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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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First time on 8chan? First time on /QResearch/? Click here before posting, newfag.

File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

7f310d No.1473933

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1464360 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode

Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

PAST Tripcodes: !4pRcUA0lBE, !xowAT4Z3VQ , !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ----- We control [utility].

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ----- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ----- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472843 ------------------------ (Password expose)

Thursday 05.17.2018

>>1449911 ------------------------ Messages sent

>>1449784 ------------------------ Guardian of the Pope

>>1449636 ------------------------ Space Shuttle Pic

>>1449191 ------------------------ Vegas Pic

>>1448841 rt >>1448660 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448660 rt >>1448537 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448537 rt >>1448466 ----- We are everywhere Anon

>>1448221 rt >>1448152 ----- Note the jackets

>>1448152 rt >>1448140 ----- London Pics

>>1448140 ------------------------ London Pics

>>>/patriotsfight/87 ------------ (deleted) see: >>1447680 , >>1458342

>>1445345 rt >>1445248 ----- >>>/patriotsfight/64

>>1445147 rt >>1444934 ----- As We Prepare To Land

>>1444934 rt >>1444808 ----- God Bless the United States of America

>>1444808 rt >>1444682 ----- Stay vigilant

>>1444682 rt >>1444632 ----- There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves


>>>/patriotsfight/85 ------------ ]SESSIONS[ Reels In Huber

>>1440925 ----------------------- Trump admin to provide F&F records

Wednesday 05.16.2018

>>1439789 rt >>1439665 ----- Bomb disposal team

>>1439564 rt >>1439507 ----- Think Pickle Factory

>>1439411 rt >>1439389 ----- Impressive

>>1439283 rt >>1439204 ----- 100% authentic

>>1438448 ------------------------ Gina Haspel Career Timeline

>>1438412 rt >>1438387 ----- WE ARE Q!

>>>/patriotsfight/84 ------------ Do what is Right

>>>/patriotsfight/83 ------------ End of the Witch Hunt

>>1434225 rt >>1434153 ----- "FREEDOM" Caucus.

>>1434153 rt >>1434062 ----- Today was the precursor

>>1434041 ------------------------ US History [ABCs]

>>1432972 rt >>1432956 ----- Those with an agenda to silence will fail

>>1432958 rt >>1432955 ----- Follow the pen/Jim_Jordan tweet

>>1432939 rt >>1432926 ----- SIS

>>1432932 ------------------------ Follow the pen

>>1431154 ------------------------ No Such Agency vs Clowns In America

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub


If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

'''2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=Q Clock Graphic=


7f310d No.1473944


are not endorsements


>>1473237 When was EO signed?

>>1473349 Update on questionable notes from earlier breads

>>1473414 5-23 Bitches

>>1473422, >>1473541 POTUS signature comparison

>>1473606 Tripcode reveal was intentional, Qonfirmed

>>1473615, >>1473754 Follow the Pen

>>1473728 May 23rd NYS GOP Attorney General nomination

>>1473776 Whatever POTUS signed, referenced in this tweet?

>>1473777 Holy Trips

>>1473783 They FF when they think a bad EO is coming their way

>>1473838 Texas Shooting Suspect Seems ‘Weirdly Nonemotional,’ Lawyer Says


>>1472531 New Q trip code whitelisted

>>1472625 Reee password reset

>>1472776 New Q Trip Summary

>>1472890 Qanon.pub Anon heads up

>>1473015 IP Hash release from BV


>>1471656 Santa Fe Student Killed Tied to State Dept Program

>>1471695 Halpern Involved in C_I During Carter Admin.

>>1471702 POTUS free schedule

>>1471711, >>1472056 MSM trying to tie Don Jr. and his estranged wife to Saudis and other foreign govts.

>>1471797 Mueller the Patriot

>>1471861 Sexual Misconduct Covered Up under HRC State Dept

>>1472035 Trump tweet re: docs

>>1472140 More mispellings, Melanie

>>1472272 Planefag Update

>>1472440, >>1472440 Q password exposed


>>1473082 "Airkek posts"

>>1471236 Planefag Notables

>>1470845 Alleged img of Pope with 34 Chilean Priests of Resigned

>>1470906 FBI Informant of Trump Campaign, Stefan Halper, Oversaw a C_A Spy Op in the 1980 Presidential Election

>>1470944 Windsor over Merkle “W”+”M” = masonic square and compass

>>1470962 Eric Prince Testimony regarding wieners laptop posted for the 106th time

>>1470971 C_A Anti-Liberation-Theology document side-by-side with Pope’s Argentina crimes

>>1470983 Meghan Scottish Markle Ancestry (only 4 lines Jesus anons help me out here)

>>1471031 Child covers ears next to previous royals wedding (useless is useless)

>>1471151 BBC Knew Sante Fe Shooting remember (WTC-7)

>>1471183 DNC allegations correlate to day Adm R cuts off data sharing with FBI

>>1471154 Vallarie Jarrets Initials bring up “castle Lock” when searched qntmpkts.keybase.pub board

>>1471158 Curious Halper Contract

>>1471204 Yanni or Luarel Clip

>>1471211 CA Deputy district attorney speaks out against SOROS $1.5m into san Diego election race

>>1471222 Nimrod Evergreen Moloch Conjecture

>>1471259 Harry/Megan’s reception is at Frogmore House (LayerCake & Facts of Life)

>>1471268 Mays Common theme

>>1471286 Opus Dei Alleged (please be real)

>>1471305 Follow the Money: Stefan Halper, 6 Government Payments

>>1471312 110 Death in Plane Crash. Passenger List Required

>>1471315 Follow The Wives (MEME), >>1471386 Oprah @ Wedding with victim and (((wiensten)))

>>1471333 Chilean Preises resign for the 129 time

>>1471364 20 priests died/ were murdered on the plane that crashed in Cuba SICK.


>>1471373 area around, and Capital Building is an OWL when viewed from above , >>1471537

>>1471439 Don Trump Jr. Met With Saudi's Before Election


>>1470127 Fodder (meme of Potus) Love POTUS, but Notable?

>>1470128 OWLS for darknet Big Data Firm, 59 gov agencies data comp’d on Darkweb

>>1468242 Lady Di Interview (rip)

>>1470147 Mayor Of London's Connection To Queen, >>1470293 Peasants are The Subject,

>>1470192 Happy #ArmedForcesDay from POTUS

>>1470344 , >>1470382, Bill Donovan

>>1470362 Solidarity Polish trade Union Supported by C_A and Vatican >>1470511 (You) >>1470582, >>1470627, C_A Anti-Liberation Theology, especially when priests give hope to freedom-fighters Pope Implicated?

>>1470400 Time stamp request for POTUS announcement of Melania’s recovery

>>1470463, >>1470495, Flotus Recovery dig

>>1470420 TechFag says Back It Up! (GREAT NOTABLE BAKER YOU FUCKING SHILL)

>>1470444, >>1470389 NO context, (someone else look at this)

>>1470458 Is Megan Branded (GREAT NOTABLE ONCE AGAIN YOU CUNT)

>>1470695 4-minute Delta POTUS regarding FLOTUS recovery

>>1470696 La Bouches Thorton Dies in Plane Crash, Misspells Melanie, >>1470770, Melanie Higgins?

>>1470757 20 Priests Die in Cuban Plane Crash

>>1470772 MS-13 Chuck Schummer

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

7f310d No.1473951

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

7f310d No.1473958

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#22 >>>/comms/1119 , >>1473591

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

*Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 18,000 Memes and Infographs Searchable by Subject


Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Memes: Latest Stockpiles

Memes21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ----------------------- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Bake Your Own Bread!

New Bakers Report To Class >>>/comms/154

RTBM https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

>>1470959 Applebakers Texttools

7f310d No.1473967

File: c09ac1df1e525b0⋯.jpg (179.9 KB, 527x683, 527:683, _r3qshd4y9ol.jpg)

Dough #1851



c41fa0 No.1473986


Angela Merkel got some beautiful white roses, huh?

They've been the welcoming gift of Putin to Merkel when she arrived for their meeting in Sochi. Source:


Since white roses were used for funerals, we can only assume what Putin tried to tell the world by that present.


12a632 No.1473987


It depends how long it takes to prepare a FF. I imagine it takes, at least, a couple of weeks. If they already pulled off all the got for now, reloading probably won't happen that fast.

830704 No.1473988

File: 2dbb7e2a21889da⋯.png (641.92 KB, 642x460, 321:230, ClipboardImage.png)

2ca96d No.1473989

File: fd6ac439c53be02⋯.jpg (272.92 KB, 800x421, 800:421, avalancheDJT.jpg)

6a0259 No.1473990

File: 52e14b5415e3db6⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1080x1430, 108:143, Screenshot_20180519-174845….png)

Using your phone's flash or a desk lamp?

1dc77f No.1473991

>>1473977 (prev)

It's been archived thousands of years ago in ancient Sumerian texts

e687ac No.1473992


>Santa Fe victims

you mean vicsims

as in simulated

7e48af No.1473993

File: cabdfb780d7c2ee⋯.png (1.62 MB, 991x1125, 991:1125, bakergirl3.png)

thanks baker! (pic related, first time using lol)

God Bless Q, POTUS, and the USA

ecef2a No.1473994

File: 469d78c8da0bd21⋯.png (692.25 KB, 720x537, 240:179, djt_on_the_chans.png)



565605 No.1473995

Q, do you vape while posting?

4dbd7b No.1473996

File: 63ef2d01c3e6464⋯.jpeg (7 KB, 200x300, 2:3, 08cefd9be00a7de2a9783d4c3….jpeg)


7f7181 No.1473998

Just heard them say on Entertainment 2Nite show…

Princess Diana's psychic says that harry's marriage will bring….

(Wait for it…)


Doesn't take a psychic. KEK

565605 No.1473999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8482b5 No.1474000

File: 1ed61509f32b5b7⋯.png (758.64 KB, 359x640, 359:640, Dec 12 2017 17-03-32.png)

File: 254d3301a888d24⋯.png (726.49 KB, 295x640, 59:128, Jan 6 2018 16-14-22.png)

File: 10ae86dc8fc3ca5⋯.png (298.33 KB, 295x640, 59:128, May 10 2018 20-49-00 .png)

File: 7db68c7715d5bc7⋯.png (2.67 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, May 19 2018 17-41-54.png)

Here's every "pen" picture Q has posted, labeled w date and time posted. (May 19 flipped)

Hope this helps in some way.

3853b2 No.1474002

File: 1ee611790b2c759⋯.jpg (609.14 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Gum.jpg)

acc214 No.1474003



9f3322 No.1474004

File: 9ba1847a9638c17⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 987.38 KB, 584x876, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

7e48af No.1474005


takes a shot, hits a blunt, snorts line of a chick's ass then

*types in tripcode

1c0269 No.1474006


thanks, anon. Good work.

0f6944 No.1474007


It was a mistake. 'Fess up, Q. Nobody will think less of you just because you keep making the same mistake over and over and over again. They teach this kind of thing at the Naval Academy … chew each bite 19 times … attention to detail.

## before pass.

Sometimes ###.




Future repeats past.

Hide head in shame - not necessary.


bbf1ae No.1474009




https:// www.proflowers.com/blog/history-and-meaning-of-white-roses

e687ac No.1474010


bet his Pepe maymay folder is world class

892069 No.1474011


Trips confirm. Each EO has dealt a sever blow to the elite.

Can’t wait to see what this one has in store

e8edd1 No.1474012


Q posted around 6pm EST

add 23hrs

= 5pm EST Sunday May 20th

ce5846 No.1474013

File: f5a5238618d059e⋯.jpg (12.39 KB, 374x135, 374:135, images33.jpg)


Praying for you President Trump and Q team/Anonhedds. We are Winning !!!! I got a feeling when the big guns start shooting there will be no stopping it !!! D5 !! KEKmate !

e87b28 No.1474014

File: 885dfa3782796c9⋯.jpg (292.93 KB, 789x825, 263:275, IranLeavesSyria_.jpg)

File: 72496e8d0d692ec⋯.jpg (432.33 KB, 1089x1271, 1089:1271, IranLeavesSyria.jpg)



Russia Demands US , Turkey And Iran To ” Pullout Of Syria ” [May 18, 2018]

Still think that Russia is on our side here. No need for POTUS to stay in Syria any longer.

Next thing would be Iran and denuclearization-plan. Economic preassure and the EU

eating their pickle could do the rest?




320cb7 No.1474015

I pray to god that when the fuckers behind the FF attacks go down, it is made public that they were responsible for them. I know the public can't handle everything. But this needs to be exposed. The people of this nation (and others) need to know that run of the mill citizens are better than that.

31e731 No.1474016

File: 0006d9601ab1b2c⋯.jpg (91.17 KB, 600x450, 4:3, g863635461286799078367256.jpg)


Thanks Baker

And a YUGE THANK YOU to all of our US Military

8a61b5 No.1474017

File: 388856dabb1b4b4⋯.jpg (231.22 KB, 828x830, 414:415, WWG1WGA.jpg)


Can't wait for them to be gone Q, of course I don't think it means we can relax and take it easy yet. Time to get the shovel and keep digging.

Thanks Bakers, anons and autists. ThanQ too for making it possible.

95a54a No.1474018


what room of the white house is this? never seen it before

adfc47 No.1474019

File: cf604703f93e236⋯.jpg (129.75 KB, 750x1095, 50:73, jon.jpg)


From our brethren at GA


Do you believe in coincidences? - Q

1 point


5 minutes ago

Owl is the symbol of Whig Party (anti- Andrew Jackson): a political party of the United States during the era of Jacksonian democracy. the party was formed in opposition to the policies of President Andrew Jackson and the Democratic Party. The Whig Party is a political party that was established in 1833 in the US in opposition of the policies held by President Andrew Jackson.

Today — represents the banks, banking systems, banking reserves, banking paper — that Jackson fought against.



7e48af No.1474020

File: b9bc9db95d7c727⋯.png (156.22 KB, 807x741, 269:247, checked2.png)

4d036b No.1474021

File: 5e7a4b825bed684⋯.png (359.28 KB, 576x575, 576:575, corsi-aint-happening.png)

0be5e6 No.1474022



>>1473976 (prev. loaf)

Now that's what I call a Baker!

Godspeed Baker

I'm off for tonight, before I turn into a pumpkin even more so :/

Good night, all.

293aa7 No.1474023

Many Thanks Baker!

ecef2a No.1474024

File: dab6d8e0bbd0e08⋯.jpg (59.55 KB, 720x615, 48:41, 1491622746193.jpg)

e6cb02 No.1474025


Just, the best lighting folks.

I mean it's really something.


8cb046 No.1474026

Q, how are you going to keep us United after we defeat evil?

d2c258 No.1474027

Is Robert Mueller a Judas Goat by design to lead the bad actors to their demise?

bbf1ae No.1474028


Not until that The Kurds are sure.

9ddfc6 No.1474029



5092cc No.1474030

File: ab80dbb531b7b5a⋯.png (1.65 MB, 2754x1111, 2754:1111, FollowThePens_Study the EO….png)

File: 6e6052e0161e1cc⋯.png (3.15 MB, 2754x2612, 1377:1306, FollowThePen_Study the EOs….png)

File: 9bfa25922378a7f⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, pens-clock.jpg)


+repost for freshbred

<Q!4pRcUA0lBE 05/19/18 (Sat) 18:07:12 ed23c9 No. >>1472472

<Password exposed?

>Q !CbboFOtcZs 05/19/18 (Sat) 18:10:28 f68852 No. >>1472525

>Mistake or on purpose?


<Anonymous 05/19/18 (Sat) 18:13:43 8c3ee6 No. >>1472580

<You knew when you set that trip, that the PAIN would be delivered "—-23!!!"

<More evidence of foreknowledge.

>Q !CbboFOtcZs 05/19/18 (Sat) 18:17:19 f68852 No. >>1472647

>I'd watch the news that day.


>>>/patriotsfight/91 ———— NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

>NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! 05/19/18 (Sat) 18:03:54 43dd2a No. >>1472440

> >>1472035

>They thought it was coming yesterday.

>They were wrong.

>Follow the pen.


1. Dec 12 2017 17:03:32 (EST) !ITPb.qbhqo ID: bb0fbe 82056


Merry Christmas.


2. Jan 6 2018 16:14:22 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c9daa0 8159


Look familiar?

Note the desk.

Where is everyone this weekend?



3. Jan 24 2018 15:50:32 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo 59


4. May 10 2018 21:49:00 (EST) Q !4pRcUA0lBE 73


5. May 19 2018 18:41:54 (EST) Q !CbboFOtcZs 90



>5 Pen photos posted by Q

>1. Dec 12th 2017

>2. Jan 6th, 2018

>3. Jan 24th, 2018

<4. May 10, 2018

<5. May 19, 2018

>What executive orders were signed on these days?

