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File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 250x140, 25:14, b583bfbcb1d9f492d74d71052d….jpg)

555c66  No.11605760[Last 50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Tuesday 11.3.2020

>>11422223 ————————————–——– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom (CAP: >>11422540)

Monday 11.02.2020

>>11414108 ————————————–——– Trump campaign statement on democrat plans to delegitimize Election Day results (Cap: >>11414149)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown (new link needed)

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d867dc  No.11605777

File: d2dde063516c21b⋯.png (137.61 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 011ae1a1d22c2c9e3295bb2913….png)

We are what they craft their attacks against~

Censored? Insightful~

Suppressed? Influential~

Hated? Truthful~

Attacked? Feared~

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555c66  No.11605780

Global Announcements

>>11575284 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>11573863 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

>>11571687 FAQ: What happens next in the presidential election process?

>>11554462, >>11581339, >>11581512 FBI: Exposure to child sexual abuse material can lead you or your child to feel disgusted, sad, and shocked. You may have nightmares or trouble concentrating. You are not alone. (FBI Link on Twitter doesn’t work. Here is correct link https://www.missingkids.org/content/dam/missingkids/pdfs/NCMEC_0022-20_CSAM%20Brochure_Digital.pdf


>>11519368 Anons should prepare dancing Trump meme for Victory day

>>11519053 , >>11519249 Suggestion: that this video where Sidney Powell talks to Lou Dobbs about Hammer and Scorecard being used to rig vote count be put in Globals.

>>11518144 Please send all documented evidence of dominion, ballot destruction, ballot alteration or other fraud to Project Veritas and djt.co/stopfraud.

>>11500923, >>11500955 Trump tweet thread - This is what we know

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11605679 , >>11605649, >>11605755, Kentucky Police code changes 2019 show alot of stuff about abortion, sex with animals/corpses, and organ harvesting

>>11605723 Speech - Lord Mark Malloch-Brown

>>11605650 BYE BIDEN…..when they find errors in MI then all the other states will get audited

>>11605623 Relevant given what's happening here…

>>11605525 Patricia Cronan Malloch-Brown is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown's wife; she has American and British citizenship

>>11605506 Malloch Brown has been closely associated with billionaire speculator George Soros WIKI

>>11605375 LINK to thread on Mark Malloch Brown

>>11605334 , >>11605502, Truman Black posted this great election map and voter fraud analysis info

>>11605313 Malloch-Brown Global Board Member



>>11605290 Outstanding article that lays out everything we have seen and lived through

>>11605389 The Epoch Times “How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World,”

>>11605357 , >>11605321, >>11605414, The point is the point man, Think [J C] re the space between J and C.

>>11605112 , >>11605345, Oct 2, 2020, POTUS said "Going welI, I think! Thank you to all. LOVE!!!" The second L in well being an upper case I.

>>11605317 , >>11605372, Thomas Paine

>>11605303 , >>11605122, >>11605330, >>11605353, >>11605373, Soros' BFF Mark Malloch Brown

>>11605258 , >>11605266, Where’s the picture of Hunter Biden’s email that involves Soros and ballot machines? Call to dig

>>11605257 , >>11605313, >>11605338, >>11605365, Malloch-Brown back in February

>>11605241 Joe Biden’s chief of staff pick said elections are rigged

>>11605234 Mark Taylor Stands Strong, "Trump Has Already Won!"

>>11605319 , >>11605209, >>11605265, >>11605326, >>11605519, CM forgot his apostrophe ', but Rudy seemed to have an extra one (for him?)

>>11605192 , >>11605242, Gen. Robert Spalding on "IF" the CCP Interfered in the U.S. Election

>>11605165 , >>11605176, They Warned Us

>>11605144 , >>11605145, The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

>>11605139 POTUS Dominion "It" twat 11:17 Scavino 10:26 9 minute difference CM Dominion Twat thread No. 9 "overrun" injection

>>11605135 Hopkins Case

>>11605132 Daniel Scavino Jr.

>>11605164 , >>11605334, >>11605502, Truman Black posted this great election map and voter fraud analysis info

>>11605140 , >>11605122, >>11605088, >>11605068, >>11605126, >>11605142, Dominion Voting Systems leads you to Smartmatic which leads you to Mark Malloch Brown. Who is he? He's the best friend of George Soros.


>>11605041 , >>11605063, >>11605075, Lawsuit against youtube free speech

>>11605023 MAGA Patriots USA

>>11605773 #14817

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555c66  No.11605782



>>11604873 , >>11604830, CM What we have learned so far from reading the Dominion Voting System manual

>>11604815 Dan Scavino

>>11604924 THEN-VP BIDEN addressed a high-faulting CAN-USA audience of deep state players. Trudeau intro'd BIDEN.

>>11604805 March For Trump in Washington, DC

>>11604754 Members of Congress Have a New Strategy for Ethics Investigations: Stonewalling

>>11604742 Ron's twitter acct may be in danger of imminently disappearing. Collected his very recent Dominion tweets here

>>11604702 Rigged Election Exposed Through LAWSUITS | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 85

>>11604665 , >>11604709, >>11604712, >>11604807, High-ranking Air Force officer charged with sexually assaulting civilian woman

>>11604654 Colorado health agency deleted emails on pandemic

>>11604641 BOOM: President Trump Tweets that Dominion Attempted to Alter Our Election and Got Caught

>>11604640 IT (information technology) attempted to steal …

>>11604635 Lucile Bridges dead at 86

>>11604617 , >>11604623, FAKE NEWS Why Trump’s challenges have failed to prove election fraud for keks

>>11604593 , >>11604642, CM Reminder

>>11604584 Republican leader speaks regarding recent comments about voter fraud allegations

>>11604537 Scott Morrison reveals the Liberal’s strategy for covering up corruption after the new Federal ICAC comes into force

>>11604533 Schneider pleads guilty to bribing multiple officials at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to influence contracts for Communications Resource, Inc.

>>11604526 , >>11604547 Googled “pac’s” and third link was OpenSecrets.org

>>11604503 Facebook now says it expects to continue its ban for a month: Ban on political adverts extended by Google & Facebook as US election rolls on

>>11604477 , >>11604785, Washington counties with a registration rate of 100% or more list

>>11604476 ANON theory: Biden Arrested on Dec 17th 2020 for Election Fraud

>>11604470 US Embassy in Pakistan apologizes for ‘unauthorized post’ predicting PM Khan will lose power after Trump defeat

>>11604454 , >>11604531, Bahrain's crown prince appointed prime minister

>>11604452 CM Ms. Chanel Rion just reached out to me and Ill be talking with her about Dominion tomorrow

>>11604446 Rudy Giuliani spells pac’e (not pace).

>>11604442 BIG dig on Dominion connection Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Soros, British government

>>11604424 , >>11604501, Trudeau coincidentally spoke with Pelosi today in the midst of DominionGate

>>11604416 Arizona Rep. Points Out That the Number of Potential NON-CITIZEN Voters is Higher Than Biden’s Lead in the State

>>11604415 Dominion Voting donated to Clinton campaign

>>11604410 , >>11604747, Do not mistake public 'silence' for inaction

>>11604404 Colorado has no influenza in mid November, odd

>>11604399 ODIN definition

>>11604386 IMPOSSIBLE: GOP Picked Up Seats in House, Picked Up State Legislatures, Picked Up Governorship, Held the Senate — But Sniffy Joe Won?… NOT A CHANCE

>>11604380 What Is Bill Barr Going to Do?

>>11604365 If Congress neglects this 'supervisory power' what steps do WE THE PEOPLE

>>11604349 Biden’s lead in Arizona drops to 11,635 votes

>>11604347 CDPHE said 28 days must pass with no new illnesses

>>11604343 , >>11604372, Franklin Graham: ‘Our Nation Is Under Attack from Within’

>>11604321 , >>11604739, US Color Revolution: The Not So Phantom Menace

>>11604307 (((It)))attempted to alter our election and got caught?


>>11604258 Richard Grenell: Tapper keeps tweeting compliments to Ron Klain - but, of course, Tapper has failed to tweet the part where Klain says elections are rigged. Why?

>>11604950 #14816

Previously Collected Notables

>>11602732 #14813, >>11603381 #14814, >>11604171 #14815

>>11600290 #14810, >>11601060 #14811, >>11601802 #14812

>>11598097 #14807, >>11598777 #14808, >>11599559 #14809

>>11595562 #14804, >>11596295 #14805, >>11596936 #14806

>>11593405 #14801, >>11595646 #14802, >>11594787 #14803

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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555c66  No.11605789

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

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>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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673590  No.11605791

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭1:18-23

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555c66  No.11605795

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ad3d93  No.11605798

anons imma post this right here in fresh bread cuz I dont want to dump it on end of bread so it goes unnoticed.

I found undeniable proof for Codemonkeys ballot hack theory!!!

please download this sample ballot from the official government document center


Then do a document search for keyword 'Repubiican' (with double-i)

It's there!! They fucked around!!!

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06478d  No.11605802


Malloch, Molloch, same same…

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d867dc  No.11605810

File: 7ff317d361ebd75⋯.png (137.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cdd4123605d3a2aec48602ed68….png)

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555c66  No.11605813

File: 5c0109b89a45641⋯.jpg (74.51 KB, 847x500, 847:500, 5c0109b89a456410f8638b769f….jpg)

File: 9fedee2e998d30b⋯.png (2.93 MB, 1506x1087, 1506:1087, 9fedee2e998d30b8a5725bdd81….png)

File: 3f8b2eb936de644⋯.jpeg (626.21 KB, 828x598, 18:13, 3f8b2eb936de64410eba9de11….jpeg)

Baker requests Handoff

Kitchen is offered up



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325709  No.11605817


>Baker requests Handoff

Handoff Confirmed?

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8ca5a3  No.11605824

Lady Patricia Cronan Malloch-Brown… she's still active in US work….worth to Digg

Phonefagging but here's the copypasta from the webpage

Lady Malloch-Brown is an Independent Humanitarian Affairs Consultant based in London. She was the Vice Chair of the Refugees International (RI) Board for 12 years and has been an active supporter since 1986, when she worked at the Sawyer Miller Group, a New York-based strategic and political consulting firm. She is also a co-founder of the Washington Circle, an outreach group targeted at women in Washington, DC, who are interested in humanitarian affairs; the Circle also has groups in New York, Wyoming, Chicago and Boston.

She holds a BA in Political Science from Denison University and a Masters of International Affairs from Columbia University (SIPA). She also served as a Program Officer for Eastern Europe at the Soros Foundation. In this capacity, she worked with a variety of technology exchange and educational programs in Romania, Czechoslovakia, Poland and other eastern European countries.

Current Board memberships include Refugees International; the International Rescue Committee UK; Commissioner of the Women’s Refuge Commission; the Columbia University Scholars Program; The Chiari and Syringomelia Foundation (CSF); and, Co-Chair of the CSF Baltimore and Greater Washington Chapter, Denison University.


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d867dc  No.11605835

File: aebc752b366bc72⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1450x588, 725:294, 94f01522ab7bdee46b0042c912….png)

File: f5364110f24265a⋯.png (136.64 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 08c784d769f3e04305d8ae7a48….png)

File: 9401d9a89346c32⋯.png (113.05 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 533765de10f98b11b83eeb0ca9….png)

File: 3a99dfde0b033c3⋯.png (112.94 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 91fc4930818c4900b6449a63aa….png)

File: 80b09e671e806db⋯.png (129.97 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2ffb3a0c59e9fa85c0877b4420….png)

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0f2296  No.11605841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ThanQ Baker

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325709  No.11605846



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06478d  No.11605848

File: 0fd6dd9b21d5577⋯.jpg (356.6 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_7165.jpg)


Is that the wall in the background?

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0bfa4a  No.11605854


your at 33 percent

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df39a6  No.11605858

…… Witchcraft is, manipulating people through bullshit and fear. ……

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555c66  No.11605860


Handoff Confirmed

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e2b022  No.11605862

File: a90c1416f1c7843⋯.png (610.58 KB, 1018x1272, 509:636, potus.png)

File: 4aee2b71ab0b721⋯.png (101.51 KB, 224x224, 1:1, the_best_disinfectant.png)

File: 2c783aa61f09517⋯.jpg (46.88 KB, 422x422, 1:1, soon.jpg)

File: f114db6cb4239ff⋯.png (396.91 KB, 720x501, 240:167, run.png)

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7f1876  No.11605863


yes that's it also the numbers and GLAD got 404'd off google search

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7b83c9  No.11605864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good night, everybody!

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bd757b  No.11605867

File: 8053bb9735c076e⋯.jpg (53.3 KB, 500x666, 250:333, fu_weed.jpg)

>>11605777 aflb lb

It's extra funny because they created us. We are autists and outliers and misfits because of their manipulation and subversion of our world. We are antibodies born from within western society to fight the Marxist infection.

FU, Globalists!

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e2b022  No.11605873

File: d59473e80823f3f⋯.jpg (1.54 KB, 81x124, 81:124, zoinks.jpg)

File: e17c2bccd090d22⋯.jpg (141.78 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, release_the_kraken.jpg)

File: 3482c773579bc5f⋯.png (1.26 MB, 666x886, 333:443, dats_my_boy.png)

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325709  No.11605874

File: 2f3f4024cb29036⋯.jpg (114.42 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, TANKS_bakes.jpg)

Dough Custody Tracker

>>11605813 Dough

>Baker requests Handoff

>>11605817 anon1 -first to offer

>Handoff Confirmed?

>>11605860 baker -handoff confirmed

>Handoff Confirmed


User ID:325709has the Kitchen

Handoff Tracked

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dd135e  No.11605876

File: cef965c3dbc65c0⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1888x2568, 236:321, ClipboardImage.png)

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d867dc  No.11605877


A telltale sign of evil is justifying its afflicted damage, traitor.

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394afe  No.11605879

Anyone remember “Bailey” on twitter around the time Q was getting started?

I was recalling all the various names and accounts and YouTube channels that came and went in a Blaze of glory. Usually LARPing, but not always.

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d867dc  No.11605880

File: c26a784fa148d11⋯.png (124.27 KB, 200x255, 40:51, ddcbd571b9d18109cfb75080fd….png)

File: 2e0d7c87e5997e4⋯.png (63.2 KB, 173x173, 1:1, e4bcb6d9605f07b3e08354c664….png)

File: 404fe6406b38aca⋯.png (157.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9042e6f53e4e118c02d34a4b8e….png)

File: 41fb6b87ecfebe7⋯.png (52.43 KB, 173x173, 1:1, 4af8f5e5aa5f41f58386ff8aac….png)

File: 1826d5446c8fb3b⋯.png (93.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, db6b0d11e497f4a310eac1b1cc….png)

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325709  No.11605882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Netsky - Secret Agent

Hospital Records

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dfc0c4  No.11605883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5575ac  No.11605884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



All those psych books are really starting to pay big dividends right about now kek

These people are fucking crazy!

Shhhhh! Try not to make eye contact and no sudden movements…

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b8569c  No.11605886

Handoff tracking bakers. CP on the way.

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0bfa4a  No.11605887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

total playtime is 117..

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000000  No.11605890

>>11605334 (/pb)

Something interesting about this map that correlates with the canamproject. This guy has been researching people that disappear in forest and US National Parks State parks etc. There a a lot of patterns hes picking up in the profiles of all these events. Much covered up. One thing in his research is that is interesting is where people are not going missing. This map matches perfectly with the red top to bottom in the middle of the US.

'CanAm Missing Project

Missing 411:


He has a YT channel updating on current cases of missing persons usually in forest / US National parks etc.

Mt. Rainer (recent college professor vanished Oct 8 2020 Other weird shit going down in that area.)

Yosemite ( largest # disappearance cases )

Very interesting research.

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8af708  No.11605891

File: 183cb4330323857⋯.jpg (35.36 KB, 404x500, 101:125, 183cb4330323857976fa159dd1….jpg)

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000000  No.11605893

Dooo doo Dooo

Doober Doober doo!

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5575ac  No.11605895

File: f539b67ef0e5c8d⋯.png (158.66 KB, 586x306, 293:153, 000nsgsgs.png)


Oh! You want some do ya?

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dfc0c4  No.11605897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0bfa4a  No.11605898


thank you..lol

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555c66  No.11605903

File: 8695de68b0b2049⋯.jpg (480.6 KB, 2100x1400, 3:2, 8695de68b0b20491e9c96baecb….jpg)


Thank you bakes


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df39a6  No.11605907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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325709  No.11605908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Handoff tracking bakers. CP on the way.

cp has been here for hours already faggot, BO has been deleting it all night

welcome to the party pal

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a7ef3b  No.11605910


Kek, oh man, are you ever in for a surprise in the coming weeks ;-)

Buckle up!

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b341ed  No.11605914


I remember B - Bailey! I still think she was legit!

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e4df7e  No.11605916

>>11605321 lb

it has something to do with DeGaul and TRudeaus dad

vive le Quebec libre


"Vive le Québec libre!" (French: [vivᵊ ləkebɛk ˈlibʁᵊ], 'Long live free Quebec!') was a phrase in a speech delivered by President Charles de Gaulle of France on July 24, 1967, during an official visit to Canada under the pretext of attending Expo 67 in Montreal, Quebec. While giving an address to a large crowd from a balcony at Montreal City Hall, he uttered "Vive Montréal ! Vive le Québec !" ("Long live Montreal, Long live Quebec!") and then added, followed by loud applause, "Vive le Québec libre !" ("Long live free Quebec!") with particular emphasis on the word libre. The phrase, a slogan used by Quebecers who favoured Quebec sovereignty, was seen as giving his support to the movement. The speech caused a diplomatic incident with Canada's government, and was condemned by Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, saying that "Canadians do not need to be liberated".[1] In France, though many were sympathetic to the cause of Quebec nationalism, de Gaulle's speech was criticized as a breach of protocol.


