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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3f569b7….jpg)

20140e  No.10577928[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 09.08.2020

>>10567802 rt >>10567687 ———–––——–— Modern day 'Midnight Riders'.

>>10567629 ————————————–——– Digital soldiers #FightBack (Cap: >>10567654 )

>>10566785 ————————————–——– They are being forced into the light for all to see

>>10566765 ————————————–——– History repeats itself (today) (Caps: >>10566838)

Wednesday 09.02.2020

>>10504572 ————————————–——– Why did it take a political outsider to [finally] confront China?

>>10504508 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504523 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504529 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504503 ————————————–——– How is blackmail used?


>>10503446 ————————————–——– Files do not go 'missing' unless 7th floor direct involvement. Follow the logs. (Cap: >>10503458, >>10503508)

Monday 08.17.2020

>>>/projectdcomms/110 —————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] (Cap: >>10322497, >>10322510)

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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20140e  No.10577941

Global Announcements

>>10533308 FBI Confirms QAnon Group Not A ‘Terrorist Threat’ - UPDATED

>>10502598 Code Monkey update: It is almost time to release <codename> Project Odin.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10577335, >>10577460 planefaggin

>>10577873 McEnany: Today, the president and Department of Defense are announcing a troop drawdown in Iraq.

>>10577773 live now

>>10577759 Statement by the Press Secretary Regarding President Donald J. Trump’s Nomination for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize

>>10577729 True crime author Shanna Hogan, 38, dies three days after falling into her pool

>>10577636 Pope Francis removes his mask as he touches worshippers and vows to defeat coronavirus with love

>>10577590 Police state has come to CANADA

>>10577575 Larry C. Johnson: John Brennan’s Secret CIA Trump Task Force

>>10577523 US Air Force delays first B-21 flight/This Anon is predicting more like 2023 with the way DOD contractors can never meet deadlines.

>>10577475 St. Paul Mayor officially signs order creating guaranteed income program

>>10577449 On-the-record sources, paper trail rebut anonymous claims Trump disrespected American war dead

>>10577397 Altice USA, Inc sold by Patrick Drahi-founder: $92.63m-September 3

>>10577361 Judicial Watch obtains email saying Robert Mueller withdrew as candidate for top FBI slot

>>10577346 Congratulations Mr. President Trending And On The UPPPPPP - CALL FOR MOAAAR

>>10577303 Scotland: Cops raid Scots properties during massive sting on international sex trafficking gang as 24 arrested

>>10577296 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing.

>>10577242 Vatican Coup? George Soros Funds Jesuit NGOs with $1.7 Million

>>10577233 'Q' – Time to come forward

>>10577232 The Bee: Madden now allows you to select Greta Thunberg as your QB

>>10577227 Academy Lists New ‘Diversity’ Requirements to Win Oscar for Best Picture

>>10577222 yahoo fear pron-Federal Report Warns of Financial Havoc From Climate Change

>>10577170 Two Biden Supporters who Attacked and Assaulted a Little 7-Year-Old Boy and Stole His MAGA Hat — Hit with Hate Crime Charges!

>>10577926 #13535


>>10577103 Meet Norm Eisen: Legal-Hatchet Man and Central Operative in The "Color Revolution" Against President Trump

>>10577050 Manhattan Gynecologist Faces Federal Charges Over 6 Sex Abuse Accusations

>>10577047 Congratulations Mr President (nobel nom) trending on twatter. you know what to do - let's break it

>>10577018 MORE BAD NEWS FOR DEMOCRATS: 17% of Likely Trump Voters Less Likely to Let Others Know About Their Vote

>>10576960 US will draw down troops in Iraq from 5,200 to 3,000 this month, CENTCOM confirms

>>10576924 (embedded) Corona Virus is big business, and there is a paper trail.

>>10576879 Critics Believe Next Phase of the ‘Rolling Coup’ Against President Trump may Involve the US Military

>>10576859 renoting: FBI Moves On Dem Senator Dianne Feinstein- Orders Her To Hand Over Documents on Her Husband’s Stock Trades

>>10576834, >>10576862, >>10576874, >>10576905, >>10576934 New DJT bun w/CAPs

>>10576818 New James Woods w/CAP: Use the search function. Type in “#resist” and spend a few minutes blocking as many as you can...

>>10576684 Report: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Getting Border Fence Around Her Home

>>10576675 Biden to Visit Michigan UAW Hall in Warren

>>10576575 anon: Found ultrasound backdoor (20 kHz to 24 kHz) on Android devices

>>10576567 U.S. Forest Service K-9 Survives Second Stabbing. stabbed nine times during a recent marijuana raid in NoCal.

>>10576545, >>10576686, >>10576837 planefag reporting

>>10576522 Obama-Appointed Judge Reopens ‘Visa Lottery’ During Coronavirus Crisis

>>10576497 L.A. Sheriff’s Department Arrests Anarchists; Fake ‘Press’ Helmets Found

>>10576457, >>10576462, >>10576910 U.S. Marshals w/CAP: AG Barr will provide an update on Operation Legend at a press conference in Chicago

>>10576456 U.S. Indo-Pacific Command w/CAP: Sailors aboard @USPacificFleet amphibious assault ship USS America #LHA6 conduct flight quarters...

>>10576424 Dr. Phil talkin' bout Adrenochrome... “I believe that Jessie was tortured for the drug adrenochrome,"

>>10576421 KEK: Chinese ambassador to the UK humiliated after official Twitter account 'likes' porn video

>>10576427 12:00PM Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany holds a press briefing, James S. Brady Briefing Room

>>10577139 #13534

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20140e  No.10577944


Baker Change

>>10576370 John Solomon w/CAP: AstraZeneca pauses late-stage studies for a COVID-19 vaccine after recipient illness

>>10576227 South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has dismissed a report suggesting the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was a "superspreading event"

>>10576225 New Dan Scavino w/CAP: Biden video

>>10576215 Feds take over defense in libel suit against Trump

>>10576208, >>10576223, >>10576230 REWARD OFFERED: US Marshals Hunt Man Who Allegedly Sexually Assaulted Baby, Distributed Videos On Social Media

>>10576080, >>10576252, >>10576294, >>10576295, >>10576328 New DJT bun w/CAPs

>>10576069 U.S. regulator calls climate change a systemic risk. Rostin Behnam, one of two Democrats on the five-member CFTC.

>>10576040 Minnesota House DFL fundraiser canceled over concerns about candidate John Thompson

>>10575922 Infogalactitic definition and description of Qanon chronology

>>10575864 CNN PANIC

>>10575821 Spain: Lifeguard Arrested, Led Away in Handcuffs by Hazmat Cops for ‘Surfing with Coronavirus’

>>10575799 Report: Joe Biden Promises Wall Street Donors the Status Quo in Private Calls

>>10575790 US companies defy Trump’s demands to leave China

>>10575785 Texas: Muslim makes jihad bomb threat against University of Houston in the middle of Zoom lecture

>>10575711, >>10575690 On marxist roots of BLM; bonus - Koch Brothers

>>10576377 #13533

Previously Collected Notables

>>10574751 #13531, >>10575589 #13532,

>>10572488 #13528, >>10573239 #13529, >>10574007 #13530

>>10570191 #13525, >>10570939 #13526, >>10571774 #13527

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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20140e  No.10577947

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

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Nederland #5 >>10497699

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Nordic #1 >>5290557

South Africa #1 >>8033191

UK #21 >>10507852

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META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

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>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

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20140e  No.10577957

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* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

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* Biden + DNC Agenda Pre-election memes re: Dem side — https://mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

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MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #30 >>>/comms/24025

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTYUwt5rV5s

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20140e  No.10577968

File: a77eb6eff14b5d7⋯.png (1.62 MB, 604x1024, 151:256, a77eb6eff14b5d74799733aaf9….png)



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b12ec1  No.10577976

File: 428b53549ec1a09⋯.png (26.05 KB, 412x189, 412:189, ClipboardImage.png)

Emerald Robinson


President Trump doing interviews with Bob Woodward is proof that 4D chess doesn't really exist.

12:02 PM · Sep 9, 2020



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41dde0  No.10577983

President Trump BANNED by Nevada from holding Rally

Sauce : Fmr, Nevada AG , Adam Paul Laxalt


One hour ago


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65f38c  No.10577984

File: b34eb6cacdd061d⋯.jpg (69.09 KB, 600x584, 75:73, ColonelGetsSome.jpg)


thank ya baker

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8d5410  No.10577985

Give Kayleigh a raise.

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902627  No.10577986

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d184ca  No.10577987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Send Kayleigh some love & prayers

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de5a45  No.10577988

File: b9569fcbb4523f5⋯.jpg (242.19 KB, 652x373, 652:373, Popcorn_bath.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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24003a  No.10577989

File: e0b70260b9d9e2a⋯.png (259.17 KB, 496x609, 496:609, TFW1.png)

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8d5410  No.10577990


She not wrong.

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4a847e  No.10577991

say it kaleigh

double standard

Trump doesn't require masks at rally for the same reasons you guys take yours off when you are off camera!

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f83c3c  No.10577992

turned it on, lasted 60 seconds, turned it off

i don't know how press secretaries do that job

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8c8163  No.10577993



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902627  No.10577994

File: 03aa5fae4f90d6f⋯.png (390.12 KB, 493x552, 493:552, ClipboardImage.png)

Please Tell the President Congratulations for me!

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de5a45  No.10577996

File: f95166f9d1ac0c9⋯.mp4 (13.89 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Kayleigh_Dragon_Energy.mp4)

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154424  No.10577997

Press losing their minds because of the Nobel Peace Prize today

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8a89ed  No.10577998

>>10577974 lb

Taking a break is always good. Don't worry, if anything BIG actually happens I'm sure you'll hear about it.

>>10577975 lb

Winning what specifically though? I don't think they'd be this spooked about the peace prize.

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41dde0  No.10577999

Joe Biden campaign is the new " Burning Man " show

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ca6893  No.10578000

File: ebc8ad687261f0e⋯.jpeg (100.08 KB, 828x552, 3:2, 1ED5D802_F64C_41A3_BCF8_2….jpeg)

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ca0f8c  No.10578001

Muh Covid talking points are heavy today.

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e61114  No.10578002



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a9d7b0  No.10578003

File: b6d99ec09dc48f6⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you baker!

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8d5410  No.10578004


Big time.

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d184ca  No.10578005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MSM - Isn't giving American People HOPE a bad thaaangg???!!!!


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4a847e  No.10578006


Trump doesn't lie at all.

if you think he's lying then you are FAKENEWS!!

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e42a4d  No.10578007

File: 8e93ff6b75c1375⋯.jpg (65.31 KB, 888x485, 888:485, 3y28bhtt.jpg)

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6b6dd6  No.10578008


Very True.

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bc50c7  No.10578009

Awful deaths for everyone.

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d123e4  No.10578010

>>10577925 (LB)

>"The President has NEVER lied to the American people.ABOUT THE CORONA VIRUS". sooooo he has lied?

That's a period, then she starts a new sentence, "The president has never lied to the american people. On covid, the president was expressing calm and his actions reflect that."

Fucking dewax your ears, fuckwit.

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0d7daf  No.10578011

File: 3e7527d072c600e⋯.png (552.75 KB, 678x380, 339:190, 3e7527d072c600ec06efa4e1c4….png)

File: f63fab3b8dc53f4⋯.jpg (83.41 KB, 666x500, 333:250, f63fab3b8dc53f4f7ee38bcd01….jpg)

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f83229  No.10578012

annnd black ops cold war is a failure.

thank you diversity.

thank you sjw's.

ruined gaming forever.

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60799b  No.10578013


she is doing great today despite a very aggressive press

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20140e  No.10578014


got another source as well?

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68a123  No.10578015

File: a545e93ecf78832⋯.png (739.38 KB, 721x1000, 721:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

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0de274  No.10578016

Watching these press conferences make me want to put on my mask and die of Co2 poisoning.

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63be8b  No.10578017

File: 952aecdd206c102⋯.png (219.09 KB, 642x576, 107:96, Screenshot_20200909_101043….png)

File: f667701c5147b4a⋯.png (274.64 KB, 749x614, 749:614, Screenshot_20200909_101023….png)

Negroid monkey man trying get attention to get a popular YouTube video.

Poorly crafted BLM horse-shit.

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d123e4  No.10578018

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8fadd0  No.10578019

File: 4a48ef6b1cf115b⋯.jpg (106.18 KB, 800x450, 16:9, GitMo.jpg)

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f54ea3  No.10578020

File: 80a1fc3b4906ce0⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1353x757, 1353:757, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10577936 LB

she knew this was coming. she went no bra and was 35% nipple for the oncoming barrage of attack from the DNC/MSM.

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1c9fb4  No.10578021

>>10577932 lb

>Can you point to this? If Comey interfered in Assange extradition, that's big.

Yes, it is!

ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Did Sen. Warner and Comey Crush Assange Immunity Deal?February 22, 2020

The U.S. was in talks for a deal with Julian Assange but then FBI Director James Comey ordered an end to negotiations after Assange offered to prove Russia was not involved in the DNC leak, as Ray McGovern explains.


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4f19c8  No.10578022

File: f7e9b0058c09546⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 600x250, 12:5, hoEoxfX.gif)

yo Haji, th angels of love Emmanuel th Lord is w us, hed kandi

no jew of mine, stand up guy, like I said, a wildebeast,

blood code venom complex,


you've been such a joy to my heart friend,

th sun will set & th Dawn of night will

horrify you as th sweetness of th night beats you so hard that there will be tears in your eye, th one thing friend, we w tears in our eye wipe away w a tissue as we work out our salvation evangelizing the whores hookers & tits cuz a tiggah like you got an ass as hard as th concrete jungle, go round up those sows cows & tits cuz it's milking time,

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8d5410  No.10578023


Id become an alcoholic with her job. Shes a saint.

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e91e55  No.10578024

File: b2c2a542caeba15⋯.jpeg (291.99 KB, 730x727, 730:727, butimcrazyright_kek.jpeg)



its funny how we all know the 6% death rate and these "reporters" are going on and on about something potus never said which was apparently to downplay coronavirus….isn't that clearly a good thing even if he did say it? they are fear-mongering over something that never habbened and was never said! kek.

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902627  No.10578025

File: 1e6063c035c89c7⋯.png (433.42 KB, 472x552, 59:69, ClipboardImage.png)

Over the Target


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057f60  No.10578026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Kayleigh McEnany - Press Secretary

Holds it down.

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25d491  No.10578027

File: d364011fde78944⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 3464x1748, 866:437, laxalt.jpg)

Nevada's Governor may be canceling Trump Rallies in Nevada this weekend!

Outrageous! @realDonaldTrump

rally venues in NV canceled. Welcome to Sisolak’s Nevada – home of partisan political retribution. This is unprecedented – to cancel an incumbent President’s campaign stop inside 60 days of a major contested election in a swing state. This isn’t over!


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46f9d5  No.10578028


>>10578006 <Yas


but I'm still concerned.

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f043a6  No.10578029

File: ce094090d20a238⋯.jpg (101.28 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, fsdZr37ei3YZQAE7JaRNEwh23W….jpg)


Tanks Bakes

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d184ca  No.10578030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MSM - ChYnese tomatoes are EVIL

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4a847e  No.10578031

cnn broke away from presser to have a panel with brainless stelter gloria borger….

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56fc94  No.10578032

File: ee7ba736bbf85ef⋯.png (203.17 KB, 632x498, 316:249, ee7ba736bbf85efaa3841c43fc….png)

Kek, MSM has moved on from the Military smear and are now on the "TRUMP KNEW" audio recording.

When will POTUS release some damning evidence that shows Democrats worked with Chyna to release the virus?

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902627  No.10578033

File: 8a499b449a9d625⋯.png (502.82 KB, 510x574, 255:287, ClipboardImage.png)

How Great does the President Feel Being Nominated for the Noble Peace Prize?

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301db3  No.10578034

File: bd53e35f71f862f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 726x856, 363:428, Arm_Shot_in_Kenosha_2.PNG)


Then you are losing.

