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File: c03ad2a5b41b685⋯.jpeg (170.17 KB, 722x722, 1:1, c03ad2a5b41b6853b3556cdea….jpeg)

1f622f  No.15838191[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15406820 Meme Requests

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1f622f  No.15838197


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15676854 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls

>>15731793 Organizing notes on Ukraine (etc) to avoid "wall-of-text buns

>>15790843 Deletions & Bans on QR Policy

>>15814240 TS@Q posts



>>15837457 The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation is asking a Russian court to declare that Meta (Facebook) as an extremist organization and ban its activities in Russia.

>>15837462 A hospital in Germany is now withholding all medical care from Russians and Belarusians.

>>15837487 "Scheduled" Events for: 11MAR22

>>15837491 Morning BIFF85

>>15837502 Sixty years ago the United States roasted the Soviet Union in a UN Security Council meeting convened over the Cuban Missile Crisis

>>15837505 The South Carolina Forestry Commission worker could get a maximum of five years in prison if convicted.

>>15837514 U.N. council to meet at Moscow’s request over U.S. biolabs claim, as Zelensky dismisses chemical weapons allegation

>>15837572 “The nature of damage to the hospital can mislead the mass audience in Europe & US—For which this performance was made.

>>15837603 WHO says it advised Ukraine to destroy pathogens in health labs to prevent disease spread

>>15837650 New DJT! Big Rally in South Carolina this Weekend

>>15837689 Carlo Maria Viganò New World Order The Great Reset Ukraine-Russia conflict Vladimir Putin Volodymyr Zelensky

>>15837794 Members of Congress Caught Profiting Off Ukraine War

>>15837838 Breaking: Russia Releases Alleged Captured Documents Before UN Special Council Meeting Exposing Evidence of US Military Biolabs in Ukraine (VIDEO)

>>15837846, >>15837906 Call to Dig - Search the Podesta emails for Ukraine and Victor Pinchuk

>>15837848 NoName Up NIGHTWATCH just took a turn around the block…

>>15837896 Judge warns special counsel over provocative court filing

>>15837955 Kamala, The most inspiring VP of all time?

>>15837970, >>15837991 Statement On The Truth Social @Q Account

>>15837998 Senators sign declaration of war to Russia along with Romney


>>15838157 Prosecutors will drop a second-degree murder charge against a former television station security guard who shot a pro-police demonstrator

>>15838158 Qlcoking fagging Florence 2.0 Today is :55 11 MAR 2022


>>15838213 FBI Documents Reveal US Funded Charlottesville Rioters Through Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Group

>>15838961 #20027 as posted in #20028


>>15836647 Klaus Schwab’s ‘World Economic Forum’ Cuts Off “All Relations” With Russia, Scrubs Putin From WEF Website

>>15836743, >>15836717, >>15836724, >>15836709, >>15836748 Carlo Maria Viganò New World Order The Great Reset Ukraine-Russia conflict Vladimir Putin Volodymyr Zelensky

>>15836672 LIVE: Putin holds meeting with members of Security Council start at 14:40

>>15836782 Smokies pull over dude who tried causing an accident with the truckers , Peoples Convoy

>>15836794 Everything We Are Hearing About Ukraine is Propaganda and Fake News

note-taker change

>>15836795 Q Delta drops

>>15836873, >>15836874 Christopher Steele says Putin has made "gross miscalculations" [really???]

>>15836892 Rep. Hudson Introduces Bill to Streamline Ammo Donations to Ukraine

>>15836910 Diesel Soars to Record High, Impacting 3.5 Million American Truckers

>>15836917 Klaus Schwab’s ‘World Economic Forum’ Cuts Off “All Relations” With Russia, Scrubs Putin From WEF Website

>>15836939 Senator Ted Cruz on Fox News, Per Monica Requested on Mar 10-2022

>>15836940 Brian Cates: What a Difference a Week Makes

>>15836993 Russia preps to disconnect from global net - Election Wizard

>>15837002, >>15837006 CV19 fake vax accumulates in the ovaries - now official

>>15837014, >>15837014 Police find parachutes near mystery crash site

>>15837039 18 Republicans helped pass the terrible omnibus

>>15837056, >>15837079 Study summarizing activity by one of the Ukrainian Biolabs - Oct 2020

>>15837100 Convoy Update - Hagerstown MD

>>15836672, >>15837108 Putin Meets with members of Security Council

>>15837120, >>15837158, >>15837175, >>15837197, >>15837223, >>15837385 GLOBAL HEALTH SECURITY AGENDA


>>15837398 #20026

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Post last edited at

1f622f  No.15838206


>>15835871 Russia calls U.N. meeting on U.S. "biological activities" – U.S. says "false flag" - cbs news - no source

>>15835884 Qdrop 997 - pope will be having a terrible may - Robert Pope ?

>>15835891, >>15835938, Katie Polglase is an Investigative Researcher based at CNN's London Bureau. 0 mp4 video

>>15835896, >>15835911, Dr. Robert Malone: Ukraine Biolab Watchtower An attempt to triangulate something approximating truth about Ukraine and Biolabs - rwmalonemd.substack.com

>>15835913 Ukraine On Fire oliver stone docu - rumble link

>>15835956 Futures in New York fell below $106 a barrel on Friday and are down almost 9% this week - market watch various

>>15835969 screen caps on kelenskyy comedy media cabinet - no source but facts as already confirmed by research on 8kun

>>15835827, >>15835990 dough baker ghost

>>15835987 POTUS couldn't be in office when the evidence would finally be revealed. - anon opine

>>15836166, >>15836168, Russia v Ukraine and USA twat propaganda and articles

>>15836332 Unidentified flying object has fallen from the sky in Zagreb(croatias capitol). It looks like it has come from Ukraine. - 24sata.hr (space wars).

>>15836333, >>15836323, dan on small gov - twat and facebook post

>>15836277, >>15836336 Muammar Gaddafi - youtube vid and anon dig with sources (what habbens when someone goes against the banksters and clowns reminder)

>>15836403, >>15836418, >>15836420, Biden meeting president of Columbia - twat and YouTube video and meme(Ukraine coke factory closed so new supplier Columbia)

>>15836468 N.Korea satellite tech also useful for maneuverable nuclear warheads - nationalpost.com

>>15836511, >>15836512, >>15836521, >>15836528, >>15836536, >>15836552, >>15836572, >>15836583 The Security Council meeting Friday is slated to begin at 11 a.m. (1600 GMT)

>>15836610 #20025

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1f622f  No.15838209


>>15834942, >>15835062, >>15835264, >>15835388, >>15835414, >>15835424 Tucker Carslen on biolabs and Robert pope interview plus 17 comms - youtube plus article from bulletin.org

>>15834947 Reminder: Q Drop #1796 Paid shills (MEDIA MATTERS)

>>15835034 RT: ISIS appoints new leader

>>15834949 asianmarkets.com: ‘Hidden gold’ in China and Russia could cause global chaos

>>15835043 Clockfag: Better version of previously notabled QClock, these are all the SMOLLETT posts (there are ten but one is embedded in another)

>>15835046, >>15835256 Jussie Smollett was sentenced to 30 months probation on Thursday, March 10 for filing a false police report about a staged hate crime, first 150 days in county jail

>>15835091 Feb 2020 NIH announces development of a PCR Kit for Detection of Coxiella burnetii in Ukraine

>>15835119 texasmonthly.com and msn.com: Rex Tillerson Putin ExxonMobil deltas (Q drop #892)

>>15835157 RT: North Korea discloses purpose of new spy satellite

>>15835192 Streisand effect for newfags

>>15835245 Jacob Silverman tweet: An Austrian journalist claims that the unspecified CIA mass surveillance program involves bulk data from SWIFT, the financial network, which regularly sends datasets to the Treasury, which apparently passes them onto the CIA.

>>15835249 Clockfag: QClock March 10, 2022 Outside of the standard deviation

>>15835258 Reminder: Q Drop #34 Q Clearance Patriot

>>15835309 cluborlov.blogspot.com: "The objective of US intelligence is to [loot America] while pretending to defend it from phantom aggressors … the largest single continuous act of grand larceny the world has ever known."

>>15835316, >>15835352, >>15835370 voenkorKotenok telegram, forwarded from Beregini: Ukraine actors "victims of the Russian invasion"

>>15835342, >>15835751 RT: Facebook, Instagram to allow calls for violence against Russians

>>15835356 citizenfreepress: Denver DA drops murder charges… Remember this shooting

>>15835388, >>15835414 ROBERT POPE ARTICLE FROM THE 25TH FEB 2022: US official: Russian invasion of Ukraine risks release of dangerous pathogens

>>15835503 Reuters: Ex-Canadian government official extradited to face charges over ransomware attacks

>>15835600 Air National Guard tweet: District 17

>>15835612 Lindsey Graham tweet: US military funding increase and aid to Ukraine

>>15835618 ICYMI: Rumble - Donald Trump on WW3, Talking to Putin and Joe Rogan! | FULL SEND PODCAST

>>15835628 Snowden Deltas courtesy ibtimes.sg

>>15835641 Randa Habib tweet: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un orders his officials to expand a satellite launch facility to fire a variety of rockets

>>15835660 abc7ny.com: Russia threatens to abandon American astronaut in space as sanctions threaten peace aboard ISS

>>15835679 wrvo.org: Pentagon asks Scotus to all it to stop deployment of unvaxxed SEALs (SEALs Delta, Q Drop #902)

>>15835716 Russia calls U.N. meeting on U.S. "biological activities" – U.S. says "false flag"

>>15835723 heraldsun.com.au: Why have we donated to the Clinton Foundation? (Reminder: Q Drop #908)

>>15835737 For the keks: Ben Garrison covers Jussie Smolett

>>15835754 RealPepeEscobar tweet: Lavrov nails it; Now we are not talking about Ukraine at all, but about aggression against all Russia: interests, religion, culture, language, security

>>15835763 searx.thegpm.org: Google Alternative, “Conservative Friendly” DuckDuckGo, Participates In Woke Censorship Of So-Called Misinformation'

>>15835807 #20024

Previously Collected

>>15834115 #20022, >>15834894 #20023

>>15833357 #20021, >>15834115 #20022, >>15834894 #20023

>>15830997 #20018, >>15831833 #20019, >>15831872 #20020

>>15828769 #20015, >>15829484 #20016, >>15830237 #20017

>>15826390 #20012, >>15827169 #20013, >>15827970 #20014

>>15824100 #20009, >>15825915 #20010, >>15825617 #20011

>>15821741 #20006, >>15822500 #20007, >>15823329 #20008

>>15819364 #20003, >>15820162 #20004, >>15820962 #20005

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15787413 Notables #12: Nothing Can't Stop This!

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1f622f  No.15838215


the same


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994625  No.15838228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The final PLAN is revealed.

At this point, there's only one thing left for me to do and that is…

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a9ff33  No.15838229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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da153f  No.15838231

File: e3a3d9021c775e6⋯.png (12.75 KB, 550x400, 11:8, clover3.png)


I am glowing from the Sun

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5ee7d2  No.15838232

File: 6e1da81f78be778⋯.jpg (48.65 KB, 630x630, 1:1, training.jpg)

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a9ff33  No.15838233


The artificial one China launched? Nobody cares faggot.

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8c478d  No.15838234

Anon from lb — please bring forward. This is HUGE

>>15838213 LB

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da153f  No.15838235



reply to?

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1b5bf4  No.15838236

File: d46fcd60d9db95b⋯.png (329.95 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Putin it to the NWO…


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6f8a70  No.15838238


Time to put your shit together, and start a platform for 2024.

Trump sold us out, to pfizer, also keep it secret JFK and ufos. come in.

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6c6ee7  No.15838240

Watch Massachusetts

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1f622f  No.15838243





ebaker can continue for perhaps one bread

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dba78e  No.15838244

The UN? O, finally! Our saviour!

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bb26b9  No.15838245

File: d0415ac95a7723e⋯.png (2.95 MB, 1948x1532, 487:383, Screen_Shot_2022_03_11_at_….png)

'New' news from Daily Mail site. Propaganda is off the charts!

Putin is planning a 'man made catastrophe' at Chernobyl: Ukrainian intelligence claims Russia will fake a terror attack at nuclear plant and try to blackmail the world


Russia is preparing a 'terrorist attack' on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in order to create a 'man-made catastrophe', Ukraine's intelligence services said today.

The invading forces would create a 'technological catastrophe' before trying to shift the responsibility on to Kyiv, according to an intelligence update posted online.

The warning came as Britain and the US were raising the alarm over suspicions the Kremlin could use chemical weapons in its brutal war.

It also came a day after Russia's deputy energy minister, Yevgeny Grabchak, said power had been restored to the decommissioned plant, after Ukraine said earlier this week that Putin's forces had cut the electricity.

However, the intelligence update disputed this, and repeated an earlier warning that if the electricity is cut, the plant's emergency diesel generators that provide back-up power to safety systems can only last 48-hours.

The power cut - and Ukraine's latest warning - has raised concerns that Chernobyl could be the site of another nuclear disaster, as spent nuclear fuel can not not be cooled without electricity to pump cold water into cooling pools.

'According to available information, Vladimir Putin has ordered the preparation of a terrorist attack at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant,' the intelligence update said.

'The Russian-controlled Chernobyl nuclear power plant plans to create a man-made catastrophe, for which the occupiers will try to shift responsibility to Ukraine.'

Russian forces captured the plant and cut the power in the early days of the invasion.

The intelligence service also said that since then, the plant has been disconnected from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)'s monitoring systems.

'Currently, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is completely disconnected from the monitoring systems of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),' it said.

'The station is de-energized. The service life of the available diesel generators is designed for 48 hours of maintenance of safety systems.'

The update continued: 'In order to imitate the involvement of the Ukrainian military in the Chernobyl accident, the occupiers are trying to create fake "evidence" to confirm their version.

'In particular, Russian car refrigerators collecting the bodies of dead Ukrainian defenders were spotted near the Antonov airport in Gostomel. There is a possibility that they will be presented as killed saboteurs in the Chernobyl zone.'

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be079e  No.15838246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Comments are on! It starts!

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c10322  No.15838247

File: 9fe8e27e40511e7⋯.png (51.52 KB, 773x867, 773:867, 11MAR22_schedule2.PNG)

File: 2b5a5268a6a7f09⋯.png (77.49 KB, 802x661, 802:661, 11MAR22_schedule1a.PNG)

Updated Schedule for:


1015ET: Coming Up Next: 'Tater has a plan




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dba78e  No.15838248

File: bb2aefb614337d2⋯.png (97.57 KB, 313x161, 313:161, ClipboardImage.png)

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1b5bf4  No.15838249

File: 4b97a7a3848ef4e⋯.png (111.15 KB, 1240x828, 310:207, ClipboardImage.png)


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a9ff33  No.15838250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d85513  No.15838251

UN has reconvened a meeting and is live now at the following link


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da153f  No.15838252

File: b7ed5a9f2dfdffd⋯.jpg (70.59 KB, 1900x1266, 950:633, TWO_WEEKS.jpg)



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ce36de  No.15838253

File: 0ff88d1303fea95⋯.jpg (70.44 KB, 600x747, 200:249, jesus_un9.jpg)


>>15838225 pb

well now that Potato

has convinced over a third of the world's population

to reject the dollar as fiat

and to trade only with each other


I don't see how the U.N. can function

if China, India, Iran, Russia and Syria all pull out.

feature or bug

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63c33d  No.15838254

File: a2f5b1f068ad668⋯.jpg (295.2 KB, 720x873, 80:97, Screenshot_20220311_090349….jpg)

Police Officer's Suicide After Jan. 6 Riot Is Ruled a Line-of-Duty Death


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229708  No.15838255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Every pedo cultist knows Joe Biden's not running the US. The only ones who still believe he is are the NPCs brainwashed by MSM and they are now receiving a remedial civics course.

Once we understand Joe has never been anything more than MIs puppet to educate NPCs and protect them from the psyche trauma of too abrupt an Awakening.

If we understand the this movement is not only worldwide and involves every major institution, every government, all the religious faiths, and most critically inside every one of us, and each of us, in terms we can understand is offered a choice.

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69c400  No.15838256

watching the opening of warroom and I can't help but wonder why we never see a real camera taking these shots? All just a small tunnel view from a cell phone. Great way to hide where it is all happening.

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dba78e  No.15838257

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16b811  No.15838258

File: af2ca51812297d9⋯.png (1.79 MB, 960x954, 160:159, 0e9d0337fa3c12981a0aaca4f2….png)


ty ebaker

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50dced  No.15838259

File: 88b22ae1070d158⋯.jpeg (254.8 KB, 1000x1565, 200:313, 8F863F29_93F9_4794_81D5_D….jpeg)

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5c6a23  No.15838260

File: 4172fd35b87073f⋯.png (234.19 KB, 1000x463, 1000:463, ClipboardImage.png)

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b2c43c  No.15838261

File: e01211a8ac93419⋯.jpeg (778.09 KB, 1920x1079, 1920:1079, cube.jpeg)

do aliens fart?

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07e70d  No.15838263

File: cb1d4103d40d0ce⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1163x5170, 1163:5170, ClipboardImage.png)

you're never right.

why should we believe you this time?

seems like you're the only one excited about your "decode" on hm.

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89c2d2  No.15838264

File: 453b706a0fb5919⋯.jpg (17.51 KB, 188x255, 188:255, a1acbe2ddadb88df3d659ed5d4….jpg)

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d9cbb5  No.15838265

File: 7d42313abca43d6⋯.png (7.16 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 5a8d96e7bfc0de69fe2f0b4c2e….png)

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a9ff33  No.15838266

I'm a master baiter.

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5c6a23  No.15838267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden Announces Actions to Continue to Hold Russia Accountable, March 11, 10:15 AM


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16f45e  No.15838268

File: 56bc05b0cf51eca⋯.jpeg (263.16 KB, 1044x2048, 261:512, 5A50C202_6CCE_473A_A47D_D….jpeg)

File: 88f9d99bc391bff⋯.jpeg (320.27 KB, 1241x1735, 1241:1735, AB3B25FA_2198_4BDC_BEBF_8….jpeg)

File: d28f71940ac198a⋯.jpeg (520.86 KB, 1241x2178, 1241:2178, CC3BAAF9_9B96_49F1_BD09_F….jpeg)


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229708  No.15838269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c10322  No.15838270

File: 9eac8b05dd73684⋯.png (10.73 KB, 246x255, 82:85, 54556042ce76896c5507f15ac0….png)

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bb26b9  No.15838271

EU press conference is finally over.. Just in time for Chiden I guess..

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aff79d  No.15838272

File: 70ae3341e51e7fc⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB, 4096x2160, 256:135, C9C4E80F_EC29_4626_99F0_4….jpeg)

File: 19ea86361a22323⋯.jpeg (176.79 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 217683B7_13B7_4886_99E9_9….jpeg)

File: 03dc232ee0fa460⋯.jpeg (205.83 KB, 2000x1055, 400:211, BB2E8272_EB83_4EEE_851B_8….jpeg)

File: 1feeff1411b655b⋯.jpeg (46.77 KB, 600x606, 100:101, 7C3610AF_108A_4494_A3C1_C….jpeg)

File: b32e51aeb0498ef⋯.jpeg (112.13 KB, 640x889, 640:889, 62304BB6_3423_4B16_A689_1….jpeg)

>>15838190 lb


Starting from this perspective, these researchers have gone much further in creating, sustaining and studying an electric model of cosmic activities for pennies vs. the billions spent at Hedron or Tokomack (sp?).

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2188ae  No.15838273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7faab1  No.15838274

File: ab3112c74dd6ab6⋯.jpg (51.38 KB, 776x456, 97:57, kjhgfdfcgvhbgfvd.jpg)

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c10322  No.15838275

File: 1b7d3cb2004af23⋯.jpg (7.08 KB, 266x190, 7:5, shipboard44.jpg)

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dba78e  No.15838276

File: 3227cbbeeb76e24⋯.png (161.14 KB, 699x322, 699:322, Screen_Shot_2022_03_11_at_….png)

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d9cbb5  No.15838277

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63c33d  No.15838278

File: f0fbc2fb62caece⋯.jpg (233.48 KB, 717x998, 717:998, Screenshot_20220311_090605….jpg)

Former US official’s death in California ruled suicide

Department of Homeland Security official Philip Haney testifies before senators on June 28, 2016, in Washington. The former national security whistleblower's death two years ago that sparked right-wing conspiracy theories was ruled a suicide Wednesday, March 9, 2022, by a Northern California sheriff-coroner.


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8c478d  No.15838279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Phew. First time hearing this one

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dabf8f  No.15838280

File: 6b976e5303818cd⋯.jpg (2.69 MB, 2541x2171, 2541:2171, 20200125_015910.jpg)

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9a4521  No.15838281

File: ee67be251474042⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 600x451, 600:451, p17i1t7vc01th81fhv13pp1sk1….jpg)

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dba78e  No.15838282


what do it mean? Flipp't?

