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File: 30935da16d79ef9⋯.jpg (306.07 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Q_research_header_image.jpg)

cf3e34 No.1648009

Welcome To Q Research General










Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's "Proofs" Authenticating Q >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF...

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 06.03.2018


Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1510286 Useful filters

cf3e34 No.1648013


are not endorsements


>>1615526 , >>1616055 CAPTCHA Issues? Do this, >>1617105 DO THIS

>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO


>>1647859 Chris Langan (the American with the highest tested IQ) destroys minority identity politics

>>1647771, >>1647843, Dr Vannevar Bush=Master of Chairs

>>1647803 Helper anon compiled dig

>>1647766, >>1647774, Nearly 120,000 voters reportedly left off Los Angeles voter rolls on crucial primary day

>>1647667, >>1647709, >>1647845, Obama/Shomon/Blogojevich/Blackwell connection

>>1647576 Democrats lose supermajority in California senate

>>1647539 Facebook gives user data access to Pentagon "No-Buy List" company

>>1647553 Killerspin dig cont.

>>1647421, >>1647480, Pope Ping Pong / Robert Blackwell Jr/Obama/ Connections Dig

>>1647329 droga5 HRC Campaign connection


>>1647182 Podesta Email regarding the DROGA5 connection to The Clinton Foundation

>>1646979 droga5 satanic symbols

>>1646964 Kate Spade/droga5 dig cont.

>>1646922 Col Mark Coppess, Commander of a Marine Corp air station in Okina fired due to "loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead his command."

>>1646951, >>1647143, California primary results

>>1646615, >>1646673, >>1646735, >>1646786, Kate Spade dig: droga5 possibly D5?

>>1646570, >>1646576, >>1646601, Dig on White House contract worker

>>1646566, >>1646583, >>1646657, >>1646701, >>1646767, The Pope and Ping Pong


>>1646346 New SpreadSheet with Timestamps

>>1646329 Another Trump Campaign Aide Was Invited To Cambridge Event Where ‘Spygate’ Started

>>1646257 Literally Tens Of Millennials Show Up To Maxine Waters Appreciation Rally

>>1646138 DNC Leadership Split Between Personal Pursuits, Party Duties

>>1645980 , >>1646098 , >>1646102 Have Imran Awan & Hina Alvi struck a plea deal?

>>1645977 , >>1645979 POTUS re-tweeted '@Q' on 04.08.18? - Debunk >>1646312

>>1645899 California election: Link to official results

>>1645728 McCabe looking for a deal with Sen. Grassley

>>1645711 Ex-DIA Official Charged as Beijing Spy Used Chinese Cell Phones


>>1644961 , >>1645201 Mockingbird Media in the crosshairs?

>>1644984 Renegade? Missing [R] in QPosts, Pompeo's tweet & the P-S texts last night >>1637289

>>1645424 Confirmed Preistap, Strzok, Page, McCabe and Gaeta traveled to London?

>>1645218 Google's Eric Schmidt and Jeff Flake are in Cuba

>>1645518 President Trump's NEW MEDIA PLATFORM: promiseskept.com

>>1645005 , >>1645017 How to make a map of human trafficking evidence in your location


>>1644633 , >>1644530 , >>1644650 Plane crash in Kenya and [r]

>>1644613 Putin Says "Ask The State Department About Soros"

>>1644486 12 page report on the DOJ/FBI/FISA abuse

>>1644482 FBI orders witnesses not to give it evidence in the Awan case

>>1644407 POTUS tweets Strzok-Page

>>1644357 , >>1644520 WH contractor arrested with attempted murder: DIG CALL

>>1644366 Eyes on Grasley

>>1644245 Electronic Weapons Aircraft over Tuscon >>1644005 (Related)


>>1643399 "Democrats" Schumer, Pelosi, Warner & Schiff send letter to [RR] & Wray inquiring about Mueller probe.

>>1643441 Merkel in trouble for granting asylum to Radical Islamic Extremists

>>1643499 McCabe to be Granted Immunity in Exchange for Testimony??

>>1643623, >>1643681 FB Has Given User Data to at Least 4 Chinese Companies

>>1643727 Potus Proposes $15,000,000,000 Recissions Package says Schumer, Pelosi 'standing in our way' of cutting spending

>>1643889 Patent for Using Blood in Concrete (Baker Notes That Human Blood Not Specified)

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

cf3e34 No.1648017

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1587271 - @EyeTheSpy & @BackChannel17 Thread

>>1618616 - Tucson Human Trafficking Thread

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1628987

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived ----------------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ----------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg -------------------------------- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ------------ >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ----------------- >>>/comms/966

cf3e34 No.1648020

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ----------------------- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

cf3e34 No.1648024

Current paste: https://pastebin.com/7iL32DhK

cf3e34 No.1648036


2eff6d No.1648052

File: 1d6e757fb512f5a⋯.jpeg (187.19 KB, 640x1100, 32:55, A02C63A8-F444-4D41-A7B7-C….jpeg)

File: 1994597c2c7438e⋯.jpeg (209.52 KB, 640x1059, 640:1059, 5442000B-00ED-4B47-A02C-5….jpeg)

File: 19480a89a489325⋯.jpeg (104 KB, 640x738, 320:369, 9A34177E-5B1F-4106-B0FD-2….jpeg)

Been looking into the US Patent for blood in cement, and a bunch of other patents for similar things came up linked up to it

2eff6d No.1648057

File: 47de09f1cde54b8⋯.jpeg (115.39 KB, 640x1096, 80:137, 235DE2AE-EB87-4DF1-A72A-9….jpeg)

File: f99dfa67fca50d4⋯.jpeg (113.67 KB, 640x1091, 640:1091, B38B093A-5F50-49E8-8A03-C….jpeg)

File: fbb8428af587b7c⋯.jpeg (112.39 KB, 640x1094, 320:547, F5304413-3A39-4C6E-9DBD-B….jpeg)

2eff6d No.1648071

File: f2e72ce833a4eb7⋯.jpeg (154.62 KB, 640x1092, 160:273, A3E6F53D-8190-4A34-8870-5….jpeg)

File: 1d29af1fe5ea134⋯.jpeg (186.86 KB, 640x1099, 640:1099, FF55628F-BDF1-4AE6-8827-7….jpeg)

File: aa038d4202ddc74⋯.jpeg (146.83 KB, 637x1094, 637:1094, 5188CF6D-2565-4B3A-8ACF-A….jpeg)

File: d4f82f23506e284⋯.jpeg (174.1 KB, 637x1105, 49:85, 1DF98AB7-42D4-430C-B7A8-F….jpeg)

File: ae13798dda03aaf⋯.jpeg (145.77 KB, 640x1111, 640:1111, 292EA782-E425-47DC-9C79-1….jpeg)


Blood is very useful..

f70a31 No.1648073


that just makes the cannibalism 10x worse

poor kids.

ad68e0 No.1648074


What did you do for fun before that relationship began? Think about it. Have that fun again and you will discover the you that was left behind. Have faith.

The only cure for depression is faith. Read Psalms-you'll find every problem we face in there.

f34de2 No.1648075




Q was using "Alice & Wonderland" as a signature

post #74 was legit. He was showing who he was...

That's what was being worked on. Later on showing that

Alice = HRC

Wonderland = SA

= Alice & Wonderland as explain in the following posts. It's pretty simple if you look at it.

f70a31 No.1648076



vitamin d and c also really help. new hobbies too. shooting a gun is pretty fun so is archery

631d36 No.1648077


God tells us do not touch the blood, it his his and his alone.

everything these cult synagogue of saten does is opposite of what God tells us.

lucifer is the greatest lier

3627e0 No.1648078



Aayyyyy, faggot goodly

50134a No.1648079


and limiting copper, esp if rh-

02366c No.1648080



ad5416 No.1648081



CONF XXX696969

b648ec No.1648082


Dont be a bone head. It's #74 from patriots fight.

Q !4pRcUA0lBE No.74

May 10 2018 21:43:20 (EST)

Fellow Patriots:

What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.

Stay the course and trust the plan.

Protective measures are in place.

Remain BRAVE.

We knew this day would come.


United We Stand (WW).



Conspiracy no more.


3627e0 No.1648083

File: 71ef278a98c705a⋯.jpg (57.07 KB, 823x777, 823:777, 71ef278a98c705a2666fb8a922….jpg)

879e43 No.1648084


The REALLY f'd up part: I cannot remember much of anything about my life, from childhood all the way until now; it's like my mind has memory-holed everything from me…very disconcerting, but true.

c55c22 No.1648086


>bloody cement patents abound

its how they hide the bodies

cement boots anyone?

hey those cadaver dogs can never find anything if everything smells like dead

7b5d4a No.1648087

File: 6392b1e705ab24d⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 3697x1657, 3697:1657, QpompeoTweet.jpg)

File: 93f3c0cd4791ebd⋯.jpg (3.01 MB, 3624x2396, 906:599, Qclock66.jpg)


even if i have to say it myself

Graphic for pompeo tweet


clock for 6/6

631d36 No.1648088


found one

ad5416 No.1648089

File: c29d80d0bfbf344⋯.jpg (111.41 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1527729225149m.jpg)

8cce9f No.1648090

File: 7124158e2c76654⋯.png (186.14 KB, 1171x446, 1171:446, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

File: 600a72358bd4e84⋯.png (404.93 KB, 807x570, 269:190, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

ad5416 No.1648091

File: 4e2eb0499f9f63c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 312.07 KB, 800x749, 800:749, 2566907 - Ballmastrz_9009 ….png)

879e43 No.1648092


I am rh-…. :/

f34de2 No.1648093


PatriotsFight wasn't created until recently… the orignial post back in fall last year #74 Look up Qanon.pub and search for "Alice" in the top search box.

2eff6d No.1648094


Maybe that’s why the FIU bridge collapsed.. because blood cement? Hmm..

ad5416 No.1648095

File: 909c0f7a36ab5b5⋯.jpg (86.66 KB, 832x827, 832:827, 1527712757853.jpg)

23fb20 No.1648096

File: 142a6d545389306⋯.jpg (53.74 KB, 500x500, 1:1, nasim-clockfag.jpg)

f70a31 No.1648097


that blood type keeps popping up. i wonder what the significance of that is .

ad5416 No.1648098

HamburgerClock did nothing wrong.

fc27a6 No.1648099

File: 836147481a2cc7e⋯.png (220.32 KB, 1080x1720, 27:43, Screenshot_20180606-093349….png)

Putin +

e21878 No.1648100




f70a31 No.1648101


not enough rope in the world. we should put all these people in a mega gitmo and strap vr goggles on and force them to watch happy kids for the rest of their lives

ad5416 No.1648102


What a soy beta

baa160 No.1648103


Corpse filled cement moulds aren't as strong as normal cement.

But, if I wanted to hide a couple bodies, I would fill a cement bridge with local recently murdered people, and then drop it on a few cars and claim they were under it.

631d36 No.1648104

File: c4105c2bd124e14⋯.jpg (122.29 KB, 1107x830, 1107:830, crazteyes.jpg)


will u stop staring at me? lol

c55c22 No.1648105

File: db2d97719f93001⋯.jpeg (875.1 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, E7397515-FB6A-4ECA-87CC-3….jpeg)

8cce9f No.1648106


Maybe this person took some Ambian and won't remember he stole a tank from a base tonight.

50134a No.1648107

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


wonder what they will find hidden in all those concrete keystones over the doorways, windows and archways of all those buildings :./

631d36 No.1648108


nephilim blood line?

ad5416 No.1648109


879e43 No.1648110


Been trying to find that out myself.

Ok, I have to go do some actual work now…I will check back in a little later. An honest-to-God Thank you to all you anons….I don't feel nearly as depressed now as I did when I got here. See you wonderful fags later…Godspeed.

3627e0 No.1648111





Just the premise or this alone is so fuckin' retarded. "We need blood for walks"….. "Because we're running out of the, or something…."…. "But we could probably use something else…", …"but seriously, blood works good for this shit so don't worry…."….

That's retarded as shit.

50134a No.1648112


the fan district includes a series of 1-way streets with parking on both sides, very narrow.

80fd00 No.1648113

File: c4dad2953c53b49⋯.jpg (191.74 KB, 992x676, 248:169, singsummithotel.jpg)

Donald Trump And Kim Jong Un's Singapore Summit Set For Secluded Resort

The President of the United States will meet with the North Korean leader in Singapore at a luxury resort on Sentosa Island. The two world leaders will discuss the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

The island of Sentosa attracts about 20 million visitors a year and includes two golf courses, over a dozen hotels, and even a Universal Studios theme park. The meeting between the two leaders is scheduled for 9 a.m. local time June 12.

A game of mental prowess has led to the meeting being called off, then back on as the leaders engaged in a political dance on the world stage. The goal of the meeting will be for Kim Jong Un to cease North Korea's nuclear program but he was adamant that such goals will not take place with just one meeting.

Related coverage: https://thegoldwater.com/news/27597-New-York-Mike-Pompeo-And-Kim-Jong-Un-s-Right-Hand-Man-Talk-Nukes-Over-Dinner

Sentosa is a quarter-mile from the coast of Singapore and is widely known for its high-end beach hotels and being a tourist destination. US officials from an advance team were seen at the Capella Hotel last week with North Korean officials making it the likely destination of meeting.

The hotel features 112 rooms and features a style that represents both the East and the Wests' spirits. The decor is reminiscent of colonial designs but the interior is very modern with very luxurious pools.


f70a31 No.1648114


maybe. could be something… else.

02366c No.1648115



But do not forget that appearances can be decieving. The ugliest troll might be the most beautiful of heart and vice versa.

I believe it to be important to remember this in the days to come.

Actions, not appearances. That is what matters.

a7ca11 No.1648116


"Spoke in German"

That guy just ordered a Polonium 210 tea.

50134a No.1648117


limit that copper my friend. pray and have faith.

80fd00 No.1648118


I wonder where they really met…

What place exactly?

2eff6d No.1648119


And they turn the blood into a powder.. they mix it into the cement when it’s all powder form so the lower employees probably have no idea what’s going on. I will ducking demolish my own house if I find out it’s been built using Dead kids.

3627e0 No.1648120


*Walls instead of walks

*Concrete instead of the

Sorry for shit phone talk

a2a8c7 No.1648121

Hello and Sorry in advance for bringing this up again, and shitposting.

Eventually script users may see that the bread fills with normal 1-4 posts minute (nightshift) atm.


74 72 79 69 6e 67 20 74 6f 20 74 72 69 67 67 65 72 20 61 20 73 6c 69 64 65 20 6e 6f 77 20 62 79 20 70 6f 73 74 69 6e 67 20 73 74 68 2e 20 66 2e 20 70 72 65 76 2e 20 62 72 65 61 64 2e

(I'll explain later. Don't respond)

c55c22 No.1648122

File: 8a39a0d4c5c0b95⋯.png (3.29 MB, 3600x3600, 1:1, BDDE2804-91DF-4A8C-A418-2B….png)


i'll take a wild


and say

it better not be



ad5416 No.1648123





7b5d4a No.1648124


blood cement gets more (you)'s than this…

is fucking sad

7cee3f No.1648125


ahhhh…"a week to remember"…clear as day if you are looking at the three full weeks below on the clock from 06/06 to 06/11

631d36 No.1648126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


pilot risks his career to film

proof is in the puddin

this shows how the sun and moon never sets

it just goes out of our vision

3bccf5 No.1648127

File: c0f50cc31dfbf19⋯.png (57.4 KB, 630x370, 63:37, AFG.png)

File: 32d56bb9cccb756⋯.png (56.7 KB, 638x342, 319:171, AFG2.png)

UAE and Qatar Coming to Afghanistan,

i think that it's for to contain the Taliban until that US finish in Syria/Yemen.

https:// twitter.com/metesohtaoglu/status/1004236738770997248

https:// twitter.com/TOLOnews/status/1004230221464264704

f70a31 No.1648128


they say satan comes in a cloak of light. i will suspect everything i see until they give me reason not to

a2a8c7 No.1648129

File: 41bef6bd4598bf9⋯.png (1.64 MB, 3000x1875, 8:5, Signal.png)

Was the Keynote maybe some kind of confirmation to the team?

Regarding the news that apple blocks FB tracking, and the statement "we are everywhere".

Can be co-inky-dinks. But yeah, you know…

ad5416 No.1648130

I can turn a meeting with an Ethiopian into a Garak episode in 2 sentences.

Wager me.

b638a8 No.1648131


Feel ya on this 100%!!

Was in a pretty bad accident in 2012, co-worker dropped 500lbs on me. All this lead to losing every single friend & my gf- STILL having surgeries to this day, lost use of entire left arm & hand, scumbag 'Dr's' loaded me up on 20 different drugs that were COMPLETELY unnecessary & have been in a battle for over a yr to get off them myself bc they insist I must be on them. Can barely remember who I used to be, very depressing, I know. Trying to just get healthy right now bc that seems to be A KEY part of getting back…

Have faith in you-keep your head up! Only better days ahead of us!!

c55c22 No.1648133


imagine parking garages

is that why some cement structures

smell like shit??

you know that wet damp dead dusty smell

2eff6d No.1648134


Supposedly it makes cement more lightweight and helps with other stuff. I’m not too familiar with construction lingo. But as a colorant too in Britain.. red bricks= blood-tinted?

d2ea07 No.1648135

File: db272496c545f4c⋯.png (83 KB, 467x531, 467:531, timezone.png)


Thank you. Love your work.

these timezones make it tricky for WW anons.

02366c No.1648136

f34de2 No.1648137


So how do the Moon and the Sun stay up there? Giant strings?

Really Big Poles?

What keeps us stuck to the ground?

