022 Murder in headlines from Mexican elections

>>1873142 #2259

>>1872580, >>1872580, >>1872645 Interview with Michael A. Hoffman, examining facets of Judaic history.


>>1871847 Henry Kerner, John McCain staffer, part of IRS vs Tea Party, Fast-and-Furious, Benghazi, Spygate

>>1871853 Brazil abortion rights protests

>>1871722 Former Pantera drummer Vinnie Paul died

>>1871753 Investigator Aurelia Fedenisn silenced over Donor Ambassador Howard Gutman prostitute scandal

>>1871778 Notes on Senate Intelligence Hearing with Victoria Nuland and Michael Daniel

>>1871831 High school textbook under fire over anti-Trump narrative

>>1872078 Francis “Cadillac” Salemme, Former Mafia Boss and Associate Convicted of 1993 Murder

>>1872139 IG denied access to VA documents

>>1872261 #2358


>>1871003 Radiocall from "Jen": claims was used to blackmail politicians with child sex against their will.

>>1870953, >>1871321 Planefag Updates

>>1870901 Pentagon Asked to House Up To 20,000 Unaccompanied Migrant Children

>>1870893 Watergate was Pedogate


>>1870488 We are fighting a multi-polar information war = credit to General Valery Gerasimov

>>1870512 Teen Vogue is currently spreading ANTIFA propaganda

>>1870462 Ship with reported norovirus outbreak stops in Alaska

>>1870302 google adds another weapon in its battle against amazon

>>1870264 VIDEO HRC uses position as SofS to cease child trafficking investigation

>>1870239 Florence Crittenton Services of Orange County, Inc., Did Not Always Meet Applicable Safety Standards Related to Unaccompanied Alien Children

>>1870187 Subpoenas in Russia probe 'forthcoming in days'

>>1870142 q&a days after posting doctored obama video on twitter wsu coach mike leach has much more to say

>>1870105 Great Awakening Volume 40

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

a142e6 No.1874055

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q proofs thread - proofs of Q validity

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 - Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#27 >>>/comms/1307 , >>1873975

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

a142e6 No.1874059

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 6/12]) >>1718255

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


21,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

24 >>1745576 | 23 >>1602811 | 22 >>1485456 | 21 >>1352458 | 20 >>1232995 | Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist -- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1751361

a142e6 No.1874066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NEW: pastebin.com/9TtUCv1S

Lost a good man today .RIP Vinnie Paul Abbott


127002 No.1874101

File: 3a9a3a3cdbbd614⋯.png (76.28 KB, 1080x329, 1080:329, Screenshot_20180623-184423….png)

File: 66d3b5eb98ca40e⋯.png (607.82 KB, 1080x1014, 180:169, Screenshot_20180623-184326….png)

File: e801c4e4e5fbeaa⋯.png (144.45 KB, 1080x663, 360:221, Screenshot_20180623-184147….png)

What's up with the . before @?

b0e9e4 No.1874105


e33f8c No.1874106

File: 620580229d5c2cb⋯.png (63.96 KB, 922x333, 922:333, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)

File: 06769d40f1569f2⋯.png (432.12 KB, 889x1211, 127:173, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)

a142e6 No.1874135

File: 4f1679334e389be⋯.jpg (86.58 KB, 529x593, 529:593, 4f1679334e389bececfbd5549d….jpg)


Updated Dough :pastebin.com/vXWa3xVY

4ac443 No.1874137


Smells like fuckery

fd95a9 No.1874142


the period ensures the tweet shows up in everyone's timeline. without it, the tweet would only be easily visible to CNN.

57941e No.1874143

File: 0b2340f49ff9d04⋯.png (51.9 KB, 727x553, 727:553, ka.PNG)

car accident

e25a96 No.1874149

File: 502ba9b9ab0b3ad⋯.png (186.4 KB, 1266x468, 211:78, nxivm.PNG)

I was reading this article from the last night's notables.. very shocking. I only doubt the author when he says he was involved with so many important people. I thought the whole thing was rape and kill harvest etc. Or do they only do that with 3rd worlders? Huge rabbit hole here. I really don't want to go any further.



e33f8c No.1874152

File: bd9e4be532e714e⋯.png (264.12 KB, 1635x1266, 545:422, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)

Holy Pedo news


e25a96 No.1874155


link sorry ima dumbass


967c65 No.1874159

(Strozk) q&a Saturday

Time T (o) B (e) D (one)

(Strozk) q&a rescheduled

(He will be very) forthcoming

5c80be No.1874161

>>1872899 (previous bread)

First, dubs. Checked.

>Saskia de Rothschild big buy up, where is all the money coming from?

Second, they have cash reserves beyond our comprehension. If we take away everything the RottenChildren have, they'll still have more hidden somewhere. Lock them all up, and they still have bastards hidden everywhere to replenish their bloodline. Nothing short of a full-blown extermination Crusade will eliminate them and their ill-gotten money.

70860e No.1874162

File: eccd7bd8d1a9bd0⋯.jpeg (200.62 KB, 750x1250, 3:5, 1-60635670_95b122450577b4….jpeg)

Great work, Baker.

On emergency standby if you need backup.

fd92b4 No.1874165

File: 1e2063359cd1434⋯.jpg (52.2 KB, 618x623, 618:623, zteperkinscoie.jpg)

502dd3 No.1874166

File: 085b947d4691467⋯.png (280.86 KB, 1064x472, 133:59, ClipboardImage.png)


Where is DHHS report for 10/1/17 to 3/31/18? SEE PIC

What's taking so long?



d42168 No.1874168

File: 856e1c912024df6⋯.jpg (394.88 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180623-092311….jpg)

Just in case you missed it. Repost.


27e11b No.1874169

File: 8af3bcd05a64433⋯.png (306.22 KB, 397x419, 397:419, GodBless.png)

2e07fd No.1874171

File: 78f232d4621e5ff⋯.jpg (241.39 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, JIDFsite.jpg)

File: a80971c69810b2c⋯.jpg (3.53 KB, 170x250, 17:25, laughingluther.jpg)


Did (((you))) go to 'sleep' (aka debriefing) after you got a BV to do you your JIDF dirty work for you last night because you couldn't handle the heat?

LOL you kikes are literally walking talking meme.


Nigger the only shill that's 'at it' right now is you, just like your faggot obnoxious ass last night.

No one, and I mean NO ONE does this (((shilling))) for foreign entity like your kind do on this board, and NO ONE would be flipping out and 'fighting' on this board if it weren't for your kike ass disrupting shit.

We saw you clear last night, shill

feaf45 No.1874172

meanwhile, worlds dying and your busy counting how many times I've mentioned jesus… want me to mention jesus a few more rtimes? cuz if you want i can mention jesus a few more times… jesus saved me, according to q jesus is pretty important, and if you were aware… Jesus.

e32d74 No.1874173

Hillary Clinton had Chris Stevens running guns in Benghazi

How did they move the move the guns from gaddafi to syria to arm ISIS

Think logically

Learn how to read UN Codes for munitions

Learn how to read IATA codes for airports

You have more than you know

Silkway Airlines Cargo, Where is it located??

Why would they be moving UN munitions in a Cargo/Diplomatic plane?

you have more than you know


Happy Hunting

Stay Strong

Trust The Plan

e0219b No.1874174


Just fuck off

097161 No.1874175

Im here to declare that

May it be Gods will that Time magazine is to be cursed with failure, decay and much humiliation in the public eye for the next year starting the next business day, Monday, June 25th 2018. Time has been publishing lies and blasphemy over and over again and this shall be done no longer without any consequences. Time magazine will be reduced to garbage bin reading material if it continues on its current path.

Everyone else have a great day and God bless.

2e7b90 No.1874177


5 years and 5000 fine???

what a joke

60a503 No.1874178

File: 66e31133e5cccf5⋯.png (856.82 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


6f2093 No.1874179

File: a17a6d01e5da928⋯.jpg (86.88 KB, 750x540, 25:18, Ice.jpg)

6dbb33 No.1874180


Jesus loves you.

84e07e No.1874181






2e07fd No.1874182

File: 5894044afe37a49⋯.jpg (438.44 KB, 2048x1459, 2048:1459, roths2.jpg)


5% interest per annum - that's the key. Think from at least the templars of 11th century. That's quite a bit of time to make everyone owe you money.

Interest cannot be created - it must be taken. There is no 'new money'. Only pieces of the pie that is owed.

pic related. recent. do either look concerned too much? 'irritated' perhaps.

5f53a9 No.1874183


Did BO run off kike BV?

I seriously dont understand why these

JIDF retards dont just STFU

1f7595 No.1874184

File: 719a8d8a6eee07b⋯.png (26.93 KB, 309x637, 309:637, ClipboardImage.png)

>>1874151 - lb

Don't know anything about her, but I hate to hear of anyone suffering these kinds of injuries. And you're right, there are no coincidences.

64d281 No.1874185



Should see if CNN will run with that story!

502dd3 No.1874186

File: 1f7618fb839f700⋯.png (190.84 KB, 714x617, 714:617, ClipboardImage.png)



No one's talking about this? What are they hiding? What is going on? Investigations into child pedo rings?



2e7b90 No.1874187

>>1874120 (pb)

just learned this myself anon!

supposedly Mary is Diana of Ephesus, a goddess of Bapohmet! a symbol of satan

43baf4 No.1874188


Let me do for you before I filter you.







e33f8c No.1874189

File: d78da3195b423a6⋯.png (329.01 KB, 920x1080, 23:27, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)

File: 3353e628083bae5⋯.jpg (95.48 KB, 720x960, 3:4, DgYSYWTWAAE0T9I.jpg)

Weird, Panther Brigade posts Pope John Paul II quote…

1f7595 No.1874190



The Onion can be rather entertaining at times.

4ac443 No.1874191

File: 62c45bd16bb11d9⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 255x205, 51:41, pepe_look.jpg)

ced142 No.1874192

File: f4b389bd5c56c6c⋯.png (642.34 KB, 775x727, 775:727, ClipboardImage.png)


worded oddly:

"Katie Arrington, who two weeks ago won the Republican 1st Congressional District nomination over Mark Sanford, was in a fatal car accident late Friday, sustaining serious injuries but was alert and talking after surgery early this morning, her spokesman said."

the driver of the OTHER car died.

Arrington is alive but injured.

This is Lindsey Graham's district.

https:// www.postandcourier.com/politics/katie-arrington-seriously-injured-in-two-car-fatal-accident-friday/article_b2412910-76db-11e8-906d-73ef585ddb4d.html

e25a96 No.1874193


I did miss it wtf

feaf45 No.1874194


Bossman, Is this true or are they play recent devs?

>>1874174 nope, don't work that way boss. here if you will stand shoulder to shoulder with me, if not, ill stand alone. For the glory of god.

501d7b No.1874195


>Happy Hunting

>Stay Strong

>Trust The Plan

Hmmm. Someone's up early.

a142e6 No.1874196



ee5a3d No.1874197


Gonna be a heavy filter day. Sips coffee

fd95a9 No.1874198

File: b71cbe57c6de001⋯.jpg (168.48 KB, 852x1065, 4:5, melons.jpg)

Do you like melons, baker?

696f28 No.1874199

File: 913145b4fc2f867⋯.jpg (35.26 KB, 440x298, 220:149, DigManDig.JPG)


60a503 No.1874200


not q.

touch and go clearance.

a142e6 No.1874201


Yes , thank Q

64d281 No.1874202


I have always had a nagging feeling about the catholic church, and this just drives that feeling even harder.

Yes, I know, MUH FEELZ…and all that bullshit, but it is what it is.

826de3 No.1874203



Archive these somebody. Google was having issues with china around the same time. Yahoo hand a hand in it too.

No coincidences.

e32d74 No.1874204



824b8d No.1874205

File: 459469ef340d70e⋯.png (357.1 KB, 720x961, 720:961, Screenshot_2018-06-22-21-3….png)

17 seconds…coincidence again

e33f8c No.1874206

File: e6ec77fb05e8d05⋯.png (657.83 KB, 927x965, 927:965, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)


60a503 No.1874207


the whole state is his district.

43baf4 No.1874208



Truth brother


2e07fd No.1874209


All we know is that BV got called out like a motherfucker for being a jidf tool and things were agreed to quiet down. We will be on the watch for the particular faggot jidf that caused the whole shit show though. Would love a rapid fire ban of the REAL enemy - we know that jewish bitch is on here literally 24/7 and last night that one wasn't just glowing.

It was fucking laughing in the face of BO and BV and all Patriots on this board.

We are fucking saving israel for last for a good reason.

64d281 No.1874210


Now that's a serious tease! KEK!

1eb8f1 No.1874211

File: 0f521eb5799959c⋯.jpg (265.84 KB, 1081x847, 1081:847, 2JBMF 23 Jun 18 1435.jpg)

Yep, still flying circuits out of Hawarden.

a142e6 No.1874212

File: b5ff938e02b0a00⋯.jpg (13.04 KB, 255x234, 85:78, 5929c2924fe2d4680ac081a7f0….jpg)

>>1874171 JIDF cunts always out themselves. WEAK minds.

5c80be No.1874213

File: 68430d7000395b8⋯.png (973.82 KB, 825x642, 275:214, Hello Fuckery Department.png)

412e20 No.1874214

File: 9938988a47dca9a⋯.png (579.01 KB, 900x1196, 225:299, model_op_by_ultimatemaveri….png)

Join the Qcumber discord, you niggers.https://discord.gg/K6j3xH

ced142 No.1874215


then the statement is true. ha.

6d55af No.1874216


I think Time's about to close its doors. They're in the same boat as Newsweek.

4ac443 No.1874217


Why do they give their banking number?

Silkway Airlines Cargo

Silk Way Airlines is a leader in scheduled and charter cargo flights, with a route network of more than 50 destinations worldwide.

We provide cost-effective solutions to your cargo transportation needs, and have extensive experience in areas not accessible by scheduled flights, in addition to regular flights on intercontinental routes that extend throughout Asia and Europe from our centrally located hub in Baku. We work with government and non-government organizations from all over the world to provide solutions to any request, no matter how complex.

VOIN: 9900067141

Account number: 3 381801 840 9 973183 212 (USD)

Bank "The International Bank of Azerbaijan Republic"



Corr bank: American Express BANK LTD, NEW YORK

Account USD: # 737080



27e11b No.1874218

File: e1d33e0c83bab52⋯.jpg (67.63 KB, 986x554, 493:277, arrington.jpg)

File: aac4ce514ef978e⋯.jpg (95.96 KB, 951x611, 951:611, technocommyfuture.jpg)

File: 482074ba8f4eca9⋯.jpg (93.84 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Mhastings.jpg)


Highway 17 crash occurred; driver who was in wrong lane died at scene, no word on DUI. Trying to figure out make of car driving in wrong lane for remote hijack

feaf45 No.1874219


hx could do without the vulgarities thoug…. man you day people are fun.. not sure if i should shill to ge your guards up or try to get you to realize one people doesnt mean…. too divisive. but i won't back down from jesus, if you don't believe that, i respect that… but if you challenge my faith i will defend it… period… and im not going away… welcome to america.

e32d74 No.1874220


Happy Hunting


2e7b90 No.1874222


its a bitter pill to swallow, but at least we're getting closer to the truth

09933b No.1874223

File: d4f23ad014a50a9⋯.png (136.33 KB, 1189x838, 1189:838, KITTENAct.png)

File: d4f23ad014a50a9⋯.png (136.33 KB, 1189x838, 1189:838, KITTENAct.png)

File: 677ebd9c106b4e3⋯.png (499.73 KB, 878x939, 878:939, detroit-bishop.png)

File: 323c16437f7e711⋯.png (327.55 KB, 803x938, 803:938, ag-cmt.png)

As I was researching the .gov site for bills, I found one that needs support - END TAXPAYER FUNDED animal experiments on cats

The KITTEN Act would ban the use of cats in scientific or medical experiments that cause the animals pain. The full name is the Kittens In Traumatic Testing Ends Now Act.

The bill was introduced in May by Rep. Mike Bishop (R-MI8). Bishop brought kittens to the Capitol to promote the cause — a good photo op if ever there was one.

Supporters argue the bill would help prevent unneeded cruelty to helpless animals.

“I’m shocked and disturbed that for decades the USDA — the very organization charged with enforcing animal welfare laws — has been unnecessarily killing hundreds of kittens in expensive and inefficient lab experiments,” Rep. Bishop said in a press release.

“Any government research program like this one that’s been funded since the Nixon administration needs to be put under the microscope, especially when it involves using kittens as disposable test tubes in harmful tests that most taxpayers oppose.”

Bishop also has pushed to end funding of painful experiments on dogs by a handful of Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. Bishop, a dog owner, was part of an effort to defund the VA canine experiments as part of the federal spending bill earlier this year, according to his office.



this bill was just introduced and we can help it get passed by calling congress and going to the Bill page to make yourself heard.

It awaits a possible vote in the House Agriculture Committee.

5e0d4a No.1874224


Have to step out now. I can come back on duty around 16:00Z if that works for you. Sorry, IRL is very busy today.

o7 de R7

b944b1 No.1874225

File: 7286349b33c49a2⋯.jpg (43.04 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, arrington.jpg)



Katie Arrington, a representative in the State House for the Lowcountry and a U.S. congressional candidate, was seriously injured in a fatal car wreck Friday night.

Arrington, who upset U.S. Rep. Mark Sanford in the SC district 1 Republican primary, was traveling with a friend on U.S. Highway 17 when a driver traveling in the wrong lane collided with the vehicle Arrington was in. The wreck happened around 9 p.m. Friday, according to the Charleston County Sheriff's Office.

Arrington "sustained a fracture in her back and several broken ribs, as well as injuries that required Katie to undergo major surgery including the removal of a portion of her small intestine and a portion of her colon," according to a statement was released Saturday morning via her Twitter account. She is expected to remain in the hospital for at least two weeks, according to the statement, which read:

"Last night, Katie Arrington and her friend were traveling to Hilton Head, where Katie was scheduled to receive an award from a state medical organization this morning.

http:// www.thestate.com/news/politics-government/article213712519.html

6d429c No.1874226

File: 5c831d719505d95⋯.jpg (46.1 KB, 669x364, 669:364, AKipSerious.JPG)


LaFonda ?

b0e9e4 No.1874227


Nice work

a142e6 No.1874228


work calling any newfags want to give it a swing?

e25a96 No.1874229


highway 17 REeeeeeeeeee

09023b No.1874230


King of Jordan one of the better actors in this mess

987ca8 No.1874231







5 characters: 3 ellipses and 2 periods.

Total of 11 dots.

Could this be a general time frame?

11 meaning November?

faee17 No.1874232

Doesn't hurt if it's the Word of God. It is our sword against evil. "They" hate the Word of God. Bible Anon, tone it down and you will have a better affect. Carrying on like you are now is not good and not Godly.

