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a1c336  No.12493033[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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a1c336  No.12493050

Global Announcements

Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" being planned by Patriots

>>12478438, >>12479577 8BIT PSA Potential Resolution for Current ClearNet Issues Effecting Some Anons+

>>12423519 President Trump is the only thing left in the way of the CCP taking our Nation (Video)

>>12422748 Letter from NYE County, NV Chairman - Trump will be President for another 4 years

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12492451 Bobby Kennedy Jr. live stream.

>>12492462 , >>12492494 PF Report

>>12492582 James O'Keefe saying to follow the Project Veritas account on Telegram

>>12492604 Anons, and patriots: stay OUT of ALL state capitols on January 20th, 2021

>>12492677 Congressman Matt Rosendale calls Liz Cheney 'unfit to lead' and calls for her to step down

>>12492700 "It's truly an obsession. People on the Democrats' side started calling for impeachment the day President Trump was inaugurated." - @Jim_Jordan

>>12492710 DOD to Release Al Qaeda Operative with Ties to 9/11 Terrorist from Gitmo

>>12492723 The MEGA Group: Wexner, Bronfman, Spielberg, Maxwell, Lauder, MOSSAD Influence On US Policies

>>12492734 The White House Launches the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office

>>12492784 The SolarWinds Hackers Shared Tricks With a Notorious Russian Spy Group (narrative?)

>>12492417 When was the presidents speech? When was the capital breached? When did Trump put out his statements? We need sources, we need time stamps, we need proof.

>>12492829 Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Small Modular Reactors for National Defense and Space Exploration

>>12492914 VP Pence will go down in history as a pussy

>>12492922 Biden Fake Personnel Chief Served At Chinese Intel Org Flagged By FBI For Recruiting Western Spies

>>12492890 , >>12492952 Anon posted this almost 1 hour before Jim Jordan basically said the same thing - no coincidences

>>12493018 #15949


>>12491625 Beijing-Linked Group Tries to Sway US Media With Reporter Trips

>>12491699 GoDaddy kicks biggest gun forum off internet without explanation

>>12491851 Dr Judy Mikovits and Robert F Kennedy Jr on vaccines (video)

>>12491918 BUSTED: Fired PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller Runs Away From James O'Keefe In Washington DC (video)

>>12491958 Who controls the National Guard?

>>12491981 Joint Statement by the Cyber Unified Coordination Group (UCG), composed of the FBI, CISA, and ODNI with support from NSA

>>12491982 'Ndrangheta group: Italy braces for biggest mafia trial in decades

>>12491998 @JackPosobiec The NY Times just backed up the @OANN report that Capitol barricades first breached 20 minutes before Trump speech ended

>>12491979 Anon opine - Did Trump just check mate them?

>>12492108 PF Report

>>12492148 Boeing to pay 25 Million $ to settle Federal Lawsuit alleging fraud on military contracts.

>>12492169 I'm beginning to suspect that Congress is not very serious. The guy who was banging a Chinese spy has been named an 'Impeachment Manager" by Pelosi

>>12492173 BREAKING NEWS: Suspicious package reported outside Capitol building. Officers responding. (Reichstag narrative)

>>12492176 Trump called Pence before he headed to the Capitol on January 6: “You can either go down in history as a patriot or you can go down in history as a pussy.”

>>12492256 #15948

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a1c336  No.12493053


>>12490863 , >>12490885 Pelosi names impeachment managers for Senate trial

>>12490870 , >>12490916 , >>12491002 , >>12491028 , >>12491046 , >>12491393 PF Report

>>12490901 Another Fake Biden pick - CIA - Longtime Diplomat William Burns

>>12491091 CM - Putting your platform under Cloudflare is a mistake. An "enterprise contract" wont help much.

>>12491144 Speaker Pelosi Names Impeachment Managers

>>12491153 On Tuesday, January 12, 2021, the President signed into law: S. 4996, the “Bankruptcy Administration Improvement Act of 2020

>>12491160 WH releases once-secret strategic framework for Indo-Pacific showing goal of deterring China or defeating in a conflict.

>>12491197 Hakeem Jefferies - Keep the pressure on every single person who incited the violent attack on the Capitol.

>>12491334 Kristi Noem Governor - South Dakota has been open, is open and will stay open.

>>12491318 AS THE WORLD TURNS.

>>12491500 #15947


>>12490137 Congresswoman Lauren Boebert reportedly in a standoff with Capitol police at the newly installed metal detectors outside the chamber doors

>>12490155 Parler is reportedly moving its web hosting to Epik

>>12490199 San Francisco To Hire Social Workers Instead Of Cops To Handle Homelessness, Drug Addiction, And Mental Illness On Public Transit

>>12490193 , >>12490330 Lin Wood moved to Telegram - running on Amazon/Google

>>12490216 Turncoat VP Mike Pence Ignored a Letter from Republicans In Wisconsin’s Congress In December Contesting the Results

>>12490219 Attention: POTUS at 00:45 second mark moves andcounter-moves (video)

>>12490250 Free-Speech Alternatives to Big Tech

>>12490272 Vice President Mike Pence informs House Speaker Nancy Pelosi he will not invoke the 25th Amendment, arguing it “would set a terrible precedent.”

>>12490274 Death of the GOP - NeoCon John Bolton Urges GOP To Purge Trumpism

>>12490327 More info on Viking dude from Capitol protests

>>12490427 Dig on 'Gary Forbes'

>>12490476 Idaho Internet Provider Blocks Access to Twitter, Facebook to Customers Who Request It

>>12490501 , >>12490502 The Biggest Gun Forum On The Planet Was Just Kicked Off The Internet Without Explanation January 12, 2021

>>12490519 Twitter complains it's being censored in foreign election. Condemns 'shutdowns' as 'hugely harmful' to human rights, 'open internet'

>>12490534 The Capitol attack: Another deceitful, leftist narrative

>>12490552 Every passenger booted off the plane because they were singing the National Anthem. WTAF is going on in America?!

>>12490596 @RepVanTaylor is refusing to pass through a metal detector and arguing with U.S. Capitol Police officers about it

>>12490609 Paypal says it blocked Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo

>>12490625 FBI Opens 170 Cases on Individuals Involved in Capitol Attack, Charges Dozens

>>12490762 #15946

Previously Collected Notables

>>12489237 #15944, >>12490008 #15945

>>12486908 #15941, >>12487720 #15942, >>12488494 #15943

>>12484678 #15938, >>12485448 #15939, >>12486193 #15940

>>12482256 #15935, >>12483125 #15936, >>12483854 #15937

>>12479932 #15932, >>12480737 #15933, >>12481426 #15934

>>12477609 #15929, >>12478387 #15930, >>12479151 #15931

>>12475284 #15926, >>12476022 #15927, >>12476793 #15928

>>12472820 #15923, >>12473515 #15924, >>12474061 #15925

>>12470430 #15920, >>12471195 #15921, >>12472047 #15922

>>12468090 #15917, >>12468924 #15918, >>12469655 #15919

>>12465825 #15914, >>12466616 #15915, >>12467822 #15916

>>12462913 #15911, >>12464281 #15912, >>12465050 #15913

>>12461152 #15908, >>12461929 #15909, >>12462693 #15910

>>12458796 #15905, >>12459605 #15906, >>12460389 #15907

>>12456567 #15902, >>12457258 #15903, >>12458043 #15904

>>12454190 #15899, >>12455003 #15900, >>12455738 #15901

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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a1c336  No.12493056

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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a1c336  No.12493060

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a1c336  No.12493062



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000000  No.12493068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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bb42c5  No.12493071

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB, 746x596, 373:298, _protocols_skip_baker_1.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, _protocols_skip_baker_2.png)

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB, 1065x595, 213:119, _protocols_skip_baker_3.jpg)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1137x590, 1137:590, _protocols_skip_baker_5.jpg)

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, _The_Protocols_of_the_Lern….png)

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary



















The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

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000000  No.12493073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


ADL Calls for Trump's Impeachment After Capitol Violence


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0c4a3a  No.12493083

Do you think 90's Simpsons memes will ever go out of style? Or will it forever be apart of the internet's DNA?

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000000  No.12493086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a possible Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice. Traditionally, Moloch has been understood to be a god. However, since 1935 scholars have debated whether the term instead refers to a type of sacrifice on the basis of a similar term used for sacrifice in the Punic language. This second position has grown increasingly popular. Since the medieval period, Moloch has often been portrayed as a bull-headed idol with outstretched hands over a fire; this depiction takes the brief mentions of Moloch in the Bible and combines it with various sources, including ancient accounts of Carthaginian child sacrifice

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000000  No.12493092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they are just a normal anon when in fact they are

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill" "Muhjoo is a jew", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

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bb42c5  No.12493096

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD_PASSOVER_demonic_obs….PNG)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB, 1332x869, 1332:869, BLOOD_PASSOVER_demonic_obs….PNG)

File: 0b99f4abef8eadc⋯.png (546.43 KB, 474x656, 237:328, BLOOD_PASSOVER_demonic_obs….PNG)

File: 651aac94ae6582b⋯.jpg (102.57 KB, 550x550, 1:1, blood_libel.jpg)

File: 4ec7e88483a41f4⋯.jpg (112.96 KB, 960x960, 1:1, bloodd.jpg)

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049996  No.12493101


>>12491334 Kristi Noem Governor - South Dakota has been open, is open and will stay open.

And the governor is hot. Coincidence?

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bb42c5  No.12493122

File: 32302597cae9089⋯.jpg (104.69 KB, 600x840, 5:7, kickedout.jpg)

File: 3c83cc8c49df93c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1162x9616, 581:4808, kickedout2list.png)

File: 42793d80f18af6a⋯.jpg (99.87 KB, 479x337, 479:337, kickedout2m.jpg)

File: 999563f992059e1⋯.jpg (65.6 KB, 460x560, 23:28, kickedout3.jpg)

File: 42556e8d57e8217⋯.jpg (133.6 KB, 960x720, 4:3, kickedout4.jpg)

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8cbb3e  No.12493128

File: d2c78ad7fefa87d⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 508x508, 1:1, d2c78ad7fefa87dd20ecbbd3a3….jpg)

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983df9  No.12493129

You are all in the midst of the largest demoralization psy op ever perpetrated on the American people. Hold the line bitches.

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7201e1  No.12493130

My friend @TimRunsHisMouth has been put in #TwitterJail for… well, he doesn’t actually know why because they haven’t told him. Apparently Tim is suspended for the Twitter thought-crime of being a popular, outspoken conservative.


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8cbb3e  No.12493131

File: 44968ddc592e32e⋯.png (43.05 KB, 255x138, 85:46, ClipboardImage.png)

SAM497 USAF G5 on final approach at Skunkworks from Seattle, WA Boeing Field

On ground

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bb42c5  No.12493132

File: a9a4137402b8eb4⋯.jpg (390.57 KB, 713x636, 713:636, edb4a8bd3941a.jpg)

File: e77de944762d781⋯.jpg (496.59 KB, 718x664, 359:332, edb4a8bd3941b.jpg)

File: e53992ab850ad72⋯.jpg (893.95 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, edb4a8bd3941bbb.jpg)

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpg (470.01 KB, 1242x991, 1242:991, jews_hate_jesus.jpg)

File: 51c48e505e966fb⋯.jpg (268.22 KB, 1080x1489, 1080:1489, killed_jesus.jpg)

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30ea01  No.12493133

File: 5afa6cd27670078⋯.jpg (802.14 KB, 1066x1600, 533:800, _duckduckgo_com.jpg)

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8211f1  No.12493134


Didn'tGarth Brooks sing this song?

For 200 please Alex

The answer is, If tomorrow never comes.

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4d76fa  No.12493135

The ultimate revenge would be a 90% tax on big tech and strip their ability to hide wealth in non profits or overseas.

Wanna make everyone a socialist but you Zuck? Or you Jack?


90% tax on big tech


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235aad  No.12493136


it's been years and you jewfags are still recycling the same shit… BORING

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67c096  No.12493137

File: 6f7bba864c3b82b⋯.jpg (540 KB, 1858x1045, 1858:1045, IMG_20210112_230222.jpg)

The beginning of the end?

1.18 = [10] days after Twitter banned TRUMP

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22d22d  No.12493138

File: 2b14ce79ebe0e88⋯.png (143.61 KB, 453x319, 453:319, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12492989 LB

Todays marker


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54ae89  No.12493139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q Drop #2089:

AJ [MOS backed] ….and associates.

*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates.

backed means funding. C_A means CIA.

Q Drop #1751:

Every C_A/ MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.

Q Drop# 1781:

MOS / \ (controls) (Alt+) US Media and US Politicians

Q Drop# 3655:

Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US Media [+alt] critical.

Untouchable, re: State backed?

==Q Drop# _ _ _:

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned even one time.

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9d5c08  No.12493140


my morale couldn't be any higher

as I can clearly see the plan playing out beautifully

have faith~

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d048ac  No.12493141

Looks like HAMR/Scorecard being scrubbed right now, may pay to archive what we can find.

www.theamericanreport.org has been removed.

Hammer 'program'…. w/Gen.Flynn


Whistleblower tapes…


Biden using Hammer for elections…


Obama an Hammer


Todays vid w/ Vandersteel is worth the time.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHzfPOUOXJY (Vandersteel)

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049996  No.12493142


that's pretty dank

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bb42c5  No.12493143

File: 9ce137cab2d26b0⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9ce137cab2d26b.jpg)


Just disprove it and it goes away.

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d45420  No.12493144

File: fee1758d36b4e86⋯.jpeg (243.15 KB, 1000x525, 40:21, dancepoint.jpeg)


It's a beat! They gave it their best shot.

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000000  No.12493145


woo hoo


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000000  No.12493146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3dabca  No.12493147

>>12493048 (PB)


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697cd9  No.12493148

Illegal immigrant, MS-13 gang member released in sanctuary city kills girlfriend in front of daughter


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626745  No.12493149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My last solo video on YouTube.

58,641 views•Jan 10, 2021

Thomas Wictor

Funny as heck

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983df9  No.12493150


Pleasure to share the foxhole

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8f31f5  No.12493151

>>12493025 (PB)

If Biden gets inaugurated, the only thing I will shotgun blast in my Trumpy Bear. I hate that fucking think anyway.

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4b5f19  No.12493152

POTUS's speech today - are there Chinese troops in Mexico? Are they the invisible enemy? Doesn't sound like he is talking about the virus

"As you probably know, in Tijuana, various parts of Mexico, the COVID — it’s got about 24 names I can call it, from “COVID” to “China virus.” I can call it the “plague.” I call it the “China plague.” A lot of different names. But we always call it the “invisible enemy.” But the invisible enemy has been very tough on Mexico, and we have areas along the border where we’re in great shape because right there, because of that, that we’re in great shape. But on the other side, in Mexico, they’re suffering greatly with the virus. It’s been incredible what we’ve achieved. And we didn’t do the wall because of COVID; we did the wall because of security and drugs and other things. But it turned out that, in the middle of it all, along came this horrible plague."

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973158  No.12493153

Hmm, anon has lost right click function here.

What weird and wonderful fuckery is to come?

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34feb0  No.12493154

File: a2a2b7399c15f6b⋯.png (338.16 KB, 455x455, 1:1, FREEDOMWINS.png)


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ad5eb8  No.12493155

Where is Gen Flynn?

Where is Q?

Where is POTUS?

The darkest time in our Nation's history and our "leaders" go silent. and we're surprised anon morale is collapsing?

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3dd4dd  No.12493156

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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7201e1  No.12493157

Illinois to withhold federal tax breaks

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WCIA) — Governor J.B. Pritzker announced a plan to withhold federal COVID-19 relief funds from small businesses to help fill the state budget deficit.

Congress approved federal tax relief to help businesses recover some losses during the pandemic. The governor announced Illinois could suspend those tax breaks in Illinois and still require businesses to pay to the state.

Todd Maisch, the head of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, warned that could make it tougher for small businesses to survive.

“This is tax relief for the hardest hit small businesses in the nation that was enacted in Washington on a bipartisan basis,” Maisch said. “So that’s actual money in small businesses’ pockets that allows them to go ahead and compensate for the fact that they don’t have customers right now.”

SAUCE: https://www.wcia.com/news/local-news/illinois-to-withhold-federal-tax-breaks/

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0a5756  No.12493158


Like recycling the HOLOHOAX over and OVER and OVER again?

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9dc848  No.12493159

File: eac739f6af304ac⋯.jpg (70.5 KB, 680x444, 170:111, JYcrfG4r.jpg)

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54ae89  No.12493160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Exposing CRIMINAL JEWS Is "jew-hate" = Jew SHILL

JEW Accusing Patriot of Being "muhjoo" = Jew SHILL

JEW Pornifying The Lord's Prayer = Jennie Taer Jew SHILL

NAMING The Jewish CABAL Is "identity politics" = Jew SHILL



[using aggression- slander]





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3e5759  No.12493161

File: 6169b186ca9d0af⋯.png (914.82 KB, 1026x505, 1026:505, castle_rock.PNG)

File: 6e1082dfd9ace5e⋯.png (451.46 KB, 1082x469, 1082:469, anon.PNG)

Anyone seen the TV series Castle Rock. I would recommend watching. 1st pic is intro opener ((notice righting in pen (storm of the Century) highlighted Castle Rock) Also Total Eclipse of the Sun Saturday) Next pic is scene in first Episode and Anonymous stood out.

Just Sayin.

Castle Rock combines "the mythological scale and intimate character storytelling of King’s best-loved works, weaving an epic saga of darkness and light, played out on a few square miles of Maine woodland."[2]

Castle Rock combines "the mythological scale and intimate character storytelling of King’s best-loved works, weaving an epic saga of darkness and light, played out on a few square miles of Maine woodland."[2]

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d040b4  No.12493162

Seems Sydney, Lin, Rudy and Gen. Flynn have all disappeared. What gives and where is all of their info? Getting depressed.

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3dd4dd  No.12493163

File: 5e2d17865e5495d⋯.jpg (58.11 KB, 750x490, 75:49, deepstatepanic.jpg)

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bf7f56  No.12493164

File: f86889277bcc7b9⋯.png (166.06 KB, 816x653, 816:653, 1.png)

File: 40dc1a53ea18b5b⋯.png (58.24 KB, 480x445, 96:89, 2.png)

File: b5f3d41308c58af⋯.png (55.66 KB, 758x634, 379:317, 3.png)

File: d0f5616b80b61ee⋯.png (215.4 KB, 1338x629, 1338:629, 4.png)

File: 227f662e479d0d2⋯.png (205.24 KB, 1336x646, 668:323, 5.png)


William J. Burns, the Carnrgie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert

"William J. Burns


William J. Burns is president of theCarnegie Endowment for International Peace. He previously served as U.S. deputy secretary of state."



DPhil, Oxford University

MPhil, Oxford University

BA, LaSalle University



Contact Information

Press Inquiries


Print photo

RSS Subscription








Bill Burns is president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the oldest international affairs think tank in the United States. Ambassador Burns retired from the U.S. Foreign Service in 2014 after a thirty-three-year diplomatic career. He holds the highest rank in the Foreign Service, career ambassador, and is only the second serving career diplomat in history to become deputy secretary of state.

Ambassador Burns is author of the bestselling book, The Back Channel: A Memoir of American Diplomacy and the Case for Its Renewal (Random House, 2019). The book was awarded the Douglas Dillon Book Award by the American Academy of Diplomacy. He is also a contributing writer at the Atlantic.

Prior to his tenure as deputy secretary of state, Ambassador Burns served from 2008 to 2011 as under secretary of state for political affairs. He was ambassador to Russia from 2005 to 2008, assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs from 2001 to 2005, and ambassador to Jordan from 1998 to 2001. His other posts in the Foreign Service include: executive secretary of the State Department and special assistant to former secretaries of state Warren Christopher and Madeleine Albright; minister-counselor for political affairs at the U.S. embassy in Moscow; acting director and principal deputy director of the State Department’s policy planning staff; and special assistant to the president and senior director for Near East and South Asian affairs at the National Security Council.

Ambassador Burns speaks Russian, Arabic, and French, and he has been the recipient of three Presidential Distinguished Service Awards and a number of Department of State awards, including three Secretary’s Distinguished Service Awards, two Distinguished Honor Awards, the 2006 Charles E. Cobb, Jr. Ambassadorial Award for Initiative and Success in Trade Development, the 2005 Robert C. Frasure Memorial Award for Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking, and the 1991 James Clement Dunn Award for exemplary performance at the mid-career level. He has also received the highest civilian honors from the Department of Defense and the U.S. intelligence community.

In 1994, Ambassador Burns was named to Time Magazine’s list of “50 Most Promising American Leaders Under Age 40” and to its list of“100 Young Global Leaders.” In 2013, Foreign Policy named him “Diplomat of the Year.” He received the Anti-Defamation League’s Distinguished Statesman Award (2014), the Middle East Institute’s Lifetime Achievement Award (2014), and the American Academy of Diplomacy’s Annenberg Award for Diplomatic Excellence (2015).

Ambassador Burns earned a bachelor’s in history from LaSalle University and master’s and doctoral degrees in international relations from Oxford University, where he studied as a Marshall Scholar. He is author of Economic Aid and American Policy Toward Egypt, 1955-1981 (SUNY Press, 1985). He is a recipient of four honorary doctoral degrees and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Ambassador Burns and his wife, Lisa Carty, have two daughters."

Burns, William J. - Carnegie Bio in Chinese


Burns, William J. - Carnegie Bio in Arabic


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df58f1  No.12493165

File: f471ce37c11a69e⋯.jpeg (13.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, karen.jpeg)


literally the exact same shit for 3 years…im offended by the lack of effort honestly…we're detroying everything they have and thats the best they can do KEK

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e5d35b  No.12493166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I have never watched RFK jr that much to know what he normally acts like, but he looks tired and/or mad about something…from just looking at his body language

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b5985a  No.12493167


Here's how elected Republicans and conservative media can begin the healing and unifying process:

Accurately state that Joe Biden was duly elected president in a free and fair election.

Urge Trump supporters to refrain from further violence.

For a start.

uh huh…

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452d50  No.12493168

Biggest losers of 2020: Muhjoo shills.

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6c7140  No.12493169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They won't Believe You Until It is FAR too Late

Music printed on one of the tortured souls in the 15th Century Hieronymus Bosch painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights"


Just waiting . . .


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d45420  No.12493170

File: cb3883f287b59a0⋯.jpg (98.65 KB, 519x353, 519:353, 8fd883822b2c1821bf503306b0….jpg)

pretty sure I met my fbi agent in a grocery store

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8cbb3e  No.12493171

File: 03b3bf964bc546f⋯.jpg (11.79 KB, 195x255, 13:17, c2a3b529a6e5f7530b4dd4f54b….jpg)


guess who is next?

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7201e1  No.12493172


fuck off demoralization shill


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000000  No.12493173

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000000  No.12493174


do you need a hug?

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235aad  No.12493175



don't mistake silence for inaction

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a75723  No.12493176

>>12493115 (lb)

skin looked too smooth for 50 yr old man. Seriously. I'd say late 30's, early 40's. So. Who is in that pic?

