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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000.
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First time on 8chan? First time on /QResearch/? Click here before posting, newfag.

File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

fdcb06 No.1487874

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1464360 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode Change

Q's Tripcode change yesterday: Side-by-Sides explain >>1479521 , >>1479533 , >>1479660 , >>1479972

Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

PAST Tripcodes: !4pRcUA0lBE, !xowAT4Z3VQ, !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ------------------------ We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ------------------------ The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ----- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ----- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ----- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ----- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ----- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ------------------------ (Password expose)

Thursday 05.17.2018

>>1449911 ------------------------ Messages sent

>>1449784 ------------------------ Guardian of the Pope

>>1449636 ------------------------ Space Shuttle Pic

>>1449191 ------------------------ Vegas Pic

>>1448841 rt >>1448660 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448660 rt >>1448537 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448537 rt >>1448466 ----- We are everywhere Anon

>>1448221 rt >>1448152 ----- Note the jackets

>>1448152 rt >>1448140 ----- London Pics

>>1448140 ------------------------ London Pics

>>>/patriotsfight/87 ------------ (deleted) see: >>1447680 , >>1458342

>>1445345 rt >>1445248 ----- >>>/patriotsfight/64

>>1445147 rt >>1444934 ----- As We Prepare To Land

>>1444934 rt >>1444808 ----- God Bless the United States of America

>>1444808 rt >>1444682 ----- Stay vigilant

>>1444682 rt >>1444632 ----- There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves


>>>/patriotsfight/85 ------------ ]SESSIONS[ Reels In Huber

>>1440925 ----------------------- Trump admin to provide F&F records

Wednesday 05.16.2018

>>1439789 rt >>1439665 ----- Bomb disposal team

>>1439564 rt >>1439507 ----- Think Pickle Factory

>>1439411 rt >>1439389 ----- Impressive

>>1439283 rt >>1439204 ----- 100% authentic

>>1438448 ------------------------ Gina Haspel Career Timeline

>>1438412 rt >>1438387 ----- WE ARE Q!

>>>/patriotsfight/84 ------------ Do what is Right

>>>/patriotsfight/83 ------------ End of the Witch Hunt

>>1434225 rt >>1434153 ----- "FREEDOM" Caucus.

>>1434153 rt >>1434062 ----- Today was the precursor

>>1434041 ------------------------ US History [ABCs]

>>1432972 rt >>1432956 ----- Those with an agenda to silence will fail

>>1432958 rt >>1432955 ----- Follow the pen/Jim_Jordan tweet

>>1432939 rt >>1432926 ----- SIS

>>1432932 ------------------------ Follow the pen

>>1431154 ------------------------ No Such Agency vs Clowns In America

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Q Clock Graphic


fdcb06 No.1487880


are not endorsements

Headline News: >>1481950 POTUS will officially demand that the DoJ look into Trump Campaign surveillance

Top News: >>1478808 Chile's 31 bishops resign en masse over sex abuse cover-up


>>1487213 Hillary Clinton to get Harvard medal for 'transformative impact on society'

>>1487231, >>1487720 Planefag Update

>>1487276 Post-Zuckerberg, tech CEOs under pressure to testify

>>1487304 24th May will be Quite a day

>>1487345 More digging on Stefan Halper & his Virginia Farm

>>1487375 It finally happened, the shill trifecta

>>1487561 Turkey Repatriates All Gold From The US In Attempt To Ditch The Dollar

>>1487581, >>1487739 Asha Rangappa Dig

>>1487670 NRA boss Oliver North blames Ritalin, ‘culture of violence’ for school shootings

>>1487805 Anon spots a helper in earlier bread?


>>1486420, >>1486523 Planefag reports

>>1486433, >>1486655, >>1486823 Renee J. James with Brennan in London? +diggz

>>1486465 GB why would fox be showing this now?

>>1486527 Rod Rosenstein asks DOJ inspector general to review possible Trump campaign infiltration

>>1486530 Anon speculates

>>1486399 The Witch speaks

>>1486584 45 Wed schedule

>>1486657 USARMY Tweet

>>1486678, >>1486531 Moar Clown Panic

>>1486679 Meghan Markle's half-sister, Samantha Grant, 'injured in car crash'

>>1486718 Jesuits going down in flames

>>1486732 QPic digs and insights

>>1486750 Wild Bill and Kevin Spacey share Pizza at Epstein's

>>1486787, >>1486808, >>1486822 Digging the grave next+ Moar Fuddyness

>>1486810 Operation castle is Abomb testing OP name

>>1486815 Admiral Rodgers speaking

>>1486819, >>1486821 Sherif Joe flashback+Renegade phony BC info

>>1486844 Anon gets a text from MOM !! Awww coinkidinks?


>>1485839, >>1486393, >>1486569 Planefag reports


>>1485666, >>1485733, >>1485741, >>1485868, >>1486149, >>1486237 Clowns Panic mode !!!

>>1485672 Trump Twats and Q crumbs !

>>1485674, >>1485771, >>1485844, >>1485906, >>1486148 Moar Fuddy Duddy

>>1485686 Good Guys Twit

>>1485692 is it [Brennen] in the pic?

>>1485687, >>1485778 111 days later we're back to talking about suicide weekend.

>>1485718 Crumb links

>>1485742 Those that are the loudest


>>1485783 Why Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy Ignored Invitation to Meet With Leaky DOJ and Rosenstein on Friday

>>1485823 GHWB preps for deep 6 shoon

>>1485876 Who else is loud right now?

>>1485897 GEOTUS 4EVER !!

>>1485987 AMI

>>1486067 Quey and Trump connects

>>1486089 USMC combat vet speaks to POTUS and Q about da tweed

>>1485734 Forecasting??

>>1486158, >>1486002, Trump's EO digs and info

>>1486022 THE FARM

>>1485527 Specific Location of London Traffic Cam

>>1486195 Rothchilds logo 5 golden arrows

>>1486225 ET in Vegas twat

>>1485904 Trump code?


>>1485214, >>1485363 Planefaggotry

>>1484899 45 calls for JP arrest via tweet


>>1484924 AJ being Investigated by FBlie

>>1484933 Tommorow will be interdasting

>>1484996 DOJ may tell POTUS to go pound salt

>>1485087 Podesta email diggs wikileaks

>>1485101 Swalwell treachery

>>1485146, >>1484907, >>1485275, >>1485410 Clown in Panic Mode!!

>>1485279 Nunes: If Informant Reporting Is True, It Is a ‘Absolute Red Line,’ ‘This Is Over’

>>1485385 Chinese set up meeting with Clinton campaign during US election

>>1485317, >>1485299, >>1485431, >>1485522 Fuddy Autopsy-Digs

>>1485429, >>1485454, >>1485491, >>1485527 Enlarged and stitched together 6 targets red dots+moar diggin

>>1485453, >>1485487 Procedure for Military Executions + important info to know for the bad guys


>>1484721 Cause of death for Loretta Fuddy? 'Irregular Heartbeat'

>>1484585 CDAN blind about Epstein Island and NXIVM for those researching those connections

>>1484566 Loretta Fuddy: Pic of her alive?

>>1484532 Fuddy, Obama, and Subud

>>1484524 Hussein, ID, Indonesia, Soebarkah, Loretta Fuddy and Subud: 6m video

>>1484088 Clues unlock Obama ID Mystery: FBI Soviet spy files, SUBUD cult, and a dead body

>>1484075 IG report forming the basis of military tribunals

>>1484241 QPosts: Car located?

>>1484201 Another date the London Eye was blue, Sept 2, 2014

>>1484181 The other BlueQ for the founder of 8Chan

>>1484180 Q-Tip of the day: How to us the IG Report to legally declare Martial Law with Military Tribunals

>>1484089 So is every document signed by Hussein null and void? Answer

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

fdcb06 No.1487903

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 – QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 – TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 — META


>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 — Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 — Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>694579 — Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 — Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 – Newfag Q&A

>>93735 —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 – Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 – Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 —— Tools and Information

>>4852 —— Free Research Resources

>>4362 —— Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 —— Research Threads

>>32223 —- Qs chess game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 — Q Communications re:deltas

>>1420554 — Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread


>>810563 — NXIVM info collection

>>885933 — P=C

>>904395 — The Plan

>>911014 — Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

fdcb06 No.1487912

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1487180, >>1487216

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

*Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283



18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ----------------------- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Bake Your Own Bread!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9 (updated to include >>1470959 Applebakers Texttools)

fdcb06 No.1487919

File: 6e17fc30b80d148⋯.jpg (131.15 KB, 520x693, 520:693, _lu95mvdfo75.jpg)

Dough #1869



c0a56b No.1487920

File: d26b8c16c091453⋯.jpeg (482.6 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C0553753-3598-4570-ADCC-A….jpeg)

179215 No.1487921

File: e738fd02d4f4b72⋯.jpg (141.88 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 08cc2587c249806a78adb3f7c4….jpg)

File: 730e86537f399ad⋯.jpg (234.4 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dream_pubdcsfplr9.jpg)

File: 42452770a47153a⋯.jpg (175.74 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 242bc29be4f6ae662597c4b8f6….jpg)

File: 8390d8264227c73⋯.jpg (145.77 KB, 735x490, 3:2, dream_s0xi5a2afzz.jpg)


18 and 69?!

Sounds legally wonderful!

83302f No.1487928


Bread #1867 >>1486792

Thank you!

fdcb06 No.1487935

Just sayin before I got screeching

prev baker made the war rooms post too long to post before handing off, I'll check and update for next bread, used old one from last night

65dfa2 No.1487938

File: dd2763ed3e6637e⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1754x1240, 877:620, BHO.png)

The BHO Question

f287d2 No.1487944

File: 1fafbe21b57422f⋯.jpg (303.02 KB, 1565x1015, 313:203, WPembarrassment.jpg)

ab7a94 No.1487947

Paying with Q.


0aa638 No.1487949

File: bd9435d323ad311⋯.jpg (170.88 KB, 1067x663, 1067:663, bd9435d323ad3112ba760fe3de….jpg)

Thoughts on this idea:

This November, whenever we are confronted with a ballot item that forces us to choose between two Deep State stooges with no third candidate, write in "QAnon"?

a2da75 No.1487950



ab7a94 No.1487951



288943 No.1487952

File: e2d6c774818c961⋯.jpeg (135.72 KB, 799x617, 799:617, Screenshot_2018-05-20-21-….jpeg)

Brennan making threats

3ee10c No.1487953

File: 43128eb1bb01f66⋯.jpg (64.21 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Untitled_Artwork 20.jpg)


At the very least, as stupid as they are.

9619a6 No.1487954

>>1487082 ….But that's not the point! Judge Christians all you want! There's not one Christian on the face of the earth that is perfect!

Christians aren't perfect…but they ARE forgiven!

b8a9b3 No.1487955

>>1487872 lb

>Katie Perry just said;

>"You know what opinions are like, everybody's got one & I've got a large one."

Ok, well. try to relax and pinch it off at the end. Aim for the bowl where it belongs.

a77e3c No.1487956

The “deep state” is in a deep state of desperation. With little time left before the Justice Department inspector general’s report becomes public, and with special counsel Robert Mueller

having failed to bring down Donald Trump

after a year of trying, they know a reckoning is coming.

At this point, there is little doubt that the highest echelons of the FBI and the Justice Department broke their own rules to end the Hillary Clinton

“matter” — but we can expect the inspector general to document what was done or, more pointedly, not done. It is hard to see how a year-long investigation of this won’t come down hard on former FBI director James Comey

and perhaps even former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who definitely wasn’t playing mahjong in a secret, no-aides-allowed meeting with former President Clinton on a Phoenix airport tarmac.

With this report on the way and congressional investigators beginning to zero in on the lack of hard, verified evidence for starting the Trump investigation, current and former intelligence and Justice officials are dumping everything they can think of to save their reputations.


Post last edited at

84ce1f No.1487957



768b46 No.1487958

File: 15b16d31cb821bd⋯.jpg (105.45 KB, 548x658, 274:329, zao992hu1m0m.jpg)


Merci, Baker !

84ba97 No.1487960

File: 657208aafc8dfbb⋯.jpg (19.34 KB, 206x305, 206:305, 657208aafc8dfbbacd0a1797d6….jpg)

8164b4 No.1487961

Lag not a DDos

whats up?

794405 No.1487962


Nice artwork,.

74f0af No.1487964

>>1487943 (lb)



e27979 No.1487965

File: 252d39aa91c1c5d⋯.jpeg (21.31 KB, 474x343, 474:343, download.jpeg)

Deja vue.

Feel like (you) seen this before?

Thx baker.

5b6c9a No.1487966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No Half Measures

65c805 No.1487967

>>1487936 (previous)

And when you flip her over it says mOm

84ce1f No.1487968

last bread >>1487898

Yep thats why they deserved a banner posting CLUTCH/ourguys WAYYYYYY UNDERATED purposely by ((((them))))

b60c65 No.1487969


Thank you ZenAnon

Ref: First Precept "Affirm all Life" and kill if you must to end needless suffering.

Manjushri's sword is alive and well.

With our deepest gratitude…God Bless

16ef10 No.1487970


If ONE more person asks "Are we there yet", I'm gonna stop this car and ya'll are walkin!! ;-)

a2da75 No.1487973


you'll have to go through the JS and edit to the new trip code. there is 3 or 4

297886 No.1487974


Hit enter MOAR. Fuck.

ab7a94 No.1487975

there will come a time when it won't matter. about 259 years.

till then wing it anons.

ea614d No.1487976

File: 3e3b351f278255d⋯.png (93.23 KB, 500x327, 500:327, download (1).png)

ac13a9 No.1487977



5c826c No.1487978


Been wondering the same for a few hours now.. Had the browser straight crash a couple times

4b1d32 No.1487980

File: 2ac5cd06068bf6f⋯.jpg (77.27 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1_12.jpg)

Thanx baker.

84ba97 No.1487981

File: 11a9b0d07e15fc1⋯.jpg (36.21 KB, 473x449, 473:449, 11a9b0d07e15fc151294c1bb4c….jpg)

5955ea No.1487982

>charged and arrested, like others

POTUS confirming that some arrests have gone down behind the scenes, with more to come.

fdcb06 No.1487983


or I double pasted, idk, something was up with posting while baking anyway ;)

4b96ee No.1487984

This board should go to the zoo and watch the turtles zoom by!

Lag city!

0db513 No.1487985


You assume I am religious…you are mistaken but I am honest. When something offends me I don't run to government to remove it. I don't deprive others of their rights to worship because I choose not to. Those are things atheists do, and where do they go to have these prayers answered?…their God, government.

dc1aa8 No.1487986





84ba97 No.1487987

File: e14c4d6bd9b7e25⋯.jpg (57.68 KB, 597x457, 597:457, e14c4d6bd9b7e25f9b95db43d4….jpg)

52bad0 No.1487988

File: f7163674c2bb33b⋯.png (164.75 KB, 588x276, 49:23, ClipboardImage.png)


He is one of the loudest voices against potus

he is a communist muslim

i hope he rots in hell

this POS Brennan must really be fucked


83f24f No.1487989

File: f92142a3e207c0f⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 255x254, 255:254, PepeCamouflage.jpg)

Adding to another anon's dig on Stefan Halper in a previous thread


This page noted, "Deep politics - He visited Le Cercle.[4]"


"also called the Pinay Circle"

Pinay starts with P.

Good Lord. Off to read more about this.

41862c No.1487990

File: af792acd0f6be4b⋯.png (603.41 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, spiritual_warefare.png)

6e53cd No.1487991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a77e3c No.1487992

52447f No.1487993

>>1487894 (last bread)

both is true,

it increases mental activity/ability

but it also calms and makes more passive, more accepting.

so yes it helps researching, and yes it helps keep a populace docile.

nonetheless ive been smoking it daily for decades… just remember to put it down when it comes time that we need to be mad and physical.

84ce1f No.1487994

File: 3928838b3aa613c⋯.png (12.21 KB, 152x255, 152:255, 62e8b9f2cb48097d03fee2c767….png)


OOPPS sorry OP Dam !! It was going so fast I missed that !!

b60c65 No.1487995


Thank you ZenAnon

Ref: First Precept "Affirm all Life" and kill if you must to end needless suffering.

Manjushri's sword is alive and well.

With our deepest gratitude…God Bless

16ef10 No.1487996


agreed… terrible lag

957cb4 No.1487997

Anons, I thought some of you may find this interesting:

I just started summer semester this evening and am taking a class on the New Testament. This is my required reading for the week:

"The Synoptic Problem and Q"

If any of you are interested in reading it, here is the link: https:// www.blueletterbible.org/faq/q.cfm

7c85f9 No.1487998


KP has whatever her slave master tells her she has.

b3fe66 No.1487999

Haiti would probably be a good addition to the US

They have more oil than Venezuela, as well as gold and other precious items

Lag city up in here

4d3673 No.1488000



5d3b1b No.1488001

File: 7a8303441f8d12b⋯.png (63.94 KB, 705x411, 235:137, ClipboardImage.png)

This might have been posted already today but i was offline for a bit….


https:// twitter.com/therealroseanne/status/998248765495504896

84ce1f No.1488002

File: 126479bb1d777cf⋯.png (16.36 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 15e624d9d50cf0ed3d24f156c0….png)

How many breads so you think President Trump has baked hmmmm????

39013f No.1488004



Actually Dershowitz was accused by one of Epstein's victims. The victim may have done that to remove Alan from the case.