1f52d0 No.1874233

Sex slavery bust in Dallas reveals a big problem for the city, and Texas

The house on Morris Street looked like every other house on the block in West Dallas, except that its fortified doors and windows concealed a dark secret too prevalent in our society.

Then came news recently of a law enforcement bust and the secret spilled onto the street. The house was a hub for sex slavery.

For about three years, women were locked up in the 672-square-foot home, drugged, raped, beaten and forced to perform sex acts for money. Cameras monitored their movements and one of the traffickers allegedly slept by the front door with a weapon to discourage escapes. The courage of a passing ice cream vendor to aid one woman's flight to freedom finally shut down this house of horrors. The two accused traffickers, Desmond Kintwana Bethany and Bailey Jane Hance now face federal charges of conspiring to engage in sex trafficking.


(RHETORICAL: What is the difference between porn and sex slavery? Would women and/or men choose to make porn, whether mild or hardcore, if they had a higher view of themselves, or if they had another choice? Where is the line drawn between aiding and abetting sex slavery and tolerating porn? When does it become exploiting another human being? When does it become debasement of another human being? These are rhetorical questions. Anons will need to decide for themselves what is porn, what is sex slavery, what is exploiting another human being for one's own personal gain, whether it be monetary or personal gratification. Define what is a double standard.)

2f0e2b No.1874234


I will bake, do not want another shill invasion like last night

4ac443 No.1874235



>Why would they be moving UN munitions in a Cargo/Diplomatic plane?

Diplomats don't have to go through typical customs inspections.

4b7919 No.1874236

File: b22b37c10f9af58⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1298x1133, 118:103, 442213433430906085084.png)

File: 104f860b91ebdc5⋯.png (593.91 KB, 1060x891, 1060:891, 128613843678267865.png)

File: 7cf0214a920e1df⋯.png (276.46 KB, 1238x500, 619:250, 218964321160990098.png)

43baf4 No.1874237


This is so relevant to Q reasearch. Wait, maybe we should have you ask Q about that. Post that in the Q&A board.

60a503 No.1874238

File: 992ad629f4c05bd⋯.jpg (10.42 KB, 255x159, 85:53, 21b8cabd9e9bda1e7b21e4a879….jpg)

2f0e2b No.1874239


Or I should say yesterday afternoon

ec557b No.1874240


I'm thinking it could be more like Corvallis rather than Portland. Portland would be like shitting where they eat.

cf298b No.1874241



1 small problem…

>>1873356 UN condemns Trump for migrant bs, related to ^^^Russia/OPEC deal?^^^

>>1873356 Reuters reports on the Russia/OPEC oil boost, relates to #2349 <<1865144

696f28 No.1874242

File: 03780167e21d3ea⋯.jpg (36.5 KB, 369x394, 369:394, EyeSeeYou.JPG)

2e7b90 No.1874243


could this all be a ploy to get people talking about the tapes?

is he pretending to have dirt on Trump to get support, only for the tapes to be catastrophic for the dems?

unlikely but these are strange times, maybe he was threatened by the cabal and freaked it? remote viewing from L?

a142e6 No.1874244

File: 8684ff21cf4dc5a⋯.jpeg (74.83 KB, 640x577, 640:577, 8684ff21cf4dc5a64e7c2a446….jpeg)



ThankQ have a good day good luck with kike BV

48e93d No.1874245

Ummmm guys. (We) are over the target.


412e20 No.1874246


What happened yesterday?

a7fd9c No.1874247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bb801e No.1874248


No offense but sounds like liberal impractical bullshit.

This is the same hippy dippy sneaky shit that will strengthen things like the UN and usher in the NWO. Nations must always exist, for the same reason capitalism needs competition "stay honest".

So the borders stay. We'll have to just get along instead of literally uniting.

Build the wall! Lock the door!

e25a96 No.1874249


he did seem pretty itchy but it could just be because he's a crackhead

501d7b No.1874250


>Trying to figure out make of car driving in wrong lane for remote hijack

My first thought. No joy yet, still digging.

http:// abcnews4.com/news/local/katie-arrington-seriously-injured-in-deadly-wrong-way-wreck-in-charleston-county

feaf45 No.1874251



keep filtering, and pretend you are getting info the legit way, you guys are the weak link, i know now why i stick to night shift… less weaklings that filter what offends them. prove me wrong.i know you wont because you have already prejudged me openly… pretend youre all about logic… as long as logic makes you feel warm inside… :) is day shift so smart, or just numbers… (which to be fair…)

09933b No.1874252


I knew you would pop up, ASSHOLE.

fuck off faggot

2f0e2b No.1874253


Handoff Confirmed

I had hell yesterday,looks like another one coming

Thank you for your service baker

e32d74 No.1874254


Download the file


19684c No.1874256

File: c23b2294ba51620⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1380x1772, 345:443, etcha.png)

412e20 No.1874258

File: 8c2a1dd17b51216⋯.png (704.43 KB, 1354x757, 1354:757, kaiji17.png)


I think filtering is kind of disadvantageous. Because how would you know what the shills and jews are saying? Kinda like watching MSM.

ced142 No.1874259

File: 334e5df4d9024fc⋯.jpg (537.95 KB, 1920x2160, 8:9, SC-crash-cars.jpg)



http:// www.counton2.com/news/local-news/katie-arrington-injured-in-fatal-crash/1257599327

to me it looks like the gold car (toyota camry, i believe…still trying to confirm) was headed the wrong direction, based on where the other car is sitting. but that's just my initial take.

60a503 No.1874260



Red cross boxes filled with cash?

412e20 No.1874261


sorry, didn't realize the meme had captions. No hard feelings.

e33f8c No.1874262

File: b179595801d7165⋯.png (554 KB, 932x886, 466:443, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)


is this the new 4 a.m. talking point?

09933b No.1874263




and this is what you've contributed so far, you little redneck. I'm sure we're this close to genius.

Pull on it some more.

feaf45 No.1874264

Side note, have yall got you Questions asked on proper thrad? Q wont bre around long… hell, hes prob answer most questions on official thread alread and will drop when appropriate

6d429c No.1874265

File: 1dedce87e5dcd23⋯.jpg (47.79 KB, 493x384, 493:384, jfk11.JPG)

File: 08d1e5bb9047ccf⋯.jpg (122.26 KB, 1011x501, 337:167, CaptureJFK4.JPG)

File: 44973eff684d47d⋯.jpg (51.4 KB, 503x502, 503:502, Q.JPG)




bb801e No.1874266


Oops, meant for

>>1873980 (NWO thread)

5c80be No.1874267


1 Enoch 6:4-12 They will be forever tormented and execrated. They will suffer and be shamed eternally. They will reap what they have sown.

4ac443 No.1874268



Anonymous Bulgaria Leaks Massive 10GB Of Data: “Silk Way Airlines Helps Terrorists”

Anonymous Bulgaria has leaked 10 GBs of data that suggests Azerbaijani Silk Way Airlines is involved in a billion dollar illegal weapons smuggling operation throughout the Middle East for at least the past three years according to the leaked documents reported by Truthleaks.org.

Middle Eastern reporter Dilyana Gaytandzhieva was the first known journalist to break the story for Trud.bg.

“350 diplomatic flights carry weapons for terrorists,” her headline read.

It all started on June 27th, 2017 Anonymous Bulgaria Anon_bg tweeted out that the Azerbaijani Embassy in Bulgaria had been hacked. A few hours later that day the group released the password “SilkWay Help Terrorists.”

Then on June 29th, a second link was posted as a precaution if the first was taken down; the dump contained full backup files and diplomatic emails of the Embassy.

Finally, last Saturday, July 15th @Anon_bg released files containing documents dated 2015, 2016, 2017.

In total, the group has leaked 10 GBs containing 8,900 files – jpegs, docs, emails, zip-files.

The documents reportedly show that Silk Way is being used as a middleman for gun running operations in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and parts of Africa.


e2683c No.1874269

Pay Attention to the Qproofs. Either newfags or shills are trying to make proofs that aren't correct. If you use the wrongs ones you're spreading bullshit. Example: The bite that has no cure goes with the fucking Vatican and the snake auditorium. The "done in 30" goes with Flynn. FFS!

70860e No.1874270

File: 07447b0c355270d⋯.jpeg (54.02 KB, 589x900, 589:900, 1a24174284ded7361fce31f8c….jpeg)


Keep in mind that you have a StandbyBaker this morning as well.

God bless, Baker.

You going to be around most of the day?

0c77f4 No.1874271


>I'll post these cables/articles on the Shah/IRAN again. Wild as fek earlier.

Thank you so much for posting these, anon.

These are fascinating to me in a personal way, not just as notables. I was an exchange student in Iran during the summer of 1978. You might keep your eyes open for anything mentioning Cinema Rex in Abadan in August 1978. The movie theater "caught on fire" … the doors were locked, and firefighters were very slow in arriving. Many died. I vividly remember the front page of the Kayhan newspaper had a horrific photo of burned bodies. I had no real interest in politics when I applied as a teen to go overseas. I had just wanted to travel, but those photos really affected me in a way and shocked me out of my childhood.

Since I couldn't really speak/understand much Farsi, I didn't really know what exactly was going on. Was it the Shah's secret police (SAVAK - known for torture, trained by our CIA) trying to send a message to those trying to overthrow him? Was it those trying to start a revolution against the Shah? To this day, I still don't even know.

However, after all that, I find it incredibly weird that those wanting to topple the Islamic Republic are actually rallying around the Shah's son. I want to know if he's really genuine in wanting democracy. A huge percentage of Iran's population was born after 1978. Are they just too young to remember the brutality of the Shah and SAVAK?

I'm thrilled that Iranians may be on the verge of being free, I'm just confused why they seem to be rallying around the Shah's son.

I know people have posted pix from that era of the women not wearing the hijab (head scarf) or chador (full length veil), but I can give you some other examples of how Iran was different back then. You know what was playing in the movie theaters in Tehran that summer? THE EXORCIST (and Star Wars).

Anyhow, thanks again, anon.

696f28 No.1874272



Very interesting.


e32d74 No.1874273


Nice, look at the file

43baf4 No.1874274


Welcome to the board newfag.

bb801e No.1874275


Check the comments, the red cross even made a statement there!

6ab109 No.1874276

Baker, Notable

>>1874173 Terrorist weapons moved on diplomatic flights.

Probably a LARP, but the information and questions are relevant. Digs have yielded results already.

b9277b No.1874277


I like how the headline probably is missing a key word: LEGAL.

4afa41 No.1874278

Fine assessment by Thomas Lifson, American Thinker:


412e20 No.1874279


Boomer Meme: 6.7/10.

Not half bad.

6d429c No.1874280

File: cd1e237078e4945⋯.jpg (38.06 KB, 668x375, 668:375, Red1c.JPG)

8a8406 No.1874281


After her primary victory over Mark Sanford in SC-01, Katie was hit by a car going in the wrong direction on a state highway. She has broken ribs, internal bleeding, and a broken vertebra. She's had part of her colon and small intestine removed. I've heard she has no permanent spinal nerve damage, which is good, so she should be able to walk again after surgeries.

Please pray for her anons.


696f28 No.1874282

File: 85987ef77574530⋯.png (197.83 KB, 550x393, 550:393, ClipboardImage.png)


coming out of the district of Virginia?



14abd9 No.1874283


The top photo is an Oldsmobile. The bottom photo is a Hyundai.

1d28e3 No.1874284


IT APPEARED HE was listening to somebody through an earpieace.

58fed6 No.1874285

File: 769d61a6a1aea24⋯.png (55.78 KB, 179x181, 179:181, ClipboardImage.png)

GOP Candidate Katie Arrington out of surgery, recovering after deadly crash


Republican Congressional Candidate Katie Arrington is out of surgery and recovering after a Friday night car accident.

Katie Arrington and her friend, Jacqueline Goff, were headed south along Highway 17 when their vehicle was struck by a vehicle driving in the wrong direction in the same lane, according to Charleston County Sheriff's Capt. Roger Antonio.

The driver of the wrong-way vehicle was killed in the crash, Antonio said.

Highway 17

those scum fucks

http:// www.wtoc.com/story/38490733/republican-congressional-candidate-katie-arrington-injured-in-deadly-crash

64d281 No.1874286


Well, one gets a paycheck from doing porn, and I'm sure there are plenty of nymphos out there willing to do what they enjoy and get paid for it.

The other is not and is forced to do things which normal people would never even thought about doing.

09023b No.1874287


good article about Q, hopefully more media will follow

faee17 No.1874288


Must be. 75% is way to high, it's laughable.

ae3004 No.1874289

File: 32e775e34e270d4⋯.jpg (320.69 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, IMG_20180623_191608.jpg)

What's up with the . before @?

5e33a1 No.1874291


reminds me of the original lethal weapon movie , we were introduced to the concept of dipomatic immunity to prevent crimes being policed

e32d74 No.1874292



You have more than you know

1d28e3 No.1874293


I wonder who would have taken her place on ballot? how that would have worked?

679c13 No.1874294

Trump setting the doctors free.

Trump shuts down federal office dictating guidelines for doctors.


8a8406 No.1874295



Question was likely "Do you think legal immigration can be beneficial for the United States?"

60a503 No.1874296


oldsmobiles can't be hacked. haven't made them since 2004.

84611f No.1874297


I missed this last night. Thanks. Saved.

27e11b No.1874298



remote hijack no idea how we could tell, only old model cars that we could scratch off the list as anons, ty for screens, that top car.. not sure how anyone could survive, but the hyundai looks in little better shape if we could say that. I hope her a speedy recovery

How can you tell what that top car is? That thing is mangled!

58fed6 No.1874299

412e20 No.1874300

e33f8c No.1874301

File: 2df1611b1296264⋯.png (344.37 KB, 934x919, 934:919, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)


True dat

(((They're))) slamming the "immigration is ggod/Trump bad" thing so hard that POTUS had to show them, yesterday, the result of open borders, 63,000+ murdered since 9/11.

ee5a3d No.1874302


No problem. I generally look at the repetitiveness from the same id. Sliders get filtered

1d28e3 No.1874303



e32d74 No.1874304



4ac443 No.1874305

09933b No.1874306


that IS yuge ty

2e07fd No.1874307

File: a481b2c936b6ddf⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 255x254, 255:254, threejews.jpg)


1832. Just like Q drop. Let's take the church back.


Where we go ONE we go ALL.

Do not allow JIDF to cause disruption to your FIRE on this board. (((shills))) are quieting down and trying to figure our their next move.

We won't give (((them))) a chance like yesterday.


e4896d No.1874309


Baker Girl Violation!

Trampstamp Ineligibility clause invoked

feaf45 No.1874310

Yo, bossman, maybe let them realize if someone doesnt agree with them i doesnt' mean were at war w/ one another… In forces, his wouldn't be a prob, but with a bunch of assholes that think they know more than every other asshole that's been her for a yr+… a bit more caustic… Also, been trusting Kansas, hell been watching him much closer lately, no one hears… USDA/FDA RT… no one… like they legit only give a fuck if "Q" posts…. I don't get it boss. Everyone has signaled, no one listens…What to do?

ced142 No.1874311


are my eyes playing tricks on me, or are the brake lights still on for the top car?

also - not convinced it's an oldsmobile.

d8e46e No.1874312


car didn't need to be hacked, the driver was MK'd

1d28e3 No.1874313

File: 3dfddaf3f3619bb⋯.png (9.75 KB, 159x41, 159:41, Silk_Way_Airlines_logo.png)

Silk Way Airlines is an Azerbaijani private cargo airline with its head office and flight operations at Heydar Aliyev International Airport in Baku, Azerbaijan.[1] It operates freight services linking Europe and Asia, United States and Africa, as well as services for government and non-governmental organisations.

In July 2017, an investigation[9] by the leading Bulgarian daily newspaper Trud, which has a reputation for investigative crime reporting,[10] revealed how Silk Way Airlines exploited a loophole in the international aviation and transport regulations to offer flights to arms manufacturers and private companies – with much of the cargo heading for known terrorist enclaves in Syria, and also to other conflict zones including Central Asia and Africa. Under the International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations, the transport of military cargo by civil aircraft is not allowed. To get around this legality, Silk Way Airlines applied for diplomatic exemption for aircraft and their cargo (diplomatic charter flights), through local agencies to transport heavy weapons, ammunition, and white phosphorus across the world to several war zones such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Syria, as well as to African countries like Congo and Burkina Faso


5f4827 No.1874314


what year did the "hackable" cars start? This anon has a 2007 accord that I may drive til the wheels fall off..

09023b No.1874315


these folks were forced to do it as the artcile states. We really do need to secure the border, would stop much of it.

7f0ae4 No.1874316

45 just got on AF1. Anyone know where he is going?

696f28 No.1874317

File: b54d82d2dda6b2c⋯.png (69.76 KB, 305x264, 305:264, ClipboardImage.png)

feaf45 No.1874318


Go back to merkel dingleweed

64d281 No.1874319


Is he going to remove the caps on suing doctors as well!?!?!

Lot's of them have done bad things to patients and need to pay dearly for their fuckups instead of just a measly 250K cap on a lawsuit.

f56de8 No.1874320

File: b07ce64681eb103⋯.jpg (148.84 KB, 1200x826, 600:413, getty638images-115361519jp….jpg)


Keep up the good fight, anons. And RIP Vinnie Paul. Sending prayers to the Abbott family and friends

222148 No.1874321


Las Vegas

e9acb3 No.1874322

a5ff2c No.1874323

File: 0ba66c64e23b9ae⋯.mp4 (11.98 MB, 640x360, 16:9, June 11 2013.mp4)

This was put in notables yesterday but I thought it was worth an extra look for anons.

Clinton's stand down order to Pedogate

6d429c No.1874324

File: dcd6298d22910c3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 87.77 KB, 993x626, 993:626, Red1ggg.JPG)





14abd9 No.1874325


The back end and the rims is how I can tell. The model is an Oldsmobile Aurora.

2e7b90 No.1874326


where is the pickle factory??

e32d74 No.1874327


YOUR Welcome

Learn how to read UN Codes for munitions

Learn how to read IATA codes for airports

f5c48f No.1874328

Holy shit anons! Just caught up from the last handful of breads.

That Tom Arnold CNN interview was one of those moments I had to pinch myself to make sure I was alive.

Tom Arnold is scared! When Tippy on CNN is making a liberal squirm in their chair, you know something magnificent is occurring!

This is where the battle is fought behind the curtain but every once in awhile, a bad actor falls onto stage and we spectators all get a good look.

I will cherish that interview all weekend! thx to the anon that posted it.


b9277b No.1874329


Yup. 100% it was a misguided question. They know the results they want to achieve.

ae3004 No.1874330

File: f28a501d34d718b⋯.png (637.36 KB, 1080x1410, 36:47, Screenshot_20180623-191845….png)

d4c6d6 No.1874331

File: 90b95ab4cbde232⋯.jpg (384.19 KB, 1069x981, 1069:981, Screenshot_20180623-065214….jpg)


6d429c No.1874332



84611f No.1874333


Don't understand why anyone with a brain would ever go to Portland unless they absolutely had to, or were looking for trouble.

