[–]▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1719707>>1721221 >>1731889 >>1734336 >>1754101 >>1754157 >>1776712 >>1826725 >>1854157 >>1940230 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
The purpose of this thread is to trace back the Nordic World Order. My theory (which might be wrong) is that the Vikings actually come from the remnants of the Phoenicians who were originally Canaanites who believed in Child Sacrifice. Is it possible this 'clan' worked behind the scenes throughout history and meddled with the rise and fall of some of the biggest empires in history? Are they still meddling today? I don't have the space, but I also posit that they were pirates, skull and bones, and also lead to the Nazi's.
To start the conversation off, I compiled a few quick facts about related topics, but by no means is this thread limited to this. Whatever you think might be related, please share.
Who were the Phoenicians?
* Original Canaanites (worshipped Baal, child sacrifices, etc)
* Supplied King Solomon with Silver
* Arose to power and prosperity with the Bronze Age Collapse which weakened/destroyed the Egyptian and Hittite empires in 1200 BCE
* Famous for Tyrian Purple (Phoenician is related to the word Purple), which was beloved by royalty due to it's rarity.
* Conquered 600 years later by Persia, and were reduced to being Ship Builders, they were essentially obliterated later by Roman conquest.
* Syria region was significant to the Phoenician Empire
* Allegedly, Phoenician artefacts were found in North America
* Ships very similar to Vikings, with Red/White Striped Sails
Who were the Sea Peoples?
* Great historical mystery (that we are going to SOLVE)
* I alleged they were some sort of FF Phoenician Navy
* Blamed for the Bronze Age collapse which led to the Phoenicians becoming the most powerful traders in the world.
* Did coastal raids
Who were the Vikings?
* Did coastal raids in the 800's CE
* Not much known about them until their raids began
* Descendants ascended to the British Throne from 1013-1035 CE
* Settled Newfoundland in 1000 CE
* Ships very similar to Phoenicians, with Red/White Striped Sails
Who was Christopher Columbus?
* Did he know what the Phoenicians and Vikings knew?
* Sails had Red Cross on White
Who was the East Indian Trading Company?
* England defeats the Spanish Armada in 1588 CE, opening trade possibilities world wide
* First voyage in 1601 CE called Red Dragon officially broke the Spanish monopoly
* American Old Glory is modelled after their flag. Originally it was a Red Cross, along with the Red/White Stripes, later the Union Jack, along with Red/White Stripes.
Why is the American Flag so similar to all the above?
* Benjamin Franklin (Mason) suggested to adopt it
* But perhaps the Ancient Phoenicians, whoever they are, were keen on finally claiming America after all this time.
* Perhaps the American interest in Israel is not for Israel but because of Canaan
(This thread originally inspired by these posts: >>1718205 >>1718223 >>1718328 >>1718422 >>1718552 >>1718621 >>1718655 >>1718812)
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1719781>>1719813 >>1854157
Already I'm going to say suspicious cabal shittery. Egyptian collapse -> Phoenician rise sounds like the Cabal picking a new winner
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1719813>>1721091 >>1854157
I was honestly surprised when I made this thread that those dates lined up so well.
These guys have been the King Makers for a long… looooong time.
I also don't think it STARTS in Canaan, this has been going on from the beginning.
▶ c5ea08 (1) No.1720582>>1720980 >>1731476
ill play with this idea.
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/4959361/Christopher-Columbus-was-actually-a-Scotsman-called-Pedro-Scotto-historian-says.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoti Danube, don, dnieper, Danaans, Danu, tuatha de danaan
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1720980>>1721091 >>1721096 >>1729951 >>1733474 >>1742592 >>1754109
It just hit me as well, someone told me that those birds aren't eagles. Nope they're Phoenix…. PHOENIcian/PHOENIx
▶ 655487 (1) No.1721091
Dude, for the way things seems to me, this might be just part of all, but it really makes sense… Adds well.
Always thought they were strange "eagles"… Kek.
▶ dc13b0 (2) No.1721096>>1721190
this is much deeper than you may realize
upper egypt/lower egypt
per desheret/per wadjet
s. jurisdiction (york)/ n jurisdiction (scottish)
red house/ white house
i could go on
▶ ead03e (12) No.1721190>>1854157
Alexandria, Virgin(a)
Rome, Mary(land)
▶ dc13b0 (2) No.1721221
>>1719707 (OP)
red white blue.
robert the bruce sent expedition to the source of the nile and brought back the books of enoch and kebra negast. why is there a pyramid @ stirling castle in scotland ?
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1721675
REALLY, REALLY nice job and very interesting.
It does all seem to fit together.
▶ 357bf9 (1) No.1721746>>1736250
Immanuel Velikovsky wrote a series of books called "Ages In Chaos" which has Part 3: Peoples of the Seas
"Peoples of the Sea" is, in some sense, the culmination of the series "Ages in Chaos." In this volume the erroneous time shift of classical history reaches its maximum span - 800 years! With carefully documented evidence and indisputable arguments, Velikovsky places Ramses III firmly into the 4th century B.C. thereby solving, once and for all, numerous conundrums that historians had been confronted with in the past. He unveils the surprising identity of the so-called "Peoples of the Sea", clarifies the role of the Philistines and solves the enigma of the Dynasty of Priests. This volume leads Velikovsky's revised chronology up to the time of Alexander where it links-up with the records of classical chronology. In an extensive supplement Velikovsky delves into the fundamental question of how such a dramatic shift in chronology could have come about. Analyzing the main pillars of Egyptian chronology, he points out where the most dramatic mistakes were made and addresses the misunderstanding underlying the "astronomical chronology". In a further supplement he discusses the very interesting conclusions that can be drawn from radiocarbon testing on Egyptian (archeological) finds.
"The Peoples of the Seas" is a general name for a conglomeration of tribes or a confederation of nations; Ramses III supplies the names of the various peoples covered by this generic name: Tjkr, Skis, Trs, Wss, and Srdn.
Gotta go. More later.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1721771>>1722158
well well JIDF gets creative, blames the NWO on white people, whose descendants they have dumped somalis on to rape them into an ever-browning genocide
too late, Bupkes
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1722158
King David was ruddy and fair in appearance
▶ 8436ee (1) No.1722414
▶ 3fc1fd (4) No.1722482>>1733849
Haplogroup R1b (R-M343), also known as Hg1 and Eu18, is a human Y-chromosome haplogroup.
It is the most frequently occurring paternal lineage in Western Europe, as well as some parts of Russia (e.g. the Bashkir minority) and Central Africa (e.g. Chad and Cameroon). The clade is also present at lower frequencies throughout Eastern Europe, Western Asia, as well as parts of North Africa and Central Asia. R1b also reaches high frequencies in the Americas and Australasia, due largely to immigration from Western Europe. There is an ongoing debate regarding the origins of R1b subclades found at significant levels among some indigenous peoples of the Americas, such as speakers of Algic languages in central Canada.
R1b has one primary branch, R1b1 (L278), which in turn has two primary branches: R1b1a (L754) and R1b1b (PH155). R1b1a is found mostly in Western Europe, although the Fula and Chadic-speaking peoples of Africa are dominated by R1b1a2 (PF6279/V88). R1b1b (PH155) is so rare and widely dispersed that it is difficult to draw any conclusions about its origins. It has been found in Bahrain, Bhutan, Ladakh, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Western China. Western Europe is dominated by the downstream subclades of R1b1a -- especially R1b1a1a2 (R-M269; known previously as R1b1a2).
According to three autosomal DNA studies haplogroups R1b and R1a would have expanded from the Russian steppes along with the Indo European languages.[3][4][5][6][7]
▶ 3fc1fd (4) No.1722605
Obviously, we'll never know if Judas Iscariot, the Apostle who famously betrayed Jesus Christ in the Bible for 30 pieces of silver, was actually a redhead. But he is often portrayed in medieval paintings as having flaming hair and an equally crimson beard. The phrase "Judas color" was used to refer to red hair, and no less a personage than William Shakespeare made reference to it, in As You Like It. ("His very hair is of the dissembling colour, something browner than Judas'.") In a grand irony, the depiction of Judas as having red hair --- believed to be partially a function of needing to make the traitor stand out from the other Apostles in paintings — has contributed to several centuries' worth of discrimination and negative attitudes toward redheads. http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2029961_2029964_2029966,00.html Some have proposed that the word derives from an Aramaic word meaning "red color," from the root סקר https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judas_Iscariot Judas Iscariot is often shown with red hair in Spanish culture[84][85][86] and by William Shakespeare.[86][87] The practice is comparable to the Renaissance portrayal of Jews with red hair, which was then regarded as a negative trait and which may have been used to correlate Judas Iscariot with contemporary Jews.[88] Since Jesus was also a descendant of the House of David, it is reasonable to assume he would have a similar coloring to David, just as you most likely have a similar coloring to your ancestors. In the Bible we are told that Jesus has white or red hair. Revelation 1: 13-16 describes his hair as white as snow, or another translation can read “burning in a furnace” which would indicate red, like a flame. Psalm 45: 2-3 tells us Jesus is”fairer than the children of men” indicating he was lighter than the general population.
According to Islamic accounts Jesus was a red head. The hadith is Muhammad’s account of an event known as the Night Journey. Supposedly Muhammad was taken up to heaven by the angel Gabriel (Jibra’il), where he saw Jesus as well as other people Muslims believe to be prophets. Most versions of this account tell us that “Jesus had curly hair and a reddish complexion.” Now I’m not one to believe that Muhammad actually had a vision of Jesus but the account in the Hadith could be based on historical accounts of Christ at the time and shows us at the least, that the common and most believable version of Christ, even to Muhammad, was a fair, red haired man."
The only evidence that would conclusively authenticate the Shroud against naysayers and claims of forgery is Jesus’ DNA. It would be matched against the blood --- type AB — found on the Shroud and considered rare.
▶ 3fc1fd (4) No.1722677
Fulk I of Anjou (c. 870 -- 942) --- Foulques le Roux ("Fulk the Red", i.e., "Red Falcon") — held the county of Anjou first as Viscount, then Count, until his death.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angevin_Empire The next priority for Richard was the Third Crusade; it had been delayed since Richard had taken the cross in 1187. This wasn't just a religious pilgrimage however; his great-grandfather, Fulk had been King of Jerusalem and the current pretender to the throne, Guy de Lusignan was Poitevin noble, related to many of Richard's vassals, while Guy's wife---Sybilla—was Richard's cousin. The crusade, excluding disputes in France, would be the main reason for Richard's absence from England; he would spend less than six months of his reign in England.[78]
▶ 3fc1fd (4) No.1722749
It's not your fault that you don't think of Thomas Jefferson as a redhead. He and his revolutionary compatriots will always be known as the guys in the dusty gray wigs. But this particular founding father did have natural red hair, according to records and a few portraits. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramnulfids Jefferson began his childhood education beside the Randolph children with tutors at Tuckahoe.[8] Like Britain, America is another place that's had its fair share of red-haired leaders. In fact George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson were all red-haired. Even the famed discoverer of the Americas, Christopher Columbus, was a freckle-faced redhead. http://www.themythsandhistoryofredhair.co.uk/redhairinamerica.html
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1723703
This is a great start! Keep it up!!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1725946>>1914949
Now I fucking KNOW we're on to something big!!
United Nations Honor Flag 1943-1948
The "Four Freedoms flag" or "United Nations Honor Flag," was influenced by Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech, and intended to symbolize the World War II Allies and their goals, as set down in the Atlantic Charter and the Declaration by United Nations. This flag was designed by Brooks Harding in October 1942, and saw some use between 1943 and 1948.
It has sometimes been called the first "United Nations flag," but was never an official organizational flag of the United Nations.
▶ 431db3 (3) No.1726091>>1728375 >>1754749
Very interesting.
So that They Phoenicians are another faction of the Cabal.
Also the Kazarian was other faction. check the flags. Kazarian was in Ukraine/Russia and the Caucasian countries.
Note the colors. and I think that maybe Kazarian did a deal with Kazakh Tribes for to keep the legacy, maybe the flags are very similiar and the symbolism.
And also. the Swedish flag. it's very curious that They use Yellow/Blue, As Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1728149>>1728871 >>1732437
I have always wondered why the cabal changed the name of Persia to Iran?
Maybe as revenge against Cyrus, the Perisan, who invaded Phoenicia and divided it into parts.
Persian King Cyrus the Great conquered Phoenicia in 539 BC. The Persians then divided Phoenicia into four vassal kingdoms: Sidon, Tyre, Arwad, and Byblos. They prospered, furnishing fleets for Persian kings. Phoenician influence declined after this. In 350 or 345 BC, a rebellion in Sidon led by Tennes was crushed by Artaxerxes III. Its destruction was described by Diodorus Siculus.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1728193>>1728222
Phoenicians worshiped Baal and Moloch.
They practice child sacrifice en masse.
The elites commonly sacrificed their children too.
This all fits in so well.
The religious practices and beliefs of Phoenicia were cognate generally to their neighbours in Canaan, which in turn shared characteristics common throughout the ancient Semitic world.[76][77][78] "Canaanite religion was more of a public institution than of an individual experience." Its rites were primarily for city-state purposes; payment of taxes by citizens was considered in the category of religious sacrifices.[79] Unfortunately, much of the Phoenician sacred writings known to the ancients have been lost.[80][81]
Like their Hebrew cousins the Phoenicians were known for being very religious. While there remain favourable aspects regarding Canaanite religion,[82][83][84] several of its reported practices have been widely criticized, in particular, temple prostitution,[85] and child sacrifice.[86] "Tophets" built "to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire" are condemned by God in Jeremiah 7:30-32, and in 2nd Kings 23:10 (also 17:17). Notwithstanding these and other important differences, cultural religious similarities between the ancient Hebrews and the Phoenicians persisted
Religion in Carthage was based on inherited Phoenician ways of devotion. In fact, until its fall embassies from Carthage would regularly make the journey to Tyre to worship Melqart, bringing material offerings
Prayers of individual Carthaginians were often addressed to Baal Hammon. Offerings to Hammon also evidently included child sacrifice.[117][118][119] Diodorus (late 1st century BC) wrote that when Agathocles had attacked Carthage (in 310) several hundred children of leading families were sacrificed to regain the god's favour.[120] In modern times, the French novelist Gustave Flaubert's 1862 work Salammbô graphically featured this god as accepting such sacrifice
The religious practices and beliefs of Phoenicia were cognate generally to their neighbours in Canaan, which in turn shared characteristics common throughout the ancient Semitic world.[76][77][78] "Canaanite religion was more of a public institution than of an individual experience." Its rites were primarily for city-state purposes; payment of taxes by citizens was considered in the category of religious sacrifices.[79] Unfortunately, much of the Phoenician sacred writings known to the ancients have been lost.[80][81]
Like their Hebrew cousins the Phoenicians were known for being very religious. While there remain favourable aspects regarding Canaanite religion,[82][83][84] several of its reported practices have been widely criticized, in particular, temple prostitution,[85] and child sacrifice.[86] "Tophets" built "to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire" are condemned by God in Jeremiah 7:30-32, and in 2nd Kings 23:10 (also 17:17). Notwithstanding these and other important differences, cultural religious similarities between the ancient Hebrews and the Phoenicians persisted.[82][87]
Figure of Ba'al with raised arm, 14th--12th century BC, found at ancient Ugarit (Ras Shamra site), a city at the far north of the Phoenician coast.
Musée du Louvre
Canaanite religious mythology does not appear as elaborated compared with existent literature of their cousin Semites in Mesopotamia. In Canaan the supreme god was called El (𐤀𐤋, "god").[88][89] The son of El was Baal (𐤁𐤏𐤋, "master", "lord"), a powerful dying-and-rising storm god
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1728222>>1728390
On the other hand, the Phoenicians, notorious for being secretive in business, might use these non-descript words as cover for the secluded name of the god,[93] known only to a select few initiated into the inmost circle, or not even used by them, much as their neighbors and close relatives the ancient Israelites/Judeans sometimes used the honorific Adonai (Heb: "My Lord") in place of the tetragrammaton---a practice which became standard (if not mandatory) in the Second Temple period onward.[94]
A committee of ten elders selected by the civil authorities regulated worship and built the temples with public funds. Some priesthoods were hereditary to certain families. Punic inscriptions list a hierarchy of cohen (priest) and rab cohenim (lord priests).
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1728375>>1732688 >>1732862
Thank you! I was trying to think how this could possibly tie into Khazaria. Here's a link to ponder. Where is Sweeden? Scandinavia.. ie… VIKINGS
So I'm trying to figure out how the vikings and Khazaria mix into all this. One thing I notice is that the timing is somewhat close… the Khazars rose to prominence about a hundred years before the Viking raids started.
Just a random thought, perhaps they used the vikings to disrupt trade in the north so that they could more easily expand in the south? And should they even conquer the north, all the better? No evidence for this yet, just an idea…
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1728390>>1728677 >>1760598
>secluded name of the god
Sounds like Freemasonry
▶ 46bf38 (1) No.1728490
At the end of World War II, almost the entire world was ruled by governments traceable to the Vikings -- The Soviets via the Rus, a Swedish Viking tribe, and the USA and Britain to the Normans who were descendants of Norwegian and Danish Vikings.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1728677
sure does……secretive.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1728871>>1728888
This could be nothing but I found this interesting:
The term Iran derives directly from Middle Persian Ērān, first attested in a third-century inscription at Rustam Relief, with the accompanying Parthian inscription using the term Aryān, in reference to the Iranians.[41] The Middle Iranian ērān and aryān are oblique plural forms of gentilic nouns ēr- (Middle Persian) and ary- (Parthian), both deriving from Proto-Iranian *arya- (meaning "Aryan", i.e. "of the Iranians"),[41][42] recognized as a derivative of Proto-Indo-European *ar-yo-, meaning "one who assembles (skilfully)".[43]
Aryan… where have I heard that before… oh yeah, the Aryan Race that NAZI's thought was superior? Could just be a similar word
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1728888>>1728904 >>1760645
The term Aryan has generally been used to describe the Proto-Indo-Iranian language root *arya which was the ethnonym the Indo-Iranians adopted to describe Aryans. Its cognate in Sanskrit is the word ārya (Devanāgarī: आर्य), in origin an ethnic self-designation, in Classical Sanskrit meaning "honourable, respectable, noble".[4][5] The Old Persian cognate ariya- (Old Persian cuneiform: 𐎠𐎼𐎡𐎹) is the ancestor of the modern name of Iran and ethnonym for the Iranian people.[6]
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1728904>>1728913 >>1732269
Whoa, quads confirm!
Here's the full link, Wikipedia of course:
The term Aryan has generally been used to describe the Proto-Indo-Iranian language root *arya which was the ethnonym the Indo-Iranians adopted to describe Aryans. Its cognate in Sanskrit is the word ārya (Devanāgarī: आर्य), in origin an ethnic self-designation, in Classical Sanskrit meaning "honourable, respectable, noble".[4][5] The Old Persian cognate ariya- (Old Persian cuneiform: 𐎠𐎼𐎡𐎹) is the ancestor of the modern name of Iran and ethnonym for the Iranian people.[6]
In the 18th century, the most ancient known Indo-European languages were those of the ancient Indo-Iranians. The word Aryan was therefore adopted to refer not only to the Indo-Iranian peoples, but also to native Indo-European speakers as a whole, including the Romans, Greeks, and the Germans. It was soon recognised that Balts, Celts, and Slavs also belonged to the same group. It was argued that all of these languages originated from a common root -- now known as Proto-Indo-European – spoken by an ancient people who were thought of as ancestors of the European, Iranian, and Indo-Aryan peoples.
This usage was common among knowledgeable authors writing in the late 19th and early 20th century. An example of this usage appears in The Outline of History, a bestselling 1920 work by H. G. Wells.[7] In that influential volume, Wells used the term in the plural ("the Aryan peoples"), but he was a staunch opponent of the racist and politically motivated exploitation of the singular term ("the Aryan people") by earlier authors like Houston Stewart Chamberlain (see below) and was careful either to avoid the generic singular, though he did refer now and again in the singular to some specific "Aryan people" (e.g., the Scythians). In 1922, in A Short History of the World, Wells depicted a highly diverse group of various "Aryan peoples" learning "methods of civilization" and then, by means of different uncoordinated movements that Wells believed were part of a larger dialectical rhythm of conflict between settled civilizations and nomadic invaders that also encompassed Aegean and Mongol peoples inter alia, "subjugat[ing]" -- "in form" but not in "ideas and methods" – "the whole ancient world, Semitic, Aegean and Egyptian alike".[8]
However, in a climate of burgeoning racism it proved difficult to maintain such nuanced distinctions. Even Max Mueller, a linguist who wrote in 1888 that "an ethnologist who speaks of Aryan race, Aryan blood, Aryan eyes and hair, is as great a sinner as a linguist who speaks of a dolichocephalic dictionary or a brachycephalic grammar",[9] was on occasion guilty of using the term "Aryan race".[10] So it was that despite the injunctions of writers like Wells, the notion of an Aryan race took root in mainstream culture.[citation needed]
Thus, in the 1944 edition of Rand McNally's World Atlas, the Aryan race is depicted as one of the ten major racial groupings of mankind.[11] The science fiction author Poul Anderson, an anti-racist libertarian of Scandinavian ancestry, in his many works, consistently used the term Aryan as a synonym for "Indo-Europeans".[12]
The use of "Aryan" as a synonym for Indo -European may occasionally appear in material that is based on historic scholarship. Thus, a 1989 article in Scientific American, Colin Renfrew uses the term "Aryan" as a synonym for "Indo-European".[13]
The term Indo-Aryan is still commonly used to describe the Indic half of the Indo-Iranian languages, i.e., the family that includes Sanskrit and modern languages such as Hindi-Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi, Gujarati, Romani, Kashmiri, Sinhalese and Marathi.[14]
▶ ca7428 (1) No.1728913>>1728940 >>1732269
You are learning.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1728940
If you know more, please share. My head is spinning with the implications
▶ 547870 (3) No.1729115>>1729226 >>1729277
Anyone with half a brain can see who's doing the child fucking.
And why would Aryans want to genocide whites?
For any legitimate anons here, this is what's known as PILPUL.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1729226>>1729229 >>1729866
Interesting old forum post tracing the Hexagram to Phoenicians
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1729229
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1729277>>1729866 >>1732979 >>1760675
On the one hand I'm trying to understand this that it's not the Jews it's actually the ancient Canaanites, of whom are these days wearing the Jewish banner as protection from inspection.
Then again, there's also theories that the Hebrews never invaded Canaan, and actually evolved as a subsect of the culture and eventually made up an elaborate myth of escaping Egypt to conquer Canaan as a way to justify claiming the land after the Babylonian exile.
It's awkward to even look into this stuff without feeling icky. I'm not racist, I'm literally just following the leads and symbolism down the rabbit hole
▶ 547870 (3) No.1729866
The hexagram is ancient. All cultures used it. But in modern times the only significant usage was by Jewish Supremacists.
Face it lads. It's the (((chosen)))
▶ 00c7ae (3) No.1729951>>1730014
We are detectives here and detectives are not allowed (or shall we say, strongly dissuaded from) the belief in coincidence.
On that note, Phoenix is a Latin-lettered rendering of a Greek word in Greek letters. If you actually transcribed the letters Phi (initial) and Chi (endling) to the ones that produced the same or very similar sound in, let's say Italy a few hundred to a thousand years ago, you arrive at Venice.
Venice and Phoenix were homophone, so were Phoenicia and Venecia. Heck, they're still pretty much homophone.
Also interesting if you follw the lion of the Venetian Republic to the british isles, also the flag of the Republic of Genoa which we all know by a different name.
Both city-states had a standing as sovereign states within the Holy Roman Empire similar to other entities within our contemporary "4th" Roman Empire, the Vatican, the City of London and Washington D.C.
▶ 00c7ae (3) No.1730014>>1730132 >>1730141
Oh, another thing: How about the "coincidence" that Phoenicians, Venicians and …Phoekings used similar boats and sails?
▶ 547870 (3) No.1730132
what a (((COHENincidence)))
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1730141>>1730981 >>1731086 >>1731180
Yes actually that's what really lead me down this path in the first place, it's in the first picture in fact… The Phoenecian boats/sails are IDENTICAL to the Vikings
I'm trying to figure out the gap though, because there was 1500-2000 years between the two. Phoenicians were at their zenith around 1200 BCE, and Vikings in 800 CE..So how could that happen? The link has to be stronger.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1730280>>1730292 >>1850113
There are contradictory leads regarding the 'Celtic connection' to the Phoenicians, and they need to be considered as mere leads even when they may seem fusing to individuals who are already familiar with contradictory leads. There seems to be an ongoing debate (among 'the experts') regarding the origins and definition of the 'Celts'. Therefore, it is imperative to examine what is herewith presented in this light.
Are the Phoenicians and Celts possibly related?
The Phoenicians and the Celts may have originated in the Indus Valley, and also the Knossus Civilization of Crete, circa 2600 BC, plus perhaps the Sumerians, who came by sea to Sumer around 3800 BC. Or… perhaps the Phoenician, but NOT the original "Celts" were from the Indus Valley, and today's Celts are actually a mixture of the Phoenicians plus a "pre-Celtic" group. This and many other related questions remain open.
The following information asserts the above idea and is presented excerpts for debate.
L.A. Waddell, "Phoenician origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons" (1924) (a recent reprinted version was published)
"Today a complete unanimity of opinion among physical anthropologists that the term Celt, if used at all, belongs to the brachycephalic (round headed) darkish population of the Alpine (Swiss) highlands….. totally lacking in the British Isles." -- W.Z. Ripley, Races of Europe. 124, 126, 305.
"….scientific anthropologists and classic historians have proved that the "Celts" of history were the non-Aryan, round-headed, darkish small statured race of south Germany and Switzerland, and that the "Celts" properly so called are "totally lacking in the British Isles." Thus, to speak as is so commonly done, of "Celtic ancestry," the "Celtic "temperament," and "Celtic fire" amongst any section of the natives of these islands, is, according to anthropologists merely imagination. "The term "Celt" or "Celt" is entirely unknown as the designation of any race or racial element of language in the British Isles, until arbitrarily introduced there a few generations ago. Nor does the name even exist in the so-called "Celtic" languages, the Gaelic, Welsh and Irish. It is, on the contrary, the classic Greek and Latin title of a totally different race of a totally different physical type from that of the British Isles, and that the word was only produced there by unscientific phlogistic and ethnologists some decades ago…." -- L.A. Waddell, "Phoenician origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons", p 127f.
"It will thus be noticed that this "Celtic" area corresponds generally in Scotland with the area in which the "Picts" suddenly disappeared, and in whose place have suddenly appeared the people called "Celts". In Ireland also the "Celtic" area generally corresponds with that part of the country specially associated with the Bans, Van or Early Feins, who, we have found, were Picts. "This new line of evidence leads us to the conclusion that the early "Celts" or "Kelts" were presumably the early Picts calling themselves "Khaldis" or "Khaltis". They were a primitive people, who, I find from a mass of evidence, were early "Chaldees" or Galat (1) and "Gal (2)" of Van and Eastern Asia Minor and Mesopotamia in the Stone Age." -- L.A. Waddell, "Phoenician origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo- Saxons", p. 139.
History tells us that England was settled by the Phoenicians who sailed to England to mine the tin. The Phoenicians invaded England in 1103 BC and when they arrived they found England to be inhabited by the Picts. Picts were a small people and were considered aborigines. Over a period of time the Phoenicians were assimilated. Today the small descendants of this intermarriage between the Picts and the Phoenicians have been incorrectly termed Celts.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1730292>>1730304 >>1736215
"…….the daring Phoenician pioneers were not Semites as hitherto supposed, but were Aryans in Race, Speech and Script. They were, besides, disclosed to be the lineal blood ancestors of the Britons and Scots -- properly so-called, that is, as opposed to the aboriginal, dark Non-Aryan people of Albion, Caledonia, Hibernia, the dusky small-statured Picts and kindred "Iberian" tribes. – p. vi of "The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons" (1924)
It is incorrect to say "British royalty". The royal line is English. The English are Anglo-Saxons from Germany. They came to England about the 5th Century. The British are descendants of the Britons from Phoenicia.
The above is from: British Israelism, A Short History of the Bi and Identity Movement by Doug Parsons (Proving there is no evidence that the 10 lost tribes of Israel went to Britain.)
Further, there is a 'collection' of information online, regarding Venice and its "alleged" relation to Phoenician and Babylonian oligarchical (government) and religious systems -- see list below.
However, these authors seem to have no idea that Phoenicians had previously been in the British Isles since ancient times. Also, they make no distinctions between Jewish 'Venetians' and 'Venetians' of possible Phoenician origin. Did you know that Venetians established the Bank of England in 1694? These may have been Jewish(?) Venetians, and in any case, the Rothschilds could actually be their servants.
The main 'Venetian connections' are the parallels to two early-Phoenician qualities:
some degree of religious or Celtic similarity, referred to by Bible scholars as the "Babylonian Mystery Religion", and,
the similarity in oligarchical governments, that is,a government by a small circle of wealthy ruling families with a 'corporate' system of collective- dynastic investment banking (in the case of Venice, mis-named the "Venetian Republic").
Where these immortal banking treasuries went is an intentional mystery. Perhaps the central imperative is the sustenance of the bloodline of the ancient Babylonian 'God Kings' -- the bloodline of Nimrod and Cain?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1730304>>1731117 >>1731572 >>1733189
▶ d2709a (7) No.1730981>>1736215
Well, if you think about what made the Vikings such a lasting threat, they always adopted the culture of their victims. Easier to liberate than to conquer. Intertwine the practices, rituals and beliefs of Canaanite into all cultures.
How many civilizations have had their destiny steered into destruction by Canaanite beliefs? They probably played a hand in the fall of Rome from behind the scenes over the centuries. That's doesn't seem like a crazy conclusion to jump to.
Christmas is a good common example of this method in practice today. Nothing about Christmas is Christian.
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1731086
I don't think so at all
Phoenicians were the best sailors. Where was their main city? Venice?
I think it's more than reasonable to assume that the uber-sailors just kept fucking sailing lol.
Any notes on blond-hair blue-eyed ness of the (V)Phoenicians?
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1731117>>1731167
Literally every fucking time a successful society abruptly collapses it's these motherfuckers.
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1731167
"It will thus be noticed that this "Celtic" area corresponds generally in Scotland with the area in which the "Picts" suddenly disappeared, and in whose place have suddenly appeared the people called "Celts"
More abrupt magic society collapse with new winners
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1731180
History tells us that England was settled by the Phoenicians who sailed to England to mine the tin. The Phoenicians invaded England in 1103 BC
There you go. Island of Great Britain isn't that far from scandanavia
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1731370>>1731460
The vikings were white, and the Canaanites are descended from Ham, and are supposed to be dark skinned.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1731460>>1731488 >>1732024 >>1734992
Wrong. Ham was Caucasian.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1731476>>1731884 >>1736215 >>1758054
Gday anons, newfag here. Q brought me. This has long been a subject of personal interest so i was pleased to see it brought up.
Greeks and the Tribe of Dan (city state culture).
The Achaeans (/əˈkiːənz/; Ancient Greek: Ἀχαιοί Akhaioí, "the Achaeans" or "of Achaea") constitute one of the collective names for the Greeks in Homer's Iliad (used 598 times) and Odyssey. The other common names are Danaans (/ˈdæneɪ.ənz/; Δαναοί Danaoi; used 138 times in the Iliad) and Argives (/ˈɑːrɡaɪvz/; Ἀργεῖοι Argeioi; used 182 times in the Iliad) while Panhellenes (Πανέλληνες Panhellenes, "All of the Greeks") and Hellenes (/ˈhɛliːnz/;[1] Ἕλληνες Hellenes) both appear only once;[2] all of the aforementioned terms were used synonymously to denote a common Greek civilizational identity.[3][4] In the historical period, the Achaeans were the inhabitants of the region of Achaea, a region in the north-central part of the Peloponnese. The city-states of this region later formed a confederation known as the Achaean League, which was influential during the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC.
Also, the Lombards (longobardo = long ships).
The Lombards or Longobards (Latin: Langobardi, Italian: Longobardi [loŋɡoˈbardi], Lombard: Longobard (Western)) were a Germanic people who ruled most of the Italian Peninsula from 568 to 774.
The Lombard historian Paul the Deacon wrote in the Historia Langobardorum that the Lombards descended from a small tribe called the Winnili,[1] who dwelt in southern Scandinavia[2] (Scadanan) before migrating to seek new lands. In the 1st century AD, they formed part of the Suebi, in northwestern Germany. By the end of the 5th century, they had moved into the area roughly coinciding with modern Austria and Slovakia north of the Danube river, where they subdued the Heruls and later fought frequent wars with the Gepids. The Lombard king Audoin defeated the Gepid leader Thurisind in 551 or 552; his successor Alboin eventually destroyed the Gepids in 567.
Following this victory, Alboin decided to lead his people to Italy, which had become severely depopulated and devastated after the long Gothic War (535--554) between the Byzantine Empire and the Ostrogothic Kingdom there. The Lombards were joined by numerous Saxons, Heruls, Gepids, Bulgars, Thuringians, and Ostrogoths, and their invasion of Italy was almost unopposed. By late 569 they had conquered all of northern Italy and the principal cities north of the Po River except Pavia, which fell in 572. At the same time, they occupied areas in central Italy and southern Italy. They established a Lombard Kingdom in north and central Italy, later named Regnum Italicum ("Kingdom of Italy"), which reached its zenith under the 8th-century ruler Liutprand. In 774, the Kingdom was conquered by the Frankish King Charlemagne and integrated into his Empire. However, Lombard nobles continued to rule southern parts of the Italian peninsula, well into the 11th century when they were conquered by the Normans and added to their County of Sicily. In this period, the southern part of Italy still under Longobardic domination was known by the name Langbarðaland (Land of the Lombards) in the Norse runestones.[3] Their legacy is also apparent in the regional name Lombardy (in the north of Italy).
▶ d2709a (7) No.1731482>>1731734
The Mediterranean Sea has a lot of ancient occult practices littering it's geographical history. Many believe the Cult of The Sun(Ra) was founded in Canaan and practiced ritual sacrifice to Ba'al/Moloch/Lucifer. This cult is believed to change it's name/physical deity form based on constellation the sun is aligned with.
The Minoans are believed to be another great empire controlled by this group under the sign of Tauras as the Cult of The Bull. An ancient skull of a young girl was recently found in the ruins of the Minoan empire in an area believed to be used for ritualistic sacrifices.
A common theme with many societies believed to be controlled by this sun cult, is a strong sea fairing culture(Maybe so they can bail on their blanket society whenever necessary?). Some believe the Cult of the Bull could possibly have lineage connected to the people of Atlantis.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrJZprO26RE" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
▶ ce273a (53) No.1731488>>1731596
The Genetic Link of the Viking -- Era Norse to Central Asia:
An Assessment of the Y Chromosome DNA, Archaeological,
Historical and Linguistic Evidence
Viking mythology from the Caucasus region.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1731572>>1731596
Noteworthy: [secret societies]
Figure of Ba'al with raised arm, 14th--12th century BC, found at ancient Ugarit (Ras Shamra site), a city at the far north of the Phoenician coast.
Musée du Louvre
Canaanite religious mythology does not appear as elaborated compared with existent literature of their cousin Semites in Mesopotamia. In Canaan the supreme god was called El (𐤀𐤋, "god").[88][89] The son of El was Baal (𐤁𐤏𐤋, "master", "lord"), a powerful dying-and-rising storm god.[90] Other gods were called by royal titles, as in Melqart meaning "king of the city",[91] or Adonis for "lord".[92] (Such epithets may often have been merely local titles for the same deities.) On the other hand, the Phoenicians, notorious for being secretive in business, might use these non-descript words as cover for the secluded name of the god,[93] known only to a select few initiated into the inmost circle, or not even used by them, much as their neighbors and close relatives the ancient Israelites/Judeans sometimes used the honorific Adonai (Heb: "My Lord") in place of the tetragrammaton---a practice which became standard (if not mandatory) in the Second Temple period onward.[94]
Same, but not the same.
El (Hebrew)
Ba (son of) El (Canaanite) -> Sun god, helios, lightbearer…
▶ ce273a (53) No.1731596>>1731817
▶ ce273a (53) No.1731683
Is it possible that Brit-Isr@el/Zion1zm is not Hebrew but Canaanite?
History of Jerusalem: From Canaanite City to Israelite Capital
▶ ce273a (53) No.1731685>>1731708 >>1731747
Dan again…
The Tuatha Dé Danann as depicted in John Duncan's "Riders of the Sidhe" (1911)
The Tuath(a) Dé Danann (Irish: [tˠuəhə dʲeː dˠanˠənˠ], usually translated as "people(s)/tribe(s) of the goddess Dana or Danu", also known by the earlier name Tuath Dé ("tribe of the gods"),[1] are a supernatural race in Irish mythology. They are thought to represent the main deities of pre-Christian Gaelic Ireland.[1] The Tuatha Dé Danann constitute a pantheon whose attributes appeared in a number of forms all across the Celtic world.[2]
▶ ce273a (53) No.1731708
Gets Biblical.
The Tuatha Dé Danann were descended from Nemed, leader of a previous wave of inhabitants of Ireland. They came from four cities to the north of Ireland---Falias, Gorias, Murias and Finias—where they taught their skills in the sciences, including architecture, the arts, and magic, including, necromancy.[21][22] According to Lebor Gabála Érenn, they came to Ireland "in dark clouds" and "landed on the mountains of [the] Conmaicne Rein in Connachta", otherwise Sliabh an Iarainn, "and they brought a darkness over the sun for three days and three nights". They immediately burnt the ships "so that they should not think of retreating to them; and the smoke and the mist that came from the vessels filled the neighboring land and air. Therefore it was conceived that they had arrived in clouds of mist".
A poem in the Lebor Gabála Érenn says of their arrival:
It is God who suffered them, though He restrained them
they landed with horror, with lofty deed,
in their cloud of mighty combat of spectres,
upon a mountain of Conmaicne of Connacht.
Without distinction to descerning Ireland,
Without ships, a ruthless course
the truth was not known beneath the sky of stars,
whether they were of heaven or of earth.
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1731734>>1731853
This is super interesting because I'm of the opinions that the top tier cabal ppls people also change their name and physical form.
Obama is supposedly a Rockefeller? Is JayZ a Rockefeller also? Look @ the Bronfmans, Sr. -> his grand daughter? Daughter?
It's the perfect way to hide. Find a new ethnic group, literally blend in by looking like them, and then take it over, rinse, repeat.
Reptilian Shapeshifter is the perfect anti-knowledge meme. It's clearly false, but it's closer to the actual truth than the actual truth is to the assumed truth.
▶ d2709a (7) No.1731747>>1732370 >>1732460
Survivors from the lost city of Atlantis possibly? This is not the only account of futuristic ships in past religious scripture. The Hindus have some interesting accounts of nuclear war and flying ships.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1731803>>1732024
Wouldn't the vikings be descended from Shem, the valiant slayer of Nimrod?
▶ ce273a (53) No.1731817
Viking Runes on the Piraeus Lion in Venice
The Venetian Arsenal is guarded by four statues of lions. One of them, a nine feet high marble beast, bears on its mighty shoulders two lengthy runic inscriptions. These are carved within the intricate ornaments that represent writhing lindworms, characteristic for classical runestone design. The holy patron of Venice is St. Mark; the vicissitudes of fate that brought the lion, St. Mark’s symbol, to Venice, deserve some consideration. In 1687, during the Great Turkish War, Athens were besieged by Francesco Morosini, Venetian naval commander, who, beside being victorious over his enemies and damaging the Parthenon by the cannon fire, did not hesitate to pillage the city. Among other trophies he brought home two marble lions that decorated the Piraeus harbour of Athens since the first or second century AD. One of them was covered by the signs that no one could understand.
It is only a hundred years later that the inscriptions were identified as runic by Johan David Åkerblad, Swedish diplomatist. However, already by that time several fragments of the carvings were destroyed by erosion, so that deciphering and translation were barely feasible. Attempts to read the texts abound, but hardly any one of the interpretations might be relied upon.
Nowadays, the runes and the ornaments almost disappeared, the Viking Sphinx still keeping its secret. Yet the main message is quite intelligible: the bold Varangians intended to say, “Kilroy was here,” thus proving the phrase “Athenian Vikings” not to be as unlikely as one might believe.
http:// www.vikingrune.com/2008/11/piraeus-lion/
▶ 3916c3 (1) No.1731838
▶ d2709a (7) No.1731853>>1731897
I think you're spot on. I believe this is probably a common practice among the cabal to ensure your bloodline survives by confusing your peers/enemies.
Kings always have a bastard son. Ah, to be a part of an ancient bloodline. It must suck to never relax.
It's truly amazing how much of this is right out in front of our faces on a daily basis. Obama has even jokingly admitted he's the black sheep in the family.
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1731884>>1731923 >>1731936 >>1732117
Can we make some egregious assumptions?
Phoenicians are the Vikings are the cabal
Vikings are the lombards are the cabal
North Egyptians are also the cabal
Symbolism will be their downfall. How do you secretly communicate through time and distance before the internet?
What if the Cabals goal is world domination (i don't think this is too far fetched)
What if they periodically take a crew and then just go as far and wide as they can to settle, assimilate, pervert, and control. When they swap they usually collapse
Canaanites -> egypt + minoan
Egypt -> phoenician + carthage
Phoenician + carthage -> roman + viking
Roman + viking -> this conquers all of europe right? basically everything from ~200AD -> 1700?
Greeks and Persians fit in here too somewhere, were the Greeks the first to build society to combat and beat the cabal? (persia at the time). In return the Greeks get the usual cabal treatment (death via internal tumult and societal decline -
Peloponnesian War)
It would seem the cabal failed at attempts for conquest in NA, but given the child sacrifice and pyramids in SA I'd say that it's fair to assume SA was successfully invaded. Backup seems to have not come in time and most (but not all) of the cabal knowledge was lost.
I'm curious as to how Asia, Africa, and the middle east fit into all this.
Honestly the ME looks like it became a shitshow and the cabal just scorched the earth (fertile crescent does not seem so fertile any more) as completely and totally as they could to cover their tracks. Sure would be great if we could stop blowing everything up over there and dig a bit more, but I'm sure the fact that archaeology there is difficult is just a coincidence
▶ ce273a (53) No.1731889
>>1719707 (OP)
Re the Danish (Scandinavian) flags and the "other" lesser know Crusades (Baltic region).
The Holy Roman Dannebrog -- Denmark’s national flag
Denmark’s national flag, the red-and-white cross Dannebrog, while trumpeted as the oldest flag in Europe and the icon of Danishness is in fact the banner of the Holy Roman Empire, and the legend of its descent from heaven is based on a Portuguese crusader myth…
According to legend, the Dannebrog is said to have dropped from heaven at the Battle of Lyndanisse in Estonia in 1219 during Valdemar’s crusade to the Baltic states, but the flag’s association with Denmark can only be testified to about 150 years later. One theory is that the Danish flag with the white cross on a red bunting was a gift to the Danish king from the Pope for his crusade against the eastern pagans. Tallinn, the Estonian capital, founded originally by Valdemar, means ‘Danish City’ and a white cross on a red ground figures in its city arms….
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1731897>>1732036 >>1739560
He jokes about being the black sheep?
For me the real wakeup moment was "Get Out" (academy award winner, 100% real. It's a kubrick-esque film that's part mockery, part disclosure, part insult, part ?????) when the guy was like "black is in right now"
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1731914>>1731948
the Nordic theory goes back to Q and his posts about N in the New World Order.
N does not stand for New or Nazi, but a sub group
Q !UW.yye1fxo Sat 10 Mar 2018 17:57:14 4d8e72 No.617965
{Pic: Church/Nazi people}
Q !UW.yye1fxo Sat 10 Mar 2018 18:07:05 4d8e72 No.618129
The Nazi order.
NWO [N does not refer to “New”].
The Sum of All Fears.
Stage SET.
Q !UW.yye1fxo Sat 10 Mar 2018 18:19:23 fb1a66 No.618344
You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.
Trust the plan.
Trust there are more good than bad.
The WORLD is helping.
We are not alone.
We are all connected in this fight.
We are winning BIG.
Watch the speech.
God bless.
