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5c455d  No.12493801[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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000000  No.12493815

Global Announcements

Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" being planned by Patriots

>>12478438, >>12479577 8BIT PSA Potential Resolution for Current ClearNet Issues Effecting Some Anons+

>>12423519 President Trump is the only thing left in the way of the CCP taking our Nation (Video)

>>12422748 Letter from NYE County, NV Chairman - Trump will be President for another 4 years

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12493130 @TimRunsHisMouth has been put in #TwitterJail

>>12493157 Illinois to withhold federal tax breaks

>>12493715 William J. Burns, the Carnrgie Endowment for International Peace and Swamp Alert minibun

>>12493207 Here's the List of Powerful Companies Cutting Off Trump and His Supporters After Capitol Siege

>>12493149 Thomas Wictor - I won't denounce President Trump (video)

>>12493251 Capitol Hill Coup Antagonist is Radical Climate Change Activist

>>12493289 Cumulus censors Mark Levin and others over their belief that the election was fraudulent

>>12493346 Man Was Selling Child Porn on Twitter Using Coded Language: Court Docs

>>12493414 Google suspends Trump's YouTube account, disables comments

>>12493528 Owner of Bitcoin Exchange Sentenced to Prison for Money Laundering

>>12493535 PF Report

>>12493489 Pompeo canceled his trip to Belgium

>>12493554 Three Charged with Illegally Exporting Goods to Iran

>>12493604 Rep. Matt Rosendale Calls For Rep. Cheney To Step Down As Republican Conference Chair"

>>12493625 Rep. Andy Biggs calls on Liz Cheney to resign from Republican leadership post over her support for impeaching Trump.

>>12493639 Space Force Guardians Satellite Activities ?? Pompeo and State Dept. Twats about Iran War Drums ???

>>12493646 UCG Joint statement saying solarwinds attack was of Russian origin

>>12493709 PBS lawyer fired after championing ‘REEDUCATION CAMPS’ for children of Trump supporters in latest Project Veritas sting

>>12493734 Top Spanish Health Official Confirms: Those Who Refuse COVID Vaccine Will Be Placed on Registry

>>12493783 #15950


>>12492451 Bobby Kennedy Jr. live stream.

>>12492462 , >>12492494 PF Report

>>12492582 James O'Keefe saying to follow the Project Veritas account on Telegram

>>12492604 Anons, and patriots: stay OUT of ALL state capitols on January 20th, 2021

>>12492677 Congressman Matt Rosendale calls Liz Cheney 'unfit to lead' and calls for her to step down

>>12492700 "It's truly an obsession. People on the Democrats' side started calling for impeachment the day President Trump was inaugurated." - @Jim_Jordan

>>12492710 DOD to Release Al Qaeda Operative with Ties to 9/11 Terrorist from Gitmo

>>12492723 The MEGA Group: Wexner, Bronfman, Spielberg, Maxwell, Lauder, MOSSAD Influence On US Policies

>>12492734 The White House Launches the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office

>>12492784 The SolarWinds Hackers Shared Tricks With a Notorious Russian Spy Group (narrative?)

>>12492417 When was the presidents speech? When was the capital breached? When did Trump put out his statements? We need sources, we need time stamps, we need proof.

>>12492829 Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Small Modular Reactors for National Defense and Space Exploration

>>12492914 VP Pence will go down in history as a pussy

>>12492922 Biden Fake Personnel Chief Served At Chinese Intel Org Flagged By FBI For Recruiting Western Spies

>>12492890 , >>12492952 Anon posted this almost 1 hour before Jim Jordan basically said the same thing - no coincidences

>>12493018 #15949

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000000  No.12493823


>>12491625 Beijing-Linked Group Tries to Sway US Media With Reporter Trips

>>12491699 GoDaddy kicks biggest gun forum off internet without explanation

>>12491851 Dr Judy Mikovits and Robert F Kennedy Jr on vaccines (video)

>>12491918 BUSTED: Fired PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller Runs Away From James O'Keefe In Washington DC (video)

>>12491958 Who controls the National Guard?

>>12491981 Joint Statement by the Cyber Unified Coordination Group (UCG), composed of the FBI, CISA, and ODNI with support from NSA

>>12491982 'Ndrangheta group: Italy braces for biggest mafia trial in decades

>>12491998 @JackPosobiec The NY Times just backed up the @OANN report that Capitol barricades first breached 20 minutes before Trump speech ended

>>12491979 Anon opine - Did Trump just check mate them?

>>12492108 PF Report

>>12492148 Boeing to pay 25 Million $ to settle Federal Lawsuit alleging fraud on military contracts.

>>12492169 I'm beginning to suspect that Congress is not very serious. The guy who was banging a Chinese spy has been named an 'Impeachment Manager" by Pelosi

>>12492173 BREAKING NEWS: Suspicious package reported outside Capitol building. Officers responding. (Reichstag narrative)

>>12492176 Trump called Pence before he headed to the Capitol on January 6: “You can either go down in history as a patriot or you can go down in history as a pussy.”

>>12492256 #15948


>>12490863 , >>12490885 Pelosi names impeachment managers for Senate trial

>>12490870 , >>12490916 , >>12491002 , >>12491028 , >>12491046 , >>12491393 PF Report

>>12490901 Another Fake Biden pick - CIA - Longtime Diplomat William Burns

>>12491091 CM - Putting your platform under Cloudflare is a mistake. An "enterprise contract" wont help much.

>>12491144 Speaker Pelosi Names Impeachment Managers

>>12491153 On Tuesday, January 12, 2021, the President signed into law: S. 4996, the “Bankruptcy Administration Improvement Act of 2020

>>12491160 WH releases once-secret strategic framework for Indo-Pacific showing goal of deterring China or defeating in a conflict.

>>12491197 Hakeem Jefferies - Keep the pressure on every single person who incited the violent attack on the Capitol.

>>12491334 Kristi Noem Governor - South Dakota has been open, is open and will stay open.

>>12491318 AS THE WORLD TURNS.

>>12491500 #15947

Previously Collected Notables

>>12489237 #15944, >>12490008 #15945, >>12490762 #15946

>>12486908 #15941, >>12487720 #15942, >>12488494 #15943

>>12484678 #15938, >>12485448 #15939, >>12486193 #15940

>>12482256 #15935, >>12483125 #15936, >>12483854 #15937

>>12479932 #15932, >>12480737 #15933, >>12481426 #15934

>>12477609 #15929, >>12478387 #15930, >>12479151 #15931

>>12475284 #15926, >>12476022 #15927, >>12476793 #15928

>>12472820 #15923, >>12473515 #15924, >>12474061 #15925

>>12470430 #15920, >>12471195 #15921, >>12472047 #15922

>>12468090 #15917, >>12468924 #15918, >>12469655 #15919

>>12465825 #15914, >>12466616 #15915, >>12467822 #15916

>>12462913 #15911, >>12464281 #15912, >>12465050 #15913

>>12461152 #15908, >>12461929 #15909, >>12462693 #15910

>>12458796 #15905, >>12459605 #15906, >>12460389 #15907

>>12456567 #15902, >>12457258 #15903, >>12458043 #15904

>>12454190 #15899, >>12455003 #15900, >>12455738 #15901

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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000000  No.12493827

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>>12145439 ————————————–——– Germany #73

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

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>>12173250 ————————————–——– Nordic #2

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>12196203 ————————————–——– UK #28

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>>12228207 ————————————–——– Portugal #1

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>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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000000  No.12493831

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000000  No.12493838



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000000  No.12493842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Cain, Abel, and the Enochs Exposing the Jews' Family Tree Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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666df2  No.12493843

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB, 746x596, 373:298, _protocols_skip_baker_1.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, _protocols_skip_baker_2.png)

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB, 1065x595, 213:119, _protocols_skip_baker_3.jpg)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1137x590, 1137:590, _protocols_skip_baker_5.jpg)

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, _The_Protocols_of_the_Lern….png)

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary



















The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

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619b75  No.12493845

Last bread froze up on me at 630 so moved over here

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a02629  No.12493850

YouTube is Suspending President Donald Trump's Channel

Trump's accounts were previously banned on Twitter and Facebook, following the Capitol Hill riot on 6 January, as the social media platforms accused the US president of inciting violence.

YouTube is suspending President Donald Trump's Channel for at least a week because it received a strike after posting a video that purportedly incited violence, the company announced.

"After careful review, and in light of concerns about the ongoing potential for violence, we removed new content uploaded to the Donald J. Trump channel and issued a strike for violating our policies for inciting violence", a YouTube spokesperson said in a statement. "As a result, in accordance with our long-standing strikes system, the channel is now prevented from uploading new videos or livestreams for a minimum of seven days—which may be extended".

The platform also disabled comments to videos on the channel.

The decision will be revisited in a week. However, if Trump's channel gets another strike it will be suspended for 2 weeks, and a third violation will result in a permanent removal.

Bans on the president and mass purges of social media come after the Capitol Hill riot in Washington, DC last week.


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22cc2f  No.12493851

File: d0423220858b858⋯.png (39.92 KB, 1206x486, 67:27, ClipboardImage.png)


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000000  No.12493852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


ADL Calls for Trump's Impeachment After Capitol Violence



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7acd00  No.12493854

File: 0cf6abedb54a432⋯.png (500.48 KB, 630x756, 5:6, dangerous.png)

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000000  No.12493860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a possible Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice. Traditionally, Moloch has been understood to be a god. However, since 1935 scholars have debated whether the term instead refers to a type of sacrifice on the basis of a similar term used for sacrifice in the Punic language. This second position has grown increasingly popular. Since the medieval period, Moloch has often been portrayed as a bull-headed idol with outstretched hands over a fire; this depiction takes the brief mentions of Moloch in the Bible and combines it with various sources, including ancient accounts of Carthaginian child sacrifice

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000000  No.12493863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they are just a normal anon when in fact they are

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill" "Muhjoo is a jew", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

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7acd00  No.12493867

File: e238287155adeb1⋯.jpg (13.13 KB, 235x255, 47:51, reaper.jpg)

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e055d9  No.12493870

>[C]oats before [D]eclas.

what is coats?

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666df2  No.12493874

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB, 985x218, 985:218, 79e42219dbbf921adf519c3687….png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB, 603x960, 201:320, 718df6af0efef52b3c77e4f662….png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, 836965582abd4221ac7a525055….jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they are just a normal anon when in fact they are

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill" "Muhjoo is a jew", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

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b4bf31  No.12493878


They're trying to erase us.

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a02629  No.12493879

File: e4c16cda4542550⋯.png (121.19 KB, 701x836, 701:836, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27f6b8fafb1ac7a⋯.png (21.11 KB, 689x147, 689:147, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf7e3bafc8ee95a⋯.png (79.78 KB, 653x791, 653:791, ClipboardImage.png)

Never-Trump Group Offers $50 Mln Support For GOP Lawmakers Who Oppose Trump

Democrats are intending to force the outgoing US president, Donald Trump, to resign through impeachment, accusing him of inciting an angry mob on 6 January to storm the Capitol building. Trump more than once said he wanted "no violence" on US streets and described the move to impeach him a second time as a "continuation of the greatest witch hunt".

Bill Kristol, a leading figure of the anti-Trump movement, Defending Democracy Together, tweeted on Tuesday the launch of a Republican Accountability Project initiative, implying that those Republican lawmakers who act against the outgoing US president, Donald Trump, will be eligible to receive support from a newly-established $50 million fund for protection and future primaries.

Kristol claimed that the cash would help “defend Republicans who act to hold President Trump accountable for inciting an attack on the US Capitol, and to deploy against those who continue to lie to voters about widespread election fraud.”

Among the Project's primary aims announced by Kristol are:

accountability of "Republican members of Congress who have enabled or capitulated to Trump by objecting to certifying a free and fair election accountable–including by helping credible primary challengers against them";

insurance that "ample resources are available for those principled Republicans who do the right thing and hold Trump accountable for inciting an attack on the US Capitol to defend against primary challengers";

support for "new candidates who would be principled Republicans if elected to office" in primaries in open or redistricted seats.

1. Short thread, with news.


Today, Defending Democracy Together, home of Republicans for the Rule of Law and Republican Voters Against Trump, announced it would raise and spend $50 million…

— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) January 12, 2021

In a personal statement as chair of Defending Democracy Together, Kristol urged Republicans to “do the right thing” and “vote to impeach or remove Donald Trump”.

“We say to any Republican who votes to impeach or remove Donald Trump: You will not be left alone. We will help you against primary challenges. And before the challenges emerge, we will help explain your vote to your constituents. So do the right thing. We will have your back”, he wrote.

We want to say to any Republican who votes to impeach or remove Trump: You will not be left alone. We will help you against primary challenges. And before the challenges emerge, we will help explain your vote to your constituents. So do the right thing. We will have your back.

— Republican Accountability Project (@AccountableGOP) January 12, 2021

The Defending Democracy Together group presenting the initiative is considered to be a never-Trump conservative organization. The so-called Never Trumpers earlier created other political enterprises such as Republicans for the Rule of Law and Republican Voters Against Trump. The group was founded in 2019 by Bill Kristol, Mona Charen, Linda Chavez, Sarah Longwell, and Andy Zwick.


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22cc2f  No.12493884


It's either something one puts on to keep warm, or Dan Coates.

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666df2  No.12493887


That's why this site was built.

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c6ea29  No.12493889

File: 197ed0d99c0ee6e⋯.png (4.55 MB, 1501x1767, 79:93, Independence_Pepe.png)


Faced with the death penalty for high treason, courageous men debated

long before they picked up the quill pen to sign the parchment

that declared the independence of the colonies from the mother country.

For many hours they had debated in the State House at Philadelphia,

with the lower chamber doors locked and a guard posted–when suddenly a voice rang out

from the balcony. A burst of eloquence to the keynote,"God has given America to be free!"

ended with the delegates rushing forward to sign. … The American patriots

then turned to express their gratitude to the unknown speaker. The speaker was not

in the balcony; he was not to be found anywhere. How he entered and left

the locked and guarded room is not known. No one knows to this day who he was.

~ Manly P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America, 1944

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8641a9  No.12493898

Juan O Savin and RFKjr seem to have a similar horseless in their voices . Although, RFKjr,'s is moar pronounced.

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52d24e  No.12493899


It's just youtube. Patriots in control.

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000000  No.12493901


Lurk moar newfuck

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22cc2f  No.12493902


Plus since it was our money that built their platforms, we seize them and make the public utilities.

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a5c757  No.12493903

File: d4e11e23d498ab0⋯.jpeg (44.08 KB, 750x223, 750:223, E8073D90_8646_48F0_826A_1….jpeg)

File: d8b3f5e074a4148⋯.jpeg (83.19 KB, 750x354, 125:59, E9FC595A_70DB_4E20_BB6D_A….jpeg)

File: 6e2664f3cc2efe3⋯.jpeg (318.11 KB, 750x864, 125:144, 46F6C8E2_9957_4D7C_9CA8_3….jpeg)

File: 1d3ff76746f89e9⋯.jpeg (417.45 KB, 715x1086, 715:1086, 81C33AC1_CC50_4007_B3E5_F….jpeg)

File: a1acab4f3ffd737⋯.jpeg (377.98 KB, 735x960, 49:64, 939701B8_7027_4856_8353_5….jpeg)

ANONS still digging? Need anon assistance: Numbers, Watch, Date, and Clockfags!

The Beginning and the End THINK MIRROR

I’m a Biblefag, need help aligning your specialty area of dig with this:

THE KEY pattern in the Bible: The last is the same as the first. The end is the same as the beginning.

Theory: All the preparation for “it’s happening” is being completed. The actual “it’s happening” starts in the END of President Trump FIRST term and carries through the BEGINNING of his LAST term. FUTURE PROVES PAST

Baker Notable need to get dimes eyes on this pls. TYB

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a02629  No.12493904

File: fe7e006152c2066⋯.png (47.94 KB, 650x873, 650:873, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bce2ce57eaa8a71⋯.png (22.3 KB, 652x360, 163:90, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92e157b1ed9a145⋯.png (395.32 KB, 600x423, 200:141, ClipboardImage.png)

US Sanctions Ukrainians Who Revealed Evidence of Biden Family Corruption

This week, theBiden Family crime syndicate have begun the process of trying to bury one of its biggest international scandals.

On January 11th, the United States Treasury sanctioned several Ukrainian individuals and media for revealing corruption in the Ukrainian government and against US President-elect Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

These were accused of being “Russia-linked actors” and they were simply doing Moscow’s bidding, by revealing the truth.

“Russian disinformation campaigns targeting American citizens are a threat to our democracy,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said.

The U.S. Treasury Department accused the seven individuals and four entities of involvement in a Russia-linked foreign influence network associated with Ukrainian parliamentarian Andriy Derkach. The pro-Russian lawmaker was hit with sanctions by the U.S. government in September over accusations he tried to interfere in the 2020 U.S. election won by Biden.

The action freezes any U.S. assets of those blacklisted and generally bars Americans from doing business with them.

“The United States will continue to aggressively defend the integrity of our election systems and processes,” Mnuchin added.

Individuals who were sanctioned:

Alexander Dubinsky;

Dmitry Kovalchuk;

Konstantin Kulik;

Alexander Onishchenko;

Anton Symonenko;

Andrey Telizhenko;

Petr Zhuravel.

Media which was targeted with sanctions:

“Era-Media” (belongs to Andriy Derkach);

Information agency Only News;

Resource NabuLeaks;

“Skeptic” / “Behemoth Media”.

Andriy Derkach was first to be sanctioned back in September 2020.

Since the spring, he published several audio recordings in which President Petro Poroshenko listened to directives from Obama’s deputy Joe Biden, who was in charge of Ukraine at the time.

Their voices were recorded from Poroshenko’s office, who spoke to Biden over the speakerphone. The vice-president demanded that Poroshenko remove Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in exchange for a billion loan from the IMF and made a hack for sending saboteurs to Crimea.


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4a7f4f  No.12493905

>>12493876 pb

>At least ONE parent must be a citizen and of age to confer that citizenship onto the child. Anchor babies are NOT eligible to be president.

Well, we're about to have another one soon apparently.

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15145b  No.12493906

File: d2d9147771b45ca⋯.png (4.59 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Never Forget


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8641a9  No.12493907

Wasnt the House suppose to be in recess this week?

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9409e3  No.12493908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4884d8  No.12493909

File: 118eaddcc04122b⋯.png (388.19 KB, 513x513, 1:1, Odin.png)


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5a9f15  No.12493910

File: 365491e77deb152⋯.png (1.09 MB, 967x909, 967:909, Nose.PNG)

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b4bf31  No.12493911

You can't avoid the 80M citizen problem you have, Joe.

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000000  No.12493912


Baker needs handoff

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8d7c1b  No.12493913




Part 4

COVID-19 & The Emergence Of The Pandemic Industrial Complex

Foundation, who supplied the WHO with approximately $531 million in its 2018-19 biennial budget, roughly 12% of WHO’s total budget.

Unlike the H1N1 scare and multiple scandals that emerged out from behind the smokescreen of public hysteria deliberately created around it, the COVID-19 crisis has been sustained for now nearly a year with enduring regiments being put in place to condition and control the public – and to control the flow of information through traditional channels as well as online and particularly across US-based social media platforms, and direct public funding into the coffers of the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry.

At the same time, other major industries are either being spared the same regulations and restrictions strangling smaller businesses out of existence, or being bailed out by public funding.

It has gone from the “H1N1 Heist” of 2009 to what appears to be a “Pandemic Industrial Complex” taking shape today.

On one hand, even if we believe the statistics and claims being made on a daily basis by the mainstream media and government representatives, we can see for ourselves the corporations elected by the government to create the solutions claimed are needed to end the crisis, are guilty of serial abuses including the production and distribution of entirely unsafe products – products developed and “approved” of by government regulators under normal conditions that would go on to making people ill or even killing them.

But the COVID-19 vaccines being rolled out now aren’t even going through that process. They have instead been rushed through approval and unpredictable results and adverse effects are already emerging.

It hearkens back to another chapter involving a novel virus – 1976’s Swine Flu – where vaccines were rushed into production and resulted in mounting adverse effects, particularly paralyzing Guillain-Barré syndrome in over 400 individuals. And these were only the cases that were reported, as the true total of those who suffered varying degrees of complications will never be fully known.

In 1976, the vaccination program was abandoned and the government’s response deemed a failure of historic proportions. But apparently the lessons learned then, or in 2009, have been lost entirely today – and in some cases – deliberately buried by a complicit media.

If COVID-19 is the crisis we are told it is – why isn’t there a greater demand for more trustworthy and transparent partners to work with to face it? These would be partners capable of acknowledging past mistakes and explaining how their plan today differs from those in the past.

But, unfortunately, history has already taught us that pandemics can be declared – not because they actually exist and/or pose as grave a threat as government, media and corporate stakeholders claim – but because profits are to be made by big pharma, in connection with those in organizations like the WHO who have the unique power to declare pandemics, and perpetuate them regardless of the truth.

We watched for two decades as the West orchestrated an entirely false “War on Terror” around the globe, justifying actions as extreme as invasions, wars, and illegal occupations of other countries and the expenditure of trillions of dollars of taxpayers’ money.

Is it really that hard to imagine as possible, this formula being reworked atop the 2009 H1N1 scandals and pushed forward aggressively?


Since we know that Covid 19 was produced in a lab in CCP…is this group of evil doers producing lab manipulated viruses every year (sars, mers) etc to make billions of dollars in patents, test and vaccines?

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1ec704  No.12493914

>>12493157 lb

>Illinois to withhold federal tax breaks

Their Governor is de facto embezzling funds to the State the Federal relief meant for small businesses under color of law.

Defund Illinois

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000000  No.12493915


fun stuff right here

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a02629  No.12493916

Dem Rep. Bush: GOP Lawmakers Made ‘Racist Attempt’ to Overturn Election — ‘White Supremacy at Its Finest’

Representative Cori Bush (D-MO) Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In” accused her Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives of being involved in a “racist attempt to overturn an election” by voting to object to the electors and certify President-elect Joe Biden’s win.

Bush said, “Our Republican colleagues chose to do the work, to try to overturn the 2020 election. And on top of that, incite this insurrection that happened on January the 6th. There is no way that we can sit back and allow that to happen and just say, ‘Oh, but those are our colleagues, you know, we shouldn’t do anything, let’s just work on Donald Trump.’ Uh-uh-uh-uh, Donald Trump is not the only problem. We have to work on getting Donald Trump out, but we cannot allow his minions, we cannot allow his friends, we cannot allow his cousins to stay in place. Those doing his bidding have to go as well. You want to abide by the Constitution. If you want to abide by your sworn oath, it’s time for you to go.”

When asked if Republican lawmakers’ objections to certifying the electors were within their power, Bush said, “Let’s be clear. This was a racist attempt to overturn an election. This was more about trying to disenfranchise the voters of the Black, Brown, indigenous people’s voices, trying to invalidate our votes because we turned out in large numbers for this election, and to tell us that our votes don’t count, that they don’t matter? That’s another form of voter suppression. Also, to all of those grassroots groups, those Black and Brown organizers, those groups that push to help bring this win home for President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, we won’t stand for it. So I’m speaking up. You are going to hear that we’re not going to let this go because this is a racist attempt. We have to call it what it is. It’s white supremacy at its finest.”


