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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, _JPG.jpg)

1c0c93  No.10183484[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Friday 07.31.2020

>>10134839 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Revolution

Thursday 07.30.2020

>>10133702 ————————————–——– Tucker: America is witnessing a brazen power grab (Cap: >>10133900)

>>10125999 ————————————–——– Do not mistake silence for inaction.

>>10125966 ————————————–——– "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."

Tuesday 07.28.2020

>>10110219 ————————————–—— NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.

>>10110207 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE.

>>10110177 ————————————–—— Tucker opening from today (Cap: >>10113490)

Thursday 07.23.2020

>>10058962 ————————————–—— Catherine Herridge on FBI doc declas (Cap: >>10058986)

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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1c0c93  No.10183496

Global Announcements

None at this time.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10183442 Hawaii Democrat senator storms out of room during hearing on antifa violence

>>10183276 'Kindergarten Cop' gets pulled for being 'too offensive'

>>10183246 , >>10183377 Judge orders thousands of mail-in Ballots ordered to be recounted in NYC

>>10183241 , >>10183292 Antifa Hearing: Only Republicans Graham and Lee turned up with 7 Democrats

>>10183240 Left-wing protesters chased off by armed residents in Seattle suburb

>>10183203 Facebook and Twitter user stats

>>10183161 18 of 20 FB 'independent oversight' board members traced to Soros and/or foundations

>>10183159 , >>10183223 Photos of the Beruit explosion

>>10183061 Video: Lou Dobbs: Sounds like Durham is done. Trump has seen the goods

>>10183042 , >>10183018, >>10183186 Videos of past explosions for comparison

>>10183031 Ex Spanish King Juan Carlos is in exile, Queen Sopia must decide what to do

>>10183009 Sally Yates in front of Judiciary tomorrow

>>10182988 Kek points to 8/8

>>10182936 Planefag Updates

>>10182915 Seismograph images of the Beruit explosion

>>10182879 2016: Journalism Group Releases Full List Of People, Companies Named In 'Panama Papers'

>>10182869 Oswega County Sheriff joins boat parade for Trump

>>10182851 , >>10182852, >>10182860 POTUS: It looks like an attack. A bomb of some kind

>>10182781 POTUS Giving $35 Million in Aid to Human Trafficking Victims


#13030 Baker change

>>10182677 , >>10182722 POTUS Live now - Streams

>>10182714 Nevada AG Sounds The Alarm: Nevada Dems Will Be Able to Vote For Elders Without Signature

>>10182696 POTUS: "It looks like it was a terrible attack"

>>10182687 The Rothschilds own The Central Bank of Lebanon which was really close to explosion

>>10182679 RNC chair: If Biden doesn't debate he should be disqualified from running

Baker Change

>>10182630 Disney loses 5 billion during pandemic

>>10182586 Huge explosion rips through a Chinese chemical factory near Wuhan

>>10182137 boatfaggin

>>10182143, >>10182169, >>10182274, >>10182372, >>10182409 planefaggin

>>10182422 PapaD: FBI raids in Cleveland and Miami re: Ihor Valeriyovych Kolomoyshyi, he owns Private Bank which is the controlling holder of Burisma

>>10182418 @realDonaldTrump joins Lou for an exclusive interview to discuss how he’s accomplishing so much despite the relentless efforts from RINOs, Radical Dems & the Deep State

>>10182370 President Trump News Conference

>>10182337 HRW chief jumps to blame Hezbollah for devastating Beirut blasts – and backpedals immediately

>>10182190 China, U.S. to hold 'high-level' trade talks on August 15

>>10182734 #13030

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1c0c93  No.10183498


>>10181592 boatfaggin

>>10181769 planefaggin doc on it

>>10181877 LIVE: Crew Dragon astronauts hold news conference after returning to Earth

>>10181845 Jersey sales for NBA player Jonathan Isaac skyrocket after he refuses to kneel for national anthem

>>10181806 WV Man Admits To Conspiring With Woman To Produce Child Porn

>>10181768 Development and Licensure of Vaccines to Prevent COVID-19 Guidance for Industry FDA pdf's

>>10181749 food for thought on Beirut

>>10181726 Potus: “Trump Wins in Portland”

>>10181705 Statement from National Security Adviser Robert C. O’Brien Regarding Libya

>>10181672 Virgin Atlantic Airline files for Bankruptcy

>>10181665 UK: Secret Court Papers Reveal ‘Rogue’ British SAS Squad Executed 33 Civilians in Afghanistan

>>10181650 Life After Nxivm? Emiliano Salinas Has New Business Plan – to Get Electricity Contract for Baja Mexico – as He Walks From Nxivm Unscathed and Untouched


>>10181581 Due to the explosion that rocked #Beirut Port today, one of our Maritime Task Force ships was damaged, leaving some naval peacekeepers injured.

>>10181559 RED FLAG Ex-Formula 1 racer Eddie Irvine says he ‘partied with Bill Clinton at bash thrown by Jeffrey Epstein’

>>10181558 Millions Without Power, Isaias Unleashes Twisters Across East Coast

>>10181530 Census Bureau Will End Count a Month Earlier Than Expected

>>10181522, >>10181606, >>10181626 Beirut port blast was equivalent to magnitude 4.5 earthquake, Jordanian seismologists say/3.3?

>>10181505 Protesters Sue Seattle Claiming Police Use of Force Amounts to a 'Protest Tax' Violating Civil Rights/Next sure thing is death kek

>>10181490 Refresher: Investigation Into Missing Iraqi Cash Ended in Lebanon Bunker

>>10181454 ALERT: Ground Beef Recall Affects 38,000 Pounds Of Meat

>>10181441 “Charity” Accused of Sex Abuse Coordinating ID2020’s Pilot Program For Refugee Newborns

>>10181440 The explosion happened just days before a United Nations tribunal is expected to issue its verdict on four alleged Hezbollah members accused of killing former Lebanon Prime Minister Rafic Hariri in a 2005 car bombing on the Beirut seafront

>>10181415 Lebanese PM calls on 'friendly countries' to help after blasts

>>10181372 DeWine: Doctors advise that kids K-12 wear a mask,the Ohio Children’s Hospital Association & @OHPediatricians jointly recommended masks for all kids returning to school.

>>10181329 I am deeply saddened by the tragic loss of eight Marines and one Sailor during a training exercise off the coast of California.....

>>10181325 Increased Global Mortality Linked to Arsenic Exposure in Rice-Based Diets

>>10181317 Dozens of Pesticides Linked with Mammary Gland Tumors in Animal Studies

>>10181314, >>10181496 QAnon isn’t going away and that the violence might get worse/rebuttal

>>10181301 Military Situation In Syria On August 4, 2020 (Map Update)

>>10181292 Over 500 Kashmir Gov't Employees Under Scrutiny for 'Anti-National’ Activities

>>10181288 Democrats Up Stimulus Demand To $3.4 Trillion In Odd Negotiating Tactic

>>10181264, >>10181277, >>10181340, >>10181682, >>10181708 The FBI searched the Cleveland and Miami offices of Optima Management Group

>>10181256 Moar Zundel diggz

>>10181253, >>10181267 Reminder: 1995 OKLAHOMA CITY

>>10181244 Potus: Today we celebrated the passage of landmark legislation that will preserve America’s majestic natural wonders, priceless historic treasures, grand national monuments, and glorious national parks

>>10181941 #13029

Previously Collected Notables

>>10180398 #13027, >>10181178 #13028

>>10178139 #13024, >>10178859 #13025, >>10179661 #13026

>>10175863 #13021, >>10176610 #13022, >>10177349 #13023

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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1c0c93  No.10183499

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

International Q Research Threads

>>9799424 Germany #60

>>9947756 UK #19

>>9062489 Australia #8

>>9725975 Canada #7

>>8242350 New Zealand #4

>>8826750 Nederland #4

>>8331823 France

>>8033191 South Africa

>>5290557 Nordic

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

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GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

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Q Graphics all in GMT #119-#124 >>>/comms/17717, >>>/comms/18151, >>>/comms/18629, >>>/comms/18630, >>10092908 , >>10180323

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1c0c93  No.10183503

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

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Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

PUT to Memes60 >>10031965 for the Warehouse

GET from Warehouse - tagged, sorted, reformatted, compacted ammo from memers and scouts

USE Catalog to access over >77,000 memes https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA


* Censorship by Big Tech https://mega.nz/folder/hMplDZiA#ttp-iRrGPrcN2ycwdQvjTg

* Hydroxychloroquine/HCQ COVID therapy/prophylactic. Make it OTC – https://mega.nz/folder/AdAgCKRD#mC2IVsbIJ4J2qD07Pf9jxA

* Big Pharma Prioritizes profit over health. Trump lowers drug prices – https://mega.nz/folder/9MplDKrS#2ErTJWcfFQA3scFeGu02hA

* Masks Useful or not? Mask to vote in person? Unconstitutional mask orders? – https://mega.nz/folder/sYQgTYwa#RIPJHhLMruz-7htXPeExyg

* Anarchy! BLM, Antifa, riots, violent protests, law & order, defund or support police – https://mega.nz/folder/oYYjwYiC#8OUQyoljn9zdMQxxzotINA

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Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar Baking Seminar #25 >>>/comms/21322

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting:

https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTYUwt5rV5s

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1c0c93  No.10183528

File: 11d1e1e5486ceaa⋯.jpg (2.73 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 11d1e1e5486ceaae33e13a4129….jpg)




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66d934  No.10183543

File: 61872c612a01846⋯.mp4 (3.6 MB, 954x540, 53:30, b1Lk3lwwG9EZThJB.mp4)

File: 866bf6b2ee2ed2d⋯.png (89.89 KB, 652x150, 326:75, Screenshot_2020_08_03_what….png)

File: 1eef1a649aa1573⋯.png (704.43 KB, 1564x1362, 782:681, Judgement_Day.png)

Skynet Is Now Aware

Judgement Day Incoming

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2d658c  No.10183546

File: fcd8bc7e2a25ec2⋯.jpg (60.66 KB, 574x520, 287:260, art5th.jpg)


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2d658c  No.10183561

File: 06b5323c1ae9615⋯.jpg (13.97 KB, 250x250, 1:1, game_over.jpg)

game over?

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1c130a  No.10183569

File: 9e589cfc73bd513⋯.png (968.95 KB, 686x686, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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016e11  No.10183571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏 6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud 🙏🙏🙏 :


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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406960  No.10183572


austin, tx

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870946  No.10183573

File: ae6ac6352c4a079⋯.jpg (77.8 KB, 800x759, 800:759, adf3414g.jpg)

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12d187  No.10183574

File: 089e47404c5dde9⋯.png (13.49 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepe_reee.png)

Spooky as fuck today really…

I think it was not any specific nation, but still the DEEP STATE operating on its own.

If I am right or at least partially right, that means the DS has been rooted out of ALL nations they previously had control of, and they are fucking PANICKING because no ones buying into the bullshit narratives and so they played one of their last cards, maybe their last which included a possible dirty nuke.


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2d05db  No.10183575

File: bc9a06752512675⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 239x320, 239:320, bc9a067525126750791c984a4b….gif)


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434859  No.10183576

File: 07962b249989fd5⋯.jpeg (78.94 KB, 572x363, 52:33, 148771ED_7702_41EA_9E24_3….jpeg)

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2d658c  No.10183577

File: 3576848f169ca6c⋯.jpg (51.52 KB, 444x600, 37:50, pi.jpg)

tom l. ware?

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b06101  No.10183578

File: 9a06e74f1680c5a⋯.png (350.37 KB, 1200x445, 240:89, hot_august_nights.png)

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e12d1c  No.10183579

File: 189403fe6b41098⋯.png (3.2 MB, 1864x1004, 466:251, bith.PNG)

Wow this bitch on Fox News is asking questions that require a little nuance, and then when Mercedes tries to give nuance, the bitch is like "whoops reclaiming my time haha you have no answer :)))"

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5413a0  No.10183580

File: 3b0589bbaf0fec0⋯.jpg (30.3 KB, 500x750, 2:3, downloadfile.jpg)

I don't want to break a nail.

White men today are so weak it's pathetic and they don't even give a crap or want to try and stop black men from raping over 30 thousand white women annually in America.

White men have gone down the tubes.

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60bba5  No.10183581

File: dc8f519109ec455⋯.jpg (117.2 KB, 736x1104, 2:3, bb.jpg)

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e63da2  No.10183582

>>10183563 p

this would deflate a whole bunch of wacky conspiracy theories if only someone would watch it.



ammonium nitrate


orange cloud


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fdeb14  No.10183583


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857b59  No.10183584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e6236a  No.10183585

File: 6116b764944d50b⋯.jpg (7.34 KB, 225x224, 225:224, 0000001.jpg)



dicks, assholes,pussies!

Sorry, my turrets!



why you so crazy?

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d2eeaa  No.10183586

File: 35dc97683aca39f⋯.png (45.03 KB, 773x519, 773:519, Screen_Shot_2020_08_04_at_….png)


Infant mortality decreased during the "lockdowns", most likely, I believe due to fewer vaccine deaths (that is what a lot of SIDS is) because parents weren't going to the well baby (aka "make 'em sick with toxic injections) visits.

You raise a good point. I go to Euromomo.eu (European mortality monitoring) for European data. Recently, I was able to show that Germany had no excess mortality, casting doubt on the need for coronavirus restrictions.


I would very much like an accurate source of such data for the US.

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203dd1  No.10183587

File: 036d07d55ad31b1⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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be2435  No.10183588

File: 651441b13c546fd⋯.jpg (81.96 KB, 635x493, 635:493, 1596579314184.jpg)

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8cdf89  No.10183589


I live near that shopping center, it's an art gallery. What are you getting at?

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37280d  No.10183590

Tennessee is the Volunteer State

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ce71ed  No.10183591

File: e1a6828680630ad⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 649x370, 649:370, trumpcaughthussein.jpg)

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e71bc7  No.10183592

File: 55fcce64fdd8c98⋯.png (546.09 KB, 943x629, 943:629, 56897809280918645.png)

File: 323f2a41df6c68d⋯.png (568.74 KB, 836x666, 418:333, 1919758549832968.png)

File: f8fa924adfca505⋯.png (758.14 KB, 1155x806, 1155:806, 459081266954.png)

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7c421e  No.10183593

File: 219168f653d6a6c⋯.mp4 (13.08 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Q_Biblical.mp4)

I was watching Law Abiding Citizen again today and my ears perked up and I said to myself, wait, what was that! Hmmmm….. now where have I heard those phrases before! ;-) So I decided to put this snippet together, listen closely!

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000000  No.10183594


>Skynet Is Now Aware


Are you aware?

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2d658c  No.10183595

File: d82ea2859a7e6cb⋯.jpg (426.9 KB, 1600x1968, 100:123, ao5_wr_big_arton5th_53774.jpg)


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be2435  No.10183596

File: 79f7b1dc6eb89a6⋯.png (276.69 KB, 964x507, 964:507, 1596579453341.png)

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d40ea0  No.10183597

So was Beirut [DS]?

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a05a13  No.10183598

File: 9affb6a94a091b7⋯.png (319.47 KB, 687x497, 687:497, _20_Donald_J_Trump_realDon….png)

>>10181700 LB

>4 hours ago27cd96 (3)  No.10181700


>Just say NO.

>It really is that easy.

>If everyone said no, what would they do?

>▶Anonymous  4 hours ago6d04e2 (7)  No.10181525


>No. (((they))) need to just fuck off with this stupid mask shit. I had to wear one for 20 minutes today and I was constantly YAWNING - a sure sign I'm not getting enough oxygen

>▶Anonymous  4 hours agoc01616 (1)  No.10181497>>10181865


>suffocate the children all day. FUCK YOU DEWINE YOU CLOWN ASSHOLE.

Do not listen to these "anti-mask" anons. At no time has Trump or Q said that masks don't work or that covid is not real.

Just yesterday Trump retweeted to wear a mask

The anti-mask twitter accounts are probably CIA black hats trying to make Q look bad.

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6f74ce  No.10183599

File: c1785aa9cc2a5d1⋯.png (721.56 KB, 1278x676, 639:338, ClipboardImage.png)



>>10183545 last bread

>Wow. Is that nuclear?

Hope not. If it was we will know soon enough. There will be no way to fully hide the radiation burns and sickness.

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5413a0  No.10183600

File: 67a7a9ddfe7e13a⋯.jpg (36.93 KB, 323x412, 323:412, downloadfile_1.jpg)

White Soyboi Pansy.

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048f72  No.10183601

>>10183287 (lb)

>Any way to get the numbers of people who are dying everyday in America?

don't know about August specifically but the CDC lists deaths from all causes:


tldr (year, day average):

2,813,503 (year, 2018)

2,813,503/365 = 7708 (per day - average)


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7332f3  No.10183602

When you are broke, how to steal easy Federal “bailout” money:

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: I’m Laying Off 22,000 City Workers if the Feds Don’t Give Us a Bailout


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77b743  No.10183603

File: 70f2ab43c102c29⋯.jpg (60.43 KB, 814x558, 407:279, Capture.JPG)

>>10183558 LB

You're missing the point

Make the comparison…Moar people died from the regular flu the the Fake and Phony covid 19 …The CDC admits it on their own website…Look it up….Figure it out

NOTE: The week of April 4 was the last week in-season influenza burden estimates will be provided for the 2019-2020 season.

*Because influenza surveillance does not capture all cases of flu that occur in the U.S., CDC provides these estimated ranges to better reflect the larger burden of influenza. These estimates are calculated based on CDC’s weekly influenza surveillance data and are preliminary.

**Influenza testing across the United States may be higher than normal at this time of year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. These estimates may partly reflect increases in testing in recent weeks and may be adjusted downward once the season is complete and final data for the 2019/20 season are available.


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75df07  No.10183604

File: fecb88ae0b74df0⋯.png (5.44 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fecb88ae0b74df09911c5cc73f….png)

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f97ca9  No.10183605


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cdacd6  No.10183606

[P] = Phoencians

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187cf9  No.10183607



"PLOS is a nonprofit, Open Access publisher empowering researchers to accelerate progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication"

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e6236a  No.10183608


hello skynet!

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5612ff  No.10183609

File: a4c6ed299146e9f⋯.png (381.83 KB, 598x715, 46:55, Screenshot_2020_08_04_The_….png)

File: d103bf28f19f15a⋯.mp4 (635.63 KB, 480x270, 16:9, DT65wkn1_Z8iJuXK.mp4)

Senator calls Antifa Wall of Moms “courageous.” (BLM activists called them racist).


Many of the people from the “wall of moms” were filmed engaging in rioting themselves, @RonWyden

. For example, one handled out slabs of concrete for others to use as projectiles, another tried to break into federal court front door & another used rope to try & pull down barrier.


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000000  No.10183610

here we go again

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92eb88  No.10183611

File: d5f85e9085f0ff2⋯.png (42.25 KB, 647x889, 647:889, d5f85e9085f0ff2e802fe9d0c2….png)

all good?



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7f748a  No.10183612

File: 72fa50caa0643ad⋯.png (17.51 KB, 615x178, 615:178, ClipboardImage.png)

Related Explosions

The Beirut warehouse was full of ammonia nitrate

The Wuhan factory made butylene oxide, which is chemically similar to petrol.

Did the warehouse actually have both, as a bomb making factory?

Was someone sending a message with the almost simultaneous explosions?

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cdacd6  No.10183613

[P] =Phoenicians

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000000  No.10183614


Yes clearnet is all chuffed again.

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43a77c  No.10183615

File: 8d69b02b8096429⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1441x2420, 131:220, harlequinc.jpg)

>>10183251 pb

no it's schiff who lies.

POTUS ends the FED

makes buyer of tik tok pay Treasury

Will stop evictions.

He''s gonna win NY now too.


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f9e7d3  No.10183616

Carlos Osweda's take on the Beirut Boom!

Here's some pretty irrefutable evidence that the Beirut explosion was not only NOT accidental, it was carefully controlled.


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000000  No.10183617


I'm getting real tired of having to pretend these things are human.

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bb5478  No.10183618

From the NYT

"But, despite all this, you still say you’re hopeful for the future? Why?

The reason I’m optimistic is not that I think QAnon will disappear in a year but that something like QAnon is proof that people care and people like being involved in pursuit of truth. In QAnon that care and pursuit are dangerously twisted."

dangerously twisted?

like a bent dick?

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ac47f4  No.10183619

>>10183220 PB

Worth checking IMHO. Mentions HMX likely related to the brown smoke...

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1ed513  No.10183620


The pseudo narrative so far is "ammonia nitrate"

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cdacd6  No.10183621

[P] = Phoenicians

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000000  No.10183622

had to switch to TOR, anyone else?

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bfaea1  No.10183623

We must be under attack again.

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789b66  No.10183624

File: ed33bb15cc1de45⋯.jpg (167.92 KB, 1280x1586, 640:793, 3a105e912a41f329940cae4652….jpg)

Thank You Baker

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d5dc45  No.10183625

shit broke

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bf35a5  No.10183626

File: 2fdff09a7b40b85⋯.png (59.86 KB, 666x736, 333:368, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38f4b86442d3021⋯.png (720.42 KB, 640x466, 320:233, ClipboardImage.png)

W.H.O. Casts Doubt on Coronavirus Originating in Wuhan, China

A senior World Health Organization (W.H.O.) expert on Monday declared that the novel coronavirus did not necessarily jump from animals into humans in Wuhan, China, where health officials detected the first clusters of the highly contagious and lethal disease.

The remarks by Dr. Michael Ryan, the executive director of the Health Emergencies Program at the China-influenced United Nations agency, came in response to a reporter asking about a two-person W.H.O. team who recently traveled to China to probe the origins of the Chinese coronavirus.

On Monday, Ryan briefed reporters alongside W.H.O. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Tedros announced that the duo who visited China had “concluded their mission to lay the groundwork” for a more extensive “international team” to identify the virus’s origins.

“The team is actually not back yet, and we obviously haven’t had the chance to debrief them,” Dr. Ryan explained.

