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e6c565 No.116979 [View All]

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457 posts and 449 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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9f968a No.117955

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19528561 Q Research General #23984: Comfy Pasta Edition

Created 110555ZSEP23




>>88829 #23984

>>88830, >>88831 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - “THIS IS A RAILROAD JOB—PLAIN AND SIMPLE!”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gp8fs - Video upload for 111044612830822737 [4:53] [Channel: hostid1]

>>88832 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - “ABUSE OF OUR ELECTORAL SYSTEM!” A MUST WATCH…

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gpaz6 - Video upload for 111044661560455533 [4:53] [Channel: hostid1]

>>88833 The Strange Disappearance and Death of Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Erin Valenti

>>88834 Satanic Sam Smith

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/170534a5e1eff0eb80bacdbe610ff45fcfff7b6e9e570bfd3fee824a550cd6da.mp4

>>88835 There is a Rothschild in our government?

>>88836 What’s going on in the Ukrainian parliament? People have had enough?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/14526c275cab0c3ad0b93d1ba9698150c271474e2f7a52d59b3103eecf027319.mp4

>>88837 Incredible moment White House staff abruptly end Biden's rambling Vietnam press conference mid-sentence and cut his mic

>>88838 Kilauea IS ERUPTING in Hawaii - LIVESTREAM

>>88839 Epstein reportedly hoped to develop super-race of humans with his DNA

>>88840 tension between African and Latino illegals at one of the NYC tents shelter

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/314d1e4f5af96b41efb6dd47388970ac24b81305d6766f6e196903a6cde86c16.mp4

>>88841 ‘Several’ employees injured after explosion rips through Illinois ADM plant

>>88842, >>88843 General Mike Flynn w/CAPs: calling out crimes against children by corporations (pr0nhub)

>>88844 Breaking! DOJ Looking To Jail Infowars’ Owen Shroyer For 120 Days In Jan. 6th Trial

>>88845 NATO Chief Openly Admits, Russia Invaded Ukraine Because of NATO Expansion.

>>88846 Fourteen siblings, aged 13 months to 19 years, have been rescued from a harrowing situation in a Sydney suburban home...

>>88847, >>88848, >>88849, >>88850, >>88851, >>88852, >>88855 22 years ago today - 9/11

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fd91dac3f6458a5e1d148fd17b4f5868e5234df3dba0d5e9a15bfc917fc14d41.mp4

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/cMI60EAS5q4Z/ - 🛑 Gadgafi on Bin Laden & 911 👀 [Channel: RoseArcana]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0bc9d97484efc501ec0d5d1f953977b727f1a6dd20bba3d5d6263886d669035b.mp4

>>88853 Mass Murder Update: UK boosting all in elder care starting today (9/11) w/ provider incentive (£7.54) per dose administered

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ee356798a9e5a8f86e1f7b05793622ae51765e46dab8618f02ba612825917630.pdf

>>88854 PF reporting - two DC to Gitmo hops today. One en route, the other in a couple of hours. Dasting.

>>88856 Dog Comms??? - "Dog lost after owner injured by lightning strike returned safely "

>>88857, >>88858 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X

>>88859 #23984

(22 notables, 31 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117956

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19529486 Q Research General #23985: 9/11 - 22 Years Later Edition

Created 111253ZSEP23




>>88860 #23985

>>88861 22 years ago terrorists tried to take down RudyG as he was America's Mayor, Today the CCP Cabal is trying to take him down for exposing their illegal 2020 election.

>>88862, >>88874 Rumsfeld gave a speech on Sept. 10, 2001, unable to track $2.3 trillion in transactions (23)

>>88863, >>88871 Frank & Beanz LIVE on Gov.Michelle Lujan Grisham proclamation plus

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3grkl8 - Dark to Light: A Decision in Missouri v. Biden [59:36] [Channel: UncoverDC]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ab1096e5fac32aa974d1c19b7448088e7a322b48546f99926979268fb22ee4b9.mp4

>>88864, >>88865, >>88866, >>88868, >>88878, >>88883, >>88892, >>88894, >>88895, >>88896, >>88897, >>88900, >>88901, >>88903, >>88904, >>88907, >>88908, >>88910, >>88911, >>88914, >>88920, >>88921, >>88923, >>88932 911 pics, vids and stories

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3aKj6uJ5Mt4 - Mossad Truck Bombs on Sept 11 [Channel: Nephilim70]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gsyqg - Video upload for 111046920134032502 [1:38] [Channel: hostid1]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/606a5e7eae09e4be66e6ee5b2b42eb95e380c6ff56e2ebdac78a7a229666e751.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UHUnWmXklj0 - Stratcom 9/11: A Different Doomsday | NET Productions [Channel: Nebraska Public Media]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a3976141a07afa47cc7cef31f83266a9908477a0c0ee877ea4e554bf483a17fb.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7c6c119aadc23cc70dce8deaaadeac7ea0af5ed11f44d60e8d6ef1196bfb2f61.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/24f7889530a1c79de752dba6d7b3b8e190a6c4ff93140e514845ac9213321f46.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d826aa1521fef1b755801529f34bd841964e6e38108ad90efb6f81c597eb7e63.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1782dc33c05a5064221e53dd142d95cfff545fa69b9001c462296a366ff40c34.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3840b55b08690db8b92cfacabe1b7ee3bb74bc01290788f03ae0c61bc07b8a7e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9aac684962d7e3ff002df6c7bae16c96f0f2194fe91dca729bba3a23a6a3f063.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lEqeELMXsyo - Children recite KITE, HIT, STEEL, PLANE, MUST [Channel: Predict911]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=60RuXCV71ic - Donald Trump Predicted Large-Scale Terror Attack Before 9/11 In 2000 | Morning Joe | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>88867 @USArmyCMH Remembering those who died on September 11, 2001.

>>88869 End Times News

>>88870 ‘Future Is Digital’ --- EU Chief Calls for Global Digital IDs and New U.N. Body to Govern Artificial Intelligence

>>88872 PF updates

>>88873, >>88876 Ken Paxton Impeachment trail starts in 15 minutes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oC5lgmCY8WY - Day 5 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/11/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gsim9 - Day 5 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/11/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>88875 Flight 93 Memorial Ceremony

>>88877 Legal abortions increasing across U.S. despite new restrictions post-Dobbs

>>88879 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Beautiful Comet Nishimura

>>88880 Hawaii’s Housing Chief Resigns after Confrontation over Potential State Land Grab

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cmMdEAkMUOI - Amid mounting conflict, state's housing chief resigns because of political, personal attacks [Channel: Hawaii News Now]

>>88881 CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men’s Lives!

>>88882 China said that a US citizen jailed for life for espionage lured Chinese officials into bugged hotels and used “honey traps” to blackmail them into spying for Washington.

>>88884 Unelected communists can kiss our collective asses.


