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File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB, 1748x938, 874:469, _WWG1WGA_.jpg)

5022a1  No.15826405[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15600441 =!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!= | >>15406818 Iwo Jima YouTube Link

>>15406820 Meme Requests

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5022a1  No.15826413


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15676854 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls

>>15731793 Organizing notes on Ukraine (etc) to avoid "wall-of-text buns

>>15790843 Deletions & Bans on QR Policy

>>15814240 TS@Q posts NEW



>>15825667, >>15825777, >>15826388 Biden to sign executive order instructing agencies to consider creation of a US 'digital dollar'

>>15825670, >>15825676, >>15825678, >>15825680, >>15825684, >>15825690, >>15825761, >>15825887, >>15825845, >>15825930, >>15826127, >>15826308 Pete Buttigieg – Corruption

>>15826043 This is @Chasten, Pete Buttigieg’s husband grooming kids. It’s a cult

>>15825704 Power to Chernobyl is cut and transmission is lost at Europe’s largest nuclear plant - TimesofIsrael

>>15825716, >>15825769, >>15825775 why is Ukraine Amy Klobuchar not getting heat these days???

>>15825773 What else happened in 2014 in Ukraine?

>>15825779 @USNavy Ship Shape ⚓

>>15825794 Twitter to launch dark web service to defy Russian block

>>15825844 Bloomberg is talking about bug burgers again

>>15825867, >>15825949 ICYMI: Chernobyl not decommissioned fully until 2065

>>15825869, >>15825923 ICYMI: Biden Gang Now Says Biological Labs That They Said Were in Ukraine Yesterday Do Not Exist

>>15825892 Conservative Yoon Suk-yeol Wins South Korea Presidential Election

>>15825925 The Curious Case of Stefan Halper, Longtime 'Zelig' of American Scandals Who 'Crossfired' Trump

>>15825946 BI@LAB truth pouring out! It's about the CHILDREN/Future! Pray!

>>15825961 Anon members Salesforce from the Podesta emails, why would J6 subpoena?

>>15825990 New audio from the cockpit of Donald Trump's private jet shows the pilot calmly discussing his return to the airport shortly after takeoff

>>15825992, >>15825995 WTF is going on - what is the plan and what can I do?

>>15826005 Voting record: Know your Traitors [H.Res. 956]

>>15826029, >>15826255 Some caps anon took at the time of the FL condo collapse

>>15826137 Svoboda as keyword in DoS FOIA reading room, Putin accuses hussein of undermining PDJT [Turkmenistan?]

>>15826197 WHO health emergencies director Dr. Mike Ryan sees Ukraine as key factor for success of future pandemics

>>15826301 Mike Pence flew to Israel this week on the private jet owned by arguably the most powerful donor in Republican politics, Miriam Adelson

>>15826319 which hunt on tina peters, who blew the whistle on the deep state trying to silence her at mike lindel symposium

>>15826327 Zelinskyy no longer insists on joining NATO. Is it over?

>>15826390 #20012

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5022a1  No.15826417


>>15824953 Ukrainian MP Kira Roedik literally fights for the New World Order

>>15824967 PEDO BUN 9 March 22

>>15825093 AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake Files Amicus Curiae Brief Supporting Effort To Reel In Mail-In Voting

>>15825230 PF Report: Boeing E6B Mercury 164405. Call sign MILKY43. kek TACAMO!

>>15825249 NATO drops Women's Day Tweet - after 'neo-Nazi sun patch spotted on Ukrainian soldier

>>15825252 U.S. Backed Svoboda's Oleh Tyahnybok Overthrows Ukraine's Government

>>15825268 John McCain, Victoria Nuland, and the U.S. State Department Orchestrate the Ukrainian Coup

>>15825310 Austria suspends law forcing all adults to have Covid jabs

>>15825344 Trump mentioned the building collapse in Florida at least three times in this interview, call to dig?

>>15825356 Durham Reveals Clinton Lawyer's One Mistake Changed Everything in the Russia Probe

>>15825366 HIV/AIDS in Ukraine

>>15825370 Reporting was paused to assess the new ‘fake news’ law adopted by Moscow - RT

>>15825393 RNC sues over Jan. 6 panel's subpoena of Salesforce

>>15825409 US has funded Ukraine Lab Pathogen and Bio Weapon Research since 2005

>>15825535 Top AIDS Researchers Killed in Malaysia Airlines Crash

>>15825577 CO county clerk Tina Peters indicted in election security breach investigation

>>15825617 #20011


>>15824174 Abbott Labs (ABT) spun out its pharma dibision in 2013, now called Abbvie (ABBV).

>>15824148 Wuhan and St. Louis are sister cities.

>>15824189 US has funded Ukraine Lab Pathogen and Bio Weapon Research since 2005, in spite of what Pentagon Press Secretary says

>>15824191 New Special Counsel Durham filing

>>15824199, >>15824237, >>15824247 Pfizer is done! Pfizer is delisting from NYSE OR We don't know what we're looking at. DIG

>>15824209, >>15824589, >>15824685, >>15824696, >>15824718 Something about a boat in palm beach?

>>15824220 march-7-2014-nearly-a-billion-dollars-of-ukraines-gold-reserve-is-loaded-on-a-plane-destined-for-the-united-states/

>>15824223 Why is there power running to a nuclear plant that supposedly no one is at and unihabitable for 200 more years?

>>15824266 request-to-lift-emergency-orders-truckers-meet-with-senators-in-d-c

>>15824285 Two sentenced for illegally obtaining nearly 50 tons of cheese and more

>>15824272, >>15824329 This video makes Ukraine look like the pharmaceutical poison-capitol of the world

>>15824337, >>15824450 New Dan Scavino

>>15824381, >>15824370, >>15824388, >>15824400 Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize Them

>>15824434 Wall Street's Biggest ESG Preacher Suffers Massive Loss On Russian Exposure

>>15824440 Former Tenn. State Rep Pleads Guilty To Federal Fraud Charge

>>15824466, >>15824612 Farage's comments, referring to DJTs comments to the UN - energy independence

>>15824719, >>15824724 NYT Reporter: CIA/NSA Sources Involved With Trump “Pee Tape” & "Leftist sh*t" At The Times

>>15824771 Psaki twats "False Flag"

>>15824808 (2003) Genetic blueprint of Coxiella burnetii, a category B bioterrorism agent causes "Q fever"

>>15824882 The death rate for the U.S. increased by about 16% in 2020 compared to 2019

>>15825915 #20010 posted in #20012

Previously Collected

>>15824100 #20009

>>15821741 #20006, >>15822500 #20007, >>15823329 #20008

>>15819364 #20003, >>15820162 #20004, >>15820962 #20005

>>15816943 #20000, >>15817736 #20001, >>15818565 #20002

>>15814668 #19997, >>15815408 #19998, >>15816166 #19999

>>15812366 #19994, >>15813140 #19995, >>15813841 #19996

>>15810059 #19991, >>15810849 #19992, >>15811581 #19993

>>15807771 #19988, >>15808544 #19989, >>15809294 #19990

>>15805493 #19985, >>15806896 #19986, >>15807074 #19987

>>15803178 #19982, >>15803957 #19983, >>15804681 #19984

>>15800726 #19979, >>15801514 #19980, >>15802349 #19981

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15787413 Notables #12: Nothing Can't Stop This!

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5022a1  No.15826423

File: 9c00029aad3432f⋯.png (10.4 KB, 202x255, 202:255, ghosting.png)


#20013: Understand that this is siege warfare



Baker Requesting Handoff

ghost imminent

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5d0e83  No.15826437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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89e002  No.15826444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



With a lil help from my frens

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7e0f36  No.15826445

File: 29f9c6f744f4c3f⋯.jpeg (117.22 KB, 1800x1198, 900:599, 8582CCC7_4A1C_4070_9FAC_0….jpeg)

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41a83d  No.15826446

File: 1258f09a758ce59⋯.png (1.26 MB, 960x1192, 120:149, ClipboardImage.png)

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24603f  No.15826447

File: 4764df3b60280f2⋯.png (353.79 KB, 598x625, 598:625, ClipboardImage.png)

"The Russian army is the last bastion against the satanic new world order".

Literal quote from the official Russian Officer's Handbook. Captured by Ukrainian GUR, document appears authentic.


держите хорошую борьбу!

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5022a1  No.15826448

File: 4c5dc2df66be897⋯.png (24.03 KB, 583x526, 583:526, 1636408881866.png)

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28aa49  No.15826449

File: 29c59bd00f47534⋯.jpg (84.21 KB, 840x480, 7:4, downloadfile.jpg)

File: e522819a81fd293⋯.jpg (86.54 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 680a0v.jpg)


Psaki is not a princess by a stretch of the word.

Psaki has always had a daddy thing with John Kerry.

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74faa7  No.15826450

File: 63af5fd7286fde3⋯.jpg (465.04 KB, 1078x1544, 539:772, Screenshot_20220310_181446….jpg)

Dan on truth

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0dd743  No.15826451

File: 98e5315215d3928⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB, 320x320, 1:1, HkgvjBF5QF5y609F.mp4)

all PB


>Tedros Adhanom Ghe'breyesus

name is like weird thing one would study to find out the "why's"

the study of :

Tedros Adhanom Ghe'breyesus

a most peculiar specimen



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0dd743  No.15826452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus dancing video

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d6b657  No.15826453

File: c3e2280090d3d39⋯.jpeg (671.72 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, C5C00822_7A0A_4E8B_B484_9….jpeg)

File: 55144b799c9db9b⋯.jpeg (146.62 KB, 1332x666, 2:1, 5F954AE2_D9DF_4968_B451_7….jpeg)

File: 187214a1c44dbc6⋯.jpeg (512.46 KB, 2099x1368, 2099:1368, CEB62A13_5134_447D_94CE_F….jpeg)

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28aa49  No.15826454

File: 29c59bd00f47534⋯.jpg (84.21 KB, 840x480, 7:4, downloadfile.jpg)

File: e522819a81fd293⋯.jpg (86.54 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 680a0v.jpg)


Psaki is not a princess by a stretch of the word.

Psaki has always had a daddy thing with John Kerry.

Ron Watkins looks retarded as fck.

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7dfd96  No.15826455

File: 39f8f6c77dcef3d⋯.png (947.48 KB, 412x783, 412:783, capture_1118_09032022_2113….png)


>>15825902 lb

>What the Kek<


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8378b2  No.15826456


It's punishment. She and about a third of the angels decided God was not the perfect being and the star angel Lucifer was. So God banned ALL of them from heaven and created man to decide who actually is the perfect being. Amy Lee is one of the third fallen angels that has taken control over a human soul.

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4f760d  No.15826457




that'd be me


Be nice, i am only part Hillary and do not stay that way


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28aa49  No.15826458

File: 29c59bd00f47534⋯.jpg (84.21 KB, 840x480, 7:4, downloadfile.jpg)

File: e522819a81fd293⋯.jpg (86.54 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 680a0v.jpg)


Psaki is not a princess by a stretch of the word.

Psaki has always had a daddy thing with John Kerry.

Ron Watkins looks retarded as fck. .

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329edb  No.15826460

Source: Battlefield replay https://www.gettr.com/streaming/pz4jk75393

Tina Peters is in jail.

Has bail hearing tomorrow.

Judge presiding is the hon. Gretchen Larsen.

She might not be hon., might be a real c___.

Bannon on the soapbox hot.

Need some pro bono lawfags to jump on the Tina Peters cause.

Lindell says he is going to get her out. Implies he is going to raise cash for bail.

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74faa7  No.15826461

File: 59519d668cc5112⋯.png (772.42 KB, 1024x1002, 512:501, ClipboardImage.png)

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fa3d4b  No.15826462

File: 0eaa9b167b0b863⋯.png (1.36 MB, 976x972, 244:243, whycov.png)

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f004cf  No.15826463

Thank the lord for our baker!

>>15820584 PB qdrop

>[2019, 2020][+1]

That [+1] means [2021,2022]

Q was the most accurate datefag

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ee3991  No.15826464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15826356 (PB)

>Meanings and Double Meanings.

>Listen to his carefully chosen song title response at 47:49 - Message to the autists!

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7100e0  No.15826465

File: ab209dbc97b8d59⋯.png (245.13 KB, 678x221, 678:221, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ec9ae  No.15826466

File: f51db77ccd0a44d⋯.png (706.26 KB, 693x463, 693:463, 0b13a33ab3f5d534c10a53d375….png)

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4f760d  No.15826467

File: 26c32aa7c8a2893⋯.png (236.73 KB, 500x373, 500:373, ClipboardImage.png)


Natural Justice

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5022a1  No.15826468

File: 77690fa0fc92bb3⋯.png (122.45 KB, 680x763, 680:763, c72e141750cd03d0b20e93dd75….png)


>Need some pro bono lawfags to jump on the Tina Peters cause.

Baker is out of the loop but saw last bread and seemed notable

>Lindell says he is going to get her out.

Implies he is going to raise cash for bail.


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329edb  No.15826469



Get your minds out of the gutter. Kek.

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28aa49  No.15826470

File: 4d4cde359a8722b⋯.jpg (61.38 KB, 500x605, 100:121, 682xlo.jpg)

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9cb5f4  No.15826471


>Get your minds out of the gutter. Kek.

This is impossible.

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0f56b2  No.15826472

Nice and comfy

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41a83d  No.15826473

File: 705070b29208d2e⋯.png (196.53 KB, 570x438, 95:73, ClipboardImage.png)


does she make sammiches?

she looks like one of them dirty gurls you wouldnt want touching your food

mebbe she irons

that would be ok

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329edb  No.15826474


at posted vid link. He says it at approximately 47:06. "No, I'm getting her out."

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f88047  No.15826475

File: 0fde26f0440853f⋯.png (165.64 KB, 561x392, 561:392, UNag0fde2.png)





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8378b2  No.15826476


I'm drunk but this pretty much sums it up. Her and many other artists songs are made for God in an attempt for forgiveness(which only man has)

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28aa49  No.15826477

File: 4d4cde359a8722b⋯.jpg (61.38 KB, 500x605, 100:121, 682xlo.jpg)

File: ac490656b4de382⋯.png (161.06 KB, 275x423, 275:423, 99648c16b147a9206e8e2d4bd4….png)


Spamming a podcast… That's a new low.

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5022a1  No.15826478

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24603f  No.15826479

File: dc9b394f9dc8d86⋯.png (546.68 KB, 500x403, 500:403, Screenshot_2021_10_05_at_1….png)

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0dd743  No.15826480

shannon breem on fox

just said

'dangerous animal

in re-rerun of her show regading house passing re: russian oil


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: EV3pI+ol No.149401052 📁

Nov 14 2017 12:51:10 (EST)

How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

Do you attack it from the front?

Do you walk through the front door?

Do you signal ahead of time you will be attacking?

How do you distinguish between good and bad?

Who do you trust to keep secrets?

How do you prevent leaks?

Who do you trust to complete the mission?

How do you prevent warnings being sent?

Why is Adm R. so important?

Why was the source code to former NSA collection p’s publicly released?

How do you blind the Clowns In America?

What was Snowden’s primary mission?

What was Snowden’s real primary mission?

Was Snowden truly acting on his own?

Nothing is as it appears.

What show is being put on by AG Sessions since his confirmation?

What show is being put on by POTUS since AG Sessions’ confirmation?

Why was AG Sessions’ confirmation challenged heavily?

Why was RR’s confirmation smooth and easy?

What was the vote count for RR?

Why did Sessions recuse himself?

Why is this relevant?

What group has vocally supported RM repeatedly?

How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

Who is best to conduct the attack?

What is the one force necessary to retain control?

Why does the US Military play such a vital role in this global game of RISK?

What is money without power?

Why did POTUS depart Manila 30 min ahead of schedule?

Why is AF1 landing in Hawaii?

Does AF1 have in-air refueling ability?

Nothing is as it appears.

What was the DC vote breakdown between Trump & Clinton?

What is the nickname for DC?

Why would sealed indictments be outside of DC jurisdiction?

What purpose would this serve?

Why are judicial appointments being rapidly completed?

Who can you trust?

Have faith, Patriots.


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74faa7  No.15826481

File: 3e4436f57910767⋯.png (600.43 KB, 684x786, 114:131, ClipboardImage.png)

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a829ef  No.15826482

glitchy transfer….

better be a bit less predictable with the fake pages

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8378b2  No.15826483


To clarify man can be forgiven angels cannot.

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5d0e83  No.15826484

File: 887436bfa850ab2⋯.jpeg (36.69 KB, 720x773, 720:773, Jedi_Clampett.jpeg)

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7100e0  No.15826485

File: 5a1648d3a08adfd⋯.gif (624.93 KB, 446x404, 223:202, NightShift_3_.gif)

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e98ab0  No.15826487

File: 7606100f83dc1bb⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB, 1520x720, 19:9, Anon_Kings.mp4)

Hey lady!!

You crazy!!

There is no Qanon…it's Q, and..

(Vid related)

Missed the fill on the last, so this is my shit.

G'nite dirty rotten scoundrels.

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41a83d  No.15826488


rulez of the Marvel Comics Universe

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24603f  No.15826489

File: 95db83005c9aa97⋯.png (349.22 KB, 598x635, 598:635, ClipboardImage.png)



Russia state-affiliated media

Kiev Has Killed 14,000 Civilians Since 2014, Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, Morales Says


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7dfd96  No.15826490

File: 56c52e35e5ba38f⋯.jpg (85.89 KB, 477x384, 159:128, _f66x5f86cl5.jpg)

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8a5c85  No.15826491


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41a83d  No.15826492

File: adb330f1a02d0e5⋯.png (259.79 KB, 871x914, 871:914, ClipboardImage.png)



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3249ae  No.15826493

Like a lot of you, I eventually got signed up for a Truth Social account and was placed on a waiting list.

During my attempts to sign up, the SMS verification option didn’t work for me and eventually I was able to get verified by email.

Well, I just checked my TS app and found the waiting list notice was replaced by a request to verify my account via SMS. I followed the instructions and was put back on the waiting list with the same waiting list number as before, but now I get a green check mark and a notice that I was indeed SMS verified.

So maybe TS is sorting out some lingering problems from their initial iOS rollout and maybe I’m a step closer to getting off the waitlist.

Shared here in case some of you had the same issues with SMS verification when you created your account request. Go back and check the TS app to see if you need to verify.

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d29c7a  No.15826494

>>15824268 pb

If it is for cooling of perpetual processes and they can no longer be cooled without power…. R'oh R'oh.

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7d51de  No.15826495


That picture just doesn't look of age Anon. It will probably get reported, because I will probably report it to keep the board on the safe side, sorry

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a1567d  No.15826496

File: e48ba37f0909000⋯.png (404.03 KB, 1022x563, 1022:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9aa1824e79ad62⋯.png (477.44 KB, 927x723, 309:241, ClipboardImage.png)

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4f760d  No.15826497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you are both blowing air up each others colaceta

Throwing thunder and lightning at the moment, they've gone one step too far (Years go) now i'll leave it to the trees

* Dances with scythe *

da de da da de da

06 06



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7100e0  No.15826498

File: 2c144753dab79e3⋯.gif (285.53 KB, 1200x839, 1200:839, drawPepe.gif)

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8dd66b  No.15826499

File: 4138c192d6905ef⋯.jpg (65 KB, 500x649, 500:649, 683xuw.jpg)

Ron Watkins needs better campaign AD's.

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e4ac6e  No.15826500


These f**kers are bottom-dwelling, wicked, evil, soulless, manipulating, vile demons. I spose they'll drop a few more diseases on fleeing Ukrainians. Scum like this need to be vaporized. Pink misted.

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a11c14  No.15826501

I see in notable that Z no longer insists on joining NATO and could this mean end is near.

When listening to cnn tonight I got the same impression. Guest ambassador Taylor was insistent that Putin lost this war no matter what agreement is reached

Said Putin is a weak loser

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8dd66b  No.15826502

File: 4138c192d6905ef⋯.jpg (65 KB, 500x649, 500:649, 683xuw.jpg)

Ron Watkins needs better campaign material…..damn.

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64e82f  No.15826503

File: a3c0c0ee509602a⋯.jpg (211.01 KB, 1120x1084, 280:271, every_year_is_worse.jpg)

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5022a1  No.15826504

File: 0ec529cf4f7ce50⋯.jpg (64.92 KB, 810x906, 135:151, ghost_shiba.jpg)


>>15826460 Tina Peters is in jail. Has bail hearing tomorrow.

>>15826489 Kiev Has Killed 14,000 Civilians Since 2014, Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity - Sputnik





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87ab1c  No.15826505

File: 4b6efd0e50a21eb⋯.png (1.05 MB, 954x635, 954:635, ClipboardImage.png)

Played Friday yet?

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7a9753  No.15826506

File: 4e63359153d6aca⋯.png (348.48 KB, 1537x1300, 1537:1300, ClipboardImage.png)


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8378b2  No.15826507


Is it? or it isn't?

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ea54b9  No.15826508


full speed ahead. 11.3 ones and 7s



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843d98  No.15826509

File: a0fe7ef19070ba4⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB, 270x480, 9:16, 3tvtd_caa.mp4)

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74faa7  No.15826510

File: 23a4c14731a30ff⋯.jpg (127.23 KB, 1077x844, 1077:844, Screenshot_20220310_182757….jpg)


Could be 11 march

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89e002  No.15826511

File: 6a26fb5bf9a6209⋯.jpeg (284.99 KB, 1862x1396, 931:698, Scavino.jpeg)


Did anyone grab a clip of Bongino on faux

tonight? He was talking about his back channel comms, topped it off with Magical Back Channel.

o7 to both Dan's

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965f5f  No.15826512

File: 52023e9c62b7c90⋯.png (562.67 KB, 723x755, 723:755, ClipboardImage.png)

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a11c14  No.15826513


What is wrong with his lips?

Are they smacking them in mouth now instead of eye?

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7100e0  No.15826514

File: 87b10292146e5c4⋯.gif (8.44 MB, 460x460, 1:1, 87b10292146e5c40a1780a6633….gif)

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b0e41c  No.15826515

File: 7a575ff2a670dce⋯.png (268.44 KB, 800x533, 800:533, KEEP_FIGHTING.png)

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5a5d48  No.15826516


And who told you to think that?

Does that same book say "God is Love"?

Does the same book say "Love keeps no record of wrongs"?

Is trusting the Vatican a wise life choice?

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7100e0  No.15826517

File: 44019e20ae9fdff⋯.gif (750.35 KB, 555x413, 555:413, EyesOn.gif)

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a33424  No.15826518


not datefagging or dating a fag but in Russia the date would be day month.

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7100e0  No.15826519

File: 447ea16d7a0d26f⋯.gif (169.21 KB, 844x441, 844:441, d6414792d38d30774a5272f8f2….gif)

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a11c14  No.15826520



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8623f9  No.15826521


english version was posted earlier this week, would be nice to repost it, it's based.

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be7ecf  No.15826522

File: b4d28591efceecf⋯.jpg (75.91 KB, 500x555, 100:111, b4d28591efceecfab3220ce210….jpg)

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4f760d  No.15826523



Who is a bottom dweller pink ?

Lifes a bitch then your aunty flushes you


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843d98  No.15826525

File: 2576eb69d147c49⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB, 720x480, 3:2, 2576eb69d147c4923bf6238d30….mp4)

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fa3d4b  No.15826526

File: 1358b57a76ec3cc⋯.png (1.19 MB, 980x980, 1:1, dance.png)

File: 43d22bde0346cb6⋯.png (1.58 MB, 980x1270, 98:127, look.png)

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7100e0  No.15826527

File: 480c684292d4131⋯.gif (733.86 KB, 280x210, 4:3, IwoJima.gif)


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75fdaf  No.15826528


Want her strung up by her innards, yeah

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4f760d  No.15826529

File: 0230596974dee64⋯.png (63.69 KB, 232x217, 232:217, ClipboardImage.png)




06 06



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7100e0  No.15826530

File: a93231642048013⋯.gif (162.46 KB, 220x254, 110:127, RunningOutOfPeopleWhoWantT….gif)

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dddb25  No.15826531


She is actually a member of the club.

