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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

9c1adb No.1704877

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Board Rules (Please read the rules) https://8ch.net/qresearch/rules.html

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's "Proofs" Authenticating Q >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

FF weather alert (WW).

Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.


Q's Latest Posts

Monday 06.11.2018

>>1704083 rt >>1704039 ---- Patriot.

>>1704013 rt >>1703935 ---- What recent news came out re: SR/JA/WL lawsuit?

>>1703795 rt >>1703606 ---- What else might (23) refer to?

>>1703304 ----------------------- They (you) will fail

>>1702026 rt >>1701934 ---- PUNISHER

>>1701934 rt >>1701838 ---- This statement should ring alarms.

>>1701838 ----------------------- #[[[RR]]]#

>>1700867 rt >>1700690 ---- Provides Timeframe. (Winter Wonderland, London)

>>1700371 ----------------------- London pics [prev]. Year determined?

>>1700175 ----------------------- EU sanctions (IRAN). Nothing to do w/ NUKES (cover_). Hussein pallets of cash. More coming. Got Popcorn?

>>1699928 rt >>1699813 ---- There will be many redactions on the IG report. Optics are meaningful. Political hit job narrative. Who appointed Huber?

>>1699764 rt >>1699750 ---- IG>Huber. You have more than you know.

>>1699714 ----------------------- What is Kim REALLY doing? The World is Safer. IRAN developments...

>>1699229 rt >>1699199 ---- Gardens by the Bay. See prev pic. Timestamp. Coincidence? Everything shown has meaning. You are watching a 'scripted' movie.

>>>/patriotsfight/103 ----------- Where Was Kim Tonight?

Sunday 06.10.2018

>>1694930 ----------------------- Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.

>>1694863 rt >>1694833 ---- Not necessarily from /ourguy/s…

>>1694816 ----------------------- Every single picture posted is ORIGINAL.

>>1694734 ----------------------- Track ALL suicides.

>>>/patriotsfight/102 ----------- Specx.png

>>>/patriotsfight/101 ----------- #FLY[RR]FLY#

>>1693998 ----------------------- Not POTUS.

>>>/patriotsfight/100 ----------- Start the Clock.

Sunday 06.03.2018


Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ----------------------- Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown, >>1510286 Useful filters & >>1652199, >>1674519 Freedom of Speech

9c1adb No.1704882


are not endorsements


>>1666554 BO Creates Static Welcome Pages For Newfags

>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO


>>1704225, >>1704229, >>1704285 New Trump tweet, missing i & p

>>1704235 Curious that Q is mentioning the server again.

>>1704323 UCMJ Article 23

>>1704371 Why won’t Seth Rich’s brother authorize Wikileaks to tell what it knows?

>>1704379 Here's where I'm at on "the big picture".

>>1704574 Storm building up just off the mexican/cali coast

>>1704583 Tick Tock Pope

>>1704590 HAARP Wave

>>1704618 AP picked up on asylum change

>>1704668 Netflix down: site and app not working amid mystery outage

>>1704694 Weather: Tornado warning including Fremont NE, Cedar Bluffs NE, Inglewood NE until 5:45 PM CDT

>>1704733 Earthquake update

>>1704777 Skull&Bones trending

>>1704843 United flight from Rome to Chicago diverted to Ireland after bomb threat

>>1704853 Planefag Update


>>1703421 BO on the run tip off?!

>>1703463 Graphic on [RR]

>>1703576 Interesting about Kate Spade, isn't it?

>>1703563 Dilley = ETS & other LARPS

>>1703652 Roseanne apologizes to Soros..

>>1703674 Doorknob suicides pattern

>>1703739 New Trump tweet on meetings

>>1703828 Trump-Kim Summit: US willing to offer North Korea ‘unique’ security guarantees in exchange for denuclearisation, says Pompeo

>>1704079 Planefag Update


>>1702660 Trump adm. new moves on asylum

>>1702663 EU Protecting its companies in Iran

>>1702711 RR & LDR together in Montreal

>>1702738 [RR] has some interesting comments in his speech in Canada!

>>1702748 Bomb threat jet diverts to Shannon

>>1702756 Re-unification not just de-nuclearization.

>>1702885 December 2015 London tube attack

>>1702897 President Barack Obama has big plans for Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren

>>1702914 5.4 EQ in Japan

>>1702961 Two people jump to deaths in apparent suicides: cops

>>1702977 ‘Star Trek’ actor Jon Paul Steuer died of suicide

>>1703015 Argentina President says Obama adm. tried to convince her to provide Iran w/ Nuclear Fuel

>>1703023 Trump-Kim summit : Former NBA star Dennis Rodman arrives in Singapore

>>1703047, >>1703287 Imran Awan is now working as an employee of the law firm of his defense attorney, an ex-Hillary Clinton aide

>>1703138, >>1703181, >>1703182 Active shooter at Dept. of Justice building in DC (Called off)

>>1703180 Crypto's are here to stay

>>1703184 Both pictures are of the same thing, different angles

>>1703293 Hannity to interview Trump and will have a press conference

>>1703331 Planefag Update


>>1701888 RR in Canada

>>1701905 Hyde Park visitors covertly tracked via mobile phone data

>>1701910 Request to unseal Weiner laptop approved on June 8th

>>1701919, >>1702043 Graphic proving pics had to be taken before 2013

>>1701927 Beijing puts missiles back onto South China Sea islands

>>1702098 [RR] in killbox

>>1702147 US flag raised on Epstein Island

>>1702151, >>1701916 Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull is evil

>>1702248 Iran, China to use national currencies in trade

>>1702270, >>1702327 Justice Department tweet on RR in Canada, Transcript of speech

>>1702423 Airkek updates

>>1702543 Planefag Updates


>>1701091 WL retweeting “collapse of NK” article from 2011

>>1701159 Human trafficking event re: boat landing in Laguna Beach, CA

>>1701129 ; >>1701206 On the plausibility of photos being pulled from Strzok, Page phones (analysis)

>>1701158 Better Strzok/Page facial comparison

>>1701160 Photo comparison: person by green trashcan is the same

>>1701291 Iran developments

>>1701328 Cryin’ Chuck Schumer throws temper tantrum over SCOTUS voter roll decision

>>1701364 Kate Spade’s proximity to Perfect Pizza

>>1701428 On photos from MI and Page, indicating further that “we have it all” (commentary)

>>1701523 Possibility of woman in photo being Ali Watkins

>>1701546 Possibility of couple in photos being Bill Priestap and wife

>>1701571 Israeli intel: DJT’s pressure on Iran working better than expected

>>1701606 Federal prosecutors reveal complaint about health and safety violations at NYCHA

>>1701644 Possibility of couple in photo being Imran Awan and wife

>>1701772 More media conglomeration: Comcast to formalize all-cash bid for 21st Century Fox

>>1701787 On Jorge Pueblo, attorney who represented Laura Silsby; both child traffickers

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

9c1adb No.1704884

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1618616 - Tucson Human Trafficking Thread

Graphics of All Q's Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1628987

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>1683845 >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 —————————————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————– >>>/comms/966

9c1adb No.1704895

File: 1682a1489ee7d97⋯.jpg (137.38 KB, 693x519, 231:173, _lbmmfw4jrdq.jpg)

Dough #2145



9c1adb No.1704902

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon -------------------- http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

9c1adb No.1704910

File: baeaa8e784d25bd⋯.jpg (91.64 KB, 500x403, 500:403, _65cl8zztezm.jpg)

>>1704902, >>1704895

wrong order, kek

0fd980 No.1704913

Random and yes, Q-related:" Rubbit" is a shit show. The (G)iganic(A)sshole blub… It is the worst.


18761c No.1704918

The -23 could have referred to Psalm 23…

938949 No.1704938


Q, special request since today is 6/11.

Think Mirror.


Can you drop a 9/11 nugget for us?

985b42 No.1704948

File: a47c9dcb7bb16b3⋯.jpeg (75.04 KB, 666x523, 666:523, 45A6E392-60D9-47DE-B0ED-E….jpeg)

Don’t forget to support PAYtriots

b1cb10 No.1704949

File: ef151c477d5e02b⋯.png (2.27 KB, 582x39, 194:13, bai.png)

A famous Twitter LARP's reaction to being pointed out what Q's post about the 11th could have meant. Good riddance! Please follow suit.

1e10aa No.1704950

File: 184762803cf1f51⋯.jpg (26.44 KB, 683x205, 683:205, EO 13823.JPG)


Past statement was directed @ confirmation statements, not

assumptions (+JA throw in).

These are spread to discredit knowing will not materialize.

Good decoding.

Technically US 11th = SING 12th, correct?

What else might (23) refer to?

Dash v Minus?



3337da No.1704951

File: 1b7376dda0bf9c6⋯.jpg (124.5 KB, 685x666, 685:666, fox-3.jpg)

Who wants to take bets QTeam = CambAnal time distracting the webboard normies.

Oldfags, return to irc!

48f390 No.1704952

File: 7822c5a22c47603⋯.png (122.22 KB, 253x356, 253:356, 2bc2807719fd9e7b2f853330f6….png)


It's all good, Baker.

Marvelous work.

9e3661 No.1704953



NowC@mesTHEP@ain—-23!!! =

Tminus 23 days on until the cabal has pain due to the NK summit and the PUBLIC freeing of NK/KJU

trip reveal on the 5/19/18 and 23 days from then is today (in USA) 6/11/18 (6/12/18 in SING)

58611e No.1704954

In 'Bridge of Spies' when Tom Hanks, who plays Tom Hanks, asked why he was negotiating, they responded by saying the US and USSR governments could not officially communicate so they used non government civilians to arrange details.

Could Rodman have been doing this under BHO? seems unlikely that BHO wouldn't know about Rodman being recruited by white hats and working in NK.

b1cb10 No.1704955


Building 7

f1d1d8 No.1704956

File: b046e4e608ee59f⋯.png (187.56 KB, 280x350, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

IP = Isadore Partouche?

serious chess connections. hosts FIDE events

researched this guy back in January. dubious at best

c3d3c0 No.1704957

File: 9051c9546a3d9f7⋯.png (229.41 KB, 1098x669, 366:223, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 8b8ebf47a8c7293⋯.png (140.32 KB, 628x548, 157:137, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 04322fb5fe2848b⋯.png (146.88 KB, 622x601, 622:601, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: a29e9951a942c55⋯.png (121.06 KB, 244x461, 244:461, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 60a1eb40bede1a3⋯.png (61.91 KB, 631x240, 631:240, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)


13f6c4 No.1704958

>>1704759 (lb)

Did you ever stop to think that there is a SHIT TON of other things going on that needs to be considered as well? Things we don't know about and may never know about. It's not just about the US & RR ffs. Re-read crumbs, or don't. Either figure it out or GTFO.

c3d3c0 No.1704959

File: 1eefede552ac264⋯.png (59.7 KB, 190x343, 190:343, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: be25ae32eb8de98⋯.jpeg (64.08 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, clare-and-sara-bronfman.jpeg)

File: 19b018349270166⋯.png (161.6 KB, 234x456, 39:76, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 992345bd0bf78a5⋯.jpeg (38.94 KB, 284x288, 71:72, Dennis_Burke_US_Attorney.jpeg)

File: e7994677defc160⋯.png (34.88 KB, 232x300, 58:75, raniere-mexico-ny-times.png)

488903 No.1704960

File: 9eff03db625902e⋯.png (96.01 KB, 791x568, 791:568, ClipboardImage.png)

What recent news came out re: SR/JA/WL lawsuit?



81a760 No.1704961

File: 1e06432c2e5faf0⋯.png (189.32 KB, 500x502, 250:251, baker-ty-pepe-crisps.png)

bfd2d2 No.1704962


Holy shit last bread!!

Faggot you are on to something.





These posts have increasing prime deltas in days as we go forward. Starting from the first and going backwards the previous prime number (37) in your sequence, lands us on 2/11.

Q posts about no name. Says “We don’t say his name returning to prime time.”


Previous step backwards now 31 days.

No Q posts but lands on our universal Q marker of 1/11. Probably a tweet about prime numbers to find here.

Next step backwards 29 days to 12/13. Only possible prime clue I can find here in drops is: “Not everything can be stated 1:1.”

Then back 23 days to 11/20. Q confirmed half of the map this day, or 1/2. Also:

Expand your thinking.

What are patterns?

How are patterns formed and isolated?

What are data sets?

Now go back 19 days, you may see where I’m going with this.

19 back is 11/1. There goes 111 again in this prime timeline. Also a huge day for Q drops overall.

Now the kicker, drumroll...., go back 17 days, you land on 10/28. The day of Qs first drop. Start the prime “clounter” at 17, go forward in increasing prime increments by the day, and it leads to this glorious faggot’s linked photo above.

0af5d5 No.1704963


This was news to me, after searching the significance of the number 23 in history:


f02eed No.1704964


whether or not, it certainly applies.

26d20f No.1704965

File: 01cdf59a4df4168⋯.png (45.67 KB, 665x333, 665:333,

Found IP from Q crumbs way back,

FTP active but no KEY to UNLOCK.

Chantilly VA located, Close to Aircraft Museum and the 2017 Bilderberg meeting, maybe not related.

475b0b No.1704966

File: f4379df5584c161⋯.jpg (204.39 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, f4379df5584c1613d3e23ce212….jpg)

I hope POTUS says this…soon.

love you anons

love to Q and POTUS

b0ee33 No.1704967

I in Missile

P in Stopped

Simple. He stopped the missile

328975 No.1704968

File: e426d7b41188681⋯.jpg (288.64 KB, 1580x717, 1580:717, ComfyAssKicking_muh_filter….jpg)

File: f7c22948f493702⋯.jpg (399.98 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, BB9.jpg)

File: ac2ff78d4178dbb⋯.jpg (63.98 KB, 500x399, 500:399, 82d3f2c4a7830c501e1f93b1fa….jpg)

File: e7e7f22649d9335⋯.png (378.73 KB, 1296x471, 432:157, muh_hel[ar]pers.png)

c283ad No.1704969

Shitty toys in the attic eh ?

e406ce No.1704970


Hit it 750 too.


ec37ca No.1704971



1eae44 No.1704972



70c169 No.1704973

I'm going with the Intellectual Property for the meaning of IP

0931e7 No.1704974

File: ae49f93c56642bb⋯.jpg (31.36 KB, 474x498, 79:83, downloadfile.jpg)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, 2an3r9~2.jpg)

I'm muh dick guy, and I have spent thousands of hours peppering your breads with revolting images in the vain hope of instinctively driving people away from this place.

I just assume you all like that and that my content is now 'normal' here so I can cry censorship when I'm the real one dedicated to driving people away from this place.

PS: Don't call me out on projection.

PPS: Yes this post has been edited by a mod ; )

Post last edited at

ccc712 No.1704975

File: f54cfcac4936d25⋯.jpg (299.55 KB, 1199x872, 11:8, trump pc pepe.jpg)


f02eed No.1704976

File: 55d432efbb19731⋯.png (211.81 KB, 695x411, 695:411, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fe1e09137e314d⋯.jpeg (11.3 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 62c45bd16bb11d92be1813915….jpeg)

9e31b5 No.1704977

File: afc1f1426e89690⋯.jpg (29.51 KB, 495x412, 495:412, afc1f1426e8969000ba784ce42….jpg)

>>1704828 last bread

Signature eyebrows

475b0b No.1704978

9e3661 No.1704979


try to resist the muh larp shills

filter and carry on (or if YOU REALLY have to, one fuck you then filter)

T minus 2 hours!!!

f02eed No.1704980

File: e90425ff08e95df⋯.png (1.16 MB, 803x982, 803:982, lefag.PNG)

2913ab No.1704981

Is Q talking about the DNC server or HRC server?

What recent news came out re: SR/JA/WL lawsuit?

Back in the news.

The 'server' brings down the house.


7e5277 No.1704982

File: 0d7994cbc8e5365⋯.png (22.13 KB, 810x297, 30:11, morsecode.png)

could this be our dash or minus?

ccc712 No.1704983


Well observed kek

e38f0c No.1704984

File: fda3dcf37151e70⋯.png (106.71 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorSM.png)

18761c No.1704985

I never have much trouble figuring out why Seth's family family is doing what they are doing.

The Dems sent a handler to them right away, told them what to do, and reminded them in strong terms that at least they have one son left.

As a parent, that would be mighty persuasive.

c3d3c0 No.1704986

File: ce4e48e1836cbad⋯.png (89.99 KB, 458x598, 229:299, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)




9e31b5 No.1704987


It had the word military after it.

62a070 No.1704988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



240f01 No.1704989


Chekt, kekt, and rekt!

f02eed No.1704990

File: 77fdd11a3e9a9a9⋯.png (280.05 KB, 964x892, 241:223, ClipboardImage.png)

4bff96 No.1704991

>>1703942 (lb)

He didn't point it out because you should have never fallen for Twitter LARPs to begin with. Q said no outside comms; why is that so hard to understand?

937fc4 No.1704992


Today they did the ribbon cutting on the new WTC3 building.

f55b19 No.1704993


When was Rodman first there?

Could've been working for Trump if the plan was already in place.

ceb3e4 No.1704994

>>1704855 lb

>Perfect Pizza

Oh shit, that's taking me back to halfchan days before Q!