<DEC 12 https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-adjustments-certain-rates-pay/

<DEC 20 whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/

<jan 6 https:// www .whitehouse. gov/presidential-actions/presidential-executive-order-protecting-america-lawful-detention-terrorists/

<jan 24 https:// www. whitehouse. gov/presidential-actions/presidential-executive-order-protecting-america-lawful-detention-terrorists/:


>First Pen Pic on Dec 12

>December 20, 2017 53 13817 A Federal Strategy To Ensure Secure and Reliable Supplies of Critical Minerals

>December 20, 2017 54 13818 Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

>December 22, 2017 55 13819 Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay

>January 3, 2018 56 13820 Termination of Executive Order 13799 (Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity)

>Second Pen Pic on Jan 6

>January 8, 2018 57 13821 Streamlining and Expediting Requests to Locate Broadband Facilities in Rural America

>January 9, 2018 58 13822 Supporting Our Veterans During Their Transition From Uniformed Service to Civilian Life

>Third Pen Pic on Jan 24

>January 30, 2018 59 13823 Protecting America Through Lawful Detention of Terrorists

>>This one says Jan 30 https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/presidential-executive-order-protecting-america-lawful-detention-terrorists/

>>Dec 12 EO should be the human trafficking EO signed 12-21: whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/


The pen posts were prior to EO releases, the last ones were all to set the stage that releases come after the pics. This is why they FF when they think a bad EO is coming their way. I think they got baited hard yesterday and dropped all the FF they had prepped.

Dec 12 - Q Pic

> EO Signed Dec 8, Publish Dec 13 (WEDNESDAY)

> EO 52 - Revising the Seal for the National Credit Union Administration

Jan 6 - Q Pic

> EO 57 - Streamlining and Expediting Requests to Locate Broadband Facilities in Rural America

> EO Signed Jan 8, Publish Jan 11 (THURSDAY)

> EO 58 - Supporting Our Veterans During Their Transition From Uniformed Service to Civilian Life

> EO Signed Jan 9, Publish Jan 12 (FRIDAY)

Jan 24th - Q Pic

> EO Signed Jan 30, Publish Feb 2 (FRIDAY)

> EO 59: Protecting America Through Lawful Detention of Terrorists

May 10th - Q Pic

> NO EO: what happened Friday 11th?

May 19th - Q Pic after FRIDAY

> NO EO: what happened Friday 18th? (shooting, FFs)

293aa7 No.1474031


Everyone agrees

ac2366 No.1474032


Has even 1 funeral been an open casket? Because if these kids did die the Left would plaster their dead bodies everywhere as means to get gun control (like when people post black lungs to stop cigarette sales or post aborted fetus pics to stop abortion)

6945c1 No.1474033

File: 7586fe5d5d7b644⋯.png (108.63 KB, 424x310, 212:155, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at ….png)

I love having the ME conflict at home, paying for it in $$ and the blood of our soldiers.

Go f yourselves.

a53551 No.1474034


And then some very bad things need to happen to them.

Very very bad things.

0f6944 No.1474035


… that, these are classic symptoms of a monetary squeeze.

e49b08 No.1474036

File: fb9fbb885fbfc54⋯.jpg (312.89 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, #FeelzGoodMan.jpg)

Baker's a ROCK STAR

TY Baker. Comfy AF.

bd3ccd No.1474037


Mar a Lago

b72307 No.1474038

File: b1d739ddc073578⋯.png (323.77 KB, 1185x728, 1185:728, ClipboardImage.png)

FINNY72 hugging the coast. Originated in Cyprus.

0bbd06 No.1474039

File: 22bd9382c9b47cd⋯.png (17.14 KB, 1027x731, 1027:731, 2b3f5bc3ad65270f242c443e31….png)


The lighting just got ten feet taller.

bbf1ae No.1474040


Hugo Chavez?

344f4a No.1474041

File: da11f956e856d05⋯.jpg (239.65 KB, 1250x1000, 5:4, dt.jpg)

Looks legit to me.

ec1db4 No.1474043


ThanQ you for everything !!!!

6be67d No.1474044

Can you feel the world is changing?

Hungary ousts Soros

Chilean bishops threaten to resign over pedophilia

NK may find peace

The forces of evil are being extinguished

7061a4 No.1474045


One year after Skull and Bones….

ae7e53 No.1474046

File: c454ae1d0b9acb7⋯.png (136.65 KB, 591x789, 197:263, IMG_4307.PNG)

Doesn't that pen look damaged here?

78e428 No.1474047

File: db2c11002e9881a⋯.jpg (681.48 KB, 1080x2046, 180:341, Screenshot_20180519-164319….jpg)

File: c51b01eb3fbc5b7⋯.png (6.47 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, c51b01eb3fbc5b7f1f19365aa0….png)

File: 9ba5750c5588a67⋯.jpg (127.33 KB, 1080x385, 216:77, Screenshot_20180519-163836….jpg)

File: 2fd5e0153a187fd⋯.jpg (464.38 KB, 1080x1022, 540:511, Screenshot_20180519-163155….jpg)

>>1473015 prev

Someone with Q team IP hash anon posted an image of an archived Twitter account that has been deleted for some time, I think from around March 2017, when someone says the person behind the account has joined Trump's team.

Can anyone explain this?

7f310d No.1474048


Cheers, good night GMTanon

b2b45f No.1474049


And didn't Roseanne Barr recently Tweet about Whigs? I'll try to find it.

af5a68 No.1474050


The shadow on the left looks like the outline of a Marine standing at the ready.

ec1db4 No.1474051

Same signature he signed for me.


3e483c No.1474052


no need to spoiler, don't be shy, those are beautiful tits :)

0bfb70 No.1474053


Protip: tripcodes are max 8 characters in Shift-JIS charset. Adding more characters changes nothing.

Ie. #abcdefgh123

would produce the same tripcode as


1fd3fa No.1474054


I recognize Sean Penn, who are the others?

6945c1 No.1474055


Don't think so, looks like reflection to me.

a0713b No.1474056


tx anon.

Have there ever been EO's released on Sunday?

ce5846 No.1474057


Is that a real photo or shopped 8ch page?KEK

d36a2c No.1474058


No it’s the reflection ..you can also see hands holding a phone in the reflection at the bottom

ecef2a No.1474059


It's a person holding a phone.

Lighting is ambient. Likely in a very well-lit room with large windows for sunlight.

d9f6b4 No.1474060

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

PAIN coming for AJ, IW, Stone, Corsi


"If Infowars uses this kind of infiltration methods and this kind of comms, what do you think Infowars REALLY is? Who is REALLY behind Infowars? Why does Alex disrespect Trump and desperately looks for his attention? Why is Alex announcing Trump’s possible murder at every single show? Why is Trump now showing him utter disregard? What does Trump know about Infowars since he became POTUS and took control of the Intelligence Agencies?"


: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8jpkoe/from_q1364_to_q1368_the_golden_thread/

AJ video today title 'Exclusive: Mueller Team Actively Investigating Alex Jones / Infowars'

d4c612 No.1474061


Agree. We are going to need something big to slap the naysayers into reality and this could be one such thing. The 4-6% are what they are and are lost, but there are many that will tow the party line, they'll need something big and irrefutable.

6945c1 No.1474062

File: 51db2bfdb6ea087⋯.png (543.36 KB, 539x542, 539:542, Screen Shot 2018-05-16 at ….png)


TY, Baker!

aff39c No.1474063

File: be418fe7a2e12d3⋯.png (383.37 KB, 478x677, 478:677, 8763298732465893.png)

3fabf2 No.1474064

File: ea9f059fca8b24b⋯.jpg (85.61 KB, 1377x1064, 1377:1064, _20180519_194611.JPG)

e6cb02 No.1474065

File: 697ecaef711cd9d⋯.png (644.76 KB, 1142x642, 571:321, 8b0e476357dc8a849b358920bd….png)


audible kek

4d036b No.1474066


You could be right. Either way he will officialy go down as a bad guy

Seeing how hard subverted and controlled paytriots try to get rid of him suggest you are probably right

7e48af No.1474067


noticed that when BO posted it and haven't seen anyone explain it

THOUGHT: Did Q team DOX @0HOUR1????

565605 No.1474068


That's from sticking it through Schumer's hand the last time they spoke and Schumer had to use the bathroom before leaving the WH.

a53551 No.1474069


Yeah, just spoiler the ugly, grotesque shit.

1338f9 No.1474070

Catholicfag here. There's a big difference between a Pope like John Paul II and Francis. Ratzinger is somewhere in between the two. He was much to hardline, often of the "blind obedience" type.

John Paul II was consistent and stuck it to those Commie fucks in Russia. Notable that he was Polish.

Francis deliberately allows his words to be misconstrued by the MSM in an attempt to appease.

John Paul II was a Catholic.

Francis is a Jesuit. Many Catholics do not care for Francis. On the other hand, an odd cult of personality has arisen with Francis in our parishes and schools.

Do not trust Jesuits (I spent 8 years at their schools/ universities). They practically invented "Social Justice." I knew of "Social Justice" and knew it was a lie 20+ years ago before most anyone here ever even heard of the concept of "Social Justice."

Likewise, watch the University of Notre Dame. They have involvement with Haiti "aid" and Chile. They allow the worship of Mary. Catholics know not to worship Mary. (The Hail Mary is not a prayer to worship Mary, it is to ask her to intercede with God on our behalf. I doubt many at Notre Dame see it that way.)

Distinctions must be made.

A Good Pope will return. (Or perhaps we will no longer require a Pope when this is all said and done.)

d84e71 No.1474071

File: cd7d9bc14e6ba68⋯.jpg (22.14 KB, 626x353, 626:353, stable genius.JPG)

43e14a No.1474072

4cb107 No.1474073

File: 00ee92e3a70578c⋯.png (78.51 KB, 178x271, 178:271, WhigParty.png)

File: e0fe58ce736f08a⋯.png (56.73 KB, 495x504, 55:56, ModernWhig Party.png)

d794fb No.1474074


Jew York Times turning on Israel and Saudis, implicating them in election meddling in second Trump Tower meeting.


>"By then, a company connected to Mr. Zamel had been working on a proposal for a covert multimillion-dollar online manipulation campaign to help elect Mr. Trump, according to three people involved and a fourth briefed on the effort. The plan involved using thousands of fake social media accounts to promote Mr. Trump’s candidacy on platforms like Facebook."

81f29d No.1474075


pls add todays pen on the clock if you can

f702bf No.1474076

>>1473950 (lb)

Justice delayed is justice denied, only if justice comes after you've died.

In the meantime, some want Q to stop posting, is what I meant by the end. Every time I see "Q's not coming back", i know it's bullshit. When Q is done, it'll be crystal clear, highly doubt that it'll be ambiguous.

565605 No.1474077

File: 570d31224f2f395⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1198x622, 599:311, Screenshot_126.png)

Sky Event

2d9335 No.1474079


Battle Pen

64f3ad No.1474080



>The lighting just got ten feet taller.

Under budget and ahead of schedule. kek!

565605 No.1474081

File: bf64ed79a50c1f6⋯.png (615.46 KB, 900x595, 180:119, Screenshot_120.png)

6a0259 No.1474082



Doxxed/pointed out

8c7cee No.1474083



NASA shooting fake Mars pics there?

07332b No.1474084


They didn't say he joined Trump's team.

It's a dickrider trying to shill for 0H the troll.

d92d1d No.1474085

File: 169c1d3160847b3⋯.png (48.34 KB, 688x310, 344:155, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at ….png)

They thought it would be yesterday, so school busses had to crash, an airliner had to crash, 2 school shootings and 10+ Americans had to die for nothing? God damn it Q - just fucking kill them!

bb9990 No.1474086


thats was a lot of phones...

which mean there is a lot of traitors


why would the ig not want the report released......they made it at potus request...i'm not following

075205 No.1474087


It'd be nice if Q would put a stripe around a pen…

And then the GEOTUS signs something with said special pen.

It's like hiding an easter egg in your code to prove it was you, but a dented endcap works, too, I guess

b823e0 No.1474089

File: 714951421efe8e5⋯.png (681.77 KB, 727x573, 727:573, inapickle3.PNG)

621009 No.1474090

The only pertinent thing we would have a use for with an accidentally leaked q password would be the JA insurance files.

The keys were released in 2016 but contained. Are the int agencies cleaned enough to allow propegarion and spread? Or will they xkeyscore/echelon them?

404037 No.1474091


I'm not aware of any, then again, I haven't been looking. All I know is that when a suicide bomber blows people up in the middle east they aren't shy about showing blood, severed limbs, and other gore. We are all grown up enough to see that, but they have to hide us from the "truth" of school shootings? No pics, no surveillance footage, etc.?

299e65 No.1474092

File: f6c0848a8ced406⋯.png (199.75 KB, 1077x964, 1077:964, DS_Again.png)

Edited another Anons idea.

ecef2a No.1474093


0H0UR1 been doxed long ago https://www.reddit.com/r/MakingaMurderer/comments/4a06l0/the_0hour_twitter_page_is_going_off_opinions/

e8edd1 No.1474094


I don't think it really matters

Emergencies do not wait for mondays

64e0ee No.1474095

81f29d No.1474096


ENHANCE! is it Q or is it GEOTUS or ?

23d067 No.1474097


Dear Anon,

The tripcode itself was a message, so the extra characters were necessary.

ad264e No.1474098


this was my thought also , no way around it …

4f28da No.1474099


Take a hell of a long time to line these ducks up!

Well, done, Anon!!

446083 No.1474100


You dont need a Pope now!

All you need is faith in Jesus!

The pharisees will lead you to hell!

52f53e No.1474101

James Woods Twitter Back up


01b2a0 No.1474102

File: 35442e8150c1b35⋯.jpg (2.38 MB, 5472x3648, 3:2, eo1.jpg)

File: dd63641fb80a881⋯.jpg (80.07 KB, 482x196, 241:98, eo2.jpg)

100% authentic.


bbf1ae No.1474103


Already is declared war

7e48af No.1474104

File: 61001fc990489eb⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1500x1465, 300:293, mmga.png)

9f3322 No.1474105


>"Q's not coming back"

Yea. This is the most idiotic of all shill attempts.

293aa7 No.1474106


Gen, Flynn is my guess

5092cc No.1474107

File: 273c7b952f2a874⋯.png (158.72 KB, 814x413, 814:413, Q 2018-05-18 19-19a 138903….PNG)

File: d789fef8bb571bc⋯.jpeg (165.79 KB, 1199x735, 1199:735, 0C5EEA87-7893-4D7C-A701-5….jpeg)

File: a9e0002e22af645⋯.png (216.37 KB, 812x461, 812:461, Q 2018-05-19 13-01a 146961….PNG)

File: c51b01eb3fbc5b7⋯.png (6.47 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 105391E9-F004-47CB-A08D-AC….png)

File: 40019820c1b3897⋯.png (52.81 KB, 802x617, 802:617, Q 2018-05-08 00-36a 66.PNG)

>>1474047 well, it's not-so-slowly-less-of-a-secret now, but sometimes Q does post as anon...

>Anonymous 05/19/18 (Sat) 13:01:41 b9981e No. >>1389036 <<

>File (hide): c51b01eb3fbc5b7?.png (6.47 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 105391E9-F004-47CB-A08D-AC….png) (h) (u)


>Anonymous 05/12/18 (Sat) 19:19:32 28dae2 No. >>1469612 <<

>File (hide): d789fef8bb571bc?.jpeg (165.79 KB, 1199x735, 1199:735, 0C5EEA87-7893-4D7C-A701-5….jpeg) (h) (u)

>Anonymous 05/08/18 (Tue) 00:54:33 bcd064 No. >>1334351 <<

> >>1334324

>Removing the NY AG was vital.

>Think Weiner.

>Think HRC.

>Review past FBI investigations [NY juris].

b2b45f No.1474108

File: eee3b6f65a12a95⋯.png (53.77 KB, 604x372, 151:93, AQ51.PNG)


Found Roseanne's Tweet.

Either not smart enough to spell "Wig" correctly or something else.

258b73 No.1474109

File: c3f9aa60d50aa81⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2296x1921, 2296:1921, qgraphicmeeting19.jpg)

File: cd09040cbece6f5⋯.jpg (511.45 KB, 1902x785, 1902:785, qpotushawaii.jpg)

File: 01c2da3ebb6bf0a⋯.png (270.64 KB, 668x1250, 334:625, clocktheoryYO.png)

guys if you know a date…. you can find the Q clock time

if you have a time… you can find the date

use the Q clock

ecef2a No.1474110


>They thought it would be yesterday, so school busses had to crash, an airliner had to crash, 2 school shootings and 10+ Americans had to die for nothing?



c4d942 No.1474111


Looks more like a castle to me!

