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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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First time on 8chan? First time on /QResearch/? Click here before posting, newfag.

File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

080392 No.1677965

Welcome To Q Research General


Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's "Proofs" Authenticating Q >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF









Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 06.03.2018


Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown, >>1510286 Useful filters & >>1652199, >>1674519 Freedom of Speech

6e232e No.1677967

File: f7fa18001bcddeb⋯.jpg (26.72 KB, 590x166, 295:83, 1527991096115.jpg)

-never fart on someone's balls or other front private parts

-no running around buck naked in any way or running without pants and undergarments

-no holding doorknob's shut when people are trying to enter

-no using larping to reenact your revenge fantasies against people you dislike

-no relieving yourself on someone

1e2490 No.1677968

File: 76c1ed3fa68a26e⋯.jpg (364.26 KB, 1024x894, 512:447, RANGA.jpg)


8e8664 No.1677969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump statement live, Quebec

8026a6 No.1677970

File: 85260f55c61366a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 520.23 KB, 560x419, 560:419, ThanQ BAKER.png)

0b1303 No.1677971

File: 9e867fafb21526d⋯.png (812.02 KB, 1200x755, 240:151, PlainSight.png)

359897 No.1677972

I started this Ebake, then my PC crashed.

I'll finish, gotta load up pastebin..

Why isnt anyone able to bake tho, I just got home..

d8df76 No.1677973

File: e13181042db2329⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1500x945, 100:63, G7hair.png)

morning anons


thanks Ebaker!

5a19d3 No.1677974

File: c324bae6dbc334b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.67 MB, 640x965, 128:193, Screenshot_132.png)

This for every Baker and every Bread!

223515 No.1677975

File: 4dd11b98b505097⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1366x762, 683:381, tgphelp.png)

happening right now in Berlin/Germany..

march for a raped and killed 14 year old jewish girl. get that out there!!

stream here:


a6d1b2 No.1677976

thanks for stepping up baker. i was just about to ebake

b853c9 No.1677977

reposting to trigger the shills


>note none of anons points were ever refuted, only character attacks and logical fallicies

359897 No.1677978


are not endorsements


>>1666554 BO Creates Static Welcome Pages For Newfags

>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO


>>1676181 Pixar Co-Founder Resigning - John Lasseter

>>1675964 Lets Put This Tucson Shit to Bed... Vid Related

>>1675860 Australian officials have visited Julian Assange in London

>>1675751 , >>1675848 How to get to the board archives

>>1675812 Iranian officials, in a first, have admitted to facilitating 9/11

>>1675804 POTUS photos from the G7 Summit

>>1675745 Macron says G-7 may exclude US from joint statement

>>1675679 The Somolia tweet, Bin Laden's death and Stratford


>>1675438 Trump may arrive earlier in Singapore

>>1675330 , >>1675398 , >>1675411 The NSA, DC, The Pope & The Jesuits

>>1675365 Bourdain tweeted about HRC being satan's consort

>>1675317 , >>1675435 Tucson news articles and push back on those calling fake

>>1675233 Comey's original statement on Hillary's handling of classified emails?

>>1675158 , >>1675207 Was the Tucson story conceived on 4Chan 15 months ago?

>>1675007 , >>1675065 Asia Argento was the main player going after Weinstein


>>1674700 Bourdain was harassed by HRC's "goons"

>>1674599 Digging for a connection between Jane Rhodes-Wolfe and Ben and David Rhodes

>>1674566 , >>1674593 Documents on U1 - CA - EU - ASIA - IRANK/NK

>>1674527 Suicide? Mark Vanderpump

>>1674519 NEWFAGS: Come in with the right attitude

>>1674137 , >>1674508 The Bronfman Gang: “Godfathers” to Al Capone and John McCain

>>1674357 BIG qanon.news update & bread searchability on the way

>>1674144 , >>1674354 , >>1674654 Asia Argento: "Harvey Weinstein raped me & the film industry covered up"

>>1674138 Canadian Anons: DIG and shift narrative


>>1673243 Comfrey plant

>>1673350 Search #mopquest on Instagram

>>1673426, >>1673477, >>1673527 1413 W Chicago Ave Update

>>1673571 Trump tweet "Somolia"?

>>1673838, >>1673923 2 days left on the pandaclock?

>>1673769, >>1673859, >>1673870 <^>'s book collection

>>1673838 Qlock 5:25

>>1673891 Server belonging to Wasserman Schultz IT worker Awam is physically stolen from Congress

>>1673950 POTUS Schedule update


>>1672493 What's on the Qlock for tomorrow?

>>1672580 On Trump and North Korea meeting: Why Singapore?

>>1672592, >>1672659, >>1672711, >>1672761 Æ few crumbs

>>1672670 Get this meme to Europe

>>1672799 Trump: 'Schumer failed,' don't need his advice on North Korea

>>1673001 Canada is looking to crack down on illegal immigration at its southern border

>>1673022 Facebook allowed companies to access certain types of user data, despite claiming to have ended those partnerships in 2015: Report

>>1673078 NXIVM - Down The Rabbit Hole in NYC

>>1673083 BuzzFeed editors knew about reporter's romantic relationship with indicted ex-Senate staffer: Report

>>1673107 POTUS Schedule update re: meeting with Tredeau

>>1673124 House GOP blocks Obama-era rules on cost of climate change

>>1673180 List of notable suicides in 2018:


>>1671621, >>1671874 Gordon Ramsay partnering with Rotchschild?

>>1671680 Cause of death of hacker who turned in Chelsea Manning remains a mystery - autopsy report

>>1671695, >>1671716, >>1671731, >>1671851, >>1671881 Bourdain photos, fuckery in EU

>>1671729 The N.W.O. is being defeated within the U.S.A. and is now focusing all of its efforts on the countries within the E.U.

>>1671819 The Gloves Are Off: State Department Goes Nuclear On Leakers After Wolfe Arrest

>>1671909 President Trump on marijuana: I probably will end up supporting end to federal ban

>>1671910 Former CIA officer Kevin Mallory found guilty of selling secrets to China

>>1671934, >>1672032 Iran admits to facilitating passage of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attackers

>>1672049 Rose McGowan rushing to support Asia Argento after Bourdain’s suicide

>>1672053 Singapore & South Korea part of 5 eyes

>>1672181 Trump has been preparing his whole life

>>1672220 Qlocck with 82day timetable, March 17th + 82 days = June 7th

>>1672356 Planefag Update

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

5a19d3 No.1677979

File: ecab5d8258c1bb5⋯.png (798.01 KB, 965x962, 965:962, QsAjEw.png)

359897 No.1677980

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1587271 - @EyeTheSpy & @BackChannel17 Thread

>>1618616 - Tucson Human Trafficking Thread

Graphics of All Q's Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1628987

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived ----------------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ----------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg -------------------------------- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ------------ >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ----------------- >>>/comms/966

58bffb No.1677981

File: d7b437558f32622⋯.jpg (85.95 KB, 500x789, 500:789, dog-salute.jpg)

Thank you, Baker.

359897 No.1677982

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon -------------------- http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

be8a37 No.1677983

Last actual Baker from last night back awake, available for Duty, if needed

3c8d2f No.1677984


>Why isnt anyone able to bake tho, I just got home

I would feel weird baking for a bunch of people who have become a weird political Christian doomsday cult.

3d8300 No.1677985

Baker thank you! I have never baked but was pasting from the previous thread. Before I fucked it up, Im glad I checked to see if someone had. Now I know I need to go to cooking class.

thank you!

1ec8c2 No.1677986


Since there was some confusion of who was far left.

L-R: European Council President Donald Tusk, British Prime Minister Theresa May, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, U.S. President Donald Trump, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker

a47156 No.1677987

File: ae526f5ce0534fe⋯.png (443.72 KB, 832x832, 1:1, [0]WL.png)

[0]WL confirmed for POTUS' birthday?

Markers are :09 and 11.

Need guidance to continue if wrong.

8026a6 No.1677988

File: 45803bb3e6cf048⋯.jpg (56 KB, 660x449, 660:449, 28058394_877730149080769_1….jpg)


What have I started?

359897 No.1677989

Dough #2111

Will post dough in a bit.

Used previopus bread's.

=Staying for 2112 probably, dont worry

Wtf is going on here?

5fdc8d No.1677990

File: 72ff56617e70c7e⋯.jpg (125.98 KB, 736x570, 368:285, st jerome pepe 2.jpg)


baker here

Thank you Ebaker,

I can take it from here until we get another

anon who can step up.

Thank you and previous baker for holding it down

0c986f No.1677991

>>1677918 (last bread)

this is the Pope that I thought Q was telling us was going to have a terrible May.

77eedc No.1677992

File: b6b4cb50041f931⋯.png (281.16 KB, 1012x1267, 1012:1267, boom tangent june 11th plu….png)



>We need 3 more booms…

Already there. Pointing at next week.

Posted this Q-clock graphic yesterday.

You probably missed it...



b94b71 No.1677993

>>1677629 Wictor's statement is one of the more insane things we will see this week. These are the words of a person who does NOT WANT the truth to come out. Ergo, this individual likely has some skin in the game. Like De Niro's latest rant against POTUS, these words by Wictor are PROJECTION writ large. His words are not without effect----they are dangerous and destructive. At this stage of the game, there is NO EXCUSE for a person with a following to make a statement like this. The guilty must be brought to justice, every single one of them.

b27e15 No.1677994


Merkel tenting her fingers again. It's like she can't help it.

1913ae No.1677995

File: 9d8b1b59eb6b36a⋯.png (740.86 KB, 920x518, 460:259, 1528508881728.png)

Cute couple!

2b1451 No.1677996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tommy Robinson march.

Great turnout.

3d8300 No.1677997


glad you are here too, that was two minutes of radio silence in between bakes

cant happen, I promise to learn to cook.

d8df76 No.1677998



(not the Ebaker)

not sure Ebaker, just got on, we need FOUR breads worth of notables?????

can someone help with this??

5fdc8d No.1677999


>>1677990 (my post)

all yours bro,

I'd rather not bake

if I don't have to Cheers.

e3b47c No.1678000

File: 6d4b17319704852⋯.jpg (8.07 KB, 249x202, 249:202, images-14.jpg)

be8a37 No.1678001


I just posted before you, I am last baker that had to get some sleep. I desperately want to bake #2112, please??

359897 No.1678002

File: cec14ee1574ae3b⋯.jpg (172.78 KB, 693x520, 693:520, 2770861cd1ddbfc243acb8d822….jpg)





d8df76 No.1678003


Trump is what Hitler could never be, SUCCESSFUL and a grandfather lol

0cf1fe No.1678004

File: c9bc7dcc3346a86⋯.jpg (617.07 KB, 1343x912, 1343:912, ec1a7643-df03-40f1-bbfd-8f….jpg)

649e57 No.1678005

File: b6613311e243da3⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1370x723, 1370:723, Campjustice5.png)

File: 601f5a20de86dc0⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1577x823, 1577:823, Campjustice4.png)

File: b9513d9ef4dec9a⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1607x814, 1607:814, Campjustice3.png)

File: 47130bf3cd3cac0⋯.png (419.72 KB, 920x725, 184:145, Campjustice2.png)

File: 601f5a20de86dc0⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1577x823, 1577:823, Campjustice1.png)

ae4433 No.1678006

File: ed5ef695f005947⋯.png (841.13 KB, 1917x816, 639:272, ClipboardImage.png)

Algeria took off from Georgia, USA. Netherlands still screamin'.

e3b47c No.1678007


Crack is whack

359897 No.1678008


Fuck it, now I'm here, I'm baking 2112 Kek

407de7 No.1678009

File: 4fb88752eb81396⋯.jpg (610.58 KB, 1917x947, 1917:947, Various 9 Jun 18 1500.jpg)

File: 80355f58773627b⋯.jpg (224.09 KB, 1221x955, 1221:955, Magma50 Catania 9 Jun 18 1….jpg)

There's a LOT of US assets in the air right now - JSTARS, E3-B Mercury, JSOC Wolfshound, Clipper, check 'em.

Magma50 has returned to Catania from Misrata.

5a19d3 No.1678010


That pic looks like it was taken at Comet Ping Pong?

3c8d2f No.1678011


Only users lose drugs

af1e2f No.1678012

File: 0a5b9db506befd3⋯.jpg (67.32 KB, 740x554, 370:277, dog.jpg)

Previous bread



no notable. IV = 4 not 6

IVXIVM = 998



5fdc8d No.1678013


for sure, I'll get the previous 2 - 4 if someone can get the furtherst 2-4

does that make sense?

me = 2108-2110

somone else


How Copy Baker

a444ee No.1678014

File: f60901b1864eb8f⋯.png (983.66 KB, 3998x2667, 3998:2667, Story Hole.png)

GraphicFag here.

New ad from the NYT, enjoy & share anons

7d61c5 No.1678015

File: 3615929c4e11285⋯.png (125.75 KB, 634x640, 317:320, Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at ….png)

Who is this asshole?

91c0ee No.1678016


He would spell God as G_D

be8a37 No.1678017



Handoff Confirmed

Godspeed EBaker & VolunteerBaker

Thank you for your service.

2b1451 No.1678018


Wow! I never thought of that.

ae4433 No.1678019


Thank you Baker. What can I do to help?

5fdc8d No.1678020






Thank you for stepping up

Get Em' Wit dat MAYAN MAGICK

alsoplease see



d8df76 No.1678021



shit my bad, its just 2109 and 2010 (again, just got on lol)

I'll get the 2109 you get the 2110

standby o7

359897 No.1678022

File: aa65e97c5f84acc⋯.jpg (143.47 KB, 651x553, 93:79, _2o8jvox0c68.jpg)

>>1677965, >>1677978, >>1678002, >>1678008

If anyone is confused, I don't even know why there's several e-bakes all of a sudden..

I am baking next bread

Help collect notables from previous breads if you want them

3c8d2f No.1678023


Elemi Fuentes, notorious bum-driller. Very dangerous.

5a19d3 No.1678024


German protest march ist sehr sehr ruhig!

d2d09b No.1678025

File: 39295d80fbe7bab⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1410x1562, 705:781, Screen Shot 55.png)

>>1677834 (pb)

Incredibly interesting that US DoE (Q Clearance) just unveiled the worlds's most powerful supercomputer named Summit while all these others summits are converging:

1. Bilderberg (including Vatican)

2. G-7

3. Nato Defense Ministers

4. China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, India

5. POTUS Kim in Singapore

5fdc8d No.1678026



i got 2110

8026a6 No.1678027


No clue anon

8299bf No.1678028

File: f4c778173927c6e⋯.jpg (88.13 KB, 789x666, 263:222, NYS_Map_by_occultry.jpg)

>>1677862 (lb)

Wow, that's a pretty yuge find, anon. Raniere a mad evil genius? Quite a curveball.

Always thought Roman Numerals had something to do with NXIVM.

Another reference IV IV = 4 4 (think ex-POTUS)



Interesting sidenote: NXIVM compound very near Rensselaer County & the city of Rensselear.


The Van Rensselaer family, which were the feudal landholders of the entire future Rensselaer County built a residence in the future city of Rensselaer. This property was inherited by Hendrick van Rensselaer, Kiliaen van Rensselaer's grandson, who built Fort Crailo in approximately 1712.

the future Rensselaer.[4] Greenbush (originally t'Greyn Bos in Dutch) was the earliest settlement from Dutch times. The hamlet of East Albany was part of the village of Greenbush.

Lots of strange stories surrounding the Dutch settlements in upstate NY for the history geeks.

1913ae No.1678029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Something Unprecedented Is Happening at Bilderberg 2018

72fbeb No.1678030


No notables from last 3 breads?

be8a37 No.1678031


OK Baker, I hope you name it well

You Bake

77eedc No.1678032


These are the timetable 'markers':

111, 89, 82, 61

(In the beginning, sometimes it 'swirled' around 111 days, from 110 to 112)

a47156 No.1678033

File: ebca2afe0283087⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1015x3685, 203:737, notQ.png)

File: 99087e45b95e5ff⋯.jpg (684.54 KB, 3353x913, 3353:913, 372c698370bc21fd6fe27060ae….jpg)

File: cec661c47c48d22⋯.png (633.05 KB, 687x718, 687:718, 2.png)

File: a1b8999a7e0655e⋯.png (1.01 MB, 830x829, 830:829, fade.png)


For anyone who missed the last bread.

Help if you can.

7d61c5 No.1678034





3c8d2f No.1678035

359897 No.1678036


I'll take suggestions? I don't mean to be an ass. but I get kinda frustrated seeing the state of this..

fa2698 No.1678037

File: 7e9526601b8fc62⋯.jpg (431.22 KB, 1333x1357, 1333:1357, 20180609.jpg)

File: e43bf6bb176b274⋯.jpg (448.91 KB, 1305x1302, 435:434, 20180610.jpg)

File: e4b0fdfb78ac664⋯.jpg (2 MB, 3901x2830, 3901:2830, 100_3847.jpg)



Qlock for today and tomorrow


b94b71 No.1678038

>>1678028 The idea here is reminiscent of Aum Shinrikyo and the sarin attack on the Tokyo subway.

5a19d3 No.1678039

File: 6aa45c6b3282601⋯.png (824.45 KB, 847x472, 847:472, Screenshot_141.png)

Germanfags, what does this sign say?

af1e2f No.1678040

File: f38d95a5f098d90⋯.jpg (87.18 KB, 620x626, 310:313, lunar-module-close-up-high….jpg)


I had my own reasons for thinking Friday, June 15th. We'll see. Dark Moon is that week. And unlikely to be done on Dark Moon day or for some buffer on either side. They do their dark magick on the dark moon - So you wait til it's over?You do it when the moon is growing, not when it is dead. We are on a waning moon.

In any case get ready. The clues dropped last night were from an insider. Seems in some construction of "Q" official drops there's a hint "it" wants to be a normal anon.

Also that way there is no telegraph of actions before they are accomplished nor of what is going to be done and when. "It's up to you" No proving it to others.


9a3207 No.1678041


Do we really want to project to our enemies what the Q will be doing next in advance or could you possibly save or let others learn for themselves? Personally, I don't need to know .. I trust the plan , the points is to expose what the cabal has been doing.

55b10c No.1678042


Not interested in the clock stuff,

but I do think it's interesting that @jack took that photo at a Dutch tilt.

e3b47c No.1678043


I guess they are planning on how to false flag Russia.

91c0ee No.1678044

File: 2ec37fa144d9ba7⋯.png (10.82 KB, 523x139, 523:139, ClipboardImage.png)

Yabut told The Associated Press he was first notified of the training exercise by his commander a week before he drove the vehicle away Tuesday evening from Fort Pickett. Yabut said he was later given the command in coded military language to conduct the exercise, which he said was aimed at gauging police response.


CLown Faggotry?

58bffb No.1678045


NOTABLE Bilderberg Analysis

498cc0 No.1678046


I skip over the clock related posts. I consider them fantasy and a waste of time. I do believe they're generally well intended and I respect the work that goes into them.

The best indicator of a timeline is the unfolding of real world events. Personally, I fear that TPTB are setting up to pretend the buck stopped at Comey which is a fucking joke. If that happens, we need to kick it old school and take to the streets. I hope everyone is mentally prepared for that possibility and has the resolve to follow through to do whatever is necessary to take our nation back.

0b1303 No.1678047

File: f2eb053de754837⋯.png (873.76 KB, 1118x612, 559:306, Farmers.png)

649e57 No.1678048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shameless self reply. After some digging it looks like an urban combat training facility at 29 palms USMC Base.

ae4433 No.1678049

File: 9648ce215305d45⋯.png (707.43 KB, 1543x796, 1543:796, ClipboardImage.png)

>>1678009 I actually watch this area - it's surprising what you see on radar. Even more surprising is the amount of jet noise that DOESN'T show up as an A/C.

a47156 No.1678050

POTUS airborne at 11:50 AM today.

d8df76 No.1678051

hahahaha getting notables and here POTUS ripping CNN


3c8d2f No.1678052


>I hope everyone is mentally prepared for that possibility and has the resolve to follow through to do whatever is necessary to take our nation back.

