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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000.
You may upload 5 per post.

First time on 8chan? First time on /QResearch/? Click here before posting, newfag.

File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

88c048 No.1488657

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1464360 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode Change

Q's Tripcode change yesterday: Side-by-Sides explain >>1479521 , >>1479533 , >>1479660 , >>1479972

Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

PAST Tripcodes: !4pRcUA0lBE, !xowAT4Z3VQ, !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ------------------------ We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ------------------------ The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ----- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ----- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ----- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ----- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ----- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ------------------------ (Password expose)

Thursday 05.17.2018

>>1449911 ------------------------ Messages sent

>>1449784 ------------------------ Guardian of the Pope

>>1449636 ------------------------ Space Shuttle Pic

>>1449191 ------------------------ Vegas Pic

>>1448841 rt >>1448660 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448660 rt >>1448537 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448537 rt >>1448466 ----- We are everywhere Anon

>>1448221 rt >>1448152 ----- Note the jackets

>>1448152 rt >>1448140 ----- London Pics

>>1448140 ------------------------ London Pics

>>>/patriotsfight/87 ------------ (deleted) see: >>1447680 , >>1458342

>>1445345 rt >>1445248 ----- >>>/patriotsfight/64

>>1445147 rt >>1444934 ----- As We Prepare To Land

>>1444934 rt >>1444808 ----- God Bless the United States of America

>>1444808 rt >>1444682 ----- Stay vigilant

>>1444682 rt >>1444632 ----- There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves


>>>/patriotsfight/85 ------------ ]SESSIONS[ Reels In Huber

>>1440925 ----------------------- Trump admin to provide F&F records

Wednesday 05.16.2018

>>1439789 rt >>1439665 ----- Bomb disposal team

>>1439564 rt >>1439507 ----- Think Pickle Factory

>>1439411 rt >>1439389 ----- Impressive

>>1439283 rt >>1439204 ----- 100% authentic

>>1438448 ------------------------ Gina Haspel Career Timeline

>>1438412 rt >>1438387 ----- WE ARE Q!

>>>/patriotsfight/84 ------------ Do what is Right

>>>/patriotsfight/83 ------------ End of the Witch Hunt

>>1434225 rt >>1434153 ----- "FREEDOM" Caucus.

>>1434153 rt >>1434062 ----- Today was the precursor

>>1434041 ------------------------ US History [ABCs]

>>1432972 rt >>1432956 ----- Those with an agenda to silence will fail

>>1432958 rt >>1432955 ----- Follow the pen/Jim_Jordan tweet

>>1432939 rt >>1432926 ----- SIS

>>1432932 ------------------------ Follow the pen

>>1431154 ------------------------ No Such Agency vs Clowns In America

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Q Clock Graphic


88c048 No.1488672


are not endorsements

Headline News: >>1481950 POTUS will officially demand that the DoJ look into Trump Campaign surveillance

Top News: >>1478808 Chile's 31 bishops resign en masse over sex abuse cover-up


>>1487952 Brennan cryptic tweet threatens POTUS assassination?

>>1488025 Roseanne script leak

>>1488028 Asha Rangappa follow up

>>1488037 2:53 min vid on how military tribunals can and will be implemented.

>>1488054 They got their story lined up, marching orders given:

>>1488093, >>1488278 JFK gravesite design

>>1488178 Update on Pope Francis

>>1488286 A Cicero quote for Brennan about being a traitor

>>1488367, >>1488398 Some interesting political info about Barack Obama Jr

>>1488549 Planefag Update


>>1487213 Hillary Clinton to get Harvard medal for 'transformative impact on society'

>>1487231, >>1487720 Planefag Update

>>1487276 Post-Zuckerberg, tech CEOs under pressure to testify

>>1487304 24th May will be Quite a day

>>1487345 More digging on Stefan Halper & his Virginia Farm

>>1487375 It finally happened, the shill trifecta

>>1487561 Turkey Repatriates All Gold From The US In Attempt To Ditch The Dollar

>>1487581, >>1487739 Asha Rangappa Dig

>>1487670 NRA boss Oliver North blames Ritalin, ‘culture of violence’ for school shootings

>>1487805 Anon spots a helper in earlier bread?


>>1486420, >>1486523 Planefag reports

>>1486433, >>1486655, >>1486823 Renee J. James with Brennan in London? +diggz

>>1486465 GB why would fox be showing this now?

>>1486527 Rod Rosenstein asks DOJ inspector general to review possible Trump campaign infiltration

>>1486584 45 Wed schedule

>>1486657 USARMY Tweet

>>1486678, >>1486531 Moar Clown Panic

>>1486679 Meghan Markle's half-sister, Samantha Grant, 'injured in car crash'

>>1486718 Jesuits going down in flames

>>1486732 QPic digs and insights

>>1486750 Wild Bill and Kevin Spacey share Pizza at Epstein's

>>1486787, >>1486808, >>1486822 Digging the grave next+ Moar Fuddyness

>>1486810 Operation castle is Abomb testing OP name

>>1486815 Admiral Rodgers speaking

>>1486819, >>1486821 Sherif Joe flashback+Renegade phony BC info


>>1485839, >>1486393, >>1486569 Planefag reports

>>1485666, >>1485733, >>1485741, >>1485868, >>1486149, >>1486237 Clowns Panic mode !!!

>>1485672 Trump Twats and Q crumbs !

>>1485674, >>1485771, >>1485844, >>1485906, >>1486148 Moar Fuddy Duddy

>>1485687, >>1485778 111 days later we're back to talking about suicide weekend.

>>1485718 Crumb links

>>1485742 Those that are the loudest


>>1485783 Why Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy Ignored Invitation to Meet With Leaky DOJ and Rosenstein on Friday

>>1485987 AMI

>>1486067 Quey and Trump connects

>>1486158, >>1486002, Trump's EO digs and info

>>1485527 Specific Location of London Traffic Cam

>>1485904 Trump code?


>>1485214, >>1485363 Planefaggotry

>>1484899 45 calls for JP arrest via tweet


>>1484924 AJ being Investigated by FBlie

>>1484933 Tommorow will be interdasting

>>1484996 DOJ may tell POTUS to go pound salt

>>1485087 Podesta email diggs wikileaks

>>1485101 Swalwell treachery

>>1485146, >>1484907, >>1485275, >>1485410 Clown in Panic Mode!!

>>1485279 Nunes: If Informant Reporting Is True, It Is a ‘Absolute Red Line,’ ‘This Is Over’

>>1485385 Chinese set up meeting with Clinton campaign during US election

>>1485317, >>1485299, >>1485431, >>1485522 Fuddy Autopsy-Digs

>>1485429, >>1485454, >>1485491, >>1485527 Enlarged and stitched together 6 targets red dots+moar diggin

>>1485453, >>1485487 Procedure for Military Executions + important info to know for the bad guys


>>1484721 Cause of death for Loretta Fuddy? 'Irregular Heartbeat'

>>1484585 CDAN blind about Epstein Island and NXIVM for those researching those connections

>>1484566 Loretta Fuddy: Pic of her alive?

>>1484532 Fuddy, Obama, and Subud

>>1484524 Hussein, ID, Indonesia, Soebarkah, Loretta Fuddy and Subud: 6m video

>>1484088 Clues unlock Obama ID Mystery: FBI Soviet spy files, SUBUD cult, and a dead body

>>1484075 IG report forming the basis of military tribunals

>>1484241 QPosts: Car located?

>>1484201 Another date the London Eye was blue, Sept 2, 2014

>>1484181 The other BlueQ for the founder of 8Chan

>>1484180 Q-Tip of the day: How to us the IG Report to legally declare Martial Law with Military Tribunals

>>1484089 So is every document signed by Hussein null and void? Answer

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

88c048 No.1488677

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>1420554 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

88c048 No.1488678

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1487180, >>1487216

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

*Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283



18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ----------------------- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Bake Your Own Bread!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9 (updated to include >>1470959 Applebakers Texttools)

88c048 No.1488685

File: 99b3f25a76a835a⋯.jpg (198.48 KB, 600x600, 1:1, _ej48dtcx537.jpg)

Dough #1870



748cab No.1488709

In order to eradicate corruption, we have to eliminate dark money.

We need a traceable currency that accrues karmic value by how it is spent. If you knew where a dollar had been/what it had been used for, imagine how the value of each dollar might reflect societal benefit. Dollars with a good reputation are worth more than dollars with a bad reputation.

No more dark money.

Think about the possibilities. It's coming. Crypto is halfway there.

77ba0d No.1488719

File: 947ac92f66d106b⋯.jpg (403.61 KB, 1078x1280, 539:640, wallpaper.jpg)

Thanks Baker

673aa9 No.1488722

File: 8a0d11e5cc2123f⋯.png (27.44 KB, 600x358, 300:179, ClipboardImage.png)


Add schlomo to filters

a553df No.1488725

Thanks baker!!

God bless us all, and God DAMN shills

a553df No.1488729

File: cabdfb780d7c2ee⋯.png (1.62 MB, 991x1125, 991:1125, bakergirl3.png)


sorry, forgot the baker girl

dba53b No.1488731


Plane Disappears From Radar Over Vermont

Bennington, VERMONT — Officials in Bennington were searching for a missing plane Sunday evening.

The unidentified aircraft is believed to have disappeared near Bald Mountain.

The Vermont State Police, along with the Bennington police department, are handling the investigation but have not released an official statement.

According to WTEN, ‘ATVs were being used in the search, prior to darkness.’

It was unclear how many people were on board.


d30504 No.1488732

Breaking News: https:// breaking911.com/developing-plane-disappears-from-radar-over-vermont/?onesignal_site_push_notification

d3da7d No.1488734


OMG, I want that bra (for my wife, of course)

b401ce No.1488739

File: b52be8c8ca32cf6⋯.png (286.79 KB, 499x583, 499:583, kikenolike.png)

File: e7b2f6e0d1c3269⋯.jpg (19.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, g_i_wonder.jpg)

4cda43 No.1488740

File: 56c6805d7c98db0⋯.jpg (90.68 KB, 500x772, 125:193, 56c6805d7c98db070eb2931875….jpg)

0a2c70 No.1488741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is not a game

4431ba No.1488742

File: c049f9c55cbe921⋯.png (335.47 KB, 566x418, 283:209, 1563B1FE-1027-491E-8ADC-8F….png)

Fuck off shills, grown folks at work here

d30504 No.1488743


Who decides what is good?

6dd093 No.1488744

File: ecb227c0485c9fa⋯.png (199.4 KB, 517x517, 1:1, Recon.png)

>>1488639 (prev)

Roger. Get your rest.

Second-string planefag monitoring San Diego coast.

0903b3 No.1488745


Haha yes this^

Unfiltered opinions and well filtered stupidity, random shit, and copy pasta.

07509a No.1488746


Tasteful baker babe

748cab No.1488747


Traceable currency utilizes the omnipotent power of the market to reward socially beneficial spending and punish selfish spending.

f8330f No.1488748

File: 72a35f74274cca8⋯.jpg (83.54 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 21zu6p.jpg)


Planefags, are you on this??

d3da7d No.1488749


Thanks Planefags!!

4bfda2 No.1488750

Thabks OP you fukin rock baker !


last bread

>>1488641 How exactly in the fuck do you know what Q meant ?


I mean that is about the dumbest post I have seen on my entire time on Qresarch. You are a complete empty headed censorship ((((FAGGOT/HIM)))))

efc158 No.1488751

File: e9c47014d251f0f⋯.png (431.45 KB, 412x726, 206:363, pLittle.png)



0903b3 No.1488752


Lol goyim & kikes

a92a14 No.1488753


who are you to decide that ? we live in a free country not a "people should only spend money on what i think benefits humanity country"

f8330f No.1488754


typo dammit (lb)


250367 No.1488755

File: 0a15d2611e9ab85⋯.png (326.7 KB, 790x620, 79:62, popeyes.png)

4a0253 No.1488756

File: a97074493a7e169⋯.jpg (575.46 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, image.jpg)

File: 5f9fa97fca56ef7⋯.jpg (310.14 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, image.jpg)

GUYS!! Check this….Just re-reading crumbs and figured something out. Referring to the time No Name was dealing arms over in Syria, Q left this post recently. (pic related)

Erik Prince's guys still guard Mideast Prince's. (He lives in Abu Dhabi w a place also in Va)

In this pic he selects "Prince" to SPECIFICALLY highlight.

Meaning, Erik Prince's guys were there GUARDING A PRINCE. Who was it? Why were they there? Are they now one of our sources?!

Was it Al-Waleed??

4cda43 No.1488757

File: b0ae2f64cc6b40b⋯.png (363.95 KB, 660x518, 330:259, b0ae2f64cc6b40ba15ac86f438….png)

7e5f47 No.1488758

wow bo going nuts tonight. 15 posts deleted in the last bread.

good job bo way to go. You seem to have learned the difference between real shills and people who can be occasional jerks. [Like me]

5d2158 No.1488759



2a0d8a No.1488760

4bfda2 No.1488761


You will miss ===HUGE=== clues in the mess . Major 2 faced traitor shiposting clown in here tonight with 3 computers talking to himself.

1f127b No.1488762

File: 753f53493f3e5be⋯.jpg (302.65 KB, 771x1037, 771:1037, a191a9f597713cd7ee2aa7d7c4….jpg)

for the meme machine

( is bigg version)

8b78dd No.1488763

File: 76105af81555a6a⋯.png (210.39 KB, 1152x858, 192:143, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at ….png)

This guy is pretty loud about POTUS.

For now. Wait til the info starts dropping hard and fast.

1f127b No.1488764

File: 753f53493f3e5be⋯.jpg (302.65 KB, 771x1037, 771:1037, a191a9f597713cd7ee2aa7d7c4….jpg)

for the meme machine

( is bigg version)

5869ed No.1488765

File: e6bf11adb32e3ec⋯.jpg (24.41 KB, 340x270, 34:27, 8Uznhuv.jpg)

13ae4a No.1488766


>BENNINGTON, VT. — Vermont State Police are investigating a possible airplane crash in the vicinity of Bald Mountain, police spokesman Adam Silverman said.

Crashed, apparently.

Hoping the planefags dig up some info.

97727a No.1488767

File: 03a7571a7884665⋯.jpg (135.81 KB, 736x736, 1:1, gen.mattis.jpg)

97727a No.1488768

File: 03a7571a7884665⋯.jpg (135.81 KB, 736x736, 1:1, gen.mattis.jpg)

97727a No.1488769

File: 03a7571a7884665⋯.jpg (135.81 KB, 736x736, 1:1, gen.mattis.jpg)

d29bef No.1488770

File: a574dddafd1dc28⋯.jpg (348.79 KB, 1366x754, 683:377, q-crumb-NSA-Rot-3-locat.jpg)

>>1487784 (last last bread)

>>1488646 (last bread)

surv may have gone here.

ecb732 No.1488771


She's an anima.

748cab No.1488772


You do. If you like where a dollar had been spent, you accept it. If you don't, you deny it.

Dollar markets would verify trusted agencies, and you can subscribe to whichever markets you like.

108d6e No.1488773


brennan is a muzzy

a642f6 No.1488774



Roger that. Back on duty tomorrow 10a to 10p

Thank you, Planefags!

4a0253 No.1488775


I want him roasted in town square. Put a sign over him that says "This is what happens to TRAITORS".

9b235b No.1488776


OCDanon wants to pull her clasp up

4bfda2 No.1488777


Can we watch (((HIS))) execution live on PPV pls ?? I would LOVE to see the 2 faced liar traitor hang live . ((((HIM))))

121463 No.1488778


take a few letters out of his last name and you have his title..

385597 No.1488779

File: 8e04f913859df1e⋯.png (702.61 KB, 1271x1798, 41:58, 1526864831309.png)

✡Never capitulate!✡

9b235b No.1488780

df2326 No.1488781


Control is the hallmark of darkness, so NO. Freedom is the hallmark of GOD, because nothing can be hidden from him.

07509a No.1488782


Self-snuff weekend for Brennan and his Islamist espionage ring?

32d8ce No.1488783


I would suspect it was bin Salman. He stepped in last June (2017). Timing would be right.

ec1b06 No.1488784


Methinks you f'd up aspect ration and squashed this gal vertically…

Have a thing for midgets?

c57a0b No.1488785

I can help in SD. I have access to a standalone ADSB rx on a mountain.

4431ba No.1488787


Idc who he calls god, he’s a faggot and a traitor who needs to hang for his crimes against our country

b33277 No.1488788

Any anons watching Levin now? Particularly good episode about Cheyenah!

cabc78 No.1488789


Oh look….a socialist.

a553df No.1488790


lol great muh joo shill bait!



051dd9 No.1488791



I like Trey's dig on the reason for evil in this world. If you haven't heard his research into this, you might be surprised at how clearly he ferrets out the entity's and their hold on humans.

4cda43 No.1488792

File: fabb8cf107123f2⋯.png (392 KB, 500x625, 4:5, fabb8cf107123f288048155542….png)

cfebda No.1488793

File: fa8106085c7f768⋯.png (2.8 MB, 2367x1884, 789:628, brennanSOILED.png)

eecb41 No.1488794

File: 7b577bc481907d6⋯.jpg (16.19 KB, 320x240, 4:3, ZomboMeme 20052018222644.jpg)

bdbccd No.1488795

File: 7c5f56ef571c63e⋯.jpeg (124.78 KB, 801x960, 267:320, 1526869453.jpeg)

a553df No.1488796


lol not at all anon, straight from an anon's post

748cab No.1488797


I don't decide it for you, and you don't decide for me. We each decide whether we want to accept each dollar, knowing where it had been spent. Over time, we each help determine the value of each dollar by choosing to accept it personally or not.

975089 No.1488798

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.