9fb19f No.1488005

>>1487811 (last bread)

ADHDfag here.

Ollie North doesn't know his ass from his elbow if he's blaming Ritalin writ large. Stimulant meds have been prescribed safely to treat ADHD for decades, long before the prevalence of school shootings.

If he wants to look for something to blame, I would look at either an abuse of the same medications by those who don't have an ADHD diagnosis or (more likely) at other newer classes of medications like SSRIs.

888704 No.1488006

Lag like thia usually means lurking Q…

8bf62f No.1488007


Whos the dude in the pic?

a7efcc No.1488009

File: afb360799a2afe1⋯.png (365.81 KB, 621x625, 621:625, ClipboardImage.png)

a03909 No.1488010


We that know, pray. That is fine. Not everyone knows what we do. And maybe that is our burden to bear? Think so in a big way.

1ee1c9 No.1488011


see i was smoking weed every day for the last 4-5 months before i found q. was the worst period of my life. if you smoke it every now and then its ok but that shit will consume you. moderation is key. also ms13 loves it which scares me

0db513 No.1488012


typical cuck attempt at a rebuttal, filtered you little bitch faggot. I think they guy speed banging your wife is looking for a reach around so you better get going now.

fdcb06 No.1488013


kek it was prob just me, not quite sure rly what happened, posting is still slow so got me a lil stressed.

All good tho.

84ba97 No.1488014

File: b1f6fe3f1371d0b⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1506x1438, 753:719, b1f6fe3f1371d0b0145a41ad66….png)

65c805 No.1488015

>>1487635 (previous)

The concept that there is no God is not a myth

It is the starting point. We were all born atheists

We have to be indocrinated to believe in a God

Not knowing the details of a mystery is not justification for making shit up.

086350 No.1488016

File: e31e756eb7a1bdb⋯.jpg (252.67 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, son-dam-bi-04.jpg)

5c826c No.1488017


Lurking to post at a specific time

83f24f No.1488018

Le Cercle (formerly Pinay Group[1], also called the Pinay Circle[2] or the Cercle Pinay[3]) is a deep state milieu which is two years older than the Bilderberg, but considerably smaller and much more secretive. Members from around 15 countries meet yearly in both Washington DC and Europe. Leaked documents[4] suggest that the group's activities include political subversion and the clandestine arrangement of business transactions, especially arms deals and fraud. The group is closely connected to the 1979 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism which laid the groundwork for the "War On Terror".

“Formed in the Fifties, Cercle was intended to cement Franco-German relations, as a buffer to Soviet aggression during the Cold War. Down the years, however, it has become much more, advocating right-wing causes round the world and growing into a confidential talking shop for about 70 politicans, businessmen, polemicists and personnel from the diplomatic and security services. Members are invited to attend its meetings; they cannot ask to be admitted, and as a condition of attending they agree to keep all sessions secret. It meets twice a year, once in Washington DC in the autumn and once in the early part of the year in an "overseas" venue.”

Chris Blackhurst (28 June 1997) - [5]

c9c74b No.1488019

Bakers! You guys kick arse!

BO: a suggestion. As normies wake up, many will turn to this board for answers. I suggest another thread dedicated to /their/ symbols (Luciferian, Occult, Ancient Gods, Pedo Symboligy, etc.). Normies will read, "Symbols will be their downfall," and want to know what to look for. We could have it all in one place right here for them.

c2652b No.1488020

File: 9420bac6139f30a⋯.png (717.93 KB, 678x775, 678:775, greengirl.PNG)

WTF is going on board won't update? Loops to 40 seconds

84ce1f No.1488021

File: 259a1ba88e2de4d⋯.jpg (17.35 KB, 225x225, 1:1, serveimage.jpg)


Hopefuly Q can do all the heavy lifting by himself but i am willing to die for the cause of the Great Awakening for sure. No hesitation ! POTUS/Q/Anons for the win !!!

e27979 No.1488022


I'm not clicking that shit.

fb3845 No.1488023


"Guis… actually, this one time, in high school… I took ritalin… so I am a victim and that means you shouldn't talk about anything ever…"

e628b9 No.1488025

File: a5d8a305100422f⋯.png (75.45 KB, 784x1016, 98:127, 401d555bbbb8e596247d3cff6e….png)

File: 4ca64eb9155df8c⋯.png (56.88 KB, 782x1018, 391:509, 7928fad49826cf2c4fd2d23985….png)

File: 84ff7cdeff62f2b⋯.png (62.34 KB, 784x1015, 112:145, e20e38f068f4c30e583118f9d8….png)

File: c96ea0d68f86a2b⋯.png (127.07 KB, 766x1003, 766:1003, roseQ.png)


9bff3e No.1488026


I wonder what she means by access to vital info.

f5ba8b No.1488027


No lag on my Mac.

Major lag on my chromebook.

2fcfb4 No.1488028

Just found out Asha ("Rasha") Ragnarappa is/was a CLOWN.

Not just ex-FBI/Yale teacher/CNN flunky/WaPo spewer.

Check it out:


"Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia meeting may have been legal. But that’s a low bar.

By Asha Rangappa

Like all new FBI agents at Quantico, I got to know one particular individual very well when I was in the academy there. Her name was Carla F. Bad. Strictly speaking, she was not actually a person but an acronym, whose name was a mnemonic device for all the ways the bureau taught agents to measure people seeking positions of public trust: character, associates, reputation, loyalty, ability, finances, bias, alcohol and drugs. Carla F. Bad is the touchstone against which FBI agents learn to assess a person’s honesty, integrity and trustworthiness in the course of checking their background. And she — rather than the criminal code — might be precisely what best reveals the shortcomings of the Trump administration.

The revelation that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer to try to obtain incriminating information about Hillary Clinton has sparked another round of analysis on the technicalities of criminal law. Specifically, legal experts are focused on whether Jared Kushner, a White House adviser and President Trump’s son-in-law, who also attended the meeting, violated the law by failing to disclose this meeting on a government background form. But focusing on bright-line rules of criminality misses the point. The deeper question is whether members of Trump’s administration can uphold the trust that has been placed in them as stewards of the government they have been chosen to lead. On this front, the criminal code shouldn’t be the only yardstick. Even if Trump’s aides and family members have managed to toe the line of the law, the news out of the Russia investigation so far leaves little reason to have faith in their judgment.

[I was an FBI agent. Trump’s lack of concern about Russian hacking shocks me.]

For the record, the form in question isn’t easy to fill out. The SF-86 , more than 100 pages long, asks an individual seeking a national security position — one requiring a security clearance — for every place they’ve ever lived, every country they’ve ever visited, background information on every close relative and almost every possible variation on their contacts with foreign officials. Even knowing that a false statement can carry a penalty of up to five years in prison, it’s not uncommon for even the most honest person filling out the form to inadvertently omit a piece of information. On my own SF-86, which I completed when I was 27 to become a special agent for the FBI, I failed to disclose a speeding ticket I got when traveling home from college for Thanksgiving when I was 19. I got a grilling from FBI agents: Why did I not mention this? “I forgot” wasn’t the answer they wanted, but to my relief, they did accept it…. (Blah blah blah)

FBI claim link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/06/10/i-was-an-fbi-agent-trumps-lack-of-concern-about-russian-hacking-shocks-me/?utm_term=.3a88f51659b4

Later in the screed:

Measuring the actions of Kushner, members of Trump’s campaign and even the president himself against Carla F. Bad is revealing. Consider the questions an FBI agent would ask a reference while conducting a background check: Can this person be trusted to do the right thing in a difficult situation? Is this person known as reliable and honest in their community? Does this person associate with individuals of questionable integrity? Has this person ever demonstrated a bias against a particular group of people? Does this person spend money wisely, or are they in serious debt? Has this person done or said anything to make you question their allegiance to the United States and its institutions? Answering “yes” to any of these would not make the person in question a criminal. But it would raise serious red flags about their suitability to hold a position of public trust.

[I was in the CIA. We wouldn’t trust a country whose leader did what Trump did.]"

Wait, what? Link for that?


(July 2017 posted)

Why did she strip CIA from her c.v. ?

477cb5 No.1488029


PG Anon. Update on the Judith Barsi Pedowood case.

If the Q's are watching….when the time to bring Spielberg draws nigh, I want to know.

I honestly want to be personally involved in the arrest if possible. That way some closure can be gained when both Heather O'Rourke and Judith Barsi are avenged.

6d4bf1 No.1488030

File: 6a112cba3af5a27⋯.png (1.46 MB, 600x6094, 300:3047, new to the chan.png)


You're welcome.

reposting for newbies

Hey fag.

New here?

Read this graphic titled:


Also… if you are HONESTLY asking a question then tell your story.

Hey I just got on here because I found Q on a billboard and was reading for about 30 minutes and I was wondering about xxxxxxxxxxx will get you a hell of a pile more replies than

what does xxxxxxxxxx mean???????

We don't mind helpin' ``newfags`` here but we detest giving shills (yous) and lots of times it gets real hard to tell the difference so don't feel bad if you get lumped in with a shill. Tell your story.

And what ever you do DON'T post until you've read qanon.pub at least the last 60 days, hopefully all of it but Q has done a good job of reposting recently…. and read the notables at the top of the bread….. I suggest an hour of reading/lurking and then you'll be able to ask a honest question without pissing the rest of us off.

21a31b No.1488031


Interdasting. Did not connect the dots.


Suggest consideration for notable:

>>1487952 Brennan cryptic tweet threatens POTUS assassination?

fe5cea No.1488032

File: 45da07b64008ea3⋯.jpg (79.28 KB, 574x712, 287:356, can move in any direction.jpg)

File: 88d60bb09bb70e0⋯.png (374.89 KB, 499x555, 499:555, dude next to lizard, edite….png)

52bad0 No.1488033

moderation, exactly

a little bit everyday throughout the day spread out in moderation

better than drinking or smoking cigarettes

086350 No.1488034

File: a8122d343e0fd09⋯.png (398.28 KB, 590x418, 295:209, a8122d343e0fd097aa01132825….png)

2491fe No.1488035


3 breads later and you still can't make a specific point. Hint all you want, tell us the dogma you're pushing so we can respond appropriately.

661e3b No.1488036

File: fa8106085c7f768⋯.png (2.8 MB, 2367x1884, 789:628, brennanSOILED.png)

>>1487988 CHEKEK'D

a8acb2 No.1488037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:53 min vid on how military tribunals can and will be implemented. Thanks to the anon who researched all the facts. spread this like a disease, shit's about to go down

a348ed No.1488038

23 is an evil number (symbolism will be their downfall.) 23 is 2 (man and woman) before God (Holy Trinity 3).

Man over God. 2/3

2/3 = .666

21a31b No.1488039


I'm having a hard time reading between the lines, kek!

6e93b4 No.1488040

>>1487230 (lb)


>>1487304 (lb)


0db513 No.1488041


wtf are you one about dickweed? I wasn't even home 3 breads ago

086350 No.1488042


Don't trust in these teeth…

ab7a94 No.1488043

>>1487975 <<oops,… clown less than that.

WAY LESS. just sayin'

ea1d61 No.1488044


Only go straight, don't know.

Keep this mind.

Don't make anything.

Then you will get everything.

ea614d No.1488046

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 1d4bb05bd023542875fb5896e0….jpg)

a77e3c No.1488047


made mistake when posting, sorry

8164b4 No.1488048


You're saying the

Patriot Atheist Anons here right now

run to Gov when something offends them and their god is gov. Enough said.

You are lumping in everyone together, hate it when its done to you and your kind though.

Where do they go to have their prayers answered? They fucking get down and dirty and try harder at life… They don't believe in a god .. SO THE FUCK WHAT!! They are here caring about their country, taking on the good fight. THIS IS NOT ABOUT RELIGION THIS IS ABOUT GOOD VS EVIL!!!

Dont come in here and shit on our fucking PATRIOTS

436027 No.1488049

Latest news on Huma, hope it wasn't covered already. 5/18

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5746357/Huma-Abedin-takes-son-Jordan-school-ex-Anthony-Weiner-remains-prison.html

a22e9e No.1488050


that is not nice anon

bait and switch

the Q in bible study is an academic marker for a gospel source

not Q research

594ded No.1488051

File: 050aae1129b44f6⋯.jpg (85.22 KB, 450x360, 5:4, 050aae1129b44f61cfcbad2649….jpg)

Watch Stone and Corsi going to get fired from Infowars. Screenshot this.

ac85eb No.1488053

Someone help, I'm being an idiotanon. How do yesterday's posts difinitively make Q an inside drop. When you've followed and believed this long, I want to understand the 'proof' for redpilling. Huge thanks in advance.

c36a01 No.1488054

File: ad60461d1c8c4d7⋯.png (46.08 KB, 592x349, 592:349, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9e651cc1820690⋯.png (67.87 KB, 586x454, 293:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ef9ce24b4880a1⋯.png (64.62 KB, 603x458, 603:458, ClipboardImage.png)

They got their story lined up, marching orders given:

>Drumpf crossed the line

Coded commands ring out on the Twitter yet again….

6d4bf1 No.1488055


Probably a few.

Seems like Trump LOVES the chan.

As someone posted in a graphic not too long ago it's a LIFESTYLE here.

I'm settin' at my airdesk in a double recliner with my wife to the right and the tv on the wall to the left so she actually sees a lot of the pics. She saw the roasted human pic in the last bread and didn't blink an eye I hate looking at that.

c9ae15 No.1488056

>>1487897 (last bread)


true mirror would be 58122205

possible combos

unlikely that '05' would make it in.

leaves UCOM japan UCOM japan resolves in South Korea

SK addy is live. can ping. cannot access. 23 not responding, 19 not responding, 22 not responding.

need more port info if this is right. will run more extensive scan, but not sure.

1ee1c9 No.1488057


no even every day is too much like every other days or 2-4 times a week

e5f8d9 No.1488058

>>1487794 (last bread)

Fake trailer directed by Eli Roth for Grindhouse (Death Proof / Planet Terror by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez)

© The Weinstein Company - Troublemaker Studios - Dimension films


610356 No.1488060


buying patronage through purposeful deception

3ee10c No.1488061

File: 9224d731dc33eaf⋯.jpeg (377.25 KB, 1522x1522, 1:1, C1D08640-6A6D-4DD2-ADB3-8….JPEG)

ea614d No.1488062


That you Rosie?

b00277 No.1488063

File: 77e3c53973d4626⋯.png (433.33 KB, 765x609, 255:203, russian lawyer.png)

James Comey’s friend, Columbia University professor Daniel Richman, leaked classified information that Comey gave him. During this leaking period, Richman was apartment-building neighbors with a partner at the law firm that strategized with Fusion GPS operative Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian plant who set up Don Jr. in Trump Tower.

“Yes, he is my neighbor,” Amy Wenzel, a partner at Cozen O’Connor, confirmed in a phone conversation with Big League Politics, confirming that they spoke. They live near each other in a Brooklyn high-rise. READ ON AT…


0db513 No.1488064


oh pray tell, what is "my kind"?

14a742 No.1488065

File: 7c25e41f3f2d0fd⋯.png (88.51 KB, 800x350, 16:7, new.png)

VIDEO: Dershowitz: It was a mistake to appoint special counsel to probe Russian meddling - https://dmlnews.com/video-dershowitz-mistake-appoint-special-counsel-probe-russian-meddling/

59bfb2 No.1488066

File: 755bf5892bd7682⋯.png (694.13 KB, 520x654, 260:327, ClipboardImage.png)

957cb4 No.1488067


>class on the New Testament


6e93b4 No.1488068


this is why I refuse to send the government another dime.

7c85f9 No.1488069


I like to see it like this: there is a source - some call it God - and we're extensions of it. We're not humans with a soul but parts of consciousness currently using a human body.

4e33a3 No.1488070

File: f98ed21ecd25e69⋯.png (648.11 KB, 773x644, 773:644, 3db10753594e1ad57ec26a7a43….png)

Let your voices be heard!

Let's start a storm #InternetBillofRights

Please, spread the word about the Petition and remind the people that they do indeed have the POWER and VOICE to create CHANGE


#1. We The People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

Additionally, a link to the petition can be found at the top of each bread.


If you have yet to sign and are on the fence about it, be BRAVE



d756d1 No.1488071

File: bbaa29325fa47fb⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1750x983, 1750:983, ClipboardImage.png)

What beans might this guy spill for leniency? Who else in the NYC area might it lead to?

"A former Wall Street trader, Howard Rubin, 62, has been accused by three women, including two high profile Playboy bunnies, of raping and beating them in a Midtown penthouse which he allegedly rigged with ropes, chains, and other BDSM equipment.

Soros’ right hand man is said to have lured dozens of women from all over the US by offering between $2000 and $5000 for ‘supposed companionship and photoshoots’ before assaulting them so brutally that they needed cosmetic and dental reconstructive surgery, according to the lawsuit."


779c31 No.1488072


Edited post because holy fuck that is obnoxious. Anons refresh page.


Pro-tip: When baking, open 2 catalogs. When you submit your first post, switch to the other tab with the catalog and refresh it. Your bread will show up before the first tab even finishes loading. Then you can open the bread and continue with the next posts.


Good post.


You are welcome to create one. Fill it with as much substance as you can and anons will be interested.

Post last edited at

c9ae15 No.1488073


oh, another

d28606 No.1488074

>>1470831 (prev.)

Evangelical priests are not Catholic priests.

