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File: 3a4e4d2ff47e574⋯.jpg (86.64 KB, 1752x942, 292:157, 3a4e4d2ff47e574bb8a285448b….jpg)

b86dc2  No.15827174[Last 50 Posts]

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>>15406820 Meme Requests

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b86dc2  No.15827176


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15676854 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls

>>15731793 Organizing notes on Ukraine (etc) to avoid "wall-of-text buns

>>15790843 Deletions & Bans on QR Policy

>>15814240 TS@Q posts NEW



>>15826489 Sputnik: Kiev Has Killed 14,000 Civilians Since 2014, Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, Morales Says

>>15826535 Democrats Pass $1.5 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill After Democrat Disarray

>>15826582 RT Russian and Ukrainian FMs arrive in Turkey ahead of talks

>>15826668 Pelosi cuts Covid funding out of spending bill after democrats revolt

>>15826819, >>15826842 PF reports

>>15826828 Ukraine prepares potential move of sensitive data to another country

>>15826894 COMSUBLANT: Ice Camp Queenfish

>>15826978 CNN: Analysis: Russia and QAnon have the same false conspiracy theory about Ukraine

>>15827038 Number of deaths from Q fever still rising years after the outbreak

>>15827113 Sputnik: US-Funded Bio Labs in Ukraine Conducted Research Into Bat Coronavirus, Russian MoD Says

>>15827169 #20013


>>15825667, >>15825777, >>15826388 Biden to sign executive order instructing agencies to consider creation of a US 'digital dollar'

>>15825670, >>15825676, >>15825678, >>15825680, >>15825684, >>15825690, >>15825761, >>15825887, >>15825845, >>15825930, >>15826127, >>15826308 Pete Buttigieg – Corruption

>>15826043 This is @Chasten, Pete Buttigieg’s husband grooming kids. It’s a cult

>>15825704 Power to Chernobyl is cut and transmission is lost at Europe’s largest nuclear plant - TimesofIsrael

>>15825716, >>15825769, >>15825775 why is Ukraine Amy Klobuchar not getting heat these days???

>>15825773 What else happened in 2014 in Ukraine?

>>15825779 @USNavy Ship Shape ⚓

>>15825794 Twitter to launch dark web service to defy Russian block

>>15825844 Bloomberg is talking about bug burgers again

>>15825867, >>15825949 ICYMI: Chernobyl not decommissioned fully until 2065

>>15825869, >>15825923 ICYMI: Biden Gang Now Says Biological Labs That They Said Were in Ukraine Yesterday Do Not Exist

>>15825892 Conservative Yoon Suk-yeol Wins South Korea Presidential Election

>>15825925 The Curious Case of Stefan Halper, Longtime 'Zelig' of American Scandals Who 'Crossfired' Trump

>>15825946 BI@LAB truth pouring out! It's about the CHILDREN/Future! Pray!

>>15825961 Anon members Salesforce from the Podesta emails, why would J6 subpoena?

>>15825990 New audio from the cockpit of Donald Trump's private jet shows the pilot calmly discussing his return to the airport shortly after takeoff

>>15825992, >>15825995 WTF is going on - what is the plan and what can I do?

>>15826005 Voting record: Know your Traitors [H.Res. 956]

>>15826029, >>15826255 Some caps anon took at the time of the FL condo collapse

>>15826137 Svoboda as keyword in DoS FOIA reading room, Putin accuses hussein of undermining PDJT [Turkmenistan?]

>>15826197 WHO health emergencies director Dr. Mike Ryan sees Ukraine as key factor for success of future pandemics

>>15826301 Mike Pence flew to Israel this week on the private jet owned by arguably the most powerful donor in Republican politics, Miriam Adelson

>>15826319 which hunt on tina peters, who blew the whistle on the deep state trying to silence her at mike lindel symposium

>>15826327 Zelinskyy no longer insists on joining NATO. Is it over?

>>15826390 #20012

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b86dc2  No.15827178


>>15824953 Ukrainian MP Kira Roedik literally fights for the New World Order

>>15824967 PEDO BUN 9 March 22

>>15825093 AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake Files Amicus Curiae Brief Supporting Effort To Reel In Mail-In Voting

>>15825230 PF Report: Boeing E6B Mercury 164405. Call sign MILKY43. kek TACAMO!

>>15825249 NATO drops Women's Day Tweet - after 'neo-Nazi sun patch spotted on Ukrainian soldier

>>15825252 U.S. Backed Svoboda's Oleh Tyahnybok Overthrows Ukraine's Government

>>15825268 John McCain, Victoria Nuland, and the U.S. State Department Orchestrate the Ukrainian Coup

>>15825310 Austria suspends law forcing all adults to have Covid jabs

>>15825344 Trump mentioned the building collapse in Florida at least three times in this interview, call to dig?

>>15825356 Durham Reveals Clinton Lawyer's One Mistake Changed Everything in the Russia Probe

>>15825366 HIV/AIDS in Ukraine

>>15825370 Reporting was paused to assess the new ‘fake news’ law adopted by Moscow - RT

>>15825393 RNC sues over Jan. 6 panel's subpoena of Salesforce

>>15825409 US has funded Ukraine Lab Pathogen and Bio Weapon Research since 2005

>>15825535 Top AIDS Researchers Killed in Malaysia Airlines Crash

>>15825577 CO county clerk Tina Peters indicted in election security breach investigation

>>15825617 #20011

Previously Collected

>>15826390 #20012

>>15824100 #20009, >>15825915 #20010, >>15825617 #20011

>>15821741 #20006, >>15822500 #20007, >>15823329 #20008

>>15819364 #20003, >>15820162 #20004, >>15820962 #20005

>>15816943 #20000, >>15817736 #20001, >>15818565 #20002

>>15814668 #19997, >>15815408 #19998, >>15816166 #19999

>>15812366 #19994, >>15813140 #19995, >>15813841 #19996

>>15810059 #19991, >>15810849 #19992, >>15811581 #19993

>>15807771 #19988, >>15808544 #19989, >>15809294 #19990

>>15805493 #19985, >>15806896 #19986, >>15807074 #19987

>>15803178 #19982, >>15803957 #19983, >>15804681 #19984

>>15800726 #19979, >>15801514 #19980, >>15802349 #19981

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15787413 Notables #12: Nothing Can't Stop This!

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b86dc2  No.15827181



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fec624  No.15827183

File: 05048c3c77fb1e2⋯.jpg (219.44 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, FMHJV4NWYAUpvZo.jpg)

File: 5566d3069f6131c⋯.png (332.59 KB, 640x946, 320:473, 3e5fa39dbbb70028200b4d0b4d….png)

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47a3d6  No.15827188

File: c532ebd65a33c62⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 373x343, 373:343, baker_and_flour.jpg)


if you keep doing perfect bakes, you're going to have to give up your new baker status.


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b86dc2  No.15827195


Thank You ALL for giving me a chance

kitchen is still ghosted though

LOVE to you All, (no homo)

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43ce3f  No.15827197

File: 4b140adff38d7d8⋯.jpg (69.18 KB, 624x391, 624:391, Cw1LxcxXgAAA_fX.jpg)


Thank you baker!

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47a3d6  No.15827207


Collecting notes?

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2fbeb6  No.15827211

File: 77edada18c5a716⋯.jpg (123.11 KB, 856x1130, 428:565, booms.jpg)

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ac3629  No.15827219



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a516fa  No.15827229

File: df03e0046a839c8⋯.png (1.26 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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d70f20  No.15827230

File: 947c9dd78b3d55e⋯.jpg (174.77 KB, 1125x617, 1125:617, 2022_03_10_041244.jpg)

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c41915  No.15827231

File: 9c086473d548a87⋯.png (995.76 KB, 416x815, 416:815, capture_1179_10032022_0129….png)

File: c1d532ad2fe713d⋯.jpg (127.36 KB, 577x623, 577:623, adaef5c126b27dc232590c2757….jpg)

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b86dc2  No.15827232


I'm supposed to be checking my eyelids for pinholes and trying to snore on-key hours ago

Love to the most badass in the Universe, but I gotta sleep sometime

Lubs to Anons

'Bread is still ghosted though

''Wondering off and removing cat from pillow with full faith and confidence if the End-of-the-World is actually going to happen this time Anons will find a way to make sure I'm awake. Anons are cool like that

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d70f20  No.15827233

File: 522acc66bc19bb5⋯.jpg (36.54 KB, 1305x359, 1305:359, 2022_03_10_041040.jpg)

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08ea6f  No.15827234

Thank you baker , why are you still up



He knows


Aurora comes with Y'H'W'H

06 06



Out of necessity I am at the moment bein' a couple of my sisters

You wont get (You) until I am out of this place, things to do

Not easy bein' Esther

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b86dc2  No.15827235

File: 6457eeb82e0b382⋯.jpg (36.7 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 6457eeb82e0b382c8ebb33d9e3….jpg)




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d70f20  No.15827236

File: 32f0a7b473d3148⋯.jpg (100.95 KB, 1354x736, 677:368, 2022_03_10_041203.jpg)

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5847d8  No.15827237

File: 9e6633676f16746⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 534x300, 89:50, impeach_biden_kamala_03102….mp4)

>impeach biden

>impeach camela

>install Trump as speaker of the house

clip from:


Diamond & Silk Joined By Congressional Candidate Vernon Jones

Diamond and Silk

Published March 1, 2022 1,982 Views

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5847d8  No.15827238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#FoxNews #Tucker

Tulsi Gabbard: Labs need to be 'shut down immediately'


Mar 9, 2022

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08ea6f  No.15827239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Take me with you anon

as a thank you

Enjoy your dreams ;)

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ac3629  No.15827240


How do you put a YouTube video in here? I failed miserably.

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d5cf3a  No.15827241


Sniff sniff.

That brought a tear to my eye.

Sooo beautiful.

Short notice sweet at only 17 booms.

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d70f20  No.15827242

File: 2388481e11ec04d⋯.jpg (19.15 KB, 1272x288, 53:12, 2022_03_10_041143.jpg)

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944a14  No.15827243



Bottom of reply box click

>[▶ Show post options & limits]

Paste youtube link in the field which appears beneath named "Embed"

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08ea6f  No.15827244

Later Anon

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47a3d6  No.15827245


Rest well,


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08ea6f  No.15827246

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08ea6f  No.15827247

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d70f20  No.15827248

File: 3bd98c976aceb9e⋯.jpg (41.39 KB, 1380x336, 115:28, 2022_03_10_042603.jpg)

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2cf68c  No.15827249

>>15827185 (lb)

At this point, I want to get nuked. The entire criminal cabal still runs America. They are still pushing the homosexual and transgender shit on everyone. Nothing is stopping them. They control everything. We have no future anymore and most conservatives are still sucking Trump's dick even though he was in office for four years and did NOTHING to stop these people. Russia, please just fucking nuke us. Nuke us now. Put us out of our misery. If we are going to have our country stolen from us by the synagogue of satan, then I want to at least know that they all fucking die too. If we can't have our country, then neither should they. I would rather watch it all burn than to watch them steal it from us. Nuke us right fucking now, Russia!

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d70f20  No.15827251

File: fe20c93ab7b8d59⋯.jpg (31.75 KB, 941x326, 941:326, 2022_03_10_041255.jpg)

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ac3629  No.15827252


Oh wow I see it. Ty anon!

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d70f20  No.15827253

File: 92e604b58a65df4⋯.jpg (27.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, e8f3bec87a1532592bea72a65e….jpg)

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944a14  No.15827254

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f5cad4  No.15827255

File: 9bee5ec614c9c65⋯.png (117.54 KB, 583x509, 583:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d0f60fdcc53c82⋯.png (433.03 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)



note anon is trying to work this message out without all the number jargon below

>>15826894 lb

so as anon reads this without all the numerical jargon

The message reads:

1) SSN 786 = Submarine code name (image cap)

2) Go 160 nautical miles

3) With unit Seebees = United States Naval Construction Battalions, better known as the Navy Seabees

4) FASF = (could be) FASF Fleet Auxiliary Security Force = Canada Military Rank

5) drop to 60 to 70 = Speed or Depth

can a navel anon confirm if anon has decoded this correct?



Commander, Submarine Forces Atlantic


The Hon. Meredith Berger, Performing the Duties of Under Secretary of the Navy, visited the U.S. Navy’s Ice Camp Queenfish on March 5-7 to observe Ice Exercise (ICEX) 2022.

Read more at https://dvidshub.net/news/416096/under-secretary-navy-visits-icex-2022

#ICEX #ICEX2022 #Arctic #ArcticExercise #Alaska #ArcticOcean



Under Secretary of the Navy visits ICEX 2022

U.S. NAVY ICE CAMP QUEENFISH – The Hon. Meredith Berger, Performing the Duties of Under Secretary of the Navy, visited the U.S. Navy’s Ice Camp Queenfish, built on a sheet of Arctic ice floating 160 nautical miles offshore, and the Virginia-class fast attack submarine USS Illinois (SSN 786) on March 5-7 to observe Ice Exercise (ICEX) 2022.

Berger is the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations and Environment, in addition to performing the duties of the Under Secretary of the Navy.

She was joined by Adm. Frank Caldwell, Jr., director of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, and Rear Adm. Douglas Perry, director of the Undersea Warfare Division on the Chief of Naval Operations’ staff, during the ICEX visit.

moar continued in article linked to second image.

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5e9b96  No.15827256

This Disinformation by the MSM is fucking relentless…

I really wonder how many people are in on it & how many are just to ignorant to know anybetter…

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5e9b96  No.15827257


kmfaooo. you mean AIM FOR DC!!!

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f5cad4  No.15827258




do not worry, a baker or note taker will show up.

rest and relax


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d5cf3a  No.15827259


Wow, you must live in Maryland.

I hear it really sucks there.

If you read the notables on this board at all, you know it's happening and should be calling all of your reps to complain.

Otherwise, keep it to yourself, you scaring all the newfags with concernfagging.

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ac3629  No.15827260


Right, I'd love to see Pelosi evaporate first.

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2fbeb6  No.15827261



NATO is developing new forms of warfare to wage a “battle for the brain,” as the military alliance put it.

The US-led NATO military cartel has tested novel modes of hybrid warfare against its self-declared adversaries, including economic warfare, cyber warfare, information warfare, and psychological warfare.

Now, NATO is spinning out an entirely new kind of combat it has branded cognitive warfare. Described as the “weaponization of brain sciences,” the new method involves “hacking the individual” by exploiting “the vulnerabilities of the human brain” in order to implement more sophisticated “social engineering.”

Until recently, NATO had divided war into five different operational domains: air, land, sea, space, and cyber. But with its development of cognitive warfare strategies, the military alliance is discussing a new, sixth level: the “human domain.”

A 2020 NATO-sponsored study of this new form of warfare clearly explained, “While actions taken in the five domains are executed in order to have an effect on the human domain, cognitive warfare’s objective is to make everyone a weapon.”

“The brain will be the battlefield of the 21st century,” the report stressed. “Humans are the contested domain,” and “future conflicts will likely occur amongst the people digitally first and physically thereafter in proximity to hubs of political and economic power.”

While the NATO-backed study insisted that much of its research on cognitive warfare is designed for defensive purposes, it also conceded that the military alliance is developing offensive tactics, stating, “The human is very often the main vulnerability and it should be acknowledged in order to protect NATO’s human capital but also to be able to benefit from our adversaries’s vulnerabilities.”

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5e9b96  No.15827262


Wait you consider SF part of america still ???kek,…

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c41915  No.15827263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2fbeb6  No.15827264



In a chilling disclosure, the report said explicitly that “the objective of Cognitive Warfare is to harm societies and not only the military.”

With entire civilian populations in NATO’s crosshairs, the report emphasized that Western militaries must work more closely with academia to weaponize social sciences and human sciences and help the alliance develop its cognitive warfare capacities.

The study described this phenomenon as “the militarization of brain science.” But it appears clear that NATO’s development of cognitive warfare will lead to a militarization of all aspects of human society and psychology, from the most intimate of social relationships to the mind itself.

Such all-encompassing militarization of society is reflected in the paranoid tone of the NATO-sponsored report, which warned of “an embedded fifth column, where everyone, unbeknownst to him or her, is behaving according to the plans of one of our competitors.” The study makes it clear that those “competitors” purportedly exploiting the consciousness of Western dissidents are China and Russia.

In other words, this document shows that figures in the NATO military cartel increasingly see their own domestic population as a threat, fearing civilians to be potential Chinese or Russian sleeper cells, dastardly “fifth columns” that challenge the stability of “Western liberal democracies.”

NATO’s development of novel forms of hybrid warfare come at a time when member states’ military campaigns are targeting domestic populations on an unprecedented level.

The Ottawa Citizen reported this September that the Canadian military’s Joint Operations Command took advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic to wage an information war against its own domestic population, testing out propaganda tactics on Canadian civilians.

Internal NATO-sponsored reports suggest that this disclosure is just scratching the surface of a wave of new unconventional warfare techniques that Western militaries are employing around the world.

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5847d8  No.15827266

>re raffensperger interview


Wake up call? Experts warn world map of Europe is being rewritten

John Solomon Reports

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John Solomon and Amanda Head host ‘Just the News, Not Noise’ delivering the pressing news of the day and giving you Information without indoctrination while rising above the rhetoric. In this compilation of interviews from the TV show John and Amanda talk with TX Attorney General Ken Paxton, Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL), GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and Former MN Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann. To see the daily show, go to americasvoice.news each Monday through Friday at 6pm Eastern or watch any time at JustTheNews.com/tv.

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f5cad4  No.15827267

File: e77627c04e6fc97⋯.png (716.18 KB, 944x581, 944:581, ClipboardImage.png)


Easy love

stop being a Karen


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4d0370  No.15827268

File: d41c11568c45c98⋯.jpg (140.24 KB, 1200x795, 80:53, 1594232876_7093.jpg)

File: 7e60c84d863bf25⋯.jpg (99.43 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, NATO_Headquarters_02.jpg)

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5847d8  No.15827269


>raffensperger interview starts at 2:40 fyi

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b4640a  No.15827270

File: 2f7432e44d9c8b1⋯.png (269.79 KB, 558x337, 558:337, worldpillar.png)


…This is the kind of cryptic shit that hurts my brain; Always with the metaphorical riddles. Deal with enough puzzle solving, when reading through ancient legends and myths (in an astronomical allegory context). What are you, the hidden of the 7 pleiadian sisters? (Kek!)

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2fbeb6  No.15827271



Canada hosts ‘NATO Innovation Challenge’ on cognitive warfare

Twice each year, NATO holds a “pitch-style event” that it brand as an “Innovation Challenge.” These campaigns – one hosted in the Spring and the other in the Fall, by alternating member states – call on private companies, organizations, and researchers to help develop new tactics and technologies for the military alliance.

The shark tank-like challenges reflect the predominant influence of neoliberal ideology within NATO, as participants mobilize the free market, public-private partnerships, and the promise of cash prizes to advance the agenda of the military-industrial complex.

NATO’s Fall 2021 Innovation Challenge is hosted by Canada, and is titled “The invisible threat: Tools for countering cognitive warfare.”

“Cognitive warfare seeks to change not only what people think, but also how they act,” the Canadian government wrote in its official statement on the challenge. “Attacks against the cognitive domain involve the integration of cyber, disinformation/misinformation, psychological, and social-engineering capabilities.”

Ottawa’s press release continued: “Cognitive warfare positions the mind as a battle space and contested domain. Its objective is to sow dissonance, instigate conflicting narratives, polarize opinion, and radicalize groups. Cognitive warfare can motivate people to act in ways that can disrupt or fragment an otherwise cohesive society.”

NATO-backed Canadian military officials discuss cognitive warfare in panel event

An advocacy group called the NATO Association of Canada has mobilized to support this Innovation Challenge, working closely with military contractors to attract the private sector to invest in further research on behalf of NATO – and its own bottom line.

While the NATO Association of Canada (NAOC) is technically an independent NGO, its mission is to promote NATO, and the organization boasts on its website, “The NAOC has strong ties with the Government of Canada including Global Affairs Canada and the Department of National Defence.”

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fa4eae  No.15827272

Australia: Victorian Labor (Lefty) Senator dies of heart attack at 52 years old.

Wonder if she played cricket?

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2fbeb6  No.15827273



As part of its efforts to promote Canada’s NATO Innovation Challenge, the NAOC held a panel discussion on cognitive warfare on October 5.

The researcher who wrote the definitive 2020 NATO-sponsored study on cognitive warfare, François du Cluzel, participated in the event, alongside NATO-backed Canadian military officers.

The panel was overseen by Robert Baines, president of the NATO Association of Canada. It was moderated by Garrick Ngai, a marketing executive in the weapons industry who serves as an adviser to the Canadian Department of National Defense and vice president and director of the NAOC.

Baines opened the event noting that participants would discuss “cognitive warfare and new domain of competition, where state and non-state actors aim to influence what people think and how they act.”

The NAOC president also happily noted the lucrative “opportunities for Canadian companies” that this NATO Innovation Challenge promised.

NATO researcher describes cognitive warfare as ‘ways of harming the brain’

The October 5 panel kicked off with François du Cluzel, a former French military officer who in 2013 helped to create the NATO Innovation Hub (iHub), which he has since then managed from its base in Norfolk, Virginia.

Although the iHub insists on its website, for legal reasons, that the “opinions expressed on this platform don’t constitute NATO or any other organization points of view,” the organization is sponsored by the Allied Command Transformation (ACT), described as “one of two Strategic Commands at the head of NATO’s military command structure.”

The Innovation Hub, therefore, acts as a kind of in-house NATO research center or think tank. Its research is not necessarily official NATO policy, but it is directly supported and overseen by NATO.

In 2020, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) tasked du Cluzel, as manager of the iHub, to conduct a six-month study on cognitive warfare.

Du Cluzel summarized his research in the panel this October. He initiated his remarks noting that cognitive warfare “right now is one of the hottest topics for NATO,” and “has become a recurring term in military terminology in recent years.”

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5e9b96  No.15827274

Real question, Why are all these GOP members calling for Putins head???

like Bobert & others… Its making no sense, scared for midterms or are we seeing RINOs…

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43ce3f  No.15827276

File: 42f4b745dfaa339⋯.png (176.81 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42f4b745dfaa339⋯.png (176.81 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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deb8f5  No.15827277


vlad already took care of it.

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47a3d6  No.15827278

File: df31f985dad01d2⋯.png (97.65 KB, 990x831, 330:277, 2022_03_10_1_45_45.png)

Ukraine health crisis: WHO warn new outbreak could become ‘horseman of the apocalypse’

Thu, Mar 10, 2022

THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO) has issued a stark warning over the conflict in Ukraine sparking a health crisis which will move across Europe as the refugees flee with limited or no medical attention.

Speaking at a press conference in Geneva, Doctor Mike Ryan, Head of WHO Emergencies Programme, warned an outbreak could spell disaster for those involved and those fleeing the conflict. He said: “The conditions we see in Ukraine are the worst possible ingredients for the amplification and the spread of infectious disease.

It doesn’t matter if it’s Covid, doesn’t matter if it’s polio, doesn’t matter if it’s measles, doesn’t matter if it's cholera.


“You put that many people in desperation on the move, women and children packed together in basements, people stressed, people not eating, not sleeping, these are the conditions in which immune systems are weak, people’s defences are low and infectious diseases can rip through populations like this.”

He added that an outbreak of infectious diseases is “one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse”.


they are REALLY fishing some sort of outbreak

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2fbeb6  No.15827279



Although French, Du Cluzel emphasized that cognitive warfare strategy “is being currently developed by my command here in Norfolk, USA.”

The NATO Innovation Hub manager spoke with a PowerPoint presentation, and opened with a provocative slide that described cognitive warfare as “A Battle for the Brain.”

“Cognitive warfare is a new concept that starts in the information sphere, that is a kind of hybrid warfare,” du Cluzel said.

“It starts with hyper-connectivity. Everyone has a cell phone,” he continued. “It starts with information because information is, if I may say, the fuel of cognitive warfare. But it goes way beyond solely information, which is a standalone operation – information warfare is a standalone operation.”

Cognitive warfare overlaps with Big Tech corporations and mass surveillance, because “it’s all about leveraging the big data,” du Cluzel explained. “We produce data everywhere we go. Every minute, every second we go, we go online. And this is extremely easy to leverage those data in order to better know you and use that knowledge to change the way you think.”

Naturally, the NATO researcher claimed foreign “adversaries” are the supposed aggressors employing cognitive warfare. But at the same time, he made it clear that the Western military alliance is developing its own tactics.

Du Cluzel defined cognitive warfare as the “art of using technologies to alter the cognition of human targets.”

Those technologies, he noted, incorporate the fields of NBIC – nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science. All together, “it makes a kind of very dangerous cocktail that can further manipulate the brain,” he said.

Du Cluzel went on to explain that the exotic new method of attack “goes well beyond” information warfare or psychological operations (psyops).

“Cognitive warfare is not only a fight against what we think, but it’s rather a fight against the way we think, if we can change the way people think,” he said. “It’s much more powerful and it goes way beyond the information [warfare] and psyops.”

De Cluzel continued: “It’s crucial to understand that it’s a game on our cognition, on the way our brain processes information and turns it into knowledge, rather than solely a game on information or on psychological aspects of our brains. It’s not only an action against what we think, but also an action against the way we think, the way we process information and turn it into knowledge.”

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13515b  No.15827280

Just flicking through my news channels on my Sky box and they don't list RT anymore.

Curious how they delisted Fox News while Trump was POTUS, now they've delisted RT, the two channels that questioned their carefully manufactured narratives.

Meanwhile all the other propaganda news channels like CrapNN, BBC etc continue to be listed.