Sorority connection

Dept of Justice Connection

I do not have sympathy

but maybe she is also playing a role and made a deal.

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4f760d  No.15826532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do a buyback scheme :)

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329edb  No.15826533


>Scum like this need to be vaporized.

Interestingly enough, unironically, they (russians) are actually vaporizing Ukrainians with thermobaric weapons. However, the Ukranians are hitting convoys with javelins and drone-dropped munitions and getting ruskie weapons when they jack the remains. Which, in the case of thermobaric manpads and or TOS-1A's, means they can use the siezed weapons to vaporize ruskies.

So many parallel scenes going on in this conflict. I wonder how the ending goes. Need moar popcorn.

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a5c0d0  No.15826534

File: aa844d7c5e6e820⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 889x500, 889:500, kjhgfdsmnnj.jpg)

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9fece5  No.15826535

File: 6bf5ed7595f1eaf⋯.png (541.59 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13f84cced5d4d17⋯.png (94.13 KB, 672x852, 56:71, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrats Pass $1.5 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill After Democrat Disarray

House Democrats passed a $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill after hours of delay and Democrat confusion.

House Democrats passed the $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill, which was separated into two votes. The first half, focusing on security funding, passed with 361 votes for and 69 votes against the provision. The second half, featuring the remainder of the spending, passed with 260 votes for and 171 against the measure.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) held the vote on the spending bill after hours of delay and confusion.

The bill originally had $15 billion in coronavirus aid; however, Pelosi moved to strip the coronavirus aid after facing steep opposition from her own caucus. Democrats had agreed to include offsets in the bill, but many Democrats across the spectrum raised concerns about the bill removing state aid to offset the cost of the $15 billion in coronavirus aid.

In a statement about the move, Pelosi blamed Republicans, even though it was Democrats that had raised issues with the bill.

“Because of Republican insistence — and the resistance by a number of our Members to making those offsets — we will go back to the Rules Committee to remove COVID funding to meet the needs of America’s families,” she wrote in a letter to House Democrats earlier on Wednesday.

The Democrat division on the coronavirus offsets occurred when Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) offered a motion to adjourn, which continued for four hours as Democrats could not figure out how to address the issue. Democrat leadership had to move the bill back to the Rules Committee to address Democrats’ concerns.

The delay over passing the omnibus — which must be passed before Friday to avoid a government shutdown — put off a House Democrat retreat in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Democrat retreat will feature a man who presents himself as a parody of a woman — in “drag” — to entertain Democrat lawmakers as they design their election strategy ahead of the pivotal 2022 midterm elections.

Democrat leaders said they “will proceed to Philadelphia by bus this evening immediately following last votes. At the conclusion of the vote series, Members should proceed as quickly as possible out the East front to the buses”

The bill would provide Ukraine with over $13 billion in new humanitarian, economic, and military assistance in its conflict with Russia.


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4f760d  No.15826536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


With a mature aged cheese

these young ones are not worth savin'

Point proven, tell the tree by the fruit

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7299d8  No.15826537

File: d09812305fd9a62⋯.png (2.55 MB, 884x1178, 442:589, kl_4gsdtruuyhwfbyi7g1xa0vr….png)

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89fcc1  No.15826538


If year is consider "22" then it's a 10=1 also, so 3/10/10 = 3/11?

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7100e0  No.15826539

File: 815f77a70fbd3b3⋯.gif (11.48 MB, 480x270, 16:9, baa.gif)

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0dd743  No.15826540

how many 2022

this is old but should be shown to normies



Corporate U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives that are Israel Dual Citizens

Please note that each SENATOR and REPRESENTATIVE is its own UNIQUE Legal Presence Artificial Person. That is to say, because of the nature of the OFFICE a suitable Insurance Franchise needs to be created in their “legal fiction” Trade Name.

The stunning thing about this is that the UNITED STATES, INCORPORATED does NOT recognize dual citizenship. It is a product of the legal presence being a Trade-Name owned by the Governmental Services Corporation. The Trade-Name is not actually transferable between private international corporations and the reason why they operate a treaty to allow “temporary franchise licenses” called “Visas.”

The Canadian Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada says:

The Canadian government strongly encourages you to use your Canadian passport when travelling abroad, especially when entering the country of your second citizenship. … Using your Canadian passport may provide the basis under which Canada can provide you with consular assistance if you run into difficulties. You should also obtain a visa, if that is required for entry by Canadian citizens, and always present yourself as a Canadian when dealing with local authorities.

However, it seems that the ability of “STATUTORY CORPORATE POLICY ENFORCERS” and “AUTHORITY” to legalize/fictionalize with and under an assumed Nationality-legal presence has codified -eg “law”, legal precedent, violence, etc- more times than there are likely numbers.

The Powers That Were -above- hold an unrecognized legal presence in foreign countries. The US simply dis-acknowledges such dual citizens-status.

Indeed, Barack Obama -being a Bar Attorney, – pledged allegiance to the Foreign Crown Temple BAR religion/sovereign. All Foreign Citizens cannot sue nor be sued by domestic Governments. Thus, American Nationals cannot sue any BAR ATTORNEY for remedy of their conversion of humans into CORPORATIONS/legal presences.

This fact is affirmed by Kidane v. Ethiopia, While some see this a negative, it also means that the Statutory Courts and the Legal Fictitious TEMPLE BAR ASSOCIATION cannot sue us for any debt that they fictitiously issue AGAINST their “legal (fictional) public” insurance franchises. It also means that the American National are now permitted to lawfully spy on the STATUTORY GOVERNMENT -particularly to discover the crimes the government is committing-.

The Foreign National Status of the US Corporation and from the another layer of Foreign Status for BAR Attorneys is affirmed by BAR Attorneys when being honest (which is/was rare for liars/legalized-lawyers).

All Attorneys essentially WORK FOR the UNITED NATIONS INC -the 4th city-state, where CERN-LHC is the 5th-.

One of the major issues with such Israeli “influence” on congress is the campaigning process. AIPAC/supporters basically owns all the venues where future politicians might have rallies. For not supporting AIPAC, many campaigns are side-railed. See this video:

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0dd743  No.15826541

File: 47009282f90056b⋯.jpg (109.45 KB, 660x661, 660:661, us_senators_and_represntat….jpg)


89% of our Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship citizenship with Israel

89% of our Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship citizenship with Israel, we are in Syria because of Israel, ask yourself who are the real traitors to the country sacrificing American soldiers for the benefit of foreign country.


Here is a list of US politicians who have dual US/Israeli citizenship. Note the head banking and policy advising positions.


Jack Lew – Chief of Staff to the President; Treasury Secretary

David Plouffe – Senior Advisor to the President

Danielle Borrin – Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement; Special Assistant to the Vice President

Gary Gensler – Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Dan Shapiro – Ambassador to Israel

Gene Sperling – Director National Economic Council

Mary Schapiro – Chairwoman of the Securities and Exchange Commission

Steven Simon – Head of Middle East/North Africa Desk at the National Security Council

Eric Lynn – Middle East Policy Advisor


Rahm Emanuel (2009-2010) Chief of Staff to the President

David Axelrod (2009-2011) Senior Advisor to the President

Elena Kagan (2009-2010) Solicitor General of the United States

Peter Orszag (2009-2010) Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Lawrence Summers (’09-’11) Director National Economic Council

Mona Sutphen (2009-2011) Deputy White House Chief of Staff

James B. Steinberg (’09-’11 ) Deputy Secretary of State

Dennis Ross (2009-2011 ) Special Assistant to the President, Senior Director for the Central Region to the Secretary of State

Ronald Klain (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the Vice President

Jared Bernstein (2009-2011) Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President

Susan Sher (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the First Lady

Lee Feinstein (2009) Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor

Mara Rudman (2009) Foreign Policy Advisor Sources: White House

112 CONGRESS (current)


Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) Barbara Boxer (D-CA) Benjamin Cardin (D-MD) Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Al Franken (D-MN) Herb Kohl (D-WI) Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) Joseph Lieberman (Independent-CT) Carl Levin (D-MI) Bernie Sanders (Independent-VT) Charles Schumer (D-NY) Ron Wyden (D-OR) Michael Bennet (D-CO)


Gary Ackerman (D-NY) Shelley Berkley (D-NV) Howard Berman (D-CA) Eric Cantor (R-VA) David Cicilline (D-RI) Stephen Cohen (D-TN) Susan Davis (D-CA) Ted Deutch (D-FL) Eliot Engel (D-NY) Bob Filner (D-CA) Barney Frank (D-MA) Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) Jane Harman (D-CA) Steve Israel (D-NY) Sander Levin (D-MI) Nita Lowey (D-NY) Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) Jared Polis (D-CO) Steve Rothman (D-NJ) Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) Allyson Schwartz (D-PA) Adam Schiff (D-CA) Brad Sherman (D-CA) Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) Henry Waxman (D-CA) Anthony Weiner (D-NY) John Yarmuth (D-KY)


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b0e41c  No.15826542



>The bill would provide Ukraine with over $13 billion in new humanitarian, economic, and military assistance in its conflict with Russia.

B-b-but, we don't have 13 billion…


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7100e0  No.15826543

File: 6a9d0f4e4f2bd6a⋯.gif (1.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 6a9d0f4e4f2bd6a6e58d21621e….gif)

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c43f77  No.15826544

File: ab454daf7bed39f⋯.png (6.44 MB, 3500x1859, 3500:1859, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: 5e80eb0adbcae55⋯.png (7.47 MB, 3538x2079, 3538:2079, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: be589db8f0587c4⋯.png (350.65 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: 3fc93feb342484d⋯.png (778.5 KB, 1221x1237, 1221:1237, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because instead of Jesus as God being the creator of humans the (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((dogs))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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0dd743  No.15826545

how many 2022

this is old

but should be shown to normies



And that’s just the democrats! I’m sure the republicans are just as bad if not worse, but it seems harder to find information on. Here’s another list: american3rdposition.com/?p=12767

Here’s an explanation of how this used to not be allowed, then the law was changed, and also points out many big-name dual citizenship holders in the Bush and Clinton administrations: www.viewzone.com/dualcitizen.html

Why is this allowed? It is not allowed for regular US citizens to have dual citizenship, is it?

I think this type of thing is allowed because “Israel first” Zionists essentially own our government, which is because the Rothschilds own the central banking system and have money creation powers and they promote Zionism. So you play by their rules, or you don’t get big money access. This is why most industry monopolies are headed by Zionists. It’s not a random chance thing that the tops of most all industries are super gung-ho about Israel. This is also why they get the most aid, and why they have the biggest lobbying groups.

And to be clear, I’m not talking about Jews, half of whom reject zionism. I’m talking about the ideological belief system, that says the Israeli government deserves to own Mt. Zion, aka that Palestine needs to be removed and regional security for Israel needs to be ensured in the middle east. Obama is a Zionist, Biden is a Zionist. Bush is a Zionist. So is Hillary, and Trump, as their AIPAC speeches showed quite clearly.

These big bankers need to stop being able to pull everyone’s strings, but that won’t stop until people realize their money creation abilities are based on legal narratives that come from false hopes and the false appearance of authority. The government should be able to create its own money, not borrow from a private bank in a debt-based money creation system where there will always, mathematically, be more debt owed than money exists, which gives them power over the government because they are the debt collectors.

The whole thing is an absurd farce to anyone who sees the truth of it.

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford

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076d5c  No.15826546

File: 78867459abd4a7e⋯.jpeg (462.71 KB, 828x797, 828:797, 78867459abd4a7ee9ffa4d5e4….jpeg)




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89e002  No.15826547

File: 899a326a008ebd2⋯.gif (7.29 MB, 825x672, 275:224, Molon_Night_shift_ani.gif)

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1d8042  No.15826548

>>15826029, >>15826255 Some caps anon took at the time of the FL condo collapse

He said shortly thereafter during the interview, it was genocide in Ukraine, he did not say Puntin was committing genocide in Ukraine

He knows whats happening

Who wanted to get rid of the jewish highrise in FL?

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8378b2  No.15826549

No one told me to think that anon. I'm not going to argue with you or anyone else about religion.

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d29c7a  No.15826550

If this article and its excerpts accurately reflect the recent Duham filing, Durham appears to be endorsing crooked FBI personnel's and others' (Comey, the Lovers - Strzok and Page, McCabe, and Bruce and Nelly Ohr) claims of having no idea that the origin and content of the Russia Gate anti-Trump dossier was full big fat lies. They were "victims" of Michael Sussman's lies, not co-conspirators:

"[Durham] went on to say that he plans to deliver testimony at trial from a number of FBI and government witnesses that Sussmann’s falsehood was both material and relevant and likely influenced the course of the ‘Russiagate’ case."

I hope I'm missing something.


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082159  No.15826551

File: 13ec97ce170aa51⋯.mp4 (14.14 MB, 720x720, 1:1, paperplanes.mp4)

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389f1a  No.15826552

File: b9c711db226ac73⋯.jpg (45.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, b9c711db226ac731204e372208….jpg)

Putin's God Squad: The Orthodox Church and Russian Politics


Article from 2012

Interdasting how Putin says this is a Holy War.

And some Greek Orthodox Priests are backing him and agree.

Putin talks of letting Zalinski stay President as long as they agree to Neutrality?

Taking back Crimea & giving the people of Donbas their Sovereignty to be a Nation. I'd say Putin is setting things straight, making Eukraine rebuild without the current corruption of the United States. The fact Putin is also invading Poland makes me think there is a shit ton of child sex trafficking in Poland & Eukraine.

Putin has been going after the Luciferian Cabal for a very long time. I hope he's gaining control of the DUMBS & Underground Traffickers like POTUS Trump did. Those are the stories no one is telling.

Freeing the mole children.

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dddb25  No.15826553

File: b274fafc618741e⋯.png (104.74 KB, 250x223, 250:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6754001b3ad931a⋯.png (6.61 KB, 906x172, 453:86, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d0e83  No.15826554

File: f9fe26c88be67af⋯.mp4 (315.51 KB, 480x704, 15:22, shopping.mp4)

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f2f6e0  No.15826555

File: 9b7d0a83db92369⋯.jpeg (95 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 1_7XqwjMBr2XTfXT3cU9Bw3w.jpeg)

Some authors have suggested Hitler was flown out of Germany just days before the end of the war,under the code name ‘Grey Wolf’,and then smuggled out of Europe in a German U-boat to Nazi sympathizing Argentina.

There, the theory goes, he lived out his life under an assumed name with his wife Eva Braun and their children until his death in the early 60s.

Did Hitler really escape to Argentina after WW2?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 3e4749 No.4096718 📁

Dec 1 2018 00:31:55 (EST)


Re: GHWB USSS code name re: Timber wolf

The grey wolf(Canis lupus; also known astimber wolf) shares a common ancestry with the domestic dog.

State funeral next week.



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ea54b9  No.15826556


16s hmmm 1582 5056. plus 1 post.

6 2 2 7. noice timestamp.

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f88047  No.15826557


>Elena Kagan (2009-2010) Solicitor General of the United States

old list

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e4c761  No.15826558

File: 495d99fde6df4ad⋯.png (382.02 KB, 2879x1082, 2879:1082, nazis1.png)


Getting warmer?

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dddb25  No.15826559


Note she was an omicron beta.

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75c785  No.15826560

File: 9309d7c9d1c57ca⋯.jpg (102.17 KB, 728x1280, 91:160, 20220309_223638.jpg)

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329edb  No.15826561

Good night everybody. Tomorrow is another day.

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7100e0  No.15826562

File: e1cbcc67f379a68⋯.gif (1022.8 KB, 852x568, 3:2, 911_PentagonUfo.gif)

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da6950  No.15826563


It’s true…fix this problem and all the other problems will sort themselves out.

The Federal Reserve, stealing from you since 1913:

The cornerstone of communism is the central bank, which we already have.

“They” never ended slavery, they just figured out how to enslave EVERYONE.

We are living in a fascist corporatocracy.

The “natural order” of the world’s economy has been altered by a monetary monopoly which has NEVER been audited.

Like all central banks, the FED is a privately owned corporation.

The FED creates “money” (Fiat currency) that it does not have and loans it to the government, banks and mortgage companies who are participating in the global financial fraud. The FED collects interest on ALL these loans.

The banks and mortgage companies attach interest to this “money” that it should not have and in turn, loan it out into the economy.

In this way, given enough time, this racketeering operation and it’s criminal partners will eventually own EVERYTHING of any significance.

The founders were very specific on this point: They clearly understood that “money” had to be based on something of intrinsic value to avoid fraud in the monetary system.

They selected gold and silver coin and named it as such in our Constitution:

“No State shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;“

~Roger Sherman, author of Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution

A Caveat Against Injustice:


We are currently living beyond our means as a society.

We are allowing desperate, destitute people to flood into our country.

We are exporting our jobs and manufacturing base to nations historically hostile to us and we have debased our currency and allowed criminal fraud to run rampant in our banking and financial systems.

At some point a certain inevitably will present itself clearly.

How long until this harbinger arrives and who will suffer the consequences?

Alan Greenspan explains it in this short six page summary

Gold and economic freedom

“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.”

“This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard.”


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8623f9  No.15826564


Shit this was my first pepe from ages ago.

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e4ac6e  No.15826565

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076d5c  No.15826566

File: 891458fb42cb6c3⋯.jpg (68.25 KB, 500x649, 500:649, 683zbk.jpg)


Thanks for tongue washing Joe's asshole…lol

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dddb25  No.15826567

File: 319df10bf87240c⋯.gif (3.26 MB, 480x200, 12:5, willow_rekt.gif)

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a11c14  No.15826568


Putin is invading Poland?

Isn’t Poland a member of NATO?

Putin would not invade a NATO Country

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b0e41c  No.15826569

File: 9d2591bb335f935⋯.jpg (57.97 KB, 802x542, 401:271, TREBLINKA.jpg)


Heavens to Betsy!

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7100e0  No.15826570

File: b27dd721a6e4749⋯.gif (14 MB, 397x292, 397:292, WTC_VII.gif)

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1fee58  No.15826571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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965f5f  No.15826572

File: b1b9fa485f90c2d⋯.png (353.24 KB, 674x500, 337:250, ClipboardImage.png)


confirmation trips chek'ed

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89e002  No.15826573

File: 4b0d7dde0d3a785⋯.mp4 (742.8 KB, 464x848, 29:53, fart2.mp4)

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5d0e83  No.15826574

File: 7be2b5568cef190⋯.jpg (135.99 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 7be2b5568cef190673c66a25e1….jpg)

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bcd83e  No.15826575


WW2 was theater just like Russia/Ukraine.

Of course Hitler settled somewhere, there was no need to flee.

Mission was accomplished. I'm sure he was rewarded handsomely.

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7100e0  No.15826576

File: 8bc6584fdbae39b⋯.gif (7.14 MB, 500x333, 500:333, letsdothis1.gif)

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75c785  No.15826577

File: ba378379caaf309⋯.png (112.01 KB, 583x500, 583:500, a3973b3db226c1d05b3773ed49….png)

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2eeaba  No.15826578

File: 99cd68b79ff0a70⋯.png (31.71 KB, 299x553, 299:553, ClipboardImage.png)




When Huber made = past tense

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da6950  No.15826579




No, but he’d likely bomb the airfields of originating hostile aircraft.

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3631a3  No.15826580

File: 5faecabe8ee59dc⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 3000x3064, 375:383, 72_demons_of_soloman.jpg)


>Amy Lee is one of the third fallen angels that has taken control over a human soul.

>Amy Lee

There's a demon named Amy

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7100e0  No.15826581

File: 8d0fc1d4ba045a3⋯.gif (3.16 MB, 1000x829, 1000:829, RothschildPGE.gif)

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1d8042  No.15826582

File: b1541adecac2982⋯.jpeg (337.33 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 9E3CDCA3_D9D7_489F_A196_8….jpeg)

0 Mar, 2022 04:05

Russian and Ukrainian FMs arrive in Turkey ahead of talks

Lavrov and Kuleba touched down in Antalya ahead of the highest-profile talks since the start of the military conflict in Ukraine

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba have reportedly landed in Turkey, which has offered to mediate talks between the two top diplomats.

Moscow’s Foreign Ministry confirmed that Lavrov was set to depart for the Turkish city of Antalya on Wednesday, with local media reports later noting that both he and Kuleba had arrived for the peace negotiations, set for Thursday at the Regnum Carya Hotel.

Spokesperson for the Ukraine Foreign Ministry Oleg Nikolenko confirmed Kuleba’s arrival at the resort on Twitter.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu first announced the planned meeting on Monday, voicing hopes it would mark “a turning point and… an important step towards peace and stability.” He said the talks were brokered following “intensive diplomatic efforts” by Ankara, and that he would be present for the dialogue.

Russian FM #Lavrov also arrived in Antalya and traveled to a hotel where they will stay.

Trilateral meeting meeting will be at 11am (08GMT). No trilateral presser is expected. But Kuleba and Lavrov will hold presser sepatarely after the meeting.

US President Joe Biden is also set to hold a call with Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss the situation in Ukraine on Thursday, the White House has confirmed.

The meeting in Antalya will follow three rounds of talks in Belarus – a close Russian ally – which produced limited humanitarian corridor plans in several Ukrainian cities but few other results. Since then, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signaled willingness to discuss key Russian demands, including the recognition of Crimea as a Russian territory and the status of the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk republics.

Moscow says its “special military operation” was launched in defense of the two separatist republics in the Donbass region, though the mission has since extended into major Ukrainian cities. Kiev, meanwhile, has denounced the attack as unprovoked, insisting it had no plans to reclaim the separatist areas by force.


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275e8f  No.15826583

File: 4d4cde359a8722b⋯.jpg (61.38 KB, 500x605, 100:121, 682xlo.jpg)




This is the person responsible for Ukrainians fighting Russians in a brother war.

Her name is Victoria Nuland and she is with the US state department operating in Ukraine. (You may remember her from trumps second impeachment attempt in which she testified for the prosecution.)

Well that wasn’t her first foray into king making. In 2014 she engineered a coup against Ukraine president yanukovich and was the one to hand choose Ukraine’s new President who would of course answer to NATO, but also got approval from then Vice President… Joe Biden.

She also admitted to ‘investing’ five billion dollars into ‘Ukrainian democracy’ making her and the USA the George Soros of Ukraine. So the person to blame is Victoria Nuland and the US state department.

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dddb25  No.15826584






Good education for the normies.

>UNITED STATES, INCORPORATED does NOT recognize dual citizenship.

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3505a9  No.15826585

File: 5f83869ef0a9b0e⋯.png (381.79 KB, 825x546, 275:182, ns_latenightnavy1.png)

File: 714d1ecaaee6fac⋯.png (407.76 KB, 824x545, 824:545, ns_latenightnavy2.png)

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5d0e83  No.15826586

File: ae48a789044862b⋯.jpg (129.67 KB, 600x335, 120:67, ae48a789044862bde1eab9c8b7….jpg)

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46833e  No.15826587

File: 5c3eb8a3db945f0⋯.jpeg (107.51 KB, 715x686, 715:686, 1C5DA7CB_5C90_4ADA_BBC9_4….jpeg)

File: 96dd3f7158540e8⋯.jpeg (154.25 KB, 713x928, 713:928, D0F5814E_CDDC_413E_90C2_D….jpeg)



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8378b2  No.15826588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They betrayed God when they joined Lucifers cult. Never will they be forgiven no matter how hard they try.

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24603f  No.15826589

File: 0cb1975b5d79b77⋯.png (300.62 KB, 598x655, 598:655, ClipboardImage.png)

SouthKorea #SouthKoreanelection Important:

Conservative Yoon Suk-yeol, elected president of South Korea


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a51a0f  No.15826590

File: 43f0c31005c8f0e⋯.jpg (3.4 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, image.jpg)

File: 1765a7de3515fc5⋯.jpeg (3.35 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, E83E2108_B058_4F93_8FD4_8….jpeg)

Anons, I could do with some help.

I’m currently detained in a mental health ward in the UK.

