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File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, q_research.jpg)

066f27  No.10282142[Last 50 Posts]

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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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Friday 07.31.2020

>>10134839 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Revolution

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066f27  No.10282167

Global Announcements

None at this time.

Notables are NOT endorsements


baker change

>>10281476, >>10281555 Trump campaign spokesman rips GOP congressman his ideas re conspiracies (in defense of Q?)

>>10281508, >>10281851, >>10281522, >>10281862 Cali fire maps

>>10281973 Corona Fire: Red Cross evac station

>>10281520 Can Trump postphone the election?

>>10281569 DC news update on arrests of "protesters" setting fires

>>10281629, >>10281721, >>10281745, >>10282047 NZ: first they take your guns, then they set up mandatory quarantine camps

>>10281797 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY August 14, 2020

>>10281806 Fauci 2008: Bacterial pneumonia caused most deaths during 1918 flu pandemic

>>10281809 Rep. Lee Zeldin: Durham. Tomorrow.

>>10281606, >>10281813 DOJ: it's time to realign Section 230 (date not given but post-Covid)

>>10281906 POTUS to address Police Benevolent Assoc of NY tomorrow - some background

>>10281929 Mystery Masks from China Arriving at Tampa Bay Addresses

>>10281963, >>10282004 From 2011: Donald Trump explains to Anderson Cooper why he has doubts about Pres. Obama's birthplace

>>10281988 Defense Officials Brief on Opening DODEA Schools During COVID-19

>>10282032 Barr teases Friday 'development' in Durham probe, says investigation won't be 'dictated to' by election

>>10281966 AFP fact check on Kamala Harris' citizenship & the presidency

>>10282077 US bishops warns faithful to ‘be awake’ to ‘anti-Catholic’ Kamala Harris

>>10282152 #13159


>>10281130 Solomon's 'Just The News' headline: "there would be q development in Russia probe on Friday"

>>10281130 , >>10281188, >>10281210, >>10281222 More on John Solomon's headline ^^^

>>10281211 Anon notices similarities between Barr's statement and a Q post: "Future direction"

>>10281235 , >>10281248, >>10281281 Sen. Josh Hawley: Harris Must Recuse Herself From Homeland Oversight

>>10281176 US dismisses China diplomatic gestures as ‘nothing but words’

>>10281136 Video: Robert O'Brien, National Security Advisor talks to Hannity

>>10281118 , >>10281241, >>10281205 Big fire blazing in Corona, CA & other spoopiness

>>10281088 US Sends B-2 Stealth Bombers To 'Warn' China As PLA Expands Live-Fire Drills Off Taiwan

>>10280992 Feds: Ghislaine Maxwell is locked up in isolation for own safety

>>10280966 Dig on Save The Children Federation Inc. = The Green Climate Fund

>>10280812 @DeptOfDefense: Keeping an eye out

>>10281400 #13158

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066f27  No.10282170

#13157 BC

>>10280376 Video: Bill Barr on Hannity and backup >>10280478

>>10280242 Barr: Expect a development tomorrow regarding the government investigation of Trump campaign

>>10280387 Attorney General William Barr: John Durham 'development' coming Friday

>>10280314 New Catherine Herridge tweet re the Russia Probe

>>10280512 Video: Sean Hannity talks to Kayleigh McEnany

>>10280548 QAnon is bad, mkay

>>10280502 Michelle Obama to make campaign debut alongside Sanders & Kasich at Dem Convention opener

>>10280484 New Rasmussen Poll: POTUS Holds A 36% Approval Rating With Black Voters

>>10280304 Amazon cuts more than 1,200 delivery contract jobs, even as that part of its business booms

>>10280278 Tonnes of NBC pics in Qdrops for Aug 15th 2018 (2 year delta)

>>10280209 Good report on 'Natural Born Citizen and Naturalized Born Citizen'

>>10280124 , >>10280208, >>10280288 On Kamala's legibility to be VP

>>10280193 , >>10280325 Article collection on Catholics leaving faith due to the clid abuse

>>10280188 , >>10280233 Free Fortnite: Epic Sues Apple And Google After Fortnite Removed From App Store

>>10280159 Barr: "the racism in this country … look no further than the inner city school system …"

>>10280054 Feds: Three R. Kelly associates busted trying to bribe, threaten his victims

>>10280640 #13157


>>10279264 This is strange: Report Shows 2020 with Lowest Number of Recorded US Deaths Since 2009

>>10279318, >>10279330, >>10279444 Fact check: Tom Hanks is now a Greek citizen, but pedophilia has nothing to do with it

>>10279354 Doug Collins on Lou Dobbs

>>10279449 Dig request: City Directory for London, England 2013 to 2018

>>10279470, >>10279568 ANOTHER fire. Dam fire part 2 Azusa Canyon

>>10279585 Digg request: group was uniting left/right in common cause #SavetheChildren, this is group that cancelled that

>>10279611 Adm. Rogers on Snowden Jun 3, 2014

>>10279687 North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Center: Significant Flooding of the Kuryong River

>>10279698, >>10279741 Rise in far-right threats against Justin Trudeau, police warn (bbc, isdglobal)

>>10279779 Empty apartments in Manhattan reach record high, topping 13,000

>>10279228, >>10279853 KODAK UPDATE

>>10279856 BREAKING: Ian Miles Cheong suspended by Twitter for tweeting support for police intervention in riots

>>10279881 #13156

Previously Collected Notables

>>10278330 #13154, >>10279101 #13155,

>>10275996 #13151, >>10276848 #13152, >>10277561 #13153

>>10274418 #13149, >>10275252 #13150, >>10275996 #13151

>>10272179 #13146, >>10272955 #13147, >>10273677 #13148

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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066f27  No.10282171

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

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[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

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Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

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>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

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>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

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GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

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066f27  No.10282174

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MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #27 >>>/comms/22537

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting:

https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTYUwt5rV5s

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fe2077  No.10282177

Potus suggested kamala was not born in the us..


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066f27  No.10282191

File: 3c87d00d5389354⋯.png (347.55 KB, 1075x483, 1075:483, lake_fire.png)



Tanks anons for the worthy digs, memes, prayers.

baker seeks handoff


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8c57d8  No.10282199


I have a bread in me. I haven't baked in a couple weeks IRL been keeping me away.

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320b47  No.10282200

File: d33d0aeef243f83⋯.jpeg (733.15 KB, 1936x1936, 1:1, 88D59150_8849_4B84_8467_B….jpeg)

First to last BALL references:

https://qmap.pub/read/1510 15 Jun 2018

https://qmap.pub/read/1866 14 Aug 2018

https://qmap.pub/read/2397 3 Nov 2018

https://qmap.pub/read/3222 27 Mar 2019

https://qmap.pub/read/4360 30 May 2020

https://qmap.pub/read/4384 1 Jun 2020

https://qmap.pub/read/4488 21 Jun 2020

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066f27  No.10282207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Thx baker. got a paste?

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e0bc4c  No.10282208

File: a315eb1c971f579⋯.jpg (217.93 KB, 1990x1120, 199:112, Nighthawk1.jpg)


TY Baker.

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bd2af3  No.10282220

File: f5b9b512a9d50e4⋯.png (166.68 KB, 524x560, 131:140, 1_Rundle_Human_Trafficking….PNG)

File: a6d0535b244ad0d⋯.png (464.45 KB, 765x993, 255:331, 2_Rundle_Human_Trafficking….PNG)

File: c8bbe60a963f5ed⋯.png (370.04 KB, 763x983, 763:983, 3_Rundle_Human_Trafficking….PNG)

Thanks to my #EndHumanTrafficking Task Force, @MiamiSpringsPD @MiamiBeachPD & @MiamiPD, we effectuated the successful rescue of a 14 yr old girl who was allegedly being sold into prostitution after having run away from home. A 17 yr old male has been charged w/human trafficking.


‘Every parent’s worst nightmare’: 17-year-old charged with trafficking girl, 14, for sex


MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. — A 17-year-old boy has been charged with sex trafficking and a host of other offenses after South Florida authorities accused him of selling a 14-year-old girl on social media for money and drugs.

Javier Quintero’s arrest on human trafficking charges was announced Thursday, WPLG reported.

State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle said the 14-year-old runaway was in the process of being sold into prostitution when her office’s Human Trafficking Task Force along with the police departments of Miami Springs, Miami Beach and the city of Miami intervened to rescue the child.

A family member of the girl called police and told officers that the girl was believed to be in a hotel room being advertised for prostitution on social media, WSVN reported.

The family member showed officers a specific Instagram account that authorities linked to Quintero, WPLG reported.

Police then located the girl and learned upon interviewing her that a friend introduced her to Quintero after she left home following a family dispute. The two then developed a relationship, and Quintero told the girl she could make money prostituting herself, WSVN reported.

“This situation is every parent’s worst nightmare,” Fernandez Rundle said in a statement. “That is why the work of our Human Trafficking Task Force is so important. Children like this, our children, can be lost so easily. But I and our law enforcement partners are determined to keep that from happening. Our children’s futures are just too valuable.”

The victim told authorities that despite knowing she was a minor, Quintero set up all of her contacts, which he referred to as “dates,” on social media; instructed her on how to handle the transactions; and provided the hotel room, transportation, drugs, alcohol and social media platforms for the operation, WSVN reported.

The victim stated she had as many as five “dates” in one day, the TV station reported.

According to WPLG, the victim stated cocaine, MDMA and Percocet were among the drugs Quintero provided.

The charges against Quintero include human trafficking, interference with the custody of a minor, contributing to the delinquency of a child and possession of materials displaying a sexual performance by a child, WSVN reported.

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8c57d8  No.10282221

File: 0049cc1c88a8e14⋯.png (99.64 KB, 702x152, 351:76, Screen_Shot_2020_07_05_at_….png)


officially no, but I have some caps from a month ago? kek.

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1b86db  No.10282228

File: 2fd5990e661c9bf⋯.jpg (357.06 KB, 1612x1080, 403:270, BidenBubble1.JPG)

File: ab5e3cf1ad6a0c3⋯.jpg (426.65 KB, 1544x1024, 193:128, BidenBubble2.JPG)

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9de712  No.10282231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Buy some burner phones and set up your social media accounts.

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066f27  No.10282236


close enough.

handoff confirmed?

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6d80c8  No.10282239

File: d0c03f6a3fd06be⋯.png (3.92 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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e0bc4c  No.10282240

File: 1bd6cf0f2357619⋯.jpg (63.2 KB, 492x381, 164:127, Q_Before_Posts1.jpg)

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eb8d7c  No.10282241

Why are the multi-state fires at fault zones and volcanoes, except Corona of course.

Nearby oil rigs related?

Nearby Uranium mining - Pyramid Lake, NV?

DEW like Paradise?


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541212  No.10282242

I note Stalin’s mother was from the peasant class of which the large majority of Georgian Jews were within. The other group of Georgian Jews were rich Jewish rug merchants of which Stalin’s mother….”Keke often worked in the houses of rich Jewish traders in Gori, and sometimes took her son along.” [3]

It was these wealthy Jews who actually paid for Stalin’s education as a young man. It was a common custom for Jews in the Georgian community to provide educational support to the Jewish youth of their community, and Stalin had the mind for such. Stalin’s mother Ekaterina did laundry and housekeeping for David Papisnedov, a local Jew. Their nickname for Stalin was “Soso.” Stalin received Papisnedov at the Kremlin often. It has been believed with great case that the Jew Papisnedov was in fact Stalin’s father by some. One way or another his father was a Jew and probably his mother a Khazar Jew too.

Stalin also made anti-Semitism the death penalty in the USSR and was behind the creation of Israel in sending the Jewish NKVD down to help along with money and supplies and was also the first world leader to recognize Israel as the Jewish State in the UN.

Here is the pointing to Stalin’s real surname again the Y and J are the same and in the languages the D and J are shown together the H is an phonetic aspirant. Stalin’s surname, Dzhugashvili….. JUga….JUDA shivili…….Son of a Jew. The Dzh is also how they spell the J, Y sound in Russian. Knowing the H is a phonetic aspirant within this does make the YU the meaning of Jew, showing the G is a high eee sound and identical to the D sound. Given YU is Jew its likely the G is a D making JUDA. In Georgian they have this as Yuga which has no Dzh but the same sound its the Y ultimately. So JU, JEW. JUDA again. And Shvili means Son Of.

YUDAshvili is Son Of JUDA. or JUDAH. Son Of A Jew. The Eastern Europe sources where correct on the meaning of this surname meaning this.

This explains how it just was Stalin spoke perfect Yiddish his whole life. Yiddish is the common language Jews speak in most places next to Hebrew.

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8c57d8  No.10282243

File: 4eef8fe30d68ce9⋯.jpg (30.27 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f2ec0ca3d15882d7766c5ce11c….jpg)


Confirmed baker, have a good one. In good hands

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e0bc4c  No.10282244



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40da4b  No.10282245

Why are the multi-state fires at fault zones and volcanoes, except Corona of course.

Nearby oil rigs related?

Nearby Uranium mining - Pyramid Lake, NV?

DEW like Paradise?


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aa5b7e  No.10282246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6c4308  No.10282247

Durham development tomorrow… what false flag will happen to delay or distract?

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6d80c8  No.10282248

File: 43b331468d98028⋯.png (472.24 KB, 1080x1044, 30:29, Screen_Shot_2020_08_13_at_….png)

File: 5ebabdcac61984c⋯.png (366.68 KB, 720x844, 180:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e9b6d16f1bc9f5⋯.png (398.6 KB, 719x918, 719:918, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c268b980810342⋯.png (373.32 KB, 658x915, 658:915, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cc80c88b896728⋯.png (195.51 KB, 676x901, 676:901, ClipboardImage.png)

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2fdba4  No.10282249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thank you Anons. 07 Honor Glory God Country. Stay the Course.

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e0bc4c  No.10282250

File: a4e497ade2211b6⋯.jpeg (55.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Beavis_understands.jpeg)

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6342ef  No.10282251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nailed IT! TYB!

dutchsinse Spooked!

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aa5b7e  No.10282252


RBG's always in the back pocket…

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931ff7  No.10282253

File: e96a5455603ae4c⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 800x402, 400:201, watersgoingdown.jpg)

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d5ff53  No.10282254

File: ddc8411c5077834⋯.png (36.27 KB, 648x318, 108:53, ClipboardImage.png)

If you wanna watch NZ PM make a lockdown announcement.


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bb1dea  No.10282255

File: a1ff4e5da1c932b⋯.jpg (85 KB, 1070x553, 1070:553, wh3.JPG)

File: ec50d952f51512b⋯.jpg (91.47 KB, 1061x547, 1061:547, wh2.JPG)


Jimmy Kimmel Live

Rob Lowe Interrogates Stoners in “Who’s High?”

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066f27  No.10282256

File: ebd54c75469e9a9⋯.png (974.29 KB, 922x512, 461:256, baker_hands.png)


you got the bread

kitch's smooth & easy, enjoy.


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82fdf3  No.10282257

Can anyone post a pic soccer ball Putin gave to potus and Gen Flynn's twitter background, 3rd row? Very similar, and the ball is said to have a transmitter?



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52189a  No.10282258

File: dac40215480efc9⋯.jpg (418.08 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, 20_06_02_POTUS_FLOTUS_JP2_….jpg)

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1de7d9  No.10282259

File: c2624f6526be513⋯.png (230.7 KB, 474x474, 1:1, WAKEUPOZ.png)

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bf34d9  No.10282260

File: 42bf18a09969550⋯.png (132.69 KB, 474x346, 237:173, catontheroof.png)

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ca7935  No.10282261

File: 6cef078f65faa21⋯.png (83.13 KB, 250x219, 250:219, 2020_03_10_12_27_33.png)

>>10282085 lb

>Sad to say but the Northeast is incredibly swampy, was working on a dig earlier not finished yet...

Not too long ago everyone thought it was a joke that grandmothers and mothers used to plead with their kids to promise to never go into politics because it was so corrupt.

They knew.

Most politicians today have no ethics, its all about the money and using the money to show off their wealth and power.

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f6d153  No.10282262

File: 37fe715d0e053ca⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1089x900, 121:100, Pic_3_.png)

>>10282229 (pb lb)

In short: This is a magical place and they want you to believe it`s not so they can be the only ones doing magic

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8e4619  No.10282263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wait So If Kamala Harris Is BLACK Why Did She Tell Mindy Kaling That She Was INDIAN Last Year?

Looks like there is a sliver of the black pop that look beyond the old "One Drop Rule".

Harris is seen in this 2019 video with Mindy Kaling discussing their shared Indian heritage. In fact, her largest percentage of ethnicity is Indian, because her father is a mixed black man from Jamaica.

This vid and commentary shed some light on some resentment of mixed people in the black community

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d5ff53  No.10282264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>10282254 (me)

or here

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d42f12  No.10282265

File: 116aae437834544⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏 6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud 🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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2caec4  No.10282266

File: 43a3c0a0884b2fe⋯.jpg (104.76 KB, 960x720, 4:3, baked.jpg)

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1a4231  No.10282267

File: 68f49a64c26f2be⋯.png (3.59 MB, 1056x1416, 44:59, ClipboardImage.png)

You are not alone

In the process of a dig related to trafficking/cps. Found this book on NCMEC site. - 12 drops "You are not alone" might be something, might not.

Still digging if anyone has idle shovels.



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950af7  No.10282268



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8c57d8  No.10282269


o7 I will start a bin tonight, was told easiest way.. Guess I will relent.

Take care and thanks~!

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e0bc4c  No.10282270


Oh look, it's Billy the Kike.

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f6d153  No.10282271

File: a2dc7e67b4d5be4⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 2140x2103, 2140:2103, Pic_90_.JPG)

Egypt, a great center of learning and the birthplace of many arts and sciences, furnished an ideal

environment for transcendental experimentation. Here the black magicians of Atlantis continued to

exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely undermined and corrupted the morals of the

primitive Mysteries. By establishing a sacerdotal caste they usurped the position formerly occupied by

the initiates, and seized the reins of spiritual government. Thus black magic dictated the state religion

and paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual activities of the individual by demanding his complete and

unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priestcraft. The Pharaoh became a puppet in

the hands of the Scarlet Councila committee of arch-sorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood.–

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8fbf71  No.10282272


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a6ba1d  No.10282273

>>10282226 pb

Still peddling this?

The team knows that it makes it impossible to call them on shit they've said in the past, because it can't be searched... or, filtered by keywords. I surmise the latter is probably the most important to "him".

Your earlier assertion that MP cleverly figured this out is belied by a ton of copypasta shills going back to the early days.

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2caec4  No.10282274

Uh oh, AFLB is baking. Make sure to shitpost as much as possible.

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066f27  No.10282275


>will relent


try qanonbin.com yet? all bakers, no captcha.

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f6d153  No.10282276

File: 6fa34c24459f51e⋯.png (318.09 KB, 495x443, 495:443, Pic_14_.png)

Among the Qabbalists of the Middle Ages were a great number of black magicians who strayed from the

noble concepts of the Sepher Yetzirah and became enmeshed in demonism and witchcraft. They sought

to substitute magic mirrors, consecrated daggers, and circles spread around posts of coffin nails, for the

living of that virtuous life which, without the assistance of complicated rituals or submundane creatures,

unfailingly brings man to the state of true individual completion.

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541212  No.10282277


You got to sauce stuff like that

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f6d153  No.10282278

File: 30fa1d8ef69a5e7⋯.jpg (825.77 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Pic_3_.jpg)

Those who sought to control elemental spirits through ceremonial magic did so largely with the hope of

securing from the invisible worlds either rare knowledge or supernatural power. The little red demon of

Napoleon Bonaparte and the infamous oracular heads of de Medici are examples of the disastrous results

of permitting elemental beings to dictate the course of human procedure. While the learned and godlike

dæmon of Socrates seems to have been an exception, this really proves that the intellectual and moral

status of the magician has much to do with the type of elemental he is capable of invoking. But even the

dæmon of Socrates deserted the philosopher when the sentence of death was passed.

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6342ef  No.10282279

File: 681d7c9861d8fc7⋯.jpg (49.31 KB, 828x538, 414:269, 681d7c9861d8fc733a9f500fdd….jpg)

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e11cdd  No.10282280

File: bb6276e7c5b9d83⋯.jpg (68.55 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Filter_early_and_often_8.jpg)


ty baker

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fbc371  No.10282281

File: 90bed6c0f4cfa07⋯.jpg (6.95 KB, 132x138, 22:23, 1580942150643.jpg)


What sort of pompous windbag uses words like 'belied'?

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d5ff53  No.10282282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NZ PM live

saying NZ has it's own unique Covid sequence that has 'appeared' after 102 days with none.

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28a9fa  No.10282283



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afee1a  No.10282284

File: 853bb7e9dce4d31⋯.jpeg (404.42 KB, 828x1259, 828:1259, 364FFBFC_C526_4F89_BB08_B….jpeg)


Stay strong young ones. Please.

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f6d153  No.10282285

File: 58f4c91d12ea094⋯.png (220.41 KB, 415x390, 83:78, Pic_16_.png)


bruh you can literally copypaste the whole thing into google and it tells you where its from

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1e9449  No.10282286

File: 4c30f2de77453d8⋯.jpg (131.9 KB, 958x934, 479:467, Durham.jpg)


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066f27  No.10282287


So no one can use ~ except leafy?

another piece of punctuation hits the dust….

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1b86db  No.10282288

File: f71e058d8e6bd6d⋯.jpg (161.24 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, Avalanche.JPG)

File: 2eed8bcfa536c03⋯.jpg (8.21 KB, 204x255, 4:5, D5.JPG)

File: 33913494626fc84⋯.jpg (226.33 KB, 2048x992, 64:31, TheStorm.JPG)

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072c8d  No.10282289


Has anyone heard Durham speak?

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d42186  No.10282290

File: 4ed324b8017e947⋯.jpg (273.79 KB, 1440x1796, 360:449, ib2k46xlemg51.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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f6d153  No.10282291

File: 80e91082fb76770⋯.jpg (193.37 KB, 504x504, 1:1, Pic_82_.jpg)

Many a magician has lost his life as the result of opening a way whereby submundane creatures could

become active participants in his affairs. When Eliphas Levi invoked the spirit of Apollonius of Tyana,

what did he hope to accomplish? Is the gratification of curiosity a motive sufficient to warrant the

devotion of an entire lifetime to a dangerous and unprofitable pursuit? If the living Apollonius refused to

divulge his secrets to the profane, is there any probability that after death he would disclose them to the

curious-minded? Levi himself did not dare to assert that the specter which appeared to him was actually

the great philosopher, for Levi realized only too well the proclivity of elementals to impersonate those

who have passed on. The majority of modern mediumistic apparitions are but elemental creatures

masquerading through bodies composed of thought substance supplied by the very persons desiring to

behold these wraiths of decarnate beings.

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2caec4  No.10282292


He ruined it. I hope it gets absorbed into Codemonkey's next formatting project.