Q !UW.yye1fxo Sat 10 Mar 2018 18:37:22 fb1a66 No.618754
N does not refer to Nazi.
The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.
Events will clarify.
Think subgroup.
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1731923>>1732117
I want to clarify - egyptian civ existed in parallel w/ canaan (i think? no proof, just vague memories of timelines), but the cabal shift happened when the seat of power abruptly shifted from the lower nile to the upper nile.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1731936
Don't forget the Caucasus (Danaan) --> Scythians, Khazar…
I've always found it noteworthy that in Islamic exegesis/eschatology there is a clear distinction between Bani Israel (Children of Jacob/Israel) and Yahoodi (Jews).
Could the latter be acting under cover of the former?
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1731948>>1731992
>N does not refer to Nazi.
The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.
Events will clarify.Think subgroup
The Nazi ideology was a 'supreme race" which was the Aryan/Nordic
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1731992>>1732059
"Nordic" doesn't make sense to me though as "Nordic" only makes sense w/ relatively recent timescales. What's the etymology of the word "Nordic"
I do agree w/ you, Aryan aligning with Nordic, the Phoenicians being Vikings, etc. does make it seem likely.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1732000>>1737626
Red was also a color resulting from their trademark purple dye.
Probably why their sails were red/white and they wear purple clothes today.
Tyrian Purple Shroud of Charlemagne (by Unknown Artist)
Tyrian purple (aka Royal purple or Imperial purple) is a dye extracted from the murex shellfish which was first produced by the Phoenician city of Tyre in the Bronze Age. Its difficulty of manufacture, striking purple to red colour range, and resistance to fading made clothing dyed using Tyrian purple highly desirable and expensive. The Phoenicians gained great fame as sellers of purple and exported its manufacture to its colonies, notably Carthage, from where it spread in popularity and was adopted by the Romans as a symbol of imperial authority and status.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1732024>>1732682
Ham is Hebrew for “hot, burnt, dark” while Japheth means bright, fair, or very light.” Shem indicates “brownish or dusky.”
Canaan, son of Ham, was to be the servant of Shem. 9:26.
The four sons of Ham went toward Africa. Gen. 10:6-20.
▶ d2709a (7) No.1732036
"…Vice President Dick Cheney, who said he learned recently that Obama is his eighth cousin. “Everyone has a black sheep in the family,” Obama quips."
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1732059>>1732143 >>1732157
I am just tying in with what Q said was a subgroup of Nazism.
Hitler's inner circle believed in the NOrdic theory.
The Nordic race was one of the racial subcategories into which white people were divided by anthropologists in the first half of the 20th century. The debates about this topic are nowadays mostly not considered scientific, but ideological.[1] Ideologies of racial supremacy that claim that the Nordic race, particularly the Germanic peoples, would constitute a master race because of an innate capacity for leadership[2] are referred to as Nordic theory, Nordicism[3] or Nordic thought. Those ideologies were prevalent mainly in the late-19th and early 20th centuries in Western Europe and North America. Nordic thought was a major influence on Nazism.[4]
Origins of Nordicism
During the Renaissance blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin were regularly portrayed in literature as signs of beauty, and were associated with noble moral qualities.[16] This imagery was largely aesthetic. It was not typically theorised in terms of racial difference, drawing instead on traditional symbolism of light as opposed to darkness.
From the 17th century onwards, as Northern European countries became more powerful, Northern peoples began to adapt such aesthetic traditions into arguments for their own superiority. Benjamin Franklin proposed a clear distinction between "white" Europeans and "swarthy" Europeans, stating that immigration to the newly-born United States should favour the "white" Saxons and Englishmen rather than the "swarthy" Germans (except for the German Saxons), Italians, French, Russians, Spaniards and Swedes.[17] Franklin believed the white Europeans to be more "lovely", at least to his taste.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1732117>>1732222
>What if they periodically take a crew and then just go as far and wide as they can to settle, assimilate, pervert, and control. When they swap they usually collapse<
FALSE FLAG ORIGINS: Jolie Rouge > Jolly Roger.
Pirates did not fly the Jolly Roger at all times. Like other vessels, pirate ships usually stocked a variety of different flags, and would normally fly false colors or no colors until they had their prey within firing range.[38] When the pirates' intended victim was within range, the Jolly Roger would be raised, often simultaneously with a warning shot.
Beautiful RED (Jolie ROUGE).
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1732129>>1732222 >>1732408
Q !ITPb.qbhqo Tue 05 Dec 2017 00:45:56 cc0116 No.35166
RED RED stringer 25th.
Hussein RED video 27th (response).
Hussein in Asia on 28th post stringer.
More than one meaning.
Hussein RED Indictments variables.
Think circle.
Expand your thinking.
Take multiple paths.
One connects to another.
Learn to read the map.
The map is the key.
Find the keystone.
What holds everything together?
I am thinking Q is saying that following the RED color (on the sails) will lead us.
This map may be the map of the world and the migration of peoples.
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1732143
This is great, thanks
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1732157>>1732190
>During the Renaissance blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin were regularly portrayed in literature as signs of beauty, and were associated with noble moral qualities.[16] This imagery was largely aesthetic. It was not typically theorised in terms of racial difference, drawing instead on traditional symbolism of light as opposed to darkness.
OG Cabal hollywooding
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1732190
> symbolism of light as opposed to darkness.
coincidence how Q is always about dark to light
▶ ce273a (53) No.1732196>>1732244 >>1737713
THE CITY of LONDON. Gog and Magog. End times.
From the Lord Mayor:
Main illustration: The 1947 statue of Gog standing in the Guildhall
Gog and Magog, or sometimes Gogmagog and Corineus, are descended from mythical pagan giants and their origins lie in mediaeval legends of the early British Kings. The story goes that Diocletian -- the Roman Emperor – had thirty-three wicked daughters. He managed to find thirty-three husbands to curb their unruly ways, but the daughters were not pleased and under the leadership of their eldest sister Alba they plotted to cut the throats of their husbands as they slept.
For this crime they were set adrift in a boat with half a year's rations, and after a long and dreadful journey they arrived at a great island that came to be named Albion, after the eldest. Here they stayed, and with the assistance of demons they populated the the wild, windswept islands with a race of giants…
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1732222>>1733085
This is exploding my head right now
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1732232>>1732307 >>1737746
Is Epstein's Temple blue or purple?
I bet it is a purple color
▶ ce273a (53) No.1732244>>1732885
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1732269>>1732751
Anonymous 06/13/18 (Wed) 09:49:59 ID: ca7428 No.1728913>>1728940
You are learning.
This post strikes me as a Q/helper.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1732307>>1737746
Blue, like the Canaanite, I mean, Israeli flag.
The statue of Poseidon represents Enki, and I believe that Enki is Satan.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1732340>>1732759
Phoenician king pic
▶ ce273a (53) No.1732370>>1732596 >>1732772 >>1733211
And according to Plato they were seafarers…
READ carefully:
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1732383
Hitler forbade redheads from marrying, all over Europe red hair has been synonymous with Jews for ages and ages.
Ghengis Khan : Red hair, Green eyes.
Ramses II : Red Hair, Blue Eyes
George Washington: Red
Thomas Jefferson: Red
Royal families?
Elongated Skulls found in Turkey/Region of Ancient Troy
….Red hair
Ohio Iroquois burial mounds: red hair
"Their tall stature, their long red hair, their huge shields, their extraordinarily long swords; still more, their songs as they enter into battle, their war-whoops and dances, and the horrible clash of arms as they shake their shields in the way their fathers did before them - all these things are intended to terrify and appal."
- Livy, on the Gauls.
"The red hair and large limbs of the inhabitants of Caledonia point clearly to a Germanic origin."
- Tacitus, on the inhabitants of northern Britain.
"The colour of the Ethiopian is not singular among his countrymen, nor is red hair tied up in a knot a peculiarity among the Germans."
- Seneca, on the Germans.
In the book of Enoch angels descend and begat giants who cannibalized people.
After the flood Noah/Ziusudra makes a new home (SUMERIA, or eventually IRAQ, BABYLON, AKKADIA, MESOPOTAMIA)
Flood wipes out red haired giants apparently
Some time later…
Abraham leaves Sumer (He's from a town in Sumer called Nippur)
Were his sons red headed twins? Was Abraham, founder of the nation of Israel red headed?
Eventually giants are known of again in the area of Canaan, giants like Gilgamesh, Goliath.
When Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, do we think all of Sumer was destroyed?
Where did the Sumerians go?
Many peoples of the world are likely amalgamations of the Sumerian diaspora when the nation came apart thousands of years ago. If the Aryan people originate in Sumer, they may have traveled to England, India, Japan (The Ainu), Russia, Mongolia, North Africa…
Add to this the lost ten tribes of Israel.
It's a twisted web of various related tribes.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1732408>>1732605
The more I ponder "find the keystone. What holds everything together?", I keep thinking Clowns. Clowns are used for regime change, blackmail, nuclear threats, and protecting those who do their will. Q, is the keystone the Clowns?
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1732437
IMO this is pretty clearly a Cabal power shift.
They'd rode out the power wave that was the Phoenicians, the time was right to do a swap.
Likely they had heard about the rise of other governments (Rome, Greece, Nordic, etc.) and knew they needed to do a switch if they were to successfully coopt the new players
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1732460
There are radioactive sites in India, coupled with historic accounts that's pretty intriguing.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1732596>>1733211 >>1735315
What if Atlantis was a walled city with canals and access to the sea? (Venitian/Phoenician)
The Flood.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1732605>>1732657 >>1732701 >>1733061
No one bucks the Clowns; the wealthy are afraid of them and funnel money to them for protection. Politicians funnel money to them out of blackmail. Clowns own the drug trade throughout the world. The Clowns have their own planes (air force) and subs (navy). The Clowns rule the Deep State. The Clowns are embedded in Google, Facebook and Twitter. And since Obama opened the NSA databases to all other intel agencies, the Clowns have access to all domestic and international intel. The Clowns have it all, just as the good guys do. The real question is, who runs the Clowns?
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1732618>>1732859 >>1733184
Is the Phoenician alphabet the oldest known in the world?
It had a Y
The Phoenician alphabet, called by convention the Proto-Canaanite alphabet for inscriptions older than around 1050 BC, is the oldest verified alphabet. The Phoenician alphabet is an abjad[3] consisting of 22 letters, all consonants, with matres lectionis used for some vowels in certain late varieties. It was used for the writing of Phoenician, a Northern Semitic language, used by the civilization of Phoenicia.
The Phoenician alphabet is derived from Egyptian hieroglyphs.[4] It became one of the most widely used writing systems, spread by Phoenician merchants across the Mediterranean world, where it evolved and was assimilated by many other cultures. The Paleo-Hebrew alphabet is a local variant of the Phoenician alphabetical script.[5] Another derivative script is the Aramaic alphabet, which was the ancestor of the modern Arabic script. The Modern Hebrew script is a stylistic variant of the Aramaic script. The Greek alphabet (and by extension its descendants, such as Latin, Cyrillic, Runic, and Coptic) was also derived from Phoenician.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1732657
And politicians worldwide pass laws to further the goals of the Clowns. Blackmail is serious business. As is drug trafficking and sex and child trafficking. The Clowns run it all.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1732682
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
What's your opinion of this (poorly made) video?
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1732688>>1732862
"hey crossed lands belonging to a variety of Turkic peoples, notably the Khazar Khaganate, Oghuz Turks on the east coast of the Caspian, the Pechenegs on the Ural River, and the Bashkirs in what is now central Russia, but the largest portion of his account is dedicated to the Rus, i.e. the Varangians (Vikings) on the Volga trade route. All told, the delegation covered some 4000 kilometers (2500 mi).[5]"
10th century (right in line w/ your proposed timeline) we have a guy connecting the two peoples. Courier is being embedded in his entourage is possible.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1732701>>1732756
Another question is - how did Trump root the Clowns out of NK??? Can't wait for the book.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1732751>>1733113
I'm the OP, and I'm no Q helper, just an anon with too much autism. I can't take credit for the idea, I saw it randomly in a thread once where people started thinking NORDIC… and it stuck in my mind for awhile.. It was only just yesterday that I was chatting with someone about the Phoenicians and on a lark I looked up what their ships looked like.
Now I'm pretty much convinced that this has legs.
Nordic, of course, is a "modern" word for it.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1732756>>1732795
It's going to be a good book - can't wait to hear how Trump cleaned the Clowns out of Syria.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1732759
Nothing to see here, carry on!
▶ d2709a (7) No.1732772>>1732859 >>1733211
"…a cultural war between wealth and modesty, between a maritime and an agrarian society, and between an engineering science and a spiritual force."
Sounds similar to the struggles our modern society faces today. A cultural war between clashing societies. Some things never change, maybe by design.
What a coincidence, Socrates mentions a sun god scorching the earth with a fiery chariot. Smells like Moloch worship to me.
Atlantis or whatever nation/antagonist Atlantis represented is most likely connected to the same Cult of the Sun/Bull that worships Moloch/Ba'al/Lucifer throughout history and in our modern world behind closed doors.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1732795>>1732904 >>1733125
My gut tells me Russian, China and the U.S. are working together to crush the Clowns into a thousand pieces and throw them into the wind.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1732859>>1732970
Phoenician Alphabet.
Y = Key?
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1732862
>Just a random thought, perhaps they used the vikings to disrupt trade in the north so that they could more easily expand in the south? And should they even conquer the north, all the better? No evidence for this yet, just an idea…
Assuming Ahmad is couriering for the cabal, I think it would be safe to assume that the volga route (north through caucuses, then west to scandanavia) is cabal territory (interesting, have Russians been fighting these motherfuckers literally forever?). Assuming this is cabal territory, it's a bit of a stretch but I think we can also assume that the "european" route is NOT cabal territory.
I'm saying this to establish motive - they want to control it and they know they need to go that way.
What's the history of viking incursions into Russia?
Also I feel like the Finns (aka the Hungarians aka the Turks) are also involved in this somehow….
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1732885>>1732967
Can't help but see a big fish here
▶ 7b7055 (12) No.1732904
>My gut tells me Russian, China and the U.S. are working together to crush the Clowns into a thousand pieces and throw them into the wind.
They are as well as other nations..I always wanted a tripartite alliance between PRC/RF/USA this is how we will vanguard humanity into world peace. Trump's campaign slogan for 2020 elections should be "World Peace 2020".
▶ ce273a (53) No.1732958
Another anon has just brought up Ibn Fadlan.
There was a movie made tying his travelogue to Beowulf.
Author? Crichton of Jurassic Park fame. Movie is rather interesting, when you take what is here into consideration.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1732967
▶ d2709a (7) No.1732970>>1733037
I could be totally wrong here, but I was under the impression that Linear A was the oldest language known to man. Is it only famous because it's undecipherable at the moment?
Regardless, all these languages are from civilizations believed to be heavily steeped in occult practices.
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1732979
This is the correct answer
The answer is that all religions are ruled over by one religion, the religion of evil. They hide themselves amongst all the religion so we can all say "muh joos" or "muh muslims" or "muh christians" and bitch at each other with very real facts.
It's like the reptilian shapeshifters, it's the perfect anti-knowledge meme.
The truth is that evil people use religion to do evil things and rule over people. The anti-knowledge meme is that it's (specific religions) fault. It takes more work to get to the truth than it does to get to the anti-knowledge meme, so most people's brains stop there.
▶ d18d8e (1) No.1733037
Icelandic is the oldest language. I know. I'm Icelandic.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1733061>>1733227
I think FIVE EYES is really only ONE EYE and that is the British crown.
One of the five is Britain and the rest are her colonies.
They just didn't expect Trump to win.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1733113
>the OP
The first 16 pages of this is really good.
The Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins:
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1733125>>1733221
Trump has to destroy and/or get their wealth.
Is their wealth in gold, oil or land?
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:33:51 No.149063644
Wealth (over generations) buys power.
Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.
More wealth/control buys countries and its people.
Families combined (TRI) = NWO.
Inner TRI families will collapse.
What is the keystone?
What Nation dominates all others?
What Nation has influence over most others?
What is the keystone?
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1733156>>1733306
Vikings have those horns too.. at least in comics.
▶ f11e67 (3) No.1733189>>1825750
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Anybody archive?
The Venetian conspiracy link section is not working. Site is rough. Some links not working.
Vikings were in Canada 500 years before Columbus. Video relevant and has been confirmed since video released. When I starting think about this all I could think about is that video embedded.
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1733211
>READ carefully:
Sounds like the proto-phoenicians tried to invade and enslave proto-athens and got absolutely wrecked in The Flood
"Athens triumphed over the invading Atlantean forces, defeating the enemy, _preventing the free from being enslaved, and freeing those who had been enslaved._"
"After the battle, there were violent earthquakes and floods, and Atlantis sank into the sea, and all the Athenian warriors were swallowed up by the earth"
This also sounds a lot like the parting of the Red sea and Moses leading people from Egypt.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1733221
Then we need to invade Switzerland. I believe that the Pindar of the Draco is there. I am not sure where all of our gold is located, but a lot of it should be in Switzerland.
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1733227
Five eyes is 5 corners of a pyramid, one eye is the eye on the top?
▶ ce273a (53) No.1733306>>1733830
That's it though.
Vikings = Pirates/Raiders/Brigands. This was their "agriculture."
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1733322
Nordic (adj.)
1898, from French nordique (in J. Deniker's system of race classifications), literally "of or pertaining to the north," from nord "north"
Old English norð "northern" (adj.), "northwards" (adv.), from Proto-Germanic *nurtha- (source also of Old Norse norðr, Old Saxon north, Old Frisian north, Middle Dutch nort, Dutch noord, German nord), possibly ultimately from PIE *ner- (1) "left," also "below," as north is to the left when one faces the rising sun
"Under world order"?
▶ ce273a (53) No.1733364>>1733425
Recognise it?
▶ f11e67 (3) No.1733373>>1733410 >>1733434
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I thought this guy in video was crazy. Now he is making more sense.
Is this part of the prison that Q talks about? The prison of language? Spells of language? The human commodity through the 'social contract'. Plus sigil?
Like 'Free Trade'. Nothing is free in free trade. Why is free even used? Language keeps us confused and allows them to take advantaged of us. We need clear simple proper syntax to stop this fuckery.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1733410>>1733624
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1733425>>1733907
I haven't even read
I'm going to just straight up assume it's Epstein's Temple.
I'm going to shit my pants (hopefully not really) if that's right.
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1733434
100% words can be weaponized
Free trade is a great example, you never even think about it
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1733474
They could signify the rise of the one-world government. Lucifer was the first to try to establish it, and he failed. Nimrod was the second, and he was killed by Shem.
We are now facing the third and final attempt.
▶ f11e67 (3) No.1733624>>1733673
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Yes. Good example here about how language is used in maritime law and the reasons why law is so vague and pretentious.
Videofag today.
Video is long and I haven't watched completely. The intro summary does a good job giving you a quick overview. This is why everybody needs a lawyer.
Anyone who has reviewed or written legal documents will tell you how wordy and confusing they can be. You have to re-read over and over again to make sense…
I am just putting this together now. Kinda spitballin.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1733658>>1733817
Note that "bicorni" actually means Two Horns. A Bull?
▶ ce273a (53) No.1733673>>1733824 >>1738197 >>1739482
Maritime Law = Pheonician Law = Law of the Sea.
The OWL is not what it seems.
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1733817>>1733940
Holy shit…Y is the keystone. The fucking Cult of The Bull.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1733824>>1734394 >>1737874 >>1738197
An anon noted recently that the flag(s) behind Potus/Pompeo had no gold fringe. Significant?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1733830>>1733897 >>1734581
Not quite… at least not directly.. pirates were often working for the crown of the respective countries.
That being said, the crown themselves were already corrupted into the cabal
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1733849>>1759699
Perhaps Canaan was founded by people with very high neanderthal DNA.
The Phoenicians were Neanderthals.
Neanderthal World Order
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1733897
Yes, exactly. Infamous pirates in history are most likely related to royalty and in turn connected to occult practices.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1733907>>1759699
In the early 3rd millennium the temples were built on the same plan as houses: a rectangle with the entrance on one of the long sides, with a small altar or a niche for the cult statue opposite the entrance. Sometimes there were benches around the three uninterrupted walls. An outer court contained the main altar, where the larger community could participate in worship. At the beginning of the 2nd millennium the house of the god was extended by the expansion of the niche into an additional room ("cella") and of the entrance into a porch--the form later used by the Phoenician architects of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. There were also outdoor shrines, such as the "high place" at Gezer (near modern Ramla, Israel) with its row of standing stones and monumental stone basin (and surviving charred animal remains). Over the centuries there was an increasing variety of forms at different sites. At particular sites, however, the plans of temples often remained virtually identical, even after previous superstructures had been destroyed.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1733940>>1734015
The "other" temple in Jerusalem.
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1734083>>1734140 >>1734158 >>1759699
I think there's an issue at play in our perception of Israelites, Jews, Canaanites, Phoenicians.
I think there is substantial overlap in physical traits such as
Red/Brown Hair
Fair Complexion
Light Colored eyes
They all mingle and get confused with each other, over thousands of years everyone has been genetically mingling.
I'm O negative
Curly hair, freckles, red facial hair
I don't know if I'm a Hebrew or a Phoenician
▶ ce273a (53) No.1734126>>1736546 >>1759699
Viking Human Sacrifice…
There are several horrifying accounts of human sacrifices from the Viking period. The German bishop, Thietmar of Merseburg, describes how the Vikings met every nine years at Lejre on Zealand in January “and offer to their gods 99 people and just as many horses, dogs and hens or hawks, for these should serve them in the kingdom of the dead and atone for their evil deeds.”
The German monk Adam of Bremen wrote a similar account in 1072 about the sacrificial tradition at Gammel Uppsala in Sweden, where the temple was devoted to Thor, Odin and Frey. Here the Vikings also met every 9 years to ensure the goodwill of the gods. 9 males of all kinds of living creatures were sacrificed in a holy grove nearby. According to Adam of Bremen dogs, horses and humans hung from the trees. The number 9 was apparently of magical significance to the Vikings and was involved in a number of rituals.
There has been extensive debate over whether these accounts were real or simply Christian propaganda. Neither Thietmar nor Adam witnessed the cult activities themselves. They wrote their chronicles in the late Viking period and early Middle Ages, when Christianity had taken over and human sacrifices were no longer acceptable.
Therefore, Thietmar and Adam’s accounts have long been dismissed as pure fabrication. However, archaeological finds from recent years show that human sacrifice was a reality in Viking Age Denmark. In particular, skeletons recovered from wells at the Viking fortress of Trelleborg and the magnate’s residence at Tissø, both in West Zealand, have made archaeologists think very differently.
At Trelleborg a sacrificial site was found from the time before the Viking fortress was erected in 980-81. In five c. 3 metre-deep wells human and animal skeletons were found, together with jewellery and tools. Of the total of five human sacrifices, four were young children aged between 4 and 7.
It is very significant that the skeletons were found in wells. The Vikings attributed great symbolic importance to wells. Odin gained his wisdom from drinking at Mímir's well. In exchange he had to sacrifice one of his eyes to Mímir. But what could the sacrifice of a whole human being be rewarded with?
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1734140>>1734197 >>1759699
Canaanites and Phoenicians are the same. When the Canaanites were feeling the heat, they changed their name to the Phoenicians.
The followers of Shem are the Semites.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1734158>>1734186 >>1734197 >>1734326 >>1759699
I don't think the racial markers matter. It's the "religion" that distinguishes Phoenicians.
Not how you dress or look, but what you believe.
Cain and Abel right? We all descend from the same original couple.
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1734186
Home is where the bleeding sacrificial heart to Moloch is.
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1734197>>1734233 >>1734240 >>1759699
Shem begat many nations, an eventual child of his is Abraham.
From Abraham come the Hebrews, Canaanites.
I think that's a noble notion.
We're all a big family, what you believe and thus what you do matters far more than lineage.
Content Of Character.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1734206>>1734260 >>1734283 >>1734372 >>1734598 >>1738329 >>1759699 >>1854157
NAZI link
Chambers Encyclopaedia notes that "After 1200 B.C. the name of Canaanites vanished from history. They changed their name to Phoenician." Thus the most notorious and most hated people on earth received a new lease on life. The barbaric Canaanites had disappeared.
The more civilized Phoenicians, seemingly harmless merchant folk, took their place. Having obtained a monopoly on purple dye, which was highly prized throughout the ancient world, the Canaanites advertised their control over this product by calling themselves Phoenicians, from phoenicia (phoenikiea), the Greek word for purple. From the outset of their history, the Phoenician Canaanites always managed to get a monopoly on some essential product. They later had a monopoly on tin for some centuries, until the Greeks discovered tin in Cornwall in 233B.C. Joseph of Arimathea, the uncle of Jesus, was said to have owned large tin mines in Cornwall. The change of name did not mean that the Canaanites had abandoned their worship of Baal and Ashtoreth. They became more prudent in their worship of Baal, and in the colonies which they established along the length of the Mediterranean, they built their temples to the female of the species, Ashtoreth. In the Egyptian city of Memphis, the Phoenician Temple of Ashotoreth was the largest religious edifice. She was known there as the wife of the supreme god, El, and his seventy deities. In their rituals, Ashtoreth was sometimes worshipped as the male demon,Astaroth, who survived in European rites as Astara or Ostara. In this form, he became the patron god of the Nazi movement in Germany.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1734230
We can try, what tattoo's were present?
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1734233>>1734326 >>1759699
Yes. We, the followers of Shem, are supposed to destroy the Canaanites. We just forgot about this. Q Post 563.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1734240>>1734271 >>1734661 >>1759699
The Curse of Canaan:
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1734271>>1759699
What I've learned is I ain't no phoenician
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1734283>>1734316
Joseph of A was one of them until he buried Jesus in his tomb. Then they turned against Joseph and had him arrested too.
They were the ones who feared Jesus and wanted him killed.
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1734316
And they wrapped Christ in a purple robe.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1734326
Cain (Canaan/Cainites?).
The KEY question is: Am I my borther's keeper. Your answer is who you are.
▶ 72d5ec (6) No.1734336>>1734505 >>1759699
>>1719707 (OP)
For some reason I'm thinking about the Jews fitting into this via the possibility of being able to see the black hexagon/projected cube on Saturn from ships at night- being on the water means you have 70% of the earth just about to navigate to follow your "guide" and do what you're gonna do as a result of that. Tefilin already are basically designed to be focal points for one's soul and energy to be projected to God, but in this case I'm fairly certain is actually pic related.
We know the phoenicians and the Jews parallel in a lot of areas and with the Vikings now fitting into the whole equation, that seriously reinforces the idea that their beliefs would be heavily regulated and influenced by heavenly bodies given that's how they would literally navigate the world- is it so much of a stretch to believe that maybe they believed their spiritual map would be the same as their physical map if they're so fixated on worship of that same material world? Just spit-balling
▶ ce273a (53) No.1734372>>1734555 >>1759699
Evil darkness of the north
So who was Gog? It is hard to find any reference to Gog in the ancient writings besides the Book of Ezekiel. Here "Gog from Magog" is considered to be a symbol of the evil darkness of the north, a king that should come from the East and make war with Israel. Ezekiel also mention that Gog is the ally of Gomer, Japeths oldests son.
Aurelius Ambrosius (better known as Saint Ambrose 340-397AD), was a bishop of Milan and he claimed that Gog was a name for the Goths. The Goths were according to some scholars an East Germanic tribe of Scandinavian (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) origin but the ancient Greeks considered the Goths to be Scythians (Herodotus 440 B.C.) .
Map of Khazaria
Gog and Magog became by some other ancient scholars identified with the Khazars, whose empire dominated Central Asia in the 9th and 10th centuries. So did also a Georgian tradition, which called them "wild men with hideous faces and the manners of wild beasts, eaters of blood". King Joseph of Khazaria claimed to be a descendant of Magog's nephew Togarmah. The ancient Khazar Empire was a major but now almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in 740 AD converted to Judaism. It was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan of the Mongol Empire, but some evidence indicates that the Khazars migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western (Ashkenazim) Jewry.
Girl from Caucasus
Girl from Caucasus
It is said that Kazaria was divided between Ak-Khazars ("White Khazars") and Kara-Khazars ("Black Khazars"). The Arab writer Istakhri claimed that the White Khazars were strikingly handsome with reddish hair, white skin and blue eyes while the Black Khazars were swarthy verging on deep black as if they were some kind of Indian.
One Christian schoolar identified two of Magog's sons as Suenno, progenitor of the Swedes, and Gog (also known as Gethar or Gogus) as the ancestor of the Goths. Another historian asserted that Meshech, another of Japeths sons, first ruled also in Britain.
The Georigian people have traditions that they, and other Caucasus people, as well as Armenians, share descent from Meshech.
LONDON. Gog and Magog. BIBLICAL.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1734394>>1734537 >>1738057 >>1738374 >>1825831
I did a quick refresh on this topic. It's funny, on the one hand it's relegated to conspiracy theory. It's often cited that a court dismissed this argument as frivolous.
In recent years, a non-historically-based conspiracy argument used by tax protesters is that an American court displaying an American flag with a gold fringe is in fact an "admiralty court" and thus has no jurisdiction. Courts have repeatedly dismissed this as frivolous.[13]
If you read the reference it leads you here:
This is the flag of the United States of America. Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 38(a), the plaintiff's claim of the pleading is in the Constitution of the United States of America, dated 1789, Article of the Ninth, for a hearing sworn by oath of the office. Army regulations 840-10, Chapter 21AB, states the flag of the United States will be of red, white, and blue with a star for each state and will be in the highest honored position over foreign flags and the president of the United States. Corporate flag of the fringe, by the law of the flag, the foreign flag of the fringe makes the jurisdiction foreign. Plaintiff is not an attorney of the law, plaintiff is a citizen and a party. How can a party plead to the matter by the subject in the court when the jurisdiction of venue, federal rules of court procedure, Rule 12(b) (3), has not been established or placed and erected plain under the flag with the fringe as to jurisdiction of the foreign power under the law of the flag? That the party is guilty until proven innocent, the Constitution of the United States rights are guaranteed to a citizen in the party innocent until proven guilty. Until the joinder of the federal rule of court procedure Rule 12(b) is established, no conversation can be understood.
ROA, Vol. III, at 72-73; see also id. at 73 (indicating that the district court responded by saying "I don't know what the purpose of that is [,] but if it's an objection to proceeding, it's overruled"). Later, believing that he and his attorney were not adequately prepared, Mackovich opted to "stand mute" and refused to testify in his own defense.
These developments do not demonstrate that the district court erred by refusing to halt the trial to reassess Mackovich's competence. It is true that " [e]ven when a defendant is competent at the commencement of his trial, a trial court must always be alert to circumstances suggesting a change that would render the accused unable to meet the standards of competence to stand trial." Drope, 420 U.S. at 181; accord Williams, 113 F.3d at 1160. Here, however, the district court's decision to proceed was not clearly erroneous for at least three reasons. First, Mackovich's "flag fringe" argument though indisputably frivolous was not indecipherable. Litigants in this circuit and elsewhere assert with some frequency that a flag adorned with yellow fringe is "foreign" and thus robs the trial court of jurisdiction. See Wacker v. Crow, No. 99-3071, 1999 WL 525905, at *1 (10th Cir. July 1, 1999) (unpublished disposition) (deeming "frivolous" the argument that the presence of a flag with yellow fringe precluded jurisdiction and "effectively commuted the district court into a foreign power"); Hancock v. Utah, No. 98-4139, 1999 WL 288251, at *1, *2, *3 (10th Cir. May 10, 1999) (unpublished disposition) (rejecting a plaintiff's argument that state officials "violated his right to due process by placing yellow fringe around the American flag"); Murray v. Wyoming, No. 98-8095, 1999 WL 140517, at *1 (10th Cir. Mar. 16, 1999) (unpublished disposition) (dismissing as "meritless" a plaintiff's argument that the district court and a state penitentiary lacked jurisdiction to adjudicate his claims "on the ground that both institutions display a flag with yellow fringe").2 Second, the district court did, in fact, briefly revisit the issue of competency after Mackovich complained about the flag. The district judge stated during trial that "earlier I had a competency hearing to decide on the competency of the defendant, and I ruled that he was competent, and my opinion has not changed."
In other words, the court gets accused of not being legit, and the court says "of course we're legit, you silly man, and the fact that you can make that argument at least proves you are competent"
I'd be interested in seeing the fringe's origins and also the fringe on other flags.
I don't think the fringe matters, it's not like I see it on the flags when Obama was visiting other leaders
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1734467>>1734621
Now that is interesting. Maybe there is something to the purple clothes!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1734505>>1734589 >>1734677 >>1759699
I like the idea, except there's no way they'd be able to see the hexagon on saturn from the earth due to it's orientation… unless of course that changed over the years.
I really don't think the Polar Configuration makes physical sense (that Saturn used to literally be our Sun)
Yet it is interesting that arguably the most holy planet ends up having a hexagon on it's pole.. and we "just" discovered that
▶ ce273a (53) No.1734537>>1734556 >>1734580
Breaking that down. Makovich argues:
1. This is the flag of the United States of America. Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 38(a), the plaintiff's claim of the pleading is in the Constitution of the United States of America, dated 1789, Article of the Ninth, for a hearing sworn by oath of the office. Army regulations 840-10, Chapter 21AB, states the flag of the United States will be of red, white, and blue with a star for each state and will be in the highest honored position over foreign flags and the president of the United States.
2. [This] Corporate flag of the fringe [that is present in the court is], by the law of the flag, the foreign flag of the fringe makes the jurisdiction foreign.
3) Plaintiff [Makovich] is not an attorney of the law [a member of the bar in an admiralty/corporate court], plaintiff is a citizen and a party. How can a party plead to the matter by the subject in the court when the jurisdiction of venue, federal rules of court procedure, Rule 12(b) (3), has not been established or placed and erected plain under the flag with the fringe as to jurisdiction of the foreign power under the law of the flag?
the thing is that by identifying himself, Makovich has already established the court's jurisdiction. By arguing his case, he doubly does so.
The court can either deem him incompetent (and it seems clear he is not) or dismiss his argument.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1734555>>1734649 >>1735931
▶ ce273a (53) No.1734556>>1734580
Furthermore, the court itself is part of the corporation. Once you enter it your are under its jurisdiction. (Kind of like entering a US embassy overseas. You are no longer in foreign territory jurisdiction. You're home.)
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1734580
True true, the Judge must be laughing because theoretically, the second you take the judge seriously by arguing with him, you've already accepted the court's jurisdiction and any argument against it is contradictory and 'frivolous'
Notice that the Judge didn't explain why it was frivolous. I'd be interested in knowing that.
I think this is a bit of a slide to the main topic which is tracing the history of the Phoenicians. The only part that makes it interesting is the claim that it denotes the Law of the Sea, which of course would be a nod to the Phoenicians themselves. I'd love to see proof of that.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1734581>>1759699
False Flag. Yes. Elizabeth the first had ships that flew the Jolie Rouge, if memory serves.
▶ 72d5ec (6) No.1734589>>1759699
Even that aside, there's the dye thing- wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrian_purple
>Some[who?] speculate that the dye extracted from the Bolinus brandaris is known as argaman (ארגמן) in Biblical Hebrew. Another dye extracted from a related sea snail, Hexaplex trunculus, produced a blue colour which could be the one known as tekhelet (תְּכֵלֶת), used in garments worn for ritual purposes.[9]
While collecting their famous dye, they easily would have been able to acquire that relative considering their natural habitats overlap; perhaps its usage was partially convenience turned holy over time since the material for it would be found near the same material that makes you rich?
▶ ce273a (53) No.1734598>>1759699
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1734621
The purple revolution
▶ ce273a (53) No.1734649>>1736633
▶ ce273a (53) No.1734661>>1759699
Ezra Pound.
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1734677>>1734704 >>1734718 >>1759699
Whoa….so wait…
Saturn is traditionally Enlil
Neptune is Enki
Enki has other names
Oannes, Dagon, Neptune, Poseidon, Jupiter
Enlil does too
Saturn, Chronos, Satan, El, Bel, Marduk
Good brother Enki
Evil Brother Enlil
Both bare this symbol
▶ 72d5ec (6) No.1734704>>1759699
WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT? Neptune as well? What in the actual fuck my autism is tingling and I can't make out what it's saying
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1734718>>1734804 >>1759699
One of the statues outside of Epstein's temple is Poseidon/Enki.
So, you are saying that Enlil is Satan. I Satan was Enki…
What is the relationship between Satan, Lucifer, and Nimrod?
There is an interview with Justen Faull and Gary Wayne in which they discuss Nimrod. It is very interesting.
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1734741>>1759699
The Sumerians also practiced ritual sacrifice and may be our first recorded instance of the Cult of the Sun in recorded history. Though at the time of their existence, the astrological sign would've been Cult of the Aries(Aryan). Coincidence?
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1734762>>1734801 >>1738294 >>1759699
It's all rather confusing unfortunately, figures get conflated with each other.
The Sumerian flood myth seems to make Enlil seem like a petty, vindictive God who wants to genocide the people.
Within that story, his brother Enki is the one who tells Noah/Ziasudra to build a craft. Enki is shown as much more compassionate toward mankind.
I don't doubt that somehow Sumeria => Greece
And in the mix Perhaps Enlil is Poseidon, since he is responsible for the flood?
Regardless, God's "Split personality" of Wrath/Compassion is explained in Sumeria as essentially two different characters
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1734801>>1734873 >>1759699
* * *
Jupiter/Jehoveh/Enki's people
= Hebrews, Israelites
= Canaanites, Phoenicians
▶ ce273a (53) No.1734804>>1734838 >>1734841 >>1734860 >>1759699
His name is legion.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1734838
Nimrod is considered to be the first Freemason, and Freemasons like to screw kids. At least at the highest levels they do. The low level Freemasons are clueless.
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1734860>>1734867 >>1734892 >>1734936
That list is frankly absurd, no
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1734867>>1734892
Not contributing, please elaborate. I don't disagree.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1734873>>1734932
I thought it was the other way around. I thought that Enki was supposed to be Satan.
Satan had sex with Eve, and Cain was born. The line of Cain was supposed to be extinguished by the flood, but maybe it somehow survived. Or, maybe the Annunaki/Nephilim survived the flood and started over.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1734892
There is a video called Nimrod Unveiled by Gary Wayne in which he discusses the lineages.
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1734932>>1735203 >>1736080
You'd need to question who wrote the old testament. Does old testament God sound like a compassionate, wise, loving God who would die for you?
Could perhaps the old testament be a majority Phoenician writings?
The Talmud definitely is.
If the old testament is Canaanite much of it may be the reverse of truth.
Christ came in order to amend a deeply screwed up belief system and culture
▶ ce273a (53) No.1734936>>1734955 >>1734970 >>1738151
What about this list?
▶ ce273a (53) No.1734955
Wiccan chant: "Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna."
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1734970>>1735005 >>1735042
Not sure about Skemet, the rest seem spot on
The Nimrod list included characters like Apollo and Dionysus/Bachhus, Osiris, Ra, Mithra which I think are just too dissimilar.
No doubt Nimrod is Marduk, Baal (Son of El), etc
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1734992
You are correct.
"Having been warned by God of the impending catastrophe, Noah succeeded in building the Ark, one of the greatest engineering feats of all time. Weighing 36,750 tons, it was built entirely of
wood. It was 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet in depth. On this Ark, God commanded Noah to "take of every living thing of all flesh." Because of the limited space on the Ark, there
could be no possibility of further reproduction of these species during their time aboard, and God commanded that no intercourse should take place. This commandment was violated by an
inhabitant of the Ark, Ham, the second son of Noah. Ham had intercourse with a preAdamite woman on the Ark, a dark skinned person. Their offspring was a black son named Cush, who became the symbol of Ethiopia." Eustace Mullins, Curse of Canaan, Page 9.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1735005>>1735230
Fair enough.
I won't argue specific names but they come in waves, languages, cultures, shifting, changing -- what marks them out is the attributes, right.
If all these have the same central attributes across cultures, then…?
The argument can be made. Right?
▶ ce273a (53) No.1735042>>1735160
If you’ve been following along, you’ll already have noted that Isis has Her fierce aspects, too. And in the typical fluid way of the ancient Egyptian Deities, Isis and Sakhmet can become One. One of the places where this is true is in the Isis temple at Philae where Isis and Sakhmet are specifically identified. Here’s one of the hymns to Isis from that temple, translated by Louis Zabkar:
Giver of Life, Lady of the Sacred Mound,
Lady and Mistress of Philae,
August and mighty one,
Lady of the southern lands;
Sakhmet, the fiery one, who destroys the enemies of her brother,
Those disaffected of heart, the enemies of Hor-ankhti;
Princess, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Mighty one, foremost of the Goddesses;
Ruler in Heaven, queen on earth,
Sun-goddess in the circuit of the sun-disc;
Mistress of battle, Montu of combat,
One to whom one cries out on the day of encounter;
Mighty protectress without her equal,
Who saves all those she loves on the battlefield;
Whatever comes forth from her mouth is accomplished immediately,
All the gods are under her command;
Great of magic, when she is in the palace,
Great one upon whose command the king gloriously appears on the throne.
As we see here, Isis is specifically called Sakhmet, as well as being described as “mighty,” and “the mighty one,” the very meaning of Sakhmet’s name. You’ll also recall that in the Jumilhac papyrus, Isis is said to have transformed Herself “into Her mother Sakhmet.”
In this hymn, Isis appears as a strong battle leader, destroying enemies, protecting Her people and their king through Her powerful magic. For the Egyptians, this type of power was often expressed using fiery imagery. Thus, in the hymn above, Isis-Sakhmet is “the fiery one.” Elsewhere at Philae, Isis is called Lady of Flame. She is also the fiery Sun Goddess. And She is one of the fire-spitting Uraeus Goddesses Who sits on the brow of Re as one of His Eyes. As the Eye of Re, She is the fiery Power That Goes Forth and “slays Apophis in an instant,” according to another Philae hymn.
At Her great temple at Philae, we see many sides of the Great Goddess Isis. She is at once the beautiful Cow Mother, watering the sarcophagus of Osiris so that new life sprouts from His dead body, and the fierce-faced Isis-Sakhmet, Isis the Powerful One, the Great Female Power. May Her strength always protect you.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1735160
Isis Eye of Ra (third Eye). Who?
Athena sprang forth from the forehead of Zeus (Osiris/Bull).
Athena = Minerva (Owl).
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1735203
I think that there are ancient manuscripts that included warnings for humanity about the Annunaki/Nephilim/Canaanites, but these ancient manuscripts were rewritten and collated into the Old and New Testaments for the sheep.
Now we have to piece everything back together to see what has been hidden from us. The books that did not make it into the Bible are much more interesting and closer to the truth.
The "God" of Genesis is called Elohim in Hebrew, which means "Gods". I believe these are the Annunaki, and not the Creator God. El means "God" in Hebrew, so Elohim is plural.
The Annunaki discovered the Earth, and the Earth was a waste and a desolation. Genesis 1:1.
The Annunaki discovered primitive man on the Earth, and changed man to be more like the Annunaki. Genesis 1:26.
"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…" Our image and our likeness means in the image and likeness of the Annunaki, and not the Creator God. The Annunaki defied the Creator God and messed with mankind.
So, to answer your question, the "God" of the Old Testament is the Annunaki and not the Creator God.
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1735230>>1736080
There's also what we've done earlier, which is provide hypothesis for population migrations based on historical events, geographical proximity and cultural synchronicity.
It would appear the visible planets, the sun and moon all of personalities of their own which make their way into almost every culture of mankind.
Each of these 7 heavenly objects seem to have a God or Demigod counter-part in most belief systems
The Sun
The Moon
Neptune, Uranus are actually traditionally not visible for most history
Then the 12 constellations seem to feature very importantly
Could the Phoenicians have been Astro-theologists?
It would make sense that the sky is very important to them for Navigating.
They change the names over and over but the heavenly objects stay the same.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1735315>>1735533
Gilgamesh's Tomb Found in 2003 (Iraq War)
From the Beeb:
Gilgamesh tomb believed found
Archaeologists in Iraq believe they may have found the lost tomb of King Gilgamesh - the subject of the oldest "book" in history.