4bfda2 No.1488799


DUBBLE DUBBZ AGAIN HOLY SHIT !! reading the maual for traitors that says you are getting the guillotine !! YAY !!!


29dd37 No.1488800


You need to catch up.

efc158 No.1488801


This is a terrible attempt, I thought you guys were learning?

8a1fa7 No.1488802


agreed this went a liddle too far but 40+ dual Israeli/USA citizens serving in Congress is not effing cool. No more dual citizenship. I have already written my Senators as well as my Congressman to make my displeasure known and also to request them to introduce legislation to change the current law that allows a citizen of another country to serve in Congress. This is the only way that we get permanent change. Press your representatives for change and encourage others to do the same and if they won't we mobilize and vote for somebody who will.

a11224 No.1488804

File: b864cffa451a502⋯.jpg (211.03 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Be-Strong-in-the-Lord.jpg)

fd35b8 No.1488805

File: 37b1932fd63cee5⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1513x799, 89:47, HRCeyes.png)

File: 5bba1bf44126512⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1487x791, 1487:791, HRCeyes2.png)

File: 2447d480a26956c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1469x783, 1469:783, HRCeyes3.png)

File: 1727c6e4b7a70f2⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1429x785, 1429:785, HRCeyes4.png)


Her eyes..

13efe1 No.1488806

>>1488588 (lb)

Checked. They are getting very nervous. This was written by a former Clinton, former Microsoftie, Mark Penn.

975089 No.1488807


Pay attention, anons.

4a0253 No.1488808


Someone twat this cunt back that POTUS WAS ASKED TO RELEASE THE FUCKIN DOCUMENTS. How many times do our ELECTED reps have to ask UNELECTED asshats for documents that is part of their JOB we HIRE them to do for OVERSIGHT?

My blood pressure needs the documents and TRUTH out. I loathe these animals.

234df1 No.1488809


I know because LOGICALLY Q would never tell us here on the chans not to filter. Why would he? He's not our babysitter. Why the hell would he care? My God are you really that stupid? He was saying there's no filters here for the information he's dropping. He said:

We came here for a reason.

Freedom of information.

No filters.

That's pretty clear to me. The reason they came here….NO FILTERS. He's not telling us not to filter.

d30504 No.1488810


Something to think about. Hard enough redpilling friends without rejecting their money. Seems divisive.

98904b No.1488811

May 23

5 23

5 2+3


e3fe9a No.1488812


Order one for mine too!

32d8ce No.1488813


Oops. Then point me in the right direction, all-knowing anon.

ec1b06 No.1488814




Wait.. I missed that.

Could you repeat yourself one more time?


35f3fc No.1488816

File: 692bf30e049ac92⋯.png (712.86 KB, 676x664, 169:166, Trump_and_grieving_mother.png)


You seem a good anon to ask - what is wrong with this meme I made? Asking sincerely, concerned that it's somehow sending an uniintended message, since only the shills seem to like it.

59db57 No.1488817


When did you KNOW Donald Trump would be our next President? Really not one to brag, but I fucking knew from escalator ride, right from the beginning. Answer honestly faggots.

8a1fa7 No.1488818

5e83df No.1488819

File: 78fc2cb9262c638⋯.png (49.57 KB, 635x587, 635:587, pepe thumb.png)

File: c6fb94aa23500cd⋯.jpg (266.23 KB, 1251x747, 139:83, pepe hyrogliph.jpg)

File: 983c629dea72792⋯.jpg (122.82 KB, 800x680, 20:17, pepe dont tread on memes.jpg)


Pepe approved

4bfda2 No.1488820

File: ccad0d4aeab19a7⋯.jpg (6.49 KB, 246x255, 82:85, 13ca3dda8798e6afb7c7f3af59….jpg)


TRAITOR TRIPS MEAN ((((YOU/HIM)))) are going away forever and desperate !!! IM LOVIN THIS SHIT !!!!!!!!!

c6ed1a No.1488821

File: b5f07025ebc83a2⋯.png (670.29 KB, 720x808, 90:101, 20180520_212510.png)

How would you like it if: I'm a luciferian, and I'm going to high jack your existence. (((jew))) are the synagogue of Satan!

'jews' are not your enemy!

797268 No.1488822

File: 0125c04796f3887⋯.jpg (16.66 KB, 320x320, 1:1, TH_SITL.jpg)

File: 2b11d125b99c500⋯.jpg (185.65 KB, 640x480, 4:3, spiritual warfare 9.jpg)

File: 8ed11ec05a248fe⋯.jpg (21.21 KB, 400x267, 400:267, fire-in-hands1.jpg)

4cda43 No.1488823

File: f57ef7f8b373e08⋯.jpg (305.91 KB, 1088x1200, 68:75, DcovoWOWkAED2h9.jpg)

4a0253 No.1488825


Kek! I needed the laugh.

2fa608 No.1488826


her kevlar…

b8fd42 No.1488827


have any of these people attempted to explain how you can "obstruct justice" of a crime that never took place?

a553df No.1488828


tbh, when it was Trump vs Crooked

I liked him during the primaries too, but didn't know if he'd win but as it got closer to the general, knew he would win the primaries then be POTUS

13960d No.1488829

File: 0e2ac93ac01eb96⋯.jpg (51.36 KB, 500x321, 500:321, bip-5-McCainKerry1992-500A.jpg)

File: 960fbf9a52d5054⋯.jpg (135.26 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, 150512_young_1992__john_mc….jpg)

File: eb7865018b5fc76⋯.jpg (241.2 KB, 634x942, 317:471, Meuller-Kerry.jpg)

File: 212e1336fafa06c⋯.jpg (83.46 KB, 655x764, 655:764, JOHN-KERRY-vietnam-protest….jpg)

Why the Rush to Close the POW Issue?

Page 191-92 – Senators John McCain and John Kerry during the hearings held by the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs.

By Sydney H. Schanberg

Published in Newsday, November 24, 1992


One quote from article, a good read:

"Instead, President George Bush and his Senate allies on this issue, such as John Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat, and John McCain, Arizona Republican, have put the normalization process on a fast track, while turning a blind eye on the evidence that live prisoners may still be there."

And, the "2 shots to back of head ruled suicide" has been going on for a while. No wonder MSM folded years ago:

CIA drug running


HISTORY: Cocaine, Contras, CIA and Gary Webb, Journalist That Broke The Story, Later Found Dead From 2 Gunshot Wounds To The Head, Ruled a Suicide

Sun, 22/12/2013 - 14:27 — smashdracs

And enjoyed reading this about /ourguy/ POTUS, contrasted to Meuller.

Also, links Meuller and Kerry (saw the other day) in number of other pics at their elite boarding school.

There was sexual abuse at their elite boarding school as well. Maybe they were comped early…


7e5f47 No.1488830


I wasn't following either one of them closely enough to KNOW that DJT would be the next president. I really liked DJT and I knew that HRC would be hell on earth. Beyond that I guess I didn't "know". Too bad, if I would have bet $1000 the morning he was elected I would have walked away with $7000.

77ba0d No.1488832


Just a pretty before We face the ugliness.

748cab No.1488833



The power of the market determines value. That's the opposite of socialism.

So you Sally so not know what you're saying.

Anyway I'm just telling you what's coming, based on the trends and public interest. First crypto, next traceable currency.

829a07 No.1488834

File: 939166bd7a67912⋯.png (42.82 KB, 581x286, 581:286, Screenshot 2018-05-20 at 8….png)

121463 No.1488835


only one eye crossed in the first one- she looks like the crazy bitch she is

05abe5 No.1488836

File: 9ad9f68b06c10a1⋯.png (531.27 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

"I thought you said 9/11… Oh, that's today?

What am I supposed to do again?"

eecb41 No.1488837


We went over this.. Shes a mech warrior

234df1 No.1488838


Like you, from the escalator ride.

4a0253 No.1488839


Same. Actually have evidence.

5e83df No.1488840

File: 61657d5ab4133ab⋯.jpg (59.33 KB, 750x763, 750:763, hrc witch.jpg)


witch to the core. Yale is a stronghold of the cabal.

4cda43 No.1488841

File: 1a0515662033702⋯.png (788.98 KB, 745x500, 149:100, 1a0515662033702e26edfbdbeb….png)

ce53c2 No.1488842

File: 5862e54cbf266f2⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1637x577, 1637:577, SAUDI.png)


70f9af No.1488843


Looks like the love interest from Master of Disguise.

1f62b2 No.1488844

File: 461aa677e0ce596⋯.jpg (88.99 KB, 586x445, 586:445, 011Ddkf5qeWsAELU961.jpg)

I saw this earlier, and commented, but I am wondering…..8 eyes? I can see a comment about 4 eyes, but do you all think they could have possibly been hinting 8 eyes=8chan? I wonder how much they know? I love these 2…..how crazy would it be if they are ANONS???

2fa608 No.1488845

5869ed No.1488846


The russian hat gag was pathetic.

Hope thats the last thing she will do before Gitmo but i fear she'll kill herself before we have the chance to see her hang.

1289fe No.1488847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

97727a No.1488848

File: ad5dc040b19018b⋯.jpg (41.59 KB, 651x444, 217:148, IMG_1519295461736.jpg)

9b235b No.1488849


Good meme.

Normie friendly and shows our POTUS' kind soul.

13ae4a No.1488850


Step away from the keyboard, faggot.

a553df No.1488851


/ourgirl/ without any doubts

afe919 No.1488852


here comes the Pain, and who the fuk is Dorkin and why should anyone give a fuk what Dorkin has to say?

748cab No.1488853


Over time we would all mostly agree on what was good. "Vote with your dollars" to the max.

b4a61d No.1488854

I like your meme very much….its a good message

(not a shill)


a5dea3 No.1488855

File: 1c9139e49e33068⋯.png (357.48 KB, 674x576, 337:288, mccainone.png)

1f127b No.1488857



>seems the mere word has been used to summon it

>better the focus be on what you want to draw attention to , this is what love is "can you feel it ? "

7e5f47 No.1488858


We've been watching that plane all day. It landed in England to refuel.

0903b3 No.1488859


EPrince's guys were involved in snatching the secrets from the Palace when there was gun fire there just a little over a month ago. Drone was a distraction while they snatched some secrets from the Ghanem.

cfe902 No.1488860

>>1488005 (prev)

Ol' Ollie is a professional fall guy. Don't know how that dumb fucking pattsie got this gig with the NRA. Charlton Heston must have rolled over in his grave.

Those were some retarded claims he made, for sure. The problem looks to be a Mockingbird one, both his and the shooters.

I still can't get over that POS being pres of the NRA. This stunt should prove he ain't the right guy.

108d6e No.1488861

File: 3d0b86045b787d6⋯.jpg (74.11 KB, 634x496, 317:248, TRAITORRRRRZEVERYWHERE.jpg)

File: 24cc8d6cbd6ac35⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 506x637, 506:637, TRAITORSSS.JPG)

File: 7781813dbe468d0⋯.png (862.01 KB, 832x822, 416:411, TRAITSORZ.png)

afe919 No.1488862

96b6b7 No.1488863


When he said AND YOU’D BE IN JAIL

829a07 No.1488864


My wiafu is mad

748cab No.1488865


Sorry, trying to write too fast plus autocorrect.

ec1b06 No.1488866


Free market only needs central accountability for taxes, control mechanisms, and megalomaniacs.

250367 No.1488867


That's tantamount to flattards begging you to research their fantasy flattardery psyop, shills will shill, watching this ID for flatness later in bread

4cda43 No.1488868

File: 0063de47895597f⋯.png (320.98 KB, 575x383, 575:383, 0063de47895597f0650a243518….png)

afe919 No.1488869


Nigga What!!?

8b78dd No.1488870

File: 5e15ffc314aa6af⋯.png (285.32 KB, 572x874, 286:437, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at ….png)


He claims to have helped uncover the Trump/Russia scandal that doesn't exist.


eae676 No.1488871

Anyone have a montage of news reporters saying "The truth is…"?

947412 No.1488872


Patrick Little ~ Dick

234df1 No.1488873


I think they were referring to their eyes & their glasses. Instead of 4 eyes, they have 8 between them.

ee9cfc No.1488874


They each have glasses. 4 eyes!! But sure double meanings….

797268 No.1488875

File: 81d256679caf4bc⋯.png (163.73 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Ubisoft-Judgment-is-coming….png)



JOHN 3:16


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16

a48e2c No.1488876

I like knowing that Q is here looking over us.

I pray for our country and all the good people in the world.

I trust in the plan and I trust in God – the infinite intelligence that permeates everything.

d3da7d No.1488877


Somehow I don't peg them as Anons - cause if they were we would be laughing our asses off…

13960d No.1488878

File: 701a20ef3a78b6f⋯.jpg (12.13 KB, 600x300, 2:1, Mueller-coverup.jpg)


Clearly can't spell the bas-turd Mueller's name in last post.

Mueller’s role in “covering up for the FBI’s longtime dealings with mobster and informant James “Whitey” Bulger,” raises serious questions about the special counsel’s past as a Boston-based Justice Department prosecutor, Sara Carter of Fox News writes.


2c4637 No.1488879

Baker, Please Add Notables

Bread #1834 >>1461320 Psychopathy (first post)

Bread #1867 >>1486792 Psychopathy (update)

(Blessings, and thank you (again)!

4cda43 No.1488880

File: 8752f9e4882e119⋯.png (658.95 KB, 925x673, 925:673, 8752f9e4882e119687766f5f69….png)

04dac6 No.1488881

https://werenotgonnatakeitnoweaintgonnatakeit.blogspot.com/2018/05/we-took-family-to-see-new-movie-show.html?m=1 Now they are trying to make our children think they need to use visualization/personality splits to endure sexual abuse! This review is being heavily censored-because it points out the fact this should not be in a children’s cartoon. Please share

7cca5e No.1488882

File: 4e26c563dfffd2d⋯.png (687.85 KB, 720x553, 720:553, flat.png)

108d6e No.1488883

File: a0c3b3678ac94db⋯.png (1.7 MB, 968x659, 968:659, HILDOGGGY.png)

File: 77c403b50ef9c45⋯.png (217.86 KB, 398x397, 398:397, HILLARYDOGGYZZ.png)

File: 0c5e24d1a91c420⋯.png (229.97 KB, 600x399, 200:133, HILLARYTRUMPY.png)

File: fd329049e16af9e⋯.jpg (208.84 KB, 700x655, 140:131, hilldoggggggggggg.jpg)

File: 696387c6795630c⋯.png (1.3 MB, 752x677, 752:677, HILLYHANGZ.png)

cfebda No.1488884

File: d91b4db1da109e1⋯.png (226.9 KB, 738x673, 738:673, pepecryreeee.png)

410254 No.1488885

File: c4992b1c6b3fffa⋯.jpg (292.09 KB, 1200x2223, 400:741, 5zgj4ce.jpg)


efc158 No.1488886


Brave man risking his life by challenging those that actually rule.

f5a917 No.1488887

About a month ago Q had a stand alone line, it was "Constitutional Crisis ". Today Q gives us a 2013 Trump tweet concerning the untimely death of the person that confirmed Obama's birth certificate.

It would be the Mother of all Constitutional Crisis if it were proven Hussein was not legitimately elected. All the judges appointed…gone, every stroke of his pen…erased.

a553df No.1488888




a92a14 No.1488889


might be a stretch but could iron eagle refer to pows kept in vietnam laos or cambodia ?

f65687 No.1488891


When he had the balls to say

"I like people who weren't captured"

calling out No Name.

I was told by older military guys about No Names history, during his try at the WH.

They hated him so much, passionate hate.

I knew that POTUS was speaking to ppl just like them, he wasn't fooled and or holding back. I thought holy shit he has balls, what if he wins because of his balls Kek.

3b43a0 No.1488892

File: 32027ab6f61ffa6⋯.jpg (76.83 KB, 1023x571, 1023:571, wthgoj.jpg)


Wondered what was going on behind Gowdy during muh Russia "questioning" - https://hooktube.com/watch?v=BSTilLfPyYA>>1488792

0285c4 No.1488893

File: 248ac5cfa5283df⋯.png (350.64 KB, 1012x478, 506:239, 0_YOlZVsz7HXzJdt22_.png)


Wikipedia Is An Establishment Psyop


797268 No.1488894

File: 6e973b6944ad5a4⋯.jpg (29.87 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 99fda129d66e51a32f761a784d….jpg)

File: df3a5e0bc1963e0⋯.jpg (82.78 KB, 736x922, 368:461, 4e67bb23d6a40f7db1b272d291….jpg)

4a0253 No.1488895


EP's guys (who know where the bodies are buried) were guarding a blackhat Mideast Prince when the No Name deal went down. (If I'm reading his clues correctly).

The new CP would not fit that profile. So who met with No Name? Was it Al-Waleed or someone similar?

35f3fc No.1488896

>>1488857 Thank you! That makes sense - accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative. I didn't know bots could read words on images - still learning.

4cda43 No.1488897

File: a56af903205c04d⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1405x882, 1405:882, a56af903205c04d753ad833861….png)

6ec18d No.1488898

9cd422 No.1488899

File: 1f551dc3bce4a7c⋯.png (478.03 KB, 1919x762, 1919:762, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like the Saudis are coming into Boston -

69d513 No.1488900

File: cf037d321eed8b8⋯.jpg (981.06 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180520-212802….jpg)

For days now I've had the thought of Alice in wonderland nagging at me. Had several things dealing with synchronicity telling me to dig. What is Q saying. I don't really know. But….. this link….has some strange stuff in it.

http:// www.bbc.com/culture/story/20160527-alice-in-wonderlands-hidden-messages

“You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

Of cabbages and kings

But it’s not all sex and drugs. Another strand of criticism views Alice as a political allegory. When our heroine leaps after the White Rabbit, she ends up in a place that, for all its zany, disconcerting strangeness, is ruled over by a quick-tempered queen – Dodgson reputedly had mixed feelings about Queen Victoria even though she loved his book – and has a shambolic legal system, much like Victorian Britain.

bffc84 No.1488901


Bitchmade faggot (((((HIM))))) just banned me for telling people not to filter. Fuxk you ((((BV)))))) you god dam 2 faced traitor . ((((You)))) will never win. Im out for tonight but il be back to terrorize your clown ass tommorow canadian bitch

7e5f47 No.1488902


quads confirm

783043 No.1488903


Theodore B. Olson

Theodore B. Olson is a former solicitor general of the United States.