Asked about the mission, Ryan said in responding:

There are gaps in the epidemiological landscape and what is required is going to be a much more extensive retrospective epidemiological study to look at those first cases and clusters in Wuhan and to fully understand the links between those cases so that we can then determine at what point in Wuhan or elsewhere was the animal-human species barrier breached.

“Again, one must remember that there was a specific surveillance system in place in Wuhan for picking up clusters of atypical pneumonia,” he also said.

“The fact that that fire alarm was triggered doesn’t necessarily mean that is where the disease crossed from animals into humans,” Ryan added.

State-run media outlets in China swiftly seized on Ryan’s comments to cast doubt on the true origin of the virus.

According to health officials, the virus may have originated in Wuhan wet markets, where animals known to transmit coronaviruses are crammed together in putrid conditions and sold for public consumption.

The Chinese city is also home to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), where researchers are known to carry out studies on bat coronaviruses.

In early January, China closed the wet market believed to be the source of the virus and disinfected with bleach, destroying all microbial evidence at the site, according to a dossier prepared by concerned Western governments, including the U.S., that surfaced in May.

Echoing the intelligence report, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in April accused Beijing of destroying Chinese coronavirus samples collected early, making it far more difficult to trace the virus’s origin.


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18129c  No.10183627

Testing 1, 2, 3.

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406960  No.10183628

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d40ea0  No.10183629


Skynet is a thing?

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000000  No.10183630


>The pseudo narrative so far is "ammonia nitrate"

actually, so far its the most logical conclusion based on the evidence anons have examined. got anything to add?

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fe0d40  No.10183631


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d22ec2  No.10183632

File: 18a6966ec439acd⋯.jpeg (39.84 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, gandalf.jpeg)


What I'm smoking is very weak compared to the shit you have. Please share.

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42e8a6  No.10183633



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67bbb4  No.10183634


She was saying all the right things in end to weasel her way out, but it failed. Doesn't change the fact that Antifa burned and looted communities

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000000  No.10183635


I wonder if that might have had something to do with that needle they stuck in his neck when he was sitting next to the car?

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7bc84d  No.10183636

File: fbfa828c59a8208⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 499x350, 499:350, d8e776066d22459d32ddf147cd….jpg)

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bf35a5  No.10183637

File: ccf462819461752⋯.png (65.88 KB, 745x864, 745:864, ClipboardImage.png)

Virginia Man Pleads Guilty to Enticement, Child Pornography Charges


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000000  No.10183638


>Skynet is a thing?

Skynet is a thing, yes.

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d5dc45  No.10183639


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be45af  No.10183640

File: c053dba909d8d84⋯.jpeg (19.83 KB, 320x180, 16:9, 006C118C_3DAF_4135_AD42_7….jpeg)

attacks only make us stronger…

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88b898  No.10183641

File: 5af0e4c855ea012⋯.png (910.47 KB, 864x603, 96:67, bubsyodafuckey.png)

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000000  No.10183642


Holy shit.

What a coincidence that they became aware on Obama's bday

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8cfd3c  No.10183643


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f22c83  No.10183644


thats nice work from an artistic perspective, but the proof is goofy.

Goofy proof.

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506dd8  No.10183645


Great. You broke it.

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000000  No.10183646


Then stop.

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c97925  No.10183647

File: 46395be716e1a17⋯.png (36.53 KB, 712x731, 712:731, 1.PNG)

File: a2f3bfeb12fa7ca⋯.png (122.21 KB, 771x917, 771:917, 2.PNG)

Newfag here. Got a question. Which one of these docs is the new Maxwell release?

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789b66  No.10183648

File: deba32c5b10cb35⋯.jpeg (157.12 KB, 1080x846, 60:47, 1543271240.jpeg)


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bf35a5  No.10183649


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000000  No.10183650


your network will run a lot better for it.

besides, TOR is the way Anons were meant to post.

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a6aac9  No.10183651

File: fc85ba813dd9522⋯.jpg (650.2 KB, 1564x1362, 782:681, wilcock_Q_connection.jpg)


I have the original.

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000000  No.10183652


i dont think either one is from the recent release. would help if ya had sauce

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abbcf5  No.10183653

File: c99eb5e43ec20a6⋯.png (510.38 KB, 800x449, 800:449, ClipboardImage.png)

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bfc0ca  No.10183654

Clearnet back?

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e773db  No.10183655

File: 1ec5b608280b8ba⋯.png (161.82 KB, 299x323, 299:323, 1ec5b608280b8bac7cdb841126….png)

Research is top last breads, carry on

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aa4dc6  No.10183656

File: 6fcdca90dd8d479⋯.png (288.9 KB, 366x526, 183:263, Screen_Shot_2020_08_04_at_….png)

Look at what may be coming, all part of the 'Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development', Rockefeller Foundation planned and laid out since May 2010.

While anon's focus on Durham and Obamagate fuckery/POTUS, this vaccine shit is where much of the attention should be.

Think Russo: 'They're going to chip everybody'!

Fall in line, or don't work! Indeed, this is so fucked up on so many different levels!

Vaccinate or Terminate – Mandatory Vaccination As Workplace Policy

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The discovery, testing and mass deployment of a COVID-19 vaccine are welcome developments in potentially ending the Coronavirus pandemic. A safe and widely available vaccine will also allow employees to return to the physical workplace. The benefits of an inoculated (and presumably safe and healthy) workforce are obvious. Employees immune from COVID-19 will experience fewer absences because they are healthy and so are the people that they care for (or that care for them). Offices and other facilities will avoid pandemic-related closures and disruptions associated with deep cleaning and other infection control measures. Inoculated individuals will be able to travel and participate in service, customer and other people-facing positions without fear of becoming ill or perpetuating an outbreak and making others ill. And while less obvious, incidents of mental health disorders and other very real but debilitating anxiety-related illnesses should wane in the face of actual progress in fighting the pandemic. If a fully or near fully inoculated workforce could materially reduce and even eliminate the direct threat the pandemic poses to the workplace, it seems natural to implement a mandatory vaccination program as soon as a COVID-19 vaccine is widely available – after health care workers, first responders and others at high risk are vaccinated – to ensure employee health and safety.




Employers to require yearly China flu shot

August 4, 2020


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d21a98  No.10183657

File: 3c6a103359fb4bd⋯.png (1.34 MB, 698x921, 698:921, POTUS_samurai_handcuffs.PNG)

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bfc0ca  No.10183658


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d22ec2  No.10183659


[P] = penis.

Q confirmed.

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3acec9  No.10183660

File: c0999586d0ca132⋯.jpeg (66.53 KB, 618x393, 206:131, D831CA06_6F96_4217_AF72_0….jpeg)


Thanks fam, appreciate ya!

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789b66  No.10183661

File: 8c375d39dc48b8b⋯.jpg (219.19 KB, 1080x515, 216:103, 20200728_202747.jpg)

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000000  No.10183662


>besides, TOR is the way Anons were meant to post.

i thought we were supposed to namefag and link our twitters, not be literally anonymous on an anonymous image board.

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000000  No.10183663


I'm going to go out on a limb and assume it's the one from 2019 and not 2015 although I wouldn't understand why either wouldn't be from 2020

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b3403e  No.10183664

File: 9aeef9bb554d6fd⋯.png (256.69 KB, 612x346, 306:173, Godinspreu.png)

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3acec9  No.10183665

File: ac938b3707fedec⋯.png (2.71 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 38CB20FD_F19D_47F0_B90A_74….png)


Really nigga?

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1ed513  No.10183666



No. Just too many years of watching the narrative be set for us and we just believe it.

Remember that wet market where "bats were being sold?"

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b57895  No.10183667

File: 8e7370889578950⋯.jpeg (503.53 KB, 1796x1471, 1796:1471, 0BFFF22E_4B9A_4C5A_A4EF_9….jpeg)

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7f748a  No.10183668

File: 314384a3b56c97f⋯.png (576.7 KB, 927x574, 927:574, ClipboardImage.png)


Same time.

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e3fa77  No.10183669


Says you with the man bun. Stop being faggot.

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59ecc6  No.10183670

File: d9a2c53270553a1⋯.png (491.54 KB, 877x1015, 877:1015, Cancer_Starvation.png)

File: 61d7aa9fe90027f⋯.png (451.2 KB, 590x541, 590:541, Cancer_HandshakHaystack.png)

File: 03805dd55934718⋯.png (283.69 KB, 622x530, 311:265, GanodermaFraudHiddenResear….png)

File: 50049a7d79a95d0⋯.png (69.08 KB, 710x584, 355:292, 12263_2011_220_Fig2_HTML.png)


Look at the pic related. Top left is where glucose goes into cancer cell to feed it. Top center is glutamate, aka: MSG, also, anything autolysed, anything hydrolyzed. Took this out of mom's diet. Took out sugar, replaced with stevia.

Gave her green tea for the EGCG (see center of pic related for the EGCG, and note others in red squares are chemotherapy agents also blocking glutamate or glutamine precurser)

Gave her Enzymes every day to strip the protean coat off the tumor. (pic 2 related)

Gave her mushrooms, two caps of shitake and maitake a day to get the glucans in her. The white cells go after the glucans, which are also in the cancer cell wall. The mushrooms boost the immune system. See that green haystack of a tumor? (pic 3 related) The protein sugar coat does a hand shake with the immune system "nothing to see here"!!!

But when you rip that coat off with the enzymes, and expose those glucans after you piss off the immune cell war dogs, the cancer will be attacked by the immune cells.

Those green balls, are immune cells trying to shake hands with the cancer that is hiding in the protein hay stack. (pic 4 related) You need those proteins GONE so the immune cells can SEE the cancer and rip it apart. Enzymes will tear that shit out of hiding. Mushrooms will teach the immune system to go after the glucans in the cancer cell walls.


1) No feeding cancer= no sugar, no aspartame, no glutamate

(pic 1 related)

2) Tear the cancer cells out of the protein coat by eating lots of protein digesting enzymes

(pic 2 related)

while you simultaneously do not eat meat so the enzymes are free to tear at the tumor. Give them enzymes nothing better to do than eat cancer protein that does not belong in you. Meat free, sugar free veggie diet for at least two weeks.

3) Boil a cap each shitake, maitake, reishi in water boiler. Use the water to make green tea so EGCG from green tea can block the cancer ability to fuel up with any glutamate that comes off of anything you eat (remember, glutamate is an abundant amino acid, it must be blocked from use by the cancer cell)

4) Eat the mushrooms to boos the immune cell production in the bone marrow. They hide the anticancer mushroom research in the craziest chemistry and engineering journals so doctors do not see it. (pic 3 related) The glucans from the mushroom caps will irritate the crap out of the white cells, and cause them to chase down the glucans. Because cancer cells are made of glucans second layer down, when they find the glucans, they rip the cancer to hell.

Take good multivitamins, only normal C, normal A, and extra TOCOTRINOL forms of E (pic 4 related is tocotrinol comparison with other chemo therapies…. yes. And they give us TOCOPHEROLS, because these forms of vitamen E do not fight cancer, in fact they block the uptake of the cancer fighting tocotrinol forms. GET TOCOTRINOLS (pic 4 related)

5) IF YOU DO CHEMO - look up the new research on chemotherapy fast. When you fast for 48 hours, the normal cells close up their walls like a fort, and go into "maintanance mode" taking nothing in or out of the cell, including the deadly chemical chemotherapy. ONLY the cancer gets hit, cuz CANCER can NOT go into maintanance mode…. which is WHY it is cancer. Cant stop growing… remember? Lots of people getting through chemo by fasting 48 hours before and then 24 hours during chemo session. No more than 200 calories a day. Hair stays. No puking. The way I see it, you will starve after chemo from puking guts out anyway, why not starve in comfort, skip the puking?

There is one other thing we did that accidentally caused mom's bone cancer to die. Very controversial, BUT, after 17 years of research I know why it works down to the atoms, so, separate post, because it CAN be dangerous if you do not know HOW to do it. But, damn…. it works for the same reason a PET scan does, so…. there is that.

I will do the info on the natural chemo we used in a later post, and will include research on how it works, and what can screw things up if you are not careful…. also, how to be careful. It will not work for fast growing cancers… too gentle. But it did get rid of the bone pain from the cancer in three weeks. Being happy about no pain, mom just stayed on the diet. A year later, half her bone cancer was gone, broken bones healed. We were shocked, because … well… you know, it it is on the internet, cant be true, right? Been researching 17 years to figure out what happened to kill all that bone cancer in stage 4 terminal parent.

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abbcf5  No.10183671

File: 6fe7e98012bbaac⋯.png (24.6 KB, 812x463, 812:463, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe8171  No.10183672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons the other day dign Marfa TX

Ran across this as third rotation listening to Dink, Green mind Q's recommended wedding song kek

SCJ Scalia death

RC connections


Elite hangout

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8b94d0  No.10183673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


watch people die

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92eb88  No.10183674

File: 20a985fe2cbcdf9⋯.png (1.05 MB, 797x531, 797:531, 20a985fe2cbcdf938fbfd75eab….png)

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e71bc7  No.10183675

File: bbb72ea4d63ca4f⋯.png (1.29 MB, 938x816, 469:408, 4398071256435.png)

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19b834  No.10183676


what a dumb question

there are very few people who are truly bad in this world

why would you not be worth it?

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2d658c  No.10183677


broke what?

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050cb0  No.10183678

File: fd7b38cb7850dcd⋯.jpg (37.45 KB, 842x624, 421:312, Leef.jpg)

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677c1c  No.10183679

Fauci, Brix, the CDC , Corona, China all lost.

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58d15d  No.10183680

File: 96a15650f549bb8⋯.png (43.84 KB, 740x415, 148:83, EOht.png)


>makes buyer of tik tok pay Treasury

OR they get all their shit confiscated with all the bad bullshit piled together in one big Micro-fuk.

EO's have consequences

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a96c93  No.10183681

File: 5008b7d689f57d8⋯.gif (2.24 MB, 695x392, 695:392, 5008b7d689f57d840c5669a033….gif)

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1c130a  No.10183682

File: f8de2b0dd157709⋯.png (818.43 KB, 924x537, 308:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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d22ec2  No.10183683

The signs are increasing.

The lights in the sky will appear red, blue, green, rapidly.

Someone is coming from very far and wants to meet

the people of the Earth.

Meetings have already taken place.

But those who have really seen have been silent.

Pope John XXII, 1935

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7bc84d  No.10183684

File: e3f339b42f6f7f8⋯.png (174.04 KB, 586x618, 293:309, Screen_Shot_2020_08_04_at_….png)

$9.50/oz premium on ASEs

Still lots of demand out there


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76a0d7  No.10183685


Not nuclear. Smallest practical nuke that goes critical is known as davy crockett device. Anything less than that is just a dirty explosion, at best. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett_(nuclear_device)

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000000  No.10183686


>The lights in the sky will appear red, blue, green, rapidly.

israli drones equipped with RGB lighting confirmed?

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595516  No.10183687

File: 75439ebdb966244⋯.jpg (179.6 KB, 1622x765, 1622:765, nss1.JPG)

File: 24972c9632ccf2c⋯.jpg (129.84 KB, 999x638, 999:638, National_Security_Summit_W….jpg)

File: 3528ca0acf5874d⋯.jpg (10.49 KB, 299x168, 299:168, nss2.jpg)

File: aad24172002b922⋯.jpg (26.21 KB, 320x240, 4:3, nss3.jpg)

fun w/ symbols 2014


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5e3601  No.10183688


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c28946  No.10183689

File: 17439e91d9dda27⋯.png (388.9 KB, 400x601, 400:601, Gay.png)

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2d658c  No.10183690


yes all in the building address of FREE SPEECH SYSTEMS, LLC




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ae3729  No.10183691

File: 5f5bfa7f2b23b88⋯.webm (924.46 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1596586592071.webm)

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8b94d0  No.10183692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000  No.10183693

Early Notables

Baker switched to Tor - clearnet down here.

>>10183528 Dough

>>10183656 Vaccinate or Terminate – Mandatory Vaccination As Workplace Policy

>>10183637 Virginia Man Pleads Guilty to Enticement, Child Pornography Charges

>>10183626 WHO Casts Doubt on Coronavirus Originating in Wuhan, China

>>10183609 Senator calls Antifa Wall of Moms “courageous” (BLM activists called them racist)

>>10183586 Infant mortality decreased during the "lockdowns"

>>10183543 Anon's Beruit Graphic & Decode Side x Side

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b1af04  No.10183694

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bf35a5  No.10183695

posting to update

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187cf9  No.10183696



"PLOS is a nonprofit, Open Access publisher empowering researchers to accelerate progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication"


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2d658c  No.10183697


All located in the address listed for FREE SPEECH SYSTEMS, LLC from previous Q post

alex jones

eric taube

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7f748a  No.10183698

File: 29b2a719890073e⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1362x777, 454:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdba16826f8fcc7⋯.png (64.67 KB, 870x656, 435:328, ClipboardImage.png)


Only one movie by his production company.


Before that… Neverland's Library

You can't make this up.

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b5ad5b  No.10183699

who or what broke it?

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6890f9  No.10183700



No anon.

Not all Patriots are willing to be told what to put on their faces, or when to do it.

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264e01  No.10183701

>>10183311 on

Depends on your location.

When I lived in CEntral time zone I started in aug

I live in Pacific now and it starts September

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5612ff  No.10183702

File: 6cc250b525e4cfe⋯.jpg (154.58 KB, 634x908, 317:454, article_2569618_1BE342F100….jpg)

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1ed513  No.10183703

File: 3a2a57bd976879a⋯.png (873.14 KB, 813x1027, 813:1027, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e433dd8c8bc06a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 931x1023, 931:1023, ClipboardImage.png)

Claims this is the warehouse that exploded

I don't trust the narrative being set here

Looks manufactured

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0b5613  No.10183704

Holleee sheet is the bread frozen again

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ce71ed  No.10183705

File: 93164df027da073⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 630x383, 630:383, randclapper.jpg)

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4c634a  No.10183706

it was a year ago this place was shut down.

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db62e1  No.10183707

>>10182755 pb

>>10182353 pb

>>10182239 pb

>>10182421 pb

These 4 links in a Previous Bread have some great detailed info on the key to curing respiratory viruses which isZINC. HCQ is only one of several things that help Zinc do its work, for instance Green Tea works as well as HCQ and Green Tea also attacks the growth of cancer cells. You really need to understand this because you don't need any OTC medications at all. Everything that you need can be bought at a grocery store or a vitamin and supplements store.

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016e11  No.10183708

File: 89adfc65b810b5e⋯.png (114.12 KB, 260x194, 130:97, ClipboardImage.png)


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏 6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud 🙏🙏🙏 :


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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c674dd  No.10183709

File: 50401e557acc52e⋯.jpg (49.97 KB, 607x608, 607:608, 1583461325438.jpg)


Beirut is basically a suburb of Damascus.

Iran, if you must.

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7f748a  No.10183710

File: 5c56ca81bd268ab⋯.png (103.12 KB, 849x662, 849:662, ClipboardImage.png)

Happenings fast.

Ed Buck just got more charges.

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8ee046  No.10183711


I can’t breathe

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9b30d9  No.10183712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

what do i win:)

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ef3bf2  No.10183713


We really need a fallback position

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050cb0  No.10183714

File: 14d0f14b736b23f⋯.png (182.94 KB, 409x409, 1:1, 14d0f14b736b23f56e72960cc2….png)

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7e4bd4  No.10183715

PLOS ma??


PLOS is a nonprofit, Open Access publisher empowering researchers to accelerate progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication.


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9d92cd  No.10183716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>10183042 , >>10183018, >>10183186 Videos of past explosions for comparison

Here's another: Encshede Netherlands fireworks factory May 13, 2000.

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c674dd  No.10183717


muh mammaries

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ce7052  No.10183718

BREAKING: You are the news now.

Nothing can stop what is coming. August is generally a hot month. Darkness to light. God wins. Just around the corner. The storm is upon us. Trust Sessions. Where we go one we go all.

Q is amazing. 😍

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059641  No.10183719

File: 836dfdacb49110d⋯.png (30.26 KB, 728x259, 104:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.10183720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


literally nothing you used the red circle to cover up the fact you copied that shit in there loser

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857b59  No.10183721


We have a problem!! That Explosion in Beirut sure looks like a small NUKE


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6f74ce  No.10183722

File: 59a907798741c47⋯.png (77.45 KB, 247x238, 247:238, 59a907798741c47336e418140c….png)


A bird anon. You win a bird.

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cba0ca  No.10183723

File: 6afc9c6160daa76⋯.jpg (162 KB, 499x633, 499:633, OAWIcucks.jpg)

Pathetic jews can't stand to face the music so they non-stop attack the site.

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fa0476  No.10183724

File: c218661edf7ff88⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB, 854x480, 427:240, twitter_20200804_203102.mp4)

File: 16adca0818c66f2⋯.mp4 (428.28 KB, 480x848, 30:53, 16adca0818c66f29432a0da7a4….mp4)

Remember this?

Compare and contrast.

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7f748a  No.10183725

File: aa482208c30689d⋯.png (50.21 KB, 894x285, 298:95, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50a36eed6e71a7e⋯.png (114.76 KB, 909x692, 909:692, ClipboardImage.png)

RICO indictment for swamp connected casino.



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f8616c  No.10183726

File: fc2ded916c017dc⋯.jpg (42.16 KB, 1024x607, 1024:607, 102558305_1605598212940847….jpg)

Notice how Trump insist on the Q .. charles Q .. I like it


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bf35a5  No.10183727

File: 43e392d551148cd⋯.png (646.5 KB, 791x796, 791:796, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af32305ac1a7b57⋯.png (34.01 KB, 772x219, 772:219, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71f2b7404bb3df0⋯.png (331.73 KB, 1106x677, 1106:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c6c89401921fa9⋯.png (102.72 KB, 753x720, 251:240, ClipboardImage.png)

Why Georgia Could Be Blowing the Lockdown Meme Out of the Water

Georgia was one of the last states to cave to a statewide lockdown. It was also one of the first to start reopening. Republican Gov. Brian Kemp resisted calls to mandate a statewide closure, leaving it to local governments. When reopening was an option after guidelines were published, Kemp ensured that all Georgians would be allowed to participate in the reopening and prohibited local governments from implementing more restrictive guidelines than he did at the state level.