King Gilgamesh, commemorated in stone, kills a lion
Gilgamesh was believed to be two-thirds god, one-third human
The Epic Of Gilgamesh - written by a Middle Eastern scholar 2,500 years before the birth of Christ - commemorated the life of the ruler of the city of Uruk, from which Iraq gets its name.
Now, a German-led expedition has discovered what is thought to be the entire city of Uruk - including, where the Euphrates once flowed, the last resting place of its famous King.
"I don't want to say definitely it was the grave of King Gilgamesh, but it looks very similar to that described in the epic," Jorg Fassbinder, of the Bavarian department of Historical Monuments in Munich, told the BBC World Service's Science in Action programme.
In the book - actually a set of inscribed clay tablets - Gilgamesh was described as having been buried under the Euphrates, in a tomb apparently constructed when the waters of the ancient river parted following his death.
"We found just outside the city an area in the middle of the former Euphrates river¿ the remains of such a building which could be interpreted as a burial," Mr Fassbinder said.
Who can compare with him in kingliness? Who can say, like Gilgamesh, I am king?
The Epic Of Gilgamesh
He said the amazing discovery of the ancient city under the Iraqi desert had been made possible by modern technology.
"By differences in magnetisation in the soil, you can look into the ground," Mr Fassbinder added.
"The difference between mudbricks and sediments in the Euphrates river gives a very detailed structure."
This creates a magnetogram, which is then digitally mapped, effectively giving a town plan of Uruk.
'Venice in the desert'
"The most surprising thing was that we found structures already described by Gilgamesh," Mr Fassbinder stated.
Archaeologists excavate the Euphrates
Iraq has long been the site of some of the most important historical finds
"We covered more than 100 hectares. We have found garden structures and field structures as described in the epic, and we found Babylonian houses."
But he said the most astonishing find was an incredibly sophisticated system of canals.
"Very clearly, we can see in the canals some structures showing that flooding destroyed some houses, which means it was a highly developed system.
"[It was] like Venice in the desert."
▶ ce273a (53) No.1735533>>1735621
▶ 72d5ec (6) No.1735621
>mfw I remember being taught the Greeks invented collumns
▶ ce273a (53) No.1735628
The Giza Discovery Volume 1
By Peter Goodgame
1. The Search for the Hidden Tomb
The Hallway of Osiris
The French Initiative
The Hawass Initiative
The Giza Wall
2. The Myth and Religion of Osiris the God
Egyptian Religion
The Myth of Osiris
The Symbols of Osiris
The Pyramid Texts
Giza and the Cult of Osiris
The Mysteries of Osiris
3. The Saviors of the Ancient World
The Real Debate
Ugaritic Baal
Melqart of Tyre
Adonis of Byblos
Eshmun of Sidon
Dumuzi of Sumeria
Osiris of Egypt
The Osiris Agenda
4. Egypt's Forgotten Origins
Flinders Petrie
The Dynastic Race
The Rise, Fall and Resurrection of a Theory
Data: The Nakada Artifacts
Data: Writing
Data: Architecture
The Square Boat Invasion
The Great Migration
5. The Spirit World and Civilization
The Sumerian Perspective
The Creation of Man
The Great Flood
The Transfer of Divine Authority
The Hebrew Perspective
The Creation of Man
The Crime and Banishment of Cain
Eridu: the Place of Descent
The Great Flood
The Tower of Babel
Enmerkar and the Shrine of the Abzu
Evidence for Eridu's Tower
The Egyptian Connection
The Historical Osiris
6. Domination by Deception
Israel's God and the Gods of Sumer
Enki Unmasked
History is Written by the Victor
The Biblical Response
God Against the Gods
God's Nation
The Kosmokrators and the Occult
The Kabbalah
The Kosmokrators, Egypt and Freemasonry
The End of the "World Powers"
7. The Second Coming of …
The Beast
The Seven Kings of Satan
The First Seal of the Apocalypse
Seven Kings Summary
The Division of the Nations
The Myth of Dionysus
Messiahs of Life or Death
The Two Messiahs in the Old Testament
The Kabiric Mysteries
The Hero With A Thousand Faces
The Hermetic Tradition
Edgar Cayce and the Second Coming
"The Dying God Shall Rise Again!"
The Stargate Conspiracy
http:// www.redmoonrising.com/Giza/index.htm
The Giza Discovery Volume 2
By Peter Goodgame
8. The First Pharaoh
The Ethiopian Osiris
Who Was King Menes?
Narmer the Hunter
The Mediterranean Osiris
The Uruk Expansion
9. The Mighty One
Nimrod the Insignificant?
The Tower of Babel
Nimrod's Other Name
The Assyrian Threat
The Prophets Speak
To Rebuild the Tower
Asshur, King of Babylon
A Covenant With Asshur
Delayed Justice
Egypt and Asshur
Slain by the Sword
Son of the Most High?
The Number of the Beast
Where the Corpse is…
Saved or Destroyed?
http:// www.redmoonrising.com/Giza/index2.htm
▶ ce273a (53) No.1735931>>1736235
GHW "Magog" Bush.
▶ 72d5ec (6) No.1736080>>1736382 >>1766717
>Could perhaps the old testament be a majority Phoenician writings?
Methinks maybe modifying what happened is easier to do than completely concocting something 100% fabricated- this all makes me think of Moses parting the sea and killing a bunch of Egyptians in the process of liberating the Jews…maybe it wasn't Moses who did the parting and flooding but was the one who literally just led the Jews away while B party caused the former, possibly leaving out the major detail that these two events were completely unrelated/coincidental? We know Phoenicians were around *after* the fall of Egypt largely and that did happen around the time of Exodus, so I'm thinking (referencing early Athenean recollection of the time) that it was the Atheneans who wiped out the Egyptians and the survivors became the Phoenicians? Maybe Moses himself was a Phoenician who hijacked the Jews for Phoenician interests and lead them in such a way soas to always remain friendly and open with Phoenicians who understand the connection and know what to do as a kinda panic button in case they're discovered and wiped out again? It would explain the parallels the Phoenicians had with the Jews in both writing and religious practice.
Later the whole thing is depicted as Atlantis in Greece by Homer, who doesn't mention anything beyond liberating those enslaved by Atlanteans as they took out the heart of the civilization pre it being swallowed by the sea, potentially because liberating the Jews was mostly a "fuck you" to the Atlanteans/Egyptians/Phoenicians rather than the main point of the act? Gets completely misrepresented by the agent who perpetrated the takeover and bottleneck of the Jews, create a parallel society to your true masters and forever remain in possession of an emergency skin to be shed should you be discovered past all of the other obfuscative bullshit you can throw up as a distraction.
And it just occured to me that the Nile rises and falls quite a bit with the seasons, so with that amount of water coming through the are the idea of an Egyptian city being flooded by destroying nearby canals or something doesn't appear to be completely out of the picture. Just picking a spot and diving in since it seemed relevant, nevermind my autistic ramblings
▶ 00c7ae (3) No.1736215
When I was young and nescient, I wondered why the German colors on the queen's guard. And the Prussian "Pickelhauben".
Albion is homophon with Albien, German "Elbien" (where Iive, btw), the lands of the river Elbe, Latin "Alba", hinting at a time in the past, probably much more recent than history writers would have us believe, when Albion went from today's upper Saxony down to wherever Alba led into the Atlantic Ocean. In the old days, B was often soft and indistinguishable from a V (German W), from those days we have names like Alva, Alwin, Elwina, Alves -- and, of course, that is where Tolkien got his Elves from.
Of course, the family (de/von) Rothschild is a serving family. Whose shield do you bear, whose banner do you carry, whose flag do you fly? -- Those of the one you serve.
To use different words: You wear the cloth(es) of your master, they are not your own. Do you understand, house elves? ;-) -- As long as you fly a flag you are not free.
On the Coat of Arms of House Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha we see the venitian lions propping up the heraldic shield of Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, red crown on top and the familiar Griffindor red and gold cloth, a griffin being a hybrid of lion and phoenician eagle, well…
…Just had to think of Asterix: Sometimes, not only do you bear your king's shield but your king on top of it. ^^ -- Very good comics, much knowledge inside… but put to utter shame by Harry Potter. And The Lord of the Rings, certainly.
"We are the Vikings. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to serve us. Resistance is futile."
It just occurred to me that Borg, especially if pronounced british, is practically homophone to bulk -- which is a German word even today ("Pulk", translated to troop, regiment) which also is the base for the Russian "bolshevik" understood today as "majority" but really means as we learn now, "the mass", "the collective".
In the old days, P, like B was often softend to F, where the English get their "folk" and Germans "Volk", nowadays understood as "people" when this is the German word for Pöbel (Engl. mob).
Langobardi is a "neolatination" of the German composite Langbart, Langobardi are "the long bearded ones" akin to Latin "barbatus", bearded, or Greek "barbaros", the same, which even today is understood as Romans and Greeks did: raw & uncivilized while always just meaning "bearded".
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1736235
Alexander the great is of questionable heritage (Likely non-greek). The Lamian War almost looks like the Cabal's typical tricks.
How curious if for the Skull and Bones society, the year zero begins with Conquering Greece and changing their system of government.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1736250
I tend towards David Rohl's New Chronology.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Chronology_(Rohl)
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1736305
The Genesis 6 Conspiracy by Gary Wayne
"There are giants among us, passing largely unnoticed, intent on carrying out a secret plan to enslave all humanity. They may not look like giants today, but their bloodlines extend all the way back to the Nephilim-the offspring of angels who mated with human women-described in Genesis 6 when giants roamed the land. Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: How Secret Societies and the Descendants of Giants Plan to Enslave Humankind, details the role of modern-day Nephilim in Satan's plan to install the Antichrist at the End of Days. When God cast the angel Lucifer and his followers out of heaven, Lucifer set into motion a scheme to ensure the Nephilim survived. Why? Because from the bloodlines of these Nephilim the Antichrist will come. To keep his plan alive, Satan has enlisted the loyalty of secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Templars, and the Rosicrucians to conspire in teaching a theology and a history of the world that is contrary to the biblical one. This Genesis 6 Conspiracy marches toward the Great Tribulation, when the loyalty of the Terminal Generation-this generation-will be tested. The Bible, along with many other ancient sources, clearly records the existence of giants. Wayne provides copious citations from many society insiders, along with extensive Bible references, other religious references, and historical material to bolster his contention. What he uncovers will astonish you-and it will challenge you to prepare for the fulfilling of God's promises."
There are several video interviews available in which he discusses this book.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1736382>>1736423
Uruk (Mesopotamian plain) is a better fit. The flood --> Noah and Gilgamesh… Sumeria/Babylon… Nimrod/Ashtarte…
The Fertile Crescent --> shores of Ararat. and look, Phoenicia.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1736423
Right! The Land of Canaan is included in there. The Canaanites changed their names to the Phoenicians because people were on to them. They continued with their evil ways, though.
I believe that modern day Israel is just the Land of Canaan, arisen from the ashes like the Phoenix.
▶ 431db3 (3) No.1736470>>1736828 >>1736891
Guys, Why the flag of Liberia/Malaysia is very similiar to the flag of the Phoenicians?
that is weird.
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1736546>>1737078
Has anyone mentioned how the Nordic religion is very similar to that of Greece/Rome? Pantheon of gods that intermingle with the mortals.
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1736633>>1736928
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1736828
Liberia was founded by slaves freed from America (fun fact: capital city is Monrovia)
Makes sense that their flag would look like the American flag.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1736891>>1742095
The Star and the Crescent represent the God and the Goddess in the Pagan religion.
▶ ce273a (53) No.1736928>>1737323
No, ref Q. Deception. GHW Bush in the article. What they say v what they mean.
▶ ead03e (12) No.1736996
55 Celebrities Whose Real Names Will Surprise You
By Nico Lang, August 28th 2013
You might not have ever heard of “Maurice Micklewhite,” “Olivia Jane Cockburn” or “Diane Hall” --- but you’ve certainly heard of the actors who were born with these names. When the Hollywood system started, people commonly took simplified versions of their names to make them easier for people to say. Doris Day is much simpler than “Doris Mary Ann Kappelhoff” and Clayton Holmes Grissom picked “Clay Aiken” when signing up for American Idol — because it was just more memorable. Or if you’re Albert Brooks, there’s no fucking possible way you can use your real name — because…well, you’ll see.
Here are 55 people whose real names might surprise you.
1. Katy Perry
Real Name: Katy Hudson
The singer changed her name to avoid confusion with that other Hudson she shares a name with: Kate Hudson.
2. Demi Moore
Real Name: Demetria Guynes
Her exes were born as “Walter Willis” and “Christopher Kutcher.”
3. Albert Brooks
Real Name: Albert Einstein
The reason for the name change should be pretty obvious.
4. Meg Ryan
Real Name: Margaret Mary Emily Anne Hyra
Is it just me or is her real name close to being a Fiona Apple album title?
5. Natalie Wood
Real Name: Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko
Born to Russian immigration parents, the young actress changed it to blend into the Hollywood times, like the Swedish Greta Lovisa Gustafsson, better known as Greta Garbo.
6. Woody Allen
Real Name: Allen Konigsberg
Come to think of it, Allen doesn’t sound very Jewish, does it?
7. Louis C.K.
Real Name: Louis Szekely
Louis C.K.’s stage name is barely such. It’s just an easier way to say his actual last name, which is pronounced “See-kay.”
8. Joaquin Phoenix
Real Name: Joaquin Rafael Bottom
If he were gay, that last name would be perfection.
9. Garrison Keillor
Real Name: Gary Edward Keillor
See? Even NPR personalities use stage names.
10. Chevy Chase
Real Name: Cornelius Crane Chase
The actor got his name from the traditional English song “The Ballad of Chevy Chase,” which (unfortunately) was not about an old racist who is difficult to work with and derails brilliant shows.
11. Tina Fey
Real Name: Elizabeth Stamatina Fey
Like her 30 Rock character, Tina Fey’s real first name is “Liz.”
12. Ben Kingsley
Real Name: Krishna Pandit Bhanji
Like Barack Obama, Kingsley was born to a white mother and Kenyan father --- of Indian Muslim descent.
13. Olivia Wilde
Real Name: Olivia Jane Cockburn
My last name rhymes with another word for a penis, which made Middle School rough. Olivia Cockburn, I’m here for you, if ever you need to talk.
14. Alan Alda
Real Name: Alphonso d’Abruzzo
Alda’s last name was concocted by putting together the first two letters of his first and last name. AL + DA = Alda.
15. Portia De Rossi
Real Name: Amanda Lee Rogers
I guess she figured that “Portia de Rossi” had more zest to it than “Amanda Rogers.” She was probably right.
16. Diane Keaton
Real name: Diane Hall
In real life, she shares a last name with her most famous character, Annie Hall.
17. Michael Caine
Real Name: Maurice Micklewhite
Michael Caine named himself after Humphrey Bogart’s character in “The Caine Mutiny.”
18. Larry King
Real Name: Lawrence Harvey Zeigler
King was born to an Austrian father and mother from Belarus, both of whom were Orthodox Jews living in New York in the 1930s. All of this sounds like the set up to a Woody Allen bit.
19. George Michael
Real Name: Georgios Panayiotou
He should have just changed his name to “Glory Hole.” At least it’s truth in advertising.
20. Whoopi Goldberg
Real Name: Caryn Johnson
Her stage name was concocted from her ability to fart a lot. (If you’ve seen her 1 in 3 commercials, you know she’s made quite the weird career out of bodily functions.) Her mother advised her to take a Jewish last name, arguing that it would help her career if people thought she was Jewish.
21. Hulk Hogan
Real Name: Terry Jean Bollette
If I wanted to scare someone, I’d tell them my name was Hulk, too.
22. Bea Arthur
Real Name: Bernice Frankel
Real Name: Her co-star, Rue McClanahan, was born with the first name of “Eddi-Rue.”
23. Rock Hudson
Real Name: Leroy Harold Scherer, Jr.
Either way, he was still ridiculously hot --- and gigantic. He was “6’5,” which basically makes him a skyscraper.
24. Miranda July
Real Name: Miranda Jennifer Grossinger
I have nothing to say here, except that I love Miranda July, in all of her forms. Miranda Grossinger, I accept you.
25. Elvis Costello
Real Name: Declan Patrick McManus
What’s weird: He actually looks more like a Declan than an Elvis to me.
▶ ead03e (12) No.1736998
26. Joan Crawford
Real Name: Lucille LeSueur
It makes a lot of sense that she and Lucille Bluth would have the same first name, because they’re basically the same person.
27. Kirk Douglas
Real Name: Issur Danielovitch Demsky
I really like his actual name. There’s something appropriately commanding about a man named “Issur Demsky.”
28. Carmen Electra
Real Name: Tara Patrick
C’mon. There’s no way you thought anyone’s last name was “Electra,” unless that person is in a Sophocles play.
29. Audrey Hepburn
Real Name: Edda Kathleen van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston
Say that one five times fast.
30. Judy Garland
Real Name: Frances Gumm
However, Liza’s name is all hers. Her father was Vincente Minnelli, the classic musical director who worked with Judy in Meet Me in St. Louis.
31. Truman Capote
Real Name: Truman Streckfus Persons
Streckfus. Just…Streckfus.
32. Julia Child
Real Name: Julia Carolyn McWilliams
“Child” is actually her married name, so this one’s a bit of a cheat, but it’s odd to me thinking of Julia Child with any other name. She just is Julia Child.
33. Dido
Real Name: Florian Cloud de Bounevialle Armstrong
I almost wish that she had used that as her stage name, just to see that whole thing on a concert poster or an album cover. “Stan” by Eminem ft. Florian Cloud de Bounevialle Armstrong takes it to a whole other level.
34. Elvira
Real Name: Cassandra Peterson
Did you know she was in a Bond movie and posed for a Tom Waits album? The woman has not had a boring career, that’s for sure.
35. Martin Sheen
Real Name: Ramon Antonio Gerard Estevez
That makes Charlie Sheen’s real name “Carlos Estevez,” as witnessed in the Machete Kills trailer.
36. Courtney Love
Real Name: Love Michelle Harrison
You can change the name, but you can’t change the cray.
37. Fred Astaire
Real Name: Frederick Austerlitz
His famous dance partner, Ginger Rogers, was born Virginia Katherine McMath
38. Tea Leoni
Real Name: Elizabeth Tea Pantaleoni
Every time I see her real last name, I just think of the word “pantalones.”
39. Bruno Mars
Real Name: Peter Gene Hernandez
Trivia question: What is Bruno Mars’ ethnicity? He’s like the racial spam of people --- a little bit of everything. He is Filipino, Spanish, Puerto Rican, Hungarian and Ukranian, is Jewish and was born in Hawaii.
40. Gene Simmons
Real Name: Chaim Witz
Half of the original members of KISS were Jewish. If I could ever get Gene Simmons to play “Werewolf Bar Mitzvah,” I would die a happy human.
41. Helen Mirren
Real Name: Ilyena Lydia Vasilievna Mironov
Ilyena Mironov would be a great spy name.
42. Shania Twain
Real Name: Eileen Regina Edwards
Twain is her stepfather’s last name.
43. Anne Rice
Real Name: Howard Allen O’Brien
I also like “Howard O’Brien” better. It has a nice George Eliot thing going on, although Anne Rice is no George Eliot.
44. Julianne Moore
Real Name: Julie Smith
Julianne is a portmanteau of her first name and her middle name, Anne.
45. Kim Cattrall
Real Name: Clare Woodgate
She was born in Liverpool, hence the name, but as evidenced by The Ghost Writer, she can’t do a convincing British accent anyway. Much like Madonna.
46. Stevie Wonder
Real Name: Steveland Judkins
47. Abigail Van Buren (aka Dear Abby)
Real Name: Pauline Ester Friedman
I just love how close to Paul Friedman this is.
48. Dezi Arnas
Real Name: Desiderio Albert Arnaz y De Acha III
Oddly though, Lucille Ball really was Lucy’s actual name. It fits her so well I assumed it had to be fake, but sometimes the gods are kind.
49. Cary Grant
Real Name: Archibald Alexander Leach
There really is no way to make “Archibald Leach” roll off the tongue, is there?
50. Marilyn Monroe
Real Name: Norma Jean Mortensen
According to Monroe, she used to get picked on in school for being ugly. So no matter how hideous you’re feeling today, remember that there was a universe in which Marilyn Monroe was not considered a golden paradigm of hotness. It gives you some perspective.
51. Dusty Springfield
Real Name: Mary Isobel Catherine O’Brien
If you’re reading this and you don’t know who Dusty Springfield is, you have a lot of YouTube-ing to do.
52. Michael Keaton
Real Name: Michael Douglas
Yeah, I wouldn’t want to be confused with cunnilingus cancer guy either.
53. Spike Lee
Real Name: Shelton Lee
Whenever Spike Lee acts like a royal brat, remembering that his real name is “Shelton” always puts things into perspective for me. “Sit down, Shelton. It’s time for a nap.”
54. Natalie Portman
Real Name: Natalie Herschlag
A dual Israeli and American citizen, “Portman” is her grandmother’s maiden name.
55. Harry Houdini
Real name: Ehrich Weiss
To be a magician, you have to have a catchy stage name --- like David Kotkin, also known as David Copperfield. Would anyone watch “Christopher Sarantakos: Mind Freak?”
▶ ce273a (53) No.1737078>>1737384
Years later, the explorer stumbled upon another correlation between Norway and Azerbaijan. Norwegian mythology tells that the Scandinavian god Odin moved with his people to Norway from a land called Aser, in order to avoid Roman occupation. A 13th-century historian's description of Aser's origination matches that of Azerbaijan: east of the Caucasus mountains and the Black Sea.
http:// www.azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/82_folder/82_articles/82_heyerdahl.html
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1737323>>1738329
No I mean the etymology of the word north is "left or below" when looking at the sunrise.
possibly ultimately from PIE *ner- (1) "left," also "below," as north is to the left when one faces the rising sun
North is traditionally "up" on a map
Down is below.
Up is down
North is below
Just a thought
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1737384
This takes us all the way to Peru which takes us to the Incans//Aztecs
Those bros loved to build them some pyramids and kill the fuck out of the kiddos
▶ ead03e (12) No.1737626>>1738403
"one-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater"
▶ 0af50d (12) No.1737874>>1825791
Yes, very significant. Not only are the 'colors' not infringed with gold, The standards also have globes rather than eagles. Eagles on a staff are derived from Roman law.
▶ 0af50d (12) No.1738057
other references to gold fringe can be found at http://annavonreitz.com/
▶ 0af50d (12) No.1738151
Fertility - Ishtar is a pagan goddess of fertility and when coincided with passover, we have the Easter holiday - hence bunny rabbits and easter egg hunts
▶ ead03e (12) No.1738197>>1738374
Yes, Admiralty Law, Maritime Law. There will be no safe harbor to walk in the streets.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1738294
Seems like you are correct.
Enki-Ea-Satya, the True Creator God of Humanity - The Forgotten History:
The 'Devil' Satan and Satanism:
▶ 786e34 (1) No.1738329
interesting thoughts anon,
i was just musing on
the phoenician word spells
and how right / wrong
and right/ left
creates a connection where left is wrong
left hand/left brain
why did they make left handed kids switch back in the day by hitting them with switches?
a one sided brain is easier to control…
a full cylinder synapse fire of a pineal gland and both hemispheres activated is the what the cabal fears most. That is the great awakening.
the inversions are so simple at their root. to hide in plain sight.
Easter is actually worshiping the antichrist:
fossili zedcus toms.com/eas ter.ht ml
"If we only study history as people, places, and dates without comprehending “why” things occurred as they did, then everything is unorganized. It’s a junkpile. When you assemble it correctly, it all fits together perfectly, clarifying the path we walk on. “Satan” disguises “himself” --- “he” is quite often “female”. We know “he” was behind Nimrod, as Moloch, Baal, Mithras, and so on; but “he” is also Ishtar. Sun-Day is “his” diversion; it’s a lie. I refer to “Easter Sun-Day” as “Beaster Sun-Day.” We don’t have to wait for the beast it’s here right now, aka the reign of Babel."
Not for long anons! the Power is y(our)s!
What a great thread gai(a)s!
thank you for the digs.
▶ 0af50d (12) No.1738374>>1738389 >>1738550
In Response: Am I the ONLY PERSON…whom was taught in the USMC that the "EAGLE" is ONLY to be atop the Flag Staff during time of war??? And the "BALL" in "PEACETIME"..?????
I am trying to find this obviously "unwritten" rule in the Flag Code of Ettiquette at no avail……???????
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1738383>>1738589
You guys are doing no digging or research. you're just throwing stuff to see what sticks.
Why were sails striped?
Because large sails had to be woven on small looms and the long vertical pieces stitched together. No loom existed that could make a sail in one piece UNTIL THE industrial revolution in the 1800s. All sails were ergo…woven in verticals…through the 1700s.
And If you had some money, you colored the long vertical pieces. Many different colors were used, not just red and white. Some sails used all the stripes uncolored (white) and some used all red or even all black verticals to make a solid color sail.
author of "The Vikings" by Ian Heath thinks, that "The diamond and striped patterns on the sails of Viking ships…(were probably)… strengthening strips of leather, rope, or linen designed to prevent the woolen sails from losing their shape." (pg 10) There are other parts on the ship that support this theory, such as "an arrangement of reefing lines attached to the bottom the sail which doubtless worked on the same principle."
Another theory is that the red on the sails was meant to inspire fear in their enemies, as it is the same color as blood. Although this may be true there are other accounts of different colored sails. "the saga's describe viking sails as striped or checkered in blue, red, green, and white, the remains of the Gokstad ships sails having been white and red stripes." So you can see that there is evidence that all viking ships did not sail under red sails. Some more info about the Vikings is that they, supposedly, loved vibrant colors, so maybe this was just their way of showing off a bit.
There is another theory that the ships would use these designs as a kind of flag to show who owned the ships or who was piloting them at the time. Like I said at this time Heraldry was not popular, so if this was a way of showing their colors then they were one of the first people in that area to do so.
Finally the last theory, is that these stripes showed that the ship was owned by a powerful individual or a king because they were more expensive to produce. But sails of both vikings and phoenicians came striped naturally, and the stripes could be many colors. Cleopatra had purple on her boats, but then purple was very expensive dye to produce. Red oxide was cheap, and the vikings liked their bright colors.
Now your whole 'dig' falls apart because you've based it on the false premise that viking sails were only red and white, based on a single picture modern picture you found, instead of going to the historians who have studied it.
▶ 0af50d (12) No.1738389>>1738716
and the flags are not infringed in gold or yellow
▶ ead03e (12) No.1738403
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The enduring popularity of the song led to the nicknaming of the highly effective "Purple People Eaters", the Minnesota Vikings defensive line of the 1970s, whose team colors include purple.[11]
Well, I saw the thing comin' out of the sky
It had the one long horn, one big eye
I commenced to shakin' and I said "ooh-eee"
It looks like a purple eater to me
It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater
(One-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater)
A one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater
Sure looks strange to me (one eye?)
Well he came down to earth and he lit in a tree
I said Mr. Purple People Eater, don't eat me
I heard him say in a voice so gruff
"I wouldn't eat you 'cause you're so tough"
It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater
One-eyed, one-horned flyin' purple people eater
One-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater
Sure looks strange to me (one horn?)
I said Mr. Purple People Eater, what's your line?
He said "eatin' purple people and it sure is fine
But that's not the reason that I came to land
I want to get a job in a rock and roll band"
Well bless my soul, rock and roll, flyin' purple people eater
Pigeon-toed, under-growed, flyin' purple people eater
(We wear short shorts) friendly little people eater
What a sight to see (oh!)
And then he swung from the tree and he lit on the ground
And he started to rock, really rockin' around
It was a crazy ditty with a swingin' tune
(Sing a boop-boop, a-boopa lopa lum bam boom)
Well, bless my soul, rock and roll, flyin' purple people eater
Pigeon-toed, under growed, flyin' purple people eater
"I like short shorts!" flyin' purple people eater
What a sight to see (purple people?)
Well, he went on his way, and then what do ya know?
I saw him last night on a TV show
He was blowing it out, really knockin' em dead
Playin' rock and roll music through the horn in his head
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1738521
Beirut does little to hide the fact that they're Phoenicians, and oh look at that, the fucking red and white stripes!
▶ ead03e (12) No.1738550>>1738595
WTF??? Copy/Paste from 2010?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1738589
Nice try Phoenician descendant!
Explain the red white here
There are many other similarities we're finding beyond color
▶ 0af50d (12) No.1738595>>1738671
AND? what is your point, shill?
▶ ead03e (12) No.1738671>>1738707
That's pretty shilly of you, yes.
▶ 0af50d (12) No.1738707>>1738988
nothing wrong with short-cutting. not writing a dissertation
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1738716>>1738842
Amazing. Very amazing. I just got chills.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1738773
Interesting debate here
▶ 0af50d (12) No.1738842>>1739112
Here's one for you.
▶ ead03e (12) No.1738988>>1739052
sauce it, next time.
▶ 0af50d (12) No.1739052>>1739085
▶ 0af50d (12) No.1739085
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1739112>>1739327
That is very useful to know. Things will soon change.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1739274
"Enki and his gods, the Enkist Anunnaki, sought to assist us in our evolution and raise us to the level of the Gods. They saw us as their human sons and daughters, for we bear their divine genetics. For Enki, we would work for the Anunnaki in the maintenance of their new terrestrial colony and the Anunnaki would speed up our evolutionary development and teach us the civilization of heaven and the science of godhood, which would make us like the very gods (Genesis 3:5). Thus our coexistence would entail mutual benefit. Moreover, the terrestrial colony was going to be for us, our legitimate inheritance, and we were going to be its masters. It is therefore that Enki, our benevolent Father, taught Adapa the knowledges of divine civilization. That was the knowledge necessary for the independence and autonomy of the Human Race on her own planet.
On the other hand, Anu-Yahweh and his followers, the Anuist Anunnaki, only saw Man as a slave to be exploited and they sought to keep him docile and ignorant. It is for this reason that Anu-Yahweh imposed his policy of obscurantism. The Anuist Anunnaki, staunch conservatives up to the point of stupidity, resented the mixing of divine blood with that of humans and the consequent quantum leap in the evolution of terrestrial Humanity. Therefore, Anu-Yahweh and his "angels", the malefic invaders whom the Gnostics called "Archons" of the evil Demiurge, seek to destroy our immense ingenuity and ensnare us in their obscurantist and misanthropic religions."
▶ 7231dc (2) No.1739287
So yeah the Phoenicians were not the descendents of the 'sea peoples' those were the Philistines. There are Egyptian writings complaining about their rough demeanor and habits. The Vikings were not the Phoenicians, they are one of the lost tribes, the tribe of Dan. Dan's inheritance in the promised land was just south of the Phoenician territory & they were buddies & they learned ship building from them.
ISBN 0-934666-14-8
Dan The Pioneer of Israel by Colonel J.C. Gawler Keeper of the crown jewels year 1880
▶ 41a9b7 (2) No.1739316
I just googled: Nordic Rh-
And the results turned up a claim that Rh- if from Scan-DAN-avia Ok, that's not how it's spelt, but maybe it is still the reason that's how it sounds.
Scandinavia is basically Nordic, and maybe according to some claim the origin of Rh-, though so might be the Basque people who have a lot, well, likely the same people at some point.
So, yeah, interesting connections!
▶ 0af50d (12) No.1739327>>1739365 >>1739500
…Just like all the other history we are reading here. The TRULY useful stuff is not being talked about. We the people have the power, just like the last Q post said. We have more than we know, but we are wasting time talking about red and white stripes, gold fringe, and balls on flag poles instead of eagles. Things will change faster if we start to understand the thievery and witchcraft being practiced on us, and how to stop it. So instead of shilling, just ask for the sauce next time. Understood there are people trying to sidetrack us and the mental guards are up. It helps to be nice. There will be time for schooling when we are free. I will be mindful of sauce. This lady that explained shilling, has solutions.. some discussions about her writings may come in handy.
▶ 7231dc (2) No.1739350
Considering the influx of new anons that will be coming NWO could very well stand for noob world order lol
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1739365
If you're not into this idea feel free not to contribute
▶ 56a859 (1) No.1739369
What about NYMZA World Order?
▶ fa7f5e (16) No.1739412>>1739583
I'd never heard this, big disagreement about Enlil being associated with Satan/Saturn.
This person says it is Anu, father of Enki.
▶ 0af50d (12) No.1739482
>>1733673 This talks about the law of the sea.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1739500>>1739589
My research, and what led me here, is when Q mentioned that NWO is not New World Order. This thread alleges it is the Nordic World Order, but I believe it is the Nephilim World Order. I have been researching the origin of the people who really rule the world so I can better understand how and what they think. Knowing this, we can better defeat them.
"Enki and his gods, the Enkist Anunnaki, sought to assist us in our evolution and raise us to the level of the Gods. They saw us as their human sons and daughters, for we bear their divine genetics. For Enki, we would work for the Anunnaki in the maintenance of their new terrestrial colony and the Anunnaki would speed up our evolutionary development and teach us the civilization of heaven and the science of godhood, which would make us like the very gods (Genesis 3:5). Thus our coexistence would entail mutual benefit. Moreover, the terrestrial colony was going to be for us, our legitimate inheritance, and we were going to be its masters. It is therefore that Enki, our benevolent Father, taught Adapa the knowledges of divine civilization. That was the knowledge necessary for the independence and autonomy of the Human Race on her own planet.
On the other hand, Anu-Yahweh and his followers, the Anuist Anunnaki, only saw Man as a slave to be exploited and they sought to keep him docile and ignorant. It is for this reason that Anu-Yahweh imposed his policy of obscurantism. The Anuist Anunnaki, staunch conservatives up to the point of stupidity, resented the mixing of divine blood with that of humans and the consequent quantum leap in the evolution of terrestrial Humanity. Therefore, Anu-Yahweh and his "angels", the malefic invaders whom the Gnostics called "Archons" of the evil Demiurge, seek to destroy our immense ingenuity and ensnare us in their obscurantist and misanthropic religions.
Enki sacrificed everything when he rebelled against the darkness of his "father". Enki made a huge sacrifice in order to enlighten us and honor his fundamental principles such as love, life and freedom. Enki is a true cosmic hero who couldn't stand the tyranny of Anu-Yahweh and fought for good."
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1739551>>1739610 >>1747158 >>1748420
Holy fuck!
This whole page is interesting, but scroll to the very bottom and tell me if you see an interesting symbol…
▶ 41a9b7 (2) No.1739560
I would have interpreted Obama as meaning Cheney being the black sheep, the black being Cheney's heart or soul, not that Obama is one to throw stones there, but he does a better nice guy act than Cheney does.
Also, that way it is funnier as a black guy is calling the white guy the black sheep, but, it could be read either way.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1739583>>1749117
Anu is the father of Enki and Elil. Enki used his own DNA to create humans, but Anu thought it is an abomination. Anu and his followers want to keep humans as stupid slaves, but Enki wants humans to evolve and reach their full potential. This is the plot of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1739589
Nordic is a more modern term for it, nephalim would certainly fit into this too as there is obviously a connection to the Hebrew scriptures
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1739610
Pedo swirl. There is no escaping it.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1739729>>1739787
This guy is definitely on the same wavelength!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1739787>>1740549 >>1743890
It might be easier to work backwards from Scandinavia to see how the roots of the Vikings might extend back to the Levant and Mesopotamia.
The Vikings weren't the Vikings when they arrived in Scandinavia from Central Asia, they were the Aesir and companion tribes the Vanir and the Erul. Viking was an Old Norse word meaning sea-expedition, and a vikingr was someone who partook in these expeditions. The word became affixed to the Norse invaders, probably by the Franks, and the name stuck.
Before migrating north to Scandinavia the Aesir had lived for countless centuries on and around the shores of the Sea of Azov on the north side of the Black Sea.
Ah shit. Fucking fuck. Guess who else was on the north side of the black sea?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1740549>>1740651
Dardanus (king of Acadia)
Erichthonius (king of Acadia)
Tros of Acadia
Ilus, founder of Troy
Laomedan (king of Troy)
Tithonius of Troy
(--skip generations–)
Thor, king of Thrace
(--skip generations–)
Bedwig of Sceaf
(--skip generations–)
Beaw (king in Denmark)
(--skip generations–)
Flocwald of Asgard
Finn the Trojan
Frithuwulf the Trojan
Woden (Odin)
Some of the above may or may not be mythological figures, I offer it simply to note the likelihood that the leaders of the proto-Vikings didn't migrate straight from Mesopotamia to Thrace/Anatolia, but took a side-route through Egypt. This is assuming that Dardanus was a son (or a descendant) of Zerah son of Judah. There is independant confirmation of this notion though, in the bible - where one of the sons of Zerah is in fact Darda. Then you have Danaus and Cadmus emmigrating to Greece from Egypt in myth and in the chronicles of Heroditus, and we can be pretty certain that a Dardanus really did found Dardania in western Anatolia on Mt. Ida, for the nearby Turkish Strait is known as the Dardanelles to this day. I should point out that if this genealogy of the Trojan and Viking kings is at all accurate, it would make them of the same stock as the Davidic priest-kings of Israel (and the Cimmerian-Salian Frank kings as well, as we shall see.)
Into where in this scenario, you might wonder, does Phoenicia fit?
There's some evidence that the birthplace of the biblical Abraham, normally accepted as having been Ur near Sumer, was in fact Ugarit, an ancient city which lied on the coast of modern Syria just north of what was then Phoenicia.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1740651
After the fall of Troy the once great Trojan kingdom appears to have broken up, many of its more adventurous tribes setting out to find fortune elsewhere, the proto-Vikings among them.
After all this Troy business I can't help but conclude by pointing out that the leader of the Templar Knights Hughes de Payen (literally Hugh "the pagan") and possibly a couple of other founding Templars hailed from the Champagne region of France where their mentor Bernard of Clairveaux built his monestary. The capital of Champagne was and still is … Troyes.
▶ 431db3 (3) No.1742095>>1742578 >>1742580
Hmm. Malaysia had contact with East India company?
I know that the british taked Singapore
▶ 517fc8 (4) No.1742565>>1744609 >>1748420 >>1773546
do research on nephilim, bloodlines of esau, several times in history not just once this nephilim blood, (cabal blood), gets injected into human race check out truelegends holocaust of giants followd by technology of fallen gen6, i fucking dare you to watch it
▶ 517fc8 (4) No.1742578>>1742580
yes and there are ancient pyramids in grand canyon they have found egyptian artifacts the smithsonian promptly snatched up but you can look at late 1800s papers
▶ 517fc8 (4) No.1742592
america is named after amaru which means phonenix, also WEdontsayhisname PHOENIX,AZ
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1743253
Y is the keystone.
Y = Cult of the Bull/Sun
>Deity changes physical form based on constellation aligned with the sun in the great year.
Cult of the Sun is found in most cultures and most likely helped found some of the greatest empires to ever exist.
>Phoenician, Minoan, Roman, American, etc.
Common signs that your society has been manipulated by the ancient Cult of the Sun:
- You praise a sun god
>Son of God
- Your culture appropriates pagan rituals
>Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, etc.
- The form of your deity is determined by what constellation is aligned with the sun.
>Jesus = Pisces = Fish = Present Constellation Sun Orientation
- Common social degradation
>Compromised moral values, child prostitution, slavery, etc.
- An egocentric perspective is commonplace among your society.
>social media & reality tv
- Science is an echo chamber of religious facts instead of an open discussion of the possibilities within the laws of the universe that we think we understand.
- Your nation has a strong naval influence in the world.
>Sea fairing people
- Do you think pirates and vikings are cool?
>They are your masters in disguise.
- Social warfare instead of a flourishing social community.
>They want us divided.
This does not mean Jesus was some false prophet from the occult. Rather I believe that his intention was to unveil the occult and he was foiled by bad actors. Then they hollywood Jesus and he was re-appropriated to make people worship the sun god that the occult has always tricked people into worshipping since time written.
>darkness to light
▶ 560162 (1) No.1743384
Nice thread. Should put vidya related into perspective. Also, the Bronze Age collapse was likely caused by the Sea People--- they were defeated in their attack on Kmt, but the Pharoah let the survivors in (a mistake in that they transmit their knowledge thru the matriarch). And while you’re hanging around Kmt remember, according to Solon, the majesty of Kmt descended from a greater civilization; Egyptian and Greek have words whose etymology traces to Mayan (archaic not classic); and this was probably the first post flood civilization. How do you survive a flood? With a boat. Where do you make landfall? First mountain you can find.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1743890
>Guess who else was on the north side of the black sea?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1744609
From Holocaust of Giants..
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1746467>>1756729
(time stampped)
This documentary says Phoe = Red, not purple.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1746557
Evidence that Phoenician == Venetian
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1747112>>1747166 >>1754883
Anne Wojcicki.
Why is this relevant?
Are they trying to find the Phoenecians?
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1747158
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1747166
[Stanely] Wojcicki was born in Warsaw, Poland, the son of Janina Wanda Ewa Wójcicka (née Kozłowska), a bibliographer, and Franciszek Wójcicki, a lawyer.[1][4] He and his brother fled from Poland to Sweden with his mother at the age of 12, when communists came to power.[5]
Oh look at that, her Dad fled from Poland to SWEDEN to escape the commies.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1748420>>1748509 >>1766951
Perhaps the "pedo" swirl isn't just talking about little boys.
What if the swirl actually indicates "Phoenicians Welcome"
My theory is that it's a Phoenician symbol that represents the Maelstrom which is a common thing they would see on the sea
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1748509
▶ e92b7c (1) No.1749117
>>1739583 60 50 40
▶ e332b9 (7) No.1754101>>1754290
>>1719707 (OP)
awesome topic for a thread. Will review when eyes are more open.
Just a quick contribution…. Egyptian copper can be traced to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
sauce: Michigan Prehistory Mysteries I & II by Betty Sodders.
▶ e332b9 (7) No.1754109
The stained glass window in the Catholic church I attend has the phoenix on the St John window.
▶ e332b9 (7) No.1754157>>1754294
>>1719707 (OP)
If you aren't interested in the book… just do a find for Pharisees … I think it links to the Phoenicians.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1754290
I'll check into that! Rumour has it they found Phoenician writing in Michigan too.
Makes me wonder about the Mayans
Consider that the Phoenician alphabet was basically diverged from Hieroglyphs. Makes me wonder further about their origins, likely Egypt itself. How convenient that Egypt was the only culture to relatively survive the Bronze Age collapse!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1754294>>1767262
I'll check it out but can you give a few thoughts on the concept?
▶ b8ba9c (3) No.1754749>>1754880 >>1760865
You're mixing apples and oranges and assuming the cabals are one and the same. Think opposing sides! There are a SHIT TON of red headed pasty white Hasidim… in Israel.
Race mixing…
The red headed people = Enki
The Jews = Enil
The Jews have been attempting to wipe out the descendants of Enki for centuries based on orders from HQ aka Jehovah.
Didn't you ever wonder why Jehovah ordered "his people" to go about killing every man woman and child for chapters at a time as (((they))) kept their covenant with their master! You know it's not really hard to BE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE when you write the book yourself.
You talk about Trump and time travel as if it's a joke. You'd be surprised what people with certain genetic combinations and certain epigenetic genes can do.
Why do you think they're suckering everyone into giving (((them))) their DNA? A whole lot easier to study and figure out which genes do what and then wiping specifically…
No matter what (((they))) do they will always be substandard'
The red headed people… are the good guys. Case in point our president.
(((They))) hate and are sworn to eliminate by their very own covenant with Jehovah/Enil.
Trust me while there may be red heads among them it's from inbreeding and cross breeding… Hasidim are horrifically inbred. Why do they only marry each other????
Perhaps to preserve an upper hand? Why do (((they))) promote race mixing among everyone but them? Trying to further water down the genes?
This is as close to the truth as you'll ever get.
Yo Isaac, who's yer daddy boi? Fudging a time line isn't new… so when pharaoh sent Sarah back to her husband after discovering she was actually Abraham's wife… he sent her back with a midwife… ooops
the Isaac question:)
▶ b8ba9c (3) No.1754844
And yes the phoencians were great sailors and made it to the North American continent.
Who mined all that copper? What was Solomons "flying" carpet… exactly?
The story of my people told of sailors from North Africa and it's been proven via DNA.