The importance of all this to the president is that it is unlikely that he can be forced to give grand jury testimony simply to satisfy Mueller’s curiosity and submit to a potential perjury trap. He could, in short, put Mueller to his proof—make Mueller show that the president’s testimony was necessary to prosecute someone else. And that such evidence could not be obtained elsewhere. That is a high bar, indeed, and one that at this point Mueller has not shown he would be able to surmount.

aeb6f5 No.1488904

File: 01740feb87cc53c⋯.jpg (42.59 KB, 435x408, 145:136, Trump2020-.jpg)

1f127b No.1488905


that being said am only drawing attention to the subtleties, not one to discourage your creative inspiration , yours is a good meme and i thank you , (rough day)

ec1b06 No.1488906

File: fed213615447cb6⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 430x287, 430:287, river_tam_psychic.jpg)



4431ba No.1488907


Quints checked,


748cab No.1488908


That wouldn't be affected by traceable currency, except you could trace where your money was spent by government. More accountability, less corruption.

14a027 No.1488909

File: 7e0a77848585f56⋯.png (758.89 KB, 1669x894, 1669:894, Screenshot-2018-5-21 Scott….png)


He needs trolled

a553df No.1488910


hahaha muh BV banned you shill


022f41 No.1488911



4cda43 No.1488912

File: 719dc1da06c2ce1⋯.jpg (224.94 KB, 789x458, 789:458, b8d2ec16587420ed54e1447987….jpg)

ceba3c No.1488913

John Judge is an interesting source for hidden information.

This lecture from 1993 describes many Nazi/US gov programs,

more inclusive than MKULTRA.

Is a good place to start for a dig.

This video: Cults, LIes, and Videotape, part 1


If there was ANYTHING going on in the public

the military got their hands into it

to see if it was a way for enemies to control people

which also discovered their own ways to control.

hidden history of the u.s. john judge, parts 1 and 2



His videos on 9/11 are very informative.

He died in 2014 from consequences of a stroke at age 66.

2fa608 No.1488914

File: 919d81d9d8557bb⋯.jpg (115.6 KB, 500x350, 10:7, be-mine.jpg)

26259f No.1488915

File: f7c71d91108ad32⋯.png (745.58 KB, 1099x679, 157:97, photo 2018-05-21 at 12.27.….png)

Not sure if this comparison has been put up, but it appears that the post today was a slightly later pic on the same day as the pic posted on 2/16. Just slightly more rotated, and probably about 30s later than the first.

It shows, at least in my mind that the Q who posted today is the same Q who posted back on 2/16.


8b78dd No.1488916

File: 9f94ed9168c7c67⋯.png (117.09 KB, 1148x492, 7:3, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at ….png)

This guy has as unhealthy obsession with hating POTUS.. still at it.

b58f3a No.1488917

File: 84b931cd6e724da⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 84b931cd6e724da656591df12f….jpg)

576b62 No.1488918

File: 338590c4f592ce4⋯.png (738.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, charles_roth_eric_POTUS_di….png)


top kek anon

added another similarity

64c38f No.1488919

File: 72295a8547ab09d⋯.png (1.84 MB, 979x1318, 979:1318, de moley pepe.png)

4a0253 No.1488920


Who has business interests in China, Africa and ME? Who has assets all over the world? Eyes everywhere. Glad he's one of us.

7e5f47 No.1488921


>This guy

can go khs

13ae4a No.1488922


Cry more, faggot. Nobody cares.

a48e2c No.1488923



250367 No.1488924

File: 6a73019627d4225⋯.png (406.76 KB, 811x844, 811:844, newband.png)



32d8ce No.1488925


Oh. Not how I read them, but then I will readily confess to being off my game lately.

Didn't we make a decision that there was a prince type arab in the parking lot for the live drops from (I might get this wrong) Shanghai?

Maybe the same?

Just can't imagine Al-Waleed taking chances with anything close to American security. Mossad maybe. Kek.

35c6d6 No.1488926

File: 8ad68b256e9c545⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2000x1248, 125:78, ClipboardImage.png)

Q calls for us to put on the armor of God and show love to those we hope to awaken.

God Bless the USA, God Bless our POTUS, God Bless Q and God Bless all of our Anons.

04dac6 No.1488927

File: a627b969176b935⋯.jpeg (215.94 KB, 750x1090, 75:109, 43DBBC16-5567-492A-8FC1-9….jpeg)


The review is for Show Dogs

4cda43 No.1488928

File: afdb68b6fa03bb9⋯.jpg (58.59 KB, 720x686, 360:343, afdb68b6fa03bb9ed2bdb0d67e….jpg)

5b65e6 No.1488929


They made a similar trip about a month ago. They refueled at Logan (Boston), then took off for DC.

I would expect them to be back in the air within an hour or two.

031b62 No.1488930


Its funny how many so called Patriots respond with rude comments.. even after Q mentioned it

4cda43 No.1488931

File: bf4881a8abebf10⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 275x183, 275:183, bf4881a8abebf10e64d3426065….jpg)

96b6b7 No.1488932


Demand from whom?

748cab No.1488934

Imagine if every person could trace exactly where government spent each of their dollars.

How long would government get to spend money on the wrong things before people would sue for their money back?

f5b17a No.1488935

File: c585de5ce662a92⋯.png (16.4 KB, 453x648, 151:216, BOOMER_SCUM.png)

http://www.incendar .com/boomer.html TICK TOCK!

13ae4a No.1488936


Nice observation.

26259f No.1488937

File: 2f28f6b62d96080⋯.png (743.03 KB, 1099x679, 157:97, photo 2018-05-21 at 12.32.….png)

Meant to put up this one….

d3da7d No.1488938


I hereby demand you go eat shit Scott Dworkin

a5dea3 No.1488939

File: 803b6b1d0e76966⋯.jpg (126.18 KB, 1000x751, 1000:751, merkel.jpg)

5d2158 No.1488940

File: fbf409fd783967f⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1293x807, 431:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9d7874fa2f24a5⋯.png (1.99 MB, 2364x449, 2364:449, ClipboardImage.png)


That's the spot

108d6e No.1488941

File: f60163207d4674f⋯.png (224.22 KB, 1161x789, 387:263, QSQQSQSQSQSQQSQQSSS.png)

77ba0d No.1488942


Trips o truth

1f62b2 No.1488943

File: 2aec828a197914e⋯.png (644.29 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, 2aec828a197914e29d32fb5989….png)

947412 No.1488944

File: 9e766112e9fad71⋯.jpg (154.79 KB, 635x899, 635:899, ZomboMeme 20052018193833.jpg)



ignorant or hes part of the cabal to blame jewish ppl & not Zionists.

Fuk - no one wants a Little dick

5e83df No.1488945


If you scream and nobody's listening does it make a sound?

a4faf8 No.1488946


Quints say we are blessed!

a391bf No.1488947


From the time he secured the nomination I thought he had the backing but believed they'd cheat him out of it. Election night was FUN.

d7b021 No.1488948

File: 24c0a41e85d5801⋯.jpeg (34.74 KB, 474x474, 1:1, over_9000_keks.jpeg)

File: e188f1b94508ceb⋯.jpg (8.48 KB, 255x149, 255:149, kekmate.jpg)


kek wills it.

121463 No.1488949


too bad it doesn't return money lost to his schemes

955a1b No.1488950

File: dc3727fdbbae738⋯.jpg (53.75 KB, 360x336, 15:14, justice.jpg)

Justice is coming.

cabc78 No.1488951

File: c854832cadf8437⋯.jpg (19.17 KB, 318x159, 2:1, owl joos.jpg)

e3ad72 No.1488952

File: 411c5ad2fc53931⋯.jpg (36.36 KB, 741x755, 741:755, Pinay.jpg)

Our friend Stefan Halper is a member of Le Cercle, also known as the Pinay Group.

"…the group's activities include political subversion and the clandestine arrangement of business transactions, especially arms deals and fraud."

Obviously where the Clintons found inspiration for their gigantic fraud operation. Fraud is the big lie that all these freaks operate to pay for their lifestyles.

Look at the list of members. Seeing multiple familiar names.

Its only raison d'etre seems to be manipulating world politics.

"Formed in the Fifties, Cercle was intended to cement Franco-German relations, as a buffer to Soviet aggression during the Cold War. Down the years, however, it has become much more, advocating right-wing causes round the world and growing into a confidential talking shop for about 70 politicans, businessmen, polemicists and personnel from the diplomatic and security services."

Deep rabbit holes, but plenty of clean soft dirt to dig in.

Their membership list is so dig-worthy. Rockefellers, Habsburg, Zbigniew Brzinski, Saw several names of UK nobility there, including the Duke of Devonshire Andrew Cavendish.

Fascinating reading: https://isgp-studies.com/le-cercle-pinay

I could be up all night with that one. Duty calls, though.

bdbccd No.1488953

File: bdf0bfa85e9de3f⋯.jpeg (169.1 KB, 1440x936, 20:13, 1526835724.jpeg)

5e83df No.1488954


This reminds me of the Clowns reading room exam.

eae676 No.1488955


Will my underwear be color-coded

4cda43 No.1488956

File: 989c4fce7e8f700⋯.jpg (15.91 KB, 220x324, 55:81, French's_Concord_Minuteman….jpg)

afe919 No.1488958


Not a Democracy you dickhead. /ourgirl/

d00afb No.1488959


Agreed. According to Q's post, the camera rotates, so we're probably looking at a sequence with the first shot posted 2/16 and the later shots posted today.

22fc3e No.1488960

File: 5619dbee8210cc3⋯.png (463.33 KB, 1785x539, 255:77, ClipboardImage.png)

5b65e6 No.1488961

File: d8adb14206c7496⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, melania_digits_confirm.png)

022f41 No.1488962


I hope that fuck that bastard soon.

Even with Nukes!!!

0a2c70 No.1488964


Public schooling ladies and gentlemen

f05d67 No.1488965

File: d5bf34e22dedb13⋯.jpeg (669.19 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3620468E-907D-408E-ADA1-4….jpeg)

e33a5d No.1488966

File: ff434117e654069⋯.jpg (186.29 KB, 1875x1250, 3:2, Dem Lov MS13.jpg)

77ba0d No.1488967

File: a5d5dd8b1b39bb9⋯.gif (1.15 MB, 322x200, 161:100, 203.gif)


Trips o truth


4cda43 No.1488968

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB, 310x163, 310:163, Freedom.png)

783043 No.1488969


I think Alice in Wonderland refers to Hillary being caught up in Saudi Arabia's intelligence spying. Trump's first trip abroad was to SA where he was honored with the sword dance, symbolic for 'going to war' with the cabal.

Pompeo, as CIA director, met with SA intelligence officer. I do believe that SA is performing the role of FIVE EYES for Trump since he can't legally spy on her , or could not, without a warrant, which he probably has by now.

Hillary can have her NZ/UK FIVE EYES, BUT TRUMP HAS SA.

947412 No.1488970

File: 81c36532d982ac6⋯.jpg (73.38 KB, 600x486, 100:81, fake n gay.jpg)

7e5f47 No.1488971


oh stfu I didn't count the 8's should have said quints.

9e909c No.1488972

d29bef No.1488973



any events at the corinthian on that date?

96b6b7 No.1488974


He is long dead

ac58be No.1488975



This may explain why no- 'TRUST PENCE' in Q posts.

Everyone always wonders why…

Well, if VPOTUS heads up Qteam, we already do.

0faf45 No.1488976


God Bless You!!!!!!

The Physical War on Good and Evil has Begun anons.

This is isn't some Soupy Retail Fast Food Religious Bulshit vying for more customers to put money in the till....

It's On!!!

a5dea3 No.1488977

File: d606cfde7794889⋯.jpg (127.88 KB, 500x531, 500:531, russiancollperps.jpg)

File: 597403d83769814⋯.jpg (15.67 KB, 255x184, 255:184, fbimemoe.jpg)

This is from last bread but I feel it was an overlooked notable.


>http:// thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/388549-stopping-robert-mueller-to-protect-us-all


Important article.

d7b021 No.1488978


so the one on 5/21 was not only rotated CCW but was also slightly before pic from 2/16. Meaning we saw the future first. HOLY SHIT!!!

4cda43 No.1488979

File: ef109f153050a81⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB, 5547x1920, 1849:640, ef109f153050a8152c2919b5e….jpeg)

ac3e13 No.1488980

File: 6e9c46bcaee214b⋯.png (330.97 KB, 632x400, 79:50, checkemarpaio2.png)

5869ed No.1488981


Hapsburg goes back 1000 years, guess they know what they're doing when it comes to keeping power.

96b6b7 No.1488982


Lady in red

f5b17a No.1488983


but..he does blame Zionists.. if you put in enough time like you did in your cute meme you could have heard the man speak for himself, US VETERAN rather than just skim leftwing hit-pieces..

103b0a No.1488984

File: 278a0e9c42b8268⋯.jpeg (314.88 KB, 799x988, 799:988, Screenshot_2018-05-20-22-….jpeg)

File: a2e79b599fd4dab⋯.jpeg (271.69 KB, 799x911, 799:911, Screenshot_2018-05-20-22-….jpeg)


This is area where George HW Bush was flying. There was a notable questing why the news was showing Bush flying out to Main. Maybe it was someone else heading up there??

5bdc93 No.1488985


Pretty bra

d99100 No.1488986



interesting… ty anon.

35f3fc No.1488987


Thanks, I appreciate, and am not discouraged by constructive criticism. Hope your day smoothes out and gets comfy.

1594e1 No.1488988



181688 No.1488989

File: 0a48a8dafb9d0d6⋯.png (89.57 KB, 615x377, 615:377, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at ….png)

ec1b06 No.1488990


>you could trace where your money was spent by government.

That is an interesting thought…

But the reverse would be true as well, no? Wouldn't .gov regulatory bodies know exactly where I spent my every cent?

What if, god forbid, I bought raw milk from a neighbor with a cow, and the FDA disapproved?

Tricky stuff.

805199 No.1488991


Do what now?

Car all the same? That's one hell of an op.

4fdfe5 No.1488992

File: 97f264c4062fa7f⋯.png (35.67 KB, 635x232, 635:232, ClipboardImage.png)

Witch Hunt

https://www. theguardian.com/us-news/2016/dec/18/national-security-council-exodus-foreign-policy-michael-flynn

a5dea3 No.1488993

File: 803b6b1d0e76966⋯.jpg (126.18 KB, 1000x751, 1000:751, merkel.jpg)


Sorry about that. I left out the summary.


>http:// thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/388549-stopping-robert-mueller-to-protect-us-all


Important article.

#1488588 Narrative has change /IG report impending.

The Hill" seems to have done 180degree turnaround.

f3bcdf No.1488994


Again ur choice of words belies your confidence anon.

>fairy tale

I see ur heart is in the right place but ur still allowing ur mind to get in ur own way. I was an atheist all the way through till the week before Easter (even through my entire time in service and deployment). If u really believe there is no God then on ur own time, and with sincerity, ask that he reveal himself to you. You have nothing to lose. Make no mistake I'm not trying to convert you (though it would be great) but rather give u the tools to test/prove it for yourself and to yourself. If you truely seek knowledge and truth you will have no problem testing for it. The most embarrassing & humbling thing I've ever had to do was admit I was wrong. I've chronicled it on this very board. Shadilay anon.

9b16ac No.1488995

File: c2ce5df0f8d83db⋯.png (125.54 KB, 325x604, 325:604, SDworkin Twitter Bio.PNG)



Frequent MSNBC Reid Guest

He is hateful and irrational regarding everything Trump

Including the children

He likely has a closet full of skeletons he wants to remain hidden

f65687 No.1488997


What if this is away to fake his death and

change the narrative once again.

3ded71 No.1488998

File: 314c52ef17dff07⋯.jpg (127.05 KB, 1037x545, 1037:545, Franko Robertini on left a….jpg)



Photo of Michael Gaeta on right side.


3443ae No.1488999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here is a reply to that NavyFag that posted in the last thread..

7e5f47 No.1489000


TY anon. Glad you enjoyed the graphic. I should make another one but haven't felt like it. Too busy working. Did a lot of graphics in Jan-Feb-Mar when it was really slow.

22fc3e No.1489001

File: 50fece7e239f158⋯.png (550.89 KB, 902x594, 41:27, ClipboardImage.png)


Last known photo of GHWB

547ff3 No.1489002

File: 0c63f1a23cf5f5b⋯.png (175.88 KB, 302x400, 151:200, E5MODE.PNG)

64c38f No.1489003


Top kek anon

eae676 No.1489004


Everything is wide open.

2f4d03 No.1489006


>When did you KNOW Donald Trump would be our next President?

The same as everyone else - election night.

4cda43 No.1489007

File: 444794ff887427a⋯.jpg (20.31 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 444794ff887427ae8284aa3429….jpg)

cdfd54 No.1489008


That's pretty good.

4a0253 No.1489009


EP's guys are specifically hired to protect Prince's. They are literally the best at what they do and discreet. Not sold on it being Al-Waleed necessarily, just throwing that name out there since he's tied to No Name.

07509a No.1489010


Is he with Comey?