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7e50b8  No.10282293

File: 3729b1549ba4b86⋯.jpg (85.9 KB, 720x815, 144:163, fdgghmhgm.jpg)

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52189a  No.10282294

File: 1645790cb62a21e⋯.jpg (330.46 KB, 1880x1160, 47:29, Adidas_Telstar_Mechta_Ball….jpg)



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d5ff53  No.10282295


they never learned to lose at school.

real life is a bitch

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f6d153  No.10282296

File: 160426ffebec283⋯.png (2.6 MB, 2532x1333, 2532:1333, Pic_18_.png)

The visible universe has an invisible counterpart, the higher planes of which are peopled by good and beautiful spirits; the lower planes, dark and foreboding, are the habitation of evil spirits and demons under the leadership of the Fallen Angel and his ten Princes.

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57640c  No.10282297


why did the 14 YO run away from home? Was there are reason or just stupid 14 year old reasons?

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c2a2d2  No.10282298


Thank you baker. God bless you and stay safe.

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afee1a  No.10282299


Very true. Nothing wrong with sending a few prayers their way.

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541212  No.10282300


Is this Emerald Tablet stuff?

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f6d153  No.10282301

File: 3a5c558c6aa12be⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 843x1224, 281:408, Pic_83_.jpg)

By means of the secret processes of ceremonial magic it is possible to contact these invisible creatures and gain their help in some human undertaking. Good spirits willingly lend their assistance to any worthy enterprise, but the evil spirits serve only those who live to pervert and destroy

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6517f6  No.10282302

File: cfa24b4783b91e0⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1088x1272, 136:159, Digital_Soldier_Space_Forc….png)


>In short: This is a magical place and they want you to believe it`s not so they can be the only ones doing magic

This makes perfect sense

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7beb33  No.10282303

Toyota Tundra with Shriners bumper sticker. Masons. spoopy AF>>10282293

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1b86db  No.10282304


Another Cabal False-Flag to divert attention from their evil doings. KKK was a Democrat invention.

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022c98  No.10282305

File: 23ce39618083b27⋯.jpg (49.41 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Rosie.jpg)

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9f25ef  No.10282306


Pepe seems to have a nasty skin condition there..wow. Looks like flesh eating Covid Virus from wearing a mask :p

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f6d153  No.10282307

File: 6b6a4f2a36dfa2b⋯.jpg (614.2 KB, 1276x900, 319:225, Pic_72_.jpg)

–True black magic is performed with the aid of a demoniacal spirit, who serves the sorcerer for

the length of his earthly life, with the understanding that after death the magician shall become the servant of his own demon. For this reason a black magician will go to inconceivable ends to prolong his physical life, since there is nothing for him beyond the grave.–

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818b51  No.10282308


Sweetie has been ruined, too.

Not saying that's a bad thing…

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afee1a  No.10282309


I just tried looking. Couldn’t find anything. Just searched YouTube though.

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1e9449  No.10282310

File: a4c23b3a15278bb⋯.jpg (131.82 KB, 958x934, 479:467, durhamcums.jpg)



Was just thinking same

Fucked up gaddam meme too

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c2a2d2  No.10282311


Thanks incoming relief baker!

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6d80c8  No.10282312

File: aab706dc0a932ad⋯.png (913.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e075aedc071eecd⋯.png (274.01 KB, 638x479, 638:479, ClipboardImage.png)


Introduction to Aristotle’s Ethics: How to Lead a Good Life


Course Overview

In the Nicomachean Ethics—the first book written on the subject of how best to live—Aristotle argues that human happiness chiefly depends upon a person’s character, which is formed by making good choices. This course examines Aristotle’s teachings about human nature, the meaning of the good, and the virtues necessary for happiness. Students will not only learn what Aristotle says about the good life, but will also explore ways to put this knowledge to work.

This is a free course in 10 video lessons which will take a total of just over 5 hours to complete.


The Good

The purpose of the Nicomachean Ethics is to teach one how to become good. Aristotle begins this task with the claim that every voluntary human activity “seems to aim at some good.” He proceeds to arrange the goods in a hierarchy that points to the highest good — happiness.


Aristotle’s Politics and the Nature of Man

In Book I of the Politics, Aristotle writes that “man alone among the animals has speech.” This unique faculty leads to man’s concern for the good and enables him to form political communities — which exist for the sake of living well.



In Book I of the Ethics, Aristotle explains that there is much dispute about the nature of happiness, which many people consider to be a life of pleasure, wealth, or honor. Aristotle examines these popular opinions as he works toward the true definition of happiness.



Character comes from the Greek word that means to etch or engrave. In Book II of the Ethics, Aristotle explains that good character is formed by consistently making right choices.


Deliberation and Choice

Choices are made in the face of changing and often complicated circumstances. In Book III of the Ethics, Aristotle explains the process by which choices are made, which involves deliberating about the best way to achieve a desired end.



Aristotle begins his examination of the moral virtues with courage. The courageous person possesses the right disposition toward pain, and displays the virtue most vividly by beautiful actions in war.



In Book V of the Ethics, Aristotle examines justice—the most public virtue—which concerns giving to each what is owed. While justice includes the merely transactional, at its peak justice requires all the moral virtues.


Practical Judgment

Practical judgment, or prudence, is the intellectual virtue necessary for choosing well. The prudent person observes and comprehends circumstances and makes the best choice to achieve a desired and worthy end.



Aristotle describes three types of friendship. The most common types are based on utility or pleasure. The highest and rarest type is a friendship of virtue, which is shared between two excellent people in pursuit of the beautiful.


Contemplation and Action

In Book X of the Ethics, Aristotle identifies contemplation as the highest human activity. The Ethics concludes by pointing to the need for good laws, or good government, to encourage and protect this activity of the soul.

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072c8d  No.10282313


I thought the same thing when I saw it.

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541212  No.10282314


Like butt sex?

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f6d153  No.10282315


stolen <3

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28a9fa  No.10282316


Remember when Covid existed? Neither do I

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1b86db  No.10282317

File: 3d9f8fae41e2b9c⋯.png (862.8 KB, 1284x642, 2:1, DeBall.PNG)

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7d1664  No.10282318


What the fuck is wrong with you anon?

She only has two tits.

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04c919  No.10282319

File: e5209499c59b2f7⋯.jpg (166.45 KB, 661x693, 661:693, nzmeattweet.jpg)

Both Australia and New Zealand are now claiming that a primary source of "community transmission" is coming from meat processing plants and abattoirs. In Australia, pedo-premier Dan Andrews has already said that there will be meat shortages as they close plants. What other dirty tricks do these freaks have up their sleeve?

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d42f12  No.10282320


Do you have the sauce for this, anon? this is interesting because whenever the Bolshevik Jews are mentioned, who turned Russia into a Commie hellhole, some Jewish shill always posts a pic of Stalin, with "Not a Jew" as an excuse.

Also, the old custom was people had first names, and when last names were required, a lot of Jews' surnames was "son of"…like Isaacson, son of Isaac.

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066f27  No.10282321


understand, but it's a nice shortcut for "approximentally"

not ready to give it up yet, leafy or no leafy

good for marking vid timestamps

if we're gonna take back our symbols,

might as well take back the punctuation too


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6814cc  No.10282322


Or maybe in the freezer?

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f8294b  No.10282323

Do we have the FBI text released to JW yet?

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d5ff53  No.10282324

File: bbc781222a3c116⋯.png (288.37 KB, 538x538, 1:1, Joe_Biden_Alpha_Cmon.png)

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9ee0c6  No.10282325

File: e7994f490a51418⋯.png (646.37 KB, 2289x1288, 327:184, biblical.png)

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a23727  No.10282326

File: bdf76cb1d2d0f24⋯.png (131.54 KB, 246x245, 246:245, TelstarEyesOn.png)

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fbc371  No.10282327

File: 821e5647a54de37⋯.png (440.31 KB, 533x586, 533:586, 821e5647a54de372d1b6ce3385….png)


>huh huh muh participation trophies

>it has nothing to do with the fact that my generation were abysmal failures as parents

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a6ba1d  No.10282328

>>10282281 One who understands that it confuses idiots like you. Watch when I do it to MP… he either takes the time to look it up (and try to understand), or posts copypasta irrelevancies.

Your side's attempt to make illiteracy cool has failed, in the long run… and is amusing AF in the short. It's like watching you flex a 9" bicep.

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6d80c8  No.10282329



First Degree-Hierophant of Earth

In this Degree the Candidate is Initiated into the Lodge. It corresponds with Earth and entitles one to access the Lodge Temple at Will. Also, emphasis is added to Feasts and all Functions that relate to the material plane. The Brother or Sister is also taught the Magick of Money and Finance.

These people were the original Mages of our Planet and through direct Experience of the Relativity of Being they managed to use Existence itself as a Clay that they could mold into Schools of Thought both Unique and Sublime. But how could this ever illusive and eternally changing Energy be conveyed to others?

This was the beginning of the Great Work of Symbolic Manifestation for ever since the first biped traced figures in the sand it was discovered that this Pure Essence could be conveyed to others through the very Shadows of this Invisible Light. Many of our ancient cultures have myths as to how this Sacred Art of Writing began.

In Ancient Khem we see the Myths surrounding Tahuti and his great Magical Power of binding Words and Deeds in the Hieroglyphic Writing of the Ancient Egyptians. The Norse also have the Sagas which tell us that Odin formed the Runes out of his very Blood and in Ancient Africa the Cults of Obeah and Wanga utilized the Magic of the Ifa.

At any rate, once Symbolic Modes of Communication developed it was just a matter of time until the great Magical Machine of the Grimoire was created. The Initiates of various Magical Disciplines could now attain an Immortality of sorts on the Material Plane by passing down these Books of Magical Formula through the Ages and each Generation would build upon the last as greater and greater Systems of Power were developed and expounded upon.

Of course, here we also see the birth of the Black, Yellow and White Schools of Magic. These terms are confusing to beginners in that they have been used in entirely different ways by different writers on the Esoteric Sciences over the years. In short, I will very briefly explain 3 different ways these terms have been used.

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066f27  No.10282330


on a board with a male bent, seems like 'sweetie' wasn't such a loss


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65f7cd  No.10282331

File: ae0e6972c83c833⋯.png (3.02 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 629E6486_AB87_4779_BABF_84….png)

File: ca4343e5ff650cc⋯.png (2.37 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 4AA5CCCB_5593_4647_8220_B8….png)


The Elsinore earthquake fault runs directly under the hills of the Corona fire.


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1b86db  No.10282332

File: 0c1883abb126083⋯.jpg (192.28 KB, 1020x784, 255:196, AbramovicHobNob.JPG)

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1b86db  No.10282333

File: da594b713a68caf⋯.jpg (739.44 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, AOK666Many.JPG)

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fbc371  No.10282334


Oh, you're that guy.

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13ab5e  No.10282335

File: 90449a91ab5828c⋯.png (320.36 KB, 587x442, 587:442, serious_cat_moar_angles_ke….png)



see how Cats are; a herd is worst kek

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1b86db  No.10282336

File: f90ba86515853fb⋯.jpg (77.74 KB, 682x449, 682:449, CommunismAtWork.JPG)

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d42f12  No.10282337


Kill the sheeple by starvation.

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bfdb2b  No.10282338


Honestly, with the way direction the dating pool is going I don't actually blame them. It fucking sucks when most women don't want kids, want to date multiple (like 20's level), and you just want to have a serious relationship with another human. I got lucky and found that one person that has the same outlook for life as I do. I really feel bad for the younger generation, dating is going to legitimately suck.

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18b138  No.10282339

>>10282284 Bacause camala said they were stupid it all her fault seriously cant make it up


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9feee6  No.10282340


Yes, those that seek to intervene between the self and the creator & truth are truly impostors.

They so badly wish to be a merchant in a monopoly.

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9f25ef  No.10282341


The CDC? Oh, well then it must be true…

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e0bc4c  No.10282342

File: 08253f48c519247⋯.png (215.67 KB, 620x446, 310:223, Bones.png)

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a6ba1d  No.10282343

>>10282334 Yup. So, you know what's next…

We're done, imbecile.

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f28ec1  No.10282344

Arrr Shipmates. Been very hands on. More big Booms coming. Eyes open. The scurvy dogs be sailing frenziedly from the plank & that hempen jig. But to no avail.

Each day more is being revealed. Arrrrr Future is proving past indeed mi hearties!

Eyes on the 7th. I'an and their C'ina backer ain't to pleased with the big peace news.


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1b86db  No.10282345

File: 0f07648782f4601⋯.jpg (645.14 KB, 2011x1131, 2011:1131, BezosHatesTrees.jpg)

File: f01f770f03de017⋯.jpg (368 KB, 1923x1080, 641:360, BezosNoDeal.JPG)

File: 01511c6be6216ce⋯.jpg (101.3 KB, 673x725, 673:725, EarthBurp.JPG)

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d5ff53  No.10282346


Covid - the gift that keeps on giving.

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f28ec1  No.10282347

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1b86db  No.10282348

File: b72a79cefce8e7c⋯.jpg (345.91 KB, 1226x814, 613:407, CoastalCult.JPG)

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28a9fa  No.10282349


>I'an and their C'ina backer ain't to pleased with the big peace news.

You mean Israel isn't happy? Considering they didn't get what they wanted at all

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c5ca30  No.10282350

File: 702065df133c805⋯.jpg (47.68 KB, 338x382, 169:191, BIG_WORDS.jpg)

File: e371706b43bc8f0⋯.jpg (80.04 KB, 518x392, 37:28, CANT_RHYME.jpg)

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fb72d4  No.10282351

File: 91d09ad40b62c57⋯.png (1.71 MB, 2200x2200, 1:1, djt.png)

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d02467  No.10282353

File: e1a91aea5a241a4⋯.png (944 KB, 750x1270, 75:127, Screen_Shot_2020_08_14_at_….png)


>Both Australia and New Zealand are now claiming that a primary source of "community transmission" is coming from meat processing plants and abattoirs

Anon, this just isn't entirely true.

Melbourne's 'patient zero' in virus second wave not a security guard: reports

A night manager at one of Melbourne's busiest quarantine hotels may have inadvertently sparked Victoria's second wave of the coronavirus and not a security guard, according to reports.

Dubbed 'patient zero', the hotel employee is reported to have caught the virus while working at Rydges on Swanston Street, reports The Age.

Leaked emails obtained by the The Age show the night manager came down with a fever on Monday, May 25, and the next day officials from the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions were told the man had tested positive COVID-19.

There is no suggestion the night manager caught the virus through any improper behaviour. It is unclear how they became infected.

A Rydges spokesperson confirmed colleagues and family contacts of the staff member all tested negative for COVID-19, with the staff member isolating immediately upon getting tested.

"Rydges on Swanston is fully supportive of the Judicial Inquiry into the Hotel Quarantine Program and is currently assisting the Inquiry with its investigations. We look forward to clarification around the source of infection as the Inquiry findings are presented," the spokesperson added.

"Rydges on Swanston has been closed to guests since March 27 and has been operating under the direction of the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions and the Department of Health and Human Services as a Quarantine Hotel, at the request of the Victorian Government."

The following day, emails revealed the night manager was "now isolating at Rydges".

Seven security guards from contractor Unified Security were ordered to get tested for COVID-19 and self-isolate at home.

But five of the seven guards had already caught the virus and unknowingly spread it between their families in Melbourne's northern and western suburbs.

Infection control for the hotel quarantine program was the responsibility of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Genomic sequencing suggest a large proportion, if not all, of the state's second wave cases could be traced back to the breaches in hotel quarantine, according to Victoria's Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton.

To date, 275 people have died of COVID-19 in Victoria.

The Age reports the email chain revealed that officials initially mistakenly reported that a security guard was the first positive test.

But that was later corrected by a senior official who confirmed that it was a hotel employee.

According to records, the man was not showing any symptoms of the virus when he began his shift on May 25.


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52189a  No.10282354

File: 5ec7b09f72fc994⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1158x776, 579:388, sailiing_with_pepefish.png)

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1b86db  No.10282355

File: e95f955b7929fef⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1190x670, 119:67, WarpedScience.PNG)

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3f0260  No.10282356


Volcano graphic isn't even close to correct.

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f6d153  No.10282357

File: 21877abdb821ed1⋯.jpg (356.32 KB, 504x392, 9:7, Pic_78_.jpg)

The most dangerous form of black magic is the scientific perversion of occult power for the gratification of personal desire.

Its less complex and more universal form is human selfishness, for selfishness is the fundamental cause of all worldly evil. A man will barter his eternal soul for temporal power, and down through the ages a mysterious process has been evolved which actually enables him to make this exchange. In its various branches the black art includes nearly all forms of ceremonial magic, necromancy, witchcraft, sorcery, and vampirism.

Under the same general heading are also included mesmerism and hypnotism, except when used solely for medical purposes, and even then there is an element of risk for all concerned.

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b99a86  No.10282358


Indeed, needs to go back to a true form of being a "civil servant", the days when they were paid less to doing a gov't job during which time they did their time and moved into the prvt sector, with gov't back ground and a higher moar profitable prvt sector job.

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d382af  No.10282359

Was Barr trying force a False Flag or State Funeral with his comments re: Durham?

Remember-“Ammunition is finite.”

Let’s see what distraction happens tomorrow ( Friday)

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6d80c8  No.10282360


This is why prayer defeats them.

When more and more people start praying every day, and believing they can change the future, then the magick of the Cabal is weakened and dissipates. Pray every day with strong firm intention to make life in your community better for all who live there.

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950af7  No.10282361


Yep. First date anal on Tinder.

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fc05b9  No.10282362

File: 36d880165aaedba⋯.png (1.47 MB, 960x720, 4:3, 36d880165aaedbad59b9f7f59b….png)






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072c8d  No.10282363


Why do Anons love Space force?

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f28ec1  No.10282364

File: 4413f5ea688c6a0⋯.jpg (16.95 KB, 356x218, 178:109, Arrrrrrrr_.jpg)

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28a9fa  No.10282365


Arrrrr matey I think Israel be fucked this time!

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63c8ae  No.10282366

File: 92ec1da7d64dd79⋯.jpeg (550.05 KB, 1936x1936, 1:1, 3EE14B7A_9C88_4BA8_AF2F_0….jpeg)

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d42f12  No.10282367

File: 623eb18a3adfcc4⋯.png (90.17 KB, 278x181, 278:181, ClipboardImage.png)

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1b86db  No.10282368

File: ff2593407ff3725⋯.jpg (151.56 KB, 432x640, 27:40, RothsChrome.JPG)

File: c0778d4980f6f03⋯.jpg (69.1 KB, 578x389, 578:389, BotsRUs.JPG)

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6517f6  No.10282369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Motha funkin' Night Shift

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8fbf71  No.10282370

Arrr. I thought I missed the fun.

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5d19aa  No.10282371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e11cdd  No.10282372

File: 0f43102981cb25f⋯.jpg (122.26 KB, 509x490, 509:490, trying_to_work_out_how_I_b….jpg)

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218b70  No.10282373



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6342ef  No.10282374

File: 41ff1c6e5824acc⋯.png (355.76 KB, 960x677, 960:677, 41ff1c6e5824acc4d75bed6064….png)

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d5ff53  No.10282375

New Zealand in lockdown after 102 days without a case. Now 29 cases.

General Election is set for 19 Sept 2020.

Big push for masks to be worn.

Trial run for USA?

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c0ae37  No.10282376

File: 3ef8de35367e721⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Clerks_Kamala.mp4)


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072c8d  No.10282377


I pray that 17 Anons from now until the end of the thread will get dubs and that Podesta will get a train run on him in jail while the national anthem plays.

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57640c  No.10282378

>>10282284 Given the bullying over my looks when I was younger if I had to date in todays world…. no chance. Not on line. do not like it. worse than meat market bars, and intimate photos I dont wanna see.

then they are telling the white kids they are privileged but their life is miserable and told to be guilty, their parent(s) are miserable and unemployed, and then there is the whole gender thing.

They are just gonna have to to find their path..

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f28ec1  No.10282379

File: ebac0a90a008159⋯.jpg (58.28 KB, 1037x539, 1037:539, Aye_Aye_we_own_the_skies_a….jpg)

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a6ba1d  No.10282380

>>10282363 Because, in space, Night Shift lasts forever.

Still looking for an affordable one-way ticket.

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f40bdf  No.10282381

File: 64ca49fc66ebdb5⋯.gif (4.63 MB, 445x257, 445:257, PresandVlad.gif)


The handoff.

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fbc371  No.10282382

File: 6e71183b8c1011f⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 720x727, 720:727, 1574578954439.jpg)


Really makes you wonder what kind of person he is IRL. Almost never heard him say a nice word to anyone, uses every post to make himself out to be a human thesaurus and show how much smarter he is than everybody else, but he just ends up looking like an insecure old man. I have an ego, but I at least try to keep a sense of humor about it. At least I can laugh at myself and the absurdity of my life. Imagine being his age and not being able to laugh at yourself. Imagine getting to an advanced age and never learning humility or self-awareness. It must be hell.

He's fascinating in his awfulness, and every "we're done" is just further proof that he's just a narcissistic old fool who can't stand anyone putting him in his place.

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ec4286  No.10282383


Chekkd. Dubs confirms.

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28a9fa  No.10282384

File: dd3dda31aa5c5a6⋯.jpg (211.49 KB, 609x676, 609:676, 54wbyvq5eu.jpg)


Those dubs are a good start

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818b51  No.10282385

File: b0a9982e53c6b3f⋯.jpg (43.05 KB, 484x369, 484:369, MrFap_Rub.JPG)

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d0bdb0  No.10282386

File: db855a2fcdd5b04⋯.png (1.41 MB, 612x960, 51:80, ClipboardImage.png)

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d42f12  No.10282387

File: 6390dd44ea42c18⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1024x966, 512:483, ClipboardImage.png)

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1b86db  No.10282388

File: ecda49bdc842de7⋯.png (288.27 KB, 472x640, 59:80, RothIsm.PNG)

File: 1172dcb0e19d886⋯.png (316.17 KB, 584x424, 73:53, RothsCasual.PNG)

File: ee991aca1b705eb⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 3000x1967, 3000:1967, BoneSelector.JPG)

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6342ef  No.10282389

File: 76e8c492dbca60a⋯.jpg (345.97 KB, 810x810, 1:1, 8c863880806e724112d51ff797….jpg)

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13ab5e  No.10282390

File: 279e0c63dc5f916⋯.png (793.18 KB, 1050x568, 525:284, Night_Shift_ghidra_hacking….png)

File: 6a9c694fb14c6c2⋯.png (300.67 KB, 459x300, 153:100, Jr_giving_a_speech_sportsm….png)

File: 1f007d75d13af8f⋯.png (100.93 KB, 483x266, 69:38, Trump_Saluting.png)

File: 68090bda9c3a088⋯.png (532.86 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, auto_market_in_full_recove….png)

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c5ca30  No.10282391

File: 5fc8fecc01dc4f1⋯.jpg (58.23 KB, 319x460, 319:460, MODICUM.jpg)

File: 3d9152b9679cace⋯.jpg (54.39 KB, 313x503, 313:503, I_KNOW_WORDS.jpg)

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218b70  No.10282392

File: d98fc2eb92182f4⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1093x1456, 1093:1456, 72EB4BF5_D4D7_484B_903C_1….jpeg)

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d42f12  No.10282393

File: 00db1aa1f11ce04⋯.png (138.89 KB, 199x253, 199:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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d5ff53  No.10282394

File: 96f6f10140e44a5⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x219, 85:73, Pepesmokin.jpg)


aaah Clerks

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1b86db  No.10282395

File: 2b856c48935c009⋯.jpg (500.56 KB, 2082x1079, 2082:1079, ObamaTime.JPG)

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fbc371  No.10282396


I like to pretend these posts are being made from a captured TR3B.