752a7c No.1474112

File: f98ed21ecd25e69⋯.png (648.11 KB, 773x644, 773:644, 3db10753594e1ad57ec26a7a43….png)

Let your voices be heard!

Let's start a storm #InternetBillofRights

Please, spread the word about the Petition and remind the people that they do indeed have the POWER and VOICE to create CHANGE


#1. We The People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

Additionally, a link to the petition can be found at the top of each bread.


If you have yet to sign and are on the fence about it, be BRAVE



acc214 No.1474113

File: 73ed7b39487a7a2⋯.jpg (147.22 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, St._Padre_Pio1.jpg)

8a61b5 No.1474114


Fuck off we don't dox Q.

6a0259 No.1474115


The whole Vatican has been a satanic cesspool for a long time. Pedophilia, satanic rituals, and corrupt finances have been going on since at least the late 1800s when Roths originally gave a loan to the Vatican.

adfc47 No.1474116


I also recognise Soros (minus the bags and pepe thumb and forefinger. Is the nigger @jack?

a9db8a No.1474117

File: 76ebe17519a0e6b⋯.png (574.18 KB, 468x610, 234:305, Screenshot-2018-5-20 ad25b….png)

bb9990 No.1474118



word of advice

never sign anything...never

don't let'm in your house etc....never

320cb7 No.1474119


that meme is so fetch kek

2f3cfb No.1474120


I would like a replica of that pen as a memento of Our Q time.

0a98f0 No.1474121

File: 695b92e4409fbff⋯.png (1006.46 KB, 937x610, 937:610, jcee.png)

5b611b No.1474122

File: 9e11a580d62608f⋯.jpg (9.79 KB, 300x168, 25:14, fakenews.jpg)

3dd2c9 No.1474123


It just happened. In the name of decency give them time to notify the rest of their families & make funeral plans.

cd9bab No.1474124

File: 50232706e5a8102⋯.gif (839.97 KB, 468x259, 468:259, 23676D38-0FB0-40B0-BD77-DE….gif)

We have the best people, folks! We really really do. Thank you Potus! Thank you, Qteam!


8c4c08 No.1474125

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Someone make a Pepe Edition pls

time to take some,

Revolution Action!

95a54a No.1474126


oh shi-

ce5846 No.1474127


AJ what a let down …..All for MONEY .

8482b5 No.1474128


Nice work. Looks like someone taking a photo with a phone.

ecef2a No.1474129

File: 70f2b725553b399⋯.mp4 (378.95 KB, 480x270, 16:9, You mean the chaos emerald….mp4)



aa2b02 No.1474130


>Either not smart enough

Clearly smarter than you.


bf5d89 No.1474131


Small elongated dent on the left side you mean ?

5092cc No.1474133

File: e0f79590d33f31b⋯.png (18.81 KB, 815x295, 163:59, Q 2018-05-08 00-54a 133435….PNG)

File: cafef00e8cbc67c⋯.png (233.88 KB, 1289x2354, 1289:2354, Screenshot_20180508f-ght.png)

File: b4b64628729cc95⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 5760x4763, 5760:4763, FireShot-Capture-060---IP-….jpg)

>>1474107 wrong 5th file

>>1474047 well, it's not-so-slowly-less-of-a-secret now, but sometimes Q does post as anon...

>Anonymous 05/19/18 (Sat) 13:01:41 b9981e No. >>1389036 <<

>File (hide): c51b01eb3fbc5b7?.png (6.47 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 105391E9-F004-47CB-A08D-AC….png) (h) (u)


>Anonymous 05/12/18 (Sat) 19:19:32 28dae2 No. >>1469612 <<

>File (hide): d789fef8bb571bc?.jpeg (165.79 KB, 1199x735, 1199:735, 0C5EEA87-7893-4D7C-A701-5….jpeg) (h) (u)

>Anonymous 05/08/18 (Tue) 00:54:33 bcd064 No. >>1334351 <<

> >>1334324

>Removing the NY AG was vital.

>Think Weiner.

>Think HRC.

>Review past FBI investigations [NY juris].

641e1c No.1474134

File: 92181d990833cc3⋯.png (31.45 KB, 894x179, 894:179, spelling.PNG)

Spelling Corrected

6be67d No.1474135


Same brunette from owl pick, the one with white bra and blue panties


4cb107 No.1474136



This is NOT the middle east and in this country, we respect the right to privacy for a grieving family. There are no cameras at funerals for a fucking reason you idiots. If you can't deal with reality that innocent children were actually killed because of (((them))), you really don't belong here.

a0713b No.1474137


Q team waited till after wedding to prevent big FF on public ?

81f29d No.1474138


"controlled opposition" in order to keep the conspiracy label alive. God forbid someone balanced and relaxed started explaining wtf is going on…. they'd censor that ass in no time…. right? as we've seen so MANY times.

2daa38 No.1474139

File: d4b735227fe0baa⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 461x256, 461:256, minus30.jpg)

is the -23 related to this -30?

298623 No.1474140


Old news…quit sliding…ffs

6e7347 No.1474141

File: 470a3a2cec6b660⋯.png (418.42 KB, 698x453, 698:453, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at ….png)





5092cc No.1474142



thanks, i wasn't the one who did the clock… maybe i could try if OP doesn't show up

c41fa0 No.1474143


No try, just saying.

And I know what I'm talking about.

Yes, there is a deeper simbolic reason and if you want to dig deeper here's the revelation (Copy of Wiki):

The White Rose (German: die Weiße Rose) was a non-violent, intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany led by a group of students and a professor at the University of Munich. The group conducted an anonymous leaflet and graffiti campaign which called for active opposition to the Nazi regime. Their activities started in Munich on 27 June 1942, and ended with the arrest of the core group by the Gestapo on 18 February 1943.[1] They, as well as other members and supporters of the group who carried on distributing the pamphlets, faced show trials by the Nazi People's Court (Volksgerichtshof), and many of them were sentenced to death or imprisonment.

Basically, yes, that was a sign that her funeral is in preparation. I tried the short way, but since anons have built up a hard resistance in believing, here you have my full spectrum of knowledge on that matter.

Love to everyone of you.

Stay vigilent, pray and let's get this finally done.

Look at this sign of Puten, we're almost done!!

Greetings, Germanfag

9bacb0 No.1474144

Last bread:


Ya cuz you certainly wouldn't want to WARN THE TARGET. SMFH

These "news" articles have gone George Webb style. They're so fuckin ridiculous they are SAD.

ecef2a No.1474145


Yes. -30 is now -23 (seven days elapsed).

4ec939 No.1474147

0827e1 No.1474148

File: 8189f91c6a586e4⋯.jpg (14.87 KB, 255x204, 5:4, da11f956e856d05bc4f17b5d99….jpg)

File: d8fb59f0f0e9816⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20180519_195033.jpg)


Love that signature!

4eb431 No.1474149

File: 4f3407ccf5a944b⋯.jpeg (16.72 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 16C1C26C-C842-4583-93E4-A….jpeg)

ce5846 No.1474150


Is Roseanne Momanon baker kek?

e648e4 No.1474151

please Q, i beg you, have no mercy on them

f702bf No.1474152


In how many wars do you immediately take out your high-priority targets & prematurely celebrate a "mission accomplished" GWB style? Only n the ones that you plan on losing. Shit, here we go again → Be the autists we know you are.

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be…

752a7c No.1474153

File: e2579dc93a00cf7⋯.gif (155.47 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 9ef0342ffbe57be8ac40937123….gif)


LMFAO thanks anon

4a65de No.1474154

File: 70cca45116cc2bb⋯.jpg (217.66 KB, 1820x1024, 455:256, IMG_20180418_131618.jpg)



Hogg in Da House!


420b79 No.1474155

File: 7afe1df95690051⋯.png (27.38 KB, 423x189, 47:21, structure.png)

>>1473971 lb

a rebalance of world currencies.

returning all nations to sovereign asset backed valuations.

the fed (structure) is still in place... just re-purposed as part of the treasury.

e8edd1 No.1474156


Logically that makes the most sense

4f28da No.1474157


>(Or perhaps we will no longer require a Pope when this is all said and done.)

If THE GREAT AWAKENING prevails, you've saved the best for last…))

641e1c No.1474158


The part that aggravates me is that they do not share the victories all we see is deaths on the innocent side.

But they are taking them down, many fallen. Prayers I just wish we knew what it was they were giving their lives to do. Not like the enemy doesn't know…

fff4b9 No.1474159

File: 8ba3725fad3be7f⋯.jpg (28.89 KB, 500x611, 500:611, President Donald Trump ste….jpg)

89415c No.1474160

File: 8cae8707cfe4479⋯.png (10.5 KB, 594x188, 297:94, Yesterday.PNG)

Q/POTUS trolling the cabal.

"They thought it was coming yesterday"

School shooting

Crate of ammo dropped thru Parkland's roof.

Friday night news cycle will be stale, yesterday's paper when the E.O. hits the streets.

Nothing they can do about MK Ultra pre staged events, but they can make them jump the gun. And sadly, kids die. They are sick.

18dae8 No.1474161



0fa4c9 No.1474163

File: b6e683b772e2d21⋯.jpg (94.19 KB, 527x762, 527:762, pepe nat geo.jpg)


Q team let him in. doxxed a picture of him here that they knew he would see and he's deleted. fucking KEK!

d84e71 No.1474164


merely poitning out that POTUS warned he would have to act and this document he signed is that action…which is sending the evil ones into a frenzy.

a0713b No.1474165


And not flipped imho

404037 No.1474166


Nobody said that real kids didn't die, just saying that the circumstances surrounding the school shootings are suspect as fuck. No need for the hostility, we are supposed to be on the same team. Calm down.

9f3322 No.1474167

File: 250718189977bae⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 546.69 KB, 425x950, 17:38, ClipboardImage.png)


I like to Spoiler before midnight, EST.

The board is drawing views from more normies now.

Don't want to turn anyone away at this point.

← Agree with you sentiment, though.

140f13 No.1474168

>>1473261 (lb)

it is too a match lol. I mean you think a hot mess signature like that is going to be identical every time?

my signature is never identical.

a9db8a No.1474169


I'm the same idiot who enhanced the other pics kek

aa2b02 No.1474170

File: 8a92dd432389a84⋯.png (31.92 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1200px-Modern_Whig_Party_o….png)

Whig Party (United States)


4cb107 No.1474171


Excuse me? You tagged my photo of wHigs. Surely you read it has a H in it.

77d396 No.1474172

What if the date is June,12?

What if Q created that password already having in mind to expose it 23 days before the event?

ecef2a No.1474173

File: c00edd36c2101d6⋯.gif (3.74 MB, 360x540, 2:3, 1507409385819.gif)


Anytime anon

e7409f No.1474174


Was a case of premature falseflagellation.

43e14a No.1474175

waiting for /qresearch/ #1869 The Pen is Mightier

92b139 No.1474176





Can see a hand holding a black smartphone but nothing more.

The area where the pen looks damaged above the hand/smartphone seems to have been edited with a basic blur effect.

194a00 No.1474177

File: b11cfaf72d55f70⋯.jpg (739.16 KB, 1246x2081, 1246:2081, Sandy Hook Conspiracy.jpg)


Lurk moar, newfag.

06c91a No.1474178


Q will be with us through it all.

7061a4 No.1474179


Oh Shit.

Great Catch. Sky Event is June 12, thats 30 days from May 13th. Then, this on the 19/20th, 23 days til the 12th. SKY EVENT will feature an arrest, or immediately thereafter based on the EOs .

265aa7 No.1474180


so counting down to 6/12/18?

f1be37 No.1474181

File: a57b56a3965bf41⋯.jpg (106.91 KB, 898x701, 898:701, DNvl5PNVoAAjy2m.jpg large.jpg)


Note - that she was in the hospital until after Saturday. Wedding & FF.

adfc47 No.1474182

and maybe poppy at the back

b88d82 No.1474184

Been on SO very many trips with awesome adventures in my life, some even lasting this long but NONE could ever COMPARE to the last 7 months of my life! ThankQ to all other anons & to you Q for the MOST incomparable, meaninful, exciting, thrilling adventure in which the significance of this journey was also the greatest honor & privilege one couldn't ever even imagine possible! Just having been a small part of THIS epic changing of the guards, giving power back to the ppl… no words! I couldn't ever let myself reflect b4 on what This movement MEANT! This was MORE than just historical! Starts to sink in as we begin the descent though!! LANDING WILL DEFINITELY BE THE MOST BITTERSWEET! Wow!! WE DID IT!!!

794bf6 No.1474185

>Why was the NY AG just removed?

>Why did Rudy recently join POTUS’ legal team after being ‘quiet’ for so long?

>What must be cleaned first?

>Who investigates?

>Who prosecutes?


I understand that DoJ etc needed to be cleaned first, before bad actors could be brought to justice.

But why did the cleaning take 16 months?

I guess there are specific procedures to be followed, each with time constraints. It could not have gone faster.

Could someone explain to me how these things work?

81f29d No.1474186


The Hand of Q… nice enough for me.

e7409f No.1474187


"I want you to listen to Corsi an hour every day, Chuckie!"

e8edd1 No.1474188


No time for them to organize

I'm feeling it for tomorrow @ 5

b72307 No.1474189


who the fuck knows….

8482b5 No.1474190


Looks clear. JUNE 12th!

02e41e No.1474191


>Q team waited till after wedding to prevent big FF on public ?

No, Q-team wants the wedding to be over with, to not deflect the public attention from the EO.

e7409f No.1474192


MAGA with her.

0f55a5 No.1474193


>I pray to god that when the fuckers behind the FF attacks go down, it is made public that they were responsible for them.

It is literally domestic terrorism.

hanging for them

public hanging

ecef2a No.1474194


Could be a misleading counter, just to fuck with g00ns.

565605 No.1474195

>>1474181 Yep, didn't have anything to wear to the wedding!

b2b45f No.1474196

File: eee3b6f65a12a95⋯.png (53.77 KB, 604x372, 151:93, AQ51.PNG)


Oh, i read it, have you?

e8edd1 No.1474197


tomorrow 5pm

5d5c3c No.1474198

File: b9ff045a7e1d7bd⋯.jpg (221.26 KB, 888x589, 888:589, Q.PROOF-ChileTXSantaFeARGP….jpg)

Speaking of 23, 5+1+8+1+8=23

and the [Pope] >#1848: Opus Deus

>>1470971 Pope Gringo / OP Condor / Argentina

>>1471976 Pope is direct investigation of Q crumbs

>>1471965 Many of the Nazis went to two places. Argentina

and the Roths

>>1471876 Roth's face

>>1471910 Hyman Redshield

>>1471735 fucked by the Rothschilds all day?

and Santa Fe

>>1471656 Santa Fe Student Killed Tied to State Dept Program

Did you know that Francis (nee Jorge) taught Psychology & Literature at the Colegio de la Inmaculada in SANTA FE, Argentina

??? Q PROOF Related.

<for #AgentNeo inda & #Witch Hunter on twatter. should blend with the other proofs nicely.

ad264e No.1474199

File: 535e1435b4cac60⋯.png (10.28 KB, 255x228, 85:76, 8aea5df7dea429b51553e86abe….png)


no one said that n00b , re read .

18dae8 No.1474200


How do we know Sky Event is June 12?

e9eca1 No.1474201

The NBC State Department pedophile coverup Video link again:


Partial Transcript:

Anchor: Thats right, according to internal State Department memos the Agency might have called off or intervened in investigation into possibly illegal or inappropriate behavior within its ranks […]

Chuck Todd: […] allegations of prostitution and pedophilia and allegations that those crimes were somehow covered up or not looked into […]

[…] including an ambassador and security agents attached to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the allegations are that these investigations were whitewashed, quashed altogether, and that those orders came from high up […]

Voice over: […] A State Department memo says that the ambassador "routinely ditched his security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children." The memo also says a top State Department Official directed department investigators to "cease the investigation" into the ambassador's conduct. Its just one of what another document describes as "several examples of undue influence" from top State officials […]

State Department press briefing, Jen Psaki: I'm not going to talk about specific cases but I can say broadly that the notion that we would not vigorously pursue criminal misconduct in any case is Preposterous. [How dare you question our privileges, you deplorable worms]

Voice over: A former investigator for the department's Inspector General has complained to Congress and the media that the investigations have not been thorough because of the pressure from those high level officials.