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5847d8  No.15827281


..But not everything is relative; we should not slip into collective amnesia over the Obama administration’s weak and underwhelming response to Russian aggression. Throughout his presidency, Obama consistently underestimated the challenge posed by Putin’s regime. His foreign policy was firmly grounded in the premise that Russia was not a national security threat to the United States. In 2012, Obama disparaged Mitt Romney for exaggerating the Russian threat—“the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years,” Obama

quipped. This breezy attitude prevailed even as Russia annexed Crimea, invaded eastern Ukraine, intervened in Syria, and hacked the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Obama’s response during these critical moments was cautious at best, and deeply misguided at worst. Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States. Obama, confident that history was on America’s side, for the duration of his time in office underestimated the damaging impact Russia could achieve through asymmetric means.

Obama’s cautious Russia policy is grounded in three conceptual errors: a failure to grasp the true nature of the Russian threat, most clearly visible in his administration’s restrained response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014; a “long view” of historical trends which in his view inexorably “bent” toward liberalism; and the perception that formidable domestic political obstacles stood in his way when it came to crafting a response to Putin’s assault on the elections in 2016.

The Obama administration viewed Russia as a declining economy and, at best, a regional player and spoiler. According to a strict “spreadsheet” analysis of the situation, this was not a crazy read. Despite its sprawling geographic reach, Russia’s GDP is roughly that of Spain (about $1.2 trillion); it contributes less than 1.5 percent to global GDP, compared to the U.S.’ 25 percent. Without a jump in oil prices to shore up its petrostate model, Russia’s economic outlook looks grim. Furthermore, Russia’s population is literally disappearing: the country is facing major demographic challenges due to declining birth rates, low life expectancy (especially for men), and emigration. And while Russia is still a nuclear superpower, its military is no match for the United States and NATO. For all these reasons, the Obama administration concluded that, despite divergent views on international order, Moscow could still be a potential (junior) partner on areas of mutual interest. This set of beliefs proved incredibly sticky despite Russian actions that should have set off alarm bells.

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b86dc2  No.15827282

File: a7c661c2415675c⋯.jpg (64.91 KB, 841x540, 841:540, tr533219a8.jpg)


Still less than 100 as far as I can tell

Anons let me hang out sometimes :)

Good Night you Rascals!

I'll get a nice nap knowing you are all out there

The bad ones won't sleep so well knowing you're out there

I like the arrangement

Okay, actually going to snooze now. Anons got this

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2fbeb6  No.15827283



“In other words, cognitive warfare is not just another word, another name for information warfare. It is a war on our individual processor, our brain.”

The NATO researcher stressed that “this is extremely important for us in the military,” because “it has the potential, by developing new weapons and ways of harming the brain, it has the potential to engage neuroscience and technology in many, many different approaches to influence human ecology… because you all know that it’s very easy to turn a civilian technology into a military one.”

As for who the targets of cognitive warfare could be, du Cluzel revealed that anyone and everyone is on the table.

“Cognitive warfare has universal reach, from starting with the individual to states and multinational organizations,” he said. “Its field of action is global and aim to seize control of the human being, civilian as well as military.”

And the private sector has a financial interest in advancing cognitive warfare research, he noted: “The massive worldwide investments made in neurosciences suggests that the cognitive domain will probably one of the battlefields of the future.”

The development of cognitive warfare totally transforms military conflict as we know it, du Cluzel said, adding “a third major combat dimension to the modern battlefield: to the physical and informational dimension is now added a cognitive dimension.”

This “creates a new space of competition beyond what is called the five domains of operations – or land, sea, air, cyber, and space domains. Warfare in the cognitive arena mobilizes a wider range of battle spaces than solely the physical and information dimensions can do.”

In short, humans themselves are the new contested domain in this novel mode of hybrid warfare, alongside land, sea, air, cyber, and outer space.

NATO’s cognitive warfare study warns of “embedded fifth column”

The study that NATO Innovation Hub manager François du Cluzel conducted, from June to November 2020, was sponsored by the military cartel’s Allied Command Transformation, and published as a 45-page report in January 2021 (PDF).

The chilling document shows how contemporary warfare has reached a kind of dystopian stage, once imaginable only in science fiction.

“The nature of warfare has changed,” the report emphasized. “The majority of current conflicts remain below the threshold of the traditionally accepted definition of warfare, but new forms of warfare have emerged such as Cognitive Warfare (CW), while the human mind is now being considered as a new domain of war.”

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ac3629  No.15827284

File: ca5ce15c65b61ee⋯.jpeg (56.34 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, template_ah_shit_here_we_….jpeg)

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f5cad4  No.15827285

File: d44359e4439df63⋯.png (601.81 KB, 944x641, 944:641, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 617090e9737ec65⋯.png (612.58 KB, 944x641, 944:641, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81975afeaf90f62⋯.png (697.75 KB, 850x789, 850:789, ClipboardImage.png)


yeah yeah

the british invented THE NUDGE UNIT in 2010 under the pm ship of Cameron which is being run by the 77th Military special unit of intelligience agents.

That shit only works on normies, anons live in their swamp but outside of the world perception andTHEY FAILED AGAINST THE ANONS


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bf5cc7  No.15827286


>“You put that many people in desperation on the move, women and children packed together in basements, people stressed, people not eating, not sleeping, these are the conditions in which immune systems are weak, people’s defences are low and infectious diseases can rip through populations like this.”

Funny, they didn't say that when a million Muslims from Africa invaded southern Europe.

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2fbeb6  No.15827287



For NATO, research on cognitive warfare is not just defensive; it is very much offensive as well.

“Developing capabilities to harm the cognitive abilities of opponents will be a necessity,” du Cluzel’s report stated clearly. “In other words, NATO will need to get the ability to safeguard her decision making process and disrupt the adversary’s one.”

And anyone could be a target of these cognitive warfare operations: “Any user of modern information technologies is a potential target. It targets the whole of a nation’s human capital,” the report ominously added.

“As well as the potential execution of a cognitive war to complement to a military conflict, it can also be conducted alone, without any link to an engagement of the armed forces,” the study went on. “Moreover, cognitive warfare is potentially endless since there can be no peace treaty or surrender for this type of conflict.”

Just as this new mode of battle has no geographic borders, it also has no time limit: “This battlefield is global via the internet. With no beginning and no end, this conquest knows no respite, punctuated by notifications from our smartphones, anywhere, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”

The NATO-sponsored study noted that “some NATO Nations have already acknowledged that neuroscientific techniques and technologies have high potential for operational use in a variety of security, defense and intelligence enterprises.”

It spoke of breakthroughs in “neuroscientific methods and technologies” (neuroS/T), and said “uses of research findings and products to directly facilitate the performance of combatants, the integration of human machine interfaces to optimise combat capabilities of semi autonomous vehicles (e.g., drones), and development of biological and chemical weapons (i.e., neuroweapons).”

The Pentagon is among the primary institutions advancing this novel research, as the report highlighted: “Although a number of nations have pursued, and are currently pursuing neuroscientific research and development for military purposes, perhaps the most proactive efforts in this regard have been conducted by the United States Department of Defense; with most notable and rapidly maturing research and development conducted by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA).”

Military uses of neuroS/T research, the study indicated, include intelligence gathering, training, “optimising performance and resilience in combat and military support personnel,” and of course “direct weaponisation of neuroscience and neurotechnology.”

This weaponization of neuroS/T can and will be fatal, the NATO-sponsored study was clear to point out. The research can “be utilised to mitigate aggression and foster cognitions and emotions of affiliation or passivity; induce morbidity, disability or suffering; and ‘neutralise’ potential opponents or incur mortality” – in other words, to maim and kill people.

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5847d8  No.15827288

File: 1c8d651e8bc6d3c⋯.png (70.72 KB, 912x595, 912:595, vaed_vaerd_missing_informa….png)


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47a3d6  No.15827289


leave now, kek.

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ac3629  No.15827291

File: 0dba383b76cae2d⋯.gif (56.95 KB, 498x498, 1:1, herve_pepe.gif)


Sleep well

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2fbeb6  No.15827293



The report quoted US Major General Robert H. Scales, who summarized NATO’s new combat philosophy: “Victory will be defined more in terms of capturing the psycho-cultural rather than the geographical high ground.”

And as NATO develops tactics of cognitive warfare to “capture the psycho-cultural,” it is also increasingly weaponizing various scientific fields.

The study spoke of “the crucible of data sciences and human sciences,” and stressed that “the combination of Social Sciences and System Engineering will be key in helping military analysts to improve the production of intelligence.”

“If kinetic power cannot defeat the enemy,” it said, “psychology and related behavioural and social sciences stand to fill the void.”

“Leveraging social sciences will be central to the development of the Human Domain Plan of Operations,” the report went on. “It will support the combat operations by providing potential courses of action for the whole surrounding Human Environment including enemy forces, but also determining key human elements such as the Cognitive center of gravity, the desired behaviour as the end state.”

All academic disciplines will be implicated in cognitive warfare, not just the hard sciences. “Within the military, expertise on anthropology, ethnography, history, psychology among other areas will be more than ever required to cooperate with the military,” the NATO-sponsored study stated.

The report nears its conclusion with an eerie quote: “Today’s progresses in nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science (NBIC), boosted by the seemingly unstoppable march of a triumphant troika made of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and civilisational ‘digital addiction’ have created a much more ominous prospect: an embedded fifth column, where everyone, unbeknownst to him or her, is behaving according to the plans of one of our competitors.”

“The modern concept of war is not about weapons but about influence,” it posited. “Victory in the long run will remain solely dependent on the ability to influence, affect, change or impact the cognitive domain.”

The NATO-sponsored study then closed with a final paragraph that makes it clear beyond doubt that the Western military alliance’s ultimate goal is not only physical control of the planet, but also control over people’s minds:

“Cognitive warfare may well be the missing element that allows the transition from military victory on the battlefield to lasting political success. The human domain might well be the decisive domain, wherein multi-domain operations achieve the commander’s effect. The five first domains can give tactical and operational victories; only the human domain can achieve the final and full victory.”

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a516fa  No.15827294

File: b965cf16c962e89⋯.png (99.34 KB, 839x315, 839:315, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm a quarter asleep, so maybe this isn't relevant at all, but your post somehow caused it and I think there might be somethin somethin to it. Or I just need to rest. (From Q1415, "23 P@in")

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87371f  No.15827295

File: 87063cb99d44d95⋯.png (576.47 KB, 559x431, 559:431, Bakernotes.png)

>>15827255 Are you noting this bred?

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2fbeb6  No.15827296



Canadian Special Operations officer emphasizes importance of cognitive warfare

When François du Cluzel, the NATO researcher who conducted the study on cognitive warfare, concluded his remarks in the October 5 NATO Association of Canada panel, he was followed by Andy Bonvie, a commanding officer at the Canadian Special Operations Training Centre.

With more than 30 years of experience with the Canadian Armed Forces, Bonvie spoke of how Western militaries are making use of research by du Cluzel and others, and incorporating novel cognitive warfare techniques into their combat activities.

“Cognitive warfare is a new type of hybrid warfare for us,” Bonvie said. “And it means that we need to look at the traditional thresholds of conflict and how the things that are being done are really below those thresholds of conflict, cognitive attacks, and non-kinetic forms and non-combative threats to us. We need to understand these attacks better and adjust their actions and our training accordingly to be able to operate in these different environments.”

Although he portrayed NATO’s actions as “defensive,” claiming “adversaries” were using cognitive warfare against them, Bonvie was unambiguous about the fact that Western militaries are developing these tecniques themselves, to maintain a “tactical advantage.”

“We cannot lose the tactical advantage for our troops that we’re placing forward as it spans not only tactically, but strategically,” he said. “Some of those different capabilities that we have that we enjoy all of a sudden could be pivoted to be used against us. So we have to better understand how quickly our adversaries adapt to things, and then be able to predict where they’re going in the future, to help us be and maintain the tactical advantage for our troops moving forward.”

‘Cognitive warfare is the most advanced form of manipulation seen to date’

Marie-Pierre Raymond, a retired Canadian lieutenant colonel who currently serves as a “defence scientist and innovation portfolio manager” for the Canadian Armed Forces’ Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security Program, also joined the October 5 panel.

“Long gone are the days when war was fought to acquire more land,” Raymond said. “Now the new objective is to change the adversaries’ ideologies, which makes the brain the center of gravity of the human. And it makes the human the contested domain, and the mind becomes the battlefield.”

“When we speak about hybrid threats, cognitive warfare is the most advanced form of manipulation seen to date,” she added, noting that it aims to influence individuals’ decision-making and “to influence a group of a group of individuals on their behavior, with the aim of gaining a tactical or strategic advantage.”

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5847d8  No.15827298

>2016 documentary

>2014's Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media. But was it?


Ukraine On Fire


Published March 9, 2022 136,516 Views

Ukraine. Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea. 2014's Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media. But was it? "Ukraine on Fire" by Igor Lopatonok..

- - -


Sharyl Attkisson




The '16 doc "Ukraine on Fire" is now censored on YouTube which based on recent experience elevates its importance and relevance.

It includes long term history & views from both sides in Ukraine. @TheOliverStone @WatchingSean

Still on Amazon.

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2fbeb6  No.15827300



Raymond noted that cognitive warfare also heavily overlaps with artificial intelligence, big data, and social media, and reflects “the rapid evolution of neurosciences as a tool of war.”

Raymond is helping to oversee the NATO Fall 2021 Innovation Challenge on behalf of Canada’s Department of National Defence, which delegated management responsibilities to the military’s Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) Program, where she works.

In highly technical jargon, Raymond indicated that the cognitive warfare program is not solely defensive, but also offensive: “This challenge is calling for a solution that will support NATO’s nascent human domain and jump-start the development of a cognition ecosystem within the alliance, and that will support the development of new applications, new systems, new tools and concepts leading to concrete action in the cognitive domain.”

She emphasized that this “will require sustained cooperation between allies, innovators, and researchers to enable our troops to fight and win in the cognitive domain. This is what we are hoping to emerge from this call to innovators and researchers.”

To inspire corporate interest in the NATO Innovation Challenge, Raymond enticed, “Applicants will receive national and international exposure and cash prizes for the best solution.” She then added tantalizingly, “This could also benefit the applicants by potentially providing them access to a market of 30 nations.”

Canadian military officer calls on corporations to invest in NATO’s cognitive warfare research

The other institution that is managing the Fall 2021 NATO Innovation Challenge on behalf of Canada’s Department of National Defense is the Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM).

A Canadian military officer who works with CANSOFCOM, Shekhar Gothi, was the final panelist in the October 5 NATO Association of Canada event. Gothi serves as CANSOFCOM’s “innovation officer” for Southern Ontario.

He concluded the event appealing for corporate investment in NATO’s cognitive warfare research.

The bi-annual Innovation Challenge is “part of the NATO battle rhythm,” Gothi declared enthusiastically.

He noted that, in the spring of 2021, Portugal held a NATO Innovation Challenge focused on warfare in outer space.

In spring 2020, the Netherlands hosted a NATO Innovation Challenge focused on Covid-19.

Gothi reassured corporate investors that NATO will bend over backward to defend their bottom lines: “I can assure everyone that the NATO innovation challenge indicates that all innovators will maintain complete control of their intellectual property. So NATO won’t take control of that. Neither will Canada. Innovators will maintain their control over their IP.”

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5e9b96  No.15827301

File: 054096788111101⋯.png (307 KB, 824x414, 412:207, ClipboardImage.png)

Isnt it funny how they all pull out of Russia, but theyre still in Israel, Suadi Arabia & UAE…

Doesnt that seem oxymoronic…

FYE i dont support pulling business (& jobs) from any nation…

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d5cf3a  No.15827302


This is not a warning of what might happen.

This is a signal to their operatives to release some nasty shit on the refugees.

And gaslighting the the sheep at large so they expect it.

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f5cad4  No.15827303


Them masons want to make everything look like it comes from the book of revelations


fuck off with that shit,

Of course it works that way if you start the trouble war

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47a3d6  No.15827304


>fuggen NATO on "cognitive warfare"

This battlefield is global via the internet. With no beginning and no end, this conquest knows no respite… 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Good think they're not the only 24/7 OP.

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4d0370  No.15827305

File: f1b27fbcccdd05b⋯.png (599.82 KB, 606x902, 303:451, Screen_Shot_2022_03_10_at_….png)

File: abe96743c23d632⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB, 540x540, 1:1, M7n4JJMzxIHqv_d_.mp4)


WHO health emergencies director Dr. Mike Ryan: "The conditions we see in Ukraine are the worst possible ingredients for the amplification and the spread of infectious disease.”

An outbreak is "one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse,” he added.

Ukraine health crisis "will only get worse," WHO says


CBS News

10:38 PM · Mar 9, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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ac3629  No.15827306

File: 03148418b32eda2⋯.jpg (261.36 KB, 1710x1440, 19:16, PicsArt_03_10_05_00_19.jpg)

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2fbeb6  No.15827307

File: 1e43d3ad65e3283⋯.jpg (149.11 KB, 782x924, 391:462, cog.jpg)



The comment was a fitting conclusion to the panel, affirming that NATO and its allies in the military-industrial complex not only seek to dominate the world and the humans that inhabit it with unsettling cognitive warfare techniques, but to also ensure that corporations and their shareholders continue to profit from these imperial endeavors.

Sleep well Patriots

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f5cad4  No.15827308

File: 5382715d72ad6d2⋯.png (389.14 KB, 729x712, 729:712, ClipboardImage.png)


no baker claimed the bread,

anon is gonna have a day off

just lurking to relax

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033b70  No.15827309

Hope you have your comfy jumpers on, its kinda shilly here…

G'night anons

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1913fc  No.15827310

File: 4e416b477ac397b⋯.png (652.51 KB, 763x799, 763:799, pric.png)








Biden is waging a war on truckers and everyone will pay the price

By Carrie Sheffield

March 8, 2022 8:56pm

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5c05f8  No.15827311


You were having fun posting anal memes of mike obama that tactic failed now all of a sudden you are concerned?

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62cf99  No.15827314

File: 33a42a107d08f76⋯.webm (1.25 MB, 854x480, 427:240, ukraine_nuland.webm)

A 38-second grenade, for easy and efficient lobbing at normies: Nuland telling Rubio about the biolabs in Ukraine.

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bf5cc7  No.15827315


Is it just the lighting, but does Dr. Mike Ryan have a red, blotchy face? Some medical condition?

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1913fc  No.15827316

File: f734c47a9f43ce5⋯.png (66.28 KB, 1194x385, 1194:385, cant.png)


Digital Originals

Published March 9, 2022 2:32pm EST

Americans react to record gas prices: 'You can run, but you can't hide from inflation'

High gas prices hurt 'regular people,' Maryland local says

Jon Michael Raasch

By Jon Michael Raasch | Fox News

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47a3d6  No.15827317


Didn't say that about the caravans either.

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f5cad4  No.15827318

File: 625fd4761e6b44a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 825x767, 825:767, ClipboardImage.png)


moar fear porn

fail by nyp

fcuk sake they are really on one today

Just get the popcorn out and watch their panic.

ffs they locked everyone in their home for two years and maybe they think a few moar days off will make the difference.

prep up if you have not already

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87371f  No.15827320

==Bun for the Baker=

>>15827261, >>15827264, >>15827271, >>15827273, >>15827279, >>15827283, >>15827287, >>15827293, >>15827296,

>>15827300, >>15827307

NATO discussing a new, sixth level of: the “human domain.”

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1913fc  No.15827321

File: 8488486a35461e9⋯.png (102.72 KB, 258x592, 129:296, camp_ev.png)


Jim Watkins, [09.03.22 22:26]

[ Photo ]

They added a million more to the refugee count.

That makes 3 million refugees.

I feel bad for them. That is a vast refugee camp that must be springing up somewhere.

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ac3629  No.15827322


Could be high blood pressure

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eb3929  No.15827323


maybe it's all ghost voters

perhaps they could get seth keshel to help them count refugees

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5c05f8  No.15827324



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f5cad4  No.15827325

>>15827314 <-treacherous hag needs to be hung by her feet - check out Oliver stone docs linked below !!







>>15827316 fear porn msm

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1913fc  No.15827326

File: 6ad9eb405e73f0a⋯.png (199.89 KB, 420x387, 140:129, ex_or.png)


BREAKING HEADLINES, [09.03.22 23:34]

Biden Issues Executive Order Paving the Way for a Federal Digital Currency

READ: https://1.breakingheadlines.news/xXpqqg


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d5cf3a  No.15827328



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1913fc  No.15827329

File: d49ce14fed3f5e5⋯.png (64.06 KB, 424x526, 212:263, ited.png)


Chief Nerd, [10.03.22 00:11]

[ Photo ]

United Airlines to let unvaccinated workers return

“The move permits staffers with exemptions from the carrier's vaccination requirement for its U.S. employees to return from unpaid leave or from the non-customer-facing roles they were allowed to apply for as an alternative to their regular jobs, the report said.”



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3305f6  No.15827330


there is that one group controlling both side, left and right, communism and nazies, black and white, god and devil, that one thought and its opposition.

Right now we have a very strange narrative going on, and i don't like to see how it is getting under the truck.

Ukraine soldiers wearing nazi symbols, openly nazies, and get support from NATO and what not left leaning folks. On top of this strange timeline, we have hollywood and what not jewish person also in support of this nazi army. Media gives there best to not mention this and insteed pushing all the fake news coming out of this country.

It got to a point where you could consider everyone who supports ukraine without acknowledging the nazi soldiers, who remain on purpose blind to this fact, one of these people who control both sides.

And when we look who that is, we see its the very same folks who also hate trump, who also hated gamegate, who blindly followe the news, who blindly supported BLM despite the fact of destruction the riots have brought to america. Always the very same folks. Be blind to antifa burning down the city, be blind to the nazi soldiers in ukrain, same folks. Facebook, google, nike, apple, mcdonalds, steam, blizzard, the left, democrats, pelosi, biden, soros, … list goes on.

And the media….

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deb8f5  No.15827331


false paradigm as foundation…

you do not know your enemy.

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da3f60  No.15827332

File: 6b07b30b5aabb24⋯.jpeg (347.27 KB, 750x912, 125:152, 4F67897A_A876_4D28_9924_A….jpeg)




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1f88e9  No.15827333


Just remember, all the pieces go back in the box together when the game is over.

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47a3d6  No.15827334


>United Airlines "lets" unvaxxed workers return

Bet they're dying for workers by this point

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d5cf3a  No.15827335



Tater wants to maintain control of fiat currency for private centralized bankers.

And watch every penny you make/spend.

We'll have to pay a tax to maintain the servers I bet.

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b4640a  No.15827336

File: 12c3962c0db94dd⋯.png (509.21 KB, 728x546, 4:3, dantes_inferno_.png)

File: 5cb05bbfba7459c⋯.jpg (94.63 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, av5jSPezH6_1397022471047.jpg)

…6th circle of Hell? Huh?

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fa4eae  No.15827338


Has the "Dancing Faggott" video of Tedros in a sleazy nightclub bar been proven that it's actually him?

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3305f6  No.15827340

>>15827330 me

The thing about the media.

Isn't it true that the media is a form of weapon? It can be used for propaganda, everyone who tells you otherwise is either a retard or one of those folks controlling both sides. For example; Anonymous group "we do not attack the media", why would they not attack the media? Are they one of those who controll both sides?

You have to consider something here about the media, as already said above, it can be used as a weapon. A very dangerous weapon. Right now, this weapon has no saftey, is loaded and full with ammunition.

Its the only weapon that a child is allowed to use. How is this possible?

If the possibilty exist that a company can be infiltrated and be used for its own agenda, than you also have to consider that the very same thing could happen to the media. Now guess who doesn't want you to think about that? Those who controll it, those who infiltrated it.

There have to be some saftey mechanism to prevent any form of infiltration of such weapon system like the media. And those who do not want it should be considered as the enemy of the people.

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deb8f5  No.15827341

bet vlad ceases hostilities by friday

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5c05f8  No.15827342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't look up. . .

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3305f6  No.15827344

Simple question:

Do we have, right now, a free press?

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deb8f5  No.15827345


it is not

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d5cf3a  No.15827346



>dying for workers by this point

Dat dere is funny

In an evil sort of way.

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e4e931  No.15827347

File: 768636d49c48eec⋯.jpeg (57.42 KB, 1024x687, 1024:687, 768636d49c48eec94589b712a….jpeg)


Simple answer: No

Dubs chek't

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1913fc  No.15827348

File: c78d0a6f7879221⋯.png (471.76 KB, 826x742, 59:53, so_fast.png)


NOT SO FAST: Biden Gang Now Says Biological Labs That They Said Were in Ukraine Yesterday Do Not Exist

By Joe Hoft

Published March 9, 2022 at 9:09pm

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e29919  No.15827349


Looks like rosacea, a disease driven by chronic inflammation, and common among Irish and other Northern European-descended people.

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deb8f5  No.15827350


have not in your lifetime.

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3305f6  No.15827351


Then how come the Anonymous group considers CNN as the press and not as a fully loeaded propaganda weapon?

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d5cf3a  No.15827352

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bf5cc7  No.15827353

File: 11ab2e7822109e2⋯.png (524.94 KB, 959x597, 959:597, Duke29_landing_Rzeszow.png)

>>15827066 (LB)

Army Citation DUKE29 out of Frankfurt landing at Rzeszow, where Blackhawk DUKE43 took off an hour ago headed toward the Ukrainian border, right after Gulfstream PAT78 out of JAB Andrews landed briefly before heading to Warsaw.

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8908d8  No.15827354

File: 1cb2048a0f6c3df⋯.png (80.81 KB, 423x499, 423:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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47a3d6  No.15827355


gotta a point there

what goes around comes around

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5c05f8  No.15827356


Cuz they fucking glow real anonymous wouldn't be sucking the dick of the cia news network

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deb8f5  No.15827357


they do not anymore.