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f4c612  No.12493917

That Parler leak really felt like a gut punch. By the time Ron put his warning out I’d registered my email. I Really hope there is a dramatic action by the military soon to help keep the Patriots out of harm’s way, otherwise a lot of people who migrated over are at risk

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425b29  No.12493918

File: 7c2c0471efa7f11⋯.png (315.78 KB, 598x696, 299:348, ClipboardImage.png)

Dr. Peterson spent his life studying the rise of totalitarian left.


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000000  No.12493919

I think last bread got fucked so here again.

No Tube for POTUS


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666df2  No.12493920


>since it was our money that built their platforms

I mean, this could be said about literally everything in the world, we paid for it, (((they))) enjoy it.

Like Nancy and her ice-cream.

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c6ea29  No.12493921

File: 29e66159625b8ee⋯.jpg (52.36 KB, 728x546, 4:3, Salute_Proper.jpg)

File: bc17dbdf2983484⋯.jpg (29.11 KB, 600x337, 600:337, tb_40055a.jpg)


Tango Mike Baker!


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d944bc  No.12493922

Site died there for a minute for me.

And I've been on clearnet since everyone became a torrie.

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a887aa  No.12493923

File: c1d9c340374fee0⋯.jpg (65.63 KB, 1200x803, 1200:803, warhorse.jpg)

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85d4cb  No.12493924

these people are morons

you say antifa

they say antifa doesn't exist

you say all the people dressed in black clothes

they say not representatives of democrat party

you say they are writing progressive slogans all over with graffiti

1.) that is trump supporters trying to smear biden

2.) that is an anarchist organization and that makes them non-democratic party

you say maybe, but they also vote for joe biden

liberal says they didn't see any biden flags

you say antifa doesn't dress in their political gear that identifies them when they are commiting terrorist activity

they say antifa isn't a terrorist group

you need to remind them it isn't a group, but an idea

and ideas don't do things

then you finally pin them down and they say that it was justified because of black anger or some shit.

but what about this old antifa dude that attacked the ICE detainment center?

or environmental activists that commit terrorism by shutting off gas to vale? etc, etc, etc.

these were ideas that did it, not organization

but these are not ideas that cause violent actions

but these people are acting violently on behalf of their ideas.

so there seems to be confusion over which ideas are dangerous

cause under this structure

climate change warnings lead to violence

police brutality articles cause violence

articles about a borderless world create violence

it just isn't logic

i understand they believe the causes are just

but whatever

if it is so just in the eyes of the liberal party

why don't you say antifa represents you

why do they hide in black clothes to take their actions

oh, maybe cause they are doing things that are illegal

they come to your political rallies and protests dressed in all black

but they don't represent your party

they are different


anything from the political opponent

leads to violence

and violence is bad

and everyone is a terrorist

okay. use your liberal logic

blame the koran for 9/11

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4884d8  No.12493925

File: 31e092e874b29bf⋯.png (334.9 KB, 437x437, 1:1, NEWYEARDISCOVERED.png)

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666df2  No.12493926

File: f47324d7ded3505⋯.jpg (152.18 KB, 1080x724, 270:181, can_you.jpg)

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574e51  No.12493927

>>12493412 pb

prob a coinkidink

Walk away removed~ Brandon Straka

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28ac7e  No.12493928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They won't Believe You Until It is FAR too Late

Il Mercenario - L'Arena


Just waiting . . .


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2ca1c7  No.12493929


Great job on the Global, baker. Might be a great way to recognize a shill baker - if they take that down I would call it a tell.

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a02629  No.12493930

File: afe44c9de195dce⋯.png (367.86 KB, 638x361, 638:361, ClipboardImage.png)

Schiff: Trump Impeachment ‘Gathering Momentum’ with Republicans

House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Tuesday on CNN’s “Situation Room” that given reports that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has indicated that he believes impeaching President Donald Trump will make it easier to get rid of the president influence on the GOP, in addition to the announcement by Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) will vote for impeachment, means the effort is “gathering momentum.”

Blitzer said, “The third-ranking Republican in the House, Congresswoman Liz Cheney, she nows says she will actually vote to impeach President Trump tomorrow when this resolution comes up for a vote. The last time you impeached President Trump, you did so with no Republican support in the House, no Republican support at all. So what does this development mean?”

Schiff said, “It means she won’t be alone. There will be other Republicans influenced by her decision, and these things have a way of gathering momentum. So I wouldn’t be surprised now to see a considerable number of Republicans join in supporting the impeachment resolution.”

“These reports that Mitch McConnell may be open to the impeachment charges as well is quite a potential earthquake in the Senate,” he added.


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000000  No.12493931


ME too, wouldnt refresh

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000000  No.12493932


Oh this ones gonna foll everyone for sure.

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28401c  No.12493933

File: 107b0c9282df339⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1033x1033, 1:1, Freedom_.png)

File: d068f26bf532d22⋯.jpg (30.41 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 110.jpg)

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3ad2cd  No.12493934


Confirm Handoff

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07f835  No.12493935

File: 0abe2ad8ab62a3d⋯.jpeg (16.02 KB, 254x255, 254:255, pepe_middlefinger_3letter.jpeg)

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0abfe1  No.12493936

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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0d6ff1  No.12493937

File: ada28b33fd66ba6⋯.png (181.2 KB, 965x704, 965:704, Lunar_2021.PNG)

[LB] >>12493463

Tomorrow, 1.13, 2021 marks also

12.01, 2020 Lunar, as a reminder.

We are still in the year of the Rat, in other words,

from East Asian point of view.

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882370  No.12493938

File: a785f3dca21ba8d⋯.jpg (206.3 KB, 680x459, 40:27, memeam_copy.jpg)

They're coming for our memes

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0abfe1  No.12493939

File: aa844d7c5e6e820⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 889x500, 889:500, swampinpanic.jpg)

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4a7f4f  No.12493940


You think that's bad, guess who is gonna be in charge of the military servers this site supposedly runs on?

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15828d  No.12493941

Anons, it was an offhand remark last bread, but wouldn’t it work? Rally everywhere EXCEPT the capitols. If it’s a setup at the capitals with the NG, no patriots will be there but they’ll be surrounded in a show of support for our president. If it’s not a trap and the NG are there to help, no one but black hats will be in the way. Win-win.

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574e51  No.12493942

File: 16e3a15c76d8678⋯.png (361.07 KB, 900x695, 180:139, panic_dc.png)


Yes and sentate til 1/19


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53a7b5  No.12493943

File: 9094b467524261b⋯.jpg (86.92 KB, 828x834, 138:139, 1610513996097.jpg)

What's the plan for this?

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2ca1c7  No.12493944


Last night it was a general. How many people are you going to pull out of your hat?

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000000  No.12493945


in the end, we will win.

fucking hilarious.

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7c8678  No.12493946

eyes on

some anon posted this in LB

i happened to open this one

it's like a Q movie called "the makings of a perfect day"

i've not seen this before

anyone else?


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c92dff  No.12493947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hmm, there were 2 crashes at roswell and the 2nd was in corona

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079bb9  No.12493948

File: 81d23edff7ae6d7⋯.png (260.58 KB, 693x391, 693:391, ClipboardImage.png)

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608c52  No.12493949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump Signs Emergency Order In District of Columbia


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a02629  No.12493950

File: fa763980343f649⋯.png (235.96 KB, 846x640, 423:320, ClipboardImage.png)

Beijing Orders Passengers To Scan QR Health Codes Before Entering Uber

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and domestic tech companies are developing new techniques to track and mitigate the spread of COVID-19. One way this is being done is through health QR codes.

On Monday, Beijing authorities imposed a new rule for taxi firms and car-hailing platforms in the metro area that forces users to show their health QR codes before vehicle entry.

"The move is a response to drivers repeatedly testing positive for the coronavirus," the state-run Global Times newspaper reported.

The color-based health QR code system produces a code about the user's health.

As explained by RT News, "A 'green' one means they are free to roam around the capital, while 'yellow' and 'red' codes call for self-isolation or supervised quarantine."


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371e19  No.12493951




They scurred alright.

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8d7c1b  No.12493952

File: c8630c8c1be7525⋯.jpeg (60.32 KB, 640x360, 16:9, kdkdjfur8585760.jpeg)

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371e19  No.12493953


They up at midnight…

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86b386  No.12493954

File: 59cc70d8e4b71f4⋯.jpg (228.87 KB, 851x556, 851:556, Jordan_Peterson_s_13th_Rul….jpg)



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882370  No.12493955

File: 1790dc4abcc27b2⋯.png (115.39 KB, 360x339, 120:113, enough_2.png)

File: e723ae2b80e4b86⋯.jpg (27.87 KB, 313x360, 313:360, enough.jpg)


The must be arrested before they leave DC. Enough is Enough

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ab4490  No.12493956

File: 8085f075e8a557a⋯.png (75.27 KB, 255x171, 85:57, 1605223092.png)

last bred got stuck at post 619 and wouldn't update. I thought I lost you faggots for a min there.

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9efc4f  No.12493957

File: 74e177a34e99ca3⋯.jpg (23.06 KB, 456x810, 76:135, slobbertree.jpg)

>>12493375 (LB)

Why do idiots with no inquisitive capacity ask loaded questions?

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f4c612  No.12493958


Must be the precipice. Not sure how much farther they are going to be allowed to go with this.

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e055d9  No.12493959

Anyone save that graphic that shows the january calendar connected to eastern orth. Christmas, red1-6, 11.3→1.13., etc

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b8c9ed  No.12493960


Seems to be bend over these days.

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4884d8  No.12493961

File: 36e623a03f476ff⋯.png (337.42 KB, 606x341, 606:341, FACEOFF.png)

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000000  No.12493962

Trump Banned From YOUTUBE Comments Disabled


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5a9f15  No.12493963

File: 78da810d12d5048⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1996x823, 1996:823, mj.PNG)

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000000  No.12493964


He's such a massive cunt.

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882370  No.12493965


"this is not the beginning, this is the end" fbi

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22cc2f  No.12493966

File: 194408ed9d39e66⋯.png (728.32 KB, 500x667, 500:667, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm sure some can add to this.

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b6e25a  No.12493967

File: 5c0407f9d0f13b3⋯.jpg (51.17 KB, 720x540, 4:3, why_are_frog_species_impor….jpg)



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4a7f4f  No.12493968


>Rally everywhere EXCEPT the capitols.

where, the mall maybe? kek

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c6ea29  No.12493969

File: f765132fea46b6e⋯.mp4 (12.61 MB, 720x404, 180:101, TR_3B_MilSpecOp.mp4)

File: 634a0efe0fb6eff⋯.png (2.79 MB, 2347x1130, 2347:1130, BATMEN.png)

100% Not Fake.

Combat Diversion/Deception Manuever to Make 2 Appear as One From from Ground Level.



filter and suckstart your lugers niggers

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850c18  No.12493970


it went to last 50 anon. You'll see it at the bottom of the bread

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000000  No.12493971


FWIW, the highlights:

Biden will not be inaug'd on the 20th, but neither will Trump;

military ops ongoing;

KR still alive but will not be VP;

Trump to be Pres another foar moar years

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574e51  No.12493972


Can't watch pencil neck lie….be on the lookout for deepfakes, green screen, anomalies

Maybe all shit BS is pre-recorded

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321809  No.12493973

I'm a neet living with liberal, normie parents. I'm secretly a conservative. My parents think I'm one of them. But the vaccine is coming, and they don't understand why I won't be taking it. I might have to reveal my power level soon.

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000000  No.12493974


Not just yet.

Baker will go one more bread

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fe8443  No.12493975

>>12493517 (PB)

THAT is NOT Ezra Cohen Watnik. Why do you fuckers keep doing this?

But carrying mind fucking the maga.

oh and congratulations


An 83 year old man killed himself because you FUCKING TRAITORS were investigating him for terror.

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36c76d  No.12493976

File: 15d35adfe28090e⋯.png (42.4 KB, 260x175, 52:35, ClipboardImage.png)


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342b26  No.12493977


Fake and homosexual anyway. Want the link? Well here it is anyway.


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8641a9  No.12493978


Have no idea what you are talking about?

Maybe you replied to wrong post?

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adfd86  No.12493979


Thank's for posting on clearnet this time. It's much easier to filter this shit than when you are on tor.

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619b75  No.12493980

So when is this big Declas coming

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371e19  No.12493981


"We are the catalysts."

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ff10ec  No.12493982

Week till Inauguration. Not one single arrest. We're gonna have to deal with Biden (then Harris) as President, and it becomes clearer by the day. This plan is the absolute shits.

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0d26dc  No.12493983



They can't sleep… I mean, ostensibly, TRump has a week left. And seemingly NOBODY is backing him, not even his joint chiefs…

But the panic is… exquisite. Supreme. A movie rated even!

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666df2  No.12493984

File: 36edde76f016244⋯.gif (1.15 MB, 323x290, 323:290, 044.gif)


Yep, ya still don't know how to meme.

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882370  No.12493985

File: 968a57ca0031699⋯.jpg (148.46 KB, 590x476, 295:238, time.jpg)

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0f91c0  No.12493986

File: 308597da4545227⋯.jpeg (741 KB, 1213x1904, 1213:1904, 499563DE_1029_4FCD_9E79_3….jpeg)

David Rothschild retweeting now from 1/26/2017

#EVERGREEN cartoon says he’s going to eat you, sounds like comms to Hitlary!


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1d9091  No.12493987

File: 19727d352e6d916⋯.png (14.86 KB, 481x338, 37:26, DNS_jumper.png)

File: 79e0e81c717c7b7⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1003x948, 1003:948, rodin_shitpost.png)

Fix clearnet issues quickly and simply. No need for TORfagging

A quick fix that automatically changes your DNS for all tech retards such as I.

An anon posted this earlier so, after two days of being unable to post, anon tried it and it worked like a charm.

It was such a relief to be able to shitpost and meme again.


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fe2a8f  No.12493989




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b6e25a  No.12493990

File: 321aaf4d62c2ea7⋯.jpg (425.8 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Inkedwhy_are_frog_species_….jpg)



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8d7c1b  No.12493991


We're Not Gonna Take It!!! Q Drop #4953

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ff10ec  No.12493992

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000000  No.12493993


This is appalling. Our country is SO corrupt.

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15828d  No.12493994


home towns, downtowns- impromptu parades

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000000  No.12493995


In order to win you must have an offense

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425b29  No.12493996


are you implying JBP is untrustworthy? I've never seen any reason to doubt his sincere devotion to liberty and opposition to post modern leftist dogma

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666df2  No.12493997

File: 7fdf4671d80fc47⋯.png (660.03 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, _youpepe_.png)


> It's much easier to filter

Make it seem normal kike, just like that.

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07f835  No.12493998


fuck off faggot

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65eb4c  No.12493999

Ep 2376b – PANIC, What Makes A Good Movie, Great Actors, Countermoves

The patriots are now moving all pieces into position to move in on the [DS]. Election fraud, treason, sedition and crimes against humanity have now been completed.Why is Trump waiting to the last moment, he is going to play the Trump card. The [DS] is now panicking, Trump gave them multiple chances to tell the truth and to do the right thing and they didn’t. Now it will all be exposed to the public.

Posted on January 12, 2021


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c6ea29  No.12494000

File: 9ddefa95355279c⋯.png (791.85 KB, 1784x1486, 892:743, 1600301511829.png)

File: 12d41fe0a7ea279⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1540x1722, 110:123, 1596370906709.png)


Annnd in case any Shilldos wanna Debunk this…We Released this to Military.com in 2013.

So….eat a Fuckin' Dick Shills.

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076f0e  No.12494001



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608c52  No.12494002



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0d26dc  No.12494003


Winners, in their minds, are only working to secure the win that is already theirs.

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371e19  No.12494004


>>12493934 ?


Uh can you post screenshot of your you over tor or something buddy?

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74c2ee  No.12494005


I will have no remorse for no quarter given to these traitors, none

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b14881  No.12494006

File: daa4aa93c7af6c0⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 750x750, 1:1, img_2021_01_08_13_10_44.jpg)


Thanks baker

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a21e85  No.12494007


did not pass.

but it was real!


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000000  No.12494008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f0f06d  No.12494009


And frogs to destroy them…

I’ve seen it rain frogs in more ways than one

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22cc2f  No.12494010

File: b59fc1e507c51f7⋯.png (316.84 KB, 566x347, 566:347, ClipboardImage.png)


Join if you want:

Telegram is like a chat portion of skype, the more you join the more info you can retrieve.

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342b26  No.12494011

So many nights here, night after night banging on bots until shift leader arose from his slumber. So lame.

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32378a  No.12494012

>>12493289 Cumulus censors Mark Levin and others over their belief that the election was fraudulent

Levin will be the only one to say screw off, Bonjino was warned about his website, Proso has too many skeletons in his closets to come clean, he's pretending to believe in free speech. Spook man, maybe be both. God save Levin's soul, he does't need the money.

My money is on Levin

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75c695  No.12494013

Insane video repository from last bread.

everything need to be archived, close ups from capitol shooting etc, DIG DIG Archive DIG…


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3ad2cd  No.12494014

File: 4a54f125e20a6c1⋯.png (583.75 KB, 455x630, 13:18, 4a54f125e20a6c1c446cf20255….png)

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cd936b  No.12494015

File: 59ad81ff53e2836⋯.jpeg (76.62 KB, 654x371, 654:371, 156A08B5_FB3D_47FE_8AB1_C….jpeg)

File: 2acb5270d902e4e⋯.jpeg (22.85 KB, 236x420, 59:105, D77D4F35_3DE7_486E_A92B_6….jpeg)

Joint Resolution

To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.

Whereas, on September 11, 2001, acts of treacherous violence were committed against the United States and its citizens; and

Whereas, such acts render it both necessary and appropriate that the United States exercise its rights to self-defense and to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad; and

Whereas, in light of the threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by these grave acts of violence; and

Whereas, such acts continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States; and

Whereas, the President has authority under the Constitution to take action to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

Section 1 – Short Title

This joint resolution may be cited as the 'Authorization for Use of Military Force'.

Section 2 – Authorization For Use of United States Armed Forces

(a) IN GENERAL- That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.

(b) War Powers Resolution Requirements-

(1) SPECIFIC STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION- Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution.

(2) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER REQUIREMENTS- Nothing in this resolution supersedes any requirement of the War Powers Resolution.

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fe8443  No.12494016


>put his warning out I’d registered my email.

Sometime people are too fucking stupid to live.

WHY did I NOT need a warning NOT to join Parler?


requires personal information

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8c4983  No.12494017


Make the image in this tweet viral anons.

Time to teach Palmer Report that the internet is forever.

Then start deplatforming him from social media by flooding hate speech reports on him…using that picture to show that he views certain people as sub human just for having different political beliefs.

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4a7f4f  No.12494018


who knows

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22cc2f  No.12494019


Ain't it great!

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000000  No.12494020


I'm both TOR and Brave - smooth

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7c8678  No.12494021


"can help to determine the overall health of an ecosystem"

says to me: can provide a glimpse of the pulse of a nation

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b14881  No.12494022

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491b46  No.12494023

Thoughts Become Things Winning Is Inevitable !

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9409e3  No.12494024

File: 90b0013145de0dd⋯.jpeg (350.54 KB, 1200x657, 400:219, 9C44EB61_0130_430B_A4FC_6….jpeg)


You can’t erase an idea. We have transcended to SOMETHING far more powerful than THEY can even imagine…this idea lives in the hearts and minds of men and will not be purged.

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425b29  No.12494025


Based. Q team's O is weak AF.

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93cd4b  No.12494026

File: 95815fdfa699c32⋯.png (348.66 KB, 535x600, 107:120, Screenshot_2021_01_13_Sput….png)

Project Veritas leaks tape of PBS staffer appearing to spew 'radicalism', incite political violence


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342b26  No.12494027

It's all so damn fake.

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488d4d  No.12494028

Nothing in the insurrection act puts the military in control. Dunno why you knuckleheads keep repeating that.

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000000  No.12494029


Surreal right?

Shouldn't they all be so excited they "won"? Why are they all still so miserable, angry, and acting like they lost?

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adfd86  No.12494030


Not really. Just get tired of seeing the same old shill shit on here all the time. Come up with something new. Banner fag was one of the most recent successes in division shilling.

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764413  No.12494031

Do not accept their failure to represent you as "good enough", or throw in the towel with "what can I do". They work for you. Act like the boss you are. Accept nothing less. Remember, they represent you.

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74c2ee  No.12494032


space force

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1dc87f  No.12494033

File: 0c09d18b0d0203a⋯.png (291.48 KB, 390x390, 1:1, THREATTONATIONALSECURITY.png)

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173d19  No.12494034


2 weeks

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000000  No.12494035

Lol Tor is gonna fuck the bread up I am afraid. >>12494004

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f4c612  No.12494036



I don’t mean those who apparently stormed the capital. I mean those Parler members who simply support president trump, and how they are at risk.

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0d26dc  No.12494037

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c6ea29  No.12494038

File: 679bcbadd7a3dd6⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Antarctica_Mission.mp4)

File: b096f43771ad34d⋯.mp4 (6.41 MB, 606x480, 101:80, Antarctica_Mission_1.mp4)

File: 2dc3913d730a14c⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB, 648x364, 162:91, B2_HOMEBIRD.mp4)

File: 357cb5da0aacfd4⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB, 640x358, 320:179, I_Shall_Finish_the_Game.mp4)

File: b40e2e0b9bcc187⋯.mp4 (564.06 KB, 640x624, 40:39, POTUS_Monolith.mp4)


Trips and Timestamps Do Not Lie.


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36c76d  No.12494039

File: e56c1b58d3a0c9e⋯.png (3.22 MB, 2492x1434, 1246:717, ClipboardImage.png)


Q Drop #2089:

AJ [MOS backed] ….and associates.

*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates.

backed means funding. C_A means CIA.

Q Drop #1751:

Every C_A/ MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.

Q Drop# 1781:

MOS / \ (controls) (Alt+) US Media and US Politicians

Q Drop# 3655:

Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US Media [+alt] critical.

Untouchable, re: State backed?

==Q Drop# _ _ _:

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned even one time.

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000000  No.12494040


The Iranian Shill Squad is probably working with a Commodore Vic 20

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608c52  No.12494041

File: 6209845a091075a⋯.png (255.14 KB, 351x343, 351:343, POTUS_Winners_Aren_t_Loser….png)


>last bred got stuck at post 619 and wouldn't update. I thought I lost you faggots for a min there.

same for me-

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9efc4f  No.12494042

File: bd983dfdaf9a716⋯.png (3.15 MB, 1898x1278, 949:639, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)


Go on….

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c547da  No.12494043

File: fecd28df31a465d⋯.png (5.26 MB, 1000x2981, 1000:2981, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a9f15  No.12494044

File: 1c9ac4845ba7919⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1588x1027, 1588:1027, Q_Anon.PNG)

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d14fe1  No.12494045

File: 47c908487e308f7⋯.jpg (101.65 KB, 1345x506, 1345:506, Screenshot_20210112_220934….jpg)

And now that the other side realizes how much power you have, what will they bribe you with?


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1dc87f  No.12494046

File: 83a6217627d38fa⋯.png (347.55 KB, 606x341, 606:341, THETEMPLEISCOMINGDOWN.png)

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666df2  No.12494047

File: c8f10e30bc88350⋯.jpg (142.96 KB, 900x900, 1:1, oy_irl_merchie.jpg)


>Just get tired of seeing the same old shill shit on here all the time.