14a742 No.1488075

File: f98accd28b14176⋯.png (88.51 KB, 640x360, 16:9, new.png)

Admitted Santa Fe HS shooter won’t face death penalty, could be released on parole - https://truepundit.com/admitted-santa-fe-hs-shooter-wont-face-death-penalty-could-be-released-on-parole/

84ba97 No.1488076

File: 750d0ad5b1f0fdc⋯.png (424.31 KB, 813x613, 813:613, 750d0ad5b1f0fdcdb264c1a544….png)

ccd238 No.1488077

File: 8944172a9298ad0⋯.jpg (91.5 KB, 1350x1086, 225:181, Huss GITMO.jpg)

File: fc6ab9ca5f417b2⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 306x377, 306:377, fc6ab9ca5f417b2cb2b9c664e0….jpg)

File: 48463f2ad67503d⋯.jpg (20.44 KB, 480x360, 4:3, bd4ee78aa6cee1cce0d167895c….jpg)

From the last bread,


4d3673 No.1488078


Starsucker. Look it up.

151ea3 No.1488079

File: c40cdeee09bca07⋯.jpg (14.51 KB, 255x144, 85:48, MEMEREVCURRY.jpg)

0db513 No.1488080


oh yes, there is nothing religious at all about what is going on here …nothing at all


33ae1d No.1488081

File: 44832493959a78f⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1132x849, 4:3, 2018-05-20_21-17-16.png)

Who is the rider on the red horse?

fad6f0 No.1488082


No big deal. That side has no idea what a real line would look like after watching Obama push through them for 8 years.

Agreed the mockingbird is annoying, though.

52bad0 No.1488083

File: 8b0bd607a4ae3ec⋯.jpeg (288.25 KB, 1795x1178, 1795:1178, PAINNNNNNNNNN.jpeg)


there are horrified

they never thought she would lose

they thought for usre the insurance policy would get trump impeached by now


d28606 No.1488084


mirror = nwo

2491fe No.1488086


No, don't back track. Tell us all the beliefs you want us to follow

c36a01 No.1488087

File: bb9a8b033bfca43⋯.png (160.12 KB, 334x373, 334:373, ClipboardImage.png)


For the love of God someone debate this tortured soul

c2e1ce No.1488088

File: bd7298b60d38987⋯.png (49.48 KB, 353x376, 353:376, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at ….png)

File: f57b00ae5824e32⋯.png (59.19 KB, 928x255, 928:255, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at ….png)


i like it

that flag from 5/20 is called for god & country

well these two crumbs match that



dedd38 No.1488089

How neat would it be,

once no longer free,

for these gitmo-bound scum,

to be given a trip-code,

for this very board?

Maybe grant them a phone-

block the rest of the web-

loaded with meager meme stash,

as their crimes splay anon-

a constant re-hash,

of the hells they did force,

without hint of remorse,

on the innocent souls they betrayed.

It could be set like a game,

as a lion would play

with mercy-begging prey,

before it's fate lay- in death.

Each crook required minimum response,

as they count down to the day…

The board, as Q would say,

would be spread & discussed


594ded No.1488090

File: 1d4bb05bd023542⋯.jpg (35.07 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 1d4bb05bd023542875fb5896e0….jpg)


Original pics tracking people through a city. I dont know. Make up your own fucking mind.

The most important thing about Q is understanding who rules over you.

c9ae15 No.1488091


( is also japan)

i think the sk addy might be interesting.

dunno. working at it.

6e53cd No.1488092

File: 5d1914df691dd56⋯.jpeg (60.52 KB, 745x514, 745:514, jedi.jpeg)


>just remember to put it down when it comes time that we need to be mad and physical.

For those that woke up early it has been a life saver. How many suicides would have been prevented if the FDA wasn't corrupted by big pharma?

fca1dd No.1488093

File: 7090d3b44bf5865⋯.jpg (109.09 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 7090d3b44bf586543464bd741f….jpg)

Dear POTUS/Q-TEAM - FOR Q - Pic related

There are multiple meanings especially when it comes to the ways of the Lord. These were meant for me at one point but they are meant for you now.

2 Timothy 4:17-18 "But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen."

Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

You know the significance way more than I do..

For Q

e7c553 No.1488094

Not sure why people are making such a big deal out of Trump and RR statements today. It was already implicitly part of the IG scope as outlined in March -

The OIG will initiate a review that will examine the Justice Department’s and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable DOJ and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) relating to a certain U.S. person,” the statement obtained by Fox News read. “As part of this examination, the OIG also will review information that was known to the DOJ and the FBI at the time the applications were filed from or about an alleged FBI confidential source.”

The OIG statement added that Horowitz also would “review the DOJ’s and FBI’s relationship and communications with the alleged source as they relate to the FISC applications.”

The statement continued, “If circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review.”


5fb21a No.1488095



Prayer's for Potus, Q Team, and our military. May God Bless and keep you safe. Thank you all that you do for America.

Please unseal all indictments and arrest these evil people. They should not be free walking the streets.

5aedbb No.1488096


the last thing that biggun likes is a mirror.

84ddf3 No.1488097

File: 49fe30550c6bed6⋯.jpg (40.5 KB, 500x335, 100:67, pepe towel.jpg)


bless you sir.

e27979 No.1488098

Obama pardons…


They are not happenings.

086350 No.1488099


For something the english is the language of them….

2491fe No.1488100


Keke, please do

610356 No.1488101


u don’t say

1995 “Evangelicals and Catholics Together?”

84f4e7 No.1488102

File: f43732adfb01dee⋯.jpg (26.91 KB, 400x298, 200:149, 1351647217569.jpg)

53ca4f No.1488103


ah. thanks. that's why the crematorium is at 1923 main st in my town

19aaee No.1488104


I thought they rimmed the goat bathmat?

Is the donkey fuck plus rim bathmat?

Or seperate cult?

0db513 No.1488105


Shhh the atheists don't know there is anything religious going on here.

84ce1f No.1488107

File: 780f38ccbc30057⋯.jpg (12.21 KB, 162x216, 3:4, b0fe14d8e8ddb2c6681dea4e55….jpg)

>>1488077 Obama gets free everything soent he kek dubs btw


>>1488018 Le Cercle (formerly Pinay Group[1]

>>1488025 Roseanne script leak

>>1487952 Brennan cryptic tweet threatens POTUS assassination?

>>1488063 James Comey’s friend, Columbia University professor Daniel Richman, leaked

fdcb06 No.1488108


ya I know BO, I messed up something while transferring pastebins. Legit advice tho ;)

6e93b4 No.1488109


These people are STUPID.

594ded No.1488110

File: 6c4a0f128a8962f⋯.jpg (98.18 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 151anctpepep848752-5728572….jpg)


He wont survive 40 years in jail if it makes you feel better.

b60c65 No.1488111


If it doesn't come out straight,

it comes out crooked

Keeping the don't know mind.

Ready for everything.

a67de6 No.1488113

God bless anons, bakers, BVs, BO, Q, POTUS, and the USA!

went fishing, but saw the two new crumbs

whats the consensus about the bible quotes???

(wasn't signed Q either..)

84ba97 No.1488114

File: f26da5e245ace73⋯.jpeg (3.47 KB, 259x194, 259:194, f26da5e245ace73b583d4a1ad….jpeg)

4b96ee No.1488115

WifeAnon and I were discussing the "Put seats and tray table in the full and upright position and prepare to land" post that Q threw up last Thursday.

Earlier today (before Q's last post), she said, "When this flips from this board to Normie News and TSHTF, I'll bet that Q will sign off with something like, 'Thank you all, and Godspeed.'"

When I read the Biblical passages to her, she started crying (which got me going) and said, "That was way better than I could have ever hoped."

Q & POTUS are a class act! May God bless all of them and their families.

Beer at the parade, muh bitches!

God bless each and every one of you. Enjoy the movie!

84ce1f No.1488116

File: da89d2ba0742bdb⋯.jpg (12.86 KB, 255x231, 85:77, 83bd19689628aa7f6dc5cfd9bf….jpg)

864fee No.1488117

f74a84 No.1488118

File: 29de4e77bd70a32⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 4800x2400, 2:1, bamawSamPowersFjckedUp.jpg)


>>1487777 (Last Bread)

I read there is a lawsuit right nw against building the library because Hussein planned / arranged to build it on public land which is illegal. Gurgle Search

Theory: Hussein has ZERO education in US Law and was 100% dependent on "advisors" who quietly planted Legal Insurance Bombs thruout his "Legacy" to control him under threat of 10,0000 cut Disclosures like this one about the Library site.

2491fe No.1488119


Wait, why don't you debate me? Can't stand up for your own beliefs? Typical muh nasa retard

33ae1d No.1488120

File: 6156f2f2da35fc8⋯.png (5 MB, 2414x1378, 1207:689, 2018-05-20_21-02-20.png)


Who is the rider on the red horse?


c2e1ce No.1488121


oh look ANOTHER FUCKING TP article

let me click it and click "read more"

yep just another article lifted from another site

true pundit / thomas paine is a fucking spamming con artist and his shit gets posted to this board more than any other person/site

fuck off with this crap

0f2340 No.1488122


Everything with a beginning requires a cause. The universe has a beginning and therefore requires a cause. That cause is God

ac85eb No.1488123


What are you 12? If you don't have an accurate answer then shut your pie hole.

66fa50 No.1488124


VP is my guess.

a22e9e No.1488125


yes churches made a lot of shit up for sure

still do - they teach literal when metaphor is intended and metaphor when it is literal!

esp in the OT

but if you know the whole picture of language history and culture surrounding the bible it is very excellent indeed

as for the NT most was written by paul and he was not faithful to jesus teachings - in fairness to him - none of the apostles or paul understood jesus teaching and jesus said so

so they did the best they could and also added in a nice little business for themselves called the church

but jesus message was very real and important but tough to understand

that is why they left it out of the NT

takes time and effort but worth it

1ee1c9 No.1488126


thats alot of cocaine/meth dealers…

84ba97 No.1488127

Will EU take over the Payments to Iran ?

52bad0 No.1488128

File: b73caace5f93945⋯.jpg (47.19 KB, 465x551, 465:551, SHALSHIL.jpg)



ab7a94 No.1488129

new shills…



will fail.

don't try.


do you understand?

31c33d No.1488130


JFK's gravesite is a Q.


a0071e No.1488131


Had this been highlighted before?

fc99b1 No.1488132

File: 8181231641e2b94⋯.png (38.6 KB, 645x306, 215:102, Lassner re POTUS Tweet 5-2….PNG)

File: 6822be7dd62ac4c⋯.png (201.02 KB, 347x546, 347:546, Lassner.PNG)

File: 54a772c591a2791⋯.png (31.24 KB, 627x293, 627:293, Lassner RT mcegghead.PNG)

File: 74dcc442a0571e3⋯.png (795.95 KB, 923x521, 923:521, 1 Response to Lassner.PNG)

File: 3cd24ad254708c9⋯.png (506.98 KB, 571x566, 571:566, 2 Response to Lassner.PNG)

Ellen's Producer

The responses in his feed are mostly pro Trump


84f4e7 No.1488133

File: a7d828e00fe4b6a⋯.jpg (56.95 KB, 620x413, 620:413, 11ny2h.jpg)

84ce1f No.1488134

File: af1f5b806d07878⋯.png (19.41 KB, 255x230, 51:46, 0a8e6ea6ec30059616e0b76c70….png)


DESTROY THEM ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fad6f0 No.1488135

File: 7ef91051b8d942b⋯.jpg (15.45 KB, 255x195, 17:13, emo patriotic pep.jpg)

Let's chat, Q.

I know those images are loaded.

I have worked them into the link provided, but they are too large if they go over 3mb.


Is it a matter of photoshop? I saw the "right in front of you the whole time" just after posting the flag again. I saw the flag come apart in layers a few months ago but no one could figure out the patterns.

I am willing to keep working it. I am absolutely stuck. Will load an older copy of Photoshop on a machine tomorrow and play a bit, but don't expect to find much.

So easy a terrorist can do it.

Except I can't.


84ba97 No.1488136

File: 4a6da6e9b188b06⋯.jpg (296.51 KB, 1000x763, 1000:763, 6b1d78764aa14ba454a85c64b3….jpg)

Barrys Iran Stash ?

661e3b No.1488137

File: 7d38392e94245b5⋯.png (488.14 KB, 658x435, 658:435, ClipboardImage.png)

c33a2f No.1488138


possible dates

and 3 breads worth of jesusfags

going on and on and on..

and as usual, offering zero to the convo

07238c No.1488139

Pardons may be rendered null and void, however, DJT can re-issue them, if he chooses to.

This would go to the SCOTUS for a final decision.

59bfb2 No.1488140


Anon, we loved your video! Whoever made it did a great job. This is the kind of Youtubing we need!

8164b4 No.1488141



You think its okay to disrespect the Anons here who don't believe in God? You think that works to

bringing us all together? It says more about you then them. They are here, not because they think a god will reward them in the end,they are here fighting along because they want to make our country and the world a better place.

I dont shit on people who want the same as me and who wants to destroy evil,but have different views than I do when it comes to god. GOT IT. You are spitting on them by bashing them as they have stuck it out and held the fort down.Patriots don't attack each other, we fight the same fight.

686787 No.1488142


Just declassify whatever is needed for the truth to be known.

9d3d3c No.1488143



f42b2a No.1488144

File: f1c00c54ae2daf6⋯.png (35.4 KB, 411x512, 411:512, QuestionIhave.png)


That's a Q.

While we're on the subject,

does anybody really (((understand))) what the meaning, or significance of the letter (or symbol) Q is? If so, could you summarize it for me? Please?

Yeah I know, it relates to some level of security clearance somehow, I want to know why. It has to mean something to have been chosen for this. Never gave it much thought till now.

Could it just mean Question?

297886 No.1488145


Not what this thread is for. Take it elsewhere.

53ca4f No.1488146


this looks pro


f1eb9e No.1488147


As a Vet too fucked up to even work in a gas station…..I believe it.

It's bullshit, dude lol.

I ask for nothing while ppl who don't 'need' anything …..eww. I could never be like that.

6be8ee No.1488148

File: 164ea7c8a1b5ff5⋯.png (17.07 KB, 584x103, 584:103, FireShot Capture 641 - (2)….png)

What does she mean?

c2e1ce No.1488149

File: 1272b5eeb2d2e5a⋯.jpg (777.71 KB, 994x1897, 142:271, Qsuicidecolors.jpg)


well the one is likely referring to a date 6/10/18

the sunday before trump meets with kim

which also matches up with my graphic

71e7fb No.1488150

File: a22f7cd036686b5⋯.jpg (79.06 KB, 893x368, 893:368, deafening.jpg)

1ee1c9 No.1488151

obama pardoned https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/houston/news/press-releases/four-companies-and-five-individuals-indicted-for-illegally-exporting-technology-to-iran


52bad0 No.1488152




4e33a3 No.1488153

File: dff854e3cff7bc8⋯.png (323.22 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, 8b94ba21845e2236fa67d17503….png)

File: f408da529ec0ea2⋯.png (2.97 MB, 3984x6568, 498:821, IBORMOARSSSSbitty.png)

File: 4bb681b53f61d0b⋯.png (195.44 KB, 887x887, 1:1, IBORGAINSbitty.png)

File: ad3d79259fa8078⋯.jpg (421.03 KB, 1530x1530, 1:1, IBORLIONbitty.jpg)


Drop the memes and promote the petition!



16ef10 No.1488154

File: 0d90a49165fdd08⋯.jpg (117.53 KB, 599x447, 599:447, 9bd421d245500da0c3d0cb2098….jpg)


Well… this is interesting… ;-)

fca1dd No.1488155

File: 7090d3b44bf5865⋯.jpg (109.09 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 7090d3b44bf586543464bd741f….jpg)

Dear POTUS/Q-TEAM - FOR Q - Pic related

There are multiple meanings especially when it comes to the ways of the Lord. These were meant for me at one point but they are meant for you now.

DJT - 2 Timothy 4:17-18 "But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen."

JFK - Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

You know the significance..

For Q

189934 No.1488156


Mom baker rules

84ce1f No.1488157

File: dd92f2531ec41a8⋯.jpg (4.82 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 5afb7fd32e674dc945190c9301….jpg)

>>1488055 Dubble dubbs confirm kekness of POTUS !! He is the most expert Baker and super troll (in a good way) of /qresearch !! That is my guess KEKMAXX !!

59bfb2 No.1488158

File: 795173488b0c133⋯.png (11.95 KB, 224x112, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


KEK! Great job putting this together!

0f2340 No.1488159


The word of God and his chosen ones - may not be signed by another

905ae9 No.1488160


Its called self control dumbass

Smoking weed brought me to gods love, I use weed everyday to soothe my broken back & damaged nerves.

Through Weed I found God & Hope

No one forced you to abuse weed.

21a31b No.1488161


Of course you are right, anon.

Used properly it is a lifesaver for many with ADD/ADHD.

Sadly ADHD has been overdiagnosed, especially in boys who have a much more difficult time sitting in a classroom for 8 hours.

It is also sadly used to create slaves.

What goes into the making of a suicide bomber

The general perception of a suicide bomber is someone indoctrinated with religious fervour. However, authorities have always claimed that much more than simple indoctrination is required to carry out suicide attacks.

Medical tests and research seems to be justifying this understanding. High-level sources say the drug given to suicide bombers is called Pervitin, which is a chemical derivative of methamphetamine, a psychoactive stimulant.