Who mined the copper? How did cannabis and cocaine make its way to mummies? I think (((they))) came here hunting them. Windover bog DNA… the high instance of red heads in the eastern band of Cherokee… the red headed giants the Paiute murdered en masse by trapping them in a cave and burning them… spirit cave mummy… Kennewick man… the navigators (tall red heads) of New Zealand that the Maori found living there when they arrived and they ate them…
Quite a fascinating journey once you start following the tall red heads.
Queen Scota of Scotland fled Egypt with her people . Married to a Scythian king… out cast.
Oh what a time you'll have discovering!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1754880>>1754941 >>1755146 >>1760880
Ok I'll have an open mind here, but the way I've been interpreting this is quite a bit different. I'm not the guy you were originally responding to.
I was thinking that the Canaanites are truly evil people, who have been literally meddling with history forever. They've taken different names, but always integrate and degrade cultures. They're very fucking smart, and loyal. They maintain communication and sacred rites through mystery religions and secret societies. They're NOT Jews, but they do pretend to be so that they can claim anti-Semite whenever they're criticised. They HATE the Jews, and rightly so… the Jews tried to wipe them out! Ever since then they've been trying to make the Jews lives a living hell and have been behind all the genocide (exaggerated or not)
I've so far traced the Canaanites (VERY LOOSELY) thus:
Egypt > Canaan > Bronze Age collapse > Phoenician > Expansion all over including England, Africa, and possibly the New World > Troy falls > Black Sea > Khazaria (the so called 'fake Jews' right? exactly) > Scandinavia > Vikings > European Nobility and Black Nobility > "Christopher Columbus" > Pirates > America
I'm really thinking the evidence lines up that way, but feel free to contradict if you wish
▶ b8ba9c (3) No.1754883
In short yes. See my other posts.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1754941
PS. not trying to sound snobby, you seem like you've already given this topic a lot of thought
▶ 48ae0c (9) No.1755146>>1755393 >>1852000
Let's go back to the beginning of this fairy tale…
A mad scientist came here with his half brother. He was in charge of the Genesis, meaning using his "ark" of DNA to recreate plant and animal life here so they could live as close to home style as possible while they sucked up the gold.
The mad scientist, much like scientists of today got an idea..wonder what would happen if I did …and so he did…use HIS DNA (and if the story is correct, the gifted DNA of other off worlders) to see what would happen. He loved his creations, kept them apart from the others, hidden…took care of them. Even his "fails" he loved. He taught them art, music, and science and medicinal ways. Showed them how to use sacred plants "so that they might know themselves" *but opposition said "but they will become like US, like gods" (actual Genesis quote, including the plural).
Long story short they knew a cataclysm was soon to come upon the earth. The Jealous Half Brother discovered what his brother had been up to. It caused a right royal row. Their father came to settle it. Things did not go the way the Jealous half brother wanted…he was not given the kingship and rule over his brother that he sought…still the brother agreed that when the cataclysm came he would permit his creations to be destroyed. That seemed to pacify the angry, wrathful, JEALOUS "god"..so the time came and they packed all their toys and went to Mars to wait out the mess…(Some say Nibiru passes close and messes shit up).
Many many years later they came back. IN our timeline these beings live a very long time, shorter in our atmosphere than theirs…stands to reason any gene mixing would pass some of that longevity down to "the creations, Adamus, first man" as told in the Sumerian texts and in the book of Enki.
SO they came back and what did they find? It seems that Enki was visited by a spirit who told him that he was NOT permitted to let the beings of his blood be destroyed. So Enki, as time grew near to leave, stashed his people according to their "race" in high places around the world.
That's why we have the odd Paracas skulls and other elongated skulls..that's why the Sechetah that the Pauite murdered had double rows of teeth. Enki didn't get "it right" the first go, but he didn't destroy all that he'd created. That's why some are super tall..he was just a mad scientist in love with his work.
Even today we have scientists cloning animals, and working to do it on humans..not impossible eh
So what did they find when they returned to earth? OH, the jealous half brother was furious and conspired to, and ordered up his very own admixture. Likely based off one of Enkis' or, perhaps his very own.
THEN he made them worship him alone. He was self-described as angry, wrathful, and jealous. He told them they were special and ordered them to go about killing every man woman and child…
SO, if you want to separate the good guys from the bad guys, you must step away from the "history" plagiarized and altered by the "victors". Easy…go look at who Jehovah particularly ordered his people to kill…because THEY didn't love HIM enough.
It is impossible to critically think you way through all this unless you are able and willing to set aside the "story" of your religious imprinting. (((THEY))) hate the goy but love the devotion to "god"…and how easily you are led by the story (((THEY))) wrote for you. Evangelicals are their own worst enemy…(((THEY))) hate you, literally hate you.
SO where ever the creations were hiding out they never lasted very long…but they left their marks.
When concocting a theory, one must also not forget to include human nature. SOME people will leave one group and join another…and others will "convert" to a group…en masse, some by force, some by choice (European jews)….not semetic..but perhaps they left their own group to join a different group…shit happens. It's not all black and white.
The red headed people were good…still are good…
So go back and check the bible..the egoistic fools wrote it all down..who in particular were they ordered to kill? Name them tribe by tribe. Then you can sort out who the good guys were.
Scota saved the last lot from Egypt. Bless her.
Want to fall down a rabbit hole, follow archeology your whole life like I have…(in search of)…and see the high strangeness surrounding DNA.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1755393>>1758077 >>1758521 >>1760946 >>1767743
Holy shit, that's not even a red pill, that's like an intergalactic sun pill or something.
Love it. In fact, I've been LONG thinking this way. In fact, a few months ago i was bullshitting around in the General thread about how I think Q's "Great Awakening" has to do with DNA. That "Noah" didn't actually have animals on the Ark, he took DNA samples of everything then cloned them back. That there was some rejuvenating plant in Eden that allowed Humans to live pretty much forever (as a Robot could with continual maintenance). Humans still had access to this plant until the "flood" when it was removed, as per the line "My spirit cannot always abide with man, his age will be limited to 120 years", and sure enough I don't think we've ever recorded anyone living 120 years (but many have come close).
The way you tell the story is intriguing and not quite like I've heard it before. It's speckled with more interesting details that I've never considered. I've never considered that Enlil actually made his own version of human. Or perhaps, hacked Enki's DNA code and injected his own "spirit". When reading this, part of me thinks of Enki being a true genius and Enlil not as talented but able to at least hack things together (so he would never be a true creator, instead he was something like a Demiurge)
Who is Jesus in this mix? Probably Enki himself?
Who were the Gnostics?
How do you reconcile then to all the fossils? The Dinosaurs and such? Were those naturally here already, and Enki's "Ark" had a few of his other favourite pets? Or did Enki create it all?
And finally, what of the Phoenician theory? They were the original Canaanites that the Israelite's were told to genocide, and that YHWH would punish them if they didn't. Pretty fucking harsh commandment. But they did try! Told to slaughter them all, man/woman/child. Brutal. But they didn't die, and they migrated north to Lebanon/Syria, where they then built up the greatest trading empire of the late bronze age.
In other words, my challenge to you is to help me understand how the other cultures of that era mix in with this epic battle between the two cabals.
Thank you for your fascinating input!! I'm really glad you posted because I've literally been thinking about almost EXACTLY what you wrote here for YEARS.
▶ c6ace6 (1) No.1756729
Look up the color Tyrian purple. This was the color of their dye. Which is a deep shade of red/brown. So I'm wondering if the red shields last name means. Protecting that gene.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1758054
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
(Ok so first of all, fuck vox. And fuck this soy boy.)
…but this video is interesting given the context we're exploring here.
He thinks that "snail" is just an insult because they're slow and slimy. Except he also makes the claim that the snails represent the Lombards.
Oh boy!!! Wait a fucking second!!!!
What made the Phoenicians so powerful? SNAILS. And these snails became the emblem of all the royalty in Europe and beyond.
So now, ask yourself, WHY are these valiant knights fighting lowly snails?
▶ ed178e (3) No.1758077>>1758108
>In other words, my challenge to you is to help me understand how the other cultures of that era mix in with this epic battle between the two cabals.
Not the OP but I would assume the Israelites figured out quickly that mass slaughter was not the most effective way to destroy a people. So what did the Cabal do? They started their age old assimilation strategy with the Phoenicians first.
The cabal did what it always does. Intertwine your beliefs, rituals, and gods into the society of your enemy, until your enemy becomes you.
Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "If you can't beat em', join em'!"
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1758108
> the Israelites figured out quickly that mass slaughter was not the most effective way to destroy a people
Exactly. You can't actually conquer a person. They will always resent the occupiers and run an insurgency. It's impossible. Much smarter to control the culture.
That's why when people scoff about the "illuminati" controlling music and movies, they shouldn't. The war is inside you.
>Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "If you can't beat em', join em'!"
Parasitic Invasion
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1758468>>1758481 >>1758538
The ancient Egyptians (in Africa) and the ancient pre-Incas/Incas (in South America) evolved on opposite sides of the globe and were never in contact. Yet, both cultures mysteriously possessed the same strikingly identical body of ancient art, architecture, symbolism, mythology and religion.
The Victorian-era scholars, faced with this enigma, concluded that both cultures must have been children of the same Golden Age parent civilization, “Atlantis.” Today, Egyptian/Inca parallels are not only being ignored by American and Western scholars, they’re being suppressed.
Many baffling and unsolved similarities link the ancient Egyptians and the ancient pre-Incas/Incas ― even though both cultures evolved on opposite sides of the planet, separated by oceans.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1758484
▶ 48ae0c (9) No.1758521>>1852000
It stands to reason there were life forms on earth at the time of arrival. Clearly the mad scientist used something for his base. In the story it tells of him trying to perfect his admixture…6 times, and on the seventh try he used a clay vessel and it worked. Speculation was that there was some form of "activator" in the clay.
The life span issue was addressed as…on their home planet they lived a very long time. They discovered living on earth shortened their span to about (estimated) 250K years. Apparently something in them changed and irrevocably so in our atmosphere.
Now, you must let go of the story of Noah as you know it. Revisit the epic of Gilgamesh, realize the story was "stolen" by (((THEM))) and the hero made into one of theirs. (((WE))) are the only and rightful survivors! (((OUR BLOOD)))…
But let's see how that story was shifted an still, at the same time, included a few hints as to what happened. It is impossible to fit two of every kind of animal on earth, every insect, etc…and food animals into that small space…so allegory of "ark"..well Enki came with an ark full of DNA to recreate comfortable life…stands to reason that when they left he gathered up DNA (picture piles of petrie dishes full of DNA samples….and took them with him when they went to Mars.Thus the story of Noah was change to make a Heb the hero and originator of all subsequent human life on earth, an thus the rightful rulers…but if the covenant with Jehovah was not made until after the return and he made his own line….another timeline fudged eh? SO, a Sumerian epic tale of a local boy surviving a local inundation (after all, without CNN how on earth would they know it was "world wide"?) was twisted into the chosen being chosen for their devotion to their "god" and saving all life on earth…but the injection of the ark narrative into the Gilgamesh story served two purposes. 1. make us the hero and 2. explain how, if all life was obliterated by the flood, that life indeed survived.
For a good source on the issues of the OT, search out Maruo Biglino. He was formerly an official heb translator for the Vatican. He got fired when he published a book with a symbol by symbol translation of some OT books versus the officially recognized translation which included punctuation and vowels. They couldn't make sense of it without vowels and punctuation. Heb is a language of SYMBOLS, much like hieroglyphics. Mauro's work read a bit differently when the additions of vowels and punctuation were removed. A group of Hebrew students were also doing this work publishing their own translations based on only the symbols. Cross referencing the work, done and different times is very interesting. I'd say that in the secret bowels of Judaism, this is well known…the truth that is…
pt 1
▶ 48ae0c (9) No.1758527>>1852000
pt 2
As to Jesus. Another rabbit hole that is very uncomfortable and scary for believers to critically examine.
The hebs were completely controlled by their rules/laws. Very rigid I might add. Many were searching for a more natural way of "worship" and perhaps were influenced by other cultures when they came into contact with them via travel.
If we recognize religion as a fear-based form of control, what happens if groups of people start to leave that ideology? Normally something else pops up to "believe in". This is happening today…as people leave organized xianity, the ascension cults rose up. Pretending to be love and light (blah blah) but also with a rigid set of rules one must follow and obey if one wishes to "ascend". Same plan different name.
SO, it is with a critical eye that one must examine the character of this Jesus who arose from "no where". Especially as described in the NT. There's a lot of information floating about, and one must keep an open mind and not decide…but one thing is for sure, they needed a Jewish hero. One with the same qualities of the Roman gods…so…it seems as if the character of Jesus in the NT is a compilation of three different people.
Issa, the traveling man from Kashmir who first studied with Hindu, then Budhists, then went to Palestine. He had a twin brother Thomas or a brother Thomas who looked so much like him they were continually mistaken for each other. In the contemporary court records of the time both men are mentioned. Thomas was a notable mason/stone worker.
At some point Issa returned to Kashmir, married and raised a family, died and was buried in a tomb at RozBal..Kashmir. An area under complete Moslim control right now. I'll leave you to investigate the tomb there…and the curious footplate at the base of the tomb (inside) that shows two feet with nail holes in them. There was a movement afoot some years ago to DNA test the body in the tomb and Moslims refuse access. The reason being is this..if the story of the NT Jesus fails, then Islam fails…remember Islam came 500 years after and like the Hebs, Mo actually plagiarized much of the OT rules. There is literally zero difference between what a orthodox rabbi preaches and what a radical Imam preaches.
A shift to the kinder, gentler Gnostic beliefs was likely started by the teachings of Issa in Palestine. Read the Secret Gospel of Thomas…it's complete and total zen Buddhism.
The travels and teachings of Issa are well documented in contemporary records of the Kashimir area.
So 1. Issa
2. Appalonias of Tyana (Applonias of Tyre)
who oddly also traveled to India.
and 3. A radical zionist of the day committed to freeing the Jews from Roman rule
You can see all three characters entwined into one viable character…a Jewish hero..(see the theme?) co-opted to rope the gentiles into following, believing in and bowing to the greater Jewish "god".
When did things change?
▶ 48ae0c (9) No.1758530>>1852000 >>1852164
pt 3
Paul came….a former? roman soldier sent in to investigate this loss of control. Infiltrated the movement, co-opted it and shifted it entirely! He had been a Mithraic priest and introduced a lot of Mithracism into the xian religion. He basically re-wrote the rules..the rules xians follow to this day. Complete and total control with Jews still coming out on top as the superior chosen race. A guy pops in saying OMG I was this evil roman soldier executing christians then I saw the light and converted and here I am….and they swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. He was likely a roman spy/infiltrator with a mission to subvert the subversives and it worked so well it is still in action to this day.
One MUST remember that Hinduism and Buhdism are FAR older than xianity. The vedic texts tell their own story of Enki and Enil..their gods are based on those beings that settled in that area. Recall the roman gods, the greek gods…enter the Hindu gods…if you are into comparable religions you will be able to sort out which Hindu god correlates with Roman/Greek gods. Well, they couldn't go home right? So why not…live as gods. Think Cargo Cult, John Frum…complete and total control over the humans who by now are so mixed up genetically…well…
In my narrative we've leaped frogged over thousands of years!
The epic battles for control between the followers of Enki versus those of Enil are "storied" in the form of epic sagas. "Then the sons of god looked down upon the daughters of men and saw that they were beautiful and took them as wives." More gene mixing…hey they might as well get their freak on right? It was also a battle of control..the more of one gene pool surviving the more of (((THEM))) there were.
The epic story of ISIS and Osiris is quite interesting..so many Pharaohs has blonde or red hair and fucked up skulls…and they married each other…why did "royals" marry each other? Oops.
Somewhere along the way the "bloodline" myth grew up to justify heredic rule of kings…we're special, we're divine, we're gods…KEK.
WRONG. The secret of the bloodline is that there is no bloodline. It's a form of control. I had gained access to one of the bloodline family DNA projects. Much to their great disappointment there was absolutely nothing "special" about them genetically at all. It seems that Enil's fail in replication was either watered down or failed to pass on the abilities that many of Enki's final product produced. Not all carried this (there is some theoretical physics theory on this and a little known organ in the brain…it seems that only in some people it works, the root cause has to be in the perfect genetic combination.) recall that over generations genetic traces can be "wiped out". Currently only the perfect storm of gene mixing can produce a working organ. The people who have one know they're different. They are the quiet ones. It's not about rh- as (((THEY))) want all to believe…let's put it this way, some have some, but some have all. Those who have all are a MASSIVE danger to those who only have some or none at all.
Each culture has their own story of "visitors" coming and tinkering with their genetics. From China to Africa…thus while Enki was the pioneer, there were others after.
In the movie minority report what happened to the precogs (those who had all in my assessment?) They were imprisoned in the tank and forced to work for the government.
The push to capture as much DNA as possible has always frightened me. What are they looking for? Doesn't take a genius to sort that one out.
Throughout history the Hebs have managed to maintain control..sending out the Merovingians to further the myth…connecting all the royal houses into the bloodline myth..it only works if you believe…how did the obscure god of an obscure desert tribe come to rule the world?
Combined stories..Moses as Ahkenatan….interesting story..once again the hebs co-opting and twisting a story into their own HERO epic….off that.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1758577
A NZ flag design
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1759161
Most of you probably already know about this.
But Trump has some "interesting art" in his penthouse.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1759503
This guy actually does a pretty good job at summarising the evidence that the Phoenicians probably made it to America
It's two parts, and very short.
Which makes me wonder.. I don't think the Phoenicians built the Mayan pyramids or anything. But I do think they knew they were there. I think the Phoenicians/Canaanites came from Egypt and knew the true history of the world and knew the shared past that Egypt had with South America. Thus they wanted to go back and explore.
Why wouldn't they announce it to the world? Why would they? They probably financed all their "Black Ops" with gold from the new world….
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1759699>>1759896 >>1759969 >>1760971
All you trollfags on here clogging up this QRESEARCH board think you are being cute. Your ignorance as "educated idiots" makes you a joke and you will not deter the rest of us from posting or force us off the board. You are disgusting, vile human beings. Get a grip. YOU LOST!!!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1759896>>1760106 >>1760509 >>1760520 >>1760550
WTF are you talking about? This is legit research. The Great Awakening is about the true history of the human race. None of us are shills.
If we were, why would we consolidate into a separate thread? Why wouldn't we just insist on spamming the General thread with our ideas?
You don't make any sense. Go away.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1759969>>1760106 >>1760585
PS thanks for this list of other threads somewhat related to this topic, very helpful!
▶ 4c5ed6 (2) No.1760106
Their reverse psychology is funny cuz it reverses right back to Us all winning.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1760509>>1760746
The Phoenicians have nothing to do with what is going on with Q and the news right now. When you clog up this board with Phoenician sh*t, it is harder for Q'ers to communicate with each other. Can't you start a new thread (board) titled "history of the human race"?
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1760520
I am on the right board. It is YOU who needs to go away with your history of the human race sh*t.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1760550>>1760746 >>1761259
The Great Awakening is about Americans and citizens of other countries waking up together to the political corruption that has been going on for decades and holding us back and holding us down. NOT ABOUT THE FKG HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE!!!
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1760585
Jesus Christ, there are no kinds words someone can say about fagtrolls. Have fun, fagtroll.
▶ 18e256 (5) No.1760598>>1760908
It's "tetragrammaton" and it means "four weights", or "four measures" or "four words", referring to YHWH most often, though there are some such as Nassim Haramein who have decoded the term and have said that it is an encoding of the fundamental geometry of the ether, or the vacuum. That single aspect is what I have the most difficulty reconciling. How can these utterly evil people have figured out the very most basic laws of the universe? How did they turn the impetus of all creation into the perverted and evil system they practiced? I am at a loss.. Anyone know about this and maybe can help me understand it better?
▶ 18e256 (5) No.1760645
I will say that the best man I have ever known was Iranian.
▶ 18e256 (5) No.1760675>>1761284
If good Jews defend bad Jews, then aren't they bad Jews, too? Why do no Jews attempt to expose the evil within them? Why do most synagogues preach the Talmud primarily? Why did they attack 23andme as a whole when they proved them to be Khazarians? Why do they attack as a whole when evidence of their child sacrifice comes to light as it often does? It seems they are all complicit if not actively engaging in the same.
▶ ed178e (3) No.1760746>>1760799 >>1760839 >>1928155
This has everything to do with the corruption taking place in America and around the globe. The people you despise work for this cult/cabal.
Q asked us to identify the symbolism of the owl/Y.
Y = Cult of The Bull
Ancient Cult which dates back to Canaan and seem to spread rapidly after intertwining it's rituals, beliefs, and practices into the ancient Phoenician culture.
So please, leave use be. We have work to do and you're fucking up our thread. We're uncovering the very root of this corruption from the beginning of man.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1760799
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1760839>>1760853 >>1760893 >>1761304
Q said to look for the symbolism they use, e.g., the owl and Y head. We know them by their symbols, symbols of ancient evil cults, but miles and miles of posts on here exploring the history of those symbols and cults are CLOGGING UP THIS BOARD. Don't you fagtrolls understand that we do not need to do that in order to understand what the fk is going on in America and across the planet right now. JESUS!!! You people are insane.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1760853>>1760893
And copying and pasting text from all around the internet on this shit does not make you smarter and just makes you look like assinine trolls clogging up a board. 99% of Q'ers don't give a fuck about the crap you are pasting into this board.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1760865
Anu is the father of Enki and Enlil. I believe that Enki created humans using his own DNA, and Anu disapproved of it. Anu is Yahweh, and he created the Jews/Hebrews and a few other groups to enslave and destroy Enki's creation. The Christians have been duped into worshiping Yahweh because the followers of Anu like to invert everything.
Enki is also known as Satya, but this was changed to Satan. This is another form of inversion.
This is just what I read…
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1760880
Enki-Ea-Satya, the True Creator God of Humanity - The Forgotten History:
▶ ed178e (3) No.1760893>>1761079
Know your enemy. How will you know what symbols to look for and what they mean unless you study the culture of the occult and it's evolution over the centuries.
Q says their symbolism will be their downfall. So you need to learn all of the symbolism, to stay vigilante. The Owl and the Y are not their only symbols. They have lots, with lots of different meanings. Find them. Learn them.
Why are you replying to yourself? Summer getting boring already?
▶ 4c5ed6 (2) No.1760908>>1761057
>How did they turn the impetus of all creation into the perverted and evil system they practiced?
IF they are so scared of the natural divine "vacuum" of no-thing-ness or zero point (for lack of a better term) they seek to monopolize and control it by trying to BE it. That becomes a natural conundrum or inverse reflection because in doing that, in fear, they try and separate themselves FROM the Source.
one CAN seek to replicate the Source, but must recognize that this experience in a body/mind/spirit is only a vessel/a computer of perception,pattern recognition/ a fractal on many different levels (for lack of a better term)
to be and act with Divinity, God, the Creation, Source give thanks/recoginize/respect/reverence/faith to/for the Divine, God, the Creation, Source.
the inverse of that is the Fear, trying to control instead of letting go and letting God and believing that the no-thing-ness is Pure potential and not something to be feared.
Energy always is.
>How can these utterly evil people have figured out the very most basic laws of the universe?
It really is simple and hidden it in plain sight. They seek to play all the parlor tricks, put all that woowoo evil stuff around it to make it seem so mystical, like we cant know what it is eaither.
Im just musing.
Hope it helps!
keep seeking :)
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1760946>>1761047 >>1763546
That is what I wonder. Was Jesus really Enki, who came back to point us in the right direction?
I believe that Anu, the father of Enki and Enlil, is Yahweh and he disapproved of Enki's experimentation. Anu created the Jews/Hebrews to enslave and destroy humans, and this has been the fight ever since.
The Christians have been duped into worshiping Anu. The stories and manuscripts that the Bible is based on were hidden from humanity so that we do not see the real truth. All this is supposed to change now because we are in the Age of Aquarius. It is time to free ourselves from slavery and to overcome the control of the Anuists.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1760971>>1761042
This is Q research. NWO is not the New World Order, so then what is it? Nephilim World Order?
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761042>>1761388
I ain't biting. You will not bait me into your craziness.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761047>>1761435
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761057
Oh, ain't we so intelligent today. NOT.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761079
"How will you know what symbols to look for "
Because, STUPIDO, Q told us what to look for. GMAFB.
BTW, when I "reply" to myself, it is to clarify my other post - so idiots like you can understand it.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1761259>>1761301
>going on for decades
You're precious
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1761284>>1761942
I don't agree with that at all. And I would caution about making this thread about generalising about the Jews.
You can do this same argument about any group. Any group. When they have bad actors, you say "why aren't the good actors stopping it!" and therefore imply that there are no good actors at all?
Most Jews have likely bought into the persecution narrative so of course get pretty touchy at anything that even sounds remotely anti-semetic. I can't blame them. That doesn't make them bad people, or even in on the plot.
Look at this from Bin Ladin's perspective. He'd think the same about any American. They're all complicit because they didn't hang their leaders for bombing the middle east.
We're not going to go down that route here. I'm hoping for timelines and facts and we can figure out conclusions later
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761301>>1761323 >>1761410 >>1761489
And you are an idiot. The kind of Great Awakening you are striving for dates back to Adam and Eve. Or the date Noah's Ark no longer touched the ground. Q is talking about us waking up from what has happened to our country under establishment control for…yes…decades. Idiot.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1761304>>1761357
Clogging up a board with infinite space? Again, we're not clogging up General, that's why we're talking SPECIFICALLY here.
Anyhoo, filtered.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761323
"Establishment" meaning NWO pricks, the Vatican, and a runaway global deep state. Jeez.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761357>>1761377
Clogging up the board means making it extremely difficult for Q followers who are trying to communicate with other Q followers on issues of the day and you people post one inane post after another about sh*t. You need to post your pseudo-intelligent crap on a board so people like you of a like mind can commune.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761377>>1761402 >>1761434 >>1763624
Q reads this board and responds to the concerns and posts of Q anons. You are making it hard for Q to find the Q anon posts. You crazies are not Q anons.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1761388>>1761418
Q posts 133 and 140 and 376, niggah.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761402
And if you WERE a Q anon, you would know that.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1761410>>1761429 >>1761493
You really think this is just about America then you haven't been paying attention.
22 Dec 2017 - 11:12:33 PM
2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein.
US loses space dominance.
IRAN Nuke deal.
NK Nuke/Missile Tech.
NASA Tech to ?
HRC SAPs (private server).
$$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).
Left eye [marker].
We have tremendous WW support.
SATAN has left the WH.
Day of days.
22 Nov 2017 - 2:47:21 PM
Ancient Egyptians considered gold “the skin of the gods” -- specifically the sun god Ra – and often used it to craft objects of spiritual significance.
Why is this relevant?
21 Nov 2017 - 8:07:58 PM
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.
Identify and list.
They don’t hide it.
They don’t fear you.
You are sheep to them.
You are feeders.
Godfather III.
What does the "Owl" represent to certain cults?
11 Nov 2017 - 9:29:35 PM
Hard to swallow.
Important to progress.
Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
Focus on above (3).
Public wealth disclosures -- False.
Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.
Think slush funds (feeder).
Think war (feeder).
Think environmental pacts (feeder).
Triangle has (3) sides.
Eye of Providence.
Follow the bloodlines.
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Epstein island.
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
How many levels might exist below?
What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
When? How often? Why?
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761418
Stupido. Idiot. Troll.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761429>>1761477
Can't you read? I said America and citizens all over the globe.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1761434>>1761478
I've been notable dozens of times. I've even influenced the structure of the breads. Several of my memes are still being pasted.
GTFO, stop "clogging up" our discussion.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1761435
Oh, I see. You did not see the movie Prometheus.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1761477
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c2ded6 No.1184271 📁
Apr 25 2018 15:33:17 (EST)
Are you awake?
Do you SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT?
Do you SEE FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs?
Do you SEE the corruption?
Do you SEE the EVIL?
Are you a SLAVE?
Are you a SHEEP?
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761478
Yeah, sure you have. Sure they are. Troll.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1761489>>1761604 >>1761768
Go watch the NWO speech by GHWB. He mentions "100 generations". This is more than just a few decades.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761493
California. That explains it.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1761604>>1761832
Now that's interesting, I didn't catch that before. Generations are usually considered to be 20 years, so that's 2000 years. Which is about when the Phoenicians power (as an empire) waned for good.
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761768>>1761927
Get your facts right. If you are basing all your crazy nonsensical research on GHWB, then we just need to go back as far as 1990. Jeez.
""George H.W. Bush declared in 1990 that after 100 generations of searching for peace, a new world order was about to be born, “a world quite different from the one we’ve known, a world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle."" -- WSJ, 8/5/2017
▶ 0eb4a1 (29) No.1761832
Go find your own board. Start one. Call it Phoenician Shit.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1761927
So, do some math then. Start with 1990 and subtract "100 generations". What do you get?
That comes out to be -0010. So, the NWO started on Thursday, October 8, -0010 at 9:34 am.
▶ 18e256 (5) No.1761942>>1762085
>I would caution about making this thread about generalising the Jews
Jew detector overloaded
>You can do this same argument about any group
And you should. Catholics hate their pedophile priests. All jews, however, defend the evil among them down to the man.
>not going to go down that route here
For any real users wondering while going through this thread, we can now be certain this is just yet another kike lie on top the mountain of their lies. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself, moshe. You think that MORE lies and deception are going to fix the problem you've gotten yourself into through lies and deception? Jesus Christ, you people really can't see your own evil. You know how they say vampires can't see their reflection? It's a metaphor for jews like you. You are incapable of self reflection.
We. Are. Coming.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1762085>>1769464
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I assure you I'm not Jewish. Anyway, it's not the point of this thread to wonder why Jews act like X Y Z. I'm hoping we can trace peoples migrations, symbols, and other stuff throughout history to make connections first, conclusions second. You already have conclusions, and that's fine, but maybe help contribute by outlining some facts that can contribute to this timeline.
The hypothesis on this thread is NORDIC world order. So it's exploring the notion that the Vikings represent some midpoint between a cabal that has been working for a long long time. I think it makes a fuckload of sense to think that they descend from the ancient Canaanites, and further back to Egypt.
It has been argued by some prominent historians that Israel never invaded Canaan. They evolved out of the Canaanite culture and for some reason manufactured an epic past for themselves. Which would, in essence, make the Phoenicians a brand of Jewish.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1762272
Before gods, goddesses, demons and nocturnal monsters of the netherworld were depicted as humans, they were almost always shown in some type of animal form. This ancient network of immortal symbolism we can witness today with one of these secret deities that has been depicted throughout the course of human history as the bird of night, known as the owl.
The symbology of the owl has almost always represented evil omens, demons, illness, disease and death to many interrelated ancient cultures such as the Hittites, Sumerians, Egyptians, Ethiopians, Africans, Phoenicians (Hebrews), Greeks, Romans, Europeans, Arabs, Hindus, Indians and Latinos. A nocturnal bird of prey that to them was not a symbol of wisdom, but the creature who disturbs their sleep and is the “angel of death.”
The Egyptian name for the owl is Mulak or Moloch represented by the letter symbolism of M (m) because its name began with M, and the eyes or horns of this secret deity looks just like the letter m.
the inside.
The ancient Phoenician Hebrews who were the descendants of the Hittites and Egyptian Israelites were the race who gave us the Old Testament. They were called the Phoenicians by the Greeks, but they referred to themselves as the Sidonians from Sidon of Crete (Cretans). Their chief deity was Ashtart who the Israelitish prophets called “the abomination of the Sidonians.” Sidon on Crete was at one time the main headquarters of the Phoenician maritime trade and commerce. The goddess Ashtart became the patroness of the Sidonian mariners, who according to Lucian was also identified with the moon.
The Phoenicians/Sidonians Hebrews sometimes sacrificed owls to be included in their burials back to the 7th century BC. In biblical law, owls are included in the list of birds that were forbidden to be eaten. An oracle concerning Edom, Isa 34:11, declares that the eagle owl will inherit the devastated land, and another possible variety of owl will also dwell in it. The eagle owl roosts on the capitals of a desolated Nineveh in the prophetic vision of Zeph 2:14. Later the owl deity known as Ashtart becomes the demon goddess that is known as Lilith, who was created in the first Genesis account.
▶ 9c1b8a (2) No.1762675
red of the orient
knights of malta
red cross
▶ 9c1b8a (2) No.1762719
It's probably a cosmic synchronicity
▶ 48ae0c (9) No.1763546>>1764028
>The Christians have been duped into worshiping Anu.
You done went and fucked up. Enki=Lightbringer
ENIL=Jehovah aka asshole god.
The archtypal half brothers at war. The theme is present throughout the bible. KEK,.Anu was THEIR father…and FYI they are NOT gods…MKAY???
Indigenous people in South and Central America have a creation myth radically different than Judeoxian…in fact it's in line with the Sumerian myths..it's quite amazing to read/hear them talk about how "creator" (notice…not god, but creator) gifted them the sacred vines/plants of knowledge so that they might know themselves. The absolute complete opposite of what happened in Genesis. The Snake=wisdom bringer in all traditions except…Judeoxian.
WHY all of the sudden people popping in this thread screaming bloody murder about the discussion here as if somehow it's interfering in the research bread?
1. it's relevant because of the push to get DNA
2. it's relevant as far as how control was taken and kept BY (((THEM)))
3. (((THEY))) found this thread and are screaming because????
Scared much assholes?
And on other thing….you can count on this…RED HAIR is demonized throughout the bible..Mary Magdalene, Judas.any "bad guy" has red hair.
In fact, the Magdalene was probably the last or close to the last of her line. NOT as the bride of the ISSA Jesus unless they spawned…Issa went back to Kashmir..Soe speculate the wedding at Canna was JTBaptist's marriage to MM and he was a bit of an asshole to her…anyway, that story can be found in "The Virgin and the Priest"…basically investigates whether or not Zachariah was running a breeding op at the temple to attempt to propagate….it's a fair on theory, a lot to think about but far from exactly on target.
Another theory is that ONE of the Jesus models, likely the one actually FROM Palestine and actually called Jesus was the son of a roman soldier Pantera (whose grave was recently found in Europe and whose timeline aligns with the fatherhood theory)…It is this "Jesus" that was the building block for the character of Jesus in the bible. Jesus, Issa, and Appalonia of Tyre. A composite character.
As far as being crucified, the tomb at RozBal certainly indicates a crucifiction. The chapel at Rennes Le Chateau stations of the cross expresses what the Priest Saunier was said to have found hidden in the alter, a secret "Kings would kill to own"…and he expressed those secrets in his stations of the cross art among other things. In the removal from the cross at night station, the body of Christ is missing the sword wound in his side and is being removed from the cross by relations when the moon is high in the sky. No Jew would have touched a dead body after sundown. True fax.
So Issa may have been slipped a "soma" which made him appear to faint..he was removed and took time to recover before absconding back to Kashmir. What happened to "Jesus"? Many theories abound.
Red heads are not evil. (((THEY))) are evil.
▶ 48ae0c (9) No.1763624
>Q reads this board and responds to the concerns and posts of Q anons. You are making it hard for Q to find the Q anon posts. You crazies are not Q anons.
Concernfag…this is a research thread, has nothing to do with the breads. If Q reads it more power to him, but he communicates via the research bread and patriot…so STFU Jew, your sekrits are not so sekrit any more.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1764028>>1765940
This is where I got that Anu is Yahweh, and the fight is between him and Enki. Anu would be the asshole "god".
Enki-Ea-Satya, the True Creator God of Humanity - The Forgotten History:
I have also heard your version of the story- the fight is between Enki and Enlil. What about Anu/Yahweh then? Wouldn't it fit with what we know about (((THEM))) if (((THEY))) can get the sheeple Christians to worship Anu/Yahweh, the asshole "god"? It is the perfect inversion of reality.
Either way, they do not want us to know that our creator is Enki. They label Enki as being Satan as another inversion of reality.
None of this has to do with a Creator God. I am not sure how the Annunaki were created or came into existence.
▶ 48ae0c (9) No.1765940>>1766488
>This is where I got that Anu is Yahweh, and the fight is between him and Enki.
The Sumerian texts and the book of Enki make it CLEAR the fight was between the half brothers Enki and Enil. Anu was called down to mediate after Enil found out about Enki's creations. Enil hoped to be handed kingship due to his brother's rule breaking. Anu disappointed Enil and kept the dual kingship.
JAYSIS how many times do I have to write it. That website is bull shit and not based on the primary documents.
Creator is not "god" but they assume the positions of gods because they could not ever go home. Cargo Cult…religion.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1766488>>1771767
I am aware of what you are saying.
What is your go-to source for this information? I seem to find the shit ones.
▶ e332b9 (7) No.1766717
Whoh.. hang on here.. Tell me more about the evil Atlanteans…. This is new to me.
Unless you are talking about the one of 10 groups in Atlantis that some think came from Mars and tried to build a Merkeba and tore a hole in the fabric of space/time and brought Earth from the 12th dimension to the 3rd.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1766819
Beginning in the eighth century B.C., Ancient Rome grew from a small town on central Italy’s Tiber River into an empire that at its peak encompassed most of continental Europe, Britain, much of western Asia, northern Africa and the Mediterranean islands. Among the many legacies of Roman dominance are the widespread use of the Romance languages (Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian) derived from Latin, the modern Western alphabet and calendar and the emergence of Christianity as a major world religion. After 450 years as a republic, Rome became an empire in the wake of Julius Caesar’s rise and fall in the first century B.C. The long and triumphant reign of its first emperor, Augustus, began a golden age of peace and prosperity; by contrast, the empire’s decline and fall by the fifth century A.D. was one of the most dramatic implosions in the history of human civilization.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1766824
As legend has it, Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus, twin sons of Mars, the god of war. Left to drown in a basket on the Tiber by a king of nearby Alba Longa and rescued by a she-wolf, the twins lived to defeat that king and found their own city on the river’s banks in 753 B.C. After killing his brother, Romulus became the first king of Rome, which is named for him. A line of Sabine, Latin and Etruscan (earlier Italian civilizations) kings followed in a non-hereditary succession.
Did You Know?
Four decades after Constantine made Christianity Rome's official religion, Emperor Julian--known as the Apostate–tried to revive the pagan cults and temples of the past, but the process was reversed after his death, and Julian was the last pagan emperor of Rome.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1766835
Rome’s era as a monarchy ended in 509 B.C. with the overthrow of its seventh king, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, whom ancient historians portrayed as cruel and tyrannical, compared to his benevolent predecessors. A popular uprising was said to have arisen over the rape of a virtuous noblewoman, Lucretia, by the king’s son. Whatever the cause, Rome turned from a monarchy into a republic, a world derived from res publica, or “property of the people.”
The Early Republic
The power of the monarch passed to two annually elected magistrates called consuls; they also served as commanders in chief of the army. The magistrates, though elected by the people, were drawn largely from the Senate, which was dominated by the patricians, or the descendants of the original senators from the time of Romulus. Politics in the early republic was marked by the long struggle between patricians and plebeians (the common people), who eventually attained some political power through years of concessions from patricians, including their own political bodies, the tribunes, which could initiate or veto legislation.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1766839
In 450 B.C., the first Roman law code was inscribed on 12 bronze tablets--known as the Twelve Tables–and publicly displayed in the Roman Forum. These laws included issues of legal procedure, civil rights and property rights and provided the basis for all future Roman civil law. By around 300 B.C., real political power in Rome was centered in the Senate, which at the time included only members of patrician and wealthy plebeian families.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1766844>>1772294
Military Expansion
During the early republic, the Roman state grew exponentially in both size and power. Though the Gauls sacked and burned Rome in 390 B.C., the Romans rebounded under the leadership of the military hero Camillus, eventually gaining control of the entire Italian peninsula by 264 B.C. Rome then fought a series of wars known as the Punic Wars with Carthage, a powerful city-state in northern Africa. The first two Punic Wars ended with Rome in full control of Sicily, the western Mediterranean and much of Spain. In the Third Punic War (149--146 B.C.), the Romans captured and destroyed the city of Carthage and sold its surviving inhabitants into slavery, making a section of northern Africa a Roman province. At the same time, Rome also spread its influence east, defeating King Philip V of Macedonia in the Macedonian Wars and turning his kingdom into another Roman province.
Rome’s military conquests led directly to its cultural growth as a society, as the Romans benefited greatly from contact with such advanced cultures as the Greeks. The first Roman literature appeared around 240 B.C., with translations of Greek classics into Latin; Romans would eventually adopt much of Greek art, philosophy and religion.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1766852
Internal Struggles in the Late Republic
Rome’s complex political institutions began to crumble under the weight of the growing empire, ushering in an era of internal turmoil and violence. The gap between rich and poor widened as wealthy landowners drove small farmers from public land, while access to government was increasingly limited to the more privileged classes. Attempts to address these social problems, such as the reform movements of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus (in 133 B.C. and 123-22 B.C., respectively) ended in the reformers’ deaths at the hands of their opponents.
Gaius Marius, a commoner whose military prowess elevated him to the position of consul (for the first of six terms) in 107 B.C., was the first of a series of warlords who would dominate Rome during the late republic. By 91 B.C., Marius was struggling against attacks by his opponents, including his fellow general Sulla, who emerged as military dictator around 82 B.C. After Sulla retired, one of his former supporters, Pompey, briefly served as consul before waging successful military campaigns against pirates in the Mediterranean and the forces of Mithridates in Asia. During this same period, Marcus Tullius Cicero, elected consul in 63 B.C., famously defeated the conspiracy of the patrician Cataline and won a reputation as one of Rome’s greatest orators.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1766859
Caesar’s Rise
When the victorious Pompey returned to Rome, he formed an uneasy alliance known as the First Triumvirate with the wealthy Marcus Licinius Crassus (who suppressed a slave rebellion led by Spartacus in 71 B.C.) and another rising star in Roman politics: Gaius Julius Caesar. After earning military glory in Spain, Caesar returned to Rome to vie for the consulship in 59 B.C. From his alliance with Pompey and Crassus, Caesar received the governorship of three wealthy provinces in Gaul beginning in 58 B.C.; he then set about conquering the rest of the region for Rome.
After Pompey’s wife Julia (Caesar’s daughter) died in 54 B.C., and Crassus was killed in battle against Parthia (present-day Iran) the following year, the triumvirate was broken. With old-style Roman politics in disorder, Pompey stepped in as sole consul in 53 B.C. Caesar’s military glory in Gaul and his increasing wealth had eclipsed Pompey’s, and the latter teamed with his Senate allies to steadily undermine Caesar. In 49 B.C., Caesar and one of his legions crossed the Rubicon, a river on the border between Italy from Cisalpine Gaul. Caesar’s invasion of Italy ignited a civil war from which he emerged as dictator of Rome for life in 45 B.C.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1766866
From Caesar to Augustus
Less than a year later, Caesar was murdered by a group of his enemies (led by the republican nobles Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius). Consul Mark Antony and Caesar’s great-nephew and adopted heir, Octavian, joined forces to crush Brutus and Cassius and divided power in Rome with ex-consul Lepidus in what was known as the Second Triumvirate. With Octavian leading the western provinces, Antony the east, and Lepidus Africa, tensions developed by 36 B.C. and the triumvirate soon dissolved. In 31 B.C., Octavian triumped over the forces of Antony and Queen Cleopatra of Egypt (also rumored to be the onetime lover of Julius Caesar) in the Battle of Actium. In the wake of this devastating defeat, Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide.
By 29 B.C., Octavian was the sole leader of Rome and all its provinces. To avoid meeting Caesar’s fate, he made sure to make his position as absolute ruler acceptable to the public by apparently restoring the political institutions of the Roman republic while in reality retaining all real power for himself. In 27 B.C., Octavian assumed the title of Augustus, becoming the first emperor of Rome.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1766885
Age of the Emperors
Augustus’ rule restored morale in Rome after a century of discord and corruption and ushered in the famous pax Romana--two full centuries of peace and prosperity. He instituted various social reforms, won numerous military victories and allowed Roman literature, art, architecture and religion to flourish. Augustus ruled for 56 years, supported by his great army and by a growing cult of devotion to the emperor. When he died, the Senate elevated Augustus to the status of a god, beginning a long-running tradition of deification for popular emperors.