This statement, coming from the French head of state, was considered a serious breach of diplomatic protocol.[11][12] It emboldened the Quebec sovereignty movement, and produced tensions between the leadership of the two countries.[12] The crowd's reaction to De Gaulle's phrase was emotional and it sparked controversy with many English Canadians afterwards, as they were outraged at the implied threat to Canada's territorial integrity.[11] Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson rebuked de Gaulle with an official statement, delivered to the French Embassy on July 25, and read on national television that evening.[13] He said "The people of Canada are free. Every province in Canada is free. Canadians do not need to be liberated. Indeed, many thousands of Canadians gave their lives in two world wars in the liberation of France and other European countries

The newly appointed Canadian minister of justice, Pierre Trudeau, publicly wondered what the French reaction would have been if a Canadian Prime Minister shouted, "Brittany to the Bretons".[14] From then on, de Gaulle remained unimpressed by Trudeau, saying "Nous n'avons aucune concession, ni même aucune amabilité, à faire à M. Trudeau, qui est l'adversaire de la chose française au Canada." ("We have not one concession, nor even any courtesy, to extend to Mr. Trudeau, who is the enemy of the 'French fact' in Canada.")[17] De Gaulle was also heavily criticized by a large part of the French media for his breach of international protocol, in particular by Le Monde.[18]

Meanwhile, to members of the Quebec sovereignty movement, the speech was viewed as a watershed moment.[12] Occurring soon after the Quiet Revolution, and taking into account the low economic and political state of French Canadians at the time, the support of a foreign head of state seemed to add credibility to the movement in the eyes of many, including future Quebec premier René Lévesque.[19][20]

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000000  No.11605918


autists can't spell so we don't.

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b8569c  No.11605922


Yes, it has.

And these bakers start anew in each bread. Just giving you a head's up. Asswipe. Though you probably are the buddy who will IP hop and begin the posts.

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b341ed  No.11605924


THANK YOU Baker!!!

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dfc0c4  No.11605927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d2e77c  No.11605929

File: f53827ed6fa7cb8⋯.jpg (52.46 KB, 407x283, 407:283, keeperofthecode.jpg)


Keeper of the disapproves of your bread shitting

But approves of your trip 7's

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c6a115  No.11605930

File: 2b9d1b8dbaf8a62⋯.jpg (115.35 KB, 740x740, 1:1, 2b9d1b8dbaf8a629cdfc1e41dd….jpg)

Everyone's always thanking the baker, and Q, and POTUS. But who thanks the anonymous Q team grunts who are here 24-7? (I surmise they exist and this doesn't all totally work by inscrutable magic or such…)


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e4df7e  No.11605931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Protesters in Armenia call for Prime Minister to step down

721 views•Nov 11, 2020


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b8569c  No.11605932


Baker's buddies start anew. They work in tandem. One bakes one shitposts their crap.

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bd757b  No.11605933


>A telltale sign of evil is justifying its afflicted damage, traitor.

Man, you should be ashamed of yourself for that absolutely pathetic attempt at starting shit. Low-energy and sad. And they pay you for this? Yikes.

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df39a6  No.11605934









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325709  No.11605935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>you probably are the buddy who will IP hop and begin the posts

that knife cuts both ways faggot

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71ffce  No.11605936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

some good enlighting music for the anons of the 80s

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9f3871  No.11605939





>>11605865 lb

>>11605836 lb

>>Witchcraft is, manipulating people thru bullshit and fear .

1. Trump cannot possibly win

2. Russia Russia Russia

3. Impeach the motherfucker

4. Covid killed the flu how bout that

5. Trap set. There is no step 5

Change my

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a7ef3b  No.11605940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7cfa4a  No.11605941


Anon is anon. Anon needs no thanks. Anon only exists for one post and then is gone.

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394afe  No.11605942


So many weird accounts came and went around that time

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e4d35e  No.11605943



Thanks anons. Phew. I am calm now.

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bd757b  No.11605944

File: c2b7c32dd1ba601⋯.jpg (83.27 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 470th_mil_int_bde.jpg)

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b8569c  No.11605945

You guys are so easy to pick out.

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5575ac  No.11605946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I tried dude, I really did and yet all I kept wondering was whether or not you shave your pussy too! :D

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640b93  No.11605947

Probably one of the most sickening abuses of police power I have seen in awhile..

Nothing like turning a K9 loose on someone who is in compliance with you…. Feels fimmilar to me…🖕 NAZI USA


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a7ef3b  No.11605948

A reach around for everybody!

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d867dc  No.11605949

File: 2f019990f108bce⋯.png (52.41 KB, 173x173, 1:1, 166a4dc1eb5be551930de418b4….png)

File: 3416b43a9dda31b⋯.png (124.3 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 97476b644ef247d325dcba0be1….png)

File: 14087754db85832⋯.png (157.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 638470666ac67d33a55a5fdba3….png)

File: 6feb4e2318ebd33⋯.png (63.21 KB, 173x173, 1:1, 9eb90d6cf4ed8b08384961641c….png)

File: 2971e7886c68034⋯.png (93.87 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 91e5e0f940aab111a7632c12fd….png)

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7f1876  No.11605950

File: 4954659700ef8b0⋯.png (121.79 KB, 637x874, 637:874, hart_1.png)

File: f4592e661c90920⋯.png (259.16 KB, 1188x701, 1188:701, hart_2.png)

File: da065d061986382⋯.png (105.37 KB, 1047x870, 349:290, hart_3.png)

File: 318ef95acb42c68⋯.png (100.54 KB, 1391x639, 1391:639, hart_4.png)

File: e845729b65e58f6⋯.png (39.41 KB, 797x902, 797:902, hart_5.png)


HART INTERCIVIC, INC. - Oakland county (MI), Lancaster, PA & Delaware County used these machines, not Dominion Voting Systems.

>Why does this matter?

Oakland County was implicated by the blessed Poo’s algorithm video - (https://youtu.be/f0YSB7Kf_0s?t=1406 [Embed] [Embed])


HART HAS NO VERIFIED 'OWNER' AS OF JULY 2019 WTF… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hart_InterCivic)


Proof H.I.G is no longer invested in Hart Intercivic:


As of July 2019, they owned 80%


Some anon had a full BloombergGov license for work. It reports that Hart Intercivic is owned by Hart Intermediate Holding Company - he wasn't able to dig any farther. It just (((disappears))) at that point.. Possibly a shell company?


A Texas Tax record search returned this:

HART INTERCIVIC, INC. Texas Taxpayer Number 19532489168 Mailing Address 15500 WELLS PORT DR AUSTIN, TX 78728-4573 Right to Transact Business in Texas ACTIVE State of Formation TX Effective SOS Registration Date 06/13/1986 Texas SOS File Number 0100105100 Registered Agent Name C T CORPORATION SYSTEM Registered Office Street Address 1999 BRYAN ST., STE. 900 DALLAS, TX 75201

Then I found this: https://www.alaskacompanydir.com/companies/hart-intercivic-inc/

Bonus: Mitt Romney bought into them in November 2012?


They also scrubbed their website over the summer - completely.


I need help digging into this shell company and what events led to H.I.G’s apparent divestiture. DIG!

"Another election machine manufacturer, Hart InterCivic Inc., which has the only wireless-enabled system to receive EAC’s certification, didn’t return messages seeking comment." (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-01-03/america-won-t-give-up-its-hackable-wireless-voting-machines)

Key Players:

Julie Mathis – CEO as of 2019

Phillip Braithwaite – Previous CEO; now CHAIRMAN of the BOD

Jim Canter – CTO as of 2012

Pete Lichtenheld – SVP of CUSTOMER success (knows systems inside & out) as of 2001

There is some glowie shit behind these guys. seriously fucked up.


The swamp rats threatened to (((Shut these guys down))) if they didn't comply with the rigging. It's looking more and more like a glowie op. Just need to put the pieces together

All the names are blanked out in the whole doc.

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71ffce  No.11605951


its the decent thing to do

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325709  No.11605952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Danny Byrd - Moonwalker

Hospital Records

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7f1876  No.11605954

File: d6c1bdb2d4da580⋯.png (66.05 KB, 740x901, 740:901, hart_6.png)

File: 0cc84f2f239a112⋯.png (83.88 KB, 729x895, 729:895, hart_7.png)

File: 6e073feb0a8ea29⋯.png (30.19 KB, 729x290, 729:290, hart_8.png)

File: f0d05d25b966fd5⋯.png (72.21 KB, 797x859, 797:859, hart_9.png)


But this is interesting as well. Hart Investment Holding Company, Inc. How many shells do they have?

So HIG folded Hart into themselves with these 4 companies. The key is probably around how they sectioned off the ownership without alerting anyone. And who led that initiative.

I'm pretty sure they did it right after they were publicly asked by the NC board of electors. This lines up with the timing of the drop from their platforms.


Check out Canada's Dominion Footprint.

>It's large.

DOMINION MACHINES – 100% of Georgia, ~80% of Michigan, ~95% of New York, 100% of Alaska & Nevada

Key Players:

Mike Frontera. EVP / General Counsel.


James Hoover. Founder. Need to dig.

John Poulous. Founder. Need to dig.

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0bfa4a  No.11605955


Your a homosexual and YOU know it.. kek

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fe2ef0  No.11605957

File: cdb6e1ca9064d35⋯.png (170.1 KB, 1125x704, 1125:704, ClipboardImage.png)


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d867dc  No.11605959

File: 7ca364ded58fcb6⋯.png (425.5 KB, 720x361, 720:361, 27e60e64f12dadb2d084e54b05….png)

File: a62053fc27f48b1⋯.png (531.77 KB, 565x570, 113:114, 7b681918c039f53e9016b653e8….png)

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df39a6  No.11605960


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dfc0c4  No.11605961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9f3871  No.11605963

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e4df7e  No.11605970

File: 0b8a69450670478⋯.png (184.72 KB, 682x725, 682:725, Capture.PNG)




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dfc0c4  No.11605971

File: 1b1709db064dd8e⋯.gif (835 B, 138x157, 138:157, FF321DDB_709C_43CE_962A_22….gif)

File: 981764f085d39ef⋯.jpeg (124.56 KB, 500x375, 4:3, CD51E0B9_A0B8_4ADF_95B7_A….jpeg)

Interesting sun sign there mark malloch brown

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bd757b  No.11605972


>>11605954 Digs on Oakland Voting Machine Company HART INTERCIVIC

Baker, seems


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b341ed  No.11605973


Yeah…it was the beginning of the op, I think they were trying a few different things…B / Bailey seemed to be a supporting agent…there were a couple of others, but the only one that was prominent (at least that I remember) was B…I also remember it seemed like she got into a little bit of trouble or danger and they pulled the plug on her!

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4281a7  No.11605974

File: 06d0373dc2c2c82⋯.jpeg (35.29 KB, 474x647, 474:647, 7593431B_5EA8_44E2_9017_2….jpeg)


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325709  No.11605975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Metrik - Freefall (Ft. Reija Lee)

Hospital Records

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d867dc  No.11605976

File: 279133d5ab2a9cd⋯.png (137.63 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a00ffdfe0ed3a680d3fa12f485….png)

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ae9010  No.11605977


>Baker's buddies start anew. They work in tandem. One bakes one shitposts their crap.

Anons notice that the shills literally use the language that anons post at them?

Masters of projection

>>11605564 [lb]

>>11605456 [lb]

>>11605532 [lb]

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df39a6  No.11605978









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eb7e92  No.11605979

File: e2c20fdf2b63653⋯.jpeg (723.71 KB, 1125x993, 375:331, 8C553DEB_0361_440A_A80A_B….jpeg)

To all the American Anons who don’t already know, this is how the global msm is reporting the current situation. Day after day after fucking day.

Honestly, if you live in the UK or Australia or NZ this is ALL we’ve been hearing more or less for 4 years. Imagine if all you had was CNN…

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db5dd8  No.11605980

Watching some of the McCabe videos, a thought occurred to me. Who was involved in Kennedys assassination? FBI? Hoover? Hoover had dirt on everyone. LBJ. Bush senior. The FBI likes to project an image of squeaky clean, and there are great people there, but what about the top brass? Who gets the top positions? Compliant people? What about Rockefellers? They seem to have their fingers in a lot of pies.

Just food for thought.

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325709  No.11605981


>Baker, seems NOTABLE

got it anon!

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9f3871  No.11605983



go sell that to another world this world is ridding itself once and for all

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dfc0c4  No.11605985




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b97de5  No.11605986

File: 78cda05b405e90f⋯.png (365.75 KB, 540x674, 270:337, 8mn356b56b54.png)


Thank you baker!

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5575ac  No.11605987

File: 89ad74af2d76ba9⋯.png (631.25 KB, 732x512, 183:128, VLUCI1.png)



Is Shatana coming back from space like the Catholic Jesuits who run the space observatory on Mt. Graham think?

You know, Mt. Graham which was a sacred "meeting" place with the "Gods" to the Native Americans of that region that the US GOVERNMENT commandeered like it do so often?


With their Laser eye they so affectionately dubbed LUCIFER?



LUCI (originally LUCIFER: Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research) is the near-infrared instrument for the LBT.[20][21] The name of the instrument was changed to LUCI in 2012. LUCI operates in the 0.9–2.5 µm spectral range using a 2048 x 2048 element Hawaii-2RG detector array from Teledyne and provides imaging and spectroscopic capabilities in seeing- and diffraction-limited modes. In its focal plane area, long-slit and multi-slit masks can be installed for single-object and multi-object spectroscopy. A fixed collimator produces an image of the entrance aperture in which either a mirror (for imaging) or a grating can be positioned. Three camera optics with numerical apertures of 1.8, 3.75 and 30 provide image scales of 0.25, 0.12, and 0.015 arcsec/detector element for wide field, seeing-limited and diffraction-limited observations. LUCI is operated at cryogenic temperatures, and is therefore enclosed in a cryostat of 1.6 m diameter and 1.6 m height, and cooled down to about −200 °C by two closed-cycle coolers.[20]

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000000  No.11605989



The moon is responsible for the Waves in the Oceans.

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7cfa4a  No.11605990


But that's not what witchcraft actually is tho. It's a subtle and real manipulation of energies.

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325709  No.11605991



I am fairly certain they fool no one

the only replies you see to their posts that are in support are shills (again, just an opinon)

like always

/anons know/

cant fool the anons for more than like 250 posts in a given bread before larp gets called out and proved fake and gay -kek

this place is powerful as fuck


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325709  No.11605992


>Masters of projection

also this

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1ab6c3  No.11605993

File: 0b7b0fc2526fb82⋯.png (312.05 KB, 587x574, 587:574, For_GOD_COUNTRY_WORLD_.png)


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c7f5b4  No.11605994

File: 44a56a01fa55549⋯.png (158.67 KB, 1329x549, 443:183, HermesTrust.PNG)

File: 43aefbbc683593b⋯.png (166.9 KB, 1348x648, 337:162, HermesTrust1.PNG)

>>11605878 pb



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387769  No.11605995

File: 8ec0edd1a02e4b3⋯.png (113.41 KB, 891x755, 891:755, ClipboardImage.png)





Lao Tzu knew the score…

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bd757b  No.11605996

File: fa7cb79814d9b95⋯.jpg (13.5 KB, 652x367, 652:367, moon_alpine.jpg)


>The moon is responsible for the Waves in the Oceans.

LIES! The moon is flat! It can't cause "waves"! Wake up, people!

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640b93  No.11605997

More Nazi USA NYPD tyrants

In New York, a gang of thugs with badges violently arrested some people allegedly for not socially distancing during the p(l)andemic. Whereas a guy witnessed the brutality, a citizen killer threatened him with a taser and then assaulted him, with help from a fellow tyrant. Per usual, no good cop existed anywhere in the lot. They remain an urban myth with zero evidence of existence in real life.

I can’t help but laugh at thoughts of bootlickers experiencing brain shortcuts watching these videos because the chief tyrant is a Hispanic dude, and along with his fellow thugs, the gang just drools over the ability to exploiting the plandemic to really let out their inner psychopath.

Thug Francisco X. Garcia, badge #19234, has over 40 outstanding complaints against him. He is known for being a level 10 tyrant who terrorizes the people in the Lower East Side. He enjoys the reputation he has and walks around the neighborhood looking for an excuse to assault someone. His malfeasance has cost the city (ie the tax payers) hundreds of thousands of dollars.


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000000  No.11605998




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8cc55f  No.11605999

File: 0c5f28d639ffeae⋯.jpg (34.17 KB, 483x483, 1:1, nbhhy.jpg)

File: 2b52957d8cd5692⋯.png (173.39 KB, 927x726, 309:242, Screenshot_20201110_230105….png)

File: f9e2d26adca13b1⋯.png (738.11 KB, 1080x1103, 1080:1103, Screenshot_20201111_071916….png)

File: d8213289f6d4de2⋯.jpg (28.19 KB, 507x499, 507:499, FREE.jpg)

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325709  No.11606000



baker likes REDS

/that is all

carry on

thank you, anon


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8860fe  No.11606002

File: 24ad8a55b357d2d⋯.png (506.17 KB, 843x795, 281:265, ss.png)

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fe2ef0  No.11606003

File: 1d5e020d50c009f⋯.png (73.46 KB, 809x462, 809:462, ClipboardImage.png)


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8f1ac8  No.11606004

File: 10f96d9b75ddca9⋯.png (994.91 KB, 685x499, 685:499, ClipboardImage.png)

When it hits $17k…

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eb7e92  No.11606005


And hollow?