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29124a  No.10282397

File: b01d633cb1279c9⋯.png (61.95 KB, 255x219, 85:73, trig.png)

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ca2fa5  No.10282398

File: f88f5e386a5f762⋯.png (233.34 KB, 387x389, 387:389, Corn_Pop_Porn_Cop_.png)

File: fec5490ee507da5⋯.png (1.07 MB, 609x630, 29:30, fec5490ee507da50dca9da0753….png)

Corn Pop & Porn Cop vs. Popcorn 2020

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aa5b7e  No.10282399


How do they even define "seriously considered"?

Often, passing thoughts about it?

Curiosity about how much velocity you'd need to pop your head of when hanging yourself?

Bullets going all through your head from multiple angles when you fuck something up?

Or more like "I can't deal being almost exclusively with myself, I suck, and I should quietly exit while everyone's at home…"?

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ec4286  No.10282400

File: b52a43cffc761c4⋯.png (1.07 MB, 720x941, 720:941, A13CD9BC_D64C_4120_9AF0_13….png)

Durham-Barr tomorrow.

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1b86db  No.10282401

File: 0c96d1f1b4147d5⋯.jpg (48.81 KB, 700x376, 175:94, NukeOrbit.JPG)

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d42f12  No.10282402

File: b633a7e33cb84c2⋯.png (1.97 MB, 800x1052, 200:263, ClipboardImage.png)

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aa5b7e  No.10282403



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072c8d  No.10282404

Shills aren't here.

What do they do, convene when they figure shit ain't working?

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022c98  No.10282405

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5d19aa  No.10282406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f28ec1  No.10282407

File: a7ffcacb0487528⋯.jpg (66.61 KB, 1176x681, 392:227, 200812_N_N0146_002.jpg)


Iranian Forces Briefly Seize Tanker in Gulf of Oman



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6d80c8  No.10282408

File: 49b9a75374d0a94⋯.pdf (2.18 MB, stop_covid_cold_full.pdf)

File: ac4f890beb6bf57⋯.mp4 (5.97 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, SeasonalRespiratoryDisease.mp4)


Share this info with anyone you know from NZ

Meat packing plants are cool with damp air. Ideal for the common cold to spread. They are often staffed by immigrants and illegals earning low pay, speaking very little English and managed by gang bosses who arrange housing in cramped quarters and transport to and from work in crowded mini vans. These people live in the ideal conditions for colds to pass on to everyone within a day or two of the first person catching it.

COVID is just a cold and if your immune system is compromised, colds can kill and do kill some people every year in cold season. In NZ right now, the height of the cold season is beginning.

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c5ca30  No.10282409

File: 95f13ca7cedf072⋯.jpg (38.73 KB, 315x350, 9:10, DUN_DEE_DUN_DUN.jpg)

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13ab5e  No.10282410

File: 699d9c3f6061394⋯.png (650 KB, 655x591, 655:591, Iran_map.png)

File: f5891e536629cb4⋯.png (101.57 KB, 650x867, 650:867, china_rus_iran.png)

File: e94a3ebbde2e468⋯.png (85.47 KB, 635x762, 5:6, Iran_state_tv_2_news_ancho….png)

File: 3592b4d5f6e78e1⋯.png (75.21 KB, 637x698, 637:698, Iran_state_sponsor_of_Terr….png)

File: e1e3a3c63ae4eed⋯.png (670.19 KB, 800x571, 800:571, It_is_never_iran_branco.png)

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d42f12  No.10282411

File: 4f55626bb60097d⋯.png (759.68 KB, 511x655, 511:655, ClipboardImage.png)

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ec4286  No.10282412

File: a6c33de1e051413⋯.jpeg (247.48 KB, 1242x1255, 1242:1255, B3D2E46C_7189_4E50_BAA3_1….jpeg)


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f8294b  No.10282413

File: bd608bbeb96366d⋯.jpg (16.08 KB, 715x400, 143:80, chyna.jpg)

Chinese Fakeout: Closed Consulate Was Front for Espionage and I.P. Theft, FBI Claims

“Houston has long been on the radar screen of the FBI as a source both of significant intellectual property theft emanating from it, including recruitment to the talent program, spotting and assessing folks,” said John Demers, assistant attorney general for national security.

The consulate was also the forefront of covert foreign influence, Demers said at a virtual event hosted by the Center for Strategic & International Studies. He indicated the information was classified and did not give further details.

“It was not chosen at random out of the consulates out there,” Demers said.

Through the China Initiative, the Justice department has made prosecuting trade theft, hacking and economic espionage cases a priority. It has also scrutinized China’s Thousand Talents Program, which seeks to recruit academics, scientists and entrepreneurs to bring their research to China.

The FBI has more than 2,000 active investigations linked to the Chinese government and the bureau opens a new counterintelligence case relating to China every 10 hours, according to FBI Director Christopher Wray. From 2010 to 2020, there has been a 1,300% increase in economic espionage cases connected to China, Wray has said. FBI spokeswoman Kelsey Pietranton declined to clarify the baseline for the increase.

Since the U.S. Department of Justice launched the initiative in 2018, about 80% of economic espionage prosecutions and 60% of trade theft cases have been linked to China, according to the department.

China has an embassy in Washington, D.C., and four other consulates in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City and San Francisco.

Beijing responded to the Houston closure by closing the U.S. consulate in Chengdu.

Unlike the 2017 closure of the Russian consulate in San Francisco, there was no out-of-the-ordinary allegations of espionage before the Houston closure. The Justice department has regularly charged scientists and others with theft of trade secrets, visa fraud, and making false statements among other charges.

The Trump administration closed Russia’s San Francisco consulate after Moscow interfered in the 2016 presidential election. It shuttered the Seattle consulate in 2018 in retaliation for Russia’s alleged use of a nerve agent to poison a former Russian spy and his daughter in Britain.

A U.S. intelligence official issued a public warning on Aug. 7 that China “has been expanding its influence efforts” in the U.S. ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

“China prefers that President Trump — whom Beijing sees as unpredictable — does not win reelection,” said the warning from William Evanina, the director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center.

Evanina did not accuse China of trying to hack the vote, but said Beijing was attempting “to shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China.”

Russia has continued meddling in U.S. elections by trying to “denigrate” Biden, he said. “Some Kremlin-linked actors are also seeking to boost President Trump’s candidacy on social media and Russian television.”


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13ab5e  No.10282414

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f28ec1  No.10282415

File: 88a2c5ddbece84b⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 818x584, 409:292, bigmikeanon_ready.jpg)


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bf34d9  No.10282416

File: c5a3b9564ff49f8⋯.gif (286.34 KB, 499x260, 499:260, BoomMike.gif)






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61b03e  No.10282417

File: b8e13ac31308129⋯.png (469.87 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

It's a lock!

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6d80c8  No.10282418


Girls really love TR3B-ing.

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28a9fa  No.10282419

File: 91642fa76925d70⋯.png (194.21 KB, 466x259, 466:259, qwcgi44wyhsemyilyu9u.png)



Oh good I was worried there wouldn't be a false flag and a new war. I am so glad for our allies! Our greatest allies!

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1b86db  No.10282420

File: e4eaa75498eb686⋯.jpg (44.11 KB, 224x320, 7:10, CooperRotweiler.JPG)

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16c1cc  No.10282421

File: 5e91a39f8fff7c3⋯.png (55.22 KB, 576x410, 288:205, durham.png)


nothin on cspan not even a pic

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18b138  No.10282422


>Chinese Fakeout: Closed Consulate Was Front for Espionage and I.P. Theft, FBI Claims


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6d80c8  No.10282424


Rods of God!!!

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8c57d8  No.10282425

File: 8ca077bf6c126ec⋯.jpeg (10.87 KB, 255x219, 85:73, b310b83c229a36aa05336d4e8….jpeg)


Think why DOD had the "eyes on" twatt earlier over Cali..

>>10282266, >>10282260, >>10282283, >>10282290, >>10282286, >>10282280, >>10282311

kek o7 fags been missin the kitchen.


Yep I have, just haven't put in a password to keep the work is all, thanks for the suggestion, its simple and easy will do!



3 tits or moar is on the cell fren.. she is pretty bewbdacious though.. maybe chop a doub or trip on? kek


looks like Flynn's Digital Soldier backdrop on the background (lower)


Got dis, but appreciate it Toots.


the tsunami.. wave goes out no water till it comes crashing in

Notables are NOT endorsements

#13160 @200

>>10282200 First to last BALL references (Q drops)

>>10282220 ‘Every parent’s worst nightmare’: 17-year-old charged with trafficking girl, 14, for sex (twatter/kiro7.com)


>>10282251, >>10282331 QF/Dutchsinse Spooked (Youtube)

>>10282254, >>10282264, >>10282319, >>10282408 NZ PM makes a lockdown announcement (YouTube/nzhearld.co.nz)

>>10282263 Harris is seen in this 2019 video with Mindy Kaling discussing their shared Indian heritage. (Youtube)

>>10282284 More than a 1/4 of 18-24yr olds have considered suicide in past 30 days says CDC (Dailywire.com)

>>10282294, >>10282317, >>10282257, >>10282326, >>10282381 anons discuss Putin Soccer Ball Gift

>>10282325, >>10282351 Abraham Accord ( exactly 2month delta from Q drop 4465) & Clockfag Graphic

>>10282353 Melbourne's 'patient zero' in virus second wave not a security guard: reports (9news.com)

>>10282407 Iranian Forces Briefly Seize Tanker in Gulf of Oman.. BRIEFLY. (news.usni.org)

>>10282413 Chinese Fakeout: Closed Consulate Was Front for Espionage and I.P. Theft, FBI Claims (vidanewspaper.com)

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13ab5e  No.10282426

File: 97243c5c9e6abdc⋯.png (273.1 KB, 603x606, 201:202, National_Review_Article_07….png)

File: abd495e323b0d19⋯.png (614.34 KB, 800x440, 20:11, fake_news_harf.png)

File: d5b7e61129cc370⋯.png (136.47 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_06312020_….png)

File: d37d6dcd02c63ab⋯.png (102.71 KB, 800x600, 4:3, seema_verma_1.png)




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809433  No.10282427

File: b19778ced14e8fc⋯.png (740.51 KB, 1020x948, 85:79, Melenia_pompeo_ball.png)


Excellent work, anon.

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1b86db  No.10282428

File: b759baa83ca92c9⋯.jpg (118.82 KB, 578x583, 578:583, BidenGaga.JPG)

File: 08db937e0f11bfa⋯.jpg (73.63 KB, 799x657, 799:657, BloombergMaxwell.JPG)

File: a6480ec9f4768b2⋯.jpg (45.99 KB, 474x359, 474:359, Bros3.JPG)

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c0ae37  No.10282429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Goat and paw paw fruit tested positive for covid

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072c8d  No.10282431

I don't really get the DS plans to destroy US and move their base of operations completely to China.

Is that more a statement of, "US is too risky to keep around?" even with their intention of ridding the place of the constitution?

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6d80c8  No.10282432

File: 904c2703b721595⋯.mp4 (2.66 MB, 640x360, 16:9, SeasonalViralEpidemics.mp4)


You need to understand how this works.

Southern Hemisphere Temperate Zone cold and flu season.

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fc05b9  No.10282434

File: 47932dc34bf3a0d⋯.jpg (43.12 KB, 415x720, 83:144, 15995544.jpg)



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13ab5e  No.10282435

File: 7f99102cdf6e336⋯.png (314.76 KB, 590x704, 295:352, Collins_twt_07292020_1_sec….png)

File: d7e6e65bfc2f202⋯.png (650.23 KB, 800x600, 4:3, msm_terrorist.png)

File: 99ec02d5933c513⋯.png (440.17 KB, 596x640, 149:160, ballots.png)

File: 5fd4f667d4ebe89⋯.png (88.97 KB, 871x703, 871:703, People_shot_to_death_by_Po….png)

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f28ec1  No.10282436

File: 97ed518e71f0134⋯.jpg (6.92 KB, 215x234, 215:234, based_let_s_go.jpg)

File: 8220b8f1a7a0117⋯.jpg (156.24 KB, 654x691, 654:691, Arrrrr.jpg)

File: 68a47caabd6be0a⋯.jpg (67.76 KB, 843x548, 843:548, coming_over_the_horizon.jpg)



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bd8f75  No.10282437


Well, thank God school hasn't started yet.

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6d80c8  No.10282438


Do you mean themiddlemenwho are known as Priests?

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13ab5e  No.10282439

File: 41113d40d5033bd⋯.png (179 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_06312020_….png)

File: 65690cd52dc871d⋯.png (243.72 KB, 771x465, 257:155, michael_aquino.png)

File: d13f60887ad6743⋯.png (54.33 KB, 645x625, 129:125, LAX_corona_virus.png)

File: 38f5794cc952afb⋯.png (182.68 KB, 800x600, 4:3, sdny_who.png)

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058794  No.10282440

Career change warranted.

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c5ca30  No.10282441

File: 9550503439619cd⋯.jpg (59.74 KB, 515x271, 515:271, SPACE_POWER.jpg)

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ad4d45  No.10282443


Barr set expectations low… cuz nothing burger, or prevent FF distraction?

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1b86db  No.10282444

File: 8750fcfbb1bc922⋯.png (605.61 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Run.PNG)

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f6d153  No.10282445

File: 8f141b4c330faf8⋯.jpg (190.44 KB, 423x504, 47:56, Pic_86_.jpg)


Fear is a human construct! Think on that. It is within your scope to live without fear. Truly the beginning signs of evolution!

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066f27  No.10282446


Nite baker, on my last legs. tomorrow's another day, o7.

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ec4286  No.10282447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Operators are standing by. Pray for those in harms way. God bless the USA.

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aa5b7e  No.10282448





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f28ec1  No.10282449

File: e099d82cf723447⋯.jpg (24.74 KB, 294x498, 49:83, ArrrrrrrWeReady.jpg)

Must dash shipmates. Remember to pray for all those in the shadows fighting for ye. mommy loves ye. Arrr!x

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d42f12  No.10282450

File: 2620441c9b3e06e⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1024x654, 512:327, ClipboardImage.png)

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79db7b  No.10282451

File: 10d38c05dbe072b⋯.mp4 (3.91 MB, 320x674, 160:337, Agent_355_saveTheChildren_.mp4)

=Tattooed millennial GETS IT! Save The Children==


He nails it.




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f28ec1  No.10282452

File: 38d53b776905347⋯.jpg (20.78 KB, 420x419, 420:419, LoveToAllYeCrew.jpg)

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d42f12  No.10282453

File: 931b8f84da5a74a⋯.png (456.5 KB, 333x500, 333:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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f8294b  No.10282454

File: 11775549e403cbb⋯.png (230.76 KB, 767x325, 59:25, SpaceForce_FY.png)



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ebcf98  No.10282455

File: 14f016f563e8dd4⋯.png (494.83 KB, 625x391, 625:391, JEW_OUT.png)



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f6d153  No.10282456

File: 0df3014ee48afc0⋯.jpg (455.77 KB, 1605x900, 107:60, Pic_2_.jpg)

I shouted out "who killed the Kennedy's"?

When after all, it was you and me

The chosen are disabused of the notion of a NURTURING OTHER, who sacrifices all for the innocent being.

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218b70  No.10282457


I think they planned on moving China here. Starting with California, selling part of to pay for debt. Start allowing a military base along with control of Long Beach Port. Blow 3 Gorge Dam and then move 10 million refugees to there new California investment properties and built in slave labor for the tech giants. Sounds pretty simple.

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8c57d8  No.10282458


o7 get some rest. IRL has brought many life changing things my way also. Son just turned 6 today, starts K next week.. papa proud

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d02467  No.10282459


>Southern Hemisphere Temperate Zone cold and flu season.

I'm aware. I'm in Melbourne

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fee37c  No.10282460

Not mine, yours Mr. President. Blame it on her for not responding.

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8fbf71  No.10282461

Prayers for all Patriots in harms way.

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f6d153  No.10282462

File: f1668c0e8b3da69⋯.jpg (907.6 KB, 1658x900, 829:450, Pic_43_.JPG)

do you know why earthicans love meat? It's the taste of PAIN!


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100f64  No.10282463

File: 6654ac0b795d2db⋯.png (614.57 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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13ab5e  No.10282464


>sailing frenziedly from


where is the 7th Fleet, Anons?

China is backing Iran and were wishing for war

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a23727  No.10282465

File: 2220467b21daf60⋯.png (201.02 KB, 592x596, 148:149, Telstar_CnAM35181.png)


>anons discuss Putin Soccer Ball Gift


>looks like Flynn's Digital Soldier backdrop on the background


see (pb) >>10277584

>Telstar soccer balls

in connection with 'eyes on the ball' #13147: >>10272560, >>10272609 Flynn Digital Soldier ('Helsinki' soccer ball)

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ed0798  No.10282466

File: a5109ab437c2544⋯.png (21.82 KB, 536x207, 536:207, head_fake.png)


>>>10280376 Video: Bill Barr on Hannity and backup >>10280478

>>>10280242 Barr: Expect a development tomorrow regarding the government investigation of Trump campaign

>>>10280387 Attorney General William Barr: John Durham 'development' coming Friday

>>>10280314 New Catherine Herridge tweet re the Russia Probe

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f6d153  No.10282467


Ceremonial Magic and Sorcery

By Manly P. Hall

(nice name btw)

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5d19aa  No.10282468

California burns every year, nothing to see here.

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13ab5e  No.10282469

File: 27a677f83293862⋯.png (345.75 KB, 800x502, 400:251, ship_on_sea.png)

File: 92b52d7cceac72a⋯.png (451.51 KB, 1065x517, 1065:517, 9_Ships.png)

File: ebf692fa113a166⋯.png (113.57 KB, 639x340, 639:340, Pirate_Questions_06142020.png)

File: fff2a47d581982a⋯.png (159.25 KB, 1005x812, 1005:812, Pirate_News_060602020_new_….png)

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541212  No.10282470


China was totally controlled by the Jews since the Communist take over and the faggot thought revolution of the late 60's. That was an experiment of the Left to see how much they could get away with in human control.

Now they are using their blackmail of our politicians to funnel our money to China which then will use American money to buy up Australiia and Africa and bring total Jew domination of those lands. All the while America goes bankrupt.

The Jew need to have a scape goat. To blame it on. China will be the scape goat. Really just Jews controlling the shots.

It is a shell game. Just passing around American money like three card monty.

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fbc371  No.10282471

File: 692f70f63047476⋯.jpg (227.15 KB, 1100x1016, 275:254, 1588518239777.jpg)


The whole "human thesaurus" act would be a lot more impressive if he didn't use the same 4-5 "muh big wurds" every time, I see 'belie' and 'modicum' every single time I spot him. It really is what a simpleton would do to make themselves seem more impressive.

Just like an FBI agent might be obsessed with serial killers and make a career out of it, I'm obsessed with the inner workings of a narcissist. It think it's that they can't tell that something's off with them. Not that they refuse to recognize it, it's that if they do their entire personality crumbles and they have to face the fact that they're literally an empty shell. It's not funny or sad, but it is fascinating.

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f6d153  No.10282472

File: 7da044810eb581c⋯.jpg (216.28 KB, 348x643, 348:643, Pic_88_.JPG)

>Just remember one thing above all…wherever you are…whatever you do…

you are here because of your choices and beliefs.

we are just the "gatekeepers".

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ca2fa5  No.10282473

File: 819e0b9c93953c3⋯.jpg (427.07 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, IMG_6625.JPG)



I saw this over my house this afternoon

bay area ish

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9ef9a1  No.10282474

Um Q?

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ad4d45  No.10282475

The bans on Twatter and DarpaBook have cost us billions of message impressions per month.

If we come back using new “camouflage” accounts then we are starting over with 99% less reach. If we hint who we are we get banned again. Grr. :/

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072c8d  No.10282476


>Durham is a head fake

I like this idea.

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aa5b7e  No.10282477


Considering Barr's answer as to who was looking into what…

That kinda makes sense.

Durham was just handing out assignments…

Not doing them.

I could dig it.

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83749b  No.10282478


Sundance culties are gonna be confused

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f6d153  No.10282479

File: 24e585fe746b4d3⋯.png (2.01 MB, 989x1191, 989:1191, Pic_13_.png)

YOU create your own reality…but you are HIGHLY suggestible.


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aa5b7e  No.10282480


Taking a shit at the moment.

Is there something I could help you with?

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d19e6e  No.10282481

File: 4d3c024fe5b3fb8⋯.png (30.3 KB, 229x342, 229:342, Screenshot_2020_08_14_v_ve….png)

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8d563e  No.10282482


A few months back Q dropped a de-code tool, we were all trying to make sense of it.

Each "box" had a code.

The Soccer ball look like box- code.

Happy Hunting

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fbc371  No.10282483

File: 2356be58cf17076⋯.jpg (51.03 KB, 750x733, 750:733, 1590650809366.jpg)

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6d80c8  No.10282484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How many of you have watched the entire 38 minutes

Of Hollywood Producer John Paul Rice disclosing the dark secrets that hide there?

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f6d153  No.10282485

File: 4e71696718db11e⋯.png (624.13 KB, 866x855, 866:855, Pic_12_.png)

Zoom out, google earth style and look at the macro picture. You are the drone bees and you are harvested of your energy and labor at regular intervals, julst like our friend the honeybee. Is the a difference morality-wise? Is our theft greater than yours? Because you have an intermediary and buy your honey from a middleman, is there any difference? You american drones…has your life not been made easier by harvesting the sweat and tears of your chinese brothers??

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f6d153  No.10282486

File: 13be6d25f3ea435⋯.jpg (553.66 KB, 992x900, 248:225, Pic_65_.JPG)

Yes…one will catch more flies with honey than faeces. Construct the cages with some creature comforts, and they will "lock" themselves in.

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5d19aa  No.10282487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8e4619  No.10282488


>How many of you have watched the entire 38 minutes

pls enlighten us with cliff notes, anon.

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1b86db  No.10282489

File: 218e8d0a85c863f⋯.jpg (414.01 KB, 1080x1506, 180:251, FeinsteinWall.JPG)

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ed0798  No.10282490

File: 7b9c2d3cc5080a7⋯.png (42.98 KB, 825x284, 825:284, work_out.png)


>Sundance culties are gonna be confused

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28a9fa  No.10282491


Q will come if you show your tits (with a timestamp your own sword ~)

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cc83f3  No.10282492


He's right for the wrong reasons.That's part of the play.