Disprove it and it goes away.

Dumb jew.

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342b26  No.12494048

Now look all are in the final hour, and there is not but two or three damn humans here.

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a21e85  No.12494049


wasn't that used in John Wick?

Or was that a C64?

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83ccd6  No.12494050

File: 60b64848077bc7b⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, FALSE_FLAG_SET_UP.png)

false flag setup

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6c2bf9  No.12494051

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f4c612  No.12494052


Fuck if I know. Gotta say that part disappointed me.

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371e19  No.12494054



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882370  No.12494055

File: 6d34603c02d3aee⋯.jpg (615.17 KB, 1643x1015, 1643:1015, billboardadamswords_2.jpg)

File: fb2b97b441f3729⋯.jpg (695.17 KB, 1643x1015, 1643:1015, billboardadamschicanery.jpg)

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3ad2cd  No.12494056


look at number (24) hes at 24…

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666df2  No.12494057

File: b4aa40e14093824⋯.png (23.96 KB, 1104x672, 23:14, iran.png)

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b14881  No.12494058


They're always beamin me up…

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1ec704  No.12494059



You don't work around Howitzers do you?

That angle is closer to 25 degrees soldier.


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c43534  No.12494060

File: 365dea8a690b2f8⋯.png (335.19 KB, 1080x1422, 60:79, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12480430 pb

>Sorry anons but the US is becoming low IQ nation because Elon said Use Signal and everybody buying toothpaste…

But WHAT do it mean?

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d944bc  No.12494061

File: be6e7beb3b4ba46⋯.png (115.73 KB, 972x552, 81:46, chad_wolf.png)



And Chad Wolf was said he was staying on until Biden was inaugurated.

They are changing their timelines.

Strange to say the least.


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342b26  No.12494062


Sir dox a lot

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425b29  No.12494063


We just have to let Biden get the nuclear codes first, stack the courts, abolish the electoral college and ensure monoparty rule forever. THEN we'll delcas…..trust the plan.

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a02629  No.12494064

File: f93e259ee09b106⋯.png (63.91 KB, 734x915, 734:915, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4f7069d287b3bb⋯.png (63.66 KB, 763x909, 763:909, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8a6f1b8ba4d616⋯.png (61.86 KB, 752x915, 752:915, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9175dda13395a04⋯.png (71.47 KB, 751x915, 751:915, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd9fcaee0264f32⋯.png (10.55 KB, 730x213, 730:213, ClipboardImage.png)

One of Trump's biggest unfulfilled promises: Russia declassification

Just a week from his departure, more than 40 of the most critical and highly sought documents from the Russia scandal remain hidden from the public.

For most of the last two years of his presidency Donald Trump has repeatedly and unwaveringly insisted he would declassify all the relevant evidence in the now discredited Russia collusion probe.

He first raised the idea in an interview with me back in September 2018, insisting then he was waiting for the Mueller Report to come out and exonerate him before he completed the task.

"I have been asked by many people in Congress as you know to release them," he said back then. "I have watched commentators that I respect begging the president of the United States to release them. … And I have had many people ask me to release them. Not that I didn't like the idea, but I wanted to wait. I wanted to see what, you know, where it was all going. And I think this whole, it's a hoax."

After Special Counsel Robert Mueller cleared him of Russian collusion, Trump promised the declassifications were coming.

And some did, like the Peter Strzok-Lisa Page text messages and the explosive interview notes of a lead FBI agent who admitted the bureau never had any evidence of collusion but sustained the probe in a failed effort to "get Trump."

But some of the most tantalizing and explosive documents remain kept from the public by bureaucracies intent on hiding their biggest failures. And the continued shielding of these documents has prevented the public from understanding how the Russia collusion narrative was falsely spun up by Hillary Clinton and her inner circle in a desperate attempt in 2016 to "vilify" her Republican opponent and distract from her own woes on Russia and her email scandal.

The seal on these essential documents has remained even after Trump made this bold promise just a few months ago: "I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal," Trump tweeted in October. "No redactions!"

Now, the president has less than seven days to deliver, or let the bureaucrats win.

Over the last two years, I assembled a running list of the most important documents still to be declassified. Here it is:


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0f91c0  No.12494065

File: 6e441f3cda49d7f⋯.jpeg (857.34 KB, 1242x1554, 207:259, 22D06962_EBBB_437C_8B43_A….jpeg)

JUST IN: House votes to invoke 25th amendment, but Vice President Pence has already said he will not go along.

Republican voting YEA: @RepKinzinger


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36c76d  No.12494066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Only the Israeli Shill Squad is so obsessed with the Iranians, which American anons never think about.


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4855fd  No.12494067

File: 00fec496a7dbbb6⋯.png (565.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.12494068


Same, Same post also

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342b26  No.12494069

Come on over.

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d32031  No.12494070


after Trump's 2nd term let's just change the name to KAGA, we'll be past MAGA.

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17f8c5  No.12494071

File: 6c550000ae43e9a⋯.jpg (82 KB, 960x540, 16:9, IMAG0769_20180629_19293966….jpg)

File: 1b9038c8a04dc6f⋯.jpg (70.34 KB, 960x540, 16:9, IMAG0770_20180704_23314382….jpg)

after all this time… one last push… all or nothing… comfy AF

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f0f06d  No.12494072


Probably half the dems didn’t even show up. They proxy voters do their dirty work

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882370  No.12494073


Arrest them for insurrection

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fb6ba8  No.12494074

Who the hell is baking?

No mention of last bread's notable about Kamala Harris' parents needing a dig since she might not be eligible to be pres???

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83ccd6  No.12494075

Federal Tort Claim Trumpets for Trump

The American People vs. United States Government Democratic Party & its Agents

Agents being named – members of the Associated Press including but not limited to: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Washington Post, Buzzfeed, Politico, The New York Times, and even now (that money has changed hands) FOX news.

Agents being named – members of Social Media including but not limited to: Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Jack Dorsey of Twitter, YouTube & Google is to be put on notice.

So here is the twist – The United States Government is not protected by the Freedom of Press nor the 230 protections provided to the media and social platforms (Simply put: the government cannot control the narrative.).

Although the Government is protected under Sovereign Immunity (Simply put, the property in which they own, belongs to the government as a WHOLE.)

The Agents in which they have recruited do not enjoy the same immunity, the property in which they possess are personal belongings, not the people’s belongings.

By simply naming the Democratic Party and them removing them as a defendant, Sovereign Immunity will no longer apply, the agents then become accountable for their role.

It may seem an unprecedented law suit, certainly nothing that has been attempted in the past.

But Supreme Court Case Law that prevents Government from controlling the narrative in which people are allowed to hear, dates back to 1780’s, and is at the very foundation of the Constitution of the United States.

• A 3 yr. investigation into a Russian Collusion hoax (narrative to match)

• Approx. 1 yr. false impeachment proceedings (narrative to match)

• Non-Reporting – Misinforming – Misrepresenting (all with narratives to match)

• Members of the Associated Press labeling all opposing posts with an AP attachment directing all viewers away from anything but the narrative.

• (The AP has called the Presidential Race for Joe Biden. See more on Google)

• (Robust Safeguards help ensure the integrity of election results.)

• Facebook, Twitter censorship – suspension of multiple accounts with opposing views.

• (including, but certainly not limited to, The President of the United States)

• YouTube censorship & Feed Interference.

• Google search engine re-direction.

So would this be considered evidence? Or would this simply be another case of no proof of wide spread involvement? (personally, we like to call that fraud & corruption – but of course we must be careful – it certainly doesn’t follow their narrative.)

This is our label: “The AP has called this race on behalf of the justice & integrity” in this case AP stands for American People.

We at Trumpets for Trump, like the rest of you, think that someone needs to be held accountable. But we would like the right people, the people who were involved at the upper levels, the people that show no shame nor give no apology, the people that believe they have the right to manipulate, narrate, and determine what is best for ALL of us….we would like these people to live with the same basic rules in which we do “ if you break it – you buy it” !!!

I can’t express how important your signature is to our petition – I am but one small voice – but together we become an overwhelming force, a sea of voices – that cannot & will not be ignored.


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65eb4c  No.12494076

File: b8c2d66e5e0477c⋯.png (512.12 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Screenshot_2021_01_13_Ep_2….png)

There is always a countermove.

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8641a9  No.12494077

6 o clock can be deadly.

Family proud?

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1dc87f  No.12494078

File: e058863c2a4a64c⋯.png (313.46 KB, 425x425, 1:1, cenobite.png)

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6c2bf9  No.12494079

File: 87ef70c313b8090⋯.png (457.1 KB, 472x651, 472:651, Antifa_march_FF_planned.png)



With their communist style propaganda poster, in favorite communist colors , red and yellow.

And the pentagram baphomet stars

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93cd4b  No.12494080

File: 5770d60951e7c6c⋯.jpg (3.89 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 1565741170433.jpg)

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342b26  No.12494081

Bring the dogs.

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74c2ee  No.12494082


fuck all I needz some beam up

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d20e4e  No.12494083

File: 1f8d2523afc2cca⋯.png (174.92 KB, 1654x2339, 1654:2339, 000_20201221_PRE_01_00_EN_….png)

File: 813a17015a495ed⋯.png (98.42 KB, 1654x2339, 1654:2339, 000_20201221_PRE_01_00_EN_….png)

File: 441853a871fec77⋯.png (71.24 KB, 1654x2339, 1654:2339, 000_20201221_PRE_01_00_EN_….png)

No. 2020/38

21 December 2020

Adoption of a new Article 11 of the Resolution concerning the Internal Judicial Practice of

the Court, on procedures for monitoring the implementation of

provisional measures indicated by the Court

THE HAGUE, 21 December 2020. As part of the ongoing review of its procedures and

working methods, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the

United Nations, has adopted a new Article 11 of the Resolution concerning the Internal Judicial

Practice of the Court. The article provides for the establishment of an ad hoc committee, composed

of three judges, which will assist the Court in monitoring the implementation of the provisional

measures that it indicates. The committee will examine the information supplied by the parties in this

regard, report periodically to the Court, and recommend potential options for it. Any decision, if

required, will be taken by the Court.


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4855fd  No.12494084

File: dc7bf94da4b49be⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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46489a  No.12494085


The Iranians are in bed with the dead state.

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85d4cb  No.12494086

Hey activist morons

keep making new bathrooms for transexual black people

while your proclaimed environmental crisis burns in the background

billionaire social justice is a joke

worry about dogs getting abused in china

but ignore the homeless vets on your own streets.

go make the rednecks pay for your abortion and education

call them racist when they refuse

then pat yourselves on the back for changing the world

and healing the racist rednecks forever and ever.

either place race relations as your primary value or you are a racist

there is nothing else

like some people prefer jesus and america because they don't know any black people or have any race relations to deal with

and american liberals think they are healing racism by calling people white nationalists. saying they vote based on their white identity instead of recognizing it may be based on their patriotism or religion.

these fucking morons

are convinced they are going to rid the world of racism

the same people who screamed about wars on abstractions

they screamed about the war on "drugs"

the war on "terror"

the war on the intangible.

nobody can define a racist

but an anti-racist knows a racist when they see one.

and they are entitled to tell them so they can be the good person

it is a label that is being arbitrarily applied by a mob

and it isn't even being done responsibly

you are calling people racist

cause they like capitalism more than socialism


life isn't black or bust.

i know race relations are important

and racism is real and shit

but these people act like you are a racist if you dont agree with every single one of their deluded billionaire elitist solutions to all the wolrds social problems.

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a21e85  No.12494087

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5c455d  No.12494088

Baker back on clearnet

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d4dac5  No.12494089


>>12486465 PB

Sir, we are not weak.

If we make proper use of the memes which the God of nature has placed in our power.


he said memes


And power


And God



Which God bestowed to US


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541548  No.12494090


Going to model it for us, anon?

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076f0e  No.12494091

If Trump does nothing the US will be Cali, Dem control of every-fuckin-thing. This must not be allowed to happen.

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1dc87f  No.12494092

File: 495fe2bab592877⋯.png (262.4 KB, 606x342, 101:57, GLITCHEXPOSED.png)

Psalm 64:5

They hold fast to their evil purpose; they talk of laying snares secretly, thinking, “Who can see them?”

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000000  No.12494093


the system is being overloaded with shit, im assuming to reach critical velocity or whatever and short-circuit/explode/pop/break

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342b26  No.12494094

ZzzzzzZZZZZ hapahappenings

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b5788a  No.12494095

Next x22 is fucking on point.. Pieces falling into place. Damn!

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e7abf3  No.12494096

You know the military is in control when they start having reality TV shows about Marines putting civilians through their paces for muh redemption.

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666df2  No.12494097


>The Iranians are in bed with the jews.

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d1d98f  No.12494098

Did trump enact insurrection act ?

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22cc2f  No.12494099

I have 5 I'm following with telegram,

Here are their addies.






for app or download


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1ec704  No.12494100


38.70 says that Elon front-ran that Signal in Advance.

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83ccd6  No.12494101

File: 2ffb74be3b2da4f⋯.jpg (303.1 KB, 1500x1115, 300:223, SILICON_VALLEY_SILENCERS.jpg)

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342b26  No.12494102



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0d26dc  No.12494103


this kek was meant for you >>12494004,

dunno why I posted at myself, derp


if these people had actually won, then Trump would never have thought beyond being a billionaire business man in the first place.

He gave up a billionaire's lifestyle for this. Go figure.

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b8c9ed  No.12494104

File: ecc54be8d29c99a⋯.jpg (135.37 KB, 1475x1244, 1475:1244, twilightzone.JPG)

While everyone, including Rush Limbaugh are trying to tell us the 2020 election is “Just the way it is folks, it’s a club and Trump ain't in it” so we need to vote for change in the future is pure bullshit. We were suspect of fraud in 2012 but Romney acted like a pompous fool so, maybe Obama won with crap for an economy, maybe. In 2018 I thought well maybe we lost the house too but on November 3rd 2020 ALL America and the most of the world witnessed vote counts being literally flipped right in front of our eyes from Trump’s total to Biden’s, over 200,000 votes over the voter rolls, etc., etc., etc., it's endless BOTH Parties state and federal, accepted a clearly fraudulent election overriding the vast majority of American voters. We were always suspicious but now WE truly know it truly is rigged to where ‘they’ both determine who wins and who losses; in a rotation if you will. So, when some conservative TV or radio hosts says “We can change it all in the future! Hold the line!”, they are part of the phyops of “Nothing to see here” move on, pay your taxes. So Congress is telling us a candidate that didn’t campaign and was selling higher taxes and is owned by China beat a candidate that did more for Americans in 4 years for everyone and has/had a massive following lost 2020? 2016 was a fluke where they didn’t adjust the cheating enough for Hillary to win. The Genie is out of the bottle Congress; we now know you drive who gets in and taken out, not the American people. America is over without action by POTUS or the military, period.

This is literally a nightmare everyday, sorry to be concern fag, good night, anons.

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82db36  No.12494105

feels almost like time is stopping

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36c76d  No.12494106

File: 791191f104d856c⋯.png (453.42 KB, 720x504, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)

Benjamin Netanyahu:

"For IRAN, you are the great Satan, We are the little Satan. We are Together."

Benjamin Netanyahu to President Obama in the Oval Office March 5, 2012.

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000000  No.12494107


It sure would be nice if the people on the left were led to the precipice at some point. So far it's just been MAGA. Those on the left are celebrating the censorship of conservative voices and defilement of President Trump. And a lot of them would be happy as pigs in shit if we were all declared domestic terrorists. It's no precipice for them, it's a glorious victory.

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a02629  No.12494108

McConnell Considers Backstabbing Trump: Report

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is seriously considering turning his back on President Donald Trump during an impeachment trial, reports say.

According to Axios’ Mike Allen, citing sources, there is a “better than 50/50 chance” that McConnell will vote to convict the current President.

McConnell has already “told associates that he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses and that he is pleased that Democrats are moving to impeach him, believing that it will make it easier to purge him from the party,” The New York Times reported earlier in the day.

SCOOP: McConnell leans toward convicting Trump https://t.co/bc8EFucBPP

— Axios (@axios) January 13, 2021


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000000  No.12494109


Welcome NewFag

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8641a9  No.12494110

What the hell was Trump doing at the Border today?

Is the Mexican president going to drop some shit?

He has yet to congratulate biden.

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0f91c0  No.12494111

File: 7e77c5d67ca9507⋯.jpeg (502.31 KB, 1168x1837, 1168:1837, A180CEEB_D451_4940_80CD_4….jpeg)

File: f3c92079d2982e3⋯.jpeg (872.27 KB, 1242x1467, 138:163, 61177C79_54B5_4881_B88E_1….jpeg)

File: d94f73b6219a84a⋯.jpeg (451.37 KB, 1182x1397, 1182:1397, DEB56B72_C44F_4C6E_AA2E_E….jpeg)


Don’t use signal. Jackoff involved


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b14881  No.12494112


I 2nd and 3rd this KAGAF

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d0cebe  No.12494113

File: 3778b58d4bcf308⋯.png (24.88 KB, 714x178, 357:89, Screenshot_2021_01_13_LIVE….png)

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28ac7e  No.12494114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They won't Believe You Until It is FAR too Late

The End

see you there

Just waiting . . .


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342b26  No.12494115


Almost. Luckily, we can hold hands one last time.

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4a7f4f  No.12494116


so Liz won't vote for 25th, but she'll vote to impeach??? WTF???

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5a9f15  No.12494117

File: cb06438305823dc⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1121x1067, 1121:1067, hands.PNG)


>Dumb jew

KEKMAO, dumb jew calling everyone jew.

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15fa24  No.12494118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

at 16:15 wranglerstar hints, inside info, get ready for an exciting week

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1dc87f  No.12494119

File: 136be769e82db9c⋯.png (547.29 KB, 597x597, 1:1, mightyeac.png)

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e7abf3  No.12494120


… more indoctrination! Ugh. It never ends bloke.

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c6ea29  No.12494121

File: fef873552667465⋯.jpg (118.21 KB, 1136x1180, 284:295, The_Hem_of_His_Garment_Aur….jpg)

File: fbe452c2251f394⋯.png (118.99 KB, 345x608, 345:608, Staff_of_Hermes_Clear.png)

File: 00c4fa9eeb40662⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 400x378, 200:189, pope_dagon_2.jpg)

File: abb5452c4093498⋯.gif (562.44 KB, 245x150, 49:30, OTIS_DEMON_SLAYER.gif)


Jesus was/is 100% Real. Just Not in The Manner You Were Indoctrinated to Believe. He Sought Ultimate Truth as we do, to a Fault. He was an Essene and a Theraputae who's knowledge of the Healing Arts dates back Tens of Millennia. These same arts were practiced throughout the dark ages and ironically deemed as Witchcraft by the Heathen Dogmatists. As Rome Fell so did Understanding and Knowledge. Alexandria's Library was Burned, but Only After the Key Items, which are now in the Vatican Vaults were secured.


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d0c558  No.12494122


Hm, yea it really does

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850c18  No.12494123


thought you went to bed the last 5 times you posted this

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adfd86  No.12494124


No, actually I agree with you. You're just a dumb shill piece of shit that spams the boards rather than ever adding anything of tangible value. We can come up with muhjew memes all day. Israel is saved for last. But for now there's work to be done and you are fucking in the way.

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000000  No.12494125


We are living in dangerous times. Praying these demons get what's coming to them.

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fe8443  No.12494126


I know….and there's jack all we can do about it.

We did our part, we memed, prayed, voted, and stayed the course…only to watch crook after crook grin and walk away. FBI sent 15 agents to investigate a garage door pull…they INVESTIGATED Smollett's white surpremacists..they set up Proud Boys and Bogaloo Boys, vilified us a racist 24/7 cancelled us, physcically attack us, burn our cities, arrest people for protecting their property…and we stayed in our seats…no matter, we didn't give them ammo they fucking made it up. If we DARE speak or fight back…

FUCK the FBI…why haven't you arrested Eric Leal for the LIVE murder of two 14 year old black kids..but you're threatening MAGA for shit you fucking know they didn't fucking do…..again trying to spark an uprising.

The only people losing is us. Trump will pack his bags and his money and go home all nice and cozy….meanwhile we're ordered into bankruptcy and poverty..thanks for the 600 bux tho.

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c43534  No.12494127


I think 10 days darkness is not a period of no coms. Quite the opposite. Biden sworn in on schedule, Coup (crime) complete. Arrests begin immediately for a few minutes live on air then go dark. EAM immediately activated for 10 days of declas. That would be pretty fucking dark for normies and many of the newly woke would it not?

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882370  No.12494128

File: 61aa1c5bf51dfdd⋯.jpg (550.98 KB, 1030x780, 103:78, patrickhenry.jpg)

File: dbac4fcf1203cea⋯.jpg (100.2 KB, 619x680, 619:680, patrick_2.jpg)

File: 707c95639f769b3⋯.jpg (486.17 KB, 1220x686, 610:343, rugged3.jpg)

File: 2d5c2a053bbd92c⋯.png (4.36 MB, 1967x2904, 1967:2904, lincoln_2.png)

They try to tear down and reconstruct our history because they can only control the minds of the communists

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10eb88  No.12494129

Is Allen Stanford talking? He’s been in the news a lot. He was definitely involved in the laundering of drug and probably human trafficking(Haiti command control group owner) money. Been a lot of digs on him elsewhere. Might be time for anons to revisit and connect some dots

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cf76a9  No.12494130

File: e114f0790fdacf8⋯.jpg (61.4 KB, 720x480, 3:2, 136384135_3929161323774729….jpg)

Who wears this arm patch?

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86b386  No.12494131

File: 49fc5876cdedc1e⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 1932x2576, 3:4, IMG_0090.JPG)


>are you implying JBP is untrustworthy?

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17f8c5  No.12494132


KEK. I doubt I can find it. Now you peaked my interest.

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666df2  No.12494133

File: d6e802fcc2ab17e⋯.png (328.03 KB, 675x473, 675:473, _projectingx2_.png)


>KEKMAO, dumb jew calling everyone jew.

Yeah, we can all see you.

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7348b5  No.12494134


Pompeo linked ISIS to Iran.

ISIS is really the clowns

Therefore Iran is really just the clowns

Pretty clear to me.

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83ccd6  No.12494135


thx for fixing it o7

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85d4cb  No.12494136

It is a fucking secular crusade of liberal morality.

a war on racism

it is ruining the cause against actual racism.

It diminishes the meaning of the label when it used arbitrarily to smear people without cause.

These people talk about deeply ingrained racism and inner-work and all that shit.

but they seem pretty convinced these day

that if you vote joe, you are healed of racism.

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a14496  No.12494137

File: 1536a6b79c0d147⋯.jpg (65.55 KB, 748x1112, 187:278, unforgiven_poster.jpg)

File: ad4a9c00aff4b98⋯.jpg (372.97 KB, 728x1091, 728:1091, trump_unforgiven.jpg)

>>12491624 (pb)

>What movie are we watching?? A Fist Full of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Hang 'Em High, High Plains Drifter, Joe Kidd, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Pale Rider, Unforgiven?

made one like this a few years back but lost it. your post motivated me to remake it and answer: pic related

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1ec704  No.12494138




>Arrest them for insurrection

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b14881  No.12494139

File: ff3d71bc63f11ad⋯.jpg (185.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, img_2020_12_30_22_18_22.jpg)


Lemme see if this does any Magic…….