You should be making them feel that way!

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e91e55  No.10578035


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b12ec1  No.10578036

File: 8d3ec99f207c713⋯.jpg (15.74 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 57abd9034b3475f09dc7ee5cf4….jpg)


>Trump doesn't lie at all.

>if you think he's lying then you are FAKENEWS!!

The absolute state of this board.

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ca0f8c  No.10578037

"We need Trump's events to be smaller because it makes Joe look bad"

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d123e4  No.10578038

File: 92a05b508e66b6a⋯.png (6.46 KB, 1046x102, 523:51, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9d7b0  No.10578039

File: dc7d7a71d13c622⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5c7193e78065be⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dda26ada0df3768⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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ef1f29  No.10578040

File: a6bf3da05f23f32⋯.jpg (42.99 KB, 920x459, 920:459, Felt_The_Feel.jpg)

The presser feelz nice.

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ffb66a  No.10578041

File: 98db106e9d5662b⋯.png (49.72 KB, 315x251, 315:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a519f633a00e82⋯.png (34.62 KB, 276x259, 276:259, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10577692 lb

Always thought it was strange that gender symbols were also planet symbols

The whole men are from Mars, women from Venus thing

Especially considering their fondness of the Saturn symbol

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078ca4  No.10578042

File: b9270fce1b27aa6⋯.png (131.23 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

God is laughing at us.

United Not Divided

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e91e55  No.10578043


most transparent president in history.

beautiful kayleigh. masterful!

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4a847e  No.10578044


ahhh…..poor baby,

believing fake news or are fakenews

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8d5410  No.10578045



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902627  No.10578046

File: d0f5f028d61f23d⋯.png (275.07 KB, 394x416, 197:208, ClipboardImage.png)

SCOTUS List, Exciting stuff!

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368936  No.10578047

SCOTUS picks?

what happened to RBG?

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63be8b  No.10578048

File: 372fde09454f8bd⋯.png (547.78 KB, 590x1062, 5:9, Screenshot_20200909_033633….png)


Real boobs are better.

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f83c3c  No.10578049


did you finally buy a proxy or are you just out of ideas

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301db3  No.10578050

File: 273aed9688f01f1⋯.png (99.38 KB, 272x639, 272:639, Amy_Barrett.PNG)


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4a847e  No.10578051




>most transparent president in history.

>beautiful kayleigh. masterful!

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11056f  No.10578052

File: 52f1c5cccdaa08f⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1486x1722, 743:861, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58a2fcb2566396a⋯.png (729.54 KB, 1486x1722, 743:861, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a0094ef1de7643⋯.png (795.95 KB, 1486x1722, 743:861, ClipboardImage.png)

Colombia makes arrests in sex trafficking plot that lured women to China

Colombian police broke up an accused sex trafficking ring that recruited women in Colombia and forced them into prostitution in China, authorities said on Tuesday, exposing a plot of criminal deception that preyed upon poor and vulnerable women.

Seven accused traffickers were arrested and charged with luring and sexually exploiting at least 30 Colombian women and migrants who were sent to work in nightclubs in the Chinese city of Guangdong, authorities said.

The women were recruited on social media and on WhatsApp messaging with offers of well-paid work as models in China by traffickers who staged fake photo shoots in Colombia before sending them abroad, authorities said.

"At these places, the young women were allegedly held against their will," Colombia's attorney general's office said in a statement. "Their passports and personal documents were taken away."

The traffickers imposed debts on them of $14,000, which they were forced to pay off by making $600 a day in sex work, the top prosecutor said.

The traffickers preyed on young, unemployed and poor women with "perverse deception," the office said.

Among those arrested were five women, whom authorities said arranged travel and visas for the victims who were flown via Madrid and Amsterdam before reaching Beijing.

In Latin America, sexual exploitation of women and girls remains the most common form of human trafficking.

But while most victims in Latin America are trafficked within the region, the case points to China as a primary destination for Colombian women forced abroad.

In a similar case in 2017, Colombian authorities busted a criminal ring that trafficked about 150 women into forced prostitution to China. That ring also used false job offers and made the women pay off even higher debts of $25,000 each.

Under Colombia's anti-human trafficking law, convicted traffickers can receive prison sentences of up to 23 years.

Last year, Colombian authorities convicted 19 human traffickers, down from 26 convictions in 2018, according to the US State Department.


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078ca4  No.10578053

File: 44b65b8e960a239⋯.png (1.65 MB, 660x990, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


I baked some bread like this

In the frying pan

For my morning breakfast

Yum yum…

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8d5410  No.10578054

File: ebb03017d475e98⋯.jpeg (72.75 KB, 1125x718, 1125:718, ENs8HFaW4AASK3T.jpeg)

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d32dd5  No.10578055

File: 5cbfbf7cb615219⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 1307x542, 1307:542, Gandalf_Eyebrow.jpg)

>>10577485 (lb)

>>10577519 (lb)

You anons are entertaining as fuck sometimes.

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ca6893  No.10578056

File: 042f089c81bdb77⋯.jpeg (220.47 KB, 828x1394, 414:697, 5A53F4EB_CCC5_435A_84B7_8….jpeg)

File: 1d9a4456e9535d7⋯.jpeg (148.33 KB, 828x896, 207:224, D36BEF4B_FE75_49E7_B25C_8….jpeg)

File: fbb1ab72fdd956d⋯.jpeg (125.15 KB, 828x679, 828:679, 9047D0AB_BAA3_41AB_A3EB_8….jpeg)

File: 19a989eda55e0cd⋯.jpeg (190.82 KB, 828x817, 828:817, 14D98C63_F928_40E3_BFE0_7….jpeg)

Seconds, not minutes, hours or days seconds away from eternal vanquishment.

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585034  No.10578057

File: 2023baa9347029a⋯.png (243.87 KB, 1024x1090, 512:545, pepe_flower_1.png)















>>10577946 all lb

be proud gaywad!!!!

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60799b  No.10578058


>because he's the most transparent president in history



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a9d7b0  No.10578059

File: 715e91cc7561de5⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 966c25cfbb3d30e⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d3a37fcb568457⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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93ffb1  No.10578060

File: a1cfef6c739f113⋯.png (418.2 KB, 568x2664, 71:333, Screenshot_2020_09_09_Tren….png)


Trending in United States


62.7K Tweets

Trending in United States


90.6K Tweets

Trending in United States


126K Tweets

>Anons please take a moment to counter these hashes and report all bots.

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902627  No.10578061

File: 0cc73bda2d1a5d5⋯.png (270.17 KB, 386x418, 193:209, ClipboardImage.png)

Favored Nation Big Pharma Question

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f043a6  No.10578062


Trump allows Blob Woodward interview.

Biden reads teleprompter (poorly) from basement.

Boy is POTUS dumb.

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e91e55  No.10578063



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1fa6d6  No.10578064

Semantics are very important.


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6760bb  No.10578065

File: c2221d4a6acbedd⋯.gif (2.96 MB, 308x312, 77:78, AJfreaking.gif)


WH Press right now

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5dbaa0  No.10578066

File: 33ca6debf6292d9⋯.png (65.8 KB, 236x236, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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e0f07f  No.10578067


>Id become an alcoholic with her job. Shes a saint.

Cancer survivors have a different outlook on life.

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d32dd5  No.10578068


OH, MY… Look at this fucking idiot. Isn't she the one that was coming to @TheLastRefuge2 rescue?

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902627  No.10578069

File: ce5ce4a37512875⋯.png (275.14 KB, 365x523, 365:523, ClipboardImage.png)

PleaseTell the President that I'm in love with him… he's my everything

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41dde0  No.10578070


Ask Nevada Govnuha @GovSisolak abotu trying to BAN POTUS from holding rally

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d184ca  No.10578071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Would be interesting to see who pocket book she lives in

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e91e55  No.10578072

File: 97a2169c594e599⋯.jpg (94.94 KB, 1206x603, 2:1, boom_w_pepe.jpg)

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ca6893  No.10578073

File: d64d0429bf7abb1⋯.gif (43.61 KB, 411x209, 411:209, 739D8170_C15B_4150_A36E_EC….gif)

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8a89ed  No.10578074

For anyone not watching the talking point of today is

> orange man is bad because he no take the rona seriously

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60f54c  No.10578075

File: c08fabb82defc39⋯.png (627.34 KB, 1268x2627, 1268:2627, Screenshot_2020_09_09_Trum….png)

File: 5d1fe2940df6f4e⋯.png (600.24 KB, 1268x2193, 1268:2193, Screenshot_2020_09_09_Unit….png)

File: 483031bfcc1f5e0⋯.png (773.56 KB, 1268x3896, 317:974, Screenshot_2020_09_09_Unit….png)



3 #TrumpIsARapist

49.0K tweets

31 Adolf Hitler

18.2K tweets


8 #TrumpIsNotLikeYou

108.0K tweets View details

9 #trumpmeltdown

90.1K tweets View details

10 #TrumpsRadicalRight

82.2K tweets View details


also tredning

>Anons please take a moment to counter these hashes and report all bots.

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f1b5b9  No.10578076

File: b27f888e19333e2⋯.png (2.45 MB, 910x1200, 91:120, ClipboardImage.png)

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ca6893  No.10578077

File: a32e5ce7e0a695a⋯.jpeg (243.18 KB, 828x446, 414:223, CFB88A10_92E8_446C_9876_5….jpeg)

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4a847e  No.10578078

So when did Trump become a virus expert according to Woodward and fakenews?

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0d7daf  No.10578079

File: 0321d1cbdf21401⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 466x498, 233:249, you_gotta_coordinate.gif)


Holy fuck she color coordinated her fucking wardrobe.

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8c8163  No.10578080

Fake and Gay Input.




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60f54c  No.10578081

File: 92737f9f0c205d5⋯.png (123.1 KB, 1268x890, 634:445, Screenshot_2020_09_09_Unit….png)



Top Twitter trends for United States now




>Anons please take a moment to counter these hashes and report all bots


Nobel Peace Prize


>Anons please take a moment to SUPPORT this and report all bots


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e91e55  No.10578082

File: 0b8e2d8eccee490⋯.png (931.11 KB, 624x832, 3:4, dealwithitfags.png)

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5a6150  No.10578083


I read it as an absence of fear of MSM.

he doesn't avoid, he attacks.

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ca6893  No.10578084

File: 85c00c0b9b3e31f⋯.jpeg (148.68 KB, 828x887, 828:887, 483A0038_75F3_42B6_BDF2_4….jpeg)

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4a847e  No.10578085


is POTUS a virus expert who knew what the virus was early on…or is he a dummy who knows nothing about HCQ and vaccines?

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24003a  No.10578086

File: e311e315c22d218⋯.png (720.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, nohope.png)

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63c130  No.10578087

File: 7418b68bd7f0b1f⋯.jpg (13.42 KB, 215x231, 215:231, Capture.JPG)

these people are stupid. go to bed, try again at 4am

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f83c3c  No.10578088

so, out of ideas then, cool

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f54ea3  No.10578089

File: 92548042f30af7c⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8f202  No.10578090

File: 6859ef3e40e0d8a⋯.png (425.87 KB, 664x618, 332:309, Screenshot_20200909_091435….png)

Anons I still need the Selena Gomez mp4 version of the song "Me and the rhythm"

Justin Bieber is a fag.

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ca6893  No.10578091

File: cb298f86e66921c⋯.jpeg (168.59 KB, 828x872, 207:218, A6E3AEE4_92F7_4DA0_9775_7….jpeg)

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864862  No.10578092

File: 8dfa5f001049f10⋯.png (102.12 KB, 1190x564, 595:282, ClipboardImage.png)






































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82444c  No.10578093

File: e1fb420b9463c09⋯.jpg (199.11 KB, 1088x500, 272:125, e1fb420b9463c096fb06b15a8d….jpg)

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8c8163  No.10578094

Homosexual and Fabricated





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8d3451  No.10578095

File: b70b6cc0a2a2ed4⋯.mp4 (27.07 KB, 166x144, 83:72, glenn.mp4)

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902627  No.10578096

File: 75f79692779e725⋯.png (380.16 KB, 428x492, 107:123, ClipboardImage.png)

When the President says Chyna It makes me feel Funny.

Tell him he's the Best Eva

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8d5410  No.10578097


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a9d7b0  No.10578099

File: 70f4f00306a23e8⋯.png (1021.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61b14664a9482c1⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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e91e55  No.10578100

File: af6869774f71ccc⋯.jpg (84.41 KB, 600x700, 6:7, lbpbpls.jpg)

File: d98e3555dfa9b81⋯.png (125.45 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, welcomenewfrens_.png)

File: 3d85d23ea898964⋯.png (2.49 MB, 5145x2671, 5145:2671, ForNewfags.png)

File: 27a47ea68398426⋯.png (560.37 KB, 500x1030, 50:103, normiefriendlywarningpepeu….png)


newfag? leave namefield blank pls so you look anon like eberyone else. also, use lb or pb to notate when tagging a comment from the last bread bc phonefags will be pissed off. welcome. pics related.

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f83c3c  No.10578101

whole lil crew on today

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902627  No.10578102

File: 782d342301398e1⋯.png (352.02 KB, 474x534, 79:89, ClipboardImage.png)

Human Rights Abuses in Belaruse

USA calls for the Release of all the Detained.

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e42a4d  No.10578103

Trump not ending wars fast enough, says corrupt press.

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154553  No.10578104


I would have to look into the origins of the symbols, themselves - or at least what is argued to be the origin of them. Mars was the god of war, Venus was the goddess of love/lust, depending upon exactly how you want to read into it.

The symbols predate the actual observance of some of the planets - Neptune and Pluto, for example, weren't really discovered until relatively recently, and those symbols are likely far older than that.

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4a847e  No.10578105


how and why did POTUS know the virus was deadly early on if he is such a dummy and doesn't listen to anyone



Where did Trump get his info?

who told trump?

FAkenews reporters and shills just suck!!

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fb9219  No.10578106


>>>10577960 (pb)

>concurred, but planned

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a9d7b0  No.10578107

File: 1c0dc4c96518005⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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b12ec1  No.10578108


Controlled Opposition controls outcome.


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e91e55  No.10578109

File: 615a83f3b1dcefc⋯.png (470.96 KB, 748x512, 187:128, pepe_gangsallhere.png)


feels guuuud

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8d5410  No.10578110


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864862  No.10578111



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8b9b2e  No.10578112

File: 44147ef664e861c⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1769, 1242:1769, 90C3682A_EDC6_4857_9CC6_F….jpeg)


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d184ca  No.10578113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MSM - Yes POTUS is doing a good job withdrawing troops but he isn't do it fast enough so he's BAAAAAADDDD

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85ab55  No.10578114


> Isn't giving American People HOPE a bad thaaangg???!!!!

not for DS, kek.

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850bde  No.10578115


This isn't a press briefing, it's a coordinated attack

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0d7daf  No.10578116

File: 28e78a6e6cb1413⋯.png (430.74 KB, 798x490, 57:35, 28e78a6e6cb141304a18838f49….png)


o7. How you durrin? Kek.

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e61114  No.10578117



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1383bd  No.10578118



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0f94f1  No.10578119

Belarus: dry run for what [they] think will happen to our election; this is their plan

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8c8163  No.10578120

Shoddily Constructed & Anally Erupted






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8a89ed  No.10578121

the left now questioning vaccines is fucking god tier comedy.

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902627  No.10578122

File: 39eabe3c576fa54⋯.png (321.17 KB, 395x453, 395:453, ClipboardImage.png)

Reporter Admits she's going to name her child after the President!

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de5a45  No.10578123

File: 092e6da0776d17a⋯.jpg (78.08 KB, 452x335, 452:335, Glass_raise.jpg)


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609284  No.10578124

Someone fell for the trap. Again.

Tapes leak between President Trump and Bob Woodward


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8d5410  No.10578125


Its a Biden rally via the press.