Chuck Todd: As we noted the Whistleblower in this case, a member of the Inspector General investigative team at the State Department, she's gone to Congress demanding an investigation and its our understanding Congressman Ed Royce, the leading Republican on the House Foreign Relations says he does plan on having an investigation […]

[…] the whistleblower says that this report that the internal investigation having to do with how diplomatic security even investigated these allegations. Thats where this scathing report came from. Its how the Investigators [emphasis] somehow dropped the investigations including into this ambassador and into some other de - including folks who were part of security detail […]

Anchor: More to come on this for sure, Chuck Todd, thank you very much.

07332b No.1474202



641e1c No.1474203


Gratz. I got one but it was for a friend and now he has it. lol, bastard is a Q LARPer now.

2b3c6f No.1474204

When is POTUS in air to NK Summit? Early crumbs point to major happenings while POTUS is in air

0bfb70 No.1474205


True, I didn't notice the "-23" part :). I just found it quite odd, but now everything makes sense. Thanks.

e6cb02 No.1474207

File: 616a999c4269973⋯.jpg (78.49 KB, 1368x669, 456:223, HESSITTINGDOWNTAKINGTHEPIC….jpg)



ecef2a No.1474208



Fuck off with that shit. The guy is kamikaze for (((JONES))) to take down Q/POTUS!

fff4b9 No.1474209

File: 608b030e14f51f8⋯.jpg (123.98 KB, 977x800, 977:800, obama busted.jpg)

File: 650ace2d139556e⋯.jpg (112.9 KB, 961x827, 961:827, Hillary dream.JPG)

File: 32f55230704a68d⋯.jpg (48.53 KB, 696x385, 696:385, Hillary in orange.jpg)

64e0ee No.1474210

Have anons seen this yet?

Mueller subpoenas another Roger Stone aide…

Special counsel Robert Mueller “has subpoenaed a key assistant of long-time Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone… the latest sign that Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election is increasingly focusing on Stone,” Reuters reports.

“The subpoena was recently served on John Kakanis, 30, who has worked as a driver, accountant and operative for Stone.”


bb9990 No.1474211


think about it…….oval office…..sunlight at his back…….no lamp, no flash natural sun light image

3dd2c9 No.1474212


When was the last time you saw the dead bodies of victims plastered all over the MSM, anon? It doesn't happen. It didn't happen with 9/11, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, Columbine & on & on. Whether you think people did or didn't die, it is not in anyway acceptable to post those kinds of pictures.

Here's some names & faces of some of the victims yesterday, if anyone is interested,

http ://abc13.com/santa-fe-high-school-shooting-victims-heres-what-we-know/3491480/

6a0259 No.1474213


POTUS/Kim meeting is suppose to be 6-12. In Singapore.

1dc77f No.1474214


Q is all of us

35259b No.1474215


She wrote it. Do you know who you're talking to?

565605 No.1474216


Why did we think Forbidden City?

346420 No.1474217


Don't forget the attack on one of POTUS's resorts

e8edd1 No.1474218

Watch for the EO to drop after midnight tonight

bd3ccd No.1474219


Will Jesus use satellite based directed energy weapon (aka laser)?

64f3ad No.1474220

File: 3cafc95cf7266a9⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1053x783, 39:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 886bf0370db69fe⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1000x782, 500:391, cd13e2bd8fcd1742052069ac75….png)


no-man's land in them parts…

a5a5de No.1474221


We are Q, resistance is futile; you will be redpilled.

d96198 No.1474222


If you can't consider the possibility that nobody died, maybe it is you that doesn't belong here.

aa2b02 No.1474223

18dae8 No.1474224


Ah right, thanks – wow

95a54a No.1474225


sorry, not really into the whole race mixing thing

2daa38 No.1474226



6945c1 No.1474227

File: 2892219eaf8de81⋯.png (460.34 KB, 623x522, 623:522, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at ….png)

Well, that's horrible.

But, what about the RAMPANT PEDOPHILIA?!?

1e2857 No.1474228


and if he is supposed to be in the air when it goes down- the 11th would be the time he would fly for the meeting on the 12th..

f1be37 No.1474229

File: fdcc39cf55374b3⋯.jpg (62.37 KB, 489x590, 489:590, MelaniaForeverFirstLady.jpg)


She would have stolen the show from the bride!

2d9335 No.1474230



The party of Lincoln before he became republican.

They were anti mason….

6a0259 No.1474231

File: f22e670f6889242⋯.jpg (12.25 KB, 191x255, 191:255, f22e670f68892429532402b198….jpg)

92246a No.1474232


Agreed, although since a reflection, it would be the Right mostly seen, and hand holding phone.

140f13 No.1474233

420b79 No.1474234


anon posted last bread with LAKE MEAD being the lake at thebottom of the image

43e14a No.1474235

File: af06c2ce227f17e⋯.webm (553.32 KB, 320x320, 1:1, gains crab.webm)

b2b45f No.1474236


Either her son, or a shill. Who else would get so offended?

0975f9 No.1474237

File: 9fa6e566bf82a57⋯.png (146.52 KB, 1089x653, 1089:653, 36hrs.png)

File: 074db63c478f3a4⋯.png (325.79 KB, 555x434, 555:434, fast and furious mara salv….png)

File: 33a53bf841f4e66⋯.png (150.59 KB, 1102x638, 19:11, 22hrs.png)

File: 0af2d7fbcd789cd⋯.png (346.92 KB, 768x768, 1:1, fast and furious.png)

File: 4f4249351263383⋯.jpg (74.4 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, popckorn deadpool.jpg)




>So we will finally know why and how they did this drug smuggling for the Mexican Cartels and other gangs in the US? Hussein, Hillary, and Holder must face justice! https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN1GJ2KH …?@realDonaldTrump #QAnon #KEK #FastAndFurious #Hussein #Hillary #Holder #WWG1WGA #MAGA #MS

Image attached

I have gotten 37k impressions with MS-13 post during 36 hours

2. Fast and Furious Memes:

>Hussein and Hillary facilitated a genocide with Operation Fast and Furious by running illegal weapons to Mexico for the Cartels to use against the Population. The very same guns they tried to righteously ban in the USA

>@realDonaldTrump #QAnon #KEK #FastAndFurious #Hillary #MAGA

Images attached

I have gotten 47k impressions with the Fast and Furious memes post in 23 bloody hours!!!

So do not forget social media.




eb95c1 No.1474238

Hello anons,

Concernfag here.

Think any anons have been [187] targeted from pushing this level of truth here or on Twatter/Faceberk etc?

that Clinton machine is deadly..

d4c612 No.1474239


Srly, shitipedia?

5092cc No.1474240

File: 9bfa25922378a7f⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, pens-clock_original.jpg)

File: 421ba87c0f1acd1⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, pens-clock_wut.jpg)

>>1474030 >>1474075 >>1474099 >>1474142

not sure how it worked originally (size & placement of pen)…

here it is with both up & down

… ?

bbf1ae No.1474241


I wasn't crazy.

The Texas/Chilean flag is very similiar.

The resign and the shooting was a direct message

If the map is correct. just lack a message for France..

81f29d No.1474242



f696ef No.1474243


Q didn't dox. Someone else did. Q just posted the pic.

e687ac No.1474244


>but they can make them jump the gun. And sadly, kids die

mostly not though

sandy hook for example - zero deaths

ce5846 No.1474245


Checked and KEKed .Q is human .

bb9990 No.1474246

cd9bab No.1474247

File: 5ec55c592571a2b⋯.jpeg (758.53 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 45AF4D56-14DB-4A33-B883-5….jpeg)

File: 5a13449491faa8b⋯.png (3.98 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 8DD5996D-EACF-43DC-A3C7-9F….png)

File: 54df3ce13685808⋯.jpeg (325.64 KB, 1242x671, 1242:671, 46AF9CD0-F74F-4538-A0B1-9….jpeg)

File: 0fc7d1aad7e04e7⋯.jpeg (351.45 KB, 1242x1281, 414:427, B3D17BCD-12AA-4CFA-9C53-A….jpeg)

File: ab93e7e0eac20f6⋯.jpeg (478.74 KB, 1242x1325, 1242:1325, F159D76B-CC2D-47DA-B6D3-2….jpeg)



0fa4c9 No.1474248


Q said we are all safe. Trust the plan

a0713b No.1474249


Dubs is good enough for me !

Time for some sleep….


4f28da No.1474250


Was hoping it was you, Anon…))

Tele has worn down my fingernails too much, but alas, the Strat is ready to go…!!

77d396 No.1474251


So true.

Bergoglio is a Soros puppet.

64f3ad No.1474252


that be this anon. kek

12a632 No.1474253


Q mentioned that Manafort was indeed a plant. Assuming that this was not disinfo, what kind of a role might Stone, his former business partner, play?

I also heard that Stone was involved in an effort to discredit Catherine Austin Fitts.

aa2b02 No.1474254

File: b8a2834b4be6c92⋯.jpg (19.16 KB, 293x282, 293:282, killyourself.jpg)


>Srly, shitipedia?

565605 No.1474255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e8edd1 No.1474256



He cannot risk the meeting with (them) still being free

Think anon

b88d82 No.1474257

Ok, y'all is ANYONE with me that D5 = 45?

fa5727 No.1474258


It's true! I saw pictures . . . on TV . . . on the news!

143ff4 No.1474259

File: 37a30b5fb1c5682⋯.jpg (70.64 KB, 960x702, 160:117, !pen tip.jpg)

4e8aff No.1474260


Damn right. 007 says DOITQ

f6337c No.1474261

Anons, can someone fill me on on Q's trip update and weird 3rd person reference posts?

Was he quoting an earlier Anon asking him to change his trip?

752a7c No.1474263


Could you add #InternetBillofRights to this?

274a8b No.1474264


ftp as in file transfer protocol

or ftp as in the direction it points is important

because hand of a clock,

or because of cardinal direction

or code wheel?

4a69c4 No.1474265

File: 68ed807c0ce0ea3⋯.png (70.25 KB, 665x469, 95:67, IMG_6370.PNG)

File: 06efd84fc2f9b3e⋯.png (59.1 KB, 592x449, 592:449, IMG_6371.PNG)

Anons…Don't forget that May 28th is Memorial Day…the day we pay respect & honor those who have the ultimate sacrifice for our Freedoms that the Cabal has tried to take from us!

Dropping the EO & unveiling these Truth Bombs for this upcoming holiday would be a great service to our men & women who paid with their lives over the senseless wars that the Cabal created.

President Reagan said it best in his speech on Memorial Day in Arlington:

“Today is the day we put aside to remember fallen heroes and to pray that no heroes will ever have to die for us again. It's a day of thanks for the valor of others, a day to remember the splendor of America and those of her children who rest in this cemetery and others. It's a day to be with the family and remember…."


e648e4 No.1474266


why dont you explain to us exactly what Q is since you clearly know

eb95c1 No.1474267


Q defended BO (you) from their doxing attempts?

Sent warning?

1c0269 No.1474268


ok, this is an idiotic question: the highlighted area is his passcode?

9f3322 No.1474269

File: 3d3e9be5381357b⋯.jpg (6.1 KB, 229x220, 229:220, scotch.jpg)


>THE WHITE HOUSE – Office of the Press Secretary


>Joint Statement of the United States and China Regarding Trade Consultations

>There was a consensus on taking effective measures to substantially reduce the United States trade deficit in goods with China. To meet the growing consumption needs of the Chinese people and the need for high-quality economic development, China will significantly increase purchases of United States goods and services. This will help support growth and employment in the United States.

But but but ... muh trade war.

This will send the stock market up Monday.

And it will send the leftards out to Walgreens for razor blades as well.


bb9990 No.1474270


common… chewpen syndrome

ce5846 No.1474271

File: d4ca8e83c895b59⋯.png (15.29 KB, 255x248, 255:248, c2c55a5403cf3169f98ed4ad28….png)


Q is for cookie , that's good enough for me !

e8edd1 No.1474272


they have to be taken out before the meeting with NK. we cannot risk assassination attempt

abac06 No.1474273


Please adjust dough next bread as follows. The bottom link is the correct post number, not what is currently in the dough:

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ———— Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ———— https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 —– We control [utility].

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 —– I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 —– Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ———— Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ———— TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ———————— (Password expose)

89415c No.1474274


>Don't want to turn anyone away at this point.

Well than don't post pics of my first wife!

d3e467 No.1474275

What is going on here?

and no one seems to really care.

Q's Trip Code has been Cracked 3 or 4 Times now. Q wouldn't even post on his own board for a while.

Q doesn't own 8 chan so is the Board Owner/BV's exposing his Passcodes?

Something is up. You have all these Q Detractors calling him a LARP and his Trip keeps getting compromised.

We have Fools claiming they are the fake Q and have been running this board for months.

In which I don't believe,but, then being able to break his trip tells me either big people are involved or he's being sabotaged by people who control this board.

What are their options are there?

d9f6b4 No.1474276

File: 3ced1c8761efbd0⋯.png (179 KB, 800x720, 10:9, u3uCH5n.png)


Infowars sent its daily newsletter to its subscribers with a few errors: Imgur

Do you think an experienced multimillion dollar media operation would make such a mistake? No. This is secret ciphered communication. Let’s decipher it. Q taught us in the board how to do this.

The text is: Qanon Compromised: intel source hijacked by seep state’s disinformation sampaign. We get the first obvious clue from seep and sampaign, the correct spelling is “deep” and “campaign”. Since the D and the C were purposely replaced by an S, we gather DC is the first clue. Let’s keep that in the back of our head.

Now the letter S is the 19th letter of the alphabet. I have shown in my decoding training posts how to solve a Caesar Cipher problem based on Q’s teachings. Let us apply the method using the online tool: Imgur Imgur Imgur

So let’s recap, we have: DC, BY, OP. Let’s expand:

[DC=Washington DC] [BY=Bye Bye] [OP=Operation]

Let’s interpret:

Bye bye to the DC Operation.

Who is in DC? Dr Corsi. He is the Infowars Correspondent in Washington DC Link.

The newsletter “error” is a message to their network of covert operators informing that since Corsi has been exposed, his operation is shut down. They are moving to whatever next phase they have.

You are not dreaming folks, you are not watching a movie. This is the real world. This is the Infowars we all used to trust.


6e7347 No.1474277

293aa7 No.1474279


read past breads, it's been explained repeatedly

6a0259 No.1474280


They comm with others on using same IP but as anon.

eb95c1 No.1474281

07332b No.1474282


Sky event was the ammo drop?

420b79 No.1474283


shit… just noticed that the new sat image had help callouts for blindanons.

and ty anon… failed to say it in the last bread

62025b No.1474284


Humbled by this kind of anon. thanks anon

e7409f No.1474285


People seem to think that catholics worship or follow the Pope or something, but in reality, the Pope is like a Chief Administrator. If you really want to learn his role, search it in the online catechism. That sets forth what the Church believes, and is contrary to most of what I see online about the Church. Look up any subject in there for yourself.

edcc1a No.1474286

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 5a8a44 No.1366780 📁

May 10 2018 22:54:21 (EST)


Note the pictures we post are ALL originals.

Think about what that means.


NSA has all digital communications.


The photos could have been taken by anyone


4b577c No.1474287

File: 38a7c6e9b13b7c3⋯.jpg (417.28 KB, 1000x728, 125:91, 1526157314760.jpg)

0827e1 No.1474288


"I'd watch the news that day."


Implies a date.

955779 No.1474289


Oh it's been a cesspool for far longer than that. Here's a three-part series entitled The Criminal History of the Papacy, pulled from Nexus Magazine series.

https:// www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican30.htm#Contents

6d7709 No.1474290


i like it, anon

42d633 No.1474291

File: d53d19b7beceeac⋯.png (512.81 KB, 849x541, 849:541, draintheswamp.png)


d84e71 No.1474292


> file transfer protocol

The File Transfer Protocol is a standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files between a client and server on a computer network.

9f3322 No.1474293

6a0259 No.1474294


0hour has been after a few people.

c1b275 No.1474295

Things that jump out fro May 8th:

https:// www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ex-china-political-star-jailed-for-life-over-2427-million-bribery/ar-AAwV2zI

https:// www.usnews.com/news/top-news/articles/2018-05-08/comcast-races-to-secure-regulatory-political-approval-for-sky-deal

https:// www.mediamatters.org/blog/2018/05/08/fox-news-tells-seth-richs-family-they-should-be-grateful-how-network-slandered-him/220157

http:// www.cnbc.com/id/105193602

eb95c1 No.1474296


what is blindanon duty?

565605 No.1474297

1f685a No.1474299

a53551 No.1474300

File: a1968f99306dd07⋯.jpg (53.6 KB, 748x460, 187:115, HusseinPen.jpg)

b72307 No.1474301


well i've waited 25 years for hillary to go down so i guess i can wait a few more hours.