Augustus’ dynasty included the unpopular Tiberius (14-37 A.D.), the bloodthirsty and unstable Caligula (37-41) and Claudius (41-54), who was best remembered for his army’s conquest of Britain. The line ended with Nero (54-68), whose excesses drained the Roman treasury and led to his downfall and eventual suicide. Four emperors took the throne in the tumultuous year after Nero’s death; the fourth, Vespasian (69-79), and his successors, Titus and Domitian, were known as the Flavians; they attempted to temper the excesses of the Roman court, restore Senate authority and promote public welfare. Titus (79-81) earned his people’s devotion with his handling of recovery efforts after the infamous eruption of Vesuvius, which destroyed the towns of Herculaneum and Pompeii.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1766894
The reign of Nerva (96-98), who was selected by the Senate to succeed Domitian, began another golden age in Roman history, during which four emperors--Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius–took the throne peacefully, succeeding one another by adoption, as opposed to hereditary succession. Trajan (98-117) expanded Rome’s borders to the greatest extent in history with victories over the kingdoms of Dacia (now northwestern Romania) and Parthia. His successor Hadrian (117-138) solidified the empire’s frontiers and continued his predecessor’s work of establishing internal stability and instituting administrative reforms.
Under Antoninus Pius (138-161), Rome continued in peace and prosperity, but the reign of Marcus Aurelius (161--180) was dominated by conflict, including war against Parthia and Armenia and the invasion of Germanic tribes from the north. When Marcus fell ill and died near the battlefield at Vindobona (Vienna), he broke with the tradition of non-hereditary succession and named his 19-year-old son Commodus as his successor.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1766908
Decline and Disintegration
The decadence and incompetence of Commodus (180-192) brought the golden age of the Roman emperors to a disappointing end. His death at the hands of his own ministers sparked another period of civil war, from which Lucius Septimius Severus (193-211) emerged victorious. During the third century Rome suffered from a cycle of near-constant conflict. A total of 22 emperors took the throne, many of them meeting violent ends at the hands of the same soldiers who had propelled them to power. Meanwhile, threats from outside plagued the empire and depleted its riches, including continuing aggression from Germans and Parthians and raids by the Goths over the Aegean Sea.
The reign of Diocletian (284-305) temporarily restored peace and prosperity in Rome, but at a high cost to the unity of the empire. Diocletian divided power into the so-called tetrarchy (rule of four), sharing his title of Augustus (emperor) with Maximian. A pair of generals, Galerius and Constantius, were appointed as the assistants and chosen successors of Diocletian and Maximian; Diocletian and Galerius ruled the eastern Roman Empire, while Maximian and Constantius took power in the west.
The stability of this system suffered greatly after Diocletian and Maximian retired from office. Constantine (the son of Constantius) emerged from the ensuing power struggles as sole emperor of a reunified Rome in 324. He moved the Roman capital to the Greek city of Byzantium, which he renamed Constantinople. At the Council of Nicaea in 325, Constantine made Christianity (once an obscure Jewish sect) Rome’s official religion.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1766916>>1772460
Roman unity under Constantine proved illusory, and 30 years after his death the eastern and western empires were again divided. Despite its continuing battle against Persian forces, the eastern Roman Empire--later known as the Byzantine Empire–would remain largely intact for centuries to come. An entirely different story played out in the west, where the empire was wracked by internal conflict as well as threats from abroad–particularly from the Germanic tribes now established within the empire’s frontiers–and was steadily losing money due to constant warfare.
Rome eventually collapsed under the weight of its own bloated empire, losing its provinces one by one: Britain around 410; Spain and northern Africa by 430. Attila and his brutal Huns invaded Gaul and Italy around 450, further shaking the foundations of the empire. In September 476, a Germanic prince named Odovacar won control of the Roman army in Italy. After deposing the last western emperor, Romulus Augustus, Odovacar’s troops proclaimed him king of Italy, bringing an ignoble end to the long, tumultuous history of ancient Rome.
▶ e332b9 (7) No.1766951
That symbol is sacred geometry and is a symbol of creation. Fibonacci sequence on a grid.
▶ e332b9 (7) No.1767262
My memory deceived me. Can't link to Phoenicians, but I will give you a taste of the book…
Just to explain… the premise of this author is that Israel in the bible, is not in the middle east but rather it is the United States of America.
Side note: a posting much earlier said that Moses freed the Jews… Not sure how significant it is here… but… Moses freed the Hebrews. Not sure we should automatically assume the Hebrews = Jews.
I think there is some Michael Tsarion material suggesting the Hebrews are from space and related to the Dogon Tribe in Africa.
▶ e332b9 (7) No.1767743
If you think about the bible, and that Constantine corrupted it… The end game is a world where Jesus returns and forms a one world government.
Jesus in scripture, never talked about government with the exception of Caeser's coin. So… if Jesus was sent here to help the seeing and the hearing to understand his cryptic message… we should understand that the biblical message of the return of Jesus and a one world government IS the plan of the cabal.
People tend to interchange the words Jesus and Christ as meaning the same. Careful study would disagree. Jesus is a historical figure… Christ is either a title or a consciousness.
My thought train here is that prophesy seems to be happening here. But what if that is how the cabal, 2000 years ago planned it??? They embedded the prophetic scripture to occur??? It is all about control of our minds.
I am confused. I've been given signs.. anyone have any similar occurrences with Bees, lightening bugs.. hummingbirds… ants???
▶ 48ae0c (9) No.1771767>>1774344
The Book of Enki (Sumerian texts)
Also of interst is research the Kogi people of South America. After listening or reading the Book of Enki, listen to the Kogi people speak. Same syntax.
Someone is burying the stuff I wrote….whatever you study look for where they get their information. NEVER follow anyone who claims their source is a channel…which is most of them. It's a bullshit.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1772294
>The first Roman literature appeared around 240 B.C., with translations of Greek classics into Latin; Romans would eventually adopt much of Greek art, philosophy and religion.
That late eh? So what was their religion for the first 600 or so years?
Interesting how they tried to obliterate the Phoenicians in the Punic wars
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1772460
Thank you for posting this history! Great little summary of Rome.
So how do we connect the dots here?
1200bc bronze age collapse allows the Phoenicians to establish a sea based trading empire. 400 years later Rome is founded and it soon becomes a major force to recken with. What's their religion at the beginning? Similar to Phoenician? Eventually they grow large and strong, adopt Greek religion and soon turn on Phoenicians in the Punic wars.
The founding of Rome is fucking ridiculous, so what really happened there?
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1772790
For almost 30 centuries---from its unification around 3100 B.C. to its conquest by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.—ancient Egypt was the preeminent civilization in the Mediterranean world. From the great pyramids of the Old Kingdom through the military conquests of the New Kingdom, Egypt’s majesty has long entranced archaeologists and historians and created a vibrant field of study all its own: Egyptology. The main sources of information about ancient Egypt are the many monuments, objects and artifacts that have been recovered from archaeological sites, covered with hieroglyphs that have only recently been deciphered. The picture that emerges is of a culture with few equals in the beauty of its art, the accomplishment of its architecture or the richness of its religious traditions.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1772799
Predynastic Period (c. 5000-3100 B.C.)
Few written records or artifacts have been found from the Predynastic Period, which encompassed at least 2,000 years of gradual development of the Egyptian civilization.
Did You Know?
During the rule of Akhenaton, his wife Nefertiti played an important political and religious role in the monotheistic cult of the sun god Aton. Images and sculptures of Nefertiti depict her famous beauty and role as a living goddess of fertility.
Neolithic (late Stone Age) communities in northeastern Africa exchanged hunting for agriculture and made early advances that paved the way for the later development of Egyptian arts and crafts, technology, politics and religion (including a great reverence for the dead and possibly a belief in life after death).
Around 3400 B.C., two separate kingdoms were established: the Red Land to the north, based in the Nile River Delta and extending along the Nile perhaps to Atfih; and the White Land in the south, stretching from Atfih to Gebel es-Silsila. A southern king, Scorpion, made the first attempts to conquer the northern kingdom around 3200 B.C. A century later, King Menes would subdue the north and unify the country, becoming the first king of the first dynasty.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1772807
Archaic (Early Dynastic) Period (c. 3100-2686 B.C.)
King Menes founded the capital of ancient Egypt at White Walls (later known as Memphis), in the north, near the apex of the Nile River delta. The capital would grow into a great metropolis that dominated Egyptian society during the Old Kingdom period. The Archaic Period saw the development of the foundations of Egyptian society, including the all-important ideology of kingship. To the ancient Egyptians, the king was a godlike being, closely identified with the all-powerful god Horus. The earliest known hieroglyphic writing also dates to this period.
In the Archaic Period, as in all other periods, most ancient Egyptians were farmers living in small villages, and agriculture (largely wheat and barley) formed the economic base of the Egyptian state. The annual flooding of the great Nile River provided the necessary irrigation and fertilization each year; farmers sowed the wheat after the flooding receded and harvested it before the season of high temperatures and drought returned.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1772818>>1783945
Old Kingdom: Age of the Pyramid Builders (c. 2686-2181 B.C.)
The Old Kingdom began with the third dynasty of pharaohs. Around 2630 B.C., the third dynasty’s King Djoser asked Imhotep, an architect, priest and healer, to design a funerary monument for him; the result was the world’s first major stone building, the Step-Pyramid at Saqqara, near Memphis. Pyramid-building reached its zenith with the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo. Built for Khufu (or Cheops, in Greek), who ruled from 2589 to 2566 B.C., the pyramid was later named by classical historians as one of the ancient world’s Seven Wonders. Two other pyramids were built at Giza for Khufu’s successors Khafra (2558-2532 B.C) and Menkaura (2532-2503 B.C.).
During the third and fourth dynasties, Egypt enjoyed a golden age of peace and prosperity. The pharaohs held absolute power and provided a stable central government; the kingdom faced no serious threats from abroad; and successful military campaigns in foreign countries like Nubia and Libya added to its considerable economic prosperity. Over the course of the fifth and sixth dynasties, the king’s wealth was steadily depleted, partially due to the huge expense of pyramid-building, and his absolute power faltered in the face of the growing influence of the nobility and the priesthood that grew up around the sun god Ra (Re). After the death of the sixth dynasty’s King Pepy II, who ruled for some 94 years, the Old Kingdom period ended in chaos.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1772826
First Intermediate Period (c. 2181-2055 B.C.)
On the heels of the Old Kingdom’s collapse, the seventh and eighth dynasties consisted of a rapid succession of Memphis-based rulers until about 2160 B.C., when the central authority completely dissolved, leading to civil war between provincial governors. This chaotic situation was intensified by Bedouin invasions and accompanied by famine and disease.
From this era of conflict emerged two different kingdoms: A line of 17 rulers (dynasties nine and 10) based in Heracleopolis ruled Middle Egypt between Memphis and Thebes, while another family of rulers arose in Thebes to challenge Heracleopolitan power. Around 2055 B.C., the Theban prince Mentuhotep managed to topple Heracleopolis and reunited Egypt, beginning the 11th dynasty and ending the First Intermediate Period.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1772829
Middle Kingdom: 12th Dynasty (c. 2055-1786 B.C.)
After the last ruler of the 11th dynasty, Mentuhotep IV, was assassinated, the throne passed to his vizier, or chief minister, who became King Amenemhet I, founder of dynasty 12. A new capital was established at It-towy, south of Memphis, while Thebes remained a great religious center. During the Middle Kingdom, Egypt once again flourished, as it had during the Old Kingdom. The 12th dynasty kings ensured the smooth succession of their line by making each successor co-regent, a custom that began with Amenemhet I.
Middle-Kingdom Egypt pursued an aggressive foreign policy, colonizing Nubia (with its rich supply of gold, ebony, ivory and other resources) and repelling the Bedouins who had infiltrated Egypt during the First Intermediate Period. The kingdom also built diplomatic and trade relations with Syria, Palestine and other countries; undertook building projects including military fortresses and mining quarries; and returned to pyramid-building in the tradition of the Old Kingdom. The Middle Kingdom reached its peak under Amenemhet III (1842-1797 B.C.); its decline began under Amenenhet IV (1798-1790 B.C.) and continued under his sister and regent, Queen Sobekneferu (1789-1786 B.C.), who was the first confirmed female ruler of Egypt and the last ruler of the 12th dynasty.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1772846
Second Intermediate Period (c. 1786-1567 B.C.)
The 13th dynasty marked the beginning of another unsettled period in Egyptian history, during which a rapid succession of kings failed to consolidate power. As a consequence, during the Second Intermediate Period Egypt was divided into several spheres of influence. The official royal court and seat of government was relocated to Thebes, while a rival dynasty (the 14th), centered on the city of Xois in the Nile delta, seems to have existed at the same time as the 13th.
Around 1650 B.C., a line of foreign rulers known as the Hyksos took advantage of Egypt’s instability to take control. The Hyksos rulers of the 15th dynasty adopted and continued many of the existing Egyptian traditions in government as well as culture. They ruled concurrently with the line of native Theban rulers of the 17th dynasty, who retained control over most of southern Egypt despite having to pay taxes to the Hyksos. (The 16th dynasty is variously believed to be Theban or Hyksos rulers.) Conflict eventually flared between the two groups, and the Thebans launched a war against the Hyksos around 1570 B.C., driving them out of Egypt.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1772858>>1825824
New Kingdom (c. 1567-1085 B.C.)
Under Ahmose I, the first king of the 18th dynasty, Egypt was once again reunited. During the 18th dynasty, Egypt restored its control over Nubia and began military campaigns in Palestine, clashing with other powers in the area such as the Mitannians and the Hittites. The country went on to establish the world’s first great empire, stretching from Nubia to the Euphrates River in Asia. In addition to powerful kings such as Amenhotep I (1546-1526 B.C.), Thutmose I (1525-1512 B.C.) and Amenhotep III (1417-1379 B.C.), the New Kingdom was notable for the role of royal women such as Queen Hatshepsut (1503-1482 B.C.), who began ruling as a regent for her young stepson (he later became Thutmose III, Egypt’s greatest military hero), but rose to wield all the powers of a pharaoh.
The controversial Amenhotep IV (c. 1379-1362), of the late 18th dynasty, undertook a religious revolution, disbanding the priesthoods dedicated to Amon-Re (a combination of the local Theban god Amon and the sun god Re) and forcing the exclusive worship of another sun-god, Aton. Renaming himself Akhenaton (“servant of the Aton”), he built a new capital in Middle Egypt called Akhetaton, known later as Amarna. Upon Akhenaton’s death, the capital returned to Thebes and Egyptians returned to worshiping a multitude of gods. The 19th and 20th dynasties, known as the Ramesside period (for the line of kings named Ramses) saw the restoration of the weakened Egyptian empire and an impressive amount of building, including great temples and cities. According to biblical chronology, the Exodus of Moses and the Israelites from Egypt possibly occurred during the reign of Ramses II (1304-1237 B.C.).
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1772864
All of the New Kingdom rulers (with the exception of Akhenaton) were laid to rest in deep, rock-cut tombs (not pyramids) in the Valley of the Kings, a burial site on the west bank of the Nile opposite Thebes. Most of them were raided and destroyed, with the exception of the tomb and treasure of Tutankhamen (c.1361-1352 B.C.), discovered largely intact in A.D. 1922. The splendid mortuary temple of the last great king of the 20th dynasty, Ramses III (c. 1187-1156 B.C.), was also relatively well preserved, and indicated the prosperity Egypt still enjoyed during his reign. The kings who followed Ramses III were less successful: Egypt lost its provinces in Palestine and Syria for good and suffered from foreign invasions (notably by the Libyans), while its wealth was being steadily but inevitably depleted.
Third Intermediate Period (c. 1085-664 B.C.)
The next 400 years--known as the Third Intermediate Period–saw important changes in Egyptian politics, society and culture. Centralized government under the 21st dynasty pharaohs gave way to the resurgence of local officials, while foreigners from Libya and Nubia grabbed power for themselves and left a lasting imprint on Egypt’s population. The 22nd dynasty began around 945 B.C. with King Sheshonq, a descendant of Libyans who had invaded Egypt during the late 20th dynasty and settled there. Many local rulers were virtually autonomous during this period and dynasties 23-24 are poorly documented.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1772870
In the eighth century B.C., Nubian pharaohs beginning with Shabako, ruler of the Nubian kingdom of Kush, established their own dynasty--the 25th–at Thebes. Under Kushite rule, Egypt clashed with the growing Assyrian empire. In 671 B.C., the Assyrian ruler Esarhaddon drove the Kushite king Taharka out of Memphis and destroyed the city; he then appointed his own rulers out of local governors and officials loyal to the Assyrians. One of them, Necho of Sais, ruled briefly as the first king of the 26th dynasty before being killed by the Kushite leader Tanuatamun, in a final, unsuccessful grab for power.
From the Late Period to Alexander’s Conquest (c.664-332 B.C.)
Beginning with Necho’s son, Psammetichus, the Saite dynasty ruled a reunified Egypt for less than two centuries. In 525 B.C., Cambyses, king of Persia, defeated Psammetichus III, the last Saite king, at the Battle of Pelusium, and Egypt became part of the Persian Empire. Persian rulers such as Darius (522-485 B.C.) ruled the country largely under the same terms as native Egyptian kings: Darius supported Egypt’s religious cults and undertook the building and restoration of its temples. The tyrannical rule of Xerxes (486-465 B.C.) sparked increased uprisings under him and his successors. One of these rebellions triumphed in 404 B.C., beginning one last period of Egyptian independence under native rulers (dynasties 28-30).
In the mid-fourth century B.C., the Persians again attacked Egypt, reviving their empire under Ataxerxes III in 343 B.C. Barely a decade later, in 332 B.C., Alexander the Great of Macedonia defeated the armies of the Persian Empire and conquered Egypt. After Alexander’s death, Egypt was ruled by a line of Macedonian kings, beginning with Alexander’s general Ptolemy and continuing with his descendants. The last ruler of Ptolemaic Egypt--the legendary Cleopatra VII–surrendered Egypt to the armies of Octavian (later Augustus) in 31 B.C. Six centuries of Roman rule followed, during which Christianity became the official religion of Rome and its provinces (including Egypt). The conquest of Egypt by the Arabs in the seventh century A.D. and the introduction of Islam would do away with the last outward aspects of ancient Egyptian culture and propel the country towards its modern incarnation.
▶ ff4e2f (6) No.1773546
I'm watching it right now. The existence of giants connects a lot of dots, it explains a lot of things about ancient history and even the various mythologies of many people. There is no doubt in my mind that Giants having roamed the Earth is fact. The Giants is a vital puzzle piece to the NWO cabal no doubt.
It's real sad this topic is ridiculed and not surprising. We need to divert more attention to this
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1774344
Much appreciated.
▶ 64f4af (1) No.1776712>>1777020
>>1719707 (OP)
>it's the nordics, goyim
(((Who))) could be behind this post?
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1777020>>1783954 >>1789833
you don't have to come here.
I am inclined to think this post is over target with as much shilling as it is getting when it is just a side post.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1777454
where did the red stripes FIRST come from?
Vikings only began making their first sea-faring voyages in 793.
Phoenicians go back much farther, with the end of their spread being in 300BC
The origination of the red stripe goes back to ….
ancient Jewish tradition. The earliest writings of the Red stripes are first recorded in the Talmud, but the practice goes back even unto the times the Jews spent in Egypt, and when the Israelites found refuge in Judah, between 920 and 720 B.C.E. The red stripe is a Yom Kippur symbol and is used annually as part of the Yom Kippur. The first occasion of Yom Kippur, and the first use of the red stripe takes place 600 years before the Phoenicians, and 1400 years before the vikings used red stripes. The israelites are the original source of the red stripe.
History and Significance of Yom Kippur
According to tradition, the first Yom Kippur took place after the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and arrival at Mount Sinai, where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. Descending from the mountain, Moses caught his people worshipping a golden calf and shattered the sacred tablets in anger. Because the Israelites atoned for their idolatry, God forgave their sins and offered Moses a second set of tablets.
In Tractate Yoma 39b, the Talmud quotes a Baraisa1 that discusses numerous remarkable phenomena that occurred in the Temple during the Yom Kippur service. More specifically, the Talmud states that there was a strip of scarlet-dyed wool tied to the head of the scapegoat2 which at times would turn white in the presence of the large crowd gathered at the Temple on the Day of Atonement.
The Rabbis taught that forty years prior to the destruction of the Temple the lot did not come up in the [high priest’s] right hand nor did the stripe of scarlet wool become white…
(Talmud, Tractate Yoma 39b)
The Miracle of the Red Stripe
The second miracle concerns the crimson strip or cloth tied to the Azazel goat. A portion of this red cloth was also removed from the goat and tied to the Temple door. Each year the red cloth on the Temple door turned white as if to signify the atonement of another Yom Kippur was acceptable to the Lord. This annual event happened until 30 CE when the cloth then remained crimson each year to the time of the Temple's destruction. This undoubtedly caused much stir and consternation among the Jews. This traditional practice is linked to Israel confessing its sins and ceremonially placing this nation's sin upon the Azazel goat. The sin was then removed by this goat's death. Sin was represented by the red color of the cloth (the color of blood). But the cloth remained crimson that is, Israel's sins were not being pardoned and "made white."
And there we have it, the earliest known occurrence of the RED stripe against white is with YOM Kippur, in the years around 900 BC when the israelites made their Exodus. there is no earlier use of red stripes. So fascinating to be able to trace the red stripes back to its origins-Yom Kippur and Israel!!
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1783945
>King Pepy II
No coincidences? Sounds like he was the last king before the cult gained real influence in the region.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1783954
No kidding. I'm OP and I assure you I have no motivation other than finding the truth and connecting the dots. No bias exists. And I'm certainly not (((them)))
I think some of these posts have been stellar! So proud of everyanon here!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1789612
The original Sumerian script was adapted for the writing of the Semitic Akkadian (Assyrian/Babylonian), Eblaite and Amorite languages, the language isolates Elamite, Hattic, Hurrian and Urartian, as well as Indo-European languages Hittite and Luwian; it inspired the later Semitic Ugaritic alphabet as well as Old Persian cuneiform. Cuneiform writing was gradually replaced by the Phoenician alphabet during the Neo-Assyrian Empire (911--612 BC). By the second century AD, the script had become extinct, its last traces being found in Assyria and Babylonia, and all knowledge of how to read it was lost until it began to be deciphered in the 19th century.
Between half a million[6] and two million cuneiform tablets are estimated to have been excavated in modern times, of which only approximately 30,000[7]--100,000 have been read or published. The British Museum holds the largest collection (c. 130,000), followed by the Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin, the Louvre, the Istanbul Archaeology Museums, the National Museum of Iraq, the Yale Babylonian Collection (c. 40,000) and Penn Museum. Most of these have "lain in these collections for a century without being translated, studied or published,"[6] as there are only a few hundred qualified cuneiformists in the world.[7]
Holy shit. How much secret history is hidden in a museum on an untranslated Sumerian tablet?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1789714>>1789830 >>1799651
Ok guys! We need to dig into Babylon!! Egypt might not be the origin
An alternative suggestion put forward by Ephraim Avigdor Speiser in 1936 derives the term from Hurrian Kinahhu, purportedly referring to the colour purple, so that Canaan and Phoenicia would be synonyms ("Land of Purple"). Tablets found in the Hurrian city of Nuzi in the early 20th century appear to use the term Kinahnu as a synonym for red or purple dye, laboriously produced by the Kassite rulers of Babylon from murex shells as early as 1600 BC, and on the Mediterranean coast by the Phoenicians from a byproduct of glassmaking. Purple cloth became a renowned Canaanite export commodity which is mentioned in Exodus. The dyes may have been named after their place of origin. The name 'Phoenicia' is connected with the Greek word for "purple", apparently referring to the same product, but it is difficult to state with certainty whether the Greek word came from the name, or vice versa. The purple cloth of Tyre in Phoenicia was well known far and wide and was associated by the Romans with nobility and royalty. However, according to Robert Drews, Speiser's proposal has generally been abandoned.[9][10]
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1789830>>1791916 >>1793873
I'm starting to think that we're dealing with Sumerian/Babylon mystery religion
However, when Sargon I (1920--1881 BC) succeeded as king in Assyria in 1920 BC, he eventually withdrew Assyria from the region, preferring to concentrate on continuing the vigorous expansion of Assyrian colonies in Anatolia and the Levant, and eventually southern Mesopotamia fell to the Amorites, a Northwest Semitic-speaking people from the northern Levant. During the first centuries of what is called the "Amorite period", the most powerful city states in the south were Isin, Eshnunna and Larsa, together with Assyria in the north.
Levant = Canaan
▶ 77855b (1) No.1789833
>you don't have to come here
Wherever you jidf go, I will follow to call you out.
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1791916>>1792346
I feel like I'm going crazy saying "THE CULT OF THE BULL" over and over again in the thread.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1792346
Moloch is a Canaanite /Hebrew god
Previous (Molly Pitcher)
Next (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact)
An artist's depiction of Moloch.
Moloch (also rendered as Molech or Molekh, from the Hebrew מלך mlk) is a Canaanite god in the Old Testament associated with human sacrifice. Some scholars have suggested that the term refers to a particular kind of sacrifice carried out by the Phoenicians and their neighbors rather than a specific god, though this theory has been widely rejected. Although Moloch is referred to sparingly in the Old Testament, the significance of the god and the sacrificial ritual cannot be underestimated, as the Israelite writers vehemently reject the related practices, regarding them as murderous and idolatrous. While no particular form of Moloch is known due to the ambiguity of his origin, he is usually depicted in the form of a calf or an ox, or else as a man with the head of a bull. The figure of Moloch has been an object of fascination over the centuries, and has been used to bolster metaphorical and thematic elements within numerous modern works of art, film, and literature.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1792350
The Hebrew letters מלך (mlk) usually stand for melek or “the king,” and were used to refer to the status of the sacrificial god within his cult. Nineteenth and early twentieth century archaeology has found almost no physical evidence of a god referred to as Moloch or by any similar epithet. Thus, if such a god did exist, Moloch was not the name he was known by among his worshipers, but rather a Hebrew transliteration. The term usually appears in the Old Testament text as the compound lmlk. The Hebrew preposition l- means “to,” but it can often mean “for” or “as a(n).” Accordingly, one can translate lmlk as "to Moloch," "for Moloch," "as a Moloch," "to the Moloch," "for the Moloch" or "as the Moloch." We also find hmlk, “the Moloch” standing by itself on one occasion. The written form Moloch (in the Septuagint Greek translation of the Old Testament), or Molech (Hebrew), is no different than the word Melek or “king,” which is purposely improperly vocalized by interposing the vowels of the Hebrew term bosheth or “shameful thing.” This distortion allows the term to express the compunction felt by Israelites who witnessed their brethren worshipping this god of human sacrifices, and in doing so prevents them from giving noble status of "king" to what was for all intents and purposes, a false idol.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1792353
Moloch and other gods
A variety of scholars have suggested that Moloch is not an original god himself, but actually an alternative epithet given to another god or gods from cultures who lived in proximity to the Israelites. For instance, some scholars hold that Moloch is actually the Ammonite god Milcom, due to the phonological similarity of the names. While the names are indeed similar, the Old Testament text clearly differentiates between these deities on several occasions, most notably when referring to the national god of the Ammonites as Milcom and the god of human sacrifice as Moloch (1 Kings 11.33; Zephaniah 1.5). Further, the Old Testament mostly refers to Molech as Canaanite, rather than Ammonite. The Septuagint refers to Milcom in 1 Kings 11.7 when referring to Solomon's religious failings, instead of Moloch, which may have resulted from a scribal error in the Hebrew. Many English translations accordingly follow the non-Hebrew versions at this point and render Milcom.
Other scholars have claimed that Moloch is merely another name for Ba'al, the Sacred Bull who was widely worshipped in the ancient Near East. Ba'al is also frequently mentioned in the Old Testament, sometimes even in proximity to Moloch. Jeremiah 32.35, for instance, refers to rituals dedicated to Ba'al in the Hinnom Valley, with the offering of child sacrifices to Moloch. Allusions made to Moloch in the context of the Canaanite fertility cult, which was headed by Ba'al, also suggest a close relationship between the two figures. Further, the Bible commonly makes reference to burnt offerings being given to Ba’al himself. While these examples could be interpreted to suggest that Moloch and Ba’al are the same god, they more likely refer to the acknowledgement of their close relationship. Again, given the fact that a distinct name is used in the context of sacrifice suggests that Moloch can only be related to Ba'al (perhaps in the faculty of a henotheistic underling) rather than equated with him.
The fact that the name of Moloch appeared frequently in ancient sources suggests that Moloch was viewed as a distinct deity. John Day, in his book Molech: A God of Human Sacrifice in the Old Testament claims that there was indeed a Canaanite god whose name was rendered Melek in the Old Testament. Day cites evidence of this god from the Ugraritic texts, which are serpent charms, where he appears as Malik. Malik, he claims, is equivalent to Nergal, the Mesopotamian god of the underworld who is listed upon god lists from ancient Babylonia. Day concludes that this evidence is consistent with Moloch's malevolent status in the Old Testament, described in Isaiah 57.9 where the prophet parallels sacrifice to Moloch with a journey into the underground world of Sheol. A god of the underworld is just the kind of god one might worship in the valley of Ben-Hinnom rather than on a hill top.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1792354
Old Testament
Moloch has been most often characterized in the Old Testament by the phrase "to cause to pass through the fire," (h'byrb's in Hebrew) as is used in 2 Kings 23.10. Although this term does not specify on its own whether the ritual related to Moloch involves human sacrifice, the Old Testament clearly interprets it to be so. For example, Isaiah 57.5 states:
You who burn with lust among the oaks, under every luxuriant tree; who slay your children in the valleys, under the clefts of rocks.
Four verses later, Moloch is mentioned specifically:
You journeyed to Moloch with oil and multiplied your perfumes; you sent your envoys far off, and sent down even to Sheol. (Isaiah 57.9)
This reference to the underworld suggests that the fate of children is to be sent to death at the hands of Moloch. Thus, although Moloch's role in the Old Testament is small, it is nonetheless important, as his worship most clearly illustrates the more brutal aspects of idolatry and therefore reinforces the second commandment. Leviticus 18.21 reads:
And you shall not let any of your seed pass through Mo'lech, neither shall you profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.
Leviticus 20.2-5 deals with Moloch at length and promises a punishment of death by stoning for perpetration of human sacrifices:
Whoever he be of the Sons of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that gives any of his seed Mo'lech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones. And I will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among his people; because he has given of his seed Mo'lech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name. And if the people of the land do at all hide their eyes from that man, when he gives of his seed Mo'lech, and do not kill him, then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go astray after him, whoring after Mo'lech from among the people.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1792359
Here it becomes evident that it is not only worship of Moloch that is a transgression; failure to identify and punish worshipers of Moloch is also considered to be a grave sin. Also, the metaphor of prostitution is used in order to convey the sense of spiritual adultery which is being committed against God, or Yahweh, through the worship of Moloch.
These passages suggest that disdain for Moloch arose due to his worship “alongside” Yahweh, thereby affirming an idolatrous multiplicity of gods. Alternately, Moloch's worship may have been forbidden based on the fact that he was actually “equated” with Yahweh. The prose sections of Jeremiah suggest that there were some worshipers of Moloch who thought Yahweh had commanded the offerings to Moloch based upon the sacrifices of the first born which are mentioned in the Pentateuch (for instance, Exodus 22.28). Jeremiah 32.35 reads:
And they built the high places of the Ba‘al, which are in the valley of Ben-hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire Mo'lech; which I did not command them, nor did it come into my mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
This wording suggests that the Israelites may have erroneously developed the idea that Yahweh had decreed such sacrifices to Moloch. This theory is questionable, however, as sacrifices to Moloch were undertaken away from the temple in the valley of Hinnom, in a place commonly referred to as Tophet (as mentioned in 2 Kings 23.10, Jeremiah 7.31-32, 19.6, 11-14).
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1792360
Traditional accounts and theories
Rabbinical Tradition
The significance of Moloch was elaborated and speculated upon by numerous post-Biblical thinkers, Jewish and non-Jewish. The twelfth century, Rabbi Rashi stated that the cult of Moloch involved a father conceding his son to pagan priests, who then passed a child between two flaming pyres. Rashi, as well as other rabbinic commentators, interpreted human sacrifice to Moloch as being adulterous, as it solidified allegiance to a false god. Such interpretations in terms of idolatry made the biblical laws seem more pertinent in the twelfth century, as the prevalence of human sacrifice had long since tapered away. Commenting on Jeremiah 7.31, Rashi stated that Moloch:
was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.
Another rabbinical tradition says that the idol was hollow and divided into seven compartments, each of which contained a separate offering for the god. In the first compartment was flour, in the second turtle doves, in the third a ewe, in the fourth a ram, in the fifth a calf, in the sixth an ox, and in the seventh a child, all of which were burnt together by heating the statue inside.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1792363
Moloch in medieval texts
Like some other gods and demons found in the Bible, Moloch appears as part of medieval demonology, primarily as a Prince of Hell. This Moloch specializes in making mothers weep, as he takes particular pleasure in stealing their children. According to some sixteenth century demonologists, Moloch's power is stronger in October. It is likely that the motif of stealing children was inspired by the traditional understanding that babies were sacrificed to Moloch. Moloch was alternately conceived of in such accounts as a rebellious angel.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1792366>>1794159
Moloch as a type of sacrifice
Eissfeldt's Discovery
It was widely held that Moloch was a god until 1935 when Otto Eissfeldt, a German archaeologist, published a radical new theory based upon excavations he had made in Carthage. During these excavations he made several telling discoveries, most importantly that of a relief showing a priest holding a child, as well as a sanctuary to the goddess Tanit comprising a cemetery with thousands of burned bodies of animal and of human infants. He concluded that mlk in Hebrew was instead a term used to refer to a particular kind of sacrifice, rather than a specific god, since mlk (molk) is a Punic term for sacrifice. This sacrifice, he claimed, involved humans in some cases. The abomination described in the Hebrew writings, then, occurred not in the worship a god Moloch who demanded that children be sacrificed to him, but rather in the practice of sacrificing human children as a molk. Hebrews were strongly opposed to sacrificing first-born children as a molk to Yahweh himself. Eissfeldt also speculated that the practice may also have been conducted by their neighbors in Canaan.
Eissfeldt's theory is supported by classical sources and archaeological evidence that suggest the Punic culture practiced human sacrifice. Thus, Eissfeldt identified the site as a tophet, using a Hebrew word of previously unknown meaning connected to the burning of human beings in some Biblical passages. Similar tophets have since been found at Carthage and other places in North Africa, as well as in Sardinia, Malta, and Sicily. In late 1990 a possible tophet consisting of cinerary urns containing bones, ashes, and votive objects was retrieved from ransacking on the mainland just outside of Tyre in the Phoenician homeland.[1] Thus, a body of evidence exists in support of the theory that Moloch actually refers to the act of human sacrifice itself.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1792374
From the beginning there were those who doubted Eissfeldt's theory, though opposition was only sporadic until 1970. Prominent archaeologist Sabatino Moscati, who had at first accepted Eissfeldt's idea, changed his opinion and spoke against it. The most common arguments against the theory were that classical accounts of the sacrifices of children at Carthage were not numerous and were only described as occurring in times of peril, rather than being a regular occurrence. Critics also questioned whether the burned bodies of infants could be stillborn children or children who had died of natural causes. Burning of their bodies may have been a religious practice applied under such circumstances. Further, it was noted that many of the allegations of human sacrifices made against the Carthagians were controversial, and therefore accounts of such sacrifices were exaggerated or entirely false. Accusations of human sacrifice in Carthage had been found only among a small number of authors and were not mentioned at all by many other writers who dealt with Carthage in greater depth, and sometimes even among those who were more openly hostile to Carthage.
Furthermore, the nature of what was sacrificed is not for certain. The children put to death are described in the classical accounts as boys and girls rather than infants exclusively. The Biblical decrying of the sacrificing of one's children as a molk sacrifice does not precisely indicate that all molk sacrifices must involve a human child sacrifice or even that a molk usually involved human sacrifice. Many texts referring to the molk sacrifice mentioned animals more often than humans. The term mlk is a versatile one and can also be combined with 'dm to mean "sacrifice of a man," while mlk 'mr refers to the "sacrifice of a sheep." Therefore the term mlk on its own is not specified. Thus, some scholars have concluded that mlk refers to the act of "offering" in general, rather than human sacrifice specifically.
If Moloch were indeed a type of sacrifice and not a god, this would suggest that an improbable number of Biblical interpreters would have misunderstood the term, which is referred to in the sense of a god in numerous books of the Bible. Such a misunderstanding is unlikely considering the fact that Biblical writers wrote during, or in close proximity to, the time that such sacrifices were being practiced. It is also highly unlikely that all other ancient versions of the Biblical texts would ubiquitously ignore the sacrificial definition of Moloch if the word indeed developed out of this meaning. Thus, there is little support of the supposition that the Moloch of the Old Testament should be equated with the Punic molk.
Furthermore, Eissfeldt's use of the Biblical word tophet was criticized as arbitrary. Even those who believed in Eissfeldt's general theory mostly took tophet to mean something along the lines of “hearth” in the Biblical context, rather than a cemetery of some kind. With each of these criticisms considered, detractors to Eissfeldt's theories have steadily gained in numbers.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1792377>>1794518
Moloch in literature and popular culture
Throughout modernity, Moloch has appeared frequently in works of literature, art, and film. In Milton's classic Paradise Lost, Moloch is one of the greatest warriors of the rebel angels, vengeful, militant, and:
"besmeared with blood
Of human sacrifice, and parents' tears."
Milton lists Moloch among the chief of Satan's angels in Book I. Furthermore, Moloch orates before the parliament of hell in Book 2:43 -105, arguing for immediate warfare against God. The poem explains that he later becomes revered as a pagan god on earth.
In his successful 1888 novel about Carthage entitled Salammbô, French author Gustave Flaubert imaginatively created his own version of the Carthaginian religion, depicting known gods such as Ba‘al Hammon, Khamon, Melkarth and Tanith. He also included Moloch within this pantheon, and it was to Moloch that the Carthaginians offered children as sacrifices. Flaubert described Moloch mostly according to the rabbinic descriptions, though he made some additions of his own. Due to Flaubert's vivid descriptions of the god, images from Salammbô (and the subsequent silent film Cabiria released in 1914 which was largely based upon it) have actually come to influence some examples of scholarly writing about Moloch, Melqart, Carthage, Ba‘al Hammon, etc.
Moloch also features prominently in the second part of the poem Howl, arguably Allen Ginsberg's most recognizable work. In this poem, Moloch is interpreted as representative of American greed and bloodthirstiness, and Ginsberg parallels the smoke of the sacrificed humans to the pollution created by factories. In Alexandr Sokurov's 1999 film Moloch, Moloch is employed as a metaphor for Adolf Hitler. The figure of Moloch also appears frequently in popular culture, in a variety of media spanning movies to videogames. Modern Hebrew often uses the expression "sacrifice something to the Moloch" to refer to any harm undertaken for worthless causes.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1792383
Good lord, these horrors just keep tracing back to the ancient Israelites
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1793873
We may soon level up to the Anunnaki boss level. I am not sure how to dress for it.
I am trying to figure out if Yahweh is Anu or Enlil. I believe our true creator was Enki, but he should have returned by now because it is the Age of Aquarius, which started on December 21, 2012.
I think that Yahweh is Anu, the Father, and Christians have been duped into worshiping him. This is what I am leaning towards, but I am not sure yet.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1794159
Holy shit man! Notable! This is why we're digging in this.
We need to rethink everything we think we've been told about this era, because lazy historians seeking tenure and sneaky historians hiding truth have been strangleholding this forever.
Theres so few that actually speak the ancient languages and therefore the truth is so easy to manipulate.
So if not Molech, then who or what are they doing this for? What's really going on?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1794518
Ginsberg?! Where have I heard that name before! I wonder if there's any relation…
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1797037>>1797066 >>1797181 >>1804358 >>1864535
Does Phoenician really refer to purple? I'm starting to think historians have put the cart before the horse here because they say it's a Greek word for purple. But that doesn't make sense, since the Phoenician empire predates the Greek and Roman empires by hundreds of years and in fact Greek and Roman writing comes from the Phoenicians. So what the fuck does "Phoe" really mean?
>The recorded history shows a group of coastal cities and heavily forested mountains inhabited by a Semitic people, the Canaanites, around 4000 BC. These early inhabitants referred to themselves according to their city of origin, and called their nation Canaan. They lived in the narrow East-Mediterranean coast and the parallel strip mountains of Lebanon. Around 2800 BC Canaanites traded cedar timber, olive oil and wine from Byblos for metals and ivory from Egypt.
>The Canaanites who inhabited that area were called Phoenicians by the Greeks (from the Greek word phoinos, meaning ‘red’) in a reference to the unique purple dye the Phoenicians produced from murex seashells. The Phoenicians mastered the art of navigation and dominated the Mediterranean Sea trade for around 500 years. They excelled in producing textiles, carving ivory, working with metal and glass. The Phoenicians built several local cities East Mediterranean among which: Byblos, Tyre, Sidon, Berytus (Beirut), Tripoli, Arvad Island-City, Baalbek and Caesarea.
Ok, so… Phoenician is a name bestowed upon them by the Greeks? Except, the Greeks pretty much owe their civilisation to the 'so called' Phoenicians? What did the Phoenicians actually call themselves? This seems really fucked up. Something isn't adding up here. I also hear that it might be a racial slur:
>Ancient Greek Φοῖνιξ Phoenician probably represents a use of ϕοῖνιξ dark red (adjective and noun) < ϕοινός red (perhaps originally blood-red < the same Indo-European base as bane n.1) + -ικ-, suffix forming nouns. The chief sense of ϕοῖνιξ in Greek is dark red, tawny (e.g. of a bay horse, of a rusty-red river); the sense ‘purple’ appears to be secondary. The use of this word for the Phoenicians is therefore probably to be explained as denoting reddish or tanned people, rather than those who imported purple dye (for which the Greek word was πορϕύρα: see purpure n. and adj.).
Interesting thought.. but also, there's this, it could be referring to the Timber, think cedars of Lebanon:
>An alternative view is that Ancient Greek Φοῖνιξ represents an assimilation to the form of the ancient Greek adjective of a derivative of the Semitic word for the madder plant Rubia tinctorum, Arabic fūwa, apparently related to Hebrew puwwāh, pū'āh, the name of a clan of the tribe of Issachar, which has the gentilic form pūnī. However, the ancient Egyptian word fnḫw is attested very much earlier (from about 2300 b.c. onwards) as a word for the countries of the eastern Mediterranean seaboard, and is also related to a word meaning ‘carpentering’, which appears significant in view of the fact that Phoenicia was the chief source of good timber for Egypt.
Now what I find super fascinating is the "Phoenix". From what I'm learning, the Phoenix is merely a symbolic bird of these people. If these people are basically lumberjacks, it makes sense that they would take on this personae. Think about it like this, a forest must burn to be reborn, and it's reborn better each time. Same with the Phoenix. Lives 500 years then is turned to ash and then arises. Just like a forest. Now think about all the fuckery these peoples may have been actually causing throughout time… burning down and collapsing societies so that they can arise anew? It's their mother fucking M.O.
(Picture is the coat of arms for the University of Chicago)
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1797066>>1804273
One more thought. It just hit me after posting that, and thinking about the Moloch information about "passing through fire"…
Moloch related to Phoenix perhaps?
Literally going out on a limb here, would be interesting if there's some relationship. If Moloch never existed as a deity, perhaps the concept is a confusion of the Phoenix. Burn your kids as an offering and they will rise again in some other form? Not sure. Just spitballin'
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1797181>>1797364
Here we go. Found my answer. They're not Phoenician! They're Sidonian:
> The Greek name Phoinike (Phoinix) is first mentioned by Homer, and is subsequently well attested in the writings of Greek historians who consistently refer it to the eastern Mediterranean coast; in Homer, Phoenician is synonymous with Sidonian. Though the exact extent of the region called Phoenicia cannot be determined, the name is clearly the Greek equivalent of Canaan. One should also compare the Septuagint's at times mechanical translation of Canaan(ite) by Phoenicia(n) in Exodus 6:15; 16:35; Joshua 5:1, 12; and Job 40:30; as well as the parallel passages Mark 7:26 (Syro-Phoenician) and Matthew 15:22 (Canaanite); and the replacement of Canaan by Phoenicia in coins of the second century (see below). Some scholars derive the Greek name from phoinix, "crimson, purple," so that Phoinike is "the land of purple" (see *Canaan). Another possibility is to derive the Greek from Egyptian fenkhu, "loggers," "woodcutters," in keeping with the Phoenician foresting of the cedars of Lebanon. The Bible (I Kings 5:20) informs us how skilled the Sidonians were at lumberjacking (Scandon and Xella apud Krings, 632).