50134a No.1648138

File: ee77a0da58a775d⋯.jpg (11.46 KB, 133x100, 133:100, ehoch.jpg)


VI-XI. The Fall of the Angels: the Demoralisation of Mankind: the Intercession of the Angels on behalf of Mankind. The Dooms pronounced by God on the Angels: the Messianic Kingdom (a Noah fragment).


1. And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. 2. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.' 3. And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' 4. And they all answered

631d36 No.1648139


he keeps changing into light

2 Corinthians 11:14

And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

ad5416 No.1648140


Ass Dan's kids look just like Ass Dan

And my two kids

Look just like Ass Dan

f70a31 No.1648141


why do i feel like im gonna need a higher caliber rifle lol

3627e0 No.1648142


Coincides with the wall of China, made from the blood of the laborers who built it

267ac7 No.1648143


No. Just no.

It would stain the concrete a rust color and would be too obvious. And there is not need to do it, anyway.

2eff6d No.1648144


I reckon that’s why potus has always been so focused on improving our infrastructure.. that’s gonna be a lot of buildings to tear down and rebuilt properly.

00fd5c No.1648145


No, Alice is JA and he'll deliver the blow to HRC

a18937 No.1648146


"this shows how the sun and moon never sets

it just goes out of our vision"

How is that not the same thing?

631d36 No.1648147


its Gods creation

all things are possible

thats why these dumb scientists come up with theory when all they have to do is read the bible.

50134a No.1648148



p. 35

him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.' 5. Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. 6. And they were in all two hundred; who descended ⌈in the days⌉ of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. 7. And these are the names of their leaders: Sêmîazâz, their leader, Arâkîba, Râmêêl, Kôkabîêl, Tâmîêl, Râmîêl, Dânêl, Êzêqêêl, Barâqîjâl, Asâêl, Armârôs, Batârêl, Anânêl, Zaqîêl, Samsâpêêl, Satarêl, Tûrêl, Jômjâêl, Sariêl. 8. These are their chiefs of tens.

2eff6d No.1648149


Not for concrete.. perhaps for brick? Red bricks..

ad5416 No.1648150

Really you guys got a GEELJIRE THREAD

And you're wasting it on flat earth.

f34de2 No.1648151


How's your Bullet wound healing up?

631d36 No.1648152


the same thing as what?

watch the video and look

ad5416 No.1648153

File: db187918f0c1718⋯.png (186.42 KB, 645x729, 215:243, 1510922541548.png)

00fd5c No.1648154


It's going boom boom boom boom

011a7b No.1648155


getting rid of bodies -/ needs LIME /- making concrete/mortar

3bccf5 No.1648156

File: 8a4970efcd9ed73⋯.png (242.49 KB, 642x620, 321:310, 6-11.png)

All the meat on the spit?

https:// twitter.com/ReutersWorld/status/1004265130002182144

b75376 No.1648157


Could just make aircrete.


0c46bc No.1648158

File: 266ff3cb5776a36⋯.png (411.84 KB, 1360x980, 68:49, Demoralization.png)



I'm rH negative and I found out today that a deeply blue-pilled family member of mine is rH positive. Even before that revelation, I was convinced that this person's brain is literally physically incapable of processing red pills. It's to the point where they don't even remember some my red pill conversations with them (they've exhibited no memory problems about anything else).

When we reference that Q comment about 99 percent of people needing a hospital, this is what I think of. I genuinely believe some people physically can't understand the truth.

cf9643 No.1648159

File: 03abad527ee0de4⋯.png (1.1 MB, 669x1237, 669:1237, SingaporeSummit.png)


This might be a stretch, but when my autism kicked in, I decided to plot out the vectors for the Capella Hotel and the Marina Sands Hotel. I noticed they were 3.33 miles apart. So I drew an arc on that cabal friendly "3.33" distance and it crossed through the Singtel building which sits in a unique triangle intersection 33º from the Marina Sands relative to the Capella. And the Capella Hotel is on the EXACT same vector as the front of that Singtel triangle if you draw a line directly to the Capella from the Singtel building. Weird. I then realized the Q photo may very well have been taken from that exact location. Coincidence. Distraction. Q proof. Cabal trolling. You decide.

cb3150 No.1648160


Me too.

All it means is that for some reason, we don't have any monkey blood.

f34de2 No.1648161


No idea what that is.

7b5d4a No.1648162


yeah you can't use the timestamps from Qanonpub

they don't account for daylight savings time

thats why i use the mega.nz files that the one anon posts

ad5416 No.1648163


Are you guys busy blowing David Brock at 4am est or what

50134a No.1648164




1. And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. 2. And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: 3. Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, 4. the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. 5. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. 6. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.


9e1863 No.1648165

File: e0c546c86d9d472⋯.jpeg (332.07 KB, 799x1006, 799:1006, Screenshot_2018-06-06-02-….jpeg)

File: 349023cee061d85⋯.jpeg (165.01 KB, 799x742, 799:742, Screenshot_2018-06-06-02-….jpeg)

File: b8f2f4ca527bc92⋯.jpeg (96.81 KB, 799x375, 799:375, Screenshot_2018-06-06-02-….jpeg)

What was the connection with the 13 Russians and the 13 Angry Democrats? Does it mean the 13 dems are falsely accusing the 13 Russians or the 13 dems are colluding with Russia?

631d36 No.1648166


there are two books the vatican took out of the bible to hide truth

they want us thinking we are nothing and came from nothing, a big bang

they want to hide God for control

ad5416 No.1648167


Only the top ci team going in nyc right now

f70a31 No.1648168


that might just be the poisoning of the food air and water. i have 0 idea what my bloodtype is tho. maybe they need to smoke more weed

a18937 No.1648169


What is the difference between setting and going out of site? I watched the video and have experience in aviation. If you see a sunset, and you fly higher, you will have a different angle and be able to see the sunset again. That's all I saw in this video

011a7b No.1648170


without a fuckin doubt lost forever, don't get me all reeeeee im bout to pazout

b638a8 No.1648171

File: 37ebc4c9fe5dc77⋯.jpg (969.17 KB, 1440x2342, 720:1171, Screenshot_20180606-040948….jpg)

Question on JA:

According to this article (& seen this info somewhere before) he was a sleeper in AUS in 'The Family'. So if he was an asset, what happened? How did he break away & why//how did he become the one to expose ALL this deep state/HRC/Podesta etc?

Little confused on this one.


631d36 No.1648172


yes fallen angels mated with human woman and had nephilim… the giants

they had 12 fingers and 12 toes

f34de2 No.1648173


Hempcrete is what we need

50134a No.1648174


enoch should be 2nd book in the bible…


ad5416 No.1648176


every UID it except me

9e1863 No.1648177


You probably have know idea your proving biblical prophecy and God's word.

32ea2f No.1648178

File: 3404048fbaa60c3⋯.jpg (208.6 KB, 900x675, 4:3, DH.jpg)

50134a No.1648179

File: 3665f45cc095a32⋯.jpeg (12.6 KB, 320x213, 320:213, youwerewarned.jpeg)

631d36 No.1648180


the earth does not move as the bible tells us

the starts and planets move

look up pics and video of time-lapse with camera pointed at north star anywhere on earth

ad5416 No.1648181


I made a Satmar swear on a Quran

I am really something else but it was all for this shit.

The war is almost over.

d2ea07 No.1648182

File: 9232f8b53baab76⋯.jpg (40.81 KB, 468x483, 156:161, [1][3].jpg)



[1] HC

[3] BC ?

b290f2 No.1648183


Sorry Anon, I was responding to the post in the previous bread that was trying to determine which post the photo of the Q74 fire truck was related to. We crossed threads. By the way, Q deleted that post from patriots fight. Sorry for the confusion.

631d36 No.1648184


fuckin vatican didnt cannonize it

fuck them

wonder why

they dont want us knowing all the truth

truth is power

b75376 No.1648185


Forbidden City?

233db0 No.1648186


I didn't realize Hillary was Jewish

884f24 No.1648187

File: 788b491c9b88310⋯.jpg (16.48 KB, 255x159, 85:53, IMG_1770.JPG)

It was kinda funny…


f34de2 No.1648188


No worries, the ETS guy has been trying to shill JA as Alice… (aka Pam)

ad5416 No.1648189

I made people care about /qpol/🤣🤣🤣

Remember qpol

233db0 No.1648190


Are you the anon who has depression?

Try cutting out wheat first for a few weeks

Replace it with rice and white potatoes.

See how you feel, trust me.

267ac7 No.1648191


If someone who own a cement factory want to dispose of a body they'd throw it in the cement kiln, not the concrete mix. It would be burned to ash and ground to dust and be an undetectably small trace of the final product.

All this stuff about blood and bodies in concrete is nonsense.

Here is a cement kiln:



9a0d6c No.1648192

File: c2cf63d4d77c72f⋯.jpg (501.14 KB, 1872x1872, 1:1, Veterans Hotline.jpg)

0c46bc No.1648193



If the Book of Enoch is one of the books, then what is other that was removed?

32ea2f No.1648195

File: b3e9fe5b182d431⋯.jpg (97.59 KB, 800x800, 1:1, sb2qr1.jpg)

File: 93309b13d0ca369⋯.jpg (95.12 KB, 800x800, 1:1, sb2qr2.jpg)

a2a8c7 No.1648196

Sorry. Was a nothingburger.

The slide from last bread with over 15 posts/minute occured after that kenote post.

I meant to trigger one again.

Sorry again. Misconception.

631d36 No.1648197

File: d13353c7e662432⋯.jpg (496.52 KB, 3000x3000, 1:1, IMG_99781.jpg)

File: 4fa1f0287df0e2a⋯.jpg (159.3 KB, 872x647, 872:647, moon - Copy.jpg)

heres a pic my momnlaw took out on the farm

8092fc No.1648198

social indoctrination. human resources. social programming.

hard to convey or realize the extent to which we have been groomed and manipulated to be… soy boys.

what has become the mold for what a man should be has more to do with being nice than being a man, let alone a warrior.

for a country to be strong we need men. not pale shadows of men who are nice and PC and submissive, but men who rise to the challenge. men who protect. men who are wise and recognize danger. warriors in communities who have the sack to kick evil in the balls. sometimes this means simply calling out evil for what it is and shining a light on all its work.

what the world needs now is not a bunch of nice men. what the world needs now is righteous men who are unyielding in their efforts to dismantle the grip that pure evil has on this world. God helps those who help themselves. and warriors help those who are unable to protect save themselves.

we have a nation to secure and a world to rescue. I know so many of you are giving so much of your souls to this cause. not all treasures are gold. and the greatness you are doing may never even be realized or acknowledged. but you will know…

and God will know.

thank you all for your efforts. God be with you in your endeavors. the world needs you. keep fighting. you have the love of patriots behind you. know in your heart that God is with you always.

charge on anons!!

c55c22 No.1648200

File: 0b05ea8e78bb2b6⋯.jpeg (565.75 KB, 1797x1487, 1797:1487, 53478C57-6083-4DC0-951E-9….jpeg)

f70a31 No.1648201


the two are not mutually exclusive

see jesus for an example

631d36 No.1648203


ill have to look, i forgot the name

any other anons know off top of head, think it started with a f or p

cb3150 No.1648204


It has been a slave religion since the time of Constantine.

If there was only one thing to be grateful for was that they were not jews. (That all changed in with Vatican 2.) Now it is basically 3rd class judaism.

60f1ad No.1648205

omg i hope the flat earthers are for cheap entertainment or a spook … its scarier to believe that people actually believe it

011a7b No.1648206

it's about that time fresh news roles out, big league habbenings sure to come

3a2252 No.1648207


I used to design moulds for concrete pouring, bridges, prison cells etc

time to vomit

ad5416 No.1648208


You start putting friends in the ground because you know they'll betray the mission

There's a grand tradition of this

29dc7f No.1648213


That, no friends, let along somebody to talk to about all this arcane shit.


Others could likely do better, what I recall, the alt news verision is he got caught out doing something, got flipped, maybe by the Pentagon, he could be (or not, RIP?) part of the very project we're seeing here.

631d36 No.1648214


fuck all organized religion

they are all comped

just pray for understanding and read your bible

have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ

he is the only way

0c46bc No.1648215


Underrated observation.

34447e No.1648216

4. But you endure not patiently, nor fulfil the commandments of the Lord; but you transgress and calumniate his greatness; and malignant are the words in your polluted mouths against his Majesty.

5. Ye withered in heart, no peace shall be to you!

6. Therefore your days shall you curse, and the years of your lives shall perish; perpetual execration shall be multiplied, and you shall not obtain mercy.

7. In those days shall you resign your peace with the eternal maledictions of all the righteous, and sinners shall perpetually execrate you;

8. Shall execrate you with the ungodly.

9. The elect shall possess light, joy, and peace; and they shall inherit the earth.

10. But you, ye unholy, shall be accursed.

11. Then shall wisdom be given to the elect, all of whom shall live, and not again transgress by impiety or pride; but shall humble themselves, possessing prudence, and shall not repeat transgression.

12. They shall not be condemned the whole period of their lives, nor die in torment and indignation; but the sum of their days shall be completed, and they shall grow old in peace; while the years of their happiness shall be multiplied with joy, and with peace, for ever, the whole duration of their existence.

884f24 No.1648217


Relocation not a surprise.

Huge skyscraper a security nightmare.

New hotel just big enough for VIPs

Distraction for clowns.

Media elsewhere.


631d36 No.1648218


do you believe in the bible?

50134a No.1648219

File: ff41288da6f6b34⋯.jpg (150.38 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, limecalcium.jpg)

a18937 No.1648220

Whats good with the bible shills? I get referencing Q to prophecy if you want but why are we just outright posting bible verses with no context?

cb3150 No.1648221


I completely agree with you on that, anon.

If people saw how simple it was to walk the path, they would be shocked.

884f24 No.1648222

File: 3fe5b4cf7b350df⋯.png (110.67 KB, 1622x976, 811:488, IMG_1778.PNG)

ad5416 No.1648223


Time honored slide tactic #teamgeeljire over and out

b290f2 No.1648224

File: c8963b4d947b91a⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1583x1750, 1583:1750, Q74 Fire Truck.png)




This is the Q74 fire truck and associted Q post #74 from Patriots Fight.

c55c22 No.1648225

File: 9cc3c77fbb052b9⋯.jpeg (1 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 3F235F53-A63D-40C6-A47C-E….jpeg)



and their bullshit blood concrete patent

gives cover for the human dna in there

while they pave the world in blood

streets of gold?


instead satanic ritual symbolism

writ large in our blood

sacrifice and symbolism with cover

they used to have to use rivers of blood

b290f2 No.1648226

>>1648188 I saw that. I try to ignore dip shits…..

631d36 No.1648227


Amen to that, i cannot wait til everyone sees

their hearts will fail them

d2ea07 No.1648228

File: eb05f646635f44f⋯.jpg (113.25 KB, 792x446, 396:223, 33.jpg)

9e1863 No.1648229

File: b85b76f7a3173f0⋯.jpeg (251.97 KB, 799x656, 799:656, Screenshot_2018-06-06-04-….jpeg)

File: 4bb3d239a6555da⋯.jpeg (112.23 KB, 795x817, 795:817, Screenshot_2018-05-30-21-….jpeg)

a18937 No.1648230


I wish I could understand your post

4f81e0 No.1648231

File: 16d4a4487a5df5d⋯.gif (749.18 KB, 405x280, 81:56, 1518168898728.gif)


I'd say that's taking the art of trolling to the 33rd degree.

011a7b No.1648232

File: 68aafe192165a01⋯.jpg (392.38 KB, 1678x941, 1678:941, u a spy nigguh.JPG)

f34de2 No.1648233


I look at it as inner amusement. The naivety is endearing. Empathy without outer judgement. Let them be, they don't want to really understand. Faith limits complex thought outside of the realm they exist in.

23d49e No.1648234



Baker, may I suggest this one be added on for notables on #2072?

>(((UN KIKE SHILLS))) at it again - "Mass-Migration Should Be Accepted By Western Nations, UN SecGen"

233db0 No.1648235

File: 633250e89508466⋯.png (63.01 KB, 699x197, 699:197, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)



Q: How do you troll a mason?

A: by out symbolisming them

631d36 No.1648236


do you believe in the bible as Gods word?

50134a No.1648237

File: cda7423dc47d207⋯.jpg (37.19 KB, 291x300, 97:100, Jubilees.jpg)



d2ea07 No.1648238

File: 9f7af453a035548⋯.jpg (17.62 KB, 648x498, 108:83, 33(1).jpg)

884f24 No.1648239

File: d60fddfd5e2d515⋯.jpg (232.96 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_1723.JPG)

Religionfag posts should always be met with tit posts…to respect God's creations.

533449 No.1648241

Book cipher.

Book: Art of the Deal

Messages: Trump's Tweets

Key: Somewhere in Q posts

We have more than we know.

For messages and keys no longer used and in the past.

Once the Tweets are shown to be unlocked by Q's posts and Art of the Deal book cipher the left are going to have a hernia at how outsmarted they were.

Top frigging kek.

23d49e No.1648242

File: 24c0a41e85d5801⋯.jpeg (34.74 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 9000PLUSKEKS.jpeg)

c55c22 No.1648243


this makes their

world trade center



a blood sacrifice x1000000

no telling what that dust had in it

probably looked like a massive

blood explosion from

the stars

(40k foot view)

11904d No.1648244


I believe that God speaks to every one

but that doesn't leave his Word open to interpretation

We are only human

631d36 No.1648245

File: fa4dfc2fe967dfd⋯.jpg (174.99 KB, 1304x322, 652:161, masonandoaths - Copy.jpg)

File: 7d2a2bff2b22b8d⋯.jpg (198.05 KB, 859x790, 859:790, lYfNb2l.jpg)

File: f6ecc6e2688048f⋯.jpg (141.52 KB, 890x896, 445:448, P-9.jpg)

34447e No.1648246

For the complainers and non-believers, 1 Enoch 6 is directed at shills, cabal, and deep state. They will get their due, and they will be miserable.