Is some people gonna die, boss?

be8a37 No.1678053


My favorite song from the album is the trees, not the most popular by far, but about politics… I was going to name the bread:

"Q Research General #2112 There is Unrest in the Forest There is Trouble with the Trees Edition"

There is unrest in the forest

There is trouble with the trees

For the maples want more sunlight

And the oaks ignore their pleas

The trouble with the maples

And they're quite convinced they're right

They say the oaks are just too lofty

And they grab up all the light

But the oaks can't help their feelings

If they like the way they're made

And they wonder why the maples

Can't be happy in their shade?

There is trouble in the forest

And the creatures all have fled

As the maples scream 'oppression!'

And the oaks, just shake their heads

So the maples formed a union

And demanded equal rights

'The oaks are just too greedy

We will make them give us light'

Now there's no more oak oppression

For they passed a noble law

And the trees are all kept equal

By hatchet,


And saw

a5d816 No.1678054

tommy robinson protest live now in london

https:/ /www.facebook.com/RTUKnews/videos/1961607187462488/

33e66e No.1678055


a47156 No.1678056


Yeah, supposedly taking the photo at that angle is how photographers & filmmakers give a hint that the subject has mental instability.

b94b71 No.1678057

>>1678034 Exactly. The controlled opposition have more or less run their course, done what they can do, and are now being outed one by one as purveyors of obfuscatory information.

e3b47c No.1678058

They are really going to try and go after Russia. They won't win.

680f42 No.1678059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fa2698 No.1678060


Nice, Anon! Another idea:

"Q Research General #2112 We Have Assumed Control Edition"

2a67bb No.1678061

File: 4e6b078f07e5bb5⋯.png (1.49 MB, 2616x1248, 109:52, Trump_OurGuy.png)


Cry more yid.

e3b47c No.1678062



49be1b No.1678063

File: bebc62180a94b05⋯.jpg (450.02 KB, 1005x1444, 1005:1444, 20180609_092013.jpg)

Reposting based on another Anon's short mentioning of Allison's Jan18 tweet.

https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1677193.html#q1677803 (previous bread)

Anon's -

What is the context [i.e. th heories] of Allison Mack's tweet to spirit cooking, chic during Jan18 period which was one month before the Feb18 sealed indictments filed in Eastern District of New York?

d8df76 No.1678064


if I missed anything just tell the baker the notable is from #2109

>>1676427 State Department "funneled $84 million to HRC's campaign"

>>1676708 Bill Clinton Defends Franken

>>1676743 James Clapper: Hillary Told Me ‘Don’t Let the First Amendment Get You Down’

>>1676824 This shitpost(s) is FAKE and GAY

>>1676954 Bourdain was about to sing?

>>1677070 Trudeau’s Best Friend Jailed After International Pedophile Ring Bust

8cbf8e No.1678065

Interesting superimposition. Should the hands point to his freshly pierced nose ring?

3d8300 No.1678066


>"it" wants to be a normal anon


55b10c No.1678067


I was thinking it had more to do with signaling about the Queen's sister

be8a37 No.1678068

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The Trees for your consideration…

407de7 No.1678069


SUMmit Of All Fears?

f5683d No.1678070

File: 7ce8fcfdc81924b⋯.png (398.56 KB, 676x384, 169:96, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump: 'and you can tell that to your fake friends at CNN'

fff98e No.1678071

File: 6d94d7e8970bffe⋯.png (32.54 KB, 452x202, 226:101, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

File: 6afcafcb2a9f844⋯.png (281.75 KB, 1226x1224, 613:612, Screen Shot 2018-05-01 at ….png)

File: ba34ad9cc7e1fe2⋯.png (31.65 KB, 460x202, 230:101, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at ….png)

c7dde1 No.1678073

With all the speculation about HRC and Kuru, I thought this was interesting (not to mention scary re the thought of people potentially being able to manufacture prion diseases):

First artificial human prion created

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine researchers have synthesized the first artificial human prion, a dramatic development in efforts to combat a devastating form of brain disease that has so far eluded treatment and a cure. The new findings are published in Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine researchers have synthesized the first artificial human prion, a dramatic development in efforts to combat a devastating form of brain disease that has so far eluded treatment and a cure. The new findings are published in Nature Communications.

Prions are proteins that have folded incorrectly. They can bind to neighboring normal proteins in the brain, triggering a domino effect that causes microscopic holes, turning brains into sponge, resulting in progressive deterioration, dementia, and certain death. There are numerous types of prion diseases in humans; the most common being Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). Why and how human prion mis-folding occurs has been a mystery that the Case Western Reserve investigative team may have solved with its new findings…


2b1451 No.1678074


Sounds like they are going after Trump too!

3d8300 No.1678075



I like the poem, but we dont want to manifest discord. We want to manifest that all things will wonderful

words are magic

28c6d3 No.1678076

File: e956d90461c9694⋯.png (323.98 KB, 1344x428, 336:107, Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at ….png)

Another "suicide". This one might have already been thoroughly dug, but in case it hasn't…yet another one (although a year ago), and admittedly an elderly gentleman with health issues. But still, the fact that he was digging pretty deeply (pre Q) into HRC emails raises some questions. And now a tangential connection to James Wolfe the Senate Intel Committee leaker…very strange.


d8df76 No.1678077

File: fa394002ca6cfc4⋯.png (137.88 KB, 748x437, 748:437, ClipboardImage.png)

all great stories from VoE


Its just starting to turn around for Italy

Poland, Austria, Czech, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, and a few moar are SAVING Europe

God bless you all (from a USA anon)

3c8d2f No.1678078


We are disturbing the old world order. That chaos will become order in a new form.

0c986f No.1678079

I'm re_reading Qrumbs

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 913bb1 No.51984 📁

Dec 7 2017 22:05:16 (EST)

Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

Banks / Financial Institutions

WW Gov Control

Gov Controls People


Oil Tech Sex/Children

SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co's (primary)


Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) + management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)

/_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)

_\ (present)


Order is critical.

Strings cut to US/UK.

Expand your thinking.

Swamp drain.

1 - sexual harassment exit + future


[R] - No.

Bomb away.


47e09e No.1678080


Can't get this video to spin up. Fact is can't get any YT's to spin up and play. Just a circle jerk icon making it's rounds on my screen.

Anyone else having this problem?

e1d306 No.1678081

File: 7ac41a404cef862⋯.png (124.75 KB, 640x797, 640:797, IMG_0261.PNG)


Clearly a clown.

cb7e56 No.1678082

bread 2112 the meek shall inherit the earth?

e1d65d No.1678083

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Roseanne and MK Ultra. The real reason she had to be silenced. Must see.

86d83e No.1678084

What did President Trump say, missed it.

575624 No.1678085

File: f7fb5f7de216f90⋯.png (909.94 KB, 1383x863, 1383:863, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump live ..


91c0ee No.1678086

File: 168e714c31ee1a9⋯.png (280.67 KB, 544x384, 17:12, ClipboardImage.png)

Worshippers of Saturn (Satan)

d8df76 No.1678087

some sjw reporter: "b-b-but why do you attack news?"


1e2490 No.1678088

File: febe2f9c067bb0e⋯.jpg (62.28 KB, 599x448, 599:448, wwg1wwga.jpg)

Anons, we came here for many reasons. Some came to crack codes, to monitor planes, to create databases, to seek truth. Some decipher, some analyze, some track, some hunt.We came to spread the word. We came seeking a way to make sense out of the crazy things in our world. We came here because we were sick of feeling helpless. We came to fight for our world back. It doesn't matter if Q is a LARP , because we have made it real.We have come together in our time of need and we have become this wonderful creation. What we are is a movement. We're not a revolution, we're an Evolution. We have taken our first steps towards taking back control of our world.And that is something we have not had in a hundred generations. We can not become complacent. Nature will not tolerate a vacuum, and neither will evil. If we do not rebuild our institutions and fill them with light, they will once again become corrupt shadowy entities that will enslave us.If we do not shape our governments in the form that serves us best, we will be enslaved again. I am so proud of all you anons, all you autists, all you lurkers, and normies.You answered the call. You are here for a reason. Remember that. You chose to be here. Rely on yourself. Make your world great again.It will be whatever you want it to be.


38523a No.1678089



rabbi owl?

are we hunting Israel?

575624 No.1678090

File: c4d22ca34bc65b2⋯.png (452.36 KB, 1163x735, 1163:735, ClipboardImage.png)


OK .. I mistimed that :P

3d8300 No.1678092

File: 9b4d0567c73dd00⋯.jpg (95.63 KB, 640x664, 80:83, 9b4d0567c73dd00c99ed2d67d3….jpg)


well said!

d2d09b No.1678093

File: 2207beae5f8e74e⋯.png (270.99 KB, 916x814, 458:407, Screen Shot 56.png)


I'm curious about //\\

fff98e No.1678094

File: 6afcafcb2a9f844⋯.png (281.75 KB, 1226x1224, 613:612, Screen Shot 2018-05-01 at ….png)




3c8d2f No.1678095


It's a cult.

They worship Blue Oysters.

be8a37 No.1678096


I do not think it manifests discord, it is basically what we are all here fighting for… The last lines basically mean we are all sheep to them…

Now there's no more oak oppression

For they passed a noble law

And the trees are all kept equal

By hatchet,


And saw

3c8d2f No.1678097


Hippies gonna hip.

b34544 No.1678098


have any of you looked at it like a combination lock yet? I keep getting annoyed by how "the map is the key" yet we need to "unlock the map," well, how can a key also be a lock? I thought of a combination lock… in case it hasnt been considered.

1d1b8a No.1678099


Not German but my rudimentary knowledge is saying "kill the nazis/death to the nazis"

>note the antifa (AKA Commie) flag on the headband.

7df29b No.1678100

Anons, me thinks there be fuckery afoot in the "Celebrity Chef" / "Foodie" limb of the tree of evil.

May be fodder for a good dig:

Mario Batali - Sexual Predator

John Besh - Sexual Predator

Bourdain - Hot Dogs with Ketchup with Obongo / Satanic Gal Pal

Eric Rippert - Bourdain's BFF / F'd up bloody pics, etc.

Gordon Ramsey - F'd up pizza stuff

Heard or saw something re: Guy Fieri, but a quick search revealed nothing.

I think we may be seeing the tip of the iceberg here….

d8df76 No.1678101


are you going to post this EVERY bread?

a6d1b2 No.1678102

36f1e2 No.1678103


Yes, big rabbit hole. Did some digging on Dutch a few months back. Will see if I can make some connections with NXIVM and 611/911 with Dutch and Ranier family history that u pointed out.

8026a6 No.1678104

File: ee6327f91342d49⋯.jpg (801.42 KB, 3530x2296, 1765:1148, USAF_F-16_Fighting_Falcon_….jpg)


The F-16 s Fighter Jets that got an upgrade

To QF-16 s Fighter Jets, what's new with them as in what makes them different from previous models?

86d83e No.1678105

Anyone got link for POTUS speech?

91c0ee No.1678106

3c8d2f No.1678108


Of all the dumb shit that gets posted every bread, that one is at least an attempt to be useful.

3d3cf7 No.1678109


I've read Guy had to give up his restaurant in NY to settle a sex harassment case…Might have been CDAN.

a47156 No.1678110


I'm listening.. explain more?

2b1451 No.1678111

The 66th Bilderberg Meeting to take place from 7 - 10 June 2018 in Turin, Italy

TURIN, 5 JUNE 2018 –The 66th Bilderberg Meeting is set to take place from 7 - 10 June 2018 in Turin, Italy. As of today, 131 participants from 23 countries have confirmed their attendance. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media has been invited. The list of participants is available on www.bilderbergmeetings.org.

The key topics for discussion this year include:

Populism in Europe

The inequality challenge

The future of work

Artificial intelligence

The US before midterms

Free trade

US world leadership


Quantum computing

Saudi Arabia and Iran

The “post-truth” world

Current events

d8df76 No.1678112

File: 227240356838fab⋯.gif (6.03 MB, 464x276, 116:69, trumpgetoutthaway.gif)

2a67bb No.1678113

File: 2b9e4c1f0e893cd⋯.png (873.96 KB, 1750x2280, 175:228, 1500_Rabbis.png)

File: ffe40b2e465f3aa⋯.jpg (159.24 KB, 1200x694, 600:347, Barbara_Lerner_Spectre.jpg)

File: f24906c656d3f81⋯.jpg (732.5 KB, 1488x932, 372:233, Iceland.jpg)

File: 7e3d5d8cf1e08fe⋯.jpg (673.39 KB, 648x1352, 81:169, Israel_Advocates_For_Soros.jpg)

File: eb713a96c909b1d⋯.png (262.16 KB, 507x446, 507:446, Jew_Muslim_Alliance_Source….png)



After islam gets banned, do the same with jewish interest groups.

>Rabbi admits that Muslims and Jews work together against Europe


aa18d9 No.1678114

Does anyone else smell fuckery here?

i dont mean FB

is this muslim preacher part of the cabal?

i always thought he looked satanic himself

Louis Farrakhan Loses ‘Bluecheck’ Verification on Twitter After Tweeting on “Unmasking the Satanic Jew”


be8a37 No.1678115

File: ad98cb8f42bff42⋯.jpg (35.9 KB, 500x468, 125:117, Peace.jpg)

d8df76 No.1678116


are you the same anon that posts the stupid fake/notQ bullshit too?

b293ef No.1678117


it appears to be pointing out the similarities between antifa and ISIS

88c558 No.1678118


If I remember correctly, GF once featured JA of Comet fame on his show.

d8df76 No.1678119


I've been trying, YT isn't working for me right now

28c6d3 No.1678120


I don't disagree with most, but there is a vague "Q LARP" inference. Granted you say "if", but this makes me suspicious of your motives. Q is not a LARP, proven in my mind by much of what is in your post. This is far to sophisticated to be done by amateurs, and any black hat operation with sophisticated resources to do it…would NEVER have allowed this movement to form and grow.

359897 No.1678121


ThanQ you, updated in dough

3d8300 No.1678122


Until the trees rose in rebellion

And gobbled up the axe

and burned up all the hatches

smoke billowing from stacks.

See, the lumberjacks were lying

whispering ill words

that made the trees bemoan their plight

and scare off all the birds.

The story was fictitious

Made up by grubbing hands

That trees should not be happy

where God had cause them stand.

When all the dust had settled

and trees listened to the wind

The found that all the Sun they'd need

Was shining from within.

There NOW its re-created.

38523a No.1678123

File: bec925e37c752bd⋯.jpg (2.57 MB, 5312x2988, 16:9, 15285556296006614225.jpg)

I like hunting owls

[1] POTUS marker?

Goodwin = POTUS tweet

POTUS tweet = marker

Via whom?

1st take

2nd give

[Clock] 1st and 2nd cancel equals 0

0 is marker?




Connect with owls

Who's who?

Will post pic if in right direction from other device

58bffb No.1678124

File: e49435f4d521e6e⋯.jpg (2.58 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_5106.jpg)



The trouble is invasive species, mostly of Asian origin – barberry, mult-flora rose, etc. But we have no one but ourselves to blame. Gotta have muh deer resistant landscaping.

38523a No.1678125

File: 0ac8c76eb37849f⋯.png (333.29 KB, 1195x540, 239:108, MEME TATICS.png)



b34544 No.1678126


oh, no im hopelessly frustrated by the posts and clock, i can barely read it, that was basically it :) I just looked at it slightly differently and thought the cypher might be a "combination lock" involving some of the dates which then orient the hour and minute hands to read the map…

3c8d2f No.1678127


Check IDs, I didn't post whatever you're upset about.

d44347 No.1678128

File: 0789a99caf424ae⋯.jpeg (48.73 KB, 480x352, 15:11, F89B24ED-F25D-43E3-8437-C….jpeg)


Mr Mom Jeans

Same outfit each day

Creepy stares..

Who knows where the [💩] are buried?





Maybe it’s Facebook?

Maybe it’s Twitter?

Or Maybe it’s Maybilene?

MZ knows..


3b2dce No.1678129


Who's who

Who are you

Are you Q ?

44101f No.1678130


>The “post-truth” world

aa18d9 No.1678131


another exposes itself

enjoy the show

a88315 No.1678132


For sure not Q

3d8300 No.1678133


no idea is wasted. someone not involved in the clock wondered if 'winding' the clock meant winding it backward…because you wind a clock backward so that it runs forward. Breakthroughs happen from anywhere. We are 1

2b1451 No.1678134



b34544 No.1678136


kinda like the door puzzles in Skyrim

d8df76 No.1678137


it wasn't posted this bread so its irrelevant but I just noticed that lol

the not/fakeQ bullshit is what annoys me, doesn't upset me, maybe just disappointing

91c0ee No.1678139

File: 196ed24bca85f9d⋯.png (529.11 KB, 791x481, 791:481, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdcbe8c1f7c793c⋯.png (31.75 KB, 537x336, 179:112, ClipboardImage.png)

Learn their comms.

b94b71 No.1678140

>>1678100 Besides being repulsive to look at, and difficult to listen to, Fieri's entire show is established on the weak moral basis of promoting the idea that a person's entire existence should revolve around eating. Not just eating, but gluttonously stuffing one's fat face with the fare du jour. In other words, he is preaching that we are our bodies, no need to seek further.

3b2dce No.1678141



Well how do you do ?

If your sure not Q.

6a4212 No.1678142

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A Catholic priest who worked as a diplomat at the Vatican's embassy in Washington was indicted on Saturday on charges of possessing child pornography in the United States and Canada.

A Vatican statement said an investigation found that Msgr. Carlo Alberto Capella, who was arrested in the Vatican in April after he had been recalled, had allegedly possessed and exchanged "a large quantity" of child pornography.

A Vatican magistrate ordered him to stand trial. It will start in the Vatican's tiny courtroom on June 22, the statement said.

It was not possible to reach Capella, who is being held in a cell in the Vatican's police barracks. The Vatican did not identify his lawyer.

The scandal is the latest blow to the Catholic Church as it struggles to overcome repeated sex abuse cases among its clergy……



27cab2 No.1678143

Baker, Notable

>>1678028 Ongoing dig into NXIVM/911 connections.

Includes links to dig from previous bread.

2a67bb No.1678144

File: 3d1f288766db92d⋯.jpg (506.9 KB, 2047x1582, 2047:1582, Israel_Pedos.jpg)

File: f883367bdd69ad1⋯.jpg (167.21 KB, 682x911, 682:911, 1525822152084.jpg)

File: 5df874c1f87046a⋯.jpg (9.76 KB, 277x182, 277:182, Israel_Human_Traficking_1.jpg)

File: fa75eb8995a4c28⋯.jpg (820.21 KB, 1035x1200, 69:80, Israel_Human_Traficking_2.jpg)


All the shit roads lead there:

(((Weiner))) and his MB waifu (MB is probably a mossad front, for the casual ff).

(((Weinstein))) and his mossad goons.

(((Allison Mack))) and her human trafficking cult.

Plus pics related.

I am very happy today, the news about Austria cheered me up.

ef9920 No.1678145


"Intelligence looks like insanity to drooling imbeciles"

best line - great vid she's very candid in this one

fff98e No.1678146


Not that Q hasn't been posting plenty anonymously, but I think the anonymous posting is a fine idea or goal if it could be accomplished in a manner that is as consistent or operationally effective if not more so than trip code method has to offer.

My guess is that memes or time stamped photographs would be the path to ditching the trip code.

That and helper anons crushing the shills and trolls who would inevitably try to impersonate or mimic.

3d8300 No.1678147





>Post-truth politics (also called post-factual politics[1] and post-reality politics[2]) is a political culture in which debate is framed largely by appeals to emotion disconnected from the details of policy, and by the repeated assertion of talking points to which factual rebuttals are ignored. Post-truth differs from traditional contesting and falsifying of facts by relegating facts and expert opinions to be of secondary importance relative to appeal to emotion.

they have already been pushing feels>facts on us for years. They must think they are close to finishing the job

f2b543 No.1678148



Q said our job is to learn comms so we can show the normies what is real and what is fake based on future proves past and SEC "secure confirmations" drops.