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d944bc  No.12494140


Congress has no power when it comes to the 25th, maybe she doesn't want to sign her name to a resolution that is about as useful as toilet paper.

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5a9f15  No.12494141

File: fb4f60920076baa⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1195x1004, 1195:1004, ClipboardImage.png)

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666df2  No.12494142

File: c01fdcba6373210⋯.jpg (72.65 KB, 660x330, 2:1, cry_.jpg)

File: ca565b6d4b4fa87⋯.jpg (23.7 KB, 600x315, 40:21, cry_tears.jpg)


>You're just a dumb shill piece of shit that spams the boards

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6d5ff2  No.12494143


All planned, because they want you to focus on anything but God. God knows this and is here to punish them, he is just giving time for a few to do the right thing.

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81484b  No.12494144


Shills, report back to masters, Autists and Anons not distracted by UFOS…need new strategy..kek

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f4c612  No.12494145


This does bring up a good point:

This moment isn’t really about waking people up to change, it’s about showing why the military is the only way and how the real enemy (Ccp etc) has uncloaked.

Just a guess

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5c455d  No.12494146

>>12493838 Dough

#15951@250 Notables

>>12493850 YouTube is Suspending President Donald Trump's Channel

>>12493879 Never-Trump Group Offers $50 Mll Support For GOP Lawmakers Who Oppose T

>>12493904 US Sanctions Ukrainians Who Revealed Evidence of Biden Family Corruption

>>12493916 Dem Rep. Bush: GOP Lawmakers Made ‘Racist Attempt’ to Overturn Election — ‘White Supremacy at Its Finest’

>>12493930 Schiff: Trump Impeachment ‘Gathering Momentum’ with Republicans

>>12493950 Beijing Orders Passengers To Scan QR Health Codes Before Entering Uber

>>12494026 Project Veritas leaks tape of PBS staffer appearing to spew 'radicalism', incite political violence

>>12494064 One of Trump's biggest unfulfilled promises: Russia declassification

>>12494065 House votes to invoke 25th amendment, but Vice President Pence has already said he will not go along.

>>12494108 McConnell Considers Backstabbing Trump: Report


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44e171  No.12494147


All the way to the 20th.

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c43534  No.12494148



Thanks anons. o7

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acf149  No.12494149

File: e9cbf0692c20f85⋯.jpg (356.77 KB, 2904x801, 968:267, PXL_20210113_051242602_2.jpg)

[pic related]>>should mad for a fascinating read.

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808d2e  No.12494150


I'd forgotten all about that. Anon thanks for the re-kek!

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f4c612  No.12494151

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666df2  No.12494152

File: 4eb7dfe7e272877⋯.jpg (354.9 KB, 1180x1180, 1:1, 911a.jpg)

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4e1a5e  No.12494153


Killary was on here?

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4855fd  No.12494154

File: b0b2051169af383⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.12494155




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b8c9ed  No.12494156


That is amazing considering I posted it at the end of the last bread and now this bread so GFYS liar.

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0f91c0  No.12494157

File: 3e9e7c8459c5c30⋯.jpeg (733.3 KB, 1189x808, 1189:808, BC3BEDEA_58C4_4030_B1AA_0….jpeg)


Yes & Amen anon!

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000000  No.12494158


No one tell him, let this simp shit ride.

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95f659  No.12494159

File: b45c2c1ea373939⋯.jpeg (200.71 KB, 1440x414, 80:23, 31B19A56_A76F_47CC_B216_2….jpeg)

File: 857403d07e5c6a3⋯.jpeg (184.29 KB, 987x695, 987:695, 86060D24_A784_4D76_88F5_2….jpeg)

File: 38c3529b93ba61d⋯.jpeg (222.82 KB, 880x658, 440:329, 651B4C14_AEFA_488E_A73A_5….jpeg)

File: 5128181cff5559f⋯.jpeg (76.21 KB, 640x423, 640:423, 76A6F69B_794B_497B_B8C2_9….jpeg)

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ff10ec  No.12494160

Q - The Plan to Fuck America. Enjoy the Show.

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4e1a5e  No.12494161



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7142d6  No.12494162


That is rediculous

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7fe186  No.12494163


Are you for real?

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749365  No.12494164

File: 06e8c73a7e35ec8⋯.png (2.47 MB, 2162x1212, 1081:606, AC3D3E8D_0325_43B9_8678_F6….png)


Nice photo Fren…

Looking at that pic, I’m grateful for what he did and what he tried to do. Watching the “news” on CNN (Don Lemmon), Hannity on Fox and Brian Williams on NBC I realize how much untruth is being generated by the media. I watched a congressman on CNN outright lie and Don let him get away with it. I watched Hannity but he doesn’t produce any supporting evidence which could help dissipate the lies, maybe he’s not being allowed to do so, I don’t know, I just just know it’s been done half assed. As for Brian from NBC, nothing but highlighting the bad and the push for impeachment. The problem with that is there is not one video taken by everyone with a cell phone at the rally who captured President Trump INSTIGATING anyone on attacking the White House! He wasn’t even done speaking when the idiots started their breech!

With that said, President Trump if you’re reading this, America’s CEO’s have turned against you, Social Media has completely banned you, at least 10 “Republican” Senators are against you, you say “You have it all” to get these people, well, you are going to be impeached again, if you desire to be the only President impeached TWICE, you could very well on your way to that dubious honor.

The only salvation is to expose what truly happened January 6 and who allowed the doors to be opened to the White House.

Don’t stop there, as far as I’m concerned every single person who votes tomorrow for your impeachment is guilty of sedition and treason. Expose why Democrats and some Republicans want you out!

Expose the Italians who at the request of Former President Obama conspired to commit election fraud by manipulating voting computers.

Expose the entire election fraud and how China interfered in our election.

Expose the heads of the news media companies who have lied to the American people all these years.

Declass! Declass everything that has been kept from the American people!

The future of our country lies squarely on your shoulders. I am grateful that the Good Lord placed exactly where you are. God Speed and God Bless You Mr. President.

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000000  No.12494165


can't say He's not patient huh

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95ca93  No.12494166


What are they going to do with themselves after they've stolen everything from us and killed us all? These people are stupid.


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076f0e  No.12494167

No winner in the Mega Millions lotto tonight. Jackpot Fri. is 750 million.

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e7abf3  No.12494168


No race has suffered more at the hands of racism than the Germans.

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fe8443  No.12494169


Wonder which traitor SCOTUS judge will be in Biden's basement holding the BIBLE? I hope the bible erupts in flames.

If Biden is inaugurated and puts a FOOT in the white house…that is ONE bridge too fucking far.

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5c455d  No.12494170

Baker will be marathon baking. No gerbil tonight. fuck that

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22cc2f  No.12494171

More telegram addresses:

🇺🇸 President Trump - @real_DonaldJTrump

🇺🇸 RSBN - @RightSideBroadcastingNetwork

🇺🇸 Candace Owens - Candace Owens

🇺🇸 Steven Crowder - @Steven_Crowder

🇺🇸 Donald Trump Jr - @TrumpJr

🇺🇸 Ben Shapiro - @realBenShapiro

🇺🇸 Dan Bongino - @DBongino

🇺🇸 Charlie Kirk - @CharlieKirk

🇺🇸 James Woods - @JamesWoodsReal

🆕🇺🇸 Benny Johnson - @Benny_Johnson

🆕🇺🇸 ALX - @ALXTheLord

🇺🇸 Students For Trump - @TrumpStudents

🇺🇸 PragerU - @Prager_U

🇺🇸 Turning Point USA - @TPUSA

🇺🇸 The Daily Wire - @realDailyWire

🇺🇸 Daily Caller - @Daily_Caller

🇺🇸 Breitbart - @Breitbart

🆕🇺🇸 TheBlaze - @TheBlazeTV

🆕🇺🇸 Newsmax TV - @NewsmaxTV

🆕🇺🇸 One America News Network - @OA NNTV

🆕🇺🇸 NTD - @NTD_TV

🇺🇸 Trump Supporters Channel - @TrumpChannel

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adfd86  No.12494172


Neither was Hussein

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93cd4b  No.12494173

File: 9e955f645873e7d⋯.jpg (430.75 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, ErkjFqCVQAA3lnT.jpg)

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51c6c1  No.12494174

File: 5771fc9807938f0⋯.png (4.54 MB, 1088x1092, 272:273, GW_AR15_2.png)

In Congress, July 4, 1776

. . . But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security . . .



jus sayin for a fren


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924627  No.12494175

File: 1a6f1961e34ddf2⋯.jpg (101.3 KB, 640x420, 32:21, TrumpFlynn.jpg)




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c6ea29  No.12494176

File: 907bd12336b57b7⋯.jpg (183.07 KB, 1480x832, 185:104, Jammin.jpg)

File: aa702f241c4ad70⋯.jpg (74.16 KB, 601x581, 601:581, White_Eagle_Teachings_Book….jpg)

File: cd7f9a9252747f7⋯.jpg (96.78 KB, 680x453, 680:453, www_whitehouse_govslashmil….jpg)

File: 5dca59db308dfbf⋯.jpg (17.01 KB, 170x324, 85:162, Yankee_White_IPA.jpg)

File: 4f6901bc0b86f4e⋯.jpg (289.49 KB, 2294x1528, 1147:764, Blue_and_White_Tail_Jolly_….jpg)


The Bloodlines Still Exist Even Though They've Tried to Exterminate the Truth. Teacher Teach Other to Do Likewise, not Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Under a Bushel. Apollo was a Lyre Maker of the 7-Stings which Pythagoras Tuned Building and Structures with in Geomagnetic Harmony. Jesus also loves the G-Tor.

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a14496  No.12494177

File: 110660017fab7af⋯.jpg (117.15 KB, 405x499, 405:499, cocaine_mitch_montana.jpg)

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f4c612  No.12494178


It would be dramatic, but I would think this scares normies that we have become a military dictatorship

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a02629  No.12494179

File: 2e11ee34ede8278⋯.png (772.37 KB, 791x821, 791:821, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9cafc740d7edf3⋯.png (66.85 KB, 759x507, 253:169, ClipboardImage.png)

==Democrats' China connections keep piling up

From Sen. Boxer reverses decision to be an 'agent' for Chinese company==

Ties between prominent current and former Democrats and China continue to crop up, even as the Chinese Communist Party is trading fiery rhetoric with the Trump administration over its support of Taiwan.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo lifted restrictions on U.S.-Taiwan relations last week, a move that the CCP has criticized. And news that U.N. Ambassador Kelly Craft planned to visit the region prompted a statement last week accusing the U.S. of "a crazy provocation."

But former Sen. Barbara Boxer, a Democrat who held Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’ California seat for 24 years, briefly registered as a foreign agent for a Chinese surveillance company. After facing mounting backlash, she announced on Twitter Tuesday that she was reversing that decision.

The company, Hikvision, allegedly played a role targeting China’s oppressed Uyghur minority. Hikvision had a government contract with police in Xinjiang Province, the heart of the Uyghur controversy, in 2016 and 2017.

The Uyghurs, a Muslim ethnic group, have allegedly been subjected to mass detention, forced labor and torture in China’s Xinjiang Province. Additional allegations, which China has denied, include forced organ harvesting and coercive birth control.

While it is not unusual for former politicians to enter the lobbying world and register as foreign agents when working with another government, President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration committee took issue with Boxer consulting for Hikvison, whose largest stakeholder is the Chinese government. The committee returned the $500 she donated to the inauguration before she reversed course and deregistered.

"Due to the intense response to my registration I have determined that my continued work has become a negative distraction from my effort to preserve American jobs and make the company better," she tweeted. "Therefore I have deregistered."

California Rep. Eric Swalwell has remained largely mum for weeks about his interactions with a Chinese spy named Fang Fang – despite reports that similar "honeytrap" operatives may be targeting other Americans around the country.


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666df2  No.12494180


Eat each other.

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10eb88  No.12494181


Welcome aboard Alan? Misspelling but maybe?

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950b28  No.12494182


Why are they worried about MAGA rallies, if "Trump lost"?

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50ec40  No.12494183

File: 67ce75a9059dd3a⋯.jpeg (281.4 KB, 1137x1330, 1137:1330, A14BB3A0_DB8E_4348_AA42_A….jpeg)


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763490  No.12494184



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7348b5  No.12494185


LB/PB fuckstick

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000000  No.12494186


do you find it odd that the telegraph guy just died?

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4e1a5e  No.12494187


What the Hot Topic is going on here.

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4855fd  No.12494188

File: 5c5544614a0fbf1⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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6619b0  No.12494189


Then the result will end up being a cleansing of one side or the other, and our side celebrates being the sacrifice rather than doing the reaping.

That is whether or not we have the will to change. Will we have the will to finally accept that these people cannot be saved and kill them because they will not rest until we are brainwashed or dead.

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f0f06d  No.12494190


Who serves the [p]rinters of money (rotchild)? Iran or the clowns?

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4a7f4f  No.12494191


and it didn't make a ripple…

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44e171  No.12494192


>Biden will not be inaug'd on the 20th, but neither will Trump

This is what it's looking like,

and all to conduct a new election in which Trump will run,

as well as all federal, state and local elections.

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7fe186  No.12494193


A cry baby bitch says what?

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666df2  No.12494194


Why are they worried about anything it Trump lost?

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6c2bf9  No.12494195

File: 95cae2c537a63c2⋯.jpg (126.55 KB, 644x429, 644:429, 2nglsf.jpg)

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95ca93  No.12494196


double meanings exist

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2ca1c7  No.12494197

File: 9ae292dd65b2fca⋯.jpg (162.8 KB, 1080x1477, 1080:1477, 20210112_231830.jpg)

Was she ever identified?

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0d26dc  No.12494198

File: e93be8fb0702079⋯.png (33.86 KB, 664x420, 166:105, 2021_01_13_00_20_13_QResea….png)


They tried this a couple days ago too.. the ayys even made notes, just not in the way the shills wanted..

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321809  No.12494199


I think it's either metaphorical for "We The People", since Trump's message has always been about restoring power back to the people.

Or, the military. The military will run the government for a while.

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000000  No.12494200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fe2a8f  No.12494201

File: 8246edd944bd245⋯.jpg (400.86 KB, 1080x1598, 540:799, 20190209_225915.jpg)

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32378a  No.12494202

>>12492169 I'm beginning to suspect that Congress is not very serious. The guy who was banging a Chinese spy has been named an 'Impeachment Manager" by Pelosi

I'm telling you, Mollie is freakin funny guise. Her irony factor is off the charts

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8641a9  No.12494203


Fuck off with that depressing shit, you fake Trump supporter.

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4e1a5e  No.12494204


They just literally signed their lives away. Have fun in Gitmo.

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000000  No.12494205

it is time

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b14881  No.12494206

File: def50dc60801aec⋯.jpg (21.37 KB, 441x292, 441:292, img_2021_01_08_14_11_49.jpg)


I am on a mission from God

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000000  No.12494207




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006bfd  No.12494208


For those wanting to search a date of Q drops. Please:

1) Go to https://qanon.pub/

2) Click the upside down "A" in the top right to "show all"

3) Note: this will take a bit to load them all - I think usually 15-30 seconds

4) Ctrl+f and type the date, OR

5) Use the scroll bar on the right to quickly move through dates.

God bless! The best is yet to come!

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74c2ee  No.12494209


>feels almost like time is stopping

this is part of the psychological effects of this war

isolationism and the limitation of information to the digital platforms which are now manipulated on the fly contribute to this dysphoric hypomania and confusion over time through space

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666df2  No.12494210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Pompeo linked ISIS to Iran.


ISIS = MOSSAD (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) - 100% PROOF

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adfd86  No.12494211


See how easy it is to keep a shill distracted? You're doing this for free aren't you? Sad.

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425b29  No.12494212


That's not an asnwer. I'm open to evidence to change my mind. have yet to see any.

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000000  No.12494213


Didn't meant to paste results. Oh well you get the point.

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fe8443  No.12494214


Nice strawman. FUCKING liars everywhere…


>The patriots are now moving all pieces

KEK patriots…all 2 of them.

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c43534  No.12494215


That's where anons com in. It's what we are here for right? Biden arrest would shock the world and indicate future direction just as Q said.

Download all the Q drops and archive offline to share with normies wondering WTF is going on.

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882370  No.12494216

File: b2709f6eb142688⋯.png (412.31 KB, 515x579, 515:579, obamabiden.png)

File: af7eeb3561eb929⋯.png (403.04 KB, 515x579, 515:579, obamabiden2.png)


can't see the benefit of waiting any longer

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b14881  No.12494217


This ia not a game. Keep your armor On

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4a7f4f  No.12494218


>If Biden is inaugurated and puts a FOOT in the white house…that is ONE bridge too fucking far.

this country is a powder keg right now. it will go hot quickly when that happens.

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44e171  No.12494219


After the arrests, not before.

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9c2250  No.12494220


Starting to feel like GITMO buildup was meant for us. See you all there.

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666df2  No.12494221

File: 7fc4eb580a1427e⋯.jpg (160.38 KB, 640x596, 160:149, isil_mossad.jpg)

File: 4d8338bffe2519a⋯.jpg (433.13 KB, 630x549, 70:61, isis.jpg)

File: 43ebe05ec2b41ea⋯.jpg (58.65 KB, 474x462, 79:77, isis_control.jpg)

File: d53ce6a837b566d⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1812x1812, 1:1, Islam_fastest_growing_reli….jpg)

File: 31f3e0692cb0027⋯.jpg (381.86 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, islin.jpg)


>Therefore Iran is really just the clowns

Womp womp

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c6ea29  No.12494222

File: 3cf0044fe92fc7f⋯.jpg (157.95 KB, 1239x694, 1239:694, Mix_N_Match.JPG)

File: c859bfe15a4c012⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1330x1995, 2:3, 1610500511749.png)

File: d0b000565430ba5⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1553x1708, 1553:1708, 1610500571825.png)

File: 191783a3ecdd152⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1628x1628, 1:1, 1610500474319.png)


Chekk'd Mitch "The Bitch" is a Judas Pig… Climb a Tree Iscariot!

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342b26  No.12494223

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7c69b9  No.12494224

File: a444040ac2b0b1e⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 460x320, 23:16, highest_anon.gif)


>feels almost like time is stopping

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362229  No.12494225

File: 1d43e54c3a77e0c⋯.png (57.88 KB, 710x484, 355:242, nightshift3.png)


They will.

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4e1a5e  No.12494226


Lurk moar, don’t post.

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95ca93  No.12494227


Adam Sandler has always been a no-talant hack!

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6c2bf9  No.12494228


no one could find any sauce for that letter earlier.

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666df2  No.12494229

File: f2c91ec71bc74be⋯.png (283.65 KB, 612x305, 612:305, kek.png)



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7c8678  No.12494230


probably a moot point anyway, but saw this, maybe Congress can invoke 25th?

section 4

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departmentsor of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.


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7fe186  No.12494231


He literally pushes antidepressants

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0d26dc  No.12494232


I still want my tripcode as my number

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7348b5  No.12494233


Just because folks don’t see the log hidden in the tall grass doesn’t mean they won’t trip over it when they get there……..

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000000  No.12494234

You're watching a movie

POTUS - "It will be over by Easter"

Biden - "It will be a dark winter"


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342b26  No.12494235

Been a good run. Too bad you're about to be reallocated to Siberia.

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000000  No.12494236


Dark for Thee, not for Me (you).

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882370  No.12494237

File: 1de9ceb7c669f41⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1438x1007, 1438:1007, lockthemup2_2.png)

who are these supposed armed protesters organizing for a DC rally? I've not heard a word about it except from the fake news. The left must have organized their mercenaries.

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3d54da  No.12494238

File: 56cb23ca2c219c1⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1422x710, 711:355, 0EFFEC82_DEA2_4D16_92C1_52….png)

& with Grace…

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0d26dc  No.12494239


Easter is in the spring.


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f0f06d  No.12494240


Dysphoric hypomania…kinda rolls off the tongue

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d21145  No.12494241



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7c8678  No.12494242


looks like courtney ugly love

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22cc57  No.12494243


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6d5ff2  No.12494244


Post 619: Note the last drops on the other board. I wonder if it has anything to do with me saying Bezos and Bloomberg are the heads of the Cabal in the US.

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 9400a1 No.175503 📁

Jan 27 2018 02:29:48 (EST)

Note the last drops on the other board.

Think logically.

Refer to past crumbs.


Do you expect HRC, GS, Hussein, etc to stand in a PUBLIC courtroom w/ potential crooked judges and tainted ‘liberal’ juries?

How do you defuse a bomb?

Knowledge of which wires/strings to cut?


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e20e6a  No.12494245

File: d1eacd462cd9773⋯.png (432.4 KB, 598x534, 299:267, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks fake, but got a lot of attention.


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425b29  No.12494246


irrelevent to his stance on radical leftist ideology

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85d4cb  No.12494247


speaking of germans

these people don't understand the nature of authoritarian regimes

like. they think it is okay to impose their regime on everyone.

and that is cause everyone is racist.

they have a scapegoat.

they seem to be under the impression that bad people join, support. and lead authoritarian governments

like that is what the evil people from the past did

there stated goal is to impose a proper moral and social order on the bad people

and my moderate family seems okay with that

i was telling them

i don't think people supported hitler because he promised to gas the jews.

nobody thought their farm life would be gulag.

they think it isn't like that stuff.

they think it is different this time

they believe it is like an evolved moral code they are operating on behalf of

but really that is called new-age bullshit

anyway. yea. it is strange cause the whole "socialism is gonna take over" crap wasn't really selling me before, i kinda chalked it up to conservative fox news rhetoric.

but now i am looking around

like wtf is this shit

and i tell moderates in my family

and they think it is great.

like ummmm


now what.

facts are established

they think this technoguru oligarchy of billionaires is cool cause they are gonna destroy the racism stuff

super not good.

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44e171  No.12494248


Meh, I suspect Biden and co., including Pelosi, will be captured on or before the 20th.

Trump will step down,

forcing a new election.

In the meantime,

Grassley will be acting President.

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93cd4b  No.12494249

File: 8ad832554ad4792⋯.png (298.59 KB, 535x542, 535:542, Screenshot_2021_01_13_Accu….png)

A shift in the weather pattern will arrive across southern Canada and the United States during the second half of winter. AccuWeather meteorologists say the polar vortex could usher in the coldest air of the season yet during the third week of January




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e61ae9  No.12494250


Laugh as it fails to get votes.

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000000  No.12494251



The brothers didn’t venture into media until 1992 when they bought the weekly newspaper The European, which had been launched by media baron Robert Maxwell two years earlier. It closed in 1998.


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fe2a8f  No.12494252


you know what.


<your brain is diseased, you should he put down before it spreads.

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924627  No.12494253

Flynn could be reinstated and promoted. POTUS, Chris Miller, Ezra in place. Yes, power to the people, and The People's General… It's coming into focus. >>12494199

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2ca1c7  No.12494254


Seemed to be helping Aunt Teefa

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0f91c0  No.12494255

File: 9ad425afb344e2c⋯.jpeg (993.11 KB, 1242x1228, 621:614, 8B88B762_FDBC_4BCA_A5D9_E….jpeg)



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fe8443  No.12494256


AAAND the only people being arrested for Capital hill are MAGA retards stupid enough to go into the building. Despite the LEFT raid during Kavanaugh (as they worked overtime playing Burrr Rabbit which made us work overtime to support him) NOT one of them was arrested.