267ac7 No.1648247


Let us know what you find.

cf3e34 No.1648248

f34de2 No.1648249


No, I believe in the bible as words made up by man to solidify a god. I am not religious person. But I have no qualms with those that are.

631d36 No.1648250


then go read your bible, there are many verses that say it is immovable and what the stars are

29dc7f No.1648251


I don't know how stable adrenochrome is, but if it can be centrifuged out, there'd be a lot leftover blood.

8092fc No.1648252


when the world is at stake hard choices are made. but grace abounds and there is redemption… and forgiveness. warriors sacrifice so much because they serve the greater good. not saying it doesn't hurt. but this is truly a war of good and evil and the future of humanity is unquestionably at stake. in the end we're all eternal.

23d49e No.1648253


Nigga it's directly related to the MAGA agenda. Don't be a pussy eh?

Fuck PC.

b638a8 No.1648254

File: 11b10cbb83dea97⋯.jpg (768.19 KB, 1440x2372, 360:593, Screenshot_20180606-043012….jpg)


What a 'coincidence' look who just joined Lyft!

631d36 No.1648256


the bible is Gods word and he has protected his word.

they have tried and tried to destroy it

233db0 No.1648257

File: 46fdd1b9d9ccd25⋯.png (158.81 KB, 609x695, 609:695, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

e5f67c No.1648258


So Podesta is this P. And by chair I believe he was Hillary's campaign chairmen therefore making p=c and c=chair.

8092fc No.1648259


you're right.

but even Yeshua took a whip to the bankers..

884f24 No.1648260

File: 3c7e2f5c39fb752⋯.jpg (35.5 KB, 640x960, 2:3, IMG_1704.JPG)


Nice religionfagging.

27de4f No.1648261

File: bb8d055e31f6fce⋯.jpg (202.38 KB, 800x682, 400:341, phases-of-moon.jpg)

f34de2 No.1648262


That's what you believe, and that's fine.

I believe otherwise, and I'm not out to destroy it.

533449 No.1648263

Hillary Clinton: Book cipher.

Book: What Happened

Book tour: distribute keys

Keys: Somewhere in Q's posts

Bill Clinton: Book cipher.

Book: The President is Missing

Book tour: distribute keys

Keys: Somewhere in Q's posts

James Comey: Book cipher

Book: That shit one he released

Book tour: distribute keys

Keys: Somewhere in Q's posts

Chelsea Clinton: Book cipher

Book: The one she just released

Book tour (in London this week): distribute keys

Keys: Somewhere in Q's post

We have more than we know.

Future proves past.

We were given the meaning of Comey's Tweets.

Book Cipher: Check comey's book.

Book cypher: That book that was released in pdf and then linked by Wikileaks with the Qs in the chapters.

Can you see what is going on?

NSA covers all computer comms and radio comms.

Book ciphers are being used.

23d49e No.1648264

File: 6606c18d544e7d7⋯.png (127.84 KB, 438x371, 438:371, rereadpepe.png)


Jesus christ P = C = Chair. Papal throne. This has been beaten to death.

Papacy was usurped by satanists and (((globalist))) scum since 1832 with roth financial control of vatican as per Q drops.

11904d No.1648265


I mean no offense bibleanon

but that we can only hope to understand his true message

8092fc No.1648266



cf3e34 No.1648267


Post the sauce

631d36 No.1648268


they must be exposed!

i been trying to wake up lower level blue lodge family

i was invited in, i respectfully declined years ago

that was before i knew anything about it

i just knew from the bible im not to take oaths to anything but God

0372e1 No.1648269


Remember back in the old days of the Old Testament when God would pour molten lava and rods of God onto the defilers and mega sinners. Sodom and Gomorrah got messed up.

979df3 No.1648270

Moloch demands human sacrifices, which have to be burnt.

0b442f No.1648271

File: e072ea20e78d861⋯.png (600.28 KB, 695x524, 695:524, asl;djfkljsadlkfasdf.png)


either way it's quite irrelevant

631d36 No.1648272


and i respect you for that anon

i just pray that you will give it a shot

ec1fbb No.1648273

File: e070ace55b8208e⋯.jpg (144.8 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__2908169.jpg)

File: b3af5aa23da3ef7⋯.jpg (177.73 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__2908168.jpg)

As always, the Clintons are never too far behind when the bodies hit the floor rrrrrrrrrrrah!

Need some digging into the Clinton Foundations Not There movement, this article says it all! Did she know before??? She had too.

Not to mention the "PIZZA" art that DADDY ANDY HAS!!! THIS SHIT MUST STOP!!!!

"This is not your fault. Ask Daddy!” Kate Spade leaves a heartbreaking note for her daughter before committing suicide

Kate Spade was found dead in her New York City apartment on Tuesday (June 5) morning. The police reported the cause of death as a suicide and according to TMZ, Kate had left a note for her 13-year-old daughter, Frances Beatrice Spade. “Bea – I have always loved you. This is not your fault. Ask Daddy!” the note reportedly read, as per Hollywood Life. It has been reported that Kate's husband Andy Spade had been present at home at the time of her death.

Meanwhile, her daughter was at school. Andy reportedly went to pick up his daughter accompanied by police. Kate hanged herself in her Upper East Side home and her body was found by her housekeeper at 10.20 am (ET). Police had said that upon arriving they found Kate's body hanging from a scarf. It is then that they found the note Kate had left behind.

In a statement, Kate's family said, “We loved Kate dearly and will miss her terribly. We would ask that our privacy is respected as we grieve during this very difficult time.” Andy and Kate had been married for more than decades. The two were college sweethearts who went on to get married and later become business partners. In 1993, Kate and Andy launched Kate Spade Handbags which blossomed into a world-renowned clothing and jewelry line.

Kate Spade New York has over 140 retail shops in and around the US and more than 175 outside. However, after some time Kate decided to take time off business and focus on raising their daughter. Years later, she decided to come back in the industry to launch a new accessory, handbag and shoe brand, Frances Valentine, named after her daughter. “I needed a break and I really wanted to raise my daughter,” she told People in 2016. “People asked me, ‘Don’t you miss it?’ I really didn’t. I mean, I loved what I was doing, but I didn’t miss it as much as I thought I might.”

Actor and brother-in-law David Spade was also shocked by the news and took to social media to share some fond memories of Kate, remembering how funny she was. The actor captioned an image of the two of them on Instagram saying: “Fuzzy picture but I love it. Kate and I during Christmas family photos. We had so much fun that day. She was so sharp and quick on her feet. She could make me laugh so hard.”

As soon as the news about her death came to light, many heartbroken fans and friends took to Twitter to express their condolences to the family. "Ask any girl around my age about getting her first boxy Kate Spade bag and she’ll probably have a story to tell you. It was a magnificently simple cultural marker," wrote Twitter user Abby Gardner. Actress Mindy Kaling also took to Twitter to express her sadness as she wrote, "I am heartbroken about the news of Kate Spade. I have worn her clothes many, many times. They were colorful, bold, cheerful, and encouraged women to find the twinkly person inside them. You couldn’t walk into her boutiques and not smile. Rest In Peace, Kate."


cf3e34 No.1648274



Never mind, I just saw the date.

267ac7 No.1648275


Adrenochrome is synthesized from epinephrine. There are easier way of getting it than extracting it from the blood of a torture victim. That's why I'm a little skeptical of the adrenochrome stuff.

But if they just wanted to be evil for the sake of being evil.. that's different.


23d49e No.1648277

File: 8bd2f04c12582de⋯.jpg (80.12 KB, 540x386, 270:193, Jesusvskikes.jpg)


Swear to God fucking (((shills))) trying to pussify and lower energy on this board - hope more will wake up before some pussy tries to turn this board into reddit lite.

7cee3f No.1648278


"that shit one…" kek

233db0 No.1648279

File: f57d2ba41100d6c⋯.png (442.28 KB, 526x668, 263:334, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)


Even taking oaths to god is suspect.

God is within each person.

Christianity is a perversion

631d36 No.1648280


the bible is pretty easy to understand

but it does say dont try to understand everything right now

because we are incapable of total understanding in our state

e449ec No.1648281


Naaah. Low-hanging fruit.

27de4f No.1648282


waning gibbous and waning cresent have TWO different angled "shadows."

waxing cresent and waxing gibbous have TWO different angled "light."


7964af No.1648283

>>1647322 (prev.)

Thanks for the fantastic new Canadian Q Research Team graphic! Saved!

50134a No.1648284

File: 8882383319956bf⋯.jpg (114.23 KB, 770x470, 77:47, beheard.jpg)

File: e433a3f80fe1381⋯.jpg (198.67 KB, 1000x1001, 1000:1001, finishit.jpg)

File: 8244cebe4afaf62⋯.jpg (7.93 KB, 300x225, 4:3, yearelight.jpg)

File: 41ce95324e31b5d⋯.png (252.07 KB, 737x382, 737:382, youandme.png)

>winning this war could only be a miracle.

9e1863 No.1648285

File: 541403e9ffeeb92⋯.jpeg (160.82 KB, 778x430, 389:215, Screenshot_2018-06-06-04-….jpeg)

267ac7 No.1648287


If they were posting mysterious strings of numbers.. then maybe.

011a7b No.1648288

File: 040a91e1aff51d2⋯.gif (12.23 MB, 360x360, 1:1, blown.gif)


read KJV1611, it will knock your socks of nigger

b638a8 No.1648289

File: aac55810a83f5f9⋯.jpg (906.56 KB, 1440x2876, 360:719, Screenshot_20180606-043715….jpg)


My bad-this was in 2017.

https:/ / www.recode.net/2017/7/31/16067186/lyft-valerie-jarrett-board-of-directors-barack-obama

baa160 No.1648291

File: a42f7993b3de329⋯.jpg (241.21 KB, 768x999, 256:333, IMG_9686.JPG)

So she's a CIA asset right?

>drug running with 80's hair bands?

>honey pot?

>nonprofit spy?

>whitehat playing long game?

631d36 No.1648292


yes we have love inside of us, a divinness but do not get confussed with what agnostics believe

533449 No.1648293

7b5d4a No.1648294

File: b32fe5e36d110fa⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2508x1614, 418:269, Qsuicideweekend.jpg)


made me think of

suicide weekend

9e1863 No.1648295

File: f290e8a53f18fd5⋯.jpg (59.37 KB, 620x413, 620:413, 1457064261258.jpg)

cf3e34 No.1648296

Current notable posts

This is what I have so far. It's slow right now so let me know if there is anything that should be added.


>>1648113 Donald Trump And Kim Jong Un's Singapore Summit Set For Secluded Resort

>>1648087 Clock graphics relating to Pompeo tweet

233db0 No.1648297


All pornstars are either sex trafficking victims or cia assets or some random sex cult assets

the question is, who's her handler

734a14 No.1648299


Apparently guys like me are a dying breed.

I say what I mean and I mean what I say.

Fuck that PC garbage.

233db0 No.1648300


Hugh Hefner death

big deal.

Change of the guard.

fd8ade No.1648301

File: d2edc25a0322556⋯.png (21.13 KB, 677x516, 677:516, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40ff7f72cab0067⋯.png (27.67 KB, 679x687, 679:687, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a07b4e489b86c1⋯.png (29.87 KB, 677x780, 677:780, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bec8ce12e4cf1a5⋯.png (33.63 KB, 683x863, 683:863, ClipboardImage.png)


CA primary results for usual suspects:







Governor (Newsom v Cox in general)


631d36 No.1648302


i would of ran through it

im packing just as much heat as tommy, lol

b638a8 No.1648303

Was confusing her with this. Just as bad….


11904d No.1648304


I believe the bible can be read in three ways



& esoterically

it's the third that causes problems

we are incapable of really Knowing

233db0 No.1648305


I don't know what they believe.

Agnosticism is another perversion

Anything that requires a title or a description is a perversion

Learn to be free

011a7b No.1648306


nxivmfag was successor?

533449 No.1648307


d2ea07 No.1648308

File: e106967d9b815df⋯.png (103.54 KB, 462x214, 231:107, cypher.png)


Teach me, anon.

f34de2 No.1648309


All the usual suspects… I wonder how different it will be come election time?

1e3e61 No.1648310


FLATARDS ARE BACK BOIZZZZZZ!!!!!! Something big is coming.

233db0 No.1648311


No I think whitehats took control

Thats why many were killed off

8092fc No.1648312

631d36 No.1648314


actually there are all 3 in the bible

u just have to know in what capacity they are talking in and take the whole context of the verses.

thats how religion has twisted shit, they take 1 or 2 scriptures out of context.

115530 No.1648315


in tribute to Q's latest typographic artistry with the latest post, I hereby contribute THE SOUNDTRACK that fits perfectly to it and the overall theme of what I do believe we are up to in general, yall.

Enjoy: http://somafm.com/secretagent/

<now get back to work goddammit

cf3e34 No.1648316


Added, thanks anon

533449 No.1648317



See post above yours

29e8b9 No.1648318

File: 251a4e84ed67fc0⋯.png (599.44 KB, 1240x1917, 1240:1917, IMG_3419.PNG)

File: 6e5ccc0f04b5553⋯.png (991.97 KB, 1139x1910, 1139:1910, IMG_3420.PNG)

Hey anons, I found this awhile back. It's to JP from CF if I'm understanding correctly. I thought I could do this myself and as I began copying the text it just kept going and going and going… I knew it was something very large. I have over roughly 400 pages so far. We just bought a house and are still working on moving, etc… and haven't been able to work on it. I know there are tools to help us decode encryption and I'm not sure if it's what we've been looking for. I hope it's fruitful, like 33,000 emails. One can only hope. Kek! Here's the front page and a one of the pages ( all pages are this size, actually I had started fitting the whole page with barely room for one more line)

27de4f No.1648319


The only thing for you to consider is this… it matters not what man believes.

It matters only what is truth.

The consequences of being wrong is eternal hell.

Are you dong all to verify if your beliefs are correct?

Seek and you shall find. Believe a lie and the truth will bight you.

631d36 No.1648320


it is also very important to pray for understanding before you start reading

baa160 No.1648321


So what was the deal with Larry Flynt getting shot? Was he just a legitimate sleazebag edging in on CIA territory?

d2ea07 No.1648322

File: 74e1ea26356c864⋯.png (583.61 KB, 836x678, 418:339, reading.png)



533449 No.1648323

Andy McNab (not real name)

Former SAS

Author. One of the best selling authors.

Still can't find a photo of his face online?

His books.

Ideal book ciphers because of content.

Readily available.

MI5/MI6/CIA using Nick Stone books by Andy McNab?

Does he write them?

What is his role in all this?

011a7b No.1648324





e21878 No.1648325

File: 3e028d3cadeb926⋯.png (28.9 KB, 567x280, 81:40, Selection_180.png)



You begging for money here?


e449ec No.1648326


I think they get a sadistic rush torturing their victims, literally a physiological reaction to the emotions they feel, and it's a critical part of what they do.

23fb20 No.1648327


Pamela Anderson isn't technically a porn star. She was a playboy model. Having a sex tape with her husband doesn't really count. Same for all of the other celebs who have tapes of their own.

f34de2 No.1648328


If you can figure out the cypher for at least one line of it to get an alphabet, you can then write a program to decode it. Kind of like a language program. Feed it the input, and then save it out as output. Shouldn't be too hard to write. If you can find the cypher, I could write the program.

115530 No.1648329


it is listener supported free radio, but its not me. i do contribute regularly on my own, as i use it frequently. its a local deal here in frisco.

e4053c No.1648330

File: 9daa861fe0e81c9⋯.jpg (123.1 KB, 996x500, 249:125, 2a27mh.jpg)

File: ffb271a24de3fb1⋯.jpg (98.31 KB, 652x435, 652:435, 2a26cw.jpg)

af8824 No.1648331


Holy shit!!!!

And here, I thought you idiots could not possibly get any dumber.

7b5d4a No.1648332

File: 9bc0d446a957fae⋯.png (89.72 KB, 609x543, 203:181, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

File: 2138e2f09401549⋯.png (123.14 KB, 620x562, 310:281, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

File: 76a3b791793344f⋯.png (136.01 KB, 614x573, 614:573, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

File: c26f5c2ce2d6f0c⋯.png (127.58 KB, 626x653, 626:653, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

File: 04134666d327144⋯.png (52.64 KB, 625x332, 625:332, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)



collusion already proven to not exist

case closed!


0b442f No.1648333


Cox is coming

267ac7 No.1648334


It's a different way way of attaching files. The binary data is encoded to ASCII text and include in a channel meant only of ASCII (such as the body of an email).

Gimme a sec.. I'll decode it for you.

7964af No.1648335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Disturbing details on secret train meetings in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada between Canadian and American leaders held June 2-3, 2018. Ex-president rumoured to be attending. Why was a little blond girl attending with 40 adults?

Billy Joyce Program


533449 No.1648336

Bible cipher

"The Bible is a widely available book that is almost always printed with chapter and verse markings making it easy to find a specific string of text within it, making it particularly useful for this purpose; the widespread availability of concordances can ease the encoding process as well."

What passages did Q drop?

Have ciphers been staring us in the face the whole time?

Is a worldwide audience of spooks using qresearch and books to communicate their takedown of the cabal to avoid five eyes? Is the cabal also doing this?

These people really are stupid.

Book ciphers are insecure as Q pointed out.