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5575ac  No.11606006

File: b9b8275ac8682d1⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1298x626, 649:313, 11235813.png)


I have been buckled and armored for almost 3 years now and yet I hear anons saying buckle up and armor up all the time and so I wonder, do they take theirs off, because I don't… kek

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dfc0c4  No.11606007

File: 819314465fb7766⋯.png (41.22 KB, 640x371, 640:371, CAEBCB22_5A7C_403C_8658_CC….png)

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b54485  No.11606008


Are you talking about what is in the water? My scan through the pics made me think about what sort of area would have that much tidal shift in a day and those type of temperature swings in March. Could it be in Washington state? Maybe those structures in the water are for farming shellfish? Totally guessing here…

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d867dc  No.11606009

File: 93634c16a916c9c⋯.png (138.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5f2cb562563b07b3f465b1e770….png)

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000000  No.11606010


Bakers "should" be here to serve. Just like anons/autists. We are here to get shit done. We dig we drop… if things get hot…bakers can and do get over whelmed. Its up to anons to take notes archive the shit out of everything! immediately We are all hear to serve. We all got to have eyes on everything right now. So if the baker is not getting what you want in there save it and drop it when you feel comfortable. Personally I am having challenge keeping up with everything dropping and diggin. It is what it is.

Moar cowbell anons!

Lets do a BARREL ROLL!

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74cb8e  No.11606011

File: 28b38ea6f9601ba⋯.png (321.9 KB, 936x1856, 117:232, Twitter6.png)

File: 537fb3a24e3c4b8⋯.png (1.89 MB, 946x1958, 43:89, Twitter5.png)

File: 05a2946bf067726⋯.png (136.09 KB, 1002x1200, 167:200, Twitter4.png)

File: 546dcf744780c67⋯.png (66.53 KB, 934x686, 467:343, Twitter2.png)

File: 1ec3b65d7a3ca53⋯.png (83.9 KB, 960x735, 64:49, Twitter3.png)

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000000  No.11606012


Look at that intellectual!

I bet she's an accountant.

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325709  No.11606013



thank (you) anon

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bd757b  No.11606015


>And hollow?

Actually now I'm thinking it's more of a dorito shape. That makes me thirsty for some tasty Mountain Dew!

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d867dc  No.11606016

File: 11f62cf10cf25d7⋯.png (107.32 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fb7f5fd8e422839791efd74097….png)

File: b649c3da967eb52⋯.png (113.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4e0766ad63e9fd2dec3585a71e….png)

File: 8b2dc0a480c1343⋯.png (113.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 89b03b63a35ed440f83f9283ae….png)

File: 08b6fea45f107f7⋯.png (107.99 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3ce36753a6a4b12d8639e48011….png)

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0c8686  No.11606017

Q asked why was O called Renegade?

Because he switched sides. He was with the Y family (Soros, Vatican, Holy See, CIA). He was born into the CIA. I don't the GAME rules but he switched allegiance to the House of Saud (Bushes) I suspect M had a lot to do with this. Maybe she promised to be George jr's BFF,

Skull and Bones Owl (Spyders not welcome here)

Obama was CIA. The spyderman. CIA was the Holy C.

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9ec75b  No.11606018


>Mark Malloch-Brown

Quick link to UK companies house multiple businesses including children’s charities


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d867dc  No.11606019

File: ec03c66a5d0c6ca⋯.png (114.65 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 02d0fdeb263e3a7449932f299b….png)

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eb7e92  No.11606020


The radioactive sludge of the soda world

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000000  No.11606021


Funny I dind't see that post in this bread.

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b8569c  No.11606022

File: 42153139ed10bcd⋯.jpg (105.31 KB, 1080x936, 15:13, dH0dPrku01.jpg)

JOE M on Parler referring to Bill Kristol's post

President Elect Joe M · @StormIsUponUs

9 hours ago ·



Have you been following Trump's reshuffle of the DNI and DoD? What you are seeing is the US power ministries moving into a WARTIME posture, but instead of focus being on a foreign invasion, expertise is geared toward "irregular warfare", or INSURGENCY. ⛈💥


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61d2e3  No.11606025

File: f83df0a202fb21c⋯.jpg (65.11 KB, 887x576, 887:576, SOROS1.jpg)

File: 964c0b1a5b56c95⋯.jpg (386.29 KB, 769x1077, 769:1077, Brown.jpg)

File: 47dcaf8696c8e62⋯.jpg (993.39 KB, 1066x1197, 1066:1197, brown2.jpg)

File: bafad6c5c438c10⋯.jpg (10.32 MB, 7081x3424, 7081:3424, SA_Cabal15.jpg)

SOUTH AFRICA is where we must DIGG…



Only link I could find to South African satanists is HERMES TRUST INVESTEC.


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bd757b  No.11606026


Is this weird pattern what you have to do to beat image recognition tech on Facebook?

2nd question does it actually work? It's irrelevant because I'm banned but still curious and deciding how I'll get myself re-banned when it expires.

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5575ac  No.11606027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dude I totally miss you… all the time

Fuck, I just hurt muh sides!


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325709  No.11606028


>Personally I am having challenge keeping up with everything dropping and diggin

when the post per minute rate crests beyond 20 posts per minute this baker starts to have serious challenged keeping up

-things get missed

-not because I dont think its notable

-but because there is NO WAY I can actually READ, analyze, and digest 20 DIFFERENT notable posts in 60 seconds

its just to much information to process

I have to shoot from the hip A LOT

and I rely on anons to call shit out that is fake and gay

and shit that I miss


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8cc55f  No.11606030

File: 19a9e13612b85e2⋯.jpeg (216.14 KB, 1172x425, 1172:425, 19a9e13612b85e2f239767a6c….jpeg)

File: 6493d6f8b27afa5⋯.png (136.98 KB, 1196x736, 13:8, 6493d6f8b27afa57756d9d1a9c….png)

CodeMonkey and Lin Wood Tweets.

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392183  No.11606031

trump is bring back all the military for a reason its not just a promise it seems like the DS always wanted to keep the troops in other countries by returning those troops they will be pissed about whats happening and their votes not counting.

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618e4f  No.11606032


I see it, good eye. Would be interesting to learn if or how that was actually put to use in presidential election since it only appears in probate race.

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e4df7e  No.11606033


Don't know what you are digging, look out for Mercury, who is the Roman Hermes.

Hermes is greek

Mercury is roman

same god

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9ec75b  No.11606034

Spacefags can you find out where USA294 was on election night , i can only find current location not historical .

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325709  No.11606035


I mean

I also prefer women

as opposed to pre-pubescent 9 year old boy looking "girls"

but, thank you anyway, anon

keks were had


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df39a6  No.11606036


It's not, its the press repeating the same phrase over and over again.

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b341ed  No.11606037


Thanks for reporting brother! It's nice to catch a view from somewhere other than here! Seriously…"just CNN"? That's all we've got here as well! They slap different labels on it…but it's all exactly the same! Orange man bad! Biden / Harris righteous saviors! If you don't agree, you're a racist, homophobic, mouth breather who's only worthy of death! Put your mask on! You're selfish, blah, blah, blah! I can't stand it anymore! The absolute mindless stupidity! It's actually beyond stupidity, it's some kind of psychosis!

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d867dc  No.11606038

File: ae4fcef94538a32⋯.png (93.85 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4c4085927fcce1145ca3978e98….png)

File: d8e2a5907e89973⋯.png (60.6 KB, 173x173, 1:1, 5fa22589cf8815254921f5067b….png)

File: 29ae5813076c8e5⋯.png (157.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 949425b0e0e5e21f23ba9852be….png)

File: f6ffa45b621ad74⋯.png (102.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 37b01508a00e7bf510986e6a93….png)

File: c57aa3c6ddcda24⋯.png (105.29 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ea25b483a8286947a669e193cd….png)

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f63318  No.11606039

File: 7ecad6ce1527b48⋯.png (211.98 KB, 474x271, 474:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 107e9e06108d70f⋯.png (238.72 KB, 474x390, 79:65, ClipboardImage.png)

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1aba28  No.11606040


Follow LBJ

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61d2e3  No.11606041




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325709  No.11606042


My garden is a special garden…

My garden is the only garden which grow Black Roses

….always be black roses in my Garden…

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618e4f  No.11606043


Nice area of London.

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1aba28  No.11606044



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0bfa4a  No.11606045


I'm gonna need you to bend over and cough.. Thanx

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ab55cf  No.11606046


What if

SA = South Africa?

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325709  No.11606047


target aquired anon

you are not wrong

IDEN confirmed


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986754  No.11606048

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown was also involved in Save the Children and Thompson Reuters at one point in time…


Wonder if those other Malloch Browns are his relatives

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bd757b  No.11606049


>The radioactive sludge of the soda world

I don't know how anyone can drink any of them except regular Coke and the occasional pepsi can.

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019709  No.11606050


Thank you, Anon. Very nice.

Ironically enough, the Devil in the Tarot deck, which everyone is afraid of, is about facing one's fear. It is a pivotal card in the cycle of life depicted in the major arcana (tarot is two decks, major and minor arcana).

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1c27ec  No.11606051

>>11605857 lb

I hope the cp spammers wind up liking a lot worse than that. Think about the cartel scenes where they peel the face off and leave it next to the skull with the dick and eyeballs next to the face. I do almost similar things to animals as a matter of necessity and I actually respect the animal. If I got my hands on these people I could do much worse without batting an eye. It would be a service to humanity

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640b93  No.11606052

Yeah I'm on one tonight when it comes to dirty cops … Nazi USA

Man Voluntarily Surrenders to Cop Thugs, They Let K9 Gnaw His Leg


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d867dc  No.11606054

File: c69bd7f3275dd55⋯.png (107.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2a74105fadfd37191ca68274f5….png)

File: a53b915f6b25090⋯.png (113.7 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c6d0c5c1aa0e91f1b1ff360541….png)

File: 1c878eb4a1ce66e⋯.png (107.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e5e8ca8aed035a163413f9d055….png)

File: 1264fc485606cfb⋯.png (113.86 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 813ff111a4bb7488361c332389….png)

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85835c  No.11606055





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8cc55f  No.11606056

File: 4aaf863300ced79⋯.png (627.88 KB, 1080x1044, 30:29, Screenshot_20201107_035232….png)




Bill kristol is not as dumb as I thought he was.

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5575ac  No.11606057

File: 7fbbeae3d2509e7⋯.jpg (44.77 KB, 604x513, 604:513, grail_prayer.jpg)


which is EXACTLY what a commie faggot op shill faker baker would say right before it stabs you in the back!

If someone like myself was not here to save anons, we might have lost this war! ;D

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ba031b  No.11606058


Is there a giant T on that cliff face? Looks like tundra. Greenland?

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c7f5b4  No.11606059

File: 5358569ed43854b⋯.png (72.76 KB, 1345x655, 269:131, HermesTrust2.PNG)



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bd757b  No.11606060


I think the torture is of no value to humanity. Remember God said "vengeance is mine." It means you don't steal his privilege from him.

That being said, sometimes some help is needed to arrange the meeting… :O

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d867dc  No.11606061

File: c6a0e49cb5f58b4⋯.png (137.62 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c27d9fa050065200e7140eea67….png)

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325709  No.11606062


>commie faggot op shill faker baker

sure you couldnt get a few more adjectives in there, anon?

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000000  No.11606063


>Devil in the Tarot deck, which everyone is afraid of, is about facing one's fear.

To have LIVED is to have faced the DEVIL

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df39a6  No.11606064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dfc0c4  No.11606065



He’s a busy little fucker ain’t he?




So many companies


Calling for a digg

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eb7e92  No.11606066


Honestly when he won in 2016 I thought he was a nightmare because I was deep in the msm brain washing. But actually it was the relentless anti trump vitriol that led me to start questioning and researching for myself. It occurred to me that if all these sick fuckers were so anti Trump, then he may actually be a force for good. Eventually it led me to Q very early on and the rest is history!

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944147  No.11606067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey, folks. I dunno if you guys saw Scott Adams today, but he indicated that he was privy to some "big" information that will be coming out soon, information which will prove that the election was rigged.

It's a long video, so I included a timestamp below. I'd suggest watching the whole thing, since it's a solid video, but here you go:


At 23:10, Scott indicates that he has seen "a little more than you've seen," something which he repeats later. To quote the video, "There's some stuff coming that is different from the stuff you've seen."

What, exactly, is coming, do you think? Scott is insinuating that more information is coming which is qualitatively different, and different in scale, from the evidence of fraud we've already seen.

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61d2e3  No.11606068


INVESTEC BANK is the key.


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d867dc  No.11606069

File: 3df86e4a645b126⋯.png (107.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3aab7df5ea28a570172998d8b7….png)

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5575ac  No.11606070

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB, 586x614, 293:307, CHOOSEPAIN.png)


tee hee!

I said TEE HEE!

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bea347  No.11606071

File: 7f29de8b0b67919⋯.jpeg (803.19 KB, 1125x736, 1125:736, ECF4738A_EA00_4F78_806C_B….jpeg)

The Light is Shining thru the Darkness

>>11605813 < TY Baker!

>>11605876 < TY Fren!

>>11605874 < Love the heightened cooperation!

I think we’ve all noticed an increased quality in research related posts following the good diggz and documentation protocol.

Huge Shout out to Faithful Anon Diggerz for their Quality Posts!

It’s awesome that Codemonkeyz has stepped up even more to help nail this! From a fellow software engineer and the rest of us…

Freaking Huge Shoutout to CM for Staying Tough through all this!

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000000  No.11606073


It is what it is and the baker is right. Anons run these breads. Verify be before you notable. We need to verify the shit out everything. We have moar eyes on these breads than ever before. Moar dank drops. These are the days we trained for. =Anons got to back each other up. We all have our special skills. Go be that light. We are kicking their ass. Pretty sure this is the tidal wave coming in now.

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ff3807  No.11606074


That's the video I was trying to watch just as YT went down

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000000  No.11606075


Swedish media is the same.

After covid they "reported" that POTUS was acting crazy because steroids, now they report everyone around him don't dare tell him he lost because they afraid. Same picture they have painted all this time.

All lies, and 95% of people use those lies to paint their picture of reality.

Rude awakening for some and insanity for most coming, as well as a stand-back-and-watch-the-cracy-while-i-told-you-sos-flowing for us few who see clearly.


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d867dc  No.11606076

File: 9b791ab74414c9e⋯.png (134.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f95fb64cf2084698ed86f59d96….png)

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325709  No.11606077


uhh…. welcome too 9 days ago, friend

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e4df7e  No.11606078


cliffs of dover?

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eb7e92  No.11606079


Wasn’t he anti Q and then recently anti trump ?

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325709  No.11606080


now you have missed that target

that one aint even close to (me)

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dd135e  No.11606081

File: a1765a112009936⋯.png (227.54 KB, 712x804, 178:201, ClipboardImage.png)


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000000  No.11606082


He looks super credible

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d867dc  No.11606083

File: 7caed2d179b1f24⋯.png (127.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 565d241acb65bb0bc888e8ea8b….png)

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986754  No.11606084


Don't forget his wife 😉

She's a big supporter of climate change stuff. See >>11605824

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618e4f  No.11606085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Steiner will really cause your mind to stretch

Knowledge Of The Higher Worlds And Its Attainment By Rudolf Steiner

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5575ac  No.11606086

Donald Trump's defeat silences QAnon leader Q's conspiracy posts, followers stumped: 'Have we been conned?'

QAnon had predicted a landslide victory for Trump and have gone silent in the wake of Biden's win

By Shubham Ghosh

Published on : 21:37 PST, Nov 11, 2020

The right-wing supporters of President Donald Trump had been confidently claiming his win in the just-held presidential election but the sky came down crumbling once the results came out. Democratic candidate Joe Biden emerged as the winner and even though the incumbent president and his close quarters are still waging a battle against the verdict saying the election has been stolen, many of his supporters have read the writing on the wall.

QAnon, a sprawling conspiracy theory that backs Trump saying he is secretly fighting child-sex traffickers, appears to have turned silent in the wake of the former VP’s remarkable win which left Trump a one-term president. According to the Washington Post, posts made by the movement’s mysterious ‘leader’ Q have stopped and talks on discussion boards used by the followers have also ceased.

Q's silence has left the supporters wondering

Q’s long silence has made some in the movement wonder what has struck them. “Have we been conned?” asked one at 8kun, QAnon's preferred message board. Another said: “We're losing. Not sure I trust the plan anymore. Not sure there even is a plan.” For some, it's something that has shaken their confidence. The stepping down of Ron Watkins, who helped in operating 8kun, has also added to the speculation.

Although it was preceded by similar viral conspiracy theories like Pizzagate, the QAnon theory made a proper beginning in October 2017 when a post was made on the anonymous imageboard 4chan by ‘Q’, who presumably was a single individual. Now, it is considered that ‘Q’ has become a group of people operating under the same name. The conspiracy theory became highly popular in the right-wing circles and claims Trump is secretly taking on child-sex predators that include notable Democrats, Hollywood elites and their ‘deep state’ allies.