3590f3 No.1704996

>>1704579 (last bread)

so another 11/11 then eh?

d61845 No.1704998


lol not dilley. just a grannyanon making a point. i chose the right side and lost most my family and friends over trump and Q so losing (you) is fuck all. go kys faggot you are blocking my view of the movie

9e3661 No.1704999


in this context the DNC server

the HRC server was the one that was acidwashed/bleachbit and MAYBE (probably) other nations got some

the DNC server was the one that was leaked by SR to JA/WL, and was never obtained by the F_I

f7db1b No.1705000

Will Trump negotiate the return of the USS Pueblo held by Norks?

da8b6c No.1705001


Yes, you understand

f65e14 No.1705002


DNC server - brings down the "house" - Democrat congress people - they all knew.

300e1c No.1705003


Muh Dick Creator:

1) Creator of the worst meme in the history of 8ch

2) an accomplished cock sucker

3) a flaming faggot

4) a lonely larp

71453a No.1705004

File: 1042f5259a2e943⋯.jpeg (174.69 KB, 640x1044, 160:261, 97994D86-0E6C-480C-9FF4-5….jpeg)

Posted this last bread, don’t know if anyone gave it a gander.

I’m beginning to think that the Booms are indicative of when an operation is successful at hitting the cabal close to home, as if Q is knocking at their door?

“Boom boom boom boom” is a very common and easily recognized knock at a door.

Might also refer to this song, “Knocking at your back door” by Deep Purple (!!!). It one was one of the first suggested results beside “Knocking at Heaven’s Door” by Bob Dylan. Q might be telling us that the cabal just got screwed over behind the scenes.

9d91bf No.1705005

File: 6a19ef30c33c367⋯.jpg (5.41 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images-24.jpg)


add this next to doorknobs.

3590f3 No.1705006


is it Schiff?


2913ab No.1705008


Thank you.

f7db1b No.1705009


Was it a Cheshire Cat?

9c1adb No.1705010

File: 038078982084356⋯.png (1.02 MB, 859x897, 859:897, FireShot Capture 246 - 6tj….png)

Top kek! from voat:


bfd2d2 No.1705011


Shortened version of above.

Start a counter at 17 on 10/28. Go forward by next prime number, 19, then by 23, etc.

Lands on 11/1, 1/11, and all BOOM posts stacked on top of each other.

39a1fa No.1705012

Evening news in probably the bluest state in the union ( every channel ), not a single word about Singapore.

e38f0c No.1705014

File: 245b5743c1c47dc⋯.png (95.87 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorOK.png)

9e3661 No.1705015


5. angry and petulant teenager

e30220 No.1705016


what missle ?

9e9353 No.1705017


23 DOJ members arrested today?

34eb27 No.1705018

File: ec945136fca06ef⋯.gif (35.99 KB, 300x303, 100:101, infragard.gif)

FBI using civilian informants! Shut it down

f02eed No.1705020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fe568e No.1705021

File: c0944f6b8130be7⋯.jpg (22.83 KB, 320x320, 1:1, syntest1answer.jpg)

File: 9f67af97c613023⋯.png (14.13 KB, 505x434, 505:434, musicalcolors.png)

File: 9cd0168b317ab90⋯.jpg (42.56 KB, 557x652, 557:652, synesthesia.jpg)


>Numbers as colors?

Synesthesia...the quieter cousin to autism :))) There's many forms of it, including "conceptual".

Going to hunt down that vid. Will link it here if i find. ...ty...

0af5d5 No.1705022


Or that. Whoa, that's one helluva rabbit hole:


7314a9 No.1705023


So Begins the Holy War?

74e955 No.1705024

File: 6ec4d3fb654c4db⋯.png (49.6 KB, 932x703, 932:703, trust_name_.png)


Psa 9:10

And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

9e3661 No.1705025

File: 5b207596b0f4f21⋯.png (143.49 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

f55b19 No.1705027


Didn't Q use missle with a missing I before?

796c18 No.1705029


>What else might (23) refer to?


>Next DOJ - offer open [2].

>Next C_A - offer open [3].

#2 at the DOJ

#3 Clown? (Ukn.)

300e1c No.1705030


is the muh dick guy from LA?

cce632 No.1705031

File: b01dbfedfe8d951⋯.gif (261.3 KB, 600x600, 1:1, sandpebbles.gif)


>Will Trump negotiate the return of the USS Pueblo held by Norks?

9e3661 No.1705032

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, pepeeyes.png)


damn that guy is a boss

c3d3c0 No.1705034

File: 84b96c4bd139dbb⋯.png (102.25 KB, 639x557, 639:557, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 09e93d34fa940cf⋯.png (111.84 KB, 618x556, 309:278, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 0e9dad13fea1886⋯.jpeg (60 KB, 546x745, 546:745, pc.jpeg)


d5ba48 No.1705036


Clinton's boy Richard Mays is the Arkansas connection to NXIVM

c6d1d5 No.1705037


Trips confirm!

937fc4 No.1705040


There also seems to be a shitload of money (donations) missing from the DNC coffers. Can you say Class Action Lawsuit and the complete implosion of the DNC before midterms? All of the donations embezzled?

04791c No.1705041

File: 506fd40c1a185d4⋯.gif (453.94 KB, 500x281, 500:281, iu-2.gif)

File: 32586854e6b8704⋯.gif (5.69 MB, 504x281, 504:281, iu.gif)

File: 99def16ed72dd6d⋯.jpeg (25.07 KB, 474x265, 474:265, iu-4.jpeg)

File: b78fdaaea04f906⋯.jpeg (21.2 KB, 474x357, 158:119, iu-3.jpeg)

In case CuriousEulerAnon wants to continue, I'm still here.


f1d1d8 No.1705042

File: 556fc62fb9e0a6c⋯.png (21.8 KB, 1121x507, 1121:507, stoped-wiki.png)


yes no iridium

as for stoped

found a bunch of wikileaks containing stoped

and wikileaks has been the go to open source for others.. like somolia

25b05f No.1705043

I'm muh dick guy, and I have spent thousands of hours peppering your breads with revolting images in the vain hope of instinctively driving people away from this place.

I just assume you all like that and that my content is now 'normal' here so I can cry censorship when I'm the real one dedicated to driving people away from this place.

PS: Don't call me out on projection.

PPS: Yes this post has been edited by a mod ; )

Post last edited at

70c169 No.1705045


Well Sean Hannity said the people Mueller wants phones from should do what Hillary did smash phones, bleach bit servers etc. I think POTUS told him to say that, now MSM says it's obstruction, well was it when Killary did it?

Maybe thats what Q team meant by back in the news.

a6e406 No.1705046


Yes. Interpreted as meaning it "missed".

39a1fa No.1705048

As I stated, no local mention of Singapore but the State of Maine no longer requires people to list a male or female designation on drivers lic.

You can be listed as….get this…binary.!???!

853830 No.1705049

File: 9ef85189e4d3a9d⋯.png (20.47 KB, 453x499, 453:499, Capture.PNG)


Yep, here:

488903 No.1705050

File: b8a7beae299aadb⋯.png (388.51 KB, 846x579, 282:193, ClipboardImage.png)

Fox News Demands Dismissal of Lawsuit from Seth Rich's Parents


Link to the brief:



6f4387 No.1705051


9e3661 No.1705053


every muh larp shill from last bread was the muh dick shill IP hopping

wouldn't surprise me

300e1c No.1705055

f55b19 No.1705056


Hello anons.

937fc4 No.1705057


Obviously the next move will be for the UK to ban doorknobs.

7d0a0b No.1705058


can you graph that for dumbassanons…

(& ones with a less advanced form of autism.)

Seems legit, and I always suspected that the clock was not just an "offset" but a jumping from one marker to another somehow clock.

You may have just nailed it.

b08250 No.1705059

File: 0279eb185510baa⋯.png (63.97 KB, 444x291, 148:97, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 3f22c9baabb3a38⋯.png (84.07 KB, 875x322, 125:46, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 0103831877d18c8⋯.png (79.37 KB, 896x330, 448:165, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 5b9a4c335eced46⋯.png (64.9 KB, 866x251, 866:251, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 505982f89ceee46⋯.png (287.55 KB, 668x1171, 668:1171, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

853830 No.1705060

File: f11979d2e0062ee⋯.png (11.11 KB, 456x195, 152:65, Capture.PNG)



d5ba48 No.1705062


Richard Mays, Former Arkansas Judge is the Clinton's connection to NXIVM

ccc712 No.1705063

File: e9173d12fa87d16⋯.gif (23.64 KB, 310x760, 31:76, happening.gif)

0b5e9d No.1705064


This is the type of freedom needed Q… take notes.

9e3661 No.1705065


hm you got a point there

too bad NAZI is an acronym

1f5ac4 No.1705066

File: b7922eacd71a337⋯.png (11.56 KB, 383x179, 383:179, dash1.PNG)

DoD forms (DD forms) are numbered forms that exist for just about everything in the Military. For instance, we had one that's called the "dash 1" for Flight Weather Briefings?

Is there a popular one called a "dash 23"?

f02eed No.1705068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


167f1a No.1705069

>>1704886 (pb)

Hemp used to be used for such purposes years ago until banned illegal. It was stronger imo than some of the materials used today.

689d16 No.1705070

File: ee85cd536815749⋯.jpg (314.81 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, IMG_20180611_190225.jpg)


DNC server that the FBI never looked at.

Shows no Russian intrusion, downloaded by SR.

>Pic related (2015 DNC intrusion)

d0d116 No.1705071

File: fac481752c9f73e⋯.jpg (56.67 KB, 422x668, 211:334, Q dash 23.JPG)

-23 in previous drops

c3d3c0 No.1705072

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Inspector General Says Hillary Clinton KNEW Server Was Hacked, Didn't Report It! Congressman SHOCKED

167f1a No.1705073

>>1704843 (pb)

Anon, that just might be a good get there!

9e9353 No.1705074


or 11th + 12th = 23

(i'm really reaching now)

e406ce No.1705075

File: 5dfd762655e7814⋯.jpg (324.02 KB, 1440x1396, 360:349, _20180611_185912.JPG)


quite interdasting (pic related)

1e10aa No.1705076

File: b0ebb57c5d9abdb⋯.jpg (37.54 KB, 683x205, 683:205, EO 13823.JPG)

410b5f No.1705077


A single "dash" in Morse is T | T23?

078506 No.1705078

File: 528437b8c5548af⋯.png (492.01 KB, 585x671, 585:671, AQ51.PNG)


Rod Rosenstein in Canada.

f1d1d8 No.1705079

File: 374b811cb632ac3⋯.png (401.87 KB, 521x457, 521:457, dod-watchful-eye.png)

71ef1e No.1705080


With you on that one

e30220 No.1705082


oh god kill box

also this tweet


"bo check"


8816b8 No.1705084

File: 5250914f73bbf8f⋯.jpg (293.46 KB, 1200x757, 1200:757, alligator-and-coots-in-swa….jpg)

Welcome Rose McGowan to the Manassas Swamp. This article says that her wallet was found in January 2017, left on an airplane in Dulles airport. Allegedly the wallet was found five hours after she disembarked the plane, and cocaine was found inside.

Rose McGowan is a Weinstein rape accuser. She found out about the charges in October 2017, the same month as her Weinstein accusations went public.

IMO this prosecution is highly suspect due to the involvement of the Prince William County prosecutors office, in a case Loudon County. Rebecca Thatcher, prosecuting attorney, is a specialist at getting convictions and lots of prison time for evidence which does not make sense. Here someone had this wallet for a long time after Rose McGowan had lost it.

The judges, police, prosecutors, and jails in parts of Virginia are notoriously corrupt. We have the "victims advocate" role of prosecutors which is probably very important to getting corrupt favors done for politicians.

Listen up, Anons: the local police and prosecutors, when a victim agrees to testify for them, have a wide variety of favors available to assist the victim. One of these is securing U visas for illegal immigrants, there are many more. This is a huge potential for corruption and trading favors for dirty work. This is the sort of business Prince William County police and prosecutors do.

Prince William County is known for its foreign embassies, one being the Salvadoran Embassy. It has a huge Hispanic population, and is in the prime battleground state in federal elections. Manassas, in Prince William County, was Obama's last campaign stop before the 2008 election. Politicians and illegal immigrants both need favors in this part of Virginia, where law is a family business and everyone except the accused and the jury grew up together.

More to come. Welcome to the Manassas Swamp, the dank underbelly of DC corruption.



c6407e No.1705085

File: c8ce1c363eac681⋯.jpg (307.02 KB, 859x897, 859:897, Helicopter.jpg)


That ol' helicopter could do with a paintjob.

4bff96 No.1705086

File: 5a224e7c6c0f312⋯.png (230.45 KB, 964x892, 241:223, schiffcaptured.png)

b1cb10 No.1705087


Excellent eye.

Reference to Hawaii missile?

What other "missiles/missles" were there?

9e3661 No.1705088



don't forget that anons

muh russia was a scapegoat for their lose and NOW AN EXCUSE FOR THE SPYING

5b56bc No.1705089


No Hannity said WHAT IF those people did what Hillary did. More misreporting by the MSM. What are you listening to them for?

ccc712 No.1705090

File: 3ce5b82711d5467⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, Joo media list.jpg)

File: b5e7d55713171f3⋯.jpg (6.14 KB, 255x144, 85:48, jew pole.jpg)


Nuke em all.

454ea9 No.1705091

File: 3d352f176a42bca⋯.png (431.52 KB, 1182x771, 394:257, d856724567869045683268490.png)

It's the end of the line for BC

Boston Globe today. Yep, that far left leaning globalist Boston Globe. Editorial hit piece aimed at WJC. Makes me think that DS is done with him at this point. Time to toss him under the bus? Will HRC be next?

Only time will tell. or Future Proves Past.


f2f7f0 No.1705092

For what its worth in POTUS' tweet, "stope" is a mining term meaning the process of extracting the desired ore or other mineral from an underground mine, leaving behind an open space known as a stope. Stoped is used as past tense. Maybe a nod to all of you digger anons.

c3d3c0 No.1705093

File: fa1d59baab3533a⋯.png (217.9 KB, 956x701, 956:701, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)


e9696e No.1705094


-stein last names

Stein = Cup of Abominations

Philistine = "fill a stein"

bf8d63 No.1705095

File: 062b1a2921054ee⋯.jpg (121.31 KB, 1206x868, 603:434, j 23.jpg)

>>1680687 ←—from bread 2114

56e71e No.1705096

File: 917848b899909de⋯.jpg (128.94 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, Survivor8Chan1.jpg)

85063f No.1705097


Liberal fundraisers held family millions in offshore trust, leaked documents reveal

A massive new leak of offshore financial records contains more than 5,000 documents that reveal how two generations of Liberal fundraisers amassed $60 million (U.S.) in a tax haven beyond the reach of tax collectors.

Canada’s future prime minister, Justin Trudeau, was vacationing with his family in the picturesque mountain village of Mont-Tremblant, Que., with a lot on his mind.

After years of speculation, he had decided he was going to make a play for the country’s top political office.

With him that weekend was longtime family friend Stephen Bronfman, 53, a third-generation descendant of one of Canada’s wealthiest families that had founded such iconic brands as Seagram, the Montreal Expos and the Eaton Centre.

“(Trudeau) came to me and said, ‘You know, I’ve made a decision. I’m going to run for the leadership,’ ” Bronfman recalled in a 2013 interview. “I’d always told him, especially since he’d gotten in politics and was first elected, ‘Justin, anything I can do to help, just let me know.’ ”

The well-connected Bronfman, a known philanthropist and environmentalist, took the reins of the party fundraising machine in late 2013, significantly boosting annual donations.

“The goal is raise a lot of money and to help Justin become the next prime minister,” Bronfman said. “Simple, simple goal.”


Trudeau government gag order in CIA brainwashing case silences victims, lawyer says

Daughter of survivor of brutal experiments ‘nervous’ to speak out after non-disclosure demand


9e3661 No.1705098


lol are you a MSMshill?

stfu dumbass

853830 No.1705099

File: 5874df3cda3a751⋯.png (23.4 KB, 452x308, 113:77, Capture.PNG)


And here. That's 3 different instances where Q spells missile without an "i", two of which directly reference NK.

eababe No.1705100

Hehehe, my sleep schedule syncs with Q maintain situation awareness/stay frosty messages.

Thank God for cold fusion.

2913ab No.1705101




04791c No.1705102



Live feed of people missing around.

Doesn't start for 2 hours. Git comfy.

a6e406 No.1705103

Q's use of "missle"


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 42a0eb No.148746 📁

Dec 22 2017 11:12:55 (EST)










Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5902e7 No.146147 📁

Dec 22 2017 01:04:56 (EST)


Why is the ‘i' missing?



Anonymous ID: 719c60 No.146134 📁

Dec 22 2017 01:03:23 (EST)

Q just said this:

How did NK suddenly have miniaturized nukes upon POTUS taking office?

What was stated during Hussein's term by agencies?

How did NK suddenly obtain missle guidance cap?

What is leverage?

Define hostage.

Their last hope!



Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147588085 📁

Nov 2 2017 01:14:27 (EST)

Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now?

Why did his administration do little to slow their nuclear and missle capabilities?

Who feeds NK w/ strategic intel? Iran?

What deal was done with Iran under BO?

Why was the deal sealed under a top secret classification?

Why wasn’t Congress notified?

Why after BO left office all of a sudden NK has nukes and the tech to miniaturize for payload delivery within the US?

What about NSA CIA DI etc all confirming tech won’t be in place for 5+ years (statements made in 2016).

Why is all of this relevant and what does it tell you?

Big picture is rare.