Methamphetamine, which is commonly known as meth, is available in Pakistan in the form of medicine by the name of Ritalin, says Dr Mukhtar Azeemi, senior psychiatrist at the Lady Reading Hospital.

Its availability is scarce because of potential misuse, he adds. The drug is usually used for treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Non-prescriptive use of the drug can cause paranoid psychosis, a term used to describe “loss of contact with reality” which helps users achieve their target without giving anything else a thought.


f74a84 No.1488162

File: 6348635ffd28f9e⋯.jpg (781.06 KB, 7200x3600, 2:1, Brennan TAC QpostsRELATED.jpg)

File: 02b1ca8ea7ad0e2⋯.jpg (4.11 MB, 6000x3900, 20:13, BRENNANcorrupt.jpg)

(sorry if already posted)


THREATENING McConnell and Ryan now!@#!

Translation: "Your lives are in danger"

0db513 No.1488163


you seem really butt hurt about a snide remark about your chosen religion. Maybe you should consider heading back to Reddit, they are a bit safer there.






Got it yet?

005dc6 No.1488164

File: 8f21cb6ddcc4da4⋯.jpg (202.66 KB, 2353x1456, 181:112, scarch-0488-a.jpg)

f0220a No.1488165

File: e8f91e32de84c28⋯.png (649.76 KB, 670x742, 335:371, 93216939364923.png)

ab7a94 No.1488167

WHO IS Daniel?








shall we go on?



2491fe No.1488168

Atheism is the highlight of liberalism. Only for the mainstream, they deny God, only to hide the fact they worship a failure/traitor!

e27979 No.1488169


I'm trusting the plan.

But should I buy shill insurance?

Asking for a friend.

a22e9e No.1488170


some anons do not know the difference between prayer and religion

you are right

this is NOT about religion

this is about praying for victory - you dont need god for that - caring about truth and helping others is ALL that counts (jesus said that)

a0071e No.1488171






JFK gravesite designer


a67de6 No.1488172



lol gotcha thanks


nice graphic anon, understand it completely


f42b2a No.1488173


He didn't sign the Bible verses because he is not the author of the Bible.

19b3c3 No.1488174

Can we add donald to a us currency note?

7e57ce No.1488175

OWN network Mirrored =

0db513 No.1488176


LOL who the fuck are you praying to then?

a67de6 No.1488177



makes sense

e8743c No.1488178

Just an update on Pope, considering his possible near future retirement.

"MILAN - Pope Francis said on Sunday he would elevate 14 Roman Catholic prelates to the high rank of cardinal, the elite group of churchmen who are his closest advisers and can enter a conclave to choose his successor if they are under 80.

The pope made the surprise announcement during his weekly Sunday address. He said the ceremony to elevate the nominees, known as a consistory, would take place on June 29."

https:// www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Pope-Francis-to-nominate-14-new-cardinals-on-June-29-557891?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

f287d2 No.1488179

File: 05c3e277f516143⋯.jpg (302.56 KB, 914x1200, 457:600, alemaster.jpg)

610356 No.1488180


anon again viewing Sum of All Fears

POTUS prayers

d64bce No.1488181


Ur choice of wording shows ur motives.


It's called education. (You) Also have to be taught how to wipe ur ass as you don't know it from birth. Or would u call that "indoctrination" too?

80e6df No.1488182

File: ca7db45e9eb78d4⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 500x300, 5:3, commando gear up.gif)


got it

661e3b No.1488183

File: e7ee7923df5ce98⋯.png (339.52 KB, 682x850, 341:425, shitrusshills.png)

5c826c No.1488184

File: fff470b551141b1⋯.png (58.01 KB, 500x391, 500:391, volcano-insurance-now-whos….png)

864fee No.1488185

>>1488148 she is Q cleared in the loop on the team in the know with the program part of the plan red pill queen extraordinaire is what it means son

0f2340 No.1488186


So Hussein and Michael swapped genitals?

d28606 No.1488187


I appreciate people of good will.

God loves all of us infinitely and desires that none should perish. He is also a gentleman and does not push anyone into believing. Doubting Thomas needed physical proof to believe and Jesus provided it by showing him his scarred hands and side and allowing Thomas to touch them. Ask God for what you would need in order to believe and it will be provided.

We are united with all patriots whatever the background.

2491fe No.1488188


Expose yourself, with your own post. How about you project in a more productive direction. K, thanx

ea7416 No.1488189

Besides EggHead McMuffin, what are other conservative NeverTrumpers saying today?

We can find out who knew or was in on the spying operation from the beginning by those shouting the loudest.

610356 No.1488190


anon again viewing Sum of All Fears

POTUS prayers

c2e1ce No.1488191


did you read wictor's takedown of that one woman who ended up being an aide to soro's

it was so good that brietbart had to have an article about it

thread here and definitely worth the read… he really fucking demolished the woman


005dc6 No.1488192

File: 1f7dfa3b0936d18⋯.jpg (139.62 KB, 620x387, 620:387, obama_3386589b.jpg)

84ce1f No.1488193

File: 3863218c7d3c7e0⋯.png (17.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5c2e7854cd619c602de58e9e8b….png)


Give him the special ROPE treatment please . []<<IHS

791bd2 No.1488194

Fox News

redpilling UK

staged in front of the


strange times…..

3e13a5 No.1488195


Roseanne starting her own storm?

ccbff9 No.1488196

File: 52b44abac08b4f4⋯.jpg (193.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, maxresdefault[1].jpg)


he is not the author of the bible

Are you sure?

cc8aa0 No.1488197

File: 01570a69c4889a5⋯.jpg (126.7 KB, 1024x892, 256:223, Political Suicide.jpg)

>Suicide weekend?

I think it's a Political Suicide weekend for sure!


2fcfb4 No.1488198



"Asha Rangappa is a Senior Lecturer at the Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. Prior to her current position, Asha served as a Special Agent in the New York Division of the FBI, specializing in counterintelligence investigations.

Her work involved assessing threats to national security, conducting classified investigations on suspected foreign agents, and performing undercover work. While in the FBI, Asha gained experience in intelligence tradecraft, electronic surveillance, interview and interrogation techniques, and firearms and the use of deadly force. Asha has made media appearances on NPR, BBC, and several major television networks."

She worked when????

For Comey maybe???

And another cite that says nothing about her working for the CIA

9fb19f No.1488199


Still noteworthy, but also, know that the Pope typically will name Cardinals about this time of year, to be elevated to the Cardinalate on June 29, the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul.

52bad0 No.1488200

File: e869a647e05ac8f⋯.png (481.6 KB, 741x682, 741:682, OBUMAA.png)


the shillz are weak faggots, they cannot stop Q

8164b4 No.1488201


You seem too stupid to understand what I am saying. Dividing is your wish.

We are here as one with the same goal.

793df2 No.1488202


Some pray to god. Some meditate to their own spirit.

Do whatever brings you inner strength and peace.

4e33a3 No.1488203

File: c7d42423a6cb7f1⋯.jpg (154.81 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, NumeroUnoIBOR.jpg)

File: eb779a0ca3c17fa⋯.jpg (185.52 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, DosIBOR.jpg)

File: dccf7cefb1d83bb⋯.jpg (237.76 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IBOR3.jpg)

File: db28f8b78aec1c9⋯.jpg (165.43 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IFOUR.jpg)

File: 66a92912b26c51c⋯.jpg (212.78 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IBORfif.jpg)



Be sure to inform your fellow patriots




297886 No.1488204


You can't even follow ID's. Time to move on.

e27979 No.1488205



God favors a prepared soul.

dedd38 No.1488206

File: fee593f2870e06a⋯.jpg (137.13 KB, 634x414, 317:207, Pope on a Rope.jpg)



977524 No.1488207


You are encouraged to get a job while on Disability. You can make up to a certain amount. People in wheelchairs can get a part time desk job etc. These companies also have to make it where the disabled has the ability to do the job if only at part time etc. It is not secret.

f1cb4f No.1488208

File: 378281416b71cc6⋯.jpg (102.8 KB, 640x600, 16:15, Poppys_Penthouse.jpg)

>>1487681 (lb)

>George H.W. Bush arrives in Maine


Have suspicion that's what he's going up there to do. Keep us posted if any strange words in local papers. Might be an early clue the time is nigh…


←ICE cold!

f74a84 No.1488209

File: a943cf29bc531bb⋯.jpg (3.61 MB, 6000x3000, 2:1, KEKflag.jpg)

a67de6 No.1488210

just wondering can any UKanons tell me what the real deal is with Steve Hilton (FOX host now), he seems like the most anti-globalist on FOX but he worked for David Cameron??

Is he a larp or legit??

e89011 No.1488211


Opiates / Prescription drug related?

b8abcb No.1488212

>Watch the news.

37c3cf No.1488213

File: 834079797d6de51⋯.png (231.52 KB, 926x742, 463:371, never-trust-an-atom.png)

84ce1f No.1488214



086350 No.1488215



21a31b No.1488216

File: df87c6d2923868a⋯.jpg (6.56 KB, 250x223, 250:223, pepe_thumbsup.jpg)

0db513 No.1488217


There it is! That age old atheist response when you have no intellectual leg to stand on! In case you missed this not at all religious movement happening:





15bbc0 No.1488218

File: 8499a07d3ec159f⋯.png (1.44 MB, 2364x449, 2364:449, nsa-traf-cam-ordered-v2.png)

3dd5b1 No.1488219

File: 81007370d8c64e3⋯.jpg (173.43 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1526851997826.jpg)

remember folks!

8164b4 No.1488220


Exactly Anon exactly.

I'm not deep throating any Patriot Anon to believe in God nor will I bash them for not.

3d5850 No.1488221



I did my first shadow bake last night and posted in the practice area (well, sort of - in the wrong part of it though). Does the 1st post always take that long to post? Ok,Duh - I think I just answered my own question. Great tip BO thanks!!

84ce1f No.1488222


I like this guy !!!

52bad0 No.1488223


i think he is a genuine anti globalist

6e53cd No.1488224

May flowers when?

b3fe66 No.1488225

Uncle Hotep is a funny dude…

"Maybe Megan Markle is Black. She married a unemployed man that still lives with his grandmother."


7c85f9 No.1488226


Life's is a bit more complicated than that anon. You did put a smile on my face though ;) I recommend you to not read the bible or anything but to dig into the subject of QHHT (also known as regression therapy). Just watch some vids on YouTube if you ever feel like doing so. It's fucking epic. Nothing to do with religion but it puts our existence in perspective.

4a4ef7 No.1488227



https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/bible-study/10-things-you-didn-t-know-about-daniel-in-the-bible.html (a lot like Trump!)

Summary of the Book of Daniel

This summary of the book of Daniel provides information about the title, author(s), date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the Book of Daniel.

Author, Date and Authenticity

The book implies that Daniel was its author in several passages, such as 9:2; 10:2. That Jesus concurred is clear from his reference to " ?the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel" (Mt 24:15; see note there), quoting 9:27 (see note there); 11:31; 12:11. The book was probably completed c. 530 b.c., shortly after Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, captured the city of Babylon in 539.

The widely held view that the book of Daniel is largely fictional rests mainly on the modern philosophical assumption that long-range predictive prophecy is impossible. Therefore…

2491fe No.1488228


All your ips are belong to us.

Of course you had no rebuttal.

f42b2a No.1488229


< Are you sure?

Heh he he ha ha ha.

66fa50 No.1488230

Shills are having a bad day. They are gonna have a lot of bad days.

f3bed4 No.1488231


In all likelihood, sexual abuse by the Catholic Church made him gay.

But we can bury that part, because look how progressive the pope is

(the guy in the articlewas abused in Chile)

297886 No.1488232


Enjoy your filter division shill

4eba76 No.1488233

File: 882121bae46b499⋯.jpg (11.41 KB, 255x146, 255:146, PAIN.jpg)



it's a comin'

b8abcb No.1488234



661e3b No.1488235

File: 8cf112c85de4319⋯.png (40.58 KB, 268x266, 134:133, cashfingercheck.png)


THAT dude is a provocateur…stomping on the Israeli flag in his videos? Really?

Yeah, that won't make us look bad at all. (smdh)

c6001d No.1488236


Fuck off Alex. It won't save you or IW

28867e No.1488237

File: 46505bedde097df⋯.png (198.64 KB, 692x928, 173:232, 20180520_204056.png)

Anyone dug on this agents name?

38dda3 No.1488238

File: e74767cb3a574d7⋯.jpg (48.87 KB, 550x480, 55:48, trump-fe-tweets.jpg)

f1cb4f No.1488239


title brings this to top kek status.

well done mate.

a22e9e No.1488240


the main problem with most religious folks is pride

they believe they are right and act like it all the time - instead of being kind and humble

thats a big mistake

3ee10c No.1488241


I know, it was a very intriguing article, the Pope is basically admitting that homosexuality is an unnatural state, neither a choice nor genetic, but something that is literally molested into children. I mean, he would know right?

5c826c No.1488242

Has anyone been able toexplain the Lag for the last 3 hours?

19b3c3 No.1488243


that dude is a hero tbh

a67de6 No.1488244

File: 8701fcdf34f75c4⋯.jpg (82.48 KB, 732x462, 122:77, tripsidebyside2.jpg)


7c85f9 No.1488245


Yes, their bosses will run out of money soon so within a couple of weeks they'll have to apply for one of the millions of jobs that tRump has created.

6e53cd No.1488246

Did anyone notice how the FBI did nothing with reports on Rachael Chandler?

We are going to have to fight.

6f4637 No.1488247


no lag for me

d64bce No.1488248

b1d194 No.1488249


Just noticed that Breaking911 Twitter feed, that was offline for the past week or so, is back! I missed my breaking 911.

21a31b No.1488250

File: 6d2f8b2c82c768b⋯.png (8.8 KB, 255x220, 51:44, doitQ.png)

File: a66fbf0c8852256⋯.jpg (17.77 KB, 207x254, 207:254, nowcomesthepain.jpg)

File: 367ae761085be2d⋯.jpg (17.17 KB, 255x181, 255:181, pepe_movie.jpg)

932955 No.1488251

File: 2c479c866242144⋯.jpg (85.75 KB, 888x499, 888:499, bringthepain.jpg)

Bring the pain.

e27979 No.1488252

For profit news=typewriter.

Old and gay.

a22e9e No.1488253

In Byzantine art Michael was often shown as a princely court dignitary, rather than a warrior who battled Satan or with scales for weighing souls on the Day of Judgement. bapak

just in, learn something new everyday, at least i do

a67de6 No.1488254


I think so too, but I've heard and read that David Cameron was for the stay campaign for Brexit, Hilton must have been against it and tried

always wondered that

ccbff9 No.1488255

File: 0138dac045c9892⋯.jpg (673.11 KB, 812x689, 812:689, trains_a_comin_by_fmr0-d54….jpg)

a61e82 No.1488257


You've included Chapter and Verse(s), but omitted which Book. ?? May be required info for some you might reach. Some will race past the whole thing before researching enough to figure out what may be obvious to you, but not them.


3e13a5 No.1488258


Excellent. Saved.

06743e No.1488259


It's how they're going to roll all this nasty ass TRASH out to the public.

52bad0 No.1488260

File: bf81546c0c1cc20⋯.jpg (78.86 KB, 600x600, 1:1, RUDYRUDYRUDY.jpg)

File: a97b7e439fcdfa7⋯.jpg (51.48 KB, 645x318, 215:106, PAIN.JPG)

File: e450820e60d3136⋯.png (446.3 KB, 707x642, 707:642, SESJEFFFRY.png)

File: 8ab5d9251e1e4ef⋯.jpg (110.22 KB, 982x704, 491:352, qpainnnnnn.JPG)

File: fd329049e16af9e⋯.jpg (208.84 KB, 700x655, 140:131, hilldoggggggggggg.jpg)



2491fe No.1488261



2 atheists want to call me a division shill, guess they don't know, around here, we follow the most high.

661e3b No.1488262

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



reminds me of a punkrock song I used to know…

6d4bf1 No.1488263


cool, good luck anon. I didn't know the periods made a difference as well.

a22e9e No.1488264


you are condescending anon

pride goeth before the fall

73b974 No.1488265

File: 024984e59472377⋯.jpg (395.29 KB, 1199x896, 1199:896, IMG_7349.JPG)

4017bf No.1488266

Hey God, it's me, Pepe Anon Frog. Looks like it's going to be a BIG week. YUGE, in fact. Thanks a bunch, Big Guy. Amen

4b96ee No.1488267


"Pope on a Rope"… MEGAKEK!

83a3cd No.1488268


not saying it doesn't exist… not saying it's not important… but at this point it time can we file it under "we'll look at that shit later?"

6d4bf1 No.1488269

f42b2a No.1488270


Note: There is a big difference between faith in God and religion.

Contemplate that. Meditate on it.

c0379c No.1488271

File: a6dded01fcbf311⋯.jpg (134.97 KB, 791x768, 791:768, pelosims13.JPG)

I'm 13 shades of MS gray

and my vagina is working overtime..

b29fc6 No.1488272


I thought POTUS doesn't drink?

086350 No.1488273


https:// www.yahoo.com/news/pentagon-plan-robots-patrol-cities-113800564.html

c33a2f No.1488274

File: c06896d97ed0262⋯.png (93.15 KB, 464x640, 29:40, requested-first.png)

File: 372e8815ad48e04⋯.png (9.07 KB, 466x220, 233:110, requested-first-two.png)


yes, Q has been clear about this

we have to ask for things

just like Jim Jordan has to ask for a signature

and we asked for tippy top

ask and you shall receive

sing the internetbillofrights and push it on Social Media.. while we can

7e57ce No.1488275

So what was their plan? The election was rigged so they knew they would beat Trump. So this Russia stuff was to be used to set up and imprison POTUS?

