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File: 2bec1b010cc79aa⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QR1787.png)

b13f06 No.1424291

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Board Rules (Read the rules please)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode

Current Q Tripcode: Q !4pRcUA0lBE

PAST Tripcodes: !xowAT4Z3VQ , !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.15.2018

>>1420066 rt >>1419965 ----- Do you trust POTUS? Does POTUS trust SESSIONS to protect the lives of our brave law enforcement?

>>1419926 ------------------ Did you catch it?

>>1419720 ------------------ Autists - we thank you. Patriots - we thank you. We came here for a reason.

>>1419607 rt >>1419514 ----- What do you notice? They all drop hints they are considering future elected positions.

>>1419531 rt >>1419500 ----- They knew this day would come. EVIL everywhere. CORRUPTION everywhere. We Fight! We, The PEOPLE.

>>1419464 ------------------ Who is Richard Donoghue? Background? PAIN.

>>1416382 rt >>1416216 ----- Find the [2] NYPD detectives [187] mid 2017.

>>1416241 ------------------ ENJOY THE SHOW.

>>1415794 ------------------ #1776

Monday 05.14.2018

>>1414277 ------------------ When does a bird sing?

>>1413485 ------------------ Pain Coming.

>>1413374 rt >>1413137 ----- rt: Patriot vs Paytriot

>>1413045 rt >>1413017 ----- Repost crumb re: Rudy

>>1413017 ------------------ Who knows where the bodies are buried?

>>>/patriotsfight/82 ------- Comms understood? (deleted) see >>1411589

>>>/patriotsfight/81 ------- They are losing control of the message. (deleted)

>>>/patriotsfight/80 ------- [ATTACKS WILL ONLY INTENSIFY]

Sunday 05.13.2018

>>1397513 ------------------ Full Circle.

>>1394586 ------------------ On Guard.

>>1394124 ------------------ Trust must be earned.

>>1393554 rt >>1393485 ----- What must happen pre 11.11?

>>1393391 rt >>1393351 ----- rt "The Shadow Government"

>>1393354 rt >>1393313 ----- Watch what happens [-30].

>>1393321 rt >>1393295 ----- LOOP.

>>1393311 rt >>1393269 ----- Well done, Anon.

>>1393295 ------------------ https://nationalsecurityaction.org/who-we-are/

Saturday 05.12.2018

>>1392849 ------------------ Sealed indictments.

>>1391731 ------------------ Now comes the pain.

>>1391509 rt >>1391481 ----- Godspeed, Patriot.

>>1391443 rt >>1391351 ----- Corruption everywhere.

>>1391355 rt >>1391341 ----- News beginning to leak.

>>1391340 rt >>1391298 ----- Happy Hunting!

>>1391298 ------------------ Truth Coming.

>>>/patriotsfight/79 ------- No private comms

>>1388185 ------------------ Stay the course.

>>1385613 ------------------ PEOPLE UNITED hold the power.

>>1384036 rt >>1383888 ----- Time to move on.

Friday 05.11.2018

>>1373162 ------------------ This is why we are here.

>>1372772 ------------------ Q Responds to Corsi/AJ Attack

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

'''2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 , >>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1127332 For Website mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill

=Q Clock Graphic=


b13f06 No.1424304


are not endorsements


>>1423621 "Trumps Elbows Black Lady In The Face." (VFN reports)

>>1423623 Chicago Nonprofit Files Lawsuit to Block Obama Presidential Center, >>1423696, >>1424141

>>1423718 Two Colleagues Contradict Brennan per Rogers

>>1423719 "Judge rejects Manafort motion to dismiss Russia probe charges" (The Hill), >>1423757 (extra sauce)

>>1423793 Marilyn Monroe's ID likely issued for USO tours., >>1422879

>>1423884 Pope hints he may retire.

>>1424025 "The Chinese Company Selling Iranian Sniper Gear Around the World"

>>1424118 New EO to Take Better Control of IT Functions (Awans?)

>>1424167 "Rand Paul asks Haspel about any CIA surveillance of Trump."

>>1424235 South TX doctor charged with $240 Million fraud/money-laundering scheme


>>1422879 Marilyn Monroe's "NONCOMBATANT'S CERTIFICATE OF IDENTITY"? (unconfirmed)

>>1422896 CNN posts an image of GEOTUS...in the crosshairs?, >>1422946

>>1422900 Detective Miosotis Familia is 1 of the 2.

>>1422926 Wikipedia highlights on Jean-Claude Juncker (from last night's "intentional" dox)

>>1422944 "You look like 55? 55 maybe?"

>>1422965 "China mocks EU's 'Alice in Wonderland' interpretation of trade rules in MAJOR warning"

>>1423006 "Pentagon Wants Cloud Secure Enough to Hold Nuke Secrets."

>>1423014 Moar Anon thoughts on "the handoff"

>>1423050 United States v. Schulte (1:17-mj-06401); District Court, S.D. New York

>>1423112 Anon says "NYC front and center of Q posts currently"...9/11 reveal?

>>1423160 "Loyalty Oath Proposed for Universities" (Kent State, 1970)

>>1423416 "Taxpayer-Funded Childcare Fraud Scheme Appears to Fund Terrorists"


>>1422272 Full video of the handoff

>>1422121 US hits head of Iran's central bank with terror sanctions

>>1422048 Macau billionaire gets four years prison for bribing U.N. officials

>>1422056 Dems urged to attack Trump.

>>1422286 Teneo, Doug Band, Declan, Cooper

>>1422319 Memo Details EPA Leaker’s Plan To ‘Retaliate’ Against Scott Pruit

>>1422361 >>1422384 Planefag reports !

>>1422386 Transcript of Trump's remarks

>>1422433 Anon puts the pieces together

>>1422574 Scott Pruitt’s ethics challenges a delight for Democrats

>>1422576 Trump tweet's article on WINNING !!

>>1422588 111 days ago BHO retained counsel

>>1422612 Trump's winning streak

>>1422625 Enough is enough !


>>1421256 The truth is getting out MH 370

>>1419987 Sauce for Doherty

>>1421284 Isis fighter who burned pilot caught

>>1421331 Killdawg uses Iphone5?

>>1421361 Pope having a bad May graphic

>>1421216 Keys to the Insurance File

>>1421406 Q is not a LARP proof positive

>>1421429 Another detective death in 17 digs

>>1421451 NXIVM affiliated companies

>>1421489 POTUS video and tweet from speech today

>>1421554 On this day in History May 15

>>1421567 CDAN connects to Horror Film?

>>1421584 >>1421634 Planefag report Update

>>1421570 Obama center CRIMINAL actions

>>1421686 Great photo of POTUS and grieving Mother.

>>1421719 Q proofs graphic

>>1421755 Mark Warner to support Gina Haspel

>>1421856 Moar Preet Bahrara diggs

>>1421857 Other new MH370 Links

>>1421866 Leaker Identified?


>>1415127 >>1415259 Kubrick connection to "Eyes Wide Open" (MK/Pedos/Luciferians)

>>1421216 Keys to the Insurance File

>>1420502 The simplicity of clowns, deep statists, and evil actors running for political positions

>>1420547 Latest on Soros

>>1420657 Now comes the pain Q connects

>>1420719 Police body cam footage missing 187 Digs underway.

>>1420854 Deblasio Employee Arrested for CP

>>1421003 Connections ,connections

>>1421022 NYC police official of Bangladeh suicide (from August 2017)

>>1421044 >>1421054 >>1421062 >>1421070 >>1421077 >>1421085 Planefag report May 15th


>>1420104 Quorum.us digs

>>1420508 Fox news Article on UFO's

>>1419768 Impeachment-obsessed Dem turns on Pelosi for not backing Trump ouster plan

>>1419812 Tom Wolfe, ‘The Bonfire of the Vanities’ author, dies at 87

>>1419814 Who gets the honor of joining Trump on stage at the Police Ceremony today? That's right, the Familia family.

>>1419944 Interactive Organizational Chart For the DOJ Very helpful

>>1419966 Dynamic duo - Donoghue works with Berman who was Giuliani’s former partner:

>>1420012 , >>1420116 Preet Bharara vs Billy Walters

>>1420043 Officer Familia Also A Former Red Cross Worker

>>1420184 Preet Albany Diocese

>>1420222 What do flowers represent?

>>1420308 PAIN

>>1419838 Director GEN Paul Nakasone leading a flag-raising ceremony

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

b13f06 No.1424309

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>16785 ----- Prayer

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>566073 --- Q Cards Collection

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>169315 --- Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>1233401 - All Executive Orders

>>1241760 - Shill posters

>>1243929 - JFK Files released

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

b13f06 No.1424312

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21 >>1408993

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 18,000 Memes and Infographs Searchable by Subject


Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Memes: Latest Stockpiles

Memes21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995, 19 >>1144040

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ----------------------- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! We Really Need Patriot Bakers

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

b13f06 No.1424315



51d76d No.1424319

File: 3f0e76ec448af53⋯.png (905.97 KB, 1306x900, 653:450, Barry Soetoro Andrew Basia….png)

3e2c57 No.1424372

Candice owens is just in it for the fame

79c4f9 No.1424373


There were a couple of good proofs dropped just this weekend. We're good here.

1822b0 No.1424374

It is literally Whites vs. niggers and non whites. You better get ready and start fighting now, or there will be no America.

Understanding and following higher principles is a requirement for America to even be America.

Niggers and non whites, on average, have an IQ of 80-85, thus they cannot understand or follow higher principles like freedom, the supremacy of the individual over the collective, order, commitment, and the family unit.

If niggers and non whites are allowed to proliferate to a higher percentage of America, America will no longer understand or follow higher principles and will no longer be America. It would become be a shithole run by gangs and a police state, freedom would be lost forever.

It is either them or us. Trump will not save you from a nigger and non white attempt to takeover America. You need to fight hard and shut this attempt down now or America is done.

6d0b7d No.1424375

File: 833803112e44582⋯.jpg (22.09 KB, 329x466, 329:466, 2ccaf617319162743c1fd79337….jpg)

Thank You Baker

f98a58 No.1424376

File: d2705e0cc74c3b4⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1515x1119, 505:373, GAis2ndAR.png)

thanks baker!

7c4334 No.1424377

File: 1a71fe99a92bd7d⋯.png (172.78 KB, 1080x585, 24:13, Screenshot_20180515-182417….png)

1d9b3f No.1424379

can anyone explain what o7 means?

i tried to ask an anon last thread, but I'm extremely confident he's drunk and can't coherently communicate right now

4fc89b No.1424380

File: 1b49b94f061c161⋯.jpg (108.42 KB, 799x590, 799:590, Screenshot_20180515-192407.jpg)

Look what Cernovich just tweeted


c28697 No.1424381

File: df5c5964de445a3⋯.png (123.34 KB, 1014x741, 26:19, cohen in the loop.PNG)

File: c3a928e2893abc8⋯.png (565.67 KB, 795x831, 265:277, pb stage crew.PNG)

File: 55ffec4b3d94477⋯.png (424.5 KB, 1695x682, 1695:682, scheidermann x off.PNG)


read it thru…no interest PB says in politics….yet he is shilling cnn swing set…scheidermann

still diggin

f98a58 No.1424382

ID: 1822b0



2204ca No.1424383

>> 1424374

Divide, much?

555a22 No.1424384

>>1424379 symbol for soldier salute

76073b No.1424385


Lawfag here.

Standard is pretty high to get Rule 11.

Check subsections (b)(1) - (4). Almost any lawyer can find a way to meet each element listed.

https: //www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcp/rule_11

78a1e7 No.1424386


I used to follow her, then the novelty wore off. After she joined Turning Point, i knew she was becoming a PAYtriot. Sadly, i fear she's one book deal away from AJ/JC.

1d9b3f No.1424387


>and I'll make a poll where they won't have an option to say they believe Q anymore than partially

8343f7 No.1424388


b09650 No.1424389



It's shit.

a31f0c No.1424390

File: 92285cf71f5e09e⋯.png (426.41 KB, 920x550, 92:55, OfficerFamilia_and_Partner….PNG)

File: 361b03a2a5e25f4⋯.png (8.15 KB, 452x179, 452:179, Find_Found_NYPD_187.PNG)

File: caeb560967c704b⋯.png (9.87 KB, 533x219, 533:219, One_of_Two_NYPD_187.PNG)


RIP Officer Familia– we got you.

We know her partner naturally knew (knows). Q never said 2 were killed….he just said to simply [FIND] the detectives that a murder hit was placed on. Depictions above.

28cceb No.1424391

Dear Anons & Autists,

Has anyone made a bullet point list of all of the conflicts of interest regarding Mueller probe?

Has anyone made a bullet point list of all of the incidents of those hostile to POTUS conspiring with foreigners against the POTUS?

(& lastly)

Has anyone made a bullet point list (or side by side comparison) of all of the cases/incidences of Dems or DS doing the same things that they are going after Trump's people for? Example: Manafort & Podesta

Thank You Come Again


ab8926 No.1424392

>>1424291Thanks Baker much love !! You are doing God's work !!


Last bread God I love this Anon fuk yea baby !! Q wins CLOWNS DIE !!! MAGA 45!!

7c58ab No.1424393


No where to say I believe all of it?

1822b0 No.1424396

Judaism and Islam are both Nazi. Both say their people are the chosen ones, and that everyone who is not in their religion must be killed. The Jews play a long game and plan to genocide all those who are not Jews over the next ~100 years. However, the Jews believe the quicker the better, which is why the Deep State wants to start ww3.

36eaf9 No.1424397


O good…more holding patterns.

a8f9d0 No.1424398


I guarantee Thernovich is only seeing dollar signs.

65a8e5 No.1424399


It’s GOOD vs Evil you asshole ! Not race creed party or your personal prejudices belong here ! We Are Anons that is WHY WE ARE HERE

13cd16 No.1424400


Find the [2] NYPD detectives [187] mid 2017.

11 Officers in New York State Died/Murdered in 2017, Narrow that down to 10 if you don't count K-9's.


Narrow further to 3 if you only count NYPD detectives.

1. Detective Miosotis P. Familia (gunfire)

2.Detective Steven D. McDonald (gunfire)

3. Detective Stephen T. Kubinski (9/11 related illness)

6d0b7d No.1424401

File: 1ce3808a19cf838⋯.jpg (41.46 KB, 830x565, 166:113, 1150228.jpg)

7d937b No.1424402

>>1424350 (last loaf)

take heart anon, those with penile or scatological obsessions are usually shills

693eee No.1424403

File: ad38a101ca3f383⋯.png (721.04 KB, 583x480, 583:480, baker-ty-anime-ladies.png)

ty baker

1333c4 No.1424404

File: ad8e409c7824660⋯.jpg (25.61 KB, 453x268, 453:268, ad8.jpg)


never gonna give em up .

70aedf No.1424405

File: 1c90d923f7ac1c1⋯.jpg (537.14 KB, 1785x600, 119:40, Officer Familia [1].jpg)

From #1781




>side by side


>Will someone please side-by-side these? I can't do it on my potato

f98a58 No.1424406



but vote believe most of it if you do vote


461209 No.1424407


Unite the White comes first anon.

Its the ugly truth. Needs to be said.

14d9b8 No.1424408

>>1424109 LB

re logan act what is it good for?

lawfag here

good for nothing

it is certainly unconstitutionaly vague

plus sentence max 3 years

is a joke and very dated

78a1e7 No.1424409


Classic KEK!

831593 No.1424410

File: d5ec91fe298acbf⋯.jpg (76.09 KB, 697x904, 697:904, 12.jpg)

Rand Paul Demands Answers from the C_A.

5db5ae No.1424411

(Bread #1786)


>...the "jews" of today are not the Israelites....

Well, the original locals were not all that great, either. The Sephardim made their way up to Spain and Portugal. Eventually, people got tired of their shit and kicked them out.

ab8926 No.1424412

Anons Help your Bakers when its peak traffic time.

Do this everytime pls.



501f80 No.1424413

File: 798cf800112322f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 40.9 KB, 587x768, 587:768, 798cf800112322f7d251795538….jpg)

God bless Patriots and Bakers!

174d8b No.1424414

Now Watergate does not bother me

Does your conscience bother you, tell the truth


51d76d No.1424415


MK Ultra?

Given an offer he couldn't refuse?

f98a58 No.1424416


well Q confirmed Familia was (1/2)

I'm thinking (2/2) is Shaniqua Osborne, died of HEART ATTACK (can be deadly)

4fc89b No.1424418


All press is GOOD Press!


7c58ab No.1424419


That takes about 60=70 years. Good luck

b13f06 No.1424420

File: e7ee7923df5ce98⋯.png (339.52 KB, 682x850, 341:425, shitrusshills.png)


that's because they have no sense of humor and have to resort to dick and doo-doo jokes. morans. KEK

1ab7b2 No.1424421



if that is true, where did he get the Negro features?

170b91 No.1424422


Cerno putting his finger to the wind, he will go where the poll tells him to go.

28cceb No.1424423

b1ffda No.1424424


I would say expand from detectives because Familia wasnt a detective when killed, it was awarded after death

5b8719 No.1424425

Should be an interesting Senate committee hearing tomorrow.

Investigative Report: Brennan Used FBI Agent Peter Strzok as Author For Intelligence Community Assessment and Placed Dossier Material into Obama’s Daily Briefing…


a31f0c No.1424427


hellllll no he was present in today's POTUS speech…alive and well and ready to tell.

f98a58 No.1424428


>>1424410 Rand Wants Answers From C_A

7c4334 No.1424430


Ahhh excellent catch Anon!

1333c4 No.1424431

File: ad4a8c874026807⋯.jpg (337.55 KB, 960x606, 160:101, seth_rich_cover.582cd87e07….jpg)


when you have someone in the crosshairs for treason , you don't bother with the logan act i suspect .

9941f1 No.1424432

File: 6dc91eb99ff9700⋯.jpg (65.33 KB, 615x530, 123:106, dhs election pa 5 15 18.JPG)


4fc89b No.1424433


You're soooo right


You're soooooooooo wrong

Delete that

fbc8d8 No.1424434


That link at the end of the sentence of: CNN Posts an Image……

doesn't belong there.

In #1785 Notable.


1822b0 No.1424435

Corsi and Jones are Deep State. Their job is to steer the truth movement away from seeing that Israel/Rothschilds are the cause of all problems in the world.

1d9b3f No.1424436

please ban porn posters…

7c4334 No.1424437

88c257 No.1424438


Been here since Nov but it's changed over the last week , something has definitely turned .