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ac0823  No.12493177



Big tech needs to reap what they sow

Big tech pushed for socialism so they should pay their fair share

90% tax on Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Bezos

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8b63ed  No.12493178

why did God bless us with DJT?

why did he really?

did we deserve him?

he would've taken a bullet for us

he took many, by metaphor

everyone should watch the video posted by another anon in PB

it's not easy to watch til the end

but worth it

he has been a true blessing for me and for this nation and the world

i will miss him one day

i hope it's later than sooner

here you go, thanks for the anon who shared it first:


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90b4b0  No.12493179

File: 27c582199dd82ce⋯.jpg (10.7 KB, 247x206, 247:206, salutepepe.jpg)

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439adf  No.12493180

File: 069f46eb78fcea3⋯.jpg (146 KB, 969x1217, 969:1217, b3vyys4gowa61.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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c4890c  No.12493181

File: 4657347e0d34240⋯.jpeg (299.79 KB, 1242x1518, 9:11, 21B7303F_629E_4E67_A8E7_B….jpeg)



3 year delta tomorrow

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34feb0  No.12493182

File: 0dd886e9bd1bab7⋯.png (143.02 KB, 512x512, 1:1, WEILN.png)


Nah, I'll take a pass on lying, deceiving satanists. Remember when he blocked anyone on twitter who even mentioned Q?

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000000  No.12493183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they are just a normal anon when in fact they are

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill" "Muhjoo is a jew", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

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452d50  No.12493184

Silence is deadly.

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4002da  No.12493185

Rumor has it……..

Trump sexually harassed Mike Pence…

And grabbed him by the pussy

House is currently writing up impeachment resolution


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e9147a  No.12493186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good morrow fellow night shifters. I’m like the Q plan implementation and execution team, just getting started so forgive me if my original thoughts got to me as the 101st monkey as y’all discussed these thing earlier.

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54ae89  No.12493187

File: d12d9112a9c5eca⋯.png (46.97 KB, 189x267, 63:89, ClipboardImage.png)




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bf7f56  No.12493188

File: 5d4e5b80926c9dc⋯.png (200.62 KB, 987x570, 329:190, 6.png)

File: 368832ad56cd79a⋯.png (44.44 KB, 1195x641, 1195:641, 7.png)



William J. Burns, the Carnrgie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert

DS has checked many boxes in order to present Burns as bonafide. Think Washington Institute and The Council on Foreign Relations.

The Washington Institute on Near East Policy


William J Burns - Council on Foreign Relations


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000000  No.12493189


they draw the energies inward grasshoppah, a quiet team is a team planning an attack

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3ccc39  No.12493190

File: 861c96434ded51b⋯.jpg (394.74 KB, 1054x633, 1054:633, Screenshot_20210111_151902….jpg)

The best is yet to come.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

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d45420  No.12493191

File: 2f991317674c33c⋯.jpg (178.7 KB, 355x500, 71:100, gomezcigar4.jpg)

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9238d7  No.12493192

File: c0acdf6c8b4b980⋯.jpg (993.33 KB, 1934x2376, 967:1188, 1554504466630.jpg)


Thank you, Bakerer.

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6f0e86  No.12493193

so. posting a warning about staying out of all the state capitols on inauguration day gets attacked by shills.

there must be something to it, eh?

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ad5eb8  No.12493194


How do you think england would have been if Churchill just up and ghosted during the london bombings?

This is absolutely terrible fucking leadership. the worst.

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049996  No.12493195

File: 479d9ca92c10769⋯.png (1.15 KB, 148x99, 148:99, 2021_01_12_23_13_35_35_qre….png)


nigger, we're coasting at 20 ish posts per minute. The only greiving here is shill work and you know it.

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731464  No.12493196


awww, you need a hug faggot? Forget it.

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a75723  No.12493197


they said they would go silent - go read Q drops and stop whining

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973158  No.12493198

File: 6175628f7eea968⋯.png (562.71 KB, 620x950, 62:95, faggotry_works_1.png)


>anon morale is collapsing?

You wish, glowie.

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000000  No.12493199

think of all the times @jack has read "goodbye, @jack" in the last couple years.

think of how he feels now reading it.

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c82d5d  No.12493200


I'd say they succeeded, but that their goal was merely to make the board look like a bunch of anti-Semites.

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e6057a  No.12493201



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9dc848  No.12493202

File: 105c160daa5bf0f⋯.jpg (28.29 KB, 640x369, 640:369, EprN_3JXEAA38pZ.jpg)

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57d49d  No.12493203

PB >> 12493089

Now we know why POTUS ' speech was :43min late in starting. And, he dragged on for a long time, covering many things he'd said in previous speeches.

I short, he KNEW about the false flag plan at capitol, and fucked up their timeline by starting speech late, AND speaking for a long time.

Most true patriots STAYED at the Ellipse to hear their President, leaving much fewer people to be duped & incited by bad actors to follow them inside capitol and cause trouble…

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c685dd  No.12493204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.









This is a Jew desperately trying to foment victimhood points for his kike brethren.

Doesn't investigate or name a single elite Jew criminal.

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000000  No.12493205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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db75ba  No.12493206


Bloat = smooth

Believe me I've been there (alk only, of course).

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4ec93f  No.12493207

Here's the List of Powerful Companies Cutting Off Trump and His Supporters After Capitol Siege


Amazon, one of the biggest companies in the world, owned by the richest man in the world, who also owns The Washington Post, cut off donations to Republicans who fought election fraud and demanded an extension of the voting in the Electoral College.


Professional Golf Association of America

The PGA has cut its ties with the Trump organization, owner of multiple golf clubs and resorts. The PGA reneged on its agreement to hold the 2022 PGA Championship at Trump’s Bedminster golf course. The New York Times reports that the PGA president claimed the Trump association “would be detrimental to the P.G.A. of America brand, and would put at risk the P.G.A.’s ability to deliver our many programs, and sustain the longevity of our mission.”

High Tech/Social Media


Facebook has banned President Trump from posting on its platform.


Twitter has permanently banned the president from its platform.


Shopify, an e-commerce company, has dropped the Trump campaign and Trump Organization from its platform permanently.


Stripe, an online payment company, has dropped the president because it claims he encouraged violence.


Reddit cut off the sub reddit handle r/DonaldTrump due to Stop the Steal discussions.


Snapchat cut off the president’s account. It muted the account in June.


Twitch has locked out President Trump of its Minority Report-like standard which is he might incite violence


Lehigh University

Lehigh University, which gave Donald Trump an honorary degree in 1988, withdrew it.

Wagner College

Wagner College withdrew its honorary degree it awarded the president in 2004.

Middlebury College

Vermont’s uber liberal Middlebury College is considering revoking Rudolph Giuliani’s honorary law doctorate, given for his valiant response to 9/11, but they don’t like him anymore.


American Express

The NYT reported the American Express PAC would no longer support any Congressional member who voted against certifying the election. The company never supported any GOP Senators according to The New York Times. There’s no word on if the company cut off Democrats who have voted against certification in the past.


MasterCard said said it was cutting off donations to any politician who tried to hold up the count of the Electoral College votes.

Morgan Stanley

The investment giant has cut off donations to any congressional member who voted against certifying the election.


New York State Bar Association

The liberal New York State Bar Association is considering investigating Giuliani and banishing him from their group.



The Dallas based media and telecom company withdrew all its PAC donations from all Republicans including 17 Texas state Republicans and Senator Ted Cruz. A group called End Citizens United called for the corporation’s withdrawal of donations from Republicans. It owns Time Warner cable.


Comcast announced it’s cutting off Republicans who fought the election results. Comcast owns NBCUniversal, NBC TV, local NBC stations, Xfinity, Telemundo, not to mention film companies and recreational parks.


Dow Chemical

Hallmark has asked Senators Josh Hawley and Roger Marshall to give back their campaign contributions for voting against certifying the election. Hallmark owns publishing, television networks, retail stores, and even the Crayola art materials company.


The radio station group reportedly put its conservative hosts on notice that they not give oxygen to the idea that the election wasn’t over. National Review reports the brass at Cumulus put out a memo reading, “We need to help induce national calm NOW,” Cumulus’s executive vice president of content Brian Philips wrote in the memo. The company “will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. The election has been resolved and there are no alternate acceptable ‘paths.’”

Cumulous stations host Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, and many other conservative hosts across the country.

Other Companies Halting All Political Donations

The New York Times reports that the following companies also plan on halting all political donations from their political action committees for the foreseeable future.

They are JPMorgan Chase, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Visa, American Airlines, BP, and Coca Cola.

The shockwaves from the actions of those at the Capitol Building on January 6th will continue to ripple through a shocked public – a ripple felt all the way up to the glass-enclosed corner offices of corporations around the country.


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c82348  No.12493208

it was all worth it anon! they nailedCLINESMITH




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b7b0ae  No.12493209


Do you think Normandy would have succeeded if we broadcast our plans to the Germans for 3 years prior to the invasion?

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97ddee  No.12493210

File: 830e8b231dadcfc⋯.jpg (315.45 KB, 1080x1559, 1080:1559, 20210112_221310.jpg)

>>12492930 lb

All this. Just for Trump supporters who wouldn't be caught DEAD in DC for this travesty of an inauguration

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6f0e86  No.12493211

File: 0676e4d29e029d5⋯.png (624.58 KB, 474x632, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


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90b4b0  No.12493212


How do you see posts per hour?

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bf7f56  No.12493213

File: 149f12223b35244⋯.png (216.23 KB, 949x401, 949:401, 8.png)

File: d16fbf7132dfbe0⋯.png (204.9 KB, 767x537, 767:537, 9.png)

File: 4320401c0ff4f09⋯.png (245.24 KB, 764x503, 764:503, 10.png)

File: 9d777de41496afe⋯.png (208.88 KB, 551x513, 29:27, 11.png)

File: ca1e8f73b314c46⋯.png (113.19 KB, 826x643, 826:643, 12.png)



William J. Burns, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert

Its very interesting that Burns is on the board of Directors of International Paper.

William J. Burns - International Paper Board of Directors


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fc4dda  No.12493214

>>12492724 ((LB))

nice summary

I will not take it personal that all you have done is listed the facts.

Many here need to improve their situational awareness.

JCS letter was real.

It was the mother of all pile ons and it appears the US Mil played a role in sabotaging their CinC.

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7d2d27  No.12493215



“Silent BUT deadly.”

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8211f1  No.12493216

File: a2e309003aaaa94⋯.jpg (710.46 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210112_205708….jpg)


Heres the prob w that i tkx

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28a3a0  No.12493217


Go fuck yourself.

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42b501  No.12493218

File: 6a96248be9bbf07⋯.png (28.96 KB, 772x653, 772:653, ClipboardImage.png)

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ae1b6a  No.12493219

File: 005032e244e8388⋯.jpg (53.07 KB, 933x700, 933:700, capital_breach_timeline.jpg)

>>12492417 (pb)

There's a reason POTUS was late speaking.

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54ae89  No.12493220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Congress Voted $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, Press Doesn't Tell Americans

Dec. 18, 2020

Congress just voted billions of dollars of U.S. tax money to Israel, No mainstream US media appear to have told Americans that both houses of Congress just voted massive aid to Israel, a tiny country with a long record of human rights abuses, violations of law, systemic racism, and damage to Americans.

This works out to over $7,000 per minute.The legislation passed both houses in such large numbers that Congress can likely override any potential presidential veto.

This, despite the fact that George Washington warned that a ‘passionate attachment’ to a foreign country produces ‘a variety of evils…’

*Press release from AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

“AIPAC commends the U.S. Congress for including significant pro-Israel provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021. These critical provisions will help Israel protect itself against continuing security threats.

[Editor’s note: Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world and is the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, which US officials are banned from mentioning.]

“Beyond the elements of the U.S.-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act, the bipartisan defense measure authorizes $500 million in FY 2021 for U.S.-Israel missile defense cooperation with explicit sums for both R&D and procurement for the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow missile defense systems.

George Washington warned against passionate attachments to foreign nations

Read more:

Sauce: https://israelpalestinenews.org/congress-votes-4-billion-to-israel-for-2021-press-doesnt-tell-americans/

*This $4 BILLION DOLLARS given away to Israel is part of the $38 BILLION Dollar Package that Congress Voted to give fucking Israel over the next 10 years.

*Imagine if that $4 Billion Dollars was given to American Veterans, who actually deserve it.

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049996  No.12493221


baker tools lite.o7

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000000  No.12493222



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0a5756  No.12493223


Having lost between 5 and 7 BILLION dollars over the past few days, I suspect that lots of investors that have just lost their entire fortunes, would love nothing more than to see @jacks head on the end of a pike.

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b4d109  No.12493224

File: 19943b49206da0e⋯.png (81.76 KB, 913x458, 913:458, Netanyahu_tweet.png)

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18b007  No.12493225

File: 37e6847a83b4425⋯.png (716.27 KB, 1056x620, 264:155, 99thMonkey.png)


off to a good start 101

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8b63ed  No.12493226


she's clearly gifted.

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42b501  No.12493227

>>12493011 lb

No, only the R's die from it. And only the D's will be getting now. Before it was only R's getting it remember. We lost, what, 3 to covid that were just elected in this last election.

Now, now that it's Trumps fault and our fault (lie) now the D's are going to get it so they can further blame it on us. Now they're going to continue calling us murderers.

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90b4b0  No.12493228


>baker tools lite.o7

Got it, musta missed it.

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e9147a  No.12493229

File: 158fcda8c1c62fa⋯.jpeg (240.71 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 86AAF50D_0F18_4753_B422_E….jpeg)


Is KS going to inform our allies, the EU, about the pending happenings and then be there to shake hands for cameras as it breaks wide open?

Or did his tweet foreshadow a crumbling of the EU? He is in Brussels to affirm our relationship with Belgium, not the EU!?! Odd. Could be nothing of course.

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4c5673  No.12493230


How u know?

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207ff3  No.12493231

File: 2dad7a707bf96d4⋯.png (733.35 KB, 972x686, 486:343, swamp.png)

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e6057a  No.12493232

File: 92ddccf434d8f0a⋯.png (292.56 KB, 748x550, 34:25, Opera_Snapshot_2021_01_13_….png)

Parler Owner fears for Life

Parler CEO John Matze says his life has been threatened

John Matze, the CEO of Parler (left) said that he fears for his life after tech companies closed his app down on Monday for promoting unrest. Parler's chief policy officer said the move was Orwellian.

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7d2d27  No.12493233



Something else is up.

Probably has to do with the Ayys.

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bb42c5  No.12493234

File: 149fc09366a1918⋯.jpg (45.29 KB, 474x389, 474:389, gay.jpg)

File: cda623cc1ca0c0c⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, gay.png)

File: f923ce1129a6ff7⋯.jpg (140.41 KB, 960x637, 960:637, gay_jdf.jpg)

File: 8dee3eb1d40567c⋯.jpg (38.09 KB, 625x344, 625:344, dumb_bitch.jpg)



>kike brethren.

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54ae89  No.12493235

File: a33fcbba73a1fa6⋯.png (92.95 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Israel Defense Forces Soldiers earn $41,000 annually,

or $20 per hour, which is 31% higher than the national average for all Soldiers at $30,000 annually

and 45% lower than the national salary average for all working Americans.'''

Sauce: https://www.careerbliss.com/idf/salaries/soldier/

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59f49c  No.12493237


15 troops per attendee. That's a bit much even for a show of force.

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439adf  No.12493238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ded1a9  No.12493239


Kamala Harris may not be eligible to be President. I don't think she is a "natural born citizen"

When Biden 1st picked her, I looked at Wiki. It said her mother was an Indian student and father was a Jamacian student here - each still citizens of their birth country.

There was a link to a Wiki page about her mother. Neither article said she'd ever become a citizen. In fact, Kamala took her ashes back to India.

Her father didn't bother to become a citizen until 5 (now 6?) years ago. About right if Kamala had aspirations and asked him to…

Neither of her parents were citizens when she was born. If true, we need to know this!!!

Just checked Wiki again since it hasn't been mentioned. Totally re-written with a long list of her "stuff". No link to mother. No mention of citizenship date of father is still there. No mention of her father being a Jamacan student on visa, either.

I'm not a good digger. But they seem to be hiding this by getting rid of ANY mention of citizenship of either parent. We are now supposed to just assume she's elibible???

Help on this? No clue how to find out, but it looks like she was just an anchor baby … and is NOT eligible to be President

This could change the game.

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731464  No.12493240


>There's a reason POTUS was late speaking.

yep, it fucked up antifablm's plans.

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426bb3  No.12493241

Why is this site still up?

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0704e0  No.12493242


Magically Delicious

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bc8745  No.12493243


THAT was clever/funny!

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9dc848  No.12493244

File: 0278d76b8a960ca⋯.png (323.71 KB, 535x532, 535:532, Screenshot_2021_01_13_The_….png)

Slotkin joins call to impeach Trump, last of 25 Jewish Democrats to do so


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9fedb4  No.12493245

>>12492867 lb

this is very good analysis and should be in theNOTABLEchain on the dig

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8a5465  No.12493246


it's a honeypot

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207ff3  No.12493247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000  No.12493248


Wow, a new level of desperation.

Calling everyone else a jew.

Does this mean you think you won?

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de4a40  No.12493249


and running like a well oiled machine

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28a3a0  No.12493250


No matter what, POTUS does everything possible to preserve human life always and we can count on that.

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40c470  No.12493251

File: 93b323e81ab4a0c⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1797x906, 599:302, ClipboardImage.png)


Capitol Hill Coup Antagonist is Radical Climate Change Activist.

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c9c06c  No.12493252

File: 0db8923e12e2aa0⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1266x1580, 633:790, twat_power_and_moabz.png)

File: a26cfde0f6413a5⋯.png (346.76 KB, 1256x1490, 628:745, iran_power_out.png)

File: 5e0591233c3b3a2⋯.png (490.1 KB, 936x1202, 468:601, isreal_moabz.png)


Space Force:

Iran Power Outages

Isreal MOABz Syria


Iran Outage:




Isreal Moabz:


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22f10b  No.12493253

Cheaply made in china CCP, brought to you by a decieving hook nosed shekel clutchers.

God wins.

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da70ae  No.12493254

>>12493089 Pb

One problem I see with your timeline is there is no mention of people departing early from Trumps speech. I was there. Approximately 10-15 percent of the crowd departed early (10-15 minutes). About half looked headed home to the Metro, the rest to the capital. Remember, the line about going to the capital didn't come until the end.

My 2 cents.

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d45420  No.12493255

File: 2b2be2bec990c7c⋯.jpeg (1.64 MB, 2134x1680, 1067:840, pencetrump.jpeg)

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207ff3  No.12493256


military server

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6c7140  No.12493257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c15c77  No.12493258


>our "leaders" go silent.

Wrong. They didn't go silent.

They were silenced.

That tells you who is in control right now.

Hint: not POTUS.

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235aad  No.12493259


are we on we hosted on a Military satellite?

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54ae89  No.12493260

File: 478b10dd177fee0⋯.png (142.33 KB, 256x197, 256:197, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6248c694b960a7⋯.png (135.61 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


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000000  No.12493261

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59f49c  No.12493262


Jim must have bought more computers.

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973158  No.12493263

File: 1d6c2de263ba90f⋯.png (719.09 KB, 1100x732, 275:183, tardy_tortoise.png)


Wow! Really?

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64f98b  No.12493264


Doesn't work that way. Prove your claims or shut the fuck up

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086e90  No.12493265


Everything electronic is a honeypot, anon. It all gets routed through the NSA. All of it.

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426bb3  No.12493266


Laws don't apply to them.

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c685dd  No.12493267


This is a projecting Jew.

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731464  No.12493268


Holding Short.

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000000  No.12493269


To track your every movement and key stroke

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dd71c4  No.12493270

File: 466b67ad3abe948⋯.jpeg (73.81 KB, 638x391, 638:391, 466b67ad3abe948bb42bb5fe2….jpeg)

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c15c77  No.12493271


For a short time that did occur.

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de4a40  No.12493272

File: 45532f979749e1f⋯.png (241.15 KB, 1000x1281, 1000:1281, sfspace_force_logo.png)


That would be awesome.

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8acaad  No.12493273


NP is missing

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36e012  No.12493274


Would explain the fukkin lag.

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5322cf  No.12493275

File: bdab11fa83d1a64⋯.jpg (641.71 KB, 2370x1264, 15:8, NightBldg.jpg)

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c82348  No.12493276


shout out to our greatest ally keeping it 100% no malarkey in 2021 o7

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64f98b  No.12493277


More recycled shite

Just one folder of the copypasta?

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6df178  No.12493278


He should be scared. He could drop dead of stupidity any moment. Who couldnt anticipate that having your site on AWS could potentially be a problem. Parler lured us on purpose and then allowed its site to be deleted. I dont believe his whoa as me story.

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b768e1  No.12493279


90% tax on all the tech billionaires

Why do they want us to be socialists while they keep all their wealth?


See how this works??

No more non profits for them to hide their money or foreign accounts


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8a5465  No.12493281


> It all gets routed through the NSA

It all gets routed through Israel.


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000000  No.12493282

all this election stuff, and capitol riot stuff was just an allegiance check and personality test.

the sorting hat is on its way

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c82d5d  No.12493283


Patrick Byrne was suspended as well.

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22d22d  No.12493284

File: 84050fb87a7d166⋯.png (923.76 KB, 2218x1221, 2218:1221, ClipboardImage.png)


Marker :52 (today) for Jack as well.

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97ddee  No.12493285


I heard a lot if RATS will be running. Boots on the ground to stomp them, maybe

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63ff77  No.12493286

This Anon Trusts the Plan.



Will load mags and make ready tomorrow night if DECLAS doesn’t occur.

Guerilla 1/20/21.

Never thought becoming a Freedom Fighter would be so close to happening.

Truth, Justice, Freedom: If you don’t make that your religion you have to go back!

We may end up living lives of significant and substance instead of captive consumerism.

Good Luck to all Anons! Godspeed.

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0a5756  No.12493287


You forgot to mention that all of that money comes from the Americans who pay taxes.

If anyone wonders why their roads, schools, bridges, etc., are falling apart, it is because we send ISRAEL (our best ally that attacked us on 911,) BILLIONS of DOLLARS each year so they can subvert out nation, and LIVE LIKE KINGS, at our EXPENSE, at the same time.

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000000  No.12493288


The claims are proven in the posts you stupid fucking jew. Click it and find out.

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e9147a  No.12493289

File: ef699960be59601⋯.png (300.04 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 76AC21DF_5369_4A5B_919C_6A….png)

File: a3c789f79fabd22⋯.png (1.45 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, CF924CDE_D000_4093_8B55_73….png)

File: d55758464faa454⋯.jpeg (640.75 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 27A79CB0_E4A8_47DD_A7D5_B….jpeg)

File: ea137d118b15a8b⋯.png (346.96 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 247C0B36_115C_40A4_9580_96….png)

File: d58812649f832f9⋯.png (304.88 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 8511D865_A089_4AF6_9941_8A….png)

cumulus censors mark levin and others

Millionaire radio hosts threatened with their jobs if they discuss election fraud or Trump having won. I hope they say take this job and shove it!

And I’ve known Ben Saphiro was a literal fag since after Breitbart died and he killed all of the birther infestations. Fuck you Ben.

Sauce: https://www.nationalreview.com/news/talk-radio-owner-threatens-to-fire-hosts-who-dispute-election-results/

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54ae89  No.12493290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

US Foreign Aid To ISRAEL Is $266.7 Billion Dollars

*Read that again: $266.7 Billion US Taxpayer Dollars Given Away to Israel.

From 1946 - 2019

*Israel is the size of Maine.

Israel has 8.5 million people, the same as the population of New York City

Imagine what $266.7 Billion American Taxpayer Dollars could do for Americans, if it was given to Americans instead of given away to ISRAELI JEWS.

Without the knowledge or consent of We,The People..

Congressional Sauce: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf

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b0d043  No.12493291

>>12492866 (pb)


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c685dd  No.12493292


Says the Jew calling everyone Jews.


Typical Jew, perceiving himself as everyone else.

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086e90  No.12493293


Wait til POTUS releases her orgy pics hahaha

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426bb3  No.12493294


I have my answer.