If we aren't doing that then what are we doing? Chasing MKU headlines without making connection Q is looking for…? Needfocus on map, there were a lot of good posts over the last # of breads for notQ dropping Q side by side bery bery inderdasting, looks like notQ is on to something. For some reason ebaker is niggerin the topic for notables but their have been many.

Notice clock update gone from notables at top, hmmmmm, c'mon Baker's. I've seen far weaker virtue signaling posts get notables imho

0962be No.1678149


It really sucks that every picture of a kid has to be evaluated in our brains as to whether it is pedo-related now.

sometimes I wish for unseeing, but then I think of my own and move one with knowing and exposing

ec0572 No.1678150

File: ef1cdb856fd977b⋯.png (586.84 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

has anyone seen this pic of trumps hand at g7

did someone poison him or something?

d8df76 No.1678151


>NXIVM/911 connections

wtf did I miss??

b293ef No.1678152

File: 614461dd726a0b9⋯.png (209.31 KB, 389x251, 389:251, ClipboardImage.png)

hanging in the bathroom with a bathrobe… sounds like a message

Anthony Bourdain’s cause of death revealed

The cause of death for celebrity chef and CNN's "Parts Unknown" host Anthony Bourdain has been revealed.

According to the prosecutor of Colmar in France's Alsace region, Bourdain hanged himself in the bathroom of his French hotel room.

Prosecutor Christian de Rocquigny told The Associated Press on Saturday that the famed chef and host of the CNN series "Parts Unknown" used the belt of his hotel bathrobe to commit suicide on Friday.

Bourdain's girlfriend, Italian actress Asia Argento, said in another statement, "Anthony gave all of himself in everything that he did. His brilliant, fearless spirit touched and inspired so many, and his generosity knew no bounds. He was my love, my rock, my protector. I am beyond devastated. My thoughts are with his family. I would ask that you respect their privacy and mine," Argento tweeted Friday.

The news of Bourdain's death comes after fashion designer Kate Spade died Tuesday after hanging herself in her New York City apartment.

Bourdain's death follows an alarming pattern of celebrity hanging suicide deaths in recent years.

The Associated Press and Fox News' Sasha Savitsky contributed to this report.

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).


3c8d2f No.1678153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Chicken Walk" is a classic song. He wrote it.

aa18d9 No.1678154


just remember

as above so below

a695e8 No.1678155


Just got here a few ago. Whats going on with the Queen's sister?

ec0572 No.1678156


or maybe macron gripping his hand again to show his manhood?

38523a No.1678157


handshake imprint for sure

thumb on top finger placed bottom

looks like thumb print in center is a hit

72fbeb No.1678158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>1678053 Great bread title.

Very insightful lyrics. I like Rush.

2112 Overture and The Temple of Syrinx is my favorite Rush song ever.

77eedc No.1678159



>Who's who

>Who are you

>Are you Q ?

No. A clown, posting GF COMMS picture. It's not 'owl man' himself.

He first posted this: >>1678089

GF would never communicate that way.

d8df76 No.1678160


>did someone poison him or something?


44101f No.1678161


i thought it was 111 days not 82 ?!

b76729 No.1678162


>"Urban Combat Training Facility".


It's a Hollywood movie set if I ever saw one.

91c0ee No.1678163


Yeah, and it's a pedophile word.

Look at the guy ffs. If that guy aint a dick sucking pedo fag (or was) I'll eat my VQ2 hat.

e3b47c No.1678164


So much truth in one post.

1e2490 No.1678165

File: ff0b4ec944310ef⋯.png (424.22 KB, 819x460, 819:460, AWAKE.png)


No, I am not doubting Q. Just trying to remind the people that they have control again. So many shills in the real world calling bs on this. I just say that at this point it doesn't matter, we have come together and we are winning. Don't see why you would be suspicious. Tell ya what - have a drop bear. They don't fuck around, and neither do I fwiw.

f2b543 No.1678166


definition of MKU. smh anons need to focus on collecting the keys for the map

d8df76 No.1678167



pretty sure its 111 days for Q


82 days for Q+

38523a No.1678168


no such thing as GF COMMs

it is me, and why wouldn't I question Israel?

ISRAEL LAST, also, unrelated:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2d673c No.158439 📁

Dec 23 2017 15:58:14 (EST)


_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_


Good Hunting!

3c8d2f No.1678169


"Chick" is also slang for "woman". Enjoy eating your hat.

3a1fd5 No.1678170


It also sucks that every picture of a woman has to be evaluated in our brains as to whether it is a woman or a man.

761ab9 No.1678171

Prions (infectious proteins) thought to be responsible for Kuru, CJD and spogiform encephalopathies may be not be the prions we are looking for


58bffb No.1678172


Oh my, our noble POTUS. Maybe still recovering from all that handshaking at the Naval Academy? Regardless, we must keep him in our daily prayers.

be8a37 No.1678173


I end up baking alot late at night Baker, I have been actively calling for the graveyard folks to learn to bake, have even offered my assistance if someone needs an extra push or has questions…

I am sorry that I had to leave last night, I accepted the call really late, put up my drink and baked so the baker could go…

Night breads move really slow, I could not stay all night, I have a family and have to sleep when they sleep (although not as much, LOL). I announced that I was leaving and I crashed.

Trust me, I am doing what I can to get more Bakers to step up… A noob tried to take over, but baker handed to me instead, I told noob if they would collect notables and I agreed, I would pass the bread to them next bake - but I never heard another peep from him/her…

0fa850 No.1678174

Could an Anon please give a brief explanation to the significance of the next bread #2112..?

375230 No.1678175


Optional trim package with leather seats, more cup holders.

44101f No.1678176


yeah but they think that about Trump and our movement and not about the fake news etc

27cab2 No.1678177


Is it just me, or does that girl look remarkably like a young Uma Thurman? Accounting for the age difference, they could almost be sisters.

e637cc No.1678178


think key as in a cipher key.

47e09e No.1678179


Stop it you Arab Moron. We research people here first, we tie them to whatever agency they work for or foundation they support second, we work on their ideology's third.

Just who is the person you are referencing in this post that is actively tied to this post? Where is the sauce?

If you can't name who this is about, stop sliding the board.

35880a No.1678180


Very emotion-laden, except that's not how trees operate.

91c0ee No.1678181


A chick, is male or female, in Chicken Terms.

Your turn.

0fa850 No.1678182


Replaced chinese compontemts with secured American ones…

91c0ee No.1678183


Well, she certainly doesn't look Italian…..

d8df76 No.1678184

File: 629e56152f38af0⋯.png (37.63 KB, 395x348, 395:348, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3b09740c0598e6⋯.png (17.99 KB, 390x164, 195:82, ClipboardImage.png)


honestly, this is NOT what I would have wanted, but its a deal

the Turks will stop attacking Kurds so the Kurds can focus on ISIS and maintain security

we will be patrolling manbij TOGETHER (USA/French/Turks)

better than moar war

b76729 No.1678185


Now (You) know where the Frog God in the Illuminati card game came from.

>All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.


07aac4 No.1678186


Rich Corinthian Leather

55b10c No.1678187


Sorry the Dutch queen's sister who killed herself 2 days ago.

192802 No.1678188


Someone tried to break his hand? That was a tight squeeze.

a5d816 No.1678189



also, Though they intend You harm, the schemes they devise will not prevail. For You will put them to flight when Your bow is trained upon them. Be exalted, O LORD, in Your strength; we will sing and praise Your power.…

Psalm 21 12

a47156 No.1678190


Maybe… >>1678168



Alright I will look into these clues and the picture later.

Brain is done for now.

Appreciate it.

2b1451 No.1678191


Definitely noteable!

7b9092 No.1678192


it was a compliment newfag

Hitler is a respected figure for many reasons

learn the culture here or go back to reddit

9bac40 No.1678193

Pedo appologists and Star followers…guessing the guilty are here trying to create some sympathy

35880a No.1678194


That makes sense. Also bandaid shaped, maybe out in the sun wearing one while he recovered.

407de7 No.1678195


17" alloy wheels, dawg.

359897 No.1678196


I hear you, I've had similar issues in the past aswell. Appreciate the effort. ;)

Really shouldn't be too hard for anons to copy/paste latest dough to prevent deadtime inbetween breads etc though. But who knows..

91c0ee No.1678197


Arab = Dispersed Jews = Mohammed = Muslim

Arabs and Jews are the same.

0fa850 No.1678198


Amen! Ty!

a695e8 No.1678199


Ok, thanks. I thought so, but wasn't sure. When someone says "the Queen" I always think of QE II.

47e09e No.1678200



Italians are also born blond. Phoenicians in the north of Italy, are likely to be lighter skinned with blond hair.

Were all mutts when it gets right down to it.

b76729 No.1678201


Also, Pope is to attend Bilderberg meet.

Also G7 summit and NATO big-wig meetings.

Same weekend.

Same Hemisphere.

Habbenings, I love it!

761ab9 No.1678202


Look like a lizard tried to.break his hand.

be8a37 No.1678203


Hell to the fucking yes!!!!!!!!!

I have recording equipment, I will have a musician friend record the song, with the new lyrics added and will post for y'alls listening pleasure.

cce08b No.1678204

>>1675991 (previous bread)

He chimped out on me for questioning the official Vegas narrative...this was around time period that he went full-blown paranoid and started posting pics of him holding a pistol as a warning to anyone that would come after him.

Fuck that guy, he might know the ME but if you can't admit Vegas was the least bit hinky, you are blind or part of the problem.

73d4d4 No.1678205

File: c6021e96139375d⋯.jpg (349.18 KB, 2760x1878, 460:313, IMG_7868.JPG)

d8df76 No.1678206

File: bd5a7683362b5e3⋯.png (354.66 KB, 1027x477, 1027:477, ClipboardImage.png)


this is all that is left of ISIS

thanks GEOTUS!


3c8d2f No.1678207


I want to see you accuse these people of being pedophiles to their faces. Do it.

d8df76 No.1678208


fuck hitler and you

72fbeb No.1678209

File: bf0b395de06973d⋯.jpg (29.44 KB, 480x320, 3:2, VoteDNC.jpg)


This is such a productive argument for Q research.

77eedc No.1678210


Right. HF. Then confirmed it's you.

Ok, been a while I saw you here.

I'm just careful. Much fuckery, will get worse.

We know about Israel.

A lot will be shocked. And a lot will not accept. They will go haywire.

9bac40 No.1678211


Is three names not good enough?

73d4d4 No.1678212

File: 62c1fde5c308483⋯.jpg (271.69 KB, 1125x1105, 225:221, IMG_8052.JPG)

47e09e No.1678213


That's not the point.

Stop sliding the board…NOW

74d2c1 No.1678214



(lol, no.)

the "Q" means that it's refit to be a drone, usually to be used as a target.

28c6d3 No.1678215

Lets think about "suicides" for a moment. To my mind, there are only three broad categories:

1) Voluntary - individual is tortured, ill, suffering from depression, debt, guilt or whatever…and chooses suicide of his/her own accord.

2) Murder - individual is involuntarily taken out, but it is professionally staged to be a credible voluntary suicide.

3) Coerced - individual is shown damaging information that has been collected on him/her (even if manufactured), or otherwise threatened. The easy way out is strongly suggested. They are given a choice of either a) suicide or b) having their reputation ruined, their fortunes wiped out, and their loved ones left shamed and destitute. They are instructed very specifically how, when and where to do it. Investigation is cursory, and the book is closed.

While I suspect the cabal does a fair amount of #2, I think #3 is a far more common cabal tactic than anyone realizes.

a88315 No.1678216


Hmmm, respected figure, hmm newfag, hmmm

Are you for real??? There are certain anons who for sure think hitler was smth worthy but to say hitler is respected figure on chans, really? Speak for youself

47e09e No.1678217

c007f1 No.1678218

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Pretty essential viewing from this morning. Potus dropping good info for us.

375230 No.1678219

File: b8288ad22a39ee6⋯.jpg (164.69 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Rush_2112_Vinyl_Record_LPI….jpg)


Not a fan of RUSH?

They put out a seminal album back in 1976 with a very Orwellian theme based in the future.

Huge hit with us stoners back in the day and is still an excellent album to this day.


91c0ee No.1678220


She just happened to be in Knoxville TN…

Open thine eyes anon…

36f1e2 No.1678221



>>1677862 (lb)

Raniere has some significant tech patents. A lot related to Communication Transmission, Vehicle Control, Mobile Device Locator. That’s just U.S. patents. Still need to did the Non U.S..

d8df76 No.1678222


4) suicidED

f8c44c No.1678223


Did you ever see the American Dad episode when Steve and Snot were air guitaring to Temple of Syrinx? Later in the show the address on an apartment building was 2112

73d4d4 No.1678224

File: ebe26251f831969⋯.jpg (74.04 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_7613.JPG)

375230 No.1678225


Crap, replied to wrong comment.

9bac40 No.1678226


Nice of you to out yourself.

Did you get caught up in the Cloud Act or???

46a15a No.1678227


What a waste…

3c8d2f No.1678228


Hitler is a legend on the chans, yeah. It doesn't take your approval.

2b1451 No.1678229


Yep :)

3a8e42 No.1678230

From the new yorker


>>Bourdain cultivated with his fans was of a sort that transcended Q scores and approval polls

Archive.is gives a network error when I try to archive above URL

Nobody believes this guy hung himself. Anyone giving out suicide prevention hotline numbers are just putting in work

8026a6 No.1678231


All nice amenities

but they don't make them better

73d4d4 No.1678232

File: b6aa2552f361dc4⋯.jpg (48.72 KB, 615x360, 41:24, IMG_7988.JPG)

a5d816 No.1678233

File: db26e10c29c0a4b⋯.jpg (209.28 KB, 679x623, 97:89, prophecy.jpg)


theres more.

3c8d2f No.1678234


I don't speak paranoid gibberish so I can't understand you, sorry.

47e09e No.1678235


Lot's of Italians all over this country. Not saying she was not used as a child. Hair color has nothing to do with the fact she may or may not be Italian. That was the point.

91c0ee No.1678236


2112 was a bit heavy for me.

Moving pictures is one of my all time favorites.

5fdc8d No.1678237





notables bread# 2110

>>1677261 Dpt Indian Affairs OIG Report misuse of funds

>>1677944, >>1677295 Michel Lewis Arhtury Meyer, for (you) and (((Them)))

>>1677910 Vati'cant Diplomat indicted for CP, The fire awaits.

>>1677888 Potus symbolic "taking US Water off the table" Watch the water

>>1677765 Cartel routes/Cemex routes and other relevant connections

>>1677780, Dutch angles with >>1677660, >>1677231, >>1677420, Owl Clock

>>1677685 Booms get closer as we approach the end

>>1677862 NXIVM Patents connect to 911

>>1677247 @Jack "birds Singing"

>>1677230 World Wide Anons, World-Wide.

might wanna sroll over each real quick,

two heads are better than one.

There was definitely some attempted fuckary

over the "clock theories" I feel that I seperated

the good from the bad, but i'm not a clockfag

(although i support their right to clockfag), so

there's muh disclaimer.


407de7 No.1678238

File: eee532970f96e44⋯.jpg (351.99 KB, 1737x711, 193:79, NAF11 9 Jun 18 1600.jpg)

NAF11 on approach to Dulles.

9bac40 No.1678239


You have 15 shit posts liddle bitch

I recommend you follow the recent trend amongst the STARS


36f1e2 No.1678240


How, can you provide more context. Trying to understand and make connection.

28c6d3 No.1678241


See my #2.

b34544 No.1678242


oh, you mean unlock the cipher in order to then use it? ah

a47156 No.1678243


I'm biased because I think the clock is important but the notables look good. None of the BS made it in.

Thanks baker.

d44347 No.1678244

File: d73e01dc07df46b⋯.jpeg (297.27 KB, 2060x1543, 2060:1543, 7AA39096-71E8-4438-847D-8….jpeg)

Is this Mr Mom jeans gay?

8299bf No.1678245



>Rensselear. Keith Raniere.

Rolls off the tongue nicely, don't it? Like it could be a lyric to a song or sumthin :)


>Aum Shinrikyo

Now that's a cult haven't heard in a long time.

Just reminded me of something too, daughter of Choi Soon-sil was arrested in Denmark and was supposedly holed up in Germany for awhile.

(sorry for the wiki, but infogalactic doesn't have a good summary)


On January 2, 2017, Chung Yoo-ra, the daughter of Choi Soon-sil, was arrested in Denmark for staying in the country illegally.

Choi Soon-sil was convicted on June 23, 2017 of conspiring with several officials and professors of Ewha Womans University to get her daughter admitted into the university despite not meeting the qualification criteria. She was sentenced to three years of imprisonment.

On February 13, 2018, the Seoul Central District Court also found Choi guilty for abuse of power, bribery and interfering in government business and sentenced her to 20 years in prison and a fine of ₩18 billion ($16.6 million USD).


Choi Soon-sil (Korean pronunciation: [tsʰwe.sun.ɕil]; born June 23, 1956) is the prime person of interest in the 2016 South Korean political scandal involving her influence over the 11th President of South Korea, Park Geun-hye.

Choi is the daughter of Choi Tae-min, the leader of a cult combining various elements of Buddhism, Christianity, and traditional Korean Shamanism.

Her ex-husband is President Park's former chief of staff Chung Yoon-hoi, and their daughter is dressage athlete Chung Yoo-ra.

375230 No.1678246

File: fd4874d9830ceb1⋯.jpg (96.15 KB, 715x715, 1:1, Fly_by_Night.jpg)


Still love By-Tor and the Snow Dog.

407de7 No.1678247


"Death to Nazis, Death to Unbelievers".

Definitely comparing Muslims/ISIS to Antifa/Nazis.

0b1303 No.1678248


Oh Yea

58bffb No.1678249

>>1678218 NOTABLE Trump's Speech at G7 Summit

"…At the top of list was the issue of trade, a very important subject because the United States has been taken advantage of for decades and decades and we cannot do that anymore…"

b76729 No.1678250


And fake.



3eb86c No.1678251


Every photo of these two makes me smile!

86d83e No.1678252

Trump Speech


Previous US admins sold out the US on trade.

Other leaders not blamed.

All deals to be renegotiated.

Aim is tariffs at zero and no subsidies across the board.

72c0f0 No.1678253


I usually bake the weekend morning breads, but have not been able to do so this weekend because im visiting my parents.

9f0551 No.1678254

File: 1926e5718a7ee68⋯.jpg (28.97 KB, 553x446, 553:446, 97-1887.jpg)

0b1303 No.1678255

File: 26a06507132a3d4⋯.png (781.79 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, COVFEFE.png)

2c2870 No.1678256

File: ccf17a7a7181370⋯.jpg (85.91 KB, 500x547, 500:547, download.jpg)

8e05e9 No.1678257


The Trees is a great song Anon, but it is not on 2112 album. The Trees is on the next album Hemispheres.

579411 No.1678258


pilots need live targets to shoot at sometimes; for training, for weapons and systems testing, and so on. early airframes can't always be updated/upgraded.

00d41d No.1678259


Extremely notable. excellent video and analysis. get it trending #bilderburg2018 #russia

c2ad49 No.1678260



>this is the Pope that I thought Q was telling us was going to have a terrible May.

It was a pretty terrible May for the Pope.

All the bishops of Chile had to quit due to a molestation coverup – this is a big deal – and he talked about retiring: https://www.catholic.org/news/hf/faith/story.php?id=77329

fa2698 No.1678261



<3 my RushFags (nohomo).

Attention all units of the Solar Federation

Attention all units of the Solar Federation

Attention all units of the Solar Federation

We have assumed control

We have assumed control

We have assumed control

3c8d2f No.1678263


I'm surprised you bother at all. Half the remaining users, at a minimum, are completely nuts.