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/7dmt3tZKAeU2/ - ANDREW BRIDGEN - A LETTER TO RISHI SUNAK. [2:00] [Channel: Daindor]

>>88886, >>88887, >>88888 Trudeau scolded by Modi

>>88889, >>88891, >>88893, >>88902, >>88905 What was the blackmail routine before Epstein? Heffner?

>>88890 President Names Kissinger to Lead 9/11 Commission

>>88898 Five Russian "Doomsday Planes" In The Air Shut Off Transponders Mid-flight

>>88899 @realDonaldTrump WE WILL NEVER FORGET!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gsfh2 - Video upload for 111046645697301790 [1:53] [Channel: hostid1]

>>88906 moar Make Sunsets diggz

>>88909, >>88922 5th Circuit court JUST UPHELD Missouri v Biden and ruled that the following people CAN NO LONGER:...

>>88912 Mysterious moonquake traced to Apollo 17 lunar lander base

>>88913 Refusing To Comply With Future Mask Mandates Isn’t Enough. We Need A Federal Ban

>>88915 Nikki Haley says America is at war with China.

>>88916, >>88929 The 28 Pages show that two 9/11 hijackers tied to Saudi intelligence rented a room from an FBI informant in California before the 2001 attacks/Mueller


>>88918, >>88919 22 Years Later Edition - The Siege Continues, CBDC's

>>88924 @realDonaldTrump 11:46 PM · Sep 10, 2019 Trump 2024

>>88925 IMPEACH JOE BIDEN Memes to Twit

>>88926 Musk: I am a citizen of the United States and have only that passport. No matter what happens, I will fight for and die in America.


>>88928 Nancy Pelosi Gets Completely Overwhelmed & Loses Control As An Entire Audience Of Latino People Yell “YOU’RE A LIAR”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/76fedb2aadd472423bac12e834f3c6caf4483fbf81fb329761e7884d8a2f7a1b.mp4

>>88930 Kombucha: Ally for Moon and Mars

>>88931 @JudicialWatch sued for and obtained the Pentagon parking camera footage of AA#77 hitting the Pentagon.

>>88933 #23985

(39 notables, 74 posts, 77 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117957

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19530297 Q Research General #23986: Moab Monday: Remembering UNpatriotActions Edition

Created 111550ZSEP23




>>88934 #23986

>>88935, >>88937, >>88938, >>88940, >>88951, >>88952 Hatter = Marty Torrey Email re: Israeli Elections

>>88936, >>88939, >>88942, >>88943, >>88944, >>88948, >>88949, >>88954, >>88960, >>88966, >>88969, >>88973

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AVEhuQXGjus - Pentagon Attack Cab Driver Lloyde England's Virtual Confession [Channel: 9Talent11]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vN-BBOeTIMk - BBC - WTC7 [Channel: Macejecek's]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8YNlYFygdNI - Rob Lowe on a dry run with 9-11 bombers [Channel: nsotd4]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=l0lzZvCNkJw - James Woods recounts Atta Hijacking Attempt before 9/11 [Channel: Dan K]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gtnic - The 9/11 Lessons We Have Never Learned [31:20] [Channel: The Ron Paul Liberty Report]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cc3027906a51aa73cf3ef02ad92ceec65aacdaab3cdccf1c7b8ea1c36db586a7.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1bdaa3a291362bf383c500ec7fa777df0ddd5bde7237556a31c93baf1685336e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/60c0844cf36e0afe4c5ed410651278530efc74972b02f37c9c393614d042e471.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1f0f4680878cabdca211409cbe54fd5acfd0c75cb70f2a7bd2de3977f29c4fa6.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/43d522fa5a40ca5337dae292a4e959526ce08d5ff0df20c8a5a4b709b976be70.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d492cb615a94214a0d902a521e06dbdb9993fa7fd0a97ab01960d06d02db6355.mp4

>>88941, >>88945 Left-wing activists are currently protesting and occupying Speaker McCarthy’s office

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7107bf0ec9976c96351097203ace1f68546e71a09efef65bf7c6ffd29bb9318e.mp4

>>88946 The Post 9/11 weaponization of the US Gov't

>>88947 Moscow should suspend diplomatic relations with EU -- Medvedev

>>88950 A food poisoning spate connected to 11 Calgary-area daycares is believed by some to be the largest serious E. coli outbreak of children under the age of five ever reported.

>>88953, >>88955, >>88957 Trump A Modern Cyrus // Jonathan Cahn???

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vix7kU9bo_M - Trump A Modern Cyrus // Jonathan Cahn [Channel: Jerry Brandt /Action Evangelism]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4BQVeW_PbLU - Run For Your Life - Spoken Word [Channel: Cornelius Brothers Media & Publishing]

>>88956 Kamala Harris Smiles and Giggles at 9/11 Memorial Ceremony as Biden Heads to Alaska

>>88958 @MELANIATRUMP #NeverForget 🇺🇸

>>88959 How strange to see Joe Biden kissing NoNames memorial.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0a6e1e2f2886747884bd95857f394bd5542656dd54409e2a57a9ef998c7aef10.mp4

>>88961, >>88964 The Gov’t Is Going to: "Increase The Number & Intensity Of The Extreme Weather Events & Be Wary - We’re Going To Be - Using All The Resources Available To The Government To Do It"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c0b0897a44b458b40489ceb16db35aed591d8da26d2a14a706f3c5de48f91634.mp4

>>88962 Call your Senator TODAY - They are voting this week: AB 659, the bill that A Voice for Choice Advocacy has been working hard to get amended throughout this CA legislative session. It started as an HPV vaccine mandate for schools

>>88963 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aJYR6vmd3Fs - Department of State Daily Press Briefing - September 11, 2023 - 1:15 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>88965 U.S. Strategic Competition With China Council on Foreign Relations

>>88967 QClock September 11, 2023 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET

>>88968 Blinken contradicts Ukraine on peace negotiations

>>88970, >>88975 Weapons from ‘Ukrainian Frontline’ Reportedly Seized by Police from ‘New IRA’ Terrorists in Northern Ireland"

>>88971, >>88977, >>88979, >>88980, >>88991 911 pics, vids and stories

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cc51c4a271ef11e35c8b0854c073591330707c07cb9536b4c4634624a183888f.mp4

>>88972 MOSSAD is short for…

>>88974, >>88987 Ammunition Manufacturer Fires Back at Gov. Grisham: Offers Free Deliveries to all New Mexico Customers with Special Promo Code, “F*ck Off, Gov. Grisham”

>>88976, >>88985 Coup of September 11, 1973. President of the Republic of Chile.

>>88978, >>88989 DOJ Quietly Drops FARA Case Against Flynn Business Partner After Judge Tosses Conviction For Insufficient Evidence

>>88981 Joe Biden’s Shameful Silence on 9/11 Anniversary

>>88982 Tear Drop Memorial Russian expression of grief: The huge bronze-clad monument was a gift from Russia to the US and is located on a remote stretch of waterfront with Manhattan as the backdrop.