25b05f No.1705104

ccc712 No.1705105


Jill a Stein

f55b19 No.1705107



Both Dec 22. Do we have a working version of the clock or map than aligns Dec 22 with June 11? Because we should

12 22 / 2 = 6 11

8ce92a No.1705108

File: 84c427f6cbd326b⋯.jpg (144.61 KB, 1200x950, 24:19, DfchP_GWAAET6m2.jpg)


Look Rod is making a Q

689d16 No.1705110


A Bernie bro originally got fired for telling them how they got in. DNC then screwed over Bernie's camp for "hacking," HRC dnc server.

d008e4 No.1705111


Ok this is fucking awesome

31c336 No.1705112

File: b748ada92bb771e⋯.png (91.04 KB, 296x342, 148:171, pepe head scratch.png)

few more 23's

23 nations attending bilderberg

23rd amendment to the constitution gives the right for DC to have

3 votes in electoral congress

23 degree axial tilt is the angle at which our earth spins at

2/3 = .6666667 repeating

23rd state of the Nation Is Maine (right next to Quebec)

23rd district of Florida is Debbie Wasserman Schultz district

a22a24 No.1705113


Fox News just played the part of this video where 007/Trump has the letter from Kim Jong Un, and says he didn't open it. To?


48b899 No.1705114


That's not a Q, faggot

e4fe99 No.1705115

File: 984d753cb9fe30d⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 229x221, 229:221, Pepe4laffs.jpg)

3590f3 No.1705116

240f01 No.1705117


In a simple alphabet cipher, 23 is BC. Bill Clinton.

fe568e No.1705119

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>>1704760 (lb, sorry)

is it this cat?

Pi, 3.14, Jason Padgett, Synesthesia, Savant Syndrome


c46d3a No.1705120


is it just me or

is her neck……?

796c18 No.1705121


So Talent, Much Kek

937fc4 No.1705122


Interesting…something of value extracted. I'm also reading (granted a stretch) this as I Stop Ed. I still wonder who's going to be coming back on the plane with POTUS.

d7d449 No.1705123


Can also be 5.5


and 5 stars

5f1256 No.1705124


Also a reference to anal sex, according to band members.

18761c No.1705125

File: 524885b4ef70256⋯.jpg (15.74 KB, 270x186, 45:31, ZomboMeme 11062018190636.jpg)

To the "muh Dick" asshole.

194f53 No.1705126

File: bd53c23bc4d3742⋯.png (310.89 KB, 693x465, 231:155, PewPewPew.png)

e30220 No.1705128


its not just you thats fucking weird

f7db1b No.1705129

0b5e9d No.1705130

Ok, I had to watch you all fucking larp around all day long from the phone, it was fucking terrible….

Listen, there's psyops going every which way, in BOTH directions….

Q could put out a op to lead baddies astray

Baddies could drop legit into to take away from another topic.

NO ONE KNOWS, Q said they would never forecast their ops/plans. So take his word for it.

Could eye the spy be a Q op to get blackhats all frazzled, absolutely. Could it just be a straight up LARP, absolutely. Could be it be half half? Of course..

All you can look for is probability and unique identifiers.

STOP LOOKING FOR FUCKING DATES AND TIMES. This is the biggest mistake you can make, it's always, always a disappointment. It leads to nothing good or positive.

Just sit and watch, watch the events, watch the news, take everything in.

Nothing is black and white, right or left, up or down, as Q has said numerous times.

The OPs, go every direction and both ways…

Situational awareness isn't just in the physical, it's also digital.

f6fe08 No.1705133

File: aae916202c9d2d2⋯.png (514.11 KB, 400x798, 200:399, princephilip.png)

9e3661 No.1705134


hahahaha KEK KEK KEK

796c18 No.1705135


I only has one thing to say:

Your Fucked! Eh

2913ab No.1705136

File: fbbe6fba835de54⋯.jpg (92.76 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, pompeo summit.jpg)

Boss dog going to the summit!

0b5e9d No.1705137

0af5d5 No.1705138

File: 6f31d71be9f6f3f⋯.png (183.71 KB, 483x470, 483:470, PepeNewspaper.png)


I want to learn more about this.

eababe No.1705139


How do some of you see this stuff? Am I missing out on the special club for people who can see special signs real good ?

56e71e No.1705140

File: ae0cf4960b63243⋯.jpg (200.93 KB, 1378x1004, 689:502, OnTarget4.jpg)

File: dd8f57335b8eead⋯.jpg (70.37 KB, 1200x514, 600:257, OnTarget3.jpg)

File: d1fac163fc55ed0⋯.jpg (113.81 KB, 1085x531, 1085:531, OnTarget2.jpg)

File: 2681557aea378c7⋯.jpg (129.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, OnTarget1.jpg)

001cf0 No.1705141


Note the single quote marks around the word: server.

Q’s texts are frequently multilayered, so more than one meaning is likely intended. But the quote marks tend to imply that something other than a server of the network variety might be the primary referent.

So consider ‘server’ meaning: one who serves.

Does this mean Imran Awan, who certainly served DWS in her electronic surveillance of Congressional Dems and was likely privy to everything server-related (as Q gives us a pun)?

Is it Awan’s testimony that will bring down the house?

He was certainly in a position to know almost everything taking place between HRC/DNC/DWS/assorted House Dems/Crowdstrike/both DNC and HRC tech servers/SR/Wikileaks/Podesta, et al.

If I were a bettingfag, I know where I’d be wagering my money regarding Q’s meaning.

25905d No.1705142


>is it just me or

Don't feel alone, Anon.

a77379 No.1705143

File: cfd8fba41fb091b⋯.jpg (88.46 KB, 444x444, 1:1, 1522226843507.jpg)


This is old news. I believe he has a few APCs too. We need to get some Bulgarians to round up the Mexican illegals.

8ce92a No.1705144

File: 7be670c0f844b9d⋯.jpg (47.91 KB, 800x733, 800:733, Q.jpg)


Sure the hell is a Q faggot

194f53 No.1705145


wearing what socks?

985b42 No.1705146

File: 7c5b5e828300978⋯.jpeg (77.99 KB, 645x387, 5:3, 45B88E1A-0BB2-4A60-B7A1-F….jpeg)

b1c497 No.1705147

File: a4feacf4e5b7853⋯.jpg (20.43 KB, 236x354, 2:3, 1521526542459.jpg)

54c07b No.1705148


They've been hammering on Russia without cause for a while. They got on Russia's case for moving in on Crimea when the people there actually voted to for exactly that to happen. Word is that there is a treaty that allowed them to make that choice. And yet Russia got slammed.

fd3049 No.1705149


Look! He has 5 fingers on each hand! 5:5 ! 5 +5 = 10….1+0 equals 11! 6-11 BOOM

c3d3c0 No.1705150

File: da8ccc46827306c⋯.png (117.29 KB, 462x485, 462:485, mays-1.png)

File: 68862d6d034e232⋯.png (130.9 KB, 670x612, 335:306, mays-2-300x274.png)

File: 15a4995526194cb⋯.jpeg (57.09 KB, 750x500, 3:2, michelle-revere-richard-m….jpeg)

File: 99973c5eb5c43aa⋯.png (193.01 KB, 714x701, 714:701, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 8bbe203c006cd3b⋯.png (154.75 KB, 743x575, 743:575, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)




9e3661 No.1705151

File: 7326171efe77286⋯.png (370.26 KB, 471x455, 471:455, ClipboardImage.png)

9e31b5 No.1705152

File: 5f25d2c5f705e3e⋯.png (697.8 KB, 715x663, 55:51, Kim Pepe Limo Singaphore.png)

File: 5e66e5a53946d1b⋯.png (264.59 KB, 525x422, 525:422, Screen Shot 2018-06-10 at ….png)

ccc712 No.1705153

File: 38a7c4bff8412b7⋯.jpg (198.78 KB, 1152x720, 8:5, kansas 17 a.jpg)

File: 8c08601a77b0440⋯.jpg (11.27 KB, 275x183, 275:183, kansas.jpg)

71453a No.1705154



Could also be a way of telling (them) to shove it.

0af5d5 No.1705155

File: 778d712d7a7256e⋯.png (228.87 KB, 480x359, 480:359, VintagePompeo.png)

e4fe99 No.1705156

File: 2823141580646d9⋯.jpg (132.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, BillCFearthePeople.jpg)

0b5e9d No.1705157


That's a legit alien.

194f53 No.1705158

File: eddf8d892ef3bc5⋯.jpg (60.66 KB, 656x422, 328:211, ProsecuteSlimeBallJamesCom….jpg)


Don't forget JC.

9e3661 No.1705159



2668d0 No.1705160


wut the fuuuuuuug

937fc4 No.1705161


So MSM publishes an article about it being the "End of the Line" for BC. Wonder if you have something there…Minus Bill Clinton.

475b0b No.1705162


boom boom? hehe

3d6034 No.1705163


He said "military".

328975 No.1705164


It's simple.

Q is real, and is the figurative spearhead of the Restoration of Americas Republic.

Everyone else claiming to be an insider is a larp.

Now that that's cleared up, get off the Diet Woke and ignore the blind who say they can See.

54c07b No.1705165


No, this was well before that.

e30220 No.1705166




Q !2jsTvXXmXs No.66 📁

May 7 2018 23:36:41 (EST)


Mass exodus in DC?

Mass exodus - corporate CEOs?


Who has the POWER?

Who has the CONTROL?

If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?

Who is the AG?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?

Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe)

Who is the FBI director?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?

Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)

If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?


Why are they slow walking unredacted data?

Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?

Why is the WH backing up DOJ?

What if the same data is being used by other investigators?

What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?

Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller?

What would be the purpose of creating confusion?

What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote?

What was RR's Senate confirmation vote?

If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

Common denominator.

Why did Sessions pick RR?

Everyone has an opinion.

Few have the facts.

Few know the plan.

Midterms [save & push]?

Swing voters to retake House/Senate?

Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated?

Power at all costs?

Blue wave?


Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?

What is the DOJ responsible for?

What is the FBI responsible for?

Why did HRC get a free pass?


Define single shooter.

Who is HUBER?

Define IG.

When does SESSIONS step back in?

Already is?

Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER?

Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER?

Timing is everything.

Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters,

What about the active investigation into leaks?

"Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations."

Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?

They are deeply connected.

Think Offshore.

MIL INTEL providing support during this time?

Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law?

State/C_A next?

Think logically.

No outside comms.



never take anything at face value

im still learning but its hard lol

d30de4 No.1705168


Didn't want to comment but that shit knocked me back!

985b42 No.1705169

File: 6a5dcac10e83956⋯.jpeg (102.14 KB, 677x640, 677:640, 9770C2A3-F243-4F09-AEFA-1….jpeg)

fed370 No.1705170

Seth Rich & Rex Kwan Do have dynamite taste in fashion!

001cf0 No.1705171


And I omitted to mention the DNC’s lawsuit against most of the known world, which opens up very fertile avenues of “discovery”

fb0958 No.1705173


Newfag here. Advice for newfags to immediately filter all "Q is LARP" shills is useful and logical.

I mean what is the point of them. If you no believe Q is real then why are you even fucking HERE? You care so much for me that I am wasting my time? (chuckle)

Begone, peasant.

4bff96 No.1705174


That was amazing. I need to step my meme game up.

6f4387 No.1705175


What the fuck is that

70c169 No.1705176


You're glowing clown

1fd9af No.1705177

File: 1a8d513f22773de⋯.jpg (150.38 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1a8d513f22773de8075afd79e6….jpg)


agree . BC

f6fe08 No.1705178

File: 713c10169aa2832⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1228x974, 614:487, riyadh.png)

File: 507aa755f4748e3⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1846x966, 923:483, savoyhotel.png)

File: 9c10ca44c4b9c23⋯.jpeg (49.74 KB, 384x454, 192:227, princessamira.jpeg)

8ce92a No.1705179

50ff75 No.1705180


I thought JA, Anon.

9e3661 No.1705181


but that started the "russophobia"

remember, hussein/HRC wanted the "reset"

5b56bc No.1705182

File: 3b821ab74249198⋯.jpg (134.43 KB, 250x371, 250:371, Pelosi_not_animal_sm.jpg)

488903 No.1705183

File: ae0bb2f4a808832⋯.png (17.33 KB, 445x186, 445:186, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks, anon

Anon 23 theories from Q post May 20:


>>1481887 Is the '23' Bill Clinton's approaching pain?

>>1481429 23andMe Goes Global In Its Data-Mining Efforts

>>1481214 POTUS to meet Kim on June 12TH = 23 days from the '23' post

>>1481087 23andMe searching for the 46 & 2 chromosomes?

>>1480996 23andMe and Google Advertising

>>1480681 Is '23' 23 And Me?

>>1480510 Is '23' happening today?

>>1480249 Should the day the trip was changed be the day to countdown the 23 days to 05/31/18?

>>1479568 Regarding: in– -23 post Q made about watching the news

Q post May 20:


We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23].

Subsequent posts [on here] were then made by Anons.

Timestamps verify.

Use Logic.


Be careful who you follow.


ebcaa8 No.1705184

File: 2eee7a8e1a1abb5⋯.png (749.26 KB, 671x687, 671:687, Sec Pompeo 6-11-18 4 06 pm….PNG)

5f002c No.1705185


Justice for Seth Rich video

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3GnMx31BJA

10b601 No.1705186

File: 8c7cce623b80c30⋯.png (121.44 KB, 222x247, 222:247, ClipboardImage.png)



Yeah Baby!! We love you Pompeo!

a6e406 No.1705187


A lot of it is total bullshit.

So there's that.

fd3049 No.1705188



26f69f No.1705189

Comfy in here.

I can feel it, comin in the air tonight…

9e3661 No.1705190


no but you spew the MSM talking points like a libtard parrot

cya next bread

0b5e9d No.1705191


but it's not that simple… yes Q is the authority thus far… and has proven reliable and trustworthy with a high degree of accuracy.

Like I said, there's lots of other ops going on, in all directions.

Don't discount any, don't trust any. Just take it all in and digest from there.


894805 No.1705192

>>1704804 (lb)

This not-so-newfag has been on here for months not knowing that the CTRL + F command is Command + F on Mac.


80cca8 No.1705193

File: c01cb9ab340132a⋯.jpg (40.84 KB, 526x526, 1:1, NETFLIX REED HASTINGS.jpg)


>>1704225, >>1704229, >>1704285

I wonder if this might a be a blackout. I was under the impression it could come in many forms. Not one instance.

b65c5c No.1705194

File: 5e570768443e7b1⋯.png (266.44 KB, 1148x588, 41:21, kstoPerfectPizza.png)

File: ecb46c9586ac2cf⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 1337x6000, 1337:6000, perfectPizza.jpg)



Perfect Pizza dig was huge. Eventually connected to Workplace Installation Group. Perfect Pizza is walking distance to Kate Spade North Bergen NJ address. Found a graphic

ccc712 No.1705195

File: f5c2ec2939535fc⋯.jpg (241.89 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepe comfy cookies.jpg)


Have a cookie anon

56e71e No.1705196

File: f21f76c18eb847d⋯.jpg (224.6 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, RTT24.jpg)


How could I ever anon!!!!

796c18 No.1705197

FF Alert

Low-Flying Helicopter Scheduled To Pass Over Midtown Tonight


167f1a No.1705198

File: a81760780a8262f⋯.png (149.88 KB, 449x192, 449:192, ClipboardImage.png)

Prince William to meet with Netanyahu, Abbas in Middle East

Britain's Prince William will visit the Middle East for four days in late June and meet with leaders of Israel and the Palestinian Authority during the trip, a spokesperson announced Monday.

The 35-year-old member of the royal family will sit down with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas when he visits the region in a few weeks.

The trip comes in the midst of minor conflicts between England and Israel. More than 100 Palestinians have died in protests at the Gaza Strip since March 30 after President Trump abandoned the Iran nuclear deal and moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

"Now is the appropriate time and the Duke of Cambridge is the right person to make that visit," the prince's communications secretary, Jason Knauf, told British reporters, according to a report.

“The non-political nature of his royal highness’s role — in common with all royal visits overseas — allows a spotlight to be brought to bear on the people of the region,” Knauf added.

The prince will meet Netanyahu at this residence then with Abbas at his office the following day.

The prince's wife, Duchess of Cambridge Kate, will not join him on the trip.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/prince-william-to-meet-with-benjamin-netanyahu-mahmoud-abbas-in-middle-east

fe568e No.1705199

File: e91a3eff36c827c⋯.jpg (19.4 KB, 470x314, 235:157, Pi-circle.jpg)

File: 97019f2659aa844⋯.jpg (80.5 KB, 880x628, 220:157, pi-pie.jpg)


>>1704520 (lb)

Did not know this about PI.

f02eed No.1705200

File: 95563d96f869a7e⋯.png (288.66 KB, 484x574, 242:287, ClipboardImage.png)


thousand-yard stare. man on a mission.

e406ce No.1705202



f7db1b No.1705203


Alaweed/Amira the couple in Wonderland?

80cca8 No.1705204

b1cb10 No.1705205

File: 574ed15294e3291⋯.png (68.13 KB, 598x437, 26:19, stopped missile.png)

miss[i]le stop[p]ed

9e3661 No.1705206


Pompeo is sucha fucking boss

1fd9af No.1705207

File: 3b9921c11616cf5⋯.png (12.32 KB, 255x168, 85:56, 53f5cf03aec6e7f588a0896970….png)


i thought Q was referring to the minus or hyphen for that .

the moar i learn the moar confused i get kek .