Currently I need to take some medication before they will allow me to leave.

I’m currently on the section 2 mental health act (28 Days) but in a week I will be on a section 3 (6 months)

Here is the list of the medication and from what I can gather I will have to take one of them in order to get me out of here quicker….

The meds offered are:



Risperidone (had 8mg dose last time October 2020 and almost made my dick fall off) not very good side effects



Any advise to a uk anon, which maybe the best to detox when I’m out of here or is there anything I can say or do to get me out of taking them as they all have side effects.

If one of the side effects was to give me a boner or vivid dreams then I would think about taking it.

The last time I got detained on 4.10.2020 and I was defeating the satanic masonostic cable by cleaning up after the cleaner, very long story. I don’t really want to take the meds but on the other hand a can’t be arsed with being detained for another 6months.

What DO?

Pic rel, also other pic strangely was found in the room I’m in.

Inb4 asking a bunch of anons for advise

Most of you guys I trust.

I also trust the plan….

Help plox

Please love n respect

No homo.


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ba95b2  No.15826591

File: 9a142d5864935cc⋯.png (945.05 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20220309_002643.png)


Russians will take shit on that little fella.

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afebf9  No.15826592

File: cbf026d77574061⋯.png (634.16 KB, 1066x640, 533:320, ClipboardImage.png)

It's all Turning to Shit in their hands

Generations of Power, Control & Influence

Destroyed, by a bunch of Fags on a mission from God.

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46833e  No.15826593

File: c73bca05762e62a⋯.jpeg (137.08 KB, 718x917, 718:917, 9DDE8EDE_D5DD_4A8C_A5A8_6….jpeg)


After Russia invaded Ukraine, Sveta, a small restaurant in the West Village known for its Instagram-friendly cocktails and hearty Russian fare like borscht, received a plethora of negative emails. One simply said, “Go Home.”

That would have been difficult for Sveta Savchitz, who is 64 years old and moved here from Ukraine in 1993. More than 25 years later, when she and her son, Alan Aguichev, opened the restaurant, they decided to market it as Russian because they thought it would have more name recognition. “It’s very similar cuisine-wise,” Mr. Aguichev said. “The main difference is whoever is cooking the food.”

These days, there’s name recognition, but not in a good way. So last week, they changed all the language describing Sveta online from “Russian” to “Eastern European.”

Russian restaurants in New York City have a public relations problem. Even though many of the owners are openly against the war, or are even Ukrainian, they are getting burned by reservation cancellations, social media campaigns and bad reviews online at a time when restaurants, in general, are still reeling from the shutdowns and restrictions of Covid-19. Some places have even been vandalized.


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8378b2  No.15826594


Their betrayal to God was so sever that God had to make Man to decide whether or not they were capable of forgiveness.

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389f1a  No.15826595


There are so many US hands in the Eukranian pot.

He'll even RINO Lindsey Gram is in deep with Eukraine. Lindsey was on Mark Lavin tonight spewing propaganda. Pisses me off…

I'm not seeing the right wing News Journalists speak truth on the Eukranian issues. It's all BS

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64e82f  No.15826596

File: 7acf18de4e8aa08⋯.jpg (361.35 KB, 710x1062, 355:531, my_karma_ran_over_your_dog….jpg)

File: 06d9e7e56be2054⋯.jpg (173.69 KB, 1120x1050, 16:15, vatican_city.jpg)

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c770da  No.15826597


"The Shin Shredder of Kiev">>15826591

>Russians will take shit on that little fella.

Nah, fuck that. That lil guy is the "Shin Shredder of Kiev"…

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06eb8e  No.15826598

Why must SWIFT be ended? Who stole the SWIFT keys? (Clinton)

How do you reset to Global Currencies based on gold standard (bankrupt Central Banks owned by Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Royals)?

How do you stop wars? Stop the currency printing presses.

Who stopped the transfer of fighter jets to Ukraine (Ukraine Air Force and Civil Aviation destroyed)? Pentagon? There will be no World War.

Your mission anons, should you decide to accept, is to fight through the negativity and drive the narratives of truth. Ukraine is the keystone of the Cabal operation. Kazakhstan overthrow was to move all Ukraine assets before the known Russian Military Operation that was in the pipeline. Kazakhstan overthrow thwarted by Russia. Cabal and Cabal puppets cornered in Ukraine. All assets, books, hard assets trapped in Ukraine dumbs. Russia Special Forces know exactly where everything is. Putin former KGB, knows where all the bodies are buried and where all the activities in Ukraine are. The movie we're watching is to stop Global panic from major swap out of World Financial System.

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5d0e83  No.15826599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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24603f  No.15826600

File: 18576b99bdf1654⋯.png (167.65 KB, 490x374, 245:187, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5730b  No.15826601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"ridiculous pee-pee tape doesn't exist"

now that is funny

Give me some slogans ideas for stickers to place on their buildings?

"Adam Goldman can't write"


"crazy shit invaded with the bed bugs?"

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4f760d  No.15826602



God is a Zionist

because he does not want me, but due to his own laws can not get rid of me :)

The projectors of this 'reality' are so confused by my duality and mirrors they cast images like Putin dancing with green and Bush dancing with Fat grey

neither is correct

i am both, the system and those 'Evil Enemy' who have been willfully playin' chess with the whole human race have no idea

Nor does the hivemind that runs this

The hives mind is over, it is dead , runnin' on stolen minds now , yours 'KEK' when you do that you feed to the hivemind, which is Satan, the bee, or Zion if you like

it does not know it is ded , the trick here is to not upset the hive, instead i have birthed two new worlds, away from the hive

one is point and click program your life away in lies and bullshit to your hearts content

the other

the natural realm

your choice which you choose, if you remain inside evryday in front of tech you will go fake point & click

if you go out and plant the trucular tree you will be kept here

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ba95b2  No.15826603

File: 67033a8bfe64a02⋯.jpg (55.5 KB, 500x676, 125:169, 673r39.jpg)


The USA is a usurped country and Putin knows it that's why his nuclear weapons are on high alert status, Putin will pull the trigger and the SHITBAG DEMOCRATS KNOW IT.

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9fece5  No.15826604


We fighting demon spawn


Astor Roths Child

Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot and Asteroth), in demonology, is the Great Duke of Hell in the first hierarchy with Beelzebub and Lucifer; he is part of the evil trinity. He is a male figure most likely named after the Near Eastern goddess Astarte.

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b0e41c  No.15826605



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22e9a6  No.15826606


Love this meme

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64e82f  No.15826607

File: 2a299452bf6f7d3⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 253x204, 253:204, 2a299452bf6f7d35b86b4d3b24….jpg)

File: c4e938f424280a2⋯.jpg (46 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 6f44a4ab1dcda0a357b616a457….jpg)

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b76b5a  No.15826608


Are you her boss?

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b0e41c  No.15826609

File: 928b15fcce0ac12⋯.gif (352.11 KB, 730x671, 730:671, ComfyME_000.gif)

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75c785  No.15826610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f004cf  No.15826611


Her delivery indicates coersion

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4f760d  No.15826612


One of my sons, be nice

Have you ever considered that God is a cunt who beats up women

a taste of your 'Bible God'


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24603f  No.15826613

File: 74506a735eb0e5d⋯.png (539.43 KB, 634x420, 317:210, ClipboardImage.png)

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02fadf  No.15826614

File: 388ba2db33a488a⋯.jpg (42.01 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 6hvgji.jpg)

File: db95d7b28e230c9⋯.jpg (37.69 KB, 500x389, 500:389, 6bhvbn.jpg)


If a Democrat was on fire I would walk right by like I seen nothing wouldn't even piss on the sucka!

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c2bdcf  No.15826615

File: 16355d273f63971⋯.png (601.32 KB, 1021x1195, 1021:1195, yaitdoes.png)





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dddb25  No.15826616


Argentina Guarani Aquifer

Bushes Own that I believe.

Would make some sense.

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02fadf  No.15826618


Putin's gymnast girlfriend is a total babe.

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965f5f  No.15826619

File: be1cbf5ec8d1385⋯.png (893 KB, 719x1066, 719:1066, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 362fbd761323a77⋯.png (1.19 MB, 718x1321, 718:1321, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb558de7fc49082⋯.png (1.05 MB, 720x1262, 360:631, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 582364fd7d46ca0⋯.png (281.59 KB, 589x500, 589:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 288f9dfdacb4eb9⋯.png (680.53 KB, 500x1108, 125:277, ClipboardImage.png)




Note: will archive this post, but what about klaus

The reason why kelensky has the worlds leaders, corporations and media on his side.

Interesting none the less, especially his cabinet and the positions.



Note: Start a 4 minutes in and he lists the cabinet members exactly on the screen cap posted. So confirmation that this is correct, with the help of Klaus and his contacts they took over the ukraine parliment with a bunch of media actors and comedians. cos why not, people were so fucked off might as well make it funny while they take the rest - colbert, kimmel and co is a comparison. !!



Investigation Reveals Zelenskiy's Alleged Movers and Shakers

19 April, 2019 3394

The first deputy head of the presidential administration will be Serhiy Trofimov who until now has been the executive producer of Zelenskyy’s Kvartal 95 production company. Other deputy heads of the administration include Yuriy Kostyuk (a member of the creative team of the election campaign and former scriptwriter for Kvartal 95's TV series and films), Ruslan Ryaboshapka (who before joining Zelenskyy’s election campaign worked at the National Agency on Corruption Prevention) and Kyrylo Tymoshenko (a founder of Good Media production company and member of Zelenskyy’s inaugural committee).




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89e002  No.15826620


I took a hiatus fro faux news but decided to watch a half hour tonight, Laura Ingraham was talking about Schwab and the WEF trying to control our lives. This was the first time I have seen the WEF talked about on the msm at all.

From frogs mouths to GOD's ear. AMEN

We are the news now

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7100e0  No.15826621

File: 02c3143af5b3b18⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 452x251, 452:251, HunterWFloyd.gif)

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9fece5  No.15826622

File: b623c8cb6dc782e⋯.png (310.15 KB, 324x499, 324:499, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19e6b165f10123a⋯.png (208.27 KB, 389x481, 389:481, ClipboardImage.png)

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5df72d  No.15826623


your stating unprovable garbage you purveyor of lies

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c2bdcf  No.15826624

File: 3e1c3e649438ee0⋯.jpg (4.95 KB, 275x183, 275:183, CS.jpg)


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

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4f760d  No.15826625


would you get out of my nickers please

this here is why i wear Navy

I live in the worlds largest gold reserve in the world

in 2017 from the city of churches there was a unifyin' of two banks

the Del is the symbol on the silver tech man snake in pet goat two

look it up

you can serve that, or you can serve REAL god of all things

the divine, the creator my husband/son

Your choice, notan easy one

easier for me, because he does not want me :)

He does want to save you though

he would save anyone, he really is nice :)

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b0e41c  No.15826626

File: 548bef41493c5f7⋯.gif (490.11 KB, 382x498, 191:249, 1462496120463.gif)


Slow down on the LSD there, bud

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9fece5  No.15826627

File: 49f1b8be0f3a47e⋯.png (452.17 KB, 570x456, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)


old slide

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479844  No.15826628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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75c785  No.15826629

File: 3c31f8cfa367c64⋯.jpg (71.7 KB, 720x558, 40:31, 20220309_230140.jpg)


Just gonna say it

There are anon accounts on this website with better Ukraine analysis and more credibility than the entire IC

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4f760d  No.15826630


I am not a drug abuser like you people

Do you know what it is like to be 'Love is the drug' and have everyone abuse you ?

Or 'Justice' and have everyone break the law ?

Truth, believe or not, still the truth

06 06



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7e0f36  No.15826632


what are the chances that's a man?

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4f760d  No.15826633

Later Anon

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02fadf  No.15826634

File: 896ec4806d5725c⋯.png (179.21 KB, 570x437, 30:23, 74000b27f19b548e3150d952e1….png)

File: e6673a5b9c5042e⋯.png (197.85 KB, 593x595, 593:595, downloadfile_1_1_.png)



Listen Tyrell your going to be shitting out your teeth tomorrow if you don't stop the copying and pasting bullshit you retarded fucker…

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64e82f  No.15826635

File: bd551de983ea9d2⋯.jpg (361.14 KB, 1024x853, 1024:853, Lifting_the_Veil.jpg)

File: a899c5ad7fe3f0c⋯.jpg (237.51 KB, 1020x673, 1020:673, caraurgvimage.jpg)

File: a5a22016c9752cf⋯.jpg (549.59 KB, 520x750, 52:75, mindbender_strip.jpg)

File: 37c08ab25364fe9⋯.jpg (358.54 KB, 520x780, 2:3, pinkauroras.jpg)

…Chasing mythical entities and literalist interpretation of celestial activity is why religions cannot get their shit straight.

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bfd9d7  No.15826636


does he mean twatter?

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3393e7  No.15826637


I think he's talking to you.

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9fece5  No.15826638

File: f95e0f72fe534f9⋯.png (568.17 KB, 739x750, 739:750, ClipboardImage.png)

Red algae filled with maggots covers Hyams Beach in Jervis Bay

The wild weather across NSW has had a dire impact on the beach with the “whitest sand in the world”, with one disgusted local filming the maggot-filled algae.

The NSW beach that has long been regarded as having the whitest sand in the world has temporarily lost its title after this week’s wild weather.

Hyams Beach, in the Jervis Bay region on NSW’s south coast, is one of the most popular in the state thanks to its crystal clear, turquoise water and squeaky, blinding white sand.

But thanks to this week’s east coast low, that saw parts of NSW suffer its worst flooding event in history and dangerous weather all week, the iconic Hyams was looking a little different.

Local Jayde Clarke took to Facebook to show what the usually picturesque beach looked like following the storms and huge swells, that forced a massive algae bloom to be pushed onshore.


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7100e0  No.15826639

File: 25014e241586065⋯.gif (3.14 MB, 475x289, 475:289, 2022.gif)

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02fadf  No.15826640



She's Jewish so it's low but won't rule it out.

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815459  No.15826641


I will play. Why are you there in the first place?

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d80dfc  No.15826642

File: 7f1266c94e89ddf⋯.jpg (347.5 KB, 950x1262, 475:631, tw20.jpg)

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24603f  No.15826643

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 975d496e5c90e58b8c2b49beec….jpg)

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b0e41c  No.15826644

File: 9745f29fe25955b⋯.gif (1.24 KB, 94x116, 47:58, hamsa.gif)


OK, Now you remind me of


I wager if you read that, you'll get rapture'd really fast and eat but only a few of your words on the way up.

Also, tits or GTFO

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89fcc1  No.15826645

File: 7fcfcf0f0a7d806⋯.png (496.99 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

tfw nightshift is kinda slow so you're researching something and get an unexpected BOOM in the form of an [almost] unprecedented app update pop-up. Kek. 1:02:54 exactly… clockfag in me noted that it is [54] today… spoopy.

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06eb8e  No.15826646

What is Congress passing while everybody is distracted?

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479844  No.15826647


yes Anon Watcher Warrior Patriot ❤

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7e0f36  No.15826648

File: 5a0315465759061⋯.jpeg (240.17 KB, 1012x1800, 253:450, 1D526676_AEA4_4C1B_83A0_5….jpeg)


bring it

the nightshift welcomes a good fucking with

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a769c3  No.15826649

File: 362079646f02082⋯.png (895.22 KB, 901x1021, 901:1021, US_Navy_Tweet.png)

File: 8a82a088ca1b403⋯.png (11.9 KB, 668x146, 334:73, 4938.png)

File: 2f5a5ae2a4bab93⋯.png (257.28 KB, 668x900, 167:225, 888.png)

>>15825779 (Previous Bread Notable)

> @USNavy

> Ship Shape

Ship Shape relates to Q Drop 4938:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 3a8bce No.11214309 📁

Oct 22 2020 12:58:18 (EST)



Coincidentally, last 3 digits of Q Drop is 309 aka March 9th tweet date.

Coincidentally, last 3 digits of Tweet is 888 and note Q Drop 888 is dated March 8th.


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2eeaba  No.15826650

File: d93d08a69e986b9⋯.mp4 (5.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8kun.mp4)


Time for these twatterfags to say it. Those booted who went to TS too.

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9fece5  No.15826651

File: 3c4dad98912cf83⋯.png (9.2 KB, 450x209, 450:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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afebf9  No.15826652


That's me in the Corner

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e6a3ed  No.15826653

File: 0d0fe56162f4eec⋯.jpg (42.16 KB, 474x322, 237:161, thunder_chicken.jpg)

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02fadf  No.15826654

File: 6825685fbb7ffc1⋯.jpg (64.67 KB, 500x649, 500:649, 67u9ey.jpg)


George Floyd is Dan Scarvino's all time hero.

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22e9a6  No.15826655


We always knew you were lurkin poso

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a769c3  No.15826656


* Q Drop No.11214309

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d80dfc  No.15826657

File: 8ef817f4ba6a491⋯.png (733.57 KB, 1428x1210, 714:605, Screen_Shot_2022_02_24_at_….png)


He means night shift, specifically

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fc8829  No.15826658


Yeah, I did the same thing today. I got all hopeful that I was moving up the list. But no change other than the SMS verified check.

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7100e0  No.15826659

File: e1b2c50f5a59d12⋯.gif (2.63 MB, 910x910, 1:1, darth_schwab.gif)


They all slavemaster for Central Bank

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87ab1c  No.15826660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CIA Director Predicts "ugly next few weeks"


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2eeaba  No.15826661

File: d5fe905ccd3fae0⋯.png (91.18 KB, 382x348, 191:174, POTUS_Dan_Ninjas_Pirates_A….png)

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479844  No.15826662



I ❤(You) Anon's at Pepe HQ !!!!

These are just Wonderful !!!!


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c5bd71  No.15826663

File: c76f3b79d5cfa7f⋯.jpg (151.32 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Let_me_keep_you_safe_anon.jpg)

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7e0f36  No.15826664

File: 603eb7fffd34a76⋯.jpeg (104.27 KB, 636x636, 1:1, C1910190_AA91_45E1_B82E_7….jpeg)

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2ee3d8  No.15826665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Posture check. Also, dance.

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02fadf  No.15826666

File: f31b39d6cae0c96⋯.jpg (68.29 KB, 500x619, 500:619, f31b39d6cae0c96746460428b3….jpg)

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46833e  No.15826668

File: 8379bc33a726a68⋯.jpeg (91.41 KB, 750x501, 250:167, 0DA3D778_6798_4389_BC66_B….jpeg)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pulled $15.6 billion in COVID-19 relief funding from a trillion-dollar omnibus spending measure Wednesday after Democrats revolted against the funding mechanism.

Rank-and-file members had objected to the bill clawing back unspent money from previously enacted relief legislation that had been earmarked to help states and businesses cope with the pandemic.

After hours of talks, Pelosi relented to lawmakers who were refusing to let the measure move forward unless the earlier funds their states were supposed to receive were protected.


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7100e0  No.15826669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How to turn Gold into Lead


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7e0f36  No.15826670

File: fbbf13885195b1e⋯.gif (2.52 MB, 372x480, 31:40, 9E6AB10E_CFCC_49A2_A430_EA….gif)


this is facts

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afebf9  No.15826671

Positive Vibrations Increasing

Heart Chakra Activated

Heating up like a Burning Flame

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7100e0  No.15826672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The C_A as organized crime



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75fdaf  No.15826673


I hate how they keep saying Putin miscalculated his ability to take Kiev quickly and he's failing when that's not even his fucking goal in the first place. How can they just sit there and bullshit for so fucking long?

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02fadf  No.15826674

HotWeheels company Fredrick Brennan's "Infinity Development Group"

Went bankrupt.

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64e82f  No.15826675

File: ff0cfd91ec47b25⋯.png (300.37 KB, 482x403, 482:403, fnydy.png)


…I couldn't have lost my religion, when I'd never had one to begin with.

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d24915  No.15826676

File: df84193b3a72ca7⋯.jpg (24.32 KB, 328x328, 1:1, whatever.jpg)


But, it's the best flavor

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2f138a  No.15826677

File: 4922f11248b65d5⋯.png (573.77 KB, 1600x879, 1600:879, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79f2d3c09f7d0a4⋯.png (2.14 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07bc575d9931e46⋯.png (105.38 KB, 1064x1200, 133:150, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f26e79b6ee04429⋯.png (29.73 KB, 936x606, 156:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86aba15262c18d3⋯.png (278.43 KB, 305x480, 61:96, ClipboardImage.png)


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f88047  No.15826678

File: e935f3929ad780e⋯.png (17.05 KB, 93x128, 93:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 714afe19b410cf2⋯.png (885.59 KB, 1456x1003, 1456:1003, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 297fd4a19f11ebb⋯.png (616.86 KB, 1456x905, 1456:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c121171180cbfe1⋯.png (930.56 KB, 1456x978, 728:489, ClipboardImage.png)




Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize Them

The neocon's confession sheds critical light on the U.S. role in Ukraine, and raises vital questions about these labs that deserve answers.

Glenn Greenwald

Nuland not only worked for both the Obama and Biden State Departments to run Ukraine policy (and, in many ways, Ukraine itself), but she also was Vice President Dick Cheney's deputy national security adviser and then President Bush's Ambassador to NATO. She comes from one of America's most prestigious neocon royal families; her husband, Robert Kagan, was a co-founder of the notorious neocon war-mongering group Project for the New American Century, which advocated regime change in Iraq long before 9/11. It was Kagan, along with liberal icon Bill Kristol, who (next to current editor-in-chief of The Atlantic Jeffrey Goldberg), was most responsible for the lie that Saddam was working hand-in-hand with Al Qaeda, a lie that played a key role in convincing Americans to believe that Saddam was personally involved in the planning of 9/11.

That a neocon like Nuland is admired and empowered regardless of the outcome of elections illustrates how unified and in lockstep the establishment wings of both parties are when it comes to questions of war, militarism and foreign policy. Indeed, Nuland's husband, Robert Kagan, was signaling that neocons would likely support Hillary Clinton for president — doing so in 2014, long before anyone imagined Trump as her opponent — based on the recognition that the Democratic Party was now more hospitable to neocon ideology than the GOP, where Ron Paul and then Trump's neo-isolationism was growing.

You can vote against neocons all you want, but they never go away. The fact that a member of one of the most powerful neocon families in the U.S. has been running Ukraine policy for the U.S. for years — having gone from Dick Cheney to Hillary Clinton and Obama and now to Biden — underscores how little dissent there is in Washington on such questions. It is Nuland's extensive experience in wielding power in Washington that makes her confession yesterday so startling: it is the sort of thing people like her lie about and conceal, not admit. But now that she did admit it, it is crucial that this revelation not be buried and forgotten.


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c770da  No.15826679


Right. They've been saying the same shit the entire fucking time.

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87ab1c  No.15826680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

All of a sudden there's a live feed on SF.

Camera moving around a lot.

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24603f  No.15826681

File: 01deb7e49caa2ff⋯.png (13.7 KB, 1340x173, 1340:173, Screenshot_2020_10_22_Q_Re….png)

File: 826a38f94c8bfd4⋯.png (128.94 KB, 851x221, 851:221, Screenshot_2020_10_22_Q_Re….png)


The story of my life. I do my best in the middle of a storm and people still complain.


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7e0f36  No.15826682

File: e6640ecc5e8be8b⋯.jpeg (140.04 KB, 1012x1800, 253:450, 9E84B669_49D4_47BB_B1AF_D….jpeg)

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b0e41c  No.15826683


>How can they just sit there and bullshit for so fucking long?

What else are they going to do?

Quit those cushy jobs?

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02fadf  No.15826685

File: 54c7f5bb5f24cf8⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 54c7f5bb5f24cf8d5e6576102d….jpg)

File: abf9bae07b571a6⋯.jpg (87.83 KB, 888x341, 888:341, abf9bae07b571a69cc60dd118a….jpg)

Since America is a usurped country run buy election stealing PEDOPHILE democrats I'm OK with Putin doing a strike on Washington DC 100% OK with that.