The followers of the theory were told that the maverick Republican leader was set to clinch a landslide win in this year’s election but that has not happened.


'Protests are happening but generally small'

While Trump and several of his supporters are resenting the election results, QAnon hasn’t resorted to violence as many had feared. According to one article in Foreign Policy magazine: “Protests outside of state houses and county offices have been, in some cases, unruly but generally small. The only news of an extremist plot appears to have come via a pair of arrests in Philadelphia on weapons charges — researcher JJ MacNab identified one suspected as an avowed QAnon believer. While promises that the coming weeks could “go hot” may yet be fulfilled, things have been relatively quiet.”

While QAnon Anonymous podcast host Travis View said the majority reaction from the QAnon followers has been clear denial, Frederick Brennan, the founder of 8chan was quoted as saying by The New York Times: “They feel really defeated by the deep state, even if they’re not admitting it in public. They were not expecting him to lose, and they were not expecting Fox News to call it. It was really psychologically damaging."

Some of the QAnon supporters have taken solace from Trump’s visit to the golf club after the results came out to consider that he is still in control. But the conspiracy theory’s supporters might find themselves in trouble of living in a make-believe world, particularly with the FBI having classified QAnon as a potential source of domestic terror.



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dfc0c4  No.11606087


In context possibly both

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019709  No.11606088


Sorry, that sort of depiction is creepy, IMO. I can't stand the Thoth deck either. Aleister Crowley was evil.

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944147  No.11606089


It's very good. Scott covers the media hypnotism as well as speculating on the 2 different realities the left and the right are inhabiting right now.

The important part, though, is @ 23:10. Scott specifically indicates that he has seen something BIG. What do you think that is?

It's hidden in a video well-over an hour long, but he does say it a few times over the course of that video.

Scott specifically says that something MAJOR is coming that indicates the fraud, something which constitutes much stronger evidence that what is seen so far.

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325709  No.11606090


>Freaking Huge Shoutout to CM for Staying Tough through all this!


knock'en em down with knowledge


Semper Fi


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3214ab  No.11606092

File: eb564d7b21287d8⋯.png (125.63 KB, 786x649, 786:649, Ron_and_Rudy.png)

>>11603605 pb notables

>CM offer to blow the lid off election fraud with his forensic services

Ron's missing 'Apostrophe' is showing up in Rudy's tweet.

Signalling they already work together.

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1c27ec  No.11606093


Don't care what God says. Not waiting around for that. Peel these fuckers while they are alive and keep them alive for as long as possible to watch the show

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325709  No.11606094

File: f602cdc9d071ebc⋯.jpeg (97.36 KB, 500x629, 500:629, yep_very_based.jpeg)


all of this

-yep, thats based

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d867dc  No.11606095

File: 8a5df80f92b60ca⋯.png (137.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 926f1cdff0aa491aef49833081….png)

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000000  No.11606097


Is the search feature not just part of the OCR in adobe?>>11605798

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986754  No.11606098


Damn…I thought in Sweden it would be better!

In Sweden there's apparently no need for masks or social distancing.

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019709  No.11606099


Which is why the Devil shows up in the Major Arcana, which depicts the soul's journey from birth to enlightenment.

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0eaffc  No.11606100


Someday this war's gonna end and we're all going to miss the smell of napalm in the morning…

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eb7e92  No.11606101


Exactly the same here. Every day is more stories like that. Actually, people here don’t even realise the majority of the articles are written by NYT and WaPo writers.

And the amount of “opinion” pieces is just nuts. They can write whatever they want and have zero evidence to support their position. It’s unbearable to watch and at times make me feel like I’m going insane. Once you’re awake the gaslighting is fucking horrendous!

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325709  No.11606102



now your back on target

shoot straight and fly right, anon

we need all hands for this one

never stop being (you)


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bd757b  No.11606103


Better you than me, I guess!

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d867dc  No.11606104

File: b4ebd1e366aca22⋯.png (112.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d6dfc7dd57cb2e32cb517aa020….png)

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986754  No.11606105



Yes, I caught that too!


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000000  No.11606106


>Shubham Ghosh


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1c27ec  No.11606107


Ron Paul was talking about this connection I think yesterday

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944147  No.11606108


I found another timestamp. 37:10.

"There's something coming in the next week that's CLEARLY true"

Whatever it is, he is clearly insinuating that it constitutes stronger evidence than that which we have seen so far.

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eb7e92  No.11606109


Doritos smouldering on top of an over-clocked Pentium

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dfc0c4  No.11606110


Save the children puts him one degree away from saville and Esther Rantzen

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d867dc  No.11606111

File: 20f0e271931d2d3⋯.png (127.88 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fbe35c44f51d369ef63c6de409….png)

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bd757b  No.11606112


>Someday this war's gonna end and we're all going to miss the smell of napalm in the morning…

"Guys like us… Well the war never ends for us. Our bodies go home, but we're still out here… fighting, cleaning up, getting ready for the next fight. Fighting to reach the next fight."

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97bfb0  No.11606113

File: c9fa8bb1d338360⋯.png (20.84 KB, 225x224, 225:224, ClipboardImage.png)


coad munkee duz D.C.?

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d867dc  No.11606114

File: cbbeec77b7eed22⋯.png (132.36 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fdd037dfefb5adf9780b3ccf6f….png)

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f3908e  No.11606115

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! We…didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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0eaffc  No.11606116

November 11, 2020

President Donald J Trump

White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Washington DC 20500

Mr. President

As you are well aware We, the People of the United States control our Government through the ballot box. Our vote represents our controlling interest in the proper governance of America.

On November 3, 2020 America held an Election that myself and many other Americans are concerned did not accurately reflect our voices at the ballot box, causing our controlling interest in America to be possibly corrupted. This is an unacceptable situation if true. As a shareholder of this nation which derives it's ability to govern from my vote I have the right and the responsibility to call for the audit of all activities surrounding the November 3rd, 2020 election, not only for President, but for all candidates on all ballots that were voted for in all 50 states. To gain the approval and consent of the governed, the government of the United States must demonstrate that the elections it funds and operates are indeed free and fair so that the American People can have faith that their voice and vote matters.

Thank you for the great job you are doing for us Mr. President. May God bless you and yours and may God continue to Bless America with abundance and peace.


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7dab65  No.11606117

File: 703ce826ec5a3cd⋯.png (64.99 KB, 706x563, 706:563, Screenshot_581.png)

File: 64d6361effe0030⋯.png (55.82 KB, 680x474, 340:237, Screenshot_582.png)

And so it begins

Ticketmaster To Verify COVID Vaccination Status Of Fans Before Issuing Concert Passes


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df39a6  No.11606118

Joe Biden "put a lid on it" means he and Satan are having their special time.

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d867dc  No.11606119

File: ccf4278e659a732⋯.png (114.13 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7e03e9aebb8f836c2381e442c0….png)

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5575ac  No.11606120

File: b4f12c741844c1a⋯.png (697.86 KB, 454x706, 227:353, wouldkek.png)

PR exec who trashed Target mask display says her outburst was triggered by 'doom-scrolling' QAnon conspiracy theories and is now writing memoir called

'You Can't Cancel Me'

Melissa Rein Lively, 35, went viral in July after she filmed herself destroying a rack of face masks in a Target in Scottsdale, Arizona

She told the Washington Post she had a suffered a 'mental breakdown episode' as a result of her declining mental health induced by the pandemic

Lively revealed she's now in a better place and is the process of writing a memoir

In videos of the July 4 incident she claimed she was a spokesperson for Donald Trump and the QAnon conspiracy

She has since admitted she had been sucked in by the conspiracies online and 'snapped' when she saw the masks


PUBLISHED: 14:49 EST, 11 November 2020 | UPDATED: 17:04 EST, 11 November 2020

The Arizona PR executive who was dubbed a 'Karen' after she was seen in a viral video destroying a rack of masks inside a Target while shouting that the pandemic was over, is turning her life around months after her 'mental breakdown episode.'

Melissa Rein Lively, 35, made headlines on July 4 when she uploaded an Instagram video of herself throwing masks on the floor and yelling at two Scottsdale Target employees, while boasting about her $40,000 Rolex.

Footage of the incident quickly went viral, triggering an onslaught of online abuse and death threats, leading Lively to believe her life and successful career was over.

Speaking to The Washington Post four months on, Lively revealed she is now in a better place and is in the process of writing a memoir called 'You Can't Cancel Me - The Story of My Life.'

The PR executive said she's now working to restore her image, adding that her outburst was the culmination of her declining mental health induced by the pandemic.

Prior to the incident, Lively said her mental health had taken a hit as she had been 'consumed with doom-scrolling on the internet' and sucked in by online conspiracy theories, particularly QAnon.

'All of this fear porn that I was consuming online was just feeding my depression and anxiety,' she told the publication on Wednesday.

'The culmination of everything I had experienced, like all that energy, just zeroed in on the masks. And I just snapped.'

In the viral video, Lively was seen pulling down a mask display while yelling 'This st's over, this st's over, this s*t's over. Woo! I don't need this st. We don't want any of this anymore, this s**t's over.'

When two Target employees confronted her she claimed she was targeted because she was white.

'Why? You let everyone else do it. Why? I can't do it cause I'm a blonde, white woman? Wearing a fking $40,000 Rolex? I don't have the right to fk s**t up?' she fumed.

Another video showed police coming to her home where she claimed she was a spokesperson for President Trump and the QAnon conspiracy theory, which believes there's a supposed 'Deep State' secret plot against the president.


Because I am brave, would smash! kek

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d867dc  No.11606121

File: 8e533d81c03c80d⋯.png (442.79 KB, 504x504, 1:1, 3cd5e9753256e69710e1127be0….png)

File: 904de003a73be72⋯.png (87.15 KB, 255x136, 15:8, a92c18953ef760faea4c9b5bbe….png)

File: cc6a0cf3e22f8db⋯.png (140.76 KB, 271x310, 271:310, 5ec6731e0975f855c91228312f….png)

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8fda36  No.11606122

File: c0b4622bf909fe6⋯.jpg (292.03 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, ns2.jpg)

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325709  No.11606123


>Doritos smouldering on top of an over-clocked Pentium

now that is fuckingbased

I fired the based meme to early

like a judge giving a high score to the first competitor in a tournament

very based post, anon

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f3908e  No.11606124

When does the shootin war start?

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5575ac  No.11606125

File: 3293d36f8a22930⋯.png (174.99 KB, 315x237, 105:79, hip.png)



Before you went gay you would smash that shit too huh, Leaf?

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944147  No.11606126








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df39a6  No.11606127


It doesn't.

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0eaffc  No.11606128


It's true. The taste of over-microwaved day old coffee, suspect little debby oatmeal cakes and leftover Taco Bell…

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1437d8  No.11606129

I know we all wish a fate worse than death to whoever keeps flooding this board with some FUCKSHIT

But its a brilliant tactic for whomstver is attempting. An excellent deterrent from coming onto this board as well as the absolute FF potential it carries. No, eff bee eye, nobody wants to "cope" with those images being seen. But what gets said/done immediately after saying that determines where this goes. Enough dumbass boomers would go straight into suggesting, explicitly, and, only, democrats behind it and ya might got yourselves a little shootie tootie going on. Which the MSM would GLADLY report on and have an easy time spinning.

But if Q not anon because muh routed through DOD

neither are these assholes, and even moreso. Problem is: alphabets being the largest producer and supplier of this material. If see eye ayy doing this cuz "fuck inn essay and eff bee eye" and OICI and DOD know its them doing it

You think they'll just release that info? Hellllll no. And see eye ayy would know this. Its like intel agencies taunting each other at this point and we are the innocent bystanders.

So its no wonder that tweet was made. Should be zero question on whether or not it was specific to this board and why.

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3214ab  No.11606130


Here… another CM tweet without an apostrophe in 'Ive', asking Rudy for contact. Rudy probably signalled back to confirm.

Ive reached out to @RudyGiuliani offering to give him a 15 minute phone briefing on where I think he might be able to uncover end-user fraud within the Dominion voting system.



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5575ac  No.11606131

File: f485754482e84e5⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1592x1050, 796:525, 000shillsb.png)


baker! this is how tard notables! kek

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0bfa4a  No.11606132


it's all about Maxwell!!

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325709  No.11606133


>When does the shootin war start?

Peace is the PRIZE

Peace is the PRIZE

Peace is the PRIZE

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bd757b  No.11606134


Not realizing the coffee you just took a sip of had cigarette butts floating in it until AFTER you swallow.

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f3908e  No.11606135


What about after the comped SC rules against Trump?

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000000  No.11606136


There are a ton of psychotic women in Scottsdale. There's more women than men, so they all get over 30 and just lose it. Most are sold on the "women can act like men" bullshit, so if you're looking to fuck a ton of roasties, it's a good place to go. I actually never bought dinner or paid for a date while there.

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944147  No.11606137




None of this imagery should resonate with me and it all does.


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000000  No.11606138


Sky Australia News have been doing an awesome job - do you not get that in Australia?

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df39a6  No.11606139


Only faith will win this war.

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3214ab  No.11606140

Anybody knows why my 'Anonymous' name is linked to email.

How can I turn this off?

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bd757b  No.11606141



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325709  No.11606142


>How can I turn this off?

buy an 8kun premium account?

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000000  No.11606143


Whatever clearly you didn't get what I was saying.



ANONS work together. There is a lot moar important shit to do that bitch. Dig in. DIG! DROP! ARCHIVE! If it gets missed on drop it again. ARCHIVE IT! I don't know how you have time to bitch. I got a fuck ton I want to get to this NS. So kindly lead follow or GTF out of Anons way.

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0eaffc  No.11606144

File: 9f763b90b2cd1d2⋯.mp4 (735.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Spaulding.mp4)

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000000  No.11606145


You've become a part of it the moment you decided to speak against it.

Enjoy the hell you create for yourself.

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df39a6  No.11606146


I'll email you. (:

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d2e77c  No.11606147


My IT guy messaged me about 6 hours ago that the Dominion source code had been leaked online. It was during the internet outages while youtube was going down and everything was so choppy.

Anons confirm?

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8fda36  No.11606148

File: 197e5496baf56a9⋯.gif (305.25 KB, 508x200, 127:50, dig.gif)


good job

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bd757b  No.11606149


Press left control with your right hand and right control with your left hand and then hit Windows Key + Escape with your dick.

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944147  No.11606150

>former friends don't even want to talk to me because I'm a "QAnon supporter" and Q is apparently a "white supremacist"

At least now I know who my real friends are you commie bastards.

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b63e9a  No.11606151


Clear all the fields. Make sure you don't have any lingering spaces in there.

If that doesn't work clear your cookies.

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986754  No.11606152


Leave Name, Email, and Subject blank. If you left your email in your post, self-report yourself and ask for BO to remove your email addresses from your posts.

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b341ed  No.11606153


Yeah, the man is actually pretty laid back and subdued in his personal life…his public persona is just that, a persona that he developed for his "art of war" gig! I don't have a crystal ball, but we can judge a tree by the fruit it bears, and so far, this man has kicked ass for the average man , not just here, but world wide…consider his stance on Brexit! Everything he's done has been for the betterment of average people! Can you imagine putting up with the day to day onslaught of bullshit this man does?

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000000  No.11606154


Post your email and I'll clear it out for you. Look at my ID, I'm the admin here.

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5575ac  No.11606156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sing it with me, Leaf!

Love Interruption

Jack White, Jack White

I want love to, roll me over slowly

Stick a knife inside me, and twist it all around.

I want love to, grab my fingers gently

Slam them in a doorway, put my face into the ground.

I want love to, murder my own mother and

Take her off to somewhere like hell or up above.

I want love to change my friends to enemies,

Change my friends to enemies and show me how it's all my fault.

I won't let love disrupt, corrupt or interrupt me

I won't let love disrupt, corrupt or interrupt me

Yeah I won't let love disrupt, corrupt, or interrupt me anymore.

I want love to, walk right up and bite me

Grab a hold of me and fight me leave me dying on the ground.

And I want love to, split my mouth wide open and

Cover up my ears and never let me hear a sound.

I want love to, forget that you offended me

Or how you have defended me when everybody tore me down.

Yeah I want love to change my friends to enemies,

Change my friends to enemies and show me how it's all my fault.

Yeah I wont let love disrupt, corrupt or interrupt me

I won't let love disrupt, corrupt or interrupt me

I won't let love disrupt, corrupt, or interrupt me anymore.

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325709  No.11606157


>its a brilliant tactic for whomstver is attempting

your asshole -literally- could not be more faggot


and with all due respect

neck yourself




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f3908e  No.11606158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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325709  No.11606159

>>11605813 Dough

Global Announcements

>>11575284 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>11573863 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

>>11571687 FAQ: What happens next in the presidential election process?

>>11554462 FBI: Exposure to child sexual abuse material can lead you or your child to feel disgusted, sad, and shocked. You may have nightmares or trouble concentrating. You are not alone.


>>11519368 Anons should prepare dancing Trump meme for Victory day

>>11519053 , >>11519249 Suggestion: that this video where Sidney Powell talks to Lou Dobbs about Hammer and Scorecard being used to rig vote count be put in Globals.

>>11518144 Please send all documented evidence of dominion, ballot destruction, ballot alteration or other fraud to Project Veritas and djt.co/stopfraud.