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1797364>>1797742
>Sidon is the Greek name (meaning 'fishery’) for the ancient Phoenician port city of Sidonia (also known as Saida) in what is, today, Lebannon (located about 25 miles south of Beirut). Along with the city of Tyre, Sidon was the most powerful city-state of ancient Phoenicia and first manufactured the purple dye which made Tyre famous and was so rare and expensive that the color purple became synonymous with royalty. The area of Sidon was inhabited as early as 4,000 BCE and Homer, in the 8th century, notes the skill of the Sidonians in producing glass. Glass production made Sidon both rich and famous and the city was known for being very cosmopolitan and 'progressive’. The Princess Jezebel, who later would become Queen of Israel (as related in the biblical Books of I and II Kings) was the daughter of the King of Sidon, Ethbaal in the 9th century BCE, and married King Ahab of Israel to cement ties between the two kingdoms. The city is mentioned a number of times throughout the Bible and both Jesus and St. Paul are reported to have made visits there. Sidon is considered the 'seat’ of the Phoenician Civilization in that most of the ships which would ply the seas and spread Phoenician culture were launched from this city’s port. Sidon was overthrown during the conquest of Phoenicia by Alexander the Great in 332 BCE and, like the rest of the fractured Phoenician civilization, was eventually absorbed by Rome and, finally, taken by the Arab Muslims.
Bingo. I'm trying to find a red/white association with this city but that's proving difficult.
A thought has crossed my mind though.
Is it possible that 9/11 was an excuse to excavate ancient Phoenicia & Babylon? Remember how the Iraq Museum was looted? Why not just do it, you may ask? Because if you discover something naturally, you'd have to announce it to the world. If you extract artefacts under the cover of war, then no one will notice or care. If anyone notices you can just say "Oh we're preserving ancient art from the bombs" and likely no one will care to ask what this art is exactly. As we speak, the powers at be really want Syria to get "hot". ISIS was pretty keen on destroying ancient art, which gives impetus to get in there quick to 'preserve' it… My spidey senses are tingling.
Relating to Q, most people would never believe that these wars, and the reason Peace in the Middle East, is so impossible is because of a culture from 1200BC and the secrets that remain hidden
▶ 30859e (1) No.1797480>>1797635
You people are hilarious.
>It's not the jews.
>It's not the jews.
>It's not the jews.
>It's not the jews.
>It's not the jews.
>It's not the jews.
>It's not the jews.
>You know who it is? The ___.
Over 109 expulsions happened for a reason.
Don't be lazy, do some actual reading.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1797635>>1805910
You're not paying attention to anything in this thread.
If you want to call it the Jews, fine. Call it whatever you like. But it's clear that it's actually "The Canaanites", from which the Jews emerged.
Regardless, it's clear that there's been a secret cabal operating at the highest level since this time and likely before. They cause collapse and take advantage of the chaos.
But go ahead and call it "MUH JOOs" and just get ignored and labelled anti-semitic, and have all your research be thrown out by most people.
The history of this region is completely fucked up and doesn't add up, we're trying to reconstruct it in a sensible way that explains how this evolved into the mess we're dealing with today.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1797742>>1804410
Watch at this time stamp
Reason for the Mid East wars?
Only 1 million found.. only 25% deciphered…
Region around Iraq 100 MILLION MORE buried in the ground?!
What are we hoping to find? Lost knowledge. But of what?
If the Phoenecians still exist 'underground', then surely their mystery cults such as Freemasons would already know as this would have been preserved through the ages. So they know exactly what they're looking for, they just need more details? I dunno.. Crazy idea…
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1798970>>1804941
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
What if the Phoenix is real? And the Phoenix is the cabal itself?
▶ 7b7055 (12) No.1799651>>1799792
>"Land of Purple"
this would help explain the purple revolution purported by hrc et cabal. Cabal revolution against the Trump admin
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1799792>>1800039
That's right
In the Old Assyrian Empire, Assyria established colonies in Asia Minor and the Levant and, under king Ilushuma, it asserted itself over southern Mesopotamia (what was later to become Babylonia). The first written inscriptions by urbanized Assyrian kings appear c. 2450 BC, after they had shrugged off Sumerian domination. The land of Assyria as a whole then consisted of a number of city-states and small Semitic-speaking kingdoms, some of which were initially independent of Assyria. The foundation of the first major temple in the city of Aššur was traditionally ascribed to king Ushpia who reigned c. 2050 BC, possibly a contemporary of Ishbi-Erra of Isin and Naplanum of Larsa. He was reputedly succeeded by kings named Apiashal, Sulili, Kikkiya and Akiya (died c. 2026 BC), of whom little is known, apart from much later mentions of Kikkiya conducting fortifications on the city walls, and building work on temples in Aššur.
Between c. 2500 BC and c. 2400 BC, Assyrian kings were pastoral leaders. The main rivals, neighbors or trading partners to early Assyrian kings between c. 2200 BC and c. 2000 BC would have been the Hattians and Hurrians to the north in Asia Minor, the Gutians, Lullubi and Turukku to the east in the Zagros Mountains of northwest Ancient Iran, the Elamites to the southeast in what is now south central Iran, the Amorites to the west in what is today Syria, and their fellow Sumero-Akkadian city-states of southern Mesopotamia such as Isin, Kish, Ur, Eshnunna and Larsa.[2] Around 2400 BC, the Assyrians became subject to Sargon of Akkad, who united all the Sumero-Akkadian-speaking peoples of Mesopotamia under the Akkadian Empire, which lasted from c. 2334 BC to c. 2154 BC.[3] At that time, the Sumerians were eventually absorbed into the Akkadian (Assyro-Babylonian) population.[4][5] Assyria became a regionally powerful nation in the Old Assyrian Empire from c. 2100 BC to c. 1800 BC.
The Amorites had overrun the kingdoms of southern Mesopotamia and the Levant between c. 2100 BC and c. 1900 BC, but had hitherto been successfully repelled by the Assyrian kings during this period. However, Erishum II (c. 1818 BC -- c. 1809 BC) was to be the last king of the dynasty of Puzur-Ashur I, founded c. 2025 BC. In c. 1808 BC he was deposed and the throne of Assyria was usurped by Shamshi-Adad I (c. 1809 BC – 1776 BC) in the expansion of Amorite tribes from the Khabur River delta in the north eastern Levant.
▶ 7b7055 (12) No.1800039>>1800636
I am also certain that the "untranslated" cuneiform tablets are in translated but just have not been released to the public. Another example of withholding the truth. The great thing about the cabal being global is that there is nowhere to hide or run to anymore. We (the world) know how they operate and will not allow them to take back control at least not during our lifetimes. It is now our duty to teach our children the nature of this threat so that it does not happen again.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1800636>>1801374
Consider that the masses couldn't read or write back then. Writing was only for the elite. Religious texts required a priest to explain to you.
Sure, many might be banal inventories for merchants.
But everything else is likely ancient elite diaries
▶ 7b7055 (12) No.1801374>>1801641
Thanks and I have considered this. I am glad you have an idea as to what is going on. What I always found interesting is how certain civilizations collapse. For example, if one looks toward the Roman Empire and recognizes their true causes of collapse one would be able to see those same causes with the USA. The only difference is I am not entirely certain that the Roman Empire was a manufactured collapse at least not intentionally brought about by their native elites. However, with the USA it most definitely is a manufactured collapse because if one knows how the Roman Empire truly collapsed then those with the power and wealth capable of heavily influencing the USA could in fact bring about those same causes. The next inquiry ought to be if (((they))) are intentionally bringing about the collapse of the USA what will replace it? But you and I already know the answer to that…
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1801641>>1802477
Watch this at the timestamp. The whole thing is interesting. Feel free to go back a few minutes too for the start of his conclusions.
▶ 7b7055 (12) No.1802477>>1803111
It is nice knowing that other people know and we really are going to set things right and true in the coming century.His tie is amusing too. Thanks for sharing this lecture.
I have also noticed awhile ago that given the cabal control operation in NK it is the Cold War equivalent of the USSR. I am pissed that I did not realize this years ago. What I mean to say is that the USSR was a cabal control op just like NK is today.
Additionally, the waves of communism and (((their))) diseased ideologies infecting the west. I find ideological warfare simple because as a nation grows its population gets bigger and as its population gets bigger the 50th percentile (average) tend to be more intelligent. The easiest way to control them is to divide them with political ideologies Communism/Fascism, I assume you are familiar with r/K selection theory. Communism the r type and Fascism the k type. Political ideologies are just the manifestation of ones biological breeding strategy. That is how I make sense out of it anyway.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1803111>>1836734
I'm not quite sure what the link is to Communism yet. They have the red, but love the color yellow as well. The "Star" is mysterious, with no official explanation.
I would guess that the cabal originally expected Communism to take over the world. That WW2 was supposed to be won by Russia, but Hitler went off script when he attacked them. Hitler NEVER could have won WW2, no matter what. WW2 was manufactured for Communism to take over the world. Europe was supposed to exhaust themselves and then Russia was going to come in an sweep up the mess after all the armies were exhausted.
That failed, so the cold war started.
But then the cold war ended. The cabal realised that Communism is probably not going to get another chance. So plan B was to capitalise the socialists and socialise the capitalists. That's why the Rothschilds didn't bother to have a bank in China until after the wall fell. Right now they're probably trying to expose the greed loophole inherent in Capitalism and use China to exploit and eventually control all the wealth of the so-called free world.
I think the plan is easy to hypothesize, but I'm not yet able to link the symbols down to the Phoenician cabal. Heck, they might be false flagging completely by generating a completely new symbology to ensure maximum confusion.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1804273
interesting thought.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1804358
The red color fits in so well with Q having us focus on the RED RED video and RED CROSS.
Their symbolism will be their downfall.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1804410
I remember reading about one of Mark TAylor's prophecy about a huge discovery in Mideast being found when land is excavated for new construction. Don't remember exactly, but that it would be a huge revelation.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1804581>>1804597 >>1811758 >>1812212
Nebuchadnezzar II's Babylon
Through military conquests, Nebuchadnezzar II would come to rule an empire that stretched from the Persian Gulf to the borders of Egypt. He captured Jerusalem twice, in 597 B.C. and 587 B.C., events that led to the destruction of the first temple, the deportation of many Jewish inhabitants to Babylonia and the capture of the Ark of the Covenant.
At Babylon itself, he began a major building and reconstruction program, the city having an inner and outer wall. "Babylon reached its greatest glory as a city during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II," writes University of London professor Andrew George in a chapter of the book "Babylon." Religion played a key role. "At its heart were fourteen different sanctuaries, and another twenty-nine were distributed throughout the rest of the city. That was quite apart from the hundreds of street site chapels and shrines."
One of the biggest shrines was named Esagil, dedicated to Marduk. Located south of a great ziggurat, George says it 280 feet (86 meters) by 260 feet (79 m) in size with gateways 30 feet (9 m) high. "Nebuchadnezzar lavished attention on the cult-rooms: there were gold, silver and gemstones everywhere…"
The name Marduk was probably pronounced Marutuk.[4] The etymology of the name Marduk is conjectured as derived from amar-Utu ("bull calf of the sun god Utu").[3] The origin of Marduk's name may reflect an earlier genealogy, or have had cultural ties to the ancient city of Sippar (whose god was Utu, the sun god), dating back to the third millennium BC.[5]
By the Hammurabi period, Marduk had become astrologically associated with the planet Jupiter.[6]
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1804597>>1804635
notice his one eye showing
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1804635
Marduk Prophecy[edit]
The Marduk Prophecy is a vaticinium ex eventu text[a] describing the travels of the Marduk cult statue[b] from Babylon. It relates his visit to the land of Ḫatti, corresponding to the statue's seizure during the sack of the city by Mursilis I in 1531 BC, Assyria, and when Tukulti-Ninurta I overthrew Kashtiliash IV, taking the image to Assur and Elam in 1225 BC. Kudur-nahhunte then ransacked the city and pilfered the statue around 1160 BC. He[who?] addresses an assembly of the gods.
The first two sojourns are described in glowing terms as good for both Babylon and the other places Marduk has graciously agreed to visit. The episode in Elam, however, is a disaster, where the gods have followed Marduk and abandoned Babylon to famine and pestilence. Marduk prophesies that he will return once more to Babylon to a messianic new king, who will bring salvation to the city and who will wreak a terrible revenge on the Elamites. This king is understood to be Nabu-kudurri-uṣur I, 1125-1103 BC.[13] Thereafter the text lists various sacrifices.
A copy[14] was found in the House of the Exorcist at Assur, whose contents date from 713-612 BC and is closely related thematically to another vaticinium ex eventu text called the Shulgi prophecy, which probably followed it in a sequence of tablets. Both compositions present a favorable view of Assyria.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1804712>>1812020
The Burney Relief (also known as the Queen of the Night relief) is a Mesopotamian terracotta plaque in high relief of the Isin-Larsa or Old-Babylonian period, depicting a winged, nude, goddess-like figure with bird's talons, flanked by owls, and perched upon two lions.
The relief is displayed in the British Museum in London, which has dated it between 1800 and 1750 BCE. It originates from southern Mesopotamia, but the exact find-site is unknown. Apart from its distinctive iconography, the piece is noted for its high relief and relatively large size, which suggest that it was used as a cult relief, making it a very rare survival from the period. However, whether it represents Lilitu, Inanna/Ishtar, or Ereshkigal is under debate. The authenticity of the object has been questioned from its first appearance in the 1930s, but opinion has generally moved in its favour over the subsequent decades.
Date and place of origin[edit]
Stylistic comparisons place the relief at the earliest into the Isin--Larsa period,[12] or slightly later, to the beginning of the Old Babylonian period.[nb 11] Frankfort especially notes the stylistic similarity with the sculpted head of a male deity found at Ur,[1][nb 3] which Collon finds to be "so close to the Queen of the Night in quality, workmanship and iconographical details, that it could well have come from the same workshop."[13] Therefore, Ur is one possible city of origin for the relief, but not the only one: Edith Porada points out the virtual identity in style that the lion's tufts of hair have with the same detail seen on two fragments of clay plaques excavated at Nippur.[14][nb 12] And Agnès Spycket reported on a similar necklace on a fragment found in Isin.[15]
Geopolitical context[edit]
A creation date at the beginning of the second millennium BCE places the relief into a region and time in which the political situation was unsteady, marked by the waxing and waning influence of the city states of Isin and Larsa, an invasion by the Elamites, and finally the conquest by Hammurabi in the unification in the Babylonian empire in 1762 BCE.
300 to 500 years earlier, the population for the whole of Mesopotamia was at its all-time high of about 300,000. Elamite invaders then toppled the third Dynasty of Ur and the population declined to about 200,000; it had stabilized at that number at the time the relief was made.[16] Cities like Nippur and Isin would have had on the order of 20,000 inhabitants and Larsa maybe 40,000; Hammurabi's Babylon grew to 60,000 by 1700 BCE.[17] A well-developed infrastructure and complex division of labour is required to sustain cities of that size. The fabrication of religious imagery might have been done by specialized artisans: large numbers of smaller, devotional plaques have been excavated that were fabricated in molds.
Even though the fertile crescent civilizations are considered the oldest in history, at the time the Burney Relief was made other late bronze age civilizations were equally in full bloom. Travel and cultural exchange were not commonplace, but nevertheless possible.[nb 13] To the east, Elam with its capital Susa was in frequent military conflict with Isin, Larsa and later Babylon. Even further, the Indus Valley Civilization was already past its peak, and in China, the Erlitou culture blossomed. To the southwest, Egypt was ruled by the 12th dynasty, further to the west the Minoan civilization, centred on Crete with the Old Palace in Knossos, dominated the Mediterranean. To the north of Mesopotamia, the Anatolian Hittites were establishing their Old Kingdom over the Hattians; they brought an end to Babylon's empire with the sack of the city in 1531 BCE. Indeed, Collon mentions this raid as possibly being the reason for the damage to the right-hand side of the relief.[
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1804941>>1805903
If you think about it, the Phoenix myth itself could be the history of the occult hidden in the story of a fantastical beast. The myth of the Phoenix, may tell us where the Phoenicians have migrated.
Maybe mythical creatures throughout history have represented different factions of the same cult?
"The myth of the phoenix is deeply specific as to the surrounding factors in which this rebirth occured. Supposedly residing in Arabia, the phoenix will fly to Heliopolis in Egypt where it will immolate and from these ashes a worm will crawl forth and grow into a new phoenix."
Sounds like the cult burning down one society and replacing it with another. Rinse and repeat.
▶ d66af2 (39) No.1805903
I did read that Lucifer tried and failed to take control of the world. This was pre-flood. Nimrod tried and failed after the flood.
What we are experiencing now is the third attempt, which will also fail.
It is these attempts to establish the NWO that is the Phoenix rising from the ashes.
▶ 089a92 (2) No.1805910>>1806107 >>1833493
Kike detected.
>and just get ignored and labelled anti-semitic, and have all your research be thrown out
Hmm, I wonder why these allegedly powerless Jews are able to do this. And why they can blatantly attempt to breed out the nordics who you claim control everything since the beginning of time. Really makes (((you))) think
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1806107>>1809729 >>1812409
Woweee, what a slide. If that's what you've actually interpreted from this entire thread, stop wasting our precious oxygen.
Jews are just another mask the cult wears. These attempts are pathetic, you are on the chans. Time to step up your game.
▶ 089a92 (2) No.1809729>>1812386 >>1812409
The problem is not a cult. It's a racial group. Biological Jews.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1811758
Yes there is an interesting connection there. One thing to note is that the Phoenicians came to prominence 600 years before that, taking advantage of the void caused by the Bronze Age collapse.
I'm trying to figure out if the Canaanites originally came from Babylon or Egypt back then.
That being said, it's interesting that when the Jews came back to Canaan they returned with a book called the Torah. The story goes that they wrote down their oral traditions to make sure that they didn't lose them in captivity. Odd, though, how there are many parallels to Sumerian myths that were no doubt in vogue in Babylon
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1812020
> Ishtar was introduced to the Greeks as Astarte through the Phoenicians
ISHTAR: Goddess of Liberty and Personal Freedom
Ishtar was introduced to the Greeks as Astarte through the Phoenicians. We can see that the lineage of the Greek and Roman goddess of the planet Venus goes all the way back to ancient Babylon of around 3,000 BC. Apparently the Greeks (and later the Romans) chose to initially honor only one portion of Ishtar’s character and doctrines that appealed to them in those very early years before they established empires. Ishtar’s doctrine of personal freedom was what really impressed both the Greeks and the Romans. They therefore chose to worship just that aspect of her character. As time passed, the succeeding generations of Greeks found the other Ishtar doctrines to be appealing and incorporated her into their pantheon of deities as Astarte or Aphrodite. Later still, the Romans did the same and referred to her as Venus.
It seems that the allure of Ishtar was her doctrine of holy sex or salvation by holy sexual relations with a temple priestess or priest as a means of purification and holiness. Of course, this entailed paying the priestess or priest and thus it was officially sanctioned and therefore “holy” prostitution. Ishtar introduced that whole concept to the human race. This is why she was referred to as the Mother of Harlots. Harlots had been deemed to be social outcasts so she was also referred to as the Mother of exiles. This was later equated with the idea of immigration. Naturally then Ishtar (a.k.a.-- Libertas) was known as the Mother of Harlots, the Mother of Exiles and the Mother of immigrants throughout not only Babylon and Babylonia but also later Assyria, Egypt, Greece and Rome.
What was Ishtar’s legacy in Babylon? She was the chief goddess of Babylon and all of Babylonia. There was no other goddess more honored than she. She was equated to have nearly the same power as the chief god of Babylon, the sun god Utu, also known as Shamesh. In later years, the chief male deities would flip-flop in popularity. The most famous and prominent during the times of Israel’s nationhood was “Baal.” [Baal was also called Marduk/Mardok/Merodach/Bel] Baal was identified with the planet Mars and was called the god of War. His name meant “Lord of the air” for his superior powers and the supremacy of the air. It was claimed that he as well as Ishtar and all the other deities “flew” among and from the “stars in heaven.”
Ishtar was a multi-faceted deity. She was first and foremost endeared to the hearts and minds of Babylonians because of her primary dedication to Freedom and Liberty. She was also considered the Mother of Prostitution or Harlotry…and it was considered “holy.” Why? Ishtar introduced the concept of removal of sins by the practice of the sinner engaging in a “holy” rite of sexual relations with a priestess or priest. This action would involve the payment of money to the priestess or priest as part of the cleansing process. It was an offering of thanksgiving for the purification. This is the very first instance of Prostitution in human history.
Ishtar was also known as the goddess of war because she fights for freedom and liberty. She was also known as the goddess of victory because there is no freedom without victory. She was also known as the goddess of love because of her sexuality and her promotion of all types of sexual perversion in the name of freedom. Her motto was “if it feels good, do it.” Didn’t we hear that same idea as a theme song during the 1960s? She was also the goddess of the planet Venus. She was a goddess who “flew among the stars” and so therefore was called the Queen of Heaven or Lady of Heaven.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1812212
Worth noting that Abraham is almost certainly a Babylonian, who travelled to Canaan, and also spent some time in Egypt to escape a famine (and who's the Goddess of Agriculture.. hmm)
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1812386>>1812573
Aw, baby's first steps into the Babylonian mystery cults.
If it was about one racial group, they would have been systematically eradicated centuries ago. They know this, that is why they are constantly changing faces.
You know…like a shape-shifting lizard or a phoenix from the ashes. Sound familiar? It's almost like we've been warned about their existence for centuries.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1812409
I've been thinking about this and my only thought is so what? The bible itself said there were 12 Tribes of Judah and most of them were quite naughty and didn't follow God and even worshipped other gods.
So there are many varieties of "Jew" that it's ridiculous to blame it all on all and any Jew
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1812573>>1812595
This symbol is probably the most easily recognizable Masonic symbol in the world, even more important than the Compass/Square/Rule. Most people assume that these two birds are Eagles, but such an assumption would be deadly wrong. These two birds are the Phoenix Bird of Ancient Egyptian Mythology. Listen to the explanation from Masonic author, Manly P. Hall, 33 Degree, K.T., in his book, The Phoenix: An Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy . [Before we begin, I find it highly interesting that Hall would admit, by his use of this title, that Freemasonry is occultic].
"Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by early writers … in size and shape it resembles the eagle, but with certain differences. The body of the Phoenix is one covered with glossy purple feathers, and the plumes in its tail are alternately blue and red. The head of the bird is light in color, and about its neck is a circlet of golden plumage. At the back of its back the Phoenix has a crest of feathers of brilliant color … The Phoenix, it is said, lives for 500 years, and at its death its body opens and the new born Phoenix emerges. Because of this symbolism, the Phoenix is generally regarded as representing immortality and resurrection … The Phoenix is one sign of the secret orders of the ancient world and of the initiate of those orders, for it was common to refer to one who had been accepted into the temples as a man twice-born, or reborn. Wisdom confers a new life, and those who become wise are born again." [p. p. 176-77]
Let us stop right here to examine Satan's counterfeit "Born Again" experience. Freemasons, as do all occultists, refer to their initiates who have completed their initiation, as being "Born Again". I will never forget 1988, when George Bush was on the Presidential Campaign Trail; he was being interviewed by Barbara Walters, and she posed him a question which evidently caught him off guard. Walters asked Bush if he was a Christian. Bush visibly faltered, cast his eyes down for a moment, and then answered, "If by being a Christian, you ask if I am 'Born Again', then yes, I am a Christian". I came straight out of my chair because no truly Born Again Christian would have parsed their words so carefully. However, an occultist, which Bush certainly was by virtue of his life-long membership in the Illuminist Masonic secret society of Skull & Bones, would have answered precisely this way. Occultists claim to be Born Again , and they are filled with religious ecstasy when the spirit of Lucifer sweeps through them upon Initiation.
Now, let us return to our discussion of this Phoenix Bird. Listen to the explanation given by a radical feminist, Barbara Walker, in her occult book, Now Is The Dawning , p. 281. Egyptians believed that the Phoenix was the representative of a god who "rose to heaven in the form of a morning star, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation of death and rebirth …"
Wow! In one sweet, short, and simple sentence, we have conclusive proof that the Phoenix bird is a symbol of Lucifer !
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1812595>>1812814
To prevent most people from associating the Masonic Eagle with the ancient Phoenix, Freemasons changed the Phoenix to an Eagle, and began to refer to it as an Eagle. However, two Masonic authors blow the lid off that change in symbolism.
Manly P. Hall, in his book, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry , states, "These were the immortals to whom the term 'phoenix' was applied, and their symbol was the mysterious two-headed bird, now called an eagle , a familiar and little understood Masonic emblem ." [p. 108; Emphasis added]
Albert Pike, in Magnum Opus, writes, "… the Eagle was the living Symbol of Egyptian God Mendes … and the representative of the Sun …" [p. xviii]
In one sentence, we see the admission that the Phoenix Bird of Ancient Satanic Egypt was changed into the Masonic Eagle and then Pike admits that the Eagle is the Symbol of the Sun God and of the God of Mendes, both symbols being common Satanic symbols of Satan/Lucifer !
Remember also the Satanic meaning of the phrase depicted below the symbol depicted below the Eagles -- "DEUS MEUMQUE JUS". As we explained in free11, this is a typical Satanic Latin phrase, meaning, "… Masons are saying that they are "using occult methods", through Lucifer, to achieve their Rights and Justice." [Read free11 for full details]
But why a two-headed Eagle be adopted by Masonry, instead of only a one-headed Eagle? Masonic author, R. Swinburne Clymer, writing in The Mysteries of Osiris , 1951, explains. "When they [pagans] desired to express the renewal, or beginning, of the year, they represented it in the form of a door-keeper. It could easily be distinguished by the attributes of a key … At times, they gave it two heads, back to back … In time, this [back-to-back key symbol] became the double-headed Eagle of symbolic Masonry." [p. 42]
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1812814>>1813004
>they represented it in the form of a door-keeper.
That's an odd way to say gate-keeper. Maybe the wording helps prevent us from sub-consciously connecting the dots.
I'm jumping to the conclusion here that there are defined factions within the occult mystery schools with different eternal duties to the sun god.
It seems plausible to me that the Masons would be the designated gate-keepers of mystery knowledge. Going with that logic, would it not be on their heads if we start to really uncover the origins?
If they are the gate-keepers, would it be the easiest place to start or the hardest place to break through to knowledge? I knows Masons have a lot of bullshit they teach the lower ranks.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1813004>>1813185 >>1817192
Well just like Q is saying, it's all open source, we just need to connect the dots. Need a map. I think reconstructing history would keep us on track.
The whole purpose of this thread is to really figure out why these evil fucks are doing what they're doing.
They obviously don't think they're doing evil, but doing their "Gods" bidding.
As others have attested earlier, it's also a good theory that there is a counter-cabal out there. Q is almost certainly part of that one.
It would also be an interesting exercise to try to identify the "good guys" throughout history that keep giving the NWO a hard time. The fact that they haven't conquered the world yet speaks volumes to the existence of "Good"
I'm not a Christian,was raised one though, but I do think that the Jesus myth (ie. not who he literally was, but what he was representing) is definately a Good force and completely blows the lid off of the Babylonian mindslave religion. I'm really intrigued by the Gnostics, who told Rome and the proto-Catholics to go fuck themselves.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within.. you have your own freewill and ability to reason and use logic… Q sounds Gnostic
▶ 378c14 (1) No.1813185>>1813705 >>1821034
>It would also be an interesting exercise to try to identify the "good guys" throughout history that keep giving the NWO a hard time. The fact that they haven't conquered the world yet speaks volumes to the existence of "Good"
I second this notion.
was Ra the sun God originally of Love?
then perverted?
the inversions are so simple….
what about Isis?
I know Ishtar/Astara has been dug into…
I was thinking something obvious yet hidden in plain sight is in regards to the female reproductive system and the cult of the bull…
Now this gets into some heady, what does it all mean territory but….
A population whose reproductive, death and birth cycles are regulated….are controlled….
was this some genetic engineering (pic related)
or a natural divine coincidence (that is obviously my preferred idea, but we gotta dig to get to the bottom) that was then perverted for control sake.
Why the moon cults? Why such fear of women and femininity?
When did that all start and why?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1813705>>1814323
This might be a little slide, but relates to what you just said. Feminism pisses me off. It pisses me off because I 100% agree that women should be just as free as men to do pretty much whatever they want. We have our physical differences but we should be given the same freedom to express ourselves, even in fields where our physical attributes might be a disadvantage.
But that's NOT what feminism is. It's become this fucked up man-hating cult. This is a dangerous notion to their control. Women can't really be equal! So they take over the movement, and make them extremists instead.
In my investigations, I came across this one interesting video that shows that ancient Egypt was VERY equal. Women could pretty much do anything a man could, except a few exceptions such as serve in the military.
Just a shot in the dark, I wonder if this whole game has been Egypt vs Babylon for ages?
▶ 5451f8 (2) No.1814323>>1814978
maybe a slide…to me, its all related…. I wanna say as a lady anon..
equality doesn't have to mean exact. (thats actually impossible, we are all so different)
equality is the respect for each quality.
feminine qualities should be revered as much as masculine qualities.
doing "manly" things as a woman is great and men doing fem things. who cares. do what you want! ('cept for obviously the pesky cabal evil no consent bull shit- do what you want with respect to life, duh. I guess we do need to clarify this in times like these.)
Equality really is Respect for the feminine NATURE: nuturing, mothering qualities, love/care for the earth, the "multi-tasking" non linear nature….
>I wonder if this whole game has been Egypt vs Babylon for ages?
it seems to me related…. Genderism is a Hermetic principal.
all things have duality(polarity) and a masculine or feminine quality. (among other principles- dig:)
the confusion of this in our world and transgenderism is confusing rn.
Express yoself how you want that is for damn sure. Free will reigns over all else.
But it seems the cabal obsession with Men being Women is part of the inversion of messing with the understanding of what feminine qualities really are and the 'role' of women or these qualities in our culture.
Women and mothers are doing a lot to create this world, the cabal is obsessed with moon cults and transgenderism and seem to ignore or pervert this really simple reality:
It is in our nature is to Nurture.
All this death cult sheeeet is over.
Life always finds a way.
THAT is why (they) will lose.
Thanks for the convo anon. Now lets make a map of our true history and figure this shit out!!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1814978>>1815221 >>1815295
As Q once said, "THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED"..
No one wants to be racist, so they sabotage unification and are promoting white privelege narrative.
No one wants to be sexist, so they sabotage feminism and promote the metoo narrative.
No one wants war, yet they're doing their damnedest to resurrect the cold war Red Scare.
Anyway, what they're doing by making Men being Women and Women being Men, is showing that they can literally alter our perception of reality. Gender and sex is different? Ok fine, who cares about Gender then. A man (sex) CANNOT get pregnant. No man (sex) has ovaries. Even if we are to believe that transgenders have "the wrong sex brain", fine, but their body is still male. No word play can change that. No surgery can fix that. It's just a fact of life. But the cabal is desperate to convince you that it's all about words and rhetoric. Why? Because to them, it is.
The Phoenicians invented the alphabet. They called it Magic, literally. And it is. It really is. It's amazing that we can understand each other with these weird glyph's. Socrates warned against the written word because you can't converse with it (this was way before the internet of course), and he was hitting the nail on the head.
Only words have the ability to change your entire outlook of reality. (((THEY))) are absolute masters of it.
▶ 5451f8 (2) No.1815221
Ah. Yes
Interesting that the first Hermetic Principle is :
Mentalism: it is all in our minds
so of course the way we organize our minds, in thoughts, with words, was sought to be controlled.
This is maybe more sliding but an anon above asked about how (they) found the secrets of the universe and use it against us.
It really is sooooo simple.
All is vibration.
Thoughts, words literally create our reality.
Sauce: Cymatics
Watch how frequency played into a speaker literally makes shapes. Words are vibrations that shape our reality. On a Mass scale the cabal absolutely has been controlling the narrative.
this is where Anons, Q, the free internet and free thinkers step in. We are writing a new script as we type. All of us. Thats why shills do that thing they do with all the weird reverse Psychology. They are getting paid to throw wrenches in the new narrative. The best part is: it wont work, there are too many of us and we do it because we have Heart and want to see the Whole World Free. That is the Side of Winning. (even if it has taken this damn long, lol!) The Babylonian Money Magic system goes down with the twisted Word Magic and seeds of division.
▶ 7b5a1a (2) No.1815295>>1816812
There seems to be a reoccurring theme in this thread about the Phoenicians and the control of language and the power that (((they))) have over language.
Simply: Egyptian to Canaan to Phoenician to Greek to Roman which has created our modern day language and symbolism (sigil). ((Their))) language and symbolism is shared throughout modern world history. This is seen in systems of control and ideology of governance and religion.
>Symbolism will be their downfall…
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1816812
People laugh at the idea of symbolism being much more than pretty colors and the odd eagle here or there. It escapes them to realise that every single letter is a symbol, and these symbols combined convey powerful messages that can change entire nations. How much more potent are obtuse symbols? There's been many studies about "Brand recognition", so the ancients knew the power of branding/symbology from the very get go and they're very good at it.
I agree with Q that "these people are stupid", but at the same time, these people are BRILLIANT. The reason they're stupid is because they're pompous and underestimate the change that has taken place and is taking place already.
Meme's are silly shitposts, but at the same time it freaks them out. Turns out they're extremely powerful yet extremely cheap to produce. Just think of a funny slogan, slap it on a relevant picture, and post it to a viral feed. Boom.
The joke is that "the left can't meme" because a meme has to actually be making fun of an absurd truth, otherwise it doesn't work. But secondly, the left ideology is topdown. They get marching orders from above. Their leaders are VERY smart (John Podesta is obviously a cunning strategist), but their minions don't know what to do until they're told to do it. Free people just fling mud all day long.
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1817192
You're right, I'm concentrating on the wrong thing. I'm getting lost trying to figure out what they're hiding.
Q represents the people.
The earliest "For The People" movement that I know of is the "Plebs" in 300 B.C. Rome.
Plebeian Revolt orchestrated by good actors to give power to the people?
"During the Second Samnite War (326--304 BC), plebeians who had risen to power through these social reforms, began to acquire the aura of nobilitas, "nobility" (more literally "notability"), marking the creation of a ruling elite of nobiles that allied the interests of patricians and noble plebeians."
Are the Noble Plebeians the founders of this "counter-cabal"?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1818008
This is interesting. So the Vikings ascend the throne of England. Then the Anglo's take it back. But then the Normans from Normandy invade. This video drops a bomb, the Normans were descendent of Vikings. So William the Conqueror was essentially a viking!!!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1818881>>1819070 >>1819369
Look what I just found in Spain
Spain had Phoenician outposts early on and eventually became almost completely conquered by Carthage (ie. the Phoenicians) until Rome conquered them in the Punic wars.
Spain is curious to me because:
1. What I just said above
2. The Vikings discovered America in 1000AD
3. The Spanish Armada was the greatest (sea fairing nation)
4. Christopher Columbus 'rediscovers' America
They're also famous for being invaded and ruled by the Muslim conquest, and also infamous for kicking out "all the Jews" coincidentally in 1492
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1819070
5. Spain was very friendly to the NAZI's and may have allowed Hitler to escape to Argentina
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1819369
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I want to point out that Carthage worked with and was very friendly with the Celts:
>The Iberian conquest was begun by Hamilcar Barca and his other son-in-law, Hasdrubal the Fair, who ruled relatively independently of Carthage and signed the Ebro Treaty with Rome. Hamilcar died in battle in 228 BC. Around this time, Hasdrubal became Carthaginian commander in Iberia (229 BC). He maintained this post for some eight years until 221 BC. Soon the Romans became aware of a burgeoning alliance between Carthage and the Celts of the Po river valley in northern Italy. The latter were amassing forces to invade Italy, presumably with Carthaginian backing. Thus, the Romans preemptively invaded the Po region in 225 BC. By 220 BC, the Romans had annexed the area as Gallia Cisalpina.[5] Hasdrubal was assassinated around the same time (221 BC), bringing Hannibal to the fore. It seems that, having apparently dealt with the threat of a Gallo-Carthaginian invasion of Italy (and perhaps with the original Carthaginian commander killed), the Romans lulled themselves into a false sense of security. Thus, Hannibal took the Romans by surprise a mere two years later (218 BC) by merely reviving and adapting the original Gallo-Carthaginian invasion plan of his brother-in-law Hasdrubal.
>After Hasdrubal's assassination by a Celtic assassin, Hamilcar's young sons took over, with Hannibal becoming the strategus of Iberia, although this decision was not undisputed in Carthage. The output of the Iberian silver mines allowed for the financing of a standing army and the payment of the war indemnity to Rome. The mines also served as a tool for political influence, creating a faction in Carthage's magistrate that was called the Barcino.
I think the Celts will be an interesting ally of theirs
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1819630>>1822735 >>1856153 >>1856338
Over the target?
Child sacrifice
The origins of Tanit are to be found in the pantheon of Ugarit, especially in the Ugaritic goddess Anat (Hvidberg-Hansen 1982), a consumer of blood and flesh. There is significant, albeit disputed, evidence, both archaeological and within ancient written sources, pointing towards child sacrifice forming part of the worship of Tanit and Baal Hammon.[10]
Some archaeologists theorised that infant sacrifices have occurred. Lawrence E. Stager, who directed the excavations of the Carthage Tophet in the 1970s, believes that infant sacrifice was practiced there. Paolo Xella of the National Research Council in Rome summarized the textual, epigraphical, and archaeological evidence for Carthaginian infant sacrifice.[11]
Archaeological evidence
Stelae in the Tophet of Salammbó covered by a vault built in the Roman period
"Tophet" is a term derived from the Bible, used to refer to a site near Jerusalem at which Canaanites and Israelites who strayed from Judaism by practicing Canaanite idolatry would sacrifice children. It is now used as a general term for all such sites with cremated human and animal remains. The Hebrew Bible does not specify that the Israelite victims were buried, only burned, although the "place of burning" was probably adjacent to the place of burial. We have no idea how the Phoenicians themselves referred to the places of burning or burial, or to the practice itself.
Several apparent "Tophets" have been identified, chiefly a large one in Carthage, dubbed the "Tophet of Salammbó", after the neighbourhood where it was unearthed in 1921.[12] Soil in the Tophet of Salammbó was found to be full of olive wood charcoal, probably from the sacrificial pyres. It was the location of the temple of the goddess Tanit and the necropolis. Animal remains, mostly sheep and goats, found inside some of the Tophet urns, strongly suggest that this was not a burial ground for children who died prematurely. The animals were sacrificed to the gods, presumably in place of children (one surviving inscription refers to the animal as "a substitute"). It is conjectured that the children unlucky enough not to have substitutes were also sacrificed and then buried in the Tophet. The remains include the bodies of both very young children and small animals, and those who argue in favor of child sacrifice have argued that if the animals were sacrificed then so too were the children.[13] The area covered by the Tophet in Carthage was probably over an acre and a half by the fourth century BCE,[14] with nine different levels of burials. About 20,000 urns were deposited between 400 BCE and 200 BCE,[14] with the practice continuing until the early years of the Christian period. The urns contained the charred bones of newborns and in some cases the bones of fetuses and two-year-olds. These double remains have been interpreted to mean that in the cases of stillborn babies, the parents would sacrifice their youngest child.[15]
A detailed breakdown of the age of the buried children includes pre-natal individuals -- that is, still births. It is also argued that the age distribution of remains at this site is consistent with the burial of children who died of natural causes, shortly before or after birth.[13][16] Sergio Ribichini has argued that the Tophet was "a child necropolis designed to receive the remains of infants who had died prematurely of sickness or other natural causes, and who for this reason were "offered" to specific deities and buried in a place different from the one reserved for the ordinary dead".[17] He adds that this was probably part of "an effort to ensure the benevolent protection of the same deities for the survivors."[18] However, this analysis is disputed; Patricia Smith and colleagues from the Hebrew University and Harvard University show from the teeth and skeletal analysis at the Carthage Tophet that infant ages at death (about two months) do not correlate with the expected ages of natural mortality (perinatal).[19]
▶ 34d85e (1) No.1821034>>1821689
I am jumping into the middle of a conversation, but I wanted to speculate an answer to your final questions.
Duality of everything:
Negetivity vs. positivity
Fear vs. love
masculine vs. feminine
( I use "vs." here as balance)
A man and woman bringing a child into the world under the condition of pure unconditional love has the ability to ripple into an infinite echoing wave of love. The amount of universal energy required to achieve this is minuscule. Potentially the amount of positive creative energy in each child equals all the love ever felt by the greater universe.
I understand why the choose the method of harvest.
Negativity must be harvested, very little return on investment. But! what it lacks in creative potential it makes up for in deceptiveness, sneaking fear until into every aspect of life they darkness finds.
They will tell you that they are here to help us and that they serve a purpose; We made a deal long ago we must keep.
He is the "wise" being here to aid us in our journey through self discovery and back to infinite. They have taken their precious "time" to to selflessly help.
They want to return and begin work on themselves again.
They can't win and they are terrified.
Hi, old friend. You need to be more creative. I am not going to let you leave the way you want.
▶ 8b4e68 (1) No.1821689
I am having a hard time making any sense of this answer. but uh, thanks for trying?
back to the vikings/phoenicians/cabal digs…the same old story we are re-writing finally now. We waking UP!
▶ 7b5a1a (2) No.1822735
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.
Fits the narrative.
Video claims they traveled much earlier to North America 3000 to 4000 years ago or earlier? Possibly the first settlements of civilization in the Americas (Inca/ Mayan)?
Makes me think if Atlantis makes sense as another advanced pre civilization / transition. Probably over the target / slide with that…
▶ dc91df (4) No.1825750
▶ dc91df (4) No.1825791
>the right to bear arms shall not be infringed
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1825824>>1830069
I'll flesh this out tomorrow but I think I'm zeroing in on the Good Guys. Egypt!!!
They ruled a great nation for 1500+ years until essentially the Hyksos fucked it all up.
Ask yourself why the Egyptian government refuses to disclose the truth about a super ancient culture… Unless that truth is still relevant today and would expose the cabal.
More tomorrow…
There are various hypotheses as to the Hyksos' ethnic identity. While the term "Asiatic" is often used for the Hyksos, in the context of Ancient Egypt, it refers to any people native to areas east of Egypt. West Asian origins are suggested, in particular, by the names of individuals such as Khyan and Sakir-Har, and pottery finds that resemble pottery found in archaeological excavations in the area of modern Israel.
▶ dc91df (4) No.1825831
That's why they're big on contempt. It's a fraud that depends on everyone believing it has jurisdiction. It's a captain's stateroom on a fake boat.
A better way of attack is demonstrating material fraud by the court's actions.
These are two flags. One is that of a Guernesy charted maritime company, the other of a French colony. They both occupy the same space at the same time. The company engages in material fraud when it enforces laws in the colony without informed consent.
▶ f6fde5 (2) No.1826725>>1826762
>>1719707 (OP)
>>1719707 (OP)
did you see this on naraghe people? naraghe world order spelled with an i and y, descended from sardonian giants which ere also caananites so its all connected, also OP
== nuroch == wat isnt scrubbed youll have to be very very clever
▶ f6fde5 (2) No.1826762>>1828201 >>1828509
enki and sumerian texts are simply false shit the nephelim told sumerians, also they enslaved man by giving him money and shit.
book of enoch must be taken into account the first one the others are esoteric mumbo
also you can read about the 100,000 giant battle with king og of bashaad in his hard as hell to find txt
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1828201
>enki and sumerian texts are simply false shit the nephelim told sumerians
How did you jump to this conclusion? You're talking as if you have absolute knowledge on the subject. At least give use something more to go on, other than your opinion.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1828509
Technically all religious texts are propaganda. The only way we can possibly squeeze any truth of them is to use the earliest sources possible, and also combine them from different cultures to see what sticks
Yes I've seen this, it's a good clue, but there's got to be more to it. Like, why do they wear those antlers/antennae on their head? And also, what about the double headed phoenix/eagle Y head? I think it's all connected but I'd like to get precise. I don't just want the dots, I want to connect them too.