1c6caa No.1874334

fucking muhjoo shill baker

this crap is all the same propaganda from skinheads and cabal useful idiots

when will you ever learn that you are spreading cabal lies - oh you know that


09023b No.1874335


take your own advice

stop causing division

95aaaa No.1874336


*11:20AM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Suncoast Hotel & Casino *

2e7b90 No.1874337

File: f7e8faf1c991758⋯.jpg (69.82 KB, 657x329, 657:329, 75%_catch.jpg)


theres always a catch

e0219b No.1874338


Yeas it was on here the other day. Good wasn't it?

e33f8c No.1874339

File: 0a71a199421ae0a⋯.png (729.86 KB, 913x1001, 83:91, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)


64d281 No.1874340



501d7b No.1874341



>Download the file

This is a treasure trove of documentation of Obama's gun running schemes. It's not just Benghazi. Lot's of big names, lot's of digging to be done here.

We got us some WAR CRIMES to investigate. My first question would be "who" gave the diplomatic clearances for all of these arms shipments? My second question is who authorized and made the payments in Cash U.S. Dollars?

Great find anon!


3e8fa3 No.1874342



Gonna have a bad year.


One thing at a time.

More people need to WAKE UP.

But then again you never know what might happen.



Reread Q posts



Oh I know anon, it's all good!

Godspeed as well Patriot.



I don't live in the USA.

"Citizen" is the new word for "Slave"


cc7b44 No.1874343


I didn't see it yet. Can you provide a link to that post or the video?

4c4646 No.1874344


Baker Here

If you'd like a break anon, don't want you getting worn out. BTW I'm sorry, I fell asleep without realizing yesterday evening when I said to you I'd watch over. Have been burning the baking candle at both ends here too. Anyway, I'm here today if you need.

a5ff2c No.1874345


Tom is freaking out about what is going to happen to his kids. Just listen.

1d28e3 No.1874346


The published documents included correspondence between the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Azerbaijan to Bulgaria with attached documents for weapons deals and diplomatic clearance for overflight and/or landing in Bulgaria and many other European countries, USA, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey and other countries. The documents disclosed that American weapons manufacturers had shipped over $1 billion of weapons through Silk Way Airlines, corporate subcontractors included ″Purple Shovel LLC″ based in Sterling, Virginia, US Department of Defense subcontracting vehicle ″Culmen International LLC″ based in Alexandria, weapons and defense procurement firm ″Chemring Military Products″ based in Perry, Florida

When Silk Way Airlines did not have enough available planes, Azerbaijan’s Air Force jets would transport the military shipments. In the investigation, the reporter accused responsible authorities of many countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey, as well as to the militaries of Saudi Arabia, UAE, the military forces of Germany and Denmark in Afghanistan and of Sweden in Iraq, and the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)) to "have turned a blind eye and allowed diplomatic flights for the transport of tons of weapons, carried out by civil aircrafts [sic] for military needs

e32d74 No.1874347


As God is my Witness this is not a LARP

58fed6 No.1874348


so if the vatican convicted him then this guy is probably innocent and was trying to expose the real pedophiles

thats what my gut tells me.

Vatican doesnt convict pedos, they make sure they stay in power

bb801e No.1874349

I was just thinking about all the distractions the democrats have been doing to hide their crimes.

These guys are magicians, experts of slight of hand, so I think we need to wise up to what they're REALLY doing.

Answer this simple question,

While we're excited by corruption and bias finally being exposed, and theyre deflecting and projecting crazy news back to Trump; what are we not seeing that they are doing?

2e07fd No.1874350

File: fa18ac8d5083f18⋯.png (994.46 KB, 884x948, 221:237, wsjadmitskikecrimes.png)

File: ecc85b91a83c2d3⋯.png (72.05 KB, 745x727, 745:727, wsjadmitskikecrimes2.png)


having over 20% foregin born is NOT a benefit to any nation.

Having 439069340760% over win US-israeli dual citizenship is NOT a benefit to America or the West.

Pics related: How (((jewish lobby))) destroyed US through immigration aka invasion.

0c77f4 No.1874351


>What's up with the . before @?

You mean on Twitter? Without adding the period, the post is public but only seen by the person who's handle is after the @ (like a direct response, but not private). Putting a . before the @ means that everyone following the person posting will get it in their feed and the @ person will also get a notification.

1c6caa No.1874352


hey muhjoo baker

you forgot to add the article from LB about how israel created the FE movement

remember? oh yeah - the article didnt say that

ec557b No.1874353


free wifi.

4ac443 No.1874355


'''Shipments included White Phosphorus, Depleted Uranium, Rocket Propelled Grenades, Konkurs Missiles, ‘Non-standard’ weapons and ammunition, according to the documents.

Strong documentation shows U.S. contractors including Purple Shovel, Orbital ATK, Chemring Groups, Alliant Techsystems Operations-USA, and more working in collusion with arms manufacturers in Eastern Europe, with the goal of flooding Syria with armaments to destabilize the Middle East. For further information on these military contractors and what their specialties are see this post by V4vapid on steemit.com.

The weapons are shipped under the guise of diplomatic freight flights through an Azerbaijani air company called Silk Way Airlines similar to how the CIA used Air America during the Iran-Contra affair as a front company.

Anon_bg has stated that the operation is run through offshore Panama accounts which alludes to this writer that this gun smuggling might be apart of the disclosed CIA gun running exposed in the Panama Papers. The Panama Papers leak revealed the CIA was using offshore Panama accounts to fund gun running – code named Operation Goldfinger.

Lt. Scott Bennett, alleges the U.S. used 19,000 offshore Swiss bank accounts to fund terrorist organizations in his report Shell Game.

Further, the CIA was running arms smuggling teams in Benghazi when the consulate was attacked. Just like with Operation Fast and Furious, another gun smuggling operation in Mexico where the weapons made their way into the U.S from Mexican cartels.

This story surpasses the previously uncovered Libya-Qatar-Turkey-Syria rat-lines by journalist Seymour Hersh.

These files – an estimated 1,400 according to rough estimate – are still being sifted through as I write this. What lies in these files and how many more airlines are involved in this type of activity?'''


be69b7 No.1874356

File: 354b9388b2fca16⋯.png (316.54 KB, 357x536, 357:536, beaner.png)


so…angry jewish lesbian is angry…her paycheck must be enourmous

e4896d No.1874359


Much better and within the regs - as you were…

f9f2da No.1874360


>Hillary Clinton had Chris Stevens running guns in Benghazi


May 2015

Judicial Watch: Defense, State Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-defense-state-department-documents-reveal-obama-administration-knew-that-al-qaeda-terrorists-had-planned-benghazi-attack-10-days-in-advance/

May 2015

BOMBSHELL: US Was Smuggling Guns to Syria Through Benghazi Consulate https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/bombshell-us-was-smuggling-guns-to-syria-through-benghazi-consulate

Aug 2016

Wikileaks Says They Have 1,700 Emails Proving Hillary Clinton Knew About U.S. Military Weapons Shipments To Al Qaeda And ISIS https://www.inquisitr.com/3408741/wikileaks-says-they-have-1700-emails-proving-hillary-clinton-knew-about-u-s-military-weapons-shipments-to-al-qaeda-and-isis/

Nov 2017

Classified Memo Proves Hillary Supplied Weapons from Benghazi to Al-Qaeda in Syria; DOJ Could Still Indict https://truepundit.com/classified-memo-proves-hillary-supplied-weapons-from-benghazi-to-al-qaeda-in-syria-doj-could-still-indict/

a5ff2c No.1874361

This goes all the way to the


you know, Tippy Richardson.

When served, Richardson said that because he worked for the CIA, the subpoena would be withdrawn under the National Security Act by the time Rothstein and his colleague returned to their offices. It was.

f5c48f No.1874362


Read your notables anon… it was in the batch from last bread. Here's the link nonetheless.


2a3792 No.1874363



Send her my way!

ced142 No.1874364


stock aurora rims have six spokes, tho.

6d429c No.1874365

File: 1e4619d3139c5eb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 90.27 KB, 996x618, 166:103, Red1g.JPG)



ee5a3d No.1874366

File: 8ea7ef8a3209384⋯.jpeg (69.56 KB, 689x499, 689:499, 0E7D6BC6-D531-4265-B762-D….jpeg)

Easy enough

64d281 No.1874367


Four arrested during third night of protests in Pittsburgh over police shooting of unarmed teen


bba27e No.1874368

File: 1da07fe3eafded9⋯.png (682.95 KB, 746x682, 373:341, 2018-06-23_09-42-12.png)

File: ccdc1ec4f0396dc⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1080x810, 4:3, 2018-06-23_09-41-06.png)


Found the sauce.



e32d74 No.1874369


Now we are talking

6d429c No.1874370

File: 3cc285c826c32d8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 76.69 KB, 995x623, 995:623, Red1gg.JPG)




58fed6 No.1874371



2f0e2b No.1874372


Can someone go back and find the right links?

Please,I will correct dough

8a8406 No.1874373




From what I would assume about the accident, the car which hit them got confused and turned the other direction off of one of those connecting roads for u-turns. Or maybe it was attempting to reach a house which sits on the other side of the highway, a bit in the wrong direction.

The roads out here can be confusing, especially in low light and if the highway is on a curve. Lots of trees, so you can't see around corners.

That said I don't think you can rule out hijacking, although it probably isn't the culprit here. Models after 1997 (I think?) can have an adapter installed for self-driving control, which a startup was attempting to sell around two years ago. I would think that could be remotely done, maybe, or just secretly installed if you were dead set on that being a hijacked car. But unlikely.

Katie was the passenger and the driver survived as well, so I think very plainly it is the Hyundai that they were driving.


Eyes are playing tricks, but if they weren't, it would just mean that the car was still on or something, which isn't uncommon at crash scenes where the top priority is saving lives.

f5c48f No.1874374


I caught that… you know the cabal has threatened everything they have on everyone - using all their leverage so only the most compromised of people will be expected to act out the loudest…. we've known how to analyze this sort of behavior since the beginning. Thank u Q!

ced142 No.1874375


i mean to say - you're right, that's an aurora, because of the tail light - it doesn't wrap around like most cars in the last several years.

but the rims don't give it away.

1d28e3 No.1874376


>corporate subcontractors included ″Purple Shovel LLC″ based in Sterling, Virginia


At the heart of the high-stakes U.S. program to train and equip Syrian rebels to fight ISIS is a multimillion-dollar arms deal that the Pentagon farmed out to a tiny, little-known private company called Purple Shovel LLC. A BuzzFeed News investigation, based on inside documents and confidential sources familiar with the Syria operation, has found:

▸ Purple Shovel, through the subcontractors it selected and oversaw, tried to sell the U.S. thousands of Russian-style rocket-propelled grenades that were considered unreliable because they were manufactured three decades ago, before Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union.

▸ The U.S. government rejected them, and that delayed the effort to stand up the Syrian rebel force.

▸ An American contractor, 41-year-old Francis Norwillo, was killed in a weapons explosion in Bulgaria while training with such outdated grenades.

▸ The U.S. violated its own policy and gave Purple Shovel approval to acquire millions of dollars' worth of high-tech missiles for the rebels from Belarus, a dictatorship that is under sanctions by the European Union. Belarus, which has supplied weapons to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime and is accused of human rights violations, is normally off-limits to U.S. arms dealers. But the U.S. military and State Department agreed to make an exception, allowing 700 powerful anti-tank missiles to be purchased, with U.S. taxpayer funds, for the rebels.

99e844 No.1874377

File: 220e8d2b69b5940⋯.jpg (1009.23 KB, 978x1456, 489:728, Screenshot_20180623-094854.jpg)

File: 0768edd78d1750d⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 990x1817, 990:1817, Screenshot_20180623-094823.jpg)


Very hinky here. From the local reports it shows the "wreck" happening in this area. Big grass medians in either direction as shown in street view. (Tried posting the local article earlier this morning but got buried in a religion fag slide?

4ac443 No.1874378



Important to connect old dots with new information. 'ALL RELEVANT

5559f4 No.1874379

File: 996e45cda03c98e⋯.jpg (5.19 KB, 186x271, 186:271, download-3 (1).jpg)

5f4827 No.1874380


anons are gonna have our own classic car club before too long…

d8e46e No.1874381



I have a question for you…

How can we help fight back against things like this? Our candidates in place, only to be taken out…

Maybe we aren't there yet, but we are ready.

Nothing without your clear guidance.

2e07fd No.1874382


> 09023b

> 1c6caa

hmmmming hard right now. Patriots wide awake and seeing these (((sliders))).

Think you can fool a 'corleone'?

Try harder.

also, yes the israeli FE post deserves a notable lol


>Flat Earth: (((israelis))) who push this lie.

notable for #2360, baker.

97a47a No.1874383

File: 20ff784061b9ba8⋯.gif (482.27 KB, 500x200, 5:2, Fuckery Afoot.gif)

af5c0d No.1874384

Why did Q pussy out of the Q&A?

What's his excuse this time?

Is he helping Coney and Hillary book their next vacation?

84611f No.1874385


If you are trying to read a lot, filtering is very helpful because you can eliminate a lot of text from people whose ideas you know you don't care about.

It's really just a numbers thing: Let's say the thread has 80,000 words in it and you want to review for news, or happenings, or notables, or rare pepes, or just enjoyable shitposting. If some retards are arguing about FE or AJ or religion or whatever and you know you don't care about a single word such a person would type, by filtering you might reduce the total to 45,000 words. Boom. You just got a fuckload more efficient.

For me, if I am just quickly stopping in to scroll for a few minutes, I don't bother to filter. Just when I am reading.

f9f2da No.1874386


Jan 2016

Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention

Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, who was murdered by Western-backed rebels on October 20, 2011, planned to create a gold-backed African currency to compete with the dollar and euro.

historians of the 2011 NATO war in Libya will be sure to notice a few of the truly explosive confirmations contained in the new emails: admissions of rebel war crimes, special ops trainers inside Libya from nearly the start of protests, Al Qaeda embedded in the U.S. backed opposition, Western nations jockeying for access to Libyan oil, the nefarious origins of the absurd Viagra mass rape claim, and concern over Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves threatening European currency.

Hillary’s Death Squads

A March 27, 2011, intelligence brief [archived here] on Libya, sent by long time close adviser to the Clintons and Hillary’s unofficial intelligence gatherer, Sidney Blumenthal, contains clear evidence of war crimes on the part of NATO-backed rebels. Citing a rebel commander source “speaking in strict confidence” Blumenthal reports to Hillary


e0219b No.1874388


The was one in Ethiopia too

One killed and dozens injured after explosion rocks Ethiopia capital during new prime minister's rally


8a8406 No.1874389


Clarence Thomas is a respectable, good, honest American. He's from Georgia. Read his opinions. Nothing off about that tweet.

97a47a No.1874390

File: d7a55d8c552013a⋯.jpg (11.99 KB, 255x134, 255:134, Sarah Anon.jpg)

a5ff2c No.1874391

Anons do you know the original story of why human history is only "6000" years old?

696f28 No.1874392

File: ffc3f47e4fc418d⋯.png (112.08 KB, 600x498, 100:83, ClipboardImage.png)


Using vets?

a1927d No.1874393


A CON CON?! NO!!!!!!!! One amendment at a time perhaps, by 2/3 of the individual, sovereign States, but NOT a whole convention. They would subvert the whole document and it would be lost to us forever. It is a CON CON and Rush/Hannity are either stupid or are in on it. I would not doubt the later.

1b7f54 No.1874394

File: a9a61cd84a17f8e⋯.png (419.44 KB, 720x586, 360:293, 20180623_085824.png)


His wife

f56de8 No.1874395


Yeah, what the hell was up last night? The BO has been amazing, and I can't say I've seen any fuckery by BVs aside from a few bans that seemed unintentional. However, last night made we worried that we have a comped BV

f9f2da No.1874396


>Important to connect old dots with new information. 'ALL RELEVANT


1c6caa No.1874397

File: 6d16d9c9ad8143b⋯.jpg (163.18 KB, 900x506, 450:253, warriorJesus.jpg)

File: c758f1f80755796⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 885x516, 295:172, satan.jpg)






you are all losing your souls

read and be aware of your choice here in the new creed of the GA - Satan or warrior Jesus:

Cabal team vs. Trump team

Some think this is the end of a 2,000 year period of history

That Judgement Day is upon us

Some disagree

But shouldn’t we live Everyday like it is Judgement Day?

You never really do know do you…

Can no longer sit on the fence either you are for the antichrist or you are for Jesus

Never has it been more clear.

The Cabal serves the evil satan as the antichrist

They support the following, if you support the following you support the antichrist and will be dealt with accordingly:

Cabal posting anti Trump anons

Democrats and Republicans obstructing MAGA agenda

Child trafficking

Open borders

Gun control

Common sense definition of a country or nation that is dependent and takes from others, is not self sufficient and is non productive

All evil people of any race, ethnicity, religion or national origin not limited by the following examples: hispanic, native american, asian, black, white, jews, christians, muslims or any evil member of any nation or country.

Any evil person whether male or female, heterosexual or LGBT

Focus on materialism

Love of money


Politically correct

Centralized power - government, institutions, business

Slavery and tyranny

Rules and regulations

Special Mention: Pelosi, Queen of england; Pope

The Trump Team serves the righteous Jesus

They support the following, if you support the following you support Jesus and will be subject to his GRACE:

Pro Trump anons

Democrats and Republicans supporting MAGA agenda

Against child trafficking

Strong borders

Second amendment “right to keep and bear arms”

Common sense definition of a nation or country that is independent and gives to others and is self sufficient and productive

All righteous people of any race, ethnicity, religion or national origin not limited by the following examples: hispanic, native american, asian, black, white, jews, christians, muslims or any righteous member of any nation or country.

Any righteous person whether male or female, heterosexual or LGBT

Focus on ethics and morals

Money as a tool


Not PC but truthful and maybe even blunt at times

Local power - government, institutions, business

Liberty and Freedom

Golden rule “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

Special mention: Trump; Putin; Xi

4ac443 No.1874398


Need help anons! Digging not my strength!

f81c28 No.1874399


Great Atlantean Gardens video

e32d74 No.1874400


The code i would use to say bombs away is PICKLE

8a8406 No.1874401


Psuedoscience which adds all the dates in the Bible together to make 6000 years.

5559f4 No.1874402

File: 859ed8c3649c545⋯.jpg (4.73 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images-7 (1).jpg)


So because he's from Georgia that must make him an honest American?

97a47a No.1874403


Meant to add: Isn't there a Trump rally in North or South Carolina on Monday?

2f0e2b No.1874404


There were no regular bakers around,I had to ebake in the middle of the day, then a shill baker (who I was suspect of when I handed off) baked 3 or 4 breads, then handed off to another shill)

That shill probably saw me post to a cryptic post to BO and jumped out with out handing off (at least the asshole announced he was leaving).