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1f622f  No.15838283


Anons from lb — please bring forward. This is HUGE

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16f45e  No.15838284

File: 0967a4fe6691fb8⋯.jpeg (151.03 KB, 1170x1798, 585:899, D8D87CC6_34EB_4219_9F72_2….jpeg)


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81eb05  No.15838285

File: a4da0581edb8ac4⋯.png (230.54 KB, 512x422, 256:211, 1580774143424.png)

How come Trump says that in Russia they aren't allowed to know they're fighting a war with Ukraine, but you can find videos everywhere of Putin and others talking about it?

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a9ff33  No.15838286


You do know they are both inconsequential, right?

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69c400  No.15838287



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dba78e  No.15838288

File: 5bbecdfa576685a⋯.png (119.34 KB, 965x828, 965:828, Screen_Shot_2022_03_11_at_….png)



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7faab1  No.15838289

EU Leader [press conference in France]: The European Green Deal is absolutely necessary if we want to get independent of fossil fuels, mainly supplied by Russia. The digitalization is of utmost importance to modernize our economy, which proves now to be the leverage against Russia's war machine.

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8c478d  No.15838290



I grabbed the link but not the caps


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d9cbb5  No.15838291

File: d1d9a4e78bb6d6f⋯.jpg (12.14 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 793130fd009dae5e9a61d50852….jpg)


Hell yeh

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63fb64  No.15838292

File: bd0542f4eb67245⋯.jpg (152.28 KB, 997x559, 997:559, P1140157.jpg)

File: fe453b54d0eb510⋯.jpg (82.52 KB, 489x733, 489:733, Safire_Poster_3.jpg)


…Ah yeah, SAFIRE.

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a9ff33  No.15838293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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99fb40  No.15838294

I've been looking at the list of offenses in the Declaration of independence and thinking about how this administration is mirroring those offenses. It's remarkable.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.



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b5713e  No.15838295




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9271c8  No.15838296

File: 0d95d7ba77ca2ce⋯.png (4.14 MB, 3436x2012, 859:503, swcchat.png)

File: c2ac26dea2dfb7c⋯.png (3.36 MB, 2157x2004, 719:668, Unmasking_before_Call.png)

File: 093983a186f384d⋯.jpg (271.08 KB, 1234x1146, 617:573, UK_Freedom_Day.jpg)

File: c9b9752ff7de9a5⋯.png (414.6 KB, 1080x474, 180:79, 11_11_18_.png)

File: 2b41463ff06ad33⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1704x2936, 213:367, BLM_1k_current.png)


>you're never right.


>you're never right.


>you're never right.

Sure thing.

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dba78e  No.15838297

File: 77a3c71c38f7ea2⋯.png (165.6 KB, 464x453, 464:453, pepe_eyeroll.png)

File: 77a3c71c38f7ea2⋯.png (165.6 KB, 464x453, 464:453, pepe_eyeroll.png)

File: 77a3c71c38f7ea2⋯.png (165.6 KB, 464x453, 464:453, pepe_eyeroll.png)

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229708  No.15838298

File: 6966ac248b01ab4⋯.png (1.47 MB, 3120x1712, 195:107, 05db2d99214a2b36edad9ca742….png)

File: 7d1f51d57198c54⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 500x379, 500:379, 7d1f51d57198c5480a70b28cf7….gif)

File: 802eddbffb67cba⋯.jpg (564.25 KB, 740x1171, 740:1171, 15cb8180b85dc9e3c336a8ba53….jpg)

File: 026573a28549c3d⋯.png (714.2 KB, 605x883, 605:883, a4e08ce33801ea6fbcc3b669ae….png)

Most of the information we receive today does not come to us directly from the natural world. It still comes via the optic nerve to the brain, but the source is digital media displayed on a monitor or device screen.

Less that 10% of the average person's daily information input is direct sense experience of the natural world. What we imagine we know about the greater, outside world, our fellow humans and the universe is *all* acquired from TV "news" or "entertainment" programming - TV, movies, games VR and MR are how we form our understanding of greater surrounding social, economic and political reality.

We are entirely dependent on the *integrity* of MSM/legacy media for our understanding of the reality we share, and legacy media has betrayed us, engaging in massive deception and running 'psyops,' or 'Information Operations,' stories which use information in ways engineered to divide, confuse and terrify us.

Over 90% of all the information we take in about the world, about our reality, our fellow citizens, friends and neighbors, comes to us through a legacy media or big tech driven SCREEN.

*The average American household has only 2.75 people, but 3 TVs and 6 Internet devices.

*The average American family spends more money each month on media consumption than on groceries or electricity.

*The average American consumes 12-15 aggregate hours of digital media per day.

*The average American child consumes more than 10 hours of digital media per day.

*The average American smartphone is checked every 6-12 waking minutes.

With the emergence nonlinear networked communication it became possible to control individual and group information environments at all levels. Modern technologies have made "kinetic war" obsolete.

Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned response with prepared information packages targeted individuals or nations can be (and have been) brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily.

Non-linear or Information war tactics involve turning enemy nations against themselves by infiltrating and subverting moral values, teaching children to indoctrinate other children and gradually degrading the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment to text books. Occult materials (eg. Catcher in the Rye) are introduced into high school reading lists. False history and false flags are legitimized, self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are normalized by stages, while subversive 'educational' programs like "common core" are promoted to turn kids off learning.

Cultist media gradually, over decades, reduces the public vocabulary, promotes social division, emphasizing inequities, fanning the flames of old grievances, using false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments, falsifying historical records to provide evidence for a shameful cult created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; the nation falls apart.

Mind war, non linear war, is a highly developed form of conflict, with tested doctrines and a protean tactical repertoire. We don't hear about IO, mind war and it's power and tactics because our entire information distribution infrastructure; the entertainment industry and social media/ tech companies are all controlled by a subversive confederacy of deep state criminals.

It is well to remember we have ALL been deceived. Some may learn sooner, some learn later; but whenever you do, remember fellow citizens still trapped in the matrix of lies and fears and taboos created by sophisticated IO operators for purposes of social control.



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07e70d  No.15838299


>Sure thing.

I know

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aff79d  No.15838300

File: 4e5acf0bd052750⋯.jpeg (261.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 80CAF2DD_2A1F_4A53_AE15_C….jpeg)


I really don’t know.

Trump has lost me.

Maybe something happened to him.

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9e71e4  No.15838301

File: 2be5b50623b3297⋯.png (180.68 KB, 1058x1730, 529:865, 834_3.png)


Mar 03, 2018 11:56:48 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 9dc69f No. 544701










Russia ICBM tech.

HRC open source.




Highest levels of US-G.



WHY would Russia tell the world?


Why is SR back in the news?


Why is SESSIONS acting weak?


IG report?

No legit leaks.

MSM staging narrative.

IG appointed by SESSIONS for?



Enjoy the show.

Dead cat bounce.


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a9ff33  No.15838302

Hope she's hot.

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4acbf5  No.15838303

File: 967fceecaf7081b⋯.png (12.96 MB, 2268x4032, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)



>Proof to begin 11.3

25:55 clock today ← pretty damn "5:5" Id say

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d46d05  No.15838304


He's just an actor. No real control of anything. He worked for NBC for 14 years, so he's pretty good at acting. Grain of salt…

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ce36de  No.15838305

File: 2bac09b17901f60⋯.jpg (27.41 KB, 480x686, 240:343, jihads.jpg)

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b5713e  No.15838306

File: cc00282614b94ed⋯.jpg (59.16 KB, 474x564, 79:94, downloadfile_10.jpg)


Looking at the stars?

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a9ff33  No.15838307

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0294a9  No.15838308

File: 7d8eeaf916c4bfa⋯.png (107.28 KB, 402x279, 134:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd3d506573347ce⋯.png (154.72 KB, 1182x546, 197:91, ClipboardImage.png)





>>15837838, >>15837965, >>15838195, >>15838075, >>15838086, Breaking: Russia Releases Alleged Captured Documents Before UN Special Council Meeting Exposing Evidence of US


Note: Anon has not clicked on it just incase of spyware but translation on google confirms these are in russian and translated into english.


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c10322  No.15838309

File: 40a1d4222e5405f⋯.png (581.46 KB, 520x694, 260:347, 5d7a7de80cf88f61eb28e43421….png)


where's big black?



tatts is still over at CNN still, i do believe


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5c6a23  No.15838310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Law&Crime Network

Watch Live: WI v. Darrell Brooks - Waukesha Parade Defendant - Preliminary Hearing

Darrell Brooks is facing 77 charges including 6 murder counts for allegedly plowing his SUV into parade-goers at the Waukesha, WI Christmas parade in Nov. 2021.


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69c400  No.15838311


donald sutherland

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2188ae  No.15838312

Antarctica is off the table.

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9271c8  No.15838313

File: 9aa97597b99d895⋯.png (4.23 MB, 2648x3104, 331:388, fake_Q.png)

File: 38f3591f5ca11cd⋯.png (3.71 MB, 2456x3631, 2456:3631, event_201.png)

File: ac9040c12a48e65⋯.jpg (254.4 KB, 911x1200, 911:1200, pain_no_watermark.jpg)

File: 478acc2916faec5⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 2336x5908, 584:1477, ADRENOEPIjpg.jpg)

File: 0b0c8c557a71fa4⋯.jpg (3.58 MB, 2546x4220, 1273:2110, cOLOR1.jpg)


>you're never right.


>you're never right.


>you're never right.

Sure thing.

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229708  No.15838314

File: 3897d352b237ebb⋯.jpeg (315.14 KB, 763x791, 109:113, 1f17904d87edc6c95717949a2….jpeg)

there is no war in Ukraine, it's a pedo cult mop operation. The only 'war' is in our heads.

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62ac55  No.15838315

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dba78e  No.15838316


stupid can be fixed.

willful ignorance is another matter.

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d46d05  No.15838317

Talking Antarctica in the UN panel…dickbags are giddy about global ruler-ship.

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9271c8  No.15838318

File: 06f4ec0d8806feb⋯.png (211.64 KB, 1525x493, 1525:493, ClipboardImage.png)


>you're never right.


>you're never right.


>you're never right.

Sure thing.

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7817ec  No.15838319

File: c5edb6b4d5a4416⋯.jpeg (194.42 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 7C790306_35B9_42DB_A3E2_1….jpeg)


The Fabian society crest is literally a WOLF in sheep’s clothing.

“The Fabian strategy is a military strategy where pitched battles and frontal assaults are avoided in favor of wearing down an opponent through a war of attrition and indirection. While avoiding decisive battles, the side employing this strategy harasses its enemy through skirmishes to cause attrition, disrupt supply and affect morale. Employment of this strategy implies that the side adopting this strategy believes time is on its side, but it may also be adopted when no feasible alternative strategy can be devised.”


“Within the next generation I believe that the world's rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”

~Aldous Huxley.

“…Suddenly, there was an opportunity to test the mRNA vaccines that had been in the works for nearly twenty years.  They could be authorized as an emergency measure but were still highly experimental.  These jabs are not really vaccines at all, but a form of gene therapy.  There are potential disastrous consequences down the road.  Government experiments on the public are nothing new…”

“…this explains the left's hysterical impulse to force these untested shots on those of us who have made the decision to go without it.  If they've decided that it is the thing to do, then all of us must submit to their whims.  If we decide otherwise, it gives them the righteous right to smear all of us whom they already deplore.

As C.J. Hopkins has written, the left means to criminalize dissent…”

“Tal Zaks, Moderna's chief medical officer, said these new vaccines are "hacking the software of life."  Vaccine-promoters claim he never said this, but he did.  Bill Gates called the vaccines "an operating system" to the horror of those promoting it, a Kinsley gaffe.  Whether it is or isn't hardly matters at this point, but these statements by those behind the vaccines are a clue to what they have in mind.”

“There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it.

This is exactly what the left is working so hard to effect: a pharmacologically compromised population happy to be taken care of by a massive state machine…”


“In Huxley’s seemingly dystopic World State, the elite amuse the masses into submission with a mind-numbing drug called Soma and an endless buffet of casual sex. Orwell’s Oceania, on the other hand, keeps the masses in check with fear thanks to an endless war and a hyper-competent surveillance state. At first blush, they might seem like they are diametrically opposed but, in fact, an Orwellian world and a Huxleyan one are simply two different modes of oppression.”


“Modern society is hypnotized

by socialism. It is prevented by

socialism from seeing the mortal

danger it is in. And one of the

greatest dangers of all is that

you have lost all sense of danger,

you cannot even see where it's

coming from as it moves swiftly

towards you.”

~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

-Marcus Tullius Cicero

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a9ff33  No.15838320

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f90bc0  No.15838321

File: 78f7969f2056fc1⋯.png (87.02 KB, 272x180, 68:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9454fe0df92b3da⋯.png (80.49 KB, 293x164, 293:164, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4d15b03b3b7915⋯.png (55.19 KB, 206x177, 206:177, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15837445 (lb)

Magnets are not what they say, Gravity is more of a "magnetic" force than what is taught. When we free ourselves from expending energy on energy accumulation (paying power bills) we free our spirit to invent, create, etc.

The future is BRIGHT, stay alive during the storm.


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9271c8  No.15838322

File: 6a8459f5a51f08e⋯.png (131.97 KB, 736x844, 184:211, Screenshot_2022_03_11_at_0….png)

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6f8a70  No.15838323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sorry, I want James's voice.

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c10322  No.15838324

File: c221e816e8b8ab6⋯.png (15.65 KB, 255x250, 51:50, ce23905cbcab224cef2c938a68….png)

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ce36de  No.15838325

File: 3566d8c059da26b⋯.jpg (51.72 KB, 625x399, 625:399, Fanone_Club.jpg)

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9e71e4  No.15838326

File: d330844a9fbdbcf⋯.jpg (72.82 KB, 812x609, 4:3, Antarctica_17.JPG)

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b10404  No.15838327


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a9ff33  No.15838328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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16b811  No.15838329


are you collecting notes from lb?

would be great since there aren't any and then would that make you the clown or the clown slayer?

askin for a fren

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0d8984  No.15838330

File: 2d5a6bd67a3f5ec⋯.png (273.21 KB, 422x374, 211:187, 2d5a6bd67a3f5ece16a33d0165….png)

Anons this is an excellent article Russia is going to seize all the assets of the stupid corporations halting business in Russia..


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63c33d  No.15838331


>Trump has lost me

Anon. It was never about Trump. He's just the "face."

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dba78e  No.15838332

File: f770590174b40cb⋯.png (52.79 KB, 272x172, 68:43, pepe_whaaaa.png)

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7ade23  No.15838333

File: 00e168c39b3dd0c⋯.png (215.08 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 00e168c39b3dd0c5c5913e137b….png)

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cdde13  No.15838334

File: 6f6118ebcc1c462⋯.jpeg (31.17 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 6f6118ebcc1c46267af1df698….jpeg)



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d9cbb5  No.15838335


silent war Trump always touted about

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f90bc0  No.15838336


NEW SHILL POST? SWEET! Thanks for red text, about it!

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7817ec  No.15838337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3efac0  No.15838338

File: 37933a3f6272387⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 582x772, 291:386, qaggPost.JPG)

Anons –

For those asking for more sauce on Truth Posts - it would appear that qagg is now providing screenshots of the posts.

url: https://qagg.news/siteimages/truth107938138884996754.png

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b5713e  No.15838339


Sorry just need to tune in since greatest but very personal revelation. I doing alright

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dba78e  No.15838340

File: 42740be12f83c4a⋯.png (29.22 KB, 222x219, 74:73, spy_vs_spy.png)

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1f622f  No.15838341





>>15838290 FBI Documents Reveal US Funded Charlottesville Rioters Through Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Group — Documents Show Ties Between Azov Battalion, US Rioters

#20027 TBC

>>15837838, >>15837965, >>15838195, >>15838075, >>15838086, Breaking: Russia Releases Alleged Captured Documents Before UN Special Council Meeting Exposing Evidence of US

at 100ish

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2f997b  No.15838342

File: e31e552dbb1249a⋯.jpeg (167.77 KB, 940x788, 235:197, never_underestimate_your_….jpeg)


>stupid can be fixed

stupid is not fixable

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669e39  No.15838343

File: c36fd8ce212663f⋯.png (132.16 KB, 736x844, 184:211, Screenshot_2022_03_11_at_0….png)

You have more than you know.

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dba78e  No.15838344

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d9cbb5  No.15838345

File: 8283806284f41ae⋯.jpg (22.46 KB, 474x315, 158:105, download_2021_08_04T083616….jpg)

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2188ae  No.15838346

File: 5935e899f6d4b5c⋯.jpg (810.14 KB, 1200x1605, 80:107, _Awakening16.jpg)

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b5713e  No.15838347


National Spy Day

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0294a9  No.15838348

File: 4c7809b1892d8ee⋯.png (919.99 KB, 944x715, 944:715, ClipboardImage.png)


notable - trump statement

We are becoming china and russia if we do not have freedom of speech.

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d46d05  No.15838349


Shut up, shill.

"Ignore the bioweapons, nukes, cult brainwashing, and mass murder. Focus on the sex criminals."

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669e39  No.15838350

File: c36fd8ce212663f⋯.png (132.16 KB, 736x844, 184:211, Screenshot_2022_03_11_at_0….png)

File: ed820733d3de7f6⋯.png (26.78 KB, 683x138, 683:138, ClipboardImage.png)

You have more than you know.

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5f1789  No.15838351

File: b7331b1a516edb5⋯.jpg (35.44 KB, 207x357, 69:119, missingme.jpg)

remember me?

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81eb05  No.15838352

File: 7ac73896ba9d985⋯.png (95.72 KB, 568x548, 142:137, 1585949242850.png)


Maybe he's just saying it for the normies because they're dumb as fuckin shit lol.

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a9ff33  No.15838353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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229708  No.15838354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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669e39  No.15838355

File: c36fd8ce212663f⋯.png (132.16 KB, 736x844, 184:211, Screenshot_2022_03_11_at_0….png)

File: ed820733d3de7f6⋯.png (26.78 KB, 683x138, 683:138, ClipboardImage.png)

You have more than you know.

11.3, 1pm. Proof to Begin

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7ade23  No.15838356

File: 078d07f0adafe64⋯.jpg (4.84 KB, 255x175, 51:35, b773d966d07815596ade9bdf29….jpg)

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aff79d  No.15838357



To be clear for those unfamiliar with the Thunderbolt.info material or SAFIRE… they are not singularly coordinated or anything like that… all these different people, different fields of study and areas of focus… but finding they each have many different puzzle pieces that fit together without Modern Science Crowbars.

Monty Childs (sp?) SAFIRE is brilliant. He designed and build that (with helps) right out of standard catalogs and off-the-shelf parts. It turned on and ran beautifully… particularly, it;s ability to remain ON for more than just a few split seconds like those other projects for billions of dollars that keep burning out instantly.

Cool stuff.

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69c400  No.15838358


I hope Russia will share!

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16f45e  No.15838359

File: 25002f0baa19eaf⋯.jpeg (93.95 KB, 1240x517, 1240:517, EFE4AA32_9D28_4FA5_9BA6_B….jpeg)


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0294a9  No.15838360

File: ec557ebe1a82d86⋯.jpg (79.13 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, photo_2022_03_11_09_29_11.jpg)

File: d88907eee52d6ac⋯.jpg (14.29 KB, 764x407, 764:407, photo_2022_03_11_09_29_11_….jpg)

File: 20dfb3de6bdb209⋯.jpg (42.63 KB, 1008x1280, 63:80, photo_2022_03_11_09_29_11_….jpg)


>Q Research General #20028: Introducing Evidence At The UN Edition

RED FOLDER can be very important.

I wonder wher he got that from? :)


RUPTLY link starts at 14:39


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0d8984  No.15838361

File: 2f8549d9fa18feb⋯.jpg (71.44 KB, 500x552, 125:138, 2f8549d9fa18feb5de9658dd39….jpg)

File: adbd3762fb16bf6⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1200x1526, 600:763, adbd3762fb16bf606d897a6e8d….png)

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0c642e  No.15838362

@Poso is discussing on Telegram this soldier experiment.

It was called Project GG-21

The soldiers’ blood samples will be stored and further tested at the Lugar Center, a $180 million Pentagon-funded facility in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi.

The Lugar Center has become notorious in the last years for controversial activities, laboratory incidents and scandals surrounding the US drug giant Gilead’s Hepatitis C program in Georgia which has resulted in at least 248 deaths of patients. The cause of death in the majority of cases has been listed as unknown, internal documents have shown.

The Georgian project GG-21 has been funded by DTRA and implemented by American military scientists from a special US Army unit code-named USAMRU-G who operate in the Lugar Center. They have been given diplomatic immunity in Georgia to research bacteria, viruses and toxins without being diplomats. This unit is subordinate to the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)


[I'm looking for the original source documents]

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9a4521  No.15838363

File: 51afc2ed5a1999d⋯.jpg (21.48 KB, 340x266, 170:133, jscbs.JPG)

In this CBS this morning show report there is no mention of his suicide rant all tho other reports have it.



