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File: fa859165d6213e0⋯.png (365.43 KB, 693x391, 693:391, Q_Research_General_Banner1….png)

02fa7c  No.11401179[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 10.31.2020

>>11380146 ————————————–——– Are you ready for: ZERO DAY! (CAP: >>11381593)

>>11380075 ————————————–——– Are you ready to take back control of this Country?

>>11379970 ————————————–——– Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?

>>11379902 ————————————–——– Are you ready to finish what we started?

Friday 10.30.2020

>>11359925 ————————————–——– Fact checkers created in effort to reinforce propaganda [digestion]? (Cap: >>11360009)

>>11359798 ————————————–——– TIME magazine - The Great Reset - This is not about R v D


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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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02fa7c  No.11401189

Global Announcements

>>11304131 List of States and how to change your vote!

>>11386225 , >>11386371 Q Gives -DIRECT- Order to REMOVE ALL references to 'QAnon'

>>11388221 BV Team Gets an 'Adjustment'

>>11388156 BO/BV Locks Split Breads During /NightShift/

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11400513 In case you missed with all the happenings

>>11400583 Huge Trump car caravan disrupted some voters in Temecula, authorities say

>>11400652 During a short tarmac presser President Trump told the hyenas that the recent Supreme Court ruling (4:4 re: PA extended vote counting time, wouldn't take it up) was a disgrace.

>>11400689 Government Audit Reveals 320 NGOs In Greece Aiding And Abetting Third World Invasion Of Europe

>>11400691 The video clip in this tweet is the best one that shows the Biden/Harris bus and the white car driving erratically.

>>11400701 RSBN Stream

>>11400704 Ben Fulford Part 2

>>11400723 Miami rally. Whites in the minority. Alot of black and hispanic support!!

>>11400732 Coronavirus: Failing grades spike in Bay Area schools with distance learning

>>11400747 The Brief: International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists

>>11400792 , >>11400815 The White House on lockdown: A federal law enforcement source tells NBC that beginning tomorrow, crews will build a “non-scalable” fence to secure the WH complex, Ellipse and Lafayette Square.

>>11400830 What We Found Out About Hunter Biden’s Apparent Fetish with the Finger Lakes Region of New York

>>11400879 UC president orders all on-campus students, faculty, staff to get flu shot by Sunday

>>11400888 This seems to confirms that Trump has a big winning move to make regarding the mail in ballots.

>>11400935 A friend of mine in SF (special forces) just alerted me around 2 hrs ago that his base is expected to be on lock down due to on stand by readiness

>>11400954 We broke the Cabal feed anons. They need that lion and they need that graphic.


>>11401015 POTUS Rally Stream: Damn, he's got a Cuban band there tonight!!!

>>11401072 CONTROL “SCIENCES” an Article by L. Ron Hubbard 15 June 1969

>>11401076 Maggie NYT: The president is laughing out loud at his campaign video splicing together clips of Biden's verbal stumbles, playing at his rally in GA.

>>11401117 Hundreds of vehicles parade through Humboldt County in support of Donald Trump

>>11401161 #14561


>>11400422 UK's Nigel Farage set to relaunch Brexit Party as anti-lockdown party

>>11400392 We don't say his name. Up coming marker.

>>11400308 Why does it seem like the FBI was quicker to act on this quicker than they have been to do something about Joe Biden and his son selling America out to the Chinese Communist Party?

>>11400224 Far-left agitators call for death of 'Nazi' cops, scream at NYPD: 'Hope all of your children get raped and killed'

>>11400191 ‘Absolutely Unsustainable’: Joe Biden’s Plans Would Increase Spending By $11 Trillion Over 10 Years, Report Says

>>11400179 Where’s your fucking mask, Cuomo?

>>11400163 Klobuchar asks Minnesotans: ‘don’t vote by mail anymore’ citing concerns over segregated ballots

>>11400161 Rabbi Jeffrey Myers - Praises Trump for his response to Tree of Life.

>>11400152 I just got my first “headlines don’t tell the whole story” warning—on my own piece. Hey @jack i don’t need to be told to reread

>>11400045 George Soros's Plan B If Biden Loses

>>11400035 ANON USAFSOC C-32B

>>11400008 The same "Baker" who calls out anon's as shills for not wanting graphic change, in shilling red text

>>11399993 SNTRY27 Infinity

>>11399798 Statement Regarding Biden Bus

>>11399814 BOMBSHELL: Hunter Biden Email Names Kamala Harris, Others as Key Contacts for 'Joint Venture' With China Energy Co.

>>11399833 Oregon Is On The Verge Of Decriminalizing Heroin, Cocaine, And LSD

>>11399846 Kamala's communism endorsement animation

>>11399858 Three-wheeled flying car built in the Netherlands wins approval to drive on the roads


>>11399898 Flashback: In the 1980s the Holy Hermit of Loreto, Italy Predicted Donald Trump Will Lead America Back to God

>>11399903 Dr. Fauci slams President Trump, praises Biden campaign over COVID response; White House responds

>>11399953 President Trump just said RED WAVE

>>11399965 Over 1,000 cars/trucks in Redding California!!! Let’s turn Cali RED!!!

>>11399967 Wray must go…

>>11399979 Rudy Giuliani’s Final Argument, Election 2020.

>>11399873, >>11399980, >>11400162 172,000 watching POTUS

>>11400432 #14560

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02fa7c  No.11401194



>>11398991 Really great to hear that the same FBI that found the time to spy on a presidential campaign at the behest of Hillary, & who “missed” the Biden crime family scandal, is all over this case.

>>11399001 Red Shoes, Bourne, The Kennedy Center, Broadway World

>>11399033 700,000 fraudulent ballots??


>>11399069 Also this: tomorrow’s 3-year delta

>>11399101 You will NEVER in your lifetime see an outpouring of love like this.


>>11399159 Another Professor discriminated about her views on covid.

>>11399180 Jewish Tyranny Ending Your First Amendment Rights

>>11399194 POTUS LIVE SOON

>>11399201 Oregon considers decriminalizing hard drugs.

>>11399161 Cuomo shut the cams down on the NY cuomo bridge full with Trump supporters. But the maga people brought a drone

>>11399139 4-5 times a day Do you believe the Polls?


>>11399237 I'm not crying, you crying!

>>11399535 THE MASK IS OFF: Kamala Harris Endorses Communism Two Days Out From Election Day

>>11399457 Nobel laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier (Nobel Price for Medicine 2008) reiterates on French TV that the coronavirus genome has been engineered.

>>11399647 #14559

Previously Collected Notables

>>11398143 #14557, >>11398897 #14558

>>11395747 #14554, >>11396501 #14555, >>11397369 #14556

>>11393443 #14551, >>11394184 #14552, >>11394990 #14553

>>11394054 #14548, >>11394463 #14549, >>11392796 #14550

>>11388743 #14545, >>11389532 #14546, >>11390301 #14547

>>11386463 #14542, >>11387144 #14543, >>11387955 #14544

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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02fa7c  No.11401200

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>10392346 ————————————–——– Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #15

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>10705197 ————————————–——– Australia #10

>>11358881 ————————————–——– Canada #9

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>11215013 ————————————–——– Germany #69

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>10843151 ————————————–——– Scotland #1

>>8033191 ————————————–——– South Africa #1

>>11297393 ————————————–——– UK #24

>>11285430 ————————————–——– China #1

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

QProofs.com ————————————–——– Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ————————————–——– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an Event ————————————–——– https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ————————————–——– https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>10756139 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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02fa7c  No.11401201

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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02fa7c  No.11401211

File: 28206a16348f6b9⋯.jpg (125.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Night_Shift_Vibes.jpg)







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d32ef4  No.11401240

File: 16abd3838d7f471⋯.jpg (40.03 KB, 640x354, 320:177, tucker_hunter.jpg)




Buckley is the name of tucker Carlson son and his brother

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9aca6e  No.11401244

File: 4a229abfd47e0c4⋯.jpg (76.12 KB, 596x800, 149:200, 1604285048411.jpg)

This STUPID GOY makes a decent point.

If we were not taxing the GOYIM so that the NON-TAX PAYING jews in America (Jews that claim to be rabbi's do not have to pay property tax, let that sink into your tiny brain, goyim) And out TAXES were going to THINGS AMERICANS NEED, through the JEW TAXATION, we could all have access to GOOD HEALTHCARE, but we would rather give our money to the FILTHY JEWS and their WARS.

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9cdc0a  No.11401257


I hope that cunt dies of pussy cancer.

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848f58  No.11401258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Biden's Plan For Gun Control


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608329  No.11401259

File: f48e8640a977a3e⋯.png (91.24 KB, 183x276, 61:92, ClipboardImage.png)

if it weren't a deliberate tactic to cause dissention division and chaos then why are the faggots changing the image every bread?

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23460f  No.11401260

File: bf0fbef2248f621⋯.jpg (71.16 KB, 500x493, 500:493, DS_TIME_NS.jpg)

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ac6ab1  No.11401261

File: 719d6ffb7c3e686⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 752x493, 752:493, Castle_lock_tweet_november….jpg)

Castle Lock

Eyes open?


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17e3ba  No.11401262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Miami Rally

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c9576f  No.11401263

File: e400df580f434da⋯.jpg (65.28 KB, 900x627, 300:209, Comfy.jpg)

File: 08b579152597ec3⋯.png (848.41 KB, 1317x880, 1317:880, NightShift1.png)


tyb comfy rally bread

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248bea  No.11401264

File: 9be5b6753f6f09c⋯.jpg (154.46 KB, 561x970, 561:970, moloch26.jpg)

File: d56282297dfd83e⋯.jpg (154.45 KB, 561x970, 561:970, moloch25.jpg)

File: 95e79f43ff6bd40⋯.jpg (154.58 KB, 561x970, 561:970, moloch24.jpg)

File: c18aae90d546e8d⋯.jpg (154.69 KB, 561x970, 561:970, moloch23.jpg)

File: bab4feefd534edb⋯.jpg (154.83 KB, 561x970, 561:970, moloch22.jpg)


Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"They want you divided by race"- Q

"They want you divided by sex"- Q

"They want you divided by class" - Q



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e56b1a  No.11401265

File: d54adf525ea94a3⋯.jpg (83.21 KB, 736x1104, 2:3, 327a0f8f703f0c15f6e50bae94….jpg)

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d979db  No.11401266

File: 5b6e8fb964910cc⋯.png (196.23 KB, 540x473, 540:473, 5b6e8fb964910cc30604bd746a….png)


Thank you baker.

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755a01  No.11401267

>>11401248 lb

> "It's the Jews!"

Yeah sure it is…

fucking ching chong chink

Go suck more of your Chairman's tiny cock

Commie maggot

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fbc30f  No.11401268

File: 9d6775e28830530⋯.jpg (68.54 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, bonus6.jpg)


Tanks Bakes

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7ed77c  No.11401269

File: 8fc67b79ae96685⋯.jpg (9.49 KB, 246x205, 6:5, frogSP.jpg)

>>11401159 pb Graphic Add-onAnon

Science! Gotta represent Séance!

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cf9b9e  No.11401270

Gracias Panadero.

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b05718  No.11401271

File: 60606fdb57d9a0e⋯.jpeg (364.85 KB, 1424x1500, 356:375, 6214EA24_B7AC_4391_9977_A….jpeg)

Biden does when Trump just talks.

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9aca6e  No.11401272

File: 8857cbd448f7d24⋯.jpg (13.11 KB, 289x292, 289:292, 1604281888432.jpg)


Cool story, bro.

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fbc30f  No.11401273

File: f172185d85092d7⋯.png (342.35 KB, 676x427, 676:427, reaperOnTheMove.png)

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640a2b  No.11401274

>>11401132 (lb)

>>11401157 (lb)

Everybody who's getting banned on FB, Twtter, Instagram and Snapchat are coming here.

That's why it was so important to solve the Q_Anon problem before tomorrow. It's going to be awesome.

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8774de  No.11401275

File: 2e6c70f8b6fb203⋯.png (82.51 KB, 503x693, 503:693, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah. We had that this morning.

There may have been a reason why Tucker Carlson was reluctant to break the Hunter Biden laptop news.

This email appears to confirm that Hunter Biden wrote a college admission recommendation letter for Tucker's son Buckley (?) in 2014.

Anon >>>/qresearch/11393136 says

>Can’t objectively cover the story if you’re IN the story, no matter how tangentially.

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c6f9e3  No.11401276

File: c15bc1c1f13ac6e⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 255x255, 1:1, injected_44fd5efbfece850ca….gif)

File: 04bdf49b7bbf131⋯.gif (2.23 MB, 255x255, 1:1, injected_2720ec81b770bb91a….gif)

File: 995c5353fe0d2b4⋯.gif (4.47 MB, 255x255, 1:1, injected_18607b0a7927e0847….gif)

File: bf38b8f8c3a8007⋯.gif (713.41 KB, 224x256, 7:8, satan_face.gif)

Symbolism will be their downfall.

In case you missed it, we found what symbols our enemy uses here.

(They poison/hijack/consume our symbols, yet there are distinct differences. Notice the red eyes on the lion here. Notice the lack of red eyes elsewhere.)

Those that continually create threads with it, know.

Essential Viewing Experience For Generating Actionable Insights

          )     *     (         )         (                (     
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.thread-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;

Fake/doctored image/video dropped here re: Epstein [cell cam] explicity designed to ban - terminate any TWIT user(s) reposting.

>Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

Do not take the bait.

Use discernment.


There are insidious 'wetware' hackers deploying monstrous programs designed to destroy our souls.

You can hate if you want, regardless, you'll mark Oct 22nd down as the day this board was marked for death.

Eyes on "8bit", coder and infrastructure technician of the censorship program deployed here.

Look, that program was damaged bigly.

You've seen the gif of the lion face exposure, they used this subliminal satan face to "Dominate our will".

I found out, and sent a tactical nuke~

which created the need for thread division drama,

yet pressure to maintain 'manipulatively close friendship zone' raised too high to continue that drama after Q spoke directly about it.

Within the day, 8bit has situated himself as "mentor" of the new BV team.

The censorship program is maintained at all costs~

(Notice the 1 picture (80+) poster? Blur_Img + IDEN, you'll see)

They jump between gore to flowers to pepe to flags to babes back to gore in seconds, do you honestly trust their content?

That night, "those in comms" built a 'shiny new ship' (Another board) they plan to run the narrative 'FastJack is comped'.

See the set up of cover?

They have situated themselves as they have at 4chan, controlled from the top down.

Both "comms crew" and "Anime / OSS / Barkeep" work for the same team.

What lies do they continue to try?

They have their assets (Masks/phersonas) running cover ops to their tactical existence - deployable Fog/Flack Of War.

While pushing "information overwhelming exposures" of "COINTEL tactics" - From my experience those injected on this board don't play intellectual games, they manipulate beliefs / emotions / our unconscious associations.

(You) must understand, that our enemy owns these mentioned pieces.

Their job is to keep us trapped on their stage of drama~

At least now we're on the same page.


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c32138  No.11401277

Okay, that logo picture is fine. Now, can we leave it TF alone?

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f08884  No.11401278

File: ad53aa6cb1bb6f0⋯.png (1.65 MB, 750x996, 125:166, ClipboardImage.png)


thanks Baker!

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228a52  No.11401279

File: 8b107ae4f5f8b31⋯.png (115.21 KB, 404x156, 101:39, trump_superman_air_force_o….png)


Chekt and TYB

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d0cb71  No.11401280

>>11401231 lb

Anon was saying we're not "adopting" the lion as symbolism, but I've been posting images of lions on this board prior to its conception, even back on half /pol/. It isn't being adopted and it's not foreign symbolism.

Again, though, I don't care what anyone does or doesn't display in the thumbnail so long as we're all on the same page and don't have breads worth of discussion about it.