1fc467 No.1489011


I love dem banana shaped titties

051dd9 No.1489012


When the primary's thinned out to about half.

22fc3e No.1489013

File: 3f9195f04f14108⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1570x849, 1570:849, ClipboardImage.png)

494754 No.1489014


I am ready james bond

59db57 No.1489016


Knew Hussaine was a snake first time I heard him. seriously. Knew Trump would be President first time I SAW him. Didn't even need to hear him. Does anyone relate to this?

4cda43 No.1489017

File: 0c9a904c582ebee⋯.jpeg (48.23 KB, 500x418, 250:209, 0c9a904c582ebee3f2f19fa98….jpeg)

eecb41 No.1489018


It is kind of a cabal stronghold at this point… They've had everyone whos anyone in politics there behind closed doors for 30+ years.. Plus Bush senior skimpped a fuck ton on taxes because of "residency" lawa

2c032b No.1489019

File: e654aad5b6bdf54⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB, 720x404, 180:101, mqCa4QX.mp4)

96b6b7 No.1489020


I fucked up with hussein

051dd9 No.1489021


Bush Jr. was at a golf tournament sitting with the sports narrators for a while today.

a5dea3 No.1489023

File: b0015026341c5e9⋯.jpg (109 KB, 300x400, 3:4, MIRRORSB12144.jpg)


"Witch hunt" Ya, and it's also mirroring.

4a0253 No.1489024


Errrr…she's a Muslim now.

b401ce No.1489025

File: 21fff451b3fcfb4⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 386x384, 193:192, index.jpg)

32d8ce No.1489026


If it's not been there before


The info of Halper as a member of Le Cercle is notable.

eae676 No.1489027

File: 8efe231a71f1985⋯.png (11.13 KB, 595x105, 17:3, ClipboardImage.png)

64c38f No.1489028


Is this in




bdbccd No.1489029


Not me. I voted for the fucking Kenyan and originally thought Trump a buffoon. But I have come a long way since then!


f65687 No.1489030


Military Saudi plane headed to Boston.

Military plane

4cda43 No.1489031

File: 46b2455a644da59⋯.png (555.02 KB, 634x440, 317:220, 46b2455a644da59aa042401355….png)

6df722 No.1489032


Same here

Ive been in politics for a long time, smooth, fake talkers like Obama don't fool me!

Obviously fools the public though, I can kinda see why he got in the first term, he should have NEVER won a second term.

I knew it was Trump from the start!

7dbf95 No.1489033

File: 6f7a9fc966f5526⋯.png (274.62 KB, 1500x1148, 375:287, 1-_oMeeDWEa5MjW55-ClKvBg.png)

576b62 No.1489034

File: 602cf0aa923d498⋯.png (157.02 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Cercle_has_been_broken.png)


The circle/cercle has been broken by Q

Praying that those that have been subject to ritual abuse are able to find peace in their lives.

In moments of despair, during intense torture or isolation, a person will often cry out to God for help. The trainers or other cult members will often mock the person, telling the person that God has forgotten them, or ask where is God now? He must hate you…..

Any negative experience the person undergoes, will be used to reinforce the concept that they have been abandoned by God. The cult will gleefully point out the contradictions between what the person experiences, and what Christianity teaches should happen to them. They may distort scriptures, or use false scriptures.

They may distort Christian hymns, or use them in programming. A favorite hymn is may the circle be unbroken, since it can have two meanings.

http:// www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/illuminati/svali1_14.htm

cabc78 No.1489035


Don't feel bad….it was Hussein or Clinton vs McCain….Lose/Lose/Lose

d3da7d No.1489037


Damn really? He always made my skin crawl

What was his appeal to you? Just curious Anon - I have never understood

181688 No.1489038

File: 83e06a8395f498e⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 500x250, 2:1, whine.gif)

5bdc93 No.1489039


Wonder if he believes he'll get 72 virgins.

be6cb0 No.1489040


McDill AFB Airshow?

4cda43 No.1489041

File: 41f8fb7abe6b1d4⋯.png (216.15 KB, 500x353, 500:353, 41f8fb7abe6b1d42e65b61eb29….png)

13960d No.1489042

File: f56aa8b39330cb2⋯.jpg (102.36 KB, 634x385, 634:385, StPauls-sexCultureEliteBoa….jpg)


Elite New Hampshire prep school, once attended by John Kerry, has sordid 'sex culture': teen rape suspect



St. Paul's School boasts a glittering roster of alumni that includes senators, congressmen, a Nobel laureate and the current secretary of state. The elite prep school also allegedly has a sordid tradition of sexual conquest where graduating boys try to take the virginity of younger girls before getting their diplomas.

Details of a practice authorities say was called the "Senior Salute" were spelled out in stark terms by a former prefect at the New Hampshire school who is charged with raping a 15-year-old girl on the roof of a campus building in May 2014.

Prosecutors have not indicated how far back they believe the "Senior Salute" goes.

9db8f3 No.1489043


As it pertains to life on earth, "God" is a collection of exemplary dramas metastasizing over time into a single meta story. This warrior was admirable, tell a story about him. That warrior was admirable, tell a story about him. Do that 1000 times over centuries and the collective psyche puts forward a meta-personification of what it means to be a warrior within that culture. It's pleasantly Darwinian. Social natural selection. Those that are the most competent, admirable, "story worthy" are remembered for their strengths, competencies, and their actions. Their faults lost in the chaos of the century spanning narrative.

What results is a god of war.

You have gods of love, gods of nature, gods of water, gods of sun, gods of hate, gods of evil. Any physical or psychological characteristic humans find important is dramatized and contributes to the meta cultural story.

This is polytheism.

Then these gods start to go to war with one another, figuratively. The resulting champion of the pantheon, the supreme god, the king of kings...They are the meta god. Where polytheistic gods are meta humans. Monotheistic gods are meta meta humans. They are the extrapolation from the inter-generational identity of what it's like to be human in every aspect. Every emotion, every thought, every light and every darkness that shines or shadows the human heart is represented in the monotheistic god. The traits that are most human, most important, are what they display. The ability to observe, to learn, to think, to communicate, to speak, these are what ultimately are the most important traits of being human. It's our ability to create order from chaos. Our ability to work together and form collective future realities from nothing. Christianity takes this idea and goes a step further. It's the embodiment of the metameta story within the individual that makes society good. Pick up your suffering and move forward. Shoulder your cross and climb that hill. Because what other choice do we have? Evil, malevolence, destruction, hate, pain, torture...

The conduit of light is love. The pursuit of truth, shouldering of responsibility, and betterment of your family and community is love.

The conduit of darkness is corruption. Evil inherently requires a host. It needs to spread through means of control, blackmail, and takes previously loving souls and corrupts them and bend them to the will of evil. This allows the pyramid to grow where those at the top are the only ones who know the truth. The extent of the corruption that has occurred within the greater light-bearing society.

This is why evil is dark, inherently hidden, because once light shines on it, once the corruption is revealed to the greater society, the retribution is swift.

83b1de No.1489044


that would be a corrupt act on the part of the FDA

should we let the fear of how curropt actors can corrupt a system prevent us from improving a system?

youd better not drive a car ever again in your life, it could become rigged to blow by a corrupt actor!

we should ban vehicles all together, corrupt actors could put spikes on the freeways and cause death and destruction!


033cc1 No.1489045

will GHWB and GWB both go to gitmo? I reeeeeally hope so, Patriot Act, War. Honestly till Q started posting I'd rather them go for a stay than BO. No i'm not a liberal.

829a07 No.1489046


The one sport I still watch was ruined today…by a war criminal

056293 No.1489047

Pleiadians are real

69d513 No.1489048

File: 4a88256708eb8e0⋯.jpg (682.46 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180520-214323….jpg)

File: ba741688dd7c96a⋯.jpg (626.03 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180520-214451….jpg)


Maybe…however it gets weirder…pedophilia….. nothing is as it seems.

Alice in wonderland

13ae4a No.1489049


Why would you even ask?

a1b5b9 No.1489050


jesus that many?

Thats fucken insane, most people would lose there minds if they knew that.

7e5f47 No.1489051

File: 1280b206d4e4078⋯.png (1.99 MB, 800x4618, 400:2309, letter to democrats.png)


you might like this

32d8ce No.1489052


Other countries have princes. Are we missing something?

5dc1a6 No.1489053


All the laws and EOs BHO signed would be invalid. Probably all the foreign agreements and SCOTUS appointments would be invalid. People prosecuted could appeal their rulings.

Maybe Trump has been busy reversing everything so if something like this is revealed it doesn't cause too much turmoil.

6dd093 No.1489054

File: 0dbf1b9b43ec143⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1873x815, 1873:815, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d732083647dccde⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1704x804, 142:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecb227c0485c9fa⋯.png (199.4 KB, 517x517, 1:1, Recon.png)


While watching that Poseidon (it's been circling for 8 hours off San Diego), I saw 12 unidentified Spanish military planes on the ground at John Wayne Airport near Irvine CA. Thought it was a glitch but zoomed in and they were parked at various places on the ground … and then one took off and flew south toward the Poseidon … and then a moment later a second one took off, same course … They keep disappearing off the radar then reappearing. I don't think it's a glitch but I'm not one of the more experienced planefags and would value a 2nd opinion. Could it be joint training? I need to keep watching them and the P8.

No, I cannot dig prior flight data for a flight that went off the radar in VT. Limited planefag capability here. If someone else wants to tackle that, it would be grand, but I can't.

Planefag monitoring San Diego area.

234df1 No.1489055


I'd be careful there you little shitstain. Sometimes karma has a way of kicking you in the ass. You may not make it as long as you think you will. Plane crashes, car accidents, train wrecks, you know, life happens. Chew on that.

96b6b7 No.1489057


Not no name, that was it

8926f5 No.1489058

File: f98ed21ecd25e69⋯.png (648.11 KB, 773x644, 773:644, 3db10753594e1ad57ec26a7a43….png)

Let your voices be heard!

Let's start a storm #InternetBillofRights

Please, spread the word about the Petition and remind the people that they do indeed have the POWER and VOICE to create CHANGE


#1. We The People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

Additionally, a link to the petition can be found at the top of each bread.


If you have yet to sign and are on the fence about it, be BRAVE



d3da7d No.1489059


Yeah, I guess that is correct…

McStain the traitor or BHO the other traitor

4cda43 No.1489060

File: d4cac43b8891295⋯.jpg (10.8 KB, 200x152, 25:19, 200px-PHASR_Rifle.jpg)

0faf45 No.1489061


That was Amazing my Friend.

Hop one in theTrain..

We're coming to the End of the Line!

62f0c6 No.1489062


>Suicide weekend?

George HW Bush is now close to Canada.

Canada is a place where suicide is legal.

b79715 No.1489063

Today is Pentecost Sunday. It is 50 days past Easter Sunday, and 10 days past Ascencion Thursday, the day Christ ascended to heaven. Pentecost Sunday is the day the 12 disciples received the Holy Spirit.

7e5f47 No.1489064


see mark taylor prophecies.

ghwb dead soon I believe.

Hawaii volcano fulfillment of another prophecy…. and it will only get worse.

a975c7 No.1489065

File: 7d349232ea005a0⋯.png (388.97 KB, 679x341, 679:341, ClipboardImage.png)

d00afb No.1489066


I looks like Feb 16 and Rot1 are back to back images as if the camera rotated left. Then the camera must have rotated right to capture Rot2 and Rot3 in sequence.

410254 No.1489067

File: 1ea72eed24c1b4b⋯.png (64.47 KB, 601x608, 601:608, 5afb7fd32e674dc945190c9301….png)

051dd9 No.1489068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Forgot to add the video. This guy knows how to dig…awesome take on the evil behind the veil.

32d8ce No.1489069


See also: any high school in America.

5bdc93 No.1489070


Drugs. Looks like she's also hitting the bottle hard. Really puffy.

7e5f47 No.1489071

File: d06a197d7332a82⋯.jpg (113.96 KB, 735x413, 105:59, trumptrain.jpg)

8a1fa7 No.1489072


theres a list floating around

can somebody throw up the dual citizen Israeli/USA meme please?

955a1b No.1489073

File: 84db89e384f24f9⋯.jpg (96.59 KB, 500x500, 1:1, standandfight.jpg)

Stand and fight.

d3da7d No.1489074


Just asking honestly…

797268 No.1489075

File: 218c020ff32c64a⋯.jpg (101.48 KB, 500x375, 4:3, eye-like-fire.jpg)

Did anyone notice something in Q's last post? Q referenced 1 Cor 13:4-13, but only quoted verses 4 through part of verse 8.

Here is the full text….coincident or hidden meaning?

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part,

10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.

11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

250367 No.1489076

File: ad706b390b9f3f2⋯.png (1.01 MB, 675x732, 225:244, ClipboardImage.png)

13960d No.1489077

>>1489043 Interesting post anon, ty.

>The conduit of light is love. The pursuit of truth, shouldering of responsibility, and betterment of your family and community is love.

9db8f3 No.1489078


A Great Awakening indeed.

9cd422 No.1489079

File: b2af867a25d6d5f⋯.png (372.16 KB, 1915x376, 1915:376, ClipboardImage.png)


I dunno Anon - I generally watch for the Saudis and haven't see this AC before today. If it's a medical flight, and depending on what's what, they could stay in Boston.

bdbccd No.1489080

File: a48a8a03fd94434⋯.jpeg (228.13 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 1526610892.jpeg)

83b1de No.1489081


i opted out during that election, but i understood the appeal the first time round, he was an unknown, there was this chance he wasnt part of the elites,

by the 2nd time round it was pretty obvious that wasnt the case.

b401ce No.1489082

File: 8b8bfb9df5296db⋯.jpg (20.2 KB, 418x392, 209:196, Die-Go_try_this.jpg)



9b235b No.1489083

Despite mockingbird media….

Poll: Two-Thirds of Americans Give Trump Credit for Economy

Sixty-eight percent of adults and of swing-voting independents give credit to President Donald Trump’s policies for the good economy, according to a new CBS poll.

The mid-May poll of 2,223 adults shows that Trump gets credit from only 53 percent of Democrats — but gets credit from 65 percent of blacks, 60 percent of Hispanics, 69 percent of whites and 87 percent of Republicans.


4a0253 No.1489084


Rogers- SIGINT

Prince- HUMINT + white hat ME contacts

Flynn- Strategy + white hat ME contacts to setup the Intel you speak of.

Just my two cents.

eecb41 No.1489085


Hes at least 8 - 12hours from the border if hes driving

13ae4a No.1489086



ea0497 No.1489087

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB, 753x861, 251:287, Chan Archive Service.jpg)

All archives updated

Spreadsheet to post >>>/patriotsfight/97


Archived threads to current thread

same link as above, 2nd tab at bottom

Includes ZIP FILE so Patriots can archive OFFLINE

Full sized images in Q posts


Screenshots of Q posts in EST

(May) https://postimg.cc/gallery/2se525yca/

e3149e No.1489088

File: 6fa43cee1b754de⋯.jpeg (205.44 KB, 1125x1033, 1125:1033, 02A6C875-CC95-4BF6-8E9B-0….jpeg)

Bet this guy will be home soon

4cda43 No.1489089

File: 7f9d65d2368d5e5⋯.png (3.33 MB, 1218x715, 1218:715, 7f9d65d2368d5e5d3a408be50f….png)

b2fc77 No.1489090


nice digits

no homo

19f7be No.1489091

5869ed No.1489092


Since when does that fucker care what's legal anon?

af7f90 No.1489093


he will be taken, removed

e85504 No.1489094


Thank you kindly!

121463 No.1489096


why would he care if it is legal?

5bdc93 No.1489098


Around the end of 2015

4a64d2 No.1489099


Partly Correct anon. The Church of early believers received the Holy Spirit at Pentacost. Jesus had already breathed on the disciples and Given it to them. John 20:22.

3ded71 No.1489100

File: 161fb3911d0456c⋯.png (339.5 KB, 295x640, 59:128, Fsurv London PS2.png)

File: fe6237135754478⋯.png (336.36 KB, 295x640, 59:128, Fsurv London PS.png)

File: cc0a42c50ec635f⋯.png (337.25 KB, 295x640, 59:128, Fsurv London PS1.png)

File: 314c52ef17dff07⋯.jpg (127.05 KB, 1037x545, 1037:545, Franko Robertini on left a….jpg)


I don't see Gaeta in these London photos. Noticed that the file names of Q's London photos end in PS, PS1 and PS2. Perhaps Q pulled them from Strzok's phone….

576b62 No.1489101

File: cbd2f5509eeda3f⋯.png (200.85 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, down_she_goes_Q_3_21_18.png)

File: 62376be480a3331⋯.png (476.58 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Learn_Chess_Q_3_21_18.png)

File: bc5bf72a4eb691b⋯.png (486.95 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Q_Crumbs_2017_December_12_….png)

eae676 No.1489102


OMG! We forgot about something…

aeb6f5 No.1489103

Snowden is a Whitehat. Our guy!

7e5f47 No.1489104


Nice catch anon people have been yapping about it all day but no one noticed that. I should have kek

829a07 No.1489105


They will be immortalized

1e3700 No.1489107

anons i had a thought a little bit earlier after we talked about fuddy and the idea that maybe she wasn't killed but actually rescued so she could testify.

well shit if that wouldn't be a majorly effective way to redpill…. but it got me thinking. holy hell what if the good guys did this with several people? we know is been planned for at least 3 years by military intelligence… and who better to rescue people than the military.

what if on 6/12 trump meets kim jong un in front of the whole world… and out walks…. andrew breitbart, michael hastings, tupac/biggie and any number of famous people that have died for being "dangerous" to the left.

can you image?

definitely a shot heard round the world

4cda43 No.1489108

File: b5c07f99d4db609⋯.png (402.67 KB, 500x632, 125:158, b5c07f99d4db609d49ab79773c….png)

022f41 No.1489109


If Maduro falls.