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89c2d2  No.15838364

File: b1bb5d0d842ce6e⋯.png (286.64 KB, 299x662, 299:662, Screenshot_2022_03_11_at_0….png)

>>15838327 ty anon



Even Jussie is participating in #FlannelFriday

>[F]lannel [F]ridays

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69c400  No.15838365


newly filtered

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799e12  No.15838366

File: 6828c0f59259c46⋯.png (10.7 KB, 255x187, 15:11, 2a729a26d6ba0916281f4dfe70….png)

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d85513  No.15838367

Holy shit the UN just mentioned the urge to move over to "UN 2.0"

What is UN 2.0 you might ask?


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d85513  No.15838368



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d46d05  No.15838369


Hollywood uses red folders for scripts for final episodes. Trump and Putin are actors. You are watching a movie.

Satan wins.

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50dced  No.15838370

File: a1eb06f77f5f72c⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x2086, 585:1043, 88541F85_A67F_44FC_991F_2….jpeg)

File: 13ccb4af42b69ae⋯.png (604.6 KB, 1320x1314, 220:219, 44B80849_BF51_40D8_B0D5_4A….png)




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2188ae  No.15838371

File: 5a3b890ee64c14d⋯.jpg (89.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Donald_Trump_Confirms_He_I….jpg)

File: 2044ffe0a7436a3⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB, 608x1080, 76:135, Donald_Trump_Confirms_He_I….mp4)


>snagged it<

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059d44  No.15838372

File: 68da069bec53eaa⋯.png (972.77 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


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d85513  No.15838373

File: 926fcdcece7733d⋯.png (103.87 KB, 610x271, 610:271, ClipboardImage.png)


What are the 10 innovations and think about how they can be used against populations going forward.

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d9cbb5  No.15838374


It's a no brainer you fuck us we fuck you

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ce36de  No.15838375


c u next bred

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ed1f52  No.15838376

File: 365ca010f9975cc⋯.jpg (203.46 KB, 896x960, 14:15, JesusTrumpInvited.jpg)

File: 9ccb8635a730011⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1443x1566, 481:522, jesusvp.jpg)

File: 89d89930053f1b2⋯.jpg (931.26 KB, 1804x1138, 902:569, crossfirhurrpredication.jpg)

File: a187cd6f47a41d5⋯.jpg (328.81 KB, 1024x1398, 512:699, JESUSVESICAPISCES.jpg)

File: 9c630f3041702ad⋯.jpg (89.38 KB, 520x707, 520:707, jesus.jpg)

it's a real historic event.

they just falsified the chronology.

>>15838127 pb

(knowingly) it appears to have been knowingly, and accomplished by the same clique who arrested and then, allegedly killed him.

>>15838156 pb

>>15838137 pb

>>15838177 pb

>>15838156 pb

>>15838156 pb

King Jesus 'yesuah' was known for dispelling demons, so likely the Satan worshippers weren't too happy with him

Ramses / Moses forbid child sacrifice, so they likely didn't like that either; and one could postulate that is the root of their hatred for Jews.


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e12218  No.15838377

File: 1b6b6ecbab406eb⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Russia_admits_to_using_con….mp4)

Russia admits conscripts have been sent to fight in Ukraine after denying it.

…was attacked by a sabotage group of national Batallion?…

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16f45e  No.15838378

File: cc6ca18b910d167⋯.jpeg (309.22 KB, 1187x1566, 1187:1566, F96F63FD_99B9_4D65_8768_1….jpeg)

File: fcef4850290befc⋯.jpeg (313.95 KB, 1241x1836, 73:108, 11930447_B08A_477F_A55B_1….jpeg)

File: cd19e3d04747c0b⋯.jpeg (137.24 KB, 1240x773, 1240:773, 8A90FCBD_57BD_4928_B1B0_5….jpeg)



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f90bc0  No.15838379


I hear you, anon. I struggled with Trump's role for a long time - right or wrong here is where I land:

After Trump served his role, his job became to let down all his supporters. We can't rely on a charismatic leader to ride in on a white horse and fix everything, lest we stay sleeping. I believe the Trump administration kicked off the kinetic part of cleansing this world of the evil that lies just around every corner and under every rug. Ultimately, it will be OUR job to ensure it never takes hold here again. If Trump remained in our minds as the one who fixed everything and solved all the problems - we wouldn't stay vigilant and we would never fix anything ourselves.

It fucking sucks, but his role is to become part of the swamp so we turn our backs on him and lean on our neighbors.

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bb26b9  No.15838380

'Life is ours, we live it our way..'

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89c2d2  No.15838381

File: 6e5dcc9cd6acd4d⋯.png (34.58 KB, 789x362, 789:362, Screenshot_2022_03_11_at_0….png)



'Change We Can Believe In.'

aint saying its q, but its q

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9e71e4  No.15838382

File: efe0ac5284ceb70⋯.mp4 (6.35 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, red_green.mp4)

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69c400  No.15838383

Oh my goodness. Wouldn't that be something?

act 2 scene 3.

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63fb64  No.15838384


…Yes, two independent groups of researchers coming to a common conclusion. That's what makes it very cool.

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ce36de  No.15838385

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fb07e5  No.15838386


Love me some hillbillies!

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b5713e  No.15838387


Thanks for the updates, appreciated much.

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dba78e  No.15838388


>Love me some hillbillies!

should be the motto of This Fucking Place

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89c2d2  No.15838389

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a9ff33  No.15838390


They can get right. Heeuuunnnggnnp!

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aff79d  No.15838391


I got ya…

It’s just so sad, so many people were inspired by him and his style… to have ‘left’ us high and dry with a very long lingering effects of the Covidia scam. So many of the good things he did do, largely zeroed out by that fucking Covid lie (either he was duped or in on it. Ugh!)

Just Say’n, anon. No need for us to dwell on this.

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bb26b9  No.15838392


'Life is ours, we live it our way..'

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e12218  No.15838393

File: 8e0e4bda341932f⋯.png (387.41 KB, 500x665, 100:133, JW.png)


>Legacy Media shills

All Kikes are Shills!

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229708  No.15838394

File: 4db12a1ad34d6df⋯.png (716.78 KB, 600x794, 300:397, 12z.png)

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164982  No.15838395


I'm guessing an original source for this is gone?

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799e12  No.15838396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


contemplates in yeeeeehaaawww

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aca92c  No.15838397

The UN today will itself completely corrupted!

Russia will walk out

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5c6a23  No.15838398

File: 2faf93c413bbdd8⋯.png (563.36 KB, 560x651, 80:93, ClipboardImage.png)


>UN 2.0

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5f1789  No.15838399

File: 2ec5fb89530f07f⋯.png (124.59 KB, 450x264, 75:44, d695cc53357bb3bd7752c51401….png)


lets go!

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a9ff33  No.15838400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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16f45e  No.15838401

File: 7a0d31802c8ab77⋯.jpeg (221.32 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 665B4FDB_CDE7_4DBC_A34B_B….jpeg)

11 Mar, 2022 14:08

Croatia confirms crashed drone came from Ukraine

The aircraft that fell on Zagreb traveled through Romania and Hungary, officials said

The military drone that crashed overnight in the Croatian capital of Zagreb apparently came from Ukraine, President Zoran Milanovic said on Friday, after chairing a meeting of the National Security Council.

The six-ton aircraft traveled through the airspace of Romania and Hungary before reaching Croatia, Milanovic claimed, citing reports he received during the meeting. It flew through Hungarian airspace for about 40 minutes.

The six-ton aircraft traveled at the speed of almost 1000 km (621 miles) per hour and spent seven minutes over Croatia, before apparently running out of fuel and crashing, the president said.

Milanovic called the incident very serious, but stressed that it didn’t appear to be some sort of attack against his country. He expressed relief over the fact that nobody was hurt by the crash and called on Croatians to maintain calm.

The president wondered how a relatively unsophisticated drone could spend an hour in NATO airspace without being intercepted, despite being detected by radar stations. The incident showed that the country needs to better develop its defenses, he stated.

When asked by journalists whether Zagreb would complain to Ukraine if the origin of the drone was confirmed to be Ukrainian, Milanovic said Kiev had its hands full fighting off the Russian attack.

“I just hope it doesn't happen again,” he said.

Croatian Defense Minister Mario Banozic held a press-conference, during which he said the Croatian military didn’t fail in the incident since the aircraft posed no threat to the country.

Admiral Robert Hranj, the Chief of the General Staff of Croatia, who spoke alongside the minister, confirmed that Zagreb didn’t scramble fighter jets in response to the drone’s violation of Croatian airspace, claiming that the military didn’t have enough time to do so.

The aircraft that crashed in Zagreb’s Jarun neighborhood on Thursday night is widely presumed to have been a Soviet-designed Tu-141 Strizh reconnaissance drone. Hranj declined to assign ownership of the unmanned plane, stating that this type of aircraft was “relatively old-fashioned and widespread in the Soviet Union since the last century.”

A Tu-141 weighs about six tons, has a speed of around 1,000 km (621 miles) per hour and a range of 1,000 km. It lands with the help of a tail-mounted parachute system. Croatian police discovered parachutes in the area of the crash.

Ukraine is the only nation that officially operates Tu-141s at the moment.


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557f0a  No.15838402

was just thinking about the arrest of Brad parscale. when he said he was working on some tech. wonder if that was truth social and they wanted to raid him to find out what he was doing. he has basically since disappeared. anyone think Mayne they ghuidra to make sure people aren't bots on truth social?

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7cac52  No.15838403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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81eb05  No.15838404


Lol demoralization shill. Trump is obviously still a Patriot.

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229708  No.15838405

File: 66e4e01ac00a429⋯.png (2 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, 61.png)

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d46d05  No.15838406

File: 6a9f1b5fca3abe8⋯.png (1.29 MB, 757x1024, 757:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


Get Over Christianity By Understanding It

by Dr. Mark Fulton

The book concludes that the Old Testament is largely fabricated, is profoundly immoral, and has been the primary cause of much human suffering and ideological baggage.

Fulton thinks that Jesus may have existed; yet that the man described in the Gospels is not a true depiction.

He thinks Jesus was probably a fundamentalist Jewish zealot, and not a Christian, and that Jesus had no delusions that he was the Son of God, and no wish to die for humanity’s sins. Instead, Fulton has Jesus as a hopeful Jewish messiah who tried to start a war with the Roman garrison in Jerusalem, yet was outmanoeuvred and crucified before his ambitions had a chance to come to fruition.

Decades after Jesus’ death, the Roman government may have used the memory of Jesus the zealot to help create a new god, the Christ. Jesus was depicted, paradoxically, as a benign passive preacher and a willing taxpayer. Fulton considers the New Testament not as the Word of God, but as Roman government propaganda.

Fulton thinks that religion then, as now, was used for political purposes, and that the government created Christianity to control trouble-causing Jews by claiming their Messiah had already been and gone. The book portrays Saint Paul, the real originator of Christian theology, as a paid government employee and an over imaginative charlatan.

The book reveals why the Vatican’s story of a Pope Peter in Rome is a crass fiction.Fulton postulates that in the fourth century, when militant Jews were no longer a threat, the Roman government under Constantine realised that Christianity, with its ecclesiastical hierarchy, could prove a useful ally when it came to crowd control.


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9e71e4  No.15838407



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0294a9  No.15838408

File: a0c1742c12f567f⋯.jpg (143.38 KB, 720x385, 144:77, POSO_Muh_Chat_Logs.jpg)


POSO GLO dog comms



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d25054  No.15838409

File: 4496ec5b4cd685c⋯.png (658.83 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

This will be an unpopular post

Weaponized autism????

How often have we heard that boasted about?


Before Q ever posted, the “weaponized autism” blog had already identified April Lorenzen and Rodney Joffe being involved in FISAGate.

That fucking got totally missed.


It’s taken years to get to this point, and it was right under peoples’ fucking noses the entire time.

It’s taken months to figure out Ukraine, and only now are we learning about the extent of the biological bullshit going on there. But it’s not like they hid the shit, ya know? Biden’s boy and his company fuckery has been known for years now.

And they did the same old thing – US money spent to outsource their crooked work.

Biden in the thick of it with Metabiota.

They’re chummy with EcoHealth Alliance.

You know who those fuckers are, right? The ones who did the bat bullshit we’ve dealt with for 2 years.

Well guess what, bitches?

H5N1. Poultry. Lack thereof.

Wheat. War. Lack thereof.

Your food supply is getting ass-raped.

Betcha swine flu is not too far down the road.

Probably mad cow shit, too.

Now, if I were a really rich, really bad asshole, I probably wouldn’t just starve fuckers out by killing the food supply; I’d probably figure out a way to poison your water, too.

So is anybody REALLY watching the water, i.e., what some shitbags might be putting into it?

“Weaponized autism,” bitches. Do you gots it?


It’s the 4th quarter, you’re down 2 touchdowns and the second string is in.

Military is the only way? Now THERE’S a line of disinfo. It actually ISN’T.

You wonder why Q refers to We The People a helluva lot more than the mil, especially in his LATER posts?

Because the Mil is goatfucked. If you assholes haven’t figured that out yet….


If you guys actually figure shit out, you’ll realize the PEOPLE can stop this shit before it all goes kinetic/full chem-bio/nuclear.

At least you can get prayed up, though. THAT actually makes complete sense.

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229708  No.15838410

File: 1867524769a708d⋯.png (920.84 KB, 1020x508, 255:127, 1aa1b.png)

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2f997b  No.15838411


Poglo is such an obvious clown

his retweeting with bug-eyed emojis is laughable

cointel much?

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6f8a70  No.15838412

I want victoria's secrets.

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A conversation between a State Department official and the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine that was posted on YouTube revealed an embarrassing exchange on U.S. strategy for a political transition in that country, including a crude American swipe at the European Union."


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50dced  No.15838413

File: 02466a95a2f87a8⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1912, 585:956, 071A243C_33BB_4A9C_A4AF_A….jpeg)

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0294a9  No.15838414

File: a45d1f536472559⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1480x722, 740:361, ClipboardImage.png)


anon did the morning shift for nearly 4 hours

anon was lurking cos friday is the day the love to push through news under the radar.

this will be some of that shit while the distract from everything else.

anon has been waiting for the flood gates to open with cyber war.


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d9cbb5  No.15838415


let us no when they get to something interesting can't listen to all this bullshit

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8d4b8d  No.15838416


>Love me some hillbillies!

All the way from Finland.

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ed1f52  No.15838417


you make no sense.

how could the King be a Christian, before it even existed?

do you even read what you write before you post?

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d9cbb5  No.15838418


thanks anon

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89c2d2  No.15838419

>>15838364, >>15838381

Even Jussie is participating in #FlannelFriday


3+1+1+2+0+2+2+0+9+4+4+2+2 = 32

*Mirrored 23



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5f1789  No.15838420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cc1182  No.15838421

FOX News seems to be leaning in hard on "cyberattacks" against the power grid and our communications…gearing up to blame Russia for it.

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cdde13  No.15838422

File: bb410a7475fea97⋯.png (262.8 KB, 650x381, 650:381, bb410a7475fea9794a69ca09f8….png)

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aca92c  No.15838423


The suspense is turned all the way up to 11

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d9cbb5  No.15838424


Need good shit to bring to GAB

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f90bc0  No.15838425


You completely missed my point, or you're a shill. kek

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81eb05  No.15838426

File: 34a22c8cb751b4a⋯.png (157.93 KB, 1034x936, 517:468, sggfdgfdgfdgfdgdfgfd.png)

President Trump on the radio this morning

Starts @ 1:53.


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ed1f52  No.15838427


UN talk is toxic.

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638d1b  No.15838428


Agreed, part of the plan, they all have to show the world how corrupt they are.

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dabf8f  No.15838429

File: fb61d614d187d82⋯.gif (490.37 KB, 220x334, 110:167, GifMeme_01112021222708.gif)

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d46d05  No.15838430


It's a hard pill to swallow when you realize we literally have no control over our destiny and that our collective futures are in the invisible hands of unknown people.

The best we can do is avoid their prisons, keep our heads down, and pretend to not care about our collective slavery.

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16f45e  No.15838431

11 Mar, 2022 14:23

US designates two ‘major non-NATO allies’

Biden (Obama redux) labeled Qatar and Colombia as Washington’s ‘major allies’ outside of the military bloc

US President Joe Biden designated Qatar and Colombia as major non-NATO allies of the US on Thursday, a special status that will grant the two nations defense and trade privileges in their relations with Washington.

“The Major Non-NATO Ally designation is a powerful symbol of the close relationship the United States shares with those countries and demonstrates our deep respect for the friendship for the countries to which it is extended,” the US Department of State explained.

The major non-NATO ally status has been granted to over 15 nations around the world. It providesUS partners with economic privileges such as loans, cooperative research, and even exclusive defense contracts with NATO countries. The status, however, does not entail any security commitments to the designated countries.

After his country was designated a major non-NATO ally, Colombian President Ivan Duque thanked the US and president Biden for “taking the bilateral relationship to [its] highest.”

Although the Biden Administration made a pledge to grant the special status to Qatar back in January, the decision comes only now amid rising concerns over growing fuel prices due to Washington imposing a ban on Russia’s energy supplies.

Biden’s move to upgrade the partnership with Doha is a U-turn from his predecessor’s unfriendly policy towards the Gulf country. Led byDonald Trump, the previous Republican administration not only accused Qatar of financing international terrorism but also supported the economic blockadeof the Arab nation by its neighbors.

Earlier, there were reports that Washington allegedly failed to negotiate an energy production increase with its Gulf allies since Saudi Arabia and the UAE ignored President Biden’s phone calls.


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81eb05  No.15838432


>his role is to become part of the swamp

yeah no

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99fb40  No.15838433


He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences

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d9cbb5  No.15838434


more like from within

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522e91  No.15838435

Well looky here. Senator Barack Obama.

Biolab opens in Ukraine

by Tina Redlup on June 18, 2010


Sen. Dick Lugar

U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar applauded the opening of the Interim Central Reference Laboratory in Odessa, Ukraine, this week, announcing that it will be instrumental in researching dangerous pathogens used by bioterrorists.

The level-3 bio-safety lab, which is the first built under the expanded authority of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program, will be used to study anthrax, tularemia and Q fever as well as other dangerous pathogens.

“The continuing cooperation of Nunn-Lugar partners has improved safety for all people against weapons of mass destruction and potential terrorist use, in addition to advancements in the prevention of pandemics and public health consequences,” Lugar said.

Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials. Lugar and Obama also helped coordinate efforts between the U.S and Ukrainian researchers that year in an effort to study and help prevent avian flu.

The Nunn-Lugar Act, which established the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, was established in 1991. Since that time it has provided funding and assistance to help the former Soviet Union dismantle and safeguard large stockpiles of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. The program has also been responsible for destroying chemical weapons in Albania, Lugar said.


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0c642e  No.15838436


Actually, I agree with you.

Too much shit posting and not enough notables of real sauce.

No one monitoring and calling out notables.

Its all posted and openly available, you just have to look.

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ce36de  No.15838437


>US designates two ‘major non-NATO allies’

begging for oil

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6f8a70  No.15838438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

w/ u!!!!!!!!

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cdde13  No.15838439



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799e12  No.15838440

File: 13eed8c7fad4aa1⋯.png (666.66 KB, 720x797, 720:797, russell44.png)

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875284  No.15838441

File: ecac329e6ae30c2⋯.png (381.33 KB, 446x453, 446:453, Tin.png)

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c01c3a  No.15838442

Some anons were looking for alternative search engines recently, hope they find this…




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001acb  No.15838443



"you will receive the ORDER OF BRANDON for this – Captain.!!"

rig for red

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638d1b  No.15838444


Just stop with your bullshit, no one is buying your lies.

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aca92c  No.15838445

The world stands at a cross roads.

Judgement is waiting

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d46d05  No.15838446


He wasn't a King. He never claimed to be. What are you prattling on about?

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b5713e  No.15838447

File: 56317beada9ee90⋯.png (447.02 KB, 735x1102, 735:1102, I_LOVE_IT.png)



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99fb40  No.15838448


For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.

He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

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13d4c0  No.15838449

File: 753c692953d13b3⋯.png (285.16 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDEN272.png)

File: ae038f75eb64ebc⋯.png (487.52 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDEN271.png)

File: cee02aaf6fed965⋯.png (276.01 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDEN270.png)

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6c2955  No.15838450



Sorry but kinda hard to concentrate for some right now. Lot's habbenin

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d46d05  No.15838451


Name a single national leader who isn't comped and controlled by the DS. I'll wait.

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eb0f39  No.15838452

File: 259ab464dda7fa4⋯.jpeg (17.89 KB, 632x315, 632:315, qpW32jYh2AEu593KKq7M_11_9….jpeg)

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1f622f  No.15838453


>>15838426 President Trump on the radio this morning

>>15838401 Croatia confirms crashed drone came from Ukraine

>>15838364 TS@Q: Even Jussie is participating in #FlannelFriday

>>15838362 The soldiers’ blood samples will be stored and further tested at the Lugar Center, a $180 million Pentagon-funded facility in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi.