>>88983 lb Why dustification after 9/11 bldg's collapse?

>>88984 Two Tier Justice czech it

>>88986 @USMC 9/11

>>88988 Three Separate Coin Shop Owners Shocked as Their Bank Accounts Suddenly Shut Down with No Reason Given

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5yW8IVqaqdM - My Coin Shop Bank Accounts Were Closed! Silver & Gold stackers WATCH OUT! [Channel: Jewelry & Coin Exchange]

>>88990 Sweden: New Dystopian DIGITAL ID

>>88992 #23986

(31 notables, 59 posts, 75 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117958

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19531113 Q Research General #23987: Moab Monday: Kites N Clowns In America Edition

Created 111855ZSEP23




>>88993 #23987-A

>>88994 “We Did It In a Small Town!” -- Anti-Trump Communist Scumbags in Chicago Suburb Unlawfully Assemble and Burn American Flags Ouside Jason Aldean Concert

>>88995 LGBTQ activists stormed Speaker McCarthy’s office at the Capitol - will they get the same treatment as J6'ers?

>>88996 Potential UAW Strike Could Plunge Michigan Into Recession, Yet Biden Admin is 'Not Worried'

>>88997 FBI and IRS Launch Coordinated Raid on Duval Teachers Union Office in Jacksonville, Florida

>>88998 Newsom Says He Will Pick a Caretaker for Feinstein's Senate Seat

>>88999 FDA Commies approves updated Fuck Americans, Kill'em Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna

>>89000 Former Zelensky Administration Officials Accused Z of Money Laundering, Stealing American Money, Persecuting Opponents And More

>>89001 How Much Is The Ruling Class Willing To Bend BREAK The Rules To Stop Trump?

>>89002, >>89003 Irate family called police on Biden Energy SecyJennifer Granholm's team for blocking charging station spot for her electric car

>>89004, >>89005 RFK Jr. Names The Three Major Corporations He Thinks Control The World And How They're Screwing Us

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xpWIdf-tCFc - Apashe - Renaissance 2.0 With Live Orchestra #VALOTF [Channel: Apashe]

>>89006, >>89035 DJT on how United Autoworkers will go out of business if Biden is allowed to pull off his ELECTRIC CAR HOAX

>>89007 Anon collects alleged attempts on Trump's life - DIG CALL for more sauce

>>89008 Elon Musk Brands Creepy Bill Gates an ‘Asshole to the Core’ for Betting Against Tesla Stock

>>89009 TRAITORS: ‘This Is Sad’: U.S. Open Dumps ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ for Finals Matches

>>89010 Canada PM Trudeau Stranded In India After Plane Breaks Down

>>89011 Jill B on 9/11

>>89012 Nicolás Maduro Visits China to Seek Financial Aid and Support to Join BRICS

>>89013, >>89021 Scavino video showing rebuilding after 9/11

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/070a889b753c1f6694daec1428c92a1dbf20713c8a6e75dcf809a0de3b608549.mp4

>>89014, >>89022 KISS OF DEATH? Joe "Potato King" Biden Kisses John McCain’s Memorial in Vietnam

>>89015 @8thPSYOPgroup doing what they do best.

>>89016 Hard to find video re-emerges - 9/11/2001 of firefighters warning locals THERE IS A BOMB IN THE BUILDING, vacate the area - #NEVERFORGET

>>89017 Obama on Moroccan earthquake

>>89018 NATO Begins War Games in Baltic Sea, Simulate Attack on Russia

>>89019 A look back at August 2023 at the Biden-Harris White House

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aMhQloFJgzs - A look back at August 2023 at the Biden-Harris White House. [Channel: The White House]

>>89020 9/11 truth in FIVE MINUTES

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/IoagvyXfUSde/ - 911 the truth in five minutes by james corbett [4:55] [Channel: Crotaphytus]

>>89023 Biden Says He Does Not Want To ‘Contain’ China

>>89024 Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=x7rv684DaVQ - Putin has showed no ‘interest in meaningful diplomacy’: Secretary Blinken | This Week [Channel: ABC News]

>>89025 The housing bubble is now acknowledged as a built-up bubble, leading to a potential explosive boom

>>89026 Meta deletes Al Jazeera presenter’s profile after show criticising Israel

>>89027 lb Why dustification after 9/11 bldg's collapse?

>>89028 Moar Antifa SMASH and GRABS…coming to a city near you! Macy's in Los Angeles robbed by gang of thieves escaping with $20,000 of perfume

>>89029 Disney Unveils More Authentic California Adventure Park Featuring Homeless Campsite

>>89030 US government shutdown threatens economic risk


>>89032 Haiti gangs announce a blanket death sentence for disabled children, tell families "kill them or we will."

>>89033 US govt to launch SMART ePANTS and other computerized clothing to SPY ON Americans' bodies

>>89034 Judicial Watch: New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Department 'Forces that Could Move to Benghazi' Immediately

>>89036 Warroom update

>>89037 School suspends first-grader for pretending fingers were a gun during game of cops and robbers

>>89038 Ukraine’s counter-offensive is stalling

>>89039 Nearly 70% of Americans Oppose Allowing Males to Compete in Female Sports

>>89040 Democrats Complain That Illegal Immigrants Are Destroying Their Sanctuary Cities

>>89041 California Lawmakers Vote To Remove Kids From Any Parents Who Don’t Support Severing Their Genitals

>>89042 Former NYPD commissioner excoriates Biden for skipping 9/11 ceremonies, Mayorkas for showing up

>>89043 'Tater Delivers Remarks on the Anniversary of 9/11

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7Dp917s8jcA - President Biden Delivers Remarks on the Anniversary of 9/11 [Channel: The White House]

>>89044 Remember when the media tried to tell us that these are exactly the same thing?

>>89045 DHS has limited ability to accurately track migrants’ post-release addresses: IG report

>>89046 Blind eye? Feds received waves of warnings about Hunter Biden but delivered no consequences

>>89047 The Legitimization of Child Abuse

>>89048 #23987-A

>>89049 #23987-B

(52 notables, 57 posts, 74 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117959

File: b19cd846bc1681a⋯.png (220.9 KB,659x357,659:357,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19531794 Q Research General #23988: 9/11 Special - We Will NEVER Surrender Our Country! Edition

Created 112046ZSEP23




>>89050 #23988

>>89051 Beef Company CEO Stands Up To Big Pharma: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”

>>89052 ERO Chicago arrests 33 criminal noncitizens during nationwide operation

>>89053 #FBI holds a ceremony in remembrance of the 2,977 victims who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, and the 30 FBI employees who have passed away as a result of their work on a 9/11 crash site

>>89054 Tater trackin'

>>89055 MTG considers seceding from the Union

>>89056 DoD - On #PatriotDay, the Department of Defense and nation continue to honor, recognize and remember the nearly 3,000 people who lost their lives during the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001