>>11500923, >>11500955 Trump tweet thread - This is what we know

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @250


>>11605824 Lady Patricia Cronan Malloch-Brown… she's still active in US work….worth to Digg

>>11605876 Dominion Voting Software version 5.5 (5:5)

>>11605890 CanAm Missing Project

>>11605950 , >>11605954 HART INTERCIVIC, INC. - Oakland county (MI), Lancaster, PA & Delaware County used these machines, not Dominion Voting Systems.

>>11605979 To all the American Anons who don’t already know, this is how the global msm is reporting the current situation. Day after day after fucking day.

>>11606018 Mark Malloch-Brown: Quick link to UK companies house multiple businesses including children’s charities

>>11606022 JOE M on Parler referring to Bill Kristol's post

>>11606025 , >>11606041 , >>11606046 Only link I could find to South African satanists is HERMES TRUST INVESTEC

>>11606030 CodeMonkey and Lin Wood Tweets.

>>11606048 Lord Mark Malloch-Brown was also involved in Save the Children and Thompson Reuters at one point in time…

>>11606086 muhQanon trash nnews

>>11606092 Ron's missing 'Apostrophe' is showing up in Rudy's tweet.

>>11606116 SAMPLE: Letter to the President

>>11606117 Ticketmaster To Verify COVID Vaccination Status Of Fans Before Issuing Concert Passes

>>11606120 muhQanon trash news

>>11606130 Here… another CM tweet without an apostrophe in 'Ive', asking Rudy for contact. Rudy probably signalled back to confirm


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3214ab  No.11606160


>Escape with your dick.

Damn, I hit ten buttons at a time.

Doesn't work.

Can I also use another finger?

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61d2e3  No.11606161



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df39a6  No.11606162


the internet is fragile.

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8fda36  No.11606163

File: 50aabbb5353ab69⋯.jpg (32.02 KB, 265x500, 53:100, booze.jpg)

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5575ac  No.11606164

File: 60c29954d10cafa⋯.png (101.14 KB, 352x471, 352:471, 000nsmrqq.png)


keep going little fella!

You can do it!

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bd757b  No.11606165


>Can I also use another finger?

Okay, but you don't get the achievement unlocked.

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8fda36  No.11606166

File: 480c684292d4131⋯.gif (733.86 KB, 280x210, 4:3, 27E512FF_6270_4C03_B797_27….gif)

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61d2e3  No.11606167

File: 9acb9584a3f943c⋯.jpg (419.21 KB, 703x798, 37:42, DOMINION.jpg)

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0c8686  No.11606168


Trump took out the Rockefellers when he defeated Hillary. Game over for them.

House of Saud had Bush and Obama as their players. They were the military might. The POWER House. US has the biggest guns. Trump has been regaining power within the military.

Rothschilds play the Queen. Control the banks control the WEALTH. Pretty sure Trump neutralized them as well by taking the FED which fed the system.

Soros Y Family is the Vatican. The Holy See. The CIA. WISDOM. They hid it away or perverted it to their cause.

Biden is their last player. Ironically, he should have the most access to the intelligence (wisdom) because that is who he is playing for, but he can't access it.

It's really just a game to them. No one has ever taken all three HOUSES. Wisdom, Power, Wealth. They were originally the Order of the World. They worked for the good of the people. But the Houses were infiltrated. They confused Intelligence for Wisdom, Money for Wealth and Military for Power. Their end game was to unite all 3 houses again and call it the NWO. They almost had it, but Trump entered the Game.

Do you know what Trumps the 3 Houses of Wisdom, Power and Wealth.


God Wins.

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f3908e  No.11606169

If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean jail. It could mean derision. It could mean mockery–isolation. Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it. And, you’ll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds. And it will be better than anything else you can imagine. If you’re going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It’s the only good fight there is.” – Charles Bukowski

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1653c6  No.11606170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ghidra is for reverse-engineering computer executables into a relevant source code.

While not exactly pushbutton, it does have very powerful tools for tracking what happens to a value in memory and through hardware instructions.

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bd757b  No.11606171


>Maybe she promised to be George jr's BFF,

GWB and Michael were uncharacteristically friendly in public, for being from different parties, races, genders, walks of life, and more.

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000000  No.11606172


>the Rockefellers

Well I guess Baron is a time-traveller so anything is possible.

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1437d8  No.11606173


Implying those types of images getting flooded on here isnt TACTICALLY brilliant from stopping normies or otherwise from coming onto the board and getting info. Dont be a faggot. Nobody wanna see thay shit and a normal mind goes to "ahhh fuck click out click out"

Maybe read the entire thing before hyper focusing on one part, dildo. Have we learned nothing from last year? That was their way of shudding the whole thing down. And that was from past shit, not necessarily "recent" from that point in time

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61d2e3  No.11606174

File: 792e966dcdb0448⋯.jpg (200.77 KB, 500x747, 500:747, Q1.jpg)

File: 597740478769e66⋯.jpg (220.68 KB, 640x480, 4:3, sword_and_shield2.jpg)

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5575ac  No.11606175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Neocons are nervous!

Loves me some Joe M!

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640b93  No.11606176

Not making friends tonight…😘

Some things never change

The Bonus Army was the name applied a group over 17,000 U.S. World War I veterans who marched on Washington, D.C. during the summer of 1932 demanding immediate cash payment of the service bonuses promised to them by Congress eight years earlier.

The Bonus Army Veterans Occupy D.C.

The Bonus March actually began in May 1932 as some 15,000 veterans assembled in makeshift camps scattered around Washington, D.C. where they planned to demand and wait for the immediate payment of their bonuses.

The D.C. Police Attack the Veterans

On June 15, 1932, the US House of Representatives passed the Wright Patman Bonus Bill to move up the payment date of the veterans’ bonuses. However, the Senate defeated the bill on June 17. In protest to the Senate’s action, the Bonus Army veterans marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol Building. The D.C. police reacted violently, resulting in the deaths of two veterans and two police officers.

The U.S. Army Attacks the Veterans

On the morning of July 28, 1932, President Hoover, in his capacity as Commander in Chief of the military, ordered his Secretary of War Patrick J. Hurley to clear the Bonus Army camps and disperse the protesters. At 4:45 p.m., U.S. Army infantry and cavalry regiments under the command of General Douglas MacArthur, supported by six M1917 light tanks commanded by Maj. George S. Patton, assembled on Pennsylvania Avenue to carry out President Hoover’s orders.

With sabers, fixed bayonets, tear gas, and a mounted machine gun, the infantry and the cavalry charged the veterans, forcibly evicting them and their families from the smaller camps on the Capitol Building side of the Anacostia River. When the veterans retreated back across the river to the Hooverville camp, President Hoover ordered the troops to stand down until the next day. MacArthur, however, claiming the Bonus Marchers were attempting to overthrow the U.S. government, ignored Hoover’s order and immediately launched a second charge.

By the end of the day, 55 veterans had been injured and 135 arrested.


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944147  No.11606177

File: 084de8912c76109⋯.jpg (27.33 KB, 381x438, 127:146, 1556517408166.jpg)

>come to board flooded with MILINTEL, every 3-letter agency, ostensibly the President of the United States and those close to him, hackers, law enforcement, veteran Anons, foreign agents, spies, and a bunch of vehement pedophile hunters

>a place where even good actors are afraid to dox themselves or reveal their identities

>post child pornography

Has anyone ever considered how the hell they get away with it? Either these shills are outside US jurisdiction or they have some kind of special permission. Or maybe they're just THAT ballsy. Seriously, HOW do they have the balls to post THAT of all things HERE of all places? Are they just that confident they'll win?

You'd imagine posting CP on /qresearch/ would be suicidal.

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fe8e55  No.11606178


Side note

Why are voting machines program for fractal voting?

What country actually does this?

May be road map of top end "elitist" plans.

No vote for you!

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5575ac  No.11606179



R.I.P Soldier.

5:5 o7

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bea347  No.11606180

File: 848890e380cb74b⋯.jpeg (596.41 KB, 1125x1261, 1125:1261, DF95CC1D_4936_4DBE_B77D_4….jpeg)

File: c85711db9896b34⋯.jpeg (360.52 KB, 1125x1588, 1125:1588, 5E0C6EEF_DDF0_4595_945D_B….jpeg)

File: 5728bec7bd32c31⋯.jpeg (379.16 KB, 1125x1420, 225:284, 8DEECF00_ECD5_4B4A_B78D_4….jpeg)




CM and Rudy Team Up:

Battle stations…

Battle speed…

Let’s help Get these Men what they Need!

-[Live] Dominion software configuration data, logs, settings, etc.

-Dominion Voting System training information

-Sample blank ballots for forensic investigation

-Dominion Software information of all types

-And more of us deplorables doing our diggz

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b63e9a  No.11606181


>Either these shills are outside US jurisdiction or they have some kind of special permission.

Option A. Plus VPNs.

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df39a6  No.11606182


Death where is thy sting.

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88632d  No.11606183


We cannot take this risk sorry Scott

'We will never be a socialist country" What part of this do you not understand?

Also he can run again in 24' anyways since he got impeached?

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34452e  No.11606184


Nice to know where all the old Lib Karens go to die…Scottsdale.

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51acca  No.11606185

File: f2f4e72ac81ae4a⋯.jpg (407.94 KB, 810x810, 1:1, Trumpspaceforce.jpg)

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5575ac  No.11606186

File: 9042e4e2b76995a⋯.png (175.82 KB, 638x876, 319:438, 00nsff1.png)


why censor the titles, scro?

how TF do anons know wtf is going on as far as the media's false portrayal of the movement goes anyways? Fuck the Karens!

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000000  No.11606187


>In Sweden there's apparently no need for masks or social distancing.

No mask mandates, although a few here and there are wearing them anyway. Distancing is recommended in public and shops all have stickers and plexiglass.

But no lockdowns or enforced mask wearing bullshit, that's the few positive thing here ATM.

I suppose they have succeeded with the brain washing to such an extent here that they don't need to force people to be worried and afraid of each other. They already are by habit.

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88632d  No.11606188


Also we caught all this criminals, JB would pardon them all..

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1c27ec  No.11606189


Secession, war, whatever. Fuck it. There is no USA if this obvious fraud and treason are allowed to continue

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325709  No.11606190


I get your argument

I just disagree with it

I dont believe it is "brilliant" in any way shape or form

I tend to think it is the lowest form of brute force action

its effectiveness in "stopping us from doing our work" (if even measureable) will be short lived

if they keep it up long enough they will get rolled like all the other CP arrests you see coming across the news wires DAILY

lets have the "stops our work from getting to normies argument"

most normies dont read the whole bread

most normies couldnt find a bread in the catalog if they wanted too

let alone the current bread

the CP is never up for more than an hour, then its deleted

so there is a small window for exposure

the vast majority of "normies" get their content from the chans through an aggregator of some sort

so the CP is auto-filtered for them

have a counter-point?


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5575ac  No.11606191

File: 3dae6110780fef6⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1398x734, 699:367, 000PQ99.png)


I am joking you fool!

OP is always FAGGOT

are you new?


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944147  No.11606192


Agreed. I do NOT think Trump will concede.

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97bfb0  No.11606193


thanks for the tip

roasties need love too

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000000  No.11606194



They're actually very right wing.

Divorced, money and somehow convinced that they don't want any more kids, since they ignore the ones they already have, and just want to spend their ex's money with boy-toys. It's fun for a while. If a guys in his 20's/early-30's I suggest experiencing it. It's a cheap way to see the world.

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325709  No.11606195


>You'd imagine posting CP on /qresearch/ would be suicidal.

yes, I would imagine that, anon

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69f83c  No.11606196

File: fcd4808eb1c9a8a⋯.png (74.16 KB, 1391x418, 1391:418, cqt.PNG)


They sometimes have good reporting/opinion pieces

Other times not so much

They are still MSM


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df39a6  No.11606197


Sweden trying to extinguish the invaders.

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bd757b  No.11606198


>thanks for the tip

>roasties need love too

Yeah… but they gotta pay

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000000  No.11606199


>OP is always FAGGOT

OP is always a belligerent cawk-gobbling homofag!

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62cab5  No.11606202

File: f48b0e9f6019b91⋯.jpg (102.3 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 470th_pepe.jpg)

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34452e  No.11606203


>Also he can run again in 24' anyways since he got impeached?


If we lose this, there will be no 2024.

and that's a check we can all cash.

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325709  No.11606204


OP here

….I'll allow it.

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d2e77c  No.11606205


I see it more as a setup than anything else. Like they want to lay bait on here so that someone "exposes" 8kun as a CP hotbed. Just like they try to do with the 'manifestos' pasted here from other places.

Its a discredit operation. Probably CIA anyway.

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88632d  No.11606207


I mean 20' and 24'

There is 0 chance we risk JB after spending 4 years catching them in countless crimes.

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640b93  No.11606208

Funny I saw nothing looking like an insurrection taking place in my area till "they" showed up…

Again not making friends tonight fighting for my freedom that has been taken away by an out of control secret military force

the use of the armed forces to act as a police power on American soil is actually illegal. It was outlawed by a law enacted in 1878.

The Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C. § 1385), limits federal powers when it comes to using military personnel to enforce domestic policies inside the United States of America.

A second federal law, the Insurrection Act (10 U.S.C. § 251), was adopted in 1807. That law would permit him to deploy troops under an executive powers act, if there is a determination that an insurrection is taking place, and a governor or state legislature were to request that type of assistance.

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bd757b  No.11606209

File: bc7d601a07a37c6⋯.jpeg (77.96 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, stealing_meme.jpeg)

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b63e9a  No.11606210

File: 702a441a9acb3b0⋯.png (73.31 KB, 707x495, 707:495, Screenshot_from_2020_11_12….png)


>Also he can run again in 24' anyways since he got impeached?

Two terms only. Impeachment has no effect on this. The only way he could get a third term in 2024 is if he is installed somehow (ie: by military after Nancy refusing to hold the electoral college) for his second term without being properly elected. Examine the wording of the 22nd amendment:

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944147  No.11606211


I've thought about this for a while. I think you're right. The people posting actual child porn are likely foreign actors in places outside US jurisdiction.

Which makes me wonder why they even bother posting lolicon. Why not just go straight for PTHC if you really want to disrupt the place?

My thought is this: The ones posting drawn loli may, in fact, be within the United States or some other punishable jurisdiction, VPN or no, and they're posting something that is legal in their state as a precaution against arrest.

I remember a bunch of flood breads in the catalog within recent memory claiming to be ANTIFA. If those were legit, then maybe ANTIFA are goreposters or loli spammers.

We shall see. In any case, I'm still shocked at the balls of these idiots.

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51acca  No.11606212


In Finland they just started rushing total lockdown and vaccine for all this week by politicians and MSM. ATM there is no mandates, just urging ppl to wear masks and distance + wash hands.

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325709  No.11606213


well, so long as the BO team keeps up with the pace they have currently set (deleted within an hour)

then I dont really see the threat

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0eaffc  No.11606214

The Cabal tried to do a bait and switch after the USPS cheat got shut down by POTUS white hats. The blocking of access to the Elections Centers and bags of ballots (remember the Biden van dropping ballots off) were all a smokescreen to hide the electronic cheat that was the basis for changing / deleting enough votes to cause an 18 million vote swing for POTUS. An audit of the actual ballot votes will take Biden from 74 Million votes to 60 Million votes and will take POTUS from 71 Million votes to 88 million votes. This was the biggest Electoral blowout in the history of Presidential Elections.

Now here's the twist. We know that the Senate has been keeping the Roy Moore, Doug Collins, Kelli Ward, John James types out of the US Senate + converted the House to Dem control. Wait for it… Many surprises coming next week.

Did Kelly Loeffler REALLY get more votes than Doug Collins? Stay tuned…

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97bfb0  No.11606215

File: fbd3efd86c4142d⋯.gif (364.68 KB, 480x301, 480:301, op_never_scored.gif)

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000000  No.11606216


>outside US

Bingo, hook-digits!

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d21e51  No.11606217


>Anon only exists for one post and then is gone.

Two posts bud, you are over qouta.

Begone with you!


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5575ac  No.11606218

File: a9d78f35970952c⋯.png (358.58 KB, 962x968, 481:484, 00nsmr3.png)


yessah! and if OP cannot take the heat OP needs to get the fuck out the kitch and go play parler or twatter er some shit!


Fucking kick the whole deep states ass and yet brought to our knee's by an army of Karens!



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043f6a  No.11606219


I have a way of connecting Melissa Carone (Dominion contractor whistleblower / patriot in Detroit) to CM if needed. She responded to me in a DM message after I revealed to her that her resume with her phone / email / home address was exposed on her Linkedin profile. I sent CM a DM asking if he'd like me to connect them, and I'm awaiting his response. I have a feeling he might be able to provide her with at least SOME insight as to how the shenanigans she witnessed were used in conjunction with Dominion systems to compromise the ballot counts.

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ebda9f  No.11606221


Member Secret Agent from iTunes way back, when it was freely included when ya paid big bucks for the computer. Haven’t heard it in years

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806a06  No.11606222


Right wing….right…

Bless their hearts.

I'm eating popcorn reading that at 3am. Shows what they know. Shaking in my boots we're so worried if we'll everrrrrrrrr get another post omgosh!

Who do we send the medical bills for all the cracked ribs from laughing too hard over bong hits?

