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2fc9b4  No.14947934[Last 50 Posts]

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2fc9b4  No.14947939

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2fc9b4  No.14947941



>>14947181, >>14947466, >>14947480

>>14947508 Bread number concurrency fixed

>>14947565 ‘Many’ More Durham Indictments Likely in Connection to Steele Dossier: Former Director of National Intelligence

>>14947607 Durham indicts Danchenko, and over the span of just a few days, everyone with "didn-do nuffin'" interviews

>>14947264 We must teach the kids about black BLM criminal riots and murder. Before they are indoctrinated…

>>14947268 CDC Scientists admit they did manipulate study data to show the Covid-19 Vaccines are safe for Pregnant Women

>>14947721 "emerging theories," including one centered on the "spike protein made in response to vaccination."

>>14947241, >>14947772, >>14947795 WUTS ALL THIS THEN MISTER D? RE: 55 episodes of Friends.

>>14947304 BREAKING: ‘Many’ More Durham Indictments Coming…

>>14947319 California Governor Out of Public Sight After Vaccine Booster Shot 11 Days Ago

>>14947320 Travis Tritt - After seeing the tragic events at #ASTROWORLDFest…

>>14947329 The OSHA Rule was made under the guise of “grave danger,” yet it took two months to draft and won’t go into effect for another two months

>>14947337, >>14947374, >>14947465, 816 Nuclear Military Plant Digs

>>14947339 Steve Scalise Sounds Off on Biden's Infrastructure Bill, Highlights 5 Hidden Details

>>14947349 School board candidates who opposed critical race theory, mask mandates win

>>14947394, >>14947410 Virginia Politics Is a Very Narrow Ideological Segment Where Inside Clubs Play

>>14947397 And that supposedly fantastically valuable "internal polling" slipped to the Russki's is a worthless red herring, always was.

>>14947408 Boston cops in riot gear quash violence after Antifa targets vaccine mandate protest

>>14947438 Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ] - With many more Durham indictments projected to be on the near horizon, who do you think will be indicted?

>>14947501 The Threat From TikTok Is Real: Congress Needs to Wake Up(or else)

>>14947506, >>14947548 DJT said "2 down" and how many to go?

>>14947541 Biden's Pentagon Literally Erasing Proof That Our Soldiers Sacrificed It All in Afghanistan

>>14947555 Newsmax Denies It Will Force Vaccine, But Employees Who Refuse It Face an Invasive Weekly Alternative

>>14947568 White Hats, if you are listening, why not free AUS first?

>>14947574 NYC Marathon today. "dual 35's" on "dual 17's" date.

>>14947609, >>14947665, >>14947674 We need moar Wall Pepes.

>>14947627 Hackers have targeted 'sensitive data' at multiple US defense contractors, cybersecurity research firm tells @CNN

>>14947687, >>14947796, >>14947892 Heed the warning of the automotivefag, he left previous employment over safety issue cover up

>>14947704 Today marks the 1 year delta of the Four Seasons Landscaping press conference

>>14947729 General Flynn urges pastors to defend constitution

>>14947731, >>14947731 NZ MOSQUE SHOOTER BACK IN THE NEWS

>>14947765 RE: Tunnels under McMartin Preschool: Satanic torture

>>14947775, >>14947878 RE: AstroFuckery: Another Masonic ritual sacrifice. Stage contains multiple symbols, CONFIRMED

>>14947788 HRC and Bird on the CP clock

>>14947868 new Dan FB "CALLED IT——2017…." 17 characters

>>14947904 #18909

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2fc9b4  No.14947948


>>14946473 Nearly two-thirds of Americans don't want Biden to seek another term in the next presidential election, according to a poll released Sunday

>>14946483 Biden backs payment to families separated at border under Trump

>>14946484 CDC Scientists admit they did manipulate study data to show the Covid-19 Vaccines are safe for Pregnant Women

>>14946508 Durham And Big Picture Stuff - What The Russia Hoax Hath Wrought

>>14946514 Democratic Kansas Governor TURNS on Biden's vaccine mandate and says mandates are 'not correct or effective'

>>14946528 Trump warns that China could take control of Bagram Air Base because it's 'one hour away from their nuclear facility

>>14946537 Biden’s Surgeon General Doesn’t Rule Out Extending Vaccine Mandate to Businesses with Fewer Than 100 Employees (VIDEO)

>>14946541 Worker closing down Baldwin’s ‘Rust’ set bitten by poisonous spider, may lose arm

>>14946597, >>14946651, >>14946669 Video Emerged Of A Girl Shouting At An #AstroWorld Festival Employee To Stop The Show & Help Those Being Killed In #TravisScott's Audience.

>>14946599 Boy Scouts Announce New Critical Race Theory Requirement

>>14946616 Why People WILLINGLY Give Up Their Freedoms W/ Prof. Mattias Desmet

>>14946653, >>14946659 Mike Pompeo - If we devote ourselves to what we know is right, we will preserve that which matters most. / 17 words

>>14946662, >>14946680 Mike Pompeo - “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 / 33-16 = 17

>>14946732, >>14946748 We Are in a World War. It Is a Fifth Generation War

>>14946781 UN Committee To Decide Who Gets Afghanistan's Seat Amid Rival Claims

>>14946958 Jim Jordan - "Catalyst for a Great Awakening.."

>>14946978 Mark Thompson, CEO of the pedovore protectin' New York Times is the former CEO of BBC

>>14946988 The “presidential seal” was blurred out on the podium during Biden’s infrastructure speech.

>>14947059 Brian Cates - Political Columnist - If Durham wants to start his indictments in chronological order…

>>14947064 The Sentinel Report With Alex Newman On Biden Allowing The Vaccine to Be Provided For Kids The Ages 5-11

>>14947099 Jen Psaki Also Hasn’t Been Seen in Public for Eleven Days Since Revealing She Got Covid, Despite Being ‘Fully Vaccinated’

>>14947117 FBI records vault closed 3 months ago

>>14947140 Poster boy for U.S. gun control movement kills himself in jail on DUI charge

>>14947159 Pope Francis celebrates five openly Marxist organizations

>>14947162 #18908

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2fc9b4  No.14947949


>>14945762 Dan Rather Blackwater comms, Rather retweet / Blackwater mentioned in Drops# 225, 1091, 1229, 1230, 1441, 1760

>>14945774 FBI Raids Project Veritas Writers . . . Over A Missing Biden Diary?

>>14945786 Sen. Barrasso: At Climate Conference Biden ‘Pledged Allegiance To The Flag Of The United Nations’ Not The United States

>>14945792, >>14946133, >>14946180 What did the FBI have on Danchenko?

>>14945805 Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issues emergency halt to Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate

>>14945810 Vermont, the most vaccinated state in the country (71%), passes Florida (59% vaxxed) in new COVID cases AND deaths per 100k

>>14945813 Corporate media turning a blind eye to Big Pharma conflicts of interest

>>14945815 Lawsuit Filed Against Michigan’s Dishonest Sec of State Jocelyn Benson…Legal Group Found Nearly 26K Potentially Dead Voters On Voter Rolls

>>14945819, >>14945832, >>14945949, >>14946001 Bomb threats at multiple U.S. universities, including Brown, Cornell, and Columbia, have prompted evacuations.

>>14945820 Glen Greenwald makes points on disinformation and propaganda

>>14945855, >>14945958, >>14946009 ANTIFA terrorists violently attack anti lockdown/mandate rally in Boston.

>>14945875 Police investigate suspicious Facebook ad after 12 passengers vanish from plane during emergency landing

>>14945895, >>14946160 California Governor Out Of Public Sight Since Vaccine Booster Shot 11 Days Ago

>>14945901 Biden Regime Announce $300 Million Payday to Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala

>>14945906, >>14945953 Trump calls out Baldwin / TRUMP TALKS BALDWIN WITH STIGALL

>>14945951 Democratic governor turns on Biden vaccine mandate, not 'correct' or 'effective' solution

>>14945978 Greg Abbott - There’s no reason to “hope” gas prices won’t reach $4 / Energy secretary says she hopes gas prices won't reach $4

>>14946016 9 Truths From Aaron Rodgers’ Explosive Vaxx Interview You Aren’t Allowed To Say

>>14946024 Durham's latest indictment: More lines drawn to Clinton's campaign

>>14946029 Biden’s “Presidential” Seal Is Blurred During Live Stream

>>14946030 Democrats brace for flood of retirements after Virginia rout

>>14946040, >>14946089 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America - “Very sad that the RINOs in the House and Senate gave Biden and Democrats a victory on the “Non-Infrastructure” Bill…"

>>14946051, >>14946061, >>14946064, >>14946236 John Ratcliffe says 'truth will defend itself' in ongoing Durham probe

>>14946086 Massive 'Let's go Brandon' banner flies over Georgia/Missouri football game

>>14946079, >>14946161 Horrifying Scene at Deadly Concert: Video Shows Crowd Begging Rapper to Stop, He Continues Singing Amid the Chaos

>>14946092, >>14946103 New Poll Suggests GOP Victory In 2022; Biden Approval Sinks To 38% While Kamala's Even Worse

>>14946108 We Are Finally Uncovering the Center of the Scandal of the Steele Dossier

>>14946117 Jen Psaki Also Hasn’t Been Seen in Public for Eleven Days Since Revealing She Got Covid, Despite Being ‘Fully Vaccinated’

>>14946225 Nurse Says Hospitals Are Full of Adverse Vax Reactions

>>14946272 Ron DeSantis’ Office Says Biden Admin Sending Flights Of Migrants Into State

>>14946316 Fans Loudly Chant ‘F**k Joe Biden’ During UFC 268

>>14946399 #18907

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2fc9b4  No.14947951


>>14944989, >>14944996 Feelz like comms to me, Veterans Day not till the 11th

>>14945004 Any anon know what this N | D flag is for? It is flying at the Capitol today.

>>14945005 Proof of vax required as strict mandate takes effect in LA

>>14945010, >>14945039, >>14945418 George Floyd’s nephew, Cortez Rice, makes a claim that he knows people taking photos of jurors during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

>>14945012, >>14945044, >>14945240 California Governor Newsom Out Of Public Sight Since Vaccine Booster Shot 11 Days Ago

>>14945148 Poster boy for U.S. gun control movement kills himself in jail on DUI charge

>>14945217 Iraqi Prime Minister Survives Assassination Attempt by Drone

>>14945244 How Media and Tech Elites Seized Control of Elections

>>14945250 Bill Gates: "Germ Games" Needed To Prepare For Bioterrorist Attacks

>>14945317 While Appealing Conviction for Running Child Porn Ring, Police Chief Busted AGAIN Abusing Toddlers

>>14945325 Biden Admin ‘Prepared to Defend’ COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate After Court Ruling: Surgeon General

>>14945333 Chinese Former High-Ranking Public Security Minister Arrested

>>14945349 Pastor, Al Sharpton’s younger brother indicted for distributing cocaine

>>14945357 Virginia Public School Counselor Arrested After Alleged Three-Year Sexual Relationship with Now-Former Student..

>>14945371, >>14945397 Ghislaine Maxwell proposes calling psychologist who testified at Harvey Weinstein trial that victims' memories of sexual abuse are unreliable

>>14945390 Volume of opioids flooding U.S. is 'worst it's ever been,' says outgoing DEA El Paso chief

>>14945428 Investigative journalist calls the Durham Investigation 'a case built upon lies'

>>14945449 Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews warns of increased demand on state’s health care system

>>14945473 Son of Libyan Strongman Haftar Visited Israel, Seeking Diplomatic Ties for Military Aid

>>14945514 What Is the Number Needed to Vaccinate (NNTV) to Prevent a Single COVID-19 Fatality in Kids 5 to 11 Based on the Pfizer EUA Application?

>>14945542 UPDATE: Newsmax Opposes Vaccine Mandate and Will Not Enforce Vaccine Mandate at Company

>>14945593, >>14945672 REPORT: FBI Lost HD Rittenhouse Video, Never Told The Defense It Existed

>>14945675 Trump's spy chief releases new batch of Russia docs to Justice Department

>>14945689 #18906

Previously Collected Notables

>>14945258 #18905

>>14942644 #18902, >>14943399 #18903, >>14944170 #18904

>>14940343 #18899, >>14941077 #18900, >>14941834 #18901

>>14938075 #18896, >>14938829 #18897, >>14939600 #18898

>>14936178 #18893, >>14936536 #18894, >>14937310 #18895

>>14933484 #18890, >>14934159 #18891, >>14936544 #18892

>>14931049 #18887, >>14931828 #18888, >>14932549 #18889

>>14928700 #18884, >>14929450 #18885, >>14930233 #18886

>>14926414 #18881, >>14927200 #18882, >>14927979 #18883

>>14923974 #18878, >>14924862 #18879, >>14925664 #18880

>>14921634 #18875, >>14922396 #18876, >>14923244 #18877

>>14919172 #18872, >>14921046 #18873, >>14921160 #18874

>>14916885 #18869, >>14917561 #18870, >>14918416 #18871

>>14914419 #18866, >>14915212 #18867, >>14916309 #18868

>>14913911 #18863, >>14912877 #18864, >>14913659 #18865

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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2fc9b4  No.14947953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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17e039  No.14947986

File: 2ffb50850b8b385⋯.png (505.58 KB, 620x930, 2:3, bf8e962d1de98b9de1e73576ed….png)

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08e8dd  No.14947987

>>14946079 p , >>14946161 p Horrifying Scene at Deadly Concert: Video Shows Crowd Begging Rapper to Stop, He Continues Singing Amid the Chaos

"rapping" is not singing.

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08e8dd  No.14947988


there. ought to be an iq test but whatever

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28073e  No.14947989

File: 32e311d87b6e515⋯.png (672.13 KB, 800x500, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

For America


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c102b2  No.14947990

File: 1aac30bad94921e⋯.jpg (85.92 KB, 700x700, 1:1, redhead_glasses_smug.jpg)

>>14947975 (lb)

Alright then; it's settled. I'm moving my desk next to you so I can get a closer look at your worksheets from here on out.