>>89057 DJT - The once fabled UAA will soon go OUT OF BUSINESS under Crooked Joe Biden if he is allowed to pull off his ALL ELECTRIC CAR HOAX

>>89058, >>89076, >>89077 MGM Resorts experiences 'cybersecurity issue' impacting operations and prompting investigation

>>89059 ‘We’re Bankrupt’: Leaked Meeting Reveals Project Veritas On Verge of Collapse

>>89060 NYP Elon hit piece; ‘demon-like’ outbursts and ‘multiple personalities’: biographer

>>89061 Gov. Glenn Youngkin pardoned Scott Smith, who was arrested for disorderly conduct after challenging a school board for covering up the rape of his daughter

>>89062 Wisconsin Senate Committee Votes Down WEC Recommendation to Reappoint Shady Meagan Wolfe

>>89063 Trump asks Judge Tanya Chutkan to recuse herself from federal 2020 election subversion case

>>89064 The Biden gang is preparing to wire $6 billion to Iran during a prisoner swap

>>89065 Meet the Doctor Who's Fighting the COVID Oppression Machine

>>89066, >>89084 HERE WE GO: FDA Approves Updated Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines for COVID, as Prior Formulations Deemed Ineffective Against Emerging Variant

>>89067 Potato Tweet/X

>>89068, >>89093 TrumpLatinos24 - They want to pay us to stop supporting Donald Trump! They Offered Us $$$$$

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ee63cefcb00669491057d514be465b0737503a122f0e2fdb5fe64ab5343d2ed1.mp4


>>89070 Kamala Harris had a great time at the 9/11 memorial today

>>89071 DEFENDING FREEDOM: Armed Citizens Defy NM Governor, Roll Into Albuquerque Open Carrying

>>89072 Zelensky Orders All ‘Medical Women’ to Register for War Service

>>89073 Never-Before-Seen Footage: James Woods warned the FBI about 9/11 a month before the attacks -- They didn’t listen

>>89074 Thousands rally in Greece as anger mounts against biometric ID cards

>>89075 The Bernalilllo County Sheriff on Governor MLG Gun Ban: It's unconstitutional and we will not enforce it

>>89078 Nearly 150 Illegal Aliens on ‘Terrorist Watch List’ Encountered at U.S. Border in Past Year

>>89079 US makes deal with Iran to swap five American prisoners for $6billion in frozen funds

>>89080 Trump praises 'supreme heroism' of 9/11 responders on anniversary of terror attacks

>>89081 Tomorrow is #PatriotDay, a moment to remember and reflect.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/667067a4b441ef179cea529489eff9acd59f60db778f20d30c8acd28cf271b86.mp4

>>89082 Jim_Jordan - Fani Willis is reportedly outsourcing work to private attorneys and paying some hundreds of thousands of TAXPAYER dollars all in an effort to take down President Trump.

>>89083 To hide the 30 people they wanted to kill, and the evidence they want to destroy, they’ll engineer a “terrorist attack” that kills the 30 main targets, plus another 3,000 people

>>89085 Former Zelensky Administration Officials Speak To National File

>>89086 The 28 Pages show that two 9/11 hijackers tied to Saudi intelligence rented a room from an FBI informant in California before the 2001 attacks

>>89087 Roger Stone - Why wouldn't former CIA Director John Brennan want us to know the truth about 9/11 !

>>89088 MELANIA TRUMP - #NeverForget 🇺🇸

>>89089 Joe Biden lies about being at Ground Zero the day after 9/11 attack

>>89090 TikTok’s WGA Ban Was Meant to Catch QAnon Conspiracies (Rollingstone)

>>89091 First round of release of treated Fukushima water completed

>>89092 New Ben Garrison

>>89094 DJT Truth - CROOKED JOE BIDEN is NOT too OLD, he is too INCOMPETENT!

>>89095, >>89096, >>89097 Judicial Watch Files Amicus Brief in Support of Lawsuit Challenging Maine’s Policy Restricting Use of Statewide Voter Registration List

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3fzbrw - Video upload for 111030071104153759 [58] [Channel: hostid1]

>>89098 Notes Notables @600

>>89099, >>89106 DJT - Truth -> Fani and Jack

>>89100, >>89101, >>89102 Mike Davis - Truth -> 0bama DC District Judge did not have the intelligence...

>>89103 DJT - Truth -> Greg Gutfeld Quote re ISIS

>>89104 Pressure of being Vice President’s niece made Caroline Biden ‘unravel’ claim friends after she was held by police for fight with roommate

>>89105 DJT - Truth -> CROOKED JOE BIDEN is NOT too OLD, he is too INCOMPETENT!

>>89107 DJT - Truth -> "Ballin'"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gvubw - Video upload for 111048222474738646 [46] [Channel: hostid1]

(49 notables, 58 posts, 63 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117960

File: 1d1f09a68834935⋯.jpg (4.29 KB,255x108,85:36,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19532634 Q Research General #23989: In Memory Edition Edition

Created 112312ZSEP23




>>89108, >>89153 #23989

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9ZsXaNyoohY - The Fabulous Thunderbirds - Wrap It Up (Official Music Video) [Channel: Classic Rock Station]

>>89109, >>89120 Two faces for today

>>89110, >>89125, >>89126 Chuck Grassley Tweet - It’s ridiculous for US to be blackmailed into paying $6B for hostages....

>>89111, >>89139, >>89140 New Mexico Governor Loses Control as Armed Citizens Roll Into Albuquerque

>>89112, >>89114 Trump Asks Judge To Recuse Herself From 2020 Election Case

>>89113 Republican Ken Buck: Evidence ‘Doesn’t Exist’ to Launch Joe Biden Impeachment Inquiry

>>89115 PF Update with pb links

>>89116 MGM Resorts blames ‘cybersecurity issue’ for ongoing outage

>>89117 Double Rainbow over NYC 9/11/2023

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f3e46c0fd9da48811c982688090085ba3113d182c664aef18c3981ee1116a152.mp4

>>89118, >>89130 Ukrainians blame Zelensky for corruption – poll & CBS NEWS Poll

>>89119 Renowned criminology professor who 'proved' systemic racism fired for faking data, studies retracted

>>89121 #23988 posted in #23989

>>89122 US incapable of negotiating - Russian diplomat

>>89123 Arizona State University Psychology Professor Teaches That ‘White Guilt’ Can Be Used to Transform Students into Social Justice Activists

>>89124 McCarthy not worried about Gaetz threats to speaker's gavel: 'Go ahead and do it'

>>89127 'We Would Have Done Everything Differently': Gavin Newsom Takes Mulligan On Botched Pandemic Response

>>89128 Vietnam and US announce new strategic deal

>>89129 DJT - Truth -> Can you believe that Crooked Joe Biden...