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41dde0  No.10578126


Reno - Tahoe Airport Authority saying POTUS rally violates 50 person limit , advised lease holder of the hangar they may not hold rally

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d32dd5  No.10578127

File: 42b6d4852acf495⋯.jpg (200.57 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 3E56A19200000578_0_image_a….jpg)




Why, oh why, are you morons pushing for indictments when we have this EO right here?



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5dbaa0  No.10578128

File: 86a6c055e60c69c⋯.png (83.45 KB, 236x236, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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8fadd0  No.10578129

File: fb3305329d4829e⋯.jpg (64.07 KB, 474x534, 79:89, BehindTheBrownDoor.jpg)

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368936  No.10578130


His biggest and LOUDEST crowd yet.

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487424  No.10578131

File: 7b035065b830ba7⋯.jpg (73.72 KB, 659x734, 659:734, praise_kek.jpg)

==yo Kayleigh said she would 'make sure that newsclip gets to his inbox'… –

i think that was a call to anons to flood his twitter wit the clip

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1383bd  No.10578132



She works for a terrorist news media

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f043a6  No.10578133

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f54ea3  No.10578134

File: 4b86397bda89ce3⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)





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553159  No.10578135

File: a394ef44f89fefd⋯.jpeg (47.41 KB, 781x541, 781:541, 10785364.JPEG)


You are like Bernie Sanders you never had a job until you were 40 years old.

Homo stuff.

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ca6893  No.10578136

File: ffe63bb419cc2c0⋯.jpeg (109.63 KB, 524x550, 262:275, CD3276ED_CB67_4B33_81BA_7….jpeg)

File: 052f002e7946c8c⋯.jpeg (281.55 KB, 828x618, 138:103, 2050F805_EAE7_48DF_B979_7….jpeg)

File: d687992db796923⋯.jpeg (205.52 KB, 828x609, 276:203, 1514595C_90BB_474A_897F_1….jpeg)

File: 7ac94d9ede33844⋯.jpeg (283.25 KB, 828x735, 276:245, 8020DF43_CFEC_4836_B74A_E….jpeg)

File: 72ab642c1c171ea⋯.jpeg (258.21 KB, 828x691, 828:691, F0FF843F_3586_4AF1_BE42_9….jpeg)

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902627  No.10578137

File: e145b5b7bacf857⋯.png (563.38 KB, 550x554, 275:277, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcff08acc5c583a⋯.png (694.25 KB, 640x613, 640:613, ClipboardImage.png)

This Guy… Ohh Buddy I saw what you did

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4a847e  No.10578138


hey dumb jackass,

how did Trump know in Feb the virus was deadly when the experts, WHO and FAUCI, said it wasn't?

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8d5410  No.10578139

Thank God, a real question.

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078ca4  No.10578140


Look when the prize is ANNOUNCED!!!

PEACE – Friday 9 October, 11:00 CEST

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, The Norwegian Nobel Institute (Norska Nobelinstitutet), Store Sal, Henrik Ibsens gate 51, Oslo


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428cfa  No.10578141


who farted in my mask?

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a9d7b0  No.10578142

File: 9b7c3bc61b633be⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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fb9219  No.10578143


closed minded motherfuckers thinking their perspective is the ONLY one and MOST intelligent.

I too am guilty of such, but ONLY because no logic can match my own.

Commence the attack fuckers, otherwise eat up the sauce dribbled from the pussy post

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d32dd5  No.10578144

File: d4ff5c5068d18cb⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Fauci_People_Should_Not_Be….mp4)


Which reporter was it, again?

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20140e  No.10578145



>>10578060 Trending in United States #TrumpIsARapist, #TrumpKnew, #TrumpIsNotLikeYou

>>10578052 Colombia makes arrests in sex trafficking plot that lured women to China

>>10578027 Nevada's Governor may be canceling Trump Rallies in Nevada this weekend!

>>10578021 Refresher: ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Did Sen. Warner and Comey Crush Assange Immunity Deal?February 22, 2020

>>10577987 Send Kayleigh some love & prayers/Live presser

>>10577976 @EmeraldRobinson President Trump doing interviews with Bob Woodward is proof that 4D chess doesn't really exist./Kek!


anons, baker needs to have a quote for notables with lots of , yeah, I heard that from others Kayleigh:" "

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06907d  No.10578146

File: 85c0830f7c1fbd1⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1242x1769, 1242:1769, ClipboardImage.png)


>Up to HALF of the Queen's 600 household staff are facing the axe.


At the Tower of London?

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609284  No.10578147

File: 6e6bcbed4eb5902⋯.png (817.19 KB, 1198x824, 599:412, Screen_Shot_2020_09_09_at_….png)

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d184ca  No.10578148


Don't show the maskless

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8d5410  No.10578149


Doug Mills (I think).

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902627  No.10578150

File: bd8178e8a6249c2⋯.png (672.91 KB, 564x593, 564:593, ClipboardImage.png)

Chyna's Human Rights abuses could disqualify them for the Olympics?

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864862  No.10578151








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82444c  No.10578152

File: 3e57bee22e5ab6c⋯.jpg (76.33 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, 3e57bee22e5ab6c5cd4e072f51….jpg)

File: b82c8c3b84f146b⋯.png (543.67 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, IKnowJoe.png)



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a9d7b0  No.10578153

File: fca7184520aeb28⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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d32dd5  No.10578154


There is a LOT of shit going on October 9th. Happy Birthday me?

Fuck, I'll take it :)

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4a847e  No.10578155


>Someone fell for the trap. Again^^^^^^^^^^no kidding

they fail to ask the one important question…HOW DID TRUMP KNOW THE VIRUS WAS DANGEROUS WHEN 'WHO' said it wasn't?

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48552b  No.10578156

3 Original questions or so…, and the rest come from sdny strozk lissssssssssa conglomerate of snakes begging for attention on the RONA and the failures of orange man bad – needless to say biden and camelto are in deep slumber and must be perturbed

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428588  No.10578157

Buttercup Butt Gigs + Poorly Erected Skids


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864862  No.10578158



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4821a1  No.10578159

File: 491efdfbf25dafb⋯.png (83.21 KB, 799x721, 799:721, ClipboardImage.png)

The next threat, China transforming Iran into a client state

1) The Chinese Communist Party plans to transform #Iran into a client state of #China. Tehran will use the rendered funds to further its malign initiatives, including fueling terrorism

This poses a grave threat for the Middle East and beyond.

2) The next phase of the 25-year deal between China and Iran will focus on a large-scale roll-out of electronic espionage and warfare capabilities focused around the port of Chabahar and extending for a nearly 5,000 kilometer (3,000 mile) radius.

3) The mass surveillance, monitoring, and control systems to cover Iran’s population is to begin its full roll-out as from the second week of November.

4) China will start to trial its own heavily-censored version of the internet via the Great Firewall of China [that prohibits foreign internet sites], in Iran

5) China will use the end of the global arms embargo on Iran on October 18 to begin fast-tracked preparations for its increased military presence in Iran, as part of the "China-Iran Integrated Defence Strategy."

6) Part of the new roll-out of software and hardware from China and Russia in Iran, according to the Iran sources, would be the Russian S-400 anti-missile air defence system: “To counter U.S. and/or Israeli attacks.”

7) The Krasukha-2 and -4 systems are also likely to feature in the overall EW architecture, as they proved their effectiveness in Syria in countering the radars of attack, reconnaissance and unmanned aircraft.

8) Bombers to be China versions of the Russian Tupolev Tu-22M3s, with a range of 6,800 km (2,410 km with a typical weapons load).

Fighters will be the all-weather supersonic medium-range fighter bomber/strike Sukhoi Su-34, plus the newer single-seat stealth attack Sukhoi-57.

9) It is apposite to note that in August 2016, Russia used the Hamedan airbase to launch attacks on targets in Syria using both Tupolev-22M3 long-range bombers and Sukhoi-34 strike fighters.

DETAILS with links, refs at



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ab4679  No.10578160

File: 67abd22bfbed621⋯.png (243.14 KB, 620x446, 310:223, 67abd22bfbed6215639fb0c2bf….png)


it's quite literally proof

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8d5410  No.10578161



Yep, Doug Mills NYT. POTUS favorite press photog.

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8d5410  No.10578162

See ya bitches!

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4f19c8  No.10578163



I have a friend Haji Emmanuel Hed Kandi, angels of love,

he has a border line personality disorder,

but he only has th positive symptoms not

th negative bad symptoms.

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48552b  No.10578164

the idiots with masks shouting totally got bob woodwards dick in thar mouths


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078ca4  No.10578165



>>10578081 Trump's nomination for Nobel Peace Prize is trending massively

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d32dd5  No.10578166


TY baker on notable-ing that. Very much worth a review considering what's happening.

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fb9219  No.10578167



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ca0f8c  No.10578168

File: c2a1bf9af206888⋯.png (88.38 KB, 300x225, 4:3, Bob.png)

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a9d7b0  No.10578169

File: ca6260af8f3f567⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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e42a4d  No.10578170

McEnany explained that Goldberg is a war-mongering scumbag with no credibility.

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85ab55  No.10578171


(then leaves the room….)


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8c8163  No.10578172



Plays Pretend with imaginary Frens




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f2b3b8  No.10578173



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5b8eb3  No.10578174

File: ae8e8ab37265041⋯.png (374.41 KB, 590x632, 295:316, Capture.PNG)



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8d5410  No.10578175

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63c130  No.10578176


real reporters don't wear masks.

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f54ea3  No.10578177

File: b1ae3c7c730cf6e⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

and she is gone…..

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1383bd  No.10578178

Bleh, nothing but media fearmongering about covid19 the common cold that is 99% survivable etcetcetc

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d94edc  No.10578179

File: 0b40a6cb4a2449e⋯.png (585.97 KB, 735x413, 105:59, Screenshot_2020_09_09_Brit….png)

File: 690f64c836a6979⋯.png (32.65 KB, 598x261, 598:261, Screenshot_2020_09_09_Brit….png)


Hmm, thinking this is 4D chess, trap for Bob Woodward.. from Sep 4th, 2018,

Brit Hume: ‘Thank God’ For White House Officials Who Steal Documents Off Trump’s Desk

In light of the explosive developments from Bob Woodward‘s upcoming book on President Donald Trump, Brit Hume came up with an… interesting take: the president’s critics should be pleased his staffers restrain him. The Fox News senior political analyst spoke to Bret Baier today about the flurry of information emerging from Fear: Trump in the White House. These revelations range from high-level White House staffers bashing the president (John Kelly on Trump: “He’s an idiot”) to the president bashing his own staffers (Trump on Jeff Sessions: “Mentally retarded”) to officials stealing documents off of Trump’s desk to stop him from doing things.

As shocking as that all is, Hume’s takeaway was that the book proves Never Trumpers wrong. He told Baier: “There is an account in there of a document he’s about to sign, they came and took it off his desk. What does that say to the people in the Never Trump movement, particularly on the right, who don’t think that people who are serving in the administration should do so, because it participates in this fiasco of a presidency? It seems to me that the lesson to take away from this is: ‘Thank God for the people around Trump who are keeping him on the straight and narrow to the extent they can.’ That’s a service to the country it seems to me, without question.”

Hume then doubled down by taking his argument to Twitter:

Woodward’s accounts of chaos and dysfunction in the Trump WH suggest he has been repeatedly restrained by advisers from his most reckless impulses. And to think there are never-Trumpers on the right who think good people should not serve this president. Good thing they do.



Thinking..what if a fake story line was passed to Woodward that was only given to those suspected leakers? See the trap..

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4a847e  No.10578180


hey jackaSS.

you are so dumb you can't answer the question …at least not honestly.

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d123e4  No.10578181

File: c293065bc3c6b3c⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1324x713, 1324:713, ClipboardImage.png)


Lemme help with that pic…

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24003a  No.10578182

File: 652b94386c23208⋯.jpg (564.63 KB, 1542x898, 771:449, chanel1.jpg)

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0184a2  No.10578183

File: 18dc1387f186f33⋯.jpeg (44.85 KB, 931x524, 931:524, 15D409D0_8F23_434C_B973_7….jpeg)

File: a25d4affdca973c⋯.jpeg (91.83 KB, 1470x828, 245:138, 6C381FD7_8543_4086_812B_5….jpeg)

World War II veteran's wish granted: casket to be painted like pack of Juicy Fruit

A simple wish for a hero granted

Suttie Economy endeared himself to his community over the years by giving away packs of gum

Stephen Sorace3 days ago

An ailing World War II veteran is having his casket painted to resemble a pack of Juicy Fruit – the gum he’s happily handed out to people in his Virginia community for decades.

Suttie Economy, 94, has suffered health problems over the past year and was being cared for at the VA Hospital in Salem. His health has since improved slightly, and he has been moved to the Virginia Veterans Care Center next to the hospital.


Economy served in the Navy aboard the USS English in the Pacific during the war. Earlier this year, he sat down with local station WFXR-TV and recounted his experiences for Memorial Day.

A longtime friend, Sammy Oakey, of Oakey's Funeral Service and Crematory in Roanake, said Economy asked that his casket be painted like a pack of his favorite gum when he dies.

Mars Wrigley gave permission to use their trademark on Economy's casket when he dies. (Photo by Tim Boyle/Getty Images)

“For decades, Suttie has been known as the guy who takes packs of Juicy Fruit to restaurants, doctors' offices, funeral homes, firehouses, etcetera, and gives them out to everyone he sees,” Oakey said. “He has probably purchased tens of thousands of packs of the gum over the years.”

Mars Wrigley, the manufacturer of the gum and other candy, initially denied permission to use their federally registered trademark on a casket, Oakey said.

But Oakey’s Funeral Service posted about Economy’s unusual request on social media, garnering a large community response.

Oakey told WDBJ-TV that someone in the community gave him the email address of the candy company president, whom he then wrote about Economy’s request. A couple of days later, he got a response saying the company was making an exception for the veteran.

“We appreciate the role our products have played in creating better moments and more smiles for this individual and the Roanoke community,” a company spokesperson told Fox News.

Oakey said the casket will either be painted to look like a pack of Juicy Fruit or a pall with the logo will be laid over the casket .


Oakey said the casket or pall won’t be painted until Economy passes away, which he hopes “will be a long time off.”


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487424  No.10578184

File: ffdef659280b1fb⋯.jpg (39.5 KB, 692x394, 346:197, i_dont_kno_his_name.JPG)

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8c8163  No.10578185

Dont know when they have been. . . UpEnded.


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f2b3b8  No.10578186

File: 1e95be252fa0878⋯.png (639.45 KB, 1536x828, 128:69, 2020_09_09_05_09_revolvern….png)



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0f94f1  No.10578187


Mission accepted

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85ab55  No.10578188


>imaginary frens


coz - nobody likes a whiner

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c121bb  No.10578189

Predicted CNN Headline

President Trump's pandemic response was so poor, he had to bring peace to the Middle East just to get nominated for a Nobel Prize, so he could try to deflect from his colossal failure

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044335  No.10578190

The best question of that whole press briefing was the lady asking, "Why did the President sit down with Bob Woodward again?" Should tell you all you need to know.

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864862  No.10578191




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8d5410  No.10578192



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f41f18  No.10578193


Lincoln City is BURNING TO A CRISP.



















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8c8163  No.10578194



if i cant convince them I can skew the narrative. . . . . . . . .Not

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0a4daa  No.10578195


Have it at the base!>>10577968

Love this image

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8c8163  No.10578196


Shouldnt the power be cut off then?

how are communicated?


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85ab55  No.10578197


>Alice in Wonderland presidency

Strange - Haberman for once gets it RIGHT

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8d5410  No.10578198


I guess that is one take, Brit….sheesh.

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4a847e  No.10578199

The Atlantic piece was the first trap fakenews walked into.

nobody in the know confirmed the hitpiece.

Now, the Woodward book is the second trap set that they walked into.

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c6a540  No.10578200

File: f2812610c46a993⋯.png (328.9 KB, 2305x1112, 2305:1112, Screenshot_2020_09_09_Q_Re….png)

File: 26c050b42562396⋯.png (917.85 KB, 1311x2268, 437:756, 21ffb987b54443b0c5701399ab….png)

all pb




The more you attack me while all I try to do is bake clean bakes and make sure notables aren't deleted/ommitted/censored the more ignorant you look. But, by all means, keep it up.