3d6034 No.1705208


Yeah, wonder what socks he's wearing though?

888566 No.1705209


who is that? cher?

e4fe99 No.1705210

File: 1850688161308ef⋯.png (614.57 KB, 798x532, 3:2, images.duckduckgo.com.png)

File: 7ccb168b7b7dac3⋯.jpg (30.84 KB, 640x640, 1:1, images.duckduckgo.com2.jpg)

22502e No.1705211

I'm muh dick guy, and I have spent thousands of hours peppering your breads with revolting images in the vain hope of instinctively driving people away from this place.

I just assume you all like that and that my content is now 'normal' here so I can cry censorship when I'm the real one dedicated to driving people away from this place.

PS: Don't call me out on projection.

PPS: Yes this post has been edited by a mod ; )

Post last edited at

ccc712 No.1705212


IP (needed for missile guidance).. maybe?

54c07b No.1705213


Wow. I didn't know this had taken place. I guess Crimea finally got what they wanted.

85063f No.1705214


summit @9pm?

on the 11th?

d9883b No.1705215

File: c7838504caae8e7⋯.png (141.37 KB, 1144x435, 1144:435, ClipboardImage.png)

0af5d5 No.1705216

1 hour 46 minutes until summit-time!

5eb8ea No.1705217


Bezos Mansion robbed

f02eed No.1705218



who's ip?

cbad80 No.1705219


Why are we looking at missle? Wondering about a potential strike?

853830 No.1705220


I can't decide what's more fucked up her neck or eyes.

1f5ac4 No.1705221

File: f9ffffbad6e06fe⋯.png (494.84 KB, 331x722, 331:722, dip.PNG)


9e3661 No.1705222


we filter your useless shill shitposts everytime you post

kys please

194f53 No.1705224


POTUS has figured out how to reduce pi. Stable genius.

c3d3c0 No.1705225

File: 06f917c28d75398⋯.png (206.16 KB, 552x676, 138:169, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 1e8f38e3ac486cf⋯.png (258.54 KB, 669x580, 669:580, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)


f7db1b No.1705226


Thank you. Mystery solved.

ccc712 No.1705228


He probably gave Amazon prime access to his front door…Idiot.

d7d449 No.1705229

File: c454ce0c818cb9f⋯.jpg (332.57 KB, 2560x1034, 1280:517, 20180611_183518-1.jpg)

File: 977b9249edb1579⋯.jpg (240.79 KB, 1285x1440, 257:288, 20180522_140337-1_2.jpg)

SKY Event ?

0b5e9d No.1705230


Don't jump to any conclusions, from anyone.

Take it all it, even the most remote.

The larger the sample sizes, the more accurate the guess/hypothesis/truth.

Just let it funnel down and digest, look at it from multiple viewpoints etc..

9e3661 No.1705232



b08250 No.1705233

File: 3fcfa1cc214091c⋯.png (196.69 KB, 1120x373, 1120:373, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: d7c7882941c7d9d⋯.png (233.98 KB, 853x825, 853:825, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

75137a No.1705234


general snus from sweden LOL

8ce92a No.1705235

File: 138d52ef129288c⋯.jpg (156.35 KB, 1726x733, 1726:733, RodQ.jpg)

Baker Notable

Anons LOVE Qs and Rod flashed one at the Canada meeting


937fc4 No.1705236


Yes, but the 12th in Singapore.

Interesting that POTUS said in an interview earlier that he would know within a minute how the whole thing will turn out. A minute is just about enough time to shake hands and sign an already prepared deal.

POTUS could then walk out, which will throw MSM into absolute chaos.

a6bea6 No.1705237


"We have our hostages, testing, research AND all missle launches have stoped"

This language implies we received our testing/ research back, meaning N Korea had it. Sold by HRC/BHO?

2913ab No.1705238


Yes. Less than an hour away.

328975 No.1705239

File: 9ca32ce3600edb1⋯.png (103.36 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, shrug.png)


I discount everyone but Q when they speak about behind the scenes movements.

Why bother with second class "Intel" when you've got the worlds finest.

22502e No.1705240


You can't filter me faggot.

81a760 No.1705241


Intelectual Property

6ede91 No.1705242

File: f8c5230c851649c⋯.png (21.97 KB, 1041x70, 1041:70, Selection_376.png)

Man guys my heart is heavy

Not in Vain

1 year anniversary, 'to the day' of his return



475b0b No.1705244


evidence?…snuff film?

713abe No.1705245


That is a 70 year old woman who had her face done but not her neck. Needs to lipo her butt and have them inject the fat cells into the neck. Or she can have them use a collagen filler, I guess. She looks bony, probably doesn't have any extra fat to shift around.

689d16 No.1705247

File: e1b1d58f849a569⋯.jpg (272.02 KB, 1060x850, 106:85, Screenshot_20180611-141338….jpg)


Zooming on wrong photo anon.

d5ba48 No.1705248


Thanks for expanding on it. I know a lot is going on but this is still important.

Thanks Again

10b601 No.1705249


IP - as in someone's IP address?? They have the IP for the server?

56e71e No.1705250

File: 7efc255764fc90e⋯.jpg (236.21 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, mcgregor4.jpg)

File: c046761578ec070⋯.jpg (146.22 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, mcgregor3.jpg)

File: 58ef4bbe0165c6e⋯.jpg (169.47 KB, 1024x771, 1024:771, mcgregor2.jpg)

File: 21f10f1a812c33c⋯.jpg (227.53 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, mcgregor1.jpg)

b092fb No.1705251

>>1704875 (prev. bread)

Alice Miller a famous Austrian psychotherapist and writer discussed Hitler's family background and his upbringing in understanding his psychopathy back in the early 1980s. See book For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child- Rearing and The Roots of Violence. I recall her discussing his connection to the Rothschilds.

71756f No.1705252

always a heavy wave of LARPfags CONCERNfags VOAfags etc when Q posts.

To all new around here. Understand something. Those of us that have followed this since October 2017, those of us who followed from half. Those of us who have used the Q drops to prepare our loved ones and friends for the huge narrative shift unfolding. Understand we may not post as much as we did back on Half, we may not dig as much as we used to. Because we don't have to. We have it all. ITS HAPPENING MOTHERFUCKERS GET YOUR SHIT IN ORDER SHILLS GO PICK OUT A HEADSTONE GO TO LEGALZOOM . COM YOUR MAKE YOUR WILL BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.

"But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." Revelations 21:8

"The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb" Revelations 14:10

"Do not be afraid. Keep on speaking; do not be silent." – Acts 18:9

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

"He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him." Daniel 2:22

a77379 No.1705253

File: 03b00bfecc6562c⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1000x700, 10:7, patriotprty940326562c63354….png)


All RINOs need to be replaced with Tea Party Patriots like Pompeo. Love fucking Kansas.

61ef8b No.1705254

File: c8ca46423fcdeac⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 69.71 KB, 460x544, 115:136, nojusticenopeace.jpg)

will handcuffs be needed today?


b1cb10 No.1705255


Remember Hawaii Missile? False alarm or real but thwarted missile attack from clowns?

001cf0 No.1705256


Good’n, anon!

9c1adb No.1705257

File: b9ec1a9e823c74c⋯.jpg (72.58 KB, 510x332, 255:166, _lgd0ozgxbf6.jpg)

Sooo.. I guess I'm noting this..? I don't even..

>>1705034, >>1705120, >>1705151 Dat neck tho

1fd9af No.1705258

File: 2a80654be664001⋯.jpg (16.31 KB, 253x255, 253:255, 01e96bf666c3eefbdccc49fe78….jpg)


think baseball .

224948 No.1705260


Happy Birthday to the POTUS! And may all go well in the US-NK Summit today.

651d3d No.1705261

File: 5772cdcb69d5309⋯.png (10.62 KB, 613x150, 613:150, ClipboardImage.png)

President of the United States (23)

Benjamin Harrison


Interesting digits

85063f No.1705262

937fc4 No.1705263

File: 689c8f74dcd0b83⋯.png (54.36 KB, 1000x1266, 500:633, ASLq.png)


This is a q. RR is not flashing a q.

1b2b7d No.1705264



When we say "dash" in the military (specifically in conjunction w/numbers) it literally always involves a field manual/Reg/UCMJ/paperwork of some fashion. The dash is always pronounced; part of the jargon.

Ie: Dash 10

That's what we call the PMCS manual for the HMMWV. Full name is TM 9-2320-280-10.

Pretty much the only other "mil" related "dash" would be the "dash" in Morse code. Highly doubt this is what was inferred though. UCMJ article 23 seemed like it was on the money.

8345b8 No.1705265


woah they sent SR to NK?

e30220 No.1705266


alright its fucking aliens or demons anons

no fucking around

that shit aint right

8ce92a No.1705267




94417e No.1705268



Patriot of which country? Are we supposed to just ignore this? His "patriotic" photos look staged to many. His family's reaction says he's probably not even dead. If you turn out to be qike, as /pol/ first suspected, many will feel betrayed. They will think that they are proxies for your people's civil war. For God and Country? Which country? Enjoy the show? Why does that phrase resonate? Is this post gonna get me killed? I support what you're doing. I'm just worried it may not deserve it at some point in the future.


0b5e9d No.1705269


Cher is the grim reaper, when it's your time to die, Cher shows up.


70c169 No.1705270


Not Valerie Jarrett's best picture

72b6b6 No.1705271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>1704039 (prev)


48b899 No.1705272



These fucking retarded faggots, I swear….

6ede91 No.1705273



two patriots

died for us

for their countries

a6e406 No.1705274

File: 6d4c30ab1cc0e98⋯.png (37.21 KB, 583x338, 583:338, ClipboardImage.png)


>Why are we looking at missle?

Tweet by POTUS earlier today

e406ce No.1705275





34eb27 No.1705276


All the judges on East coast are corrupt…the truth dosent matter in court anymore, big Jew drama

6ede91 No.1705277


shh anon

d5ba48 No.1705278


Deep Throat

373f1c No.1705279


Miller was born in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland into a Jewish family. She was the oldest daughter of Gutta and Meylech Englard and had a sister, Irena, who was five years younger. From 1931 to 1933 the family lived in Berlin, where nine-year-old Alicija learned the German language. Due to the National Socialists' seizure of power in Germany in 1933 the family turned back to Piotrków Trybunalski. As a young woman, Miller managed to escape the Jewish Ghetto in Piotrków Trybunalski, where all Jewish inhabitants were interned since October 1939, and survived World War II in Warsaw under the assumed name of Alicja Rostowska. While she was able to smuggle her mother and sister out of the Ghetto, her father died in 1941 in the Ghetto

This Alice Miller?

ebcaa8 No.1705280


He really is.

Such a great demeanor, but tough when need be

8ce92a No.1705281

224948 No.1705282


IP = Intelligence P

10b601 No.1705283


That's Cher??

9ae7cb No.1705284



I didn't know there was a list released. Proof?

BAKER, if not confirmed, consider removing from notables.

651d3d No.1705285

Jordan 23

James 23

both 23 both Illuminati???????????

9a93ff No.1705287

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Previous bread anon said President has military behind him. He certainly has.

078506 No.1705288


Now that the breads more comfy.

This is for those who want to dig on the asylum change.


b74715 No.1705289


KEK That was my first thought too

48b899 No.1705290



Maybe…. Good start

e9696e No.1705291




seth rich = otto warmbeer

proxy news

proxy story

didn't realize til now

SR was alive in the ambulance

then he was dead (just like warmbier)

a77379 No.1705292

File: 3d0a62653107136⋯.jpg (108.53 KB, 1200x712, 150:89, welcomenormies.jpg)


No. Tobacco.

f65e14 No.1705293


My thoughts and prayers to Otto's family and loved ones.

ea4290 No.1705294

File: 652debd23f093c6⋯.jpeg (95.78 KB, 749x751, 749:751, 7EE0C798-D125-4539-A3CD-9….jpeg)

Key West man hanged himself live on Facebook June 11, 2018


e09f42 No.1705295



c3d3c0 No.1705296

File: f6d91f3b98762af⋯.png (328.36 KB, 494x534, 247:267, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

a2f7e9 No.1705297

File: a0c96086bb92542⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1240x930, 4:3, sethiswithus.png)

File: 1c3fed251a74511⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1289x911, 1289:911, JusticeIsComing.png)

dd4f5a No.1705298


Maybe all about the secret servers google set up in NK?

b74715 No.1705299


bad cheek implants doesn't help

48b899 No.1705300


consider this -→>1705294

3d6034 No.1705301

Nicky Haily addressing the UN over NK.

feca35 No.1705302

Do you see the difference?

I want out.

0c6050 No.1705303


ip = 9 16 = 6 19 = June 19 ?

6f4387 No.1705304

File: 1acc9947b2ea262⋯.jpeg (159.74 KB, 1392x1044, 4:3, 1527960856.jpeg)

8ce92a No.1705305



ebcaa8 No.1705306

File: 5b6a0ed791c426a⋯.png (87.78 KB, 652x347, 652:347, Drudge re Hill Conway Husb….PNG)

File: ee830df138785a8⋯.png (61.34 KB, 447x571, 447:571, Hill 1 Conway Husband 6-11….PNG)

File: d333a48baac1587⋯.png (39.57 KB, 543x370, 543:370, Hill 2 Conway Husband 6-11….PNG)

Conway's husband pens article defending constitutionality of Mueller probe


410b5f No.1705307


> UCMJ article 23

Always sounded most reliable the -23 assumption some guessed at could have been any measurement as there was no confirm of designated time. 23 days, weeks, months, years, decades…Enjoy the show. Is the mantra. Dig, Meme, Pray. Is the work. So easy.

9cb381 No.1705308


You knew when you set that trip the pain would be delivered. RR Trip to Canada …. Pain

85063f No.1705309



shot across the bow


f249f4 No.1705310

File: 93c12a8057d931c⋯.jpg (87.28 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ewww2.jpg)



240f01 No.1705311

File: f623478b90f3048⋯.jpg (219.37 KB, 1371x687, 457:229, BC1.jpg)




Found it! Pic and link related.


2913ab No.1705312

Looks like I got a new thumb drive today just in time for all the new happenings!

350d67 No.1705313


Does Trump's "missile stopped" Tweet line up on the clock with a Q reference to the missile attack on Hawaii that was thwarted?

d09b4e No.1705314


P then Q stoped P is missing

510ef0 No.1705315


Neck weirdness aside … Pam Cafritz is the daughter of Bill and Buffy Cafritz, the DC power couple. And they're related to Calvin and Jane Cafritz (DC philanthropy) and Calvin and Carter Cafritz. Family source of money is/was real estate. Founder of the empire was Morris Cafritz.

Prime DC Swamp Creatures.

d081a4 No.1705316




a2f7e9 No.1705317

File: 8e2b98facca7952⋯.gif (1.61 MB, 320x240, 4:3, RARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGG.gif)

71ef1e No.1705318


Hence blackout needed for Bulk Data Transer? The Server?

feca35 No.1705319

6e3655 No.1705320

>>1704877 >confiRmATion<

(we came, we saw, the mountain collapsed)



(pompeo negotiates terms of deal for U.S. not to continue with offensive)


9665f7 No.1705321

File: a4f370e3c4a6c23⋯.jpg (239.92 KB, 720x720, 1:1, TRUMPBOOM - Copy - Copy - ….jpg)

the server brings down the house of cards!!!

571a22 No.1705323



6fd2a0 No.1705324

File: 87783646bdf695b⋯.png (64.63 KB, 377x355, 377:355, pic00053.png)

The pen on the EO signing was pointing to the 11. POTUS signed the EO to declassify the documents prior to leaving for Singapore Summit. 11:00 PM =2300 military (-23)

8ce92a No.1705325


More fucking death threats?

9d2963 No.1705326

File: 9e23635fc373def⋯.jpg (137.96 KB, 1088x456, 136:57, AF.jpg)

It is one thing for @TheRealCheshCat to be a fucking LARP but now this fucktard is changing Q Post (pic related) trying to explain away his fuck up! TWATFAGS, drop this pic on his TL, please!

a77379 No.1705327

File: dc0741ef096a09e⋯.jpg (354.27 KB, 700x662, 350:331, 1527205954956.jpg)


Are they all going for that BogdanoffAyyyLMAO look on purpose? Or are they just freaks attracted to other freaks?

6fe06c No.1705328


maybe Internet Privacy

Net Neutrality rules ends today

985b42 No.1705329

File: 4c09d86d3ebf9f4⋯.jpeg (80.75 KB, 650x392, 325:196, 91890725-68AB-4151-ABD9-1….jpeg)

ffc294 No.1705330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Airliner changes - a closer look Mandela Effect


feca35 No.1705331

I <- mine


9665f7 No.1705332


is its neck shopped?

if not wtf

fe568e No.1705333

File: 96425207bd1735e⋯.jpg (133.96 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, MDC-BK-EDNY.jpg)


Just thinking about Federal Prisoner #57005-177 today.

Wonder how his new digs in Brooklyn are?

Enjoying the 3 hots & a cot there, Vanguard?


The emaciated neck may have been due to the cancer, but she did bear an uncanny resemblance to a pelican.

Red hair too. Wonder which gene mutation? Betya KR knows.