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1913fc  No.15827359

File: 13aa2aeaa4fa94f⋯.png (202.12 KB, 594x632, 297:316, out.png)


👀👀👀Quote TweetBreaking911@Breaking911 · 6hWHO health emergencies director Dr. Mike Ryan: "The conditions we see in Ukraine are the worst possible ingredients for the amplification and the spread of infectious disease.”

An outbreak is "one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse,” he added.11:48 PM · Mar 9, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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d88229  No.15827360



Could be he doesn't really believe the words coming out of his mouth…or could be anxiety, stress, embarrassment, anger or other extreme emotional state…or it could be hypertension…

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e4e931  No.15827361

File: 4208d9193dc02e2⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 268x341, 268:341, 2s43on.jpg)


Because the Ultimate Fail Guy Fan Club has always been full of faggots, trannies and Eurotrash commies complicit in the DS games.

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3305f6  No.15827362

I was there when the Fappening happened.

I saw where the attack came from.

As soon anons found out, the IP was removed.

The leak was controlled by the Media.

We traced back the IP from where the leakes came from, the very same moment we found the origine, it was removed. I saw it but couldn't archive it.

The Fappening was a distrection, they, the media, leaked all the nudes from the hollywood folks on purpose.

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a516fa  No.15827363

File: b55447317ad20d1⋯.png (3.9 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51784afc8e2427b⋯.png (169.83 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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bf5cc7  No.15827364


Jen, Jen, are you calling Victoria a liar???

Shame on you!

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d5cf3a  No.15827365




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e29919  No.15827366


Canadian Banksters and the WEF crowd in Castreau's cabinet got high on the massive theft of funds they pulled off that Biden's puppetmasters have told him, "OK, the test was successful. Now it's your turn, USA."

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5c05f8  No.15827367


Sounds kind of Biblical

Not to mention the bitch yesterday laying the groundwork for Russia to take the blame for it.

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d1d366  No.15827368

File: 0b225feabc49746⋯.jpg (94.53 KB, 620x559, 620:559, BertNBernie.jpg)

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3305f6  No.15827369



Consider the Anonymous group as controlled oppostion, they are the media folks, the journos.

And when ever they need to do shady shit, they put on the anonymous mask and larp.

This is why they don't attack the media, not because of muh free press, because they don't attack themself.

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e72045  No.15827370

File: f2d0258c99132ac⋯.jpg (205.76 KB, 584x567, 584:567, cat_complicated_covid_ww3_….jpg)

Long-time ROK expatfag here. Anons, I can't tell you how hard I've been kekking all day long about the election result. I can tell you this: NO FUCKING WAY was Yoon supposed to be allowed in. They even jacked up a "record covid surge" on election day itself and he still squeaked in. I was bracing for the globalist puppet and am still pinching myself. Not that I follow Korean politics, but I knew that guy was gonna be bad news. For what it's worth, observing things here on the ground throughout the campaign season, Yoon probably got WAY more votes than reported, and I suspect the corruption here wasn't quite bad enough for them to get away with the steal. I am also a little hopeful that "white hats" had something to do with it. Anyway, I am one happy anon today, and I hope destroying that gender equality ministry is the first item of business on Yoon's docket. Been here 25+ years and have had to witness all that rot slowly seep into the culture. If Yoon follows through with it, the schadenfreude will be sweet and intense. Thursday p.m. here and I'm off to get a bottle of scotch to celebrate. Keep up the good fight, you inglorious faggots! WWG1WGA!


>>15825892 Conservative Yoon Suk-yeol Wins South Korea Presidential Election

South Koreans elected right-wing candidate Yoon Suk-yeol as their new president on Wednesday, Yonhap News Agency reported on Thursday local time in Seoul.

Yoon ran a successful campaign for the presidency as the official nominee of South Korea’s right-wing, opposition People Power Party (PPP). The Korea Herald described Yoon as “the South Korean Trump,” referring to former United States President Donald Trump, in a profile of the conservative politician on March 2. The newspaper offered several parallels between Yoon and Trump that may have contributed to their comparison, including the following:

On top of using anti-China rhetoric, the two also like to speak to their base on social media and announce policies that read like slogans.For example, Yoon’s “Abolish the Gender Equality Ministry” could be compared to Trump’s “Build the Wall.”

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49e2e9  No.15827371

File: ac470b124137d89⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2pRfAaXIOrBWbTF8.mp4)

The Endurance has been found of the Artic coast Sir Shackleton's ship went down in 1915 after the ice crushed it and it is in amazing condition…

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5c05f8  No.15827372


Cuz like I said they glow.

I like to keep things simple.

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fa4eae  No.15827373


Could be shame/emabrrassment - honkies blush and give themselves away. Coloured complexion can hide it - if they can keep their facial expression/body language together they've got a better chance of heyting away with (say) a crime.

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d02594  No.15827374

File: ee8bab7d11ec83a⋯.jpg (111.34 KB, 1155x616, 15:8, Marshall_McLuhan_Informati….jpg)


but anons see the future

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f5cad4  No.15827375

File: e26344ebf5c54bf⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, assange.mp4)


at this stage it is, who will survive longer

them or us?

anon thinks we will cos of their panic

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fa4eae  No.15827376


Typo - getting.

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3305f6  No.15827377

What makes me really sad is,… all this clown shit could be ended in seconds.

All this evil unhuman shit could be ended in seconds. If there was at least one person with a soul, a person able to do the shit that is needed right now. A person able to hack the world and leak everything out.

and as soon the truth is in the spotlight, it all would end like nothing. Only one person from all those hackers.

But here we are, not a single person like this exist.

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d5cf3a  No.15827378

File: afe437044d77463⋯.png (12.88 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 5c21049c7d5edc87f0e4918b31….png)


Gold stars for anons all 'round.

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724950  No.15827379








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d88229  No.15827380

If Russia does drop a nuke on the US, just remember its our own uranium…thanks Hillary…

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deb8f5  No.15827381

your enemy cannot be killed


your words are meaningless

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5c05f8  No.15827382

File: cc735b10aec3e26⋯.png (63.35 KB, 790x899, 790:899, ClipboardImage.png)

This outta make things a bit more interesting.

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e29919  No.15827383


We the People need to motivate our representatives to pass a law specifying stiff penalties for lying to the American public. ANY person knowingly lying to the American public, is guilty of a criminal act (perhaps fraud), if that lie was intended to influence the thinking of the public on any major issue. We need such a law, with teeth and enforcement provisions, at the level that it is uniformly applied to corporations as well as individuals. Then we would need to repeal ALL the "hate speech" laws and regulations, because truth is the ultimate defense. If it's true, saying it must NEVER be against the law.

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d5cf3a  No.15827384

File: ceb66f4b96af336⋯.jpg (8.65 KB, 255x206, 255:206, b7ebf91b354653cae831e8e6b5….jpg)


The final earthbound frontier.

Watch the water.

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bf5cc7  No.15827385

File: 9404d835dd85815⋯.png (836.41 KB, 1001x621, 1001:621, DUKE43_1.png)

File: 005c8a27cdfc386⋯.png (746.76 KB, 1083x586, 1083:586, REDEYE6_1.png)


REDEYE6, The E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System, or Joint STARS, is an airborne battle management, command and control, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platform. Its primary mission is to provide theater ground and air commanders with ground surveillance to support attack operations and targeting that contributes to the delay, disruption and destruction of enemy forces.

REDEYE6 out of Frankfurt, nearing Rzeszow, and DUKE43 has come back from the Ukrainan border.

>>15827066 (LB)

Some kinda shit's going down near the Polish/Ukrainian border 25 miles away.

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34c820  No.15827386

Hey anons. Long shot.

Requesting assistance locating an alternative copy of a barely reported on UN panel brief on Syria around 2017. It was a morning meeting, not of the usual "Galactic Senate media masturbation" featuring Nikki Haley and Co. The jist was a UN envoy had come to report on Syria and if I recall was countering the narrative and blaming the media for incorrect reporting.

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0766fa  No.15827387

File: cea98080e077e5e⋯.jpg (136.38 KB, 554x750, 277:375, Pissoffabridge.jpg)


Fuel prices already at record highs. What the fuck are these retards thinking? They are thinking fuck the truckers at all costs. If it is not obvious to you that these evil empty shells are out to destroy America then you are blind. Revenge is paramount nevermind the side effects. Far too many psychopaths are in control. The age of the super criminal may well be the final age at the rate we are going.

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26bbc5  No.15827388


Who am I, to say, we are here?

Take heed that no man deceive you.

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

But if you read, what has happened in the resent years… It sounds, like we are here…

The horsemen, seen as symbolic:

1. white horseman - is you, you are the winner

2. red horseman - your emotions - never let this horse ride you

3. black horseman - your intellect, combined with your emotion and your mind, to understand things - reasonable

4. the pale horseman - your bad decisions - problems are following you in troves

…finally, fuck the WHO!

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f5cad4  No.15827389

File: 639f1a075392361⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1276x1284, 319:321, ClipboardImage.png)

normie meme

they might see it coming this time

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e4e931  No.15827390

File: a624beb4bb1c3f3⋯.jpg (80.83 KB, 853x428, 853:428, 2u9vv7.jpg)


It will take years to undo the damage to the Fed and States legal codes. However anon thinks what you propose is the proper first step. Truth is the only solid foundation to build a society on.

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5c05f8  No.15827392



PF Reports

"Some kinda shit's going down near the Polish/Ukrainian border 25 miles away"

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b5afd6  No.15827393

File: 66e5fa466cdac39⋯.jpg (57.86 KB, 587x408, 587:408, 66to0k_1_1_1.jpg)

Week and a half old meme on Q Research shows anons had the info verified long before the MSM could lie about it.

Putin will not allow these labs to exist any longer.

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e4e931  No.15827394


Possible evac of the Piano Man? Warsaw would be the logical place to set up a gov't in exile.

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40f06c  No.15827395



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bf5cc7  No.15827396

File: 6c700e297307168⋯.png (606.04 KB, 947x633, 947:633, EVAC01.png)


EVAC01 has been hovering in a tight orbit at ~400 ft for a half hour 22 miles north of Rzeszow.

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5847d8  No.15827397

File: 51bcb3b4516b19f⋯.png (468.88 KB, 759x415, 759:415, fox_donate_to_ukraine_reli….png)

File: 3acebc62adc960b⋯.png (440.81 KB, 760x416, 95:52, US_army_vet_heading_to_ukr….png)

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3305f6  No.15827398


You saw who will fight against it, as long these folks have their system they always can change the rules to their benefit. If you still try to play this game in their enviroument, i have to call you insane.

They build the clown system, they build the clown rules. You can't change their rules.

They control the economy, when you go against it, look what happens with russia.

They control the media, when you go against it, look what happens to gamergate.

They control the politics, when you go against it, look what happens to trump.

They control the feds, when you go agianst it, look what happens to the piss dosier.

They keep you in a bubble, where you thing you could win the game, their game. Like a donkey following the carrot.

Their system has to burn down first, and from the ashes we have to build it new.

You don't rebuild on a body full with cancer, corruption is cancer.

the only way to remove cancer, is to kill the body and start new. Take what you have learned and build it stronger.

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5847d8  No.15827399

File: 0d7c2dfae94e483⋯.png (469.61 KB, 755x423, 755:423, national_average_gas_price….png)

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d88229  No.15827400


I dont think thats going to work. You have to have free speech, the minute you silence the other side…you risk silencing yourself… Because then it only matters who is deciding what is truth and what is a lie…

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f5cad4  No.15827401

File: f808b8d5c9704cd⋯.png (1.16 MB, 801x1017, 89:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09d3b8dcf545eef⋯.png (234.38 KB, 723x388, 723:388, ClipboardImage.png)


anon remembers have a strange dream

it was about the 7 deadly sins.

in the dream anon was always trying to avoid them and guard against them.

then one day anon decided to stop and look directly at them and anon saw…………..

ask me if anons are interested in the next words?

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6f22ab  No.15827402

File: 404c2c1fc5f150e⋯.png (32.43 KB, 828x197, 828:197, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_1….png)

Russia Accuses U.S. of Covering Up Violations of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention – Calls to Strengthen Bioweapons Treaty

Russia declared that the U.S. and Ukraine have covered up violations of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. This comes after Russia discovered bio-laboratories in Ukraine and after State Department official Victoria Nuland confirmed in her testimony on Tuesday that the U.S. has biolabs in Ukraine.

The Biological Weapons Convention, or Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, is a disarmament treaty that effectively bans biological and toxin weapons by prohibiting their development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling, and use.

The convention, banning the use of biological weapons, was ratified by 143 nations but lacked means of ensuring compliance and the US rejected biological weapons convention protocol, according to a report posted on the NIH website dated 2001.


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40f06c  No.15827403


nothing can stop what is coming

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b5afd6  No.15827404

File: de15dd166a68a2a⋯.png (388.25 KB, 1024x932, 256:233, de15dd166a68a2a6619f4055f6….png)




Shit up stupid famefag assholes…. Don't hesitate to call these dip shit losers out.

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5847d8  No.15827405


Pfizer's Documents - Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency

2 days ago

55,000 page document dump from Pfizer's vaccine trials. Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency Documents Pfizer's Documents

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bf5cc7  No.15827406

File: 6401cd1a0cb7ee0⋯.png (881.28 KB, 1085x621, 1085:621, DUKE43_2.png)


DUKE43 disappeared, then reappeared in a heavily forested and mountainous region on the Polish/Ukrainian border. Could be easy to slip over the border in such a terrain.

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b5afd6  No.15827407



Fox News fake Price's…

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26bbc5  No.15827408

File: 146d15d3ace4474⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1304x870, 652:435, 2aaf10a2c69643abc843ab53e0….png)


Pic two… Maybe comms? Maybe I should start smoking!?

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fa4eae  No.15827409


Thanks for setting me straight ('twer funny though!).

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5c05f8  No.15827410


Russia will be fine

No McDonalds fat people human dna meat

No Nikes they support sweat shop labor

No Faceberg Mk ultra

Gold Backed Currency

I could go on.

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505316  No.15827411

File: d8f166015193677⋯.jpeg (437.42 KB, 828x783, 92:87, d8f1660151936777525cb5c83….jpeg)

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40f06c  No.15827412

File: b7f6bb264bf7b60⋯.gif (5.42 MB, 639x639, 1:1, 20220202_010527.gif)

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f5cad4  No.15827413

File: 06f62422dc7dc77⋯.png (208 KB, 768x432, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


enter the ministry of truth

We need a very small government and for them to be directly accountable to the public or stay the fuck away from people lives.

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b5afd6  No.15827414

File: 783b2fa4a1ffd34⋯.jpg (95.77 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 67tncf.jpg)

File: b4528058bbf5e9c⋯.jpg (42.05 KB, 563x443, 563:443, 67qyri.jpg)

More bad news coming for Trump and his WARP SPEED DEATH VACCINE

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5847d8  No.15827415

File: e96056313351a7c⋯.png (427.37 KB, 753x413, 753:413, ohio_communities_stand_wit….png)

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40f06c  No.15827416


it is far too late to attempt such meager remediation.

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26bbc5  No.15827417

File: 62f798e70fd2c7c⋯.jpg (85 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Patience.jpg)


Bring it home, fren!

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724950  No.15827418

File: 2ed653e3b6083ee⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB, 406x720, 203:360, Yiddish_Faggot.mp4)

>your enemy cannot be killed


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724950  No.15827419

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d5cf3a  No.15827420



Might help the low IQ understand better.

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d88229  No.15827421


Left for work yesterday $4.17, came home $4.60…same gas station…those poor sonsabitches in CA cant get out now if they tried unless they walk out across the desert. Illegals will be fine but Californians will never make it…

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fa4eae  No.15827422


How measured was that speech?!


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3305f6  No.15827423

On the other hand, to step into the schizo zone…

Who even would want humanity divided?

This divided humanity is not since yesterday. I can see it going on since 2000 years with religion and shit.

Why would a human being want humanity divided? Why would a group work against its own species?

Here comes the schizo part:

Is it really human source that is doing it?

Isn't the past full of signs of some sort of E.T influence? Who even can tell? With all the unhuman shit going on, the massive control of our minds and shit. Is this the real reason why the 'great filter' exist? Because they rule over us from the shadows?

But i get called crazy for this tought, while it is tottaley ok to believe in religion.

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8be1ea  No.15827424

File: 909432890b62d01⋯.jpg (65.67 KB, 553x529, 553:529, P1_BT123_CLINTO_G_20150319….jpg)

>>15826535 >>15826539 >>15826571 >>15826772



Democrats Pass $1.5 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill After Democrat Disarray

The bill would provide Ukraine with over $13 billion in new humanitarian, economic, and military assistance in its conflict with Russia.

House Democrats passed a $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill after hours of delay and Democrat confusion.

House Democrats passed the $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill, which was separated into two votes. The first half, focusing on security funding, passed with 361 votes for and 69 votes against the provision. The second half, featuring the remainder of the spending, passed with 260 votes for and 171 against the measure.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) held the vote on the spending bill after hours of delay and confusion.

The bill originally had $15 billion in coronavirus aid; however, Pelosi moved to strip the coronavirus aid after facing steep opposition from her own caucus. Democrats had agreed to include offsets in the bill, but many Democrats across the spectrum raised concerns about the bill removing state aid to offset the cost of the $15 billion in coronavirus aid.

In a statement about the move, Pelosi blamed Republicans, even though it was Democrats that had raised issues with the bill.

“Because of Republican insistence — and the resistance by a number of our Members to making those offsets — we will go back to the Rules Committee to remove COVID funding to meet the needs of America’s families,” she wrote in a letter to House Democrats earlier on Wednesday..

The delay over passing the omnibus — which must be passed before Friday to avoid a government shutdown — put off a House Democrat retreat in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Democrat retreat will feature a man who presents himself as a parody of a woman — in “drag” — to entertain Democrat lawmakers as they design their election strategy ahead of the pivotal 2022 midterm elections.

Democrat leaders said they “will proceed to Philadelphia by bus this evening immediately following last votes. At the conclusion of the vote series, Members should proceed as quickly as possible out the East front to the buses”

The bill would provide Ukraine with over $13 billion in new humanitarian, economic, and military assistance in its conflict with Russia.


Contributions of more than $50,000 that foreign donors sent to the Clinton Foundation between 1999 and 2014. Ukraine tops them all…

Between 2009 and 2013 donations affiliated with Victor Pinchuk, a Ukrainian steel mogul and former parliamentarian. Those contributions accounted for at least $8.6 million


Amid Russia war on Ukraine, Bill Clinton relaunching Clinton Global Initiative


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40f06c  No.15827425


you are an idiot

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d5cf3a  No.15827426




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724950  No.15827427


>the only way to remove cancer, is to kill the body and start new.


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ff91eb  No.15827428

It looks like Trump doesn't want us on Truth Social. They're only allowing iPhone users, no droids and no PC's. Call me crazy, but doesn't it make more sense to get the PC users on first, then worry about the apps?

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724950  No.15827429



























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87371f  No.15827430

>>15827181 Dough

>>15827235 Ghost announcement

@ 200



>>15827385, >>15827396, >>15827353, >>15827396, >>15827406 Planefags patrol

>>15827278, >>15827302, >>15827332, >>15827359 W.H.O. Warning - Ukraine conflict could spark apocalyptic health crisis

>>15827314 Nuland telling Rubio about Ukraine biolabs - :38 second redpill vid for sharing

>>1582732 Bun - NATO discussing a new, sixth level of combat: The "Human Domain"

>>15827326 ICYMI: Biden issues EO paving the way for digital currency

>>15827329 United Airlines to let unvaccinated workers return


Call out Omissions, Additions, Subtractions'

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40f06c  No.15827431

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d88229  No.15827432


What's a PC?

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2fbeb6  No.15827433

File: 5b2d8615c71635c⋯.jpg (37.22 KB, 303x347, 303:347, cuck_dude.jpg)




Biggest scandal of the week is the Blaze reveal that the Government PAID media and influencers to promote all the Covid BS we just went through. This used to be illegal until the repeal of the Muntz (?) Act.

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5c05f8  No.15827434


Maybe they are targeting a specific group of folks.

I agree tho I do not like mobile

I would use it way more if it was on PC

I use Qagg more than I actually use the app.

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724950  No.15827435

File: 87b2d67181e98d7⋯.png (528.35 KB, 645x853, 645:853, Ukraine_denatzification_ke….png)

File: 01f377feeea26d2⋯.gif (9.93 MB, 600x450, 4:3, hateful_destructive_ideas.gif)

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e70f81  No.15827436

File: 6a14e39f73f3006⋯.png (577.75 KB, 848x421, 848:421, COMFEFE_COVFEFE.png)

>>15827089 (lb)

Cynicism. Tucker is a cynic, and using irony to make "Qanon'ers" look like they aren't so crazy after all. Watch again, and keep in mind he knows this place, probably monitors/participates, and appears to be actively trying to deprogram watchers of the "crazy Qanon'ers!" talk one segment at a time. It's almost a daily mention on his show, now.

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bf5cc7  No.15827437


Politically Corrrect User

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3305f6  No.15827438


Hey, we all know these faggots worship some moloch asshole. And as some of their people already pointed it out (alisterr crolwey) they look very similar to the grey ayys faggots.

Maybe that 'God' person is just a smoke screen, while the Devil is actual real as in, some spacefaggots who infiltrated this planet many years ago.

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5c05f8  No.15827439


Yes but Q fever had more than one meaning I do think.

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0766fa  No.15827440

File: ceca42c9f09dc47⋯.mp4 (13.73 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 2022_03_09_17_28_57.mp4)

Good morning brother truckers.

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4ef6f1  No.15827441

File: 71b961875d0f9a5⋯.gif (2.5 MB, 600x450, 4:3, rockwell4.gif)

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ff91eb  No.15827443


Personal Computer.

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5c05f8  No.15827444


kek can't help it.

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2fbeb6  No.15827445


those supporting the system, traitorous as they seem, are often those benefitting from the system. Sadly, that is over 50% of Americans who receive government benefits. Anon has a family member who works for a 3-letter agency, and any dialog is like banking my head on a brick. Even after the 2 years of BS we just went through, they just happily switch to the new narrative. All the stuff we talk about here is just conspiracy theory.

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f5cad4  No.15827446

File: 209d1cc6dfb0bbb⋯.png (805.18 KB, 1000x672, 125:84, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa5bedffb85e1d8⋯.png (320.23 KB, 500x634, 250:317, ClipboardImage.png)



then one day anon decided to stop and look directly at them and anon saw…………..

They were 7 little parisites

They were what the bible was describing as human nature.

once you see them and you know they are trying to influence you to behave irrational it is easy to just take care of them.

Or what the Elites use to control human beings. ancient knowledge in the bible.


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e29919  No.15827447


We have a plethora of alphabet agencies whose ostensible purpose is to keep various entities from deceiving the public: the FDA, for food; the SEC, for finance; the Consumer Protection Bureau, and so on. ALL have become "captured" by the industries which they're responsible for regulating. Regulation has been proven to fail, due to regulatory capture. I nevertheless believe that some regulation is needed, such as the Nuclear Regulatory Agency. There need be no "Ministry of Truth," any more than there is currently a "Ministry of Defamation." Defamation is currently an offense which can rise to the level of a crime, if onerous enough; why not widen that to be uniformly applied to ALL deception? How about making it an automatic expulsion from one's taxpayer-funded job if convicted of lying to the public?

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d02594  No.15827448

File: 27ccf0fdad91cac⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Thug_Life_Bob_Hope_Destroy….mp4)


shadows disappear when one laughs at them

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ff91eb  No.15827449


They are targeting a specific group of people. iPhone users, which means he's probably working with Gates.

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e70f81  No.15827450


Hehehehehe. Yeah, they just had to throw that one in there, didn't they?

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6bc6ca  No.15827451

File: f067ab6a9b12897⋯.jpg (104.7 KB, 500x633, 500:633, 684ov3.jpg)


The DoD database, Johnson wrote, also showed an increase from 2020 to 2021 in the following conditions: hypertension (2,181%), diseases of the nervous system (1,048%), malignant neoplasms of esophagus (894%), multiple sclerosis (680%), malignant neoplasms of digestive organs (624%), Guillain-Barre syndrome (551%), breast cancer (487%), demyelinating (487%), malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands (474%), female infertility (472%), pulmonary embolism –(468%), migraines – 452% increase, ovarian dysfunction (437%), testicular cancer (369%), tachycardia (302%).

Renz said the totality of evidence available is far too voluminous to include, and he has focused on several key documents. Each document is preceded by a bullet-point summary.

Not Looking good for Trump Fauci and Beelzebub Pence.


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b4640a  No.15827452

File: 385987ab25f2ecb⋯.jpg (25.21 KB, 500x380, 25:19, snooze.jpg)

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2fbeb6  No.15827453




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708a75  No.15827454


just another version of your enemy`s lie.

got the smoke screen part right though.

millenia of them…

piled atop one another so deep that they are the foundation of all you know.

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dbf095  No.15827455

File: 379ca3ae40c99ec⋯.jpeg (71.38 KB, 590x350, 59:35, 38B52846_6238_4778_8044_8….jpeg)


Four horsemen you say, posted this one ages ago.

Up to four coaches were provided by firm Horseman to transport the group of Britons from their emergency Government flight from China to a medical facility where they can be tested for the deadly virus. One bus driver wore a simply jumper and tie. Twitter went into meltdown at the sight of the coaches that were waiting when the plane landed in Oxfordshire this afternoon. One commenter said: “Love and prayers for those people in quarantine….but who hired the four Horsemen buses of the apocalypse to drive them there….really!”


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505316  No.15827456

File: a44f96d4248957e⋯.jpg (48.1 KB, 489x600, 163:200, default.jpg)


>If we are going to have our country stolen from us by the synagogue of satan

The U.S. has been under attack since the late 1700's, was finally bankrupted after the Civil War, and has been under mafia/globalist control since the 1930s.