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839fe6  No.14947991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GROUNDSWELL, Melbourne (Part 1)

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08a149  No.14947992

File: 547dd9d881884b4⋯.png (199.1 KB, 342x257, 342:257, Screenshot_2021_11_07_at_2….png)

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766bd6  No.14947993

File: 829d343e3392c6c⋯.png (581.96 KB, 636x632, 159:158, 829d343e3392c6c4c9189e05c0….png)

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b2f725  No.14947994

File: 7bbcc83d41690e3⋯.png (545.94 KB, 487x394, 487:394, ClipboardImage.png)



lurk mode activated !!!

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571191  No.14947995

File: e52d211e00bfa88⋯.jpg (439.81 KB, 716x909, 716:909, e52d211e00bfa88ddeaa2ac090….jpg)

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28073e  No.14947996


Beautiful Eyes

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1a0cc7  No.14947997

File: 78a809cc166e802⋯.jpg (77.23 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 156316003_429258888137749_….jpg)

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b1ea8c  No.14947998

File: e73386fb09d4afb⋯.png (604.25 KB, 1753x1221, 1753:1221, wsrwrhwrh.png)

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eb5a79  No.14947999

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96800e  No.14948000

File: 43810be43037e86⋯.png (504.41 KB, 562x440, 281:220, Stolen_election3.png)

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8a1dc4  No.14948001

File: 8d4e7258e59ebe5⋯.png (178.77 KB, 406x794, 203:397, ClipboardImage.png)

Indeed, the NGA had confirmed that its intelligence obtained via Keyhole was used by the NSA to support US operations in Iraq from 2003 onwards

Clinton Foundation failure to declare foreign donations 2001 - 2003

Steele req non_extradition to U.S?

UK-US extradition treaty 2003.

Arial 18

This an attempt by the UK?

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115ae8  No.14948002

File: b61d63ccb09bb7e⋯.jpg (47.49 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, sniper.jpg)


Nice Snipe


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8b6023  No.14948003

File: 4ff002dbf8c2049⋯.png (584.5 KB, 515x888, 515:888, ClipboardImage.png)

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2bfca5  No.14948004

File: f7a3b45ec859a5d⋯.png (35.14 KB, 889x208, 889:208, Screenshot_2021_11_07_1914….png)

File: 5dfe8cc08609057⋯.png (59.07 KB, 1323x307, 1323:307, Screenshot_2021_11_07_1915….png)


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28073e  No.14948005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's a Jail break

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766bd6  No.14948006

File: c45afb6b542fba1⋯.png (1.12 MB, 828x780, 69:65, 01a02a6d7a57a32387f45feedb….png)

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2fc9b4  No.14948007

File: 6f240f507320bbc⋯.png (1.76 MB, 746x965, 746:965, ClipboardImage.png)

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c102b2  No.14948008



You have to look up for the eyes. It only took me 30 seconds. If I can find them, so can you. You got this, anon!

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a412b5  No.14948009

File: 922d92861985728⋯.png (250.45 KB, 415x578, 415:578, deniro_short_mutant.png)

>>14947772 (pb/lb)

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f05d4a  No.14948010

Baker, you absolutely need to put Q Research General in the title or aggregators will ignore it.

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30bfb6  No.14948011

File: 666d91ed7db0b0c⋯.jpg (53.39 KB, 666x361, 666:361, trumpmanufacturing.jpg)

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881d53  No.14948012

File: 7c0416efd6c0857⋯.jpeg (6.39 KB, 468x209, 468:209, 7c0416efd6c0857b79d66ab96….jpeg)


TYB Sniper

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08e8dd  No.14948013

its a trap


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eb5a79  No.14948014

File: 7fcea4a8cafb88a⋯.jpeg (78.81 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 9F160680_062B_4AD2_8317_D….jpeg)

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2b37e2  No.14948015

File: 014a2fa21b770b8⋯.png (5.03 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, redoctober.png)

File: e1bc95921ab7a3c⋯.png (766.17 KB, 1776x1776, 1:1, RedOctobersoct3.png)

File: 8faf48b81fb44d5⋯.png (196.4 KB, 1140x481, 1140:481, redocttext.PNG)

Today is Red October (Nov. 7) in history.

On the QClock

Compilation of RED OCTOBER posts.

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087471  No.14948016

OK anyone going to confront the elephant in the room? I'm going to bed but it's getting a bit annoying.

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839fe6  No.14948017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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21140a  No.14948018


Assuming the winner adds it.

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91a34b  No.14948019

File: bdb05c9fbc796d1⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 2008x3264, 251:408, eecummingsc.JPG)

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c102b2  No.14948020



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520dfb  No.14948021

File: d8d7aaab94853e8⋯.png (17.55 KB, 544x275, 544:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 863dc5bad271a6c⋯.png (122.88 KB, 925x391, 925:391, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons……is this a Q proof?

>>14947868 (lb)

>new Dan FB

>They will LOSE, AGAIN

Q 492

Jan 07, 2018 3:28:14 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 05b846 No. 13549

We will never LOSE AGAIN win this is finished.


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6ece9c  No.14948022

File: b58e461304016ce⋯.jpg (108.91 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, b58e461304016ce83e227c2b09….jpg)

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2adefb  No.14948023

File: 9bc742e6b650124⋯.jpg (56.03 KB, 891x891, 1:1, BeBest.JPG)

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2fc9b4  No.14948024


I thought it looked shorter than usual…. my b

Maybe the bots will miss it

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d1787f  No.14948025

File: 33ffeab52635b05⋯.png (406.29 KB, 708x868, 177:217, GITMO_4_5.png)

>>14947782 lb

sauce or it didn't happen?

Wtaf DID happen–

4 prisoners Obama exchanged for Bowe Bergdahl now in senior Taliban posts

Nearly all of those who hold senior positions have close ties to al Qaeda


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8cfef9  No.14948026

>>14947972 (lb)

…'Prophesy' is complete bullshit. People wanting to fit a massive sky event (that already happened, like Revelation) in the past and essentially 'make shit up' and perpetuate the lie. It's ripe for a Saturn decode.

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96800e  No.14948027

File: 51a47b26ae9c1f9⋯.png (486.95 KB, 750x500, 3:2, lets_go_brandon_triggering.png)

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08e8dd  No.14948028


straight outta fr

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6ece9c  No.14948029

File: c5e3d03f9544729⋯.jpg (112.08 KB, 500x955, 100:191, 49sihk.jpg)

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eff7f4  No.14948030

File: 5f94eaf3f35ca1a⋯.jpg (488.26 KB, 1199x800, 1199:800, E9VnT34X0AI0KiF.jpg)

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0f35b8  No.14948031

File: b551c1fd8af3e63⋯.jpg (302.91 KB, 831x1153, 831:1153, b551c1fd8af3e63d678d32fce4….jpg)

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1091ba  No.14948032



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08a149  No.14948033

File: 6a0d9e6a25cc797⋯.png (374.93 KB, 480x484, 120:121, f21a9017e67cf413d8b854a035….png)


Let´s go baker!

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30554d  No.14948034

File: 6228e819cb8c757⋯.jpg (171.25 KB, 594x456, 99:76, 6228e819cb8c75769882dd3dd4….jpg)

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766bd6  No.14948035

File: 03ac382643b15b0⋯.png (181.99 KB, 450x425, 18:17, 03ac382643b15b068fd9fb1111….png)

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08a149  No.14948036

File: 92cf3b3ceb559c2⋯.jpg (390.38 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, FDmT7tiXIA4B5Ak.jpg)

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668e55  No.14948037

File: 68aa3d232272a9f⋯.gif (294.4 KB, 480x480, 1:1, giphy.gif)


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c328cb  No.14948038

File: 05137723b5ffab6⋯.jpg (287.88 KB, 1734x966, 289:161, WTW7.jpg)

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541834  No.14948039

File: 3eca6c635679838⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 222x177, 74:59, 3eca6c635679838ec9e387c55d….gif)

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91a34b  No.14948040

File: f42e7a07526f3dc⋯.jpg (94.79 KB, 836x550, 38:25, morrisonpereandfils.jpg)

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08e8dd  No.14948041

File: 02def147ce454a3⋯.png (15.6 KB, 406x82, 203:41, morans_brian.png)

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d5aca3  No.14948042


Autotune is not singing either.

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8a1dc4  No.14948043

File: ab59514b6a425d4⋯.png (12.84 KB, 409x150, 409:150, ClipboardImage.png)


7/17 = :53 2 days ahead of schedule on the Q clock

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6ece9c  No.14948044

File: e1ac619125aef05⋯.jpg (377.13 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, trumpwon98.jpg)

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d799e3  No.14948045

File: c18dcb867e6253e⋯.png (672.72 KB, 1584x771, 528:257, jfk_fbi.png)

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91a34b  No.14948046

File: c72b76794c40ba0⋯.png (333.61 KB, 705x500, 141:100, youllfindout.png)

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839fe6  No.14948047

Adem Somyurek faces IBAC inquiry into allegations of serious corrupt conduct involving Victorian public officers

Adem Somyurek, Member of the Victorian Legislative Council for the South Eastern Metropolitan Region, is facing the IBAC on Monday. Join Sky News Australia for live coverage.



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d1d58f  No.14948048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


nice snipe, Baker…

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d5aca3  No.14948049

File: 1f1bb3b11340216⋯.jpg (68.34 KB, 900x552, 75:46, ZomboMeme_29102021225009.jpg)

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eb5a79  No.14948050

File: 5fe12a9c360e68c⋯.jpeg (110.94 KB, 677x800, 677:800, 8DF044CC_0571_4863_A21A_B….jpeg)


Lighten up Franny.

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08a149  No.14948051

File: a4db6c7b3c08aab⋯.jpg (79.23 KB, 580x436, 145:109, trump_laughing.jpg)

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8b6023  No.14948052

File: 72f5a051bcccbaf⋯.png (358.62 KB, 411x467, 411:467, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 021c52b593a6ee4⋯.png (566.7 KB, 800x840, 20:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 272c43deda4214a⋯.png (235.91 KB, 600x579, 200:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2b4d6c0bed4166⋯.png (621.67 KB, 800x1242, 400:621, ClipboardImage.png)


>Fortune Favors The Brave Edition

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c102b2  No.14948053


See what happens when you don't provide context?





Hell, this is what happens when you DO provide context, but sometimes you get something else helpful along the way. Ask your answers next time, or expect this sillyness to continue.

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766bd6  No.14948054

File: a7057bf1f5154a1⋯.jpg (49.29 KB, 1071x644, 153:92, EkKuxQwXgAEjDoc.jpg)

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96800e  No.14948055

File: 1065a796524ee69⋯.png (808.45 KB, 780x438, 130:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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2fc9b4  No.14948056


>its a trap

Always has been

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78b27f  No.14948057

File: 3c5b6bd46bc27ab⋯.png (5.23 MB, 1350x1800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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8cfef9  No.14948058


…Not this fuckin' lifetime.

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fdbf44  No.14948059

File: 9f1d2a9b7570394⋯.png (26.09 KB, 148x200, 37:50, Screenshot_2021_11_07_at_2….png)

File: e13321e1cc10b68⋯.png (26.07 KB, 148x200, 37:50, Screenshot_2021_11_07_at_2….png)

File: ad4334d5aabc3c7⋯.png (22.55 KB, 148x200, 37:50, Screenshot_2021_11_07_at_2….png)

How embarassing

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08e8dd  No.14948060


>Autotune is not singing either.

sorry, didn't where the baker called it "autotune".

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766bd6  No.14948061

File: d45bad49e8b200d⋯.jpeg (23.37 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 5ebc7d33b4cf9861b62fff58d….jpeg)

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30554d  No.14948062

File: 743aee0e1dfdb5f⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB, 466x720, 233:360, Buffalo.mp4)

Black people love white people and here is the evidence.

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541834  No.14948063

File: 2c058d3a3792942⋯.png (106.79 KB, 500x397, 500:397, 2c058d3a3792942041fd2d6d69….png)

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bbac31  No.14948064


Iran who?

Danke schön

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08e8dd  No.14948065

File: 55611b0d9644cd7⋯.png (181.26 KB, 555x428, 555:428, muhjooshills_filter.png)


wtf asked you

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c4c4d4  No.14948066

File: 4c64b71ff97989b⋯.png (316.72 KB, 500x346, 250:173, cat_and_mouse.png)

>>14947984 lb

Barn cats, basically…but no barn, just a massive rat problem that defied every effort until cats were employed and they completely solved the problem. Comes with its own set of issues but easily SO worth it.

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a2d99e  No.14948067

File: aca6969ad77eceb⋯.jpg (47.29 KB, 411x193, 411:193, Crazy_pills_so_hot_right_n….jpg)

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96800e  No.14948068

File: 0fbada4dc6b0693⋯.png (101.63 KB, 268x345, 268:345, glowing_torch_guy.png)

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50315b  No.14948069


>and justice for all

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e7e704  No.14948070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

High Treason

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2fc9b4  No.14948071

File: 973e63b955d1356⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1006x1204, 503:602, ClipboardImage.png)


>How embarassing


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6ece9c  No.14948072

File: c97d7df9e1c1a86⋯.png (785.35 KB, 563x994, 563:994, c97d7df9e1c1a8694b882e8371….png)



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08e8dd  No.14948073

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839fe6  No.14948074

File: 6ef10625ebfd12e⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1194x670, 597:335, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f70733878ddc407⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1193x675, 1193:675, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b554e17b5d129d⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1201x675, 1201:675, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 149bedd4a3ac265⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1201x674, 1201:674, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dff05ed1468f70c⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1195x674, 1195:674, ClipboardImage.png)

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5dfa55  No.14948075

>>14947982 lb

haahahahhahaha, gas prices…. sigh

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766bd6  No.14948076

File: f024f35ed55faad⋯.mp4 (12.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, f024f35ed55faadc8ec4eff56b….mp4)

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30554d  No.14948077

File: 5309c7120f08ddc⋯.jpg (59.71 KB, 541x500, 541:500, 5shll1.jpg)

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fdbf44  No.14948078

File: e35c61599e8d247⋯.png (116.24 KB, 244x689, 244:689, ClassAct.png)


keep it up…

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f3d1b3  No.14948079


Thug Rhyming is shit.