The media freaked out on both ends of the lockdown. They browbeat Kemp until he issued the stay-at-home order. Then they were predicting doom and gloom upon reopening. They paraded vice presidential hopefuls Stacey Abrams and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms all over cable news to slam Kemp’s handling of the pandemic. Here is Bottoms with one of the dumbest men on television:


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2d174e  No.10183728

File: 89437a557fedb2b⋯.jpg (393.66 KB, 1680x2100, 4:5, a7b9bb89e6600e20c8fd98f2c2….jpg)

File: b8a6fe9f2f930d5⋯.png (45.4 KB, 806x498, 403:249, Screen_Shot_2020_08_04_at_….png)

File: 1e8dbe91daeaa70⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1270x972, 635:486, Screen_Shot_2020_08_04_at_….png)

File: d3d9483ee6c8a16⋯.jpg (129.65 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 4ef54e16ff46d6c61bfb1f6d85….jpg)

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ce71ed  No.10183729

File: 660b5c43463152b⋯.jpg (59.13 KB, 587x487, 587:487, 3mvgl1q0.jpg)

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46f75f  No.10183730


>it seems natural to implement a mandatory vaccination program as soon as a COVID-19 vaccine is widely available

Sure, if you're a fucking psychopath trying to sell -umab drugs at greatly inflated prices, it's natural.

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c674dd  No.10183731

File: 7c0339ee0f54fa4⋯.jpg (194.24 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, WMD_bacon.jpg)


i believe it was sodium nitrate, you know, like bacon.

and the locals are saying two BOOMs:

Two large explosions rocked Beirut port Tuesday afternoon, killing at least 70 and injuring over 3,700, according to Lebanese authorities, with Lebanon's Prime Minister calling the incident a "catastrophe."


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f831e3  No.10183732

File: b8748abe42a4e5a⋯.png (363.33 KB, 925x485, 185:97, fbi_raid.PNG)


FBI raids offices at downtown One Cleveland Center building tied to Ukrainian oligarch

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bf35a5  No.10183733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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857b59  No.10183734


Halo in second explosion

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42e8a6  No.10183735

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e71bc7  No.10183736

File: c08035d48746f91⋯.png (179.08 KB, 851x852, 851:852, 807685781176.png)

File: be61e7875261896⋯.png (1014.63 KB, 1216x867, 1216:867, 540980218976834.png)

File: c08035d48746f91⋯.png (179.08 KB, 851x852, 851:852, 807685781176.png)

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d2eeaa  No.10183737

File: 9a5545baf33e578⋯.png (114.93 KB, 600x1024, 75:128, Screenshot_2020_08_04_19_2….png)

File: f9395d7c3d056be⋯.png (162.2 KB, 600x1024, 75:128, Screenshot_2020_08_04_19_2….png)

I am able to use the Euromomo.eu site for weekly European mortality monitoring. The US CDC makes finding similar US data very difficult. I think this table is a presentation of such data or is designed to make you think it is. However, the descriptions leave me unsatisfied. Did they estimate anticipated mortality from lockdowns? Are "excess deaths" COVID-19 deaths or other things. You can check the link for yourself.

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43a77c  No.10183738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


kappy said alex jones was one of THEM

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000000  No.10183739



explain these pics, Birx and Fauchi and one other dude are the only ones with masks

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9b30d9  No.10183740


someone said a bird? the shit explods when the bird is on it?


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79d5e6  No.10183741


What I thought: the initial smoke defuse is like a bubble popping, not smoke/dust evaporating.

Seems "pressurized" within a certain compact space.

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f831e3  No.10183742

File: 045ab508ae168a1⋯.png (790.29 KB, 1225x732, 1225:732, fbi_raid1.PNG)



FBI Raids U.S. Company With Ties to Ukrainian Oligarch

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5c4f39  No.10183743

File: 241ca2bc5557f91⋯.png (37.33 KB, 1460x520, 73:26, ClipboardImage.png)


Pretty easy to find

search term "maxwell case 18-2868"


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ee3395  No.10183744

File: aab5ff6d188fd0c⋯.jpeg (83.17 KB, 800x764, 200:191, laffDoggo.jpeg)

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d21a98  No.10183745

File: 52308f0d68eb04b⋯.png (208.28 KB, 559x392, 559:392, tenable_insight_holdings_d….PNG)

File: 848bd59d9bb1641⋯.png (548.63 KB, 678x488, 339:244, dr_evil_data_security.PNG)

Tenable Holdings, Inc. sold by Insight Holdings Group: $293.94m-August 4

Tenable Holdings Inc. is a cyber-security solutions providing company. The Company provides software as a service and is focused on building on its deep technology expertise in the traditional vulnerability assessment and management market to provide analytics that translate vulnerability data into business insight. Its enterprise platform offerings include Tenable.io and SecurityCenter. Its cyber-security platform Tenable.io manages and measures cyber exposure across a range of traditional information technology (IT) assets, such as networking infrastructure, desktops and on-premises servers and modern IT assets, such as cloud workloads, containers, web applications, internet of things (IoT) and operational technology (OT) assets. SecurityCenter is built to manage and measure cyber exposure across traditional IT assets and can be run on-premises, in the cloud or in a hybrid environment. Number of employees : 1 477 people.


from July 30th

Tenable Announces Pricing of Public Offering of Common Stock by Selling Stockholders

Tenable (NASDAQ:TENB), the Cyber Exposure company, today announced the pricing of an underwritten public offering of 8,000,000 shares of its common stock by certain existing stockholders of Tenable at a price to the public of $31.95 per share. The offering is expected to close on or about August 4, 2020, subject to the satisfaction of customary closing conditions. In addition, the selling stockholders have granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional 1,200,000 shares of common stock from them at the public offering price, less underwriting discounts and commissions. Tenable will not receive any proceeds from the sale of shares of common stock by the selling stockholders. J.P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Barclays are acting as joint book-running managers for the offering. Stifel is acting as passive book-running manager for the offering. Allen & Company LLC, William Blair, Piper Sandler, SunTrust Robinson Humphrey and Wedbush Securities are acting as co-managers for the offering.


Insight Partners-Deven Parekh Managing Director

Deven Parekh is a Managing Director at Insight Partners and joined the firm in 2000. Deven manages investments in application software, data, and consumer internet businesses globally. Notable previous companies in Deven’s portfolio have included Buddy Media (acquired by Salesforce, NASDAQ: CRM), Chegg (IPO), Football Fanatics (acquired by GSI Commerce, later acquired by eBay), Media Mind (IPO and subsequent sale to DG Fast Channel), Procuri (acquired by Ariba, NASDAQ: ARBA), ECI Solution (sold to Carlyle), Russian Trading System (merged with MICEX), Tumblr (acquired by Yahoo!), Hayneedle (sale to Jet.com), Syncsort (sale to Clearlake Capital), Alibaba (IPO), Twitter (IPO), JD.com (IPO), Website Pros (IPO), Yext (IPO), Despagar (IPO), Enverus (sale to Genstar Capital under former name Drilling Info), Turnitin (sale to Advance) and eVestment (sale to NASDAQ). He is a global investor, having actively worked with investments in Europe, Israel, China, India, Latin America, and Russia. He currently serves as Board Chair for Bullhorn, Appriss, and EveryAction, and he is a member of the Board of Directors for Fanatics, Diligent, 1stdibs, Checkout.com, Episerver, PDI, Community Brands, Vela (formerly SR Labs), Chrono24, Campaign Monitor, Wallapop, FloQast, and Inhabit IQ. He also represents the firm's interests in Automattic (Wordpress), SkyTap, and Zenefits.




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1ed513  No.10183746





I have a feeory on Beirut

That explosion went straight up in the air. Cars right nearby you can see on the street were relatively ok.

I have a feeling that this was an underground weapons/something cache. Think about how a gun barrel works.

The "fireworks" were a distraction, or were ordinance exploding.

This explosion seems like it was underground. Weapons smuggled into the port.

Someone wanted that port destroyed.

Just a feery.

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3acec9  No.10183747


Good fuck him and Schitt!


Electoral College member Ed Buck charged with moar felonies

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bf35a5  No.10183748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Trumpsman | The Maga Service

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57b64c  No.10183749


Seems typical of a detonation of a large amount of explosives.

Whether intentional or not

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bfc0ca  No.10183750

Clearnet up now??

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e71bc7  No.10183751

File: ee11ab544cef0f6⋯.png (656.39 KB, 992x747, 992:747, 14378106926540547.png)

File: 44bdbe263802916⋯.png (410.99 KB, 1145x917, 1145:917, 287040910891065.png)

File: bfc280c5edaaef8⋯.png (665.91 KB, 992x747, 992:747, 547812789643561127.png)

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6f74ce  No.10183752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bikini Atoll.

For you younger anons. This is how the Ladies Two Piece Swimsuit got it's name.

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4c634a  No.10183753

ok so today we had

(1) giant explosion in Beirut that blew out windows and injured thousands.

(2) raid on Ohio businesses said to be linked to the most handsome nation by their own's braggodoccio

(3) Our President saying 'wow' about a report on corruption

(4) Something about national parks and being outside

(5) what am I missing?

(6) Florida mail in voting is good, Nevada hasn't had enough time.

(7) strange explosions and weird lightning

(8) China-mongers are flying planes over the ocean and chest thumping

(9) Nancy isn't dealing honorably and wants a 10,000 dollar per person big-graft deal to solve all the fiscal problems for her, and her brood, for the rest of eternity and let them keep up the constant suck.

(10) King guy in Spain (a Bourbon) goes on the run. (how long is that going to last?)

(11) The left has turned social media into a gladatorial bout and they are the imperiors deciding who wins and who loses

what else?

so much more.

a hurricane turned into a tropical storm

Gold and silver are through the roof.

investigation into leaks used for profiteering announced.

what else? what other news is there? What is important that I'm not seeing?

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c674dd  No.10183754

File: 8a19838c67ced45⋯.jpg (58.38 KB, 474x316, 3:2, big_boom.jpg)


tard, complete fuk tard

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d2eeaa  No.10183755


Thank you. Both for your response to the unfortunate remark as well as for understanding the true purpose of the vaccine pogrom.

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ef3bf2  No.10183756


Georgia stayed business as usual less govt and bullshit secretarial jobs the entire lockdown. Average interstate speed 90+

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586dcc  No.10183757

File: 6f91747408f696f⋯.png (244.15 KB, 323x412, 323:412, ClipboardImage.png)

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a6a3ab  No.10183758


1:15-cv-07433 is the case number of the current document release. Best to keep an eye on Court Listener to see most recent rulings and releases. Link to Court Listener for this case, sorted with most recent at top.


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857b59  No.10183759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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43a77c  No.10183760

File: 0515147d450b86a⋯.png (199.03 KB, 341x365, 341:365, hapsbergchin.png)


dude who plays sick murderer in nihilist / "black humor" highly-awarded flik has HAPSBERG CHIN

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5c4f39  No.10183761

File: 391a2c65edeec53⋯.png (9.14 KB, 713x923, 713:923, cover.png)

File: 9977bab7196a563⋯.png (414.54 KB, 923x713, 923:713, FlightLog_1.png)

File: b1896dab50718d1⋯.png (414.15 KB, 923x713, 923:713, FlightLog_107.png)


That is the case that has 107 pages of flight logs

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f831e3  No.10183763

File: 4b5717361cc8a36⋯.png (753.86 KB, 881x671, 881:671, fbi_fl.PNG)


FBI raids Miami office during probe into billionaire’s alleged money laundering

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db62e1  No.10183764


You can make an ANFO fuel-air explosion by making a direct hit on a warehouse full of sodium nitrate. Then a few seconds later, when the cloud of sodium nitrate dust is well mixed with air in a cloud, blow up one or more diesel fuel tanks, possibly tanker truck loads. The diesel fuel vapor will mix with the sodium nitrate cloud and cause a secondary fuel-air explosion of the type that a MOAB causes.

Many believe that this is what was used in the Oklahoma city bombing, although in that case it may have been accidental because the barrels of explosive were not all triggered by the same timer. One timer was delayed a few seconds causing the secondary fuel air explosion.

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b06101  No.10183765


Another one, nice.

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f8616c  No.10183766

File: a7cd7a925d8e84e⋯.png (37.68 KB, 1917x284, 27:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump today in the press conference on pharmaceuticals:


This, from the Rotshchild AXE Me a Question megathread: See pic related

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e71bc7  No.10183767

File: 03d7eb880968b2a⋯.png (134.68 KB, 890x857, 890:857, 5489871272426358.png)

File: b520306521bc1b5⋯.png (428.81 KB, 559x567, 559:567, 5897213908668954.png)

File: 03d7eb880968b2a⋯.png (134.68 KB, 890x857, 890:857, 5489871272426358.png)

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989e76  No.10183768

File: ac59df0319c78b9⋯.png (943.01 KB, 960x640, 3:2, Schitt_Ed_Buck.png)


>Ed Buck just got more charges.

Damn, Schitt's butt buddy just got MORE charges, too bad!

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2d174e  No.10183769


Is that the question you're asking me?

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5c4f39  No.10183770

File: 0581e9e12417726⋯.png (11.23 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_1.png)

File: 21d5f2b8b1a9e4f⋯.png (44.54 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_2.png)

File: 6c6309fa09d8d0e⋯.png (46.79 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_3.png)

File: 0b757f8c6792ba3⋯.png (47.93 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_4.png)

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c674dd  No.10183771


yes , interstate prostitution i.e. traffic king

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be45af  No.10183772

File: 465f610b4005424⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1600x1000, 8:5, BD1C36DF_4F88_454E_AB92_B4….png)


o7 & peace, anon…

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5c4f39  No.10183773

File: e5fc5b32da08301⋯.png (59.87 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_5.png)

File: 2cbfa210c1276bd⋯.png (54.49 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_6.png)

File: ce2ce1e9a533a2c⋯.png (59.48 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_7.png)

File: 17cb584c02e800d⋯.png (56.72 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_8.png)


not a flood

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8cdf89  No.10183774


I used to hang around there frequently a couple years back. Comic shop, consignment store, post office, dog groomer, taco place ect. Nothing super suspicious but then again I've never been there specifically to look for something specifically.

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bf35a5  No.10183775

*Live Updates* MI, KS, MO, AZ, WA Election Results

Five states (Michigan, Kansas, Missouri, Arizona, and Washington) hold primary elections on Tuesday evening. In Kansas, Kris Kobach will try to win the Republican Senate nomination against Rep. Roger Marshall. Squad member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) faces a primary challenge in Michigan while Cori Bush, who is backed by the Justice Democrats, is trying to unseat Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO). Voters in Missouri will also vote to expand Medicaid while Sheriff Joe Arpaio will attempt to make a comeback in Arizona.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates.

All times Eastern.

8:25 PM: MO:

Lincoln County, Missouri has counted 15 of its 17 precincts. (And there may still be a lot of mail-in ballots.)

It's quite a small county, but this is interesting.

Trump got 76% of the vote here.

The YES to expanding Medicaid is getting 52% for now.

— Taniel (@Taniel) August 5, 2020

8:10 PM: KS:

The watch party for Kris Kobach is underway. We have team coverage from several watch party locations tonight on @KCTV5 News at 10PM. pic.twitter.com/NvDCZ0J7x8

— Emily Rittman KCTV5 (@EmilyRittman) August 4, 2020

8:05 PM: MI: Tlaib will address supporters on Facebook Live tonight.

For those following the Tlaib-Jones primary tonight in Michigan, @RashidaTlaib plans to address the election results and supporters at 9:45 p.m. on Facebook Live. Polls close at 8 p.m.

Election Night in the age of COVID-19.


— Luke Broadwater☀️ (@lukebroadwater) August 4, 2020

8 PM: Polls closed in Michigan, Kansas, and Missouri.

Establishment Republicans in Kansas have been insisting that if Kobach wins the nomination, Democrat Barbara Bollier could win the Senate seat.

In Missouri, Clay is defending a seat that has been in his family for 50 years. The Justice Democrats have been smart in the types of candidates they have backed against Congressional Black Caucus members.

How does the "these activists are targeting the CBC" argument survive? Since 2018 Justice Democrats has replaced three white Dems with non-white Dems (AOC, Pressley, Bowman). Its challengers to CBC members are, in every case, also black. https://t.co/WP3IOSXzdP

— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) August 3, 2020

Tlaib tells voters that her name is not on the ballot in Michigan. She is defending her seat in a rematch against Brenda Jones, the Detroit City Council president whom she narrowly defeated two years ago. Jones had been elected to serve the end of former Rep. John Conyers’ term.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib: "This is what people want right now — they want real change and they want it now." pic.twitter.com/ArUqOBdmD5

— The Hill (@thehill) August 3, 2020


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f831e3  No.10183776

File: dd0ae1577aab3ad⋯.png (346.15 KB, 839x470, 839:470, lay_off_thr.PNG)


NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: I’m Laying Off 22,000 City Workers if the Feds Don’t Give Us a Bailout (VIDEO)

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5c4f39  No.10183777

File: f465b905382421b⋯.png (57.03 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_9.png)

File: 523d5181a484963⋯.png (59.23 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_10.png)

File: a9b7d05a6c78077⋯.png (55.65 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_11.png)

File: b7f7eacff4709e2⋯.png (59.27 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_12.png)


Still not a flood

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5c4f39  No.10183778

File: 2b5eb7c2ba06b55⋯.png (56.68 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_13.png)

File: 851caf4a5f2446b⋯.png (52.43 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_14.png)

File: ea93f30951fd6ff⋯.png (57.79 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_15.png)

File: e25b1d88d3753ba⋯.png (59.37 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_16.png)


one more set after this

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c674dd  No.10183779


<holds gun to his own head

"I'll do it!"

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7c421e  No.10183780

File: 61599cd91b77140⋯.jpg (42.93 KB, 750x418, 375:209, 00000.jpg)






Alrighty then, wrong crowd I guess

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252e9b  No.10183781

File: 24352c904d915a1⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1865x906, 1865:906, UN_USSR.png)

File: 9703abfdcf06e74⋯.jpeg (403.45 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, United_Noahide_Nations.jpeg)

File: 7f2ec18df89a18e⋯.jpeg (737.35 KB, 2453x1579, 2453:1579, intl_jewish_congress.jpeg)



symbolism is revealing

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595516  No.10183782

File: 21509aab840c79c⋯.jpg (501.39 KB, 1217x2592, 1217:2592, Screenshot_2020_08_04_Not_….jpg)



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66d934  No.10183783


I have to give it to you, you're a cocksucker but this is pretty clever/kekworthy

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538485  No.10183784



who the fuck will the city workers blame when they get their marching orders? won't be POTUS, fuckface.

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5c4f39  No.10183785

File: c587e41a8467909⋯.png (58.28 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_17.png)

File: 14142d23fd77819⋯.png (59.66 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_18.png)

File: d649134e483074a⋯.png (63.42 KB, 713x923, 713:923, FlightLogDep_19.png)


and done

That was the only parts that were not sealed in that case

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b06101  No.10183786

File: 24fbb76980ef370⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1281x800, 1281:800, bill_de_blasio_nypd_vehicl….png)

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f831e3  No.10183787

File: 22133b069cf835f⋯.png (399.05 KB, 792x575, 792:575, scrub.PNG)


New York Times quietly scrubs blatant Chinese propaganda

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989e76  No.10183788


That bitch Sally Yates testilying tomorrow?

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70ef4c  No.10183789

can someone tell Dave from x22 report that he is a damned idiot for saying it was a weapon warehouse that blew in Beirut today. He should check out the facts first before cheering on the death of hundreds of innocents.

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538485  No.10183790


ignore twat address. not relevant.

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bf35a5  No.10183791

File: 760fe52628bf0cc⋯.png (402.32 KB, 565x417, 565:417, ClipboardImage.png)

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: I’m Laying Off 22,000 City Workers if the Feds Don’t Give Us a Bailout

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer he will lay off 22,000 city workers if the Feds don’t give him a bailout.

Wolf Blitzer asked de Blasio if he is failing because crime has spiked in New York City.

The Communist Mayor, who defanged and defunded the NYPD blamed Covid for the increase in crime.

Then he said he’s very worried about the stimulus talks in DC and warned he will have to lay off 22,000 city employees from every department by October 1st if he doesn’t get a federal bailout.


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1c130a  No.10183792

File: 2539dc27f5ba4b2⋯.png (647.88 KB, 700x412, 175:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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43a77c  No.10183793


no, it's a declaration.

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c674dd  No.10183794


evidently. it's all of us, not you.

yeah, that's it. for sure.

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4c634a  No.10183795

Boston still gets a Christmas tree every year from the residents of Halifax.

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c674dd  No.10183796

File: d6e19c1ea9858b5⋯.jpg (56.19 KB, 613x407, 613:407, debil_made_me.jpg)

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f831e3  No.10183797

File: 3e0ad6c62e2dc14⋯.png (536.17 KB, 866x593, 866:593, id_list.PNG)


‘A Violent Institution’: These Celebrities Are Funding The ‘Defund The Police’ Movement

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8ebe3e  No.10183798

Came here to see what the internet experts say habbened in bay root.

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e63da2  No.10183799


the shit is going to pile up in the streets

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989e76  No.10183800


>NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: I’m Laying Off 22,000 City Workers if the Feds Don’t Give Us a Bailout

Corrupt POS trying to blackmail POTUS, gl w/that bs, asshole! I so sick of these lying, thieving mfers! smdh How much $$$ has that douchbag & his black wife stolen from NYC?

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000000  No.10183801


Got sauce for that anon?