But the election is rigged and the Three VAgencies are with him.

Even in the VMilitary

7e5f47 No.1489110


isn't there a hint somewhere about him coming home and then the hammer drops?

d7b021 No.1489111


I take it as saying quit boasting that we're being proven right?

the mission was to wake people up and help them along not attack them?

we're not fulfilling that mission?

8926f5 No.1489112

File: 92c12ef51627e2e⋯.jpg (49.86 KB, 800x723, 800:723, 92c12ef51627e2ea1e71becfb4….jpg)

4cda43 No.1489113

File: be495eb1a7fd938⋯.png (489.38 KB, 500x625, 4:5, be495eb1a7fd938601a78c2ece….png)

13960d No.1489114


The appeal was a (FALSE) hope implanted into our psyche. Felt like a stupid ignorant fuck a short time later, realizing I'd done too little research and swallowed the lie. Can't wait for [BHO] to go down.

6c772f No.1489115

I just remembered this: Alex Jones revealed/leaked the indictments of Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, and a third person a DAY before they were officially announced.

Manafort was expected but I remember I checked all outlets for news about Rick Gates, absolutely none except for Alex.

Deep state source? Benefits to leaking a day before? Those indictments are only damaging to us (despite not being relevant to any of their collusion accusations), and that leak could be used by AJ for optics, make it look like we've got "one of us" on the inside.

I can see how this helps our case against Infowars but I'm still not 100% convinced…hard to say anything definitively except AJ's connected somehow.

4e98de No.1489116

File: 8844d494f6d60f7⋯.png (381 KB, 635x383, 635:383, the-face-of-Treason.png)


32d8ce No.1489117


Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan

Jordan (and Abdullah) have been a big deal in the past few weeks.

11863f No.1489118

File: c3bf7a8e07cdd58⋯.png (399.67 KB, 1234x481, 1234:481, 520pf.PNG)


Saudi med vac?

1f8a96 No.1489119


Zara Judah migrated to Europe with the ten tribes. Settled in ourland and scotiland.

dfeb7d No.1489120


I was a CynicalFag until the Wikileaks drops…Chris Cuomo saying "you're not allowed to look at these, it's illegal"…then about 7 days into the Wikileaks drops half the internet literally shut down for a few hours…once that Wikileaks censorship fuckery started I did a complete 180 from cynicism to "whoa, these people are ALL fucking corrupt"

Before Wikileaks I thought Journalists were just dumb corporate schills too lazy to cover reality, after Wikileaks I started to "wake up" to the entire Psyop and that their "dumbness" was conscious and on purpose

cabc78 No.1489121

File: 5aac8a4ddd5bf15⋯.jpg (17.51 KB, 259x194, 259:194, sedition.jpg)

7cca5e No.1489122

File: fdea9a1b6842cd9⋯.jpg (78.39 KB, 381x471, 127:157, 2aofj5.jpg)

947412 No.1489123

File: e123998a513e877⋯.png (388.72 KB, 412x726, 206:363, pLittle.png)

File: 14e68b7ff848682⋯.jpg (766.15 KB, 1738x1074, 869:537, Screenshot_20180420-104717.jpg)

File: 5e7bd9596b9b9d9⋯.jpg (603.24 KB, 1504x1079, 1504:1079, Screenshot_20180420-104651.jpg)

File: 344e582916dca61⋯.jpg (808.47 KB, 1626x1079, 1626:1079, Screenshot_20180420-104118.jpg)


A GUY THAT does this (pic related) Is NOT BLAMING ZIONISTS. He is telling the World that The Entire state of Israel is evil.

The world thinks America is evil as well… becuz a very few sick fuks have used us as their army. … army for the zionist satanic cult

efc158 No.1489124

File: d5a433b11da3ad4⋯.jpg (467.9 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, littlerevolution.jpg)

1f62b2 No.1489125


Why do you say that?

4cda43 No.1489126

File: 21fefa46f832dd5⋯.jpg (70.98 KB, 418x386, 209:193, 21fefa46f832dd5a711de47fcd….jpg)

1289fe No.1489127

File: e74767cb3a574d7⋯.jpg (48.87 KB, 550x480, 55:48, trump-fe-tweets.jpg)

File: 7d584095da3370b⋯.jpg (227.55 KB, 1080x835, 216:167, FireShot Capture 103 - Don….jpg)

Does this not sound exactly like something Donald Trump would say…it matches perfectly there is only one guy I know who talks like this! If you follow POTUS and I know you do…you can't deny it.

d29bef No.1489128


wonder if the couple is the same from the other London Surv PS pictures.

peter strzok in london at corinthia?

4b7860 No.1489129

File: 053b8bd1effebd7⋯.png (619.98 KB, 815x871, 815:871, 1526678509372.png)


For (you)

4a0253 No.1489130


Specifically Mideast.

fc0395 No.1489131

b79715 No.1489132


Today is Pentecost Sunday, the day the 12 disciples received the Holy Spirit.

Great catch Anon. We're about to stop being children and become men.

It's happening.

c8a865 No.1489133


Truth. I don't filter. Less comfy, but I study the shills and learn what brings them out, what they're concerned about, how they try to trick and counter our truth bombs. Very valuable.

NEWFAGS, if confused, just copy an I.D. and ctrl-F to read the rest of someone's posts. Shills usually post a lot in one bread, and it's all yelling at ppl with heavy name-calling. OG anons bantz each other too, but it's different (funnier and more coherent), and it's def not the only thing they post.

When shills do present "digs," note how it's never new info, how you never get a bunch of anons getting excited about it. Because it's not useful info presented in earnest, it's just fake and gay. Everything shills do is lame-ass mimicry. So watch and learn, use this opportunity to grow in discernment. The wise study their enemy. Only children put their hands over their eyes and think they've safely hidden themselves from harm.

5bdc93 No.1489134

103b0a No.1489135


Maybe they already took him out and later they will report he passed away in Maine.

Jr says 'My Beloved father is in Maine's sounds like someone saying 'My beloved father is in heaven'

8b78dd No.1489136



ea0497 No.1489137


It's my pleasure to serve!


Miss posts and discussions like these :)

Good to have those who can see the bigger picture and convey it so well. Thank you.

88e52c No.1489138


Sure you closet bra wearer kek

7e5f47 No.1489139


tribe of dan




lots of shit like this out there looking you in the face.

jer usa lem is another good one

bible talks about the land of the north as a safe place

bible also talks about 70 yrs hand of god will be off of Israel and USA

we are past the end of the 70 yrs with israel's anniversary and awaiting the GREAT AWAKENING

ee342d No.1489140

>>1488255 (last bread)

Falmer Railway Station?

We are going to find out what truly happened?

4e98de No.1489141


Over the last two years, you have been witnessing an attempted deep state coup against the United States of America, carried out by what can only be called an organized crime ring of treasonous criminals like Robert Mueller, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, John Brennan and Hillary Clinton.

Now, fearless independent journalism Sharyl Attkisson has put together a complete timeline of the deep state coup attempt against Trump, detailing the multiple layers of criminality, treason and lies that now characterize “the establishment.”

5dc1a6 No.1489142


Any Mainefags here? Please keep an eye on your local news for anything about Bush Sr.

e3149e No.1489143


Neither have I

I knew he was a snake when he first came in….his only gift is speech. He snake charmed a nation that way

6315cc No.1489144

File: f3ed742f675fbb1⋯.jpg (78.17 KB, 634x536, 317:268, congress us israel dual ci….JPG)

File: 134395871e1c0be⋯.jpg (35.13 KB, 482x349, 482:349, obama admin 1.JPG)

File: fb8710b15ab7490⋯.jpg (49.64 KB, 480x502, 240:251, obama admin 2.JPG)




89% of our Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship citizenship with Israel


Pics related. Additional names at link.

a92a14 No.1489145



revelations did say the dead would " come back to life"

913071 No.1489146


when hillary canceled the fireworks for election night i thought-they dont think they can win it or steal it

d3da7d No.1489148


I have always sided conservative, so it never mattered to me who "our" candidate was as long as they were on "my side"

Now in hindsight, if McStain was on my side - who needs friends like that?

They almost had us Anon - no matter which side we picked it was almost the same

Fuck all of them. I am glad I chose correctly this time kwim?

aeb6f5 No.1489149


No sauce, hunch, I guess. It dosent make sense. Seems like its him vs. ES and ES is the blackhat. I may have it reversed ?

4cda43 No.1489151

File: e78f3ad19fd0c1b⋯.jpg (62.55 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, e78f3ad19fd0c1b04c4d716827….jpg)

301244 No.1489152


Robert Freakin Mueller was an alumni.


If he was in on the pedo-rape tradition he wad compromised from the start.

Fockin A.

285184 No.1489153

File: 5e7a4b825bed684⋯.png (359.28 KB, 576x575, 576:575, corsi-aint-happening.png)

File: c0696d974749e98⋯.png (452.51 KB, 701x384, 701:384, corsi-cant-get-zone.png)

File: 95ab86f36ef09d8⋯.png (379.18 KB, 658x385, 94:55, corsi-beanz-meme.png)

File: e0d5009677f849f⋯.png (237.92 KB, 576x538, 288:269, corsi-hates-trump.png)

88e52c No.1489154


Meanwhile not a peep about the obstruction of justice in the Hillary case

8b78dd No.1489155


[Venezuela next]?

cdfd54 No.1489156


There are many gods, but there is only (((1))) God.

eecb41 No.1489157


Will do… Anything happens the local news will be all fucking over it

d7b021 No.1489158


after his first debate.

cfebda No.1489159


frankly, I thought HRC was a shoo-in, and that GEOTUS was just a sideshow.

I was stunned when he won, and then went about my business as usual, loathing politicians in general and not really paying much attention to anyone other than Dr. Rand Paul.

Then one day late last year (mid-Nov?), I was watching some 9/11 videos on Lionel's channel, and this thing called "QAnon" came up. Curious, I dug a little deeper, then I saw (((Isaac Green's))) early videos on the subject.

I thought "Oh, the chans. Probably moar japanese cartoon porn."

Fast-forward five or six months, and I find it hard to really focus on anything else. I still get my work done, but damn, I just can't stop digging/baking/memeing/etc'ing.

Love to all you faggots (no homo)…this is now my second home. Kek!

673aa9 No.1489160

>>1488799 Filter. This fag is saying Q team will post that muh joo shit, clown

5dc1a6 No.1489161


Didn't have a choice. The Reps pushed McStain and Mittens as their candidates. Both of them suck too.

f65687 No.1489162


You're right. That is an odd way to speak of your

living dad, not sure who uses that referring to the living… I could be wrong but sounds weird.

9db8f3 No.1489163

File: 58c5b4e721cbac7⋯.png (878.57 KB, 1429x785, 1429:785, 1727c6e4b7a70f206d3524876b….png)


a3ce5c No.1489164


I've liked him most of my life. (only 30.)

That moment….that debate….if nothing else had done it before that, I had hope that someone would crush the bitch.


Felt like….this was NOT a whim…this man means business.

5e83df No.1489165


Looks fake and gay FE retard

fc0395 No.1489166

File: f46aa444df95927⋯.png (53.39 KB, 554x320, 277:160, 1526871508_2158_20052018_5….png)


Try not to smoke as much as this guy….

94cae6 No.1489167


I felt good about his chances from the get-go but I didn't celebrate until Pennsylvania was called for him.

aeb6f5 No.1489169

8926f5 No.1489171

File: 85c0500690ebe6c⋯.png (618.69 KB, 1280x1022, 640:511, 74e2df300997812b486aafbce2….png)

File: 93c596c88728850⋯.png (154.34 KB, 767x767, 1:1, Freedomisntfree.png)

File: 44a84504bdc7936⋯.png (182.15 KB, 760x1620, 38:81, Itcostsfolkslikeyouandme.png)

File: bb2be2d2ce71114⋯.jpg (286.58 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IBORFULLREDBLUE.jpg)

File: dff854e3cff7bc8⋯.png (323.22 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, 8b94ba21845e2236fa67d17503….png)


If you have yet to sign the petition, please do so at bit. ly/QIBOR or https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Share this petition with friends and family, also be sure to promote it on twitter, facebook, and other social media platforms

We the people stand united!



88e52c No.1489172


That win even the caught the cabal by surprise. Would have love to been a fly on that wall with their reactions.

64c38f No.1489173

File: 49fe30550c6bed6⋯.jpg (40.5 KB, 500x335, 100:67, pepe towel.jpg)

947412 No.1489174


that's actually a cool poster

ec1b06 No.1489175


I hear what you're saying, but from my porch, government agencies are in all honestly highly corrupt at the moment. To the point that we are pretty much without rule of law in many instances.

Random corrupt actors spiking roads is one thing, systemic predatory scrutiny and targeting of a populous by it's Public Servants is a whole other kettle of fish…

/emphatic verbage

Just sayin'



13960d No.1489176


FAKE environmentalists such as Gore have _Poised the Well_ via their climateGate shit.

There IS real damage being done in other ways. It is tragic.

What about the farm bill debacle, where pesticide use decisions would be removed from local communities?? That REALLY angered me this week. (((they))) let the chemical poison company lobbyist get to them. Totally corrupt.

a92a14 No.1489177


that account is lit

022f41 No.1489178


No until that USA clean the swamp.

e3149e No.1489179


Could be. Something will have to be done with Venezuela at some point.

I’m not the intervention type….but I know it’s really bad for the majority of the country atm

It’s dangerous to stability to let it get too out of control.

But if Pompeo is tweeting about it…..something has probably already been done.

f8330f No.1489180

File: bb9aefe3a9661da⋯.jpg (246.71 KB, 1000x1016, 125:127, trump god have mercy.jpg)

955a1b No.1489182


Logan act.

4cda43 No.1489183

File: 209cd59274293fd⋯.png (99.13 KB, 450x375, 6:5, f93dbcfc099230f19e86831b68….png)

d7b021 No.1489184

File: 9b50bd8db730731⋯.png (378.96 KB, 401x493, 401:493, lmao.png)

File: acf42e0afd514f9⋯.jpg (119.65 KB, 1920x800, 12:5, 2nd LMAO.jpg)

673aa9 No.1489185


Q mentioned nothing related to the endless bullshit we're exposed to. Filter it. The shills are labeling it "clues"

4a0253 No.1489186


I'd have to dig a bit. Seems more likely to be someone from SA bc it's tied to No Name, it I'll see what ties CP of Jordan has to Syrian war. Black hat? White hat?

955a1b No.1489188

File: 6e3f9503bb3920e⋯.jpg (58.27 KB, 640x480, 4:3, damnlogan.jpg)


Oops, forgot the image.

5bdc93 No.1489189


When reading his tweets today I can only hear them in a shrill voice. It's really hurting my ears.

afe919 No.1489190

File: f046cab03b28bc6⋯.jpg (91.15 KB, 490x472, 245:236, Dorkin.JPG)

32d8ce No.1489191


If Lincoln picked Ivanka's body to return, there might be something to his being a bit of a tranny.

Really enjoy stuff like this. Proves I'm not (((that))) crazy. :)

b401ce No.1489192

File: 10fbbc7e3847e66⋯.jpg (308.34 KB, 675x732, 225:244, ad706b390b9f3f221c7c59b6f9….jpg)

4cda43 No.1489193

File: f4a08df7dc7b935⋯.jpg (23.75 KB, 236x326, 118:163, 7f8cecbd4c72ba00866ba9b0a1….jpg)

MSM Clown Army

2915b0 No.1489194


Those photos were taken seconds apart, with the one on the right taken first. By the time the photo on the left is taken, the camera has rotated to the left a little, and while it was moving the traffic heading away from the camera has moved a little further along.

af7f90 No.1489195


indeed, it is Pentecost

perfect message

250367 No.1489196


yup, nice meme

947412 No.1489197


mark musta been gay, abigail is ugly as fuk

022f41 No.1489198


if Ivanka had a Q pic in Israel

Anything is possible.

1f8a96 No.1489199

File: 329a1e623f5a38b⋯.png (657.33 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, 822e27c5424ed63b70ce9a2de7….png)

File: f9ebd648590eb23⋯.png (462.72 KB, 1336x832, 167:104, Untitled.png)


swe(are)den. scanDANavians

a1b5b9 No.1489200

any anons have a credible sauce for the izreal dual citizenship in congress?

wikiweedia has many born to foreign countries but interestingly enough none are from that shit hole.


83f9d0 No.1489201

4cda43 No.1489202

File: 7b519059f0cf300⋯.jpg (662.96 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 7b519059f0cf3009d95b631b3a….jpg)

eecb41 No.1489203


https:// www.newscentermaine.com/mobile/article/news/local/former-president-george-hw-bush-arrives-at-summer-home-in-maine/97-556230947

3f2284 No.1489204


So sick of this wooey-gooey spiritual bs.

A bunch of idiots are always trying to connect with aliens, inner earth beings, or whatever the flavor of the week is. All the while, they ignore their local communities and scoff at their "less spiritual" human brothers and sisters (which they can actually see).

6315cc No.1489205


Anons pointed out recently that Logan Act is virtually useless. Only been one prosecution using it, never a conviction. (Srry got no sauce.)