I have more respect for tribal percussion talent.

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839fe6  No.14948080

File: 36a8c5ccc79cea6⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1195x674, 1195:674, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9543f6d41ca03ef⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1196x670, 598:335, ClipboardImage.png)

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08a149  No.14948081

File: 56761036bc65fd2⋯.png (825.04 KB, 541x757, 541:757, Screenshot_2021_11_07_at_2….png)

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50315b  No.14948082


kinda slowpoak there matey

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2fc9b4  No.14948083

>>14948029 Let's discuss the elephant in the room


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cd661e  No.14948084

File: 8368ae4f77022a7⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1024x678, 512:339, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d38ea  No.14948085

File: 338a0d56c76094d⋯.png (645.35 KB, 474x594, 79:99, ClipboardImage.png)

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766bd6  No.14948086

File: 937ce38d11d2294⋯.png (53.93 KB, 228x164, 57:41, 937ce38d11d2294dc2e1322f6f….png)

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a2d99e  No.14948087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Terriers do a much better job. And they love their job too.

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30554d  No.14948088

File: a397b033c9ed3b5⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Big_Mike_s_Balls.mp4)

Barry has lots of Vaseline.

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0f35b8  No.14948089

File: 6f8d647ddef302d⋯.jpg (70.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6f8d647ddef302dececd9e944c….jpg)


>How embarassing

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c102b2  No.14948090

File: d40b7ed69e75df6⋯.png (416.3 KB, 533x400, 533:400, ClipboardImage.png)


Are the sheep in the room with us, right now?


Oh, anon. Let me teach you the way of my people. Look up "% gallon bucket mouse trap" on youtube. I've caught countless mice this way. Mice never escape it, so they never learn how to defeat it.

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96800e  No.14948091

File: 2ff45a2502e8849⋯.jpg (100.64 KB, 661x312, 661:312, nadler_jth.jpg)

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50315b  No.14948092


>after forty years

>ABBA released a new album

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bbac31  No.14948093

File: 6631f6a0af53b40⋯.jpg (140.84 KB, 710x1083, 710:1083, 20211107_192423.jpg)

Why is the seal blurred?

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8b6023  No.14948094

File: 0101f956bb5cc32⋯.png (719.74 KB, 887x887, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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766bd6  No.14948095

File: 7633e5707c264aa⋯.jpeg (72.06 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 7633e5707c264aa91eccbe6be….jpeg)

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a412b5  No.14948096

File: a256ff156a048af⋯.png (413.66 KB, 700x522, 350:261, HOP_XING.png)

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c102b2  No.14948097

File: 86652f633c03ffc⋯.jpg (113.1 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Pirate4.jpg)



Better late than nevarrrr.

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0ffe5c  No.14948098

Heard a TikTok with Dr Carrie Madej who said that tetanus is not the scary rusty nail in the foot thing we're all told. And that tetanus shot cause infertility. Found this.

Tetanus vaccine may be laced with anti-fertility drug. International / developing countries

A priest, president of Human Life International (HLI) based in Maryland, has asked Congress to investigate reports of women in some developing countries unknowingly receiving a tetanus vaccine laced with the anti-fertility drug human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). If it is true, he wants Congress to publicly condemn the mass vaccinations and to cut off funding to UN agencies and other involved organizations. The natural hormone hCG is needed to maintain pregnancy. The hormone would produce antibodies against hCG to prevent pregnancy. In the fall of 1994, the Pro Life Committee of Mexico was suspicious of the protocols for the tetanus toxoid campaign because they excluded all males and children and called for multiple injections of the vaccine in only women of reproductive age. Yet, one injection provides protection for at least 10 years. The Committee had vials of the tetanus vaccine analyzed for hCG. It informed HLI about the tetanus toxoid vaccine. HLI then told its World Council members and HLI affiliates in more than 60 countries. Similar tetanus vaccines laced with hCG have been uncovered in the Philippines and in Nicaragua. In addition to the World Health Organization (WHO), other organizations involved in the development of an anti-fertility vaccine using hCG include the UN Population Fund, the UN Development Programme, the World Bank, the Population Council, the Rockefeller Foundation, the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and Uppsala, Helsinki, and Ohio State universities. The priest objects that, if indeed the purpose of the mass vaccinations is to prevent pregnancies, women are uninformed, unsuspecting, and unconsenting victims.


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cd661e  No.14948099

File: 89f019b7be43a11⋯.png (752.98 KB, 728x728, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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96800e  No.14948100

File: 46a0ecdebe390ae⋯.png (339.1 KB, 699x391, 699:391, Pelosi_Pepe_kek.png)

File: d9a47963d056329⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, Pelosi_bedeep_bedeep_bedee….mp4)

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ec9cb1  No.14948101


To make you ask

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e10697  No.14948102

File: 79f4e6e857b2b83⋯.png (371.7 KB, 638x513, 638:513, rick_scott_endorses_murkow….PNG)

Senator Rick Scott (R-FL), the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he will help Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s (R-AK) reelection efforts, even though former President Donald Trump endorsed a challenger against her.

In June, Trump announced that he would be endorsing Murkowski challenger Alaska Commissioner of Administration Kelly Tshibaka.


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fdbf44  No.14948103


WHERE IS number 10!!!!

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28073e  No.14948104

File: 523cca9883967e2⋯.mp4 (13.77 KB, 320x240, 4:3, DrinkingNancy.mp4)


I'll drink to those

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9d38ea  No.14948106

File: 23d89d003d95349⋯.png (659.39 KB, 876x390, 146:65, ClipboardImage.png)

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a2d99e  No.14948107

File: 740d2a8caa2f0ae⋯.png (235.05 KB, 351x238, 351:238, Arrrgh.png)

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30554d  No.14948108

File: 028ad5bfe830df1⋯.png (125.58 KB, 289x306, 17:18, hdsnht.png)


I loved that man..

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a2d99e  No.14948109


She is so fucked up.

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fdbf44  No.14948110


I meant nine…9 is important kek

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766bd6  No.14948111

File: d3951efd7ef1a9b⋯.jpeg (8.14 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 17b57945672e9d737a473ffd1….jpeg)


>To make you ask

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bbac31  No.14948112


Alright 👍…..can't fucking unseen that

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839fe6  No.14948113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

North Carolina High School SUSPENDS 15 Year Old Female Student For Reporting Sexual Assault in Girls Restroom – School Accused Teenager of Filing a False Report Even AFTER Male Student Confessed to Police and Was Charged

Last month, a 15-year-old student in Charlotte, North Carolina confided in her school’s administrators that a classmate had sexually assaulted her in the girl’s restroom. She claimed that the unnamed male student had been following her into the bathroom, groping her without consent and that he had been doing so “for weeks” before she was able to work up the nerve to come forward.

But instead of intervening or protecting her, the woke administrators at the Hawthorne Academy of Health Sciences inexplicably called her a liar and suspended her for “filing a false report,” even though the police had already charged the male student with two counts of sexual battery and even coaxed a confession out of him.

Fox46 Interviewed the teen victim about the incident:

The school has reportedly not punished the alleged attacker in any way.

“They are making her feel like she is being punished for coming forward,” the mother told WBTV.

The assaults went unreported for quite some time because, according to the Daily Beast, the victim “was afraid no one would believe her,” which makes the school’s punishment of her for coming forward that much more unsettling – also begs the question, what kind of ‘culture’ is in place at Hawthorne that would make a student feel that way?

After enduring the abuse for weeks, she felt confident enough to speak up after attending a Title IX assembly earlier in the year that encouraged students to come forward about instances of abuse.

From The Daily Beast:

“Around the time of the assembly, the girl spoke with another student who told her she had had a similar experience with the same assailant. The two of them brought their allegations to the assistant principal, who notified the police, triggering an investigation. (A copy of the police report reviewed by The Daily Beast states that two minors reported that the suspect “attempted to engage in sexual contact against the victims will.”)

A few weeks later, her mother said, the police called to say the alleged assailant had confessed. He was later charged with two counts of sexual battery.”

The whole situation has left the victim’s mother completely shocked, especially with the school’s decision-making. While remaining anonymous for her daughter’s protection, she told The Daily Beast this week that she believes the school “has failed” her daughter.

“Schools teach your kids – ‘you see something, you say something’ – and in this case my daughter did, and it seems that the school system has failed her.”

Shortly after the school was notified of the incidents, the victim’s mother was informed by Hawthorne’s assistant principal – Nina Adams – that they had found no evidence of a sexual assault, and instead accused her daughter of filing a false report based on lies. When the mother confronted Adams with the fact that the police had gotten a confession to the assaults from the male student, she brazenly replied “unfortunately, the police department has nothing to do with the school system.”

“I said to her, ‘I’m a little confused because this student admitted to the detectives that interviewed him at the police station that he did in fact do this,’’’ the mother recalled. “And she said, ‘Unfortunately, what the police department does has nothing to do with the school system.’”

Keep in mind, this is a PUBLIC school official…


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28073e  No.14948115

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eb5a79  No.14948116


“Is that why they have trunks mom?”

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47eb17  No.14948117

File: 0f5d1b6ce7ed4d4⋯.png (1.2 MB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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30554d  No.14948118

File: 66e421cf6d6719d⋯.jpg (72.33 KB, 500x515, 100:103, 5qo71u.jpg)

The Democratic party is a fart rocker dumpster.

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2fc9b4  No.14948119


Idk, guess we pulled a microsoft/iphone thing and just pretended it doesn't exist

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571191  No.14948120

File: 20a1c6c81201af5⋯.png (281.19 KB, 519x499, 519:499, 41c58eb6633583ef3e3f3685b8….png)

File: e228a8552b26286⋯.png (10.96 KB, 255x225, 17:15, 41f74cd910d908df4e233e225d….png)

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08e8dd  No.14948121

File: a39e535d0d6e921⋯.png (744.55 KB, 927x587, 927:587, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)


Trump tweets support for Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott

Gov. Scott is running for Senate and has minimized his ties to Trump.

By Alex Leary

Published Aug. 27, 2018

Updated Aug. 27, 2018

WASHINGTON -President Donald Trump this afternoon tweeted out support for Ron DeSantis and, surprisingly, Rick Scott ahead of Tuesday's primary.


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cd661e  No.14948122

File: fea7d1e18585e64⋯.webm (2.96 MB, 600x600, 1:1, elephant_ass_plug_slo_mo.webm)

File: 2243bd43175ff0e⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB, 204x360, 17:30, elmo.mp4)


E is for:



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28073e  No.14948123


Constipation relief

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8a1dc4  No.14948124

hmmm, yesterday was the 15th anniversary?

I did not know that.

On November 6, 2006, Saddam Hussein was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging.

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c102b2  No.14948125




I've read it might have something to do with the potential legality of "Could the President financially benefit from making a statement on what they are currently speaking behind the podium", so the way to get around this is the have it programmatically blurred out so as to not seem like a "Presidential Endorsement" of a product.

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6ece9c  No.14948126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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96800e  No.14948127

File: 0f60be249a759f9⋯.png (263.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Clicked6.png)

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08e8dd  No.14948128

lotsa fags up past their bedtime.

is tomorrow a holiday

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5dfa55  No.14948129


brandon so hot right now

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08a149  No.14948130

File: 4d45ceb268a027e⋯.png (28.81 KB, 535x330, 107:66, Screenshot_2021_11_07_at_2….png)

File: 7e33fc84f9fa33d⋯.png (31.28 KB, 535x405, 107:81, Screenshot_2021_11_07_at_2….png)



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28073e  No.14948131

File: 4f8fca048bfcd4a⋯.png (329.66 KB, 652x431, 652:431, Pepe_In_Space.png)

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2b37e2  No.14948132

File: 5090d826c993a3b⋯.png (3.2 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, EZRA.png)

File: e9dfe7a7df78cef⋯.png (2.86 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock3x3whitakerkeksQscar….png)

EZRA for tomorrow's marker.

Older Clock from another marker.

Durham in the news.

Think it had related posts.

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8b6023  No.14948133

File: a5cd8ff5a10271d⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1076x1349, 1076:1349, ClipboardImage.png)

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766bd6  No.14948134

File: dd3dda31aa5c5a6⋯.jpeg (211.49 KB, 609x676, 609:676, dd3dda31aa5c5a6d6143847da….jpeg)


>I've read

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ec9cb1  No.14948135

File: 1d017d9ecf17d83⋯.jpg (131.92 KB, 656x630, 328:315, loveTrips.jpg)

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4cb476  No.14948136

File: f2c404fbd2fa528⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

SEATTLE — A man who died of COVID-19 was dissected in front of a paying audience, and his widow had no idea.

Louisiana woman learns WWII vet husband’s cadaver dissected at pay-per-view event: 'It's horrible'

The family of David Saunders, 98, learned of the autopsy from a KING 5 investigation that exposed the Oct. 17 cadaver class in Portland, Oregon. A similar event in Seattle was canceled.

Event organizers sold tickets for up to $500 to the public to view in-person the autopsy and dissection of a human body. The event is part of the Oddities and Curiosities Expo, which travels across the country.



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08e8dd  No.14948137

File: 9b485379d260a00⋯.mp4 (755.03 KB, 352x640, 11:20, floating_buddha.mp4)

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50315b  No.14948138


>BV will fix that rite-up

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d703f9  No.14948139

File: 402a7b99cadb90d⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 22D18282_4995_484D_B910_E7….png)

You think Bradshaw get jock itch on his huge bald head.

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2fc9b4  No.14948140

File: 9d20b9a87b5641f⋯.jpg (30.11 KB, 1035x1035, 1:1, what_s_this.jpg)

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28073e  No.14948141

File: 14bd0246c9acc0d⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB, 640x800, 4:5, Florian_Dagoury_World_Reco….mp4)

NEW - Florian Dagoury, currently the world’s top static breath-hold free diver, has been diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis 40 days following his second dose with the Pfizer vaccine.