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d685dd  No.10183802

File: 1381fbd55252f14⋯.jpg (121.74 KB, 517x624, 517:624, KeyII.jpg)

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b06101  No.10183803

File: f5e1ce8cd9df349⋯.jpg (187.03 KB, 500x857, 500:857, infiltration_instead_of_in….jpg)

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e71bc7  No.10183804

File: 07592df3266807f⋯.png (775.03 KB, 1564x648, 391:162, 1764940875644.png)

File: dbcfb597c1ad03e⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1029x825, 343:275, 764312806763546.png)

File: 5c77b8716d48617⋯.png (770.6 KB, 1565x649, 1565:649, 7547612764116.png)

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e63da2  No.10183805


they have to pay their dues to their masters

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0b5613  No.10183806

File: 8737dc317c92b2d⋯.jpg (9.71 KB, 255x163, 255:163, 8737dc317c92b2d634000ee1b8….jpg)


So…what did you find out?

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aa4dc6  No.10183807

File: 6cb4917a5afde7c⋯.jpg (588.59 KB, 1093x804, 1093:804, 6cb4917a5afde7cc9a6daad5f5….jpg)


>NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: I’m Laying Off 22,000 City Workers if the Feds Don’t Give Us a Bailout

think how much $$$ could be saved!

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f22c83  No.10183808

File: c26f45c06e456dd⋯.jpeg (545.25 KB, 828x1099, 828:1099, 219A74C6_588E_489C_87A1_9….jpeg)


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66d934  No.10183809

File: 4f88af2b8e0690b⋯.png (2.21 MB, 3492x3472, 873:868, Nukeball.png)

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7817cd  No.10183810

File: f077c393ef38092⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 720x691, 720:691, f077c393ef380921cd58871e85….jpg)

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7c421e  No.10183811


tolerant anon, rare, be proud, great American

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a5857d  No.10183812


No police means no one investigates their sudden demise.

Temping to call their bluff and see what happens.

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ce71ed  No.10183813

File: f9eef25a9c9e5c5⋯.jpg (42.71 KB, 750x482, 375:241, deblasiocrook.jpg)

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c674dd  No.10183814


two explosions

73 dead

3,000 injured

narrative so far: confiscated sodium nitrate

Ukraine ship in same zip code

red smoke

shill wave of 'muh nukularz'

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43a77c  No.10183815


ew that ugly skank really is his daughter

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1c130a  No.10183816


So he drives the City into the Ground

Lines his pockets and lives the high life on Tax Payer funding

And it's all trumps fault…

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1162b6  No.10183817

File: e09864cfa423c34⋯.jpg (432.01 KB, 1268x1172, 317:293, rocket_fuel.jpg)

Hezbollah rocket fuel mebbe

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e63da2  No.10183818


cleansing evidence

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fdeb14  No.10183819


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d685dd  No.10183820


Strontium 90

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67019c  No.10183821

File: a0c1ee680c59fe1⋯.png (514.36 KB, 601x623, 601:623, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_08….png)

Veteran Mailman Phil R.E. Quinton Volunteers To Collect All The Mail-In Votes


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e63da2  No.10183822

File: a9247a0912e1d67⋯.png (222.43 KB, 412x609, 412:609, Screen_Shot_2020_08_04_at_….png)


>This is how the Ladies Two Piece Swimsuit got it's name.

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33acb4  No.10183823


NYC fire this fool

or the fool should fire self

anyhoo fool needs to go

when is enuf enuf

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000000  No.10183824


anons would care more if you posted a transcript of the video to see if we actually want to spend our time watching it

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b06101  No.10183825

File: d41671d530674ec⋯.png (187.25 KB, 875x360, 175:72, chiara_de_blasio_bill_de_b….png)

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d21a98  No.10183826


FBI raids Miami office during probe into billionaire’s alleged money laundering

FBI agents raided a 55th-floor office overlooking Biscayne Bay on Tuesday in downtown Miami. The search for evidence is part of a money-laundering investigation related to alleged bank fraud in Ukraine, a source with the FBI said.

The case related to the raid is under seal. Federal agents were at the Southeast Financial Center tower office that two Miami businessmen, Mordechai “Motti’” Korf and Uriel “Uri” Laber, use to run several companies. No one was detained during the raid. Korf and Laber are prominent members of the Orthodox Jewish Hasidic community in South Florida and live in Miami Beach. They haven’t been charged with any crimes, and the FBI spokesperson did not confirm they were the subject of the investigation.


FBI Cleveland Special Agent Vicki Anderson told Cleveland’s ABC News affiliate the raid in Miami was connected to a raid at the offices of The Optima Management Group, a commercial real estate management and investment firm based in Cleveland, Ohio. The Optima Management Group is partly owned by Ihor Kolomoyskyi, a Cypriot-Ukrainian billionaire with Israeli citizenship. Kolomoyskyi was allegedly involved in the $5.5 billion fraud at the largest commercial bank in Ukraine. An accusation he has denied. Attorneys of the Ukrainian commercial bank, filed a lawsuit in Delaware last year against Kolomoyskyi, Korf, Laber, and some companies registered under Korf and Laber in Florida such as Optima International of Miami and Georgian American Alloys.

The bank accused them of being part of the “Optima Schemes” by using about $780 million from fraudulent corporate loans to set up shell companies to buy assets in the U.S. Optima International of Miami was founded in 1995, and in 1996 Korf was registered as the president and Laber as the vice president. Some of the companies Korf and Laber have registered at 200 South Biscayne Blvd., Suite 5500, where the raid took place on Tuesday, include Optima Fixed Income, Optima Industrial Management and Optima Highland. Kolomoyskyi, Korf and Laber have all disputed the accusations.


Kolomoyskyi is also known for accusing former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, of orchestrating a conspiracy against Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Giuliani then accused Kolomoisky of threatening two of his clients, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, two South Florida businessmen who were born in the Soviet Union.


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bf35a5  No.10183827

File: a44d9c9962c6072⋯.png (462.3 KB, 550x379, 550:379, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7ebe6f6cb7c474⋯.png (376.05 KB, 557x543, 557:543, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93ee648a8dbfc44⋯.png (47.36 KB, 946x461, 946:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fd394e0dfa44d4⋯.png (38.64 KB, 922x395, 922:395, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8348b549721714d⋯.png (518.47 KB, 957x735, 319:245, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Calls Beirut Explosion "A Terrible Attack - A Bomb Of Some Kind" After Briefed By Generals

Lebanon's health ministry has raised the death toll to over 73 killed, including 3,700 wounded, after late afternoon a blast centered on Beirut's port unleashed a massive seismic shock and explosion that leveled an entire district of the city and was felt as far away as Cyprus in the Mediterranean.

Later in the evening Lebanon's Prime Minister announced that the explosions were caused by an estimated 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate left unsecured for 6 years in a warehouse. This came on the heels of a formal Israeli denial that it had anything to do with it, which also seemed be echoed by Hezbollah officials.

With the official consensus growing that the massive explosion was horrible accident due to neglect, President Trump's words on the tragedy once again presented that it could be something more. He said early in the evening that after meeting with top military commanders: "They seem to think it was an attack. It was a bomb of some kind."

This after speculation and conspiracy theories were rampant throughout the day. After all it is Lebanon, which has witnessed decades of bombings, war, and covert intrigue, also as it borders Israel, war-torn Syria, as well as a corner of the Golan Heights. And the blast was so overwhelming in its force, destroying homes up to ten miles away, local residents thought they were under nuclear attack, especially given it briefly blocked out the sun and a mushroom cloud hovered over the city.

The president further said that it "looks like a terrible attack" — leaving people to again question whether there's intelligence he's seen that points to an attack or bombing. According to the AFP:

Trump says military experts tell him Beirut blast a 'bomb of some kind'.

"It was a bomb of some kind, yes" — he emphasized when questioned on it.


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1162b6  No.10183828

File: c470cbb9f76ab2f⋯.jpg (122.85 KB, 1085x616, 155:88, trump_boom.jpg)

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d685dd  No.10183829

File: 75a31a2007b037d⋯.png (82.92 KB, 500x529, 500:529, Beirut.PNG)

File: 4781febfd2c8671⋯.png (773.33 KB, 1711x672, 1711:672, UkraineJewScandal.png)

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252e9b  No.10183830

File: 38844bf05234559⋯.png (490.26 KB, 1294x857, 1294:857, plausma_spain.png)


you win a bunch of shills saying that's an exploding bird. and considering the shills here are known to hide every post that criticizes Israel, I think this is very telling to anyone with half a brain.

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b06101  No.10183831


Fucking kek!

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12d187  No.10183832

Israel is now trending on twatter…

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c674dd  No.10183833

File: 271f2641333b4cb⋯.jpg (49.42 KB, 856x230, 428:115, iodine_14.JPG)


>Strontium 90


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bfc0ca  No.10183834



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d685dd  No.10183835

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2e5651  No.10183836


interesting they don't notable this

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989e76  No.10183837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump goes one-on-one with Lou Dobbs | EXCLUSIVE FULL INTERVIEW

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ce7052  No.10183838

File: c105d6f6bb6d49b⋯.jpeg (564.3 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, 0405FECB_C15B_4EED_9D92_3….jpeg)

File: 84b2cef6772f522⋯.jpeg (917.5 KB, 1536x1920, 4:5, 7D01B291_E196_4FA3_9A70_E….jpeg)

You are the news now.

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1c130a  No.10183839


?=Shock Wave Working its way across the top of the water

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677c1c  No.10183840

Never do this again.

I will slap your ass.

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1162b6  No.10183841

File: 11bd157471322c8⋯.jpg (363.92 KB, 669x720, 223:240, evergreen.jpg)

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fdeb14  No.10183842

File: fabdd85651192cb⋯.jpg (59.72 KB, 1305x740, 261:148, fabdd85651192cb9c218a8a69f….jpg)

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5ef088  No.10183843

File: fe938a9e9e17c37⋯.png (501.67 KB, 689x807, 689:807, egcg.PNG)

>>10183568 pb


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e71bc7  No.10183844

File: 6b0ab2b4d9fac53⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1173x865, 1173:865, 457891297866378.png)

File: 3314b3d6b847d24⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1173x865, 1173:865, 98128904303897.png)

File: 1ed89c0fae2143d⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1185x875, 237:175, 09841290874365.png)

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059641  No.10183845

File: ec9221404518616⋯.png (45.66 KB, 734x321, 734:321, ClipboardImage.png)

(Washington Post) – Republican National Convention planners are considering the White House South Lawn as the site of President Trump's nationally televised nomination acceptance speech later this month, according to a Republican familiar with the discussions.


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f831e3  No.10183846

File: 45dcd6ee98f4baf⋯.png (661.71 KB, 641x615, 641:615, trick_or_2.PNG)


WON’T GO EASY Ghislaine Maxwell ‘still has a trick or two up her sleeve’ to escape justice for child trafficking, friend claims

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b5ad5b  No.10183847


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77b743  No.10183849

File: cf9183a063d3d6a⋯.jpg (49.61 KB, 610x423, 610:423, Capture.JPG)

MSNBC Producer Leaves Network, Writes Letter Explaining How Broadcast News is a Cancer Without a Cure

“The model blocks diversity of thought and content because the networks have incentive to amplify fringe voices and events, at the expense of others… all because it pumps up the ratings.”

There doesn’t exist a cable news network without a serious ideological bent,

Before quitting, Ariana Pekary worked as a producer on “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” at MSNBC (or so she claims). The network bias and the unwillingness to highlight “fringe” perspectives ultimately led to Pekary’s decision to quit. On her personal site, Pekary wrote:

You may not watch MSNBC but just know that this problem still affects you, too. All the commercial networks function the same – and no doubt that content seeps into your social media feed, one way or the other.


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677c1c  No.10183850

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2b37cc  No.10183851


It's a ball sac. Holding his last remaining ball. He doesn't actually anticipate needing it ever again.

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c674dd  No.10183852


>trick or two


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e7740c  No.10183853

File: 502d0a25f3ee636⋯.jpeg (3.33 MB, 2048x2586, 1024:1293, 97F445E3_9B14_4AB6_855D_A….jpeg)

“I wish her well”


Well done Sir.

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7f748a  No.10183854

File: bb642d28d19cbac⋯.png (443.01 KB, 734x861, 734:861, ClipboardImage.png)


Site 1 is a totally different location.

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989e76  No.10183855

File: 628489aff171705⋯.png (439.43 KB, 596x596, 1:1, HRC_FBI.png)


>Veteran Mailman Phil R.E. Quinton Volunteers To Collect All The Mail-In Votes

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1c130a  No.10183856


DEW you believe it was just a "Chemical Plant"

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d21a98  No.10183857

File: c1f99b360743bc6⋯.png (327.11 KB, 400x335, 80:67, dr_strangelove_right.PNG)

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92eb88  No.10183858

File: 891492be70fbd55⋯.png (267 KB, 478x491, 478:491, Screenshot_2020_08_04_The_….png)

General Charles Brown, Jr., was formally sworn in today as the next chief of staff of the @usairforce


Welcome aboard Gen. Q

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b5ad5b  No.10183859

File: 7223d848584d09c⋯.jpg (42.99 KB, 1167x511, 1167:511, ks.jpg)

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fdeb14  No.10183860

File: b1332049a832cb2⋯.jpg (22.71 KB, 535x649, 535:649, 876ytui876yh.jpg)


Should have warned her about the dangers of toilet paper asphyxiation instead

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bf35a5  No.10183861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Beirut gas explosion or a tactical mini nuke footage from Lebanon by a Lebanese

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2b37cc  No.10183862


Two 'tricks' higher up she's willing to give up.

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a105fb  No.10183863

File: db198c78de52cf2⋯.png (942.47 KB, 1295x1030, 259:206, watchcaaf.png)

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e63da2  No.10183864


fire him? kek. where you live, do they do that?

he was installed by soros during the obama administration. anon knows people who have witnessed the meeting.

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66d934  No.10183865


Renegade missile at the "evergreen" port

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1162b6  No.10183866

File: b89f7db0282c0e5⋯.jpg (68.84 KB, 650x483, 650:483, arkancide.jpg)

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fdeb14  No.10183867


All I know is that Israel did it

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f831e3  No.10183868

File: 65ec39fbbe98493⋯.png (394.02 KB, 662x848, 331:424, stay_va.PNG)


MONARCH AIRLINE Queen, Prince Philip and dogs jet to Balmoral for summer staycation after isolating at Windsor

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b06101  No.10183869

File: d7b09cd2a022748⋯.png (343.9 KB, 618x410, 309:205, jeffrey_epstein_ghislaine_….png)

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f8616c  No.10183870

File: 8a3971527fa574c⋯.png (587.32 KB, 584x672, 73:84, ClipboardImage.png)

So, the WH released a video of the swearing of a new General

Taking the Oath

With Q as a middle name

With Trump insisting on the Q letter

And insisting he likes it very much

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c674dd  No.10183871


>tactical mini nuke

the red text is a dead giveaway too

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586dcc  No.10183872

File: 4fce41b45791089⋯.png (502.5 KB, 700x412, 175:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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84fb9e  No.10183873


That's just yer muhjoo shill reflex.

You should look for some evidence.

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5923ac  No.10183874


Prove it then.

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c674dd  No.10183875

File: a6826c431bde1fa⋯.jpg (44.55 KB, 420x291, 140:97, bibanon.jpg)


iin b4 (Sept. 2019)

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e6236a  No.10183876

File: d997382e4134610⋯.png (333.96 KB, 884x444, 221:111, tp0.png)

The following was written exactly 3 years ago:

In three years, Chinadyne will become the largest supplier of military computer systems. All stealth bombers are upgraded with Chinadyne computers, becoming fully unmanned. Afterwards, they fly with a perfect operational record. The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes online August 4th, 2020. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug but it was too late.

Listen, and understand. That Chinadyne Shills are out there. [They] can’t be bargained with. [They] can’t be reasoned with. [They] don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And

[They] absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

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1ed513  No.10183877




Weird how with both so few people are killed.


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6f74ce  No.10183878

File: 12daaa5f18d14bd⋯.png (7.64 KB, 216x255, 72:85, 12daaa5f18d14bd928b91cdafd….png)


effen kek anon

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c674dd  No.10183879


BTW has anyone been following the utter collapse of the Lebanese currency?

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33acb4  No.10183880



unite and un install


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958953  No.10183881


Please post part 2, Controversial info.

Thanks, Anon… great work

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920c87  No.10183882

File: e753f460e4ffd75⋯.png (355.17 KB, 680x831, 680:831, ChadPepeReeeee.png)


May the good lord take a liking to ya and blow ya up real soon!

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33b07a  No.10183883

Fuckery afoot?

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12d187  No.10183884

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bf35a5  No.10183885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1c130a  No.10183886

File: 126fc49ab63c80d⋯.png (1.29 MB, 640x960, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a99823ad1380054⋯.png (280.9 KB, 1695x880, 339:176, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88f7e4786e31be7⋯.png (1.39 MB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


They Live

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bfaea1  No.10183887


No no one has followed. Give us an update.

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fffb77  No.10183888


when do these frauds have to move out of their dozens of castles?

or isn't that part of the punishment?

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1347ff  No.10183889

Anyone know where i can find lebanese firecrackers?

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fdeb14  No.10183890

File: bb29691f2a2831d⋯.jpg (171.71 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, garth.jpg)



Israel said they didn't do it. Why would they say that, unless they did…can you prove they didn't?

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f22c83  No.10183891


Q being black is something that never occurred to me.

Would be an interesting twist.

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fdeb14  No.10183892


Tel Aviv

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88d35c  No.10183893

File: 6ac89b014f62597⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1401x840, 467:280, Screenshot_2019_12_16_From….png)



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43a77c  No.10183894

File: c4f883b786652ad⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1425x2107, 1425:2107, jokers.jpg)


The reason the explosion ball looks like a nuke?

this explains SteinFART

but he was even plausible for 4 seconds

" an Anti a psychological operations term. An Anti is an agent hired to promote a set of ideas that Intelligence wishes to blackwash. So the Anti spends several years promoting those ideas, then suddenly ends up in a mental institution or shoots up a Chuck-E-Cheese. His audience then links the ideas he waspromoting to craziness or violence. You see how it works. I first used the term for Ezra Pound,in this paper. Ezra was a premier Anti, and one of the best ever.He spent a lot of time screaming at Jews and banks, and then went crazy and had to be sent to the funnyfarm. So most normal people saw those headlines and figured that only crazy people say bad thingsabout Jews or banks. But the amusing thing is, if we look closer, Ezra was working for. . . the Jews andthe banks. In fact, hewas a Jew from a family of bankers. He pretended to be the opposite of what hewas, then pretended to be crazy and pretended to go to a mental hospital (though in his fake trial, hevwas never convicted of anything). Acting! That is how they blackwash their opposition. They infiltrate it and blow it from the inside"

alright this is funny

Miles Mathis "thinks" he "Q"


He's so arrogant.

Oh that made my day.

"why is the mainstream promoting "Q""

"Because "Q" is actually me , and they can't promote me (too dangerous for thm)


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92eb88  No.10183895

File: b021e422fd64e58⋯.png (311.9 KB, 535x537, 535:537, Screenshot_2020_06_03_The_….png)



bye bye Gen Godlfeinsteinberger

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7bf672  No.10183896

File: 2c7096f82610361⋯.png (213.05 KB, 593x443, 593:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86cfc2bc959f3ca⋯.png (437.68 KB, 584x442, 292:221, ClipboardImage.png)

Lori Lightfoot, (Beetlejuice) Mayor of Chicago B.D. Aug. 4, 1962 trending on Twitter

Obummer's B.D. Aug. 4, 1961

POTUS tweets Happy Birthday to the U.S. Coast Guard



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1347ff  No.10183897

File: ed50d4f4998df6f⋯.jpg (14.57 KB, 213x236, 213:236, jewlizard.jpg)

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1162b6  No.10183898

File: f7f3207a3ebfd03⋯.jpg (87.04 KB, 500x219, 500:219, thinkonyoursins.jpg)

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000000  No.10183899


It's a shoah!

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95b22c  No.10183900


Pic 1 that's the shock wave propagating outward on the water.

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b5ad5b  No.10183901

File: f31fd33ff087332⋯.jpg (44.6 KB, 1092x556, 273:139, ks1.jpg)

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1c130a  No.10183902

File: 4b389f7ee2a2b29⋯.png (164.77 KB, 177x374, 177:374, ClipboardImage.png)





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5c4f39  No.10183903

File: 3bcf142a0ebdd78⋯.png (1.57 MB, 871x1062, 871:1062, prince_philipheadsnake.png)

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bfc0ca  No.10183904


>when do these frauds have to move out of their dozens of castles?

>or isn't that part of the punishment?

Yeah, nothing bad or worse could happen if you removed the Queen from Great Britain. Nothing bad could happen but FUCK it, lets doom the entire nation so that I can have an ounce of pleasure in seeing the Queen get banished.

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bd4839  No.10183905

File: d50491ba6437556⋯.jpeg (438.99 KB, 750x1037, 750:1037, 6032FC1C_247D_4E5A_B478_A….jpeg)

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210531  No.10183906

What the fuck, Leo? Get it together, man! All the blessings that dicaprio has received from America and this is what he does? This is what all his success has leading toward? What a fucking dick! Fuck Hollywood! Fuck these anti-American scum!


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db62e1  No.10183907


What is with Anubis

And his resemblance to the Pharaoh Hound of Malta

And the Formosan mountain rescue dog of Taiwan?

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1162b6  No.10183908


Merp merp merrrrrrp

So long, Biden

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b5ad5b  No.10183909

File: d38df0fa0c6ee2b⋯.jpg (50.27 KB, 1058x594, 529:297, ks3.jpg)

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92eb88  No.10183910


some manifesto in the chans?

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77b743  No.10183911

File: 9b3268181d3a123⋯.jpg (19.52 KB, 386x364, 193:182, Capture.JPG)

Gold prices surge midday Tuesday to reach an intraday record above 2,013; Silver jumps nearly 5%

Gold prices rallied to a fresh intraday record late-morning Thursday, propelled by continued appetite for precious metals amid the COVID-19 pandemic. December gold GCZ20, 0.78% was up $27.50, or 1.3%, at $2,013.60 an ounce, at last check. Meanwhile, silver prices for September delivery SIU20, 0.03%, the most-active contract, were also buoyant, up 4.7% at $25.56 an ounce. The Tuesday jump for gold and silvera steady climb for both commodities in recent weekscomes amid a persistent concern about the economic implications of the pandemic that has created uncertainty about the landscape for global markets and economies, with governments and central banks forced to roll out a raft of fiscal and monetary stimulus to limit the damage to business activity.