6dfab6 No.1424439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


f2d833 No.1424440

File: 04e49b2479d03b2⋯.png (281.43 KB, 822x427, 822:427, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

File: 5071b2764907b54⋯.png (230.85 KB, 1086x564, 181:94, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

first day on the job for LAUSD's new superintendent Austin Beutner who has a Clinton/Russia connection

http:// www.foxla.com/news/local-news/new-lausd-superintendent-austin-beutner-spends-first-day-touring-district

e0fba1 No.1424442

File: 302271bb36996b6⋯.jpg (131.69 KB, 960x958, 480:479, 32440498_362251750847781_5….jpg)


>please ban porn posters…

65a8e5 No.1424443


Me two that why i posted ..hoping it gets confirmed I can’t find any other that truly fit the description

8343f7 No.1424444



9941f1 No.1424445


he said that on Hannity weeks ago…

501f80 No.1424446

File: ca4a2fb999fc980⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 356x260, 89:65, ca4a2fb999fc980692ef067637….gif)




Freedom isn't free

7c4334 No.1424447


Yeah, the source is NBC so who really knows.

cc7400 No.1424448

File: a79ef5159f34a85⋯.png (243.16 KB, 1057x862, 1057:862, Capture.PNG)

And it starts.


51d76d No.1424449


MI6 supposedly did genetic testing and found his Stanley Ann Dunham was not his biological mother (according to Andy B. in that same interview).

13cd16 No.1424450

File: 0d1d482cdccb617⋯.png (183.79 KB, 1823x416, 1823:416, Patti McDonald.png)


Cool, Thanks for the Tip.

Interesting McDonalds Wife was a mayor

4fbb2e No.1424451

File: 67cefe12d9e0ca2⋯.jpg (153.5 KB, 1440x1408, 45:44, IMG_1722.JPG)

oldie but goodie

1d9b3f No.1424453


how meta do we have to go here?

are you really going to act like your paradoxical attack on me is going to be any better?…

693eee No.1424454

File: 7c3ffe88054475e⋯.png (356.93 KB, 658x683, 658:683, joy-villa.png)

d68103 No.1424455


No matter how many times u try u can't poison the well with ur dumb shit. Take ur Democrat/ShariaBlue talking points and shove them up ur ass.

2eba68 No.1424456


Just filter porn posters through ID+ if you are afraid of someone looking over your shoulder.

8343f7 No.1424457


Go away little boy

b13f06 No.1424458

>>1424410 Rand puts it in writing., >>1424167 (last)

^^^that work^^^

>>1424167 (last bread) "Rand Paul asks Haspel about any CIA surveillance of Trump."

1ab7b2 No.1424459


187 is murder not a "hit on" Q mentioned THEY see the insurance file?

One was Famililia the other ????

4558dd No.1424460


thanks anon! If you are still here, /i was thinking about the newest lawsuit regarding Emoluments violations. The others have been kicked out for no standing yet a new one over ZTE was filed. POTUS is excluded from emoluments violations, right? this is vexatious

8da8e7 No.1424461

Bot update incoming.


7d937b No.1424462


You should check your family history, most Americans have black ancestors in their family lines. Scientifically we all come from the same original woman (mitochondrial DNA) AKA Eve.

b1ffda No.1424463


interesting yes

5db5ae No.1424464


Horseshit. We were all united with 9/11. When people understand this ultimate attack, we'll be united again, because it's these attackers who have been dividing us. And you?

f2d833 No.1424465

File: d8171a8f84ecb61⋯.png (116.02 KB, 749x576, 749:576, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

May 15, 2018 - "Judge overturns CA assisted-suicide law on legislative process grounds"

http:// abc7.com/politics/judge-overturns-ca-assisted-suicide-law/3478637/

bb1825 No.1424466


sometimes the price is discomfort and/or

annoyance. not a high price..imo

aa1e72 No.1424467


This. Exactly.

531eaf No.1424468

File: 3f76d4737cf7107⋯.png (274.27 KB, 675x415, 135:83, ClipboardImage.png)




b09650 No.1424469

File: c976d09ebfd04af⋯.png (404.38 KB, 638x648, 319:324, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 358b6fa87c20283⋯.png (11.42 KB, 935x414, 935:414, ClipboardImage.png)


Detective Shaniqua Osborne, 42, a 19-year veteran officer at the Ninth Precinct, died after suffering a massive heart attack around 7:30 p.m. Thurs., March 16, while on duty at the E. Fifth St. stationhouse.



>Heart attacks can be deadly.

8da8e7 No.1424470



Emojiments 😭😭😭

1f401b No.1424471


CNN is telegraphing a plot to assassinate Trump.

White hats, intercept and PUNISH CNN hard. Maybe a "Marine Grab and give Public Attitude Adjustment" treatment of the guilty CNN guy" is in order.

670f5c No.1424472

File: 9d53e8b9f68c35d⋯.jpg (157.71 KB, 1434x686, 717:343, Israel_Cohen.jpg)

File: 094606f45373fd9⋯.jpeg (289.77 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, Kanye_Pol.jpeg)

File: 472cef3efd98cf4⋯.jpg (423.3 KB, 835x812, 835:812, Jews_Relationship_Between_….jpg)

File: 820b44628cb5eb6⋯.jpg (438.99 KB, 813x788, 813:788, Jews_Relationship_Between_….jpg)

File: 9ceabe4db0f1569⋯.jpg (156.39 KB, 600x1030, 60:103, Jews_Slavery_Jewish_Onslau….jpg)


Shut up kike.

Blacks are not a problem if we remove your kike influence.

501f80 No.1424473

File: 174d8cc07cb1943⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 174d8cc07cb19435f2004fe2af….png)

e0250d No.1424474

New Panthers owner David Tepper is not a fan of Donald Trump

While there are other anti-Trump owners (Philadelphia Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie probably being the most prominent), the addition of Tepper is interesting because of his past statements on Trump.

‘The father of lies’

In November of 2016, just before the presidential election, Tepper ripped Trump on CNBC. He specifically seemed upset at Trump’s lack of charitable giving, which he had bragged about.

“During Sandy, the big Sandy benefit, the big 9/11 benefit, not one dime. Not one dime! You can’t tell me this is a charitable, generous person,” Tepper said on CNBC, which wrote that his voice was rising to a scream as he ranted about Trump.

“Trump masquerades as an angel of light, but he is the father of lies.”

Tepper isn’t necessarily a Democrat — the Charlotte Observer wrote that he said he planned to vote for Hillary Clinton in the presidential election but Republicans for Congress because he supported their financial platform — but he clearly doesn’t align with Trump. That didn’t seem to change after the election.

‘Demented, narcissistic scumbag’

SI.com pointed out that Tepper didn’t run recently from another inflammatory comment he made about Trump before the election, when he called him a “demented, narcissistic scumbag.” He brought up those comments in a speech last month, SI.com said.

“The economy’s really good right now, despite different things,” Tepper told a first-year business school students at Carnegie Mellon University, SI.com reported. “… Whether I like the person or not I’m not going to get into that — although I did call him a demented, narcissistic scumbag. And if you look up demented, narcissistic scumbag, you’ll see my name calling Trump that. Just Google those three words.”


968099 No.1424475

File: ee3fa59f7eaa6c4⋯.png (141.92 KB, 506x553, 506:553, chexxsalute.png)


His (((handlers))) told him to subvert Q message, but knowing how their last operatives to do so (Corsi, Webb, AJones) were BTFO he's going with more of a soft pedal approach.

You will know them by their actions, they all have the same bosses and must all obey the commands from above. We are witnessing them one by one trying to derail the inevitable denouement of the DeepState Satanic Cabal and we have foreknowledge & front row seats as well as our efforts noted in the soon to be rewritten book of history.

Feeling comfy, lads, how about you Anons?

174d8b No.1424476


Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers

And they've been known to pick a song or two (yes they do)

Lord they get me off so much

They pick me up when I'm feeling blue, now how bout you?

bfe9c9 No.1424477

File: f814ea10214682b⋯.png (280.38 KB, 974x516, 487:258, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

For anyone who is ready for Justice, remember that the Patriots at the top of this, POTUS, Rudy, Sessions, etc. Have themselves been waiting a VERY long time.

Keep it up Anons, every day the lifelines to Babylon get choked off bit by bit and her foundations get eroded away more and more. Then it all falls in.


1d9b3f No.1424478


Learn about anchoring. I'm not anxious someone is going to see porn on my screen.

do you not know anyone with a sexual addiction?

have you ever been addicted to porn?

what do you know about social anxiety and lack of sexual performance in autists?

Porn, as it always has been, is a weapon.

You have ENTIRELY the wrong idea.

For the record though, I was a dumbass and filtered before I could report…

6bd15b No.1424479

Less talk more action. We need to see progress. We need to see pain.

Doesn't have to be big, maybe some small leaks on McCain and Brennan to start.

Patriots won't wait forever, starting to look like playing politics . Too much soapbox, no trust in ballot box, only one box left. Get on with it.

eaffe8 No.1424480

>1424374 by 1822b0

copypasta, have seen this for a few days now

555a22 No.1424481


>over the last week , something has definitely turned

well, InfoWars self-imploded.

hence, tactical/narrative shift needed.

59e8ad No.1424482


No more info :shrug: :sad:

Surely somewhere in the universe there is a definition of these numbers in a straight line to infinity?

therefore there has to be a number before and after those 4 numbers to = infinity.

im led to believe the numbers always = out.






a31f0c No.1424483


sauce if you're 100% sure

7d937b No.1424484


Penile obsessed tend to be shills.

36eaf9 No.1424486


Gonna have to agree here…

d2c17f No.1424488


Also could be pointing to her being "Detect 1st Grade"… we might/ should be looking for detective 2nd grade killed/murdered

1333c4 No.1424489

File: b8487642e6775f2⋯.png (92.39 KB, 940x857, 940:857, b8487642e6775f26e591f53eca….png)


a shill asking for a ban , i can't not laugh .

b13f06 No.1424490


I say it does…trackbacks back to original notable.

41896e No.1424491


Don't come here spreading this

This Scientology cult member

who tried to infiltrate #MAGA

2233ac No.1424492


I hope so. We'll see. There are a lot of arrogant, corrupt "elected" officials who need to be taken down. All the way to Gitmo.

ab8926 No.1424493


High IQ post and love the new long arm psycho bale. I wonder is he is 'IN THE GAME" ?

d7235b No.1424494

File: 81d3055dd42edfd⋯.jpg (13.95 KB, 255x245, 51:49, magacoffee.jpg)


Great bread, baker.


and we are back to stupid race issue baiting jidf cunt again….probably.

Patriots know when to dial that shit up and down.




We will do what is necessary. No Patriot gets left behind. OUR nation, OUR people. UNITED.

EVIL does much do divide, by first posing as the 'truth' then beating down on Unifiers as 'dividers'. classic jidf 101.

Undo the programming, stand straight and strong. Good people of any background rally around those who are levelheaded. cucks have no chance.

You have the choice. (((Their))) choice is binary. Our choices are infinite.

7c58ab No.1424495


Ask yourself, Is there a topic he will not TOUCH?

If he were the real deal he would not hesitate to hit all topics even the ones we are not allowed to talk about yet not a word.. He is there to make you say Squirrel! but NEVER EVER look at the real problem, He is put there to keep you chasing Squirrels. Now his handler is there with him keeping close tabs.

d2f65f No.1424496

File: fd854d7d48348e3⋯.jpg (480.37 KB, 1200x808, 150:101, True Pundit 05152018.jpg)

File: 00195677b0f1a41⋯.jpg (362.09 KB, 935x833, 55:49, B 050152018.jpg)

File: 5ef088ff1ebed3d⋯.jpg (123.61 KB, 512x510, 256:255, MSM word dark.jpg)

File: 3cbb79dcf6758fd⋯.jpg (34.39 KB, 547x177, 547:177, On Gaurd.jpg)


b7d151 No.1424497


Where do you get maga hats that color? Asking for a friend

f2d833 No.1424498

File: f074fb05e129211⋯.png (120.24 KB, 645x531, 215:177, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

May 15, 2018 - "Democratic Groups Pour in More Cash to Avoid Disaster in Key California Districts"

https:// www.thedailybeast.com/democratic-groups-pour-in-more-cash-to-avoid-disaster-in-key-california-districts

9941f1 No.1424499

November 3, 2016

NYPD Source: Weiner Laptop Has Enough Evidence “to Put Hillary … Away for Life

NYPD detectives and a [sic] NYPD Chief, the department’s highest rank under Commissioner, (((said openly))) that if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices.

“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”


461209 No.1424500


Whites have a right to exist.

Also, if you are a plane hugger you know nothing of 911.

Sent with tough love anon.

693eee No.1424502


Sauce on that?

174d8b No.1424503

1822b0 No.1424505

There needs to be an IQ requirement to vote, it should be 100. Because of extra welfare for each nigger kid and taxing whites out of having kids, niggers and non whites are out proliferating Whites. Niggers and non whites are low IQ and thus low achievement. How stupid is it to flood America with niggers and non whites by giving them welfare and immigrating nigger and non white third world immigrants? This will destroy America, thus the political Jews are behind it because they want to make Israel superior to America. Therefore, all the political Jews must be expelled from America and sent back to Israel.

The persistent so-called "achievement gap" reveals the same racial IQ hierarchy on standardized academic exams. The SAT is largely a measure of general intelligence. Scores on the SAT correlate very highly with scores on standardized tests of intelligence, and like IQ scores, are stable across time and not easily increased through training, coaching, or practice. SAT preparation courses appear to work, but the gains are small — on average, no more than about 20 points per section.

Vanderbilt University researchers tracked the educational and occupational accomplishments of more than 2,000 people who as part of a youth talent search and determined that scores on the SAT correlate so highly with IQ that they are described as a "thinly disguised" intelligence test.

ACT Scores by Race:

Year White Black Asian

2009 22.2 16.9 23.2

2010 22.3 16.9 23.4

2011 22.4 17.0 23.6

2012 22.4 17.0 23.6

2013 22.2 16.9 23.5

2014 22.3 17.0 23.5

2015 22.4 17.1 23.9

2016 22.2 17.0 24.0

2017 22.4 17.1 24.3

Source: ACT, Inc.


Black-White SAT Score Gap by Year:

Year White Black Gap

1985 1038 839 199

1990 1031 849 185

1996 1052 857 195

2000 1060 859 201

2005 1061 863 197

2010 1063 855 208

2015 1047 846 201

The new SAT introduced in 2017 was "designed to inspire and increase access to college" by creating "a more equitable exam". The new SAT cannot be compared to previous results:

Year White Black Gap

2017 1118 941 177

The 2017 "college readiness" scores (ability to earn a C or higher in an entry-level course) showed the stark racial achievement gap; Asians scored 70% college readiness, Whites 59%, and Blacks only 20%.

c28697 No.1424507

File: bcbcd0407302aee⋯.png (26.43 KB, 1658x103, 1658:103, schneider spider.PNG)

File: 9cf503dcdc62ad5⋯.png (33.97 KB, 1679x196, 1679:196, weistein feign.PNG)

File: f9d308e73f942e9⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1057x807, 1057:807, crowd gets around.PNG)

13cd16 No.1424508


>Shaniqua Osborne,

thank you makes more sense, she was from the 9th Precinct, looking into it now.

1614f0 No.1424509


It was a shill anon.

f98a58 No.1424510


muh palestine

5243b9 No.1424511


POTUS does keep his Word!!!


bb1825 No.1424512

c7f8ad No.1424513

Ok. Trying to understand this Q stuff. So he posts questions he already knows the answers to and you guys try to solve the riddles?

Also, The audio from the Prince interview regarding the insurance file is from 2016. How has none of this leaked yet?

Oh well. Guess I'll just be quiet and try and understand the plan.

65a8e5 No.1424514


Tytyty anon for posting the sauce !! I haven’t been able to all day since I put name out there! Yaaa now we wait to see if gets “confirmed”

ab8926 No.1424515


Powerful info Anon , Powerful.

1614f0 No.1424516



e9e124 No.1424517

File: c9b53344ab9f95f⋯.png (235.47 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab56a0b00a87490⋯.png (678.01 KB, 890x550, 89:55, ClipboardImage.png)

Just me, or is the Women's march banner a take on the Antifa flag?

b1ffda No.1424518

http:// pix11.com/2018/01/09/detective-steven-mcdonalds-only-child-set-to-marry-as-nypd-family-marks-1st-anniversary-of-hero-cops-death/

2e2037 No.1424519


Well done. The flag is not touching the ground.

63fba5 No.1424520

File: bea85073bb54bd3⋯.jpg (153.8 KB, 1009x666, 1009:666, ES ChBRinNK-RED.jpg)

File: 0616a0120e1c025⋯.jpg (61.04 KB, 671x333, 671:333, who-dat-purple-fag-in-NK-q.jpg)

>>1424018 (l.b.)

>>1424229 Wonder if Danilan tagged along or was desk jockeying from DC?

>>1424036 Great Question.

>>1424072 kek

7c4334 No.1424521



0a37d8 No.1424522

File: 893b88f29a5064f⋯.png (1.07 MB, 945x531, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

Apple CEO Tim Cook says he told Trump tariffs are wrong approach to China

Cook said his message to Trump focused on the importance of trade and how cooperation can boost the economy more than nations acting alone.

Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook said he criticised Donald Trump’s approach to trade with China in a recent White House meeting, while urging the president to address the legal status of immigrants known as Dreamers.

In an interview on Bloomberg Television, Cook said his message to Trump focused on the importance of trade and how cooperation between two countries can boost the economy more than nations acting alone.

Cook met with Trump in the Oval Office in late April amid a brewing trade war between the US and China. The Trump administration instituted 25 per cent tariffs on at least US$50 billion worth of products from China, sparking retaliation. In the interview on “The David Rubenstein Show: Peer-to-Peer Conversations,” Cook acknowledged that previous trade policies were flawed but said Trump’s move is also problematic.

“It’s true, undoubtedly true, that not everyone has been advantaged from that – in either country – and we’ve got to work on that,” Cook said. “But I felt that tariffs were not the right approach there, and I showed him some more analytical kinds of things to demonstrate why.”

Although Apple produces most of its products in China and lists the US and China among its three largest markets, the Cupertino, California-based technology company hasn’t been seriously affected by trade tensions so far. While products like the iPhone and iPad are designed in the US, they are made using China-based factories run by the likes of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. and Pegatron Corp.

Apple generated $35 billion in revenue from the Americas in the most recent holiday quarter, while sales in China reached almost $18 billion. China has become one of Apple’s most important markets since Cook became CEO in 2011, and the company now has 41 retail stores in the region, the most outside the US

Closer to home, Cook said he asked the president to find a resolution for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as children. Lawmakers have so far failed to negotiate a legislative replacement for the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals programme that spared Dreamers from deportation. “We’re only one ruling away from a catastrophic case there,” Cook said.