937fc4 No.1705335


Since Q said it was military related, If this is accurate then Military must have arrested him>

This also just popped on twat. 23 MS-13 members arrested in May. Might not be what he meant, but those numbers coming up over and over


e38f0c No.1705337

File: f2eb053de754837⋯.png (873.76 KB, 1118x612, 559:306, Farmers1.png)

56e71e No.1705338

File: dc4b143b2687443⋯.jpg (184.64 KB, 1066x800, 533:400, RTT23.jpg)

File: 5200de47dc14374⋯.jpg (202.34 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, RTT21.jpg)

File: 0a83fb079f3afac⋯.jpg (138.8 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, RTT20.jpg)

File: 3f41d9b3b92fd62⋯.jpg (142.94 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, RTT18.jpg)

34eb27 No.1705339


when you type 23 in search engine 23andme.com pops up

Genetic code?

2913ab No.1705340


Probably a Q>POTUS confirmation then.

62a070 No.1705341

File: 23af79162412564⋯.jpg (17.94 KB, 550x367, 550:367, red scarf.jpg)

File: cfe387db7aebb34⋯.jpg (333.53 KB, 1082x868, 541:434, muh neck.jpg)


>Hangings by scarf tied to door knob


>Q warned us to keep an eye out for patterns in suicides.

>Check this out.

>We have a pattern.

I wonder how many were RED

The red scarf or “Hong Lingjin (红领巾)” comes from a communist tradition. It was a symbol of Young Pioneers, and all members of Young Pioneers are required to wear the scarf at school. The tradition started from Russia in the 1910’s. Now there are only four countries using it: China, Cuba, Belarus and Tadzhikistan. Only the scarves in China are all in red, as the youngsters are told: “The red scarf is part of our national flag.”

6fd2a0 No.1705342

fe568e No.1705343




e89eb6 No.1705344


Didn't Q say they've had the IP address to the DNC server for a while, and have recovered everything from it?

9ce758 No.1705345

File: 14a42e2d37c8691⋯.jpg (149.73 KB, 1181x1200, 1181:1200, shipping.jpg)

File: 9816ffb88c42dbc⋯.jpg (148.44 KB, 1200x909, 400:303, shipping2.jpg)

File: c2ee67bc211be32⋯.jpg (254.88 KB, 861x1200, 287:400, livingston western union.jpg)

>>1704855 (lb)

She definitely made the connections if you read the link I posted. Here it is again:


Two manifest she found pic related. They are scared no doubt plus the western union connection too

f02eed No.1705346


…which means internet providers can choose to block some websites….

…internet providers like the 4 that trump just gave the green light to merge…

…websites like facebook, twitter, google, amazon, netflix…..

04791c No.1705348

File: 13a902574235ca5⋯.jpeg (76.86 KB, 732x793, 12:13, DfcWS0-WkAUh-SA.jpg-large.jpeg)

Missing a "p"…

937fc4 No.1705349


It's also pointing to the P in Trump. Missing P in today's tweet. EO incoming? Follow the Pen?

9e3661 No.1705350

File: 433369779b67827⋯.jpg (145.55 KB, 902x713, 902:713, houseofcards.jpg)


old one

c6407e No.1705351


Should really try to keep up...

>>1704013 rt >>1703935 —- What recent news came out re: SR/JA/WL lawsuit?

9e31b5 No.1705352


Got it and on the way. Good job anon.


b1cb10 No.1705353


What missile?!

The only "stopped missile" that falls to my mind is this one


which is not quite what we are told is because


and then you have even more interesting and fringy info about this


which "ends" with this guy finally saying "fuck it, good aliens did it"

ctrl+f hawaii


ebcaa8 No.1705354

File: 92a8c8516ce2310⋯.png (455.22 KB, 657x595, 657:595, Saavedra re Wallace 6-11-1….PNG)


She just will not shut up

She has been particularly venomous this past week

I truly sincerely hope the bitch lands in jail with the rest of the Bush family

9e3661 No.1705355

9665f7 No.1705356


nice, i cant wait

e30220 No.1705358


Monday, June 11, 2018

Blind Item #11

Apparently there is a plan in place that if bail is granted tomorrow, this child molester/sex trafficker is going to flee the country to the island from where he cannot be extradited. The thing about all of this that is crazy to me is that the person telling me all this must know their communications are being monitored, so they are not very good at keeping secrets or maybe they just want to kill him but have him think they are going to save him.

d081a4 No.1705359


Secret race of something that is for sure. Looks like something from Egyptian hieroglyphs

5a4599 No.1705360

File: 3288badecd7cb61⋯.jpg (143.09 KB, 776x587, 776:587, Iridium.jpg)


iridium satellite communications…

894805 No.1705361

File: 613839af71626f0⋯.jpeg (7.58 KB, 310x163, 310:163, meme.et.jpeg)

3590f3 No.1705362


C_A Stone is

6fe06c No.1705364


missile stopped could be that plane that was diverted

04791c No.1705365


Weird… it's still up…

Doesn't he usually correct the "typos"?

f148f8 No.1705366


Haha, just kidding guys I trust the plan. Let's get [[[RR]]] soon so we can avoid WW3 and arrest child traffickers.

77b811 No.1705367

File: 3f1b77a5d5d66b9⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 1199x631, 1199:631, MUHDICK.jpg)

File: c3bd762d618a6ea⋯.jpg (39.59 KB, 640x400, 8:5, MUHDICK_.jpg)

File: 72919e07cf1cab3⋯.jpg (87.95 KB, 620x372, 5:3, MUHDICK__.jpg)

File: 06b1ca0da233541⋯.jpg (39.12 KB, 600x450, 4:3, MUHDICK___.jpg)


HI MuhDickAnon, you think it's related?!

31c336 No.1705368

File: 69235242de66a37⋯.png (94.27 KB, 1613x923, 1613:923, morse code.png)

23 = 5:5 in Morse Code

1b2b7d No.1705369


Awan's server. The place where he aggregated all the congressional data and funneled it to Pakistan.

Iirc it might be related to the Xavier Bacerra server shenanigans when he moved over to Cali AG. He wiped his server/tried to.

9e3661 No.1705370


kinda busy today


20ec4d No.1705371


The first book Alice Miller wrote, The Drama of the Gifted Child, was one that changed my life. Read it when I was 25.

She says the roots of all discord in the world can be traced to childhood abuse, or what is referred to as "discipline".

7ea896 No.1705372


Don't see the fake

bb952a No.1705373


can you Mandela Effect retards take your piss-poor memories and fuck off?

that'd be great

6de2b4 No.1705374


stop teasing me

a77379 No.1705375

File: 1bdf32024f241de⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 316x400, 79:100, 1521773239816.jpg)


Interesting. What will inspectors find when they go to dismantle nuclear arsenal? Will there the US parts from Bill Clinton deal on the weapons?

9798ad No.1705376


If Trump and Kim met or talked before, it will show in their body language. Koreans are not touchy feely types, but do react differently to a stranger vs someone with whom they've developed an emotional connection.

c3d3c0 No.1705377

File: 99afab49a946275⋯.png (252.51 KB, 1204x698, 602:349, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 46809a2a82b6289⋯.png (111.45 KB, 1249x278, 1249:278, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 0b1be3ba374df9f⋯.png (236.49 KB, 1247x700, 1247:700, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 9ee73b161efe7d8⋯.png (330.31 KB, 1261x634, 1261:634, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

- (hyphen minus)

‐ (hyphen)

‒ – — ― (dash)

+ (plus)

937fc4 No.1705378


Another comment on the post. #[[[RR]]]#

I wonder if RR betrayed both the white and black hats, and now he's going to get pounded by both sides.

9665f7 No.1705379


shop et toching her neck saying'

"ouch" lol

9e31b5 No.1705380


Never mind. Not for tweeting.

56e71e No.1705381



Keith Raniere

475b0b No.1705382

6de2b4 No.1705383


what is it with another dash in front of it? is it letters?

what about two dashes? or w/e q put

e406ce No.1705384


Hussein implicated

Knowing, culpable, willing participant

758cbc No.1705385

I think the PM to the north of us has fake eyebrows because….he waxes them when he is in drag…make a great Meme wouldnt it

f14db6 No.1705386

all people pushing the 11th of June are shills.

message received.

9c1adb No.1705387

File: 133178da998e9c6⋯.jpg (144.61 KB, 514x701, 514:701, _f8ij6of73y7.jpg)

Notables so far

Anything important missed?


>>1704960 Here's the SR/FOX news complaint

>>1704990 LAPD surround suspect who jumped into lake to evade police

>>1705034, >>1705120, >>1705151 Dat neck tho

>>1705093 Judicial Watch: Federal Court Orders DOJ to Provide More Details on Search for Obama-Era Communications with John Podesta and Clinton Campaign

>>1705112, >>1705183 Few more 23's

>>1705136, >>1705184 Pompeo on his way to Summit

>>1705198 Prince William to meet with Netanyahu, Abbas in Middle East

>>1705294 Key West man hanged himself live on Facebook June 11, 2018

>>1705358 New CDAN Blind Item #11

b0ee33 No.1705388


Also Tokyo

494d07 No.1705390

Rosanne is red pilling the normies. Now they see you have to suck up to Soros to be employed.

Not treason, intentional exposure of the rigged system.

c302d6 No.1705391

File: ccba1f79683ebb2⋯.png (474.01 KB, 426x767, 426:767, life_today.png)

1aef11 No.1705392


I took it to mean the black hats attempted to shoot a missile in Singapore and white hats were successful in stopping the operation.

e211f6 No.1705394

Brings down the House of Representatives. >>1704981

300e1c No.1705395


I would have expected him to look a bit more freaked out considering what Q has posted.

937fc4 No.1705396

File: 14ec2677c33a330⋯.jpg (7.38 KB, 275x183, 275:183, trumpkim.jpg)

56c8df No.1705397


BO= Hussein!?!

31c336 No.1705398

File: ecd8cf082b3d090⋯.png (14.09 KB, 515x372, 515:372, -23.png)

2cb6ef No.1705399


yup. she gets to signal "right" and stay alive, but people can read into it what they are able to see

f14db6 No.1705400

Q is all this leading to a currency reset?

End of financial slavery?

Finish your conversation with Kim first.

But afterwards…if you dont mind.

cbad80 No.1705401


I remember it well. I was there. That's why I ask…

2b672d No.1705402

>>1704924 Millions of guys have worn #23, including me.

9665f7 No.1705403


i sure hope all them fucks getting arrested will be in the 40% public

3590f3 No.1705404

File: ac60f4f14b9e60a⋯.png (154.84 KB, 552x371, 552:371, donotdisturb.png)

9e31b5 No.1705405

File: cf3445679d4a493⋯.jpeg (11.82 KB, 255x191, 255:191, Board WTF Is This Shit Fr….jpeg)

e30220 No.1705406


there was a possible missle launch in wa either today or yesterday

thats liberal deep state heaven

i honestly dont think potus and white hats have full control of west coast yet.could be wrong tho

001cf0 No.1705407


That’s exceptional. I want one

8ce92a No.1705408

File: 40bbfbe16241f21⋯.jpg (156.97 KB, 1726x733, 1726:733, Q-rr.jpg)


I am thinking that #[[[RR]]]# is the ANGEL OF DEATH and the #[[[ ]]]# are wings with THREE KILLS

Here is Rod Qing it up

9e3661 No.1705409

File: e9b8c7859fe0e67⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1424x1061, 1424:1061, houseofcards2.png)


updated for today!

1766c2 No.1705410

File: 37b6b0b330f9350⋯.jpg (83.77 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_2886.JPG)

a86a35 No.1705411

File: ac9780ce7a68710⋯.jpg (285.83 KB, 724x481, 724:481, peperod.jpg)

9e3661 No.1705412


it used to

stopped using it to not confuse with BoardOwner

3d6034 No.1705413


Kek, nice picture baker.

12c287 No.1705414

Gee.. you don't think "server" could mean the waitstaff do you?

9621a7 No.1705415

File: 001e2f259c44a1b⋯.jpg (22.16 KB, 226x300, 113:150, corsi qbitches meme.jpg)


Maybe we should go out back and duke it out.

f02eed No.1705417



240f01 No.1705418

File: 966d2fb92fdf17e⋯.jpg (374.16 KB, 1371x1363, 1371:1363, 23BC2.jpg)

Improved 23 = BC meme.

Think POTUS tweet of missle.

48b899 No.1705419



8ce92a No.1705420




e89eb6 No.1705421


He's not doing shit, he looks like he's specifically NOT trying to make any signals my awkwardly standing as still as possible

937fc4 No.1705422

File: 4e57ccd374f3dc8⋯.jpg (22.81 KB, 468x605, 468:605, ASLq.jpg)


Dude, that's not a Q

be465f No.1705423

File: 04ce910a6aabc15⋯.png (431.05 KB, 743x404, 743:404, ClipboardImage.png)


On gramps fox news live stream just now.

Happened in front of my eyes….

1a1bec No.1705424


No, the fuck, he ain't.


RR is in the killbox. Latest shill tactic is to make RR out to be a good guy. Q is clearly threatening RR. Even if I'm wrong in stating this, there's obviously some parts of the plan that aren't meant for us to know, but are advertisements to the bad actors (the ones that are here, watching, waiting to see Q's next move).

Sometimes, disinfo, even to good actors like us anons, is necessary. But for fun, I think RR is bad actor that has a choice:

1. Recuse himself (WH instructions/plan)

2. Get fucking fired

e406ce No.1705425


There is no where to run.



76f663 No.1705426

File: 83de2fa107e4c5b⋯.gif (17.23 KB, 450x580, 45:58, 450px-International_Morse_….gif)

File: 35ad51ff7d2e291⋯.jpg (69.36 KB, 611x533, 47:41, ugleeAF.jpg)

56e71e No.1705427

File: 5bba963c5ed7cc3⋯.jpg (217.7 KB, 962x643, 962:643, RTT9.jpg)

File: e379dfe7810e8ec⋯.jpg (193.98 KB, 1023x602, 1023:602, RTT8.jpg)

1b2b7d No.1705428


Whitehats are the NSA/MI. They can fly under the radar as much as they want. They have also been working with Blackwater thus they have deep connections to the bkackhats operations.

eacd6d No.1705429

File: e2bfded44b89f99⋯.jpg (140.66 KB, 630x630, 1:1, KeK AF Glide Path Jake.jpg)

File: 4cec7e6cb720633⋯.jpg (715.58 KB, 1603x925, 1603:925, Screenshot-2018-6-11 ADS-B….jpg)

Very cool F35 Patterns off San Diego Coast

Wonder if it is related to the CBP Copter off the coast not too far away?

2nd CBP Copter there in the last 24 hours.

488903 No.1705430


Think 35,000+ sealed court documents

The 'server' brings down the house.

Sorry, anons. I can't help but think double meanings here especially since server is in single quotes.


What recent news came out re: SR/JA/WL lawsuit?

Back in the news.

The 'server' brings down the house.


9e3661 No.1705431


1. don't nominate your own post


3. not notable

you know this baker

8ce92a No.1705432


HA HA Q from RR pisses you off

56c8df No.1705433


Any good lawyer would have that tossed. Someone could have put it there.

167f1a No.1705434

File: bfc081fffd2f7f0⋯.png (715.57 KB, 766x556, 383:278, ClipboardImage.png)

Treasury Department hits Russia with new sanctions

The Treasury Department on Monday imposed new sanctions against Russian businesses and individuals linked to the Kremlin’s main security agency over their role in cyberattacks against the U.S.

The sanctions are the latest in a series of escalating actions from the Trump administration intended to punish Russian entities involved in cyberattacks targeting the U.S. energy grid, as well as the global malware attack NotPetya last year, among others.

“The entities designated today have directly contributed to improving Russia’s cyber and underwater capabilities through their work with the FSB and therefore jeopardize the safety and security of the United States and our allies,” Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement.

The U.S. imposed sanctions on five entities: Digital Security, ERPScan, Embedi, Kvant Scientific Research Institute and Divetechnoservices. Sanctions were also levied on three individuals: Aleksandr Lvovich Tribun, Oleg Sergeyevich Chirikov and Vladimir Yakovlevich Kaganskiy.

The sanctions block access to any property the people or companies that are in U.S. jurisdiction, and prohibit U.S. citizens from any transactions with them.

Treasury said that Monday’s action “targets the Russian government’s underwater capabilities.”

“Russia has been active in tracking undersea communication cables, which carry the bulk of the world’s telecommunications data,” the agency said.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/business/treasury-department-hits-russia-with-new-sanctions

9c1adb No.1705435


just stop, it's just a hand..

c6e95e No.1705436


Once the PROOF of Seth Rich giving the DNC server downloads to Wikileaks comes out=

*BOOM* goes the Muh Russia Theory

*BOOM* comes the truth about the Democrat lies from the top down

*BOOM* comes the TRUTH about BHO, LL, HRC, CS, NP, PS, LP, AS, JC, NoName, etc..collusion to overthrow a duly elected POTUS

*BOOOOOOM* comes the evidence that all involved in the above boom & DNC murdered SR (or tried to) to hide the corruption of the Deep State & Cabal.

dd4f5a No.1705438

File: 45ba1a37e0c6a5b⋯.jpg (22.04 KB, 432x236, 108:59, funny predictions for 2013….jpg)

File: 1179974c87e2cdf⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 605x328, 605:328, ac.jpg)


Shave the apple and here ya go. Bizarro necks

48b899 No.1705439




This is what they're shilling right now. There's no way that's some kind of 'Q' signal. Just faggots fagging and sliding.