Then I had to take over the bread again with consensus of Anons…

It was wild

412e20 No.1874405

File: 991a78a6cfcd63e⋯.jpg (584.74 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, trigun bg.jpg)


Good question.

e33f8c No.1874406

File: 970ebb1373177e8⋯.png (649.51 KB, 981x1001, 981:1001, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)

We have robot sub. spies!

Boeing's robot submarine is back roaming off the California coast


1c6caa No.1874407


so JIDF tool posts 2000 pages of muhjoo bullshit in the notables

try harder

a5ff2c No.1874408


I "forget" but thanks anon

7f0ae4 No.1874409

File: c16cd41fdab7147⋯.jpeg (242.32 KB, 1193x1085, 1193:1085, AD31D9A3-2B7D-4C52-82C6-E….jpeg)

70860e No.1874410

File: ec613e9fc9f1793⋯.png (93.51 KB, 591x415, 591:415, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)

File: ac1027d719feda2⋯.png (79.32 KB, 577x374, 577:374, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)


d7d756 No.1874411


Azerbaijan is the neighbour country to a Armenia,

Q told us that Armenia is a CIA stronghold.

5559f4 No.1874412


U.S put out their robotic army plans.

696f28 No.1874413

File: c94110eac81a6cb⋯.png (154.16 KB, 731x487, 731:487, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f760a8e851a942⋯.png (117.33 KB, 593x507, 593:507, ClipboardImage.png)

Purple Shovel LLC


19dc33 No.1874414

Are we still trapped in the matrix if we're dependent on a monetary system? I can't see how we could change that part

cf298b No.1874415

I wonder why this didn't make it to the notables

Guess who's been behind the FEtards



e32d74 No.1874416



38e74c No.1874417

We are all on the same page, right anons? We are in the midst of a civil war, started by the Left… a quiet attempted coup against the duly elected President of the United States.

046b40 No.1874419


I'd be ready to believe it being an actual "story" if it had any of the major network logos attached to it

a5ff2c No.1874420


She was never suppose to lose

5559f4 No.1874422


Resource backed currency, instead of SA oil and stolen oil by U.S proxy army aka IS

696f28 No.1874423


At the heart of the high-stakes U.S. program to train and equip Syrian rebels to fight ISIS is a multimillion-dollar arms deal that the Pentagon farmed out to a tiny, little-known private company called Purple Shovel LLC. A BuzzFeed News investigation, based on inside documents and confidential sources familiar with the Syria operation, has found:

81b2f2 No.1874424


question most likely had questions including the word LEGAL directly above a single question only using the word immigration

your mind assumes they are asking a question in the same line of thinking

common polling practice to get numbers up when paid to do so

d3e8c2 No.1874425



hwy 17 towards Hilton Head in SC is a huge double hwy. intersections, no on/off ramps. "easy" to access wrong way, but not likely a mistake. wishing her a full recovery.

05cdca No.1874426

Do we know where DJT stands on GMOs and the likes of Monsanto? I think I recall him saying that the EU won't accept US food and that's unfair trade but, speaking as a UK anon, I really don't want US food if it's contaminated with GMOs and unlabelled as same so I can choose not to consume it.

Another question: my daughter is very into natural foods and she was telling me about a recent Mike Adams video along the lines of all those claiming govt benefits in US will be microchipped. Has anyone else heard of this?

e33f8c No.1874427

File: 17796c6cb1b2b4d⋯.png (278.37 KB, 922x1020, 461:510, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)


ea5fa1 No.1874428


The Vatican tribunal has convicted a former Holy See diplomat and sentenced him to five years in prison for possessing and distributing child pornography in the first such trial of its kind inside the Vatican.

3e8fa3 No.1874429


People are still blind.

They need to wipe the sleep from their eyes.

e32d74 No.1874430

b78c8e No.1874431


This is a good statement of what protestants say too, about how Jesus frees us by giving guidance for our thought and behaviour. Seems to be freedom through restriction to some, but is really freedom from bad habits and nonsense morals.

The quote is a more eloquent description of a very important concept of Christianity.

5559f4 No.1874432


She was too lose, everybody knew she would lose it was planned decades in advance. If you really think they would let some billionaire destroy thousands of years of planning. You have no idea what is going on.

P.s one doesn't just become a billionaire.


5f53a9 No.1874433

File: 8247c3ad1e08b21⋯.jpg (42.75 KB, 850x400, 17:8, HGWells.jpg)

File: 3668672e75e2ad0⋯.png (50.71 KB, 350x200, 7:4, assangeversusisraelscreens….png)

File: c46c6f06d82deab⋯.jpg (260.04 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.jpg)


WTF are you talking about kike worshipper?

Before posting pictures of Crusaders learn some fucking history.

The Rhineland massacres also known as the German Crusade of 1096, the persecutions of 1096 or Gzerot Tatenu (Hebrew: גזרות תתנ"ו‎ Hebrew for "Edicts of 856"), were a series of mass murders of Jews perpetrated by mobs of German Christians of the People's Crusade in the year 1096, or 4856 according to the Jewish calendar


ccef2d No.1874434


That kind of crap has been going on in Houston and Dallas for decades. They haul the up from Mexico in semi trailers on I-35 or I-69 (US-59) from the Rio Grande valley. It's easy to hide them in rental houses in poorer neighborhoods.

96f18a No.1874435

File: 0596460c2dbe84a⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1242x1697, 1242:1697, IMG_2534.PNG)

File: 5f31a783b2dba1d⋯.png (730.94 KB, 1242x1859, 1242:1859, IMG_2535.PNG)


2e07fd No.1874437


Same copy/pasta as last bread. Now we know what a 'slider' is. Good look at black hat shill/jidf actions on this board.


Some are awake, some are in denial. (((enemy))) used her against us. Simple.

Meet Mystery FBI "Agent 5" Who Sent Anti-Trump Texts While On Clinton Taint Team


"A recently unmasked FBI agent who worked on the Clinton email investigation and exchanged anti-Trump text messages with her FBI lover and other colleagues has been pictured for the first time by the Daily Mail.

Sally Moyer, 44, who texted 'f**k Trump,' called President Trump's voters 'retarded' and vowed to quit 'on the spot' if he won the election, was seen leaving her home early Friday morning wearing a floral top and dark pants.

She shook her head and declined to discuss the controversy with a DailyMail.com reporter, and ducked quickly into her nearby car in the rain without an umbrella before driving off. -Daily Mail

Moyer - an attorney and registered Democrat identified in the Inspector General's report as "Agent 5" is a veritable goldmine of hate, who had been working for the FBI since at least September of 2006.

When Moyer sent the texts, she was on the "filter team" for the Clinton email investigation - a group of FBI officials tasked with determining whether information obtained by the FBI is considered "privileged" or if it can be used in the investigation - also known as a taint team."

black hats coming out of the wazoo.

a142e6 No.1874438

File: 7bab4499155cc7e⋯.jpg (14.4 KB, 255x219, 85:73, ccad91b2e2d7fb9e5682d7e191….jpg)


Memba ?!! Kek sorry about that you posted it real late in the bread and I already baked and made a remix on the dough . Maybe new baker can help. I always like to out the JIDF faggots so sorry I missed it.

ad1128 No.1874439


Related to SoS HRC’s directive to obtains DNA samples at the U.N.? There is a theory that the DNA spiral ladder acts as a type of “antenna” regarding the instantaneous transmission of thought, energy, frequencies, etc., in the realm of “Quantum Entanglement”. Why do identical twins experience identical types of phenomena instantaneously though separated by half the globe? Nikola Tesla dropped everything and left for his homeland when he was struck by the thought of his mother’s death. She did in fact die contemporaneously with his thought. The next quantum breakthrough.

1c6caa No.1874440


your soul is at risk

reconsider your choice

a1927d No.1874441


Holder/Obama team up for redistricting to wipe out conservative representation where conservatives live and work.

How in the hell do they get away with this? How do we find out which districts are being targeted? And when we figure it out, we better fight like hell. Remember Boulder got stuck in there with Grand? Boulder represents Grand? NOT. Grand has no voice.

Same thing in lots of other places. “The Obama-Holder progressive left counter-offensive is real. Unless Republican and business leaders wake up and take action to confront it with a plan, leadership and adequate resources it could succeed and end the America of individual liberty and free enterprise upon which this nation was founded.”


2e7b90 No.1874443


easier to control people, imagine if the public knew the truth that civilizations 10,000-20,000 years ago were just as, if not more, advanced than we currently are

it also makes the old testament stories about a great flood, nephilim, and fallen angels seem like fantasy

81cfb0 No.1874444

File: 4f7536fabaf8253⋯.png (3.88 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 744E2B4E-AB7E-41A2-8AC6-0A….png)

1c6caa No.1874445


choose truth before its too late

1d28e3 No.1874446



Benjamin Worrell

CEO at Purple Shovel

Washington D.C. Metro AreaTransportation/Trucking/Railroad


Purple Shovel


Office of the Secretary of Defense,

US Government


5 people have recommended Benjamin Worrell

81b2f2 No.1874448




7f0ae4 No.1874449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4ac443 No.1874450

>>1874331 Attempted Assassination of Zimbabwe President


for baker consideration

1c6caa No.1874451


the lie will destroy your soul


58fed6 No.1874452


This evil that all us anons knew was there is uglier and more wicked than I ever imagined. Now that it's presenting itself I wish so badly we were just 'conspiracy theorists' and that we were wrong, but we were right.

Its so blatant and in your face.

The whole overnight outrage campaigns like the "march for your guns" rally and now the "give the children back to traffickers" campaign will only backfire

You see, there is a powerful darkness that has spread and infected peoples minds like a plague. It almost consumed us all.

Darkness thrives on deception through FEAR. That is their weapon.

We just discovered /our/ weapon and we are still trying to figure out how to use it.

our weapon is much more powerful than (((theirs))). Ours is TRUTH.

See, there is ONE thing that the evil fuckers can't take away from us and that is our God given intuition. People know the truth when they hear it. Some will resist it, yes. but after a while they will lay down their swords and join us.

I see it happening every day, anon.

Its incredible. I mean in my real-life. Not online. Anti-trumpers now defend him. Its incredible to witness. I gave up trying to convince people because I figured if they were going to wake up, it will have to be on their own time. And it will.

Im sure of it.

05cdca No.1874453


Agree; or, another way of putting it is that in Jesus we are freed from being slaves to sin and instead become slaves to righteousness. Either way, it is clear that we (humanity) are not autonomous creatures but rather we are derivative, deriving our spiritual essence either from God or Satan.

e32d74 No.1874454


If you think this is old news SHAME on you

ced142 No.1874455

File: 8b85ea8dbad07f9⋯.jpg (287.08 KB, 945x791, 135:113, 7400-block-of-state-highwa….jpg)


on the map, southbound is the highlighted blue road.

she was traveling from charleston to hilton head, this route makes sense.

the 7400 block is the highlighted mile.

412e20 No.1874456

File: 5805d4277b15d47⋯.jpg (167.79 KB, 900x1359, 100:151, shaman_king_ryu_by_peaceel….jpg)





We may be in the presence of the president and other professionals trying to save the world and you boomers post porn all day on every single thread… I don't even know how to feel about this.

b78c8e No.1874457


These are the instructions needed for wire transfers of money.

81b2f2 No.1874458


ty 4 spoiler!

8a8406 No.1874459


I didn't say that exactly, it happened to follow the sentence before. Although I think this board would be in consensus that the south has more patriots at this point than the north - less liberals, less urbanites, more independent rural types.

97a47a No.1874460


Ya know…I am so sick of every friggin' appliance having some kind of digital/computer component. From washing machines to coffee makers to gas stoves to our cars and even our stupid landline phones – I would think there would be a market for an investment in a company that made old fashioned appliances built to last. For example I can't even buy a car that doesn't have automatic windows. I just want to be able to leave my windows down in the driveway and tell one of my kids to go roll up the windows w/o having to hand them the keys. Is that too much to ask? Shit and those old wing windows on older models were air conditioning in and of themselves. Alas.

5f53a9 No.1874461

File: 112c2bb3822ddca⋯.jpg (31.19 KB, 479x340, 479:340, Israel1st.jpg)

File: a9e7819c2108203⋯.jpg (167.02 KB, 960x960, 1:1, fables.jpg)


My soul is between myself and YHWH.

Save your lecture for the next meeting of evangelical heretics

4e2bd1 No.1874462

File: e7b744068645065⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 236x173, 236:173, Just Got Real.jpg)



1c6caa No.1874463


to me that shit image you posted is culture porn

and then you divisionfag boomers

so you have zero cred

84611f No.1874464


Keks of truth

8fa8b7 No.1874465

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>1873370 (lb)

holy carp is right. most riveting television i've seen in quite a long time.



don't know who that interviewer is, but she dissected him like a surgeon. can't imagine Zucker wanted any of that, especially the 17 seconds of dead air.

wonder if she'll have a job on Monday. if she gets fired, Fox should pick her up. she's good.


"I'm not F'in around" he says twice.

pretty obvious he's been threatened by someone.


also notice how CNN goes from Trump to nipple shot to TA & MC to WH in the little graphics on the bottom.

subliminal programming at its sleaziest.

5f4827 No.1874466


yep oldfag remembers when a "stripped" car was a good thing. Simple, easy to work on, and fast….

1c6caa No.1874467


heed jesus and repent

you will lose you soul

edffe7 No.1874468

File: 041760e4a1a0d57⋯.jpg (192.72 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 041760e4a1a0d57bda1ff714e2….jpg)






5559f4 No.1874470


Got ya

127002 No.1874471

File: 9fb695084156ffb⋯.jpg (18.74 KB, 500x300, 5:3, IMG_20180623_194119.jpg)


fd95a9 No.1874472

File: 35badc629fd19a2⋯.jpg (41.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Grumpy-old-man.jpg)

b0e9e4 No.1874474


#17 again!!

2f0e2b No.1874476


Morning Baker!!

That is OK, I was falling in and out while I was trying to handover last night. Like waking back up thinking I fell asleep without doing it Kek

I will probably just bake this one and hand off if you wanna bake a couple

81b2f2 No.1874477

File: b7f9e48c8c1d0a8⋯.jpg (290.51 KB, 640x480, 4:3, mrkl.jpg)


please send the recipe to this woman anon

3d8abd No.1874478



Time magazine is up for sale, along with its fellow former titles in the Time, Inc. family like Sports Illustrated, Fortune, and Money. In November the magazines were bought for $2.8 billion by the magazine conglomerate Meredith, which then promptly announced that they were on the block. Would-be media moguls the world over have been lining up to kick the tires on some of the most storied names in American journalism. And so even in a media landscape in which chaos has long been the norm, the past few months have been a whirlwind for reporters, editors, and business staff at a group of magazines that defined a sort of middlebrow American sensibility for much of the past century.

“There is just a lot of anxiety right now,” said one newsroom staffer, one of more than a half-dozen interviewed for this story. “People don’t know who is going to be signing their paychecks in 90 days or even if they will have jobs. We are all just kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

a142e6 No.1874479


Im sure staring at the wall every night thinking about how your brother got murdered right in front of you on stage and everyone constantly reminding you of it probably had something to do with it. What a epic drummer artist and human . What a loss. The Abbott brothers were too talented for planet Earth. Victims both of the War on Terror.

48e93d No.1874480


Well written. Sorry for reposting it. I must have missed it.

5bc60c No.1874481


More deep state fuckery no doubt.

37ddb4 No.1874482

Shout out to Anon412 for putting together this amazing treasure trove of indictments, arrests, resignations, etc…


e32d74 No.1874483


I Agree


5e0d4a No.1874484

File: fb9e565934a5033⋯.jpg (289.33 KB, 1718x600, 859:300, 2018-06-23-08:12:25.jpg)


US Army Gulfstream over Romania, coming from somewhere over the Black Sea. This anon has to pop out again in a few mins


5559f4 No.1874485


Repent lol. That bible will fuck your head and lI've up. P.s I'm surrounded by Christian type people. They happen to be the most materialistick, greedy jude mental ignorant fucKS. Just an observation.

60aeea No.1874486

File: 5dacce7a2de90de⋯.png (3.82 MB, 816x1632, 1:2, Transition Meeting -- plea….png)

File: 4054550746d3805⋯.png (1.49 MB, 325x1598, 325:1598, Transition Meeting -- plea….png)

Only 108 UID's? Yesterday was a dumpster fire…

After the 2008 election, Catholics representing 20 concernfag orgs have a hush-hush gathering with the Obama-Biden Transition team.

Couple years ago I would think, "so what"?

Now I hear warning bells and sirens going off next block over. Prolly trafficking children.



f7e4f8 No.1874487


When do the big names stop going for vacations and getting Netflix deals and actually get arrested?

1cd942 No.1874488

File: 31dc8504fe7364c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.13 MB, 1237x930, 1237:930, 23649382690368218364892.png)

Make Europe Great Again!


AK Girls

1d28e3 No.1874489



Purple Shovel, LLC

Purple Shovel, LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Sterling. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Nov 19, 2012.


5559f4 No.1874490


Fuck you autocorrect

e4896d No.1874491

File: 416b2a0b25afbb5⋯.jpg (131.73 KB, 990x687, 330:229, UN_Codes.JPG)

File: 9f36e47f0fb756c⋯.jpg (83.98 KB, 925x586, 925:586, IATA_Codes.JPG)


Might not be the ultimate sources but it's a start…



7e6a23 No.1874492

File: d5f2229c3b87c13⋯.png (712.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Untitled.png)

Just doing a little extra, extra on @jack. Found this picture and did a quick dig on Diane von Furstenberg, another fashion designer who does some interesting charity work. https:// www.vitalvoices.org/nyc-registration/

She also designed some tee shirts for HrC's campaign. https:// www.usmagazine.com/stylish/pictures/dvf-and-more-designers-release-hillary-clinton-campaign-tees-w430528/

Mighty fishay. She loves working with women all over the world, helping to shape their careers (in the sex slave industry, no doubt)

Human trafficking and the fashion industry seem to go hand-in-hand, nowadays. I wonder if she'll get sick and die of a red-scarf suicide?

62e673 No.1874493


I ha e read he was not that unarmed

641da2 No.1874494

File: 2377e1693474cb4⋯.png (93.98 KB, 493x476, 29:28, Q Post 1531.png)

File: 3a9e76abe06e26b⋯.png (799.81 KB, 1440x897, 480:299, Obama Missing Hand Wide.png)

File: abdfdf9b012828d⋯.png (81.48 KB, 281x310, 281:310, Obama Missing Hand Tight.png)

A WHOLE DIFFERENT SPIN concerning Obama’s speech at the Bilderberg Group Conference in Brussels, Belgium, on May 23, 2014.