Apple has been more supportive of a Trump-backed law that slashed corporate taxes. It’s especially beneficial for Apple and other large US technology companies that have hundreds of billions of dollars held overseas and are now bringing that money back. Cook said Apple will inject $350 billion into the US over the next five years, through tax payments, hiring, a new campus and $30 billion in capital expenditure.

“We’re also going to buy some of our stock because we view our stock as a good value,” Cook told Rubenstein in the interview. “It’s good for the economy as well because if people sell stock they pay taxes on their gains.”

Cook also touched on Apple’s fast-growing services business, saying the Apple Music streaming service now has more than 50 million users on either paid subscriptions or free trials. Last month, the company passed 40 million subscribers, with 8 million trying the service out through free trials. Apple still lags Spotify Technology SA, which said this month that it has 75 million paying customers.

Rubenstein co-founded Carlyle Group LP, a private-equity firm that invested in the Beats consumer-electronics and streaming businesses. Apple acquired the venture in 2014 and turned the streaming operation into Apple Music, while keeping the Beats device brand.

Cook indicated that Apple will make a stronger push into streaming video and original TV shows and movies but declined to provide specifics. “We are very interested in the content business. We will be playing in a way that is consistent with our brand,” Cook said. “We’re not ready to give any details on it yet. But it’s clearly an area of interest.”

http:// www.scmp.com/tech/article/2146234/apple-ceo-says-he-told-trump-tariffs-are-wrong-approach-china

6dfab6 No.1424523

File: e0d4203c25dccca⋯.jpg (28.27 KB, 678x228, 113:38, timthumb.jpg)

28cceb No.1424524


Why no bitching & whining about the naked chick posts?

661582 No.1424525


I bet her family is proud. Dad shows all his friends "That's my girl!"

6bd75b No.1424526


The Tar Baby

The Puppetmaster

How long?

How many [n]?


T18_P1 47 [1k+]



The Dip


Choices get harder

b7d151 No.1424527


WWG1WGA.. except them

5e5111 No.1424528



4fbb2e No.1424529

File: 2b005791f825f14⋯.jpg (81.06 KB, 706x716, 353:358, The Great Awakening.jpg)

f98a58 No.1424530

anyone noticed muh jew shills arguing with each other lately?

odd new tactic

88c257 No.1424531


Maybe he had a tip off , but it seems a bit too good to be true at the minute,

Something just smells off to the last few months.

Sorry, might be just me.

b13f06 No.1424532


>denouement of the DeepState

^^^THIS^^^ is why I'm here…bestest and smartest faggots on the planet. KEK

1d9b3f No.1424533


Same SNAKE, different head.

7d937b No.1424534


He doth protest too much. He sounds jealous of GEOTUS.

b1ffda No.1424535

Conor is a NYPD cop son of McDonald

2204ca No.1424536

Patriots come in ALL skin colors.

We always have each others' backs.

We're all united on the side of Good and Light.

670f5c No.1424537

File: ffca243e83f8c21⋯.png (219.62 KB, 505x722, 505:722, 1.png)

File: 8a8c236b94387de⋯.jpg (365.78 KB, 717x606, 239:202, 5.jpg)

File: 8440b4e2723b6d6⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1410x1136, 705:568, 9_PerCent.png)

File: 72c686cb6a5195f⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 621x711, 69:79, 10.jpg)

File: 1db65bb8c0f94b4⋯.jpg (65.62 KB, 618x594, 103:99, 18.jpg)


He is a kike shill.

It's what kikes do, divide and conquer.

f98a58 No.1424538

ab8926 No.1424539

File: 3cfff977dab72b0⋯.jpg (9.32 KB, 255x162, 85:54, e00eaff9a8e889081c00b0cfd6….jpg)


Let's get this party started !!! Release the insurance files !!

b13f06 No.1424540

File: acf072b5664d5b7⋯.jpg (23 KB, 341x268, 341:268, continue.jpg)

b1ffda No.1424541

Conor McDonald NYPD

http:// pix11.com/2018/01/09/detective-steven-mcdonalds-only-child-set-to-marry-as-nypd-family-marks-1st-anniversary-of-hero-cops-death/

7ec31e No.1424542

File: 716d4a5fb9d7468⋯.png (791.39 KB, 1678x972, 839:486, Screenshot (70).png)

That's a lot of Janet flights. They anticipating something?

e9e124 No.1424543

File: eaecbfcfd439676⋯.png (576.27 KB, 474x610, 237:305, ClipboardImage.png)


Been WELL aware of this snake for a long time.

c28697 No.1424544

File: 53a7ccedda8ee9c⋯.png (5.91 KB, 340x128, 85:32, Q tip.PNG)


Q tip

"we are saving israel for last"

a06540 No.1424545


Voting limited to Property Owners only.

Like the original Constitution had, that we need to restore.

42e79c No.1424546


I agree, you shouldn't have input on something you know nothing of.

I also think everyone should have their IQ tattooed on their forehead so they can be interacted with appropriately.

52d321 No.1424548



ab8926 No.1424549


>>1424522 Apple CEO Tim Cook says he told Trump tariffs are wrong approach to China

733dfb No.1424550

File: cf93c67199f464f⋯.jpg (287.36 KB, 947x670, 947:670, IMG_2731.JPG)


May 16

3a5747 No.1424551

File: a650f550e125835⋯.png (19.2 KB, 592x352, 37:22, CGH.png)

7d937b No.1424552


Mayhaps I already have done so. We are anons.

4fbb2e No.1424553

File: f544ff77dcf9edd⋯.jpg (24.08 KB, 340x510, 2:3, Happy-Independence-Day.jpg)

God Bless the USA

310733 No.1424554

File: 91a473c673bfb5f⋯.png (826.97 KB, 742x506, 371:253, babysitters.png)

a7fd18 No.1424555



Been jumping around the breads today amidst IRL tasks.

What exact meme storm do you envision? Topic?

We have 223 memes on Pope in the libe.

We have 42 memes on Vatican in the libe.

Are we OK or do we need more or did you have a different subject in mind?


0d79f2 No.1424556

File: 79870f0642bf45a⋯.png (36.31 KB, 725x373, 725:373, Cernovich.png)


Just in case anyone is interested.

f001c6 No.1424557


Rand is trying to get Haspel to paint herself into a corner.

91e067 No.1424558



501f80 No.1424559

File: d8adb14206c7496⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, d8adb14206c74961daa9c2b745….png)

7c4334 No.1424560


Needs moar votes

d68103 No.1424561


It's literally what 187 means anon. It's the police code for murder.

174d8b No.1424562


Yeah cause a guy who bends over and takes it in ass has good advise with trade? no thanks

3a5747 No.1424563



310646 No.1424564

File: 06bfd5284ceaaf0⋯.jpeg (593.53 KB, 1242x2146, 621:1073, 600FAEAE-BD9A-4726-A5BD-9….jpeg)

File: b4ca5d004f8b09f⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x2158, 621:1079, 3485ED44-32A7-4DAC-8B88-5….jpeg)

File: e34f6b712351b4a⋯.jpeg (684.13 KB, 1242x2165, 1242:2165, ABC1347D-7FFB-4D0C-AADE-E….jpeg)

File: 0cf9c91eb74bd02⋯.jpeg (412.45 KB, 1242x1488, 207:248, 46B3AE6E-89C1-4585-AAE3-5….jpeg)

File: a2eaeb0b8e5b020⋯.jpeg (428.75 KB, 1242x1565, 1242:1565, 47D1F6B9-FF48-48AD-9D2B-7….jpeg)



Using petting zoo & jet, I get references to The Basketball diaries


8f0598 No.1424565


Is that considered porn?

7c6e24 No.1424566

f98a58 No.1424567

File: 52d5f5162b9998d⋯.png (101.89 KB, 280x210, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52d5f5162b9998d⋯.png (101.89 KB, 280x210, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



a441ce No.1424568


March is not mid 2017

try harder

108c4b No.1424569

Give em hell @Haspel


1d9b3f No.1424570




One of the three heads of ultimate persuasion: Sex, Race, Religion.

07150f No.1424571

501f80 No.1424572


That's 73% favorable. Good poll.

a06540 No.1424574


Good for Timmy.

Trump built an empire, before Timmy took his first cock.

0a37d8 No.1424575


Loud and clear on that one, kek

fbc8d8 No.1424576


Chief of NY Sex Victims Unit Supported Trump

Deputy Chief Michael Osgood, commander of the Special Victims Division, went on to make 10 more contributions — a total of $2,810 over six weeks — to Trump's campaign committees as the scandal over allegations that the candidate had groped multiple women intensified.


At the time, Osgood was overseeing the NYPD's investigation into former Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner's creepy texting habits.

374e32 No.1424578

File: 1226ff2206d7a88⋯.png (642.29 KB, 1751x1240, 1751:1240, Chris Cillizza,.png)

Chris Cillizza, Quiz

f98a58 No.1424579

File: a1fb392418ad7cf⋯.png (62.7 KB, 355x415, 71:83, muhjewshillfavcrumb.png)

ff655b No.1424580


It's how about helping people see the big picture of what has been going on for themselves. Slowly, building up gradually. Not having it dumped on us, but discovering for ourselves at a pace we are able to go.

661582 No.1424581


Nah, just some dude's dick.

6dfab6 No.1424582


right not the same man……ie two genealogical lines in this earth…..seed of adam, seed of the serpent

4558dd No.1424583

65% know about Q lol

501f80 No.1424584

File: 6a73019627d4225⋯.png (406.76 KB, 811x844, 811:844, 6a73019627d422549c24c9a1b5….png)

52d321 No.1424585


what is janet?

7690ba No.1424586

File: c9e753c7799a7ea⋯.png (407.57 KB, 578x742, 289:371, 20180408_190420.png)


Normally such questions simply will be ignored but it is quiet so, welcome , and don't ask such questions.

d9a374 No.1424587

The handoff, Erik Prince back in the news, Rudy perched on POTUS' shoulder, dirt out of the way in New York.

Has this been posted at all?

http:// www.breitbart.com/radio/2016/11/04/erik-prince-nypd-ready-make-arrests-weiner-case/

It's finally happening and I'm so happy rn.

42e79c No.1424588

File: e6187bbe5077b99⋯.jpeg (11.97 KB, 132x255, 44:85, a548873243af9280ce85b7ecb….jpeg)


Comfy AF

615831 No.1424589

File: 8ba76abfe415c38⋯.jpg (157.5 KB, 662x1057, 662:1057, best-for-last.jpg)

Saving the best for last…..

8da8e7 No.1424590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

912497 No.1424591


dont forget retired detectives too anon its a long shot but 1 is bill kinane died of (911 related illness)

6ef366 No.1424592

Everything is being set up so all the corruption is exposed just before the midterms giving them no time for a narrative and the corrupt shits will be voted out then the patriots that get in will lay down the hammer.

1614f0 No.1424593






442950 No.1424594

File: 5a92ce96f9f7239⋯.jpg (12.74 KB, 255x228, 85:76, winnerspepe.jpg)

4fbb2e No.1424595

File: c728c26be07b856⋯.jpg (9.33 KB, 160x81, 160:81, pepe-seeingeye.jpg)

ab8926 No.1424596


Apricot kernel activated !!

7a7135 No.1424598


raid this poll

9941f1 No.1424599

File: 4e2e7d80b0b2d29⋯.jpg (22.8 KB, 480x215, 96:43, NYPD Chief since 9_2016.JPG)


August 2, 2016

Controversial NYPD chief William Bratton stepping down

He will be replaced by James O'Neill, the department's top chief.

This is BEFORE the NYPD chief spoke out about the Weiner laptop: >>1424499


5366f7 No.1424600


What's your take on Cernovich?

[ 100% Shill ]

[ 100% Paytriot ]

7c6e24 No.1424601


>2.Detective Steven D. McDonald (gunfire)

Det. McDonald was shot in 1986. It was covered heavily on the boards this am and is a simple google search away, Anonomeister.

1d9b3f No.1424602


One word:


They're puppets. They play quite the role, and gladly.

52d321 No.1424603


NO ban your glowing faggot ass

174d8b No.1424604


America First

Israel Last

ab8926 No.1424605


Destroy the Jesuit order !! Crush them from the Earth forever !!!

693eee No.1424606

d68103 No.1424607



Shariablue out in full force I see. You know Hillary lost right?

501f80 No.1424608

File: 6a73019627d4225⋯.png (406.76 KB, 811x844, 811:844, 6a73019627d422549c24c9a1b5….png)

0d79f2 No.1424609


Familia and [#2] were to ensure silence. They can't come out until all the strings are cut.

f98a58 No.1424611

File: 3000db470f6831c⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1200x768, 25:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03436f8c9b1f67e⋯.png (846.95 KB, 956x472, 239:118, ClipboardImage.png)



shit double posted that pic this is the other I meant to post

41896e No.1424612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b1ffda No.1424613


maybe 187 to hurt his son Conor who is also NYPD

dc7871 No.1424614



Both pics are the dude, but the original comparison is really good.

The is FAKE for Drama.

Don't bother to argue with me either. You are a shill/Dramaqueen or Stupid

You know I'm right

76073b No.1424615


Still here. I'm not familiar with the case, nor have I reviewed the Complaint. This may help, though:

Art II Sec.1 Clause 7 is the emoluments provision for the President.

Case law defines emoluments as "These terms ["fees" and "commissions"] denote a compensation for a particular kind of service to be performed by the officer, and are distinguishable from each other . . . they are also distinguishable from the term emoluments, that [term] being more comprehensive, and embracing every species of compensation or pecuniary profit derived from a discharge of the duties of the office."

Hoyt v. United States, 51 U.S. 109, 150 (1850).

Sorry for late response. Also a newfag. First time posting.

4fbb2e No.1424616

File: 00dc81d011e585b⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 735x694, 735:694, donald-trump-gives-hillary….jpg)

3a5747 No.1424617


Hmmmm…, or talking with someone?


Janet is a exclusive Air planes for the USAF, only for the Area 51.

4fc89b No.1424618


So 65% know about Q


501f80 No.1424619

File: e00a7460b73deac⋯.jpg (34.4 KB, 555x689, 555:689, acf578ded5aa3751226aa02047….jpg)

45accc No.1424620

The law enforcement stuff should be very concerning. The police are the #1 threat to Freedom in the USA, hands down. Without the dumbed down drones with guns enforcing the immoral behavior written down by psychopaths in "legislature", the modern slave condition of American couldn't exist. LAW exists in nature, man's law is just organized violence.

What American will need to replace its police and ultimately military with is an unregulated Militia engaging in voluntary collaborative local security.

this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ last bread

Ban guns - from the police.

1614f0 No.1424621


Pope movie is coming out in 3 days.

It will either provide us with good meme source material or we'll have to end up producing counter propaganda for it, depending how shitty it is.

d2c17f No.1424622

File: 30c432e401adf4f⋯.jpg (145.76 KB, 357x446, 357:446, LeroyDixon.jpg)

POSSIBLE LEAD: Says 9/11 related illness but we all know how "reports" work….

He was retired but could have been called in to help? Just a "find" worth looking at


Leroy Dixon

83 Precinct Detective Squad

Detective Second Grade Dixon joined the New York Police Department on October 1, 1973. A 28-year veteran of the NYPD, Detective Dixon served in several commands during his career, including the Narcotics Division and the 83 Precinct. He made 312 arrests over the course of his time with the Department, and was recognized for Excellent Police Duty. Detective Dixon retired on October 1, 2001. He died on June 14, 2015.

c342f1 No.1424624

File: a306abc8d37cfa9⋯.gif (468.6 KB, 300x225, 4:3, lz8epzkonax01.gif)

f98a58 No.1424625


muh lives matter

b7d151 No.1424626


If knowledge is free why does trump sell books in bookstores? Why do book stores exist?

a441ce No.1424627



Our prayers are with the @SouthportPD & family of Lt. Aaron Allan who was shot & killed in the line of duty today. We will #NeverForget.

9:27 PM - Jul 27, 2017

9941f1 No.1424628


So O'Neill took Bratton's place briefly and then becasme Commisioner.

Who was Chief in November 2016?

f5ccec No.1424629


filter name field: ([*]*)=,e

click regex

get comfy~

c200be No.1424630

File: 552b9202f1e266b⋯.jpg (95.32 KB, 750x734, 375:367, TRUMPKEK.jpg)


Some infographic on the specifics of roth connections to papacy in regards to 1832 loans would be a good start.

Also, any connection of individuals on the commission and committees that oversee it all.

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 169658 896860 📁

Apr 4 2018 18:02:33 (EST)

List the estimated wealth of religious organizations.


Vatican bank.


Board of Superintendence.

Supervisory Commission of Cardinals.

Clown connection.

1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See.


Key of course is flooding the waves at the right time. Keep it simmering beneath the public consciousness. Spread it to the hispanic/south american anons too - they will be certainly interested.

62e056 No.1424631


They are citizens you moron they can carry like anyone else go back to the UK and get stabbed

501f80 No.1424632


Why stop with the Jesuit order? The whole "Catholic" order needs to be dissembled and disbursed.

Time for the True Church to emerge from Her Shell.

d2c17f No.1424633


SHIT SORRY….. it SAYS 2015…. thought is said 2017… SORRY!

d2f65f No.1424634

File: ace7ec127549bb4⋯.jpg (40.73 KB, 604x226, 302:113, qdrop 05152018.jpg)

File: 999e58ad26f5a3a⋯.jpg (294.31 KB, 749x852, 749:852, free energy.jpg)

File: 61ae067166d0e4d⋯.jpg (99.84 KB, 800x403, 800:403, Preet Bharara.jpg)

File: 835464c27fd4910⋯.jpg (247.21 KB, 588x1036, 21:37, Trump Tweet 05152018.jpg)


b1ffda No.1424635


possible one here

7d937b No.1424636


PS He was attractive (no homo).

a441ce No.1424637


The president saluted the family of Lt. Aaron Allan, a Southport, Indiana, police officer who was killed in the line of duty last year, leaving behind a six-year-old son.

Allan, an Air Force veteran, was shot and killed by a man that he was attempting to rescue from an overturned vehicle.

45accc No.1424638


^ diz nigga cray boi!

d68103 No.1424639


I try to expose a few posts per bread fer da newfags getting out of school who will be flooding the board with retardism.

86c5bb No.1424640

TRUST? Trust is difficult as we have been led astray, lied to, misled, and tricked into believing that our elected officials, church leaders, school staff, and anyone that leads us is working for the greater good. It will take time to restore any sort of trust. When the masses find out about all of the deception and pure evil…how will we trust? How can we trust?

The only one we can trust is God! We need His discernment. Man is imperfect and fallible. To know which man we can trust we can only look towards the fruits that he produces. Look at how he speaks to others, how he treats his family and friends, look at who he hangs around, look at his values and morales. Most importantanly look at his walk with God.

When you ask us to TRUST this is how we can begin to trust anyone who deserves to be trusted.

