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ff9aea  No.12055888[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown



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ff9aea  No.12055902

Global Announcements

CRITICAL to post 'Fresh Bread Link' Bakers - Catalog is not showing fresh breads

>>12004072 G. FLYNN Sign/Share Petition for Limeted ML Revote https://wethepeopleconvention.org/landing-pages/We-Demand-a-Re-Vote-Now

Support and Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Share Smartmatic Thread https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11509939.htm?

Share VoterFraud Thread https://8kun.top/warroom/res/5700.html?

Lin Wood Sign up Patriots https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054ba9ae23a7fe3-house

Steve Scalise call to Dig Hunter Biden

Sec Pompeo call to Dig China Investment into Universities


CM Research SolarWinds

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html


>>11985878 , >>11985891 Fix to Catalog - Thanks anon

>>11967950 CorSe Firefox plugin workaround for Clearnet posting. Install it and enable it and you're good to go.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12055236, >>12055401, >>12055556, >>12055573 2 5.5 earthquakes, one in NV, 5:5 11:11

>>12055703, >>12055770 PANIC over CM

>>12055260 Connections with Palantir to Solarwinds and Thoma Bravo plus Campaign Contributions to DNC

>>12055268 Barack Obama Praises Courageous Defund the Police Activists as Violent Crime Rates Rise

>>12055291 ‘Unity’ team Biden-style: Staffer calls top Republicans a ‘BUNCH OF F***ERS’ after gushing over his bipartisan message

>>12055296 LifeNews reporting Trump withhold Medicaid funds from CA

>>12055297 Assange's August 2011 warning to the U.S. Government

>>12055311 SolarWinds investors sold $280 million of shares days before hack that saw prices nosedive

>>12055315 Chinese pilots training at former Canadian military base in Alberta

>>12055330 An Austrian MP tests a glass of Coca Cola and it comes back POSITIVE for COVID - Translation needed

>>12055332 "FIRST VICTORY in U.S. for #ElectionFraud lawsuit! Federal Judge DENIES MA Sec. of State Galvin's Motion to Dismiss my Lawsuit that exposes computer algorithms were used to steal votes in my U.S. Senate Election that denies "One Person, One Vote."

>>12055351 Google resolves Gmail issue that lasted FOUR hours and affected thousands of users who received 'Account not found' error messages when sending emails to other accounts


>>12055358 Weather OK for SpaceX launch from KSC and Cape Canaveral landing

>>12055376 Mitch McConnell is married to Elaine Chao. Elaine Chao's sister is Angela Chao. Angela Chao is married to billionaire venture capitalist Jim Breyer.

>>12055384 The City of Detroit wants Sidney Powell and her self-styled “Kraken” team to face sanctions for “frivolously undermining ‘People’s faith in the democratic process and their trust in our government.’”

>>12055387 Flynn's Pardon.

>>12055409 How Many Times Are the “Facts” About COVID Going to Change?

>>12055445 Julian Assange Has Formally Requested a Pardon From President Donald Trump

>>12055580 USAF special operations command is leaving hondorus just as the california air guard arrives.

>>12055592 Big six veterans groups ask Trump to fire VA Secretary Wilkie immediately

>>12055609 Assange Phone Call

>>12055608 Majority of Americans worried that governments will retain expansive new powers after pandemic ends

>>12055436 What are the odds

>>12055680 URGENT. This photo was taken moments ago by a poll watcher at the Congress Center in GA for the “signature audit”

>>12055716 UKBaker here - Message Received

>>12055756 Trump Spy Chief Stirs Dispute Over China Election-Meddling Views

>>12055723 How to mask?

>>12055792 Bannon's War Room Suspended

>>12055820 Biden Was Briefed on Burisma's Corruption Weeks Before Demanding Ukrainian Prosecutor's Firing

>>12055827 Texas, other states to bring antitrust lawsuit against Google

>>12055854 Looks like someone got my memo and affidavit! If in fact this discrepancy could mean that ONLY @realDonaldTrump has authority to speak and @SpeakerPelosi and @RepAdamSchiff re-election was invalid in 2018.

>>12055886 #15391

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ff9aea  No.12055904


>>12054532, >>12054695, >>12054789 PF

>>12054812, >>12055061 HRC Blackmail Sting - questionable source

>>12054573 Archive Update "Undiscovered Stars…"

>>12054580 Ossoff: Republicans Attacks in Georgia Are Racist, Anti-Semitic

>>12054581 The Rapist Tweets

>>12054587 Cyberpunk 2077 owners bow before Xi and cancels Devotion!

>>12054595 China task force press conference September 30, 2020.

>>12054596 NY Governor Cuomo Signs Bill Banning Sale & Display of “Hate Symbols”

>>12054614 One America News will not recognize Biden as the President-elect as all of our investigations indicate there was fraud in voting. There will be no decision until Jan. 6, 2021.

>>12054619 Webb Hubbels progeny speaks


>>12054691 The Great Reset and Klaus Schwab, December 5, 2020

>>12054780 Serious allergic reaction to COVID-19 vaccine reported in Alaska

>>12054794 New Catherine Herridge

>>12054799 Oath Keepers Refuse to Recognize Biden as President, ‘We’ll End Up Nullifying And Resisting’

>>12054817 FREEDOM: Mexico’s President Says COVID Lockdowns Are ‘Dictatorship’

>>12054857 Trump's Twitter account was hacked, Dutch ministry affirms - WTF?

>>12054929 Hunter Biden in 2017 sent 'best wishes' from 'entire Biden family' to China firm chairman, requested $10M wire

>>12054981 Bellingcat reacts badly to scrutiny, but possible ties to Western intelligence should be discussed when considering its work

>>12055031 Alaska health care worker suffers adverse reaction after COVID-19 vaccine

>>12055050 FBI Files on the Church of Scientology

>>12055052 5.5 magnitude quake hits Peru

>>12055054 Ok, Where does the needle go?

>>12055077 The Stargate Collection – CIA Program on Remote Viewing

>>12055082 #15390


>>12053685 One America News will not recognize Biden as the President-elect as all of our investigations indicate there was fraud in voting.

>>12053693 Biden says 'I'm confident' Hunter did nothing wrong, amid federal probe into 'tax affairs'

>>12053699 There doesn't seem to be any critical thinking anymore and its driving me crazy

>>12053705 ICE removes child molester convicted in Washington state to Mexico

>>12053706 Senate Hearings going on LIVE @OANN, as to the Fraudulent 2020 Election that just took place

>>12053723 Smoking gun email from Hunter Biden proves that daddy Joe was in on the China deals

>>12053733 @realDonaldTrump Can’t believe how badly @FoxNews is doing in the ratings.

>>12053734 Black Lives Matter Raised $10.6 BILLION Since May

>>12053738 Anon notables for #13585

>>12053757 DJT tweet Former United States Solicitor General Ken Starr: Pennsylvania “Flagrantly Violated” Laws Ahead of Election.

>>12053763 Amazon Slams Trump Administration As 'Increasingly Corrupt' In Lawsuit Against Pentagon

>>12053774 Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects: Some Suffer Bell's Palsy After Inoculation, FDA Reveals


>>12053774 Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects: Some Suffer Bell's Palsy After Inoculation, FDA Reveals


>>12053800 Kenyan National Indicted for Conspiring to Hijack Aircraft


>>12053810 Vice Q hit piece QAnon's Mysterious Leader 'Q' Is Actually Multiple People

>>12053814 PF Report

>>12053848 Rand Paul: ‘The fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen’

>>12053871 Did @POTUS know this about Rosen before he appointed him as interim AG?

>>12053908 Hunter Biden ‘disinformation’ claim causes meltdown at Senate hearing

>>12053924 FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Pigs - https://breaking911.com/fda-approves-g

>>12053927 Israel Wants To Deploy Joint Missile Systems With ‘Arab Allies’ To Persian Gulf

>>12053986 Mexico Revokes Diplomatic Immunity for Foreign Agents

>>12054004 Amistad Project Releases Report on Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Dark Money’ in 2020 Elections

>>12054027 REVEALED: Facebook’s ‘Independent’ Fact-Checkers Are Political Partisans

>>12054041 Dr Kory Exposes Gov-Pharma Complex Suppressing Effective COVID Treatments

>>12054047 A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 36% of all likely U.S. voters believe court challenges of election results in several states will yield a victory for Mr. Trump

>>12054057 McCarthy: FBI is stonewalling on Swalwell's tie to CHINA briefing

>>12054064 'What Kind of Alliance is This?' Erdogan Blasts US Sanctions as Attack on Turkey's Sovereignty

>>12054082 Global Notables

>>12054089 Bread 15383 Notables

>>12054115 Biden Press Pool Member Tests Positive For COVID

>>12054149 PF Report

>>12054209 #15389

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ff9aea  No.12055907


>>12052937 Candace Owens brands Fauci and Bill Gates ‘evil’, claims big pharma is ‘wrought with corruption’ in Twitter attack

>>12052921 O'Keefe released full Assange recording

>>12052956 PF

>>12052959 NEW DJT WRONG link to Donna Brazile

>>12052966 LIVE: AMISTAD PROJECT News Conference on Dark Money Influence in 2020 Election

>>12052979 Ireland’s health minister confirms plans for Covid vaccine ‘certificates’ & suggests people who refuse jab could face restrictions

>>12052989 New Covid strain has 'striking' amount of mutations: Scientists discover 17 changes on spike protein of evolved virus

>>12052990 House Speaker Pelosi enacts face mask mandate on Capitol Hill

>>12052993 LIVE HEARING

>>12053012 This Is a RICO Case and It Involves Potentially the Incoming President of the United States

>>12052999 Bitcoin breaks $20,000

>>12052933 Weird number of Ohio State Masks today?

>>12053033 Trump to Mitch McConnell: ‘Too Soon to Give Up’ on Election Fight

>>12053061 former fashion executive peter nygard arrested on sex trafficking charges

>>12053063 FLASHBACK: Don Blankenship Warned US of McConnell’s Ties to Communist China In 2018 Campaign Ad

>>12053078 REPORT: Zuckerberg Spent Half a Billion Dollars Coercing States To Adopt Pro-Dem Turnout Measures

>>12053105 Barack Obama Dubs Republicans the 'Minority Party' in the US, Despite Constitutional Advantages

>>12053122 Amistad Project Press Conference on Mark Zuckerberg’s Alleged Influence in 2020 Election

>>12053143 Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead

>>12053157 Arizona rep can’t show face. Comments are golden

>>12053173 Iris Biometric Added to Next Generation Identification System (forensic database)

>>12053208 Assign a Commission to Fully Investigate the 2020 election

>>12053211 Government's COVID Hoax hangs by a thread as credibility evaporates

>>12053224 Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!!

>>12053231 KEK television team of the "Current Camera" stupidly forgot the needle for the propaganda video

>>12053243 Ron Paul: The Feds Are Still Manipulating the Gold Price and It Won’t Stop


>>12053285 Biden Cabinet Picks Welcomed Chinese Communist Conference for Group Boasting ‘Private Briefings’ With U.S. Officials

>>12053296 So Much Evidence

>>12053306 Petition to declare that an insurrection exists to overthrow the will of we the people and to utilize military tribunals

>>12053316 Q's post about Kyrsten Sinema being 'elected' to the Senate

>>12053330 Sprawling 8-mile-long 'canvas' of ice age beasts discovered hidden in Amazon rainforest

>>12053357 In Georgia, Unsigned Absentee Ballots, Shown on Video adds to the Stench of Election Corruption

>>12053366 Virginia GOP candidate for governor says 'Trump should declare martial law' in election fight

>>12053526 #15388

Previously Collected Notables

>>12055252 #15386, >>12052695 #15387,

>>12054521 #15383, >>12051085 #15384, >>12053738 #15385

>>12047841 #15380, >>12048649 #15381, >>12049400 #15382

>>12045576 #15377, >>12046354 #15378, >>12047091 #15379

>>12044095 #15375, >>12044836 #15376, >>12044836 #15376

>>12041822 #15372, >>12042559 #15373, >>12043351 #15374

>>12039348 #15369, >>12040163 #15370, >>12041057 #15371

>>12037183 #15366, >>12037772 #15367, >>12038450 #15368

>>12034673 #15363, >>12035433 #15364, >>12036123 #15365

>>12032370 #15360, >>12033220 #15361, >>12033898 #15362

>>12030103 #15357, >>12030845 #15358, >>12031606 #15360

>>12027853 #15354, >>12028586 #15355, >>12029345 #15356

>>12025501 #15351, >>12026304 #15352, >>12027041 #15353

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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ff9aea  No.12055909

Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Dedicated Research Threads

>>11414771 ————————————–——– Australia #11

>>11627898 ————————————–——– Balkan #1

>>11581748 ————————————–——– Brazil #1

>>11740091 ————————————–——– Canada #10

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>11918490 ————————————–——– Germany #72

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>11953731 ————————————–——– UK #27

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

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ff9aea  No.12055911

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

QProofs.com ————————————–——– Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ————————————–——– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

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QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: q-clock.com/q_raw.txt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master:


Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>11716920 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>11728868 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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ff9aea  No.12055912



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ff9aea  No.12055924


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c11515  No.12055927



ty baker, please update

Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

>>>/warroom/925 ————————————–——– Digital Warfare Tools and Services

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2cd38c  No.12055929

File: d318551d27e3cb3⋯.png (315.53 KB, 716x400, 179:100, pepe_its_time.png)

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155f1c  No.12055945



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3e79c8  No.12055947











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c11515  No.12055949

File: 81b0177d5df16b9⋯.jpg (356.64 KB, 1222x730, 611:365, ghosbaker.jpg)


Anons ur time to shine.


tag dough



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3e79c8  No.12055952


anon has not confirmed a handoff requests notes to be taken anons bakers take note!

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155f1c  No.12055962



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155f1c  No.12055969




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cad059  No.12055971



Scientists do not know what causes vaccine alergic response

Alaska health worker has severe reaction

@TomFitton -Twat

( trust muh science )

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155f1c  No.12055974




Godspeed Patriot

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6d537a  No.12055976

File: a902421ac358577⋯.png (730.99 KB, 862x772, 431:386, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6989a463b316e92⋯.png (680.85 KB, 863x690, 863:690, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca605bb4fdd0a92⋯.png (824.71 KB, 852x660, 71:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c228c108ee3be58⋯.png (739 KB, 842x742, 421:371, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 777ce2bc168680a⋯.png (832.86 KB, 862x828, 431:414, ClipboardImage.png)

MI Attorney Matthew DePerno: Dominion CEO Did Not Tell The Truth About “Sealed and Locked Ballot” Machines In Antrim Co…Photos Taken During Inspection Reveal Missing Seal

Yesterday, the MI Senate Oversight Committee questioned Dominion CEO John Poulos about the Dominion Voting machines used in Michigan in the November election. During his testimony, Mr. Poulos was asked specifically about Antrim County voting machines where it was discovered that thousands of votes flipped from President Trump to Joe Biden in the solidly red county. The media and Mr. Poulos blamed the incredible exchange of votes on “human error.”

100 Percent Fed Up – MI Senator Pete Lucido (R) asked Mr. Poulos, “How do I know, as a voter, Mr. Poulos, that I didn’t have any irregularity of the software being manipulated? How can I be sure of that?” The Dominion CEO responded by saying a “hand count audit and recount,” would resolve any questions about the integrity of the machines, telling Senator Lucido, “At the end of the day, you have to remember, that the ballot box was secure and empty at the beginning of the day,” adding, “And at the end of the day, there was a number of ballots that each voter deposited into that sealed and locked ballot box.” Poulos added, “Those ballots haven’t gone anywhere,” assuring the Committee, “They’ve been under secure control of the poll workers.” John Poulos continued, “Even the allegation in an environment that we’re seeing right now, which is unprecedented, in my opinion, is exactly why the Secretary of State is working with Antrim County to perform that hand count.”


Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno, who was granted permission by Michigan 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A Elsenheimer to allow his client and his highly skilled IT experts to perform a forensic audit on 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim County, MI, says the Dominion CEO is not telling the truth about the security of the machines in Antrim County.

DePerno contacted 100 Percent Fed Up to explain that Dominion CEO John Poulos made this statement about the boxes being secured without evidence of his claim. The constitutional attorney who represented William Bailey in his case against Antrim County explained that on November 27, 2020, he and Mr. Bailey along with five IT experts who were part of his team, were “given permission by four precincts to perform an inspection of their tabulators and tabulator print off roles.” Mr. DePerno explains that at least 2 of the 4 Dominion machines they inspected had broken seals on the sides of the machine. One of the broken seals was discovered on the Dominion Voting machine in Mancelona Twp. and the second broken seal was found in Central Lake, MI., additionally, the Dominion Voting machine in Central Lake had no side security lock on the side.

DePerno warned that ballots can be added or removed at will once the tabulator is separated from the box below and that we have no way of knowing what happened to these machines or to the ballots inside, once the tape was removed.


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67f552  No.12055985


Looks like I just found the reason I won't be getting vaccinated.

Muh anaphylactic allergic reaction

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7c4ed6  No.12055990

File: 4611dfa88ba8556⋯.jpg (41.18 KB, 680x454, 340:227, EpUhBmzVQAAs0rW.jpg)

Tom Cruise Tears Into Crew for Not Following Mission Impossible COVID Protocol.



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6d537a  No.12055995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ken Starr: Pennsylvania “Flagrantly Violated” Laws Ahead of Presidential Election

The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on Wednesday held an oversight hearing to examine irregularities in the 2020 election.

Former special prosecutor and solicitor general Ken Starr testified before the senate committee as an expert witness.

Judge Starr said that the state of Pennsylvania “flagrantly violated” laws ahead of the election by circumventing the state legislature and creating law out of thin air through its state supreme court.

When the Pennsylvania state legislature refused to extend the election for three days and accept mail-in ballots without postmarks, Democrat Governor Wolf ran to the PA supreme court where 5 Marxists outnumber the 2 conservative judges.

The PA supreme court changed election laws ahead of Election Day which not only violated the state constitution, it also violated the US Constitution.

Judge Starr said in response to Senator Rand Paul, “There is a very important principle here…. Constitution is very clear that it is the prerogative of state legislatures to determine what these rules and laws are, and that was, I must say, flagrantly violated in Pennsylvania, and perhaps elsewhere as well.”

Ken Starr also argued that Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution gives plenary power to the state legislatures to choose their electors.


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a236e4  No.12056013


baker is a tranny namefagging faggot.

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ff9aea  No.12056020


>baker is a tranny namefagging faggot.

Says a seething AnimePosting faggot.

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726e66  No.12056021


No Gerbil - don't take the bake unless you can collect the notables. Stop the stupid shit. You're making an ass out of yourself.

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3e79c8  No.12056022

File: fbe704f806b3d14⋯.png (1.27 MB, 970x595, 194:119, ScannerDarklyFieldForTheFl….png)

"Through a Glass Darkly we See clearly."

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07963c  No.12056029

File: 210e2cd24b2decd⋯.png (390.57 KB, 672x778, 336:389, _6_Brandon_Beckham_Esq_Pra….png)

Ratcliffe via Herridge: "We were attacked"

CBS News Senior Correspondent Catherine Herridge has reported that Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe: "Told CBS News that there was Foreign Election Interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year [2020]."


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6d537a  No.12056030

File: 91df51cda8a7a42⋯.png (252.6 KB, 596x407, 596:407, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddd089b59e12a1c⋯.png (121.67 KB, 859x761, 859:761, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f79631ccc01da5c⋯.png (70.9 KB, 857x600, 857:600, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 210ffcac26876e1⋯.png (169.46 KB, 857x717, 857:717, ClipboardImage.png)

New York Times Hack Attempts to Damage Gateway Pundit, Steve Bannon, Mark Levin and Others – He Ends Up Showing His Ignorance and Bias Instead

When The New York Times writes about The Gateway Pundit it’s typically a political hit piece that is lacking in integrity.

Another liberal reporter at the New York Times attempts to damage the Gateway Pundit and other conservatives. He ends up showing his ignorance of the 2020 election.

Liberal hack Jeremy Peters at The New York Times and the mainstream media do not want to report on the facts of the 2020 election.

1 The massive fraud included Republican observers in battleground states locked out of rooms and prevented from reviewing hundreds of thousands of suspect Biden votes

2 Impossible vote trends and spikes in several states that are statistically impossible. The fake news media has no intention of looking at this.

3 Voting systems with virtually no controls that link to the Internet and have functionality built in to change votes.

4 Hidden ballot cases pulled out from under tables —ON VIDEO— all for Biden after a fake water main break was claimed in Georgia and Republican observers were sent home,

5 Massive vote drops on the morning after the election, after someone ordered 5 battleground states to stop counting the night before!

No this is The New York Times – the newspaper of record — the same outlet that promoted the fake news Trump-Russia collusion narrative the past five years. The NY Times is synonymous with today’s Big Media – ignoring the great accomplishments of this President while printing disgusting misrepresentations of our President instead (which is what they are doing here).

President Trump had the greatest election win ever for a sitting president. The NYT rather than looking into the rampant election fraud decided instead to attack the few in the media who are reporting the truth.


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cad059  No.12056033


if anything goes wrong anons can sue the vaccine makers for damages [ Autism ? ]

Oh wait, congress gave Big Med inc. total immunity too bad

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a236e4  No.12056036


awww now she's triggered

oss tranny baker is a traitor

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2cd38c  No.12056037

File: 0f60be249a759f9⋯.png (263.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Clicked6.png)

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0da730  No.12056038

File: 1e83ac15f3dd78b⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB, 1603x2048, 1603:2048, 1D0ADC9B_2089_4936_987A_6….jpeg)

File: 8b5a502dc6d38c8⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB, 2048x2478, 1024:1239, 66CEBF18_9C63_4901_909B_2….jpeg)

File: b1837a7ddfb1e44⋯.jpeg (172.27 KB, 713x1972, 713:1972, 9F7C282F_6747_4B52_836E_D….jpeg)

File: e375fd41bfc6afa⋯.jpeg (132.66 KB, 1242x805, 54:35, D2245CC4_9BDA_41F6_9E46_A….jpeg)

File: 2fdac0bdaeb04a2⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1855x2471, 265:353, F8CB73C9_DD48_4BED_8BC3_8….jpeg)

Jim Breyer - Blackstone - Rothschilds

One big club.

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449b75  No.12056039

>>12056021 do u even read bruh? ever?


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726e66  No.12056043


What is this shit Now OSS and Gerbil try to bake without taking notes?


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ff9aea  No.12056044


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7c4ed6  No.12056045

File: d12ce81fadcdc53⋯.png (3.02 KB, 359x45, 359:45, This_Claim_1a.png)

When you go on twatter to twat don't forget to put this at the end of every twat. It will cause people to hold two opposing ideas and cause a self destruct sequence to initiate.

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242b07  No.12056050

File: ca7c77aaa4aba00⋯.png (36.74 KB, 617x300, 617:300, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_12….png)

Florida Escort Pleads Guilty to Underreporting Income


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cad059  No.12056051


what occult object sits in the UN united nations meditation room ?

a black stone


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59c834  No.12056052

The purpose of feminist entertainment/media is not to make women feel empowered. The purpose of feminist entertainment/media is to provoke men. Provoke them into hating, hurting and beating women. Which many of them then do. The gender war is fueled and orchestrated by the elite. It has been for decades.

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ec1980  No.12056055

File: 65a10b49970f4c9⋯.png (807.19 KB, 810x538, 405:269, ClipboardImage.png)

Step 1 Complete

How long do you energize it for

Dosage as well

Thank you for your information

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ff9aea  No.12056056





>>12056029 Ratcliffe via Herridge: "We were attacked"

>>12056030 New York Times Hack Attempts to Damage Gateway Pundit, Steve Bannon, Mark Levin and Others – He Ends Up Showing His Ignorance and Bias Instead

>>12055995 Ken Starr: Pennsylvania “Flagrantly Violated” Laws Ahead of Presidential Election

>>12055976 MI Attorney Matthew DePerno: Dominion CEO Did Not Tell The Truth About “Sealed and Locked Ballot” Machines In Antrim Co…Photos Taken During Inspection Reveal Missing Seal

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a236e4  No.12056058


OSS and Gerbil are [DS / CCP]. you haven't figured that out yet?

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6d537a  No.12056059

File: 001dc5d083dcc5d⋯.png (72.64 KB, 571x726, 571:726, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c33ecbdec3a4c19⋯.png (74.89 KB, 547x706, 547:706, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70d690b309d7d6a⋯.png (23.15 KB, 519x418, 519:418, ClipboardImage.png)

Mo Brooks, House GOP To Demand McConnell, Pelosi Launch Congressional Election Integrity Hearings

Mo Brooks is gathering signatures for the letter today

National File can exclusively reveal that Rep. Mo Brooks has written a letter and is currently gaining signatures in the House of Representatives to urge House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell launch immediate Congressional hearings into election integrity.

In the letter, addressed to McConnell, Pelosi, and other Congressional leaders, Brooks and a yet unknown number of House Republicans are set to demand immediate Congressional hearings into the reports of widespread election fraud Americans have heard since November 3.

National File understands that Representative Paul Gosar (R-AZ) will be one of the first to sign on. Gosar has been a repeated surrogate for election integrity since the November election, and has appeared at Stop the Steal rallies in Arizona.

At present, National File understands Reps. Paul Gosar, Lance Gooden, Bob Gibbs, David Rouzer, Brian Babin, Ted Budd, Ralph Norman, Andy Biggs, Jody Hice, Jeff Duncan, Greg Steube, Randy Weber, Mike Kelly, Mike Rogers, and Louie Gohmert, have all indicated they will sign the letter.