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f1a208  No.12493295

File: 66cf5083180dfa0⋯.png (63.46 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 1kektear.png)

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d3a5a0  No.12493296

Why is it that Gab's Twitter account is still up while Parler's has been taken totally off-platform?

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000000  No.12493297

"How Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the internet, plans to rebuild it."

"The creator of the World Wide Web intends to seize power over personal data back from the tech giants and put it in the hands of the people."


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000000  No.12493298

>>12493239 after biden gets extradited to ukraine, then we have the SC challenge of birthright citizenship and presidential eligibility.

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093e7b  No.12493299


me after beans

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7d2d27  No.12493300


No fucking way.

That jim guy is tighter than Grassley is.

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97ddee  No.12493301



Welcome. You've just been tracked. Please post again

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bb42c5  No.12493302

File: 55ac12b31cb4ed6⋯.jpg (460.25 KB, 731x768, 731:768, battle_devil.jpg)

File: cf3e15a76891218⋯.jpg (152.26 KB, 672x373, 672:373, danger.jpg)


Self-sauce posts retard.

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958560  No.12493303

Why There Is No Mention Of “Democracy” In The U.S. Constitution

August 24, 2016

[I offer this piece in the hope that it might lead some readers to ponder the fact that the Democratic and Republican Parties are neither democratic nor republican. The forces that presently control them both mean to overturn the U.S. Constitution, once and for all.]

I often wonder at the fact that many people who claim to support the U.S. Constitution have utterly abandoned its key terms and provisions. One of the signs of that abandonment has been the use of the term “democracy” to describe the form of government established by the Constitution of the United States. Yet that term is nowhere used in our key founding documents—not in the Constitution, and not in the Declaration of Independence, which summarizes the Constitution’s premises.

Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it be obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit.


I didn't put that shit in brackets anons, Alan Keyes did in 2016. Stumbled on this just now. Pretty interesting read given whats transpired since it was written.

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e46797  No.12493304


Massive social media requires massive storage. No other vendors offer that kinda space and speed. All other options present similar routes.

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000000  No.12493305


You left Carmen San Diego off your list

Apparently she sneaks around the world from Kiev to Carolina

Word is she's a sticky-fingered filcher from Berlin down to Belize

She'll take you for a ride on a slow boat to China

And yet, you forgot to inquire as to where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Rumor has is she'll steal their Seoul in South Korea, make Antarctica cry 'Uncle'

From the Red Sea to Greenland, she'll be singing the blues

Well, they never Arkansas her steal the Mekong from the jungle

You forgot to concernfag regarding where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Well, she'll ransack Pakistan, and pull a scam in Scandinavia

Then she'll stick 'em up down under and go pick-pocket Perth

She put the 'Miss', in misdemeanor when she stole the beans from Lima

Your nigger ass forgot to ask: where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

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9d5c08  No.12493306



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a79624  No.12493307

Trump had every opportunity in the world to disavow Q, and/or "Qanon" . Still hasn't done it.

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c15c77  No.12493308

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1d45be  No.12493309

File: 9d388fab7c9fea8⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1200x1140, 20:19, night_raid.png)


Executive Order 13848 of September 12, 2018

Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

(c) Heads of all relevant agencies shall transmit to the Director of National Intelligence any information relevant to the execution of the Director's duties pursuant to this order, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law. If relevant information emerges after the submission of the report mandated by section 1(a) of this order, the Director, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate agencies, shall amend the report, as appropriate, and the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall amend the report required by section 1(b), as appropriate.

(d) Nothing in this order shall prevent the head of any agency or any other appropriate official from tendering to the President, at any time through an appropriate channel, any analysis, information, assessment, or evaluation of foreign interference in a United States election.

Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security:

(i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election;

(ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described in subsection (a)(i) of this section or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; or

(iii) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property or interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order.


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9dc848  No.12493310

File: bf716802725984d⋯.png (296.73 KB, 490x531, 490:531, 1567542289659.png)

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bb42c5  No.12493311

File: 60f554b22ccafce⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, PM_Bibi_Netanyahu_Boasts_a….mp4)


> UNIT 8200

PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes

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ae1b6a  No.12493312

File: 80ad9fd760ce06d⋯.png (33.85 KB, 232x197, 232:197, italy_fbi_raid_house_higge….png)

File: d218212b85b4e6b⋯.jpg (133.77 KB, 1080x1044, 30:29, Robert_higgens_fbi_raid_ro….jpg)

File: 2d8efccecafdb73⋯.jpg (231.55 KB, 1080x1681, 1080:1681, FBI_raid_family_italian_vo….jpg)

FBI raids home of woman who exposed Italian vote fraud. After their public arrest in an airport.

Airport arrest video. Wife of Robert Higgens who shared the Italian vote fraud vocaroo.



Local report


FBI protecting our country from people who expose corruption

Again, streamable is airport arrest of woman who made the Italian vote fraud expose. Her husband is Robert Higgens, wealthy PA lawyer who shared the vocaroo on his page.

That is as far as /pol/ has gotten thus far.


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731464  No.12493313



big mouth

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bb42c5  No.12493314

File: bd69c20121179da⋯.png (571.48 KB, 740x589, 740:589, jesus_was_no_jew.png)

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f1a208  No.12493315


Gab has already been through all this 2 years ago and took them to court

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974414  No.12493316


I can second this reasoning. I was there and left the speech early in hopes of finding a restroom on the way. Saw the initial crowd that made its way to the steps too. Little resin from LEO

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36e012  No.12493317


Have you ever noticed tax is on income. Not wealth.

That's how the rich stay rich.

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d1b541  No.12493318

File: 23215e690b3d3a1⋯.jpeg (184.14 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 324DC3DA_3ED9_4813_87F8_4….jpeg)

File: bb617d327871ec1⋯.jpeg (35.78 KB, 520x293, 520:293, BCC2F674_6B79_4360_A5B2_E….jpeg)

Looks like one of Lincoln Project’s

Co-Founders a Mr. John Weaver, has been a very, very bad man with younger men…


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000000  No.12493319



the Constitution is at stake

Our elected leaders have failed

Time for Justice the

military way, no excuses!

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ba2e6c  No.12493320

File: a91660b28eea052⋯.png (262.75 KB, 342x455, 342:455, aka.png)


rook takes pawn h6 check

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bf7f56  No.12493321

File: 42c66976dad4793⋯.png (226.63 KB, 1337x611, 1337:611, 13.png)

File: 685a4e36c3bd712⋯.png (219.42 KB, 1337x580, 1337:580, 14.png)

File: 7bdbe3770f173c5⋯.png (230.64 KB, 1339x592, 1339:592, 15.png)

File: 7efce2423064679⋯.png (253.52 KB, 1335x639, 445:213, 16.png)


Will continue asap.

Post was too long.

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6d755b  No.12493322

This guy says everyone's been arrested. don't know who this guy is.

Posted by RedragonLeo ?

<iframe width="755" height="503" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JutN3ocLnMg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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d92837  No.12493323

File: 2066b4f6fd9ad62⋯.jpg (160.22 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210112_231917….jpg)

Just got this…central virginia

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ded1a9  No.12493324


Too late. All 3 of POTUS picks betrayed him - deep state. Only 2 are good - Thomas and Alita.

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000000  No.12493325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh ya got me.

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6f2319  No.12493326

Q coming to 8chan was the best thing to ever happen to the Watkins'

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8a5465  No.12493327


Torba was the only one who spoke out for Andrew Anglin. Now we are all Andrew Anglin

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64f98b  No.12493328


Jidf boogeyman has not been around in 15+ years. They must have skull-fucked you idiots realbad.

I giggle at your repeated demonstrations of how lame you are

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973158  No.12493329

File: e011aaac2c6a288⋯.png (559.29 KB, 667x885, 667:885, al_gore_frozen.png)


Faggot trying to steal Gore's valor.

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630b91  No.12493330

File: ee2194fd402d5d3⋯.jpg (68.51 KB, 570x363, 190:121, mr.jpg)

File: 5f19db8a115af89⋯.jpg (61.07 KB, 866x400, 433:200, horse_fart.jpg)

File: 2e07e2d9d01c2df⋯.jpg (95.28 KB, 533x398, 533:398, ISSH.jpg)

File: 9dce471b6e14625⋯.jpg (102.22 KB, 500x655, 100:131, IQ_666_Hell.jpg)

File: a249906c506d377⋯.jpg (129.53 KB, 473x842, 473:842, humming_death_8.jpg)

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812f1e  No.12493331

File: 71a03447072f025⋯.jpg (391.71 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 1b129fc0576cf95e41acf75474….jpg)

File: 7c5e5bdc7b86bb1⋯.jpg (182.6 KB, 872x1016, 109:127, Xnip2021_01_12_23_16_34.jpg)

Possible connection for anons to look over.

POTUS speech today he called the China Virus the"invisible enemy".

Tie in to "In theInvisible Warfor the future of our Republic".

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000000  No.12493332


Shapiro is a RINO.

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974414  No.12493333



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1dcfd9  No.12493334

Can some one help me out? I am trying to find the qpost where he references "wait till you see the whites of their eyes"

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de460c  No.12493335


Yea it's just a coincidence

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000000  No.12493336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Jidf boogeyman has not been around in 15+ years

Yet here your kike ass is, funny.

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049996  No.12493337


The founders held "democracy" in contempt. Especially Ben Franklin.

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0a5756  No.12493338


DEMOCRACY is a JEW thing.

We are a republic, plain and simple.

Since we allowed the jews to take over our money, they have taken over education, and everything else.

Until we put an end to the jew control, we are doomed.

TRUMP'S BIGGEST FAILING, and perhaps, OUR UNDOING, is that TRUMP cannot see this.

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c30f02  No.12493339

File: b6f903dd6dcb643⋯.jpg (67.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, NSA_KEK.jpg)

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c15c77  No.12493340


Get real.

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0fdd79  No.12493341

The orchestrators of the great awakening thought it would be a good idea to select ship crews with a myriad of dysfunctional deadbeats hoping they would all grow into this wonderful team and not be deplorable in impossible and strangely foreign and unrealistic environments and situations, particularly if you are a professional. Rise above and become a better human. The shift was obscenely obvious and totally cooked. Dumb tests of sorts. Development? Hardly. It's all a result of thick brainwashing right up to the top. Circumstantial evidence and general consensus. Lies, lies, lies and weighted comprehension. Fickle and lacked depth. If we have to deal with insane lefties and mung beans, you do to. For God and country. In it together. WWG1WGA. Misery loves company. Shoulda left me alone. I didn't sign up to lead by example. Too much of a toll. Your dream and fantasy not mine.

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54ae89  No.12493342

File: e94d735c7d2775f⋯.png (115.16 KB, 184x273, 184:273, ClipboardImage.png)


Saul Alinsky Tactic Jew. "as if" a Jew would tell the world the Truth about the MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America.

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ebfd23  No.12493343

File: 42a6bd6b19a6157⋯.png (193.49 KB, 480x270, 16:9, hunterbiz.png)


Memes only memes

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29700b  No.12493344

File: f8a08ab1ff46973⋯.jpg (82.01 KB, 768x384, 2:1, 138479325_1021986181616138….jpg)

Over 74 million, growing and going strong!

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bb42c5  No.12493345

File: 625c6f98533a8a8⋯.jpg (79.63 KB, 704x376, 88:47, shillgobrr.jpg)

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c4890c  No.12493346

File: 608d060a4b1d5b3⋯.jpeg (226.32 KB, 1242x1922, 621:961, 439EFE66_FA32_4D09_996D_D….jpeg)

File: 91d367d264af96a⋯.jpeg (577.7 KB, 1182x1884, 197:314, F89C0796_36DA_46C8_ADA7_2….jpeg)

Man Was Selling Child Porn on Twitter Using Coded Language: Court Docs

CAMDEN, N.J. – A Burlington County, New Jersey, man was charged Monday with allegedly distributing videos and images of child sexual abuse.

Al-Fahim Medina, 22, of Willingboro, New Jersey, is charged with one count of distribution of child pornography. He appeared in federal court and was released on $50,000 unsecured bond.

According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court:

In January 2020, an undercover law enforcement agent saw an individual advertising, in coded language, the sale of child pornography on Twitter. The Twitter profile directed interested parties to an encrypted social media messaging application. During multiple sessions in January and February 2020, the undercover agent communicated with the individual online, and the individual agreed to sell multiple links to cloud storage websites that contained videos of child sexual abuse to the undercover agent. After the undercover agent sent $20.00 to a PayPal account registered to Medina, the individual sent the links to the websites that contained child sexual abuse.

On June 12, 2020, law enforcement lawfully obtained multiple devices from Medina’s residence that contained over 22,000 files of content constituting child sexual abuse, including images of prepubescent children being sexually abused.

The count of distribution of child pornography carries a mandatory minimum penalty of five years in prison, a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, and a fine of $250,000.


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149489  No.12493347

File: e1a0095cdf20b2f⋯.jpg (343.08 KB, 1061x921, 1061:921, 20210112_094044.jpg)

Sorry I am late. Got jammed up. But im out now. Never going back.

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64f98b  No.12493348


Still failing, hallmark of the IRGC

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000000  No.12493349


roberts out by then and a new pick

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ae1b6a  No.12493350

>>12492530 (pb)

Fake news asshole. Joshua Philip did an interview with a Japanese reporter who anayzed 2 live stream 45 min. videos taken by John "Jake" Sullivan and Ashli was set the fuck up by Antifa.

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cde8da  No.12493351



I'm beginning to see the plan.

The captures of the enemy will take place at some point while Trump is still POTUS.

Trump will step down at noon on the 20th.

A re-vote will be established.

Trump will run again,

as will all those state and local politicians who also got screwed.

The people will vote,

restored of their right to do so.

No matter for whom they vote,

it will be a proper and right election,

with the people speaking.


I believe they will vote for Trump,

God willing.

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0c4091  No.12493352

>>12488612 pb

where weed go one weed go all

did anyone meme that yet

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c685dd  No.12493353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You were never not gotten, Jew

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bb42c5  No.12493354

File: e5ddc7baf202e8a⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 474x435, 158:145, dem_jew.jpg)


>DEMOCRACY is a JEW thing.

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973158  No.12493355

File: bc437112b2ed00d⋯.png (79.92 KB, 570x654, 95:109, jootube.PNG)


Dub dubs of newfaggotry

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731464  No.12493356



dude, almost thought you were huffin' resin

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ded1a9  No.12493357


Then PLEASE prove me wrong.

I'm dead serious.

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1d45be  No.12493358

File: 5771fc9807938f0⋯.png (4.54 MB, 1088x1092, 272:273, GW_AR15_2.png)


Can it be any more blindingly clear and vivid? Muh .gov is totally comped. Military is the only way . . .


Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.


Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government;

or Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so;

or Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof —

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction. If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction. As used in this section, the terms "organizes" and "organize", with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.



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22d22d  No.12493359

File: ed0d7c62d53e6c1⋯.png (171.84 KB, 1296x1052, 324:263, ClipboardImage.png)


Friday Jan 8

Day 1


:44 timestamp

message sent via twitter

Trump last post

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29700b  No.12493360

File: 376a0f39110d5e9⋯.jpg (143.09 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 137569617_1021986164747717….jpg)

File: 3173d041c8fc4fa⋯.jpg (50.98 KB, 615x456, 205:152, 137220855_1021986172491910….jpg)

File: a468e8a7abd56ad⋯.jpg (112.57 KB, 967x552, 967:552, 139068224_1021986180912121….jpg)

Return to the Gold Standard! And watch the traitors run like rats!

Connect the dots….follow the money, why do they really want Trump out of the way…wake up people.

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5f56d5  No.12493361


DS likes bewbs too

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de460c  No.12493362


Our new jewish hall monitors have determined this to be a call for biolence.

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737f5f  No.12493363

File: 1447a1d077c754a⋯.jpeg (876.34 KB, 828x796, 207:199, B91E5407_3F2E_4146_9572_6….jpeg)


No what we Yankees call the fibbys?

We don’t.

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70f9de  No.12493364

I would pay to know if any of the 23 Rs who didn't vote (10 Ds took it) were asked to stay out… by DJT.

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bb42c5  No.12493365

File: bece7ebcade19ea⋯.jpg (60.57 KB, 804x803, 804:803, baby_d.jpg)

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, _03.jpg)

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, _04.jpg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, _05.jpg)

File: 89c5cc9cb255bc2⋯.jpg (48.5 KB, 300x220, 15:11, _06.jpg)


Now this shits getting funny as fuck .

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d3a5a0  No.12493366


Who did Gab take to court? Got any sauce on that?

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e9147a  No.12493367

File: fbf51d552d9e7d1⋯.jpeg (653.37 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, BE32139C_FC9B_4278_B9EC_4….jpeg)



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10209a  No.12493368

>>12493332 100% Neocon

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872777  No.12493369

File: 5099ba85158fda9⋯.png (1.13 MB, 956x956, 1:1, 5099ba85158fda9710a9ad5d97….png)




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034017  No.12493370


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000000  No.12493371

Can someone explain why the pics aren't loading through Brave/Tor?

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57d49d  No.12493372

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a0ddfb  No.12493373

File: 06e8c73a7e35ec8⋯.png (2.47 MB, 2162x1212, 1081:606, POTUS_statueofliberty.png)

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c82d5d  No.12493374


Sadly, their track record is kind of dismal. I hope they're right this time.

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958560  No.12493375


Do anons just scan titles and read no further?

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6658dc  No.12493376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patrick Henry - Speech to the Virginia Convention


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7201e1  No.12493377

File: 33f3168b9c352fc⋯.jpeg (10.1 KB, 255x176, 255:176, plzbehero.jpeg)


Fuck off you fucking piece of shit SHILL

kys and livestream it

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b768e1  No.12493378


Sucks when everyone realizes you’ve been pushing socialism on everyone but you’re still not paying your fair share.

We could totally swing the pendulum towards taxing big tech and making them give the money to the people.

You want to push socialism on us you rich Jew boys?


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e5d35b  No.12493379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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626745  No.12493380

File: 2a2d664d33cde0b⋯.png (662.29 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12492417 When was the presidents speech? When was the capital breached? When did Trump put out his statements? We need sources, we need time stamps, we need proof

Catherine pointed this out today, assholes know, catherine to the rescue please

#CapitolHill NEW: Law enforcement report from 1/7 obtained @CBSNews

lays out - what appears to be - a significant timeline. First pipe bomb at RNC called in at approximately 1245 as POTUS spoke at rally with a second device at DNC called in approximately 1315. NOTE: Timing +


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fca119  No.12493381

President Trump,

If you do not take immediate and drastic action to save the Republic, it will be a betrayal greater than anything any traitors have ever done to us.

And if you’re attempting to shield your family at our expense, then you deserve to burn in hell.

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276f7e  No.12493382


>>12492914 VP Pence will go down in history as a pussy

>>12492176 Trump called Pence before he headed to the Capitol on January 6: “You can either go down in history as a patriot or you can go down in history as a pussy.”

Notabled two breads in a row. No sauce. I expect this will beBreaking News!for the next three days.

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426bb3  No.12493383


Arkancide bait.

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d1b541  No.12493384



I looked at the article, it said AOC was arrested. Not more than 20 min ago a Democrat Representative voted for her as she was absent from the Chamber for a vote on a resolution to remove President Trump.

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000000  No.12493385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!

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0c4091  No.12493386


she was on the house floor tonight running her yapper behind a mask

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0a5756  No.12493387


Trying to invoke the 25th. Watch JEWTUBE for details.

She is not incarcerated or anything like that.

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a40176  No.12493388

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/WINDtlPXmmE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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e5d35b  No.12493389


Major Arrests Just Took Place – Nancy Pelosi – AOC – Joe Biden – Hunter – Kamala Harris – CEOs Of FB Twitter Youtube Etc

Tuesday, January 12, 2021 21:17

HUGE! It’s Going DOWN! All these satanists have NOW been arrested!

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a28432  No.12493390


A fuckton of masons are going to be ruined and living on the streets or in jail for the rest of their lives.

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000000  No.12493391


Weird, now they're loading.

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a1c336  No.12493392

>>12493062 Dough

#15450@250 Notables

>>12493130 @TimRunsHisMouth has been put in #TwitterJail

>>12493157 Illinois to withhold federal tax breaks

>>12493164 William J. Burns, the Carnrgie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert (1/9)

>>12493207 Here's the List of Powerful Companies Cutting Off Trump and His Supporters After Capitol Siege

>>12493149 Thomas Wictor - I won't denounce President Trump (video)

>>12493251 Capitol Hill Coup Antagonist is Radical Climate Change Activist

>>12493289 Cumulus censors Mark Levin and others over their belief that the election was fraudulent

>>12493346 Man Was Selling Child Porn on Twitter Using Coded Language: Court Docs


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4c5673  No.12493393


Dub dub dubs

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86d899  No.12493394

File: 1b7e4e4651292cb⋯.png (913.88 KB, 776x764, 194:191, 98549681295634.png)

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29700b  No.12493395

File: 1b19ec2c0af1c83⋯.jpg (198.34 KB, 408x528, 17:22, better_detat_coup_reason_f….JPG)

Riding the graving train

stolen elections to keep their seats if they play along and get rid of Trump…follow the money!

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18c70b  No.12493396

File: b3aa2fed97008a4⋯.jpg (158.29 KB, 600x650, 12:13, beginning.jpg)

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d3a5a0  No.12493397


Totally off-platform is a little different than being banned from Twitter…

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049996  No.12493398


For what? They didn't win and Treason has far more dire consequences than some underling fucking up what you are talking about, for Kamala to blame it on.

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66c619  No.12493399


>are there Chinese troops in Mexico?

Canada for sure!

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ae1b6a  No.12493400

>>12492564 (pb)

>Just got a report saying Trump is meeting with Italian military right now

I Heard

retard, the FBI just arrested the two ladies who were IN Italy gathering the evidence.

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bf7f56  No.12493401

File: d9f2569d779be64⋯.png (243.83 KB, 1337x645, 1337:645, 17.png)




William J. Burns, the Carnrgie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace looks very swampy. You will recognize many names as having "served" in previous administrations.



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a1c336  No.12493402

>>12493062 Dough

#15950@250 Notables

>>12493130 @TimRunsHisMouth has been put in #TwitterJail

>>12493157 Illinois to withhold federal tax breaks

>>12493164 William J. Burns, the Carnrgie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert (1/9)

>>12493207 Here's the List of Powerful Companies Cutting Off Trump and His Supporters After Capitol Siege

>>12493149 Thomas Wictor - I won't denounce President Trump (video)

>>12493251 Capitol Hill Coup Antagonist is Radical Climate Change Activist

>>12493289 Cumulus censors Mark Levin and others over their belief that the election was fraudulent

>>12493346 Man Was Selling Child Porn on Twitter Using Coded Language: Court Docs


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872777  No.12493403

File: 9a6486aa9b23eeb⋯.png (83.07 KB, 572x509, 572:509, 98f719105d461e47.png)


Okay, so the NFL, NBA, and now NHL CLEARLY have got to go.

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7d2d27  No.12493404


Authors name, then title.

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731464  No.12493405



Doing Treasonous things

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ded1a9  No.12493406


Thank you. But I think the presidential qualifications for president in the constitution make a distinction between a citizen and a natural born citizen.


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023458  No.12493407

Any word on the rumor that arrests happened at 3 am.

Notice you haven’t seen any of the dems.

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000000  No.12493408


It must be frightening

Living in a structure with a foundation built on sand

Floods can kill

Get better bait

This is second string shit

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cde8da  No.12493409


Very good point, Anon.

I think you're on to something!

They're likely in Canada as well.