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6d80c8  No.10282494

File: 81e71998803104b⋯.png (369.99 KB, 1156x1416, 289:354, Quasi.png)


You have failed totally

To understand what Q drops are all about.

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541212  No.10282495


Bullet points or a break down of interesting stuff or I aint got the time to waste.


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95300d  No.10282496

Identify yourself, friend or foe. Either way you just ruined the family.

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e5c5ca  No.10282497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f6d153  No.10282498

File: 45ecfebc0101570⋯.png (1.17 MB, 844x900, 211:225, Pic_1_.png)

I suppose another way to put it that you might understand better, is that the world is run by men who truly understand the dark nature of the human spirit. So, YOU provide the evil and these men create scenarios where they know how you will react. It is scary how accurately refined these rule-based systems have become. Ironically, THESE men of "knowledge" must keep their "hands" clean! Must! Or the MAGIC goes!

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28a9fa  No.10282499


Blame it on the ewwws mate

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d0bdb0  No.10282500

File: cc1259c786b2af4⋯.mp4 (968.45 KB, 720x368, 45:23, hilbiden_kek.mp4)

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c5ca30  No.10282501

File: df3285c8ee91f45⋯.jpg (39.22 KB, 378x314, 189:157, FULL_RETARD.jpg)

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f6d153  No.10282502

File: 6111825deed55b3⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 922x1141, 922:1141, Pic_1_.jpg)

–The real masters are the intellects who suggest in a suggestible way that which you cannot resist.

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fbc371  No.10282503


Nuh uh.

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072c8d  No.10282505


Oh yeah

Where is the keystone

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f6d153  No.10282506

File: ca70d8690e725f1⋯.jpg (564 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Pic_10_.jpg)

Boredom implies a lull in the expectation of future happenings. Were the boredom seen as permanent, then many would act out insanity algorithms. This website is a prime example of the waiting expect-ants!

Something is coming! Doom! Wealth! A beautiful man of woman who will whisk me away from my previously bad choices!!

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1e9297  No.10282507


>Why do Anons love Space force?

He who dominates in space will make the rules for all.

Better America will make the rules for people ww than China.

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29124a  No.10282508


As far as I can tell it modicum from that area over yonder.

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6d80c8  No.10282509


Good for you Child porn seller

I haven't got the time of day for you

The roundups are happening every night now

They won't be knocking at your door

It's flash bangs in the window and smash the door open.

Enjoy prison.

There, that short enough for you?

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1b86db  No.10282510


Alex Jones is a Jesuit flunky.

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28a9fa  No.10282511


You are reading this board all wrong. And are up your own ass (with your own sword)

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7d47e8  No.10282512

Am I allowed to learn how to be a baker if I have a foreskin?

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f6d153  No.10282513

File: f029c46393bfd52⋯.jpg (141.16 KB, 498x504, 83:84, Pic_87_.jpg)

How prepared are YOU for what is to come?

from where does YOUR knowledge come from?

What if this education process…this intelligence…is already inside you! And the "educational process" is nothing but unlocking the secrets within.

To whom does the responsibility lie to unleash this infinite potential?

Is it I that is evil for not teaching you to do what you are already equipped to do?

This logic is perplexing, except for the fact it is entirely consistent with the nature of your problem.

why the wars happened, and who asked for the financing are the REAL questions.

What breakdown in logic and social fabric made two groups see themselves as opposing, and further that the opposition could best be decided by murder.

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fbc371  No.10282514

File: 87c172def90de6c⋯.png (470.38 KB, 1080x1206, 60:67, 1590115078308.png)

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a23727  No.10282515

File: 6f642ff7cbef6cf⋯.png (298.8 KB, 548x362, 274:181, DIGITALSOLDIERS_2.png)

File: 9569537789e885e⋯.png (67.25 KB, 367x223, 367:223, DIGITALSOLDIERS_070720_Jos….png)

File: ba3c64c3c68dfb5⋯.png (378.5 KB, 708x411, 236:137, DIGITALSOLDIERS_Flynn.png)

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f6d153  No.10282516


explain where I read wrong, then

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28a9fa  No.10282518


That the anons of this board are waiting for something

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8ca2c9  No.10282519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


M. A. S. K.

Safety Mask

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d19e6e  No.10282520

File: 21d2c8dc9b7a40e⋯.jpg (141.48 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, EfRv89CWkAAUt6h.jpg)

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c5ca30  No.10282521

File: f1b3c5225b9c4e5⋯.jpg (76.07 KB, 457x476, 457:476, SURE.jpg)

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6d80c8  No.10282522


There is more than one.

You have to investigate to see them.

If you can't see them then nothing else would make sense either.

Not everybody is cut out to do detective work

This is the real world, not the movies

It's a hard slog and lots of hours trawling through data looking for inconsistencies.

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f6d153  No.10282523

File: 2ac787f7ece282d⋯.jpg (793.88 KB, 1046x900, 523:450, Pic_36_.JPG)


just relaying info not attacking anons

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158e67  No.10282524

File: be6febaa4191a61⋯.jpg (52.34 KB, 680x356, 170:89, cage.jpg)


>why did the 14 YO run away from home?

Her 17 yo b/f saw a way to make some cash, so he wooed her to run and then took her to be sold.

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29124a  No.10282525

File: 84216706bde274c⋯.jpg (422.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 20200630_214103.jpg)

I dont know about yall but I'm glad they finally dropped the damn anime pussies ad.

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83749b  No.10282526


poor little sunbeam

wah wah wah

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072c8d  No.10282527

File: abaffa7cfccf308⋯.jpg (68.43 KB, 541x775, 541:775, d1aqkp8_0a862d25_d23a_4253….jpg)


Begone faggot. And never TCG post again.

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f6d153  No.10282528

File: f47917a0a4b8f02⋯.jpg (1017.11 KB, 1419x900, 473:300, Pic_7_.jpg)

Rh negative blood has not evolved on earth in the natural course of events.

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fbc371  No.10282529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c0ae37  No.10282530

File: 68dd408b06d46a8⋯.png (48.37 KB, 756x349, 756:349, Grenell_Serbia_Kosovo_meet….png)


Another peace deal?

We are happy to announce that the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia will meet at the White House for a negotiation on September 2.





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fc05b9  No.10282531


Are you Canadian?

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f6d153  No.10282532

File: 24ed52278052ec1⋯.jpg (385.16 KB, 938x843, 938:843, Pic_89_.JPG)

For many years people have been searching for the wrong thing. Could the true "missing link" actually be man himself? The unknown link between earth and the stars - hybrid man. Is man the missing link between primate and extraterrestrial?

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f6d153  No.10282533

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29124a  No.10282534


Someone needs to tweet him to make sure that is inBOLD RED TEXT CAPSfor maximum butthurt

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809433  No.10282535

File: 4d1cb8c5faf0138⋯.png (56.64 KB, 1446x776, 723:388, Digital_HI.png)

File: cf5a939733348e0⋯.png (130.73 KB, 1418x838, 709:419, Screen_Shot_2020_08_13_at_….png)

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ca2fa5  No.10282536

File: f9595ab79136f3b⋯.png (1.25 MB, 760x760, 1:1, f9595ab79136f3be7a31489740….png)


my normie friend did

so thats fucking great!!

waiting for irl disclosure…

i dont need to keep watching how horrible it is

but be ready for when they come to me.

but I did watch a small clip of it.

Its habbening!

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1b86db  No.10282537

File: 7211a62f266fb2f⋯.jpg (152.15 KB, 1124x1081, 1124:1081, CommieBLM.JPG)

File: be404b8756d8d46⋯.jpg (159.77 KB, 998x884, 499:442, CommieAntifa.JPG)

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28a9fa  No.10282538


I don't care what you're doing. You're wrong

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f6d153  No.10282539

File: 22a9f9e4f57e957⋯.jpg (1012.26 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Pic_4_.jpg)

You are probably familiar with the Genome project!

The "public" sequencing was for human consumption, but as with all things military, what is known is not relevant…it is what "you don't know you don't know".

THIS is where the magic lies! And it is already a fait accompli!!

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6342ef  No.10282540

File: 419c617b57b3292⋯.jpg (33.53 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 689dc3d6452893fa555b95ee0b….jpg)

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94070b  No.10282541

File: 05d6d7f3a7172a7⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1692x3300, 141:275, E_the_larp_is_eye_the_spy.png)

File: b41ac235a516da2⋯.png (598.44 KB, 1132x2124, 283:531, Screenshot_2020_08_13_Q_Re….png)


Hey E,

If you are such a badass Q team member 007 super spy why did you block me on twitter for calling you out as the disinformation shill you are instead of sending a death squad to my place?

You're still a larping faggot.

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f6d153  No.10282542

File: 1635870233e427b⋯.png (456.24 KB, 716x582, 358:291, Pic_10_.png)


…okay? Good for you, I guess. kek.

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b471f3  No.10282543

File: 6903523d2bee34b⋯.jpg (219 KB, 595x605, 119:121, potusdd898.jpg)


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809433  No.10282544


Why don't you do something useful and offer to bake.

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1b86db  No.10282545

File: 377c008383e24a3⋯.jpg (318.53 KB, 1925x1080, 385:216, Lightfoot.JPG)

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94070b  No.10282546

File: 43acfbc8a680fee⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1060x1666, 530:833, payseur.png)



Also, P still = Payseur

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f6d153  No.10282548

File: dc32a2a2a559d0a⋯.jpg (417.32 KB, 595x900, 119:180, Pic_8_.jpg)

Now consider that all human history, both "past" and "future" were so encoded! Wouldn't you like to have a drop of THAT precious blood…and the necessary decoding "software"? Would you trade a few gold tokens for a roadmap of human history and HUMAN FUTURE?

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8e4619  No.10282549


Everytime I see this pic I am both thankful and feel sorry for POTUS. He gave up so much to save the country, and this world, quite frankly.

I hope whenever his presidency is over, he will be able to see the love and gratitude of an awakened people.

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bd8f75  No.10282550


Sounds like a lunatic last night on the twatter,.

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c9c003  No.10282551

baker be

the middle gmt link is dead, fyi

GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630 through >>10092908, >>10180323


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6517f6  No.10282552

File: 123b07546ec2e8e⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1305x1044, 5:4, Dr_Evil_Cheshire_Trump_Rec….png)


>Why do Anons love Space force?

It's Space Force, Anon.

Space Force is best Force.

Be Best, Anon.

Be Best Force.

Join us.

Join the Space Force UNOFFICIAL fan club

You can love Space Force, too, Anon, no homo.

I don't speak for Anons, just like I don't "technically" speak for Space Force, but to understand the Force gives one a true appreciation of that which is Space. You understand wut I'm saying? Probably not, but that's not your fault. That's why I love Space Force. Because it draws attention to the obvious of which you may have been completely unaware. A monkey in the wrench, if you will. How you say, "matrix in the glitch", freeing you from oppressions you may have never even knew existed…

Why do you love Space Force?

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b471f3  No.10282553

File: d4f2c101d1aaf2b⋯.jpg (383.21 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, Tron_4.jpg)


Hang in there Patriot. Things are about to get interesting.

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158e67  No.10282554

File: bd482c438284692⋯.jpg (124.51 KB, 900x646, 450:323, PEACE.jpg)

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28a9fa  No.10282555


Do you know why I come here?

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9ef9a1  No.10282556

Why are you so afraid of P being Trump?

Lol. Whimps.

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d72cca  No.10282557

File: 01c79bab17d237e⋯.png (713.05 KB, 549x555, 183:185, 01c79bab17d237e2ab9aa8a2be….png)

File: 055cead516ec374⋯.png (2.28 MB, 960x1152, 5:6, 055cead516ec374cc366fb142f….png)

File: 903fa94e16a8e39⋯.jpg (288.29 KB, 1242x1554, 207:259, 903fa94e16a8e39baf117d14ef….jpg)

File: ea77276fba85ff3⋯.jpg (49.8 KB, 408x612, 2:3, ea77276fba85ff3637f02d2cad….jpg)

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8ca2c9  No.10282558

File: 9e58e3a1d83f959⋯.jpg (81.14 KB, 500x606, 250:303, Night_Shift_Space_Shift.jpg)

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809433  No.10282559

File: 9284491ef76bcc6⋯.png (291.93 KB, 1548x932, 387:233, Key.png)


Have you ever used this site?


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5d19aa  No.10282560



Earthquakes also. Contrary to popular beliefs California ain't for pussies.

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52189a  No.10282561

I've watched that video and don't trust him. Dead eyes. Eyeball necklace.

IIRC he says that our consciousness creates the child abuse. Disagree.

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9ef9a1  No.10282562


You post too much

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6d80c8  No.10282563


007 is two balls and a cane

That is a Cabal symbol.

And if the government sent a death squad after you

I guess that confirms for us all

That you are a clown shill

And that E really does work for the Trump administration

You really should not have shot E's friend in that Huey at Andrews AFB

Not cool!

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28a9fa  No.10282564


SCHWING where did all the organic titties go? Like tears in rain…

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11429b  No.10282565

File: c929c660f05bc7a⋯.png (346.46 KB, 2250x2250, 1:1, NotAllReapersWearBlack.png)

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a23727  No.10282566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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28855e  No.10282567

File: eea846e0e948c2b⋯.png (780.03 KB, 1421x679, 203:97, Crime_of_the_Century_Obama….png)

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8e4619  No.10282568



The one on the lawn looks natural, and looks like good wife material to my eyes.

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950af7  No.10282569


As long as it your own anon.

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faad1b  No.10282570

File: dee95192c33eecf⋯.jpg (115.86 KB, 1100x825, 4:3, Ted_blank.jpg)


We could always take a jar of feces and put it in one cage and a jar of honey in another cage and find out which actually draws more flies.

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28a9fa  No.10282571


I don't mean natty, I mean organic. The type that come with a timestamp. WHERE IS THE LOVE FOR Q

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52189a  No.10282572

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b87d2f  No.10282573


Trump: "Social media better not ban conservatives. I'll sign an EO!"

Social Media: "Um, fuck you. We're gonna ban whoever we want (Brennan promised we'd get away with it). More than 51% of DoJ employees are liberals. Good luck."

Q: Sitting in an office somewhere wondering if white hats should bother to do anything about all the "top Twitter accounts" getting banned in the last 2 weeks.

Is the election already locked up?

Is it worth spending any ammo to defend 1st Amendment being obviously trampled?

Maybe, maybe not. Q has intel we don't have.

Guess we have to #TrustThePlan since there's almost nothing we can do now, except talk to our own neighbors and family.

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35404b  No.10282574

File: 6d89b70b74bd30e⋯.jpg (102.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, q9zhz.jpg)


Why you post inferior pic with fewer low res bewbs?

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6d80c8  No.10282575


I think Anons have figured out that

P = Persia

The Pharisees were from Persia

Babylon was in Persia

The Parsi fire worshippers that built Hong Kong and Shanghai and started the HSBC

Were originally from Persia

And all those Iranian-Pakistani jar baby politicians and activists in the USA

Are getting orders from Persia.

[P] = Persia in the killbox

Now you know when Awan and friends go down.

When the rest of Persia goes down.

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94070b  No.10282576


>And that E really does work for the Trump administration

Kek, you're extremely pathetic,

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5d19aa  No.10282577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8e4619  No.10282578

File: fb7b3d2ad139e31⋯.jpg (507.84 KB, 1392x1161, 464:387, fb7b3d2ad139e315dfc3fd6691….jpg)

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f6d153  No.10282579


Space Force makes me dream! I love it!

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94070b  No.10282580

File: b7f758ee410f157⋯.png (190.55 KB, 454x330, 227:165, Screenshot_2020_08_13_imra….png)


>Now you know when Awan and friends go down.

Awan is pakistani and if you notice he is pictured here with Jeiwsh DWS.

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f6d153  No.10282581


That is none of my beeswax!

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35404b  No.10282582

File: 0b4ef24974782ce⋯.jpg (84.3 KB, 736x1143, 736:1143, 60e33c38f8a33939b014173f70….jpg)


>SCHWING where did all the organic titties go?

Normies invaded. Normies have no appreciation of the relationship between bewbs and quality research.

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ed0798  No.10282583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Someone whose name has often appeared in these breads

is going to tweet this soon.


… or so I am imagining.

Who might it be???

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d02467  No.10282584


>Normies have no appreciation of the relationship between bewbs and quality research.


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5d19aa  No.10282585

Why "Q" because Q is gay and no one gives a shit.

Thats between him and his savior.

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6d80c8  No.10282586

File: 5b04afffeaf4677⋯.png (760.63 KB, 890x1186, 445:593, unclesamyou.png)

File: e311fe201ab0558⋯.gif (319.16 KB, 855x1023, 285:341, pogo.gif)


We broke this country

We consented to all the Cabal fuckery

We are responsible, personally, for every child raped and killed.

It is up to us all to FIX THIS MESS

Vote in November

And more importantly, PROTECT THE VOTE

There must be more patriots in the streets than those rabblerousers


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4445c2  No.10282587

I can't convince her to take the steps neccessary to prevent YOU from violating her stated boundaries. Internet won't come back without assurances. I can isolate myself. You foot the bill.

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950af7  No.10282588


Here is an idea: Yugoslavia a country again. Albanian muslims sent back to Arabia. Soros and his crypto sister Madeline Albright get hanged, and KillBill get the noose and burned. For starters.

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4f9917  No.10282589

File: f6f362b186c931d⋯.mp4 (830.72 KB, 592x1280, 37:80, JEw8tCnAG2lFyX9D.mp4)

Lake Fire in CA.

Overhead imagery of ignition pattern.

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aa5b7e  No.10282590


When did you realize you were a pain slut?

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c5ca30  No.10282591

File: b07fcd35d4b071a⋯.jpg (81.05 KB, 684x203, 684:203, DO_YOUR_PART.jpg)

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8e4619  No.10282592

File: 2346e9adfc3cb83⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 430x323, 430:323, 2346e9adfc3cb83bde9adc517a….gif)


This is more my style.

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d0bdb0  No.10282593

File: d650e7f64d92742⋯.png (75.73 KB, 501x766, 501:766, ClipboardImage.png)

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aa5b7e  No.10282594



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35404b  No.10282595

File: ab70dff8fc33787⋯.jpeg (18.37 KB, 600x600, 1:1, fdcb798b21ebaf3fe3232e95f….jpeg)


>I can't convince her to take the steps neccessary to prevent YOU from violating her stated boundaries. Internet won't come back without assurances. I can isolate myself. You foot the bill.

Low effort post. Try again.

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f28ec1  No.10282596


arrrr or the Gateway project ye….

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da2233  No.10282597


Kinzinger is a thorough neocon warmonger.

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b87d2f  No.10282598

File: fc6e25d541b81a4⋯.png (701.91 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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4f9917  No.10282599

File: 305048b02aa4a29⋯.jpg (517.17 KB, 1324x882, 662:441, coronavirus_cannabis.jpg)

Scientists believe cannabis could help prevent and treat coronavirus.

A team of Canadian scientists believes it has found strong strains of cannabis that could help prevent or treat coronavirus infections, according to interviews and a study.

Researchers from the University of Lethbridge said a study in April showed at least 13 cannabis plants were high in CBD that appeared to affect the ACE2 pathways that the bug uses to access the body.


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13a256  No.10282600


Who is P? There is a reason I'm asking.

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a6c34c  No.10282601

File: c86449208fa1aca⋯.png (563.47 KB, 891x500, 891:500, Corrupt_Atlanta_DA_Paul_Ho….png)

Corrupt Atlanta DA Paul Howard WIPED OUT in Election After Charging Police Officer with Murder in Rayshard Brooks Death

The embattled District Attorney who he himself is under investigation has been voted out of office by a landslide. His opponent, Fani Willis received a landslide 73% of the vote, defeating Paul Howard. Howard had charged a Rayshard Brooks in self-defense.

Howard had Georgia Police officer with felony murder after he shot and killed Brooks who had fought with the two officers, stole one of the officers’ tasers, and as he was fleeing turned and fired it at the officers.


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3f0260  No.10282602



Fukin stoners.

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fc05b9  No.10282603

File: 19f152a8c0832aa⋯.jpg (314.42 KB, 1448x1836, 362:459, 1596654869748.jpg)

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b471f3  No.10282604

File: 7ac943c370afc79⋯.png (570.76 KB, 580x580, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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9713d0  No.10282605

File: 987ea8e1a11d2f1⋯.png (20.63 KB, 390x413, 390:413, Opera_Snapshot_2020_08_14_….png)


It's Payseur.

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1189bf  No.10282606


And that reason is?

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35404b  No.10282607

File: 2a3c1d7b01ceb3c⋯.png (466.2 KB, 779x613, 779:613, Screen_Shot_2018_09_21_at_….png)


>This is more my style.

Anon is lifetime member of the itty-bitty titty reservation socitey.

Giant hangers are awesome in her twenties, but get in the way of her belt buckle at fifty.

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a6c34c  No.10282608

File: 61f4c0e16e242bd⋯.png (1.05 MB, 837x558, 3:2, _9_men_including_3_Texas_s….png)

9 men, including 3 Texas soldiers, charged in child sex ring case

KILLEEN, Texas— Central Texas authorities say they’ve cracked a child prostitution ring involving nine men, including three soldiers.

Two Fort Hood soldiers and one from Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio are among the nine suspects netted in their investigation, Killeen police said.


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c5ca30  No.10282609

File: 25c7c55ccffe0c9⋯.jpg (111.05 KB, 499x534, 499:534, YOU_IN_PAIN.jpg)

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e46004  No.10282610

File: 08fe99c04c28cd6⋯.png (401.85 KB, 712x592, 89:74, ILove_You_Both.png)


This is Priceless Anon.

God Bless You POTUS!!

God Bless You FLOTUS!!



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1e9297  No.10282611


>And that reason is?

He asks bc he doesn't know.

That's his "reason".


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8c57d8  No.10282612

File: bf3bc74f897880a⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 767x2160, 767:2160, bf3bc74f897880aef68209559….jpeg)


in the wild memes are the best memes and so true!


OK.. will note at dough


7th would be a few days after the 3 weeks that was requested by Maxwell attorneys and also around time of 2yr delta in Qdrops.. DECLAS? check it!


Ever since the dropped signup waaay back in the day, haven't been able to create an account, kick myself for not doing it

>>10282447, >>1028246, >>10282449

ALWAYS. They are the TRUE heros!


Trusting Kansas.. kek


Chinooks are badass.. right height and all you can feel em. Would love to be in one for a ride someplace cool.. kek


good place to memefag then no?








I grabbed from anon.. so we should BOTH be pissed at anon! kek that looks like a patriot quad of fun.. mmm


You literally read my mind.. our brainials are wavelegthened.