Also, thanks for posting these again. I had deleted them, but it demonstrates exactly what I said this weekend about rainman being a literal op to single out particular bakers.

This is the last time you'll get a comment from me.

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8fadd0  No.10578201

File: 0fdcab97f10123e⋯.jpg (102.93 KB, 800x450, 16:9, PieHole.jpg)

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36fc3c  No.10578202

File: 14280a1223f552d⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1308x987, 436:329, gov1.PNG)

Jim Hoft

'Good for Me But Not for Thee' - Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's Residence Getting $1.1 Million in Security Including and 8-Foot Tall Fence


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8c8163  No.10578203

File: 9716b14bef244dd⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB, 638x360, 319:180, A_San_Diego_Fireworks_Mish….mp4)

File: 4c1f2acd802f86a⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 1840x2560, 23:32, Barr_Based.jpg)

File: d1a3adfa0e55c73⋯.jpg (13.75 KB, 255x229, 255:229, Barr_BOO_.jpg)

File: bfacc19b8698366⋯.jpg (91.26 KB, 767x385, 767:385, Beepboopboopmalfunctionbfa….jpg)

File: e9c3eec93397f78⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Beer_Me_Copper_.gif)

Robot Malfunction

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864862  No.10578204





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4f19c8  No.10578205





been giving out wives to th poor at th crossroads for

10 yo now, pen psych, th loops & van-city psyches, PATIENTS,

guys go out, new students come in

rotations of schooling @ th cross of blood, wives, women(esoteric teaching)

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fb9219  No.10578206


Are you right there and can verify this anon? Otherwise, save the concernfag shit

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d123e4  No.10578207

File: 910f5d4e7ce7ef7⋯.png (217.18 KB, 720x859, 720:859, ClipboardImage.png)



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2bf0f8  No.10578208

File: 37e885f88ac26cc⋯.png (706.04 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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20140e  No.10578209


ty for puttin it out there

very important and pertinent


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8c8163  No.10578210

File: d6a2ea62900f47d⋯.jpeg (148.81 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, beepboopboop_Corruotion.jpeg)

File: 95867c631c0e14a⋯.png (154.77 KB, 733x464, 733:464, BeepBoopBoop.png)

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8c8163  No.10578211

File: b127686ec62a682⋯.jpg (161.86 KB, 471x340, 471:340, Akira_Pepe.jpg)

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fb9219  No.10578212


by verify…TOGTFO or SAUCE via VID or actual FAKE NEWS and REAL NEWS site URLS….

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188731  No.10578213



Legendary dab

I bet his kids have permanent cringe marks

This is fantastic

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8c8163  No.10578214

File: 0517bcd7e7b9845⋯.png (47.57 KB, 300x100, 3:1, Trump_We_It.png)

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024bdc  No.10578215

File: 74c45a0045193de⋯.png (38.8 KB, 431x338, 431:338, Lincoln_City.png)

File: 18abee894a91c9b⋯.png (615.64 KB, 684x696, 57:58, Screenshot_from_2020_09_09….png)



So Anons can see…

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8c8163  No.10578216

File: 054290a724377de⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1125x1110, 75:74, Trump_Growing_Stronger_Cop….png)

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487424  No.10578217

File: a1dd5e74d6d2f80⋯.jpg (33.58 KB, 582x535, 582:535, this_guy.JPG)


no wait.


it was THIS guy

i still dont kno his name tho.

it's the part where he says 'its on tape, its on tape kayleigh,' and she responds:

well im reading to you what dr fauci said very publicly, you can play those videoclips, I'll get them in your inbox.' (clips of fauci praising Trump for doing 'all he could do')

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4a847e  No.10578218


we are now in the process of watching the destruction of fakenews.

The ATlantic trap

Bob Woodward Trap

What trap is next?

all of the wild animals in fakenews thought they were in a safe space and in control.

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fb9219  No.10578219

when will you fuckers understand I already beat you…like back in 2004

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41dde0  No.10578220


Nevada Trump Rally not allowed by Reno-Tahoe airport ' authority ' ?

Area - 51 it is then !

Space Force

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d123e4  No.10578221

File: 839c2a85e521749⋯.png (183.75 KB, 717x1078, 717:1078, ClipboardImage.png)

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e78a17  No.10578222

File: 49bf919650d4057⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1371x2603, 1371:2603, footjobyoudontstoptothehip….png)

Footjob Porn Video ‘Liked’ by Chinese Ambassador to the UK’s Twitter Account


The Twitter account for the Chinese Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Liu Xiaoming, liked a pornographic video that showed a woman performing a sexual act on a man with her feet.

On Wednesday morning, the ambassador’s account liked a post from a Chinese account, whose username translates roughly to “show off wife daily”. The account’s biography states in Chinese: “Beautiful legs in stockings, share with bitches from time to time, welcome to communicate.”

The post that was liked by Mr Liu’s account was entitled: “lucky quality single guy, warm up first” and showed a graphic video of a woman giving a man a footjob.

The racy video was initially flagged by Hong Kong Watch fellow Luke de Pulford, who wrote: “Warning: do not read this if eating. The Chinese Ambassador the UK [Liu Xiaoming] has just liked a tweet of a woman masturbating a man with her feet.”

“Is this what Roosevelt called big stick diplomacy?” de Pulford questioned.

The account for the ambassador appears to have since ‘unliked’ the video.

Commenting on the scandal, the founder of Hong Kong Watch Benedict Rogers told Breitbart London: “Liu Xiaoming blocked me on Twitter a few weeks ago, and I am glad he did. If this is how he spends his time – when he’s not spreading mendacity or harassing critics – I would rather not see it.”

Ambassador Liu rose to international attention earlier this summer when he denied that the Chinese Communist Party is running concentration camps in Xinjiang after being shown footage that purported to show blindfolded and shaven Uyghur Muslims being loaded onto trains.

On Tuesday, a cross-party group of British MPs wrote a letter to Mr Liu to condemn the actions of the Chinese state, likening the footage to scenes witnessed in Nazi Germany.

The Chinese embassy in London was not available for comment when contacted by Breitbart London. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China has also been contacted for comment.

Red Guards in Britain: China Ambassador Calls on Chinese Students in UK to ‘Serve the Motherland’ https://t.co/sQO9oyim1Z

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 5, 2020

Follow Kurt on Twitter at @KurtZindulka


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8c8163  No.10578223

File: 3a81ccc726d153e⋯.jpg (8.46 KB, 255x238, 15:14, Potus_Blessing_Activating_.jpg)

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fa929d  No.10578224

File: 8b45fb86cc5fe91⋯.png (443.29 KB, 599x715, 599:715, ClipboardImage.png)


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e73e77  No.10578225

I call it digital fishing.

You toss your idea out there and wait for shills to bite. When you send them into a feeding frenzy and News anchors are actually fired over your post, you sit back and say damn…

Over target

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0edf86  No.10578226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

*please clap*

But they can't because the only people there have their hands full with video equipment

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f83c3c  No.10578227


oh i thought you were one of them and called you a faggot one night whilst drunk

my bad, thanks for fighting their faggotry

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8c8163  No.10578228

File: 37aaa1679285e7e⋯.png (684.28 KB, 918x596, 459:298, Barr_HoneyBadger.png)

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f54ea3  No.10578229

File: d66dcea5abbc2d6⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1355x757, 1355:757, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c8163  No.10578230

File: 2fd659aae62aa19⋯.jpg (161.34 KB, 1949x1091, 1949:1091, Barr_OurTurn.JPG)

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48552b  No.10578231


hes from msdnc tink his name is aunt jemimah or sumting like that

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8c8163  No.10578232

File: 35a44d7f1bd5a8b⋯.jpg (187.92 KB, 1819x1091, 1819:1091, BarrOurTurn.JPG)

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fb9219  No.10578233


sure, give me a couple drives and towers, I'll make you a movie too.

MOAR info than FAKE NEWS. JS

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6760bb  No.10578234

File: 24c4166afc07b99⋯.png (485.11 KB, 777x437, 777:437, buhbye.png)

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d184ca  No.10578235


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cf245b  No.10578236

File: a677b71d2143e80⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1013x696, 1013:696, a677b71d2143e804ab875c74a6….png)

"….The principle upon which the bill proceeds is the principle for which I have all along contended, that the rebel States, as communities, have been conquered by the arms of the United States in the prosecution of the war which resulted in the suppression of the rebellion waged by those States. I hold that, subject to the Constitution of the United States and to the duty of ultimately restoring the rebel States to their former standing under the Constitution, the Government of the United States has the same power in reference to those conquered communities as it would have had they been foreign territory. Let me not be misunderstood, sir. I do not say that the Government of the United States has precisely the same authority over the rebel States which it would have in reference to conquered foreign territory; but we hold them by the sword and by the right of conquest; yet we hold them in a fiduciary capacity, and the trust imposed upon the Government is ultimately and in our good time, as Congress shall judge most fit and expedient in reference to the public interest, to restore them to the enjoyment of all their former rights as members of the Union. But at present we hold them as conquered country. The governments which have been established there under the imperial edicts of the Executive have all depended for their vitality and force upon the military power of the United States; and it cannot be denied to-day that all these bogus governments in the rebel States I call them bogus only in the sense of their being unconstitutional rest upon the military edicts of the President of the United States, so far as they have any foundation and operation…." Congressman Howard, February 15, 1867

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d574c1  No.10578237

File: 984cc371cbd105c⋯.jpeg (74.47 KB, 1050x591, 350:197, 9C81E2F1_5A5A_4C62_8F3B_D….jpeg)

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0f2f80  No.10578238


Hes on tape mate…just sayin. This isnt an anonymous source, it's POTUS. It's a bad look.

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fb9219  No.10578239


you are either THERE or shut the fuck up

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5dbaa0  No.10578240




Not an accident nor natural.

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8c8163  No.10578241

File: 8bf638732bfec8e⋯.png (358.53 KB, 544x533, 544:533, Anon2JKNot_You.png)

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b12ec1  No.10578242


Did his dad write the book that outlined that move too?

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8d5410  No.10578243



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188731  No.10578244


I'm not sure you understand how government works

Your governor needs to ask for help

States are sovereign unless specific conditions are met

The President has the authority to act in certain circumstances

This isn't one, not without the governor's request

Hold fast anon

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8c8163  No.10578245

File: bcf29e9039982ff⋯.png (102.08 KB, 500x389, 500:389, Spidey.png)

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41dde0  No.10578246


Fauci holds partial patent on manmade CORONA virus

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8c066e  No.10578247

Release the tapes.

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ec5273  No.10578248


Oh, if this fucking bitch does not shut up, I am going to start praying for an answer.

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e61114  No.10578249


No matter what ORANGE MAN WILL be blamed and the MSM WILL cover it that way, so FUCK THE OPTICS. HOWBOUTDAH

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d123e4  No.10578250


You are an ass.

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4a847e  No.10578251

cnn saying that hiden biden to speak live soon…connecting his speech to bob woodward new revelations about virus

is this deja vu or what?

didn't biden have a presser scheduled right after the Atlantic hit piece broke.

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864862  No.10578252






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8a89ed  No.10578253


then why dont they release the fucking tape?

if it was actually bad they would have just released the tape

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fb9219  No.10578254

Starting to see what REAL process of elimination is you C.D. bastards? YOU have no fucking chance in hell.

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f54ea3  No.10578255

File: 2c562c8f7e14b01⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1357x755, 1357:755, ClipboardImage.png)

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0f94f1  No.10578256


I second this motion

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4f19c8  No.10578257

File: 2f2f627c6876591⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 445x250, 89:50, DiscreteEdibleAtlanticblac….gif)

hello, my name is seamus o malley, I love

you that's why I lie to you, you wouldn't understand love so I

need to lie to you, I need to lie to you to protect you, I love

all my children & you are my children & I lie to you for

you wouldn't understand th love I have for you, I don't think you

understand how serious this is, I wouldn't lie to you,

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bbb620  No.10578258


Have we got a list of the bots to report anon?

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fb9219  No.10578259


concurred, but YOU really have no clue

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8c8163  No.10578260

File: c0072e1e0308579⋯.png (878.86 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Opinion_Descarted.png)



REferences random blue checkmark then expects word to have some kind of sway.


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8fadd0  No.10578261

File: 92a517e506f0bd7⋯.jpg (73.12 KB, 800x451, 800:451, Get.jpg)

File: 69cfaac11bb07a9⋯.jpg (97.93 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Some.jpg)

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ff5375  No.10578262

File: aecd267945abbbd⋯.jpg (45.87 KB, 404x533, 404:533, 4d45tu_1.jpg)


You failed again.

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d123e4  No.10578263



Clue me, then, high ranking anon.

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0f94f1  No.10578264


You forgot that I lie to you in order to protect you because I love you

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0de274  No.10578265

>>10578193 All live cams down. Try to keep us posted. Looks like you are screwed at the moment. There is nothing I can do to help or I would. Soak blankets in water and turn your irrigation on. Survival thoughts should be your focus at the moment.

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3bc58d  No.10578266

Good Morning anon. It has become clear that we need to get every vote for Trump that we can possibly find. Your mission, should you decide to accept, is to think of someone you know that IS NOT voting for Trump, and to directly ask them to vote for Trump and give them the reasons why.

People might say no today but they'll remember what you said and that you had the respect to ask them. It might turn into a vote in the next 60 days. Yes we have to play by their rules and immediately mail in our vote as well as show up in person to provide a provisional ballot just in case. But we can play by our rules in crossing the divide and directly asking for votes.

Remember the 'guy' strategy - Ask 10 women to go out. Odds are 2 will say yes. It's a numbers game and we need EVERY vote.

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6bf19b  No.10578267

File: b2747ce60bd3cae⋯.jpg (117.15 KB, 1596x555, 532:185, airborne_2.JPG)

File: d76d4e4eaa165f1⋯.jpg (84.04 KB, 500x524, 125:131, air_hedz.jpg)

FOX says that you can still get Corona

f u wear a mask.

but not as bad: infection severity is evidently a product of the sieve it passed through.



how stupid does one have to be

to not see through this

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8c8163  No.10578268

File: 2d68267213f5d7b⋯.gif (416.02 KB, 268x200, 67:50, Stop.gif)



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41dde0  No.10578269


TheRebel.Media has new Hillary ad modeled on famous Apple 1984 ad where runner smashes Big Brother on screen

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e56724  No.10578271

File: 076a285023c39c1⋯.png (85.53 KB, 1137x551, 1137:551, Screenshot_from_2020_09_09….png)

File: 08f63f0e6793d6b⋯.png (65.28 KB, 1133x521, 1133:521, Screenshot_from_2020_09_09….png)

File: 7e552d155d8bc71⋯.png (120.63 KB, 890x543, 890:543, Screenshot_from_2020_09_09….png)

File: 3a9b6027d2c33a6⋯.png (304.33 KB, 866x539, 866:539, Screenshot_from_2020_09_09….png)


Fake News NBC January 31

As coronavirus spreads, so does concern over xenophobia

“More panic, more temptation to blame the outsider … the other," a Columbia professor of sociomedical sciences said.

As the coronavirus continues to spread, experts point out that misinformation and misguided precautions, often rooted in racially insensitive stereotypes, have proliferated. So far, at least 7,711 cases of the illness have been reported and experts are concerned that increasing xenophobia could be another side effect of the illness.


Front Page NBC

all impeachment all the time

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1bc88c  No.10578272

Los Angeles Bans Halloween, Trick Or Treating Outlawed

Los Angeles has banned trick-or-treating for all children, and health officials told parents they can’t go “trunk-or-treating,” either.

“Door-to-door trick-or-treating is not allowed because it can be very difficult to maintain proper social distancing on porches and at front doors especially in neighborhoods that are popular with trick or treaters,” the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said in its recently released guidelines. “‘Trunk-or-treating’ events where children go from car to car instead of door to door to receive treats are also not allowed.”