Nobody alive has ever experienced true freedom, true human sovereignty.

Don't blow a gasket, anon, life is but a dream. Planet earth is literally the hell of the bible but maybe (maybe?) that is changing. Extraordinary times

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8be1ea  No.15827457

File: eb7c5dee230687b⋯.jpg (361.23 KB, 816x528, 17:11, pedo_bill.JPG)


Fullsized image

>>15826535 >>15826539 >>15826571 >>15826772



Democrats Pass $1.5 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill After Democrat Disarray

The bill would provide Ukraine with over $13 billion in new humanitarian, economic, and military assistance in its conflict with Russia.

House Democrats passed a $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill after hours of delay and Democrat confusion.

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73049d  No.15827458

Truth Social is going to force the Q question. Lots of Normies on there.

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e29919  No.15827459


Truth is provable; lies are disprovable. To quote John Adams, "Facts are stubborn things."

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3c251c  No.15827460

File: 9377176674ff978⋯.jpeg (84.35 KB, 600x450, 4:3, CB08A442_528A_47DC_9D76_4….jpeg)

Morning, frenz

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011a90  No.15827461

File: e82971a902a99e1⋯.jpg (71.66 KB, 500x629, 500:629, 67tird.jpg)


Trump should have endorsed CodeMonkey and thenAnons wouldn't be flushing Trump Fauci and Beelzebub Pence.

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73049d  No.15827462


Emotional sides of Logic.

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505316  No.15827463

File: b5658a62eca3f42⋯.png (498 KB, 518x668, 259:334, Screen_Shot_2022_03_10_at_….png)


Bob Hope was a CIA asset. Holy shit this book is eye-opening. Shit is fucked

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d5cf3a  No.15827464



Russia liberation covering the rules on bio warfare.

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708a75  No.15827465


the question was asked.

don dissembled.

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b257fc  No.15827466


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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e29919  No.15827467


>the minute you silence the other side…you risk silencing yourself…

Truth withstands examination, whereas lies crumble under scrutiny. FYI, it's a false paradigm to assume there are only two sides to any given question. Having reasoned, civil discourse is the only way our representative republic can properly operate, and for such discussions, we require facts, not deceptions.

To quote John Adams, "Facts are stubborn things."

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2fbeb6  No.15827468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watching MonkeyWerx rn

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f5cad4  No.15827469

File: 52023e9c62b7c90⋯.png (562.67 KB, 723x755, 723:755, ClipboardImage.png)

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e37bf0  No.15827470

File: e901b7ce3aaaf5b⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, e901b7ce3aaaf5b8f67dd87974….png)


Mornin Sam.

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e29919  No.15827471


Go on,…

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d88229  No.15827472


He only gave them the means…

He only gave them what they wanted, what they demanded…

He only gave them enough rope to hang themselves…

I know you are going to gnash your teeth over the millions who took it but it was their choice…

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3305f6  No.15827473

Could anyone ever tell if the MEDIA is

hypnotize the people?

How could one even know without getting hypnotized himself?

Remember when trump said on life tv that the election was stolen and the immiditley switched to the news person who then stated to talk directley to the viewers like:

>liste to me

>listen to my voice

>everything he says is wrong

>what you just heard is not real

sounds like hypnotizing to me.

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0766fa  No.15827474

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8be1ea  No.15827475


Can't control the slaves without the FEAR PORN

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b4640a  No.15827476


…Nothing, because you woke up.

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f5cad4  No.15827477

File: 9739931a23335d2⋯.gif (498.97 KB, 500x211, 500:211, neo_bullet.gif)

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3c251c  No.15827478



Heads on a swivel

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ac0332  No.15827479

File: 67b5b6158df1454⋯.jpg (57.92 KB, 673x499, 673:499, 67b5b6158df1454d6d6d3e707f….jpg)



Statistics and Trump owns WARP SPEED VACCINE anyway you slice it.

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25dd12  No.15827480


consider this: congresscritter gets SCIF access to classified info you and I cannot access, then KNOWINGLY spins a narrative counter to facts they possess.

think liddle schitt

if proven that warrants a long drop

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26bbc5  No.15827481


>ancient knowledge in the bible.

Exactly! You create your own, relativ, reality!

I am using this one to see, read, hear and (yes I will use the word) feel!

The Trivium

1. Knowledge

2. Understanding

3. Wisdom

(as I see it, the meaning of life is "hidden" in it!)

You posted the 7 deadly sins. I will post the opposite to them and it is also something with 7!








For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

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d5cf3a  No.15827482


Blah blah blah.

Your words hold no water here.

And the left still can't meme.

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0bedb5  No.15827483


But wait, i thought ‘biolabs in Ukraine’ was just a conspiracy theory pushed on gullible Mericans by Putin?

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d88229  No.15827484


Debate, let the public decide what is truth and what is lies. Now all we have are people shouting from their computers, each side trying to drown out the other.

While no one, not one person stands up with their binder and does battle in the sphere of the debate stage…

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2fbeb6  No.15827485


Had me a thought.

Vaccines could be a precursor, like a Part A, just waiting for the right trigger. This has been speculated before. What if Part B was a different virus that 'completed' Part A, causing a mass Biblical die-off? Pestilence, Pale Horse, bowls of wrath, etc.

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bf5cc7  No.15827486

File: 7079c95a729cc4d⋯.png (707.87 KB, 928x566, 464:283, CFC3636.png)

File: d2104b7705f63ac⋯.png (688.3 KB, 870x588, 145:98, DUKE43_3.png)

File: 279e2e33b92e3e5⋯.png (597.74 KB, 965x531, 965:531, PLF243.png)


Now Canadian CFC3636, C-17 is landing at Rzeszow airport, DUKE43 is orbiting the airport, and Polish SkyTruck with side radar is orbiting 10 miles north of the airport.

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4ef6f1  No.15827487

File: 1b2a8bc39ee6d9c⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 600x450, 4:3, jewmedia.gif)

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2e64a9  No.15827488

File: 0469d41d01bbb5a⋯.png (26.13 KB, 587x182, 587:182, ClipboardImage.png)

Has anyone pointed out the Russian invasion forces Z, V, O, A spell AZOV


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ac0332  No.15827489

File: a93e5b554606fe1⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 500x632, 125:158, 663d20_1.jpg)

File: a3fcf604047fab4⋯.png (1.09 MB, 994x712, 497:356, a3fcf604047fab403a2544c4f1….png)

File: fa3f8ae41968289⋯.jpg (76.62 KB, 500x678, 250:339, 6634qg_1.jpg)

File: e96ee4e8708e375⋯.jpg (64.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6639rt.jpg)

Trump IS A Mass Murderer

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5c05f8  No.15827490

File: fffba42ba133775⋯.mp4 (11.75 MB, 512x320, 8:5, fffba42ba133775bd48ebd5e22….mp4)


Re watch

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5847d8  No.15827491

File: cdc633128ced61a⋯.png (554.99 KB, 757x419, 757:419, ukraine_03102022.png)

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4ef6f1  No.15827492



Death to all Kikes is the only way!

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e70f81  No.15827493



Can't they make up their fucking minds if they want to go forward with their masonic Revelation or not?

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e29919  No.15827494


>enter the ministry of truth

Agree w you on the very small government, as was intended by the Constitution. Disagree on the "Ministry of Truth." Free people act from their own free will; they don't seek permission from their overlords. However, truth will out, and liars who cause harm to society - whether that means they stole an election, lied about polling results, lied about the safety of some product, or perhaps about the actions of our public servants - ANY liars who have caused harm to society must be held accountable for their harm to the republic. A representative republic must have access to the truth in order to function. Many laws have already been passed as purported attempts to bring truth to the public, but few have a broad and uniform application which would give any individual standing to bring charges if the lies which cause harm can be exposed as lies.

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73049d  No.15827495


Yes but now you have an @q. Not an anonymous person. It’s public now.

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ac0332  No.15827496




One scientist already predicted a 200 million people die off from the vaccines in 2 years…

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e24f91  No.15827497

File: a74292b4f2396d1⋯.jpg (143.86 KB, 720x1173, 240:391, 20220310_040257.jpg)

File: d19790c278844c5⋯.jpg (120.55 KB, 1284x1674, 214:279, 20220310_040208.jpg)


Ilhan Omar will NOT be re-elected to Congress this year.

I’m a 10 year U.S. Army Combat Veteran, and I will be replacing her.

Anons thoughts on this canidate?

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73049d  No.15827498


This is what is Qanon. This is the media hyping up a “theory “

I’m taking about Who Is Q?

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d02594  No.15827499

File: 702702402e360fd⋯.gif (796.75 KB, 498x280, 249:140, Hmm_maitre_shaolin.gif)


nothing surprises me anymore

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5c05f8  No.15827500

File: 46bdbe8ba6743de⋯.png (63.27 KB, 793x879, 793:879, ClipboardImage.png)


So were a lot of things I guess.

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0766fa  No.15827501

File: 6f063be855e29a3⋯.jpg (46.89 KB, 720x705, 48:47, LittleThings.jpg)


Up tempo to be certain.

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73049d  No.15827502


It doesn’t matter anyway.

It’s another day if barely getting by. Unless you’re wealthy or some how special and don’t have to work.

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73049d  No.15827503


Uhhhhhh wtf is that?

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e70f81  No.15827504


>They are thinking fuck the truckers at all costs.

Anon gets it. There's an 80-mile trucker convoy protest going on around the beltway right now. Or did the lack of MSM coverage help anons forget about that?

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0bedb5  No.15827505


The Super Criminal only exists at the pleasure of corrupt Government. Withdrawal of acknowledgment of any validity for such Government, especially Taxation, would go a long long way in snuffing out the greatest number of Super Criminals the world over.

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5c05f8  No.15827506


I been doing this instead of working

Maybe I got lucky.

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73049d  No.15827507


Huh? Are you new? Welcome.

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ff91eb  No.15827508


As the story goes, from coptic law files, which they keep hidden from you, deep in the Vatican, protected by the Swiss Royal guard….

We are in the second world now, in the first world, his name was AN. Who was Set-AN, who was Saturn, who was known to modern man as, Sat/AN. The moloch are his first born. They are his children and they are the grey aliens. They are called the "EL" or Ily in the first world. Modern man can read about them in the bible, they're called, "Eloheim."

The Annunaki, are Set's second children, they were the egyptian gods, sumerian gods, and they still walk amongst us this day. The names have changed over the centuries, along with the coven names, but the faces always remain the same, that is why so many ancient coins have the exact same face, spread out over 1000's of years…

I am esoteric anon and I have been here since the beginning.

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0c48ed  No.15827509

File: 9b3920f8791493e⋯.png (260.31 KB, 469x532, 67:76, 678xux_1_prev_ui_1.png)



Paaaleeze I'm sick of black people they all suck at everything…..

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5c05f8  No.15827510


I saw her in that Tom Hanks flick where she took over the boat.

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f5cad4  No.15827511

File: 3b2e004921a700e⋯.png (193.06 KB, 510x362, 255:181, ClipboardImage.png)


justice in the wrong hands has lead us here to this point.

they hijacked all the good dept's

so how do you stop it from habbening again with the next set of officials in place.

segregation of duty did not do it. they just infiltrated both sides.

The only way is local and small, we put into a small goverments where all accounts are visible to the public and in full.

punishment is treason and depending on the crime death by ………….

add your own punishment.

They only thing they should do is guard the border and pay those for doing it.

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bf5cc7  No.15827512

File: 7d6c0948675b1ec⋯.png (572.79 KB, 919x548, 919:548, N108MS_2.png)


Another visitor to the Rzeszow airport, N108MS, a Boeing 737, private charter is landing. It is owned by the Las Vegas Sands Corp. and started its journey in Tel Aviv.

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73049d  No.15827513


Don’t know. Maybe you’re just part of the Zion Tribe?

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3305f6  No.15827514

I can see that those who build the clown system, those who try to keep their control over this planet, have some scripts in their pokkets in case shit goes sideways.

Like those iluminati card game.

One script is a world war script

another a pandemic script

here a school shooting script

there a wood fire

… so on…

as soon they lose control, or something is about to leak to the surface, they activate a fitting script.

We can already see a lot of scripts being played in the past, like in ancient times, great flood, the fall of rome, ww1, ww2… etc…

The internet came perfectly in time when human society grow bigger, as bigger it gets as heavier the control has to become.

They keep humans weak by dividing them.

They keep humans derailed by false flags.

And when ever something comes to close to the truth, they activate a script.

They are not human.

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d88229  No.15827515



Consider this: World3 model. Who created it? When? Where? Who else was a part of it? Where is the creator now? Can it be stopped? And if so, what could stop it? AI? Disclosure?

All you have to do is overlay Moore's Law on the World3 model and everything becomes crystal clear…just continue to go to work, everything will either be fine or it won't…

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505316  No.15827516

File: 15be6fe081e7799⋯.png (455.01 KB, 1912x1278, 956:639, Screen_Shot_2022_03_10_at_….png)

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d5cf3a  No.15827517


If he said shit like, anons were right again Q just gave the questions to answer.

Need to know the main focus of Q and what Q taught anons.

To question everything and fight the cabal with our own rresearch and critical thinking.

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0c48ed  No.15827518

File: d6f51fde46d5a0e⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 500x555, 100:111, vjjb_1.jpg)


NewFag I've been here since day one.

Trump won't endorse CodeMonkey so Trump can F-OFF.

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e29919  No.15827519


Articles in the news today about Q fever, a baterial disease which can linger for years like long-covid, and can be fatal.

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5c05f8  No.15827520

File: 248475c04fa7808⋯.jpg (35.68 KB, 584x427, 584:427, 684re9.jpg)

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3305f6  No.15827521

If my thoughts where true,… i wonder how one would wake up this race?

Anons, how would you wake up humanity and tell them that we are infiltrated by an ancient E.T. race?

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5c05f8  No.15827522


Yes and Devon seems to like goats.

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d88229  No.15827523


I probably wouldn't vote for him either…

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1e4e40  No.15827524


So are you suggesting that posting certain images causes harm to the collective? Even if it's in ignorance?

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b4640a  No.15827525

File: 71106e4db2def4a⋯.jpg (624.84 KB, 2000x1500, 4:3, horseshoe_canyon_pictograp….jpg)

File: 0462fc740faa04f⋯.jpg (666.41 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, sprites_beletsky_960.jpg)

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d88229  No.15827526


I would start a History Channel…

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d5cf3a  No.15827527


Most any who bennifit from 5he NWO system, will fight for the system.

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3305f6  No.15827528


becomes infiltrated one secnod after since E.T.'s clown system still in place.


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729ae9  No.15827529

What the heck is up with Dick Traitor Trudeau flitting all over England meeting with Boris AND the Queen, then on to Germany and several other stops. Has whole Nazi crew with him, Crystia Freeland Ect.

Very odd because no one respects him.

Only thing I can think is he is taking personal message to EU, from either Obummer or Hildawg. Freeland said in interview today asked why they were traveling, something about comms not safe better in person right now.

Any anons got eyes on? This seems big somehow.

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6f22ab  No.15827530

File: 75fd70197dcac60⋯.png (36.68 KB, 618x304, 309:152, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_1….png)

File: d6c349da9782bc9⋯.png (183.64 KB, 298x393, 298:393, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_1….png)

File: c30b00b1313ba70⋯.png (33.42 KB, 550x326, 275:163, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_1….png)




Nice recall anon.

Story from start of lockdowns January 2020.

Coaches carrying Britons stranded in Coronavirus-hit Wuhan are being transported to medical facilities to be tested in what have been dubbed the four ‘Horseman' of the apocalypse.

Thought it odd at the time that 'infectious' Brits flying in from China were escorted by people dressed in white coveralls and masks but the coach drivers were dressed in their normal uniform.

Who were these people?

Who were the escorts?

Why such a heavy police escort?

What was the real story?

Why would people needing medical screening & isolation need such heavy escort?


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64342f  No.15827531

This is the graduation of Planet Earth to 5th Dimension after 4.5 billion years waiting for that moment.

All seats are taken.

All tickets have been sold.

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f86915  No.15827532

File: 0535db52c0fb8b9⋯.jpg (33.41 KB, 282x178, 141:89, 20200107_141933.jpg)

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f5cad4  No.15827533


have not worked for over two years.

cut as many costs down to minimum

enjoy you own cooking, learn new skills and stop paying for shit you do not need.

anon has hardly anything other then a roof and essentials.

invest in people not corporations and get rich quick if you have any spare cash other then that try to earn below the tax threshold.

Was financially comfortable but miserable

now am miserably poor but content.

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0c48ed  No.15827534



That's we needed CodeMonkey in Congress to do the work we would do….


Shit for brains why are you here?

No CodeMonkey Q RESEARCH would not exist…. I can tell you are a Democrat faggot. F-OFF.

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3305f6  No.15827536


in my time on anime imageboards, i saw alot being removed from the archives. Odd things that didn't really make sense.

Try to talk about this subject on halfchan/pol/, you get banned for a whole week.

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0766fa  No.15827537

File: 471efdc2049efa3⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 2022_03_09_20_46_29.mp4)

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d88229  No.15827538


Where's your sense of humor anon? Do you even Ancient Aliens???

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e4e931  No.15827539


Shit's getting real now. When will we find out that Mr. Fight To The Death bounced with a couple of billion joe bucks to Poland?

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e70f81  No.15827541


Subtlety. He's getting a little less subtle as time goes on, but he's nudging people with they way he's wording it. Nearly every episode for some time, now, he's mentioned "Qanon" and it's always been cynically.

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3305f6  No.15827542

Let us be honest here


there is not a singel way to do this

we know it but don't want to face this truth, otherwise we woudl go insane… litterley put 80% of humanity into the hospital.

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5e9b96  No.15827543


watch them call her a white supremacist…

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d5cf3a  No.15827544


Who says he won't still?

The left still can't meme.

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d88229  No.15827545


You're not doing much to help your argument there anon. An image board maker doesn't make a politician. Why would you want CM corrupted like that? And dont call me a democrat faggot.

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bf5cc7  No.15827546

File: 303acee66f0bc61⋯.png (145.7 KB, 1264x544, 79:34, Sands_Corp.png)


Sands Corp owned by Sheldon Adelson, has ownership of casinos in China.

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63d26e  No.15827547

File: 96f05ff5b229020⋯.jpg (64.18 KB, 449x433, 449:433, guj.jpg)

Devil Obola is the wizard of Oz hiding behind the curtain….

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8be1ea  No.15827548





Victor Pinchuk, the Clintons & Endless Connections

March 11, 2018 by Jeff Carlson, CFA

I wrote on the role of Alexandra Chalupa – a Ukrainian-American DNC operative – who appears at the center of the DNC’s construction of information used in the Steele Dossier.

The role of former Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland in disseminating the Dossier – along with her involvement in shaping Ukraine – was also discussed.

The name Victor Pinchuk was mentioned.

Victor Pinchuk is a Ukrainian billionaire.

He is the founder of Interpipe, a steel pipe manufacturer. He also owns Credit Dnipro Bank, some ferroalloy plants and a media empire.

He is married to Elena Pinchuk, the daughter of former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma.

Pinchuk’s been accused of profiting immensely from the purchase of state-owned assets at severely below-market prices through political favoritism.

Pinchuk used his media empire to deflect blame from his father-in-law, Kuchma, for the September 16, 2000 murder of journalist Georgiy Gongadze. Kuchma was never charged but is widely believed to have ordered the murder. A series of recordings would seem to back up this assertion.

On April 4 through April 12 2016, Ukrainian Parliamentarian Olga Bielkov had four meetings – with Samuel Charap (International Institute for Strategic Studies), Liz Zentos (National Security Council), Michael Kimmage (State Dept) and David Kramer (McCain Institute).

Doug Schoen filed FARA documents showing that he was paid $40,000 a month by Victor Pinchuk (page 5) – in part to arrange these meetings.

Schoen attempted to arrange another 72 meetings with Congressmen and media (page 10). It is unknown how many meetings took place.

Schoen has worked for both Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Schoen helped Pinchuk establish ties with the Clinton Foundation. The Wall Street Journal reported how Schoen connected Pinchuk with senior Clinton State Department staffers in order to pressure former Ukrainian President Yanukovych to release Yulia Tymoshenko – a political rival of Yanukovych – from jail.

The relationship between Pinchuk and the Clintons continued.

From the Kyiv Post:

In 2013, Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk welcomed current U.S. Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton onto the stage at his Yalta European Strategy, an annual conference he funds to promote Ukraine’s European integration and strategy, calling her: “a real megastar.”

Clinton and her husband Bill, the 42nd U.S. president, have been paid speakers at the annual YES and other Pinchuk events. They describe themselves as friends of Pinchuk, who is known internationally as a businessman and philanthropist.

To date, Pinchuk’s charitable foundation has given $125 million to various causes, according to his spokespeople.

Although exact numbers are not clear, reports filed by the Clinton Foundation indicate that as much as $25 million of Pinchuk’s “charitable donations” went to the Clinton organization.

From a New York Times article:

Victor Pinchuk, a steel magnate whose father-in-law, Leonid Kuchma, was president of Ukraine from 1994 to 2005, has directed between $10 million and $25 million to the foundation. He has lent his private plane to the Clintons and traveled to Los Angeles in 2011 to attend Mr. Clinton’s star-studded 65th birthday celebration.

Later, the Clintons would try to distance themselves from Pinchuk.



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4ef6f1  No.15827549

File: 1aa38aef249ce60⋯.gif (11.97 MB, 480x480, 1:1, gvdfstdg.gif)

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2e64a9  No.15827550

File: 3f067842df98ae0⋯.png (18.86 KB, 584x147, 584:147, ClipboardImage.png)

CPI: Catastrophic Print Incoming


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e4e931  No.15827551

File: 7ef36ff0bbe0815⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 500x281, 500:281, shirley.jpg)


>And dont call me a democrat faggot

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f86915  No.15827552

File: ef33744fc035022⋯.png (580.48 KB, 1080x719, 1080:719, Memeto_1620914818656.png)

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8be1ea  No.15827553





Part 2

From a Washington Examiner article:

Emails made public Tuesday show a Ukrainian businessman and major Clinton Foundation donor was invited to Hillary Clinton’s home during the final year of her diplomatic tenure, despite her spokesman’s insistence in 2014 that the donor never crossed paths with Clinton while she served as secretary of state.

Amid scrutiny of Clinton’s ties to Pinchuk in 2014, the Democratic nominee’s spokesman, Nick Merrill, said Pinchuk had never met with Clinton during that time. He told the New York Times that, “from Jan. 21, 2009, to Feb. 1, 2013,” the Ukrainian businessman “was never on her schedule.”

Pinchuk, who has given up to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation, appeared on the guest list that was sent between Dennis Cheng, an executive at the foundation, and Huma Abedin, then Clinton’s deputy chief of staff at the State Department, ahead of a June 2012 dinner. Abedin noted in a subsequent email that the gathering would be hosted in Clinton’s home.

Pinchuk’s dinner invitation was exposed in a series of emails obtained by Citizens United.

There has been a repeated pattern of denial between the Clintons and their major donors. See: A Uranium One Primer – Clinton, Giustra & Kazakhstan’s Uranium Assets.

More from the article:

Melanne Verveer, a senior Ukrainian-American official at the State Department, often acted as a go-between for Clinton and Pinchuk. Verveer conveyed Pinchuk’s best wishes to the secretary of state in Feb. 2010 after meeting with him in Ukraine.

After speaking with Pinchuk in Sept. 2011, Verveer informed Clinton that the businessman had been asked by Viktor Yanukovych, then the president of Ukraine, to relay to her some of his diplomatic interests in deepening ties to the rest of Europe.

The intersection of Pinchuk’s advocacy for Yanukovych with Clinton’s State Department is noteworthy because Paul Manafort, former campaign manager for Donald Trump, was felled by his connections to Yanukovych. Manafort resigned from the Trump campaign last week.

Hacked Podesta emails released via Wikileaks showed ongoing contact between Pinchuk and the Clintons. From a March 30, 2015 email:

Victor Pinchuk is relentlessly following up (including this morning) about a meeting with WJC in London or anywhere in Europe. Ideally he wants to bring together a few western leaders to show support for Ukraine, with WJC probably their most important participant.

I sense this is so important because Pinchuk is under Putin’s heel right now, feeling a great degree of pressure and pain for his many years of nurturing stronger ties with the West.

In addition to being a Clinton Foundation donor, Pinchuk is also on the International Advisory Board of the Atlantic Counsel – an NATO-aligned American think tank specializing in the field of international affairs.

Pinchuk’s fellow Advisory Board members are industry leaders and former heads of state.

Their Board of Directors list is equally – if not more – impressive.

The Atlantic Counsel has been historically active in Ukraine through their Ukraine in Europe Initiative. More recently, on January 19, 2017, the Atlantic Counsel announced a partnership with Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Group.

Hunter Biden, former VP Joe Biden’s son, sits on Burisma’s board.

Biden was placed on Burisma’s board after Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt held a phone conversation regarding installation of Arseniy Yatsenyuk in place of then-President Yanukovych. Need of support from VP Biden was noted (more here


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e4e931  No.15827554

File: 7bc2dae398cb2a7⋯.png (245.04 KB, 963x506, 963:506, 0fffa6af77876602.png)

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e29919  No.15827555


>the millions who took it but it was their choice…

DJT assured us all that it was safe and effective, it was "great," and urged us all to go out and get the clot shot jab. Those who admired and blindly trusted DJT did what he said, and many have died. DJT has yet to apologize for the harms he caused by his "Warp Speed" advocacy, nor for his invitation to come protest at the Capitol, only to be set up and imprisoned in third-world conditions without ANY Constitutional protections. I'm aware that Peloser is the architect of the persecutions of the J6 participants, but DJT must have known that such evil plans were in the works.