31c9d1 No.1424641


Therno prethickthed all of thith.

501f80 No.1424642


And ALL other religious orders and systems. Truth should be the only Faith.

968099 No.1424643

File: b621648854ecef1⋯.png (84.62 KB, 552x649, 552:649, prezpoints2 (5).png)

44b38b No.1424644


i'm waiting for Dan Bongino pick up something about Q. Guaranteed he has received emails of his followers asking about it.

fbc8d8 No.1424645


Cernovich is doing MARKETING.

It big interest in Q, he will start covering Q.

d9a374 No.1424646


Our guy?

c200be No.1424647


Be glad, anon. I wager any POTUS words against rudy in public - would be a 'movie'. Not every movie we see is something we are told to understand - remember, POTUS has many 'audiences'.

501f80 No.1424648

47c4a1 No.1424649

https: //m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxTAXg1JI50

This was Doug Hagmann dropping the hammer about what's on Weiner drive(s)

I believe this is accurate based on recent Q posts.

3a5747 No.1424650



https:// www.acronymfinder.com/TRUST.html

2204ca No.1424651

Called out @Jack on their censorship, and an hour later, they unmasked my tweet. They really didn't like being accused of censorship.

4fbb2e No.1424652

File: 2121237fb417b3e⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 928x503, 928:503, pepeflipsobama.jpg)

615831 No.1424653




Source was NY Post BTW, forgot to add that.

f41fea No.1424654

File: 65c160db0c1e448⋯.jpg (45.9 KB, 1200x776, 150:97, dontaimforalake.jpg)


how and why did japanese pilots have german amphetamines

0a37d8 No.1424655

File: c154225634a9c30⋯.png (1.08 MB, 945x531, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d072c43aef87921⋯.png (18.05 KB, 671x450, 671:450, ClipboardImage.png)

US business groups bash Trump tariffs as China talks intensify

US companies and business groups are lining up to oppose the Trump administration’s plan to slap tariffs on Chinese imports, as the two nations step up efforts to resolve their trade dispute.

About 120 firms and industry groups are expected to testify at a hearing beginning Tuesday on the administration’s plan to impose tariffs on US$50 billion in Chinese goods. So many groups signed up that the US Trade Representative’s Office extended the hearing by two days until Thursday. The USTR has received more than 2,700 comments.

The hearing will coincide with a planned trip by Chinese President Xi Jinping’s top economic adviser to Washington for broader trade negotiations, in a follow-up to talks led by US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in Beijing earlier this month.

Companies including US Steel Corp, Best Buy and General Electric, as well as lobby groups such as the National Retail Federation, Consumer Technology Association and National Association of Manufacturers, are set to testify this week. While they are generally supportive of US action to level the playing field on trade and investment with China, many want the talks to focus on resolving differences rather than the pursuit of tariffs.


Some companies, such as AK Steel Corp, are in favour of President Donald Trump’s plans to slap duties on Chinese goods to punish the nation for abuse of US intellectual property. US manufacturers, consumer products companies and technology groups that filed written submissions opposing the tariffs say they would raise input costs and consumer prices and draw crippling retaliatory duties from China.

The industry backlash against the planned tariffs comes amid signs the president may be seeking a less confrontational approach to Beijing. In a surprise twist, Trump said Sunday he was helping to allow Chinese telecom-equipment maker ZTE Corp “get back into business” after the US cut off the company’s access to US suppliers for allegedly making false statements in a sanctions case.

On Monday, Trump defended his move to help ZTE after the concession stoked bipartisan criticism. “ZTE, the large Chinese phone company, buys a big percentage of individual parts from US companies,” Trump said in a tweet. “This is also reflective of the larger trade deal we are negotiating with China and my personal relationship with President Xi.”

Trump proposed the tariffs after USTR concluded China violates US intellectual property in a variety of ways, including by forcing American companies to transfer technology. Last month, the administration released a list of US$50 billion of proposed products to be hit with tariffs, from semiconductor components to sewing-machine needles.

After China promised to retaliate with tariffs in kind on soybeans and other US exports, Trump suggested the amount should be raised by US$100 billion. The US has not released a list to meet that expanded goal, and the administration has not specified when any of the duties will take effect, opening the door to companies to try to shape Trump’s plans. A comment period on the first US$50 billion in proposed duties ends May 22.

http:// www.scmp.com/tech/china-tech/article/2146237/us-business-groups-bash-trump-tariffs-china-talks-intensify

f5b3bd No.1424656


Didn't know Trump was thinking of running for NY governor… interdasting

ed110a No.1424657


Q-rilla Mindset?

4fbb2e No.1424658

File: 02505df0a1ab165⋯.jpeg (315.05 KB, 1196x908, 299:227, pepe-maga2.jpeg)

e5ec41 No.1424659


6fdd26 No.1424660

File: 19cce013141afab⋯.jpg (56.15 KB, 372x528, 31:44, lakeoffire.jpg)


Nazis are globalists. Islamists are nazis.

Good is coming together to fight evil. Soon the Third Temple will be built. If you choose evil, you follow hatred, then you should know what's coming next.

f41fea No.1424661

File: 2eb0ca6b62bf442⋯.jpg (179.98 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, darkhumour.jpg)

3100f9 No.1424662


Thanks for asking and thanks anons for a straight answer on this. I have been wondering since October but afraid to ask.

0d79f2 No.1424663


He's his own guy. I don't agree with all that he says. He's not out pushing Q, so don't know how you classify him a paytriot. He's just one of many voices out there. Take him with a grain of salt.

d68103 No.1424664


I'm fucking dying anon. Hahahhahahahahahaha

4fbb2e No.1424665

File: cb254d490673df7⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 480x319, 480:319, IMG_1144.JPG)

91e067 No.1424666


NK got pushed by Iran to push back against USA.



there is your response

must act.

6da792 No.1424667

Just pricing out how much it'll cost to transport children n' sheeit


7d937b No.1424668



Jesuit secret oath is a bunch of hooey fabricated by a con artist in the 1600s. Lies were also spread by a disgruntled Jesuit who was booted out of the order. The Protestants ran with the stories and spread lies about the Jesuits. Currently some are likely commies/luciferians as the Church was infiltrated in the 1930s by commies and masons in order to destroy the Church from within. But the gates of hell shall not prevail against her.

ab8926 No.1424669


Global Estate trust has to be crushed as well. Poe cannot own anything just because he "Sys's so" what the fuck is that all about ?! Smash the Vatican !! The last pope is here !!!! Destroy him !!!

748e4f No.1424670

File: f537f00fc8effd5⋯.png (349.65 KB, 2400x1406, 1200:703, CA_RedWave.png)

Anons - I do firmly believe California will turn RED during the midterms and the next election.

Q keeps telling us to watch CA - The last time Cali was a Republican held state was 1988 and prior to that all the way back to 1980. This was during the Reagan Revolution. (See highlighted) - We all know how much POTUS loved Reagan and the comparisons that are drawn between the two.

Now onto the kicker. Hillary won in 2016 with 62.3% the highest pecentage since FDR. We know it was based on election fraud.

Blacks and Latinos will vote for Trump and his nominees in California once the election fraud is uncovered and released to the masses.

Also, note Proposition 187 - There are no coincidences.

I think this is the Red Wave. Make Cali Republican Again.

8065d0 No.1424671

Anon earlier mentioned someone posting what is believed to be a clip from a video maybe from the Weenie laptop

Curious what it was…..

45accc No.1424672


Thank you for an actually RELEVANT reply!

36eaf9 No.1424673

File: 0d4bd5aaefaa027⋯.png (528.69 KB, 653x508, 653:508, Capture.PNG)

bf1d9b No.1424674


Why would you want to dissemble the Church founded by Jesus? The Catholic Church is great - but it has evil members and leaders. I say get rid of the evil leaders/members and you will have a GREAT Church.

b3b939 No.1424675

File: 60880b7bfa313f0⋯.jpg (67.19 KB, 709x765, 709:765, kys.jpg)


kys faggot


Oh look the stupid idiot that only posts "." is back… kys too

76073b No.1424676



Lawfag again. I think "profit derived from a discharge of the duties of the office" is the key language you are looking for to defend POTUS.

Washington had business ties with the Federal Government, so the emoluments clause can't mean that POTUS is not allowed to maintain business ties while he is in office. Would be an absurd conclusion imo.

c200be No.1424677

File: 680845abaf14704⋯.png (337.73 KB, 682x850, 341:425, conneryagainstshills.png)


(((shills))) are increasingly getting emboldened - for ALL the wrong reasons.

(((business groups))). There's nothing these shills won't do to try and bend/subvert POTUS.

WRONG fucking answer.

1333c4 No.1424678

File: 4ecadd7e27aac53⋯.jpg (422.39 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 22880672526_b40cddbf6b_b.jpg)

a7fd18 No.1424679

File: 69fa08490afdd43⋯.jpg (125.19 KB, 472x518, 236:259, ComfyHydrate.jpg)


Welcome aboard lawfag!

Pull up a chair and make yourself comfy.

fbc8d8 No.1424680


Osgood was a Detective working on the Weiner Laptop Investigation if that helps.'

Chief of NY Sex Victims Unit Supported Trump

Deputy Chief Michael Osgood, commander of the Special Victims Division, went on to make 10 more contributions — a total of $2,810 over six weeks — to Trump's campaign committees as the scandal over allegations that the candidate had groped multiple women intensified.


At the time, Osgood was overseeing the NYPD's investigation into former Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner's creepy texting habits.

7c4334 No.1424681

Is there a smartphone that is more "safe" than others anons? I need a new phone. Prefer not an Apple.

f457b0 No.1424682


Cernovich works with Alex Jones and Roger Stone

Poll is to discredit Q

2204ca No.1424683

Morgo the friendly Grelb is not pleased.

Bring the Pain, Q Team

45accc No.1424684


The replies here show that 6 of 7 anons are actually retarded.

1bda33 No.1424685


SO added:

So bend over and take it like the bitch you are

4203c2 No.1424686

File: 7f8aec9f6bd4ad7⋯.png (690.61 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (89).png)

File: baa0401f704d33f⋯.png (734.67 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (90).png)


And to

Just to give a little tidbit on contras caught that were being shipped to China from the USA.

And a little tidbit about the Israeli-Iranian conflict. All part of the show. Netanyahu is part of the WW Globalization crowd.

4fbb2e No.1424687

File: 9c40a3a8aa8baca⋯.jpg (94.31 KB, 500x447, 500:447, IMG_0044.JPG)

For God & Country. WWG1WGA.

da14e0 No.1424688


Agreed. We need to keep pressure on Francis, especially with his talk of resigning.

f41fea No.1424689


44b38b No.1424690



538ab9 No.1424691


Good grief


Put fake "CNN: Trump elbows black lady…" in fucking NOTABLES!!! lmao holy shit

693eee No.1424692


65% of cernovich followers

bafd71 No.1424693

File: cf6a14c34fa5067⋯.png (32.53 KB, 631x810, 631:810, ClipboardImage.png)

Still following Zuckerberg.

He keeps selling FB stock every day, but he mixes it with acquisitions now, too.

The acquisitions are always smaller than the sales, so he's still eroding his stockpile.

What's he up to? Obfuscation?


4203c2 No.1424694


Your Pepe post make my day :-)

b13f06 No.1424695

File: d444dd37da4ec29⋯.jpg (58.07 KB, 551x558, 551:558, nasimchekd.jpg)

6dfab6 No.1424696

File: 8bd48e6c4291d84⋯.jpg (38.07 KB, 696x480, 29:20, 1_and_2_matrix.jpg)

File: 7e3b247eda42d5b⋯.jpg (39.94 KB, 672x518, 48:37, landb.jpg)

1333c4 No.1424697

File: 599358eac45f40b⋯.png (7.45 KB, 255x239, 255:239, 75e8ca4f2b4333f05a65cfddbc….png)


noice pepe anon .

65a8e5 No.1424698


Hard to do when phonefagging ;) but I concur anon

7c6e24 No.1424699


I think I missed that talk.

f188d0 No.1424700



c28697 No.1424701

was bharara fired so as be available for new york AG position????

in prep for scheidermann being removed (removing self)

cnn shill ? poster boy imposter?

63fba5 No.1424702

File: eb9d2eb93d54ab8⋯.jpg (79.57 KB, 600x600, 1:1, this-meme-kills-Anitfascis….jpg)

b1ffda No.1424703


love sleestak

9941f1 No.1424704

File: dc2dc70c1958c5a⋯.jpg (72.23 KB, 646x599, 646:599, NYPD chief money launderin….JPG)

A man [Philip Banks] who was once the highest-ranking uniformed officer in the NYPD avoided charges in a corruption scandal that rocked the department — even though his bank records revealed some $300,000 in transactions that the FBI called the hallmarks of “money laundering,” The Post has learned.


9b9c03 No.1424705

File: 0f26df5fe8eaf18⋯.gif (4.29 MB, 498x298, 249:149, ANON.gif)

File: 42b2e1a774e850a⋯.jpg (7.78 KB, 160x237, 160:237, Anon-KA-1.jpg)

File: 7be3364074748ec⋯.jpg (26.06 KB, 356x200, 89:50, Anon-SC-Grid-DI-1.jpg)

File: a7ff0adaf0487da⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, Anon-TC-2.jpg)



0d79f2 No.1424706


hmmm…did not know that. How can I confirm?

4fbb2e No.1424707

File: ba1bb5db9369676⋯.jpg (11.9 KB, 182x277, 182:277, crising.jpg)

51d76d No.1424708

File: ed9e8024bdbccbf⋯.jpg (66.29 KB, 887x291, 887:291, serveimage.jpg)

b13f06 No.1424709


VFN, faggot…pay attention. kek

b3b939 No.1424710

To the morons that keep posting Nasim, fucking kys.

067db0 No.1424711


>Nazis are globalists

I guess Jews are Nazis

da14e0 No.1424712

File: 794a8455118b324⋯.jpg (120.1 KB, 794x960, 397:480, 32332588_1932189610126664_….jpg)


What you say is true. But the Jesuits today are very wicked men. They should be suppressed once again.

31c9d1 No.1424713


Don't forget Paul Joseph "buy my penis pills" Watson. Nobody embodies the fake ass sell out as perfectly as he does. The easy shortcut to figuring out any of them is to just watch and see (((who))) they wont name. Watch them recoil when asked directly.

65a8e5 No.1424714


Phillip banks ? Now wasn’t that the uncles name on fresh prince of bel air …

ed110a No.1424715

Rudy's putting the squeeze on Mueller. Nobody until Rudy has leaked any ongoing dialogue between Mueller and Trump Counsel. Might be wrapping it up soon.


4558dd No.1424716

Saying Q is a larp shows panic. Saying Q is a liar shows they don't know how to combat it. Q doesn't tell lies because the posts are a statement leading us to dig and draw conclusions. We should be called the liars if the truth was someone is lying. We decipher posts. We decode comms. We form opinions of what was posted, We draw conclusions, We express expectations. Why are ((( they ))) calling Q a larp/liar? Larp is so last year! Everything interpreted by anons has produced eye opening info/results. Anons pull the info together yet they attack Q for purposes of discrediting. CAN'T KILL AN IDEA I guess

ab8926 No.1424717


Its in 2 breads ago .

2862c0 No.1424718


Q posts Re pope rbg

both with movies out now

cabal operating spin to convince normies

bad shit on both evil operators

f85765 No.1424719


We had those warnings in my neck of the woods today also.

f457b0 No.1424720


Try checking his twitter for starters.

He has called Q a larp in the past.

He has deleted many of his tweets that expose him, but I am sure another anon has them.

45accc No.1424721

File: 90c12df3645aee6⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 400x264, 50:33, judge smails.jpg)

5ee0fb No.1424722


Anyone else think preet wears Revlon mascara?

f41fea No.1424723

File: 7c046ef97f1f519⋯.jpg (87.46 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 3e60553a3ab9e64b6197885593….jpg)

b13f06 No.1424724

1st call for notables

>>1424475 (((Cernovich)))?, >>1424600 (Internal h8chan poll)

>>1424499 "NYPD Source: Weiner Laptop Has Enough Evidence “to Put Hillary … Away for Life" (03-NOV-16)

>>1424522 Apple CEO Tim Cook says he told Trump tariffs are wrong approach to China

>>1424526 Comms? Moar LARP? Hmmmm., >>1424551

>>1424655 "US business groups bash Trump tariffs as China talks intensify"

31c9d1 No.1424725


>Saying Q is a liar shows they don't know how to combat it

kind of like those that just say "shill" "I'm filthering you" here? No arguments, no rebuttals, no facts. It's the modern form of "heretic."

dc7871 No.1424726


Much better.

Just putting Obungholes face next to him is good enough.

He looks more like his son then Marshall Davis

0a37d8 No.1424727


It would be helpful for you to be more clear on what you didn't about this article, What seems to be the problem here?

45accc No.1424728


that should be "ldr."

f41fea No.1424729

File: 4a03382a02d7b9d⋯.jpg (13.1 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


now in high definition

5b8719 No.1424730


Just got finished reading the same article. Wonder who the US Attorney was at the time who decided not to prosecute?

4fbb2e No.1424731

File: c95b9f26ad4783e⋯.jpg (162.1 KB, 720x720, 1:1, IMG_1695.JPG)

954d00 No.1424732

File: fb67f1ee9c60528⋯.png (782.05 KB, 1400x900, 14:9, JesuitsWolves.png)


Bullshit. IL himself claimed to see a shimmering serpent in the cave… and had grown up with Sabbatean frankists kazarian connections. Jesuits are not to be trusted, and the fact you defend them says neither are you!

2d32da No.1424733

File: faed181b2876870⋯.jpg (121.99 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, Monarch001.jpg)

File: 7ddf79a81a7c8a8⋯.jpg (90.98 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, Monarch002.jpg)

File: 846c5444d2870f8⋯.jpg (88.66 KB, 736x552, 4:3, Monarch003.jpg)

45accc No.1424734


Moar demoncrat "disasters," please.

7c6e24 No.1424735


You know they said that about Schneiderman, too.

They look haunted.

ab8926 No.1424736


Big time BOOM here! Take em down !!


Great work Baker .

f2d833 No.1424737

File: 0bdf7f515070db2⋯.png (202.9 KB, 667x520, 667:520, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

Marina Abramovic and Nadya Tolokonnikova of Pussy Riot livestreamed their talk last night

https:// www.timestalks.com/talks/pussy-riots-nadya-tolokonnikova-marina-abramovic/

f41fea No.1424738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lime no salt ty

501f80 No.1424739



Couldn't agree more.



The foundations of the Catholic Faith are called and presided over by the Luciferian Sol Invictus ruler and High Priest.

It doesn't get more Luciferian than that.