5d5c3c No.1474302


If you're crazy, i'm right there with ya…

it was the Santa Fe Immaculate Conception College that truly did it for me.

France? Please elaborate…not catching drift yet.

07332b No.1474303


It's SerialBrain2 exposing him.

Lurk moar

ac1494 No.1474304




Either tonight, or ~23 hours from when Trump tweeted... 4-5pm Sunday night?

Or not. Tired of being disappointed. Really hoping for a hard sign that i can red pill family with without being left blue balled.

64f838 No.1474305


I noticed that to its a white male all I can gather from it

eb95c1 No.1474306


Did Q respond to it?

7f310d No.1474307


sure, will do

Calling for updates to notes aswell


>>1474000 All pen pics from Q

>>1474019 From our brethren at GA

>>1474038 Planefag Update

>>1474046, >>1474207 Pen looks damaged // His hands show holding a phone

>>1474047 Q team pointed out dox of @0HOUR1

>>1474085 They thought EO would be yesterday, hence the FFs

>>1474112 Let your voices be heard! #IBOR

420b79 No.1474308


hahahaha… no duty… just need glasses.

0975f9 No.1474309




All my consequent tweets will.

0b0e34 No.1474310

File: 30054e9f37d9c29⋯.jpg (442.23 KB, 1407x1241, 1407:1241, Clowns In Action.jpg)

Feel free to abuse and torture this pic further.

6e7347 No.1474311

1c0269 No.1474312


anon, please, I'm trying to eat supper

565605 No.1474313



eb95c1 No.1474314

4cb107 No.1474315


Sauce for this anon?

641e1c No.1474316

5092cc No.1474317


no, it's sort of a digital signature (by device, i think, not 100%, maybe IP). BO/BV can see what posts a certain user does over time, it has served to confirm Q and out multiple-personnalities-shills

9ebbf4 No.1474318

File: 18f916afe917329⋯.jpg (36.76 KB, 450x306, 25:17, Pain2.jpg)

File: a6195b351083535⋯.jpg (129.84 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Pain.jpg)

File: 4c7cdb62fca975e⋯.jpg (227.73 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, NowComesPainPepe.jpg)

File: 460b9399a789ba1⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB, 230x255, 46:51, NowComesPainQ.jpeg)

File: bf81546c0c1cc20⋯.jpeg (78.86 KB, 600x600, 1:1, RudyPainComing.jpeg)

e7409f No.1474319


Will Brennan do a final act of jihadi rather than the cyanide?

404037 No.1474320

File: dfd35b061edb48b⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1601x1856, 1601:1856, ClipboardImage.png)

Up the ante on Cesar's circus. Keep 'em distracted.

6a0259 No.1474321

I would expect the declassify order to come out within the next day or so and the"pain" from it to start on the 23 or within 23 days.

62025b No.1474322


Posted a ways back thinking that KJU telling the truth to the world about who was contolling NK would be undeniable truth!! Followed by Iran. Clown op plus elites toast.

ecef2a No.1474323


Didn't read.

SERIALBRAIN2 gotta be intel op.

1c0269 No.1474324

4e8aff No.1474325

5f9e4b No.1474326


That's def someone holding a black phone, taking a pic.

7305ab No.1474327


Localized insulin-derived amyloidosis (LIDA) is an iatrogenic disease derived from subcutaneous insulin formulations. The amyloid fibril protein is classified as amyloid insulin type, AIns, and the amyloid precursor protein is also identified as insulin. The first account of LIDA in a human was in 1983. Since that time, many patient case reports have been published as well as review articles and laboratory analyses. In 1987, porcine insulin became the first foreign protein to become identified in human amyloid fibrils, a case that was discovered in a person with Type 1 diabetes where localized amyloidosis was found at the sites of insulin injection. Interestingly, this finding also established exogenous insulin as the first official case of iatrogenic amyloidosis. As it would be, in the the 1980's localized insulin-derived amyloidosis was inducted into the offical amyloid protein and amyloidosis nominclature guidelines established and maintained by the International Society of Amyloidosis Nomenclature Committee. In a more recent study that was approved by the Mayo Foundation Institutional Review Board, localized insulin-derived amyloidosis was discovered in 50 people between January 2010 and May 2013—hardly suggestive of being an uncommon or rare occurrence.

929b0b No.1474328


Pepe sold German Hillary the Steel !!

f6337c No.1474329

>>1474278, >>1474279

Thanks for the clarity

>>1474261 = Newfag turned Lurker turned Bread contributor = a bit behind.

eb95c1 No.1474330


Great dig. GA comes through!

ec8419 No.1474331

>They thought it was coming yesterday.

The cabal shot their wad prematurely.

8a61b5 No.1474332

File: f77c9cd88d5d13f⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 406x364, 29:26, NOOOO.jpg)


Fuck you, there's coffee on my desk now

b72307 No.1474333

File: f1dd768be64c662⋯.png (631.34 KB, 1182x954, 197:159, fuhq.PNG)

f696ef No.1474334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


See vid.


Yup, pretty much.


Not odd. They just decided not to use the trip.

97b937 No.1474335

File: f2628c31debe116⋯.png (5.42 MB, 3000x2699, 3000:2699, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2628c31debe116⋯.png (5.42 MB, 3000x2699, 3000:2699, ClipboardImage.png)


1c0269 No.1474336



9f3322 No.1474337


He's a small small man.

He would fit in that pen.

e87b28 No.1474338



Cutting the moneyflow to terrorism and removing the big players

could be a big step forward. There is plenty to do but not in

one go i think. War always has been 4D-Chess.

b2f107 No.1474339

01e5a7 No.1474340

File: 2d36eec31407eb9⋯.png (263.46 KB, 468x610, 234:305, 76ebe17519a0e6b2e26ab7fdf8….png)

565605 No.1474341

7305ab No.1474342


Remarkably, the exact pathogenesis of LIDA remains unclear among the few that are aware of its existence within the medical and scientific communities. Subcutaneous insulin formulations have historically been known for their poor stability. Rapid acting analogs, a form of subcutaneous insulin, have modified insulin's amino acid sequences to prevent the self assembly of insulin into hexamers and to favorably promote dissociation into monomers. Numerous additives are also included in subcutaneous insulin formulations, some of them known to be toxic: m-cresol and phenol, which could potentially in facilitating aggregation and/or denaturation of the insulin in the formulation. Another possible contributor for causing LIDA is the slow, erratic absorption that is common place for subcutaneous insulins. The insulin solution is injected into the hypodermis layer of the skin, which unfortunately is an excellent environment for suppressing drug absorption while inducing an inflammatory response. Ironically, macrophages are abound in this layer of the skin. Frequently rotating insulin injection sites is also crucial to avoid aggregation of insulin and deposition of insulin amyloids. The most significant contributor however is the is lack of awareness. Currently, this adverse reaction is not disclosed on insulin labels or by the FDA or ADA, despite it being a known complication since the 1980's.

There is zero mention of LIDA in subcutaneous insulin labels, FDA website, ADA nor the Standards of Care. Disclosing of localized insulin-derived amyloidosis has been deliberately withheld. The companies that own subcutaneous insulins are required by law to be disclose this information to the FDA, patients, providers, and the public.


1. Localized Amyloidosis at the Site of Repeated Insulin Injection in a Diabetic Patient www. jstage.jst.go.jp/article/internalmedicine/49/5/49_5_397/_pdf

2. Progressive insulin-derived amyloidosis in a patient with type 2 diabetes

www. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5095519/

3. Insulin-derived Amyloidosis and Poor Glycemic Control: A Case Series www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(14)00035-7/fulltext

4. Localized insulin-derived amyloidosis: A potential pitfall in the diagnosis of systemic amyloidosis by fat aspirate


5. Localized insulin-derived amyloidosis in patients with diabetes mellitus: a case report


6. Cutaneous amyloidosis at the site of insulin injection with coexistence of acanthosis nigricans www.ijpmonline.org/article.asp?issn=0377-4929;year=2014;volume=57;issue=1;spage=127;epage=129;aulast=Nandeesh

7. Insulin Derived Amyloidosis


8. Ultrasonography Improves Glycemic Control by Detecting Insulin-Derived Localized Amyloidosis


9. A Case of Insulin Resistance Secondary to Insulin Induced Localized Cutaneous Amyloidosis.


10. Amyloidoma secondary to insulin injection: Cytologic diagnosis and pitfalls


11. Localized insulin amyloidosis with use of a concentrated insulin: a potential complication


12. Nodular amyloidosis at the sites of insulin injections


13. Current insight in the localized insulin-derived amyloidosis (LIDA): clinico-pathological characteristics and differential diagnosis www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0344033817308750?via%3Dihub

14. A Case of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus with Marked Poor Glycemic Control caused by Insulin-derived Amyloidosis at the Site of Repeated Insulin Injections


15. Coexistence of insulin-derived amyloidosis and an underlying acanthosis nigricans-like lesion at the site of insulin injection onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2230.2012.04373.x/abstract

9ebbf4 No.1474343

File: e61266eabe3b3f4⋯.jpg (2.64 MB, 3000x1996, 750:499, OneLessClown.jpg)

e7409f No.1474344


The Vatican stuff has been going on since the Roths were living in a cave in Khazakstan.

6a0259 No.1474345

2b3c6f No.1474346

Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147567928 📁

Nov 1 2017 21:56:38 (EST)

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

God bless my fellow Americans.


23d067 No.1474347

Maybe the arresting pain will go down while POTUS is safely insulated by military fleet on the high seas en route to Singapore.

fa5727 No.1474348


So only the BO can see that? I don't see codes like that on my posts, or Q's on this board or /patriotsfight/, unless there's a setting?

e8edd1 No.1474349

If the cabal isn't taken out well before june 12th, we risk ALOT

EO drop after midnight

SHTF @ 5pm May 20th


This makes the most sense, logically speaking

81f29d No.1474350


Left -handed wearing white shirt.

a0713b No.1474351


Also true…

Thought the "Love Brings a new world"preach also had a touch of Qwakening.

Trust the plan…unstopable

bb9990 No.1474352


that makes sense…..23 more days

d36a2c No.1474353

File: 02d1b481e401a02⋯.jpeg (7.69 KB, 80x80, 1:1, F9652328-D3B9-4838-8E22-2….jpeg)

File: 02d1b481e401a02⋯.jpeg (7.69 KB, 80x80, 1:1, C142FF0B-06F8-4786-BA1A-9….jpeg)

0fa4c9 No.1474354

File: c46250ec099b048⋯.jpg (72.74 KB, 485x501, 485:501, Comfy as He Wanna Be.jpg)


set up a nice cannon aimed at Twitter. even if you got 0 followers you always get huge influence statistics with Q hashtag and potus's gift to us… the @potus hashtag. stops post getting shadowbanned. as Q said we are all safe so take the safety off and fire away.

d3e467 No.1474355


Yea, Jesus needs Lasers.

Are you Insane?

929b0b No.1474356


Would like some Mad Dog on the Hammer !!!

1f685a No.1474357

File: a2604a2ab1d3e4b⋯.jpg (341.44 KB, 880x1029, 880:1029, No ban on topics.jpg)

File: a2082958e0d6b24⋯.jpg (212.4 KB, 667x665, 667:665, NASA Q MEME.jpg)

File: 1cc5fffadbb9588⋯.jpeg (56.53 KB, 554x396, 277:198, Think Again.jpeg)

File: bee077ae44c0f24⋯.jpg (155.58 KB, 622x544, 311:272, Moon Rock TRUTH.jpg)

File: 28f6c7f11127b64⋯.jpg (277.36 KB, 636x1171, 636:1171, moon rocks (2).jpg)

Do We Have Your Attention Yet?

23d067 No.1474358

92b139 No.1474359


The photo seems edited to hide the rest of the body, see :


07332b No.1474360


0Hour was doxed looong ago. He tried to fuck with Cernovich and got exposed.

b2f107 No.1474361


i like bread and butta, i like toast and jam…lol

223ef0 No.1474362

File: fd5d9f4c936e447⋯.png (56.58 KB, 558x252, 31:14, ClipboardImage.png)

China will 'significantly increase' purchases of US goods and services


565605 No.1474363

0827e1 No.1474364


Thinking maybe 5-23-18.

5f9e4b No.1474365


two hands holding a black phone taking a picture. Clear as day.


>>1474340 Zoom in and stretch out to see hands holding phone in reflection

0975f9 No.1474366

File: 24ecab9bb9af5be⋯.png (656.33 KB, 799x799, 1:1, rodman ftw.png)

File: 3f4edc77a6a5646⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 240x154, 120:77, popckorn cat.gif)


nah, its legit, having worked on forensic evidence qualification, and seen my share of pixel in my days, I can assure you it is legit.

e7409f No.1474367


The Queen sure werent too happy. Philip was trying to cheer her up the whole time and she wasnt having any of it.

ac2366 No.1474368


Hey 1 dimensional thinker. I'm referring to all these events ie Parkland.


>not Middle East

>can't handle truth about dead kids

Are u a brainlet anon? Are you suggesting middle eastern children are not as important as American children? As far as no cameras in American funerals I guess you're not familiar a with the story of Emeritt Till a 14 year old black child who was brutally murdered by racists so his mother demanded to have an open casket funeral to show what the savages did to him. As far as dead/gravely injured children go I've personally encountered more then most on this board.

-t Ret. Army Nurse

929b0b No.1474369


I knew it . Follow the wives !!!

4d036b No.1474370


He has been a larper from the beginning.

Deleting is own twatter account minutes after supposidly discovering things …claiming twatter deleted his account

Claiming to do ddos attack, while just larping and showing norse-corp map

b1bb4c No.1474371


Now Comes The Pain.

It's getting politically incorrect.

FTP… "Follow The Pen" lul.

Where I come from FTP means…

Fuck The Police

ad264e No.1474372

File: 63882afcb028a65⋯.jpg (71.11 KB, 500x273, 500:273, 3173402136_2b02079cfc_z.jpg)

8d41b3 No.1474373


You do good work Anon. Seems like their last gasp effort was to compromise the board to prove Q a larp. Fail.

bd3ccd No.1474374


My humour does not compute?

9f3322 No.1474375


Looks like a black doorway in a white wall.

Brown chair back, as well.

b823e0 No.1474376

File: df5329ae096567d⋯.png (780.55 KB, 697x455, 697:455, pickle2.PNG)

23658d No.1474377


>lead the bad actors to their demise

If that is what is happening, and I do believe it is, Mueller would be the opposite of Judas. That is because instead of selling out our country and president for 50 pieces of silver, he is taking their payment while selling out the deep state. Using their own power against them.

If true, he could be very redeemable.

Unless we are wrong, and then I don't know wtf?

4531ee No.1474378




2b3c6f No.1474379


Early crumb before Q was used

5092cc No.1474380


no, you can't see that, need admin powers.

so, plenty of shitposters here who think they're clean with every fresh bread… nope.

they see ya (well, not you, just a number associated to you that is not your IP of any personal info whatsoever, so let's pre-emptively stop that slide, as long as we're here)

55cdde No.1474381

0e88ee No.1474382


File transfer protocol

bbf1ae No.1474383


There a a lot of conspiracies about of the Chilean/Texas flag/ I'm not the only

The name Francis (France).., And Also the flag of Santa Fe (Similar to the French flag) . Nothing has happened yet in France..

e7409f No.1474384


Will be Michael Cohen, NY AG

64f3ad No.1474385

File: c8316bd8be0c060⋯.png (291.46 KB, 654x498, 109:83, pepescot.png)

8c4c08 No.1474386

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

the truth is out there

4cb107 No.1474387


I have and I am trying to find sauce for the quote anon posted that started all this. Seems relevant?

ae7e53 No.1474388


I noticed that as well as something different about the tip.

2daa38 No.1474389


0Hour is the quintessential example of someone who watched too much network television and decided to larp as a hacker.