31c33d No.1488277


UKfag here.

David Cameron wanted to remain in the EU.

He said he'd step down as Prime Minister if UK voted to leave EU.

To those that voted leave, it was a win-win, we got out of the EU and we got rid of Cameron.

He then put Theresa May in power.

fca1dd No.1488278

File: 7090d3b44bf5865⋯.jpg (109.09 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 7090d3b44bf586543464bd741f….jpg)

Dark days are here even darker days are coming.. but the night is darkest before the don..


Pray anons



f74a84 No.1488279




Wikipedia says that "an employee" of TAC during the 2008 campaign season HACKED THE PASSPORTS of mcCcain&Hussein - a cuple weeks after election Brennan quit to join BHO Administration and later became head of CIA

Think: Blackmail

Think: Handler

Think: TRAITOR>Repost

50f44d No.1488280

File: e0cbf20bafd206c⋯.jpg (16.51 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 82b037e606913634a395c706ba….jpg)

41862c No.1488281

File: b2e29a8f84e2a13⋯.jpg (407.95 KB, 1008x1008, 1:1, Iridium_Soros_77.jpg)


digits confirm

4eba76 No.1488282

File: ec5720c679d2bbf⋯.png (51.55 KB, 201x300, 67:100, Chescher.png)

38dda3 No.1488283


Q…speaks for this board…..he has spoken

179215 No.1488284

File: c33033dd9c15911⋯.jpg (81.35 KB, 306x377, 306:377, dream_guefdkaz7hr.jpg)

File: f5499386f0f6fb8⋯.jpg (75.73 KB, 306x377, 306:377, dream_u86dhzu9bra.jpg)

File: 6d75b8d74041a7e⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 306x377, 306:377, dream_3tk9vh726ex.jpg)

File: 7c422ac34f999d3⋯.jpg (90.24 KB, 306x377, 306:377, dream_syp60ak4r7c.jpg)

864fee No.1488285

>>1488242 the lag is either necessary to The Plan, an opposition to The Plan, or a neutral glitch in electron management. In any of these cases, The Plan will succeed. Trust the Plan. Enjoy the Show.

666046 No.1488286

A Cicero quote for John Brennan..

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

343b9a No.1488287


Also signals cabal elite enslavement (we own you) and atomized narcissistic me-first materialism and individualism (everything is about your own self and what you can own).

NLP triggers are real.

80e6df No.1488288

File: ddc5533d1158cd3⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 720x405, 16:9, bloodsport.gif)

It sure feels like this is the week when Good and Evil will finally square up

99c187 No.1488289


Pretty sure Tony Podesta went some months back into custody. Possibly Alex Podesta as well (White Rabbit guy)

661e3b No.1488290


maybe in your liddle niggerbrain he's a hewo, but to everyone else he's a fucking kook.

Total loser. kek

84ce1f No.1488291


DOES THAT MEAN ALL JEWS ARE BAD? You dumb mother fucker. I looked thru the thread all you do is shitpost. CLOWN probably ((((HIM))))

84ddf3 No.1488292

File: 62d6faab0c0cd0c⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1252x703, 1252:703, Maggie pope.png)


How long do you think it takes to conclude a federal investigation?

how long do you think it takes an indictment process to conclude?

What priority do you think "rachael Chandler" is on the FBI's list?

31c644 No.1488293

"… but the most hideous crime was suppressing the soul of the nation."

Nasty business, but we may be heading this way to cleanse us of the unimaginable corruption of the Clinton/Obama cartel.


a67de6 No.1488294


gotcha thanks anon, May is meh too though (from the USA perspective)



864fee No.1488295

>>1488284 hello helperanon thanks for your help

791bd2 No.1488296


oh, a Q~

8164b4 No.1488297


I agree.

It's a good way to push people away

and want nothing to do with religion and or a God.

a61e82 No.1488298

41862c No.1488299

File: c199e123b8223df⋯.png (580.5 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Pain_Coming_Marina_Scorpio….png)

e27979 No.1488300


Warm fuzzies…when I see my digg spread

793df2 No.1488301



0f2340 No.1488302

File: a0560406072adf5⋯.png (759.62 KB, 945x628, 945:628, ClipboardImage.png)

Why do bugs hand around the light?

19b3c3 No.1488303


your just mad cause you live there

a22e9e No.1488304


well it is not moloch if that is what you are wondering

seriously i believe in God if by God you mean the creator of the all

that has zero to do with religion but perhaps we have that in common

i pray for truth honor success and virtue but i dont expect the all(god) to give it to me

i have to choose it myself - that is hard

that is why i pray

ab7a94 No.1488305



who is Daniel?

life from capture till freedom?




65c805 No.1488306

>>1488181 (previous)

My motives?

My motives are truth and free will.

I search my sould for what rings true.

Who adopts someone elses beliefs?


I guess that's why they call it a flock?

6954e7 No.1488307

File: 25ff8fc9c8164fb⋯.jpg (7.61 KB, 255x163, 255:163, darkest before don.jpg)

c9ae15 No.1488308


all matters. resolves to an actual individual person in SK. looks like a mobile address.

i don't think that's it.

i still think the original addy is important, not the mirror of it.

but digging on the guy. not doxxing yet. ha.

would appreciate a helper hot-or-cold.

6e53cd No.1488309


sauce or gtfo disinfofag

661e3b No.1488310

File: 3857b5a8a85fc3e⋯.png (156.06 KB, 754x588, 377:294, merchantspeak.png)


Not ALL jews are bad.

31c644 No.1488312


Sorry anons forgot to hooktube the link.


84ce1f No.1488313

File: f01ebcecbc22873⋯.jpg (5.53 KB, 303x167, 303:167, indexnn.jpg)


(((((YOU))))) need to take you're own advice faggot mudman

99c187 No.1488314


Being gay is a CHOICE anon, always.

4b96ee No.1488315


I wish you hadn't cropped the date/time stamps.

4b1d32 No.1488316

File: de9f95770303c75⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 3716x2688, 929:672, Mike_sky_diving5.jpg)

Religion is like skydiving. It's voluntary. The best part of this country is our freedom to chose. Q posts a few verses and everyone goes nuts. Relax. Enjoy the plane ride. Jump if you want, you have a parachute. Don't stop someone from jumping, and for God's sake, don't try and force someone to jump. (… or throw them out) WWG1WGA

50f44d No.1488317

File: 262a9ee6175a554⋯.jpeg (215.47 KB, 1089x1650, 33:50, 1525056867.jpeg)

4e9e17 No.1488318


I have faith. :)

163df6 No.1488319

File: d144a25178a20ec⋯.jpg (30.01 KB, 462x281, 462:281, MakeItRain.jpg)

0db513 No.1488320


Nice anon, we do share a lot in common. I also pray to a God but I refuse to set foot in the whore that has become his church on this planet. I will keep my prayers out of that cesspool where God can actually hear them.

31c33d No.1488321


Q says Theresa May is neutralized.

Trusting the plan.

I hate the witch.

She has connections.

Connections worldwide and deep.

c9c74b No.1488322


You are not alone, Anon. There are MANY of us in similar situations. Going to war for the Cabal was actually the beginning of my own awakening. No I am sick to my stomach that I volunteered to spend two years of my life fighting /their/ wars, when I believed that I was fighting for the security of my nation and her People. All war veterans should receive some kind of reparations for this atrocity. When all of /their/ gold is seized,a portion should be divvied up to us and the Gold-Star families.

bf175d No.1488323


Thank you for your service!!!

6e53cd No.1488324


gtfo, this is qresearch

f1cb4f No.1488325

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


good one. back at ya.

Meatmen - Centurions of Rome

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=u QfnIM3X4W4

2fcfb4 No.1488326

File: 3fd892768f3ebea⋯.jpg (105.3 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, Asha-Rangappa-by-Jacob-Fab….jpg)

File: 26ea1db6bece4f5⋯.jpeg (7.48 KB, 189x225, 21:25, th (16).jpeg)


Also note there was another Rangappa (Anu) working high up in the Clinton campaign


Same ballpark age. Sister? Cousin?

Also. Asha admits she recruited a traitor!!!


Q:What’s the closest you’ve ever come to treason?

A:In the FBI, I recruited someone who committed treason against their country.




I Miss Bypassing Airport Security

Photo by Jacob Fabricius.

Asha Rangappa is a senior lecturer at Yale’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. She previously served as a Special Agent in the New York Division of the FBI, where she assessed threats to national security, conducted classified investigations on suspected foreign agents, and performed undercover work. Before joining a Zócalo/KCRW “Critical Thinking With Warren Olney” panel discussion titled “What Does Treason Look Like?” at the National Center for the Preservation of Democracy in downtown Los Angeles, she talked tapas, teaching, and what you can learn about the United States by visiting Bogotá.

OCTOBER 26, 2017"

3ee10c No.1488327

File: e2230b723ec1093⋯.png (216.4 KB, 417x319, 417:319, e2230b723ec10935f804398dde….png)

4a4ef7 No.1488328


A loyal servant, a wise and righteous man, an interpreter, a teacher…one who interpreted and explained dreams and messages.

59bfb2 No.1488329

File: 677270cf2282909⋯.png (6.75 MB, 2038x1902, 1019:951, ClipboardImage.png)

84ce1f No.1488330

File: 31d40e21a5bcf29⋯.jpg (12.28 KB, 255x223, 255:223, 4fe060f172926364109e785c2e….jpg)


Canadian shill ((((faggot)))) I hope you hang for you're 2 faced treachery !

f3bed4 No.1488331


yeah no shit, a choice made after significant sexual abuse by a child to cope with the trauma

3dd5b1 No.1488332


He is a war vet, he has every right to do that

80e6df No.1488333

File: 9d8d511ebb8fe10⋯.jpg (427.32 KB, 1238x1219, 1238:1219, 2014-04-05 Toxoplasma Gond….jpg)

bf175d No.1488335


I second that.

84ba97 No.1488336

File: 206bbcf756b1019⋯.jpg (671.51 KB, 3000x1951, 3000:1951, 206bbcf756b1019e45392f3c77….jpg)

41862c No.1488337


top kek

9de753 No.1488338



the main problem with most non-religious folks is pride

they believe they are right and act like it all the time - instead of being kind and humble

thats a big mistake

99c187 No.1488340


Do your own research, I've done mine.

809906 No.1488341


Lag mean that A LOT of people are lurking.

343b9a No.1488342

File: 5681a37a8be8419⋯.jpg (199.59 KB, 620x349, 620:349, ComfyWintryNightIcon.jpg)


Best comfy is earned comfy

6e53cd No.1488343


Democrats love that word. gtfo shill

791bd2 No.1488344


my Brother

a67de6 No.1488345

File: bcb7cdee4990120⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1514x1273, 1514:1273, GodBlessPatriots.png)


thank you for your service VetAnon

e27979 No.1488346


Enjoy the show.

Or marry one and make ur own.

33d9d8 No.1488347

File: 15eab147109b146⋯.png (212.88 KB, 831x672, 277:224, 4chan.PNG)

4chan /pol/ mods are deleting Q threads, there was a decent discussion in that thread positive towards Q.

3dd5b1 No.1488348


He has a sizable amount of the vote

835fed No.1488349

File: dcfeac08f2169a2⋯.png (281.8 KB, 1182x1154, 591:577, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at ….png)

Love me some SC.

a22e9e No.1488350


i am not an atheist anon

but if you believe the bible is 100% literally true and actually written by god i am sorry but you have been lied to

i studied the bible at a benedictine college and even the monks there know better than that

086350 No.1488351

6e93b4 No.1488352

Fantastic breakdown of Loretta Fuddy plane crash and the footage


7950ae No.1488353

Thete gonna be blood in the streets.

Deep State Brennan attacked Speaker Ryan and Senate leader McConnel saying Trumps investigations into the campaign will destroy America……

I love the smell of fear……..it awakens me, makes me feel alive.

God bless Trump, anons and God bless America


f42b2a No.1488354



For what profits a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?

That's right nothing. You don't have a clue about God or science for that matter.


f74a84 No.1488355

File: f94c81f799c924a⋯.jpg (353.82 KB, 960x651, 320:217, filter these clowns Anons!.jpg)

File: 3b6a3c460c9644c⋯.jpg (84.34 KB, 1736x1321, 1736:1321, FILTER Anon Ommm.jpg)


Just filter, Anon~

Here, use some of mine..(Pic Related)

6c2c71 No.1488357


There might be a disconnect between your religion and Jesus. If the church today was so great, the world wouldn’t be in the mess it’s in where dark power rules over all. Before you think your religion is “the way”, might want to ask Jesus if it’s actually him or a watered down holier than thou version because that version walks in no power to set people free from anything.

661e3b No.1488359

File: bb60b16054bbf93⋯.jpg (178.25 KB, 1476x777, 492:259, nasimtopkek.jpg)

66fa50 No.1488360


Then the Pentagon can fuck right off.

f7f617 No.1488361

41862c No.1488362


digits would tend to confirm?

6954e7 No.1488363


Q said the string are cut. Her connections no longer exist, or have any relevance.

0db513 No.1488364


Now where in the hell did you see that I ever said such a thing? I never mentioned the bible one damn time. If you want to argue a point with me then stick to what I have actually said.

b7b7e7 No.1488365

File: 7eb139e6b6c8caa⋯.png (104.17 KB, 376x428, 94:107, GenePoolsClosed.PNG)

File: 07675b5661e44a2⋯.png (107.4 KB, 607x604, 607:604, KekistaniMemeCorp.PNG)

File: d4665bf9ad1a677⋯.png (28.02 KB, 444x136, 111:34, Capture.PNG)

a67de6 No.1488366

just got back on but


WE ARE ALL ANONS, now back to digging

db3414 No.1488367

File: fdfe39fa6122f8f⋯.png (681.94 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (100).png)

File: 4f46b5f0520bec3⋯.png (680.66 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (101).png)

File: 339fb12c950946c⋯.png (702.08 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (102).png)

File: ddc2fbaaca94219⋯.png (687.97 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (103).png)

File: 00f05d01bcd3dd8⋯.png (695.85 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (104).png)

Some interesting political info about Barack Obama Jr =

- Biological Father (protégé of suspected CIA agent Tom Mboya)

- Mother and Stepfather

- Wife, Michelle Obama

- Government Career

- Controversial Executive Orders and Policies (includes Benghazi and ISIS)

- Post-Presidency Controversies (mainly anti-Trump Obama Foundation)

- Foundations


cannot copy and paste from this site

297886 No.1488368


4chan has been comped for awhile.

6e53cd No.1488369


What does you taking it up the ass have to do with qresearch?

e27979 No.1488370


It's funny seeing ur shit on Twitter and other sites.

6d4bf1 No.1488371


>the main problem with most religious folks is pride


>they believe they are right and act like it all the time - instead of being kind and humble


>thats a big mistake

kek yes people won't accept that they don't know everything.

llat uarth tards can go to hell since the earth IS a globe but I would buy the theory that the stars are angels.

4b96ee No.1488372


Post your detailed story about the day you distinctly remembered choosing to be straight.

We'll wait…

ccbff9 No.1488373

File: 6f0dd768b1573b7⋯.jpg (32.76 KB, 333x500, 333:500, This-is-it[1].jpg)

a01235 No.1488374


Disgrace to the Irish. Brennan used to be a solid Irish name. This scumbag made it shit. Well done, you piece of shit.

4eba76 No.1488375

>>1488347 intersting…

33ae1d No.1488377

File: d9204cebc0e775c⋯.png (145.75 KB, 294x327, 98:109, 2018-05-20_21-42-56.png)



The horsemen among the "myrtle trees", i.e., the horsemen among the "righteous men"?


69c76a No.1488378

File: 39ac373ec79ba0a⋯.jpg (84.1 KB, 680x511, 680:511, America.jpg)

Anons, I'm flying tomorrow. If I'm on board with someone who's supposed to get 187'd, Godspeed to all of you. It's been real.

84ce1f No.1488379



Q said no filter reread crumbs ! Do what you want and carry on just noting in case you are ((((HIM))))

932955 No.1488380

Sure seems funny that we have people bashing those who believe in God, but at the same time realize we are fighting satanists.

How do you have one without the other? God and satan are a package deal. The other funny thing is, what is satans goal? To oppose God right? Think about that.

864fee No.1488381

>>1488367 concur. What to be done about it?

0db513 No.1488382


lol it all seems to have started because I was being a troll and told the atheists that they are a religion and that their god is government. I really do regret it because I am already sick of seeing the stupid shit coming out of them over it.

f2c15d No.1488383

>>1487382 (prev).

This is amazing. Newfag blown away.

da4e68 No.1488384


In the beginning, Q posted as

Q Clearance Patriot.

297886 No.1488385


Stay safe anon.

dfd8ad No.1488386

"There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy"

99c187 No.1488387


Sexual preference is not the same as COMMITTING AN ACT OF HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR.

When you COMMIT the act, that is the SIN. Some bacteria didn't force you to do it.

a61e82 No.1488388


Looks like Mueller knows.

IF … he could remember. Looks to have been a while ago.

31c33d No.1488389


I can believe that.