The key exchanges were recorded.

baa160 No.1648337

>>1648321 (me)

Wasn't his wife one of the earlier cases of AIDS in the US? Hmm.

a2560e No.1648338

File: 0b394e4283c6a7c⋯.png (478.06 KB, 735x512, 735:512, johnny.PNG)

Either Johnnys on meth or his lost his adrenochrome supplier.

fd8ade No.1648340


Takes more than just balls

27de4f No.1648341


Says the guy who has no answer. Only insults.



631d36 No.1648343

File: d1e8553f526ad50⋯.jpg (73.98 KB, 497x370, 497:370, boom.jpg)

File: e858caece764b66⋯.jpg (100.8 KB, 895x370, 179:74, Qwashere.jpg)

dff540 No.1648344

File: a792fd1318be2b3⋯.jpg (653.25 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, HeartOfGold.jpg)

File: 6b492fe01d75e44⋯.png (550.85 KB, 570x713, 570:713, BB7.png)

Thank you.

d2ea07 No.1648345

File: 81108c25dc55a5a⋯.jpg (49.07 KB, 485x430, 97:86, smart.jpg)



Thanks for your help.

I will study these instructions.

011a7b No.1648346


so from last Q






of what, the book?

part of a foreword?

631d36 No.1648347

233db0 No.1648348


same thing, different era

af8824 No.1648349


You fucking morons will not accept answers to your idiocy.

So why try?

9e1863 No.1648350

File: 5a3230ac893f54e⋯.jpeg (290.29 KB, 799x994, 799:994, Screenshot_2018-06-06-04-….jpeg)

File: cecd0638b840321⋯.jpeg (69.13 KB, 797x356, 797:356, Screenshot_2018-06-06-04-….jpeg)

File: 2bd0b954e67537c⋯.jpeg (49.82 KB, 799x279, 799:279, Screenshot_2018-06-06-04-….jpeg)

11904d No.1648351


Thank you. And I agree. Understanding is all I really seek.

27de4f No.1648352



b638a8 No.1648353


Lol both. Couldn't Believe it was him when first saw this, BYE JOHNNY!

267ac7 No.1648354


Actually, if you just download the original .eml file form the URL and open it in a email program it decodes it for you and shows the data as attached files..

f34de2 No.1648355


Why complain about it when you know they won't? Why bother?

2b2fb9 No.1648356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let not forget this day in history.

I was three weeks old when this happened.

God Bless America, God Bless and Remember our troops.

27de4f No.1648357


You can make sense out of one individual phase, but link them together

into one solid stream and the problems become more clear.

631d36 No.1648358


your welcome anon

i hope to help as many people as i can like we all do

we want the truth!

i feel like i was chosen to be here. i never heard of half chan or 8 chan before 2 weeks before Q posted.

50134a No.1648359

File: 6f09c982c17a9f2⋯.png (243.41 KB, 1170x679, 1170:679, bring_the_rain.png)

cf3e34 No.1648360




I remember CDAN (take that for what it's worth) recently had a blind where she was on the move and staying in hotels because she was in fear of something. I don't know if anyone can find it

ec1fbb No.1648361

File: 9f883758e82799f⋯.jpg (7.8 KB, 275x183, 275:183, download.jpg)

Almost seems like we dodged a bullet here….

Google Ends Agreement with Pentagon After 3,000 Employees Call Artificial Intelligence Program Evil

Google was set to help develop an artificial intelligence program to help military drone strikes reduce the number of civilian casualties — that is, until 12 employees resigned from the company in protest and another 3,000 signed an open letter blasting the program as evil.

Google had an employee meeting to discuss whether AI should be used in the military, The New York Times reported on May 30.

Diane Greene, CEO of Google Cloud, announced the decision on Friday at an employee meeting, according to Gizmodo. There is a current contract with the Pentagon that expires in 2019, but it will not be renewed.

Drone strikes have had varying degrees of accuracy and have left some civilians dead in the wake of their attacks.

The project with the Pentagon, called Project Maven, aimed to implement the AI technology to pinpoint and determine what particular objects are in drone footage, thereby increasing the accuracy of the drone strikes, The Daily Caller News Foundation reported on March 6.

TRENDING: Senator Urges Colleagues to Work Through Weekends and Recess To Confirm Trump Nominees

The are some criticisms of AI being used in the military, and outspoken critics like Elon Musk speculate that AI in general is itself an existential threat to humanity.

“I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that (artificial intelligence). So we need to be very careful,” Musk said in 2014, according to The U.K. Guardian.

“I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish.”

Google’s involvement in Project Maven was supposed to be kept under wraps, and leaked emails reveal that employees at Google struggled to decide when or if to reveal its role in the project.

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But when the news broke in March that Google was a part of Project Maven, 12 Google employees resigned and more than 3,000 signed an open letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, asking him to terminate the contract.

“By entering into this contract, Google will join the ranks of companies like Palantir, Raytheon, and General Dynamics. The argument that other firms, like Microsoft and Amazon, are also participating doesn’t make this any less risky for Google,” the letter stated.

“Google’s unique history, its motto Don’t Be Evil, and its direct reach into the lives of billions of users set it apart.”

Google happened to remove its “Don’t Be Evil” motto from the preface of its Code of Conduct some time between April 21 and May 4, archives show, 18 years after introducing it.


b638a8 No.1648362

File: a1e1581a762cf3f⋯.jpg (706.14 KB, 1440x2876, 360:719, Screenshot_20180606-023621….jpg)


Also, this….

e21878 No.1648363


Cool. Thanks or deets and soundtrack.

Didn't mean to come off as a feckless cunt, just a bit scrutinous of intentions when the board is all whackadoo.

29e8b9 No.1648364



It's just pages and pages of text like my second page. And any help would be awesome, cuz I want to know what it is. It's to big not to be curious, it wasn't HRC that sent it to JP

ec1fbb No.1648365


Nobody has anything to say about this creepy shit?????

631d36 No.1648366


people are going to be really amazed when Q finally reveals why he asked what is the closest star so early on.

it is one of the biggest keys to unlocking the truth of all the lies thats been told and truth hid.

ec1fbb No.1648368


Dang, made that a liddle too long, Sorry!

631d36 No.1648369


they are all connected to the satanic shit in one way or another.

0b442f No.1648370

File: d361386bf1c38e6⋯.png (441.82 KB, 550x550, 1:1, john-cox.png)

267ac7 No.1648372

27de4f No.1648373

File: 5f6aec0e46fe134⋯.jpg (15.68 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Moon phase.jpg)


Shadow? Really?

Follow the phases for yourself.

f34de2 No.1648374


I think other Anons were onto something. It probably is ASCII for photos or something. Do you have the original copies at all?

Opening them into an email program might automatically decode them.

Otherwise, you might try copying the text into notepad and saving as a .jpg or .png or some other type of graphics file and try to open them as pictures.

I think the Email program might work the best though. Most likely it's encrypted though.

011a7b No.1648375


well anon is starting to think we are getting 3 digit keys to prove past present..future; here and there.

we have all the keys.

baa160 No.1648376


you're going to have to try harder to creep me out anon.

af8824 No.1648377

I see the Antonio ViaReconquista shills are still at it.


631d36 No.1648378


most people with wealth and fame are all corrupt for the most part.

Matthew 19:23

…22When the young man heard this, he went away in sorrow, because he had great wealth. 23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”…

0b442f No.1648379

File: d97339d73dcbe18⋯.png (717.07 KB, 900x774, 50:43, KJZXHKJHSDHJ.png)

ec1fbb No.1648380





50134a No.1648381


someone on jutube found a connection about 10 hrs ago..


Spade had partnered with the Clinton Foundation on at least two major projects. The designer had helped operate a media campaign for The Clinton Foundation's No Ceiling Initiative. Kate Spade also worked with the Clinton's in Haiti, sending representatives to deal with Haitian business owners on Clinton's behalf. A Clinton foundation report from 2016 reads, "The Clinton Foundation Haiti initiative works to encourage economic growth, support small businesses, and empower girls and women in Haiti by helping Haitian businesses develop skills, facilitate investments, and connect with international partners. – Led a delegation, including representatives from West Elm, Kate Spade, Holt Renfrew, Kenneth Cole, and others, on an artisan, fashion, and manufacturing trip in the Port-au-Prince area to introduce them to potential investment and sourcing opportunities, and to develop new partnerships with Haitian business owners. As a result, four new partnerships were formed between international retailers and several Haitian artisan businesses they met during the visit."

631d36 No.1648382


read the bible and enoch and go buy a p900 and use your own brain as God intended.

do your own research

7964af No.1648383


Sounds like the Terminator movie where machines ruthlessly hunt and kill all humans.

a5d9ed No.1648384

>>1647859 (#2072)

Never heard of Chris Langan; but, Chris sounds very much like Cardinal Sarah:

"Cardinal Robert Sarah said the idolatry of Western freedom and Islamic fundamentalism are "almost like two apocalyptic beasts” in our times ...


233db0 No.1648385


CDAN is a fun website.

She's probably scared of being 187d

27de4f No.1648386

File: 10cdc59281e8db8⋯.jpg (37.72 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Moon phase.jpg)


You're barking up the wrong tree. I'm with you.

Follow the stream of context.



73b944 No.1648387


Medea complex

af8824 No.1648388


paste it into a text editor and eliminate the double spacing from your copypasta before you post it….

Please give our eyes a modicum of thought ;)

b75376 No.1648389


The darkness of the moon has nothing to do with the earth (except eclipses).

The lightness of the moon reflects the sun.

533449 No.1648390

What are the odds that Kate Spade is in protective custody?

b638a8 No.1648391



27de4f No.1648392


Really? Then why do all you guys who believe in the ball always say the earth casts a shadow

on the moon?

You don't even know your own belief system anon.

You should think about that.

631d36 No.1648393


oh sorry anon, responded to wrong person, still half asleep

i couldnt sleep so jumped on hoping Q posted damn it, lol

29e8b9 No.1648394


It's all in every,

Here's the address:


I couldn't find this "email" on Wikileaks's any where, it was just a stand alone page

50134a No.1648395


friends with Ivanka? would be nice if she is in protective custody, awaiting the right time to openly tell her story, whatever it may be. working with CF in Haiti? hoping for the best.

b75376 No.1648396


Neither do you, anon.

27de4f No.1648397

File: 6657e8fba2f5c33⋯.jpg (465.24 KB, 1078x927, 1078:927, selenelion2.jpg)



What about this eclipse???

d030cf No.1648398


Your own fellow cultists have said time and time again the same thing I have said time and time again: this isn't your fucking board. You have one, just for you. This isn't it. Post your shit on the board that was made for it and fuck off.


27de4f No.1648399


You don't know me very well do you?

631d36 No.1648400


wrong, go lok at the video up there i posted about pilot

u can clearly see the moon and the sun

and they are far away from each other

u got to forget all the lies u been told

the bible says they are each their own light

a greater light for day and a lesser light for night

af8824 No.1648401


0.0125% She had shit on the Clintons. Note the scarves Killary has been wearing….

476453 No.1648402


Can't help to think "VANGUARD" and Vannevar sound related *autism tingle*

011a7b No.1648403


rather, 3 number sets

map very important

3 number sets in map?

h:m:s of post

>>1647703 (LB)

500dy of POTUS

~1440 post of Q


533449 No.1648404


Did Chelsea announce that she was not dead in her tweet yesterday using a book cipher?

27de4f No.1648405


This is MY board. Patriot discussing occult lies and world deception.

Isn't that what you're doing too?


631d36 No.1648406


rabbit and the hair - ying and yang symbol is of sun and moon

a18937 No.1648407


91ddc9 No.1648408

File: 27a2d56476083eb⋯.png (260.26 KB, 367x380, 367:380, volcandefuego.png)

File: 639a372fee537aa⋯.png (438.35 KB, 1077x328, 1077:328, ormatguatemala.png)

File: bda744b764a7439⋯.png (144.56 KB, 1010x467, 1010:467, ORMAT.png)

ORMAT, Possible Connections to Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Weather Wars, and more


Suspicious looking geothermal company with suspicious Board of Directors and Management with suspicious proximity to geological disasters including Fukushima, and recent volcanoes in Hawaii and Guatemala.


Notice their project locations in Fukushima, the eastern side of the big island in Hawaii, and 2 locations in Guatemala.


This video gives a good explanation of how geothermal works. Basically a VERY deep hole is dug and heat from the earth's core heats water into high pressure steam that is used to spin a turbine to generate electricty. Notice the wording and the graphics starting around 3:46 in the video, "with proper management". So what could go wrong with "improper management". When you dry out all the water deep in the crust, you get cracks, sinkholes, earthquakes, volcanoes. They mention replenishing the water back into the ground for proper management, as opposed to just venting off the steam into the atmosphere. See the massive arrays of wet surface air coolers (WSACs)?


This is a video from youtube user WeatherWar101. They propose an interesting theory that WSACs are used to pump moisture into the atmosphere at critical times to generate storms and refuel hurricanes. Some other videos on that channel show these facilities actually pumping massive steam clouds up into the sky.


This needs to become a thing. There's dozens of resources for weatherfagging.



Basically having anons near these massive factories, refineries, power plants can report in if they're seeing things like that shown @ around 7 min mark:


This sort of thing would be easy to spot on the GOES water vapor loop, and we could see what it's contributing to storms and precipitation on radar.

Back to ORMAT


CEO - Isaac Angel - connects to Gerry Sweeney (see below)

CFO - Doron Blachar - big pharma connections

VP Zvi Krieger - Israeli engineer

Board of Directors

Todd C Freeland - Chairman - senior roles at Goldman Sachs

Ravit Barniv - degrees from Tel-Aviv, specializes in counterterrorism

Robert Clarke - Former CEO of Hawaiian Electric Industries

Dan Falk - Hebrew university, lots of senior roles

David Granot - Hebrew university, senior roles in Israeli companies

Stan H Koyanagi - U.S. licensed lawyer @ international law firm

Yuichi Nishigori - senior roles @ Industrial Bank of Japan (central bank?)

Stanley B Stern - also director of Ekso Bionics (possibly killer robots) and Foamix (pharma)

Byron Wong - 31 year Chevron career in senior roles


Majority owner of ORMAT is ORIX Asset Management followed by Vanguard Group Inc. and coming in at #5 something called the Dimensional Fund Advisors LP. Dig please.

When I searched the CEO Isaac Angel I found this:


which connects him to a guy named Gerry Sweeney, managing director of ROTH Capital Partners and portfolio manager of Aqua Terra Asset Management. Both of these companies need more digging. My guess is this Aqua Terra Asset Management is a slush fund for the ongoing water wars (Nestle type stuff).



Here is a video of a pissed of woman (rightfully so) regarding a blown well head at an ORMAT facility near Salton Sea, California.


Three weeks ago Guatemala moved their embassy to Jerusalem. Cabal pissed at Guatemala? Pics related, notice the mountain in the distance on ORMAT's Guatemala facility pic. It's Volcan de Fuego, the one that recently blew.


We need to keep an eye on geological companies doing work near geological disasters. Especially those with such spooky leadership. If they're using these facilities to engineer disasters or modify/control the weather, we can use the resources at our disposal to do what anons do. Watch out for geological disasters occuring in countries assisting with the cabal takedown/following Trump's lead. Watch out for Italy. ORMAT has 2 facilities in Italy. There's other companies like ORMAT. Let's find them and look into them.

27de4f No.1648409


Be careful what you wish for.

267ac7 No.1648410


I dunno. Did she? You're the one floating the theory.

d2ea07 No.1648411

File: 8e03b13aaa7a489⋯.jpg (109.96 KB, 570x561, 190:187, cipher.jpg)

d030cf No.1648412


No, you must have missed the big red letters where it says this is Qresearch. Not occult research (there is a board for that) or fe research (there is also one for that). You are a shill sliding a board and nothing more.

e5c097 No.1648413


That is not all that unusual. It comes from not really being present and in control of your machinery. You have to learn to see that first. What an automaton you normally are, that is. Disconcerting indeed.

Speaking from experience here.

533449 No.1648414


Open questions.

b75376 No.1648415


My problem with FE is the star Canopus. It is only visible from 36 degress North. Should be able to see it from everwhere on a flat earth.

baa160 No.1648416


more like the sound of one hand fapping anon

e21878 No.1648418


Many similarities to what is going in Hawaii, creepy geothermal plant ownership and all.

Perhaps [they] got a memo?

533449 No.1648419

3a2252 No.1648420

File: e136e876767fd34⋯.jpg (58.2 KB, 362x380, 181:190, IMG_0488.JPG)

92aa50 No.1648421


What i came across while researching for the clock is that in "code" theory, Alice is always the example for the one who sends the code. I think i remember that in one of the first "alice" drops Q also says "a name known around the world" or something like that. Maybe interessting.

50134a No.1648422


after looking at her design work, i'm wondering if it was a case of her programming being fractured by some pg related trigger, causing her to want to tell the truth about some very bad people, and was suicided to prevent that. sad, but it seems like the most reasonable hypothesis at the moment.

a18937 No.1648423


Okay fine you can stay, but for now lets stay on subject

27de4f No.1648424


Q brought up NASA.

Q brought up STARS.

Q brought up the BIBLE.

There is a board dedicated to Obama.

There is a board dedicated to Hillary.

There is a board dedicated to child trafficking.

Who then can post here?

Anymore questions?

27de4f No.1648425


Q brought up NASA.

Q brought up STARS.

Q brought up the BIBLE.

There is a board dedicated to Obama.

There is a board dedicated to Hillary.

There is a board dedicated to child trafficking.

Who then can post here?

Anymore questions?