Antifa raiding and fucking around? NOT one of them arrested. Sullivan was caught and let go despite leading the charge.

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7fe186  No.12494257

File: 1cd1d7330187f2e⋯.gif (3.62 MB, 636x357, 212:119, pop_pop.gif)


You mean your mother's cunt?

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22982b  No.12494258

File: d9cbfd0edd1bd85⋯.png (604.06 KB, 566x786, 283:393, Mole_Mole_Mole.png)


Luv Mollie. So smot.

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c6ea29  No.12494259

File: 29cc8117cd193ba⋯.png (514.1 KB, 559x447, 559:447, Laughing_Wine_Jesus_remove….png)

File: c8c3ba10b1f3243⋯.jpeg (92.17 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, SUSPICIOUS_POTUS.jpeg)

File: 224e523b5784142⋯.png (210.98 KB, 433x577, 433:577, 2688289_main_image_removeb….png)

File: 45c3d0bc1174bbd⋯.png (218.46 KB, 508x492, 127:123, Hillary_White_Supremacy_Cl….png)


They never specified in the bible how those demons were sent into those Pigs…

Man Plans, God Laughs!!!

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fb6ba8  No.12494260

>>12493239 lb

Shill baking.

The fact that digs are needed on when/if Kamala's mother became a citizen because her father didn't bother until about 6 yrs ago

… which means she probably isn't eligible to be president is



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51c6c1  No.12494261

File: 05752e7d793899f⋯.gif (867.24 KB, 500x225, 20:9, Mission_from_God.gif)



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adfd86  No.12494262


Come on. You can do better than that. Using emoji on 8kun? What are you? 12?

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a21e85  No.12494263


This is a version of what personally think will happen.

Occam's Razor.

Similar thought, don't know exact path.

no sauce, just feelings, and almonds tingling.

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541548  No.12494264


>doubt I can find it

well then, best hop to it.

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b14881  No.12494265

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e7abf3  No.12494266


Because everything is penis size, kys, meds, mum's basement and live streaming suicide.

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a05e8c  No.12494267

File: 4dce49e1575ef12⋯.png (32.01 KB, 854x171, 854:171, STOP_2347.png)

File: 0d2db21c9232aff⋯.png (35.75 KB, 317x258, 317:258, Q2347.png)


same for me… was pondering this and wonder if it was comms…

Board suddenly stops at: Stop for bewbs and memes.

Thought that was funny and then had the thought that it might be a comm…

Looked at timestamp 23:47. Compare with Q2347: "The picture will be the signifier."

Did Q team temporarily block the board to send a "heads up" comm…? Memes ready?

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666df2  No.12494268

File: e726cfbfff606db⋯.jpg (355.48 KB, 726x491, 726:491, JewsPersecuteChristiansMem….jpg)


>Come on. You can do better than that. Using emoji on 8kun? What are you? 12?


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342b26  No.12494269


She likes young military wannabees. You'll fit right in. Pun intended.

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1dc87f  No.12494270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In the early church, in worship if the Christ, ALL music was an appeal to the Lord. There was little culture of music for music's sake, around a campfire — that is even such "folk music" appears to have been devotional too. At a certain point this shifted dramatically, until we reached the modern era where all "new" music, probably since the 1800s anyhow, and certainly with the advent of supposedly secular music, music appeared to be about love and sex and mianly inscrutible poetic lyrics which we enjoyed (and ignored) as "art". We danced and sang and "Beliebed" worshiping the stars of the music world. Except we were being conned. Music never stopped being about the worship of spirits, except ALL music ceased to be about God and become a worship of the "other gods". ALL OF IT. Music is powerful. Not saying you shouldn't listen to it and dance, necessarily, but be keenly aware of its agenda.

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6c2bf9  No.12494271

File: a8a7ed93ae8046b⋯.jpg (77.07 KB, 634x358, 317:179, 2sgx4e.jpg)

File: 78e847aaa05c5d3⋯.jpg (79.15 KB, 634x358, 317:179, 2sk92v.jpg)

File: 5c54bd24bbb1d2a⋯.png (1012.74 KB, 1086x755, 1086:755, 5c54bd24bbb1d2a5069baeff0d….png)

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fe8443  No.12494272


>We just have to let Biden get the nuclear codes first,

KEK wtf does he need nuclear codes? defensive weapons are supposed to stop harm coming to our country. He doesn't need any codes, he's inviting them in.

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6dfc30  No.12494273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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7fe186  No.12494274


So a self help guru that tells people to man up, also relies heavily on (primarily leftist) mindfucking "medication" and raises a whore of a daughter is the hill you want to die on? His ideas are baby-tier shit for normie dumbfucks

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44e171  No.12494275


NYT thinks grammar is a joke.

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000000  No.12494276


Of course it's fake…. and gay

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d7b2f8  No.12494277

File: 6d1077e9e0a5458⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ec9df2fa570001515fd19b9404….jpg)

File: 9a88ade71aa8b7f⋯.png (77.37 KB, 1198x417, 1198:417, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

File: f975d4c90f01a41⋯.png (92.14 KB, 646x329, 646:329, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

File: be2803d8ae8642a⋯.png (538.27 KB, 1366x553, 1366:553, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

File: f0cfcbfe1b47047⋯.png (109.88 KB, 307x150, 307:150, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)




1 day delta between Gen Brown and POTUS

CST to coincide with POTUS speech time zone Jan 12, 2021 TX.

U.S. Air Force


Give @GenCQBrownJr

a follow for the latest on how he's leading the charge to accelerate change throughout the #AirForce.

View his strategic approach at: http://go.usa.gov/x7Sks

#AimHigh #AccelerateChange #CSAF

2:01 PM · Jan 11, 2021·Sprout Social



18-Jan-2018 8:16:41 PM CSTQ !UW.yye1fxo8ch/greatawakening

What [19] people are currently meeting in a 'safe' room [heavily guarded]?

Why did everyone leave their phones/all other electronic devices in Room 239?

Why does it take the information going PUBLIC before JUSTICE is served?




[8] FIRED.


Possible SUICIDES.

++ / + TICK TOCK.


then POTUS speech today, @14:13:17 says "tenured" (from notes)

1452 minutes ∆elta

55218-Jan-2018 10:54:12 PM CSTQ !UW.yye1fxo8ch/greatawakening


(see pic)

question in post Q541


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481673  No.12494278

File: ccb983f19f666fe⋯.png (171.12 KB, 574x415, 574:415, 2021_01_13_00_26_25.png)


>Who wears this arm patch?

Could be this one…

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85d4cb  No.12494279

it doesn't make sense to them

i tell them the anti-fascists are acting in a fascist way.

but that is impossible to them

they literally tell me

"they are an anti-fascist organization"

like i get that.

but they are behaving in a way that matches the definition of fascism.

but that is conspiracy nonsense.

i mean

they are an anti-fascist organization

and it is that straight forward to them

the label of the organization says it

that is their purpose

and anything contrary is obviously not true.

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a420b8  No.12494280

File: 9bec4e23e651fc9⋯.jpg (77.58 KB, 1159x468, 1159:468, A_V_Brackets.jpg)



What Panic?

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000000  No.12494281



We have a winnah

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32378a  No.12494282

File: ae78b78ea91a257⋯.png (417.1 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Liz Cheney voting for regime change without thinking through the consequences is pretty much the most perfect “dog bites man” story ever

don't forget Liz, war pays, but aren't you and your dad rich enough?


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7fe186  No.12494283


What's her number/cup size?

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0f91c0  No.12494284



(Prophetic word released on January 10, 2021)

Oh what a great and crushing defeat satan is about to experience! The pain will be second only to what he experienced at the resurrection. Some of his key instruments that he invested in the most are about to be key failures and most disappointing to him. They are now buckling and will lose heart and lose nerve, and "turning on each other" is about to be the norm. Last-minute sorrow and repentance is also in the works, and even tonight a key one will flip. Get ready for America's transformation. We will go from dark to light defying what the moment feels like.

I am so proud of all of you who have held the line as God knows it hasn't been easy. Strong ones have had their knees buckle. Bold ones have capitulated. The witchcraft has been high level. But good news! A recovery and restoration for all who will is coming! Our Deliverer is standing by and His coming roar of justice will be deafening - but it will also clarify many things.

So come on in, Mighty Lion of Judah, and be the Great Game-changer! Come with all Your majestic angels of glory! Come with Your great and dreadful hosts of war! Come with billions upon billions of fiercely-resolved heavenly beings! Come with bolts of lightning! Come with sounds of thunder! Come and make the ground shake as You invade! Come and leave no doubt that it is YOU! Come and cause DC to bow! Come and cause Silicon Valley to bend! Roar into London and roar into the Vatican! Roar against every enemy of justice, freedom, and of what is good!

Your Son paid the ultimate great price with His own Blood for this earth, and it is time He sees next-level rewards here on Earth! Come, our Rescuer, and save the day! Come, Victorious One, and LIGHT our way! YOU WIN!


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9bb127  No.12494285


Hah! Good luck with that.

Who exactly is going to arrest them??

I'm not holding my breath!

If the military doesn't step up and do anything then we have to!

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d1d98f  No.12494286

Was the insurrection act enacted?

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3ab9c8  No.12494287


Are those new? KEK

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c6ea29  No.12494288

File: 7e3b39e379e6f2d⋯.png (1.01 MB, 597x750, 199:250, JESUS_UN.png)

File: 9e306fe11b5d45d⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1198x1927, 1198:1927, 20200713_095319.jpg)

File: ad68c36a778d698⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 4032x1860, 336:155, 20200731_134520.jpg)

File: 1df62734bc3d2e4⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 1640x1912, 205:239, 20200602_201436.jpg)

File: 1ea21be9a72034b⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 4032x1860, 336:155, 20200525_072514.jpg)


You My Nigga, Soulman!


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a05e8c  No.12494289

File: 403d1f9629d3dcb⋯.png (38.51 KB, 1332x174, 222:29, 619.png)


bigger cap with 619 as others noted

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b14881  No.12494290


We hot off of 432Hz

We are 8Hz accelerated from that and with that have accelerated time

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425b29  No.12494291


so you don't have any evidence to disprove his anti post-modernist stance? got it.

re-framing the argument when you can't win is baby-tier shit for normie bumbfucks

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1dc87f  No.12494292

File: 9c38ab67ff104e8⋯.png (937.17 KB, 866x650, 433:325, DVCLRS.png)

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fe8443  No.12494293


I am not in disagreement with that statement. My burb is quiet as death. The night of the rally (despite no severe lockdown) there was NO one outside…not even walking a dog. The fear is palatable…the grocery..people walking with their heads down….ME? big piece of duct tape with SHUT UP written on it.

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48afda  No.12494294


Never. Q and Trump lied.

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4a7f4f  No.12494295



>I think 10 days darkness is not a period of no coms. Quite the opposite. Biden sworn in on schedule, Coup (crime) complete. Arrests begin immediately for a few minutes live on air then go dark. EAM immediately activated for 10 days of declas. That would be pretty fucking dark for normies and many of the newly woke would it not?

I would enjoy seeing this. Makes sense, but i just hope there are enough patriots who aren't afraid to go forward with it.

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6c2bf9  No.12494296



no, from 2018 i think. I made the first 2 memes, KEK

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ba9823  No.12494297



You're right. If something doesn't happen here America is lost. Dems have shown the evil hatred that is in them for the 80 million people that *GASP* voted for the other guy. We've seen that the fraud was blown off… even with copious amounts of proof. The Dems have made what was once a rare and HUGE DEAL to IMPEACH a President into nothing more exciting than Taco Tuesday. They have made it clear that the corrupt players pick the cast, not us. If Trump doesn't follow through, and I still think there's a chance he will, he would take a 4 yr Best President Ever to the guy that the President that my let us turn Communist. I'm rooting and praying for him every few hours. People are sick over this, crying, distressed that we've lost our country to fraud. We are being punished for voting. Sorry, not concernfag. More pissedfag.

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f0f06d  No.12494298

I can’t remember the last time I checked>>12494244

Bloomberg looks like a lizard.

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7fe186  No.12494299


I'm telling you the well you draw from is tainted you dumb fucking cunt. Keep eating his ass though

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882370  No.12494300

File: 4f80b24447767bb⋯.jpg (196.32 KB, 640x427, 640:427, pattern4.jpg)

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2c5529  No.12494301

File: 448c0070d3665a8⋯.jpg (63.67 KB, 687x505, 687:505, Sedition.JPG)


"[2] [D]-founded [financially-legally-backed] orgs?

DA set-free blockade post 'terrorist designate'?

DA 'no proof' individual linked to Antifa argument coming?

Antifa mapping began long ago."

"Full circle.

Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?

What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?

What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?

Think recent events.

You have more than you know."

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ff10ec  No.12494302

Cheers to Q - The LARPiest LARP that ever LARPed!

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36a524  No.12494303


Inside info? Or he’s just another Anon.

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3ab9c8  No.12494304


I think Grassley would step down andit would be Pompeo. Grassely almost dead.

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e055d9  No.12494305

i miss reading sidney and lins shitposts on twister. Shit, so this is what communism feels like… eerily silent. Are they posting anywhere now, while parler is down?

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81e9e1  No.12494306


first photo fake and gay

come out of the matrix

it to is fake and gay

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7c69b9  No.12494307

On the 30th Anniversary of the film's release, L'Osservatore Romano (the daily newspaper of Vatican City State) wrote that the film is filled with positive symbolism and moral references that can be related to Catholicism. They went further, stating, The Blues Brothers 'is a memorable film, and, judging by the facts, a Catholic one.'

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4a7f4f  No.12494308

File: 523ff51c03a1cbb⋯.png (680.83 KB, 1200x1309, 1200:1309, 1200px_Joint_Chiefs_of_Sta….png)


the seal used isn't the Joint Chiefs Seal. Don't know why they would use DOD seal instead.

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51c6c1  No.12494309

File: 637aa2fe6b49e73⋯.png (666.93 KB, 691x462, 691:462, Grass_Sniper.png)


Executive Order 13848 of September 12, 2018

Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

(c) Heads of all relevant agencies shall transmit to the Director of National Intelligence any information relevant to the execution of the Director's duties pursuant to this order, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law. If relevant information emerges after the submission of the report mandated by section 1(a) of this order, the Director, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate agencies, shall amend the report, as appropriate, and the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall amend the report required by section 1(b), as appropriate.

(d) Nothing in this order shall prevent the head of any agency or any other appropriate official from tendering to the President, at any time through an appropriate channel, any analysis, information, assessment, or evaluation of foreign interference in a United States election.

Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security:

(i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election;

(ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described in subsection (a)(i) of this section or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; or

(iii) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property or interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order.


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1dc87f  No.12494310

File: 3f993d15886cb35⋯.png (123.09 KB, 606x341, 606:341, PrinceOfAirwaves.png)

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6c2bf9  No.12494311



Just checked, they are from Jan 30th 2019

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2a4f33  No.12494312

Q post 953. We are now on "Impeach."

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7c8678  No.12494313

serious thought and question

do anons really believe that potus would allow us (merica) to be inone of the weakest positions (globally) during this time in which he knew we would be at risk from other nationsjust to prove to himself that he didn't lose if he really lost or even if he thought that there was NOTHING that could turn this around??

he would not risk the nation's security at this highly sensitive time if he thought that this was the end, he would end it gracefully

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a5c757  No.12494314

>>12493331 (pb)


First and foremost, the term China Virus does not reflect the Chinese heritage, and is by no means a racial slur toward the good people of China. If any people understand governmental and bureaucratic oppression, it’s the good Chinese people. The China Virus is a name given to identify the root source of the virus as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and their handlers. China Virus is surnamed the Invisible Enemy.

What is the China Virus?

The offer and/or acceptance of bribes, issuance of blackmail or threat, and the unequal application of the laws by enforcement, legislative, judicial, executive branches, and other officials of authority that govern societies including local, state, or federal administrations, and any individuals, or political, bureaucratic, or corporate institution representatives which orchestrate in conjunction with the Invisible Enemy, thereby initiating and/or performing actions which are intended to harmfully infiltrate, directly or indirectly, the sovereignty of a nation, by the participating citizen or stranger.

Who is infected by the China Virus?

Including, but not limited to, beneficiaries in any capacity of the following: Those that have successfully offered and/or accepted bribes, or have oppressed other individuals using blackmail techniques, or committed criminal acts worthy of blackmail, or those being oppressed by individuals/groups initiating threats against people with opposing views or against those holding evidence of corruption, and all individuals of official capacities which apply rules of law unequally with respect to persons, and other political, bureaucratic, and corporate individuals and institutions which have participated and/or conspired with the Invisible Enemy to infiltrate with intent to do harm to the sovereignty of a nation.

What is the cure for the China Virus?

• The extent of the wrongdoing will determine which vaccine is to be administered, and the choice to accept such offer will be that of the intended recipient, thus to be executed in full within a predetermined space of time, and said cure currently offers a range of effectiveness, depending on the brand of vaccine dealt to the wrongdoer.

• To those which are offered a vaccine, the cure will be made available at the end of a quarantine period, which quarantine serves the purpose of allowing the wrongdoer to become clean, turning from their corrupt ways, and other such requirements to be imposed, and at which time recipient is required to expose with full details all violations and/or wrongdoings committed and/or directly witnessed regarding any of the above mentioned virus symptoms. After the time of quarantine, those which have offered the cure shall look upon the details provided by the recipient, and pronounce the infected individual as clean or unclean to the administrator(s) of the vaccine, and if clean they will be given the designated cure.

• For individuals which are offered a vaccine cure and choose not to accept, or for those which would decline quarantine, there will be no deals extended beyond that of the original offer.

• For individuals or entities which have not yet been offered a vaccine, or those which are unaware of the offer, it is incumbent on you to request vaccination by demonstrating your symptoms in part, and asking that consideration be made. If you choose not to plead for a vaccine cure now, there may be a vaccine available to you at a later date.

• Those individuals which are infected by means of duress of threat which have committed no violation, or show no symptoms of violation when tested by the administrators, or under certain circumstances were forced into submission, will or may be deemed to be clean of the China Virus.

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3ab9c8  No.12494315


Must have missed em the first time aroumd. SO many pepe newcast memes going around.

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adfd86  No.12494316


There's a lot of truth to that one. They occupy until they are driven out. And they've been driven out of every place they have ever occupied. However, that's not really a meme. It's more of a wordy pile of shit that no normie will ever read. You need to clean it up a bit.

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d944bc  No.12494317

File: 2069dbdefebe583⋯.png (159.93 KB, 363x731, 363:731, Q_4949.png)

Today POTUS mentioned the civil war in his speech in Alamo, Texas, Was it a signal?


And I'll tell you who else gets it. The Hispanic population of our country gets it because not only did I win Texas in historic numbers, but I won border towns, which are largely Hispanic. And people were amazed to see that. And the numbers, they say, were, Governor of Texas called, great guy, great governor, called. He said, "You had numbers that nobody's had since reconstruction." Reconstruction means Civil War.

@31:13 → https://youtu.be/V4zZREEsphs

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39aeee  No.12494318



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425b29  No.12494319


whether or not the well I'm drawing from is tainted is not the issue being discussed. it is your attempt to reframe the discussion because you can't refute the initial argument put forth despite claiming you could.

you lack very basic logical argument skills anon.

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d7b2f8  No.12494320

File: d0638f034cc4e31⋯.png (154.98 KB, 963x297, 107:33, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

File: 61576ef3ac77b99⋯.png (43.46 KB, 260x299, 20:23, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

File: c76320ad7e82ebe⋯.png (984.06 KB, 933x602, 933:602, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)



watch the water

at the pub with Greta, where the liquid flows…..

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0d26dc  No.12494321


>Trump will step down,

Trump doesn't need to step down from anything. His present term simply expires. He is the last president of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

This is why this whole movie is even necessary.

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1dc87f  No.12494322

File: 265f43a57933838⋯.png (313.42 KB, 693x390, 231:130, SORRYNOTTODAY.png)

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32378a  No.12494323

File: 5280612720ead9d⋯.png (243.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

incitey and seditious, I chuckled at that one, "BUT KING OF YOUR MOM" MADE ME REALLY KEK

James Lindsay, king of your mom


Seems kind of incitey and seditious, given the broad range of interpretations it might have.


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8b403b  No.12494324

File: da4dfbf11336a13⋯.png (448.24 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Screenshot_2021_01_13_Ep_2….png)

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51c6c1  No.12494325

File: 4611f0393e8a746⋯.jpg (157.03 KB, 1200x728, 150:91, Victory.jpg)


Can it be any more blindingly clear and vivid? Muh .gov is totally comped. Military is the only way . . .


Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.


Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government;

or Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so;

or Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof —

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction. If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction. As used in this section, the terms "organizes" and "organize", with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.



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1ec704  No.12494326



Pain is Coming.

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666df2  No.12494327

File: 42556e8d57e8217⋯.jpg (133.6 KB, 960x720, 4:3, kickedout4.jpg)



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2cdd53  No.12494328




Their project is now elimination of their enemy.

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3f8116  No.12494329

File: 0adce922e913f3e⋯.jpg (89 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, lpMXDIxT.jpg)



Military sided with Biden.

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318bb2  No.12494330


go read on telegram



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1dc87f  No.12494331

File: 1df406d2ef24d20⋯.png (549.88 KB, 1182x664, 591:332, movietime.png)

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f1b1e0  No.12494332


Half of congress is almost dead. Did you watch the shit-show hearings tonight? Good Lord.

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342b26  No.12494333


Is everyone ready?

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d2406e  No.12494334


That would be a swift kick in the head.

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8fa602  No.12494335

File: cd473266cffe597⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 2400x2410, 240:241, POTUS_Popcorn.jpg)


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541548  No.12494336






Perhaps it was the signifier that we need the posting of more organic bewbs.

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3ab9c8  No.12494337


And will be new president of these united states of America. DC needs to be bull dozed.

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cf76a9  No.12494338


you rock. Thank you

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a21e85  No.12494339

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c982df  No.12494340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

U.S. House APPROVES 25th Amendment Resolution

3,920 views•Jan 12, 2021

316 Likes 246 Dislikes


886K subscribers

U.S. House approves resolution calling on Vice President Pence to convene and mobilize the cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment, 223-205. Vice President Pence informed Speaker Pelosi in a letter that he has no intention of using the 25th amendment as requested.



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f0f06d  No.12494341


Probably the best read I’ve had in a long time thanks

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1dc87f  No.12494342

File: 840efe0ac0bb81a⋯.png (232.89 KB, 612x345, 204:115, wickedxtngushforv.png)

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7fe186  No.12494343


>whether or not the well I'm drawing from is tainted is not the issue being discussed

It is when you're specifically referencing that dumb propped up Canadian cunt. You could have just mentioned his ideas, but specifically him you lock on to.

What do you think about Alex Jones anon? Do you care what that source is? Do you care at all about sources of information? Do you understand what a well poisoner even is? 80/20? You retarded anon?

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c6ea29  No.12494344

File: 7e2dc4ff62dc163⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 346x599, 346:599, Q_Angel.gif)

File: cf7d586f83ce5fb⋯.mp4 (11.07 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1_POWER_AND_GLORY.mp4)


Remember to Entertain Angels Unawares and Always be Excellent to One Another!