And the attendents amounted to 1/3 of the World's Bishops (Angels) at the time.

Sound familiar?

538ab9 No.1424740

File: 19886bca8e453f8⋯.jpg (803.05 KB, 3912x2988, 326:249, POTUS & Detective Familia'….jpg)

File: c37775a1b179871⋯.jpg (161.79 KB, 754x500, 377:250, POTUS & Detective Familia'….jpg)

Trump Invited a 90-Year Old Woman Onstage, Kissed Her. There Was Not A Dry Eye In The Audience dailycaller.com/2018/05/15/trump-90-year-old-woman-police-event-video/

1d9b3f No.1424741


Referencing Monarch on purpose here?

b7d151 No.1424742


EP said in that breitbart interview that preet was a stand up guy despite being a Democrat. maybe someone showed him what was on the laptop and he flipped and this is all for optics

bd9543 No.1424743


Wasn't he supposed to be leaving? FB / USA

63fba5 No.1424744

File: de0b7f9835ee86e⋯.png (231 KB, 443x666, 443:666, JetBlue.MINT.reFRESHing.png)

File: e5f4cf9a2f27c89⋯.png (242.47 KB, 919x623, 919:623, JBlue.SJC.Destinations.png)


Care for a MINT, Timmy?

2d32da No.1424745

File: 9daa7b5eddfdff7⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Monarch004.jpg)

File: ac0fb1fec5428b0⋯.jpg (43.32 KB, 500x307, 500:307, Monarch005.jpg)

File: 58b80a0679978f7⋯.jpg (163.19 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Monarch006.jpg)

31c9d1 No.1424746


Could FB be broken up like an anti-trust kind of thing? Perhaps broken up into smaller companies like they did w/ Ma Bell? Perhaps the acquisitions are the smaller companies and he's just getting in ahead of time? not /biz/ just spitballin.

45accc No.1424747


Gee, is it still 2016?

e5ec41 No.1424748


Re-writing history?

History is written by the victors?

9b9c03 No.1424749


Hmmm.. i never quite got the hang of that. I'm the lunatic.

a7fd18 No.1424750



I just looked at 50 photos of Preet and I don't think so. The lower lashes definitely not. The upper lashes are, I think, naturally dark in color.

dc7871 No.1424751



Paul does more in one day for our cause than you in a lifetime

1d9b3f No.1424752


anon are you doing a monarch reference?

1614f0 No.1424753


Reagan won because the media projected his victory at 6:50pm PST.


954d00 No.1424754


Oh and the church has been luciferian since inception! (mithraism for the elites, controlling bullshit for the masses)

8171ca No.1424755

I see it designed so that we have the information that proves/answers the questions that the MSM will never ask…as this goes full on public….the last 6 months anons have researching the Q questions have been archiving, catagorizing, proving what is going on….FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE FOR THEMSELVES. if they will only look, ask the right questions, find the truth, share with others

cc7400 No.1424756

File: c8f1cdbfc4e8df8⋯.png (87.35 KB, 1448x825, 1448:825, Capture.PNG)

The hits keep on coming.

You just can't make this stuff up and expect someone to believe it.


501f80 No.1424757



[The founding of the Faith being the council of Nicea. The Luciferian High Priest being Constantine.]

028405 No.1424758

7a7135 No.1424759





what's in that phone case??

31c9d1 No.1424760


>Still defending the Prison Planet network

holy shit have you been sleeping the past week?

9b9c03 No.1424761


Subtle anon. (((they))) will get it straight away.

24fd1e No.1424762

>>1423432 pb

What are you talking about???

240cf8 No.1424763

File: c3fc6758e85719d⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1320x877, 1320:877, 11213213586434.png)


Post last edited at

7a7135 No.1424764

File: 64a34e71031d539⋯.png (844.7 KB, 783x621, 29:23, Screen Shot 2018-05-16 at ….png)

2d32da No.1424765


Yep. :)

d68103 No.1424766


Where does Jesus say u need a human conduit between you and him? Because that's what the Pope is.

4fbb2e No.1424767

File: 022cfd3355bb605⋯.jpg (174.66 KB, 960x639, 320:213, IMG_1702.JPG)

45accc No.1424768


Betsy's coming. Kek.

3a5747 No.1424769


Suck know that The New Social media will be born. And it's buying the small companies for to avoid the birth.

f457b0 No.1424770


Where is the option for I completely believe Q?

He does not give an option to be completely on board with Q.


7d937b No.1424771


Watch Father Mitch Pacwa and Father Spitzer on EWTN and tell me all Jesuits are awful and untrustworthy.

c28697 No.1424772

File: 0033aff151a5829⋯.png (781.13 KB, 1136x842, 568:421, fk u mike cernovich.PNG)


guilty by association..

eyes forward.mind on th e plan …man

310733 No.1424773

File: 9655a0b2389972b⋯.png (319.45 KB, 452x702, 226:351, whatwedo.png)

File: e9d93014940645c⋯.png (58.29 KB, 258x194, 129:97, datstorm.png)

File: bbc7355e4d1c17e⋯.png (440.79 KB, 687x573, 229:191, qqstuff3.png)

File: 8aafc6ce3c6fbbb⋯.png (132.75 KB, 263x231, 263:231, habbening.png)

954d00 No.1424774


This is one of those parts that Q talks about would hurt too much and why we can't always be at 40k ft… the transition for the religionfags will be hard.

52d321 No.1424775

File: 518c5f99f05346d⋯.jpg (7.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.jpg)

6fdd26 No.1424776

File: 65aaa227dcca6e5⋯.jpg (79.49 KB, 464x417, 464:417, nazitranny.jpg)

bbaf12 No.1424777


I can pretty much spot them a mile away now. I still don't know how to use all the functions of this board.

How to check post history?

17c801 No.1424778

a30f39 No.1424779


You failed. Go away. You are truly disgusting. Ya momma shoulda swallowed.

be0673 No.1424780


Another clown exposed.

538ab9 No.1424781



>VFN, faggot…pay attention. kek


why the fuck would baker put a fucking meme in notables!?!? smfh WTF is next, 'thanks baker" whores in notables?

5243b9 No.1424782

File: abafe51a6812c1c⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2048x1548, 512:387, The Storm is Upon Us.jpg)

1333c4 No.1424783

File: 0051404b7d8a89c⋯.png (555.38 KB, 691x448, 691:448, patheticbeings.PNG)


while true , there is this .

b7d151 No.1424784


History is written by who controls the historians. Not necessarily the victors

7c6e24 No.1424785




fake, gay & stupid.

c28697 No.1424786


transition wil be HARD on all fags

1a2ec2 No.1424787


looks like the little cards you get at funerals with a picture and birth/death dates of the dead and a little obit. sort of thing.

538ab9 No.1424788

Audits, Arrests Surge As Feds Crack Down On Employers Who Hire Illegal Immigrants dailycaller.com/2018/05/15/feds-crack-down-on-employers-who-hire-illegals/

1614f0 No.1424789

File: 9a4f6569fda3854⋯.jpg (63.98 KB, 512x384, 4:3, images.duckduckgo.jpg)

9b9c03 No.1424790


A Mass Card anon ;)

fdd05a No.1424791


>Imagine being one of eight previous repliers to this divisionpost

dont be these people

501f80 No.1424792





It's a WAR. An aeons old war. It's been difficult for millenia.

f6a573 No.1424793


This is tip tippy top!!!!!

PA had those counties that were extra at voting

fc759b No.1424794

File: 760e00d5e40a5b1⋯.jpg (59.95 KB, 439x525, 439:525, Snowden BC.jpg)


3a5747 No.1424795


Hmm. Russia..

ANTIFA in action?

7690ba No.1424796


Ex-Shareblue Anon said Cernovich is comped. Interesting to see his take on Q.

9b9c03 No.1424797

File: 67e8d6ee1285647⋯.png (501.26 KB, 800x800, 1:1, PopePooped.png)

0d79f2 No.1424798


I don't go on twitter often, but I will check him out.. Thanks for the head's up.

d049e3 No.1424799

>>1424764 looks like a pic of her daughter

0cdff7 No.1424800

>>1423416 (prev. bread)

"Taxpayer-Funded Childcare Fraud Scheme Appears to Fund Terrorists"

Immediately made me remember this creepy daycare in Utah. Originally popped up on plebbit, became a popular conspiracy.


Reeks of pizza and money laundering.

No idea if this place was ever taxpayer funded, but this is totally the kind of "business" one might expect to be used to wash and dirty money.

f41fea No.1424801

File: f5e58cb8f952659⋯.jpg (108.87 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, eastwood1.jpg)

52d321 No.1424802


help me out here anon what am i looking at?

f457b0 No.1424803


Common core rationale

021d59 No.1424804


The article is perfect. I am talking about the said business groups acting like (((shills))) in trying to pressure trump to change course - trying to influence him.




(((fake patriots)))

seeing the pattern, people? (((who))) throws around these labels that glow?


Decent. Thank you for good memes anon.


Great work, baker.


Accurate, baker, anons. (((they))) rewrite history, (((project))) to others their own lies, and portray themselves as 'true history; and others as 'dividers' 'revisionists'.

dc7871 No.1424805


Preet is another one PAIN and the jackwad Xeccer wtf loud mouth AG of Ca.

I hate these traitors

a7fd18 No.1424807


Click the post ID: xxxxxx

and all the posts by that ID, in that bread, will turn pink.

and/or use your browser's Find function (CTRL-F for Foxfire) to search for that 6-character ID.

a31f0c No.1424808


Roger..still would fit the theory….he was present at the 187 scene probably saw A LOT.

5db5ae No.1424809


>…filtered before I could report…

In the options link in the upper right corner, there's a box you can check that will show a stub of whatever you filter, so you can still access it for whatever reason, made a mistake, etc.

1614f0 No.1424810


In all honesty two were shills themselves.

4fbb2e No.1424811

File: 8cb96228c694c44⋯.jpg (162.91 KB, 1294x582, 647:291, IMG_1685.JPG)

7d937b No.1424812


Nice selection of Jesuit, one of the most notorious families in history. It is like representing Americans by quoting the Clintons.

a7fd18 No.1424813

File: 4b45fcc9b1b0d1b⋯.jpg (49.22 KB, 400x400, 1:1, BecerraEnemy.jpg)

File: 42ebad37d60ab66⋯.jpg (143.39 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Betrayal-Becerra.jpg)

File: 9256f41c5e026bf⋯.jpg (195.92 KB, 1023x513, 341:171, DrainTheSwamp16Becerra.jpg)

45accc No.1424814


That seems to be the time frame. Should be by Labor Day at the latest, prob sooner.

1614f0 No.1424815



46d82e No.1424816

File: bf81546c0c1cc20⋯.png (78.86 KB, 600x600, 1:1, RudyPainComing.png)

f41fea No.1424817

File: 8d3eeaf55afb05b⋯.jpg (29.49 KB, 500x319, 500:319, manicorn.jpg)


you will never be as cool as unicorn guy

555a22 No.1424818

File: 88b9aad98938789⋯.png (445.11 KB, 667x708, 667:708, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

File: a52de55449488fb⋯.png (55.75 KB, 515x203, 515:203, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)


it's been posted & known for a while, and your source is to be avoided, BC not welcome here at all

488923 No.1424819

File: 8eb56b312c0191c⋯.jpg (91.72 KB, 575x1024, 575:1024, Airbus.jpg)

544f86 No.1424820

File: e603933f2482011⋯.jpg (1017.27 KB, 2997x1995, 999:665, WeinerPickle.jpg)

Weiner's Pickle got him in a pickle

b13f06 No.1424821


eat shit you little (((weasel)))

31c9d1 No.1424822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JFG livestream. Biology PHD, jwoke, talking Israel right now and "Dark Web Intellectuals." the live comments are mostly /ourguys/

bd9543 No.1424823


Watson's been on/off the Trump Train so many times he's got his own boarding entrance.

538ab9 No.1424824


>History is written by who controls the historians. Not necessarily the victors

If the 'victors' don't control the historians they are idiots!

b277c2 No.1424825


Watch that series closely. The creators know ALOT more (about everything) than you'd guess at first glance.

450436 No.1424826

File: e6de61324a58fbc⋯.jpeg (962.93 KB, 1187x1038, 1187:1038, 8CEE7E6C-FECD-4872-954F-D….jpeg)

7c6e24 No.1424827


It's what darkness can do to a face.

63fba5 No.1424828

File: 883c99054041a48⋯.gif (794.11 KB, 500x300, 5:3, beware-of-sleestak.gif)



sound familiar?


Sleestaks are devolved, green humanoids with both reptilian and insectoid features; they have scaly skin with frills around the neck, bulbous unblinking eyes, pincer-like hands, stubby tails, and a single blunt horn on top of the head,

Sleestaks often communicate with a hissing sound that rarely changes in characteristics. However, like their Altrusian ancestors, they possess some rudimentary form of telepathy as well.

Sleestaks live in the Lost City, an underground tunnel complex originally constructed by the Altrusians. They hate bright light and rarely venture out during the day.

The Sleestaks have encountered many other humans who have become trapped in the Land of the Lost before the Marshalls arrive, and regard humans as a terrible threat; they attempt to capture and sacrifice humans to their god (an unseen beast who dwells in a smoky pit) at every opportunity.

0e26af No.1424829


Ali and lawfag Will Chamberlain say they know who is behind the Q operation, but won't or can't reveal until later. So I assume Cernovich probably has that same info and is skeptical.

1a2ec2 No.1424830

File: c9d808735adcee4⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 400x275, 16:11, 1.gif)

51d76d No.1424831

File: f7d7bd5ed251ad3⋯.png (707.69 KB, 1306x900, 653:450, Barry Soetoro Andrew Basia….png)

File: 2700090c820f265⋯.jpg (127.97 KB, 758x787, 758:787, 1526162589112.jpg)


I thought you were shilling at first, but I think you have a valid point (except for calling me a "shill/Dramaqueen or Stupid"–that hurt muh feels).


516d65 No.1424832

So, what do we think the play is for Israel? ME countries band together in opposition to Israel and then USA unexpectedly doesn't protect Israel, but does protect Jerusalem itself via the embassy?

I'm racking my brain trying to figure out how the embassy thing is a good move. Did anybody even need any more reason to hate Israel?

0d79f2 No.1424833


yeah, he may be, but he is spreading Q around. Don't think that's a bad thing.

9b9c03 No.1424834


Nice work anon. I believe Q referred to him when he said to watch NYC & CA.

f62aa1 No.1424835


A deadly heart attack for a 42 year old? At a police station?

Shit happens but this one is very questionable.

1a583c No.1424836


450436 No.1424837

File: cdea3b6af48ffa1⋯.jpeg (167.63 KB, 1115x385, 223:77, 7B4C6826-C9E7-4275-BE3C-9….jpeg)

2862c0 No.1424838


Q posts Re pope rbg

both with movies out now

cabal operating spin to convince normies

bad shit on both evil operators


45accc No.1424839


They are employees while at work you fucking retard statist moron.

17c801 No.1424840


Can confirm

4fbb2e No.1424841

7c6e24 No.1424842


Def Notable.

501f80 No.1424843


-Those dudes are textbook Catholic shills. Everything out of their mouth is a line of bullshit kool aid they feed to people.

538ab9 No.1424844


Because you're a fucking jackass?

Fuck off, idiotfag!

0d79f2 No.1424845


That's what I needed to see. Thanks anon.

dc7871 No.1424846


Wake up.

You are so wrong. Just jumping in the hive with No common sense.

Everybody is bad but 8ch?

Think Logically

f41fea No.1424848

File: 56794f719905005⋯.jpg (259.65 KB, 1920x1040, 24:13, d28ba7ce-8b36-439d-9eb8-d2….jpg)

pay back

fbc8d8 No.1424849

File: bb6d8a27bddb87d⋯.jpg (150.47 KB, 1061x899, 1061:899, DcIy-Q1XcAE951V.jpg)

fc759b No.1424850



not a shill. It's always good to know what the opposition is up to so FO

bbaf12 No.1424851


Thank you anon. Just tried it on your id. Works great. That will come in handy.

5243b9 No.1424852


Top KEK!

c28697 No.1424853

File: b73e96a299a44c9⋯.png (839.27 KB, 836x731, 836:731, diversity man.PNG)

45accc No.1424854


That type of gun use may be allowed to police, but only after they become jaded alcoholics relfecting on all the evilthey have committed against the People.

24fd1e No.1424855


All i can say i broke my head iver this one too. I would also like to understand the logic

dc7871 No.1424856


He specifically says you don't

3d7563 No.1424857


Provide at least a snippet of the article in quotations, anon.

Baker, notable

f85765 No.1424858


He's a total pay-triot….please give to my patreon….blah…blah…blah

e9e124 No.1424859

File: 3a0b60c585e7ba2⋯.png (313.51 KB, 474x248, 237:124, ClipboardImage.png)

Something that has been on my mind for a while now is whether or not POTUS will be signing EO's at the end of his (hopefully second!) term to reel in the powers that the lifetime politicians have been granting themselves over the decades.

Reduce the salary that they receive off the backs of the tax payer, set term limits, etc. etc.

1d9b3f No.1424860

Images of butterflies are used to trigger victims…

7c6e24 No.1424861



Except can't find it in a google search.

693eee No.1424862


There are many levels of understanding, will always stay that way

1614f0 No.1424863

Seems laggy, incoming Q?

0a37d8 No.1424864


Okay anon, got it thanks for the explanation:)

45accc No.1424865


muh colors matter moar too

d2f65f No.1424866

File: 9cf4046735f6bf7⋯.jpg (42.23 KB, 604x226, 302:113, qdrop 05152018.jpg)

File: 0d3f4a23cbbaeb7⋯.jpg (119.77 KB, 1005x405, 67:27, Qproofs.jpg)

File: 65e4529666f5e2e⋯.jpg (316.38 KB, 1340x980, 67:49, Allison Mack Schneiderman ….jpg)

File: 4825bc35c935c6b⋯.jpg (286.98 KB, 1037x853, 1037:853, Kam.jpg)

File: 33db542a3932a9f⋯.jpg (191.03 KB, 1200x717, 400:239, McMaster Father death sorr….jpg)


9b9c03 No.1424867


New Movie Out - Anon


a7fd18 No.1424868

File: e4d869cc194d2a5⋯.jpg (92.59 KB, 512x512, 1:1, ShillAdvice.jpg)

File: 076346e75cad3a0⋯.jpg (85.87 KB, 451x665, 451:665, ShillsDanger2.jpg)

27d44d No.1424869

File: b61c1dc7c98ec31⋯.png (719.19 KB, 779x695, 779:695, ClipboardImage.png)

d55ceb No.1424870

File: 879947d9f2b4b26⋯.png (310.1 KB, 645x521, 645:521, 20180515_190638.png)

File: d2ab3a36c65ea4d⋯.png (393.35 KB, 610x533, 610:533, 20180515_190717.png)

15f32d No.1424871


wait wait wait.