The letter follows a similar demand from 26 Republican Representatives-elect. This letter, only addressed to Pelosi, was signed by many members of the new wave of America First Republicans who widely attained their seats by tapping into the issues and accomplishments important to supporters of President Donald Trump.

“Americans should be able to have faith that our elections are free and fair,” said Representative-elect Jerry Carl (R-AL) in a tweet.

Tonight I joined 25 of my @GOP colleagues in sending a letter to Speaker Pelosi demanding an investigation into the voting irregularities in the 2020 election. Americans should be able to have faith that our elections are free and fair. #al01 #alpolitics pic.twitter.com/z4bzY5Uebq

— Jerry Carl (@CarlForAlabama) December 16, 2020

This latest move appears to be part of Brooks’ ongoing effort to challenge Joe Biden’s victory in the Electoral College. National File can confirm that both members of the U.S. House and Senate are considering joining Brooks to contest the results in key states and potentially trigger a contingent election.

In the Senate, Republican Sens. Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz, and Sen-elect Tommy Tubberville have all indicated an interest in joining Brooks’ movement.


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42d46a  No.12056062

File: b6760847a238649⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1346x2079, 1346:2079, ClipboardImage.png)

IF PENCE ever got his balls out of Karen's purse, THIS would happen!

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850de7  No.12056063

>>12051000 pb

>However, I doubt what will be offered to the general public is that same vaccine.


>A placebo?


>Or something much more "magical"?

Doubtful but would be great if pharma is vaccinating people with cancer cures or something that prevents/cures cold/flu.

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3e79c8  No.12056064


there's a difference.

{Who actually drops proper notes by end of bread if noone is around?}


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6d537a  No.12056066

Site attack underway

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3e79c8  No.12056067

Dont fucking talk back.

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9d4337  No.12056069

File: 81855cc2c6aa941⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1358x898, 679:449, Screen_Shot_2020_12_16_at_….png)

Money From Facebook’s Zuckerberg Used to Undermine Election, Violate Law: Report

December 16, 2020

Hundreds of millions of dollars from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was used to violate election laws, according to a new report.

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a national constitutional litigation organization, released the 39-page report, alleging that Zuckerberg’s $500 million given to election officials was used to treat voters unequally and improperly influence the election for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The bulk of the funds went to the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), a nonprofit started by former managers and staff at the New Organizing Institute, a progressive nonprofit.

According to the report, the nonprofit earlier this year “began sending agents into states to recruit certain Democrat strongholds to prepare grants requesting monies from” it.

For example, the center gave $100,000 to Cory Mason, the mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, to recruit four other cities to develop a plan and request a larger grant from it. Those five cities submitted such a plan in June and received $6.3 million to implement it.

That kind of privatization of elections “undermines the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), which requires state election plans to be submitted to federal officials and approved and requires respect for equal protection by making all resources available equally to all voters,” the report states.

“The provision of Zuckerberg-CTCL funds allowed these Democrat strongholds to spend roughly $47 per voter, compared to $4 to $7 per voter in traditionally Republican areas of the state. Moreover, this recruiting of targeted jurisdictions for specific government action and funding runs contrary to legislative election plans and invites government to play favorites in the election process.”

Mason’s spokesperson didn’t respond to a request for comment, nor did a Facebook spokesperson nor CTCL’s media office.

“This effectively is a shadow government running our elections,” Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project, said at a press conference in Virginia.

“Government has the core responsibility of managing elections. We don’t put out elections for bid. We don’t have elections brought to you by Coca Cola. It is government’s job to manage elections, and it must do so without a thumb on the scale,” he added.

The project said the main foundations funding the efforts include The Democracy Fund, New Venture Fund, Skoll Foundation, and Knight Foundation

Other nonprofits deemed key to distributing the money besides CTCL were named as the Center for Electronic Innovation Research, the Center for Civic Design, the National Vote at Home Institute, the Center for Secure and Modern Elections, and Rock the Vote….


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899719  No.12056072

File: 7df05b76c1165cb⋯.jpg (14.83 KB, 474x248, 237:124, download_1_.jpg)

File: c159942efe7cb5d⋯.jpg (28.23 KB, 474x285, 158:95, download_2_.jpg)

File: 710f8a411e76c72⋯.png (993.28 KB, 1271x673, 1271:673, White_House_Christmas_2019….png)

File: 0f3089439fea801⋯.jpg (17.81 KB, 474x247, 474:247, download_3_.jpg)

File: 4948b929572556e⋯.jpg (29.31 KB, 474x237, 2:1, download_5_.jpg)

holy fucking cow

this is quite the post

I added the images

Trump is a master troller

recall from 2019 Trump Tower elevator Christmas

here we are 2020 Christmas????

the domino? 17

the santa hammer



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cf7d1e  No.12056074

File: 76e2cbf41bd49c5⋯.png (105.47 KB, 917x748, 917:748, ClipboardImage.png)

Who was paying for a gay escort?


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e704a5  No.12056076


Pence is low energy.

Can't even say Democrats committed fraud and Donald Trump really won the election.

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5e4cd1  No.12056080


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a236e4  No.12056081

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3e79c8  No.12056086



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cad059  No.12056087


female entertainment is much more about making women dissatisfied and always wanting what others have. Exploiting their natural indecision

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b6893b  No.12056089

File: 8619359b2ab38a8⋯.jpg (251.13 KB, 1080x522, 60:29, fucking_baker_kek.jpg)




gerbil takes notes if he is not too buys workfagging, but not my job.

oss i dont know.

who are you guys and what lvl are you?

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899719  No.12056090




GET in here NOW.

What I am about to tell you is lethal. Got it? Ask me to source this shit is asking me to commit suicide so might as well save it.

The 2016 election used the same tactics as the 2020 election. Reread that sentence a couple of more times until it’s tattooed on your brain.

The fundamental accusation that Putin/Russia assisted Trump is indeed correct. Save the ‘muh shill’ shit, I’m not fucking done yet weeb.

Hillary Clinton was using the exact process. Dominion. Scorecard. SOLAR WINDS. Tattoo=Brain, remember?

Good. Now you know about 10% of it. Buckle up, this next part is a fucking RIDE.

Place yourself in the shoes of a programmer.

You’ve been tasked with developing voting tools and directing data. You’re on your merry god damned way building apps to help voters find polling locations. Along your way you stumble across Dominion, SmartMatic, and Solar Winds data. Uh oh.

Your name?

Seth Rich.

Still with me? Good. You’re now at 30%. Keep strapped, shit is about to get even more REAL.

What You (Rich) just found, Russia knew was happening all along. So did others, and they’ve been dealt with or are being dealt with. Hillary could not be POTUS in Russia’s eyes, because of the connections to BIDEN. Ukraine is involved, long story short Russia had beef with the previous administration.

So Russia does the most clever shit.

They Cyberattacked the cheating systems, handing the Presidency (fair and square) to Trump. Told you not to ‘muh shill’ me yet, fuckers.

We’ve reached 50%. Get yourself a snack or something, if you thought shit is real now…just wait. Shit gets BIBLICAL.

Trump is elected 45th.

He knew it was rigged. Fuckin’-A, he even said Russia should look at it.

Ballsy master troll shit right there, but besides the point.

So what was a recently slaughtered Democratic frontrunner and party to do? Well…blame Russia of course!

Dusted off the Ol’ “Blame the Ruskies” playbook of yesterblyat and go for it. Surely this will end Trump, right?

No. And don’t call me Shirley. Sorry, I had to.

Trump holds that shit close. His hand of cards, if you will. Yeah, Russia assisted him by slaughtering the dem’s illegitimate dogs of war in their kennels. By definition, Russia did help Trump. Which means Trump is an illegitimate POTUS, right? No, dipshit. All the opposite, actually. By cyberfucking the dem’s cheat system into the ground raw-style, Putin effectively ensured that every vote for Trump was an American one, solidifying the legitimacy of his election.

Oh, we ain’t done yet. Shit just got fucking started.

60% right now. The last 40% is the dessert. Savor it.

So what does Trump do? He drags it on. And on. And on. And on. And fucking on until November 3rd, 2020.

The public doesn’t even have a clue at this point as to who in the fuck Dominion, Scorecard, or Solar Winds are or do.

Now THAT’S some Sun Tzu shit right there.

Future proves past, right?

Oh, no. It gets better.

For four years, Trump made god damned good and sure that the entire world knew Russia didn’t collude with him. Robert Mueller proved it himself. What Robert failed to disclose was that Russia did everything for their own pleasure. The didn’t help Trump win because they liked the guy, they pile drived Hillary because they just didn’t like the taste Ol’ Creepsmile Joe left in their mouths.

Catch-22 on anabolic meth-laced steroidal cocaine.

To prove Trump was helped by Russia was to also prove Dem’s were cheating their swampy asses off. So of course Mueller found nothing. So of course Steele and Strzok and HRC had to develop an insurance narrative based on debunked garbage slanders.

That’s the play. 90% now.

Wanna know just HOW the arrests/strike will happen fast? Because today proves the past, and now

they’re fucked.

Last 10%?

Right. Okay. Still with me?

Re-word this:

“Russia colludes with Trump to defeat Hillary”


“Russia turns Hillary’s cheating software off, letting Trump win the Presidency fair and square.”

And there you have it. 100%. Now, we have China to deal with because all in all, this shit is all tied back to them through Democrats and some Republicans. That’s the upcoming event.'

Before I go, I just wanted to put out there a few things that piqued my interest.

Barr is gone on 23, which is an interesting number in these parts.

24 is Thursday and a newly federalized holiday.

Thursday is Thor’s Day. HAMMER come to mind?

25 is Christmas.

Santa pic holds what?

Also on a Friday. Friday and Saturday fulfills MAGA promise. POTUS important message on Twitter on Friday.

The biggest question historians will ask decades from now will be “Why didn’t they just give up?”

That’s how defeated they’ll be.

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5e5934  No.12056091

File: b6e975567b24078⋯.mp4 (567.74 KB, 696x322, 348:161, lmcN30XXuItedfIr.mp4)



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42d46a  No.12056092

File: 69d0428ee95f288⋯.png (229.64 KB, 418x254, 209:127, ClipboardImage.png)


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5e4cd1  No.12056093

Kek…..Kamala thinks she gets to keep her seat in Congress and vote herself into office

Guess what bitch……..DONT WORK THAT WAY

Government employees are bottom feeders

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a7df9d  No.12056095

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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899719  No.12056098



all is pb

I added the images

not my info

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2ee915  No.12056099

"A report in The Atlantic alleges that Trump’s state and national legal teams are working towards for post-election strategies that would sidestep the results of the vote count in battleground states. According to the report, ambiguities in the Constitution and logical statement in the Electoral Count Act may make it possible to prolong the dispute all the way to Inauguration Day, which would bring the nation to an edge."

To an edge…

Like in a precipice?

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e03645  No.12056101

File: 92857266b2d5388⋯.png (12.66 KB, 495x237, 165:79, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12055854 (lb)

HAVA Act you say?

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b6893b  No.12056102

File: 53bf428ae4f5880⋯.jpg (34.59 KB, 255x144, 85:48, qplusanons.jpg)

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6d537a  No.12056103

File: b5a14f2f4dd1634⋯.png (97.83 KB, 757x907, 757:907, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8957de3f2626440⋯.png (36.03 KB, 757x476, 757:476, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Venezuelan National Treasurer and Her Spouse Charged in Connection with International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme


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e547da  No.12056104


oh. k. why did barr resign?

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a7df9d  No.12056105

File: c6d3632a611f934⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 572x417, 572:417, mnj67g.JPG)

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bb4f4e  No.12056107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Show me how to lie

You're getting better all the time

And turning all against the one

Is an art that's hard to teach

Another clever word

Sets off an unsuspecting herd

And as you get back into line

A mob jumps to their feet

Now dance, fucker, dance

Man, he never had a chance

And no one even knew

It was really only you

And now you steal away

Take him out today

Nice work you did

You're gonna go far, kid

With a thousand lies

And a good disguise

Hit 'em right between the eyes

Hit 'em right between the eyes

When you walk away

Nothing more to say

See the lightning in your eyes

See 'em running for their lives

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b6893b  No.12056108


12/23 u figure it out

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e9af79  No.12056109

File: 3508725080e97d7⋯.png (1.14 MB, 534x800, 267:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d87d324a3bcd7da⋯.png (20.59 KB, 334x174, 167:87, ClipboardImage.png)



WH Advent COMMS Dec 16th – James Bond’s GOLDFINGER / Q3699

In 1967, New Jersey philanthropistMrs. Charles W. Engelhard,Jr. donated an 18th Century Italian crèche—that is, a nativity scene—to the White House Collection. The nearly 14’ tall display from Naples features 30 carved figurines and is crafted from terra cotta and carved wood.

This year marks the 53rd year that the Neapolitan crèche will be put on display in the White House.



Blue & Gold color scheme can be interpreted as relating to occult, demon summoning, spells, SATAN, truth, and wisdom regarding XMAS


Englehard's husband was inspiration for Ian Fleming's Bond villain GOLDFINGER. Background post’s on Bond and Ian/Jeremy Fleminginclude >>6975165 (pb), >>6975183 (pb), and >>7585879 (pb). Also see


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3e79c8  No.12056110

File: 575f83ed4b592ff⋯.png (224.22 KB, 600x700, 6:7, 9k.png)


>What lvl are you?


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b1e705  No.12056111

File: 77b366374fa6c3e⋯.jpg (47.06 KB, 372x476, 93:119, Hippies_092_20358929359273….JPG)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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2ee915  No.12056113


Did he resign?

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899719  No.12056114

File: cbb0e91ff31f4d5⋯.jpg (19.55 KB, 474x266, 237:133, download_1_.jpg)

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b6893b  No.12056116


root inbound in 3..2..

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a236e4  No.12056117

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e547da  No.12056118

File: 986f4674a74d9fe⋯.jpg (62.6 KB, 483x270, 161:90, 633165812.jpg)

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7c4ed6  No.12056119

File: 1f34a71f6351009⋯.png (3.27 KB, 359x45, 359:45, The_Claim.png)


Or this

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cd1f78  No.12056120

File: 95d009146d28ab3⋯.jpg (138.3 KB, 597x734, 597:734, boom1.jpg)


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7e74d1  No.12056122

If Q is benevolent and the vaccine is dangerous, why hasn't he heartily warned against it?

If Q is benevolent and the vaccine is legit, why hasn't ne heartily advised to take it?

If Q is malevolent and the vaccine is dangerous, why hasn't he heartily advised to take it?

If Q is malevolent and the vaccine is legit, why hasn't he heartily warned against it?

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065d93  No.12056125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>12056082 (LB)

>is the Earth gonna do a flip literally?

Yes, Just like it has many times before.

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b6893b  No.12056126



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3c23b1  No.12056127

File: f3b0f424da959f9⋯.png (215.38 KB, 1346x880, 673:440, voteflake.png)

going to age well

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91f055  No.12056128

File: aba9aeee4cc4b44⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1497x623, 1497:623, HighPriestess.png)

Vatican occult display…The High Priestes'

'Marcello Mancini'…teacher where display was made.

I can't find anything else about this guy, or where he teaches.

Suspect 'china' connection/funding.

Can anyone help with dig?

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db0c19  No.12056129


Final stage set?

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b6893b  No.12056130


watch the water [levels]

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e547da  No.12056131


was an acting AG appointed?

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850de7  No.12056133

>>12051035 pb

Decode time guise

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

Can’t believe how badly @FoxNews

is doing in the ratings. They played right into the hands of the Radical Left Democrats, & now are floating in limboland. Hiring fired@donnabraziIe, and far worse, allowing endless negative and unedited commercials.


What stands out for me here is the last sentence. What are "unedited commercials" and why are they "far worse" than hiring Donna Brazzers? Seems a very odd thing to say. I haven't watched FOX in years so I've not seen any commercials let alone unedited commercials. Anons?

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9f2aaa  No.12056134

>>12055077 (PB)

Stargate project

for those interested:

This is a good list of potentially valuable info for anyone who want to understand at least a bit of what CIA researched from '78 to '95 and what potentials the human mind have. There are no special people, this is something ANYONE can train them selves to do, all you need is a brain.

'''The participants of the stargate project who wrote books and some of their released titles, NOT a complete list:

(Hal Putoff contributes to some of these works)'''

Joseph Mcmoneagle

Remote Viewing Secrets - The Handbook for Developing and Extending Your Psychic Abilities, ISBN 9781571741592

Mind Trek - Exploring Consciousness, Time, and Space Through Remote Viewing, ISBN 9783930243112, 9781878901729

The Ultimate Time Machine: A Remote Viewer's Perception of Time, and Predictions for the New Millennium, ISBN 9781571741028

The stargate Chronicles: Memoirs of a Psychic Spy, ISBN 9781941408193

David Morehouse

Remote Viewing - The Complete User's Manual for Coordinate Remote Viewing, ISBN 9781604074369

Psychic Warrior - The True Story of the CIA's Paranormal Espionage Programme, ISBN 9781905570386

Nonlethal Weapons - War without Death, ISBN 9780275951702

Ingo Swann

Penetration: Special Edition: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy, ISBN 978-1949214987

Resurrecting the Mysterious: Ingo Swann's 'Great Lost Work', ISBN 978-1949214611

Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP: Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind, ISBN 978-1949214833

Psychic Literacy: & the Coming Psychic Renaissance, ISBN 978-1949214475

Secrets of Power I: The Individual Empowerment vs The Societal Panorama of Power and Depowerment, ISBN 978-1949214161

Secrets of Power, Volume II: The Vitalizing of Individual Powers, ISBN 978-1949214628

Star Fire - The war to end all wars has begun, ISBN 978-1949214598

Your Nostradamus Factor: Accessing Your Innate Ability to See Into the Future, ISBN 978-1949214871

Edwin May

ESP Wars: East & West, ISBN 978-1941408797

Anomalous Cognition: Remote Viewing Research and Theory Illustrated Edition, ISBN 978-0786494583

The Star Gate Archives: Reports of the United States Government Sponsored Psi Program, 1972-1995. Volume 1: Remote Viewing, 1972-1984, ISBN 978-1476667522

The Star Gate Archives: Reports of the United States Government Sponsored Psi Program, 1972-1995. Volume 2: Remote Viewing, 1985-1995, ISBN 978-1476667539

The Star Gate Archives: Reports of the United States Government Sponsored Psi Program, 1972-1995. Volume 3: Psychokinesis, ISBN 978-1476667546

Extrasensory Perception [2 volumes]: Support, Skepticism, and Science, ISBN 978-1440832871

Russel Targ

The Reality of ESP: A Physicist's Proof of Psychic Abilities, ISBN 978-0835608848

Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness, ISBN 978-1577314134

Mind-Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities (Studies in Consciousness), ISBN 978-1571744142

Do You See What I See?: Lasers and Love, ESP and the CIA, and the Meaning of Life, ISBN 978-1571746306

The End of Suffering: Fearless Living in Troubled Times . . or, How to Get Out of Hell Free, ISBN 978-1571744685

Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spritual Healing:, ISBN 978-1577310976

The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities, ISBN 978-0394533568

RADIANT MINDS: Scientists Explore the Dimensions of Consciousness, ISBN 978-0615296333

The Heart of the Mind, ISBN 978-1577310419

Psychic Research and Modern Physics (Psychic Exploration), e-book, ASIN B01E4Q93SU

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aad843  No.12056135

If you have a brain and your intentions are good, why are you posting such imbecilic, retarded questions here?

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cd1f78  No.12056138

File: 4a059c3f4ad0d14⋯.jpg (206.16 KB, 539x512, 539:512, trumppom.jpg)

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b1e705  No.12056139

File: 3e8cdc6d7378b4d⋯.png (778.31 KB, 969x541, 969:541, These_People_are_Serial_Ad….png)

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e65596  No.12056140

File: a876dc8bd3d6849⋯.jpg (66.93 KB, 828x548, 207:137, gillum2.jpg)

File: 770f80858b50ccf⋯.jpg (140.38 KB, 996x1024, 249:256, andrewGillum1.jpg)

File: 2ab0623b5542c1c⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1448x814, 724:407, mccloskeysGillum.png)

File: 94bfa473383ba45⋯.jpg (127.97 KB, 958x1024, 479:512, andrewGillum.jpg)

File: abd7d3156722e11⋯.png (720.73 KB, 901x495, 901:495, husseinSitroomGillum.png)

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97167c  No.12056141


Herridge lead quote:

"DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies."

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5e4cd1  No.12056142


Yeah…..government knew and did nothing to secure elections

So government can suck a dick

Will start posting how to completely fuck the government……much easier than you think

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bb4f4e  No.12056144

File: 278de45405925b7⋯.png (13.7 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dee75ed33424a6349273417788….png)

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726e66  No.12056145

Gerbil made a GREAT COMPROMISE last bread and I salute him.

o7 Gerbil - takes guts.

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476d5d  No.12056146

File: 4ee09551a1d26b1⋯.png (253.04 KB, 1115x765, 223:153, 12_17.png)

Today is 12/16.

Tomorrow is 12/17.

End of ten days?

What happens next?



POTUS Twitter account?

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119d4e  No.12056147

File: f1e600ec8061a91⋯.png (426.36 KB, 535x637, 535:637, Screenshot_2020_12_16_CIA_….png)

Our officers are talented in more ways than one.

Our officers faced off to see who could build the most unique gingerbread house.

Which one is your favorite?


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b1e705  No.12056148

File: 42e74df0a30df52⋯.png (361.86 KB, 620x611, 620:611, Pervs_20943502308509802938….png)

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b1e705  No.12056150

File: cc07f8ed6baeae1⋯.png (11.11 KB, 246x255, 82:85, filter_3_4950349_09_0934_5….png)

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58a43f  No.12056151


Honestly I expected more from a Scientologist.

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e408f0  No.12056152


"Dominion CEO John Poulos Testified before the Senate Oversight Committee in Michigan. He Lied a lot. One of his biggest whoppers was that Dominion doesn’t connect to the internet."


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f1ed7e  No.12056153


Democrat Party,

"Show us your'e a Democrat, without telling us!"

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065d93  No.12056155


sky event.

nothing can stop what's coming

the end wont be for everyone.

Q us telling us its the end of the world ..

I hope they have a plan.

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fca3f7  No.12056156


Because he said, 'We're not going to take it'.

They have to give SOMETHING to the plebes that believe they will DIE w/o it.

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bb4f4e  No.12056157

File: 0962ca9d43bf4c4⋯.jpg (44.15 KB, 643x388, 643:388, 4ja4y7.jpg)

File: c7f8b61479178d1⋯.jpg (53.43 KB, 643x388, 643:388, 4ja56u.jpg)

File: 149cd385ed4dfff⋯.jpeg (17.75 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 9a62337a357d0f67b3972fe6a….jpeg)

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2ee915  No.12056159

Where dem Hussein pics be?

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f5b077  No.12056160


Why would Russia want to help Trump? Hillary made the collusion story up to take away focus on the emails. The Russia shit started before the election.

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a45e0e  No.12056163

File: 33a0cb2daec31d9⋯.png (395.26 KB, 607x541, 607:541, ClipboardImage.png)

Found this with this search only thing to come up.

Coincidence or what he on to something that day?

Lurking his twitter he does follow Q.


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68d1ef  No.12056164


Take it or don't.

Let me know if/when it becomes mandatory.

Until then, yawn.

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1a5fdf  No.12056165

File: 82e055de9f0991c⋯.png (376.9 KB, 603x786, 201:262, goodnightskyking.png)


Going to do a barrel roll

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6faa40  No.12056166

File: 4538c40a0748306⋯.png (62.33 KB, 351x303, 117:101, IMG_0010.PNG)



This was a dude selling his pee pee all over the country and he had the gall to form a corporation and file bogus tax returns

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95c043  No.12056167

File: 9c37967188173c4⋯.jpg (90.62 KB, 500x525, 20:21, Asymmetric_Warfare.jpg)

File: 641b71f171170c0⋯.jpg (99.85 KB, 500x632, 125:158, 4nx7iw_1.jpg)

Uɴᴅᴇʀᴇsᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ Tʜᴇ Aᴍᴇʀɪᴄᴀɴ Pᴀᴛʀɪᴏᴛ Yᴏᴜ Eɴᴅ Uᴘ Oɴ Hɪsᴛᴏʀʏ's Tʀᴀsʜ Hᴇᴀᴘ.

DEEP STATEis banking Trump won't have the cooperation within the government to crackdown on this fraudulent election.


(c) Is not intended to, and does not, create any rights or benefits, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by a party against the United States, its agencies, instrumentalities, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

Read More:


MAGA Patriots It's Go Time:CBS News Senior Correspondent Catherine Herridge has reported that Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe: Told CBS News that there wasForeign Election Interferenceby China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year [2020].

Trump Executive Order:https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-imposing-certain-sanctions-event-foreign-interference-united-states-election/

'MAGA Patriots don't let the MSM and Big Tech scare you because the MAGA Patriots when called into action are a force of millions thatNOBODYin America can stop.

MAGA Patriots have the skills, weapons and the resources to defend president Trump indefinitely.



🇸​​​​​🇹​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇳​​​​​🇬​​​​​🇹​​​​​🇭​​​​​ 🇹​​​​​🇭​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇴​​​​​🇺​​​​​🇬​​​​​🇭​​​​​ 🇳​​​​​🇺​​​​​🇲​​​​​🇧​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇸​​​​​


MAGA Patriots - Election fraud against a sitting president is outrightTREASON.

Ex Military MAGA patriots will serve at the pleasure of the president as supplemental presidential law enforcement when called into action.CODE RED

MAGA patriots will explode on to the scene with unparalleled organizational leadership and weaponry.

MAGA Veterans with serious warfare skills will be prepared to legally protect president Trump at all costs and this post is not a joke.