2a67bb No.1678264

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Kek, if you hadn't called me that I would perhaps believe you're not a yid.

What unit are you on for the Hasbara?



Are you just an IDF conscript on Hasbara duty?

You yids are so nervous this days.

Have a little video about the Talmud and pedophilia.

And a little passage from the Talmud about the same subject:


Just scroll to the bottom to read the Talmud telling jews that they can fuck kids under 9 in the ass.

“If a boy under the age of nine perpetrated sodomy upon an adult, the adult is not liable for punishment, for the intercourse of a boy under nine years of age is not legally an act of intercourse. Since a child less than nine years old cannot commit sodomy, he can also not be the object of sodomy….This Baraita supports Rav, for it teaches that if a man engaged in homosexual intercourse with a child under the age of nine, he is exempt from liability.”

Sanhedrin 54b

20b2de No.1678265


Spray tan rubbed off.

d8df76 No.1678266


true my bad

1ad440 No.1678267

375230 No.1678268


Trump to leave G7 early, tensions high after 'rant' over trade

Roberta Rampton, Jean-Baptiste Vey

LA MALBAIE, Quebec (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Group of Seven leaders had a bitter exchange over trade tariffs, ratcheting tensions at a summit that he planned to leave early on Saturday before talks on climate change and the health of oceans.


A double Fuck You.

He is going to ram these trade adjustments down their throats and then ignore their little pet slide topics of climate change and the environment.

I love this guy.

b76729 No.1678269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

649e57 No.1678270


Tell us. I've been here for years waiting. How much longer?

c2ad49 No.1678271


Hey Brennan, some advice from Junior Brown:


f2b543 No.1678272


There was a great post regarding notQ vs Q breakdown… I'll go find it, makes a lot of sense regarding notQ graphic; like I said elsewhere this bread, the discussion keeps getting broken up solving MAP/clock/DEFCON [1] and it's not getting put in notables. IT SHOULD BE, at least it's all on-point with the mission…

I'll be back once I find it

2a67bb No.1678273

File: 4b3f3d2073b7882⋯.jpg (102.13 KB, 1014x394, 507:197, Jewish_Over_Representation….jpg)


Stop trying to stifle goyim free speech…NOW

d44347 No.1678274

File: 18fd100c8d86e99⋯.jpeg (16.23 KB, 130x370, 13:37, C6366B8F-D93F-488E-BAE9-1….jpeg)

Who wears Mom Jeans best?

Zuck or Obama?

c2ad49 No.1678275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0c986f No.1678276


>1 - sexual harassment exit + future\

this line from this Q drop is telling us what the 1 stands for in the stringer dropped on November 25

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 3LaVfhm8 No.150870083 📁

Nov 25 2017 13:30:47 (EST)

Deleted: Jan 18 1970 06:53:56 (EST)












































_FREEDOM-_vGER_US_yes_000BVx_LO_yes_[… + 1]_Conf_y



5fdc8d No.1678277


Glad you agree clock is important. I

Just dont dig on it myself


I missed these from my copy paste

>>1677505 Description of doc "Defamation" Suggestion Anons watch.

>>1677587 PlaneFags notables

(copy paste in two files incase my browser fails)

my bad

2c2870 No.1678278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

324702 No.1678279


Rush fan?

eaae01 No.1678280



Seems like this type of crap has been going on forever. Remember Jeff Smith "The Frugal Gourmet"? https://current.org/1998/07/cooking-star-pays-plaintiffs-in-sexual-abuse-suits/

b76729 No.1678281

File: a4d99c3cdace0c1⋯.png (97.99 KB, 400x400, 1:1, f01037397b4b2938b6a21c3bb5….png)

2c2870 No.1678282


Sausage Party?

72fbeb No.1678283


Thank you for going back to gather these. I spend most of my time here reading the notables. Much appreciated.

0cf1fe No.1678284

File: 725b07f490e708f⋯.png (200.71 KB, 583x606, 583:606, abgoon3.png)

35880a No.1678285


Yeah, and those Mizrahim and Sephardim, certain Ashenazim have been working on getting rid of them, guess they look too much like the other locals.

58bffb No.1678286


>I love this guy.

Likewise. He is a godsend in every sense of the word. Also thanks for the link, Anon.

35880a No.1678287



0cf1fe No.1678288

File: d95e7d1b36374be⋯.png (236.44 KB, 563x558, 563:558, abgoon2.png)

2a67bb No.1678289

File: 2b5dff8842ae533⋯.png (944.46 KB, 1254x840, 209:140, Antifa_Communist.png)


Antifa were commies, and the commie part was the jewish controlled party.

National Socialists fought the antifa(commies) of the 30's mate.

f2b543 No.1678290


noice Baker, good to see our house getting in order

be8a37 No.1678291


It was an epic album by a band called Rush…

761ab9 No.1678292


The whole food chef fetish entertainment thing is hinky.

d44347 No.1678293

File: 8fb2959e83de498⋯.jpeg (60.8 KB, 431x310, 431:310, 8BAA2170-F7AB-4128-A6B4-3….jpeg)

Zuck loves wearing his Mom Jeans

Check out his pudgy camel toe


359897 No.1678294


Looks good, also got this from 2110:

>>1677441, >>1677587 Planefag Notables

Notables for 2111 so far

Anything important missed?


>>1678009, >>1678049, >>1678238 Planefag Update

>>1678028 Ongoing dig into NXIVM/911 connections.

>>1678029 Bilderberg Analysis

>>1678037 Qlock for today and tomorrow

ecd002 No.1678295

File: 09f534b295c1caa⋯.jpg (61.43 KB, 722x335, 722:335, Roman Numerals_9 11_ 6 8 1….JPG)


mulling over these ideas…as relates 9/11/2001

49eb53 No.1678296

File: e29eb1e680f7e60⋯.jpg (771.65 KB, 1189x1537, 41:53, whatareyacookinbaker.jpg)

49eb53 No.1678297

File: a5ccc94e0f7dfa2⋯.jpg (949.52 KB, 1493x939, 1493:939, are you here yet.jpg)

c007f1 No.1678298


The State Dept notable mentions Nevada Democratic Party. Checked a bit last week into a woman named Joyce Mack that I found in WL. Chair UNLV. Shillary fundraiser. I couldnt find connection to the other Mack but I only worked it for a half hour or so. Anyhoo Joyce Mack’s deceased hub ran the Nevada Dem party. Also they were solid land developers in Vegas and build McCarran Park just south of the airport (Janice?) i didnt get that far.

91c0ee No.1678299

File: c5045c33a73e23a⋯.png (60.72 KB, 267x321, 89:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aeef4c1ead70c06⋯.png (116.46 KB, 435x363, 145:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31ba1cd8045fd75⋯.png (90.38 KB, 461x285, 461:285, ClipboardImage.png)

Notables from Chapter 6 of Alice In Wonderland.

Remember, Wonderland is the world of insane, illogical, downright evil.

That's why Q = Alice

And it Alice & Wonderland…

Chapter 6 derives humor from the fact that the inhabitants of Wonderland consider their environment and actions to be completely normal. The Frog Footman reacts to the near miss of the flying plate with complete nonchalance, talking on as if nothing had happened. The Frog Footman seems to expect nothing less than total chaos. Alice attempts to fit the Frog Footman’s behavior into a logical structure, failing to understand that Wonderland’s order is defined by chaos. She does not realize how close she comes to the truth with the exclamation that the Frog Footman’s belligerence is “enough to drive one crazy!” As the Cheshire Cat later explains, Alice must be “mad” herself in order to understand the nature of things in Wonderland.

Even though there seems to be a rigid social structure in Wonderland, the Frog Footman and the Duchess reject normal social conventions and behave arbitrarily.

db15ad No.1678300



when looking up to find the date of this interview, i had no idea she had done so much on RT channel on 2013 to 2016. ABC execs and others would have known as well.. anon, not familiar with hooktube enough, having trouble finding actual date of this video among the many found using web search… when is this particular video from

2a67bb No.1678301


Yids are fucking crazy.

Very pronounced genocidal tendencies.

aa18d9 No.1678302


>fetish entertainment thing is hinky.<

that reminds me of that hinky fifty shades of gray movie, i could sit through 2 minutes maybe

but two hours, please get the gun and put me out of my misery.


fa2698 No.1678303


6. Blockchain Economic Forum Summit in San Francisco.

5fdc8d No.1678304

File: 82f4697af1139a2⋯.jpg (7.19 KB, 209x241, 209:241, ants.jpg)



Together we Are Strong

a695e8 No.1678305


I could never listen to Rush because of the singer's voice. Was like chalk on a blackboard to me. I have never listened to a Rush song all the way through.

aa18d9 No.1678306


yes it takes a whole ant hill to build a world

f6a809 No.1678307

https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html updated. Thank you bakers for cleaning up and gathering notables from the previous breads.

6ac86f No.1678308

File: c9de1800ce9b304⋯.png (237.31 KB, 778x555, 778:555, ShillsAlertQpost.png)

This PSA brought to you today by a fellow Patriot. Please help us unclog the crap that fills the daily breads! It is worse now than ever. Thank you.

c91919 No.1678309

File: 69d27e5a3a0196e⋯.png (328.07 KB, 480x370, 48:37, faggot indicator.png)

8299bf No.1678310


>cult combining various elements of Buddhism, Christianity, and traditional Korean Shamanism

sounds a lot like a Korean version of Aum Shinrikyo, yes?



Another European link with the Korean cult leader's daughter Choi Soon-sil –

Starting point of the media report: On Oct. 24, 2016, JTBC Newsroom reported independently that Choi had received 44 presidential speeches before the President publicly announced on the basis of her tablet computer data, which Choi had abandoned.

One of the most troubling of these was the speech file of the Hangul file format, which contained the contents of the Dresden Declaration that President Park visited on March 28, 2014 in Dresden, Germany

35880a No.1678311


Nobody's allowed in the Rich Club unless they have problems. Nowadays I wonder things like whether they've ever cooked long pork.

c2ad49 No.1678312

File: afb4b3a81e7e86e⋯.jpeg (20.42 KB, 256x387, 256:387, Qfilmposter.jpeg)

00ee3c No.1678313

File: 230ca07cb5268fe⋯.png (214.28 KB, 492x494, 246:247, thegameplayers.png)

still here, awaiting our orders

aa18d9 No.1678314


what a cute bird, bird remedies always go well together, most people don't realize that

fa2698 No.1678315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Listen, Anon. Look up the lyrics.

8026a6 No.1678316


I see.


2a67bb No.1678317

File: 870398227fc89a1⋯.png (112.62 KB, 700x700, 1:1, apu_fren.png)


Have an apu fren.

Thanks for all you work!

aa18d9 No.1678318


well it is good thing Trump know how to give orders!

What a great guy, what a great President

we are so lucky to have him


0b1303 No.1678319


Now that's Fricken Funny Anon

ecd002 No.1678320

File: f5a5b1ee7844c55⋯.jpg (43.26 KB, 466x467, 466:467, WH 17 6 7 18.JPG)



b94b71 No.1678321

>>1678310 And Subud. The antennae are going……could all these cults only superficially be separate? Could they all just be arms of the same satanic hierarchy, working in tandem?

8a9cad No.1678322

Build the Wall.

Reciprocal >>1678279


2nd Amendment Vital.

Unity Not Division [Jerusalem].

One State Solution [Israel].

The Unbreakable Alliance.

Welcome back, Russia [G8].

Break the Media/Cabal.


Iran Next.



28c6d3 No.1678323


Been saying this for a long time…when Q drops are slow, dig into old drops. Some stuff that was perplexing at the time and somewhat overlooked, but is now jaw-dropping in retrospect.

Future proves past.

aa18d9 No.1678324


come on can't you spell

what a dufus, always getting things all mixed up

next you will be telling to vote when the election was yesterday.


73d4d4 No.1678325

File: 9566b1036b90ed1⋯.png (194.22 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, IMG_8167.PNG)

be8a37 No.1678326


Well shit…

My bad

I wasn't a big RushFag, my BFF (still, 40 years later) was a total Rushfag.

LedZepplinFag, PinkFloydFag here…

58bffb No.1678327

File: 738ed4411be1c3a⋯.jpg (137.79 KB, 918x1104, 153:184, dog howl.jpg)

0b1303 No.1678328


Well Said

00d41d No.1678329



anons should at the least learn what this album is about It's not luciferian despite the red star. the red star is the enemy of individual non collectivist humans It's a masterpiece along the line of orwells 19841

aa18d9 No.1678330


ok first point, gone

and its only mid morning here

0b1303 No.1678331


Great Thinking Anon

5c00fe No.1678332

File: 26cf5fa7d9fc2b5⋯.jpg (51.84 KB, 793x598, 61:46, Trump NK Success.JPG)

File: bbf83d929df6cc1⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 4_21.gif)

File: 0fddeb0958c43ca⋯.jpg (115.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (9).jpg)


I'm so confused. Does he really know what he's doing???


Way to keep drawing in the Normies ——- god king of mega trolling!

Great Psy Op this show is…….

No better place than to Luv It w/ you Anons right here. This is why.

2a67bb No.1678333


>imagine being this much of a boomer

5fdc8d No.1678334

File: f2c384e58cbb772⋯.png (324.38 KB, 700x703, 700:703, pepe celibrate.png)

aa18d9 No.1678335

72c0f0 No.1678336

b5a7ef No.1678337



Goys, whatever you do, don't look at Anthony, Asia, Andy, or Kates instagrams or social media accounts. It causes suicides.

"Why have U.S. suicide rates climbed so dramatically, up 30 percent in half of our states, with 45,000 suicides in 2016 alone?

I believe that the anger, meanness and contagiousness of social media help to spread depersonalization. This is compounded by the isolation inherent with smartphone technology. Devices connect us with other devices, but leave us disconnected to each other."

http:// www.foxnews.com/opinion/2018/06/09/dr-marc-siegel-bourdain-and-spade-suicides-raise-some-serious-questions-here-are-some-answers.html

0c986f No.1678338


good one

e473ba No.1678339

File: dd218abed8e6c0d⋯.png (81.73 KB, 442x293, 442:293, ClipboardImage.png)

Data Center Arrow Networks

Facebook, Amazon fund new trans-Pacific submarine cable

'JUPITER' is made for video, should see first light in 2020, boast 60 Tbps capacity

By Simon Sharwood, APAC Editor 31 Oct 2017 at 04:54


A consortium including Facebook, Amazon and SoftBank has signed up to build a new submarine cable linking Asia and the United States of America.

NTT Communications, PCCW Global and PLDT (Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company) have also tossed cash into the “JUPITER” cable, which will land in Los Angeles, the Japanese cities of Maruyama and Shima, plus Daet in the Philippines.

The cable is “Scheduled to be ready for service by early 2020” - just in time for the Tokyo Summer Olympics. That event also explains why SoftBank's Koji Ishii, co-chair of the JUPITER consortium, says the cable is being built in part to handle demand for “capacity-dependent applications like live video, augmented and virtual reality, and 4k/8k video.” Japan wants to shoot its games in 8K.

And perhaps Facebook wants to stream some of that video: The Social Network™ has already tried, and failed, to acquire the right to live-stream sport.

Or perhaps it just needs more trans-Pacific bandwidth and figures that owning it, rather than renting it, is the best way to get it. Or perhaps it wants more resilience for its Pacific traffic, which is one reason the JUPITER consortium says it is building the cable.

Amazon clearly has a need for that kind of connectivity: it already has bit barns in Japan and low-latency links to the mothership are a prima facie useful proposition for the company.

Facebook's already contributed to at least one other submarine cable, namely the MAREA link from Spain to the USA. ®

2a67bb No.1678340


Appropriate, they do like to recruit the most vulnerable, so the LGBT (aka: mostly mentally ill) crowd tend to get targeted for recruitment quite a lot.

d2d09b No.1678341

File: bc3f3ac09e9dfe8⋯.png (926.79 KB, 1418x1568, 709:784, Screen Shot 57.png)



7. CommunicAsia 2018 (Marina Bay Sands, Singapore)

91c0ee No.1678342

File: 473332029c51dc4⋯.png (175.41 KB, 581x493, 581:493, ClipboardImage.png)




The Duchess mishears Alice, and thinking she is talking about axes, spontaneously shouts, “Chop off her head!” The Duchess starts to sing a nasty lullaby to the baby, roughly tussling it as she sings. Upon finishing, she flings the baby at Alice and hurries out of the room to prepare for croquet with the Queen.

Alice takes the baby outside, only to discover that it is a pig

aa18d9 No.1678343


ok besides being an insult

that sounds close enough to boobs to count as a second point, GONE


2a67bb No.1678344

File: 1e1cba3d2849241⋯.png (38.14 KB, 657x527, 657:527, Apu_Hmmmmm.png)


More phones = more people shitposting and digging into Clinton's = more "suicides"

Lesson here: phones are bad for your health

49eb53 No.1678345

File: 73b1a7643142836⋯.jpg (398.74 KB, 1033x766, 1033:766, daddyQ.jpg)

be8a37 No.1678346


Yup, but not big RushFag…

Didn't realize Trees was not on 2112,but it is my favorite Rush song followed by Tom Sawyer which was popular when I was in 7th grade!

761ab9 No.1678347


Nice work.

a musical "Great Awakening"

Would go down well in 6 mos.

Maybe VQC anon would give us so BC to get that going?

Major deal to break RSA…


324702 No.1678348


If "unlock the map" was ever stated by Q, it would make sense to think of the clock as a combination lock.

It would need a combination of right turn, left turn and back to right turn for final number.

Might this coincide with the delta of spaces in the three sets of "four BOOMs"?

aa18d9 No.1678349



56fc7b No.1678350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker on an important issue.

Be INFORMED but NOT distracted.

Pedosta go fuck yourself with a pole.

8026a6 No.1678351


Think you may have the wrong post anon

but non the less witch lizard was it?

d44347 No.1678352

File: a262a544ab00ce2⋯.png (116.97 KB, 289x300, 289:300, 699FF957-07BD-4CE4-B28E-EF….png)

Looks like Mr Mom Jeans got a new look

b293ef No.1678353

File: 48a55df89db821e⋯.png (325.59 KB, 540x588, 45:49, ClipboardImage.png)

0962be No.1678354


I was used to tranny checking from living in Rio.

The pedopill I swallowed here just makes my head spin sometimes

ecd002 No.1678355


Kate Middleton in Kate Spade…

shouldn't the preposition be on ?

a695e8 No.1678357


I'm in agreement, anon. But, it goes much deeper.

I believe we are in an age of darkness when all we see are negative images, all we hear are negative sounds, and much of what we think is negative. It is a depressing time to be alive. When was the last time you saw someone truly smile?

91c0ee No.1678358


No, she's wearing Kate Spade clothing.

But there is a possible hint there…

a47156 No.1678359


A few breads ago some anons were digging into a possible cipher having to do with the BOOMs.

It didn't go very far.

But really you might be on to something.

e2d975 No.1678360




We've taken care of everything

The words you hear, the songs you sing

The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes

It's one for all, all for one

We work together, common sons

Never need to wonder how or why

We are the priests

Of the Temples of Syrinx

Our great computers

Fill the hollowed halls

We are the priests

Of the Temples of Syrinx

All the gifts of life

Are held within our walls

Look around this world we made

Equality our stock in trade

Come and join the brotherhood of man

Oh what a wide contented world

Let the banners be unfurled

Hold the red star proudly high in hand

We are the priests

Of the Temples of Syrinx

Our great computers

Fill the hollowed halls

We are the priests

Of the Temples of Syrinx

All the gifts of life

Are held within our walls

875d92 No.1678361

File: a24a166bc5da0a9⋯.png (13.72 KB, 1212x49, 1212:49, Somolia.png)

Somalia spelled incorrectly, waited hours before correcting

b8175a No.1678362

File: 741e041bca27b8c⋯.png (750.42 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 44E48C2B-ED70-4FDC-9BDB-80….png)

fff98e No.1678363

File: 263ab03b41d6da8⋯.png (238.79 KB, 600x336, 25:14, e6OhPSAzi.png)

From POTUS G7 twat vid

five by five

f2b543 No.1678365




>>1676943 (ob) see the owl notQ

>>1677420 (ob) potential explanation for notQ side by side, did we find a key

I hope this is correct, fucking phonefagging!