Florian shared his experience on Instagram:


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8b6023  No.14948142

File: 2100f83a2deba88⋯.png (656.66 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a2d99e  No.14948143

File: 0c2ad2fb8acb949⋯.png (941.33 KB, 1125x1189, 1125:1189, 37f796b57d0b91a63d3385e56a….png)


The alleged assailant's "mother"

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fdbf44  No.14948144



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30554d  No.14948146

File: 65852abf38bcf7c⋯.png (598.93 KB, 1080x812, 270:203, Barry.png)

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e10697  No.14948147

File: 0476ed7073c8e78⋯.png (503.74 KB, 549x363, 183:121, biden_xi.PNG)

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864736  No.14948148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I just need to check ya asshole

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2adefb  No.14948150

File: ce6ca04be4ab9db⋯.jpg (130.47 KB, 1170x693, 130:77, Capture.JPG)

EXCLUSIVE: Travis Scott AND Drake are sued for 'inciting the crowd' that left eight Astroworld festivalgoers dead and several others severely injured, as victim claims he begged security for help and was ignored


- Rappers Travis Scott and Drake are being sued for over a million dollars by a man who claims he was left 'severely injured' in the crowd

- Kristian Paredes, 23, from Austin, Texas, filed the complaint obtained by DailyMail.com Sunday

- According to the complaint, Drake 'came on stage alongside Travis Scott and helped incite the crowd'

- Paredes is accusing the rappers, Live Nation Entertainment Inc. and Harris County Sports and Convention Corporation of negligence

- 'The crowd became chaotic and a stampede began leaving eight dead and dozens including Kristian Paredes severely injured,' the filing states

- 'Many begged security guards hired by Live Nation Entertainment for help, but were ignored,' it says

- Texas attorney Thomas J. Henry, who is representing Paredes, said, 'There is no excuse for the events that unfolded at NRG stadium on Friday night'

- Scott previously pled guilty twice to disorderly and reckless conduct charges

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d37361  No.14948151


She talking to her black slave owning ancestors?

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96800e  No.14948152

File: 93195c04504d042⋯.png (259.09 KB, 532x469, 76:67, biden_whispers_pooped.png)

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766bd6  No.14948153

File: c86af3b5a42d63c⋯.png (10.89 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 74df4b9a18a53ba46cff8798cd….png)

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115ae8  No.14948154

File: 3f6377d0c2151ad⋯.jpg (196.6 KB, 1060x707, 1060:707, Hunter_Disraction.jpg)

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c102b2  No.14948155

File: a2934e177f52ba5⋯.png (45.21 KB, 256x316, 64:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 644d42cfbe92395⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 2560x1843, 2560:1843, 644d42cfbe92395df07bbb881c….jpg)


>and has minimized his ties to Trump.

Hehe. I bet.

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28073e  No.14948156

File: 93b9a0eec38b0f4⋯.png (388.3 KB, 396x387, 44:43, ClipboardImage.png)

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8b6023  No.14948157

File: 47fa5260a87913a⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1080x1037, 1080:1037, ClipboardImage.png)

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5dfa55  No.14948159

>>14948130 s

Satanic sacrificial ritual violent abuse murder KILL CHILDREN / PEOPLE



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0f35b8  No.14948160

File: 2e198341084143a⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 320x176, 20:11, 2e198341084143a4d8127dc2be….gif)

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4e480d  No.14948161

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e4f9e6  No.14948162


Biden Admin Amassing Millions of Records on US Gun Owners Amid New Crackdown on Firearms

The Biden administration in just the past year alone stockpiled the records of more than 54 million U.S. gun owners and is poised to drastically alter gun regulations to ensure that information on Americans who own firearms ultimately ends up in the federal government's hands, according to internal Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.


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a2d99e  No.14948163


> The event is part of the Oddities and Curiosities Expo

What sort of things will they be doing in 10 years if this pace keeps up?

Society is reaching for more and more macabre entertainment events.

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d703f9  No.14948164


Lesbians hate straight women

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5b5188  No.14948165

>>14947393 (lb)

>>14947455 (lb)

>>14947549 (lb)

>>14947475 (lb)

>>14947498 (lb)


>Jake Angeli (bornJacobAnthony Angeli Chansley; 1987

>Plea agreement entered 9/3. Sentencing set for 11/17 at 10 am. >JacobAnthony Angeli Chansley

"QAnon Shaman"

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2fc9b4  No.14948166

pls callout notables


>>14948004 RE: Foreign hacking campaigns

>>14948015, >>14948132 Today is Red October (Nov. 7) in history, Compilation of RED OCTOBER posts.. EZRA for tomorrow's marker.

>>14948025 Wtaf DID happen? RE: 4 prisoners Obama exchanged for Bowe Bergdahl now in senior Taliban posts

>>14948047 Adem Somyurek faces IBAC inquiry into allegations of serious corrupt conduct involving Victorian public officers

>>14948098 tetanus is not the scary rusty nail in the foot thing we're all told

>>14948113 North Carolina High School SUSPENDS 15 Year Old Female Student For Reporting Sexual Assault in Girls Restroom

>>14948121 Trump tweets support for Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott

>>14948141 WTF! World’s top static breath-hold free diver diagnosed with Myocarditis and Pericarditis 40 days following second Pfizer vaccine.

>>14948150 Travis Scott AND Drake are sued for 'inciting the crowd' that left eight Astroworld festivalgoers dead



rightfully so

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1336a1  No.14948167

Does any faggot have a rainbow flag with LGBFJB on it meme or anything of the sort. Or does someone want to make one? Got a friend in need

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766bd6  No.14948168

File: 128f2806897df3e⋯.jpg (100.17 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 128f2806897df3e04daed1a044….jpg)

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c102b2  No.14948169


Hey, look. If yer that damn curious about it, perhaps my source is a good lead for ya. Otherwise, it's night shift and it's nowhere near nippley enough in here.

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8b6023  No.14948170

File: 95ee49535a243fa⋯.png (419.62 KB, 720x430, 72:43, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d8cdb  No.14948171

File: cbb62d57b213367⋯.png (21.92 KB, 447x100, 447:100, Drop4593.png)

File: 52a8a2ed5ee7086⋯.png (373.32 KB, 614x476, 307:238, Drop4593Facebook.png)

This is Drop #4593, the very last drop by Q

Could it be showing us how the war ends?

YouTube blocked the video URL

But if you search YouTube for the tag O1l-nR1Apj4

One of the choices is this video…


If you search google for O1l-nR1Apj4

It leads to a Facebook page like this one attached

Which pretty much confirms that the above URL is the right video.

Not only do the lyrics describe how WE THE PEOPLE bring the Revolution to and end

But the Video has many examples of WE THE PEOPLE

Gathering together and OUTNUMBERING the DeepState criminals

We can overwhelm them by shear numbers

Civil disobedience trumps open civil war.

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08e8dd  No.14948172


>>>14948121 (You) Trump tweets support for Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott

Eintstein, that's from 3 years ago.

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28073e  No.14948173


Really think they take the guns from Americans!


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e7e704  No.14948174

File: 6159fc2994758cc⋯.png (619.84 KB, 600x384, 25:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98ec83e4724a812⋯.png (746.9 KB, 525x522, 175:174, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50537f8bf63c23f⋯.png (274.2 KB, 589x332, 589:332, ClipboardImage.png)


Nation of Laws

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96800e  No.14948175

File: c24a6d690648802⋯.jpg (124.51 KB, 500x888, 125:222, dank_catnip.jpg)

Does anyone have a working link for part 3 of the Tucker Carlson Jan 6th series? This one was taken down.


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4e480d  No.14948176

File: 78670bc77b66e17⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 361x200, 361:200, 200.gif)

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cd661e  No.14948177



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2b37e2  No.14948178

File: f6aff10789970f8⋯.png (1.81 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 3x3whitakerkeksQscarhodort….png)

File: 6e9bddb8a5f9419⋯.png (2.26 MB, 3000x2145, 200:143, qclock_q_djt11023by3mar10c….png)

Scaramucci/Whitaker posts.

XI Qclock cause he is back in the news/

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08e8dd  No.14948179


no doubt daddy was grooming his little girl

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9d8cdb  No.14948181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q's most important message was in the last drop

Non violent uprising

Overwhelm the enemy with sheer numbers

Act locally where you live

The way to take away the power from the top of the pyramid

Is to stop delegating your power to far away strangers

Stop delegating political powers to DC

Stop spending your money at huge business monopolies

Strengthen your local economy and community

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766bd6  No.14948182


Doesn't make sense.

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30554d  No.14948183

File: 44896007ce85457⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB, 512x256, 2:1, 44896007ce854573a203363143….mp4)

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0f35b8  No.14948184

File: edf689deee4a700⋯.jpg (134.78 KB, 1600x1153, 1600:1153, edf689deee4a7009f47d7884fc….jpg)


>"You're 15. You can reasonably defend yourself"

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d703f9  No.14948185


Silent generations grand communist dictator is soooooo worried about guns

Fuck government and its employees

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df95a0  No.14948186


Scott is a scumbag rino

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96800e  No.14948187


That evidence will be lost forever now. The F_I took it to ensure that it never sees the light of day.

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a69758  No.14948188

File: a20c7aa1571527d⋯.png (26.3 KB, 1155x649, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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766bd6  No.14948189

File: d9808bf29d48403⋯.jpg (58.68 KB, 334x293, 334:293, d9808bf29d484038355fe681f8….jpg)


>Hey, look

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5b5188  No.14948190


>The alleged assailant's "mother"

that is not the mother

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f324ab  No.14948191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mexico'sMegacablead offering a freeZTE Smartphone(CCP product) to recently covid-19 vaccinated people, showing themagnetic effect of the vaccination as being used as a way to verify that a person is indeed vaccinated. Shown 2x to really let you know.

30 seconds of in your face 'Internet of Bodies' reality.


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28073e  No.14948192


that's ok

you'll grow up someday

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a2d99e  No.14948193


>Lesbians hate straight women

They hate themselves.

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fdbf44  No.14948195

File: 6d4f0eaed57d822⋯.png (843.98 KB, 933x524, 933:524, AlmostTime.png)



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c1a201  No.14948196


She's just nostalgic for the times when a FF shooting could be ordered up in time to precede another control push.

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491da4  No.14948197

File: 52e540d3d3e3416⋯.png (217.94 KB, 347x495, 347:495, 8934572094857209.png)

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8b6023  No.14948198

File: 34127ce45eb1ad5⋯.png (683.31 KB, 731x801, 731:801, ClipboardImage.png)

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d37361  No.14948199


She should sue and get every cent of that pay per view, +10% of every pay-per-view event going forward.

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6ece9c  No.14948200

File: 4e0f4d3a77ee3f1⋯.jpg (95.15 KB, 750x792, 125:132, IMG_2217.JPG)

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08e8dd  No.14948201

File: c25b2ffa9356759⋯.png (444.77 KB, 910x683, 910:683, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)


there's a difference

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2fc9b4  No.14948202


meant to copy/paste the line below,

the bold text threw me off

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f05d4a  No.14948203


Is it? Or is it the biologically unrelated dad-mom?

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28073e  No.14948204

truth about lesbians

They want to be fucked by men, but they be to dam ugly, even a keg of beer won't help

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30554d  No.14948205

File: b198efa52c3c650⋯.mp4 (235.65 KB, 368x640, 23:40, b198efa52c3c650bdf37494165….mp4)

Hollywood rollers..

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a2d99e  No.14948206

File: 2ddb827ba50c6f6⋯.jpg (369.21 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, qnn6_Sauce.jpg)

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08e8dd  No.14948207


in other words, "don't hold yer breath."

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766bd6  No.14948208

File: 93156d2290d77b0⋯.mp4 (4.82 MB, 238x432, 119:216, 93156d2290d77b078d828953b3….mp4)


Let's see what happens.

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2adefb  No.14948209

File: cc2b7046a82b16e⋯.jpg (157.9 KB, 963x846, 107:94, Capture2.JPG)

File: ea597e581640069⋯.jpg (155.19 KB, 686x827, 686:827, Capture3.JPG)


(from same article)

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28073e  No.14948210



the Flu jab is the same the Covid jab!

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2bfca5  No.14948211

File: 1de770c85fd1583⋯.png (56.24 KB, 1473x508, 1473:508, Screenshot_2021_11_07_1948….png)

File: a611de10cc12c8a⋯.png (64.85 KB, 940x319, 940:319, Screenshot_2021_11_07_1949….png)



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6ece9c  No.14948212

File: 7ed9407f48a5c78⋯.png (69.25 KB, 244x156, 61:39, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)


Left eye club

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9d8cdb  No.14948213

File: 643a47bcfb9b7f5⋯.jpg (49.81 KB, 640x378, 320:189, CalmBeforeTheStorm.jpg)

File: 439cf584dd770ee⋯.png (24.3 KB, 435x129, 145:43, Screen_Shot_2021_11_04_at_….png)

File: ebc92a91918f94b⋯.jpg (15.82 KB, 390x280, 39:28, CallTheBall.jpg)

File: 57b44305980ce23⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 970x650, 97:65, Pool_Break_Gear_Patrol_Lea….jpg)

This is STORY OF Q

Do you know what a Cue is? A cue ball?

What about Q? The source of Qlues?

Do you know how to CALL THE BALL?

Are you so stupid that you believe someone with the highest security clearance in Military Intelligence, who swore the oath of allegiance, and whointends to uphold that oathwould actually tell you, in public, something that is classified?

Did you really believe that somebody working for Donald J. Trump, author of The Art Of The Deal would actually reveal, in public, something about the government's intentions in dealing with an adversary?

You're some special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Everything that Q wrote is a LIE or is GARBAGE

It is the only way.

Q made these drops to encourage people to stand up and think for themselves

To do their own research.

Every drop shines a laser on some aspect of Cabal crime and corruption.


Could that be an anagram AND LOSE? Maybe!

Could it be a reminder that a game is being played? Maybe!

Could it tell us the type of game afoot, like a card game where, on some moves, you can ask for cards to be dealt? Maybe!

But one thing you can be sure of.

It reveals no classified information that is not already in the public domain.

And it says nothing that would give criminals an edge in planning their next move.


But if you make a deal and flip, you can play a role in our movie and come out a winner…

Because, you know howGOD WINS? Well everyone who works on God's side wins too.

We followThe Wayof Jesus, so like him, we forgive.

Make America Great Again!United NOT Divided!