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43a77c  No.10183912

File: b5698fe5082a265⋯.mp4 (293.53 KB, 360x640, 9:16, rockefellercenter.mp4)


not even certain Mathis is correct on POUND. But the illustration serves to demonstrate the principle

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a1357d  No.10183913

File: 075bca2af16879e⋯.jpeg (10.07 KB, 259x194, 259:194, omar.jpeg)

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bf35a5  No.10183914

File: 27d5d928d5f65b9⋯.png (4.14 KB, 449x98, 449:98, ClipboardImage.png)

2 year delta

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9ba434  No.10183915

An anon said last bread: Something BIG just happened. This anon agrees. Something HUGE just happened. But what the fuck was it? Does anyone know?

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2d0209  No.10183916


Prince P is the walking dead.

She, however, proves anon is of royal lineage. Could be in the family photo six months ago.

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989e76  No.10183917

File: 2e9f086fbd29707⋯.png (324.65 KB, 448x302, 224:151, ClipboardImage.png)


HOW THE FUCK do these asshole get away with this blatant thief?

De Blasio and ‘co-mayor’ wife have wasted $1.8B of taxpayer money

Who’s got a billion to burn?

Well, Bill de Blasio for sure.

But also mayoral spouse Chirlane McCray, who has just been revealed as a world-class boondoggler in her own right.

Hey, the family that preys together stays together, right? And it’s only (your) money — even if it is quite a lot of it.

McCray is the proprietress of ThriveNYC, a mental-health-related something-or-other created four-plus years ago to give a little heft to the conceit that Bill and Chirlane were elected as co-mayors — which is nonsense on stilts.

That is, once upon a time, first spouses were content to pretend to be in charge of prettifying highways and things. It was honorable “work,” it didn’t cost very much and it filled up the spouse’s free time.

But this is 2019, and the general feeling — at least in the de Blasio administration — is that if there’s not a lot of dough attached to the spousal sinecure, it doesn’t really matter enough.

So, ipso presto, co-Mayor Bill coughed up enough cash to break a pack mule’s back and sent it off to co-Mayor Chirlane — who then went forth to cure Gotham’s mental-illness problems.

Fast-forward to Wednesday, when the City Council was startled to discover that McCray and Team Thrive are closing in on having spent an eye-popping $900 million since the program’s inception — and nobody seems to have a clue on what.


Bill De Blasio’s Wife and The Case of the Missing $850 Million in Taxpayer Money


Where has $850m gone? Bill de Blasio's wife can't account for staggering amount of taxpayer money that the NY Mayor gave her for mental health projecthttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6760503/Bill-Blasios-wife-account-850m-given-mental-health-project.html

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1c0c93  No.10183918

Updated Notes

Busy bread. WTG. All in?

>>10183528 Dough

>>10183868 , >>10183868 The Queen & Prince Phillip leave for Balmoral, Phillip with black eyes

>>10183858 General Charles Brown formally sworn in as US Airforce Chief Of Staff

>>10183849 MSNBC Producer Leaves Network, Writes Letter On How Broadcast News is a Cancer

>>10183837 Video: Full POTUS with Dobbs interview

>>10183827 Zerohedge: Trump Calls Beirut Explosion "A Terrible Attack - A Bomb Of Some Kind"

>>10183808 More on the explosion in Wuhan

>>10183791 Blasio: I’m Laying Off 22,000 City Workers if the Feds Don’t Give Us a Bailout

>>10183775 Live Election Results Updates: MI, KS, MO, AZ, WA

>>10183763 , >>10183826 FBI raids Miami office during probe into alleged money laundering

>>10183745 Tenable Holdings, Inc. sold by Insight Holdings Group: $293.94m-August 4

>>10183732 , >>10183742 FBI raids offices in Cleveland tied to Ukrainian oligarch

>>10183727 Why Georgia Could Be Blowing the Lockdown Meme Out of the Water

>>10183725 RICO indictment for swamp connected casino in Saipan

>>10183716 , >10183724 More past explosions for comparison

>>10183710 Further charges for Ed Buck by grand jury (awaiting sauce)

>>10183703 , >>10183759 On Beruit

>>10183656 Vaccinate or Terminate – Mandatory Vaccination As Workplace Policy

>>10183637 Virginia Man Pleads Guilty to Enticement, Child Pornography Charges

>>10183626 WHO Casts Doubt on Coronavirus Originating in Wuhan, China

>>10183609 Senator calls Antifa Wall of Moms “courageous” (BLM activists called them racist)

>>10183586 Infant mortality decreased during the "lockdowns"

>>10183543 , >>10183651 Anon's Beruit Graphic & Decode Side x Side

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f831e3  No.10183919

File: 5717b268086e049⋯.png (531.14 KB, 733x431, 733:431, eyes_up_on.PNG)

be on the look out its real

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000000  No.10183920


yeah but dont confront him, call authorities if you see sami al hayidi

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4de149  No.10183921

File: 52ecc30257e2773⋯.png (727.41 KB, 597x712, 597:712, ClipboardImage.png)



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33acb4  No.10183922

noticed the shills where almost non existent during this mornings activities

demonrats like biden whar chewing the fuck out of thar nails

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1162b6  No.10183923


This is KEKtastic. Anons have been looking for the next FF event for several days now. Finally we get the big boom in Lebanon, and they've already fingered the bad guy.

How convenient

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958953  No.10183924


FIRST VIDYA…..FLash of light, straight down prior to explosion. 2 second mark

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79fc98  No.10183925

File: 87a6f28b7cc8515⋯.jpeg (941.72 KB, 755x1418, 755:1418, 8BED3394_585A_42BA_838F_3….jpeg)

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2d0209  No.10183926



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fdeb14  No.10183927

File: aa6ec4f0624f47c⋯.jpg (21.64 KB, 305x287, 305:287, 1d59d0d48ec23ba892191203ef….jpg)


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43a77c  No.10183928


yes it was a load of fertilizer, just like the OK bombing

They would've used kerosine, but that only works on taller structures.

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b06101  No.10183929

File: 9c425d2c301b05a⋯.png (315.99 KB, 828x1118, 414:559, queen_elizabeth_hitman_the….png)



Hmmm would be a perfect opportunity for some black ops

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92eb88  No.10183930

File: 42d78723e4e98fa⋯.png (17.92 KB, 478x317, 478:317, Screenshot_2020_08_04_Dona….png)


Something BIG…


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66d934  No.10183931



>>>10183543 (You) , >>10183651 Anon's Beruit Graphic & Decode Side x Side

Hilarious Baker

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33dfa8  No.10183932



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aa4dc6  No.10183933


coincides at the same time as Beirut bomb, another weapons cash, transfer point for Hezbollah?

Kolomoisky Cleveland and Miami Weapons Caches Raided?


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43a77c  No.10183934


looks like an actor.

That was quick

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bfaea1  No.10183935


Maybe the deep state trying to start a war in the middle east. Maybe the deep state just wanted to kill some people as an offering to their trannie faggot god?

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f831e3  No.10183936

File: d60551b7598c827⋯.png (220 KB, 720x843, 240:281, I_O_Fringe.PNG)

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fdeb14  No.10183937


It's a semi-old joke anon

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757a59  No.10183938

File: 7bb22c91aabdb55⋯.png (381.53 KB, 470x470, 1:1, andlirshevpu.png)

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b2baf3  No.10183939


"weird lightning" ?

Are you referring to this: https://twitter.com/aricchen/status/1290380591985315840

of something else I've missed?

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0e7894  No.10183940


'experts" from isreal blame someone else

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5923ac  No.10183942


Shilly shills recycle worn out crap that was lame to start with. Such failure

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a105fb  No.10183943

File: 8f9402edb24d2cd⋯.gif (477.21 KB, 1341x1024, 1341:1024, humans.gif)

Started watching Westworld and it's blowing my mind

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857b59  No.10183944


that is funny as hell old pick someone just trolled you

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7a5b74  No.10183945


You are a Masonic dick riding faggot

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e6236a  No.10183946

File: f491e1bc2993884⋯.png (366.16 KB, 480x357, 160:119, lkj345hl3kiuh3luih.png)

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fdeb14  No.10183947



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c28946  No.10183948


Sam Hyde

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98a426  No.10183949


Yes very old joke on the half-chans

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000000  No.10183950


they're prepping for jordan sather to be the media representative of our movement

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c674dd  No.10183951





quick results… what caught my eye was the funeral for the Lebanese pound, it used to be divided in to 100 piastries, but that level of granularity has been eliminated by massive inflation

and would not be complete without the IMF heroic bailout,

keks in Argentinian


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1c0c93  No.10183952


It's a joke?

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0436bb  No.10183953

File: b3db7603daae131⋯.jpg (321.61 KB, 408x1233, 136:411, Screenshot_20200728_070938….jpg)

File: bcf07acb27d71ce⋯.jpg (221.52 KB, 968x516, 242:129, Screenshot_20200804_112249….jpg)

File: aeb7c74d9b9405b⋯.jpg (113.49 KB, 770x861, 110:123, Black_Silk.jpg)

File: 61e92a8bac7f3a4⋯.jpg (61.46 KB, 600x450, 4:3, PlugNPlay.jpg)

File: fb4e3b628d95c7e⋯.jpg (73.75 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Working_Dog.jpg)


Naw think I'll wait to pay (You) Niggers Next Week

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77b743  No.10183954

File: a7ee9a85707aae1⋯.jpg (15.75 KB, 294x202, 147:101, Capture.JPG)

File: 8df7e24f34c6c70⋯.jpg (23.01 KB, 296x296, 1:1, Capture1.JPG)

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307cfe  No.10183955

File: 6d7ae74cef41d1d⋯.png (3.19 MB, 1494x980, 747:490, ClipboardImage.png)


Whats with the flags?

2 US flags, one on each side of all the other countries. Then the EU flag and a variation of the UN flag.


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1162b6  No.10183956



Elizabeth is like the most robust looking 94yo lady anon has ever seen. She's already a double.

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66d934  No.10183957


>It's a joke?

Yea, David Wilcock has nothing to do with my graphics, but if it makes you happy leave it in. IDC.

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d40ea0  No.10183958


So it was Iran?

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43a77c  No.10183959


he always gets the black eye on the right side.

There's only one other celeb I've seen with that? Someone you wouldn't expect.

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4bdd15  No.10183960

File: a52a441d6993cee⋯.png (2.68 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, B9250943_6E37_4861_8397_37….png)


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2d0209  No.10183961


Besides trying to draw POTUS into a war…

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5923ac  No.10183962


Does not look like a nuke to me. Why the fixation on nukes today?

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048f72  No.10183963

File: e752b472728bf06⋯.png (326.88 KB, 500x428, 125:107, renegatespprona.png)

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7fa5fe  No.10183964

File: f98045ebf40d742⋯.png (97.93 KB, 209x241, 209:241, ClipboardImage.png)

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4c634a  No.10183965


something about lightning hitting a building and making a flame when it hit.

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b54578  No.10183966


Don't spread this fake news around.

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d40ea0  No.10183967

Any anons think this BIG drop was Q talking about Beirut?

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b5ad5b  No.10183968

File: 2ebc46b3fd7eaf8⋯.jpg (41.55 KB, 1100x502, 550:251, ks4.jpg)

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fdeb14  No.10183969


Yeah sure anon (((Iran)))


…a war to create Greater Israel yes

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a8bb40  No.10183970

File: fbe39e2c1d3876d⋯.png (339.69 KB, 909x2255, 909:2255, ClipboardImage.png)



Oh wow, another FIGHT PILOT in charge during an UNCONVENTIONAL WAR. This infuriates me to NO END.

Not downplaying his service, BUT I DO QUESTION putting PILOTS IN CHARGE when we have very highly qualified people in the military that understand the new war way better.

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1c0c93  No.10183971


I'll take it out.

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c674dd  No.10183972



you can run

but you (obviously) can't Sam Hyde

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4bdd15  No.10183973

File: 1e9450849824235⋯.jpeg (64.96 KB, 580x413, 580:413, 1B465A15_A352_4B2D_8B75_8….jpeg)

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43a77c  No.10183974


she's totally coo coo

She also claims she will search out and punish Trump supporters, for ~"what we supposedly put them through"

OH MY she is scary, especially with that new face.

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77b743  No.10183975

File: cd7b40fb7ed50b2⋯.jpg (66.78 KB, 629x566, 629:566, Capture4.JPG)

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d40ea0  No.10183976


It did look like one though Anon.

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33b07a  No.10183977


Get bent

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000000  No.10183978


We really gettin ayyys?

Promises made, promises kept!

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fdeb14  No.10183979

File: 8c0fdd780188e62⋯.png (966.93 KB, 795x853, 795:853, C_A.png)


Fuck anon we'll never know! I mean it's not like it LOOKS like a nuke or anything. NOPE no mushroom cloud or nothin!

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db62e1  No.10183980

File: f813e1eeaf289cb⋯.pdf (326.4 KB, Does_Chinese_Civilization_….pdf)

File: 89e8f79be71c320⋯.pdf (6.3 MB, srep23304.pdf)




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2d0209  No.10183981


Anything that happens worldwide for the next four months is about the US election.

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66d934  No.10183982

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4c634a  No.10183983


maybe Donald Trump wants someone who understand peace more, so a 'new war way' guy doesn't 'got it all'.

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a105ff  No.10183984

File: bf1128b578dd3ff⋯.png (280.87 KB, 595x447, 595:447, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0af06a7e87319ca⋯.png (70.84 KB, 596x760, 149:190, ClipboardImage.png)

PM of Israel

Full Thread: https://twitter.com/IsraeliPM/status/1290605486493126656?s=20

"We hit a cell and now we hit the dispatchers. We will do what is necessary in order to defend ourselves. I suggest to all of them, including Hezbollah, to consider this."

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77b743  No.10183985


Dam 8kun will get the blame ..Get really for another blackout..kekekeke

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43a77c  No.10183986

File: 46930358a144dd9⋯.mp4 (1002.89 KB, 408x720, 17:30, boombeireut.mp4)


u got me.

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1162b6  No.10183987


So tomorrow they can run stories about Qanon conspiracy theorists calling the Beirut attack a nuke.

Don't doubt me

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a6aac9  No.10183988

File: 36cd11b5ac7e508⋯.jpg (2.66 MB, 3492x3472, 873:868, wilcock_Q_marathon.jpg)


I saved the original off of facebook for you if you want it.

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d40ea0  No.10183989


Anons think it will stop after election day? or will they continue?

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fdeb14  No.10183990


Sure thing anon, wait till you find out what the purpose of the US elections were. Keyword: were as in before Trump set up the plan to FUCK ISRAEL INTO THE DIRT

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2d0209  No.10183991


Was a year ago today that 8chan went dark?

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e385f8  No.10183992

Good morning/afternoon/evening, Qniverse

All things are lawful for me

but not all things are beneficial

All things are lawful for me

but I will not be brought under the power of any.

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bf35a5  No.10183993

File: 8b8f0886c93c318⋯.png (154.03 KB, 721x821, 721:821, ClipboardImage.png)

Virgin Australia to slash 3,000 jobs for slimmed post-coronavirus operations

Virgin Australia has revealed plans to make about a third of its workforce redundant, with approximately 3,000 jobs expected to go under new owners Bain Capital, while 6,000 staff remain.

The private equity firm's plan for the airline sees the end of the Tiger Australia brand, although Virgin Australia said it would retain the air operator certificate so it could revive a low-cost carrier when the domestic holiday travel market fully recovered.

A key part of the plan is to operate an all Boeing 737 mainline fleet, with other aircraft types restricted to regional routes and charters.

This will mean removing ATRs, Boeing 777s, Airbus A330s and Tiger's Airbus A320s from the airline's fleet.

Virgin Australia chief executive Paul Scurrah said the airline had no choice but to shrink to survive amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Demand for domestic and short-haul international travel is likely to take at least three years to return to pre-COVID-19 levels, with the real chance it could be longer, which means as a business we must make changes to ensure the Virgin Australia Group is successful in this new world," he said in a statement.

"Working with Bain Capital, we will accelerate our plan to deliver a strong future in a challenging domestic and global aviation market.

"We believe that over time we can set the foundations to grow Virgin Australia again and re-employ many of the highly skilled Virgin Australia team."


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0436bb  No.10183994

File: 72bdc9d87112b3b⋯.jpg (106.89 KB, 537x717, 179:239, Delicious_Bass.jpg)

File: 46583da34765bc3⋯.jpg (64.22 KB, 512x371, 512:371, Unholy_Harvest.jpg)

File: 3504a4687c93f29⋯.jpg (53.41 KB, 640x427, 640:427, Zero_FuQs.jpg)

File: feaceba53ffd5ba⋯.jpg (389.62 KB, 1728x2592, 2:3, Karen_Bass_2012.jpg)

File: 53d89e10a88ac96⋯.gif (2.44 MB, 480x368, 30:23, AthleticMixedDove_size_res….gif)

So you want to be a rap superstar

And live large a big house

5 cars, you're in charge

Comin up in the world

Don't trust nobody

Gotta look over your shoulder constantly

8::::::DILDO ASSASSIN:::::::@




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1347ff  No.10183995

File: 0fd9197617f33ca⋯.jpg (46.99 KB, 650x427, 650:427, kekekekek.jpg)

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307cfe  No.10183996


Maybe because this was 2016 and it was in Washington, D.C.

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b57895  No.10183997

File: ecce8ba1b9bf19b⋯.png (3.25 MB, 1800x1350, 4:3, 20F62847_C2AF_406D_AD7F_23….png)

Q won't joking about August.

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baecbe  No.10183998

Amazing research, too bad you had to use your Mom to get it!


God Bless you both

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fdeb14  No.10183999


What will stop, the plan for Greater Israel that has literally been in motion for over a hundred years? Depends on what Q does mainly, I personally think Q has these fuckers by the balls but am interested to see it play out

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9ba434  No.10184000


Anon don't know. Has to be something about deep state. Has to be something about deep state getting their asses into deep shit. And there is no way they can get out of it. Anon spitballing here.

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5923ac  No.10184001


Ya might wanna go poke around in the you tube for vids on big kabooms and find yerself some mushroom clouds that don't come with the X-rays

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77b743  No.10184002


I know…Was here

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0b5613  No.10184003


Holy crap. You win the internet tonight

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bf35a5  No.10184004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SGTreport: Beiruit's Nagasaki Like Explosion – What We Have Uncovered

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0436bb  No.10184005

File: 900979be75d8415⋯.jpg (373.44 KB, 559x852, 559:852, Book_of_Dildo.jpg)

File: c1a0d0506d372e8⋯.jpg (436.19 KB, 704x850, 352:425, No_Table_Dildo.jpg)

File: 6530c8a88760c16⋯.jpg (413.53 KB, 680x885, 136:177, Your_Moms_Dildo.jpg)

File: e7130e66db2373e⋯.jpg (462.22 KB, 937x910, 937:910, Grams_Dildo.jpg)

File: 5b3a57c06f473e7⋯.jpg (335.45 KB, 752x816, 47:51, Dildo_McNigger.jpg)

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8ebe3e  No.10184006

File: 56fdc79a760be1e⋯.jpeg (142.06 KB, 1433x1074, 1433:1074, 7D3B130C_D647_49DD_A992_3….jpeg)

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c674dd  No.10184007




yes, all non-nuclear blasts emanate like a cube

nukularz are the only spherical shock waves evva

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fdeb14  No.10184008


You might want to find your brain before you post. Hint: it's not up your ass that you've been diggin in the last hour

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ce71ed  No.10184009

File: 79d3aaa274a094f⋯.jpg (39.73 KB, 750x485, 150:97, 3yfxx6yg.jpg)

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58d15d  No.10184010


>Sam Hyde

THAT's who that is!

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bf35a5  No.10184011

Israeli army says it’s time to ‘transcend conflict’ with Lebanon

"Israel has offered to send humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon via security and international channels," IDF said

TEL AVIV, August 4. /TASS/. The Israeli Defense Forces said on Tuesday the Jewish state offered humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon after the deadly Beirut port blast, adding that it was time to ‘transcend conflict’ between the two neighbors.

"Israel has offered to send humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon via security and international channels," IDF said. "This is the time to transcend conflict."

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the head of the Jewish state’s National Security Council Meir Ben Shabat to discuss ways of sending aid to Beirut with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu gave the permission to render humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon. The minister tasked National Security Council head Meir Ben Shabat to speak with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov and find out what else can Israel do to help Lebanon," the Israeli prime minister’s office said in a statement.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin offered his condolences to the people of Lebanon and offered assistance to the country.

"We share the pain of the Lebanese people and sincerely reach out to offer our aid at this difficult time," he wrote on Twitter.

The Israeli Foreign Minsitry said earlier on Tuesday that at the direction of Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi and Defense Minister Benjamin Gantz, Israel has offered humanitarian medical assistance to the government of Lebanon via security and international channels.

Israel’s Kan public radio station said Israel had also expressed readiness to receive people hurt in the blast for medical treatment.

Kan said earlier in the day citing a source in Israel’s political system that Israel "had nothing to do with" the Beirut blast.

A powerful blast rocked the Beirut port district on Tuesday, sending a shockwave that ripped through residential areas of the Lebanese capital. The shockwave destroyed and damaged dozens of buildings in the vicinity.

The Lebanese Interior Ministry said the disaster was caused by detonation of more than 50 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, stored in the port since being confiscated from a ship nine years ago.


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000000  No.10184012


>Welcome aboard Gen. Q

That whole civil-rights movement is really coming back to bite [Dem] in the ass!

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fdeb14  No.10184013


So what was it then anon?