6de2b4 No.1705440


no i mean is

"-..—…–" soemthing in letters?

dac7a9 No.1705441

File: 75759695b8a4959⋯.png (369.8 KB, 542x675, 542:675, 75759695b8a4959f39136d2b71….png)

RR Q sign is officially a larp. Disregard the shills his damn hand is limp, don't give them replies.

cbad80 No.1705442


what's up with "stoped" instead of "stopped"?

3590f3 No.1705443

Question for Anons.

We are supposed to TRUST HOROWITZ right?

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 466abe No.979213 📁

Apr 10 2018 00:48:24 (EST)








We are also being told that the IG report will be heavily redacted. Who makes the redactions?

5ecc5f No.1705444

File: 82e3b6cea83489d⋯.jpg (81.93 KB, 669x487, 669:487, 2c1qyu.jpg)

937fc4 No.1705445


FF warning. Antifa has already organized riots if Mueller or RR are fired. RR fired, Antifa tried to riot, shut down HARD….Soros as the financier behind Antifa (bet they have proof of direct orders) now guilty of materially supporting terrorists and inciting violence. Assets seized.

71ef1e No.1705446


WikiLeaks Server possibly salvaged after they were raided.


1fd9af No.1705447

File: e32661c444c55a9⋯.jpg (31.64 KB, 586x449, 586:449, e32.jpg)


fuck i love this meme .

8ce92a No.1705448


RR sure TRIGGERS a few of you

a6e406 No.1705449



4c1aa1 No.1705450


Plasma Z pinch

300e1c No.1705451


help…who the fuck is this?

9665f7 No.1705452

File: e036fcdce5ec653⋯.jpg (5.02 KB, 232x217, 232:217, e036fcdce5ec653e1d9def645f….jpg)

b1cb10 No.1705453

File: 70fd56ec128aac5⋯.png (16.07 KB, 456x324, 38:27, DJT.png)



23 = BC fits because this was used before.

pic related 4, 10, 20 = DJT

9e3661 No.1705454


you're just wrong shill

cya and your stupid theory next bread

488903 No.1705455


>Who makes the redactions?

I believe there is written policy around redactions.

b092fb No.1705456


Her writings seem even more prescient given what we have learned about the lives of the satanic pedovore elites and their aides. Their evil dynasties start with the grotesque abuse of even their own children and they continue on with each successive generation.

a77379 No.1705457

File: 51de1def03e6715⋯.jpg (179.46 KB, 516x516, 1:1, 563a2844ee592c7364b2638211….jpg)


Youre still here months later sucking our dicks. Did your Mossad handlers cut your pay for failing the operation??

56e71e No.1705458


It doesn't matter that it's redacted. POTUS can force the unredacted release.

475b0b No.1705459

b6f9ac No.1705460



f14db6 No.1705461


That would be RR.

fe568e No.1705462

File: 5c4cbd2a159a732⋯.jpg (145.69 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, U92.jpg)


Interesting. Also could refer to U92?

Where did NK get the ore in the first place?


Also interesting.

Worldwide production of U3O8 (yellowcake) in 2013 amounted to 70,015 tonnes, of which 22,451 t (32%) was mined in Kazakhstan.

Other important uranium mining countries are Canada (9,331 t), Australia (6,350 t), Niger (4,518 t), Namibia (4,323 t) and Russia (3,135 t).[66]

f1d714 No.1705463

9cb381 No.1705464

#[[[RR]]]# /_\ [[[ ]]] +++

direction ?

ebcaa8 No.1705465


I think it is when they put on the show of going to inspect

I am sure POTUS and team already have all the proof they need regarding past assistance arming NOKO

Remember Q said Pelosi's visit would be relevant soon

194f53 No.1705466


I see an eraser or something between the fingers which looks like a dash through a circle, like a Q.

9e3661 No.1705467



wrong anon

the 11th is relevant and related to the password


reread the crumb

d61696 No.1705468

File: a1ba044928c67f2⋯.png (341.71 KB, 499x895, 499:895, ass2.png)


This seems reasonable.

c3d3c0 No.1705469

File: 127f15050e65def⋯.png (265.56 KB, 747x626, 747:626, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)


1b2b7d No.1705470


The recent news was the timeline change. Occured on June 01. They said SR was murdered at 0230 not 0430 (iirc). Matt Couch posted it b/c he's the defendant.

f14db6 No.1705471

e89eb6 No.1705472

So Q mentions the 'server', Trump tweets are missing an 'IP' and you guys think missile?

What is this the B squad?

>IP Address of Server

167f1a No.1705473

File: d0d8772bba5c125⋯.png (726.09 KB, 770x435, 154:87, ClipboardImage.png)

Rand Paul: Lindsey Graham is a ‘danger to the country’

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said that his colleague, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is a “danger to the country” for urging that military force be used against North Korea if President Trump is unable to reach an agreement with the rogue regime’s leader Kim Jong Un about denuclearizing the Korean peninsula.

Paul said he would not vote for an Authorization for the Use of Military Force against North Korea as Graham had called for over the weekend, just before Trump’s meeting on Tuesday with Kim in Singapore.

“Lindsey Graham is a danger to the country by even proposing ideas like authorizing war with Korea, my goodness,” Paul said in an interview Monday with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “So that should be something that is seen as naive and seen as something that really serious people shouldn't even really be discussing.”

When asked to elaborate, Paul said that Graham’s world view that “war is always the answer” has prompted the U.S. to become involved with conflicts “where it’s not really clear what the American interests is in those wars.”

“I think sometimes the reaction to our involvement in those wars has actually been worse than had we not been involved at all,” Paul said.

Over the weekend, Graham called on Senate Democrats to support the use of military force against North Korea “if diplomacy fails” to establish a denuclearization deal on the Korean peninsula.

"If diplomacy fails, will you support my efforts to authorize the use of military force as a last resort to convince North Korea and China that things are going to be different this time?" Graham said during an interview with ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday.

Graham added that, “We’ll know diplomatic failure when we see it,” and said he did not anticipate that Trump and Kim would sign a deal this week.

Graham's office did not immediately respond to the Washington Examiner to provide comment.

Trump landed in Singapore on Sunday and is scheduled to meet with Kim on Tuesday morning local time.

Trump and other leaders, such as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, have characterized the summit as a "getting-to-know-you" meeting between Trump and Kim.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/rand-paul-lindsey-graham-is-a-danger-to-the-country

b1cb10 No.1705474


Space is coming back in a big way, says Q.

Can't wait.

8a93cb No.1705475


Or a hockey puck

8a6521 No.1705476


These people are stoopeed!

454ea9 No.1705477

File: b5dbfdda20fe8ad⋯.jpg (536.83 KB, 1151x1325, 1151:1325, d72562547395463413568.jpg)

f148f8 No.1705478


we are talking WW3, cabal owning all the financial infrastructure and potentially crashing the world financial system, mass poverty, children traded as currency… bloodlines, JFK murder, 9/11 etc. all this huge stuff and we are dicking around talking about freaking RR with punisher logos. WTF, how does this make sense to you all?

56c8df No.1705479


There's a lot about the LSD experiments that has yet to come out. I think people in my family were test subjects.

BTW, Dr. Pivnicki's daughter married PM Brian Mulroney.

3d6034 No.1705480

File: 3b5a86927e0765a⋯.jpg (27.67 KB, 362x273, 362:273, miller3.JPG)

Finally found him.

3590f3 No.1705481



I am assuming this as well but do we know that for a fact? Just trying to make heads from tails here.

9e3661 No.1705483


the server is not online FFS

its probably smashed and at the bottom of a river by now


they have it, timing is everything

62a070 No.1705484


>Corsi money changer


9665f7 No.1705485



unless Q confirms an exact date

those saying it are fools.

like the doom and gloom fags

f02eed No.1705486

File: 1c77f04f9c007ce⋯.jpg (95.62 KB, 719x617, 719:617, 7e460699e0db42fcd996f2527f….jpg)

fed370 No.1705487


ha! Cher was also first pop star to use Auto-tune. Almost killed singing.

300e1c No.1705488


IP = Intellectual Property of US recovered. Sold by Hillary and obango?

fc3b00 No.1705489

File: dbd18751c09d29e⋯.png (3.65 MB, 2598x1460, 1299:730, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)


Maybe this was the intercept?


0af5d5 No.1705490


I need a lawfag to ask about this because I don't know

If the Awan server is THE server, the "missing" server, AND it was collected according to proper procedure from one of the padlocked and climate controlled sheds at either of the Alexandria properties

Remember there were TWO rental properties, one on Hawkshead Dr in Lorton VA, rented by US Marine Andre Taggart, and the other on Sprayer Dr in Alexandria VA, rented by Laurel Everly.

"A key revelation in this interview is the existence of two sheds that were off limits and one with a cooling system. Knowing that government computer equipment was discovered and turned over to law enforcement by Mr. Taggart at the Hawkshead Drive address, could the Sprayer address be the location of the external server"

Have some other distraction atm and not doing a great job with this post, am so sorry, but have to be blunt & inarticulate –

If the prosecution has the smoking gun server in their hands, and it was 100% legally seized when those two rental properties were searched…

What if all the "we have it all" info the wizards & warlocks gathered can't be used as evidence in court?

That would mean the seized evidence backs up the gathered intel and they're good to go, right?

Q? Anons?

31c336 No.1705491




not sure what you mean bruv,

looking at the other Q posts, I don't think

its what they are referring to.

I will leave it to the reel autists.

be well fren

0c6050 No.1705492


There is nothing fake as far as I can see!

You write "FAKE AF!" only to discredit Q!

937fc4 No.1705493


I despise Graham. Expanding on my previous post about tonight's meeting being a minute long….POTUS walks out with the signed agreement in hand after only a minute or two, but doesn't indicate. Graham flips the fuck out (along with the rest of the MSM) and calls for WAR. POTUS reveals signed deal sometime later.

ebcaa8 No.1705494


Regarding [1] … That is foolishness

Sometimes one needs to point out their own post as a notable

Things get missed if the board is moving fast or Q is posting

9e31b5 No.1705496


No it doesn't fit. You can't just take things and not use context.

a dash was used with the 23

Military was under it

then Q.

It has nothing to do with BC.

b092fb No.1705497


An anon in the making.

cc3aa5 No.1705498


>IP Address of Server

1st thought that I had.


Stoped Missle

Makes sense to put them together, whether the HI missile incident, or the missiles the stopped once POTUS & Kim met (the 1st time).

1b2b7d No.1705499


Then just yesterday/day prior the news came out about the server from Awan case went missing from Congress.

(Server brings the HOUSE down)

6e613e No.1705500

File: 30761cd78ada092⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1440x2153, 1440:2153, Screenshot_20180611-183637….png)

In case anyone is wondering where Osama is…


9e3661 No.1705501


it won't be missed if its notable

especially when its stupid, fake, and gay nonsense

be465f No.1705502

sorry anons

got off from work just now.

any response to the missing p in GEOTUS tweet


796c18 No.1705503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

56c8df No.1705504



0af5d5 No.1705505


Read all this, boy oh boy!


488903 No.1705506


Thanks, anon. Do you have sauce because this should be notable?

Also, do you know if the Judge has ruled on the dismissal? I couldn't find a ruling.

194f53 No.1705507

Missing [i][p] in the context of NK would relate to SpaceX.

c4e30c No.1705508


What dem would listen to this idiot traitor?

937fc4 No.1705509


It's hard to recover Intellectual Property, really. Once you know how to do something, you can't unlearn it. OF course, they did lose quite a few scientists in that unfortunate collapse.

d15f97 No.1705510



you must be new here.

d5337c No.1705511

File: aaf83fdd2151ff5⋯.png (32.74 KB, 1329x242, 1329:242, missle.PNG)


a77379 No.1705512

File: c9b4f888740c9f1⋯.jpeg (53.66 KB, 450x522, 25:29, c9b4f888740c9f1d18403fe3e….jpeg)


Think about it like this. NK doesnt even have the factories to build the mobile launchers. When inspectors go they will find the culprits.

ICBMs have some very advanced parts and hard to make alloys and other mats. Its not just a toy rocket scaled up.

300e1c No.1705513


Please shove a big black dildo up you ass and leave.

ebcaa8 No.1705514


Reading comprehension please

I didn't argue the merits of if it was notable or not

56e71e No.1705515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Some bands actually need it ;)

488903 No.1705516


Sauce? Notable with sauce.

5a3494 No.1705517


Great more dates that'll turn out to be nothing!!

71756f No.1705518


We have the server, we got THE server in November 2017 when POTUS made the impromptu stop and q posted the PIC out of AF1. It was airgapped, we plugged in and uploaded. WE HAVE IT ALL

6de2b4 No.1705519



9e3661 No.1705520


>it won't be missed if its notable

c3d3c0 No.1705521

File: 797c88f8bbf1586⋯.png (156.34 KB, 743x412, 743:412, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)




c302d6 No.1705522

File: da18729b59ef83f⋯.png (646.21 KB, 858x617, 858:617, compd.png)


Any of them that was in the Illuminati.

c4e30c No.1705523


Lindsey Graham is a fucking moron.

Good for Rand.

651d3d No.1705524

File: 465e04dc2da6c1f⋯.png (1.08 MB, 954x594, 53:33, ClipboardImage.png)

985b42 No.1705525

File: c7cb6449b95e0ca⋯.jpeg (165 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, FE7D429A-D3AA-46F4-93AD-6….jpeg)


fd3049 No.1705526


yup….and we've known this for 2 years…..still no booms

cbad80 No.1705527


OMG. That was today too

fc88cf No.1705529

File: f5daec24c1f272b⋯.png (361.33 KB, 574x430, 287:215, ClipboardImage.png)


A wonderful happening for sure.

enjoy this moment, anons.

c98eed No.1705530


this kind of shit has been going on since 4 chan

like muh dick guy, I totally just scroll by this kind of shit

2913ab No.1705531


I was also missing from the word missle. It gives us IP. Intellectual property or maybe the IP address from the missing server.

9665f7 No.1705532


i want this guy in cuffs

they need to arrest his faggity little ass right now

for treason, he has no business in another country

doing official business without the direct

order from potus.

9798ad No.1705533


>have them inject the fat cells into the neck.

From what I've read, the body commonly purges relocated fat. That's why so many opt for something else like filler.

I think the ropey neck appearance comes from tight muscles. Many people contract neck and shoulder muscles when stressed. After awhile, they stay that way.

8345b8 No.1705534

File: 1481099e632c4c1⋯.jpg (24.81 KB, 609x474, 203:158, 1510341397396.jpg)

240f01 No.1705535

File: 89d1ce35e20d829⋯.jpg (409.94 KB, 1371x1363, 1371:1363, 23BC4.jpg)

Improving the meme. IP missing = Military [I]ntellectual [P]roperty.

1490c0 No.1705536


It's what we're really dealing with here, anon, demons and aliens. The choice will be ours to know.

78bed9 No.1705537



9762c9 No.1705538

File: a20046ded9d2d68⋯.jpg (54.13 KB, 600x471, 200:157, Q - Booms 3.jpg)

File: 9ce34e1a5afb833⋯.jpg (63.08 KB, 526x440, 263:220, q - booms 4.jpg)

File: cea771b2ee1c5e7⋯.jpg (176 KB, 685x500, 137:100, White Castle.jpg)

File: 3fca11f9cf653b1⋯.jpg (109.2 KB, 500x627, 500:627, Q - Booms 5.jpg)

File: 3c6a90f816a316f⋯.jpg (101.91 KB, 500x575, 20:23, Q - Booms 2.jpg)


Q… Boom? Just 1? Pretty please!?

b1cb10 No.1705539


Ok, thanks for the input.

796c18 No.1705540


IP = Intellectual Property?

80cca8 No.1705541

File: 5481e4851b2976e⋯.png (28.42 KB, 680x308, 170:77, the vr wall.png)

File: 0aa43378e02432c⋯.png (80.42 KB, 669x357, 223:119, vr wall 2.png)

File: 366050e4f981ddf⋯.png (45.55 KB, 659x217, 659:217, vr wall 3.png)

File: 0f34cc169aef785⋯.png (66.72 KB, 423x466, 423:466, vr wall 4.png)


The idea of the nimble maverick overthrowing lead-footed incumbents is, of course, the favorite startup narrative. But the people behind Anduril are not untested newbies; they have significant experience in tech and politics. Besides Luckey, who gave money to an alt-right group and donated to Trump’s inaugural committee, the team includes former executives from the secretive data-crunching company Palantir, whose work for many government agencies has raised alarms about intrusive surveillance. And Anduril’s lead investor is Founders Fund, the VC firm headed by Peter Thiel, a prominent Trump supporter and the guy who shut down Gawker.


300e1c No.1705542



we have our hostages, testing, research and [Intellectual Property].

560df6 No.1705543

Did anyone read this carefully?


Did you find this way down in the comments from 2 months ago?