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e51d76  No.12494345


Ok Morrissey

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2a4f33  No.12494346


Yep. Pepe.

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318bb2  No.12494347


Looks like they grabbed a document for something else and modified it.

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0d26dc  No.12494348



AND, this is why the democrats are hell-bent on inaugurating SOMEONE.

They KNOW that if Trump's term expires naturally, then THE UNITED STATES also expires.

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3ab9c8  No.12494349


Couldnt do it anon. Anon can take only so much. And I am at much.

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950b28  No.12494350


>Biden sworn in on schedule

then are saying Biden and Harris get arrested or what in this scenario?

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75c695  No.12494351

shills out pumpers in…

What a mess, now shills are selling it.

Last few paydays gotta squeeze every penny out.

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8641a9  No.12494352

Today, in his speech, How many names did POTUS say there were for the virus?

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342b26  No.12494353


Rice and beans for months.

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8b899e  No.12494354


>Pompeo linked ISIS to Iran.

>ISIS is really the clowns

>Therefore Iran is really just the clowns

>Pretty clear to me.

Don't forget the pallets of cash [hussein] sent to directly fund said clown fuckery. Pretty sure that part is important, even though not stated so bluntly.

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87e77f  No.12494355


Techanon here, You can use Signal, just don't be dumb enough to record yourself for their dumb key bullshit, that's the problem that has been added on top of a once good service. ( . )( . )

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74c2ee  No.12494356


at this point there are only a few in congress that would not attempt to use this against MAGA patriots

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e6496b  No.12494357

File: b5ad0002d23c0d0⋯.png (238.92 KB, 406x262, 203:131, Screenshot_2021_01_13_sulu….png)

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95ca93  No.12494358


Well that does it. I'm NOT moving to China. They're going to have to move HERE instead.

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882370  No.12494359

File: e1a75610c6e9447⋯.png (144.16 KB, 639x717, 213:239, darkwinter.png)

File: 43f97f70ee5100f⋯.jpeg (178.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, darkwinter.jpeg)


Dark Winter

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6d5ff2  No.12494360


Who doesn't know that Silverstein said pull the plug and the 5 dancing Israelis came to film it?

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608c52  No.12494361

File: 753c8aee7145e0d⋯.png (657.57 KB, 536x584, 67:73, Old_tits_4.png)


>Perhaps it was the signifier that we need the posting of more organic bewbs.

Ask and you shall receive!

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0d26dc  No.12494362


Yes, on both counts.

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9bb127  No.12494363


Why did 5 R's not even vote?

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5a9f15  No.12494364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ok rabbi

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000000  No.12494365

The question should not beifPOTUS declared an insurrection

but ratherwhenthat declaration is made






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808d2e  No.12494366


The bananarama with the short blonde hair is a definite thumbs up

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e15141  No.12494367


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7fe186  No.12494368

File: 6854dac0d68f0a6⋯.jpg (113.95 KB, 960x960, 1:1, v19fpvbg6k711.jpg)

>what's up my totally organic homies

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74c2ee  No.12494369


yeh I capped some of it but shut it down when Mad Max came up

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d944bc  No.12494370


I'm not interpreting it as, Congress having the power to invoke the 25th.

The way I read that is if executive departments, which are made by congress, or any other similar thing made by congress invoke the 25th. Like they were writing for a future where maybe it's possible the executive branch is no longer a thing.

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541548  No.12494371



c'mon, anon.

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2c5529  No.12494372

File: d1ef407dad0c2aa⋯.png (465.06 KB, 602x450, 301:225, rdrrh.PNG)

Remember this?

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9efc4f  No.12494373

There are over 80,000,000 American Patriots. Our U.S. military capabilities are second to none. President Trump is Commander in Chief. I can't imagine ANY realistic scenario where the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, George Soros, Xi Jinping, Joe Biden, or any enemies of ours stand a chance in hell of winning this war. This is OUR time, OUR Country.

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342b26  No.12494374


They were busy smoking a J in the parking lot.

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666df2  No.12494375

File: 991dd068afd34e5⋯.png (287.17 KB, 415x323, 415:323, NAACP.png)

File: 7ad14fe59c17fa0⋯.jpg (19.21 KB, 400x300, 4:3, up_the_wall.jpg)


>ok rabbi


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1dc87f  No.12494376

File: 3fb2dccd35527a3⋯.png (515.36 KB, 504x504, 1:1, THCNLRVSGDS.png)

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436488  No.12494377


Possibly the 278th Armored

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5a9f15  No.12494378


JCS are advisors.

POTUS controls military

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c43534  No.12494379


What choice do we have?

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000000  No.12494380


Copy-cat-kike at it again.

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3ab9c8  No.12494381


bleck, someone get me some visine. Need really nice bewbs quick.

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e73849  No.12494382

File: ac6ec4503c66052⋯.jpeg (26.71 KB, 392x118, 196:59, 965BF982_CE8A_4D3F_AC9A_2….jpeg)


TY Baker

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83ccd6  No.12494383


well, somewhat correct unless something else happens.

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f4c612  No.12494384


I don’t know why we have to take it so far.

If Trump won overwhelmingly then we have a huge number as silent majority.

It’s like running a prostitution sting and insisting the guy blows his load before you barge in and arrest him.

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d7b2f8  No.12494385

File: 7db7462e62bfc4a⋯.png (33.91 KB, 1087x630, 1087:630, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

File: df28b036c8d1b18⋯.png (41.3 KB, 1124x631, 1124:631, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)


the iron[E] is, the earth has 4 corners to conquer, according to the Roman Catholic Dioces….

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8b899e  No.12494386


>Starting to feel like GITMO buildup was meant for us. See you all there.

Meh. I'm broke AF and need a vacation.

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7c69b9  No.12494387

File: 9e4c16b2cbd7be2⋯.png (1.32 MB, 918x994, 459:497, blunt.png)

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15fa24  No.12494388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


another hint in this new one at around 19:00

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5c455d  No.12494389

>>12493838 Dough

#15951@500 Notables

>>12493850 YouTube is Suspending President Donald Trump's Channel

>>12493879 Never-Trump Group Offers $50 Mll Support For GOP Lawmakers Who Oppose T

>>12493904 US Sanctions Ukrainians Who Revealed Evidence of Biden Family Corruption

>>12493916 Dem Rep. Bush: GOP Lawmakers Made ‘Racist Attempt’ to Overturn Election — ‘White Supremacy at Its Finest’

>>12493930 Schiff: Trump Impeachment ‘Gathering Momentum’ with Republicans

>>12493950 Beijing Orders Passengers To Scan QR Health Codes Before Entering Uber

>>12494026 Project Veritas leaks tape of PBS staffer appearing to spew 'radicalism', incite political violence

>>12494064 One of Trump's biggest unfulfilled promises: Russia declassification

>>12494065 , >>12494340 House votes to invoke 25th amendment, but Vice President Pence has already said he will not go along.

>>12494108 McConnell Considers Backstabbing Trump: Report

>>12494179 Democrats' China connections keep piling up. Sen. Boxer reverses decision to be an 'agent' for Chinese company

>>12494249 Polar Vortex narrative


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22cc2f  No.12494390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller Incites Political Violence In Radical Left-Wing Agenda

Project Veritas

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25199f  No.12494391

File: 24a31e650a917c6⋯.png (301.34 KB, 504x552, 21:23, gretchen_20.png)

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8641a9  No.12494392

Anybody else hearing from normies who are telling you about dreams or visions they had about pols getting arrested?

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1dc87f  No.12494393

File: 3792f00a9748767⋯.png (807.31 KB, 754x424, 377:212, MYTHRCHLDNFGBK.png)

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2a4f33  No.12494394


So fucking what? These losers tried to impeach Trump 5 x already. They should drink some bleach, wear a mask, and stay home.

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342b26  No.12494395


Hoping there is a water boarding station before dinner.

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5a9f15  No.12494396

File: 0285be221e18a9e⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1186x1005, 1186:1005, ClipboardImage.png)

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f1b1e0  No.12494397

File: 1c5300ade04c314⋯.jpg (50.86 KB, 511x511, 1:1, bewbs1.jpg)


You're welcome.

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2c5529  No.12494398

File: 58d5a301aefd8df⋯.png (504.22 KB, 602x653, 602:653, 17hours.PNG)

File: 81a8aaafa451fb9⋯.png (105.71 KB, 360x358, 180:179, ESnw7ECUYAA0D6R.png)

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a0d1b8  No.12494399


So what you're saying is Jews like to fuck satanic Et's? 😉

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b14881  No.12494400


Walk with God

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000000  No.12494401


if you think the bulk of the military listens to a bunch of dusty old generals just because of rank… then you know shit about the military… half the game in the military is knowing the shit you can pull without over stepping… ie… billet out weighs rank

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1dc87f  No.12494402

File: 1942f3b072913c4⋯.png (317.87 KB, 479x479, 1:1, prayetochildn.png)

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6c2bf9  No.12494403

File: 0b936ac1031fcf0⋯.jpg (41.6 KB, 578x620, 289:310, 59764e49676f838681925ec255….jpg)

File: 8a9ea83562df056⋯.jpg (132.39 KB, 962x662, 481:331, 0f2ea914f2037884f8ba7c1ab9….jpg)


Looks like macrons wife, kek

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86b386  No.12494404

File: 295dcd131874848⋯.png (197.93 KB, 276x244, 69:61, BakedClam.png)


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d944bc  No.12494405


We remember…

Still, it's hard to see how it's all going to play out.

Keep the morale high anon, I like it.

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666df2  No.12494406

File: 8ea475ed4a2586f⋯.mp4 (8.83 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Jacob_Cohen_explains_the_S….mp4)


Jacob Cohen explains the Sayanim (Mossad's volunteer agents)


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36a524  No.12494407


Again, Has Trump just drawn out more Treason? Is this not Quid Pro Quo for that which is meant to be decided on merit?

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371e19  No.12494408



This is important to consider


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2a4f33  No.12494409


Why arent they basking in Creepy Joe's Glorious Victory?

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7c8678  No.12494410


yea, you're prob right on that

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000000  No.12494411

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c982df  No.12494412


Prob died of the covid.

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e61ae9  No.12494413

>>12494108 McConnell Considers Backstabbing Trump: Report

Funny how Mitch changed when his Slant wife resigned. I guess the riots where a good time to duck the investigations.

House committee launches ethics investigation into Elaine Chao’s ties to shipping company run by her family

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e055d9  No.12494414


Thank you

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51c6c1  No.12494415

File: 683d1619c608df6⋯.jpg (332.24 KB, 833x615, 833:615, Team_Punisher.jpg)



derp state cunts skert

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83ccd6  No.12494416


makes sense, the crime is complete. not a single person can say they didn't know or whatever. Aiding and abetting in there too. NOBODY ESCAPES

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7c69b9  No.12494417


>macrons wife

cmon man

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c6ea29  No.12494418

File: 5ceace48aa56981⋯.jpg (17.44 KB, 271x350, 271:350, preseyesonly.jpg)

File: 2e031e6f35d8892⋯.jpg (16.48 KB, 310x250, 31:25, presidential_seal.jpg)

File: 93bb7d8fed54e07⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, President_Bush_1st_Inaugur….JPG)

File: c2510453e890c75⋯.png (999.56 KB, 951x719, 951:719, Presentation1dfadsfa.png)

File: 338f5038208334c⋯.jpg (87.47 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, President_Andrew_Jackson.jpg)


Didn't Make the Graphic. 45° Is the Salute Angle According to this Salted SNCO…

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7b8bb9  No.12494419

File: bf9d9348b96c832⋯.mp4 (8.53 MB, 522x240, 87:40, Alien_in_Mexico_Mexican_UF….mp4)

what the hell are these thingys

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22982b  No.12494420

File: 3c422a3a8889b04⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 610x550, 61:55, 000000.jpg)

Techno Fog @Techno_Fog · 1h

Dangerous rhetoric from the Washington Post:

"Will the GOP turn into Hezbollah?"

For those who don't remember, Hezbollah was linked to the 1983 Beirut bombing that killed 200+ Marines.

The State Department has them designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.


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1dc87f  No.12494421

File: dbcfe8f35abccaa⋯.png (376.16 KB, 704x395, 704:395, MYTHRBSWNDK.png)

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ec789d  No.12494422

After Alamo, who here is still comfy?

Can I see Gretchen's milkies?

Trump could declass, but he's too much of a fucking pussy. I'd rather die in nuclear fire than live in the fucking hell that he has consigned us to through his fucking cowardice.

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a21e85  No.12494423


I miss that one, one of my faves.

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44e171  No.12494424


Signalling to China he knows they are in Mexico.

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1ec704  No.12494425


The circus was in town?

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079bb9  No.12494426

File: 271ab661beaa4c1⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1028x638, 514:319, ClipboardImage.png)


They did it a 2nd time? Or was the 1st time a step on the way to this one?

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000000  No.12494427


Disgree. Most people are honest, and most people believe in the Constitution, even if they don't

understand the reason behind it's provisions. Once it starts to come out what is happening,

most people will be horrified. An overwhelming majority, in fact.

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85d4cb  No.12494428

it blows my fucking mind

that these so called educated people

think it is good

that white privilege liberal kids are on twitter screaming racist at the bad people

i swear

these liberals post screenshots on their instagram of owning a racist on twitter

then everyone pats them on the back

tells them how revolutionary it was

the cycle of stupid continues

i think some people know better

but somewhere they are convinced of this

black or bust thing

you either prioritize race relations in your value system or that makes you a racist

it just isn't true

but these billionaire technogurus are the ones shoveling the social justice crap down everyones throat.

your army of anti-racist college kids

are just a bunch of closeted racists

that you keep patting on the back

fucking self-induced echo chamber

they want to make change in the world

but instead of calling someone they disagree with and having a conversation

they call their friends and talk about how bad their political scapegoat is

and get reinforcement for their moral superiority

you dumb mother fucking suburban university dumbfucks ain't as smart as the system tells them that they are.

everyone has the same brain

and that paper don't make you special

you are stupid.


that paper they gave you doesn't replace common sense and logic

it doesn't make liberal logic replace real logic

there is facts

and logic

and reality

and abstractions

and this is life.

like. i get it. you went to school. but that doesn't make you smart.

that makes have a specialized education on particular topics.

the education provided in university

is not the only way to be "smart"

you can be educated on many things and be very smart and have had zero university experience.

but to the liberal, these are rare exceptions in intelligence.

they generally believe

university = smart and educated

no university - not smart and not educated

but rarely does anyone consider their university education equal to a "hard knock education"

they are rich in facts

and a little short on experience and wisdom


i mean.

they get a couple years into a bachelors degree and they know how to end every global problem if everyone would just vote Joe 2020 then the revolution can begin.

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9bb127  No.12494429


You're saying the United States of America will expire?

I like the sound of that, as in the corporation will expire. But we need sauce!!

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5a9f15  No.12494430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You copied me, kike.

Typical kike.

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c43534  No.12494431


Biden taking the oath of office KNOWINGLY completes the coup. MSM cameras rolling live, he is immediately arrested for treason, cameras go dark. EAM messages with declas begin immediately. World shocked, future direction indicated. Enjoy the show!

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318bb2  No.12494432

File: a6ffd9124aed9bb⋯.png (19.81 KB, 504x179, 504:179, Screenshot.png)

Is this the real Lin Wood Telegram account? If so?


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7fe186  No.12494433

File: 42690659dc24efd⋯.png (890.8 KB, 521x795, 521:795, raw.png)

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7c8678  No.12494434


and that's just the 80 mil who VOTED

there are more who didn't or who can't yet

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8301a6  No.12494435


Bring bubblegum

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1dc87f  No.12494436

File: 1fcbbd34f541c09⋯.png (352.65 KB, 606x341, 606:341, PENFOLDS.png)

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371e19  No.12494437

File: 2a416a95f33c5e7⋯.png (813.92 KB, 533x499, 533:499, 2a416a95f33c5e7cdea7f2cada….png)

File: a8d04ead8b4bb58⋯.jpg (41.15 KB, 410x598, 205:299, Based_Department.jpg)

File: ca5a385d7c776f4⋯.jpg (39.54 KB, 410x598, 205:299, Based_Department1.jpg)

File: 8a7a82c9cf11540⋯.png (224.08 KB, 521x937, 521:937, Based_Dept.png)

File: 37f27722fec5815⋯.png (542.17 KB, 1125x1003, 1125:1003, Based_Suprise.png)


>if these people had actually won, then Trump would never have thought beyond being a billionaire business man in the first place.


>He gave up a billionaire's lifestyle for this. Go figure.

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666df2  No.12494438

File: 655be67b780a926⋯.jpg (309.99 KB, 747x445, 747:445, head_of_the_hydra.jpg)

File: 2b67f89e2fe75f8⋯.png (1.11 MB, 960x818, 480:409, honk.png)



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1dc87f  No.12494439

File: 0129889ddf628cc⋯.png (303.55 KB, 606x341, 606:341, vaxoz.png)

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3ab9c8  No.12494440


No wonder why Macron fucks black dudes. I get it.

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7c69b9  No.12494441

File: eff9178829d5e3f⋯.png (99.8 KB, 255x192, 85:64, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.12494442


Fake, and gay.

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000000  No.12494443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You copied me, kike.


It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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81deb6  No.12494444


If they vote to impeach and Pence doesn't go along, does that mean Nancy becomes president?

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1dc87f  No.12494445

File: 40093873455ae1a⋯.png (282.49 KB, 424x424, 1:1, CORNAFLIE.png)

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2e3625  No.12494446


Hard to pull off the false flag when the pres asks for peace and law and order and no impeachment to spark a revolt needed to seize.

Its a period of mass baiting.

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371e19  No.12494447

File: 7026d8d1d7a6934⋯.png (749.87 KB, 1403x864, 1403:864, Based_Surprise.png)

File: 403d48314985f24⋯.png (287.12 KB, 1054x327, 1054:327, Based_Surprise1.png)

File: b1c277f80ae8c28⋯.jpeg (104.56 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Based12.jpeg)

File: 615a9a25e85cb36⋯.png (67.5 KB, 255x255, 1:1, BASEDFUCK_.png)

File: 4e673a0cd5c8b53⋯.jpeg (775.33 KB, 932x928, 233:232, Rambro.jpeg)

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15145b  No.12494448

File: 44564c68405a13b⋯.png (546.82 KB, 752x1010, 376:505, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice network you got there, would be a shame if someone mapped it.

"President Donald Trump signed an executive order late Tuesday night instructing the State Department to restrict visas to foreigners affiliated with Antifa and is calling on the Department of Justice to classify the anarchist organization as a domestic terrorist group.

'Reliable reporting suggests that the movement known as Antifa is directly or indirectly responsible for some of the recent lawlessness in our communities, and has exploited tragedies to advance a radical, leftist, anarchist, and often violent agenda. In fact, Antifa has long used otherwise permissible demonstrations to engage in lawless, criminal behavior to further its radical agenda," the order states. "The violence spurred on by Antifa such as hurling projectiles and incendiary devices at police, burning vehicles, and violently confronting police in defiance of local curfews is dangerous to human life and to the fabric of our Nation. These violent acts undermine the rights of peaceful protestors and destroy the lives, liberty, and property of the people of this Nation, especially those most vulnerable."'



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ec789d  No.12494449

File: 5f082cba5af66ec⋯.jpeg (92.45 KB, 1188x952, 297:238, pepe_retard_juice.jpeg)


Keep drinking it.

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22cc2f  No.12494450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

George News is having an hr chat session. 12-1am est

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7513ed  No.12494451

Anons we are winning so much right now

I'm sure am loving all of this WINNING. So much WINNING!!

Stolen Presidential election….WINNING.

Stolen Senate races……………WINNING.

Nationwide lockdowns…………WINNING.

Churches closed…………………WINNING.

6 months of blm/antifa riots…..WINNING.

Small business destroyed…….WINNING.

Families destroyed………………WINNING.

Parents being arrested in

front of their children……………WINNING.

Fines for opening business…..WINNING.

Largest transfer of wealth……..WINNING.

Amazon record profits…………..WINNING.

Watch CA……………………………WINNING.

Rig for Red………………………….WINNING.

Bio weapons released…………..WINNING.

Nursing home genocides……….WINNING.

FBI no time for Vegas……………WINNING.

FBI on scene for Nascar………..WINNING.

January 6 false flag……………….WINNING.

Conservatives now terrorists…..WINNING.

Marxist insurgency……………….WINNING.

Forced vaccinations……………..WINNING.

Tech censorship…………………..WINNING.

Defunding police depts………….WINNING.

Releasing criminals from jail…..WINNING.

Mayors in open insurgency…….WINNING.

Sanctuary cities……………………WINNING.

FISA declassification…………….WINNING.

Midterms are safe…………………WINNING.

Trust Sessions……………………..WINNING.

Trust Barr…………………………….WINNING.

Trust Wray……………………………WINNING.

Antifa declared terrorist org…….WINNING.

Second impeachment…………….WINNING.

Media gaslighting…………………..WINNING.

The world will learn

the truth in July (2018)……………WINNING.

911 perpetrators arrested………..WINNING.

$600 stimulus for serfs…………….WINNING.

$3.3 billion for Israel………………..WINNING.

$300 million for Pakistan………….WINNING.

Valerie Jarrett in [killbox]…………..WINNING.

Hussein's legal counsel……………WINNING.

Hussein's anthrax to Vanessa……WINNING.

Pardon for Julian Assange………..WINNING.

Criminal traitors arrested…………..WINNING.

0 criminal traitors prosecuted…….WINNING.

Hillary Clinton completely free……WINNING.

No public Epstein testimony……….WINNING.

America will be unified again………WINNING.

Panic in DC………lol…………………..WINNING.

Antifa false flag on jan. 6……………WINNING.

Not a single known criminal mass murdering traitor has been arrested or prosecuted, NOTHING. Holy shit I just can't take all of this WINNING.

Anons did I leave anything out? Call me a shill and then let me know which one of Trump's victories I forgot to add.

Trust the plan

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de994a  No.12494452


1. The JCOS does not include Ezra or the Special Forces he controls. The JCOS is in the dark on the evidence Trump has obtained.

2. The JCOS will be forced to change their stance when Trump declassifies and publicly dumps evidence of foreign interference and fraud in the election results just be inauguration.

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5f755b  No.12494453

File: efe82b54b57f148⋯.png (731.34 KB, 500x579, 500:579, ClipboardImage.png)



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1dc87f  No.12494454

File: 43c23bb6c6acc01⋯.png (229.56 KB, 458x458, 1:1, Godsjudgment.png)

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2c5529  No.12494455

File: 7796f1b34a666b7⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 2048x2012, 512:503, 7796f1b34a666b77fa8c8c1eae….jpg)

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260bc2  No.12494456


>what the hell are these thingys

a clever way to distract you from other meaningful things

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000000  No.12494457


That's a man, man.

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9bb127  No.12494458



He needs to show it or shut up!!

He's making us all look bad.

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666df2  No.12494459


>>12494430 Rekt 🤣😂😂🤣


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51c6c1  No.12494460

File: a9047120b34356d⋯.jpg (429.32 KB, 653x984, 653:984, Killdozer.jpg)



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5a9f15  No.12494461

File: f2e1cd1861eaa78⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1816x1163, 1816:1163, ClipboardImage.png)


emoji kike

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e61ae9  No.12494462

File: fd8770beb797bf2⋯.png (10.03 KB, 255x205, 51:41, fd8770beb797bf256d9e934f1f….png)


Instant filter.