Do the Deep State criminals out to steal president Trump's reelection with fraudulent ballots realize how many heavily armed MAGA patriots with world-class military accessories will show up at the white house if anyone makes a move to ILLEGALLY remove president Trump?It will be BIBLICAL.

MAGA Patriots have resources and will stand by president Trump for as long as it takes.

President Trump is the hardest working president inU.S. HISTORYand he hasn't even accepted a pay check, realistically we really couldn't afford what he is worth anyway, plus president Trump has kept his promises. So for all MAGA patriots nationwide it would be a huge honor to protect our great president from domestic terrorism.

Please note:No other president could have taken the Deep States witch-hunt beatings Trump has taken in the last four years and still Trump gave America her dignity back a record economy and took care of our veterans and so much more.

President Trump True American Patriots Stand At The Ready, So If Push Comes To Shove We Are Ready.

At least14 MILLION Americanscan walk into combat tomorrow for president Trump and this includes women.

The MAGA Patriots have no association with law breakers, anarchists or rogue militia's.We are the Americans they don't want to meet.




Antifa Terrorists.

BLM Terrorists.

Harassing Police Officers.

Non-Peaceful Protesting.

Promotion Of Civil Unrest.

Burning Of Public Or Private Properties.

ATTN:MAGA Patriots are law abiding tax paying citizens and we respect our police officers and will follow military engagement code during mission CODE RED.

Disclaimer:8Kun administration has no association with this post and OP is only passing on vital information, OP is not a gun owner or a political activists and is not associated with any political groups.

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b1e705  No.12056168

File: bd0f5f08ec0fe98⋯.jpg (44.48 KB, 451x444, 451:444, Hippies_094_72598723857982….JPG)



Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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134d9c  No.12056169


Joe Biden may appoint Disney CEO Bob Iger as ambassador to China or the United Kingdom, sources told the Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday.

The news comes as Disney’s extensive footprint in China has drawn criticism in the U.S. In particular, the company’s live-action remake of Mulan contained segments shot in Xinjiang, where the Chinese Communist Party has imprisoned over a million Uyghurs and other Muslims in concentration camps and has conducted a forced-sterilization campaign on Uyghur women.

The credits to Mulan thank entities in the CCP including the party’s propaganda commission in Xinjiang as well as a branch of the Xinjiang public security bureau. The latter entity has a role in operating the concentration camps, while the propaganda commission has justified the operation of the camps.

While the coronavirus pandemic has made a dent on Disney’s business in China, the company had invested in theme parks and movie productions in the country in recent years, including a Disney theme park in Shanghai. It isn’t clear if Iger’s knowledge of and experience in China was a factor in the Biden team’s considerations. Iger is a donor to Biden’s campaign, and gave $250,000 to the Biden Victory Fund during election season.

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bcdd4a  No.12056170



2 days to the 18th motherfuckers!

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5c7eea  No.12056171

File: d2af87d6203669a⋯.png (10.49 KB, 280x560, 1:2, enemies.png)

File: 2abcfb405b50b4d⋯.png (734.09 KB, 993x725, 993:725, 32231271200547654.png)

File: d2af87d6203669a⋯.png (10.49 KB, 280x560, 1:2, enemies.png)

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e704a5  No.12056172


Much better optics

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b6893b  No.12056173

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bcdd4a  No.12056174

File: 29a681ce8f1e5b9⋯.jpg (118.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Thanks_Bakes.jpg)


domo bakes!

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5e4cd1  No.12056175


WTF is that?

C_A building gingerbread houses?

If ya got nothing to do civil servant

Grab a broom and start sweeping

Get a real job faggots

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68d1ef  No.12056176


>They have to give SOMETHING to the plebes that believe they will DIE w/o it.


I know a couple of morans that can't wait to get it.

Thus - well played, POTUS, well played.

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e47ad0  No.12056177

File: 728da3d238d4b5f⋯.gif (3.95 MB, 444x250, 222:125, ils.gif)

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28251c  No.12056178

File: d943206604cd822⋯.jpg (97.37 KB, 584x565, 584:565, EpYezkMXIAIusMQ.jpg)

RED ALERT: It's obvious Loeffler is a Democrat plant, is she wins she will switch to D party possibly giving the Dems the Senate, this is part of their plan

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fca3f7  No.12056179

File: 64ee90e69ee38a2⋯.png (11.78 MB, 2876x1992, 719:498, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 483477e0e238b56⋯.png (776.25 KB, 754x431, 754:431, ClipboardImage.png)



You go gurl!


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899719  No.12056180

File: 7734f971d96ec6d⋯.png (11.14 KB, 255x147, 85:49, b4735031e45fb93d167cea7a37….png)

File: 35ca06d62d0fe05⋯.png (8.77 KB, 255x140, 51:28, c909b94cc8e356d184773600fa….png)

File: 22c0504bb8f350d⋯.png (423.9 KB, 1041x1693, 1041:1693, 22c0504bb8f350d3c19a249996….png)


donna brazile

was she a visotor aat the hospital where they took Seth Rich?





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f032b6  No.12056181


Simply Irresistible…..

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b1e705  No.12056182

File: a63069038237060⋯.png (119.23 KB, 379x271, 379:271, Sodom_aka_America_095_23i5….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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2cd38c  No.12056183

File: 2ff4453a45d3d7e⋯.png (7.17 MB, 2222x2188, 1111:1094, One_of_these_things.png)

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b6893b  No.12056184


12/21 great conjunction… u tell me anon, can u swim

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e42a61  No.12056185

File: e44fe26ef9fa8bd⋯.png (611.25 KB, 1090x1158, 545:579, Screen_Shot_2020_12_16_at_….png)

File: 067b4dd2d40e9d5⋯.png (223.02 KB, 1118x1128, 559:564, Screen_Shot_2020_12_16_at_….png)

File: 01fbe3853935338⋯.png (140.92 KB, 1102x604, 551:302, Screen_Shot_2020_12_16_at_….png)

Twitter To Remove Tweets Containing Vaccine Misinformation

Twitter announced Wednesday that beginning in 2021, it will remove tweets containing misinformation about Covid-19 vaccines as conspiracy theories surrounding inoculations increase following the beginning of the largest immunization campaign in U.S. history.


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2ee915  No.12056186


Dat what Q meant with the "we're not gonna take it" vid last Q drop?

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28251c  No.12056187



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ae7080  No.12056188

File: cd7d73ede79a917⋯.png (829.44 KB, 952x746, 476:373, cd7d73ede79a917292dd575220….png)

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5e4cd1  No.12056189


Better question

Why is Homeland Security shielding Solarwinds?

Was the bribe worth it? We can find you in any government roster

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3c23b1  No.12056190

File: e5ed62684a59dd2⋯.png (286.88 KB, 844x620, 211:155, LinWood.png)


Reliable information flowing in today.

GA Sec. of State Office is not run as a practical matter by Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState. Brad is just a figurehead.

Deputy Sec. of State Jordan Fuchs @JordyFuchs runs the show. She made Dominion deal. Check her out. I plan to do so.

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cd1f78  No.12056191


someone's gettin' the over

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bccfb6  No.12056192



Fuck you dude

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f5b077  No.12056193

So we should probably expect a shit ton of false flags before the 18th to prevent the news/focus? Also, Q once said the memo was released on a Friday to hide under the weekend and not reach it's potential of viewers. Wouldn't this be better to have been released on a Tuesday so you have a full week to talk about it and get it out into the wild?

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7c4ed6  No.12056194

File: 7c996184b772dcc⋯.png (5.14 KB, 359x45, 359:45, The_Claim_1a.png)


Dear Twatter

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cd1f78  No.12056195

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e704a5  No.12056196


Everything has meaning to a bunch of treasonous satanist.

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1f607c  No.12056197

File: aa14ad965213d8b⋯.jpg (564.32 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201216_163322….jpg)

I'm not a subscriber but WAPO ran this article about Trump hating neighbors.


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065d93  No.12056198


No swimming from a 1000 foot wave.

I am ready to die.

are you?

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b6893b  No.12056199

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97167c  No.12056200


Don't count your eggs yet. She said the report would be released to the public in January

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e9af79  No.12056201

File: 4eacbb851607e6b⋯.png (234.8 KB, 445x403, 445:403, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c02ce316310304a⋯.png (519.26 KB, 785x532, 785:532, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d2decb1f40ded7⋯.png (340.08 KB, 290x500, 29:50, ClipboardImage.png)




Real inspiration for GOLDFINGER is husband of Mrs. Charles W. Engelhard, Jr. (lady from today’s Dec 16th WH Advent calendar).


- only son of Charles Engelhard, Sr., aPrussian,who emigrated from Hanau in 1891 as the sales representative of aplatinumfirm

- Charles Jr. fulfilled his primary education in Johannesburg, South Africa. His education continued in England, where he attended Charterhouse School and graduated Christ Church,Oxford University,in 1931. Charles later graduatedPrinceton University,in 1939, with a degree in history.

- In 1947, marriedJane Annette Reiss.Purchased Cragwood, a 172-acre equestrian [horses] estate in New Jersey, making it a perfect home for their five daughters,Annette, Mary Susan, Sophie, Sally and Charlene.[digz??]

- A pet lion cub, named Charlie, roamed the estate and accompanied Charles and Jane on their Canadian fishing trips each June. He was shipped in a crate along with some of the golden retrievers.

- he traveled extensively to South Africa throughout the 1940’s and 1950’s.

- He established a business partnership withHarry Oppenheimer,and his firmDeBeers,and also served as chairman of the American – South African Investment Company, Ltd. of Johannesburg, the management entity of his 15% ownership of all South African mine interests. [Bond: DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER?]

- Skirted SA gold bullion export regulations. He formed The Development and Investment Company of Southern Africa, Ltd., of Johannesburg, a corporation that purchased gold directly from the South African mines and cast it into statues, jewelry, pulpit pots and other religious objects. These “objets d’art” were then exported toHong Kong,where they were melted at Engelhard’s refinery and returned to gold bullion, allowing them to be used for his industrial purposes or sold on the open market.

- During this South African exploration period, in 1949, Engelhardmet Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond novels.The two men met through one of Engelhard’sLondon based bankers, Robert Fleming & Company, founded by Ian’s grandfather.It was Robert Fleming & Company thatincorporated Engelhard’s Development and Investment Company of Southern Africa – established in effort to skirt export rules.

- inspired Fleming’s 1959 James Bond character, Goldfinger.

- The Engelhard family kept two homes in South Africa – the 25 acre estate “Courthouse” and a magnificent country home perched on a mountain. Their engagements became the apex of Johannesburg social life

- Twelve other residences, on four continents

- Engelhard ruled business enterprises in fifty countries, travelling extensively and enjoying a lavish and high-profile lifestyle. Business associate and friendAlfred Vanderbiltillustrated him thusly: “Charlie is a mogul. My wife and I have gone to Africa and Asia with the Engelhards and you go first class… Every place we went we met the important people – lunch withIndira Gandhi,the embassy people

- Charles inherited the family business, Engelhard Hanovia and the Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation of Newark, in 1950, as well as title of “Platinum King” from his father, a moniker he reportedly detested. He greatly expanded the family-held enterprise, adding new product lines to serve the automotive, petroleum, chemical, electronics, aerospace, aviation, glass and synthetic fibers industries. In 1958, he consolidated his various operating companies into Engelhard Industries, Inc. and brought the company public on the New York Stock Exchange.

- made an unsuccessful attempt at a New Jersey State Senate Seat in 1955 and lost to incumbent,Malcolm S. Forbes,by slim margin of 370 votes.

- A pillar of theBoys Town Organization, a non-profit dedicated to caring for children and families,Engelhard contributed to the care and upbringing of the youngsters there. The Engelhard family visited them andthey looked forward to visits to the Engelhard home.

- Dignitaries at his ’71 funeral included formerPresident and Mrs. Johnson, Senators Ted Kennedy, Hubert H. Humphrey and Mike Mansfield.

[NOTE: LBJ was President when Mrs. Englehard made the XMAS nativity scene donation to WH. Is Englehard LINKED TO JFK ASSASSINATION?]





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2cd38c  No.12056202

File: 1b701faf1e76b5c⋯.png (590.75 KB, 540x858, 90:143, waaaat.png)

File: 8a58b87099054e2⋯.jpg (56.18 KB, 571x571, 1:1, waaat.jpg)

File: daac54c756c4bf2⋯.png (499.03 KB, 540x758, 270:379, waaaat_.png)

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119d4e  No.12056203

File: 1672795c7dbb4ee⋯.jpg (604.4 KB, 995x1397, 995:1397, Screenshot_2020_12_15_doct….jpg)

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242b07  No.12056204


It said he scammed the Gov out of almost 300k in taxes. What kind of income has that much taxes?? He was making bank on his whoring

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1da592  No.12056205

File: cffd11dc10c0639⋯.png (190.17 KB, 1722x1320, 287:220, Screen_Shot_2020_12_16_at_….png)


Here check in SethAnon

2015 February 21-22 – John Pedosta (email 36082) and Robbie Mook discuss leaks apparent in an article by WaPo and discuss making an example of the leaker - with or without evidence.(http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/the-making-of-hillary-50-marketing-wizards-help-reimagine-clinton-brand/2015/02/21/bfb01120-b919-11e4-aa05-1ce812b3fdd2_story.html) March 2015 - Paul Combetta (/u/stonetear) suddenly "remembers Hillary's December request" to delete emails and thus deletes emails

Combine that with this


Was Alex Karp contacted to figure out what Seth "the leaker" was doing???

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5cd075  No.12056206

File: 1c0e3dc71ee0aad⋯.jpg (437.66 KB, 1440x2705, 288:541, Screenshot_20201216_164027.jpg)

File: 417525394fe1586⋯.jpg (495.39 KB, 1440x3040, 9:19, Screenshot_20201216_164118….jpg)

Possible [watch] marker today very soon.

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9de339  No.12056207

File: aa21caa7ab06f94⋯.jpg (94.73 KB, 750x1124, 375:562, redhead_beauty_brian_dowli….jpg)


Nice theory; like it. There are some issues like how they perpetuated the HRC popular vote, and Mueller did, indeed, still blame Russia in the official report, and the past 4 years being all about waking people up and stuff. But overall, a nice theory.

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bb4f4e  No.12056208


Red Text fags have taken notice of "Brainstorm"

Now we know it is legit. Fag

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4c3ce0  No.12056209

File: e6d69917a986025⋯.png (1.29 MB, 624x832, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


ok, how bout DC?

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e547da  No.12056210


'fuchs' like a literal fucking nazi?

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b1e705  No.12056211

File: 53cd2f4276502e9⋯.jpg (31.09 KB, 483x359, 483:359, Sodom_aka_America_096_2935….JPG)

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581a5e  No.12056212

File: 77cf63edb847c2b⋯.jpg (111.87 KB, 720x337, 720:337, 20201216_153859.jpg)

File: 0c5ba58a0f1a9c1⋯.jpg (20.54 KB, 254x190, 127:95, 20201216_153441.jpg)

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5e4cd1  No.12056213


Dick suckers all pissed off we ain’t believing the lies

Dick suckers are the real issue

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37dc55  No.12056214


Gingerbread Houses are intricately linked to the Grimm fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel. In the story, two children, Hansel and Gretel get lost in the woods. They come upon a house made of gingerbread covered in frosting and candy. Unfortunately, it’s the house of the wicked witch. She befriends the kids, fattens them up and tries to eat them. Fortunately, Hansel and Gretel escape in the end


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c4460c  No.12056215


Got a cabinet full of prime booze.

Will pick a couple and enjoy the destruction if it comes!

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bb4f4e  No.12056216


Its a big hint….this movie is legit.

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f82f8c  No.12056217

File: bf3b97ccab86d18⋯.png (980.44 KB, 596x2894, 298:1447, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 048716603e28c2d⋯.png (295.32 KB, 498x591, 166:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Richard Grenell@RichardGrenell

John Ratcliffe has access to the most sensitive intel. This is important.


Trump Spy Chief Stirs Dispute Over China Election-Meddling Views

December 16, 2020


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7c1f3c  No.12056218

Any hidden message in recent CIA tweet?


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bccfb6  No.12056219


Youre not very good at your job, masonicfaggot

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b1e705  No.12056220

File: 03be4f39ab2be1d⋯.png (43.5 KB, 433x266, 433:266, Child_Killing_Serial_Adult….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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4e7d0b  No.12056221

>>12056069 - Money From Facebook’s Zuckerberg Used to Undermine Election, Violate Law: Report

>>12056090 - Dominion, SmartMatic, and Solar Winds data and Seth Rich, Oh My

>>12056190 - Lin Wood tweet, reliable information coming in today.

Collected so far for ABSENT BAKER

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899719  No.12056222




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8df5ea  No.12056223

File: 50f0b3f077f517e⋯.png (135.81 KB, 1252x883, 1252:883, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't get this part of it…

>So of course Steele and Strzok and HRC had to develop an insurance narrative based on debunked garbage slanders.

What was the insurance narrative??

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b1e705  No.12056224

File: aa47e4e4c16b7c0⋯.png (1.05 MB, 782x809, 782:809, Dog_098_345039485098304895….png)

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585908  No.12056225


anons have already researched "her". i saw it.

anons ahead of lin today.

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7c1f3c  No.12056226

Any hidden message in recent clown tweet? https://twitter.com/cia/status/1339279439163772929?s=21

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e46ee3  No.12056227

File: 9e29328dff79120⋯.png (362.42 KB, 540x430, 54:43, ClipboardImage.png)

Rep Andy Biggs




The Boston Tea Party occurred on this day in history in 1773. The depiction of this event on the first floor of the U.S. Capitol reminds us of this pivotal moment in our nation’s history - how a small group of freedom fighters had the courage to stand for liberty & independence.

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bb4f4e  No.12056228

File: 1101bcf5d9a79a6⋯.jpeg (31.19 KB, 474x332, 237:166, download_6_.jpeg)

File: a03290889979aaf⋯.jpeg (25.47 KB, 474x226, 237:113, download_5_.jpeg)

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95c043  No.12056229

File: bee7902c041c333⋯.jpg (37.81 KB, 638x391, 638:391, 4qm46o.jpg)


Zucky will up shits Creek when Trump enacts his executive order.

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6d5315  No.12056230

Call the ball.

Do you see what is happening?


{10 U.S.C. § 254}

Washington, D.C.

New York, NY

Philadelphia, PA

Chicago, Il

Detroit, MI

Los Angeles, CA

Seattle, WA

Portland, OR

Baltimore, MD

Milwaukee, WI

Atlanta, GA

Charlotte, NC


You are not alone.

We stand together.

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28251c  No.12056231


Holding up the DNI REPORT? As if we have unlimited time here.

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bb4f4e  No.12056232


KEK…..your fear is…..so strong I can taste it.

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7c4ed6  No.12056233

File: 0b44e80b2e209c2⋯.png (2.87 KB, 359x45, 359:45, The_Claim_1b.png)


Fool me once!

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c13bed  No.12056234

File: 96b5fb8b0d4901f⋯.jpg (5.04 MB, 8580x4944, 715:412, BannerGraphic8kunTop2.jpg)




So ineffectual you shills are.

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b6893b  No.12056235



reason the military is back home.

reason we have a wall?

reason we are now self reliant on eneryg, medical, food and water?

get a generator anon. get to the mountains

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b1e705  No.12056236

File: f10de708ae9493c⋯.jpg (42.13 KB, 560x440, 14:11, No_Hoes_WH_099_2935r887872….JPG)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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bccfb6  No.12056237


Oh look, posting the same stuff again. Every bread

What a pathetic faggot you are.

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37dc55  No.12056238

File: 13bb24d93937740⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 3000x2699, 3000:2699, The_Insurance_policy.jpg)

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1f607c  No.12056239



For 4 more years!!

Just pointing out how hateful these sickos are.

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91f055  No.12056241


…Now do 'Holocaust'!

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e9af79  No.12056242

File: ea84408bca3b79f⋯.png (709.88 KB, 1020x674, 510:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7437e617c938a75⋯.png (20.55 KB, 333x173, 333:173, ClipboardImage.png)



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bccfb6  No.12056243


Oh yeah, keep telling yourself that

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5e4cd1  No.12056244


I know…..if funny as fuck…..when a Jew speaks, he thinks it’s the biggest gem ever spoken

High and mighty asswipes…….God saves his greatest wrath for money changers……feeling the heat…..Mikey….you should

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e547da  No.12056245


fucking kek

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6faa40  No.12056246


Guys make way more money as escorts than women do…

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4c3ce0  No.12056247

File: ace4819e5d99bd2⋯.gif (2.91 MB, 170x346, 85:173, RedOctoberDance.gif)


i dunno anon. my first thought was "well i guess its about to drop" kek. we'll see what happens.

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97167c  No.12056248



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bb4f4e  No.12056249


Repetition has a power all its own. Do you not know that by now?

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95c043  No.12056250

File: cbc7133dbf1803b⋯.jpg (44.07 KB, 500x534, 250:267, 4q5dtm.jpg)

File: 9790185379a1ece⋯.jpg (14.57 KB, 460x282, 230:141, zuckerberg.jpg)

Joe and Zucky will be up shits Creek when Trump enacts his executive order.

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5e4cd1  No.12056251

One thing we definitely learned

Never trust a nerd

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c13bed  No.12056252

File: 0d15490a9c2b046⋯.jpg (777.02 KB, 4887x783, 181:29, Rothschild_Gold_Cult.jpg)


Cult member is panicking.

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b6893b  No.12056254

tag dough anon


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cf7d1e  No.12056255

File: 2394359f6a4f243⋯.png (346.3 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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242b07  No.12056256

File: d28adc46baf53c7⋯.png (415 KB, 612x511, 612:511, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_12….png)

Top Trump aide to leave White House this month


White House staff secretary Derek Lyons, one of President Trump's closest aides, is leaving his job later this month, a White House official confirmed Tuesday.


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bccfb6  No.12056258


I know, right. Almost like if it was actually good enough you wouldnt have to spam it every bread.

You know that, right?

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42d46a  No.12056259

File: b1eeff0083653e1⋯.png (514.78 KB, 607x663, 607:663, ClipboardImage.png)


"Mitch McConnell is married to Elaine Chao. Elaine Chao's sister is Angela Chao. Angela Chao is married to billionaire venture capitalist Jim Breyer. Jim Breyer is very close with the CCP chairman Xi Jinping." https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1339207261952954369

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7c8657  No.12056260

testing 123

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28251c  No.12056261


Sow how long now? Need to get this ball rolling, no pun intended

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4e7d0b  No.12056262

>>12056217 - Grenell tweet on Ratcliff "has access to the most sensitive intel."


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7e74d1  No.12056263

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9de339  No.12056264


Because he has been fighting the cabal, too.

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b1e705  No.12056265

File: ec856ec5c4a09b3⋯.png (89.37 KB, 196x253, 196:253, First_Adulteress_0100_293u….png)

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134d9c  No.12056266


In 2019, the South Bend Tribune reported that their city had the ”worst pothole situation in the state." After he tried and failed to fix the problem himself, then-Mayor Pete Buttigieg went to Plan B, accepting grants from Dominos. Yep, Dominos Pizza.

"In 2019, Domino’s Pizza stepped in – offering South Bend a $5,000 'Paving for Pizza' grant to fill in potholes," Fox News reports. "Customers had been asked to nominate their hometown so carryout pizza could have a smooth delivery home."

And yet President-elect Joe Biden thought this was the guy to run national transportation. Biden announced this week that he's nominating Buttigieg, his former 2020 Democratic primary opponent, to be his Transportation Secretary.

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2cd38c  No.12056267

File: adbbb6b5008d514⋯.png (155.56 KB, 300x282, 50:47, Ooh_Bama.png)

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8df5ea  No.12056269


Oh, the dossier.

I was thinking he was referring to something else.


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5e4cd1  No.12056270

Feed the starving

House the poor

Grab a Rothschild by the nads

And show him what golds for

Fuck inbred Rothschilds

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8fe7d0  No.12056271

File: cb1dd2417f7f238⋯.png (118.18 KB, 1163x657, 1163:657, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c44349c7e17c5b6⋯.png (61.51 KB, 595x628, 595:628, ClipboardImage.png)


>Money From Facebook’s Zuckerberg Used to Undermine Election, Violate Law: Report

Zuck's dark money

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 7ec299 No.966637📁

Apr 9 2018 11:16:28 (EST)


Who is arranging the PRIVATE meetings?

MZ campaign contribution promises.

FB donations since 4.2.18?

Fresh round.

R's targeted (censorship/anti R = more $).

How to mask?

MZ personal donations?

Shell Co?

Recent stock dump?

Avoid FB public disclosure?

Track congressional intake (reported).

Keep open (+6 mo).

Loud w/ findings.

RT - how DC/swamp works.

Money talks.

Drain the swamp.

How do politicians access campaign contributions for personal use?

The "Con."


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cf7d1e  No.12056272


Rumor was that Palantir offered to give the Clinton Foundation a free demonstration, using their data.

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f5b077  No.12056273


Doubtful. He acknowledged Biden as winning the Presidency.

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119d4e  No.12056275

File: b970a95b7ab5418⋯.jpg (2.38 MB, 3600x2100, 12:7, EamSIbfU4AA6Ccq.jpg)

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20350e  No.12056276

File: 4eefcd62645db9b⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1086x764, 543:382, Screen_Shot_2020_12_16_at_….png)

Possible Q-clock indicator from Dan? Could this relate to the 10/8 Mickey Watch? Tweeted last night now removed…two day warning?

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7c4ed6  No.12056277

File: 1ec2a36b4d3f7ba⋯.png (3.86 KB, 359x45, 359:45, The_Claim_1c.png)

This will really bake their noddle.