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54ae89  No.12493410

File: 10c46275d92ba99⋯.png (184.25 KB, 400x227, 400:227, ClipboardImage.png)

How The JEWISH COMMUNISM SCAM Is Used To Destroy Nations

A JEW - KARL MARX (1818-1883) : Ashkenazi Jew, descended from a 200 Year long line of Talmudic Rabbis.

1843 - Marries Jenny von Westphalen

1848 - Wrote a Pamphlet The Communist Manifesto

1867 - Publishes the 3 Volume Das Kapital

Karl Marx appeals to the poor working classes, and suggests a "classless, Communist society characterized by free association of producers". This is achieved by the working classes carrying out "revolutionary action" to topple the Capitalist class, thereby dissolving the Socio-Economic disparity between the classes.

>Sounds Good, doesn't it?

Marxism exhorts that the Poor Working Proletariat Classes should rise up and kill the Rich Ruling Class, then ALL THE WEALTH of the country is shared by all the people. No Rich, No Poor classes. Equality for all.

How The JEWISH COMMUNIST Scam Is Actually Played Out

1. Jews Change Their Jewish Names to Blend In as "Christians" (Russia 1917)

Ex: Leon Trotsky(Bronstein), Bill Gates, John Kerry (Kohn), Madeleine Albright.

2. Jewish Bankers Fund the Money to Remove Non-Jewish Monarchs - "Communist Revolution"


3. Jews Control the New COMMUNIST Government. Directly (Russia) and Indirectly (China)

Mao's "little Red Book" that every citizen is required to read is KARL MARX translated into Chinese.

4. Jews Murder As Many Christians As Possible

*Russian Christians - 100 Million killed.

*Chinese Christians - 60 Million aprox. killed.

5. Jews Use Shabbos Goy as Figure Head Puppets

Russia - Stalin. (altho his cousin stated that Stalin was part Jewish)

China - Mao. and Xi.

6. Jews TAKE ALL The MONEY & Resources

Within each country, Jews become the Owners of All the Banks, All the best Real Estate, Natural Resources and Big Businesses.

Many Jews again changing their too-obvious Jewish names to "Blend In" with whatever countries they are subverting. Also intermarrying into Gentile aristocracy for power. "Conversos" - falsely "converting" to Christianity or Islam to avoid expulsion.

Jews get nose jobs, even the guys.

7. Jews Control the Government: ZOG = Zionist Owned Government

Jews use their Vast Wealth to Bribe, Blackmail, Murder their way to Controlling the Governments of the World.

Remember, Jews OWN the Power to CREATE MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR via their Privately Owned Federal Reserve Banks, Central and Consumer Banks of all countries.

Jews Can CREATE MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR = Jews Have Unlimited Money To Buy Anything and Anyone

And then Loan Billions of Dollars to Other Jews so that their Tribe can Buy Up Anything of Value.

Ex: New York Real Estate, read the Real Deal dot com and see who owns all the Skyscrapers and Tenements in Manhattan.

8. Jews Buy Up Ownership and Control of All Corporations In All Industries

In the US, every Fortune 500 Corporation is Owned, and Controlled by Jews. Can you think of one industry that is not Majority Shareholder Jewish Owned, and CEO controlled by Jews? (even though Jews are 2.1% of US population)

9. Jews Dictate The Narrative By Owning All Mass Media

Jews own, control and front: TV Networks, Newspapers, Magazines, Textbook publishing, Hollywood TV and Movies, Porn, Search Engines, Social Media, Big Tech.

Same for the Judiciary, the Universities and Colleges.

Ex: Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan (Jewish). During her 18 years as Dean of Harvard Law School, 84% of all the professors that she hired were Jewish. (Jews are 2% of the US Population)

10. Jews Are Always "VICTIMS", Not Tyrants

Every few years, Jewish Owned Hollywood trots out yet another Movie about The Holocaust. Most any Holocaust Movie is awarded the Oscar.

Ex: Schindler's List, Sophie's Choice, The Reader, Life Is Beautiful, The Pianist, Ida, Inglorious Basterds.

Out of 23 Holocaust movies nominated, 20 have won at least one Academy Award.

>Why Hasn't Jew Owned Hollywood Made 1 Single Film About 9/11?

There are now 69 Holocaust Museums in America

Your schoolchildren are bused to these 69 Museums to indoctrinate them that "Jews Are Always Victims".

*The Holocaust Museum in Illinois was founded by Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, a Billionaire Zionist Jew. He owns the Hyatt Hotel chain.

Q posted a hotel lobby photo of the Hyatt Hotel in Shanghai last year.

JEWS bribe and lobby Congress to pass laws that give "VICTIM" status and $266.7 Billion Dollars of Taxpayer money to the Holocaust and to Israel. 62 Bills For Israel pushed through Congress during the Covid Scamdemic.

*ISRAEL will now control the Computers of the US PENTAGON!

*Change the Marketing Name to Disguise:

Judaism = Bolshevism = Communism = Marxist Socialism = Globalism = Noahide World Order

This is how Jews control and destroy America, Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela..

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a40176  No.12493411


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18b007  No.12493412

File: d1856ba8d22365d⋯.png (120.95 KB, 698x752, 349:376, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)


Good observation.

The EU is centralized DS.

Very interdasting.


SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4).

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c685dd  No.12493413

File: 80cbbbf6b7cbda6⋯.png (256.5 KB, 407x404, 407:404, ClipboardImage.png)


Funny for Anons yes, at your expense, Jew.

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4c8ac6  No.12493414

File: 82be905e608e8a2⋯.png (32.29 KB, 735x258, 245:86, google_suspends_Trumps_you….png)

CNBC: Google suspends Trump's YouTube account, disables comments


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0a5756  No.12493416


TWO things that the JEWS love to do.

1. Fuck over the GOYIM and MURDER their CHILDREN,

2. Fuck small, helpless children.

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0fdd79  No.12493417



It's your fault.

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64f98b  No.12493418

File: ca7a0140e9e5abe⋯.png (228.79 KB, 1000x519, 1000:519, ca7a0140e9e5abe9eacc9acaa7….png)


Same stupid shit for years now. They didn't get a raise in all that time?

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029bc1  No.12493419



Nothing is making sense.,,

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086e90  No.12493420


Schiff not on the new peach mint team. Curious

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6d755b  No.12493421



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18c70b  No.12493422

File: 797ef30b5d6c0fb⋯.gif (998.07 KB, 500x396, 125:99, pizza.gif)

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9fedb4  No.12493423


as well I think Turtle was saying he would not stand in the way of political suicide if Pilosi wanted to go ahead and impeach the President . That is as far as it will go.

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ce91e1  No.12493424

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7d2d27  No.12493425


She sounded different.

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e6057a  No.12493426

What did people think of the [Blacklist] button.

Useful or a waste of time?

var imageBlacklist = [] ;

function loadImageBlacklist() { JSON.parse(localStorage.imageBlacklist || "[]").forEach(addToImageBlaclist); }

function saveImageBlacklist() { localStorage.imageBlacklist = JSON.stringify(imageBlacklist); }

function addToImageBlaclist(md5) { if (md5 && -1 === imageBlacklist.indexOf(md5)) imageBlacklist.push(md5); }

function blacklistPostImages(post) { $(post).find('img.post-image').each(function (i, el) { var md5 = el.getAttribute('data-md5'); addToImageBlaclist(md5); el.remove(); }); }

function removeBlacklistedImages() { var removed = 0; $('img.post-image').each(function (i, el) { if (-1 !== imageBlacklist.indexOf(el.getAttribute('data-md5'))) { el.remove(); removed += 1; } }); return removed; }

function onNopeClicked(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); loadImageBlacklist(); var post = $(event.target).closest('.post'); blacklistPostImages(post); removeBlacklistedImages(); saveImageBlacklist(); }

function addNopeButtons() { $('.post').each(function(i, post) { if ($(post).find('.nope').length === 0) { $(post).prepend("<input type='button' class='nope' onClick='onNopeClicked(event)' value='Blacklist'></input>"); } }) }

setInterval(function () { loadImageBlacklist(); removeBlacklistedImages(); addNopeButtons(); }, 500);

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9b0e2d  No.12493427

File: 26cd81fd506e8f2⋯.jpg (40.25 KB, 590x417, 590:417, f9256fcd_d3dd_4fb6_8616_c0….jpg)

File: 0bebd203d100ed9⋯.jpg (150.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3047259_poster_p_1_katniss….jpg)


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bb42c5  No.12493428

File: 78829d8e416e5f8⋯.jpg (49.36 KB, 729x453, 243:151, pedo_rabbiii.jpg)


>Funny for Anons yes, at your expense, Jew.

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c82d5d  No.12493429


Sure they have.

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452d50  No.12493430


That shit didn’t stop Hussein.

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149489  No.12493431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3497a9  No.12493432

Let’s all switch to being Democrats and then vote to take all of big techs wealth by taxing them 90% and then give that money to the people.


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d92837  No.12493433


>Just got this…central virginia


Doesn't seem like the same person in the new picture but NO COINCIDENCES!




Lauren Lloyd

owner at lloyd entertainment

Greater Los Angeles Area500+ connections

Join to Connect

lloyd entertainment

lloyd entertainment

Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University


● NINA SIMONE (Ealy Studios) Producer

Cast: Zoe Saldana, David Oyelowo. Director: Cynthia Mort

● CELLULAR Producer

Cast: Kim Bassinger, Chris Evans.


Writer, director, star:Tom Green

● THE PATRIOT Studio exec.

Cast: Mel Gibson Heath Ledger. Director: Roland Emmerich


Cast: Anne Heche Harrison Ford Director: Ivan Reitman


Cast: Chris O’Donnell Bill Paxton. Director:Martin Campbell

● IDLE HANDS Studio Exec

Cast: Jessica Alba.

● BELOVED Studio Exec

Cast: Oprah. Director: Jonathan Demme


Cast: Robert Redford. Director: Robert Redford

● G.I. JANE Studio Exec

Cast: Demi Moore. Director: Ridley Scott


Cast: John Cusack Minnie Driver.

● JACK Studio Exec

Cast: Robin Williams Jennifer Lopez. Director: Frances Ford Coppola

● THE ROCK Hollywood Pictures) Studio Exec

Cast: Sean Connery Nick Cage Director: Michael Bay

● THE SANTA CLAUS (Hollywood Pictures) Studio Exec

Cast: Tim Allen

● WHITE SQUALL (Hollywood Pictures) Studio Exec

Cast: Jeff Bridges Ryan Phillipe. Director: Ridley Scott

● EVITA ( Hollywood Pictures) Studio Exec

Cast: Madonna Antonio Banderas.

● THE SCARLET LETTER Hollywood Pictures) Studio Exec

Cast: Demi Moore Gary Oldman.

● UNSTRUNG HEROS ( Hollywood Pictures) Studio Exec

Cast: Andie Macdowell John Tuturro. Director: Diane Keaton

● NIXON ( Hollywood Pictures) Studio Exec

Cast:Anthony Hopkins. Director: Oliver Stone

● WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING ( Hollywood Pictures) Studio Exec

Cast: Sandra Bullock Bill Pullman. Director: Jon Turtletaub

● DROPZONE ( Paramount Pictures) Producer

Cast: Wesley Snipes.

● THE BUTCHER’S WIFE ( Paramount Pictures) Producer

Cast: Demi Moore Jeff Daniels.

● MERMAIDS ( Orion Pictures) Producer

Cast: Cher Christina Ricci Winona Ryder

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bb42c5  No.12493434

File: c990ab2a83198f7⋯.png (327.24 KB, 1000x519, 1000:519, led_3.png)

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cde8da  No.12493435


They are right where they should be.

Who ever you are,

you'll soon find out.

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ded1a9  No.12493436


Thank you. But I think the presidential qualifications for president in the constitution make a distinction between a citizen and a natural born citizen.


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bf7f56  No.12493437

File: d11b335c0210775⋯.png (217.61 KB, 1337x554, 1337:554, 18.png)

File: b13e114132c03e1⋯.png (198.36 KB, 1337x542, 1337:542, 19.png)

File: 6ea5fd2d59cbc3a⋯.png (212.8 KB, 1337x555, 1337:555, 20.png)

File: 7906489a2fd453d⋯.png (209.74 KB, 1340x549, 1340:549, 21.png)

File: 9380314b80be634⋯.png (248.68 KB, 1335x621, 445:207, 22.png)



William J. Burns, the Carnrgie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert



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203778  No.12493438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



lookin' for this?

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0c4091  No.12493439


it's right after the end

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ae1b6a  No.12493440


>>>12493346 Man Was Selling Child Porn on Twitter Using Coded Language: Court Docs

THIS is a fucking BULLSHIT. They were not using any such "codes". Child porn, child rape, live pay per-view child sex acts, kids for sale…all on twatter right in the fucking open.

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049996  No.12493441


<Daily caller

I read the snip and stated a fact. Whether that fact is in that article is irrelevant to me, as it's from a controlled rag.

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439adf  No.12493442

File: 4695c1526d8efff⋯.png (602.23 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


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6ac6ba  No.12493443

Just gonna drop this here


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dd71c4  No.12493444

File: f32b011177bb9e9⋯.jpg (115.93 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, download_23_.jpg)

Whatever happened to this guy?

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1d45be  No.12493445



go back to fucking goats with shrimp dick

that is all

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a75723  No.12493446

to every Congressman voting to impeach - kabuki or not - you are dead to me. Pence, you are a no count traitor.

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000000  No.12493447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e9147a  No.12493448


ID dubs of truth. Dank memes anon. We are safe

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29700b  No.12493449

File: 16e5694a79ed113⋯.jpg (239.91 KB, 816x528, 17:11, round_them_up.JPG)

Tik Tok

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c685dd  No.12493450

File: 745485fa6cd10c8⋯.png (655.65 KB, 600x572, 150:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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469a56  No.12493451

File: 2ffb74be3b2da4f⋯.jpg (303.1 KB, 1500x1115, 300:223, SILICON_VALLEY_SILENCERS.jpg)

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0fdd79  No.12493452


… totally American. My case in point.

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973158  No.12493453


It get's better, anon


more dub dubs of newfaggotry

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64f98b  No.12493454


To piss of journos that never learned how to do any actual investigative reporting. Anons are the News now

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10209a  No.12493455

>>12493389 HOPIUM FICTION. These people are untouchable. Only if God would will it would it be possible. 99% of the world power brokers want Trump gone. There is no justice on Earth.

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149489  No.12493456

Nahhh. I was just trying to test some folks. Loyalty check…some wooood say

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fc3c26  No.12493457

There are two fronts. Who do they fear? Who do they need?

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a0ddfb  No.12493458

File: 336cf0d60bd5df6⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1212x1232, 303:308, Patton_May_God_have_mercy.png)

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66c619  No.12493459


"Six Anti-Trump activists have been found *NOT GUILTY* after protesting the President's Inauguration"…

This is what happened after Democrats sparked protests & riots during Trump's Inauguration in 2017.

*ZERO* media condemnation & *NO* Democrats apologized for the violence.


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db75ba  No.12493460


"Have a Cigar" has been running they my head all day since POTUS' speech

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8b63ed  No.12493461



why is it that only they know about this major development? i mean, stop the presses, put people in the hospital type of development?

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086e90  No.12493462


Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and others where are they. But at the same time who is this guy and how tf does he know. Does he get text alerts? Or what

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8f2981  No.12493463

File: bfbee77a98e6ff5⋯.png (4.85 MB, 2539x5903, 2539:5903, Epiphany1.png)

File: 6e3adfa964c0a40⋯.jpg (3.46 MB, 2272x5404, 568:1351, NROL_we_own_the_night.jpg)


Jan. 5th = C_A stop payment

Jan. 5th = GA Run Off

Jan. 6th = 11.23 on lunar calendar -PAIN 23

Jan. 6th = 12th day of Christmas/Epiphany Western Calendar

Jan. 6th = POTUS Call for patriots to come to DC -Fuck around, find out day

Jan. 6th = Electoral College

Jan. 7th = Eastern OrthdoX Christmas - What do you want for Xmas

Jan. 7th + 10 days Darkness =Jan 17th@POTUS twitter shutdown

Still to come

Jan. 13th = 11.3/11.4 = 1.13/1.14 Proofs to Begin

Jan. 15/16th = Friday & Saturday - MAGA Promise - Friday the 15th is the date on the iPhone in the pic cap for #2099 about the EAS test

Jan. 17th = D5 on Lunar - D5 = Strongest Level Avalanche, Snowball

Jan. 19th = D7 on Lunar - remember THIS DAY - D7 = Pearl Harbor/Wake Island - a day that will live in infamy(never forgotten, remember THIS DAY)

Jan. 19th = Epiphany/Popcorn Day Eastern Orthodox

Epiphany = A sudden moment of realization

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 1:19 - They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.




From Epiphany to Epiphany - JAN 6 - 19

epiphany - (1) : a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something. (2) : an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking. (3) : an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure.




Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No.130638📁

Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST)

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for.


Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

What happens to the FBI?

What happens to the DOJ?

What happens to special counsel?

What happens in general?

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Think logically.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

Who are we taught to trust?

If you are religious, PRAY.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.


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454b7e  No.12493464

As an elderly phonefag anon, I'm so disappointed.

If the board goes to Tor only experience I'll no longer be able to participate because I'm just not tech savvy enough to set it up. I need my phone for work and it could end up me creating a disaster.

Love you Anons. (no homo)

This will really suck!

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d946a5  No.12493465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lots of discussion of Monkey Werx few breads back.

Here is todays Overwatch SITREP

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0a5756  No.12493466


For generations, GOYIM, expelling jews from their nations have been saying the same thing.


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ee956b  No.12493467


Look, don't pay attention to those that mock you, they are in the dark too, if not they would tell you; doubt causes investigation.

Stay faithful 100% until the 20th. After that the Lord of Host will respond.

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bb42c5  No.12493468

File: b3759aa334a8741⋯.png (321.29 KB, 616x683, 616:683, trumpgonnagetya.png)

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97ddee  No.12493469


Well I just saw Adam Schiff speak in Cingress so I call BS

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32c08a  No.12493470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The answer is, If tomorrow never comes.

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c685dd  No.12493471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4c8ac6  No.12493472


Biden Administration Must ‘Immediately’ Close Guantanamo Prison, UN Experts Urge

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000000  No.12493473

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336c6c  No.12493474


The left is just blowing it out of proportion for maximum impact against MAGA and their quest to label Trump supporters terrorists. If the crimes have been committed, what the fuck are we waiting on? Can someone explain?

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34feb0  No.12493475


Some actors only get one big part.

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023458  No.12493476

Is Pence now in custody on treason charges.

If so who would be the Vice President?

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da70ae  No.12493477


I only got about halfway to the capital. My legs are crippled and I move slowly. We were stopped resting when we got a text that changed our mind.

I got to hear my Prez talk. That's all I wanted.

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ebfd23  No.12493478


MSL too. and womans soccer

and the World Surf League is cucked too.

Pretty much UFC only show in town. Would be fun to have UFC fighters go to GITMO and bust up the prisoners. Rinse repeat

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974414  No.12493479

File: 8e90f0b01ecbdb2⋯.jpeg (63.85 KB, 636x571, 636:571, 54CB99FF_4F53_41A4_B001_A….jpeg)


Lol …

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276f7e  No.12493480


>Whatever happened to this guy?

Trips confirm, he was never a famefag. He gave his statement and then faded into the background, just has he said he wanted to do.

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f1a208  No.12493481

File: d44875a13f95d9e⋯.png (84.19 KB, 255x190, 51:38, riteuknow3.png)

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000000  No.12493482


Because you keep coming back

We are all here because of (you)

As soon as you quit showing up this site will no longer be here


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cde8da  No.12493483


And they keep thieving to the last moment…..

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e5d35b  No.12493484


one of cuomo's arrested for selling something to Chinese.

Hunter, Joe, Kamala and D mayors arrested for high treason f

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000000  No.12493485



REMEMEBER, Q said "Class Action Lawsuits can be very effective".

We need some good lawyers and a bunch of pissed off Patriots. The latter shouldn't be hard to find.

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bf7f56  No.12493486

File: 1db5e710c9fc15d⋯.png (226.36 KB, 1336x543, 1336:543, 23.png)

File: 240d3758fffd99c⋯.png (242.79 KB, 1333x612, 1333:612, 24.png)

File: a3b864dd94e3c7c⋯.png (255.08 KB, 1334x645, 1334:645, 25.png)

File: 51e7ef341dacbd1⋯.png (229.01 KB, 1338x610, 669:305, 26.png)

File: d5b49589ce19ffa⋯.png (226.89 KB, 1338x582, 223:97, 27.png)



William J. Burns, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert



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66c619  No.12493487


"Hannity tells his Fox audience “we” spoke to Mitch McConnell’s office about the big New York Times report tonight saying the Senate majority leader believes Trump committed impeachable offenses, and they said it is full of “salacious nonsense” https://twitter.com/danielchaitin7/status/1349190175855955968

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50875f  No.12493488

File: b47f75b52ba070b⋯.jpg (349.57 KB, 1080x1746, 60:97, 20210112_211916.jpg)

File: 7cfd78655c60583⋯.jpg (731.22 KB, 1080x2015, 216:403, Screenshot_20210112_211616….jpg)

File: d4b151ca1469b77⋯.jpg (376.99 KB, 1064x807, 1064:807, Screenshot_20210112_210637….jpg)



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4c8ac6  No.12493489

File: 4502c067624b685⋯.png (68.32 KB, 939x296, 939:296, pompeo_cancels_trip.png)



Pompeo canceled his trip to Belgium

Secretary Pompeo Cancels End-of-Term Trip to Belgium


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54ae89  No.12493490

File: b46e67423c12198⋯.png (871.49 KB, 1950x1218, 325:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70bf182f1846a08⋯.png (60.52 KB, 328x154, 164:77, ClipboardImage.png)

Moar than HALF Of All Jews in the US Support BLM

600 Jewish Groups Support BLM In New York Times Ad - On Page 17

The signers represent over HALF of Jewish people in the US

An open letter in support of the Black Lives movement signed by more than 600 different Jewish groups was published by the New York Times On the 57th anniversary of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr’s 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

Appearing as a Full Page Advertisement,

the Open Letter was posted on the 17th page of the Times’ main section.

The signatories were a plethora of Congregations as well as some major organizations like the Anti-Defamation League, multiple chapters of the National Council of Jewish Women, the Union for Reform Judaism and the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.

The Letter Declared:

As Jews, we know how dangerous this is: when politicians target Jewish people and blame us for problems, it leads directly to violence against us. When Black movements are undermined, it leads to more violence against Black people, including Black Jews.

Antisemitism is part of the same machinery those politicians use to blame Black and brown people, people who are immigrants, people who are Muslim, and more.

"We Speak With One Voice, We say unequivocally:  Black Lives Matter".

The signers represent over HALF of Jewish people in the US, proudly supporting #BlackLives Matter and the fight for Black liberation.

Sauce: https://jewishbusinessnews.com/2020/08/31/600-jewish-groups-sign-support-of-blm-in-new-york-times-ad/

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30ea01  No.12493491

File: cea730891812b2b⋯.jpg (131.78 KB, 500x521, 500:521, Merkelchen_1_11_2.jpg)

what a beauty

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9d41f0  No.12493492

File: de0b3b210d166cb⋯.png (50.4 KB, 606x256, 303:128, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

Still had a shred of hope.. then logged on Twitter and saw Richard Grenell liked this tweet


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872777  No.12493493

File: 52774330b9087a8⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 52774330b9087a82d0e873fee7….png)


There are growing signs. For the first time yet, I am slightly wondering.