4fc64e No.1648426

File: 3fda23997dc4ae6⋯.jpg (10.04 MB, 6000x4000, 3:2, redcat.jpg)


Got your back, baker

Any updated notables?

f34de2 No.1648427


It's an email with these files attached


b59872 No.1648428

File: 98648066ec84e96⋯.jpg (30.99 KB, 265x400, 53:80, 4778443.jpg)

As much as I'd like a yob and be able to earn money and support myself without having to rely on my means…

I couldn't be happier that I was set up for this.

There is literally nothing more I wanted out of life than to create a baseline of understand so that I can operate in the world.

I have no desire to play a game if everyone's cheating.

I've been trained for this.

I've been tested for this.

I've been put into such a position that I can give this my full attention…

Even if I have to blank out every now then for a fresh start.

I want to enjoy myself.

One final push.

Then it's {Ours}.

d030cf No.1648429


Just one: how could I have forgotten the golden rule? We do not engage the shills. We filter and move.

cf3e34 No.1648430


This is what i have so far:


>>1648301 California primary results for the usual suspects

>>1648113 Donald Trump And Kim Jong Un's Singapore Summit Set For Secluded Resort

>>1648087 Clock graphics relating to Pompeo tweet

Thank you!

Just waiting on handoff confirmation

631d36 No.1648431

File: aaf979a2d4328a6⋯.jpg (335.17 KB, 1347x581, 1347:581, polaris - Copy.jpg)


do research on it

i mean come on, u can do a timelapse of polaris anywhere on earth.

the stars move around us

polaris does not move, it is directly above us in the center at all times

there is no denying this

a18937 No.1648432


Yo Shill. That's cool and all if any of this shit you esoteritards are posting was actually conducive to anything. When we have real material we get results. Posting the same bible verses over and over, and bitching about Enoch do nothing for us. Flat earth memes do nothing for us. The moon phases DONT FUCKING MATTER when it comes to government corruption and EVEN if it did, it's nothing more than some bullshit that we find out after thats so unimportant to actually solving the puzzle at hand.

27de4f No.1648433

File: 0efb7123c5fcde0⋯.jpg (340.51 KB, 816x949, 816:949, chicago1.jpg)


Distance and atmosphere still play a role.

But you can still see farther than you should be able to.

Why doesn't the north star ever move?

4f4024 No.1648434


Smuge spot on camera lens…happens all the time

011a7b No.1648435

File: 85eb11067ddce21⋯.png (336.18 KB, 715x443, 715:443, pepe activated.png)


<whoa anons

we have the keys

it's a cipher

map is the key

in 3 number sets




H:M:S of posts

Last Q had spaces of 2, 4, 6

tell me we're on to something here

a18937 No.1648436


Wish I knew this rule 5 seconds ago

b59872 No.1648437

File: acffcfa74a5aa79⋯.jpg (37.23 KB, 367x334, 367:334, dream_6wve5przj71.jpg)


You there… faggot with the purty mouth.

What're (You) working on.

Do you need something?

Perhaps you see what others are digging on and see if they need a hand?

94266e No.1648439


Tell us about CCD.

50134a No.1648440

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

1e3e61 No.1648441

File: e02d1caf04c1f79⋯.jpg (15.62 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 17587520_1250630975057161_….jpg)

c88093 No.1648442


Adrenochrome? Really?

Maybe it's cancer? Maybe he's losing weight for a role?

Nope. It's gotta be adrenochrome. It has to be. Anons who are woke, please continue to wake the fuck up. You're bored.

"And you're just a shill"

haha, sure I am.

27de4f No.1648443


You would be absolutely right, if you weren't so wrong.

It matters because it's true. Plenty of normies don't believe what

you tell them either.

So why do YOU continue? I continue for the same reason.

a18937 No.1648444


At least your photo isn't titled "shareblue"

b59872 No.1648445

File: 1256f28f0a5f728⋯.jpg (156.59 KB, 735x490, 3:2, dream_rx04bzy9iks.jpg)


Solid AF, anon.

77ea81 No.1648446

File: 5c4f268618cde23⋯.jpg (46.74 KB, 735x130, 147:26, 1000 lashes.jpg)


b59872 No.1648448


Trips noted.

'Twas earnest.

Whatchu diggerin' on?

4fc64e No.1648449


Handoff confirmed

Thanks for stepping up!

631d36 No.1648450

File: dd9c9b58e98f22a⋯.jpg (130.51 KB, 619x464, 619:464, happening - Copy.jpg)

File: df5a2886de13892⋯.jpg (38.92 KB, 628x628, 1:1, conspiracydude.jpg)


lmao, try harder

i wanted to see for myself so i bought a p900

it have prooved so much and are hundreds of videos and pictures now

revelation meaning?

to reveal… in the last days of this system, all will be exposed. its habbining and i cant wait for all eyes to see.

d030cf No.1648451

File: 054b6376a509caf⋯.jpg (10.36 KB, 190x255, 38:51, 054b6376a509caf34186a8c1fc….jpg)


Let me itinerize my day for you here real quick. 1. Not researching or entertaining in any way any flat earth nonsense.

If you have suggestions for changes to my schedule you can eat a dick.

a18937 No.1648453



Literally ever since I socially slayed a rapist that used to be a friend of mine. He was obsessed with the number, and now it follows me

b59872 No.1648454

File: d3c7658d30a1ac4⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 625x595, 125:119, afc.jpg)


Unified Field Theory

Dielectric Wireless Transmission of Energy

Gravity Lensing



To startcha off…

f34de2 No.1648455


just skimming through it

It's basically a plan to push "green" energy into the political system of Puerto Rico over 4 years.

ec1fbb No.1648456


Yeah cause the first motherfucker to talk about adrenachrome openly (in a movie) before 98% of people even heard about it wouldn't be strung out on it right? Hahahaha

Yeah, you don't deserve a (Ewe). Hopefully Ewe just want a (Ewe) and your not that naive…

b59872 No.1648458

File: 249d885a4586853⋯.jpeg (8.33 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images (1).jpeg)


Trip 4's?

Kek declares you gotcherself a trophy…

Be proud…

Cuz it's Pride Month, faggot.

cf3e34 No.1648459


Thank you anon.

Have a great bake, Godspeed!

c1d5b4 No.1648460

Pope Francis to Be Arrested for Child Trafficking, Homicide

Wednesday, May 30, 2018 7:05

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On May 30 Pope Francis Jorge Mario Bergoglio was issued an arrest warrant for his role in the trafficking and death of children. The order called for an immediate apprehension of Bergoglio as a convicted felon and threat to the safety of children. Police planned to enforce the warrant at a World Council of Churches event in Geneva Switzerland where Pope Francis was set to address the Assembly on June 21. The warrant was recognized by INTERPOL authorities, plus judicial and police agencies in Spain, America, Russia and Serbia.

Back on 18 July 2014 Bergoglio had been convicted by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels for Crimes against Humanity and Complicity in a Criminal Conspiracy that included trafficking and death of children. Although the Vatican protected Pope Francis from arrest after his 2014 conviction, the May 30 warrant was issued after an informant told the ICLCJ Court that a Ninth Circle Satanic cult child sacrifice to be led by Pope Francis was planned for June 21 2018 Summer Solstice in Geneva prior to meetings of the World Council of Churches (WCC).

Child victims for the Satanic rite were believed supplied by an international child exploitation ring funded by the global elite, enforced by the mafia and organized by an office at the Vatican. http://beforeitsnews.com/celebrities/2018/04/pope-francis-plans-child-sacrifice-for-june-21-2475368.html

“At midnight on the Solstice a heavily guarded ceremony will be held in the Catholic Basilica Notre-Dame on Rue Argand in Geneva. Only the top WCC leaders and the Pope will be there. We have all been warned to keep quiet about it, it’s unofficial and very secret. But it’s the same Basilica where children went missing in 2014 and ritual killing was indicated. I suspect their June 21 pact will be sealed in blood,” the informant said.

“Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the liable head fiduciary officer of Vatican Incorporated and the Roman Catholic Church, has been duly convicted in a Common Law Court of Justice of Crimes against Humanity and Complicity in a Criminal Conspiracy, including the trafficking and death of children (ICLCJ Case Docket No. 06182014-001, In the Matter of The People v. Bergoglio, Pachon, Welby et al, 18 July, 2014).”

The dramatic story of Pope Francis child trafficking never made the Main Stream Media, even though over 48 eyewitnesses testified before six international judges that the Vatican was paid big bucks to regularly funnel children through their Pedophile Ring to Satan worshipping church leaders, businessmen, politicians and other elites, including members of European royal families.

Two adolescent women told the ICLCJ Court that Pope Francis raped them while participating in child sacrifices during the Springs of 2009 and 2010 in rural Holland and Belgium. According to a former employee of the Curia in Rome, rapes and murders of children also took place at the Carnarvon Castle in Wales and an undisclosed French Chateau. A Prosecutor introduced notarized affidavits by eight others claiming to witness these same crimes organized by the Vatican.

Another witness testified that they were present during meetings with the then Argentine priest and Bishop Francis and the military Junta during Argentine’s 1970′s Dirty War. According to the witness, Francis helped traffic 30,000 children of missing political prisoners into the Vatican Pedophile Ring.

Some of those children were believed buried in a Child Mass Gravesite in Spain – that the Vatican has continuously refused requests for excavation – just as the Vatican has refused requests for excavation of over 32 child mass grave sites believed filled with the mutilated bodies of over 50,000 children who went missing from the Anglican, United Church of Canada, though mainly 80 Catholic native residential schools across Canada. See witness testimony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvhfXAd08TE and http://youtu.be/cVYkctM1k90

The order was issued by the Criminal Trial Division of the International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels, on the Thirtieth Day of May in the Year 2018 C. Redvers, LL.B., Clerk of the Court. itccsoffice@gmail.com , www.itccs.org: http://itccs.org/the-international-common-law-court-of-justice-case-no-1-genocide-in-canada/

4fc64e No.1648461


I am wondering what I would do if I would find myself eye to eye with one of these useless, childmurdering fucks

It's highly probably I will start bludgeoning his head in with the nearest blunt or sharp object that is handy.

Taste the rainbow, Barry.

b043f4 No.1648462

File: d2b213210f745be⋯.jpg (16.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, seaman1.jpg)

anons, can someone please tell me why whenever I try to embed a video from facebook on a post here, 8chan says it can't make sense of the url for the video? thanx

a18937 No.1648463


So why hasn't he been arrested yet, or has he?

a5d9ed No.1648464


Mark 11:16 …"and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts…"

Jesus actually took over the Temple and stopped the daily sacrifice[s] [symbolically/spiritually ~ for one day]

… as foretold by Daniel [the Prophet] … < Ch 8, 11, 12.

b75376 No.1648465


Explains the hurricane.

4fc64e No.1648466




Set to be arrested June 21st (Summer Solstice)

But I want a sauce to verify this. this is too much wishful thinking

16b6cd No.1648468


time will tell.

27de4f No.1648469

If there are any wandering souls here tonight, souls that thirst for the chance to know the truth of God.

Souls that may lack faith, but desire it.

The best "earthly" way to find God, i think (speaking as a man, scientifically)

then research flat earth. If you can discover this then you

will have no choice but to believe.

Think about it.

b59872 No.1648470

File: 4df790e23cfdbce⋯.jpg (71.57 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 5dfe752b3c9acaaa3ff76370b0….jpg)


So what we're saying is…

Love the Earth too much and she'll murder you…

Like any other woman…

MGTOW confirmed.

dc2c8a No.1648471



Link looks dodgey to me!

a18937 No.1648473


I'm waiting on this. This will be the biggest and deepest red-pill to all the people I've talked to who still sit on the fence about Q. For some reason the pope being arrested is interesting enough to shake the shackles of mind control and peak curiosity. If it happens they will undoubtedly ask for more

baa160 No.1648474


>go to site

>see mention of common law

>see inuits

>a fucking leaf

anon, don't bring this shit here.

e4053c No.1648475

File: 32e05a18b2e1335⋯.jpg (161.02 KB, 532x400, 133:100, 32e05a18b2e13358508f3b8bed….jpg)

631d36 No.1648476


i would not want to be any of these evil fucks

they have to answer to our maker.

i wouldnt sell my soul for any price

my dad was a good man too

he was a country music star and made alot of records

when the big labels wanted to sign him at 16 years old

he walked away. he never talked about it. maybe he will tell me on his death bed, idk.

i will never push him.

b59872 No.1648477

File: 36c6e1883b984b8⋯.jpg (107.72 KB, 400x400, 1:1, what-if-the-blackout-is-ju….jpg)



There's no draft…


4259af No.1648478

File: 5d30f83d9dac56f⋯.png (45.44 KB, 625x396, 625:396, ClipboardImage.png)


f34de2 No.1648479


yeah, this was 4 years before the hurricane… wow

b59872 No.1648480

File: 24f197a89068805⋯.jpg (91.27 KB, 413x395, 413:395, dream_j95ao2kvnlc.jpg)


TFW Keystone and Eagles get the finger…

1e3e61 No.1648481

File: 273fe8631cf4f18⋯.jpg (30.05 KB, 530x298, 265:149, blog.investingnote.comyes-….jpg)


Big if true!

2b2fb9 No.1648482

File: 43392b16069c6dd⋯.jpg (118.63 KB, 1193x674, 1193:674, Smaller Absolute proof of ….jpg)


A Larger pic taken from the RAW video.

af8824 No.1648483


MKUltra is not nearly as powerful as many want to think (see the hero Keith Simons).

Blackmail is more powerful. Sometimes a target realizes that what they have done is not nearly as bad as what the blackmailer has done. "The Hell With You!!! I'm coming clean" has been the last words of many a Clinton victim.

32ea2f No.1648484


Alice and Bob

dc2c8a No.1648485

File: 21139c1736349e8⋯.jpg (160.05 KB, 640x729, 640:729, Clip_2.jpg)

c1d5b4 No.1648486


Back on 18 July 2014 Bergoglio had been convicted by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels for Crimes against Humanity and Complicity in a Criminal Conspiracy that included trafficking and death of children.

Although the Vatican protected Pope Francis from arrest after his 2014 conviction, the May 30 warrant was issued after an informant told the ICLCJ Court that a Ninth Circle Satanic cult child sacrifice to be led by Pope Francis was planned for June 21 2018 Summer Solstice in Geneva prior to meetings of the World Council of Churches (WCC).

e449ec No.1648487




I have some familiarity with the fashion / textile industry. I was a stitcher doing piece work in a dress factory when I was very young, sitting sewing all day, I lasted two-and-a-half weeks, didn't even go back to get my scissors and paycheck. Years later, my interest in the field led me to a book with some essays that touched on the economics / politics, companies bounce from manufacturer to manufacturer to avoid unionizing and having to improve abysmal work conditions. I think it was in the documentary Life and Debt, about how Jamaica got fucked over by IMF and / or World Bank, they brought in these textile businesses, that after some time just evaporated into the night. I think people even came to work one day and they were gone. The fashion industry is ruthless, slave labor all over the planet. Hearing about Kate Spade partnering to set up "artisan" workshops in Haiti is just so much horseshit cover for slave labor.

631d36 No.1648488


go read agenda 21 if you have not

also agenda 2030

we need the fuck out of the un

people have no idea what we have already signed up for with un

agenda 21


small arms treaty, people have no idea there is already laws on the books giving up all guns

b59872 No.1648489

File: 6829d10a15e7dcc⋯.jpg (73.48 KB, 755x1059, 755:1059, 0bb54d22831d053dbc438627a2….jpg)


Cuz like…

Isn't the Supreme Court of PA…

And the Grand Lodge of PA…

Aren't they the "highest in the land" or whatever?

c28cb6 No.1648490

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

good acting.

>muh Vladimir

>kisses trumps ass

>mentions how we learn about how NK got the nukes

94266e No.1648491


Moar weather resources for you

Haby's Maproom


152731 No.1648492



^^ Notable? ^^

Interesting digworthy "shady" company in geoworks

baa160 No.1648493


the day of the rake will come anon, you've been warned

now fuck off with your common law hippie nonsense and get a fucking job

77ea81 No.1648494

File: b7dc38145d65ca4⋯.jpg (276.15 KB, 677x834, 677:834, Found 06062018.jpg)

nice work ALL.

3a238c No.1648495


Some debate over daylight savings time. This could be a :00 delta.

b59872 No.1648496

File: a71677ab5f84b12⋯.jpg (57.08 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 0d1.jpg)


We need to get kicked ooooout of the UN…

So that it was their decision to shoot themselves in the foot.

People will piss and moan about getting back into the UN…

Meanwhile, NAFTA gets kaputz, and we stop making concrete using patented body part tech bullshit.

f52704 No.1648497


Do you think Kimdotcom is in bed with deep state?

267ac7 No.1648498


We've been hearing about arrest warrants for everyone from George Soros to the Queen of England for years. I'll believe it when I see it.

The article is from Before It's News. This is one conspiracy theory site that CNN was right to call Fake News. They mainly run click-bail bullshit that gets turned unto robot-voice YouTube videos to crap up the search results.

11904d No.1648499


that reference

he didn' t have to make it


631d36 No.1648500


u should see the planning commission ,map in cali where the fires was

its part of agenda 21

the fires line up perfect to the agenda 21 planned community

a18937 No.1648501



3f4bba No.1648502



This organisation is not an official organisation. Their judgements have no value in the cabal world as they are not recognised. Their aim is to be the recognised tribunal for when the SHTF.

So this arrest warrant is just wishful thinking, for now at least.

4fc64e No.1648503

> > 1648126

This is the most retarded shit: the sun sets, while the moon rises

fucking duh

631d36 No.1648504

File: dd9c9b58e98f22a⋯.jpg (130.51 KB, 619x464, 619:464, happening - Copy.jpg)

b59872 No.1648505

File: 17979c7031a183e⋯.jpg (251.17 KB, 1546x388, 773:194, dream_hw6urozgybe-2.jpg)


Speaking of which…


MEGA Uploads….