Small dick = pickle

cc7400 No.1424872


It's a motion from the "Russian Bot" company lawyers to have the judge look at what Mueller gave to his Grand Jury as instructions before they brought back the indictment..

544f86 No.1424874



f41fea No.1424875

File: edbe0337378c7d7⋯.jpg (85.95 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, twistersocks.jpg)

5ee0fb No.1424876


still can't spell your name maxine, lol

4203c2 No.1424877


So what are the satanists worshiping and the religions believing? Mis-translations because they didn't use a Hebrew to translate the Hebrew writings

Finally we note that satan has a much larger and romantic and defined role in general culture than in the Bible, and we stress again that the Bible certainly does not support the dualistic idea that the realm of darkness eternally battles the realm of light. Satan is not God's counter-pole.

Etymology of the name satan:

The name satan, שטן (satan) is identical to the noun שטן (satan) meaning adversary

http:// www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/satan.html

The name Lucifer in the Bible

Doubtlessly much to the chagrin of fans, Lucifer is not a personal name and it certainly is not the personal name of the devil.

The word lucifer is a common Latin word and occurs in the Old Testament in Job 11:17 (= the dawn) and Job 38:32 (= some constellation), Psalm 110:3 (= the dawn), Isaiah 14:12 (see below), and once in the New Testament, in 2 Peter 1:19 (= φωσφορος, phosphoros, the Morning Star or Venus, see below).

Of all English, German and Dutch translations of the Bible, only the King James Version and the Darby Translation mention Lucifer and that only in Isaiah 14:12. All other occurrences of the word lucifer are translated as "morning star," "shining one" or "day star" or something to that extent in all European translations over the last four centuries.

http:// www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Lucifer.html

Beelzebub meaning

Beelzebub literally means Lord Of The Fly but in this case, the singular should be interpreted with an English plural (for instance: the phrase "king of the Amalekites" would in Hebrew be written as "king of the Amalekite").

Beelzebub means Lord Of The Flies but since flies accept no central rule, it's an empty or even mock title.

http:// www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Beelzebub.html

What is the meaning of an upside-down / inverted cross? - Got …

https:// www.gotquestions.org/upside-down-cross.html

For centuries, the inverted cross was considered a Christian symbol, based on an ancient tradition that the apostle Peter was crucified upside down. One version of the story says that Peter, facing martyrdom by crucifixion, requested that his cross be inverted because he felt unworthy to die in the same manner as Christ.

3a5747 No.1424878

File: 77c9500725d1719⋯.gif (933.41 KB, 500x351, 500:351, tumblr_mee837MdEd1qedb29o1….gif)


it reminds me the history of Anton Parks (the chronicles of Girku)

45accc No.1424880


Trust muh govt. Q

7c6e24 No.1424881


NM searched "CEO" instead of "CFO".

CFO's are kind of the B listers.

968099 No.1424882

File: 93c0196b00122aa⋯.png (172.47 KB, 556x382, 278:191, anhero.PNG)

File: 33da58e19d92e1c⋯.png (291.54 KB, 611x576, 611:576, kysBIGLY.PNG)

File: 1acb30f6a5d1d4f⋯.png (311.1 KB, 664x595, 664:595, kys.PNG)

2862c0 No.1424883


Q posts Re pope rbg

both with movies out now

cabal operating spin to convince normies

bad shit on both evil operators


d049e3 No.1424884


We see all, we hear all

501f80 No.1424885





Jesus didn't found the "Catholic Church". He founded the One True Church. There's a difference.

One worships the One True God, in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.

The other worships Satan (hint: the One True Church doesn't worship Satan).

HUGE difference.

f2d833 No.1424887

File: cba48c64042d11d⋯.png (142.61 KB, 912x567, 304:189, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

File: 2d04780c2b8e2e6⋯.png (384.6 KB, 815x560, 163:112, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

File: b0772b078686155⋯.png (100.06 KB, 849x562, 849:562, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

File: 62b8b6d4ed64629⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1480x832, 185:104, ClipboardImage.png)

Amnesty International & Pussy Riot

5243b9 No.1424888

File: 380d87b8bd71ab3⋯.jpg (88.17 KB, 474x248, 237:124, Potus-Signing.jpg)

97fa2d No.1424889


loose lips sinks ships

storm in every port

59e8ad No.1424891


NYPD Emerald Society pipes in Donald Trump POTUS @ [U]h[/U]is inauguration.



565e70 No.1424892





516d65 No.1424893

Anyone got any insight into the images in this thread? http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/171752089

461209 No.1424894

File: 30408d36db398f2⋯.jpg (182.94 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 421238b7256d1c20d19b194331….jpg)



Horseshit is written by Spielberg.

4-6% will never recover.

be0673 No.1424896

File: 4a2a8f21fda095b⋯.png (12.61 KB, 496x154, 248:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec5cc64908e96ab⋯.png (157.07 KB, 784x579, 784:579, ClipboardImage.png)

Pope and Chair have me digging. I vaguely recall this coming up before, but for the sake of completeness, here it is.

Chair = Holy See

Holy See serves the master.

51d76d No.1424897

File: 8c5d42876757fd6⋯.png (746.21 KB, 1306x884, 653:442, Barry Soetoro Andrew Basia….png)


Cropped slightly better… Not that anyone but my OCD self gives a shit.

b3894a No.1424898

File: 01f1816ec2322c4⋯.png (94.74 KB, 310x156, 155:78, pic00018.png)


Huma's home is in the precinct where Det. Osbourne died.

c28697 No.1424899

File: e1d0dd380a123d9⋯.png (21.43 KB, 494x350, 247:175, q tip.PNG)

a5f8e2 No.1424900

Q Drops the Bomb on Alex/Roger/Corsi.

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQB0vidmoqU

BPEarthWatch Drops the Bomb on Alex/Roger/Corsi.

with 365k subscribers

Calls these people as Clowns.

BP is a Patriots. Engineer works on satelites and telescopes

on his utube. Nasa telescopes, Earthquakes and volcanoes.

34c296 No.1424901



most likely a Clown Heart attack gun. Developed in I think the 60's. Imagine the gun they have now that can do that.

There was a post on that a while back with pic. Sorry not sure when.

27d44d No.1424902

File: 318bb79d4395711⋯.jpg (589.32 KB, 1588x1031, 1588:1031, wtf2.jpg)

d7a0d3 No.1424903



Mueller and crew did not expect the "Russians" to respond to the indictments. The Russians did. Now Mueller has to produce to the level required for the can of worms he opened.

0cdff7 No.1424904

File: f074b7317bf7259⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 1903x9641, 1903:9641, Fun-Time-Kidz-Daycare-Pleb….jpg)

File: 1415cb9f190d658⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 1903x9641, 1903:9641, Fun-Time-Kidz-Daycare-Pleb….jpg)


>>1423416 (prev. bread)

Image of the original plebbit thread about Fun Time Kidz Daycare as additional sauce.

f4aaab No.1424907

File: 8dd8316d5813097⋯.png (631 KB, 631x719, 631:719, new af uniforms.PNG)

Check out the name on the uniform. Out October 1

5ac203 No.1424908


Nice catch

Pic of her daughter…

f457b0 No.1424909

File: 7b9d370124ca0c7⋯.png (456.19 KB, 662x371, 662:371, Wrong.PNG)


AJ and Corsi talk about Q too

Cernovich, like them, is an opportunist that goes wherever the cash is

501f80 No.1424910


The "Catholic Church" was founded by the Emperor of Rome, Constantine, who was the High Priest of the worship of the Sun.

He is the Satan who deceived 1/3 of the Angels in to his demonic council.

79b4e3 No.1424911

Q, you ever watch the show "24"? Season 2 is interesting. In it there is a plot to blow up a dirty bomb in LA. It is an attempt to pit the US in a war against another nation, but under false pretenses. Sound familiar? In Episode 7, the President gets word that people within his administration were trying to undermine him and force him to go to war. After revealing that their might be some in his administration that were doing this, the President's Chief of Staff says that he will investigate "this so called Cabal". Interesting how many movies and shows end up connecting later to real life. Its almost like the Cabal uses Hollywood to show their plans globally by using the bad actors in the movies. The good guys always win, but that is to appease the masses. Something fuckey is going on. Or maybe its just coincidence. I'm gonna keep "researching" season 2.

6ba640 No.1424913

Are we sure the Josh Schulte story isn't disinformation?

f62aa1 No.1424914


I'd definitely need some sauce on that before believing it.

538ab9 No.1424917


Audits, Arrests Surge As Feds Crack Down On Employers Who Hire Illegal Immigrants

"Employer audits and investigations into workplace immigration violations have surged in fiscal year 2018, leading to criminal and civil arrests that far exceed the number recorded in the previous year, according to statistics released Monday by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

There were 2,282 employer audits — known as I-9 audits — opened between Oct. 1 and May 4, according to the ICE data. That was about a 60 percent increase from the 1,360 audits opened between October 2016 and September 2017. Total worksite investigations also spiked in the same period: ICE’s criminal investigators have opened 3,510 worksite investigations so far this fiscal year, compared to 1,716 for all of fiscal year 2017."


aa1e72 No.1424918


I don't think he was a detective though. Q said 2 detectives.

8718e6 No.1424919


Fuck these evil, violent media people.

45accc No.1424920


I'll chime in on the Jesuits. I once saw a list of supposedly the 8 most powerful men in the world, including 5-6 Jesuits, and I personally knew 3 of them for several years from university life. I had recently seen one of these gents loading his golf clubs into the back of a 97 Buick before driving home to his room in the dorm. THAT powerful!

1a583c No.1424921

>>1424907 Look at the nametape

Baker Notable

a5f8e2 No.1424922


BP encourages Patriots to fight for the truth!!!

0a37d8 No.1424923

File: de710666b7db4df⋯.png (860.31 KB, 780x520, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

North Korea suspends talks with South over US military drills, casts doubt on Trump-Kim summit in Singapore

SEOUL (AFP) - North Korea on Wednesday (May 16) called into question a much-anticipated and unprecedented summit between its leader Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump.

Pyongyang also cancelled high-level talks due Wednesday with Seoul over the Max Thunder joint military exercises being held between the US and the South, Seoul said.

"There is a limit to the amount of good will and chances we can give," the North's official news agency KCNA said.

The drills between the two allies' air forces were a rehearsal for invasion and a provocation at a time when inter-Korean relations were warming, it added.

The US will "have to undertake careful deliberations about the fate of the planned North Korea-US summit in light of this provocative military ruckus", it said.

Washington said it will continue to plan the meeting in Singapore on June 12, with State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert telling reporters it had received "no notification" of a position change by North Korea.

The language used by KCNA is a sudden and dramatic return to the rhetoric of the past from Pyongyang, which has long argued that it needs nuclear weapons to defend itself against the US.

Hostilities in the 1950-53 Korean War stopped with a ceasefire, leaving the two halves of the peninsula divided by the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) and still technically at war.

At a dramatic summit last month in Panmunjom, the truce village in the DMZ, Kim and the South's President Moon Jae In pledged to pursue a peace treaty to formally end the conflict, and reaffirmed their commitment to denuclearising the Korean peninsula.

But the phrase is open to interpretation on both sides and the North has spent decades developing its atomic arsenal, culminating last year in its sixth nuclear test - by far its biggest to date - and the launch of missiles capable of reaching the US.

The drive has seen it subjected to multiple rounds of UN Security Council resolutions, while Trump threatened it with "fire and fury" as he and Kim traded personal insults and threats of war last year.

Then relations underwent a sudden and dramatic turnaround as Moon seized the opportunity presented by February's Winter Olympics in the South to broker talks between Washington and Seoul.

In a dizzying array of diplomatic steps, the biggest so far was his meeting with Kim in the DMZ last month.

The Trump-Kim summit is due in Singapore on June 12, with Washington demanding the North give up its weapons in a complete, verifiable and irreversible way.

High-level talks were meant to take place in the DMZ Wednesday to discuss follow-up measures to the Panmunjom summit.


South Korea and the US are security allies, each pledged to come to the aid of the other if attacked, and Washington has nearly 30,000 troops stationed in the South to defend it against its neighbour, which invaded in 1950.

The two-week Max Thunder exercise started last Friday and involves some 100 aircraft from the two allies, including F-22 stealth fighter jets, B-52 bombers and other fighters.

"We have not heard anything from (the North Korean) government… to indicate we would not continue conducting these exercises or would not continue planning for our meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong Un next month," State Department spokeswoman Nauert said Tuesday.

Washington has often deployed its military hardware in shows of strength to put pressure on Pyongyang - last year it sent three of its aircraft carriers to the waters off the peninsula simultaneously.

The North has consistently condemned military drills as preparations for invasion, and in the past has often responded with actions and provocations of its own in a cycle of events.

The major Key Resolve and Foal Eagle exercises, usually around March, have often sent tensions on the peninsula soaring.

But in this year's diplomatic rapprochement, the allies delayed those drills until after the Olympics and Paralympics in Pyeongchang as Moon sought to secure the North's participation at the Games.

In turn, envoys from Seoul said Kim told them he would "understand" if the exercises went ahead.

In the event the drills did take place and there was none of the usual rhetoric from the North.

Pyongyang has dramatically toned down its condemnations of its enemies in recent months.

But it has a long history of switching from aggression to engagement, or vice versa.

The day after the Panmunjom summit, KCNA condemned a US exercise to train for the evacuation of its nationals from the South, calling it "an act aimed to make war a fait accompli and incite atmosphere for it".

https:// www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/north-korea-suspends-talks-with-south-over-us-military-drills-casts-doubt-on-trump

dc7871 No.1424924


Thanks, yea Him.


067db0 No.1424925

http://www. abc.net.au/news/2018-05-16/north-korea-suspends-talks-with-south-scheduled-for-wednesday/9765674

Are clowns using the South to antagonize the North and undermine Trump?

45accc No.1424926


IF the vote is purged and controlled only.

63fba5 No.1424927

File: ca5ec99e5be47c5⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 315x444, 105:148, preet_knows_REVLON.jpg)

461209 No.1424928


Imagine thinking Father ((($pitzer))) is a fellow catholic…

Wew lad!

538ab9 No.1424931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


CIA secret weapon of assassination Heart Attack Gun, Declassified 1975 New World Order Report

91e067 No.1424932


my theory pressured by Iran

Answer to [48]

bbaf12 No.1424933


>Satan is not God's counter-pole.

I disagree 100%.

9941f1 No.1424934


you had me at OCD.

looks reay good Anon…seriously.

8 years…we had this traitor subverting our country for 8 years.

(((OCDanon too)))

1a6448 No.1424935

File: 17400d72586df11⋯.jpg (67.71 KB, 700x472, 175:118, 17400d72586df110a8031d2da3….jpg)


End of the type of spying that they victimized him with!

222231 No.1424937


Free enterprise. Plus free libraries.

b3894a No.1424938


http:// www.military.com/video/guns/pistols/cias-secret-heart-attack-gun/2555371072001

88c257 No.1424939

I still think Hugh Hefner has a big part to play in this.

Just thinking out loud anons .

442950 No.1424940

File: af04a86f012c6cc⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 900x900, 1:1, angry_pepe.jpg)

45accc No.1424941


That's the 1 True Church.

31c9d1 No.1424942


cool it with the antisemitic remarks

goy pussy is good business, don't ruin it.

first we brainwash your women to have low self esteem get them hooked on drugs and other generate shit, then they practically beg us for those "modeling" jobs, but first they have to get past the casting couch ;)

97fa2d No.1424943


ear rings and lipstick please

f85765 No.1424944


Is that a live hearing or classified?

501f80 No.1424945

92123f No.1424946


It's as fair a question as any given the spy climate today. Perhaps Rand is /ourguy/ and this is a play. I have little doubt that the CIA is going to cease its miserable existence soon. Q eludes too often to JFK who said he would splinter the CIA into 1,000 different pieces. JFK also warned of Secret societies. I think after midterms, and when the Justice hammer falls, we will see just the beginning of fundamental changes. POTUS and Q will not relent until EVERYTHING sees the light of day. POTUS sat on DECADES of dirt. He is on a mission bigger than just corrupt gov officials. The world will be different. One of Trump's early plans was to bring peace to the Middle East. It's easy to see why there is so much focus there today. And, my opinion on, "Israel for last," is the denuclearization of Israel when all of their existential nuclear threats have been eliminated. I think his ultimate goal is de-nuke of the entire world, which has been the Cabal's intimidation tool, world-wide, since they forced Truman to use it in an effort to intimidate Russia. Sick fucks.

7d937b No.1424947

File: b2a815874b8b793⋯.png (220.79 KB, 717x766, 717:766, Catholic Source Screen Sho….png)


The Declaration of Independence is based on the work of two Catholic theologians and writers, Saint Thomas Aquinas and Sir Robert Bellarmine.

e37736 No.1424948


My guess is that Trump wants to reduce military presence in SK after denuclearization. Kim also needs to save face.

Could be prplanned snag to gain concession from Pentagon.

efcb50 No.1424949

Saw something about this while away from computer.

can anyone bring me up to speed on codemonkey doxing threat?

I checked notables and this wasn't in there. Did

this prove to be a nothing burger?

d55ceb No.1424950

File: 03aa38d2bc690ab⋯.png (305.44 KB, 719x654, 719:654, 20180515_191536.png)


8e4aa5 No.1424951


Love that uncle Remus.- Tar Baby is something you really want until you get ahold of it. Then you can`t let go and wish you hadn`t. And don`t throw me in that Briar Patch.

1a583c No.1424952


dc7871 No.1424953


Thanks, I can see your being real

b13f06 No.1424954

last call for Notables

15f32d No.1424955

File: 83649099e49d38c⋯.png (590.58 KB, 1547x915, 1547:915, kimun threats.png)


>called into question

called in to question and North K suspends talk are 2 different things. looks like fake news.