2a67bb No.1678366


Why is Brazil so full of homos in drag?

a695e8 No.1678367


Sometimes I find it hard to see them, anon.

00ee3c No.1678368

File: 6092e223a5c5440⋯.png (75.88 KB, 1532x672, 383:168, wikileaks-bridge-dig.png)

File: b33c4a27de801d7⋯.png (173.84 KB, 1175x428, 1175:428, bridge-of-horns.png)

File: d0292e05e421f5e⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1129x1525, 1129:1525, BRIDGE-red-sea.png)

The Bridge.

8362c0 No.1678369

File: f01267290d35305⋯.jpg (62.4 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-the-greatest-evil-th….jpg)

File: 3886b155703e310⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 736x558, 368:279, 354596ebb0e329a14a097f49ea….jpg)

File: f421986a5a8755b⋯.jpg (34.98 KB, 460x460, 1:1, 9bf288dbe38578cf4e89d04327….jpg)

File: 24f9bd00dab339b⋯.jpg (74.35 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg)

File: 90b4dff87895f40⋯.jpg (496.15 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 8392732967_b2ae9f122d_b.jpg)

Perhaps just the older Brit Anons will remember "The Prisoner" "I am Not a Number" but well worth taking a look at.

I've been watching it recently and it is scary how we are now facing what was predicted.

I wonder what Patrick Mcgoohan would think of the world how it is today, he was a co author… but only gave 1 or 2 interviews his whole life and his daughter declines to say much about her father either…

9f0551 No.1678370


What would happen to a tribe of monkeys that practiced cannibalism for multiple generations?

How would they compare to the other monkeys?

9a82c2 No.1678371




A Farewell to Kings



3d8300 No.1678372


that would be awesome!

plx to fix spelling mistakes!



bb6f3c No.1678373



35880a No.1678374


I'm suspicious. Who the fuk would call out Madame Defarge?

324702 No.1678375


If you think this Anon is a concernfag, you're missing the point completely.

Re-read it again without being defensive.

86d83e No.1678376



It will happen exactly at the right time.

ed85e9 No.1678377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2e1bba No.1678378

File: 4776d02dd8e1e55⋯.png (38.83 KB, 465x531, 155:177, Screenshot_2018-06-09-08-0….png)

Goofball speaker Paul Ryan is set to make millions next year after he retires.

91c0ee No.1678379

File: 0f7c95b4c5a9261⋯.png (79.58 KB, 627x566, 627:566, ClipboardImage.png)

Just know when to walk away.

2a67bb No.1678380

File: dc77de9542e2169⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 1927x10000, 1927:10000, Jews_Porn_Big.jpg)

File: 1f12dd1b42e844b⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 1558x6300, 779:3150, Jews_Porn_Weapon_Against_G….jpg)


That + constant dopamine hits from internet and social media and vydia and porn (jewish weapon against Goyim, by the way, pics related) + tech related isolation = Bad feels

ecd002 No.1678381


a → o

o seems to a frequent letter in POTUS' misspells

O - hoping it means what we think it means…justice soon.

86d83e No.1678382


Ironically it all comes down to a new understanding of clock arithmetic.


a695e8 No.1678383


No! I ain't clicking that!

56fc7b No.1678384

File: 4e096cabb5269fb⋯.png (41.54 KB, 782x383, 782:383, qwhynointel.png)


And a little reminder from Q as well

c1f197 No.1678385

Democratic lawmakers seek criminal probe of EPA chief Scott Pruitt


375230 No.1678386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

41218b No.1678387

wonder how many would fake thier deaths to avoid asset seizure due to EO

223515 No.1678388


go fark yourself.

ecd002 No.1678389



rant – really?

get a thesaurus Reuters - your bias is showing

ed85e9 No.1678390


I go past the voice to the Lyrics..

0c986f No.1678391

has anybody dug on Andy Spades instagram account?

it's chock full of pedo and sick sexual symbolism

reoccuring themes are:

bananas - phallic/uncircumcised

umbrellas - open and closing of fist

mops and brooms - think muff

cactus - think prickly/a certain region of the body where the texture might be prickly a week after shaving

cigarette butts - not sure

anyways, you get the drift, this mother fucker is a sick sexual perverted deviant and needs to burn like the rest of them.

35880a No.1678392


My goodness! Isn't that revolutionary! <3

2a67bb No.1678393



a695e8 No.1678394


Dont blame the Jews for porn. It's a man thing across the board. But, yes to everything else.

58bffb No.1678395

File: 16ae7d37165c875⋯.jpg (76.3 KB, 580x326, 290:163, brilliant anon.jpg)


That's a viable thought, Anon.

dec4dc No.1678396

>>1674877 (prev)

I have most of them. If you still need them, let me know.

0962be No.1678397


IMO, Brazil is where the cabal was herding us. First country to do sex-change widely. First country where it was 'normalized'. Was the trial run for what has been pushed here.

2f1d43 No.1678398

File: 344e4daa2e2d20e⋯.png (586.52 KB, 770x433, 770:433, ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump congratulates G7 leaders for getting the best of U.S. on trade before vowing 'those days are over

President Trump delivered a short address at the G7 Summit Saturday morning in which he congratulated the gathered world leaders for managing to take advantage of the U.S. on trade before vowing that "those days are over."

Trump's main focus was on trade, but he also briefly touched on discussions held on curbing "uncontrolled migration" and combating terrorism and those who continue to spread the "deadly ideology" across the world.

"The U.S. has been taken advantage of for decades and decades and we can't do that any more," he stated, turning the conversation back toward his ongoing trade war. "That's not going to work any more."

"We can coordinate together and achieve a common good for all our people, all of our nations," he added, signaling at least some productive negotiations took place at the summit. "We're linked in an effort to create a more prosperous world … I think they're starting to be more committed to a more fair trade situation for the United States."

"The United States has been taken advantage of for decades and decades and we can't do that anymore."

WATCH: President @realDonaldTrump's full statement from the #G7 Summit. pic.twitter.com/eJ1VyGxerH

— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 9, 2018

The president clarified that he doesn't blame other heads of state for trying to take advantage of the U.S., but instead he blames "our past leaders for that."

"In fact, I congratulate the leaders of other countries for crazily being able to make these trade deals, but those days are over."

Finally, Trump turned his attention to Tuesday's upcoming summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Trump stated the North Korean regime is "working very well with us" before calling his upcoming trip to Singapore a "mission of peace."

"I'll be on a mission of peace," President Trump says at G7 before leaving for North Korea summit. pic.twitter.com/0791z84cNP

— NBC News (@NBCNews) June 9, 2018

Trump also said he would know "within the first minute" whether his upcoming meeting with Kim would be productive.

Pres. Trump says "within the first minute" he'll know if negotiations with Kim Jong Un will produce favorable outcome.

"I think that very quickly I'll know whether or not something good is going to happen." https://t.co/yFRdYI4Vfj pic.twitter.com/RIyT6DzaLU

— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) June 9, 2018

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/president-trump-congratulates-g7-leaders-for-getting-the-best-of-u-s-on-trade-before-vowing-those-days-are-over

be8a58 No.1678399


any more insight?

ecd002 No.1678400


interesting Anon.

let's extrapolate the implications…

0b1303 No.1678401

File: 51ceb88b747ef03⋯.png (923.77 KB, 658x960, 329:480, NoWords.png)

ec0572 No.1678402


that's not mom jeans

407de7 No.1678403

File: 4ef9b784c54a059⋯.jpg (226.11 KB, 1231x913, 1231:913, 2RNWL 9 Jun 18 1315.jpg)

File: eb13ba1e5648f7b⋯.jpg (273.62 KB, 1211x947, 1211:947, 2RNWL Nice 9 Jun 18 1330.jpg)

File: 6c58ea63d03365d⋯.jpg (514.64 KB, 1907x971, 1907:971, JM10 9 Jun 18 1635.jpg)

Anons, you need to see this… I've been monitoring USAF flight JM10 all day, guess where it could be headed, and who landed there earlier today?

[Excitement intensifies]

0c986f No.1678404


Reuters = Poop

I love it how POTUS is not even acknowledging the climate science lies and hoax. Won't even give those lying commie bastards the time of day.

Well done sir.

3d8300 No.1678405


aha the bluecheck is NOT a verification that you are who you say you are, but a signal that twitter agrees with you

0c986f No.1678407


symbols on Justins sox

a5d816 No.1678408


italy? bilderberg?

2f1d43 No.1678409

File: 284a095fdca08d6⋯.png (649.35 KB, 770x435, 154:87, ClipboardImage.png)

Justin Trudeau trolls Trump with framed photo of his grandfather's Canadian brothel

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appeared to hold back laughter Friday at the G7 summit when he presented President Trump with a framed photo of a hotel and brothel that Trump's grandfather once operated in British Columbia.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted a photo of the moment — with Trump sitting in front of the Canadian flag and Trudeau sitting in front of the American flag — praising the gesture.

“Great moment between @JustinTrudeau and @POTUS when he gave him picture of the President’s grandfather’s hotel in Canada. #G72018", the tweet said.

Great moment between @JustinTrudeau and @POTUS when he gave him picture of the President’s grandfather’s hotel in Canada. #G72018 pic.twitter.com/mtl5c7QPB3

— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) June 9, 2018

Trump's grandfather, Friedrich Trump, opened the Arctic Restaurant and Hotel in 1897 during the Klondike Gold Rush. It was one of the first properties in the Trump real estate empire.

Though President Trump has vehemently denied the property was ever operated as a brothel, history suggests otherwise.

As did a multitude of Twitter users responding to Sanders' post.

Hotel, eh? It was a brothel. https://t.co/o0KRj1VDcX

— Lauren Santo Domingo (@TheLSD) June 9, 2018

Was that one of Frederick Trump’s brothels? (True story) https://t.co/Nd7OqqGOwM

— John Aravosis (@aravosis) June 9, 2018

Yeah, also, the hotel was a brothel: https://t.co/FLgzqUAhpO https://t.co/FVflFCssyF

— Heather Barr (@heatherbarr1) June 9, 2018

I wrote a few years ago about the role this inn/brothel/restaurant/gambling den in the Canadian Arctic played in building the Trump family fortune: https://t.co/YvR4rvQE8C https://t.co/rh1NAIyjys

— Alexander Panetta (@Alex_Panetta) June 9, 2018

You spelled brothel wrong. https://t.co/sCZ51uqRq9

— Morten Øverbye (@morten) June 9, 2018

Despite the Arctic Hotel's colorful past, activists — including Parks Canada and the Carcross Tagish First Nation — have campaigned to turn the site into a tourist attraction.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justin-trudeau-trolls-trump-with-framed-photo-of-his-grandfathers-canadian-brothel

c007f1 No.1678410

Have noticed that in our digging we look for


but don’t mention


Digging on Odin a bit.



fff98e No.1678411

File: 9521b027953f669⋯.png (1.95 MB, 2766x1548, 461:258, Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at ….png)

2a67bb No.1678412

File: 3c3fb99f3c20a3b⋯.png (35.11 KB, 728x313, 728:313, ffl.PNG)


>Dont blame the Jews for porn.

I don't need to blame them, the facts speak for themselves, jews dominate the porn industry and own the companies that own all other companies.


I don't have any ideas, but it reminded me of this:


407de7 No.1678413


Nice is the Cote d'Azur, France.

2c2870 No.1678414

File: 3676141159816c3⋯.jpg (72.77 KB, 662x411, 662:411, tralala.jpg)


AIDS Skrillix and now AIDS DEADMAU5

8cbf8e No.1678415

File: 1a888cf7f3a82be⋯.png (17.66 KB, 270x182, 135:91, victorhugo_birdquote.png)

A bird - still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings

9bac40 No.1678416


LOL…no. Its called telling the truth. Twitter hates the truth

58bffb No.1678417


I swear I've wondered about Muslim-Jewish collusion all along. They just have so many similarities. How could they not conspire?

2f1d43 No.1678418

Yup, I see it now, thanks for pointing that out, it just confirms what we already know, guess he wants to make sure we know it.

28c6d3 No.1678419


Very true anon - which is a proof point that Q isn't a black hat op. No way do the black hats want the Great Awakening to happen…absolutely no way they would sanction this. Downside for them is much greater than the upside.

761ab9 No.1678420

>>1678163 hat is safe

>>1678169 < 16 post shill

2e1bba No.1678421

File: fa579b3bdce1cc0⋯.jpg (71.07 KB, 700x490, 10:7, 2brhak~2.jpg)

File: 736ea30b5d877af⋯.jpg (56.76 KB, 480x609, 160:203, 2blbqs~2.jpg)


Those days are over.

Donald Trump.

2a67bb No.1678422

File: 1247bbb0ffd8bd2⋯.png (421.32 KB, 967x784, 967:784, Jews_Advocate_Demographic_….png)

File: 9869a92f43f8988⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2508x1504, 627:376, Jews_Islamization_Of_Europ….jpg)

File: 42aefc6aa8205a8⋯.jpg (86.31 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Jews_Islamization_Of_Europ….jpg)

File: cc2621cb464eff9⋯.jpg (189.35 KB, 900x1046, 450:523, jews_Migrants.jpg)

File: 5d673ebdf6fc187⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 2486x3062, 1243:1531, Jews_Push_For_Muslim_Migra….jpg)


I have more stuff related.



2f1d43 No.1678424

File: 3161d74637ae10b⋯.png (184.77 KB, 370x209, 370:209, ClipboardImage.png)

Macron winks at Trump for showing up late to gender equality breakfast at G7 summit

President Trump showed up late to Saturday's Gender Equality Advisory Council Breakfast at the G7 summit in Canada.

There was one empty chair at the table where world leaders were seated, listening to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s short opening remarks on intersectionalism. Trudeau spoke for roughly two minutes then turned the floor over to the Canadian ambassador to France, Isabelle Hudon.

Trump walked in as Hudon was speaking, and according to the White House pool, French President Emmanuel Macron winked at the president as he made his first appearance at the breakfast.

The White House announced Friday that Trump will leave the G7 following the conclusion of the morning's roundtable.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/macron-winks-at-trump-for-showing-up-late-to-gender-equality-breakfast-at-g7-summit

d1679e No.1678425


I must have missed it. Who landed there earlier?

91c0ee No.1678426

File: e7df8edaa3cc075⋯.jpg (22.55 KB, 334x371, 334:371, Julio.JPG)


Thanks. I'd miss that hat.

407de7 No.1678427

JM10 is is a bit of a 'dead' zone for ADS-B at the moment near Montelimar. I'm monitoring for when it returns.

2a371f No.1678428


we arnt a christian doomsday cult

were a christian doomsday avoidance cult

35880a No.1678430


I read a post on GLP, it said there were beings that were similar but different on the planet, it went into detail about how they could live on a diffeent diet, I'm remembering eating crap like McDonald's was right up their alimentary canal. The post described other aspects of these beings, something about their different biochemistry, it was a pretty compelling read. I checked on other threads for a bit and then thought i should go grab that thread, when I went back it was gone, it was only a short while. The Qs would know. Or what you're saying. Or both. Or neither.

407de7 No.1678431


I don't know exactly 'who', but spoopy plane 2-RNWL landed there this morning.

1626e8 No.1678432

File: a815188ba0cf9db⋯.jpg (67.17 KB, 502x442, 251:221, kek.jpg)

File: 4d47b3a48d8d168⋯.png (796.92 KB, 2237x1545, 2237:1545, haha.png)

2a67bb No.1678433

File: f1cf17d3ef6a114⋯.jpg (135.86 KB, 960x959, 960:959, Jews_Islamization_Of_Europ….jpg)

File: 2b0b973457efae2⋯.jpg (261.43 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Migration_Jew_Endgame.jpg)

File: 2cf36936d692c25⋯.png (396.59 KB, 1548x497, 1548:497, Sweden_1.png)

File: 2e837bdec5603bf⋯.png (593.17 KB, 1156x1140, 289:285, Sweden_2.png)

File: 2a2c3ad385d2b0d⋯.png (547.68 KB, 616x666, 308:333, UN_70percent_Refugees_Not_….PNG)

2f1d43 No.1678434


Indeed, he means it too, not sure if they do, but they will find out soon…

074fd2 No.1678435

File: 24c646f6e16498d⋯.jpg (53.26 KB, 673x767, 673:767, 34963718_10214204809908144….jpg)

File: b1af065ba48d003⋯.jpg (61.37 KB, 640x420, 32:21, animals-BlueCrab-slide2-we….jpg)

2c2870 No.1678436


PS. Joel, I am just fuckin with ya

a695e8 No.1678437


Well, Larry Flynt certainly isn't Jewish. Bob Giccione not Jewish. Same with scumbag Hefner. I have done business with a few on of video porn companies in the valley and not a Jew in sight. Yes, I'm sure there are some, but to categorize as whole group is ridiculous.

b34544 No.1678438

yep, threats of social ostracism work incredibly well here.

b94b71 No.1678439

>>1678397 Ever heard the phrase, "Take a trip to Trinidad?" Meaning, going there to have a sex change op. Trinidad, Colorado was where it all started.

6bc947 No.1678440

>>1674370 (old bread)

Figure out conversation topics that have nothing to do with politics, sex, religion, or money and that might interest other friends/relatives. People are sick and tired of the MSM's concentration on these topics and want to talk to others on topics of just about anything else. I sense you need to connect with other people (that's why you're on these boards) but you gotta deal with people in person. Doing so gives you a sense of what's important to other people and that will help you when you dig for this board.

Find opportunities to deal with other people - jobs, school, church, clubs, volunteering, entertainment, sports teams, etc. It will nurture your own personality every time you interact with others.

You won't find solace in alcohol or mind-altering drugs. You will find peace and comfort in God, the Bible, classical literature, a child's face, a blooming flower, a rippling creek, a blue sky, a swooping bird, a waving tree leaf, etc.

04a19d No.1678441


Wonder why a MC-12W ISR eavesdropper recce bird is at the same place as a 2-#### plane. Hmm very spoopy. Wonder what he'll pick up or transfer.

2a67bb No.1678442

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Oh, and save this and watch when you have the time.

Big big redpill, in length and potency (it's 2:30 hours, not 4, that its just to trick the censor algo from jewtube).

8299bf No.1678443


>mulling over nulla

nice. does appear NXIVM is a cog in a much larger op.

to go any farther into the #'s may take us into the realms of numerology & vedic math, and not sure if the daytime board is ready for that ;) could be wrong tho.

would be interesting to maybe start digging deeper into Raniere's patents and see if there's any other tech that might be relevant.

>>1677885 (lb)

says here 1981 he arrived, a full 20 yrs before 2001.


Raniere is the son of a New York City adman and a mother who taught ballroom dancing; he grew up in Suffern, New York after having spent his first five years in Brooklyn.[2][3] He arrived in the Albany area at the age of 16, around the time his mother died,

to attend the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1981. There Raniere triple-majored in math, physics, and biology with minors in psychology and philosophy, and earned a BS in Biology.

that's one hell of a triple major, double minor.

b423be No.1678444

File: c1bb1ea3c73ae74⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1242x2081, 1242:2081, 77D9B400-49D3-4279-A50A-1….jpeg)

Well now, ain’t this some shit. Sonsabitches…

8026a6 No.1678445

File: a14f2885cc2da62⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 604x430, 302:215, Sharia Law.jpg)



At the end of the day never trust a Muslim

Why you may ask..

Learn about Islam

Learn the TRUTH about Islam!

d1679e No.1678446


Thanks. I try to always follow your planefag posts. Very interesting!

35880a No.1678447


Denial is not…etc., etc.

04a19d No.1678448


If he's working he might deliberately drop off ADSB.