15 balls in the triangle and 1 cue ball makes 16 balls in the break

Check this CBTS bread for 16 Q drops

It's about the BREAK (Drop #314)

Notice that the drop about the break

Was in this same bread with the 16 Q Drops


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e10697  No.14948214


yes, boycott companies like at&t verizon, who teaches critical race theory to their employees

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541834  No.14948215

File: 2902968fe7efbb4⋯.png (93.23 KB, 500x415, 100:83, 2902968fe7efbb4b93984b4a6b….png)

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9d8cdb  No.14948216

File: 643a47bcfb9b7f5⋯.jpg (49.81 KB, 640x378, 320:189, CalmBeforeTheStorm.jpg)

File: 439cf584dd770ee⋯.png (24.3 KB, 435x129, 145:43, Screen_Shot_2021_11_04_at_….png)

File: ebc92a91918f94b⋯.jpg (15.82 KB, 390x280, 39:28, CallTheBall.jpg)

File: 57b44305980ce23⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 970x650, 97:65, Pool_Break_Gear_Patrol_Lea….jpg)

This is STORY OF Q

Do you know what a Cue is? A cue ball?

What about Q? The source of Qlues?

Do you know how to CALL THE BALL?

Are you so stupid that you believe someone with the highest security clearance in Military Intelligence, who swore the oath of allegiance, and whointends to uphold that oathwould actually tell you, in public, something that is classified?

Did you really believe that somebody working for Donald J. Trump, author of The Art Of The Deal would actually reveal, in public, something about the government's intentions in dealing with an adversary?

You're some special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Everything that Q wrote is a LIE or is GARBAGE

It is the only way.

Q made these drops to encourage people to stand up and think for themselves

To do their own research.

Every drop shines a laser on some aspect of Cabal crime and corruption.


Could that be an anagram AND LOSE? Maybe!

Could it be a reminder that a game is being played? Maybe!

Could it tell us the type of game afoot, like a card game where, on some moves, you can ask for cards to be dealt? Maybe!

But one thing you can be sure of.

It reveals no classified information that is not already in the public domain.

And it says nothing that would give criminals an edge in planning their next move.


But if you make a deal and flip, you can play a role in our movie and come out a winner…

Because, you know howGOD WINS? Well everyone who works on God's side wins too.

We followThe Wayof Jesus, so like him, we forgive.

Make America Great Again!United NOT Divided!

15 balls in the triangle and 1 cue ball makes 16 balls in the break

Check this CBTS bread for 16 Q drops

It's about the BREAK (Drop #314)

Notice that the drop about the break

Was in this same bread with the 16 Q Drops


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ec9cb1  No.14948217


Wholly shit. Anon put it together. Hype men exist to hype crowds. The hyped fan exhibits their excitement by travelling in an uncontrolled manner(Think keyandpeele theatre guys), so they are bound to crash and crush because their is no prescribed dance, with actual coordinated movements, so the audience is already mixing different and contrasting spasms. Slamdancing and moshing at least have some sort of order. This rap sperg-out 'rage' is designed for max customer disservice.

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08e8dd  No.14948218

File: afe72652a231bdb⋯.png (114.38 KB, 362x278, 181:139, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)


about the second stupidest people on earth

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5dfa55  No.14948219


i see rosenbaums

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e7e704  No.14948220

File: 3b73a81f096a9d2⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB, 180x320, 9:16, DieFineBored.mp4)


She's just reminiscing how she made her bones, pioneering arkancide. No witnesses.

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95ce86  No.14948221


Weird how the anniversaries are Satanic high holy days.

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8b6023  No.14948222

File: bc8638fccef98ce⋯.png (370.63 KB, 510x415, 102:83, ClipboardImage.png)


if he had told her how to swallow sooner

they wouldnt have kids

kinda loses some in the splaining

try this one

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d26586  No.14948224


It's not a rare thing. That happens a lot actually.

I've read about stories where a Marriot Hotel complained because the Company that does the Autopsies would book rooms at the hotels for their live demonstrations, & after the cleaning people would find blood & sometimes brain matter still on the floor

That one was for classes for Coroners

They gotta get the bodies from somewhere.

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a2d99e  No.14948225

File: 08ab5108926107d⋯.png (746.81 KB, 1098x881, 1098:881, Highplains_Pepe.png)

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08a149  No.14948226

File: 3024bca8fcd6f28⋯.png (31.2 KB, 535x430, 107:86, Screenshot_2021_11_07_at_2….png)

Adam Schiff


For four years, Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress proclaimed that it was “infrastructure week.”

They promised a big investment in roads, bridges, and highways.

And they never delivered.

We did. And that’s a Big F-ing Deal.




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08e8dd  No.14948227

File: 061b63776faf1fc⋯.gif (13.98 MB, 960x540, 16:9, punch_the_dough_mini.gif)



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9b7f49  No.14948228

File: 046eca0e646ffb5⋯.jpg (131.36 KB, 720x1149, 240:383, 20211107_194907.jpg)

File: 3f9e0785172dfd1⋯.mp4 (6.02 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, q27lhD5mOOeWBVtH.mp4)


CERN will activate a global meta verse.😳 https://t.co/ayo6VUhizc

WTF are they doing at CERN

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30554d  No.14948229

File: a7bb6f544bf4b24⋯.jpg (76.7 KB, 500x724, 125:181, Clown.jpg)

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c102b2  No.14948230


Australians cuss properly.

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7c322f  No.14948231

File: d4faadd723eac7f⋯.png (508.5 KB, 748x586, 374:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 018f3ea4c7f9ac3⋯.mp4 (984.17 KB, 516x270, 86:45, Lilnkinlookinoutforcrowd.mp4)

Wee bit different than that Astro demonic rapper guy.



Good guys Linkin Park


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eb5a79  No.14948232



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b1ea8c  No.14948233

File: ad1937b73c05531⋯.jpeg (489.11 KB, 1241x1865, 1241:1865, ad1937b73c05531cacd4e095c….jpeg)

They're opening up the flower laying ceremony to civilians so Resident Biden can lay flowers and keep the illusion alive that he's "president." lmao

It's the same reason military turned their back on his motorcade and faced no repercussions.

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e10697  No.14948235

File: 7318d3d578aaf5a⋯.png (409.91 KB, 598x490, 299:245, kabala_lady_g_fist_bump.PNG)

File: 15b525c5cc257ac⋯.png (677.17 KB, 748x471, 748:471, cocaine_mitch_and_nancy.PNG)

File: d0f9f0cedef3f71⋯.png (250.69 KB, 408x328, 51:41, cocaine_mitch_and_hussein.PNG)


corrupt uniparty

comped repubs and most dems (not all)

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08e8dd  No.14948236

File: 89f2ccba61a4347⋯.png (175.77 KB, 320x359, 320:359, projection.png)

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c4c4d4  No.14948237


Did the Indian water traps and these work crazy good…except the rats scream when they're drowning and it is especially disturbing around 3 am when you're trying to sleep. Cats work silently and very efficiently.

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e73fbb  No.14948238

File: 07df5e92a17c646⋯.jpg (102.53 KB, 720x514, 360:257, 20211023_101629.jpg)

File: 69584ec91dade6e⋯.jpg (136 KB, 720x1191, 240:397, 20211106_225556.jpg)

File: 7fecb0c6f87c2fd⋯.jpg (290.92 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, Screenshot_20211107_214948….jpg)

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30554d  No.14948239

File: 18cf8918bf09d9f⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, b70a66cb1202edef2e945a27d5….mp4)

CNN visitors song.

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9b7f49  No.14948240

File: 83d3d7e00709230⋯.jpg (144.74 KB, 720x1052, 180:263, 20211107_195208.jpg)

File: 676a7f1403ab01a⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, 2KbelOoJJ41pKEvZ.mp4)



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ec9cb1  No.14948241


>magnets destroy bottom of display

>MAGnificent piece of work

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943976  No.14948242


>Good guys

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f324ab  No.14948243







Northrup Grumman?



who's missing?

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6ece9c  No.14948244

File: 9bf2a4a0d398cf6⋯.png (352.93 KB, 787x496, 787:496, 0189f24430c8f0596b104458a6….png)

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04b727  No.14948245

>>14947687 pb

I should probably note something that wasnt mentioned. Some companies, like hyundai, offer access to their schematic databases for a small fee. Including the electrical schematics. It doesn't matter if your car is running windows 98se if you disconnect all the antenna elements.

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d5aca3  No.14948246

File: 0b330375971ae0c⋯.jpg (66.66 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ZomboMeme_28022020233100.jpg)

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ec9cb1  No.14948247


Vanguard. Saw a light truck last week. Activated.

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e10697  No.14948248


yes, and he was still elected and re-elected gov of florida after this occurred

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98502e  No.14948249


When they take her carcass off the ice for burial…this should play on a continuing loop at her funeral. Nothing else.

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2fc9b4  No.14948250

pls callout notables


>>14947953 @255

>>14948004, >>14948243 RE: Foreign hacking campaigns

>>14948015, >>14948132 Today is Red October (Nov. 7) in history, Compilation of RED OCTOBER posts.. EZRA for tomorrow's marker.

>>14948025 Wtaf DID happen? RE: 4 prisoners Obama exchanged for Bowe Bergdahl now in senior Taliban posts

>>14948047 Adem Somyurek faces IBAC inquiry into allegations of serious corrupt conduct involving Victorian public officers

>>14948098 tetanus is not the scary rusty nail in the foot thing we're all told

>>14948102 Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) said he will help Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s (R-AK) reelection efforts

>>14948113, >>14948143

North Carolina High School SUSPENDS 15 Year Old Female Student For Reporting Sexual Assault in Girls Restroom

>>14948121 Gov. Scott is running for Senate and has minimized his ties to Trump.

>>14948141 WTF! World’s top static breath-hold free diver diagnosed with Myocarditis and Pericarditis 40 days following second Pfizer vaccine.

>>14948150 Travis Scott AND Drake are sued for 'inciting the crowd' that left eight Astroworld festivalgoers dead

>>14948162 Biden Admin Amassing Millions of Records on US Gun Owners Amid New Crackdown on Firearms

>>14948178 Scaramucci/Whitaker post compilations + XI Qclock

>>14948191 Mexico's [Megacable] ad offering a free ZTE Smartphone as a way to verify that a person is indeed vaccinated

>>14948208 PSA: From Aussie Citizens

>>14948233 Incoming flower laying ceremony optics

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018124  No.14948251

File: 12343c5dc9f6219⋯.jpg (116.17 KB, 465x587, 465:587, What_Is_Truth.jpg)

File: 38651fa66540207⋯.jpg (143.24 KB, 640x474, 320:237, Braveshits_Post_Big_as_a_M….jpg)

File: eab101aed5fb6bf⋯.jpg (113.52 KB, 706x397, 706:397, Braveshits_Post.jpg)

File: 8fbc4c44a875ad3⋯.jpg (140.55 KB, 690x900, 23:30, Next_Qlan_Over_Shitpost.jpg)

File: 3cecb6c5e3a2535⋯.jpg (89.74 KB, 960x408, 40:17, Shitpost_Uncle_Argyle.jpg)


Thank You Tuathà Dé Danann Baker!


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553e40  No.14948252


Why isn’t the seal blurred on the flags behind him then?

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30bfb6  No.14948253


It makes no sense to do that in a hotel room, and not a medical facility, school, or county office, unless, for example, they did not want to keep proper records.

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c4c4d4  No.14948254


Terriers are awesome, but not a great fit for the property where needed…I'm a dog guy, but recognize some niches belong to cats after thousands of years of codependency.

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28073e  No.14948255

File: b1ed5f188fe4bb7⋯.mp4 (10.11 MB, 1280x688, 80:43, Trump_letsgoBrandon.mp4)

POTUS45 absolutey destroys Biden. He gives his thoughts on the new ‘Let’s go Brandon’ chant…

“But I still like the first phrase better somehow. It’s more accurate.”

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08e8dd  No.14948256

File: 169762c4288ac71⋯.png (663.58 KB, 995x634, 995:634, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)


rest my case

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c102b2  No.14948257


Get a deeper bucket. Don't forget to use Antifreeze. They stink to high hell if you use water. Yes, it's a bit harsh, but so is having diseased vermin living in yer space spreading the hantavirus when yer just trying to sweep the fucking floor. Talk about something that'll fucking kill the fuck out of you (or make you wish you were dead).

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96800e  No.14948258

File: 946d7468ea7e07e⋯.jpg (73.95 KB, 461x403, 461:403, time_travel.jpg)


He's sending the microphone ahead 20 years in time… KEK

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d37361  No.14948259


And you believed that story??

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6ece9c  No.14948260

File: 23e07bc14062a12⋯.png (4.51 MB, 2402x1262, 1201:631, Screen_Shot_2021_06_24_at_….png)



was that

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91a34b  No.14948261

File: 898a2e4bec52d12⋯.png (6.91 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, hunterbidenchild50.png)

File: 592a29bc5e4345a⋯.jpg (345.45 KB, 2000x1482, 1000:741, hunterbidenchnaF.jpg)


yes, but tons of people have copies

dude made copies before he turned it over to the FBI.. anti - com Chinese also released some of it

Guiliani has all of it.

Certainly DJTrump POTUS has it, as well

And too, all the servers.

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018124  No.14948262

File: c3e5bb47cb7ecd1⋯.jpg (60.49 KB, 538x299, 538:299, ZomboMeme_26102021210759.jpg)

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018124  No.14948263

File: 75a53995aae7d8e⋯.jpg (117.48 KB, 570x428, 285:214, ZomboMeme_27102021091954.jpg)

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943976  No.14948264


Booring… where's it going?

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018124  No.14948265

File: 4c79812bfcbbace⋯.jpg (111.71 KB, 640x316, 160:79, ZomboMeme_27102021092119.jpg)

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018124  No.14948266

File: 8e6e5ae01e1cb2d⋯.jpg (124.28 KB, 750x422, 375:211, ZomboMeme_27102021092227.jpg)

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dfd40a  No.14948267


False Flags set up by the gun grabbers.

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9d38ea  No.14948268

File: 79ae90a4d7d504d⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)




The Atlas Project, you say?