Re: Q’s post #1531, Obama gave a speech at the Bilderberg Group Conference in Brussels, Belgium, on May 23, 2014. Q told us that Hussein’s “Exit out was missing what?” It looks like the thing that is missing is Hussein himself. Looks like he wasn’t really there.

At 35:38, he is walking off stage after his speech. At that point, I can see that his left hand has been cropped out or cut out. In other words, his hand isn’t there as you can see in the included picture. Also at 35:46, in a wide shot at the end of the video, you can see that he doesn’t show up in the screens on the two phones. In other words, he was keyed in over the background video.

After digging more, I couldn’t find any pictures or videos of other speakers at this conference. I doubt that this was even the Bilderberg Group conference. It was something else.

It turns out, Obama wasn’t even in Belgium. On May 22, 2014, (the day before the so called Bilderberg Group speech), he was at two fundraisers in Chicago.

http:// articles.chicagotribune.com/2014-05-23/news/chi-obama-to-raise-money-for-durbin-in-chicago-today-20140521_1_white-house-michael-bennet-senatorial-campaign-committee

https:// www.nbcchicago.com/blogs/ward-room/obama-chicago-fundraiser-may-22-2014-260244311.html

On May 23, 2014 (the date of the so called Bilderberg Group speech) at 10:30 am CT, he departed Chicago and arrived at the White House at 1:30 pm ET.

The rest of this day he signed H.R. 1209, an act to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the World War II members of the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders for conducting the bombings of Tokyo, and H.R. 685, the American Fighter Aces Congressional Gold Medal Act.

http://www. whitehousedossier.com/2014/05/22/obama-schedule-friday-23-2014/

He also announced his nomination of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Shaun Donovan to be the director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and for San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro (D) to replace him as the secretary of HUD.

https:// obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2014/05/23/president-obama-nominates-juli-n-castro-next-hud-secretary-and-shaun-donovan-omb-dir

https://www. c-span.org/video/?319562-1/president-announces-omb-hud-nominees

So why were we to believe that he was speaking at this conference in Belgium instead of raising money for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Senator Dick Durbin? Could it be because of the people that he was with during the two fundraisers on May 22nd? The fundraisers were at the residence of Invenergy CEO Michael Polsky and at the residence of Newsweb Corporation founder Fred Eychaner.


What do we know about Invenergy and Michael Polsky and what do we know about Newsweb Corporation and Fred Eychaner?

Looks like more digging time…

f7e4f8 No.1874495


The European women are being raped by Muslims

4ac443 No.1874496


Need a simple yes or no vote to close one loophole.

Then another loophole..

Then another.

Put each congress critter on record.

Rinse, repeat.

412e20 No.1874497

File: cd24bde3aa933b5⋯.png (663.32 KB, 2124x1478, 1062:739, trigun vash berserk.png)



Kill yourself boomer. If you aren't actively using the porn for meme warfare then you are sliding the fucking board.

>to me that shit image you posted is culture porn

It's the culture that created these boards in the first place you nigger faggot. You boomers need to respect your elders and this sacred land in which you shitpost.

cf298b No.1874498

File: 3f45026c75abf56⋯.jpg (75.56 KB, 640x886, 320:443, flatEarthConspiracyPromote….jpg)


oops, forgot graphic

ced142 No.1874499

File: a3fff18a756fda9⋯.jpg (167.08 KB, 1578x889, 1578:889, full-view-with-sign.jpg)


full view. note the 'trucks entering highway' sign on the northbound side.

1c6caa No.1874501


the bible has truth and lies

the lesson is to choose wisely

if you do not discern it will be bad to follow i agree - the evidence is everywhere as you suggest

but repentance and forgiveness are real human acts of great value - just as jesus taught

try it

e0219b No.1874502


Sorry I didn't mean it that way. Should be a permanent notable :)))

62e673 No.1874503


Its a message, route 17. Warning to red wave

09933b No.1874504

File: 08b453a3a722fea⋯.png (157.45 KB, 752x953, 752:953, watergate-was-pedogate.png)

File: 075b16d09d0c62f⋯.png (100.4 KB, 736x950, 368:475, watergate-was-pedogate2.png)

File: 266713c024cf506⋯.png (111.37 KB, 730x951, 730:951, watergate-was-pedogate3.png)

File: d886853e4b75c51⋯.png (111.21 KB, 803x948, 803:948, watergate-was-pedogate4.png)

File: 77ff50005047a86⋯.png (100.9 KB, 737x942, 737:942, watergate-was-pedogate5.png)


"The Watergate break-in was strictly based on one thing – the pedophile records that were being kept at the Democratic National Headquarters."

– Det. James Rothstein, NYPD, Retired

holy shit


48e93d No.1874506


Time to dig

d4c6d6 No.1874508

File: e35e97b5b8ef898⋯.jpg (274.84 KB, 1080x1529, 1080:1529, Screenshot_20180623-071738….jpg)



A little more info.


2e7b90 No.1874509

File: e48c24480b5d6bd⋯.jpg (101.57 KB, 1009x525, 1009:525, dailybeast.jpg)

whats the beef with daily beast?

86e334 No.1874510

File: d5e86fc86fab530⋯.png (102.04 KB, 1400x240, 35:6, ClipboardImage.png)


That used to be true (and it might still be as I haven't tried), but apparently that changed in 2016.

Please still the dot but I believe it is no longer necessary.


5559f4 No.1874511


Forgiveness is freeing the soul. Forgiving others and yourself. That's what heals.

5e0d4a No.1874512

File: daed6a9982ccfac⋯.jpg (206.21 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, UnitedWeStand1.jpg)

File: 095d62b328acbf8⋯.jpg (267.78 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, UnitedWeStand2.jpg)

File: 6ad55d5d18af33b⋯.jpg (260.39 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUnity14.jpg)

File: ee721742a2fccca⋯.jpg (153.4 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUniteFreedom.jpg)

File: 479717e62d017a2⋯.jpg (45.45 KB, 540x636, 45:53, Unite.jpg)

The porn posters are shills. Ignore and do not bother commenting or pointing out.

Real anons do not divisionfag in any way, not by age, gender, location, religion, race, or any other physical characteristic. Ignore shills and move on.

God bless patriots.

ee5a3d No.1874513



Serena Shim ish

ea4264 No.1874514



2e07fd No.1874515

File: 335b8b2436c4737⋯.png (27.3 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, (((who)))isattacking.png)


Correct. also, do not reply to a very easy to spot cheap JIDF slider.

We had the same syntax (((faggot))) last night too btw.

'be on the right side, religious goys'


Do not cause artificial generational divide like jews do.

Pic fucking related - we do have shareblue, jidf, mossad types of shills on board here. Let's dig, anons.

ec557b No.1874516


Doesn't even realize who the president is…

Was probably an anti-trumper during the primary…

Feel great about it. Celebrate beauty. Celebrate Freedom. And celebrate free will.

Either that or go back to the state of ignorance about snuff, child trafficking, etc.

>We may be in the presence of the president and other professionals trying to save the world and you boomers post porn all day on every single thread

precisely. just imagine the other B.S. that they have to look at. The porn is like Visine for them.

edffe7 No.1874517

File: c808cd4b2b72dc1⋯.jpg (66.93 KB, 551x550, 551:550, rattleshake.jpg)


fucking fucking hell damn shit really

holy fucking shit

bang the head that does not bang! we are gonna have such a fucking mosh pit in the next world

62e673 No.1874518


Never forget, never forgive.

6d429c No.1874520

File: c489fe5b94629a5⋯.jpg (19.55 KB, 451x209, 41:19, Capturedtap.JPG)


If they are red blooded America MALES

They appreciate a nice piece of A

And GONNA SAY I think Trump does….

Damn glad he doesn't have the typical appetite for CHILDREN, AS WITH ALL Globalist




94ef04 No.1874521


So you're simultaneously defending the "culture" of the board, and bitching about the presence of porn?

Are you retarded or just a shill?

1c6caa No.1874522



you are both in danger

drop the lies

3e8fa3 No.1874523

File: 741602dfbd57bd2⋯.jpg (339.89 KB, 882x731, 882:731, no-coincidences-pepe.jpg)

06/23/18 (Sat) 09:53:46



I don't live in the USA.

"Citizen" is the new word for "Slave"


10 min diff

f7e4f8 No.1874524

File: 6d30756693fbc1e⋯.jpg (283.18 KB, 1077x890, 1077:890, IMG_20180623_161622.jpg)

97a47a No.1874525


Yea, but I can drive anything manual or automatic –cars, trucks, tractors, tractor trailers, snowmobiles, SkiDoos, motorboats,motorcycles, lawn mowers – you name it, I can drive it. And three speed on the column, too. I know north from south, east from west, and how to navigate w/o some friggin ridiculous voice on my cell phone narrating directions via GPS. Also I can do math in my head w/o a calculator. Can you?

266173 No.1874527

File: 9537c612aea453e⋯.png (545.86 KB, 638x614, 319:307, ClipboardImage.png)

Re: Hussein's refugee dumping all across America's large cities

5559f4 No.1874529


That's your torment, not mine.

99e844 No.1874530


Yep. It's not a major highway, it's a 4 lane road divided by grass medians in the middle of nowhere. You don't get on the wrong side by accident. Especially at 9pm when people are driving with head lights. Of course the official report will be drunk driver which will cover nicely…

a1927d No.1874531


This stinks. I hope she makes it through surgery and that they place protective services outside her room.


84611f No.1874533


It has been reported in parts before but actually this would be an ideal time to put all the pieces together and disseminate to the masses

Not to mention the new info on Silkways and whatever we just received from the anon earlier.

Maybe now the narrative can be pieced together to give the full picture, beginning with No Name's meetings in Syria?

679c13 No.1874534



81b2f2 No.1874535


100% divisionshill post

where is that "this is bait" guy?

5559f4 No.1874536


Ca regular hoe far you go with that. Might end up with an angry tumor.

7b7644 No.1874537

Possibly notable? Navy building huge "FEMA" detention facilities?


d7d756 No.1874538


You are gold, Anon!

5e0d4a No.1874539

File: fa8c680ad1d28c7⋯.jpg (258.15 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, UnitedTogetherStrong3.jpg)

File: 55a5192973bc922⋯.jpg (205.36 KB, 999x667, 999:667, TogetherWWG1WGA.jpg)

File: 8004e1f218bd602⋯.jpg (146.28 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Together11.jpg)

File: daaff588fe6cabc⋯.jpg (184.32 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Together12.jpg)

File: 86389909e464470⋯.jpg (316.42 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, TogetherStrong3.jpg)

84e07e No.1874540

File: fac33b3e6056708⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1170x962, 45:37, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)

fd92b4 No.1874542


clarence thomas is the most conservative judge on the court

3e8fa3 No.1874543

c5cd7c No.1874545


Thats racist…



a7fd9c No.1874546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Pay attention to what this anon is saying.

(vidya somewhat related.)

7f0ae4 No.1874547

Katie Arrington, who ousted Rep. Mark Sanford in primary, seriously injured in car crash


9bd2ca No.1874548


Access kills?

d3e8c2 No.1874549


Newfag here. Not sure how to call out notables, but this is NOTABLE.

Good work, anon!

4ac443 No.1874550





Diggers, help!

This is HUGE!!!!!

84611f No.1874551


>Atlantean Gardens

I love that guy. Anthropology had turned into a degenerate and dead field of study the past couple decades.

48e93d No.1874552

Major donor for CF

Inducted into a fag hall of fame in Chicago


1d28e3 No.1874553

File: 1b94dca7c2b6e2f⋯.jpg (10.51 KB, 250x162, 125:81, purpleshovellogo.jpg)

File: ebab21a5011dedc⋯.jpg (8.34 KB, 299x111, 299:111, purpleshovelimage.jpg)

File: 285d940e5f9b38a⋯.png (59.16 KB, 1066x637, 82:49, Purple Shovel Llc Governm….png)

“Our goal is to deliver what is truly needed to those in need by strategically utilizing our supply chains to stretch the financial donations”


Purple Shovel Exposed in Illegal Weapons Smuggling Operations

The story of weapons being smuggled from countries such as Bulgaria and Serbia through western private contractors and by way of Silkway Airlines was first reported on by Bulgarian Trud reporter Dilyana Gaytandzhieva. Dilyana's investigative work was bolstered by leaks made on Twitter by Anonymous Bulgaria.

v4vapid (70) in weapons-smuggling • 11 months ago


e0219b No.1874554


It was click bait. The speech was at an eu forum. Do you want me to find the original vid for you?

412e20 No.1874555



The difference between how oldfags and boomers use porn is that the boomers contribute nothing to the discussion and only post it for the sake of posting porn. It gets tiring after seeing the same shit after 20 boards.

fd95a9 No.1874556

File: 4f9a4d579865f01⋯.jpg (85.86 KB, 634x475, 634:475, oops.jpg)

cc7b44 No.1874557


He's coked up.

2e7b90 No.1874559


this type of austism gives me a semi

ced142 No.1874560



based on the 'trucks entering' sign, i'd guess they are just barely beyond the 'steen enterprises' yard.

gold car might be here:

32.756583, -80.324966

and that means, without crossing the median, the 'other' car would have to get in the wrong lane by here, half a mile down the road:

32.754964, -80.336784

bba27e No.1874561

File: ef6fa7122ccb856⋯.png (161.22 KB, 477x365, 477:365, 2018-06-23_10-21-59.png)

File: 7ab431d3d3cf616⋯.png (272.54 KB, 539x272, 539:272, 2018-06-23_10-22-52.png)

File: 69d8af3de711848⋯.png (436.9 KB, 622x341, 622:341, 2018-06-23_10-23-33.png)



They took away their guns.

They took away their knives.

They shut down free speech. (#freetommyrobinson)

It was their plan all along

Their plan was for America next.



68f9a9 No.1874562

File: 75c182f394a8c75⋯.png (91.68 KB, 1171x295, 1171:295, IMG_2536.PNG)

I’m guessing it’s not today…

f7e4f8 No.1874563

File: 7c7f74c350cf544⋯.jpg (246.13 KB, 1077x890, 1077:890, IMG_20180623_162237.jpg)

ec557b No.1874564

File: 4266099d2fc94af⋯.png (235.08 KB, 685x315, 137:63, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a50568837580c8⋯.png (361.91 KB, 1800x666, 100:37, Screenshot 2018-06-23 at 1….png)

412e20 No.1874565


meant for


trips confirm

1f52d0 No.1874566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Roman Catholic Priest Slaps Baby As Mother Holds Him Because He’s Crying

Poor kid is crying because his parents brought him to a Catholic Priest to have water poured on him. As he’s crying, the priest becomes agitated and the slaps the kid across the face. We already know how evil the Roman Catholic system is, but the video below speaks for itself.


8fa8b7 No.1874567

File: 9aac714626e1332⋯.jpg (128.75 KB, 471x445, 471:445, Q1413-Guardian_P.jpg)


Any others that you suggest on this topic?

Parolin not in control of the Vatican's purse strings?



The new team includes two cardinals - Toronto’s Thomas Christopher Collins and Vienna’s Christoph Schoenborn - from relatively rich dioceses who have had extensive dealings with financial affairs.

The others are Archbishop Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s new secretary of state, who will be elevated to the rank of cardinal next month, and Santos Abril y Castillo, a Spaniard who is based in Rome and is a close friend of the pope’s.

The one holdover was French Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran.

The four who were not re-confirmed included the former secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.

Commentators and some church officials blamed him for lax oversight that led to a spate of scandals during Benedict’s pontificate, including the leaking of some of the pope’s personal documents by Benedict’s butler.

06848b No.1874568

File: 2fd5d534ec4b017⋯.jpg (114.45 KB, 536x407, 536:407, DC PSYCHOPATH CAPITAL.jpg)

File: 79ce6aefd7d51af⋯.jpg (361 KB, 1215x1057, 1215:1057, PSYCHOS_BY_STATE.jpg)


>“These people are sick” ~Q



>That Connecticut is ranked the highest state is also interesting considering Connecticut's history with corporations and how that relates the the The Corporate Psychopath Theory of Economic Collapse.


>@5:40 MIN Top forensic psychiatrist says that CNN needs to answer for how IT CONTRIBUTES to [PSYCHOPATHY]

Washington, D.C.: the Psychopath Capital of America

A new study ranks each state, plus D.C., by their psychopathic tendencies. The race for first? It isn’t even close.


If [THIS] sounds like a pattern, it is: The psychopath/nonpsychopath binary matches up, with a few exceptions, with the urban/rural divide, although there’s still disagreement among experts as to why.


Most people IGNORANT OF HISTORY don't even realize that the original meaning of the word "PAGAN*" is simply "country folk." It only became a purgative after the Roman Church distorted Christ's teachings and declared "War against the Pagans" in much the same way the Deep State (and the city folk mentality that it fosters) NOW has co-opted the "War on Terror" to demonize and criminalize freedom loving, INDIVIDUALLY SOVEREIGN Americans in "fly over country" who just want to be left alone. (SEE MEME)

*Like the word “liberal” today, the word "pagan" lost its original meaning several centuries ago leading up to the fall of ROME. This is very important to understand, particularly by those of us who value the ideas of Liberty, property rights, and "localism."

PAGAN is derived from the Latin word "Paganus" and originally meant "region delimited by markers" and later "of or relating to the countryside", "country dweller", "villager", or "country folk." It derives from pagus ("district", "province"), is related to pangere ("to fix", "to fasten"), and ultimately comes from PIE *pag- ("to fix").

Later these ordinary "citizens" who were "fixed" to their land would become known as "pagan heretics" (or "free thinking citizens") by the Roman military in their imperial conquest for food, land, and resources. The "War on Pagans" declared by the Roman oligarchy was no different than the corporate government today declaring the "War on Terror" as a perpetual pretext to criminalize political dissidents, the vast majority of which are free thinking American citizens and “country folk” who still use COMMON SENSE.

4fdddb No.1874569

is there a way to get a running post count without jumping to the bottom of the bread?

is there a way to put the current post count in the userJS fade script?

is there a way to put the post count as of a post inside that post?

09933b No.1874570


someone must have hurt you very badly.

81cfb0 No.1874571


Yep. I had the honor of seeing them many times

A massive loss

97a47a No.1874572

File: 481e60d22c361a6⋯.jpg (33.48 KB, 676x900, 169:225, millenial faggot.jpg)

a5ff2c No.1874573


A lot of digs there, right to the Tippy Top

5e0d4a No.1874574

File: 936085c8c1d2ba1⋯.jpg (32.92 KB, 625x626, 625:626, NotBait.jpg)

File: e4d869cc194d2a5⋯.jpg (92.59 KB, 512x512, 1:1, ShillAdvice.jpg)

File: 3f16ddb929f4ac3⋯.png (192.38 KB, 517x594, 47:54, ShillSpotter2.png)

File: d855ddd93932d64⋯.png (108.46 KB, 512x512, 1:1, IgnoreClownShills.png)


This IS bait, kek.