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58a43f  No.12056279


“My soul is prepared, how’s yours?”

I’ll roll a fat spliff and face it like a man.

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506a04  No.12056280

File: a408481511843d9⋯.png (600.61 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20201216_154618.png)

Lin Wood tweeting about possible connection between the deaths of Harrison Deal (Kemp's daughter's BF) and a Georgia Bureau Investigator who apparently "suicided"

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b6893b  No.12056281


Dubs Confirm

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8b3ddc  No.12056282

So there's a rogue wikileaks employee with an encryption KEY that unlocks 500,000 communications from the State Department (Hillary's I presume), anyone else wondering if this key unlocks the map…

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42d46a  No.12056283

File: 2ae4467482447ca⋯.png (778.24 KB, 1001x467, 1001:467, ClipboardImage.png)


>"Mitch McConnell is married to Elaine Chao. Elaine Chao's sister is Angela Chao. Angela Chao is married to billionaire venture capitalist Jim Breyer. Jim Breyer is very close with the CCP chairman Xi Jinping."

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28251c  No.12056284


I would say it was certainly a hit, not possibly

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78c8b5  No.12056285

Fucks going on?

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b6893b  No.12056286

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506a04  No.12056287


Pretty sure he shared this image on Facebook last night, not twitter. I coupd be mistaken though.

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7e74d1  No.12056288


Jesus Christ the time for connections is over. If I hear another GOP congressman say "we need an investigation" I'm going to stomp my foot.

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119d4e  No.12056290

File: 0e5fb856c6002bf⋯.png (339.77 KB, 535x538, 535:538, Screenshot_2020_12_16_Depa….png)

Operation Christmas Drop


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bccfb6  No.12056292


They're panicking

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b6893b  No.12056293


holy fuck baker glad ur here.

note taker is running atm so we are ready for you.

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7e74d1  No.12056294

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c13bed  No.12056295


The war is public.

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5e4cd1  No.12056296


Once again Mossad fucked up…..prob thought Kemp’s daughter was in car

Mossad is the “Keystone” cops of the Mid East

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fca3f7  No.12056297

File: 95a31e1f151c384⋯.jpg (277.86 KB, 1458x1080, 27:20, 51c6500d2c2973e15edf1f08de….jpg)



Interesting, anon!


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cd1f78  No.12056298


They use "bread crumbs" to find their way back home, but lose their way and are led by a bird.

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386ffb  No.12056299


LIberal know nothing, Jon Snow!

After 4 years, they still can't meme.

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b68e6a  No.12056300


Not very camouflaged but I like it.

Probably hold off on that until it's time.

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7e74d1  No.12056301

File: ad68f963e88e449⋯.png (654.22 KB, 511x633, 511:633, ClipboardImage.png)

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9de339  No.12056302


Vote Perdue and Loeffler as per @POTUS. We know Loeffler is a sack of shit. FFS, she's married to the CEO of the NY Stock Exchange. Not going to lie, I wrote in Doug because "fuck it". But @POTUS is adamant that we vote for Loeffler and Perdue. If he wasn't, he wouldn't have called out Lin Wood for being a fucking idiot and telling us not to vote in protest of the rigged elections.

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a45e0e  No.12056303

File: b60ea8960112f9a⋯.png (23.42 KB, 553x381, 553:381, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a308fbf4c24a54⋯.png (9.07 MB, 1776x12222, 296:2037, ClipboardImage.png)


They wanna do a internal damage review for 1.

it's also embaressing. I mean you'd expect them too.

I have been building a map for this hack and am debating myself if NCSWIC is Solarwind.

"We have it all" as well.

call for anons to check my map and add\remove + draw lines for me

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8fe7d0  No.12056304


>Lin Wood tweeting about possible connection between the deaths of Harrison Deal (Kemp's daughter's BF) and a Georgia Bureau Investigator who apparently "suicided"


need to dig on James O'Sullivan , of Georgia Bureau of Investigations

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e42a61  No.12056305

File: 39e131211f43407⋯.jpg (533 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, Tiles_2.jpg)

File: dd981dd74a37b11⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 3903x2007, 1301:669, ivanka_q_paris_pic.jpg)

File: 082264a302b4e28⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1666x1074, 833:537, Screen_Shot_2020_01_02_at_….png)

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5e4b8a  No.12056306

Vaccines arriving in my area hospitals.

Are we really letting people take this?

Why are we not exposing prior to release?

Did we swap with something harmless?

Are they placebo just to calm the crowd?

People I know are planning to take it.

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506a04  No.12056307

File: 17f0e1c50768414⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20201216_154952.png)




Confirmed, it was facebook, and its still up.


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799839  No.12056308


Could it be removed under Coumo new “hate symbolism “ rule?

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df49b1  No.12056309

File: 4258c2380704a44⋯.jpg (554.54 KB, 1080x2118, 180:353, Screenshot_20201216_164926….jpg)

China - Maine Gov Connection


Senior Chinese diplomat visits U.S. state of Maine to promote cooperation

AUGUSTA, United States, Jan. 5 (Xinhua) – New Chinese Consul General in New York Ping Huang has visited the northeasternmost U.S. state of Maine to promote China-U.S. ties by tapping regional cooperation potential between the two countries.

Huang met with Troy Jackson, President of the Maine Senate and Matthew Dunlap, Secretary of State of Maine, in the state's capital city of Augusta on Thursday after attending the inauguration ceremony of Maine's new and first-ever female governor, Janet Mills, Wednesday.

The 55-year-old Huang, former Chinese ambassador to Zimbabwe, said during the meetings that he believes regional cooperation is an important and dynamic part of China-U.S. relations, and the Chinese Consulate General in New York will continue to be dedicated to promoting mutually cooperative ties through boosting sub-national cooperation between the two countries.



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605e97  No.12056310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a088b0  No.12056311

looking for clues but you really want crooked tranny dicks the republic of pubic is not for you.

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447e76  No.12056313




Please update Canada Bread to:

>>12053898 ————————————–——– Canada #11

Muchas gracias!

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5bf605  No.12056315


Sounds nervous to me. Is reality closing in on this moron?

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5f0a43  No.12056316

File: 43ff71521e48fb7⋯.png (64.54 KB, 220x220, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

I'd just like to say to any members of the breakaway civilisation(s) that might be paying attention:

Really enjoying watching what's happening and trying to figure out what's really going on behind the curtain, but I seriously hope we get at least a glimpse into your reality when this is all over.

Like, seriously, what the FUCK is 'basketball' and why in the ever-loving shit do 'basketball players' get paid 25 million 'dollars' to work at 'restaurants'? I'm going to be extremely disappointed if I have to go for the rest of my life without getting any resolution to all of this.

But, either way, enjoy your 'butter' and best of luck with your 'weddings', I suppose. I just hope that the 'multiple residency' issues with 'housing' aren't causing you any problems with your 'jobs'.

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f2e524  No.12056318


Sure looks green and sunny out that window.

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e1bac0  No.12056319

File: 7f13c55474b6d6e⋯.jpg (78 KB, 618x400, 309:200, _Thor_Q_Hammer.jpg)



>"DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies."

"Qsnatch White Hackers" have it all.

Soon the HAMMER will fall

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a46232  No.12056321

File: 5e1938b0a1d9ca4⋯.jpg (82.23 KB, 879x494, 879:494, img_9674.jpg)



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03312b  No.12056322

File: b633513ce72c485⋯.png (38.35 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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899719  No.12056323

File: a7fbdbc74236ff6⋯.jpg (22.69 KB, 474x394, 237:197, download_2_.jpg)

File: 5da02a89e6e086c⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 474x304, 237:152, download_1_.jpg)

File: ea31d82bed90785⋯.jpg (63.29 KB, 529x680, 529:680, EMKtvmeWkAAfrDD.jpg)

File: dd75301dcca9d43⋯.jpg (14.9 KB, 350x200, 7:4, q_christmas_trees.jpg)



tale of the two Chrsitmas years



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2c1dc9  No.12056324


That picture illustrates March 13 1989, when I was conceived by the Sun 🌞

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b1e705  No.12056325

File: a7af09f63509619⋯.png (337.18 KB, 297x432, 11:16, She_Calls_Herself_First_La….PNG)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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065d93  No.12056326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I am ready for the movie to end.

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cd1f78  No.12056327

File: 3a77ad64fe7903e⋯.png (397.22 KB, 515x579, 515:579, obamabidens.png)

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038bcf  No.12056328

File: df2c9102e44f5c6⋯.jpg (29.29 KB, 531x239, 531:239, congrdulations_usa.jpg)


COVID Vaccine as a Rapid "Re-education" Program

Considering the relatively higher probability of unknown long term adverse risks associated with these Spike 1 protein directed COVID vaccines, many of us have worried about the optics of Trump being so enthusiastic about getting them out if the Oligarch's cure turns out to be worse than their manufactured disease.

Then, it occurred to me today that the most important thing about these COVID vaccines being released under EUA is that our choice to take them is completely voluntarily, which was NOT the long term goal of Gates et al.

This means that those who believe in the all mighty Corporate State as their savior from cradle to grave are free to accept this shot as their holy sacrament and those of us who still Trust and Think for ourselves are free to refuse it.

Such an approach is brilliant, IMO. This could prove to be the most rapid and efficient “re-education” program ever deployed to teach Americans the discernment and responsibility that comes with individual liberty. For example, if the vaccine turns out to be highly toxic to the most faithful to the unbridled hubris of Moderna et al., then the prospects of mandatory vaccines in the future drops to near zero.

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e42a61  No.12056329

File: 48dfe7b11aed0fe⋯.jpg (773.59 KB, 1920x3570, 64:119, EpVyjwHXcAAiwR2.jpg)

File: 0330f6544f75c7c⋯.png (709.54 KB, 786x1004, 393:502, 123.png)

File: 341cbeee3e73249⋯.png (221.2 KB, 440x1002, 220:501, 12345.png)

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fd07ad  No.12056330

File: 6d9af2f8aea471b⋯.jpeg (398.27 KB, 828x916, 207:229, 2D3DCE49_C6A8_4DBE_82F6_2….jpeg)


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5e4b8a  No.12056331


Saw a decode earlier.

Plane points to Lincoln.

Suspended Constitution was the theory.

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9aefeb  No.12056332

File: 16a419d9f39cb25⋯.png (147.02 KB, 1080x1174, 540:587, 1608098157594.png)


let the sheep take it…the world will be a better place without them

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7c3eb2  No.12056333

As we saw with the SCOTUS, every agency and organization has been fully infiltrated and is comped. There will be no military intervention. There is no one coming. The military is comped and will divide and display their loyalties and intentions to coincide with mass insurrection and the beginning of the coming civil war. Politicians, media, and coup enablers will have their walls breached by angry patriots, and they will be dispatched from the living post haste and with extreme prejudice. The lamp posts in every city will be festooned with the dangling bodies of traitors, their bodies swinging in unison and rhythm, to the song of rebellion and the end of treason. Prepare.

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506a04  No.12056334

File: 982f9ad6779de08⋯.png (369.46 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20201216_155158.png)

Did anyone else wake up to a weird ass spam text this morning? My friend and i both received this same spam text last night.

Rothschild reference was weird.

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a48c78  No.12056335

File: e60cd8f28eceb09⋯.jpg (108.52 KB, 720x918, 40:51, 20201216_144914.jpg)

File: f74a802037b2b77⋯.mp4 (4.94 MB, 1010x566, 505:283, ext_tw_video_10.mp4)


Based Senator Hawley of MO, telling it like it is

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e704a5  No.12056336

File: d90a3c7bef4fd80⋯.jpg (90.55 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 00c90a92_1132_4103_82e9_80….jpg)


The soy flows through his veins.

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28b5c1  No.12056337


Dated some chicks in HS I wish I had done that with!

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00fb18  No.12056338


I missed it. What was found?

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7e74d1  No.12056339


this is so fucking gay. we still doing this? fuck.

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7c4ed6  No.12056340

File: 3fec55e4c38afeb⋯.png (4.17 KB, 359x45, 359:45, The_Claim_1d.png)

Just a heads up. Just add different name

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9753ba  No.12056341

File: 99da728cdac6569⋯.jpg (331.75 KB, 976x775, 976:775, Anjel.jpg)

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cd1f78  No.12056342


They will still blame Trump

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78c8b5  No.12056344


I'm not the baker.


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4824c9  No.12056345


Wouldn't we all go flying millions of miles an hour if it did that? Also people been saying "the end of the world is near" for years. How do we know this year is any different? How soon we talking earth flip? Next week?

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cad059  No.12056346

Welcome to the party . Sundance.

Illegitimate GOV requires communication breakdown

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119d4e  No.12056348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a46232  No.12056349


Dems get control of the Senate if they lose.

Does anyone think they will actually win? Given what we've seen so far in GA, Notachanceinhell…

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e00429  No.12056350


As Jupiter and Saturn will rendezvous and form a single bright object in the sky just a few days before Christmas, the 2020 great conjunction is sometimes also called the “Christmas star.”

In fact, some scholars have theorized that the original Christmas star, also known as the Star of Bethlehem, might also have been a great conjunction. According to Christian lore, a bright light in the sky led the Three Wise Men to the location of Jesus's birth.

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b1e705  No.12056351

File: 88cf7482b8a0e1c⋯.png (302.71 KB, 561x184, 561:184, 0102_845772395798279879827….png)

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78b5dc  No.12056352

File: 4b958eb3a921279⋯.png (268.92 KB, 3094x382, 1547:191, goalposts.png)

2 weeks

2 weeks


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95c043  No.12056353

File: 73e5b7c0d2d20a6⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1135, 216:227, Screenshot_20201214_191206….png)

Q Research SoyBoys Please Remain In Mommy's Basement When The MAGA Patriots Are Called Into Action.

Somebody Might Step On Your Head.'

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1da592  No.12056354

File: 92ad9389044d3ee⋯.jpg (134.59 KB, 958x419, 958:419, DCygfm_XUAA2TC_.jpg)

File: f6029dcd7d36f02⋯.png (3.14 MB, 2142x1346, 1071:673, Screen_Shot_2020_12_16_at_….png)

File: 3a48566edc0a6d2⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1266x1501, 1266:1501, 3a48566edc0a6d2f8d1d12cbfa….png)


Yeah maybe the data they had on Seth Rich

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899719  No.12056355



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e47ad0  No.12056357

File: 904f2fec67ebdfd⋯.jpg (240.17 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 904f2fec67ebdfda5b4aad9d1d….jpg)

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992e7e  No.12056358


funny you say that because my first reaction to this story when it broke was


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58a43f  No.12056359


Ok, we need an enquiry.

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5e4cd1  No.12056360


I was taught Medical science is BS, and have never found any reason to change that.

I was also taught don’t trust the government or banks,

I’m independent and free, don’t need Gman telling me shit, so STFU civil servant

Fucking “experts”……giving medical advice without a license is illegal

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f82f8c  No.12056361

File: 39854c16dfa21fc⋯.png (46.63 KB, 503x535, 503:535, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0525c41cd01778a⋯.png (49.77 KB, 923x315, 923:315, ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting history fact: 29-years ago,

The Soviet Union Collapsed On December 25, 1991


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311687  No.12056362


Think for yourself.

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a236e4  No.12056363


kek… anjel is prolly OSS

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899719  No.12056364


quite the description

> dispatched from the living post haste and with extreme prejudice.

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b1e705  No.12056365

File: 5cc3dddd1c50b16⋯.png (96.78 KB, 224x225, 224:225, Lil_Hands_0103_20934509230….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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134d9c  No.12056366

File: 4c05ff7b1f2d244⋯.png (258.93 KB, 627x694, 627:694, kityun.PNG)


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7ad257  No.12056367


Well, Congress did say the other day that "there is no currently elected President of the United States".

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fb55ad  No.12056368


Too bad so many are RN’s and MD’s. Not bad people. Trusting and misguided. Not malevolent.

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3c23b1  No.12056369

File: 3c926e9d0245151⋯.jpg (320.76 KB, 2248x1100, 562:275, hussein1.jpg)

Back Channel to Cuba




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155f1c  No.12056370



>>12055976 MI Attorney Matthew DePerno: Dominion CEO Did Not Tell The Truth About “Sealed and Locked Ballot” Machines In Antrim Co…Photos Taken During Inspection Reveal Missing Seal

>>12055995 Ken Starr: Pennsylvania “Flagrantly Violated” Laws Ahead of Presidential Election

>>12056029 , >>12056091 CBS News Senior Correspondent Catherine Herridge has reported that Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe: "Told CBS News that there was Foreign Election Interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year [2020]."

>>12056030 New York Times Hack Attempts to Damage Gateway Pundit, Steve Bannon, Mark Levin and Others – He Ends Up Showing His Ignorance and Bias Instead

>>12056038 Jim Breyer - Blackstone - Rothschilds

>>12056059 Mo Brooks, House GOP To Demand McConnell, Pelosi Launch Congressional Election Integrity Hearings

>>12056069 Money From Facebook’s Zuckerberg Used to Undermine Election, Violate Law: Report

>>12056103 Former Venezuelan National Treasurer and Her Spouse Charged in Connection with International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

>>12056109 , >>12056201 , >>12056242 WH Advent COMMS Dec 16th – James Bond’s GOLDFINGER / Q3699

>>12056134 Stargate project

>>12056147 CIA Tweets

>>12056185 Twitter To Remove Tweets Containing Vaccine Misinformation

>>12056190 Lin Wood Tweets

>>12056217 Trump Spy Chief Stirs Dispute Over China Election-Meddling Views

>>12056227 Andy Biggs Tweets

>>12056256 Top Trump aide to leave White House this month

>>12056259 CODEMONKEY Tweets

>>12056290 DoD Tweet, Operation Christmas Drop

>>12056309 China - Maine Gov Connection

>>12056328 COVID Vaccine as a Rapid "Re-education" Program

>>12056335 Based Senator Hawley of MO, telling it like it is

Anyone missing?

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cd1f78  No.12056371


according to Universetoday.com…

If the Earth’s poles did reverse, what would happen to us? If the magnetic field disappeared entirely, the planet would be bathed in radiation from the Sun, which would likely cause an increase in cancer. But the Earth’s atmosphere would still protect us from majority of radiation.

What about mass extinctions? Scientists have wondered if there’s a link between them and magnetic reversals.

Fortunately for us, there doesn’t seem to be any connection. Whenever geomagnetic reversals happened in the past, it didn’t devastate life on Earth. So don’t worry about it.

There is a pretty good chance it won’t happen in our lifetime, and maybe not for hundreds of thousands of years. And even if the Earth’s poles flip, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. You might need to take a sharpie to your compass though.

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447e76  No.12056372


Love that image KEK! Saving it!

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e1bac0  No.12056373

File: c899c212663359a⋯.jpg (88.97 KB, 1200x796, 300:199, McBiden_mason.jpg)


The jesuit/mason handshake…

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28251c  No.12056375


We know the government was corrupt but not this bad, everything is compromised. Our government has completely failed. Civil War is our future if Trump does not act soon with determination.

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7e74d1  No.12056376

File: 1b3693924592d95⋯.png (3.05 MB, 1793x1125, 1793:1125, ClipboardImage.png)


Seems like that's a popular time to end things.

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cad059  No.12056377


the wind of change is with us now - Poppy Bush

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b1e705  No.12056378

File: 985e1215a42082d⋯.png (291.19 KB, 696x468, 58:39, Sodom_aka_America_0104_203….png)

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5e4cd1  No.12056379


Always keep a crowbar under your seat….Mossad uses sport bikes to plant devices on moving cars.

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95c043  No.12056380

File: 99f78ef9eea3078⋯.jpg (74.6 KB, 500x477, 500:477, 4l9rcu_1_1.jpg)

Q Research SoyBoys Please Remain In Mommy's Basement When The MAGA Patriots Are Called Into Action.

Somebody Might Step On Your Head.

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aa5fcb  No.12056381

File: a7b4fd9c5a7de1f⋯.png (525.08 KB, 1200x595, 240:119, apocalypse_now_605_brando_….png)

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899719  No.12056382

this is quite a movie



>Politicians, media, and coup enablers will have their walls breached by angry patriots,


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9258c1  No.12056383

File: 9f7da8b8f671ce1⋯.png (1.96 MB, 2048x1676, 512:419, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey fags, looking for a little help here. Is there a clearing house for COVID/MASKS info somewhere?? Scanned the catalog and didn't see anything. An outside source or website would be fine. Any help for locating and good resource/info warehouse is much appreciated.

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68d1ef  No.12056385


Yes, Q did make a ref to a memo dropping on a Friday before the SB.

However, that old Friday bury the news thing is really a relic of the past now.

Before the internet/smartphones news really did end after Walter Cronkite signed off on Friday evening.

Now it's totally different - news is a 24/7 thing.

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23c9c8  No.12056386

File: 957888afd4e3135⋯.png (752.77 KB, 764x572, 191:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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83f9d0  No.12056387


Does anyone really think it matters? There's at least a dozen democrat senators that should be facing treason or sedition charges - and that's a conservative estimate. Bringing the whole corrupt temple down on it's head does not mean keep Congress in tact as it is. When the dust settles in the next 30 days, our whole country will probably look different.

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b1e705  No.12056388

File: fc384fe22f4fbc9⋯.png (60.9 KB, 221x145, 221:145, Sodom_aka_America_0105_934….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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9aefeb  No.12056389


Are you fucking kidding? These motherfuckers are complicit in this hoax. Mengele was a doctor too, dumb fuck

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b6893b  No.12056390

File: aec2133dbec3e29⋯.png (340.98 KB, 702x296, 351:148, 1597882209638.png)

File: 48f68cd20b407fb⋯.gif (3.54 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 48f68cd20b407fb44820839294….gif)

File: 92d0ad10dc7c8ff⋯.png (4.29 MB, 2880x1620, 16:9, 92d0ad10dc7c8ff9d78a96e887….png)


ever seen a plasma bolt coming at ya?

ever wonder what the owl is about?

what if i told you Electric Universe.


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cf7d1e  No.12056391


Do you understand how dates work?

This is all from 2015.

Seth didn't do shit until spring 2016.

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065d93  No.12056392


the video posted explains the physics behind it.

the rotation of the earth is survivable and you would only feel a few G's.

Its the water sloshing about that is the real issue.

people survived the last on on mountain tops and caves.

read up on what the magnetic poles are doing,

what odd things other planets are doing.

and everything else going on and I dont we we have much time left

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7c4ed6  No.12056393

File: dbdb65bd083c7c6⋯.png (5.78 KB, 359x45, 359:45, The_Claim_1e.png)

for those living large and have that big dick energy.

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5cd075  No.12056394

File: c5d13b9ea43176f⋯.jpg (206.98 KB, 1440x881, 1440:881, Screenshot_20201216_165935.jpg)

1-year Delta inbound.

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58a43f  No.12056395

File: 5d4b9e809e71181⋯.jpeg (106.93 KB, 986x557, 986:557, AAEA308F_5C4A_4314_8B1B_0….jpeg)

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4e7d0b  No.12056396

File: 28e97a25aa0b706⋯.png (449.22 KB, 551x531, 551:531, Screenshot_2020_12_16_Harr….png)


Deal was dating Kemp’s daughter, Lucy Kemp, according to his Facebook profile. Lucy Kemp is also a student at the University of Georgia.

Kemp shared a moving letter to Deal’s family on Friday after learning of the car crash. He wrote, “Today, we lost a member of our ‘Kemp Strong’ family and words cannot express how much Harrison Deal’s life, love, and support meant to us. He was a person of deep faith, unmatched integrity, and incredible kindness. Harrison was the Kemp son and brother we never had.

“Our prayers are with the Deal Family – and countless others – as they mourn the tragic loss of Harrison. He brought people together and made everyone feel important and special.”

Kemp and his wife also canceled their meeting with Pence on Friday, as reported by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


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78c8b5  No.12056397


Did they just get the covid vax?

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bccfb6  No.12056398


Yeah, im pooped

So what

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7e74d1  No.12056399

We all know Trump is not going to save the day. We all know what's coming - this isn't difficult.

Trump either tried and failed, or is simply complicit; his promotion of the vaccine is the last straw for me.

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b1e705  No.12056400

File: 92e7f9ce9da4834⋯.png (996.67 KB, 880x670, 88:67, Sodom_aka_America_0106_834….png)

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28251c  No.12056402


This is how I feel, I have done too many tours of duty on qresearch. Don't have much more in me but I will struggle forward for a bit.

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a6a9c5  No.12056404

File: 2fc2002e59da993⋯.png (23.25 KB, 741x568, 741:568, 2fc2002e59da9934fd60bc7dc1….png)

Critical Thinking Skills Exercise

What advantages present under the following timing of events?

- Overwhelming landslide and turnout for Trump (all those rallies)

- Forced shutdown of globally watched election (knew their algo)

- Days of 'moar ballots' until Biden's win secured (warned many x)

- Clearly dirty certifications by clearly dirty pols

- Clearly dirty slates of electors in 'swing states'

- Clean competing slates of electors in 'swing states' (true vote)


- Release of intelligence showing MASSIVE fraud and foreign influence and actual vote manipulations, etc… (EO/Ratcliffe)

- Major administration actors in 'isolation' (bunkered).

- Christmas / New Years holidays (think family/frens talking)

- Most of government home (and easy pickings if needed)


- Everyone returns to work after discussing traitors, coup plotters, media accomplices, foreign and domestic enemies.

- Bad faith electors have a difficult decision.

- Knowingly commit an act of treason, knowing that the whole world is wise to you and is watching…

- Or, piss off your foreign/domestic masters and save your skin by recusing and allowing the clean slate to vote for Trump, the rightful winner.