It would be helpful if you expand on how these are "also Canaanites"
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1830069
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The Egyptians have been slandered by their enemies, and we still believe their lies.
▶ 172820 (5) No.1831656>>1835200 >>1835942 >>1835997
This is the most objective, scientific, up to date information about the elongated skulls that share Caucasian DNA and have RED hair.
These skulls are apparently found in many places and it's probable to theorize these beings pro-generated the Caucasian "race" (Think of it as an array of ethnicities by this point)
Some people think they are martian and left Mars due to geological cataclysms/war, etc. Some say Nibiru. Whatever they are they seem "alien" and are just a bit removed from what we now think of as a normal human physiology.
These "long-skulled" individuals no doubt are the beings who in legend and myth would have "begat giants" and been capable of genetic alterations.
Let's suppose though, that these beings had a global civilization that was eradicated, and then they gathered predominately in Atlantis which also eventually had an additional cataclysm.
These survivors of Atlantis = The Phoenicians.
It's worth noting that many of these Atlantean survivors aren't necessarily bad people, just CERTAIN CLANS or let's say "Societies"
I also theorize that Enki, Enlil, Anu…etc…Survivors of Atlantis.
In the post-apocalypse era their technology made them into gods via gradual mythologizing.
▶ 48ae0c (9) No.1833493>>1833831
>Hmm, I wonder why these allegedly powerless Jews are able to do this. And why they can blatantly attempt to breed out the nordics who you claim control everything since the beginning of time. Really makes (((you))) think
Exactly..OP trying to slide the "blame" onto the red headed people of ENKI off the fucking (((JEWS)))…then complaining when he's caught out.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1833600>>1833608 >>1835200 >>1852000
Ok here's the deal, I'm working to flesh this out with exact dates and facts but here's my theory so far. If you're religious some of this might seem offensive, please have an open mind.
Please poke holes in it.
Egypt and Sumeria were the oldest civilisations in the world. Sumer became Babylonia, and the started expanding/migrating outwards, into the Levant. Canaanites originated from Babylon. Proof of this is extremely hard to find, so right now that's a hunch. My only evidence is that Abram/Abraham came from Ur to Canaan.
Anyway, Egypt was ruling relatively peacefully for thousands of years, The pyramids were NOT built by slaves, and certainly not by Israelite's which didn't even exist yet. but Babylon wanted to conquer it. Not sure exactly what or how they did it, but the Hyksos were a Canaanite take over of Egypt. After over a hundred years of their rule, they were kicked out and banished, probably back to Canaan. No doubt they were PISSED off. In fact, they were so pissed off, they ranted about it in their fiction called the Exodus. Except in their story. they painted Egypt as evil slave mongers who had to face the wrath of their feiry fire God El.
Hundred of years later, the Canaanites seemed to almost get back in via Akhenaten, who radically changed Egypt's religion into Monotheistic Sun Worship (which the Phoenicians were as well). What a coincidence! This didn't last long, but this story was also later incorporated into the mythical Exodus story.
If you haven't caught on, Exodus NEVER happened. It was fake news to smear a once great nation.
One last shot at the crown was the Bronze Age collapse. Which almost destroyed Egypt. It utterly crippled every other nation around the Mediterranean region, except conveniently the Canaanites/Phoenecians. They then grew a massive sea trading empire and explored almost everywhere they could, possibly even America, China, and England. Egypt is no longer a threat.
Old Babylon has since fallen apart (probably from wasting so much time obsessing over Egypt, hunch), but Neo Babylon rises with Nebuchadnezzar and Canaan is conquered. Luckily, the Phoenecians already expanded to northern Africa into a place called Carthage.
Rome, meanwhile, is growing more powerful and soon the Punic Wars occur over the course of several centuries, Carthage expands to capture almost all of Iberia (Spain) and part of Rome, to being completely defeated and sacked.
Babylon is defeated by the Persians, who let the "Israelites" go back to Canaan. Again, bullshit propaganda. Remember that the Canaanites were likely Babylonian to begin with, so this was obviously a cover story. In fact, the Torah was written in Babylon and shares many similarities to Babylonian religion. Then again, of course it does, it would even if they never returned to Babylon.
Here's a big secret. They weren't monotheistic. They believed in other gods. They just thought their god, their Sun God, was the most superior. They thought that they were chosen by this God to conquer the entire world. Whereas the Eagle was the symbol of the Egyptians, the Phoenix became their mascot. It became their "win at all costs" philosophy. Die, if you must, but arise stronger than ever before.
Next Alexander the Great conquers almost the entire world. But the empire barely survives long past his death. Leaving Rome to conquer much of that territory, including Canaan.
This is where the story/myth of Jesus comes into play. I can write at length about this, but I believe that this was an attempt by Egypt to revive their suppressed spirituality about personal responsibility and enlightenment. Everything about the Old Testament sounds Babylonian, whereas everything about the New Testament sounds Egyptian. So of course the Canaanites weren't impressed and shut this down.
At this point things get muddy. Likely many Canaanites fled back to Mesopotamia, settling around the Black Sea (which, later becomes Khazaria). But surely, many kept involved in world politics. I can't peace it together, but somehow they convinced Rome to go Christian.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1833608>>1852000
WHAT?! Why the FUCK would they do that? Well, around that time there was a dangerous philosophy known as Gnosticism floating about that threatened the Babylonian slave mentality. It was catching on and threatened their ultimate world domination plans. So after centuries of trying to suppress it, they decided to co-opt it.
They got the Pagan Emperor Constantine to convert to Christianity after some ridiculous vision of the Cross. But Rome had to "Romanize" it of course, so they made it into a hierarchy of priests and bishops and a Pope. Now they had councils to determine which books were the real word of God and which were heretical. Of course, anything that cemented the idea of worshipping the one Sun God were chosen as authentic. Thus, Christianity became Catholicism, and the Pope became literally Jesus in the flesh. And by the Pope they could literally control nations.
Except the Papacy was losing it's authority towards 1000AD.
Enter the Vikings.
That's where I'm at so far. Will write more later!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1833831
OP here. Read the two above posts I just did and try to say that again. I simply don't want to call (((THEM))) Jews. It's the Canaanites/Phoenecians. And yes, I believe they were certainly behind the Viking raids. Where I'm going to end up in my historical rant is that it's no coincidence that the Swiss Guard protects the Pope.
The Vikings themselves may have been mercenaries. I haven't quite figured that part out yet. They sure were convenient though!
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1835200>>1842103
You might be interested in…
This anon above >>1831656
The video speaks at length about Akhenaten. His interpretation is a little different. In the video, they explain Akhenaten as straying from the occult and trying to bring Egypt back to the people.
Akhenaten apparently even moved the capitol of Egypt in order to separate the state from the occult church that he saw had too much influence. They tried to erase him from the history books once he was assassinated.
I think you're on the right track.
▶ e5dfa6 (3) No.1836734>>1842152
Canaanite cabal (red and white) joined The Khazar cabal (blue and yellow/gold)
Almost all flags have some mix of these colors. Those who do not either have some green (usually abrahamic countries) then a mix of two categories or Black(Idk the significance) and a mix of two categories.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1842103>>1845738
Yes I will officially entertain this theory. I've watched a lot of "Ancient Aliens" and while interesting, I feel like it was hiding more than it was showing. I mean, if Aliens really were controlling the world, that's exactly the show they should produce.
As for Akhenaten, and monotheism in general… I'm actually starting to think Monotheism is a scam!!!
All "Polytheistic" religions have their head creator God anyway. The other gods are basically like angels. So it's the same thing. By having a "Jealous God" with "no other gods before me", basically destroys the pantheon. Why? Politics!
When you go to school now, you research certain disciplines. Basically, you're becoming a disciple of that knowledge. You're worshipping the god of medicine, or chemistry, or mathematics or whatnot. Notice how the gods tend to be teachers?
By smashing the pantheon, the Phoenicians can consolidate control. First they make you deny the other gods. So now you're beholden to the one god for all wisdom. And when they want to, they can even shut that down and make you an atheist.
Think about how many atheist arguments no longer hold water if you actually allow for multiple 'gods'. Suddenly the problem of Evil isn't really a problem anymore.
This is why I'm thinking Akhenaten was a Canaanite/Babylonian plant.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1842152>>1847487
There are no coincidences.
But be careful. Some colors are simply easier to produce than others. Might explain why they're common. Need more than just color to prove a link.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1842697>>1842742 >>1842923 >>1842942
Oh, dear. I'd really like to play here, but I have some more conspiracies for you. The calendar as we know it is a fiction.
The "Intermediate periods" in Egypt aren't nearly so long. The "Bronze Age Collapse" didn't happen. The dark ages didn't happen. It's phantom time and historians try to fill it with events that properly belong somewhere else.
The Greeks didn't forget how to write for 300 years and then rediscover it with a new alphabet. The Anglo Saxons in England didn't forget how to use money for 300 years and then rediscover coinage in the Viking Age. The Saxons are the Vikings but there are about 300 years of extra time in there.
There are some interesting Viking connections though. They took over North Africa and Spain in the late Roman Empire.
Ramesses II was from a military family. His mummy appears to have red hair. They came from Lower Egypt (next to the Mediterranean) rather than Upper Egypt like the native Egyptian dynasties. The people of Lower Egypt were mixed canaanite and other. The military families might have been an early people like the Vikings - originally hired as mercenaries, just like the Byzantines hired the Vikings centuries later.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1842742>>1842942
Yes, Columbus certainly would have known the route to the New World from peoples who came before. He knew the route to follow by the Trade Winds. He may not have known precisely where it would take him, but he knew the route from people who came before.
When the English went to the New World they seem to have miraculously known already about the northern route the Vikings had used before. Reason: the sailors always knew. They followed the fish and the birds for thousands of years.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1842923>>1842983
Oh DOoooo go on! I love it!
After diggggging deep, time seems kindof ridiculous. It just amazes me how much "inbetween" time is just irrelevant and forgotten.
I'm all ears (eyes…)
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1842942>>1842978
And one more thing: NASA messed with the eclipse data on their website that we should be able to use to prove or disprove ancient documents.
I'm not sure there was enough data to do much with B.C. eclipses, but the NASA docs from 1 A.D. to 1000 A.D. have been "corrected" to conform to the dates and eclipses listed in ancient texts. Meaning, the NASA eclipse historical data is not a scientific cross-check on ancient texts. It assumes that the ancient texts have the dates correct, and corrects the NASA data to match.
That means a scholar can't use the NASA eclipse data as an independent check against ancient writings. Now why would NASA do that?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1842978>>1843052 >>1843087
Dude you're blowing my mind. Part of my problem gluing this all together is that the time stretch is so vast that it's gets a bit hard to fathom.
Here's a question. Could someone traceback every KNOWN 'celebrity', backwards, and see how far back in history we get?
Like, if we trace back all the kings/queens of Europe, how far would we get? Would we get to Rome, and Ceaser in 100BC?
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1842983>>1843033
I actually have a somewhat reliable proof of the middle ages timeline being messed up.
We should be in "the dawning of the age of Aquarius", right?
But we still have several hundred years left in the age of Pisces. If you compare Ptolemy's star demarcations of the astronomical signs, with Geminos's conviction that we were in the beginning of Pisces in his time (around 50 B.C.) then we have at least another 300 years of Pisces left before we get to Aquarius.
Modern star charts just seem to ignore Ptolemy's very specific sign boundaries and set new ones that are about 5 degrees different, thus making it so we don't notice the missing 300 years or so.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843033>>1843051
The Church told a convenient story about why the Gregorian Calendar didn't have to move as much as it should have if the Julian Calendar had actually been in place since Julius Caesar. They said they were resetting from the dates accepted during the Council of Nicea in 325. But really, they were trying to account for phantom time.
And it makes sense. The stories of the Anglo Saxon invasions sound just like the Viking invasions. The Anglo Saxons and the Vikings spoke essentially the same language - different regional spellings, but the same language.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1843051>>1843163 >>1843234 >>1938535
So are we only off by 300 years then?
Or is it all out of whack?
Can you be so kind as to drop a few alternative Key Events & Year of Occurrences?
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843052
Not really. The geneologies get secretive and messed up when you get too far back. I think there are family lines maybe among the Italian families that you could do it with, if you kept a proper timeline. I think it may be part of what they're hiding - or fabricating so we can't properly trace them as outsiders.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843087>>1843120
And the name game is really hard to play. A Latin name and spelling vs. the same name in Germanic looks really different. Makes it easy to get doubles of the same people in "different" times.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1843120>>1843243
Yes the name game is frustrating. For example, the Phoenicians AREN'T fucking Phoenician. That' just what the Greeks called them. They were Canaanites. But even that is probably just a description of the geography, "Lowlands"… Their original city was Sidon, so were they Sidonians? Maybe. Or maybe they're Babylonian migrants, and therefore lets just call them fucking Babylonians.
Trying to trace their origins, and their inevitable dispersion is very hard because they changed their name. For example, they later became the Carthaginians. FML
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843163>>1843204
Well, my best estimate at present, is that there are an extra 350 years or so in the 1 - 1000 AD period. I also think there may be up to 70 years extra in the time between Alexander the Great (~330 BC) and Augustus (~1 AD). I think Augustus messed with the calendar there and that's why it's so hard to see what was happening in the years between Alexander and Augustus.
Then there are about 300 years in the Third Intermediate Period, "Bronze Age Collapse". It didn't really collapse, but the dynasties changed and the power structure changed to Babylon/Persia instead of Egypt. Egyptian dynasties were Persian in that time.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1843204>>1843264 >>1843293 >>1843328
So why do you think the Bronze Age Collapse didn't happen? I've been hinging some theories on that event. Might need to rethink some things if that's a myth
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843234
So it's all kind of a mess. Interestingly, when you remove the Third Intermediate Period, the biblical chronology makes more sense. Solomon is somewhat corresponding to probably Merenptah, David is in the Ramesses II period. Shishak is Ramesses III (nickname Sesi, or Sheshi). Now, to me, David especially looks too much like Ramesses II. I think that not only were these characters contemporary, but their stories have become intertwined. Ramesses means "beloved" just like David means "beloved". Both had large harems, both lived and rulled for an extraordinarily long time, both started as nobodies with military backgrounds (for Ramesses that was more his father, but still…) So there appears to be a significant amount of mythologizing in there, but it all still makes me believe the timeframes line up.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843243
Agreed. All we really know about them is that they're merchants living on the coast and they seem to rule the seas. Phoenician was someone else's name for them.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843264
Well, there was certainly a regime change and there are destruction layers. But there are too many sites where there's a destruction layer, then 300 years of no occupation, then a new city on the same site. The only reason for the 300 years of abandonment is because the lower level is clearly bronze age and the upper level is clearly iron age dated to some Egyptian king who we assume we know when he lived. But if he lived at a different time, then the city burned down and was immediately rebuilt.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843293>>1843331
Also, whenever historians try to explain something that looks like an advanced people suddenly forgetting some significant aspect of civilization like writing or money and then learning it again in a new alphabet or language 300 years later, reemerging right where they left off, I get suspicious. People don't actually forget those things.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1843317
Is there a name behind this time theory or is it your own work? Would like to dig further
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843328>>1843347
I think the Bronze Age Collapse was regime change and language change. Egypt had a significant fall. They were taken over by outsiders and that's the hinge we build all of our history on. For the ancient stuff, the book "Centuries of Darkness" by Peter James and some others is a good resource.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1843331>>1843372
No shit.
You know what also boggles my noggles? Is how they claim our memories used to be so amazing that we could memorize the Gospels or the Qu'ran for 50-60 years before bothering to write it down. And we can just trust that nothing got changed in these amazing memories that held on to the books word for word in their heads. Not quite the same thing but…
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1843347>>1843397 >>1843869
Well one of my theories right now is that the Canaanites were desperately trying to fuck up and destroy Egypt, and that the Bronze Age collapse was one of their operations to do so as a revenge for the Hyksos being expelled
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843352
The astronomical proof of the middle ages is mine. There are a couple of people who think we're dealing with phantom time there, but I don't fully agree with them.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843372>>1843390
Yeah, they had great memories, but every story teller adds their own part. No way it went unchanged. Unfortunately, book copyists did the same damned thing.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1843390>>1843416
I can barely tell my own life story accurately. Which is why I am SUPER sceptical about history.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843397>>1843426
I think the Canaanites were playing a game. All of the kingdoms in canaan went back and forth between Babylon/Persia, Hitites and Egypt. They were overrun all the time. So if there's a power vacuum in Egypt, they ally with whoever is next to pursue their interests.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843416
No kidding. And they didn't have photographic evidence to prove anything.
It could all be very Orwellian, actually. To please a new regime, you change the history to suit it. Shakespeare did it with all of his histories. It's probably always been propaganda. I love history and I want truth so it really hurts me to say that.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1843426>>1843457
Yes but I think they were trying to subvert the power structure of the polytheism of the day. By claiming "one god" or "Their god is supreme" they could usurp the power of all nations around them. Clever trick. They perfected this when they created the Pope and the Vatican later on.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843457>>1843467
Oh, definitely, using a new scary god and religion to take over is a powerful trick. I'm reading a book now, "James, the brother of Jesus" about how the Paulines and the Romans took over the religion from it's "rightful" heir, James.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843467
It was essentially an infiltration of the Roman Empire by a religious cult.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843869>>1843917
One more thing, when you adjust timelines to remove the dark ages, the Hyksos kings - some of them - are Joseph and his family.
Moses (and Joshua, actually) is an actual Egyptian adopted into the Hebrew mythology. His name is Egyptian and it fits with the Egyptian rulers of that time, but he seems to be some kind of conflation of Ahmose and Thutmose I and Thutmose III.
And fascinatingly, if you read the Exodus account of the parting of the Red Sea, it looks like a tidal wave with some kind of volcanic eruption causing fire in the sky. It fits nicely with the volcanic eruption of Thera (Santorini).
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1843917
And Ramesses II and his familly were likely of Canaanite stock (whatever that is), so they'd already taken over again in the 19th dynasty.
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1845738>>1846642
>All "Polytheistic" religions have their head creator God anyway. The other gods are basically like angels.
Not necessarily but I get what you mean.
>Akhenaten was a Canaanite/Babylonian plant
From what I can gather, his father and the bloodline before them, all served the occult. Not so much a plant, as it was business as usual at this point in the Egyptian dynasty.
It was Akhenaten that at least appears to have angered the occult for moving the capitol of Egypt. It sounds like overall, the he despised the occult. So I am a little confused by your conclusion. Can you clarify a bit more?
I have a feeling that where ever the elongated skull people came from, they most likely were not all bad, because they're just a human sub species. But we have found mass graves filled with these skulls in Peru and Brazil, so it sounds like a nasty group gave them all a bad rap.
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1845807>>1854261
I found this in the Q proofs, simple but relevant chart.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1846642>>1847039
I don't mean he was racially different, but I feel like he was co-opted by the Sun Worship that the Canaanites were promoting. So he was basically a traitor.
Of course, in the New Kingdom, it wasn't as stable as the Old and perhaps he just felt the time was right for reformation.
Then again, to be self-critical, I should ask why the Hyksos wouldn't have initiated such a revolution if they were Canaanite.
I admit I don't know enough about Egypt or it's ancient politics so I'm grateful for anyone who can set me straight.
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1847039>>1847470
I think you're misunderstanding me a bit. I'm saying Akenaten was of the royal bloodline already serving the occult. The elongated head was not something he actually had, rather it may be what he believed his royal ancestors looked like and that is a part of his lineage he wanted to symbolically represent. Which is why you have sculptures of his children with elongated skulls, it's symbolic, not literal. This is what I can gather of his story. I could be wrong.
Akhenaten was known as Amenhotep IV until he came into power. He changed his name in defiance of his father and his lineage. He seemed to be a king of the people and tried to separate church and state by moving the capitol away from the occult power center.
After this bold move, the occult killed Akhenaten's entire lineage and literally tried to wipe him from all Egyptian historical records. The occult burned his new capitol to the ground in the process as well. It is believed the occult replaced him with other distant relatives like Ankhesenamun & Tutankhamun later on until their bloodline was of no more use.
So the question is, what was Akhenaten really up to? Was he one of the last true Pharaohs for the people? Was he just another trick by the occult to gain more power? It's hard to tell because the guy is shrouded in mystery. One thing we know for sure, he was very different from the others before him.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1847470>>1847859 >>1848503
Hmm interesting I see where we're "clashing" a little. I'm suspecting that he's a bad guy, and you're thinking he's a good guy. Not saying you're wrong, just exploring.
The reason I'm flipping this around is because history is written by the same people behind "Fake News" today. So I'm keen to entertain the "mirror" and see if it fits.
We've been told that the "Pagan" worship of pantheons of gods is evil and wrong and corrupt. But who told us that? The Canaanites. The Phoenicians. The fuckers who sacrificed their kids to Ba'al.
If we view the gods as simply disciplines of knowledge, they're basically the same thing as degrees in University, although with a bit of superstition mixed in.
Consolidation to ONE GOD ONLY leads to horrible Theocracies where dissent is impossible. You can't respect other opinions because there's only one truth, one God. Compare this to the old way of thinking, where the God of Mathematics might require different discipline than the God of Agriculture.But if there's just One God then suddenly the idea of a Farming God that teaches all the tricks of the trade are silly. I'm suspicious this was an ingenius mindslave manipulation.
I'm not actually saying that there are multiple gods or anything. I'm just saying that multiple gods may have been more civil than the idea of monotheism.
▶ e5dfa6 (3) No.1847487>>1847907
True but most flags today are based on European flag conventions.
Black i've found to be mostly a sign of immortality most notable one being Germany's eagle (phoenix).
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1847859>>1847900 >>1848311 >>1848389
I'm really not sure what Akhenaten is. But if history is written by the same people behind "Fake News" today, those people tried to make him disappear from history. Why? I don't know, maybe he was just consolidating power in the occult.
I completely agree that monotheism has been used to control people for centuries but I don't know if the pagan religions are innocent of that crime either. Religion itself could just be an occult invention to control the masses since the beginning of time.
It's as if Rome had no occult threat until Christianity was accepted by Constantine. Monotheism was just the nail in the coffin for Rome. It just seems like one of many tactics used to control a nation.
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1847900
*It's not as if Rome had no occult threat until Christianity was accepted by Constantine.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1847907>>1848035
What's that map????
▶ e5dfa6 (3) No.1848035
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1848311>>1848524
>those people tried to make him disappear from history
(((They))) didn't, the (possibly good) priests tried to erase him. Same way Obama is being "erased"
Q isn't the first attempt at overthrowing the cabal. No doubt there's been many good coups and bad coups throughout history. Which ones were our guys and which ones were (((theirs)))?
Why can't we ever completely stamp out the evil? Problem is we're in a house of mirrors, with a loose definition of what morality is, therefore evil is in the mind of the beholder. It's really easy for the cabal to make you think you're fighting evil when you're actually doing evil.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1848389>>1848524
As long as you didn't "deny the gods" or insult the king, you could pretty much say or think anything you wanted back then. Crazy thoughts? Probably came from a crazy god.
Once Catholicism was the law of the world, wrong think was punished by fire. Look at the Torah and how many 'crimes' are punishable by death.. which would be ludicrous in a polytheistic state.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1848458>>1848541 >>1848632
Regarding the TimeAnon from last night…
If the years 600-900 were spliced in, then that would put the Vikings in the year 600 AD, which actually makes more sense to me
Think about it. Rome finally falls around 500AD.
The Phonecians/Carthaginians almost immediately spring into action to conquer Europe starting with the Viking raids.
The 300 year gap was REALLY bothering me.
Also, this means the Crusades mobilised against Islam ALMOST IMMEDIATELY. Doesn't it bother you that "Christiandom" sat on their asses while their kingdoms fell rapidly around them? And only until Jerusalem was up for takes did they take it seriously? I smell bullshit.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1848503
Interesting take on monotheism. I hadn't really thought of it that way.
Certainly it does correspond with the rise of kingship and absolute authority. And it usurps the authority and delegitimizes the old household gods that every family kept as idols and individual protectors.
The bible still retains some memory of that when Rachel steals them from her father when she leaves to marry Jacob.
And I'll go on record that I also think Akhenaten was a bad guy. And as in the present with Q team, he and his family were taken out by the military.
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1848524>>1848587
>Problem is we're in a house of mirrors, with a loose definition of what morality is, therefore evil is in the mind of the beholder. It's really easy for the cabal to make you think you're fighting evil when you're actually doing evil.
Good point, it's really hard to figure out what is what.
How do you track a group that uses an ever evolving set of symbols, theologies, and genetic traits?
The cabal/occult seems to allow it's puppet states to be overthrown by design. If the phoenix story is any hint at their plans, it sounds like they give their house of cards 500 years before they move on to the next shop.
We try to start from the beginning but anything we read could be a half-truth or an outright lie to misguide us further. The symbols kind of work to connect their migration together but it's still not an easy task as eventually just realize almost every country has this same symbolism in modern culture.
Like I said, I completely agree that monotheism is a control mechanism.
I understand that paganism gives you more flavors to choose from but you still worship that school of thought and that seems dangerous as well.
Just seems to me like monotheism was the refined version of paganism. There was still more freedom of thought in paganism but you are still put in a box. Certain thoughts are still wrong think if they don't belong to any god in your pantheon.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1848541>>1848619
TimeAnon here. You have to keep in mind that the 300 year gap isn't exactly the same in every place. Islam falls into this period too and it explains the difficulty of figuring out its early history.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1848587
>How do you track a group that uses an ever evolving set of symbols, theologies, and genetic traits?
You need to learn how (((they))) keep track of each other! By their works you will know them.
>The cabal/occult seems to allow it's puppet states to be overthrown by design. If the phoenix story is any hint at their plans, it sounds like they give their house of cards 500 years before they move on to the next shop.
I have a feeling the 500 years is just a lazy way of saying long time. It's a way for them to stay motivated midway through a longterm plan that will exist long after they die. But yes, it's their philosophy to corrupt and destroy societies, so that they can rebuild them on their terms after the fires go out.
>Certain thoughts are still wrong think if they don't belong to any god in your pantheon.
Like what? You could literally make up a god/goddess/demigod about any topic. If Greeks invented the computer, there'd be a god of programming.
However, what *IS* dangerous is that when you deify knowledge, you're not allowed to challenge it later. So once we settle on Newtonian physics, we'd need to excommunicate Einstein.
So I'm not advocating worshipping the gods, I'm just exploring the idea that polytheism allows for more freedom of thought than monotheism did
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1848619>>1848710 >>1848858
So here's a problem. If we basically scrub out 300 years from 600-900 AD in Europe, how do we reconcile the battles and Muslim rulers in their Caliphate during the same period?
For example.Did that happen in 717AD??
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1848632>>1848689
Also, without the time gap, Rome doesn't really "fall" so much as change. The old Rome is taken over by the papacy and church leadership with local kings subject to a religious rule. They institute the Holy Roman Emperor with Charlemagne (or the three guys or so that he is an amalgam of) almost immediately. Charlemagne is a late Roman figure. The Saxons/Vikings in England are late Roman figures brought in as mercenaries initially to defend the Romans.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1848689>>1848730
Yeah I've basically been taught that after Rome fell that the people in England basically had no fucking clue how to do anything and basically twiddled their thumbs for longer than America has been a nation.
Wouldn't the Romans who were inhabiting Britain still know their shit? That doesn't make any sense why the Dark Ages would happen. Oh, everyone just stopped writing and building stuff for three centuries.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1848710>>1848823
It's a late Roman event. Look at Arab history - in particular the 200 and 300s AD. The "Roman Emperors" are easterners. There are petty kingdoms where people also claim to be emperors. The library at Alexandria was destroyed by somebody or other at two or three different periods - because the stories from different groups conflict in where they were placed in time.
Queen Zenobia is an interesting character. Only in a few of our sources, but there are a couple of Zaynabs - the same Arab name, in the Arab histories. There were and are mosques and holy sites for "Zaynab". What if Islam came about around the same time as Christianity in a late Roman world. Zenobia's wars with Rome and the other Roman wars in Syria during that time look like the wars that were happening in the Arab histories at the beginning of Islam.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1848730
Exactly. Makes me crazy to go to a museum and see how everyone forgot how to use coinage and how to write. No. They continued to use coin, but there's a time gap so it looks like there are no coins from a certain period. And they certainly wrote. But they stopped writing Latin like good Romans and started writing in AngloSaxon germanic.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1848823>>1848912 >>1848971
What I would like to see is a revision of the dates on a simple graphical timeline that show the "fixed" timeline to see if it actually makes sense with key historical dates that happened inside the darkages.
For example, are you saying that perhaps the Siege of Constantinople actually happened at say 417 AD, not even a hundred years after the Byzantine Empire was founded?
Because the Byzantine Empire had to have started around the fall of Rome, when Rome split West/East
Where do we place all the Emperors of the Byzantine Empire?
I'm so confused. I feel like there's some major truth going on here, but I'm having a hard time seeing how to reconcile these kinds of things.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1848858>>1848912
Different names and sources from different peoples make it hard to put history together. There are several duplicates in our histories. The Byzantine Emperor Phocas is probably the same guy as the Byzantine emperor Nikephorus II Phocas. A person's Greek name and their Latin name and their native name could all look different. If you don't have your chronology right to start with, they look like different people.
Example from the Venerable Bede. Take a look at his history and notice what he did. His history is a combination of local histories and Orosius. Orosius stops writing in the 400s AD and is based on Jerome - the first conspirator. Bede uses that history and tells a Roman story of Britain, then tacks his local history onto the end of it. Even though we know from other Roman sources like Ammianus Marcellinus that there were Saxons and mercenaries and kings in Britain in the early Romano British history. Bede has no locally sourced history until he finishes with Orosius. If, instead of tacking his history on to the end, he were to make it more intertwined, as it almost certainly should have been, you change the timeline.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1848912>>1849016 >>1849407
I do realise for such a theory to work, it can't be a straight shift where all the world's history gets snipped and rearranged in the same 600-900 year span. It would require other histories to be shifted wildly too.
And you know what? This isn't some grand conspiracy. This isn't anything new. This is what the scribes and writers of holy books have always been doing. They make sure to convey a good story, facts be damned.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1848971
Rome's east/west split in that time is something of a fiction. There were always rulers in the East. This was a time of multiple emperors and caesars.
You're funny with your request for a simple graphic. I've been working on this for a long time and I haven't gotten to simple yet. I have a couple of interesting points to start folding time together.
There is a siege of Amida in Procopius and a Siege of Amida in Ammianus Marcellinus. I believe they are the same event. Ammianus is writing supposedly about events in 370 AD or so. Procopius is describing and event that supposedly happened nearly 200 years later. Ammianus has more detail in his story, but his details match the brief story in Procopius.
If that is a description of the same event, then you've found almost 200 of your missing years - for those people and that event. It goes like that all over. You can't just plop 300 years in or out of a timeline. It comes in chunks.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1849016
It's true that scribes and writers try to make a good story, but it's also true that once a particular view of history is in place, the authority figures have a vested interest in not letting it change.
There are 8 pages missing from a manuscript of Zosimus in the Vatican library. My read on it suggests those pages were where the author clarified his place in time as he knew it, describing emperors and jubilees. They were not lost pages. They were deliberately and neatly cut from the manuscript.
▶ ebff33 (1) No.1849048>>1849357 >>1849492 >>1849597
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Bern, Switzerland!!
It's the cabal's homeland!!
The cabal IS the Pharaohs!
The cabal IS the FreeMaons!
The cabal IS the Illuminati!
The cabal IS the Knights Templar!
The cabal IS the United Nations!
The cabal IS the European Union!
The cabal IS the Entertainment Industry!
The cabal IS the Big Corporations!
The cabal IS the Big Banks!
The cabal IS ALL AROUND US!!!!!
Did you honestly think the OLD World Order just left everything went away?!
Did you honestly think that Switzerland just "got lucky" by remaining "NEUTRAL" and "UNDAMAGED" through the major wars in human history?!
Find Sean Hross!
Spread his information!
▶ ff4e2f (6) No.1849357
Switzerland is the key
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1849407>>1849476
Sorry, btw. I didn't mean to hijack your thread with timeline stuff. I am genuinely interested in how all of this works with the cabal and bloodlines, Vikings, Phoenicians, etc. I just can't separate it from the rest of my research that suggests the timeline is wrong.
Maybe I'll gather some of my data over the next week or so and make a new thread with some proofs and evidence.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1849476
No I'm actually glad you did. I wouldn't really call this "my" thread as I think everyone's been dropping awesome bombshells here and I'm mostly spinning with all the ideas. I never even thought to actually question the timeline itself, but I think that's a reasonable thing to be sceptical of, especially since it makes the whole picture that much more realistic.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1849492
Of course it is! People just think it's quaint that the Swiss Guard guards the Vatican. It's a strange connection though, isn't it….
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1849597>>1849666 >>1859741
You know…someone mentioned on here earlier that Icelandic is the oldest language known to man…is that true?
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1849666
"Proto-Norse (also called Proto-Scandinavian, Proto-Nordic, Ancient Scandinavian, Proto-North Germanic and a variety of other names) was an Indo-European language spoken in Scandinavia that is thought to have evolved as a northern dialect of Proto-Germanic in the first centuries CE. It is the earliest stage of a characteristically North Germanic language, and the language attested in the oldest Scandinavian Elder Futhark inscriptions, spoken from around the 2nd to the 8th centuries CE (corresponding to the late Roman Iron Age and the Germanic Iron Age). It evolved into the dialects of Old Norse at the beginning of the Viking Age around 800 CE, which later themselves evolved into the modern North Germanic languages (Faroese, Icelandic, the three Continental Scandinavian languages, and so on)."
I guess the better question would be; did it actually evolve from Proto-Germanic?
▶ 0debc7 (2) No.1849765>>1849811 >>1849940
What a joke.
It's the jews!
▶ 0debc7 (2) No.1849811
Are these jews vikings?
▶ d6d3e2 (1) No.1849827
take your fucking pills jesus christ
▶ d2694a (2) No.1849940>>1849985 >>1850113
>Still believes Jews run everything
They're puppets.
It's the Jews!
It's the Vatican!
It's the politicians!
It's the Muslims!
It's the mafia!
It's the Illuminati!
It could even be your masonic next door neighbor!
It doesn't matter. They are not the root.
Everyone is taking marching orders from the same ancient bloodline cabal.
Peasants never get to see the wizard of OZ.
▶ 7fa0da (1) No.1849985
Will the descendant of you precious potato nigger president be nordic or jews? Hint jared is a jew.
▶ caf905 (5) No.1850113>>1850282
Even better since the celt therefore irish are pheonician Nordic world order bullshit according to >>1730280.
Ain't trump an irish therefore most possibly one of them.
▶ d2694a (2) No.1850282>>1850480
They are not any one people. That's the point. They are a cult of ancient royal bloodlines. How many times we gotta say it? OH wait right, this is a slide.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1850450>>1850712
You know what really gets me. For a culture that basically invented the Alphabet, they left almost no writing behind…
▶ caf905 (5) No.1850480>>1850560
Because somehow trump can't be part of this ancient bloodline cult and be their puppet?
>the jews are the puppet of the nordic world Order ancient magical pharaoh.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1850560>>1850725
It's entirely possible he is. But that doesn't mean he's WITH them.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1850712
Hmmm. That's a touchy one. We don't have anything from Tyre or Sidon - and can't dig there because of cities presently in place. And there's almost nothing from Carthage. But the Jews left us a great deal of writing. And the Jews of Spain have to be considered Phoenician/Carthaginian in origin. Greek mythology and culture - and alphabet - was heavily influenced by "Phoenician" culture. Athena is a version of Anat/Tanit. The Zeus/Dionysius cult is certainly Eastern/Canaanite. Greeks and Semites lived side by side throughout the Mediterranean for centuries. But the specifics of the legacy are hard to tease out.
▶ caf905 (5) No.1850725>>1850771
So you're saying you are trusting one of the faery pharaoh to fight the faery pharaoh?
it's just remplacing one dynasty for another one.
Or it's just wishfull thinking?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1850771>>1851763 >>1851834
I'm saying I don't know whats going on. I"m trying to figure it out. And you can either help, or get out.
▶ cd3908 (1) No.1851763>>1854212
We're with you. Thank you for making this thread.
I see in this thread, a group of people having a truly free discussion about the unknown. That is what this is all about. Humans making true contact with each other about subjects that ring true to them. That's the path to knowledge. Stay ever vigilante anons.
The Phoenicianfags needed a thread for discussion. This is a real origin story discovery going on. The great awakening is about finding the core of evil lies while healing the core of good truth.
▶ caf905 (5) No.1851834>>1852000
>I'm saying I don't know whats going on.
Why don't you do a little post of what's going so far to make it easy for newfag to jump in and help? It might help you grasp something or a new angle!!!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1852000>>1853854
I did a few days ago, check it out:
This isn't everyones thoughts though, there are many great theories in this thread. One of my favourite was here:
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1852164
Please…do go on.
▶ caf905 (5) No.1852639
>Be Avdol
>Be egyptian
>Stand name is Magician's Red
>Stand is a fire mix of human/bird (a phoenix)
Was avdol the true enemy all along? is JoJo's Based? Is the author telling us something?
▶ ce4436 (1) No.1853854
good stuff anon! its of course very difficult for anyone to "completely" get it right, but that's as close to what I've determined as I've seen 'round these parts.
▶ 172820 (5) No.1854146>>1854300
The Greeks spoke of Satyrs, the lecherous children of Saturn.
Who were the Satyrs?
Where did the Neaderthals go?
Who living today has the highest percentage of Neanderthal DNA?
cro-magnon: Children of Enki/Zeus?
neaderthalis: Children of Enlil/Chronos?
Homo-Erectus: Genetic Template
▶ 5694c4 (8) No.1854157>>1854240 >>1854266
”Not only did Nimrod kill and eat the fair-skinned descendants of Shem, in his fury and hatred he often burned them alive. The type of human sacrifice involving the eating of the slaughtered human victims derived its name from the combined names of his uncle, Canaan, and the demon god Baal, the two names being combined to form the word "cannibal." Nimrod was also known in ancient history by the names of Marduk, Bel, and Merodach. Because of his importance in its history, Babylon was known as the Land of Nimrod. Nimrod is also cited in the most ancient Masonic constitutions as the founder of Freemasonry.”
"Nimrod's downfall reputedly came about when he began to build the Tower of Babel, a ziggurat, or temple tower, which was planned to rise up into the heavens. Because of this offense against God, Shem, the eldest son of Noah, pronounced judgment against Nimrod, and executed him. Josephus says that "Ham's black grandson, Nimrod, was beheaded by Shem."
Other accounts add that Shem then cut Nimrod's body into pieces and sent the pieces to the pagan temples of Babylon, as a warning to the priests that their sex orgies and child sacrifices would result in a similar judgment of execution. Instead of abandoning their hideous ceremonies because of this warning, the priests literally went underground.
No longer did "their altars smoke with human blood," as Kitto, the great Palestinian authority, described them. The priests took the pieces of Nimrod as relics to their secret meeting places, which were hidden in "groves" and "shrines. This was the origin of the secret Mystery cults, whose orgies could no longer be performed in public temples.
Because of the power of Shem, the priests from that time on conducted their forbidden orgies out of the light of day, in their secret hiding places. Their meetings were bounded with secret rites, which no one outside of their order was permitted to know, on pain of death. This was the origin of the Gnostics, the Knowing Ones, who knew the secrets. It may be for this reason that Nimrod became known as the founder of Freemasonry, because its fundamental rites were established and invoked after he was killed, in order to carry on his work of evil."
>>1719707 (OP)
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1854212
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1854240
>Because of the power of Shem, the priests from that time on conducted their forbidden orgies out of the light of day, in their secret hiding places
from dark into light.
This will be exposed.
▶ 3ec9d8 (2) No.1854266>>1854321
Ho Lee Fuk
That was amazing… So it does start in Babylon! Does this person speak about Egypts role in it all?
So it's likely then that these sick, dumb people are Diciples of Nimrod… HRC, Hussein, Soros, Podesta, Rothschild… Nimrod!
Are there any specific symbols of Nimrod that might give them away?? Even mantras they might say?
I always thought it was silly that Freemasons claim to have built the pyramids but now I'm not so sure!
▶ 3ec9d8 (2) No.1854303>>1854373 >>1854505
Is this an original? This is amazing!!
▶ 5694c4 (8) No.1854321
1. Read that pdf.
2. look through these graphics:
Nephilim are vampires are faries are vikings are giants. It's all the same bloodline and pagan rituals.
▶ 5694c4 (8) No.1854373
Look here, love:
this is a good read:
nordic world order is the nephilim world order is the new world order
▶ 5694c4 (8) No.1854505
Start at the top left-ish
▶ 7b7055 (12) No.1856153>>1856283
Anthony Everitt mentions this in his The Rise of Rome book and describes the sacrifices in detail. The people that sacrificed the children supposedly played loud music to drown out their screams.
▶ 5694c4 (8) No.1856283>>1861281
>Anthony Everitt mentions this in his The Rise of Rome book and describes the sacrifices in detail. The people that sacrificed the children supposedly played loud music to drown out their screams.
Bottom right corner
▶ 5694c4 (8) No.1856338
All the child sacrificing pagan groups throughout history…well, after the flood:
If you want to know about child sacrifice and cannibalism BEFORE the flood…
check this out:
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1857209>>1857596
valor (n.)
c. 1300, "value, worth," from Old French valor, valour "valor, moral worth, merit, courage, virtue" (12c.), from Late Latin valorem (nominative valor) "value, worth" (in Medieval Latin "strength, valor"), from stem of Latin valere "be strong, be worth" (from PIE root *wal- "to be strong"). The meaning "courage" is first recorded 1580s, from Italian valore, from the same Late Latin word. (The Middle English word also had a sense of "worth or worthiness in respect of manly qualities").
Valkyrie (n.)
1768, one of 12 war-maidens who escorted the brave dead to Valhalla, from Old Norse valkyrja, literally "chooser of the slain," from valr "those slain in battle" (see Valhalla) + kyrja "chooser," from ablaut root of kjosa "to choose," from Proto-Germanic *keusan, from PIE root *geus- "to taste; to choose." Old English form was Wælcyrie, but they seem not to have figured as largely in Anglo-Saxon tales as in Scandinavian. German Walküre (Wagner) is from Norse. Related: Valkyrian.
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to be strong."
It forms all or part of: ambivalence; Arnold; avail; bivalent; convalesce; countervail; Donald; equivalent; evaluation; Gerald; Harold; invalid (adj.1) "not strong, infirm;" invalid (adj.2) "of no legal force;" Isold; multivalent; polyvalent; prevalent; prevail; Reynold; Ronald; valediction; valence; Valerie; valetudinarian; valiance; valiant; valid; valor; value; Vladimir; Walter; wield.
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Latin valere "be strong, be well, be worth;" Old Church Slavonic vlasti "to rule over;" Lithuanian valdyti "to have power;" Celtic *walos- "ruler," Old Irish flaith "dominion," Welsh gallu "to be able;" Old English wealdan "to rule," Old High German -walt, -wald "power" (in personal names), Old Norse valdr "ruler."
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1857596
Anyone else notice that both Donald and Vladimir mean "to be strong" in the leadership sense…..
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1857691>>1857829
Is this for real?! I know the names are layered on, but Atlantis where Babylon/Khazaria was?
▶ 728ef5 (4) No.1857829
Hypothetically, lets say there was a pretty advanced culture that lived in a valley region where the Black Sea is today.
I suppose you could imagine a mighty deluge could sweep through the valley and very quickly annihilate everything, leaving a lot of displaced people.
Even if it turns out not to be Atlantis it's an interesting thought. No doubt during an Earth-wide cataclysm there will be many "floods", many displaced peoples.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1858127>>1896627
Just a thought before bed…
Let's say Christianity was a spiritual answer to combat the cabal of yore. The Gnostics. What would actually happen? It would be shilled to death. Everything about it would be twisted.
Isnt it fascinating that the Gnostics called the Canaanite God a demiurge? That Jesus is actually Sophia, a being that actually knows the father of all being?.