Thought that was Keisha for a minute.. pretty damn nice for civilian

Notables are NOT endorsements

#13160 @375 so you know I am alive

>>10282200 First to last BALL references (Q drops)

>>10282220 ‘Every parent’s worst nightmare’: 17-year-old charged with trafficking girl, 14, for sex (twatter/kiro7.com)


>>10282251, >>10282331 QF/Dutchsinse Spooked (Youtube)

>>10282254, >>10282264, >>10282319, >>10282408 NZ PM makes a lockdown announcement (YouTube/nzhearld.co.nz)

>>10282263 Harris is seen in this 2019 video with Mindy Kaling discussing their shared Indian heritage. (Youtube)

>>10282284 More than a 1/4 of 18-24yr olds have considered suicide in past 30 days says CDC (Dailywire.com)

>>10282294, >>10282317, >>10282257, >>10282326, >>10282381, >>10282465, >>10282482, >>10282515, >>10282535 anons discuss Putin Soccer Ball Gift

>>10282325, >>10282351 Abraham Accord ( exactly 2month delta from Q drop 4465) & Clockfag Graphic

>>10282353, >>10282432, Melbourne's 'patient zero' in virus second wave not a security guard: reports (9news.com)

>>10282407 Iranian Forces Briefly Seize Tanker in Gulf of Oman.. BRIEFLY. (news.usni.org)

>>10282413 Chinese Fakeout: Closed Consulate Was Front for Espionage and I.P. Theft, FBI Claims (vidanewspaper.com)

>>10282451 Tattooed millennial GETS IT! Save The Children (voat.co)

>>10282484 Hollywood Producer John Paul Rice disclosing the dark secrets FULLVID (Youtube)

>>10282530 Richard Grenell (Twatt) "We are happy to announce that the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia will meet at the White House for a negotiation on September 2"

>>10282543, >>10282553, Hang in there Patriot. Things are about to get interesting. (partial coding)

>>10282582, >>10282592, >>10282607 Normies have no appreciation of the relationship between bewbs and quality research.

>>10282589 Lake Fire in CA. Overhead imagery of ignition pattern. (like all CA fires)

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42488e  No.10282613

File: bcaa06923457ea6⋯.png (330.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, patriot_q_space_force_2020.png)

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f6d153  No.10282614

File: b4c0d08f6ae5256⋯.jpg (2.91 MB, 1739x1767, 1739:1767, 6903523d2bee34b84d6b096117….jpg)

Upon x-raying the tomb of Makare, high priestess of Ammon, it was found that the infant buried with her labeled Prince Moutenihet was actually a female hamadryas baboon. An examination of Makare showed she had given birth shortly before dying.

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35404b  No.10282615



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9713d0  No.10282616


Paysuer. Shill attack/deflection on me for saying this will confirm.

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397ec7  No.10282618


Bureaucrats in DC fucked this country and we can't vote them out

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13a256  No.10282619


It's a very long story that would get me crucified if I were to post it in here. There was contact via Twitter back in January, 2018……….

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a6c34c  No.10282620

File: bcec1e877cd8c50⋯.png (1.09 MB, 896x504, 16:9, Republican_convention_them….png)

Republican convention theme revealed: ‘Honoring the Great American Story’

EXCLUSIVE: The theme of the upcoming 2020 GOP convention will be “Honoring the Great American Story” and will highlight America’s “greatness, opportunity and President Donald Trump’s bold leadership,” Fox News has learned.

The Trump campaign on Thursday afternoon had back to back phone calls with Republican members of Congress, previewing the themes for the 2020 Republican National Convention, a source familiar with the calls told Fox News.


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f6d153  No.10282621

File: 927e856cfd9eb2b⋯.jpg (776.98 KB, 1594x1767, 1594:1767, 5923798e9ba8e137b22092ec10….jpg)

Blood is mentioned more often than any other word in the Bible, except God. These two words you will find on almost every page, blood and God! (The blood of the Gods?) This message has been written for thousands of years. There is a connection between the blood and the Gods.

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f28ec1  No.10282622

File: c92034ea6289021⋯.jpg (6.46 KB, 371x161, 53:23, exactly_.jpg)


arrr ye nailed it shipmate. Next few week massive reveal roll out. This must never happen to a Presidential office ever. Hempen jig. Who is quiet lately? Who is PANIC stricken?

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a23727  No.10282623

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aa5b7e  No.10282624


After it won.


Mr. PIG…

Are you into water sports?

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1189bf  No.10282625

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a6c34c  No.10282627

File: eb9b885b14182c3⋯.png (928.01 KB, 719x478, 719:478, Supreme_Court_denies_GOP_r….png)

Supreme Court denies GOP request, allows Rhode Island pandemic-related relief on mail-in ballots

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Thursday rebuffed the Republican Party and allowed a consent decree to go forward so that Rhode Island voters during the coronavirus pandemic could cast mail-in ballots without in-person witness verification.

It was the first time the justices had agreed to a pandemic-related voter-relief effort. But they explained in a short, unsigned order that state officials had agreed to relax the rules, and the change already had been implemented during the June primary.


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57640c  No.10282628


notable photo

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13a256  No.10282630


You've been a big help. Thanks. 🤣

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35404b  No.10282631

File: 4929c02459b78e1⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1277x794, 1277:794, TaildraggersRule.png)


*keks in anon when bewb shitposting goes into notables

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4f9917  No.10282632

File: b8e5145e35b3558⋯.jpg (62.37 KB, 600x428, 150:107, One_of_the_few_maps_allege….jpg)

Lost Ancient City Discovered In The Heart Of The USA.

Archeologists believe they have come across the city of Etzanoa (the "Great Settlement"), an ancient settlement mentioned by Spanish explorers during the 16th century.


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f6d153  No.10282633

File: ce1ec763c4859e8⋯.jpg (5.98 MB, 2952x4290, 492:715, Pic_2_gigapixel_scale_6_93….jpg)

The American Indians had the tradition of making good friends, "blood brothers", if they thought they were worthy. Could this tradition have been for a reason? Could they have actually been checking to see if they were blood brothers (the same type blood)? The clumping (aggulation) that occurs when Rh positive and Rh negative blood are mixed is visible to the naked eye. Could they have been told, by their ancestors, that their blood was different from that of the rest of mankind except for their brothers and sisters, from other tribes, scattered throughout the earth. Indian tradition declares that their ancestors were of cosmic origin. The Indian totem pole is actually a family genealogy.

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57640c  No.10282634


well, shit…. there it goes.

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28a9fa  No.10282635

File: 1a540e3606359d3⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Bewb_drought.jpg)


So true. It's the fuel to my fire. It's like dry ashy shit right now

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da2233  No.10282636


I've seen several reports that high-end real estate in Manhattan has been sitting unsold ever since Oberfuhrer Warren Wilhelm took control.

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6517f6  No.10282637


>Arrr Shipmates. Been very hands on. More big Booms coming. Eyes open. The scurvy dogs be sailing frenziedly from the plank & that hempen jig. But to no avail.


Been workin' my tail off, Cap'n.

No longer the wee tadpole I once was, but a salty frog, seasoned by the sea

Hit a few snags in my projects, but nothing could stop what was coming and [soon] I'll be done with yet one moar project, before I start yet another project before the next project.

The point is there's just no rest for the best!

>Each day more is being revealed. Arrrrr Future is proving past indeed mi hearties!

It's like, when I'm working on a project, and all the haters are like, "You can't do what you said you think you can do". And I'm all like, "Watch me". And then I do it. And I totally look like a time-traveler. Good times-space!

>Eyes on the 7th. I'an and their C'ina backer ain't to pleased with the big peace news.

7 is the Key!


This sounds like a plan for another projects.

I guess I have no choice but to continue my travels through time, as we fly through Space with the Force!

I'm in

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a6c34c  No.10282638

File: d4b72223560e32d⋯.png (472.18 KB, 719x479, 719:479, Defense_seeks_leniency_for….png)

Defense seeks leniency for 'Satanist' Fort Riley soldier who threatened to overthrow government

BELLE PLAINE, Kan. — A former Army infantry soldier described by prosecutors as a Satanist who hoped to overthrow the U.S. government endured a lifetime of victimization, isolation and trauma that led him to become involved with online extremist groups, his defense attorney argued Thursday in a motion seeking lenient punishment.


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ed0798  No.10282639


>Sounds like a lunatic last night on the twatter,.

trollin? attnfaggin? drinkin?


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5d19aa  No.10282640

Dear Satanists and Witches. Q's whole deal is eliminating you.

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f28ec1  No.10282641

File: b315d2af5bb6c11⋯.jpg (198.02 KB, 669x859, 669:859, shipmates_arrr.jpg)

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da2233  No.10282642


MAGA material.

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5d19aa  No.10282643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a6c34c  No.10282644

File: 5e95a8d26d3855c⋯.png (1021.67 KB, 792x445, 792:445, _Oregon_State_Police_Pull_….png)

Oregon State Police Pull Out Of Protecting Portland Courthouse After City Refuses To ‘Prosecute This Criminal Behavior,’ Department Says

The Oregon State Police announced on Thursday that it was pulling out its roughly 100 state troopers from protecting the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse in downtown Portland after the city’s district attorney announced that he is not pursuing charges against the rioters who have been arrested.

The Oregon State Police had committed to helping local law enforcement officials deal with the violent riots for a period of two weeks, which has now expired.


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da2233  No.10282645


Muppetry intensifies.

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c5ca30  No.10282646

File: e59d58478cb63dd⋯.jpg (63.8 KB, 364x333, 364:333, VOTE_DS_OUT.jpg)

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e46004  No.10282647

File: 2f9b70554665e14⋯.png (253.32 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 2f9b70554665e1490d212a16dd….png)





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809433  No.10282648

File: dd243d4f030857b⋯.png (110.28 KB, 750x1064, 375:532, QDrop568.png)


oh shit!

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da2233  No.10282649


Kamelface seems to make her Dad cringe.

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a6c34c  No.10282650

File: 94a4009ee916ba7⋯.png (598.31 KB, 792x445, 792:445, AG_Barr_Significant_Develo….png)

AG Barr: ‘Significant Developments’ Coming In Durham Probe Before Election, Including Tomorrow

Attorney General William Barr told Fox News on Thursday night that there are “significant developments” coming before the election in U.S. Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016.

Barr said that some developments will be made public as soon as tomorrow.


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13a256  No.10282651


DNA declares that they came from Asia, Planet Earth.

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f6d153  No.10282652

These entities are in the dimension known to you as fourth. Therefore the space/time continua are not compatible. An approximation of the space/time locus of each would net no actual understanding. Each chose a fourth-density planet which was dedicated to the pursuit of the understanding of the Law of One through service to self.>>10282544

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faad1b  No.10282653

File: 2c0a5b164a1e2a6⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Orville.mp4)

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a23727  No.10282654


do you want to play a game?




>>9796998 (WarGames 1983 — WOPR)


War Operation Plan Response (WOPR)

NORAD supercomputer known as WOPR, programmed to continuously run war simulations and learn over time

…WOPR stages a massive Soviet first strike with hundreds of missiles, submarines, and bombers. Believing the attack to be genuine, NORAD prepares to retaliate.

…Falken and David direct the computer to play tic-tac-toe against itself. This results in a long string of draws, forcing the computer to learn the concept of futility and no-win scenarios.

…Having discovered the concept of mutual assured destruction ("WINNER: NONE"), the computer tells Falken that it has concluded that nuclear war is "a strange game" in which "the only winning move is not to play." WOPR relinquishes control of NORAD and the missiles and offers to play "a nice game of chess."

movie clips:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aUHQKneAdw WarGames — WOPR

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRsycWRQrc8 WarGames clip - WOPR described

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCWKZWieMSY Wargames 1983 - The voice of WOPR

online WOPR simulator:



Q post 568

19 Jan 2018


Shall we play a game?

How about a nice game of chess?


Double meaning.


Fake incoming missile alert [Defcon 1].

We know all.




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6d80c8  No.10282655

File: 2789661af80b097⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1000x1332, 250:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dcb75d3dc394f88⋯.png (1.88 MB, 833x1000, 833:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0be8d5d38661303⋯.png (1.46 MB, 747x1000, 747:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86ec2b31abfc184⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1224x1026, 68:57, ClipboardImage.png)

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8599eb  No.10282656

Is Kamala Harris a natural born citizen? Here are some court precedents.


Qualifications for President and the “Natural Born” Citizenship Eligibility Requirement - CRS Report for Congress Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress

Page 49

More recent federal cases expressly recognize the principle explained in the nineteenth century and early twentieth century cases that one born in the United States and under its jurisdiction, even when one or both parents were “aliens,” is considered a citizen of the United States by birth, and thus a “natural born” citizen of the United States.

The court in Dos Reis ex rel. Camara v. Nicolls, for example, accepted the findings of fact that “The relator was born in the City of Fall River, Massachusetts, on December 31, 1921. His father was a native and citizen of Portugal, and his mother was a native of Brazil,” and that, as found by the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization, affirming the decision of the Board of Special Inquiry, “that the relator was a natural-born citizen….”226

In Loo Goon Hop v. Dulles, the court found that a person “having been born in this country,” without any reference to, finding, or identification of the citizenship of that person’s parents, is a “natural born citizen of the United States.”227

In Yamauchi v. Rogers, the federal court in reciting “findings of fact and conclusions of law,” found that the plaintiff, born in California of a “Japanese national” who had married another “Japanese national,” “is a natural born citizen of the United States….”228

In Diaz-Salazar v. INS, the court there noted that children born in the United States, even to an “illegal” (or undocumented) alien father, “are natural-born citizens of the United States.”229

Similarly, in Mustata v. U.S. Department of Justice, the United States Court of Appeals, in reciting the facts of the case, noted: “Petitioners Marian and Lenuta Mustata are citizens of Romania. At the time of their petition, they resided in Michigan with their two minor children, who are natural born citizens of the United States.”230

226 68 F.Supp. 773, 774 (D.Mass. 1946). The court there found that even as a natural born citizen, an individual such as relator could expatriate himself under the operation of the existing federal law by performing acts indicating the “voluntary renunciation or abandonment of nationality and allegiance,” such as voluntarily serving in a foreign army.

227 119 F.Supp. 808 (D.D.C. 1954): “It is not denied that the person who it is claimed is the plaintiff’s father is a natural born citizen of the United States, having been born in the country.”

228 181 F. Supp. 934, 935-936 (D.D.C. 1960).

229 700 F.2d 1156, 1160 (7th Cir. 1982), cert. denied, 462 U.S. 1132 (1983).

230 179 F.3d 1017, 1019 (6th Cir. 1999). Emphasis added. See also United States v. Carlos Jesus Marguet-Pillado, 648 F.3d 1001, 1006 (9th Cir. 2011), agreeing with the underlying legal accuracy of proposed jury instruction defining “natural born citizen” as including one born in the United States, without reference to the citizenship of one’s parents.

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a6c34c  No.10282657

File: 164ccd2b3b86fef⋯.png (714.48 KB, 792x445, 792:445, Trump_Admin_Seizes_Multipl….png)

Trump Admin Seizes Multiple Oil Tankers Carrying Iranian Oil

The Trump administration has reportedly “confiscated cargo” on four oil tankers that were en route to Venezuela carrying Iranian oil.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the move comes as the administration looks to up its “campaign of maximum pressure” against the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.


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a23727  No.10282658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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13a256  No.10282659


You may well be only the second person to cut through the BULLSHIT of "the greater good" that has just about everybody lining up for a communist enslavement while looking for their grand reward. Service to self does not mean raping, pillaging, and burning your fellow man. It means doing your job and tending to your own house so nobody else has to.

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da2233  No.10282660


Every college freshman should get a heavy dose of both Plato and Aristotle. The lack thereof results in the idiocy and illiteracy we see rampant in America today. A bunch of unread, unwashed, uncivilized fucktards.

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13a256  No.10282661


Thank you much!

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f6d153  No.10282662


whos the other person

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6d80c8  No.10282663


Absolutely right!

The USA is not a democracy

It's a Republic… if you can keep it!!!

Vote for new bosses who will get rid of corrupt bureaucrats.

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13a256  No.10282664


My dog, who else?

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5d19aa  No.10282665

The great thing about the lockdown… No Hollywood movies are being made.

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4f9917  No.10282666

File: 8d33b4ce6014c8d⋯.mp4 (4.49 MB, 480x360, 4:3, hpyTRqSXb4bkyuPa.mp4)

To everyone in the range of my voice

You now have a choice to make.

If you believe that your life is a sacred possession

If you want to live by the judgement of your own mind

And not the edicts of the state

Then follow our lead.

Form your own communities on the frontier of a crumbling world.

The world you are living is the world they wanted.

Leave them to it.

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6d80c8  No.10282667


Then start with Aristotle in high school

When did they stop teaching Greek and Latin in American high schools?

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da2233  No.10282668


Corona is bullshit.

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f6d153  No.10282669

File: fb756b0fa9ae9f3⋯.jpg (835.79 KB, 1746x1767, 582:589, PIC_10_.jpg)


goddamnit im really trying over here kek

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95c20f  No.10282670

File: f8a3a20064a650c⋯.png (54.14 KB, 836x281, 836:281, Screenshot_2020_08_14_Stok….png)

File: ba4f7f05940c0c5⋯.jpg (33.93 KB, 480x600, 4:5, harold_mabe_mug_jpg.jpg)

RALEIGH, N.C. – Agents with the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation have arrested a member of the Stokes County Board of Elections on multiple sex offense charges involving a child.

Harold Lester Mabe, 63, was arrested at his home around 6:45 a.m. on Wednesday, August 12, according to a release from the SBI.

Agents say Mabe is charged with 12 counts of statutory sexual offense with a child by an adult. The SBI reportedly started investigating Mabe on August 6 at the request of the Stokes County Sheriff's Office.

Mabe has been issued a $1 million bond. It is unclear if he has an attorney.

No additional details have been released at this time.


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13a256  No.10282671


Independent living. Amen.

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ca2fa5  No.10282672


expand your thinking

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e46004  No.10282674


I grew up in the 70's and 80's, and wanted to be an Astronaut. It's outer space!!

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35404b  No.10282675

File: 3579a3323b4d752⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 3579a3323b4d752003c5b6166e….jpg)


>The great thing about the lockdown… No Hollywood movies are being made.


Anon is pondering how to avoid buying any guns made in 2020. Quality has to be absolute shit this year.

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16c1cc  No.10282676


Or maybe some Ben Franklin and Thoms Paine

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a23727  No.10282677

File: 39989192b2fa887⋯.png (63.43 KB, 670x420, 67:42, shall.png)

File: da829cf8eb3d9e7⋯.png (16.64 KB, 334x236, 167:118, shalljack.png)

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f6d153  No.10282678

File: fd37b8687a77a47⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1414x1767, 1414:1767, PIC_2_.png)


were gonna make like, a pride of our own and all that gewd sheit

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6517f6  No.10282679

File: 60d284a9c8b5205⋯.png (1.59 MB, 649x931, 649:931, Purple_Funk_Wizard_Pepe_Sp….png)


>Scientists believe cannabis could help prevent and treat coronavirus.

I've been saying this the entire time!!!

Bout friggin time the "scientists" start paying attention to how Nature and the human body actually work, instead of trying to figure out how much money they can make off our misery and persecution…

I'll put it this way. If I know I don't get sick while smoking good, quality cannabis, and I continue to NOT get sick while continuing to smoke good, quality cannabis, AND I'm not the only one to experience such a "miracle" of "science" or "naure" or whatever goofy name you "scientists" wanna come up with to sell papers and please whoever it is gibbing you funds for your "research"…

I'm just done playing games. Cut the bull shit. Tell the truth. Cannabis has numerous medicinal benefits that clearly outweigh the risk of numerous pharmaceutical "alternatives", and people should never have been brainwashed by propaganda which allowed for numerous abuses of authority, on so many levels, it's disgusting

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13a256  No.10282680


I'm not a big fan of the idea of "the chosen race" who by virtue of DNA is superior to others. In reality any given DNA could have come to anywhere, from anywhere, and concurrent deposits in two locations would preclude one necessarily coming from another. So the idea is plausible. It's just an overall concept that doesn't sit well with me: a "superior race." Where have we heard THAT before?

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a6c34c  No.10282681

File: a4075e1251f0136⋯.png (231.08 KB, 631x360, 631:360, _Nepal_Journalist_Balaram_….png)

After exposing Chinese occupation of Rui village, journalist Balram Baniya found dead under mysterious circumstances in Nepal: Details

Federation of Nepali Journalists, Freedom Forum and Nepal Press Union had demanded a free and fair probe into the death of the veteran journalist. “We demand that the government investigate and make public the truth about the mysterious death of the journalist,” the federation said in a statement.

Two months after he was suspended over a critical story on Chinese occupation of Rui village in Nepal, 50-year-old journalist Balram Baniya was reportedly found dead near the Mando Hydropower Project in Sisneri in Makawanpur, Nepal on Tuesday.

As per reports, Baniya was out of touch with his family since Monday. His last communication with his office was regarding a news article on Ram Chandra Poudel, a Nepali Congress leader. His dead body was found afloat in the Bagmati river adjoining the Balkhu bridge and was kept at Hetauda hospital. Although his corpse was recovered on Tuesday itself, it took a day for the police to confirm his identity.


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da2233  No.10282682


Cant make Cal a shithole without shitholers.

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fe2077  No.10282683

File: 5594428a54c0c41⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1306x424, 653:212, ClipboardImage.png)

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9feee6  No.10282684


Ever dig on the connection between masculin / feminine - service self others, and the esoteric Sirius / Orion basis ?

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13a256  No.10282685


There will always be those like me who were just born to be a pain in the ass.

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214c54  No.10282686

File: ce5ebbb244cf3eb⋯.png (286.87 KB, 720x616, 90:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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da2233  No.10282687


Trumpo already told Gavin to take care of the forests and water, dont ask for fed funds. Trump will break Gavin and we'll be rid of him. Gavin is evil like Warren Wilhem.

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13a256  No.10282688


I've touched on it but certainly not enough to really have a coherent picture of what it's all about. It gets seriously difficult to separate fact from fiction in that kind of pursuit. Who do you believe, and why them?

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4f9917  No.10282689

File: de6a9ac105d4c2c⋯.png (6.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, EfVpNv7UEAABk_L.png)

File: c4c307764ae6644⋯.jpeg (46.09 KB, 720x451, 720:451, EfPx1ObU0AAEp9t.jpeg)

File: 9d22514e739a96f⋯.jpeg (13.09 KB, 259x194, 259:194, EfOsEosXoAAhxDN.jpeg)

File: 934f07e792b0e30⋯.jpeg (53.72 KB, 678x678, 1:1, EfFL77fXkAArKpO.jpeg)

File: b7e4a75ecf082a4⋯.jpeg (93.59 KB, 806x960, 403:480, Eerq0KTXYAENIqI.jpeg)

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6d80c8  No.10282690


To get to this frontier

You need to get out of your house

And talk to your neighbors

Now do you understand why the Cabal

Frightened everyone into hiding at home?

No neighbors

No conversations

No community

No resistance to slavery.