Ignore shills.

f7e4f8 No.1874575


Probably got hospitalised for ingesting too much cum

2e07fd No.1874576


Baker, reminder notable

>muslim rapists still loose in europe, Patriots are account for them.

f56de8 No.1874577


Did you even read what the anon wrote?

3feb1d No.1874579


Agreed anon. The internet of things is going to bite us in the butt.

Not our friend at all.

Looking for the day the gov't decides what temperature your house can be and sets it without your knowledge.>>1874460

81b2f2 No.1874580


then happy "personhood" to you proud non-citizen

i just think dual citizenship is divided allegiance unless you are constantly shuttling between two countries

2e7b90 No.1874581



f9f2da No.1874582


>If you think this is old news SHAME on you


>put all the pieces together and disseminate to the masses

I agree, Anon!

4ae1bd No.1874583


2nd graphic does not get big…

e32d74 No.1874584


Happy Hunting

2f5b8a No.1874585

62e673 No.1874586


It depends on the situation. Sure you dont pile small things but serious crime should be treated this way. Psychopats will not stop if you forget and forgive. Copycats will try it again

27a114 No.1874587


That's more than all of the US serviceman killed in Vietnam.

0d52d9 No.1874588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS Weekly Address 6/23/18


4c4646 No.1874589


I bake every day and baked twice for a total of around 8 hours yesterday. From 6am until 5pm. Must have missed the shills in between.

3feb1d No.1874590

File: ebc6c7f325e36bd⋯.jpg (240.81 KB, 1500x966, 250:161, For_REE_and_country.jpg)


VPN bans everywhere for benign photos.

I thought bans were taboo?

17c33c No.1874591

"…if you vote for Trump then you, the voter, you, not Donald Trump, are standing at the border, like Nazis, going ‘you here, you here’.” - Donny (el Douche) Deutsch


57941e No.1874592

>>1874465 worth watching. he is extremely agitated. a few under the breath sighs. what type of drugs could he be on? I don't know very much about drug symptoms but this is not mental illness so drugs can only be the excuse

2e07fd No.1874594


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 169658 No.896860 📁

Apr 4 2018 18:02:33 (EST)

List the estimated wealth of religious organizations.


Vatican bank.


Board of Superintendence.

Supervisory Commission of Cardinals.

Clown connection.

1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See.


Look into the lineages of those two groups, and we have a good start follow any and all suspected (((jewish bloodlines))).

05cdca No.1874595


Ha ha! Add to that: can spell, punctuate and write a grammatically correct sentence. Have an understanding of world history and geography and a more detailed understanding of national history and geography. Know by heart multiplacation tables from 2 to 12; understand basic Latin, Greek, Germanic etymology of English language; have received character training in the importance of honesty, punctuality, hard work, unselfishness, loyalty, perseverance, courage, truth.

Back in the day, that's what normal child rearing and education gifted us.

6dbb33 No.1874596

File: 4b417cd8ecbe753⋯.png (226.08 KB, 576x768, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

09933b No.1874597


oh yeah it's a big one

off to dig

1d28e3 No.1874598



Purple Shovel Quick Facts

•CEO & Founder: Ben Worrell

•Incorporated in Delaware 2010

•Company designated as SDVOSB - Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business

•Company's big break - 2 Major SOCOM contracts in 2014 worth $50 million

1. Equipment and Training - $23.5 million

2. Foreign Weapons and Ammunition -$26.7 million

One of the most interesting aspects about Purple Shovel is that the company seems to come out of nowhere and win major contracts with SOCOM despite being an obscure and relatively unknown company. When Purple Shovel won the SOCOM contracts the company had only six employees and an annual revenue of less than $2 million.

According to government records from the DoD, it appears that Purple Shovel is the only contractor able to provide the following:

•Individual Equipment

•Replenishable field medical kits

•Kits and Outfits

•Hand Tools

No bid contracts prevent competitive bidding that usually encourages better pricing for the government. Another item that the company provided to SOCOM as "sole source" was "Arabic keyboards". It's highly doubtful the majority of these items were unavailable from other sources. Furthermore, Federal law usually discourages no-bid contracts.

29f774 No.1874599


some folks filter because they don't have the patience to see the trash and not respond.. just give 'em a brake and let em know if the shills are saying anything of note.. it's better than feeding them constantly.

88fb9f No.1874601

>>1873510 (lb)

>>1873549 (lb)

>>1874005 (lb)

>Tom Arnold CNN interview rehash+extra info

17 seconds of silence (pointed out yesterday, multiple times

Also I noticed yesterday and didn't mention some odd audio in that silence, high pitched signal type noise

MSNBC video

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgTUxRdfUAM

17 uses of the "N" word...which N word there are a lot, no mention of a racist "N" word

Regardless this a great movie with great actors. Enjoying the show. Now for coffee.

5559f4 No.1874602


No they don't stop. You kick their ass. Forgive them and pray they find their way back. Never be a door mat. :) get what you are saying.

1eb8f1 No.1874603

File: 8720606037aa3c0⋯.jpg (267.23 KB, 1077x855, 359:285, 2JBMF 23 Jun 18 1530.jpg)

Round and round and round it goes, when it stops, nobody knows… maybe their rudder is stuck to the left?

35a062 No.1874604

File: 86bffecc8bf085d⋯.jpg (136.31 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, 1529743961929.jpg)

==So is it a coincidence that Comey Dog is in Ireland at the same time as Killary?== No Coincidences right?

'Ashamed' Comey weighs calling himself Canadian, rips Trump border actions during Ireland visit

During a visit to Ireland, fired FBI Director James Comey said Friday that he was so ashamed of current U.S. immigration policies that he considered telling Irish customs officials that he was Canadian when he arrived.

“I am ashamed of the way my country has acted with respect of those children. I am disgusted, I am horrified, I am embarrassed, I’m ashamed,” he said.

Comey, who is on a promotional tour for his book, "A Higher Loyalty," arrived in Ireland with his wife this week.

"My wife and I were joking, not really joking; we wanted to tell the people on the customs line coming here that we were Canadian. And we were joking but it’s funny because it reveals a truth: I’m ashamed."

Comey blamed the U.S.-Mexico border crisis – in which scores of children were separated from their parents until President Donald Trump issued an executive order changing the policy – on political and economic conditions in Central America.

A day earlier, in an interview with the Guardian, Comey likened the detention centers for immigrants arriving in the U.S. to the Japanese internment camps during World II and the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.

Comey also told the Dublin crowd that his decision to reopen a case on Hillary Clinton’s alleged mishandling of emails just 11 days before the November 2016 presidential election was not motivated by politics. It was a decision many have blamed for her loss.

The former FBI director also reiterated his criticism of President Trump, whom he said is “morally unqualified for office.”

Comey ended by expressing confidence that the country’s “democratic institutions” will withstand any political fervors.

“The rule of law is spine,” he said. “No president serves long enough to screw that up. Donald Trump, even if he were competent, he could not screw that up.”


696f28 No.1874605

File: 49239d8aaea7451⋯.png (119.34 KB, 593x507, 593:507, ClipboardImage.png)


I put your info on twatter. It's getting traction. Thanks for the interesting links, dig is already getting deep.

Connected to the DOD

Agency Award 9700 = DOD

b4fae2 No.1874606


how about a link please

d42168 No.1874607

File: 885215b3ae9c7a8⋯.jpg (810.69 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180623-102613….jpg)


1eb8f1 No.1874608


Me too. I liked them as complicated as a knife and fork, easy to fix.

046b40 No.1874609


There is a table.

This is all old hat that has already circulated the board a few times.

4c4646 No.1874610


Feel for you, baker. It was a tough one for sure, no wonder we fell asleep. And yep, I'm good to bake whenever you're ready. Making a graphic just now, so popping in and out, will keep a closer eye now.

27a114 No.1874611


Your model sucks a big one.

e0219b No.1874612


The speech was given in march not may. I was here through it all being dissected.

64d281 No.1874613


Texas church forced to remove 'Christian Nation' billboard


5e0d4a No.1874615

File: a43d36e82a28240⋯.jpg (376.12 KB, 1799x709, 1799:709, 2018-06-23-08:28:52.jpg)


Yes strange.

Flight hours?

Waiting for a signal from someone on the ground to land and pick up someone/something?

No idea.

US Army Gulfstream now over S Hungary

R7 out

64d281 No.1874616

I have no doubt that the catholic religion is more or less an offshoot of a Moloch cult.


Vatican sentences ex-diplomat to 5 years in prison for having child porn


641da2 No.1874617


Please do.

84611f No.1874619


Redistricting usually takes a long time to execute because vast amounts of state resources are involved just in maintaining the precincts (notifying voters where they are supposed to go), but also because the process of changing usually involves state legislatures followed by court review.

How some campaign such as this could make any changes within the next few months is hard to envision.

Not saying it can't happen but it would be unusual.

All that being said, this is one more reason Obama belongs in a cage on a boat or in the basement of some far-off building.

f9f2da No.1874620

File: 8cb36eb4c92c2e9⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 3120x3320, 78:83, 6-23-18 HelperAnon.jpg)


>Happy Hunting

7e695f No.1874621


Thank you anon for the post. POTUS said it very succinctly.

ec557b No.1874622



3cce97 No.1874623

A Jones has been saying that TRUMP is NOT running in 2020? That Pence will take over. That is a scary thought, any truth to this?

88fb9f No.1874624


Is there any update in indictment numbers? Sealed/Unsealed? Anywhere?

f9f2da No.1874625

File: 361681d9bfff2db⋯.png (32.97 KB, 517x153, 517:153, ClipboardImage.png)


64d281 No.1874626

BO, you in here?

If so need you to delete some posts over on the Q&A bread.

I somehow got switched to it and did not notice until after posting a few post that are off topic in there.

3feb1d No.1874627


Read through his twitter timeline. WTF? Crazy and rich and into swinging. How many of them are out there?

a5ff2c No.1874628

Anyone know where to find:

A drag entertainer was caught on tape boasting about raping and killing kids

Pedogate, as the scandal became known, surfaced when Wikileaks released emails from John Podesta’s account in October 2016. The emails notably outed Hillary Clinton as a self-confessed “Molech” worshipper, and captured politicians ordering children for pedophile parties using fast-food code words. The Whitehouse, for instance, made a massive ‘fast food’ order, contravening policy dictating all food be prepared onsite using raw ingredients to counter the security risk posed by externally prepared foods. The trafficked kids were held in transit cellars within local Washington DC businesses, including a restaurant where a drag entertainer was caught on tape boasting about raping and killing kids. Clean FBI and NYPD officers made multiple attempts to charge Clinton and other VIP members of the trafficking ring, but their efforts were typically thwarted by those above them in the chain of command.

62e673 No.1874630


If it only involves dif place to go vote, may benefit republicans, since voters are more organized, imho

8fa8b7 No.1874631



he's on something, agree. would guess a cocktail of meds & toot.

hard to defeat cold, hard logic under that influence.

4ae1bd No.1874632


You must be a Newfag if you believe Alex Jones

He is a proven fraud

27a114 No.1874633


You're afraid.

05cdca No.1874634


"Purple Shovel?"

George Webb has been going on about Purple Shovel for ever. Can't remember exact details but rings a bell. I arrived here because of GW and stopped following him at that point. A lot of what he's been saying has proved correct. But he's a bit of an ambiguity - never quite sure what or when to trust him.

84e07e No.1874635


Q HELP lol

d0b89b No.1874636



stop believing MSM… and yeah, AJ is now MSM

and should be considered disinformation

3d8abd No.1874637



Both he and Ms Clinton are in Dublin this weekend. Comey is in town to speak at the Irish Film Institute in Temple Bar as part of a promotional tour to plug his explosive political memoir, A Higher Loyalty, while the former secretary of state is in the city to receive an honorary doctorate from Trinity College.

Asked by Sean O’Rourke on RTÉ radio what he might say were he to meet Ms Clinton on the streets of Dublin, Mr Comey said he would like to be able to persuade her that she is wrong in thinking he was the reason she lost the election.

“I’ve never spoken to her, I’ve never met her, but if I did meet her on St Stephen’s Green I would ask her if she’s had the chance to read that part of my book, just about those decisions, because I honestly don’t think you can learn about those decisions and walk away thinking that we were intending to harm her in some way.”

In her own account of her failed presidential bid, Ms Clinton has remarked, “I would have won but for James Comey’s letter on the 28th of October,” referring to the letter Mr Comey sent to the US Congress shortly before the election, saying that he was reopening the investigation into her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state under President Obama.

7e695f No.1874638


Pence wouldn't have been his running partner if he didn't agree with the plan. You don't plan for years and screw up for an untimely death,i.e. heart attack.

62dc00 No.1874639

File: d76d18cba1b0487⋯.png (553.83 KB, 725x632, 725:632, waldman.assange.png)

File: f6c75600f0324f3⋯.png (85.84 KB, 698x558, 349:279, waldman.deripaska.png)





af4c1a No.1874640


That was my first thought also. He's as high as a kite.

696e5a No.1874641


and it is WAY under-reported.

just like illegal crime in the USA.

e33f8c No.1874642

File: e9a2cba7ed54fcf⋯.png (208.33 KB, 1066x821, 1066:821, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)

File: 512e6f9bfa6e8d3⋯.png (209.06 KB, 868x765, 868:765, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)


wind farms….



6dbb33 No.1874643


>Its a message, route 17. Warning to red wave

17 = Q

You may be on to something there

1d28e3 No.1874644


Silkway Airlines Diplomatic Flights Used to Ship Billions Worth of Weapons from Eastern Europe to the Middle East


Shady in Haiti 3 – Diplomat Freight Service, USAID, DynCorp & Dubai


Depleted Uranium & White Phosphorus Part of Massive Weapons Smuggling Operation Involving US Contractors


99e844 No.1874645


Not necessarily. Go back to the map and zoom in close. There are turn around breaks in the median all along that stretch. Could have sat and waited anywhere. Or swerved straight across the grass. No guard rails there and it's not a ditch median, perfectly level with the road. Wirh that driver being dead they can spin it all kinds of ways. Loose end is already tied up.

60aeea No.1874646

File: 7ee4efe8351219a⋯.png (2.85 MB, 705x1410, 1:2, Melanne Verveer.png)


I have a folder for them.

Melanne Verveer, Vital Voices.


35a062 No.1874647



A J is a useful idiot but as much as I love POTUS and Q, all of what's happening I've suggested he may resign or something for a while. Fuck AJ but POTUS has a mission, once it's done, who knows. IJS.

724a79 No.1874648


Redistributing occurs after every census (every 10 years) per the apportionment clause in the Constitution. So after 2020 census, districts get redrawn. Hence why BO and Holder want to spend money to influence state elections…get D’s in there for the redistricting to gerrymander Republicans, conservatives, trumpers, etc.

62dc00 No.1874649

File: 5ce8da13fa31fbd⋯.png (378.47 KB, 1120x796, 280:199, waldman.depp.deripaska.SPY….png)

waldman depp

f56de8 No.1874650


Sorry, I didn't realize that's what you were trying to say. I didn't pay attention to the months during that whole ordeal

ec557b No.1874651


The Saipov guy who mowed down the argentines in NYC who is connected with the trucking company which is connected with the yellow cake transport or whatever. GW was also on top of that very early. You'd think he'd be dead if he were a black hat…

43baf4 No.1874652


Truth Brother

fd95a9 No.1874653


That would be a waste of a good boat or building. USMJ has their own ideas for seditionists.

ec557b No.1874654


Sorry, didn't finish my sentence. I'll just leave the link.


455208 No.1874655

Had an insane dream last night that 3 or 4 MS13 looking Hispanics hit a Costco in VA, killing a dozen or so people. It was setup to look like retribution for the 11 that just got arrested there but it was really to conceal a targeted hit on 1 individual and push more gun laws. This place has worked it's way into my subconscious.

09933b No.1874656


he's cooked - very confused thinking

agitated and defensive but trying to play it off - tapping his fingers and stuttering and cannot keep up with the questions

cokehead and a mouth breather

"one of my best friends is Steve Tisch"

who the fuck is that

60aeea No.1874657


90 hits on Podesta/Clinton.


724a79 No.1874658


Spin is def possible. Got any anons that can go to the scene and look at tire marks? Especially across the grassy median (knoll…couldn’t help myself)?

Also def think there’s a message…only good thing that can come from this is that she will probably win and maybe the driver will be an illegal immigrant.

3da404 No.1874659


Posts 1874500, 1874519 & 1874600?

5e0d4a No.1874660

>>1874409 POTUS calling this guy Lamb the Sham is likely a derivative of the old group Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs.


679c13 No.1874662

Tim Allen

Director of Program ManagementWashington D.C. Metro Area Government Administration


Purple Shovel


Lockheed Martin, Downrange Operations & Training, Xe / U.S. Training Center / Blackwater


Florida Institute of Technology


696e5a No.1874663

File: 012e2586c85690b⋯.jpg (91.8 KB, 732x677, 732:677, WH immigration stats 6 22 ….JPG)


4ae1bd No.1874664

Notables so Far

A WHOLE DIFFERENT SPIN concerning Obama’s speech at the Bilderberg Group Conference in Brussels, Belgium, on May 23, 2014.

724a79 No.1874665


Lamb is C_A. Total deep state.

e6fbff No.1874666



Can be confirmed. I helped collect notables while another anon grabbed notables from past bread. There were a shit load of shills yesterday. It was hard enough trying to get through all the notable posts let alone dealing with the shills baking. They even had Muh Bemis/Muh Penis bot in notables.

82b799 No.1874667

Just as a reminder about Tom Arnold:

TV's queen of crass, Roseanne Arnold, filed for divorce Monday after four years of publicity-ridden marriage, saying husband Tom Arnold had beaten and abused her.

Her divorce petition in Los Angeles County Superior Court cites "irreconcilable differences."

In addition, her husband was slapped with a restraining order. In her application for the restraining order against Arnold she declares that, "I now realize that I have been a classic battered and abused wife. Throughout our marriage the respondent hit me, struck me, has thrown objects at me, pinched me and verbally abused me."


2f5b8a No.1874668


"Wonder how much blood he has in his cocaine system"


23da24 No.1874669


Great Quote- here's another place too:

"The only real freedom a human being can ever know is doing what you ought to do because you want to do it."

AA Big Book pg 552

95aaaa No.1874670

Holy hell the Twitter "Latest" feed for #qanon looks like the 4/pol/ catalog

White chicks interracial

Paganism / Gnosticism posts


4ae1bd No.1874671


Trying again

Notables so Far

>>1874540 John McAfee Poisoned

>>1874494 A WHOLE DIFFERENT SPIN concerning Obama’s speech at the Bilderberg Group Conference in Brussels, Belgium, on May 23, 2014.

>>1874484, >>1874603, >>1874615 Planefag Updates

>>1874294 Trump shuts down federal office dictating guidelines for doctors

>>1874428 Vatican Tribunal Convicts former Holy See Diplomat for Possessing and Distributing Child Pornography

>>1874350 How (((jewish lobby))) destroyed US through immigration aka invasion.