0975f9 No.1474390

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, popckorn deadpool KEEek.mp4)



'Classic "Best of Ebay'"

f696ef No.1474391





Highlighted area is the IP hash (Part of it technically). BV's and I can use it to correlate ID's across breads, giving us a useful post history.

d9f6b4 No.1474392

File: f30ca058d84641c⋯.png (41.78 KB, 1381x409, 1381:409, d5.PNG)


>>1413137 USURPING Q

>>1413485 PAIN COMING

>>1414277 NXIVM (Roger Stone connection)

5c4d0f No.1474393

File: d1ec6c9013b0e85⋯.png (12.12 KB, 467x159, 467:159, 1323.png)

File: c6c09ded6d0ddb3⋯.png (12.03 KB, 464x122, 232:61, 13232.png)

File: 9da570365e85018⋯.png (8.74 KB, 457x105, 457:105, 13233.png)

pic #1 post #1323

pic #2 pw instead of trip

pic #3 mistake or on purpose?

ad264e No.1474394

File: 3adad4424326afb⋯.jpeg (6.33 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 58731a331f4c5d2cff6ac9bbb….jpeg)

7f310d No.1474395


Kek, I'm with you, going along with the crumbs tho ;)

bb9990 No.1474396

File: f2f5457d2a6543c⋯.jpg (149.87 KB, 1300x1162, 650:581, american-eagle-stars-and-s….jpg)

b2f107 No.1474397


me loves it ffs

d84e71 No.1474398


huge…who would have thought we would see this…imagine if she won

12134b No.1474399


Ava looks so proud.

7ffbd0 No.1474400


My fail-tried to use irony in my questions

ce5846 No.1474401

File: d386bd91fa575c6⋯.jpg (6.12 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images.jpg)



2b8224 No.1474402


Someone with very dark skin wearing all white…interdasting

5092cc No.1474403

File: 7660e1ec58878e9⋯.png (356.91 KB, 295x640, 59:128, 2018-01-24 15-50 7660e1ec5….png)

File: ab80dbb531b7b5a⋯.png (1.65 MB, 2754x1111, 2754:1111, FollowThePens_Study the EO….png)



> every

missing one

9f3322 No.1474404


>two hands holding a black phone taking a picture. Clear as day.

Fingers look stubby and tanned.

17659f No.1474405


> larper


3dd2c9 No.1474406


Now he's accusing Q of doxing his "handicapped" brother. ??? The guy is looney toons.

0827e1 No.1474407

File: f743d726eb3ac28⋯.jpg (2.61 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20180504_220256.jpg)


God bless Anon. WWG1WGA.

52b6dd No.1474408


0-power faggot thinks I doxxed him.

Now he wants to doxx my woman.

He'll get his…but not from me.

8c4c08 No.1474409

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


army ants is what i was refering to,sry

starts at 2:55

2d9335 No.1474410

File: fefd33a3ce2a3d8⋯.jpg (39.24 KB, 500x345, 100:69, ThatsIt!.JPG)

274a8b No.1474411



think the address has been shared already, somehow?

d84e71 No.1474412

>>1474362 China agrees to support US economy


e7409f No.1474413


Las Vegas seems to me the first of many physical attacks on the Republic, which is treason.

6e7347 No.1474414

File: 1aa4edb7c25890e⋯.png (263.1 KB, 556x539, 556:539, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at ….png)

bc6464 No.1474415

File: 1122df2f640b94d⋯.png (453.89 KB, 461x865, 461:865, ClipboardImage.png)

81f29d No.1474416


nr 5 could exactly match the first pen when upside down. if not, 5=5

d36a2c No.1474417

Here comes the pain playstation2???

67fb5c No.1474418

How about this…

On the 23rd (or 27th or 30th) something that POTUS has already signed will be released. Since it is already signed, it is already in effect. Remember the 60% activity that is hidden? It is happening NOW!

So, when this document is made public, the DeepState expects it to be bad news and therefore they create FFs to cover it up and dominate the narrative. But what if this document is very subtle, not at all obvious in its effect?

If it was released as a surprise, the FakeNews media would examine it closely and next 4am they would attack it mercilessly. But if there are FFs and the narrative is already set, they cannot attack this document. In fact since they already have their narrative planned they will be too busy to even notice how bad it is and do the analysis needed.

I think this is what POTUS is doing.

As for the happenings right now. The Secretary of Defence has just received a Doctor of Laws degree, which is very rarely bestowed and usually only those with intentions to be very senior judges go after it. Think Military Tribunals and appeals within that system. Could the happenings be the cleaning up of traitors within the military? Even the Marine Corps has traitors in it.

fa5727 No.1474419


Got it, thanks - learning more every day!

07332b No.1474420


Corsi was trying to say that SerialBrain2 was behind the Santa Fe mass murder yesterday.

He's on thin legal ice there.

ecef2a No.1474421


Good to know. Almost thought it was fake otherwise.

3faa2e No.1474422


A pen and a phone. Top kek

ae7e53 No.1474423

55cdde No.1474424


>Nobody said that real kids didn’t die

You are’t following very closely. Plenty of posts say exactly that.

ac1494 No.1474425



23 days is TOO long.

Key primaries like CA going on soon.

We need comped establishment candidates OUT.

Drop it. The time for covertness is over.

830704 No.1474426

File: c01951896e0551a⋯.png (639.81 KB, 641x460, 641:460, ClipboardImage.png)

fff4b9 No.1474427

File: 09f2d6d7b6ccaa7⋯.jpg (513.65 KB, 1037x1131, 1037:1131, safty first.jpg)

092697 No.1474428

File: febd5b8b249cdea⋯.png (1.03 MB, 618x829, 618:829, 82716478321540908965973.png)

01b2a0 No.1474430


Please keep the hash private.

Rainbows are unhealthy.


bbf1ae No.1474431

File: dcdab33efa6587d⋯.jpg (134.98 KB, 806x992, 13:16, League-Of-Legends-Jinx-lea….jpg)


Jinx? lol.

9ebbf4 No.1474432

File: 1ffb76bbcc11f07⋯.jpg (26.17 KB, 797x170, 797:170, 2018-05-19_16:16:09.jpg)


No. Although it does mean file transfer protocol, in this case I really think it means Follow The Pen since that is exactly what Q posted minutes prior.

When he typed his post in the clear and typed his password into the name field.

No coincidences with Q.

2b8224 No.1474433


I buy and sell sterling silver on Ebay and I've seen some things I can't unsee

1f685a No.1474434


When You Put A Puzzle Together You Always

Look For The Corners First.

Then, You Go From There.

ad3ff3 No.1474435

File: d83e6c7222df52f⋯.png (768.69 KB, 1224x396, 34:11, d83e6c7222df52f5b40198f985….png)



396a3e No.1474436

File: 8cd7c19452da688⋯.png (939.61 KB, 1118x827, 1118:827, Cernovich with Alex Jones.PNG)

e7409f No.1474437


Roger Stone, Russian Agent. Sure thing, Bob. KYS

bd3ccd No.1474438


Me too movement is a distraction from the satanic level evil in hellywood.

d84e71 No.1474439


since 9/11?

92c5fe No.1474440

My knee jerk reaction when Q posts date release info is to try and decode and figure out big drop dates to satisfy my curiosity. But then I realized that's probably just selfish and Q said "cruising altitude" and "enjoy the show". Q is not going to give the deep state a heads up. I have faith in the plan, and will fulfill my duty to meme and help normies understand whats going on.

ee7c71 No.1474441


Concern understood. Q told us we are safe but I for one don't know what that means unless the Q have a way to identify us. Doesn't matter to me… I knew what the stakes were when I began publically opposing the Clinton's in the 90s. Most hills are not worth getting a paper cut over, let alone a life… but this one is.

I hope the Q are cognizant and watchful over us. But that's really just a conceit on my part.

Just in case, my family know how to find qresearch and enough chan culture to get the message through if I meet an untimely end. I advise other anons to take the same precautions


In hoc signo vinces.

5f9f01 No.1474442

>>1473712 (prev)

It appears that Q intentionally posted his pass, which actually was a crumb. (((They))) thought something was going to happen yesterday, which is why there was a FF. (((They))) wasted a FF.

Hope that was humble enough for you. :)

bb9990 No.1474443


that seems significant

-30, -23 6-12

6945c1 No.1474444






0Hour was doxxed a long time ago (2016) on Twitter (& possibly other forums).

Q did NOT dox him.

b72307 No.1474445

File: 232cde7040e2540⋯.png (874.06 KB, 1382x1068, 691:534, ClipboardImage.png)

Over Fla now.

ad3ff3 No.1474446

File: 17a903cf04c3f52⋯.png (214.1 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

565605 No.1474447


Corners and edges…the "low hanging fruit".

929b0b No.1474448


Checking the Birth records of every past Pres

of US

7a2c41 No.1474449


Or you do the boarders first.

6d7709 No.1474450


perhaps signed -23 hours before today's hint?

bbf1ae No.1474451


Free Pass.

b2b45f No.1474452


Possible. If Roseanne is as redpilled as we hope she is, she can enlighten others to the very existence of the group. Any celebrity can turn on them. Look at Aliison Mack.

5b611b No.1474453


>there are specific procedures to be followed, each with time constraints. It could not have gone faster.

lawfag here

you answered your own question

well done

bb9990 No.1474454



d9f6b4 No.1474455



This is ALL serialbrain2 work on reddit here, me just sharing:


e7409f No.1474456


I'd like to see Sandy Hook fully exposed.

89415c No.1474457



>Q said we are all safe. Trust the plan

And John Browning.

ad3ff3 No.1474458

File: f6ceaedb5fa647d⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 89.88 KB, 604x720, 151:180, I have returned [720p].mp4)


>You must construct additional Pylons.

64e0ee No.1474459


I think Stone ends up being ex-CIA. Like an E. Howard Hunt type that never truly retired. He's too swampy and has deep ties back to Nixon.

420b79 No.1474460





jesus… ty anons… love how anon minds are the same (but different)

27c0e1 No.1474461

>>1474030 The middle of the pen is the barrel.

This is the first pen pic where the bad guys are looking down the Barrel (and too late - already un-loaded.)

ed0b09 No.1474462

File: a51c1ded6e6b089⋯.jpg (79.05 KB, 550x375, 22:15, red pill.jpg)

64f3ad No.1474463

File: 7fadcb882bd2ca5⋯.jpg (40.3 KB, 697x795, 697:795, nasimpray.jpg)

9f3322 No.1474464


muh trade war BTFO.

Pretty sure most anons knew that the China deal was completed weeks ago.

Watch the market Monday, particularly the Dow and S&P.

Big cap multi-nationals with a large part of their business in trade.


7e0225 No.1474465

File: 8899a6fc1461779⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1270x1420, 127:142, doctor_of_law_maddog.png)

SECDEF Mattis received an honorary Doctorate of Laws form the Institute of World Politics today.

Dr. Mad Dog is going to bring the pain!

1e2857 No.1474466


Justify finishes in first in the Preakness Stakes


d3e467 No.1474467


That was an Intellectual Response.

I guess my Question goes unanswered by a Smug anon or Clown

9fb0c7 No.1474468


roseanne just told you she wrote it

b2f107 No.1474469


911 and sandy

2b9d30 No.1474470



64e0ee No.1474471


zero deaths in Aurora also.

892da0 No.1474472


I see it now, thanks.

0f55a5 No.1474473


Welp, ol' Brian just learned what

>We see ALL

>We hear ALL

really means.

4cb107 No.1474474


There are anons saying that very thing. I've blocked them so won't have to read their stupidity anymore.

Of course the circumstances are fucked. Remember the total failure of the FBI ie: Parkland? I'll never trust the FBI, no matter how much they re-organize. All those kids dying, just so (((they))) can change the headlines. SICK!

76f688 No.1474475

Just a question for all on the board…

Did anyone watch local news in their areas tonight.

Everyone had purple on in my local. Only guy I caught nation was ABC and some had purple.

Just questioning.

d51bd8 No.1474476

Looking for >>1472035

ed0b09 No.1474477

File: 2dd3c4312b0ddf5⋯.jpeg (76.32 KB, 500x404, 125:101, Another one.jpeg)

396a3e No.1474478

File: eaf6e7c1b1cc29e⋯.png (422.11 KB, 652x632, 163:158, Drudge re Stone Aide 5-18-….PNG)

File: df98bbd5f6f193b⋯.png (543.83 KB, 619x573, 619:573, Reuters 1 re Stone Aide 5-….PNG)

File: 015faf7efa6be10⋯.png (48.01 KB, 613x718, 613:718, Reuters 2 re Stone Aide 5-….PNG)

File: 2b2b8c9a5022cd3⋯.png (49.24 KB, 620x636, 155:159, Reuters 3 re Stone Aide 5-….PNG)



ecef2a No.1474479

File: 7ba7061c84667a3⋯.jpg (98.52 KB, 656x466, 328:233, ivankachecksem.jpg)



929b0b No.1474480


Q Team everywhere

0d4059 No.1474481


Q provided peculiar pickle tickle


fe18c8 No.1474482


Mattis is a homo.

868b59 No.1474483


I think it's a code for her kids.

d5d925 No.1474484

Do the five pen photos correlate to the five stages?

e7409f No.1474485


Shit, she'll kill at least 3 more people by then.

64f3ad No.1474486



I remember reading somewhere that the Sandy Hook deaths, for some reason, never made it into FBI statistics…no thauce, just remembering reading about it.

08c539 No.1474487


I was secretly hoping for some type of Storm (“Storm the Beaches) on my D-Day B-Day, but June 12th sounds good too! I’m patient.

bb9990 No.1474488


maybe…..it would be a real honor

to go as true patriot fighting for true freedom

c2478b No.1474489

if POTUS and Q had full control of the situation we would not have massacres happening in the form of FF. They don't have full control! It is clear they have some control though because you can see the last 2 school shooters were taken alive . Why does it take so long to get the name of the shooter? 1400 students ( all with parents) and nobody released rumors of the name on social media) If Q had full control then it would be them dying not kids. Not trying to suggest that there has been no improvement. Are we to expect that every time a truth is dropped kids die? We just continue to wait for justice while kids die as a way to change the news cycle from reaching ppl about a truth? " I know it's bad but please wait" When it's your kid will you ask others to just wait? Your kid is next!

3fabf2 No.1474490


nice quads

a53551 No.1474491


Looks like the entrance of the Texas School Book Depository building on the day JFK was assassinated.

e2bdf7 No.1474492

File: 139d19564bf993e⋯.jpg (52.08 KB, 480x514, 240:257, 2am400-1~2.jpg)

File: 5b7cecc15f8a0ae⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 107.77 KB, 1019x1024, 1019:1024, downloadfile.jpg)

File: ef62e42d2d4a767⋯.png (37.67 KB, 480x343, 480:343, Screenshot_2018-05-19-14-5….png)

File: b6b3458628bff06⋯.jpg (575.12 KB, 1847x1912, 1847:1912, 3261a75f30cde2b73e7b34afcb….jpg)

R.I.P. Royal Bloodline.

ab987c No.1474493


Secretary Mattis- we have the best people!!

3dd2c9 No.1474494


You obviously have no clue what you are talking about. How many dead bodies did you see pictures of on 9/11? Oh wait, you probably think no one died there either. If you want to see dead bodies, I'm sure you could haul your ass to Santa Fe & sneak in a few funerals, just to "prove" to yourself they're dead. Say hello to JJ Watts while you're there. He's paying for all the funerals, did you hear? I'm sure he's part of the conspiracy though, right? I couldn't be more relieved that you are a retired nurse. Yikes.

0055ae No.1474495


Thank you for your help!

64e0ee No.1474496




another 23 with his fingers.

2 right 3 left.

01e5a7 No.1474497


Really, I think this confirms bigfoot is Q

adfc47 No.1474498


Speak for yourself.

I never trusted that loud mouth rabid cunt.

Why must you Americans shout?

404037 No.1474499


Yes, it is sick. No doubt about it. Even if it turns out that it is indeed all a hoax, it is stil sick.

4c4076 No.1474500

bb9990 No.1474501


q…ai….geez thats the dumbest

b88d82 No.1474502

First pen pic which he referenced the desk was at Camp David

b2b45f No.1474503

File: febe555b0b84cea⋯.jpg (61.94 KB, 724x752, 181:188, AQred.jpg)


Interesting, go on.

420b79 No.1474504


nah… just trying to remove the ginger from the bloodline.

ac2366 No.1474505


They showed people actively jumping from the towers on 9/11 anon. They've shown all sorts of videos and images of dead/injured children in Africa and Syria etc. At they very least they still portray dead bodies in America with a sheet over them. Not saying no one died only that they have presented no evidence to believe they did.

bbf1ae No.1474506


Take Care yourself

War is WAR

7a730b No.1474507

b2f107 No.1474508


dayum them some fugly (_v_) feet

e648e4 No.1474509

i like KAG! it's terrific. but maybe if we add 'ALWAYS' at the end, it might sound even better. KAGA!

e7409f No.1474510


It's Rob Lowe. Fucking Rob Lowe is Q!