It's either BEFORE the 20th, or ON the 20th, I just can't see them letting ANYONE back into the White House, even if it somehow could help.

It's all hard to fathom a bit, but that's where we are yeah? This 2 hour movie has about 80 seconds left. AWESOME!!

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000000  No.12493494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wow. Thanks for the help. People need to see that.

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83ea7e  No.12493495

File: 5f16231e423b9cb⋯.png (16.66 KB, 594x185, 594:185, ClipboardImage.png)


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207ff3  No.12493496

politicians are blackmailed

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64f98b  No.12493497


Are they enjoying watching the Iranians flail and seethe and fail as much as I am?

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c685dd  No.12493498

File: f2c6c005a00bc97⋯.png (591.84 KB, 926x582, 463:291, f2c6c005a00bc97110ed3064c0….png)


>I want Jew victim points

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a1c883  No.12493499

>>12492604 (PB) Anons, and patriots: stay OUT of ALL state capitols on January 20th, 2021

Why are we scared of evil? When will PATRIOTS FIGHT?

If you're too scared to go out and demonstrate, we've lost. Following this means we lose. We must be seen and heard, or we're going to prove to the satanists that they are in charge and control.

Patriots must fight, or we concede the country, and the world to evil. Don't be stupid.

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a2a94e  No.12493500


yes we are rolling up the freemason pig cops and LE, C_A, F_B, kikes and chinks as well as their slaves in congress and big business.

You fuckers are all surrounded.

Enjoy national popcorn day.

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e5d35b  No.12493501



10 Ds have not been arrested yet

LT Thomas MCKinley has been in UK intercepting transmissions between Hillary and spies.

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af8132  No.12493502


it all ends up in utah…

after it goes through cern, of course.

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ded1a9  No.12493503



We were told that Hussein was ok because his mother was born here - and a citizen. One parent has to be .. according to the hype..

Neither of her parents were born here OR citizens.

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29700b  No.12493504

File: 2dc790130eb4bc4⋯.jpg (111 KB, 408x528, 17:22, d75d8403194cd0.jpg)

File: c27f0e67ae7eb05⋯.jpg (85.07 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, llk9067yhgj.jpg)

File: 95b1a7ec58895a8⋯.jpg (271.32 KB, 2000x1680, 25:21, suicide_weekend.jpg)

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5f56d5  No.12493505


You saying this is comms? That would be quite the almond tingler, wouldn't it?

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d92837  No.12493506



>Doesn't seem like the same person in the new picture but NO COINCIDENCES!



Maybe it's a cabal arrest and the Amber Alert is fake, but an emergency way to put out a fake story or someone with that name to get the message out that something is up with the same named person of concern.

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000000  No.12493507


I care why?

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64f98b  No.12493508


Nope, fail again. Your posts have proven nothing more than your incompetence

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839c25  No.12493509

I sure hope this Friday and Saturday arewhen POTUS makes good on the maga promise like q posted. I’d have to assume it would be something like that at least.

Any guesses on when things turn a corner in our favor, publicly?

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2dc8bf  No.12493510

File: bc601a78a3f5811⋯.jpeg (79.56 KB, 576x1022, 288:511, 53806.jpeg)

File: 2efe1c5133ac906⋯.jpeg (17.37 KB, 1021x296, 1021:296, 53808.jpeg)

HRC the Queen? Checkmate.

I have a theory that HRC may have been arrested and is rolling over on the DS. As you all remember, HRC said “If I'm indicted, I'll take half of DC with me”. (Can’t find the sauce on this HRC quote, it looks like they scrubbed the video/article from the internet.)

POTUS said in his January 6, 2021 speech in DC,

“The single most unhappy (person) is Hillary Clinton because she said ‘why didn’t you do this for me four years ago?‘ She’s not too happy. You notice you don’t see her anymore. Where’s Hillary? Where is she?”

See Timestamp 18:57 – 19:17 https://youtu.be/1OXFmnTtO6s?t=1137

We also have the recent quote by General McInerney where he said,

“I believe they also have a source that is talking like a songbird, and the president is going to spring that person on us.”

See Timestamp 1:00 – 1:08 https://youtu.be/GDORcR44be4?t=60

Pic related Q post 523 from January 13, 2018 (3 year delta tomorrow, January 13, 2021)

And now take a look at Q post 531 (pic related) from January 13, 2018 (3 year delta tomorrow, January 13, 2021)

What if HRC is the Queen and POTUS is preparing to move his Queen to F3? He brings her out into the public eye to testify against all these traitors? What if HRC feels like [they] threw her under the bus after the 2016 election and she's willing to bring them all down with her.

That would be glorious.

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67c096  No.12493511

File: 91d2fb7a94805ba⋯.jpeg (372.92 KB, 1858x1858, 1:1, FEy8R9XxEm.jpeg)


Final COMMS before POTUS departed that Friday,

1.08, 2021??

What was the actual message?

And why the [19] coincidences??

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34feb0  No.12493512

File: bf99b45d20f943c⋯.png (289.18 KB, 459x459, 1:1, theskyirundomaG.png)

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9004cd  No.12493513

On the matter of the memorandum released by the joint chiefs, would this line in Q post 34 apply?

" False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity…"

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de460c  No.12493514


Probably they will ban him from every platform and play it in the sky with a big voice hologram for all to see lol. Muh sky event.

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0161af  No.12493515


yep. Post Office should take care of its own business. Not farm it out to a 'service'

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a40176  No.12493516



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e953ca  No.12493517

File: c463b1a798b4e1a⋯.png (39.18 KB, 598x398, 299:199, ClipboardImage.png)

ECW- Retwar https://twitter.com/780thC/status/1346789763915919361

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bf7f56  No.12493518

File: 6a94725cab5956d⋯.png (228.41 KB, 1332x583, 1332:583, 28.png)

File: 29a8fef783629b1⋯.png (217.97 KB, 1333x567, 1333:567, 29.png)

File: 023960b13c1eb63⋯.png (238.27 KB, 1335x582, 445:194, 30.png)

File: 4543a655d93e1bb⋯.png (254.96 KB, 1332x638, 666:319, 31.png)

File: a8e1384d1b217ff⋯.png (226.83 KB, 1330x630, 19:9, 32.png)



William J. Burns, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert



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8c4770  No.12493519

How many days of dankess are we now?

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149489  No.12493520

The 19th

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000000  No.12493521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I want Jew victim points

Seems like a stupid thing to want but ok.

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a2a94e  No.12493522

File: 5e52eea8798d0ea⋯.png (164.14 KB, 450x190, 45:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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66c619  No.12493523

How does she last so long? Ancient Chinese secret.


CALIFORNIA. US Sen Dianne Feinstein (D) has filed FEC paperwork to seek reelection in 2024 to a six year term …when she will be 91 years old.https://docquery.fec.gov/pdf/729/202101 https://twitter.com/Politics1com/status/1349165315196903425

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203778  No.12493524


Download the Tor app…



copy and post linky..



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c685dd  No.12493525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes, the more they get distracted away from elite jew criminals, right rabbi?

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ae1b6a  No.12493526


LOL since when does the Constitution and the law matter? We had a Kenyan and a Tranny in the white house for 8 years and anyone that dared question "eligibility" was hunted down like dogs.


Same thing with the media neglecting to cancel her because her family owned slaves in Jamaica. Biden too.

you can fucking bet if Trump's family had any whiff of slave ownership it would have been blaring headlines for 5 years.

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bb42c5  No.12493527

File: 85c0edbdc8a52cb⋯.jpg (195.27 KB, 600x541, 600:541, kick_a_kike.jpg)


Why they fuck would you ever want to be a kike?

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68cf10  No.12493528

File: cef99aa951b37d9⋯.png (83.37 KB, 755x809, 755:809, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c874a12e3b30069⋯.png (77.08 KB, 744x800, 93:100, ClipboardImage.png)

Owner of Bitcoin Exchange Sentenced to Prison for Money Laundering


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e5d35b  No.12493529


Every single D who was voted in except 10 have been arrested.

AOC , Gov and Mayour on New York

And Pence, too.

VP is some General M

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315547  No.12493530


stupid fucken thread gets brought up every week

Natural born citizen meaning is ambiguous, even according to the immigration acts - which have different definitions - both of which were crafted while many founders were still alive.

With regards to Harris, SCOTUS will decide this issue and they can say whatever the fuck they want. And if they don't say what the Dems want then they'll pack the court.

It's a dumb conversation that has but one result, Harris is eligible.

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a02917  No.12493531


Suicide weekend a little early?

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8f2981  No.12493532



>What was the actual message?


>And why the [19] coincidences??

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839c25  No.12493533



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973158  No.12493534


If they've suspended the account, how can they disable comments?

I commented earlier that I decided to check comments after his 2 minute presser and, for the first time in the past 4 years, there was not one single negative comment.

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8cbb3e  No.12493535

File: 1d98882103b46db⋯.png (43.32 KB, 255x156, 85:52, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b16e13af079aa15⋯.png (26.15 KB, 255x127, 255:127, ClipboardImage.png)

PEARL18 and 17 USAF KC-135 tankers south from Misawa AB heading to Guam with an Osprey doing overflys at Atsugi-probably dropped some paratroopers and then

thank you!!

Good night

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cde8da  No.12493536



Did they forget to let you in on classified information?

I'll make some phone calls and get right back with you.

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9dc848  No.12493537

File: 9ea744820b44961⋯.png (95.48 KB, 535x527, 535:527, Screenshot_2021_01_13_Sput….png)

YouTube is suspending President Donald Trump's channel


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8c4770  No.12493538


So we need a REvote NOW!

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b0d043  No.12493539


She isn't natural born. Neither was Hussein.

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c685dd  No.12493540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Seems like a stupid thing to want but ok

You said it, Jew.


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a0ddfb  No.12493541

>>12493489 Secretary Pompeo Cancels End-of-Term Trip to Belgium


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000000  No.12493542



truth revealed

all sides laid bare

welcome brave new world

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90aa3a  No.12493543


There was an article a few weeks ago about China buying huge acreage in a Mexico along our border near one of our bases- it made notables then

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fca119  No.12493544


Had I never have put it all on the line for the Republic, you might have been close. But being that I did, I know what it is to do so… or not.

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000000  No.12493545


>get distracted away from elite jew criminals, right rabbi?

How fucking retarded are you? Like seriously? It has to be some kind of record considering each and every jew works in tandem with every other kike fuck around.

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fee4dd  No.12493546


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442dae  No.12493547

Has Freddy Benson posted here lately?

He should be here making fun of the last of you dummies.

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d721ad  No.12493548

Is there a Q site that can search by date? it blows my mind its not on all of them being how simple that is

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8b63ed  No.12493549



well, i'm gonna look at it

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a02917  No.12493550

>>12493531 (me)

Ooops. Misread that one. My bad.

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8f2981  No.12493551

File: 52d9ee29f34c21c⋯.png (104.19 KB, 1694x805, 242:115, Screenshot_2021_01_05_qano….png)




>What was the actual message?


>And why the [19] coincidences??

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1b0434  No.12493552

File: 5c93f9c1a7cf0d2⋯.jpg (32.69 KB, 301x444, 301:444, Capture.JPG)

I've been thinking about "The map is the key" phrase and I'm wondering, that decoding thing anons were doing many breads ago where someone who is now dead had this mega link thing which was filled to the brim with what would possibly be damning evidence of WHATEVER, if I remember correctly wasnt the code/password/key already discovered? it was a long string of numbers and letters if I remember. Has anyone thought of putting that in some google maps thing?

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769232  No.12493553


Let’s be good socialists that they want us to be and DEMAND they pay their fair share by voting to tax them at 90% rate!

We can make this pendulum swing all the way to the left now baby. That would be the ultimate revenge! If we cannot have fair elections and only have one party basically then fuck it!

Let’s tax the fuck out of them all!!!

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68cf10  No.12493554

File: dcedbff20504195⋯.png (93.22 KB, 751x901, 751:901, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed147b15dd1fa08⋯.png (68.06 KB, 756x759, 252:253, ClipboardImage.png)

Three Charged with Illegally Exporting Goods to Iran


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a75723  No.12493555


you know you gotta sauce that

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e5d35b  No.12493556


>Every single D who was voted in except 10 have been arrested.

he said that's why you didn' see NP and AS today at at hearings

the only ones, Ds on tv today were nonames you never heard of before.

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a28432  No.12493557


I swear it's a bunch of 14 year olds, young masons in training shill club tonight.

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c4890c  No.12493558

File: 308597da4545227⋯.jpeg (741 KB, 1213x1904, 1213:1904, E23B306A_024D_462D_AC13_9….jpeg)

David Rothschild retweeting now from 1/26/2017 post #EVERGREEN …cartoon says he’s going to eat you, sounds like comms to Hitlary!


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36e012  No.12493559


WTF is this sauceless fantasy shit?


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d92837  No.12493560


>You saying this is comms? That would be quite the almond tingler, wouldn't it?

see >>12493506

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336c6c  No.12493561


In the comments, the people were saying Nancy was simultaneously speaking live in Congress?

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925dcb  No.12493562


Gold for bulk storage of wealth, silver and silver backed paper for circulation.

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bf7f56  No.12493563

File: 638ce87d256c9ca⋯.png (234.45 KB, 1333x574, 1333:574, 33.png)

File: 9f57124b6fc8aa5⋯.png (248.37 KB, 1334x591, 1334:591, 34.png)

File: 3444e2c0a2010ca⋯.png (236.7 KB, 1336x571, 1336:571, 35.png)

File: 6e7ba91ca126034⋯.png (212.88 KB, 1331x550, 121:50, 36.png)

File: 1683e13fed66f5d⋯.png (256.75 KB, 1334x643, 1334:643, 37.png)



William J. Burns, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert



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974414  No.12493564

File: 27fb908d5d365b6⋯.jpeg (76.61 KB, 960x742, 480:371, E150BC5F_4A23_46CD_BE5F_D….jpeg)

Cheers Patriots!!

Never give up!!

Never back down!!!


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64f98b  No.12493565


Dumb shit from dumb shits is what you have? That's it?

Congratulations, you have achieved a level of lame of a magnitude that Canadian cartoons will never be able to match!

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0c4091  No.12493566


she wasn't drunk yet

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8acaad  No.12493567


NP friend in past pics

NP let him sit in her chair

when the police open the gates and open the doors

and tookselfies with NP kids friend

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f90b0b  No.12493568

File: 98e2d4d050c85da⋯.jpeg (117.05 KB, 711x849, 237:283, 7D79FEF8_E9A9_4A20_8F97_E….jpeg)

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e5d35b  No.12493569


youtube is blocking the arests

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049996  No.12493570


The Secretary of State, Mr 30 minute drop.

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bb42c5  No.12493571

File: 5c7cecf8f715150⋯.jpg (200.63 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, kek_n_fren.jpg)

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0115cf  No.12493572

That's the end of Youtube

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ae1b6a  No.12493573


To make sure MAGA folk stay in their seats until the Country is completely stolen.

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000000  No.12493574


It takes less than a min. Go to app store, download onion/tor browser then copy the link from here and paste in your new browser… Age is no excuse for lazyness

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bb42c5  No.12493575

File: 17763469d0298e1⋯.png (415.03 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, kvetch.png)

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872777  No.12493576

File: 1046f11be44e508⋯.jpg (89.4 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1046f11be44e508ba43c0d47aa….jpg)


Post of the Night.

And for what it's worth, in MY heart, ANY of these traitors who could flip and help save America and the world, then I welcome them and I would like for ALL of them to know, that at least this one Anon honors you, and thanks you, and prays for mercy for you from President Trump.

The BEST way to NEVER come here again, would be for those who helped lead us there to show them THEMSELVES how they did it. Who would be able to turn away?

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a1c336  No.12493577


Need some summary of why to put in the notables

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22f10b  No.12493578

Goyim know..shekels up.

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e5d35b  No.12493579

Mark Z has been arrested for treason

@Jack will be arrested soon

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8cbb3e  No.12493580

File: 2e8e0bb776ee1d1⋯.jpeg (76.63 KB, 363x627, 11:19, 2e8e0bb776ee1d1ca778aa13d….jpeg)


if you want a break baker can meet you at the top?

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000000  No.12493581


>Sad jew noises

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fee4dd  No.12493582



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70e4b3  No.12493583

File: 03bd657fb7129e7⋯.jpg (747.6 KB, 1080x1650, 36:55, Screenshot_20210112_231259….jpg)

Pb about timeline on events on jan 6th. I went through the times my pics and videos were taken.

1:08 I left a little early to make sure our government heard my voice. Was walking on constitution Blvd at this time.

1:40 took pictures of first barricade on souf side of Capitol laying on ground, no police in sight.

1:42 I was close to the barricades still standing on the south side.

1:53 have a clip of the Star Spangled Banner being sung loud and proud by all

1:58 barricades being removed by highly organized people. Wish I got a clip of that but we were gassed, flash banged and caught a little indirect mace.

2:05 police still holding line with barricades missing

2:26-2:28 Capitol police retreat. Line totally broken.

2:35 anon snaps pic of light post knocked over, not happy

3:16 pic related. I want to know who the fuck this guy is. He was coordinating the assualt on the front door from what I saw.

Left shortly after once the stairs opened up to go down.

Not uploading any other than this screenshot until hunter biden is arrested. Eat a bag of dicks Chris Wray. I committed no crimes, just took pics and videos.

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1b0434  No.12493584


to add, Lin wood on parler gave us a very cryptic answer to what the password was if what I typed was confusing anyone

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0a5756  No.12493585


We went through this with McCain.

If the parents are not of US CITIZENSHIP, they are ineligible for that office.

This is why Cruz cannot be president.


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c30f02  No.12493586


We're not re-voting shit.

Fraud vitiates everything

I cast my legal ballot and my candidate won, legitimately.

That's all we need to know.

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d721ad  No.12493588


Someone told it to me and didn't give a source lol

Thanks for narrowing it down though <3

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093e7b  No.12493589


Just watched most of them live not but an hour ago.

Fake & Non-Hetero.

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4c8ac6  No.12493590



Funny, they allowed them to hold impeachment hearings tonight

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bf7f56  No.12493591

File: 13d1709eb1cdec0⋯.png (251.67 KB, 1332x646, 666:323, 38.png)

File: 33d87649061efcd⋯.png (268.92 KB, 1330x656, 665:328, 39.png)

File: 78a59a8bc6b5635⋯.png (253.63 KB, 1335x650, 267:130, 40.png)

File: 6f18a4c91f85971⋯.png (197.96 KB, 1338x645, 446:215, 41.png)

File: 2a71c81e9e52d74⋯.png (69.26 KB, 1332x548, 333:137, 42.png)



William J. Burns, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert



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624e10  No.12493592


And they bought huge amounts in Texas at the border. Even have a private airstrip

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a0ddfb  No.12493593


They's afeared.

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54ae89  No.12493594


well they all got a $5,000 check, while We, The People can't even get a measly 600 bucks, which fancy ice cream bitch Nancy Pelosi says is "significant"…

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a4f70d  No.12493595


>Okay, so the NFL, NBA, and now NHL CLEARLY have got to go.

In case you're not aware, ALL professional sports were created by the very same mobs that control the gambling industry. Very comped, and one of the main reasons why nobody ever figures it out is because they are far too drunk to realize. In case you're not aware the entirety of the liquor business is basically controlled by the very same mobsters that made their fortunes by winning the war on prohibition, then assume ranking positions of both political and corporate influence.

The entire world is living in a post-apocalyptical time of corporate take over. United States of America was originally established as a resistance to this corporate globo-homo. Eventually, we allowed ourselves to be dominatrixed to death once again. This didn't happen recently. Most of that shit took place long before any of us were born. We didn't necessarily make any of this mess ourselves, but someone sure as fuck has to clean shit up, otherwise we're doomed to live in the piss-wake of the aftermath. Fucking stupid, I tells ya

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8b63ed  No.12493596


thank you anon

are we for sure going to TOR only?

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83925b  No.12493597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>12492417 pb

I posted earlier today about this video at 34:00 min mark, when they first break through. There’s two dudes in the foreground clearly opening up the barricades and just joining the ones who were let through (which you can clearly see they were let through at 34 min mark).

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06f539  No.12493598

>>12492710 PB

I am going to dig on whether Holder's law firm Covington & Burling represented this terrorist. They represented approx. 19 at come point.


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2e44b6  No.12493599

File: f2efa3ab4b4e2c4⋯.jpg (69.42 KB, 412x657, 412:657, IMG_6961.JPG)


Get a grip ffs

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10209a  No.12493600

File: c56cda52433f2d0⋯.png (66.57 KB, 250x187, 250:187, ClipboardImage.png)

They don't hate Trump, they never did. They hate the nationalism he argues for which gained him so much support and yes they're stupid enough to think that if they make him go away and impeach him they'll make the populism of nationalism go away.

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7993c4  No.12493602


Finally another Anon who is speaking out about freemason cops. These satanic fuckers need to be purged from all police forces immediately.

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ebfd23  No.12493603


Not ambiguous. Every person with a brian in 1776 had read Vattel Law of Nations. John Jay first SCOTUS would not stop until it was in. Born on US soil to two citizen parents. They did not want a son with spit loyalty anywhere near the office. British especially. Funny thing is is Obamas fake ass daddy was a British subject.

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66c619  No.12493604

File: 751b00c95a157d1⋯.png (354.4 KB, 2198x208, 1099:104, ClipboardImage.png)


"INBOX: Rep. Matt Rosendale Calls For Rep. Cheney To Step Down As Republican Conference Chair" https://twitter.com/henryrodgersdc/status/1349180711757086728

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973158  No.12493605


>She isn't natural born. Neither was Hussein.

And thus why anon believes she was chosen for her role in this movie.

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149489  No.12493606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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812f1e  No.12493607

It was reported earlier to day that POTUS has been told to NOT pardon himself and his family before he leaves office.

I would imagine the same ones telling him this, are telling him NOT to declass.

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000000  No.12493608

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093e7b  No.12493609


This is the reason why Weed should be legal, needs to have a sauce..

Otherwise you don't know where it came from.

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aaafb5  No.12493611

File: 3b15bec983eb04d⋯.png (67.56 KB, 813x371, 813:371, everypost.png)

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ae1b6a  No.12493612


>he said that's why you didn' see NP and AS today at at hearings

I heard

you fucking simpleton. Pelosi was in session today and on camera.

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bb8dba  No.12493613

File: 61911eb3430db42⋯.png (40.83 KB, 728x441, 104:63, ClipboardImage.png)

all of potus' accounts being removed sure would be good grounds to use the ebs

just thinkin' out loud

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049996  No.12493614


I'm not debating that. I am stating the penaties for Treason will solve the problem. The penalties for being deemed ineligible will fall at someone else's feet other than hers.

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bb2097  No.12493615


If 1/3 of the people who voted for Trump decided to march on DC unarmed it would still not be enough troops.

Still, something else is afoot.

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8acaad  No.12493617



meanwhile cities are looted and BURN LOOT MURDER as DOJ F_I does nothing

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0fdd79  No.12493618


Here's an idea…

How about you arrest the criminals, then crawl back under your rocks until we need you again. We pay you remember… to run through tires.

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f1a208  No.12493619


Why would you be crushed. Grenell is not one of the 10 in the know Anon

Grenell was just doing his job

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7d2d27  No.12493620


Fucker, Made me chortle right there.


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22d22d  No.12493621

File: 375f8a18544d445⋯.png (5.77 KB, 468x154, 234:77, ClipboardImage.png)


Post 44 just says

Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter. God bless.

He sent the message that big tech is out of control by getting his account suspended. Doubled down with the POTUS account being censored.