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d02594  No.15827556


Book of Enoch

Retrieved from the Bible →Why ?

Q says "highest classification" Whyhighest?


Rebellion against God = enslaving a young planet and maintain ruling

Atlantis central power

pyramids - empire ramifications


Offspring survivors

Knowledge saved

Then known twisted history

Everything has been about control.

Vatican has always been about taking over Christianity

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bb3e0c  No.15827557

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 339x195, 113:65, 5kuz14.gif)


>Morning, frenz

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505316  No.15827558

File: ca5d23f38eb9dbc⋯.jpeg (37.39 KB, 618x340, 309:170, 1_ZVizt0vpH88GXOoms8afJQ.jpeg)


Light vs. dark

They are smarter than humans, have more control than humans, but for some reason humans have God on our side and they don't. Also, we outnumber them by multitudes. It's clear they are aware of this and are afraid.

They have voluntarily given up their God light and that is our advantage.

This drama plays out on repeat throughout the ages and sometimes they win, sometimes we win. This is one of the times we win.

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4ef6f1  No.15827559

File: 82679ef7758d728⋯.mp4 (300.11 KB, 496x360, 62:45, 82679ef7758d7289d456650d9e….mp4)


(((THEY))) !!!


(((THEY))) !!!

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d5cf3a  No.15827560


They know we watch 5he skies, so they trigger monkey to beat the drum to fear monger to make the normies so mad after the truth comes out.

They as in devolution military.

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b257fc  No.15827561


G'Mornin' Ralph… Please pass a fine cup of your Covfefe.

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a516fa  No.15827562

File: a6e79dfd54292f1⋯.png (197.1 KB, 620x400, 31:20, ClipboardImage.png)


>cut as many costs down to minimum

I buy virtually nothing and converted everything I could into metals. Discovered another reason they want us holding paper/digital fiat… it's psychologically easier to part with. It takes a disconnection nnotice for me to convert silver to toilet paper, kek.

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e94fcd  No.15827563

File: 1ba6db405b1bbdb⋯.jpg (104.18 KB, 500x657, 500:657, 67tz9x_1.jpg)

File: dfde872be5619d4⋯.jpg (95.24 KB, 500x628, 125:157, 67vhi.jpg)

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f39124  No.15827564

File: d626e7828ca6b8c⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 500x215, 100:43, sparklin44.gif)

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f5cad4  No.15827565

File: 0b85e2281a42ddd⋯.png (479.83 KB, 768x575, 768:575, ClipboardImage.png)

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0bedb5  No.15827566


>How about making it an automatic expulsion from one's taxpayer-funded job if convicted of lying to the public?

They should be so lucky, to only be expelled.

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d5cf3a  No.15827567


Trump has them on tape telling him lies.

Not his fault.

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8be1ea  No.15827568


Ukraine’s The Victor Pinchuk Foundation had donated $29 MILLION to ClintonFoundation

This is according to the foundation’s website.

Here’s an archived link: http://archive.is/ZcIl0


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d5cf3a  No.15827569


Sounds 'bout right.

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87371f  No.15827570

>>15827181 Dough

>>15827235 Ghost announcement

@ 340ish



>>15827385, >>15827396, >>15827353, >>15827396, >>15827406, >>15827486, >>15827512 Planefags Patrol

>>15827278, >>15827302, >>15827332, >>15827359, >>15827530 W.H.O. Warning - Ukraine conflict could spark apocalyptic health crisis

>>15827314 Nuland telling Rubio about Ukraine biolabs - :38 second redpill vid for sharing

>>15827320 NATO discussing a new, sixth level of combat: the “Human Domain” (Bun)

>>15827326 ICYMI: Biden issues EO paving the way for digital currency

>>15827329 United Airlines to let unvaccinated workers return

>>15827402 Russia Accuses U.S. of Covering Up Violations of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention

>>15827488 @JackPro: Has anyone pointed out the Russian invasion forces Z, V, O, A spell AZOV

>>15827497 @ShuForCongress: Ilhan Omar will NOT be re-elected. I will be replacing her

>>15827553, >>15827568 Anon dig on Clinton Foundation, Pinchuk, Omnibus Bill, Atlantic Counsel and moar

Call out Additions, Subtractions, Omissions


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e29919  No.15827571


>How could one even know without getting hypnotized himself?

I think autists are resistant to hypnotism in general. I've observed professional hypnotists performing. They'll say, "watch the pendant" or some such distraction, and anon looks around to see who's watching the pendant, notices the air currents, watches the expression on the hypnotist's face, etc. Then the hypnotist will try to implant a suggestion, such as, "you're very relaxed. You're getting sleepy." Thisanon will think loudly in my head, "no, I'm not. You're lying to me; you have no idea what's going on in my brain." Result: I observe other audience members responding to the hypnotism, but never accept any of the attempted implant suggestions, so not hypnotized.

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8611d2  No.15827573

File: ce07632c7ccbef3⋯.jpg (68.05 KB, 1163x728, 1163:728, ce07632c7ccbef3f9f9539dc8b….jpg)

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8e6cb8  No.15827574

File: f868b36dcb202d7⋯.png (334.18 KB, 442x372, 221:186, f868b36dcb202d7186b5c426f2….png)


got to think legal eagle on this one.

rubio's question did not implicate the US

nuland's answer did not implicate the US

they are both using words extremely careful as to not claim any ownership.

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8be1ea  No.15827575

File: cf76dc9366525b2⋯.png (57.11 KB, 607x856, 607:856, asfsdfsa.png)








I suspect this is some money laundering type of scheme. IMF gives to Ukraine -> Ukraine funnels to Pinchuk -> Pinchuk gives to Clintons

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326c6b  No.15827576

File: 98b7eba478b5811⋯.png (927.08 KB, 887x999, 887:999, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f22ab  No.15827577

File: 201495b7e18bf61⋯.png (285.26 KB, 659x918, 659:918, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 6f4670845841728⋯.png (190.34 KB, 673x508, 673:508, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_1….png)

File: feadedc231bf792⋯.png (61.85 KB, 654x137, 654:137, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_1….png)

Quick search for four horsement in the news.

Whole bunch of 'Four Horsemen stuff popping up in the news over the last week or so.

Stories look to be unrelated yet they all use the Four Horsemen line.



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d5cf3a  No.15827578

File: db4b6f5b6a8b3a8⋯.png (947.25 KB, 1169x6371, 1169:6371, db4b6f5b6a8b3a8b782f2a9cc5….png)



Just co intel pro

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e4e931  No.15827579

File: 6fab69842e1f2b5⋯.jpg (20.47 KB, 400x460, 20:23, 1e76277cb11d16c877a2ba70af….jpg)


>they are both using words extremely careful as to not claim any ownership

Anon gets kabuki theater as it applies to politics.

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100e9e  No.15827580

File: ad9c9c8f0b8b6cd⋯.jpg (13.47 KB, 193x255, 193:255, bfebf55068ffcf55771264a374….jpg)

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ca1f85  No.15827581

Another day in clown world begins…

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ebf49c  No.15827582


person color

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0bedb5  No.15827583


Brainwashed targets are not “choosing” shitall.

Not yelling at you, anon… but PLEASE stop trying to say people had a ‘choice’ in this shitshow. Most people could see no other course, especially with the incessant propaganda and compounding social and family virtue-pressure.

A SMALL number of people knew what they were refusing to participate in going along with… and paid a very high price, and risked even more than can be said.

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314186  No.15827584

Does Ukraine accidentally release it all in its data transfer?

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100e9e  No.15827585

File: 6828c0f59259c46⋯.png (10.7 KB, 255x187, 15:11, 2a729a26d6ba0916281f4dfe70….png)

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314186  No.15827586

“ Do not love the world or the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, sensual lust, enticement for the eyes, and a pretentious life, is not from the Father but is from the world. Yet the world and its enticement are passing away. But whoever does the will of God remains forever."

–1 John 2:15-17

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d88229  No.15827587


Roger that, over under…

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aed5f8  No.15827588

File: e48ba37f0909000⋯.png (404.03 KB, 1022x563, 1022:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9aa1824e79ad62⋯.png (477.44 KB, 927x723, 309:241, ClipboardImage.png)

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af609e  No.15827589

File: b4d28591efceecf⋯.jpg (75.91 KB, 500x555, 100:111, b4d28591efceecfab3220ce210….jpg)


CodeMonkey chose to run and I think it a bad decision for him but it's his decision nobody else's so I got to support CodeMonkey that id the way it is around here.

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314186  No.15827590


Where your focus goes, your energy flows. It’s as easy as that.

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d5cf3a  No.15827591


That Fox.

Says right on the map.

Their Pentagon correspondent is MIC warhawk with a false narrative.

Doesn't even show Ru pincer movement.

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100e9e  No.15827592

File: e168fee9c406935⋯.png (18.53 KB, 238x255, 14:15, 748e66e6b5051d0995f09a6785….png)

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d88229  No.15827593


Of course they had a choice. I am a nurse who works for a CMS facility and I still had a choice, I remain employed and unvaccinated…

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8be1ea  No.15827594








By John Helmer, Moscow

What do Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton, Anders Aslund, Steven Pifer, the Peterson Institute for International Economics, and the Brookings Institution have in common? Answer: they drink unpasteurised milk from the Ukraine. Lots of it.

How damaging this may be for the health depends on how Victor Pinchuk (image left, right), the Ukrainian pipemaker, responds to filings in the Moscow Arbitrazh Court. Reported publicly this week, the court papers suggest that through companies registered in Cyprus, Pinchuk milked about $200 million from the Rossiya Insurance Company in Moscow. For the time being, the Russian court action is a civil one, and seeks repayment by Pinchuk’s East One holding and related companies. If Pinchuk doesn’t repay, Cyprus, European Union, and US court action, alleging conspiracy to defraud, is likely to follow. Pinchuk’s innocence should be assumed in the meantime. Drinking raw milk, however, carries a contamination risk.

clintonAudited public records reveal that the Clinton family consumed at least $13 million from Pinchuk between 2006 and the end of 2012. Pinchuk’s foundation hasn’t released its accounts for 2013 or the first half of 2014, so the Clinton (right) total is likely to have grown. The Clinton Foundation will not explain the multi-million dollar discrepancy between what Pinchuk says he’s been paying, and what the Clintons claim to have been receiving, so there’s no telling how much extra has been taken by the Clintons in expense-paid trips and speaking fees.

The Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) in Washington claims it is “an independent, private, nonprofit institution for rigorous, intellectually honest study and open discussion of international economic policy. Its work is made possible by financial support from a highly diverse group of philanthropic foundations, private corporations, and interested individuals.” The institute also claims that the “sources of financial support for the Institute have been listed annually on the PIIE website since June 2013. All Institute books, Policy Briefs, and working papers acknowledge any direct funding sources, and web pages for these publications provide links to underlying data files to demonstrate the independence of analysis.”

In fact, the institute’s list of its donors doesn’t identify Pinchuk. The record of the institute’s employment of Aslund (below) to write on Ukraine is lengthy too, but there is no mention that Pinchuk has been footing the bill. Aslund’s tribute to Pinchuk’s father-in-law, ex-president Leonid Kuchma, identifies the Peterson Institute as owner of the copyright. “Whatever happened under [Kuchma’s] rule,” Aslund and the institute have declared, “he created a functioning democracy. One reflection of Ukraine’s democratic strength is that both Kuchma and his predecessor, Leonid Kravchuk, remain public personalities. Kuchma’s 70th birthday is an opportunity to celebrate his contributions. Few people have done so much for their country.”

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bf5cc7  No.15827595

File: 150aaa49a8f7233⋯.png (496.33 KB, 927x674, 927:674, rzeszow_1.png)

File: c618d5d987ec19b⋯.png (20.38 KB, 945x342, 105:38, Rzeszow_2.png)


Has anyone ever heard of Rzeszow before today?

"But Rzeszów may soon also be welcoming visitors of another kind: Ukrainian fighter pilots."


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8ef99e  No.15827596




Read the comments on this blind item. I've read many of these blind items on crazydaysandnights. Most of them were about the people who took advantage in hollywood, so the crowd that reads these are typical conspiracy researchers. Notice how it's almost like trolls are paid to turn on anyone tying this to something larger than a structural collapse? I don't see that often in the comments of sites like this. It's almost like this was important and they didn't want people looking into it so they paid jidf to shill if anyone raised questions or dug on this one.

Building had a lot of older jewish families, questions get attacked, McAfee died the day prior. Just interesting to me.

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f5cad4  No.15827597

File: 4c431138c5cdcb1⋯.png (398.07 KB, 500x555, 100:111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9313561468afb2f⋯.png (178.26 KB, 500x604, 125:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07411a79f35b0ec⋯.png (143.46 KB, 557x599, 557:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7f6451aa36889f⋯.png (67.67 KB, 536x679, 536:679, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a1a627e69e6265⋯.png (203.92 KB, 500x853, 500:853, ClipboardImage.png)


can you connect to Gregory Milne?






QDROP CONNECTION AND WIKILEAKS - Main Qposts 4782 and 3611.

28 post(s) found containing "ukraine".


22 post(s) found containing "clinton foundation".



John Moynihan and Lawerence W. Doyle on the Mike Moore Paine podcast link below - They have all the receipts on the Clinton foundation and testified in front of congress - podcast below, forward to them speaking most is filler. all 3 parts link below plus image cap !!


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26bbc5  No.15827598

File: 4f41ae8147830ed⋯.jpg (266.49 KB, 540x345, 36:23, jussie_changed.jpg)

Will there be justice, today?

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e4e931  No.15827599

File: 0771b277089c117⋯.jpg (89.41 KB, 728x896, 13:16, xv1iqwst62h31.jpg)


Yet it is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succor of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.

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2e64a9  No.15827600

File: 6fd3f97f7679a78⋯.png (308.37 KB, 583x667, 583:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27b5c3211059323⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, NYT.mp4)

BREAKING: @NYTimes Reporter @AllMattNYT Discusses CIA/NSA Sources Involved With Trump “Pee Tape” Allegations Which “Of Course Doesn’t Exist”; Admits "Crazier leftist sh*t" & “Bad Faith” Reporting Getting “Worse” Within The Times



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d88229  No.15827601


I dont doubt that at all, I believe the issue was Trump didnt endorse him.

(because he will lose and Trump doesn't endorse losers)

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d5cf3a  No.15827602


Military can an is infiltraited.

Proof everywhere.

Some vets need deep deprograming.

Long hard process.

Everyone running needs a dig and vetted.

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7e57a7  No.15827603


very few in the hierarchy have decision-making power. so most are unable to change it and keep their heads down so they don't lose their jobs.

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f5cad4  No.15827604

File: be1cbf5ec8d1385⋯.png (893 KB, 719x1066, 719:1066, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 362fbd761323a77⋯.png (1.19 MB, 718x1321, 718:1321, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb558de7fc49082⋯.png (1.05 MB, 720x1262, 360:631, ClipboardImage.png)





Note: will archive this post, but what about klaus

The reason why kelensky has the worlds leaders, corporations and media on his side.

Interesting none the less, especially his cabinet and the positions.




Note: Start a 4 minutes in and he lists the cabinet members exactly on the screen cap posted. So confirmation that this is correct, with the help of Klaus and his contacts they took over the ukraine parliment with a bunch of media actors and comedians. cos why not, people were so fucked off might as well make it funny while they take the rest - colbert, kimmel and co is a comparison. !!



Investigation Reveals Zelenskiy's Alleged Movers and Shakers

19 April, 2019 3394

The first deputy head of the presidential administration will be Serhiy Trofimov who until now has been the executive producer of Zelenskyy’s Kvartal 95 production company. Other deputy heads of the administration include Yuriy Kostyuk (a member of the creative team of the election campaign and former scriptwriter for Kvartal 95's TV series and films), Ruslan Ryaboshapka (who before joining Zelenskyy’s election campaign worked at the National Agency on Corruption Prevention) and Kyrylo Tymoshenko (a founder of Good Media production company and member of Zelenskyy’s inaugural committee).




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e4e931  No.15827605



>Muh pension

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2e64a9  No.15827606

File: 4a0f6f19dd01be2⋯.png (33.49 KB, 590x207, 590:207, ClipboardImage.png)

JUST IN - Beijing to retaliate with "serious response" if the US slaps sanctions on China over Ukraine, Chinese FM Spokesman Zhao Lijian vows.


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08ea6f  No.15827607


There once was a groupin' from Lupine

Who harvested , sheltered fruit loopin'

You do not have to like me



are in all honesty, I am tryin' to figure out a wayof not doin' that actually

HELPFUL suggestions would be welcomed

Sits on nuclear football (gently) and cradles head in hands … gingerly

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314186  No.15827608


Victim mentality runs rampant in our nation.

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bb3e0c  No.15827609

File: bf06b7a47fd57f3⋯.png (131.32 KB, 396x327, 132:109, ralph3c.png)


>G'Mornin' Ralph… Please pass a fine cup of your Covfefe.

Fresh pot of Covfefe coming up.

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e4e931  No.15827610


Too bad JOETUS doesn't have the balls or the brains to call the bluff. Missed opportunity for China to lose face.

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d88229  No.15827611


Because somewhere along the line someone said life should be fair…

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73049d  No.15827612


Easy of single with no kids yeah?!

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f5cad4  No.15827613

File: f22abee893a67ce⋯.png (821.61 KB, 944x576, 59:36, ClipboardImage.png)


>What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.

Dubs chek'ed

only if haarp is destroyed.

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76dae9  No.15827614


Member when they found the titanic? What were they really looking for?

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c9b661  No.15827615

File: 7bc11f42191bf1d⋯.png (597.67 KB, 669x474, 223:158, oprah_sean.png)

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bb3e0c  No.15827616

File: 96b6fc28c224378⋯.png (167.8 KB, 729x638, 729:638, 96b6fc28c224378394801fc200….png)




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2e64a9  No.15827617

File: 94c73cd545cc0f7⋯.png (413.59 KB, 625x680, 125:136, ClipboardImage.png)

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08ea6f  No.15827618


You can have really big booms just keep talkin' like that

Angels play Haarps Anon

i might be dark , however , i am still an Angel

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ebf49c  No.15827619

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e4e931  No.15827620


In Titanic's case, gold. A shit-ton of gold.

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2e64a9  No.15827621

File: d80437fab0879df⋯.png (378.64 KB, 680x338, 340:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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f5cad4  No.15827622

File: 605f91d597ea668⋯.png (65.52 KB, 399x328, 399:328, ClipboardImage.png)


yep that is when it gets difficult.

most gen x have been separated or got wise to the female hypergamy game

females are notoriously fickle and weak to their emotions and needs.

Especially when the state backs them up.

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bf5cc7  No.15827623

File: 4ad372870bc0b85⋯.png (549.74 KB, 1021x594, 1021:594, CTM0009.png)

File: 3a3d2c6df7d51ab⋯.png (519.11 KB, 975x506, 975:506, GAF832.png)


Rzeszow is becoming a popular destination for movers and shakers.

GAF832, a German military transport is on approach to Rzeszow airport, and CTM0009, a French military VIP plane has just landed there.

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73049d  No.15827624


It’s part of the plan your not married with kids. Thank you

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e29919  No.15827625


Speculation: the next attack on the USA will come through Canada, perpetrated by the CCP, and possibly then blamed on Putin. Type of attack: cyber-related, aimed at crashing the banking system. Basis for speculation: past publications by WEF mouthpiece, Jacques Attali (I call him "Attila").

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d88229  No.15827626


Maybe Trump trusted them, maybe people ought not have done that…

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ff7cfb  No.15827627

I say we DECLAS everything now, no matter how the cards fall. It could cause war but it is time for the truth. Get on with it. We will recover in a better place.

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6f22ab  No.15827628


ADSB being hinky showing the French VIP Falcon jet as a sub-hunter Atlantique.

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d5cf3a  No.15827629


True, but 5hose who watch still asleep know the msm as a whole lies, they will Google qanon and see all the lies about Qanon?

Depends how good they at critical thinking.

Based will ignore the far fetched, but will roll with Durham truths.

At least he put it out there on a subject not centered on hollyweird.

Might make sheep open their eyes beyond Qanon centered on pizzagate.

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9b8469  No.15827630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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87371f  No.15827631

>>15827181 Dough

>>15827235 Ghost announcement

@ 400 - Collector leaving - Will Update dough for potential Ghost bake



>>15827385, >>15827396, >>15827353, >>15827396, >>15827406, >>15827486, >>15827512, >>15827595, >>15827623 Planefags Patrol

>>15827278, >>15827302, >>15827332, >>15827359, >>15827530 W.H.O. Warning - Ukraine conflict could spark apocalyptic health crisis

>>15827314 Nuland telling Rubio about Ukraine biolabs - :38 second redpill vid for sharing

>>15827320 NATO discussing a new, sixth level of combat: the “Human Domain” (Bun)

>>15827326 ICYMI: Biden issues EO paving the way for digital currency

>>15827329 United Airlines to let unvaccinated workers return

>>15827402 Russia Accuses U.S. of Covering Up Violations of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention

>>15827488 @JackPro: Has anyone pointed out the Russian invasion forces Z, V, O, A spell AZOV

>>15827497 @ShuForCongress: Ilhan Omar will NOT be re-elected. I will be replacing her

>>15827594 Anon dig on Clinton Foundation, Pinchuk, Omnibus Bill, Atlantic Council and moar

>>15827577 'Four Horsemen' in the news - comms?

>>15827600 @NYT reporter discusses CIA/NSA sources

>>15827604 Archived posts for further research on Kelensky cabinet

>>15827606 JUST IN - Beijing to retaliate with "serious response" if the US slaps sanctions on China over Ukraine

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2e64a9  No.15827632

File: 239618aa138a475⋯.png (286.5 KB, 642x500, 321:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4e931  No.15827634

File: 2af3eb5a8e7d387⋯.jpg (16.99 KB, 600x468, 50:39, 2af3eb5a8e7d38768d63e8d1fa….jpg)


The US has never been less capable of projecting effective combat power than it is right now.

The hurry up and wait for declass intensifies.

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2e64a9  No.15827635

File: 26c8b18c216ec4a⋯.png (35.57 KB, 592x200, 74:25, ClipboardImage.png)



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08ea6f  No.15827636

File: 348486bb8cc7410⋯.png (746.16 KB, 1086x724, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


i just .









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e29919  No.15827637


Perhaps Codemonkey is running for office so he will have standing to take issues to court after the election, as in, "how do you (legally) introduce evidence?"

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2e64a9  No.15827638

File: 647d675411d39bd⋯.png (205.57 KB, 590x520, 59:52, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb15d1137a710f8⋯.png (342.3 KB, 960x607, 960:607, ClipboardImage.png)

Comex, we have a problem. #silver futures


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87371f  No.15827639

>>15827181 Dough

>>15827235 Ghost announcement

>>15827631 Notes @ 400

Updated Dough


~ Collector out

Please continue to collect for incoming baker!

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7e57a7  No.15827640


>anon thinks we will cos of their panic

we will because they don't produce anything.

as soon as we don't cooperate with thier retardation, they lose.

(spoiler: they lost.)

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d88229  No.15827641


Male spotted hyena…

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e4e931  No.15827642

Heels Up embarrassing the US again in presser with Polish PM. She hasn't said anything yet, she's just standing there with that stupid smile she gets when she has no clue what's going on.

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7e57a7  No.15827643

File: 026067be41449f7⋯.png (704.62 KB, 800x546, 400:273, ClipboardImage.png)

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ebf49c  No.15827644


17 booms




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76dae9  No.15827645


Batsu. Try again.

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e4e931  No.15827646


Perhaps he's just a bonkers autist doing it for the lulz. We need to start sending more shitposters to Congress.

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a516fa  No.15827647

File: f7c394db304cd92⋯.png (541.1 KB, 653x950, 653:950, ClipboardImage.png)


>6:24 AM


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0bedb5  No.15827648


Then YOU are of the small number.

MOST people DID NOT KNOW about the con of the PCR statistics, medical records fraud, news and media brainwashing…

So, dear “Nurse”…. how many people did you personally counsel TO NOT TAKE the mystery injection??????????????????????

It’s becoming ever more annoying hearing this ‘they had a choice’ shit.

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26bbc5  No.15827649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good listen…

Qanoners - bing in the head and then again crazy Qanoners - bing again in the head…

If someone will look up, what these Qanoners read - Q crumbs - they could find something interdasting in Crumb number 140…

Tucker: Why are we funding this?

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505316  No.15827650



This needs digging, it is a key to something bigger. Buildings don't just collapse on their own in America. And there were TWO that week. Clearly something was being targeted in those buildings. The media covered it up.

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08ea6f  No.15827651


Reality check

I let you in there , have never persecuted any of those who staged the entry, why would i , was a message from Jacob

His opinion appears to have changed somewhat since

Means fuck all to me and stop callin' me Pelosi

I do not power her as of 8 or 9 hours from now

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22bfb5  No.15827652

File: 89a2d90de32fbc0⋯.png (152.9 KB, 1496x781, 136:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9f19c8b932e671⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1522x1565, 1522:1565, ClipboardImage.png)


Royce White is running as well.

They've already called him a racist.


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e4e931  No.15827653


Since I'm not really that interested, I'll pass instead

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2ca12c  No.15827654

File: d5c45d69510b5bd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1580x880, 79:44, ClipboardImage.png)

So we live in NeverNever Land now.

Where magic pixie dust is going to fix the Nov. Midterms and the Dems. aren't going to cheat again.

And where the Repubs. are going to take over the House and Senate.

And they are going to impeach the guy who the Dems. cheated into the POTUS position.

Even though there have been no arrests, and no prosecutions, and no convictions that we know about, if we wish really hard, the Dems. won't cheat in the Midterms. And we will all live Happily Ever After.