>>15838290, >>15838370 FBI Documents Reveal US Funded Charlottesville Rioters Through Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Group — Documents Show Ties Between Azov Battalion, US Rioters

#20027 TBC

>>15837838, >>15837965, >>15838195, >>15838075, >>15838086, Breaking: Russia Releases Alleged Captured Documents Before UN Special Council Meeting Exposing Evidence of US

at 200ish

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ce36de  No.15838454

File: 51f0909dc4dcdc9⋯.jpg (51.15 KB, 760x507, 760:507, putin_smirk.jpg)

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9e71e4  No.15838455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7faab1  No.15838456

Washington Post stream: There is credible intelligence from European and American sources, that there have been movements of Russia's chemical weapons…there is alarm that as Russian forces face resistance, Russia will use these horror, terror weapons.

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c5a9ca  No.15838457


bad day to be a concern shill…just sayin'…

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bb26b9  No.15838458


He left the switch to the last second too..

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5f1789  No.15838459

File: d8f5775a815cae5⋯.jpg (126.54 KB, 1888x1050, 944:525, QM7kZ8y.jpg)

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c10bb6  No.15838460

File: edccee3aaa72cee⋯.jpg (618.59 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, edccee3aaa72ceec8d830ef6d0….jpg)


Anyone got volume 44 cover of the Great Awakening?

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aef250  No.15838461

File: a5d2d29639d2f2a⋯.jpg (278.57 KB, 630x571, 630:571, i_clicked_that_shit.jpg)

File: 4a27e73928c05c6⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1135, 216:227, clickitbabyclickit.png)

>>15837910 pb

>I clicked that shit niggas



Original documents and translations ➡️ ==https:// disk.yandex.ru/d/62hsNB8kC7MXPQ


9:38 AM · Mar 10, 2022·Twitter Media Studio

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650089  No.15838462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UN Live now. It's just begun.

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f90bc0  No.15838463



lb there is a post asking what we are here to do. I respond with some electric universe pics as that's where my mind lands (free energy, levitation, etc. all possible and within our grasp, free humanity from bonds of paying for energy, etc.)

This bread, I stumble on anons talking about thunderbolts.info

Three times this week anon thinks he thinks something on his own and then right away is hit with it from other anons. Have you fuckin autists been doing this the whole time here? I've been here for years, never experienced this place like this before. Hardcore man, hard-core.

Anyways. magneticuniverse.com etc,

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799e12  No.15838464

File: 3f5439772fb35bd⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 540x303, 180:101, chico_.gif)



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3efac0  No.15838465


Please see this >>15838338


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a9ff33  No.15838466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let him sue. I'd pay the asshole.

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36749a  No.15838467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8c478d  No.15838468


Orange, of course! He was supposed to help kick off the revolution. He failed. THAT is why he was yelling that he isnt suicidal

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234058  No.15838469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Philip Haney testifies before senators on June 28, 2016

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875284  No.15838470

File: 3239533528acf31⋯.jpg (632.58 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, Awakening_V44.jpg)

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d46d05  No.15838471

File: 29d43ab458fe08a⋯.jpeg (410.81 KB, 2048x1535, 2048:1535, 29d43ab458fe08a10f3453a79….jpeg)

File: 0b13205fb3a4538⋯.jpeg (127.78 KB, 626x420, 313:210, 0b13205fb3a45382fe5099c06….jpeg)

File: 85044ebc9e9ae27⋯.png (392.67 KB, 548x462, 274:231, 85044ebc9e9ae27e5683c18546….png)


Fake Putin…controlled actor. Next.

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9a4521  No.15838472

special report


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eb0f39  No.15838473

File: 8adf3baa265af7d⋯.jpeg (100.06 KB, 1241x1630, 1241:1630, M7OmVLyNbipLOIlOf4Vt_11_9….jpeg)

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dba78e  No.15838474

File: fb89ae7e717743e⋯.png (641.45 KB, 699x523, 699:523, Screen_Shot_2022_03_11_at_….png)

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69c400  No.15838475


You don't touch like this casually.

Great photo

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7faab1  No.15838476


I think that's just regular UN nonsense..the Security Council meeting begins at 11am.

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650089  No.15838477


oh snap!! Kek

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c10bb6  No.15838478


Many thanks fren

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da153f  No.15838479



I love chewing that shit, it's just a lot to take in at once, at least I have no troubles like I used too…

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0c642e  No.15838480

File: f84ddb27e735c57⋯.jpg (88.83 KB, 400x500, 4:5, 7772577384_201f537566.jpg)


Lugar - Georgia

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ce36de  No.15838481

File: 95bc1841569a0c3⋯.jpg (86.33 KB, 500x502, 250:251, shiksa.jpg)


keks in Assad gas

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db3cac  No.15838482


Wonder if ole juicy ratted for the light sentence.

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a11178  No.15838483

File: a4f3a5527cb05c6⋯.jpg (48.11 KB, 701x386, 701:386, Screenshot_20220311_101655….jpg)

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5c6a23  No.15838484


Hot (room temp) potato

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2f997b  No.15838485


as these assholes discuss their own administrative systems and "whether you can live with a U.N. vehicle" (an actual quote just uttered) I'm wrapping my mind around the total budget of the U.N. and the number of employees worldwide and the exorbitant amounts of money involved

world hunger would end tomorrow just by eliminating the U.N.

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dba78e  No.15838486


you'll know when his "suicide" is announced.

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875284  No.15838487

File: 7ec536d3bce2545⋯.jpg (167.83 KB, 484x511, 484:511, Shadilay.jpg)


yw anon

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6c2955  No.15838488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9a4521  No.15838489


potato on now too….imagine that

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a11178  No.15838490

File: d559241178bf481⋯.jpg (126.87 KB, 664x832, 83:104, Screenshot_20220311_102325….jpg)

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aca92c  No.15838491


Where's Xi's red folder

Where's Kim's red folder

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799e12  No.15838493

File: de273dd8ba2f81f⋯.jpeg (12.21 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d87df2553d3ed85775756c9b8….jpeg)





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8c478d  No.15838494


Thanks anon. Seems like we might want to review Trump's references to that day. Remember how the Dims melted down over that?

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d25054  No.15838495

File: b1e3fa201dc79a0⋯.png (257.2 KB, 474x336, 79:56, ClipboardImage.png)




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50dced  No.15838496

File: 2e608d3fd89335d⋯.jpeg (803.95 KB, 1170x1861, 1170:1861, 2D71E5C8_B59A_4573_B581_7….jpeg)

Potaus is on


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28527b  No.15838497


Not trying to be a downer sir, but running for President of what? If energy prices stay as they are or get much worse as I suspect they will there will not really be anything left.

I see mortgage defaults coming, car loans defaulting and repos coming, and all of the mess that that will create. When people can't actually afford food I see violence levels coming that I have never witnessed in my half century on the planet. If I'm wrong, please show me how I'm wrong. Biden has only been "in charge" for a little over a year. We have 3 to go.

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7faab1  No.15838498

Biden says they will take steps to deny Most Favored Nation Status to Russia.

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6c2955  No.15838499

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7817ec  No.15838500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The song remains the same…

Constantine may be to blame…

(Coincidently, he worked for the state)

“I will be with you until the end of the age”


Exit Pisces

Enter Aquarius

“This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius – the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21st at 𝟬° in Aquarius.”

“Aquarius starts just as some dodgy, self-important elites gear up to impose a Great Reset…”


“A Republic, if you can keep it.”

-Benjamin Franklin

(We can’t say we weren’t warned)

The great reset, agenda 21

“The tools of the fourth industrial

revolution enable new forms of

surveillance and other means of

control that run counter to

healthy, open societies."

-Klaus Schwab

The Personification of Astrology

… These ancients then categorized a specific collective of stars into what we know today as constellations. As a result of the knowledge of the sun and its location, and the location of the constellations, the cross of the zodiac was born, one of the oldest conceptual images in human history.

The Zeitgeist (spirit of the age or spirit of the time) is the dominant set of ideals and beliefs that motivate the actions of the members of a society in a particular period in time. For example, the Zeitgeist of modernism motivated the creation of new forms in the fields of architecture, art, and fashion during much of the 20th century.



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fb07e5  No.15838501


Much Obliged

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d25054  No.15838502


….wait for it.


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89c2d2  No.15838503


actually that is the only way i can see them atm

still waiting for my account to be ready

im around 300k

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81eb05  No.15838504


kys demoralization shill

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6c2955  No.15838505

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95a1d3  No.15838506

File: ddc65ca491cb334⋯.jpg (25.07 KB, 640x281, 640:281, Fh6PKw5GwHfI.jpg)

Is it True that Day shift is the gay shift? I'm not normally on the NET at this time.I wanted to share a meme and I was directed here by my friend GARY..

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aef250  No.15838507

File: 86ad3ac1cb0d330⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 255x165, 17:11, Look.jpg)



>move over to "UN 2.0"



>UN Live now. It's just begun.

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ce36de  No.15838508


>Biden says they will take steps to deny Most Favored Nation Status to Russia.

cuz war.


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650089  No.15838509


It's the Security Council. Started at 10EST. But yeah this is just regular shit. Perhaps the Putin part takes the stage at 11.

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aff79d  No.15838510


Kinda, anon

I hear ya about the part of not foolishly ‘idolizing’, Trump, but there is no need for a good person to turn shit, just to keep people from making the ‘error’ of idolizing him.

For example… he could just as easily self limit his ‘talking points’ to his clear and clean achievements… instead of continuing to touch and lay claim to his part in the hideous Covid mindfuck. For that, i’m baffled by his still wanting credit for any of it. Completely unnecessary AND counterproductive for the guy who could just stick to peptalking America.

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eb0f39  No.15838511

File: d5bfb92de902346⋯.png (893.85 KB, 859x1200, 859:1200, APEfmIRgQqJpS88zztpV_11_a0….png)

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7faab1  No.15838512

Mr. Biden: We're taking further step to ban imports and goods from several signature sectors of the Russian economy, including seafood, vodka, and diamonds.

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e78c13  No.15838513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d46d05  No.15838514


Good movie. Worth a rewatch. Watching Ukraine on Fire right now.


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5f1789  No.15838515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


pray with me!

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164982  No.15838516


Am I understanding this right? This operation is smoking out some bad actors in the Russian armed forces?

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2188ae  No.15838517

File: 284590fcfce9d8b⋯.jpg (119.56 KB, 754x795, 754:795, concernfag.jpg)



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875284  No.15838518

File: 285bb6941ed7ef6⋯.pdf (5.16 MB, UN2_0_Ten_Innovations_for_….pdf)



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7faab1  No.15838519

Mr. Biden: The G7 will seek to deny Russia the ability to borrow from leading multi-national institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.

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3efac0  No.15838520


I'm in the same boat, waiting on my account…

I'm around 1.2 million though, so feels bad man, feels bad.

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ce36de  No.15838521

File: f5cf2e41e36ac79⋯.jpg (77.51 KB, 730x500, 73:50, boycott_Joe.jpg)



forgot one

>including seafood, vodka, and diamonds.

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7a9c32  No.15838522



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a11178  No.15838523


The potato will strip naked and jerk off in a nearby child's face to keep eyes from wandering over to the UN feed

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13d4c0  No.15838524

File: a148aa396cfd4e5⋯.jpg (445.2 KB, 800x600, 4:3, fixStupid1.jpg)

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17888c  No.15838525

Wheeeeird that bidan can only make banking threats

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da153f  No.15838526


can anon help?

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f87058  No.15838527


Trump is not "the face". We are.

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36749a  No.15838528

File: a812d780a7d94ea⋯.png (131.97 KB, 585x538, 585:538, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30275c18ab9c6af⋯.png (445.22 KB, 1892x1118, 22:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c49668e0df1f717⋯.png (23.83 KB, 1055x158, 1055:158, ClipboardImage.png)


>Other $288 Billion

Comprehensive NYT breakdown of where $5 trillion in #COVID19 relief funds went



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aff79d  No.15838529


Many more than just two, anon.

That un-organization of people consists of dozens and dozens of separate individuals and previously separate fields of study, which they stumbled their chocolates into other’s peanutbutter and found out how good it all went together.

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13d4c0  No.15838530

File: 250a7c484582dca⋯.png (437.28 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BATMAN1.png)

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6f8a70  No.15838531

So, 'merica broke the nuclear treaty, Minsk agreement and biolabs treaty, and funded covid, but somehow you want peace.DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

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0a2413  No.15838532

All original documents introduced by Russia to UN are here: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/62hsNB8kC7MXPQ

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2188ae  No.15838534

File: dc5091f7b2dc704⋯.jpg (452.26 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening18.jpg)

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aef250  No.15838535


Steven Hatfeld on talking Biolabs

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28527b  No.15838536


Not demoralization shill, I politely did ask that if I'm wrong please show me how it is that I am wrong. How are any of these predictions wrong? I honestly want someone to prove me wrong.

Personally I am in pretty good shape. On track to have my property paid off by years end if things go well. Not everyone is in that position.

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63fb64  No.15838537


…I stand corrected. Mind is all over the place, this morning. Thank you.

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d85513  No.15838538

File: 926fcdcece7733d⋯.png (103.87 KB, 610x271, 610:271, ClipboardImage.png)

Let me spell this out

1. Insert our puppets to control the narrative

2. Create fear based content around climate and control the measurements so they're kept from the public.

3.Arm the UN with more weaponry to threaten nations without involving specific nations and starting broader wars, basically global proxy army.

4.Define how we will allow countries to recover to benefit our stakeholders.

5.Infect justice departments so that we're never found guilty of crimes outside of our own controlled courts.

6.Destroy energy independence globally, control output and distribution

7.Install our proxy army all over the world to prevent any uprisings against the UN

8.Invest in and control all cyber on ramps and off ramps of information gathering globally. No access to internet without UN approval or censorship

9.Invest money into community leaders globally that will drive our objectives without being considered a representative of the UN. Your preacher, your teacher, your doctor and your boss.

10.Install their own courts in each country removing the current rules, laws and constitutions.

This is a global takeover doctrine, not something that benefits the world, only those in power at the UN.

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170c54  No.15838539

Attention loud mouthed failure Christopher Steele: SOMEBODY has made "gross miscalculations", that's a cinch.

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aef250  No.15838540




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dba78e  No.15838541

File: 55611b0d9644cd7⋯.png (181.26 KB, 555x428, 555:428, muhjooshills_filter.png)


what're you trying to say, filtered muhjooshill demon?

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522e91  No.15838542

This will blow your hair back. It's a very deep dive and a long read. No doubts left behind.



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7817ec  No.15838543


>Threat Reduction program, will be used to study anthrax, tularemia andQ feveras well as other dangerous pathogens.

Odd coincidence…

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5c6a23  No.15838544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kid Rock - We The People (Official Video)


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a11178  No.15838547

The pentagon is running the country.

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aca92c  No.15838548

Biden has said must Remove Chekhov from Star Trek

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7d9beb  No.15838549

File: 73511aafd4bbaf9⋯.jpg (280.82 KB, 2048x1532, 512:383, rtxkrjb.jpg)


You know, bad things happen when Presidents go to elementary schools

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740008  No.15838551

File: 4f7ed0bfaf65a25⋯.jpeg (65.36 KB, 1080x592, 135:74, 1554209959.jpeg)

And three more years to go

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7faab1  No.15838552

Reporter: What evidence have you seen showing Russia may use chemical weapons, or create a false flag to use them?

Mr. Biden: I'm not going to speak about the intelligence…Russia would pay a severe price if they use chemical weapons.

[translation: there is absolutely no evidence to support that allegation]

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a11178  No.15838553

File: 2530fc9b352ccbd⋯.jpg (160.17 KB, 668x834, 334:417, Screenshot_20220311_102940….jpg)

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6f8a70  No.15838555



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a11178  No.15838557

File: 63181ae593989ec⋯.jpg (60.48 KB, 647x589, 647:589, Screenshot_20220311_001042….jpg)

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9a4521  No.15838559

File: 5d6b4a0598be220⋯.jpg (18.73 KB, 365x521, 365:521, yes.JPG)

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dabf8f  No.15838561

Fat Fucker on Bannon trying to downplay the labs as "no big deal."

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f000f1  No.15838562

File: 19a6f1ac2a7c8c4⋯.jpg (30.85 KB, 416x284, 104:71, joemolest.jpg)

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cdde13  No.15838565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e78c13  No.15838566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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50dced  No.15838567



> UN2.0


There is no other global organization with the legitimacy, conven- ing power and normative impact of the United Nations. No other global organization gives hope to so many people for a better world and the future we want. The urgency to come together, to fulfil the promise of the nations united, has rarely been greater.

Over its 75 years, the family of UN organizations has been capable of enormous adaptation and innovation. To continue to address the ever more complex and interconnected challenges of our times, we will need to develop more system-wide solutions, not single-issue responses.

To become more nimble and effective, we will develop and scale new capabilities that promote agility, integration, and cohesion across the UN family. This will be part of a wider transformation in methods & practices towards 2.0, which will offer more relevant and system-wide solutions 21st century challenges.

Driven by the Secretary-General's "Common Agenda", we will accelerate the UN family's transformation over the next five years through a "Quintet of Change" focused on stronger capabilities for data, innovation, strategic foresight, behavioural science, and results.



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170c54  No.15838568

Scum of the earth Jussie is given the velvet glove by the dark machine. He attempts to destroy America and by extension the world, and they slap him on the back. What he did merits the harshest of punishments.

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e12218  No.15838569

File: 6170d0ccbfd4493⋯.png (897.07 KB, 623x582, 623:582, gas_who.png)

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50dced  No.15838572

File: 0a4afb46d055621⋯.jpeg (433.23 KB, 1118x1439, 1118:1439, 6128D247_0A3F_4D42_B493_F….jpeg)

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31bed0  No.15838573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Inside A White Supremacist Militia in Ukraine

TIME - January 8, 2021

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d46d05  No.15838574


I can believe that.

Warp Speed was a bullet to Trump's head.

He who controls the Forces, control the Force.

Force = Power

Might makes right….and all that God of War worship shit.

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0294a9  No.15838576

File: 83dcec8b7738244⋯.png (327.71 KB, 768x567, 256:189, putin_massage_biden.png)


fake resident will be gone by then.

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2188ae  No.15838578

File: 67f3935996e416e⋯.jpg (93.17 KB, 535x353, 535:353, capture_1473_11032022_0743….jpg)

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7d89a5  No.15838581

UMich Sentiment Slumps In March As 'Hope' Plunges

February's plunge to new post-COVID lows, March's preliminary University of Michigan sentiment data was expected to fall even further, plumbing new lows not seen since 2011.

Sentiment tumbled across all political groups with Democrats worst…


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170c54  No.15838582


>Warp Speed was a bullet to Trump's head.


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0294a9  No.15838584

File: 1a1732cbc7f2ab1⋯.png (1.23 MB, 944x536, 118:67, ClipboardImage.png)



i clicked that shit but have not downloaded or translated it from russian to english on google.

this is a job for real top level anons who have strong internet security.

Remember we are dealing with the clowns directly here, so anon is not up to that level with coding and malware and spyware.

Beyond muh paygrade or knowledge.

Where are the tech cyperspace autists

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aac7c3  No.15838585

File: ab454daf7bed39f⋯.png (6.44 MB, 3500x1859, 3500:1859, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: 2d185e0c7900c2e⋯.png (8.11 MB, 3675x2089, 3675:2089, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: be589db8f0587c4⋯.png (350.65 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: 3fc93feb342484d⋯.png (778.5 KB, 1221x1237, 1221:1237, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because instead of Jesus as God being the creator of humans the (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((dogs))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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a11178  No.15838588

File: 46b3b974436b63e⋯.jpg (82.52 KB, 713x378, 713:378, Screenshot_20220310_164245….jpg)

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17888c  No.15838590

File: 68e29e80deab8d5⋯.jpg (828.61 KB, 1807x1018, 1807:1018, Screenshot_20220311_104545.jpg)

Hatfull of shit

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0294a9  No.15838591









filters are required

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f000f1  No.15838592

File: fe27e75d2600ee8⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 680x576, 85:72, hammertime.jpg)

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bb26b9  No.15838593


It's almost as if the EU, Biden and other corporation friends have had their turn to speak today on various platforms, leaving Putin to speak last..

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d46d05  No.15838594


He has to be held accountable for the deaths from his signature accomplishment, or we remain in the lie.

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69c400  No.15838596

Steven Hatfill

Absolute total BULLSHIT!

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fb8351  No.15838597

File: 94fccf63f33b1f5⋯.png (502.17 KB, 1892x1118, 22:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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d5747f  No.15838598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tasha Cobbs - Fill Me Up / Overflow (Medley/1 Mic 1 Take) (Official Video)

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dabf8f  No.15838599

File: 72c3e47c63ced96⋯.jpeg (84.87 KB, 822x1200, 137:200, leonard_gives_a_thumbs_up….jpeg)

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69c400  No.15838600



At some point fuckers get filtered

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4afc4b  No.15838601

File: 08f2ddbefbb7e2c⋯.png (14.82 KB, 255x158, 255:158, wereallydo.png)


Would you want to be POTUS when the truth about the labs breaks?

If optics show he did not know how can that help?

If he did know how would he tell the ones that would understand the game?

Picture painted?

Our [YOU] state is trying to Shatter the Union,

Can Law, or the Light of the Sun get the people to stop it?