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2fc9b4  No.14948269

File: 8878858d456c5a7⋯.png (796.21 KB, 945x900, 21:20, ClipboardImage.png)

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018124  No.14948270

File: 403fe680bd651a3⋯.jpg (249.61 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, ZomboMeme_27102021092329.jpg)

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115ae8  No.14948271

File: addc73eb12729fb⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 578x432, 289:216, my_body_my_choice.jpg)

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d3da80  No.14948272

File: 265db3067ff0bb3⋯.png (27.81 KB, 346x340, 173:170, ClipboardImage.png)

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91a34b  No.14948273

File: 0d5f782cd36cd30⋯.mp4 (5.86 MB, 720x856, 90:107, hunterbidencgie70.mp4)

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5b5188  No.14948274


no sauce that that is the mother

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08e8dd  No.14948275

File: 442542ac0fa2e17⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 498x410, 249:205, thomas_the_tank_engine_no.gif)

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d37361  No.14948276


It’s job is to Make America Great Again! Kek!

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ec9cb1  No.14948277




Slide a layer of solid color between the words and photo


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2fc9b4  No.14948278



Has science gone to far?


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28073e  No.14948279

File: 605151b151a64ef⋯.png (826.63 KB, 697x600, 697:600, D5.png)

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018124  No.14948280

File: f765132fea46b6e⋯.mp4 (12.61 MB, 720x404, 180:101, TR_3B_MilSpecOp.mp4)

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7c322f  No.14948281


whatever. is he vaccinated tho?

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e73fbb  No.14948282


Trump hints bidandidshit himself before meeting the pope.

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a4e691  No.14948283

File: 4ca617d2a9a7098⋯.jpg (21.03 KB, 252x380, 63:95, Look_in_the_mirror_dumbass.jpg)

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28073e  No.14948284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fly like an Eagle

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e10697  No.14948285


will never forget going to a symposium on causes of death years ago, where they were showing slides of autopsy pictures, and my secretary suddenly got up and headed for the exit door

of course, i followed her out of concern thinking she was grossed out by the pictures, then she tells me one of the pictures shown was of her aunt who had died within the past few months

what could i say, but i told her to go home

it wuz very cringe

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5b5188  No.14948286

File: f0637976c60a434⋯.png (603.32 KB, 692x389, 692:389, ClipboardImage.png)



Mother of "Skirt Wearing" Rapist in Loudoun Blames Victim for Being Sexually Assaulted

Anna Slatz

Anna Slatz

03 Nov 2021

The mother of the 15-year-old boy at the center of the Loudoun County school rape spree has come out and slammed the young victim of the assault, claiming she was "willing" and that her son isn't to blame for the rape.

The Loudoun County School Board came to international attention in October when a father revealed his ninth-grade daughter had been sexually assaulted in the girl's restroom at her school by a male student "wearing a skirt." The assault took place at Stone Bridge High School in May, and was followed by a series of controversies including the father being violently arrested when trying to confront School Board members about the assault at a public meeting.

The boy would be promptly transferred to another school where he would later be arrested for sexually assaulting yet another young female student – this time confining the girl in an empty classroom and molesting her.

In October, the teen was found guilty of rape in the first case after being charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio. He is awaiting trial on the second assault.

Today, the mother of the boy came forward to speak with the Daily Mail about the incidents, but rather than showing any empathy for victims – she slammed them while defending her son.

"He's a 15-year-old boy that wanted to have sex in the bathroom, with somebody that was willing," she stated, seemingly neglecting the fact her son had been convicted of rape, "And they're twisting this just enough to make it a political hot button issue."

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553e40  No.14948287


She definitely Antifa. Probably a fucking teacher too.

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c4c4d4  No.14948288


I'll stick to what's working perfectly. We could fill up the bread with all the stuff I had tried. With just a few cats around, I have ZERO rats. And I live in a salt marsh full of them. They just stay away now or never make it very far and I don't have to deal with their bodies. Now if I could just convince the cats that the racoons are not their friends either…they just act like their big cats. Big destructive cats.

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c102b2  No.14948289



They are smashing particles together and learning shit. It's going to be down there (planned for) 20 years. Why you guys freaking out? It's not like they are opening a rail tunnel in Switzerland.

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182c90  No.14948290


>CERN will activate a global meta verse

is this why Zuck changed FB's name to Meta?

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2fc9b4  No.14948291

File: 443469ca1e049d1⋯.png (993.18 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a2d99e  No.14948292

File: c03bdddc2cf8e98⋯.gif (1.15 MB, 339x230, 339:230, riiight.gif)


>no sauce that that is the mother

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8cfef9  No.14948293


…With the potential to alter the Earth's magnetic field? That's a big fucking YES!

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8b6023  No.14948294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the satanist killed peace & love at Altamont on

6 Dec 1969 as the Rolling Stones played Sympathy for the devil and a young man was sacrificed at the 8 minute mark

but even they stopped playing

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28073e  No.14948295


Split fortunes

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08e8dd  No.14948296



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5dfa55  No.14948297


its so rare only habbened over and over in 2021 , stick to the science , do five flavors at once - man

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5b5188  No.14948298


>Today, the mother of the boy came forward to speak with the Daily Mail about the incidents, but rather than showing any empathy for victims – she slammed them while defending her son.


EXCLUSIVE: It was the woke cover-up that electrified the Virginia governor's race, now on election day the mother of skirt-wearing teen who raped a female classmate in girls' bathroom says he is a troubled boy who identifies as male and just wanted sex

A judge found the teenage boy wearing a skirt guilty last week of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old female classmate in the girls' bathroom at their school

Speaking exclusively with DailyMail.com, his mother, who asked not to be identified for the sake of her underage son, defended his actions

She said his actions were that of a heterosexual, hormonal teen, who had consensual sex with the girl twice before

'He's a 15-year-old boy that wanted to have sex in the bathroom, with somebody that was willing,' she said

She said her son is trying to 'find himself' by wearing a skirt one day, and pants the next for attention he 'desperately' sought

'First of all, he is not transgender,' she said. 'And I think this is all doing an extreme disservice to those students who actually identify as transgender'

But she admits that her son is deeply troubled and has a history of misbehavior that included sending nude photos of himself to a girl in fifth grade

He has also been charged with sexually assaulting another girl in October

She insists that the public is 'twisting this just enough to make it a political hot button issue'


PUBLISHED: 09:37 EST, 2 November 2021 | UPDATED: 11:26 EST, 2 November 2021

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2fc9b4  No.14948299


>is this why Zuck changed FB's name to Meta?

Yes, no doubt. Also why "he"s coercing, being sued by the companies hers stealing the name from

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182c90  No.14948300



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cd661e  No.14948301


he got close to that wheel with no mask. i hope the wheel got vaxxed.

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c102b2  No.14948302


Good on ya, anon. Good idea to keep spay/neuter in mind, otherwise you'll have an entirely different problem (lol).

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d37361  No.14948304


It’s going to the man in the high castle

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cd661e  No.14948305


he was killed while the song "under my thumb" was played

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a2d99e  No.14948306


>currently the world’s top static breath-hold free diver

Not any more.

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fdbf44  No.14948307


Well. If rape is now a political issue then we should be focusing on politics then, ya!

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28073e  No.14948308

File: 877fc3b3c016558⋯.png (859.56 KB, 834x1024, 417:512, Make_everything_Trump_Agai….png)

Here she is

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cd661e  No.14948309


and the guy wore a green suit, was high on drugs in the 2nd row, waving a 357 or 44 saying how he was going to shoot Mick Jagger.

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d1787f  No.14948310

File: 43e3e6409f38aa1⋯.png (301.57 KB, 726x433, 726:433, ClipboardImage.png)





Rick Scott says GOP candidates should embrace Trump endorsements: ‘Foolish’ not to

ByNews November 7, 2021


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d37361  No.14948311


She could be like the queen and just shedding her skin.

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c102b2  No.14948312

File: 0b07256eee02543⋯.png (1.78 KB, 351x28, 351:28, ClipboardImage.png)


Anons got a copy last year. It's everywhere.

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1cc239  No.14948313


Lots of digging on here, but complete silence on the complete hijack of covenant theology to dispensationalism. One tells us the truth, one puts believers 2nd to the people who reject salvation.

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fdbf44  No.14948314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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766bd6  No.14948315

File: 2a6f670d5103ea8⋯.png (9.09 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 73b8ff30ba0e34ab5c7685d6a0….png)

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7c322f  No.14948316

File: a359403cf6fb57a⋯.png (30.3 KB, 748x450, 374:225, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck- the times we livin' in.




2:40 PM · Nov 7, 2021·Twitter Web App


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e10697  No.14948317


so he endorsing both murkowski and her primary challenger?

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96800e  No.14948318

File: 812adf052ee1218⋯.jpg (140.33 KB, 960x951, 320:317, AOC_Ren.jpg)

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08e8dd  No.14948319

File: 919c2c00a48287f⋯.png (195.93 KB, 492x524, 123:131, cruz_clam.png)

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75a871  No.14948321

File: 7de5ca30adfd17a⋯.jpg (146.7 KB, 1502x813, 1502:813, _20211107_220247.JPG)

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cd661e  No.14948322

File: ae72cf15ff27e04⋯.png (805.22 KB, 834x1024, 417:512, ClipboardImage.png)

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30554d  No.14948323

File: b439db47d643bf5⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1195x886, 1195:886, 574f806f850af9249b602bda87….png)


Loser 100%

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0f35b8  No.14948325

File: a4d7a17d9d23e5a⋯.jpg (53.29 KB, 769x1080, 769:1080, a4d7a17d9d23e5a1cd509be9e2….jpg)

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91a34b  No.14948326

File: f4f8221a7b14ab8⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 264x400, 33:50, 395px_X_Men_Vol_1_117.jpg)


It's a date to watch.

When do they turn in on? The 11th?

Or was it today or yesterday?

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28073e  No.14948327

File: 2fe8b0baae877b7⋯.png (202.02 KB, 275x238, 275:238, ClipboardImage.png)


Stimpy you Idiot!

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766bd6  No.14948328

File: 61d66b11cb27d4d⋯.png (15.61 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 1b91c018c23cd97a81bb918405….png)

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4beba8  No.14948329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c102b2  No.14948330

File: bc2e20710915c57⋯.png (557.25 KB, 641x768, 641:768, ClipboardImage.png)

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dfd40a  No.14948331

File: baa35604ead88e6⋯.png (155.26 KB, 500x441, 500:441, ClipboardImage.png)


Why not just call them perverts?

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fdbf44  No.14948332

File: 7a12452c589ea4f⋯.png (514.91 KB, 896x790, 448:395, Screenshot_2021_11_07_at_2….png)

While examining Newsome’s office, the Marines found a concealed door beneath Newsom’s $8,000 Jason Scott Castillo Desk, and the secret door opened into the unthinkable, a chamber with a king bed covered in stuffed animals and surrounded by video cameras. Several pair of children’s pajamas were strewn about the room. Also, the Marines recovered numerous SD and Compact Flash cards from a locked strongbox under the bed. They reportedly viewed a snippet that sickened their stomachs. It showed a young girl—not one of Newsome’s kids—performing oral sex on the tarnished governor.

What makes the heinous crime even more vile is that Newsom has four pre-teen children: Montana Tessa, 12; Brooklynn Stacia, 8; Dutch William, 5; and Hunter, 10, whom Gavin and his wife Jennifer named in honor of Hunter Biden, according to friends of the couple.

“The find will add to the charges against Gavin Newsom–if he survives. We have a lot on him, but he wasn’t on our pedophile radar until now” our source said.


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9d38ea  No.14948333

File: be099741fc81ceb⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1742x480, 871:240, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db9ae977b36bad0⋯.png (968.09 KB, 765x527, 45:31, ClipboardImage.png)




ATLAS is one of two general-purpose detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It investigates a wide range of physics, from the search for the Higgs boson to extra dimensions and particles that could make up dark matter. Although it has the same scientific goals as the CMS experiment, it uses different technical solutions and a different magnet-system design.

Beams of particles from the LHC collide at the centre of the ATLAS detector making collision debris in the form of new particles, which fly out from the collision point in all directions. Six different detecting subsystems arranged in layers around the collision point record the paths, momentum, and energy of the particles, allowing them to be individually identified. A huge magnet system bends the paths of charged particles so that their momenta can be measured.

The interactions in the ATLAS detectors create an enormous flow of data. To digest the data, ATLAS uses an advanced “trigger” system to tell the detector which events to record and which to ignore. Complex data-acquisition and computing systems are then used to analyse the collision events recorded. At 46 m long, 25 m high and 25 m wide, the 7000-tonne ATLAS detector is the largest volume particle detector ever constructed. It sits in a cavern 100 m below ground near the main CERN site, close to the village of Meyrin in Switzerland.

More than 3000 scientists from 174 institutes in 38 countries work on the ATLAS experiment (February 2012).



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e73fbb  No.14948334


Super cool halfway thru

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8b6023  No.14948335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I remember that nursery rhyme

The House that Jack Built

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a2d99e  No.14948336


>Good idea to keep spay/neuter in mind, otherwise you'll have an entirely different problem

Someone forgot to spay soetero's mom.

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28073e  No.14948337

AOC the sexiest representative we love to hate

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018124  No.14948338

File: 19df99c02f59bd2⋯.gif (872.85 KB, 244x160, 61:40, Networking.gif)

File: 33917282f21d617⋯.gif (5.94 MB, 500x375, 4:3, 33917282f21d617d15a8aa5844….gif)

File: 40af1a4b1436369⋯.gif (316.6 KB, 421x498, 421:498, 40af1a4b1436369dbdddb835fb….gif)

File: 116533bd34718df⋯.gif (711.99 KB, 290x242, 145:121, GF_NOTHING.gif)

File: 297643a01688883⋯.gif (2.34 MB, 352x251, 352:251, SomeMagnificentGonolek_siz….gif)

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c4c4d4  No.14948339

File: 6e2533889ed1f8c⋯.jpeg (10.85 KB, 255x228, 85:76, 6e2533889ed1f8c738e15b781….jpeg)

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7a558a  No.14948340

Moar of CA Governor Newsom's absence from public eye following booster shot

- abrupt cancelations - including UN Climate Summit in Scotland - both live and virtual,

- prerecorded and emailed announcements instead of his typical live camera appearances



Posted: Nov 5, 2021 / 02:44 PM PDT / Updated: Nov 5, 2021 / 03:11 PM PDT

A week after abruptly canceling plans to attend the United Nations climate summit in Scotland, California Gov. Gavin Newsom has receded from public view to deal with unspecific family obligations.