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88632d  No.11606223

NESARA is the Trump card

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325709  No.11606224


>if OP cannot take the heat OP needs to get the fuck out the kitch and go play parler or twatter er some shit!

solid agree

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d2e77c  No.11606225


I've been listening to him off and on, he positions himself as neither anti- nor pro-trump. Lately in discussing the voting though, he is clearly on the side of "fuckery took place, and Trump is more likely to win than Biden."

Anons need to remember, Scott was one of the few 'influencers' who was summoned to the White House in the early days of Trumps administration. He came back a little different than he went in.

So he probably does know something.

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986754  No.11606226


I'm curious what your Public Heh officials will say once the vaccines come.

Hoping more folks wake up! Thank you for sharing the status of COVID affairs in Sweden anon! :)

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325709  No.11606227


>NESARA is the Trump card

you faggots have been saying that since the 90's


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dfc0c4  No.11606228

Mark Malloch Brown

He is the Queens election rigger - that's what he does, that's what he's always done.


He rigs elections from Venezuela to Estonia

He rigs electronic voting machines owned by him, George Soros and Mitt Romney

He controls the Senior Executive Service (SES)

He steals trillions of dollars from inventors, Main Street and a rigged global stock market

His slogan should be Make America British Again

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, age 64. Meet the man who directs the Queen’s Privy Council’s One World Government takeover of America. Click here for a full biographical timeline. The most accurate one available, to our knowledge. WARNING: We have uncovered more than 3,408 relationships that Lord Mark Malloch-Brown has failed to disclose to the public in any securities and ethics disclosures. Here is the raw Excel spreadsheet.

Photo: The Spectator (UK). Americans for Innovation.

(JUN. 19, 2018)—The kindest thing we can say about Queen’s Privy Council kingpin Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is that he is certainly one of a kind.

It has taken an entire group of researchers over a month just to gather the facts about him. These facts are scattered across the Internet in many dozens of biographies in an evident strategy to confuse people about his background. No two are alike. These convoluted biographies are telling for a man with literally trillions of dollars at his fingertips; meaning he can buy national elections anywhere on the planet, but he cannot seem to write his resume. (Note: Such biographies are an early clue of a corruptocrat who is hiding his secret activity.)

New, previously undisclosed associations were uncovered during this research. For example, Malloch-Brown has never disclosed anywhere his advisory role in the Institute for Global Law and Policy (IGLP) at Harvard Law School (ca. 2009).

Harvard Law’s IGLP advised Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Barack Obama, and their new Economic Council director Larry Summers on distribution of the 2008 “bank bailout” funds. Literally tens of billions of these U.S. taxpayer dollars flowed into Malloch-Brown’s Privy Council entities via his co-conspirators at HSBC, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, Lloyds Bank, Barclays Bank, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, UBS and State Street Bank, to name a few.

It should be remembered that FBI Director James B. Comey was chief counsel at HSBC and Lockheed Martin before Obama appointed him as FBI director. Lockheed and SERCO run AWE Management Limited, Britain’s atomic weapons establishment. AWE is controlled by a Queen’s Golden Share. His predecessor (and mentor) FBI director Robert S. Mueller, III‘s firm Wilmer Hale LLP had most of these companies as clients.

These same people and organizations are aligned with anti-American Republic sovereignty, constitutional relativism, pro-socialism, anti-Brexit, anti-Trump, pro-EU, anti-Russia, pro-Chinese, pro Islamo-Fascism, pro-eugenics, pro-Antifa, pro-SPLC, open borders, censorship via “fact checking,” shadow banning, net neutrality and anti-free speech agendas. Not surprisingly, these are Malloch-Brown’s globalist agendas.

Bookmark: #lord-mark-malloch-brown-george-soros |

Evil Men Who Rig Our Elections

This excellent interview discusses the contents of this post. We suggest you listen as you read this post clear to the end. Video: American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation, Leader Technologies, Inc.


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1de53f  No.11606229

File: baf2987e5341cc3⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 400x400, 1:1, baf2987e5341cc3c218625dc6c….gif)

File: d0f5fff3c3764db⋯.gif (499.58 KB, 480x228, 40:19, d0f5fff3c3764db41cb92f793f….gif)

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944147  No.11606230


What do you think, then? CCP? MOSSAD? I just seriously wonder where these sons of bitches are posting from that they don't have any fear of US law enforcement bringing the party van.

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0eaffc  No.11606231

Watch heads explode as California, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts (even Delaware) go red… Coming soon to a theater near you.

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325709  No.11606232


kek, interesting

didnt know that

I used to DJ drum n base 'back in the day'


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5575ac  No.11606234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


See! Openly displaying it's jewish homosexual passive aggressive tendencies!

much rapid hand wringing!

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f30965  No.11606235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Official Theme from Now -> Victory.

Blessings to All That Quest for Truth.


Cras Es Noster

Deus Vult

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9e9514  No.11606236


Uncensored hentai and Loli CGI are illegal in some countries.

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3214ab  No.11606237


That's why Ron resigned as admin.

He was needed for this.

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944147  No.11606238


Cali would not surprise me. People underestimate just how much the average Californian hates Emperor Newsom.

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000000  No.11606240


I don't think Israel is continuing to work against US. They're a small country of a few million and I think they figured out they cant trust the CCP nor do they have a strong enough strangle-hold on them.

I think it's UK/British led by geographical China.

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640b93  No.11606241


"A powerful radio signal that may be affecting human health has been monitored in several Eugene locations and in the air three thousand feet above the city," proclaimed the Eugene Register-Guard on March 26, 1978. "The source of the radio signal is unknown." Thus came to light news of the. first electromagnetic biohazards suffered by a major population center (34). Shortly before the Register-Guard printed the story, a middle-aged Eugene man, Walter Deposkey, came down with symptoms remarkably similar to those attributed to microwave sickness (35). He noted a strange vibration emanating from within his home. He heard voices. He could not sleep. He suffered burning of his cornea. University of Oregon industrial hygeinist Marshall van Ert, called to investigate Deposkey's complaints, suffered the same symptoms in the man's home. Disturbed, van Ert recruited several local engineers to investigate. The engineers measured an unusual radio signal they determined was capable of producing potential biohazards. After dogging public health agencies to investigate further, van Ert broke the story in the papers (36).

The Eugene Signal was described as a radio frequency pulse at 4.75 megahertz, 1,100 cycles per second, recorded within at least two local homes as well as 3,000 feet above the city (37). The signal's strength was rated at five hundred thousand watts – ten times the FCC AM licensed limit. The signal extended as far away as the next town, Corvallis. 150 documented complaints about the signal prompted Governor Bob Straub, Senator Mark Hatfield, and Congressman Jim Weaver to demand an EPA investigation (38). A data analysis by the State Health Department's Radiation Control Section suggested "probable cause" linking the complaints to the strange frequency (39). "I was surprised," said Clifford Shrock, a Textronix, Inc. radio frequency analyst who had written CIA and NSA electronics manuals, "I'd never seen anything like it before." (40) Reactions to the story" flooded in from around the world. Calls came in from people telling similar stories about their own distant areas. Several calls came from technicians offering their hypotheses about the signal, suggesting a possible link to secret weapons readiation. The people of Eugene began to learn about Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) biohazards in a hurry.

No one, however, could get to the bottom of Eugene's problem. The FCC's. Enforcement Division Assistant Chief, Richard Smith, laid the blame squarely on a naval transmitter at Dixon, California – the "Dixon Duck" (41). Van Ert and others disputed this conclusion. The Navy denied it. When the EPA technicians finally arrived, they decided no real Problem existed and denied that there was any mystery signal. Van Ert, Shrock, and others strongly disagreed with them. They had felt the signal and had measured it. But, after holding a cursory press conference, the EPA investigators returned to its Las Vegas headquarters and dodged reporters. Then the investigation folded.

While some of the citizens of Eugene, Oregon say they continue to suffer from the signal effects, the Eugene Signal remains an official mystery. Marshall Van Ert left Eugene after he began suffering from EMR symptoms. Today he is still convinced he was-victimized by secret IW radiation and a government coverup.


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325709  No.11606242


>much rapid hand wringing!


and with all seriousness

I have a literally kike nose, anon


but true


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71ffce  No.11606243

how the fuck arent the cartels classified as terrorist yet???

if you got a strong stomach watch this


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0eaffc  No.11606244

When the Amish vote? (they never ever involve themselves in government) You know Trump blew them out. Dems who marched with Antifa and BLM secretly voted for Trump. People are in for the shock of their lives. The Hospitals will fill up but not from Covid. Rather, it will be from angina attacks.

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944147  No.11606245


Which should narrow it down. I think the loliposters are from places where loli is legal and the ones actually posting CP are likely well-outside any jurisdiction that would v& them.


Interesting take. Halfchan is full of shills using memeflags. Those are quite obviously VPN's.

I'd love to doxx these jerks.

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df39a6  No.11606246

I was friends with some of the most famous evangelists and pastors from the last 50 years. They all told me I was too serious about faith and that it was just a job for them and its easy money.

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944147  No.11606247

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f30965  No.11606248


yo bro, you mind taking a second to explain what the fuck your wild ass memetic magix are all about?

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325709  No.11606249


>the ones actually posting CP are likely well-outside any jurisdiction that would v& them

I wouldassumethis

-will be watching the news for CP busts though

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0eaffc  No.11606250

The truth will shock the Nation. The truth of how little support the Dems had will shock the world.

Germany, Denmark, Belgium, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand ALL cheated just like the Dems. We're at ground zero for an explosion awakening that will forever change the world.

Only the illusion of democracy.

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a3611d  No.11606251

John Basham:

BREAKING: #TrumanBlack Has Created A Computer Script That Combs Thru All The Election Data & Identifies Votes That:"SWITCHED" FROM #TRUMP TO #BIDEN& Votes "LOST" That Disappeared!Data Shows ALL SWITCHED Votes WERE TAKEN FROM TRUMP & GIVEN TO BIDEN!


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18c1aa  No.11606252

File: 6a2cfbee9e3b7e7⋯.png (644.27 KB, 1080x1014, 180:169, Screenshot_20201112_011644….png)

Gen. Mark Milley is a Deep State stooge and needs the boot by Trump tomorrow.


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7e3f67  No.11606253


>4.75 megahertz, 1,100 cycles per second,

4.75MHz is 4,750,000 cycles per second, not 1,100. Which one is it.

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000000  No.11606254


>I'd love to doxx these jerks.

All the ones I've doxxed in the past go to Canada.

I used to spam trackers before Mil got involved. Then I was like, 'yeah fuck that shit.'

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df39a6  No.11606255


Dump your mega church and start a small bible study with friends.

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856cba  No.11606256


>BREAKING: #TrumanBlack Has Created A Computer Script That Combs Thru All The Election Data & Identifies Votes That:"SWITCHED" FROM #TRUMP

if (Fraud) return true;

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5575ac  No.11606257

File: 19134dac61b319e⋯.png (909.58 KB, 1260x1004, 315:251, 00nsftptc.png)


knew it! kek 5:5



Anons get it!

Now fix the titles Faggot!

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3214ab  No.11606258



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325709  No.11606259

>>11606119 (you)


>yo bro, you mind taking a second to explain what the fuck your wild ass memetic magix are all about?

I am also curious anon…

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34452e  No.11606260

File: dd1c65aad06dbeb⋯.jpg (51.82 KB, 710x825, 142:165, EmmCU4XXIAEnghh.jpg)


I don't know fren.

After watching that Michigan DS shill Judge bitch-slap one of the Rep attorneys tonight…I just don't know how this is going to be settled by "the rule of law".

The Dems are standing on the Constitution [ffs] to make their arguments that the Const. makes no lawful provision for "poll observers". So they legally have no "standing".

And…to make it worse according to the Judge, an "eye witness" to a crime is not 'evidence'. But is instead the observers personal "opinion".

The law is just not gonna do it.


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fe8e55  No.11606261


Fractal voting


Maybe worth a look

Been around for a minute (2003)



Gets into area of discussion

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944147  No.11606262


Interesting. At the risk of applying /pol/ stereotypes, a Canadian location would likely indicate Chinese operatives to me.

I'm no tech expert. Do you mean that you narrowed down their physical locations to Canada or just Canadian IP's?

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62cab5  No.11606263

File: 809d4621f0f47b0⋯.png (19.34 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rise.png)

File: 9f326737d921d1f⋯.png (24.31 KB, 384x216, 16:9, confession_network.png)


It's an industry. The Faith Industry.

Look within for answers, not without.

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0c8686  No.11606264

==Launch of Space Ship Unity Two days away


NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – Virgin Galactic is just days away from launching its first human flight to space and we are getting a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the preparations. The aerospace company posted a video of the team installing the rocket motor into the Space Ship Two Unity.

The craft is slated for a voyage with two pilots on board, to test factors like whether spaceflights can be livestreamed. The unity is expected to launch from New Mexico’s Spaceport America, between the 19 and 23 of November.


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0eaffc  No.11606265


It all rolls up to the Supreme Court.

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000000  No.11606266


Would it not be icing on the cake if Turdeau, Macron, Merkel, Boris and that goofy New Zealand tranny get exposed as having hardly any vote….

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bea347  No.11606267


Yes, I watched the interview with her and RedPill78. There were others in the background helping her out and she’s brave enough to reveal the names of the Dominion employees.

I wholeheartedly support your attempts to make connections (even if they are secondary and solely reinforcing). You noticed that she contacted the people/organization that you, she, and I think would be the ones to contact. They failed her.

An information exchange between CM and Ms. Carone would be useful. To me it is odd that Dominion contacted her and requested her resume.

TY Anon!

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944147  No.11606268


Strange. No red text.



if not already in notables.

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325709  No.11606269


>All the ones I've doxxed in the past go to Canada.

very interesting anon…

it does seem Canada has a SERIOUS CP problem

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9b8f4d  No.11606270


Camouflage. Squares in the corners screw with the image filters of search engines and don't get censored.

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000000  No.11606271



Frequence and pulse are two different things.

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14163b  No.11606272


Every time I see this guy I think big hullabaloo about Venezuela that died down again so quickly…. invasionary expedotions and such (was E involved in that propaganda at one point?)

….and of course, the rescued girl. Again, prominently mentioned out of context during a Covid briefing and then 'forgotten'

All is not as it appears. These issues will reappear at some point, I believe.

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3214ab  No.11606273

File: e5d6fc10802fff0⋯.jpg (51.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, black_cube_intel.jpg)

File: 0a45eaa61884a16⋯.jpg (168.66 KB, 971x1200, 971:1200, black_cube.jpg)

File: f4b9cbd19e4c5af⋯.jpg (10.06 KB, 220x256, 55:64, Dominion_ImageCast.jpg)


Dominion = Black box = Black Cube = Israeli intel


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df39a6  No.11606274


I looked within, I am pure evil. I'll trust Christ and his sacrifice .

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aad5c1  No.11606276


I have 17017 marked on my chart kek

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711f4e  No.11606277

File: 408b3bc36c61b42⋯.png (181.79 KB, 500x500, 1:1, image_2020_11_12_192657.png)

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bec304  No.11606278


There may be a legal ruling coming from higher - but it is as Q said… The swamp runs deep. Very deep.

The people at the levers of government and "democracy" will not quietly or calmly vacate their stations.

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1437d8  No.11606279


Nope, see eye ayy as i mentioned earlier. Their whole fake narrative is stuff regarding outside the u.s. anyway. They can (and do) fake "being" potentially hostile OR friendly foreign governments. Russia. China. Etc. As seen with vault7 and noted with anything regarding muh russia and hacking

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986754  No.11606280


Yes, completely agree with you anon. Canuck here….people think it's just the machines that are suspect. Except it's not….Scytl, election rigging, bad actors….all possibilities ow elections are stolen.

Money appanrekt "talks" in this messed up matrix.

However, the truth and light will bring down the evil.

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155d65  No.11606281


Fuck all "Smart" tech.

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0c8686  No.11606282


This seemed like Comms? They say two days away from launch but then they say Nov 19-23?? It makes no sense.

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d21e51  No.11606283


>My garden is the only garden which grow Black Roses

That's simply not true.

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944147  No.11606284


Trudeau is quote obviously comped. Does the average Canadian know this?

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f30965  No.11606285


yo, o7, jam this tune-> >>11606235

randomly came on for me otw home from work, and i was thinking about the current situation, and the stong had just started hitting, and i was like "damn, whats this called, i need to save this shit."

and, POWWWWWWWWWWW, "The Storm"

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000000  No.11606286


No vaccine NO FOOD - signed, your loving Marxist owners.

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14163b  No.11606287


"Oh yeah?! - Well say hello to my Smart Shotgun and his special opening code friends."

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325709  No.11606288


>Dominion = Black box

any sauce for that

or are you just making the general connection to the fact that it is a sofware driven "computer"

black magic inside a black box, type situation, with the Dominion voting machine software?

or is there a more pragmatic connection you have seen between Dominion and Black Cube???


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18c1aa  No.11606289


Mark Milley is a Trump hater accusing Trump of possibly being a dictator….

Mark Milley is the political fag.

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d2e77c  No.11606290


If they are persistent, then it is only a matter of time before some BV is asleep and a newsfag comes on here to take a screen shot. Colluding with the CP poster, or had been tipped-off etc. Next thing you know some big expose on Qanon CP or some shit.

They will try anything. Remember Hotwheels a few weeks ago trying to take down the company hosting the block of IP's? Something about unpaid taxes or some bullshit.

Infiltration is their game. The mistake we can easily make is thinking these are just anons fucking around. Unlike jooo spam or flat erf slides, these could potentially prompt some kind of other action I'm assuming.