Check EM

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e78c13  No.15838602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ce36de  No.15838603

File: 5b37c94a9b5ecf1⋯.jpg (186.34 KB, 1139x755, 1139:755, s1.JPG)

File: 5f2cdd556c17b15⋯.jpg (141.36 KB, 1095x597, 365:199, s2.JPG)

File: 44e1073d41d800a⋯.jpg (169.31 KB, 1113x559, 1113:559, s3.JPG)

File: ec589779aa250a3⋯.jpg (128.8 KB, 1127x596, 1127:596, s4.JPG)

File: 645fc7ea7621f52⋯.jpg (169.14 KB, 1138x922, 569:461, s5.JPG)


>10.Install their own courts in each country removing the current rules, laws and constitutions.


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0294a9  No.15838605


anon has it on now.

plus reseaching

and lurking

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7faab1  No.15838606

Polish National Assembly [not sure who is speaking]: Vladimir Putin, by brutally attacking Ukraine, wanted to establish a New World Order…he wants to change the course of history…bring back times from before 1997.

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ce36de  No.15838608

File: 2bb7a71b00021dc⋯.jpg (231.69 KB, 1072x794, 536:397, s6.JPG)

File: 1ceef6f630e403e⋯.jpg (134.03 KB, 1055x750, 211:150, s7.JPG)

File: 81c1a5862bb034f⋯.jpg (270.54 KB, 1032x902, 516:451, s8.JPG)

File: dc10992524bb880⋯.jpg (190.98 KB, 1047x925, 1047:925, s9.JPG)



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cb8798  No.15838610


He won't answer the question being asked:

Why is Nuland panicking?

He's a deepstate scaremonger and lying POS.

You can tell be looking at him.

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ed1f52  No.15838611

File: 4e7e8705df3fd96⋯.jpg (47.57 KB, 334x499, 334:499, jesusedessa.jpg)


My premise is that he was a King.

and yes there is evidence.

He was called 'King' traditionally, listen to hymns and prayers.

It depends on the sources one looks to.

In the 'New Testment' which was likely written before the 'Old' he was 'born in a manger' a so people assume he was poor

But why would the King Herod want to kill him if he was a poor nobody rather than a rival?

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a11178  No.15838612

File: 77577c0e8bbdc55⋯.jpg (134.94 KB, 671x783, 671:783, Screenshot_20220310_204157….jpg)

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cf5b87  No.15838613

All our lives they groomed US to dislike RUS. They have never done anything good for humanity in the US. They've lied to US about everything .

Knowing what you know now. It's time to RECONCILE!

Re-read the drops

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9882a1  No.15838615


We have a CME heading our way due to arrive Sunday evening USA time with a coronal hole stream to arrive on Monday. The CME is C class of long duration, producing a CME expected from a larger flare. Chances of major solar disaster less than 2 %. Will most likely including some electrical disturbances.


It will be interesting to see how the press spins any system outages related to this. They rarely connect these to solar activity. I expect any effects will serve to heighten normie alarm factor and be viewed as cyber attacks. Also this would be nice cover for a cyber attack.

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b8cafb  No.15838616

File: da9cd1fcdf1c301⋯.mp4 (9.47 MB, 370x208, 185:104, 11MAR22_tater1.mp4)


White House Live


Part 1/2

'Tater Takes a Question and….

smoke bomb!

gotta get to that elementary school


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aef250  No.15838617




>Steven Hatfeld on talking Biolabs


interdasting. He claims Ukraine biolabs = meh

no big deal

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f0a34e  No.15838618

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999ae9  No.15838619

File: 352fb09bd776e01⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1369x1937, 1369:1937, 1646223903113.png)

File: 4c109b17d74ffa6⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Blue_Book_Consider_The_Vas….mp4)

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7a9c32  No.15838620

File: 72982970bd2347d⋯.mp4 (14.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, FOCKJOEBIDAN.mp4)

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2f997b  No.15838621

File: 5a0442b95aba437⋯.png (1.02 MB, 878x896, 439:448, Screen_Shot_2022_03_07_at_….png)


kys delusional hopium slinger

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9669aa  No.15838622

File: 44263a62b2f1460⋯.jpg (46.06 KB, 546x260, 21:10, Arms.JPG)


International arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament agreements

and their architectures need to be upheld.

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f000f1  No.15838623


>Driven by the Secretary-General's "Common Agenda", we will accelerate the UN family's transformation over the next five years through a "Quintet of Change" focused on stronger capabilities for data, innovation, strategic foresight, behavioural science, and results.

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99fb40  No.15838624

I'm in Northern AZ. Last Sunday 2 Chinook helicopters flew real low heading from Phoenix towards Prescott Airport, they flew back the same path very low a couple hours later. It happened again on Monday. Then it happened again on Wednesday but this time it was 3 Chinooks. Why are they flying low enough to rattle the dishes in the house? I am in a stick built house, I feel bad for my neighbors living in trailer houses.

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b8cafb  No.15838625

File: 669ff2d0a3dea82⋯.mp4 (7.51 MB, 370x208, 185:104, 11NAR22_tater2.mp4)


Part 2/2


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ce36de  No.15838626

File: 2438c18e7ea5188⋯.jpg (267.56 KB, 1011x929, 1011:929, s10.JPG)

File: 6463d79ab82573e⋯.jpg (206.76 KB, 1043x976, 1043:976, s11.JPG)

File: 61c3a26d50e78f7⋯.jpg (212.83 KB, 1001x813, 1001:813, s12.JPG)

File: f413e58fe5d7b6a⋯.jpg (185.73 KB, 1049x800, 1049:800, s13.JPG)



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e78c13  No.15838628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


War Comes to America

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bb26b9  No.15838630


Walks off stage quickly to avoid follow up questions..

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51767a  No.15838631



don't we have an anon that created a program that extracts texts from images or something even cooler? Why can't just use this to translate this shit?

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aff79d  No.15838632


> pretend to not care about our collective slavery.

Speak for yourself

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36749a  No.15838634

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650089  No.15838635


OK Fuck! This anon is old enough to remember the first one. Never thought about it till the side-by-side. Damn!

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2f997b  No.15838636


>cover for a cyber attack



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d5f207  No.15838637


gotta do something about these corrupt coroners

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f90bc0  No.15838638


"take the booster!" - Trump

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0c642e  No.15838640

"Our anthrax" was used against us says the FBI. Mentioned on Tucker Carlson's show.

Here is the source documents from the FBI



Paper published

Martin Furmanski MD, A Guide To Amerithrax Documents: I. Attack Materials May 2010

MF file ref: AGuideToAmerthrax 25May2010.doc Contact: Martinfurmanski@aol.com


On Feb 19, 2010, the US DOJ announced the closing of the Amerithrax case, and

released a 96 page summary and 2,720 pages of declassified FOIA FBI documents. The

96 page summary presented its scientific and technical conclusions but offered little

elaboration or documentation.

Review of the 2,720 pages of the declassified FOIA FBI documents reveals

significant scientific and technical elements had been investigated but that were not

addressed in detail in the DOJ Summary. A fuller examination of these elements would

appear to be of great significance in the resolution of the 2001 anthrax attacks.

Since the NAS has been charged with investigating the scientific aspects of the

Amerithrax investigation, identification of certain specific issues appears warranted.

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2188ae  No.15838642

File: 3e60a3435793da5⋯.png (276.98 KB, 507x186, 169:62, capture_1476_11032022_0749….png)

File: fd444c24e79bc47⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 200x203, 200:203, fun_meter.jpg)

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7faab1  No.15838643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Zelensky addressing Polish National Assembly

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50dced  No.15838644



Why would you be president when COVID broke? Certainly they knew about it.

You could just as easily take credit for clearing out all the corruption, instead of giving the appearance of standing on the sidelines.

Shouldn’t he have known regardless?

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f000f1  No.15838646

File: 924474e10217d5d⋯.jpg (154.24 KB, 854x654, 427:327, doitq.jpg)

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557f0a  No.15838647


lockstep is what Rockefeller had planned. dark winter didn't work. onto lockstep

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ed1f52  No.15838648

File: fe9990054fd6f70⋯.jpg (71.32 KB, 830x480, 83:48, blackeyepsaki.jpg)


write for yourself

pissaki is black eye club too?


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da153f  No.15838650


I was perfectly prepared to be anything I want to be at any time, but this place sucks (I am talking about my house)

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e12218  No.15838651


>But why would the King Herod want to kill him if he was a poor nobody rather than a rival?

Because he spoke truth, and that was not in the sense of the Jews, because these critters have always dirt on the hands!

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aef250  No.15838652


>this is a job for real top level anons who have strong internet security.

>Remember we are dealing with the clowns directly here, so anon is not up to that level with coding and malware and spyware.

>Beyond muh paygrade or knowledge.

>Where are the tech cyperspace autists


wise anon.

just letting anons know I clicked it.

no issues yet.

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a11178  No.15838653

Believe me when I say to you

I bet the Russians love their children too. -Sting


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0294a9  No.15838655


when was time image taken?

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2188ae  No.15838656

File: 199a955c3d0a64a⋯.jpg (743.96 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening21.jpg)

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aef250  No.15838657


you can tell Bannon not buying it

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928d2e  No.15838658

File: 59629d2e7634395⋯.jpg (30.05 KB, 640x473, 640:473, bfaee445cc7dc4b0d91f6f92f0….jpg)

Nobody is going to do anything without the key 🗝 holder.

The key 🗝 holder is not even playing on the board yet.

How do you win the game… Don't play it.

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f0f63a  No.15838659

UN Meeting is Closed


UN Censoring the presentation

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7faab1  No.15838660


Was just said here about 10 minutes ago.


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31bed0  No.15838661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine: NEWSNIGHT

BBC - February 28, 2014

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318fb3  No.15838662

File: 572a245d7d5729c⋯.jpg (168.59 KB, 864x648, 4:3, milennium_lee.jpg)

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999ae9  No.15838663

File: c933f9b2467800f⋯.mp4 (2.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, So_Alive_Ukraine_Lies_Smal….mp4)



Dildo Assassin Panic!

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e78c13  No.15838665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There had been much better presidents than the Bushes!

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557f0a  No.15838666


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45d763  No.15838667

File: 79c4389f102be50⋯.jpg (32.33 KB, 360x435, 24:29, ape_glasses.jpg)


Good to know that I am not the only one thinking the same thing

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9882a1  No.15838668


You noticed that, too. Wow. Lock step.

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d88057  No.15838669

File: 63e0f18af5e0920⋯.jpg (58.2 KB, 502x496, 251:248, 1567619027757.jpg)


>Ukrainian intelligence

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0294a9  No.15838670

File: 116391e0b41c305⋯.mp4 (454.85 KB, 1920x796, 480:199, notetaker.mp4)

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aca92c  No.15838672

It's funny how many out think they no what the hell is going and don't even question where they get their info.

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4afc4b  No.15838673

File: 8c31fd30cf8012d⋯.png (13.78 KB, 255x181, 255:181, ca.png)


Not if they tried to cover it up with a Coup.

What are they trying to hide?

How do you get the sheeps attention?

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17888c  No.15838674


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1f622f  No.15838675



>>15838659 UN Meeting is Closed

>>15838643 Zelensky addressing Polish National Assembly


>>15838532 All original documents introduced by Russia to UN

>>15838528 Comprehensive NYT breakdown of where $5 trillion in #COVID19 relief funds went

>>15838488 potato on now too….imagine that

>>15838462 UN Live links

>>15838435 Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials.

>>15838426 President Trump on the radio this morning

>>15838401 Croatia confirms crashed drone came from Ukraine

>>15838364 TS@Q: Even Jussie is participating in #FlannelFriday

>>15838362 The soldiers’ blood samples will be stored and further tested at the Lugar Center, a $180 million Pentagon-funded facility in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi.

>>15838290, >>15838370 FBI Documents Reveal US Funded Charlottesville Rioters Through Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Group — Documents Show Ties Between Azov Battalion, US Rioters

#20027 TBC

>>15837838, >>15837965, >>15838195, >>15838075, >>15838086, Breaking: Russia Releases Alleged Captured Documents Before UN Special Council Meeting Exposing Evidence of US

at 400ish

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a11178  No.15838676


Phony set

Like watch Eddie Murphy doing Mr Robinson's neighborhood.

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45d763  No.15838677

File: b4de78c7db1fc6a⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, AvenittiRapinoe.png)


This guy sounds like he has something to hide

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aef250  No.15838678

File: 4b6bca5c00d3210⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 500x500, 1:1, pepePopcorn.gif)


lots going on right now

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f87058  No.15838680


Read a bible, Jesus knew they wanted to make Him king and didn't want it. Jesus NEVER claimed to be king, they said He was king.

“You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

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f000f1  No.15838681

File: 40df8822217a61c⋯.jpg (570.5 KB, 1664x1321, 1664:1321, putint.jpg)

Do it Putin

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5a6988  No.15838682


You can watch here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24AixvXhpSE

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17888c  No.15838684

Only a handful can be weaponized but they're terrified about Russia getting it? Kek

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8ef904  No.15838685


>He claims Ukraine biolabs = meh

>no big deal

Right, because these facilities exist all over the world. As if the US Jewish government were the only one doing this. KEK

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16b811  No.15838687

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2188ae  No.15838688

File: 033b299a3ee6402⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 841x1829, 841:1829, CARTER_CHOOSES_THE_PAINFUL….jpg)

File: 64563d17c231a38⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 853x1809, 853:1809, CARTER_CHOOSES_THE_PAINFUL….jpg)

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File: 22de350b317abc6⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 849x1769, 849:1769, CARTER_CHOOSES_THE_PAINFUL….jpg)



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89c2d2  No.15838689


>#20027 TBC


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36749a  No.15838690

File: a9f88047dfbbf77⋯.png (324.29 KB, 587x612, 587:612, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67123e50075ed7f⋯.png (362.4 KB, 654x435, 218:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3272b4bbe541c60⋯.png (1004.7 KB, 1170x1511, 1170:1511, ClipboardImage.png)

Denver prosecutors plan to drop the murder case filed against unlicensed security guard Matt Dolloff who shot dead a veteran in Oct 2020 during clashes when #antifa confronted attendees of a “Patriot Rally.” Lee Keltner’s death was celebrated by antifa



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9882a1  No.15838691


Hah. Tater talking about kleptocracy in Moscow. At about 3;25. Just substitute DC for Moscow and he's describing himself and cohorts.

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d46d05  No.15838692


>Fulton has Jesus as a hopeful Jewish messiah who tried to start a war with the Roman garrison in Jerusalem, yet was outmaneuvered and crucified before his ambitions had a chance to come to fruition.

Did you not read the whole thing?

The militant Jews were in revolt against Roman rule. They ultimately lost in 70AD when Pagan Rome defeated Jewish Jerusalem and destroyed the 2nd Temple. Jewish Jerusalem was divided into different sects, including; Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Gnostics, Copts and others.

Herod didn't kill Jesus. He was condemned top death by the High Priest of Jews.

Caiaphas served as the Jewish high priest in the Jerusalem temple and president of the Sanhedrin at the time of Jesus Christ’s death. Caiaphas accused Jesus of blasphemy, which led to his death sentence by crucifixion.

Caiaphas was in charge of the temple treasury, controlled the temple police and lower-ranking priests and attendants, and ruled over the Sanhedrin. His 19-year tenure implies that the Romans, who appointed the priests, were pleased with his service.

Follow the money…

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9a8f3f  No.15838694

Why does Biden Puppet Regime still want masks on Planes and in Airports?


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45d763  No.15838695

File: 118472602302691⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 407x477, 407:477, baseball_gang.jpg)


He says most things can't be weaponized yet…they weaponized the common cold

If they can weaponize the common cold, imagine what else they can weaponize

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6f8a70  No.15838696


Let me fly.

I want to make this planet heaven.

I swear to you, that I will follow Georgia's stone guide.

I will kill all the corrupt w/o any remorse.

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a11178  No.15838698

File: 815b7351842def8⋯.jpg (87.38 KB, 681x805, 681:805, Screenshot_20220310_231804….jpg)

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059d44  No.15838699

File: 40f3e20d9498ca9⋯.png (16.72 KB, 1432x142, 716:71, ClipboardImage.png)


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28db41  No.15838700



UN 2.0


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3c3ca9  No.15838703



UN 2.0


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0294a9  No.15838704

File: 6e6cee3aa717ebe⋯.jpg (83.79 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, photo_2022_03_04_13_19_10.jpg)

File: f549fb5f0d7c340⋯.jpg (66.39 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, photo_2022_03_11_09_46_21.jpg)

Flannel friday

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95a1d3  No.15838705

File: 534ed2c023a9070⋯.gif (2.82 MB, 320x240, 4:3, nice_try.gif)


Beware The Back-A-Sleepining

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f0f63a  No.15838708


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24AixvXhpSE

Thank you Anon!

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13d4c0  No.15838709

File: 58375c117f6b38c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, HADTOBE4.png)

File: 082710210bced0b⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, HADTOBE3.png)

File: 3b535d867ea6ad0⋯.png (129.86 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, HadToBe2.png)

File: fc17dfd5a535ae8⋯.gif (9.35 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, HadToBe1.gif)

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13d4c0  No.15838710

File: 58375c117f6b38c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, HADTOBE4.png)

File: 082710210bced0b⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, HADTOBE3.png)

File: 3b535d867ea6ad0⋯.png (129.86 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, HadToBe2.png)

File: fc17dfd5a535ae8⋯.gif (9.35 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, HadToBe1.gif)

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ed1f52  No.15838711

File: 6b195adf8a093bb⋯.jpg (132.6 KB, 1065x1231, 1065:1231, bidanobamapuppet.jpg)



stands with 'the people'


He's reading a script. and slurring.

No intention behind his words

He's reading someone else's words.

mumbel,, mouth is full of …. what?

claiming its bipartisan.

'keep us in PE's ?

'premature ejactualation?'

kleptocracy ?

glass houses anybody?

"acting in unison"

just as they did to set-up Trump

"markets will probably collapse"

Wish I didn't have to listen to this poor excuse for a human, piece of garbage.


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2f997b  No.15838712

File: 0d0a165ed469f5a⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1748x948, 437:237, giant_meteor.png)


cannot be fixed

cannot be helped

cannot be saved

which is how one can discern that the present situation cannot be solved by human means

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8ef904  No.15838713


> they said He was king.

seems familiar to me! KEK

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ab1985  No.15838715

Is there a countdown clock for San Francisco’s roast?

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abc121  No.15838716


Doesn't matter if they are jew or not.


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63fb64  No.15838719

File: c8f8a4e7869f17a⋯.png (24.41 KB, 776x315, 776:315, Screenshot_2022_03_11_at_0….png)

…Word for word, huh?

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cc1182  No.15838720


Well, you might as well assume that the UN won't do a damn thing even if Russia has irrefutable evidence. UN 2.0…what a joke.

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9a4521  No.15838721

File: 357126248ca0851⋯.jpg (285.09 KB, 822x466, 411:233, yhe.jpg)

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f87058  No.15838723


“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

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cf5b87  No.15838724


“Russians”, the fourth single from The Dream of the Blue Turtles, reached the top 30 in nine countries including a #16 US and #12 UK peak. It remained his highest-charting UK single until 1994.

Sting was inspired to write “Russians” during the Cold War after watching a pirated satellite Russian broadcast of Russian children’s television programming and realizing “Russians love their children just as we do”. Its melody is based on “Lieutenant Kije Suite” by Russian composer Prokofiev.

Sting originally wanted to record it in Russia, but politics didn’t allow him to. He made it clear in 1985 that “It’s not a pro-Soviet song, it’s pro-children.”

The track resurfaced to public attention again in March 2022, when the British singer himself performed it in an Instagram video he uploaded in response to the violent escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War, as troops from the former country (as well as Belarus) invaded the latter.

Sting told Record Magazine in 1985:

I feel very strongly that in order to relax East-West tension, you can’t leave it to the politicians anymore – they’ve proved themselves totally inept: lt’s up to individuals to make contact with one’s counterpart behind the so-called Iron Curtain in order to ascertain and confirm that they are human beings and not demographic sub-robotic morons. So I felt that it was important to go to the Soviet Union and perhaps meet fellow musicians and do something together. Unfortunately I came up against the bureaucracy that politicians put in front of you. It’s not easy to get into the Soviet Union to make a record – and it should be. I’d love to take this band to Russia. I think it would freak them out … It’s not a pro-Soviet song, it’s pro-children. It’s a very obvious statement to me but one that isn’t being made. The wheels were set in motion but it’s taken a very long time to do because of the politics of going through the Politburo and having them sanction it. My feeling is that you have to make contact with our potential enemies, people you might be expected to kill or be killed by.

In 2022, soon after Russia invaded Ukraine, Sting posted a video of himself singing this song, adding the following:

I’ve only rarely sung this song in the many years since it was written, because I never thought it would be relevant again. But, in the light of one man’s bloody and woefully misguided decision to invade a peaceful, unthreatening neighbor, the song is, once again, a plea for our common humanity. For the brave Ukrainians fighting against this brutal tyranny and also the many Russians who are protesting this outrage despite the threat of arrest and imprisonment – We, all of us, love our children. Stop the war.