M16 (SIS) said to have turned.

Not surprising.

Trump changes everything.


4chan comped.

Long time ago.

a22e9e No.1488390

File: eaa823d87048d32⋯.jpg (8.45 KB, 275x183, 275:183, usnazi4.jpg)

File: 4d56704fa4d2870⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 275x183, 275:183, usnazi5.jpg)



Patrick Little is an anti-Semitic white nationalist running for U.S. Senate in California on a neo-Nazi platform so extreme that he has discouraged supporters from donating to his campaign since campaign contributions are public record. On May 5, 2018, Little was denied entry to the California Republican Party Convention

He FALSELY calls himself SENATOR in his campaign ads - he is not a Senator.

His audio commercial plays from a scene in the movie “Schindler’s List” in which a young girl yells, “Goodbye Jews!,” at Jewish people that Nazi troops herded to a ghetto during the Holocaust. At the end of the minute-and-a-half ad, the voice says the call was paid for by “The Road to Power,” which is a little-known podcast that describes itself to be “White Nationalist anti-jew.”

A quick scroll through the show’s profile on Gab, a Twitter knock-off popular with neo-Nazis and white nationalists banned from other platforms, reveals a plethora of racial slurs and anti-Semitic sentiment. Just last week, the podcast called for the deportation of all African Americans.

Campaign Slogan: Liberate the US from the Jewish Oligarchy.

Other proposals - Introduce a bill to fund research into implementing my Mars Impact Theory, the redirection of asteroids to a collision path with Mars - Nationalize Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all other natural monopolies in the IT industry.

YEP - its NAZI - Left wing Socialist Program - tyranny and bigotry all the way

9d2d2c No.1488391

File: 939166bd7a67912⋯.png (42.82 KB, 581x286, 581:286, Screenshot 2018-05-20 at 8….png)

3ee10c No.1488392


It's from the 2016 memewar.

e82bcc No.1488393


45th, DUMB ASS!

66fa50 No.1488394


Q never said that.

086350 No.1488395


WH needs to clean the Pentagon. Again.

a22e9e No.1488396


kek kek

53ca4f No.1488397



db3414 No.1488398

File: 6f1055c90986357⋯.png (681 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (105).png)

File: f306de1d9e8edde⋯.png (663.42 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (106).png)


missing these

8164b4 No.1488399


WWG1WGA Anon!!

Fuck the division this is a battle and

we can not start beating each other up,

when the real enemy wants to eat our fucking kids and kill us all. Together We Are Strong!

fb72c2 No.1488401


I think she's talking about anons (here)

3f9c43 No.1488402

File: 82f2137ee5906f4⋯.jpeg (9.3 KB, 259x194, 259:194, boomfolk.jpeg)


I have to call bullshit on two things. That is obviously not what Potus is going to say, and that is not how it is going to end. Surprises are fun.

I love the Mattis part, the Melania part, and most everything else as well. Stephan Miller part seems a bit stale but is funny anyway. Praying for this. Thank you.

a67de6 No.1488403



many people truly don't realize how much of a power shift the UK out of the marxist EU would be

e27979 No.1488404


Ask each passenger if they know hrc.

4640d7 No.1488405


Brennan and mcmasters attended the bilderburg convention together while mcmaster was national security advisor to POTUS if I remember correctly.

3dd5b1 No.1488406

File: 55d45d9ac4ca955⋯.png (6.22 KB, 534x389, 534:389, TheEuropeanJewsflag.png)

6d4bf1 No.1488407


ty anon I don't really know enough about networking to go digging around in ip addresses nor do I want to be seen as a "hacker"

only God knows that I could have spent enough time online to get a PHD in computer hacking or networking but I never wanted to make a career of being on the computer.

7950ae No.1488408


Being gay is the result of sexual abuse at a young age.

So you're completely stupid and wrong.

Always abusedb as in always.

84ce1f No.1488409


Dum Dum re read the fucking crumbs !!!!!!!!

511b36 No.1488410


>I read there is a lawsuit right nw against building the library because Hussein planned / arranged to build it on public land which is illegal.

From what I've read, the ones running this park plan to sell the land to the city which in turn will sell it to Obama's Foundation. The lawsuit has to do with Obama expanding the scope of the project to go well beyond a presidential library.

IMO we should stop treating presidents like royalty. Shut down all these damn expensive libraries. Digitize their records and make them accessible to everyone online for free or at low price per copy. Obama doesn't even plan on having hardcopy records in his.

4b96ee No.1488411


A few months ago, Q admitted to feeding her and John Solomon the inside scoops AND giving them protection!

0419ee No.1488412

Q has Always Stated his Faith. Many anons are Agnostic, Nihilistic.

Just Maybe Q's planting a Seed.?"5

ea614d No.1488413


not for long…

…get it?

9619a6 No.1488414

>>1488005 Yeah BULLSHIT! I was forced on Ritalin in 1969 (first grade) and had that stuff rammed down my throat for 10 years! I did have psychotic breaks and consider it a miracle that I didn't kill anyone or myself! That shit stunted my growth INCLUDING brain growth! It's bad stuff!

f1eb9e No.1488415


Damn straight.

And us Vets are littering this place all up.


What a band of misfits…..that fit quite well.

Love you bastards.

39013f No.1488416


It looks as though Michael Gaeta was an FBI agent assigned to Rome.

Haven't found any photos of him yet.


f16616 No.1488417


I think you are taking the post out of context. No filters as in the MSM can't filter it like they had in the past.

0f2340 No.1488419

File: f382f43bc2d8fc9⋯.png (313.25 KB, 545x292, 545:292, ClipboardImage.png)


Sorry. You were hand selected to be gay. Why you need to fight! fight! fight!

66fa50 No.1488420


I have read and reread and reread and reread crumbs. Show me the crumb where he says no filter.

ac85eb No.1488421

Any DCanons around that can tell us what the feel is like around there,..without doxxing?

59bfb2 No.1488422


They have been planning this for how long!!! Nice.

2a34bf No.1488423


Obama was never really eligible for presidency in the first place making the whole 8 yrs null and void, Trump would then be 44, or so the story goes

a67de6 No.1488424


1. thats from like 20 breads ago


3. really, put (MANY BREADS AGO) next to it

82fbf3 No.1488425

File: 3be3842667356b1⋯.jpg (21.36 KB, 480x377, 480:377, dfgzgseg.jpg)

File: c92770799efb466⋯.jpg (15.11 KB, 254x166, 127:83, QOfficeofInspectorGen.JPG)

fdcb06 No.1488426

Notables so far

Anything important missed?


>>1487952 Brennan cryptic tweet threatens POTUS assassination?

>>1488025 Roseanne script leak

>>1488028 Asha Rangappa follow up

>>1488054 They got their story lined up, marching orders given:

>>1488093 JFK gravesite design

>>1488178 Update on Pope Francis

>>1488367 Some interesting political info about Barack Obama Jr

19b3c3 No.1488427


He's free to run if he wants to even if he doesn't win.

a22e9e No.1488428


so i guess mr bear is with us

3dd5b1 No.1488429


ah yes, helping commies take over eastern europe, delight…simply delight!

68511b No.1488430


I posted it in the last bread.

737d63 No.1488431


Amen!…..or not…. your choice

809906 No.1488432


Anons who post noise don't suddenly start posting insightful stuff. And Q's comment about "no filters" has to do with corporate censorship, not shill filtering.

One shitpost and they get the axe.

223476 No.1488433

File: 8a0d11e5cc2123f⋯.png (27.44 KB, 600x358, 300:179, ClipboardImage.png)

reminder anons

Every time filter of muhjoo shills is mentioned, they pounce of lame free speech arguments. Now that that is failed "we are going to miss it"

Fake and gay

The muhjoo shit is a psyop.


Don't let them near you, it's incredibly stupid. Real anons include these filters.

84ce1f No.1488434

File: 3544fe87f7ea129⋯.jpg (10.61 KB, 223x255, 223:255, 9420bac6139f30a90b39e75733….jpg)


Dubble Dubbs confirm. ((((YOU/HIM)))) are really fucking with the wrong Anons (not talking about me ) Just want you to know that before you walk up the steps …

c33a2f No.1488435


i prefer the term


9de753 No.1488436


egg zactly wiseanon

37cd0c No.1488437

File: b8a2834b4be6c92⋯.jpg (19.16 KB, 293x282, 293:282, killyourself.jpg)

dc1aa8 No.1488438


Unbelievable yet not surprising at all! Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right…🎤

91872b No.1488439

File: f6cd7993442c24b⋯.jpg (206.98 KB, 652x960, 163:240, afbabd26b1ae654ffa32cebc19….jpg)



The absolute state of this place sometimes

a2da75 No.1488440


I don't remember Q ever saying that. Please show where. only shills and clowns care about being filtered otherwise they won't be heard.

84ba97 No.1488442

File: 966e85047287059⋯.png (866.63 KB, 784x520, 98:65, 966e850472870595c76f4ac71e….png)

4a4ef7 No.1488443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fat Bottomed Girls


Are you gonna take me home tonight

Ah down beside that red firelight

Are you gonna let it all hang out

Fat bottomed girls

You make the rockin' world go round

Hey I was just a skinny lad

Never knew no good from bad

But I knew life before I left my nursery

Left alone with big fat Fanny

She was such a naughty nanny

Heap big woman you made a bad boy out of me

Hey hey!

I've been singing with my band

Across the wire across the land

I seen ev'ry blue eyed floozy on the way

But their beauty and their style

Went kind of smooth after a while

Take me to them dirty ladies every time

Oh won't you take me home tonight?

Oh down beside your red firelight

Oh and you give it all you got

Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round

Fat bottomed…

84ddf3 No.1488444

File: 27056804176b9a3⋯.jpeg (12.18 KB, 206x245, 206:245, goyim know.jpeg)


Nice Copy paste.

I'll do the same thing ready?

>While i appreciate your right to say whatever you want, If you are

going to insult, defame, dishonor someone who fought for OUR

country, at least have the courtesy to include "this is a copy paste"

So those reading your drivel will know that you have an (((agenda)))

and are not actually expressing your own opinion, but that of those

who are paying you your (((Scheckles)))

1a7234 No.1488445


There are no greater or lesser sins. Your attitude is hypocrisy, also a sin. Take the pole out of your eye before you look to others.

3d5850 No.1488446


That shit is amazing, I have it saved. Cheers to the Anon who created it.


Wow, and it has been around a while too, thanks for the history on it Anon

784164 No.1488447


Was that your post last bread?

a67de6 No.1488448


lol my filter list us YUGE

d4d014 No.1488449

I see Q's recent post brought out the best in everybody.

c6001d No.1488450

File: 26765221cac8c62⋯.png (142.76 KB, 1257x277, 1257:277, usmarshallfag.png)

US Marshall Anon on /pol

My guess larping faggot but we'll see

28867e No.1488451


I haven't found any pics. I wanted to compare with London images.

e27979 No.1488452


It's relevant until corrected.

d352aa No.1488453

File: 5218e8c0f958432⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1244x2192, 311:548, nowcomespain2.jpg)


oh of course, he doesn't remember. Very funny.

84ce1f No.1488454



They drop at random times in crazy posts that look bad at first.



c9c74b No.1488455


So, when a pedo fucks a kid when that kid is right in the middle of their psychosexual development, and that kid's sexuality is permanently and ARTIFICIALLY altered by the experience(s), can you really say that it is a choice? The physical act may be a choice, but the desire was cemented into the psyche very early. Now, GTFO with your bullshit, uneducated hate.

15bbc0 No.1488456

File: 7ce4f057988dca4⋯.jpg (270.42 KB, 997x850, 997:850, filtered.jpg)



977524 No.1488457


Did you forget about the wall of monitors picture front on her site? All in good time.

84ba97 No.1488458

File: 8baad9fd8bc58bd⋯.png (425.62 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 8baad9fd8bc58bdc76168390f0….png)

Watch NY

f1eb9e No.1488459


…..some ppl just don't get it.

They will NEVER get it.

And we don't WANT them to get it.

I think you know what I mean. :(

Let them enjoy that ignorance…I spent maybe 2 months in that ignorance. So trust, I feel you.

a67de6 No.1488460


muh (((joooo))) shills get no checked digits

0db513 No.1488461

File: 8189debc2ee85cf⋯.jpg (91.17 KB, 900x639, 100:71, yoda.jpg)


that seems a little bit much for a troll don't you think?

66fa50 No.1488462



We need more breads with more Kelly.

d4d014 No.1488463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For your listening pleasure.

60a6f5 No.1488464


Activation of what?

f16616 No.1488465


With that much red text you would be glowing.

43b9be No.1488466


I think you fundamentally don't understand what Christianity is about. Hint - it isn't about transforming this world into perfection.

3dd5b1 No.1488467

File: b7910f693dc933a⋯.jpg (42.88 KB, 640x370, 64:37, 1018316866.jpg)


Do you really think zionism is not apart of the problem with the united states?

5b6c9a No.1488468

File: 6b143dbab012501⋯.png (3.05 MB, 1919x1273, 101:67, sanparo_trump.PNG)


San Paro is definitely TRUMP territory

a67de6 No.1488469

File: 5de140953e303f0⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1061x904, 1061:904, fakeGarrison3.png)

File: f0dc5f8ac595e9d⋯.jpg (158.94 KB, 1000x857, 1000:857, realGarrison3.jpg)



try harder shill

37cd0c No.1488470

File: bdcc8acb5cc08a8⋯.jpg (56.87 KB, 720x685, 144:137, 31498099_1859463640739234_….jpg)

91872b No.1488471


Nobody in that position could possibly be that stupid so I think larp too anon

fc99b1 No.1488472

File: a427e24d1c57d59⋯.png (228.43 KB, 648x740, 162:185, DoD 5-20-18 7 pm PST.PNG)

66fa50 No.1488473

f42b2a No.1488475

File: d2b1c77a7b62278⋯.jpg (56.34 KB, 582x465, 194:155, FullMetalSgt.jpg)

84ce1f No.1488476


Q dropped a post that said No Filters on it . Recently. I don't recall what number. Helper anons? Glad you are smart enough to know the clues are in the shitpile sometimes

c9ae15 No.1488477


likewise, not a hacker.

but i know my networks.

have research tools, basic digging led me here.

i don't like 'guessing' at some of q's clues. prefer clear direction, but understand reasons for high noise-to-signal ratios.

is what it is.

still think the ibm cloud is the best lead.

6a4fac No.1488478


Do one with prince harry


They could turn it into a Bathhouse to honor his legacy.

8164b4 No.1488479


Amen Anon.


4b1d32 No.1488480

File: 87350b07718583a⋯.jpg (43.56 KB, 640x340, 32:17, wwg1wga-5b0228.jpg)

0f2340 No.1488481


It was filtered.

6d4bf1 No.1488482


>Do you really think zionism is not apart of the problem with the united states?

zionism is a problem. an alliance with a israel cleansed of the synougage of satan aka zionism is not a problem and will actually be a source of great blessing to the united states, israel, and the world.

223476 No.1488483


Ding ding ding

Stit clown identified

Every. Fucking. Bread.

these racist fucks are not welcome here, they are trying to break unity

Oh… add "schlomo" to your filters

Bread is so much better now. Amazing difference. They are losing their power to disrupt.

41862c No.1488484


kek - epic video anon

d64bce No.1488485


If what u claim about ur intentions is true how do u reconcile being a part of a board that has been investigating a literal worldwide satanic cult while at the same time professing you don't believe in God? That's some serious cognitive dissonance anon.

f74a84 No.1488486


wasn;t Daniel one of Joseph's 8 brothers, the youngest son of Jacob - wasnt it Daniel who was kidnapped and interpreted dreams for the evil king?

1ef1a0 No.1488487

File: 14838283e935b80⋯.png (61.67 KB, 558x424, 279:212, nofilters.png)

ac13a9 No.1488488




06743e No.1488489


Q was merely wishing each & every one of us blessings & comfort in our lives. Q is obviously what we call a "Christian", therefore he quotes the bible. All others should just take it as good wishes from Q. I get wished "happy hannuka" once in a while. Sometimes "may allah bless you". I just take it as well wishes & certainly not something to be offended over.. Y'all stop arguing.

2a26f0 No.1488490

File: 8af54732cf53ec2⋯.png (245.36 KB, 578x669, 578:669, ClipboardImage.png)

This supports my strong suspicion that Bill Priestap 'was' FBI-anon and 'IS' involved in, if not 'the' Q…


4b96ee No.1488491

Anons, please raise a glass and join me in a toast…


3dd5b1 No.1488492


Do you not get how memes work?

a61e82 No.1488493


Q is the highest security level that is issued.

Initially issued and used by the Dept of Energy because it initially guarded the development of the first nuclear bombs and associated tech.

Being the highest clearance level offered, it is legit across departments and gov entities. Hence, Q clearance allows access to everything, everywhere.

Not claiming that is all perfectly correct, but is as close as I'm going to get off the top of my head, this tired.

a67de6 No.1488494



I'm gonna filter all day every day

a2da75 No.1488495

File: 035f3c267836e4e⋯.png (4.25 KB, 270x270, 1:1, glowing.png)

d28606 No.1488496


Actually, Pope Pius V was right. "All the evil in the world is due to lukewarm Catholics".

We are in a spiritual battle and weak Catholics who had the front lines in the battle put down their armaments and left the field which allowed the evil to overrun the world.