The choice is yours

But only those who rise up

Who stand up and speak up and walk out

Will reap the harvest of the new world

The rest will shiver in fear in their houses

Hiding behind their muzzles

Waiting for a savior to come

And all along, the savior was here


The savior of your life

And of your community is…


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e46004  No.10282691

File: 1ea9558a11bc7da⋯.jpg (266.63 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1ea9558a11bc7da3d7b6808600….jpg)


Good to see the General.

POTUS and Kimberly looking great as always. What a team.


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f6d153  No.10282692

File: 3ab3cfef7fb7d41⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1455x1365, 97:91, PIC_1_.png)


I enjoy doing that to others as well on occasion

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16c1cc  No.10282694


It's proving difficult to get rid of corrupt federal employees

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5d19aa  No.10282695


> Gavins last corona update he was gasping for air and trying not to cry.

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da2233  No.10282696


It's quite possible that Wray has been stonewalling the public because of pending criminal investigations/charges.

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13a256  No.10282697


Do not debate this guy! You will have your ass handed to you! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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f6d153  No.10282698

File: 89f30c1d2129b07⋯.jpg (6.39 MB, 4435x4435, 1:1, PIC_5_.jpg)


Probably same shit on different planes of reality or something

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158e67  No.10282699

File: 62d2b2eec196591⋯.jpg (6.94 KB, 179x255, 179:255, ace.jpg)


THIS is why stoners don't get sick.

Was an article yesterday about a covid vaccine from tobacco. Same story- this is why they tried to shame us all to quit.

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ca2fa5  No.10282700


your cute

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8e4619  No.10282701


>Anon is pondering how to avoid buying any guns made in 2020. Quality has to be absolute shit this year.

It's incredible to see how so much is sold out this year.I'm not expecting the purchases equal a trump voter every time, but the ratio has got to be high.

One thing I do worry about is the residential conflict risk. Antifa and BLM are gonna come in armed if shit hits the fan, imo.

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f6d153  No.10282702


Kekkin hard

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f8220c  No.10282703

File: 6a3c6a360576674⋯.png (639.29 KB, 734x413, 734:413, wearngthmi.png)

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8ca2c9  No.10282704

File: 2004b8dc389913c⋯.jpg (745.6 KB, 1534x1365, 118:105, Betsy_Ross.jpg)


> know I don't get sick while smoking good, quality cannabis, and I continue to NOT get sick while continuing to smoke good, quality cannabis, AND I'm not the only one to experience such a "miracle"

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8d9462  No.10282705


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f8294b  No.10282706


It makes is easier to deal with the sleeple…I burn tough.

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95c20f  No.10282707


no he's not.

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fc05b9  No.10282708

File: 212ce7feb57aa65⋯.jpg (322.83 KB, 800x593, 800:593, 1590988.jpg)



The October surprise will be Kamala is not eligible to be the VP the media will scream about it.

Watch it be a coordinated effort within a month to speculate about Kamala and her eligibility while pushing and screaming this is why we note to elect her.

It's the perfect cover story too (when) (if) they lose.

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da2233  No.10282709


My buddy had an early case of muh corona in Dec '19 and stayed with me for 5 days and I didnt get it. When he went home to WA, he gave it to 5 people, all of whom got sick.

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13a256  No.10282711


We'll just ignore the hardening of the arteries that kicks in later in life; at that point you can always say it was from something else. 😊

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d02467  No.10282712

File: 435527ce65ebd58⋯.png (705.86 KB, 514x1240, 257:620, Screen_Shot_2020_08_14_at_….png)

File: 79db0bd87357cc5⋯.jpeg (54.87 KB, 640x360, 16:9, EfV9SfYUwAE_JPd.jpeg)

File: ca4619e4862f714⋯.png (260.23 KB, 446x850, 223:425, Screen_Shot_2020_08_14_at_….png)

‘This will make news in America’: Fury over racist cartoon in Australian newspaper

With Joe Biden’s choice of a black woman as his running mate to challenge Donald Trump for the White House in November, there was always concern the debate would turn ugly.

Most people just didn’t think it would be an Australian outlet that would be first out of the gate with such racially motivated commentary.

A cartoon published in The Australian newspaper on Friday has sparked outrage and been met with a chorus of condemnation from politicians, media members, the public and a former prime minister who have labelled the cartoon “appalling”, “repulsive”, “disgusting” and “shameful”.

The cartoon depicts Mr Biden saying: “It’s time to heal a nation divided by racism … So I’ll hand you over to this little brown girl while I go for a lie down.”

Even in contrast to the hyper-partisan media environment of the US, many expressed anger at the reputational damage such cartoons can have on perceptions of Australia overseas.

“This is going to make news in America. People won’t be able to believe what a fetid backwater Australia is,” lamented media personality Dom Knight.

Social media has seen a flood of leaders and commentators denouncing the Rupert Murdoch owned newspaper for its ongoing racism.

Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd called the Australian born media tycoon “a mouthpiece for Trump” and said the cartoon was “gross even by Murdoch’s gutter standards”.

“If The Australian has any respect for decency and standards it must apologise immediately, and never again publish cartoons like this,” said Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.

“The Australian should pull today's offensive cartoon off their website, and issue an immediate apology,” said Labor MP Andrew Leigh.

“It diminishes us all,” echoed Shadow Minister for Cities and Multicultural Affairs, Andrew Giles.

“I cannot believe they keep publishing this guy's garbage,” commented ABC journalist Matt Bevan, who routinely covers US politics.

“If this was published in an American newspaper there would be street protests demanding he be fired. And he would be.”

“I'm working hard here to try and figure out what the joke is supposed to be… is it that… Joe Biden is old and therefore a casual racist? Even though he clearly isn't a racist?”

Perhaps the cartoon is trying to offer a cynical take on Mr Biden’s choice in picking a black woman for his Vice President position, but for many online, the satirical purpose of the cartoon was hard to parse.

The Australian attempts to defend Biden cartoon

Yahoo News Australia has contacted the newspaper and sought comment from Editor-in-Chief Chris Dore who did not responded to requests.

However Mr Dore briefly sought to defend the cartoon, and illustrator Johannes Leak, to questions posed by The Guardian, saying “Johannes was quoting Biden’s words” and pointing to a tweet the 77-year-old candidate posted on Thursday.

However that tweet was quite clearly not referring to Kamala Harris but a hypothetical little girl in America who would be inspired by her appointment as Vice President. Mr Dore did not respond further when this was put to him, The Guardian said.

While News Corp Australia dominates the industry, many other journalists have sought to distance the media at large from the cartoon.

The cartoonist, Johannes Leak, has followed in the footsteps of his father Bill Leak who also courted controversy as a cartoonist at The Australian, particularly for one drawing depicting indigenous Australians as drunkards and criminals.

“Does Johannes Leak set out to offend?” wondered Media Watch’s Paul Barry. “This is truly awful. He should be ashamed of himself.”

The right-wing newspaper is well known for its concerted attack campaign on Sudanese-Australian woman Yassmin Abdel-Magied, which she says drove her from the country.

Among critics, The Australian, along with its News Corp stablemates like The Daily Telegraph, is also well known for printing racially motivated cartoons that are derogatory towards minorities.

Last month, The Australian was criticised over a Black Lives Matters cartoon depicting a black protester kneeling on the neck of Lady Liberty, saying “I’m fighting for the right to do what I hate”. Ironically, the protest movement is about racial justice and stamping out systemic racism in policing and public policy.

Meanwhile in 2018, the Herald Sun drew unflattering headlines around the world for a racist depiction of African American tennis player Serena Williams.

The backlash to the latest cartoon is genuine, but the latest episode is hardly surprising.

“Ageist, racist and sexist in one cartoon – the trifecta,” one Twitter user remarked on Friday.


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35404b  No.10282714

File: b8ba21d2ac3690d⋯.jpg (15.67 KB, 255x210, 17:14, b8ba21d2ac3690d2d02fdbca41….jpg)


>It's incredible to see how so much is sold out this year.I'm not expecting the purchases equal a trump voter every time, but the ratio has got to be high.

Not all Trump voters, anon. Lots of libtards buying guns/ammo, too. Muh local range just got shut down from idiots firing over the berm.

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13a256  No.10282715


If we can have a gay foreign-born fucker with a fake birth certificate get in for 2 terms, how could eligibility possibly be an issue? Kamaltoe will sail through this.

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d02467  No.10282716


Not for a second suggesting that it isn't, anon.

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8d9462  No.10282717


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da2233  No.10282718


Trump needs to shut down the govt and lay off the 800,000 unnecessary employees, or about 38% of the fed workforce. That would help a lot. Private industry has suffered from govt leeching for 25 years at least, time to fire them all.

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f8294b  No.10282719

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fbc371  No.10282720

File: 22880720ba43295⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, 1574394301749.jpg)


Without the feds or the state police, all you have left is the gimp local PD. Antifags will inevitably burn it down and take it as a major victory, while the rest of us sit on the internet with our thumbs up our ass and our federal government does nothing.

Bye Oregon, get out now Portland Andy.

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8e4619  No.10282721

File: af34cd9f20b6fca⋯.png (87.12 KB, 250x206, 125:103, af34cd9f20b6fcabb08e2c39c8….png)


> Muh local range just got shut down from idiots firing over the berm.

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e9127c  No.10282722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Portland Graffiti: All Cops Are Burnable, 1312

1312 = ACAB = All Cops Are Bastards


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a6f1d0  No.10282723


Probably done on purpose so you cant get keep warm

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13a256  No.10282724


Are you actually insinuating that 62% of the Federal work force actually produces something of value?

I would have issues even believing 6.2%.

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da2233  No.10282725


Federal Charges Matter

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faad1b  No.10282726

File: 2e0df5d73eb3759⋯.jpg (13.32 KB, 251x255, 251:255, 6ff7cfd6200dcffb1f0b1a67a2….jpg)


Yea this guy will eat your lunch in a debate.

I've seen him leave people dumbfounded and speechless.

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8d9462  No.10282727

File: c0fb6d1b8d1dae8⋯.jpeg (236.81 KB, 1242x936, 69:52, 1DBB661F_2A7C_48A2_B196_1….jpeg)


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158e67  No.10282728

File: 665b8db7b3f0a36⋯.jpg (90.48 KB, 926x911, 926:911, DS.jpg)

File: 0300d492f8fc043⋯.jpg (889.14 KB, 1948x1201, 1948:1201, DigSold.jpg)

Ever notice that DS also stands for DIGITAL SOLDIERS?

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da2233  No.10282729


Natural-born means born here. The rest are naturalized through the immigration process.

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ca2fa5  No.10282730


>It means doing your job and tending to your own house so nobody else has to.


solved that conundrum.

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38c6ad  No.10282731

File: 72aac2c42b1122d⋯.png (433.13 KB, 496x455, 496:455, wet_pussy.png)

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da2233  No.10282732


1960s, 1970s in college.

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8d9462  No.10282733

File: 0bc36150058a46b⋯.jpeg (870.74 KB, 1242x1771, 54:77, 2CBD6FEC_07E9_4ED3_8248_8….jpeg)


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214c54  No.10282734

File: 455de88b176d285⋯.jpg (114.58 KB, 503x522, 503:522, ayfkm.jpg)

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faad1b  No.10282735

File: 5541827b7909d28⋯.png (15.81 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 936fda4bfa33c586a9ffddea64….png)

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8ca2c9  No.10282736

File: f75689e26075711⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 381x512, 381:512, Oregon_Crud.JPG)

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bf34d9  No.10282737

File: ea5dd936b2ee5d6⋯.gif (2.93 MB, 406x720, 203:360, CatBot.gif)

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da2233  No.10282738


Well, they studied the Greeks, or at least Franklin did. Dont know about Paine. Likely he did.

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ca2fa5  No.10282739


um cuz Q now

where u been

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158e67  No.10282740



He has none. Just a cock-biter.

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35404b  No.10282741

File: 746944a8216b992⋯.png (282.45 KB, 654x498, 109:83, c8316bd8be0c0607f199df9ba4….png)


>Natural-born means born here. The rest are naturalized through the immigration process.

Shhhhhhhh. POTUS is using that to troll the MSM into making hard definitions.

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9feee6  No.10282742


Yes hard to sort.

Something in the subconscious has connected the apparent recruitment choices of special programs.

Key seems to be what they call sentience.

Service to self OR others

This is ostensibly to choose based on righteous fallacy of “real heros” can only care about others.

BS - a feminine prerogative.

I think its a recruitment tool which appeals to the mans loyalty to tribe, all the while simply choosing the good slave stock which NEVER questions the apparent leadership.

Find me a woman that doesn’t want a slave man to do her bidding.

MEN want tribal bothers who are strong and independent, that CHOOSE to work together.

WOMEN want slave yes “teammates”

See who the dictators really are?

There were some creepy pastas about the orion/sirian programming that fits eerily.

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8c57d8  No.10282743

File: 699dd82cb9f205b⋯.jpeg (15.75 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 91b035b8a34797bf5fcd7c394….jpeg)






pink hairs usually CBD Hemp

Notables are NOT endorsements

#13160 @500 draggin ass

>>10282200 First to last BALL references (Q drops)

>>10282220 ‘Every parent’s worst nightmare’: 17-year-old charged with trafficking girl, 14, for sex (twatter/kiro7.com)


>>10282251, >>10282331 QF/Dutchsinse Spooked (Youtube)

>>10282254, >>10282264, >>10282319, >>10282408 NZ PM makes a lockdown announcement (YouTube/nzhearld.co.nz)

>>10282263 Harris is seen in this 2019 video with Mindy Kaling discussing their shared Indian heritage. (Youtube)

>>10282284 More than a 1/4 of 18-24yr olds have considered suicide in past 30 days says CDC (Dailywire.com)

>>10282294, >>10282317, >>10282257, >>10282326, >>10282381, >>10282465, >>10282482, >>10282515, >>10282535, >>10282427, >>10282566, >>10282648, >>10282654, >>10282658, >>10282677, anons discuss Putin Soccer Ball Gift Mini-loaf

>>10282325, >>10282351 Abraham Accord ( exactly 2month delta from Q drop 4465) & Clockfag Graphic

>>10282353, >>10282432, Melbourne's 'patient zero' in virus second wave not a security guard: reports (9news.com)

>>10282407 Iranian Forces Briefly Seize Tanker in Gulf of Oman.. BRIEFLY. (news.usni.org)

>>10282413 Chinese Fakeout: Closed Consulate Was Front for Espionage and I.P. Theft, FBI Claims (vidanewspaper.com)

>>10282451 Tattooed millennial GETS IT! Save The Children (voat.co)

>>10282484 Hollywood Producer John Paul Rice disclosing the dark secrets FULLVID (Youtube)

>>10282530 Richard Grenell (Twatt) "We are happy to announce that the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia will meet at the White House for a negotiation on September 2"

>>10282543, >>10282553, >>10282604, Hang in there Patriot. Things are about to get interesting. (partial coding. Anon?)

>>10282582, >>10282592, >>10282607, >>10282631, Normies have no appreciation of the relationship between bewbs and quality research.

>>10282589 Lake Fire in CA. Overhead imagery of ignition pattern. (like all CA fires) (MP4)

>>10282599, >>10282679, >>10282699, >>10282706, >>10282704, Scientists believe cannabis could help prevent and treat coronavirus. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD DECRIMINALIZE/LEGALIZE THIS WONDERFUL PLANT! (nypost.com)

>>10282601 Corrupt Atlanta DA Paul Howard WIPED OUT in Election After Charging Police Officer with Murder in Rayshard Brooks Death

>>10282608 9 men, including 3 Texas soldiers, charged in child sex ring case (armytimes.com)>>10282620 Republican convention theme revealed: ‘Honoring the Great American Story’ (foxnews.com)

>>10282627 Supreme Court denies GOP request, allows Rhode Island pandemic-related relief on mail-in ballots (Stripes.com)

>>10282632 Lost Ancient City Discovered In The Heart Of The USA (eraoflight.com)

>>10282638 Defense seeks leniency for 'Satanist' Fort Riley soldier who threatened to overthrow government (stripes.com)

>>10282644 Oregon State Police Pull Out Of Protecting Portland Courthouse After City Refuses To ‘Prosecute This Criminal Behavior,’ Department Says (Dailywire.com)

>>10282650 AG Barr: ‘Significant Developments’ Coming In Durham Probe Before Election, Including Tomorrow (Dailywire.com)

>>10282656 Is Kamala Harris a natural born citizen? (fas.org)

>>10282657 Trump Admin Seizes Multiple Oil Tankers Carrying Iranian Oil (Dailywire.com)

>>10282670 Agents with the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation have arrested a member of the Stokes County Board of Elections on multiple sex offense charges involving a child (spectrumlocalnews.com)

>>10282681 After exposing Chinese occupation of Rui village, journalist Balram Baniya found dead under mysterious circumstances in Nepal: Details (opindia.com)

>>10282712 ‘This will make news in America’: Fury over racist cartoon in Australian newspaper (au.yahoo.com)

>>10282722 Portland Graffiti: All Cops Are Burnable, 1312; 1312 = ACAB = All Cops Are Bastards: Additional meanings (urbandictionary.com)

>>10282727 Fortnite sues Apple and Google after it is dropped from app stores (news.sky.com)

>>10282733 Vietnam to buy Russian COVID-19 vaccine (Twatter/reuters)

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45ff29  No.10282744


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8ca2c9  No.10282745



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13a256  No.10282746


Oh screw it, just dig. We are in an epidemic of every pot addict declaring it's the miracle drug from Valhalla and has zero negative side effects and will cure everything from stage 5 pancreatic cancer to ingrown toenails. There is a point where the bullshit is laid on so thick that you can't help but laugh. If it sounds WAY WAY WAY too good to be true … more than half the adult planet are daily pot smokers. (But they can all quit any time they want to). And yet more than half the planet is not being cured of all disease. Something isn't adding up. Whatever the case, these people could no more be convinced about ANY detriment to their addiction than Pelosi could be convinced to become intelligent. It's a losing debate no matter what. Nobody on pot is capable of believing any study that says it isn't the miracle end-all cure-all of all time. They just conveniently ignore the majority of Earth's adults who use it daily and no hospitals are closing their doors for lack of patronage.

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f8630b  No.10282747


>>>10282582, >>10282592, >>10282607 Normies have no appreciation of the relationship between bewbs and quality research.

WTF, you fucking clown faggot.

GTFO and die in a fire.

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da2233  No.10282748


Genius and talent come from everywhere. The Wailers came out of a very obscure backwoods village in Jamaica, just for one example. How about The Beatles out of working-class Liverpool around the same time?

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214c54  No.10282749

File: e1412da291830e6⋯.jpg (72.29 KB, 840x960, 7:8, 117778006_1159294344451427….jpg)

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da2233  No.10282750


Maybe he gots muh corona.

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fc05b9  No.10282751

File: 91906b2742f7bce⋯.png (326.85 KB, 639x424, 639:424, 91906b2742f7bcecc94b45108a….png)



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38c6ad  No.10282752

File: 1972cd50ddcf3d9⋯.gif (2.33 MB, 300x399, 100:133, cat_ufo.gif)


kek, are you sure that robo-vac isn't a UFO ?

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8599eb  No.10282753


Doesn't matter where BHO was born. His mom was a US Citizen.

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a23727  No.10282754

File: 29a7dfa3194c9d0⋯.png (353.33 KB, 445x445, 1:1, PP420.png)

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13a256  No.10282755


Development of skill is a response to the demand for it.

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da2233  No.10282756


The rastafari believe that the herb keeps toxins out of the bloodstream.

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ca2fa5  No.10282757


>WOMEN want slave yes “teammates”

thats that baphomet inversion brain worming your

sovereign thought anon

Venus is the planet of love, feminine.

the morning star or "fallen one"

twisted by death worshipers to make you hate women.

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57640c  No.10282758

File: 6b95c9c1f7cb71b⋯.jpeg (45.84 KB, 479x466, 479:466, joe_and_the_ho.jpeg)

File: 86f1ae871adde3e⋯.jpg (56.61 KB, 500x416, 125:104, kamala_willie.jpg)


it's only racist because she there for identity politics and thus the toon speaks absolute truth.

If you think their are offended by that, wait until they start seeing the willie brown meme…

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158e67  No.10282759

File: 9c7bf9150702392⋯.jpg (35.11 KB, 720x313, 720:313, 44dad.jpg)


>His mom was a US Citizen.

And the sperm donor was not.

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da2233  No.10282760


Cannabis was completely legal in America for 300 years with no problems I'm aware of.

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13a256  No.10282761


So why do you think the birth certificate was ever an issue?

Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution sets three qualifications for holding the presidency. To serve as president, one must:

be a natural-born U.S. citizen of the United States;

be at least 35 years old;

be a resident in the United States for at least 14 years

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faad1b  No.10282762

File: d892689de4764be⋯.jpg (50.83 KB, 620x464, 155:116, My_weird_meme.jpg)

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f6d153  No.10282763


phe, they`re probably just larping

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8ca2c9  No.10282764

File: 07167cec26ca527⋯.jpg (63.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, flouride.jpg)


>We'll just ignore the hardening of the arteries that kicks in

Keep drinking that Fluoride that need not pass through vital organs for your teeth; then let's compare notes in 20-30 years.

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ca2fa5  No.10282765


i thought you had to be born in US to be pres

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13a256  No.10282766


Just because the life expectancy was a fraction of what it is today, what could THAT possibly mean?

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91fe38  No.10282767

File: c6bb28d75e1847f⋯.jpg (148.05 KB, 441x596, 441:596, Qdrop_church.jpg)


Churches, always churches, listed in the list of sources of covid infections. Worldwide. Weirdly not grocery stores. Weirdly not doctor's offices.

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13a256  No.10282768


Except that pot wasn't extending anybody's life.

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158e67  No.10282769

File: 15d1654701614c6⋯.jpg (22.48 KB, 600x245, 120:49, cbd.jpg)


>The rastafari believe that the herb keeps toxins out of the bloodstream.

#metoo I'm American. Kek

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f6d153  No.10282770

File: cf5bf4e71c8aed8⋯.jpg (918.8 KB, 1767x1767, 1:1, PIC_1_.jpg)


Freshly distiled water is delish

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da2233  No.10282771


She was born here, thus a natural-born citizen. People who cant grasp such facts make lawyers rich.

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8c57d8  No.10282772


faggot is (You)

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13a256  No.10282773


Don't you know that COVID only spreads at Trump rallies?

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214c54  No.10282774

File: 5d0b52875fe6fb4⋯.png (1.38 MB, 720x869, 720:869, ClipboardImage.png)

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45ff29  No.10282775

File: 707b6f952214037⋯.png (609.13 KB, 1233x942, 411:314, Screenshot_570.png)



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91fe38  No.10282776

File: f60d6bfa49394e0⋯.mp4 (684.72 KB, 640x360, 16:9, jacindafascist.mp4)

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8ca2c9  No.10282777

File: 63c107c352d93f2⋯.jpg (11.25 KB, 255x215, 51:43, flowerspepe.jpg)

File: a90b84a969e30bf⋯.jpg (43.3 KB, 607x579, 607:579, Be_Pepe_Best.jpg)


>Freshly distiled water is delish


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13a256  No.10282778


Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution sets three qualifications for holding the presidency. To serve as president, one must:

be a natural-born U.S. citizen of the United States;

be at least 35 years old;

be a resident in the United States for at least 14 years

The requirement is that the candidate - not his mommy - be a natural born U.S. citizen. People who can't grasp such facts make shrinks rich.