Post 55 has a 44 timestamp

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64f98b  No.12493622


Here you are recycling the same old lame shit over and over and making yourselves look like the losers you are. I laugh at your feebleness

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bb42c5  No.12493623


You don't stay rich by giving the filthy goyim all the shekels.

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e5d35b  No.12493624

it was fun listening to the guy.

come on, man!

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66c619  No.12493625


>"INBOX: Rep. Matt Rosendale Calls For Rep. Cheney To Step Down As Republican Conference Chair"


"Rep. Andy Biggs calls on Liz Cheney to resign from Republican leadership post over her support for impeaching Trump. - Via @KerryPicket" https://twitter.com/joshdcaplan/status/1349180408106266624

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c685dd  No.12493626


You would know, kike.

Look at your intended to fail method of suppressing any investigation or digs into a single elite Jew criminal by name, and instead blathering on about general anti-Jew narrative that is only intended to attract victimhood perception from gullible normies and newfags.

I agree your method is retarded, kike.

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000000  No.12493627



class action lawsuits

think bigger

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4002da  No.12493628




God does will it

Revelations 17:17

For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose by having a common purpose……..

It’s happening…..

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983df9  No.12493629


Nah they hate him

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1d45be  No.12493630

File: 4b16a73d6f99d8b⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1300x500, 13:5, CCP_computer_chinks.png)


Call now, chink shrimp dick operators are standing by to give American paper tiger ancient Chinese secret . . .

nee hao

eat shit and die

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ae1b6a  No.12493631


>Every single D who was voted in except 10 have been arrested.

>AOC , Gov and Mayour on New York

>And Pence, too.

>VP is some General M

OK Chink. Lrn2english.

2.50 will be deducted from your pay.

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750bf7  No.12493632


Where's all the footage of all these troops?

Live stream?

Calling bullshit until I see footage.

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469a56  No.12493633

Federal Tort Claim

The American People vs. United States Government Democratic Party & its Agents

Agents being named – members of the Associated Press including but not limited to: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Washington Post, Buzzfeed, Politico, The New York Times, and even now (that money has changed hands) FOX news.

Agents being named – members of Social Media including but not limited to: Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Jack Dorsey of Twitter, YouTube & Google is to be put on notice.

So here is the twist – The United States Government is not protected by the Freedom of Press nor the 230 protections provided to the media and social platforms (Simply put: the government cannot control the narrative.).

Although the Government is protected under Sovereign Immunity (Simply put, the property in which they own, belongs to the government as a WHOLE.)

The Agents in which they have recruited do not enjoy the same immunity, the property in which they possess are personal belongings, not the people’s belongings. By simply naming the Democratic Party and them removing them as a defendant, Sovereign Immunity will no longer apply, the agents then become accountable for their role.

It may seem an unprecedented law suit, certainly nothing that has been attempted in the past.

But Supreme Court Case Law that prevents Government from controlling the narrative in which people are allowed to hear, dates back to 1780’s, and is at the very foundation of the Constitution of the United States.

• A 3 yr. investigation into a Russian Collusion hoax (narrative to match)

• Approx. 1 yr. false impeachment proceedings (narrative to match)

• Non-Reporting – Misinforming – Misrepresenting (all with narratives to match)

• Members of the Associated Press labeling all opposing posts with an AP attachment directing all viewers away from anything but the narrative.

• (The AP has called the Presidential Race for Joe Biden. See more on Google)

• (Robust Safeguards help ensure the integrity of election results.)

• Facebook, Twitter censorship – suspension of multiple accounts with opposing views.

• (including, but certainly not limited to, The President of the United States)

• YouTube censorship & Feed Interference.

• Google search engine re-direction.

So would this be considered evidence? Or would this simply be another case of no proof of wide spread involvement? (personally, we like to call that fraud & corruption – but of course we must be careful – it certainly doesn’t follow their narrative.)

This is our label: “The AP has called this race on behalf of the justice & integrity” in this case AP stands for American People.

We at Trumpets for Trump, like the rest of you, think that someone needs to be held accountable. But we would like the right people, the people who were involved at the upper levels, the people that show no shame nor give no apology, the people that believe they have the right to manipulate, narrate, and determine what is best for ALL of us….we would like these people to live with the same basic rules in which we do “ if you break it – you buy it” !!!

I can’t express how important your signature is to our petition – I am but one small voice – but together we become an overwhelming force, a sea of voices – that cannot & will not be ignored.


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64f98b  No.12493634


The Greeks of Athens were Jews in togas?

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cde8da  No.12493635


Chill, Karen.

This is a cyber war.

The bombs are disinformation,

from both sides.

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000000  No.12493636



Then scroll, the posts are in reverse chronological order

Search Functionality is limited to the body of the qposts by design, to eliminate false positives

Ex: You want to search for any drop with the numeral 6 and then you get s fuck ton of false positives because the date

Go design a better website

If you have such great ideas

You may find that ideas are fucking cheap

And you often have the wrong ones

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a1c336  No.12493637

>>12493062 Dough

#15950@500 Notables

>>12493130 @TimRunsHisMouth has been put in #TwitterJail

>>12493157 Illinois to withhold federal tax breaks

>>12493164 William J. Burns, the Carnrgie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert (1/9)

>>12493207 Here's the List of Powerful Companies Cutting Off Trump and His Supporters After Capitol Siege

>>12493149 Thomas Wictor - I won't denounce President Trump (video)

>>12493251 Capitol Hill Coup Antagonist is Radical Climate Change Activist

>>12493289 Cumulus censors Mark Levin and others over their belief that the election was fraudulent

>>12493346 Man Was Selling Child Porn on Twitter Using Coded Language: Court Docs

>>12493414 Google suspends Trump's YouTube account, disables comments

>>12493528 Owner of Bitcoin Exchange Sentenced to Prison for Money Laundering

>>12493535 PF Report

>>12493489 Pompeo canceled his trip to Belgium

>>12493554 Three Charged with Illegally Exporting Goods to Iran

>>12493604 Rep. Matt Rosendale Calls For Rep. Cheney To Step Down As Republican Conference Chair"

>>12493625 Rep. Andy Biggs calls on Liz Cheney to resign from Republican leadership post over her support for impeaching Trump.


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30ea01  No.12493638

File: c6cdd2d32c979b9⋯.gif (57.86 KB, 350x255, 70:51, external_content_duckduckg….gif)

hungry ?

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c9c06c  No.12493639

File: 6ef2d9179c79407⋯.png (187.2 KB, 1216x1028, 304:257, twat_sat.png)

File: f5b7c15d44898c6⋯.png (692.8 KB, 878x1288, 439:644, iran_comms_twat.png)

File: 6d808eeeaabc6bc⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1316x1546, 658:773, state_dept_twat.png)

>>12492511 lb


Space Force Guardians Satellite Activities ??

Pompeo and State Dept. Twats about Iran War Drums ???

Isreal MOABz Syria

This plan looking like a previous plan…

Da Sauce:




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67c096  No.12493640

File: b295920d4f4206e⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1166x986, 583:493, 1610469566.png)


Thanks for the popcorn reminder, anon!


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2dc8bf  No.12493641


Agree Anon! And although justice must be served, I too would be forever grateful.

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4d76fa  No.12493642


That is the worst kind of (You) meme anon could get

Top kek

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203778  No.12493644


moar than likely yes but hang on for the ride in case not the case

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9b0e2d  No.12493645

Love you POTUS.

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839c25  No.12493646



UCG Joint statement saying solarwinds attack was of Russian origin

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093e7b  No.12493647

What if they were all forced to confess via twatter.

That would be glorious.

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90aa3a  No.12493648


I say take that advice since that’s what they’re prepping all the NG for and protest in your home towns everywhere all at once

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8acaad  No.12493649



quick someone is taking a selfie with NP podium

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000000  No.12493650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hey tell me, hows this coming along?


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0a5756  No.12493651


May as well have been.

Read "Plato's Republic."

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9d9029  No.12493652


is it just me or is the impeachment just to maybe get republicans to save face after jan 6th? which is something they will never be forgiving for!

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10209a  No.12493653

>>12493629 they used to love him tho.

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bb42c5  No.12493654

File: 5142783bcfb5ecd⋯.jpg (62.5 KB, 570x834, 95:139, JFKEK.jpg)

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54ae89  No.12493655

File: 1631acd67acce5e⋯.png (60.83 KB, 276x183, 92:61, ClipboardImage.png)


Only an ISRAELI Jew like you would be always talking about Iranians.

We, Americans never think about Iran.


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64f98b  No.12493656


Nope, just more recycled lame. They only have one folder for all of them

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e5e92c  No.12493657


How does a "false leak" keep someone in the country?

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a02917  No.12493658


Lovely little bit of hopium tossed out is that the NG will facilitate the arrests in various states.

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a3a8aa  No.12493659

File: c5cb95f5fc42c8c⋯.jpeg (53.71 KB, 595x335, 119:67, download.jpeg)

Spitballing here…

Biden plans on a virtual inauguration. Is this even constitutional? I mean, unless he's physically standing in front of the Chief Justice taking the oath, is it even valid? For all we know, Biden could be a CGI on a screen. If he is not PHYSICALLY present then there would technically not be any witness to the event.

I could see them airing his inauguration anyway, claiming he's President. Meanwhile Trump is still President because Biden't oath is illegitimate. Now we have 2 men claiming to be President of the United States, at the same time. We'll just have to see which one the Military reports to…

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e953ca  No.12493660

File: e0924fb143e2f2b⋯.png (714.62 KB, 615x695, 123:139, ClipboardImage.png)


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8b63ed  No.12493661


viking guy meeting steinbart video is hard to watch


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832f19  No.12493662

File: 65531f113eed240⋯.png (940.46 KB, 1440x2759, 1440:2759, Screenshot_20210112_202142….png)

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000000  No.12493663


>Sad jew noises

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67c096  No.12493664

File: 9ad9f8cc43afdb4⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1365x574, 195:82, John_Dunbar.PNG)

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169d00  No.12493665

File: 2a2dc3e3a455446⋯.jpeg (16.7 KB, 255x112, 255:112, image.jpeg)

Q told us

If HRC had gotten elected , they were prepared to do the unthinkable ..

Election was stolen ..they are doing it now

After every legal avenue was exhausted

No choice

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a2a94e  No.12493666

Imagine the FEAR and PANIC right now with:

* Congress

* C_A

* F_I

* Freemason Pig Cops

* Kikes

* Chinks

* Big Tech Faggots

* Big Business

* Big Pharma Faggots

* Comped Judges


* Social Media Platforms

* Hollywood

* Pedos

* Music Industry Faggots

They should be happy and celebrating every day. BUT NOT, they are fucking panicking all day long every day. They know what is coming and it is unstoppable.

Their downfall is going to be more exhilarating than any sports victory, sex, intoxication, you name it.

The Shadenfreude will be orgasmic.

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18b007  No.12493667

File: 77f096942f1b4b1⋯.png (439.64 KB, 479x477, 479:477, ProtectingPOTUS.png)

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8b12a9  No.12493668

File: 5123a05b5550ba7⋯.mp4 (6.07 MB, 640x480, 4:3, QNN_HillaryVanVideo.mp4)

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a1c336  No.12493669

Baker needs handoff at top of next bread

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c6abf9  No.12493670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e9147a  No.12493671


Correct. Natural born = born to 2 US citizens with no other citizenship

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97ddee  No.12493672


Schiff was in Congress tonight

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e4c5a3  No.12493673

Come in here big boy…

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4c8ac6  No.12493674



works great

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426bb3  No.12493675

Whenever you hear "no proof of election fraud", "right-wing terrorist" or " Trump incites white supremecists", place on that person the letters TBL, for The Big Lie. Worse than TDS imo.

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872777  No.12493676

File: da3184b30074f46⋯.png (2.44 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Q_Letter_Anon_Days_and_Nig….png)


Probably relaxed and wondering why so many people aren't trusting the plan and acting completely illogical, faithless, and emotional on Q's board 3.5 years into Q.

Best Guess.

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9dc848  No.12493677

File: 95815fdfa699c32⋯.png (348.66 KB, 535x600, 107:120, Screenshot_2021_01_13_Sput….png)

Project Veritas leaks tape of PBS staffer appearing to spew 'radicalism', incite political violence


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a02917  No.12493678


Nope. We're going to change presidents then all of this fades away and the plan was fun but never quite got done.

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000000  No.12493679

If I showed you my dick, you would say YES

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ded1a9  No.12493680



His name was Hamilton Brown. Think great grandfather. White. I looked that up a year ago, too.

Not just a slave owner, he was a major slave trader. IIRC, specialized in Irish, African and Creole slaves.

Wiki has really cleaned that up, too. Just a mention that the Rothschilds paid he for a trade.

So now we have the Rothchilds, too!

Hamilton Brown was well known - something about him must be in a book somewhere…>>12493239

Mentions he was paid as a trader by

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7201e1  No.12493681

It's afraid

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207ff3  No.12493683

File: a637590ecdfb0a0⋯.png (9.32 KB, 640x448, 10:7, win.png)

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bb2097  No.12493684


What is interesting about the shooting of that woman at the Capitol is how the guys around her reacted…or didn't react.

When a gun is fired people scatter. And if someone falls over the people next to them REALLY scatter. That never happened.

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f5d5d2  No.12493685

Jeremiah 51:7

“Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD'S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad.”

King James Version (KJV)

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edb9c8  No.12493686

I just realized 1.20.21 is technically 1221, wasnt there something significant about that number? I know Kappy sang it in one of his videos, he said something along the lines of "12 21 take it away, Epstein island burns away" anyone else remember this?

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54ae89  No.12493687

File: b1d0f584999d80a⋯.png (66.28 KB, 279x180, 31:20, ClipboardImage.png)

*The Jewish Wrap-Up Smear: Slander*

*Any Anon Patriot who posts Truth about Jewish Cabal Crimes gets the Jewish Gaslighting Slander Smear -

First the Jewish clown shill smeared Anons with :

Russian bots, didn't work


spambot, bot bot bot, didn't work


muh joooos, disguise the "Jew", didn't work


"Mohamed", didn't work


"works for brock", nonsensical, didn't work


"media matters", illogical, didn't work


"quasem, your general", unknown to Americans (prior to the Hand, kek), didn't work


"iranian", enemy of Israelis, not us, didn't work


"IRGC", unknown, didn't work


"clown", didn't work

then back to

"mason", didn't work


When OUTED As a "Q IS A PSYOP" Shill

"shill", Projection, didn't work


"anjel", wrong, didn't work

then Ad Hominem REeeee attacks

"cunt","disgusting", didn't work


"you're trained by professionals to be on this board", Projection, didn't work


"Anjel G", didn't work


"gore meme folder", nonsense, didn't work


"drunk clown, beer@the parade (100% certain)", totally wrong, didn't work


random "Bible phrases", still not "blending in"


"we're" United with Q, phony, didn't work


"CCP", Americans don't use this term, only Israelis

with the China virus, it's

"China controls the EU and UN", false, didn't work


"China foments hate against Israel", victim 101 ploy, didn't work


"Kaplan", unknown, doesn't work


"Skinheads", passé, cultural fail, doesn't work


"C_A MuhJoo Bot", hilarious, doesn't work


"fucking shill cunt", Jew mad, doesn't work


"Farci grammar", masterpiece of stupidity, doesn't work


"Molly X cunt", who?, doesn't work


"MOSSAD shill", Jew desperate, Alinsky tactic doesn't work

then 2 day spamfest of

"commie kike", oxymoron, not blending in


"MOS glitch", JIDF shill admitting that Q's "MOS" = MOSSAD


"bigot", old trick, doesn't work


"you cocksucker", Jew losing, Jew mad


"Pedophile", slander, doesn't work


"SATANIST", JEW real MAD, [using aggression-slander] per Q


"you lying cunt", projection, doesn't work


"ANTI-Q Shill", false, doesn't work


"Mason Pedophile:", Jew Seething Mad, doesn't work,


"disgusting nazi", sounds like Bernie ad, doesn't work,


Are you Iranian?, too phony, doesn't work


"ALLAH SNACKBAR", 2 yr.-old outdated phrase from ZeroHedge, doesn't work


"Satanic division", double slander, doesn't work


"mooslime goat fucker", terrified of "American", doesn't work

Jews and Israelis are terrified of the 80+ Million Americans who KNOW about Jewish Subversion and Organized Crimes against Humanity

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6cc190  No.12493688

File: 1536a6b79c0d147⋯.jpg (65.55 KB, 748x1112, 187:278, unforgiven_poster.jpg)

File: ad4a9c00aff4b98⋯.jpg (372.97 KB, 728x1091, 728:1091, trump_unforgiven.jpg)

>>12491624 (pb)

>What movie are we watching?? A Fist Full of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Hang 'Em High, High Plains Drifter, Joe Kidd, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Pale Rider, Unforgiven?

made one like this a few years back but lost it. your post motivated me to remake it and answer: pic related

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64f98b  No.12493689

File: 14471ab072f6cee⋯.jpg (246.56 KB, 1280x990, 128:99, 331e37cfa04efd9c3d5fb412e2….jpg)

File: 0c872cbe729e992⋯.jpg (126.25 KB, 560x302, 280:151, Mayhem.jpg)


Now can we have this?

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ae1b6a  No.12493690


>Someone told it to me and didn't give a source lol

Then stop fucking repeating sauceless shit. I COMPLETELY sauced my post on the Italian vote fraud exposers arrest including airport arrest video, home addresses, family links….

but your fake ass "Trump is meeting with Italians…" is stupid. They arrest people who expose shit, and

NOTHING has changed in this country

Why the flipping HELL would Trump be meeting with Italians? The vocaroo was interesting. She begged for access to give Trump the evidence. Begged for access to Flynn and Powell and was told in no uncertain terms that BOTH of them were on Trumps shit list…she also said he appeared to be completely unaware of the depth/breadth of the fraud.

Marla Maples and Tiffany were the ones who helped her get access to Trump at Mar-a-Largo and they prayed with everyone on the telecon.


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c685dd  No.12493691

File: 1bc3f46de6f9d0d⋯.png (75.26 KB, 255x192, 85:64, ClipboardImage.png)

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ee956b  No.12493692

File: 7e52fc20ac6e203⋯.png (237.53 KB, 624x352, 39:22, 911_pic.png)


And not a penny for a volunteer ground zero worker in 20 years. Yet while I dug out fresh face, they went there to film it.

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000000  No.12493693

Holy shit guys

Ocasio-Cortez suggests invoking a constitutional clause to expel lawmakers who tried to subvert the election.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested on Sunday that more House Democrats were considering invoking the 14th Amendment to expel Republican lawmakers who had participated in efforts to subvert the results of the November election.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is the latest House Democrat to suggest invoking Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies elected officials who “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States.

“I believe the Republican members of Congress who have incited this domestic terror attack through their attempts to overturn the election must face consequences,” Ms. Bush wrote on Twitter as the police struggled to expel the violent mob from the Capitol. “They have broken their sacred Oath of Office.”

Sauce: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/01/10/us/joe-trump-biden#ocasio-cortez-suggests-invoking-a-constitutional-clause-to-expel-lawmakers-who-tried-to-subvert-the-election

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f1a208  No.12493694

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB, 510x438, 85:73, 1asmoke.png)

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bae518  No.12493695

What a different world it would be if people understood what the Nazi movement was going to be before it took hold, and wiped it off the face of the planet before it had a chance.

Are we not witnessing the rise of the 4th Reich as we speak? It's called the Democratic Party.

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32c08a  No.12493696


I went down to the Piraeus yesterday…

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22d22d  No.12493697

File: beb0644a44277ee⋯.png (173.33 KB, 1300x1500, 13:15, postnumbermagic3.png)

post number magic

In honor of my double double ID

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55fd45  No.12493698

File: 8fb30007a837448⋯.png (112.38 KB, 953x468, 953:468, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

File: f7911e3e2eda1f1⋯.png (707.63 KB, 1089x659, 1089:659, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

File: 15d6ec670a3b38e⋯.png (26.48 KB, 757x352, 757:352, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

believe in coincidence?


3, 6



anon, need helps.

AOC had "this is my park" twat recently, too. digs?

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97ddee  No.12493699


If Insurrection Act is active, then Mil is in charge of country

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000000  No.12493700


Trumpets for Trump… Wtf… Literally will not put my rl name on something so gay sounding.

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974414  No.12493701


Something felt…off. We left Capitol lawn around 1:45-2pm to head to the metro. Passed two young black guys on bikes, dressed in jeans and hoodie sweatshirts and beanies, riding towards Capitol building. I overheard the one closest to me say to the other one, “maybe we’re early.” I can’t get that comment or those two guys out of my head. The whole day felt surreal.

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db89a1  No.12493702

File: 11d58ae1acd62ab⋯.png (650.19 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Screenshot_2021_01_12_Mich….png)

Michigan Launches Audit Of 18,000 Randomly Selected Ballots


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30ea01  No.12493703

File: 860e4920b561be4⋯.gif (3.74 MB, 400x274, 200:137, external_content_duckduckg….gif)

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54ae89  No.12493704

File: 9cb6713a4b6af35⋯.png (61.76 KB, 265x190, 53:38, ClipboardImage.png)




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9fedb4  No.12493705

File: ad63d3375431b2c⋯.jpg (29.4 KB, 474x355, 474:355, saucerswtf.jpg)

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62f66f  No.12493706

Jamie Raskin has 2 and a half minutes left. He gave Nancy Peloci 1 minute. The evil witch screeched for 8 minutes. Rasken still ha 1 and a half minutes left.

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f06f54  No.12493707



Omg mebbe its Qew with the operators we need to overturn the election!!!


Qew will

Save us

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c685dd  No.12493708


Look at this degenerate jew gloating over jfk death.

Egg shaped penis syndrome or microdick syndrome, rabbi?

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68cf10  No.12493709

File: f56d66e91f030a1⋯.png (228 KB, 611x476, 611:476, ClipboardImage.png)

PBS lawyer fired after championing ‘REEDUCATION CAMPS’ for children of Trump supporters in latest Project Veritas sting

Hidden camera footage of PBS exec Michael Beller, in which he appears to wax poetic about ‘deprogramming’ Trump supporters’ kids and celebrates their parents’ death from Covid-19, has apparently gotten him fired.

Speaking to an undercover reporter for conservative muckraking outfit Project Veritas, Beller appeared to boast that “even if [president-elect Joe] Biden wins, we go for all the Republican voters, and Homeland Security will take their children away.”

Does @PBS condone Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s radical agenda of political violence? #ExposePBSpic.twitter.com/W3R9XUCmlO

— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) January 12, 2021

“We'll put them into re-education camps,” he continued, suggesting this was necessary because “kids who are growing up knowing nothing but Trump” would take after their Trump-supporting parents and presumably become pint-sized bigots.

They’ll be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people -–horrible kids.

PBS responded via Twitter just hours after Project Veritas’ clip was posted, announcing that Beller - who had served as principal counsel of business affairs for PBS since 2013, according to his LinkedIn page – “no longer works for” the publicly-funded network. It even belittled his former role, calling him a “mid-level staff attorney” and insisting he did not make “any editorial decisions.” The network stated they “strongly condemn[ed] violence.”

“There is no place for hateful rhetoric at PBS, and this individual’s views in no way reflect our values or opinions.” (2/3)

— PBS PressRoom (@PBSPressRoom) January 12, 2021

Beller seemed less than serious in some parts of the recording, grinning, for example, as he suggested Biden supporters should “go to the White House and throw molotov cocktails” should the Democrat lose the election. While the summer's Black Lives Matter protests featured plenty of the homemade projectiles, few of Beller's class demographic were actually doing the throwing.