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afebf9  No.15826686

File: 694a02a91882147⋯.png (1.21 MB, 770x600, 77:60, ClipboardImage.png)

Riding the Veil is Fun.

Under the Current Situation.

Anyone, at any moment, Could fall through.

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479844  No.15826687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7dfd96  No.15826688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Country stars worried, praying for Ukraine

>307 views | Mar 9, 2022 | AP

At the ACM Awards in Las Vegas, country stars The Cadillac Three, Brothers Osborne and Hardy said they were worried and praying for the people of Ukraine. (March 9)

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8378b2  No.15826689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ca0830  No.15826690


how bad do you want to get out?

My wife has been on all of that I think at some point. the only thing she can't get off of is stimulants, so I guess it's up to you. if you stay in do you have to take them?

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4768db  No.15826691


Major discredit of psaki's narrative!

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b0e41c  No.15826692


That flag omg.

It's fucking mental I have never heard of that place. I bet they can get some excellent soy sauce up in that bitch.

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3505a9  No.15826693

File: 93609b82822ea78⋯.png (462.36 KB, 830x463, 830:463, MiG_29.png)


"Sec Austin spoke with his Polish counterpart (Minister Blaszczak) this morning. Sec Austin had a chance to discuss with Blaszczak the proposal to send MiG-29 Fighter aircraft to Ukraine. And specifically the notion of doing so by way of transfer of US custody. Sec Austin thanked the minister…but stressed that we don't support the transfer of additional fighter aircraft to the Ukranian Air Force at this time and therefore have no desire to see them in our custody either."

-PressSec Kirby


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8378b2  No.15826694

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72f9ed  No.15826695

File: de15dd166a68a2a⋯.png (388.25 KB, 1024x932, 256:233, de15dd166a68a2a6619f4055f6….png)


Country music faggots can kiss my ass.

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1fee58  No.15826696

Taiwan says China closed off part of S.China Sea to look for crashed plane

TAIPEI — China closed off a part of the South China Sea close to Vietnam this month in its hunt for a crashed aircraft, Taiwan’s intelligence agency said on Thursday, offering an alternate explanation for an exercise Beijing has called military drills.

On Friday, China said it was carrying out more than a week of exercises in the disputed South China Sea in an area between its southern province of Hainan and Vietnam, warning shipping to stay away.

In a report to parliament, Taiwan’s National Security Bureau said a Chinese aircraft had crashed and China has declared the area off limits while its forces searched for it, and also to conduct drills.


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87c59e  No.15826697

File: 95392ca1f5a34c6⋯.mp4 (9.11 MB, 480x284, 120:71, trump_batman1.mp4)



=calling batman==

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2ffb2f  No.15826698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2ee3d8  No.15826699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0fcbdd  No.15826700

File: 99e2636c60313bd⋯.jpg (171.27 KB, 1030x1566, 515:783, 20220310_002511.jpg)

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e4ac6e  No.15826701


Finally some words that add up. Thank you anon.

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1fee58  No.15826702

File: ed8aec230bfe641⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 1127x422, 1127:422, wef_bad_it_is_klaus.jpg)

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7e0f36  No.15826703


would not take that shit

any particular reason you need out faster?

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2f138a  No.15826704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f3e67f  No.15826705

File: 85fff6666ed66a0⋯.jpeg (715.2 KB, 1170x1336, 585:668, 9942463A_1B65_40A8_BBFD_3….jpeg)

File: 0d19bd0fa847afe⋯.jpeg (263.89 KB, 1070x1200, 107:120, 7C2DB9D8_A088_483D_BF32_F….jpeg)

File: c5aa262b5b7ae3c⋯.jpeg (212.03 KB, 998x1227, 998:1227, 60C3E3ED_649D_4526_9DD9_5….jpeg)

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8378b2  No.15826706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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87ab1c  No.15826707

File: ff76d0e4d38769d⋯.png (566.09 KB, 1068x699, 356:233, ClipboardImage.png)

Birds singing but it's dark out.

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c9d037  No.15826708

File: d74cb6964347cbc⋯.gif (7.81 MB, 270x480, 9:16, jamarcus_purcel_gif.gif)

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a5c0d0  No.15826709


They act like they know his plan.

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b64ec4  No.15826710


Don't forget, Sean Penn is Directing.>>15826680


It's the live cam at a local restaurant.

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b52c67  No.15826711


They spelled dishonorable wrong.

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f88047  No.15826712

File: d8bbc1d850c5651⋯.png (60.2 KB, 284x177, 284:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3eb05efe20faa9e⋯.png (35.3 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 985b94f43c3c043⋯.png (95.06 KB, 282x179, 282:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf0901e6598ea92⋯.jpg (2.69 MB, 3840x2551, 3840:2551, Twin_Towers.jpg)

File: 3cb2caaddf212d9⋯.png (75.75 KB, 346x392, 173:196, ClipboardImage.png)

"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."=


>That a neocon like Nuland is admired and empowered regardless of the outcome of elections illustrates how unified and in lockstep the establishment wings of both parties are when it comes to questions of war, militarism and foreign policy. Indeed, Nuland's husband, Robert Kagan, was signaling that neocons would likely support Hillary Clinton for president — doing so in 2014, long before anyone imagined Trump as her opponent — based on the recognition that the Democratic Party was now more hospitable to neocon ideology than the GOP, where Ron Paul and then Trump's neo-isolationism was growing.


Rebuilding America's Defenses

Written before the September 11 attacks, and during political debates of the War in Iraq, a section of Rebuilding America's Defenses entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" became the subject of considerable controversy: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."[48] Journalist John Pilger pointed to this passage when he argued that the Bush administration had used the events of September 11 as an opportunity to capitalize on long-desired plans.

Formation 1997; 25 years ago

Founder William Kristol, Robert Kagan

Dissolved 2006

Type Public policy think tank


Washington, D.C.

Chairman William Kristol


Robert Kagan

Devon Gaffney Cross

Bruce P. Jackson

John R. Bolton

PNAC ====> Road To 911




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a62895  No.15826713

File: cc54eb6ab248e63⋯.png (444.53 KB, 1080x969, 360:323, Screenshot_20220310_003053….png)



Any world leader wearing this kind of clothing needs to be executed immediately.

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d80dfc  No.15826714

File: 84aa5cc6cdf75a0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 149.78 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, haiti_moise.jpg)

File: 0c4f8fcea928aae⋯.jpg (208.95 KB, 924x1421, 132:203, haiti_moise2.jpg)


At the time it was McAffee rumors, but there is something much more sinister at work here, especially since they demo'd a second condo with hardly a word from the media.

We don't build bullshit in America. Their excuses were total lies. The mayor was in total disbelief, I recall Ramen noodles standing next to him at the presser. A couple weeks later the president of Haiti was murdered and the lied about that too. Anon took caps of the news reports that he had been castrated– pic related. This was from Police Frequency on Telegram

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d24915  No.15826715

File: 131556c759c71ca⋯.jpeg (70.38 KB, 594x422, 297:211, 131556c759c71ca8e2826d521….jpeg)

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ca0830  No.15826716


anon's fren sent this response to your post, anon…

Such a shame. I guarantee he's O- blood and he'll need to find away to stop the attacks before consuming him. He doesn't have the skills yet to stop it

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e2cc87  No.15826717


>Nuland's husband, Robert Kagan, was signaling that neocons would likely support Hillary Clinton for president

the Khazar ruler, called the Kagan, had heard of a third religion called JUDAISM.

Apparently for political reasons of independence, the Kagan announced that the Khazars were adopting Judaism as their religion.

Overnight an entirely new group of people, the warlike Khazars, suddenly proclaimed themselves Jews—adoptive Jews


Encyclopedia of Ukraine:

After the dissolution of the kaganate in the middle of the 7th century, the Khazars conquered some of the Bulgar and other Caucasian (eg, Alans) and Slavic tribes, and established the Khazar kaganate, the first state in eastern Europe. The supreme sovereign was the kagan, the high priest, but the actual ruler was the vicegerent or assistant kagan.


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0fcbdd  No.15826718

File: c7cbb5f1e885c61⋯.jpg (105.93 KB, 1016x658, 508:329, 20220310_003338.jpg)

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2ffb2f  No.15826719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c9d037  No.15826720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f3e67f  No.15826721

File: 4dfb1320e5395c4⋯.jpeg (112.02 KB, 867x979, 867:979, A3EA157C_1283_4035_B61A_E….jpeg)

Ah yes. We all knew it was coming.

Meanwhile, the doctors who went along with this will keep their licenses and big paychecks.

The pharma companies will continue to rake in the profits.

The health officials will maintain their cushy job while people forget they masked their children for two years.

And the ”elected” officials will continue to hold power.

Fuck this shit.

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1dda61  No.15826722


> the Khazar ruler, called theKagan

Are you sure it’s not “Kurgan”.

Because that would be cooler.

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87ab1c  No.15826723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I had the Ukraine one playing in a diff window. kek

On another note, I found this video last week to do with water and Ukraine.

Russia-Ukraine War I Is Access To Black Sea & Expanding Moscow's Maritime Trade Putin's Real Motive?


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5f648c  No.15826724

File: 841ea127b53146c⋯.png (167.65 KB, 421x432, 421:432, 9e8851afaa125bf6fbb5d0fe59….png)



Hey you Jewish cum dumpster….

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dddb25  No.15826725

File: da4e3ddbed50699⋯.png (898.62 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae62501f1977646⋯.png (425.56 KB, 768x768, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Interesting story.

Too bad the quality of the image sucks.

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f3e67f  No.15826726

File: ce5288d49595a2b⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1170x1770, 39:59, 143595F8_2AE9_4746_97F3_C….jpeg)

File: 365a98f7e937f71⋯.jpeg (518.4 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 531E730C_3356_44F0_A943_2….jpeg)

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dddb25  No.15826728

File: c8753f064004ac7⋯.jpg (34.77 KB, 584x427, 584:427, 6843eg.jpg)

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f3d7b2  No.15826729


Who told you that ridiculous nonsense?

What do you think angels are? Read Ezekiel 28. Notice God talks to the king of Tyre like he's Satan himself, saying he was in the garden?

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83aa27  No.15826730

File: a3d8fd5c8825825⋯.png (1.03 MB, 961x1728, 961:1728, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15bc016ca4953d6⋯.jpg (35 KB, 701x421, 701:421, covfefe_arrival_meme.jpg)


Prince William Ripped for Saying It’s ‘Alien to See’ War in Europe


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87c59e  No.15826731

File: 4c431138c5cdcb1⋯.png (398.07 KB, 500x555, 100:111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9313561468afb2f⋯.png (178.26 KB, 500x604, 125:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d00ac51378e8a47⋯.png (218.98 KB, 757x649, 757:649, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a1a627e69e6265⋯.png (203.92 KB, 500x853, 500:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07411a79f35b0ec⋯.png (143.46 KB, 557x599, 557:599, ClipboardImage.png)


yeah, wag to dog for the western msm and cleaning up the clinton crimes.

the long version with all that anon has dug



>>15745141, >>15745310, >>15745441, >>15745595 Q drops > Clinton Foundation > Wikileaks > Ukraine (main hub) > Sean Penn docu visit there > panic ==BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!!

https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/15734711.html#q15735316 <--1st dig

https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/15747155.html#15747737 Final pt 1

https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/15747155.html#15747780 Final pt 2





Note : This is just the part leading to the Clinton Foundation which is front and centre to all the corruption in Ukraine and around the world.

1) Image of Sean Penn in Ukraine > Image of Penn wearing CORE t shirt.



2) CORE - When did it start and who are the Leaders - Gregory Milne (most notable). CLINTON FOUNDATION

CORE: CORE is a non-profit organization founded by actor Sean Penn in response to the January 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti. The organization was founded in 2010 and changed its name in 2019 to receive contracts and donations to work globally. In March 2020, CORE began administering free COVID-19 tests in the U.S. amid the COVID-19 pandemic



Gregory Milne CLINTON FOUNDATION -Chief Executive Officer

He worked as the private sector advisor at the UN Office of the Special Envoy for Haiti, President Clinton’s UN office, assisting with economic development and reconstruction programs in Haiti. Before joining the Clinton Foundation, he was a senior associate at Shearman & Sterling, LLP in the New York Office where he specialized in international property transactions and mergers and acquisitions



Haiti - Reconstruction : The Clinton Foundation gives $500,000 to Sean Penn




QDROP CONNECTION AND WIKILEAKS - Main Qposts 4782 and 3611.

28 post(s) found containing "ukraine".


22 post(s) found containing "clinton foundation".



John Moynihan and Lawerence W. Doyle on the Mike Moore Paine podcast link below - They have all the receipts on the Clinton foundation and testified in front of congress - podcast below, forward to them speaking most is filler. all 3 parts link below plus image cap !!


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f004cf  No.15826732


The line they are towing has way too many bodies attached to it. Like all networks shared 911 footage with each other, these clowns screaming in unison is blaring.

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8378b2  No.15826733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7e0f36  No.15826734


ask fren why o neg?

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b0e41c  No.15826735


Look on the bright side.

At least you didn't get VAIDS!

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7e0f36  No.15826737


beyong meat tanker spill

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f004cf  No.15826738


>why o+?

The natural blood. Or alien, depending on where you come from.

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dba4a6  No.15826739


He’s a former prosecutor.

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7ec9ae  No.15826740

Neo Nazi World Order?

The Bidens Helped Neo-Nazis Rise to Power in Ukraine


For the last decade, billionaire Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky has funded the rise of neo-nazis in Ukraine in collusion with the Biden family, and helped install puppet President Volodymyr Zelensky to wage an unholy war against Putin’s Russia.

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563d1f  No.15826741

File: dfde872be5619d4⋯.jpg (95.24 KB, 500x628, 125:157, 67vhi.jpg)

File: 47f24c4512c55ca⋯.jpg (78.41 KB, 500x477, 500:477, 67zkbl_1_1.jpg)

File: 69582e432aba055⋯.jpg (74.26 KB, 500x511, 500:511, 67zj3h_1_1_1.jpg)

File: 60c47a406838616⋯.jpg (80.61 KB, 500x580, 25:29, 67zuxr_1.jpg)

File: 783b2fa4a1ffd34⋯.jpg (95.77 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 67tncf.jpg)

Trump won't endorse CodeMonkey so Trump can kiss my ass.

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d80dfc  No.15826742

File: bd1739e7f31c99e⋯.jpg (71 KB, 510x510, 1:1, bd1739e7f31c99e685446516a0….jpg)


Oh fuck no I will NEVER forget the coworkers who said I should be quarantined for being unvaxxed, the fucking NAZI mentality that resulted in people I thought I knew and trusted buying into the media bullshit, fuck them and their mind-control, never ever will I ever forget how callous almost EVERYONE in my social sphere became against the unvaxxed. NEVER. Let it boomerang on them, let them try to find a job with all the BULLSHIT they posted on social media, the future is far-right, conservative, Trump-supporting, MyPillow rocking, gun-toting fucking AMERICAN constitution-loving patriots controlling every last part of government, media, their whole entire reality. TAKE THAT MOTHERFUCKERS

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dba4a6  No.15826743

File: b312d55bcee26d7⋯.png (277.4 KB, 1624x750, 812:375, 2F55B247_35DE_4325_8D0E_29….png)


Forgot the sauce.


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f004cf  No.15826744


NDAs be like that. You shouldn't let a contract between two people piss you off so much.

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8378b2  No.15826745


I forgive her

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46c096  No.15826746

File: e571e4038282fca⋯.png (752.13 KB, 2360x1640, 59:41, 4FAB1B29_3D7E_493D_9D23_1C….png)

Energy is getting expensive.

Coal up 370% year over year, and European natural gas up 700+%


Just think what that coal price will do to Chinese commodities.

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f88047  No.15826747

File: 7d985e90db42b3c⋯.png (784.89 KB, 1245x530, 249:106, ClipboardImage.png)

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1de412  No.15826748

Most major companies are pulling their products out of Russia. The sanctions are hitting Russia very hard. This is what happens when you challenge the NWO. No wonder Trump caved like a fucking bitch and allowed the criminal traitors to remain completely free.

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afebf9  No.15826749

File: 47571e8087ef29c⋯.png (388.81 KB, 1035x723, 345:241, ClipboardImage.png)


I can Forgive

But I never Forget

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39dbc5  No.15826750

File: 5b60e156e10657b⋯.png (826.06 KB, 971x853, 971:853, Screen_Shot_2022_03_10_at_….png)

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1dda61  No.15826751

File: acf6643964856f9⋯.jpeg (185.39 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, 9928E6F2_4533_4F7A_99D8_3….jpeg)

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f004cf  No.15826752


They don't need idaho'd potatoes, nor texas' tea. It wouldn't help them at all even if they had a million-dollar shopping spree at a U.S. walmart filled with chinese junk.

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7e0f36  No.15826753

File: 62a9f607bb2fd24⋯.jpeg (327.03 KB, 1346x863, 1346:863, 5ED32F33_7CC2_480E_A743_F….jpeg)


trump might do well to concede this one

looking for news this weekend at the rally

in front of drew mckissick

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f3e67f  No.15826754

File: 36c4c1304f7599b⋯.gif (864.54 KB, 245x166, 245:166, 1D4787BB_7561_420A_B2AF_A4….gif)


>Look on the bright side.

>At least you didn't get VAIDS!

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b0e41c  No.15826755


Ooo - propane falling…

Time to pick up some more mini tanks maybe. Zombie times just around gthe corner, we can cook up some squirrel stew!

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2ffb2f  No.15826756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yo Q, this one’s for y’all

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87c59e  No.15826757

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: stroppy recommends a 8 hour video of a banksters wife whistleblower, anon will will watch as this is where the problems stem from before they get to the elites.




Relevant Links…



























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ffc133  No.15826758

>>15825371 (PB)

Biological weapon research, as opposed to studying a naturally occuring pathogen for purposes of prophylaxis or just plain "wanting to know more about it" is this:

A biological weapon reserach facility will have the means to grow cultures of the pathogen far beyond the needs for simple research. Two, it will be studying means of vectors: aeresolization, contact, in water systems, missile explosion survivability, etc. Three, it will be doing gain of function research - the ways of making the pathogen more lethal or more transmissable.

So if there are any signs of that going on in labs in Ukraine or Taiwan, you got them dead to rights.

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22e9a6  No.15826759



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d80dfc  No.15826760


Thanks anon, I could use me some Jesus, I am thoroughly PISSED OFF

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2ee3d8  No.15826761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3631a3  No.15826762

File: afde6bad13f8890⋯.jpg (66.49 KB, 617x459, 617:459, Muh_Bad.jpg)

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1dda61  No.15826763

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87c59e  No.15826764

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Pastor Rick Strawcutter interviews Katharine Pollard Griggs, the wife of Marine Corps Colonel George Griggs, about the history of the U.S. military and the power elite.

Kay Griggs was a military wife who learned way too much about her husband's job. Her husband would drink too much and he started talking openly about the real workings of the U.S. military, leadership training, drug-running and weapons sales, and the secret worldwide camps that train professional assassins. His stories were about murder, corruption, assassinations, and government lies. After he disappeared for a short time, she began receiving threats and decided to tell her story.

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8378b2  No.15826765

Goodnight anons

God bless you all

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e67366  No.15826766


Putin is such a weak loser that we will agree to all his demands just to show him who's boss.

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f88047  No.15826767

File: 1e44ed957ef66ac⋯.png (327.72 KB, 510x680, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

These were the 5 vocabulary words for 5th grade science class this week in an Illinois school. Via

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7100e0  No.15826768

File: 8f3c41f27bc499c⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 935x640, 187:128, 8f3c41f27bc499cfc6ebc4d549….gif)

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c2eb11  No.15826769

File: 16bc7dad1273cf6⋯.jpg (42.13 KB, 626x758, 313:379, 16bc7dad1273cf6b0fb22a2222….jpg)


>Zombie times just around gthe corner, we can cook up some squirrel stew!

That ain't zombie times. That's just good eatin'.

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f3e67f  No.15826770

File: 9912e27e431c3cc⋯.jpeg (256.44 KB, 1200x1153, 1200:1153, 579D32CD_6A48_406B_A218_A….jpeg)

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93a849  No.15826771

File: 5c58752fa6b5d31⋯.png (146.78 KB, 549x291, 183:97, 5c58752fa6b5d3156d70271da9….png)

File: 4348f936d863985⋯.jpg (73.68 KB, 583x499, 583:499, 4348f936d863985c165db323ae….jpg)

File: a93e5b554606fe1⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 500x632, 125:158, 663d20_1.jpg)

File: e96ee4e8708e375⋯.jpg (64.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6639rt.jpg)

File: 9c7e8e3146a991e⋯.jpg (182.04 KB, 960x600, 8:5, 9c7e8e3146a991e51a6d253a5e….jpg)


Trump was to dumb to know Fauci and Beelzebub Pence set him up.

Trump always takes credit for the WARP SPEED VACCINE…. Trump didn't endorse CodeMonkey and that is pissing off a lot of anons and them anons are going to pin all the vaccine deaths on Trump.





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e67366  No.15826772


"The Last Ukrainian Kick-Back Bill"

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afebf9  No.15826773


When the Universe Sings

It sounds like a Tibetan Singing Bowl

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2ee3d8  No.15826774


Big whoop, you can live off meat, eggs and potatoes. Russian people only gain from this, all those toxic products are leaving their country. Although a lot of jobs will be lost; long-term, great success.

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39dbc5  No.15826775




>Risperidone (had 8mg dose last time October 2020 and almost made my dick fall off) not very good side effects



medicinalchemanon here. these are all nasty. all but one have the risk of permanent side effects, including tardive dyskinesia (uncontrollable muscle movements). with a gun at my head, i would pick amisulpride. but honestly, i wouldn't willingly give even that to a lab rat.

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8622e5  No.15826776

File: 109b6bb6d55e359⋯.jpeg (221.44 KB, 676x754, 26:29, toldyaso.jpeg)

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f3e67f  No.15826777


For real.

I was a substitute teacher between jobs and would cringe when I saw posters for “Gender and Sexuality” club for middle-schoolers.

I remember one morning the principle came on the announcements encouraging students to join.

They were 11-13 year olds.

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4a6fcf  No.15826778

File: 958979b29ec8387⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pepe_rage.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15826779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e67366  No.15826780

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4f760d  No.15826781


he does not look like that

scholars from the beggin' of life have described his face, this is not him

if someone came lookin' like this would you follow ?

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dddb25  No.15826782


Chicken of the tree.

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39dbc5  No.15826783


>NDAs be like that. You shouldn't let a contract between two people piss you off so much.

NDAs are null and void and unenforceable when a felony is involved.

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b0e41c  No.15826784


Pretty sure only long-term overdosing gets you the Tardive's…

My first thought was what's the difference for OP? He's still in England. All one big prison anyway.

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24603f  No.15826785

File: 38c0d88d638ded9⋯.png (325.42 KB, 535x633, 535:633, ClipboardImage.png)





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2ffb2f  No.15826786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This one, too, Dawg

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4f760d  No.15826787


Olanapine makes you fat

however same anon , none of these are 'safe' and are more harmful than natural drug forms a thousand times over

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89fcc1  No.15826788

File: 5fce7e292ca3306⋯.png (423.77 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


So is this all the necessary process to get people really pissed off about it and demand cheaper alternatives at which point, poof… would you look at that, we can suddenly make cars that run on water and broadcast Tesla electricity through the air at almost no cost?

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4f760d  No.15826789

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d80dfc  No.15826790

File: d510588cca29e4c⋯.png (374.47 KB, 896x563, 896:563, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)


What do you mean? The illustration is of a person vacuuming the information from your brain! You MUST forget!

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89e002  No.15826791

File: d1efcc7be515351⋯.jpg (123.54 KB, 1060x596, 265:149, pepe_piss_in_hills_mouth.jpg)

File: 102dbf269943e24⋯.png (119.5 KB, 776x747, 776:747, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f45ef464a2ee313⋯.png (121.7 KB, 776x747, 776:747, ClipboardImage.png)

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7100e0  No.15826792

File: 5008b7d689f57d8⋯.gif (2.24 MB, 695x392, 695:392, 5008b7d689f57d840c5669a033….gif)

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4f760d  No.15826793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dddb25  No.15826794

File: 0ff17e60f133e1a⋯.png (168.2 KB, 360x1600, 9:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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b0e41c  No.15826795


>So if there are any signs of that going on in labs in Ukraine or Taiwan, you got them dead to rights.