301244 No.1489206


Robert Mueller's prep school and their tradition of criminal sexual activity dating back to 1948


Sexual misconduct 1948–1988 Edit

In May 2017, the school issued a report, led by former Massachusetts attorney general Scott Harshbarger detailing sexual misconduct by thirteen former faculty and staff members which occurred between 1948 and 1988. The report did not focus on any allegations that occurred after 1988, but more victims may come forward.[35]

The sexual misconduct, documented in the report, covered assaults, harassments, and rape. One student who contacted the Boston Globe, but not the people conducting the report said, "It's not a complete accounting. It's nowhere close."[35]

Claims of financial misappropriation Edit

Craig B. Anderson, the Episcopal bishop who was St. Paul's rector for eight years, retired under pressure in May 2005 after a campaign by parents and alumni which criticized his management of school finances and investments.[17] Anderson had severely cut back on school expenses while simultaneously being quite liberal with his own compensation and perks.[36] There was an investigation by the Attorney General of New Hampshire which resulted in a settlement agreement and an audit by the IRS.[9][37]

"Senior Salute" rape allegations and trial Edit

The "Senior Salute", a supposed[38] ceremony in which seniors would proposition younger classmates for sexual encounters before graduation, was in the news in 2015, when a former student was charged with the rape of a 15-year old freshman.[39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48] A St. Paul's student, Owen Labrie, was charged with several counts of felony sex assault, misdemeanor sexual assault, endangering the welfare of a child, and using a computer to solicit or lure a child under the age of 16.[43][47][49][50][51][52][53] On August 28, 2015, Labrie was found guilty on three counts of statutory rape and one count of endangering the welfare of a child[47][54] and one felony count of using a computer to lure a minor.[47][47][47][47][54][54][54][54] On October 29, 2015[54] he was sentenced to a year in jail and five years of probation and is required to register as a sex offender.[55][56][57] The case remains under appeal. A confidential settlement was reached with the victim.[58]

Criminal investigation by attorney general Edit

In July 2017, the New Hampshire Attorney General, with assistance from Concord police and the New Hampshire State Police, started a criminal investigation into the school to determine whether administrators engaged in conduct that endangered the welfare of students. St. Paul's administrators can not be given jail time, so the investigation may force the school to adopt changes, such as a hotline for the reporting of suspected misconduct and new training for school staff and teachers.[59]


fae03f No.1489207


Mind over matter anon, they'll cork up eventually.

6abcb0 No.1489208

When this is over…beer, steaks and pool at my house anons. Patriots always welcome at my house. Sunnyzona anons especially

a3ce5c No.1489209


Second one.

I'll have fucking nightmares…..

Good job, Anon!

0285c4 No.1489210

17 intelligence agencies = Q

1f8a96 No.1489211

23 =Telegraphers code for "break the line"

a1b5b9 No.1489212

woops forgot to include the wiki link. sry

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign-born_United_States_politicians

b4fe50 No.1489213

File: 96c624f2f2978db⋯.jpg (176.54 KB, 1200x754, 600:377, trumpUN.jpg)

Look were GEOTUS is standing makes a Q with George Washington, tweet subject reforming the UN

1d3e30 No.1489214


Wise anon is wise


4a3a6a No.1489215


I love it! Don't stop as this is very moving! I've tweeted it and thank you for your talent!

e3149e No.1489216


I guess I have regrets too….I voted for both those fucktards.

Live and learn, huh?

0903b3 No.1489217

Q, can't we get Dayton out now before midterms?

68a41f No.1489218

Open carry vs Concealed carry?

What exactly is the difference?

Open carry No problem but conceal carry you need a permission slip from the government?

Fine to have a firearm in the open but conceal one and need big brothers permission?

Seems backwards to me.

faa327 No.1489219

File: 084377a94606487⋯.jpeg (393.91 KB, 1242x959, 1242:959, 2E310348-18A3-40A1-B2D0-B….jpeg)



547ff3 No.1489220

File: cff3d116d5a401c⋯.png (41.11 KB, 549x235, 549:235, BILLM.png)

88e52c No.1489221


I thought that if you were Jewish you automatically had dual citizenship

4a0253 No.1489222


Training here or is this BOOM time?

6315cc No.1489223



a3ce5c No.1489225

File: 0fefe2f77ff46c8⋯.jpg (96.42 KB, 400x521, 400:521, funkychicken.jpg)

Hanging from the ceiling of the fuckin' plane KEK'd.

afe919 No.1489226

File: f046cab03b28bc6⋯.jpg (91.15 KB, 490x472, 245:236, Dorkin.JPG)

dfeb7d No.1489227



When all this is over we *should* be able to put this on our resume

9b235b No.1489228

File: 0e56feed50c0da9⋯.jpg (23.48 KB, 385x385, 1:1, miga.jpg)



EU on ‘ALERT’ - Italy president expect to confirm new Eurosceptic government TODAY

ITALY’s President is expected to confirm a coalition between the League and the Five-Star Movement (M5S) today, cementing the nation as having one of the most Eurosceptic governments on the continent.

"The objectives that are in the contract are for Italy and the Italians.

"Even on European level, from now on, the Italians come first. And then the deficit and the parameters."

The expected coalition’s programme put forward on Friday includes slashing taxes, spending increases and clamping down on “radical Islamic associations”.


afb7aa No.1489229


I thought the [6] begin watched were in the median in the 2/16, in the crosswalk in the 5/21, the third shows how the other rotated angle fits together where the [6] are on the sidewalk. ???

88c048 No.1489230

Notables so far

Anything important missed?


>>1488731, >>1488984 Plane Disappears From Radar Over Vermont

>>1488770, >>1488940 Corinthia Hotel spot

>>1488899, >>1488960, >>1489054, >>1489079, >>1489118 Planefag Update

>>1488879 Psychopathy postss

>>1488952 Our friend Stefan Halper is a member of Le Cercle, also known as the Pinay Group.

>>1489087 Spreadsheet Archive Updated

d00afb No.1489231


The file name of the Feb picture is this:


2847 might = April 28, 2017 or 2007

Anon earlier had mentioned the blue might be for Autism Day, which is April 2.

106e2e No.1489232

Am I the only one here that thinks that Mueller's investigation won't last till the end of july, if that?

547ff3 No.1489233


try Dickin

7e5f47 No.1489234


I'd like to know what the hell happens to that Saudi plane. If you don't mind sticking it in the notables I'll likely see it in the morning. TY so much.

40235f No.1489235


When I saw the rally sizes and the attacks increase

673aa9 No.1489236

File: 5b6789230f52c4e⋯.png (28.8 KB, 600x357, 200:119, ClipboardImage.png)

muh joo shills are labeling their trash "clues"

this is who to filter

racist trash is here to disrupt

get rid of them

if they wanted real discussion they would not use these terms - they are racists

"hidden clues" shills exposed

breads so much better when you add these filters

88e52c No.1489237


Any info on who was on that flight?

5e83df No.1489238

File: c08d614fa758bb3⋯.jpg (94.13 KB, 506x750, 253:375, rbg.jpg)


I must have been asleep…I just noticed last night they made a movie about that old bitch…getting ahead of the news I guess.

"I am woman…here me Snore"

fae03f No.1489239


I'm betting on late June.

4b7860 No.1489240

File: e005cc9fe00ee05⋯.jpg (68.65 KB, 600x772, 150:193, DV297vEXcAEqJ6y.jpg)

Leftists have only one actual compunction: Destroy the white race, end white civilization.

Once you look at it from this perspective, all of their apparent hypocrisies and inconsistencies finally make sense. In this case, "her body, her choice" doesn't matter, because it's more important that blacked gets pushed. Another example is that bullying is wrong - when it kept the sjw nitwits in line - but now that bullying is leading to wizards shooting up schools, it's a gun problem not a bullying problem

In every situation to find out the liberals' opinion on the matter, you merely need to ask "will this accelerate us to a collapse of white civilization?" and if the answer is 'yes', then liberals support it.

faa327 No.1489241

BREAKING: Huge earthquake SHAKES Mexico as sirens send residents DASHING into the streets

A HUGE preliminary 5.6 magnitude earthquake has struck Mexico as sirens have sent residents dashing into the streets in a desperate effort to get to safety, it has emerged.



1f8a96 No.1489242

File: 6d581027e90aafd⋯.jpg (216.35 KB, 935x1319, 935:1319, dan-emblems.jpg)

7e5f47 No.1489243


I daresay his investigation will wrap up in the next couple weeks, month at the most.

83b1de No.1489244


look no one here doubts the FDA's previous corruption, but that is the point of this awakening to stop the corruption in gov.

besides, there are ways for a crypto system to do both, provide privacy and trackability,

our gov can currently listen to any phone call and read any text. we never wanted them to have that power, its an abuse of a system that they can even do that. and they do it alot, and turns out that is how they are rescueing us from the corruption that built that spying system….

if it hadnt have been corrupted that system could only have been used by legititamt warrants first.

none of this is good enough reason to ban all cell phones…..

960948 No.1489245


I 'knew' Hillary was going to win. I 'knew' the election was rigged for her to win. But, I wanted Trump to win more than anything in the world. I could not imagine another 4 years of Hussein and that is what we would have only a thousands times worse. I thank God every day Trump won. Which was a shock but a good one.

0903b3 No.1489246


Yeah it will blow up way before Sept.

55c0ae No.1489247


l. ron hubbards son and grandson now go by deWolf. Randolph = shield-wolf . . .as in payton randolph, william randolph and t. jefferson's mother jane randolph. . .w. randolph hearst. . . hmm

ba8e79 No.1489248


His cheek looks kinda like JFK's before his face blew up…

022f41 No.1489249


it's all comped Anon.

Even the candidates are paided by the same regime.

The NationalismMov of Vzla Know that it's a complete trap

Think in War..

9b16ac No.1489250

File: 3626286769b5dd3⋯.png (18.74 KB, 659x164, 659:164, ABaldwin re Brennan 5-20-1….PNG)

5869ed No.1489253


Could have dropped below radar to get into Canada but that would be tough to pull off with the mountains.

947412 No.1489254

File: 6ceab73bbe9973c⋯.jpg (281.11 KB, 1068x867, 356:289, Screenshot_20180520-200511.jpg)

2a0d8a No.1489255


>#SlowWalker is coming.

if we go any slower, we'll be going backwards

a31eb6 No.1489256


It should be pretty evident considering there is bill in senate to illegalize the boycott of israel https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/720

26259f No.1489257


This proves, at least in my mind, that the Q posting today is the same Q who posted in Feb….

4aa335 No.1489258




(just kidding, great post)

83f9d0 No.1489259

File: 5ca0d4c3326a40f⋯.jpg (99.07 KB, 602x791, 86:113, aretnh4j4wenjSAEges5nj6a53….JPG)

8f5631 No.1489260

File: 94032c0847341df⋯.jpg (300.08 KB, 1794x1080, 299:180, e8739a359ccfae09fb677e44b8….jpg)

File: 8f3ff7173d49362⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 480x449, 480:449, 26231349_10215049013520012….jpg)

File: 80a65ddaef4e5be⋯.jpg (35.8 KB, 600x199, 600:199, 80a65ddaef4e5be19fef1e834b….jpg)

File: 0970a70eabff3d4⋯.png (317.35 KB, 735x307, 735:307, fa1ea6a0599e9f67ffaee9e1d7….png)

How did Pepe and Frogs become the mascots of the Q movement, you ask?

Frogs are swamp creatures. They work hard, both day and night, eating bugs and trying to keep their populations down so they don't spread disease.

How are they repaid?

Frogs are almost the lowest on the food chain. Everything from fish to birds to rodents and snakes eat them… but the predators failed to realize…. The frogs outnumber them, 1000's to 1.

The frogs have had enough…They're taking their swamp back…

a3ce5c No.1489261


yeahhhhhhhhh I tagged an earlier post…..

WWG1WGA and shit….


The number didn't….pop up….and I…..hit reply.

Good news definitely not a bot SHALIDAY!

ea0497 No.1489262



Do you see "Dan" in there anywhere?

32d8ce No.1489263


Look up Leviathan. It's noname's pipepline through the middle east. If the pipeline crosses that country, it might be a good place to look.

Nat gas - not oil.

0285c4 No.1489265



faa327 No.1489266

India diplomat JAILED for passing ‘sensitive information’ to Pakistan amid WW3 fears

AN INDIAN diplomat has been jailed for passing “sensitive information” to Pakistan as fears of World War 3 between the two South Asian nations continue to flare.

Madhuri Gupta was found guilty on Friday for "spying and wrongful communication of information" in a New Delhi court.

Her actions took place while she was working in the Indian embassy in Islamabad.

The court declared the information “passed on by the accused was categorically sensitive information, which could have been useful to the enemy country.

“Its secrecy was of utmost importance.”



cdfd54 No.1489267

File: 8977a2f684d028c⋯.jpg (233.72 KB, 1000x1564, 250:391, MuellersDayOff.jpg)

1f8a96 No.1489268

File: 22f54cfd941815a⋯.jpg (228.2 KB, 720x415, 144:83, true-israel-abraham-israel….jpg)

285184 No.1489269


Comfi Pepe rules

955a1b No.1489270


No problem, I've already read about it. Only two people have ever been indicted on charges of violating the act. They may not have been convicted, but times are a changin'. You never know.

e3149e No.1489271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don’t know what happened to Lauryn Hill….the industry ruined her somewhat

But this song is the reading of Corinthians

Worth a listen

7e5f47 No.1489272


AMEN anon!!!!

People do not realize that WHITE PEOPLE have the BLESSING OF ABRAHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've got to get to bed. G'nite anons.

250367 No.1489273


After being almost 16 hours a day in here since half, I know which to filter instantly, & watch for new shillotry tactics; it's second nature, the Sayanim make it too easy to spot them when desperate like last 30 breads

b79715 No.1489274


I used to watch him talk to Greta Sustern in 2012 and he said stuff nobody in politics ever said before.

But I never thought he could beat the Clinton machine. All the odds were stacked against him. I truly consider it Divine intervention into the hearts and minds of true Americans that put DJT in the WH.

a92a14 No.1489275


they expose their patterns pretty fast anon bread is much easier to read without seeing "kike" "nigger" or other crap every 3 posts.

4217b2 No.1489277


Of course this is after the blood pact at the summer solstice gathering with the world council of churches june 21. can''t push that one world religion fast enough


a3ce5c No.1489278


When you have to escape outside of yourself, you know there is so much more than yourself.

1289fe No.1489279

File: a0804cc46dd2314⋯.jpg (35.36 KB, 849x165, 283:55, FireShot Capture 104 - TRU….jpg)

ec1b06 No.1489280

File: 8c4bbcc7f77173e⋯.png (385.96 KB, 682x858, 31:39, Selection_159.png)

File: 96cb0d2ec955e93⋯.png (308.73 KB, 905x874, 905:874, Selection_160.png)

4cda43 No.1489281


Stopping Robert Mueller to protect us all

The “deep state” is in a deep state of desperation. With little time left before the Justice Department inspector general’s report becomes public, and with special counsel Robert Mueller having failed to bring down Donald Trump after a year of trying, they know a reckoning is coming.

At this point, there is little doubt that the highest echelons of the FBI and the Justice Department broke their own rules to end the Hillary Clinton “matter,” but we can expect the inspector general to document what was done or, more pointedly, not done. It is hard to see how a year-long investigation of this won’t come down hard on former FBI Director James Comey and perhaps even former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who definitely wasn’t playing mahjong in a secret “no aides allowed” meeting with former President Clinton on a Phoenix airport tarmac.


http ://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/388549-stopping-robert-mueller-to-protect-us-all

a553df No.1489282

File: a4059043092d3c7⋯.png (482.99 KB, 1200x633, 400:211, commies.png)

fucking nailed those quints lol

Haven't seen a good HIllary is a commie type meme so made this

can any anons help with the color of crooked HRC?

5a99ce No.1489283

File: 2200a3c69fe9710⋯.jpg (99.64 KB, 470x960, 47:96, Corrupt News.jpg)

faa327 No.1489284

ITALY’s President is expected to confirm a coalition between the League and the Five-Star Movement (M5S) today, cementing the nation as having one of the most Eurosceptic governments on the continent.



8a1fa7 No.1489285


ty anon

this is a great redpill for parents (mine are in their 60's)

told my dad about this and he was not happy, had no clue

e06814 No.1489286


I sent a message to his senate acct before he was elected. Told him Me and the peeps in ky hood knew what he was up to and that he was't fooling any of us.

I am sure i was put on a list very shortly after. I've known all along he was a manchurian candidate. Knew he was not a US citizen. Knew his BC was bullshit! THank God Q and team has come along! It will be a pleasure to see that sumbich do the perp walk!!! Hope he gets the rope!

4aa335 No.1489287

File: d99d54fd821278b⋯.png (118.62 KB, 500x492, 125:123, a-mel-gibson-meets-pepe-27….png)


To learn who rules over you, simply buy Mel Gibson a beer.

283f6a No.1489288

File: 0edbce14efac5c6⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1121x585, 1121:585, ZZSDFG.PNG)



181688 No.1489289

File: 4d30138c243c429⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 448x252, 16:9, 4d3.gif)

547ff3 No.1489290



9968cd No.1489291


Looks like 13% of the Senate

83f9d0 No.1489292

File: 5ca0d4c3326a40f⋯.jpg (99.07 KB, 602x791, 86:113, aretnh4j4wenjSAEges5nj6a53….JPG)



What must happen pre 11.11?

11.11 provided as strategic marker.

Post midterms.

RED wave coming?




5869ed No.1489293

File: c32265ec5f3053f⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2025x717, 675:239, 1490283061500.jpg)

022f41 No.1489294



2a0d8a No.1489295



d3da7d No.1489296


Hey Baker, I don't know how many breads you planned to bake (my Momma always said a few was 5). I am gonna catch a little sleep but will be up early and I can bake if you are still around

7e5f47 No.1489297


> I truly consider it Divine intervention into the hearts and minds of true Americans that put DJT in the WH.

plus military guys who played the game and got into the right positions to be in control of the system when DJT ran for POTUS. It's a huge undertaking that's been decades in the making.

5bdc93 No.1489298


I think that's where he's chosen to die.