>>89131 Victor Davis Hanson: The Frightened Left

>>89132 EU is ‘racist’ against Russians – Moscow

>>89133 Mike Davis - Truth -> Don't give Bernalilllo County Sheriff John Allen, too much credit.

>>89134 For the Keks

>>89135 What is Going On? Three Separate Coin Shop Owners Shocked as Their Bank Accounts Suddenly Shut Down with No Reason Given (VIDEO)

>>89136 Ammunition Manufacturer Fires Back at Gov. Grisham: Offers Free Deliveries to all New Mexico Customers with Special Promo Code, “F*ck Off, Gov. Grisham”

>>89137 ‘Auks’: A Fourth Joe Biden Email Alias Surfaces

>>89138 When Will Dem Voters Finally Concede "Something Has Gone Very Wrong In Our Country"

>>89141 Mass Surveillance and Voice of God

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ntfwbJzKm04 - MASS SURVEILLANCE AND VOICE OF GOD WEAPONS NETWORK EXPLAINED [Channel: Lookoutfa Charlie]

>>89142, >>89143, >>89144, >>89145, >>89146, >>89147 Borax Bun

>>89148 Even the Liberal Press Noticed How Insane Biden's Vietnam Presser Was, and Democrats Are in Trouble

>>89149 Explosion At Major US Food Processing Plant Leaves at Least 8 Workers Injured – Corn, Soy Processing Down

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=i5khBnYhEb8 - Decatur Fire responding to explosion at ADM complex [Channel: WCIA News]

>>89150 Flashback - US sent plane with $400 million in cash to Iran

>>89151 FDA Takes Action on Updated mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines to Better Protect Against Currently Circulating Variants

>>89152 Dr. McCullough: Americans Would Have Been Better off if the Government Did NOTHING During COVID-19

(33 notables, 46 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117961

File: 1d1f09a68834935⋯.jpg (4.29 KB,255x108,85:36,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19533390 Q Research General #23990: A Week To Remember Edition

Created 120122ZSEP23




>>89154 #23990

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LeQSjbCYOX4 - The Kinks - Do It Again (Official HD Video) [Channel: The Kinks]

>>89155 LIVE - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gtj4u - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy- 09/11/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>89156 Danelo Cavalcante Chester County Pennsylvania - Live Manhunt Day 12

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=s3UFurIcYhk - Danelo Cavalcante Chester County Pennsylvania - Live Manhunt Day 12 [Channel: T-REV 757]

>>89157 VA: Meet Susanna Gibson, AKA ‘HotWifeExperience,’ The Dem Candidate Who Also Has An X-Rated Chaturbate…

>>89158 Seven living CIA directors on the board of the group deputized by DHS to censor your opinions about mail-in ballots during the 2020 election cycle.

>>89159 Homeland Security Awards $20 Million to Police, Mental Health Networks, Universities, Churches and School Districts to Help Identify Americans as Potential ‘Extremists’ via @gatewaypundit

>>89160 Tucker: He calls out TX Gov. Greg Abbott for not securing the border with National Guard troops, Calls out MI Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for criminalizing pronouns

>>89161 Trump encourages other defendants to join him in presenting evidence of fraud in the 2020 election

>>89162 Austin Makes Call to New Counterpart in Ukraine

>>89163 Joe Biden reminds us to “Never Forget” 9/11 and then moments later, claimed he was at Ground Zero the next day./he was in DC, on the Senate floor on September 12th 2001

>>89164, >>89173 The board has decided to defend Shane Murnan- the elementary school principal who’s also a drag queen and was arrested on child porn charges.

>>89165 22 years ago, these two men were among the many heroes that emerged in the aftermath of 9/11.

>>89166 PF stuffs

>>89167 Trump seeks to recuse DC Judge Tanya Chutkan

>>89168 Poland signs deal for nearly 500 HIMARS launchers

>>89169 British parliament rocked by ‘Chinese spy’ discovery

>>89170 Teen Vogue's Back to School Advice Now Emphasizes 'Coming Out' as Trans, Encourages Hormones

>>89171 Sen. Tom Cotton Grills Pentagon Over Using Nonsense Word ‘Themself’ On Military Award Citations

>>89172 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrives in Russia before an expected meeting with Putin

>>89174, >>89176 DOJ Quietly Drops FARA Case Against Flynn Business Partner After Judge Tosses Conviction For Insufficient Evidence

>>89175, >>89186 Thousands feared dead in Libya after dam collapses

>>89177, >>89184 Former Intern For CORY BOOKER Caught Trying To Meet A Child For Sex - by New York Creeps Spotlight / Q drop 1015 (Cory Booker)

>>89178 Peter Doocy reveals jaw-dropping response from WH official on why Biden skipped traditional 9/11 memorials

>>89179 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Is Mark Pomerantz and his law firm, Paul Weiss, going to be prosecuted..

>>89180 Elon Musk files lawsuit accusing the state of California of violating free speech rights of X Corp

>>89181 Homeland Security Awards $20 Million to Police, Mental Health Networks, Universities, Churches and School Districts to Help Identify Americans as Potential ‘Extremists’

>>89182 NATO to stage largest war games since Cold War – FT

>>89183 Elizabeth Warren Demands Pentagon Investigation Into Elon

>>89185 Israeli Officials Make First Ever Public Visit To Saudi Arabia

>>89187 Double rainbow spanning across the New York City skyline on the 22nd anniversary of 9/11

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/22cb3b92c831af1a5c8d51b3369f067dfb69daf1e207e4dbeda6738dcb442832.mp4

>>89188 Train carrying North Korea leader Kim Jong Un has entered Russia

>>89189 Greg Price Details The Barbara Bush Foundation Hosting An Event For A Marxist Groomer Organization

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gxdh4 - Greg Price Details The Barbara Bush Foundation Hosting An Event For A Marxist Groomer Organization [6:06] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>89190 Reggie Littlejohn On Digital ID's Being The Platform For The China Social Credit System

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gwpps - Reggie Littlejohn On Digital ID's Being The Platform For The China Social Credit System [4:36] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>89191 CalOES Regional Disaster Ready Summit comes to Chico Friday

>>89192 Rep. Andy Biggs: "When we don't hold people accountable there is no rule of law"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gwvta - Rep. Andy Biggs: "When we don't hold people accountable there is no rule of law" [15:35] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>89193 Marxist-led ALA honored by Barbara Bush foundation

>>89194 Child molester eats poison-laced Snickers bar in court after he was found guilty of sex attacks to try and escape justice

>>89195 #23990

(38 notables, 42 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117962

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19534215 Q Research General #23991: Comfiest Comfy Editon

Created 120435ZSEP23




>>89196 #23991

>>89197 Did Newsom Just Reveal That He Has Knowledge of the Next BioWeapon Release?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1b498bb4359b6962b155360cee81d73deb0232590fe9e487e019df592fd420b0.mp4

>>89198 GenFlynn - FU you POS! You and your toadies who thrive in the underbelly of a dark world have no clue what you’re talking about

>>89199 Treason (Yes, this would likely qualify as treason as defined by Article III, Section 3): Biden Has A Secret Nuclear Deal With Iran According To Ted Cruz

>>89200 DanScavino - 9/11/2023--MetLife Stadium…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/defa605a14cbfab73c959a6b1c2cfe94f4a1ab6b1fe48682f6ac0d0847e1c015.mp4

>>89201 AOC goes on unhinged rant claiming inflation is propaganda.