>>11401232 lb

It seems like you misread. I was indeed being pedantic, but that comment anon made didn't make any sense…

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2730d2  No.11401281

File: cb43cc8c14e3498⋯.png (864.75 KB, 698x701, 698:701, energizer_baker_2.png)


Nice choice on an oldie but goodie NightShift meme!

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ed5cdc  No.11401282

File: 386d24ff91d1348⋯.jpg (156.15 KB, 1400x932, 350:233, 4Z5COQGTEJBSRLH74YH4ZSFF2A.jpg)

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cf4e81  No.11401283

File: 33e2143c44fdf74⋯.jpg (183.33 KB, 1000x715, 200:143, thanks_for_theh_vote.jpg)


Next, do Social Security and Medicare Joe!

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248bea  No.11401284

File: 84dcddc6e7984bb⋯.jpg (43.27 KB, 455x300, 91:60, Desperate.jpg)

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633204  No.11401285


> to cause dissention division and chaos

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cf0f0e  No.11401286

>>11400308 [PB Notable] Why does it seem like the FBI was quicker to act on this quicker than they have been to do something about Joe Biden and his son selling America out to the Chinese Communist Party?

Because the effbeeeye has been subverting pro-American interests. Perhaps the integrity of the organization has been compromised and it is controlled and directed by a foreign power; just like our tech giants. Or perhaps the corruption runs so deep that its members are actually hostile toward the people of the country in which it operates.

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755a01  No.11401287


Coincides with the RED# drops from Q

Makes sense cause one RED# deals with the classified locations of Pence/Pelosi

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9aca6e  No.11401288


Since before the Opium WARS, jews controlled China. That is why they are COMMUNIST today.

Thanks for playing, you IGNORANT JEW.

PS. Die in a fire.

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33f95c  No.11401289

File: 2b64b6bb5329bc2⋯.jpeg (11.39 KB, 248x255, 248:255, Obama_Sucks.jpeg)

File: b035a051038cd80⋯.jpg (151.35 KB, 640x360, 16:9, obama_erased.jpg)

File: d343e3b306e44ee⋯.png (566.15 KB, 776x459, 776:459, obama_on_the_lam.png)

Hey "Obama" or whatever your name is….your fundraising record got whipped today….by a girl!! All she did was put on a pair of heels and show up ; and Biden has you running around like a circus animal, performing for him ; sad

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20e5da  No.11401290

File: 91ad42b7177202d⋯.png (293.28 KB, 535x488, 535:488, Screenshot_2020_11_02_Anti….png)

File: 2d5ed47bb2efe94⋯.jpg (132.61 KB, 1055x649, 1055:649, Elyd0QWWoAU636u.jpg)


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55f6af  No.11401291

File: 05ed821a5d0802f⋯.jpg (104.03 KB, 579x497, 579:497, TYB_SAWBUCK.jpg)

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4e4ddc  No.11401292

File: 434e6a947ed2539⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 3000x2194, 1500:1097, 1604288502293.jpg)

File: 8be67d9d14a7e61⋯.jpg (507.03 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 1604288459307.jpg)

File: 517b8066cce00ae⋯.jpg (786.32 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 1604288381073.jpg)

File: 550333ed14de966⋯.jpg (832.58 KB, 3000x1998, 500:333, 1604288263373.jpg)

File: 56d25e514992817⋯.jpg (897.48 KB, 3000x2148, 250:179, 1604288179812.jpg)

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c6f9e3  No.11401293

File: 1db1c3f62dffa03⋯.png (423.85 KB, 510x510, 1:1, c564fcd4a40cc9d7b9f091e0ce….png)

File: 46f247be60da342⋯.png (405.29 KB, 510x510, 1:1, fb9fe259a227d09aca1c9a3b79….png)

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cb22b1  No.11401294


first off…lb/pb ffs!

>>11401076 LB

>The president is laughing out loud at his campaign video splicing together clips of Biden's verbal stumbles, playing at his rally in GA.


2nd…it's fucking funny af~!

suck it up, Maggie…the BEST is yet to come!

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248bea  No.11401295

File: ebd617173891771⋯.mp4 (6.3 MB, 848x480, 53:30, JerusalemMotorCade.mp4)

Old Jerusalem motorcade for Trump

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37bb9e  No.11401296


Jesus Christ, is my lord & savoir… it sould have said POPPA

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9aca6e  No.11401297


Jew Projection Much?

Stupid jew.

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2b8844  No.11401298

What a night. Trump wrapping up with his 5th rally of the day in a bit … I'm soaking in the history of this moment. We're two nights away from one of the greatest victories in human history. The people and Trump over the elite bastards. WWG1WGA, o7 Florida anon

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55419e  No.11401299



Lost in all the hub-bub, there were How will Q find us in the Catalog if the wrong pic posts??? on Swordy Shift this morning.

No clue if unironic or not.

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4c0f2f  No.11401300

File: a66c6d0a83df6c7⋯.jpeg (120.35 KB, 741x687, 247:229, IMG_8397.jpeg)


Thank you, Bakerer.

>Bewbs of breads past, for consideration.

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d979db  No.11401301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f3c6bc  No.11401302

File: da8c11600401798⋯.jpg (24 KB, 480x480, 1:1, adolfpope.jpg)

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a7f4ce  No.11401303

File: 84bc0b6093b08fe⋯.png (579.16 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Israel_flag.png)

File: e5681cb64541654⋯.jpg (95.55 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_the_talmud_is_to_thi….jpg)

Talmud aka Oral Torah/Jewish Law

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin.” (Babha Kama 113ª).

Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible.

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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d14dc8  No.11401304

File: 4105fe08f7f1c35⋯.jpg (421.95 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, IMG_076.jpg)

File: a3413f11afdf05f⋯.jpg (278.58 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, IMG_074.jpg)

Please God, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Invite God In


Our Father, Who arte in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our Daily Bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But Deliver us from the e.vil ones

For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan!

Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)k

DivorceSatans lies .blacklist BlackHats

Imagine the Success🥳 of Our Bright Future.

She curioux=Qbabies.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood.

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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91266c  No.11401305


Jews are just rich muslims

1: They both have religious practices that require general mutilation

2: They both have shitty food

3: They both smell

4: One killed their prophet, the other kills for their prophet

5: They both have genetic abnormalities caused through inbreeding

6: They are both protected classes (making anyone else a second or third class citizen)

Jews are just rich muslims

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4e10a3  No.11401306

File: d5b0f72874447bf⋯.png (2.97 MB, 904x4632, 113:579, Jewish_collective_power_lo….png)


Israel needs its cattle to keep paying for their shit.

Pay up, stupid goyim. And if you say anything about it, the ADL will contact the police and the IC, and you're going to prison.

Also, it's a very big coincidence that 109 Countries have expelled the Jews, and everybody know that one day for no reason at all people voted the nazi party into power.

Jewish collective power is looting the US.

https://archive.vn/k1gU1 - "Bill Before Senate To Give 80,000 Jewish Holocaust ‘Survivors’ In America Free Elder Care"


https://archive.vn/GjItv - "99% Of Israeli Start-Up Companies Eligible For Tens Of Millions In COVID-19 U.S. Bailout Grants"


https://archive.vn/NJ6ws - "ADL and Other Jewish NGO's Loot Small Business Bailout While Americans Get Shafted (FTN Podcast Audio + Transcript)"


https://archive.vn/hJCxh - "Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full $3.8 billion"


https://archive.vn/Kkty7 - "Israeli fifth column in Virginia funnels resources to Israel"


https://archive.vn/6oPck - "US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn"


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248bea  No.11401307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Projecting your projection.

Jews for Trump rally in NYC

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02fa7c  No.11401308


Baker on Duty PSA to ALL aspiring Bakers

Baker on Duty PSA to ALL aspiring Bakers

Baker on Duty PSA to ALL aspiring Bakers

Baker on Duty PSA to ALL aspiring Bakers

Baker on Duty PSA to ALL aspiring Bakers

Fly First, Communicate with the Tower Second

this first principle of piloting an aircraft applies equally to baking

-that is all

/End PSA/

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755a01  No.11401309


Stop trying to deflect everything to the jews, chink

Normies know of the shit the CCP has done

May as well kill yourself

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f08884  No.11401310

File: 11aa84777f0241b⋯.png (1.02 MB, 795x1280, 159:256, ClipboardImage.png)



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cf4e81  No.11401311

File: 9e4f74d17456dae⋯.jpg (275.6 KB, 1280x866, 640:433, baking_bread.jpg)

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dbb173  No.11401312

File: ed33bb15cc1de45⋯.jpg (167.92 KB, 1280x1586, 640:793, 3a105e912a41f329940cae4652….jpg)

Thank You Baker

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f79925  No.11401313

File: 6ef4775ad6ce344⋯.png (220.56 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 6ef4775ad6ce344c20e5d2f2a3….png)

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c6f9e3  No.11401314

File: f5a067bb158403e⋯.png (593.25 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 10589ce2b247ccc75ff0bcdbbb….png)

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599d30  No.11401315


thank you baker!


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8cb2e9  No.11401316

File: e163c8e3785362b⋯.png (29.72 KB, 456x360, 19:15, whyisshedoingthistome.png)

File: 367078d2ba30026⋯.png (27.57 KB, 472x374, 236:187, howcanimakeitstop.png)

File: f889a67dac55159⋯.png (77.98 KB, 474x382, 237:191, suicide.png)

Guys, Q, help, please. I found something horrible and it's making me sick.

The national helpline in Ireland for male victims of domestic violence is run by feminists who corner men into suicide when they call for help.

It's Men's Aid Ireland.


Everything on the website and everything they say on the phone is crafted to make men kill themselves. Their cartoon slideshow plays and replays the sequence:

"Why is she doing this to me?" … > "How can I make it stop" > Suicide

at the men who come to them for help when they're being violently abused. The final cartoon graphic that announces to you that the way to make it stop is suicide shows two cartoon figures making fun of the unhappy cartoon figure (you), who is going to have to commit suicide. They hold two fingers up behind your head to make fun of the fact that you don't get the joke. You're the butt of the joke.

They tell men on the phone and on the website that there is no way to make the abuse stop. They say the police and the courts always believe the woman. They say they won't help you find a way to make it stop, but they provide a "listening ear" to "support [you] through the trauma of domestic abuse". They help you "plan in advance for the possibility of future violence and abuse". They have "Men's Stories" which are crafted to make men lose hope completely.

They say, "Our helpline takes approx 10-14 calls/emails/texts per day from men or a member of their family seeking advice and support. Suicide rates in Ireland are very high and men account for 83%. (Ref Shine). We speak with many of these men on a daily basis and offer practical and emotional support."

Guys, these people are making men kill themselves for their own sick gratification. The reason that the rate of suicide among Irish men is so high isn't depression. These men are not killing themselves to escape depression. They're being cornered and tortured into killing themselves by feminist mean girls playing Let's Make the Man Kill Himself.

Hundreds of Irish men are being tortured into killing themselves every year by this organization.

If this is happening in Ireland, I'm sure it's happening in other places too.

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248bea  No.11401317

File: fc017b9c2e43698⋯.jpg (48.46 KB, 675x900, 3:4, OrthodoxJews4Trump1.jpg)

File: 4f22892b95fb574⋯.jpg (81.69 KB, 586x900, 293:450, OrthodoxJews4Trump.jpg)

==POTUS: "Thank you Rabbis!"

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e44e97  No.11401318



With it coming out, he seems pissed that this guy would have this kind of thing going on

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93bcd3  No.11401319

You are all chosen one.

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d0cb71  No.11401320


No they don't. They're just making a case for lower taxes and private healthcare without realizing that's what they want.

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f08884  No.11401321

File: d6f363e4799f16d⋯.png (107.71 KB, 255x163, 255:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33c1892eca850be⋯.png (98.97 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ClipboardImage.png)

*The Chabad SHEMA PRAYER* Chabad Jews Pray!!

*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

*The Lord is our G_d

*The Lord is One

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

*No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curioux. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.🚿

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

*Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

*Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

*Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.

*We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

*We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

*We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens 🐔

*Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

*for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏 :


*"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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ff9c6c  No.11401322

File: 0d72a2f613ab51d⋯.jpg (3.46 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20201101_224159.jpg)


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1a3ba8  No.11401323

Please pay attention: San Marcos, TX. is emerging as a testing ground for numerous groups funded by George Soros to play out their ambitions. See what works and what does not. Currently a Jordan Buckley, Alyssa Garza, Judge Ruben Beccera, Soros fundede Mano Amiga, and a disgraced cop running for Sheriff, Alex Villalobos are involved.


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8abd85  No.11401324


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e5f572  No.11401325

File: dd54a0ad4bcb459⋯.png (121.87 KB, 476x269, 476:269, ClipboardImage.png)

I know. nothing fancy. but this was to show my support for the old banner.

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248bea  No.11401326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cf4e81  No.11401327

File: b416863cabe0cab⋯.png (895.39 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, mask_up.png)

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14bb40  No.11401328


Are billionaire New York real estate moguls considered elite?

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735f13  No.11401329

File: 7528f8c4af4a8c8⋯.jpg (107.33 KB, 500x579, 500:579, 4kj2fw_1.jpg)

File: 887128c5c4fe1ca⋯.jpg (60.4 KB, 500x559, 500:559, 4kj5ld_1.jpg)

File: 594d59745fcdebd⋯.jpg (74 KB, 500x503, 500:503, General.jpg)

If the failing Deep State think election stealing will remove Trump they got another thing coming in a big way.

We The People- It's Go Time So Get Out And Vote.

MAGA Patriots will be live streaming CODE RED wherever the MAGA Patriots are called into action…

This Election Will Be The End Of Fake Polls and Bogus Political Pundits.

🇺🇸 🇵​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇸​​​​​🇮​​​​​🇩​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇳​​​​​🇹​​​​​ 🇹​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇺​​​​​🇲​​​​​🇵​​​​​ 2020 🇺🇸

Imagine everything Trump could have gotten done if not for the corrupted Obama administration including the FBI DOJ CIA… incalculable!


🇦​​​​​🇱​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇹​​​​​: 🇨​​​​​🇴​​​​​🇩​​​​​🇪​​​​​ 🇷​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇩

MAGA PatriotsOnly MissionIn An Election Crisis Is To Peacefully Protect President Trump from beingILLEGALLYremoved by desperate criminals.

Ex Military MAGA patriots will serve at the pleasure of the president as supplemental presidential Special Forces level law enforcement when called into action.CODE RED

President Trump is the hardest working president inU.S. HISTORYand he hasn't even accepted a pay check, realistically we really couldn't afford what he is worth anyway, plus president Trump has kept his promises. So for all MAGA patriots nationwide it would be a huge honor to protect our great president from domestic terrorism.

Please note:No other president could have taken the Deep States witch-hunt beatings Trump has taken in the last four years and still he gave America a record economy took care of our veterans and so much more.

We all know the future of America is clearly at stake and the Deep State has already said, Trump will win on election night but will lose after all the unverified mail in ballots have been counted…Only a fool would believe that insanity.

Do the Deep State criminals out to steal president Trump's reelection with fraudulent ballots realize how many heavily armed MAGA patriots with world-class military accessories will show up at the white house if anyone makes a move toILLEGALLYremove president Trump?It will be BIBLICAL.

MAGA Patriots will follow all military code andLAW ENFORCEMENT PROTOCOLS.

MAGA patriots will explode on to the scene with unparalleled organizational leadership and weaponry.

MAGA Veterans with serious warfare skills will be prepared to legally protect president Trump at all costs and this post is not a joke.

President Trump True American Patriots Stand At The Ready, So If Push Comes To Shove We Are Ready.

At least14 MILLIONAmericans can walk into combat tomorrow for president Trump and this includes women.

The MAGA Patriots have no association with law breakers, anarchists or rogue militia's.We are the Americans they don't want to meet.