83f2ff No.1488497


Better unlearn everything you were INDOCTRINATED in school with. Sometimes a secular education is a bad thing, well it never is a good thing really. Go learn from the ants if you don't want to read the Bible.

37cd0c No.1488498

File: b7f283843d7326d⋯.jpg (308.64 KB, 1269x400, 1269:400, newsheriff.jpg)

b3fe66 No.1488499

Do you know something we don't?


4eba76 No.1488500


he meant the chans as a platform. you can filter the bots and those you find annoying/useless, it's ok. or you can skip it. but not a directive from Q in that sense

086350 No.1488501


In Duterte City!!!

39013f No.1488502


Same here. I've been looking for about ten minutes. I'll keep trying.

6d4bf1 No.1488503


44 in office 70 yrs 7 mo 7 days after he was born…. only fitting.

b88bad No.1488504

Was over on twitter …the abc Loretta fuddy 7 min video is gone from google ..only utubes still up

dc1aa8 No.1488505



Q team you best protect this awesome woman bc deep state gonna be deep statin' after that comment.

db3414 No.1488506


There was a few questions and remarks about his past so I had hoped to fill in a few blanks. Same about his bio-dad.

735337 No.1488507


no,, you have been lied to

do real research yourself dont just spout off some crap you heard that you think is true

0419ee No.1488508



Truth is Clean with No Indoctrination, let the chips fall where they may

f16616 No.1488509


Exactly, thank you.

fc99b1 No.1488510

File: c7e5e510d870ebd⋯.png (963.28 KB, 839x515, 839:515, General Kelly 1.PNG)

File: b135e24f8f32de7⋯.png (959.88 KB, 1018x573, 1018:573, POTUS and General Kelley.PNG)

a61e82 No.1488511


That looks exactly like what Kathy Gifford needs.

5b301e No.1488512

File: 0b733fad6e08e2f⋯.jpg (135.72 KB, 500x472, 125:118, 152827047_734365f078_z.jpg)


3dd5b1 No.1488514


j e w s are the racist ones.

2491fe No.1488515


There's the jew, and then there's the (((jew))), maybe we should start calling them who they truly are, 'the synagogue of Satan'.

223476 No.1488516

>>1488467 Fuck off shill. If you were serious this stupid bullshit muhjoo-ing would be a rational conversations. Filtered.

99c187 No.1488517


>Being gay is the result of sexual abuse at a young age.

We are all given a cross to bear (weakness to overcome) by GOD himself.

So, when you go to the gay bar and look for men to sleep with, you are forced to do that?

Don't be silly. YOU MADE A CHOICE.

Christ will help you overcome the temptation. That is what you are supposed to do. OVERCOME. The Victory is within. YOU.

80e6df No.1488518


I don't know why, but I always get excited to be let down with anon predictions

e89011 No.1488519


That's not memeing.

It's plagiaristic and lazy.

4e33a3 No.1488520

File: 0acf821e3627d0b⋯.jpg (38.51 KB, 597x585, 199:195, 0cd176f2a91ec9c8affefb3b42….jpg)


Can anyone format a nice thread and but this petition on blast in 8pol?

Also, would it be wise to promote it on half chan?

Maximize optics?

37cd0c No.1488521

File: 21fff451b3fcfb4⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 386x384, 193:192, index.jpg)

83f2ff No.1488522


The good ones are still arrogant and smart mouthed, which makes them bad still.

0f2340 No.1488524


It was filtered.

52bad0 No.1488525

File: 3ae454a60730fb3⋯.jpg (148.85 KB, 676x664, 169:166, 3ae454a60730fb3f9f7ee6ad42….jpg)


e82bcc No.1488526


She has no choice, but to attempt to change the narrative, because she knows she is fucked 12 ways from Sunday! I think GEOTUS enjoys watching them squirm! Fucking CUNT! I can't decide who I want to see hanging from a noose more, her, or Hussein.

3d5850 No.1488527


I was agnostic until I realized the depth of the evil that is out there (Thanks to this board and information available here). That much evil & my urge to fight it can only mean 1 thing. It is and always has been about good vs. evil…

60a6f5 No.1488528

6e53cd No.1488529

mkultra shut down when?

661e3b No.1488530

>>1488444 chekek'd

>>1488460 yes, they do, so

eat shit, (((faggot)))

41862c No.1488531

File: 3efb83db6d8cfb0⋯.jpg (94.49 KB, 1000x620, 50:31, 223.jpg)


I was telling a fellow patriot about 23 and the board (for the 2nd time), and he said 23, that's an important number, like .223

Hope you made it to this board, we need you.

9d2d2c No.1488532


Sara seems pissed

a2da75 No.1488533


that's a reference meaning there is no censorship you dumb fuck

f1cb4f No.1488534


Finale this Tues 05/22/18 at 8PM EST.



>03/03/18 23:03:59

80 days btw Q drop & Roseanne finale.

(79 days, just shy of 21 hrs to be more exact)

Not sure if that means anything, but there you go.

<(tho Roseanne does love her 8's)

37c3cf No.1488535

File: 0d1fbb111722f5e⋯.png (52.36 KB, 615x468, 205:156, john-o-brennan.png)

f74a84 No.1488536

File: 161311f7e2cb56d⋯.jpg (7.5 MB, 9000x6000, 3:2, STFU Clown.jpg)

File: 3735995671641c6⋯.jpg (34.45 KB, 1440x841, 1440:841, filterJustFilter.jpg)

9587b6 No.1488537

The Time is at Hand – A Patriot’s Call

Hear the Call of our Forefathers who fought Tyranny from abroad and through their action brought forth on this Continent a NEW NATION dedicated to the proposition that:

- All men are created equal,

- That its PEOPLE are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, among these are:

o Life,

o Liberty and

o The pursuit of Happiness.

- WHEN its Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the “RIGHT” of the PEOPLE to alter or to abolish it, and to institute NEW GOVERNMENT.

- WHEN a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce the PEOPLE’S RIGHTS under absolute Despotism, it is the PEOPLE’S “RIGHT” and “DUTY”, to throw off such Government, and to provide NEW GUARD for the PEOPLE’s future security.

NOW, given the FACTS and ACTIONS that our Government has exhibited, a long train of abuses and usurpations, by design, and has conspired against its own PEOPLE with the objective to reduce the RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS of its People, as guaranteed and provided for in the Constitution, the PEOPLE have the RIGHT to alter or abolish this form of Government and institute a NEW GOVERNMENT.

“To prove this, let the FACTS and ACTIONS be submitted to a candid world.”

Time is at hand for ALL PATRIOT’S and PEOPLE of like mind and conviction, to stand up and Declare to the World that our current form of Government is not of the People, by the People and for the People but has been usurped by others for their own Objectives.

The PEOPLE must therefore exercise and protect their Rights, as provided for in the Constitution, undertake such actions, as may be necessary, to alter or abolish our current form of Government, and institute a NEW GOVERNMENT to protect and insure the Freedoms and Rights of the PEOPLE.

Ya Think

84ce1f No.1488538

File: 848842fb7d6c1ef⋯.png (75.14 KB, 642x745, 642:745, 848842fb7d6c1ef67360baef8d….png)

>>1488433 ((((YOU/HIM)))) got another dubble dubbz that means the electric chair treatment from what I read in the handbook … Enjoy your trolling time now clown its all you got left.

4e33a3 No.1488539

File: 260a1f8a51ad092⋯.png (312.37 KB, 768x2021, 768:2021, IBOREXPANDED.png)


bit. ly/QIBOR


223476 No.1488540

>>1488514 Ha ha fag cuck is changing the coms to get thru the filter.

wont work shills, find a new home for your trash fake faggot nigger shit

19aaee No.1488541


When and what were julia barsi.circs?

60a6f5 No.1488542


The same time the FED RESERVE ends….


6d4bf1 No.1488543


now that is SOOOOO Good!

1cd921 No.1488544


FFS stop that. Abuse is one part, natural deviation is the other. Leave people preferences aline. Abuse has to stop

99c187 No.1488545


No he didn't. They get info and special access from sources at the WH, not Q

3dd5b1 No.1488546


how many jews are satanists? does that really fix the problem?

6afeb8 No.1488547

File: 5218e8c0f958432⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1244x2192, 311:548, nowcomespain2.jpg)


oh of course, he doesn't remember. Very funny.

21a31b No.1488548



consider for notable

>>1488286 A Cicero quote for Brennan about being a traitor

a03909 No.1488549

File: e2bfded44b89f99⋯.jpg (140.66 KB, 630x630, 1:1, KeK AF Glide Path Jake.jpg)

File: f3a1d367fe1984c⋯.jpg (679.82 KB, 1603x925, 1603:925, Screenshot-2018-5-21 ADS-B….jpg)

Well, several hours later, that P8 Orion Subhunter is 200 Knots off the San Diego coast at 27K feet and 500 knots IAS. That is a far piece for training

Training is typical at 50 knots away from the harbor

65c805 No.1488550


Satan is part of your fairy tale, not mine.

I'm after evildoers. Many of them probably don't believe in Satan either.

If some of them do, that doesn't make it real.

Good and evil exist without outside influence.

1ef1a0 No.1488551



a01235 No.1488552

Hold the Line Anons! seriously. Push Back. Fight. shtf.

37cd0c No.1488553

File: ed93f5cea3fdff9⋯.jpg (281.05 KB, 867x392, 867:392, sataniccore.jpg)


>how many jews are satanists?

3ee10c No.1488554


Sarah knows more than AJ ever will even pretend to know, and she doesn't go around screaming about it either.

3dd5b1 No.1488555



99c187 No.1488556


Abuse will always occur, this is a fallen world. Evil surrounds you.

It is up to YOU to OVERCOME. Man UP.

6e53cd No.1488557


paid disruption of online forums by paytraitors end when?

84ba97 No.1488558

File: 92f6e422a5f44a3⋯.jpg (36.2 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 92f6e422a5f44a3b4b3c5746e5….jpg)

b88bad No.1488559

Levin on !

60a6f5 No.1488560


52bad0 No.1488561


thats because she knows everything, she knows how bad it is

she is getting the good intel

she knows the depth of the swamp

6d4bf1 No.1488562


As far as I'm concerned all of them. They follow the Talumuddy. Now there are people who are heirs of the promise and sometimes call themselves jews and I'm not talking about those.

0adaae No.1488563



Here's a Scripture for you:

"But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die. And if you say in your heart, 'How may we know the word that the LORD has not spoken?'– when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him. (Deuteronomy 18:20-22 ESV)

Definitely don't fear you, false psyop QTPi !!!!!

8bf62f No.1488564

File: 289950e80ee0b48⋯.png (742.68 KB, 1274x715, 98:55, 3503-8257345-80432-454234.png)

223476 No.1488565

homosexuals are victims of sex abuse shill tactic identified

Muhjoo filtering is working.

c043a1 No.1488566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




5aedbb No.1488567



who delivers indictments, or arrests people being served?

not a lawfag

fb72c2 No.1488568


At this point they're hoping the people stupid enough to believe them will give them sympathy when their time comes.

84ddf3 No.1488569

File: 3dc35f98e527b0d⋯.jpeg (7.17 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepe fail.jpeg)

Damnit. >Fail




Meant for



Fucking fail and i waste my first trips.

b88bad No.1488570


That’s after

189934 No.1488571


wb nasimfag …ready to go full MAGA vs deepstate?

We could use your help, your a good memer

60a6f5 No.1488572







As long as the FED is still around, Corsi wins.

a2da75 No.1488573


no not exactly. filtering someone is a choice that doesn't effect the whole board. censoring does. STFU

83f24f No.1488574

File: 35d87deb64fa2dd⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, WizardsWarlocks.png)


Man, that would be wild. FBI Anon brought me to this dance. /pol/, CBTS, then here. Something about the whole FBI Anon volume just radiated authenticity to me.

I need a baseball cap with "WE HAVE IT ALL" monogrammed on it.

84ce1f No.1488575

File: fb09e3fb8615d2b⋯.jpg (6.94 KB, 190x255, 38:51, 7397c388d1d7da1409b0c83743….jpg)


dubble dubbs keked . I learned to not filter because of huge drops coming inside shitposts. Its very complex situation here . No filters is my best advice, Carry on Anons Im done with it .

5c826c No.1488576


Slow day in news = shill playground

086350 No.1488577


Magog must to going down soon…

37cd0c No.1488578

File: e7b2f6e0d1c3269⋯.jpg (19.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, g_i_wonder.jpg)

43b9be No.1488579


I disagree with your underlying premise that it takes indoctrination to believe in God. Every culture has come up with its own version. Humans are hardwired and if they don't find God, they create idols. I was from a nonreligious home but loved God from early childhood (preschool). I can't remember not feeling his presence in my life. I consider it a gift. Please don't discount what you don't understand.

73b974 No.1488581

File: 35c3e2067fa40b0⋯.jpg (170.47 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, IMG_7406.JPG)


Correct, anon. But I'll bet he makes a hell of a toast!

0419ee No.1488582


Welcome Home…,,,,

This IS the Last Generation..,.

2a26f0 No.1488583


I hate you.

That is all.

a22e9e No.1488584


he is just so amazing

really has his own unique style

99c187 No.1488585


Yes I can say it's a choice. Grow up. MAN Up. stop making excuses for sinful behavior and say "Oh gosh 40 years ago I was abused, therefore I can live a life of sin".

Total, complete, horse manure.

a67de6 No.1488586

If anyone was here last night, THAT was the epitome of a comfy bread

511b36 No.1488587


>>1488535 Brennan lectures Ryan and McConnell over Trump

b7bfe8 No.1488588

File: bef2bc996019a07⋯.png (225.43 KB, 1296x867, 432:289, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at ….png)

http:// thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/388549-stopping-robert-mueller-to-protect-us-all

80e6df No.1488589

File: 73fd060aeb7de61⋯.png (358.09 KB, 610x343, 610:343, drop your socks.png)

8bf62f No.1488590

File: 289950e80ee0b48⋯.png (742.68 KB, 1274x715, 98:55, 3503-8257345-80432-454234.png)

b3777e No.1488591

File: 196a997a0e7f041⋯.png (507.61 KB, 500x391, 500:391, ClipboardImage.png)


223476 No.1488592


Shill identified.

dont filter is a shill tactic

60a6f5 No.1488593


Not good enough, anon. Gas taxes are high for what? More funds for the cabal low key. Not ok. Poisonous Monsanto is still teabagging us. Q needs to focus his sights on the real evil. The cabal can disperse and infiltrate all this shit. End the money, they won't work for free.

661e3b No.1488594

File: 59deaad659846ca⋯.png (140.54 KB, 392x246, 196:123, babe-ruth-called-shot_larg….png)


fair enough…I judge people by their actions..no more, no less.

For instance, Jared Kushner seems like a solid dude, since he's been doing yeoman's work on the ME peace process. His wife, Ivanka (daughter of GEOTUS), seems pretty solid, too. Kek!

Not exactly people I would consider "kikes" in the context of the way we communicate here (or anywhere else, for that matter).

The arrogant and smart-mouthed, though? I've met plenty of (((them))), and their actions generally match their attitudes/words.

Whatever…that Patrick Little guy is a (((faggot))), and he's not going to win.

66fa50 No.1488595

File: 43e149fb69a4ca7⋯.jpg (78.96 KB, 970x647, 970:647, Custom Image 2005201821105….jpg)

File: 084855ccfccb9ec⋯.jpg (59.67 KB, 640x405, 128:81, Custom Image 2005201821063….jpg)

File: 6a6595ffdfe81dd⋯.jpg (42.27 KB, 790x444, 395:222, Custom Image 2005201821065….jpg)

File: 95d3433cafe355d⋯.jpg (282.16 KB, 1702x1135, 1702:1135, Custom Image 2005201821071….jpg)

9d2d2c No.1488596

File: 080d1211f9f14e6⋯.png (149.42 KB, 455x322, 65:46, Screenshot 2018-05-20 at 7….png)

5b6c9a No.1488597


I think Restructure was the term used.

60a6f5 No.1488598


I love you, anon. No homo, bromo.

db3414 No.1488599



>>1488398 goes with >>1488367

as it would not let me post all pics

6d4bf1 No.1488600

File: 36fffeb1b597088⋯.png (2.15 MB, 700x10413, 700:10413, god bless the usa.png)

b1d194 No.1488601

>>1488526 It's a conundrum, isn't it? Will say that if Q offered to give me a ticket to ONE event, and one only, for me it would have to be Slick Willy. Fake, worthless, evil low life rapist/traitor, unfit for dogcatcher.

6e53cd No.1488602

It's about to BREAK.

b3fe66 No.1488603

Well said anon


f1cb4f No.1488604


took me a sec…but mayest thus

a67de6 No.1488605


lol foreal

835fed No.1488606

File: 6629e98644c83f9⋯.png (65.43 KB, 938x412, 469:206, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at ….png)





The structure of the FED will change as-in removing the legs of the triangle /_\

84ba97 No.1488607

File: 004a7d560758903⋯.png (110.47 KB, 442x462, 221:231, 004a7d560758903fd1aec94eec….png)

0f2340 No.1488608


Born and raised Catholic. Pop meant well - but who was I to say he was misguided?

932955 No.1488609


KEK. Everyone likes a piece of tail every now and then.