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fc8249  No.12056405

File: 08b7d0bcc281948⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 882x315, 14:5, _qresearch_Q_Research_Gene….jpg)

It's come to our attention that clowns wear masks

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c9a8ad  No.12056406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Heated moment in Senate hearing… Johnson flogs Peters

Hearing explodes as GOP senator accuses Dem of spreading Russian misinfo.

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91f055  No.12056408

File: 46f4b0c631a2ec1⋯.png (136.04 KB, 267x401, 267:401, TomFudge.png)


One thing is vital on an Impossible Mission: the mission must be carried out in entire secrecy, often relying on high-tech equipment and elaborate deceptions…not screaming like a whiney little bitch, open mic, about face masks and social distancing that makke it to the worldwide (fake) MSM.

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d49be5  No.12056409


>Mengele was a doctor too, dumb fuck

oh yeah and what did he do rabbi?

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b6e69a  No.12056410

File: dfa558ddcd6201e⋯.png (234.89 KB, 640x350, 64:35, Hillary_Clinton.png)


Moral of the story… Trust no one, not your step mom & especially not the 'sweet' little old lady.

Also anon just realized, step mothers are always bad guys in Grimm tales.

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fb3579  No.12056411


As a side note, it now seems every single "decode" done here for the past 3 plus years, has been wrong

None of that stuff happened or ended up being relevant to anything

Seems like only low-IQ fuckers would still be even doing "decodes" anymore

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e704a5  No.12056412


>Kemp and his wife also canceled their meeting with Pence on Friday, as reported by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Kind of ironic traitor was suppose to meet pence.

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1da592  No.12056413


Do you see they are talking about a leaker in early 2015???

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fb55ad  No.12056414


Sure dude.


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b1e705  No.12056415

File: bec99b574442929⋯.png (381.55 KB, 746x320, 373:160, Serial_Adulterer_0107_7387….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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b6893b  No.12056416


>Anyone missing?


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899719  No.12056417

File: 2ed5916c3dadd05⋯.jpg (27.16 KB, 450x397, 450:397, download_1_.jpg)

>>12056332 <<<<<< this


oh gawd

the smile after image



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b1e705  No.12056418

File: dbcabef8565469b⋯.png (400.89 KB, 689x763, 689:763, Mug_Shot_0108_287365487263….png)

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4aa930  No.12056419

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cd1f78  No.12056420


This is war. People die. They can elect to die, or they can die fighting.

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28251c  No.12056421

martial law is the only way forward please don't hesitate POTUS we are finished if you don't do it.

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ba3932  No.12056422


Also 3 executive orders on the table in the foreground

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cad059  No.12056423


hearings never do diddly-squat

congress is movie show owned by black nobility of of europes crowns and pushers of the opium trade

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447e76  No.12056424


>clearing house

What do you mean by clearing house?

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7e74d1  No.12056425


fucking mushmouth Johnson

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68d1ef  No.12056427


Dunno about it being Notable.

It's more of a well, duh - he is the DNI.

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f82f8c  No.12056428

File: 6b03e486f6be0d0⋯.png (402.84 KB, 480x320, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a046f75143094da⋯.png (424.01 KB, 491x668, 491:668, ClipboardImage.png)

Rep Andy Biggs @RepAndyBiggsAZ

The Boston Tea Party occurred on this day in history in 1773.

The depiction of this event on the first floor of the U.S. Capitol reminds us of this pivotal moment in our nation’s history - how a small group of freedom fighters had the courage to stand for liberty & independence.


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a05114  No.12056429


Noice set up anon

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83f9d0  No.12056430


Trump wouldn't have made it this far if there wasn't a very solid plan in place, and powerful assets protecting him.

In an epic battle like this, nothing will appear as it seems. Smoke and mirrors. Through the looking glass, as our buddy Q says.

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b6893b  No.12056431


im going governor cuomo

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b1e705  No.12056432

File: 03b75324bc304a8⋯.png (171.94 KB, 400x230, 40:23, Sodom_aka_America_0109_209….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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8e7b4b  No.12056433


He must have picked up some thetans. Also if he wants to be a mask fag, the vents are no-longer allowed.

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c13bed  No.12056434

File: 668d94a5687935e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1072x1673, 1072:1673, ClipboardImage.png)

If VP Pence conducts the Jan 6 electoral college votes the way the Democrats conducted the Nov 3 election.

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43c4c1  No.12056435


Why are there two different images (color Iwo Jima -vs- gray-scale Iwo Jima) used for new doughs?

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362633  No.12056436

File: 3d2e05591d9f458⋯.pdf (435.04 KB, MilitaryCommisions_Press_R….pdf)

Military Commissions - Majid Shoukat Khan

As of 12/15/2020

On December 15, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE050A: Government Notice Regarding Completion of Independent Inquiry Regarding Possible Intrusions into Secure Video-Teleconference Calls (VTCs) on 30 September 2020 and 28 October 2020

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 12/15/2020

On December 10, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE425B: Defense Reply to AE 425A, Government Response to Defense Motion to Compel DNA Testing Data and Laboratory Information

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 12/15/2020

On December 13, 2020, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE616MMM (WBA): Defense In Court Submission

Also, On December 14, 2020, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE653-12 (MFL)(AAA): Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion for Leave to File Supplement to AE653JJ

AE653MM (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Notice of Declination of Joinder to AE 653JJ (AAA) Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to AE653HH Government Notice Regarding Matters Identified in AE653GG Trial Conduct Order

AE784 (KSM): Number Not Used

AE805 (MAH): Number Not Used

Finally, on December 15, 2020, the following documents were posted:

AE502VV (GOV): Additional Notice of Exhibits Demonstrating Personal Jurisdiction over the Accused (Part 1 of 2)

AE502VV (GOV): Additional Notice of Exhibits Demonstrating Personal Jurisdiction over the Accused (Part 2 of 2)

AE604A (GOV): Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Motion to Compel Inspection of Physical Raid Evidence Obtained During Overseas Raids (Part 1 of 3)

AE604A (GOV): Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Motion to Compel Inspection of Physical Raid Evidence Obtained During Overseas Raids (Part 2 of 3)

AE604A (GOV): Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Motion to Compel Inspection of Physical Raid Evidence Obtained During Overseas Raids (Part 3 of 3)

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6a14db  No.12056437


copypasta for the past few days

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9258c1  No.12056438



Basically an information depository.

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4aa930  No.12056439


he fucked your Mommy?

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cae300  No.12056441


because it's not as important as you think it is

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a48c78  No.12056442

File: a0e1a7c4fb64a35⋯.jpg (199.07 KB, 703x1194, 703:1194, 20201216_150144.jpg)

File: a9d6f0d36148da8⋯.jpg (582.32 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, 20201216_150017.jpg)


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bf56c0  No.12056443


>Call the ball.

Huge slow massive curveball.

Patriots screaming at the injustice.

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981181  No.12056444

File: 2d357ba6aed306b⋯.png (175.63 KB, 546x525, 26:25, Filter_move_on.png)


you are prime

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b1e705  No.12056445

File: ca4183aae510d2c⋯.png (140.92 KB, 527x378, 527:378, No_Lawyer_Just_You_and_Me_….png)

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242b07  No.12056446

File: ab9cdb6d737a380⋯.jpeg (409.77 KB, 1080x864, 5:4, Image0.jpeg)


I always wondered what that dudes name was! Thank you

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4e7d0b  No.12056447

File: e0edd836cb319fa⋯.png (678.15 KB, 349x699, 349:699, Screenshot_2020_12_16_Q_Re….png)


Pretty casual Oval Office…Pence is wearing slippers?

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2c1dc9  No.12056448


Mashallah Lore*

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155f1c  No.12056449



>>12055976 MI Attorney Matthew DePerno: Dominion CEO Did Not Tell The Truth About “Sealed and Locked Ballot” Machines In Antrim Co…Photos Taken During Inspection Reveal Missing Seal

>>12055995 Ken Starr: Pennsylvania “Flagrantly Violated” Laws Ahead of Presidential Election

>>12056029 , >>12056091 CBS News Senior Correspondent Catherine Herridge has reported that Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe: "Told CBS News that there was Foreign Election Interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year [2020]."

>>12056030 New York Times Hack Attempts to Damage Gateway Pundit, Steve Bannon, Mark Levin and Others – He Ends Up Showing His Ignorance and Bias Instead

>>12056038 Jim Breyer - Blackstone - Rothschilds

>>12056059 Mo Brooks, House GOP To Demand McConnell, Pelosi Launch Congressional Election Integrity Hearings

>>12056069 Money From Facebook’s Zuckerberg Used to Undermine Election, Violate Law: Report

>>12056103 Former Venezuelan National Treasurer and Her Spouse Charged in Connection with International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

>>12056109 , >>12056201 , >>12056242 WH Advent COMMS Dec 16th – James Bond’s GOLDFINGER / Q3699

>>12056134 Stargate project

>>12056147 CIA Tweets

>>12056185 Twitter To Remove Tweets Containing Vaccine Misinformation

>>12056190 , >>12056396 Lin Wood Tweets

>>12056217 Trump Spy Chief Stirs Dispute Over China Election-Meddling Views

>>12056227 , >>12056428 Andy Biggs Tweets

>>12056256 Top Trump aide to leave White House this month

>>12056259 CODEMONKEY Tweets

>>12056290 DoD Tweet, Operation Christmas Drop

>>12056309 China - Maine Gov Connection

>>12056328 COVID Vaccine as a Rapid "Re-education" Program

>>12056335 Based Senator Hawley of MO, telling it like it is

>>12056404 Critical Thinking Skills Exercise, Thoughts?

>>12056406 Heated moment in Senate hearing… Johnson flogs Peters



Will E-Bake if necessary


Not sure if he is back, his last post was, "test"

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7c4ed6  No.12056450

File: 6d5084452f50dd8⋯.png (2.91 KB, 359x45, 359:45, The_Claim_1f.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

362633  No.12056451


AE630XXX (KSM): Mr. Mohammad's Reply to AE 630WWW (GOV) Government Response To Mr. Mohammad's Motion To Be Present During All Examination of Witnesses Relevant to his Motion to Suppress his LHM Statements

AE631R (WBA 4th Sup): In Court Submission (Unclass/FOUO Chart)

AE642N: Corrected Copy Order – Defense Motions to Compel Discovery Relating to Hostilities

AE699B (MAH): Defense Reply to Government Response to Defense Motion to Compel Discovery (CSRT Exhibits)

AE704A (GOV): Government Response To Mr. Binalshibh’s Motion to Compel Production of Discovery Related to His 2004 Relocation From Guantanamo Bay

AE709 (MAH): Defense Motion to Compel Discovery (Movement and FCE Videos)

AE710A (GOV): Government Response To Defense Motion to Compel Discovery (9/11 Commission Report Exhibits)

AE711 (RBS): Mr. Bin al Shibh's Motion to Compel Production of CIA Records Related to Camp 7

AE711A (GOV): Government Response To Mr. Binalshibh's Motion to Compel Production of CIA Records Related to Camp 7

AE715A (GOV): Government Unclassified Notice Of Classified Filing

AE728 (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for Appropriate Relief: Bill of Particulars

AE759 (MAH): Defense Motion to Bar Government Use of Evidence Obtained in Violation of the Military Commissions Act and to Seal Exhibits

AE779 (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi's Motion to Compel Discovery Regarding Interagency Processes to Obtain Statements from the Defendants

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.

Military Commissions - Majid Shoukat Khan

As of 12/15/2020

On November 30, 2020, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE051: INTERIM ORDER Filing of Pleadings Containing Classified Information

Also, on December 4, 2020, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE048H: Government Notice Regarding Submission of 4 December 2020 Update of the Administrative and Logistics Plan for the Conduct of the Sentencing Hearing

Also, on December 8, 2020, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE052: INTERIM ORDER Filing of the Government’s Administrative and Logistics Plan

Also, on December 14, 2020, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE045E: RULING Defense Motion to Compel Classified Material Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505

Finally, on December 15, 2020, the following documents were posted:

AE039I: Government Motion To Reconsider and Clarify AE 039H, Interim Order

AE039T: Joint Report on the Status of Defense Requested Witnesses

AE039U: Joint Report on the Status of Defense Requested Witnesses

AE039X: Joint Report on the Status of Defense Requested Witnesses

A copy of this file is now available on the Majid Shoukat Khan Military Commissions Case page of this website.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e704a5  No.12056452

File: f13c1a605002cf4⋯.png (257.38 KB, 408x532, 102:133, f13c1a605002cf49264fa5c8ce….png)


Thanks Maggs

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bccfb6  No.12056453


Warzone. More so than a lot think

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e47ad0  No.12056454


>oh. k. why did barr resign?

Barr landed the plane to become POTUS wingman.

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db0c19  No.12056455

I find it curious that Q hasn't posted since CM took to twatter.

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b1e705  No.12056456

File: ed98deaccf4e114⋯.png (240.86 KB, 531x314, 531:314, Trust_the_Plan_0111_237658….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

362633  No.12056457


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 12/15/2020

On November 30, 2020, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE405F: Government Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, and Under Seal Classified Motion To Request Substitutions and Other Relief Regarding Classified Continuing and Trial Discovery – Hostilities – Pursuant to the Commission’s Rulings (AE 405C and AE 405E)

Also, on December 2, 2020, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE399T: UNCLASSIFIED NOTICE Defense Notice of Classified Filing Defense Reply to Government Response to Defense Motion to Compel Discovery Regarding Intrusions into Attorney-Client Communications and Prosecutorial Misconduct

Also, on December 9, 2020, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE353N: ORDER Ex Parte Presentation Pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 949p-4(b)(2); M.C.R.E. 505(f)(2)(B)

AE405F(Amend): Government Unclassified Notice of Government’s Amendment to Government Motion Ex Parte, In Camera, and Under Seal Classified Motion To Request Substitutions and Other Relief Regarding Classified Continuing and Trial Discovery – Hostilities –Pursuant to the Commission’s Rulings(AE 405C and AE 405E)

AE405G: ORDER Ex Parte Presentation Pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 949p-4(b)(2); M.C.R.E. 505(f)(2)(B)

AE406K: ORDER Ex Parte Presentation Pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 949p-4(b)(2); M.C.R.E. 505(f)(2)(B)

Also, on December 15, 2020, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE425C: ORDER Defense Motion to Compel DNA Testing Data and Laboratory Information

Finally, on December 15, 2020, the following documents were posted:

AE398J: Government Motion for Leave to File Response to AE 398G Out of Time or Exception to Waiver of Untimely Filing as Ordered by the Commission in AE 398I

AE402J: Government Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte and Under Seal Submission Regarding AE 402E (Slide 54)

Copies of these files are now available on the Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.

Military Commissions - Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi

As of 12/15/2020

On October 7, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE182E (Sup): Defense Motion to Supplement AE 182E

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Additionally, on December 7, 2020, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE182WWW: RULING Defense Motion For Leave to Supplement AE 182E

Also, on December 9, 2020 the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE184E: RULING Defense Motion for Leave to File a Response to AE 184A, Government Motion to Strike Portions of AE 184, Out of Time

Copies of these files are now available on the Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi Military Commissions Case page of this website.


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cf7d1e  No.12056458


Let's start with whose $150k BMW Alpina B7 was Harrison driving?

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78b5dc  No.12056459


I'm so fucking tired of having to "settle" for shitty, corrupt RINO's because "If you don't vote the D's win!!! REEEEE!!!"

They're theSAME GODDAMN THING! No. I won't vote for some POS corrupt RINO.

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b1e705  No.12056460

File: c515fdc675efbc7⋯.jpg (38.85 KB, 365x437, 365:437, Sodom_aka_America_0112_237….JPG)

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038bcf  No.12056461


>They will still blame Trump

So what. They have blamed him for everything since he took office. Its not his job to ensure that the vaccine is safe, that's the FDA's job. His job as President was to mount a counter offensive to China's bioweapon attack, which was designed not to kill large numbers, but to shut down our economy. Trump first tried to roll out HCQ as a cheap repurposed CURE, but the deep state mounted an unprecedented attack, which was all documented for everyone to see. Then, they did it with Ivermectin, another cheap and available CURE. The point is if you are stupid enough to take a potentially dangerous vaccine for a virus less lethal than the Flu, that decision rests on YOU, not Trump, which is the way it should be.

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ff9aea  No.12056462


baker is back, did anyone collect?

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698a9e  No.12056463


Why trust Pence to vote any other way? Wasn't he put in to keep eye on POTUS? Isn't he comped?

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52671b  No.12056464

File: 96b77f03908eda1⋯.jpeg (142.44 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, FFEA80DC_B9E9_4427_914C_4….jpeg)

File: b6593091bc6c35a⋯.jpeg (534.38 KB, 750x970, 75:97, 255F382F_A77E_442D_AB42_4….jpeg)

File: fc29413da52fb70⋯.jpeg (584.63 KB, 750x1146, 125:191, 1002887C_3370_4B01_8BB7_A….jpeg)


Let’s do an ear analysis… going to check

Is that Tom with the mask?

Anomaly detected.

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3c23b1  No.12056465


red circle too small in the thumbnail

top shelf on the left

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023496  No.12056466

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ff9aea  No.12056467


I'm back, O7 anon. Thank you.

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119d4e  No.12056468

File: 4996141c6b15c2b⋯.png (203.78 KB, 535x585, 107:117, Screenshot_2020_12_16_The_….png)

The historic Geneva Consensus Declaration, signed in October, was the product of an international coalition built under the Trump Administration to achieve better health for women, the preservation of human life, support for the family, and the protection of national sovereignty.


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c9a8ad  No.12056469




I don't trust any of them.. all as side show make people think they are doing something. Its clear to most nothing ever gets done by these people.

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3e79c8  No.12056470

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447e76  No.12056471


What are you looking to find? Redpills?

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b6893b  No.12056472

File: 8a2f0911b5af4bd⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 400x300, 4:3, 1605415164406.gif)

File: 1290f9e917bc956⋯.jpg (930.22 KB, 999x999, 1:1, 1605414026279.jpg)

File: 5960b043c5e5ffc⋯.jpg (778.71 KB, 999x999, 1:1, 1605461330727.jpg)

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a46232  No.12056473


I'm not much into gematria, but this looks like a solid decode.

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b1e705  No.12056474

File: 185a808e7a5a689⋯.png (91.3 KB, 233x358, 233:358, Steal_Kill_Destroy_Don_011….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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86c766  No.12056475


Santa in pic holds shroom, is what.

Is a hammer of sorts for the egotists, if it's the right kind of shroom I concede.

Santa,'Xmas' trees and shrooms are pre-christian lore relics, just like black Pete for instance. Yule.

For the rest, nice theory, I like it. Big, BIG picture thinking. Good! Write the book. Sell millions. I'll buy one!

But most of all keep on keeping on anon. Cheers!

This is why I'm still here after all these years despite all the gore and the shilling, the porn and the nonsense…

Tip of the hat to you.


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8b557e  No.12056476

File: dd490ca3c62c716⋯.jpeg (88.56 KB, 676x730, 338:365, NativesRestless.jpeg)

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ce2e36  No.12056477


>I find it curious that Q hasn't posted since CM took to twatter.

Why don't we ever see Q and CM in the room together?

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39cab3  No.12056479

File: 337e03bfbe66717⋯.jpg (37.33 KB, 637x275, 637:275, clones2mg38x.jpg)


They can never get the Clones ears right.

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3e79c8  No.12056480

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cd1f78  No.12056481


I agree with you, I just don't have any faith the sheople will be reeducated by the information.

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bf56c0  No.12056482


Ear bent due to diaper strap

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db0c19  No.12056483


>No. I won't vote for some POS corrupt RINO.


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cf7d1e  No.12056484


Yes, that is my point.

They are talking about someone, and something, completely different.

So why are YOU connecting this to Seth Rich?

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3e79c8  No.12056485

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eeaee0  No.12056486


If GA Executive won’t undo the watering down of election protections, the GOP candidates will fare no better than POTUS. GA voters know this. They also see Perdue and Loeffler as entitled grifters, too spineless to stand up for their votes and uninterested in representing the People.

The run-off will be a clusterfuck that favors the Ds, because it’s been engineered to favor the Ds. The actions and attitudes of the key state officials points to leverage and favors, past, present, and future. The GOP calling out voters and dissing anyone that points out the bleeding obvious only show that the GOPe is not with America and, without Trump, will bleed to death. The GOP is the buggy whip maker of American politics at the dawn of Henry Ford’s new automotive era.

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b1e705  No.12056487

File: 3de544c6811451a⋯.png (233.67 KB, 403x224, 403:224, Sodom_aka_America_0114_394….png)

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155f1c  No.12056488

File: 141e832ec9b128b⋯.png (142.1 KB, 833x458, 833:458, 141e832ec9b128bf4373ef8067….png)



>>12055976 MI Attorney Matthew DePerno: Dominion CEO Did Not Tell The Truth About “Sealed and Locked Ballot” Machines In Antrim Co…Photos Taken During Inspection Reveal Missing Seal

>>12055995 Ken Starr: Pennsylvania “Flagrantly Violated” Laws Ahead of Presidential Election

>>12056029 , >>12056091 CBS News Senior Correspondent Catherine Herridge has reported that Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe: "Told CBS News that there was Foreign Election Interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year [2020]."

>>12056030 New York Times Hack Attempts to Damage Gateway Pundit, Steve Bannon, Mark Levin and Others – He Ends Up Showing His Ignorance and Bias Instead

>>12056038 Jim Breyer - Blackstone - Rothschilds

>>12056059 Mo Brooks, House GOP To Demand McConnell, Pelosi Launch Congressional Election Integrity Hearings

>>12056069 Money From Facebook’s Zuckerberg Used to Undermine Election, Violate Law: Report

>>12056103 Former Venezuelan National Treasurer and Her Spouse Charged in Connection with International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

>>12056109 , >>12056201 , >>12056242 WH Advent COMMS Dec 16th – James Bond’s GOLDFINGER / Q3699

>>12056134 Stargate project

>>12056147 CIA Tweets

>>12056185 Twitter To Remove Tweets Containing Vaccine Misinformation

>>12056190 , >>12056396 Lin Wood Tweets

>>12056217 Trump Spy Chief Stirs Dispute Over China Election-Meddling Views

>>12056227 , >>12056428 Andy Biggs Tweets

>>12056256 Top Trump aide to leave White House this month

>>12056259 CODEMONKEY Tweets

>>12056290 DoD Tweet, Operation Christmas Drop

>>12056309 China - Maine Gov Connection

>>12056328 COVID Vaccine as a Rapid "Re-education" Program

>>12056335 Based Senator Hawley of MO, telling it like it is

>>12056404 Critical Thinking Skills Exercise, Thoughts?

>>12056406 Heated moment in Senate hearing… Johnson flogs Peters

>>12056436 , >>12056451 , >>12056457 Military Commissions - Majid Shoukat Khan, As of 12/15/2020

>>12056442 Ivanka Trump Tweets


Here are the notes so far.



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fae785  No.12056489

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c13bed  No.12056490

File: e369144b74ea35f⋯.jpg (24.05 KB, 245x255, 49:51, 9cc56853c6d6dbbad6f7c7b4e8….jpg)


President Donald Trump’s spy chief is considering holding up a report to Congress on foreign efforts to sway the Nov. 3 election, arguing that China should be cited more prominently for its attempts to influence American voters, according to people familiar with the matter.

The disagreement that’s dividing U.S. intelligence officials and analysts has prompted Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe to weigh withholding his certification of the report that’s supposed to be delivered to U.S. lawmakers on Friday, the people said.

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b1e705  No.12056491

File: 2f132b11fe705d2⋯.png (194.4 KB, 688x417, 688:417, 0115_983247598798798273598….PNG)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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68d1ef  No.12056492


The waiting is the hardest part.

I remember all the great diggs that were done as a group here in the early days.

But, it starts to wear on you when they just in up in some In-Basket collecting dust.

Still, it's the Hotel Qalifornia here and true Anons are in it for however much longer it takes.

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3e79c8  No.12056493

File: f3924ae60b7a3a0⋯.jpg (540.23 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Q_BOOM.jpg)

File: e21e6f28384f89b⋯.png (379.31 KB, 594x709, 594:709, R_RTIME.png)

File: da3368f6ac9baf2⋯.jpeg (14.65 KB, 255x248, 255:248, R_RTime7918e07bedcc6fab9c….jpeg)

File: 5438337883008eb⋯.png (349.09 KB, 499x493, 499:493, RacismScorecard.png)

File: a6e9292fcccc46a⋯.jpeg (186 KB, 968x863, 968:863, RamboTrump.jpeg)

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f1ed7e  No.12056494

File: e296b08791ab212⋯.png (884.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, FellowAmericans.png)

Been waiting Patiently.

Nov 1 2017

Q Clearance Patriot

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

God bless my fellow Americans.


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7ab73c  No.12056495


good thing that was nipped in the bud…..oh wait

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ba3932  No.12056496


And 3 empty chairs.

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b1e705  No.12056497

File: 670e2f68ac65a8a⋯.png (348.84 KB, 745x785, 149:157, wwg1_not_you_wga_0116_3094….png)

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aa5fcb  No.12056498

File: 498b9f88808fd78⋯.png (4.14 MB, 2057x1200, 2057:1200, ratcliff_foreign_election_….png)

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f0095a  No.12056499

File: 0a6b7863bdf3260⋯.jpg (155.42 KB, 522x319, 18:11, getinthegrind.jpg)

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52671b  No.12056500


Good point.

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91f055  No.12056501

File: eca45d0e7440f5b⋯.png (690.45 KB, 602x407, 602:407, killary101.png)

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899719  No.12056502



what? the fuck are you seeing anon?