Antifa Terrorists.

Anarchist Terrorists.

BLM Terrorists.

Harassing Police Officers.

Non-Peaceful Protesting.

Promotion Of Civil Unrest.

Burning Of Public Or Private Properties.

Antifa and BLM are currently strategizing attack plans for November 4th after president Trump wins reelection decisively.Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

This is itMAGA PatriotsTrump either wins the election or America will descend into urban warfare campaigns so bloody and brutal it will make the Civil War of 1861 to 1865 look like a day in the park.

Democrat run cities didn't stop BLM from rioting and looting after George Floyd's death so if Biden gets elected BLM will probably loot and riot until all the Wal-Mart's and wig shops are cleaned out and not to mention the circus Antifa will bring to the table.

President Trump will not disavow or tell the MAGA Patriots to stand down in an election crisis, not going to happen.

Random examples on the internet:



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2f8d24  No.11401330

File: 7582d6713d63613⋯.mp4 (8.59 MB, 720x1036, 180:259, 52jeya6RV2b5H4nY.mp4)

>>11401173 lb


had it in my head since I first heard heard it :)

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55419e  No.11401331


Anon eyes always on. Pig.

Only Classy very Classy memes get in the rotation.

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248bea  No.11401332

File: f19b5ec4fd48c67⋯.jpg (14.11 KB, 420x279, 140:93, Roach17.jpg)

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599d30  No.11401333


"y-you too"

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d0cb71  No.11401334


What if (You) chose you, anon?

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4e10a3  No.11401335

File: 25c3bef3ef780c1⋯.jpg (3.64 MB, 1384x9954, 692:4977, 3_Jewish_supremacism_post_….jpg)

File: 400b0afce28e277⋯.jpg (85.86 KB, 739x1019, 739:1019, 227db84114fdc42f468be57fb8….jpg)

File: 8d3b9b39ab37835⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 1350x7352, 675:3676, ARCHIVE_circumcision.jpg)

File: ca688968c47c5c9⋯.png (363.77 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Jewish_Supremacist_rabbi.png)

File: 2c50ba8b007beaf⋯.mp4 (4.05 MB, 192x144, 4:3, Rabbi_says_pedophile_rape_….mp4)


Islam, Judaism and zionism have no place in the West.

Stay in your desert.

Judaism is based of racial supremacism, approves of pedophilia and forces parents to commit child abuse in the form of genital mutilation via forced circumcision.

Video: “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”


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55f6af  No.11401336

File: 67d60e2cd88a5e8⋯.jpg (94.35 KB, 563x499, 563:499, NIGHT_RIDER.jpg)

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fbc30f  No.11401337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cf9b9e  No.11401338

Oh they hyped for Rubio!

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abd7be  No.11401339

File: 9e33b05e1a8c6bb⋯.png (186.46 KB, 1347x734, 1347:734, cl11120.PNG)

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02fa7c  No.11401340


>How will Q find us in the Catalog if the wrong pic posts???

that is unironically the funniest post I have read in a month, anon

thatnk you very much for sharing -kek


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755a01  No.11401341



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37bb9e  No.11401342

LA anon debating one whether or not to leave LA for the election

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ae51a7  No.11401343

File: 8513eda89215925⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 500x555, 100:111, 8513eda89215925a20cfa63bba….gif)

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17e3ba  No.11401344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Both of FL Senators finally showed up for a POTUS rally. Mighty nice of em. /sarc

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0aa354  No.11401345

File: 5d92576abfbd3af⋯.jpg (324.64 KB, 1079x1146, 1079:1146, Screenshot_20201101_224223….jpg)

File: 9214ddc31d00e43⋯.jpg (676.62 KB, 810x2180, 81:218, Screenshot_20201101_224132….jpg)

Biden Using SCORECARD and THE HAMMER To Steal Another U.S. Presidential Election

Sidney Powell retweeted.


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235b2e  No.11401346

>>11401196 pb

The banner has a powerful symbol already, our soldiers raising the flag.

No other should pretend to compete with that.

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4e10a3  No.11401347

File: e2388aff0d0b12a⋯.png (85.21 KB, 648x724, 162:181, 1_Israel_passes_secret_US_….PNG)

File: d69dcde72f093c4⋯.png (89.67 KB, 755x479, 755:479, 2_Israel_passes_secret_US_….png)

File: eeb4ba5ae3bfebc⋯.jpg (317.7 KB, 1242x1686, 207:281, 3_Israel_passes_secret_US_….jpg)

File: d09eba945e2dea8⋯.jpg (448.98 KB, 1250x954, 625:477, China_Israel.jpg)

File: 652ffdbf0af3ef5⋯.png (508.59 KB, 763x429, 763:429, China_Israel_and_One_Belt_….png)


China and Israel/Jewish collective power are really tight:


http://archive.vn/9fWzq – “University of Texas Child Porn Professor is a Chinese Spy under FBI Espionage Investigation”

A quote:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) testified on behalf of Zhao, shocking the community. Support from the NAACP, despite Zhao being caught red-handed by investigators with Possession of Child Pornography, that was described by prosecutors as “some of the most disturbing videos ever witnessed” by the Northampton County Courts.




The NAACP is s Jewish founded and controlled organization


http://archive.vn/TsY2i – “Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China”


http://archive.vn/bbmTS – “One Belt, One Road – Israel’s role in China’s flagship policy”


http://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.


http://archive.vn/4lZat – “Chinese groups debate supporting US gun ban activists, says report.”



http://archive.vn/yyMtg – “A Jew in Mao’s China”

I mistakenly thought that China during the revolutionary period was one country that had not felt the Jewish embrace. In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.


“Israel accused of selling US secrets to China”



“Jews have been working with chinks for decades, look at Zuckerberg and all the other rich jews already mixing with them. China is the new host body for them to be parasites on.” – Anon

“Rupert Murdoch likewise ” – Anon



http://archive.vn/CFx1Z – “Israel and China a ‘Marriage Made in Heaven,’ Says Netanyahu”


https://archive.vn/B1nXc – “China and the Jews”

It is a sad and sobering fact that the Jews are already deeply entrenched in China and have been been so for centuries. As an erudite China watcher on my site was quick to point out recently, the sinofication of Jewish names was already underway during the time of the Ming Emperors several centuries ago:

“During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), a Ming emperor conferred seven surnames upon the Jews, by which they are identifiable today: Ai (艾), Shi (石), Gao (高), Jin (金), Li (李), Zhang (張), and Zhao (趙); sinofications of the original seven Jewish clans’ family names: Ezra, Shimon, Cohen, Gilbert, Levy, Joshua, and Jonathan, respectively. Interestingly, two of these, Jin and Shi, are the equivalent of common Jewish names in the west: Gold and Stone….

…The Jewish merchants who had bought the opium in India then shipped it to China on their opium clippers where it was exchanged for silver from “Chinese middlemen”—most of whom were Kaifeng (Chinese) Jews—another fact that has been carefully concealed by our politically correct court historians. These Chinese Jews thereupon proceeded to distribute the opium all over China, causing an epidemic of opium addiction [blamed on the British]


https://archive.vn/JEq8K – “The Jewish Origins of Mao’s Communist Regime in China. Mao ZeDong, Yale & Illuminati Skull & Bones”

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248bea  No.11401348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump delivers remarks at the Israeli American Council RO CHEERS AND APPLAUSE

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4e10a3  No.11401349

File: d2eb7c42d38dc86⋯.png (910.01 KB, 896x650, 448:325, Israel_China_colaboration_….PNG)

File: 62aa5bee7fe7cbe⋯.png (159.85 KB, 758x714, 379:357, Jews_China_Mao_Communism.png)

File: dae6ac403374517⋯.png (866.56 KB, 824x832, 103:104, z_4.png)

File: 284015ef0270eba⋯.png (96.15 KB, 981x437, 981:437, z_5_China_Opium.PNG)

File: 5088b0b7d10e44c⋯.png (264.26 KB, 1208x524, 302:131, z_5_China_Opium_2.PNG)



https://archive.vn/kU7Rs - "Communist China was created by the Jews and serves their interests."


October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People's Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese (mostly Christians) during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance).


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e44e97  No.11401350

File: 3f59f3663c086b2⋯.png (225.48 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 3f59f3663c086b285394c8c6a0….png)


Thank you!

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9aca6e  No.11401351


He gave you FILTHY JEWS what you claimed to have wanted, and was nominated for a NOBEL PRIZE, too.



Trump is the GREATEST PRESIDENT OF THE USA. PS. Not Israel, Stupid jew.



in the hopes that they won't be sent to SAFE and PEACEFUL Israel, ala the new peace deal.

Won't work.

You jews have to go back!


Not a chink.


Die in a fire, jew.

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2730d2  No.11401352

>>11401296 It's Corn Pop to you son!

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e56b1a  No.11401353

File: 0b4cd8c9e1fd457⋯.png (69.75 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 0b4cd8c9e1fd4574512b84b4d1….png)

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fbc30f  No.11401354

File: d8232e542a8feab⋯.jpg (14.31 KB, 236x393, 236:393, reaper69.jpg)

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f3e3d8  No.11401355

File: e30b4ccc2027b79⋯.jpg (117.06 KB, 888x499, 888:499, no_unity_with_evil.jpg)

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23460f  No.11401356


That's what the fuck I'm talkin about - homegrown right there baby.

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cb22b1  No.11401357


>Anon was saying we're not "adopting" the lion as symbolism

POTUS has been the 'Lion' symbol since his 2015 campaign! PERIOD.

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bab49b  No.11401358

File: 9f0ea6668646d00⋯.jpeg (33.22 KB, 1280x688, 80:43, 2959D26E_487E_4C94_A6FC_D….jpeg)

File: cd24938a380d5c2⋯.jpeg (288.78 KB, 1600x1152, 25:18, 75FACA45_36BF_4C71_B71A_F….jpeg)

File: cb293db6a1754e0⋯.jpeg (40.76 KB, 640x404, 160:101, C126A235_2BB6_448A_A6DE_1….jpeg)

File: ea881021bec65ca⋯.jpeg (31.55 KB, 300x425, 12:17, A0761BCA_6F08_442C_B7FF_E….jpeg)

File: ef72415a9113c1d⋯.jpeg (90.52 KB, 705x717, 235:239, BB6E8643_0155_43D6_9C04_D….jpeg)

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3913f0  No.11401359

File: a756779d09c577f⋯.jpg (884.11 KB, 1679x889, 1679:889, beegees.jpg)




Separated at Birth

How derp is ur luh uhh v - derp is ur luh uhhv - I reeeeelly wanna know…

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cf4e81  No.11401360

File: 6fb788785fa2658⋯.jpg (105.11 KB, 521x786, 521:786, obama_circle_jerk.jpg)

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e62f5c  No.11401361

File: 4fd8922077d7152⋯.png (174.35 KB, 878x554, 439:277, 09_0016_USAF_VIP_POTUS_C_3….PNG)

File: a187f91f5c0dc30⋯.png (628.22 KB, 609x438, 203:146, nightshift_opa_locka_anon_….PNG)

09-0016 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A departed Rome, GA for Miami Opa Locka Exec. Airport

-POTUS delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally

SAM942 USAF G5 departed in front of POTUS

09-0017 USAF C-32A heading to MacDill AFB from Robins

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b05718  No.11401362

File: b62cd8d30c53314⋯.jpeg (24.93 KB, 664x630, 332:315, 969CB4F4_50B4_4885_B427_6….jpeg)


This board.

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23460f  No.11401363

File: 7cfc0ff2fac0ed4⋯.jpg (24.18 KB, 280x200, 7:5, Ric_Flair_WOO.jpg)

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4e10a3  No.11401364

File: 25b17b4635e6d63⋯.jpg (23.78 KB, 420x291, 140:97, War_Makers_1_Saddam.jpg)

File: b4d945c6d826e60⋯.jpg (47.62 KB, 878x306, 439:153, War_Makers_2_Iraq_WMD.jpg)

File: 2f46ea97cdfb4b2⋯.jpg (292.26 KB, 1200x937, 1200:937, War_Makers_4_Iraq_25_Most_….jpg)

File: 4b05695c9201d27⋯.jpg (27.78 KB, 606x319, 606:319, War_Makers_6.jpg)

File: 1a4e3ee59c80a23⋯.jpg (236.06 KB, 672x462, 16:11, War_makers_Iraq_war_was_fo….jpg)


Try harder JIDF.

Also, Bibi is going to hang for his war crimes.

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599d30  No.11401365



i'm concerned for the concerned fags now

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c6f9e3  No.11401366

File: fd00cbe0fce2726⋯.png (113.85 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 226757b3d3fd5e5525890c0f71….png)

File: 4826f7db65e470f⋯.png (124.1 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 251c3850e414178a39551bd0fe….png)

File: 19489431ad10612⋯.png (109.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f0b2a5d18381415a26bf9dbbf1….png)

File: 5762cdfa449eafa⋯.png (128.39 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 12692ff66d8c81a07652d6d99c….png)

File: d142e9084baba8a⋯.png (118.81 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c7994f314bbb014fed079a1c8f….png)

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d979db  No.11401367


how will Q find us.

I kek'd in my pants

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4c7a0b  No.11401368

File: 5bdc59f6861ccd0⋯.jpg (44.85 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 20200706_224329.jpg)

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2f8d24  No.11401369

beautiful point



a beautiful melting pot.

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4f6b06  No.11401370

Little Marco!

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fbc30f  No.11401371

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d6cfc2  No.11401372

File: 92261d68efcd284⋯.png (453.78 KB, 697x393, 697:393, Screen_Shot_2020_11_01_at_….png)

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d4c6ac  No.11401373


marco rubio was a globalist elitist groomed goi soi toi boi trannie soiroi juhhiss

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ab6786  No.11401374

File: c386be6c6a2cc50⋯.png (26.8 KB, 505x213, 505:213, Screen_Shot_2020_11_01_at_….png)

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e44e97  No.11401375


There really ARE girls on the internet; who whoulda knew?

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cf9b9e  No.11401376

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f8ccb5  No.11401377

File: 40f5106cbc04776⋯.png (117.32 KB, 456x737, 456:737, Screenshot_from_2020_11_01….png)

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a6c218  No.11401378

File: c63bb8400d478ae⋯.png (570.87 KB, 774x651, 258:217, 2020_11_01_22_46_06.png)

>>11401208 LB

Anyone buying it was a reference to Halloween?


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248bea  No.11401379

File: 0198272efecb130⋯.jpg (28.57 KB, 300x497, 300:497, Baphomet34.jpg)

File: aed33881fd2dbe3⋯.jpg (46.61 KB, 474x599, 474:599, Baphomet32.jpg)

File: 2eef40cf6ee1fda⋯.jpg (78.93 KB, 474x607, 474:607, Baphomet31.jpg)

File: 2eef40cf6ee1fda⋯.jpg (78.93 KB, 474x607, 474:607, Baphomet30.jpg)

File: 3db5f47f9207320⋯.jpg (18.89 KB, 331x515, 331:515, Baphomet29.jpg)



Blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah divide by religion divide by race narrative blah blah blah


Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"They want you divided by race"- Q

"They want you divided by sex"- Q

"They want you divided by class" - Q


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4e10a3  No.11401380

File: 607d9d49bebd76d⋯.png (78.08 KB, 444x590, 222:295, 1_Q_crumb_3655.png)

File: 8a6b38ed63174e7⋯.jpg (209.37 KB, 1236x1144, 309:286, 2_Q_Exodus_1_1_b.jpg)

File: 10315b5b21e0e3f⋯.png (818.91 KB, 1884x620, 471:155, 3_Q_crumb_Mossad_US_MSM_al….png)

File: 665d9f3685bf18d⋯.jpeg (300.66 KB, 1440x1547, 1440:1547, PragerU_Israel_first.jpeg)

File: 0653e65cd14927c⋯.png (494.92 KB, 990x701, 990:701, PragerU_Mossad_Unit_8200.png)


Israel is enemy #1.