Seth Rich'n'shit…

Was it MEG Anon or MEGAnon?

Cuz liiiiiiike….

a18937 No.1648506

Honest question for my life

Do yall think the music industry will again be profitable when they boot all the satanic ritual sacrifice and demigodism?

c28cb6 No.1648507

File: 46705f28e0898b0⋯.png (430.87 KB, 760x793, 760:793, ClipboardImage.png)

fox writers need help


e449ec No.1648508


I've heard of odious debt, if there isn't already, there should odious laws.

77ea81 No.1648509

File: b915155a29912db⋯.jpg (395.83 KB, 967x855, 967:855, True Pundit 06062018.jpg)


27de4f No.1648510

File: 8b29e4e4ab737a0⋯.jpg (875.42 KB, 1582x1244, 791:622, Keystone-Cops-1912.jpg)

b59872 No.1648511

File: 172a7e31d3e8e0c⋯.jpg (20.07 KB, 720x360, 2:1, horus.jpg)



b75376 No.1648512


Was thinking that.

233db0 No.1648513


The Deep State wants his head on a platter anon.

He's working with the good guys as much as he can.


I was the one that gave MegaAnon her name.

I gave her that name because she seemed to have insider info about KDC and SR. She made lots of posts about servers, access, etc.

Btw we found out that she was a larper.

94266e No.1648514


Two more links for you

Radar school http://www.theweatherprediction.com/radared/

Satellite school


631d36 No.1648515


we need out of nato also

its only nato countries that gets sprayed

like beez in a trap just beez in a trap

a18937 No.1648516


WOAH Kim Dotcom WAS seeking immunity in exchange for infromation regarding "panda" and the JA leaks

932694 No.1648517

File: b929d631c56e867⋯.jpg (57.63 KB, 594x396, 3:2, kim dot com.jpg)


I was thinking the same thing myself after looking at his ex wife

4259af No.1648518


Dec 4, 19:50:10

Q !ITPb.qbhqo


Re-review RED_RED stringer.

Focus on Hussein AIDS Video.

Cross reference.

Date of stringer vs video?

Learn to decider.

News unlocks message.

Find the keystone.


07a1cf No.1648520
















631d36 No.1648521

File: b08d9563a7c3618⋯.jpg (466.41 KB, 1754x2480, 877:1240, favQpost.jpg)


right after the fires Q started posting then here is my fav post

267ac7 No.1648522

There's always a change in the behavior of the board around tis time of night. It's like M_6 shills shill with a different accent than their C_A counterparts.

233db0 No.1648523



94266e No.1648524


Learn to Decipher. Bush's nickname was 'The Decider'


4259af No.1648525

File: 8edc2c54714b2fc⋯.png (287.92 KB, 483x285, 161:95, ClipboardImage.png)


She's white?

233db0 No.1648526



631d36 No.1648527


thought he was Q at first, lol

but yea she looks like a handler

either that or a golddigger

f52704 No.1648528



He gots lots o shekels… pretty loud too.

occasional lead to info, but should be good for moar, considering the bravado… imho… comped in NZ.

3f1ff4 No.1648529

File: 46811b60951903c⋯.png (96.49 KB, 671x539, 61:49, JJMacNab.png)

File: 56a7e99ae762d5d⋯.png (177.87 KB, 1239x910, 177:130, JJMacNab2.png)

File: 48f9f2bc07a5cc3⋯.png (594.67 KB, 1177x830, 1177:830, JJMacNab3.png)


https:// twitter.com/jjmacnab

https:// www.forbes.com/sites/jjmacnab/#4d62559c58d3


e5c097 No.1648530


Each light has their own character for sure. Use an infrared thermometer in moonlight vs moonshade and you will see the opposite temperature effects vs daylight/shade.

a05a5c No.1648531


ThanQ Anon, had to see

4fc64e No.1648532

File: ad9b81e41116078⋯.jpg (313.37 KB, 1576x2358, 788:1179, do it.jpg)



==MAGA, Patriot!

233db0 No.1648533


I don't see why they would treat him like this if he was comped.

Him and Julian are getting basically the same treatment

4259af No.1648534

File: 0cfb59d5025726b⋯.png (388.14 KB, 486x329, 486:329, ClipboardImage.png)

New Miss EU contest winner

in the middle

631d36 No.1648535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

to the anon asking about the other bible book

here it is, i been listening to it.

The Book of Ezra


b59872 No.1648536

File: f797cb62f23036b⋯.jpg (54.83 KB, 564x422, 282:211, d6d95588c14606cc0dde4d06e4….jpg)


Screen grab with a You in it or no dice.

Thaaaaat's famefagging.

"I gave celebanon a nickname!"

Kudos if true, though.

Also, define LARP.

Cuz at this point we have an ARG crafted around Wikileaks info being played by autists who, for some reason, Kek has decided to gather to build up the content for the explanation of how Trump was the face-man while Rogers->Nakasone/Mattis took down the… everyone.

And they are the Q Group.

They're all Q.

And I am SpartiQus.

What's a LARP, again?


That was on the tip of my fingers, thank you. And the World Bank, and the IMF, and no one should be able to hold the copyright to the WWW, so fuck CERN also.


400lb gorilla LARPing as "Hello! A/S/L? I too am a lesbian! Wanna cyber?!" is less of a stretch than you could find on any square inch of his stomach. <3's 4 Kim, (You still a big boy, if you readin' this.)

a18937 No.1648537

File: afe43669df9e902⋯.jpg (9.91 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 8260adfebb96a253e1772090ed….jpg)



Anyone notice the filters they throw on goog images of her dad to make him look black? Both those parents are white as day.

4259af No.1648538

631d36 No.1648539


yes i posted that earlier

the moonlight is colder than out of the light

so it seems the moon is giving off cold

32ea2f No.1648540

File: 5725924da018c6d⋯.png (183.88 KB, 900x801, 100:89, pepgrl2.png)

011a7b No.1648541


whats that?

233db0 No.1648542


MegaAnon is Tracy Beanz

We doxed her a while ago.

I don't have any screengrabs of me naming her and it's not even something I care about, it happened last summer on 4chan during the Seth Rich breakthrough that never happened.

The main reason I brought it up was to get you guys to understand that yes her name is a direct reference to MegaUpload.

e5c097 No.1648543


She obviously doesn't know shit since the term "sovereign citizen" is an oxymoron and she's an "expert" in that. Probably got her BS in BS!

94266e No.1648544


I was making the connection between

'Learn to decider' and 'Learn to decipher'

631d36 No.1648545


amen anon

drop the rod of God on cern please Q

4259af No.1648546

Do we know what happened to Spade?

4259af No.1648547


still lost, keep it simple

233db0 No.1648548


Not quite.

0b442f No.1648549


Anyone know when the last time a presidential candidate din't personally give a concession speech?

533449 No.1648550



Try again.

That's bullshit.

94266e No.1648551


But that would kill the Cernettes.

b59872 No.1648552

File: 4da6266b7bb4651⋯.jpg (153.02 KB, 600x600, 1:1, f3889d02587ed103060d1cfabb….jpg)


My apologies.

Meg's Beanz?

So like… what kin of actor would that make her?

Or should I say (((her)))?

That's interdasting.

631d36 No.1648553


beans beans the magical fruit

the more u eat the more you toot

the more you toot the better u feel

so lets have beans for every meal, lol NOT

533449 No.1648554


What is a qwench?

37d900 No.1648555

File: ddc595cdaede0f6⋯.jpg (208.9 KB, 791x622, 791:622, ohh.jpg)

File: f7a35832895262f⋯.jpeg (8.06 MB, 4938x3624, 823:604, NASA signing.jpeg)

81c1e9 No.1648556

File: 896c13afba31314⋯.jpg (39.36 KB, 611x328, 611:328, Rutte_.jpg)

File: 00e1b9c32f6be33⋯.jpg (17.59 KB, 840x473, 840:473, BilderbergerRutte_Trump_G2….jpg)

File: 8be67aebe6cb55d⋯.jpg (46.48 KB, 694x395, 694:395, Rutte_Trump_Trudeau.jpg)

Dutch prime minister to meet Donald Trump in July

Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte will meat US president Donald Trump at the White House on July 2, the NRC reported on Wednesday. The paper bases its claim on sources in the US and in The Hague, but the state information service RVD has not commented on the report. The Netherlands is the third biggest foreign investor in the US. Talks between the two leaders are now being prepared at a civil service level, the paper said. The talks are expected to include Trump’s new tariffs on European steel and the EU’s response, as well the US decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris agreement on climate change. Last month Rutte described the way US president Donald Trump pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal as ‘bullish’. ‘After being urged by Europe not to do it, the US goes and pulls out of the deal with Iran in a very bullish way,’ Rutte told broadcaster NOS. ‘America is doing all sorts of things under its own steam, without taking its allies into account. And that is not a good thing.’ Rutte went on to say that friendship with the US remains important, but that the assumption that friends listen to each other and take each other into account ‘would appear to have been shot through’.


Another possible topic for discussion is the investigation into the collapse of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in 2014. In addition, all 298 passengers lost their lives. The Netherlands and Australia formally accuse Russia of responsibility for downing MH17 passenger jet.





c28cb6 No.1648557

Moar Winning WW


f52704 No.1648558


As Above, so Below…

POTUS takes many stones as part of the plan.

Deep state must demonize him if he is to be trusted by anon… cover for an asset.

If they wanted his head, they would have it, and all his shekels too.

Eventually, we will learn…. Follow the money.

533449 No.1648559


233db0 No.1648560


It makes her a disinfo shill who was knowingly psyopping the users of 4chan.

I bet she's in the indictments.

94266e No.1648561


It probably doesn't take a Ph. D.

631d36 No.1648562



sorry caps

baa160 No.1648563

File: eb31ff3401706ba⋯.jpg (63.33 KB, 408x560, 51:70, Untitled_Artwork 22.jpg)

11904d No.1648564

sorry for the slide, but I love you all

631d36 No.1648565


a fruit mfer a fruit, lol

233db0 No.1648566


I'll admit, it's possible.

He is a greasy dude, that's for sure.

We'll see.

533449 No.1648567



52805c No.1648568

MyHeritage acknowledged the loss of 92 Million customer accounts.

For those who didn't knew: It's a DNA service…


f34de2 No.1648569


Might be something

Paris 3:34 Eiffel Tower

3d01ba No.1648570

631d36 No.1648571


damn thats another queer that has the most punchable face.

94266e No.1648572


From memory it would be Gore, 2000

aa9a5a No.1648573


Valerie is whiter than Hoggboy

b59872 No.1648574

File: bccff7c3b2e808a⋯.jpg (39.8 KB, 624x513, 208:171, 600ad903d23b1ccc635fc9c203….jpg)



Mmmm…. hol' up.

My understanding of the boards, besides being full of 12 year olds with Tourette's syndrome, was a "know me by my works" approach.

Did MEGAnon every have anything of value?

Did they earn their reputation that we're still talking about them or did they just cause such a meaningless fuss that went nowhere that their notoriety is shameful?

4259af No.1648575

File: 7294e01407dac88⋯.png (12.62 KB, 515x255, 103:51, ClipboardImage.png)


b6f422 No.1648576

Can someone make this readable for strugglin EU anons?

Broward County, FL arm of big police union drops Wasserman Schultz, endorses Republican, Carlos Reyes.


631d36 No.1648577


love ya too, no homo


4fc64e No.1648578

File: 92ea57656b1a3d6⋯.jpg (92.77 KB, 736x764, 184:191, michael-kors-mk-bags.jpg)

>>1648546 not yet

b59872 No.1648579

File: 79a2a26886d2970⋯.jpg (214.68 KB, 552x651, 184:217, dream_ghs5di5p932.jpg)


m0ar whisqers?

4259af No.1648580


just done 16 hours and fucked,,,, brain dead!

d1fccd No.1648581


if deep state takes someone out its probably in their interest to then "loose" that families account. hamper investigations.

f52704 No.1648582


Godspeed to Patriots.

Merciful Justice for evil (evasive) Ones.

Blessings, Anons.

a18937 No.1648583

When is suicide weekend?

b59872 No.1648584


Depends on what kind of scarves you like and what you consider to be a "kickoff"

233db0 No.1648585


Her posts were just good enough to be worth reading but at the same time never actually meant anything or lead to anything valuable.

It was like pulp fiction for the chans.

Her posts were one of the main reasons the Seth Rich digging dried up last year.

We were close, we had his protonmail and skype accounts, and were even digging the deep web for his social media accounts, but after her posts everything just died.

She was definitely paid to be a disinfo shill.

I haven't kept up with Tracy Beanz at all and what she did during Q, but the playbook was probably the same.

e5c097 No.1648586


Look into redevelopment commissions as well. Ferguson riot, Berkeley brawl, Pulse Club in Orlando, etc.

533449 No.1648587


Hard to authenticate all posts.

Many posts were discernable from publicly available information plus critical thinking.

She avoided predictions/timelines, was actually against those that did.

Gut feel? Someone who has spent a lot of time looking at corruption and the intelligence community. Someone who has spent quite some time observing. Watching. Someone with a good agenda was my feel.

0b442f No.1648588

#2 wants immunity or he will plead the 5th

b59872 No.1648589



I'm "The Decider, heh heh"?

37d900 No.1648590

To be, or not to be… we have no choice.

Our life force within our soul shall never die for we are made

like the eternal one, by the eternal one.

The only choice we have, is where we'll be.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begoten son,

that whosever belives in shall not perish but have

everlasting life.

f34de2 No.1648591


Anytime if you qualify for an Arkanscide

4fc64e No.1648592

File: a98b535dbb67047⋯.png (2.85 KB, 800x533, 800:533, serveimage.png)


Tear him a new one, POTUS

Rutten is a liar, a beggar and a thief.

4259af No.1648593

File: d0b30b60acb921d⋯.png (208.88 KB, 1076x464, 269:116, ClipboardImage.png)

Kate Spade



4259af No.1648594



Bag not Bad

11659a No.1648595

File: f9ca8d4930a6570⋯.png (919.49 KB, 1092x877, 1092:877, strange_cat.png)

So… not all too impressed with happenings so far. When's the meat and potatoes going on? Getting bored here.

d1fccd No.1648596


>Broward County, FL. big police union drops Wasserman Schultz, endorses Republican, Carlos Reyes

whats to translate? the police in broward are uniting for trump, against the dems,

4fc64e No.1648597


As above, as below

As above, so below implies a difference.

There is none.

3f4bba No.1648598


I'd kek if it weren't so close to the truth

b59872 No.1648599

File: 48af6aa36719b9b⋯.jpg (45.45 KB, 338x400, 169:200, 4787057.jpg)


How was she responsible for Seth Rich drying up?

I feel like we'll all be remembering his name on 6/11… mayhaps…

Maybe I just want fucking SOMETHING to happen before 11/11, which is 5/11 away, now that I look at it like that.


One for and one against.

Anything other votes?

631d36 No.1648600



their plan was to have us foreal living like hunger games

look at agenda 21 map

living in a few mega citys after they killed off most of us.

land to be given back to wild, no go zones for humans

631d36 No.1648601


anyone know how elections went in cali today?

c28cb6 No.1648602

File: d7516ef7f6ef743⋯.png (22.36 KB, 667x431, 667:431, ClipboardImage.png)


f52704 No.1648603


Instant shill starter!!!

Any idea why infinitychan would be targeted?

Tough to intercept orders this way.



a18937 No.1648604


Well I can't deny that pubg IS a lot of fun…

b59872 No.1648605


oh thaaaat's what I saw get thrown into DeepDreamGenerator… interdasting.

f34de2 No.1648606

File: 25f346cda95ad25⋯.png (54.19 KB, 637x581, 91:83, MyHeritageLeak.PNG)

Just stumbled on this

233db0 No.1648607


Imageboards are a fickle place, especially when there are many newfags present, like there were on 4chan last year.

Mind you this was before the complete takeover of the board by bots. This was back when they still shilled by hand. Now they just slide everything.

Her posts got the majority of the userbase looking the wrong directions and killed any momentum that the oldfags were building to try and dig on Seth Rich. Due to the immensity of the situation it wasn't anything that any one person could do alone - it required organic board cohesion - the kind we used for HWNDU, etc.

Her posts killed all that.

dc2c8a No.1648608


I think Kim is a good guy.

He certainly doesn't get on well with Renegade or former NZPM Key.


631d36 No.1648610


people are fuckin ate up sending dna anywhere

fuck that

a18937 No.1648611


I've heard speculation around (reddit) that this could potentially be used to falsify claims of DNA manipulation in the future

66ec9b No.1648612


<iframe width="1731" height="708" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KrrxuBMpT0s" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

81c1e9 No.1648613


Yep for sure, in power from 2010, third cabinet now. Bilderberger / EU-lover / made a lot of promises, slick, smooth talker / lying his ass off all the time and is getting away with it…

da88a8 No.1648614

File: 50b2e2dbb564f8e⋯.png (285.51 KB, 720x647, 720:647, 20180606_050001.png)

POTUS getting a 2018 Hurricane briefing today and meeting with Rep Senate later in the afternoon.

4fc64e No.1648615

File: dbcfba605cf2a52⋯.jpg (229.58 KB, 1357x900, 1357:900, MKasja_Ollongren.jpg)


He's a puppet and has been form the start. Pic related is the cuntrag they imported from Brussels to take over power: after the cabinet was formed, there was big scandal with one of the ministers and they flew this dyke in.. (M)Kasja Ollongren she's a manical tiran.