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45ff29  No.10282779

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38c6ad  No.10282780

File: f21bfce1c0719dc⋯.jpg (517.08 KB, 756x744, 63:62, 35252.jpg)


life only gets weirder and weirder, anon

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c58c85  No.10282781

File: e423c565bacbfdb⋯.png (568.01 KB, 867x1051, 867:1051, ClipboardImage.png)

New Zealand Prime Minister announces new COVID strain via HUAWEI live streaming software.


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da2233  No.10282782


800,000 is the number of fed employees deemed unnecessary during the last govt budgetary shutdown. Trump will need to orchestrate another such shutdown during his second term to dramatically downsize the fed govt, which as we've seen, needs to be done urgently.

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8c57d8  No.10282783

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57640c  No.10282784


USA would be conquered territory. The illegals would go home as staying in the USA would not be desirable.

new Zealand would be spared as that's where the traitors go, until China wants the pretty place for their own.

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158e67  No.10282785

File: ead7393a1e888d6⋯.jpg (231.8 KB, 956x574, 478:287, pepeChe.jpg)


>Except that pot wasn't extending anybody's life.

How many years does the common or uncommon cold or other ailments take off the end? How much damage from minor virus' can the body take? Maybe that's the better Q regarding longevity.

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647113  No.10282786

File: 6f54702eb903de0⋯.jpg (11.46 KB, 255x164, 255:164, 09873c7c7cc8f5ccf118ba4300….jpg)



Hory Chit

Enjoy your slavery bogans

Should have capped those

libbies the second they came

for the guns….FAIL

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da2233  No.10282787


The libtards just make up whatever their feelz tell them to make up anyway. Theyre weak on facts, law and common sense.

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f28ec1  No.10282788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Arrr! For YOU going in now. x

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0ce585  No.10282789

File: 2a0233c66369957⋯.png (67.2 KB, 539x192, 539:192, 6265cc781531dc5a.png)


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9feee6  No.10282790

File: 06b2c647621b23c⋯.jpeg (41.56 KB, 300x300, 1:1, D0B93AD8_77C8_4944_8C57_D….jpeg)

File: 704dfaa003e5a7b⋯.jpeg (370.56 KB, 1300x867, 1300:867, BD828AC6_57EA_47A6_8CDD_9….jpeg)


Bludd klatt dissolver.

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57640c  No.10282791


True there are apothacary books from the USA in the 1700s and you know what they preseribe cannibis for?

1-sleep aid

2- "womens problems" (cramps)

3- increase appetite (kek)

4- nausea

5- head aches

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809433  No.10282792

File: ffeea894ac77684⋯.png (289.85 KB, 698x364, 349:182, WiningMove.png)

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214c54  No.10282793

File: c764218fcba832b⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, He_named_them_.mp4)

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da2233  No.10282794


Soetero never proved his US citizenship of any kind. His citizenship record is Indonesian and he offered no evidence of either US citizenship or repatriation after Indonesian citizenship, other than a poorly-photoshopped birth cert.

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8ca2c9  No.10282795

File: ed13f34e1ce149d⋯.jpg (84.83 KB, 729x908, 729:908, USA_vs_NPC_Flag.jpg)

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c00421  No.10282796


It's all about making $$$.

Pre-1913 US = most prosperous nation on Earth. Install the Federal Reserve, suck up all the wealth, bankrupt the country using the great depression. Buy up assets (farms) on the cheap. Meanwhile, lend $$$ to Europe and provoke a war or two. The Federal Reserve also funded big oil and helped to create the modern world. With the $ as world reserve currency a lot of money was made and a lot of debt incurred. Publicize the debts. Privatize the profits. Keep the game going as long as possible.

The promise of the US Constitution is a beacon of hope and light for the world. It therefore must be ripped up and consigned to history. Game plan having sucked out all the goodness = civil war, turn the US into a Third World $hithole. Let everyone kill each other for a decade or so, while China prospers and buys up all the land and resources. China being the new front for the Cabal.

In the Globalist system everyone needs a bitch for cheap labor. The Globalist parasites simply go around bigging up a country to create wealth and demand for goods, then use their bitches to provide goods on the cheap. Successful nation gets sucked dry by endemic corruption, bitch country gets elevated.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

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da2233  No.10282797


People dont die from pot, idiot.

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45ff29  No.10282798

File: 3943d45da07aae9⋯.png (622.51 KB, 516x457, 516:457, Screenshot_164.png)

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8c57d8  No.10282799

Baker notes:

pics and MP4s loading UBER SLOW.. anons who only post caps for articles, please title because again, loading SLOW on my end all the sudden.

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38c6ad  No.10282800

File: bec1cbac5775c73⋯.png (901.34 KB, 750x500, 3:2, clones.png)


so they force a covid test on you or they jail you for a month

good ole NZ, land of the (not) free

Ardern is a deep state tranny clone hag

look at her teeth and head shape, she's one of the installed puppets

can't stand her, the pious larper, holier than thou hijab mofo

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da2233  No.10282801


We bought a water filter. Hoping that helps.

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8ca2c9  No.10282802

File: e9e3d2f75a1c289⋯.png (370.84 KB, 480x403, 480:403, Rasta_Pepe.PNG)


Yah mon

…and distilled water.

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35404b  No.10282803

File: 488181e5a6218b4⋯.png (314.18 KB, 315x508, 315:508, Beerzforbaker.png)




Picturing boomer mom looking at wearethene.ws in the morning and seeing giant tit pic.

Will be hilarious.

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b4bbcc  No.10282804

I like to take a break from watching the news and enjoying a little bit of the apprentice.

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e46004  No.10282805


I need to check that out some day.

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da2233  No.10282806


People actually argue that Kamelface is an anchor baby and therefore not eligible, although an anchor baby is a natural-born citizen who might help her non-citizen parents become naturalized citizens. kek Not sure about Camel's rental units' citizenship status at present.

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13a256  No.10282807


I wonder how many employees were required to make that assessment.

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45ff29  No.10282808

File: 06af593827783bc⋯.png (625.79 KB, 1215x690, 81:46, Screenshot_571.png)

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6c868b  No.10282809

File: 75ce762277e37a7⋯.jpg (74.28 KB, 500x592, 125:148, 3kwsdz.jpg)

Q post about



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28a9fa  No.10282810


45 post and you don't give one fuck why I'm here? Know it all pretentious cunt that knows nothing

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b4bbcc  No.10282811


I don’t know about where you like but here Illicit weed is covered with industrial (not agricultural) fungicide, and other things like that.

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087b8e  No.10282812


But they talk a lot of shit which can often kill the soul of listeners. So second degree murder maybe?

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da2233  No.10282813


Cannabis also helps with mild inflammation.

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13a256  No.10282814


On strictly legal grounds, I couldn't see how being an anchor baby would preclude somebody's eligibility. Its parents would probably be installed in cabinet positions.

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da2233  No.10282815

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b4bbcc  No.10282816


Best tv show ever made.

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13a256  No.10282817


You forgot to mention that as long as you're smoking it, you don't need to brush your teeth because it destroys all unfriendly bacteria in the body. It also causes your kitchen sink to become self-cleaning.

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8599eb  No.10282818


In retrospect, it wasn't an issue.

It was a troll that failed bigly.

I hope POTUS learned from his mistake and puts this 'muh natural born Kameltoe' troll to rest.

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da2233  No.10282819



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a47752  No.10282820


Qe, here at this site, are not HERE for 3rd party scraper sites. Notes are to detail the night, a baker is someone who notates history so we can all relive it later in life, and for eternity.

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8ca2c9  No.10282821


>I don’t know about where you like but here Illicit weed is covered with industrial (not agricultural) fungicide, and other things like that.

If you grow it yourself you can grow it pure for your self.

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da2233  No.10282822


Hey, dude is an expert in viruses, he's created more than anybody.

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9feee6  No.10282823


Dont hate them.

DO realize how many women don't ‘think’ and just DEMAND… realized it was a subconcious issue.

Enter the Sirius / Orion ‘programming’

As im sure youre aware of the dark side employing.

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b4c314  No.10282824


Think he's not to be trusted. Saw his movie, which takes child trafficking into an ethereal bullshitosphere. Poor production value to boot.

He gets onto Tiffany Fitzhenry's radar, who was on fire outing trafficking, relocates to Atlanta and we stop hearing from her.

Noone watches his movie, then BAM! - we hear all about how ebil Amazon pulled his bullshit 'expose' that wasn't, and how 'accomplished' he is. All from his own mouth btw. Probably pulled it himself.

Also, agree with anon - see crazy eyes meme.

Categorize along with Out of the Shadows, which didn't bother to mention that Dr. Ewen Cameron, who developed MK Ultra at McGill University, is Director James Cameron's father, who got the 33rd degree after Titanic - the 4 hour movie that wasn't. Fuck these fake insiders!

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9c37cb  No.10282825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


John Paul Rice's 'A Child's Voice' movie

should be archived before YuckTube memory-holes it….

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28a9fa  No.10282826


Not only are you annoying, you're fucking retarded

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04fc87  No.10282827

File: 6eabd5527b911e0⋯.png (289.68 KB, 769x438, 769:438, 2.png)

File: f9cc6573d067544⋯.jpg (141.6 KB, 499x940, 499:940, 22.jpg)

File: 6d5af7d2dcef6bc⋯.png (292.01 KB, 1080x975, 72:65, 1.png)


Gates isn't a pedo, instead, he likes to off the kids with his "vaccines"

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13a256  No.10282828


No I'm fucking not.

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f7bc0f  No.10282829


People are missing the play. Kamala was chosen to shield her from indictment. Or that is the hope, at least, that they can claim it is a political purge if they are indicted. The riots are a flexing of muscle to that end. A threat that things will be made to get worse if indictments are pushed through.

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3f0260  No.10282830

File: c52de091e675b32⋯.jpg (81.25 KB, 520x388, 130:97, water_fluoridation_levels_….jpg)


>We bought a water filter. Hoping that helps.

It doesn't. But don't worry about it. There is more fluoride in natural ground water in many places than what they put in the water (municipal fluoride is about 0.7mg/L).

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5cd4fa  No.10282831

File: 28ea85ac0486f4e⋯.jpg (432.88 KB, 1430x1384, 715:692, Screenshot_20200814_024347….jpg)

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b4bbcc  No.10282832


I just got seeds, slugs ate my last ones shortly after germinating. If helps me focus on research. But only one or two puffs at a time.

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8ca2c9  No.10282833

File: db8f8961dd935b2⋯.jpg (157.03 KB, 1023x680, 1023:680, 640mg.jpg)


>he's created more than anybody

640 is enough, he said!

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91fe38  No.10282834

File: 0f8ccab0f5bb9e7⋯.png (334.64 KB, 510x510, 1:1, eternalpepe.png)


"The only winning move is not to play."

The Black Magic of Fear

Per Q:


[attack on one is an attack on all – sales pitch to gen public – fear control]

A population that remains outside of free thought, and instead, remains isolated living in fear inside of the closed-loop echo chamber of the controlled mainstream media.

When does COVID-19[2] MSDNC [fear] push end?

Do not let the media control you [incite division and hatred for one another by use of propaganda and fear mongering

Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) _other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope]

To remain silent _living in fear [controlled] is to remain powerless.

instill fear and basic 'follow the pack mentality' [psych 101][echo-chamber][group think]

Fear [vote-by-mail] and obey [stay inside or face death or arrest] tactics push will end +1 [election day].


How do you keep people living in fear and isolation in order to accept the above?

Do not fear.


Do not play into their fear game. You awake, without fear, is their downfall.

Find peace through prayer.

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13a256  No.10282835


So I only imagined Biden is running after that Ukraine thing.

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f6d153  No.10282836

File: b09cf83f021f47c⋯.png (3.52 MB, 1920x1440, 4:3, a1a_gigapixel_width_1920px.png)

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8599eb  No.10282837


You have to be a natural born citizen to be president.

Two ways:

1. Have at least one one parent that is a US citizen.


2. Be born in the USA

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9c37cb  No.10282838


Gates helped fund the Clinton Foundation with Epstein and his buddy Paul Allen. How can he not be a pedo-predator?

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35404b  No.10282839

File: ac6653448e6f021⋯.png (66.83 KB, 567x435, 189:145, ac6653448e6f0213ea67b57937….png)


Reddit spacing indicates goncern.

Will have to go with POTUS baiting MSM over the issue.

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da2233  No.10282840


Now Barr can proceed against others without "muh election interference" claim. Just leave Creepy Joe Kamelface out until 2021.

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28a9fa  No.10282841


You actually think Joe and Kamel have a chance? Are you high on crack?

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faad1b  No.10282842

File: 7d9cc5b8f690cc6⋯.jpg (68.1 KB, 612x408, 3:2, taking_pot.jpg)

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04fc87  No.10282843

File: 99f1fae248c2577⋯.png (390.01 KB, 408x528, 17:22, 46637.png)

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13a256  No.10282844


I rest my case. The mere suggestion of cutting back turns people violent. Nah, it's not addicting! And it cures all known mood disorders too! The more pot you smoke, the happier you'll be! Just like >>10282826

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da2233  No.10282845


He forgot "scumbags."

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a47752  No.10282846


What did you get?

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da2233  No.10282847


Them slugs are hella high.

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6c868b  No.10282848

Direct shot at Soros. SCOTUS has ruled organizations affiliated with the “Open Society” lose the protection of 1A and can be treated as international threats as this impacts supporters in the U.S. and abroad.


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f6d153  No.10282849

File: f6110cc51e233e7⋯.png (7.73 MB, 3812x2536, 953:634, 123.png)


Get comfy! You`re not that important! Kek

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13a256  No.10282850


"The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we're doing it." -Josef Mengele

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4c2543  No.10282852

File: 779a56951595b1a⋯.png (268.72 KB, 612x344, 153:86, GdfntrFmSchvl.png)

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ca2fa5  No.10282853


The U.S. Constitution uses but does not define the phrase "natural born Citizen", and various opinions have been offered over time regarding its precise meaning. The consensus of early 21st-century constitutional and legal scholars, together with relevant case law, is that natural-born citizens include, subject to exceptions, those born in the United States. As to those born elsewhere who meet the legal requirements for birthright citizenship, the matter is unsettled.[2][3]

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c00421  No.10282854


Talent and genius are not the same thing. In order to work as a studio musician, you have to be really talented and be able to nail that tune in one, then repeat it perfectly time after time. A feat which many bands fail to emulate.

The first Kiss album was recorded using studio musicians. The band were taking too long to record, because they weren't very good. Between Gene Simmonds and Paul Stanley we see genius. They understood image and marketing, and marketed the crap out of Kiss despite having not very much musical talent. Business talent they had in spades.

This anon argues that the Cabal spot genius and talent early on, and offer success and $$$ in exchange for one's earthly soul. Failure to sign on the line usually ends in obscurity.

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04fc87  No.10282855

File: d5d2bf2d0a9d761⋯.jpg (67.9 KB, 618x412, 3:2, 5436.jpg)

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809433  No.10282856


They are the ones in fear. They are the ones with no winning move.

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13a256  No.10282857


I don't know; that seems kinda low. 🤣

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da2233  No.10282858


Yeah, like if youre born while your parents are in college, Army or a job overseas, you can be a US citizen. My cousin is that. Dad was Army.

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28a9fa  No.10282859


Taking a pot is a lot less addictive than calling someone like you a rusty faggot


Why don't you suck my dick idiot? Almost 50 posts of pretentious meaningless self involved drivel. You are not interesting, at all. Or smart. At all

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45ff29  No.10282860

2.9 EQ


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b4bbcc  No.10282861


Something i have never heard of before called Erbaceous.

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8ca2c9  No.10282862

File: a747681c5137729⋯.png (481.86 KB, 515x527, 515:527, Sagan.png)


>But only one or two puffs at a time.

A perfect and responsible use.

Cheech and Chong portray a stereotype.

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da2233  No.10282863


Kanye will beat Creepy in a couple of states.

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ebcc37  No.10282864

File: 9a02d15c9c87c15⋯.png (368.29 KB, 612x346, 306:173, NEWEYES.png)

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214c54  No.10282865

File: fefa9a4c00f2458⋯.jpg (172.73 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 69909563_2341452329450725_….jpg)


>No I'm fucking not.

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13a256  No.10282866


No I'm not. It wasn't their chances that were being discussed. Read what's being talked about. THEN go ballistic.

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f6d153  No.10282867

File: c8a9b5c9286340d⋯.jpg (3.65 MB, 1920x1951, 1920:1951, JobberJibberJabber6903523d….jpg)


Better than 19 posts of pure hate! You are an angry one for sure <3

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04fc87  No.10282868

File: 57387d944c541e2⋯.png (902.73 KB, 1024x595, 1024:595, 352.png)



worthy pepe

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8c57d8  No.10282869

File: 0d519b5c2588434⋯.jpeg (24.27 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 23d7cc9dd89ec6fc2cd74f184….jpeg)


check those digits! MAGA!

Notables are NOT endorsements

#13160 @600 Last call, forum updating SUPER SLOW for me so I will be back in say.. 50-75 for bake

>>10282200 First to last BALL references (Q drops)

>>10282220 ‘Every parent’s worst nightmare’: 17-year-old charged with trafficking girl, 14, for sex (twatter/kiro7.com)


>>10282251, >>10282331 QF/Dutchsinse Spooked (Youtube)

>>10282254, >>10282264, >>10282319, >>10282408 NZ PM makes a lockdown announcement (YouTube/nzhearld.co.nz)

>>10282263 Harris is seen in this 2019 video with Mindy Kaling discussing their shared Indian heritage. (Youtube)

>>10282284 More than a 1/4 of 18-24yr olds have considered suicide in past 30 days says CDC (Dailywire.com)

>>10282294, >>10282317, >>10282257, >>10282326, >>10282381, >>10282465, >>10282482, >>10282515, >>10282535, >>10282427, >>10282566, >>10282648, >>10282654, >>10282658, >>10282677, anons discuss Putin Soccer Ball Gift Mini-loaf

>>10282325, >>10282351 Abraham Accord ( exactly 2month delta from Q drop 4465) & Clockfag Graphic

>>10282353, >>10282432, Melbourne's 'patient zero' in virus second wave not a security guard: reports (9news.com)

>>10282407 Iranian Forces Briefly Seize Tanker in Gulf of Oman.. BRIEFLY. (news.usni.org)

>>10282413 Chinese Fakeout: Closed Consulate Was Front for Espionage and I.P. Theft, FBI Claims (vidanewspaper.com)

>>10282451 Tattooed millennial GETS IT! Save The Children (voat.co)

>>10282484, >>10282775, Hollywood Producer John Paul Rice disclosing the dark secrets FULLVID (Youtube)

>>10282530 Richard Grenell (Twatt) "We are happy to announce that the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia will meet at the White House for a negotiation on September 2"

>>10282543, >>10282553, >>10282604, Hang in there Patriot. Things are about to get interesting. (partial coding. Anon?)

>>10282582, >>10282592, >>10282607, >>10282631, Normies have no appreciation of the relationship between bewbs and quality research.

>>10282589 Lake Fire in CA. Overhead imagery of ignition pattern. (like all CA fires) (MP4)

>>10282599, >>10282679, >>10282699, >>10282706, >>10282704, >>10282791 Scientists believe cannabis could help prevent and treat coronavirus. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD DECRIMINALIZE/LEGALIZE THIS WONDERFUL PLANT! (nypost.com)

>>10282601 Corrupt Atlanta DA Paul Howard WIPED OUT in Election After Charging Police Officer with Murder in Rayshard Brooks Death

>>10282608 9 men, including 3 Texas soldiers, charged in child sex ring case (armytimes.com)>>10282620 Republican convention theme revealed: ‘Honoring the Great American Story’ (foxnews.com)

>>10282627 Supreme Court denies GOP request, allows Rhode Island pandemic-related relief on mail-in ballots (Stripes.com)

>>10282632 Lost Ancient City Discovered In The Heart Of The USA (eraoflight.com)

>>10282638 Defense seeks leniency for 'Satanist' Fort Riley soldier who threatened to overthrow government (stripes.com)

>>10282644 Oregon State Police Pull Out Of Protecting Portland Courthouse After City Refuses To ‘Prosecute This Criminal Behavior,’ Department Says (Dailywire.com)

>>10282650 AG Barr: ‘Significant Developments’ Coming In Durham Probe Before Election, Including Tomorrow (Dailywire.com)

>>10282656 Is Kamala Harris a natural born citizen? (fas.org)

>>10282657 Trump Admin Seizes Multiple Oil Tankers Carrying Iranian Oil (Dailywire.com)

>>10282670 Agents with the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation have arrested a member of the Stokes County Board of Elections on multiple sex offense charges involving a child (spectrumlocalnews.com)

>>10282681 After exposing Chinese occupation of Rui village, journalist Balram Baniya found dead under mysterious circumstances in Nepal: Details (opindia.com)

>>10282712 ‘This will make news in America’: Fury over racist cartoon in Australian newspaper (au.yahoo.com)

>>10282722 Portland Graffiti: All Cops Are Burnable, 1312; 1312 = ACAB = All Cops Are Bastards: Additional meanings (urbandictionary.com)

>>10282727 Fortnite sues Apple and Google after it is dropped from app stores (news.sky.com)

>>10282733 Vietnam to buy Russian COVID-19 vaccine (Twatter/reuters)

>>10282848 Direct shot at Soros. SCOTUS has ruled organizations affiliated with the “Open Society” lose the protection of 1A and can be treated as international threats as this impacts supporters in the U.S. and abroad. (Supremecourt.gov)

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8ca2c9  No.10282870

File: c67ff00cecfe8f7⋯.png (80.46 KB, 257x225, 257:225, c67ff00cecfe8f78e84045b658….png)


>Them slugs are hella high.

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a23727  No.10282871

File: d1201dff56c2eac⋯.jpg (69.77 KB, 357x262, 357:262, proud_2857_022219.jpg)

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13a256  No.10282872


I couldn't imagine any feminist being in a position to HAVE an orgasm … that would imply somebody found them at least appealing enough to engage with.

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2ca259  No.10282873



Sativa, indica or hybrid?

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28a9fa  No.10282874


No he won't KEK


Skimming through your posts was hell enough, thank you


You started this, fuckhead. You know why I post here?

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3f0260  No.10282875


..or that she has access to a lot of equipment.

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f7bc0f  No.10282876


It should be rather obvious that we are going to step on that trap and smash it into oblivion. Indictments all the way around ahead of the election.