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b14881  No.12494463

File: 745a2d5eaeefee0⋯.jpg (83.53 KB, 720x932, 180:233, IMG_20201214_135736_982.jpg)

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7fe186  No.12494464

File: 82a40ca08694dea⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 390x205, 78:41, well_there_it_is_jurassic_….gif)

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e15141  No.12494465



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882370  No.12494466

File: 3e70492dd611573⋯.jpg (16.83 KB, 304x360, 38:45, stageset_2.jpg)

They certified a stolen election, they voted for the flagrant misuse of the 25th [knowingly]…why bother waiting for the second impeachment charade, Do it, Potus.

Stop the Coup

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46489a  No.12494467


That first arrest would shock the world.

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371e19  No.12494468

File: c3b8c24624df1f0⋯.jpg (11.83 KB, 230x219, 230:219, 139a5451ba1afe2fea8382a80a….jpg)

File: 99e26eb63903e82⋯.gif (595.36 KB, 270x200, 27:20, 99e26eb63903e82f253067816d….gif)

File: 59238849d9ee89c⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 612x556, 153:139, 59238849d9ee89c6b24738eeb6….jpg)

File: b3ed42104109626⋯.png (259.97 KB, 453x696, 151:232, b3ed421041096264e0b62ecdd1….png)

File: 139a5451ba1afe2⋯.jpg (5.67 KB, 230x219, 230:219, Panic.jpg)

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c6ea29  No.12494469

File: 3ac12a2613bf291⋯.jpg (208.78 KB, 1440x956, 360:239, B2_Tip_of_the_Spear.jpg)

File: a4a6e33ec1662f7⋯.png (470.37 KB, 302x659, 302:659, Spear_of_Longinus.png)


The word Salvation is derived from the word Salt.

Roman Soldiers were paid in Salt Rations. Hence "Worth His Salt."


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950b28  No.12494470


but that would leave Harris as President, right? No way.

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fe8443  No.12494471

File: dc17c18d716fd69⋯.png (1.6 MB, 7680x4320, 16:9, antifa_map_4.png)


>Antifa mapping began long ago."

NO shit, pic related.


>What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?

MAGA folk waving flags get arrested and charged as terrorists.

THAT is what happens

If I hear one more fucking "we're investigating" my brain is going to explode. THEY INVESTIGATE and INVESTIGATE and NOTHING EVER FUCKING HAPPENS.

Remember the cheerleading here for "pitbull" Rowdy Gowdy fake interrogating Clinton? He did not introduce the Powell email exchange that not only proved INTENT it proved EVERYTHING and he just fake investigated, making the SHOW sound good…and we bought it.

Remember the cheerleading here for ACB? I do.

WHO did the FBI arrest for the GOP train bombing?

FUCK the FBI. I will never believe a FUCKING WORD OUT OF THEIR MOUTHS.

Not only do they KNOW the organization and contacts they know who is funding them. THEY KNOW the catch and release of Antifa, they KNOW who is who exactly and still they riot, burn, MURDER. I witnessed LIVE stream at least 20 Antifa murders….Raz of Chaz? COME the fuck on.


>What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?

nothing. What law? literally what law. We THINK we saw the Georgian couple defend their home from ANtifa/BLM but that was also probably a fucking set up to make MAGA mad.

I'm to the point where I think Sandman was a fucking set up.

I have it all bro–all of it…and just like EVERY fucking thing the FBI is "investigating" and nothing will ever be done.

Monica Lewinski was a distraction.

Stormy Daniels was the exact same type of distraction.

What we are is another experiment on how to implement Communism. They've never gotten it right…they subdued Canada without firing a shot, Oz, NZ, UK, all commie now and mostly owned by CHINKS…legally! WTF good does it to "HAVE IT ALL" if the fucking FBI et al never DO anything but call US terrorists.

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342b26  No.12494472


A white dude with an umbrella and a black dude with an empty pizza box walk into Autozone one day and meet a priest. The priest says, "let me smack that J, homie". The black dude says, "let it burn, my man."

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44e171  No.12494473


I think you're on to something, Anon.

Then Trump will also step down at noon on the 20th.

We'll have new elections,

and he'll run again.

The people will choose fairly and squarely this time.

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4b83d1  No.12494474

File: 2611883829a65c8⋯.jpg (705.21 KB, 2856x2039, 2856:2039, France_Election_Rich.jpg)

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c43534  No.12494475


>I don’t know why we have to take it so far.

As Q said. Only then will people find the will to change. With anons to guide them and declas poring out proof of crimes, people find the will to change. That horror show IS the 10 days or darknesx.

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25199f  No.12494476

File: 0804c55ac173c63⋯.png (298.27 KB, 625x476, 625:476, gretchen_22.png)


She came pretty close last week.

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7c8678  No.12494477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this is becoming more and more apropos and relevant

maybe that's it was dropped

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1dc87f  No.12494478

File: 4c5239173899c6f⋯.png (234.29 KB, 606x341, 606:341, THRISNVLWBMDYFG.png)

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4fb106  No.12494479


>“Russian disinformation campaigns targeting American citizens are a threat to our democracy,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said.

fucking Mnuchin

-holy fuck

-POTUS literally surrounded by snakes

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509ecf  No.12494480

File: 394d7e6bc3cafc5⋯.png (171.59 KB, 500x321, 500:321, Simon.png)

>>12493161 PB

Castle Rock

The Castle Rock is a fictional place in Lord of the Flies. The boys discover it halfway through the book while looking for the beast and it is described as a ‘narrow ledge of rock, a few yards wide, and perhaps fifteen long’. The rock juts out into the Pacific Ocean and on its left is an ‘impenetrable tangle of creepers and trees’. Ralph and Jack are the first to explore, and their reaction to it demonstrates their growing division. Jack excitedly declares ‘what a place for a fort!’, while Ralph calls the Castle Rock a ‘rotten place’.

After the boys split into two tribes, Jack’s group commandeers the Castle Rock as a base. Near the end of the book, Ralph, Piggy, Sam and Eric approach the Castle Rock camp, where Roger waits next to a large rock.

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f0f06d  No.12494481

File: 40bcdfcb44d3ac1⋯.jpeg (381.81 KB, 1080x1327, 1080:1327, 84356C9A_5B6A_4EB9_BB9A_9….jpeg)


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666df2  No.12494482

File: 13186f55f0066be⋯.jpg (52.81 KB, 474x533, 474:533, screwy_jewy.jpg)


>emoji kike


You failed, clearly.


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a0d1b8  No.12494483


No, but Im told he does. 1 good ol Georgian to another😉

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29d633  No.12494484

Anybody else not getting Trump emails and texts anymore?

Gotta say- I kinda miss um.

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000000  No.12494485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a21e85  No.12494486


takes 2/3's of both senate and house.

unless they want to fuck around and find out.

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1dc87f  No.12494487

File: e584a3134940926⋯.png (276.29 KB, 434x434, 1:1, ISOLATEDASSET.png)

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6c2bf9  No.12494488

File: ebc8aef651fbcd8⋯.png (455.2 KB, 720x962, 360:481, 467916c068d2df92731d356759….png)



That's what happens to old nasty sick pedo witches.

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2a4f33  No.12494489


Since /they/ are urgently trying to impeach Trump, it's only logical to assume that /they/ think he will take some kind of serious action before he would normally leave office on 1/20. Nothing else makes sense.

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0d26dc  No.12494490


>You're saying THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA will expire?

fify. yes. The military predates the corporation. They also predate the articles of confederation.

So they have a seat at the head of the table, whether the dems like it or not.

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7c69b9  No.12494491

File: 824588aff9c07f5⋯.png (328.83 KB, 419x387, 419:387, ClipboardImage.png)

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371e19  No.12494492

File: 9acd6b34252f7d5⋯.png (1.22 MB, 773x942, 773:942, 9acd6b34252f7d5970c6958494….png)

File: 52d6bba96b06493⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 52d6bba96b064931c7b2b27c2d….mp4)

File: 3c56a2390955af0⋯.jpg (38.65 KB, 474x401, 474:401, Chesty.jpg)

File: 9e0a3e740bc1329⋯.jpg (272.33 KB, 1280x826, 640:413, 9e0a3e740bc132947af1015ab5….jpg)

File: f39eb07deba653e⋯.jpeg (39.88 KB, 474x266, 237:133, f39eb07deba653e766b5ad818….jpeg)

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000000  No.12494493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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342b26  No.12494494

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1dc87f  No.12494495

File: 7b0d6d15627f1ab⋯.png (151.19 KB, 428x428, 1:1, TRUSINGODHAVEF.png)

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5a9f15  No.12494496

File: 8d9ac579aa10b81⋯.png (783.16 KB, 2026x1458, 1013:729, f.png)

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000000  No.12494497


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2a93c4  No.12494498

Haven't been on 8Kun in a while.

It's nice to see patriots are optimistic and trusting the plan.

I think the Enemy will be wailing and gnashing their teeth.

Probably tomorrow, the height of the New Moon.

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12ab25  No.12494499

File: 46de9192721b1c6⋯.jpg (364.04 KB, 1110x1571, 1110:1571, LinWoodTelegramChannel.jpg)

Lin Wood is on Telegram. He says he has video evidence of Hilary Clinton torturing and murdering a child (the #frazzledrip video that's been the subject of Deep Web rumors ever since the NYPD got a hold of Anthony Weiner's laptop).

He's also saying that things are happening behind the scene.

"How to arrest the swamp?

Make them commit treason.

Gather them all in one place. Biden's inauguration.

Call for national guards under the guise of riot control.

Arrest. Detain. Guantanamo Bay."


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eefd22  No.12494500

X22 guy says Biden has to be POTUS before the whole thing is pulled down. True?

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1dc87f  No.12494501

File: 28c4635f634fe03⋯.png (290.44 KB, 693x390, 231:130, INTHMFRWLDK.png)

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371e19  No.12494502

File: a915d1fb35e3ab6⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1540x1348, 385:337, a915d1fb35e3ab6efcdf260dc3….png)

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c6ea29  No.12494503

File: b6fbb8c837b6d81⋯.gif (889.05 KB, 556x250, 278:125, I_Was_Never_Here_Red_Octob….gif)

File: ff69e32b08be5e3⋯.jpg (196.49 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, WOODEN_STAKES_HAVE_NEVER_B….jpg)

File: 960f4ce2e3057dd⋯.jpg (153.91 KB, 842x634, 421:317, TOOTILIFEST_NAZI.jpg)

File: ed671e6e5566ed6⋯.jpg (79.69 KB, 600x400, 3:2, TOOTILIFEST_CLASS1_99.jpg)


S.A.L.T. means several things here….

Ah I remember Old School NSA Matrices….

"Old Salt"

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e73849  No.12494504


she wont be sworn it yet. No right of succession

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44e171  No.12494505


But the Military will only capture the enemy traitors.

They will not rule.

Trump will step down at noon on the 20th.

Grassley will be acting President (Pelosi will have been captured),

and there will be new elections.

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1dc87f  No.12494506

File: 3be81699cf2b8bc⋯.png (188.32 KB, 693x390, 231:130, MYTHLRDVLCPN.png)

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a5c757  No.12494507


The last of the rats are being flushed out the past few days. The enemy is getting so damn arrogant. Won’t age well. We the people know who they are.

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076f0e  No.12494508


Let them vote to impeach. The wild animal Trump has been backed into the corner. The SC denied him justice. The Congress denied him justice. The only option left is declass. Bring the whole mutha-fuckin corrupt system down.

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371e19  No.12494509

File: 9d2acd7682251c7⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 3000x2699, 3000:2699, 9d2acd7682251c7bdd0d0b04d2….jpg)

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fe8443  No.12494510


They played the Brrr Rabbit on Kavanaugh…"no no we don't want him"…turns out he's a traitor like Roberts. They played BRRR Rabbit with ACB…MURDERED Scalia and bragged about it. I even doubt Clarence Thomas…the SHOW..


IF they want it, THEY send out endless cheerleaders to convince us we want it too, then they protest to make us want it more.

Yeah, we do have it all. NOW WHAT?

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b01277  No.12494511


Castle Rock is closer to Denver than Colorado Springs. Why read more into it than that?

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3b061d  No.12494512

File: 41c8c71046b6f5d⋯.jpg (76.74 KB, 500x470, 50:47, 4nx657_1.jpg)

File: 4558faedda7b7a2⋯.jpg (72.2 KB, 500x481, 500:481, Ghost_War.jpg)

File: b73d3e4890daf8c⋯.jpg (56.59 KB, 500x485, 100:97, 4dqamz_1_1.jpg)

Uɴᴅᴇʀᴇsᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ Tʜᴇ Aᴍᴇʀɪᴄᴀɴ Pᴀᴛʀɪᴏᴛ Yᴏᴜ Eɴᴅ Uᴘ Oɴ Hɪsᴛᴏʀʏ's Tʀᴀsʜ Hᴇᴀᴘ.

MAGA Patriots represent America's fallen and we will fight for America as they did.

MAGA Patriots are not gun slingers we have technology far beyond anyone's belief, Deep State if the MAGA Patriots know where you take shit I would be extremely worried, MAGA Patriots don't even have to be in your state to make a strike.

Republican lawmakers appear oblivious to the fact that Democrats manufacture millions of votes to take control of the American people.

DEEP STATEis banking Trump won't have the cooperation within the government to crackdown on this fraudulent election.


(c) Is not intended to, and does not, create any rights or benefits, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by a party against the United States, its agencies, instrumentalities, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

Read More:


Trump Executive Order:https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-imposing-certain-sanctions-event-foreign-interference-united-states-election/

MAGA Patriots don't let the MSM and Big Tech scare you because the MAGA Patriots when called into action are a force of millions thatNOBODYin America can stop.

MAGA Patriots have the skills, weapons and the resources to defend president Trump indefinitely.



🇸​​​​​🇹​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇳​​​​​🇬​​​​​🇹​​​​​🇭​​​​​ 🇹​​​​​🇭​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇴​​​​​🇺​​​​​🇬​​​​​🇭​​​​​ 🇳​​​​​🇺​​​​​🇲​​​​​🇧​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇸​​​​​


MAGA Patriots - Election fraud against a sitting president is outrightTREASON.

Ex Military MAGA patriots will serve at the pleasure of the president as supplemental presidential law enforcement when called into action.CODE RED

MAGA patriots will explode on to the scene with unparalleled organizational leadership and weaponry.

MAGA Veterans with serious warfare skills will be prepared to legally protect president Trump at all costs and this post is not a joke.

Do the Deep State criminals out to steal president Trump's reelection with fraudulent ballots realize how many heavily armed MAGA patriots with world-class military accessories will show up at the white house if anyone makes a move to ILLEGALLY remove president Trump?It will be BIBLICAL.

MAGA Patriots have resources and will stand by president Trump for as long as it takes.

President Trump is the hardest working president inU.S. HISTORYand he hasn't even accepted a pay check, realistically we really couldn't afford what he is worth anyway, plus president Trump has kept his promises. So for all MAGA patriots nationwide it would be a huge honor to protect our great president from domestic terrorism.

Please note:No other president could have taken the Deep States witch-hunt beatings Trump has taken in the last four years and still Trump gave America her dignity back a record economy and took care of our veterans and so much more.

President Trump True American Patriots Stand At The Ready, So If Push Comes To Shove We Are Ready.

At least14 MILLION Americanscan walk into combat tomorrow for president Trump and this includes women.

The MAGA Patriots have no association with law breakers, anarchists or rogue militia's.We are the Americans they don't want to meet.




Antifa Terrorists.

BLM Terrorists.

Harassing Police Officers.

Non-Peaceful Protesting.

Promotion Of Civil Unrest.

Burning Of Public Or Private Properties.

ATTN:MAGA Patriots are law abiding tax paying citizens and we respect our police officers and will follow military rules of engagement during mission CODE RED.

Disclaimer:8Kun administration has no association with this post and OP is only passing on vital information, OP is not a gun owner or a political activists and is not associated with any political groups.

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81deb6  No.12494513


>If they vote to impeach and Pence doesn't go along, does that mean Nancy becomes president?


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1b9a29  No.12494514


traitors get the rope

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1dc87f  No.12494515

File: 05e607c6a9f6254⋯.png (206.83 KB, 693x390, 231:130, MYLTHRDKGCF.png)

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d7b2f8  No.12494516

File: 68c2c7d62a97c0f⋯.png (395.5 KB, 1209x661, 1209:661, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

File: b1796c1112844ae⋯.png (446.05 KB, 1149x493, 1149:493, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

File: ca7ea00188da2d6⋯.png (104.73 KB, 304x370, 152:185, Screen_Shot_2021_01_12_at_….png)

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000000  No.12494517


Cause that makes total sense.

You're clearly a scatter brained jew baby cock sucker. 🤣😂😂🤣

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924627  No.12494518

Who has the Power? Who really has the Power? If your answer wasn't God, you are wrong again. Keep the Faith, Hold the line, and wait for it, cause it WILL BE BIBLICAL… >>12494422

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371e19  No.12494519

File: 1865f4bd1d9df6b⋯.jpg (5.13 MB, 3857x3373, 3857:3373, 1865f4bd1d9df6b3e405e46bf7….jpg)

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666df2  No.12494520



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de994a  No.12494521

File: f65b5c02f9cb045⋯.jpeg (609.5 KB, 1123x1126, 1123:1126, Yikes.jpeg)

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86b386  No.12494522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@ThomasWic on Quodverum: Critical thinking mastery is Trump's superpower

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000000  No.12494523


Prove it's Lin.

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cb0382  No.12494524

File: 63d911acc803f54⋯.jpg (12.25 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Qek.jpg)

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1dc87f  No.12494525

File: 846b1d1138bba23⋯.png (248.63 KB, 607x341, 607:341, playball.png)

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e15141  No.12494526


actually biden has to complete his first 4-year term as president before they can make their move. dig meme pray

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371e19  No.12494527

File: bbbf1dc064b2363⋯.png (6.17 MB, 3190x2801, 3190:2801, Awan.png)

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174ba7  No.12494528


We sure on this. Doesn't telegram collect your phone number and want a ton of your data? I remember thinking this thing was not so secure when I was into crypto. Plus have you vetted that this is lin or are people just sharing this thing nilly Willy?

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c43534  No.12494529


>Then Trump will also step down at noon on the 20th.

Military takes over (EO's already signed I think) then possibly elections and Trump sworn in on March 4th, the TRUE inauguration day of our Republic, in a landslide win.

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4a7f4f  No.12494530


VP sworn before Pres

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1b9a29  No.12494531


i dont trust grassley

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371e19  No.12494532

File: ffddfea18f1f3b7⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1200x1354, 600:677, Dossir.png)

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5a9f15  No.12494533

File: c5ee22b3391eec6⋯.png (1.3 MB, 887x1105, 887:1105, f1.PNG)

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51c6c1  No.12494534

File: 270971e8fefbd80⋯.jpg (52.75 KB, 1260x710, 126:71, Chill_Ape.jpg)



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1dc87f  No.12494535

File: 446cac08c3e0569⋯.png (342.62 KB, 569x569, 1:1, COLORS.png)

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bdc622  No.12494536

Am I missing the link to POTUS at the Alamo, or has it been scrubbed?

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81deb6  No.12494537


I think they have enough hubris to do anything at this point. They stole an election ffs and usurped the rights of the People.

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666df2  No.12494538

File: 1804f8a352beae8⋯.jpg (112.08 KB, 800x540, 40:27, batty.jpg)



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b14881  No.12494539

File: 7db353ce7795036⋯.jpg (20.5 KB, 438x297, 146:99, img_2021_01_08_07_27_58.jpg)

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371e19  No.12494540

File: 4c8b0a6f6689c90⋯.jpg (10.48 MB, 5400x6600, 9:11, Fisa_Abuse.jpg)

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29d633  No.12494541

File: df16d2ff91af19d⋯.jpeg (909.32 KB, 1125x961, 1125:961, 0AA3A1F8_C843_4A76_BB41_A….jpeg)


Is this what you were asking.

Photo is sauce

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de994a  No.12494542


>X22 guy says Biden has to be POTUS before the whole thing is pulled down. True?


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371e19  No.12494543

File: c72c5408ab9aeba⋯.png (2.64 MB, 3781x2700, 3781:2700, MEDIANEWSCOMPLEX.png)

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abf3c2  No.12494544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They talk alot of shit But they have a good energy.

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7513ed  No.12494545

Anons we are winning so much right now

I'm sure am loving all of this WINNING. So much WINNING!!

Stolen Presidential election….WINNING.

Stolen Senate races……………WINNING.

Nationwide lockdowns…………WINNING.

Churches closed…………………WINNING.

6 months of blm/antifa riots…..WINNING.

Small business destroyed…….WINNING.

Families destroyed………………WINNING.

Parents being arrested in

front of their children……………WINNING.

Fines for opening business…..WINNING.

Largest transfer of wealth……..WINNING.

Amazon record profits…………..WINNING.

Watch CA……………………………WINNING.

Rig for Red………………………….WINNING.

Bio weapons released…………..WINNING.

Nursing home genocides……….WINNING.

FBI no time for Vegas……………WINNING.

FBI on scene for Nascar………..WINNING.

January 6 false flag……………….WINNING.

Conservatives now terrorists…..WINNING.

Marxist insurgency……………….WINNING.

Forced vaccinations……………..WINNING.

Tech censorship…………………..WINNING.

Trump banned on twitter………..WINNING.

Parler illegally banned…………..WINNING.

Defunding police depts………….WINNING.

Releasing criminals from jail…..WINNING.

Mayors in open insurgency…….WINNING.

Sanctuary cities……………………WINNING.

FISA declassification…………….WINNING.

Midterms are safe…………………WINNING.

Trust Sessions……………………..WINNING.

Trust Barr…………………………….WINNING.

Trust Wray……………………………WINNING.

Antifa declared terrorist org…….WINNING.

Second impeachment…………….WINNING.

Media gaslighting…………………..WINNING.

The world will learn

the truth in July (2018)……………WINNING.

911 perpetrators arrested………..WINNING.

$600 stimulus for serfs…………….WINNING.

$3.3 billion for Israel………………..WINNING.

$300 million for Pakistan………….WINNING.

Valerie Jarrett in [killbox]…………..WINNING.

Hussein's legal counsel……………WINNING.

Hussein's anthrax to Vanessa……WINNING.

Pardon for Julian Assange………..WINNING.

Criminal traitors arrested…………..WINNING.

0 criminal traitors prosecuted…….WINNING.

Hillary Clinton completely free……WINNING.

No public Epstein testimony……….WINNING.

America will be unified again………WINNING.

Panic in DC………lol…………………..WINNING.

Antifa false flag on jan. 6……………WINNING.

Not a single known criminal mass murdering traitor has been arrested or prosecuted, NOTHING. Holy shit I just can't take all of this WINNING.

Anons did I leave anything out? Call me a shill and then let me know which one of Trump's victories I forgot to add.

Trust the plan

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f0f06d  No.12494546


The great unsealing of indictments is close

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4589ff  No.12494547

File: 41a96388b4c296f⋯.jpg (114.34 KB, 780x1024, 195:256, 1610486273234.jpg)

File: 1bb2354a671d168⋯.jpeg (73.51 KB, 620x929, 620:929, im_194728.jpeg)

File: f02848d3d067644⋯.jpg (66.67 KB, 652x770, 326:385, 210112_180542_COLLAGE_1.jpg)


We went through this earlier today. Check notables.