84374e No.1489299


After 2nd debate. Again, when HRC was supposedly winning in the polls, but all my neighbors had DJT signs in their yards. !0:1 DJT to HRC yard signs.

cc07a8 No.1489300


Please get rid of the IRS


IRS victims

c8a865 No.1489301


lol'd good on that one. TY anon.

62d6c7 No.1489302


wow that sounds exactly like what a globalist would try to say to get you to give control of your money over to the rothys.

62f0c6 No.1489304


To create fake death?

eecb41 No.1489305

Not to be that guy but I wish the Q team would drop a crumb .. Been a slow day around here and our autism has been out fucking standing lately …

829a07 No.1489306


My friend would agree with you

5e83df No.1489307

File: f8b7b69461d5cc5⋯.png (482.85 KB, 784x811, 784:811, pepe check.png)

File: f5c2ec2939535fc⋯.jpg (241.89 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepe comfy cookies.jpg)

File: 96a3651c68ab88a⋯.jpg (85.32 KB, 527x762, 527:762, pepe nat geo.jpg)

File: 6b765582f1431a3⋯.jpg (15.74 KB, 320x320, 1:1, pepe wink.jpg)


Taste like chicken.

301244 No.1489309


Mueller & Kerry went to prep school together

Born: Dec 11, 1943 (age 74) Lurch

Born: Aug 07, 1944 (age 73) Mueller

Both would have been attending St. Paul's at the same time. Wonder if they were both comped

3443ae No.1489310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's one for you NavyFags.

5bdc93 No.1489311


He's got prednisone face.

40235f No.1489312


srsly? Pepe as a Knights Templar satanist being burned at the stake?

Pepe is better than that

96b6b7 No.1489313

Yea, not the number stated


a31eb6 No.1489314


dna sequencing renders this false

afe919 No.1489315


Fuk Yeah!

a553df No.1489316

saw this last night:

is /_\ the same as





758f83 No.1489317

File: af69a10dc474704⋯.png (94.22 KB, 731x480, 731:480, Screenshot_8.png)


5.2 Tremor

7cca5e No.1489318

File: 80827c90a45f221⋯.png (658.68 KB, 595x600, 119:120, CFR26.png)

103b0a No.1489319


as if he doesn't plan on seeing him again

cfebda No.1489320

File: c03ded67e574e26⋯.png (79.33 KB, 230x269, 230:269, checkemyogatoes.png)


and the (((faggotniggerkikes))) STILL can't meme for shit. KEK!

ac3e13 No.1489321


Never felt more comfy, anon.

e3149e No.1489322


Do you think Pompeo and Trump will intervene in any meaningful way soon?

Genuinely curious….not sure what goes on with V tbh

051dd9 No.1489323


Sedition is not a crime either. Treason should be the target word for charging someone like HRC and her cohorts with a crime.

62d6c7 No.1489324


they were before they went to school. born into it.

afb7aa No.1489325


That's my understanding.

da8cab No.1489328


If this is real….Liars is spelled wrong,JS.

3f2284 No.1489329

File: fdf247164f5d934⋯.png (307.45 KB, 641x542, 641:542, comped.png)

9b16ac No.1489330

File: b7dbe62e74b64d3⋯.png (545.98 KB, 650x665, 130:133, Saavedra re MS13NBC re Ani….PNG)

File: 02b475be68daf18⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1022x775, 1022:775, MS13NBC.PNG)

Sunday evening and MS13NBC is sticking to their story [lie]

6315cc No.1489331


I'm pretty sure there are other dual citizenships, with countries other than Isreal. Might be worth checking on that, also.

a553df No.1489332


you know thats the perspective of the church (at the time was WAAAYY WORSE than today) right?

scientists were satanists

07509a No.1489333

File: 885418c26e493c1⋯.jpg (83.7 KB, 500x703, 500:703, comey thoughts.jpg)



I'm a bit concerned that we may lose Comey too and not get him to flip and expose the cabal (to be that legend in his own mind). Just knowing the immense egotistical delusion and "loyalty fraud" he built up in public, he may only see one way out now and could be our first self-suicide.


Thanks for leaving us with the poetic recollection of Benedict Arnold at West Point.

64c38f No.1489335



pretty much me all the time here on

the night shift. I post memes, drop crumbs During the day I feel like I'm either

getting attacked, or having to attack.

Night shift anons actually help me with my memes!

I love all you night faggots

(no homo)

ec1b06 No.1489336


>none of this is good enough reason to ban all cell phones…..


Nor is it a good enough reason to support banning untraceable currency for every free inhabitant of this planet.

ca4728 No.1489337


When he was just a run of the mill billionaire and he fixed Wolman Rink in Central he became a folk hero. In his interviews on Howard Stern, he was as humble as could be (for a billionaire banging supermodels)! All kidding aside he is a man of accomplishment and his focus is on our Great Nation's Accomplishments. We are Blessed (no homo)

484bc9 No.1489338

File: 7438285ed5da37c⋯.png (118.67 KB, 1841x786, 1841:786, Pray.png)

Not sure if this has been posted.

c2a7b9 No.1489339


I didn't realize anyone had taken my picture doing that …..

5e83df No.1489341

0a77d0 No.1489342


Meet Christoph Meili, former UBS security employee and whistleblower

In early 1997, Meili had been working as a night guard at the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS, precursor of UBS AG) in Zürich, Switzerland. He discovered that officials at UBS were destroying documents about orphaned assets, believed to be credit balances of deceased Jewish clients whose heirs' whereabouts were unknown, as well as books from the German Reichsbank. They listed stock accounts for companies in business during The Holocaust, including BASF, Degussa, and Degesch. They listed real-estate records for Berlin property that had been seized by the Nazis, placed in Swiss accounts, and then claimed to be owned by UBS. Destruction of such documents is against Swiss laws. The documents Meili saved reportedly predate the Nazi period, dating from 1897 to 1927.

Should be worth digging, huh?


285184 No.1489343


Fukken saved

96b6b7 No.1489344

They look like they were separated at birth, also not fed well recently


a48e2c No.1489345


At "Only Rosie O'Donnell." KEK.

Confirmed when the establishment on both sides joined forces to feverishly support HRC.

They believed their own bullshit and underestimated what we could see.

Private email server? Wiped with a cloth? Russians?

The whole purpose of secure lines and three letter agencies is to prevent this bullshit and they acted like it all just happened.

17 people in one primary and 2 in the other?

The vote diluted on one side to let him through and stacked on the other.

She wanted to run against him.

Big mistake.

faa327 No.1489346

Saudi air defences destroy a ballistic missile over Jazan - Saudi TV

Reuters Staff

CAIRO (Reuters) - ‮Saudi air defences destroy‬ed‮ ‬ ‮a ballistic missile over‬ the southern city of Jazan, Saudi TV reported early on Monday.

Earlier, Al-Masariah TV of Yemen’s Houthis said the group had fired a ballistic missile at Jazan’s airport, without giving any further details.

Reporting by Nayera Abdullah



cc07a8 No.1489347


Is it too late for me to stop volunteering?

62f0c6 No.1489348

File: fa39db149683d69⋯.jpg (268.49 KB, 1200x754, 600:377, Make the United Nations Gr….jpg)

35f3fc No.1489349

>>1489215 TY. I was concerned - posted it the other night, and the shills pounced on it with praise, then a shill reposted it a couple breads ago with the same result. Really made me wonder, you know?

0903b3 No.1489351


We are "condemning" their election and Pence has called for more sanctions.

5dc1a6 No.1489352


I knew Trump would be our next POTUS in the middle of his candidacy announcement. Starting the very next day, I told everyone especially those bashing him that he was going to win the general. They all thought I was nuts. I'm an indie who lives in a pretty blue state.

022f41 No.1489353



Finally Good News for Europe.

At least I'll find a good place for to visit in some moment..

a553df No.1489354


gotcha, thats what I got from last night too

d29bef No.1489355


have you noticed that the bully-bots don't kick on while q is posting?

but the guy with the ascii comfy name is always here. sometimes says interesting things.

i think q said no filters for a reason.

fd35b8 No.1489356

File: dbfec5ed7e0929b⋯.png (1.21 MB, 987x900, 329:300, SUBUD.png)

File: 0302b753e347994⋯.png (538.92 KB, 1023x1123, 1023:1123, SUBUD3.png)

File: f49d04e240a5408⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1211x1016, 1211:1016, SUBUDcharity.png)

File: f6efc8266f3e39c⋯.png (141.23 KB, 871x1144, 67:88, SUBUDwikileaks.png)

Dead Hawaii official held key positions in SUBUD cult:

What is SUBUD?

Subud Jakarta Old Photo Cropped Circled

After the plane incident it surfaced that Hawaii Department of Health Director Loretta ‘Deliana’ Fuddy, the first non-physician health director in Hawaii’s history, had been the SUBUD USA national chairperson from 2006-2008.

‘Deliana,’ we learn from Fuddy’s memorial, is Fuddy’s SUBUD name. Not only is this the first time most Americans become aware of the Islamic cult SUBUD, it is also the first time Americans are made aware that Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack Obama’s mother, was also a member of the little-known Islamic cult SUBUD.

http:// theamericanreport.org/2015/08/19/clues-unlock-obama-id/

http:// www.subud.com/english/english.afi2s.html

http:// www.subud.org/

Subud's charity

http:// www.susiladharma.org/

http:// www.forbiddensymbols.com/Subud/

https:// wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1975OSLO02089_b.html

5e83df No.1489357


I still remember the day I did it…3 or 4 yrs old

fc0395 No.1489358


I believe much of that is intentional.

What's scary is how these people lord over others with their "discernment" when all they're doing is blowing smoke out their ass.

5dcf46 No.1489359


How many suicide weekends does that make now with no suicides?

Am I wrong Q? Am I wrong Trump? You seem to be the worlds biggest blowhard faggots. Are you actually going to launch a revolution? Or will you continue half measure faggotry? I guess we will see. I’m betting on the latter.

af7f90 No.1489360


lets hope it is Winter, just sayn

357d63 No.1489361

File: 8176fc9f8ae1bcc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 764.48 KB, 1106x2398, 553:1199, pickle2.jpg)

301244 No.1489362


St. Pauls has 500 kids over G9-12.

125 kids in each class? They darn well knew each other.

e89df0 No.1489363

File: b7ac2c6d02a0484⋯.png (234.28 KB, 605x573, 605:573, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: #SaudiArabia intercepts missile from #Yemen after Houthis target ‘military airport’ https://on.rt.com/95ok


9db8f3 No.1489364


The God in the (((Old Testament))) represents figuratively the belief that the tribe is above the individual. Working to further the goals of the tribe is worth the sacrifice of the individual or individuality.

Sound familiar? (Communism, socialism, cultural progressivism, post-modernism)

The God in the New Testament part figurative, part exemplary, and part embodied. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Father is the millenia long story of the west.

The Son is the personification of that story.

The Holy Spirit is the utilization of that story in the life of the individual.

Christianity symbolism is profoundly correct. (((Other symbolism))) is profoundly tribal.

8a1fa7 No.1489365


this seriously needs to be addressed. I don't care what other country it is. no dual citizens allowed in government

ea0497 No.1489366


Pesky facts that disrupt the fantasy of being special will be ignored.

748cab No.1489367


You're misunderstanding. If crypto is decentralizing power, the next step will be even worse for banks.

First the internet decentralized knowledge. Then email decentralized communication. Then social media decentralized opinions and ideas. Then Uber and Airbnb decentralized control of property (ownership). Next, the internet of money will decentralized wealth. It's good thing.

All of these tools need to be utilized together to decentralized power. But that's up to us.

59db57 No.1489368


Many thought how great it would it be to have a Black president. Bring us all together. It will be amazing. But you can't judge a person on words.

A Black man speaking like a White man. Why? Following week he's bopping down the stage and out of nowhere he's a Baptist preacher. Next he's one of the Commodores. Sashaying and swinging his dick around. And playing basketball.

A real snake. A real asshole.

a3ce5c No.1489369


When you read it in total…….

Some words are just words.

Some words create an emotion words cannot touch.

576b62 No.1489370


I'm sure he also likes the V in the water left by the canoe.

Nice trips

a5dea3 No.1489371

File: 77439b069c502e5⋯.jpg (145.19 KB, 520x1387, 520:1387, 511.jpg)


Part left out is the most famous part,

Even inspired a "Rolling Stone " Album title"""

"Through a Glass Darkly" which is an alt translation of a phrase from the passage..

"For now we only only a reflection as in a mirror [through a glass darkly]

But then we shall see face to face"

"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known."

"glass" was slang for "mirror" "looking -glass" was a mirror.

53cc4c No.1489372

File: c18d95cf02af7f9⋯.jpg (30.62 KB, 640x480, 4:3, pepe.jpg)

Q… If you're here lurking… Could you bring it to the attention of POTUS for the reinstatement of the Smith-Mundt Act, or a new act making propaganda illegal against the US population? Sick and tired of the goddamn MSM using it against us.

ab7697 No.1489373

File: bd4c806efb66c77⋯.png (211.78 KB, 420x314, 210:157, SMELT IT DEALT IT.png)


A "precursor" to yours….LOL

051dd9 No.1489374



83b1de No.1489375


you act like i denied its occurrence, despite the first sentence i typed is that no one here would deny its occurrence,.

so whats your point? that you cant argue any of my points? good.

1289fe No.1489377


looks familiar..speech cadence, verbage and mispellings too boot..kek

9b16ac No.1489378

File: 535d5af38bbb982⋯.png (912.23 KB, 657x908, 657:908, SPressler re Trust the Pla….PNG)

Trust the Plan


a391bf No.1489379


5.6 is a nothingburger

4aa335 No.1489380

File: f41769f5f75eaa3⋯.jpg (367.52 KB, 1080x1064, 135:133, 113639.jpg)


Works better with a big key ring. I welded dad's keys together before the fuse blew.

Experiences like that turned me into the anon I am today.

eae676 No.1489381


DNA will likely prove otherwise.

Which brings up the obvious question.

Jewish - really?


1594e1 No.1489382


Long term fixes have to wait till after mid-terms.

022f41 No.1489383


Vzla will be a big problem for Southamerica soon if Maduro doeesn't fall (Hezbollah stronghold)

The WH (and maybe the only) in Vzla are the NationalistMov of Vzla.

Not Until that US Finish the purge.

0a77d0 No.1489384


Uh, forgot to mention:

Meili went to the US after realizing he will be arrested in Switzerland for violating his non disclosure agreement.

5a99ce No.1489385

File: 52f748dc06735f2⋯.jpg (21.19 KB, 520x224, 65:28, CIA Stephan Halper.JPG)

dc7229 No.1489386


Now there's a pickle I'd like to find myself inside of

283f6a No.1489387

File: 2304c0da4d7e86e⋯.jpg (113.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, arISdvB0.jpg)


top kek , aces saved .

50407e No.1489388

File: 54dd3c9dd5d133a⋯.jpg (67.53 KB, 782x481, 782:481, _20180520_151737.JPG)

f65687 No.1489389


That's some good shit right there.

8926f5 No.1489390


the fk.

fc0395 No.1489391


I may take you up on that when I go to Sedona.

af7f90 No.1489392


at least they covered pepe's peepee

cfebda No.1489393


kekekek…I was gonna use "sharted", but he's such an erudite faggot that it didn't "sound" right. KEK!

88c048 No.1489394


not sure heh, should be good for a while longer I think. Get some rest and pop in later ;)

947412 No.1489395


gonna watch Dutchsinse 2nite!!!

….LA shud have been hit … wonder wats gonna happn now

5e83df No.1489396

File: bcf9fb8d5a378f8⋯.jpg (33.08 KB, 700x549, 700:549, pepe hawking.jpg)


Tweezers work too..melted both ends off. Sorry mom.

07509a No.1489397


KEK, trolling for us to dig moar!

5bdc93 No.1489398


Also the traffic light down the road is green on the left and red on the right.

4217b2 No.1489399

>>1489356 Great info

2d9757 No.1489400


ThanQ. Everything Q does seems to be for a good reason.


5b65e6 No.1489401

File: 7ce3dfe77b74443⋯.png (647.44 KB, 1250x1278, 625:639, POTUS_schedule_monday_may2….png)

POTUS' schedule for tomorrow (May 21)

96b6b7 No.1489402

Is this for real?


761838 No.1489403

File: fe24c821768c279⋯.png (171.31 KB, 1296x543, 432:181, subhunter.PNG)


Now a sub-hunter off of Washington. Disappeared right before screenshot in red circle area

88e52c No.1489404


So we're shooting down our own missiles with our own anti-missile weapons. What a time to be alive.

aeb6f5 No.1489405

File: 02eb0cf8edd311c⋯.jpg (8.67 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 283062b0bcdd794cfe8a5102ee….jpg)

e03044 No.1489406

My Thank Q to all of the Patriots for helping me and millions of others to truly understand what is happening in this crazy world.

Quiet Storm

A Storm can be weather, with lightning and thunder

Or unseen soldiers, causing the world to wonder

The soldiers unseen are not dressed all the same

Those on their team are not playing a game

Their minds are so intricate, honest and pure

A passion for knowledge and truth unobscured

They have delved into subjects that would boggle most minds

Solved crimes of our government from the years left behind

Their search has taken them to the deep dark web

Their intelligence proved true all they say “is in our head”

Crimes at all levels uncovered and unsealed

Secrets of all societies exposed and revealed

Don’t ask them a question without expecting the whole truth

You may doubt, you may wonder, but they will show you proof

These soldiers have no names, no faces and no fame

They are Patriots of the world, who can make it rain

Hearts are overwhelmed at their sacrifice and time

Their truths shall set us free, if we follow their signs

The march is getting louder each day as they go

The masses they have reached is beginning to show

May the Angels always watch over these soldiers unseen

For they have given us all, a chance to Let Freedom Ring

0903b3 No.1489407

File: 08ac18f1d461b22⋯.jpeg (83.7 KB, 971x426, 971:426, DdsI_m0U0AE_69G.jpeg)

POTUS is going to swear in Gina tomorrow.