8482b5 No.1474511


No, anon - THIS makes more sense: >>1474139

43e14a No.1474512

File: c75ef407e51c3c0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 29.71 KB, 480x480, 1:1, suckin toes.jpg)

0bbd06 No.1474513

File: 6d89b70b74bd30e⋯.jpg (102.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, q9zhz.jpg)

fe18c8 No.1474514


Yael Kushner is a kike

298623 No.1474515


Low IQ…very big mouth

6945c1 No.1474516

File: ac6653448e6f021⋯.png (66.83 KB, 567x435, 189:145, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at ….png)


What's happening, I'm behind – sorry.

64f3ad No.1474517

File: ca4a2fb999fc980⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 356x260, 89:65, nasimgif.gif)



warrior monk, (((faggot)))…he was engaged to be married a long time back.

…and I'd lay odds he could crush your throat like a tube of toothpaste.

b823e0 No.1474518

File: f8853cdfb6330f3⋯.png (637.15 KB, 730x450, 73:45, pen5.PNG)

c41cfa No.1474519


I enjoyed refuting everything he said with Q posts & evidence from the news…..until the faggot blocked me. Couldn't take having someone showing his blind followers that he's a fraud.

ad3ff3 No.1474520

File: 89b60f8b9f1f677⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 10.11 MB, 426x240, 71:40, SAD-How-to-keep-your-publi….mp4)



01e5a7 No.1474521


Nice dubs what does it mean

bb9990 No.1474522


007…….is SIS….thats the enemy or part of it

a53551 No.1474523


Well, there's Trip and Stumble.

Now they just need Fall to round out the team

420b79 No.1474524


ty anon

5b611b No.1474525


>SERIALBRAIN2 gotta be intel op


just an autist

some brilliant posts

some fails

254835 No.1474526

File: b990de1be7f6667⋯.png (275.21 KB, 680x697, 40:41, b990de1be7f666762ef588ffd9….png)

577708 No.1474527

File: 57eb39f2e509817⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 848x486, 424:243, KekOverseesMission.JPG)



This. Homonym too. Sound has power.

And for frustrated anons, we all get shaken when witnessing losses on the ground. 40,000 ft view means remembering why we are waging war in the first place, why particular strategies are necessary.

You aren't human if you don't mourn casualties, but you aren't effective if you can't see past the feels to the hard realities of the work. Wisdom is being to navigate both levels: face-to-face and birds-eye view, to let one inform the other. Earlier notable discusses also: >>1464762

958ed6 No.1474528


How does a VPN affect a hash? Does it change it?

bbf1ae No.1474529


Who's cares?

Same. They also needs to pay. Even the BB.

b1bb4c No.1474530


Yeah… but fuck Comey, and all his dirty corrupt abusive affiliates.

8a61b5 No.1474531


Shut up concernfag, this is a damn war, control at the top only means so much and these asshats don't play by the rules anyway. There should be a post in the notables that addresses this, maybe go look before you get filtered.

404037 No.1474532


FBI insists that they were included in THEIR stats, but were excluded from the state stats. I totally believe them *wink wink*

ecef2a No.1474533


Mixin' and matchin' for plausible deniability.

e7409f No.1474534


Trump had a nice Winter Solstice gift for the creeptards, the 12/21 EO. What's for Summer?

e2bdf7 No.1474535

File: 246178de3734e84⋯.jpg (64.7 KB, 480x680, 12:17, 2am3nd~2.jpg)

File: c61b6ee6ddca99b⋯.jpg (30 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 084c3f529e9c8a2b8985be075f….jpg)



R.I.P. Royal Bloodline.

9f3322 No.1474536

File: cac0eed23e076e5⋯.jpg (125.05 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, sentretardshills.jpg)

07332b No.1474537


>Your kid is next!

Stop posting death threats.

67aee2 No.1474538


Is that the bottom half of his signature? It looks like his writing style.

ce5846 No.1474539

File: 272f60eed39cf75⋯.png (10.89 KB, 188x255, 188:255, 4d83430fc3ddf7304fbf9d8814….png)


And there I was, walking up to the rope …kek

c40baf No.1474540

File: 6b03d66fbfbc758⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1847x883, 1847:883, Alice.PNG)

b72307 No.1474541

File: faea5c274c750d7⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1492x845, 1492:845, CUCK.PNG)

0827e1 No.1474542


Mightier that the sword, indeed.

64f3ad No.1474543

File: ed34729bb808871⋯.png (269.15 KB, 485x532, 485:532, nasimdelet.png)

254835 No.1474544


do you hear yourself ? read that back…..you make my head hurt

5f9f01 No.1474545

6e7347 No.1474546

File: b7b950235d5fb01⋯.png (131.38 KB, 475x699, 475:699, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at ….png)

>Follow the Pen


641e1c No.1474548


Well met.

6a0259 No.1474549


It's the signed declassification order.

929b0b No.1474550


Santa FE ==== Satan Faith

Santa ->Satan anagram

Fe -> Faith

7e0225 No.1474551

File: ec299abe1aee6e5⋯.jpg (163.89 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, cia_retards.jpg)

94dbf8 No.1474553

File: 127dfe661f2f65f⋯.jpg (568.47 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180519-200339….jpg)

File: 38e424479fae762⋯.jpg (476.1 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180519-200347….jpg)

File: 4cece82537ed90c⋯.jpg (451.37 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180519-200350….jpg)



2d9335 No.1474554

File: 23ea56547d82442⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 374x380, 187:190, AngryCat.JPG)


Buh bye

9ebbf4 No.1474555

File: e73ce7d9366b587⋯.jpg (184.11 KB, 900x900, 1:1, PepeFoot.jpg)

fdf93e No.1474556

File: 165428e60619c3e⋯.png (239.34 KB, 1440x1564, 360:391, Screenshot_20180519191008.png)


9f3322 No.1474557


I'd fuck her friend before her.

Looks like her friend at least has adult tits.

0f55a5 No.1474558

File: 1a6097a46969c34⋯.jpg (234.32 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1475971342237.jpg)


The pain is coming to different people in different places, maybe in different ways, but it's coming.


f28fdd No.1474559

File: 6657e8fba2f5c33⋯.jpg (465.24 KB, 1078x927, 1078:927, selenelion2.jpg)

How Is It Possible To See The Sun And Moon

At The Same Time During A Lunar Eclipse?


bd3ccd No.1474560


Another way to tax people.

e7409f No.1474561

a4f2fb No.1474562

Shine the light on them Q

Luke 8:17 (ASV) For nothing is hid, that shall not be made manifest; nor [anything] secret, that shall not be known and come to light.

fe18c8 No.1474563


>warrior monk

He has never won a war. Not only is he a faggot, he's a complete failure at his chosen profession. Very sad

89415c No.1474564

File: 33c460d50ea66f9⋯.jpg (11.57 KB, 300x168, 25:14, Military cemetery 2.jpg)

File: 53dc1e044d5c56c⋯.jpg (12.49 KB, 268x188, 67:47, Military cemetery 3.jpg)

File: cc4f1fbe8f4141b⋯.jpg (70.37 KB, 450x338, 225:169, Military cemetery.jpg)


>Anons…Don't forget that May 28th is Memorial Day

Yeah, not forgetting.

f1be37 No.1474565


Will it be during the meeting with kju?

4d036b No.1474566

404037 No.1474567

468d46 No.1474568

File: 0e07e66de3b02e0⋯.jpg (398.45 KB, 696x696, 1:1, pope_hall.jpg)

File: 1f660326bf812a3⋯.jpg (10 KB, 255x185, 51:37, djtwrong.jpg)


wrong. your precious John Paul is who build the snake speech hall.

e6cb02 No.1474569

File: c140e9220bede2a⋯.jpg (739.86 KB, 1920x2417, 1920:2417, FireShot Capture 038 - IP ….jpg)


VPN's usually have a good selection of exit nodes to choose from, and each exit node is its own hash/IP.

There are times when this happens because of how these exit nodes are shared by pelicans ; )

9f3322 No.1474570


Jay-Z and his whore wife?

ce5846 No.1474572

File: ef2e0067b2b5cbb⋯.jpg (14.69 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 4bef2602e0da7c62cb16000b27….jpg)

File: 37347963d445d30⋯.png (229.53 KB, 490x516, 245:258, 37347963d445d304b605f4451c….png)

File: ae5af7d5271a3cb⋯.jpg (14.46 KB, 211x255, 211:255, a2fec5a3cf5368a6ee8b4ff9ad….jpg)

File: 30856ba3c0e2b18⋯.jpg (6.86 KB, 277x182, 277:182, images (12).jpg)

>>1474482 << FAGGOT

565605 No.1474573

File: 189e1ff51f17f6f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.03 MB, 1278x794, 639:397, Screenshot_127.png)

2b9d30 No.1474574

File: 073558122eb723c⋯.jpg (63.47 KB, 750x422, 375:211, pasttimes.jpg)



298623 No.1474575

File: 1730f51ab73c74d⋯.jpg (8.68 KB, 215x300, 43:60, Queen-Sophia-Charlotte-176….jpg)

File: 2a1ba7b61d0cfda⋯.jpg (73.8 KB, 580x889, 580:889, queen_charlotte_20150127-5….jpg)



News flash….Royals havent been white for a very long time

953db1 No.1474576


Grassley letter to RR


e7409f No.1474577


Long list huh

bb9990 No.1474578


russia said today they want iran out of syria….

after q exposed iron / clown relationship

5092cc No.1474579

File: 91e128d1ca44319⋯.png (362.8 KB, 777x689, 777:689, RR PROBLEMS.png)

1d7089 No.1474580

Anons, place your bets: which -23rd will the Pain be delivered?

1. Wednesday, May 23rd

2. Saturday, June 23rd

3. Monday, July 23rd

4. Thursday, August 23rd

5. Sunday, September 23rd

6. Tuesday, October 23rd

7. Other

I'm voting #2, but you can bet that the Cabal is going to try and pull shit near all of those dates until the release is made–and directly after as well. Keep your guard up around those times, these people are the embodiment of Evil.

e2bdf7 No.1474581

File: e51630e2edbcd7c⋯.jpg (23.54 KB, 480x480, 1:1, c75ef407e51c3c0087b0a74b2d….jpg)




>Nigga's is this kanye west?

07332b No.1474582


Hillary team FISA fraud still ongoing? Has to be a honeypot or working for POTUS.

bbf1ae No.1474583



8d41b3 No.1474584


Not clicking that shit. You got a point?

7f310d No.1474585

Last call for updates to notes


>>1474000 All pen pics from Q

>>1474019 From our brethren at GA

>>1474038, >>1474445 Planefag Update

>>1474046, >>1474207, >>1474340 Pen looks damaged // His hands show holding a phone

>>1474047, >>1474444 Q team pointed out dox of @0HOUR1

>>1474085 They thought EO would be yesterday, hence the FFs

>>1474112 Let your voices be heard! #IBOR

>>1474227 Asia Argento calims to have been raped by (((Harvey Weinstein)))

>>1474391 BO explaining IP hashes

>>1474465 Dr. Mad Dog is going to bring the pain!

adfc47 No.1474586


I don't think stupidity is linked to IQ.

They're all stupid! Low IQs?

ecef2a No.1474587


gaiam poster detected

4f28da No.1474588


Mueller is Deep State

3dd2c9 No.1474589


Yes they did anon. A lot of them.

7e48af No.1474590

lol why do the FE shills use EASILY EXPLAINED questions as "proof", they should go to a highschool astronomy class and their minds would be blown (due to their incapability to understand basic physics/astronomy)

2d9335 No.1474591

File: 5976032c8705686⋯.jpg (71.6 KB, 500x345, 100:69, PlanRealise.jpg)

94dbf8 No.1474592

File: 5cd12eea4abb4d3⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180519-200447….jpg)

File: 2210a18cb94a789⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180519-200453….jpg)

File: bc1bad47cf19d11⋯.jpg (839.68 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180519-200457….jpg)

File: 324ccd9d5e544d1⋯.jpg (570.07 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180519-200517….jpg)


So theres those ones and here's these like i said I could be wrong

adfc47 No.1474593


Correction, was comped by the deep state.

9fb0c7 No.1474594


prolly not good idea to piss him off

e2bdf7 No.1474595

File: d2003fde58d2bc4⋯.png (56.47 KB, 633x494, 633:494, dd0eb65a1c8bea0a24c1a48d0f….png)

Meme maker wanted

Maxine Waters open casket

43e14a No.1474596

File: 98ac9db1c49002f⋯.gif (460.92 KB, 499x278, 499:278, itch.gif)

07332b No.1474597


Corsi, you've lost the plot man!

d3e467 No.1474598




Instead of being Completer Arrogant AssWipes Explain your take on what has Occurred Eisenstein's.

Calling me names and Claiming to have the knowledge is BullShit.

Yea, LurkMoar, we are smarter.

What's Up Faggots?

Got it all figured out?

64e0ee No.1474599

File: 3b514089cb5b37c⋯.png (379.85 KB, 446x420, 223:210, 41020.png)


I was certain I was finally going to hit it bigly with this quick pick from Friday.

5092cc No.1474600


>>1474000 All pen pics from Q

4/5, + >>1474403

62025b No.1474601


A long list before that. JFK? Long list of attacks for over 200 years.

929b0b No.1474603

File: 388190002c41664⋯.png (63.62 KB, 782x913, 782:913, NimrodsChristmasTreeOrEver….png)

File: d562ff7634f526e⋯.png (608.35 KB, 810x921, 270:307, NimrodIsMolechNWO.png)


ParkLand Sante Fe

Dark plan === HRC 16 yr Plan

Sante Fe === EveryGreen 16yr Plan

Dark Plan Satan Faith === Evergreen 16yr plan

The Christmas Tree of Nimrod is called Evergreen

4cb107 No.1474604


You do the Army disservice by claiming to be one in the past. No where in my post did I say middle eastern children were not as important as American's. Your reading comprehension sucks. Not even going to bother reply to the rest of your dribble. buh bye.

e7409f No.1474605


Nothing to see here, move along.

c2478b No.1474606


fuck you! filter me because that means you are one less asshole I have to waste my time with. Shut up you say PIG? I'm not here because I am the kind of person who accommodated you babies that resort to shut up or I filter you. Filter is a blessing because you are not worthy of my time. Smoke another bowl you loser

ecff5b No.1474607

File: 2a54456bc45fd9b⋯.jpeg (415.81 KB, 1053x783, 39:29, 3B6D8C99-2052-4FE6-9836-9….jpeg)


A lot of pussy references as well…

eec3ba No.1474608



Implies 23 days after trip change. …May 4th.

4 + 23. =May 27.

eba8d7 No.1474609


Not the same

d36a2c No.1474610

You think your big time , your gonna fuc**ing die big time. Here comes the pain! (Carlitos way 1993 Al Pacino )

7a730b No.1474611


I will gladly pay your *transportation, to travel to Mattis' location and tell him that to his face.

*One way, as you won't be needing a return trip.

1d7089 No.1474612


That's interesting–every 6 days for the last three, then a gap of 18 days, preceded by 8.

4d036b No.1474613


We are not even telling what the angle of the trap is, to much fun in seeing some gong full retard

565605 No.1474614

File: 8c770589b81da82⋯.png (981.06 KB, 1274x715, 98:55, Screenshot_111.png)

3dd2c9 No.1474615


He said today that Q people were stalking him & his family. He drama, drama, drama ALL the time.

b72307 No.1474616


well, that answers the OTHER question about what bears do in the woods…

929b0b No.1474617


Operation Evergreen

e7409f No.1474619


Shes about a 7 at her best. Ok, I lied. 6

ab987c No.1474620


For reflecting my top two are Gettysburg and Point Loma / Rosecrans/ Cabrillo (San Diego)

468d46 No.1474621


Q's gonna ruin everything with facts isn't he?

d794fb No.1474622


so are u saying that I shouldn't decorate my Christmas tree every Christmas season?

5a33b1 No.1474624

Q needs to be careful



fe18c8 No.1474625


Why? US military is pound for pound the worst performing western military in history.

d3af88 No.1474626

An American Islamic center shouldn't even be a thing


d3e467 No.1474627


I'm an Patriot it's been here since October 2016 so fuck off jack wad

9f3322 No.1474628


>7. Other

68d5eb No.1474629


He's just a laptop and a bag of doritos short of being an anon

958ed6 No.1474630


Makes you wonder whose on the Q team after Jones bashed Mattis and Dunford along with POTUS that night.

Buh Bye Alex.