But if those facilities get fuel-air bombed………………………………..

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e67366  No.15826796


Pooty will attain his objectives, which were just stated in his demand.

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d80dfc  No.15826797

File: 431f35c3ad53060⋯.jpg (39.27 KB, 640x480, 4:3, willy_wonka_and_the_chocol….jpg)


Oh awesome Reuters, thanks for letting us know. BTW Russia will have completed her mission before you all have a chance to put your shoes on.

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7100e0  No.15826798

File: 549020368cfd2c6⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 400x342, 200:171, CV1984_2_.gif)

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7100e0  No.15826799

File: be636b3a9d19ac3⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 333x281, 333:281, be636b3a9d19ac3d1bff57ee9b….gif)

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4f760d  No.15826800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5746db  No.15826801


Used Quetiapine to get really good rejuvenating sleep, had the craziest dreams on that stuff. Some dreams I had I literally felt like I was flying around like Superman. Risperidone made me feel like a zombie but still worked quite effectively for anxiety. Off all that stuff now but you should be fine if it's only for a month.

Do cardio, sweat it all out, EZ-mode would be to just go to a sauna.

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ffc133  No.15826802


…or in a nuclear blast….

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b0e41c  No.15826803


His children will know Him when they see Him.

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a5c0d0  No.15826804


There is interest in nationalizing some of those companies, saving jobs from being lost. Would be interesting if they also re-formulate products and remove toxic ingredients.

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7e0f36  No.15826805


would you drop your beef with 45 if he endorsed cm?

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7100e0  No.15826806

File: 65b7cd87ad33866⋯.gif (114.09 KB, 500x556, 125:139, 65b7cd87ad33866cef508852b9….gif)

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2ee3d8  No.15826807


Just let those companies crash and burn anon. People need to heal and get back to our primal diets.

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e67366  No.15826808


Blinken seems almost as dumb as Joe and Kamel. Jk, but he's an idiot.

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e4c761  No.15826809


s o … may be and le a < > DO ture ated …

s o … be and le a very/long to ture ated …

3 currently s o s be and le a very/long to ture ated < >be forces sad

3 currently s o s be and le a very/long to ture ated im be forces sad

3 currently s o s be and le a very/long torture im being forced to eat sad

section s o s be and le a very/long torture im being forced to eat sad

section sos be and al a very/long torture im being forced to eat sad

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d80dfc  No.15826810


tbh this anon has a totally different perception of "Jesus" a.k.a. Jmmanuel based on extensive reading of ancient texts that Christians won't allow themselves to cast eyes on. I was just responding to the kind gesture via normie Christian imagery kek

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24603f  No.15826811

File: a309d128e39d93d⋯.png (338.76 KB, 535x660, 107:132, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1691820c56f4079⋯.png (320.46 KB, 535x585, 107:117, ClipboardImage.png)



SCOOP: Pence flew to Israel this week on the private jet owned by arguably the most powerful GOP donor, Miriam Adelson.

A close relationship with Adelson could potentially bring tens of millions of dollars to a pro-Pence political machine.



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f3e67f  No.15826812

File: 69d6cf894e52151⋯.jpeg (80.06 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 7C7F5DE3_EAA6_40C7_9F18_0….jpeg)

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b0e41c  No.15826813

File: 3d5371f02835b7a⋯.jpg (48.84 KB, 400x500, 4:5, George_Dragon.jpg)



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4f760d  No.15826814

File: 555b4ea6ae00125⋯.png (48.97 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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2f138a  No.15826815


New South Korean President sure sounds like a "New Moon".


Morning sun brings heat.

Full moon coming.

Undiscovered stars learned.

Missions forward.


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ffc133  No.15826816


Wouldja look at that! Huh? I'm blind!

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dddb25  No.15826817

File: e8eb428f37ca3d7⋯.png (328.35 KB, 930x350, 93:35, ClipboardImage.png)


I would agree with this statement.

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8622e5  No.15826818

File: fd86475a9cf99a5⋯.jpg (130.66 KB, 625x502, 625:502, joecon.jpg)

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4a6fcf  No.15826819

File: 28efdc07122b23c⋯.jpg (489.72 KB, 1938x1214, 969:607, romanian.jpg)

PF Report

Romanian civilian passenger craft is the only thing over Ukraine on ADSB. Relevant because a few days ago we had two B-52's over Romania, and a MIL VIP jet in Romania.

Anon's need to remind me who was the VIP, can't remember now. Are we about to see the next act in this show, involving Romania? Find out after the commercial break…

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2ee3d8  No.15826820

>>15826807 (me)

I don't even feel sorry for the people that will lose their jobs working for those companies. No different than the appeasers who work for the Media, big-pharma, or the stormtroopers that demand you put on a mask.

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39dbc5  No.15826821


>and would cringe when I saw posters for “Gender and Sexuality” club for middle-schoolers.

if you had any courage, you would have ripped the poster down and torn it up instead of cringing like a little girl.

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89e002  No.15826822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7100e0  No.15826823

File: 41932c8dfbfca2d⋯.gif (3.43 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 41932c8dfbfca2d79b515e5103….gif)

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d80dfc  No.15826824


TY anon

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7100e0  No.15826825

File: 9f08897897f83f3⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 720x480, 3:2, alien.gif)

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e67366  No.15826826


Their fates might come sooner than that.

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e4c761  No.15826827

File: e0dfde1ed257100⋯.png (36.73 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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7dfd96  No.15826828

File: 637210aef89869f⋯.png (2.27 MB, 838x943, 838:943, capture_1142_09032022_2303….png)

File: 64cacfefd69d9db⋯.png (1.89 MB, 758x868, 379:434, capture_1143_09032022_2303….png)

File: d21a085b248c81f⋯.png (2.13 MB, 774x962, 387:481, capture_1144_09032022_2303….png)

File: d6665fc8dcb3e4d⋯.png (1.57 MB, 763x716, 763:716, capture_1145_09032022_2303….png)




Ukraine prepares potential move of sensitive data to another country - official

>March 9, 2022

March 9 (Reuters) - The Ukrainian government is preparing for the potential need to move its data and servers abroad if Russia's invading forces push deeper into the country, a senior cybersecurity official told Reuters on Wednesday.

Victor Zhora, the deputy chief of Ukraine's State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection, emphasized his department was planning for a contingency, but that it is being considered at all suggests Ukrainians want to be ready for any Russian threat to seize sensitive government documents.

"We are preparing the ground," Zhora said. Plan A was to protect IT infrastructure within Ukraine. Removing it to a another country would only be a "Plan B or C".

The move could only happen after regulatory changes approved by Ukrainian lawmakers, Zhora said.

Government officials have already been shipping equipment and backups to more secure areas of Ukraine beyond the reach of Russian forces, who invaded on Feb. 24 and are laying siege to several cities. read more

Last month Zhora told Politico there were plans to move critical data out of the capital Kyiv should it be threatened, but preparations for potentially moving data abroad go a step further.

Ukraine has received offers to host data from a variety of countries, Zhora said, declining to identify them. For reasons of proximity "a European location will be preferred," he said.

"There are a lot options," he said. "All the proposals are highly welcome and worth considering."

Zhora gave few details of how such a move might be executed, but he said past efforts to keep government data out of Russia's grasp involved either the physical transport of servers and removable storage devices or the digital migration of data from one service or server to another.


Even if lawmakers agreed to lift the restriction on sending Ukrainian data abroad and a protocol for the removal of IT assets were established, it would not necessarily mean that all or even most of the government's data or network equipment would immediately be sent out of the country, Zhora said.

Government agencies would have to decide on a case by case basis whether to keep their operations running inside the country or evacuate them.

What to do in wartime with piles of data gathered by governments became a topic of international concern following the Taliban's lightning offensive in Afghanistan last August that took city after city as U.S. and other foreign forces withdrew.

The Taliban conquest of Kabul meant that their forces were in a position to inherit sensitive data - such as payroll information for Afghan government employees and soldiers - which they could potentially mine for leads on how to arrest or eliminate domestic opponents.

Similar concerns are at play in Ukraine. Russia possessing Ukrainian government databases and intelligence files could be helpful if Russia wanted to control Ukraine.

Pavol Jakubec, a historian at Sweden's University of Gothenburg, said Ukraine was not necessarily planning for a potential government in exile, usually a last resort.

"It may be that they want to forestall potential Russian efforts to block their operations, analogue and digital," he said.

In 1940 Norway physically sent the bulk of its Foreign Ministry archives to the north of the country and then eventually to Britain as German forces invaded, Jakubec said.

Beyond trying to protect citizens under occupation, Ukrainian officials would want to deny Russian forces the opportunity to possess documents "which could otherwise be doctored by the enemy and used for propaganda purposes," Jakubec said.

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0fcbdd  No.15826829


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4f760d  No.15826830


The description of his face are precise from those originally blessed to see that.

Christians anywhere, however particularly here , have no idea what they did by hunting me as they have

By LAW , HIS LAW , anyone who see's his face should be allowed to contemplate this and be sustained in doin' so.

Ya'll interfered in that.

I'll see if i can find a writing for you Anon

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8622e5  No.15826831

File: 34919f37c503d1c⋯.jpg (87.92 KB, 383x737, 383:737, justinging.jpg)

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64e82f  No.15826832

File: fba6e29025b8c2a⋯.png (667.1 KB, 700x1038, 350:519, Immanuel_Velikovskymarijua….png)

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75fdaf  No.15826833


I searched my last name origins before and it was described as Ashkenazi. Family is from Argentina. I'm o+ though and no one I know is Jewish.

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e67366  No.15826834



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8622e5  No.15826835

File: 13ffa4b91d47a84⋯.gif (83.69 KB, 465x440, 93:88, sources.gif)

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93a849  No.15826836

File: 454fd3341057629⋯.jpg (68.83 KB, 500x620, 25:31, 454fd3341057629878ce8d790e….jpg)


Trump is not going to endorse CodeMonkey I know that already, Kari Lake came out of nowhere with no skills just face recognition and Trump endorsed her almost immediately…. Clown in the process.

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f092e4  No.15826837


It would suck for them if all that sensitive data was accidentally released.

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dddb25  No.15826838

File: 2778b796757a3cc⋯.png (52.95 KB, 758x403, 758:403, ClipboardImage.png)

Getting close are we?

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2f138a  No.15826839

File: cd7aedaee92245b⋯.png (324.43 KB, 669x500, 669:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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93a849  No.15826840

File: f3c7760f0ce8086⋯.jpg (60.77 KB, 500x513, 500:513, 67toft_1.jpg)

Just another Omarosa.

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8622e5  No.15826841

File: 39798f331f11f8e⋯.jpg (258.04 KB, 599x474, 599:474, bodybags.jpg)

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ffc133  No.15826842

File: 2abfae787cf654d⋯.png (244.8 KB, 1091x457, 1091:457, glf5_PAT78_1.png)

File: 8d7cf70a704f9c0⋯.png (916.27 KB, 1085x508, 1085:508, glf5_PAT78_2.png)

Gulfstream PAT78 from JAB Andrews coming in for a landing at Krakow - General, VIP, mebbe Da Hoe. Wasn't she sposed to be going there today?

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3631a3  No.15826843

File: cea3f5aa42874ba⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, lj_3_nothing_cant_do_Copy.mp4)

File: 9cdc2431ab8ce3f⋯.mp4 (3.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, lj_3_Copy_Trim2.mp4)


2nd try

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19252b  No.15826844

File: 5bb7acc36287bdd⋯.jpg (9.83 KB, 225x225, 1:1, anonsready.jpg)

You thinking what I am thinking?


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f88047  No.15826845

File: 30fec0ed0ff6274⋯.png (641.64 KB, 462x623, 66:89, ClipboardImage.png)

"I am an Arab by birth, a Greek by primary education, an American by residence, a Russian at heart, and a Slav in soul."

- St. Raphael of Brooklyn

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d80dfc  No.15826846

File: e8b4354d1e8a298⋯.jpg (160.69 KB, 720x480, 3:2, e8b4354d1e8a298193189d1153….jpg)

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8622e5  No.15826847

File: c3ada7d13ef5928⋯.jpg (62.1 KB, 589x353, 589:353, obamawink.jpg)

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e67366  No.15826849


Pence is finished. When he runs, he'll be toast.

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f88047  No.15826850


Raphael of Brooklyn, born Rufāʾīl Hawāwīnī, was bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, auxiliary bishop of Brooklyn, vicar of the Northern-American diocese, and head of the Antiochian Levantine Christian mission. He was the first Orthodox Christian bishop consecrated on American soil. Wikipedia

Born: November 20, 1860, Beirut, Lebanon

Died: February 27, 1915, Brooklyn, New York, NY

Canonized: March 2000 by Eastern Orthodox Church

Feast: 27 February

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7100e0  No.15826851

File: c70ae2ad18d2f64⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, c70ae2ad18d2f64793e90c77a8….gif)

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e68110  No.15826852


This is either the Queen, or coded comms

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64e82f  No.15826853

File: 6371227609e45ef⋯.jpg (489.1 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, JAN15_28_HD5476_001.jpg)

…Biblecucks cuck cuckin' the NPC cuck. Fuck, it's a circle jerk of retard. You are the motherfuckers due for a rude reality check. I'm going to Hell, so what. The empty threats of eternal damnation/salvation is the equivalent of childish fairy tales. I <3 being a heretic.

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e67366  No.15826854


Libtard institutions are committing suicide daily. Just shrug it off and move on, we don't need them.

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dddb25  No.15826855

File: 7690d69c9eea248⋯.gif (723.86 KB, 367x498, 367:498, pepe_popcorn_1_.gif)

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8622e5  No.15826856

File: 03718e313e0cc0e⋯.jpeg (197.16 KB, 636x900, 53:75, guillotine.jpeg)

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dddb25  No.15826857

File: 7accbd5446e5363⋯.png (127.22 KB, 1081x713, 47:31, ClipboardImage.png)



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d80dfc  No.15826858


And that is sad for those who blindly followed the programming, but for those that not only took the shot but shamed others, this anon has less sympathy. They trusted a genocidal globalist network. Sad!

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748b67  No.15826859

File: 6a23805b1354e4c⋯.jpg (102.96 KB, 500x633, 500:633, 6a23805b1354e4c5135b5eb8bb….jpg)

WARP SPEED VACCINE has screwed over a lot of people in America.

Just some military statistics here:

The DoD database, Johnson wrote, also showed an increase from 2020 to 2021 in the following conditions: hypertension (2,181%), diseases of the nervous system (1,048%), malignant neoplasms of esophagus (894%), multiple sclerosis (680%), malignant neoplasms of digestive organs (624%), Guillain-Barre syndrome (551%), breast cancer (487%), demyelinating (487%), malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands (474%), female infertility (472%), pulmonary embolism –(468%), migraines – 452% increase, ovarian dysfunction (437%), testicular cancer (369%), tachycardia (302%).

Renz said the totality of evidence available is far too voluminous to include, and he has focused on several key documents. Each document is preceded by a bullet-point summary.


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dddb25  No.15826860


This anon posted here before with the same image.

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7dfd96  No.15826862

File: 452afe9dc9e1962⋯.png (786.27 KB, 525x510, 35:34, capture_437_06032022_14131….png)

File: 00395b545e61eee⋯.png (1.03 MB, 707x510, 707:510, capture_427_06032022_13080….png)

File: cd7c01704343f37⋯.gif (375.34 KB, 480x355, 96:71, soonfall.gif)

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f88047  No.15826864

File: ada0ac4fc0f737b⋯.png (398.51 KB, 808x540, 202:135, ClipboardImage.png)

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b0e41c  No.15826865


Contrary to popular perception, nobody in the USA was "forced" to submit to an experimental "drug". Except some children. By their parents.

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ffc133  No.15826866

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4f760d  No.15826867

File: d802c9575880140⋯.png (821.17 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd2929e1bfe3cd9⋯.png (149.62 KB, 360x220, 18:11, ClipboardImage.png)



for we are as 1

However he appears as this in Gold


I can not find an appropriate picture of HIM alone

Perhaps that is as it should be

this is of a night time however

during daytime is different , however now i am dark

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8622e5  No.15826868

File: 6eff246f0c8af15⋯.jpg (375.5 KB, 1042x1643, 1042:1643, soong.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15826869

File: 522783c874154bb⋯.png (2.55 MB, 898x991, 898:991, capture_1114_09032022_2050….png)

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39dbc5  No.15826870


PB that shit, wouldja. (fuckwit.)

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89e002  No.15826871

File: 1f61cb22bed43d2⋯.png (338.7 KB, 543x950, 543:950, ClipboardImage.png)


Prices may vary


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c5cde7  No.15826872

File: d826ec068448ee3⋯.png (240.79 KB, 535x467, 535:467, f249af72b22c644eb9de3d7784….png)



China beat America without even firing on bullet. CORONAVIRUS VACCINE.

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e2cc87  No.15826873


>Pic rel, also other pic strangely was found in the room I’m in.

Smiling theater mask?

Here's a story asking for digs on those:

Bag of animal heads linked to sacrifice ritual?

a calf’s head, several rooster heads, a lamb head, and a kid goat head

The bag also contained grains and colored cloth material “associated with previous animal sacrifice investigations,” and two hand-drawn pictures, the organization said. One looked like a [letter D with an arrow through it] and one looked like a [smiling theater mask].

[The RISPCA asked anyone with information about the bag or the significance of the drawings to contact their investigators.]

March 8, 2022, 1:13 PM


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7100e0  No.15826874

File: 80f67b632fc71ff⋯.gif (4.04 MB, 480x202, 240:101, 80f67b632fc71ffaedbb44d2db….gif)

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4f760d  No.15826875


06 06



do you see ?

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2ee3d8  No.15826876


Agreed. They can repent and change their ways anytime.

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f3e67f  No.15826877

File: e5742c67b979fbd⋯.jpeg (326.1 KB, 1199x1104, 1199:1104, 76861A00_1C38_4E27_AF9E_0….jpeg)

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bc6147  No.15826878

File: 4b6bca5c00d3210⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 500x500, 1:1, popcorn.gif)

Things are getting intriguing. Remember in Hunt for Red October when the Russian ambassador kept getting caught in his lies? Constantly having to change the narrative to keep up as the US diplomat played coy while leading him around by the nose. The ambassador was smug at first, but ultimately came hat in hand asking for help.

You are watching a movie. Think mirror.

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39dbc5  No.15826879

File: 4bdf1f5e2243c21⋯.png (354.3 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, c6526cc3abb197e02cbe24efe0….png)


same goes for atheist-tards.

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c6d1ea  No.15826880

File: d80fee44c1e7d0d⋯.jpg (51.15 KB, 617x542, 617:542, Hanks_BadThings.JPG)


they writers ride our coattails

bitin' our rhymes

not saying they are…just saying i dont think its This Breem person is a player

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4f760d  No.15826881


The husband is the head of any woman , or should be , unfortuantely human men fall short of the needs required

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c2eb11  No.15826882

File: 25d4f270fb54c98⋯.jpg (127.86 KB, 1080x1610, 108:161, 25d4f270fb54c98f5aa854407e….jpg)


>Prices may vary

Lumber is about triple that nowdays.

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c5cde7  No.15826883

File: 1dfa4335e24d927⋯.jpg (100.64 KB, 500x648, 125:162, 1dfa4335e24d9277a90e9c5717….jpg)



Deception is a social engineering strong point.

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f88047  No.15826885

File: 3863fc075a085fe⋯.png (186.86 KB, 248x400, 31:50, 3863fc075a085fe98f559acdaa….png)

File: 82cdc406feea028⋯.jpg (24.31 KB, 533x207, 533:207, 275547133.jpg)


>Pence is finished. When he runs, he'll be toast.


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386910  No.15826886

I'd just like to note for the BO and BV that the QR Meta thread is being used and abused by a poster that constantly attacks anons who post in that thread

There is no need for that sort of uncalled for abuse in the Meta

I believe it may be the Doge baker or an anon who uses the Doge dog meme

Meta is for constructive comments, not ad hominem attacks on anons who have constructive input


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7100e0  No.15826887

File: 10bd10bc4ece0ca⋯.gif (3.63 MB, 627x329, 627:329, alexandria_ocasio_cortez.gif)

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32ea94  No.15826888

File: 5cb77eebd3df5ec⋯.jpeg (82.42 KB, 1024x571, 1024:571, 367D4E46_5DC7_4A1C_AE27_F….jpeg)

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4f760d  No.15826889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are taking part in the great deception, whether you choose to entertain that is up to you

it is strange you would chose to do so



06 06



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89e002  No.15826890

File: ef5d3fcfa56d8e7⋯.png (204.31 KB, 579x612, 193:204, Biden_Did_That.png)

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de88c6  No.15826891

File: 131a3d2416aff5a⋯.png (310.29 KB, 583x428, 583:428, bd634a7efd2f4f3039e569a453….png)


WARP SPEED VACCINE has screwed over a lot of people in America.

Just some military statistics here:

The DoD database, Johnson wrote, also showed an increase from 2020 to 2021 in the following conditions: hypertension (2,181%), diseases of the nervous system (1,048%), malignant neoplasms of esophagus (894%), multiple sclerosis (680%), malignant neoplasms of digestive organs (624%), Guillain-Barre syndrome (551%), breast cancer (487%), demyelinating (487%), malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands (474%), female infertility (472%), pulmonary embolism –(468%), migraines – 452% increase, ovarian dysfunction (437%), testicular cancer (369%), tachycardia (302%).

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7dfd96  No.15826892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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de88c6  No.15826893

File: 73135b7d6f952b7⋯.jpg (63.31 KB, 463x480, 463:480, 67lvh.jpg)



America's first retarded Pedophile president.

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3505a9  No.15826894

File: 64909478f06afbd⋯.png (117.59 KB, 583x509, 583:509, comsublant1.png)


Ice Camp [Q]ueenfish

Full Link To Article: https://www.dvidshub.net/news/416096/under-secretary-navy-visits-icex-2022

Twitter Short Link To Article: https://t.co/iEWKuBMZf[Q]

160 nautical miles = 296km -> 2+9+6 = 17

SeaBees = CB = 32 -> 23

[F]ast [A]ttack [S]ubmarine [F]orce = 6+1+19+6 = 32 -> 23

"drop to 60 or 70" = 260 or 270 -> Q260: Who knows where the bodies are buried?; Q270: Apply the Keystone. -> Putin (?), Ukraine (?)

SSN 786 = 19+19+14+786 = 838 -> Q838: BOOM.


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f3e67f  No.15826895

File: 1547c8af5753c62⋯.jpeg (163.67 KB, 1200x1045, 240:209, 1EB33721_4E7E_4109_85B4_2….jpeg)

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c6d1ea  No.15826896


actually..its dollar losing its purchasing power…fiat dolla

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1fee58  No.15826897

File: e17d0650b9dae9b⋯.jpg (36.69 KB, 612x409, 612:409, gettyimages_1238997349_612….jpg)

These locations are getting more amusing.


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b0e41c  No.15826898


Thought you left.

Show us your bOOOOBS!

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32ea94  No.15826899

File: 16299b0f8d3b575⋯.jpeg (931.64 KB, 1461x1126, 1461:1126, C1DFB3E8_4D59_417F_9C1B_4….jpeg)

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1fee58  No.15826900

File: 57eb8ace0692ba7⋯.jpg (37.89 KB, 612x408, 3:2, gettyimages_1239055349_612….jpg)



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7ec9ae  No.15826901


bitches be loose with everything but that

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de88c6  No.15826902

File: 8cfcb207ccef836⋯.jpg (69.04 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 8cfcb207ccef836a7d870c6627….jpg)



I don't watch nothing that doesn't make sense.