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cb8798  No.15838726

I want to jump through the screen and smack the fuck out of Hatfill. Seriously.

This guy's evil as fuck.




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6f8a70  No.15838727


Just let me fly!

It will be easy to find the corrupt.

Look who is in power position.

All the criminals are there. And lizards are playing them.

Draconians and Orion.

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5c6a23  No.15838729

File: 1e7efa1c4a6833a⋯.png (236.93 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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16b811  No.15838730


ty collector


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f0f63a  No.15838731


This was from FEB 25th nonAnon –

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0294a9  No.15838734

File: d8cf9d2842088e2⋯.png (463.62 KB, 820x607, 820:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96bc5f1cac2df02⋯.png (104.67 KB, 487x625, 487:625, ClipboardImage.png)





Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Research Team and Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

List of Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

List of Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Some “Highs and Lows” from the UN’s First 75 Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

UN Anniversaries and Change in Global Governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Objectives and Underlying Themes of this Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

II. A Start Out of the Woods: No new “San Francisco Moment”

without a new “Dumbarton Oaks” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

III. Ten Innovations to Renew the UN System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

1. Bring New Voices into Policy-Making through a UN Global Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2. Define Climate Adaptation Goals and Gauge Their Achievement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3. Strengthen the UN’s Ability to Sustain Peace: Upgrade the UN Peacebuilding Commission . . . . . 28

4. Create a “G20+” for Accelerated, Equitable, and Broad-Based Recovery from COVID-19 . . . . . 30

5. Boost the Reach and Resilience of International Justice Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

6. Make Green Technology to Combat Climate Change More Accessible to Developing Countries . . . . . 34

7. Enhance UN Capacity to Support the Responsibility to Prevent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

8. Strengthen Cybersecurity to Safeguard Positive Global Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

9. Improve UN Civilian Capacity to Help Build Back Swiftly in the Aftermath of Conflict . . . . . . 40

10. Create a UN Parliamentary Network to Enhance Democratic Legitimacy and Effectiveness . . . 42

IV. Pioneering Partnerships in Global Governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Learning from the Past Two Decades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

The Future of Partnerships in Global Governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

V. Smart Coalitions, The UN75 Declaration and Beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Smart Coalitions and the Future of Global Governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Insights and Lessons from Building the UN75 Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Beyond 75: A Stronger UN for the Next Quarter Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Creating a new “San Francisco Moment” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Annexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69


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81eb05  No.15838735

File: 6ec4d03c2fa512e⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1808x902, 904:451, un_faggots.png)

UN Security Council LIVE NOW

Threats to international peace and security

Someone said they were going to talk about the US biolabs in Ukraine?


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3c3ca9  No.15838737


The UN should have absolutely no authority whatsoever.

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0a57a3  No.15838739

File: 5391eba7810cf2f⋯.png (126.14 KB, 1984x817, 1984:817, ClipboardImage.png)

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Victoria Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants

AT SOME POINT the streets (((for them))) will not be safe.

AT SOME POINT the streets (((for them))) will not be safe.

AT SOME POINT the streets (((for them))) will not be safe.

AT SOME POINT the streets (((for them))) will not be safe.

AT SOME POINT the streets (((for them))) will not be safe.

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ce36de  No.15838740

File: 39b587ee5b0a363⋯.jpg (25.29 KB, 460x276, 5:3, libya_latuff.jpg)


>Why is Nuland panicking?


>Why is Nuland panicking?

she is the key to the Ukraine situation

wtf is a permanent ambassador to NATO?

w/ accomplices


In 2011, Flournoy, then Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, helped persuade President Obama to intervene militarily in Libya,[26][27][28] despite opposition from members of Congress and key White House advisors, such as Joe Biden, Vice President; Tom Donilon, National Security Advisor; and Robert Gates, Defense Secretary.[27] Flournoy supported the NATO-led imposition of a no-fly zone over Libya to oust resistant leader Muammar Gaddafi, accused of ordering the killing of demonstrators and promising to "hunt the rebels down and show no mercy."[27] Flournoy said imposition of a no-fly zone necessitated first destroying Libya's air defenses with US and British cruise missiles targeting the Libyan missile defense system, and US B-2 bombers attacking Libyan airfields.[29]

In a 2013 conversation with the Council on Foreign Relations, Flournoy said she had supported US military intervention on humanitarian grounds.[28] Critics who disagreed with Flournoy described the war on Libya as "disastrous" in its destabilization of entire regions in the Middle East and North Africa,[11] facilitating the transfer of arms to extremists across countries. Two years after the ouster of Muammar Gaddafi, Flournoy defended the US military intervention in Libya, telling the Council on Foreign Relations: "I think we were right to do it."[11]

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7d9beb  No.15838741

Caller on C-span calling out government propaganda. Fucking hero

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17888c  No.15838742

I wonder if normies would welcome Russian biolabs on our border in Canada/Mexico

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b8f31a  No.15838743



>UN Meeting is Closed


>UN Censoring the presentation

Working for me


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6f8a70  No.15838744


Let me fly or be complicit to the crime against humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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0a57a3  No.15838745

File: 5391eba7810cf2f⋯.png (126.14 KB, 1984x817, 1984:817, ClipboardImage.png)

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Victoria Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants

AT SOME POINT the streets (((for them))) will not be safe.

AT SOME POINT the streets (((for them))) will not be safe.

AT SOME POINT the streets (((for them))) will not be safe.

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7faab1  No.15838746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: UN Security Council on Russia Allegations of Military Biological Activities in Ukraine

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0a57a3  No.15838747

File: 5391eba7810cf2f⋯.png (126.14 KB, 1984x817, 1984:817, ClipboardImage.png)

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Victoria Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants

AT SOME POINT the streets (((for them))) will not be safe.

AT SOME POINT the streets (((for them))) will not be safe.

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e78c13  No.15838748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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55a6c4  No.15838749

File: 3d2094d51c477b9⋯.jpg (65.61 KB, 521x515, 521:515, OlGreenEyes.jpg)

My favorite part of the fake MSM war in Ukraine is that Europe gets an influx of Slavic refugees to challenge the Muslim refugees of 2008-2015.

This also forces the EU to spend money on their own defense. Since they never paid the bills & passed it on to the US taxpayer, they can now buy shit from us exclusively.

Either way, they pay. No more free rides, Eurocuck "elites". Deep Statists must feel neutered right now seeing how much of an ass blasting the current WH is taking.

You know they are losing sleep because they can't launch WW3.

Haha! Get fucked.

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b8f31a  No.15838750

File: dbd4e67f955f1c3⋯.jpeg (427.49 KB, 828x1412, 207:353, 61DC205C_5F77_4FFC_AD1B_B….jpeg)


>Working for me

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0a57a3  No.15838751

File: 5391eba7810cf2f⋯.png (126.14 KB, 1984x817, 1984:817, ClipboardImage.png)

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Victoria Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants

AT SOME POINT the streets (((for them))) will not be safe.

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2f997b  No.15838752

File: ff732d06f43171d⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1492x886, 746:443, Screen_Shot_2021_05_26_at_….png)

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d88057  No.15838753



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81eb05  No.15838754




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f000f1  No.15838755

File: 1445574e6d6204d⋯.jpg (106.37 KB, 627x367, 627:367, biblical.jpg)

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f0f63a  No.15838757


We got some action on the UN feed now. People milling around.

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d85513  No.15838758


Fucker just said that due to the "UN New Urban Agenda" that they predict that 70% or more of the worlds population will be living in the same area within 10 years.

How the fuck you suppose they do that if you're going to keep your house and family where they are right now?

Do you plan on packing up and moving where they tell you in the next decade?

Do you think they will actually give you an option?

Wake up, it's already too late. They're discussing your obsolescence.

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9a8f3f  No.15838759

Who is being exposed today?

- UN

- State Department

- World Health Organization

Keep banging away anons. The world is waking up.

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aca92c  No.15838760


This is where and when the UN dies

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d46d05  No.15838761


The welcome US BioWeapons into their hospitals and willingly give their children toxic injections for the sake of public acceptance and popularity…

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84ea79  No.15838762

is the UN changing the bog roll

or did they just flush and leave

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81eb05  No.15838763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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f000f1  No.15838764

File: d7f525f12b44f3e⋯.jpg (330.85 KB, 1081x513, 1081:513, joejab2.jpg)

File: a00f9cd632ed28d⋯.jpg (218.32 KB, 682x511, 682:511, joejab1.jpg)

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0c642e  No.15838765

File: 53d3d1278b751a7⋯.png (308.35 KB, 1349x1823, 1349:1823, ClipboardImage.png)

Bringing this forward again.

https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/15761416.html#q15761460 (pb)

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:



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eb0f39  No.15838766

Any blips on the Schuman graph thingy?

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c5b24d  No.15838767


Its a glitch it happened to Anon the other day, it says your shit did not post but maybee it did but when you hit try again instead of the flood detected notice, I fig it was my hotspot,s fucking with my shit IDK its a fucked up really

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2f997b  No.15838771


red text shill


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6f8a70  No.15838773


I will never return home, not for this, wtv decision you'll take.

But for the pain you caused to me.

I don't trust you anymore.

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ed1f52  No.15838774

File: 699f220ec7f3e3a⋯.mp4 (8.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, cocineintheukranesmall3.MP4)


'downgraded to JUNK status'

just as what his wasted son smokes?"

'cocaine in the Ukraine"

Where'd Hunter get the money for all that crack cocaine?

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2f997b  No.15838776

File: 7ddd517c4a92f70⋯.jpeg (29.3 KB, 474x316, 3:2, crushed_underfoot.jpeg)

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70d612  No.15838777

File: 5d17cb21285df6f⋯.png (29.43 KB, 758x521, 758:521, Screenshot_2022_03_11_U_S_….png)

File: def63f8deaf4196⋯.png (28.23 KB, 563x180, 563:180, asdfadfsdfasd.png)

>>15837039 >>15837076 >>15837346 >>15837398

The 18 US Senate Republican FUCKTARDS that threw US citizens under the bus for the houses' terrible Ominbus Bill HR 2471 which no one read of course

Grassley, Really???



18 Republicans helped pass the terrible omnibus https://senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00078.htm

6:29 AM · Mar 11, 2022·Twitter Web App

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001acb  No.15838779

…its quiet - very quiet …,

morning ridge fog of war rising


fix bayonets

ready RUSH

to the front

center fire all memes




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36749a  No.15838780

File: e75ef8b985a8d83⋯.png (218.15 KB, 592x588, 148:147, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4789c1365cb5e37⋯.png (478.03 KB, 609x803, 609:803, ClipboardImage.png)


Judge Rejects Michael Sussmann's Motion to Strike Info From Durham Filing



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31bed0  No.15838781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Women and the Azov battalion in Kyiv, Ukraine | DW Documentary

March 10, 2017

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ae136f  No.15838782





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2f997b  No.15838784


red text shill


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5bf15a  No.15838785

File: 5d90741dfd0a60e⋯.jpg (173.7 KB, 720x1049, 720:1049, 20220311_090217.jpg)

File: 7fd6cb9df225c14⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB, 640x360, 16:9, fTc4rFxT7jNg0OUp.mp4)


Biden: "We're also taking a further step of banning imports of goods … including seafood, vodka, and diamonds … We’re going to continue to squeeze Putin"

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ce36de  No.15838786

File: d62b4c92ae4d0f8⋯.jpg (104.09 KB, 580x526, 290:263, wikileaks_hillary_2.jpg)

File: 9f93afefdb2fc7c⋯.jpg (124.92 KB, 955x500, 191:100, pope8.jpg)

File: f3433154e4892bb⋯.jpg (129.65 KB, 955x500, 191:100, Alpo_Bits.jpg)

File: 1363d73795e196d⋯.png (205.19 KB, 1113x635, 1113:635, bschart.PNG)

the circles are closing.


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45d763  No.15838787


I don't think that even Bannon believes what Hatful is saying

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50dced  No.15838788

File: 63be9aa6b63c061⋯.jpeg (287.27 KB, 1200x1166, 600:583, 600505A5_90A3_4FA2_B832_A….jpeg)

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9a4521  No.15838789

File: 039ae12af463740⋯.jpg (88.09 KB, 300x205, 60:41, rtext.jpg)

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81eb05  No.15838790


lol based and jew pilled

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abc121  No.15838791



Good guys already won. Bad guys are just prolonging the end game.

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aca92c  No.15838792


And Chekhov

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13d4c0  No.15838794

File: 58375c117f6b38c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, HADTOBE4.png)

File: 082710210bced0b⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, HADTOBE3.png)

File: 3b535d867ea6ad0⋯.png (129.86 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, HadToBe2.png)

File: fe12647c855f964⋯.png (945.49 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, PUTINXI1.png)

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16b811  No.15838795


for real

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8c478d  No.15838796


Bunch of masked-up cucks. I do NOT TRUST anyone in a mask. Period.

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f000f1  No.15838798

File: fb40255c19c3d16⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1024x1536, 2:3, asianflannel_2.png)

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abc121  No.15838799


>they weaponized the common cold


They weaponized what you think of as nutrition.

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1f1efb  No.15838800


Mr. Biden: The G7 will seek to deny Russia the ability to borrow from leading multi-national institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.

Mr. Putin: We don't give a fuck.

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0294a9  No.15838801

File: 62f61d54aa3bcf9⋯.png (264.03 KB, 642x623, 642:623, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36ab3eb4a88d7ed⋯.png (198.37 KB, 543x616, 543:616, ClipboardImage.png)





9. Improve UN Civilian Capacity to Help Build

Back Swiftly in the Aftermath of Conflict


Establish standing and reserve capacities to meet UN needs for rapidly deployable civilian specialist

skills in conflict prevention and peacebuilding efforts worldwide. Such a new civilian capability, with an

emphasis on gender parity, could be central to the early efficacy of future integrated UN peace operations

and special political missions.

Global Challenge Update

Violent conflicts are never static. Rapid emergency response post-conflict—and similarly

energetic efforts to prevent new or recurrent

conflicts—can reduce prospects of violence and

increase chances for sustainable peace.88 But, in

many instances, the international community’s

capacity to quickly mobilize critical technical expertise for effective early action has proven to be

less than satisfactory. The COVID-19 pandemic

has further tested global institutional capacity

to coordinate quick and effective responses to

crises. The global outbreak has the potential to

erode international crisis management systems

and further destabilize fragile countries by exacerbating both domestic and regional tensions.89

Building and sustaining peace requires greater

international civilian capacity to support the

objectives of post-conflict reconstruction and

governance.90 Despite this urgent identified

need to complement and strengthen national

and local-level governing functions in fragile

and conflict-affected situations, the UN faces

significant challenges in deploying civilian capabilities to missions and settings with mandates that vary widely.91

Matching growing demand with supply in an innovative, systematic way was the goal of the UN’s

Civilian Capacity initiative (CIVCAP, 2009–14)

and “CAPMATCH”—the UN’s former online civilian capacity sourcing platform. CAPMATCH

was used, for instance, to provide country-level

support to institution-building efforts in Liberia

and Côte D’Ivoire.92 Despite CIVCAP’s disbandment and the closure of the CAPMATCH platform,

the initiative drew attention to the many shortcomings related to the UN’s ability to deploy needed civilian capacities in conflict-affected states.93

Innovation Proposal

Building on these efforts, the Albright-Gambari

Commission proposed a new UN Civilian

Response Capability to meet three distinct

goals: (a) improving support for post-conflict

institution-building grounded in national ownership; (b) broadening and deepening the pool

of civilian expertise for peacebuilding; and (c)

enhancing regional, South-South, and triangular

cooperation in building and sustaining peace.94

Such an initiative would include a rapidly deployable cadre of 500 international staff possessing

technical and managerial skills, and fifty senior

mediators and Special Envoys/Representatives

of the Secretary-General with special attention

paid to the recruitment of women mediators and

mission leaders in line with UNSCR 1325 (2000)

and the UN’s Gender Parity Strategy. Ideally,

this group would be complemented by a twothousand-strong standby component of highly

skilled and periodically trained international

civil servants drawn voluntarily from across

the UN system—including the World Bank and

International Monetary Fund—and beyond, to

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9e71e4  No.15838803

File: c96ed67b887f20c⋯.jpg (82.03 KB, 736x552, 4:3, 08ac6b5b5eea5ee2ab3b77d7a5….jpg)

File: dd26cc13da0991a⋯.jpg (227.4 KB, 500x313, 500:313, united_nations_mural.jpg)

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50dced  No.15838804

File: 3a0ba4579cff7ac⋯.jpeg (301.96 KB, 1200x1168, 75:73, 1CD0EA8C_29CF_492D_8E81_A….jpeg)

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d5f207  No.15838806

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6f8a70  No.15838807


Why should we need satan, when you acted like satan??????????

You made me suffer, w/o a reason, I might forgive you, b/c we're different, but never forget.

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b56e6e  No.15838808


Well at least the list of traitors is becoming clear. My take was 90 traitors out of the 100.

House of Reps, is at about 70% Traitors.

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2f16a8  No.15838809



Denver Post doing live updates at UN/Russia thing

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001acb  No.15838810


gonna show mean Putey his tough side by buying oil from venezuela canada and iran

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9a4521  No.15838811

File: 43bdcd04cf9b65c⋯.jpg (624.6 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, tda.jpg)

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ed1f52  No.15838812



blocked for me

anybody got the file?

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59df64  No.15838813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fb8351  No.15838814


some anon with some capital behind them should start a business where you provide upgraded signs and digital readouts for gas stations for when gas hits double digits per gallon. think of the volume.

t- aus anon who saw it happen here when we went to $1 per liter

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9a8f3f  No.15838816

ASS is spamming the board. Just filter. Normal stuff. They're freaking about what is coming today.

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c5b24d  No.15838817

File: 2c32a480f1240dd⋯.jpg (42.26 KB, 433x1144, 433:1144, watchthis.jpg)


trust the plan

it had to be this way

still on track for the best timeline

you need to expand your thinking

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63fb64  No.15838818

File: e5780a677de7686⋯.png (314.94 KB, 439x325, 439:325, Lurkinhard.png)


…I don't trust anyone who sits at a round table. I hear that's where the betas sit.

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3d4f25  No.15838819

File: 8f153b20c20554b⋯.png (7.55 MB, 1113x1777, 1113:1777, BLUE_YELLOW.png)

File: 38df6691db65352⋯.gif (1.11 MB, 300x164, 75:41, the_matrix_the_architect.gif)

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3c3ca9  No.15838820


It’s me. I got “took too long to post” the first time, flood detected the second time, etc So, I closed the page and reopened the page. However: I didn’t bother re-sending my notable alert after re-opening. So, that’s kind of weird.

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81eb05  No.15838821

Oh great, more asmr brainwashing faggotry.

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d85513  No.15838822



All eyes on deck, UN SECURITY MEETING

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c30046  No.15838823

File: 165abaeb9c581fa⋯.png (6.72 MB, 3600x3000, 6:5, 1qclock_vanilla_1_3x3Princ….png)



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6f8a70  No.15838825


Scars will remind me of you!!!!!!

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87386c  No.15838826

Not sure if this was posted yet as i"m still reading early in the bread but this is the proper link to to the UN Security Council on Russia allegations of military biological activities in Ukraine (11 March 2022) starting now.


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2d8c6d  No.15838827

UN Session begins

"Threats to International Security"

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ed1f52  No.15838828


when he was an infant?

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2f16a8  No.15838829



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81eb05  No.15838830


lol based and jew pilled

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277a28  No.15838831


Anon says it has been conclusively argued in this space, that he had no choice but to do it, and that this action will be shown to have saved many more lives than it cost. Think of a city where a 100% fatal disease is spreading. They are encircled and quarantined by military. If they let the healthy people out through the ring, some of them may be carrying the deadly disease out into the world at large. They can not do it, simply have no choice. The people in the city are doomed. Did they want to do it? No, of course not. But making hard calls like that is the essence of what it means to be alive in a meat body. "Covid" and the jabs are the same principle writ large.

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2f997b  No.15838832

File: fffdf13824aa813⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1890x1260, 3:2, Screen_Shot_2021_06_02_at_….png)



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dba78e  No.15838833

File: da10af3e12a4f99⋯.png (732.91 KB, 947x535, 947:535, Screen_Shot_2022_03_11_at_….png)


Bannon Here

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d9cbb5  No.15838834

UN is on Ukraine now

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16b811  No.15838835

Baker post count ~@540

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70d612  No.15838836


They sure are! The US Repulsives!

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001acb  No.15838837

un produces uglier witches and whores

it is so decided

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2188ae  No.15838839

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 296x146, 148:73, Fun_Meter_Patch.jpg)

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45d763  No.15838840

Bannon telling Hatfil he is wrong

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55a6c4  No.15838841


Because "Klitch" is the Mayor & she had a feeling he wasn't totally on (((their))) side. They tried to keep him away but that failed.

He will be the next President of Ukraine. Cap this.

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1da691  No.15838842


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7817ec  No.15838843


Knowing what we know now about the MSM not just broadcasting "fake" news, but actual propaganda… isn't it worth re-examining "the Project for a new American century" conceived prior to 9/11?