2e1bba No.1678449

File: 9213d2562082141⋯.jpg (19.49 KB, 249x251, 249:251, 9213d2562082141dad3da91025….jpg)


Guarantee Trump will follow through.

407de7 No.1678450

File: c4c057ba078c169⋯.jpg (229.68 KB, 1637x599, 1637:599, JM10 9 Jun 18 1650.jpg)


JM10 back on the scope. If I'm right, he'll head out into the bay and turn back for an approach, just as 2-RNWL did.

2f1d43 No.1678451

File: b693da29c226031⋯.png (470.5 KB, 770x433, 770:433, ClipboardImage.png)

Singapore hotels add cameras, ramp up security ahead of Trump-Kim summit

SINGAPORE – President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will come together from opposite ends of the world next week for their historic bilateral summit, but when they arrive here on Sunday, their accommodations will be less than a mile apart.

Two people familiar with the planning said the president and his entourage will stay at Singapore's Shangri-La hotel, where Defense Secretary Jim Mattis attended a global security conference earlier this month and where locals have seen security activity increase in recent days. The vicinity was designated a "special event area" by the Singaporean government last Sunday.

Meanwhile, the North Korean delegation is expected to have secured rooms at the St. Regis, where local media spotted employees installing additional security cameras around the luxury hotel's entrance earlier this week.

A spokesperson for the St. Regis declined to confirm whether the hotel would soon be hosting Kim and would not provide a reason for the beefed up security. The five-star resort is "just a 10 minute walk away" from the part of town where Trump's hotel is located, a bellhop told the Washington Examiner.

White House officials announced last week that Trump and Kim will meet for the first time Tuesday morning at Singapore's Capella Hotel on Sentosa Island. A section of the sprawling beachfront estate has been cordoned off from guests and visitors since Friday, allowing employees to make arrangements for the summit that could attract millions of viewers from across the globe.

"Capella Singapore is honored to be selected as the venue for this historic event," said Joleena Seah, the hotel's director of marketing. "Guest confidentiality and security remain as our top priority at all times."

"We are unable to disclose details related to this event," she added when asked what security protocols were in place.

According to NBC News, U.S. officials have been ordered to sweep the Capella Hotel for bugs and other intelligence-gathering devices that could be planted by the Chinese. Since March, Kim has met twice with Chinese President Xi Jinping, whom Trump has accused of "influencing" the North Korean leader.

“China remains a particularly aggressive espionage actor and is using increasingly sophisticated technological platforms to carry out its objectives,” CIA spokesman Dean Boyd told NBC.

https:/ /www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house/singapore-hotels-add-cameras-ramp-up-security-ahead-of-trump-kim-summit

46e9a0 No.1678452

File: f206e82c29939df⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 720x959, 720:959, willow-nixon-missing.jpg)

from FB: Nixon. Redhead. Missing.

PLEASE SHARE!!! This is Willow Nixon missing from Texarkana/Ashdown area

Last seen by a neighbor leaving on foot Saturday night from her apartment in Ashdown. Reports of her in Seattle, Oklahoma, and Canton, Tx. among other places so PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE.

If you have seen/heard from her please contact me and I will immediately notify her family.

5’3” • 120 lbs •19 years old· long red hair • blue eyes • white with alot of freckles


a47156 No.1678453

POTUS airborne soon.

Planefags got eyes?

fa2698 No.1678454


WHOA!!!!!!! Nice work, ClockFag! Quite impressive. God bless.

39e6fd No.1678455




a695e8 No.1678456


True that. In fact, I am surprised twatter didnt take down Roseanne's account after that whole debacle.

It's the only platform she has left.

a45a1a No.1678457

I think we can assume we will have multiple MOAB's this week coming up from the 10th-16th this is going to be a week that us patriots will love

fa2698 No.1678458



Can we get a notable on this?

86d83e No.1678459


Negative e.

Negative x at row one.

Enumerate patterns.

Look at difference in gif patterns between odd and even.

Continue exactly what you're doing.

We'll be able to hear the Eureka across the world.

58bffb No.1678460






Thank you, Anon.

9bac40 No.1678461



Come back after you watch this video and BTW

Hefner is Jewish


00ee3c No.1678462

File: 8d71884f3abde0c⋯.png (350.62 KB, 1303x1079, 1303:1079, somolia-wikileaks.png)



from yesterday

8c00eb No.1678463


Actually the Pope is NOT attending the Bilderberg meeting, but his Secretary of State (Cardinal Parolin) is. Cardinal Parolin is a VERY wicked man. We need some serious digging on him.

64c12d No.1678464


Not bad–for a "talk show host"


72c0f0 No.1678465



Princess Faggot & her army of pretences.

2a67bb No.1678466

File: 0bb56bc2aa6df9a⋯.png (599.22 KB, 2836x1720, 709:430, Cabal_15.png)


My pleasure anon.

Have another one, perhaps you have not seen it yet.

a695e8 No.1678467


Yea, wasnt 100% on Hefner. Will watch later. Things to do.

fe8e1c No.1678468

File: bc0a479ad458d44⋯.jpg (118.78 KB, 580x513, 580:513, 7_odin.jpg)


Odin One-Eye, The Grey Wanderer, Wotan, All-Father, Eagle-Head, Spear-Shaker, Brown-Bear, Battledancer, Bor's Son, Vili's Brother, Gallow's Burden, Fjorgyn, Wand-Bearer..

The one to whom sacrifices are made.

The one who sacrificed for wisdom.

Friend and blood-brother of Loptr, who belongs to no-one and nothing and reveals what they would prefer to be hidden.

What is a truth?

Is misinformation necessary?

Are actions heavier than words?

Who put the information out there?

d3713f No.1678469

File: b398b771878a7ae⋯.png (38.03 KB, 1125x822, 375:274, 6533290068685000.png)

File: f148387422a101f⋯.png (158.17 KB, 960x637, 960:637, 892938544978321683683.png)

File: afe18d17c97f395⋯.png (30.61 KB, 1143x557, 1143:557, 243133434545-0099878632232….png)

File: c8d6fbfded0ba42⋯.png (15.02 KB, 1145x563, 1145:563, 12786543773283729692386.png)

Do colors affect your emotions, judgment and prejudices?

Are your thoughts different with the color swaps?

Who designed these flags?

e2d975 No.1678470


WOW… Nice work anon

Baker Notable

for sure

fff98e No.1678471

d8df76 No.1678472

just saying BAKER, some anons are nominating notables from this and last bread, just watch out for that because you gotta add the 2109 and 2110 notables and this one


c91919 No.1678473


Nope, he's not a concernfag. He's proud of his and our involvement in this Great Awakening, I share his sense of pride and honor and responsibility. I too also love all you fags.

d8df76 No.1678474


>Do colors affect your emotions, judgment and prejudices?

>Are your thoughts different with the color swaps?


one is a country, the other is a geographical area

ecd002 No.1678475


Dig to reveal that "O" is responsible - happened under his watch - well, when he was pretending to be POTUS.


2b1451 No.1678476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Showing off Chefs is a sign of a declining empire.

49eb53 No.1678477

File: 343d38e1ca762ff⋯.png (854.42 KB, 784x854, 56:61, ClipboardImage.png)

46e9a0 No.1678478

File: 5f25a5efe89f29e⋯.jpg (39.15 KB, 720x540, 4:3, nixon-2.jpg)

File: 6dc9901af2c17cc⋯.jpg (51.87 KB, 720x720, 1:1, nixon-3.jpg)


couple more pictures of missing redhead willow nixon. note the infinity necklace.

2f1d43 No.1678479

File: 2164b780426889f⋯.png (442.92 KB, 770x433, 770:433, ClipboardImage.png)

Florida man who opened fire at Trump golf course charged with attempted murder of law enforcement officers

A Florida man who opened fire at a Trump property in May has been charged with attempted murder of law enforcement officers.

Jonathan Oddi, 42, was also charged with armed burglary and armed grand theft in relation to his "anti-Trump" actions.

On May 18, Oddi, brandishing an American flag he had taken from the grounds, stormed into the lobby at Trump National Doral Golf Club shortly after 1 a.m. and opened fire before being eventually subdued by authorities.

“This guy was ready for war, he was waiting for our officers to come in,” Miami-Dade Police Director Juan Perez said of Oddi's behavior. Perez noted that Oddi was yelling "anti-Trump" rhetoric about the president.

Oddi was eventually shot in the legs and disarmed by authorities. He was transported to a nearby hospital and is expected to recover.

One Miami-Dade officer injured his wrist in the altercation.

Secret Service and local authorities were investigating the matter, though an official motive for the attack has not yet been released.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/florida-man-who-opened-fire-at-trump-golf-course-charged-with-attempted-murder-of-law-enforcement-officers

2c2870 No.1678480


aa881e No.1678481

yes or no…is craig sawyer comped?

72fbeb No.1678482


So you must be around 48 years old. ;-)

bb6f3c No.1678483


What If A.I. Was Pure Evil? Latest Model Reveals ‘Antichrist’ Potential—Devil Incarnate


58bffb No.1678484


Had not. SAVED. And thanks again!

91d2d2 No.1678485


I expection all hell to break loose next Wednesday

be8a37 No.1678486

File: 665edcc1fe6ce97⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_7035.JPG)


New AppleFag here, I have not figured out how to make this thing print to my old laser printer…

So this happened… LOL

fff98e No.1678487


This could not have happened two years ago. We have guardian angels keeping us out from behind bars. Not a LARP.

acf680 No.1678488

File: 8d5f0d404c2bf93⋯.jpg (696.66 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, gibula.jpg)

91d2d2 No.1678489


I’m expecting all hell to break loose next Wednesday

00ee3c No.1678490

File: dafc5e7de36cbc7⋯.png (126.49 KB, 616x497, 88:71, ClipboardImage.png)



im thinking it corresponds to yesterdays 9-11 news

8299bf No.1678491

File: a13a08d50dd5081⋯.jpg (126.51 KB, 650x532, 325:266, CHOI PARK.jpg)


Definite possibility imho. Like a Kali?



>Choi is the daughter of Choi Tae-min, the leader of a cult

More sauce:


Choi Tae-min (5 May 1912 – 1 May 1994) was the leader of a South Korean cult combining elements of Buddhism, Christianity, and traditional Korean Shamanism.

Choi, originally a Buddhist monk, then a convert to Roman Catholicism (!!!), was married six times. He was the mentor of the impeached South Korean president, Park Geun-hye (the daughter of former president Park Chung-hee), until his death in 1994.

He allegedly used his relationship with Park to solicit bribes from government officials and businessmen. In late 2016, a scandal involving his daughter, Choi Soon-sil, broke out, with allegations that she too has exerted undue influence over President Park.

Choi was an associate of former-president President Park Chung-hee until the latter's death by assassination in 1979. Kim Jae-gyu, the director of the KCIA who assassinated President Park Chung-hee, told a court that one of his motives was what he called the president’s failure to stop Choi Tae-min's corrupt activities and keep him away from his daughter.

Also in 2007, a diplomatic cable made public through WikiLeaks, the American Embassy in Seoul reported rumors that Mr. Choi, a 'Korean Rasputin', “had complete control over Park’s body and soul during her formative years and that his children accumulated enormous wealth as a result.”


All this sound a bit familiar to what's bubbling under the surface HERE?

be8a58 No.1678492


Thank you!

58bffb No.1678493


Wasn't that little girl Q posted w/ Obama named Maggie Nixon? And wouldn't she be about the same age? Coincidence?

2a67bb No.1678494


>Over-representation, how does it work?

2f1d43 No.1678496

File: e94fa582fbfaba7⋯.png (513.32 KB, 770x435, 154:87, ClipboardImage.png)

'The Worst!': Trump thrashes CNN reporter for question about cozying up to North Korea

'The Worst!': Trump thrashes CNN reporter for question about cozying up to North Korea

by Christian Datoc

| June 09, 2018 11:54 AM

Print this article

Your video will start shortly

President Trump responded to a question asked by a CNN reporter in Canada Saturday by calling the outlet, "fake news" and "the worst."

"There is a growing sense that America's closest allies are frustrated with you and angry with you — and that you are angry with them — that you are leaving for more friendly talks with Kim Jong Un in Singapore," the reporter said of Trump's early departure from the G7 Summit.

"That's well put," Trump cut in, clearly annoyed with the framing of the question.

"Do you feel the same way?" the reporter continued. "Do you view the U.S. alliance system shifting?"

"Who are you with out of curiosity?" the president asked.

"I figured," he continued when the reporter told him he did in fact work for CNN. "Fake news CNN. The worst."

"I could tell — I had no idea you were CNN. After the question, I was just curious as to who you're with, and you're with CNN."

President @realDonaldTrump: "Who are you with out of curiosity?"

Reporter: "@CNN."@POTUS: "I figured - Fake News CNN. The worst." pic.twitter.com/8T5txRkU4J

— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 9, 2018

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/the-worst-trump-thrashes-cnn-reporter-for-question-about-cozying-up-to-north-korea

e38d33 No.1678497

File: 3fd7453dd243eaf⋯.png (2.3 MB, 3864x2394, 92:57, popeterriblemay.png)

585845 No.1678498


AS someone who travels internationally A LOT…what happeend here is not weird or rare.

They were transiting THROUGH Iran on a transfer flight..they did'nt get their passports stamped because they never left the airport (passed through customs/immigration)..they just had a 2 hour layover in an Iranian airport.

NOBODY gets passport stamps in such a situation.

1913ae No.1678499


Where is this on MSM?

00ee3c No.1678500

File: b76a07ab303f80f⋯.png (303.79 KB, 567x529, 567:529, potus-6-9-1200.png)

high noon post time

2c2870 No.1678501

Hey Rushfags, do you know I met my wife at a RUSH concert.

just kidding but I did get a reach around from a nice older man behind the porta-potty.

d8df76 No.1678502

File: f63d850046fc500⋯.jpg (176.73 KB, 1273x573, 1273:573, 111daysidebysidex.jpg)



heres another

585845 No.1678503

acc276 No.1678504

Quick question lads…..has anyone noticed, or happen to see, if it happened at all…..any tweet or statement from HRC regarding Bourdain "committing" suicide?

Thanks lads

2e1bba No.1678505

File: 047e5c491883c1f⋯.jpg (24.93 KB, 334x333, 334:333, 2bx99x~2.jpg)


Settle down.

2a67bb No.1678506

File: 90a2fa6bea77a1b⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 1696x6224, 106:389, 1.jpg)

File: 3d7fa870ed3862b⋯.jpg (2.37 MB, 1336x6290, 668:3145, 2.jpg)

File: b12fcac361c3e10⋯.jpg (261.45 KB, 1792x871, 1792:871, Islam_Quran_Abrogation.jpg)




Have some redpills on it on islam and why it is incompatible with the West.

And then after you learn about islam, start learning about judaism and the jews.

761ab9 No.1678507

Patrick McGoohan exposed unigoverment and illuminated control methods back in the day.

Every anon should watch.


35880a No.1678508


I haven't dug, but AJ is one strike against him.

fd764b No.1678509

File: c48530f2b85d948⋯.jpg (42.35 KB, 800x531, 800:531, 9a9b68644239ef19179c044536….jpg)

Firm friends? Macron handshake leaves mark on Trump

https ://www.yahoo.com/news/firm-friends-macron-handshake-leaves-mark-trump-140529338.html

9bac40 No.1678510


Both are shit…Talmud and Quran both promote pedophilia and the murder of non believers.

fd764b No.1678511


now on drudge

407de7 No.1678512

That MC-12 Liberty is quite an interesting little bird. SIGINT, Real-time video and intelligence gathering. They are tracking someone… possibly the passenger(s) of 2-RNWL.

2e1bba No.1678513

File: c5237f654a14911⋯.png (21.24 KB, 273x273, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-06-08-09-2….png)


I'm too sexy….

be8a37 No.1678514


OK, Baker final suggestion for next bread title, this song is actually on the album…

"Q Research General #2112 We Have Assumed Control Edition"

1ad440 No.1678515


On 6/13? Why?

2a67bb No.1678516


>One is a rogue nuclear state who commits genocide daily, the other is a country

There, I fixed it for you :)

7d61c5 No.1678517

File: 300e2e32cacb83b⋯.png (237.14 KB, 589x605, 589:605, Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at ….png)

aa881e No.1678518

56fc7b No.1678519

File: d7045d0d3d901e8⋯.png (15.91 KB, 1796x298, 898:149, riseofthepeople.png)


All are designed with the subconscious division and competition thinking in mind, so the group behind the shadows has all the power.

Apply logical thinking when dealing with topics of countries, race, religion, etc.

Discern where EVIL resides. With the People - the Patriots, or the controlling group?

359897 No.1678520


This is exactly what I got typed into the catalog atm, just with an added Q ;)

Q Research General #2112: We Have Assumed Qontrol

3acb9e No.1678521


macaroon has his right eye closed. He must blink one eye at a time

375230 No.1678522

File: eb72ca610e1222b⋯.jpg (8.95 KB, 258x196, 129:98, grammar.jpg)


Attention morons out there.

"I’m expecting all hell to break loose next Wednesday"

THIS, is the correct context for the word LOOSE.

You people that spell Lose LOOSE drive me fucking crazy.

Thank you, this has been a public service announcement.

2a67bb No.1678523

File: a74838ec4b0f195⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 834x2581, 834:2581, Trump_Trolls_MSM.jpg)



Good old IRL shitposting from Trump bringing the keks :D

Have you read this article about Trump?

He has been trolling the media for decades, lol.

0a0124 No.1678524


no it doesn't at all.

d30b8d No.1678525


He has more important matters to tend to than to hang around with some of the worlds top political prostitutes and soy boys.

585845 No.1678526


jesus christ.

>70 year old man has slightly slower than normal blood flow to his extremities!

91d2d2 No.1678527


Because it will be the 14th in Singapore - last scheduled day of summit.

be8a37 No.1678528



Sorry for this extra slice of bread, but I forgot to tag original Anon who suggested bread title

72fbeb No.1678529

Q, please come back soon.

be8a37 No.1678530


Absolute perfection!!


585845 No.1678531


summit is 2 days?

June 12th - 14th? Singapore time (remember USA is 13 hours behind, so dates might be behind)

91c0ee No.1678532


It's the ole, blame on anyone but Israel.

Blame it on Afghanistan, so we can control opium.

Blame it on Iraq, so we can control oil.

Blame it on Saudis.

Blame it on Iran.


=We Are Saving Fucking ISRAEL For Last==

1aa4b3 No.1678533


People the spell border(s) boarder(s).

I get to read that at least twice a day on the web.

aa881e No.1678534


Muh phone…

Yes. He seems like a BIG hero. But was that a honeypot like comet pizza? WTF?

ef9920 No.1678535

>>1677949 (last bread)

likely in the Roth's vaults now...

1ad440 No.1678536


Actually, only the first 12 hrs of it. Still, what do you think will happen? Remember, we are just only now getting the email OIG report. There is still the FISA OIG report to come out and several more. So, I am not sure exactly what you are expecting to happen.

407de7 No.1678537

I can't get an updated position fix for USAF flight JM10 at the moment, so it's probably not transmitting ADS-B. It's monitoring something in the Cote d'Azur area though.

ef9920 No.1678538


time for a major facelift

e646c7 No.1678539

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

File: 083b39b855f014b⋯.png (542.95 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfs.png)

File: 67608556e5d783a⋯.png (963.05 KB, 1035x692, 1035:692, Justiceiscoming .png)


2f1d43 No.1678540

File: 5d76be55c3d31ab⋯.png (738.46 KB, 868x506, 434:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ce414de95032f7⋯.png (271 KB, 901x2155, 901:2155, ClipboardImage.png)

A real life ‘House of Cards’: Reporter Ali Watkins, her source and their illicit romance

Reporter Ali Watkins, age 22, made an immediate imprint on Washington journalism in 2014, helping McClatchy News win Pulitzer honors for an insider story about the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. But today her reputation, and possibly her career, is in tatters due to revelations of sleeping with a source.