“Gatherings or Parties with non-household members are not permitted even if they are conducted outdoors,” the guidelines said. “Carnivals, festivals, live entertainment, and haunted house attractions are not allowed.”

The guidelines do not say what the penalty will be for those who violate the guidelines.

Here’s what’s allowed:

Online parties/contests (e.g. costume or pumpkin carving)

Car parades that comply with public health guidance for vehicle based parades including:

a. Drive by events or contests where individuals dress up or decorate their vehicles and drive by

“judges” that are appropriately physically distanced.

b. Drive through events where individuals remain in their vehichles and drive through an area

with Halloween displays.

c. Drive in events where individuals can receive a treat bag (limited to commercially packaged

non-perishable treats) or take away item from an organizer while the participants remain in

their vehicle.

Halloween movie nights at drive in theaters (must comply with the public health drive in movie

theater guidance).

Halloween themed meals at outdoor restaurants (must comply with the restaurant protocol).

Halloween themed art installations at an outdoor museum (must comply with the public health

museum guidance.)

Dressing up homes and yards with Halloween themed decorations.


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fb9219  No.10578273


BTW…SAME logic anon from pb…you have to go back…maybe then you'll start realizing that what I say holds more water than the shill ships that are sinking.

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2c95f8  No.10578274

Save humanity?

Or destroy the world because I can't get what I want and deserve?

I choose the latter!

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864862  No.10578275




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89aed0  No.10578276

File: c751ac2ec268ab3⋯.jpg (26.1 KB, 480x289, 480:289, Pepe_Freedom.jpg)


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0f94f1  No.10578277


Wait, there it is, found it; you're good to go, man

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5dbaa0  No.10578278

File: 8070f1e0bc1a85e⋯.png (595.9 KB, 880x334, 440:167, ClipboardImage.png)

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48552b  No.10578279

hilldawg making move to arkancide old joe she must be palpatine, did SR same way

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a7cb49  No.10578280

File: 24708fdb4361127⋯.png (300.71 KB, 649x749, 649:749, Screen_Shot_2020_09_09_at_….png)

Muh Huruhuru

Canada brewery apologises for beer named 'pubic hair' in Maori


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585034  No.10578281

File: 31a6673e8170e70⋯.png (151.99 KB, 838x469, 838:469, SAM509_USAF_C_32A_departin….PNG)

SAM509 USAF C-32A departing Savannah, GA-Hilton Head Int'l Airport after a ground stop

99-6143 USAFSOC C-32B ne from Eglin AFB

GTMO845 US Navy Beech Huron departing Ft. Lauderdale after a ground stop se

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2c95f8  No.10578282

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8d5410  No.10578283


High IQ post.

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876787  No.10578284

For Keks:

Biden appoints Sigourney Weaver to fight illegal Aliens


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d574c1  No.10578285


Fauci funded the Biolab. Hey didn’t POTUS warn of the dangers at the lab in 2018? Sup with that

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078ca4  No.10578286

File: 3e3047d114d9c4d⋯.png (534.85 KB, 360x640, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

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41dde0  No.10578287


Nevada Gov will have his shit pushed in.

Plenty of Federal land to hold Trump rally

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4a847e  No.10578288


>Hes on tape mate…just sayin. This isnt an anonymous source, it's POTUS. It's a bad look.

just sayin…..how did trump become the virus expert? when did that happen?

WHO said it wasn't airborne

Fauci said no mask needed….don't shut down travel to China

when did fake news make trump a virus expert?

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d123e4  No.10578289


You're retarded.

First, you say where's the sauce, I provide a search screenshot. Obviously, from that shot, there's a fucking fire in Lincoln City, OR. What the fuck are you even doing here? Fucking with anons, that's what.

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1bc88c  No.10578290

File: 0e96a0b1ff026fb⋯.png (19.83 KB, 508x221, 508:221, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Nevada Rallies Cancelled Due to Democrat Governor’s Coronavirus Restrictions

President Trump’s two weekend campaign rallies in Nevada have been cancelled due to coronavirus rules imposed by Democrat Governor Steve Sisolak banning large crowds. The outdoor rallies were set to be held at Reno-Tahoe International Airport on Saturday and McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas on Sunday.

Trump held a massive outdoor airport rally in Winston-Salem, North Carolina Tuesday night that was preceded last week by a well attended airport rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.

Adam Paul Laxalt, co-chair of the Nevada Trump campaign posted about the cancellations, “Outrageous! @realDonaldTrump rally venues in NV canceled. Welcome to Sisolak’s Nevada – home of partisan political retribution. This is unprecedented – to cancel an incumbent President’s campaign stop inside 60 days of a major contested election in a swing state. This isn’t over!”

The Trump campaign has characterized their rallies as a’peaceful protest, handing out signs at rallies bearing that message.


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2bf0f8  No.10578291

>>10578238 Why not show the world the "tapes"?>>10578238

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ae50b2  No.10578292

File: 9b2983490c8784d⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 640x350, 64:35, Another_One1.gif)


The fuck does this even mean?

Oh I bet you are . . .

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1c9fb4  No.10578293


>Brit Hume: ‘Thank God’ For White House Officials Who Steal Documents Off Trump’s Desk

That POS is butt buddies w/Chris Wallace!

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41dde0  No.10578294


its kinda a problem when Rush Limbaugh guest hosts are talking about it.

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1a67d0  No.10578295


this is nice. Love the eyes

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fb9219  No.10578296


high ranking is monetary, not intellectual….

any moron can consider themselves 'highest rank' due to the ignorance of those willing to believe.

i your case though…you are now clued, as I did not answer with emotion, but with LOGIC. :)

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85ab55  No.10578297

File: 23b8f1d813997ae⋯.jpg (454.46 KB, 2542x1899, 2542:1899, 2020_09_09_10_39_29.jpg)


well if there's a fire in Lincoln City, residents could be trapped between the sea and the mountains - not a good place to be. But hysteria never helps.

Multi-agency task force fighting Echo Mountain Fire


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864862  No.10578298



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421838  No.10578299

File: 849f5ba85df3d12⋯.jpg (52.84 KB, 565x516, 565:516, GI_Flynn.jpg)

File: 4c3a9b4bce4d59c⋯.jpg (147.77 KB, 1536x864, 16:9, Gi_Pepe_Shitpost.jpg)

File: 88ec8543c5b1128⋯.jpg (553.09 KB, 936x969, 312:323, GIMC.jpg)

File: e78e5f7e9aa8087⋯.mp4 (270.58 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Grinch_Mask_Gun.mp4)

File: 86463d518be0d07⋯.png (113.28 KB, 442x657, 442:657, Grinch_Mask_Gun_Pew_Pew.png)

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8d5410  No.10578300

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1bc88c  No.10578301

File: 53e4ab6a5df1b7d⋯.png (336.41 KB, 342x337, 342:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3f9b6dcfa59995⋯.png (57.21 KB, 908x342, 454:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec8c6e9302956c3⋯.png (34.86 KB, 903x233, 903:233, ClipboardImage.png)

Prof: "Nothing Wrong With" Murder Of Right-Wing "Fascist… From A Moral Perspective"

University of Rhode Island Professor Erik Loomis appeared to defend the murder of Aaron "Jay" Danielson, the member of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer, during recent social unrest in Portland, Oregon.

In 2012, Loomis came under scrutiny after he called for NRA executive Wayne LaPierre's "head on a stick" following the shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut.

Just weeks later, in January 2013, Loomis said, “I know the central mission of the Republican Party is to have a membership made up entirely of old rural white people."

Now, Loomis is once again under fire after publishing a blog post titled "Why was Michael Reinoehl killed?" Reinoehl is the man suspected of fatally shooting Danielson. Reinoehl was killed as federal authorities tried to arrest him.

“Michael Reinoehl is the guy who killed the fascist in Portland last week. He admitted it and said he was scared the cops would kill him. Well, now the cops have killed him," Loomis wrote in the September 4 blog post.

“I am extremely anti-conspiracy theory. But it’s not a conspiracy theory at this point in time to wonder if the cops simply murdered him. The police is [sic] shot through with fascists from stem to stern. They were openly working with the fascists in Portland, as they were in Kenosha which led to dead protestors," Loomis continued.

In the comment section of the blog post, one reader challenged Loomis by writing, "Erik, he shot and killed a guy," referring to Reinoehl.

Loomis responded by saying, “He killed a fascist. I see nothing wrong with it, at least from a moral perspective.” He further added that “tactically, that’s a different story. But you could say the same thing about John Brown.”

Loomis furthered compared Reinoehl to Brown who in the 1800s used violence as a means of fighting slavery.

One reader then asked, “What’s so great about assassinating a rando fascist? And in the absence of a sound affirmative justification, it should be easy to envision the drawbacks.”

Loomis was quick to reply with, “What’s so great about assassinating random slaveholders, said liberals to John Brown.”


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48552b  No.10578302

oh, and so glad these psychopathic hypochondriacs whar all over p00 p00's arse after her super spreader event whar she gots set ups without a mask at the spy headmaster for orange man bad' salon owner and proprietor

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188731  No.10578303


Waiting for POTUS to move the rallies to a military installation

I have a feeling this fight isn't over

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864862  No.10578304



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d574c1  No.10578305


What’s a problem? What is “it”? I’m not a mind reader anon

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3bc58d  No.10578306

Anon noted yesterday, worth noting today - Funny how after GMax (Ghislaine Maxwell) is arrested thousands of children are rescued across the Nation by Police. These people are sick…

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d123e4  No.10578307



What a condescending ass.

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b9399c  No.10578308

Biden has less people in Warren, Michigan than complicit press in the briefing room

Push the Bob Woodward narrative

Right NOW


Down goes the retards.

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421838  No.10578309

File: f2be54649c74c06⋯.jpg (62.59 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Shitpost_Doit.jpg)

File: 4227404df657823⋯.jpg (47.12 KB, 786x652, 393:326, Strangelove1.jpg)

File: 341cb5bf6e7fcf2⋯.jpg (30.95 KB, 463x457, 463:457, Strangelove2.jpg)

File: 83bd60e27ff8b82⋯.jpg (11.84 KB, 255x252, 85:84, Strangelove3.jpg)

File: 7091ee66d228536⋯.jpg (16.52 KB, 351x430, 351:430, Strangelove5.jpg)

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0f2f80  No.10578310


His book is out next week. He wants people to read the book. This is part smear job and part ad campaign for the book. The audios out there and it will probably come out after the book. That is of course unless POTUS counters and releases the full convo. All I'm sayin is this looks fairly bad so far. We'll see how it goes tho.

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ca6893  No.10578311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Every Loyalist, in every hamlet, town and city is moribund.

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f41f18  No.10578312




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d8260c  No.10578313


POTUS nominated for 2021.

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f54ea3  No.10578314

File: 675b990f4648833⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1401x809, 1401:809, ClipboardImage.png)


this whole narrative is laughable. POTUS speaks of reports of possible 2,000,000 dying from chink-flu. day in day out.

he was a calming force, the only person speaking of hope while the whole DNC was acting like Nancy Pelosi at a gormet ice cream factory.

if looks could kill check out the daggers KM shot when leaving

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421838  No.10578315

File: ece879aaccc1d4d⋯.png (839.87 KB, 693x422, 693:422, Strange_kek.png)

File: 763cc72bc742368⋯.jpg (61.03 KB, 428x615, 428:615, Strange_Love.jpg)

File: 6bc841635d247e5⋯.png (342.66 KB, 1096x612, 274:153, StrangeCuhrohnuh6bc841635d….png)

File: 6dc0fe3ac760c20⋯.jpg (137.48 KB, 768x960, 4:5, StrangeLove_Meets_Trump.jpg)

File: c519eeb8ab93776⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 463x457, 463:457, Strangelove4.jpg)

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5d9c06  No.10578316

>Critics Believe Next Phase of the ‘Rolling Coup’ Against President Trump may Involve the US Military

If this happens, it's just another piece of the controlled demolition, just like the scamdemic and Federal Reserve's looting of America. Regardless, it's more than clear that there are ZERO patriots in control. The American people have no one outside of Tom Fitton and Lou Dobbs, and unfortunately, they can't save us.

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5dbaa0  No.10578317

File: ec1073c10cdf230⋯.png (294.84 KB, 462x347, 462:347, ClipboardImage.png)


kys faaggot

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fb9219  No.10578318


anons? you fucking kidding…anons are the ones silent as I draw dumbfucks like you out. I'll give you another chance….go back. like the fucking site is designed for you to do…re read…then tell me logic is not there…otherwise….well……shilly sells seashills by the shillshore.

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e73e77  No.10578319


Wait until you find out the Guardians of the Galaxy are real entities. They make movies and we think they are fiction and in reality it is end game level. Star Wars is another one.



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a905c7  No.10578320

File: 75d993b72b5004c⋯.jpg (41.89 KB, 500x375, 4:3, kidsT.jpg)


Wow. Month and a 1/2 away and they're planning to crash kids parties.


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fb9219  No.10578321


I do try

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421838  No.10578322

File: 8c4cd19c1880e8e⋯.png (774.88 KB, 1042x663, 1042:663, Shitpost_Aussie.png)

File: 5255b1269ce971f⋯.jpg (311.08 KB, 1488x763, 1488:763, Shitpost_Aussie.jpg)

File: 48274281168071d⋯.png (825.54 KB, 995x675, 199:135, SOSp.png)

File: 1c70da54e396d62⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1186x666, 593:333, Sound_Of_0Fucks.png)

File: 165755e91aa6c5b⋯.png (312.77 KB, 544x400, 34:25, Spidey1.png)

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211d68  No.10578323

File: 21cccb3d30360ff⋯.jpg (43.04 KB, 473x391, 473:391, 4cpvs9_1_1.jpg)

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d123e4  No.10578324


You are still an ass. Just an ass.

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2bf0f8  No.10578325



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8d5410  No.10578326

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f043a6  No.10578327


She's ded

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6f3cd1  No.10578328

File: ee19d6ef47941ef⋯.png (75.96 KB, 898x461, 898:461, Hillary4Trump.png)

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f2b3b8  No.10578329


ty Im new>>10578181

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4f19c8  No.10578330

File: 67e54768516d915⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 480x270, 16:9, giphytu.gif)

are my children spreading th crossroads t psyches all around

th world & \\\\\dr & nurses losing their jobs wholesale,

vengeance for you trying to murder these doves,

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b9399c  No.10578331

We are expecting Joe Biden to react

About Bob's book.

Written well before it was even a pandemic.

These retards really thing they are hot shit.

Breaking news???


Breaking the news.

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2c95f8  No.10578332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8a89ed  No.10578333


got a better sauce than that?

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25d491  No.10578334


I'd go, let POTUS arrive via spaceship!

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5d9c06  No.10578335


Thanks for the recap of MSM talking points. In reality the President is ultimately responsible for national security and can take action. Do you think King Nig would have done nothing if the Tea Party took over American cities? Get real.

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421838  No.10578336

File: 77b89f5bd2d3ba3⋯.gif (416.88 KB, 222x250, 111:125, BRD.gif)

> >>10578317 <(You)

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f41f18  No.10578337



Sheriff Ordered the cops to leave.



I will REPEAT.


We were told that WALKING WAS OUR “BEST BET”


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1383bd  No.10578338


Not her. that is that red head actress butt

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a905c7  No.10578339

File: fb7dbb91a16f8d1⋯.jpg (84.39 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, fio2.jpg)

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8fadd0  No.10578340

Oh My Gurd!

The fire is burning me alive.

But I can still post on 8kun!

So I got that going for me, which is nice!

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3752e1  No.10578341

2,200 American troops leaving Iraq this month, US general says


Because they are needed soon in the US.


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b9399c  No.10578342

The curly Jew on faux NEWS is absolutely getting a millstone.

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ec5273  No.10578343


Last I checked, a whole second ago, God was/is still in charge, so what the fuck is left to worry about?