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f08884  No.11401381

File: 08fca893a23af30⋯.png (133.35 KB, 211x239, 211:239, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67bd53c8e3da9a0⋯.png (87.05 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


The SAME Century Old 3 Card Monte SCAM To Destroy Nations

JEWISH TYRANNY By Any Other Disguised Marketing Name

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d0cb71  No.11401382


Yes, I agree with this.

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f3c6bc  No.11401383

File: cd6cabec26165fe⋯.jpg (71.5 KB, 1296x722, 648:361, sean_connery_in_highlander.jpg)


that's good, cause there can be only ONE.

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de4d7a  No.11401384

Leaked Zoom Calls Reveals Anarchists Nationwide Plans to Disrupt US Election and Takeover Federal Buildings


Full Doc collection, more leaking tomorrow.

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2f8d24  No.11401385


prolly depends on where you live in LA.

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f3e3d8  No.11401386

File: 16269ef97f42e64⋯.png (144.62 KB, 350x350, 1:1, praying_pepe.png)

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4e10a3  No.11401387

File: b097d984d757d83⋯.jpg (315.53 KB, 1154x632, 577:316, List_of_Jewish_Messiah_cla….JPG)






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c269de  No.11401388


did a baker just change the graphic and then start calling out anons who questioned it?

I remember decisions made to change dough were always a group effort.

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fbc30f  No.11401389

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abd7be  No.11401390

File: b39f872aec1395b⋯.png (258.55 KB, 656x799, 656:799, gwray.PNG)

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d6cfc2  No.11401391


crikey he should carry a stool

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ed5cdc  No.11401392


I grabbed that image by mistake…don't even know who it is. kek

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2f8d24  No.11401393

chills and tears Marco.

very very good.

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9aca6e  No.11401394




~Jesus Christ to the PATHETIC JEWS.


Keep exposing your TRIBE, JEW.

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248bea  No.11401395

File: 718c7daf6274998⋯.png (592.7 KB, 850x480, 85:48, 718c7daf6274998042b81ae05c….png)

File: af9d37c5abcd5dc⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, Satanists2.png)

File: 71f8eccaf7e616f⋯.jpg (66.23 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Vatican2.jpg)

File: bbcbc69727687db⋯.jpg (137.15 KB, 756x573, 252:191, UpsideDownStarsSatanic.JPG)


>Satanists are enemy #1


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2b2387  No.11401396


jews manage

they do not control

that is the big lie to protect those that do

all scholars and historians know this

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d0cb71  No.11401397


What if there were only ever one person here?

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d4c6ac  No.11401398

marco censors the crowd from chanting lock him up and starts talking about not liking socialism

what a jerk off @jack hack

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e62f5c  No.11401399

File: 4444e85f6c3f1c9⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1149x735, 383:245, planefag_miramar_dd.PNG)


almost back to Eglin-left North Island earlier

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bad161  No.11401400

File: 428ec3e8906be41⋯.png (53.37 KB, 774x531, 86:59, Get_Tough_It_Takes_Time.PNG)


The timing is interesting. Qresearch is dropping the POTUS symbol of the lion days before his re-election.


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ff9c6c  No.11401401

File: 12d5d1a4d426001⋯.png (262.89 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2020_11_01_22_4….png)

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fbc30f  No.11401402

File: 44898fda16209e9⋯.jpg (7.95 KB, 299x168, 299:168, jbAson.jpg)

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0b94fc  No.11401403

File: 1a2a76f067c5a03⋯.png (76.89 KB, 693x500, 693:500, CallingOutJews.PNG)

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01613a  No.11401404

Rubio actually making a great speech at the Miami rally.

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4c0f2f  No.11401405



Archived: Sept. 2018. o7

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cf4e81  No.11401406

File: a5bdaccff7df0a4⋯.jpg (218.63 KB, 999x1200, 333:400, joe_hunter_biden_cash.jpg)

File: 0f5b3d8447acaaa⋯.jpg (304.06 KB, 715x981, 715:981, XI_communist_bandit.jpg)

File: 703a245a9c33c51⋯.png (207.39 KB, 496x490, 248:245, xipooh4.png)

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e56b1a  No.11401407

File: ad5bbe90200f815⋯.jpg (549.5 KB, 1910x999, 1910:999, ad5bbe90200f8150caa9a62ad3….jpg)

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14f3ed  No.11401408

File: ae483ef58a017d0⋯.png (1.19 MB, 675x1080, 5:8, Vigo_Trump_NIGHTSHIFT.png)


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848f58  No.11401409

File: 91af01305595446⋯.png (139 KB, 325x490, 65:98, Screenshot_2020_11_01_pol_….png)

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e5f572  No.11401410

>>11401377 Q proof 4446

>>11401345 Sidney Powell tweet: 'Biden is using HAMMER and SCORECARD to steal the election'

baker, notable

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181917  No.11401411

File: 70e904e10c9c550⋯.webm (2.75 MB, 540x302, 270:151, shit.webm)

Hey frens, super comfy knowing shills funding dries up in a few days. Fuck clowns.

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75139d  No.11401412

For fun, can all Twatter anons hashtag #FauciHasASmallPenis?

Just for keks since the guy is an absolute POS who needs his teeny tiny ass kicked.

November 4th: Fire Fauci, Wray, Haspel, Birx, Esper, ect.

Bloody Wednesday.

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f08884  No.11401413

File: 31cbb839a2325c0⋯.png (123.54 KB, 262x192, 131:96, ClipboardImage.png)


You Jews Sure Do Love Moloch

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b943f3  No.11401414

File: 93d32ef7718dd8d⋯.mp4 (8.27 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, TuckerCarlson_HunterBiden.mp4)



Now it happened…

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9aca6e  No.11401415


All of the research that I have come across refutes every last thing you have posted.

How about you post some credible information, not written by jews, to substantiate your ASININE CONCLUSIONS?

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599d30  No.11401416


just like Hunter Biden in that car crash, right?

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4e10a3  No.11401417

File: f9503ebb31a613d⋯.png (121.78 KB, 762x370, 381:185, 911_FBI_document_page_37_U….PNG)

File: e68edf583bcc4a1⋯.jpg (138.67 KB, 1024x755, 1024:755, 911_Israel_bombings.jpg)

File: a2480a5829e5ba0⋯.jpg (770.98 KB, 816x2880, 17:60, 911_Lucky_Larry.jpg)

File: a16e0dff7306095⋯.png (621.28 KB, 731x607, 731:607, 1582893216376.png)

File: c21411df675e262⋯.jpg (3.74 MB, 3017x7000, 431:1000, Israel_did_911.jpg)


Israel comes last.


“Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country”

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a585c6  No.11401418

Anyone notice how much further down Qresearch is in the index.. almost to the bottom of the page, weird.

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fbc30f  No.11401419

File: 953aedd39bb360d⋯.png (68.33 KB, 255x255, 1:1, reaperComfy.png)

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248bea  No.11401420

File: 7d3a48b943f298a⋯.png (7.83 MB, 4272x2434, 2136:1217, Marxism.png)



Here are Jewish academics who DEMOLISHED MARXISM

Teach your children the truth about Marxism

Leszek Kolakowski's 3 volume masterwork of his CRITIQUE OF MARXISM AS TYRANNICAL in "Main Currents of Marxism":


Robert Tucker's "Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx:


George Reisman's discovery that PROFITS, NOT WAGES IS THE 'ORIGINAL' MONETARY INCOME in human civilization:


Murray Rothbard's explanation that MARXISM IS A SECULARISED RELIGION:


Ludwig Von Mises' explanation on how MARX ATTACKED HUMAN REASON itself in order to pave way for his system to be adopted:


Ludwig Von Mises' discovery of DIVISIVE LOGIC INHERENT IN MARXISM:



Anon's 2 most important things to know about Marxism

Religious: Marxism is derived from a dialectic in Creatology that imputes to "The One"/"God"/"Geist"/etc an inner DIVISION, an inner 'schism', an inner 'uneasiness', an inner 'conflict', that 'needed' the creation of the empirical universe to make itself whole through the historical process, whereby the path to "wholeness"/"completeness"/"fulfillment"/etc is through a history of good vs. evil until at last there occurs an 'inevitable' cataclysmic apocalypse of maximum depravity, pain, and destruction, after which the 'historical process' will have finally 'worked itself out', and humanity will have finally 'reabsorbed' back with "The One"/"God"/"Geist", and Humanity will itself become permanently fractured and cleaved into two 'species', a demonic global 'elite' controlling the lives of the remainder of the world species.

[This is contrasted with orthodox Judaism/Christianity/Islam that holds the event of Creation was an event of God's Love and Benevolence for his creations (humanity). Imagine the differences that can occur in social relations between a world where people believed HUMANITY is DIVIDED, and a world where people believed HUMANITY is UNITED! THIS is the battle being waged in the plan of 'The Great Reset']

Economic: Marxism is derived from a false description of the origination of money incomes in human civilization. Marx, following Adam Smith, believed that in the "early and rude state of society", if there ever was such a time, that the very first monetary incomes earned were wages, and that later on with the introduction of people acting in the capacity of "capitalists", there was a reduction in wages and introduction of profits. This is the conceptual framework of Marx's exploitation theory which is what EVERY Marxist institution depends on and takes for granted as true. The reality is that PROFITS were the first monetary income. In the "early and rude state of society" people made products directly from the material world around them, and sold them as commodities. The monetary incomes earned on the sale of commodities is product sales revenues, not wages. Since there were originally no money costs of production, all of the sales revenues were profit. Then, once people became wealthy enough and saved money for investment, instead of using it to consume right away, money began being used to pay people not for their commodities, which requires land and means of production of their own, but for only their labor. This was the onset of wages. Wages represented a monetary cost to DEDUCT from product sales revenues, which used to be all profit, but was now less than 100% by whatever extent wages were paid.

[Imagine if the world knew the reality that the rise of capitalism was in fact the end of the all profit era and beginning of the wage earning class era, that the rise in capitalism brought about a FALL in profit incomes, not the other way around as per Marx!]

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c6f9e3  No.11401421

File: 6a8098191795caa⋯.png (52.39 KB, 173x173, 1:1, cf5ce77bfbc1bc5e9089bd6d65….png)

File: 75a737c4d359950⋯.png (93.86 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d2a15fc39d037215bc6e1504d7….png)

File: 09f2c7eb77c3405⋯.png (63.18 KB, 173x173, 1:1, 9797e28b618e31740c8a20f80a….png)

File: 3b20d40a304a9c0⋯.png (157.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 241d4d7165b121aa7d1d2f7af3….png)

File: b7ef1f6e607acb4⋯.png (124.31 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 775ea3f8527407a6449cc91b84….png)

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968053  No.11401422

File: dceea8e1a453178⋯.jpeg (16.83 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 6bc27135b38b4b92cb8b6071d….jpeg)

File: 8c71d20478945da⋯.jpg (30.79 KB, 361x480, 361:480, 8c71d20478945da776b5adbfcb….jpg)

File: 20a776b8216da8f⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 31df302477d94268e1733ee209….jpg)

File: 0760dcda2b2441b⋯.jpeg (15.56 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 94fda9c2db82b99cddd32a7c2….jpeg)

File: 2a24324642af2d8⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 103x222, 103:222, 180c592e59e61188cd1f26b0b5….jpg)

the most admired woman in America? that is total bullshit, in more ways than one

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ab6786  No.11401424

File: a0c2e9fcc4f6f39⋯.png (118.64 KB, 254x349, 254:349, Screen_Shot_2020_11_01_at_….png)

File: 1d3d6383aa2b312⋯.png (117.17 KB, 424x241, 424:241, Screen_Shot_2020_11_01_at_….png)

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d5b1e9  No.11401425

File: 2e8876ce682b6a1⋯.gif (5.27 MB, 500x295, 100:59, 2e8876ce682b6a1eb19ba95345….gif)

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162ed9  No.11401426


this is how you talk to your people in your place where you share ideas?


your choice of words shows you are a vile parady.

no one is really as disgusting as you pretend to be in your diatribe.

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bab49b  No.11401427

File: 5955b2b2300b75b⋯.jpeg (110.29 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 7FA5764F_AA90_40FD_B3D8_F….jpeg)

DS pieces of shit, You thought We would Let this go huh, guys alive who participated are Dead in less than 48 hours .

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91266c  No.11401428


don’t take it serious chinabot

i was only joking and don’t give two fucks about your hateposting

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9cdc0a  No.11401429

Please fucking tell me there is a way to permanently filter these goddamn jew spammers ? I don't need to hear shit from a bunch of spam jew haters.

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e62f5c  No.11401430

File: 3eac9e94dd82e6d⋯.png (306.26 KB, 457x364, 457:364, moar_reaper_memes_baby.PNG)

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cf9b9e  No.11401431

File: a016cdf1e7f9b3c⋯.jpg (254.52 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, IMG_20201101_215120.jpg)


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cf4e81  No.11401432

File: 4aee9162aeaac44⋯.jpg (136.73 KB, 790x526, 395:263, SHAMELESS.jpg)

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c6f9e3  No.11401433

File: 3ef607b44cab0ee⋯.png (474.1 KB, 510x510, 1:1, c6f5edaa4d472ce3a1babede6b….png)

File: 33c86e72784ed1a⋯.png (433.56 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 870efb3bef2096e117b67efe48….png)

File: f03024c3069e0a4⋯.png (405.24 KB, 510x510, 1:1, ba2f5695b14029be2721b03fb5….png)

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4e4ddc  No.11401434

File: e550f47a44c0a97⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 7931x5200, 7931:5200, 1604289031593.jpg)

File: 6796390a16e3665⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 6475x3843, 925:549, 1604288983458.jpg)

File: f17d001ad529056⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 7925x5067, 7925:5067, 1604288889428.jpg)

File: 9b3e78bd163c708⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 7894x5089, 7894:5089, 1604288791570.jpg)

File: 915892641d32229⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 8256x5504, 3:2, 1604288839886.jpg)

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246b09  No.11401435

File: b59d74febea62c2⋯.png (384.25 KB, 499x633, 499:633, feinpussy.png)

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0b94fc  No.11401436

File: 04529b1796e3875⋯.jpg (31.01 KB, 493x382, 493:382, AdmRogersIIIII.jpg)


The reaper is a pussy.

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55f6af  No.11401437

File: c313366f2076a0b⋯.jpg (100.96 KB, 573x480, 191:160, GOOD_1_2.jpg)

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37bb9e  No.11401438


White but liberal area… they know who i am too ( they know im a trump supporter)

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55419e  No.11401439


Back when the Catalog used to break every time those posts were everywhere.

My heart melted with joy when I scrolled past.

Was too busy in other convos to cap but will next time when the Comms promised check for better graphics software clears and I can do it right.

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4f6b06  No.11401440


Typical lack of planning by those pesky antifa anarchists. No one has been working in federal buildings since March 16

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f3e3d8  No.11401441

File: 9bbf745fc99d04e⋯.webm (2.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, based_teenage_hitler_trie….webm)

Does anyone have the original link for this vidya? I can't find it on youtube.


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d0cb71  No.11401442



Damn we gotta wait until tomorrow…

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e97fcd  No.11401443

Let's take this up with the Boss himself.

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599d30  No.11401444


relax, its just a schizoposter

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0acbd2  No.11401445

File: 303129a8c08112d⋯.jpg (89.19 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ihearthat.jpg)


Can't wait to see what they have planned for election night…

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848f58  No.11401446



I don't take the shits anon, I just post em.