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45970d  No.12056503



Why is the relevance?

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3e79c8  No.12056504

File: 3aaa841948fbe69⋯.jpeg (12.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Apu_Love.jpeg)

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db0c19  No.12056505


spelling suks.


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b6e69a  No.12056506

File: 99f70cd2823a98d⋯.jpg (24.63 KB, 255x236, 255:236, 99f70cd2823a98dd8fecd8af82….jpg)

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b1e705  No.12056507

File: 95c709405547dce⋯.png (98.42 KB, 731x265, 731:265, Child_Killing_Serial_Adult….PNG)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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899719  No.12056508




this newfag thinks santa is holding "shroom".


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a46232  No.12056509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sing the Song of Angry Men

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95c043  No.12056510

File: 35bb9b958e0d50a⋯.png (719.02 KB, 936x620, 234:155, Screenshot_20201216_124232….png)

Q got to close to sun and fizzled out bigly.

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fd3c27  No.12056511

Anyone got the meme of AJ and Flynn's bodyguard, "Hi/Bye" ?

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447e76  No.12056512

File: d9a068faac8d27b⋯.png (543.58 KB, 827x387, 827:387, ClipboardImage.png)


Like Joe's earlobe KEK!

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3e79c8  No.12056514

File: d1d823715c00aa7⋯.png (1.68 MB, 978x617, 978:617, Comfy_Apu1.png)

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038bcf  No.12056515


>let the sheep take it…the world will be a better place without them


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9258c1  No.12056516

File: 24d53f028317691⋯.png (261.92 KB, 894x756, 149:126, ClipboardImage.png)




Yes yes redpills!! And/or especially legit academic studies. That kinda thing. But I'll take anything at the moment. That would push me in the right direction, probably.

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4e7d0b  No.12056517


That's brutal, they cheat their asses off and now they want to be paid for the pleasure of their 'virtual' presence?? Can we WARP SPEED to Friday, please.

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cd1f78  No.12056518

File: 4df96a9ac709aca⋯.jpg (258.72 KB, 411x656, 411:656, teapartymask.jpg)

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b1e705  No.12056520

File: eb30e2295349cbb⋯.png (1 MB, 875x1309, 125:187, Muh_Wife_0118_263857627836….png)

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e47ad0  No.12056521


i 'member him kek

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3e79c8  No.12056522

File: 5aff4c9141d0a08⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 463x353, 463:353, Cannabis_Huffer.jpg)

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e704a5  No.12056523


Mike Pence knows something, was going to meet with kemp, ironically teh day harrison was murdered.

Check the connections.

Pence met harrison deal.

Harrison deal is the new seth rich

Wheres the NSA? who was harrison talking to before he left that day, or day before.

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a7df9d  No.12056524

Bannon on War Room sounds confident there will be a special prosecutor, suggesting it might be Ken Starr.

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736f4c  No.12056525


It's Hammer Time!

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f18954  No.12056526

Anons (my) take on Solarwind:

The 'hack' was scheduled.

Investors got heads up and bailed.

Hack is stagecraft to deflect focus.

Possibly to assign false blame and to explain dubious content by aiming it was planted.

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cd1f78  No.12056527

File: 51fbc173d7dfe1f⋯.png (508.8 KB, 755x479, 755:479, whoisq.png)

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1da592  No.12056528

File: d33514155185852⋯.png (12.71 MB, 4209x1677, 1403:559, d33514155185852a257c148329….png)

Bruh Stop Slidin >>12056484

What are you gonna do talk about this next?

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447e76  No.12056529


Coming right up! Let me just go through my bookmarks kek!

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3e79c8  No.12056530

File: e682a7693b56adf⋯.png (895.5 KB, 751x1000, 751:1000, Trump_Americas_Champ.png)

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03312b  No.12056531


Anomaly is the differing light source: Image 1 & 2) Night Lighting; 3) Daylight. Also Hair coloring and combing is slightly different. No original is

allowed to change his hair color and styling?

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119d4e  No.12056532

File: 6b5f3263caa1ba9⋯.png (197.91 KB, 535x469, 535:469, Screenshot_2020_12_16_The_….png)

"He is a President that supports moms. He's a President that supports life." — @PressSec


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b1e705  No.12056533

File: 1f2862fd48f7f05⋯.png (186.95 KB, 375x238, 375:238, Ick_0119_63587623865872635….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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cae300  No.12056534


Your grammar fizzled out stupidly

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fc8249  No.12056535

File: a15d7c7ab776817⋯.jpg (213.06 KB, 1080x1174, 540:587, extraextra.jpg)

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f999eb  No.12056536

Do we have a Christmas Keka Claus?

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20350e  No.12056537


Great work anon!

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fae785  No.12056538

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ff9aea  No.12056540

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3e79c8  No.12056541

File: 4e673a0cd5c8b53⋯.jpeg (775.33 KB, 932x928, 233:232, Rambro.jpeg)

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d49be5  No.12056542


you are joking are joking aren't you?

>if you are stupid enough to take a potentially dangerous vaccine

if that is the SOC due from you and your admin. fuck you.

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b1e705  No.12056543

File: 112152d40bbafd9⋯.png (70.86 KB, 256x169, 256:169, Child_Killing_Serial_Adult….png)

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a46232  No.12056544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


scene from the movie

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0a274f  No.12056545

File: f2faf379e579baf⋯.jpg (251.35 KB, 1994x1007, 1994:1007, wp_image_220955741.jpg)


>Tom Cruise Tears Into Crew for Not Following Mission Impossible COVID Protocol.


This mask will self destruct in 5 seconds

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b1e705  No.12056546

File: 024dd37d9e22475⋯.jpg (43.36 KB, 590x469, 590:469, Emperor_has_no_clothes_012….JPG)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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9d4337  No.12056547

File: e8487bb183a051f⋯.png (44.18 KB, 840x212, 210:53, Screen_Shot_2020_12_16_at_….png)

'muh corona' update:

COVID-19 hospitalizations by state: Dec. 16

California has the most COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the U.S., according to the COVID Tracking Project.

The Atlantic's COVID tracking project compiles data directly from the websites of local or state public health authorities. When data is missing from the websites, it supplements available numbers with information from official news conferences. Data was last updated Dec. 13, Dec. 14 or Dec. 15, depending on the state.

States are listed alphabetically. Not all states report both cumulative and current totals.


Current: 2,353

Cumulative: 29,259

State's hospital bed capacity: 15,278


Current: 140

Cumulative: 908

State's hospital bed capacity: 1,636


Current: 3,702

Cumulative: 31,266

State's hospital bed capacity: 13,846


Current: 1,070

Cumulative: 10,096

State's hospital bed capacity: 9,517


Current: 15,198

State's hospital bed capacity: 72,511…….


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f999eb  No.12056548


Pepe Claus

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b099d9  No.12056549


Newfag is hammered?

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155f1c  No.12056550

File: 0ddade9aa90e884⋯.png (678.7 KB, 478x986, 239:493, 0ddade9aa90e884e0b6f923e3d….png)


Have nice bakes, Anon..

I trust you, and Godspeed.

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83e27a  No.12056551

c cks

r o

o y c

o n

k n

e a

d r


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cba25e  No.12056552

File: bfebf88c394aaac⋯.png (513.36 KB, 544x680, 4:5, statchoo.png)



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72fe4c  No.12056553


He wouldn’t and oh the repercussions if.

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9258c1  No.12056554

File: 946bf53cecd600f⋯.png (99.75 KB, 281x273, 281:273, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e79c8  No.12056555

File: d5ac297dc87c4e0⋯.jpg (101.14 KB, 600x563, 600:563, Saved.jpg)

just to clear it up wasnt being a dick but weho cares eh?






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b1e705  No.12056556

File: fe68d104e326be8⋯.png (460.58 KB, 556x467, 556:467, Sodom_aka_America_0122_768….png)

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e47ad0  No.12056557

File: 0966dd76dc26eca⋯.png (153.67 KB, 342x262, 171:131, m4.png)

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95c043  No.12056558

File: 0294103956b2bbb⋯.jpg (80.62 KB, 629x396, 629:396, 4q50fa.jpg)


Concernfag you got owned right out of the gate.

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c9a8ad  No.12056559

File: 92ebe244dfc3a56⋯.png (431.56 KB, 598x750, 299:375, Screenshot_2020_12_16_6_0_….png)

File: 52b783725fd4c3c⋯.png (922.66 KB, 915x917, 915:917, Screenshot_2020_12_16_6_0_….png)

OMG you have got to be kidding me!!! Doesn't GA have any forensic signature experts? Unbelievable.


This qualifies as a signature match..WOW!

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899719  No.12056560

File: 06443931025c053⋯.png (771.63 KB, 1073x647, 1073:647, download.png)

>>12056502 <<<<<<<<<<< newfag thinks it is a shroom in hand kek



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b6e69a  No.12056561

File: 5873189c8dbd73a⋯.png (279.7 KB, 646x595, 38:35, 5873189c8dbd73a027fddf65cd….png)



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7ab73c  No.12056562


>There is no one coming.


they are already in position

behind every blade of grass

fuq around and find out

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52671b  No.12056563

File: 43f95a2fedfd03a⋯.jpeg (676.5 KB, 750x1264, 375:632, 3FA87896_306A_4A4C_BE5A_3….jpeg)


Any anons have the pic of all the Generals with POTUS? Who was standing where this piece of paper is?

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f1158a  No.12056564

File: d4a07515b0f4a9c⋯.png (462.34 KB, 606x455, 606:455, PAGANANON.png)

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04019c  No.12056565


>>12052921 O'Keefe released full Assange recording

just catching up, already saw the full vid…

have the 'keys' we have been tried with the files Q have given us?


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56089d  No.12056566


about an hour, doseage is said to be a few hundred maybe 3, ppm in the blood. I would advise against consumption unless needed. its a permanent thing in the body. i do advise wound dressing and nasal rinses (stngs like fkn mad). had a lump in each pectoral , i got rid of them but it cost me agriria fingernails, which will permanently look bruised. Also to importantly note: not distilled water, purified water, ozonated micro filtered, reverse osmosis and distilled. And definitely NOT signature brands , its dirty as fuck. Gte a ppm tester

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91f055  No.12056567

File: be4a368477c6bb5⋯.jpg (210.26 KB, 1080x1174, 540:587, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.jpg)

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58a43f  No.12056568


First you must draw your enemy out. You need to know who you are fighting before you hit the martial law button.

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7ec099  No.12056569

File: 65aa874b2f94841⋯.jpg (78.55 KB, 1246x707, 178:101, surrounded_by_assholes.JPG)

I know where all the CLOWNS went when Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus went when they closed their tents…..TO THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!…..


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3e79c8  No.12056570

File: 9f2f9cadc2d3e93⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 500x375, 4:3, THat_Feeling_When.gif)

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d49be5  No.12056571

File: 19723496e2faf54⋯.png (26 KB, 798x308, 57:22, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3993e744706643c⋯.jpeg (568.62 KB, 1242x1411, 1242:1411, 1f1f2066de1111e4f6c1e6d6b….jpeg)

File: 1f1f2066de1111e⋯.jpeg (286.36 KB, 1242x721, 1242:721, 1f1f2066de1111e4f6c1e6d6b….jpeg)


It was reported Pence met with China Charlie Baker on Nantucket

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b1e705  No.12056572

File: 5e792f2ce20753f⋯.png (78.85 KB, 293x238, 293:238, Lust_Mr_President_0123_632….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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1a7df1  No.12056573

Other Planefaggers keep watch on SAM345, VIP Plane. Just took off from Miami Intl. Looks like it made a hop earlier today to Homestead AFB, then back to Miami before heading back out again. I'm going to assume back to Andrews. This planes previous travel over the last several weeks has been interesting.

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3e79c8  No.12056574

File: 8a9f575c3cbb12b⋯.gif (495.73 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Salt_Shaker_Pepe.gif)

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20350e  No.12056575

File: 2b5b4e331117797⋯.png (366.96 KB, 460x1063, 460:1063, Screen_Shot_2020_12_16_at_….png)




>And 3 empty chairs.


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76fdb5  No.12056576

File: 4864d5942bb6163⋯.jpg (23.97 KB, 240x255, 16:17, Pepe_shakesspear.jpg)


mc Cabe





Billy Boy






all the crooked politicians Rep Dem



Foreign Enemies


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5e4cd1  No.12056577

File: 9c0a4aeea17d31d⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1386x1040, 693:520, 58AA30DD_05FA_4E94_A97A_4D….png)

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d49be5  No.12056578

you don't put a bottle of scotch in front of an alcoholic and blame them when they drink you Talmudic hypocrites

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fae785  No.12056579

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f82f8c  No.12056580

File: 7e189e53f6a62b1⋯.png (3.17 MB, 1234x1055, 1234:1055, ClipboardImage.png)



source link / sauce:


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b1e705  No.12056581

File: 4a86c30954da47a⋯.png (41.05 KB, 217x258, 217:258, Gonna_Git_You_Killed_0124_….png)

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cf96b5  No.12056582

File: 05ac4bdc92a4c86⋯.jpg (195.88 KB, 699x471, 233:157, Golden_Crown_and_Blue_Angl….jpg)

File: af67f464ea9ca63⋯.jpg (135.82 KB, 492x369, 4:3, sunset_patriot.jpg)

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cd1f78  No.12056583

File: 707c95639f769b3⋯.jpg (486.17 KB, 1220x686, 610:343, rugged3.jpg)


Viva la révolution!

Viva la Trump!

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662a87  No.12056584

File: 58b540902f3e486⋯.png (864.79 KB, 1520x786, 760:393, sept_11.PNG)

File: 7884535454cffaf⋯.png (32.01 KB, 824x783, 824:783, email.PNG)

Pure speculation….. NO SAUCE, other than my AnonSenses tingling…

Is it remotely possible that the CCP was involved in the attack on Benghazi??

9/5/12 - Xi cancels meeting with Hillary unexpectedly.

9/5-9/11/12 - Xi is reported as MIA.

9/11/12 - Benghazi attack.

All of the timing seems suspicious to me…

Xi cancels with Hillary on Sept 5.

Why is she sending an email to her staff on SEPT 11 saying "I'd like to respond as quickly as possible." Re: Xi……….Respond quickly to what??? It's already been at least a week since the Xi meeting was cancelled. Press reported on that the week prior.

Benghazi was attacked at 9:42 p.m. (Benghazi time) which would have been 3:42 p.m. US time.

Hillary's email was written September 11, 2012 07:37 a.m. (https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/19598)

So her "response" to Xi was pre-Benghazi attack.

Did she KNOW an attack was coming? Did she KNOW the CCP was involved?

Was she trying to send a private response to Xi???

Benghazi was attacked at 9:42 p.m. (Benghazi time) which would have been 3:42 p.m. US time.

Hillary's email was written September 11, 2012 07:37 a.m.

So her "response" to Xi was pre-Benghazi attack.

Did she KNOW an attack was coming? Did she KNOW the CCP was involved?

Of course we all know who they "blamed" for the attack…

But what REALLY happened??


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115491  No.12056585

File: c4f90caf22a88d7⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1685x1079, 1685:1079, 3sup.png)

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447e76  No.12056586



https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/infectious-positive-pcr-test-result-covid-19/ → Lots of good stuff here….browse around on this site



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28251c  No.12056587


If we don't know that by now then we are screwed

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6a14db  No.12056588

File: a3b826706606d22⋯.jpg (38.23 KB, 500x406, 250:203, 3amDayshiftStillGoing.jpg)

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fae785  No.12056589

File: 5ffebfc8eacd760⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1179x787, 1179:787, qresearch_saving_world.png)

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03312b  No.12056590


So, fascinated with the President's nakedness, eh?

His nakedness doesn't have anything to do with

your argument. Effeminate idolater! (Romans 1:27)

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95c043  No.12056591

File: cb1b1ecdff484d4⋯.png (679.31 KB, 1080x985, 216:197, Screenshot_20200904_092154….png)

Q got too close to the sun and fizzled out bigly.

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8d8c88  No.12056592

File: 41e356a4812602d⋯.png (229.69 KB, 789x768, 263:256, KeK.png)


kek devolution

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af6f0d  No.12056593

File: 95e6e24e0e47dc0⋯.jpg (82.67 KB, 500x508, 125:127, BOOM_2.jpg)

File: 0aefcd34000e28b⋯.jpg (85.01 KB, 710x481, 710:481, BOOM_3.jpg)

File: 8deb7180de36174⋯.jpg (79.8 KB, 613x434, 613:434, BOOM_4.jpg)

File: 1c7f4b39601b1b3⋯.jpg (84.55 KB, 705x400, 141:80, boom.jpg)

File: eb974cf935d403a⋯.jpg (119.26 KB, 757x425, 757:425, RAMBO.jpg)

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cd1f78  No.12056594


Who is to blame?

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7e74d1  No.12056595

File: be5629ed5867cab⋯.png (350.95 KB, 659x428, 659:428, ClipboardImage.png)

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362633  No.12056596


there are 3 e3s and 3 e6s up, OK delivering big

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95bd07  No.12056597


>Marcello Mancini

It doesn’t embarrass us: Art teacher defends Vatican’s much-maligned nativity scene

This year’s nativity comes from the region of Abruzzo.

The soldier-looking statue is a centurion and signifies a “great sinner,” explained Mancini, a teacher at the school where the nativity set was made.

He noted that the astronaut was created and added to the collection after the 1969 moon landing, and was included in the pieces sent to the Vatican at the behest of the local bishop, Lorenzo Leuzzi.'



Historical figures include: the Roman orator Asinius Pollio; Latin poets Sallust and Ovid, who were born in L'Aquila and Sulmona respectively, Gaius Cassius Longinus, Roman senator and leading instigator of the plot to kill Julius Caesar; and Pontius Pilate, who was born in the province of Teramo and is best known for authorizing the crucifixion of Jesus. Abruzzo's religious personalities include Saint Berardo; John of Capistrano, who led a crusade against the Ottoman Empire; Thomas of Celano, author of three hagiographies about Saint Francis of Assisi; and Alessandro Valignano, who introduced Catholicism to the Far East and Japan. The Polish Pope John Paul II loved the mountains of Abruzzo, where he would retire often and pray in the church of San Pietro della Ienca. When he died, Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, gave the local Abruzzo community some of the late pontiff's blood as a token of the love he had felt for the mountainous area. The greatest Italian poet of the 20th century Gabriele D'Annunzio was from Pescara; other notable Abruzzo personalities in the field of humanities include: poet Ignazio Silone, director Ennio Flaiano who co-wrote La dolce vita, philosopher Benedetto Croce, composer Sir Paolo Tosti and the sculptor Venanzo Crocetti.

American artists and celebrities such as: Madonna, Dean Martin, Bradley Cooper, Perry Como, Henry Mancini,Nancy Pelosi, Rocky Marciano, Rocky Mattioli, Bruno Sammartino, Mario Batali, John and Dan Fante, Tommy Lasorda, Dan Marino, Mario Lanza, Garry Marshall, Penny Marshall, Al Martino, Ariana Grande and Canadian Michael Bublé have Abruzzo origins.


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3e79c8  No.12056598

File: de2836700857095⋯.png (1.48 MB, 662x932, 331:466, RAS.png)

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03312b  No.12056599


Ain't officially lost yet.

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cfe930  No.12056601

File: b824456e4b6a98e⋯.png (194.06 KB, 590x238, 295:119, ClipboardImage.png)

Take a look at these youtube misspelllings

Minneapolls instead of Minneapolis

pollce instead of police

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ff9aea  No.12056602


>>12056109 , >>12056201 , >>12056242 WH Advent COMMS Dec 16th – James Bond’s GOLDFINGER / Q3699

>>12056029 , >>12056091 CBS News Senior Correspondent Catherine Herridge has reported that Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe: "Told CBS News that there was Foreign Election Interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year [2020]."

>>12056190 , >>12056396 Lin Wood Tweets

>>12055976 MI Attorney Matthew DePerno: Dominion CEO Did Not Tell The Truth About “Sealed and Locked Ballot” Machines In Antrim Co…Photos Taken During Inspection Reveal Missing Seal

>>12055995 Ken Starr: Pennsylvania “Flagrantly Violated” Laws Ahead of Presidential Election

>>12056030 New York Times Hack Attempts to Damage Gateway Pundit, Steve Bannon, Mark Levin and Others – He Ends Up Showing His Ignorance and Bias Instead

>>12056038 Jim Breyer - Blackstone - Rothschilds

>>12056059 Mo Brooks, House GOP To Demand McConnell, Pelosi Launch Congressional Election Integrity Hearings

>>12056069 Money From Facebook’s Zuckerberg Used to Undermine Election, Violate Law: Report

>>12056103 Former Venezuelan National Treasurer and Her Spouse Charged in Connection with International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

>>12056134 Stargate project

>>12056147 CIA Tweets

>>12056185 Twitter To Remove Tweets Containing Vaccine Misinformation

>>12056217 Trump Spy Chief Stirs Dispute Over China Election-Meddling Views

>>12056227 , >>12056428 Andy Biggs Tweets

>>12056256 Top Trump aide to leave White House this month

>>12056259 CODEMONKEY Tweets

>>12056290 DoD Tweet, Operation Christmas Drop

>>12056309 China - Maine Gov Connection

>>12056328 COVID Vaccine as a Rapid "Re-education" Program

>>12056335 Based Senator Hawley of MO, telling it like it is

>>12056404 Critical Thinking Skills Exercise, Thoughts?

>>12056406 Heated moment in Senate hearing… Johnson flogs Peters

>>12056468 The historic Geneva Consensus Declaration, signed in October, was the product of an international coalition built under the Trump Administration to achieve better health for women, the preservation of human life, support for the family, and the protection of national sovereignty.

>>12056406 Heated moment in Senate hearing… Johnson flogs Peters

>>12056532 He is a President that supports moms. He's a President that supports life."

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b1e705  No.12056603

File: 10bbaf1d57d0950⋯.png (202.83 KB, 499x261, 499:261, No_Hoes_WH_0125_8345098230….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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cd1f78  No.12056604

File: 558565c7a845e50⋯.jpg (743.37 KB, 1116x808, 279:202, WHOSNAKE.jpg)

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155f1c  No.12056605

File: eb845e36325af49⋯.png (699.16 KB, 872x456, 109:57, 000000000.png)

File: 5dcede2c4b97519⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1010x867, 1010:867, 0000000.png)

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.png (18 KB, 248x140, 62:35, 000.png)

File: e867d7705dd52c0⋯.jpg (77.49 KB, 690x392, 345:196, 0.jpg)


I like collecting these banners, it's kind of like the badges.

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cae300  No.12056606


Boatmurders make for great redpills 30 years early

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3e79c8  No.12056607

File: 0e57dad71ac5662⋯.jpg (59.36 KB, 1024x626, 512:313, HOLD_THE_LINE.jpg)

File: dcf88d06120675e⋯.jpg (72.41 KB, 550x295, 110:59, Hot_Wok_TYBAKER.jpg)

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66febf  No.12056608

ANONS! Just got back. Did you get the news that Hunter Biden is an artist now. Yep, he just got an invitation to show his paintings at a tony Manhattan art gallery. Guess what, those painting will be auctioned off and the buyers can be anonymous.

The article is up at American Thinker

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fc1813  No.12056609

File: f623eef674f238b⋯.jpeg (174.85 KB, 1242x1065, 414:355, 6CDE2795_73CC_4BDD_B311_D….jpeg)

File: 3be7cf3d28fb247⋯.jpeg (58.11 KB, 1230x1042, 615:521, 719EE5C0_3166_41D7_A13B_F….jpeg)

File: 4e90e57e5eb71a7⋯.jpeg (117.99 KB, 1253x869, 1253:869, 192342C4_677C_441F_AE90_9….jpeg)

What is THIS? Star Trek and Q??



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b1e705  No.12056610

File: d5c12fbc5f50418⋯.png (769.46 KB, 680x855, 136:171, Sodom_aka_America_0126_203….png)

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a45e0e  No.12056611


Careful you almost got access to all of SolarWinds with that password.

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cfe930  No.12056612


Also offlcer instead of officer

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68d1ef  No.12056613


Who you kidding?

You may check out, but you'll never leave.

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a6a9c5  No.12056614

File: a45c29f7927c927⋯.png (7.53 MB, 2876x1992, 719:498, Ivaka_8kun_post_pyramid_an….png)


Triangle symbology on the clock image as well.

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600fb1  No.12056615

File: 110660017fab7af⋯.jpg (117.15 KB, 405x499, 405:499, cocaine_mitch_montana.jpg)

>you fucking cockaroach

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28251c  No.12056616


selling art for chinese bucks

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f1ed7e  No.12056617


money laundering, like writing a book!!

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b00522  No.12056618


/ourguys/ must know this and be way ahead of it. You'd think they'd be making caves or something to protect the people. Define a few G's? like a rollercoaster? Never liked those anon haha

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a0bc1c  No.12056619

This is all fake.

Q is a LARP

The gov't is just as fucked as ever.

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39cab3  No.12056620

File: ce7b322bcae2be3⋯.png (847.5 KB, 584x500, 146:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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362633  No.12056621


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 12/14/2020

On December 14, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE001M: Memorandum for the Record – MJ Detailing (COL Watkins)

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Military Commissions - Majid Shoukat Khan

As of 12/14/2020

On December 14, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE045F: ORDER, Government Motion For Authorization to Install Teletype Machine in Courtroom II

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Military Commissions - Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi

As of 12/14/2020

On December 14, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE182E (2ND SUP): Defense Motion To Supplement AE 182E

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ee1a6e  No.12056622


I think we have moar immediate problems.