Not real, too many inconsistencies if you look.

Kicker…Milley signature not a match

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d944bc  No.12494548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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82db36  No.12494549

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e61ae9  No.12494550

File: 680b7ab55dabc29⋯.jpg (74.59 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1609708379461.jpg)

File: 1a3a36bb670ba31⋯.jpg (15.52 KB, 280x280, 1:1, cia_glow_nigger.jpg)


Great fucking MAGA RIOT LARP is back. Funny how you dissapeared before Capitol shit.

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371e19  No.12494551

File: 37b251ae9ed8b78⋯.jpg (3.8 MB, 4096x4044, 1024:1011, New_Epoch.jpg)

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1dc87f  No.12494552

File: b16c90abf53eff3⋯.png (254.25 KB, 693x390, 231:130, THLMGYPRCSNDV.png)

If God be for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:31

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c21c53  No.12494553

File: e45c8f7e1b24b22⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1688x1536, 211:192, Romanov.png)

POTUS and Q team have this country wound tight…you can see it peoples eyes and the way they are ready to snap.

Things need to start moving in a positive direction or I think things are going to blow.

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b01277  No.12494554


Many people misunderstand the day of the rope. They hang themselves.

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fe2a8f  No.12494555


shouldn't you be out magapatrioting?

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135612  No.12494556


I didn't really get that out of Dave's message today. What I got out of it was Trump is letting them install all these Guard forces that he will then control for the arrests.

Keep in mind X22 Dave is very much a cheerleader for the patriot movement. I think he is right a lot of the time, but I would not expect him to admit when it's over.

Having said that, I don't think its over.

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2a4f33  No.12494557


I dont believe Trump has much of a future of any kind if he allows the election to be stolen. The demoncrats might even bump him off. It looks like a kill or be killed situation to me. The demoncrats' actions support that possibility as well.

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371e19  No.12494558

File: b41765b880b8018⋯.png (4.46 MB, 2500x2486, 1250:1243, Op_Kav.png)

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f16aa7  No.12494559

File: 042ccc76b2edc28⋯.jpg (48.75 KB, 620x465, 4:3, com.jpg)

File: 0209220128d2a86⋯.jpg (262.33 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, external_content_m.jpg)

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e3ddcb  No.12494560

File: 506e5bdbe4fee72⋯.png (4.37 KB, 253x92, 11:4, Screenshot_2021_01_13_Q_Re….png)


You people are missing the point, this letter Implys that they will follow The Constitution no matter what, and right now Donald J Trump is their Commander in Chief and they aren't going to stand down and wait for a New President they are in the middle or close to the end of an elaborate mission. red text for attention and faggotry- yours . Nut Up and Hold the Line

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fe8443  No.12494561


FUCK YOUwith your "inside hints" are you fucking nuts? this guy talking about his tent (literally WHO???) and the damn weather and he's got INSIDE information?

$1.50 paycut for low fucking effort. You people are worse than Pelosi, and that's bad.

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7c8678  No.12494562



oh, i can trust him long time

if traitors get justice

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000000  No.12494563

>>12493838 Dough

#15951 FINAL Notables

>>12493850 YouTube is Suspending President Donald Trump's Channel

>>12493879 Never-Trump Group Offers $50 Mll Support For GOP Lawmakers Who Oppose T

>>12493904 US Sanctions Ukrainians Who Revealed Evidence of Biden Family Corruption

>>12493916 Dem Rep. Bush: GOP Lawmakers Made ‘Racist Attempt’ to Overturn Election — ‘White Supremacy at Its Finest’

>>12493930 Schiff: Trump Impeachment ‘Gathering Momentum’ with Republicans

>>12493950 Beijing Orders Passengers To Scan QR Health Codes Before Entering Uber

>>12494026 Project Veritas leaks tape of PBS staffer appearing to spew 'radicalism', incite political violence

>>12494064 One of Trump's biggest unfulfilled promises: Russia declassification

>>12494065 , >>12494340 House votes to invoke 25th amendment, but Vice President Pence has already said he will not go along.

>>12494108 McConnell Considers Backstabbing Trump: Report

>>12494179 Democrats' China connections keep piling up. Sen. Boxer reverses decision to be an 'agent' for Chinese company

>>12494249 Polar Vortex narrative

>>12494420 Dangerous rhetoric from the Washington Post: "Will the GOP turn into Hezbollah?"

>>12494522 @ThomasWic on Quodverum: Critical thinking mastery is Trump's superpower

>>12494527 The Awan Congressional Scandal


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15145b  No.12494564

File: 2a7120c2c5a2bcf⋯.png (241.45 KB, 541x1035, 541:1035, ClipboardImage.png)


Any connection here?


Friday, January 8, 2021

Alabama Man Charged With Possession of Eleven Molotov Cocktails Found Near Protest at U.S. Capitol

Authorities Also Found One Assault Rifle and Three Handguns

WASHINGTON— Today, Acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin for the District of Columbia announced charges against an Alabama man that include one count of unlawful possession of a destructive device, and one count of carrying a pistol without a license.

Lonnie Leroy Coffman, 70, of Falkville, Alabama, was arrested yesterday and charged in a criminal complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Coffman remains in custody pending a detention hearing scheduled for Tuesday, January 12.

As alleged in the Complaint, on January 6, U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) officers responded to reports of possible explosive devices in the area around the United States Capitol. In the course of conducting a protective sweep of the area, officers observed the handle of what appeared to be a firearm on the front right passenger seat of a red pickup truck with Alabama tags. A law enforcement database check of the vehicle registration revealed that the vehicle was registered to Lonnie L. Coffman with a home address in Falkville, Alabama. USCP Bomb Squad members subsequently searched the vehicle and secured one black handgun, one M4 Carbine assault rifle along with rifle magazines loaded with ammunition, and components for the construction of eleven “Molotov Cocktails” in the form of mason jars filled with ignitable substances, rags, and lighters.

Later that evening, Coffman was stopped in the vicinity of his truck when he attempted to return to his vehicle. Coffman was subsequently searched and found to have on his person a 9mm Smith & Wesson handgun, a 22-caliber derringer style handgun, and two sets of vehicle keys that matched the truck. When asked, Coffman told officers that the mason jars contained melted Styrofoam and gasoline. ATF advised that the combination of melted Styrofoam and gasoline is an explosive mixture that has the effect of napalm because, when detonated, the substance causes the flammable liquid to better stick to objects that it hits.

Coffman is charged with one count of unlawful possession of a destructive device, which carries a maximum prison term of up to 10 years, and one count of carrying a pistol without a license under D.C. law, which carries a maximum prison term of up to 5 years.

The charges contained in the complaint are allegations. The defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

The case is being prosecuted by the Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jason B.A. McCullough and Michael Friedman of the District of Columbia United States Attorney’s Office, and Trial Attorney Taryn Meeks of the National Security Division of the Department of Justice. The case is being investigated by the U.S. Capitol Police Department with assistance from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The ATF and FBI continue to urge the public to report suspected use of explosive devices, or violent, destructive acts associated with the recent unrest. Anyone with information can call 1-888-ATF-TIPS (1-888-283-8477), email ATFTips@atf.gov or submit information anonymously via ReportIt.com.

The FBI is looking for individuals who may have incited or promoted violence of any kind. Anyone with digital material or tips can call 1-800-CALL-FBI (800-225-5324) or submit images or videos at fbi.gov/USCapitol."


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b228e2  No.12494565

File: 121f1f7f2afd1eb⋯.jpg (35.3 KB, 570x567, 190:189, 121f1f7f2afd1eb6ddb3b9b901….jpg)

So Trump said he could shoot someone and not get in trouble. Maybe he will be executioner.

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44e171  No.12494566



For the most important part:

The People must KNOW they had the power to elect whom they choose.

Therefore, the traitors will be arrested,

Trump will step down,

and Pence cannot become President because Trump will step down not one minute sooner than the proper time.

Grassley will be acting president,

and new elections will be conducted so the People know for sure they placed the President in office and not anyone else.

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371e19  No.12494567

File: c7476aeaaa37018⋯.jpg (2.7 MB, 2454x3000, 409:500, Spygate.jpg)

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5c455d  No.12494568

>>12493838 Dough

#15951 FINAL Notables

>>12493850 YouTube is Suspending President Donald Trump's Channel

>>12493879 Never-Trump Group Offers $50 Mll Support For GOP Lawmakers Who Oppose T

>>12493904 US Sanctions Ukrainians Who Revealed Evidence of Biden Family Corruption

>>12493916 Dem Rep. Bush: GOP Lawmakers Made ‘Racist Attempt’ to Overturn Election — ‘White Supremacy at Its Finest’

>>12493930 Schiff: Trump Impeachment ‘Gathering Momentum’ with Republicans

>>12493950 Beijing Orders Passengers To Scan QR Health Codes Before Entering Uber

>>12494026 Project Veritas leaks tape of PBS staffer appearing to spew 'radicalism', incite political violence

>>12494064 One of Trump's biggest unfulfilled promises: Russia declassification

>>12494065 , >>12494340 House votes to invoke 25th amendment, but Vice President Pence has already said he will not go along.

>>12494108 McConnell Considers Backstabbing Trump: Report

>>12494179 Democrats' China connections keep piling up. Sen. Boxer reverses decision to be an 'agent' for Chinese company

>>12494249 Polar Vortex narrative

>>12494420 Dangerous rhetoric from the Washington Post: "Will the GOP turn into Hezbollah?"

>>12494522 @ThomasWic on Quodverum: Critical thinking mastery is Trump's superpower

>>12494527 The Awan Congressional Scandal


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1dc87f  No.12494569

File: 0e6d7f136ad315d⋯.png (489.18 KB, 693x390, 231:130, MYGDFRGVSNTKC.png)

Psalm 115:3

Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases.

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9af02b  No.12494570


The boy who cried wolf. Now ignored.

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2a4f33  No.12494571


Exactly. All this crooked stuff is in the Bible.

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000000  No.12494572


Podesta bros free…

Seth Rich murderer found/proven…

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6d5ff2  No.12494573

File: e2e645221f608d3⋯.jpg (5.45 KB, 277x182, 277:182, Q.jpg)


He answers his faithful, faithfully.

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000000  No.12494574

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c43534  No.12494575


She is KNOWINGLY guilty too. Treason. They ALL are! After 10 days of DARK declas, lights come back on with treasonous conspirators already in GITMO taking numbers for tribunals.

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371e19  No.12494576


>>12494555 See above. Ironically…



>shouldn't you be out magapatrioting?

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9bb127  No.12494577

File: 020a4b89a6e1fe9⋯.png (470.89 KB, 637x461, 637:461, ClipboardImage.png)


WTH is this Lin??

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4a7f4f  No.12494578


>X22 guy says Biden has to be POTUS before the whole thing is pulled down. True?

first, it was "the states have to certify. then it was "congress has to certify", now it's "they have to be sworn in first"?

stupid analysis

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3b061d  No.12494579




Shrimp dick Chinese sperm guzzler your trolling is weak~

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362229  No.12494580


I didn't think so. This "right up to the end" thing is confusing af.

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de994a  No.12494581


>We went through this earlier today. Check notables.

>Not real, too many inconsistencies if you look.

>Kicker…Milley signature not a match

Check again. It was officially published on navy.mil and usni sites.

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ec789d  No.12494582


>Keep the Faith, Hold the line, and wait for it, cause it WILL BE BIBLICAL

Yeah, there's that adjective again. BIBLICAL. The Bible is full of genocidal horrors. Guess what? The DS is about to go BIBLICAL on us. Trump said the words "Biden administration" at Alamo. Remember the Alamo? Yeah, everyone died at the Alamo. The longer you keep up your false hope, the more you cheat your final understanding of this life.

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b775ec  No.12494583


Try searching RSBN

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b14881  No.12494585


China cant fuckin meme

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74c2ee  No.12494586


if it was over we would not be here

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1dc87f  No.12494587

File: 07e09f9525f756c⋯.png (83.15 KB, 693x390, 231:130, THELIEISSOBIG.png)

Go on, bake your knoodle.

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8f4b71  No.12494588


What happened to those extractions you were going to do?

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c43534  No.12494589


Roger, WILCO. Whatchu got?

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371e19  No.12494592

File: 97fe0d2792335c3⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1200x846, 200:141, The_Dossier.png)

File: 2ba444ebfff04bb⋯.jpeg (211.71 KB, 1006x1319, 1006:1319, TribunalLetter.jpeg)

File: 11a32208e18011e⋯.png (6.84 MB, 4000x5039, 4000:5039, Tribunals.png)

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7ccef3  No.12494593

File: a6dda4a1bb205e4⋯.png (293.46 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Bogeyman.png)

File: 873fb9b1dec70f9⋯.png (552.54 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, Garbage.png)

File: b73bf7c7a355a2c⋯.png (183.6 KB, 450x300, 3:2, JIDF.png)

File: 2208d943fd909a8⋯.jpg (33.21 KB, 1000x420, 50:21, JIDF2.jpg)


Big hate in a teeny tiny little mind.

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7513ed  No.12494594


Thanks anon. I will add Podesta and Alefantis to the list of criminals who are still free!

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51c6c1  No.12494595

File: 655cdce630e153e⋯.png (16.22 KB, 1020x652, 255:163, Tard_Jail.png)



letting fuckface get sworn in would be a breach of duty by POTUS. Ain't gonna happen . . . he plays by law and order.

movie still engaged

jus sayin for a fren

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371e19  No.12494597

File: c0200d574967b01⋯.jpg (309.37 KB, 1200x1034, 600:517, Web_Of_Control.jpg)

File: b51e2247c6194bf⋯.png (3.23 MB, 1687x949, 1687:949, W1.png)

File: 00a395f9383d239⋯.jpg (162.21 KB, 1025x924, 1025:924, 1WorldRemember_.jpg)

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a0d1b8  No.12494598

OK here's what I wanna know. Who has the capture phrase? Even in Dooley's raid there was a backup phrase if captured, lol 😉

You remember Dooley, the other one way trip lol.

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2a4f33  No.12494599


Both of QueerBarry's "wins" were obviously fraudulent.

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5a9f15  No.12494600

File: 3001436d323f6d8⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1187x1230, 1187:1230, ClipboardImage.png)

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c21c53  No.12494601



you feel it too, huh. exciting days ahead.

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82db36  No.12494602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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44e171  No.12494603


I agree except for one thing.

Grassley will be acting President.

This will not be a Military Junta.

It can't be.

They will only capture the traitors.

Perhaps also try them in Military Court.

But that is all.

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1dc87f  No.12494605

File: 3b43fee2b9bfc25⋯.png (164.8 KB, 606x341, 606:341, MYRFTHNHVLSDC.png)

File: 4dc1fea1f5b553d⋯.png (269.25 KB, 612x344, 153:86, GodsaveAustralia.png)

Kunts. Everywhere.

We are surrounded by kunts.

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000000  No.12494606


i think you're looking at the wrong part of what sets 'biblical' apart from 'regular history'

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0c4aac  No.12494607

America, land of the free, home of the brave where citizens must conform to Marxist ideology else the fascists will besiege you. Lets examine a few points that we all know but worthy of reflection with a week to go:

1: in 2016 with not a shred of real evidence not only were the results of the election questioned by we had wall to wall coverage of Russia Russia Russia. Investigations were started, hearings were conducted, anyone with even a vague association to the President had a microscope up their ass for 4 years. Today, even with reams of evidence clearly indicating massive fraud we are not allowed to even speak about it without swift, organised as severe punishment. There are no hearings, no investigations, no coverage on the news other than hit pieces against anyone who even dare utter the word. Hypocrisy, no this is far worse than hypocracy. This is treasonous.

2: for 4 years we've had protest after protest organised from the highest echelons of power all aimed at Conservative officials and institutions. Feminists have marched through DC egged on by the likes of Madonna who has thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House, they even stormed the Capitol to save the world from the evil gang rapist Justice Kavanaugh. We've had Antifa & BLM rampaging through the streets, dozens of people have been killed including Police Officers and children. Over $2bn in damage is estimated for 2020 alone. In virtually all instances, the perpetrators have gone unpunished and those in seats of power who fanned the flames are almost universally shielded by the media. Contrast this with the President who gave a speech which challenged the narrative, called on Congress to follow the Constitution, preached a message of love and hope but when a small group of protesters were let into the building led by agent provocateurs we have wall to wall coverage, cries of domestic terrorism, impeachment hearings and worldwide condemnation.

Just these two examples should tell anyone, even the most staunch left wing apologists that something is seriously wrong here, the freedom that America is famous for is dead and that you are now entering a very dark chapter in history. This is one EnglishAnon who is praying that the plan but preparing for something far far worse. Please Patriots, if you are out there listening it's go time!

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d20e4e  No.12494609

File: 6c572e5e514d8b6⋯.jpg (12.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, utp.jpg)

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7b8bb9  No.12494610

File: 55a1a3a91b58fec⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, pencehandoffwtf.mp4)

What is this Pence 's 30 pieces

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a05e8c  No.12494612

File: 155d6fb2b872c42⋯.png (407.91 KB, 1134x522, 63:29, Goldwater.png)


>1. The JCOS does not include Ezra or the Special Forces he controls. The JCOS is in the dark on the evidence Trump has obtained.

Saw this post and thought to look into how the Special Forces are organized…

Now I will surely be mocked for looking at wikipedia but I suddenly had an AHA moment…

It seems Barry Goldwater was influential in shaping the Special Forces…

Watch the WATER?

Watch "Goldwater" ie special forces?

ok now that I'm going… why not a double meaning for "Gold shall destroy FED." GOLDWATER will destroy the SWAMP…

The Special Forces.

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fe8443  No.12494613


Muh subscribers give me information…and he fucking verifies who his "subscribers" are? He got a message from "Ezra" who told him something something….

He's acting like the spread of misinformation is NOTHING new, we just didn't KNOW it was misinformation. FUCKINGA they've been calling Big Mike a woman for years.


stock up…fuckers. WHO that has been paying attention is not already prepped?

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4a7f4f  No.12494615



>letting fuckface get sworn in would be a breach of duty by POTUS. Ain't gonna happen . . . he plays by law and order.

>movie still engaged

>jus sayin for a fren

Agreed patriot anon.

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5f755b  No.12494616

File: 3199ba294033732⋯.png (113.19 KB, 500x612, 125:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de81a2e2801ffa7⋯.png (127.25 KB, 500x518, 250:259, ClipboardImage.png)


DIGITS 99 (noted)

posting one last time, telegram is comped because fcuking MUH GOOGLE AND AMAZON WEB SERVICE



you would think with all the knowhow and expertise they have and access to the best minds that a dwep generation X er like me can find this out, and i am not even tech savy.






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371e19  No.12494618


23rd is coming up…

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81e9e1  No.12494619

File: 58c75b1a5455903⋯.png (516.09 KB, 659x451, 659:451, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b328c45bbfa88e⋯.png (336.34 KB, 513x790, 513:790, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cf9564b9cf38f0⋯.png (248.08 KB, 462x347, 462:347, ClipboardImage.png)

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882370  No.12494620


well who is surrounded at the moment?

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1dc87f  No.12494621

File: be8c85a1b580731⋯.png (265.03 KB, 606x341, 606:341, evrydcialbthmgF.png)

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85d4cb  No.12494622

Corporate Social Justice is just a shiny-object game

look at trans black lives

but don't look at the debt

don't wonder who owns all the debt


don't even look it up

i'm sure there isn't a catchy facebook article about it

liberal don't care

they trust the billionaires.

they are social justice super-heros

so they are stuck in a debt prison

where all the money in the world can't pay all the debt

they don't know who owns the debt

but they will tell you the debt is owed to someone

a single-property landlord or a small car dealership.

they will talk about business failing and lost jobs.

well hold on

if all that is true

can't there at least be a facebook article for the activists to make sure they can't devise a scheme to erase debt

like who owns all the debt

i understand that i owe someone and they owe someone and they owe someone and at the top of the chain of debt… the people don't owe anybody anything.

it could have a trickle down effect on the debt crisis in america if the billionaire banker class started to ummm

do whatever they want to do with the debt

write it off?

say it is all good and you are giving it to humanity?

who cares

but dont sit here and piss on everyone

you want the people to accept your social justice campaign and in exchange you are going to keep them in the death grip of debt.

not just them, but their children will pay your children and their children and it goes on and on

they will do anything to distract people from looking towards their banking cartels and wondering why all that money is owed to a few people with offshore bank accounts that also happen to have large stakes in the corporations that are telling you stand on the sidewalk with cardboard signs for transexual black lives.

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e61ae9  No.12494623


A bloodied warrior fighting for us all.

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44e171  No.12494625


Grassley won't be in long.

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d20e4e  No.12494626

File: 722d988e50ab1be⋯.png (473.38 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 722d988e50ab1be3327c80e246….png)

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000000  No.12494627

Q Research General #15952: There Is No Substitute For Victory Edition

>>12494584 OP

>>12494608 Fresh Bread

>>12494608 Fresh Bread

>>12494608 Fresh Bread

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3d54da  No.12494630

File: d5972b9feea0173⋯.png (723.31 KB, 474x613, 474:613, 0074D3E7_8A92_4058_94B3_19….png)

& for Country.

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ff2275  No.12494631


I think Biden was put under the white hats' control a long time ago. When the declass hits he will concede.

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2a4f33  No.12494632


Dont hurt yourself, Oogway.

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de994a  No.12494633


>well who is surrounded at the moment?

the swamp

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9af02b  No.12494634


That's a match. Only difference is one signature has the "A," the other does not. Everything else is consistent.

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1dc87f  No.12494638

File: a21239fe96e0944⋯.png (538.65 KB, 540x540, 1:1, GYLFAGINNING.png)

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2a1779  No.12494639

File: 0b31157d7e8eb31⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB, 3883x2487, 3883:2487, F00AF53C_C69D_4C5B_86B7_5….jpeg)

Flipping thru the channels and I see that CNN is stating that President Trump is discussing pardons for himself and family.

Now why would he do that if “we have it all” and we have the military?

Fake News from CNN?

Who the hell knows anymore…

Reminds me of that Ferris Bueller teacher…

“Bueller… Bueller…? Ferris Bueller…?”


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371e19  No.12494641

File: bbb8cf299dbd509⋯.png (135.91 KB, 498x321, 166:107, 1st_Edition_Pepe.png)

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d944bc  No.12494642


It's real my nigga. JCS official site has it -


But JCS doesn't order troops. That's Secretary of Defense, after POTUS of course.

"Today, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have no executive authority to command combatant forces. The issue of executive authority was clearly resolved by the Goldwater-Nichols DOD Reorganization Act of 1986: "The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall assign all forces under their jurisdiction to unified and specified combatant commands to perform missions assigned to those commands…"; the chain of command "runs from the President to the Secretary of Defense; and from the Secretary of Defense to the commander of the combatant command."


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de994a  No.12494643


that's what she said

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000000  No.12494644

Q Research General #15952: There Is No Substitute For Victory Edition

>>12494584 OP

>>12494608 Fresh Bread

>>12494608 Fresh Bread

>>12494608 Fresh Bread

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29d633  No.12494645


Check his IP!

Now we got the guy who did it!

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