The President will be forced to enact continuity of government contingencies and suspend the election while convening state governments under an interim military government with a pathway to restore constitutional governance.

There are such contingencies on file. Would be classified, but dating back to well before President Trump.

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950af7  No.10282877


Nah they get off all the time. The have no other reason to live. No kids, no husband and only anger. Cum, cum cum

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da2233  No.10282878


I was offered a lot of fraternities when I was a kid. I joined some later, but I'm not really into it. It's a form of masonry. The guys are cool, but I dont like the cultish, secretive and exclusive aspects of it. It almost goes without saying that it's 95% white too, although that's not a problem to me.

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f6d153  No.10282879

File: 9e3ac67dcfc7224⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1920x1801, 1920:1801, JobberJibberJabberPic_2_Ke….png)


Well I hope you post here because you want to! Would be a real shame otherwise UwU

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13a256  No.10282880


This sounds Cicada 3301-ish.

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f595b4  No.10282881

File: 78405ba6b0b1aa9⋯.png (329.28 KB, 502x502, 1:1, certaintyshills.png)

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28a9fa  No.10282882


You're marked. Do you understand that? You were marked the day you started posting Yu Gi Oh shit

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da2233  No.10282883


Btw, I saw Kiss, they were more of a show than a musical band like contemporaries Yes or The Eagles.

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f6d153  No.10282884

File: bd65d03a15fde12⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 511x427, 73:61, Pic_48_.JPG)


mhh yes.. It must hurt, the anger.

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5cd4fa  No.10282885

File: 4bd12636e773b24⋯.jpeg (338.35 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, EfCaZ50VoAIdUAH.jpeg)

File: b07e1191d820fef⋯.jpeg (288.7 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, EfCabSuVAAA_OA0.jpeg)

File: 018c4ffa8ea3ddc⋯.jpeg (272.03 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, EfCadg7VoAEcZtm.jpeg)

File: b6f3cd5fb7eb390⋯.jpeg (313.28 KB, 1484x2033, 1484:2033, EfCagvsUYAAG8ul.jpeg)

New JC Penny's add for back to school shopping.

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da2233  No.10282886


Billions and billions of bongions.

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47fb1f  No.10282887

Could it be possible that we have a secret deep space probe or some satellite way the fuck out there far enough that with some kind of instantaneous quantum communication could be sending us info hours, days, months, or even years before the light actually arrived with the information?

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04fc87  No.10282888

File: b7ad560500a8762⋯.jpg (136.22 KB, 960x600, 8:5, 526.jpg)


aren't female orgasms an oppression tool of the evil white patriarchy ?

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45ff29  No.10282889

File: 52fd2237cdb5597⋯.png (4.47 MB, 1336x4304, 167:538, Screenshot_1.png)

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f6d153  No.10282891


What would one call such a thing?

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13a256  No.10282892


It's just as well. It keeps them out of my hair.

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6d80c8  No.10282893

File: 5004e00eab5feaf⋯.png (1.19 MB, 794x656, 397:328, ClipboardImage.png)

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28a9fa  No.10282894

File: 2e124a3977ac725⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1456x816, 91:51, 6n5b45v3q3y5b.jpg)


You must be a pussy if my words make you think I'm angry. You're marked faggot. Use my images one more time, I fucking dare you

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da2233  No.10282895


POTUS is even stealing oil from Iran for us now, without a fight! MAGA!

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13a256  No.10282896


YES! All whites must be exterminated so that we can end racism once and for all!

Kind of like the war to end all wars … the racism to end all racism.

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04fc87  No.10282897

File: 9dee4b31826b762⋯.png (326.26 KB, 498x516, 83:86, 526.PNG)


> deep space probe

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f7bc0f  No.10282898


"Anything is possible."

The question is what evidence or factors lead you to propose that thing in particular?

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c4caf2  No.10282899

File: 764caa4b9c586c1⋯.jpg (64.27 KB, 508x381, 4:3, ComeFlyWithUs.jpg)

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c00421  No.10282900


Stopping shipments of weapons and drugs.

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13a256  No.10282901


Much of it mechanized, I'm sure.

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8c57d8  No.10282902

File: 71487c261424fa2⋯.jpeg (32.08 KB, 245x255, 49:51, 5ff221e256590bb50264435b8….jpeg)

Notables are NOT endorsements

#13160 @BACON Hold Notables till next bread frens

>>10282200 First to last BALL references (Q drops)

>>10282220 ‘Every parent’s worst nightmare’: 17-year-old charged with trafficking girl, 14, for sex (twatter/kiro7.com)


>>10282251, >>10282331 QF/Dutchsinse Spooked (Youtube)

>>10282254, >>10282264, >>10282319, >>10282408 NZ PM makes a lockdown announcement (YouTube/nzhearld.co.nz)

>>10282263 Harris is seen in this 2019 video with Mindy Kaling discussing their shared Indian heritage. (Youtube)

>>10282284 More than a 1/4 of 18-24yr olds have considered suicide in past 30 days says CDC (Dailywire.com)

>>10282294, >>10282317, >>10282257, >>10282326, >>10282381, >>10282465, >>10282482, >>10282515, >>10282535, >>10282427, >>10282566, >>10282648, >>10282654, >>10282658, >>10282677, anons discuss Putin Soccer Ball Gift Mini-loaf

>>10282325, >>10282351 Abraham Accord ( exactly 2month delta from Q drop 4465) & Clockfag Graphic

>>10282353, >>10282432, Melbourne's 'patient zero' in virus second wave not a security guard: reports (9news.com)

>>10282407 Iranian Forces Briefly Seize Tanker in Gulf of Oman.. BRIEFLY. (news.usni.org)

>>10282413 Chinese Fakeout: Closed Consulate Was Front for Espionage and I.P. Theft, FBI Claims (vidanewspaper.com)

>>10282451 Tattooed millennial GETS IT! Save The Children (voat.co)

>>10282484, >>10282775, Hollywood Producer John Paul Rice disclosing the dark secrets FULLVID (Youtube)

>>10282530 Richard Grenell (Twatt) "We are happy to announce that the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia will meet at the White House for a negotiation on September 2"

>>10282543, >>10282553, >>10282604, Hang in there Patriot. Things are about to get interesting. (partial coding. Anon?)

>>10282582, >>10282592, >>10282607, >>10282631, Normies have no appreciation of the relationship between bewbs and quality research.

>>10282589 Lake Fire in CA. Overhead imagery of ignition pattern. (like all CA fires) (MP4)

>>10282599, >>10282679, >>10282699, >>10282706, >>10282704, >>10282791 Scientists believe cannabis could help prevent and treat coronavirus. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD DECRIMINALIZE/LEGALIZE THIS WONDERFUL PLANT! (nypost.com)

>>10282601 Corrupt Atlanta DA Paul Howard WIPED OUT in Election After Charging Police Officer with Murder in Rayshard Brooks Death

>>10282608 9 men, including 3 Texas soldiers, charged in child sex ring case (armytimes.com)>>10282620 Republican convention theme revealed: ‘Honoring the Great American Story’ (foxnews.com)

>>10282627 Supreme Court denies GOP request, allows Rhode Island pandemic-related relief on mail-in ballots (Stripes.com)

>>10282632 Lost Ancient City Discovered In The Heart Of The USA (eraoflight.com)

>>10282638 Defense seeks leniency for 'Satanist' Fort Riley soldier who threatened to overthrow government (stripes.com)

>>10282644 Oregon State Police Pull Out Of Protecting Portland Courthouse After City Refuses To ‘Prosecute This Criminal Behavior,’ Department Says (Dailywire.com)

>>10282650 AG Barr: ‘Significant Developments’ Coming In Durham Probe Before Election, Including Tomorrow (Dailywire.com)

>>10282656 Is Kamala Harris a natural born citizen? (fas.org)

>>10282657 Trump Admin Seizes Multiple Oil Tankers Carrying Iranian Oil (Dailywire.com)

>>10282670 Agents with the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation have arrested a member of the Stokes County Board of Elections on multiple sex offense charges involving a child (spectrumlocalnews.com)

>>10282681 After exposing Chinese occupation of Rui village, journalist Balram Baniya found dead under mysterious circumstances in Nepal: Details (opindia.com)

>>10282712 ‘This will make news in America’: Fury over racist cartoon in Australian newspaper (au.yahoo.com)

>>10282722 Portland Graffiti: All Cops Are Burnable, 1312; 1312 = ACAB = All Cops Are Bastards: Additional meanings (urbandictionary.com)

>>10282727 Fortnite sues Apple and Google after it is dropped from app stores (news.sky.com)

>>10282733 Vietnam to buy Russian COVID-19 vaccine (Twatter/reuters)

>>10282848 Direct shot at Soros. SCOTUS has ruled organizations affiliated with the “Open Society” lose the protection of 1A and can be treated as international threats as this impacts supporters in the U.S. and abroad. (Supremecourt.gov)

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c00421  No.10282903


Exterminate whites. Encourage tribalism. Start war.

Rinse, wash, repeat.

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04fc87  No.10282905

File: a645caf9e82445f⋯.jpg (90.25 KB, 567x391, 567:391, 415.jpg)


we can't stop the wars, that's how the Banksters and Elites make their fortunes….

we are cannon fodder for their war machinery

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13a256  No.10282906


>Skimming through your posts was hell enough, thank you

I know, the outcry in here is deafening. So feel free to continue going ballistic without being fully aware of what you're going ballistic about. Libs do it all the time.

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ec21fd  No.10282907

File: eeb11e840a5e7fa⋯.mp4 (356.93 KB, 640x360, 16:9, penceisadrag.mp4)

I think a libtard made this video. But I still think it's funny. I guess they don't realize Pence is one of theirs! :)

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28a9fa  No.10282909


Keeping crying about weed like a bitter old cunt

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f7bc0f  No.10282910


The two of you combined are 10% of the bread.

I know it's traditionally slow on night shift, but there is something of a decorum about not treating this as your own chat room.

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13a256  No.10282911


>like a bitter old cunt

I'd imagine you have to be pretty happy to put that out there. Okay I'm convinced!

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657966  No.10282912

File: 3955c40039daa65⋯.png (203.15 KB, 421x468, 421:468, Probe.png)

File: 3955c40039daa65⋯.png (203.15 KB, 421x468, 421:468, Probe.png)

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47fb1f  No.10282913


Just saw a stupid article about Betelgeuse going supernova…sometime in the next 100k years. Being about 700 light-years away, if some event like that happens but we had instant comms through stable particle pairing, we could get ahead of the curve and know about it before we would otherwise. In other words, just daydreaming…

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032edd  No.10282914

File: c05c232c97e8c87⋯.jpeg (53.48 KB, 532x298, 266:149, 4B1F788E_D6F7_4AE8_B1A8_2….jpeg)


This cartoon in ‘The Australian‘ newspaper (a Murdoch daily) has caused all the usual suspects to clutch their pearls and screech ‘racism’.

Apparently they are incapable of recognising that the cartoon was using Biden’s own words to mock racism.

Seriously, the left are just fucking pathetic.


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13a256  No.10282915

File: 0cdf1ae9f269a47⋯.jpg (20.56 KB, 340x280, 17:14, Betelgeuse.jpg)

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28a9fa  No.10282916


Freedom is a bitch isn't it? Make sure your next post includes even more faggot whining


Don't project your insecurity onto me. It's unbecoming, might harden your arteries

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b25783  No.10282917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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47fb1f  No.10282918

File: 9717bd753a6cce3⋯.png (770.42 KB, 900x1193, 900:1193, ClipboardImage.png)

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b82438  No.10282919

File: 43f2df4629b3ac1⋯.jpg (59.79 KB, 812x358, 406:179, 43f2df4629b3ac11b8132efd5b….jpg)

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f8630b  No.10282920


If everything's notable, nothing is.

Pathetic effort, naker.


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04fc87  No.10282921

File: e01d7e5b172e0cb⋯.png (506.34 KB, 751x489, 751:489, 23526.png)

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f6d153  No.10282922

File: c1c36af46a24619⋯.jpg (988.89 KB, 1920x1063, 1920:1063, JobberJibberJabberCaptureK….JPG)

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13a256  No.10282923


I could! So I don't smoke it. Problem solved.

I have no insecurities about your dying from much of anything, hardened arteries or otherwise.

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04fc87  No.10282925

File: e27733ba798b2eb⋯.jpg (56 KB, 613x407, 613:407, 5626.jpg)

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28a9fa  No.10282926


Whoa what's with that hate and anger all of a sudden?


>I have no insecurities

I very much doubt that

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b82438  No.10282927

File: 8ed7eed9edd2f91⋯.jpg (137.97 KB, 666x380, 333:190, hojo.jpg)

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657966  No.10282928


Evil mindedness is not long for this timeline.

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13a256  No.10282929


>I very much doubt that

You also doubt that pot could possibly have any detrimental effects despite the world's sick population saying it hasn't saved them.

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809433  No.10282930

File: d94ce682265bd36⋯.jpg (122.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, apuSleep.jpg)


Thank you Baker.

Goodnight all.

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98bf66  No.10282931

File: 05f5abd30ab6e8c⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 360x640, 9:16, 05f5abd30ab6e8c0da976b607f….mp4)


Tranny Tyranny. How fucking disgusting can the Deep State be.

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657966  No.10282932

File: df1ca674d4a50d1⋯.jpg (13.45 KB, 478x500, 239:250, _3_.jpg)

File: 07b24464309e50c⋯.jpg (14.69 KB, 474x322, 237:161, _4_.jpg)


Don't forget the social-distancing tutu's.

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04fc87  No.10282933

File: 6c2cc6ae8fecb9b⋯.png (144.65 KB, 413x395, 413:395, 526.png)

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9df1b5  No.10282934

File: fc0845188813a3a⋯.jpeg (79.59 KB, 717x554, 717:554, 9C042E3E_E571_48E3_941F_2….jpeg)

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13a256  No.10282935

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f6d153  No.10282937

File: a01c77973cb0f27⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 1920x1741, 1920:1741, JobberJibberJabberfsdfsdKe….JPG)


an honest distortion towards love is the greatest magic of all

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bf34d9  No.10282938

File: 4b9977bfd93a1da⋯.png (873.72 KB, 1000x751, 1000:751, ClipboardImage.png)

The Medusa Touch (film)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cultural references

A sample from the film (Richard Burton's line"I will bring the whole edifice down on their unworthy heads") was used in the Manic Street Preachers' 1998 song "Ready for Drowning". The 2005 Manic Street Preachers song "Leviathan" includes the lyric "Baader Meinhof and Medusa Touch".


Where have heard this before anons?

Everything old is new again. It would seem.

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adff1c  No.10282941

File: acd3ae84659f94f⋯.png (644.12 KB, 651x433, 651:433, ClipboardImage.png)

a bit doodish

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98bf66  No.10282942



Like there is AYLMAOs flying around doing scientific anal research.

There are Heebs with stolen SAP tech flying around and doing satanic sacrifice mutilation and anal rape. The heeb can't help themselves.

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287ed3  No.10282944

File: 54d959939dc9dfd⋯.jpeg (79.24 KB, 593x735, 593:735, mmmm.JPEG)

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5afda3  No.10282945


This is what's coming for us. Too bad Trump turned out to be a big fucking con artist pussy by not draining the swamp. Now the deep state traitors are going to fuck us really good. Trump likes to tweet but in reality he does nothing while we all get fucked. Fuck you Trump. You betrayed America and have gotten your fucking ass beat by a bunch of tranny leftist psychopaths. What a fucking joke.

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8c57d8  No.10282946

File: 00b555bd422da26⋯.jpeg (11.24 KB, 255x255, 1:1, bbc781222a3c1169be17b22d8….jpeg)

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04fc87  No.10282947

File: cd04cc4bd51a9ca⋯.png (659.57 KB, 935x973, 935:973, 62424.png)


evil has a face

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f7bc0f  No.10282948


Just because you can do something does not mean you should. It's also rather ironic that you're going around playing hall monitor of your own.

I'm not going to waste my time, further, addressing an irrelevant moron. You've been blessed by my presence enough as it is.


Assuming there was some manner of sending information FTL, then the idea would work. Sort of… Speaking of quantum… What happens when you travel faster than the speed of light?

If you look up quantum coherency - that is the trend of a system to assume an indeterminate state…

Then the mechanisms that underpin it deal with the exchange of information by particle interactions. Features which lose their 'tie' to each other adopt indeterminate features and the proverbial quantum eraser redacts inconsistent results out of existence.

So the better question is … If something travels faster than the speed of light, does it arrive in the same universe it left? Or if something arrives faster than the speed of light, did it come from our universe?

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e46004  No.10282949


Trump Tight.

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f8294b  No.10282950



TY anons … that's why I posed the question.

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49bf96  No.10282951


Quantum entanglement.

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5cd4fa  No.10282952

File: ace94e72bf1b79b⋯.jpg (651.61 KB, 1437x1979, 1437:1979, Screenshot_20200814_031456….jpg)


Tinkerbell seriously has a purse.

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657966  No.10282953

File: 2914ca203a15a58⋯.png (117.53 KB, 479x499, 479:499, 777_2_.png)


…for next time

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da2233  No.10282955


Hi Mr. Burns.

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04fc87  No.10282956

File: 9e2eda76dcc3442⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 361.25 KB, 540x810, 2:3, big_mike.png)


PM Ardern has a bigger swingin' dick than Big Mike

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087b8e  No.10282957


Arrive with ŵhat kinda information before light showed up?

Who wins in November? Earthly communications.

Or when aliens are planning on invading?

The latter might necessitate a before-light deep space communicator. Though can't see the point of such a contraption for earth to earth events.

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8e7e89  No.10282958

File: e5f7af66819d155⋯.png (719.06 KB, 450x676, 225:338, TES.png)

Have a feeling this is going to be fucking pozzed as all hell

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657966  No.10282959

File: ada6a906b4184ca⋯.jpg (75.25 KB, 1360x675, 272:135, SchroedingersPepeBox.jpg)

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da2233  No.10282960


Faggots gonna fag.

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127a82  No.10282961

File: 30a521153eab9f0⋯.jpg (44.98 KB, 728x369, 728:369, 4bdeiw_1.jpg)




'''The democrats way.

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04fc87  No.10282964

File: b50ef234baadcc4⋯.png (196.67 KB, 633x378, 211:126, 3525.png)




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a2059a  No.10282965

File: 1ab35014d0ecb1f⋯.jpg (74.04 KB, 539x463, 539:463, 4bbk8m.jpg)

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7ab7ec  No.10282966


I have done the research…The very foundation of our medical systems are flawed. If you haven't figured this out yet…dig for yourself. Its apparent from your post you haven't looked into several key advancements in therapy and cures. Nothing is what it appears. Lurk and learn.

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5cd4fa  No.10282967


The rumor is Putin called him that all the time.

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da2233  No.10282968


Ikr, even though QueerBarry kept telling him to cut it out.

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5cd4fa  No.10282971


If I could meme that would be a new breakfast cereal, Queerbarry cereal, made by ChelleLOGS.

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647113  No.10282974



Watching now

sucks big hairy cocks

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7ab7ec  No.10282978


>kiss my ass and then bark at the hole.


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04fc87  No.10282984

File: 1f7a97dea7a42d7⋯.jpg (34.89 KB, 604x402, 302:201, 2566.jpg)

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5cd4fa  No.10282985


right, that's the part made me kek

very creative

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da2233  No.10282988

File: 707708be9534e33⋯.jpg (72.82 KB, 1008x555, 336:185, putinties.JPG)

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6c868b  No.10282991

The only way this Country will be resurrected back to what it once was is if the people that committed these crimes go to jail. Absolutely nothing else will suffice. Without prosecution,nothing will stop the distrust in our Federal Government and our Country’s inevitable decline.

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f6d153  No.10282996


thanks fren

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3c8585  No.10282999

File: 8b29e29373d922c⋯.jpg (80.55 KB, 569x366, 569:366, GEOTUS.jpg)

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8e7e89  No.10283000


Good thing I keep my hope levels at all time lows these days

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61f57c  No.10283001

File: dbf2d9567c90df9⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 420x236, 105:59, tenor_5_.gif)

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f6d153  No.10283004

File: 8345fa1f2bf77bd⋯.png (3.26 MB, 1920x1998, 320:333, JobberJibberJabber2914ca20….png)


forgot pic

HD`d that as a ty if u like

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b0956c  No.10283006

File: b704756e843ddcf⋯.png (22.93 KB, 598x209, 598:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bd5c99d1594b9f⋯.png (16.19 KB, 386x267, 386:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25789c69e74ed2e⋯.png (997.6 KB, 640x786, 320:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf7f24438473cee⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1109x1478, 1109:1478, ClipboardImage.png)

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da2233  No.10283008


Agree. No justice, no MAGA. Not possible.

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8d0122  No.10283009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fc05b9  No.10283010

File: 1133c1ffbe0f28c⋯.jpg (130.25 KB, 712x986, 356:493, 1580736738849.jpg)

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da2233  No.10283013


Kamelface blew him.

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8d0122  No.10283015


"And she went down, she went down and she went down in a terrible way." DJT

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fc05b9  No.10283016

File: 824d5663891165d⋯.jpg (346.32 KB, 1347x1084, 1347:1084, 824d5663891165db219516d38f….jpg)

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fc05b9  No.10283017

File: 39c67f4c60e0876⋯.png (109.96 KB, 547x424, 547:424, 1596170700387.png)

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fc05b9  No.10283018

File: 14d14786c2ca519⋯.png (1.29 MB, 960x899, 960:899, 14d14786c2ca519814a42b0ce5….png)

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61f57c  No.10283019

File: 05260b01ef0cc5b⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB, 640x360, 16:9, tT76JzzC5_euimnO.mp4)

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da2233  No.10283020

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fc05b9  No.10283021

File: e5af8fa2e5bba6c⋯.jpg (148.86 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1596763026857.jpg)

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da2233  No.10283024

File: 4126c7f39457b7c⋯.jpg (67.27 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 3zr8ds.jpg)

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fc05b9  No.10283026

File: 7ddfcd00691f4bf⋯.jpg (76.54 KB, 648x646, 324:323, 1585094859916.jpg)

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fc05b9  No.10283027

File: eff799a7144526d⋯.jpg (130.84 KB, 640x849, 640:849, 1594786688312.jpg)

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fc05b9  No.10283028

File: 397059a7c3933fd⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 816x180, 68:15, 397059a7c3933fda4703fb8ab1….jpg)

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8e7e89  No.10283029

File: 4c0166b7c319546⋯.png (589.9 KB, 514x514, 1:1, 88.png)

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da2233  No.10283030


That's disgraceful. No boobies?!?!?!?!??

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fc05b9  No.10283032

File: c35736b783e2231⋯.gif (857.7 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 1594150824332.gif)

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a1e540  No.10283033


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61f57c  No.10283034

File: e6cee46fa9e929a⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1439x2185, 1439:2185, Screenshot_20200814_035233….jpg)


wat the hell are these?

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8e7e89  No.10283036


Use your imagination…and the internet.

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