.to is what, Tonga? But the server location won't be.

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000000  No.11606291


>Canadian location would likely indicate Chinese

Well, remember when Macron and Trump met up and Trump about took his hand off his little bitch ass arm?

Now you have to understand that France is a vassal-state of the Crown. The French Foreign Legion should be a big clue as to what France really is. It's Londons Hong Kong.

Now that you understand what France is to Uk, then you understand what Hong Kong is to China.

Follow the yellow-brick road… Silk Road.

British East India Company.

The fucking Bongs (not the citizens, obviously) have been patient in their work to finally overthrow the US. They've been at it since 1776. All banks borrow from London. It's the control-center of the world.

London>Hong Kong>China



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2bf683  No.11606292

File: d549aaa4adca6a8⋯.png (296.08 KB, 2480x608, 155:38, Screen_Shot_2020_11_12_at_….png)

File: d0a06639015d15c⋯.png (309.45 KB, 2528x1136, 158:71, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)

File: 433541be84b25cd⋯.png (25.1 KB, 810x148, 405:74, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)

File: a6bf339203810cc⋯.png (45.03 KB, 1044x186, 174:31, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)

Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

Hamr Testing With WildTurkey


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61d2e3  No.11606293


HERMES TRUST LINK: http://www.saflii.org/za/cases/ZAWCHC/2017/167.html

Link to South African Cabal.

HERMES TRUST registered around 1998 or 1999 - M Manojlovic. Investec Private Bank.

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3324c9  No.11606294


Speak for yourself !

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df39a6  No.11606295

I don't have a smart phone. The only reason I got internet was because it was required by the government even though we homeschool.

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944147  No.11606296


War of 1812 was over the bank as well if I remember correctly.

Are you insinuating that the City of London is behind all this crap?

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61d2e3  No.11606297


To buy Occulus Quest you need Facebook login. That would also block you out for your comments.

Watch Facebook LIBRA CURRENCY.

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62cab5  No.11606298

File: 519f292c4cda3b4⋯.jpg (54.39 KB, 801x801, 1:1, Anon_Lives_Matter.jpg)


>Camouflage. Squares in the corners screw with the image filters of search engines and don't get censored.

Yeah, but he's doing it wrong blocking 20%; not leaving the meme intact putting the 20% on the outside. No one is using those memes to avoid the algos.

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325709  No.11606299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>That's simply not true.

its a reggae track

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18929a  No.11606300


. . . . . . . Wut?

Pulse is per minute, true, but that doesn't ….



A bit of a crazy idea - but would it not be amusing to discover that the democrats have always been the minority, even in cities - and simply capitalizing on the anonymous nature of the vote and their hold on media to create the illusion the cities are democrat?

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2ceab4  No.11606301

File: f67e272f754ef70⋯.jpg (205.44 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, f67e272f754ef70b5b9acf6b84….jpg)

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df39a6  No.11606302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Suppers Ready

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eb3ef3  No.11606303

If Q does not post again

What is the plan?

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944147  No.11606304


I consider my phone to be a weapon against the deep state and I haven't upgraded or replaced it because I have too much useful shit saved and fully intend to chuck this thing into the fucking trench when I'm done with this Digital War.

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f3908e  No.11606305

File: 6e3e23d7690b613⋯.jpeg (487.4 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, B607E32C_0281_4B20_AF0C_1….jpeg)

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e4df7e  No.11606306


that's what I think too.

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944147  No.11606307


Q will post again. Count on it.

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000000  No.11606308


>Dominion software configuration

I would think would be controlling Clarity elections software

Here is what appears be Clarity elections software administrator manual for counties.

I think this is the Clarity Elections group that managed 28 states count / elections. Not 100% but looks solid has all the code variables in the appendix.

Clear Design Administrators Guide


Clarity is now owned by Service Point Solutions"

Service Point Solutions (Paragon) announces acquisition of Scytl

Service Point Solutions, part of Paragon Group, announces the acquisition of Scytl, the Barcelona based company leader in digital voting and electoral modernization.

#### October 22, 2020 | Corporate

'''Service Point Solutions, a company quoted in the Spanish Stock Exchange and part of Paragon group, announced today the acquisition of Scytl, a Barcelona based company leader in digital voting and electoral modernization. The acquisition also includes Civiciti, the citizen participation platform launched by the software company in 2016, and Scytl subsidiaries in USA, Canada, Australia, France and Greece. This acquisition unveils Paragon’s group strategy to position Service Point Solutions as a pan-european platform for high-growth digital business.

See full details here.


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14163b  No.11606309


Didn't make a judgement on that. Said Venezuela and girl will come up again sometime in the future

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61d2e3  No.11606310



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325709  No.11606311


>Qanon CP

what is Qanon?

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0eaffc  No.11606312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's EXACTLY what's in motion as we speak. Other Nations have the information to reverse engineer their vote software now. Let the message spread round the World. We just showed EVERYBODY how to take them down.


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748e9c  No.11606313

File: 558c2551257b51d⋯.jpg (112.5 KB, 912x692, 228:173, airplane_panic.jpg)

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62cab5  No.11606314

File: fd6d8a592fe201c⋯.jpg (47.06 KB, 480x383, 480:383, canadian_borg.jpg)

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4f2fdb  No.11606315


Only Republicans can be this beautiful!

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d2e77c  No.11606316


Start a cargo cult of Q

Worship the Q'ran holy book of drops

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df39a6  No.11606317


Sounds like a plan!

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f3908e  No.11606318

Is the March planned Saturday an armed March?

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18c1aa  No.11606319


That's my call from the article.

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61d2e3  No.11606320


To get around the algorithms.

1. Rotate the image by 10 percent.

2. Superimose another photo over it with 10 to 20 percent opacity.

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f30965  No.11606321


HAMR noted in Vault 7 leaks


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000000  No.11606322


>Are you insinuating that the City of London is behind all this crap?

Always has been.

Those are the "Jews who say they are Jews, but are not, and do lie."

They're Iranian, btw..

Think about it. Israel had complete control of US Mil for decades, never attacked Iran, only constantly threatened to do it. Why?


Iranian bloodlines rule the world. Have since Babylon. The most famous false flag, the bombing of the Temple.

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d2e77c  No.11606323



They will conflate Q, anon, and CP to marginalize everything even further. Get it?

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bea347  No.11606324

File: 2997f3a52cf9631⋯.jpeg (333.4 KB, 1125x810, 25:18, EAF97D08_203E_4157_AC3A_4….jpeg)



I believe so as well. Plus he and IsItWetYet Jim have probably got …

Odin in ship-shape for Sailing on the Viking Seas

At least that’s what I got from his lead post and image:

CM: “Extensive battles have been fought tooth and nail during a self-imposed civic duty protecting the final fortifications of online free speech, guardedly navigating these tumultuous times.

Today I bring ship to dock.”

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74cdaf  No.11606325


If Q doesn't post again the plan is to read all 4949 post again until you wake up and know the plan that is in your hand.

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14163b  No.11606326


The plan if communication breaks down is for us all to assemble together on the attack ships off the shoulder of Orion.

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1437d8  No.11606327


I mentioned this


Many anons are still normies at the end of the day. A bit more conditioned, sure, but thats not gore clickbait or one guy one jar shit you feel me? Not exactly an "awww fuck okay okay you got me…damn. Now i gotta see which of my shitlord friends i can get with this" type of content. Again, more seemingly than anything, imo, FF content. However that might manifest. Whether thats a shootie tootie or they pull an 8chan last year (especially so if they try to implicate cm)

It definitely tells me this boards a threat to them once again, biglyer this time. And yes, its a low ball tactic but having to see in real time

Imma click the fuck out and wait. Oh its been removed? Idgaf, next bread. Hopefully any yuge revelation ended up in notables (but probably not)

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df39a6  No.11606328

You know there are less than ten of us posting now.

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d2e77c  No.11606329


That would be some pretty sweet shit if they were setting it up on an oil tanker or platform, hmm?

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df39a6  No.11606330


Make it count.

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0c8686  No.11606331

I forget again. Which shoulder?


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61d2e3  No.11606332

File: c1b876600d5ec7f⋯.jpg (140.62 KB, 1564x759, 68:33, Ek_kEKCWkAAO4_0.jpg)

File: 122f10dd0bc46cb⋯.png (833 B, 400x267, 400:267, flag_400.png)

The Greek behind the electronic voting system in Canada and the US



John Poulos is the founding President and CEO of Dominion Voting, a company focused on improving the electoral process through the application of technology.

Dominion is now in about 150 municipalities and was used in a couple of province-wide elections, including most polling stations in Ontario’s 2010 election. Dominion also has technology in 1,000 United States counties across 35 states.

Poulos has grown the company through direct support to elections in Mongolia and the Philippines.

His company now offers a full suite of technology-enabled equipment and services for all aspects of election, from compiling lists of eligible voters and recording when they voted, to counting votes and polling stations, to remote voting technologies that take the booth to the voter.

Identifying that automated voting technology could enable disenfranchised voters a transparent say in their own destiny, he co-founded the Delian Project, a non-profit organization that aims to help post-conflict and emerging democracies implement positive change in their electoral process through the application of technology.

He was selected as one of Canada’s Top 40 under 40 in 2010. His company has also been named to Deloitte Canada’s Fast 50 Technology Companies for four consecutive years. He was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Award in 2013 for his philanthropic work, and was recognized as Greek America’s 40 under 40.

John Poulos holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto, and a Master’s of Business Administration from INSEAD.

He is a youth hockey coach and a mentor to young aspiring business students. He is an active member of YPO, and part of an alliance of Greek-Canadian entrepreneurs who share a common goal to preserve their heritage.

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71ffce  No.11606334


does austilian Q RESEARCH have their own Q ??? theres your answer… Q researcher is for the people to save themselves

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f3908e  No.11606335

File: bf48dec589ed0a8⋯.jpeg (119.67 KB, 1135x800, 227:160, 14614044_D256_4C0C_8B40_4….jpeg)

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2bf683  No.11606336

File: 9b3f211de81318e⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1538x1228, 769:614, Screen_Shot_2020_11_12_at_….png)

File: 6be0732badb7ada⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1622x1070, 811:535, Screen_Shot_2020_11_12_at_….png)

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c5edec  No.11606337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pentagon under new management.

No more War Pigs have the power.

Hand of God has struck the hour.

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9b8f4d  No.11606338


The City of London, Vatican City and the District of Columbia are all separate countries. Let that sink in. It explains a lot.

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36982c  No.11606339

File: 96ac737b7d63d36⋯.png (769.16 KB, 561x735, 187:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6834004d8077bb4⋯.png (521.62 KB, 778x658, 389:329, march_mad.PNG)


Biden COVID-19 Advisor Urges 4- to 6-Week Nationwide Lockdown

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fe2ef0  No.11606340

File: d2350f30241868b⋯.png (148.34 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Metatron's Cube.


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325709  No.11606341


>They will conflate Q, anon, and CP to marginalize everything even further.

and they dont need a screenshot from q research to do that

have you seen the LAST over 2000 muhQanon hit pieces?

-were ANY of them legitimately sourced with a screenshot from here?


they were not

so again, I disagree with you on premise

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944147  No.11606342

File: 643d0e0ded50d22⋯.png (453.5 KB, 699x463, 699:463, 643d0e0ded50d22f78aef07b0a….png)

File: dc71a30bcf861e9⋯.jpg (151.35 KB, 715x500, 143:100, dc71a30bcf861e9c6d897b5595….jpg)

File: 06fc67f001e89c9⋯.png (450.09 KB, 521x567, 521:567, 06fc67f001e89c90ac7a118e03….png)

File: f096238f185b0f7⋯.jpg (449.25 KB, 1079x1179, 1079:1179, 1591431231140.jpg)

File: c935c9630cddc50⋯.jpg (12.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c935c9630cddc504d5fe454055….jpg)


It is an honor to carry the torch, /nightshift/ crew

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d2e77c  No.11606343


I don't think clicking out of the thread helps or hurts you either way. Just my .02.

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71ffce  No.11606344



i think NYC is also one too

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2516e1  No.11606345


EVIL Satanic bitch! Patriots please do not allow your health care to be socialised

UK Anon

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4c9c45  No.11606346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Giggle Loop

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986754  No.11606347


Unfortunately there's some (correction: a lot of) peeps here in Canuckland who feel that he's a good leader. They are swayed by his good looks and emotions, not by their own logic and thinking.

The brainwashing is apparently doing its job here.


I think all of our parties are comp'd here. Except for a few patriotic parties that have propped up recently in 2020 but they still need to to be 100% investigated to see if they are legit or not. Our NDP and Conservative parties both support the Green new deal and Agenda 2030. I suspect we were always given an illusion of choice but there was never a choice of party with the election riggers in place KEK. But they are going down as they get exposed!

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61d2e3  No.11606348

File: 40761b0ec849623⋯.jpg (109.99 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, HD4L4GRA3ZAV7ATT2JP62YUWTE.jpg)



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1de53f  No.11606349

File: 0574dde082dcacc⋯.jpg (30.86 KB, 527x250, 527:250, akr315_1.jpg)


I vote for this one…USNS WATKINS

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62cab5  No.11606350


… I rode on the back decks of a blinker and watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.

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0eaffc  No.11606351

There are no GOP or Dem Senators. It's a complete smokescreen. Only those the Senate wants gets in the US Senate. (Loeffler, yes, Doug Collins, no. Doug Jones, yes, Roy Moore, no.)

What's about to be revealed? The US Senate has been rigging US Senate Elections for over 100 years.

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36982c  No.11606352

File: 1bb9760066aa3e1⋯.png (147.16 KB, 858x624, 11:8, 2014.PNG)


Biden Chief of Staff Designate Ron Klain Said in 2014 That Elections Are Rigged

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f30965  No.11606353


^PIC of Flashdrives pictured in 4pol threads from election night

the theory is that the flashdrives have the states they were going to be used in etched onto them.

what is marked out in red?

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0c8686  No.11606354


Epstein Island is/was an information hub. They had underwater access to the undersea cables. Big node in that area.

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56ef96  No.11606355


Its because they are healthy without co morbidities that kill fat assed, type II DM, smoking Americans…

Now drop that chicken wing and start eating a salad…for America…

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2ceab4  No.11606356



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36982c  No.11606357

File: 5be94adbf54ffb8⋯.png (179.54 KB, 856x614, 428:307, boom_p_tw.PNG)


BOOM: President Trump Tweets that Dominion Attempted to Alter Our Election and Got Caught

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2bf683  No.11606358


pb apologies

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eb3ef3  No.11606359

File: 03384bbb7a58c22⋯.png (854.11 KB, 715x607, 715:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce8beaf8733dc3e⋯.png (4.82 KB, 460x211, 460:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f7bf6a95272d5c⋯.png (13.76 KB, 536x266, 268:133, ClipboardImage.png)

possible connection re four seasons and Q drops

was located next to a sex shop called Fantasy Island!

7 posts with this search

post numbers








call to dig

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325709  No.11606360

>>11605813 Dough

Global Announcements

>>11575284 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>11573863 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

>>11571687 FAQ: What happens next in the presidential election process?

>>11554462 FBI: Exposure to child sexual abuse material can lead you or your child to feel disgusted, sad, and shocked. You may have nightmares or trouble concentrating. You are not alone.


>>11519368 Anons should prepare dancing Trump meme for Victory day

>>11519053 , >>11519249 Suggestion: that this video where Sidney Powell talks to Lou Dobbs about Hammer and Scorecard being used to rig vote count be put in Globals.

>>11518144 Please send all documented evidence of dominion, ballot destruction, ballot alteration or other fraud to Project Veritas and djt.co/stopfraud.

>>11500923, >>11500955 Trump tweet thread - This is what we know

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @450


>>11605824 Lady Patricia Cronan Malloch-Brown… she's still active in US work….worth to Digg

>>11605876 Dominion Voting Software version 5.5 (5:5)

>>11605890 CanAm Missing Project

>>11605950 , >>11605954 HART INTERCIVIC, INC. - Oakland county (MI), Lancaster, PA & Delaware County used these machines, not Dominion Voting Systems.

>>11605979 To all the American Anons who don’t already know, this is how the global msm is reporting the current situation. Day after day after fucking day.

>>11606018 Mark Malloch-Brown: Quick link to UK companies house multiple businesses including children’s charities

>>11606022 JOE M on Parler referring to Bill Kristol's post

>>11606025 , >>11606041 , >>11606046 Only link I could find to South African satanists is HERMES TRUST INVESTEC

>>11606030 CodeMonkey and Lin Wood Tweets.

>>11606048 Lord Mark Malloch-Brown was also involved in Save the Children and Thompson Reuters at one point in time…

>>11606086 muhQanon trash nnews

>>11606092 Ron's missing 'Apostrophe' is showing up in Rudy's tweet.

>>11606116 SAMPLE: Letter to the President

>>11606117 Ticketmaster To Verify COVID Vaccination Status Of Fans Before Issuing Concert Passes

>>11606120 muhQanon trash news

>>11606130 Here… another CM tweet without an apostrophe in 'Ive', asking Rudy for contact. Rudy probably signalled back to confirm

>>11606161 , >>11606167 DOMINION: https://votingsystems.cdn.sos.ca.gov/vendors/dominion/ds52-sc.pdf

>>11606180 CM and Rudy Team Up

>>11606228 Mark Malloch Brown: He is the Queens election rigger


>>11606251 #TrumanBlack: Data Shows ALL SWITCHED Votes WERE TAKEN FROM TRUMP & GIVEN TO BIDEN!