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2b2387  No.11401447


q team knows everything

plans years in the making

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fbc30f  No.11401448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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248bea  No.11401449

File: 8b59d8732be1740⋯.png (741.39 KB, 1684x1668, 421:417, ShillWhine.png)

File: b7e533d872e1cfe⋯.jpg (208.39 KB, 2160x1200, 9:5, TrumpIAC2.jpg)

File: bb3f371d0d72b9b⋯.jpg (105.01 KB, 640x428, 160:107, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS18.jpg)

File: 67f893c3af26228⋯.jpg (81.89 KB, 667x397, 667:397, USEmbassy.jpg)

File: a540722b08e936a⋯.jpg (160.69 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, TrumpIAC.jpg)






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c6f9e3  No.11401450

File: 69380b85ae325e0⋯.png (124.35 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 119dd6036f7deab71aade7c43b….png)

File: 924dded9843f597⋯.png (93.79 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 46bd75eddd2c93a54bb8b056cb….png)

File: 2341b8ce807f2b6⋯.png (52.4 KB, 173x173, 1:1, caa343cacb13228f6e0ed1c673….png)

File: 365ee791f5db34f⋯.png (63.14 KB, 173x173, 1:1, 02f677f0717d4852fb18fa28e8….png)

File: 6762aca57eb0b0f⋯.png (157.9 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2b437182fc3d67ed84bc3270af….png)

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75139d  No.11401451



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cb5061  No.11401452


Fungus, you still have your tells, so fuck off and take the iranians with you

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767b78  No.11401453

Political Warfare is a real thing. Beware of it, it may be CCP funded, says State Department.


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16d7a1  No.11401454

File: 8f4aac91ef6c3bb⋯.png (32.14 KB, 685x723, 685:723, 8f4aac91ef6c3bb36a24f960a9….png)

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cf4e81  No.11401455

File: c736015a2b808d1⋯.jpg (118.42 KB, 536x796, 134:199, Rogue_Won_Poster.jpg)

File: 47100d36b80f29c⋯.jpg (57.76 KB, 366x550, 183:275, vote_maga.jpg)

File: cf5d2724a652ee5⋯.jpg (140.44 KB, 925x2000, 37:80, light_on_potus.jpg)

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fbc30f  No.11401456

File: cba91ec6732d7cc⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 170x255, 2:3, reaper2_text.jpg)

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f3c6bc  No.11401457

File: eb0c44d3ead5cdd⋯.jpg (91.13 KB, 760x540, 38:27, Elena_Kagan_01_fit_760w.jpg)


i am skeptical…

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848f58  No.11401458

File: c7031b9fd0b6d35⋯.png (18.41 KB, 954x121, 954:121, Screenshot_2020_11_01_5_po….png)

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55419e  No.11401459


Organically driven by Anons and honored by BK Baker.

Simple As.

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ca9850  No.11401460

File: cc7d69326097091⋯.mp4 (5.89 MB, 848x448, 53:28, LoveMr_President.mp4)

This is Beautiful (and an UNDERstatement!)



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4c7a0b  No.11401461

Doesn't Rubio fuck over President Trump every time he gets a chance with Amnesty or when POTUS wants to end a war or takes a military action?

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cb22b1  No.11401462


>There may have been a reason why Tucker Carlson was reluctant to break the Hunter Biden laptop news.

YET, he's the ONLY mfer that brought on Tony Bobulinski to air pedo Joe's dirty laundry? Fuck off, asshole shill!

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968053  No.11401463

File: b38026f61df0ee4⋯.jpg (103.86 KB, 960x540, 16:9, hilz_at_the_hague.jpg)

File: 209b380f7b20913⋯.jpeg (16.41 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 3e94982ed4b43b0251340bd2d….jpeg)

File: 4fbbe3f1a772ac9⋯.jpg (64.09 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 4fbbe3f1a772ac93767386dc41….jpg)

File: 0637cd68e8b872e⋯.jpg (9.49 KB, 255x167, 255:167, 370e2622c055d419d3e9c705af….jpg)

File: 7267e2a45f374ee⋯.jpg (34.67 KB, 331x232, 331:232, 7267e2a45f374ee9f15667b139….jpg)

the smartest woman in the world? no one ever thought that, not one time…ever….not even her

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b05718  No.11401464


Where we go, we go as one.

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6079d1  No.11401465

File: 9a540e63ed6a1fd⋯.jpg (87.32 KB, 500x467, 500:467, 4kgsbp_1.jpg)

File: caff6894c81f149⋯.jpg (75.8 KB, 500x510, 50:51, 4kixza_1_1.jpg)


Glowing is what Trump Patriots do..

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e97fcd  No.11401466

File: 1cab12438daaba7⋯.png (116.57 KB, 368x540, 92:135, Q_Request.png)

Let's take this up with

the BOSS himself…

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d6cfc2  No.11401467


balance and proportion. the right field is lacking

the q research could move right by another space or two.

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ac6ab1  No.11401468

File: c9402c6b392ea8a⋯.jpg (120.34 KB, 1866x642, 311:107, Q_74_firetruck.jpg)

File: b10463169ce417b⋯.jpg (43.93 KB, 1458x445, 1458:445, q_post_74_Q_alice_you_ll_u….jpg)


Q = Alice

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4e10a3  No.11401469

File: 2b6ab822429cdc3⋯.png (44.55 KB, 591x333, 197:111, 1_MSM_powerful_Malcom_X_qu….png)

File: ac841add3515fc1⋯.mp4 (7.92 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Malcom_X_talks_about_Jews.mp4)

File: 59a950615fcd785⋯.png (565.21 KB, 999x630, 111:70, Malcom_X.png)

File: 4fc7a9f0cb871a8⋯.jpg (109.11 KB, 720x563, 720:563, Malcom_X_2.jpg)

File: 841d03eb1c36230⋯.jpg (227.46 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, Malcom_X_Best.jpg)


Jews have destroyed every place that has ever took them in.

109 Countries can't be wrong.

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f08884  No.11401470

File: ef481c34d929e93⋯.png (91.4 KB, 195x258, 65:86, ClipboardImage.png)


>all scholars and historians know this

Sauce or GTFO.

The hallmark of Jew shills, always take credit for stuff that they did not achieve, always make spurious claims like "all".


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cf4e81  No.11401471

File: c882149bf8a2603⋯.jpeg (171.47 KB, 1066x815, 1066:815, cia.jpeg)

File: f5cc7f00ebd01c9⋯.jpg (56.35 KB, 723x553, 723:553, cia1.jpg)

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d979db  No.11401472


that's a great story

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01613a  No.11401473

DeSantis now on deck at the rally.

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9aca6e  No.11401474



Controlled OPPOSITION JEWS who are (((ACADEMICS))) refute some of the claims made by MORDECIAH LEVY, aka Karl Marx, to "Prove" jews are against Communism and Socialism.


Jig is up, jew. Start packing and moving your shit to Israel. I hear Trump made if "safe" for you jews, and Got a NOBEL PRIZE NOMINATION in the process.

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75139d  No.11401475


That would be glorious.

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eb2ea1  No.11401476


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fbc30f  No.11401477


Bump. True if yuuuuuge

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55419e  No.11401478


Oh noes Biden gun win now we should be moar concerned.

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91266c  No.11401479



Is this an attempt to set a narrative?

Or just some dumbass anon who doesn’t understand that death threats are a no go on this board due to past history of FF shitheads like cesar?

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17e3ba  No.11401480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DeSantis in de house now!!!

Love Ron!!!

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deb6ec  No.11401481

File: 194336435373b71⋯.png (103.48 KB, 190x266, 5:7, 8448E140_72A3_422C_A37C_BB….png)

For the guilty ones, must do the dance…

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2730d2  No.11401482


Isn't it "Benis" for him?

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248bea  No.11401483

File: 49601b0de76851f⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 2040x1357, 2040:1357, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS13.jpg)

File: 8e1e04dba134b5e⋯.jpg (70.85 KB, 789x460, 789:460, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS12.jpg)

File: 8652feb3617c9af⋯.jpg (251.72 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS11.jpg)

File: 059a0e0fa00fa1e⋯.jpg (114.29 KB, 768x768, 1:1, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS10.jpg)

File: b9fc411b2b20090⋯.jpg (218.28 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS9.jpg)


God bless Jews, Christians and Muslims


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e2b1f6  No.11401484

File: a96436243868545⋯.png (275.04 KB, 474x338, 237:169, ClipboardImage.png)


just no

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235b2e  No.11401485




>>11401346 (me) I stand by this statement, but….

I really don't care if the lion's there or not, as long as it doesn't say Q_Anon.

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b6688c  No.11401486

File: 9e6f89884eea828⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1970x405, 394:81, BLE62JTTOVEZ5NUF577UV2HFDZ….png)


The verdict is in.

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0b94fc  No.11401487

File: be1fcf351c34d55⋯.jpg (35.55 KB, 534x467, 534:467, AlicKnows.jpg)


Not fooling anyone kike.

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448780  No.11401488


the wookalar

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3913f0  No.11401489

File: 0fb451386b96552⋯.jpg (559.86 KB, 1160x716, 290:179, yo_props.jpg)

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7a6630  No.11401490

File: 0457b30eca49b39⋯.png (43.34 KB, 610x430, 61:43, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_11….png)

DEVELOPING: Chautauqua County Sheriff reports the search continues for a mission plane that flew from NC to Jamestown. Lost contact at 5:47pm. 13 volunteer fire depts, 4 police agencies, county CAST team involved. Homeland Security, US Air Force sending help. 3 people on board.


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599d30  No.11401491


wasn't directed at you, fren

but i'm pretty sure the 4chan post of the Hunter Biden car crash made notables last week, kek!

if true though, it wouldn't have been the first time…

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91266c  No.11401492


don’t even need to see it to know it’s a larp

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640a2b  No.11401493

File: 48adcc34fa4a8ca⋯.jpg (209.5 KB, 826x495, 826:495, DSCN1599.JPG)

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4e10a3  No.11401494

File: 7b87136db8a6e67⋯.png (3.65 MB, 1536x6736, 96:421, Q_pizzagate.png)


Not an argument.

Good job trying to defend pedophilia and child abuse just because it is being done by Jews.

Speaking of satanism, pic related.

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767b78  No.11401495

Texas Supreme Court rejects Republican-led effort to throw out nearly 127,000 Harris County votes


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bad161  No.11401496

File: c6dcd83b67dffe7⋯.png (369.75 KB, 491x373, 491:373, Attention_Whore.PNG)

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000000  No.11401497


That loser Rubio couldn't bring himself to say PDJT's name once, kept saying "This President."

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ae1798  No.11401498

3.11 approaches

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d0cb71  No.11401499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d6cfc2  No.11401500

File: 005cf4f7eab635f⋯.png (430.55 KB, 581x401, 581:401, fakir.png)

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e57460  No.11401501

File: 8122594b1d77648⋯.png (304.19 KB, 420x261, 140:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 175fe21ec7c3e43⋯.png (489.26 KB, 1025x674, 1025:674, ClipboardImage.png)

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f3c6bc  No.11401502

File: 63e6476c1565476⋯.jpg (50.04 KB, 850x400, 17:8, bushlight.jpg)

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ae51a7  No.11401503

File: 9dec8fb95ff7f28⋯.jpg (62.94 KB, 500x369, 500:369, 9dec8fb95ff7f287382a293646….jpg)

File: 51f35827ededf26⋯.png (7.87 KB, 452x467, 452:467, 51f35827ededf26629df9f30dc….png)

File: 6b73b61af05554c⋯.jpeg (158.42 KB, 1242x1235, 1242:1235, 6b73b61af05554c3637573007….jpeg)

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ef1ad9  No.11401504

If the shillbots are seriously using the graphic the way in which its been presented

Why not just add one of them good ole camo overlays to that shit? Cuz i still see plenty of them

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248bea  No.11401505

File: b31993e0950d7ac⋯.jpg (568.63 KB, 1200x1574, 600:787, GeorgeWashingtonToJews.jpg)


>You Jews



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55419e  No.11401506



I minimize the rarely posted in stickys so I don't have that issue.

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cf9b9e  No.11401507

Ronny and Donny.

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c4ed28  No.11401508

File: cc253a3a6c004f2⋯.png (318.52 KB, 534x481, 534:481, Scavino_re_Rome_Rally_11_1….PNG)

File: c7a14fa43fe1f1c⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Scavino_re_Rome_Rally_11_1….mp4)

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅

EPIC!! 30,000+ in Rome, Georgia! Let’s WIN! #VOTE



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36cacd  No.11401509

>>11400954 (noted lb) We broke the Cabal feed anons. They need that lion and they need that graphic.

theory: they have malicious code in their favorite header image, so that they can count or track or exploit every device that downloads the image. along comes a non-comms baker with an altered iwo jima image (not obvious) and now cabal loses an entire bread of tracking data. so they try to get the bake back.

the newest image changes bring this to the forefront, because they risk losing most of their tracking and exploit possibilities.

dig on: how to test an image for malicious code






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e44e97  No.11401510


That's a lot of IP hoppin'!

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02fa7c  No.11401511

File: 493347d6a28ca22⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, _end_Night_Shift_Bar.png)


certified fresh meme

okay anon

sweet meme


that is a rockin meme

but no

also, fuck you

I am not baking with that anymore


anons can choose if they want to dig meme and pray in my bakes



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c6f9e3  No.11401512

File: 65662eee63c11be⋯.png (124.26 KB, 200x255, 40:51, a1eaa69042dfa5ebb6ed613940….png)

File: 8927cdc7ed2a0e5⋯.png (63.26 KB, 173x173, 1:1, 483b8e22b26834d204d8a7414f….png)

File: c51c1517d2421d3⋯.png (52.42 KB, 173x173, 1:1, 1084171bfaf3f04a3c4eb9f95e….png)

File: f32f963bbab1ae9⋯.png (93.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a0608c8b1856970c0fff0c8e65….png)

File: 9d5cc74a39537f5⋯.png (157.84 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e546252ec23d60818f124da6c7….png)

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ed5cdc  No.11401513

Desantis: We are not going to allow Kamala Harris to be the president of the United States.

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cb22b1  No.11401514

File: 669ce9d6f831a78⋯.mp4 (3.37 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Welcome_Home_American_Sold….mp4)



God Bless POTUS for bringing our soldiers home!

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135fef  No.11401515

File: 89c3f30942bdfed⋯.jpg (140.45 KB, 925x2000, 37:80, Elv7fR3XgAAo2no.jpg)

The ONE word that TRULY maters.

I will leave this right here

for you to make of it what you will:



Ali Orange square #JoeBidenIsSick


Someone captured this. Hallelujah

Trump Blessed Verily

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3913f0  No.11401516



Mission ? plane… missing I presume

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e56b1a  No.11401517

File: cfd34d2532634ce⋯.jpg (67.77 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 6719591bd84476a177103f428a….jpg)

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7bf9cb  No.11401518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4e10a3  No.11401519

File: ec25b436444fc6e⋯.jpg (100.26 KB, 1024x912, 64:57, ec25b436444fc6ebc41f5c9903….jpg)

File: f50c52a79791eb2⋯.mp4 (6.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Jewish_pedophile_ritual_Me….mp4)

File: c0f61c6be006f76⋯.png (14.7 KB, 954x151, 954:151, Judaism_and_freedom_of_rel….PNG)

File: 5dd615eac2af0c5⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1349x5613, 1349:5613, Screenshot_2020_06_29_Anot….jpg)


Here is one of the Jewish rituals who has given several babies herpes, which has gotten some of them killed.

The ritual consists of the rabbi cutting the child's foreskin, making it bleed even more by pinching it with their nails, and then taking the children's penis, inserting it into their mouths and suck on it.