>>89202 Unions spent more than $1.7 billion during 2022 elections as Biden relies on them for 2024

>>89203 Embassy of Japan in India

>>89204 Elon Musk Reacts To California's Proposed Gender Affirming Law

>>89205 CCP-Linked Company Is Poised To Receive Over $1 Billion In Taxpayer Money And Benefits

>>89206 NATO Prepares For Biggest Military Exercise Since Cold War, And Close To Russia

>>89207 Video Shows 2 Million Liters Of Wine Flooding Streets Of Portuguese Village After Two Huge Tanks Burst

>>89208 DJT - Can you believe that Crooked Joe Biden is giving $6 Billion to the terrorist regime in Iran?

>>89209 Because of the Rigged and Stollen 2020 Presidential Election, just look at our Nation, and indeed the World, NOW!

>>89210 Roger Stone STILL Did Nothing Wrong !

>>89211 KariLake - Tomorrow! Beginning at 10:30 a.m. Arizona time, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will start hearing cases

>>89212 323991

(17 notables, 17 posts, 20 media/files)

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9f968a No.117963

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19535022 Q Research General #23992: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 121038ZSEP23




>>89213 #23992

>>89214, >>89215, >>89217, >>89223 DJT TS storm mini-bun w/CAPs

>>89216, >>89219 John Rich w/CAP: Pple don't realize the EVERY teacher and school board member have to have an isured bond for them to serve...

>>89218 Ron DeSantis demands Biden administration declassify any files showing Saudi Arabia was involved in 9/11

>>89220, >>89221 (VIDEO) Seattle police officer laughs about woman hit, killed by patrol car

>>89222 (Live) Kari Lake v. Adrian Fontes - An appeal from the district court's dismissal of an action challenging Arizona's use of electronic voting systems.

>>89224 Field Hearing, 9/11 Memorial & Museum, New York, New York: Evolving Threats: Security and Safety in a Post-9/11

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cfYUgRjdZhw - Evolving Threats: Security and Safety in a Post-9/11 World [Channel: Homeland Security Committee Events]

>>89225 Hearings to examine the need for transparency in Artificial Intelligence.

>>89226, >>89228 Reminder of CDC shenanigans with the clot shot. spinning it up again

>>89227 JUST IN: Kim Jong Un arrives in Russia…

>>89229, >>89230 Calendrical Warfare: Does it matter who controls the calendar? Assigns Public Festival Dates?

>>89231 (Video) Q+ retruths OAN video: "Why The Radical Left Is Going All Out To Destroy President Donald Trump"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3g1jw2 - Why The Radical Left Is Going All Out To Destroy President Donald Trump [13:52] [Channel: The StoneZONE with Roger Stone]

>>89232 line up for today's house/ senate committee hearings

>>89233 House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is set to announce shortly that Republicans will initiate an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/853f8ee05c7b397167fe53a1015273c0f148a71a7cc32927d49dfcd95a9f3790.mp4

>>89234, >>89235 Why not release all the footage and not just a couple frames?'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=f6CkqsS7luI - Security Camera View of Pentagon on 9/11 [Channel: FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation]

>>89236 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Galaxy Cluster Abell 370 and Beyond

>>89237, >>89238 Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall outlines China threat in stark detail, offers blueprint for effective response

>>89239 Space Force announces Integrated Mission Delta construct to optimize for Great Power Competition

>>89240 #23992

(19 notables, 28 posts, 24 media/files)

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9f968a No.117964

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19536036 Q Research General #23993: Ready for Impeachment Inquiry Edition

Created 121456ZSEP23




>>89241 #23993

>>89242 Greatest Show On Earth

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gx680 - The Greatest Show on Earth (2023) [1:20:02] [Channel: GoodLionFilms]

>>89243, >>89246 Greenwich Health Promotion Specialist Fear Mongering About Covid Again/PTA

>>89244, >>89245, >>89254, >>89266, >>89267 Peach Mints here, formal impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h4gc8 - Speaker McCarthy Has Failed America. [4:55] [Channel: RepMattGaetz]

>>89247 Vladimir Putin Calls The Case Against Trump A “Persecution of a political rival.” 🇷🇺🇺🇸

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7c0048bdb7ba5f1254e3e3efb1d0e636fa1dc507785a1ced1f4e78feee2629cd.mp4

>>89248 OP: Fade to Black Wake The Black Female Democrat Voter

>>89249 Refresher: “Children are agents of change”

>>89250 LIVE - Day 6 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/12/23

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h3ai8 - Day 6 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/12/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>89251 IRS partners with AI to crack down on taxpayers

>>89252 @iimefmarines Timber!

>>89253 @DeptofDefense Fighting on land, sea and air. In this case, it’s sea!

>>89255 CIA Attempted To Pay Off Analysts Promoting Wuhan ‘Lab Leak’ Theory, Whistleblower Says

>>89256 Here’s what corporate media is not reporting about the rise in cancer cases

>>89257, >>89261, >>89262, >>89263, >>89264 "Libyan city buries 700 people killed in devastating floods as 10,000 are reported missing"/up to 5200

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2I8_RTJ1mWA - Death toll in devastating Libya floods spikes to 5,200 [Channel: Al Jazeera English]

>>89258 House Republicans accuse Hunter Biden’s attorneys of intimidating IRS whistleblowers in letter to AG Garland

>>89259 MI: Democrat Senator Admits Trump Has The Upper Hand In Key Swing State

>>89260 NATO Prepares For Biggest Military Exercise Since Cold War, And Close To Russia

>>89265 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=eNKRZYuHlOk - Department of State Daily Press Briefing - September 12, 2023 - 1:15 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>89268 #23993

(19 notables, 28 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117965

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19536847 Q Research General #23994: Rollin Wit Da Trollin Edition

Created 121714ZSEP23




>>89269 #23994

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ddf24e68fc7f3f42784d147260cbd1e516affedce473d5a05fa6f9d38bf4679d.mp4

>>89270 These are special collections in the Internet Archive [of] TV News

>>89271 A deposit of lithium recently discovered along the Nevada-Oregon border may be among the world’s largest according to a new scientific paper.