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188731  No.10578344


Go make some friends and start a movement anon

Get the Gov out

POTUS doesn't get to overrule the Gov unless certain conditions are met

Will of the people

Gov may be garbage but is elected

So go change it

Or move

Or don't and stay in here bitching about it

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428cfa  No.10578345

kek. the biden event started…

2 ppl clapped

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f54ea3  No.10578346


his name is Daniel Prude. He was just having a mental health episode, but instead of KM calling medics she put a spit bag aka mask on him.

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fb9219  No.10578347


"Let's paint a nice little fucking shill village there to destroy"

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b12ec1  No.10578348


I wish there was a way to find out a real number of people that voted for him in '16 that is so put off by all of this that they are refraining from even voting in '20.

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20140e  No.10578349



>>10578281 PF updates

>>10578301 Prof: "Nothing Wrong With" Murder Of Right-Wing "Fascist… From A Moral Perspective"

>>10578297 Multi-agency task force fighting Echo Mountain Fire

>>10578174 Strange - Haberman for once gets it RIGHT

>>10578179 Brit Hume: ‘Thank God’ For White House Officials Who Steal Documents Off Trump’s Desk/never Trumpers wrong

>>10578159 The next threat, China transforming Iran into a client state

>>10578146 Up to HALF of the Queen's 600 household staff are facing the axe./Tower of London?

>>10578140 Look when the prize is ANNOUNCED!!!

>>10578131 Kayleigh said she would 'make sure that newsclip gets to his inbox'… –I think that was a call to anons to flood his twitter wit the clip

>>10578081 Trump's nomination for Nobel Peace Prize is trending massively

>>10578060 Trending in United States #TrumpIsARapist, #TrumpKnew, #TrumpIsNotLikeYou

>>10578052 Colombia makes arrests in sex trafficking plot that lured women to China

>>10578027 Nevada's Governor may be canceling Trump Rallies in Nevada this weekend!

>>10578021 Refresher: ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Did Sen. Warner and Comey Crush Assange Immunity Deal?February 22, 2020

>>10577987 Send Kayleigh some love & prayers/Live presser

>>10577976 @EmeraldRobinson President Trump doing interviews with Bob Woodward is proof that 4D chess doesn't really exist./Kek!


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2c95f8  No.10578350

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f195a7  No.10578351

File: 26f25d12b2b4787⋯.jpg (98.17 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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b9399c  No.10578352




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0f2f80  No.10578353


Well said. Out of stickers tho, sorry kiddo.

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8d5410  No.10578354


Ha! She screwed up the end of that tweet. Should read Joe Biden over Donald Trump.

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368936  No.10578355


>how stupid done ones have to be

"no one ever went broke betting on the stupidity of the …. people"

Masks keep the virus droplets in your air space so you will RE-INHALE them… so you are making it worse…

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7ae458  No.10578356

These Press Confrontations are Horrible.

I don’t know if I can take it up to election. It’s getting so stupid.


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1bc88c  No.10578357

File: 11ef0ae21d4a638⋯.png (514.59 KB, 620x632, 155:158, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e061e180ab287b3⋯.png (39.43 KB, 855x382, 855:382, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ce0286e25b7a6b⋯.png (175.02 KB, 845x740, 169:148, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3295b5655a96e0⋯.png (54.51 KB, 851x331, 851:331, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91b74eae643a61e⋯.png (770.11 KB, 848x803, 848:803, ClipboardImage.png)

Here’s Proof That Facebook Worked with Soros-Funded Media Matters to Eliminate Pro-Trump Conservative Content on the Platform

Back in May 2017 The Gateway Pundit first reported on the 2017 David Brock Media Matters Playbook that was accidentally discovered and leaked online.

The Soros-funded Media Matters revealed in this playbook that they have access to the raw data of numerous social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Google, plus the connections and power to influence their understanding on what is and isn’t “fake news.”

Inside the 2017 playbook Media Matters admits they have already secured access to raw data from the tech giants.

“Media Matters has already secured access to raw data from Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. We have also put in place the technology necessary to automatically mine white nationalist message boards and alt-right communities for our archive.

We will now develop technologies and processes to systematically monitor and analyze this unfiltered data.”

Media Matters goes on to describe how they found a way to manipulate these social media platforms into thinking that they need their help. In fact, the following excerpt from the #BrockGate document speaks to this concern with precision:

“Out lets that push fake news are completely dependent on Facebook to spread their lies, and ad networks like Google to fund them.

Media Matters has unique insight to help fix the problems in this part of the media landscape.

After Facebook responded to our campaign by acknowledging the problem of fake news and agreeing to do something about it, we began a dialogue. It became clear form these conversations that Facebook needed our help in fully understanding the problem and identifying concrete solutions. Further, it also became clear that we had information and insight that they didn’t have that was helpful in educating them on the full scope of the problem. For example, Media Matters had a detailed map of the constellation of right-wing Facebook pages that had been the biggest purveyors of fake news – as well as insight into the food chain of fake news and how it was moving through the Facebook ecosystem.

Similarly, after Google revised their terms of service in order to prohibit so-called fake news sites from using their advertising network, it was Media Matters that had the information necessary to identify 40 of the worst fake news sites to which this policy applied.”



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aee512  No.10578358

File: f950cf9caf697d0⋯.jpeg (509.47 KB, 1671x1059, 557:353, F96AE04B_D70C_4B37_8673_7….jpeg)

File: 9c91b7ce4b3359a⋯.jpeg (514.06 KB, 1704x1077, 568:359, D475DED5_B055_4282_8ABF_C….jpeg)

File: 503c50f7a793a19⋯.jpeg (555.13 KB, 1705x1066, 1705:1066, 29B0053E_945F_4C88_B316_4….jpeg)

File: 1f99728c662b795⋯.jpeg (498.04 KB, 1714x1057, 1714:1057, 361CFC9F_D142_4667_B1F2_B….jpeg)

File: ea69d25216c0bf8⋯.jpeg (533.95 KB, 1660x1077, 1660:1077, CE69E674_42B4_49AD_8F47_7….jpeg)

DiGital soldiers ammo for twatterazies: Hashtags report for 9/9 2 pm EST

Here is your daily report.

Screenshots on this and tagged posts. (Facts/sauce matters)

GREAT hashtags

#TRUMP 3,000 tweets/hour

#NOBELPEACEPRIZE 5,000 tweets/hour

#OBAMAGATE 4,500 tweets/hour >(rising like crazy)

#FAKENEWS 4,000 tweets/hour

#MAGA 3,500 tweets/hour

#ASSANGE 700 tweets/hour >(rising fast)


#nobelprize 350 tw/h

#nobel 350 tw/h

#fightback 400 tw/h

#wwg1wga 300 tw/h


#nobelnomination ZERO

#adolfhitler 4 tweets per hour.

When comparing number of #TRUMP to #BIDEN hashtags, PDJT winning 4:1.


#Trump #NobelPeacePrize #ObamaGate #MAGA #Assange #Fakenews.

New report tomorrow or sooner when major news breaks.

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3bc58d  No.10578359

Get your mail in ballot now. Tell others to get their mail in ballots now. EVERY TRUMP VOTER needs to get the LEGALLY supplied mail in ballots NOW and VOTE. Then go to the polls and check with the registrar. If your vote is not received they will have you cast a provisional ballot. That's how it works. Anons, DO IT TODAY. Get your mail in ballots.

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e5826b  No.10578360


^^^^^^^ TRUE DAT!!!

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428cfa  No.10578361



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e42a4d  No.10578362

File: eec165ffcd21210⋯.jpg (39.8 KB, 640x420, 32:21, brennanviolentpsychopath.jpg)

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f54ea3  No.10578363


left and right posters as well. linear!!! all the people to the right are proper.

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8c8163  No.10578364



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1bc88c  No.10578365

File: 44556151cceca5d⋯.png (666.11 KB, 846x778, 423:389, ClipboardImage.png)


Facebook with the guidance of far left groups wiped out President Trump’s top supporters on their platform.

This is a crisis and Republicans need to act on this.


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585034  No.10578366

File: 3cc7226207ebd7e⋯.png (431.56 KB, 454x376, 227:188, greenspan_lather_rinse_rep….PNG)

Silicon Valley Stock Exchange Debuts in Search For IPO

The Long-Term Stock Exchange started trading not with a bell, but a video-conference. Founder and Chief Executive Officer Eric Ries hosted the company’s 39 employees and their families Wednesday as they debuted the stock-trading venue that started as a two-page passage in his 2011 book on entrepreneurship, “The Lean Startup.” After months of delays caused by the pandemic, major U.S. stocks began changing hands on the platform. The debut kicks off the company’s effort to enter the corporate-listings business, where the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq Inc. have a stronghold. Another challenger, IEX Group Inc., tried and failed to break through. “This project has taken every bit of skill and knowledge that I have accumulated over the course of my entire life – every last trick and tip, every principle,” Ries said in an interview before the launch. “We would be dead multiple times over if not for the lessons I’ve learned the hard way.”

The launch wasn’t entirely smooth. About 125,000 shares had traded as of 11:46 a.m. New York time, according to LTSE spokesman Steve Goldstein. However, a small group of clients had order delays when the venue went live because of excessive messaging, he said. LTSE put those clients on hold to investigate the issue, which didn’t affect the bulk of other clients, and resolved the problem in about an hour. The exchange has raised about $90 million, with backing from venture capital firms including Founders Fund, Collaborative Fund and Andreessen Horowitz. The San Francisco-based company said it aims to clinch initial public offerings from companies that are committed to environmental, social and governance principles. That may be a challenge in the coming months, or years, given uncertainty over the economic outlook.

“We put long-term right in the name of the company, so we’re in no rush,” Ries said. “If the IPO window, as they call it, slams shut and companies can’t go public for a while, that’s OK. We’ll be ready for them.” While it’s connected to the national market system for stocks, Ries said the company isn’t chasing increased activity as a way to make money. Instead, he’s pitching issuers on a venue that places emphasis on their fundamental value to the economy rather than how often their shares change hands.


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aee512  No.10578367

File: e18ca3834baae89⋯.jpeg (563.78 KB, 1712x1121, 1712:1121, 77F89EE6_2B36_40FB_937C_9….jpeg)

File: 2678a62baad0990⋯.jpeg (490.57 KB, 1638x1049, 1638:1049, 7C3BF8EC_91E9_4306_8A97_A….jpeg)

File: ddf911cba027d00⋯.jpeg (784.34 KB, 1632x1382, 816:691, DBB0C68C_004D_4647_A21B_5….jpeg)

File: cbd7b3f7a0e5247⋯.jpeg (784.27 KB, 1670x1319, 1670:1319, 21B3A2C5_6861_43BD_8038_A….jpeg)

File: 3bc40ad5d14cfca⋯.jpeg (510.92 KB, 1695x1069, 1695:1069, 11DA8D85_90E3_4A7E_AA88_A….jpeg)


Lesser hashtags

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41dde0  No.10578368



Halloween outlawed ?

if parents are smart , dress the children up as Continental Soldiers , Tea Party , and Paul Revere.

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8d5410  No.10578369

File: 5b48045adcf1503⋯.png (682.22 KB, 1414x2325, 1414:2325, Capture_2020_09_08_00_30_0….png)

Let us not forget…

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188731  No.10578371


Get better

What has POTUS been standing at the podium saying about Portland

We're ready, all they need to do is ask for help

What I explained is why

Schools are shit these days

Educate yourself anon, your teachers let you down

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6760bb  No.10578372

File: 46ce2ded24e7f03⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 599x1200, 599:1200, Hunt_Light_of_the_World.jpg)

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85ab55  No.10578373


lotsa military airstrips in Nevada, kek…..

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6bf19b  No.10578374

File: 0112a0f766776d4⋯.jpg (90.69 KB, 506x500, 253:250, Nazi_bOT.jpg)


raise your hand

if you ever thought "Punch a Nazi"

was not a step in the process

of executing the agenda

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aee512  No.10578375

File: 2e96b3657ca14ff⋯.jpeg (496.31 KB, 1700x1064, 425:266, DCBF423B_10B3_4503_B607_E….jpeg)

File: 67aba17b9627494⋯.jpeg (455.84 KB, 1620x1070, 162:107, 45E46E36_FECA_4C2E_8F8F_6….jpeg)

File: 65fac5c7d933c90⋯.jpeg (496.31 KB, 1673x1090, 1673:1090, 4CA2FA44_6256_4FFB_A366_D….jpeg)

File: 463af0f09da40f2⋯.jpeg (548.74 KB, 1713x1084, 1713:1084, 7129B553_8141_43CC_8C5F_A….jpeg)


Total fail hashtags.

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36fc3c  No.10578376


>Lincoln City is BURNING

Burning is prohibited within the City of Lincoln City by a city ordinance.

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f37073  No.10578377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Not down with Madden

I was an early Madden's player. I remember buying the original 1990 version as well as Joe Montana Football for the Sega Genesis and playing them both until 3 AM. I had "Down with Madden since 1992" as a tagline in my bio; I'd actually been playing it longer, of course, but it was good line from the 2000 theme song by Ludacris.

I was so good at it that whenever I was challenged by someone who thought he was good - a teenage friend of the family, an Italian Army captain - I didn't just beat them, I usually destroyed them with scores in the 63-0 range. But I gradually lost interest in the annual updates around 2006, as the 2005 version was the last one I remember playing much on the then-new machines before switching back to my favored version of 2003 on the PS/2. All the improved graphics on the newer machines were essentially lost on me, as the advances in graphics seemingly came at the cost of gameplay and gimmick features.

So, I'm glad I dropped out of Team Madden before this latest SJW abomination, which is so much of a woke joke that the current players almost unanimously hate it.

Colin Kaepernick's Overall rating

2016: 74

2020: 81

It's fascinating to see how not playing for four years can improve a quarterback's performance. On the other hand, as one wag put it, why shouldn't EA reward him for not having another four-INT game since the last game of the 2016 season.

> it was good line from the 2000 theme song by Ludacris. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1prWUfkud0)

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a905c7  No.10578378

File: a234c599cb438ae⋯.jpg (162.31 KB, 768x766, 384:383, WeR_New.jpg)



No. It's NOT.

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a9d7b0  No.10578379

File: 2f88c8c2b0265e3⋯.png (951.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 594455bfb1066d0⋯.png (769.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4dad195c3cc8167⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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902023  No.10578380

File: ee67e09196823d3⋯.jpg (132.67 KB, 695x880, 139:176, positive.jpg)

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5e460f  No.10578381

File: c4e6496aeb53e69⋯.jpg (45.9 KB, 1080x494, 540:247, Screenshot_20200909_124648….jpg)

Meanwhile, NO OTHER ass is being kicked . In fact, we are getting our asses handed to us.

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ca6893  No.10578382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The hour has come, there shall be no mercy nor quarter for those who corrupted the minds, bodies and souls of God’s children.

ALL of these wicked lot are to be eternally vanquish and find no purchase on this or ANY plane.

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1bc88c  No.10578383

File: 25426255f188a62⋯.png (22.88 KB, 826x162, 413:81, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Instead of ending Covid-19, he ended the jobs’: Indian opposition figure Rahul Gandhi slams PM Modi for epidemic response

Prominent opposition MP Rahul Gandhi has accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of failing to either tackle the Covid-19 epidemic or safeguard the national economy with his policies.

The Modi government has “destroyed” India’s informal economy sector with its “sudden” national lockdown in March, Gandhi, an MP who used to head the Indian National Congress (INC) party, said on Wednesday. The measure meant to curb the spread of Covid-19 hit the least protected Indians worst, he said.

“The poor, those in small and medium businesses, are daily wage earners. They eat with what they earn each day. When you [PM Modi] announced a lockdown without a notice, you attacked them,” he said in his latest video attack on the policies of the ruling BJP party.

The prime minister said the fight will be for 21 days, the backbone of the unorganised sector broke in 21 days.

Earlier, Gandhi tweeted a list of “Modi-made disasters” and mounted other criticisms of the prime minister.

Due to Modi Govt’s gross mismanagement of Covid:1. India’s total cases world’s 2nd highest. 2. India’s weekend tally higher than US & Brazil put together.3. On Sunday, India's share was 40% of total cases worldwide.4. No flattening of curve.Stay safe everyone.

— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) September 8, 2020

India this month has surpassed Brazil as the nation with the second largest number of Covid-19 infections. The national lockdown was lifted in June, with the government saying it was too painful for the economy. Between April and June, it shrank by almost a quarter compared to Q2 of 2019, sending India into its worst recession in decades.

The impact on the informal sector, which offers less accurate reporting than better-controlled large Indian businesses, is somewhat difficult to estimate. But with around 90 percent of the national workforce employed there, its importance is hard to overestimate. Critics say the lockdown rendered many of those people jobless and sent them fleeing from big cities, facilitating the spread of the coronavirus.


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a7cb49  No.10578384

File: ff78574040b8637⋯.png (71.97 KB, 212x215, 212:215, Screen_Shot_2020_09_09_at_….png)

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41dde0  No.10578385


BRIT Hume ….. BRIT in your face with that name , eh ?

a CFR asset

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6bf19b  No.10578386


>Halloween outlawed ?

masks don't work?

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6f3cd1  No.10578387


No… it reads right.

Biden is the epitomy of corruption and lawlessness, LOVES the Antfa/BLM chaos, the pandemic and division.

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aee512  No.10578388


Put it on a meme, anon.

We can spread it so much further if you do.

Go to imgflip.com/memegenerator.

Make one, bring it here.

If you make it, we will twat.

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d94edc  No.10578389

File: 060f0f62a56de68⋯.png (510.48 KB, 735x464, 735:464, Screenshot_2020_09_09_5_St….png)


Moar on Bob Woodward

5 Stunning Revelations from Bob Woodward’s Blockbuster New Book on Trump

Excerpts from veteran Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward’s upcoming book on President Donald Trump’s administration, Rage, is due for release on September 15. New excerpts unveiled by The Washington Post on Wednesday provided a peek at the contents. Here are five of the most stunning.

1. Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis contemplated taking “collective action” against the president

Wood writes that Mattis — who served as secretary of Defense from January 2017 to January 2019 — contemplated taking “action” against Trump after traveling to Washington National Cathedral to pray during tensions with North Korea, allegedly telling Office of National Intelligence Director Dan Coats that Trump was “dangerous” and “unfit,” adding, “There may come a time when we have to take collective action.” Mattis allegedly told Coats in a separate conversation, “The president has no moral compass.” Coats replied, “True. To him, a lie is not a lie. It’s just what he thinks. He doesn’t know the difference between the truth and a lie.”

2. Intelligence Director Dan Coats believed Putin “had something” on Trump

Coats — who served in his position from March 2017 to August 2019 — allegedly believed Russian leader Vladimir Putin “had something” on Trump, because he could see “no other explanation” for his behavior.


3. Woodward obtained 25 new “love letters” between Trump and Kim Jong Un

Woodward obtained 27 “love letters” — 25 of which have never been reported — exchanged between Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Kim refers to Trump in the letters as “Your Excellency,” and once wrote that meeting Trump again would be “reminiscent of a scene from a fantasy film.” He added the “deep and special friendship between us will work as a magical force.”

4. Trump called the coronavirus “deadly” while saying the opposite in public because he wanted to “play it down”

“This is deadly stuff,” Trump told Woodward in a February 7 interview, speaking in reference to the coronavirus. “You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed. And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.” He downplayed the virus more than a month later, writing on Twitter on March 9: “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!” He told Woodward in a March 19 interview that he was “playing it down” to avoid creating panic. “I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.”

5. Jared Kushner believes that reading Alice in Wonderland is helpful to understanding Trump

The president’s adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner said four books help in providing insight into Trump’s mindset, including Alice in Wonderland. Quoting the novel’s Cheshire Cat, Kushner said: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any path will get you there.”


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22d53c  No.10578390

Half chan reporting Trump gave money to Gates in May…..

In mid-May US President Donald Trump announced that the US would be ending their financial support for the World Health Organization (WHO) and COVID-19 relief… To Trump’s supporters the decision was met with the typical cheering and celebrated as another Trump victory against the “globalists.” To understand what is actually going on we need to examine Donald Trump’s actions, not his tweets or media statements.

GAVI (The Vaccine Alliance) was founded and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000.

"Gates Foundation pledged US$ 750 million to set up Gavi in 1999." https://www.gavi.org/operating-model/gavis-partnership-model/bill-melinda-gates-foundation

The United States has donated $1.16 billion more to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to prevent the spread of infectious diseases worldwide.


Trump’s support for GAVI came via the first ever virtual Global Vaccine Summit.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fG-td1DwZMw [Embed] [Open] @ 13:00 ((TRUMP'S WORDS))

The budget for Fiscal Year 2021 included $290 million for GAVI… easily surpassed the US investment in the WHO. https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/9276/FY-2021-CBJ-Final.pdf

On June 27, Global Citizen hosted the “Global Goal: Unite for Our Future – The Concert” which was supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation… US commitment of $545 million for GAVI towards COVID-19 relief efforts.


At a May 2020 virtual summit, also organized by the European Commission, the Trump administration committed to giving another $775 million…


Anons thoughts?

>inb4 someone dodges entire article to simply post "4chan lol"

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b9399c  No.10578391


Fire up the oven.

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d574c1  No.10578392

File: 00e69f6fd7f549c⋯.jpeg (204 KB, 2048x1278, 1024:639, D3978F33_B1D7_44A0_B41C_0….jpeg)

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06907d  No.10578393

File: c8b8b19fa6503d4⋯.png (683.26 KB, 1414x2325, 1414:2325, ClipboardImage.png)


>Let us not forget…

"Seeding" [The Narrative] = Indicates FOREKNOWLEDGE.

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85ab55  No.10578394


K presser:

elephant in the room:

Nobel Prize nom


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25d491  No.10578395



Stead AFB isn't too far from Reno, Nv!

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3b0806  No.10578396

File: fee56fcdf75ab5d⋯.jpg (38.78 KB, 420x315, 4:3, AP_20206059101416_420x315.jpg)

Fauci Admits Frustration with Trump’s Maskless Rallies — ‘We Want to Set an Example

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday on “CBS This Morning” that President Donald Trump’s maskless rallies are not setting a good example.

Anchor Gayle King asked, “The president continues to hold massive rallies where people are not wearing masks, including the president himself. When you see that, what do you think? Is it frustrating to you as an expert on this?”

Fauci replied, “Well, yes, it is. I’ve said that often.”

He continued, “That situation — we want to set an example because we know that when you do four or five typical kind of public health measures, masks, physical distance, avoiding crowds, making sure you do most things outdoors versus indoors, those are the kind of things that turn around surges and also prevent us from getting surges. So I certainly would like to see a universal wearing of masks.”


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864862  No.10578397



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1bc88c  No.10578398

File: 48f1842eb3254ab⋯.png (403.81 KB, 848x540, 212:135, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b453bce8f1d274c⋯.png (662.53 KB, 839x630, 839:630, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Blatant irrational behavior’: Beijing accuses Australia of ‘harassing’ Chinese journalists

In the latest verbal spat between Beijing and Canberra, China has accused Australia of oppressing its reporters as well as slamming its “blatant irrational behavior.”

A spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijian, alleged that four Chinese journalists had been harassed in June this year, noting that the Australian authorities had searched their homes and seized items including laptops, cellphones and even a child’s toy tablet.

Zhao, in a daily briefing, requested that Australia “immediately stop such blatant irrational behaviors, stop harassing and oppressing Chinese personnel in Australia under whatever pretext.” Beijing also claimed that, according to the Australian side, the journalists were targeted over security issues.


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e91e55  No.10578399

File: 55ad2f63a667c85⋯.jpg (97.35 KB, 650x737, 650:737, 118730550_142663757516294_….jpg)

great memes dis bread anons. fk ya

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3b0806  No.10578400


Says the man sitting mask less, shoulder to shoulder with others at a ball game….what a hypocrite.

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2bf0f8  No.10578401

File: 2a694d2c739f5c6⋯.png (484.48 KB, 920x613, 920:613, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a24ace3fcf78a7⋯.png (552.01 KB, 634x582, 317:291, ClipboardImage.png)


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1c9fb4  No.10578402


>Not her. that is that red head actress butt

Lindsey Lohan

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4a847e  No.10578403

biden live on cnn

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3b0806  No.10578404


fraudci to america: do as i say, not as i do.

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0eda40  No.10578405


More info.


Lincoln City Traffic Update

Sep 9, 2020 | Daily News

Northbound traffic on 101 is being turned around in north Lincoln City. Fire danger on Highway 18 is prohibitively dangerous. Route back to the valley is open from Newport to Highway 20 to Interstate 5.




HEADS UP! Spot Fire at 5260 Neotsu Drive!

Sep 9, 2020 | Daily News

10:10am Report of a spot fire at 5260 Neotsu Drive.




Lincoln City: East Devil’s Lake Road is being evacuated

Sep 9, 2020 | Daily News

10:00am East Devil’s Lake Road residents are under orders to evacuate and shelter wherever they can.




Traffic on Highway 101 through Lincoln City very congested

Sep 9, 2020 | Daily News

9:30am Highway 101 through Lincoln City is very congested. Emergency vehicles are finding round-a-bout ways to get to the Otis area where residents are still being evacuated.




Structure fire reported 2930 NE Lake Drive

Sep 9, 2020 | Daily News

9:12pm Report of a structure fire at 2930 NE Lake Drive, Lincoln City.




Voices from walls of fire….

Sep 9, 2020 | Daily News

Sheldon Doughty, Gwen & Robert Daniels… their horses and dog all made it out of the fire storm on Echo Mountain by the skin of their teeth, they hiked out 5 miles because the road was on fire!

Giant shout out to William Gettis and Bros & Hoes for the chain saws and brawn that made it happen when old 101 had huge numbers of downed trees.




Get movin’

Sep 9, 2020 | Daily News

Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office and Echo Mountain Fire Complex Command have issued additional level 3 – GO NOW evacuation notices for the Otis area.

New Level 3 Evacuation Notice:

N. Old Scenic Hwy & N. North Bank Road

N. King Lane

N. Coho Lane

N. Kokanee Lane

N. Modline Lane

Level 3 Continues for:

All other side streets off of North Bank Road

Additional follow-up and public information update will follow after daylight and assessment by Fire Response Team.

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8a89ed  No.10578406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

make fun of biden talking live here


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8c8163  No.10578407

File: f7776e66885a3d3⋯.jpg (141.13 KB, 500x625, 4:5, POTUS_Next_Step.jpg)

File: 7085ec36eb892c4⋯.jpg (192.13 KB, 1076x609, 1076:609, Trump_feelincute.jpg)

File: c09888d192c4ec0⋯.gif (539.48 KB, 354x304, 177:152, Barr_Sheesh_Really_Breathe….gif)

File: 5965adbea6add22⋯.jpg (41.2 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Windswept.jpg)

File: e21e6f28384f89b⋯.png (379.31 KB, 594x709, 594:709, R_RTIME.png)

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3b0806  No.10578408


The curve has been flattened. Time to flatten Fauci.

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b9399c  No.10578409


Nobody cares

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3bc58d  No.10578410


I'll try. Maybe someone can do a quick flip. My skills are limited. I'm the ideas guy, not the graphics guy.

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211d68  No.10578411

File: bbb4fd0b0aaf47f⋯.jpg (61.39 KB, 500x535, 100:107, 4ed4nz_1.jpg)

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864862  No.10578412



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85ab55  No.10578413


>no trick or treating

bet that'll win the dems plenty of votes

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3b0806  No.10578414


How come he didn't "scold" the democrap rioters?

Or Nazi Pelosi for not wearing her mask in a public place?

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8fadd0  No.10578415


He's so cute, I just want to bounce him on my knee!

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ffb66a  No.10578416

File: 7286617bab77ee2⋯.png (32.88 KB, 909x413, 909:413, ClipboardImage.png)

Co-founder of national Drury Hotels chain dies in Missouri


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85038b  No.10578417


Bet cnn will not break away from Joe Biden's talk coming up. cnn saying slo-Joe going to be addressing Woodward's book. Joe's on.

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8a89ed  No.10578418

File: aca8044d46f7b16⋯.png (612.39 KB, 873x479, 873:479, ClipboardImage.png)

you know….

cars and cars and cars……

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e78a62  No.10578419


>Loomis responded by saying, “He killed a fascist. I see nothing wrong with it,

He's just as sick as the pantifa murderer

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876787  No.10578420




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3b0806  No.10578421


Folks not wearing a mask at rallies ARE setting an example

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d574c1  No.10578422

POTUS : Covid deadlier than the flu

3 months from now : we now know that the flu/pneumonia took more lives than Covid and the integrated those deaths with the Covid data

Cmon now, these people are suckers ha

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4a847e  No.10578423

Biden virtue signalling with mask

biden kissing up with GM…says he still has his 67? corvette??? didn't catch year of car….but have you heard about his vintage corvette?

pandering to unions and UAW

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4f19c8  No.10578424

File: 5d9c7710751c75e⋯.jpg (40.38 KB, 550x374, 25:17, 0a7c2c91e69a7cc997cee323d3….jpg)

File: b23ed59a856c7fc⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 400x302, 200:151, tumblr_8b07b32793e0ce353fd….gif)

all th fem nurses are faceless cuz they've had too many

soft wet asses slapping their tits, there face has th worst

acne that even th sun is hiding her eye from such filth,

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1bc88c  No.10578425

File: 4f0a5fc0d1bf737⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1053x623, 1053:623, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7fee0dd1af4d0d⋯.png (798.07 KB, 726x838, 363:419, ClipboardImage.png)

Two leftist women caught on video ripping up pro-Trump signs, stealing MAGA hat while 7-year-old cries indicted on hate crime charges

'Harming another person — let alone a child — because of the expression of their views betrays the principles on which our country was founded'


The two Delaware women who were caught on video ripping up signs supporting President Donald Trump and stealing a red "Make America Great Again" hat while a 7-year-old boy cried and chased after them have been indicted on hate crime charges.

Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy — both 21 and from Wilmington — were indicted by a New Castle County grand jury Tuesday on charges of second-degree robbery, second-degree conspiracy, endangering the welfare of a child, third-degree assault, attempted third-degree assault, offensive touching, and felony hate crimes, Delaware Online reported.


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3b0806  No.10578426


hope when the vaccine is ready it's a suppository, so that Dr. Fauci can shove it right up… He can be the first person to try it… LIVE during his press conference. What a hypocritical, erratic jackas*!

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00e64f  No.10578427

File: 1751d328f3a50e7⋯.png (49.77 KB, 422x475, 422:475, Clackamas.png)

File: 748af5e41bea025⋯.png (229.74 KB, 414x632, 207:316, NWSPortland.png)

File: 21dabf79e53e013⋯.png (172.29 KB, 413x451, 413:451, OregonOEM.png)



>Oregon fires

Some Resources:


Clackamas Sheriff, @ClackCoSheriff

Our partners at @clackamascounty are planning to stream the 11 a.m. #ClackamasWildfires press conference live on their Facebook page — the stream will appear here: https://facebook.com/ClackamasCounty/

Presser to feat @clackamasfire

@ClackamasDM and @ClackCoSheriff


OregonOEM, @OregonOEM

Here is an updated snapshot of our wildfire dashboard you can refer to for the latest fire activity. Please note this information is changing rapidly:


With seven new fires in Oregon last night, this is a resource to keep up with the current situation.


Tillamook County Sheriff, @CountyTillamook

Fire level 3 evacuation information



NWS Portland, @NWSPortland

Satellite imagery continues to show several very active wildfires burning across western Oregon and southwest Washington. Multiple evacuation orders are in effect. Follow the advice given by your local authorities to keep you and the firefighters safe. #ORwx #WAwx #pdxtst


Wildfires lead to evacuations, emergency declaration in Lincoln County

FOX 12 StaffUpdated 6 hrs ago | Posted on Sep 8, 2020


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0471ba  No.10578428


oss and nb are the 2 best all-around bakers imo.