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3e79c8  No.12056623

File: 02c75044a3a98d5⋯.png (65.37 KB, 356x312, 89:78, Gif.png)

File: 1ee977673e0767e⋯.jpg (17.43 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Gif_It.jpg)

File: 39f890397d682c4⋯.png (69.99 KB, 299x196, 299:196, GIFGRR.png)

File: ed43ea342883ddf⋯.jpg (16.9 KB, 246x255, 82:85, ed43ea342883ddf17280a7e443….jpg)

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23c9c8  No.12056624


Not tired, Just brainstorming next tact

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b1e705  No.12056625

File: 08fa36747ada46d⋯.png (486.2 KB, 1190x1136, 595:568, 0127_First_Adulteress_8787….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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9967f9  No.12056626


I think we're looking for premium optics right now. Most Republicans believe the election was stole. I think the DNI report is to convince the majority of dems it was stolen too. Then we can drop the hammer. Unless the DNI report is a nothing burger, to wit I will be sad.

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457af8  No.12056627

File: 0a16e39f967b157⋯.png (3.16 MB, 2066x1162, 1033:581, ClipboardImage.png)

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362633  No.12056628


Military Commissions - Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi

As of 12/11/2020

On December 11, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE184F: Defense Response to Government Motion to Strike

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Military Commissions - Majid Shoukat Khan

As of 12/11/2020

On December 11, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE048J: Defense Reply to Motion for Partial Reconsideration of AE 048B, Litigation Schedule Order.

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 12/11/2020

On December 4, 2020, the following documents were filed:

AE653JJ (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi's Response to AE 653HH Government Notice Regarding Matters Identified in AE 653GG Trial Conduct Order

AE653KK (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Response to AE 653HH (GOV) Government Notice Regarding Matters Identified in AE 653GG, Trial Conduct Order

AE792N (GOV): Government Consolidated Response To AE 792M, Interim Order, Mr. Mohammad and Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Reconsider the Ruling in AE 792I And (U) AE 808 (KSM et al), Defense Emergency Motion for Preservation of Evidence of Intrusions on Attorney-Client Communications

AE808B (GOV): Government Consolidated Response To AE 792M, Interim Order, Mr. Mohammad and Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Reconsider the Ruling in AE 792I And (U) AE 808 (KSM et al), Defense Emergency Motion for Preservation of Evidence of Intrusions on Attorney-Client Communications

Additionally, on December 9, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE806A (GOV): Government Motion For Lieutenant Colonel Matthew N. McCall To Recuse Himself as Military Judge Due to Disqualification for Non-Compliance With Manner of Detailing Specified By Lawful Regulation

Finally, on December 10, 2020, the following documents were filed:

AE792O (MAH): Mr. al Hawsawi’s Reply to AE 792N (GOV), Government Response to AE 792M, Interim Order regarding Intrusion into Attorney-Client Video-telephone Conferences

AE792P (KSM WBA RBS AAA): Defense Reply to AE 792N (GOV) / AE 808B (GOV), Government Consolidated Response to AE 792M, Interim Order and AE 808 (KSM et al)

AE808C (MAH): Mr. al Hawsawi’s Reply to AE 792N (GOV), Government Response to AE 792M, Interim Order regarding Intrusion into Attorney-Client Video-telephone Conferences

AE808D (KSM WBA RBS AAA): Defense Reply to AE 792N (GOV) / AE 808B (GOV), Government Consolidated Response to AE 792M, Interim Order and AE 808 (KSM et al)

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of security review.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f999eb  No.12056629

When Snowden fled with the NSA files, why did he go straight to the CCP?

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c9a8ad  No.12056630

>>12056406 (You) Heated moment in Senate hearing… Johnson flogs Peters

>>12056406 (You) Heated moment in Senate hearing… Johnson flogs Peters

>>12056602 Dup..

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362633  No.12056631


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 12/10/2020

On December 10, 2020, the following documents were posted:

AE530RRRR (RBS): Mr. Bin al Shibh's Reply to AE 530QQQQ (GOV), Government Response to Mr. Bin al Shibh's Motion to Reconsider AE 530GGG (RUL)

AE538EE (WBA): Mr. bin ’Atash’s Motion for an Order to Show Cause Why the Prosecution has not Complied with AE 538AA/561T(ORD)

AE551L (GOV): Government Notice of Answer to a Commission Question and of Filing Data

AE561DD (AAA): UNCLASSIFIED NOTICE Defense Notice of Modified Discovery

AE561X (WBA): Mr. bin ’Atash’s Motion for an Order to Show Cause Why the Prosecution has not Complied with AE 538AA/561T(ORD)

AE628P (AAA): UNCLASSIFIED NOTICE Mr. al Baluchi's Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A)

AE628P (AAA Sup): UNCLASSIFIED NOTICE Mr. al Baluchi's Supplement to AE 628P

AE628TTTT (AAA): In Court Submission (Classified Placeholder)

AE628UUUU (AAA): In Court Submission (Classified Placeholder)

AE628YY (AAA): In Court Submission (Classified PH)

AE637B (RBS): Defense Reply To Government Response to Defense Motion to Compel Production of Discovery Related to Evidence Provided by the Convening Authority to the Prosecution

AE639D (WBA Sup): Notice of Classified Filing

AE680A (GOV): Government Unclassified Notice Of Classified Filing

AE680B (KSM): Unclassified Notice of Classified Filing: (U) Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Abate Open Proceedings in Expeditionary Legal Center Courtroom (ELC 01) Pending Mitigation of Classification Guidance in AE 680A (GOV)

AE684 (KSM): Mr. Mohammad's Motion to Compel Discovery Regarding the Tariq Road and Rawalpindi Raids

AE688B (GOV): Government Response To Defense Motion to Dismiss Due to Outrageous Government Conduct

AE688B (GOV): CORRECTED COPY* - Government Response To Defense Motion to Dismiss Due to Outrageous Government Conduct

AE692: Military Judge Order Government Elicited Opinion from Camp VII Commander

AE694 (KSM): Mr. Mohammad's Motion to Compel Discovery Regarding the Capture, Detention and Treatment of Mr. Mohammad's Minor Children, Parts 1 through 2

AE702 (WBA): Notice of Classified Filing

AE757 (WBA): Mr. bin Atash’s Motion for Bill of Particulars as to Charge I: Conspiracy

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.

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9258c1  No.12056633

File: 7af5691d6acce8f⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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3e79c8  No.12056634


"Yeah bro didnt you see the news? all fake "

I just dont understand Why they keep reporting on it though if it really is…

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ae7080  No.12056635

File: d2c78ad7fefa87d⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 508x508, 1:1, d2c78ad7fefa87dd20ecbbd3a3….jpg)


Trippy trips bakes

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6d5315  No.12056636

The World is Here.

The message must bypass the MSM.

Let light guide you.

Test Device 6.


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3d8ffb  No.12056637


UK Health & Safety Executive tested masks and concluded that N95 masks were the most effective. KN95 don't meet European standards though.


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362633  No.12056638


Military Commissions - Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al Qosi (2nd DuBay)

As of 12/10/2020

On December 10, 2020, the following document was posted:

AE009E: Government In Court Submission

A copy of this file is now available on the Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al Qosi (2nd DuBay) Military Commissions Case page of this website.

Military Commissions - Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi

As of 12/10/2020

On December 10, 2020, the following document was posted:

AE178A: Government Response to Defense Motion to Abate Proceedings Until All Current Members of the Defense Team Receive Required Security Clearances

A copy of this file is now available on the Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi Military Commissions Case page of this website.

Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 12/10/2020

On December 10, 2020, the following documents were posted:

AE399G: UNCLASSIFIED NOTICE Government Notice of Electronic Monitoring Capabilities in Attorney-Client Meeting Spaces

AE419: Defense Notice of Classified Filing Defense Motion to Disqualify the Office of the Chief Prosecutor and Dismiss Without Prejudice, Parts 1 through 3

Copies of these files are now available on the Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.

Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 12/10/2020

On December 4, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE653II (WBA): Mr. bin 'Atash's Response to AE 653HH(GOV), Government Notice Regarding Matters Identified in AE 653GG, Trial Conduct Order

Additionaly, on December 8, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE653-11 (MFL)(KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for Leave to File a Supplement to AE 653Y (KSM) and/or to File a Sur-reply to AE 653BB GOV) in Response to Government Motion For Adoption of a Plan to Resume Proceedings at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay,Cuba [653K (GOV)]

Finally, on December 9, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE809A (GOV): Government Response To Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Compel Additional Necessary UFIs

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of security review.

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51e2ef  No.12056639

File: 37c981e806340e8⋯.png (4.72 KB, 488x61, 8:1, cl1ai.PNG)

File: 8dc230a3b9b6d83⋯.png (4.9 KB, 513x64, 513:64, cl2ai.PNG)

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a7df9d  No.12056640

Bannon: …we're going to talk about the details on how Rudy Giuliani, Boris, and Jenna Ellis, are going to execute, execute, execute, on the action plan.

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86c766  No.12056641





I've seen a lot of mushrooms like what this santa holds and I've never ever seen a hammer that looks anywhere near to what he holds.

So I'll ask you, what do (you) see exactly in this picture apart from your extrapolation/wishful thinking? Do you see or do you only "see"? "Knowingly"?

Best wishes in this Yuletide, anon.


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301309  No.12056642


which is what? Who's going to be the next POTUS? We all know Biden cheated. Didn't Q say something like we won't allow another traitorous SOB in there again?

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39cab3  No.12056643

File: f92c6f1902169cd⋯.jpg (22.35 KB, 255x254, 255:254, qp2jlv9r.jpg)

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605e97  No.12056644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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362633  No.12056645


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 12/9/2020

On December 9, 2020, the following documents were filed:

AE342 (SUP): Defense Supplement to AE 342: Defense Motion to Compel the Convening Authority to Grant Testimonial Immunity to Mr. Abdul Al Salam Al-Hilah

AE423D: Defense Notice of Objections to AE 423C, Government Notice in Response to AE 423 Scheduling Order

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Military Commissions - Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi

As of 12/8/2020

On December 8, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE184D: Defense Motion for Leave to File a Response to AE 184A, Government Motion to Strike Portions of AE 184, Out of Time

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Military Commissions - Majid Shoukat Khan

As of 12/8/2020

On December 7, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE048I: Government Response To AE 048G, Defense Motion for Partial Reconsideration of AE 048B, Litigation Schedule Order

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 12/7/2020

On December 4, 2020, the following document was filed:

AE425A: Government Response to AE 425, Defense Motion to Compel DNA Testing Data and Laboratory Information

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

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115491  No.12056646


Dig, shit post, lurk, rest…. Wash, Rinse, Repeat

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817b91  No.12056647

File: b5a38a0e706c489⋯.jpeg (86.97 KB, 1080x1092, 90:91, 1578708726.jpeg)

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3e79c8  No.12056648

File: 113bc5fd6d3a686⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 270x187, 270:187, Ayy_Lmao.jpg)

File: f0a4dbd985337d2⋯.png (687.68 KB, 819x514, 819:514, AyyLmao.png)

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155f1c  No.12056649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Never let them take your smile.

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447e76  No.12056650

File: aed798b1f532355⋯.png (220.69 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Niacin2.png)

File: 165828d0aa07d95⋯.png (144.84 KB, 598x471, 598:471, Niacin2.png)


Also try qresear.ch and qanon.news/archives

They should give you some more stuff to work with.

Also, for cures…you'll need to think on the larger frame of things…think why big pharma exists and how they operate. Think patents. Think natural medicine.

Colloidal silver

Niacin (see pics and look up the individual below…he has Twitter but is shadowbanned)


There's a thread on the comms board on natural medicine but I use earthclinic.com. Some good stuff there.

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f1ed7e  No.12056651

File: 228fe15be646252⋯.png (348.74 KB, 563x590, 563:590, CrookedAssSmile.png)



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abc87b  No.12056652

>>12055660 (PB)

Nah, that's what happens when you treat the Bible like a buffet ... taking just the parts you like and ignoring the rest.

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ff9aea  No.12056653

File: 06acc2ee8b130c6⋯.png (29.22 KB, 1684x396, 421:99, Screenshot_2020_12_16_10_U….png)

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cd1f78  No.12056654

File: 19737dfd139fc83⋯.jpg (309.78 KB, 1220x752, 305:188, tunein.jpg)

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b8ca4f  No.12056655


It is, 2 shrooms. Never looked at it that close. kek

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78b5dc  No.12056656

File: 038b53923c48e8b⋯.png (1.65 MB, 2278x3025, 2278:3025, Tying_the_entire_plan_toge….png)

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066b68  No.12056657

File: 7f3e2653e61cdc1⋯.jpg (144.29 KB, 963x652, 963:652, aborted_fetal_tissue.jpg)

File: 6d26d3eb95afb0a⋯.jpg (64.76 KB, 661x467, 661:467, b213999432.jpg)

File: 6fdc251ab0b3bad⋯.png (100.7 KB, 438x502, 219:251, Screenshot_from_2020_12_16….png)

File: 6653dae54444873⋯.png (159.18 KB, 437x392, 437:392, Screenshot_from_2020_12_16….png)

File: 46d1c8c2c8a7357⋯.png (125.64 KB, 1321x644, 1321:644, Screenshot_from_2020_12_14….png)


Human Fetal Tissue is used in a Vaccines. WI-38 & MRC5 Search that on DuckDcukGo. You will find out the TRUTH. YouTube and Google hide this information. Abortion & Vaccines are the same Industry.

DuckDuckGo Search Result


HEK 293T cells & WI-38 & MRC5 Fetal Tissue in Vaccines:

Just some research

Coreill Selling Human Aborted Fetal mTissue:


Regeneron & Aborted Human Fetal Stem Cells:


PBS just puts it right out there unafraid and unashamed:


Republican Oversight Committee:


More Govt. Testimony:






Christian Post Article:


Catholic News Agency Article:


The Federalist Article:


BoomLive Article:


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00a5db  No.12056658


couch person 1 is 3 degrees

couch person 2 is 4 degrees

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038bcf  No.12056659


>Too bad so many are RN’s and MD’s. Not bad people. Trusting and misguided. Not malevolent.

50% of nurses surveyed said they would not take it. I work at a Medical School and the other day, a virology professor who is the University's spokesperson to the MEDIA on all things COVID gave a presentation to the faculty on how to deal with the public about COVID. Not a single word was mentioned about the science behind these vaccines nor their safety. He literally provided us with pointers on what to say to the public to convey how important it is to take the vaccine and especially the booster that comes weeks later. He literally said that the take home message should be this, "Science ROCKS and if it were available to me today, I would run down to the hospital and get it." I shit you not! So, my attitude is this, if you are stupid enough to have this much blind faith in scientism (NOT real science), then you deserve the consequences of your hubris.

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56089d  No.12056660


about an hour, if you dont knoiw the dosage dont until you read more

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68d1ef  No.12056661




I don't care what the haterz say.

Bringing down the old banner and letting Anons come up with their own new takes on Iwo was a great thing.

I knew there was talent here, but damn I didn't know they were that good.

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899719  No.12056663

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f82f8c  No.12056664



>I like collecting these banners

I like making them.

Let me know if you have an idea for another "badge".

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3e79c8  No.12056665

File: 93a338a30069afc⋯.jpg (269.34 KB, 1150x1374, 575:687, A_Celestial_Portrayal.jpg)

File: b62ce2cc7a5f1e6⋯.jpeg (53.74 KB, 605x765, 121:153, A_Trump_Valentine.jpeg)



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cfe930  No.12056666


Also Australlan instead of Australian.

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cf96b5  No.12056667


Section 254 - Proclamation to disperse

Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

10 U.S.C. § 254

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447e76  No.12056668



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ae7080  No.12056669

File: fd413faf43209fb⋯.png (886.9 KB, 910x587, 910:587, fd413faf43209fb7c6c008109f….png)


Buy this anon a drink!

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26e17f  No.12056670

File: 24846bd52ef7e97⋯.png (14.09 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice snipe bruh



Man the shilling has become of such low quality, what a waste to spend your life and energy on sh!tty code

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ff9aea  No.12056671


I was disqualified from service when I tried almost 20 years ago. How can I help now?

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b1e705  No.12056672

File: 964df27ea31bcc5⋯.png (46.21 KB, 244x415, 244:415, Rubber_Suit_Hoe_0128_98275….png)

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6ad9ac  No.12056673

File: d4044f914a4a972⋯.jpg (13.7 KB, 474x248, 237:124, downloadfile_10_1_.jpg)

File: 1cdb9aec4788fa4⋯.jpg (55.51 KB, 873x829, 873:829, Total_Turd.jpg)


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9d4337  No.12056674

File: 0b74bf4f51620b1⋯.png (118.75 KB, 318x362, 159:181, Screen_Shot_2020_12_16_at_….png)

>>12055770 (lb)



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76e48e  No.12056675

File: 358164c460c560a⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, The_Ball_.mp4)

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b3073f  No.12056676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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817b91  No.12056677

File: 11b1d39d967ee68⋯.png (766.71 KB, 1025x1361, 1025:1361, Memeto_1602775861864.png)

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066b68  No.12056678


Check this research I found the other night. Can't believe that iit is out there BOLD plain as day.


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cd1f78  No.12056679

File: 6fa7ab19b169ef3⋯.png (466.51 KB, 510x750, 17:25, shitface.png)

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a6a9c5  No.12056680

File: f770e7ad163087d⋯.png (581.82 KB, 754x431, 754:431, Ivanka_triangle.png)


Triangle symbology highlighted.

See also:


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c13bed  No.12056681

File: 473559a24183d3a⋯.png (332.99 KB, 1041x743, 1041:743, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 877e35fc46f2019⋯.png (372.45 KB, 1218x1044, 7:6, ClipboardImage.png)


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eeaee0  No.12056682


At this point, and with the resources of the Federal Government to have monitored and captured data, the intelligence of outright election theft and treason shouldn’t even be a question. Doesn’t the NSA have everyfuckingthing? Is the bureaucracy still hiding intel and misrepresenting reality? If it is, everyone has failed in their duty.

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ff9aea  No.12056683


Still makes me laugh no one caught on to this woman calling BLM shitskins…

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78b5dc  No.12056684


My only thing is I don't think the Russians unfucked the 2016 election.

I think patriots did.

Good or bad, Russia intervening in our election will NOT play well with Americans.

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b1e705  No.12056685

File: 7fa39577d5636c2⋯.jpg (53.04 KB, 746x392, 373:196, First_Adulteress_0129_2903….JPG)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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23c9c8  No.12056686


couple Parade Rest's in there

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3ddac9  No.12056687


Majority of my partners in practice are getting the vaccine. I am not.

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850de7  No.12056688

File: 8630d8ed6c09fc7⋯.png (1.98 MB, 991x675, 991:675, ClipboardImage.png)

Sprawling 8-mile-long 'canvas' of ice age beasts discovered hidden in Amazon rainforest


This is horseshit. Check how sharp the images are compsared to ALL other "ancient" ochre paintings in the world.

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ae7080  No.12056689


Good work.

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91f055  No.12056690


Thanks for noticing.

Ariana Grande…Manchester arena bombing.

Madonna…Gloria Vanderbilt 'charm necklace'.

Nancy Pelosi…well shit, need I say moar?

The rest…I'm not sure?

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ff9aea  No.12056691


>>12056109 , >>12056201 , >>12056242 WH Advent COMMS Dec 16th – James Bond’s GOLDFINGER / Q3699

>>12056029 , >>12056091 CBS News Senior Correspondent Catherine Herridge has reported that Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe: "Told CBS News that there was Foreign Election Interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year [2020]."

>>12056190 , >>12056396 Lin Wood Tweets

>>12056227 , >>12056428 Andy Biggs Tweets

>>12055976 MI Attorney Matthew DePerno: Dominion CEO Did Not Tell The Truth About “Sealed and Locked Ballot” Machines In Antrim Co…Photos Taken During Inspection Reveal Missing Seal

>>12055995 Ken Starr: Pennsylvania “Flagrantly Violated” Laws Ahead of Presidential Election

>>12056030 New York Times Hack Attempts to Damage Gateway Pundit, Steve Bannon, Mark Levin and Others – He Ends Up Showing His Ignorance and Bias Instead

>>12056038 Jim Breyer - Blackstone - Rothschilds

>>12056059 Mo Brooks, House GOP To Demand McConnell, Pelosi Launch Congressional Election Integrity Hearings

>>12056069 Money From Facebook’s Zuckerberg Used to Undermine Election, Violate Law: Report

>>12056103 Former Venezuelan National Treasurer and Her Spouse Charged in Connection with International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

>>12056134 Stargate project

>>12056147 CIA Tweets

>>12056185 Twitter To Remove Tweets Containing Vaccine Misinformation

>>12056217 Trump Spy Chief Stirs Dispute Over China Election-Meddling Views

>>12056256 Top Trump aide to leave White House this month

>>12056259 CODEMONKEY Tweets

>>12056290 DoD Tweet, Operation Christmas Drop

>>12056309 China - Maine Gov Connection

>>12056328 COVID Vaccine as a Rapid "Re-education" Program

>>12056335 Based Senator Hawley of MO, telling it like it is

>>12056404 Critical Thinking Skills Exercise, Thoughts?

>>12056406 Heated moment in Senate hearing… Johnson flogs Peters

>>12056468 The historic Geneva Consensus Declaration, signed in October, was the product of an international coalition built under the Trump Administration to achieve better health for women, the preservation of human life, support for the family, and the protection of national sovereignty.

>>12056406 Heated moment in Senate hearing… Johnson flogs Peters

>>12056532 He is a President that supports moms. He's a President that supports life."

>>12056653 Proclamation to disperse

>>12056651 Hunter Biden Signs Deal For Solo Art Show With Georgès Berges

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066b68  No.12056692

The last inoculation that I had was the TETNUS SHOT. I'm not taking NO DaMN VACCINE.

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c13bed  No.12056693



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5e4b8a  No.12056694


Get her the fuck out of my flag.

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600fb1  No.12056695

File: 3e4e22ef1c1637a⋯.jpg (225.74 KB, 402x576, 67:96, chinese_laundry_ticket.jpg)

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155f1c  No.12056696

File: a0c26f67860d9d1⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1361x810, 1361:810, a0c26f67860d9d1be1bd71e501….png)


Chan Shitpost Division.

>apus and pepe with NPC and merchant kvetching in background.

Frenz Don't Burn In The Fire.

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3e79c8  No.12056697

digital activity plummeted… on the ground activity increasing?

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7e74d1  No.12056698

File: e563c0c5bd01307⋯.png (273.25 KB, 671x586, 671:586, ClipboardImage.png)


"The Army will begin issuing its official Combat Cloth Face Covering, or CCFC, to new soldiers next year, the service announced Wednesday.

Army Uniform Board recommended at its summer meeting that a camouflage mask be fielded, and Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville has approved the recommendation."

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cf96b5  No.12056699

File: d42ccd84708e413⋯.jpeg (20.07 KB, 400x302, 200:151, landing.jpeg)

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b1e705  No.12056700

File: 92081e167dea0b7⋯.png (377.28 KB, 735x409, 735:409, Sodom_aka_America_0130_895….png)

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68d1ef  No.12056701


>I like making them.

Ayo hol up.

Did you make most of the new ones or did others make them, too?

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52671b  No.12056703

File: 2496882018cc4e4⋯.jpeg (574.41 KB, 750x1033, 750:1033, 10046624_2718_4C52_8079_4….jpeg)


Picture on POTUS’ desk.


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c5898e  No.12056704

File: 6fefa37c846ad58⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1390x926, 695:463, where_ghv.png)

File: 363656c931b53a2⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1390x926, 695:463, where_ghv2.png)

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66febf  No.12056705


>"the end of the world is near".

Wrong. As wrong as people saying "God helps those who help themselves". It's a lie. Remember the Words: on earth, as it is in Heaven, Thy will be done.

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3e79c8  No.12056706


Wasnt there a seige of Johanesberg africka?

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78c8b5  No.12056707


Finger paint?

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d79b86  No.12056708

File: bd359eb6210dd38⋯.jpg (236.54 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20201216_172216….jpg)


Like 17 and Diggs!!!!

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e47ad0  No.12056709

File: d95a712660ff453⋯.png (452.8 KB, 797x369, 797:369, mth.png)

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899719  No.12056710


Some other art critics were not so enthusastic. Jerry Saltz, New York Magazine critic, described Hunter’s work as

“Generic Post Zombie Formalism illustration”.

December 15, 2020



While the DOJ probes Hunter Biden’s work with Ukrainian energy company Burisma, President-elect Joe Biden’s son is focusing on his first solo art show.

Sources tell Page Six that Hunter is inking a deal as an artist to be represented by New York’s Georges Bergès Gallery. An announcement and exhibition of his work is being planned for next year.

The 50-year-old revealed earlier this year how his art — making blown ink abstractions on paper — has helped him battle addiction and cope with media attention.

Hunter told The New York Times in February that painting “is literally keeping me sane,” he said, adding, “For years I wouldn’t call myself an artist. Now I feel comfortable saying it.”

Painting “puts my energy toward something positive,” he continued, “It keeps me away from people and places where I shouldn’t be.”

Working from a studio in a pool house in the Hollywood Hills, he uses a metal straw to blow alcohol ink onto Japanese Yupo paper. “I want to protect this place,” he said. “The one thing I have left is my art. It’s the one thing they can’t take away from me or conflate with anything else.”

The piece added that Hunter had set out at the end of 2019 to find gallery representation and exhibit his work.

Some other art critics were not so enthusastic. Jerry Saltz, New York Magazine critic, described Hunter’s work as “Generic Post Zombie Formalism illustration”.