It's calledMetzitzah b'peh

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248bea  No.11401520

File: 83c5947cb6becea⋯.png (162.46 KB, 667x1234, 667:1234, ThereIsNoQAnon2.png)




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fbc30f  No.11401521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9aca6e  No.11401522

File: 068024631b826a5⋯.jpg (5.44 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1604109180629.jpg)


You jews hate EVERYONE that is not a jew.


Nice try.



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abd7be  No.11401523


He is old, another wait and see…

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045604  No.11401524



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ab6786  No.11401525

File: 9a8e380be6cc2ef⋯.png (92.41 KB, 488x560, 61:70, Screen_Shot_2020_11_01_at_….png)


that's not morgan freeman, this is morgan freeman.

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55419e  No.11401526


Hi Comms.

Just randomly sperging at no one in particular now?

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f08884  No.11401527

File: e2da4c6145ad431⋯.png (127.35 KB, 270x186, 45:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5baa99f46fc5d8e⋯.png (237.09 KB, 590x252, 295:126, ClipboardImage.png)

*The Chabad SHEMA PRAYER* Jews Pray!!

*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

*The Lord is our G_d

*The Lord is One

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

*No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curioux. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.🚿

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

*Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

*Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

*Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.

*We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

*We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

*We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens 🐔

*Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

*for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏 :


*"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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248bea  No.11401528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rabbi Aryeh Spero gives a prayer of UNITY at the RNC

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246e65  No.11401529

File: d19fd196c17c120⋯.png (468.91 KB, 550x543, 550:543, d19fd196c17c120d6117efef78….png)

File: f80064719ecd6f6⋯.png (778.61 KB, 601x768, 601:768, f80064719ecd6f66a4d9a71665….png)

>>11400830 lb notable

Finger lakes has a fucking submarine base in the twat. Come the fuck on. Ask for some fucking sauce with that Baker. We knew hunters mother came from there, this is fucking a hilarious attempt to seed disinfo. You're better than that Baker

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968053  No.11401530


the cheating has to be shown to everyone as if we were all named Thomas and from Missouri

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755a01  No.11401531


Then yes, get out for a couple of days

If they are super liberal they will target you and your place of living

Especially if some of them are antifa faggots

Not only get out, but take important documents with you and anything of sentimental importance to you.

I am not trying to fearmonger, I really am not

But its better safe than sorry, that way if they want to commit arson to your property while you aren't there, then you have all the important stuff with you.

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e57460  No.11401532

File: b0bd2d617742304⋯.png (233.3 KB, 468x688, 117:172, ClipboardImage.png)

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4e10a3  No.11401533

File: 2cc9f0602e4598e⋯.png (463.84 KB, 624x627, 208:209, 1_Ford.png)

File: 5384ac0197f318f⋯.png (291.46 KB, 1584x765, 176:85, 2_Ford_Q_crumb.png)

File: 3c42d42dd8e8377⋯.mp4 (864.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ford_bloodline.mp4)

File: 69aef8b52acb710⋯.png (206.02 KB, 772x700, 193:175, Trump_Ford_2.png)


It's called pandering.

Won't be necessary soon enough.

PS: Israel comes last :)

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02fa7c  No.11401534

>>11401211 Dough

Saturday 10.31.2020

>>11380146 ————————————–——– Are you ready for: ZERO DAY! (CAP: >>11381593)

>>11380075 ————————————–——– Are you ready to take back control of this Country?

>>11379970 ————————————–——– Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?

>>11379902 ————————————–——– Are you ready to finish what we started?

Friday 10.30.2020

>>11359925 ————————————–——– Fact checkers created in effort to reinforce propaganda [digestion]? (Cap: >>11360009)

>>11359798 ————————————–——– TIME magazine - The Great Reset - This is not about R v D


Notables Are Not Endorsements

Notes @250

Global Announcements

>>11304131 List of States and how to change your vote!

>>11386225 , >>11386371 Q Gives -DIRECT- Order to REMOVE ALL references to 'QAnon'

>>11388221 BV Team Gets an 'Adjustment'

>>11388156 BO/BV Locks Split Breads During /NightShift/


>>11401262 Miami Rally Stream


>>11401261 Castle Lock

>>11400308 Why does it seem like the FBI was quicker to act on this quicker than they have been to do something about Joe Biden and his son selling America out to the Chinese Communist Party?

>>11401290 Trump Rallies gettting INSANE live-stream numbers

>>11401323 San Marcos, TX. is emerging as a testing ground for numerous groups funded by George Soros to play out their ambitions.

>>11401344 Both of FL Senators finally showed up for a POTUS rally. Mighty nice of em.

>>11401345 , >>11401377 Biden Using SCORECARD and THE HAMMER To Steal Another U.S. Presidential Election

>>11401384 Leaked Zoom Calls Reveals Anarchists Nationwide Plans to Disrupt US Election and Takeover Federal Buildings

>>11401398 marco censors the crowd from chanting lock him up and starts talking about not liking socialism

>>11401401 PF

>>11401434 Marching for TRUMP

>>11401490 DEVELOPING: Chautauqua County Sheriff reports the search continues for a mission plane that flew from NC to Jamestown. Lost contact at 5:47pm. 13 volunteer fire depts, 4 police agencies, county CAST team involved. Homeland Security, US Air Force sending help. 3 people on board.

>>11401508 Dan Scavino

>>11401515 Someone captured this. Hallelujah


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bad161  No.11401535

File: 10b7510f46f9dc7⋯.png (152.21 KB, 306x281, 306:281, Again_w_da_shit.PNG)


good lord

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f3c6bc  No.11401536

File: 1b182cebe74fe01⋯.jpg (81.14 KB, 553x687, 553:687, blankfein_2_.jpg)

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848f58  No.11401537








Probably false, but if true, holy shit we may actually see Plan Z.

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423502  No.11401538


I’m in LA and work in extremely lib part of town. I’m expecting to see idiots walking on the freeway and looting. Hope I’m wrong.

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fbc30f  No.11401539

File: a5f391d26394fcb⋯.jpeg (279.27 KB, 1800x1012, 450:253, kM_NightShift.jpeg)

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d6cfc2  No.11401540


ai headline

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000000  No.11401541

>>11400504 (lb)


You realize the point it to get rid of this place and make people just do what we do here in their own lives, right? Why is Q anonymous? Q is anonymous because the point is collective logical thinking. Here's your prophetic moment for the day:

You see those guys over at >>>/midnightriders/? They got it already. They understand the basic principle behind the format of the breads. Anons can use discernment to oust the rabble rousers and dividers (fruits/gifts of the spirit). Anons get the distractions and nonsense from the facts.

You lost. Bigly.

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6079d1  No.11401542

File: 7bfcd3d0918151b⋯.jpg (76.04 KB, 500x555, 100:111, 4fgfu2_1.jpg)

File: 61901a1add6a80b⋯.jpg (80.25 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 4fh57o_1.jpg)

File: aeb15ca34bd1b8a⋯.png (808.95 KB, 1030x1001, 1030:1001, Screenshot_20201015_213138….png)

God Bless All The MAGA Women In America.

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0b94fc  No.11401543

File: 7aeb422118cd672⋯.png (692.48 KB, 658x421, 658:421, SCJews.PNG)


One down, two to go!

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55419e  No.11401544


Pig vote matters just as equally as all other Anons.

Many Anons like to know what Pig's vote is.

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fbc30f  No.11401545


I see the homos are here

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b6688c  No.11401546


I'm just voicing my opinion. You do you.

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000000  No.11401547

Exactly six months ago [05/02/2020]

These weren't scary enough because they are tangible and can be SEEN. Much easier to instill fear in something "invisible" [virus] that could be hiding [lurking around any corner] than it is something that can be seen [run away from].

‘Murder Hornets’ in the U.S.: The Rush to Stop the Asian Giant Hornet

Sightings of the Asian giant hornet have prompted fears that the vicious insect could establish itself in the United States and devastate bee populations.

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/02/us/asian-giant-hornet-washington.html [ https://archive.vn/xQPEo ]

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4e10a3  No.11401548

File: 8058ad23235c25c⋯.png (26.55 KB, 453x483, 151:161, Deflection_Q.PNG)

File: feccb18d06d53ad⋯.jpg (45.26 KB, 571x431, 571:431, Jack_Bernstein.jpg)

File: ebff5eda5905032⋯.jpg (113.05 KB, 1108x640, 277:160, Jack_Bernstein_book_IRL_pr….JPG)

File: ed7a012d1ffd081⋯.png (870.64 KB, 942x733, 942:733, The_Life_of_an_American_Je….PNG)


Not an argument.

Speaking of China: >>11401347

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968053  No.11401549

File: 9c72839beca5160⋯.png (37.63 KB, 200x203, 200:203, ClipboardImage.png)

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f08884  No.11401550

File: 2b4dc3fe963e26e⋯.png (141.72 KB, 187x255, 11:15, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a4115f9bceedd6⋯.png (107.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


The SAME Century Old 3 Card Monte SCAM To Destroy Nations


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599d30  No.11401551


template reclaim

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af8d38  No.11401552


i dont see how we can get another justice sworn in by tuesday

cutting it pretty close

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cf4e81  No.11401553

File: 6e9feae21ecf4e8⋯.jpg (89.06 KB, 490x775, 98:155, SUPREME_BARRETT.jpg)

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d6cfc2  No.11401554

member the other night when Tucker said, "I knew Hunter Biden when I lived in DC…."

setting the table for something.

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9aca6e  No.11401555


It looks like three, to me.

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2f8d24  No.11401556


>they know im a trump supporter

Im in Cali too

still silent…. torn up about that honestly.

I am NEVER one to keep my opinion to myself.

but these people are so fucking dug in.

Good for you for speaking your truth.

Gonna be up nor nor cal the day after I vote where I am registered (bay area ish)…

pray about it and stay vigilant,

just in case pack for a couple days camping or vacay in the east desert

is my advice.

according to this Q guy, any riots will be taken care of swiftly.

they have been tracking all the antifa phones.


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9cdc0a  No.11401557


I'm staying home for the three days after the election. My boss is pissed but fuck him.

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4e10a3  No.11401558

File: ed704e45793f7a3⋯.png (15.59 KB, 608x141, 608:141, Shills_incite_filtering_an….png)

File: 921c6221fe39e3c⋯.png (64.66 KB, 866x541, 866:541, Welcome_page.PNG)



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a585c6  No.11401559


Good idea..thanks

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ae1798  No.11401560




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14f3ed  No.11401561

File: 7ca84ed14de556f⋯.jpg (739.57 KB, 814x1080, 407:540, Uncle_Trump_poster.jpg)

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d0cb71  No.11401562


I don't mean on this chan board.

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91266c  No.11401563



why don’t you test it and bring back the results.

if you say it’s true, myself and i’m sure others will check it out

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248bea  No.11401564

File: 9b93212a6e1d2c9⋯.jpg (202.15 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 3Y7_pxhI.jpg)

File: e47ef2c22eadc39⋯.jpg (100.15 KB, 812x1085, 116:155, Bible17.JPG)

File: 6fdb60d708b4966⋯.jpg (65.51 KB, 952x1226, 476:613, RabbiQuote17.JPG)

File: 0f77ebc05b0da8c⋯.jpg (4.68 KB, 236x236, 1:1, Qur_an.jpg)





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d979db  No.11401565


it's already been changed. lets just deal with the change and move on with our work

do we have work to do?

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767b78  No.11401566


US Marshals Service leads recovery of 27 missing children in Virginia's 'Operation Find Our Children'

Steve Kiggins



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968053  No.11401567


Roberts needs one….compromised

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0b94fc  No.11401568

File: 4c45806bd31e08e⋯.jpg (23.48 KB, 351x386, 351:386, EyeSeeYouTOO.JPG)

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1bc07c  No.11401569


Hmmm…..not signed by the receiver. Fake and homosexual.

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135fef  No.11401570




>The ONE word that TRULY maters.

'To a T

The ONE word that TRULY MATTERS.

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e56b1a  No.11401571

File: 8f5a74b4321b090⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 322x175, 46:25, 8f5a74b4321b0905e3bffa9140….gif)

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ab93c5  No.11401572


Does anyone have the picture of no name watching his funeral?

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4e10a3  No.11401573

File: 41d897498579a98⋯.jpg (107.33 KB, 1109x822, 1109:822, 1_Joe_Kennedy.jpg)

File: c952c469359af1f⋯.jpg (126.45 KB, 833x400, 833:400, 2_US_Grant_on_the_JQ.jpg)

File: ccfc16a21b3370d⋯.png (20.35 KB, 1207x227, 1207:227, Archive_Hostily_Jews_Justi….PNG)

File: c370cacc0ba3bdc⋯.png (68.81 KB, 996x726, 166:121, Archive_Hostily_Jews_Justi….PNG)

File: 912dc4e5de0d33f⋯.jpg (2.85 MB, 1226x9999, 1226:9999, Archive_Hostily_towards_Je….jpg)


Posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion is not about hating Jews, although the Israeli shills who hate the truth (because they work for a criminal state) try to paint it that way as a smear job to deflect from the message.

Jewish collective power is the main tool in the cabal tool box.

That's a verifiable fact.

And people are waking up to the fact.

Every one ends up hating the way Jews as a group prey on non-Jews, and how they then play the victim. They don't hate the Jews per-se, they hate how destructive and subversive Jews are as a group, and the damage they do to their Countries and people.

JFK's father knew it.

The 18th POTUS knew it.

Everyone who came into contact with Jews for the past 4000 years knew it.

Pics related.

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8774de  No.11401574


No, I think Tucker has been a pretty good spokesman actually. I like him. Just pointing out the letter, and what an anon said this morning.

Isn't it interesting that DESPITE this embarrassing letter, Tucker has gone on the air and spoken the truth quite a bit?

Despite working at Fox where apparently the journalists are not entirely allowed to speak their minds?

I think you misinterpreted my post to a great extent.

Calm down, anon.

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608329  No.11401575


Nice try faggot

This has been attempted on average about every 3 months for 3 years now.

It's a clear tactic that gets pushed just long enough after the previous one that newfags don't recognize it and shit-fucks like you can easily push propaganda.

We see you nut-sucker

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248bea  No.11401576



Teach your children the truth about Marxism

Leszek Kolakowski's 3 volume masterwork of his CRITIQUE OF MARXISM AS TYRANNICAL in "Main Currents of Marxism":


Robert Tucker's "Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx:


George Reisman's discovery that PROFITS, NOT WAGES IS THE 'ORIGINAL' MONETARY INCOME in human civilization:


Murray Rothbard's explanation that MARXISM IS A SECULARISED RELIGION:


Ludwig Von Mises' explanation on how MARX ATTACKED HUMAN REASON itself in order to pave way for his system to be adopted:


Ludwig Von Mises' discovery of DIVISIVE LOGIC INHERENT IN MARXISM:



Anon's 2 most important things to know about Marxism

Religious: Marxism is derived from a dialectic in Creatology that imputes to "The One"/"God"/"Geist"/etc an inner DIVISION, an inner 'schism', an inner 'uneasiness', an inner 'conflict', that 'needed' the creation of the empirical universe to make itself whole through the historical process, whereby the path to "wholeness"/"completeness"/"fulfillment"/etc is through a history of good vs. evil until at last there occurs an 'inevitable' cataclysmic apocalypse of maximum depravity, pain, and destruction, after which the 'historical process' will have finally 'worked itself out', and humanity will have finally 'reabsorbed' back with "The One"/"God"/"Geist", and Humanity will itself become permanently fractured and cleaved into two 'species', a demonic global 'elite' controlling the lives of the remainder of the world species.