0a37d8 No.1424956


I believe you might be right. Looking into it.

dcdcce No.1424957

File: 6a2d125ff9f9280⋯.jpg (64.95 KB, 497x640, 497:640, bustysocks.jpg)

File: 2ddd9d13c0c0105⋯.jpg (91.07 KB, 401x560, 401:560, longJeff.jpg)

File: f25ef8d7bbb8976⋯.jpg (56.96 KB, 500x731, 500:731, longsocks.jpg)


538ab9 No.1424958

File: 749c8f0c54a42e9⋯.png (395.86 KB, 554x500, 277:250, Andrew Breitbart murdered.png)

6273a8 No.1424959

File: 76566cff37b6b3f⋯.png (110.11 KB, 450x450, 1:1, nypd-challenge-coin.png)

7fec61 No.1424960


THe acquisitions are just Zuck excercising his stock options and a very low strike price and he than immediately sells the shares acquired. So he excercises at say $20 so he buys them at $20 and than sells at $180. He is not going out and buying shares in the market.

c28697 No.1424961


spreading Q ..lik ethati sour mission?

our mission is the messag eof freedom..truth…

no glory to any one …

ask Q ..cat …fk the shill faggots mke up class… and get on ifno flow…

6ba640 No.1424962

File: 7ceda0e68b9d0e4⋯.png (605.9 KB, 1080x1009, 1080:1009, Screenshot_20180515-191718….png)


Password: 20150909

f2d833 No.1424963

File: 31e29e5e060d97f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1350, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cb9ad6de3931c8⋯.png (220.21 KB, 1066x487, 1066:487, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

File: f64dd9a237463bd⋯.png (205.18 KB, 1058x483, 46:21, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

File: 7f565154709ac19⋯.png (195.04 KB, 1068x490, 534:245, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

Boston Calling Music Festival

featuring Pussy Riot, Pod Save America, and Lovett or Leave It (Crooked Media)

1614f0 No.1424965


Considering the practice of satanism in the vatican, I believe this is also reference to the tie between satanism and the masons anon.

See these (kind of crappy) references:



f85765 No.1424966


05/17/2018 - 2:00pm

Closed Briefing: Intelligence Matters

05/16/2018 - 9:15am

Closed Briefing: Intelligence Matters

501f80 No.1424967

516d65 No.1424969

File: 7da5576311e7d2c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, sessionsEXE.png)

File: 54cfc1454fbe713⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, sessionsEXE_template.png)

461209 No.1424970


Too bad its original intent was completely turned on its head by (((communists))) who we are going to overthrow.

6dfab6 No.1424971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



97fa2d No.1424972


don't think that will happen until the AC pops up peace thru strength ya know

crazy neighbors require that

9b9c03 No.1424973

File: 0341c525f13281f⋯.jpg (176.63 KB, 1058x769, 1058:769, Snowball.jpg)

0a37d8 No.1424974

File: d7757cee588a4bd⋯.png (441.33 KB, 780x520, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Pentagon plays down US-South Korea drills after North suspends talks

WASHINGTON (REUTERS) - The Pentagon on Tuesday (May 15) played down ongoing military exercises with South Korea, saying they were routine and defensive in nature after North Korea blamed them for its decision to suspend high-level talks with Seoul scheduled for Wednesday.

"Republic of Korea (ROK) and US military forces are currently engaged in the recurring, annual ROK-US spring exercises, to include exercises Foal Eagle 2018 and Max Thunder 2018," a Pentagon spokesman said, adding that the Max Thunder air combat drills were scheduled to run from May 14-25.

"These defensive exercises are part of the ROK-US Alliance's routine, annual training program to maintain a foundation of military readiness."

North Korea threw into question an unprecedented summit between its leader Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump scheduled for next month, denouncing military exercises between South

Korea and the United States as a provocation and calling off high-level talks with Seoul.

A report on North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency angrily attacked the “Max Thunder” air combat drills, which it said involved US stealth fighters and B-52 bombers, and appeared to mark a break in months of warming ties between North and South Korea and between Pyongyang and Washington.

Any cancellation of the June 12 summit in Singapore, the first meeting between a serving US president and a North Korean leader, would deal a major blow to Trump’s efforts to score the biggest diplomatic achievement of his presidency.

US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said Washington had no information from North Korea about the threat to cancel the summit and continued to plan for that meeting.

“Kim Jong Un had said previously that he understands the need and the utility of the United States and the Republic of Korea continuing in its joint exercises,” she told a briefing.

“We have not heard anything from that government or the government of South Korea to indicate that we would not continue conducting these exercises or that we would not continue planning for our meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong Un next month,” she said.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said the United States would examine the North Korean statement “and continue to coordinate closely with our allies.”

South Korea’s National Security Office head Chung Eui Yyong said in early March, after meeting Kim, that the North Korean leader understood that “routine” joint military exercises between South Korea and the United States would continue in spite of a warming of ties.

This was widely considered to be a major North Korea concession, though Pyongyang never publicly withdrew its long-standing demand for an end to the drills.

https://www. straitstimes.com/world/united-states/pentagon-plays-down-us-skorean-drills-after-north-suspends-talks

45accc No.1424975


CNN will race bait by saying Trump is race baiting. Bet on it.

31c9d1 No.1424976

The level despotism is too damn high

c28697 No.1424977

who has the names of NYPD detective cats {187} eD ?

27d44d No.1424978

File: b61c1dc7c98ec31⋯.png (719.19 KB, 779x695, 779:695, ClipboardImage.png)

But is he fired yet?

555a22 No.1424979


> Max Thunder

> Key Resolve

> Foal Eagle exercises

5ac203 No.1424980

File: a0357fd4f2f1d6b⋯.jpg (25.77 KB, 484x343, 484:343, Beauty.JPG)


Good, very good

6da792 No.1424981

File: 3ae2208615b3d92⋯.png (66.5 KB, 1264x372, 316:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f32d008ef023f8⋯.png (79.61 KB, 1259x479, 1259:479, ClipboardImage.png)

a30f39 No.1424982


I don't think he'll cancel the summit with Trump. We'll see.

a441ce No.1424983


all organized religions are the work of Evil

the true deception of Gods people

men took the word of God and usurped it

to their own story

kind of like Paytriots do with Q's works

693eee No.1424984

File: f2f1f2b5b483dac⋯.png (654.73 KB, 582x532, 291:266, sessions-secret-find-out.png)

f85765 No.1424985


We have moved to the next phase pain/justice

45accc No.1424986

File: 8ef75716fb906fc⋯.jpg (126.7 KB, 778x960, 389:480, s4.jpg)

f62aa1 No.1424987


Fuck me. I was wrong. I thought had seen it all by now. That sounded ludicrous.

516d65 No.1424988


Is it those two that were shot while sitting in their car?

8f0598 No.1424989

Wtf I went to grab the dick pic and it's gone!

501f80 No.1424990




Bingo. The leaven of the Pharisee. The deception of Simon the magician.

b09650 No.1424991

File: c81afe89a084d07⋯.png (697.53 KB, 613x800, 613:800, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice connection

1333c4 No.1424992

File: e16d28990ba6354⋯.jpg (38.32 KB, 450x567, 50:63, e16d28990ba6354f80a0636904….jpg)

97fa2d No.1424993


God did not leave us without a written witness

Does not depend on personal interpretation

59e8ad No.1424994




a greeting

Hi there






d2a0d1 No.1424995


And who is this master?

In Latin that would be Magister generalis cathedrae (Grandmaster of the Chair) but what is it in Greek?

Could the Protos of Mount Athos be the Master and therefore be the P that Q refers to?

805f44 No.1424996


That was 2014 or 2015, I think. I had the same thought initially and looked it up. Wasn't 2017

45accc No.1424997


I dont doubt that your knowledge of Church history is equal to your knowledge of Greek and Latin.

627514 No.1424998

File: 64458ac8dc374cb⋯.jpg (249.82 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, doublerainbow.jpg)

File: ead65d92e2454ae⋯.png (9.48 MB, 4320x2000, 54:25, signum marrano.png)

File: efe4e7cbd265b0a⋯.jpg (356.94 KB, 2000x3000, 2:3, zebrasocks.jpg)

2d3d5b No.1424999


NOTHING EVER goes away!!!! lol The Anon's have it!! ;-)

29ec9a No.1425000

Read it again…

Find the [2] detectives [187] mid 2017.

Did they view the insurance file?

This could EASILY be Familia and her Partner when you quit reading into it what it does NOT say!

8da8e7 No.1425001


If you really want to mess with someone's head, pay a thug to stab them in the stomach with a needle and syringe and run off.

7d937b No.1425002


Nice catch!

6dfab6 No.1425003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


BP post……..nice tune….patriot !!

5db5ae No.1425004


Like I been sayin', Indonesian. No Dunhams in the genetic mix. But, then, he could also have other DNA mixed in, I'm guessing Rockefeller, maybe even Bush, he looks like senior Bush and W, also Malcolm, who was an asset that broke free for a minute. They could pull off lots of things with a test tube baby.

a31f0c No.1425005

>>>>>Officer Familia's Partner = Officer Vincent Maher

Article: https://nypost.com/2018/05/15/cops-service-to-his-partner-didnt-end-when-she-was-killed/

Title: Cop’s service to his partner didn’t end when she was killed

Body: Officer Vincent Maher lost his partner to a cop-hating gunman nearly a year ago, but he’s still got her back.

“My full intention ever since the second it happened was to be there for the Familia family,” Maher told The Post on Tuesday after President Trump invited him on-stage to help pay tribute to slain NYPD hero Miosotis Familia.

So when Trump welcomed Familia’s mother and kids to join him at the head of the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service, Maher, 47, found himself tagging along.

“Wherever [Familia’s] mama goes, I go. I just wanted to be there for her and the next thing I knew [Trump] was pulling me close to him,” Maher said.

The 26-year NYPD vet handed Trump a commemorative coin bearing Familia’s picture made to memorialize her death.

“I carried it with me everywhere and I gave it to the president,” Maher said. “He looked at it and he read it and in typical Trump mannerism he was very thankful and appreciative.”

“I think he was a little touched because he didn’t expect to get a gift from somebody.”

Choking back tears, Maher recalled for the crowd his partner and the July 2017 night that she was gunned down in The Bronx for no reason other than her uniform.

“This is a woman who got injured a while ago and volunteered to come back to patrol to one of the roughest places in New York City,” Maher said. “She volunteered to leave a cushy job to come back to patrol.”

Moments after ambushing the 48-year-old mother of three as she sat in a mobile command post, Alexander Bonds, 34, was himself shot dead by cops.

“Evil has a face, and that face is every individual who has an intention to cause harm,” Maher told The Post. “That night, the face of evil was the guy who took her life.”

Maher said he supports Trump on Tuesday calling for the death penalty for cop-killers.

“Every cop in America if not in the world has probably been preaching that same thing,” he said. “I think it’s great intentions and great words. I just hope it’s more than words.”

45accc No.1425006


actual lolz

c28697 No.1425007


thansk cat ..yet

those = 2014 https://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/21/nyregion/two-police-officers-shot-in-their-patrol-car-in-brooklyn.html

mention was 2017… looking for 2017 scene

0a37d8 No.1425008




I don't disagree on any of these points, could be clowns, or it could be Iran fueling, either way its clowns. Checking Iran news for any markers on this subject.

7fec61 No.1425009

Tucker is Great. He is going off on Pat Davian D from Ne M Mexico who claimed an AR-55 can shoot 150 rounds in 15 seconds.. haha It’s nice having these fools called out for fake claims that the masses just accept blindly.

f98a58 No.1425010

hahahaha if you're a raving liberal running for congress


these people are stupid af

4558dd No.1425011


are you insinuating I am here for the wrong reasons because I used a glow for they once? If so , get over yourself anon. You are not the Judge , jury, or executioner of anything on here. The narcissist help center is on the left. Guess you think you are so important that tagging several comments in a single post of completely unrelated topics makes you king and more worthy of knowing every unimportant thing that runs through your head, as you scroll, worth the rest of us wasting our time ton read.

dc7871 No.1425012


He mixed paganism with Christianity, everybody down and that's why every single Christian holiday either marks a Jewish holiday or Luciferian holiday

a7fd18 No.1425013

File: 414486a251d1bf7⋯.jpg (342.61 KB, 1140x1380, 19:23, QProofJustice!.jpg)

File: 94d677105476241⋯.jpg (77.02 KB, 480x360, 4:3, JusticeLeagueMOAB.jpg)

File: 12421525a2684a4⋯.jpg (196.65 KB, 619x928, 619:928, GreatAwakeningJustice4.jpg)

File: 88d5872b9b29da4⋯.jpg (189.58 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningJustice2.jpg)

File: a53f5780f689294⋯.jpg (288.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningJustice5.jpg)

c28697 No.1425014

File: 5720d2fbfc1acb6⋯.png (8.55 KB, 382x267, 382:267, q tip a.PNG)

eaffe8 No.1425015

File: db8305a4a215fe4⋯.png (16.8 KB, 515x159, 515:159, ClipboardImage.png)


There's a Q drop for that

5ee0fb No.1425016


we're here because the world has been dumbed-down and lied to, and your worried that certain races were dumbed-down a little more so they shouldn't vote. You are a clown

f98a58 No.1425017


you're a shill that bitches about jews all day

be0673 No.1425018



Interesting tidbit.

Benito Mussolini signed Vatican City into existence.

The dispute between the Italian government and the Catholic Church ended in 1929 with the signing of the Lateran Pacts, which allowed the Vatican to exist as its own sovereign state and compensated the church $92 million (more than $1 billion in today’s money) for the Papal States. The Vatican used the payment as seed money to re-grow its coffers. Mussolini, the head of the Italian government, signed the treaty on behalf of King Victor Emmanuel III.

cc7400 No.1425019



Some newfags prob think it was fake story

5e5111 No.1425020

File: 766d3308fdc6476⋯.jpg (91.31 KB, 985x288, 985:288, layer2.jpg)

Anyone know?

661582 No.1425021

8da8e7 No.1425022

File: 20029ce62cf1c14⋯.png (145.13 KB, 1514x612, 757:306, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)

File: 5659fa345127517⋯.png (984.62 KB, 1234x1384, 617:692, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at ….png)



c28697 No.1425023


gettin ahead of the organic flow cats

tick tick tick pope scene coming

45accc No.1425024


Youre saying some priests are catholics??!! Unfreakingbelievable!

f98a58 No.1425025




why do your crumbs look odd?

1d9b3f No.1425026


using broad brushes in paint and removing some of the grey for some reason…

45accc No.1425027


This suspect needs looking into.

8171ca No.1425028


I'm thinking the clowns still have too much power..not enough strings cut yet

501f80 No.1425029


I know enough to Know the Truth.

8718e6 No.1425030


If the media were to start firing evil and ignorant people, there would be very few people left!

be0673 No.1425031



When I look into land ownership in Jerusalem, strangely a ton of greek connections pop up.

Funny, this is where I was heading with my did. Wanted to understand the connection between the roths, the greeks, the vatican and jerusalem.

6b7bf1 No.1425032

‘Red Alert’ Warning Issued For Hawaii’s Explosive Kīlauea Volcano

The warning from the USGS means that ‘a major volcano eruption is imminent, underway or suspected with hazardous conditions both on the ground and in the air.’


d7a0d3 No.1425033

File: ad3fc30e4dd09b4⋯.gif (94.86 KB, 440x400, 11:10, 5d6h6fffhidvcilliz99867z.gif)

52d321 No.1425034

wow just saw the handoff. wild

831593 No.1425035

File: 8fefb83bf764661⋯.png (22.93 KB, 735x160, 147:32, ClipboardImage.png)

5b8719 No.1425036


Here's to hoping someone leaks transcripts!

501f80 No.1425037



You're not wrong.

88c257 No.1425038



Are pushing more FAKE NEWS around the fucking GLOBE .

Along with fuckery Hilary .

These people are stupid

a30f39 No.1425039

File: 0340d5ab0e3f86e⋯.jpg (65.67 KB, 718x593, 718:593, 0HOUR1.JPG)

That ass 0Hour1 faked a Q drop & David Seaman at Fulcrum picked it up & has tweeted it out. That mf'er needs to die!!!

1bbbe4 No.1425040


The fact that the poll doesn’t have an option for believing 100% Q is real is a huge red flag for me

c28697 No.1425041



use no make up

al natural cat

555a22 No.1425042

File: 8b8381e038202d5⋯.jpg (14.88 KB, 502x294, 251:147, BuckChannel.jpg)

eaffe8 No.1425043


Seemed low energy to me. If you find something more, let us know

7d937b No.1425044


I disagree. The luciferians have been trying to destroy Christianity from the time of Jesus and the Apostles. They will not succeed. The gates of hell shall not prevail against her. Jesus left a Church, a community of believers, because we need others to walk with us in the battle against evil. Like the anons and patriots.

63fba5 No.1425045

File: cd85be204e4d171⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 315x444, 105:148, preet_knows_RL REVLON.jpg)



as you wish.

shades of

<91120f &

Ralph Lauren

92123f No.1425046


I understand your logic. But POTUS has already persuaded Saud to (somewhat) ally with Israel through this Iran/Syria neutering. There will be a full, all tools brought to bear, assault on the vast network of the Muslim Brotherhood. The modern Islamic Extremist movement started with the MB in the '20's and then was exploited by /them/ ever since. When that network dies, and the people can see life differently, the whole world knows peace. But, if taking down the Cabal is difficult, then breaking Islamic Extremist Ideology is going to be near impossible! But, POTUS will be up to the task. I think it is his end goal and the plan will likely have to be passed to his successors. It all starts with ending the nuclear threat WW.

f98a58 No.1425047




4c5918 No.1425048


He’s got that Paul Ryan, Eddie Munster widows peak vampire look about him

45accc No.1425049


I found BP's Q analysis the most "straightforward" on yt.

1333c4 No.1425050

File: e0d26a557ebc330⋯.jpg (23.78 KB, 640x405, 128:81, 640px-Kurmasana.jpg)

14d9b8 No.1425051


subversive pom pom poster

and his cheerleader fake anons

this anon is a snake in the grass

7690ba No.1425052


Cilliza's face needs to be the center of a target.

I assume that's already in the breads from earlier today …. will go look later.

500964 No.1425053


get in here anons

May be some videos to rip

MOTHERLODE of Clinton Foundation/ Health Initiative / Global videos

First one is Bill taking about being invited to the Yalta conference by Viktor Yanukovich

f98a58 No.1425054

File: 43b15d826010e43⋯.png (15.38 KB, 382x267, 382:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba617d5825b8cbb⋯.png (16.96 KB, 356x142, 178:71, ClipboardImage.png)

1 is yours, 2 is from qanon.pub

d049e3 No.1425055


Joel Davis was a NY State Trooper killed in July 2017 anon

9b9c03 No.1425056

File: f4f2dab45cafeb0⋯.png (277.01 KB, 639x360, 71:40, TidesTurn.png)

The Tides Are Turning

0a37d8 No.1425057


I think the key is clowns in Iran…and I believe with that in mind you are correct. We did just cut them off at the knees with the loss of the deal.

6ba640 No.1425058


To: Jake.Sullivan@gmail.com

CC: John.Podesta@gmail.com, huma@hrcoffice.com

Date: 2015-07-02 21:08

Subject: Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer–NOT FOR CIRCULATION

Dear Jake,

I met with Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer just now to brief him on our JPPI meeting with the Prime Minister and the Cabinet this past Sunday in Jerusalem, and on another matter.