The real power lies in his PR departement. There's a fascinating book by Ybeltje Berckmoes where she exposes the hypocrisy and lies that come from the VVD (People's Party of Freedom). It's appaling, yet people are still seemingly voting for it.

b59872 No.1648616

File: 7d80ba178d70b1b⋯.jpg (149.57 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, lion-desktop-wallpapers_01….jpg)


I feel like HWNDU did more to kill it, in that context.

Ultimately, and fuck it let's just say he's alive, you were not supposed to find him. No death report, for example. Where's his body? Blah blah blah.

Why were his family surrounded by the people who tried to kill him?

Why did they say to not look into his murder?

If he was alive?

To not put him in danger.

He couldn't go home, because (((they))) were there waiting for him to make contact.

This is a Most Dangerous Game.

It's not a game.

But you'd better learn to play if you hope to survive The Night.

baa160 No.1648617

File: 4e65d84b50935db⋯.jpg (133.19 KB, 750x498, 125:83, IMG_9689.jpg)

this week:


ig report

nk summit

a18937 No.1648618


HA! Lets see that maybe our guys pull a Salaman and use the meeting to arrest everyone at once!

f52704 No.1648619


From what I seen, dotcom gets on fine… bad press don't seem to bother his means.

We shall see. Meanwhile, I trust in gut.


4fc64e No.1648620


Take a long walk in nature, anon. It will clear your head and give you new inspirations!

841ca4 No.1648621


And Keystone Cop should be capitalised, too.

631d36 No.1648622



i was talking about trudeu

c3047a No.1648623


fuck that guy, he is a deepstate lying son of a bitch who likes to be pegged by Merkel.

734a14 No.1648624


A good time and place to drop a tactical nuke.

4fc64e No.1648625

File: 938671d6baee2e6⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 021cd340c40f9bb7771965facd….jpg)



Well, him too!

4259af No.1648626

File: 4d3f204d22bac7e⋯.png (27.49 KB, 604x245, 604:245, ClipboardImage.png)

631d36 No.1648627


look at erics sun post

af8824 No.1648628

File: 683ea6e4ab0329b⋯.jpg (151.39 KB, 1200x714, 200:119, LibertyTree02.jpg)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 19d1cd No.1508206 📁

May 22 2018 15:07:28 (EST)



v. 11.9


Attack[s] anticipated.


Why are they continuing [internal]?

Attacks will intensify [all sides].


f52704 No.1648629


As it is Above, So it is below.

principle 2, Law of Correspondence.

e4053c No.1648630

File: 6c91955d0b8c2a3⋯.png (27.29 KB, 455x411, 455:411, Eric Trump Q sun2.png)

File: 265eeb2d2febcc3⋯.jpg (62.29 KB, 538x499, 538:499, Eric Trump Q sun 2.jpg)

4fc64e No.1648631


Yes, I know and you are wording it wrong.





subtle, yet crucial, difference.

233db0 No.1648632


HWNDU happened at a completely different time.

And Seth Rich isn't alive, he's fucking dead, they killed him.

His family was surrounded in order that they would be silenced.

We weren't looking for Seth himself, we were looking for communications between him and Assange. We wanted to prove that there was no 'hack'.

Sounds like you have some studying to do.

b59872 No.1648633

File: b31632f3fa383cc⋯.jpg (264.98 KB, 444x811, 444:811, d96505aa6df669bc9715b2b552….jpg)


right? sounds like same to me…

And I've been living the Muh Russia investigation.

My own personal Trump Team and everything.

Attacks like clockwork.

Timing is everything.

631d36 No.1648634


can anyone get to the web page?

b59872 No.1648635


Oddly, that's the point of correctly performed Witness Protection…

Now ain't it?

e09ab1 No.1648636


>why do all you guys who believe in the ball always say the earth casts a shadow

>on the moon?

speak for yourself anon, i haven't been that confused since i was about 4 years old

a65af2 No.1648637

File: 3190190f5fdcef7⋯.jpg (104.84 KB, 682x443, 682:443, buzzaldrin.jpg)

750a1b No.1648638


This was in notables earlier, along with a debunk

>>1645977 , >>1645979 POTUS re-tweeted '@Q' on 04.08.18? - Debunk >>1646312

233db0 No.1648639


That's a twist that even I wouldn't believe.

It's not outside of the realm of possibilities, but if you were there during the dig and saw what we saw, you'd correctly place the possibility of it being true at a very low value.

631d36 No.1648640


yea i seen that, he didnt know and dude answered for him

f52704 No.1648641


Got Sauce for that?

e4053c No.1648642


http:// www.trumptwitterarchive.com/archive

Here is the trump twitter archive. You can search by word , letter, etc. Search for Q , then go to that tweet, and click on link( it takes you to original tweet on twitter) if you want to look at comments.

631d36 No.1648643


all lying masons

a65af2 No.1648644


Funny how the story board shills change their story when the facts are put in front of their face.

Now it's not a shadow?


81c1e9 No.1648645


ok clear, I was not obviously.

e4053c No.1648646


Nm, you are talking about @Q, i thought you were talking about tweet, kek

4fc64e No.1648647


It's simply semantics, anon.

Think for yourself.

631d36 No.1648648


im talking about the link he had in the post

4fc64e No.1648649

notables so far


>>1648087 Clock graphics relating to Pompeo tweet

>>1648113 Donald Trump And Kim Jong Un's Singapore Summit Set For Secluded Resort

>>1648301 California primary results for the usual suspects

>>1648408 Suspicious Board of Directors & Management at Geothermal Company ORMAT

>>1648478 POTUS tweets and mentions a case in relation to Keystone

>>1648556 POTUS to meet Dutch PM Mark Rutte on July 2nd

>>1648557 Anti-establisment president of the Czech Republic stays in power.

>>1648568 MyHeritage (DNA-company) acknowledges loss of 92 million customer accounts

1e3e61 No.1648650

File: ed298e0c48d3f42⋯.png (613.56 KB, 586x584, 293:292, tenor.png)


NASA lies a lot = flat earth? WHAT???

1f4d00 No.1648651

Good Morning, ANONS of the early am shift!

631d36 No.1648652


good morning to you anon

e4053c No.1648653

File: 0e54c8ddf1df47e⋯.jpg (108.88 KB, 666x499, 666:499, 25932h.jpg)


Good Morning

f52704 No.1648654


Simple Semantics… that is what I learn here.

Simple Simon Says.

Thanks for that Sarce for your pov.

a65af2 No.1648655


Takes more than one crumb to make a loaf of bread.

4259af No.1648656

File: dda0017794a68b2⋯.png (89.68 KB, 877x396, 877:396, ClipboardImage.png)


could this be a new platform?

1f4d00 No.1648657


Hey, anon. I saw the debunk last night and asked the original poster if he was insinuating that the @Q was accidentally added because of the copy paste API, app, ect.

Original poster never replied.

I'm not completely satisfied with the debunk.

Why wouldn't POTUS just delete the tweet and repost it properly.

ALSO I AM NOT ADVOCATING FOR outside comms or legitimizing the handle @Q, just seems odd.

e09ab1 No.1648658

File: 08bcaf4c1b90a3c⋯.png (18.52 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepe_tucker.png)


Never said it was and never seen anyone else say it was. I think you took a wrong turn somewhere. Reddit isn't even that stupid, maybe you meant to find xanga?

233db0 No.1648659


Yes, when the time is right.

Some people can never be reached on here.

0b442f No.1648660

File: cfdff97aa459118⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1804x522, 902:261, gvcnvcm.png)

4259af No.1648661


Joined 2010

a18937 No.1648662


Especially not when we have the site flooded with irrelevant flat earth nonsense and repentfag BS

4469d5 No.1648663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tired of lies?

I AM!!!

631d36 No.1648664


maybe, Q will tell us

as of now, no outside comms

d5a586 No.1648665

File: f0fa686d2d70d36⋯.jpg (402.28 KB, 1078x1359, 1078:1359, SmartSelect_20180606-12193….jpg)


SKY Event

I have a gut feeling this might be the SKY Event

S - Snowden

K - Kim Dotcom

Y - Yeezus / Assange

"Kim Dotcom has invited Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and members of Europe’s largest association of hackers to create a secure social media platform to replace "deep state conspirators" Twitter and Facebook."

https://twitter . com/RT_com/status/1004041407261171712?s=20

a18937 No.1648666

So did the anons lead Q to 8chan or am I supposed to believe old people know how to use computers?

4259af No.1648667


says 13 tweets then says @q has not tweeted yet?

631d36 No.1648668


seen this before and would be awesome but how do u get sky event out of this?

e09ab1 No.1648669

File: d7e06fdcf5ad1ab⋯.png (305.08 KB, 540x375, 36:25, kimdotfatfucklarp.png)


Until I see this fat fuck do anything noteworthy, I'm gonna keep assuming he's a useless fat fuck.

233db0 No.1648670


The account used to be owned by someone else, you can find the archives out there.

Ariel Raunstien

I looked into him, seems to be an Israeli computer guy who grabbed the Q username because it was available and cool. Unsure if there's any connection.


Ignore it

734a14 No.1648671


Shit, I bet I have T shirts older than you.

750a1b No.1648672


Yea, I was baking so didn't look completely into it at the time. I know someone added to the debunk (maybe that poster replying to you?), and asked it to be added. I was stepping out then so didn't read it but it wasn't added to notes. Im sure it was in the same bread as debunk 1, or the one after.

b6f422 No.1648673


no translating needed..we just can't open the site..lawsnshit..just a graphic to read and archive..thanks anon

f52704 No.1648674


>>1641222 prior bread

233db0 No.1648675


He's going to evolve into Kim Dotgov and help lock up the deep state.

a65af2 No.1648676

File: 742a3108fe3a9f7⋯.jpg (388.05 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, sky clock.jpg)

File: 159979ba688d232⋯.jpeg (37.14 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ying yang.jpeg)

File: 46c89c380a56f26⋯.jpg (46.8 KB, 644x640, 161:160, Dome Earth pic.jpg)

Now you know the true origin of the ying yang symbol.

The true clock is on the second heaven, above your head.

454f7d No.1648677

a18937 No.1648678

a18937 No.1648679


Name change imminent

e09ab1 No.1648680

File: e3955357d9f7796⋯.png (273.77 KB, 660x376, 165:94, ClipboardImage.png)


If that happens, I'll eat my hat… if he doesn't eat it first.

631d36 No.1648681


yep also the reference of turtle and the hare

d2ea07 No.1648682

File: b5f337761fb2da1⋯.png (140.77 KB, 532x410, 266:205, ticktock.png)

e4053c No.1648683

File: f551173c04c143c⋯.jpg (52.29 KB, 584x500, 146:125, 2bphcl.jpg)




I think this is HUGE,,

Q may confirm this twitter in the future, and start dropping crumbs or information on that platform?

This is an epic connection.

f52704 No.1648684


No Homo.

Love moves in this vile ocean.

a18937 No.1648685

As far as Kim Dotgov goes, I'm still waiting on MegaBox to make my music career profitable. Dude hasn't delivered shit

631d36 No.1648686


that would be cool to get to more normies but as of now, no outside comms

so we will have to wait and get com from Q

233db0 No.1648687



f52704 No.1648688



Digits win.

e09ab1 No.1648689

File: ccd1f44c7c5c1b8⋯.png (8.95 KB, 178x178, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Thus far, kim.nothingburger is more likely

750a1b No.1648690


I thought the same at first, then I saw this >>1645979


8101cf No.1648691


Upgraded to large! With fries!

631d36 No.1648692


super size

b6f422 No.1648693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




fatfauck made ads..while MU was on a high because they allowed multiple free user downloads at once..i remember it to be very popular..days after the ad was released they raided..

a65af2 No.1648694

OK, enough FE for me. Just had to support my fellow anons who have their sight.

Now, let me ask if anyone has confirmed a warrent for the arrest of pope?

a18937 No.1648695



Hopefully this actually attracts the audience napster had and doesn't become another spotify money pit. Been waiting on this for YEARS.

d1fccd No.1648696

File: 78a3928dab4ece2⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1344x3629, 1344:3629, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

4259af No.1648697


READ MORE: The Seth Rich conspiracy shows how fake news still works

"I know this because in late 2014 a person contacted me about helping me to start a branch of the Internet Party in the United States. He called himself Panda. I now know that Panda was Seth Rich," Dotcom wrote on his website, below an ad for his electro album and embeds of his music videos.

633a0f No.1648698


News flash - Old people built everything about computers, environments/platforms/languages/nerworks/hardware - in short EVERYTHING upon which you do you TINY little bit of whatever you think is innovative. Meaning the old people were/are innovative and you just pile on to what already exists. 256 baby!

1e3e61 No.1648699


I hope not. I don't want to use twart.

5ac50b No.1648700

File: b0248a04bac0e2f⋯.jpg (66.25 KB, 956x788, 239:197, f6db2c197112ab1cd4787ab019….jpg)


Potential Organ Donor? WTF?

8101cf No.1648701


I doubt Q would put @jack in his sights and awaken us to distrust Twitter, then start using it as a platform which would ultimately lead to @jack getting more revenue. Pipedream.. this board is more powerful than any of us know.

b6f422 No.1648703



a18937 No.1648704


It was mostly a joke. I'm still rolling every time I remember that they left layer files on BHO's birth certif

0ae292 No.1648705


oh, well, the BIBLE says it so it must be. fucking idiot.

233db0 No.1648706


He's got a lot of chutzpah that's for sure.

4259af No.1648707


my mind you did read!

e4053c No.1648708


Maybe it is for after Jack is gone, after Twitter has been cleaned.( like months or even a year from now)

631d36 No.1648710


u will see and one day be on ur knees

now go away shill

f52704 No.1648711


Does that make us oldfags responsible for the state of the world today?

e449ec No.1648712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Couldn't find the complete clip. This story does not hang together, people acting weird just to begin with. There's more weirdness when you dig.



1e3e61 No.1648713

File: 4ade4a9a17d99de⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1728x1779, 576:593, look-motherfucker-even-i-k….jpg)

e09ab1 No.1648714


Oh yeah I remember that, vaguely.


Well let's see, because I'm pretty sure he became an informant when hussein's FBI raided him. Now we have changes happening in the FBI… FREEDOM DAY, etc…

b6f422 No.1648715


he made a lot of money with this shit..that's also for sure..to pay out all these creeps..i mean..they endorse a service that stole (((their))) "intellectual property"

631d36 No.1648716


nope im an xer and i see some of the youngsters getting shitty and rude to boomers

being disrespectful

i always stick up for you, because we where all lied to and duped.

i been awake for years way before Q

some of the kids on here just woke with Q and get so disrespectful

i named him disrespectfulanon and he has alot of growing up to do.

d5a586 No.1648717



Dotcom still has a beef with Hollywood & then VP Biden, who tried to destroy him.

I think he's legit.

a65af2 No.1648718


Yep, that's right. The LIVING word of God.

The only book that reads you while you're reading it.

633a0f No.1648719


KEK. Nope, just data breaches.

a18937 No.1648720


For fucks sake they took his luxury cars!

e95c01 No.1648721

Any arrests yet?

fd58d8 No.1648722


That video is just being misused. As anyone who has been in the far North or South knows, it's a common sight to have the sun and moon like that during certain parts of each year.

Flat earth klowns need to drop the nonsense, unless they can show where the edge is. If they can't do that, they need to crawl back under their rock. None of then has ever shown the edge, cause the planet is a sphere.

Flat earth nonsense is being propagated to discredit good people.

4259af No.1648723

File: 6452282ae1df534⋯.png (14.66 KB, 667x251, 667:251, ClipboardImage.png)


translation of text on old account

631d36 No.1648724


first shift shill on duty e95c01

233db0 No.1648725


Yeah, strange behavior from them, and the panda symbolism is strange too.

e95c01 No.1648726

Sorry it's an honest simple question. Are those not allowed?


233db0 No.1648727


What else can you read from there?

4259af No.1648729


what if @snowden drops a few lines of code to help?

b6f422 No.1648730



f52704 No.1648731



Being woke daily.

Studied electronics in 80s, built many of the ropes and chains, helped to wake me.

Now I take manual labor jobs for minimal gains for fear of supporting evil.

Corruption leads to Ineptitude.


These PPL are Stupid.

734a14 No.1648732

File: 2ee11018b024642⋯.jpg (29.35 KB, 480x360, 4:3, KILLDOZER.jpg)


Sometimes, you piss off the wrong guy.

750a1b No.1648733


Super strange.

8d3af2 No.1648735

File: a2e5b75dbaa7266⋯.png (511.06 KB, 691x685, 691:685, MUHFLAT.PNG)

File: 3343c372a0b7c69⋯.png (493.87 KB, 738x444, 123:74, flathell.PNG)

File: 8fd840b7528b2dd⋯.png (726.19 KB, 679x608, 679:608, flatpressure.PNG)

File: bfc87a529dd213a⋯.png (335.71 KB, 695x736, 695:736, FLATTUMORY.PNG)

File: e1a832a56363a6b⋯.png (393.75 KB, 688x416, 43:26, flathellary.PNG)

>> 1648126

e09ab1 No.1648736


Nothing would surprise me at this point. If he's got McCabe off his ass and his intentions are pure, then let's get him on a treadmill and save the interenet!

9c17fe No.1648737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can we agree that NASA has been lying to us

but Flat Eearth smells like DISINFO to waste our time

aa9a5a No.1648738


Apply the keystone


9e0dc4 No.1648739

File: c1613f1a6158a78⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2362x2362, 1:1, JesusLucifer.jpg)


> lucifer is the greatest lier

{{Kikes}} not even spell-checking their blasphemous trickeries nowadays?