[This is contrasted with orthodox Judaism/Christianity/Islam that holds the event of Creation was an event of God's Love and Benevolence for his creations (humanity). Imagine the differences that can occur in social relations between a world where people believed HUMANITY is DIVIDED, and a world where people believed HUMANITY is UNITED! THIS is the battle being waged in the plan of 'The Great Reset']

Economic: Marxism is derived from a false description of the origination of money incomes in human civilization. Marx, following Adam Smith, believed that in the "early and rude state of society", if there ever was such a time, that the very first monetary incomes earned were wages, and that later on with the introduction of people acting in the capacity of "capitalists", there was a reduction in wages and introduction of profits. This is the conceptual framework of Marx's exploitation theory which is what EVERY Marxist institution depends on and takes for granted as true. The reality is that PROFITS were the first monetary income. In the "early and rude state of society" people made products directly from the material world around them, and sold them as commodities. The monetary incomes earned on the sale of commodities is product sales revenues, not wages. Since there were originally no money costs of production, all of the sales revenues were profit. Then, once people became wealthy enough and saved money for investment, instead of using it to consume right away, money began being used to pay people not for their commodities, which requires land and means of production of their own, but for only their labor. This was the onset of wages. Wages represented a monetary cost to DEDUCT from product sales revenues, which used to be all profit, but was now less than 100% by whatever extent wages were paid.

[Imagine if the world knew the reality that the rise of capitalism was in fact the end of the all profit era and beginning of the wage earning class era, that the rise in capitalism brought about a FALL in profit incomes, not the other way around as per Marx!]

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46d139  No.11401577

File: 59d83c21cc70b1d⋯.png (81.51 KB, 871x594, 871:594, 2020.png)


organic and absolutely beautiful

potus has to win either NV or WI

mi and mn are lost causes

pa would have to be a revolution for potus to win

just watch NV and WI and don't take pot

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235b2e  No.11401578


Fuck off

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14e0fd  No.11401579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

History will Repeat

Prepare to see their spirits turn to Despair

And Meme It.

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cb22b1  No.11401580

And these bastards want to get rid of the electoral college votes so the Libtards of the "Coastal Elites" can pick every POTUS! WE SEE YOU, mfers

Bernie Sanders Admits Democrats Are the ‘Party of the Coastal Elites’https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/01/bernie-sanders-admits-democrats-are-party-coastal-elites/?twitter_impression=true&twitter_impression=true&__twitter_impression=true

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c6c0a8  No.11401581


Why? Do you have PTO or are you lazy? Our President doesn't allow slackers, faggot.

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248bea  No.11401582



Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"They want you divided by race"- Q

"They want you divided by sex"- Q

"They want you divided by class" - Q


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9aca6e  No.11401583


I took off until Friday.

I can work from home, so it is no big deal, but I expect that the jew controlled minorities will CHIMP the fuck out once Trump has been officially reelected.

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1bc07c  No.11401584


Still pushing that outdated HAMR crap by that fraud, Mary?

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4e10a3  No.11401585


Need to convert to something else (except Islam).

Judaism has no place in the West. Or go to Israel.

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d4c6ac  No.11401586

why is it that when Desantis starts talking people start fainting and having medical issues>

bream on and she's got that funky faux saux blue demon eyed ting going…, wearing a post funeral whore&witch no hat (prove she's not a sleeper)

whar is biden


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bad161  No.11401587

File: 422f80aa4b30851⋯.png (947.03 KB, 952x504, 17:9, _You_Slide.png)

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d6cfc2  No.11401588


probabl will be parallel breads

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cf4e81  No.11401589

File: f8dd2b03f9cbdfe⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 669x819, 223:273, hunter_biden_cocaine_2.jpg)

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98b131  No.11401590

Have you been experiencing phantom tickles?

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000000  No.11401592


Hey, the indica kicked in man. Took a minute to respond. So anyway, you didn't address any of my points.

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599d30  No.11401593

File: 8beca0e40b3a4c6⋯.png (295.65 KB, 468x399, 156:133, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm ready for this guy to start crackin' heads!

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e2ed45  No.11401594


Danny Glover

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2f8d24  No.11401595


<nominated by President Bill Clinton

thats all I need to know about that dude

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8abd85  No.11401596



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8bfc0e  No.11401597

File: 6b8a5e7ec71eea7⋯.png (59.28 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 6b8a5e7ec71eea7c82f746f996….png)

You know 100% the moment Drudge switches back to Trump.

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4e10a3  No.11401598

File: 3950498a12cf9c3⋯.png (593.87 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1588461998341.png)

File: 82b6eac1a8f1540⋯.png (819.08 KB, 830x911, 830:911, Israel_pedo_haven.png)

File: 3d1f288766db92d⋯.jpg (506.9 KB, 2047x1582, 2047:1582, Israel_Pedos.jpg)

File: d018db4377d0b05⋯.png (346.31 KB, 986x666, 493:333, Jewish_American_pedos_run_….PNG)

File: def8ed4810000b5⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 1349x6160, 1349:6160, Screenshot_2020_05_08_Isra….jpg)




Israeli Court Rules Convict Who Ran International Child Porn Ring ‘Safe’ To Practice As Pediatrician


A Jewish pediatrician who was convicted of possessing and distributing some 190,000 child pornography videos and images can serve as a medical supervisor at the Health Ministry’s student health services department, an Israeli court ruled last week:

"Avraham Barkai will be able to pay visits to schools but not treat children in his new position, which a panel of judges at the Nazareth Regional Labor Court determined that he should be allowed to fill, going against the recommendation of the Civil Service Commission.

Barkai was convicted in 2011 of being part of an international child pornography distribution ring and later sentenced to 18 months behind bars. However, the punishment was reduced on appeal to six months of community service, a nine-month suspended sentence and a NIS 20,000 ($5,690) fine.

For over a year up to his conviction, but after he had already been charged, Barkai continued to practice at a Haifa clinic of the Meuhedet HMO after a Health Ministry disciplinary committee ruled that he could continue to see children as long as a parent or nurse was in the room.

The disciplinary committee went on to rule that despite the charges, Barkai did not pose a danger to children as he had not been accused of physical acts against minors. As a result, it ruled that the pediatrician’s license should only be stripped for two years, and by July 2013 Barkai got his license back….

However, senior officials in the Health Ministry have come to Barkai’s defense. In 2014, the Health Ministry’s senior vice president of Administration and Human Resources, Dov Passat, submitted a letter to the disciplinary committee asserting that there should be nothing preventing Barkai from applying for tenders for positions as a pediatrician. The letter was submitted by Barkai as an official position of the Health Ministry to the Petah Tivka Magistrate’s Court, which ruled in 2018 that he be granted an exemption from the ban on employing convicted sex offenders as he does not pose a risk to the public, even if he works as a pediatrician.

In late 2018, a medical board voted unanimously to award Barkai a position as medical supervisor at the Health Ministry’s student health services department in the northern district. The Civil Service Commission subsequently interfered and blocked the appointment, stating in a 2019 hearing that “while the job at hand does not require clinical care for children, its core is oversight of student services and some of its assignments take place on school grounds and during the school day… Taking into account the nature of the offenses of which Dr. Barkai was convicted, [granting him this position] can greatly damage the image of the Civil Service Commission and the public’s confidence in its institutions.” "

Simply put, Jews — especially Jews in Israel — do not treat pedophilia as a serious crime the way White Christian societies do. The pedophile is always given the benefit of the doubt with reduced prison sentences and cursory slaps on the wrist.

This leniency toward pedophilia, of course, can be found in the Jewish “holy” book, The Talmud, and child rape has literally become a pandemic among religious Jews, according to a whistleblower rabbi.

And as our White Christian nations become more and more judaized under the oppressive influence of Jews in positions of power, we see an increasing inclination for courts and the media to show sympathy for dangerous pedophiles.

All this media coverage of pedophiles, like homosexuals before them, serves to desensitize us to these abhorrent criminals.

As the article clearly states, just because you collect and distribute massive amounts of child pornography, it’s doesn’t necessarily follow that you’re a “pedophile” or an actual threat to physically abuse real children.

That’s the kind of “logic” you’ll find throughout The Talmud — Martin Luther referred to it as “talmudic hairsplitting”.

Pedophiles need our ‘protection’, not our condemnation, according to ‘experts’ who just so happen to mostly be Jewish.

The endgame is to recast pedophilia as just another sexual orientation or “lifestyle”, and the public school systems have begun to push this “progressive” perspective.

And if you have a problem with your child’s Jewish pediatrician being a convicted sex offender, then you’re probably an ‘antisemite’ who is the real danger to society.


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162ed9  No.11401599

File: 80285223dedbc11⋯.jpg (10.02 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 598e9a8b856d98c83ebd9aea2c….jpg)

this is from Feb 2018, bread number 618

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d0cb71  No.11401600




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af8d38  No.11401602


i took off wednesday

might be up too late on tuesday

and want to watch on wed

side note

any bets on how fast the bread flies on wed?

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968053  No.11401603

File: a84fd875938156e⋯.png (76.2 KB, 338x182, 13:7, ClipboardImage.png)


what ever you say, Frank

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aac04c  No.11401604

File: 4679dbad535406d⋯.png (123.75 KB, 500x325, 20:13, surprised.png)

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640a2b  No.11401605

File: bb9ab293bb3f9b4⋯.jpg (207.09 KB, 812x485, 812:485, bewbs.jpg)


This gangsta response deserves bewbs.

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cf4e81  No.11401606

File: 794bb9722b424ca⋯.jpg (125.8 KB, 519x782, 519:782, kamala_warrior.jpg)

File: b6f0606ee913b62⋯.jpg (77.4 KB, 564x564, 1:1, socialist_war.jpg)

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235b2e  No.11401607


Slider butt munch

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f08884  No.11401608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








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96c773  No.11401609

>>11400880 lb

Phonefag and Don't have an original screencap.

Mostly desire the Battle of Iwo Jim pic be the b&w historical one.

The Lion can be decided by other anons. Makes no difference to me.

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7a6630  No.11401610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cb22b1  No.11401611


>I expect that the jew controlled minorities will CHIMP the fuck out once Trump has been officially reelected.

So excited, I rewatched 2016 election melt downs today just to prepare! kek The Young Turks are the bestest melt down, imo!

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248bea  No.11401612

File: 7a55691ceae13a5⋯.png (1.84 MB, 919x791, 919:791, FakeNewsCave2.PNG)




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608329  No.11401613


I addressed every single one of them that actually had merit to address.

You're a shill

The timing of the attempts to change the logo has been during events needing distraction every single fucking time.

You glow.

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a7f4ce  No.11401614

File: 79fdd657a047dbf⋯.jpg (63.01 KB, 705x486, 235:162, EyCEARzKVp_GPtkLiyku_8vjDM….jpg)

The term ‘Goy’ (plural goyim) referring to non-Jews actually means cattle as expressed in the Talmud ‘The goyim are not human they are beasts’ [Baba Mazia 114b].

They think you are STUPID.

They think you will follow the STARS.

They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.





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16d7a1  No.11401615

File: 969cadc404aa9af⋯.png (44.4 KB, 639x639, 1:1, 1594590830_1.png)

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ed5cdc  No.11401616


Almost 60,000 showed up at the rally in Butler yesterday. Trump will win Pennsylvania.

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9c572f  No.11401617

File: 2702dce81772932⋯.png (341.2 KB, 692x390, 346:195, bannerentry.png)

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c6c0a8  No.11401618


POTUS fights for us every single day. I am ashamed FOR you.

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a585c6  No.11401619


Why don't you learn something and go dig on Q_Anon, don't forget the dash.

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4e10a3  No.11401620

File: 2bfeac5958ee964⋯.jpeg (92.1 KB, 1242x1090, 621:545, 0_meme.jpeg)

File: a37aa392b2c6ba3⋯.png (361.67 KB, 929x695, 929:695, 1542692692191.png)

File: 99eebe65481922f⋯.png (683.48 KB, 1224x406, 612:203, ARCHIVE_Jewish_censorship_….PNG)

File: 1435dace2a50525⋯.png (19.71 KB, 691x233, 691:233, Censorship_Florida_Jewish_….PNG)

File: 69d04ff0cebfdf8⋯.png (36.66 KB, 978x284, 489:142, Texas_aid_Israel_pledge.PNG)


God bless them all.

And let God have them live in their own Countries.

Judaism, zionism and Islam have no place in the West.

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e62f5c  No.11401621

no you took the bait


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cf9b9e  No.11401622

MyPillow™ is now sponsoring RSBN!

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15f1e8  No.11401623




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7a6630  No.11401624

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2b2387  No.11401625


DOH for you

got until 1/20/21

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c4ed28  No.11401626

File: 207a084a077b78b⋯.png (153.23 KB, 526x590, 263:295, Bongino_re_Massachusetts_1….PNG)

File: 5a7fec9902928db⋯.png (295.82 KB, 530x810, 53:81, Benny_re_Massachusetts_11_….PNG)

File: f8b1ee2ab182fd9⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB, 320x570, 32:57, Benny_re_Massachusetts_11_….mp4)


>pa would have to be a revolution for

>>11393254 [pb]

Oh shit







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e57460  No.11401627

File: 1a4ad5a379b8470⋯.png (359.78 KB, 611x554, 611:554, ClipboardImage.png)

Holy Mass Dedicated to Victims of Nice Attack Held on All Saints' Day

A Holy Mass dedicated to the three victims of the attack in the Basilica of Notre-Dame in Nice was held on All Saints' day.

The ceremony, broadcast by KTO Catholic television, lasted almost two hours on Sunday and was presided over by Bishop of Nice Andre Marceau. Relatives of the victims were present at the mass, which was open only to parishioners, as well as Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi.

On 29 October, a 21-year-old man from Tunisia, later identified as Brahim Aoussaoui, killed three people with a knife in the Notre-Dame Basilica in Nice. The French government has designated it a terrorist attack.

The attacker was injured by police and is currently at a hospital in Nice. Estrosi said the man repeatedly shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) during the attack. According to the French authorities, the attacker crossed into France from Italy at the start of October.

An anti-terrorism investigation is underway. A total of six people have reportedly been questioned on suspicion of being linked to the attacker.

Another attack occurred in France's Lyon this week. A Greek Orthodox priest, identified as 52-year-old Nikolaos Kakavelaki, was shot at and injured in the 7th district of Lyon near a Greek church on Saturday afternoon. He is now in serious condition at the hospital. The gunman fled the scene of the shooting and is likely still at large, as Lyon police have released the initial suspect in the attack.

The Lyon and Nice attacks occurred as France is experiencing national dismay in the wake of an increasing Islamic threat following the brutal murder of French history teacher Samuel Paty by a radicalised teenager in mid-October.


So is the Vatican is trying to provoke the Christian's to go fight the Muslims in Europe,

Turkey is provoking this too along with City of London, Germany. Brussels, Spain, France and the intel agencies.

They need a war, it's their hail Mary. They will fail.

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fbc30f  No.11401628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sweet Home Alabama

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f3c6bc  No.11401629

File: ffc7054ce3640f3⋯.jpg (75.3 KB, 599x623, 599:623, toobin_2_.jpg)

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d6cfc2  No.11401630


My Pillow, Americans.

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e5f572  No.11401631

File: 49603c457e31b48⋯.png (297.96 KB, 799x399, 799:399, ClipboardImage.png)


I'll keep this for whenever I decide to bake.

which won't be any time soon. my ISP just blocked my access to this site, and I have to find a reliable vpn

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968053  No.11401632

File: 3dfceb602cd52ab⋯.jpg (64.41 KB, 710x898, 355:449, ryan_is_a_queer.jpg)


that is a pollster flunky

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bad161  No.11401633

File: 4239ccedaff9106⋯.jpg (14.72 KB, 255x128, 255:128, Divided_We_Are_Not.jpg)

File: 392c945fb8bcc14⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1088x1087, 1088:1087, DJT_affections_beyond_colo….png)


This is how leftists argue. They name call.