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cc863d  No.15827655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Scheduled" Events for 10MAR22

0630ET: Vice President Harris Participates in a Press Availability with President Andrzej Duda

Warsaw, Poland

1245ET: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

The White House

trying to slip in an early mornin' kamala




AUDIO ONLY on kamala "trip"

Link is hot

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d88229  No.15827656


All that asked…

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d5cf3a  No.15827657



Gold will destroy the Fed with help from silver.

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cc863d  No.15827658

File: 488c4345c68be1d⋯.png (79.34 KB, 774x678, 129:113, 10MAR22_schedule2.PNG)


"Schedule" Part 2



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7e57a7  No.15827659


behold: the best they have

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d5cf3a  No.15827660


Buy you some $10k comex silver bricks today, take them home in a month.

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08ea6f  No.15827661


i do not want to return to SA, i could not get there anyway

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76dae9  No.15827662


>The absolute state of this place.


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9558e0  No.15827663

File: 5aff9ccb16b6619⋯.jpg (57.97 KB, 709x373, 709:373, pepe_hackerman_night_shift.jpg)

File: c00997fb79c3a3d⋯.png (9.3 KB, 278x283, 278:283, ClipboardImage.png)


found it anon

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22bfb5  No.15827664

File: 7ad56ce9da1d3af⋯.png (197.8 KB, 1491x942, 497:314, ClipboardImage.png)

DuckDuckGo announces it will fulfill its patriotic duty to keep harmful information from you.


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d88229  No.15827665


Have you seen the photo at the end of this bread? That will never win…

Im not being mean, Im being a realist…

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0bedb5  No.15827666


You only offered potentially life saving information, only to those who asked?

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ca1f85  No.15827667



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f5cad4  No.15827668


Tucker: nuwland help engineer a over throw of the ukraine government.


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cab4e1  No.15827669


And this is the judgment, that the light is come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light (Jesus); for their works were evil. For every one that does evil hates the light, and comes not to the light, lest his works should be reproved. But he that does the truth comes to the light, that his works may be made manifest, that they have been wrought in God. (John 3:19)

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314186  No.15827671


DuckDuckGo is arguably the worst search engine I’ve ever used. “We protect your privacy, but our search algorithms will have you headed to Google anyway!”

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e4e931  No.15827672


The absolute state indeed when some egotesticle fag demands good boy points and attention.

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d1d366  No.15827673


"Use DuckDuckGo" they said…

"They're not authoritarian like Google is"…

"They'll defend free speech"…

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6c1c57  No.15827674


which one do you use.

I just started using DDG.

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d5cf3a  No.15827675


Need anon recommended search engines.

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1cf44d  No.15827676

File: 0fd7d3888944176⋯.png (2 MB, 2000x1176, 250:147, peace_is_the_prize.png)

File: 351d18e662968f1⋯.png (370.5 KB, 597x365, 597:365, trump_ratio.png)

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d88229  No.15827677


No one asked…

I can only make decisions for myself…

What available evidence would you have had me use to support my argument?

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f9927d  No.15827678

File: 5b51c45646fa4d7⋯.jpg (72.39 KB, 720x618, 120:103, BBB_instead_Put_it_back_th….jpg)

How about you FORGET this "Build Back Better" thing and instead TRY "Put it back the way you FOUND it" thing!!!…

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e24f91  No.15827679

File: 27ddba31fb94592⋯.jpg (204.62 KB, 720x1135, 144:227, 20220310_050709.jpg)


FACT: Russia, not the United States, has a long and well-documented track record of using chemical weapons, including in attempted assassinations and poisoning of Putin’s political enemies like Alexey Navalny. #StoptheLies

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d1d366  No.15827680

File: a54b57ace8cdb16⋯.gif (9.38 MB, 350x233, 350:233, MindBlown.gif)

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326c6b  No.15827681

File: b34c80969f98464⋯.png (165.76 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Pretty nice photo

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ebf49c  No.15827682


I've been using one called Startpage

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cab4e1  No.15827683

>>15827446 The remedy for our sinful condition: Repent of our sins, and cast ourselves on Jesus.

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1e4e40  No.15827684


Good call

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e4e931  No.15827685


FACT: Anything claimed by the US State Department is a provable lie.

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8be1ea  No.15827686

>>15827594 >>15827575 >>15827568 >>15827548 >>15827553 >>15827457

>>15827424 >>15826535




March 30, 2015 – Ukraine oligarch Victor Pinchuk who donated $29 million to Clinton Foundation demands a meeting with Bill Clinton to discuss the Maidan failure

In Clinton Foundation Timeline, Email Timeline Post-Election 2016 by Katie Weddington March 30, 2015

“Wikileaks has just released another 1,135 John Podesta emails, bringing the total to 43,104 with seven days left until the November 8th US elections.

The latest release shows more Clinton Foundation pay-to-play arrangements, but not with Morocco kings or Saudi princes, but with a Ukraine oligarch.

In an email from President Clinton’s Director of Foreign Policy, Amitabh Desai, to Hillary Clinton’s inner circle (including Huma Abedin and John Podesta), we see the Clinton Foundation’s biggest donor, billionaire Victor Pinchuk, push Hillary Clinton staff to either set up a “private” meeting with Bill Clinton (aka WJC), or “bring together a few western leaders to show support for Ukraine”…with WJC present at the event to show his commitment to “the county [sic] and for him [Victor Pinchuk].”

We are betting that Pinchuk was planning on leveraging Bill Clinton’s presence to display that the future President (via her husband) was fully behind the oligarch and his faltering plan to pivot west.

The email exchange paints a picture of a Ukraine oligarch “relentlessly following up” to expose his connection to the Clinton family, given that (as Desai wrote) Pinchuk “is under Putin’s heel right now, feeling a great degree of pressure and pain for his many years of nurturing stronger ties with the West.”

It’s important to note that Pinchuk was a big supporter of the Maidan coup…a foreign policy debacle that Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland (another Hillary Clinton state department protege) helped spearhead.


January 2014 – Clintons take $13 million, Pinchuk admits to giving millions less, as Russia opens a fraud investigation into $186 million missing from Pinchuk’s auto insurance company

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8e38f3  No.15827687

File: ec8f4d2f1ca4f36⋯.gif (8.46 MB, 600x450, 4:3, rockwell.gif)



Happy Birthday George Lincoln Rockwell!

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0bedb5  No.15827688


How about the simple fact that the contents of the injection are a demonstrable MYSTERY to everyone but the super secret fuck in some lab somewhere filling the vials?

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d5cf3a  No.15827689


Well documented by 5he deepstate.

Think mirror.

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08ea6f  No.15827690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





You spent the last 2 years hiding from a non existent pathogen because the media told you to

Was the normal flu

The 'Bio' in this does not exist anymore than any of the rest of this crap

Same as i have never been vaccinated , however the 'media' tells you different and you believe them

As anon says " We are the news now "

You believe because you want to

I just wanted people not to invade my personal space anymore , the hysteria worked to get that to stop


Now you know about the 5th level weapons programs that HAVE been nurtured all over the year

trust ireland ;)

06 06



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3133b5  No.15827691

File: a6d8b888dffd59c⋯.jpg (51.89 KB, 500x739, 500:739, ffui.jpg)

File: 67033a8bfe64a02⋯.jpg (55.5 KB, 500x676, 125:169, 673r39.jpg)

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d88229  No.15827692


So we all get different ads…go to know…currently it has changed to a jar of honey for me…maybe he stepped out for a haircut…

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326c6b  No.15827693



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73f0f0  No.15827694

And the UN World Food Program to send 50billion to Ukraine…

Kamala Harris presser in Poland just now

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314186  No.15827695


A few I use:



Google when I need something quick

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d88229  No.15827696


I can't see that working anon…

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f5cad4  No.15827697

File: d91ff73f8d19974⋯.png (1.13 MB, 944x709, 944:709, ClipboardImage.png)



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f02286  No.15827698

File: 3dccbdb7334afbd⋯.png (51.48 KB, 481x562, 481:562, hm31a.png)

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2e64a9  No.15827699

File: e71da78dfe28d33⋯.png (300.07 KB, 600x447, 200:149, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c061b  No.15827700

File: 6da12a2d5aaaa0c⋯.jpg (61.28 KB, 947x706, 947:706, DXIcW5XX4AYgDgn.jpg)


>Royce White is running as well.

>They've already called him a racist.

Because middle-aged hyphenated Jewish bitches are the ultimate arbiters of all things racial

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0bedb5  No.15827701


So you administer The Injection anyway?

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e4e931  No.15827702

File: 81b8a616afbf704⋯.gif (468.64 KB, 464x352, 29:22, 81b8a616afbf7043f52b0f6ae7….gif)

Wife Beater Putin is one of the most poorly made memes I've ever seen.

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56e1b5  No.15827703

File: 3e9e6a0d653b201⋯.jpg (12.59 MB, 9000x5500, 18:11, RussianFlag.jpg)

File: c2192d4293dccff⋯.jpg (759.92 KB, 1201x1237, 1201:1237, RussianFlagCloseUp.jpg)

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046673  No.15827704

File: d917b1545936102⋯.jpg (308.42 KB, 1809x1357, 1809:1357, Doge_Meets_Vladmir_Putin_I….jpg)

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d88229  No.15827705


I have never personally administered a Covid vax…

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2ca12c  No.15827706


The Cog Dis that will make heads explode when we find out that everything in our life time has been a lie.

Exploding heads will send 99% of us to the hospital?

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1cf44d  No.15827707


kek. is that right? #stopthelies topkek hashtag.

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6c1c57  No.15827708


This SOPHMORIC tweet, is a "hand in the cookie jar" response.

THIS BOARD is the reason (their) playbook is failing.

(they) cant keep up with all the TRUTH coming out!

Its shows how UNoriginal (they) are.

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0bedb5  No.15827709


Good for you.

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1d4663  No.15827710

File: 1529531bb4c1be2⋯.jpg (97.79 KB, 1159x581, 1159:581, jkh.JPG)

File: 029968a819ccb86⋯.jpg (93.95 KB, 1135x398, 1135:398, dsx.JPG)

File: e104945cc377073⋯.jpg (58.51 KB, 646x408, 19:12, de.JPG)

File: 2ed5382dc29eb33⋯.jpeg (1013.92 KB, 1234x8614, 617:4307, Web_capture_10_3_2022_620….jpeg)

The Falcon and the Dragon

The Hayabusa and the Ryugu/Ryujin

Pristine asteroid Ryugu contains amino acids that are building blocks of life

By Tereza Pultarova published about 14 hours ago

Samples from asteroid Ryugu are the most pristine pieces of our solar system ever studied and contain amino acids that could have given rise to life on Earth.

Scientists studying the samples, brought to Earth in December 2020 by Japan's Hayabusa 2 mission, released results of a lengthy chemical analysis at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2022, which takes place in Texas and virtually this week. The samples, collected from the surface and subsurface of asteroid Ruygu in 2018 and 2019, reveal what the near-Earth asteroid is made of, providing insights into the earliest days of the formation of our solar system.

Hayabusa 2 collected 5.4 grams of rocky grains from Ryugu during two sampling touchdowns. While the first touchdown focused on samples from Ryugu's surface, the second used an impactor to create a small crater and stir up material from beneath the asteroid's surface, which was then captured by the probe.

Dust from asteroids, such as Ryugu, may have brought seeds of life to Earth.

Samples from asteroid Ryugu are the most pristine pieces of our solar system ever studied and contain amino acids that could have given rise to life on Earth.

Scientists studying the samples, brought to Earth in December 2020 by Japan's Hayabusa 2 mission, released results of a lengthy chemical analysis at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2022, which takes place in Texas and virtually this week. The samples, collected from the surface and subsurface of asteroid Ruygu in 2018 and 2019, reveal what the near-Earth asteroid is made of, providing insights into the earliest days of the formation of our solar system.

Hayabusa 2 collected 5.4 grams of rocky grains from Ryugu during two sampling touchdowns. While the first touchdown focused on samples from Ryugu's surface, the second used an impactor to create a small crater and stir up material from beneath the asteroid's surface, which was then captured by the probe.

"The Ryugu material is the most primitive material in the solar system we have ever studied," Hisayoshi Yurimoto, a geoscience professor at Hokkaido University, Japan, and leader of the initial chemical analysis team of the Hayabusa 2 mission, said at the conference.

Ruygu, Yurimoto said, is a CI chondrite asteroid, a type of stony carbon-rich asteroid with a chemical composition that is the most similar to that of the sun. These asteroids, rich in water and organic material, are a possible source of the seeds of life delivered to the nascent Earth billions of years ago.

But the samples from Ryugu are somewhat different compared to the other CI chondrites that the researchers have seen previously, those that have been found on Earth as meteorites. The Ryugy samples appear more "primitive" and have a chemical composition that is more similar to the material of the early solar system, Yurimoto added. That is because they were not changed by interactions with Earth's environment,



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c53dc1  No.15827711

We have to be close now.

Release of all the advanced Technology that has been purposely kept from us.

We need to keep pushing, change this world.

We volunteered to help and agreed to help prior to incarnation.

Break their Matrix, smash their illusion.

End this slavery of humanity

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1d4663  No.15827712


A team lead by Hiroshi Naraoka, of Kyushu University in Japan, which looked for organic matter in the samples from Ryugu, said in another paper presented at the conference that the Ruygu fragments contained more carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen than other known carbonaceous chondrite asteroids.

The analysis by Naraoka and his team also found more than ten types of amino acids in the samples, including glycine and L-alanine, which are the building blocks of proteins that living organisms produce based on their DNA code.

"We detected various prebiotic organic compounds in the samples, including proteinogenic amino acids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons similar to terrestrial petroleum, and various nitrogen compounds," Naraoka said in his presentation. "These prebiotic organic molecules can spread throughout the solar system, potentially as interplanetary dust from the Ruygu surface by impact or other causes."

Scientists have known that CI chondrite asteroids contain amino acids including glycine and alanine since 2001 when an analysis of a meteorite known as Ivuna, which landed in Tanzania 1938, revealed their presence.

Due to the absence of weather and tectonic processes, the material in asteroids and its chemical composition has barely changed since the bodies were "born" in the early days of our solar system. Ancient space rocks, such as Ruygu, therefore enable scientists to peer into the past. By studying pieces of asteroids up-close, researchers can understand how the organic matter which now forms the basis of all life on Earth sprung into being from the molecular cloud that gave rise to the solar system some 4.6 billion years ago and how it evolved so long ago.


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f5cad4  No.15827713

File: 90680d46650561b⋯.png (1.19 MB, 944x526, 472:263, ClipboardImage.png)


We have everything

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e4e931  No.15827714


Is it more likely that anons converted a DS media shill to the truth, or that he's running a subtle grift for window lickers who follow him for ratings?

Car insurance and diabeetus testing supplies don't sell themselves.

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13515b  No.15827715


How about this gets implemented all the way back to before the birth certificate stole our lives for their benefit?

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b80a30  No.15827716


I've often thought of Nazis as NotSees…they do not see the harm in their bigoted hatred of anything different from them. There are many genocidal notsees on this board "begging" for the destruction of others in the name of "being right" (righteousness).

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8e38f3  No.15827718

File: 96f21482cc8239f⋯.mp4 (106.91 KB, 260x332, 65:83, ggtztztztz45.mp4)


(((They))) Jewdy!

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d5cf3a  No.15827719




Start page





12.59 MB for a flag pic.

How insane

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f5cad4  No.15827720

File: 1f3222dce020a94⋯.png (1014.32 KB, 944x521, 944:521, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8e3807c8e4c545⋯.png (1.14 MB, 944x716, 236:179, ClipboardImage.png)



lets try that again

We have everything

but the media is corrupt.

they hold all the communication channels

and so the reach to the public.

see how it works.

The media is the enemy of the people

Breitbart and trump Quote


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7e57a7  No.15827721

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c6f16c  No.15827722

If your prayer life has gone stale or you’ve yet to experience the joy of having a strong one, try again or start today.

Dig, Meme, Pray.

The greatest of these is Pray. God bless anons.

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2ca12c  No.15827723


How about I NeverNever vote again until the election fraud is fixed?

Or I could keep hitting my head against the wall just to see if it hurts every single time I hit it.

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b80a30  No.15827724


No. Press that is critical of the government is treated as traitorous…an outdated monarchical idea of loyalty to one's "King" or State over truth and accuracy.

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08ea6f  No.15827725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I am showing you the mystery Anon

Cardboard guns

isnot only a "Hi " moment , I am SHOWING you

I won't be too mysterious in about 8 or 9 hours time

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28e7ec  No.15827726

File: f52ba0c50214a48⋯.mp4 (10.89 MB, 422x226, 211:113, 10MAR22_harris1.mp4)



vidcap for record


Hoes in Poland

Part 1/3

-13.6 Billion (there's that 136 again. chkt)

-Patriot Batteries to Poland

spin dat shit Sciutto!



she seem nervous? kek

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e4e931  No.15827727

Kamel Toe has greasy transatlantic bedhead this morning.

How visually unappealing. Imagine the smell.

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bf5cc7  No.15827728


Planefag Summary of activity around Rzeszow, Poland

Gulfstream GLF5 - PAT78, out of JAB Andrews, carrying Kamala, lands at Rzeszow at 0238 EST.

US Army Blackhawk DUKE43 takes off from the airport about 0259 EST and heads southeast toward the Ukrainian border.

DUKE43 drops off ADSB at 0327 five miles from Ukrainian border.

GLF5 PAT78 wheels up heading to Warsaw at 0330 EST.

PAT78 lands in Warsaw at 0404 EST.

REDEYE6, E-8C command and control 737 starts orbiting north of Rzeszow at 0535 EST

DUKE43 reappears on the screen, coming back from the Ukrainian border at 0527 EST.

US ARmy Blackhawk EVAC01 orbits 10 miles north of Rzeszow about 0535 EST

CFC3636, Canadian transport, heads in forf a landing at Rzeszow at 0602 EST

PLF243, Polish surveillance plane orbits north of Rzeszow about 0600 EST

N108MS, private charter 737 owned by Sheldon Adelson, coming from Tel Aviv, lands at Rzeszow at 0610 EST

CTM0009, French Dassault military VIP plane lands at the airport at 0644 EST

GAF832, German Military Transport lands at the airport at 0649 EST.

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28e7ec  No.15827729

File: 0aa44e3471dc4c9⋯.mp4 (10.94 MB, 422x226, 211:113, 10MAR22_harris2.mp4)


Part 2/3


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d5cf3a  No.15827730


Always vote, more chances to catch 5he fraud if they implement it.

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28e7ec  No.15827731

File: 76349248bcd8a20⋯.mp4 (10.9 MB, 422x226, 211:113, 10MAR22_harris3.mp4)


Part 3/3


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ff7cfb  No.15827732

What’s up with the world leaders?

They give the impression of stupid obvious puppets nowadays.

Acting the fool and pushing fear.

WHO is back in the news pushing massive deaths, we gonna have to put up with this shit again?

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93c1d0  No.15827733

File: cda9ce3297cafc4⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 900x583, 900:583, 904854209549756497563465.jpg)

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2ca12c  No.15827734


I pray for divine intervention into this mess we call life.

Because the best laid plans of men will fail with the help of God.

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b4640a  No.15827735

File: ad3c09f6a2ce9ae⋯.png (80.34 KB, 560x719, 560:719, Screenshot_2022_03_04_at_0….png)

File: afd6b137fb1158d⋯.png (365.7 KB, 942x333, 314:111, Screenshot_2022_03_04_at_0….png)


…Space chemistry, it seems.

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e72045  No.15827736


Instead of going back to work, the workers should sue United into bankruptcy and retire.

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f5cad4  No.15827737

File: 507864e1c6e1eaf⋯.png (1.32 MB, 879x878, 879:878, ClipboardImage.png)


thank you for that

anon needed just this post.

a break from the heavy stuff


last pepe for bedhead

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1d4663  No.15827738

File: 70b0b0a8d911e9b⋯.jpg (421.57 KB, 2000x3000, 2:3, Falcon_Heavy_3k.jpg)

File: 7f6a2a8d507db31⋯.jpg (114.95 KB, 480x640, 3:4, R_1_.jpg)

File: 9f2030b895fe3a7⋯.jpg (101.54 KB, 948x1200, 79:100, R.jpg)

File: 42564b9123f74eb⋯.jpg (11.98 KB, 236x180, 59:45, OIP_1_.jpg)


The Hayabusa 2 samples revealed that Ryugu, as we see it today, was born from a collision that shattered its parent asteroid and turned it into what scientists call a rubble pile, a loose collection of rocks and pebbles held together just by the power of gravity, a team led by Tomoki Nakamura of Tohoku University, Japan, said in another paper presented at the conference.

As the crystals found in the samples contain a lot of water, the parent asteroid of Ryugu must have formed "outside the CO2 [carbon dioxide] and H2O [water] snowlines," Nakamura and his colleagues said in the paper. A snowline is a distance from the emerging star where the temperature is cold enough for volatile compounds (such as water and carbon dioxide) to condense into solid ice grains.

The presence of water somewhat altered the chemical composition of Ruygu some 5.2 million years after the birth of the solar system, leading to the creation of the mineral dolomite, the researchers added.

3 of 3

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e4e931  No.15827739



For the purposes of verifying timelines later.

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7e57a7  No.15827740

File: b696a6a4f2180b2⋯.png (1.13 MB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e752d85e138002⋯.png (257.8 KB, 378x900, 21:50, ClipboardImage.png)


green is not a creative color.

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0bedb5  No.15827741


I’ll make a nice dinner snack and draw a beer.

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c9b661  No.15827742

File: 944ae5a64f4e82a⋯.png (295.37 KB, 732x410, 366:205, insanity.png)


>How about I NeverNever vote again until the election fraud is fixed?

>Or I could keep hitting my head against the wall just to see if it hurts every single time I hit it.

Voting is insanity?

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a6b02e  No.15827743


One statement made under oath under penalty of law. The other not. Doesn't take a genius to know which statement is most likely true.

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8be1ea  No.15827744








Loaded with info…


January 1, 2010 - the Clinton Foundation incorrectly reports to the IRS that it received zero in funds from foreign and U.S. governments

2010 - 2014: Clinton charities ignore law requiring them to disclose millions from foreign donors

January 29, 2010 - Clinton friend, Laura Silsby, and child trafficking in Haiti

March 2010 - A federal agency (OPIC) rushes to approve funding for a Clinton donor’s sham Haiti recovery project that ends up defrauding the U.S. government out of millions

May 17, 2010 - The Clinton State Department, Foundation officials, Bill Clinton, Haiti, and a $53 million Smartmatic deal that can do "successful elections"

June 2012 - Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, is invited to the Clintons home during the final year of her secretary of state tenure

September 13, 2012: Libya’s president seeks to meet Bill Clinton at a Clinton Foundation event just two days after the Benghazi terrorist attack

October 10, 2012 - 2019: Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein’s company TerraMar is financially supported by Clinton Foundation

January 2014 - Clintons take $13 million, Pinchuk admits to giving millions less, as Russia opens a fraud investigation into $186 million missing from Pinchuk's auto insurance company

March 2014 – January 2015: The Clintons bag at least $3.4 million for 18 speeches funded by Keystone Pipeline banks

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1e4e40  No.15827745


> hitting my head against the wall

Still trying to determine if this is a viable option. Will report back with any new developments.

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6c1c57  No.15827746


WHO? exactly is going to catch (them)?






This anon thinks the W H had PLENY of opportunity to "catch them red handed"

No need for more.

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26bbc5  No.15827747

File: b7170af75f19518⋯.png (332.46 KB, 1000x300, 10:3, IdontRecall.png)

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2ca12c  No.15827748


The fraud has been caught.

The problem is that nothing has been done about it.

The Dems. are laughing their asses off at us.

Keep voting, next time your vote will count, we promise it will. HaHaHa

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f02286  No.15827749


I agree.

Willingly participating in a farce lends credibility to the farce and delays any hope of remedy. We have already tried to overwhelm the cheat with numbers and that clearly did not work. It is best to stop wasting time by letting things collapse. Time is the people's enemy.

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d5cf3a  No.15827750


Start at 5he bottom.

Become a poll watcher yourself.

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2e64a9  No.15827751

File: c9ae913e5c01d06⋯.png (682.79 KB, 457x800, 457:800, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f22ab  No.15827752

File: ebc2f1fab62604c⋯.png (69.36 KB, 1094x368, 547:184, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_1….png)


Exercise SABER STRIKE 22 running 24th Jan-1st Apr

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Norway


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6cc913  No.15827753

File: 26765aa3f08db08⋯.png (90.19 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e57a7  No.15827754


conspiracy theory to truth was 6 months a few weeks ago.

it appears we're down to 4 days now.

March Madness(TM)

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47c45a  No.15827755



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7a3dc3  No.15827756

File: c343d334d5d94ee⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 500x248, 125:62, test44.gif)


green this morning

always good to see

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93c1d0  No.15827757

File: fead058838f58f0⋯.png (424.84 KB, 543x362, 3:2, 93845703452704957204357204.PNG)


>We have already tried to overwhelm the cheat with numbers and that clearly did not work.

Yes it did. They went over the top.

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08ea6f  No.15827758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You would probably enjoy a beer poured Anon



Arty Miss


Bein' stripped naked is not fun

and honestly

i'm not goin' to be able to get outta this state until the endof 2022

yeah Nah

i'm a move tomorrow

Did you know the Pleadies have 6 faces

interdastin' yes ?

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2ca12c  No.15827759


Maybe that is The Plan.

Put the most ridiculous people in power so that even the lowest IQ individual can see that the whole system is rigged from top to bottom.

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6c1c57  No.15827760


Love your grit anon but this NEST needs to be eradicated.

Once and for all.

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7bc0c9  No.15827761


>"Voting is insanity?"

Really? Is that a real question? You literally think after 2020 election it's actually worth going out to vote? You can't even bring up election fraud, and those in charge won't allow an investigation. The wife and I won't be wasting our time again. If they steal it once they can steal it again.