>>11606264 Launch of Space Ship Unity Two days away NEW MEXICO

>>11606292 Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed: Hamr Testing With WildTurkey

>>11606293 , >>11605994 HERMES TRUST LINK

>>11606332 , >>11606348 The Greek behind the electronic voting system in Canada and the US

>>11606352 Biden Chief of Staff Designate Ron Klain Said in 2014 That Elections Are Rigged

>>11606357 BOOM: President Trump Tweets that Dominion Attempted to Alter Our Election and Got Caught


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d2e77c  No.11606362

File: f7f3207a3ebfd03⋯.jpg (87.04 KB, 500x219, 500:219, thinkonyoursins.jpg)


Fuck yes, City of London. Crown. Roths. Banking. These are the kingpins IMO, after all the rabbit holes we have been down. The rest is a distraction.

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e4df7e  No.11606363



hard to say how many. if you look at Canadian news youtube channels, usually massive thumbsdown. If chat or comments open, usually negative.

the news is so bad. there is no pushback at all. trudy gave 600 million to the newspapers and journalists, and surprise, they don't see it as a conflict of interest.

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36982c  No.11606364

File: 9bbf7fbdee514cc⋯.png (193.73 KB, 852x679, 852:679, no_chance.PNG)


IMPOSSIBLE: GOP Picked Up Seats in House, Picked Up State Legislatures, Picked Up Governorship, Held the Senate — But Sniffy Joe Won?… NOT A CHANCE

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fe8e55  No.11606365

Links going dead on site. grab what you can.

Part 1: Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers http://blackboxvoting.org/fraction-magic-1

Part 2: Context, Background, Deeper, Worse http://blackboxvoting.org/fraction-magic-2

Part 3: Proof of code http://blackboxvoting.org/fraction-magic-3

Part 4: Presidential race in an entire state switched in four seconds http://blackboxvoting.org/fraction-magic-4

Part 5: Masters of the Universe http://blackboxvoting.org/fraction-magic-5

Part 6: Execution capacity – coming – http://blackboxvoting.org/fraction-magic-6

Part 7: Solutions and Mitigations – coming – http://blackboxvoting.org/fraction-magic-7

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d45683  No.11606366

File: 84bac3087234d89⋯.jpg (199.1 KB, 1169x1689, 1169:1689, downloadfile_8.jpg)

Q was a able to get patriots to organize a stand to defend Trump if the situation required and here we are.

Might get bloody but freedom has never been free.

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0eaffc  No.11606367

Paul Ryan yes. Kevin McCarthy no.

Kevin McCarthy yes. Jim Jordan no.

WAKE UP. The Dems have been selecting the GOP House Leaders for over 50 years. How did a pedophile (Hastert) become the House Speaker for the GOP?

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5575ac  No.11606368



dunno but triggered!

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No.922237 📁

Apr 6 2018 14:22:28 (EST)

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No.922142 📁

Apr 6 2018 14:17:40 (EST)


Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

One of many.

Net shut down.



Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.


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000000  No.11606369


>i think NYC is also one too

Only a couple acres

The Exchange.

Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) is what Trump winning the presidency was all about.

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9b8f4d  No.11606370


I wouldn't be surprised if Jerusalem is one too.

"And we shall build Jerusalem, in England's green and pleasant land.".

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000000  No.11606372


Forgot this extra sauce from the pdf. Another company that appears to be part of the system.


On their index page

One key county in Pennsylvania braces for huge increase of mail-in ballots

Bucks County, outside of Philadelphia, is the fourth largest in Pennsylvania. Like the rest of the state, it is bracing for a massive increase in mail-in ballots. CBS News highlighted the partnership between Bucks County and Clear Ballot. We are scaling central count operations together to prepare for November and improve voter confidence.

Company Overview

We have introduced a new class of tools and a modern approach to voting, enabling record speed, accuracy, and transparency that officials and the voting public have asked for. Designed for ease-of-use, Clear Ballot’s browser-based software, used in conjunction with commercially available hardware, scales to election jurisdictions of all sizes, and responds directly to the budgetary realities of counties and municipalities. Our election technology is used in nine states, and our ClearVote voting system is EAC certifiedBucks County, outside of Philadelphia, is the fourth largest in Pennsylvania. Like the rest of the state, it is bracing for a massive increase in mail-in ballots. CBS News highlighted the partnership between Bucks County and Clear Ballot. We are scaling central count operations together to prepare for November and improve voter confidence.

Anyone free to look at this one? Looks interesting. Not sure what I have here.

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36982c  No.11606373

File: 2ce58f23caa396e⋯.png (282.53 KB, 861x733, 861:733, have_faith.PNG)


HAVE FAITH – Hundreds of Pro-Trump IT Volunteers Are Scouring Voter Data – Already Nearly 300,000 Vote Discrepancies Were Identified in Pennsylvania Alone

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f3908e  No.11606374

File: 57544c44aed6044⋯.jpeg (81.01 KB, 494x683, 494:683, 0F5D9D3A_1A67_4376_BC11_5….jpeg)

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aad5c1  No.11606375

File: 8ee33317773e151⋯.png (257.6 KB, 484x982, 242:491, ClipboardImage.png)


Fantasy Island

7363 mirror 3637

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000000  No.11606376


>I wouldn't be surprised if Jerusalem is one too.

Never thought of that but makes sense.

Did you know Ethnic Jews are not allowed to pray in the Temple Mount? They often get arrested for impersonating Muslims and trying to sneak in.

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7f1876  No.11606377

File: 519f0b4e6635f1c⋯.png (9.65 KB, 298x253, 298:253, dominion_toronto.PNG)

Good Job, Canada. You Just Committed An Act Of War Against The United States


You have now given Donald Trump a legitimate reason to invade/annex Canada and assume control of your government. I hope he does it too. You've just attempted to fuck over your closest ally and rig their elections.

Your citizens should now start collecting as much damning information about Trudeau, Dominion, and its Board Of Directors as possible, and turn this information over to the US Government.

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df39a6  No.11606378

I befriended Tex Watson after he wrote his book so I could visit him in prison to warn him not to make money from his murders. He complied.

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36982c  No.11606379

File: fe5a729bf0af295⋯.png (634.52 KB, 767x735, 767:735, times_admi.PNG)


New York Times Finally Admits the Black Lives Matter Riots Left 'Long-Term Economic Damage'

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1437d8  No.11606380




But as mentioned, doesnt matter who dunnit. We can all but confirm an intel agency. They wont arrest themselves not will any of it be admitted to. Evidence wont manifest itself publicly even if, and especially if, muh route through DOD. Haspel really should have tried this a couple months ago and continued instead of last minute shit. Media wont care though. And thats where my comments regarding normies really is where its at. Yes they cant find shit even if you gave a direct link and told them what to do or where to go. Anons cant either with all the tools noted… they rarely get used, if ever.

But hey say this shits a larp and public enemy, throw some gaslight and pedo posting "proof" and whew

Took care of that one for the rest of this jews cycle real quick. That way when (if) shit does come out, be quick to label the site and users. They give zero shits about how every god damn bread mentions about filtering and reporting and how to do so properly. And normal normies are fucking retards that believe it. So it was more effective to pull at this time. Their advantage is the perception theyve installed already unfortunately.

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eb3ef3  No.11606381

File: 1ffb268310f6c48⋯.png (207.52 KB, 349x501, 349:501, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33e898b0048f553⋯.png (77.53 KB, 609x156, 203:52, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d9aded19b48644⋯.png (428.99 KB, 740x572, 185:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23ff50c06f39c00⋯.png (135.36 KB, 732x353, 732:353, ClipboardImage.png)



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2ceab4  No.11606382



Undeniable proof for Codemonkeys ballot hack theory: Ballot has Republican spelt with a double i's

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fe8e55  No.11606383

File: cb01edcd567af87⋯.jpg (33.51 KB, 600x315, 40:21, 1605009182.jpg)


Old dominion no moar


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000000  No.11606384


Hmmm Washington diggers…

They do king county (Seattle's elections) Bottom of the page.


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5575ac  No.11606385

File: f8f0f58602bc197⋯.png (18.53 KB, 761x652, 761:652, Q_22.png)

File: fecefe5cf062050⋯.png (9.25 KB, 758x421, 758:421, Q_26.png)

File: b64eb1fb68e3b9e⋯.png (11.33 KB, 758x474, 379:237, Q_32.png)

File: 9d7d89ed25f583d⋯.png (18.51 KB, 748x612, 11:9, Q_43.png)

File: 6f0f3e39ca5b631⋯.png (10.48 KB, 835x618, 835:618, Q_55.png)


won't get bloody

So, what are you doing after the war? Have a Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Want one?


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d45683  No.11606386

File: fb40335b8729a23⋯.jpg (50.28 KB, 474x711, 2:3, downloadfile_3.jpg)


Yup works just fine.

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0eaffc  No.11606387

They made plans so a 'Newt Gingrich' (mistake) could NEVER become House Speaker again. Are you starting to see it? The more compromised you are, the more power you are given.

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1cafad  No.11606388

Q told us:

>“The code is not complicated, because the target audience is YOU the worker, the family, the wonderful soul that you are.”

On this journey we have all known the destination. But we were unsure when we would get there and what direction we will go.

But now we do.

We have gathered and compiled a wealth of knowledge and information to help us on our journey and to prepare us for whats to come.

Well, the time has now come.

Q’s code has been solved. The missing piece was the ‘correct time’… November 1st 2020… 11.1

Since 11.1 Q has been speaking to us every day, in detail, of those days events. We can Paint the Picture in great detail.

Apply the code beyond todays date and you can Now See the Future in detail. Not predict. But see!

Theres still work to do but we must move fast.

Below are all the dates for November 2020 and the Q posts for each day (Q told us it was a simple code).

Zero’s may or may not be a thing.

As you lay out each day you will begin to recognise the events that happened on those days.

Cross check the dates posts with the days events.

Q tells us about the Election. Voting Machines. The Map with 43 Locations. The Buried Bodies. MSM/Biden declartation. Total Landscaping and much more… well into the future…

Everything is laid out. A clear road map. But you cant just jump ahead. You still need to follow the road.

Fill in the blanks and you will have all the answers.

When is Q Clearance? Or 10 Days? You’ll see. Exactly when.

When is the Storm? You better work fast!


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bea347  No.11606389

File: eec706a9c29f2f6⋯.jpeg (457.07 KB, 1400x1049, 1400:1049, 4D1B97D3_43D7_420E_BDD1_3….jpeg)

File: b3595da74a24bea⋯.jpeg (210.7 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 6B07B1C7_6757_4C54_8C27_1….jpeg)

File: f2f0b53e37a9e81⋯.jpeg (199.88 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 040ABA27_9854_4DFB_A8AB_5….jpeg)




How Many Election Software Vendors are There?!

Many. This is going to take some time digging through and then providing something useful back. I’m still trying to digest some of the other Election Software providers mentioned in this presentation.


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62cab5  No.11606390



John Poulos, CEO of Dominion of Toronto, gave statement to House Committee:



Contact Dominion


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5575ac  No.11606391

File: cdd4ad7cbaa2ce0⋯.png (11.42 KB, 229x221, 229:221, 6c5e1d9d000133e8c8aa2001c4….png)


Die Karen Titles Die!

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000000  No.11606392


That's a high-speed, low-drag weapon there!

Too bad you can see it's not loaded.

I'd bet that thing doesn't weigh more than 7lbs.

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36982c  No.11606393

File: c9bff5f119b0954⋯.png (466.33 KB, 859x588, 859:588, rep_points.PNG)

File: dc0f205b4c6c071⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1336x825, 1336:825, map.PNG)


Arizona Rep. Points Out That the Number of Potential NON-CITIZEN Voters is Higher Than Biden’s Lead in the State

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df39a6  No.11606394


I warned my friend Keith Green that slave labor is evil. He's no longer a slave owner.

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9b8f4d  No.11606397


It explains a lot, doesn't it? There's more to this that I am pondering on.

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14163b  No.11606398


Always sends a shiver doesn't it.

Remarkable cinematic moment. Spellbinding. So few of them in present cinema

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f30965  No.11606399


p sure Q didnt say "the code is not complicated…etc. etc. etc.

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aad5c1  No.11606400



She won


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bea347  No.11606401


Baker, suggest the following as Notable even though self-Nom

>>11606180 <“Rudy and CM Team Up…Request Specific Information”

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36982c  No.11606402

File: a897240ff930a27⋯.png (380.27 KB, 856x584, 107:73, oops_1.PNG)


Oops! In Verbal Slip-Up De Blasio’s Street Activist Daughter Admits Joe Biden “Was Able to Steal” the Election

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dfc0c4  No.11606404





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9bb668  No.11606405



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bea347  No.11606406


Ooops. You got it already. TY!

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0eaffc  No.11606407

How did Liz Cheney (elected 2017), one of the shortest serving House members, leapfrog ever other GOP House Member above her to enter into the GOP Leadership team?

Only the illusion of GOP/Dem. Only the illusion of Democracy.

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e4df7e  No.11606408


if he cared about democracy he wouldnt call the organization the Delian project.

the Delian League was like NATO with Athens at the helm. when cities tried to leave they were brutally crushed and enslaved. the treasury at Delos was moved to Athens who ruled over the league afterwards

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000000  No.11606409

Amendment 14:

Section 3

No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

How Joe can run for a President when he gave aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States - China?

Also, he took bribes from Ukraine. And there are witnesses on both cases, China and Ukraine.

Amendment 14, section 3 states:But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

And I don't remember this happening.

Also, it can be stated that he have engaged in insurrection and rebellion against the constitution of the US of America while he was Vice President.

Article 2:

Section 4:

The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

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aad5c1  No.11606410


No one yet

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944147  No.11606411



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36982c  No.11606412

File: bdec84566e07eca⋯.png (663.55 KB, 704x704, 1:1, some_thing.PNG)


Black Lives Matter: We ‘Invested Heavily In This Election’ And ‘We Want Something For Our Vote’

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b886c8  No.11606413

4AM mocking

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640b93  No.11606414

File: f2c65196fa04f7d⋯.jpg (81.22 KB, 768x773, 768:773, the_great_illusion_768x773.jpg)

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71ffce  No.11606415


have them niggers voting democrat for a hundred years …

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325709  No.11606416


>Ooops. You got it already. TY!


I was about to be like wtf anon


notable AF


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9bb668  No.11606417


Is this normal?

Is tehe any deadline?

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0eaffc  No.11606418

I aint in no ways tired.

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36982c  No.11606419

File: e9dfb9ee3dd8903⋯.png (508.13 KB, 808x465, 808:465, am_task.PNG)


Dr. Scott Atlas Attacks Fauci, Raising Tensions Among Task Force Members

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df39a6  No.11606420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I helped make this movie in 1979 to warn the world China was evil.

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1de53f  No.11606421

File: c60dadcc9d1e077⋯.png (459.59 KB, 550x550, 1:1, pitymefool.png)

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36982c  No.11606422

File: 55b9a6481c396ff⋯.png (249.04 KB, 770x541, 770:541, way_more.PNG)


Cuomo Threatens GOP Lives? ‘Going to Lose Way More’ Than Election

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325709  No.11606423


>4AM mocking

4am newsies already droppping, kek

this buns gonna be a largish one


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0eaffc  No.11606424

>Dominion Software Cheat

We just showed the WHOLE WORLD how to take them ALL down.

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fe8e55  No.11606425


How many?

Too many?

From blackboxing.org

GEMS vote-counting systems are and have been operated under five trade names: Global Election Systems, Diebold Election Systems, Premier Election Systems, Dominion Voting Systems, and Election Systems & Software, in addition to a number of private regional subcontractors. At the time of this writing, this system is used statewide in Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Utah and Vermont, and for counties in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. It is also used in Canada.

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df39a6  No.11606426


He and half his children died in a plane crash.

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74cdaf  No.11606427


I l

w vv

I can't see any other immediate deceptions…

m rn & d cl requires kerning…

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2ceab4  No.11606428

File: 5bcec2ad31acabd⋯.png (463.37 KB, 689x445, 689:445, ClipboardImage.png)



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eb3ef3  No.11606429

File: 7c4c7c053d8d011⋯.png (44.74 KB, 1045x513, 55:27, ClipboardImage.png)

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b886c8  No.11606430

takes a mocking bird to get a mocking bird?

when they mock us, how do we mock back?

is it directional?

do they mock us or the People?

therefore, we don't mock the People, we raise the People?


Godspeed Anons and thank you!

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36982c  No.11606431

File: 5fe19a93569e1d6⋯.png (12.59 KB, 660x148, 165:37, skip_vox.PNG)


America LAST: Nets Skip Biden Advisor Advocating to Withhold Vaccine

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711f4e  No.11606432

File: 4bed3b2f5acce6f⋯.jpg (66.01 KB, 488x423, 488:423, ok.jpg)

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9bb668  No.11606433

File: 91ed7e3085bd4ea⋯.jpg (129.83 KB, 1240x1855, 248:371, xetyp055eqy51.jpg)

Interesting tweet from 2014 from the guy Biden is choosing as his chief of staff.

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1f6058  No.11606434

File: d07cec67c7aea0c⋯.gif (200.9 KB, 480x640, 3:4, d07cec67c7aea0c4e972050196….gif)