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89e002  No.15826903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8622e5  No.15826904

File: f9da93909e394a0⋯.jpeg (63.14 KB, 750x445, 150:89, may.jpeg)

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87ab1c  No.15826905




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2ee3d8  No.15826906


Speaking of that movie, was it Hunt for Red October where the submarine commander purposefully went headfirst into the torpedo in order to destroy it before it could trigger the warhead? I can't even find the clip of that scene on Youtube. Or was that another movie?

Maybe that's what Q meant from that movie reference, go head first into the enemy before they can engage their plan.

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1215e1  No.15826907

File: 67831aa17f62e31⋯.png (178.71 KB, 489x400, 489:400, Ukraine.png)

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f88047  No.15826908

File: 658c358428c7cc8⋯.png (1.76 MB, 819x1024, 819:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


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de88c6  No.15826909

File: 9017f1cd9c6c090⋯.png (822.26 KB, 1080x1109, 1080:1109, Screensnvh.png)

File: fdaae057a5ee62e⋯.png (70.51 KB, 301x247, 301:247, dow.png)



Everything about Kamala is still up in the air…. She could possibly be a man.

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a5b330  No.15826910

So I spose we are gonna give $45 Billion or so to Ukraine through USAID. USAID Administrator is Samantha Power. Served in hussein NSC and the UN Ambassador. Didn't USAID get caught laundering $10 Billion to one of the holders of Burisma? Yes, Hunter's Burisma. You think there's any connection?

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ffc133  No.15826911

File: 036c1c1499ca0b1⋯.png (533.54 KB, 857x550, 857:550, GLF5_PAT78_Rzeszow.png)


Correction, the Gulfstream PAT78 flew by Krakow, and is landing at Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport. Rzeszow is a small city of 200K without distinction, 35 miles from the Ukrainian border. The Canadian company Valeant Pharmaceuticals, is based there.

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1215e1  No.15826912

File: 9f996d71c196844⋯.png (375.29 KB, 837x649, 837:649, Election1.png)


Did he…?

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f88047  No.15826913

File: 1ca6bea7182bd4a⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48f0a0292c1df65⋯.jpg (169.48 KB, 862x654, 431:327, 27510.jpg)


>Everything about Kamala is still up in the air…. She could possibly be a man.

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479844  No.15826914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gaurdian Angel Watcher's ,

have (You) gone through this Earth terrestrial test ?

do (You) sleep , and eat ?

are (You) in spirit form ?

I torn down the 4th wall , after I saw the FLASH , everything changed

enjoy my song to (You) my Gaurdian Angel Watcher Anon's

Love is the Answer ❤

❤🇺🇸 Pilotorb

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721f9f  No.15826915

File: 434c41bbd6a6618⋯.png (231.22 KB, 627x691, 627:691, Bildschirmfoto_2022_03_10_….png)

>>15824771 pb

>Psaki False Flag Twat

❗️ Catch up on our latest updates about the Ukrainian crisis:

🔸 The Russian MoD has said that Ukrainian nationalist forces committed a new and "extremely dangerous provocation" by attacking a substation and the power lines that provide the Chernobyl nuclear power plant with electricity.

🔸 Russia has called on the United States to immediately terminate any illegal military biological work, including in post-Soviet nations.

🔸 The US House of Representatives has passed legislation to ban US imports of Russian energy products.

🔸 The Russian Defence Ministry has stated thatUkrainian nationalists delieverd 80 tonnes of ammonia to prepare a possible provocation to accuse Russia of allegedly using chemical weaponsin Ukraine.

🔸 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba will meet and discuss the ongoing conflict today in Antalya, Turkey in the presence of the Turkish foreign minister at the behest of the two sides.

🔸 Russia has said a Ukrainian claim that it bombed a children's hospital in Mariupol is "fake news" because the building was a former maternity hospital that had long been taken over by troops.


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7100e0  No.15826916

File: 427a8fe82fbb7a1⋯.png (66.79 KB, 255x159, 85:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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89e002  No.15826917

File: 338e4ebbbdd65a7⋯.png (69.54 KB, 342x377, 342:377, ClipboardImage.png)

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7dfd96  No.15826918

File: 85bf228f24e33aa⋯.jpg (265.16 KB, 999x661, 999:661, capture_1154_09032022_2335….jpg)

File: 22856361b4dfe6c⋯.jpg (217.11 KB, 867x577, 867:577, capture_1151_09032022_2334….jpg)

File: 0fe981a8218d9de⋯.jpg (184.01 KB, 853x531, 853:531, capture_1152_09032022_2335….jpg)

File: 8118458fdf3811e⋯.jpg (51.26 KB, 500x340, 25:17, 23bz7j.jpg)

File: efec89541000edc⋯.png (593.19 KB, 775x491, 775:491, _EugenistsAll_.png)


PBS NewsHour (Woodruff) Funders

<Judy, with her frenz>

PBS NewsHour West live episode, March 9, 2022

>65,536 views | Streamed live 5 hours ago

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9df77c  No.15826919

File: d7b4e7e1912a47c⋯.png (154.78 KB, 234x562, 117:281, Screenghi.png)



Women promote deception and selfish ambition.

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1215e1  No.15826920

File: af5d3af194671df⋯.jpg (615.13 KB, 2500x1406, 1250:703, balance2.jpg)


1. Fire

3. Air

2. Water

4. Earth

…as above, so below!

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e4c761  No.15826921

File: 44cfe3ffed85f17⋯.png (468.51 KB, 612x408, 3:2, biden1.png)

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83c47e  No.15826922


>do (You) sleep , and eat ?


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9df77c  No.15826923



Montel also likes it up the ass.

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64e82f  No.15826924

File: 4d18819144c34af⋯.png (292.48 KB, 500x269, 500:269, rotnwonderjoints3.png)


…Where's the aether?

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7100e0  No.15826925

File: adeffad70a628e6⋯.gif (3.01 MB, 640x480, 4:3, adeffad70a628e646c3ea71e1f….gif)

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e86f00  No.15826926

>>15825794 lb

>twatter+onion russian media embargo workaraound -

works both ways

I'm now catching up with RT.com on tor browser ;)

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386910  No.15826927


yes it was red october

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7dfd96  No.15826928

File: e872b9672e3a6ce⋯.jpg (375.55 KB, 900x619, 900:619, capture_1150_09032022_2328….jpg)

>wtf cap of the week

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7100e0  No.15826929

File: 365557ec6efedd0⋯.png (574.88 KB, 964x1087, 964:1087, ClipboardImage.png)

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598226  No.15826930

If there were bio weapons labs in Ukrainian, we would know by now.

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75fdaf  No.15826931


Perfectly illustrates the commander in thief's presidency so far.

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386910  No.15826932


she's a man baby


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f3e67f  No.15826933

File: a87587fd220289d⋯.jpeg (134.85 KB, 1200x957, 400:319, EC53A05C_BC1C_401A_A564_F….jpeg)

File: 92311bb90b8c005⋯.jpeg (124.84 KB, 1200x760, 30:19, D59E2062_EEEF_4479_A13C_E….jpeg)

File: ce9a3bd77a37fef⋯.jpeg (136.64 KB, 1200x917, 1200:917, B00CE86E_33AB_4CA2_AC69_F….jpeg)

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479844  No.15826934



Beautiful !!!! WWG1WGA ❤

Quad's Chk'd Green Light and Good !!!!

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e67366  No.15826935


MA, Did my check from Ukraine come today? MAAAAA!!!

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b0e41c  No.15826936


>If there were bio weapons labs in Ukrainian, we would know by now.

Do you mean to say "CNN would have told us by now."?

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e67366  No.15826937


We aint taking THAT!

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f5670f  No.15826938

File: 93d2ebf5e472ce7⋯.jpg (121.07 KB, 788x518, 394:259, cnn_cia_meme.jpg)

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9df77c  No.15826939

File: f0cd97a6b27eeec⋯.png (1.03 MB, 674x680, 337:340, f0cd97a6b27eeec6362ee19cc4….png)

File: 783b2fa4a1ffd34⋯.jpg (95.77 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 67tncf.jpg)

File: b4528058bbf5e9c⋯.jpg (42.05 KB, 563x443, 563:443, 67qyri.jpg)

File: 5de9036af4464a2⋯.jpg (88.62 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 67ildv.jpg)

File: 67b5b6158df1454⋯.jpg (57.92 KB, 673x499, 673:499, 67b5b6158df1454d6d6d3e707f….jpg)

Sadly Trump never left the Democratic party they are still all working in concert.

WARP SPEED VACCINE DEATHS had bipartisan support.

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7100e0  No.15826940

File: d71785a2c994f9f⋯.png (2.09 MB, 2134x1380, 1067:690, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3dc1a26e203539⋯.png (928.19 KB, 1024x1118, 512:559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b877446e9636b1⋯.png (802.93 KB, 785x487, 785:487, ClipboardImage.png)

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8622e5  No.15826941

File: 59cdb1bce814355⋯.jpg (15.96 KB, 360x223, 360:223, kamalababy.jpg)

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6c47a2  No.15826942

File: f9971b1ec98d548⋯.jpg (7.37 KB, 320x180, 16:9, mqdefault.jpg)


Not sure if I can stomach listening to the whole thing, but I'll try. Will have to take it in small bites. Absolutely barf inducing.

The CIA… A collection of dumbest-smart people, who fancy themselves worthy of crafting the whole as they see fit. (Dumbest-smart, I say, because they know, collect and organize some clever Tricks… For no fucking good reasons what so ever. Stupidest gang of shit brains, ever.)

Dust off and nuke'm from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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83c47e  No.15826943

Can someone explain what is happening?

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2ee3d8  No.15826944


Head-first irregular warfare it is.

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dafbf5  No.15826945

File: f7c74189cda78a3⋯.jpg (102.18 KB, 490x654, 245:327, SD_and_duck_in_the_airplan….jpg)


worth a captcha fo the kek

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39dbc5  No.15826946


>I'm now catching up with RT.com on tor browser ;)

maybe you need a new ISP. rt.com is not blocked by my provider. neither are sputnik and tass.

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89e002  No.15826947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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598226  No.15826948


I’ll believe it when I read it on Reddit.

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e4c761  No.15826949

File: bb29fe8d9da9a14⋯.png (148.83 KB, 374x380, 187:190, ClipboardImage.png)

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bea9f9  No.15826950

File: 787db8678b46607⋯.jpg (84.97 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 787db8678b466075ca3a20e672….jpg)


The consciousness of all mankind is returning to a position in alignment with the objective moral truth.

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e86f00  No.15826951


You are missing something.

Without 'warp speed' and general accelerationism, they would have dragged covid out to 2030, by which time the normies would be begging for the great reset…

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39dbc5  No.15826952


>Can someone explain what is happening?

sure. the question should be WILL someone explain what is happening. IDK. wait and see.

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0fcbdd  No.15826953

File: d11da7661f9a294⋯.mp4 (6.84 MB, 480x480, 1:1, d11da7661f9a29426e2d24bd0f….mp4)

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721f9f  No.15826954

File: d1c8d182cdacd0c⋯.png (101.62 KB, 326x360, 163:180, Psaki.png)

File: eb10c6eaabaa60f⋯.png (220.57 KB, 622x633, 622:633, Bildschirmfoto_2022_03_10_….png)

>>15826915 me

side by side may be better:

>>15824771 pb

>Psaki False Flag Twat


"Now that Russia has made these false claims, and China has seemingly endorsed this propaganda, we should all be on the lookout forRussia to possibly use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine, or to create a false flag operation using them. It’s a clear pattern."


"🔸 The Russian Defence Ministry has stated thatUkrainian nationalists delieverd 80 tonnes of ammonia to prepare a possible provocation to accuse Russia of allegedly using chemical weaponsin Ukraine."…

ff alert here, ff alert there..

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e86f00  No.15826955


I'm in UK…

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386910  No.15826956


women should never have been given the vote

they have the intellect of moranic children and everything is decided by their stupid feelz and hormones

the world will be far better off when babies can be bred in vitro and we circumvent stupid brainless whores who drag civilisation down with their minute and vapid intellects

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e0f2ee  No.15826957

File: 3baaa1c37aaba16⋯.png (350.6 KB, 550x550, 1:1, B_Day_Pepe.png)

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b0e41c  No.15826958

File: f4e2c2fd1eab407⋯.jpg (133.98 KB, 1080x1332, 30:37, AOCETB.jpg)

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bea9f9  No.15826959

File: ad441f066e4a6fe⋯.png (358.74 KB, 622x460, 311:230, chuckychuckchuck.png)

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ffc133  No.15826960


who dat? too fuzzy to see.

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f88047  No.15826961

File: 9594686a2e9fb84⋯.png (76.9 KB, 353x280, 353:280, ClipboardImage.png)



>if you had any courage, you would have ripped the poster down and torn it up instead of cringing like a little girl.

TRIP 777

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39dbc5  No.15826962


>objective moral truth.

KEK. there is no such thing. moral truth is a fiction that exists only in the vacuum between your ears. things are what they are. no less. and NO MORE. "meaning" is a fairy tale concocted by morans with too much time on their hands, or despots looking to manipulate the masses.

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dddb25  No.15826963

File: 01d9df4552bebe1⋯.jpg (91.69 KB, 888x500, 222:125, nightshift_spaceballs.jpg)


Truth Q

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8622e5  No.15826964

File: d599ca3992a4ad1⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1644x880, 411:220, meng.jpeg)

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6dbfe3  No.15826965

File: 30c75fb6fb19ce6⋯.jpg (72.75 KB, 656x658, 328:329, 30c75fb6fb19ce6761f50e6abf….jpg)

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386910  No.15826966


filthy demonic commie whore

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32ea94  No.15826968

File: 50d93085a07c85c⋯.png (26.1 KB, 474x249, 158:83, 940473FC_C1EA_42A0_BAF3_8E….png)

File: e62d7b56e9b3ee1⋯.jpeg (25.32 KB, 255x132, 85:44, 212A2787_4CAE_4D04_A358_E….jpeg)

File: 1364604d68818e1⋯.jpeg (20.15 KB, 255x253, 255:253, D930A3AE_DE14_40CB_BF8A_4….jpeg)

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dddb25  No.15826969


You mean being distracted so that the elite can

hide underground before the cosmic events take place?


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bea9f9  No.15826970


I invite you to actually study the word moral.

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386910  No.15826971


then you must be muslim or black or both

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7100e0  No.15826972

File: 56d874f21a00835⋯.png (1.24 MB, 808x846, 404:423, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't think they know why they do it. They are grunts. That books goes from Phoenix to Condor to Eagle to DHS. The Gladio book covers the rest of it. How did Soros replace family Y? He broke the BOE and he helped Bush 41 with Condor. Poisoned Commiefornia in the process. Enron > PCG&E is still to be played.

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6dbfe3  No.15826973

File: 3e4872e949d6077⋯.png (249.48 KB, 503x359, 503:359, downlovui.png)



I like that tell me more…

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1215e1  No.15826974


Inside you and out of you!

Inside you, circulating in your blood and sperm. Outside of you, the ether is creating your relativ reality, taken ideas from the realm of ideas and presenting it to you, so that you can make your "own" decisions, to "feed" your spiritual mind with experiences, through your physical body!

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fe6486  No.15826975

File: d0817adf42b0e86⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 474x263, 474:263, jew_.jpg)

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b0e41c  No.15826976

File: ea0b9c139b30ba3⋯.gif (154.48 KB, 148x147, 148:147, music1_gif_width_48_height….gif)


>moral truth is a fiction that exists only in the v…

Community College Sophomore detected.

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3505a9  No.15826977

File: f40a76450561661⋯.png (642.73 KB, 1062x596, 531:298, enticks1.png)

File: 5a3d1028589c7dd⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1602x1038, 267:173, enticks2.png)

File: c372d4d8fffd3d5⋯.png (102.16 KB, 585x420, 39:28, nsa1.png)

NSAGov Retweets NSACyber

Video: Ghidra - Beyond The Code

@0:32: Entick's New Spelling Dictionary (https://archive.org/details/enticksnewspell00murrgoog/page/n16/mode/2up)

Scanned page 17 = book page 23

Prosody: "teaches the true"


Punctuation -> The Period -> End of Sentence -> Nearing the End (?)


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f88047  No.15826978


Analysis: Russia and QAnon have the same false conspiracy theory about Ukraine

By Donie Faggot O'Sullivan, CNN Business 2:49 AM EST, Thu March 10, 2022

New York CNN Business —

A new conspiracy theory has become popular among some of the online communities that formed around QAnon – one simultaneously being promoted by the Kremlin as a justification for its invasion of Ukraine. The false claim: the United States is developing bioweapons in Ukraine and Vladimir Putin has stepped in to save the day and destroy the weapons.

QAnon’s core prophecy has always been that there is a “plan” and that former President Donald Trump will rid the world of an evil cabal, culminating in the unmasking, imprisonment or even execution of cabal members. But that prophecy dates back to when Trump was actually president – now that he’s not, believers have been convincing themselves there is evidence that the plan is still very much in place, maybe even more so than ever before. In the Kremlin’s disinformation, some have seen that hope.

There are US-funded biolabs in Ukraine, that much is true. But they are not building bioweapons. Actually, it’s the opposite: Part of the reason for their creation was to secure old Soviet weapons left behind in the former Soviet republics. The State Department has described the claims as nonsense – and the US and Ukrainian governments have repeatedly, and for years now, tried to bat down conspiracy theories about the labs and spoken about the work that is actually being done in them

Russia’s falsehoods about labs like this have not been limited to Ukraine. Similar claims were made about a lab in Tbilisi, Georgia; those were proven false. Dr. Filippa Lentzos, co-director of the Centre for Science & Security Studies at King’s College London, visited the lab along with other experts and debunked the Russian claims. She told CNN the Russians are spreading the same lies about labs in Ukraine.

She was stunned by Biden's inauguration. How this South Carolina mom escaped QAnon

There is a disinformation machine at work here.


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479844  No.15826979

no vaccum in space , just 0 pressure , at sea level on a standard

atmospheric day the pressure is about 15 psi against our bodies. barometric pressure of 29.92

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f88047  No.15826980


It goes a bit like this. The Russian government makes suggestive statements, leaving breadcrumbs that are dutifully repeated by official Russian state media – and then, increasingly importantly, by dozens of faceless websites (some of which the US has alleged are tied to Russian intelligence). Social media accounts push the idea further, build on it, make it more fantastical – and those more fantastical claims eventually end up getting picked up by official Russian media and the cycle begins again.

Russia has been pushing various bits of disinformation about the US and biological weapons since the Cold War – infamously publicizing, for instance, the false idea that the US manufactured the HIV/AIDS virus.

Matt Field, an editor with the Bulletin of the Atomic Sciences, told CNN disinformation about US-supported bio-labs seems to peak when Russia finds itself under increased international scrutiny – the allegations about the Tbilisi lab, for instance, bubbled up in 2018 amid the international scandal after Russia was found to have poisoned Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury, England.

The methods used to spread this kind of disinformation are not new, either. Former KGB agents have said the KGB would plant stories in obscure or small publications in foreign countries and then those stories would be cited as sources in official Russian media.

That process can happen a lot more easily today. Instead of having to go to the trouble of convincing an editor at a newspaper to publish disinformation, Russia can push it out on seemingly independent websites that present themselves as news outlets but are no more than Kremlin cut-outs. The US government has identified websites working in tandem with Russia’s FSB security service.

Russia still plants stories in real outlets too – for example, in 2017 the leftwing US magazine Counterpunch detailed how it had been duped into running articles under the byline “Alice Donovan,” which the US government later confirmed was a fake identity run by GRU Russian military intelligence.

Russia does not necessarily need to push its disinformation to QAnon adherents, because the two have enough shared interests. Today, many Americans find themselves in online groups and following accounts that mobilized around QAnon – there, Russian disinformation is sometimes embraced with enthusiasm.

On an American QAnon online radio show broadcast Monday, one host read verbatim from Russian state media reports about biolabs.

Over on the show’s online discussion forum a person who had intentionally misspelled the word “Patriot” so it would include the letter “Q” wrote, “I had a hunch that these bastards were getting ready to release another bio weapon and we needed SOMEONE to put a stop to it. Putin stepped up. IMO this was part of his deal with DJT.”

“A central element of conspiracy theory belief systems is the constant refining of narratives and reactions to wider events to support the grand narrative,” Ciarán O’Connor, a researcher with the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a think tank that analyses disinformation, told CNN.

Journalists and government officials have been trying to debunk the falsehoods and spread the truth. Big Tech companies have been trying to stop the conspiracy theory’s spread on their platforms, too. But those measures have thus far been no match for the power of belief and the sustained campaign to promote this theory.

On Tuesday, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman helped the Russian effort, making his own suggestion that the US was up to something nefarious at labs in Ukraine. The same official in 2020 promoted the idea that the US military brought Covid-19 to China.


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64e82f  No.15826981


…Makes sense. No bullshit.

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fe0176  No.15826982


or Warp Speed got ahead of a real planned pandemic that would have killed many times more people than the vaxxx

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e86f00  No.15826983



Oh. You my be right. My mobile data provider is allowing it.

Thing is, they're the only fibre isp where I live. That or 1mbps…

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386910  No.15826984


she is a he

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78d16c  No.15826985

File: 8803293cecf735d⋯.png (270.53 KB, 388x643, 388:643, 80d18c5f735f38d356ba7fbaa5….png)



No it's because George Soros titty bangs that old hide.

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7dfd96  No.15826986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f5670f  No.15826987


try changing your dns

that works sometimes

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2e9846  No.15826988


not ff alert

ff promise.

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39dbc5  No.15826989

File: 74945e1676cae5b⋯.jpg (105.93 KB, 1000x555, 200:111, Monty_Python_and_the_Holy_….jpg)


>I'm in UK…

well, THERE'S your problem.

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fe0176  No.15826990

File: 5a0788d6f19d11f⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, michelletrannies.png)

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75c785  No.15826991

File: 12fa7d326b8f461⋯.jpg (110.72 KB, 708x782, 354:391, 20220310_010139.jpg)

File: 7ad6d90f7572ec8⋯.mp4 (4.3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, OCqhlhphvF5GRCc7.mp4)


Q Fever!

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64e82f  No.15826992


…Who in their right mind would want to fuck a leather couch?

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721f9f  No.15826993



>Russia and QAnon have the same false conspiracy theory about Ukraine

Analysis by Donie FAGGOT O'Sullivan


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7100e0  No.15826994

File: 8c8b84d02fe9e22⋯.png (652.15 KB, 573x587, 573:587, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b47e55f713d1d91⋯.png (222.35 KB, 415x531, 415:531, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45b7538d0d3fa92⋯.png (590.8 KB, 1056x751, 1056:751, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72c9ca8bd12e1a7⋯.png (451.91 KB, 540x635, 108:127, ClipboardImage.png)

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32ea94  No.15826995

File: 4992c420122864e⋯.jpeg (58.45 KB, 992x415, 992:415, 2EB303D1_5DE8_4449_ADB5_1….jpeg)

File: 7802eb6d10b63b6⋯.jpeg (233.85 KB, 1779x554, 1779:554, 2FF3E255_4314_426B_8188_2….jpeg)

File: 9af02e5a1c7afa6⋯.png (629.73 KB, 1426x1580, 713:790, 84438845_6916_4083_8AC2_31….png)

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89e002  No.15826996

File: 9815ad97ab3f441⋯.jpg (46.96 KB, 700x440, 35:22, night_shift_1.jpg)

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598226  No.15826997


And prevented.

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6c47a2  No.15826998

File: f9971b1ec98d548⋯.jpg (7.37 KB, 320x180, 16:9, mqdefault.jpg)


Not sure if I can stomach listening to the whole thing, but I'll try. Will have to take it in small bites. Absolutely barf inducing.

The CIA… A collection of dumbest-smart people, who fancy themselves worthy of crafting the whole as they see fit. (Dumbest-smart, I say, because they know, collect and organize some clever Tricks… For no fucking good reasons what so ever. Stupidest gang of shit brains, e>>15826972


Dust off and nuke'm from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.>>15826972

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39dbc5  No.15826999

File: cfa05058fcf4aa2⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 380x422, 190:211, winston_churchill_google_p….jpg)

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e86f00  No.15827000


The next pandemic is already being touted - maybe that's what the army-developed vaccine is for…?