2491fe No.1488610


Another retard who won't just admit they're a Satanist.

a22e9e No.1488611


>some crap you heard

that is not nice anon

considering i told you i studied the bible with OSB educators

you need to study more but this time let exegesis be your friend

that was the first word the monks wrote on the blackboard before we started with genesis

66fa50 No.1488612

File: 0016c4455959529⋯.jpg (169.93 KB, 1600x840, 40:21, Custom Image 1805201821263….jpg)

File: 5dbf6632a96a42b⋯.jpg (114.69 KB, 965x599, 965:599, Custom Image 1305201823582….jpg)

File: ac39788e392f7af⋯.jpg (424.49 KB, 2048x1463, 2048:1463, Custom Image 2104201820593….jpg)

84ce1f No.1488613

File: 9adcab33289985b⋯.png (9.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 43fb3d54b375621f9dc008789a….png)

>>1488444 DUBS AND TRIPS !!!

c956c7 No.1488614


Thank for saying that. IMO it's the shills saying to not filter so we see their disinformation

b88bad No.1488615


Not to butt in but I agree with you anon !

5aedbb No.1488616


can't wait.

reset it all.

cc8aa0 No.1488617


Several times today my browser reported that "a script is slowing down the web page".

That lag is most likely an updated framework script that is causing issues here on 8chan.

37cd0c No.1488618

File: 7b9d370124ca0c7⋯.png (456.19 KB, 662x371, 662:371, wrongassbitch.png)


>I think Restructure was the term used.

5c826c No.1488619


Damn right it was .. I told nite how much i love them more than dayfags

15bbc0 No.1488620


Your desire for censorship is palpable.

60a6f5 No.1488621


This motherfucker makes me hate boomers with a passion.

d7dcf4 No.1488622


hehe, I was chasing white rabbits last year, then ran into some moldyleafbread. Read FBI Anon later, and it made perfect sense.

9ae912 No.1488623

United States Navey Commercial on television

just aired and guess what it started with.

It says, "THIS IS NOT A GAME."

More comfirmation?

661e3b No.1488624


kekekek…I was baking one night, and some dude kept asking where all the dough was…dumas had me filtered.

da4e68 No.1488625


Erdogan is one thing.

But who does he serve?

If Anons don't already

know everything about

Adnan Oktar by now,

then they better start

digging up everything

they can find about him.

c6001d No.1488626

File: 187be80e74af244⋯.png (47.35 KB, 775x127, 775:127, USMarshallswiki.png)


From wiki:


>law enforcement for the US Antarctic Program

this caught me by surprise

4837a6 No.1488627



3348db No.1488629


Baker Notable

This puts it all together- stage being set AND why

Great job anon making or finding

60a6f5 No.1488630


NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Not fucking good enough.

fdcb06 No.1488631


sure I'll it to orig post


84ba97 No.1488632

File: 3677f54a219db2e⋯.jpg (119.32 KB, 792x792, 1:1, 3677f54a219db2e91d787f9661….jpg)

1cd921 No.1488633


Unbelievable, sin not sin, whatever adults do if they agree its not of your or my business. We are here to stop abuse of kids and innocent victims. You are mixing all in one bucket. The last thing i want is some religious nut dictating others what to do from a high horse

6d4bf1 No.1488634


Yeah it was pretty good last night from 6-10 my usual times for being on here when I'm here.

a0071e No.1488635


We need a traceable currency that accrues karmic value by how it is spent. If you knew where a dollar had been/what it had been used for, imagine how the value of each dollar might reflect societal benefit. Dollars with a good reputation are worth more than dollars with a bad reputation.

No more dark money.

Think about the possibilities. It's coming. Crypto is halfway there.

37cd0c No.1488636

File: 4febe8704ac46a9⋯.jpg (61 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 32824864_10156337380256774….jpg)

b10d7a No.1488638

Up Coming U.S. Elections – Winners Needed. so SOROS TEAMS UP WITH FACEBOOK

When you look at some of the richest people in the world, and research where their money came from, and how they are spending it…


The globalist propaganda and thought control company, Facebook, announced on Thursday that they will “use the Atlantic Council’s Digital Research Unit Monitoring Missions during elections and other highly sensitive moments” to ensure no meddling takes place in elections. In plain English, they’re going to meddle in elections to make sure that nobody else does. That’s not exactly correct, they’re going to make certain that as few conservative voices as possible are heard, even by those who desire conservative content, and that liberal, globalist, anti-American commies get the majority of space on their platform. Who better for them to partner with in the naked pursuit of globalist power objectives than George Soros? And with the midterm elections upcoming and the 2020 presidential contest coming into view, the timing for the open borders, anti-America crowd to join together to choke out pro-American voices couldn’t be more opportune.

The anti-Trump, anti-American Atlantic Council is funded by George Soros through his Open Society Foundation network. In making the announcement, Facebook said they were “investing heavily to prevent our service from being abused during elections.” That almost sounds honorable until you consider Zuckerberg’s FWD.us is an open borders advocacy group that shares the same political views as their partner in the censoring of information, globalist Georg Soros. Their definition of abuse will certainly be different when viewed in the context of leftist versus conservative information. Their statement said, “Today, we’re excited to launch a new partnership with the Atlantic Council, which has a:


Deep state is needing wins in upcoming elections to keep the game going, and the illusions on the masses in place. Can’t afford another loss like the U.S. presidential election or the pedophiles will surely get named in places beyond the “DEEP WEB” The Blame game for HIllary’s Loss seems to be going to the Comey leak about the 1% emails handed over by Wikileaks. Where are the voices that called Comey out last year? Why are they speaking out now?


a03909 No.1488639

File: e2bfded44b89f99⋯.jpg (140.66 KB, 630x630, 1:1, KeK AF Glide Path Jake.jpg)

Planefag want to take over watching P8 Poseidon off the San Diego coast? Early day for me tomorrow. Mission looks like it might run a while.

511b36 No.1488640


Is there a list of celebs who have been awarded these medals by a president? Maybe there's some connection.

06743e No.1488641


Anon he was referring to the MSM & Twatter when he was speaking about no filters. He wasn't saying WE shouldn't filter.

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 563afa No.1419720 📁

May 15 2018 11:06:44 (EST)

Autists - we thank you.

Patriots - we thank you.

We came here for a reason.

Freedom of information.

No filters.

History books.

Be proud.




784164 No.1488642


Yes you did.

84ba97 No.1488643

File: b09c292616fc5b4⋯.jpg (51.65 KB, 635x467, 635:467, b09c292616fc5b48a517173eca….jpg)

a22e9e No.1488645


got a "few" 1000 of those for my AR

c9ae15 No.1488646


the building in the last one is the Corinthia Hotel, I believe.

surv picture (last one) focused on this intersection:

51.506633, -0.123333

3ee10c No.1488647


Well said anon! Sláinte!

65c805 No.1488648


I think it's obvous who's the retard here.

e959ec No.1488649

File: d6e9116d8dc6c5c⋯.jpg (54.84 KB, 476x291, 476:291, carter2.jpg)

db3414 No.1488650

Thank you Baker :-)

84ba97 No.1488651

File: fabb8cf107123f2⋯.png (392 KB, 500x625, 4:5, fabb8cf107123f288048155542….png)

3dd5b1 No.1488653


>i fite 4 j3wz on da interned

a lot of them wouldn't mind 6 million chirstians dead, hey look what happened to the orthodox church in russia under communism… god bless retard

12ca58 No.1488654

File: 6188acad6dd1179⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 413x395, 413:395, 1a18e64344cff28f68e92b5351….jpg)

Friendly reminder, ANY post not focusing on digging drops or research is slide or divide tactics and replying to them is achieving their desired goal.

a22e9e No.1488655


like i said i learn something new everyday

just never know what you are going to learn next, makes one interdashing

e27979 No.1488656


K ys.

Everyone is greatful.

a67de6 No.1488658




163df6 No.1488659


Good catch.

c956c7 No.1488660


Kills me this takes so much heat every bread. Can you say over the target?

ccbff9 No.1488661

File: 9c52a6599e466f4⋯.jpg (20.64 KB, 550x413, 550:413, sum8tow4r9ye6pcawvvbfalxux….jpg)

Phase 3 rocket separation

1ee1c9 No.1488662


that article is written by a former clinton aide hmmmm i wonder why he wants the sc gone

904662 No.1488663

File: e1c725f20bf05a0⋯.jpg (91.02 KB, 980x551, 980:551, trump toast.jpg)


Here, here!

31c33d No.1488664

You guys arguing about who and who not to filter

and I'm just sat here not filtering anyone because

I know a shill, troll or faggot when I see one.

Ignore them. Eyes can filter.

48cc4a No.1488665


go get it trending and force him to see it.


932955 No.1488666



91872b No.1488667


All I care about is not fucking over the honest people who've worked their whole lives to save, and had it screwed away through usury and lies and deception from the banks and government and wall street.

Hang them all I say and redistribute the wealth to honest patriots with a real currency system that rewards patriots and TRUTH.

f1105b No.1488668

is it evil if it needs to be done?

84ba97 No.1488669

File: 92098ac85397cb5⋯.png (551 KB, 728x574, 52:41, 92098ac85397cb5dc874e8c4d2….png)

06743e No.1488670


The anon has taken this crumb way out of context. Q is referring to MSM & Twatter, not us here on the board.

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 563afa No.1419720 📁

May 15 2018 11:06:44 (EST)

Autists - we thank you.

Patriots - we thank you.

We came here for a reason.

Freedom of information.

No filters.

History books.

Be proud.




ad3a6c No.1488671

File: 3833ccb32295a7b⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 294x294, 1:1, godonourside.jpg)


It makes the darkness fearful. :-)

56d2b4 No.1488673


When you have an idea like this anon, the idea is yours, and you're the one that should work on it.

5aedbb No.1488674


interesting (on the USAP) of which i know nothing. ty anon.

i like the "execution of federal arrest warrants."

a2da75 No.1488675

faggots are putting me in E5 mode.

a67de6 No.1488676


thats hilarious anon!

I <3 Sara Carter (no homo)

4837a6 No.1488679

2491fe No.1488681



Let's all read this, since op is clueless

21a31b No.1488682



Send that out asap into normieland!!!!

932955 No.1488683


Can't say I like the trip sixes. Can I buy a vowel instead?

84ce1f No.1488684


THIS ^^^^^^

66fa50 No.1488686



Yep. He meant we are unfiltered. He did not mean don't filter shills.

c6001d No.1488687



ea614d No.1488688

File: f42f8b4d9ee1fce⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 248x189, 248:189, c24242574d2edd4b820093fd69….jpg)

File: f74ea1f8dec0178⋯.gif (483.36 KB, 280x215, 56:43, johnny-laugh.gif)

6d4bf1 No.1488689


kek [these people are stupid]

31c33d No.1488690

Moving to next thread.

Thank you to the Anons providing information.

Great reads.

Bakers, much love.

To those that are arguing, fuck you.

a22e9e No.1488691


oh there are just a couple of jerks using the board for their own private chat room

get out of here…

c956c7 No.1488692


Aren't you the righteous shill with18 shitposts.

f1cb4f No.1488693


What about commutations?


On January 17, 2017, as one of the final acts of his presidency, King Hussein commuted the sentence of 74-year-old Oscar Lopez Rivera, the Puerto Rican nationalist who had served 35 years of a 55-year conviction for the crime of “seditious conspiracy,” as well as attempted robbery, explosives and vehicle-theft charges.

f7f617 No.1488694

Anons, is there a way to search old breads for a word or phrase?

223476 No.1488695

>>1488660 ==over the target is fake and gay==

d029f0 No.1488696


Tits or gtfo

0f2340 No.1488697

File: 490af05db2f4799⋯.png (12.3 KB, 575x110, 115:22, ClipboardImage.png)


This is evil

904662 No.1488698

File: a3bafcc0919374f⋯.png (269.06 KB, 655x432, 655:432, reagan top kek.png)

b1d194 No.1488699

File: 330f5551bc3a9bc⋯.jpg (100.74 KB, 700x700, 1:1, BigFatReptilianWedding.jpg)


Kek kek. Here, took the watermark off it for you.

288943 No.1488700


Fooling people into not believing in God is part of their devious stratagem(from the beginning). That's why everything we are taught is opposite of God's word. So you can question and not believe.

3d5850 No.1488701


I love both Sara's - both badass women

7da29a No.1488702

File: dd01b76b085c385⋯.png (687.35 KB, 762x613, 762:613, breaking.PNG)

3dd5b1 No.1488703


plagiarism is copying w/ credit, everyone knows its a ben garrison comic, the poster had no illusion of this

507d57 No.1488704

If not us then who?


6e53cd No.1488705

HAMMER TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get fucking fucked shills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a22e9e No.1488706


tell me about it

3ee10c No.1488707


nice catch

da4e68 No.1488708

File: 570b1df359d9823⋯.png (115.51 KB, 420x438, 70:73, stage5.png)

84ba97 No.1488710

File: b0ae2f64cc6b40b⋯.png (363.95 KB, 660x518, 330:259, b0ae2f64cc6b40ba15ac86f438….png)

dc1aa8 No.1488711

File: a97074493a7e169⋯.jpg (575.46 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, image.jpg)

File: 5f9fa97fca56ef7⋯.jpg (310.14 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, image.jpg)

GUYS!! Check this….Just re-reading crumbs and figured something out. Referring to the time No Name was dealing arms over in Syria, Q left this post recently. (pic related)

Erik Prince's guys still guard Mideast Prince's. (He lives in Abu Dhabi w a place also in Va)

In this pic he selects "Prince" to SPECIFICALLY highlight.

Meaning, Erik Prince's guys were there GUARDING A PRINCE. Who was it? Why were they there? Are they now one of our sources?!

6d4bf1 No.1488713


yes on the main catalog there's a window there to do it but it's unreliable.

I suggest finding one of the q archives and searching there.

fdcb06 No.1488714

File: 3c623ebf138d102⋯.jpg (60.74 KB, 490x274, 245:137, _be7py1gx6ad.jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

a67de6 No.1488715


wtf you talking about anon

I love that chick?

66fa50 No.1488716


Thanks anon. I took it as that we anons are unfiltered here too.

e89011 No.1488717


^^^ This.

We as well as Q team.

6d4bf1 No.1488718

end bread

086350 No.1488720


This will be a long war…

15bbc0 No.1488721



What do you think unfiltered becomes when you filter it?

d029f0 No.1488723


Rules are rules anon, kek

288943 No.1488724


The area where George Bush went

c6001d No.1488726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let's try that again

84ddf3 No.1488727


e89011 No.1488728

06743e No.1488730


Try some reading comprehension you idiot. Q was referring to not being "filtered" by MSM & Twatter, etc. He NEVER SAID NO FILTERS, LOOK:

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 563afa No.1419720 📁

May 15 2018 11:06:44 (EST)

Autists - we thank you.

Patriots - we thank you.

We came here for a reason.

Freedom of information.

No filters.

History books.

Be proud.




ad3a6c No.1488733

File: 177f9270e74ae59⋯.jpg (72.38 KB, 607x372, 607:372, download (2).jpg)

File: 4e1f0a16094c978⋯.png (264.28 KB, 356x485, 356:485, 4e1f0a16094c9782ac201d1cf0….png)

File: af26eb28168b76a⋯.jpg (100.4 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, be-resolved-soldier.jpg)

File: 33dfa68bca87841⋯.jpg (44.39 KB, 662x662, 1:1, patriotic-cross-lg.jpg)

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– Ephesians 6:10-18

99c187 No.1488735


Right, you reject religion, because GOD has told you your lifestyle is sin.

Therefore, no one is allowed to correct you. Am I right or am I right?

3dd5b1 No.1488736


>nazi's are leftwing

37c3cf No.1488737

File: 101551750972d92⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 213.37 KB, 480x640, 3:4, pij-sock74s9o1_500.jpg)

b10d7a No.1488738

File: c3258558eb05ecb⋯.png (215.25 KB, 517x447, 517:447, ClipboardImage.png)

United Nations Migration Chief Attacks Trump, Claims Mass Migration in ‘National Interest’

United Nations Migration Agency Director-General William Lacy Swing has issued a barely concealed attack on the U.S. President, claimed mass migration is in the “national interest”, and that concerns about migrants are based on “false stereotypes and unfounded fear”.

“People say … we don’t want any migrants, build a wall and burn the bridge,” Swing sneered. “They identify [migrants] as ‘the other’. That is a big fear,” he claimed.

The former U.S. diplomat issued his thinly veiled attack on President Trump in an interview with the Korea Herald, buttressing it with a sustained assault on populism more generally.

“It is very toxic in nature, built on a lot of false stereotypes that they are coming to take our jobs and bringing in criminal elements, probably bringing in diseases. None of which was proved,” he claimed.

The statement seems incredible, considering the ferocious violence which migration-background organised gangs like MS-13 are known to employ in the United States, or the mass sex attacks by migrants on New Year’s Eve in Germany, among other examples.

In terms of disease, it has also long been established that mass migration from the Global South is worsening public health in the West, with migrants known to have doubled the rate of HIV, trebled the rate of tuberculosis, and increased by twentyfold the rate of hepatitis B in the United Kingdom as long ago as 2003.

Swing attempted to sell his interviewers on the idea that “Migrants are [the] ultimate agents of development,” claiming they should be pushed on prosperous South Korea as an alternative to increasing automation and productivity because “robots don’t pay taxes”.

“[Migration] is inevitable, but also necessary,” he insisted.

“It is in [the] national interest. And it is absolutely desirable if we have the right policies rather than being stuck in the past, he ” he added — suggesting national should use their visa systems more “resourcefully.”


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