>>1874173, >>1874276 Cryptic Message from Anon, Possibly Dig Worthy

>>1874247 Why does the Red Cross have Boxes & Boxes & Boxes full of cash?

>>1874143 Newly Elected Lawmaker, Katie Arrington, (SC) Seriously Injured in car accident

64d281 No.1874672


These can go.





Seems like a lot more in there that are not questions as well.

09023b No.1874673


Jesus is not talking about bloodlines

He is talking about an outward appearance of being Holy

But inside their heart they are wicked

Some Christians have the same problem

hypocrisy is not bound by race

e0219b No.1874674


Heres the transcript


heres the video. Given in March


60a503 No.1874675



09933b No.1874676


he's a complete nutjob

over and done

you know he's hiding something

4ae1bd No.1874677


Lucky You :)

97a47a No.1874678

File: 738ed4411be1c3a⋯.jpg (137.79 KB, 918x1104, 153:184, dog howl.jpg)


Screenshotted for posterity. Also, dubs.

f56de8 No.1874680


Regarding the Obama speech, another anon said that the speech was in March, and not May. If we can confirm that real quick, then it'll save us from wasting time digging into it

4ac443 No.1874681


Yes, still notable.

7afdb9 No.1874683


###Notable Baker###

Both HRC and Comey are in Ireland at the same time

Link to HRC being in Ireland


Link to Comey being in Ireland


e33f8c No.1874684

File: 78c3915eced947b⋯.png (424.4 KB, 1232x1007, 1232:1007, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)


06848b No.1874685

File: 9b1f76e5489d368⋯.jpg (87 KB, 916x404, 229:101, google news.jpg)


>how about a link please


Washington, D.C.: the Psychopath Capital of America


Psychopathy by U.S. State


It was headlined on DRUDGE this morning, but its odd when you go to google news and click on view all

60aeea No.1874686

File: 9473e1b72aedd49⋯.pdf (26.48 KB, Transition Meeting -- plea….pdf)


Thought it was close. Here's the PDF.


7e695f No.1874687


I too ultimately arrived on Q indirectly because of George Webb and the Imran Awan scandal(spy ring in Congress). I was talking about George Webb's investigating DWS to someone else and they mentioned Q.

e0219b No.1874688


Ijust did a few posts up

a142e6 No.1874689


He's got ALL the tapes of yesterdays news ? What a desperate moron. He must be [INTHEGAME] to be in panic mode like he is .

883269 No.1874690


Hasn't Trump already made preparations for his 2020 reelection?

Also, AJ is the biggest bullshitter anyway, that video he made is nothing but click bait.

4ae1bd No.1874691


I will just take out date :)

fd92b4 No.1874692


WSJ had a good article about it yesterday

09023b No.1874693


good advice


cc7b44 No.1874694


Didn't you watch the Duluth Rally? "Keep America Great" will be their 2020 slogan…so he will be running again.

412e20 No.1874695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah I've seen that video but the algorithms are keeping it hidden, here's a pathway.

2e7b90 No.1874696


his hand still disappears

3feb1d No.1874697

File: 5a5b703f1a6ece4⋯.png (6.79 KB, 255x196, 255:196, friendly pepe.png)


Yes, understood.

Only missing link for me is LRC to Apache. Uncle? Cousin?

HRC to Noble is a long-term ally and her best bundler who worked as their lobbyist.

5559f4 No.1874698

‘Ridiculous’ v ‘right thing to do’: Twitter split after Netflix fires communication boss over N-word

vs or v


a5ff2c No.1874699


POTUS and Paddock

95aaaa No.1874700

File: e93aeb9e719739e⋯.png (759.57 KB, 750x750, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

5e0d4a No.1874701

File: 9c3f5e401837b3d⋯.png (223 KB, 330x458, 165:229, ClipboardImage.png)


These guys were also likely C_A.

e0219b No.1874702


Yep :)

b4fae2 No.1874703


TY !!!!!

3da404 No.1874704


Your posts have been documented and deleted, as per request.


88fb9f No.1874706

File: 4cbaa7f6f7d4987⋯.png (76.44 KB, 889x730, 889:730, ClipboardImage.png)


17 seconds of Silence?

<pic related

127002 No.1874707

File: e8150333e143f4e⋯.png (532.3 KB, 1080x1269, 40:47, Screenshot_20180623-201213….png)

File: 34ba2d0cf4c052b⋯.jpg (28.46 KB, 620x620, 1:1, IMG_20180623_195330.jpg)

File: 24a5c419eff5c37⋯.jpg (21.93 KB, 671x122, 11:2, IMG_20180623_195323.jpg)

60a503 No.1874708


dunno. just saw it that way this time.

4ae1bd No.1874709


Maybe re-post whole thing in next bread with good graphics?

64d281 No.1874710



Sorry for shitting up that bread.

1d28e3 No.1874711

File: a2ad69faf0034e9⋯.png (43.74 KB, 527x189, 527:189, Orbital_ATKLOGO.png)

File: d57362e449f2e7f⋯.png (55.1 KB, 1024x397, 1024:397, CHEMRINGLOGO.png)

File: 3dfddaf3f3619bb⋯.png (9.75 KB, 159x41, 159:41, Silk_Way_Airlines_logo.png)


>Depleted Uranium & White Phosphorus Part of Massive Weapons Smuggling Operation Involving US Contractorshttps://steemit.com/weapons-smuggling/@v4vapid/depleted-uranium-and-white-phosphorus-part-of-massive-weapons-smuggling-operation-by-us-contractors


These US contractors are profiting off the US taxpayer, purchasing and smuggling weapons illegally with the use of civilian aircraft and diplomatic immunity aboard Silkway Airlines. The history of both Orbital ATK and Chemring indicate that the types of undisclosed weapons transported across the Middle East are likely to be Depleted Uranium and White Phosphorus among others.

f56de8 No.1874712


TY. The Obama post should be removed from notables then


43baf4 No.1874713

Is it me or is this purple shovel starting to smell a lot like that civil rico bullshit. same push pattern

a42698 No.1874714


YEAH tweeker imo

641da2 No.1874715


Just did a search for Michael Polsky in Wikileaks. Shows up 111 times.


bba27e No.1874716

File: 2706612103515a6⋯.png (4.39 MB, 2516x1986, 1258:993, 2018-06-23_10-30-23.png)


Your evil, your violence, and your rape of the world.

History repeats itself.

No one will be there to help you when the next Genghis Khan comes.

3a17aa No.1874717


Still, We only need two or three thank the baker posts.

Having repeated posts of naked, shaved, silicone, shiny, food covered, questionable aged women seen over and over is sliding.

Regardless of whether you think it is “porn”.

It is sliding.

5f53a9 No.1874718


>hypocrisy is not bound by race

No kidding….my issue is with morons that

have turned a group of fraudsters into deities

Deities that overwhelmingly deny Christ and

often work in direct opposition to his values

and teachings

4ae1bd No.1874719


Why remove?

696f28 No.1874720

File: c4d83fd10f22c82⋯.png (83.04 KB, 513x484, 513:484, ClipboardImage.png)


CEO of Purple Shovel…

Last post Ft Meade. Made E-6


f56de8 No.1874721


But the whole premise rests on Obama being somewhere else in May, and not at the Belgium speech. But if the speech was in March, then it's a moot point. This should not be included in notables

1d28e3 No.1874722



can you splain more?

1eb8f1 No.1874723

File: 8357e74e6805e43⋯.jpg (364.63 KB, 1827x661, 1827:661, 2JBMF 23 Jun 18 1540.jpg)

Looks like play time is over for 2-JBMF. Headed South now.

e33f8c No.1874724

File: ca323fe6378c1c0⋯.png (255.64 KB, 959x1213, 959:1213, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)

File: 66e92d788689101⋯.png (67.4 KB, 933x251, 933:251, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)


are we still digging Invenergy?

4ac443 No.1874725



Let's get back to the physician working only for the patient.

Now you know why govt pushed for electronic medical records.

Total fuckery.

b4fae2 No.1874726


ATK was just bought by Grumman

7e695f No.1874727


Katie Arrington. Were "they" tracking her?!?! I think this is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. This is war.

696e5a No.1874728


picking up where who hussein left off with the apolody tours.

60a503 No.1874729

File: f1b61fa9f1cbb9d⋯.png (1001.78 KB, 2097x1068, 699:356, ClipboardImage.png)

4c4646 No.1874730

File: e08187fcad5bc69⋯.jpg (19.35 KB, 480x480, 1:1, e08187fcad5bc6974b591fba2c….jpg)


We really were under fire, it was difficult. Bemis in notables? Laughing not laughing.

81cfb0 No.1874731

File: b6a6280b538b652⋯.jpeg (372.04 KB, 1125x1597, 1125:1597, 1DF9925E-E727-4816-BD82-2….jpeg)

883269 No.1874732


Can you really NOT see that this douche just wants attention, in order to drum up interest in his new show?

He's doing the same thing to the left, as his ex wife, Roseanne, did to the right.

4ae1bd No.1874733


OK, hard for a baker to read a big post like that and mind the bread :)

641da2 No.1874734


I'm still digging

57941e No.1874735

CNN is showing a pattern of interviewing people while under the influence. They should be called out for it. 1 Sam Nunberg 2. Stormey Daniels 3. Tom Arnold.

09933b No.1874736


he has nothing

he's scared, but why

7bb306 No.1874737


That's some heavy question dodging. Sad!

d7d756 No.1874738


Pic 1: NASA-like logo

Pic 2: owl logo

Pic 3: "Y" logo

"Do you believe in coincidences?"

f56de8 No.1874739


No worries. We're all here to work as a team

1d28e3 No.1874740


how else do they communicate in private but in a bathroom stall together?

c5cd7c No.1874741


Got to be high to go on cnn…

7969f3 No.1874742


>Hasn't Trump already made preparations for his 2020 reelection?

When you think about it, POTUS never really stopped campaigning.

I have nothing to say about that other topic, [Time to move on]

84377e No.1874743

It will be amazing to watch when Trump ends JFK's Executive order 10988 (the order that lifted the ban on govt unions). The swamp will drain very very quickly soon thereafter.

09023b No.1874744



no no no

not Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs!

046b40 No.1874745


WTF is it with calling all the old shit notable today?

This is not new or even newsworthy

62e673 No.1874747


When we go low they go high

3a17aa No.1874748


Isn’t that what “smart meters” are about?

IIRC, they already charge more for peak times in some places.

I live in BFE rural area so not affected yet but…

4ae1bd No.1874749



68f9a9 No.1874750

Oh yeah, it’s Saturday.

Weekend Warriors are here…

Have fun

5559f4 No.1874753



b4fae2 No.1874754


now you know why Space Force !! audits and tracking

4ac443 No.1874755


That $$$ goes to the lawyer anon.

The patient typically gets very little.

Totally fucked.

5c0f0e No.1874758


Not Q, but I don't think it is a LARP.

Feeling that it is an insider whistle blower wanting to get the truth out. Using the board to bring this to the surface. Out from the dark to the light.

Terrible thought, but could it be that no action was taken to help the Embassy because they had to end the operation?

7969f3 No.1874759

File: 215749fdb605be0⋯.jpeg (14.67 KB, 255x231, 85:77, Im the media now.jpeg)


Welcome to 8ch

2e07fd No.1874760


Looking good, baker. The doctor 'freedom' is REALLY important. We still got honest good docs out there.

Red cross = 'red crescent' = symbolisms.


The only time (((shills))) cause damage is if they manage to cause a conflict by getting people to turn on each other, usually by pissing off Patriots then causing bans etc.

I see the jidf is treading more carefully this morning. Decided to turn off the mockery and outright glowing and went to ip hopping one posts and sliding about religion.

Idiots, the lot of them. I bet MSS and SVR are looking at this shit thinking "thank fuck we told the jews to fuck off"

544291 No.1874761


4ae1bd No.1874762


When was this?

a5ff2c No.1874763

File: f9be2ab61b37952⋯.webm (15.6 MB, 480x360, 4:3, videoplayback.webm)

43baf4 No.1874764


They kept pushing the civil case hard. Now I'm noticing the same pattern. Both were pushed as notable. Both were thrown out and backed hard in the same way.

09933b No.1874765


sell me your cheeldren.

how much for thee cheeldren?

e33f8c No.1874766

File: 3ca489c74270c28⋯.png (449.64 KB, 915x673, 915:673, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)



just found this


4e2bd1 No.1874767

File: 6e8ce825cdc3223⋯.jpg (565 KB, 1775x1200, 71:48, Spitfire.jpg)

64d281 No.1874768


No sir, there are ACTUAL caps on monetary amount that can be awarded by a judge for doctor's.

In Texas that cap is set at 250K.

c45e92 No.1874769


You never stop campaigning. Democrats have always understood that and hopefully Trump does too.

7969f3 No.1874770


I'd like to take this time out to thank our


09933b No.1874771

File: 4f2c37ce7faf7e4⋯.png (413.43 KB, 1024x559, 1024:559, stand-as-one.png)

a7fd9c No.1874772



>>1874376, >>1874553, >>1874598 purple Shovel: DoD contracts shipping millions in weapons SYRIA, Belarus, Azerbaijan

(not notables)



7afdb9 No.1874773


Not new?

Article written Saturday, June 23, 2018

Is it already in the notables can im not seeing it!!!!!!

SO Take your WTF and put it up your ass.

The article was June 23 and the other article confirming HRC is there is from june 21st


8fa8b7 No.1874774

File: aeed046b643eba3⋯.jpg (107.18 KB, 666x585, 74:65, History-ROTH-Holy-See-1823….jpg)


>1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See.

Mentions of Vatican in this Notable from #2355

>>1869324 History of the House of Rothschild (pdf)

Note the transpition of dates btw this & Q crumb.

Also what happened in 1832.

>start follow any and all suspected

and/or "royal". Might be a lead?


>Santos Abril y Castillo, a Spaniard who is based in Rome and is a close friend of the pope’s.


>5% interest per annum - that's the key.

Agree, compounded. Exponential curves are a helluva ride up.

a142e6 No.1874775

File: d83c2f9e48d91db⋯.jpg (486.29 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, d83c2f9e48d91dbc7ce422e69a….jpg)

>>1874736 Probably this !!

4ac443 No.1874776


Much wisdom in this post.


696e5a No.1874777

How Mexican officials plan to make Mexico great - on the backs of US Citizens - THIS has to be STOPPED.

Mexico’s Next President Tells Country: They “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States”…

Through overwhelming the Southern border regions, the nation of Mexico will be able to influence local U.S. laws and overwhelm the local U.S. political structures. The Ameri/Mex zone penetrates into the U.S. and provides a (((borderless opening for migration, trade, commerce and the education of Mexican citizens through the utilization of U.S. social and economic systems.)))


5da725 No.1874778

Relevant quote Hoover made in The Elks Magazine (August 1956).

The menace of communism in this country will remain a menace until the American people make themselves aware of the techniques of communism. No one who truly understands what it really is can be taken in by it. Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.


883269 No.1874779

New Q incoming

046b40 No.1874780


Sure, the article may be dated today, but we've known for a long time that they would both be there at the same time!

7969f3 No.1874781

File: 436c8e16ffd0ab1⋯.png (841.5 KB, 720x663, 240:221, ClipboardImage.png)

641da2 No.1874783



Looks like Invenergy received $531,915,559 in Federal Subsidies.

http://www. governing.com/topics/finance/gov-companies-receiving-largest-federal-subsidies.html

09933b No.1874784


and then turns on the gas…

a142e6 No.1874785

File: e291a99b9f083c6⋯.jpg (102.68 KB, 331x441, 331:441, 4d309a7a3b.jpg)


Good to know thanQ

1d28e3 No.1874786


On June 7, 2018, the acquisition of Orbital ATK was completed and the former company was absorbed in Northrop Grumman as a new business sector called Innovation Systems. [18


4ac443 No.1874787

File: 21bb6d30111197d⋯.jpeg (14.67 KB, 255x231, 85:77, pepe_media.jpeg)



b4fae2 No.1874788

7f0ae4 No.1874789

File: 23136709577c408⋯.jpeg (201.95 KB, 1133x863, 1133:863, 247DE875-9320-4D10-99FD-9….jpeg)

e32d74 No.1874790

60a503 No.1874791

File: ba1cf54ee389347⋯.png (927.7 KB, 1120x697, 1120:697, ba1cf54ee389347dad1d856e71….png)

f56de8 No.1874792


LOL, which ebot posts made it to the notables? I hope they were at least funny ones. And spoopy trips

b4fae2 No.1874793


yep i know i work there

8fa8b7 No.1874794


listen to the end of the interview again.


>"I'm not F'in around" he says twice.

"I have a 5 yr old & a 2 yr old (sic)"

e0219b No.1874795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Look at this poor bloke on his own

d7d756 No.1874796

7afdb9 No.1874797

Do not let the shills win

they are trying to influence what is


HRC and Comey being in Ireland at the same damn time is fucking



^Comey article written today, June,23,2018


^HRC in Ireland, article written June,21,2018

Fucking Notable

06848b No.1874798

File: 74ac2abceb275c2⋯.jpg (132.79 KB, 535x751, 535:751, glow much.jpg)


> #qanon looks like the 4/pol/ catalog

>Paganism / Gnosticism posts




7324e9 No.1874799



helper anon on deck?

05cdca No.1874801


Lots of digs been done on Purple Shovel by GWebb followers. Best place to get a head start is probably GW Trello.


09933b No.1874802


meeting with their druid frens

e33f8c No.1874803

File: b16b11ccc873a3c⋯.png (221.12 KB, 881x1135, 881:1135, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)

File: 541e1761a9b87d8⋯.png (310.83 KB, 867x1130, 867:1130, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)



Durbin/Obummer related pics

57941e No.1874804

File: 9c81f1a697726e7⋯.png (21.28 KB, 691x154, 691:154, sara.PNG)


43baf4 No.1874805


It's not organic. Its coordinated. You can't fake organic no matter how hard you try.

278326 No.1874806


Learned a new word huh? Good for you…

7969f3 No.1874807

File: e44db474f5ca266⋯.png (300.5 KB, 768x491, 768:491, ClipboardImage.png)




bb801e No.1874808


For the sake of my marriage I hope you're right

4c4646 No.1874809

File: 4ccd5a31067ccf4⋯.jpg (73.18 KB, 620x487, 620:487, 4ccd5a31067ccf44289ec182f7….jpg)


Request to 'Call Out Notables' Doesn't Mean You Call Your Own Out

Here's looking at you, newfags

a42698 No.1874810


east texas is a staging point for dfw illegals drugs more

b22a40 No.1874811


Only cabal plans remain fixed, ignoring tactical threats and opportunities as they develop.

The Divine Move is never expected.

046b40 No.1874812


You telling me you didn't know they were both going to be there at the same time?