However, the lawyer seemed to have put quite a bit of thought into how to reeducate Trump supporters' kids, expanding on the "enlightenment camps" where they'd be sent as he spoke to his undercover companion. "They're nice! They have Sesame Street characters in the classrooms and they watch PBS all day." The children's program has been repeatedly skewered by conservative pundits for 'indoctrinating' the younger generation, most recently with a half-hour "anti-racist" special called "The Power of We."

Beller also sounded genuinely delighted when discussing a surge of Covid-19 cases in middle America and venting his spleen on "stupid" Americans living outside cities like Washington DC. "What's great is that Covid is spiking in all the red states right now," he said, explaining that "either those people won't come out to vote for Trump…or a lot of them are sick and dying."


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c65525  No.12493710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just going back through some videos from Jan 6th….

start at 55:00 and watch

57:27 someone yells (I think) "because of you"

Then they go into recess then come back at 1:06:57 to let Gosar finish then back to recess

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bb42c5  No.12493711

File: ffba49098736287⋯.gif (292.84 KB, 300x246, 50:41, oven.gif)

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9004cd  No.12493712

by convincing them they are safe. Biden will be president so it's all peachy keen, etc..>>12493657

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0c4091  No.12493713


yeh I was imagining the entire zoom rules committee meeting today was AI generated and deep faked

it's all fucked now

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64f98b  No.12493714


Failure repeated is just more failure. Commies are athiests. Shills are failures

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bf7f56  No.12493715

Mini Bun for


All in one bun for you, if you like?

>>12493164, >>12493188, >>12493213, >>12493321, >>12493401, >>12493437, >>12493486, >>12493518, >>12493563, >>12493591 William J. Burns, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert

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34feb0  No.12493716

Not that we can necessarily rely on these published figures but:

Mike Pompeo

Net worth $345,000 (2014)

Nancy Pelosi

Jul 17, 2020 — At a minimum, Pelosi has $54 million in assets and $20 million in liabilities, for a net worth of about $34 million. (Fox Business)

Mike Pence

How Mike Pence Became A Millionaire From Government: Jul 18, 2019 — The vice president is worth about $1 million, almost entirely thanks to his state and federal pensions. (Forbes)

Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell got 'rich' the old-fashioned way - Jun 2, 2020 — The Center for Responsive Politics estimates that McConnell has a net worth of $34,137,534, much of it invested in index stock funds (The Washington Post)

Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan Net Worth: Paul Ryan is an American politician who has a net worth of $7.8 million. Paul Ryan was born January 29, 1970 in Janesville, Wisconsin. (celebritynetworth.com)

Kamala Harris

5 days ago — How Kamala Harris Went from Entry-Level Prosecutor to U.S. Senator Worth Over $6 Million · Harris started her career as a prosecutor. (townandcountrymag.com

Net Worth: $7.8 Million

Height: 6 ft (1.85 m)

Salary: $175 Thousand

It's all probably bullshit, but still intriguing to see who they decide to report as "rich" or not.

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ae1b6a  No.12493717

File: 068d3ebbf1dadc6⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1607x899, 1607:899, happiest_merchant.png)


>he was a major slave trader.

Which means he was pic related.

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938f3d  No.12493718

Since Democrats have control of everything we can make the pendulum swing far left if we wanted to and pass a new tax law for these creepy billionaire faggots who push all this socialism shit on us but they enjoy a different wealth system. Fuck that! They should pay the fuck up.

90% tax on big tech

Tax it and take it all


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c685dd  No.12493719


How's Tel Aviv?

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6ac6ba  No.12493720


Pretty awesome huh?

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023458  No.12493721


That’s my thinking also anon.

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000000  No.12493722


3 Nobel Peace Prize Noms!!!!!!

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ba8bbf  No.12493723


Poor little libtard has sand in his vagina

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312293  No.12493724

File: d154f28df8063c7⋯.png (693.96 KB, 482x687, 482:687, ClipboardImage.png)




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000000  No.12493725


Hypothetically (I don't think we get there), Trump would not remain President. This term expires regardless of whether Biden, or anyone else for that matter, takes an oath.

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c82348  No.12493726


>Imagine the FEAR and PANIC

>They should be happy and celebrating every day

chunked and no. now imagine the absolute VENGEANCE they are actually focused on..

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60baf0  No.12493727

File: 85a9847f3d1defe⋯.jpg (623 KB, 1080x1523, 1080:1523, Screenshot_20210112_204515….jpg)

Seattle is getting rid of the elderly

The Seattle Fire Department created two teams of firefighters, EMS and paramedics that will vaccinate all long-term care facility residents and staff.


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10209a  No.12493728

>>12493709 probably a promotion.

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000000  No.12493729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

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1b8f51  No.12493730


i am just going throw this out there cause whatever really.

i do think they are after me

i spend 12 hours a day here

tinkering with their narrative and shit

that is what i do with my time

try to make minor adjustments

i tinker all day and i hope it has an impact

i do see the narrative as like a cross platform phenomena

this place is pretty uneventful in the whole scheme of things

this is a niche place with few visitors or casual users

like i watch the news and type answers to fox here

i do weird shit. I guess I am just saying cause i am wondering like if they are after me, what for exactly.

i just don't think there are that many people that spend like 12 hours a day here doing patriot stuff.

i am not sure it is about individuals, but about the group

and as the group becomes this smaller, i consider myself individually targeted.

maybe they don't care about us

nothing was planned here

i didn't have shit to do with that stuff

and neither did qresearch from what i saw

but they want the entire "misinformation" information infrastructure

the problem for them

i am not breaking any laws

and neither is anyone else

so the only way to shut down the information they don't like

is to smear us as terrorist

i do think they are after me personally. whatever

i am not one of millions.

maybe not one of thousands

or maybe i have an ego problem

that i needed to share with the group

but yea

i take it personal

i'm like a pretty peaceful activist dude doing my thing in here to make the world a better place

and mother fuckers be callin me a domestic terrorist and shit

hello america

schizophrenics with keyboards are not your problem.

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2ef6ef  No.12493731


Here's an archive of the old page https://archive.is/gvZ4n doesn't seem like they didn't have the ability to become citizens. Archive is from March 2019.

"Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, was a breast cancer scientist who immigrated to the United States from Madras (now Chennai) in 1960. Her father, Donald Harris, is a Stanford University economics professor who emigrated from Jamaica in 1961 for graduate study in economics at University of California, Berkeley."

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55fd45  No.12493732

File: 6c67ed3b4970bf9⋯.png (240.74 KB, 415x279, 415:279, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

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8b63ed  No.12493733


i did see adam schiff there

he spoke on the floor

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68cf10  No.12493734

Top Health Official Confirms: Those Who Refuse COVID Vaccine Will Be Placed on Registry

Putting law-abiding citizens on government lists has been and always will be a bad idea.

Despite this, Spain is compiling a register of every citizen who refuses to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

That list will be shared with other European Union nations, according to BBC News.

Spain’s Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, announced the news during an interview with La Sexta television on Dec. 28.

“What will be done is a register, which will be shared with our European partners … of those people who have been offered it and have simply rejected it,” he said.

People who are offered a therapy that they refuse for any reason, it will be noted in the register … that there is no error in the system, not to have given this person the possibility of being vaccinated.”

Illa added that the list would not be made public and would be compiled “with the utmost respect for data protection.”

BBC News reported that, according to a recent poll, 28 percent of Spanish citizens said they will opt out of getting the vaccine.

Government overreach has defined Spain’s response to the coronavirus.

In addition to the newly announced registry, Spain is under a nationwide curfew until early May, according to BBC News.

Still, problems created by the curfew pale in comparison to the dangers caused by a government list of citizens.

One of the biggest problems posed by COVID vaccines is the lack of trust in them.

In order to address the pandemic, they were rushed through production at unprecedented speeds.

Because of this, many people across the world are concerned the vaccines have not been properly vetted.

While there is no substantial evidence to suggest anything is wrong with the vaccines, citizens should have a right to decide whether they get inoculated.

Although a list that shows citizens’ vaccination preferences could have benefits, people should have the right to not be put on a government list that might be used to strip their rights.

Spain has allowed this to happen, but given how COVID crazy that many in the United States have become, how long will it be until such a policy is introduced in America?


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ee956b  No.12493735


Jeff Bezos is the head of Cabal. All other leaders, example Bloomberg in the east, report to him.

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18b007  No.12493736

File: 6fd036dc6af6eef⋯.jpg (38.43 KB, 920x575, 8:5, hologram.jpg)

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878ebf  No.12493737


>Hallmark has asked Senators Josh Hawley and Roger Marshall to give back their campaign contributions for voting against certifying the election.

Anon now feels no moral quandaries over "streaming" Hallmark movies.

Felt a few before, but not too strong since they cucked to the race mixing and homo crowd.

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68cf10  No.12493738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c685dd  No.12493739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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64f98b  No.12493740


I remember when you tried that one six months ago. Still lame

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452d50  No.12493741


Stop for bewbs and memes.

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a4f70d  No.12493742


>How does she last so long?

How is it even ALLOWED?

System is obviously fucking broken if one generation can establish themselves in these various positions of power and remain there for several generations, just to constantly leech of the public and never do a goddam thing to better our lives, while covering up DECADES worth of very serious crimes that never even make it on record, let alone attempt to find a resolution, as anyone who dares speak up gets "suicided" like we're already living behind the goddam iron curtain

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bb2097  No.12493743


I suspect it won't be any day that we expect.

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315547  No.12493744


Agree, it's unambiguous to patriots. It is ambiguous in that the patriots definition is different to reality in 2021. There were different opinions even at founding, in that it wasn't unanimous, but otherwise, agree with you.

The Naturalization act of 1790 defined natural born as born of US citizens without regard to where. The Naturalization act of 1795 changed that to such a child being a citizen rather than a natural born citizen. That's definitely ambiguous

If we live through this, an amendment should be added that explicitly defines the eligibility.

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66c619  No.12493745

File: f694219f0763909⋯.png (1.35 MB, 907x709, 907:709, ClipboardImage.png)


>is it just me or is the impeachment just to maybe get republicans to save face after jan 6th? which is something they will never be forgiving for!

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e5d35b  No.12493746

File: c5501fd31a786a4⋯.png (12.39 KB, 168x255, 56:85, trump_stay_with_me.png)

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3bcd44  No.12493747

Was there any update or news on the two bombs ? The narrative and troop build up (so crazy) basically matches them going off. It’s crazy to imagine if those were suppose to be real.

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f1a208  No.12493748

File: cdf3738afa95817⋯.jpeg (26.7 KB, 255x208, 255:208, cdf3738afa958175d95bfdd74….jpeg)

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c685dd  No.12493749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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469a56  No.12493750


FFS that was known long ago. But, BO, blah blah. His momma and daddy were citizens. His momma married the dude and went to Kenya coz she was prego. Pics of his daddy are in early breads.

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000000  No.12493751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I already know you kikes love baby dick, your point?

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526807  No.12493752

File: bf0bbee8a6227bc⋯.jpeg (128.22 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, bf0bbee8a6227bc5aac67f3e9….jpeg)

Game is over. Pelosi lost and is on the run. Four more moves.

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10209a  No.12493753

File: 9dd0d16861e9fd3⋯.png (1.42 MB, 916x768, 229:192, ClipboardImage.png)

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885716  No.12493754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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8b63ed  No.12493755


yeah, it's a lot of good footage

you put that together?

i hope more anons check it out

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7d2d27  No.12493756


The residents cannot be forced to take an experimental vaccine (EUA) against their will.

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0c4091  No.12493757


I go directly to the comments

they are always smarter and more informative

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a40176  No.12493758


I don’t believe it’s over…. I just don’t believe that.


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938f3d  No.12493759


Tax him heavily and then all his money is gone. If they want to push socialism on us they have to play the game too.

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36e012  No.12493760

File: 36b18fb7607c763⋯.png (10.02 KB, 1073x529, 1073:529, Sophistry.png)

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958560  No.12493761


Since I stay zero, I clicked it. Thanks anon.

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66c619  No.12493762


>How is it even ALLOWED?

rigged elections and no term limits!

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149489  No.12493763


>▶Anonymous (You) 01/12/21 (Tue) 23:38:26149489 (5) No.12493606

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22c082  No.12493764

>>12491446 (PB)

>>12491019 (PB)

As a congress critter, she doesn't need a permit to carry on the Capitol grounds and even in chambers. Her personal effects cannot be searched.


>>12491095 (PB)

Had one. It ran until it didn't. Abandoned it at the repair shop because the fix was more than the car was worth. They didn't mind, so probably they were jacking me on the repair cost. Bought a Geo Metro hatchback. I could get 20 8ft 2x4s in it and still close the hatch. Ran that car until the sheet metal started falling off. Got 52 mpg on its inaugural long trip at upwards of 86 mph through the farmlands of Wisconsin on my way to Minnesota.

>>12491344 (PB)

Hey Kamala … you gonna bail these bitches out, too?

>>12491368 (PB)

That's because the GOP is self-destructing. Nobody who supported this illegal election should expect re-election. Most of them will not even survive their next primary.

>>12491459 (PB)

That would get 88% of the population pissed at 12%. Yeah … that should work wonders for unity. I have blacks in my family – they hate grifters like this guy who set race relations back every time they open their mouths.

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d92837  No.12493765

File: 82f757d697d9199⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d41f0  No.12493766

Well..Im resigned to the fact that if Trump doesnt end up draining the swamp…at least we'll have fun here fucking up Bidens shit on a daily basis.


Someone needs to update the pepes when that happens.

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c685dd  No.12493767

File: dd06559fa068739⋯.jpg (91.61 KB, 804x803, 804:803, bbd.jpg)

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731464  No.12493768


>Seattle is getting rid of the elderly

Seattle was the first point of entry one year ago.

Nancy waited for it.

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e0b147  No.12493769


FEMA is in charge of the country RIGHT NOW

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18b007  No.12493770


punitive damages

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a75723  No.12493771


no, but the dragon prophecy mentions an island floating away

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29700b  No.12493772

COVID-19 & The Emergence Of The Pandemic Industrial Complex

But in addition to this, there is the fact that governments – particularly in the West – have been caught using dubious or disorganized methods to tally COVID-19 deaths – meaning that both IFR and CFR numbers could be easily skewed.

The article revealed that Public Health England had “included everyone who had tested positive [for COVID-19], even if they died months afterwards and their death may have had another cause.”

The Real Impact of COVID-19

Based on what were clearly misused and incomplete statistics, the US, the UK, and much of Western Europe have led the world in stoking unprecedented hysteria, enforcing travel restrictions and lockdowns, including the closing of businesses and schools, and grinding the economies of the world to a halt either directly or indirectly – in a manner similar to but with an impact much greater than the US-led global “War on Terror” starting in 2001.

Pressure from “international organizations” like the World Health Organization (WHO) using its UN-affiliated platform to declare a “global pandemic,” along with Western governments and the corporations that dominate foreign and domestic policy, has created a global crisis – not in terms of human health, but in terms of socioeconomics.

Businesses are closed – not because those who regularly run or patronize them are in hospital beds or dead – but by order of governments, and with official policy backing from organizations like the WHO.

The mainstream media has played a key role in this – not only repeating narratives provided by governments and healthcare institutions uncritically, but refusing to fulfill their role as watchdogs and investigators searching out impropriety.

It is a state of hysteria that is crippling small and medium-sized businesses (SME), but a boon to big-business.

Headlines from papers like the Wall Street Journal admit, “Big Tech Companies Reap Gains as Covid-19 Fuels Shift in Demand,” or as the Guardian reported, “Amazon third-quarter earnings soar as pandemic sales triple profits,” make it clear that some big-businesses are profiting from the hysteria.

Moreover, the Guardian report, “The mystery of which US businesses are profiting from the coronavirus bailout,” reveals how struggling big-businesses are being bailed out by government money – while the SME sector, the real pulse of any vibrant economy and society – is being left behind.

But there is one industry who stands out above all others to benefit, an industry notorious for its deeply rooted corruption, and an industry that has already been caught using its ties with international organizations like the WHO to declare pandemics, stoke hysteria, and profit handsomely from the resulting chaos.

It’s the West’s pharmaceutical industry.

At no time in human history has it been more powerful and influential than it is now. And at no other time in human history has it been so dangerous.

Big-Pharma: The Least Trustworthy Pandemic Partner

Western Big-Pharma’s profiteering and corruption under ordinary circumstances is already shocking. The current climate of public confusion, panic, and growing socioeconomic desperation only invites the industry’s impropriety to new levels.

Pharmaceutical corporations like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, and Moderna – having received billions of dollars directly or indirectly from taxpayers to develop COVID-19 vaccines – have long, documented histories of corruption, including bribing regulators, doctors, and governments.

They have also been caught falsifying safety and efficacy data. They have promoted the use of their products for patients in cases not approved of by regulators, including on children.

They have even been caught knowingly selling products they knew were dangerous or even deadly – withholding critical information from both regulators and the public.

Pfizer alone – as its COVID-19 vaccine began rolling out publicly – was under investigation this year, according to its own Security Exchange Commission (SEC) filing, for its Greenstone generics business over antitrust concerns, for manufacturing issues regarding Quillivant XR, regarding quality issues over the manufacturing of auto-injectors, over corruption inquiries regarding its Russian and Chinese operations, and in regards to lawsuits in Mexico over the manufacturing of Zantac and a cancer-causing chemical called N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) found in the product.

The investigation regarding Zantac finally prompted the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – who had originally approved the drug – to request it be pulled from the market after finding it is indeed linked to an increased likelihood of causing cancer.

The Wall Street Journal in a 2020 article titled, “Pfizer Receives Inquiry From SEC Bribery Unit,” would note of Pfizer’s past scandals that:

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207ff3  No.12493773


got deja vu from this

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885716  No.12493774


Incited fuck autocorrect

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452d50  No.12493775

File: ba0db77b8779cb8⋯.jpeg (47.17 KB, 600x471, 200:157, C9595B95_1F10_4FFE_B0C4_B….jpeg)

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9b989a  No.12493776

>>12490427 Dig on 'Gary Forbes'

Sharing a fucking SNOPES article is NOT a "dig", you lazy, faggot.

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737f5f  No.12493777

11 til 13

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bb42c5  No.12493778

File: 3474b64f0e89401⋯.png (96.2 KB, 254x254, 1:1, nose.png)

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958560  No.12493779


From 2016 talking about forces controlling both parties and how we need justice or this country is fukd. Suit yourself though.

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000000  No.12493780


Lmao copy-cat-kike at it again.

Must suck not being able to come up with your own shit.

Fucking loser.

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7d2d27  No.12493781


Secondly, how do they vaccinate a “facility”?

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f90b0b  No.12493782

File: e7ffd521f6e43d1⋯.jpeg (44.29 KB, 383x384, 383:384, 70507898_0CF8_4D3A_B051_6….jpeg)


Anon Who’s ass is this ???? KEK

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000000  No.12493783

>>12493062 Dough

#15950 FINAL Notables

>>12493130 @TimRunsHisMouth has been put in #TwitterJail

>>12493157 Illinois to withhold federal tax breaks

>>12493715 William J. Burns, the Carnrgie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert minibun

>>12493207 Here's the List of Powerful Companies Cutting Off Trump and His Supporters After Capitol Siege

>>12493149 Thomas Wictor - I won't denounce President Trump (video)

>>12493251 Capitol Hill Coup Antagonist is Radical Climate Change Activist

>>12493289 Cumulus censors Mark Levin and others over their belief that the election was fraudulent

>>12493346 Man Was Selling Child Porn on Twitter Using Coded Language: Court Docs

>>12493414 Google suspends Trump's YouTube account, disables comments

>>12493528 Owner of Bitcoin Exchange Sentenced to Prison for Money Laundering

>>12493535 PF Report

>>12493489 Pompeo canceled his trip to Belgium

>>12493554 Three Charged with Illegally Exporting Goods to Iran

>>12493604 Rep. Matt Rosendale Calls For Rep. Cheney To Step Down As Republican Conference Chair"

>>12493625 Rep. Andy Biggs calls on Liz Cheney to resign from Republican leadership post over her support for impeaching Trump.

>>12493639 Space Force Guardians Satellite Activities ?? Pompeo and State Dept. Twats about Iran War Drums ???

>>12493646 UCG Joint statement saying solarwinds attack was of Russian origin

>>12493709 PBS lawyer fired after championing ‘REEDUCATION CAMPS’ for children of Trump supporters in latest Project Veritas sting

>>12493734 Top Spanish Health Official Confirms: Those Who Refuse COVID Vaccine Will Be Placed on Registry


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51ba71  No.12493784

Do any OldAnons remember early on it was said that Pelosi was playing her part? As in- some got forced out of Congress ( Paul Ryan), some refused to go ( No-Name) and others, like Nancy, agreed to play a role. That has stuck with me and I have always wondered if NP is just playing her role? Anyone remember?

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4c8ac6  No.12493785

File: 3bbbab9583b709b⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Riots_they_pepper_sprayed_….mp4)

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70f9de  No.12493786

>>12493607 It would save him a billion in legal costs for spurious suits.

I say go for it. The Left set the RoE, let them live with it.

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878ebf  No.12493787

File: a9cd52335aca077⋯.jpg (116.41 KB, 843x1116, 281:372, a9cd52335aca077fa370dd2d0e….jpg)

File: bc961f80f87b7ce⋯.png (14.33 KB, 82x97, 82:97, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)


>Stop for bewbs and memes.


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000000  No.12493788


Trump is in charge of FEMA… and the military, for that matter.

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f078a7  No.12493789



Wtf is this a homo thing?

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64f98b  No.12493790

File: a58676b5a057382⋯.jpg (26.01 KB, 399x600, 133:200, 0eb38713becee422855734305b….jpg)

File: 59df8c190a8db10⋯.jpg (10.58 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 755e8123857a4d78954ed02685….jpg)

File: 3ddeb2389e77ea1⋯.png (89.94 KB, 722x700, 361:350, 3ddeb2389e77ea110054748f4d….png)

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029bc1  No.12493791

All this NG activity in DC is strange as fuck. The only thing that makes it make sense is if the military is actually going to move on these DS fuckers. But while a soldier's job is to follow orders, a soldier must also believe in the mission. Just telling the NG arrest Pelosi or Biden is not sufficient enough. Sure they might follow the order, but they will be confused as fuck, and might stand down if given contradicting orders or given an appeal to their hearts by people like Pelosi, Biden, and the media. If the NG is to act on these traitors, they must have a motivation to go along with the orders. You'll have to show them pics or videos or some treasonous shit.

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54ae89  No.12493792



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a0ddfb  No.12493793


ok, that was funny

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eba3a9  No.12493794

When I hire someone to build a deck, if they don't do what we agreed to, and I paid them for, I am up in their face demanding satisfaction. Why do we let our elected officials get away with anything less? We should be acting like the bosses we the people are.

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9dc848  No.12493795

comfy freeze

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a2a94e  No.12493796

Members of the following groups are the absolute scourge of humanity:

* Congress

* C_A

* F_I

* Freemason Pig Cops

* Kikes

* Chinks

* Big Tech Faggots

* Big Business

* Big Pharma and Vaccine Faggots

* Comped Judges


* Social Media Platforms

* Hollywood

* Pedos

* Cannibals

* Pedovores

* Music Industry Faggots

* Big City Gubmint Officials

* Comped Politicians (Kemp, Raffensberger, Parent, Abrams)

* Tranny Promoters

You are about to get rounded up for your crimes against humanity and God's nature. It is going to be the most gratifying time in patriots' lives.

We will never fall for your shit again. God Wins and you satanic bastards are about to lose in an epic way.