Consistent quality notetakers and very responsive to anons questions/concerns.

I do not mean to slight the others with those statements.*

(* exception being gyb/gb/freebe who is a total nigger cunt - don't believe me? - take a gander at the /comms/ kitchen)

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864862  No.10578429



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3b0806  No.10578430


Our TWO PANDEMICS seem to have in common the same bungling fool. The first pandemic is far more catastrophic than the second.


Causing unprecedented health and socioeconomic damage and trigger by public health policies designed by Anthony Fauci.


Caused by a virus created and released from researchers funded by Anthony Fauci while acting in his role as director of NIH's infectious disease institute:

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8c8163  No.10578431


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a7cb49  No.10578432

File: e2cc52ee425a32a⋯.png (87.12 KB, 613x223, 613:223, Screen_Shot_2020_09_09_at_….png)

File: 151cad757320de2⋯.png (163.72 KB, 397x398, 397:398, Screen_Shot_2020_09_09_at_….png)


Comprende "information warfare," anon?

Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets..

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41dde0  No.10578433



Event 201 — a silent weapon for quiet wars outgrowth of the Report From Iron Mountain thesis on how to control mass populations by introducing a " global threat " , like pollution, glo-bull warming , ayy-lamo or a virus.

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1c9fb4  No.10578434

File: cf6b40a811eec26⋯.png (792.22 KB, 988x1184, 247:296, How_dare_Trump.png)


>1. Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis contemplated taking “collective action” against the president

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3b0806  No.10578435


Draft Dodger ( also known as a yellow beret) Fauci caused the deaths of 17,000 people with aids during the 2 years of waiting for Fauci to approve an expensive medicine over a proven cheaper one. Dr Harvey Risch; Yale professor.

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22d53c  No.10578436


I think you'd have more success swaying anons if you didn't insult them. Just a quick shill 101 for you.

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211d68  No.10578437

File: 0023d4b038a6ffc⋯.jpeg (150.36 KB, 1080x1435, 216:287, Ape.JPEG)

How do I wipe my butt.

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1bc88c  No.10578438

File: ca6bddd909aa48b⋯.png (87.04 KB, 661x913, 661:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cdc07eda91a926⋯.png (42.85 KB, 664x477, 664:477, ClipboardImage.png)

Michael Savage on 2020, ‘Covidism,’ and America’s Communist Revolution

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, conservative radio legend Michael Savage offered his insights on President Donald Trump’s standing in the 2020 presidential election, the ongoing Chinese coronavirus pandemic, and what he described as the Black Lives Matter movement’s goal of ushering in a “communist revolution” in the United States. Savage also dove deep into the genesis of his forthcoming book — Our Fight for America: The War Continues — and revealed what he believes is the most pressing issue which President Trump should address if he wins re-election in November.

JOSH CAPLAN: We’re less than 60 days away from the election. Both Biden and Trump completed their conventions. It remains unclear where we are with regards to polling. Some show Biden is leading nationwide, others show Trump is gaining ground on him. How do you feel about the president’s changes of winning re-election?

MICHAEL SAVAGE: Conservatives don’t answer polls. We have no idea where they really stand. In terms of Trump moving up, I think the out of control violence in America, which is clearly a communist revolution, Trump is running as a law & order candidate. I’ve been complaining on my show that if you want to do something about it, stop telling us you’re going to do it and just do it now. These communist revolutionaries are not idiots, they are well funded. But he did, he deputized the Oregon State Police and they shot one of the murderers, which was a step towards controlling them. I think the non-stop riots and mayhem from the fraudulent group, Black Lives Matter, a Marxist, antisemitic organization, anti-capitalist, these riots are working in Trump’s favor. Biden, the hologram in the basement, so far has said nothing, except as a Johnny-come-lately that it will be quieter if he becomes president. How? They’re suddenly going to go home, get a haircut, and get a job at Starbucks after they burn the store to the ground? I think the race is moving toward Trump and I do think that he’s under-polled.

JOSH CAPLAN: I want to follow up with you on the idea the riots can only help Trump. Although that appears to be the consensus in political circles and parts of everyday America, can too much rioting end up hurting the president? Is there a suprise X factor regarding the violence you would warn about? Could this actually backfire?

MICHAEL SAVAGE: It’s a tricky situation. I think the Republicans have made a calculation to keep the riots going because they know it’s working in their favor. I know how cynical that sounds, but we know what politicians are. In some ways, there are no white hats. Could it backfire? At some point, it must stop and if Trump cracks down too hard, he’ll fall right into the sandtrap that they’ve laid for him, and call him a facist and say, “See, we told you he’s a Nazi.” He can’t go full military, even though it’s been done since Eisenhower’s time. This is not just one night. It’s been 100 days of riots in Portland. They chased the mayor out of his condo. He thought he could keep feeding the beast and that the beast would say “thank you.” I don’t believe in sacred cows, whether they are animals or human.

JOSH CAPLAN: I want to shift gears to the coronavirus pandemic. Once again, you found yourself in a Paul Revere situation, where you were sounding the alarm about something that others were not, even telling the president things that were quite different from what your viewpoint was. Why do you think you understood the threat the coronavirus posed and was there an exact moment where you recall you began to take things very seriously?


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7b975c  No.10578439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just a reminder for you all.

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8d5410  No.10578440

File: 40d4bcf8b17a864⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1438x1790, 719:895, Capture_2020_09_09_12_51_5….png)

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bc50c7  No.10578441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6f3cd1  No.10578442

File: 6a52829908ccb07⋯.png (107.35 KB, 368x350, 184:175, ClipboardImage.png)

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3b0806  No.10578443


We’re not hearing about it, but guaranteed, masks are causing bacterial infections.

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bc50c7  No.10578444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bc50c7  No.10578445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4a847e  No.10578446

Atlantic fakenews hit piece>>> Biden schedules speech

Woodward book hit piece >>>Biden had presser scheduled

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8c066e  No.10578447


And, it won't turn into 100 pounds of lard later on.

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3b0806  No.10578448


Legionaries Disease.

Eye infections .

Facial irritations.

To start.

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188731  No.10578449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Less diabeetus for sure

While I am for individual liberty and want to say fuck that

I do like the unintended consequence of less little fat fucks snacking on refined sugar

Really should be their choice though

So fuck that

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bc50c7  No.10578450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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876787  No.10578451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bc50c7  No.10578452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8c8163  No.10578453

File: 24887486bac232d⋯.jpg (76.52 KB, 828x807, 276:269, Shill_SmackDown.jpg)

File: 37f812692361e38⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 670x525, 134:105, SFW.jpg)

File: 1e561a201406317⋯.jpg (47.26 KB, 482x482, 1:1, YTIW.jpg)

File: 7ef2cb9c4b95df3⋯.png (168.41 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Ree_UV.png)

File: 3a9601948a169e7⋯.jpg (128 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, REEEEEEEEEEE.jpg)


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3b0806  No.10578454


Welder's masks protect you from AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases too.

Adamn SchiTff heard it from an unidentified whistleblower in

his secret, locked, underground bunker.

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e42a4d  No.10578455

Biden suddenly activated, speaking much louder.

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bc50c7  No.10578456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a7cb49  No.10578457

File: 8fd9ba033114dc3⋯.png (200.07 KB, 740x490, 74:49, Screen_Shot_2020_09_09_at_….png)


The Saga of Joe Isuzu

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8a89ed  No.10578458

File: f53cb0ad6a48a09⋯.png (72.41 KB, 205x201, 205:201, ClipboardImage.png)

biden seems to be with the same talking point that the reporters had

talking point of the day is "he knew it was deadly and said it wasnt orange man bad"


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5d9c06  No.10578459


>What has POTUS been standing at the podium saying about Portland

>We're ready, all they need to do is ask for help

Smoke and mirrors. You're watching the controlled demolition of our nation, which is being administered in part by our controlled op President.

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4a847e  No.10578460

biden kissing up to GM with FORDs behind him

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8fadd0  No.10578461

File: 234b53d1937076a⋯.jpg (96.59 KB, 800x500, 8:5, JoePedo.jpg)

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bc50c7  No.10578462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Does this show up?

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a7cb49  No.10578463

File: 1fce74e3a031902⋯.png (14.5 KB, 262x193, 262:193, Screen_Shot_2020_09_09_at_….png)

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188731  No.10578464


See ya next bread

Has been fun

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223df5  No.10578465



We pay higher insurance premiums for the fat fucks. That is part of the problem.

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4a847e  No.10578466


>Does this show up?

not for me

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3b0806  No.10578467


I read an article where a reporter checked his oxygen levels behind a variety of mask. EVERY single oxygen level was below OSHA standards. We all know this is a scam to start the one world order. They are separating us so we can not conspire against the Overlords. I feel confidant God is on our side and the American Patriot is not going to live on our knees. God Bless!

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ec5273  No.10578468


Well, to my way of thinking, I set the Patriotic example by not wearing a mask, and being true enough to my example to leave not one, but two jobs because I refuse to wear a mask. It's unconstitutional to demand I do anything other than pursue my happiness in life and defend my liberty to the utmost, even to losing all that I own, which is entirely possible at this point.

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e91e55  No.10578469


guess the adderall finally kicked in kek

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7ae458  No.10578470

File: 1b8b750c426c713⋯.jpeg (110.58 KB, 1777x740, 1777:740, 893B2AB0_E7BA_4363_A572_1….jpeg)


Silence yourself.

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36fc3c  No.10578471

File: 09ba9476ea3b43e⋯.png (399.04 KB, 1182x617, 1182:617, fire1.PNG)

Lincoln City going up in smoke

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4a847e  No.10578472

ha ha ha ha ….biden hitting trump on breaking promises

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aef7a7  No.10578473

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1bc88c  No.10578474

File: c9e66d72ef36a04⋯.png (70.18 KB, 671x899, 671:899, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a2e1412698883c⋯.png (20.53 KB, 665x290, 133:58, ClipboardImage.png)

Devin Nunes Warns Americans to Wake Up in ‘Countdown to Socialism’ Book

Rep. Devin Nunes, a Republican congressman from California who found himself at the center of partisan attacks over the last four years for exposing Democrat corruption, is warning the American people before the election in a new book.

Titled Countdown to Socialism, Nunes warns Americans that if Trump is not reelected, America will go down a dark path of socialism, led by social media companies and the Democrat-aligned mainstream media establishment.

Nunes said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Tuesday, “Either we’re going to get this figured out, people are going to wake up before this election, or Republicans are going to get railroaded out of the town. That’s why it’s called Countdown to Socialism.”

He added, “It’s not a pessimistic argument. … It’s truly a countdown. … There’s a limited amount of time for people to learn the truth.”

Nunes wrote in chapter one:

[I]n recent years, the Left has wholly rejected the fundamental principles that bound Americans together and allowed us to work out our differences democratically and peacefully. They now reject free speech, a fair voting system, private property, and the rule of law. They don’t dare yet admit it publicly, but as you’ll see in this book, their policies and rhetoric are incompatible with any of these principles as we understand them today.

With their Green New Deal and Medicare for All proposals, the Democrats are vowing to engineer a massive, fundamental expansion of the government’s role in the economy. These two programs alone, if implemented, would be giant steps toward socializing the economy, constricting the private sector and the free exchange of goods and services, and placing vast new powers in the hands of central government bosses and the permanent bureaucracy.

Simultaneously, the Left is working hard to skew the playing field so that once they gain untrammeled power – which they hope to do through the 2020 elections – it will be permanent. At both the state and national levels, they are working hard to fundamentally change the voting system by abolishing the Electoral College, greatly expanding mail-in voting, enfranchising felons, legalizing vote harvesting, lowering the voting age, and allowing current non-citizens to vote through mass amnesties and other means. All these proposals have one thing in common: they will increase the Democrats’ vote count.

The book is short — less than 90 pages of text, but Nunes said its brevity is on purpose. The book, published by Encounter Books, is a “broadside” — an old format from the early days of publishing that was used to distribute information quickly to the public.

“I wanted something I could put together quickly and get out to the masses. And stay the hell off the Internet, because I don’t want any of these tech oligarchs getting in the way,” he said. “You can pick this book up, and read it, read it quickly, and pass it on to your neighbor.”


Why is Nunes profiting from a book deal????

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8a89ed  No.10578475

File: 7b5b864be7e29ef⋯.png (254.63 KB, 446x426, 223:213, ClipboardImage.png)


he just said "we're going to be hearing a lot about this from the news media and others" in reference to the same talking point

kekekekke literally admitting he and the media are the same entity

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223df5  No.10578476


worst and lamest meme in recorded history

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2bf0f8  No.10578477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e78a62  No.10578478


If I'm not mistaken, isn't this Woodward's second book on POTUS in the last year, maybe two years?

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3b0806  No.10578479


Dr Doom and his serf Surgeon General were demanding no masks is March.

Like everything else, he has flip flopped multiple times. There isn't a single aspect of this flu strain that he hasn't been on all sides of at one time or another.

He's a 100% fraud.

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1bc88c  No.10578480

UK publishes controversial bill it says breaks Brexit treaty

The British government has published the controversial new UK Internal Market Bill which it’s been argued necessitates the rewriting of parts of the Brexit withdrawal agreement.

The new legislation published Wednesday, is seen as a move to override key parts of the current Brexit deal and once again raises the possibility of a hard border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic has called for an “extraordinary Joint Committee” meeting so that Britain's Michael Gove can respond to “strong concerns on the bill.”

“We're not moving the goalposts,” Environment Secretary George Eustice said in defense of the move.

However, the British government admitted that the proposals would break international law, but “in a very specific and limited way,” and adds to growing concerns that Britain could crash out of the European single market with no agreement on trade when the status quo agreement expires in December.

Prime Minister Johnson argued in parliament that the bill was a “legal safety net” to prevent abuse of the Northern Ireland part of the current EU Withdrawal Agreement.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to downplay the potential risks of taking unilateral action which contravenes the terms of the original agreement, much to the chagrin of his counterparts in Brussels and Dublin.

“Unilateral actions which seek to change the operation of measures already agreed including in an international treaty and incorporated into domestic law do not build trust,” Irish Prime Minister Micheal Martin said, adding that he is “extremely concerned” at the British government's intention to “break international law.”

The bill has yet to be debated and approved in both chambers of parliament before being written into law, but would afford UK ministers the ability to ignore certain clauses in the Brexit deal struck with the EU in relation to export declarations and other procedures.


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5d9c06  No.10578481


>See ya next bread

Probably not. There's no truth here anymore.

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c0fbc0  No.10578482

File: 4a7a7e78d46ab66⋯.png (782.23 KB, 381x699, 127:233, kitty_head_stand.png)


you're right on this one, Freddy!


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fb9219  No.10578483


Sauce or…

you have no fucking clue

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4a847e  No.10578484



and you think POTUS was stupid enough to be sloppy talking to him.

this is one big trap set by potus for fake news.

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d50f6f  No.10578485

>>10577640 (pb)

God is truth.

>>10577777 (pb)


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8a89ed  No.10578486

my god biden is such a snake! Just said "he depends on our short memories"

literally all biden does is accuse Trump of doing what he did

this level of BLATANT lying and dishonesty makes me REEEEE


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bc50c7  No.10578487




Trying, YouTube doesn’t want the truth to be revealed.

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3b0806  No.10578488


According to the Surgeon General, you may be sick and not even know it! How serious should a disease be taken when the only way to know if you have it is to take a test? 26,000 positive tests for college students and not a single hospitalization.


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864862  No.10578489









































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3bc58d  No.10578490

File: 3dde520402b7adc⋯.jpg (74.94 KB, 576x433, 576:433, 4edozn.jpg)

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8a89ed  No.10578491

File: b154e186b0d4924⋯.png (9.02 KB, 643x88, 643:88, ClipboardImage.png)

top kek

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e73e77  No.10578492

Are there any "guardians" helping us Q?

Are some of the anons in here guardians reincarnated under the veil and do not realize who they are?

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c0fbc0  No.10578493


this chick is CIA, i think.

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