Huber a US Attorney or any of his HUNDREDS of investigators can talk to ANYONE. Even you and I for the investigations. Full jurisdiction all over. AG Horowitz gives recommendations. Haven't you read his long prior reports? This is VERY VERY powerful and MUCH more than a Special prosecutor for right now. Special Prosecutors are given narrow focus on cases (though dirty Rosenstien w/ dirty Mueller are reaching out of bounds). Think about how ALL major crimes over last 70 yrs have involved fully the CIA, FBI, DOJ.Dept of State (which is a full arm of CIA) being a part of them, and the cover ups and with MANY Politicians, gov employees. So much proven by so many cases civil and criminal in larger circle over years and covered up. MANY whistleblowers, many people not murdered by these bastards yet willing to come forward. THINK. Assassinations and attempted assassinations of presidents, major huge terror attacks all schemes by those in office/employees and working with NGOs, and foreign governments/mil/intel on these. I will tell you that Oklahoma Bombing truth will connect many, so would ALL the past crimes of Bushs and their Clintons to be fully dug/prosecuted. Obamas' early trainers/handlers/mentors were criminals traitors Brzezinski and John Brennan. Brennan would have been the DeepState conduit in Obama WH. This would cover all crimes connected to Biden, Gore, Kerry, Comey, Mueller, Clapper, Chertoff, Freeh, ALL of them. Think about the Church and the Pike Commissions, Operation Phoenix, and Gamma and so many others. Who do you think the US/Canadian mob really work for? or are headed by? This will tie into ADL, AIPAC, Israel, mossad into all of this and their murders, broken arrows, Oklahoma, 911 etc

6fe06c No.1705544

File: 28479cab31f6f30⋯.jpg (207.72 KB, 1726x733, 1726:733, RR.jpg)

If it was supposed to be a "Q"he screwed it up

dd4f5a No.1705545


Mentioned earlier but what if involves the system google/amazon/etc built in NK. It seems it was more than just email. It was full on servers and a virtual second internet. If they have all that because of Kim than they definitely have it all. And it would be legally obtained. May be off base but the timing fits.?

d287b5 No.1705546

first time in the notables for me and i just want to say I feel honored! i love yall and im with yall to the very end, no matter what!!


85157a No.1705547



Speaking of IP and North Korea - remember a little while back when it was put forward that it was US tech that was transferred to NK for their programs?

Spacex, Pelosi among others. Clintons also have a history of sending US missile tech to Asia.

It's the missing "IP".

5db5a1 No.1705548

so when POTUS leaves that meeting with a Treaty in hand , how much you wanna bet the dems and never trumpers in congress wont sign it

c4e30c No.1705549


Missing a "p" ?

a688a9 No.1705550

File: aed2b1ddd18f6ca⋯.jpg (136.34 KB, 800x640, 5:4, 71efe26a8702c1c986a022e3a6….jpg)

I dont want to derail but I think I want to get started investing some dosh in buttcoin. Can any anons politely point me in the right direction for a complete noob so I may figure it out myslef?

7314a9 No.1705551



c3d3c0 No.1705552

File: ae9ff7427714477⋯.png (345.95 KB, 672x649, 672:649, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 2e0c53e5b6b9c39⋯.png (56.93 KB, 669x241, 669:241, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 269a19d25f474fc⋯.png (171.02 KB, 675x680, 135:136, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)


e30220 No.1705553


just tell me what caliber of rifle i need

and if its silver

demons aliens

giant faggot cult members whats the diff

8d17e0 No.1705554

File: b9ff01fe1d0635c⋯.png (1.65 MB, 980x1172, 245:293, 23andMe.PNG)


It's just a guess. Could it be the Military? Count the persons in this room.

e38f0c No.1705555

File: 2e565484bb08dec⋯.png (864.54 KB, 1274x840, 91:60, Yall.png)

9e31b5 No.1705556


I think you are thinking of the documents that went to Awans lawyers by mistake?

cc7f94 No.1705558

File: dd2cd0228698026⋯.jpg (17.77 KB, 800x502, 400:251, duncan-5.jpg)


Isadora Duncan ?

864ffc No.1705559

File: f7216dd90a8f3dc⋯.png (854.4 KB, 680x904, 85:113, 0980DB71-C76B-4C74-905B-3B….png)

What if they announce the reunification of Korea. North and South Korea militaries would integrate under a US Military security agreement including the denuclearization of the Korea peninsula.

9e3661 No.1705560


>This will tie into ADL, AIPAC, Israel, mossad into all of this and their murders, broken arrows, Oklahoma, 911 etc


Q posted this already before today, read it slowly and carefully then

565a4a No.1705561


they will have to sign treaty or get voted out

e406ce No.1705562


You kind of contradicted yourself by saying "we have it all" and "can't be used in court".

Pick one or the other anon

b1cb10 No.1705563


No. They are good guys that work behind the scenes (actually above the scenes) and provide guidance with intel and spirituality.

ccc712 No.1705564


Ice breakers

7314a9 No.1705565



b092fb No.1705566


Looks like goat yoga, the newest new age craze.

a9d7f9 No.1705567


It was supposed to be nothing.

You screwed it up.

c5f579 No.1705568


How does one become famous?

31c336 No.1705569

File: ee97b536d174b7d⋯.png (465.59 KB, 664x455, 664:455, pepe stare and frens.png)

ccc712 No.1705570


Shameless traitors

ebcaa8 No.1705571

File: 1f3601e44329919⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1183x787, 1183:787, Dr G Singapore pic 6-11-18.PNG)

328975 No.1705572

File: 3e5ec02479a4af5⋯.png (462.61 KB, 1783x666, 1783:666, TRUSTSESS.PNG)


Buckle up'

8ce92a No.1705573


Holy shit RR is making a Q

His speech today was an /ourguy/ speech too!

Great Movie!!!

5a4599 No.1705574



d15f97 No.1705575


shills can't meme.

7657d9 No.1705576


Holy fuck.



3d88b4 No.1705577



the 23rd letter is W - Bush going down?

dff73a No.1705578


Take the cash that you want to spend on Buttcoin and light it on fire. Will save you a ton of heartache.

7d2bc7 No.1705579

File: 110b89acdce15bc⋯.jpg (211.87 KB, 693x1177, 63:107, trustful_alice_june10_2_pi.jpg)


don't shoot the messenger, but last night on @TrustfulAlice, there was a π at the bottom right of the picture

to be clear I am not advocating for for against @TrustfulAlice… just pointing out that the π showed up there yesterday

5db5a1 No.1705580

a688a9 No.1705581


Not what I have read so far.

56e71e No.1705583

File: f3e18d9c2f9614c⋯.jpeg (473.3 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, ShS.Q.jpeg)



e38f0c No.1705584

File: 1020d5240ab8d9f⋯.png (326.62 KB, 900x900, 1:1, DoubleDirty.png)

194f53 No.1705585


Looks like a Space Shuttle engine cone. Missing IP. SpaceX.

56c8df No.1705586




05. Composition of Courts-Martial

(a) Special courts-martial may be convened by–

(1) any person who may convene a general court-martial;

(2) the commanding officer of a district, garrison, fort, camp, station, Air Force base, auxiliary air field, or other place where members of the Army or the Air Force are on duty;

(3) the commanding officer of a brigade, regiment, detached battalion, or corresponding unit of the Army;

(4) the commanding officer of a wing, group, or separate squadron of the Air Force;

(5) the commanding officer of any naval or Coast Guard vessel, shipyard, base, or station; the commanding officer of any Marine brigade, regiment, detached battalion, or corresponding unit; the commanding officer of any Marine barracks, wing, group, separate squadron, station, base, auxiliary air field, or other place where members of the Marine Corps are on duty;

(6) the commanding officer of any separate or detached command or group of detached units of any of the armed forces placed under a single commander for this purpose; or

(7) the commanding officer or officer in charge of any other command when empowered by the Secretary concerned.

(b) If any such officer is an accuser, the court shall be convened by superior competent authority, and may in any case be convened by such authority if considered advisable by him.

8a93cb No.1705587

File: 82cd454ebd96e13⋯.png (2.73 MB, 2048x1367, 2048:1367, ClipboardImage.png)

Ok… This could be complete faggotry… But there are no coincidences, right?

Overwhelmingly Large Telescope (OWL)

https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/06/11/science/thirty-meter-telescopes-costs.html

71756f No.1705588

This is is not true >>1705562

It's called fruit of the poisoned tree.

f02eed No.1705589


- 23

minus w

that leave ghb

7314a9 No.1705592


But InterPol also is comped?

fc3b00 No.1705593


It was captured on a weather cam in Washington State near the naval air station on Whidbey Island.


f55b19 No.1705594

File: 5a5b703f1a6ece4⋯.png (6.79 KB, 255x196, 255:196, friendly pepe.png)

This bread is proof that you can lead a few horses to water, but you can't make them drink.

Sorry Q. Won't do it all myself.

They'll get there. Or they won't.

1490c0 No.1705595


They are different sizes but a few hollow-points would work.

c5f579 No.1705596


Humans who sold their souls.

ebcaa8 No.1705597

File: 6bc4c78241b4db6⋯.png (183.32 KB, 648x494, 324:247, Time to stop posting.PNG)


Holy shit that is not the sign for Q

b1cb10 No.1705598


See what fits best into the context we have.


Larp thread 2 has multiple anons' work proving ALL these are LARPs leeching off.

9621a7 No.1705599


McGregor is a rabid anti-Trumper, so No.

e38f0c No.1705600

File: 2dd128ad35605db⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1336x750, 668:375, shitbags.png)

0a7e1b No.1705601


Was awake and talking for 1/2 to the twp police officers at the scenen

One or both had body cams turned on.

DC Police refuse to release the bodycam videos.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz's brother is a lawyer assigned to the office investigating Seth's murder

9665f7 No.1705602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


do u c what i c

8d17e0 No.1705603


They have been pushing mystical stuff on twatter

3d6034 No.1705604


Yup, I'm waiting till night-shift. This is a clown show.

b092fb No.1705605


Albert Pike, luciferian and buddy of Roths, pointed the way to war in ME in the mid 1800s. It has been in the works for a long time.

fe568e No.1705606

File: ee7c8a6640fe27e⋯.jpg (143.02 KB, 1273x553, 1273:553, NowComesTHEPain061118.jpg)

File: 5c040b8dfa68076⋯.jpg (91.33 KB, 1163x775, 1163:775, Morse-Alphabet.jpg)


or 5 pointed star.

What about Morse Code?

>>1703606 2143


>Dash v Minus?


985b42 No.1705607

File: 92387875d19e04f⋯.jpeg (96.98 KB, 728x640, 91:80, A4BCB871-9951-474F-AEC8-1….jpeg)

Blank Meme Corsi

b1cb10 No.1705608


She has a long neck.

What about other non-neck things? Might be worth looking.

f148f8 No.1705609

File: 55939057ef60bc0⋯.png (1.01 MB, 961x541, 961:541, king RR.png)

It all hinges on this guy apparently

985b42 No.1705611

File: 6b7f118fc5af023⋯.jpeg (59.42 KB, 667x523, 667:523, 008182FA-31AE-4A2A-A291-6….jpeg)

Blank Meme Alex Jones

f55b19 No.1705613


This anon likes sleep on a regular schedule.

Godspeed, anon.

e38f0c No.1705614

File: 26a06507132a3d4⋯.png (781.79 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, COVFEFE.png)

167f1a No.1705616

File: a396cb44cab1e77⋯.png (652.48 KB, 770x435, 154:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a804e0aa1114b6⋯.png (160.6 KB, 822x1161, 274:387, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ae93ce41241175⋯.png (162.98 KB, 850x1230, 85:123, ClipboardImage.png)

How Scott Pruitt could be criminally prosecuted for EPA scandals

Opening a criminal investigation against Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt for several of his scandals would be doable, but tricky, legal experts say.

House Democrats on Friday requested the Justice Department and FBI open a criminal probe against Pruitt "for using taxpayer-funded resources for the personal gain of himself and his family.”

Pruitt is facing at least 12 federal investigations into his spending and management of the EPA, focused on whether he violated federal government ethics rules.

But to open a criminal case, prosecutors would need to meet a higher standard, legal experts say.

“Democrats have upped the ante,” said Charles Tiefer, a law professor at the University of Baltimore who served as solicitor and deputy general counsel in the House for 11 years. “A prosecutor is just not going to say, ‘Did you use your office for private gain?’ He will have to say, ‘I need to look at your intent, I need to know who else you are working with, I need to see what their intent was, and are they willing to cooperate with me to make a criminal case,'” Tiefer told the Washington Examiner.

Six House Democrats, led by Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia, made the first formal referral to the Justice Department and FBI for a criminal investigation, saying Pruitt's conduct “may have crossed a line into criminal conduct punishable by fines or even time in prison.”

Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores confirmed receipt of the referral but would not comment further.

Active investigations against Pruitt are being conducted by the EPA’s inspector general, congressional committees, and the White House, and focus on whether he has violated federal ethics regulations.

The roster of issues under investigation include Pruitt’s $50-per-night condo rental deal with the wife of an energy lobbyist who had business before the EPA, his spending of more than $3.5 million on security, his $43,000 secure phone booth, frequent first-class travel, and allegations that he retaliated against employees who questioned his judgment.

“The probes have been based on documented examples of Pruitt appearing to violate government ethics regulations,” Kathleen Clark, a law professor at Washington University in St. Louis who focuses on government ethics law, told the Washington Examiner. “These include gift and impartiality regulations and a prohibition on using public office for private gain. Those are administrative regulations.”

Serious new accusations surfaced last week involving Pruitt’s use of public office for personal reasons.

Internal emails show that Pruitt assigned an EPA scheduler to arrange a meeting with the president of the fast-food company Chick-fil-A to discuss his wife becoming a franchise owner. His wife never opened a restaurant.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/energy/how-scott-pruitt-could-be-criminally-prosecuted-for-epa-scandals

9665f7 No.1705617


stretch fag if your here u need to make a checker

out of this woman with her head, lol

f14db6 No.1705618

How would you deprogram alot of peeps that had been MKultra'ed?

What platform would you use?

How could make alot of folks stay on one website long enough to do it?

The great awakening.

d15f97 No.1705619


needs to be more hardcore. 40k style pepe.

8ce92a No.1705620


Well his speech and the Q hand sign today sure points as

RR is /ourguy/

85e7cd No.1705621

File: d03130e1c220559⋯.jpg (178.33 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, thestormweather.jpg)


None of the above

Obviously paid for.

Who cares?

89e149 No.1705622


T-minus 23 hours countdown, or

23 hundred in Military time is 11pm

329592 No.1705623

File: 36c70692869210e⋯.png (499.68 KB, 539x532, 77:76, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's some Sally Yates action for you…

09f076 No.1705624


Ding ding ding

001cf0 No.1705625


Before doing anything, listen to Catherine Austin-Fitts with Dark Journalist about 10 day’s ago.

What she says is correct, so know what’s going on before you put any hard won money at risk.

56e71e No.1705626


All his rabid are belong to us. So yes.

56c8df No.1705627


Best to know you're being censored rather than have a sneaky Marxist pretend you're not.

f148f8 No.1705628



f38e57 No.1705629

The United Arab Emirates is leading local mercenaries and Islamist gangs against the Houthi and their allies. During the last months these forces moved from the south along the coast up to Hodeidah. The fighting is fierce:

Heavy fighting in Yemen between pro-government forces and Shiite rebels has killed more than 600 people on both sides in recent days, security officials said Monday.

Tomorrow, when the media will be busy with the Kim-Trump photo-op summit, the UAE forces will launch their attack on the city.

The UN, which oversees the aid distribution through Hodeidah, tried to negotiate between the parties:

The U.N. special envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, traveled to the U.A.E. capital over the weekend in an effort to forestall an attack. Mr. Griffiths had secured an agreement with Houthi rebels who control Hodeidah to allow the U.N. to operate the port jointly, the people said. But people briefed on the discussions said they doubted the U.A.E. would accept the offer or delay the planned assault.

The briefed people were right. The UN is now evacuating its staff:


8d17e0 No.1705630

File: cb423c690f6234d⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1021x1168, 1021:1168, 23mil.PNG)


I got your hucklberry 23

96a77a No.1705631


Check qanon.pub

c0ced3 No.1705632

Hey! All of you wonderful anonfags…we are hours away from history.

Thank you Q team, and God Bless DJT.

Enjoy this. History. Vindication. MAGA.

BOOM's they are a coming…

300e1c No.1705633


Wait…is Cher one of (((them)))?

did (((they))) take out Sonny?

894805 No.1705634

File: 49208c98942c82f⋯.jpeg (162.08 KB, 770x513, 770:513, meme.clown.show.jpeg)


Disappointing after so much goodness.

e242e5 No.1705635

File: 594647539d8b5f4⋯.jpg (57.43 KB, 858x368, 429:184, 3.jpg)

N does not refer to New

N does not refer to Nazi

c3d3c0 No.1705637







5a4599 No.1705638

File: 68a9084485ad89a⋯.png (141.28 KB, 534x617, 534:617, ClipboardImage.png)


P @ Inn 23

Inn on 23rd Street

e4fe99 No.1705639


You should hang it on a doorknob

bf6126 No.1705640

File: 5c59ffb692c111c⋯.jpg (339.6 KB, 1085x729, 1085:729, Screen Shot 06-12-18 at 12….JPG)

"The Very Bad Things That Happen When You Cover Bilderberg"

Interesting little UT video I've just watched.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=q53ZeZTnA3E

f55b19 No.1705641



Sometimes I think I cause it. Tempted just to stay away.

9e3661 No.1705642


muh ashkenazi

FFS do you dig on anything else

7657d9 No.1705643


That is NOT a fucking Q.

That's [RR] being a an uncomfortable fag for a photo op.


1b2b7d No.1705644



Was mentioned last night. Pretty sure in notables already. Checking to see if I have the screencap. And yes I'm aware of the files ordeal but this was literally a server went missing from congress re: Awan. (Came out before the files went to Awan story came out.)