Now, I will say allot can change between now and midterms. Tide needs to shift pretty hard for me to get out this time.

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4b27cc  No.15827762

Flint you little jewpussy, are you busy again?

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d5cf3a  No.15827763


2000 mules, or did anon forget so soon?

Sry you are blackpilled.

Was it suppository?

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7b79b4  No.15827764

File: c694accd3fcd1f8⋯.png (120.22 KB, 500x500, 1:1, c694accd3fcd1f805734080f5b….png)

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47c45a  No.15827765

Russian MFA announced withdrawal from Council of Europe

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70c775  No.15827766


>she seem nervous? kek

Indeed she does.

KEK x2

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660789  No.15827767

File: 72b26ff57da466e⋯.png (292.83 KB, 299x816, 299:816, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_0….png)

File: 04ba66885b8d54a⋯.jpg (518.04 KB, 877x1170, 877:1170, 6f09b540cd7fb34e.jpg)


So Devine Nunes is Calling out the Q?


Where is @DanScavino tonight? He supposed to be testing TRUTH posts and I can’t find him. Is he hanging out with @Kash and @q?

and that goat - Greatest of All Time?

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4b27cc  No.15827768

File: 1b2a8bc39ee6d9c⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 600x450, 4:3, jewmedia.gif)

File: 48d8b61c41593fe⋯.gif (837.03 KB, 600x450, 4:3, covid_is_jewish.gif)

Flint you little jewpussy, are you busy again?

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e70f81  No.15827769



Careful. You might start a slide.

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2ca12c  No.15827770


What the fuck are you talking about, 2000 mules?

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47c45a  No.15827771

File: 16dcc0ac1194771⋯.png (276.1 KB, 680x384, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)


I have announced a full asset freeze and travel ban on seven more of Russia's wealthiest and most influential oligarchs, including Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska. We will not stop in this mission to ramp up pressure on the Putin regime. 👇

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0bedb5  No.15827772


The “You must vote harder next time to catch them in their cheating”-anon may or may not comprehend adhesion.

Participation ALONE is all that is needed to bind the participants to the outcome, fraud or not. When one’s vote is fraudulently switched to the criminals… the criminals get to decide if the crime should be investigated… every time.

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93c1d0  No.15827774

File: 2da3725e26d52e8⋯.jpg (97.74 KB, 876x847, 876:847, 542263l476563k754hjk674kl5….jpg)

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7a3dc3  No.15827775


nothing wrong with sticking to your morals and not voting in a fraudulent election again, knowingly. i agree.

doesn't mean this fight is over though


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7b79b4  No.15827776


"Mules" Stuffing Ballot Boxes in 2020 Election

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1e4e40  No.15827777


Yeah but if your not having fun while doing it whats the point? Gotta live a little, or a lot.

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93c1d0  No.15827778


Dinesh has receipts. Look at his twitter.

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6c1c57  No.15827779

File: 837f8a267b22abf⋯.png (686.05 KB, 1024x756, 256:189, ClipboardImage.png)


the plot thickens

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9558e0  No.15827780

File: 50af4c7b4e407cb⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 600x486, 100:81, top_kek_christian_bale.jpg)

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6c1c57  No.15827781


nows the time anon

always has been

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2ca12c  No.15827782



Never mind.

More evidence of voter fraud that nothing has been done about it.

Show me arrests and convictions before the Midterms and I will consider voting.

And not just the little guys. Those 2000 mules can easily be replaced with 2000 more.

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47c45a  No.15827783

File: cd890c7d543def6⋯.png (5.82 MB, 2369x1462, 2369:1462, ClipboardImage.png)

Turkey’s Bayraktar TB2 combat drones have become famous in recent years, appearing to play decisive roles in various conflicts. But many experts questioned how effective the Bayraktars would truly be against a serious military power.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine appears to have given them the opportunity to test that theory out.

Footage released by the Ukrainian military over the weekend indicated that TB2s were operating against Moscow's forces, destroying long Russian military columns in Kherson, near Kyiv. Dozens of lives and equipment were reportedly lost in the Bayraktar strikes.

TB2s have a proven track record of success against several adversaries in conflicts in Libya, Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh, yet they have never faced an army with sophisticated electronic warfare capabilities and state-of-the-art air defence systems.

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70c775  No.15827784


Fascinating to watch.

Could Truth Social cut 3 days of that?

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d5cf3a  No.15827785


Yes, yes it does and will.

Don't be so 'all is lost' is the message I'm trying to convey.

Do something if you're so mad.

Don't sit back and complain to this board..

Enough trying to disable the shills..

Become a poll watcher.

Go to a peacefull protest.

Call reps and complain.

Call them again when the next shit is thrown at us.

Don't bring concerfagging here.

Don't wat to hear their shit.

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a6b02e  No.15827786


Parma, up Cleveland way mostly dems.

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1e4e40  No.15827787



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7a3dc3  No.15827788

File: ceab8abb1a40e76⋯.jpg (18.23 KB, 252x200, 63:50, 5974f92cc50cb1aaeba035d96e….jpg)


super fancy too

they went all out.

even put some flag stickers on the podiums.


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e4e931  No.15827789

File: 0883bcfb7b12107⋯.mp4 (61.14 KB, 400x266, 200:133, 93d9eac2757fd131_Copy.mp4)

Watching Fox this morning and I'm waiting for them to announce that Putin bombed a Ukrainian puppy orphanage for disabled strays.

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bf5cc7  No.15827791


This planefag gotta catch some ZZZs.

mebbe some other planefag can keep an eye on Rzeszow, watch Warsaw for Kamala's plane GLF5 PAT78.


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4b27cc  No.15827792

File: 73be78a16720607⋯.mp4 (5.64 MB, 854x480, 427:240, ADL_in_Ukraine.mp4)

In this video you can see the "meeting" which showsADL Ex CEO Abraham Foxmandictating to the Ukrainian government how they should treat their genocide. The real victims were the Jews and this should not be belittled. The Ukrainians must also keep to themselves the fact of who exactly the genocidal communists were. Because this does not shed a good light on the "chosen ones". ⚡️

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47c45a  No.15827793

File: d8e992a6a821139⋯.png (259.06 KB, 413x375, 413:375, swingpepe.png)


>having fun

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f7ed47  No.15827794

File: 2cbe071a5b92006⋯.png (178.29 KB, 402x279, 134:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78d1544b2052a12⋯.png (506.56 KB, 760x500, 38:25, ClipboardImage.png)


>Yeah but if your not having fun while doing it whats the point?

Digits quads chek'ed

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d5cf3a  No.15827795

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b80a30  No.15827796


Why wouldn't it in a binary choice "good vs evil" society? Abusers are "obviously" evil, therefore, to be a victim is to be "good".

"You must choose a side"

"You must stand with one or the other"

"Are you an abuser or are you a victim?"


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7a3dc3  No.15827797

File: 96957dd16b3e35a⋯.png (17.14 KB, 252x249, 84:83, 074128add498f54681f941fd8b….png)

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d1d366  No.15827798

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 253x204, 253:204, dafuqPepe.JPG)

So my job is dependant on Google…

Russia is our biggest marked…

Google just discontinued money transactions in Russia. All of them.

Guess we are officially cancelled in Russia now…

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c9b661  No.15827799

File: 52205b883f24367⋯.png (136.21 KB, 349x391, 349:391, image.png)


>conspiracy theory to truth was 6 months a few weeks ago.

>it appears we're down to 4 days now.

>March Madness(TM)

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d5cf3a  No.15827800



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7a3dc3  No.15827801

File: 2f0becf186a7202⋯.gif (985.04 KB, 200x170, 20:17, 2f0becf186a7202b866ff1edda….gif)

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d9baab  No.15827802

File: c042e02ffce6148⋯.gif (953.04 KB, 245x184, 245:184, akasleep.gif)



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5df0a6  No.15827803


Not only is it insanity, you are helping the swamp by putting a vote into the system for them to manipulate.

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e4e931  No.15827804


But at least you have a company-issued clean conscience.

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6f22ab  No.15827805


And yet no images of the Russian forty mile ling convoy near Kiev being attacked.

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08ea6f  No.15827806


Only because he knows he is bein' investigated by Durham For his cocaine Yacht jobs

He is tryin' to exert pressure on Scavino & Patel to save his sorry ass


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e4e931  No.15827807

File: bbc2de8ff6f0f13⋯.jpg (14.61 KB, 255x254, 255:254, bbc2de8ff6f0f131b00b8d8755….jpg)

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c6f16c  No.15827808


Kek. Getting harder to tell when the “news” ends and the commercials for starving holocaust survivors and abused animals begin.

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d5cf3a  No.15827810


Boo fucking hoo

Get that fuck outta here.

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3b0b90  No.15827811

File: 2fde6b4a5398721⋯.jpg (65.77 KB, 500x649, 500:649, 6850xc.jpg)

America is in total decline and the people are confused and very weak to do anything about it.

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47c45a  No.15827812

File: 1d59244513976ff⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1024x930, 512:465, ClipboardImage.png)




star tar

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7b79b4  No.15827813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"2000 mules" trailer

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6f22ab  No.15827814


preempt GK



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1e4e40  No.15827815


There may be a concept of false "victimhood" tho

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f7ed47  No.15827816

File: 563cae5ef1b055e⋯.png (1.02 MB, 750x807, 250:269, ClipboardImage.png)


if the media was honest this would be everywhere, but right now it is only if tucker is the most anti channel they tune into.

But that is still one hell of a win


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08ea6f  No.15827817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No , cos it a Convoy

i'm the War Godess Anon

You think I canny do this while doin the others ?

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c53dc1  No.15827818

I think my favorite verse in the Bible that they wrote has to be

Exodus 20

God said,

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all of your work”….

Humanity took that to say “ see you must work 6 days and rest one day”

There, you must be a slave for 6 days

God says so.

I’m surprised our slave masters allowed humanity one day off a week. How generous.

The Bible has been twisted to enslave us. Everyone should try to re-read it again with a new perspective and pick out the areas that used to control humanity.

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7a3dc3  No.15827819

File: cdb3278ae08829d⋯.jpg (13.98 KB, 161x255, 161:255, 0e9783001d46a0ad8cc2211a14….jpg)




usually get a couple hours to wake up first.

currently only 50% refueled



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b20d3a  No.15827820

File: e5b5aba292ce716⋯.jpg (10.83 KB, 255x175, 51:35, MakingSHitUp.jpg)

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d1d366  No.15827821


>at least you have a company-issued clean conscience.

How much food can I buy for that?


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3b0b90  No.15827822

File: 573cdd20fdad24b⋯.jpg (67.34 KB, 500x649, 500:649, 6850aw.jpg)

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aeaa52  No.15827823

File: 0ee696ee4d83ece⋯.png (584.63 KB, 913x595, 913:595, Screen_Shot_2022_03_10_at_….png)

Abp. Viganò: Globalists have fomented war in Ukraine to establish the tyranny of the New World Order

The Ukrainian people, regardless of what ethnic group they may belong to, are merely the latest unwitting hostages of the supranational totalitarian regime that brought the national economies of the entire world to their knees through the COVID deception.


Aged out of notables?- This is nom'd for GLOBAL: it is a comprehensive history of the NWO offensives in this millennium.

Recommended to any who would consider himself anon.

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e4e931  No.15827824


Has anon considered employment opportunities elsewhere?

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e1fb1a  No.15827825

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e70f81  No.15827826

File: d0454dedcd50db9⋯.png (20.93 KB, 528x209, 48:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7aec1a1d8d6d8f⋯.png (22.94 KB, 522x358, 261:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67427738b40f225⋯.png (28.79 KB, 523x356, 523:356, ClipboardImage.png)


There is no such thing as bad publicity. Besides, concerfag is giving everyone a status report of what it's like to be a blackpilled normie:


Every day normies tune into Joe, or at night with Tucker, they are getting a little more of a glimpse behind the curtain. This is all happening under Biden's watch. Now I wonder why that is? "Who's directing this shit show?", the concernfags whine. Well, that should've been obvious. Why does it look so miserable and apocalyptic? Well, what's your precipice? OK, now consider their precipice is still about a year or 2 out. 4-6%, remember? How long will it take to get to that point?

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aeaa52  No.15827827


it's in Engrish

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660789  No.15827828

File: be2f63b4b540c49⋯.jpg (264.61 KB, 1200x803, 1200:803, qr.jpg)

>>15827181 TYB

>>15827639 TYNT



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c53dc1  No.15827829


According to Tuckers Wikipedia he applied to the CIA after college and “he was refused”


Like they would tell you he was admitted…

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eae428  No.15827830

File: b464eb102772447⋯.gif (958.44 KB, 500x230, 50:23, Wotan.gif)

File: 49be47f0beb235d⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1664x2048, 13:16, Runen_Stern.png)

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8be1ea  No.15827831




House Democrats Pass $1.5 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill After Democrat Disarray

The bill would provide Ukraine with over $13 billion in new humanitarian, economic, and military assistance in its conflict with Russia.

2015 - 2016: A former Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) employee, claims President Poroshenko and Clinton Foundation donor Victor Pinchuk, diverted IMF funds into Clinton 2016 campaign

It was assumed that foreign aid would be intended to support the financial sector of Ukraine. Under this program, the NBU allocated funds to various private credit organizations of the country. Their owners transferred the received amounts to offshore companies, transferring the agreed kickbacks to the head of the NBU Valeria Gontareva and her patron Petro Poroshenko, for whom she had previously worked in the ICU investment campaign.

The largest volumes of monetary assets were received by two credit organizations – Credit Dnipro and Delta Bank. These banks are closely associated with one of the richest Ukrainian oligarchs – Victor Pinchuk, son-in-law of former President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma.

Therefore, it is possible that an international group was engaged in the theft of billions of foreign aid to Ukraine.

At the next stage, IMF loans went to the offshore companies MelfaGroup LTD (Belize), TandiceLimited (Cyprus), TosalanTradingLimited (Cyprus), AgaluskoInvestmentLimited (Cyprus), WintenTrading LTD (Cyprus), SilistenTradingLimited “NasternoCommercialLimited.” These offices, as it turned out, also associated with Victor Pinchuk.

But this was not the end of the financial chain. Most of the money from these foreign assets of Pinchuk went to the accounts of his main “washing machine” – The Victor Pinchuk Foundation.

And already the “laundered money” was transferred to the Clinton Foundation.

Since 2012, for almost five years, the family of the former US president has been listed more than 29 million dollars. Moreover, the largest tranches from the Pinchuk Foundation to the Clinton Foundation were held in 2015 and 2016. By a “coincidental” coincidence, it was at this time that Hillary fought for the post of US president.

Obviously, such a scheme was implemented with the direct participation of the head of the National Bank, Mrs. Gontareva, and the assistance of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.” (Read more: Ukraine Leaks/Archived, 7/26/2019) (Direct link)

2015 - 2016: The IMF money withdrawal and laundering scheme, from Ukraine to the Clinton campaign

the US Democratic Party actually received uncontrollable income at the expense of the world financial organization allocated to support economy of another state – Ukraine. A crime?

Yes! And it is very similar to the “payoff”!

(Read more: Kate Matberg/Mediapart, 4/15/2019)


A treasure trove of info…



Contributions of more than $50,000 that foreign donors sent to the Clinton Foundation between 1999 and 2014. Ukraine tops them all…

Between 2009 and 2013 donations affiliated with Victor Pinchuk, a Ukrainian steel mogul and former parliamentarian. Those contributions accounted for at least $8.6 million


Amid Russia war on Ukraine, Bill Clinton relaunching Clinton Global Initiative


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660789  No.15827832



>>15827385, >>15827396, >>15827353, >>15827396, >>15827406, >>15827486, >>15827512, >>15827595, >>15827623 Planefags Patrol

>>15827278, >>15827302, >>15827332, >>15827359, >>15827530 W.H.O. Warning - Ukraine conflict could spark apocalyptic health crisis

>>15827314 Nuland telling Rubio about Ukraine biolabs - :38 second redpill vid for sharing

>>15827320 NATO discussing a new, sixth level of combat: the “Human Domain” (Bun)

>>15827326 ICYMI: Biden issues EO paving the way for digital currency

>>15827329 United Airlines to let unvaccinated workers return

>>15827402 Russia Accuses U.S. of Covering Up Violations of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention

>>15827488 @JackPro: Has anyone pointed out the Russian invasion forces Z, V, O, A spell AZOV

>>15827497 @ShuForCongress: Ilhan Omar will NOT be re-elected. I will be replacing her

>>15827594 Anon dig on Clinton Foundation, Pinchuk, Omnibus Bill, Atlantic Council and moar

>>15827577 'Four Horsemen' in the news - comms?

>>15827600 @NYT reporter discusses CIA/NSA sources

>>15827604 Archived posts for further research on Kelensky cabinet

>>15827606 JUST IN - Beijing to retaliate with "serious response" if the US slaps sanctions on China over Ukraine

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1d4663  No.15827833

File: 26005a355bc22ea⋯.jpg (8.69 KB, 231x180, 77:60, OIP_2_.jpg)


welcome newfag.

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e1fb1a  No.15827834

so the precipice is not a time frame

it's a personal experience

sauce: x22

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2ca12c  No.15827836


So this is going to keep the Dems. from cheating again in Nov. Midterms?

Something has to happen beside accumulating evidence.

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36682f  No.15827837

File: db59c5da9022f0c⋯.jpeg (136.25 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, D9B16E70_4F2B_4A7C_96E6_5….jpeg)

File: c03690b24fa8838⋯.jpeg (241.96 KB, 1200x1122, 200:187, BBE8FD99_2750_4C2A_B2FE_C….jpeg)

File: 1191e0e63122020⋯.jpeg (195.33 KB, 1000x1347, 1000:1347, 232FB065_F57A_41C9_A9FB_B….jpeg)

File: 7638dfa23c66811⋯.jpeg (330.12 KB, 1039x840, 1039:840, D4502275_1862_4A0E_A61C_2….jpeg)



Morning anons.

Some creative juices flowing this AM. Gonna try and bang out some quality memes before work.

Meme warfare beats digging a fighting hole.


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e0e811  No.15827838

File: e93bc601ef5894c⋯.jpg (16.76 KB, 144x255, 48:85, 4a333b96236d2eb46e523b29c0….jpg)

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e24f91  No.15827839

File: 3659047ee526780⋯.jpg (141.24 KB, 720x886, 360:443, 20220310_054804.jpg)

File: c3a0ad79dba4b9b⋯.mp4 (1.78 MB, 720x406, 360:203, w8DpRC0N0by_QxF_.mp4)


.@VP Harris awkwardly starts laughing when asked about the Ukrainian refugee crisis

America will be ridiculed, and mocked for her looney, unhinged cackling on this important world stage

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3b0b90  No.15827840

File: e190a589dd8e142⋯.jpg (63.22 KB, 500x649, 500:649, 68504i.jpg)

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d1d366  No.15827841


>Has anon considered employment opportunities elsewhere?

No, it wouldn't matter. The entire mobile software industry is dominated by Google and Apple…

I just wish Google and Apple weren't monopolies capable of destroying a whole marked because they feel like virtue signalling.

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df1c89  No.15827842

Because we have always done it this way

If you take 5 monkeys and put them in a cage with a bunch of bananas hanging from the celling with a ladder leading up to it. As a monkey gets hungry and wants a banana he will climb the ladder, When this happens you spray all the monkeys with really cold water. After a while no monkeys will go up the ladder.

When this happens you replace one of the monkeys. When the new monkey tries to go up the ladder the other monkeys will attack him and stop him.

When this happens and he no longer tries to go up the ladder you replace anther monkey. You repeat this process untill all the monkeys have been replaced.

If you ask the monkeys why no is allowed up the ladder to get a banana they will say, "We have always done it that way"

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ff7cfb  No.15827843

Nigger say what.

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e70f81  No.15827844


That whole monologue gave me a 6ft freedom-of-the-press boner.

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e4e931  No.15827845



>Learn to weld

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e0e811  No.15827846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6b796f  No.15827847


Anyone have a link to get to Ether?

Seems ther is no finding it from other search engines.

Makes me feel like it might be worth looking at.


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b80a30  No.15827848


The GOAT played a mean set, and talked some Truth about the lying ass media and Biolabs in Ukraine, last night. AFL!

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c53dc1  No.15827849

File: 589cac04274e09a⋯.jpeg (352.15 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, 60ACA95C_1C0E_428C_893F_2….jpeg)

Schumann is getting a heart beat once again it appears.

Earth hz increasing

Frequencies rising

Something Big coming?

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d1d366  No.15827850

File: 7764f715576d6ba⋯.png (215.3 KB, 475x475, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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1d4663  No.15827851


we expose the shitstem, not empower it.

Voting? GTFOH No one here should be picking rulers. Sheep brained follower shit.

If an adult needs to be lead and ruled, what is an adult?

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ac3629  No.15827852


Love that song. My little brother would sing it all the time when he was obsessed with trucks. Now he's into German WW2 aircraft engineering.

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7e57a7  No.15827853


Always vote. Force them to commit crimes, then prove they committed the crimes. More votes means more crimes they have to commit; more opportunity to be caught.

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e0e811  No.15827854

File: 7277372c55e2de9⋯.png (8.37 KB, 250x201, 250:201, 9c33e096a086093da6673eab56….png)

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1e4e40  No.15827855


Good theory anon. Sounds viable, but what if you could change it to a shared experience. Hows my driving?

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e24f91  No.15827856

File: 827cb3fbc33caa7⋯.jpg (156.99 KB, 720x938, 360:469, 20220310_055431.jpg)

File: 321f0c61cc298d9⋯.jpg (177.52 KB, 720x1133, 720:1133, 20220310_055414.jpg)


Now Russia accuses US of 'experimenting with bat Covid samples' in Ukraine

This comes after prior accusations from Russia of US helping Ukraine with alleged illegal bio-weapons such as Black Death, anthrax and rabbit fever.

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d1d366  No.15827857


Typo. Meant Aether.

You can download it from here:


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e70f81  No.15827858

File: 6e6e22137fd9165⋯.jpg (108.5 KB, 500x748, 125:187, 3_second_Dan_Scavino.jpg)


>and that goat - Greatest of All Time?

Dan is the GOAT. He only needs 3 seconds.

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d5cf3a  No.15827859


Truth bombs and moab to hit them all on the head before the next election.

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c9b661  No.15827860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>.@VP Harris awkwardly starts laughing when asked about the Ukrainian refugee crisis

Different day, same Kamala cackling.

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a27c0f  No.15827861

For the TS waitingers….took me a min to realize it but I was watching a vid last night and the dj said u go to qagg u can see the TS posts!


(Top right of page go to TRUTH)


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e1fb1a  No.15827862

File: 6cd44ab5d75874d⋯.png (855 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

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2ca12c  No.15827863


You must work for a RINO.

The RINOs benefit from election fraud and want Repubs. to keep voting even though the elections are rigged.

That is why they are not doing a damn thing about the election fraud.

TPTB control both sides of the aisle.

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8e6cb8  No.15827864

File: 9eef187b73fb3c4⋯.jpg (12.95 KB, 246x255, 82:85, 9eef187b73fb3c4d4fac7af039….jpg)


deal with smart ppl erryday. can pick out a poser within the first 20 seconds. she is a train wreck. completely unprepared. watch how she fumbles through her notes and not being able to find a talking point.

that cackle means she is way out of her depth.

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b4640a  No.15827865

File: 73de70fb8defea1⋯.png (58.53 KB, 1200x469, 1200:469, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_0….png)


…Other than solar winds, nothing that anon is aware. (https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/alerts-watches-and-warnings)

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e0e811  No.15827866

File: 6c3fb59d6219e8c⋯.jpg (7.92 KB, 271x186, 271:186, dirtybird44.jpg)


can i finish this covfefe first?

haven't even untied her yet…

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e70f81  No.15827867


At some point before elections, I suspect Tucker's show to be like reading the notables in list format, and he and his writers figuring out a way to monologue that in condensed, mind-warping format.

*Crosses fingers*

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08ea6f  No.15827868


Do you understand why it is an eight pointed star and why HP printers exist ?

06 06


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7e57a7  No.15827869


>You literally think after 2020 election it's actually worth going out to vote?


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e24f91  No.15827870

File: e9e6f2e4e0fbf81⋯.jpg (540.81 KB, 1148x1440, 287:360, 20220310_055750.jpg)

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d9baab  No.15827871

File: c6d799f9c2e121c⋯.png (371.05 KB, 720x406, 360:203, Screenshot_2022_03_10_at_0….png)


Says it all. OMG so funny.

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70c775  No.15827872


Dub dub back at ya, friend.

Ready for today?

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913f2e  No.15827873

File: b7ae933c7b74aaa⋯.png (340.57 KB, 618x410, 309:205, dan_scavino_3_sec.png)

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da3f60  No.15827874


You stealing my OH SHIT thunder?

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7e57a7  No.15827875


>the criminals get to decide if the crime should be investigated… every time.

until they don't.

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e70f81  No.15827876

File: 0d6bbbb3db26b48⋯.png (20.99 KB, 520x280, 13:7, ClipboardImage.png)


Been saying it for forever. Subjective experiences leading to objective truth. Not everyone takes the same path, or goes at the same pace. If the goal is to get humanity within the 4-6% range (of those that cannot be reached), then think about how long it takes and how much everyone has to experience to get there. We were given a timeframe, and an explanation:

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da3f60  No.15827877

File: e8536151c9e3306⋯.jpeg (418.64 KB, 750x952, 375:476, 8A81B46A_FD47_4637_AA98_5….jpeg)



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7b79b4  No.15827878

File: 653a2ab45958c3c⋯.png (173.09 KB, 293x485, 293:485, 85048acab746ba182ff608251d….png)

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0bedb5  No.15827879


Why not read The Constitution, at least ONCE!