I'm starting to wonder if the answer to the evil babylonian mindslavery was buried in Nag Hammadi
How do we have a Great Awakening if we continue to use their black magic symbols in out medals, flags and emblems?!
▶ ff4e2f (6) No.1859741>>1860084 >>1861004
I'd say baltic like Lithuanian and Latvian is older because of its resemblance to Sanskrit
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1860084
I agree with you on that.
Lithuania language closely resembles Sasnkrit.
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1861004
Such a fascinating language to me that I know very little about. I have countless amazing books lining my shelf that were originally written in Sanskrit.
Come to think of it; I can't imagine what my book shelf would look like without the help of Sanskrit. It is truly one of our biggest portals to the past.
▶ 7b7055 (12) No.1861281
do you have sauce on that photo?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1861552>>1861556
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
So I was watching this video about the Khazars and had some thoughts.
Most importantly, I've always thought the notion that the Asheknazi Jews being secret Khazars is RIDICULOUS. And I'm happy that's confirmed. But I feel like that's a slide.
This makes me wonder even more now if the Canaanites fled to the black sea, or how many Canaanites stayed in Babylon after their capture. I think it's silly to think that these people weren't originally from Canaan, but in fact they're some sort of Turks masquerading as Jews.
The importance of Khazaria is the fact that this was the first place since the Diaspora that they were able to achieve a nation state.
Babylon > Canaan > Egypt > Carthage > Babylon conquers Phoenicia & Israel > Iberia (Spain) > Rome/Greece > Collapse
Before anyone thinks I'm going all "it's the JEWS!", I'm not. I firmly believe that, like all groups, there are many subgroups that believe radically different things. There's ample evidence for this in the Bible itself that the tribes of Israel were often heretical. I feel like some have retained their ancient Canaanite Baal worship, which comes from Babylon, and have manifested in mystery religions and secret societies, and I don't think that's too absurd to say.
Aint it interesting that after Khazar falls, the Vikings emerge to fuck up the social order of Europe
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1862451
Bloomberg built their EU HQ on top of an ancient Temple of Mithra
> The site will house media corporation Bloomberg's European headquarters.
> The site also includes a previously unexcavated section of the Temple of Mithras, a Roman cult, which was first unearthed in 1954.
> Once Bloomberg Place is completed in 2016, the temple and finds from the excavation will become part of a public exhibition within Bloomberg's headquarters.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1862677>>1863931 >>1865244
The book attempts to revise the accepted ancient chronology of Newton's day, in order to prove that Solomon was the earliest king in the world, and that his Temple the first ever built, with all others being copies, beginning with Sesostris, King of Egypt, followed by others. Newton's results, therefore, diverge widely from presently accepted dates, often more widely than the system that he attempted to displace.
Newton attempted to identify various mythological figures as historical or Biblical individuals, such as arguing that the Titan Saturn was Noah, the god Jupiter was Shem, and Osiris and Dionysus were Sesostris.[2] The work treats figures from Greek mythology, such as the centaur Chiron and the Argonauts, as historical fact.[3]
Full text:
▶ 7b7055 (12) No.1862916>>1862986
It is quite fascinating. I always realized that continents are like giant mountains/islands when simulating the high/low water levels. I can only speculate as to how much of our civilizations history can be found by hugging the coastline.
and here is this
http://www.daily mail.co.uk/science tech/article-3611457/Ancient-DNA-study-finds-Phoenician-Carthage-European-ancestry.html
▶ a2f4ea (2) No.1862926
Just some fun to trigger dems
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1862986
Note that the ridges are OBVIOUSLY exaggerated in this video for some fucking retarded reason.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1863006
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Graham Hancock Brilliantly Dimisses the Ancient Astronaut Theory with Lost Civilization Evidence
Graham Hanicock explains how all of the anomalies of history and prehistory point toward evidence of a lost civilization. The case for Ancient Aliens are --- in his view — better explained as the traces of this mysterious advanced civilization.
Those, like Hancock, working on an alternative history of humanity need to hold themselves to standards of evidence AT LEAST AS HIGH as is demanded of mainstream scholars if they are ever to get history rewritten. With this in mind Graham will look at the “ancient astronaut hypothesis” and prove the revelations and radical new meanings emerging from ancient texts and traditions are much better explained without the need for a planet traveling alien culture.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1863931>>1864440
Newton was an interesting character. And so was the Queen in the dedication, George II's wife Caroline of Ansbach. By all accounts she was the actual ruler during her life.
I assume Newton was cabal. At the very least he was interested in it and very aware of it. Neal Stephenson, who's books now look to me like someone who knows too much, writes about them in his Baroque Series. Along with William and Mary.
Back to Newton, his intertwining of "mythological" with more "historical" people may be code, or allegory, or just ignorant. I can't tell. But he does use the older convention from Manetho and others that places David and Solomon firmly in the Bronze age and equates the Exodus with the expulsion of the Hyksos.
I first looked at this book several years ago and I've never quite known what to make of it. Today, given what I suspect about Newton and Caroline, I think it must be some sort of coded or allegorical history for those who ascribe particular occult meaning to those characters and stories.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1864440>>1865244 >>1865397
I have this theory that historically they've been sloppier about the big secret of history, and perhaps we might get lucky digging up dusty old books from suspicious writers.
Like, if Newton was part of the cabal, then that means his works would be a message for them.
▶ 99daa7 (30) No.1864535
Phoenix and burning it all down is def their MO. You are on to something here!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1864590>>1864646
Not sure if relevant, but interesting that England wasn't always an Island
▶ 7b7055 (12) No.1864646>>1864831
Exactly I meant to post about Doggerland and the undersea yonaguni monuments of japan.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1864831>>1864988
Did the Vikings know something?
▶ 7b7055 (12) No.1864988
Sounds like it could be similar to a certain pre-flood civilization.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1865244>>1865316 >>1867465
Tho' The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended, was writ by the Author many years since; yet he lately revis'd it, and was actually preparing it for the Press at the time of his death. But The Short Chronicle was never intended to be made public, and therefore was not so lately corrected by him. To this the Reader must impute it, if he shall find any places where the Short Chronicle does not accurately agree with the Dates assigned in the larger Piece. The Sixth Chapter was not copied out with the other Five, which makes it doubtful whether he intended to print it: but being found among his Papers, and evidently appearing to be a Continuation of the same Work, and (as such) abridg'd in the Short Chronicle; it was thought proper to be added.
>The Short Chronicle was never intended to be made public,
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1865316>>1865335
The Canaanites who fled from Joshua, retired in great numbers into Egypt, and there conquered Timaus, Thamus, or Thammuz King of the lower Egypt, and reigned there under their Kings Salatis, Bœon, Apachnas, Apophis, Janias, Assis, &c. untill the days of Eli and Samuel. They fed on flesh, and sacrificed men after the manner of the Phœnicians, and were called Shepherds by the Egyptians, who lived only on the fruits of the earth, and abominated flesh-eaters. The upper parts of Egypt were in those days under many Kings, Reigning at Coptos, Thebes, This, Elephantis, and other Places, which by conquering one another grew by degrees into one Kingdom, over which Misphragmuthosis Reigned in the days of Eli.
In the year before Christ 1125 Mephres Reigned over the upper Egypt from Syene to Heliopolis, and his Successor Misphragmuthosis made a lasting war upon the Shepherds soon after, and caused many of them to fly into Palestine, Idumæa, Syria, and Libya; and under Lelex, Æzeus, Inachus, Pelasgus, Æolus the first, Cecrops, and other Captains, into Greece. Before those days Greece and all Europe was peopled by wandring Cimmerians, and Scythians from the backside of the Euxine Sea, who lived a rambling wild sort of life, like the Tartars in the northern parts of Asia. Of their Race was Ogyges, in whose days these Egyptian strangers came into Greece. The rest of the Shepherds were shut up by Misphragmuthosis, in a part of the lower Egypt called Abaris or Pelusium.
In the year 1100 the Philistims, strengthned by the access of the Shepherds, conquer Israel, and take the Ark. Samuel judges Israel.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1865335>>1865446
1048. The Edomites are conquered and dispersed by David, and some of them fly into Egypt with their young King Hadad. Others fly to the Persian Gulph with their Commander Oannes; and others from the Red Sea to the coast of the Mediterranean, and fortify Azoth against David, and take Zidon; and the Zidonians who fled from them build Tyre and Aradus, and make Abibalus King of Tyre. These Edomites carry to all places their Arts and Sciences; amongst which were their Navigation, Astronomy, and Letters; for in Idumæa they had Constellations and Letters before the days of Job, who mentions them: and there Moses learnt to write the Law in a book. These Edomites who fled to the Mediterranean, translating the word Erythræa into that of Phœnicia, give the name of Phœnicians to themselves, and that of Phœnicia to all the sea-coasts of Palestine from Azoth to Zidon. And hence came the tradition of the Persians, and of the Phœnicians themselves, mentioned by Herodotus, that the Phœnicians came originally from the Red Sea, and presently undertook long voyages on the Mediterranean.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1865397
Yeah, I agree. I spend a fair amount of time poring through old editions because of it.
I have a theory that Theodor Mommsen was part of the effort to nail down the history (((they))) wanted to teach. He did the standard translations of most of the ancient texts that existed then, "corrected" spelling and syntax errors, and "standardized" dates.
Most translations today into English and other languages start from Mommsen's editions rather than going back to extant manuscripts. The whole 19th century German school of historians looks like cabal setting history their way.
So from that perspective, my only hope is anything written before Mommsen and anyone who does translation and text analysis from extant manuscripts with proper notations of "corrections."
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1865446>>1865536 >>1865580
(The Oracle of Delphi was Phoenician?!)
987. Dædalus kills his nephew Talus, and flies to Minos. A Priestess of Jupiter Ammon, being brought by Phœnician merchants into Greece, sets up the Oracle of Jupiter at Dodona. This gives a beginning to Oracles in Greece: and by their dictates, the Worship of the Dead is every where introduced.
▶ c6bee6 (34) No.1865536
All of the Greek myths from Crete have a strong Phoenician and Cypriot influence.
I wonder if many coastal Greeks were originally Semitic and the "Dorian invasion" was actually the Greek-speaking Mycenaeans.
Cyrus Gordon thought the Cretans were Semites and that the Linear A tables were writting in a Semitic language.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1865580>>1865848
(The Pyramids were built in 800BC? Ridiculous. Although, would explain why they're not mentioned in the Torah)
838. Cheops Reigns in Egypt. He built the greatest Pyramid for his sepulchre, and forbad the worship of the former Kings; intending to have been worshipped himself.
824. Cephren Reigns in Egypt, and builds another great Pyramid.
808. Mycerinus Reigns there, and begins the third great Pyramid. He shut up the body of his daughter in a hollow ox, and caused her to be worshipped daily with odours.
▶ 728ef5 (4) No.1865848>>1867465
Cheops didn't build shit except a boat. Cheops wrote his name on many great constructions.
These timelines are for the "profane", such as us peasants. What really happened is far more interesting.
The three great pyramids are much older than the shitty imitations and are not tombs.
The best theory I've heard is that they were irrigation water pumps that energetically charged the water, helping facilitate Egypt's great empire. Simultaneously, the surface of the pyramid would have such a high albedo that they would illuminate a huge region even with moonlight. The function of these utilitarian structures would have been lost over time and their purpose relegated to mythology.
Whatever they were they certainly weren't intended/built as tombs
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1867465
>Cheops didn't build shit except a boat. Cheops wrote his name on many great constructions.
Obviously not, I just found it hilarious that Newton thought such. The brightest mind of his age.
>These timelines are for the "profane", such as us peasants.
Well, unless the book is a psyop, it seems to be a Chronology written for the Queen and not meant for the public. See:
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1867605
> Herodotus [3] tells us, that the Priests of Egypt reckoned from the Reign of Menes to that of Sethon, who put Sennacherib to flight, three hundred forty and one Generations of men, and as many Priests of Vulcan, and as many Kings of Egypt: and that three hundred Generations make ten thousand years; for, saith he, three Generations of men make an hundred years: and the remaining forty and one Generations make 1340 years: and so the whole time from the Reign of Menes to that of Sethon was 11340 years. And by this way of reckoning, and allotting longer Reigns to the Gods of Egypt than to the Kings which followed them, Herodotus tells us from the Priests of Egypt, that from Pan to Amosis were 15000 years, and from Hercules to Amosis 17000 years. So also the Chaldæans boasted of their Antiquity; for Callisthenes, the Disciple of Aristotle, sent Astronomical Observations from Babylon to Greece, said to be of 1903 years standing before the times of Alexander the great. And the Chaldæans boasted further, that they had observed the Stars 473000 years; and there were others who made the Kingdoms of Assyria, Media and Damascus, much older than the truth.
> The age of speciation of H. sapiens out of ancestral H. erectus (or an intermediate species such as Homo heidelbergensis) is estimated to have taken place at roughly 300,000 years ago. Sustained archaic admixture is known to have taken place both in Africa and (following the recent Out-Of-Africa expansion) in Eurasia, between about 100,000 to 30,000 years ago.
Things that make you go hmmm….
▶ 2a1182 (1) No.1869221>>1869468 >>1872013
I haven't read through this thread yet (I will soon) but I recently came across a Germanic link to the Y head that Q has posted about a few times. I think it comes from a Germanic rune the nazi's used called the life rune. It's not exactly a Y, its inside of the peace symbol right side up, however the german word for it comes from the common germanic word for elk, which would explain the Rothschild elk head costume. I think we should dig into this.
Also I don't know if anyone has dug into this but the germanic tribes of Europe are more important than the vikings. They conquered Rome and much of Europe later on as the franks (merovingians and carolingians), eventually becoming the holy roman empire.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1869468
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1872013
Welcome! And yeah, we haven't covered anything Germanic yet. Your input would be much appreciated!
We are approaching this with absolutely no bias or taboo or preconceptions. Let the chips fall where they may, and feel free to speculate.
If you can back up your thoughts with evidence all the better but feel free to spitball too!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1874257
No offense but sounds like liberal impractical bullshit.
This is the same hippy dippy sneaky shit that will strengthen things like the UN and usher in the NWO. Nations must always exist, for the same reason capitalism needs competition "stay honest".
So the borders stay. We'll have to just get along instead of literally uniting.
Build the wall! Lock the door!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1875010>>1875026
(More strange passages from Newton's chronology)
Androgeus the son of Minos, upon his overcoming in the Athenæa, or quadrennial Games at Athens in his youth, was perfidiously slain out of envy: and Minos thereupon made war upon the Athenians, and compelled them to send every eighth year to Crete seven beardless Youths, and as many young Virgins, to be given as a reward to him that should get the Victory in the like Games instituted in Crete in honour of Androgeus. These Games seem to have been celebrated in the beginning of the Octaeteris, and the Athenæa in the beginning of the Tetraeteris, then brought into Crete and Greece by the Phœnicians and upon the third payment of the tribute of children, that is, about seventeen years after the said war was at an end, and about nineteen or twenty years after the death of Androgeus, Theseus became Victor, and returned from Crete with Ariadne the daughter of Minos
By means of these Colonies of Phœnicians, the people of Caria learnt sea-affairs, in such small vessels with oars as were then in use, and began to frequent the Greek Seas, and people some of the Islands therein, before the Reign of Minos: for Cadmus, in coming to Greece, arrived first at Rhodes, an Island upon the borders of Caria, and left there a Colony of Phœnicians, who sacrificed men to Saturn, and the Telchines being repulsed by Phoroneus, retired from Argos to Rhodes with Phorbas, who purged the Island from Serpents
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1875026
So according to Newton they did human sacrifices to Saturn on Rhode Island… That seems pretty interesting to me
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1875073
I'm also curious about the repeated statement that they came from the Red Sea. You know, the one that Moses parted?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1875124
Holy crap! This might be a huge connection:
That the Greeks were unwittingly aware of these cultural exchanges is reflected in the myth of Europa, a beautiful Phoenician princess whom Zeus seduced, disguised as a bull. When Europa came to pat the beautiful animal and even dared to sit on its back, the "bull" rushed away over land and sea to Crete, were he resumed his godly guise and poured out his declarations of love. Europa later became the mother of King Minos.
In other words, Europe is named after a fucking Phoenician princess! That bull story is very weird, probably means something else.
From here
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1875344>>1908708 >>1908883
It's amazing to me how powerful the Canaanites were. Until I started digging here I thought of them as a conquered, pathetic people. But actually they were the richest, rulers of the seas! The Phoenicians was a slang term for them, they didn't actually call themselves that.
I'm also starting to think that the Israelites were a break off group that couldn't stomach the notion of Child Sacrifice. Hence the story of Abraham and Isaac. I would be surprised if this was a remix of an original Canaanite tale that actually had Isaac killed and Abraham rewarded handsomely for it. So the Israelites desperately tried to reform.
This is why the so called tribes of Judah kept falling back into their old ways, it's because it was so much more fun and profitable.
So, it's not the Jews. The Jews don't exist. It's always been a battle of the Israelites vs the Canaanites, and they're the same race. So of course the Canaanites love hiding under this cover and blame the Israelites for all their evils.
They kept their secret religion going to this day, hidden in secret societies and mystery cults.
This is the so called pizzagate. This is also how a magic symbol from Solomon (who was almost certainly a Baal worshipper) came to become the symbol of Israel.
Unfortunately for the Israelites, the "Phoenicians" were and always have been rich beyond measure. Europe is literally named after one of their princesses.
Their highest levels are likely racially motivated, but they will let anyone join their immortal cause if they are willing to pledge a significant sacrifice.
I think this is an important distinction that can help determine who is actually behind the evil of our modern world.
Again! Be very careful not to think it is the Jews. That is the wall they hide behind. They're Canaanites but not Israelites.
Am I crazy?!
▶ 2cf0e9 (1) No.1876395
One more thought about the Phoenicians.
Isn't it amazing that hardly any writing or history from them themselves survived? They ruled the seas. They had many cities. They were the richest people of the day. Nothing survived? They wrote nothing? Or… perhaps they still exist and have surpressed this history and archeology and only let the slander of their enemies speak for them instead on purpose… Just an idea!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1882922>>1890328 >>1893293
So would anyone be willing to help me compile some notables from this bread? Going to need to bake #2 soon. I'm so proud of you anons!!
▶ 728ef5 (4) No.1885522>>1887051
Cyprus looks like one of the sites for some of the most ancient habitation. It's also located in such a place that people from Cyprus have access to many ancient shores.
Aphrodite https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphrodite
Adonis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adonis are also associated with Cyprus
Phoenicians also had settlements there
Seems like a post Atlantis site, tied up with Greece and Phoenicia.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1887051
Triple dubs!
Looks like Cyprus is also a testing ground for (((their))) plan to confiscate wealth. In 2013 the banks, after being bailed out, stole almost 50% of all savings on accounts over 100k. Because fuck the rich?
I wonder if anyone's been caught removing their money ahead of that action..
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1888967
Cyprus strikes me more as a Greek colony. The Greeks and Canaanites were fierce competitors for the sea trade. Cyprus and Greece have been constantly fucked over ever since it seems. In fact, the thought just occurred to me that the teachings of Jesus may be an Egyptian/Greek coup on them. As the Canaanites got more Hellenistic they built up their own saviour God that would overrule the old code
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1890328>>1890595
I can help if you'd like but I feel like overall, you'll know the notables in this thread better than anyone else. Though after all the information we have found, I don't know if we should call it a Nordic World Order. I have a feeling we still have no clue what that "N" stands for.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1890564
Not sure if this is relevant but I've been watching a bit of Troy on Netflix.
It slams Greece as horrible people who enslave their women and sacrifice their children.
Troy is portrayed as a women's liberation paradise.
Western society and modern democracy has everything to thank Greece for.
Are (((They))) projecting their ancient hatred of Greece onto an unwitting public to hide the fact that in fact it was (((them))) who bestowed slavery and child sacrifices unto the world?!
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1890595>>1897817
Yeah I was considering renaming it something different. The reason I like Nordic is because I do think that the main base of operations is currently in somewhere like Switzerland.
Problem with the Vikings is that alot of their mythos is largely made up.
As for notables just need help sorting out some of the best, most thoughtful research posts.
I'll also archive the whole thread
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1893293>>1895624
'im so proud of you anons'
that's a very unsual thing for an anon to say. I dont need a freaking pat on the head or patronized. it is really really irksome to be handed a doggie treat I didn't ask for.
ok anyway, rename the new bake. Nordic has nothing at all to do with the mediterranean and the middle east which is where we traced it all back to. The vikings may have landed in the New World before Columbus, but nothing of them or their scruffy civilization exists today, certainly not a new world order plot.
Obviously they traded with Phoenicians and travel
lled into the mediteranean, but travel is not a 'connection'.
Canaanite world order? possibly. I think OP just wanted to force a letter to replace N. Nimrodean World Order then. Because that's where we are at. Time and time and time again.
▶ 89f81f (1) No.1893803
i dont know if this is a larp or not
but i figured id put it here
rofschild alleged ama
talks alot of natural law
and how he is o so superior
and bloodlines
worth a read
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1895624>>1897788
Nimrod World Order. Perfect.
And I am proud of all of us, I never dreamed we'd get 700 posts. Most interesting shit ever!
And I still think Vikings are a clue, but you're right they are not the apex. I think they're a huge false flag. A method they used to inject themselves back into the nobility of the day.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1896099
I'm about to blow your mind. All this talk about Nimrod made me wonder about this famous legend.
Read this again. But, instead of thinking of this as a lame explanation about why the world has many languages.. Read it as the birth of the mystery cults. That Nimrod wanted to protect his belief system from the changes of time, to be immune from changes of languages, to be consistent even with the scattering of his people (which was inevitable). So to ensure an immortal legacy, he enshrined his evil thoughts into a language of symbology. And this is exactly what we're chasing down here.
The Tower of Babel
11 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,[a] they found a plain in Shinar[b] and settled there.
3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”
5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel[c]---because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.
▶ 3fbca1 (2) No.1896586
Don't be confused by the letter "N"
Its not the New world order,
but the Old World Order…….
Its about a return to feudalism,
where Kings rule by divine right,
where you and I are serfs,
slaves who exist, or die… at their pleasure……
▶ 3fbca1 (2) No.1896627
Oh dear……
When you say "Amen" at the end of your prayer….
You are dedicating not to God or Jesus,
But to Amon (Amen) Ra, the Egyptian Sun God….
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1897788>>1898079
Vikings raped and pillaged. They took what they wanted. They are just the guys who, when wandering through a smoking, gutted village thought 'Oh, this is nice. I want this.' and that's how they wound up with art, beads, clothing, ships, sails and even cats. Not a 'false flag', just theft.
▶ 494c3c (39) No.1897817>>1898079
oh, also, Switzerland is not 'nordic'. Swiss are a different people, ethnically and culturally than the Nordic nations: Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the places Vikings settled: Iceland, Greenland
Switzerland is part of Europe, and DNA wise they are mostly the same people as France and Germany and Austria. They have their own culture and ethnicity.
About time you pulled out a map I think.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1898079
Whoops, my bad. Right, Switzerland is right in the middle of Europe, right above Italy.
They did. And then they worked as body gaurds to the nobility. Sounds like they were hired hands and were told to go make a ruckus as a diversion. (or perhaps they could have just randomly decided to be assholes)
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1901589>>1907105 >>1908506 >>1908508
This is starting to feel like Freemasonry really is the apex of everything. Check the Phoenician link I just found:
The worship and the mysteries of the Egyptians at first passing through Moses among the Hebrews, where the primitive god of the Ethiopians, Youptitr or JupUer> re-ceived the name of You orJrJiova™ and Typhon, the genius of evil, was called Satan, and represented uuder the form of a serpent, passed subsequently into Phenicia, where they were celebrated at Tyre. 16 There the name of Osiris was changed to Adonai or Dyonisius, which also meant the son. Then these mysteries were successively introduced into Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Greece, Sicily, and Italy. In Greece and in Sicily Osiras took the name of Bacchus, and Jjris that of Ceres, of Cybele, of Rhea, and of Venus; while at Borne she was called the good goddess.
▶ 45a6a4 (1) No.1907105>>1907180
Linking alot there… Notice the connection? Stretch?
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1907180>>1912320 >>1934027
The goofy apron.. what is that about anyway?
I'm perplexed about Nimrod. I'm not sure he existed at all. Just like Osiris. I haven't verified this, but how do historians know which came first? The myth of Nimrod or the myth of Osiris? Could the Egyptians actually have influenced the great kings of Old Babylon and they just adapted their myths?
Part of me wants to think it's Egypt vs Babylon. But I dunno, I also want to think Egypt begot Babylon (slightly adapted to their environment). But historians tell us that Mesopotamia is the cradle of civilisation, so it must be Babylon begot Egypt?
I feel like the biggest clue we've come upon in this thread though is the notion of the Phoenix and how it's prevalent in so many emblems. I feel like it's a pledge and a signal that "We made the sacrifice, watch us rise!"… As you cannot have a phoenix without sacrifice.
I'm trying to think of the Canaanites as evil Baal/Moloch worshippers, and that Christianity was an adaption of Egypt mythology to overcome their slave-mind religion. At first, it was pure, but Paul the Apostle, once a follower of Mithra, came and quickly shilled Christianity back into a mind-slave religion instead of the freedom of self-trust it should be.
The more I look into this the more confused I'm getting, need some more evidence to really set me straight. I want to give up, but I feel like we are so close to a cohesive chronology of "How it all happened from then to today"
▶ 1548b8 (2) No.1908506
▶ 1548b8 (2) No.1908508
▶ 4c65b0 (1) No.1908585>>1909758 >>1933927
Guys, its the Nephilim World Order. The Phoenix rising from ashes, implies there was a civilization before this, the one that was ruled by the Nephilim, Giants, basically they were giants. There is a lot that points to this. Ancient structures with huge boulders. Now who could build that? Legends from all over the world which describe the giants in exactly the same way. Canaan used to have a lot of these giants
▶ 39f2a4 (6) No.1908708>>1908795 >>1908848
Was going to mention something about this earlier, but never got round to it. Here's a different take.
There are two factions.
You have to take Abraham and Isaac/Ishmael story in the context of the times. The ruling powers of the time worshipped Moloch/Marduk/Zeus/the Bull, etc. The deity that demanded sacrifice of children.
Abraham was shown that God is other than Moloch. He does not demand sacrifice. It was a test of faith but also a confirmation.
Thereby distinguishing the true God from these pagan deities.
It is recorded that the Roman soldiers who sacked Jerusalem were astonished when they entered the Temple could not understand why the room was empty. No idols, statues, etc. Just an empty room for communion. A prayer hall. A place of meditation. Remember the prohibition against making images of God?
The Romans experienced cognitive dissonance in a big way. >>1875344
▶ 39f2a4 (6) No.1908795>>1908848
The Greeks also were not a monolithic group as history would have it. The understanding of deity among some the philosophers for instance was not what one would expect of a people who built temples and prayed to marble statues in a Pantheon.
Here's Diogenes the Cynic trying to redpill a woman:
One day he saw a woman kneeling before the gods in an ungraceful attitude [exposing here rear end according to a different source], and wishing to free her of superstition, according to Zolus of Perga, he came forward and said, "Are you not afraid, my good woman, that a god may be standing behind you? -- for all things are full of his presence – and you may be put to shame?"
God is not the image. Not a thing.
The affidavit in the case, which is still preserved, says Favorinus, in the Metron, ran as follows: "This indictment and affidavit is sworn by Meletus, the son of Meletus of Pitthos, against Socrates, the son of Sophroniscus of Alopece: Socrates is guilty of refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state, and of introducing other new divinities. He is also guilty of corrupting the youth. The penalty demanded is death."
And there is one created universe,[74] seeing that it is perceptible to sense, which has been made by God. And it is animate because that which is animate is better than that which is inanimate.[75] And this piece of workmanship is assumed to come from a cause supremely good.[76] It was made one and not unlimited because the pattern from which he made it was one. And it is spherical because such is the shape of its maker. 72. For that maker contains the other living things, and this universe the shapes of them all.[77] It is smooth and has no organ all round because it has no need of organs. Moreover, the universe remains imperishable because it is not dissolved into the Deity.[78] And the creation as a whole is caused by God, because it is the nature of the good to be beneficent,[79] and the creation of the universe has the highest good for its cause. For the most beautiful of created things is due to the best of intelligible causes;[80] so that, as God is of this nature, and the universe resembles the best in its perfect beauty, it will not be in the likeness of anything created, but only of God.
Like Plato he held that God was incorporeal; that his providence extended to the heavenly bodies, that he is unmoved, and that earthly events are regulated by their affinity with them (the heavenly bodies).
There are others.
▶ 39f2a4 (6) No.1908848>>1908883
Here too are certain current apophthegms assigned to him:
Of all things that are, the most ancient is God, for he is uncreated.
The most beautiful is the universe, for it is God's workmanship.
The greatest is space, for it holds all things.
The swiftest is mind, for it speeds everywhere.
The strongest, necessity, for it masters all.
The wisest, time, for it brings everything to light.
But the first to use the term [philosopher], and to call himself a philosopher or lover of wisdom, was Pythagoras;[8] for, said he, no man is wise, but God alone.
"One god, greatest among gods and humans,
like mortals neither in form nor in thought."[22]
"But mortals think that the gods are born
and have the mortals' own clothes and voice and form."[22]
Regarding Xenophanes' theology five key concepts about God can be formed. God is: beyond human morality, does not resemble human form, cannot die or be born (God is divine thus eternal), no divine hierarchy exists, and God does not intervene in human affairs.[23] While Xenophanes is rejecting Homeric theology, he is not questioning the presence of a divine entity, rather his philosophy is a critique on Ancient Greek writers and their conception of divinity.[24] There is also the concept of God being whole with the universe, essentially controlling it, while at the same time being physically unconnected.
http s://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenophanes
▶ 39f2a4 (6) No.1908883>>1908889
A further distinction re Canaanites/Cannibals. The prohibition against pork.
Jesus casting demons into swine (making clear that swine is not kosher).
Pig farms as a means of erasing human remains.
Pork is human flesh substitute. KURU.
What/who are you eating? Do you know?
▶ 39f2a4 (6) No.1908889>>1908902
▶ 39f2a4 (6) No.1908902
Long pigs on long ships.
First as labor, then as food.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1909758>>1911301 >>1911848
I definitely think there's something to this. Besides, it's not impossible to think about Giants, we have beloved giants all over our museums in the Dinosaurs. So it's genetically possible for species to grow and shrink as time goes on.
I'm going to challenge you then. If they really are a part of this, what is their symbol? They can't resist making pretty logos for things, so what would identify a Nephillim specifically?
▶ 7b7055 (12) No.1911301
I am thinking the vikings were just ruled over by the cabal much like puppet regimes today.
▶ ff4e2f (6) No.1911840
Felt like sharing this here
▶ ff4e2f (6) No.1911848
I'll let you know when I find something
▶ 72d5ec (6) No.1912320>>1912694
>I feel like the biggest clue we've come upon in this thread though is the notion of the Phoenix and how it's prevalent in so many emblems. I feel like it's a pledge and a signal that "We made the sacrifice, watch us rise!"… As you cannot have a phoenix without sacrifice.
I feel like you just articulated something very important that we all need to keep in mind as we keep looking at all this symbology.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1912694
The trick is now to turn this research into something digestible.
It CANNOT be another "blame the Jews" type thing though, as that doesn't work. Whether true, or not true, it's plain to see that the normies will never look past those three letters and read on.
I feel like we can play up the Phoenix though. Everyone loves the Phoenix, but if we can turn it on it's head and have people realise what it really means.. it might get them connecting the dots on their own.
Afterall, this IS NOT ABOUT RACE. Perhaps it's true that the Canaanites perpetuate most of this nonsense, but the problem is that others can join the cause and a great many more can be bamboozled by the cause. And it's also very true that many Canaanites don't want anything to do with this, some have even turned away and pledged to a wholey different religion or no religion at all. So the racism angle isn't sound and won't be effective anyway.
The Order of the Phoenix?
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1913998>>1914077 >>1914403
N does not stand for New or Nazi
The New Order (German: Neuordnung), or the New Order of Europe (German: Neuordnung Europas), was the political order which Nazi Germany wanted to impose on the conquered areas under its dominion. The establishment of the New Order had already begun long before the start of World War II, but was publicly proclaimed by Adolf Hitler in 1941:
The year 1941 will be, I am convinced, the historical year of a great European New Order.[1]
Among other things, it entailed the creation of a pan-German racial state structured according to Nazi ideology to ensure the supremacy of an Aryan-Nordic master race, massive territorial expansion into Central and Eastern Europe through its colonization with German settlers, the physical annihilation of the Jews, the Slavs (especially Poles and Serbs), Roma ("gypsies") and others considered to be "unworthy of life" and the extermination, expulsion or enslavement of most of the Slavic peoples and others regarded as "racially inferior".[2] Nazi Germany's desire for aggressive territorial expansionism was one of the most important causes of World War II.
Historians are still divided as to its ultimate goals, some believing that it was to be limited to Nazi German domination of Europe, while others maintain that it was a springboard for eventual world conquest and the establishment of a world government under German control.[3]
The Führer gave expression to his unshakable conviction that the Reich will be the master of all Europe. We shall yet have to engage in many fights, but these will undoubtedly lead to most wonderful victories. From there on the way to world domination is practically certain. Whoever dominates Europe will thereby assume the leadership of the world.
--- Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda and close associate of Hitler, 8 May 1943[4]
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1914077>>1914116 >>1914403
The term Neuordnung originally had a different and more limited meaning than in its present usage. It is typically translated as New Order, but a more correct translation would actually be more akin to reorganization
Before completing the expected German conquest of Europe, the Nazi leadership hoped to keep the United States out of the war.[85] In an interview with Life in the spring of 1941, Hitler stated that a German invasion of the Western Hemisphere was as fantastic as an invasion of the moon, and was a lie promoted by American big business hoping to gain from war profiteering.[86]
American pro-Nazi movements such as the Friends of the New Germany and the German-American Bund played no role in Hitler's plans for the country, and received no financial or verbal support from Germany after 1935.[87] However, certain Native American advocate groups, such as the fascist-leaning American Indian Federation, were to be used to undermine the Roosevelt administration from within by means of propaganda.[88][89] In addition, in an effort to gain Native American support, the Nazis classified the Sioux, and by extension all Native Americans, to be Aryans,[88] a theory echoed in the sympathetic portrayal of the Natives in German westerns of the 1930s such as Der Kaiser von Kalifornien. Nazi propagandists went as far as declaring that Germany would return expropriated land to the Indians, while Goebbels predicted they possessed little loyalty to America and would rather rebel than fight against Germany.[88] As a boy, Hitler had been an enthusiastic reader of Karl May westerns[9] and he told Albert Speer that he still turned to them for inspiration as an adult when he was in a tight spot;[90] the Karl May westerns contained highly sympathetic portrayals of American Indians.
Approximately nine months before the United States joined the Allies, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt made a reference to the New Order in a speech he gave on March 15, 1941, recognizing Hitler's hostility towards the United States and the destructive potential it represented, about which Roosevelt was quite acutely aware:
…Nazi forces are not seeking mere modifications in colonial maps or in minor European boundaries. They openly seek the destruction of all elective systems of government on every continent, including our own. They seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers who seize power by force.
Yes, these men and their hypnotized followers call this a "New Order." It is not new, and it is not order. For order among nations presupposes something enduring, some system of justice under which individuals over a long period of time are willing to live. Humanity will never permanently accept a system imposed by conquest, and based on slavery. These modern tyrants find it necessary to their plans to eliminate all democracies --- eliminate them one by one. The nations of Europe, and indeed we, ourselves, did not appreciate that purpose. We do now
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1914116>>1914187
>the Nazis classified the Sioux, and by extension all Native Americans, to be Aryans,[88] a theory echoed in the sympathetic portrayal of the Natives in German westerns of the 1930s such as Der Kaiser von Kalifornien. Nazi propagandists went as far as declaring that Germany would return expropriated land to the Indians
History holds many oddities that we may never fully understand, either through incomplete documentation, disinterest at the time, or simply a big question mark that hangs over all. Among these are mysterious tribes of people that have been encountered and confronted in all corners of the globe, often vanishing before we really understand them and leaving us perplexed at just who they were or where their origins lie. One such tribe was a mysterious group of Native Americans who appeared to explorers as something quite European in nature, although their ways and beginnings have always been cloaked in shadows. Known mostly from historical accounts, their origins remain murky, their lineage uncertain, and they are a historical curiosity we may never fully understand.
During the era of early European contact, the native peoples of North America held many curiosities for explorers and settlers coming to this new, wild land. These tribes were numerous, and displayed rich variety between different cultures, as well as myriad languages, customs, and traditions that inspired awe, wonder, curiosity, bafflement, and even fear in the European adventurers who bravely delved into this uncharted new world and tried to tame it. Yet as fascinating as these new peoples were, perhaps the most interesting was an alleged tribe of natives who were said to look decidedly Caucasian in nature.
The first reports of what would come to be known as the Mandan tribe began to trickle out from French explorers in the region of the Missouri River in present-day North and South Dakota in the early 1700s. These natives were said to have rather fair skin and to have red or blonde hair and blue or grey eyes, and indeed especially the women were purportedly so Nordic in appearance that if it were not for their clothing they were said to be nearly indistinguishable from whites. In 1738, the French Canadian trader Sieur de la Verendrye made the first official outside contact with the Mandan and described them as living in 9 villages at a tributary of the Missouri river called the Heart River, and noted that they also exhibited customs that were decidedly more European than the neighboring tribes.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1914187
By 1784 the word had gotten out on this mysterious tribe of blue-eyed Indians, and they were featured in the media, with the August 24, 1784 edition of the Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser proclaiming that a new tribe of white people had been discovered and that they were “acquainted with the principles of the Christian religion” and “extremely courteous and civilized.” Perhaps one of the more famous of the explorers to come across the Mandan was none other than Lewis and Clark, who visited the tribe in 1804 and described them as “half-white,” as well as peaceful, civilized, courteous, and polite. They also noted that the tribe’s numbers had dwindled significantly due to the frequent small pox epidemics that terrorized them, as well as attacks against them by neighboring tribes, namely the Assiniboine, Lakota, Arikara and the Sioux.
Another idea on the Mandan origins is that they came from pre-Columbian visitations by Viking explorers. The first official European to ever officially make contact with the Mandan tribe, Sieur de la Verendrye, claimed that at the time he had found a strange runestone with Nordic inscriptions on a riverside near the village. The stone was allegedly sent to France to be studied but it is unclear what happened to the “Verendrye Runestone” after that, and indeed it is uncertain if it ever really existed at all. Unless the stone ever turns up again it remains just as mysterious as the Mandan.
The idea of Vikings in the New World before the days of Columbus has been talked about for some time, with one prevalent and somewhat controversial theory having to do with Eric Thorwaldsson, also more famously known as “The Red,” who established two colonies on the coast of Greenland in 986. The story goes that Eric The Red then abandoned these outposts when the wild, rugged land proved to be too cold and forbidding, and made his way to North America along with the colonists. The theory then claims that the King of Norway is then said to have sent an expedition to the New World to find out what had happened to them, and that this expedition made their way up the rivers to end up in the Dakotas and other areas, after which they became stranded and then assimilated into the native tribes, giving them their Nordic genes.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1914329
CIA and Operation Phoenix in Vietnam
▶ 6bca46 (1) No.1914403>>1914641
Q says N =/= New in NWO.
New = Neue.
Neue Weltordnung = New World Order.
Neuordnung = New Order. You say = Reorganization.
Neuordnung Weltordnung =/= NWO. Makes no sense.
N =/= Neuordnung.
Keep digging.
▶ 6589e8 (48) No.1914641
I agree, makes no sense.
Just posted it out of curiosity.
Never knew it meant reorganization.
▶ ad4730 (1) No.1914949>>1924490
this just reminded me of the UCC / DC flag. we are on to something here anons. UCC is ALL CONTRACTS
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1921018
I'm starting to wonder if there were ANY good guys in WW2
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1924488
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I watched this once years ago but rewatching it again with all the above research in mind is actually pretty mind blowing.
Jordan Maxwell - Genesis Translated
This guy dives into the original "Hebrew" to decode whats really going on.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1924490
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1927192>>1928155
I got a little carried away on this.
I think I only covered half of what's really going on here.
What do you guys think?!
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1928155>>1930681
It's a good summary of some of the symbols but it doesn't really explain why we're connecting these things together and why the "Y" is so important to this board.
You'll definitely want to include this Q drop that mentions "Y" as a key element.
I think these pictures are very important to the summary.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1930681>>1934579 >>1939105
Yeah… fuck.. i dunno, as I started OCDing on the graphic I started thinking that there's just too fucking much for a single graphic. I wanted to include Q drops. I wanted to include more Phoenix examples.. more Masonic examples.. more Egypt and Babylon.. more Vikings.. more UN…
At the same tIme I don't want to host a website or author a whole PDF…
It would also be great if it could still be "open", like a wiki we could all work on, and remain anonymous.
I love 8ch, but it's not a great format for actually organising the final big picture.
Any thoughts on how to take this to the next level??
▶ 34ff24 (4) No.1933927>>1938007
So do you think the world reserve of Nephilim are in stasis in the cities of Antarctica?
▶ 34ff24 (4) No.1934027
all these confusing civilizations, mythologies, histories, artworks make more sense if you think about the fact that there have been humans on earth for over 300,000 years.
Usually the Bull is associated with the Age of Taurus, which most of us would believe was in the day of Moses. But what if it was 24,000 years before Moses, or 48,000 years….
The peoples of India call the progression of the equinoxes, the Kali Yuga… there writings indicate that this is a continuous cycle of approximate 26,000 years.
Our world is much older than the average anon believes.
▶ 34ff24 (4) No.1934221>>1934579 >>1937008 >>1938897
These are the 13 families? On the R board, there was a post suggesting Jackie may have had something to do with death of JFK. I disregarded it, but now… losing at both Kennedy and Onassis as part of the 13 families, I am questioning this.
Just did a quick bio search on Jackie… She was definitely an elite. Elites marry to consolidate power… Hmmmmm
▶ 7b7055 (12) No.1934579
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.
I have always seen the chans as a place to post necessary info, gather necessary info then compile/organize it on your own/offline then re-post the coherent results. Hence the "lurk moar" aspect to the chans, however, when posters are not properly assimilated much like us immigration they do whatever they want and ignore the proper way of how things are done.
Sort of Jackie Kennedy was re-married to Aristotle Onassis
Onassis' son died in peculiar circumstances similar to jfk jr plane crash
He also claimed the CIA killed his son but that info was scrubbed a day or two ago from wiki all the more reason too archive..
here is decent video explaining jfk jr assassination and some players albeit they downplay the clintons role and overplay the bush's. You will see some familiar faces. WJC was President, JP WH CoS, HRC running for NY Senate which JFK Jr was running for. It also has a little info about his magazine GEORGE. Makes DJT Jr's tweet about Democrat/JFK Party dead all the more relevant.
I tried to embed the video but if it does not embed copy and paste into the browser
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1937008
EL ite
EL der
EL ection
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1937023
I'll be baking a new bread tomorrow under NIMROD WORLD ORDER
It's obvious that this is all about Babylon
Thing is, I don't think Nimrod ever existed. And the tower of babel was likely a new Babylon project. Need to decide this!!
Start digging on Nimrod
▶ ff4e2f (6) No.1938007
▶ 34ff24 (4) No.1938535
Popping in here with something new.
I watched a vid some time ago, re: calendars, rewriting history, and the writing of dates. It seems that in lets say 432 AD, the way it was written was i432. The "i" indicated AD. The premise of the vid was that we lost 1000 years to which history was re-written. So modern day scholars see a date of i432 and interpret it as 1432. All the history of 1000 years is made up.
▶ a416fb (1) No.1938897
Take it for what a incarnated alien is saying on twatter. I believe him and thus his theory. Jackie = part of cabal that made a choice.
▶ 96f4e5 (30) No.1939105
I think you're doing great, don't get discouraged. You don't need EVERYTHING on this one image. But if you start off with the Q drop and lead people to why the Phoenicians themselves are connected to "Y" and go from there, you'll have a great launching point to get people looking into this more. You are baking a good infographic, it just needs more time in the oven. If you want me to take a stab at it, just let me know.
▶ 6fb301 (187) No.1940230