When the surprising announcement was made Oct. 29, a spokesperson said Newsom planned to participate virtually in the conference this week. But the California delegation’s schedule at the meeting this week, released by the governor’s office, did not include Newsom.

Instead, the schedule included in-person appearances by Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis, who Newsom tapped to lead the state delegation in his absence; Sam Aseffa, director of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research; David Hochschild, chair of the California Energy Commission and California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot.

After the federal government late Tuesday authorized Pfzier’s coronavirus vaccine for emergency use for kids 5 to 11, California implemented what state officials deemed a “robust vaccination program.” It’s the kind of announcement that Newsom typically makes in-person in front of TV cameras.

But the governor’s office announced the plan with an emailed news release. His last public appearance was Oct. 27, when he received a coronavirus booster shot.

Newsom’s office did not respond to questions Friday about what the governor has been doing this week.

Newsom spokesperson Erin Mellon said the governor will appear virtually at the U.N. conference next week.

“The Governor will participate in a couple events next week focused on global efforts to advance zero emission vehicles and to move beyond oil,” she said Thursday.

Newsom submitted some prerecorded remarks to a transit conference earlier this week and his office announced some appointments to state agencies and boards. He also posted a photo on his Instagram account with his wife and four children, aged 5 to 12, dressed as pirates on Halloween.

His Twitter account went dark from Oct. 28 until Tuesday, when he tweeted Election Day support to fellow Democratic Govs. Phil Murphy of New Jersey and Terry McAuliffe of Virginia, who were seeking reelection. As the week went on, Newson’s Twitter account was more active.

It’s rare, but not unprecedented, for Newsom to go a whole week without some type of appearance. Such absences are usually explained, including when Newsom leaves the state for vacation.

In this case, the only statement from Newsom’s office came Oct. 29 and referred to unspecified family obligations. No additional information about the family’s circumstances has been released.

It’s a relatively slow time in Sacramento as the state Legislature is not in session and won’t meet again until January. Recent storms mean no major wildfires are burning out of control, as has been the case in recent years.

Kounalakis returned from Scotland on Thursday. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon will lead a second delegation of state lawmakers to Scotland next week for a series of meetings with world leaders and a tour of off-shore wind energy in Aberdeen, Scotland.


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1ee106  No.14948341


I call it cRap.

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018124  No.14948342

File: 970a33cc2239afa⋯.jpg (61.26 KB, 696x433, 696:433, WAKE_UP.jpg)

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91a34b  No.14948343


she scary.

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a2d99e  No.14948344

File: 2a6b4eae7b1dce6⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 720x697, 720:697, Cern_doge.jpg)

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018124  No.14948345

File: 1c17119e423b47b⋯.jpg (79.24 KB, 960x408, 40:17, ZomboMeme_27102021093740.jpg)

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08a149  No.14948346

File: 599a9d0672e8506⋯.png (52.37 KB, 535x607, 535:607, Screenshot_2021_11_08_at_0….png)

File: 12e63064a28cb70⋯.png (92.95 KB, 398x623, 398:623, Screenshot_2021_11_08_at_0….png)

Jamil Dakwar


Israeli military commander issued an order declaring the 6 Palestinian human rights organizations as “illegal associations” in the occupied West Bank, making it possible to close their offices and subject their staff to criminal sanctions as well as administrative detention.

Here is the military order declaring the oldest human rights group in the Middle East @alhaq_org an “illegal association.” Israeli military commander issued the order based on 1945 British Mandate-era Emergency Regulations which are often used by the Israeli occupation regime.


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d4abb6  No.14948347

Is today a 5x5 day since technically daylight savings gives us a 25 hour day?

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018124  No.14948348

File: a8f3db571b7a1f2⋯.jpg (75.67 KB, 749x461, 749:461, ZomboMeme_27102021093956.jpg)

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4beba8  No.14948349

File: beea47566b214a2⋯.png (2.29 MB, 978x1724, 489:862, fullyprotected.png)

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e10697  No.14948350


know this is self-proclaimed parody site, but wut if…

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018124  No.14948351

File: cb810fbb7042f6d⋯.jpg (81.45 KB, 720x904, 90:113, ZomboMeme_27102021093350.jpg)

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018124  No.14948352

File: 5a76d5ac25802f3⋯.jpg (152.92 KB, 960x503, 960:503, ZomboMeme_27102021094947.jpg)

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cd661e  No.14948353


Israel def needs to grab more land.

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766bd6  No.14948354

File: a9bdb50f1b3716b⋯.png (330.94 KB, 719x740, 719:740, a9bdb50f1b3716b3fdc704b9c0….png)

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8b6023  No.14948355


no child

its on the fkn video and i seen this film since 1970

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08e8dd  No.14948356

File: 20f3150191099d9⋯.png (145.46 KB, 282x290, 141:145, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

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018124  No.14948357

File: 18266e380271f5c⋯.jpg (138.52 KB, 625x625, 1:1, ZomboMeme_27102021095309.jpg)

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98502e  No.14948358


Anything is possible in this damned nightmare Flick!

When Jenn Pisukki is revived I wanna see a meme where her Lizard tongue slurps up a juicy fly at her farewell presser!!

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f324ab  No.14948359


vaxx'd aren't in the top position?

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2fc9b4  No.14948360

pls callout notables


>>14947953 @365

>>14948004, >>14948243 RE: Foreign hacking campaigns

>>14948015, >>14948132 Today is Red October (Nov. 7) in history, Compilation of RED OCTOBER posts.. EZRA for tomorrow's marker.

>>14948025 Wtaf DID happen? RE: 4 prisoners Obama exchanged for Bowe Bergdahl now in senior Taliban posts

>>14948047 Adem Somyurek faces IBAC inquiry into allegations of serious corrupt conduct involving Victorian public officers

>>14948098 tetanus is not the scary rusty nail in the foot thing we're all told

>>14948102, >>14948310 Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) said he will help Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s (R-AK) reelection efforts

>>14948113, >>14948143, >>14948286, >>14948298 North Carolina High School SUSPENDS 15 Year Old Female Student For Reporting TRANNY RAPIST in the girl's restroom

>>14948121 Gov. Scott is running for Senate and has minimized his ties to Trump.

>>14948136 BODY TRAFFICKING: Louisiana woman learns WWII vet husband’s cadaver dissected at pay-per-view event

>>14948141 WTF! World’s top static breath-hold free diver diagnosed with Myocarditis and Pericarditis 40 days following second Pfizer vaccine.

>>14948150 Travis Scott AND Drake are sued for 'inciting the crowd' that left eight Astroworld festivalgoers dead

>>14948162 Biden Admin Amassing Millions of Records on US Gun Owners Amid New Crackdown on Firearms

>>14948178 Scaramucci/Whitaker post compilations + XI Qclock

>>14948191 Mexico's [Megacable] ad offering a free ZTE Smartphone as a way to verify that a person is indeed vaccinated

>>14948208 PSA: From Aussie Citizens

>>14948233 Incoming flower laying ceremony optics

>>14948228, >>14948240, >>14948290 is this why Zuck changed FB's name to Meta?

>>14948316 Ted Cruz vs. Big Bird (developing)

>>14948346 Israeli military order declaring the oldest human rights group in the Middle East @alhaq_org an “illegal association.”

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cd661e  No.14948361


wanna bet?

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018124  No.14948362

File: b697c25af1fb5af⋯.jpg (116.59 KB, 599x798, 599:798, ZomboMeme_27102021095551.jpg)

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28073e  No.14948363


be careful there

get critical mass and Boom!

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520dfb  No.14948364

File: 123f0706fc1cd2f⋯.png (650.89 KB, 693x586, 693:586, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f2fd9ab90728ca⋯.png (23.1 KB, 508x405, 508:405, ClipboardImage.png)



Bill & Hillary Clinton Are Proud ParentsGreeting Daughter Chelsea At NYCMarathon Finish Line

Q 4795

Sep 30, 2020 10:57:11 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1321c7 No. 10863459




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30554d  No.14948365

File: 7ec7839be79e959⋯.mp4 (87.48 KB, 320x416, 10:13, 7ec7839be79e959f7efa1618b8….mp4)


AOC is rotten…

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018124  No.14948366

File: 3cbb79f3aba0085⋯.jpg (191.51 KB, 900x507, 300:169, ZomboMeme_27102021095504.jpg)

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e88722  No.14948367

>>14947458 LB

Oh, and btw, my fren works from home!!!! How is that even relevant that she get the shot when her job is 100% from home. She was even trained remotely, there is no 'office' or work place that she's ever gone. So, what do they even care if she's vaxxed or not??? So crazy!!! You're right, it's all and always about $$$

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6ece9c  No.14948368


I stopped at "pregnant people"

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018124  No.14948369

File: 4d1fe2ee42ed430⋯.jpg (96.02 KB, 604x339, 604:339, ZomboMeme_27102021095800.jpg)

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91a34b  No.14948370

File: 1d008d59b79fa79⋯.mp4 (61.64 KB, 350x270, 35:27, goodmorningsundaymorning.mp4)


probably true.

'hiding in plain site"

It gives them frisson.

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490ea9  No.14948371

File: 44afcafa80455ef⋯.jpg (25.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, NPC_header_1.jpg)

>>14947319 pb

>California Governor Out of Public Sight After Vaccine Booster Shot 11 Days Ago

RRN reporting he was snatched by marines at his mansion on 11/1, and follow up report says they discovered pedo dungeon in secret basement.


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018124  No.14948372

File: 11b6a15b3c52b93⋯.jpg (146.09 KB, 900x589, 900:589, ZomboMeme_27102021095043.jpg)

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2fc9b4  No.14948373

File: 97a3e1071b094fd⋯.jpg (95.09 KB, 720x679, 720:679, hmmm.jpg)

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426590  No.14948374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kamala Interrupts NASA Presentation to Ask If They Measure Trees By Race For "Environmental Justice"

Nov 7, 2021

Memology 101

435K subscribers

We are doomed, LOL.


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08e8dd  No.14948375


it's like this

"satire" is often used to normalize what would otherwise be unacceptable.

witness: the flood of "dead baby" jokes in the early 1970's.

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018124  No.14948376

File: e825b8eb7ee3eba⋯.jpg (208.97 KB, 946x748, 43:34, ZomboMeme_27102021100103.jpg)

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75a871  No.14948377

File: bb61bb0c3208856⋯.gif (408.3 KB, 380x458, 190:229, videotogif_2021_11_06_00_5….gif)

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fdbf44  No.14948378

File: 47136487224117d⋯.png (466.11 KB, 905x796, 905:796, Screenshot_2021_11_07_at_2….png)


>self-proclaimed parody site

What would YOU say if you had inside information being fed to you?

The arrest, Real Raw News can now report, took place at Newsom’s lavish $4m estate in Fair Oaks, California, days after he received a Covid-19 booster shot and fell violently ill. His last public appearance on October 27 was a public relations stunt that showed him getting his 3rd vaccination, and on October 31, his Twitter account, which may be controlled by persons other than Newsom, tweeted a photo of his family adorned in Halloween costumes. Even MSM publications such as the Daily Mail have raised concerns over Newsom’s inexplicable silence.

A military source speaking under promise of anonymity told RRN that Newsom became “seriously ill” 36-hours following the shot but opted to try to recuperate at home rather than admitting himself into a hospital.

“When the Office of Military Commissions learned Newsom was weakened and without much protection, it decided to act,” our source said.


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018124  No.14948379

File: 055bf256545c786⋯.jpg (160.7 KB, 800x655, 160:131, ZomboMeme_27102021095913.jpg)

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766bd6  No.14948380

File: 13a6f58d07473c9⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1080x719, 1080:719, ef33744fc0350222e6c357ab3a….png)


>We are doomed, LOL.


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0f35b8  No.14948381

File: ee59e2d2578e6bf⋯.png (296.91 KB, 806x585, 62:45, ee59e2d2578e6bf678e1853f8a….png)



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018124  No.14948382

File: 380c02637496182⋯.jpg (181.76 KB, 768x768, 1:1, ZomboMeme_27102021095419.jpg)

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f324ab  No.14948383


gate is good

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eb5a79  No.14948384


She’s burning oil.

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8b6023  No.14948385

File: 67f0ad2cfab1eee⋯.png (3.33 MB, 1072x1343, 1072:1343, ClipboardImage.png)



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0ab7d0  No.14948386

General Dynamics , and Dynair , I think I spelled that correctly. Much more though , Pilotorb ( Prepare for a Wonderful New Life Patriot Anon's ) ❤ WWG1WGA Love is the Answer

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28073e  No.14948387

File: 01d8fdf0004a1e5⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1200x1457, 1200:1457, ClipboardImage.png)


George Washington vaccinated his troops from smallpox , is now the precedence to force the vax on everyone

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22d48d  No.14948388

File: 50e605a8c23fb78⋯.png (365.68 KB, 800x1010, 80:101, 1636135424768.png)

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ec9cb1  No.14948389

File: ec2bb7a147a3123⋯.jpg (74.78 KB, 720x771, 240:257, clipboardimage.jpg)

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5b5188  No.14948390

File: 355c20b2885001a⋯.png (214.89 KB, 318x405, 106:135, a8fc78a65dd21f8e3fad4942e0….png)

File: e110e0a1e919d73⋯.jpg (7.85 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 45858732_2482017025148232_….jpg)

File: 281e8f5e1cf287f⋯.gif (2.03 KB, 345x73, 345:73, 281e8f5e1cf287f6e3045b2191….gif)


>pls callout notables



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08e8dd  No.14948391

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2fc9b4  No.14948392

File: 440bf499e392ac7⋯.jpg (106.38 KB, 807x941, 807:941, 73578357953_3568363456.jpg)

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1ee106  No.14948393


As my high school psychology teacher would've put it, his upbringing was showing.