RIP pickle factory.

947412 No.1489408


is this OPPOSITE DAY?!

1a5aec No.1489409

File: 50e170bc620880b⋯.png (186.2 KB, 796x706, 398:353, ClipboardImage.png)


Dropping this here if it hasn't been. Explains a lot, but someone seems bitter and has an agenda. My bet, this is 0 hour.

PS, got me some Q sugar to back it up. LOL.

d45aec No.1489410


>Christianity symbolism is profoundly correct


ea0497 No.1489411


>Sedition is not a crime either.

Yes, it is


75118f No.1489412

File: 284e5de40bffefc⋯.jpg (38.06 KB, 589x245, 589:245, mirror1.jpg)

Fer Fun….

6315cc No.1489413


>>1489390 >>1489397 >>1489402 >>1489405

Fake. CIA hasn't tweeted since 5/15.

88e52c No.1489414


Or what?

ab7697 No.1489415


Saw the word "TRUMPED" in a vision (ie., wide awake with eyes shut) in spring 2016

283f6a No.1489416

File: 31ff26392bdb86d⋯.jpg (37.99 KB, 512x427, 512:427, 31ff26392bdb86db8140b0e05e….jpg)

9f1e80 No.1489417

File: f57e5f911d5bf92⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1634x1086, 817:543, Screenshot 2018-05-21 at 1….png)

357d63 No.1489418

File: 04578bed0b492f0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 622.3 KB, 1341x1198, 1341:1198, MyPillow.jpg)

4e43be No.1489419

fae03f No.1489420


Burnt divots into both sides of finger doing it. Stuck my finger between the prongs on a plug and shoved it in the socket. Still can't remember the day to save my life lmao.

0a77d0 No.1489421

The Wikipedia article that explains how the European Union was founded illegally based on corruption, literally.



a31eb6 No.1489422


its says 89% of senate AND CONGRESS

d7b021 No.1489423

File: 237e7c014316bb0⋯.jpg (151.35 KB, 586x597, 586:597, lmao3.jpg)

3ec591 No.1489424

File: 905e834d2cf07a7⋯.png (415.79 KB, 746x418, 373:209, GetFuktCointelpro - Copy.png)

File: 0798fb30aed9998⋯.png (283.58 KB, 606x630, 101:105, AlexJonesTheTraitor - Copy.png)

Q has repeatedly said that none playing the 'game' are getting a free pass.

Well, with what we've learned about Alex Jones, and that fat old faggot Corsi, would it really surprise anyone if this dweeb caught an indictment?


Alex Jones and his merry band of famefags (Cernovitch included) have all shown their predisposition toward pecuniary gain.

Hope they get what they deserve :)

4aa335 No.1489425


We're gonna need a NASCAR pepe.

71e0f3 No.1489426


The Trinity doctrine is a Satanic invention to mislead humanity.

40235f No.1489427

File: 5782e91ceccad31⋯.jpg (90.45 KB, 500x801, 500:801, 71a0dd845280d86960f9c61f99….jpg)

File: f9f4d49f4715efe⋯.jpg (64.25 KB, 640x506, 320:253, templars_worshipping_bapho….jpg)

File: 9403545b44239a1⋯.jpg (208.21 KB, 768x689, 768:689, baphomet.jpg)


No it has nothing to do with the church. Plenty of evidence the Templars were into weird rituals and debauchery and satanic idol worship

88c048 No.1489428

>>1488899, >>1488960, >>1489054, >>1489079, >>1489118, >>1489403

Planefag Updates this bread

947412 No.1489429


I am hoping all these reports about her r bcuz the s gov doesnt want to get tortured … and not that she will be weaponized against us…

11863f No.1489430


Wonder if this is why the medvac from Saudi landed in Boston, maybe someone needed better medical care?

dba53b No.1489432


This is fake. I don't see it on the CIA twitter

4e43be No.1489433



Meant to add "Fake and Gay"

0c4eed No.1489434

File: 307b3a6262adc01⋯.png (1.23 MB, 723x838, 723:838, kathybrennan.PNG)



This notable is implying that the picture is of Renee James. It is not. This is Kathy Brennan, at a 2013 Toys for Tots event.


cfebda No.1489435

File: 3579a3323b4d752⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 3579a3323b4d752003c5b6166e….jpg)

9db8f3 No.1489436

3353ae No.1489437

File: 5901718f3e1f345⋯.png (205.7 KB, 1351x689, 1351:689, no-concern-fagging-on-this….png)

no concernfagging on that mexico EQ

on a fault line

near two others

pretty deep

8e64fa No.1489438

File: bde65e79c98e155⋯.png (40.19 KB, 408x283, 408:283, Screenshot_2018-05-20-22-1….png)

1f127b No.1489439

with recent Q posts re armor of god , i find it interesting i watched biblical based movie "samson" last night ( i only discovered the posts this morning )

5e83df No.1489440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons, you'll love this one.

Great parody song about Killary

The Wreck of Hillary clinton

af7f90 No.1489441



reborn after 2000 years

exactly on time

big things coming our way

pay attention

0f69e9 No.1489442


Keep in mind, "family says".

Heads up planefag.

afe919 No.1489443


tha'd be a no, nigger.

a553df No.1489444

>>1489385 CIA says stop talking about Stefan Halper


adbea0 No.1489445


GTFO ta here with that socialist commie rhetoric. That might be what your libtard economics prof espoused from the lectern but we ain't China.

cfebda No.1489446


Confirmed. Jesus was a (((muh joo))) shill. Kek!

e312f9 No.1489447

I don't really get why me

aeb6f5 No.1489448

File: 898969cfc3ca807⋯.jpg (74.07 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, podestaSatan-1200x630.jpg)

285184 No.1489449

File: 7e8a41f4dfdc101⋯.png (541.3 KB, 469x465, 469:465, chicken-taste-rules.png)


Chicken taste rules

f69342 No.1489450

File: feecc6fef54e279⋯.png (402.96 KB, 652x467, 652:467, hrc.png)


a1b5b9 No.1489451


agree 100% My daughters will not be ashamed of who they are, I dont give 2 fucks how many times they drop that white privilege shit. there are only 2 classes/races in America, poor as fuck and rich as fuck. anyone who cant see that and just be proud to be who they are is a racist cunt.

a553df No.1489452



muh Church propaganda

022f41 No.1489453

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….png)



eecb41 No.1489454


Maine Fag here .. He got here https:/ /www.newscentermaine.com/mobile/article/news/local/former-president-george-hw-bush-arrives-at-summer-home-in-maine/97-556230947

bffb5f No.1489455


She's right. Why should he be so against an investigation - didn't they recently come out and say that they inserted a spy in Trump's campaign to try and "protect" him? So they should want an investigation to show/prove how diligent they were in "protecting" Trump.

ec1b06 No.1489456


Simply, in a corrupt system, feints of accountability by those in power are illusory.

Not here for a debate, or countering arguments, just discussing ideas.

5e83df No.1489457


Two factions fighting for their version of the ending of the fulfilment?

7dbf95 No.1489458

File: 16c13ce9d04d2e0⋯.png (187.52 KB, 500x410, 50:41, Kek_Pepe_frog_lore-500x410.png)

File: a5a6cd80a3ebf54⋯.jpg (7.84 KB, 249x202, 249:202, images-8.jpg)

File: d2a15b6ef0e6c25⋯.jpg (251.47 KB, 805x1000, 161:200, aL6Empn.jpg)


pepe is son of kek. god of chaos/lover of spicy memes. known your memes patriot.

4e43be No.1489459

Any new info on missing plane?

673aa9 No.1489461

File: 8ef190e50cfa0e1⋯.png (973.86 KB, 1013x776, 1013:776, ClipboardImage.png)

64c38f No.1489462


> plenty of evidence Templars were creeps

Evidence conceived through torture….

947412 No.1489463


NO BO … u less they deleted it, thats not a real post.

eecb41 No.1489465


Fake post

a1b5b9 No.1489466

And that shit goes for NiggeRs and Honkeys alike.

673aa9 No.1489467


filter does not equal censorship you stupid clown

5d8148 No.1489468

File: 66ac9a9902183b5⋯.jpg (106.57 KB, 600x524, 150:131, 66ac9a9902183b53d0c86b46bb….jpg)

797268 No.1489469

File: 4d8a4826ef2a236⋯.jpg (125.78 KB, 550x550, 1:1, trump-temple-coin.jpg)

File: 85a5c85ad12df49⋯.jpg (148.02 KB, 660x330, 2:1, Trump-USA-Temple-1.jpg)

5e83df No.1489471

File: 506d06114e4e867⋯.jpg (24.97 KB, 244x303, 244:303, hillary-kfc.jpg)


indeed. I like mine fried.

1594e1 No.1489473


Anon, I…

We've enjoyed your time here, but we've decided it's best to part ways.

748cab No.1489474








You all make good points. Yes, the idea is to get corruption out of gov. The reason it's so easy to be corrupt now is because we don't trace our money.

Think of it as YOUR money, being spent in ways you didn't approve. That's exactly what happening right now, as we speak. Billions of our dollars are being spent on wars and to pay off bad actors, or to pay for overpriced equipment, etc. Imagine if you could trace it. It decentralizes the power. If you want your dollars spent a certain way, you can track whether or not that happens.

Crypto is halfway there.

8c56b3 No.1489476

Since cia niggas exploitcaptchasfermetatronwhichtheycovetwtfkys

07509a No.1489477


Notable about a notable

cfebda No.1489478

File: 640e61d70259bad⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ewww.jpg)

a553df No.1489480




I guess its shopped that?

got the check???

5a99ce No.1489481

File: cdf6b3b937ced65⋯.jpg (52.17 KB, 645x523, 645:523, JP CIA post.JPG)

This is where I got it from!!!!

5e83df No.1489482

File: 954b0a01e700f26⋯.png (266.95 KB, 500x323, 500:323, pepe bbq.png)

File: c6fb94aa23500cd⋯.jpg (266.23 KB, 1251x747, 139:83, pepe hyrogliph.jpg)

File: efb55f7aa0368c7⋯.jpg (42.76 KB, 630x630, 1:1, pepe meme magic real.jpg)

File: 67389a2cbc68e0e⋯.jpg (57.71 KB, 512x512, 1:1, pope pepe.jpg)

022f41 No.1489483


Yale 18


https:// drama.yale.edu/onstage/season/2017-18-yale-school-drama-season

ec1b06 No.1489484

File: 1959e75fae53dfe⋯.jpg (15.94 KB, 346x425, 346:425, based_beam.jpg)

a4faf8 No.1489485

File: 6bfd9444129ca5a⋯.png (363.5 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-20-18-4….png)

Anons, I need some help. I'm looking for a post I made, I think it was right after the Q and A session with Q. Maybe in the bread for questions. Anywho I simply asked if they could make something special happen on May 21. POTUS twat today made me remember it. I'm not asking to famefag, i simply wanted to capture it for myself since tomorrow is my birthday. Been here digging since the beginning. Just don't know where to start searching. Archives?? It's going to be a Glorious birthday

d8c57f No.1489486


Again with this obfuscation. Its transparent here. Give it up.

357d63 No.1489487

File: 73360c3b9637965⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 269.56 KB, 826x982, 413:491, madmaxine.jpg)

ab7697 No.1489488


Bingo! Wonder why Grassley was "suggesting" that if any JUSTICES wanted to "retire", better do it….PRONTO!!!!!!


960948 No.1489489


Great post!

4a0253 No.1489490

Have a friend tied to DC swamp people. He told me day before election that HRC was gonna win. He was depressed but said we needed to prep ourselves. I said "nope! Just watch."

Next night he's texting me at 8pm asking what's gonna happen bc it was beginning to look like it was turning to Trump. I said, like I've said for a year and a half, HE'S GONNA WIN.

faa327 No.1489491

File: 998edce71bbae0d⋯.jpeg (755.9 KB, 1242x1627, 1242:1627, 35C1ED2B-430D-471A-A155-C….jpeg)

4cda43 No.1489492

PAPAL HEAL Pope Francis tells gay man ‘God made you like this and loves you like this’

The remarks were made to a victim of clerical sexual abuse and are the most striking acceptance of homosexuality by the Catholic Church to date

POPE Francis has told a gay man that God loves him during a private meeting, it has been claimed.

In a private dialogue, the Pontiff is understood to have told Juan Carlos Cruz, a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of Catholic priests, that God loves gay people and it is fine to be homosexual.

1]Our father Change

2] there is no hell

3] Acceptance of homosexuality by the Catholic Church

covering for pedo priests ? using the kevin spacey defence for pedos hes gay that ok ?

https: //www.thesun.co.uk/news/6337719/pope-francis-gay-man-god-loves-you/

5d8148 No.1489493

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7ed4202656a544b….jpg)

File: 175e0a613f1a2ab⋯.jpg (126.79 KB, 800x1057, 800:1057, 800px-Balfour_declaration_….jpg)

a553df No.1489494



90d7e8 No.1489497

File: dedccdda5d92825⋯.png (152.88 KB, 1104x645, 368:215, 50k.png)

File: 0af2d7fbcd789cd⋯.png (346.92 KB, 768x768, 1:1, fast and furious.png)

File: 10bf9a4e3dc4ef0⋯.jpg (305.32 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, fast and furious4.jpg)

File: d91b4db1da109e1⋯.png (226.9 KB, 738x673, 738:673, pepe cry reee and let slip….png)



Fast and Furious Memes:

>Hussein and Hillary facilitated a genocide with Operation Fast and Furious by running illegal weapons to Mexico for the Cartels to use against the Population. The very same guns they tried to righteously ban in the USA

>@realDonaldTrump #QAnon #KEK #FastAndFurious #Hillary #MAGA

Images attached

I have gotten 50k impressions with the Fast and Furious memes post in 48 bloody hours!!!

So do not forget social media.




No Homo

748cab No.1489498


The power of the market determines value. That's literally the opposite of socialism.

1594e1 No.1489499

File: 9224d731dc33eaf⋯.jpeg (377.25 KB, 1522x1522, 1:1, C1D08640-6A6D-4DD2-ADB3-8….JPEG)

5a99ce No.1489500

File: cdf6b3b937ced65⋯.jpg (52.17 KB, 645x523, 645:523, JP CIA post.JPG)


This is where I snip it from

ff627b No.1489502

Do we have some memes lined up for "Suicide Weekend"?

4aa335 No.1489503


That'll do, anon. That'll do.

88e52c No.1489504


There's gunna be a civil war

ae45f2 No.1489505


Through a move of the Holy Spirit late June of 2016m

88c048 No.1489506

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

598451 No.1489507


Yes… I have a thing for midgets.

dfeb7d No.1489508

File: e236e8aca83cbd9⋯.png (248.35 KB, 617x569, 617:569, sick.png)

efb067 No.1489509



kek, rolling heals now?

thought he was dot spec

7dbf95 No.1489510

File: ffc82a97d428501⋯.png (121.69 KB, 500x610, 50:61, onty-meyes-now-pepe-4trump….png)

9968cd No.1489512


that's what it says, but it's incorrect.

5b65e6 No.1489513


Still fake

88171b No.1489514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dba53b No.1489515


Find Q posts of the Q&A…look at the post number and then search that bread with those numbers. Also some before and after. It would have to be in there somewhere

6315cc No.1489516


Anon, if something seems too good, too funny, too "off," FACT CHECK IT.

5e83df No.1489517

File: 746263a90301c35⋯.jpg (49.37 KB, 785x757, 785:757, pepe maga punch.jpg)

File: 9d75c7b88ce371d⋯.png (102.73 KB, 600x842, 300:421, pepe noose.png)


NO but happy to supply the rope

ec1b06 No.1489519


Thanks for the insights. Always much to learn for this skeptical anon.

aeb6f5 No.1489520

File: 6e68fa9cacaa097⋯.jpg (77.43 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 298769_2.jpg)

d7b021 No.1489521


what potus is signing tomorrow: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-joint-resolution/57

S.J.Res.57 - 115th Congress (2017-2018)

4217b2 No.1489522

>>1489406 Well done indeed

947412 No.1489523

File: 09cb7fa41c9eece⋯.jpg (772.17 KB, 1080x2004, 90:167, Screenshot_20180520-202621.jpg)


not on their feed.. unless they deleted it.

1594e1 No.1489524

File: 43128eb1bb01f66⋯.jpg (64.21 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Untitled_Artwork 20.jpg)

9db8f3 No.1489526

The trinity is the evolution from older (((tribal))) religion. The sacrifice of the individual for the betterment of the greater good. That's truly evil.

Satan represents the king of kings of malevolence. The inversion of the embodiment of the king of kings of benevolence (trinity).

Is Satan real?

Is the idea of Satan real?

The trinity basically implies this: There's a monotheistic god which represents the story of our culture constructed over millennia. The way an individual must exist to further our culture. Then there's the personification of that God in the idea of Jesus. A hero who embodies, in an easily understood physical way, the ideals and exemplary dramas of our culture. The Holy Spirit is the implication that emulating the personification (Jesus) of the super ordinate principle of western culture (God) in your day to day life is the best way to life in light. And the means to do that is love.

5a99ce No.1489527


I thought it was funny!!!

f5a917 No.1497081


Q said the truth has been right in front of us the whole time.

Even Hillary said Hussein wasn't born in America, until the power that were told her to shut up.

Kenya had ties with the U.K., is his real certificate of birth in Britian?

Q, while you're at it, how about releasing Hussein's school records at Columbia?

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