6a0259 No.1474631

I'm in the digging mood.

e2bdf7 No.1474632

File: 30623cf63da224b⋯.jpg (44.6 KB, 480x343, 480:343, 2adfmz~2.jpg)

File: d9f7f521fe7f24e⋯.jpg (27.63 KB, 399x251, 399:251, 2aiwzg~2.jpg)

a9db8a No.1474633

File: 115897b9df6d5ce⋯.png (1.52 MB, 965x599, 965:599, REDWAVE.png)

b2f107 No.1474634


toes take her to a 2, 3

547034 No.1474635

Fredrick Douglas…..then Thomas Drake

"Power and those in control concede nothing … without a demand. They never have and they never will. …each and every one of us must keep demanding, must keep fighting, must keep thundering, must keep plowing, must keep on keeping things struggling, must speak out and must speak up until justice is served because where there is no justice there can be no peace."

958ed6 No.1474636

File: 727058f04868aca⋯.jpg (136.61 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, RRInformedPatriot.jpg)

3fabf2 No.1474637

File: 1cf45ce735973b8⋯.jpg (346.17 KB, 1440x1755, 32:39, _20180519_202924.JPG)

POTUS crossed every "T" and dotted every "i".


c41cfa No.1474638


Only thing I don't get, tho, is that Trump gives all of his enemies nicknames…Crooked Hillary, Little Adam Schiff, etc….and yet he's NEVER given one to Mueller.

I know it would blow minds everywhere, but is it even remotely possible that Mueller got flipped with a deal he couldn't refuse & is actually working with POTUS? I know, practically blasphemy…but it just seems odd.

b88d82 No.1474639

Fe also means iron.

7a730b No.1474640


I'd rather be a Completer, than a Starter …

8a61b5 No.1474641


Cry harder in your echo chamber, you can't save everybody but you can try and save as many as possible, which is what's happening here. Enjoy the silence of the filter.

b72307 No.1474642

File: 5bde544dcd1c7e1⋯.png (543.89 KB, 1225x769, 1225:769, ClipboardImage.png)

FINNY72 landing in Tampa. Originated in Cypress.

d3e467 No.1474643


You're saying is you would no clue and you're a fucking dumb fuck or Pamphlets Bitch

9b50d6 No.1474644

File: bdd0dbc356c9ba9⋯.png (866.01 KB, 734x715, 734:715, ClipboardImage.png)


On the 23rd if it habbens, I will collect salt from many Zionist shills & Sayanim who have built large audiences some for 20 yrs (AJ) some for less (YT stars, (Webb Goodman) & all others who jumped ship & are all dissing Q now

e7409f No.1474645


FISA needs to be abolished period

0055ae No.1474646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bb9990 No.1474647


ya…but not the first…..many…Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. 911, jfk……too mant too list

4cb107 No.1474648


He still has to get FISA Judge approval. That's only from earliest May 2017. The illegal spying started a year earlier.

64f3ad No.1474649

File: a8122d343e0fd09⋯.png (398.28 KB, 590x418, 295:209, PEPEKEMATEqe2.png)

ab987c No.1474650


You want a dig I’ve not yet finished?

c2478b No.1474651


Not a death threat! Stop intentionally taking what I said out of context. Are you afraid of what I said in it's entirety? You posted a few words from one line of a multi line post as a way to discredit me. You manipulated what I said to give a different context.

929b0b No.1474652

File: 9896a4fb20e47d2⋯.png (168.38 KB, 500x628, 125:157, 9896a4fb20e47d2d90b745ae01….png)


Operation Evergreen is a Go - Pepe

6a0259 No.1474653

958ed6 No.1474654


Never have and never will as Douglass said.

#PatriotsFight! #DemandJustice #WeThePeople

adfc47 No.1474655


Wrong! The US military has been performing admirably.

It's those giving order with a questionable allegiance that are the problem.

bd3ccd No.1474656


FDR helped plan Pearl Harbour attack.

771172 No.1474657



is really moving, Anon.


67fb5c No.1474658


They will not be able to walk in the streets…

And the direct perpetrators of crime will face the courts and whatever punishment the judges impose on them. But even the minions will not be able to walk the streets

8482b5 No.1474659


Dammit, thank you for correcting. Need more autism.

202457 No.1474660


Michael J. Smith

University profile page


e2bdf7 No.1474662

File: a2e63a3928d33a0⋯.jpg (72.41 KB, 480x715, 96:143, 2a6hnk~2.jpg)

ce5846 No.1474663

File: 391d0ac2123caa6⋯.png (251.91 KB, 600x433, 600:433, Timeisrunningout.png)


Trump wins Clowns LOSE! What a beautiful photo….Savoring in it hmmmmm… comfy..

794bf6 No.1474664


TY; you clarify just enough for me.

4cb107 No.1474665


have a hard time understanding what you read much?

293aa7 No.1474666


“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”

Prayer said every single day in the OO.

JFK - Secret Socities.

Where we go one, we go all.


We mourn the deaths and we do everything we can to bring [guaranteed] justice to those responsible.


264698 No.1474667


kek lol

8a61b5 No.1474668


No problem anon.

d31004 No.1474669

File: 86dd8b5df5c4642⋯.jpg (454.04 KB, 889x954, 889:954, kanye.jpg)

43e14a No.1474670


jesus that hit a little too close to home

b88d82 No.1474671

Q has referred to 40,000 ft as big picture too

565605 No.1474672


The Queen thinking to her royal self:

"How do I murder this one?"

7f310d No.1474673


6a0259 No.1474674



No name wishes Q were fake.

830704 No.1474675

File: c01951896e0551a⋯.png (639.81 KB, 641x460, 641:460, ClipboardImage.png)

3dd2c9 No.1474676


I've thought that all along.

41651d No.1474677

Sorry if its been brought up already, but those pen pix… one's basically left facing, one is right if you go with the grain of the desk and angle, one is from the bottom and the last one if from the top (upside down.)

East west south north - a compass? Angle of the pen or pix orientation a clock?

Back to lurking.

bd3ccd No.1474678


Confirms time for Justice.

958ed6 No.1474679

Does anyone have quick access to the 3 fold General Flynn twitter water pics they can post?

adfc47 No.1474680


Welcome to 2018

d36a2c No.1474681

Here comes the pain!! Carlitos Way

60a9ae No.1474682


Nope. The “Hall of the Pontifical Audiences” was built while Paul VI was Pope.

3e483c No.1474684


^^^^^pedo is main course, she was just the fat slob's appetizer

527a83 No.1474685


Trips confirm!

Love this prayer, never gets old

bbf1ae No.1474686


The picture of the year?

e7409f No.1474688



Does this mean my secret decoder ring is no longer valid and I should cancel the submarine mission?

565605 No.1474690

File: 3807cd83f4793dd⋯.png (926.55 KB, 1248x704, 39:22, Screenshot_93.png)

fff4b9 No.1474692

File: c958f4d569f847d⋯.jpg (58.28 KB, 700x585, 140:117, Oscars.jpg)

ce5846 No.1474694


Bunch of self worshiping trash !! Burn it to the ground !!! [] <<IHS

958ed6 No.1474695

File: 1b7a8106404ed9b⋯.jpg (185.17 KB, 900x1650, 6:11, DODboom.jpg)

6086cb No.1474696

File: 81ba2f1c706e531⋯.jpg (480.35 KB, 1919x543, 1919:543, Clip.jpg)


4f28da No.1474697


Another Anon thinks he's been comped. Reminds me to Trey. With all the blackmail that goes on, we really don't know and won't until the dust settles, which takes US up to 2020.

A lot of damage has been done to the Deep State already, but once the OIG is released, probably in stages, we'll know more. I don't trust Mueller at all and never did and never will.

0827e1 No.1474698


Actually says "—-23!!!"

Still this does not change your point, which is well taken

e2bdf7 No.1474699

File: 5ac2290fb3ca126⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 54.43 KB, 768x749, 768:749, a0b7a726c07df5c8742e926970….jpg)

File: d3a83bdf4c63177⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 314x236, 157:118, tumblr_nbahibEOYF1ql591ho4….gif)

565605 No.1474701




cd184f No.1474702









[Apr 23]

1dc1d8 No.1474703


what the actual flying fuck, the pens on the clock face

What a fucking time to be alive. This is going to be fucking glorious. whomever planned all this? I want to have ALL THEIR BABIES

no homo, just edification

868b59 No.1474704


Whoa, dude. Step that "you Americans" back. You gave just insulted 90% of the board.

e7409f No.1474705


Yeah, I just mean against the Trump Admin and the People. I figure the hurricanes were manufactured too.

2a5bbf No.1474706

File: a858cc8ee93ca86⋯.jpg (79.95 KB, 854x480, 427:240, f41dbd64d802_sf_6.jpg)

File: 4d608116d00b6b6⋯.jpg (57.43 KB, 540x335, 108:67, Kennedy-and-quote-Click-to….jpg)

df6e80 No.1474707

File: e543ed9029b2fe6⋯.jpg (106.54 KB, 1705x1136, 1705:1136, dfghdfg.jpg)


The ceiling of the oval office. Call me crazy but can kinda see the crest in the pen cap

fe18c8 No.1474708


>The US military has been performing admirably

False. That's why you see so many Americans with PTSD. Americans are generally cowards. Luckily, America is quickly declining and will no longer be a problem for the word in the coming decades. After it is sufficiently weakened, we will gain support from China and pull America apart.

c41cfa No.1474709


What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I've been here from the start. People are still arguing back & forth whether Mueller's Deep State or flipped & helping.

5d5c3c No.1474710


ahh, interdasting. also Macri & Macron. (2 birds, same feather?)


makes it fun, don't it?

565605 No.1474711


The Pain? Maria Abramovich? Follow Maria? aka Marina.

6945c1 No.1474712

fff4b9 No.1474713

File: 4dd70507b6cd7f9⋯.jpg (123.8 KB, 808x736, 101:92, Hillary got crap.jpg)

bb9990 No.1474714

File: ef3d9ef0ac1087f⋯.jpg (122.76 KB, 936x622, 468:311, 985610 - Copy.jpg)

File: 6cc9caffd096eee⋯.jpg (66.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

File: f2fff427493e696⋯.jpg (2.07 MB, 1300x946, 650:473, dealey-plaza-dallas-scene-….jpg)

23658d No.1474715

File: 8d22368d1b53979⋯.jpg (42.08 KB, 720x340, 36:17, ShitTalker.jpg)

ad3ff3 No.1474717

File: 6050be5ad3f57d4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 58.73 KB, 710x473, 710:473, 13-multiple-personalities.….jpg)

as for bodily responses to the awakening

pulp coming out of my left eye

The Big Clean

ce5846 No.1474718

File: 6bb56d9eb520714⋯.png (414.46 KB, 963x506, 963:506, 6bb56d9eb520714432fc3769bf….png)


Can you spare some of you're brain ? You seem to have a surplus of riches !!

5092cc No.1474720

File: f866adeca58a7de⋯.jpg (302.8 KB, 2048x1512, 256:189, Partner, Mother & POTUS.jpg)


> picture of the year?

641e1c No.1474721

File: fc68ec2f82a868c⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 320x180, 16:9, _98812622_043069144.jpg)

e7409f No.1474722


Ive never taken a girl's boots off before, wouldnt know.

bd3ccd No.1474723


The fangs/stage of the auditorium are in Vatican City, the rest of the head of the snake is in Rome. Message= satan is biting and trying to kill the Catholic Church.

2d9335 No.1474724

File: fa70ac89f9482e8⋯.jpg (33.9 KB, 502x298, 251:149, POTUSTRUST.JPG)

565605 No.1474725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d3e467 No.1474726




How Cute. I asked for a simple take on what's happening are a Jackass.

I guess you are one of them. No Patriots talk like this

929b0b No.1474727


Nimrod === Baal === molech === Evergreen

Nimrod believes

1] Spirit cooking -

2] divine right of kings - marry into your own family

3] Child sacrifice

Its a battle between good and evil

Choose a side

ab987c No.1474728


K. Im brained out from the week. Need to tie in LL to her part in the EG investigation. In the EP interview he states that the Wiener laptop leverage came from her (not in total, but part) EG was 187 but from what I’ve dug he died in the ambulance and it smells fixed. The NYPD brass were fighting hard on the “choke hold” narrative. If you see posts

>>1419275 and >>1430376 there is prob enough there to explain. I have read that LL was brought in to fix and then became AG. So... wondering if this role was ALSO leverage on the tarmac but I havent gone that last lap yet.

>Bless you anon.

In the EP audio he mentions LL and EG at minute 2:30ish.

5092cc No.1474729


nownow, there's multiple's anons input in there, not just one


e2bdf7 No.1474731

bbf1ae No.1474732


Both have connection with the Roths.

Check the bread of Hispanic QResearch (Macri el Gato Connection)

6e7347 No.1474733

File: 174b380f4dc4f76⋯.png (376.45 KB, 982x517, 982:517, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at ….png)


ce5846 No.1474734


The only memorial to JFK there is a spray painted X in the street where it happened. FU cabal !!! Arch bishop of NYC did this !! []<<IHS

4d036b No.1474736

1e2857 No.1474737


One of my favorites-

up there with the double amputee one

ca01a9 No.1474738

Anons: I just shaved my beard and hair, and swore to not shave again until I have seen the enemy defeated, in honor of my Chatti/Cherusci heritage (suebian knot/iron ring). Despite having killed "enemies" for (((their))) POTUS Bush while in the Corps.

I encourage any other warriors in 1stcivdiv who would like to join do so now so we may recognize each other.

Bring the fucking pain Q-Team. Bring the fucking pain. This has been far too long coming, but god is my motoboner getting bigger ever day.

Excuse me while I have a combat-jack.

e2bdf7 No.1474740

File: beacbb4f3c2eaed⋯.jpg (44.31 KB, 398x501, 398:501, 2a2ap9~2.jpg)

bbf1ae No.1474741


I hope that The EUMilitary has the balls soon. As Mike Green

ab987c No.1474742


Also posts >>1463796 and >>1463800

5d5c3c No.1474743



Cue Jack Ma.

17659f No.1474744

File: a0f46ccb661d2eb⋯.jpg (16.1 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 828f7bf46a40500cf9595e6ca3….jpg)

d36a2c No.1474745


Are you saying ptsd means your a coward? Or would you like to rephrase yours statement …

b88d82 No.1474746

Interesting timing, eh? Well releasing the cures is within the realm of realistic possibilities unlike admitting that they had them & suppressed them for profit in Big Pharma and others! Could you IMAGINE the sheer amount of outrage by ppl effected by just cancer alone of loved ones & even themselves? Wow! The importance is that they ARE released tho! Release the cures!!


http:// www.fox2detroit.com/health/cancer-injection-eliminates-tumors-in-mice

ac2366 No.1474747


If you haven't seen pics of bodies on 9/11 ur the newest anon on the net.


You didn't say middle eastern children were worth less than American children? Wtf is this:

>This is NOT the middle east and in this country, we respect the right to privacy for a grieving family.

You read to the bottom of my post but refuse to address the middle because it directly refutes ur statement. You're either a weak minded anon or intentional shill.

>disservice to the army for claiming you …

So you smear my service record because you can't refute factual statements. Awesome. Ur true colors are showing and they GLOW.

3e483c No.1474748




Or, does it mean news on the day of the last trip change?

e7409f No.1474749



Philip: "Cheer up, Mum, we'll be dead before these bastards have too many chances to embarrass us. "

12a632 No.1474750


I believe military intelligence has been monitoring the cabal for a long time. Q's statements regarding JFK and Reagan gives me the impression that for all this time military intelligence has been monitoring and waiting for the right moment to act. If so, deep cover agents were certainly positioned right into the heart of the cabal. Given Mueller's background, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he's been with to good guys from the very beginning.

6945c1 No.1474751




That would make for a compelling series.

6e7347 No.1474752

File: e548d107949aae8⋯.jpeg (6.51 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download.jpeg)

6086cb No.1474754


Any Graphologist-fags out there care to describe Donald's serrated edge signature.

bb9990 No.1474756

File: 1ff6517d66dadb9⋯.png (34.61 KB, 1000x652, 250:163, 22d1f05a6c112d8de497bf3850….png)

e2bdf7 No.1474757

File: 48c532af8ca8068⋯.png (57.55 KB, 494x633, 494:633, dd0eb65a1c8bea0a24c1a48d0f….png)

7f310d No.1474758

File: 96a152408b3196b⋯.jpg (163.83 KB, 599x600, 599:600, _sd7y3tlbu2e.jpg)

New Bread

New Bread





New Bread

New Bread

>Got both dubs, and tesla blessing, kek

6086cb No.1474782


Just giving them what they asked for,

what they preyed for,

what they desired . . .

806cbf No.1493254


Los Angeles -> Fallen Angels

5baf8d No.1493399


5baf8d No.1493408

what's up with the extras left open, baker? bv?

5baf8d No.1493410


5baf8d No.1493415

5baf8d No.1493416

5baf8d No.1493420

5baf8d No.1493451

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