What is known today is that in December 2013, the Temple University intern had begun a romantic relationship with James A. Wolfe, a man 30 years her senior. He happened to sit amid a flow of juicy information as director of security for the same Senate committee. The reporter-source romance would last four years. Then the FBI intervened.

From McClatchy, she went on to land jobs in quick succession at the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Politico and finally the New York Times, where she resides today at the Washington bureau.

A Justice Department indictment released Friday spells out the Watkins-Wolfe timeline. Ms. Watkins and Mr. Wolfe, 57, exchanged thousands of messages, some encrypted. They met at secluded spots, including Senate office stairwells, restaurants and her apartment.

The relationship ended in December 2017, the same month the New York Times hired her. FBI agents confronted Mr. Wolfe about leaking classified information to reporters. He denied the allegations, despite mounds of two-way messages seized by the FBI. Agents showed him a photo of the couple together.

The indictment charges Mr. Wolfe, who had maintained a low-profile with the committee since the Ronald Reagan years, on three counts of making false statements.

Back in early 2014, the town marveled at a college intern’s role in such big scoop — the CIA intrusively monitored Senate computers as staffers for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat, combed thousands of top secret memos on enhanced interrogations of captured terror suspects.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that March, “Ali Watkins, currently a 22-year-old freelancer for McClatchy in Washington, D.C., received a tip from sources who came to trust her while making herself a presence on Capitol Hill, according to a posting by Temple’s School of Media and Communication.”

“To me, this story stands as a testament to watchdog journalism,” Ms. Watkins said.

https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jun/9/washington-story-fast-tracked-reporter-her-source-/

407de7 No.1678541


Laundered through Barrick Gold, most likely.

2a371f No.1678542


pizza party by ezra koenig of vampire weekend

"vampire" weekend

they really dont try that hard to hide it do they ?

407de7 No.1678543


She'd have to shave if she did that!

6e90a6 No.1678544

File: 0555ddb8305278f⋯.png (9.26 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 70916785-D422-4ED1-B7DE-66….png)

File: a830421bdda0842⋯.png (625.2 KB, 992x558, 16:9, C9F923F6-0E0B-4745-9834-94….png)

File: daeeb7c5d3298ba⋯.jpeg (77.23 KB, 575x499, 575:499, 58FEE261-7139-4E10-8BF4-9….jpeg)

File: 695f43f422bdab1⋯.jpeg (21.21 KB, 193x255, 193:255, 4C11296C-B026-490B-94C0-0….jpeg)

File: 8908e60ce4ea16f⋯.jpeg (43.47 KB, 480x431, 480:431, 8CB664D6-890C-402C-A492-1….jpeg)

39e6fd No.1678545


7fd6b9 No.1678546


Shills aren't users.

f6a809 No.1678547


I already know who you are.

0a0124 No.1678548


U.N. unable to function now?


359897 No.1678549

Notables so far

Anything you want updated?


>>1678009, >>1678049, >>1678238, >>1678403, >>1678450 Planefag Update

>>1678025 US DoE Unveils supercomputer named "Summit"

>>1678028 Ongoing dig into NXIVM/911 connections.

>>1678029 Bilderberg Analysis

>>1678033 [0]lw Qclock

>>1678037 Qlock for today and tomorrow

>>1678077 Great stories from V

>>1678432 Qlock Kek at 3:04

>>1678460 Notables on Israel

>>1678462, >>1678490 Dig on "Somolia"

>>1678496 'The Worst!': Trump thrashes CNN reporter for question about cozying up to North Korea

2a67bb No.1678550


Checking those sequential digits.

You're welcome fren.

1913ae No.1678551


And? What about him?

58bffb No.1678552

File: 06d8ee5d5908118⋯.jpg (74.77 KB, 464x600, 58:75, homophones-homonyms-and-co….jpg)

c96e97 No.1678553


Two things…

1. I'm not good with graphics, but if you do a quick search for "US Dairy Farms Shutting Down", I think you will be shocked at what you find. They are shutting down left and right. They work through a co-op system, and large companies like Dean's are cancelling contracts. We've got an oversupply for now, but once those dairies shut down, they won't be coming back. At some point we will need them, and they will be gone.

2. Several years ago, husband anon and I toured a bio diesel facility that made a very high quality diesel out of soybeans. You never ever see that product now, do you? Funny how corn/ethanol is shoved down your throat, but the bio diesel people ended up pretty much shutting down. Corn people had more clout in congress than soybean people. It should be a function of demand, not what they TELL you you are going to get.

Fair Trade!!!

761ab9 No.1678554



Eagerly anticpate that.

bd9f8b No.1678555

File: cb73f353e4aa9df⋯.png (745.21 KB, 1440x2536, 180:317, qpick235.png)

3d8300 No.1678556


the spelling. missing an e

ef9920 No.1678557


sure looks like it.

04a19d No.1678558


I have next to nothing over Europe apart from a few over Germany/UK area. Eerily quite if you ask me.

fff98e No.1678559

File: cc2d122817b90cf⋯.png (560.11 KB, 1058x620, 529:310, Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at ….png)

91d2d2 No.1678560

File: 55a1f952e0710ea⋯.jpeg (265.52 KB, 1302x1246, 93:89, 3A725797-54B4-4884-85F1-9….jpeg)



6e90a6 No.1678561

File: 646e1e48934558b⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1220x1280, 61:64, 35058037-F69B-4925-87CB-1D….png)

File: 0c61bedca18b837⋯.png (468.11 KB, 621x401, 621:401, 678B3B94-070B-4AFE-8A7A-6D….png)

File: 392163d807a5787⋯.jpeg (84.85 KB, 870x720, 29:24, 4D81CFE0-AF44-4094-B5C1-A….jpeg)

File: a7b40369843c66e⋯.png (163.71 KB, 399x373, 399:373, 5AAECEEF-14D1-4922-B7EA-2F….png)

430bb6 No.1678562


I'm afraid you are right! I ended here: https://www.instagram.com/ninathedablack/ last night. Everything is fine now, bc I forced myself to work in my garden, so everybody if you feel depressed go outside!

2a371f No.1678563

File: 070615e692ded69⋯.png (226.04 KB, 394x397, 394:397, 1476072403716.png)


remind me not to fuck with you bo

35880a No.1678564


Your phone or are you talking about my ThinkPad?

407de7 No.1678565


Remember, we only get to see what they want us to see…

0a0124 No.1678567


this guy was completely into uncovering the truth and was NOT suicidal.

3609f6 No.1678568


>Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

Is this Q equating The Red to cult leaders, the church, and P?

761ab9 No.1678569


No thank God.

Though first sex change fraud was "christine" jorgenson? Chopped cock off in Sweden or Danmark, no?

91d2d2 No.1678570


I’m thinking that’s when all the stuff begins to be released. Not before the end of the summit

8299bf No.1678571

File: 66f46fb4cda8abd⋯.jpg (83.36 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, HRC-EdgarB.jpg)

File: 08c589b3b8773d2⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 350x504, 25:36, Kali-blue.jpg)

File: 0847350828c1975⋯.jpg (64.07 KB, 618x420, 103:70, VF-NXIVM-Bronfmans.jpg)


>Like a Kali?

> a bit familiar?

2a67bb No.1678572


Dude, telling facts isn't divisive. Screaming UNITY everytime anyone mentions Israel or jewish subversion IS.

There are plenty of people of Jewish descent who do not support Israel, who are not wealthy slumlords, who are not racist, and who exhibit in all spheres the solidest of moral character. But where are they when the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses in their name? If the Jewish community dictates a “community of fate” by bloodline, surely all those of even partial Jewish heritage have a stake in raising critical voices against the steamroller that claims them.

That shit is getting old, and it isn't making you any more friends.

04a19d No.1678573


Yeah I know. Yesterday around this time I think I was the only one with functioning ADSB & it was going nuts.

1aa4b3 No.1678574


Dairy Farms are hard work. When all the old timers retire or die off, there are no hard workers to replace them. Soyboys don't ranch.

1913ae No.1678575

Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147567928 📁

Nov 1 2017 21:56:38 (EST)

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

0a0124 No.1678576


Great for Italy! kick them all out!

7fd6b9 No.1678577


Is there anybody in there?

Just nod if you can hear me.

Is there anyone at home?

bd9f8b No.1678578

File: a5f54f6f8ff7733⋯.png (419.73 KB, 676x742, 338:371, 31c40dda93a3f69ca15bdd8e91….png)

ae5d21 No.1678579

I read somewhere that the decabalisation we are witnessing in the US was precipitated by a proposal put to World leaders by ? for a World Government; a proposal which was rejected.

Reread this quote from Macron at the G7 in 1675745 (Notables)

"There will be no World Hegemony if we know how to organise ourselves. And we don't want there to be one."

It would be reasonable to suspect that more than trade is being discussed, and there is maybe hope for the citizens of some European Countries. who know that their governments are rotten to the core, that something might be done about it. (English is my native language, but that does not necessarily mean that I only have the UK in mind).

d8df76 No.1678580


yup, the muh BO/baker is a bot shill

glows everytime due to the pics and the nonsense that the shill says

2a67bb No.1678581

File: da305e3a7d10b1a⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 638x825, 58:75, Can_a_jew_be_guilty.jpg)

File: 311aae3cd1fb95d⋯.jpg (63.02 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, Can_a_jew_do_something_bad.jpg)

File: a3b617a9de39d92⋯.jpg (42.58 KB, 599x428, 599:428, 9031f2ff18bf4d39e1477606e1….jpg)

375230 No.1678582


Holy crap, you are about my age apparently but your memory is like a steel trap.

I wouldn't have remembered that if my life depended on it.

That reminds me, has anyone seen my car keys?

857132 No.1678583


> assets in the air

Yesterday afternoon had three large 4 engine turboprop aircraft in loose formation fly by at 10-12,000'. All white, no markings (w/10 power glasses), single large tail, engines closely spaced. No idea, and I'm pretty well versed on U.S. types. I don't think these were ours. Ideas?

d30b8d No.1678584

File: 05af7820149c427⋯.jpg (279.25 KB, 864x430, 432:215, handshake madmax.jpg)

f6a809 No.1678586

File: 0ea35d1ba62111d⋯.jpg (57.59 KB, 853x903, 853:903, n-screen-sys.8ch.net-2018-….jpg)


He's the AI nutcase.



223515 No.1678587

File: 7249f132514d3ce⋯.mp4 (2.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, So @VervimaMedia has some ….mp4)


football lads in london chasing cops guys..

b75c11 No.1678588

File: ba66b1006e5e45d⋯.png (329.73 KB, 477x966, 159:322, 7ac8bf3a85f8163d0644322af8….png)

cd5aac No.1678589

File: 52957529e277bc4⋯.jpg (123.34 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, IMG_4576.JPG)

File: f27e62c4fa6d487⋯.jpg (160.11 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, IMG_4577.JPG)

File: 637cef53ced66ae⋯.jpg (173.53 KB, 1200x997, 1200:997, IMG_4578.JPG)

127f8c No.1678590


could have sworn that there was a crumb hunting that components had been compromised… communications or gps, maybe remote ejection seats?

some level of "security" has been added, that's for sure.

223515 No.1678591



6c2335 No.1678592

File: 93b113335e16853⋯.jpg (80.82 KB, 920x613, 920:613, anthony-bourdain-the-simsp….jpg)

6e90a6 No.1678593

File: ad00fe50ce348d2⋯.png (11.19 KB, 225x225, 1:1, FAB52619-4B5A-4786-867E-95….png)

036748 No.1678594



good job

f2b543 No.1678595


So right now, if it was January for a basis, DEFCON [1], if understood as shown by notQ, delta/graphic/Qlock side by sides would be a specific marker of type 1 for future reference if false flags or fake news etc need SEC from POTUS/Q. Hand(s) delta would be like shown on notQ clock/upright. Second's-hand falls on the day "minute marker", unless there are adjustments made to the deltas by Q posts, then positions would be adjusted accordingly, which would make a new key!!! Or just reuse deltas and always make errors in tweets and pick or choose what gets corrected as SIG. Deep.

Spoopy yet? COINCIDENCES?!

I think the owl on [0] was just done to show us alignments are good and you've built the clock, hooray. Basically, mirroring likely has nothing to do with it. Only mirror i know of is Q/POTUS/news.

I'm already figuring out now what I'm gonna be digging this week kek

(DEFCONs, Qs, news and tweet corrections and Qlock)

Did notQ show us how to make a key to unlock part of the map, and we have to keep making keys?

fd764b No.1678596

Pakistan loses us aid due to the awans ?

Pakistan not happy with the awans ?

2f1d43 No.1678597

File: ead74607082924e⋯.png (462.08 KB, 634x354, 317:177, ClipboardImage.png)

Not sure who was speaking when this picture was snapped, but clearly Trump isn't happy with what he is hearing, or is it where he is sitting?

1aa4b3 No.1678598


You have to spell it inpeach like she does.

ae5d21 No.1678599


How fitting that the Israelis did their best to destroy (USS) Liberty. (Look it up)

An endeavour in which some of them persist to this day.

223515 No.1678600

File: f9d1efa7ecb34a5⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB, 636x360, 53:30, Thank you London Metro Pol….mp4)


761ab9 No.1678601


Yukon territory not BC

The gold is still there. In the ground. Pedovore frank Guistra owns some naer the motherload but claims likely to be invalidated due to multiple improprieties in corporate conduct, rape, murder etc.

3c26f6 No.1678602

File: dc315c4c7a1fee0⋯.png (910.38 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Look who is in the centre. The focus. Leader

7fd6b9 No.1678603

4. But you endure not patiently, nor fulfil the commandments of the Lord; but you transgress and calumniate his greatness; and malignant are the words in your polluted mouths against his Majesty.

5. Ye withered in heart, no peace shall be to you!

6. Therefore your days shall you curse, and the years of your lives shall perish; perpetual execration shall be multiplied, and you shall not obtain mercy.

7. In those days shall you resign your peace with the eternal maledictions of all the righteous, and sinners shall perpetually execrate you;

8. Shall execrate you with the ungodly.

9. The elect shall possess light, joy, and peace; and they shall inherit the earth.

10. But you, ye unholy, shall be accursed.

11. Then shall wisdom be given to the elect, all of whom shall live, and not again transgress by impiety or pride; but shall humble themselves, possessing prudence, and shall not repeat transgression.

12. They shall not be condemned the whole period of their lives, nor die in torment and indignation; but the sum of their days shall be completed, and they shall grow old in peace; while the years of their happiness shall be multiplied with joy, and with peace, for ever, the whole duration of their existence.

c96e97 No.1678604


This is true. Also, once a farm shuts down, it's not just a labor issue. Farming churns a lot of money, and it costs an awful lot to get started. It's almost impossible for a random person with the dream of farming to begin from scratch and even really get started, much less make it successful in dairy or row crop operations–at least in the SE US. Small flowers/local veg/hobby farms, sure. But competitive operations, it's almost impossible. Once they shut down, they are gone.

c2ad49 No.1678605


Well said.


>Well, Larry Flynt certainly isn't Jewish. Bob Giccione not Jewish. Same with scumbag Hefner. I have done business with a few on of video porn companies in the valley and not a Jew in sight. Yes, I'm sure there are some, but to categorize as whole group is ridiculous.

Well said.

b94b71 No.1678606


You mean a padlock with the combination

4, 10, 20


8299bf No.1678607


Would you care to share a link to that please?

Can't find it on a hooktube search admist all the AJ crap. Thanks.

6a1fcc No.1678608


I completely agree and thank you Mr. Dick Tionary for your service.

91d2d2 No.1678609


N Peach Fortee Fi

cd5aac No.1678610

File: a26adcc822578a9⋯.jpg (243.97 KB, 1200x997, 1200:997, IMG_4579.JPG)

375230 No.1678611


I'm pretty sure the Liberty has long been decommissioned….

5ce5f2 No.1678612

File: 3586d6992c20848⋯.png (206.25 KB, 321x309, 107:103, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't forget the Frugal Gourmet, Jeff Smith the pedophile: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Smith_(chef)

9308e4 No.1678613

>>1677850 lb

You should connect with Mclean Virginia anon from last night who just found out his child is being groomed and asked for help. Bread 2107 iirc

2a67bb No.1678614

File: b190b164c40995c⋯.png (479.38 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Lavon_Affair_Car_2.png)

File: 10cc12c5dc2d8a7⋯.png (485.65 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Lavon_Affair_Car.png)

File: aa714984640b8f8⋯.png (142.06 KB, 1139x445, 1139:445, Lavon_Affair.PNG)

File: 5aeaf68b9388fe4⋯.jpg (63.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1526843206812.jpg)

File: cc7b03286ee1a53⋯.jpg (43.52 KB, 638x399, 638:399, 1526843935477.jpg)


Checking those digits fren.

I know about it!

Have you heard about the Lavon Affair yet?

7fd6b9 No.1678615


Tree-fiddy, dammit.

9a82c2 No.1678616



currently a Steel Pantherfag

3c26f6 No.1678617

File: 748154229ad3e39⋯.png (1017.08 KB, 1200x997, 1200:997, ClipboardImage.png)

857132 No.1678618

File: 27d1e9535a37340⋯.jpg (147.59 KB, 615x586, 615:586, Pepe Bloody samurai.jpg)

File: 5f1c9cca68448a4⋯.jpg (150.76 KB, 621x580, 621:580, Pepe Impressionist Pele.jpg)

File: 3aa31ea6934f495⋯.jpg (135.63 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Pepe Modern art version.jpg)


Kudo's to the artist who is providing the new Pepe's. I particularly like the impressionist versions. Without doxxing, is this yours?

b94b71 No.1678619

>>1678540 Consider the possibility that Wolfe was following orders from the Dems, releasing items they wanted released, and doing it at the time they wanted. And choosing to do it through Watkins, picking up some tail as a side benefit.

Meanwhile, the NYT brass "may" have known about the entire process. Pretty straightforward stuff, a leak pipeline controlled by the DNC and maybe Soros, etc. All an attempt to control the news cycle while spinning reality like crazy.

72fbeb No.1678620

File: e08c3bf2f9aa2f8⋯.jpg (293.63 KB, 1473x1138, 1473:1138, Qroad.jpg)

If the 40k' view was knowing that an unelected force was ruling the world, creating war, poisoning us, selling people like cattle, that our votes didn't count, and that the Russia thing was BS, well I already knew that. I just thought I was crazy for thinking it.

Q has confirmed that these thoughts were correct. (I may still be crazy)

We are supposed to be coming in for a landing soon. I want a window seat. Cannot see the forest for the trees at 40k. I want the revelation of details. Anons can claim to be fine without Q, and even that we are Q all day long, BS. I want to hear it from the source, the one that started this whole movement.

84661a No.1678621

Anyone notice that time seems to be off ?

Happened yesterday my body clock is about 2 hours off crazy i know but…….

2a67bb No.1678622

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Try harder mate.

1913ae No.1678623



You can't open this through the embedded video?

b293ef No.1678624

File: eca75f3e577766f⋯.png (240.09 KB, 683x332, 683:332, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't think this can be explained away. He proudly displays the sigil of lucifer on his chest.

23a1e2 No.1678625


Looks like he took lessons from Biden. This pic is pedo and creepy.

223515 No.1678626



fff98e No.1678627

File: 041a3741c9da169⋯.png (894.07 KB, 1150x902, 575:451, Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at ….png)





I thought it was awesome, nobody else seems

to. Pic not related, Trump's most recent tweet

d8df76 No.1678628

File: 067d0534d179444⋯.gif (890.93 KB, 500x282, 250:141, treefiddy.gif)

cd5aac No.1678629

File: 64234b218c6b052⋯.jpg (237.21 KB, 1200x997, 1200:997, IMG_4580.JPG)

56fc7b No.1678630


Are you suggesting then we pool our resources into combating the tide of collective jewish subversion? You have this happening very clearly on /pol/ and you can see how it works out. Again, how do you "fight" evil? Combat its minions or chop off the head?