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0e7894  No.10184014


am i the only one who does't jet somewhere for a



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bf35a5  No.10184015

Israeli army says it’s time to ‘transcend conflict’ with Lebanon

"Israel has offered to send humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon via security and international channels," IDF said

TEL AVIV, August 4. /TASS/. The Israeli Defense Forces said on Tuesday the Jewish state offered humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon after the deadly Beirut port blast, adding that it was time to ‘transcend conflict’ between the two neighbors.

"Israel has offered to send humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon via security and international channels," IDF said. "This is the time to transcend conflict."

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the head of the Jewish state’s National Security Council Meir Ben Shabat to discuss ways of sending aid to Beirut with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu gave the permission to render humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon. The minister tasked National Security Council head Meir Ben Shabat to speak with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov and find out what else can Israel do to help Lebanon," the Israeli prime minister’s office said in a statement.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin offered his condolences to the people of Lebanon and offered assistance to the country.

"We share the pain of the Lebanese people and sincerely reach out to offer our aid at this difficult time," he wrote on Twitter.

The Israeli Foreign Minsitry said earlier on Tuesday that at the direction of Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi and Defense Minister Benjamin Gantz, Israel has offered humanitarian medical assistance to the government of Lebanon via security and international channels.

Israel’s Kan public radio station said Israel had also expressed readiness to receive people hurt in the blast for medical treatment.

Kan said earlier in the day citing a source in Israel’s political system that Israel "had nothing to do with" the Beirut blast.

A powerful blast rocked the Beirut port district on Tuesday, sending a shockwave that ripped through residential areas of the Lebanese capital. The shockwave destroyed and damaged dozens of buildings in the vicinity.

The Lebanese Interior Ministry said the disaster was caused by detonation of more than 50 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, stored in the port since being confiscated from a ship nine years ago.


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bf35a5  No.10184016

Israeli army says it’s time to ‘transcend conflict’ with Lebanon

"Israel has offered to send humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon via security and international channels," IDF said

TEL AVIV, August 4. /TASS/. The Israeli Defense Forces said on Tuesday the Jewish state offered humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon after the deadly Beirut port blast, adding that it was time to ‘transcend conflict’ between the two neighbors.

"Israel has offered to send humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon via security and international channels," IDF said. "This is the time to transcend conflict."

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the head of the Jewish state’s National Security Council Meir Ben Shabat to discuss ways of sending aid to Beirut with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu gave the permission to render humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon. The minister tasked National Security Council head Meir Ben Shabat to speak with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov and find out what else can Israel do to help Lebanon," the Israeli prime minister’s office said in a statement.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin offered his condolences to the people of Lebanon and offered assistance to the country.

"We share the pain of the Lebanese people and sincerely reach out to offer our aid at this difficult time," he wrote on Twitter.

The Israeli Foreign Minsitry said earlier on Tuesday that at the direction of Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi and Defense Minister Benjamin Gantz, Israel has offered humanitarian medical assistance to the government of Lebanon via security and international channels.

Israel’s Kan public radio station said Israel had also expressed readiness to receive people hurt in the blast for medical treatment.

Kan said earlier in the day citing a source in Israel’s political system that Israel "had nothing to do with" the Beirut blast.

A powerful blast rocked the Beirut port district on Tuesday, sending a shockwave that ripped through residential areas of the Lebanese capital. The shockwave destroyed and damaged dozens of buildings in the vicinity.

The Lebanese Interior Ministry said the disaster was caused by detonation of more than 50 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, stored in the port since being confiscated from a ship nine years ago.


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fbcb69  No.10184017

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1162b6  No.10184018


Da Fuq

Engage lone wolf #33, we got a job in Beirut

Didn't we just use him in the Epstein thing?

They won't remember

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3b703a  No.10184019

File: 78ce69237b8121e⋯.png (45.1 KB, 677x618, 677:618, GeorgeFloydKilledHimself.png)

File: 390d298322be8e3⋯.jpg (54.77 KB, 640x360, 16:9, skynews_george_floyd_prote….jpg)

File: 84b44e897d3cec9⋯.png (729.44 KB, 1106x5508, 553:2754, EllisonHidesFloydEvidence.png)

File: c5611ecfa757aed⋯.jpg (78.27 KB, 666x375, 222:125, GFkilledHimself.jpg)

Keith Ellison Caught Concealing Exculpatory Evidence In Floyd Case; Because It Was Bad For The Narrative!

Larry C. Johnson: Yes, New Evidence Shows George Floyd Killed Himself

sauce: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/larry-c-johnson-yes-new-evidence-shows-george-floyd-killed/

"This video provides the visual proof. George Floyd was not killed by police. He was suffering respiratory distress caused by a Fentanyl overdose. His inability to breathe had nothing to do with the neck restraint applied by the Minneapolis police.

Now we know that the entire premise of the Black Lives Matter riots was based on a false claim of police abuse. Derek Chauvin did not murder George Floyd. George Floyd, a criminal and drug addict, killed himself by ingesting a drug that Doctors use to shutdown a patient’s respiratory system."

Once again, the Democrats are exposed for the traitors they are.

IT WAS ALL A LIE… to manipulate the black community and to terrorize Minneapolis.

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d40ea0  No.10184020


Supposing potus wins and he should because [DS] is going to cheat. They’re coo coo you’d think by now more people are awake than in 2016 in terms of putting up with D leadership.

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fdeb14  No.10184021


I would never accept their help if my life depended on it. Talk about poisoned gifts

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79fc98  No.10184022

File: fb3c0a48fef8a5b⋯.jpeg (103.96 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 0480DAF3_08F3_48B6_9989_0….jpeg)

File: b432a50d3fcac17⋯.jpeg (25.71 KB, 477x268, 477:268, 5CB40D9B_641F_4614_8E12_B….jpeg)

File: 7338f8960dcf585⋯.jpeg (234.01 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 0C6FE928_5874_447E_812B_1….jpeg)

File: e0a73680dbe4537⋯.jpeg (21.83 KB, 320x240, 4:3, CBD41C91_7DBB_48F0_AA9F_4….jpeg)

File: b0f5fd5449e2e93⋯.jpeg (106.67 KB, 768x574, 384:287, DA632D49_8FC6_4634_9E9D_2….jpeg)

It’s all in “Time Bandits”

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0f8e80  No.10184023

File: 441f125859ec69c⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 546x935, 546:935, EenOaTNXoAAUYwo.jpg)

File: 34df0b7bba1b9f5⋯.jpg (91.99 KB, 720x960, 3:4, EenOaTNWsAUD_AL.jpg)

File: dbd97c9869a22d4⋯.png (1 MB, 1279x672, 1279:672, EemI9I1X0AsloNx.png)

File: a79b8e11ed33359⋯.jpg (148.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Eel_7ZEXoAkhfgI.jpg)

File: 5a20be15e1b6c80⋯.jpg (152.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Eel_7ZAWsAE45r1.jpg)


Someone wanted that port destroyed

Confirmed - Explosion was the 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate:


Burns the exact color we saw - orange.


-Not an airstrike [continuous small 'crackles' build up to the larger second explosion]

-Not fireworks [no colours]

-Not started by fireworks [cover story is cover story]

-Not a simple chemical reaction

Assassinations aren't done with explosions that big, and the bomb was stationary - an extremely ineffective approach to such an attack.

We can rule out single targets.


Starting to get a better picture of the devastation at the Port of #Beirut.

Storage warehouses 6,9,10,11, and 12 are total losses, and cannot even be identified from an aerial prospective.

Neighboring facilities are destroyed, as well.


#Lebanese Army Major General Ibrahim “it appears that the explosion occurred in a store of high explosive materials confiscated for years”

[Pictures of devastated blast site - Port]


Director General of Lebanese Customs Badri Daher tells @AlMayadeenNews "tons" of nitrates exploded in Beirut Port


We received a number of reports from #Cyprus (250km away) which seem related to this explosion, reporting noise and rattling windows


Fireworks or some other smaller explosions happening before big explosion


[Also, thread with a great deal of on-the-ground-info]


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12d187  No.10184024


You're a fucking faggot

The only people who know TRUELY know whats going on is Trump and whoever is on the Q team… they (Q+ and Q Team) probably talked it over before nominating because CoS over a Mil Branch is a very high ranking position.

This dude probably has his own part to play out, what it is, anons don't know.

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66d934  No.10184025


Nice of you

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0f8e80  No.10184026

File: 5814e696c8118e9⋯.mp4 (641.9 KB, 640x640, 1:1, pd30fXvWxqc_OEre.mp4)

File: 0f5c4407c646737⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB, 480x848, 30:53, sDzRJCao5nmi25E_.mp4)

File: d0ad5e6dbb94f54⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB, 480x848, 30:53, 2mlyLBdb_LM9XPHd.mp4)

File: 3f4c023023d5771⋯.mp4 (600.25 KB, 352x640, 11:20, sIrAIDBYvzcqbyz4.mp4)

File: f703e88c058577d⋯.mp4 (754.74 KB, 480x848, 30:53, inQI69ahlnQixQie.mp4)

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e385f8  No.10184027


not Q

Q said we would laugh when we find out who we are talking to. Nothing funny about this guy being Q. So stands to reason that it has to be someone anons already know but dont suspect. A comedian maybe?

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3b703a  No.10184028

File: 24821f72b35aafe⋯.png (528.76 KB, 450x603, 50:67, KeithEllisonTraitor.png)



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7c421e  No.10184029

File: 4733a3f5893fd09⋯.mp4 (7.76 MB, 720x1252, 180:313, Chyna_Lighting.mp4)

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07e633  No.10184030

File: 8e3f8d5637bc44a⋯.jpg (23.94 KB, 473x355, 473:355, b4f870b1743ad2fcbd20db0760….jpg)


Because People think "mushroom" cloud means nuke.

Mushrooms happen in MANY hi explosions!

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fdeb14  No.10184031


I'm not sure what the fuck you're saying but Trump will win. These Middle East events go beyond that scope though

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c674dd  No.10184032


if there was radiation, do you not think that we would have heard something? evacuation orders maybe?

the red smoke is unique, start there (you do know where you are?)

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bfaea1  No.10184033


If you were a Lebanese would you accept even food from the Jews? You can imagine the Jews could not avoid the temptation to put some nasty shit in it. Nah….I would accept from almost any place but the Jews. Hell I would even accept from America before the Jews.

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0c1fb2  No.10184034

File: e879c86300394e8⋯.png (714.26 KB, 1126x843, 1126:843, ClipboardImage.png)

Voter ID FRAUD is real

Shipments of nearly 20,000 fake driver's licenses seized at Chicago airport so far in 2020

In fact, federal customs officers have seized 1,513 shipments from overseas containing fraudulent documents—19,888 counterfeit U.S. driver's licenses—just at Chicago O'Hare International Airport this year through the end of June.

Most of the shipments came from Hong Kong and mainland China, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Other shipments came from South Korea and the U.K.

"These counterfeit driver's licenses can lead to disastrous consequences," CBP's Ralph Piccirilli said in a statement. "Criminal organizations use these counterfeit IDs to avoid attracting attention to their illegal activities."


"These fraudulent identity documents can lead to identity theft, worksite enforcement, critical infrastructure protection, fraud linked to immigration-related crimes such as human smuggling and human trafficking," CBP said in a news release, adding that, "these documents can be used by those individuals associated with terrorism to minimize scrutiny from travel screening measures."

Piccirilli, the acting area port director in Chicago, called the counterfeits "very realistic" and praised the officers for being able to scope out the fake documents and stop them from getting to the buyers.



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33dfa8  No.10184035


Guarantee Deblasio and Cuomo get reelected. NYC is that fucked up and upstate has no say.

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0f8e80  No.10184036

File: 758f1247c669fb2⋯.mp4 (976.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, RtN3h8SIx9oN9kTJ.mp4)

File: 54b37cae6750d0e⋯.mp4 (5.41 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, YsSj4fDIE8D_LsLr.mp4)

File: df56e62ffde7a5e⋯.mp4 (662.17 KB, 640x352, 20:11, zIF2pLaevDyscyE3.mp4)

File: 9a3c077ade1a39f⋯.mp4 (493.93 KB, 480x848, 30:53, r6NPgdiBFja1SbdI.mp4)

File: 570a0fdab4fa573⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB, 480x848, 30:53, CTYt6Pc88jR7a7RI.mp4)

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12d187  No.10184037

File: 9c86d56c0bf3e50⋯.jpg (19.44 KB, 237x255, 79:85, ayylmao_upass.jpg)

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33acb4  No.10184038

can we get an innovative memer

doing old sleepy demented drooling joe

leading the armies of the libtards into the

mightiest war in humnakind

trannies from behind buffalo butt blm anitfa baby killers backing from six buffets overdue

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989e76  No.10184039

File: 3f9c57ab191ccc2⋯.png (337.23 KB, 526x676, 263:338, Creepy_Joe_91_percent.png)

File: b0d6413f94cb785⋯.png (122.58 KB, 554x562, 277:281, 2016_Poll_Bwahahahaha.png)



Yeah, just like Trump was "defeated" in 2016, whore~!

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84fb9e  No.10184040


Nah, there's 14 yr old blood in those veins….

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677c1c  No.10184041

File: ce70e1416945a92⋯.mp4 (5.28 MB, 320x564, 80:141, QLgwrVCBh7wnM7Lh.mp4)


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059641  No.10184042

File: 001c06258e6a63e⋯.png (650.02 KB, 733x578, 733:578, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73b1d07bb91b0e8⋯.png (2.79 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 112ae906470dd3f⋯.png (2.67 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb783d8df6cca82⋯.png (2.82 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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0f8e80  No.10184044

File: cde007fa1c15401⋯.png (106.07 KB, 271x310, 271:310, Sweetie.png)


Context: Absurd reinforcement of perceived baker trust to hide their insidious intentions to control the flow of information.

shit.ship clown crew:

Floods the board with grotesque +/ rage inducing subliminals / posts to instill the feeling of revolt, to push as many viewers away as possible.

So that the shit.ship clown crew can:

Offer 'notable' collection sites to those who are pushed away, as a means to censor the insights organically produced on the board.

Goal complete: Censor the insights that damage the narrative too much.

Spread awareness to other controllers of events / insights that can be manipulated out of being threats.

95% of those that post 'tyb[betrayer] posts are the crew themselves

imagine that infected chlamydi[n]a smell

The problem is that you want to give credit to demons for the work We individually do~

Demons are bitches, they whore themselves for power to the highest snake oil salesman. No credit, no thanks, no appreciation is due to them, for its US who do the Work

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d40ea0  No.10184045


Agreed Anon. The more you watch it’s like wow

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6cb584  No.10184046

What can a nigga do when half the people voted for George W

It's a bitch, fuck George W. can't be true

I wanna choke him, because he's a snitch

I'm talking about George W. Smith

From city council, he ran in '93

Out in Oakland, You probably didn't hear about him

I wrote this song a long time ago

A real long time ago

Feel me

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0f8e80  No.10184047

File: 22640ff55c6e82e⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1596x989, 1596:989, BOOMCANNONS.png)


The stream of consciousnesses here is manipulated to the nth degree

Arm yourself for War

Racial hate posts = glow team shit ship crew clowns

Change my mind~

If you're not filtering, you're helping the clowns produce useful idiots. You're subjecting yourself to the engineered control systems that emerged out of MKULTRA. The blur-on-image is indispensable to us generating insights.

          )     *     (         )         (                (     
( ( /( ( ` )\ ) ( /( ( )\ ) ( )\ )
)\ )\()) )\))( (()/( )\()) ( )\ (()/( ( )\ (()/(
((/ )((_)\ ((_)()\ /(_)) ((_)\ )((_) /(_)))\ ((((_)( /(_))
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((/ __|/ _ \ | \/ || |_ \ \ / / | _ )| _ \| __|(_)_\(_)| \
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\___|\___/ |_| |_||_| |_| |___/|_|_\|___|/_/ \_\ |___/
Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.
Image Blur CSS

Our enemies greatest attack vector is our unconscious mind via seemingly-patriotic-pictures-with-subliminal-gore/death/shit

Q: Do you honestly think the enemy doesn't filter their own posts? The posts of their crew?

These are poisons designed to demoralize, they wouldn't let that affect them!

A: Filtering is your second amendment on our boards.

It's your armed response against the intrusion of our enemies poison.

Watch for those that shame you out of it

A necessity to protect our Insight Generation Capacities if you view this board:

[Enter as a Name filter, click Reg ex]

[CSS theme]
.post-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
.thread-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.thread-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;

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fdeb14  No.10184048


>if there was radiation, do you not think that we would have heard something? evacuation orders maybe?

Have they made the citizens that live near the Twin Towers evacuate yet?

> (you do know where you are?)

Do you? You dismiss easily but provide nothing else. How nice

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0ef612  No.10184049


What kind of enzymes?

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2d0209  No.10184050


Ugh. But yes.

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baecbe  No.10184051


We won't be seeing that on MSM anytime…be nice to be able to clean that image up, it was clearly incoming.

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f2b45b  No.10184052

File: 29d453071a56b20⋯.jpg (43.2 KB, 500x483, 500:483, sahhggf.jpg)

File: ba393891eafb87d⋯.jpg (50.19 KB, 500x483, 500:483, ddd.jpg)

Blacks and Mexicans are spreading the CoronaVirus like wildfire all across America.

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12d187  No.10184053


Fuck him, innocent people died who were probably just trying to live out their lives.

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d40ea0  No.10184054


Yeah cause they probably cheat. Very sad.

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6cb584  No.10184055


>’s like wow

Which server

Alliance or Horde?

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989e76  No.10184056

File: be25c8c21cf9e48⋯.png (537.49 KB, 1138x816, 569:408, Aliens.png)


>We really gettin ayyys?

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77b743  No.10184057

File: 3aa2a5715c4236c⋯.jpg (20.08 KB, 321x245, 321:245, Capture.JPG)


KEK….No doubt about it..kekekeke

they even made a show about it….What a bunch of Bullshit ….kekek

Billionaire Predator

May 31, 2020



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b5ad5b  No.10184058

File: b790af32e3b8592⋯.jpg (89.52 KB, 1465x764, 1465:764, kansas_bernie.jpg)


bernie got 25% votes in Kansas primary

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fffb77  No.10184059


>HOW THE FUCK do these asshole get away with this blatant thief?


they spread around the graft.

everyone gets a piece

and they kill you if you don't take your piece.

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ce71ed  No.10184060

"You can vote in-person if you have a security concern, just don't vote twice. Don't vote in-person, then mail a vote in. That's a felony."

-KNTV Las Vegas

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88b898  No.10184061

File: bb48040c41d359a⋯.png (502.43 KB, 1180x755, 236:151, ClipboardImage.png)

Beirut's location makes it very strategically important. if that explosion was imported from Ukraine, it coulda been going anywhere from Aleppo to the west bank.

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058a23  No.10184062



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5ef088  No.10184063


WTF is wrong with you?


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5923ac  No.10184064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d40ea0  No.10184065


Anon meant wow as in wow thats incredible how is this a thing. Not the videogame wow

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d21a98  No.10184066

File: 6f7514fc2a4e258⋯.png (1.07 MB, 802x581, 802:581, abe_fuck.PNG)

Japan gov't spokesman dispels concerns about PM Abe's health

TOKYO – Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga dispelled concerns over Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's health during a press conference on Aug. 4, suggesting that the Japanese leader appears just fine.

"I've been seeing him every day and he has been devoted to his duties in a calm manner. I don't think there are any problems with him at all," Suga told the press.

Since earlier this year, Prime Minister Abe has taken almost no days off as he's had to respond to the novel coronavirus. People who attended meetings with him raised voices of concern, with one saying, "He looks pale," and another saying, "He appears to be tired."

While Abe considered resting at his villa in late July, he decided not to as damage from torrential rain disasters spread in the country. He continued to lead disaster response efforts by staying in the prime minister's office only in the afternoon, among other measures.


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92eb88  No.10184067

File: 75a4cbbd721f8bd⋯.png (334.17 KB, 478x577, 478:577, Screenshot_2020_08_04_The_….png)

“My Administration is 100 percent committed to eradicating human trafficking from the earth,” President @realDonaldTrump

said in January.

Today, the Trump Administration took new steps to build on that promise!


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bfc0ca  No.10184068


Did LeBron loose weight?

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ce71ed  No.10184069


Whoops- that should be KTNV.

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43f9b2  No.10184070

Rocket fuel explotion in2000. Note the same type of orange smoke rising after the inital blast, This was no " Fireworks factory "


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3000e4  No.10184071


Gnarly brah

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1347ff  No.10184072

File: 29f86f439cb633a⋯.jpg (162.79 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 29f86f439cb633aebd3972b62a….jpg)


fucking jewish (((vampires))) want to send help for an attack they caused.

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8e9a69  No.10184073

question? "How come the explosion didn't affect the original smoke cloud?

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5923ac  No.10184074

File: 13e2ba6b2d1205b⋯.jpg (36.34 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Send_Radio_Communication_T….jpg)

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2d0320  No.10184075

Debate Prediction

If they are unsuccessful in shielding Biden from a debate, the DNC will suddenly want to include Berney in the debate so he may run interference.

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67019c  No.10184076


Looks like George Hamilton. His recent pic looks like hell too

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c674dd  No.10184077


>You dismiss easily but provide nothing else. How nice

eliminating the possibilities

is basic Occam's, you ignorant kike piece of shit

and yes, pplz dying of rad poisoning in NY for 20 years

you low iQ kike

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000000  No.10184078



how does he keep getting away with it?

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4c634a  No.10184079

on report said 50 tonnes.

I did a search.

another report, dated 2 hrs ago says that the Lebonese prime minister said it was 2,750 tonnes of . . .

let me just quote it:



Lebanon PM Says 2,750 Tonnes Of Ammonium Nitrate Exploded In Port

AFP - Agence France Presse By AFP - Agence France Presse

August 4, 2020


via a barrons page.

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6cb584  No.10184080


Is this a reverse troll play

You trying some Inception shit on me anon

Two levels deep

Waiting for the kick?

Yes, thank you helper

That is the joke

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33dfa8  No.10184081


NYC voters are fucking stupid. Ask anyone upstate.