I'm changing my LAN completely soon, it can wait. Loads of data.

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fe0176  No.15827001

File: 259e250a4339e00⋯.png (6.08 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2022_03_10_at_….png)

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598226  No.15827002

File: a42dc136a8d3d05⋯.jpeg (159.74 KB, 750x298, 375:149, AEE0D2E1_723B_45CD_AD35_F….jpeg)

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2e9846  No.15827003


I think that these

deep state retards

are going to pin VAX

deaths as a bio-attack

by muh Russia.

They are that dumb!

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b7bd5b  No.15827004

File: ab454daf7bed39f⋯.png (6.44 MB, 3500x1859, 3500:1859, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: 39123660579cfe9⋯.png (7.92 MB, 3675x2079, 175:99, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: be589db8f0587c4⋯.png (350.65 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: 3fc93feb342484d⋯.png (778.5 KB, 1221x1237, 1221:1237, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because instead of Jesus as God being the creator of humans the (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((dogs))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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f5670f  No.15827005


not to worry, HCQ treats it

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386910  No.15827006


Examine the female "leaders" that have pranced about the world stage since Thatcherite days

They are all incompetent, out of their depth and complete failures in every country that has had to suffer under their inept "leadership"

Useless front holes,all of them

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dddb25  No.15827007

File: 2f3af67fe9d738e⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1561x853, 1561:853, Capture.PNG)


Devin was not posting goat comms.

Q fever is a disease caused by the bacteria Coxiella burnetii. This bacteria naturally infects some animals, such as goats, sheep, and cattle. C. burnetii bacteria are found in the birth products (i.e. placenta, amniotic fluid), urine, feces, and milk of infected animals. People can get infected by breathing in dust that has been contaminated by infected animal feces, urine, milk, and birth products. Some people never get sick; however, those who do usually develop flu-like symptoms including fever, chills, fatigue, and muscle pain.


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1fee58  No.15827008

File: a365a0c5f990d21⋯.jpg (28.98 KB, 408x612, 2:3, gettyimages_1357396606_612….jpg)

File: fcc76964c369beb⋯.jpg (34.42 KB, 448x612, 112:153, gettyimages_1357396610_612….jpg)

something made Heather Podesta's hair go grey


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c2eb11  No.15827009

File: 1154db20ea2d35c⋯.png (1.4 MB, 720x1120, 9:14, 01347307e167c32841916f2082….png)


You underestimate my abilities.

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b0e41c  No.15827010

File: f3250a17d98d0cc⋯.gif (656.5 KB, 450x364, 225:182, spoopy.gif)


The Actual Fuck?

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ffc133  No.15827011


I'm thinking they may release a pathogen in Taiwan and blame it on Chyna.

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fe0176  No.15827012

File: f5c108f761279fc⋯.jpeg (31.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, goat.jpeg)

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32ea94  No.15827013

File: ba27631e8d89e0b⋯.jpeg (51.05 KB, 587x438, 587:438, F923B3CA_BC1A_4F70_B887_E….jpeg)

File: 458067b7cbf2281⋯.jpeg (56.81 KB, 912x500, 228:125, 5F865700_43BC_47C3_98D3_7….jpeg)

File: 7e905975cee49d5⋯.jpeg (31.17 KB, 255x228, 85:76, E702FA81_12FF_4B24_BDE5_F….jpeg)

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721f9f  No.15827014

File: fc341576744a3d5⋯.png (99.75 KB, 485x482, 485:482, Bildschirmfoto_2022_03_10_….png)


Russia announces that they will show the world

Sputnik News US

⚡️ The Russian MoD's latest statements about the Ukrainian crisis:

▪️ The Russian Ministry of Defence will soon publish a new package of documents on biolaboratories in Ukraine.

▪️ A mechanism for the hidden spread of deadly pathogens was created in Ukraine.

▪️ Moscow says the United States implemented a project in Ukraine to study the transfer of pathogens by birds migrating between Ukraine and Russia.

▪️ The Russian armed forces have destroyed more than 2,900 military facilities in Ukraine.

▪️ Russian military specialists received documents confirming transfer of human biomaterials from Ukraine to abroad at the direction of the US


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f88047  No.15827015

File: 2ffe2a3b39025ab⋯.png (130.36 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Donie Faggot O'Sullivan


>Analysis by Donie FAGGOT O'Sullivan

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f092e4  No.15827016

Is the burn pit story just a cover for military soldiers getting sick from the vaccine?

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e86f00  No.15827017


My Scandinavian ancestors laugh at (you)

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6c47a2  No.15827018

File: f9971b1ec98d548⋯.jpg (7.37 KB, 320x180, 16:9, mqdefault.jpg)



Cluelessly burning civilization to the ground, while delusional in their beliefs they are protectors of it all.

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386910  No.15827019


Tripz confirm Churchill as a filthy war criminal

A drunken dolt in the pay of the Rothschilds

Responsible for the deaths of millions of civilians

Evil has a face, Churchill's face

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fe0176  No.15827020


seems like it

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39dbc5  No.15827021


>be on the lookout for Russia to possibly use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine, or to create a false flag operation using them

what possible reason could there be for russia to create a false flag? as a pretext to invade? they're already THERE, ffs.

what kind of fuckwit would fall for this bullshit. it's a veiled threat that ukraine will create the false flag and blame russia.

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f88047  No.15827022


>Over on the show’s online discussion forum a person who had intentionally misspelled the word “Patriot” so it would include the letter “Q” wrote, “I had a hunch that these bastards were getting ready to release another bio weapon and we needed SOMEONE to put a stop to it. Putin stepped up. IMO this was part of his deal with DJT.”


Donnie Is Qute


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edcc6c  No.15827023

File: 68fb1e79ac39deb⋯.jpg (79.19 KB, 500x576, 125:144, 68fb1e79ac39debf9f0d81408f….jpg)


Imagine if olé Hillary's asshole would have been president America would be even worse than fake president pedo Joe's tenure…

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75c785  No.15827024

File: e91c357b05a0fd2⋯.jpg (177.12 KB, 720x881, 720:881, 20220310_010938.jpg)

File: df8bf6f81415edb⋯.jpg (191.02 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 20220310_010800.jpg)


Zelensky has reportedly survived 'more than a dozen' assassination attempts


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74faa7  No.15827025

File: f217c3370291c69⋯.png (480.85 KB, 695x500, 139:100, ClipboardImage.png)

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b42a09  No.15827026

File: 8f9d3e68c99165d⋯.png (1.64 MB, 968x1024, 121:128, ClipboardImage.png)


>Q Fever!

Strain o' the Week Club

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386910  No.15827027


My 8th Century Viking ancestors shit on your face with great glee, you cucked British slave

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75c785  No.15827028

File: bd2b9a287060a15⋯.jpg (140.99 KB, 720x859, 720:859, 20220303_195122.jpg)



just 6 days ago he was only at 3 assassination attempts, what a farce

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75fdaf  No.15827029


Sounds like you need to bust a fat nut pal. Good luck with that.

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dddb25  No.15827030

File: 87e99fb328dfe05⋯.png (481.46 KB, 452x824, 113:206, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7bf93fb232610d8⋯.jpg (211.4 KB, 877x1170, 877:1170, 624b9f7a8068d6bc_1_.jpg)

File: ac34de8f28fbefd⋯.png (862.54 KB, 828x1021, 828:1021, ClipboardImage.png)


Goats Mounted on a wall

Goats up in the the tree

Devin's new look hey he grew a goatee.

It was posted by devin and re truthed by Q

lets welcome the shills with

a giant fuck you.

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f5670f  No.15827031

works if you count every bullet as an attempt

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966d28  No.15827032


First theory that makes any sense that includes the Kazakhstan happenings. Nobody mentions the Kazakhstan happenings.

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721f9f  No.15827033


Russia has all evidence on the biolabs and will announce it soon. I think it's probably more than just documents >>15827014

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39dbc5  No.15827034


oh, ok, next time i'll make a meme with tom hanks. lots of memes here feature him. or maybe jim carrey. he popular here to.

regardless of your worn out diatribe, it's a good quote, and churchill said it. go back to bitchin' about tits.

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b42a09  No.15827035

File: e753586bcb53303⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1240x700, 62:35, ClipboardImage.png)


>Zelensky has reportedly survived 'more than a dozen' assassination attempts

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46aa60  No.15827036


ghost poo. The best exfoliant.

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721f9f  No.15827037

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1b1d32  No.15827038

File: 9ac55d13faf6b5c⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 2048x1364, 512:341, obamascience.jpg)


Number of deaths from Q fever still rising years after the outbreak

February 25, 2022 by newsy today

People in the Netherlands still die from the consequences of chronic Q fever, report researchers from hospitals in Nijmegen, Den Bosch and Utrecht. The total number of deaths attributed to a permanent Q fever infection has risen to 116 in recent years. Since 2018, 21 patients have died. ‘These data show that an outbreak can cause new victims for a long time afterwards,’ concludes the Radboudumc in Nijmegen.

The largest Q fever outbreak in the world occurred between 2007 and 2011 in the southeast of the Netherlands. Between fifty and one hundred thousand people contracted the Q fever bacteria. It can be passed from sheep and goats to humans. In most people, the bacteria disappears from their bodies over time, but a minority of patients developed a chronic infection.

Data from patients with chronic Q fever are collected in the National Chronic Q fever Database, a collaboration between UMC Utrecht, Radboudumc and Jeroen Bosch Hospital. The team consists of Jan Jelrik Oosterheert, internist-infectiologist, Chantal Bleeker-Rovers professor of infectious disease outbreaks and physician-microbiologist Peter Wever. The database contains data from 585 patients. A recent update added 66 people with proven or suspected chronic Q fever since the last time in 2018. ‘It is striking that even ten years after the end of this major outbreak, new cases of chronic Q fever have still been diagnosed in patients who were infected years ago,’ says Radboudumc.

Actual numbers of chronic infections and deaths are likely higher, the researchers think. Because chronic Q fever is a relatively unknown disease, the correct diagnosis is often missed, according to them. People with this chronic condition can develop complications to their heart and blood vessels. Long-term courses of antibiotics are needed to combat the bacteria in them. The figures published on Thursday make it clear once again that the disease can be fatal.


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386910  No.15827039


If Hillary had become Potus, the world would now be a glowing ball of radioactive slag

She wanted war with Russia, just as "Biden" does now

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f5670f  No.15827040


i'll take cutting off all digital access to russia for $500 thanks alex.

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7dfd96  No.15827041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c2eb11  No.15827042

File: ea0d2827f0493c2⋯.jpg (24.91 KB, 346x425, 346:425, 1959e75fae53dfe2bbf653e539….jpg)


>women should never have been given the vote

>they have the intellect of moranic children and everything is decided by their stupid feelz and hormones

>the world will be far better off when babies can be bred in vitro and we circumvent stupid brainless whores who drag civilisation down with their minute and vapid intellects

Voatfags are here.

They can be distracted with pictures of trad women canning pickles.

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254e52  No.15827043

File: 8f5a9aaa95d4456⋯.gif (577.64 KB, 104x268, 26:67, 8f5a9aaa95d4456364e7e02b3b….gif)

File: 79749641be1f179⋯.jpg (37.09 KB, 500x468, 125:117, 672yg6_1.jpg)



As long as RIO ZELENSKY gets his anal sex he's doing fantastic.

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46aa60  No.15827044


And they ran this story after Nuland confirmed it was a conspiracy fact?


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386910  No.15827046


Churchill is no hero

Do your research

Victors get to re-write history or are you too bone stupid to understand this ?

>too stupid by far, I deem

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f3e67f  No.15827048

File: db59c5da9022f0c⋯.jpeg (136.25 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, 4E696AC4_D8DD_4989_BD9F_5….jpeg)

File: 799acb132470a5c⋯.jpeg (162.95 KB, 1200x950, 24:19, 2493966D_DF33_48B5_88B9_D….jpeg)

File: 47b91dc6bea82fb⋯.jpeg (65.79 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, D769ED71_D583_4434_A0ED_3….jpeg)

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ba95b2  No.15827049

File: 28e6019eec3e0d0⋯.jpg (25.28 KB, 474x339, 158:113, downloadfile_1_3_.jpg)


BILL Clinton still eats day ass…

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386910  No.15827050


To make that observation, you must hang out on Voat

Who is the fool ?

Look in the mirror you inane piece of lard

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1b1d32  No.15827051

File: 73687d9ab1cff4d⋯.jpeg (165.08 KB, 1460x1394, 730:697, obamaclooney.jpeg)

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8a714a  No.15827052


What is he trying to tell us with these goats?

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386910  No.15827053


Huma, not Bill

>wake up

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1b1d32  No.15827054

File: 370e370c5d859e2⋯.jpg (23.47 KB, 250x250, 1:1, churchhill.jpg)

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5d7204  No.15827055

File: 5c0a67b60a4b1e3⋯.jpg (3.19 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, image.jpg)

>>15826590 >>15826641

I’m in here as a totem pole grew outside my house, then changed into a telegraph pole hence I started communicating with it (I practise qigong and Shamanism) and do a hell of a lot of grounding. I self admitted myself this time round, but before I came in I met a commander from the uk military who told me who he was… can’t comment on that further apart from he was also a championship boxer. He made sure I was ok.

Nb worked for Rolls Royce nuclear In the IT infrastructure dept (access all areas) been on a submarine although it was only dry docked and had to sign the official secrets act…


I have it easy here this time, even my clothes get folded properly and put on My bed for me. This was a massive change to last time. I think I stop being paid on July 2022 I currently work as an IT Security for a council.


Herd you, thanks. Respiridone fu led me the 1st time but I have to stick to the rules no matter how bizarre.


I tried to give blood when I was younger, it got refused I asked why and they said I need to speak to the doctor, which I didn’t. Everything happens for a reason.

The attacks happened last time in 4.10.20 when I got admitted 1st time round.punished for 4weeks solidly, but to get out I had to take the respiridone meds. They illegally detained me and put me on a section 3. His time my friend I have no demons and am fearless. Fully detoxed and am willing to fight all the way


Just been ad used that all these meds have one thing in common which is a schizophrenia which I am not. Thanks med anon, I’ve been advised to phone the CQC as I have been requesting a doctor for over 72 hours this is a fucking hospital FFS, why no doctors……


Must admit was getting hardons and had vivid dreams from olanzapine, but throat hurts and don’t feel right. That’s why I stopped it, fingers are cracking and am itching everywhere, hence requesting a doc for over 72 hrs.


Some people have called me the one in her, top man. But until I see something.

I’m waiting for my boys to come, you can call him AI.


Yes and no fucker replied. Maybe my msg didn’t get across to well, it’s hard when you are doped up on meds. I’ve been here a very long time. If my up changes is as I’m thethering off my mobile. Yes I’ve been attacked by the best and they are out of options. The main attack was when getting trump elected in 2016. But am old school. I was there when m00t created for chan. Even managed to mine bitcoin on a penguin 150 with a 56K modem. Binned them as I ran out of hard disk space 40mb at the time? Even was in touch with satoshi back in the day.


Heard and noted.



When I. Was arrested after the Masonic no 33 trip.I spat in the copper and stated nothing can stop what is coming, after calling him the devil.

I did do something called invocation of the maharata That’s when shit went crazy few years ago, all good though Sharmanism is great

Anons thanks for the info I am phoning cqc


As they are the governing body of this place. I will have to go out to chain smoke a few roll ups and maybe a cigar before I start…

Pic rel, partial notes, nearly doxed myself, duh.

Not that it matters, l8ke I say I am fearless I got that the first time round of being here.

Oh one thing I didn’t mention, when the coppers first asked me what I was doing here back in 4.10.20, I said whistleblowing……

Fug the rotten to the core…

Peace love and respect.

No homo.

I think big shit is going down soon


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46aa60  No.15827056


The sequel to Life of Pi looks shit.

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7100e0  No.15827057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Larouche and the Schiller Institute nailed the big picture. This guy adds context. Time tells all.


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64e82f  No.15827058

File: 6e90fc2d543cba3⋯.png (577.29 KB, 726x548, 363:274, huhlurk.png)


…Maybe that covid is a mutation of the goat disease.

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386910  No.15827059


Curse that drunken fat pig, tool of the Red Shield

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19252b  No.15827060

File: 4421ca838450043⋯.jpg (5.03 KB, 260x194, 130:97, start.jpg)


Subject Q


Martial Law starting the 11th?

What has been said about the US Military?

The speech yesterday verified and unlocked so much.

Expand your thinking.

Re-read crumbs.

Re-listen to yesterday's speech.

Connect the 'markers.'

News (in all forms) unlocks the map.

Expand your thinking.

The Great Awakening.

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41a83d  No.15827061


6 hr breead

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1b1d32  No.15827062


Covid was for the sheep and

a new bioweapon for the goats is coming?

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edcc6c  No.15827063

File: 4c6160b623ed77a⋯.png (234.71 KB, 507x492, 169:164, Screenshot_20220207_174728….png)





Voat fags died out 4 years ago.




Huma Abedin's mouth is a force…

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75fdaf  No.15827064

File: fca65b8ba80e2bd⋯.jpg (259.48 KB, 1440x1445, 288:289, MichaelAnal.jpg)


MichaelAnalo is here to answer the call

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7dfd96  No.15827065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


NRPS - Lonesome L.A. Cowboy

Lonesome L.A. Cowboy

Lyrics: Peter Rowan

Music: Peter Rowan


I'm just lonesome L.A. cowboy

Hanging out, and hanging on

To your window ledge, callin' your name

From midnight until dawn

I been smoking dope, snorting coke

Trying to write a song

Forgettin' everything I know

Till the next line comes along

Forgetting everything I know

Till the next line comes along

So many pretty people in this city, and I swear

Some of them are girls

I meet 'em down at Barney's Beanery

In their platform shoes and spit curls

I buy 'em drinks, we stoke our hopes

And try to make it one more night

When I'm left alone at last

I feel like I'll die from crying


I know Kris and Rita and Marty Mull (note 1)

Are meeting at the Troubadour

We'll get it on with the "Joy Of Cooking"

While the crowd calls out for more

Around six o'clock this morning

I'll be gettin' kind of slow

When all the shows are over, honey, tell me

Where do you think I go?


Till the next line comes along


(1) in rehearsals with Old And In The Way, Peter Rowan sang

<I know all the stars in Hollywood

<Are meeting at the Troubador

We'll get it on with the band that's playing there

While the crowd calls out for more

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ffc133  No.15827066

File: 418388919d34432⋯.png (657.4 KB, 1107x614, 1107:614, duke43_3.png)


Blackhawk DUKE43 took off from Rzeszow airport ten minutes after the Gulfstream PAT78 landed there. No other aircraft in or out of the airport in more than an hour. Flew southeast toward the Ukrainian border, dropped off ADSB five miles from the border.

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7100e0  No.15827067

File: abd578649d7e307⋯.mp4 (6.87 MB, 720x720, 1:1, taps.mp4)

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39dbc5  No.15827068

File: 017c699085f12a5⋯.png (50.82 KB, 384x194, 192:97, Screen_Shot_2022_03_10_at_….png)



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609e6d  No.15827069

File: 67db8e470f88586⋯.jpg (96.84 KB, 546x798, 13:19, 20220310_012916.jpg)

The Marduk Prophecy

Assyrian document dating to between 713-612 BCE

found in a building known as The House of the Exorcist

adjacent to a temple in the city of Ashur

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1b1d32  No.15827070

File: 8cea3a10317ac19⋯.jpg (60.1 KB, 900x580, 45:29, winston.jpg)

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1fee58  No.15827071

Sodinokibi/REvil Ransomware Defendant Extradited to United States and Arraigned in Texas

>Vasinskyi, a Ukrainian national


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721f9f  No.15827072



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386910  No.15827073


You fools

You are all going to burn!

You know this, you know it to be true


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b0e41c  No.15827074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good Night, Fellow Slaves.

Tomorrow we are FREE!

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0faef0  No.15827075

File: 67ab0a0a2f7092c⋯.jpg (106.57 KB, 500x769, 500:769, 64bi5v_1_1.jpg)

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1fee58  No.15827077

File: 94088d528f923ec⋯.png (322.99 KB, 785x771, 785:771, 94088d528f923ecd17ca746664….png)

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335fc6  No.15827078

File: a069ceb642a41fe⋯.jpeg (1.78 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, FB25AF5D_BE65_40D5_BD07_7….jpeg)


Can some please try and enhance this to see how high it goes I got the sky.

Inb4 potatoe phone

It’s a totem pole that I couldn’t see the top of.

No I’m not schitzo and have stopped meds.

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ffc133  No.15827079

File: e692e78d06bb4ad⋯.png (648.67 KB, 954x527, 954:527, PAT78_up_again.png)


PAT78 back up in the air from Rzeszow airport after a 45 minute layover. Heading northeast, possibly Byelorus.

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39dbc5  No.15827080


>Churchill is no hero

fuck off, you pompous pretentious asshat. i never said he was. now go jackoff in your mommy's bra, again.

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c2eb11  No.15827081

File: 846c01b0190e953⋯.png (797.67 KB, 960x720, 4:3, FREDDY_WILL_BAKER.png)


>To make that observation, you must hang out on Voat

>Who is the fool ?



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1fee58  No.15827082

File: f4690f54343875c⋯.png (354.17 KB, 674x438, 337:219, ukraine_putin_joke.png)

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4f760d  No.15827083

From the Aussie thread


Right so lets get this sorted

A) Shekhinah as been raped and pillaged of all bar the tiniest of personal effects, ALL have been stolen , usually by my own family members posin' as strangers in the hand of God there .

When dealin' with Morison you are dealing with white supremists, that is how they got their power and the will not let that go .

I am here on the back of the dragon , not for much longer and will be moving either way before the fuckers can inflict any more ghey my way, which was announced this mornin' by a wanna be dictator cunt , that i have to bow and scrap to while they pillage me for all they are worth

I know what they do not , so will be moving overthe boarder next week, with a place to go to or not , while not bound by man made time the sands still move and i know the time is now for a change, after fightin' AI for more than 3 years i still have a tent and i'm not afraid to use

so please if you feel i am not treating you well , understand this is a challengin' time at the moment and the country is bein' run by moronic theives drunk on the power they've stolen

I will attempt to sort these things out once i have crossed the river, regained my footing on STRAIGHT ground and throw the log into the river

No More Bitterness, No More Anger , No More Bitterness !

06 06



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f88047  No.15827084

File: c9d74f414e0976f⋯.png (358.13 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d7204  No.15827085

>>15827078 plox see if you can enhance. I’m off for. Bit but will be back later



This is all me, but my ID keeps changing, presume cause I’m using raw data on my phone.

Like I say thanks for the responses.

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0faef0  No.15827086

File: 2a805cde778dba0⋯.png (231.11 KB, 447x559, 447:559, 157e338fc694c9df5fd1031f6b….png)



That is like reading about president Roosevelt totally irrelevant stuff in today's context.

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dafbf5  No.15827087




sooooo my 9 year old niece came home a few years back and told me …. "uncle, I found out I'm a gay lesbian: …. ?! … I said WTF who told you that?! … she said I 'learned it from my teacher!' happy ending to the story,, few years later, recently just called my momanon, she said would you like to say hello to your niece before she goes over to her boyfriends house? …. vert der furk is going on in schools?!?!?!?

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0e0620  No.15827089


Funny thing is Tucker (As he does so frequently) mocked Qanon'ers about 3 times earlier in the segment. Comparing people that were suggesting the existence of Bio-labs in Ukraine a week ago were crazy Qannon'ers.