It’s not a Democracy… and when the criminality (having fuckall to do with just fraudulent elections) is bad enough… the throats will get slit with or without Devine intervention.

Too bad so sad so many collecting uninterrupted public paychecks all these years are the clueless ones. My sympathies are run out.

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e4e931  No.15827880

File: cc3635081674f74⋯.jpg (94.25 KB, 471x388, 471:388, cc3635081674f7487d4b6ca1b1….jpg)

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a74cb3  No.15827881

File: abc238ed2852aab⋯.png (9.52 KB, 210x255, 14:17, 1f8dda10ceca4ac559e7c26a23….png)


Pax Tibi


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e1fb1a  No.15827883

File: e1f80545a19b8f6⋯.png (888.8 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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1e4e40  No.15827884


What if the laws have been hijacked though, and there's no way to verify if there is reciprocal give and take? Things may have changed and could still be changing.

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93c1d0  No.15827885

File: 41ae7810e28af6a⋯.mp4 (426.17 KB, 368x368, 1:1, 019b101419c0df75756e1a978d….mp4)

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e70f81  No.15827886


LOL. At least you're not the root cause of one of the most embarrassing memes on this platform.


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8be1ea  No.15827887

File: dd33d192ad00afd⋯.png (156.23 KB, 370x869, 370:869, ffgsdfgdfsss.png)

File: a6f4ac02f5cf1f4⋯.png (292.32 KB, 1160x850, 116:85, dfghfghgff.png)

⚡️Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby JUST LIED TO THE WORLD

US has funded Ukraine Lab Pathogen and Bio Weapon Research since 2005

A publicly-available document (https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/05-829-Ukraine-Weapons.pdf)📎 shows a $15MN agreement signed between the US DoD and Ukraine’s Health Ministry to support research into biological weapon research in Kiev, Lvov and Odessa.

The US govt provided materials and training for “cooperative biological research, biological threat agent detection and response, and improving biological material protection, control and accountability”.

Details were withheld from public disclosure, but “state secrets of Ukraine” were to be shared with the US Defense Dept.

Checkmate. Time to reveal what really went on there for almost two decades?



𝔸𝕣𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔸𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕖 👁, [09.03.22 17:21]

[Forwarded from GEORGENEWS]

https://t.me/georgenews | @georgenews

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f7ed47  No.15827888

File: c48908ac648a446⋯.png (36.7 KB, 351x603, 39:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9211ca1c051ced8⋯.png (157.72 KB, 1260x650, 126:65, ClipboardImage.png)



Google or so it believes

[EM] = Electronic media

MISSILES = Do not have to be physical, they can be information shutdown on a global scale.





Dec 22, 2017 1:13:36 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5902e7 No. 146268

Dec 22, 2017 1:04:31 AM EST

Anonymous ID: f6add3 No. 146142

Missile tech/guidance cap is SpaceX tech, methinks. Via Obama possibly?

Amirite q?


Why is EM provided BIG WW subsidies?

No subsidies = ?

Clown contribution in exchange for access code?

Why relevant?

Amazon Echo?


Clown contributions?

Apple Face ID Tech?

FB Face ID Tech?

Catching on?

Bombs Away.


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a74cb3  No.15827889





too much Kamala, way too early.

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d9baab  No.15827890


Based on weight?

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d5cf3a  No.15827891


Laughing at us, not with us.

Trying to comm to get the nazicommies here to 5he US.

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f06821  No.15827892

File: 85f30491b6fae63⋯.png (121.21 KB, 897x721, 897:721, ClipboardImage.png)


Nothing suss

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cb1f6a  No.15827893


Thank (you)

Nice high score, faggot.

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a74cb3  No.15827894

File: e038b91395b8b54⋯.gif (3.2 MB, 420x300, 7:5, e038b91395b8b541eccecde055….gif)

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d5cf3a  No.15827895


Good video on 5hat out there somewhere.

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e70f81  No.15827896


Not to mention to ensemble cast of Relief Factor.

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0766fa  No.15827897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Day 16 of The People's Convoy

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b80a30  No.15827898


That's my point. Society isn't binary. That's an artificial construct to keep people divided. Victim-hood currently nets social benefits, such as sympathy, extra support and social "status" improvement. Victims can't be "blamed" for making stupid decision and having to learn from the consequences of those decisions. Creating "victims" and nurturing their "victimhood" is evil.

Bad shit happens to good people. It's reality, not always some fantasy-land "fixable problem". Lessons are learned from experiencing the natural consequences of making mistakes. Our artificial system of consequences doesn't not serve to teach lessons or prevent future mistakes because "punishing" the actor doesn't educate the potential victim class on how to avoid being a "victim". Reactive instead of proactive.

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e4e931  No.15827899


Nice IP hop gaylord

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e1fb1a  No.15827900

File: 6b07c5d1190205f⋯.png (377.99 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


well, you are/were right

subjective experience as other anon said as well

this is gonna take a while

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f7ed47  No.15827901


anon like viganio

he is in the heart of the beast

the Vatican and the pope

anon has read most things he has written in the last 2 years and watched all his videos.

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660789  No.15827902



>>15827385, >>15827396, >>15827353, >>15827396, >>15827406, >>15827486, >>15827512, >>15827595, >>15827623 Planefags Patrol

>>15827278, >>15827302, >>15827332, >>15827359, >>15827530 W.H.O. Warning - Ukraine conflict could spark apocalyptic health crisis

>>15827314 Nuland telling Rubio about Ukraine biolabs - :38 second redpill vid for sharing

>>15827320 NATO discussing a new, sixth level of combat: the “Human Domain” (Bun)

>>15827326 ICYMI: Biden issues EO paving the way for digital currency

>>15827329 United Airlines to let unvaccinated workers return

>>15827402 Russia Accuses U.S. of Covering Up Violations of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention

>>15827488 @JackPro: Has anyone pointed out the Russian invasion forces Z, V, O, A spell AZOV

>>15827497 @ShuForCongress: Ilhan Omar will NOT be re-elected. I will be replacing her

>>15827594 Anon dig on Clinton Foundation, Pinchuk, Omnibus Bill, Atlantic Council and moar

>>15827577 'Four Horsemen' in the news - comms?

>>15827600 @NYT reporter discusses CIA/NSA sources

>>15827604 Archived posts for further research on Kelensky cabinet

>>15827606 JUST IN - Beijing to retaliate with "serious response" if the US slaps sanctions on China over Ukraine

>>15827623 GAF832, a German military transport is on approach to Rzeszow airport,

>>15827638 Gold will destroy the Fed with help from silver.

>>15827655 Scheduled" Events for 10MAR22

>>15827664 DDG search engine rolling out Russia Disinformation Algorithm (How I read it)


>>15827728 Planefag Summary of activity around Rzeszow, Poland

>>15827744 Clinton Foundation Mini Bun

>>15827767 TS@Devine Nunes is Calling out the Q?

>>15827849 Schumann - And the Beat goes on.

>>15827856 Russia accuses US of 'experimenting with bat Covid samples' in Ukraine


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e5f5e4  No.15827903

File: 745f7ebdbbae1a9⋯.jpeg (44.98 KB, 255x239, 255:239, 0C897E49EC0574DB31537766B….jpeg)


16 years.

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2ca12c  No.15827904


How about I keep replacing the TV that thieves have stolen from my house, so the next time they break in they have another TV to steal?

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eb9da7  No.15827905

File: 719ada8b4bfe3f3⋯.png (368.36 KB, 556x417, 4:3, Dr_Strangestlove.png)

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e24f91  No.15827906

File: aa963f4ff55a9ca⋯.jpg (138.91 KB, 715x953, 715:953, 20220310_060434.jpg)


Researchers have found a new variant of the virus that causes COVID-19 – "Deltacron."

Oh Shit Here We Go Again..

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08ea6f  No.15827907


He would last longer than 3 seconds with me Anon

alas i am stuck bein' the flyin' Nun at the moment

So the reason it is an 8 pointed star and most printers are HP

He who controls the press controls the world

Jesus is the WORD

So to have Authority is to use that word to create more unique words

Like Habennin's and Interdastin' two words i created , of course bein' who i am gives that more potentcy, however the premise remains the same

the problem is you have allowed the Enemy here to gouge your brain and warp your intent, you do realise Podesta is on these boards , yet you nestle up to him like 'MAAAAATTTTTEEEEEEE' while abusin' me

You need to question you and your motivation and yes it is easy enough to say 'He's ded ' but that is not final at this point , he can still put his fingers in and muddy the water here because 8 = Infinity

That is why on an Eight pointed star

(common knowledge)

there are other reasons


06 06


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2e64a9  No.15827908

File: 8a1089b7f1c6e15⋯.png (26.81 KB, 577x206, 577:206, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 213275ef5a1899f⋯.png (91.61 KB, 577x630, 577:630, ClipboardImage.png)





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731d86  No.15827909

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e24f91  No.15827910

File: d401083e27bc0d4⋯.jpg (491.08 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 20220309_124151.jpg)

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e5f5e4  No.15827911


what does 06 06 mean?

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a001d0  No.15827912


People who are attacked on this twittwat bullshit and called everything but a mother of God should realize that the one and only, permanant way to deal with these brainless, illiterate pieces of know nothing shit, is to tell them to FUCK RIGHT OFF.

Once this is done they have no power. This is what they falsely believe they have over others. Power. No control over your thoughts, your beliefs, your acts, your conscious, nothing. They are rendered powerless and impotent.

Saw this gentleman on Tucker last night and I would vote for him in a heartbeat. This man is BASED and he get's it. We need moar Patriots like him. Shirt says it all.

God bless Royce White.

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660789  No.15827913


fake - no

ghey - maybe

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407d06  No.15827914


its when it was born

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227557  No.15827915


Too infiltrate the Cabal, you have to get your hands dirty.

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0bedb5  No.15827916

File: e24f44a9157a867⋯.png (235.6 KB, 526x526, 1:1, F67332C3_EF94_42AE_A53F_B3….png)


>America is in total decline and the people are confused and very weak to do anything about it.

And apparently, there is a Whole Of Government Approach to seeing it done for.

No, i DO NOT ‘believe’ in the myth of White Hats, Good Apples, Heroes in Uniform anymore. If that crap was true, there would at least be some leaked reports and some tictock vids of them throwing furniture at each other… but no.

When i hear about gunfights in the hallways at the FBI, maybe then i’ll return some faith in the good-gov-binky.

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b80a30  No.15827917


Namefagging/famefagging…attention seeking garbage.

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da3f60  No.15827918

File: e63c759d4686e28⋯.jpeg (38.51 KB, 750x488, 375:244, 08AEA1FC_CA3C_42AA_A336_1….jpeg)

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d5cf3a  No.15827919


Right on time line

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7b79b4  No.15827920

File: 6cd1273be45910b⋯.png (238.3 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 7023d7ca6da5a4b548d4cfd2eb….png)

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8be1ea  No.15827921

Red.Pill.Pharmacist ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Forwarded from

MJTruth 🇺🇸🐸US🐸🇺🇸

(MJTruth (CandlesInTheNight))

Ukraine Compilation Update:

Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens’.


U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland says Washington is working with Ukraine to prevent biological research facilities from falling into Russian hands. She just confirmed every conspiracy theory about the existence of those labs.


All of these complaints and warnings from Putin about "Nazis" and "bioweapons labs" in Ukraine were dismissed in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and are still being dismissed even now as "Russian disinformation". https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/25/tweets/there-are-no-us-run-biolabs-ukraine-contrary-socia/

The US Embassy in Ukraine deleted from its website all documents about 11 Pentagon funded laboratories in Ukraine. All were archived prior to deletion.


2004 research paper Fauci co-authored re Ukrain & Bio-labs: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7094993/

FM spox Zhao Lijian speaks up about the 336 labs worldwide in 30 countries.

To put this into perspective, 2 out of 3 of the world superpowers are calling out the US deepstate, and silently calling out the Cabal.


- China with the assist re: Taiwan, world leading producer of world Microchips. https://tecvalue.com/which-country-produces-the-most-number-of-chips/


- Russia is being forced out of the financial system, and they DONT GIVE A FOOK!

- Russia is hoarding Gold and Ruble.


—— Breaking away from the petro dollar system.

- Russian banks are selling 80% of their foreign currency reserves SOURCE

- Russia is exiting the old system & may be the first to become COMPLETELY SOVEREIGN. The first domino of the proverbial “Storm”.


EXCLUSIVE: Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling 'Especially Dangerous Pathogens'.

A deleted article reveals that former President Barack Obama spearheaded an agreement that led to the construction of biolabs handling "especially dangerous pathogens" in Ukraine.

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23be95  No.15827922


everyone should desire suspending all relations w BIS

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f7ed47  No.15827923

File: 73a384f2fca3dab⋯.png (771.8 KB, 771x543, 257:181, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e57a7  No.15827924

File: 5e824c2d4b1a1ed⋯.png (224.48 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


>My sympathies are run out.

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d7477a  No.15827925

File: 005eb7f7eb979c7⋯.png (379.93 KB, 637x693, 91:99, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e39ad09df2afe8⋯.png (5.81 KB, 225x46, 225:46, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cbee667b546643⋯.png (204.35 KB, 192x815, 192:815, ClipboardImage.png)

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ebf49c  No.15827926


a new variant that causes itself , wouldn't that be the same thing again or no

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70c775  No.15827927


"If you know you know"


Drives me crazy too, specially when I really really want to understand something and get responses that don't help at all.

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da3f60  No.15827928


> Based on weight?

^^^ Gold medal shitpost

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b72930  No.15827929

>>15822831 (PB)

>The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has published a video commenting: "This is how Russian occupiers die. This time in a helicopter! Glory to Ukraine and its defenders! Together to victory! ”.


>video looks strange to me

>>15822842 (PB) thanks to some anon it's posted

>>15822971 (PB)

>Chernobyl after 32 years


>The site of the infamous nuclear power plant accident in 1986, with the worst consequences in the history of nuclear energy.


>>15823066 (PB)

>Photos from Kiev

> 02/23/2014

>A few pictures from this street war


Must've struck a nerve, now all links redirect to a pron site!!

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e5f5e4  No.15827930


figured it best to get an explanation if possible.

doubt it possible.


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e16d69  No.15827931

File: 819ef10447cb820⋯.jpg (38.78 KB, 325x451, 325:451, 819ef10447cb820d244f270aac….jpg)


'cept for dynamite monkey.

he don't play that shit.

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d70f20  No.15827932


How about you just come out with it right now and say you're a frighten democrat?

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2554eb  No.15827933

File: 78e597b83d91a78⋯.png (639.62 KB, 911x418, 911:418, ENDURANCEfound.png)


Is it just me, or does that look like new wood?

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e1fb1a  No.15827934


they ain't found shit

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dde90a  No.15827935


This is important. They are celebrating something.

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e16d69  No.15827936


Ukraine's not working!

Bring back COVID!

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c9b661  No.15827937

File: 66ca07a7553d80e⋯.png (950.23 KB, 909x1146, 303:382, image.png)

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1e4e40  No.15827938


>Reactive instead of proactive.

Very good. Really clears things up. Nothing wrong with making mistakes as long as you can turn it into a teachable moment so as to not repeat the same problem. Unless of coarse the student is a "hard learner". Don't think that's the case here though. Many were born for this. Thank you for your insight.

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ff7cfb  No.15827939


There is some type of alien life form on the poop deck

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e1fb1a  No.15827940


i think you should do whatever you want and be accepting of the consequences

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0766fa  No.15827941

File: 868462454ee181b⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB, 576x720, 4:5, Dog_Stops_Tornado_from_For….mp4)


FFS read the article anon.

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da3f60  No.15827942


>it’s in amazing condition

At certain depths, very low oxygen in water, hence the preservation.

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e70f81  No.15827943



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e5f5e4  No.15827945

File: fcc6524013cd407⋯.jpeg (136.83 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, spaceballs.jpeg)

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ff7cfb  No.15827946

File: 8b1aa530dab0fbe⋯.jpeg (15.36 KB, 245x150, 49:30, ACF92046_53D1_4E69_8E1E_A….jpeg)

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08ea6f  No.15827947

File: 6977f91f9f9491d⋯.png (12.57 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7308f076264a1b⋯.png (20.1 KB, 216x233, 216:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa27a1f62156030⋯.png (32.08 KB, 239x211, 239:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e24ef7b122ab36⋯.png (59.44 KB, 217x232, 217:232, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e09e56f13923d2⋯.png (48.38 KB, 360x360, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


How Many do you want

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da3f60  No.15827948

File: 2cbc2e1182b18d1⋯.jpeg (338.88 KB, 705x453, 235:151, 4BF67B97_43E3_4A2F_99B7_8….jpeg)

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f7ed47  No.15827949

File: a58a6ec818310c3⋯.png (378.02 KB, 440x423, 440:423, ClipboardImage.png)


notable - russia has gone full rogue or the next klaus move

Switzerland B.I.S no longer neutral

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0bedb5  No.15827950


When Trump explains either his gullibility over the Covid Scam, OR his brilliant super duper ‘set a trap for [Them], had to do it’… whatever…

And tells people how to get that shit out of their arms…

THEN i might give a crap about anything else he has to say.

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da3f60  No.15827951

File: abb54ff07a2e9c7⋯.jpeg (372.16 KB, 712x676, 178:169, CB794AC3_4F4C_45F6_B2D7_4….jpeg)

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7b79b4  No.15827952

File: d7672cb80daece0⋯.jpg (138.27 KB, 1000x745, 200:149, 71oYgaby9ML_AC_SL1000_.jpg)

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d5cf3a  No.15827953




What's it take to get each sheep to their precipicep of Great Awakening.

I'll buy that.

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d70f20  No.15827954


You don't belong here because you can see what has happened already, this bullshit push to stop people from voting is based on complete stupidity, you have to be a dumb to believe it.

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0766fa  No.15827955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Peoples Convoy 3/10/22. Drivers meeting

Sasnak is live.

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e70f81  No.15827956


I like the way you raise your frequency.

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46f699  No.15827957


it's so common

the cold

the common cold

endless supply of bs

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e16d69  No.15827958

File: 1584d500eee71bf⋯.png (274.54 KB, 848x582, 424:291, 10MAR22_spaceballsSYNC.PNG)



perfect sync to start the day



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08ea6f  No.15827959


The division of time

those idiots who answered you remember

i wonder why

Shit like that fears truth

06 06



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a6b02e  No.15827960

File: 66b5e6d8abb643e⋯.png (31.38 KB, 794x254, 397:127, ClipboardImage.png)


How things change since January.


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da3f60  No.15827961


It’s man made by little Fauci gremlins

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3d734c  No.15827962

File: ba074242b216148⋯.png (1.91 KB, 223x53, 223:53, Screen_Shot_03_10_22_at_08….PNG)

Good Morning, Sweet Froggies!

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2fbeb6  No.15827963


Russia breaking its ties to BIS and Klaus Schwab

Hehe, this is going to drive people insane

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227557  No.15827965


There is no voting. Only counting.

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d70f20  No.15827966

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2e64a9  No.15827967

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1f372e  No.15827968

>>15826978 (pb)

>CNN: Analysis: Russia and QAnon have the same false conspiracy theory about Ukraine

CNN: Analysis: Russia and QAnon have broken the real story of U.S. funded and controlled biolabs in Ukraine which have since been confirmed as true by Victoria Nuland, U.S. Under Secretary of State and Zhao Lijian, a spokesperson for China’s Foreign Ministry.

In the face of these new developments CNN has refused to retract or edit its libelous false allegations against both Russia and QAnon.

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d5cf3a  No.15827969


I'm with you.fingers, toes, legs, arms, tongue.n

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660789  No.15827970



>>15827385, >>15827396, >>15827353, >>15827396, >>15827406, >>15827486, >>15827512, >>15827595, >>15827623 Planefags Patrol

>>15827278, >>15827302, >>15827332, >>15827359, >>15827530 W.H.O. Warning - Ukraine conflict could spark apocalyptic health crisis

>>15827314 Nuland telling Rubio about Ukraine biolabs - :38 second redpill vid for sharing

>>15827320 NATO discussing a new, sixth level of combat: the “Human Domain” (Bun)

>>15827326 ICYMI: Biden issues EO paving the way for digital currency

>>15827329 United Airlines to let unvaccinated workers return

>>15827402 Russia Accuses U.S. of Covering Up Violations of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention

>>15827488 @JackPro: Has anyone pointed out the Russian invasion forces Z, V, O, A spell AZOV

>>15827497 @ShuForCongress: Ilhan Omar will NOT be re-elected. I will be replacing her

>>15827594 Anon dig on Clinton Foundation, Pinchuk, Omnibus Bill, Atlantic Council and moar

>>15827577 'Four Horsemen' in the news - comms?

>>15827600 @NYT reporter discusses CIA/NSA sources

>>15827604 Archived posts for further research on Kelensky cabinet

>>15827606 JUST IN - Beijing to retaliate with "serious response" if the US slaps sanctions on China over Ukraine

>>15827623 GAF832, a German military transport is on approach to Rzeszow airport,

>>15827638 Gold will destroy the Fed with help from silver.

>>15827655 Scheduled" Events for 10MAR22

>>15827664 DDG search engine rolling out Russia Disinformation Algorithm (How I read it)


>>15827728 Planefag Summary of activity around Rzeszow, Poland

>>15827744 Clinton Foundation Mini Bun

>>15827767 TS@DevineNunes is Calling out the Q? (Where is Dan?)

>>15827849 Schumann - And the Beat goes on.

>>15827856 Russia accuses US of 'experimenting with bat Covid samples' in Ukraine


>>15827921 Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens’.

>>15827906, >>15827960 Ukraine's not working! Bring back COVID!

>>15827955 Peoples Convoy 3/10/22. Drivers meeting

FINAL Let the Shitposting Commence

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55b00c  No.15827971

File: dcb768b874f0b6f⋯.png (330.85 KB, 407x427, 407:427, 1a_2_.png)

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e1fb1a  No.15827972


were we chosen for the meme making?

if so, i suck

were we chosen for our credibility?

cuz no one buys the shit i'm sellin

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e16d69  No.15827973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



means a lot

this place just runs better on keks and high energy

Veritas Aequitas


here to help

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8c21c3  No.15827974

File: 6ae693434edb3cd⋯.png (137.86 KB, 971x769, 971:769, ClipboardImage.png)


>Do you understand why it is an eight pointed star and why HP printers exist ?

anon intrigued by your Q.

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759937  No.15827975



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46f699  No.15827977

File: 8092f95b68babb7⋯.jpg (83.22 KB, 1007x951, 1007:951, vaxx.jpg)


some folks enjoy bondage and constant fear

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8e6cb8  No.15827978


factor in the 'push' on all this though…

[DS] is using their same strategy but has been forced to speed up their timelines. moar normies see yuge effects from this. gas price increase, food, materials…

what would normally be through the dark of night is now in broad daylight. populations are being forced to wake up cause of direct and measurable impact.

4 to 6% are already gone. you can see many of them driving their cars, alone, with masks on kek.

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d70f20  No.15827979


Take this bullshit some where else.

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d5cf3a  No.15827981

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46f699  No.15827982


time to start searching RUSSIA IS RIGHT

duck duck fuckyou

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0bedb5  No.15827985


Keep pounding your dick with a hammer, eventually you won’t feel the pain anymore.

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e1fb1a  No.15827986

File: 2e8ca2f00a01d0b⋯.png (637.37 KB, 850x995, 170:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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08ea6f  No.15827988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice digits :))

on the fives



Lets get a lil' wild

06 06



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b4640a  No.15827990

File: 6808d8ae00262d1⋯.png (276.41 KB, 713x616, 713:616, Screenshot_2022_02_24_at_0….png)

File: 86fabc4dd42fb7b⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1588x3468, 397:867, Screenshot_2022_02_24_at_0….png)

File: 4c0da3a6fb41640⋯.png (862.66 KB, 1588x4771, 1588:4771, Screenshot_2022_02_24_at_0….png)

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d5cf3a  No.15827991


Borrowed, you may have it back now. {;^)

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7e57a7  No.15827992


>Keep pounding your dick with a hammer, eventually you won’t feel the pain anymore.

DIY pate.

Kaitlin Jenner comes to mind…

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660789  No.15827993



Q Research General #20015: The Truth is a Force of Nature Edition




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70c775  No.15827994


>Bring back COVID!

Decepticron isn't working.

Dirty bomb A Ukrainian home for blind, deaf, mute orphans and blame it on Russia.

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d70f20  No.15827995


grow up and claim back into your hole.

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e5f5e4  No.15827996


ok i would love it if you could explain it, sounds important.

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b80a30  No.15827997


Yw. Punishing a bully doesn't stop bullying. Teaching people how to stand up for themselves gives them the tools to stop a bully in their tracks. We teach kids to "run and tattle" instead of saying with authority, "Fuck you asshole. You don't want none of this smoke."

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0bedb5  No.15827999


Vote Harder

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e16d69  No.15828001

File: 6e16b4f5c210dc3⋯.png (18.64 KB, 167x255, 167:255, 32e8ca82a21b8cc9037dd716b1….png)

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d5cf3a  No.15828002


Be sure to roll over to next bread.

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e1fb1a  No.15828003


we used to teach our kids

don't hit first

but you better hit back

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e16d69  No.15828007

File: 433094a04cb501d⋯.png (12.79 KB, 193x255, 193:255, a117ea92b7aeafbc56f864f87d….png)

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660789  No.15828008



Q Research General #20015: The Truth is a Force of Nature Edition




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46f699  No.15828009

File: 447735db4934f85⋯.jpg (97.16 KB, 600x545, 120:109, baaasplash.jpg)

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e16d69  No.15828010

File: d70f949b79aee79⋯.png (11.54 KB, 184x255, 184:255, bc29e00dedce6a884182014481….png)

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