>>89272 Mark Levin Exposes Why Biased Anti-Trump Judge MUST be Removed From Jan 6 Case

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h4eku - Mark Levin Exposes Why Biased Anti-Trump Judge MUST be Removed From Jan 6 Case [12:11] [Channel: BonginoReport]

>>89273 Defense Officials Hold Briefing

>>89274 @USNavy During the Revolutionary War, the first documented use of a submersible in combat took place …

>>89275 @realDonaldTrump David Schoen: “This is the ‘ultimate’ weaponization of the Justice System!”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h2uru - Video upload for 111052464839900063 [5:01] [Channel: hostid1]

>>89276 Hearings to Examine the Need for Transparency in Artificial Intelligence

>>89277 Oversight of A.I.: Legislating on Artificial Intelligence

>>89278 To Receive a Closed Briefing on Certain Intelligence Matters Senate Intelligence (Select) Committee/Hearings to Examine Housing Supply and Innovation

>>89279 Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 6, Part 3

>>89281, >>89283 OP: Election Fraud

>>89282 Refresher: May 10, 2020 Mexico's president calls for investigation into Obama-era Fast and Furious Operation

>>89284, >>89285 Fani Willis bankrolls private attorney for Trump prosecution: 'Certainly unorthodox'

>>89286 Arginine metabolism regulates the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's disease)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/59d581adf6a561ae0d170af34c07c7854a8740ee79c39fe31e1b9eff0a6a09ce.pdf

>>89287, >>89289, >>89290, >>89291, >>89295, >>89298 House Launches Formal Impeachment Probe Into President Joe Biden’s Corrupt Family Influence-Peddling Business

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h4lyu - Video upload for 111053231850590046 [3:35] [Channel: hostid1]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h5gp0 - AT LEAST HE'S BEING HONEST...😂😂😂 [18] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>89288 NATO to hold military operations planning exercise in Riga

>>89292 The U.S. Marine Corps is interested in using unmanned submersibles or surface vessels as motherships for swarms of one-way drones.


>>89294 @TomFitton: Isn’t fraudulently using the 14th Amendment/falsely accusing @realDonaldTrump of insurrection to keep him off the ballot insurrection in itself?

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h5gna - Video upload for 111053618056785255 [30] [Channel: hostid1]

>>89296, >>89297 Apple iPhone 12 Radiation Levels/France orders Apple iPhone 12 sales halted over radiation

>>89299 Chuck Schumer calls an impeachment inquiry into Biden a “witch hunt”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f2773b688b6915b89486d407fc29cd17899630a98d33f191b8bd90cd660224ce.mp4

>>89300 #23994

(23 notables, 31 posts, 24 media/files)

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9f968a No.117966

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19537665 Q Research General #23995: The Pyramid Edges Edition

Created 121929ZSEP23




>>89301 #23995

>>89302 Putin blasts tycoon who fled to Israel

>>89303 Zelensky Issues Veiled Threat To Destabilize Europe If Weapons Flow Curtailed

>>89304 LIVE: House Freedom Caucus holds news conference on govt funding

>>89305 CIA Bribed Analysts To Change Lab-Leak Conclusions: 'Senior-Level' Whistleblower

>>89306, >>89310 Iran Prez Gloats Over Biden $6bn Gift on 9/11.

>>89307 TSA and FEMA Administrators News Conference on National Preparedness Month

>>89308, >>89314, >>89327 Fauci Admits For the Very First Time Vaxxcines are the Leading cause of Myocarditis NO SAUCE SO FAR

>>89309 NEW — The U.S. experienced 23 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in the first eight months of 2023 - But ARE they "climate disasters" or weather manipulations?

>>89311 Comer Presses State Department for Information on then-Vice President Joe Biden’s Sudden Shift on Ukraine Policy

>>89312 FDA rules TODAY that the Phenylephrine in Benadryl and Sudafed from pharmacy shelves doesn't work

>>89313 Bannon: Biden Crime Family Explodes with Anger

>>89315 Bank of America says they're going for a "just energy transistion"

>>89316, >>89319 PJ Media: I’m Really Enjoying the Media Panic About Trump

>>89317, >>89318 Trump's Movement Transcends Politics - American Thinker

>>89320 Comer, Jordan, Smith Statement on Speaker McCarthy Opening an Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden

>>89321, >>89322 BRYAN LEIB: Donald Trump Was The Ultimate Peacemaker President

>>89323 Massive Trump vs. Biden Polling Swing From Four Years Ago to Now

>>89324 Trump v. Clinton and her Cohorts RICO filing

>>89325 Trump's big lead: Among nonvoters, many agree with him that elections are rigged

>>89326 Seth Rich FOIA case filing

>>89328 Gaetz threatens vote to boot McCarthy from speakership, demands compliance with agreement he made with House conservatives

>>89329 5 Former Memphis Police Officers Indicted by Federal Grand Jury in Connection with Fatal Beating of Black Motorist Tyre Nichols

>>89330, >>89334 Sen. Kennedy Corners Clueless Lib on So-Called "Book Bans" on CLEARLY PORNOGRAPHIC books

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h4d2k - Sen. Kennedy Corners Clueless Lib on So-Called "Book Bans" [3:03] [Channel: BonginoReport]

>>89331 Two 9/11s: Both kill around 3,000 people

>>89332 NASA to release new UFO report on Thursday, Sept. 14

>>89333 DJT RT's "Why I will always support trump"

>>89335 A Buried England mRNA Data Avalanche has been Exposed. We can now Compare the % of All Cause Death (by Vaccination Status) with the % of Vaccine Uptake.

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/30333343269c04833af49f67599895c1253c9adb42c4afa932681f5b5041a3bc.pdf

>>89336 BP CEO Bernard Looney resigns

>>89337 Largest NATO War Games Exercise Since Cold War to See 40,000 Troops Prep for Russian Invasion

>>89338 Vladimir Putin said that Moscow develops arms using "new physical principles"

>>89339, >>89342 Fauci Admits For the Very First Time Vaxxcines are the Leading cause of Myocarditis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/15895049153e44a88dc8fe645b0bbc084d2734423266e10a1a662f19f3366333.mp4

>>89340 PROPAGANDA BLITZ: Left-Wing Orgs Form Coalition To Funnel More Than $500 Million To Local News Outlet

>>89341 Judicial Watch Statement on Impeachment Inquiry into President Joe Biden

>>89343 BPro/KNOWiNK’s Uncertified, Internet-Connected, Cloud-Based Election Systems Are A Problem

>>89344, >>89345 From GA 2020: testimony on figures on voting illegalities

>>89346 #23985

(37 notables, 46 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117967

File: b19cd846bc1681a⋯.png (220.9 KB,659x357,659:357,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19538558 Q Research General #23996: Gaetz Threatening to Boot McCarthy, DO IT NOW! Edition

Created 122132ZSEP23




>>89347 #23996

>>89348, >>89353 Jill Biden and Hillary Clinton Speak at 2023 Praemium Imperiale Laureates Celebration

>>89349, >>89354 Leader of International Money Laundering Network Sentenced for Laundering Millions of Dollars in Drug Proceeds