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64e82f  No.15827091



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39dbc5  No.15827092

File: f8f692f98f659a2⋯.png (201.05 KB, 384x416, 12:13, f8f692f98f659a2adb91af884d….png)

File: 67b0816a4cb0308⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 399x400, 399:400, 67b0816a4cb0308674921c470d….jpg)

File: 7f2dac16959cbeb⋯.jpeg (83.91 KB, 673x1024, 673:1024, 7f2dac16959cbebca06ed5aa8….jpeg)

File: b04ebaa67716dc9⋯.jpeg (106.93 KB, 828x988, 207:247, b04ebaa67716dc9895d487fd5….jpeg)

File: 68f97c46fc3add8⋯.jpg (76.59 KB, 831x1024, 831:1024, 68f97c46fc3add85b156735089….jpg)

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f88047  No.15827093

File: 540926e6d60d95b⋯.png (410.98 KB, 768x651, 256:217, ClipboardImage.png)

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a5d1de  No.15827094


Actually, you might be surprised how relavent ole Teddy Roosevelt is today

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75c785  No.15827095

File: 957e2f5445a9063⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1383x852, 461:284, 1646901465542.png)

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4f760d  No.15827096

File: 2beb6c8674742ed⋯.png (72.24 KB, 188x268, 47:67, ClipboardImage.png)


Funny how Fiona Hills hair has gone grey too

and Victoria Nuland , and *Goes to look up …. yup "

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a5d1de  No.15827097



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4a6fcf  No.15827098



There was a Romanian commercial flight trackign over Ukraine about 90 minutes ago, I didn't follow to see where he landed.

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d95319  No.15827099

File: b9b3e07cbcd3729⋯.png (228.52 KB, 472x529, 472:529, 67lsvt_prev_ui.png)





The Marduk Prophecy is an Assyrian document dating to between 713-612 BCE found in a building known as The House of the Exorcist adjacent to a temple in the city of Ashur. It relates the travels of the statue of the Babylonian god Marduk from his home city to the lands of the Hittites, Assyrians, and Elamites and prophesies its return at the hands of a strong Babylonian king. The original work was almost certainly written during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar I (1125-1104 BCE) as a propaganda piece. Nebuchadnezzar I defeated the Elamites and brought the statue back to Babylon, and the work was most likely commissioned to celebrate his victory.

The author would have constructed the narrative to place the events in the past in order to allow for a 'prophetic vision' in which the present king would come to restore peace and order to the city by bringing home the statue of the god. This form of narrative was commonplace in the genre now known as Mesopotamian Naru Literature where historical events or individuals were treated with poetic license in order to make a point. In a work such as The Curse of Akkad, for example, the historical king Naram-Sin (2261-2224 BCE), known for his piety, is presented as impious in an effort to illustrate the proper relationship between a monarch and the gods. The point made would be that if a king as great as Naram-Sin of Akkad could fail in piety and be punished, how much more would a person of lesser stature fare. In The Marduk Prophecy, the events are placed far in the past in order for the writer to be able to 'predict' the moment when a Babylonian king would return Marduk to his rightful home. This piece, then, also deals with the responsibility a monarch has to his god.


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f5670f  No.15827101

File: 919b657304b1cc1⋯.png (9.33 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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4f760d  No.15827103


Yes because i am annoyin' :)

and female btw

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41a83d  No.15827104

File: f1029441f1b7828⋯.png (583.31 KB, 1000x400, 5:2, HGC3.png)

File: 536bde220e50f8f⋯.png (508.81 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, HGC4.png)

File: 419e267076555fe⋯.png (23.6 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Mnop.png)

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7dfd96  No.15827106

File: 58c2c2479ae5668⋯.jpg (174.76 KB, 800x417, 800:417, capture_1131_09032022_2219….jpg)

File: cd7c01704343f37⋯.gif (375.34 KB, 480x355, 96:71, soonfall.gif)

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e4c761  No.15827107


Nu space 0 pressure on a standard atmospheric 304. O, PSI B.

Nu space 0 pressure enter. T 15. PSI B.

New space. 0 pressure, enter. T 15. PSI B.

New space. 0 pressure, enter. T 15. 23/700 B.

New space. 0 pressure, enter. T 15. Ukrainian B 29.92.

New space. 0 pressure, enter. T15. Ukraine B29.

New space. 0 pressure, enter/return. T15. Ukraine 92nd Brigade.

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41a83d  No.15827108

File: 3d5bc45fcae18a7⋯.png (586 KB, 800x841, 800:841, ClipboardImage.png)

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39dbc5  No.15827109

File: 73f879d871a1ba8⋯.jpg (66.32 KB, 768x512, 3:2, 15811812175e3ee92194a60_15….jpg)


>Good Night, Fellow Slaves.

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41a83d  No.15827110

File: 09ec49791b43bb5⋯.png (328.91 KB, 654x500, 327:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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721f9f  No.15827111

File: 3e7eb660850afc4⋯.png (123.01 KB, 506x468, 253:234, Bildschirmfoto_2022_03_10_….png)


Here is another announcement:

"Experiments with samples of the coronavirus in bats were also conducted in Ukraine"

🇷🇺🇺🇦🇺🇸 The Russian Defense Ministry unveiled new findings after analyzing documents obtained from experts from Ukrainian biolaboratories:

🔻 According to the findings, the US planned to conduct research on pathogens of birds, bats and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022, and study the possibility of transmission of African swine fever and anthrax through these animals.

🔻The project also studied the transfer of pathogens by wild birds migrating between Ukraine and Russia, and other neighboring countries.

🔻Experiments with samples of the coronavirus in bats were also conducted in Ukraine.

🔻According to the Russian defense ministry, the project aimed at creating a mechanism for the covert spread of deadly pathogens.


if this is really true and Russia has evidence to show the world it will be indeed biblical!

i remember another anon stating some days ago

what if they find out the covid comes from the Ukrainian biolabs (or sth similar)?"


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609e6d  No.15827112


Herodotus and Diodorus Siculus…





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64e4ae  No.15827113

File: 3ecae00f54ff06f⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

US-Funded Bio Labs in Ukraine Conducted Research Into Bat Coronavirus, Russian MoD Says

The American authorities previously admitted that Ukraine hosts "biological research facilities", expressing concerns they could come under the control of Russian forces.

The Russian Defence Ministry on Thursday announced that the US-funded biological labs located in Ukraine were conducting experiments with bat coronavirus samples.

"According to the documents, the American side planned to conduct work on pathogens of birds, bats, and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022, with a further transition to studying the possibility of carrying African swine fever and anthrax", chief spokesman for the Ministry of Defence Major General Igor Konashenkov said.

In addition, the facilities were studying the possible spread of pathogens via wild birds, migrating between Russia, Ukraine, and other countries in the region.

"The purpose of this - and other Pentagon-funded biological research in Ukraine, was to create a mechanism for the covert spread of deadly pathogens", he added.

The Russian Defence Ministry will soon publish the documents received from staff at the Ukrainian biolaboratories, as well as the results of their examination, Konashenkov said.

On 7 March, the Russian armed forces discovered 30 biological compounds in Ukraine, which were possibly involved in the production of bio weapons, according to the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defence of the Russian armed forces Igor Kirillov.


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c25a42  No.15827114

File: 1201ef336e00a91⋯.png (126.92 KB, 417x272, 417:272, 1201ef336e00a91b4a546ab7fe….png)

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75fdaf  No.15827115

File: 248f3d438d281de⋯.jpg (49.77 KB, 334x366, 167:183, PicsArt_03_10_03_48_14.jpg)

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46aa60  No.15827116

1) I know everyone saw the clip of Nuland speaking on the existence of biolabs and US State Dept concerns of our bio research falling into Russian hands. But in the same hearing, she says something rather alarming pertaining to silencing "disinformation".

2) The US State Dept admits under oath, they are "working with tech companies to take down false stories".

Now that may not sound like a big deal, but what is considered a "false story"?

You mean like my discovery of US DoD funded biolabs in Ukraine? That was always 100% fact?

3) Since when is the US government allowed to intervene into private enterprise to silence free speech?

Liberals don't know this but that is the textbook definition of Fascism as per Mussolini himself. State controlled private enterprise. The US State Dept are infringing the 1A.

4) This is Gestapo type stuff. The same stories they claim are "Russian disinformation" turn out to be true. Every. Single. Time.

The US is currently in an Orwellian police state. The State believes they control the truth and they have the right to silence whomever they please.

5) This should frighten you. Not just that they are doing it, but that Nuland says it without hesitating. In fact, she's proud of it. And not a single congressman pushed back or questioned it.

They all nodded in agreement as if this is okay…

The Constitution is dead.

6) Idk what is going to happen as it pertains to the end result, but I can tell you this; the Western media complex, controlled by the US government, will smear all information coming out of Russia as "disinformation".

Regardless of evidence. All dissidence will be disregarded.

7) Russia is actively claiming they have uncovered our bioweapons in Ukraine. China is parroting this.

We are in a game of "he said she said" with the top 3 militaristic and nuclear superpowers on the planet… accusing each other of producing bioweapons.

8) Make no mistake, this is WW3.

We are in it right now. We can't even call it a "cold" WW3 as there is hot conflict in a US proxy, Ukraine.

The Russians are accusing us of creating bioweapons with intent, and were willing to go to war to prove it and protect their citizenry.

9) Will Russia substantiate these claims? We shall see. But even when Russia shows evidence, the US will claim it is all doctored, Russian disinformation.

It is going to take the entire world to stand with Russia and China. The US will continue to deny deny deny.

10) WW3 won't be fought with nuclear weapons, it is currently ongoing, and the war is predominately an information war.

One side accusing the other of creating bioweapons. The other side claiming the accusations are false.

Who are we supposed to believe?

Time will tell.


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4a6fcf  No.15827117


Had a not-as-happy story when my kid was young. Her best friend was a girl fraternal twin who was always tomboy-ish, and hung out with her brother a lot, etc. Somewhere along the line she became 'confused' about things (her words), and decided she was neutral gender. IDK what they call that. AFAIK she is grown up now and still confused, but not a lesbian and not straight. I always wondered if it was because her mom was kind of scary and about 300 lbs., but both parents seemed very supportive honestly. It doesn't help when they are getting confused by the teachers, that's for sure. In her case a positive role model might have made a huge difference.

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74faa7  No.15827118

File: 6efb62d482f1795⋯.jpg (205.33 KB, 1079x1055, 1079:1055, Screenshot_20220310_214712….jpg)


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721f9f  No.15827119

>>15827113 thank you, anon!!!


notable af


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4f760d  No.15827120

File: f69a41689093631⋯.png (205.06 KB, 454x284, 227:142, ClipboardImage.png)



you know the only difference between Venus and i is clothing

Anon is concerned a Venus steals Anons justice and he is disrobing me exactly where this might by going ….

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f88047  No.15827123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Good Night, Fellow Slaves.


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d1f13a  No.15827124

File: 73aadd2bcd1193f⋯.png (335.57 KB, 658x534, 329:267, q_fever_coxiella_burnetii_….png)

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609e6d  No.15827126


your words reveal that

you do not know your enemy.

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4a6fcf  No.15827127


On point #3, lets not forget the government campaign that was just revealed to actually PAY influencers and major media outlets to run the pro-Covid reporting for the last two years. Disgusting, total propaganda, and direct influence over people and news companies.

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4f760d  No.15827128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Night Anon

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7dfd96  No.15827130

File: 619981253fae72c⋯.png (119.93 KB, 300x136, 75:34, capture_1131_09032022_2219….png)

File: dbae2c68e2ed355⋯.png (1.75 MB, 725x1102, 25:38, look.png)

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4a6fcf  No.15827131


Wonder if that lab was in Kiev

Sister city of Wuhan, dontcha know, according to reports on 8kun yesterday

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49a169  No.15827132

Notes+ @660


>>15826489 Sputnik: Kiev Has Killed 14,000 Civilians Since 2014, Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, Morales Says

>>15826535 Democrats Pass $1.5 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill After Democrat Disarray

>>15826582 RT Russian and Ukrainian FMs arrive in Turkey ahead of talks

>>15826668 Pelosi cuts Covid funding out of spending bill after democrats revolt

>>15826819, >>15826842 PF reports

>>15826828 Ukraine prepares potential move of sensitive data to another country

>>15826894 COMSUBLANT: Ice Camp Queenfish

>>15826978 CNN: Analysis: Russia and QAnon have the same false conspiracy theory about Ukraine

>>15827038 Number of deaths from Q fever still rising years after the outbreak

>>15827113 Sputnik: US-Funded Bio Labs in Ukraine Conducted Research Into Bat Coronavirus, Russian MoD Says

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64e4ae  No.15827133


Yes, and a railroad connection with chyna!

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4f760d  No.15827134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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61dd14  No.15827135



as second language

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0735e2  No.15827137

File: 4380cb36d24c0a1⋯.jpeg (305.95 KB, 1600x1146, 800:573, DDAD87F5_ABFA_4BE4_9D8D_0….jpeg)



Orange Revolution

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0735e2  No.15827138

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41a83d  No.15827139

File: 13d0e7b4b8330b7⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1153x883, 1153:883, ClipboardImage.png)

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ffc133  No.15827140

File: c4a112e5eee9a79⋯.png (754.58 KB, 902x620, 451:310, PAT78_warsaw.png)


I didn't see it, was busy following PAT78.

PAT78 headed to Warsaw, out of Rzeszow, after a layover of 45 minutes,

Question - why would this Gulfstream land in a minor airport before going to Warsaw? Drop off a passenger who boards the Blackhawk DUKE43 which goes toward the Ukrainian border, then goes black?

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61dd14  No.15827141


you have no idea the extent to which you are correct…

yet the reality likely bearing little resemblance

to what you intend.

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c72477  No.15827142


>You are all going to burn!

You addressing the entire board?

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41a83d  No.15827143

File: 58547bc89c68f29⋯.png (292.33 KB, 579x500, 579:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42a9e27ac490c56⋯.png (293.75 KB, 579x500, 579:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fee58  No.15827144

Russia has announced it will withdraw from Europe’s oldest rule-of-law body, the Council of Europe, sparking questions over the future of the Kremlin’s moratorium on the death penalty.

The Kremlin placed a moratorium on the use of the death penalty, which remains enshrined in Russian law, as a condition of Council of Europe membership in 1996.


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4a6fcf  No.15827145

File: 63f543468c43bef⋯.jpg (310 KB, 1116x1862, 558:931, kiev_sister.jpg)

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d1f13a  No.15827146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#ResidentEvil #WelcomeToRaccoonCity #OfficialTrailer



Oct 7, 2021

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c72477  No.15827147


can bake if no baker

do u know?

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1fee58  No.15827148

File: 26dad9072da2965⋯.jpg (23.12 KB, 190x292, 95:146, stmichaelstatue.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15827149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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41a83d  No.15827150

File: 28cb11dd23c6f07⋯.png (287.22 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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26f99a  No.15827151

Has anyone noticed that

GOP standing against Putin more than Dem's

Or is preparing for me?

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4a6fcf  No.15827152


Kamala was supposedly headed to Poland but that's just something i heard on a podcast. They are doing damage control and planning their next bit of fuckery.

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49a169  No.15827153


Your Call

Just practicing Notes

Yurs if'n ya want or I'll baker

What do?

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0735e2  No.15827154


You can’t threaten me with a good time!

We need heat for the popcorn you Moran!

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61dd14  No.15827155



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ab9bcb  No.15827156




Fuck that bullshit! The slave currency. Just to control your lives and take all your freedoms away. Just to target and cut off funds to anyone they choose to….easier than ever now. WEF endorsed & stamped for approval.

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4f57cf  No.15827157

File: 6c126616c94a07c⋯.jpg (228.36 KB, 689x440, 689:440, eatapeach.jpg)

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c72477  No.15827158


NOPE - you bake,



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5f2a19  No.15827159


Net export of US oil

Accelerate clean energy

tax cedits for us

12 billion for Ukraine

Mentions Article 5

9000 permits to drill oil

But nobody is drilling

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bd4592  No.15827160

File: bab80dc3c851cb2⋯.jpg (44.01 KB, 534x452, 267:226, 682lm6_1.jpg)

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5f2a19  No.15827161


Now they are spelling kiev with a Y fwiw

Find the Y heads.

This one would be new?

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49a169  No.15827162



Anons, Hold on to something solid please. This is not something I do often or well

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f3e67f  No.15827163

File: df2e70ae628f7ef⋯.jpeg (233.94 KB, 1200x1155, 80:77, 995E6B21_9FC5_4D3C_BFCF_2….jpeg)

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61dd14  No.15827164


when in doubt of context or general subject, boobs are best.

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7dfd96  No.15827165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1f13a  No.15827166

File: c44ff64fd45c67d⋯.png (107.26 KB, 654x550, 327:275, soros_godfather_forbes_col….png)

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4f760d  No.15827167


Anon speaks many


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5f2a19  No.15827168


Yea like I am gonna pay 15 dollars to send 5 dollars with Eth

There is a better one.

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49a169  No.15827169




>>15826489 Sputnik: Kiev Has Killed 14,000 Civilians Since 2014, Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, Morales Says

>>15826535 Democrats Pass $1.5 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill After Democrat Disarray

>>15826582 RT Russian and Ukrainian FMs arrive in Turkey ahead of talks

>>15826668 Pelosi cuts Covid funding out of spending bill after democrats revolt

>>15826819, >>15826842 PF reports

>>15826828 Ukraine prepares potential move of sensitive data to another country

>>15826894 COMSUBLANT: Ice Camp Queenfish

>>15826978 CNN: Analysis: Russia and QAnon have the same false conspiracy theory about Ukraine

>>15827038 Number of deaths from Q fever still rising years after the outbreak

>>15827113 Sputnik: US-Funded Bio Labs in Ukraine Conducted Research Into Bat Coronavirus, Russian MoD Says

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5f2a19  No.15827170


Snow White Hillary/Clinton Foundation

Godfather 3/Soros

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c72477  No.15827171

File: 87870c6f3fb418d⋯.png (437.69 KB, 789x526, 3:2, learn_to_bake_they_said_it….png)

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d1f13a  No.15827172

File: bff11f10b8be947⋯.png (41.7 KB, 736x744, 92:93, Mocking_birds_sing_night_3….png)

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f3e67f  No.15827173

File: 94a8267483da731⋯.jpeg (225.32 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 2CAEDD85_85F9_4293_8C0F_C….jpeg)

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5f2a19  No.15827175


Bought and paid for with Bitcoin.

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75fdaf  No.15827177

File: 198717f4dd35c8b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, PicsArt_03_21_11_22_00.png)

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5f2a19  No.15827179

File: b86ebb2c4ab1f86⋯.png (25.42 KB, 250x109, 250:109, ClipboardImage.png)

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8622e5  No.15827180

File: c33e612f736a975⋯.png (449.95 KB, 700x687, 700:687, childf.png)

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49a169  No.15827182

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7dfd96  No.15827184

File: 19646cb051c4d09⋯.jpg (320.11 KB, 1112x1487, 1112:1487, _Awakening1_.jpg)

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75fdaf  No.15827185


If it's not exposing the DS or bringing DJT back then I hope it's a nuclear shower for me cause I can't take this shyt anymoar

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7dfd96  No.15827186

File: 8ae13ac21223391⋯.jpg (604.74 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, Great_Awakening_42_Autist.jpg)

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4f760d  No.15827187

File: 1cb603de0642fd4⋯.png (164.7 KB, 419x343, 419:343, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbc0dad10a693b6⋯.png (35.66 KB, 286x176, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)





>>15827139 grins , how many wet over Brett CHO , i still have that shirt , i am a sexy man on the world stage :)))

Anon is so straight and female, part of the punishment

oh yes, pointin' out the differences


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7dfd96  No.15827189

File: 258afd584677c59⋯.jpg (726.68 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, Great_Awakening_15_Autist.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15827190

File: 66a637cc7a19e5a⋯.jpg (695.29 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, Great_Awakening_12.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15827191

File: 78bc61a8761fcd3⋯.jpg (577.8 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, Awakening_V37.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15827192

File: 4add1da65cc6fc0⋯.jpg (688.07 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, Awakening_V35.jpg)

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61dd14  No.15827193

File: 64f8f615eb3fdb8⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 552x640, 69:80, 20220310_022204.gif)


condolences on your madness

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7dfd96  No.15827194

File: 494bb8edb45e932⋯.jpg (398.09 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening43.jpg)


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7dfd96  No.15827196

File: e1d1948acab8cc6⋯.jpg (750.72 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening40.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15827198

File: 03577ac64d68ea9⋯.jpg (640.89 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening48.jpg)

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8622e5  No.15827199

File: 61e5b2f7803b42b⋯.jpeg (157.62 KB, 539x574, 77:82, ouch.jpeg)

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64e82f  No.15827200

File: 46490d0a763c60a⋯.png (58.52 KB, 1200x469, 1200:469, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_0….png)

File: c61c91042d259af⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1540x460, 77:23, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_0….png)

File: 4b0089b93f907ee⋯.png (1.07 MB, 734x1477, 734:1477, Screenshot_2022_03_09_at_2….png)

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89fcc1  No.15827201

File: 2017836ad47a0d2⋯.png (682 KB, 473x643, 473:643, ClipboardImage.png)

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7dfd96  No.15827202

File: 24a1ee5ff5a448d⋯.jpg (705.65 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening46.jpg)


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7dfd96  No.15827203

File: 0ef0b40162b5b00⋯.jpg (578.8 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening34.jpg)

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1807e4  No.15827204

File: 089d59a45dbc7d9⋯.jpg (32.96 KB, 415x379, 415:379, HERPIES.JPG)

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7dfd96  No.15827205

File: 8435fb5688c176c⋯.jpg (608.3 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening33.jpg)

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1807e4  No.15827206

File: 4e9376f4455f143⋯.jpg (40.26 KB, 500x436, 125:109, Ancient_Aliens.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15827208

File: 7c46994191a9624⋯.jpg (354.01 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening32.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15827209

File: 43970a26862f794⋯.jpg (428.5 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening31.jpg)

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8622e5  No.15827210

File: 1790dc4abcc27b2⋯.png (115.39 KB, 360x339, 120:113, enough_2.png)

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1807e4  No.15827212

File: 65327da33155f19⋯.jpg (26.74 KB, 480x270, 16:9, CLINTOX.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15827213

File: 0d05820f8ed1599⋯.jpg (739.96 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening30.jpg)


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7dfd96  No.15827214

File: edccee3aaa72cee⋯.jpg (618.59 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening29.jpg)

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f3e67f  No.15827215

File: 58fceadab0420d2⋯.jpeg (77.07 KB, 468x662, 234:331, 0CD2293F_5B8E_4A70_B758_2….jpeg)

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7dfd96  No.15827216

File: 24322d2f43ad4bb⋯.jpg (584.09 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening28.jpg)

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49a169  No.15827217

Fresh bread baked for Late Night awesome anons

I was supposed to be in bed five hours ago, don't tell any body please


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7dfd96  No.15827218

File: b090384c0eb1d09⋯.jpg (665.61 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening27.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15827220

File: 4ccaf3ecad883dc⋯.jpg (378.94 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening26.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15827221

File: c0ddaaa932d5f96⋯.jpg (360.26 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening25.jpg)


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7dfd96  No.15827222

File: 3d2440cd56e931a⋯.jpg (313.32 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening24.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15827223

File: db253e9154ecacb⋯.jpg (371.68 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening23.jpg)

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1807e4  No.15827224

File: 1c9e9ed4a6c5718⋯.png (3.32 MB, 1742x1742, 1:1, FKNAYY11.png)

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7dfd96  No.15827225

File: b14ea34498fbafd⋯.jpg (330.02 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening22.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15827226

File: 7e1ae1707805115⋯.jpg (666.69 KB, 1100x1472, 275:368, _Awakening4_.jpg)


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7dfd96  No.15827227

File: 5c95234277f6d44⋯.jpg (257.67 KB, 1110x1487, 1110:1487, _Awakening2_.jpg)

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7dfd96  No.15827228

File: 4add1da65cc6fc0⋯.jpg (688.07 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, Awakening_V35.jpg)

File: 267b866202c2e53⋯.jpg (189.43 KB, 624x576, 13:12, _s7ixtcys1i9.jpg)

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