Let's consider for a moment a smaller event (comparatively speaking) for a hypothetical Hegelian dialectic enacted for the purposes of a purely political agenda…

If a politician wanted to push a more restrictive gun control policy for instance, wouldn't it be fairly simple for a compartmentally isolated group within FEMA to stage a school shooting as a classified secret drill?

Local law enforcement and local officials could be brought in for cover and sign under legally binding national security agreements of non-disclosure.

A school district that needed major updates to a school building that wasn't currently in service could be selected.

Financial incentives to that end could be offered…

The event could be conducted AND… for a period of time, FEMA could gage how well the "drill" had been clandestinely carried out. If there was exposure, well, there would still be time to announce that it had indeed been just a drill to test government readiness to handle it.

However, if it went off seamlessly and was undiscovered…

A perfect opportunity would exist to push an agenda. It might even be possible that the governed would be so outraged over what they perceive was a real tragedy, that they would volunteer or perhaps even demand to give up some additional rights in the name of security…

There is really no down side or risk to any governmental official in this scenario. Under the guise of National Security, it's not even illegal and one more step gets taken in the direction they want to go.

If it works great, if not they can make the claim that our government is working hard to be prepared for any eventuality….

(I'm of course thinking about sandy hook here, but the scenario also works with variants in the script such as pulse night club or the San Bernardino shooting)

Impossible? Who would tell? The MSM? The CIA was created to accomplish exactly these kinds of events… they have been carrying them out internationally since the agency was created.

Is it such an impossible leap to make that someone in government or deep state wouldn't create a domestic agency capable of operating in the same manner within the US?

The National Defense authorization act (NDAA 2012)

created the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) which is an independent agency of the United States government.

According to its website, its mission is to "inform, engage, and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy."

Hillary Clinton was on this board at the time of Sandy Hook, while she was Secretary of State.

This law empowers the government to legally propagandize the American people.

Why would the Congress create and approve this bill, which was signed into law by Obama, if they didn't plan to use it?

Have we ever actually seen any "fake" news in the media?

“National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has an amendment added that negates the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 (SMA) and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987.”

“The amendment empowers the State Department and Pentagon to utilize all forms of media against the American public for the sake of coercing US citizens to believe whatever version of the truth the US government wants them to believe. All oversight is removed with Amendment 114.  Regardless of whether the information disseminated is truthful, partially truthful or completely false bears no weight.”

“Repealing the Smith-Mundt Act allows the direct deployment of these tactics on the American public.

Information Operations activities are undertaken to shape the essential narrative of a conflict or situation and thus affect the attitudes and behaviors of the targeted audience and equates descriptions of combat operations with standard marketing strategies. With the NDAA 2012 in its current form, the State Department and Pentagon can go beyond manipulating mainstream media outlets and directly disseminate campaigns of misinformation to the U.S. public.  Successful wars require domestic acceptance.”


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cc3f93  No.15838844

Now for two years we've been our own

And moss grows fat on a rolling stone

But that's not how it used to be …

If it keeps on raining, levee's going to break

If it keeps on raining, the levee's going to break

When the levee breaks, we'll have no place to stay

2:22 2/22/22

1/11 2:22 10:34:08

10:34:08 1/1/22


1:34:1 1:17:17:1

4511 1:17:11

3/11 11:11 11.3

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f28c60  No.15838845


Weird painting

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dabf8f  No.15838846

This fat fuck was Trumps Covid advisor? No wonder he screwed the pooch.

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e5e21e  No.15838847

Putin is goin to lay a "Cuban Missile Crisis" upside Potato's and the Derp State's heads. Glossy enlarged photos and videos corroborated with multiple eye witness testimonies and technical experts as well. Putin will also impeach the U.S.official position with actual U.S. government documents and emails. This entire U.S. "Biological Threat Reduction Program" with its 30+ global "partners" (in name only) begun under Hussein is going to be exposed as the offensive bioweapon plan ringing Russia and CHYna that it actually is.

Moreover, Putin will show the World proof that a coordinated attack on Russia was planned by the U.S. Derp State to begin middle to late March, 2022.

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cf5b87  No.15838848


Puppet sleepwalker on bottom right.

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dba78e  No.15838850

File: da10af3e12a4f99⋯.png (732.91 KB, 947x535, 947:535, Screen_Shot_2022_03_11_at_….png)


bannon here

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cb8798  No.15838851


Now Hatfill is trying to twist this by turning it back onto Covid.

Bannon redirecting back to Nuland.

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f87058  No.15838852


Except that's not what the bible says will happen.

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c30046  No.15838854

File: b1a49e0ec92ee59⋯.png (7.16 MB, 3700x3700, 1:1, D5expandusarmySOTU.png)

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1f622f  No.15838855



>>15838759 Keep banging away anons. The world is waking up.

>>15838754 C-SPAN live UN link

>>15838367 What is UN 2.0 you might ask?

>>15838659 UN Meeting is Closed (live again moments later)?)

>>15838643 Zelensky addressing Polish National Assembly


>>15838532 All original documents introduced by Russia to UN

>>15838528 Comprehensive NYT breakdown of where $5 trillion in #COVID19 relief funds went

>>15838488 potato on now too….imagine that

>>15838462, >>15838735, >>15838746 UN Live links

>>15838435 Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials.

>>15838426 President Trump on the radio this morning

>>15838401 Croatia confirms crashed drone came from Ukraine

>>15838364 TS@Q: Even Jussie is participating in #FlannelFriday

>>15838362 The soldiers’ blood samples will be stored and further tested at the Lugar Center, a $180 million Pentagon-funded facility in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi.

>>15838290, >>15838370 FBI Documents Reveal US Funded Charlottesville Rioters Through Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Group — Documents Show Ties Between Azov Battalion, US Rioters

#20027 TBC

>>15837838, >>15837965, >>15838195, >>15838075, >>15838086, Breaking: Russia Releases Alleged Captured Documents Before UN Special Council Meeting Exposing Evidence of US

at 500ish

just got audio on the UN

now feed says closed again

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78d44a  No.15838856

File: a9e7facb3f433f2⋯.jpeg (82.12 KB, 828x828, 1:1, 50B05EB5_44A3_4977_9B68_7….jpeg)

File: 0171f2fef6d7aa6⋯.jpeg (34.72 KB, 502x380, 251:190, 691278F8_70C2_4F5B_821A_D….jpeg)

Jussie is being housed on 2 North in Cermak hospital. That is the on site hospital at Cook County Jail.

They are expecting him to create problems in order to draw attention to himself.

They have assigned the Emergency Response Team to him 24/7, the officers were instructed to wear body cameras and never turn them off.

Bitchass gonna try and stink up the place with his garbage.

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9cbcdf  No.15838857

Today will be a day.

Biblical, historical, and long overdue.


We would have never made it this far if it wasn't for (you) exposing their corrupt network. Thank you frens.

Thanks for hanging out with me.

Love your neighbor and his dog. He might just be me!

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84ea79  No.15838858

I make a motion we cut straight to Putin

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0fd0ef  No.15838859

Haha dumb bitch: "most of the civilian casualties are children."

Where's your sauce, ya cunt??

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2f16a8  No.15838860

UN Intro whore reiterating Ukraine genocide ..blaming Russia.

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cb8798  No.15838861


The obfuscation and misdirection by this guy is staggering.

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81eb05  No.15838862

Here we go with the old brainwashing session. Get the Jews to talk first about "muh Russia bad guys" before the truth comes out.

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f000f1  No.15838863

File: 7fc21d27f771ebe⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 560x315, 16:9, obamaknow.jpg)

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cc1182  No.15838864


Temper your expectations. A lot of people have their hopes up over this whole UN meeting…but I wouldn't bargain on anything earth-shattering, unfortunately.

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abc121  No.15838865

Fuck Hatfill.

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2188ae  No.15838866

File: 0b8f241fc81d4e0⋯.jpg (86.38 KB, 356x396, 89:99, capture_1485_11032022_0812….jpg)

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9a8f3f  No.15838867

>Biden extends masks in Airports, Train Stations, Planes and Trains

Can Facial ID Technology identify people wearing masks? Run Forrest, Run

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0fd0ef  No.15838868



Call for vote.

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f000f1  No.15838869

File: 5f077b3826d7613⋯.jpg (135.13 KB, 648x476, 162:119, hillarynancyviol.jpg)

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d9cbb5  No.15838870


load of shit

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45d763  No.15838871

File: 9f3f4c0fbebf7a8⋯.png (755.43 KB, 947x535, 947:535, hatfill.png)

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1b5bf4  No.15838872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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557f0a  No.15838873


his treatment compared to jan6 people is disgusting. 150 days is a joke. no justice

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cc6b40  No.15838874

File: 1073c674f4f5e89⋯.jpg (192.97 KB, 1230x1280, 123:128, photo_2022_03_11_08_30_44.jpg)

File: 02566f512e75e39⋯.jpg (127.8 KB, 962x1280, 481:640, photo_2022_03_11_08_30_44_….jpg)

File: 71d83b3a63684c9⋯.jpg (92.89 KB, 923x1280, 923:1280, photo_2022_03_11_08_30_45.jpg)

File: cc8b7763c2c5517⋯.jpg (38.52 KB, 756x654, 126:109, photo_2022_03_11_08_30_45_….jpg)

One of the obtained documents, indicating the involvement of foreign states in the work of military biological laboratories in Ukraine.

Actually, it is precisely by such circumstantial evidence that the role of the West (and, above all, the United States) in projects related to the development of biological weapons is being clarified. That is why the United States, who denied their involvement, changed their shoes and pretend that, of course, there were laboratories, but there was nothing serious in them.

The documents already found contain information about the systematic interaction of Ukrainian scientific centers with the US State Department, the US Embassy in Ukraine and the Friedrich Lofleur Institute in Germany. At the same time, the work of biolaboratories was, as a rule, confidential and closed. In the hands of Russian specialists, there was an official correspondence instructing employees to keep secret information about ongoing research.

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d9cbb5  No.15838875

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f28c60  No.15838877


Why do Jewish people feel so threatened by non-Jewish Whites?

And Jewish people are just a subset of Whites. Why do they exclude themselves from being White?

They have set themselves apart, segregated themselves as exclusives.

Methinks they are the real "White Supremacists" who want all non-Jewish Whites exterminated.

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81eb05  No.15838878

Somebody shut this fucking Jew bitch up.

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2188ae  No.15838879

File: 267b866202c2e53⋯.jpg (189.43 KB, 624x576, 13:12, _s7ixtcys1i9.jpg)

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0fd0ef  No.15838880


Totally agree. It'll be spun and ignored by WW media.

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f000f1  No.15838881

File: e92c1074001727a⋯.jpg (465.82 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, mask2.jpg)

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cb8798  No.15838882


"We're jumping around here so it's hard to make a point."

NO, asshole, YOU are jumping around and not answering the questions!

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6d8b3f  No.15838883

File: e1aeb0cb6a037bc⋯.jpg (28.95 KB, 300x442, 150:221, worlddom.jpg)


What do you think 11.3 is ?

The announcement of Podesta [What country]

Just triggered 2.0

When is the Fall out Set to Occur?

will they be done in 30?


lets go brandon

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d5f207  No.15838884


For some of these traitors who are already dead… anon would love to see them tried in absentia, their corpses dug up and defiled in some manner. Maybe quartering their corpses and burying the pieces separately in mass graves.

but other than that, anon is not holding onto any grudges :)

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c8b0d9  No.15838885


>25:55 clock today ← pretty damn "5:5" Id say


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70d612  No.15838887







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d9cbb5  No.15838888


Always have to be the victim

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62ac55  No.15838889

File: 11125e765e120ae⋯.gif (972.92 KB, 312x213, 104:71, It_S_Happening_Ron_Paul_GI….gif)

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d88057  No.15838890



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0294a9  No.15838891



>>15838367, >>15838734, >>15838801 U.N 2.0 preplanned Back Swiftly in the Aftermath of Conflict - pdf download

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dabf8f  No.15838894


"You're bringing up things that make me look stupid…because I am. Now just believe what I say without asking questions. These are just small town agricultural centers."

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cb8798  No.15838895

Hatfill: The Russians are going to produce fake documents.

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2188ae  No.15838896

File: cfe0e5eaaae8fc8⋯.jpg (593.69 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening63.jpg)

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2f997b  No.15838897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


better read it a few more times

the books sealed in Daniel's day have opened

the enemy has known for a long time

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55a6c4  No.15838898


I propose we kick the UN out of Manhattan, take the real estate, and build a luxury hotel & casino with a concert hall & maybe a driving range for compete with the Chelsea Pier.

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ed1f52  No.15838899

File: 9ebcc87b8a15299⋯.jpg (1.8 MB, 1200x923, 1200:923, 3wisemenphrigianhats.jpg)


i'm looking at it from a totally different chronology / timeline

and yeah, he was supposedly a rebel against the 'romans'

He was hidden by his mother … they had to hide. the KING was out to kill him when he was still an infant. Only makes sense if he was royalty himself

also the '3 wise Men'

why'd they bring him gifts?

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f24ee9  No.15838900

File: 3d20ec9f02e83ef⋯.png (254 KB, 450x637, 450:637, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1cd3917ffe21b2⋯.png (257.54 KB, 450x637, 450:637, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da786af2a50f395⋯.png (125.01 KB, 450x637, 450:637, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96a4f43c3580f0b⋯.png (137.6 KB, 450x637, 450:637, ClipboardImage.png)



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f6ce2e  No.15838901


>Love your neighbor and his dog. He might just be me!

3 keks

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9882a1  No.15838902

The 15 post red text poster has me missing e-bot..

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e5e21e  No.15838903


*That is unless Pelosi arranges another "insurrection" at the U.N. forcing all delegates to be evacuated BEFORE Russia can show the ABSOLUTE PROOF of the extensive U.S. bioweapon operation and plan to attack Russia with a simultaneous release at these facilities.

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cc1182  No.15838905


I hope so. I mean, they're goin' hard right off the bat with shittin' on Russia…

Hopefully Russia hits back…

"Now, let me tell you why that's bullshit…"

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d9cbb5  No.15838908


Bannon fucking up his preloaded talking points

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abc121  No.15838909



That isn't a virus.

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9cbcdf  No.15838910

File: fe9832db7b6472b⋯.jpg (5.88 KB, 255x143, 255:143, f3f837af5a4620ef775b17b443….jpg)


Putin lurks here, he knows who got the buns.

Right now he is all smiles knowing nothing can stop what is already here.

This is frustratingly fun! Let's rip shit up!!

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2f16a8  No.15838911

File: 75f20436536202f⋯.png (825.14 KB, 1021x702, 1021:702, ClipboardImage.png)

Speaking on allegations of bioweapons…"the UN is not aware of any biological weapons programs" in the ukraine.

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e78c13  No.15838912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Asteroids Potentially Hazardous To Earth

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f87058  No.15838914

File: 0cc470030d5f3ee⋯.png (16.36 KB, 831x233, 831:233, ClipboardImage.png)


You better take your own advice and read it more.

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2188ae  No.15838915


>The 15 post red text poster has me missing e-bot..


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81eb05  No.15838916

Holy fuck I hate all these UN faggots wtf all swamp.

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f24ee9  No.15838917

File: a3855551c75fc41⋯.png (726 B, 70x45, 14:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3b1ded87351035⋯.png (28.48 KB, 374x1018, 187:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4e92961f632b25⋯.png (2.4 KB, 333x56, 333:56, ClipboardImage.png)


21 2018

3 11>>15838900

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ed1f52  No.15838919


i like it.

Crimea and Kashmir would be good tourist destinations at some point, as well.

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15cab3  No.15838920

File: 624c2bff70c3c11⋯.png (361.45 KB, 959x541, 959:541, Brackets.png)

File: d64e196456e08c2⋯.png (156.59 KB, 652x467, 652:467, clocky.png)




+ ++ +++







Looks like a TV show that was on cartoon network.

Watching now, First episode has a clockface character which looks set at 10:02 like the mickey mouse clock.

Also brackets at the end. PIC

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5c6a23  No.15838922

File: 0e9ae016adca362⋯.png (335.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



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261f17  No.15838923

What was the worst battle of WW2?

Danzig or Stalingrad?

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0294a9  No.15838924

File: b01bf28ef196391⋯.png (981.19 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


Sorry that should readBUILD BACK SWIFTY

>>15838367, >>15838734, >>15838801, U.N 2.0 preplanned Build Back Swiftly in the Aftermath of Conflict - pdf download

Same as build back better quotes by all the leaders

UN Civilian Capacity to Help Build

Back Swiftly in the Aftermath of Conflict

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31bed0  No.15838925





Stop supporting Nazis.

Stop sympathizing with Nazis.

Stop funding Nazis.

Stop arming Nazis.

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1b5bf4  No.15838927

File: 7f1030009977c98⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 37.2 KB, 240x193, 240:193, 6DFB0ECE_4957_4E49_9AEE_7….jpeg)

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f24ee9  No.15838928

File: 66029836d1ad516⋯.png (27.77 KB, 772x413, 772:413, ClipboardImage.png)

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9cbcdf  No.15838930


Putin lurks here, he knows who got the buns.

Right now he is all smiles knowing nothing can stop what is already here.

This is frustratingly fun! Let's rip shit up!!>>15838815



he looks nothing like me.

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9e71e4  No.15838931

File: 12286f07da892f9⋯.png (397.61 KB, 744x500, 186:125, fauci_march_madness_Q.png)

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1aa2fc  No.15838932

File: 86686cfd07b1841⋯.png (204.58 KB, 463x262, 463:262, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_0….png)


Other than a flag, nothing represents nationalism more than a soccer ball/football.

Two GLOBAL powers and a message to the the NWO great reset.

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f000f1  No.15838933

File: 89626b49559035e⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1600x1220, 80:61, comfy.jpg)

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15cab3  No.15838934



excuse me

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55a6c4  No.15838936

File: de1fa0f97f0d691⋯.jpg (89.19 KB, 800x679, 800:679, UkesArentCauscasian1.jpg)


>USAF says Ukrainian's aren't Caucasian

Ukrainians confirmed mystery meat mutts.

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abc121  No.15838937



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45d763  No.15838938

File: 79fea4e594114a1⋯.png (751.67 KB, 947x535, 947:535, hatfill2.png)

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6c2955  No.15838939

fucker wont get off me

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0294a9  No.15838940


Already printed in date below

Copyright © June 26, 2020 The Stimson Center

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f28c60  No.15838941


Quads of Truth.

>Always have to be the victim

And they taught that trick to the Black population.

I believe that all of the Black, boo-hoo, poor me, groups were started by Liberal Jews.

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d5f207  No.15838942


Hatfill is a spook, probably in on the anthrax attack

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0fd0ef  No.15838943

File: 4e2d2e1025a477e⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1915x953, 1915:953, ClipboardImage.png)

When's this chink commie bitch gonna shut up?

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9e71e4  No.15838944

File: 1645790cb62a21e⋯.jpg (330.46 KB, 1880x1160, 47:29, Adidas_Telstar_Mechta_Ball….jpg)

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f24ee9  No.15838945

File: 2d305bbd22873ad⋯.png (336.07 KB, 811x465, 811:465, ClipboardImage.png)


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d9cbb5  No.15838946

File: 06970fe9db28eac⋯.jpg (32.92 KB, 497x273, 71:39, 0fac374374f083cc9a9fbfeb0a….jpg)

isn't potato talking now who's listening

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e5e21e  No.15838948


"muh deep fakes" shill.

Shut the Fukk up, Killary.

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674dec  No.15838949


Yes they are being unsealed, but they don't say what you think they do. You have a very "dark" view if you think a meteor is going to hit the planet. Symbolism will be their downfall.

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f000f1  No.15838950

File: 6dd887fcd243171⋯.jpeg (348.02 KB, 766x805, 766:805, virusat.jpeg)

File: 2511c413b6930a9⋯.png (120.39 KB, 759x439, 759:439, billsmirk.png)

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f24ee9  No.15838951

File: ce9c57a0f9a2467⋯.png (201.45 KB, 400x225, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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36749a  No.15838952

File: 464b8b1a6273270⋯.png (477.19 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d9cbb5  No.15838953


worlds most expensive ball

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2188ae  No.15838954

File: 22f83b887a144fd⋯.jpg (650.57 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening62.jpg)

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81eb05  No.15838955

This bitch is talking about nuclear power plants for their false flag bullshit again.

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defde1  No.15838956

File: 72904e7f045aaf2⋯.png (728.25 KB, 632x716, 158:179, 72904e7f045aaf214cec75860d….png)


what are you talking about. its more exposure of [them]. we are winning everyday.

'i was born for this.

from day one i wanted it.

we've come to far to quit.

ain't no stopping it.'


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e78c13  No.15838957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0294a9  No.15838958


thank you anon, archived.

but anon cannot speak russian so may download a program to see if it can be done without using google services.


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c120c1  No.15838959

File: c5843b5b2203681⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1200x912, 25:19, Screenshot_2022_03_11_at_1….png)

File: 4686083c143c2c0⋯.jpg (133.52 KB, 1080x1097, 1080:1097, 1645765031627.jpg)

File: f7c5bbeca5ba2ae⋯.jpg (132.87 KB, 1014x838, 507:419, 6ec46bbad04cad778e03316f66….jpg)


US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Victoria Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants





































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d88057  No.15838960


"Covid" is not a virus, it is a parasite.