Let me premise this summary by telling you that we are so personally close to him that my late wife Fran and I went to his Bar Mitzvah in Miami (tragically, his father, the Mayor of Miami Beach died of a heart attack two weeks before the event). We have been close ever since, although our politics are far apart. Also, I am fully and painfully aware of his role in the Romney-Obama election. That having been said, what he said to me after I briefed him on the report Dennis Ross and I gave to the Prime Minister and Cabinet on the JPPI Annual Assessment of the State of the Jewish People, is worth considering.


He told me the following:

(1) He understands that Hillary will have to support the Iran nuclear deal. He is concerned that for the balance of Obama's term, Iran could "blackmail" the Administration by threatening to withdraw from the agreement if the U.S. contends they have violated some provision of the agreement.

(2) It is important that even as Hillary endorses the agreement, and says she would vote for it if she was in the Senate, she "should not get too invested in it".

(3) She should "list the concerns "she has with it, while saying that "it is better than no deal".

(4) In addition, she should commit:

(a) That as President she will confront Iran's challenges in other areas (terrorism, Syria, Iraq);

(b) That she will maintain all the non-nuclear sanctions on Iran (human rights, terrorism, etc.);

(c) Join her support for the nuclear deal with a "strong statement that as President she would strengthen all of the US allies in the region, starting with Israel", and will "redouble efforts to work closely with Israel".

(d) Oppose the UN Resolution.

(5) He is "worried that things will get off the rails" when an agreement is reached. He noted with greater concern, saying "it was embarrassing" that Jack Lew was booed during a recent speech at a Jerusalem Post forum, when he was defending a nuclear deal. Hillary should avoid being put in that position. He is concerned the coming Iran battle will "shift downward the American-Israel" relationship.

(6) The Administration is "tone deaf" about the "existential threat" to Israel from Iran. Hillary should recognize and empathize with Israel's concerns with the Iran deal.

(7) He thought three weeks ago that there was only a 10% chance of a congressional veto override; now he feels there is a 30% chance, as opposition is building and the gaps in the agreement are becoming clearer.

2. BDS

(1) They will shortly expose the funding base for the main BDS group on campus, Students for Justice in Palestine, which tie it with terrorist funding.

(2) He agrees there should be a "big tent" to combat BDS of all pro-Israel, anti-BDS groups. But he distinguishes between liberal groups like Peace Now, which he supports, and JStreet, which he does not. The reason, he said, is that although they are officially anti-BDS, they actively lobby against Israeli positions supported by a democratically elected government in Israel, and are constantly critical of Israel, rather than the Palestinians. By lobbying Congress and the Administration against Israeli positions they are "denying Israel's right to self-determination." They are lobbying to change what the popularly elected government of Israel supports.

(3) He is doubtful the position Dennis and I took before the Cabinet, that not expanding settlements outside the established blocs would have much effect on BDS followers.

(4) The key is to expose BDS as anti-Semitic and anti-Israel. There is no other country where there is a BDS campaign to change their policy. Israel is being held to a double standard. If those who supported BDS also supported against other countries (Saudi Arabia, China, et al) then at least there is some consistent principle. But by singling out Israel, it exposes an anti-Semitic basis for their efforts.

Perhaps some of this will be helpful. Please do not circulate this beyond the immediate people I have copied.

Best wishes,

Stu Eizenstat

31c9d1 No.1425059

File: 511af614ed61ae2⋯.jpg (102.79 KB, 431x696, 431:696, 1460504688858-why_do_they_….jpg)


Do you remember when Q directly responded to the "muh joo shill" that posted this pic? Post # 998 I think. Are you going to keep complaining about the type of people who Q directly engages? You're worse than they are. Q doesn't respond to people like you.

501f80 No.1425060


Yes, and I'm saying that as catholic priests, their lies are unavoidable, though they might allude your beloved satanic priests.

e5ec41 No.1425061


What about true history? Learning from the past? Because we are in this position because of the victors

who' re-write history by distorting history. The victor will sometimes take as thier own what they know will help control the people of the civilians they have destroyed. I guess what I am saying

is the Great Awakening is a chance to start again, but we can't forget our own sins on the world.

860ff9 No.1425062


Anything that starts with "get in here anons"

Means exactly the opposite

Click bate elseware

14d9b8 No.1425063


that person is simply awful

cannot stand the sight of it

046ff2 No.1425064

File: 372cca584611d45⋯.mp4 (6.61 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 2015_0909_Yalta_European_S….mp4)



f98a58 No.1425065


further proof 0hour is FAKE AND GAY AF

693eee No.1425066


They think they are smart, while in the meantime being stupid as fuck

dc7871 No.1425067


Arizona is a 48th state admitted to the union. No-name is from the 48th State.


500964 No.1425068

File: 862bbb24047839e⋯.jpeg (382.69 KB, 1242x1031, 1242:1031, C422BBB4-6774-477A-B3B5-8….jpeg)


LACEY Chris cillizza

e3e2db No.1425069

File: 3e3ea3180522978⋯.jpg (61.16 KB, 509x767, 509:767, pythonrainbow.jpg)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaa <false

in the ankus story the topworld was corrupt and the snake lived in a cave

173d57 No.1425070

File: 26d3d8db37eb905⋯.jpg (171.19 KB, 1200x821, 1200:821, DTjr.jpg)


Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a pic of himself and his daughter today outside a vault at the Trump Building, 40 wall Street. "Built to house gold of the Federal Reserve".

This building was originally the Bank of Manhattan Trust. Understandable that a large bank would have a large vault, but why would that bank hold the Feds gold if the Federal Reserve Bank was just down the street and could secure it in their own building?

It is stated that the US government also has stores of gold in the Fed vault. Why? Why is some stored in NY and the rest at Ft. Knox?

The Feds web site states that The Fed does not store its gold there- that it is a depository for the world.

The story the people have been told is that Ft. Knox is the most secure location for our gold; the gold which was confiscated by our government in 1933 by recalling all minted gold coins. It is our gold and we are told it's in Ft. Knox. But now we learn some is in NY?



Yes- a nice father/daughter day out, but this was a photo op… everything has meaning.


15f32d No.1425071

File: 92c8855f6cb784d⋯.png (898.13 KB, 795x796, 795:796, b0ca363ef3b17ce0c12aa15603….png)

f98a58 No.1425073


muuuuuhhhhhhhhh jjjjooooooooooooooos

d049e3 No.1425075


There was a US Marshall from NY that died that july also, cant find any other NYPD deaths tho

14d9b8 No.1425077


> (((Their))) choice is binary


you picked black hat

f62aa1 No.1425079


That's a shame. Def comped now. I used to follow his twats right before the election . He was banned almost every day it. It really opened my eyes to the censorship pulling for HRC at very minimum.

7d937b No.1425080


I wonder who is paying them?

c28697 No.1425081

any body got some scene on who stung anthony weiner? the intel on how he was taken in ? the bust scene? (an d not the bust of his 15 YO sexting partner)

45accc No.1425082


Um, he came to the party pretty late actually. Peter, the Apostles, and Paul et al. started it. Const. just made it the official religion of the Roman Empire. It had been illegal in a lot of places before then, with many persecutions, martydoms etc. It's all in the writing of the early Church Fathers and Doctors. Not too many study these sources anymore and most of what I see on the web is incorrect.

256337 No.1425084

File: cfdef1b8e6032f2⋯.jpg (245.79 KB, 1495x753, 1495:753, Gospels.JPG)

File: 84dc6fdeb3875b0⋯.jpg (99.29 KB, 1521x250, 1521:250, Q Source 01.JPG)

File: 63b4743b2ac60b2⋯.jpg (51.18 KB, 1718x65, 1718:65, Q Source 02.JPG)

File: 82a444f3801a9bc⋯.jpg (36.99 KB, 635x125, 127:25, Q Source 03.JPG)

File: b83c694606bdb05⋯.jpg (184.97 KB, 1501x437, 79:23, Q Source.JPG)

Just some interesting tidbits that I found.

Maybe there is more than one reason that the Q moniker was adopted.

3d7563 No.1425086

File: fed99d7818feb96⋯.png (159.28 KB, 1840x613, 1840:613, BVevidence32.png)

File: ab0ba2e98c61260⋯.png (173.22 KB, 1836x612, 3:1, BVevidence33.png)


That post is in support of your statements - read between the lines, anon. My answers are a follow up on the thread of thought, not about your statements.


Pic related to completely unjustified and flagarant use of BV ban abilities on anons simply talking about [pope] and pointing out (((shills))) on this board. This one is a fucking traitor to this board, and must be removed.

Notice none of the screeching JIDF like f98a58 with no content never gets banned.

a31f0c No.1425087

OFFICER MAHER: All right, that was unexpected. (Laughter.) Yes, my name is Officer Maher. I was Detective Familia’s partner the night she was killed. And I knew her for about 10 years. I worked with her on and off. This is a woman who got injured a while ago, and volunteered to come back to patrol to one of the roughest places in New York City. She volunteered to come back, to leave a cushy job, to come back to patrol. She was only there for about two weeks, and I had the honor of being with her that night. And she may have been lost that night, but she saved a lot of lives in turn because of her memory and everything that transpired after the fact. She was an incredible person, and she is missed by the family. This family is — forget it, they’re incredible. (Applause.) Thank you.


555a22 No.1425088


i often think of that one when anons argue about the "fellow incarnated extraterrestrials" quote being proof of Q's approval…

256337 No.1425089


Oh, accompanying links, I guess.




860ff9 No.1425090

File: 4479561f497dde5⋯.jpg (11.92 KB, 282x179, 282:179, visitorsNOTexpected.jpg)


Is his former employer C_A?

Anons keep eye out for C_A candidates popping up all over the map.

They are running for the spot lite cause they think it will be harder to convict them

f5b3bd No.1425091


>hat ass 0Hour1 faked a Q drop


c5f48d No.1425092

File: e4b04f7b779b1a7⋯.jpg (385.29 KB, 1080x1551, 360:517, Screenshot_20180515-193225.jpg)

File: c1cc123befcc41c⋯.jpg (204.62 KB, 1054x978, 527:489, Screenshot_20180515-193116.jpg)


Ummmm anons…. you may want to check this out

1a583c No.1425093


It was probably full of cat shat.

7df208 No.1425094


Why is this posted in every bread?

9b9c03 No.1425095

File: 0e761b5c427243d⋯.jpg (110.92 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ronaldoQanon.jpg)

File: 7af5e76cecfbf71⋯.jpg (139.64 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, alexis.jpg)

5db5ae No.1425096


That game is rigged, Bunky.

f98a58 No.1425097

File: 2d9947a6f5b61fe⋯.png (10.55 KB, 801x136, 801:136, ClipboardImage.png)







45accc No.1425098


Immigration enforcement is on track, I'm pleased by that.

6da792 No.1425099


golds gone, idiot. Been gone for years.

We have been successfully robbed blind over the past 50 years. Wake up.

4203c2 No.1425100


You can disagree all you like but the truth is the truth.

952ed5 No.1425101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I took Alex Jones' Health Advice for 30 Days

42e79c No.1425102

Scientists believe alien life may exist in other universes after discovering a mysterious 'force'

Alien life could exist in other universes, according to a group of scientists studying a mysterious force known as dark energy.

Previous theories suggested our universe has the perfect amount of dark energy, which acts against gravity and is making the cosmos expand at an accelerated rate.

It was understood that any more would create such rapid expansion that stars and planets wouldn't have time to form.

The multiverse theory was first put forward in the 80s.

But researchers at Durham University claim these celestial bodies would still have formed even if a universe had 100 times the dark energy that ours does.

They used giant computer simulations to suggest that, if other universes exists, they may be just as likely to harbor life.

"The formation of stars in a universe is a battle between the attraction of gravity and the repulsion of dark energy," said Professor Richard Bower of Durham University's Institute for Computational Cosmology.

"We have found in our simulations that universes with much more dark energy than ours can happily form stars. So why such a paltry amount of dark energy in our universe?

"I think we should be looking for a new law of physics to explain this strange property of our Universe, and the multiverse theory does little to rescue physicists’ discomfort."

Their findings are published in two related papers in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

And their simulations were created using the EAGLE (Evolution and Assembly of Galaxies and their Environments) project, one of the most realistic programs mapping the observed universe.

The dark energy conundrum has plagued scientists for years, said Jaime Salcido, postgraduate student of Durham University.

He added: "Our simulations show that even if there was much more dark energy or even very little in the universe then it would only have a minimal effect on star and planet formation."

The widely accepted eternal inflation theory claims our universe came into existence with a brief burst that caused it to expand at a rapid pace.

Some suggested this meant that, in some regions, the universe is still expanding and will continue to grow infinitely.

In doing so, it creates multiverses: an endless supply of universes much like our own, populated with Earthlike planets, societies and even individuals that resemble us.

http:// www.foxnews.com/science/2018/05/15/scientists-believe-alien-life-may-exist-in-other-universes-after-discovering-mysterious-force.html

555a22 No.1425103

File: 26116640ffd9e9a⋯.jpg (8.85 KB, 248x189, 248:189, pepehaha.jpg)



yeah good luck with that

e3e2db No.1425104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hathi came to town and wrecked everything

63fba5 No.1425105



just like clockwerk.

0cdff7 No.1425106


>>1422272 (bread #1784)

>>1423014 (bread #1785)

>>1422944 (bread #1785)


At 1:15:20, during the handoff, the Officer says, "I'd like to honor you with a challenge coin."


Maybe the "coin" was not a coin, but it was most likely a coin.

3d7563 No.1425107


Thank you, anon. Looks great.

860ff9 No.1425108


Would a property owner with responsibility of such magnitude need to have a security clearance?

Hmm I wonder

455f70 No.1425109


Q POSTED on 4/06/18 (922142)

Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

One of many.

Net shut down.


I know anons do not bode well with predictions, but these photos have not surfaced.

Should we expect them after 111 days later?

What is 111 days from that post?

What was the post date of the one

Of HRC — - —–


5dd7b7 No.1425110


"You are the calm before and during the storm"

There's a certain amount of responsibility inferred in that statement Anons.

When the news breaks and reality hits, people will panic, they'll be scared as their current reality is pulled apart and they will be reaching out for information and comfort.

It's our job to be there for them, hence the memes and all the research.

When they do reach out, be level headed and patient with them all.


501f80 No.1425111


Site ONE source that shows that Peter, the Apostles, and Paul taught a "Catholic" Faith.

I'll wait.

I know that later on, at the Council they used that term… but that is NOT the term of the origins of the faith.

You go ahead and site one source, which shows that is what Peter, Paul and the Apostles taught…. I'll wait.

f5b3bd No.1425113


Point: it will not be the last time some asshole tries to do this.

It was forseen, which is why we are such sticklers for keeping accurate and complete records.

c28697 No.1425114

File: a8141ea51ebd474⋯.png (802.07 KB, 1175x731, 1175:731, oogy boogy.PNG)

31c9d1 No.1425115


Yes, there's plenty there to consider. World changing in both cases. Bigger than we can imagine.

860ff9 No.1425116


If they do, who will care?

501f80 No.1425117

3120cb No.1425118


That could be the golden question

439060 No.1425119


thought Fort Knox was empty

e3e2db No.1425121

File: 235c2381d8540b6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 199.92 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, woodandsocks.jpg)

what a great time to sort out all the tech from plerbitopia, that gold will stack nicely

b13f06 No.1425122

File: c41fe8327d1cc98⋯.jpg (12.66 KB, 255x160, 51:32, pepe-baking.jpg)




fresh bread

fresh bread

eat shit, (((shills)))


cd2b4d No.1425123


Shift change.

f85765 No.1425124


Janet is this chick I fucked a year and a half ago…she had HUGE (o)(o)'s

501f80 No.1425125



While you're at it, how about you site me a source, anywhere at all [emphasis on SOURCE] which shows that Jesus establishes a "Catholic" church.

I'll wait.

860ff9 No.1425127

File: 0d9bedbda858f5f⋯.jpg (24.02 KB, 255x255, 1:1, rarekeks.jpg)


Oh so basically the keystone is up for grabs in the house.

Wait…did I just say keystone? Oh no I did!

a30f39 No.1425128


OMG I was just on his account to get that tweet. Must have just happened? Lmaooooooooooo!

dc7871 No.1425129


Bubu's waiting Preet.

It only hurts the first 10 times or so.

Hey, I donno

d2a0d1 No.1425130


I have spent some time looking at Afghan tribal videos from the early 80s since I suspect it dates to the time Hussein's mother was stationed in Peshawar near the Afghan border. There was a drop that mentioned red, white and blue which happens to be the colors of the flags of Britain and France, both of which had refugee aid teams or medical teams in that area.

9a753b No.1425132



Would be good to have these lists. Surprised this post has been ignored.

14d9b8 No.1425133


tag team posting

they hand out pom poms before work and then cheer for each others brilliance

45accc No.1425135


Try facts sometime.

e1d01e No.1425136

File: f49ce560f1db410⋯.jpg (298.92 KB, 600x600, 1:1, KarmicDebt3b.jpg)

a30f39 No.1425138


How did you do that? bwaaahaaahaaa kek

cc7400 No.1425140


Thursday, July 26, 2018

e698cc No.1425141

File: ec5fa3dd348f9b3⋯.jpg (9.93 KB, 186x216, 31:36, flagcheckem.jpg)

455f70 No.1425142


Wow - you have been digging.

I was just rereading crumbs looking at things seemingly passed without hitches.

Wondering why we never seen those pics.

Guessed it was on a "future proves past" delay.

a06540 No.1425144


What the fuck are you talking about? Don't you know the history of the US Constitution?

0e3b82 No.1425145


Asians gonna give us whites specul bonus Bcaz we dum too?

03b1ac No.1425148

File: 0fb4209585c3fca⋯.png (596.92 KB, 1151x1189, 1151:1189, twtr1.png)

File: 29e79a835eda62e⋯.png (207.59 KB, 539x909, 539:909, twtrQ2.png)

Q Help!!!

Twitter is silencing non-liberals en masse again.

'The company is trying out a new way to stop trolls from ruining your mentions…'

http:// www.bbc.com/news/technology-44128540

https:// slate.com/technology/2018/05/twitter-will-start-hiding-tweets-that-detract-from-the-conversation.html

What is at the core of the TwitterMission?

https:// twitter.com/cornholio74/status/967082987333586945

f62aa1 No.1425149


OK. Account suspended. What am I missing here?

516d65 No.1425150


Man, that blows my mind. I can't believe it was that long ago.

dc18e5 No.1425151

File: 1c6ee099548846f⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 464x217, 464:217, No Filters.jpg)

9b9c03 No.1425152


I did not know this. Many thanks anon.

1614f0 No.1425153


Some anon shitposting Corsi.

455f70 No.1425154



(working numbers)

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