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f5d5d2  No.12493797

File: 976680031407b2d⋯.jpg (367.4 KB, 1080x842, 540:421, LordsStorm.jpg)

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885716  No.12493798

File: d28bc897568fb17⋯.jpg (30.6 KB, 383x462, 383:462, 1609708165950.jpg)


But but Snoped debunked it!


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1d45be  No.12493799

File: 3619531a9be5e03⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1136x640, 71:40, 1776_Bitches.png)


~ Thomas Jefferson

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149489  No.12493800


Drain the dirty gene pool by hanging theae fuckers by the neck until dead

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64f98b  No.12493802


I remember that one from a year ago. Such failure

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885716  No.12493803



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d069ba  No.12493804


Direct physical proof Trump’s speech did NOT cause the capital incident. The speech was 1.5 miles away from the capital building.

Whoever stormed the place was already there BEFORE the speech ended.

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f06f54  No.12493805

F BeeEye anon here, we’re wat hing you guys, soon we’ll be talking tomyou face tomface. You’ll be restrainedof course. This shit hole will

E going down soon, say some stupid terrist shit for us while you can though. Thanks!


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54ae89  No.12493806

File: ed0ca2b77fe0299⋯.png (210.5 KB, 400x267, 400:267, ClipboardImage.png)

Holocaust Museum Head Explains How

The Complete Lack of Physical Evidence Of The HolocaustIs Proof It Happened

Dec. 2020

"There is no physical evidence for the Holocaust", according to Dr Ephraim Kaye of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel:

"Essentially, Holocaust denial is part and parcel of the history of the Holocaust itself."

The most glaring, blatant example is the largest death camp - Auschwitz-Birkenau - this is a death camp - that began its killing operations in March 1942 until November 1944 when the facility was closed down because the Russians were getting too close.

"During that 2 1/2 years, it’s anywhere between 1.2 and 1.4 million people were murdered -90% were Jews - and the chilling fact is when you come back and you visit that facility today - 18, 19 times with different groups - IDF officers - educators - which geographically is a tremendous area - it had 60,000 permanent prisoners at any given time - and you walk around and you look for the physical evidence of the destruction of 1.2 to 1.4 million people - what’s distressing, and depressing is that you really don’t find it."

"You don’t find the mountains of clothing of victims that arrived there. You don’t find mountains of ashes and bones - it was taken in trucks and dumped in the Vistula (River) or the swamp around Auschwitz."

"You don’t see the actual buildings of the crematoria or gas chambers""- they were blown up by the Germans before they retreat in 1945. - the actual destruction process."

"Treblinka - one of the small death camps - where between the 22nd of July, 1942 and the 2nd of August 1943 - it’s estimated that 900,000 Jews were murdered in those 13 months at Treblinka."unbelievable"- "there is nothing there''.

"But when you look for physical evidence, there’s nothing there"- because before that camp was closed down - by the way because of a Jewish prisoner revolt on the 2nd of August, 1943 - but in the Spring of 1943, there were no crematoria at Treblinka -there were gas chambers - bodies were buried in tremendous deep graves that were dug by steam shovels - at Treblinka. Himmler gave an order to dig everything up - destroy everything - and disperse it in the entire area - which was done - and Jewish prisoners had to do this work. A person visits today Treblinka and sees nothing."

"A person visits Belzec or Chelmno, or Sobibor - hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered in those death camps, and you can’t see anything."

"Where shooting operations took place - not gassing operations - Babi Yar where we know there were 30,000 Jews were murdered there in the end of September,1941 - all together close to 60.000 Jews in ’41 and ’42 - and you dig it up, you should find some physical evidence - bodies, bones, something - that doesn’t disappear - it’s not there because it was all dug up by a special, top secret operation commanded by SS Paul Blobel, called 1005 - personally created by Himmler in the Spring of 1942."

The Germans at their height of military superiority in 1942, and they decide to go back and to clean up the mess they made. They went back to Babi Yar, the Rumbula Forest near Riga, the seventh and ninth fort near Kovna, the Ponary near Vilna where tens of thousands of Jews had been murdered in ’41 and ’42. They dug it up - cleaned it out - disappeared.'''

*^Source of Quotes: Video of Ephraim Kaye: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CLKptQmUR8

*At the alleged height of the killing operation in 1943-the Jewish press published a cover story explaining why there would be no physical evidence of any mass murders of Jews at the end of the war.

The Jews had already committed to the “Holocaust” narrative so as to justify the establishment of Israel, but because they made it all up-with the help of Academy Award-winning screenwriter, Ben Hecht- there wasn’t going to be any physical evidence.

Credibility Problem- Both Auschwitz and Treblinka were built in swampy areas where the water table was very high. If you attempted to dig a mass grave, as Ephraim Kaye contends, it would immediately fill with water. And if the Germans merely threw millions of tons of clothing into the Vistula River, that evidence could easily be dredged up today.

No evidence of mass murder at Treblinka: it was a Transit Camp, not a “death camp” with “gas chambers”. According to these ridiculous Jewish “eye witnesses,” the Germans used a diesel-powered submarine engine from a Soviet submarine to gas the Jews at Treblinka. (diesel not poisonous enough to kill).

Sauce: https://christiansfortruth.com/holocaust-museum-head-explains-how-the-complete-lack-of-physical-evidence-of-the-holocaust-is-proof-it-happened/

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64f98b  No.12493807


You gonna miss out

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d6d017  No.12493808

File: b081e393cbae2ba⋯.png (22.36 KB, 993x229, 993:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae6b602720c7cc9⋯.png (39.55 KB, 683x559, 683:559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c935fe20830164b⋯.png (38.26 KB, 670x525, 134:105, ClipboardImage.png)

Sorry if old


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ae1b6a  No.12493809

>>12492681 (pb)

>So Bongino and Hannity were spouting off the last 2 days about Hunter Biden Pedo stuff on the laptop thats about to drop.

WTF? do you have a peanut in your head? CIA Sean and Dan Clinton Bongino did not say a fucking WORD about the laptop when it dropped in OCTOBER.

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97ddee  No.12493810


Isn't SNOWDEN in Russia?

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000000  No.12493811


I mean, gay jews amirite?

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737f5f  No.12493812

File: 1e0c3d7c2155acd⋯.jpeg (658.36 KB, 828x1112, 207:278, 729EB73F_9377_4AF7_9881_F….jpeg)

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55fd45  No.12493813

File: f2269284a366e18⋯.png (964.77 KB, 1366x569, 1366:569, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

File: 855a3782fcfd8d3⋯.png (330.48 KB, 634x595, 634:595, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

File: 41d90321233c865⋯.png (159.65 KB, 436x272, 109:68, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)


green "not so new" deal is actually red. can't make this shit up…

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42b501  No.12493814


Can someone put that stache on her.

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312293  No.12493816

No Tuby For POTUS.

Wakey Wakey, Hands of Snakey.


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a0ddfb  No.12493817


Is he on the no-fly list now?

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e46797  No.12493818

Testing. Board still alive?

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36e012  No.12493819


Transition of power to whom?

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64f98b  No.12493820


Recycled lame, much fail

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29700b  No.12493821

File: 67eb5ce3207231e⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 500x297, 500:297, pandemic_security_21st_cen….jpg)


Part 2

COVID-19 & The Emergence Of The Pandemic Industrial Complex

Pfizer has had past run-ins with U.S. authorities over allegations of bribery among its operations abroad. The company in 2012 agreed to pay $60.2 million to settle investigations by the SEC and the Justice Department into alleged violations of the FCPA in several countries in Europe and Asia, including China and Russia.

The US Department of Justice in its own statement regarding part of the 2012 payout by Pfizer would note:

According to court documents, Pfizer H.C.P. made a broad range of improper payments to numerous government officials in Bulgaria, Croatia, Kazakhstan and Russia – including hospital administrators, members of regulatory and purchasing committees and other health care professionals – and sought to improperly influence government decisions in these countries regarding the approval and registration of Pfizer Inc. products, the award of pharmaceutical tenders and the level of sales of Pfizer Inc. products. According to court documents, Pfizer H.C.P. used numerous mechanisms to improperly influence government officials, including sham consulting contracts, an exclusive distributorship and improper travel and cash payments.

Such bribery might help explain why Pfizer and other pharmaceutical corporations are able to sell dangerous products like cancer-causing Zantac or – in the case of fellow COVID-19 vaccine producer Johnson and Johnson – cancer-causing baby powder – for years before mounting lawsuits and public outrage spur regulators to finally do their job properly.

In Johnson & Johnson’s case, a Reuters investigation would note (emphasis added):

Facing thousands of lawsuits alleging that its talc caused cancer, J&J insists on the safety and purity of its iconic product. But internal documents examined by Reuters show that the company’s powder was sometimes tainted with carcinogenic asbestos and that J&J kept that information from regulators and the public.

What this illustrates is a consistent pattern of corruption stretching across Pfizer’s (and Johnson & Johnson’s) manufacturing process to their business practices and spanning years. It is an entire industry that repeatedly engages in dangerous impropriety, is repeatedly investigated and fined, but allowed to not only continue conducting business – but is still entrusted with matters critical to public healthcare.

The implications it has for the process of developing, approving, producing, and distributing vaccines for COVID-19 should be obvious.

The 2009 H1N1 “Heist”

Despite the immense amount of publicly-known corruption engaged in by the Western pharmaceutical industry and the obviously troubling implications it has for the current COVID-19 vaccine rollout – it is only one dimension of a much wider problem.

There is also the Western pharmaceutical industry’s known history of creating public scares to attract massive government contracts and wield power and influence over public discourse regarding human healthcare issues.

The same large corporate media outlets today helping fuel public hysteria regarding COVID-19 and promoting big-pharma’s vaccine rollout had previously reported on past instances of big-pharma crying “pandemic,” using its influence over international organizations like the WHO, and securing massive government contracts worth billions of dollars for unnecessary and ineffective medication and vaccines.

Think back to 2009 and the H1N1 “Swine Flu” scare. Following the WHO’s dramatic declaration of a “global pandemic,” the headlines and articles from the mainstream Western media read almost identical to those being circulated today regarding COVID-19.

NPR in a 2009 article would claim:

Seven months into the flu pandemic of 2009, North America leads the world in cases, the WHO says.

Unlike elsewhere, the new H1N1 never exited stage left after its debut appearance in late April. In fact, it’s making more noise than ever. Mexico has experienced more cases of pandemic flu since September than it did over the first four months of the pandemic this spring.

The ratcheting up of hysteria continued both from the WHO and across the Western media, accompanied by drives to fund vaccine development and stockpile medication like Roche’s Tamiflu.

The UK Daily Mail in a 2009 article titled, “Tamiflu: What you MUST know as swine flu threatens to strike,” would claim:

The Government has announced that stocks of drugs – known as antivirals – to fight the imminent threat of a swine flu pandemic are being built up to cover more than 50million people – or 80 per cent of the country’s population.


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5ccf72  No.12493822

File: de5734ca2bee954⋯.jpg (182.07 KB, 1280x1617, 1280:1617, 0_Anna.jpg)

>>12492521 (lb)

>Anna Q Terrace Gubin

Second pic in search. kek

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a97be0  No.12493824


Is this the path to a blue checkmark?

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4c5673  No.12493825

>[C]oats before [D]eclas.

What is coats?

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4c8ac6  No.12493826

File: 0d79dbd3050b021⋯.png (259.15 KB, 486x543, 162:181, 0d79dbd3050b0218968891d050….png)

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469a56  No.12493828

File: 60b64848077bc7b⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, FALSE_FLAG_SET_UP.png)

false flag setup

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426bb3  No.12493829


THE BIG LIE. That is 100% of all their narrative now. Commie playbook 101. TBL. TBL. TBL

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64f98b  No.12493830


Closet homo Iranians

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c685dd  No.12493832


Where are your digs on the Rothschilds, rabbi?

Your post is intended to fail to prosecute a single elite jew crimihal.

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2ef6ef  No.12493834

File: 369413e140585de⋯.jpg (324.6 KB, 1363x1129, 1363:1129, pepe_doesn_t_understand.jpg)

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8b63ed  No.12493835


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b9649a  No.12493836

File: ecc54be8d29c99a⋯.jpg (135.37 KB, 1475x1244, 1475:1244, twilightzone.JPG)

While everyone, including Rush Limbaugh are trying to tell us the 2020 election is “Just the way it is folks, it’s a club and Trump ain't in it” and we need to vote for change in the future is pure bullshit. We were suspect of fraud in 2012 but Romney acted like a pompous fool so, maybe Obama won with a crap for an economy, maybe. In 2018 I thought well maybe we lost the house too but on November 3rd 2020 ALL America and the most of the world witnessed vote counts being literally flipped right in front of our eyes from Trump’s total to Biden’s, over 200,000 votes over the voter rolls, etc., etc., etc. BOTH Parties, state and federal, accepted a clearly fraudulent election overriding the vast majority of American voters. We were always suspicious but now WE truly know it truly is rigged to where ‘they’ both determine who wins and who losses; in a rotation if you will. So, when some conservative TV or radio hosts says “We can change it all in the future! Hold the line!”, they are part of the phyops of “Nothing to see here” move on. In closing, Congress is telling us a candidate that didn’t campaign and was selling higher taxes and is owned by China beat a candidate that did more for Americans in 4 years while being attacked the entire time, from both sides, and still had a massive following lost. 2016 was a fluke where they didn’t adjust the cheating enough for Hillary to win. The Genie is out of the bottle Congress; we now know you drive who gets in and taken out, not the American people. America is over unless Trump does something.

Sorry to be concern fag nut this is a nightmare.

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30ddf4  No.12493837


LBJ took his oath in AF1 on the tarmac in Dallas.

Gerry Ford took his at the WH, if memory serves. Where doesn’t matter.

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9dc848  No.12493839


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cde8da  No.12493840



took right out of my mouth…..

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312293  No.12493841

No Tube For POTUS.


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a40176  No.12493844


Doctor anons, we are gonna need you for fake COVID vaccine cards….where u at?

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db75ba  No.12493846


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a75723  No.12493847

last 50

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626745  No.12493848


These people are too obvious, how in the hell do that not know they have no power. Group think and echo chamber, so utterly ridiculous but these are people who are elected.

Think Maxine and Hank Johnson, yup those really retarded people

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e4c5a3  No.12493849

Anyone who would listen to Geraldo after the Al Capone's Vault thing is… an idiot.

Hope Q doesn't end the same way…

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1d45be  No.12493853

File: 60fe8b415a2b135⋯.jpg (170.69 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 1776_Again.jpg)

File: 69db48c23c928bd⋯.png (73.88 KB, 500x378, 250:189, Freedom_dispenser.png)


~ Thomas Jefferson

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a0ddfb  No.12493855

File: c936f9d95347aca⋯.jpg (108 KB, 564x350, 282:175, JFK_plot_to_enslave.jpg)

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812f1e  No.12493856


Because come election time we are faced with two choices who have been determined by the establishment. One D one R. We may not like either of them, but we do our "civic duty" and vote for the lesser of two evils.

They know they have us by the balls and have made the process so despicable that normal Americans don't want to run.

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0c4091  No.12493857


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40c470  No.12493858


Also member of Shadow Government (National Security Action

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d45420  No.12493859

File: 3341cd07d518861⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 297x246, 99:82, 3f649767c337a80c849d421161….jpg)

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9dc848  No.12493861


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ded1a9  No.12493864



Thank you. I must have read it before even this version. It is not the same - changes have been made several times.

Could have been when watching dem debates. Wiki keeps changing and cleaning it up. (lying)

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e0b147  No.12493865


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34feb0  No.12493866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c15c77  No.12493868


Cool story.

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54ae89  No.12493869

File: d2006d259961558⋯.png (82.78 KB, 311x162, 311:162, ClipboardImage.png)


*2020 When the Israeli Jew shill is such a Cultural Fail with its' slander of Patriot anons that it has to post an EXPLANATION of the term the Jew shill is using to slander anons with: "IRGC", and/or a Foreign Flag…

and then JEW'SPLAIN what it means, and what foreign country that Foreign Flag represents because Patriot anon wrote earlier this year that "IRGC" is "unknown" and "wtf is that foreign flag?"

The Israeli Jew shill now claims that Patriot anon is "iranian" because since the JEW'SPLAINING, anon now "knows" what "IRGC" and "foreign flag" is.

*Only an ISRAELi Jew shill would focus so much and know so much detail about Iran. We, The People don't think about Iran.

*Dec. 2020

The Jewish shill's new Dec. 2020 slander of "you are using Marxist Jew logic" and "you are defending Marxism" (accusing Goy anons of being "a Jew") is ridiculous because

** "Jew logic" is an Oxymoron.

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644e91  No.12493871


>punitive damages

For MAGA yes

But optics for Dems would be muh socialism

Seriously considering becoming a Democrat just so I could vote for someone that would pass a law that deprives these sick evil greedy Jew boys of all their shekels by extreme taxation.

We could definitely make this pendulum swing far left if we wanted to. Then we could wipe out all of big techs wealth by taxation.

They fucked us. Let’s fuck them harder

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29700b  No.12493872



Part 3

But as hysteria faded, the truth emerged. Articles began to appear like this one from Reuters in 2014 titled, “Stockpiles of Roche Tamiflu drug are waste of money, review finds,” which noted:

Researchers who have fought for years to get full data on Roche’s flu medicine Tamiflu said on Thursday that governments who stockpile it are wasting billions of dollars on a drug whose effectiveness is in doubt.

The article also pointed out:

Tamiflu sales hit almost $3 billion in 2009 – mostly due to its use in the H1N1 flu pandemic – but they have since declined.

There were also Roche’s financial ties to WHO experts who designated the appearance of H1N1 as a “pandemic,” helping pave the way for the public hysteria required to fuel Roche’s profits from selling what was essentially a useless drug to government stockpiles.

The BBC in their 2010 article, “WHO swine flu experts ‘linked’ with drug companies,” would report:

Key scientists behind World Health Organization advice on stockpiling of pandemic flu drugs had financial ties with companies which stood to profit, an investigation has found.

Roche was mentioned by name by the BBC (emphasis added):

The advice prompted many countries around the world into buying up large stocks of Tamiflu, made by Roche, and Relenza manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline.

Despite these revelations post-H1N1 after 2009, the very same actors have taken the stage for a repeat performance in 2020 – with little to no alarm from the same media organizations who ignored the H1N1 “heist” in 2009 and reluctantly reported on it only long after the damage was done.

Big-Pharma’s Pandemic Industrial Complex

Over the past ten years – big pharma’s control over the WHO and its influence over both the media and Western governments has only grown.

Powerful organizations like the Wellcome Trust – which claims to be an “independent foundation” funded through an investment portfolio – counts several large pharmaceutical corporations – Novartis, Roche, Johnson & Johnson, and Abbott Labs – on their list of “significant directly held public equity holdings.”

Its governance includes representatives from the pharmaceutical industry, various Western governments, academia, the media, and of course the WHO itself.

It is an institutionalization of the conflicting interests that have tolerated, accommodated, even helped expand the unwarranted power, wealth, influence, and corruption of big pharma.

And while Wellcome Trust claims to be “independent” of corporate and government ties, alongside the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – it has helped create another front organization called The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) – through which it accepts and disperses huge amounts of Western taxpayers’ money.

The work of CEPI directly impacts the business prospects of many of the corporations Wellcome Trust owns stocks in – with its investments paying off above average amid this most recent round of public hysteria and government spending on this latest declared pandemic.

International Publishers Limited in an article titled, “Wellcome Trust ‘prospers’ under COVID-19 fallout with 12.3% return,” would report:

Wellcome Trust’s portfolio has not just survived, but prospered, in the highly volatile environment following the COVID-19 outbreak, according to Eliza Manningham-Buller, the charity’s chair, introducing its annual report which unveiled a 12.3% return for the year to 30 September 2020, up on the 6.9% of the previous year.

The trust, which supports medical research worldwide, is the UK’s largest charity, with a £29.1bn (€31.9bn) portfolio at end-September 2020. Wellcome’s investments have returned an average 12.1% a year over the past decade.

It’s worth noting that back in March, both Wellcome and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation provided $125 million in “seed funding” to accelerate certain pharmaceutical products claiming to treat COVID-19, including Gilead Science’s antiviral Remdesivir. Despite failing repeatedly in clinical trials, and after the National Institute of Health (NIH) was exposed attempting to rewrite the rules in their attempt to salvage the drug’s reputation as a viable therapeutic for COVID-19 – Remdesivir was continually hyped in the media by Bill Gates and NIH Director Anthony Fauci, and is still defended by the WHO to this day.

It’s also important to note that as of 2020, the number one funder of the World Health Organization is the Bill and Melinda Gates

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d45420  No.12493873

File: 95409fe652dc3b5⋯.jpg (915.36 KB, 2519x1578, 2519:1578, 575ca1b986f3a696c3709127ca….jpg)

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bf7f56  No.12493875


More info please.


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ae1b6a  No.12493876


At least ONE parent must be a citizen and of age to confer that citizenship onto the child. Anchor babies are NOT eligible to be president.

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dcec39  No.12493877


fuck yourself idiot, same drivel day after day

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a0ddfb  No.12493880

File: 8c355c0a8397661⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1280x1570, 128:157, we_the_people_refuse_.png)

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000000  No.12493881


Because you went there…

Not speaking to the plan; I trust it.

Not speaking to his authenticity; we'll find out.


I saw this across Telegram and I coudln't help but think of the part in the movie where they gaslight Schizophrenics/Conspiracy Realists…

A Beautiful Mind

The scene where he's already been diagnosed and "learns the people in his shed aren't real" but then goes back in there and they're like "yo where ya been shit's getting real"

Fuck I'm on Tor…anyway, I'm talking about LLin Wood's Parler post today.

PS niacin is your fren.

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bb42c5  No.12493882

File: 5718cff77986930⋯.png (237.94 KB, 490x327, 490:327, all_so_clear.png)

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f90b0b  No.12493883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000  No.12493885

Q Research General #15951: In Order To Win, You Must Expect To Win Edition

>>12493801 OP

>>12493838 Fresh Bread

>>12493838 Fresh Bread

>>12493838 Fresh Bread

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d45420  No.12493886

File: 2c90725564b8371⋯.jpg (103.58 KB, 416x568, 52:71, 369.jpg)

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c9c06c  No.12493888

File: ea0eb38b7b5ada9⋯.png (1.96 MB, 2398x1092, 1199:546, booby_trap.png)


or Bewbs in Title


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737f5f  No.12493890

File: ff0f25d745991a2⋯.jpeg (96.04 KB, 823x392, 823:392, FFAF02DC_3FE8_4A53_8E4D_0….jpeg)


Get comfy and hear old Bill tell you what he learned was policy when had the Q clearance in the early‘70s.

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dda8a7  No.12493891


Not sure if real, but here's a purported telegram channel


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66c619  No.12493892


>I don’t believe it’s over…. I just don’t believe that.


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000000  No.12493893

Q Research General #15951: In Order To Win, You Must Expect To Win Edition

>>12493801 OP

>>12493838 Fresh Bread

>>12493838 Fresh Bread

>>12493838 Fresh Bread

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000000  No.12493894

Calling all Autist FAGGOTS.

We need instructions for setup to upload.

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b5985a  No.12493895


She's not Irish!

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f30a36  No.12493896


show tits

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d45420  No.12493897

File: 374172633d78999⋯.jpg (256.18 KB, 510x808, 255:404, stimulus.jpg)

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4c8ac6  No.12493900

File: 6ef7c40a990c734⋯.jpg (152.31 KB, 720x1176, 30:49, 20210112_215839.jpg)



NEW: #Google-owned video sharing platform #Youtube has removed new content from President Trump’s account and suspended his channel for at least 1 week, saying that the channel violated its policies. https://t.co/KMC0BnKv82

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