56e71e No.1705645

File: d22d538426c1b75⋯.jpg (101.5 KB, 950x434, 475:217, RTT1.jpg)

File: 228ab3a84b6b66d⋯.jpg (228.02 KB, 1024x599, 1024:599, RTT2.jpg)

File: b2044ca3d93aa24⋯.jpg (145.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, RTT3.jpg)

File: 1e527c22a284352⋯.jpg (217.77 KB, 1023x640, 1023:640, RTT4.jpg)

File: 4653ad269740061⋯.jpg (158.51 KB, 1021x570, 1021:570, RTT5.jpg)

2913ab No.1705646

We are looking for the meaning of -[dash] 23, not -[minus]23

c3d3c0 No.1705647

File: bddad09cbacf645⋯.png (352.47 KB, 920x552, 5:3, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 1c0ec8cdfa2a12e⋯.png (545.4 KB, 1286x612, 643:306, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)




152f07 No.1705648


Here's the thing anon…

Q himself has told his, he can only go so far, the rest will be for you to know.

He can only go 70-80% of the way without being discredited be most, even people here.

There is merit to the whimsical/farfetched/mystical things being said, presented. Some of them do indeed correspond with 3301/Ciccada, it's a lot of the same concepts/numerology/ending etc..

So those who "know how to look" see the patterns/similarities/connections between everything, because they watch everything…

That's what Q means why he says "it will be your choice to know'

He can't hold peoples hand any further then the satanic/pedo/childern etc… that's further then most regular people can go….

So ya… there's more to it, but you have learn to SEE first, not just look and watch.

9621a7 No.1705649


Mueller's probe is a fraud, there was never any crime to investigate.

9e31b5 No.1705650




(see photo)

and using a dash (instead of minus)

The military uses the word dash to talk about their codes and procedures, etc.

eacd6d No.1705651



Looks like 23 to Me!

And imagine what they know collectively, and how that helps to run the country and military

God has blessed us with POTUS and Q!!!!

4bb6d9 No.1705652


Nine possible "candidates." All "may" run for president. All criminals who know the day of the rope is upon them. The timing of the article is a pathetic attempt to put all of these losers in the minds of the public as Trump's political opposition. When they are ALL charged with crimes they will cry that Trump is a dictator attempting to wipe out ALL of his opposition in a witch hunt. Maybe they will even polish up the "vast right-wing conspiracy" gem.

748beb No.1705653


/ourguys/ have all they need for prosecutions

d081a4 No.1705654


Gotta be a separate race or bloodline. Said it before on the Raneire Ex pic.. these people are descendants of the Pharaohs

80970f No.1705655

File: 1080971b15c2a88⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-11-17-4….png)

File: 816ec8a2ddcf4be⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-11-17-4….png)

Hey! I'm researching an old crumb and I think I might have found something… Have you guys seen this pic before?? It's an arial shot of a location in Arizona. It has the pedo spiral symbol in the middle and the larger area looks like the pizza slice triangle. PLEASE tell me you can see it too. Needless to say, I think it's related to human trafficking.

300e1c No.1705656

File: 4840fb6cbf87a2b⋯.gif (76.98 KB, 500x375, 4:3, sl.gif)


that even scares mr sleestak

560df6 No.1705657


If the Dems did this, perhaps Pruitt would put up a weak defense, be convicted, make a weak appeal, go to the Supreme Court and have them approve of his conviction.

And then the hammer comes down. Because that would be case law that can be used against all those Dems and other previous politicians who put money in their own pockets.

It will be a bloodbath. You need Pruitt to solve the environmental problem first, i.e. to create the legal environment in which the prosecutions can occur and be completed quickly, because there are thousand who need to be convicted of this crime.

As for Pruitt, he will be pardoned, because it is part of the plan.

3d6034 No.1705658


I'm saving my digging for later. It would be lost in the chaos right now.

3c7514 No.1705659


gdamnit anon. whats the date/sauce of the picture post I remember the 911 reference

e30220 No.1705660


you think learn to read the map means learn to read the millitary action plan ?

48b899 No.1705661


(((They))) aren't going to stop until (((they))) reach (((their))) (You) quota

ebcaa8 No.1705663

File: b8bac7fb4229502⋯.png (186.79 KB, 668x565, 668:565, POTUS Schedule 6-11-18 4 ….PNG)

78bed9 No.1705664


Posted it earlier


9e3661 No.1705665



hell of a job anons


2cb6ef No.1705667

>>1705326 >>1705342 >>1705351 >>1705352 >>1705372 >>1705492 >>1705631

nope, no fake, just another levelof shilling: using twatterlarp to meme and confuse.

having wasted the time, the confusion comes from linking SethRich to JulianAssange, but that connection can clearly be infered from Q's responses.

nothing to see here, bad post/meme.

d287b5 No.1705668

File: 404162d0f3a649d⋯.png (24.2 KB, 207x202, 207:202, qpick on cnn.png)

>>1703255 lb

sorry anon i missed it. can anyone else corroborate this? i saw the one of kim smiling in the middle of two people.

all i have is the cached thumbnail but you can clearly see it was there.

f55b19 No.1705669

File: 5760095770a44be⋯.png (260.56 KB, 499x499, 1:1, aarrrgh pepe.png)

What happened 23 hours after the post in questions?

Military time minus 23 hours.

f57067 No.1705671


Then BOOM, comes the truth about the U1 deal, Iran, corruption

Then BOOM, comes the truth about human & child Trafficking.

Then BOOM, comes the truth about their sick cult, and evil doings, kek

Then BOOM truth will come out about past historical events like 9/11 and 7/10 planecrashes.

c5f579 No.1705672


How does one become famous?

9665f7 No.1705673


23 in reverse is 32

the highest degree before 33 is bestowed on you

9e3661 No.1705674



the twatter larp is fake, THAT IS A REAL CRUMB

71756f No.1705675


Confirm UCMJ [dash] 23 would be epic…

f148f8 No.1705676


Q said in reference to -23 "I'd watch the news that day" right? Thought at the time, that confirmed the 6/11 date.

c850e0 No.1705677

File: ab3181ef686fb17⋯.png (475.89 KB, 637x359, 637:359, Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at ….png)

File: 152018b5e1be072⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1022x627, 1022:627, Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at ….png)

File: e9e636832d3ac7f⋯.jpg (355.34 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, theytried___.jpg)

File: 4a7bf3dcf00be0a⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 960x868, 240:217, 4a7bf3dcf00be0a7832519c494….jpg)

9c1adb No.1705678

File: 89b96440f362678⋯.jpg (132.33 KB, 755x477, 755:477, _ojlne2le7kr.jpg)


152f07 No.1705679


Sell your soul.

2b672d No.1705680

>>1705633 The Sonny Bono ski death is nowhere near closed in my mind. Nothing about it added up. To me, it was either a kill or a fake death. 50-50

1545e7 No.1705681

File: 7c759b394e2a4f8⋯.jpg (106.1 KB, 1245x698, 1245:698, IP missing Potus tweet.JPG)

File: bcf17b21f3bb07b⋯.jpg (60.69 KB, 548x316, 137:79, intelligence partners.JPG)



b1cb10 No.1705682




f55b19 No.1705683

NEWSFAGS - what's up in Iran?

Meet you next bread.

d081a4 No.1705684

and it was on June 11th 2018 the Anons coined the phrase "Longnecks" as an identifier of the ancient race of Satan worshipers.. the war ensued. It ended fast. Humans won.

ebcaa8 No.1705685


Disappointing that Kellyannes husband keeps doing this and speaking ill of POTUS

I don't fault her for his behavior

But she is also in DC and not in Singapore

7657d9 No.1705686



Thanks for the reminder!

Time to close up the shop, stop for a drink & get home to watch HISTORY.

dea0ad No.1705687


I agree. That was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw Q's post. There would be no reason for the quote marks if server was meant to be taken literally as a computer server.

5db5a1 No.1705688


Nine people trying to get their stories straight

937fc4 No.1705689


Neugenic World Order. The manipulation, directly, of genetic expression to create a super race. Think GATTACA, and it is a continuation of Nazi Ideology.



f02eed No.1705690

File: c49f8df75484705⋯.png (386.11 KB, 637x500, 637:500, ClipboardImage.png)

dac7a9 No.1705692

File: ebc6c7f325e36bd⋯.jpg (240.81 KB, 1500x966, 250:161, For REE and country.jpg)

Not riding the RR is /ourguy/ slide. People need to wait to see IF he's vetted and quit jumping the gun over some little fluff piece, he's actively trying to sabotage the IG requesting unnecessary redactions. I might try to entertain that he's flipped when he stops shitting his pants.

8d17e0 No.1705694


You missed my point. The mystical is BS on Twitter right now. Pi and golden ratio and 3301. It's floating around to day and to be ignored.

b1cb10 No.1705695


The BOOM comes with other things as well.


f148f8 No.1705696



560df6 No.1705698


In the military + means before and - means after.

So when planning D-Day, +10 hours is when something happens like assembling men on the beach for last equipment check before loading the boats. And -23 is what happens 23 hours after the landing starts on the beaches.

e242e5 No.1705699

File: 8e3b4588a9d2832⋯.jpg (71.41 KB, 771x262, 771:262, 4.jpg)

13aebb No.1705701


I cannot stop laughing. So true to his personality, he really doesn't give a shit what any of them do.

9cb381 No.1705702

FOX count down to the Summit Meeting 1hr 5 min zero seconds

1b2b7d No.1705703


My man! My connection and devices are fairly comped. Having difficultly working through my "files". (Using 2 phones now)

f55b19 No.1705705


So it was 23 hours AFTER something had happened?

fe568e No.1705706

File: ee3f632baf0b8a8⋯.jpg (82.05 KB, 587x859, 587:859, @Roseanne-pi.jpg)


don't follow that drama, so no worries here.

do like the Wonderland theme. π is peculiar.

Roseanne also twatted about PI back in April.

eacd6d No.1705708

I think we as Anons need to agree that between last night before Midnight EDT and today that we have been given a GIGANTIC amount of deepdive diggs from Q

I have been around quite a while now, and I will always remember this last 18 hours in the life of Qanon Existence!!!


76f663 No.1705709

File: 367306f745e7b18⋯.jpg (60.31 KB, 1024x800, 32:25, hotpepesauce.jpg)

779406 No.1705710


Beautiful troll tact on lefties.

Hannity boast & the MOCKINGBIRD media

goes Ballistic Crying, That's illegal, Felony, Law

breaker, etc..

Wonderful how they put the Spot light on themselves.

Beyond STUPID!!!


c3d3c0 No.1705711

File: 5c6d93fdf9f2719⋯.png (132.25 KB, 661x623, 661:623, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)


oh shit

9e31b5 No.1705712

File: c10ea0ab25b0177⋯.png (999.68 KB, 1021x1168, 1021:1168, cb423c690f6234db0b25450c83….png)


And Q answers the question HIMSELF:

What else might (23) refer to?

Dash v Minus?



Q is answering the question himself 23 = Military

And dash is used in military talk.

0af5d5 No.1705713


I'm sorry, am having an off-health day & not articulating well

The server collected from the Awan properties would be admissible in court, since the chain of evidence would be in accordance with the law… (I think? Pls correct if am wrong)

The digital files gathered from that same server, via NSA or NRO or whoever, wouldn't that be inadmissible as evidence (although priceless as information)?

I'm really trying :(

560df6 No.1705714


It's true, our intelligence partners are missing.

They have been working against the USA.

6de2b4 No.1705715

How to watch summit?

f148f8 No.1705716


No I think it is -23 article 23


2913ab No.1705717


Which is today, which is the summit (tonight). its already the 12th in Singapore.

96a77a No.1705718


I like your thinking

642dbf No.1705719


To add to that..

Your soul comes with a price.. usually, a child, parent etc..

Where's Kanyes mom?

Does he rap about how his mom would still be here if he wasn't famous?

Yup and yup.

f57067 No.1705720


Is this Jordan? kek

9e3661 No.1705721


you answered my question with a NO

go back to pol

0cafb1 No.1705722

File: abafe51a6812c1c⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2048x1548, 512:387, ___The Storm is Upon Us.jpg)

7aae29 No.1705723

File: 49a39b52ad304c9⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 720x713, 720:713, 3JfLFR.jpg)

Bread is comfy after filtering faggots who use the yellow/purple font.

929e8c No.1705724

File: 9c606e778c0b613⋯.png (520.54 KB, 995x936, 995:936, 28f2d388-95e4-4119-b6c3-f6….png)


bb952a No.1705725


unles minus refers to a countdown, as in "T minus 23 and counting"

8d17e0 No.1705726


That was April 13 at whithouse.gov


300e1c No.1705727

File: 1b4a455b8e19fe9⋯.jpg (12.89 KB, 318x158, 159:79, sonny.jpg)


those (((bastards))) killed Sonny

78bed9 No.1705729


Why can't it just be the password? Don't recall saying the -23 meant anything close to the guesses.

ebcaa8 No.1705730





this is very likely

937fc4 No.1705731


I hope so. Relevant Alice in Wonderland snippet from Chapter 3, the Caucus Race. Remember Fire and Fury?

"I'll be

judge, I'll

be jury,"



old Fury:


try the








240f01 No.1705732


Nice dubz, Anon.



d287b5 No.1705733


disregard ^ that my apologies. looks like the clipboard image and not Q orig

5b9e2a No.1705734



ce8f85 No.1705735


Intellectual Property

f55b19 No.1705736


Q referenced it today.

9e3661 No.1705737


2cb6ef No.1705738


>Why can't it just be the password?

re-read crumbs (right after reveal, if only)

9798ad No.1705739


Every South Korean I've known/met in my area has told me that Kim changed his appearance to look like his grandfather. The guy believes that makes others respect him.

Asians respect strong, rich men. One day, Kim may decide to imitate his new father figure Trump.

894805 No.1705740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It was good to see Q dropping real crumbs, again.

Funny that he waited for the delegation to arrive in Singapore and was quiet prior to them getting there.

I wonder if he was one of the advance team members on site prior to DJT and not wanting to doxx himself by posting from a Singaporean IP.

I also think that those of us really paying attention know that the snowball is gaining momentum and building up into a D5 avalanche.

We won't be disappointed with the redactions of the IG report and the reaction of the media.

We'll know that Huber will be taking over and beginning the real digging.

Those of us paying attention can expect real changes in Iran.

All of these very detailed digs around clocks, or hand signs, or markers, etc., become less relevant as the mockingbird media loses control of the narrative as the indictments start to get unsealed.

Good to post this in response to other anons not fighting over where JA is or muh dick or any of the stuff that at this time is pretty irrelevant.

I've got some popcorn ready to be popped.

I might even turn on cable news tonight which I never do.

It makes me physically ill.

But, I'm going to give it a shot.

Shadilay anons.

f148f8 No.1705741


I think it is deeper than that… it also could mean the specific targeting of non-desirable genetic profiles. Think AIDS, think AUTISM. Develop diseases targeting specific genomes.

48b899 No.1705742



There we go. That's notable.

20ec4d No.1705743

File: 63b753c974c108d⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1596x643, 1596:643, djt-pence-flag.png)

A very stable genius

1eae44 No.1705744


Actually, there is a signal for a flying speed faster than Buster. It is called Dash. Dash is the fastest speed possible, but may not sustainable due to system limitations. Buster is the fastest sutainable speed within the limitations of the aircraft.

Probably not so much difference between the two signals in today's modern jet aircraft, because of the controls built into the Power Control Levers and Fuel Controls of modern jet aircraft and jet engines.

c5f579 No.1705746


If one has no soul, who is in control?

5b56bc No.1705747


Dude skied into a tree. What didn't add up?

b1cb10 No.1705748


I'm not him, but he's a good guy.


Dam son, how old is this Disclosures section?

Looking forward to seeing it filled to the brim!

1fd9af No.1705749

File: 314279656293b04⋯.jpg (14.14 KB, 320x173, 320:173, Poltergeist_Carol_Anne.jpg)


the list is endless .

39054d No.1705751

>>1705194 o7

Right around when Vegas happened.

There was that creepy produce distributor possibly involved too.

fb0958 No.1705752


Natural World Order

Based on Law of the Jungle, which is diametrically opposed to (for example) the Golden Rule.

2cb6ef No.1705753

File: 6e6052e0161e1cc⋯.png (3.15 MB, 2754x2612, 1377:1306, FollowThePen_Study the EOs….png)

066556 No.1705754

Are you guys watching the meeting between Trump and Kim today?

3c7514 No.1705755


Whew anon

85e7cd No.1705756

File: 720d5e403657997⋯.jpg (141.38 KB, 1300x778, 650:389, rosensteinlurch.jpg)

File: a7f47ce690d4cba⋯.jpg (425.07 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, rodrosenstein.jpg)

File: 99d145baa10d049⋯.jpg (67.97 KB, 529x512, 529:512, rosenstein2.jpg)

File: e71d05a31afd015⋯.jpg (226.76 KB, 1301x747, 1301:747, rosensteinuraniumone.jpg)

File: 9482faac2489266⋯.jpg (302.43 KB, 1024x733, 1024:733, rosensteina.jpg)


It's a movie and this twit plays "Uriah Heep"

167f1a No.1705757




He will go down with the rest of the bad actors, McNoName's buddy isn't fooling anyone, I do believe he is connected to Ukraine as he is always looking for war any chance he can find

1490c0 No.1705758


Too many coincidences, anon. You found something that needs digging.

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