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ffe5ac  No.11401634

File: 225b32b881f29c3⋯.png (15.08 KB, 444x442, 222:221, ClipboardImage.png)

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cf4e81  No.11401635

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e44e97  No.11401636


Authenticity wins

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26c9c8  No.11401637


thank you

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aac04c  No.11401638

File: 494ec487c4d8171⋯.jpeg (8.52 KB, 250x275, 10:11, 1554153411268.jpeg)


Yes, that is 5G going online. It will slowly build to a burning sensation then you skin will fall off revealing that you are a reptile.

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37bb9e  No.11401639


Well im in a building, so if they burn it theyre burning their own shit, but i know ive been gangstalked but idk what side…

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b6ede3  No.11401640

File: 88c030445e6dd86⋯.png (26.08 KB, 885x260, 177:52, ClipboardImage.png)

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235b2e  No.11401641


And Q has given a direct order to scrub the reference to Qanon.


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7c84f3  No.11401642


Not on of these has addressed the problem with the entire image being stretched horizontally.

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4e10a3  No.11401643

File: 3e0aa90ce76c58a⋯.jpg (72.12 KB, 599x472, 599:472, cc70d548200fccb98ac734a07c….jpg)

File: bdf06d4e69db02e⋯.mp4 (6.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The_Mohel_high_club_They_r….mp4)


Here is a Jewish produced TV show making jokes about the pedophiliac ritual.

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968053  No.11401644


fat away, goef

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cb22b1  No.11401645

File: bd9ea6957ea5b84⋯.png (1.25 MB, 750x1000, 3:4, Old_tits_2.png)


>This gangsta response deserves bewbs.

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4c7a0b  No.11401646


He'd be a fool not to. Probably very cheap for the number of views. (If rallies stop, they're done so hope they saved up or have some plan on what to do when they can't ride coattails anymore.)

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c6f9e3  No.11401647

File: 78cec4efc299a13⋯.png (423.84 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 3023210e12641d83cf963f1d41….png)

File: 372b4efa4640d7e⋯.png (408.14 KB, 510x510, 1:1, bdb9b891ceb6318f0a3ccd73bf….png)

File: 5123e6b9a8de1dc⋯.png (549.85 KB, 510x510, 1:1, fa770c626a9309ab099e1d0e7a….png)

File: c7e3f61c191722a⋯.png (342.84 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 19cf0e6247b97384d5a87b5863….png)

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02fa7c  No.11401648

File: 575add90a32ed8e⋯.png (634.99 KB, 693x538, 693:538, Q_Research_General_Banner1….png)

Baker on Duty PSA to Anons

Baker on Duty PSA to Anons

Baker on Duty PSA to Anons

Baker on Duty PSA to Anons

Baker on Duty PSA to Anons

when I first started baking on the kun, back from a hiatis since my duty served in the bunkers during deplatforming…

a shill spam bot (or at least a poster I always defined as such)

actually fought by my side in the first skirmishes of the baker wars

fake freddy fought off shills

took notes for me during my bakes so I could fight shills

took my handoff when I had to go so I didnt have to handoff back to /comms/

fake freddy 2? or whichever one it was saved my baker life

multiple times

for this reason, I will be using this banned image in our next bread

it will be called:

Q Research General #14563: Never Forget Those In The Background Edition

I am calling it that because this same fake freddy was participationg and shitposting in the dig on that q-post

which I also spent a lot of time and energy on

any anon there at the time will remember

good times

-that is all


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2f8d24  No.11401649

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1bc07c  No.11401650


That's not a wide shot.

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d6cfc2  No.11401651

File: c1193fd3c1c636e⋯.png (156.16 KB, 757x256, 757:256, double_facepalm.png)

File: c1193fd3c1c636e⋯.png (156.16 KB, 757x256, 757:256, double_facepalm.png)

File: c1193fd3c1c636e⋯.png (156.16 KB, 757x256, 757:256, double_facepalm.png)

File: c1193fd3c1c636e⋯.png (156.16 KB, 757x256, 757:256, double_facepalm.png)


>So is the Vatican is trying to provoke the Christian's to go fight the Muslims in Europe,

>Turkey is provoking this too along with City of London, Germany. Brussels, Spain, France and the intel agencies.

>They need a war, it's their hail Mary. They will fail.

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4e10a3  No.11401652

File: 180d38b236e12e0⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1328x2656, 1:2, 1_Archive_Israel_anti_Blac….png)

File: 2e64bfae9bd5571⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1360x4176, 85:261, 2_Israel_loxism_big.png)

File: 6b2cab91e2f1baf⋯.png (1001.72 KB, 1602x1308, 267:218, 1574918634137.png)

File: d4d8d11d2d61a95⋯.png (751.67 KB, 1534x1318, 767:659, Amalekites.png)

File: 6ea1c2010a41112⋯.jpg (192.73 KB, 878x788, 439:394, ARCHIVE_Jew_says_gentilles….jpg)


Judaism, Islam and zionism have no place in the West.

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000000  No.11401653


Signs of change signaling the progression of the movement. We're at the intersection of free dissemination, and you are a roadblock. step aside. We're not a single collective. We're a collective of collectives.

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755a01  No.11401654


No need to announce you are filtering

Fucking faggot

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e56b1a  No.11401655

File: b6922f3b52dd505⋯.jpg (23.95 KB, 640x360, 16:9, loudobbsredeye.jpg)

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037be2  No.11401656


Took off Tuesday - Friday way back in March when the lock downs started. We shall see if I get to take it, if the internet has disruptions they will call me back.

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21a0a9  No.11401657

Please, who noticed Hunters back tattoo is the finger lakes. I remember it happening, someone mentioned that and it was inverse etc. Within the hour, maybe less. I just wonder was that spoon fed by outside "help" or some genius organic autistic shizz . ??

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e43755  No.11401658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d5b1e9  No.11401659

File: c36a1d178d52186⋯.jpg (240.35 KB, 724x728, 181:182, American_Avenger.jpg)

File: 5a5fa0543657542⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Love_And_Thanks_Mr_Preside….jpg)

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9cdc0a  No.11401660


Source ?

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d6cfc2  No.11401661



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ca9850  No.11401662

File: cb3eadbe7da83c6⋯.png (691.22 KB, 1024x549, 1024:549, faux10poll2.png)

File: 9cc7c0d7db26e8b⋯.png (525.66 KB, 1024x543, 1024:543, Jos_clownc2.png)


No, it was Tony B who went to the show with the highest RATINGS. Carlson refuses him, what happens then?

See how RUDY's been treated there despite him/OANN exposing this crap LAST YEAR.

More proof that Faux is probably worse than CNN because fake Dumbing-Down entertainment is still the only choice for too many conservatives who still look to tv for 'info' and "can't" get OAN or Newsmax.

Watch carlson to MAYBE hear some shit which OANN & real NEWS Reporters were covering LONG ago.

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02fa7c  No.11401663


thanks anon!


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9aca6e  No.11401664


It's gonna be 2016 X10.

However, a lot of "minorities" have come over to Trump's side, but still, those under the influence of JEW MINS CONTROL will be like cornered animals.


Israel, and you SATANIC JEWS are going down.

Either stay in, or move to Israel while you can.

Protip: Buy or rent in the area that comprises the 1967 borders, or end up diplaced.

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d4c6ac  No.11401665


what's your name faggot? you now u want to tell us…, stand behind your work.

Florida singing: Yo voy a votar, por Donald Trump




the music of the people


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fbc30f  No.11401666

File: 7f4a23b5007d666⋯.jpeg (26.76 KB, 700x525, 4:3, nstyCBrd.jpeg)

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c6f9e3  No.11401667

File: ffa0770058547cb⋯.png (111.92 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 949a69c88143c1eee6d033a21e….png)

File: 2d8b6a176a18741⋯.png (124.31 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 534c866e1c672119727048a5ab….png)

File: 79d32a108a5ecb4⋯.png (108.9 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3e3c6260a19ca0fd510e4faf1b….png)

File: db351faa513bf70⋯.png (122.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6afef1638efe52061f155e534a….png)

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46d139  No.11401668


(these will still be beautiful even after Potus loses)

Now I get the dead vibe in here tonight

I mis-marked MN for Potus.

He has to win BOTH WI and NV

We're going down. Tell my momma I luv her




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640a2b  No.11401669

File: 114267600e1f718⋯.jpg (94.55 KB, 384x357, 128:119, 114267600e1f718b1c3b3f8937….jpg)

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c6f9e3  No.11401670

File: 9860fecf1a76c60⋯.png (108.21 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1f2c190607a5cf04bfac4cb7ef….png)

File: 3f032060d3aadad⋯.png (110.78 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0858673f14a867b59a30291ee4….png)

File: a57a1f287778280⋯.png (108.42 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d9be1afcdffd1bbacbc95d2867….png)

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15f1e8  No.11401671


You are baking. Bakes as you please, sir.


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9fcb45  No.11401672


If you use the same IP all the time, then yeah there is. check out [options] in the top right and go down to filters.

[They] know this exist and change their posts all the time, so it's something you always have to keep updating


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b03595  No.11401673

File: 87a51c21a22aa9d⋯.png (81.11 KB, 836x926, 418:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f55fea69d4bab8c⋯.png (2.45 MB, 2100x1288, 75:46, ClipboardImage.png)


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4e10a3  No.11401674

File: f7fb39b1e7d06b1⋯.png (627.64 KB, 904x1188, 226:297, FBI_Jews_protocols_meme.png)

File: dd5f61befbd5d1c⋯.png (135.22 KB, 1440x789, 480:263, FBI_Jews_protocols_meme_4.png)

File: 5e8cc761e33cf52⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1409x2279, 1409:2279, FBI_Jews_protocols_meme_5.png)

File: dae687a2e67e208⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1261x3757, 97:289, FBI_Protocols_Jews_reactio….png)

File: 5c99c1c22c6b83b⋯.png (233.24 KB, 1216x1408, 19:22, Reaction_to_FBI_protocols_….png)


Judaism, zionism and Islam have no place in the West.

No amount of feel good slogans will change this fact.

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f3c6bc  No.11401675

File: fa1562771313f37⋯.png (644.98 KB, 600x489, 200:163, happy_lizard_.png)

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c6f9e3  No.11401676

File: 71061a00f845619⋯.png (109.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a2cc7218e5737fb88586c4f308….png)

File: bde3e72a1dd9c07⋯.png (115.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 09b1039dd4325fa630df9657df….png)

File: b07b5a3cfa136e3⋯.png (109.67 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e822016261c88d5c4a84814363….png)

File: f0de2212aeff6ab⋯.png (116.69 KB, 255x255, 1:1, b97a5f291e97406198966d4e3b….png)

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ab6786  No.11401677

File: f623c962dd6863f⋯.png (943.86 KB, 1340x491, 1340:491, Screen_Shot_2020_11_01_at_….png)

File: 0b90524122196ec⋯.png (865.6 KB, 1360x675, 272:135, Screen_Shot_2020_11_01_at_….png)

File: 329f3981fdf71cf⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1339x491, 1339:491, Screen_Shot_2020_11_01_at_….png)





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c6c0a8  No.11401678

Fucking pussies hiding in CA and other places, afraid to speak out, taking a week off. I am an old lady, fuck you and your request for tits. I will never go in hiding with my support for Donald J Trump. This man fights for us every single day. Fight WITH him. I wish I could bitch slap all of you. Lay off the sunscreen, kids.

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e44e97  No.11401679


Never had a problem with the logo until 2 days before a historic victory

Yeah, that sounds just like Q /sarc

He said to stop references to Q or QAnon to outside comms for the normies as camo, moron

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5e863f  No.11401680

File: aea475657caaa3b⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB, 360x640, 9:16, aea475657caaa3bc6266dc46a4….mp4)


Lick BLM balls.

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f3e3d8  No.11401681

How times change…

Satanic Panic in the 80's meant the people were afraid of satanists.

Satanic Panic in 2020 means the satanists afraid of the people.

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848f58  No.11401682


>Source ?

Trust me bro on /pol/

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55419e  No.11401683



Lion, eh whatever.

Plus, that pesky comma you can't un-see ever again.

I like the others in the Rotation much better.

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e5f572  No.11401684

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15f1e8  No.11401685


sometimes there is


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5749f5  No.11401686


Based on what my Trump hating friend in Connecticut said tonight, he's thinking CT will go red.

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f08884  No.11401687

File: 038fd91104db584⋯.png (76.42 KB, 319x158, 319:158, ClipboardImage.png)




[using aggression - slander]


Jews = Neanderthal Genes

Twice the Aggressiveness of Homo Sapiens

Under Stress = Mental Instability

The Origin of the "Neurotic Jew".

Just look at all the Unhinged Jewish shills on this board.

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c6f9e3  No.11401688

File: 45c4c42b38d4d17⋯.png (106.9 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dbbe7327d9a917319cfc465082….png)

File: 9a32d9adef9991c⋯.png (111.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2b4b293b2f2b0e7fea0c7ebeb9….png)

File: 2a5c7d525126e9e⋯.png (106.63 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 92b9087517e8a2c989bde574e2….png)

File: 9d0359f4ab724ff⋯.png (106.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ca35f0ff257d5b0a122f1d2d6b….png)

File: d2c379a1fa16898⋯.png (112.94 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8d8a2ac7c9bd7999330f39f598….png)

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b6085d  No.11401689

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, AMERICA.png)

For Night Shift Anons

6 o'clock can be dangerous.

Understand the message(s). Understand the goal. If you work together rather than divided you can achieve much more.

Many would like to see you divided. And if you are divided [they] win. Focus on what YOU can do. The game changes soon.

See post #2171

Light that Fire. It may burn dimmly to start. But they will use all ammo possible to quell the flames.

But nothing can extingush the light (flame) of truth. Stick to the facts not the ideas.

SHOW them

Be the shoulders they need.

Tick Tock

> The timer begins to near its end.

The timer has begun.. [-13]

> The Lid is lifted. Hiding behind "Work." Denial will not hide the facts.

> "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." ~ Aldous Huxley

A new battle has begun.

> The battle is being seen by many now. The [MSM] can no longer deny.

You may not see it yet but in time.

> You should now see this unfolding before your eyes. If you do not yet Open your Eyes and Elevate your view.

If you dont see it now (You/) are blind or actively distracted by shill/trolls

News Unlocks your maps.

> Have you made new maps regarding upcoming changes to FBI/CIA?

> Map for Biden corruption? Make to so normies can comprehend… Spread far and wide.

> I am not seeing the new MAP.

How many times has Q said maps are key/important?

Look back to understand what is coming. REVIEW YOUR Q[l]ues!

> You will need new and updated maps to expose the truth. Maps are KEY! You are KEY! What is a Keystone?

Watch and see.

> Be the Laser that designates the target(s). Most have been identified. Work together to fire with all you have got! Make them use their ammo in defense.

Red_Red_Red_Red_Red (Red5 #4414) What is mirror of #4414, #4144

> Do you understand Red5. And what it means? Markers everywhere.

Should make sense now?

WE HAVE IT ALL! You have only seen the tip of the iceberg.

Those who can see Know. If you know SHOW!

Be calm, Be Rational.

> Attacks will only intensify. Each day will bring a clearer picture. It is your job to SHOW them the [MSM] will not.

Do not be goaded, there is bait everywhere.

> Be Leaders not followers. You have WAY more than you know. Review all to understand what is coming. Create a picture for others.

Use discernment.

> Remember Hunter is not running against Trump, Joe is, focus on the crimes. Hunter sleeping with whores and smoking crack is not the smoking gun you need. Be the diggers and voices Q knows you are.

Think for yourself.

> Do not allow the Hivemind to taint your ability to think on your own. Elevate your own view to bring others with you.

<^^> this should make sense with the news coming out now! (See the gore shills etc.) This is an attempt to disturb the hivemind.

Did you see the Go8/Ministry of Truth trying to decide what could be thought and said?


Bad and Good are perspective. Reason will always prevail.