I love how they continuously attempt to flip/coop incontrovertible arguments/criticisms against them, to act as it they represent the side of truth.

This generally manifests as kikes dropping things that are 95-98% true, with a seemingly minor twist, to redirect/focus blame on the wrong party.

In this post, we can observe this tactic used multiple times. The choice of point to use also reveals sth {{kikes}} do not like to reveal: that THEIR presence in Ancient Greece is what is recorded in the Bible as the "Kingdom of Judea".

Palestine was never any home to {{them}}, every claim they have to Palestine is based on highly exagerated/fabricated accounts of what they did in Ancient Greece, under names {{Pythogoras}}, {{Socrates}}, {{Crates}}, {{Isocrates}}, and {{Hippocrates}}. Christ himself calls this out when he condemns the {{Hypocrates}} [capital "H"].

Here, in linked post, they attempt to invert what Manetho revealed about them–that they literally took the holy/proper rights of Egypt and inverted them to create a cult of de-lumination, focused on domination of others rather than freedom of self.

Key to this endeavor is tricking the populace into cooperating in the persecution and rejection of those who are sent by God to bring illumination to the World, hence "They murder all the prophets".

Question is: how long have they been doing this?

Answer is (per the above): since pre-Bible times

They position themselves as "interpreters" of all knowledge (lawyers, educators, doctors, etc) and use that position to warp public understanding of ideas and historical events. They can thus claim innocence before God, as they do not hide Truth.

The above is the ONLY reason why their Noahide laws include "establishment of courts", as this allows them to infiltrate as "impartial arbiters".

The linked post serves as a useful decoder, once the above is understood; {{Kikes}} lie by:

- Masking ID of Satan: its the resentful spirit of the Crone, the primordial Darkness who drains Light from others, in order to sustain herself, aka Moloch, Eve, Lillith, and Esther.

- Suggesting we all serve the same God and are obstructed by the same Satan (lit "Accuser").

- Taking the Angel of Light, by whom all things are Created according to Natural Law, and making branding his Spirit and nature as Evil.

"Anti-Satanic" is NOT evil.

"Anti-Semitic" == "Anti-Satanic".

Christ represents the Spirit that burns brightest in in Men & Youths, Autists Niggers and Gaylords.

{{Hollywood}} thus inverts reality to portray this nature as evil, while making the resentful, life-hating soul-sucking Crone an object of sympathy.

Do not be fooled. Hang em by their own entrails.

1106de No.1648740

File: efe9b10191c4759⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 513x684, 3:4, yoda.jpg)


second that

b6f422 No.1648741


how much space is left there? how many characters?

4259af No.1648742

File: eb3cd2e4380dd21⋯.png (339.22 KB, 627x570, 11:10, ClipboardImage.png)

a18937 No.1648743

Can someone give me a quick newfaggy type answer?

Trip codes are random strings of letters and numbers. What is the highlighted ID numbers supposed to represent on qanon.pub and why are they all different?

233db0 No.1648744



b6f422 No.1648745


35 characters

d5a586 No.1648746

File: 4d3172f9cda6620⋯.jpg (275.44 KB, 1079x703, 1079:703, SmartSelect_20180606-12505….jpg)


FEB, 18th

GEOTUS tweeting about Dotcom here?

I find this crew highly interesting, Assange/Dotcom/Snowden – the Rat Pack

There was an interview with Pamela Anderson on Tucker, I think yesterday. She said that if Assange was to step outside the embassy, he would be arrested and extradited to the US.

3f4bba No.1648747


These IDs change every bread. It is just the ID used by Q on the bread he posted.

263408 No.1648748


Commander At U.S. Marine Air Base In Okinawa Fired For 'Loss Of Trust And Confidence'


8d3af2 No.1648749


> 631d36 73 shitposts

233db0 No.1648750


Yeah it could be,

that's what I thought anyways. It was a good line.

9e0dc4 No.1648751


I too saw this as a refer to Kim Dotcom.

Guess they are all in on the keks.

263408 No.1648752


better sauce :


e09ab1 No.1648753


Not that I've seen, aside from harvey wankstain

a65af2 No.1648754

Can't really seem to find anyting notable this morning.

Am I wrong? Please point out any fruitful digs in the last 24.

8101cf No.1648755


Checked and kek'd. Dotcom is a putrid fat cunt CONFIRMED

Baker, Notable

d1fccd No.1648756


and NXIVM and alison mack

1e4ff1 No.1648757

File: c33cf89f073c736⋯.png (252.53 KB, 992x1337, 992:1337, 2018-06-02 why 8ch went do….png)

>June 6

what do anons think will happen today?

367d61 No.1648758


Another anon actually found pics of that truck in the daylight.

4259af No.1648759

File: abe2ae2941b19b1⋯.png (27.65 KB, 622x249, 622:249, ClipboardImage.png)



what if trump gave us the 1st part of the URL to find the map in this tweet?

we simply need to add the keystone to open the site?

233db0 No.1648760


Best guess? Look up Q drops related to Day of Days, DoD, etc.

e09ab1 No.1648761

File: a4b4b858b931d9d⋯.jpg (53.17 KB, 799x403, 799:403, Selection_158.jpg)


Well, he did respond…

233db0 No.1648762


That url works if you remove the @ symbol


2b9b7b No.1648763

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 263d9390017ab777cbdd742b59….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm this day and forever.

4259af No.1648764



https://t.co/cYpx4eC9W WG1WGA

does not work but you get the idea?

a773cc No.1648765


this is still, seriously insane.

f0723a No.1648766

File: bee0cdac288ff6d⋯.png (654.05 KB, 967x504, 967:504, ClipboardImage.png)

a65af2 No.1648767


Oh, you gonna drag me into this aint you? You never seen the back of the moon either.

Sure, we could fake a pic like nasa does, but

then that just wouldn't be honest.

d1fccd No.1648768

File: 023728514188744⋯.jpg (41.41 KB, 715x566, 715:566, Clipboard0404.jpg)


>That url works


not for me

233db0 No.1648769



a65af2 No.1648770

File: a899917bf5be0a8⋯.jpg (87.01 KB, 640x514, 320:257, truth.jpg)

56cbe3 No.1648771


It reminds me of an episode of, "How It's Made." Fish food flakes are made with powdered blood as well. It shows the workers cutting open a paper bag (like 50lb bag of flour) and dumping it in the mix. It clearly says on the bag, "blood." And this red dust cloud just swirls around the worker. That's gotta be healthy, right?

367d61 No.1648772

f0723a No.1648773

File: ac28dc15ef80ab6⋯.jpg (501.74 KB, 1417x1701, 1417:1701, comfy.jpg)


assange should let himself extradited, the law is on his side.

c98aaf No.1648774


Beginning of phase 3. PAIN.

Phase 1=election

Phase 2= setting the stage

Phase 3= pain

Phase 4= rebuild and help others

Phase 5=profit?

d1fccd No.1648775

File: 6b6500635ee30ad⋯.png (396.13 KB, 774x352, 387:176, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

4259af No.1648776

File: ccb7b543682fb1f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1131x732, 377:244, ClipboardImage.png)

e449ec No.1648777


Yeah, when SR was all the rage, nobody would mention any strangeness about the panda. What's really bizarre is why that interview with Mr. Giggles in front was even released. It has to have been intentional, but to what end I don't know, I can only think it was to feed conspiracists.

313786 No.1648778

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

File: 083b39b855f014b⋯.png (542.95 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfs.png)

750a1b No.1648779

Do we have a baker?

56cbe3 No.1648780


But the baddies in Congress are still in place. Maybe after midterm turnover. The only other way is if POTUS pardons him immediately, AND, refuses extradition to the other Clown countries that want him dead. He is in danger, no matter WHAT happens.

f0723a No.1648781

File: c5bcaac44866ede⋯.png (298.23 KB, 624x508, 156:127, ClipboardImage.png)

4259af No.1648782



shows Eric Trump

e09ab1 No.1648783

File: 8068c065e9fb3dd⋯.jpg (50.29 KB, 457x546, 457:546, jesus.jpg)


Last day of Gemini.

Hahaha that would confirm my interpretation of this painting.

a65af2 No.1648784

File: 02e5610afe30142⋯.jpeg (333.96 KB, 630x420, 3:2, tyrany.jpeg)

4259af No.1648785



link in trumps tweet removing the Q links to Eric Trump

56cbe3 No.1648786


Serious question; can a baker bake from a smartphone? I rarely turn on the old dinosaur puter in the basement. If so, I will look into learning how to bake bread. IRL, I make a mean banana bread KEK

233db0 No.1648787


I don't think a billionaires son could make the posts that Q makes

there's a certain edge to the posts that his life wouldnt provide for


symbolism = downfall

just have to decode it

seth rich:

nickname panda

twitter handle pandas4bernie

passwords justice44 freedom44

whats a panda?

cumpanda pizza connection unsure

Its possible he was on their side until bernie got shafted then he flipped

3f4bba No.1648788


Wishful thinking. See >>1648502

a18937 No.1648789

I have the same b-day as trump hopefully that astrological connection will grant me equal success and fortune!

d4681f No.1648790


FBI and DOJ are still comped. JA could be in for a world of hurt and expense if he turns himself in.

b6f422 No.1648791

File: 65b7b40f4623652⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1316x648, 329:162, image.png)


getting this..


367d61 No.1648792


Says the person with 29 shotposts.

Eat moar used tampons.

4fc64e No.1648793


yes, im baking

Can use a handoff next bread

9b09ad No.1648794

File: 111cd595f96820f⋯.jpg (40.35 KB, 446x450, 223:225, images.duckduckgo.jpg)

d4681f No.1648795


It is a royal pain.

Ideally you need to have a text editor on the phone and be pretty accurate with typing. But it can be done.

e09ab1 No.1648796


Basically not operating under maritime law.

4259af No.1648797


1st time i linked i got eric with no content only the banner

a65af2 No.1648799

File: f6bd950ea718cde⋯.jpeg (5.95 MB, 3500x2335, 700:467, hil.jpeg)

a18937 No.1648800


None of my posts have aided in disruption or any nefarious purpose other than keeping me entertained for the 7 hours I've been lurking. Eat shit.

7b5d4a No.1648801

File: abde54075f169b0⋯.png (327.63 KB, 601x566, 601:566, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

File: f4abc3137f3e9e2⋯.png (304.38 KB, 625x469, 625:469, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

File: d1cbef815568212⋯.png (61.73 KB, 626x358, 313:179, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)

for those who use twatter

this guy is a GREAT source of information


b4bc82 No.1648802



You don't seem to know the meaning of the word.

750a1b No.1648803


I'd join you in the banana bread. Keked.

Idk about phonebaking but i've done it on ipad in emergencies. Can be done.


You're the man. Respec'

a773cc No.1648804


class all the way.

we really do help help out here.

56cbe3 No.1648805


Thanks Anons. I'll look into it moar

4259af No.1648806

File: 7492c2e049f7ca8⋯.png (638.18 KB, 549x417, 183:139, ClipboardImage.png)

entering this into twitter


goes to this pic

could a techfag lease check the cuff-link in the shirt?

f0723a No.1648807

File: 5d97e684201a194⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 3732x3482, 1866:1741, RR.jpg)


he would have to do it as openly as possible with Trump watching over it. The main point is as far as US law is concerned he did nothing any reporter does everyday here.

7b5d4a No.1648808

File: 131469bca80ea82⋯.png (302.21 KB, 1085x688, 1085:688, Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at ….png)



a18937 No.1648809


If my commentary is an issue I'll just watch from the sidelines then. Better than anything you'll hear from a shill

e449ec No.1648810


I was all over the territory. My time is stretched too thin, I moved on.

a65af2 No.1648811

File: 519ef34d17d5656⋯.png (56.37 KB, 720x720, 1:1, dice.png)


a773cc No.1648812


what report is this?

750a1b No.1648813


Hope no one else is…

f0723a No.1648814



d1fccd No.1648815




4fc64e No.1648816




367d61 No.1648818


Johnny Depp looks great. That's what recovery looks like.

This is the best he's looked in years.

Look at his eyes…..clear

9e0dc4 No.1648820

File: 0653b143239558a⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2016x1512, 4:3, IMG_2021.JPG)

File: 9b3733f507cca2f⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1200x788, 300:197, ClipboardImage.png)



C'mon faggots,

Stop messing with the Muggles.

Earth is BOTH flat and spherical.

Think "holographic universe", go on with life.

The REAL real reality-breaking shock is that Earth is not only alive and intelligent, but that it reproduces with genitalia similar to ours.

Take a good look at the map. You will ALWAYS find peni(n)s-ulas arrayed with droplets of islands aligned, as if ejaculated from the main land mass.

"Fault lines" cannot explain this. Points back to ancient tales of us living WITHING a larger organism, a giant that was slayed/cowed that awakens regularly to feed and/or purge itself…

Also–"infinite sky" is the day time sky, Einstein was tasked with masking this by establishing the speed of light as finite. The night sky is intelligent.

sauce: random japanese chick I used bang

a773cc No.1648829


i am hoping inducements will fall on dems, running for office, in ca.

it could make their run for office, impossible.

6b4469 No.1648831

File: fc68ec2f82a868c⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 320x180, 16:9, _98812622_043069144.jpg)

a0fd9e No.1648832


Let's say you're a cat and you plan to release July 1 because that's when your prison will finish construction. Why wouldn't you mislead everyone about 5 times before that to get people to be chatty and make mistakes? By the 6th time they won't be so careful.

4fc64e No.1648833

new bread

new bread

new bread

new bread




8101cf No.1648834

Two breads for #2074

4fc64e No.1648835




this one is the correct bread



retard baker has no metathreadreadingcomprehensions


32d15e No.1648836


Bakers are shills

750a1b No.1648837


Anon, I'm really sorry, I baked. Didn't think there was anyone here, am tired and missed your message.

I'll put an abandon notice on it and request it's deleted. No worries. Apologies again.

94266e No.1648840


What ever happened to the 'Unitary Executive' anyway?

6b4469 No.1648844


I do not see this tweet on trumps page.

/fake and gay?

2001cc No.1648845


We could technically depose by force the executive branch of California's government. Well that's arguable. The state is in an active state of insurrection and the only thing that will stop the shit is by removing these criminals from office.

Alternatively I'd be happy with indictments of Brown, Newsom, DeLeon, and Becerra.

4fc64e No.1648847

So, once again

next bread


Apologies for the haziness

007e61 No.1648849


Look at the date genius

7b5d4a No.1648850

File: 2f4e6be9931aba5⋯.jpg (83.68 KB, 817x421, 817:421, halperhelper.jpg)

not that it wasn't already a ridiculous premise to begin with…. but this really destroys the idea that they had a spy in the trump camp to "protect him"

"we need to protect trump campaign from russian influence… lets place a spy that loves hillary in there"

f52704 No.1648851



Thanks, Baker.

Wishing you Peace.

a65af2 No.1648852

File: dd703052ae8d981⋯.jpg (340.41 KB, 1240x827, 1240:827, BREAD.jpg)

We gots room for lots a baked bread. kek


e09ab1 No.1648855

File: 7729e0fac9a19f5⋯.jpg (188.52 KB, 900x956, 225:239, Selection_159.jpg)


>random japanese chick I used bang


the japanese know something we don't

also, doesn't YHWH translate to "explosion" in hebrew, particularly a sexual explosion…

moar on hologram earth pls, anyone?

4259af No.1648856



734a14 No.1648857

New bread. I hear the birds chirping outside, that means I have been up for 18 hours.

Happy hunting.

f0723a No.1648858


i shall cause to be come what I shall cause to become.

750a1b No.1648860


No end to the bread fren. kek

2623d2 No.1648862

File: af53aae33390a6d⋯.jpg (18.04 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 12b59ff31f496427ec4708a1a0….jpg)

Sleep deprivation leads to….>>> picture

Speaking from experience..lol

d1fccd No.1648863

File: 6d36a5da48c92b2⋯.png (173.98 KB, 768x1562, 384:781, qibor.png)

7f53ab No.1648864


The tech is strong in this one. Let us extract them for the project.

367d61 No.1648865

What if the cabal harvests babies from PP?

What if we've been lied to and they actually do very few actual abortions?

PP dpes about 500k abortions a year, only harvesting 25% equals 125,000 live babies.

Are there tunnels to these sites?

What equipment is in these places?

d1fccd No.1648867

File: 2dc19fc0f99046c⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 2079x6802, 2079:6802, Qalways.jpg)

367d61 No.1648869




a65af2 No.1648870

File: 00ce692627fb8eb⋯.jpeg (233.63 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, sleepy.jpeg)

It's too quiet and nothing to talk about today.

Making me sleepy.


057684 No.1648871


>>>So how do the Moon and the Sun stay up there? Giant strings?

Probably the same thing that keeps the translucent gaseous orbs around the sun, which periodically cause the eclipse. https:// www.hooktube.com/watch?v=iH5tJ_gpKAo

Buoyancy is one guess.

>>What keeps us stuck to the ground?

Gravity is the artifact of the inflow of ether (in a vertical plane, which is why Michelson-Morley did not get the expected result), into matter, giving it substance.

See: The Evolution of Force - Gustave LeBon 1920

d1fccd No.1648873

File: 8daa7b9ea17902f⋯.png (266.22 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, ibor.png)

File: 01a8bfcd72a0a13⋯.png (563.63 KB, 2872x3448, 359:431, Qibor2.png)

521073 No.1648874

File: 3e257f529219cdb⋯.jpg (255.39 KB, 800x1177, 800:1177, 800px-Leonardo_da_Vinci,_S….jpg)


d1fccd No.1648875

File: c5acd7db98789dd⋯.png (20.99 KB, 466x612, 233:306, iborr.png)

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