Unity with any truth warrior, Jew or not, is what matters. Only then we can win.

Public awakening is their biggest fear. Do what matters.

3d8300 No.1678631


No Im not shocked, Im in the middle of one of the most dairy populated areas in the country. and it is horrible

Partially due to walmart going into the diary business (buying up land in AZ to IRRIGATE for diary farms just so they can drop the price on their gallons to $1.00) and partially things like soy milk and that Frankenmilk 'fair life' and the obvious manipulation of the milk market.

But I get it. the NWO does not want to go into the dairy business. It IS hard work. Cows take a lot of feed and area. Im also inclined to think milk is good for you and they don't want anything good for you. But when these few dairies go, the older farmers are done, the farmers will sell their land or balkanize it. And I realize that this huge area Im in, a huge farming area that is larger than some states, an area of God and large families, and lots of kids playing in fields, hard work and deep satisfaction, and quiet peace……

…..the milk…..THAT is how (((they))) are taking it down.

2f1d43 No.1678632


I like the one where Trump is sitting with his arms crossed and the rest of them have their heads buried in the report they are reading, and notice Trudeau, is not reading anything either but he is smiling….

58bffb No.1678633

File: fd597a5d1b36e01⋯.jpg (26.35 KB, 736x736, 1:1, YES.jpg)


My fave.

223515 No.1678634


was fuckin great..everyone should SEE IT!

ef9920 No.1678635


love these photos.

he's a true King holding court. Amazing.

036748 No.1678636


don'tcha love Grampar 2?

359897 No.1678637

File: d11a905b7683ad4⋯.jpg (138.9 KB, 735x490, 3:2, _dccbdeegbw4.jpg)


yup, not too worried, still no (jøda) at my door

375230 No.1678638


Get a clue.

I was around back then.

Not only was it decommissioned, it was scrapped out.

After the attack

She was escorted to Valletta, Malta, by units of the Sixth Fleet and was given temporary repairs. After the repairs were completed, Liberty returned to the United States on 27 July 1967. She was decommissioned and stricken from the Naval Vessel Register on 28 June 1968. She was laid up in the Atlantic Reserve Fleet of Norfolk until December 1970, when she was transferred to the Maritime Administration for disposal. In 1973, she was sold for scrapping to the Boston Metals Company of Baltimore, Maryland.


fff98e No.1678639



High noon, vid is 26 minutes and 47 seconds long

8299bf No.1678640

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>when he was pretending to be POTUS

kek, that's actually great meme fodder

< Lyrics~ The Great Pretender-Platters

agree somOlia is most logical path. also makes sense in timing as well as prep for "O"'s trip to "his ancestral home".

91d2d2 No.1678641


It would be hilarious if he invited them to dinner and served fried chicken on paper plates without utensils

95bf41 No.1678642

File: 89e3c60d42cdc9d⋯.png (448.67 KB, 500x375, 4:3, n-f-s-oh-my.png)

a5d816 No.1678644


any idea what they're reading?

91c0ee No.1678645

File: dc82c0a1bc403f6⋯.png (97.29 KB, 589x610, 589:610, ClipboardImage.png)



04a19d No.1678646


Perhaps the sealed indictments? Kek.

1626e8 No.1678647

File: de54dcf543a0276⋯.png (835.34 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, thatface.png)



1ad440 No.1678648


Gotcha. Hopefully, it won't be slow walked like everything else.

There are some anons who are thinking Q's drop from Nov 1 is going to happen. I think anons are setting themselves up for a bog let down. The stage has not yet been set.

2e1bba No.1678649

File: ba6f55c4802ce0f⋯.jpg (43.54 KB, 452x452, 1:1, 2bohvw~2.jpg)

File: fa579b3bdce1cc0⋯.jpg (71.07 KB, 700x490, 10:7, 2brhak~2.jpg)

f0db7c No.1678650

Pray for GEOTUS, Q, White Hats and Patriots everywhere. Now more than ever.

8299bf No.1678652


thanks a bunch. sworn off GOOGtube, so appreciate you keeping me on the wagon :)

1st few seconds I saw Carney & Fischer's name highlighted, so think I'm going to like this. thanks again.

44a0a3 No.1678653

File: a10376a14b27393⋯.jpg (238.78 KB, 1036x594, 518:297, Screenshot_20180609-113738.jpg)

File: 9c3d3ba9abdf0ab⋯.jpg (496.8 KB, 1030x1416, 515:708, Screenshot_20180609-113809.jpg)


BCCI. This is a rabbit hole that leads to alot of unexpected places…..


c91919 No.1678654

File: aa0b9227c0f11c0⋯.png (230.59 KB, 660x252, 55:21, dragging along incompetent….png)

b94b71 No.1678655

File: 8515eda2131d0b1⋯.png (490.73 KB, 592x433, 592:433, WWG1WGAd.png)

bread exceedingly slow . . .

makes me wonder . . .

just saturday morning chores for some i suppose . . .

we all have a life, groceries, laundry, yard work, kids & fam, etc. . . .

566a5a No.1678656

File: 5b0653ca93331ff⋯.png (20.6 KB, 578x252, 289:126, evil.PNG)

https:// www.compuserve.com/news/us/story/0002/20180609/M1L5N1TB0E5_1940567404

72fbeb No.1678657

File: 230b7c1cf5db1cc⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Beer_explosion.gif)


Yeah, yesterday I woke up had myself a beer, the futures uncertain and the end is always near.

I usually wait until afternoon, but I was sleeping by then.

0c986f No.1678658


wasn't Julia Child Mi6?

22a0db No.1678659

I'm a looser…oh well.

d8df76 No.1678660

File: 39b3543a3ab562a⋯.jpg (89.18 KB, 1023x339, 341:113, Screenshot_20180609-123956.jpg)


reconclie your distain for israel/joos with this

I know you could find someway

95bf41 No.1678661

File: a82e371087869b1⋯.png (829.53 KB, 781x500, 781:500, muh-brain-no-name.png)

File: 5cb48f4115aff00⋯.png (779.62 KB, 727x500, 727:500, bourdain-muh-neck.png)

File: d35f46aaa3102c4⋯.png (52.52 KB, 300x168, 25:14, helter-stelter.png)

fff98e No.1678662


Yeah, such a shame everyone's got me filtered, missing out.

b94b71 No.1678663

File: 7d103a4369bfb95⋯.jpg (105.43 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PrayForPOTUS2.jpg)

File: 36ffab2e58f9008⋯.jpeg (130.87 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Rejoice Pray Give thanks.jpeg)

File: 6972174deccaad6⋯.jpg (76.86 KB, 736x922, 368:461, Patriots pray for Trump.jpg)

File: f681815d6266303⋯.jpg (12.41 KB, 255x140, 51:28, Trump pray 4.jpg)

File: e3671cda49b1d35⋯.jpg (15.32 KB, 255x242, 255:242, Trump pray 3.jpg)

3d8300 No.1678664


Not long since we landed

Jet lag

729de6 No.1678665


I think I know what you are saying... One way of putting might be like this: These boards and digging have awoken me to larger truths about the external world around me. Except... not just just externally. It has awoken truths within myself as well. I see everything differently now and have learned and experienced things that were unimaginable a short two years ago. I don't know where this ends...

ae5d21 No.1678666

To reassure Russia / China and others that any military mobilisation is not a threat to them?

POTUS making multiple "last minute" (expect more?) plan changes to address security concerns.?

Or not.

d8df76 No.1678667


lol i haven't filtered you.. should I?

2a67bb No.1678668

File: c062fcce855df24⋯.png (206.08 KB, 1111x653, 1111:653, Gilad_Atzmon.PNG)

File: c35dedf970e92c6⋯.jpg (147.4 KB, 502x499, 502:499, Seth_Rich.jpg)


>Are you suggesting then we pool our resources into combating the tide of collective jewish subversion?

Off course.

>You have this happening very clearly on /pol/ and you can see how it works out.

It works out great.

You'll always have Hasbara trolls because they take a 3.8 billions per year from the US and part of that goes to Israelis that are paid to tell you to stop talking about israel and jews. Not to speak to how many on the US itself do their Hasbara shit from the jewish community centers.

The only thing the kike trolls do is increase noise to signal ratio, the redpills and data still flows (the kikes are pissing in a ocean of piss).

>Again, how do you "fight" evil? Combat its minions or chop off the head?

Both. Not just about stopping the kikery, it's about having a gen pop that know the truth about the world they live in.

>Unity with any truth warrior, Jew or not, is what matters. Only then we can win.

Agree, any jew that speaks the truth and does not try to stop me from doing the same I don't care he is one. Pic related.

>Public awakening is their biggest fear. Do what matters.

And awakening the public to the jewish-supremacism issue is part of doing what matters.

I suggest you read this book, it's free:


6c2335 No.1678669


Massive pressure from Islamic country toward Israel

91d2d2 No.1678670


I’m thinking the summit is the final move in setting the stage.

c8fb00 No.1678671

Would be nice to hear from Q this weekend

ef9920 No.1678672


or McDonald's

see the horror on their faces

30b955 No.1678673

NOAA has released UV images of sun from GOES-17


Thursday, June 7, 2018

The GOES-17 Solar Ultraviolet Imager, or SUVI, began taking observations on May 16, 2018. It joins a sister instrument on GOES-16, imaging the sun in the extreme ultraviolet portion of the spectrum.

…. GOES-17 was launched in March


d8df76 No.1678674


it would but i don't think we will

NK summit is a hard thing to pull off, all hands on deck!

2a67bb No.1678675


Could be, but I would need more than that post to believe.

22a0db No.1678676


was {AB]?

0c986f No.1678677

>>1678645 (with you)

>>1678660 (mad)

'Mathilde Krim (1926-2018): Ardent Zionist Who Influenced LBJ During Six-Day War'


GREAT ARTICLE for learning.

91d2d2 No.1678678


…and no hand wash bowls… hahaha

91c0ee No.1678679

File: 186d352e3a1fdad⋯.jpg (53.34 KB, 504x377, 504:377, MonkeySoYerSayin.JPG)


So, yer sayin the Embassy move, was never done under the cabal control because they hated Jerusalem, and Trump did this against the cabals wishes since Tel Aviv (Rothschild Blvd) is home to the cabals financial center?

2e1bba No.1678680

File: 24ffe35b0cc7067⋯.jpg (11.26 KB, 207x243, 23:27, images-3.jpg)

File: 1d7fabd4ef64d96⋯.png (251.14 KB, 445x387, 445:387, 987b7315dc05d3a307f796f8e9….png)



359897 No.1678681

File: 7133fc964fbefe5⋯.jpg (65.93 KB, 504x284, 126:71, _7yp25g63so9.jpg)


a5d816 No.1678682

File: 1a628dae04d6ce5⋯.jpg (70.04 KB, 678x354, 113:59, oconus.jpg)


in the news now as well, and mentioned in the strzok/page texts

c91919 No.1678683

File: 7e567eea0544f60⋯.png (51.37 KB, 552x550, 276:275, Apr 27 Hogg_1.png)


Slow day? Here ya go…

857132 No.1678684


>hanged himself in the bathroom

Aug 13, 2014 … "Investigators believe actor Robin Williams, 63, used a belt to hang himself from a bedroom door at his California residence."

https:// www.cnn.com/2014/08/12/showbiz/robin-willi…

Aaand the Canadian drug makers, both hung with belts.

"An initial autopsy showed the couple had died from strangulation and were found with leather belts wrapped around their necks – hanging from a railing beside their indoor pool."

https:// www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/canada-toronto-murder-suicide-barry-sherman-honey-private-investigators-a8170876.html

What. Is. With. The. Belts.?

3da4af No.1678686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>1678477 Great Press conference!

President Donald Trump speaks at G-7 summit

b94b71 No.1678687


Not THAT slow :-)

When Q said this guy was a distraction I believed him and I have NEVER memed the Hogg. Not starting now either.

But do your thang, 's OK by me.

c91919 No.1678688

File: 0dd05327354faa0⋯.png (45.2 KB, 692x800, 173:200, Apr 27 michelle and barry.png)

761ab9 No.1678689



IMF tranny on the right.

Hands on table DJT!!

0c986f No.1678691

AIDS research pioneer, activist, and amfAR Founding Chairman Mathilde Krim died Monday at her home in Kings Point, New York. She was 91.

What they don't tell you in this article

She was Irgun, Mossad, slept with LBJ, influenced his foreign policy especially towards Israel, educated in Switzerland and on and on and on and on and on and on


1ad440 No.1678692


what about all the OIG reports? Are you thinking they are not a prerequisite to the final move?

2a67bb No.1678694

File: db9f7b08f3b8000⋯.png (85.8 KB, 1011x430, 1011:430, Jews_Pedos_2.png)

File: 34aff72a70e3dc0⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 600x419, 600:419, Talmud_Perversion.jpg)


Reconcile your feeble and neurotic yid mind with this.

>distain for israel/joos with this

No, it's disdain for jewish-supremacism and israeli terrorism, you Hasbara kike troll.

036748 No.1678696


Don't forget New York

just get rid of the Rothschild's and their like

the nations can stay

decc7a No.1678697


XIVM = 1004 I need Roman numerals.

What's the N ?

f886e9 No.1678698


Not just in drag.

Brazil has the highest per capita number of homos I've encountered anywhere in the world.

Puxe, tem muito, muito mais bichas do que Sydney Australia

91d2d2 No.1678699

File: d23ef67949b4868⋯.jpeg (78.79 KB, 501x500, 501:500, 6C179F0E-5E90-4734-BE64-5….jpeg)

d2d09b No.1678700

File: a9f64669cf30904⋯.png (5.43 MB, 2200x1468, 550:367, Screen Shot 15.png)


suMMit = MM suit = spade (shovel)?

22a0db No.1678702

File: 0e3e30f199230d7⋯.jpg (10.92 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 7f0d85f488a1bf39dea2df66bd….jpg)

When told that man lives in delusion everyone thinks of himself as the exception; hence his delusion.

9f0551 No.1678703

File: 09c1d36e3065b0f⋯.jpg (96.54 KB, 1024x1014, 512:507, De3DrwwUcAA7Mtd.jpg)

File: d3aa0a65e2fda5a⋯.jpg (9.09 KB, 219x230, 219:230, images (7).jpg)

File: 84578276289fd62⋯.jpg (6.72 KB, 214x236, 107:118, download (5).jpg)

d8df76 No.1678704


I assume you don't support POTUS

eaae01 No.1678705



222 days between 11/1/17 and 6/11/18.

c8fb00 No.1678706


(CNN)Kate Spade's suicide is the latest in a tragic and disturbing recurrence of high-profile fashion designers who have hanged themselves.

Since 2010, two other celebrity designers have killed themselves in a similar way: Alexander McQueen in 2010 and L'Wren Scott in 2014.

Many others in the same way

2a67bb No.1678707

File: 27aac676475222a⋯.png (64.73 KB, 1197x396, 133:44, Trump_Embassy_IRL_Shitpost….PNG)


Also, shed some yid tears for us please.

b293ef No.1678708


well the way i understand it is: if you're going to off yourself, leaning on a belt gradually causes you to pass out, so you suffocate and die while already unconscious… the "easy" way

OR it could be a message of some kind… orion? he wears a belt

1626e8 No.1678709

File: 5b7d15d11b5b652⋯.jpg (96.23 KB, 780x558, 130:93, grounded.JPG)



35880a No.1678710


I've seen too many pictures of him interacting with people to think this is anymore than being caught in an awkward pose as he is enthusiastically giving a bear hug.


c8fb00 No.1678711


Chris Cornell Used Exercise Band and Sturdy Clip Device To Hang Himself in 2017

91c0ee No.1678713

File: 23fe408172a6a9c⋯.png (87.05 KB, 501x510, 167:170, ClipboardImage.png)


Now, Obama goes to the Jewish Synagogue in New York to drum up support.

Former President Barack Obama gave an address to a packed synagogue in New York City on Wednesday.

The former commander-in-chief gave a rousing speech in which he urged those in attendance at Temple Emanu-El on the Upper East Side to ‘be kind, be useful, be a little fearless.’

It was one of the few public appearances that the 44th president has made in the year since he officially left office.

News of Obama’s address to the synagogue was reported by PEOPLE.

Tickets for the event, which went on sale for $225 each in September, sold out within an hour.


22a0db No.1678714

File: 9a200a90b390bc8⋯.jpg (59.88 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 108899_0.jpg)

shitposting to peace..

it's the only way.

036748 No.1678715


Don't forget New York

just get rid of the Rothschild's and their like

the nations can stay

2e1bba No.1678716

File: 4dd55bf85fe6d52⋯.jpg (36.2 KB, 296x407, 8:11, 29svr4.jpg)

File: 900e22cf1d02565⋯.jpg (40.11 KB, 388x501, 388:501, 2bb7oh~2.jpg)

File: 1d7fabd4ef64d96⋯.png (251.14 KB, 445x387, 445:387, 987b7315dc05d3a307f796f8e9….png)

ba33bf No.1678718


Oconus = Outside Continental US

Lures = Spies

c2ad49 No.1678719



>wasn't Julia Child Mi6?


1aa4b3 No.1678720

File: 711e724623e9ffd⋯.png (97.48 KB, 239x238, 239:238, hoggsucks.png)

c91919 No.1678721

64c12d No.1678722


And on image 4

"Will have sex for news"

Teehee. Good memework!

0c986f No.1678723


reconcile your second graphic with Obamas rules for putting ketchup on a hot dog. HE tells Bourdain that it is not ok to put ketchup on a hot dog after you are 8 years old.

2a67bb No.1678724

File: b90f562d26e7363⋯.jpg (210.32 KB, 925x1086, 925:1086, Trump_Jews_Cry.jpg)




You assume wrong kike.

081c63 No.1678726


Funny how it is labeled a 'Far-right' march . . .

fff98e No.1678727

File: 00e2a1a3df0139c⋯.png (420.04 KB, 600x451, 600:451, 1:1mat.png)


I've been filterless since the first week of November. Would recommend the same.

No , I'm not the to be filtered type. Till this bread maybe. Some things best not shared I guess, 5x5 ..but then why was it put there?

Still having fun.

036748 No.1678728


comfort boys Islam

1ad440 No.1678729


This recent rash of "hangings" are not a coincidence. That's for sure.

ba33bf No.1678730


That's what got Joan Rivers 187'd.

22dec2 No.1678731

File: e7381a4d9aa97c3⋯.png (238.58 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180609-103355.png)

Follow huma. Husband, hrc, Muslim brotherhood, or child? She chose child.

58bffb No.1678732

File: 85de5b82f3cdbf8⋯.jpg (22.19 KB, 255x254, 255:254, Hogg2.jpg)

22a0db No.1678733

File: 4c592494919baa2⋯.jpg (112.66 KB, 1228x819, 1228:819, 6e73e664-f4df-4695-a92f-55….jpg)

Beauty is only skin deep, but it's a valuable asset if you're poor or haven't any sense.

b94b71 No.1678734


Learn to use a search engine instead of fellow anons' brains.

N is not used in the roman numeral system.

036748 No.1678735


ah hu

good friend of Israel

back stab'n buddy

2e1bba No.1678737

File: d99eec0d14a77f2⋯.jpg (56.64 KB, 462x462, 1:1, 2bwok2~3.jpg)

d8df76 No.1678738



if someone in your family (WHO I ASSUME IS NOT JEWISH) supported israel/joos you'd call them a kike too

so meh try harder

ae5d21 No.1678739


USS in brackets.

Liberty; defn. "the power of choosing, thinking, and acting for oneself."

Note the "thinking".

2a67bb No.1678740

File: 7da5847615d6961⋯.png (50.27 KB, 919x549, 919:549, Jew_Vote.PNG)



I guess they have plenty to bond on.

359897 No.1678741

File: 787f8e09db8dd23⋯.jpg (120.18 KB, 690x424, 345:212, _5gtjph8kqkl.jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

6bcab8 No.1678742


He is either unaware - or he is participating

To be in the business he is in he should be more aware

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