Where've you been?

f56de8 No.1874813

File: 5921fb3c2ed1eb6⋯.jpg (79.95 KB, 900x516, 75:43, 5921fb3c2ed1eb68ebdb46318b….jpg)

82b799 No.1874814


Yes and he tries to connect Scaramucci and Bannon to weapons trafficking and says Flynn was a plant in Trump campaign and apart of Barry cabal.

2e07fd No.1874815


Is there a program for picking out posts via ID? Would appreciate share. Makes it easier to pick out (((shills))).

3a17aa No.1874816


That is good news.

May he die slowly while parts of his body dissolve into slime and slough off, with an intolerable stench so horrible that no payment will be large enough to entice anyone to provide care.

e33f8c No.1874817

File: 189b9293f197e46⋯.png (115.08 KB, 926x519, 926:519, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)


Sarah Sanders tweet

4e2bd1 No.1874818


AJ = clown

Trump already said 2020 slogan "KEEP AMERICA GREAT" KAG

64d281 No.1874819


That's right!

The druids met up at Stone Hinge yesterday and lastnight for their ceremony.

That's the only time when Stone Henge is actually allowed to be touched by visitors (without a permit) is during the solstices, summer and winter.

3b353e No.1874820

Here's a question for Q:

How in the hell did a 187 happened to this FBI agent who was going to testify against the Hillary and Hussein cover up in fast & furious? Why wasn't he and his family in witsec?

http://www.neonnettle. com/features/1398-fbi-agent-who-exposed-hillary-clinton-s-cover-up-found-dead

a41fe8 No.1874821


Christopher went to Hitlery and told her he didnt like weapons being funneled to terroriats. Right after that she cut security detail. Then moved securitybto local terrorist linked militia.. was less than a month and Bengahzi happened.

88fb9f No.1874822


That is a frightening thought…OSU has a reactor.

e32d74 No.1874823


4ae1bd No.1874824


Can you quickly title it

7969f3 No.1874825


countdown to Red Hen local boycotts begins now…

05cdca No.1874826


Take the good and leave the bad, imo. No need to discard all. That's what we should be doing with everything, anyway, even the stuff that's posted here. Or, perhaps, ESPECIALLY the stuff that's posted here. Use your discernment and truth antennae to filter lies from truth.

60a503 No.1874827


sounds like the only people who can't walk the streets is republicans….

1c6caa No.1874828






this is division fagging

cc7b44 No.1874829


Sheep have no class, and act on emotions.

502dd3 No.1874830


Witness protection is comped. I posted about it about a month ago - being used to hid terrorists. I'm sure it would have done no good for this FBI agent that was 187'd.

57941e No.1874831

POTUS' tweets are not showing up on my home page or when they do it is long after he tweeted them. I've noticed it for a few days now.

f56de8 No.1874832


Hit Control-F. Then enter the ID into the search box to find all posts by that ID

43baf4 No.1874833


East Texas has 1,000's of mile of barren nothing. Great place to start smuggling anything in. I do hear mil helo's flying over my house daily so hoping the patrol can catch and kill.

ff690f No.1874834

What safeguards do Comey and Hillary still have that allows them to be free?

155b96 No.1874835


another instance of /ourguys/ not being able to walk down the street



e80b10 No.1874836

a142e6 No.1874837

File: 64ca8446bf55b07⋯.jpg (10.66 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 64ca8446bf55b076254da0fd82….jpg)

b4fae2 No.1874838


yeah MY GOD i used to live in albany OSU was full of SJW cucks in the late 90's WTF

bba27e No.1874839

File: cb5d6796fdad6fc⋯.png (685.7 KB, 781x576, 781:576, 2018-06-23_10-55-27.png)

File: 5cd1358fb6da48b⋯.png (178.99 KB, 475x268, 475:268, 2018-06-23_10-55-58.png)

File: 3950f6334f954ce⋯.png (606.66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2018-06-23_10-56-26.png)

File: 87c1340720f3463⋯.png (213.24 KB, 409x279, 409:279, 2018-06-23_10-56-47.png)

File: e2fec535ebc8c8a⋯.png (648.78 KB, 1082x459, 1082:459, 2018-06-23_10-57-20.png)


Their hatred of everything good and love of violence that never learns from their past.

History repeats itself.

The next Genghis Khan will come, and no one will be there to stand with you.


05cdca No.1874840


According to GW the answer is: yes, as I recall.

4e2bd1 No.1874841


there is whole Q & A thread

post there


64d281 No.1874842


> barren nothing.

HAVE you ever been to east teaxs?

It's not fucking barren!!!

They don't call it the Piney Woods for no reason.

4ae1bd No.1874843

393aad No.1874844


No period at the end of the last sentence. I don't tweet. Does that mean anything? There was a Brad Parscale tweet posted earlier that an anon pointed out was also missing a period.

82b799 No.1874845


I used to until he started harping on Gen Flynn for the past month.

09933b No.1874846


nah, you've had enough attention at this point

time to go do another line bud

f56de8 No.1874847

File: 3a32f6293b27af8⋯.png (1.76 MB, 2007x1128, 669:376, IMG_0260.png)


Get in the van, kike

3a17aa No.1874848


Joe Jackson has terminal cancer.

c45e92 No.1874850



Underrated post. Pretty fucking notable.

05cdca No.1874851


He has some true patriots for followers and they are the ones who have done a lot of the digging, some of which can be found on his Trello.


09933b No.1874852


'tis the season, laddie

99e844 No.1874853

File: bf6d1a8357f456b⋯.jpg (208.13 KB, 978x774, 163:129, 20180623_105720.jpg)

Tweet from SC governor. Who knew what she was needed for I wonder…

502dd3 No.1874854



but is this what we are coming to - restaurants can turn you away and refuse to serve you based on where you work/political beliefs? It is BULLSHIT. We must STAND AND FIGHT!

43baf4 No.1874855


Sorry, was thinking of west Texas. East Texas is not barren. I hunt over in Huntsville.

fd92b4 No.1874856

File: 6b0fa9833058c23⋯.png (165.35 KB, 1101x568, 1101:568, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)

File: c1d06aa9f93c56a⋯.png (36.93 KB, 715x116, 715:116, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)

File: 4568b4801199512⋯.png (166.54 KB, 687x337, 687:337, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)



62dc00 No.1874857

File: 03c8d351df3e1b6⋯.png (159.84 KB, 486x679, 486:679, macrin.mondialiste.png)

File: 88d4ac02bbb6735⋯.png (204.85 KB, 553x498, 553:498, hollyweird.candidate.png)

File: 390c35d553c3d78⋯.png (211.66 KB, 506x439, 506:439, black.pope.png)

c3984a No.1874858

File: 7b1033acb434bd8⋯.png (229.92 KB, 523x428, 523:428, ClipboardImage.png)

64d281 No.1874859


Was starting to wonder if you had looked at the map of the area! KEK!

82b799 No.1874860


Ya ETX is beautiful country.

b8baee No.1874862


George Webb had episodes addressing UN cargo planes transporting heroin from Pakistan/Afghanistan back to UN headquarters. So along with drugs and gunrunning, what else?

061a12 No.1874863


Guess who's been behind the FEtards


3a17aa No.1874864


East Texas is a warren of meth houses, run by violent inbred psychopaths, hidden amongst glorious pine trees.

Have relatives around Tyler and Nacadoches.

64d281 No.1874865

Bet this protest was muslim filled.


Thousands of pro-EU demonstrators march against Brexit


cc360b No.1874866

File: c3ebf6761f4a29e⋯.png (380.93 KB, 1420x865, 284:173, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d205cc4c5ec4fb5⋯.png (117.65 KB, 1097x912, 1097:912, ClipboardImage.png)


UN explosive hazard classification system and codes:


(archived: http://archive.li/5J5LM)


d0b89b No.1874867

File: 312e84fb06aebe8⋯.png (65.12 KB, 348x241, 348:241, fuck-red-hen.png)

696f28 No.1874868

File: b09cc1031099f47⋯.png (52.76 KB, 532x288, 133:72, ClipboardImage.png)

Do we need to dig into the owner of the Red Hen in Lexington VA?

60a503 No.1874871

File: f068a987e256f9a⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1214x725, 1214:725, ClipboardImage.png)


Hill Country

f56de8 No.1874873

696e5a No.1874876

File: 41dfe19f187d4e8⋯.jpg (44.25 KB, 568x491, 568:491, POTUS tax payers illegal i….JPG)


on the backs of US Citizens

2e07fd No.1874877


See this is why the desire to fight back has to be world wide. I hope the white hats in mexico feel the same way.


I would recommend this for notable, baker. Good words.


Entirety of the first few books in the bible are dedicated towards description of bloodlines and geneaology. Expand your thinking. Kumbayaa is not the goddamn answer, niggers.


shut your damned mouth and fuck off like yesterday, jidf. We see you clear.


Appreciated, thank you.


You are closer to the truth than you think.

Notice how muzzies don't ever talk about khan and how they got fucked six ways from sunday for fucking with the wrong race?

They even take the name of the most prolific killer and rapist of mudslime women in history and take it as their own.

typical middle eastern bullshit.


.Santos Abril y Castillo

we know the jews intermingled with spaniards and borgios and medicis had deep ties to the jewish money lenders.

4ae1bd No.1874878


3a17aa No.1874879


Not east Texas.

That is central Texas.

3b353e No.1874880


Since there was only a brief struggle, this suggest the agent knew his attacker, may have even let him in his house or apartment and then took him by surprise. It had to have been done by a professional since the Baltimore Police are baffled and offering a reward for information leading to what happened.

186a44 No.1874881


Minimally it should be a target of TheGreatMemeWar

Sarah is ourgal and we lover her.

64d281 No.1874882


Now your in the right neighborhood.

Meth houses always getting busted, and lately growers as well, even though you can drive down a state highway and find huge wild crops of weed.

82b799 No.1874883


Not saying that doesn't happen, bc I believe it does, but did you know his "source" on a lot of that info "Deep Uranium" was a paid FBI informant for many years? Tried to setup patriots for crimes. Deep Uranium/Rock Hudson is a fraud.

e33f8c No.1874884

File: 3f9b0ace5243476⋯.png (538.31 KB, 935x974, 935:974, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at ….png)

Pompeo tweet

fd95a9 No.1874885

File: a9aabd1cc8c589d⋯.png (44.14 KB, 401x239, 401:239, redhengross.png)


Sounds like a fine establishment.

60a503 No.1874886


i know. was just pointing out. lots of varying geography in texas.

1c6caa No.1874887


not notable

article does not state any such bullshit

already placed in notable PB and removed

ee5a3d No.1874889

Texasfag lurking and laughing

1d28e3 No.1874890


probably transferred all the pallets of cash too.

The money Obama "gave to Iran".

I wonder where the money really ended up.

In whose hands?

NO way the money was given to Iranians/Persians.

3b353e No.1874891



c45e92 No.1874892


If roles were reversed the restaurant would be a national pariah and the owner and managers would be household names.


7969f3 No.1874893


maybe character limit, if you want to look deeper into it, no period ending the sentence = it's not over

403c16 No.1874894


stupid, silly woman. The owner

7324e9 No.1874895

883269 No.1874896


Should be the target of a molotov cocktail…Jk , jk..

43baf4 No.1874897


I've got a stand over by the Nat Forrest. Not a fan of the new antler rules but I get it. Need to get more matures out that way.

cc7b44 No.1874898


RED - as in Communist.

2e07fd No.1874900


Also, for the record, I believe this 1c6caa is the EXACT same if not buddies of that fucking jew shill cunt that was pissing off Patriots yesterday.

Notice the syntaxes, notice the slides, notice the same scripted narratives. No content, all jewish bullshit. We see how they talk.

'muhjoo' fucking idiiots.

> 1c6caa

Would it not be funny if we set this one's posts as a notable for how jidf acts

e0219b No.1874901


As a farm to table restaurant they should be glad potus supports farmers. Maybe find out what farms supply her

641da2 No.1874902



It point that I'm trying to make is that Obama wasn't there. It doesn't matter what speech it was. He was inserted in. Then I was trying to figure out why.

62dc00 No.1874903

File: 70a287ccc526fb6⋯.png (330.98 KB, 750x481, 750:481, no.hell.png)

all is well

7e47c2 No.1874904


Can't have an opinion at restaurants.

But Damn it, Bake My FAG CAKE or I'LL SUE!



WE, still WIN!!!

05fe4c No.1874906

File: aae9248f46abe39⋯.jpg (146.47 KB, 646x838, 323:419, shadilay.jpg)


I'll take care of this.

06848b No.1874907

File: 6c2157be2118af4⋯.jpg (33.29 KB, 383x1309, 383:1309, COMEY OH SHIT.jpg)


>This is a treasure trove of documentation of Obama's gun running schemes. It's not just Benghazi. Lot's of big names, lot's of digging to be done here.


559a47 No.1874908

File: dd9c9b58e98f22a⋯.jpg (130.51 KB, 619x464, 619:464, happening - Copy.jpg)

good morning anons

no update on Q&A yet?

something big is habbening


e32d74 No.1874909



82b799 No.1874910


Lot of poor people. But also a lot of amazing people. The meth and opioid shit seems to target those areas. Lack of good jobs is the main problem.

43baf4 No.1874912


Love that 360 bridge.

57941e No.1874913

POTUS tweeted 17 mins ago and it still does not appear on my home page. Today I'm going to time how long his tweets take to show up for me. They have only been showing up in the ' in case you missed' section

7e695f No.1874914


Interesting how Tom Arnold says the 2,300 children illegally crossing will NEVER again be reunited with their parents. Notice how it is said from their perspective projecting onto the President. Last night Bill Maher joked about FLOTUS drinking a cup of blood. Again, projection. Pay attention exactly to their innuendo; it's enlightening. Tells you exactly how THEY THINK and what THEY DO.

60a503 No.1874915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS Weekly Address

b41b16 No.1874916

File: 2e31b1775db9e5e⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1231x886, 1231:886, Alone 2.PNG)

794727 No.1874917


Jim Stone says federal mandate was in 2005:


4ac443 No.1874918


Put all pedos in with gen pop lifers.

Let Natural Prison Order take place.


559a47 No.1874920

File: bcb8f63ae8961a5⋯.jpg (223.14 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, fixproblem.jpg)

883269 No.1874921


You can't fight the enemy if you refuse to recognize them.

fc9665 No.1874922


Alinsky tactics.

a67cbd No.1874923

File: 733cfd650e574f9⋯.jpg (79.42 KB, 922x1024, 461:512, pepestealmeme.jpg)

64d281 No.1874924

The epitome of stupid.


Bill Maher calls out Trump, says recession could end his presidency


82b799 No.1874925


ARSENAL in Bulgaria = No Name

7324e9 No.1874926


and soros filled.

f33bdc No.1874927


Same here

b02825 No.1874928


Meagan says: notable

1d28e3 No.1874929

Maybe Hillary is flying all over to try to clean/cover up illegal Clinton Foundation Donations

Ireland, Clinton Foundation Sign $158 … - Kaiser Health News


Ireland, Clinton Foundation Sign $158.2 Million Agreement To Provide AIDS Drugs to Mozambique. Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern on Monday signed an agreement with former President Bill Clinton to donate up to $158.2 million to the William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation for the purchase of antiretroviral drugs for HIV-positive people in …

5f53a9 No.1874930


Made sure they got a great review…

84377e No.1874932

File: 80efc111d2e1ca1⋯.jpg (517.85 KB, 1079x1833, 83:141, Screenshot_20180623-101114.jpg)

File: 24b93e375d3d6bd⋯.jpg (229.1 KB, 1072x991, 1072:991, Screenshot_20180623-101129.jpg)



Wonder if it has anything to do with this? Same with comey and hildabeast in Ireland. Coincidence?

64d281 No.1874933


Knew I was forgetting something, thanks anon.

8c604f No.1874934


the sixth finger?

a142e6 No.1874935

File: 4fddcfb6ab5a69f⋯.jpg (12.35 KB, 169x255, 169:255, d959e539a41812a15fe6841943….jpg)

3a17aa No.1874936


Most people have no clue as to how big the state actually is.

Once had an airline try to “reschedule” me after bumping me from last flight to Austin. They booked me to San Antonio because it was “close by”.

I laughed.

Then demanded a hotel, vouchers and a check…which I got.

f33bdc No.1874937


Thx antifag

62dc00 No.1874938

File: 5e4bb5424778176⋯.jpg (29.73 KB, 800x533, 800:533, wonderful.fiji.jpg)

File: b9c688cffc5796f⋯.jpg (14.48 KB, 300x223, 300:223, aria.jpg)

File: cdebb0ee16c92c3⋯.jpg (40.48 KB, 514x388, 257:194, fiji.Wakaya.jpg)

File: c567e79e79d0f2f⋯.jpg (16.47 KB, 480x328, 60:41, RESNICK.HRC.jpg)

883269 No.1874939


Trying to find a place to hide.

fc9665 No.1874941


Soros has been busy throwing money into Irish politics. Ireland will become a communist Muslim shithole soon, I fear.

64d281 No.1874942


They should have put a no-fly on her.

33b1f9 No.1874943

File: 780a95a83486f00⋯.png (21.62 KB, 304x288, 19:18, 780a95a83486f00b651fb356a6….png)



e33f8c No.1874944



559a47 No.1874946



omg, i never thought id get out of texas

0b30f1 No.1874947


Tired of information. That's all we ever get is info. Just run them out of business. FAST!

Send protesters to block entrance, go after their suppliers. Go in with table for 2 or 4, order 1 cheapest thing on menu,make a mess, make a scene and stay for 1&1/2 hours. Challenge them at every turn.

4ae1bd No.1874949






641da2 No.1874950



Wasn't it Q that told us to look at Obama's exit?

60a503 No.1874951


pay attention to what he says during the brief camera cuts shot from his right

fd92b4 No.1874953


IDIOT… he was not set to testify


jesus christ the amateurs on this board

be69b7 No.1874954


in other words, you take our money, we'll take yours. getting cut off from their source of blood money (immigrant children) is hurting these fuckers.

43baf4 No.1874955


Texas us huge. It takes an entire day to get from el Paso to Austin

64d281 No.1874956


That was just west to east, try going southern tip to northern tip…KEK!

696f28 No.1874957

File: 151c13e50a9c6ea⋯.png (55.37 KB, 442x306, 13:9, ClipboardImage.png)

3a17aa No.1874961


All fucking day.

Like 950 miles.

559a47 No.1874962


done that also

to brownsville

5f53a9 No.1874963


That was sarcasm moron…lemme guess I left your kike ass bruised and bleeding earlier in the thread?

82b799 No.1874964


Hahaha! I did the drive Miami out of FL. Felt the same way.

f9f2da No.1874965


>Helper Anon drops crumbs on FF/gunrunning:

I made a graphic of all the post → >>1874620

and will post the completed one in the next bread!


>Is there a program for picking out posts via ID?

Not that I know of, Anon…

I just click ID and scroll down to find post!

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