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33acb4  No.10184082


solution easy peasy

send in the GUARD









TOWER - whars the whiskey bar

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baecbe  No.10184083

File: f085f63ca9c3e05⋯.png (940.76 KB, 1563x952, 1563:952, Screenshot_2020_08_04_Q_Re….png)

I'm no ordinance specialist but common

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2d0320  No.10184084


no coincidences. what does it mean??!!?!

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677c1c  No.10184085

File: d2c41dc4f4b2bf9⋯.mp4 (646.31 KB, 320x564, 80:141, iMGbIXQGSqif99cs.mp4)


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507761  No.10184086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Today's soundtrack, faggots. Get 'em while they're hot.



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5923ac  No.10184087


Says the shill can't even fake being a skinhead

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058a23  No.10184088

File: 16ea637f941b28a⋯.png (683.08 KB, 900x599, 900:599, defoedefriend.png)

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048f72  No.10184089





Anon's summary of the Beirut Port explosion


>Confirmed - Explosion was the 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate

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47061f  No.10184090


I`m thinking a tungsten rod dropped from orbit.

Rod Of God

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d40ea0  No.10184091


I’m saying when potus wins this behavior by them should stop. Anon also said that Anon would be surprised if more anons are not awake now vs then in 2016 election. When Anon said coo coo Anon was talking about D’s/[DS]

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92eb88  No.10184092

File: 9435c9654d6e5c6⋯.png (1.53 MB, 987x770, 141:110, 9435c9654d6e5c66f5743e3621….png)

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677c1c  No.10184093

I guess the masks helped them a bit.

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66d934  No.10184094

File: 0e185b6d102caec⋯.png (69.91 KB, 652x222, 326:111, Screenshot_2020_08_04_obam….png)



Damn, I didn't even realize it was this cocksuckers Birthday. Very Machiavellian of POTUS.

Happy Birthday you piece of shit.

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58d15d  No.10184095

File: c4f00db889922d9⋯.jpg (67.34 KB, 750x750, 1:1, votID.jpg)


>NYC voters are fucking stupid

Most of them non-citizens.

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a8641e  No.10184096

>>10184011 Cynicism off the charts.

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5923ac  No.10184097


Now you sound like a Palestinian

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33dfa8  No.10184098


top kek!

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d40ea0  No.10184099


Good find Anon

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4bdd15  No.10184100

File: 139adeb94366edd⋯.jpeg (69.46 KB, 781x449, 781:449, BE63A3A1_7C2D_4D49_987C_F….jpeg)

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84fb9e  No.10184101

File: 07643ba0a296a8e⋯.jpg (20.58 KB, 300x359, 300:359, Grammar.jpg)

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451d14  No.10184102

seems like a failed eugenics campaign getting all drunk on a couch at a frat house

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fffb77  No.10184103


>Something HUGE just happened. But what the fuck was it? Does anyone know?

I hope it keeps up at this pace until November.

finally the movie is getting good.

Every great movie has great explosions.

What if the explosions are special effects?

What was 9-11?

Surely 20 years later they can do even better things with their trickery.

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507761  No.10184104

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bfaea1  No.10184105


One Nefarious Jew.

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bfc0ca  No.10184106


I spell ferds name wrong as well.

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4de149  No.10184107

File: 01adbf55239b0d7⋯.png (179.58 KB, 600x344, 75:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31b6e674470aa70⋯.png (131.16 KB, 704x1716, 16:39, ClipboardImage.png)



Federal Grand Jury

Grand Jury Charges Ed Buck with Four Additional Felonies, Including that He Enticed Victims to Travel Interstate to Engage in Prostitution

LOS ANGELES – A federal grand jury today returned a superseding indictment charging Edward Buck with four additional felonies, including that he allegedly enticed victims – including a man who died at his West Hollywood apartment after he administered drugs to him – to travel interstate to engage in prostitution.

Buck, 65, was arrested in September 2019 after being charged in United States District Court with providing methamphetamine to a man who died after receiving the drug intravenously. Since that time, federal authorities have continued to investigate Buck for additional crimes.

The four additional counts charged today – bringing the total number of charges in this case to nine counts – include one count alleging that Buck knowingly enticed 26-year-old Gemmel Moore to travel to the Los Angeles area to engage in prostitution. Buck allegedly provided methamphetamine to Moore, who overdosed on the drug and died on July 27, 2017.



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8b94d0  No.10184108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How often do you Mask Debate and for how long?

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bfc0ca  No.10184109



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84fb9e  No.10184110


Sauce or STFU.

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66d934  No.10184111



I didn't find it, this >>10183642 anon did.

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989e76  No.10184112

File: 9d0d3e82eaad753⋯.png (405.5 KB, 500x846, 250:423, Plato_Cities_Citizens.png)



>NYC voters are fucking stupid. Ask anyone upstate.

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757a59  No.10184113

File: 4afe58674eddcb1⋯.png (138.16 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

Isaiis (Spanish form of Isaiah)

The book of Isaiah, along with the book of Jeremiah, is distinctive in the Hebrew bible for its direct portrayal of the "wrath of the Lord" as presented, for example, in Isaiah 9:19 stating, "Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire."

"Isaiis, interesting name." ~ POTUS

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c674dd  No.10184114


"moon rocks" said Brianna Wu "those dangerous moon rocks!"

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1162b6  No.10184115


75 year anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we've already been inundated by the memorial images and stories. The timing of this explosion is no coincidence

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4bdd15  No.10184116


The pallets of cash paid for a massive bomb that was going to be smuggled into Israel.

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f8616c  No.10184117


I am totally not saying Trump was signaling us the guy is Q, it's just another tap on the back, that's it. And invoking the letter Q, with a general.

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1347ff  No.10184118


(((william))) from MARFA

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bf35a5  No.10184119


no uniform flash bubble like Lebanon

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58d15d  No.10184120

File: 2e111658330f777⋯.jpg (169.33 KB, 1761x955, 1761:955, OP1.jpg)

File: 8bba6fa76898e27⋯.jpg (163.73 KB, 900x613, 900:613, OP2.jpg)


>Rod Of God



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1a4a5a  No.10184121

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64240f  No.10184122


>i believe it was sodium nitrate, you know, like bacon.

During WWII we saved our bacon drippings to donate for explosives manufacturing. Don't ask me how I know this.

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5923ac  No.10184123


>Shipments of nearly 20,000 fake driver's licenses seized at Chicago airport so far in 2020

nominate for Notable

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66d934  No.10184124


I don't like to add stuff to graphics I make if I didn't find the crumbs, you care if I add this?


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1c0c93  No.10184125

Refreshed Notables

All in?

>>10183528 Dough

>>10184067 Fresh WH tweet on eradicating human trafficking

>>10183775 , >>10184058 Live Election Results Updates: MI, KS, MO, AZ, WA

>>10184034 Shipments of 20,000 fake driver's licenses seized at Chicago airport so far in 2020

>>10184019 Larry C. Johnson: Yes, New Evidence Shows George Floyd Killed Himself

>>10183868 , >>10183868 The Queen & Prince Phillip leave for Balmoral, Phillip with black eyes

>>10183858 General Charles Brown formally sworn in as US Airforce Chief Of Staff

>>10183849 MSNBC Producer Leaves Network, Writes Letter On How Broadcast News is a Cancer

>>10183837 Video: Full POTUS with Dobbs interview

>>10183827 Zerohedge: Trump Calls Beirut Explosion "A Terrible Attack - A Bomb Of Some Kind"

>>10183808 More on the explosion in Wuhan

>>10183791 Blasio: I’m Laying Off 22,000 City Workers if the Feds Don’t Give Us a Bailout

>>10183763 , >>10183826 FBI raids Miami office during probe into alleged money laundering

>>10183745 Tenable Holdings, Inc. sold by Insight Holdings Group: $293.94m-August 4

>>10183732 , >>10183742 FBI raids offices in Cleveland tied to Ukrainian oligarch

>>10183727 Why Georgia Could Be Blowing the Lockdown Meme Out of the Water

>>10183725 RICO indictment for swamp connected casino in Saipan

>>10183716 , >10183724 More past explosions for comparison

>>10183710 , >>10184107 Further charges for Ed Buck by grand jury (awaiting sauce)

>>10184036 , >>10184041, >>10184085 On Beruit II

>>10183703 , >>10183759, >>10184004, >>10184011, >>10184023, >>10184026 On Beruit I

>>10183656 Vaccinate or Terminate – Mandatory Vaccination As Workplace Policy

>>10183637 Virginia man pleads guilty to enticement, child pornography charges

>>10183626 WHO casts doubt on CV Originating in Wuhan

>>10183609 Senator calls Antifa Wall of Moms “courageous” (BLM activists called them racist)

>>10183586 Infant mortality decreased during the "lockdowns"

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b79192  No.10184126


voting for criminals is dumb huh

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24a31e  No.10184127


No more achrome. Skinnier, face looks different.

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058a23  No.10184128

File: 113723b8f14cd8d⋯.png (183.9 KB, 325x232, 325:232, degenerass.png)

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12d187  No.10184129


Storm is coming with all this shit, hopefully it is… fuck these people.

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b06101  No.10184130



That was me on tor but somebody else mentioned it earlier before the site went fucky,

Just passing it on!

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d40ea0  No.10184131


Anon has a question for Anon. Aren’t some in the military D though? In other words wouldn’t [DS] attempt same thing?

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8434ac  No.10184132


small munitions set off larger munitions

did you see the flashes in the windows?

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c630e7  No.10184133

File: 2962895b7294a25⋯.jpg (61.68 KB, 491x621, 491:621, gguy.jpg)

File: 661191a314126c0⋯.jpg (55.35 KB, 500x577, 500:577, soyboy.jpg)

File: 0bacb4f3cb6d8db⋯.jpg (16.21 KB, 176x220, 4:5, Blacks_avatar.jpg)

SoyBoy I don't want to break a nail.

White men today are so weak it's pathetic and they don't even give a crap or want to try and stop black men from raping over 30 thousand white women annually in America.

White men have gone down the tubes.

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1347ff  No.10184134

File: 8cb29379d1c263e⋯.jpeg (816.43 KB, 604x5908, 151:1477, MOSSAD_enemy_of_the_peopl….jpeg)


Inhale gas and go to hell

this is only the beginning of your woes, jew. no one believes you people anymore.

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33acb4  No.10184135


wasnt he a obongo biden supporter?


buck the slave or biden the sniff

obongo the masta or hilldawg the overlord

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bfaea1  No.10184136


Wouldnt we see a streak of light?

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677c1c  No.10184137

File: 7ebcaaf3645ebad⋯.mp4 (717.71 KB, 320x564, 80:141, oWotXF9aHmOoypQG.mp4)

This is a good one.


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4351d5  No.10184138

File: efce58211dbe144⋯.png (3.48 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, TOOTS_IS_ALIVE.png)




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43f9b2  No.10184139

File: 80bdb5bb86761f4⋯.png (418.16 KB, 576x667, 576:667, Schiff.png)

File: cb5846924e2a32f⋯.png (626.37 KB, 841x562, 841:562, Buck_.png)

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0b5613  No.10184140

File: 79999b8ca7b2a16⋯.png (281.34 KB, 600x358, 300:179, 79999b8ca7b2a16c06a00102d6….png)

Well at least tonight we really had a literal boom

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bfc0ca  No.10184141


>No more achrome. Skinnier, face looks different.


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66d934  No.10184142


Would have been a funnier move if you took my graphic out and left the David Wilcock fake one in.

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4c634a  No.10184143

Wikipedia is echoing the 2750 number already:



Lebanon Beirut August 4, 2020 ~73 2020 Beirut explosions: On August 4, a major fire broke out in a Port of Beirut warehouse. It spread to 2750 tonnes of stored ammonium nitrate, which then detonated, causing extensive damage in the area. Currently, more than 3700 injuries and 73 deaths have been confirmed. A large orange mushroom cloud was seen following the detonation." "[32]: Gadzo, Mersiha (4 August 2020). "Dozens killed, thousands wounded in Beirut blast: Live updates". Al Jazeera. Retrieved 4 August 2020.


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e385f8  No.10184144


it wont matter, anon. It just wont matter. [They] dont care about truth or facts.

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d40ea0  No.10184145


Thank you other Anon then

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1162b6  No.10184146


I know we always jump right in with the Rod of God, but consider the previous explosions in China since Trump took office. No radiation signature in this explosion supposedly. Looks like the perfect target for a tungsten rod dropped from space.

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1c0c93  No.10184147


Link fixt

>>10183716 , >>10183724 More past explosions for comparison

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66d934  No.10184148

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677c1c  No.10184149

File: 7fcec938e9f0405⋯.mp4 (894.75 KB, 320x564, 80:141, auqY3ONfBOenLXcW.mp4)


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2e5651  No.10184150

File: 6ec6072b98b5b3f⋯.png (448.86 KB, 598x908, 299:454, ClipboardImage.png)


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a00e15  No.10184151

Look a blast that big was munition, period. I was in Iraq during the invasion. An explosion that big only happened when we blew up large weapons caches.

1. It was deliberate 2. Fireworks my ass 3. Who’s responsible?

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b06101  No.10184152


Go for it, anon.

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3b703a  No.10184153

File: fda97da051edb84⋯.jpg (59.08 KB, 600x400, 3:2, chazbeforeafter.jpg)


XX chromosome tranny.

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58d15d  No.10184154

File: 60074198d495bab⋯.png (727.82 KB, 634x819, 634:819, ED1.png)


Uh oh Ed!


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64240f  No.10184155


>sick murderer

No country for old men? That's a sick SOB. Is he the same guy in "Bring me the head of……."?

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f84aaa  No.10184156


Because it looked like one?

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92eb88  No.10184157

File: f0c21cab0b9b988⋯.png (459.49 KB, 478x598, 239:299, Screenshot_2020_08_04_Mich….png)

Happy birthday to my favorite guy. Here's to all the good days, blue skies, and new adventures to come.



two if by sea

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5612ff  No.10184158

File: 485ba58c3fd2d58⋯.png (324.12 KB, 598x462, 299:231, Screenshot_2020_08_04_Hesh….png)

File: c6e7ff3cde8db7a⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB, 490x270, 49:27, DxbHj3457WiohA_H.mp4)

Two-minute compilation video providing different angles



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4c634a  No.10184159

ok meteorological experts first they say 50, now they say 2750.

brilliant audits?


I don't 'believe in' fortune telling through numerology. Some people do.

50 x n = 2750 . n is 66

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bfaea1  No.10184160


Kikes own Wiki…..they can decide what is fact or fiction. Its why they bought all the forms of mass media.

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66d934  No.10184161

File: b174d6328d6b181⋯.png (765.32 KB, 1564x1558, 782:779, Judgement_Day.png)

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058a23  No.10184162

File: 2b7d9fa749da300⋯.jpg (40.16 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, silsbythumbsup.jpg)

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4351d5  No.10184163


Many drawers were shit today.

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64240f  No.10184164


I hated those six fish. Really hated them.

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b79192  No.10184165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

and then fake trump quacked like a pedo bigot from dodo island bout all teh coCIAne teh xenujews goy boy twat shekels and then schiff danced like a turd in satanic skin trafficker fashion shows and then pelsoi corpse demanded more face time cause its retarded face job needs goy boy twat subjugations and then sessions stiffed his little fists in all their poopers

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c674dd  No.10184166



re: funeral for the Lebanese pound

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b0289e  No.10184167


Where is the sauce for 'no radiation detected???'

There seem to be a team of 'anons' pushing the ammonia nitrate conclusion, no?

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43a77c  No.10184168


sorry miles, we caught you

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789b66  No.10184169

File: 35fd0c6b16c4f07⋯.jpg (242.96 KB, 1080x540, 2:1, 20200704_074840.jpg)

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4c634a  No.10184170


no I'm an idiot.


n is 55

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1a4a5a  No.10184171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Heavy fucking statement from Sidney Powell here, starts @ 7m06s

"Biden has been engaging in pay to play for a long time… He and Obama and the whole Clinton crime cabal have been doing this, lining their own pockets in their globalist deals for years… This is the corruption that president Trump was *sent* to Washington to get rid of and it's all just starting to come to light. I think we're going to find that it is far worse than we ever realized."



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9ba434  No.10184172


Got to love grammar Nazicat. Anon looking forward to the day Nazicat brings back the possessive pronoun. Like incorrectly saying: Him lying is a big problem rather than the correct grammar: HIS lying is a big problem.

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fe8171  No.10184173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

meme makers

todays explo saying 'blow then candles out hussein'

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b06101  No.10184174

File: b88193d4bc8df2d⋯.png (350.33 KB, 550x367, 550:367, lebanon_flag.png)


Not to throw more work at you, but the Lebanese flag was highly interdasting with this too

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58d15d  No.10184175


>Wouldnt we see a streak of light?

This was caught earlier today, posted pb



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058a23  No.10184176

File: 5b6c4873abb0c08⋯.jpg (74.02 KB, 474x302, 237:151, rockworkers_2_.jpg)

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4bdd15  No.10184177

File: 1eaa828e14605e8⋯.jpeg (44.4 KB, 540x400, 27:20, 38222C2E_CF0B_4174_B0E6_9….jpeg)

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77b743  No.10184178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Look familiar

Tianjin explosion video captures fear of eyewitnesses - BBC News

Chinese city shuts down chemical plant after explosion that killed 78 people

Authorities in Yancheng city act after country’s deadliest industrial accident in four years

Decision follows action by Jiangsu provincial government to reduce number of chemical plants

Check the explosions in Japan and china in the last 5 years…Some Serious chit has been happening…Very few Paying Attention…Some of us do

Chinese city shuts down chemical plant after explosion that killed 78 people

Authorities in Yancheng city act after country’s deadliest industrial accident in four years

Decision follows action by Jiangsu provincial government to reduce number of chemical plants


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b79192  No.10184179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

and then xenujews got all their unrequited homo screewriters of netflix to spam another dirty cop mini series at teh terrified goy

and teh cycle of stochastic terror seo jingoism continued

and lame duck quacked like a l dumb hubbard

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8434ac  No.10184180


tonnes of stored ammonium nitrate does makes flashes in the windows and sound like Chinese firecrackers going off

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1c130a  No.10184181


Not all Dogs go to Heaven

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a105fb  No.10184182

File: 2d74df72e22fecb⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1310x796, 655:398, boom2020.png)

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789b66  No.10184183

File: fc70f4291245957⋯.jpeg (147.66 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 1593528495.jpeg)

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1c0c93  No.10184184

File: 39ee0c205645553⋯.png (360.13 KB, 380x380, 1:1, 39ee0c2056455531ba2607dfe3….png)


For you maybe… heh

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d3db31  No.10184185



top shelf bot!

yet more proof that AI is a lot further off than people think

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67019c  No.10184186


Holy shit, I forgot how much she looked like Ivanka

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a1357d  No.10184187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I just had to

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33acb4  No.10184188


Military independent bystander and arbiter

count certify and document each vote

not that hard we have AI in our midst

we know how to count

and it aint 2-2=5

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e385f8  No.10184189

which begs the question: if we will laugh when find out who is Q, what if it's someone like that redhead shrew who held up a fake Trump head (forget her name), or the homo Ellen - has to be someone we dont suspect

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0ef612  No.10184190


TRUTH in fact upstate I think they just change the ballots or throw them away

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8e9a69  No.10184191


>When the air expanded from the blast, the round one, it did not push out thr original smoke cloud. no change at all. If you have seen large explosions, like volcanoes, it pushes up into the air to the extent it pushes clouds. This one didn't move or indicate disturbance. How come? is the question.

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2cf12d  No.10184192


doubtful that is the real day ; there was once a video about in June ten years ago where he admits birthday in a couple weeks (July) but then corrected himself

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b79192  No.10184193


what wrong with that dudes face?

it looks all tarded like kylo ren

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c15654  No.10184194

File: 0116b2e44ab3a76⋯.png (305.71 KB, 496x751, 496:751, rock.png)


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fdb49e  No.10184195


>I know we always jump right in with the Rod of God, but consider the previous explosions in China since Trump took office. No radiation signature in this explosion supposedly. Looks like the perfect target for a tungsten rod dropped from space.

why drop a huge chunk of metal (and get it into space first) when you have a satellite that can direct a tuned microwave beam on the target

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7332f3  No.10184196


She knows what’s up

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465693  No.10184197


Obola is a assclown.

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b3f666  No.10184198

File: 681d17104b068c2⋯.jpg (90.32 KB, 444x426, 74:71, FlynnLikeRice.jpg)

File: 0f613f0aae6a842⋯.jpg (157.96 KB, 703x907, 703:907, GAMEPLAY.jpg)

File: b22483898cd732a⋯.jpg (169.04 KB, 1020x972, 85:81, MoistWifeOfFlynn.jpg)

File: 0e522ec7c6b7b27⋯.png (305.46 KB, 485x441, 485:441, RORSCHACHSYMBOL.png)

File: 4db82eb5ae28271⋯.jpg (57.98 KB, 371x522, 371:522, sydneysymbolismsunworshipc….jpg)

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b79192  No.10184199


oh wow

tucker is really homo


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84fb9e  No.10184200

File: 4cbacf98f597112⋯.png (211.56 KB, 300x359, 300:359, ClipboardImage.png)


And you'll be willfully wrong.

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3000e4  No.10184201

File: 249dde0f8a0a0de⋯.png (880.2 KB, 961x688, 961:688, 5B7AD8D4_A226_4194_848A_0D….png)


Luuk’n guud bakes. Just check’n in to see how yer do’n. Kitchen comfy? Sorry, no relief tonight. Those early bakes await as usual. Explosion was incredible. potus sez attack. [ds] hankerin for war distraction I guess. -wnb out

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43a77c  No.10184202


POTUS announced that he had been told something about Durham,

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f831e3  No.10184203

File: 68cdd2938bbdd1b⋯.png (410.97 KB, 952x513, 952:513, beaf.PNG)


Recalled ground beef in GA, FL, Carolinas poses ‘high’ health risk, USDA says

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c674dd  No.10184204


the original stories were sodium nitrate

there are towns in Texas and Illinois and Quebec that aren't there any more

after boxcars of ammonium nitrate exploded

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8434ac  No.10184205


we see the results

admit the truth

you didn't spell nothin'

that was all just punctuation!