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89c2d2  No.15838961

>>15838215 TYB



>>15837457 The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation is asking a Russian court to declare that Meta (Facebook) as an extremist organization and ban its activities in Russia.

>>15837462 A hospital in Germany is now withholding all medical care from Russians and Belarusians.

>>15837487 "Scheduled" Events for: 11MAR22

>>15837491 Morning BIFF85

>>15837502 Sixty years ago the United States roasted the Soviet Union in a UN Security Council meeting convened over the Cuban Missile Crisis

>>15837505 The South Carolina Forestry Commission worker could get a maximum of five years in prison if convicted.

>>15837514 U.N. council to meet at Moscow’s request over U.S. biolabs claim, as Zelensky dismisses chemical weapons allegation

>>15837572 “The nature of damage to the hospital can mislead the mass audience in Europe & US—For which this performance was made.

>>15837603 WHO says it advised Ukraine to destroy pathogens in health labs to prevent disease spread

>>15837650 New DJT! Big Rally in South Carolina this Weekend

>>15837689 Carlo Maria Viganò New World Order The Great Reset Ukraine-Russia conflict Vladimir Putin Volodymyr Zelensky

>>15837794 Members of Congress Caught Profiting Off Ukraine War

>>15837838 Breaking: Russia Releases Alleged Captured Documents Before UN Special Council Meeting Exposing Evidence of US Military Biolabs in Ukraine (VIDEO)

>>15837846, >>15837906 Call to Dig - Search the Podesta emails for Ukraine and Victor Pinchuk

>>15837848 NoName Up NIGHTWATCH just took a turn around the block…

>>15837896 Judge warns special counsel over provocative court filing

>>15837955 Kamala, The most inspiring VP of all time?

>>15837970, >>15837991 Statement On The Truth Social @Q Account

>>15837998 Senators sign declaration of war to Russia along with Romney


>>15838157 Prosecutors will drop a second-degree murder charge against a former television station security guard who shot a pro-police demonstrator

>>15838158 Qlcoking fagging Florence 2.0 Today is :55 11 MAR 2022


>>15838213 FBI Documents Reveal US Funded Charlottesville Rioters Through Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Group

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0fd0ef  No.15838962

File: 36fe725abe26123⋯.png (77.42 KB, 255x241, 255:241, ClipboardImage.png)

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cc6b40  No.15838963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>And Jewish people are just a subset of Whites

white europians scattered, tattered and "shattered"

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17888c  No.15838965

File: f485d43de76b5e8⋯.jpg (297.85 KB, 1910x1080, 191:108, 20220311_112401.jpg)

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fb8351  No.15838966

File: 901ee7000f3ac1b⋯.png (625.79 KB, 628x617, 628:617, pepe_SG1.png)

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ca3dae  No.15838967

They are now using our TERMS. Even 5 years ago, it was unheard of for any official in front of a camera to say 'false flag' because they didn't want anybody curious to search the termz. To know that they have to start using our forbidden red-pill language says that we are very much on the precipice.

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81eb05  No.15838968
















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f24ee9  No.15838969

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2f16a8  No.15838970

File: f8327582ae468c1⋯.png (749.03 KB, 902x622, 451:311, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia turn

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9cbcdf  No.15838971


oh ya it is. today is the marker for phase something of the awakening.

(it is actually happening and i dont want to jinx it)

watch the world erupt in anger over what the elite corrupt people have done to us. there will be politicians drug from their homes starting today, humanity has had enough of their shit to last a lifetime.

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029349  No.15838972

File: c5843b5b2203681⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1200x912, 25:19, Screenshot_2022_03_11_at_1….png)

File: 4686083c143c2c0⋯.jpg (133.52 KB, 1080x1097, 1080:1097, 1645765031627.jpg)

File: f7c5bbeca5ba2ae⋯.jpg (132.87 KB, 1014x838, 507:419, 6ec46bbad04cad778e03316f66….jpg)


US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Victoria Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants




























US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

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9e71e4  No.15838973

File: c2513499fc19f23⋯.jpg (84.5 KB, 962x549, 962:549, 6657870_6430263_A_soccer_b….jpg)

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082f5f  No.15838974

File: b3911104cea0322⋯.jpg (274.21 KB, 672x511, 96:73, LOVE.jpg)



I love (independence day) lion(s)

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bb26b9  No.15838975

And just as the Russian was introduced CNN cut him off to recap what the previous speak said.

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9a4521  No.15838976

File: 4928b5462fdaac4⋯.jpg (22.8 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Tranquility_Lane.jpg)

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d88057  No.15838977


"Covid" is not a virus, it is a parasite.

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b56e6e  No.15838978

File: 743416a303016cd⋯.png (203.67 KB, 453x345, 151:115, ClipboardImage.png)


Here Fixed It

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a78427  No.15838979

File: f26ac13e4719c51⋯.png (776.47 KB, 785x1280, 157:256, ClipboardImage.png)

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aff79d  No.15838980


Well shit!

He’s just opening up with more of the Covid scam.

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45d763  No.15838981

File: 062467cfd6735f1⋯.png (693.12 KB, 947x535, 947:535, hatfill3.png)

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1f622f  No.15838982

>>15838961 danke scraper



>>15838759 Keep banging away anons. The world is waking up.

>>15838754 C-SPAN live UN link

>>15838659 UN Meeting is Closed (live again moments later)?)

>>15838643 Zelensky addressing Polish National Assembly


>>15838532 All original documents introduced by Russia to UN

>>15838528 Comprehensive NYT breakdown of where $5 trillion in #COVID19 relief funds went

>>15838488 potato on now too….imagine that

>>15838462, >>15838735, >>15838746 UN Live links

>>15838435 Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials.

>>15838426 President Trump on the radio this morning

>>15838401 Croatia confirms crashed drone came from Ukraine

>>15838367, >>15838734, >>15838801, U.N 2.0 preplanned Build Back Swiftly in the Aftermath of Conflict - pdf download

>>15838364 TS@Q: Even Jussie is participating in #FlannelFriday

>>15838362 The soldiers’ blood samples will be stored and further tested at the Lugar Center, a $180 million Pentagon-funded facility in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi.

>>15838290, >>15838370 FBI Documents Reveal US Funded Charlottesville Rioters Through Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Group — Documents Show Ties Between Azov Battalion, US Rioters

#20027 TBC

>>15837838, >>15837965, >>15838195, >>15838075, >>15838086, Breaking: Russia Releases Alleged Captured Documents Before UN Special Council Meeting Exposing Evidence of US

at 650ish

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8f37ff  No.15838983

small hat spammer is back,

happens coming

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9cbcdf  No.15838984


today the world learns that russia is the good guys and america the bad dudes.

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60ad81  No.15838985

File: 12e407a3e97b975⋯.png (194.15 KB, 989x1488, 989:1488, 8003fdf7b1da154540d0c4bc20….png)

File: d279eae9755f2ee⋯.png (661.83 KB, 628x617, 628:617, d279eae9755f2ee970df000da8….png)

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029349  No.15838986

File: c5843b5b2203681⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1200x912, 25:19, Screenshot_2022_03_11_at_1….png)

File: 4686083c143c2c0⋯.jpg (133.52 KB, 1080x1097, 1080:1097, 1645765031627.jpg)

File: f7c5bbeca5ba2ae⋯.jpg (132.87 KB, 1014x838, 507:419, 6ec46bbad04cad778e03316f66….jpg)


US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Victoria Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants




























US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

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001acb  No.15838987

its habbennig right know

bio lab declas

lesco brandon

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0294a9  No.15838988

File: febf3a9ce287ae8⋯.png (843.68 KB, 944x539, 944:539, ClipboardImage.png)


was just going to post that.

anon is watching carefully.

hillary is probably losing her shit

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f000f1  No.15838989

File: 3ae87c9e8ca1a2a⋯.png (360.76 KB, 617x544, 617:544, trumpball2.png)

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81eb05  No.15838990

Network of 30 biological laboraties.




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6cdba7  No.15838991

Russian Federation Representative at UN: We discovered emergency clean-up by Kiev regime of traces of a military biological program..with support of the US Ministry of Defense.

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1d464c  No.15838992

they are not translating the russian on the live stream ==reuters

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9e71e4  No.15838993

File: 3ba60eaf8748c4e⋯.jpg (57.75 KB, 610x788, 305:394, 15_198.jpg)

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082f5f  No.15838994


I need to spy outside now, may post a pic later in a new bread.

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eb2ff6  No.15838995


anon needs help…

Why is Russia even there if they aren’t part of the UN?

Also- holy crap- what is he saying? He sounds like Q

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c6a60a  No.15838996

File: 7cebe96f1e238bf⋯.png (11.38 KB, 255x231, 85:77, 7969dd85eb4748dcdc37d4315e….png)

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55a6c4  No.15838997


Euro banks leaving Russia. Multi National Corps closing up. MSM kicked out using CV19 as a ruse. Expanded neutral zones around Russian borders.

Globalists are having a bad 2 years. It's just the beginning.

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9cbcdf  No.15838998


from now on, no onw will believe anything zelensky says…fucking kid that cried wolf 100 too many times and fucking lied.

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029349  No.15838999

File: c5843b5b2203681⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1200x912, 25:19, Screenshot_2022_03_11_at_1….png)

File: 4686083c143c2c0⋯.jpg (133.52 KB, 1080x1097, 1080:1097, 1645765031627.jpg)

File: f7c5bbeca5ba2ae⋯.jpg (132.87 KB, 1014x838, 507:419, 6ec46bbad04cad778e03316f66….jpg)


US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Victoria Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants
































US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

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6cdba7  No.15839000

Russian Federation Representative at UN: A network consisting of at least 30 biological laboratories in which very dangerous biological experiments are being conducted.

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aca92c  No.15839001

Learn Russian!

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2188ae  No.15839002

File: 1c3b8fd70943240⋯.jpg (617.4 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening60.jpg)

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e5e21e  No.15839003


CHYna, itself, forced this entire World scrutiny over the entire "U.S. Biological Threat Reduction Program" involving 336 biolabs in 30 + countries conveniently ringing, or close to, the borders of Russia and CHYna.

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b9e036  No.15839004

File: 6e445a4762f75d5⋯.png (95.05 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb2ff6  No.15839005


This is unreal

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81eb05  No.15839006


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029349  No.15839007

File: c5843b5b2203681⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1200x912, 25:19, Screenshot_2022_03_11_at_1….png)

File: 4686083c143c2c0⋯.jpg (133.52 KB, 1080x1097, 1080:1097, 1645765031627.jpg)

File: f7c5bbeca5ba2ae⋯.jpg (132.87 KB, 1014x838, 507:419, 6ec46bbad04cad778e03316f66….jpg)


>you're never right.

>you're never right.

>you're never right.

>you're never right.

>you're never right.

>you're never right.

>you're never right.






US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Victoria Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants
































US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

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9cbcdf  No.15839008


Putin is going to look like a hero when this is all explained.

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36749a  No.15839009

File: 605666dff84ae1c⋯.png (276.21 KB, 588x525, 28:25, ClipboardImage.png)

A trial timeline has been established for the Darrell Brooks #WaukeshaMassacre case. October 3rd, 2022. Trial estimated to take 4 weeks.


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2f997b  No.15839010


this is a shill disguised as a fluoridated retard

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ed1f52  No.15839011

File: 3e22764791ab75d⋯.jpg (151.85 KB, 1000x1326, 500:663, historyfictionorscience1.jpg)


but he was also a real King, just didn't play it up. That was a mission deemphasized, something he was born to.

The bible stories contradict one another with details, so I take them more as outlines.

Since there are contradictions between the different accounts, they all can't be 100% accurate?

I resolve what I can by taking into consideration the work of various historians.

Wish I had more time to really dig in this.

Believe it or not, to study this well, you'd have to know Russian.. All the most important historians write in Russian right now.

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9a8f3f  No.15839012

File: e55f5f547e37dd3⋯.png (23.38 KB, 681x206, 681:206, q_4859.png)

The ONLY reason the UN is televising the UN Security Council meeting on bioweapons labs funded by the US Dept of State and DOD in Ukraine is because of WORLD DEMAND for consumption.

They can no longer hide in the shadows. Dark to Light.

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d9cbb5  No.15839013

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eb2ff6  No.15839014


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81eb05  No.15839015

corona viruses!

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cc6b40  No.15839016

File: e4bc0cfd974d787⋯.jpg (56.58 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, photo_2022_02_24_12_34_44.jpg)

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16b811  No.15839017

File: bd7ca697602f8ce⋯.png (134.81 KB, 389x215, 389:215, 69de2065_a4e7_4c2e_95c2_92….png)



BV has to edit into notables nb if baker needs

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7a9c32  No.15839018




six times

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81eb05  No.15839019

ecto pararisstes like lice and fleas

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2188ae  No.15839020

File: 258afd584677c59⋯.jpg (726.68 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening55.jpg)

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029349  No.15839021

File: c5843b5b2203681⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1200x912, 25:19, Screenshot_2022_03_11_at_1….png)

File: 4686083c143c2c0⋯.jpg (133.52 KB, 1080x1097, 1080:1097, 1645765031627.jpg)

File: f7c5bbeca5ba2ae⋯.jpg (132.87 KB, 1014x838, 507:419, 6ec46bbad04cad778e03316f66….jpg)


>you're never right.

>you're never right.

>you're never right.

>you're never right.

>you're never right.

>you're never right.

>you're never right.






US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Why is Nuland panicking?

Victoria Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants






























US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

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55a6c4  No.15839022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Remember when comedy existed, anon? I miss it.

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eb2ff6  No.15839023


US funded!!!!

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1d464c  No.15839024

ecto parasites, lice and fleas

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fb8351  No.15839025

File: 4ace2b3005c34ad⋯.png (2.34 MB, 2858x2194, 1429:1097, _.png)

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d9cbb5  No.15839026


we are winning

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81eb05  No.15839027

Squad 713 of Japanese army escaped to USA

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f87058  No.15839028


No. Jesus NEVER said He was king. They said He was king.

Read the bible, God was angry they wanted a king over them.

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cb8798  No.15839029


A few minutes after this, he then said "we'll have to wait and see what they release before we decide."

Completely disheveled.

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f000f1  No.15839030

File: 32ae53446c022be⋯.png (289.94 KB, 1042x437, 1042:437, syringe1.png)

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1f622f  No.15839031



>>15838759 Keep banging away anons. The world is waking up.

>>15838754 C-SPAN live UN link

>>15838659 UN Meeting is Closed (live again moments later)?)

>>15838643 Zelensky addressing Polish National Assembly


>>15838532 All original documents introduced by Russia to UN

>>15838528 Comprehensive NYT breakdown of where $5 trillion in #COVID19 relief funds went

>>15838488 potato on now too….imagine that

>>15838462, >>15838735, >>15838746 UN Live links

>>15838435 Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials.

>>15838426 President Trump on the radio this morning

>>15838401 Croatia confirms crashed drone came from Ukraine

>>15838367, >>15838734, >>15838801, U.N 2.0 preplanned Build Back Swiftly in the Aftermath of Conflict - pdf download

>>15838364 TS@Q: Even Jussie is participating in #FlannelFriday

>>15838362 The soldiers’ blood samples will be stored and further tested at the Lugar Center, a $180 million Pentagon-funded facility in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi.

>>15838290, >>15838370 FBI Documents Reveal US Funded Charlottesville Rioters Through Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Group — Documents Show Ties Between Azov Battalion, US Rioters



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1d464c  No.15839032

japanese evil scientists escaped to usa

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6cdba7  No.15839033

Russian Federation Representative at UN implicating USAMRID, Walter Reed, Naval Medical Research, Ft. Detrick.

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e78c13  No.15839034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0294a9  No.15839035


he is quoting exactly what was in the gwp article, they must have dropped the info before this statement which is going out live

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e5e21e  No.15839036


The EU will fracture over this issue.

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14e4fc  No.15839037

File: 6399325ee80bb7e⋯.png (669.73 KB, 962x628, 481:314, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6ad071a20ae66c⋯.png (645.25 KB, 666x574, 333:287, ClipboardImage.png)



Edward Leedskalnin

might interest you. beyond this anon's physics paygrade

The Leedskalnin Codex: Breakthroughs In Understanding The Coral Castle


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aabf0f  No.15839038

File: 5c1db6559e89593⋯.mp4 (11.67 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Fantastic_Voyage_Small_TS_….mp4)



Hey Google

"When are world leaders going to be strung up on the lamp posts by their own Citizens?"


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2188ae  No.15839039

File: 14460e6b3e079d6⋯.jpg (679.92 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening50.jpg)

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a1db33  No.15839040

File: 9bceac6358101e8⋯.png (240.1 KB, 480x336, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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6cdba7  No.15839041

"Spread from bats to people"

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17888c  No.15839042

1940's Jap scientists found refuge in US !

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eb2ff6  No.15839043


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ed1f52  No.15839045


he had to downplay he was King cause he was seen as a rival to the powers who planned to kill him.

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f28c60  No.15839046


>Methinks they are the real "White Supremacists" who want all non-Jewish Whites exterminated.

Then they will set themselves up as the Supreme Overlords of all POC.

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f4d999  No.15839047



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2188ae  No.15839049

File: 24a1ee5ff5a448d⋯.jpg (705.65 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening46.jpg)

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dabf8f  No.15839050

File: bc1109060386a33⋯.jpg (12.37 KB, 196x255, 196:255, 815c6a6fd596411ce813557fdd….jpg)

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eb2ff6  No.15839051

God help us.

The US news may go black after this.

Wouldn’t want the sheep seeing the reality of the virus.

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c6a60a  No.15839052


glad ya caught that

got distracted



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2188ae  No.15839053

File: 494bb8edb45e932⋯.jpg (398.09 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening43.jpg)

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2188ae  No.15839055

File: 8ae13ac21223391⋯.jpg (604.74 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening42.jpg)


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e3de26  No.15839056

File: f6e3c875044fca3⋯.png (54.73 KB, 514x566, 257:283, Screenshot_2022_03_11_11_2….png)

File: dcc55e754ac6d8c⋯.png (130.15 KB, 514x566, 257:283, Screenshot_2022_03_11_11_2….png)

United Nations Security Counsel: 5 permanent member states. All five must agree for a resolution to pass. 5:5

How do you produce evidence? Call a meeting. Think mirror. 11.3 → 3.11 What happens on 11.3? Podesta is called to be arrested. Which Podesta was in legal trouble over the Podesta Group? Tony Podesta… Now think mirror. instead of 11.3 Podesta is called to be arrested, on 3.11 Tony is called to be arrested. Tony Fauci.

Ted Cruz called for Tony Fauci's arrest a few days ago. The first arrest will trigger a mass population awakening… Who else in the world do you know of that a simple arrest would have as much effect as the arrest of Anthony Fauci? He's been the face of COVID since this started. If the UN could possibly come into an agreement with a unanimous consensus 5:5 pointing the finger at Fauci or whoever, it would cause a mass awakening into what's been going on in the world and how they've been using us for profit and destruction.

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aef250  No.15839058

File: 5324eef1209cdf4⋯.jpg (15.41 KB, 250x255, 50:51, fauci.jpg)

File: 48ba0471b56f03b⋯.jpg (67.53 KB, 625x403, 625:403, fauciScience.jpg)

Did he say "Fleas"?

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2188ae  No.15839059

File: a357bbd63cc5068⋯.jpg (755.6 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening38.jpg)

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eb2ff6  No.15839061

Dang- he’s going back to the swine flu.

America implicated.

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f000f1  No.15839062

File: 667b33dadcef1f9⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, YELLOW.jpeg)

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16b811  No.15839063


#20027 have been edited above in bread notables

still early

will lock bake till close to end

ty baker


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49d26d  No.15839064


It’s just a “shell game”. Every time there is a mass casualty event aka war they just shuffle around their players. ie; Op Paperclip, as an example

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2188ae  No.15839065

File: b708731a46bb6d6⋯.jpg (655.14 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening58.jpg)

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81eb05  No.15839066


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7817ec  No.15839067

File: 9daf4921b7f21bc⋯.png (522.02 KB, 640x462, 320:231, 4DFA720F_2FCC_453D_A6B8_86….png)

File: 316f03009d2184f⋯.jpeg (180.07 KB, 604x1044, 151:261, C302FAA5_98EE_4F77_94B5_6….jpeg)

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2188ae  No.15839068

File: 905c7275ffce5ff⋯.jpg (681.09 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening56.jpg)

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f000f1  No.15839069

File: c9ed178fba4e272⋯.jpg (196.43 KB, 542x540, 271:270, aoc.jpg)

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2188ae  No.15839072

File: 7acdaffb61edd1a⋯.jpg (600.45 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening53.jpg)


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92af86  No.15879825

File: d5b5ae703d85453⋯.jpg (614.18 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening54.jpg)

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92af86  No.15879827

File: 1b42d4c6e49a14e⋯.jpg (612.64 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening45.jpg)

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