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cd661e  No.14948394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


keep your money anon!!!

FF to 4:05 and you can see the gun at 4:08


>>14948385 you wrong

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98502e  No.14948395


Chelsubbble ran right outta her Face-lift! gack!

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8b6023  No.14948396


i saw that


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f324ab  No.14948397


like the 9 am temp/virus scan depicted in Micahel Bay's SONGBIRD movie about "Covid23"

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a2d99e  No.14948398

File: 092b36378feb839⋯.jpg (75.44 KB, 440x536, 55:67, George_Washington_Ad.jpg)

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d1787f  No.14948399


well, the RINO said he's endorsing LM –

the other is just print so …

But a RINO will support another RINO, imho

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28073e  No.14948400


AOC is gorgeous, but misguided

so much potential and drive

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6ece9c  No.14948401

File: 1cb08eaa2361bdd⋯.jpg (32.48 KB, 344x314, 172:157, 1cb08eaa2361bddc6af6c0934c….jpg)

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91a34b  No.14948402

File: 70ea8ecc58b50b6⋯.jpg (48.65 KB, 306x423, 34:47, hubble2.jpg)


omg, chelsea looks like her Dad?

If that's even her.

Looks like her before facial surgery.

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8b6023  No.14948404


>AOC is gorgeous, but misguided

pron moar better for her then

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e10697  No.14948405


and they must not have body double (like hillary, etc.) for him because it was very sudden and unexpected apprehension

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943976  No.14948406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TR3B captures cabal member with tractor beam and then does hyper jump

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c102b2  No.14948407


>AOC is rotten…

She's perfect. Grab popcorn.

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018124  No.14948408

File: 57524838cb978b3⋯.jpg (132.9 KB, 655x516, 655:516, ZomboMeme_27102021100012.jpg)

File: 85d84290d76904e⋯.mp4 (13.21 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DEATH_BY_FIRING_SQUAD_DON_….mp4)

Our Forefathers didn't sign "The Declaration of Lawsuits"… It was Independence they sought… And they killed motherfuckers for it. Now man the fuck up pussies. I served our Country for 23 fucking years. DO YOUR FUCKING JOB! REMEMBER YOUR FUCKING OATHS!

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2fc9b4  No.14948409

File: 47b5cf467fcb74e⋯.jpg (352.8 KB, 698x800, 349:400, 1635818251567.jpg)


ThanQ, am blind I guess

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eb5a79  No.14948410


Her exhaust is black.

Needing repairs.

Or perhaps a different fuel mix.

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cd661e  No.14948411


the reason she was crying in the front row they edited out, some huge fat naked lady was making her way to the front of the stage. She is visible in the beginning of the song. When she makes it to the the front one of the Hells Angels kicks her square in the face. The movie guys cut out the kick. She is being carried away and everyone in the front row is horrified. The Stones could not believe it either. She was a fat mess, but harmless.

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fdb587  No.14948412

File: 7b1b827af8f6e8c⋯.mp4 (12.45 MB, 854x480, 427:240, ChanelKaraLtopHell.mp4)


RUDY and OAN's Chanel Rion have had it in their possession (prob still have a copy). They took it to DE Police because of the underages (including Natalie) in the footage.

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22d48d  No.14948413


My BOOMER sister was at ALTAMONT.

She is on that vid. Not pointing her out, but she is there.

Very pretty. She is old dried up boomer now. Married 4 times and has 6 kids that are all FUCKED IN THE HEAD.

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2fc9b4  No.14948414

File: 15e1d7f94cf3589⋯.jpg (96.46 KB, 802x840, 401:420, 1636003828574.jpg)


>AOC is gorgeous

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08a149  No.14948415

File: a2b9f8d85a043f5⋯.png (14.82 KB, 861x228, 287:76, Screenshot_2021_11_08_at_0….png)





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0a6352  No.14948416

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490ea9  No.14948417


you feed the cats, why not just feed the coons? they are actually very friendly, and not destructive when their bellies are full.

cats will usually not tangle with coons and vice versa. too even of a match… everyone loses. cats MIGHT run them off, tho…

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08e8dd  No.14948418

File: 10b0fe177c7e60d⋯.png (219.04 KB, 584x677, 584:677, baker_is_compd_muhjooshill….png)


o fuck youre. one of them

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a69758  No.14948419

File: bbc18e00933af03⋯.png (1.07 MB, 513x897, 171:299, ClipboardImage.png)

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50315b  No.14948420


>alter the Earth's magnetic field

it aint potential bruh

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115ae8  No.14948421

File: 80d2fa070c4def6⋯.mp4 (3.19 MB, 544x544, 1:1, 80d2fa070c4def613a90eb87a9….mp4)

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28073e  No.14948422


serious repairs needed mentally

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1b74fb  No.14948423

File: 0b26de94c669d55⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 350x437, 350:437, 0b26de94c669d55775e56526fa….jpg)


Inoculation without Participation. Medication without Exemption, Any Law that is repugnant to

the Constitution is Nullified. The Law of the Land,

Land Air Water.

Vaccination without Acceptation.

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0a6352  No.14948424




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30bfb6  No.14948425


True or not, it's still 100% believable.

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c102b2  No.14948426

File: 88e2e57694f33ea⋯.jpg (22.57 KB, 591x406, 591:406, Magnifying_Glass.JPG)

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0f35b8  No.14948427

File: af8574cf955f721⋯.jpg (81.9 KB, 640x482, 320:241, Irma_Grese_at_trial_2.jpg)


>gorgeous, but misguided

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1ee106  No.14948428


Makes sense.

I'm just wondering how much longer this delusion is going to go on.

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91a34b  No.14948429

File: bfa1a081e69b200⋯.jpg (243.61 KB, 740x1237, 740:1237, kali11707kali.jpg)

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c20fc0  No.14948430


nasty mask. hopethey all get staf infections.

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28073e  No.14948431


if AOC was MAGA?

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2fc9b4  No.14948432

File: 02eef6d886814d5⋯.png (125.6 KB, 593x481, 593:481, 2b8182147962d349e003ca49c7….png)


Thanks for revealing (you)rself schizo

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f324ab  No.14948433

File: bf3ce0f3939f1b9⋯.jpg (28.29 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 6y5.jpg)

File: 936b58dd5990a3d⋯.jpg (26.05 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 5rf4deswa.jpg)

File: 0754c759ac29a08⋯.jpg (146.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, _nbm.jpg)

File: 58fb507423ad82e⋯.jpg (90.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, download_2_.jpg)

File: 261c6ddbfce95ae⋯.jpg (48.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, fewsgerg.jpg)


The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil - Havana, Cuba March 25, 2016

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8b6023  No.14948434

File: 21e5575b637e6ca⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1587x749, 1587:749, ClipboardImage.png)



Clintons must be in jail because this aint them!!!

chelsea had all that plastic surgery to look normal and this bitch is even fuglier than she was

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e7e704  No.14948435

File: 6956aeff845ef62⋯.png (114.29 KB, 453x315, 151:105, ClipboardImage.png)


Speaker Nancy ran away

Bravely ran away away

When Xis Squad made their commie demands she bravely drained her glass and fled

Yes Speaker Nancy turned about

And gallantly she chickened out Bravely taking to her fleet

sHe beat a very brave retreat

Bravest of the brave, Speaker Nancy

Packing it in and packing it up

And sneaking away and buggering off

And chickening out and pissing off home

Yes, bravely she is throwing in the sponge

Bravely Speaker Nancy, rode forth from Napa.

sHe was not afraid to die, O Brave Speaker Nancy.

sHe was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways.

sHe was not at all afraid to betray the USA

Brave, brave, brave, brave Speaker Nancy!

sHe was not in the least bit scared to sell us out to the Pope,

Or to have her eyes gouged out, and her elbows broken.

Or to spike us with fentanyl to make a quick buck.

To inject us with poison to get rid of witnesses,

And her limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Speaker Nancy!

And wipe out humanity, brave Speaker Nancy!

Our heads smashed in and our hearts cut out,

And our children for sale to get her bathhouse remodeled,

And students raped to keep her fleet in the air,

And her panoche…

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6ece9c  No.14948436

File: d0d7c73dc1bfd57⋯.jpg (96.66 KB, 1480x832, 185:104, 140430_grove_hubble_tease_….jpg)


This guy?

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cd661e  No.14948437


the day the 60's died.

Promotor moved from a park in San Fran to the race track, and the genius's built the stage at the bottom of a hill. and laurel canyon hires the Hells Angels to do security for all the beer they could drink They beat the shit out of Jefferson Airplane members/ its all on jootube.

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426590  No.14948438


>Live Nation Entertainment Inc.

anons dug on them years ago. Linked to Rahm Emmanuel's brother if I remember correctly

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08e8dd  No.14948439


filter this, you fucking pedo cancer

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50315b  No.14948440


>who was camera-man?

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0d2444  No.14948441

Though much is taken, much abides; and though

We are not now that strength which in old days

Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;

One equal temper of heroic hearts,

Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

Alfred Lord Tennyson, Idylls of the King and a Selection of Poems

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2fc9b4  No.14948442

File: aedf3bcf818a0ce⋯.jpg (16.61 KB, 178x255, 178:255, a892d60791ff6c7770f99180be….jpg)


I can't hear you!!!

You're already filtered!!!!

Plus, I'm covering my ears!!!!


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91a34b  No.14948443

File: 8ba03c2f06d51ed⋯.jpeg (78.38 KB, 933x889, 933:889, hunterbidenlaptop2.jpeg)

File: da8519b464785f8⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1147x1398, 1147:1398, huntermeme.png)

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f324ab  No.14948444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>17 seconds

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520dfb  No.14948445

File: 7357e92074d452b⋯.png (43.49 KB, 643x328, 643:328, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b4dcc82bdb2a2d⋯.png (198.94 KB, 488x722, 244:361, ClipboardImage.png)


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2f64d3  No.14948446

File: 57473f00093a963⋯.png (522.55 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>It's moar accurate.

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fdbf44  No.14948447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The power nad alignment of Austin Steinbart

Deep Dive Austin Steinbart Astrology Part 2

1 view

Nov 7, 2021

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490ea9  No.14948448


horseface is a psycho. look at the eyes. never put your dick in psycho. also, you need a new Rx for your eyeglasses.

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2fc9b4  No.14948449


>if AOC was MAGA?


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d5aca3  No.14948450


Outside I got cats, coons, opossums, squirrels and a skunk. They all eat next to each other calmly.

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2fc9b4  No.14948451



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08e8dd  No.14948452



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44f9c7  No.14948453

File: 1c2cd1ce5986ba0⋯.jpg (49.7 KB, 502x497, 502:497, Fuck_joe_biden.jpg)

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84073a  No.14948454


Politicians are now irrelevant.

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28073e  No.14948455

8kuns reactions to AOC MAGA is priceless

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33b9d6  No.14948456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>4693705 PB

>>4699604 PB

>>4750393 PB

You didn't listen. Now you pay.

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91a34b  No.14948457


He needs to stay in his own lane.

Astrology, perfect.

At least he didn't become a weatherman.

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5b5188  No.14948458

File: c46aa0c5905806f⋯.jpg (614.98 KB, 800x1368, 100:171, ivanka_trump_1999.jpg)

File: f17d52b941edc88⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1160x629, 1160:629, f17d52b941edc88c8249a4f2a9….png)

File: 0f3cb01c135877e⋯.jpg (641.02 KB, 1266x2048, 633:1024, gettyimages_105613088_2048….jpg)

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1ee106  No.14948459


Because "muh feelz." kek

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cd661e  No.14948460


george lucas 1st job was a camerman at that show. but his camera broke and he got no footage.

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7c322f  No.14948461

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98502e  No.14948462


She wore a chocolate turd brown pant suit to Troll O'Biden at his BBB podium w/fuzzed out POTUS seal!! Heels Up know she's playing on borrowed time.

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0a6352  No.14948463


Ooooof :(

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a2d99e  No.14948464

File: 95ff2a57880638d⋯.jpg (76.39 KB, 667x499, 667:499, you_will_be.jpg)


>horseface is a psycho. look at the eyes.

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943976  No.14948465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Rolling Stones

Too Much Blood

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520dfb  No.14948466

File: b7c815c969bafa2⋯.png (229.11 KB, 1014x779, 1014:779, ClipboardImage.png)



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356ca2  No.14948467


Coons eat cats and small dogs if they are hungry.

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91a34b  No.14948468


Rick Scott; don't I have pics of him dressed up like a Nazi while in college?

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6bc455  No.14948469

File: 6cb6d008dc4e1cd⋯.png (1.61 MB, 944x820, 236:205, Soldier_Watching2_Q_LateNi….png)

Evenin' Night Shifters !

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eb5a79  No.14948470



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08e8dd  No.14948471

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c102b2  No.14948472

File: 81e058eefbeb743⋯.gif (4.28 MB, 240x182, 120:91, eating_popcorn.gif)


There's a few that haven't figured it out, yet. They will, though.

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cd661e  No.14948473



i have heard enough of the Astroland concert. fuck off with this shit!

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28073e  No.14948474

File: 66808d2d6588446⋯.png (147.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

64.7%+ Fully vaccinated New Zealand buying refrigerated containers for Covid bodies as deaths higher now W/ the vax AND restrictions.

Refrigerated containers are being hired, bought, and scoped out to store Covid-19 bodies across the country.

The Ministry of Health's influenza pandemic plan written in 2017 warned mass fatalities could overrun services storing and disposing of bodies.

It suggested bringing in refrigerated containers to stop them decomposing.

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2fc9b4  No.14948475


That's it, I'm submitting a global report, no more trolling for you


>chocolate turd brown pant suit

I was searching for the term, you nailed it, anon

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2f64d3  No.14948476

File: a7c222f72fe19d4⋯.png (578.18 KB, 371x522, 371:522, ClipboardImage.png)

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490ea9  No.14948477

File: 7fbe1d31649817c⋯.jpg (54.72 KB, 600x808, 75:101, fbc.jpg)


>I got cats, coons, opossums, squirrels and a skunk. They all eat next to each other calmly.

dumb animals… not smart like us huminks

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5b5188  No.