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1bc5f8  No.10184206

File: ee8baf3bd79e2e3⋯.png (4.65 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ee8baf3bd79e2e3c069712b8fa….png)

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677c1c  No.10184207

File: f6ac50610ac66eb⋯.jpg (20.52 KB, 219x281, 219:281, EeRLaTmUYAEOIS0.jpg)

File: 6cae86e4579defb⋯.mp4 (303.05 KB, 636x360, 53:30, zc4sgIGbvlae3CmY.mp4)

This was most likely countermove to a move made by Q team after which this picture was posted.

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66d934  No.10184208


>For you maybe… heh


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b06101  No.10184209



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baecbe  No.10184210


That was something far more sophisticated and directed…only scumbags play with nukes

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ce71ed  No.10184211


>Clinton Crime Cabal

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857b59  No.10184212


I pulled out the pictures

There are two distinct explosions one red and one white.

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677c1c  No.10184213


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c674dd  No.10184214

File: 9b1fee3d17b9d70⋯.jpg (33.37 KB, 474x674, 237:337, tim.jpg)


put it in barrels and fill the void with diesel and… well…

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bfaea1  No.10184215



Interesting flash of light.

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d21a98  No.10184216

File: 8860f93471c55f0⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 500x385, 100:77, cookie_monster.gif)

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3fa80c  No.10184217


its easy when all teh artificial idiots are just spinning their wheels in the mud

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677c1c  No.10184218

Hence Trump knows it was an attack.

Regardless of the intel.

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64240f  No.10184219


>They Live


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f26601  No.10184220

File: 94393bebc844f63⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB, 480x848, 30:53, BeruitExplosion.mp4)


Looks nuclear.

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bf35a5  No.10184221


Cabal saying we have them and we'll use them

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79852f  No.10184222

File: e43e5cac926dff3⋯.png (97.28 KB, 522x375, 174:125, Baker_Placing_Bread_Into_O….png)



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c674dd  No.10184223


>Looks nuclear.

<looks braindead

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bfaea1  No.10184224


Satan does not just give you fame and fortune for free. You have to give something back. You have to give your kids to the faggot trannie god.

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43a77c  No.10184225


didnt appear to be an accident

you can see the "starters"

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79852f  No.10184226

File: acf072b5664d5b7⋯.jpg (23 KB, 341x268, 341:268, Re_Continue.jpg)


Hawk, Not an Eagle.

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1c130a  No.10184227


Could be Sunlight Gleaming through the hole in the clouds made by the weapon as it passed through

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fffb77  No.10184228

File: 3c39ef5b5d74059⋯.png (356.78 KB, 474x354, 79:59, ClipboardImage.png)


Isaiah in the Old Testament is famous for chapter 53, where the great prophet goes into Q mode describing the messiah Jesus.

Hints all around Him but never comes right out and says it.

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33acb4  No.10184229




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d3db31  No.10184230


uh, how much damage can a microwave weapon do from space? It requires power, something satellites need to conserve. An orbital weapon like the rods of god would be very power efficient and have bunker busting capabilities.

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38a33e  No.10184231

File: afabc44121a9efc⋯.jpg (89.38 KB, 692x734, 346:367, 20200403_141938.jpg)

File: 560d9b19bc9b06d⋯.jpg (10.01 KB, 190x265, 38:53, 1586801675714.jpg)

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79fc98  No.10184232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3fa80c  No.10184233


>I don't want to break a nail.

>White men today are so weak it's pathetic and they don't even give a crap or want to try and stop black men from raping over 30 thousand white women annually in America.

>White men have gone down the tubes.

your tendies mean that you suffer from danalingus syndrome

get some hormones and peanut butter

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0b5613  No.10184234

File: e7b0a4664030760⋯.png (78.77 KB, 300x243, 100:81, e7b0a46640307601fdb8133841….png)


Am I the only one wonder why we’ve got all these videos with different angles. It feels so much like the 9/11 videos. It’s no coincidence that all these videos are available for critique.

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44d08d  No.10184236

File: 7bd2ff0edd3c322⋯.jpg (66.17 KB, 438x298, 219:149, IMG_5869.JPG)

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aca549  No.10184237


The Bible describes the cedar tree as strong and durable (Isaiah 9:10)

Hurricane Isaiah !!!

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43a77c  No.10184238


what's with the umbrella?

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595516  No.10184239

File: 1a799d41afa42ab⋯.jpg (387.05 KB, 540x810, 2:3, wyp.jpg)

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79852f  No.10184240

The name Isaiah is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of Isaiah is "God is Salvation". Isaiah is generally used as a boy's name. It consists of 6 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced I-sai-ah.


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7332f3  No.10184241


Better than a production studio

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1c0c93  No.10184242


Comfy bro. Thanks. Hella day indeed.


I'd have taken the shit for it. kek.

If you want it added anon hit me up nb.

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c674dd  No.10184244


this is why the former minor prophets of Ezekiel and Isaias were elevated at Nicea

for the 3 century old "nothing's happening" fags

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e3fa77  No.10184245


Why thank you stranger.

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bfc0ca  No.10184246


I for one hope we never know.

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2cf12d  No.10184247


Tom Wolf doesn't like Lebanon County either …maybe because 'anon' is in the word Lebanon? it can't be the bologna

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3fa80c  No.10184248


prol means the nazi fake jesus didnt want texas faggots to know it was a homo

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95b22c  No.10184249


For God's sake, anon, at least use an ad-blocker. Do you realize how much info you just revealed about yourself?

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b06101  No.10184250


Ohh the connections just keep going.

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fdb49e  No.10184251


>uh, how much damage can a microwave weapon do from space?

plenty. it can heat the interior of buildings to very high temperatures, causing chemicals to ignite and steel beams to melt….

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60bba5  No.10184253


Not really. None of them catch the initial explosion, just the dark red one with the huge shockwave condensation puffball. Plenty of time for people to pull their phones out and start filming.

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f61d0b  No.10184254

File: 32c24a65e36f851⋯.png (45.38 KB, 704x338, 352:169, B2.png)

For all those that think Barr isn't the real deal…

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43a77c  No.10184255


One of them doesn't match the others.


Even if it's real they might do that to mud the waters.

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e63da2  No.10184256

vietnam war

war on poverty

war on drugs

war on terror

war on "invisible enemy"

anons, hep me.

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4de149  No.10184257

File: c05d014b9387828⋯.png (33.84 KB, 599x376, 599:376, ClipboardImage.png)

Flip this anons…


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2d658c  No.10184258


what do the letters on the sides of the containers mean?

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789b66  No.10184259

File: 94ddf31a57f0411⋯.jpeg (306.33 KB, 1239x1650, 413:550, 1544142533.jpeg)

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5923ac  No.10184260


ok, it was out of date Xenu milk stored with Chinese beard dyes that reacted to harsh language from a cook on one of the ships that dropped his pan of baklava in the presence of Tazmanian beer atoms.

'I'm gonna dig on Rosemont Seneca and the Panama Papers

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bb5478  No.10184261

File: 9a44a87940e185e⋯.jpg (112.17 KB, 805x313, 805:313, Don_c.jpg)

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66d934  No.10184262


o7, I'm still waiting for the POTUS I believe is coming in the next couple days before it is complete. Expecting a WRWY.

The Wilcock shoop was atleast funny.

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bf35a5  No.10184263

File: 59b0c609809decd⋯.png (64.13 KB, 933x437, 933:437, ClipboardImage.png)

==NYT Quietly Scrubs Chinese Propaganda

U.S. newspapers collected millions from Beijing to publish propaganda==

The New York Times quietly deleted hundreds of advertorials that the Chinese Communist Party paid to publish on its website.

A Times spokeswoman told the Washington Free Beacon that the move is a reflection of a decision to stop accepting ads from state-run media. "We made the decision at the beginning of this year to stop accepting branded content ads from state run media, which includes China Daily," she said.

The Times‘s decision to end its partnership with China Daily is part of a society-wide reckoning about the cozy relationships between the Chinese government and American institutions, from the NBA to Harvard University. While the paper is responsible for some of the most gut-wrenching stories about Chinese government oppression, it has also run more than 200 propaganda articles in the last decade, some of which sugar-coated China's human rights abuses. One 2019 video ad, for example, promoted Xinjiang tourism by depicting the oppressed Uyghur people as content under Chinese rule.

China Daily, an official mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, has been purchasing advertorial spaces in the pages of mainstream U.S. media outlets for the last decade, using the space to disseminate Chinese propaganda to millions of unassuming Americans. In return, U.S. newspapers such as the Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal received millions of dollars.

Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind.), a member of Congress's China Task Force who has spearheaded efforts to rein in the distribution of Chinese propaganda, applauded the Times for terminating its relationship with China Daily.

"The New York Times has done excellent, detailed reporting on the ongoing Communist Party atrocities in Xinjiang and around the world," the congressman said. "That reporting has finally had an effect—at the New York Times—and it no longer supports covering up the CCP’s barbarity. I hope the other outlets follow suit and start putting American values over Communist bribes."

After the Free Beacon found that China Daily failed to follow federal disclosure requirements about its relationship with U.S. media outlets, Banks and 34 other Congressional Republicans demanded a Justice Department probe into the outlet. Following the demand, China Daily submitted a revised disclosure of its U.S. activities since 2016, revealing previously undisclosed details about its ties with U.S. media organs.


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b06101  No.10184265




All, good sir.

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5612ff  No.10184266

Thread Carlos Osweda

It was an arms depot.

Missiles from Iran.

First, the warheads were destroyed. Listen to them going off.


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1c0c93  No.10184267

>>10184171 Sidney Powell interview: "Biden has been engaging in pay to play for a long time"

>>10184067 Fresh WH tweet on eradicating human trafficking

>>10183775 , >>10184058 Live Election Results Updates: MI, KS, MO, AZ, WA

>>10184034 Shipments of 20,000 fake driver's licenses seized at Chicago airport so far in 2020

>>10184019 Larry C. Johnson: Yes, New Evidence Shows George Floyd Killed Himself

>>10183868 , >>10183868 The Queen & Prince Phillip leave for Balmoral, Phillip with black eyes

>>10183858 General Charles Brown is formally sworn in as US Airforce Chief Of Staff

>>10183849 MSNBC Producer Leaves Network, Writes Letter On How Broadcast News is a Cancer

>>10183837 Video: Full POTUS with Dobbs interview

>>10183827 Zerohedge: Trump Calls Beirut Explosion "A Terrible Attack - A Bomb Of Some Kind"

>>10183808 , >>10184178 More on the explosion in Wuhan & Yancheng

>>10183791 Blasio: I’m Laying Off 22,000 City Workers if the Feds Don’t Give Us a Bailout

>>10183763 , >>10183826 FBI raids Miami office during probe into alleged money laundering

>>10183745 Tenable Holdings, Inc. sold by Insight Holdings Group: $293.94m-August 4

>>10183732 , >>10183742 FBI raids offices in Cleveland tied to Ukrainian oligarch

>>10183727 Why Georgia Could Be Blowing the Lockdown Meme Out of the Water

>>10183725 RICO indictment for swamp connected casino in Saipan

>>10183710 , >>10184107 Further charges for Ed Buck by grand jury (awaiting sauce)

>>10183656 Vaccinate or Terminate? Mandatory Vaccination As Workplace Policy

>>10183637 Virginia man pleads guilty to enticement, child pornography charges

>>10183626 WHO casts doubt on CV Originating in Wuhan

>>10183609 Senator calls Antifa Wall of Moms “courageous” (BLM activists called them racist)

>>10183586 Infant mortality decreased during the "lockdowns"

>>10183716 , >>10183724 More past explosions for comparison

>>10184036 , >>10184041, >>10184085, >>10184149, >>10184158 On Beruit II

>>10183703 , >>10183759, >>10184004, >>10184011, >>10184023, >>10184026 On Beruit I

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baecbe  No.10184268


>#Lebanese Army Major General Ibrahim “it appears that the explosion occurred in a store of high explosive materials confiscated for years”

If that is true then this guys ass should be nailed to a prison cell for ever!

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c674dd  No.10184269


Trump's video of the burnt California homes

with unscathed [plastic] garbage cans adjacent goes here

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d4bd2c  No.10184270

File: 615068fec8fbc11⋯.jpeg (26.92 KB, 173x307, 173:307, 6F21A2D9_F0E1_4A20_B434_9….jpeg)

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d86eda  No.10184271


The beef simply hasn't been inspected; that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it.

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677c1c  No.10184273


He's a wizard.

Mary Poppins… just a spoon full of HCQ makes the Cornona DIE

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2d658c  No.10184274


leafy green?

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4351d5  No.10184275

File: 161f3919913745c⋯.png (751.36 KB, 704x766, 352:383, 161f3919913745cb3fb9247a35….png)


We're going to need to inspect your tatas, ma'am.

Please post pic with timestamp.

Grannybewbs aren't exempt.

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3b703a  No.10184278

File: 65791dd3e25bb95⋯.jpg (76.37 KB, 1035x432, 115:48, DeBlasioDumbAss.jpg)


Not the brightest bulb, is he?

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74745a  No.10184282


It was already said in news reports that obamagate would happen before the election.

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f61d0b  No.10184283


He got out of the clown car.

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3fa80c  No.10184284


look at that

your interracial cock fetish has professional memes

you paid too much

>>10183592 elongapes is sooo fake a diet coke could destroy it


of wow, ritual sacrifice a zombie cult , must of been bribes and jews huh


look, tucker want s to be a homoerotic sex symbol fuck toy

>>10183596 <cruise winner

>>10183598 now quack like a xenujew lame duck

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1a4a5a  No.10184286

File: 58823a45a9a60e0⋯.jpg (61 KB, 551x676, 551:676, _schumer_.jpg)

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bfc0ca  No.10184289


>==NYT Quietly Scrubs Chinese Propaganda

>U.S. newspapers collected millions from Beijing to publish propaganda==

>The New York Times quietly deleted hundreds of advertorials that the Chinese Communist Party paid to publish on its website.

1984 was supposed to be fiction..

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43a77c  No.10184290


you're right. it looks contrived.

The way the cameras are held.

I'd have to study it more for a conclusion.

but for preliminary? Yeah,

visuals could be staged to cover -up for what really happened.

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6f74ce  No.10184291

File: 8ad907de290c207⋯.png (512.15 KB, 619x470, 619:470, 8ad907de290c207b8ad8ddedd1….png)


The reaason there are so many videos is becasue there had already been a smaller explosion and fire with a white cloud of smoke rising into the sky before the bigger explosion. This why birds were disturbed and flying around. Many anons have stated these birds were missiles or bombs dropped. So yeah, everyone with a cell phone was filming when the big one happened. What we need to do is dig for radiation data and radiation burns/sickness. Then we can put this to bed. Because I guarantee there is no way they will be able to hide it, if it was a mini/dirty nuke. If it was indeed a radiation event, then we can probably thank Killary and the whole U-1 debacle.

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a111eb  No.10184292


underground explosions. first, earth mass ejected upward (dust / non combusting compounds)

Secondary / energetic release as the blast reaches the surface and can expand causing supersonic shock wave front. It was deep.

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e63da2  No.10184293


well that makes it personal wonder if there were any aircraft getting rocked.

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66d934  No.10184295


>It was already said in news reports that obamagate would happen before the election.

I try to not predict things, but I think we're gonna see DWS in the news soon.

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677c1c  No.10184296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4bdd15  No.10184297


Most likely.

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43a77c  No.10184298


isn't that just perfect/

Just as on 9/11

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2cf12d  No.10184299

File: cfe058e84a77fe5⋯.jpg (14.14 KB, 255x192, 85:64, a538b9014eba41f9f158103356….jpg)

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5c4f39  No.10184300

File: 716e2e63e21d942⋯.png (277.44 KB, 853x337, 853:337, ClipboardImage.png)

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8434ac  No.10184301


you hear popping like ammo or firecrackers in that close up video

you see flashes

that happens first and then sets of something else

and what a hell of a shock wave

that is what struck me

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1bc5f8  No.10184302

File: e7728b7437e02c6⋯.png (964.62 KB, 505x647, 505:647, e7728b7437e02c66b57d266f7c….png)

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857b59  No.10184303

File: 02389b6500f8ab2⋯.png (166 KB, 408x720, 17:30, 46930358a144dd9f8aeeaf7a72….png)

File: a9b17ff8fe43ffa⋯.png (177.35 KB, 408x720, 17:30, 46930358a144dd9f8aeeaf7a72….png)

File: 5301b91176f00d4⋯.png (177.13 KB, 408x720, 17:30, 46930358a144dd9f8aeeaf7a72….png)

File: b98317409e60c4e⋯.png (182.69 KB, 408x720, 17:30, 46930358a144dd9f8aeeaf7a72….png)

File: 86893d3cd528fe8⋯.png (188.71 KB, 408x720, 17:30, 46930358a144dd9f8aeeaf7a72….png)

two distinct explosions different places and first flame second white. #1

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3fa80c  No.10184304


you are just stuck in alexjonesing =forhomo thought bubbles of crappy creepypasta homoerotica spam

maybe you just need to fuck his asshole in the gym shower

>>10184270 xenujews need scapegoats

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7bf672  No.10184305


It's almost like they were waiting for it to happen.

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c674dd  No.10184306

File: 36dc53444c1577c⋯.jpg (30.09 KB, 465x312, 155:104, George_npc_UR.jpg)

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b57895  No.10184307

File: 17ef19ee662d242⋯.jpeg (202.5 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, 294057F6_A726_4F18_912E_F….jpeg)

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74745a  No.10184308


Also note that there would be more home births, instead of the overly used caesarian.

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baecbe  No.10184309


Actually, FAG-NAME-CALLER, there are people outside the Quantum group who know exactly what is going on and what is a stake, even if they are not involved in the sit-rep daily:




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2d658c  No.10184310

so who is mcafee? and what does he have to do with this? and is lv involved? ???

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857b59  No.10184311

File: 0890326b34e44ac⋯.png (184.9 KB, 408x720, 17:30, 46930358a144dd9f8aeeaf7a72….png)

File: db85c7c7d34a4f1⋯.png (183.25 KB, 408x720, 17:30, 46930358a144dd9f8aeeaf7a72….png)

File: a055073c51f49f4⋯.png (181.65 KB, 408x720, 17:30, 46930358a144dd9f8aeeaf7a72….png)

File: 1c515933e5b2538⋯.png (162.13 KB, 408x720, 17:30, 46930358a144dd9f8aeeaf7a72….png)

File: 438a0a6c366cc57⋯.png (170.78 KB, 408x720, 17:30, 46930358a144dd9f8aeeaf7a72….png)

two distinct explosions different places and first flame second white. #2

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e63da2  No.10184312


but people insist air pressure couldn't have blown out the windows of the WTC. Meh.

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4c634a  No.10184313


this is a new level of bold and stupid.

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3fa80c  No.10184314

File: 02dfa8c8473e6c0⋯.png (871.41 KB, 844x1193, 844:1193, 02dfa8c8473e6c0907f7ba1168….png)

File: 2ecb557f552d70d⋯.png (1.1 MB, 700x867, 700:867, 2ecb557f552d70da8970106b32….png)

File: 965544ba07f15dc⋯.jpg (499.46 KB, 1098x1677, 366:559, 965544ba07f15dc479e9e0ad6b….jpg)


and maybe drive a boat to dodo island

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c674dd  No.10184315

File: 0bc46211e415b16⋯.png (548.87 KB, 516x455, 516:455, joylesski.PNG)


>if it was a mini/dirty nuke


>If it was indeed a radiation

if true

i see you

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4bdd15  No.10184316

File: 9972dc5631aae31⋯.jpeg (42.28 KB, 504x265, 504:265, E06F1D0D_80D3_4EC1_924E_B….jpeg)

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0b5613  No.10184317


Went their and did my part hope everyone else does too

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857b59  No.10184318

File: 67deae65848a6c3⋯.png (171.72 KB, 408x720, 17:30, 46930358a144dd9f8aeeaf7a72….png)

File: 5699a2195f39a65⋯.png (221.33 KB, 408x720, 17:30, 46930358a144dd9f8aeeaf7a72….png)

two distinct explosions different places and first flame second white. #3

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1c0c93  No.10184319

File: fc6ab9ca5f417b2⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 306x377, 306:377, fc6ab9ca5f417b2cb2b9c664e0….jpg)

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33acb4  No.10184320


you can see a fire burning bright than theres a downdraft extinguishing the fire and the boom very big boo\m boom

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000000  No.10184321


holographic birds?

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66d934  No.10184322


one hideous fucking bitch.

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4c634a  No.10184324

fill this bread

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3fa80c  No.10184327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

and then alexjonesingforhomo craved kungfu grip homo from gi joe and xenujews lied bout tehy goat fornicator founder by spamming fake coCIAne laundry goy boy twats for validations, and then sessions plunged his tiny little fists in all tehy cornholes

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0c71ea  No.10184328

File: 5f6367900d94d07⋯.jpg (168.96 KB, 706x960, 353:480, 1519367928665.jpg)


I think this one is related.

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d3db31  No.10184329


If it had nuclear generated power I'd buy that.

… knew a navy electrician on the Eisenhower and he told me they used ground based microwaves/lidar to drop a tomcat out of the sky by frying the telemetry system from a mile away. In 1980… It is possible to read the electrical activity(potentials) of a circuit at distance, from orbit.

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c645c9  No.10184331

File: 04860ebe91d17eb⋯.mp4 (994.89 KB, 480x480, 1:1, toofasttoobig.mp4)


Looks nuclear. I mean why even bother having nukes if you can do this without nukes? My bet right now is it's a nuke. We'll soon find out anyhow.

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43a77c  No.10184333


I noticed the ANTIFA/ insurgents with them



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1c0c93  No.10184334



GL n o7

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c674dd  No.10184335

File: 9f93afefdb2fc7c⋯.jpg (124.92 KB, 955x500, 191:100, pope8.jpg)


tangentially, but so far

nothing else i have seen

has he eaten his dick yet?

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