He told Artnet News of his advice to the budding artist, “Lose the big signature at once; forget the Kusama dots altogether; experiment with the surface and color and tools. Really consider the whole-page as a space and not make everything derivative all-over composition. The background doesn’t always have to be white, you big baby.”

Georges Bergès has a gallery in SoHo and another in Berlin and also reps Sly Stallone — for whom the gallery staged his first solo show — and Todd Williamson.

The gallery did not respond to multiple requests for comment and Hunter’s attorney George Mesires didn’t get back to us.

Hunter revealed last week that the Justice Department is investigating his taxes while he held a lucrative seat on Burisma’s board.

The new information indicates the probe into Hunter will examine a wide swath of his international pursuits, the Associated Press reported, citing a person familiar with the case.

Biden, who is assembling his Cabinet and administration in anticipation of entering the White House on Jan. 20, said he is “proud of my son.”

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066b68  No.12056711

File: bf96434936a9257⋯.png (90.38 KB, 228x299, 228:299, Screenshot_from_2020_12_07….png)


If yo ass has never been engaged or married, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

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9ed39f  No.12056712


"I ain''t gonna take it no mo!" He yells as Rothschild employee George Soros shoves the pay pouch up his ass.

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f999eb  No.12056713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If they ask you to take the vaccine, play this Q video for them and sing along.

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b1e705  No.12056714

File: cfa8acb675c73ce⋯.png (326.89 KB, 449x490, 449:490, Hey_Hey_Hoe_Hoe_0131_34645….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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f82f8c  No.12056715

File: 48f77d8827458d5⋯.jpg (95.93 KB, 893x677, 893:677, Trump_Generals.jpg)


>Who was standing where this piece of paper is?

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39cab3  No.12056716


Quit fucking around and get serious.

This is not a game

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cfe930  No.12056717


Brlde instead of Bride

Kllled instead of Killed

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899719  No.12056718

File: 56e807b036f2e9c⋯.jpg (63.93 KB, 679x382, 679:382, cWQwuOcI.jpg)


Some other art critics were not so enthusastic. Jerry Saltz, New York Magazine critic, described Hunter’s work as

“Generic Post Zombie Formalism illustration”.

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b8ca4f  No.12056719


WTF with the anime borderline cp you nasty fuck

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7e74d1  No.12056720


Raise your hand if you think you're a super-duper spy sleuth able to decode "comms" in public tweets sent by Dan Scavino that the enemy will NEVER figure out.

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6c97ca  No.12056721

File: 338e03ab15da08b⋯.png (3.73 MB, 1792x828, 448:207, 473CA09B_B86A_41A3_971D_B2….png)

It’s happening


Ratcliffe better not fuck it up

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68d1ef  No.12056722



Yeah, right.

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023496  No.12056723


so fucking gay. yOu still doing this? fuck.

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f1ed7e  No.12056724


how to launder money for idiots…

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af6f0d  No.12056725

File: 67f1642e12a8757⋯.jpg (105.83 KB, 499x495, 499:495, Q_A.jpg)

File: ef1db7b52562125⋯.jpg (137.67 KB, 597x476, 597:476, 777.jpg)

File: 8354eef749d336a⋯.jpg (152.53 KB, 499x709, 499:709, NSA_hw.jpg)

File: 554e10283be4444⋯.jpg (113.28 KB, 500x490, 50:49, urgent_mr_pig.jpg)

File: f1a7ac9d31f2cad⋯.jpg (84.19 KB, 500x526, 250:263, omg_SATAN.jpg)

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f2a086  No.12056726

>>12055302 pb

I would say pretty high. We are reaching a boiling point here and people are sick and fucking tired of dealing wih these pedo satanists.

How awoke are people in Croatia?

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89d7bc  No.12056727


Because nothing says "you are safe in a firefight" like a camo mask.

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899719  No.12056728


ghey as fuck

anime porn shill

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3c23b1  No.12056729



in Amazon rainforest?

Don't lose yourself.

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585908  No.12056730

why is bannon's warroom talking bout ken starr as a spec prosecutor?

military is only way.

what's the point.

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115491  No.12056731



DTaP…. Look it up….. It's a vaccine.

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b19248  No.12056732

File: 358e607441656eb⋯.png (379.43 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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ff9aea  No.12056733


>>12056109 , >>12056201 , >>12056242 WH Advent COMMS Dec 16th – James Bond’s GOLDFINGER / Q3699

>>12056029 , >>12056091 C. Herridge has reported that DNI Ratcliffe: "Told CBS News that there was Foreign Election Interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year [2020]."

>>12056190 , >>12056396 Lin Wood Tweets

>>12056227 , >>12056428 Andy Biggs Tweets

>>12055976 MI Attorney Matthew DePerno: Dominion CEO Did Not Tell The Truth About “Sealed and Locked Ballot” Machines In Antrim Co…Photos Taken During Inspection Reveal Missing Seal

>>12055995 Ken Starr: Pennsylvania “Flagrantly Violated” Laws Ahead of Presidential Election

>>12056030 New York Times Hack Attempts to Damage Gateway Pundit, Steve Bannon, Mark Levin and Others – He Ends Up Showing His Ignorance and Bias Instead

>>12056038 Jim Breyer - Blackstone - Rothschilds

>>12056059 Mo Brooks, House GOP To Demand McConnell, Pelosi Launch Congressional Election Integrity Hearings

>>12056069 Money From Facebook’s Zuckerberg Used to Undermine Election, Violate Law: Report

>>12056103 Former Venezuelan National Treasurer and Her Spouse Charged in Connection with International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

>>12056134 Stargate project

>>12056147 CIA Tweets

>>12056185 Twitter To Remove Tweets Containing Vaccine Misinformation

>>12056217 Trump Spy Chief Stirs Dispute Over China Election-Meddling Views

>>12056256 Top Trump aide to leave White House this month

>>12056259 CODEMONKEY Tweets

>>12056290 DoD Tweet, Operation Christmas Drop

>>12056309 China - Maine Gov Connection

>>12056328 COVID Vaccine as a Rapid "Re-education" Program

>>12056335 Based Senator Hawley of MO, telling it like it is

>>12056404 Critical Thinking Skills Exercise, Thoughts?

>>12056406 Heated moment in Senate hearing… Johnson flogs Peters

>>12056468 The historic Geneva Consensus Declaration, signed in October, was the product of an international coalition built under the Trump Administration to achieve better health for women, the preservation of human life, support for the family, and the protection of national sovereignty.

>>12056406 Heated moment in Senate hearing… Johnson flogs Peters

>>12056532 He is a President that supports moms. He's a President that supports life."

>>12056653 Proclamation to disperse

>>12056651 Hunter Biden Signs Deal For Solo Art Show With Georgès Berges

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

155f1c  No.12056734


I'm sorry your line aged like milk, but those are faces of adults.

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cae300  No.12056735

File: 7e43782b79f5149⋯.png (179.41 KB, 500x582, 250:291, ClipboardImage.png)

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03312b  No.12056736


How does a person spell Johannesburg correctly,

and misspell Africa? Really an odd observation.

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39cab3  No.12056737

File: 08202a4b6b31866⋯.png (68.18 KB, 71x405, 71:405, ClipboardImage.png)



Either Her or Andrew Jackson

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1f857f  No.12056738


I still think he won ALL 50

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e65596  No.12056739

File: ab210452ff27a71⋯.png (263.95 KB, 621x373, 621:373, Screenshot_from_2020_12_16….png)


Janet Mills is a communist cunt

Janet Mills paid to track where you drive, ride & walk – now her climate group can get the data

by Maine Examiner 12/13/2019 | 6:04 0 Posted in Blaine House, Maine News, News, State House

Photo of Gov. Janet Mills before her UN Climate Council speech.

AUGUSTA – The latest chapter in Governor Janet Mills’ crusade to impact global climate change via the tiny population and economy of the state of Maine began on your cell phone in April of 2019 and you probably didn’t even know it.

Presentation slides and screen recordings from a recent meeting of the Transportation Working Group of Governor Janet Mills’ Maine “Climate Council” show that the Mills administration has been tracking where you drive, walk, or ride a bike and the data will be eagerly provided to the individuals working in Mills’ climate change group at the urging of Maine DOT.

During Janet Mills’ campaign for Governor in 2018, a video was released and widely distributed showing Mills discussing what opponents labeled a “track and tax” approach to raising revenue from Maine drivers. As the idea went, the miles a Mainer drove would be logged in a tracking system, and Mainers would eventually pay a tax for the number of miles they drove on Maine roads.

This spring, the tracking component of a potential “track and tax” plan went into place, with the Mills administration quietly hiring a firm to track the movements of Maine’s drivers.

Records from a November meeting of a working group of Mills’ Maine Climate Council show Kara Aguilar, an Assistant Engineer from Maine DOT, telling members of the Climate Council that Maine DOT can tell them where vehicles begin their trips and their eventual destinations, how fast they drove, how long trips took and even provide data on their turning movements.

The data, according to Aguilar, can also infer the purpose of the trip. Speaking during a slide presentation that listed the capabilities and limitations of the state’s system, Aguilar said she had not listed “all of the capabilities” of the system.

Instead, Aguilar indicated that she chose to list the capabilities currently being used by Maine DOT. Aguilar also said that the system can access demographic data on drivers.

“There is data available from the Department of Transportation and beyond at this group’s beck and call whenever you want it,”Kane told the group.

According to online documentation provided by the vendor that Maine has hired to do driver tracking and other information, the state can track drivers through apps and other methods. Among those methods are apps on smart phones that allow access to GPS data, which many drivers have not been aware they were providing, and standalone vehicle GPS units.

StreetLight Data, the San Francisco based firm hired by Maine DOT, goes further than most other companies in that they match their GPS data to additional data to provide additional layers of insight into the data they collect.

According to StreetLight’s own website, “StreetLight InSight® metrics include inferred income, race, education, and family status at the neighborhood level to enrich your perspective on travel patterns.” The firm says it anonymizes data to protect the privacy of individuals but some privacy watchdogs and civil liberties groups are critical of the practice, saying they doubt the data can truly be kept anonymous.

That could well be the case in Maine where some neighborhoods or regions contain a limited number of residences and don’t provide the kind of raw numbers that could cloak drivers in anonymity even if the firm tried.

fucking evil troll cunt

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a9a4f4  No.12056740


>Wasnt there a seige of Johanesberg africka?

Where's Grammar Cat?!

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c1585d  No.12056741

File: 2078bc8f31ef04f⋯.jpg (94.08 KB, 454x499, 454:499, caf.jpg)

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6a14db  No.12056742


It's almost as if Patriots need to be protesting 365 days a year to achieve self-governance.

Because our vote doesn't matter, DS actors are installed every election.

And then we get kangaroo courts, disinformation, and politicians working with the media, many of whom are CIA assets.

The people have lost control, and they aren't even noticing the writing on the walls.

A revolution seems to be the only way.

People can't protest 24/7, our economy would fold.

And if they do it on a schedule, that allows the DS to prepare a defense matrix for them, nullifying the whole point.

This is out of hand.

Bring in the military.

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038bcf  No.12056745


>Majority of my partners in practice are getting the vaccine. I am not.

Thanks for sharing, anon. I will not get it either and will resign if the University requires it

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be0bd6  No.12056746

File: 44f238daa6c5478⋯.jpg (52.02 KB, 573x435, 191:145, Stargate_Jack_Interdasting.jpg)


>Stargate project

I am presently watching this TV series for this reason.

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e4b022  No.12056747

File: 32ea2e246d69701⋯.jpg (725.83 KB, 1387x1106, 1387:1106, catch22_2.jpg)

"They're trying to kill me," Yossarian told him calmly.

"No one's trying to kill you," Clevinger cried.

"Then why are they shooting at me?" Yossarian asked.

"They're shooting at everyone," Clevinger answered. "They're trying to kill everyone."

"And what difference does that make?"

"The country was in peril; he was jeopardizing his traditional rights of freedom and independence by daring to exercise them."

"There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions."

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066b68  No.12056748


Yeah, I know about it. That MUTHERFUCKER hurt like hell. The last one I got. FUCK!

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91f055  No.12056750


She and her's are definately shitting on it!


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b1e705  No.12056751

File: 9deec2e661c69fc⋯.png (29.63 KB, 347x278, 347:278, Sodom_aka_America_0132_342….png)

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44847b  No.12056752

File: dd44b30d03ec60e⋯.png (21.09 KB, 900x683, 900:683, dd44b30d03ec60e0cff73af343….png)


Gina sings like a bird. Because she doesn't want go go to the empty room with 1 chair in the middle.

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28251c  No.12056754


wish I was, impossible to be. But I remain a fighter.

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2cd38c  No.12056755

File: 8e4520ea17f850b⋯.jpg (72.53 KB, 1093x1035, 1093:1035, AOC_3.jpg)

"I have a list!"

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a48c78  No.12056757

File: bc96e8e7313a60f⋯.jpg (479.01 KB, 1640x2048, 205:256, 20201216_144519.jpg)

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c13bed  No.12056760


Fake news narratives and past rigged elections do not set expectations.

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52671b  No.12056761


I’m getting my juices flowing anon. Just throwing out ideas. Chillax

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f18954  No.12056764


A lot of Rs outed themselves of late.

You could say 'we knew' but now they're on the record.

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68d1ef  No.12056766

File: 02ac2826c003270⋯.jpg (199.85 KB, 844x1024, 211:256, Anime_MyOnlyOne.jpg)


I never cared much about anime until I met pic related.

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24cf9d  No.12056767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>12053231 (pb "notable")

>>12055054 (pb "notable")

Look, you ignorant fucks. This shit is tiresome. Watch the video I've attached. The needle is a self-retracting safety syringe. As seen in the major motion picture "Puncture."

This shit is not notable. Nobody "forgot" the syringe. It's not "fake." The video is of an actual intramuscular injection of something into a person's arm.

Jesus some of you are fucking gullible.

I'm self-nominating to correct this retardation.



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30c40e  No.12056768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

someone posted this last bread… 12Million views on the tube, the most out of tune, armature performance i have ever heard. was it meant as a joke?

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b1e705  No.12056769

File: 0859624d2129280⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1053x945, 39:35, Sexually_Agressive_Skanky_….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart https://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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736f4c  No.12056771

File: 99493e067cee82f⋯.png (551.59 KB, 1794x954, 299:159, ShallWePlayGame.png)


Shall We Play A Game?


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e00429  No.12056772

File: 8966856283e3f08⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1003x951, 1003:951, 10a6c1b3912h53aac5c1893081….png)

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c94abd  No.12056774

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b099d9  No.12056775

File: f9666d07c1e1685⋯.png (967.82 KB, 640x800, 4:5, grammar_kitty_watching1.png)



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46f2e1  No.12056777


>A lot of Rs outed themselves of late.

ain't dat da truuf

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e4b022  No.12056778

File: be9ec19f0dfd763⋯.jpg (96.05 KB, 743x708, 743:708, hitlerlist.jpg)

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b8ca4f  No.12056779


fuck off perv

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002221  No.12056781


U not e in Johannesburg, so no he fk'd it up also.

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28251c  No.12056782


yea I have known for a long time lots of Republicans were literal Democrats in disguise and many other are just opportunists for money. Ver sad.

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c4460c  No.12056784


Obummer landed a bunch of somali communists in Maine also.

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6a14db  No.12056786


Someone needs to make a meme of grammar cat taking a smoke break with the caption "I'm getting tired of this shit"

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0318eb  No.12056787



GM on the box. Evergreen tree on the box.

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39b1ae  No.12056788

File: 1e37be7ccd45070⋯.jpg (12.58 KB, 199x255, 199:255, pepeflag1.jpg)


Here have mine

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45970d  No.12056790

File: f0de569a7be51ea⋯.jpeg (97.44 KB, 893x677, 893:677, D5001FE3_4DB4_46C9_A7A4_3….jpeg)

File: a4ff16e2c5417b1⋯.jpeg (112.33 KB, 914x346, 457:173, E7E532EC_0705_43D3_BBC8_4….jpeg)

File: 7e48578cc25e379⋯.jpeg (275.29 KB, 750x569, 750:569, E8C938D6_3D6A_497B_BE28_E….jpeg)


Navy Admiral Harry Harris, position 21

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ea76e1  No.12056792

File: 690087b0ce96de0⋯.jpg (92.8 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, p9sfd623jrng7dfa1ty.jpg)



None are safe

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605e97  No.12056793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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68d1ef  No.12056794


There's only like 17 people in the whole State.

I've met 12 of them and they're all huge libs.

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a9a4f4  No.12056796

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e4b022  No.12056797

File: b24f22093d93b24⋯.jpg (182.46 KB, 576x663, 192:221, rednight4.jpg)

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6a14db  No.12056799


I dream about the stuff we talk about here at least a few times a week.

I never really check out kek

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3b99cb  No.12056800

Martial Law Is Coming: Trump's or Biden's?

POTUS please declare martial law and drain the swamp.

If you do not, I think you will lose. Biden will declare Martial Law and occupy red states where Patriots go active.

So POTUS, we have nothing to lose: Martial Law either way.

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ff9aea  No.12056801



Q Research General #15393: Forgot to name the bread Edition





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a7df9d  No.12056802


Maybe a special prosecutor gets appointed, and is then shown to be corrupt like the rest of the process has been.

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d45107  No.12056803

File: 66e2e3b93d54654⋯.png (85.06 KB, 365x204, 365:204, bird_head.png)

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72fe4c  No.12056805


Money laundering!

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155f1c  No.12056806

File: 3a363dc6a665441⋯.jpg (53.52 KB, 720x610, 72:61, 3a363dc6a665441fe7be29e5f3….jpg)


Besides if some nigger complains about cartoons as pornography, think about the jobs it creates and how it displaces the actual porn industries use of sex slaves and other exploited people.

It's a cartoon, someone has to first have the skill to draw it and secondly it is a cartoon.

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8c226c  No.12056807

File: 40548e5ab56d6b6⋯.jpeg (215.39 KB, 828x645, 276:215, 6CFE1972_749D_4BFB_A4A6_3….jpeg)

DNI report drops @6 today/tomorrow/Friday?

Pretty cool if it did….

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c13bed  No.12056808


Good on Senator Johnson!

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239cb8  No.12056809

File: c2dc684b9031b3a⋯.png (561.13 KB, 1080x1269, 40:47, Screenshot_20201216_142909….png)


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c9a8ad  No.12056810



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745b7a  No.12056811

File: 2ca07f88d1450a8⋯.jpg (456.61 KB, 1059x1442, 1059:1442, Screenshot_20201216_172444….jpg)


Haven't read through the whole thing yet

Google getting taken to Court by TX AG

other States joined.



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585908  No.12056812


stupidest show ever

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d45107  No.12056813


later psychopath

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7e74d1  No.12056814


Biden will not be president; Kamala Harris will be president. She will then pardon Biden, his family and the entire swamp.

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4e7d0b  No.12056815


I betcha the Big Guy didn't like the artsy fartsy side of Hunter. At all, if this is the first hearing of this proclivity.

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45970d  No.12056817


1. Army General Curtis Scaparrotti, Commander, U.S. European Command and NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe

2. Army General Mark Milley, U.S. Army Chief of Staff

3. Marine Corps General Robert Neller, Commandant of the Marine Corps

4. U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Paul Zukunft, Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard

5. Navy Admiral Kurt W. Tidd, Commander, U.S. Southern Command

6. Army General Raymond A Thomas, Commander, US Special Operations Command

7. Marine Corps General Thomas D. Waldhauser, Commander, U.S. Africa Command

8. Air Force General Paul Selva, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

9. Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

10. Defense Secretary James Mattis

11. President Donald Trump

12. Vice President Mike Pence

13. Navy Admiral Michael Rodgers, Director of the National Security Agency

14. Navy Admiral John Richardson, Chief of Naval Operations

15. Army General Joseph Votel, Commander, U.S. Central Command

16. Air Force General David Goldfein, Air Force Chief of Staff

17. Air Force General John E Hyten, Commander, US Strategic Command

18. Air Force General Joseph L. Lengyel, Chief of the National Guard Bureau

19. Air Force General Lori Robinson, Commander, Northern Command and NORAD

20. Patrick M. Shanahan, Deputy Secretary of Defense

21. Navy Admiral Harry Harris, Commander, U.S. Pacific Command

22. Air Force General Darren W McDew, Commander, U.S. Transportation Command

23. U.S. Coast Guard Vice Admiral Karl Schultz, Commander, Atlantic Area


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39cab3  No.12056818



>My fellow Americans….

–Joe Biden

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7e74d1  No.12056819


Well we had insight already into how that's going to go.

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ff9aea  No.12056820



Q Research General #15393: Forgot to name the bread Edition





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79e5a3  No.12056821

File: 565012707a09911⋯.png (65.42 KB, 180x279, 20:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 565012707a09911⋯.png (65.42 KB, 180x279, 20:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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b8ca4f  No.12056823


kiddie porn cartoons are illegal moran

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2cd38c  No.12056824

File: 731d536ad57c84f⋯.jpg (86.18 KB, 620x428, 155:107, HRC_accident.jpg)

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9d4337  No.12056825


helluva shot there anon, you caught Mitch in a moment showing just how much he and his ds cohorts hates POTUS.

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d10ebd  No.12056826


Isn't 18 now?

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c13bed  No.12056827


You're not a very good fibber ya know.

Almost as bad as Schifty Schiff.

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03312b  No.12056828















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899719  No.12056829

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28251c  No.12056830


Supreme Court won't do it

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2368ef  No.12056831



It sounds to me like you want to see children in everything even remotely sexualized.

We are not obligated to fight the demons in your own soul, there, glownig.

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066b68  No.12056833

PNEUMONIA is the thing everyone should be worried about. That SHIT will kill you. I almost died of that SHIT

FLU 33 x times & PNEUMONIA 2 x times in the same year.

IF you can survive PNEUMONIA, you can survive any damn thing.

This Coronavirus, CoVid-19, C-19, Kung Flu, China Virus AIN'T SHIT.

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39cab3  No.12056834




Last place for free speech.

Should we shut it down?

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d45107  No.12056835


maggot infestation.


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c13bed  No.12056836


"No filters" - Q

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37dc55  No.12056837

File: 4f4a653846de3e2⋯.jpg (133.3 KB, 576x825, 192:275, Tactical_Pepe.jpg)

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91f055  No.12056838

File: c3620ffde5fa051⋯.png (156.57 KB, 265x251, 265:251, Screenshot_2020_12_16_Q_Re….png)


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155f1c  No.12056839

File: 156c38ef21f0044⋯.png (179.32 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2ef5419f6f6424dd5a7361d26b….png)



>immediately considers cp

>assumes i mean illegal shit

>think mirror


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d49be5  No.12056840


>This Coronavirus, CoVid-19, C-19, Kung Flu, China Virus AIN'T SHIT.


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c9a8ad  No.12056843


Captcha was suppose to stop this..

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b8ca4f  No.12056844


DIAF pervert

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7e74d1  No.12056845


I had Pneumonia 19

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899719  No.12056846



free speech board

New here? Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

For those new to 8kun (Newfags)

We are happy you joined us. However, you need to be aware you are entering a Free Speech board. 99.95% of the internet is tailored to high-civility and/or mainstream speak. The chans are the ONE public forum where uncensored participation is allowed with no barriers to entry. You must understand how precious that is. If you don't, please reflect that Q most certainly does, and that WE made this board what it is. This can make you feel disoriented, because you are probably coming off internet areas where censorship is the jackboot rule of the day, but the reverse is true here. Illegal content and spam is the only exception, and will be removed by a Board Moderator or Global Moderator.

We know it can be tough. There is no one lurking behind the scenes to decide for you what you should see and shouldn't see. It is up to YOU to decide for yourself and look or not look. You will be expected to use your own brain and filter those things you don't wish to see, by not looking at them. Its a very adult concept, but no one is here to make you happy. You do not have a right not to be offended. You do not have a right to be 'comfortable'. Everyone has a guaranteed right to Freedom of Speech. 'Inappropriate', 'offensive,' and 'problematic' are words that do not exist here. YOU are responsible for what YOU look at and how YOU feel about it; NO ONE ELSE IS. You can choose to look or not look, read or not read. If you do read something you don't like, then remove it from behind your eyeballs yourself and move on. It is your fault if you allow a thing you don't like to sit in your head and take root and make you feel offended. We do not care if you are offended. We don't want to hear about it. Do not tell us if you are offended.

Everyone here is anonymous. We care about your ideas and your words and the value of what you say. We value your contributions. We don't care who you are, what your race or gender is, and we do not want to know. The game of identity politics is not played here. Here, we really are equal, and equally anonymous. 8kun is different than the rest of the internet. You will probably feel shell-shocked. We know, that's why we're giving you advice. Steady yourself and hang on to something! And get ready to remember how amazing it is to be master of your own experience.

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d45107  No.12056847


He won all 57 states, ffs.

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ff9aea  No.12056848


Free speech board whiny nigger faggot.

"I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It"

-Someone smarter than you.

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66febf  No.12056849


NO. His father is in on it. Big cut for the Big Guy.

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d49be5  No.12056850


Jews shill against anime

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ea76e1  No.12056851

File: 8a9848fd85a8696⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1200x460, 60:23, PP933etrtv66bn87.jpg)


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79e5a3  No.12056852


How to Dehumanize the Goyim

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621167  No.12056855

File: afbea00c6342b2e⋯.png (103.87 KB, 800x769, 800:769, f66b6309e165e94f179ce6191f….png)

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457af8  No.12056856

File: 57fd7055193ce1c⋯.png (3.3 MB, 1474x1272, 737:636, ClipboardImage.png)

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066b68  No.12056857




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183f6e  No.12118240


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183f6e  No.12118244


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183f6e  No.12118250


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183f6e  No.12118254


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