>>89350 Subcontractor Sentenced to Pay Nearly $9 Million in a Criminal Fine and Restitution for Rigging Bids and Defrauding the U.S. Military

>>89351 Australia draining cash from the banking system

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1Z5y6RUkNxw - 🔴 GOING CASHLESS: Implantables Next? Australia Is Going CASHLESS [Channel: Lena Petrova, CPA - Finance, Economics & Tax]

>>89352 Archbishop Viganò: Banning abortion is essential to stopping ‘the New World Order subservient to Satan’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4YNgBzcFfaU - ABORTION, “SACRAMENT” OF SATAN [Channel: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò]

>>89355 France Orders Apple iPhone 12 Sales Halted Over Radiation levels surpassing permissible thresholds

>>89356 Alpha-Gal Syndrome May Be Linked to Vaccine Anaphylaxis

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/06b788806a8913e547f4022542e762d55854a4eba70ee6278a96d7736761ed24.pdf

>>89357, >>89362 CIA bribed analysts into Covid-19 conclusion – whistleblower

>>89358 SEC Chair Gary Gensler testifies on oversight of financial regulator in Senate hearing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qVvizbAMLA4 - WATCH LIVE: SEC Chair Gary Gensler testifies on oversight of financial regulator in Senate hearing [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>89359 Former Bronx Public Charter School Teacher Pleads Guilty In Connection With Sexual Abuse Of Five Former Students

>>89360, >>89363, >>89364 Nasa oxygenates Mars as Earth burns

>>89361 Xwitter began to censor posts from the American Accountability Foundation (AAF) last week for exposing some of the SEXUAL content promoted to children.

>>89365 PA Unelect Senator Festerman mocks McCarthy's impeachment announcement

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZS7AF2mgEYQ - Senator mocks McCarthy's impeachment announcement [Channel: CNN]

>>89366, >>89367 China deploys over 40 planes to Taiwan Strait, is massing forces at coastal military bases

>>89368 Reporter Owen Shroyer has been sentenced to prison for 60 days for the January 6th Capitol riot even though he did not enter the building.

>>89369 Dr. Fauci Now Admits COVID Vaccines Cause Myocarditis

>>89370 Libya floods: Entire neighbourhoods dragged into the sea

>>89371 FBI Agent in Hunter Biden Investigation Who Disputes IRS Whistleblower Over Key Meeting With Weiss clearly flipped his previous stance

>>89372 #23996

(20 notables, 26 posts, 17 media/files)

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9f968a No.117968

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19539351 Q Research General #23997: CIA bribed analysts into Covid-19 conclusion Edition

Created 122349ZSEP23




>>89373 #23997

>>89374 VIDEO: Senator John Kennedy reads from obscene childrens' books at Senate Hearing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KBhy_vlgKS4 - SHOCKING MOMENT: John Kennedy Reads Graphic Quotes From Childrens' Books At Senate Hearing [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>89375, >>89376 What is going on in the PA escaped convict?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YdMeQblnyeU - Danelo Cavalcante Chester County Pennsylvania - Live Manhunt Day 13 [Channel: T-REV 757]

>>89377, >>89378, >>89380 Shouldn't elon be tweeting why his earth mesh satellite network is offline to all civilian customers?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=257zn7k6lYI - 🔴Live HD Webcams From Ukraine - Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Donetsk & more [Channel: SameWaveLength]

>>89379 @paulsperry Republicans would be well-advised to match J6 Committee Dems and hold the Biden impeachment inquiry hearings during PRIME-TIME TV hours

>>89381, >>89382, >>89385, >>89394, >>89397, >>89403 RE: CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury COVID lab leak findings

>>89383 PF: USAF E-4 Nightwatch 73-1677. Was flying with no callsign. Has now changed to ORDER66

>>89384, >>89393 Great thread on the Paxton impeachment.

>>89386 Here's Why Housing Is Unaffordable For The Bottom 90%: The Fed's decades of unprecedented stimulus

>>89387 @ChristinaPushaw simps for Ukraine

>>89388 Joe Biden’s DHS Losing Track of Almost 20% of Border Crossers Freed into U.S.

>>89389 Missouri Transgender children’s clinic under investigation for ‘pressuring parents to give hormone drugs to 600 children’

>>89390 US-Mexico border is officially the DEADLIEST in the world: At least 686 deaths and more missing this year

>>89391 Hawaii State Attorney General to Decide on What Information to Release Publicly Regarding Maui Wildfire to “Protect the Integrity” of the Investigation

>>89392, >>89396 Seoul to pay up to W30m each for post-COVID jab deaths

>>89395 US bought up nearly ALL the global stock of the drug Remdesivir before banning and demeaning other treatments like Ivermectin or HCQ

>>89398 Elon Musk Addresses the ADL Controversy, Says They Have 'Been Captured by the Woke Agenda'

>>89399, >>89401 State Dept spokesman Matt Miller panics and refuses to comment on USAID funding of gain of function on Coronaviruses

>>89400, >>89404, >>89406 PF: Unidentified fast mover up from Buckley Space Force Base, Denver. Call sign RE11 14. Hex ID AE5452 decodes as an F-16. Speed1,104 knots

>>89402 Flynn calls on Speaker McCarthy to step down.

>>89405 Kim Jong-un arrives in Russia for meeting with Putin

>>89407, >>89408, >>89409 Plebbit bans QAnon again

>>89410 FDA regulators reverse themselves, now say America's leading cold medicines don't actually work

>>89411 Another Former NFL Sportsballer Dead at 36

>>89412 The Socrates Ukraine [AI] Seminar will take place from October 3 to October 6, 2019 at the Aspen Institute Kyiv

>>89413 FBI Agent Who Helped with Trump-Russia Probe Begs Judge for Patience After Conspiring with Russian Oligarch

>>89414 #23997

(27 notables, 42 posts, 32 media/files)

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9f968a No.117969

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19540128 Q Research General #23998: Which came first The stroke or the impeachment? Edition

Created 130203ZSEP23




>>89415 #23998

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0af4f4c138ee318a94998e8bde1bf2a16539cf3380b6ebd48201f8635d6fea1a.mp4

>>89416 Federal Reserve has officially reported a loss of $57 billion for the first six months of 2023

>>89417 Biden Regime is planning to fork over another $1.4 BIL to Big Pharma as part of a new scam called Project NexGen

>>89418 Rudy Giuliani Walked Out on 9-11 Ceremony After Kamala Disgraces Memory of the 2,977 Victims

>>89419 Top Law Firms Illegally Discriminating Against Whites.

>>89420, >>89423, >>89424, >>89427 What really happened with the Clintons in Haiti?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mvTqqYCb-e8 - US missionaries in Haiti charged with kidnapping [Channel: Al Jazeera English]

>>89421 Whoever is running the drudge report these days just had an aneurysm

>>89422 Ron DeSantis accused of being responsible for "Missing Melania" flyers distributed at Iowa event

>>89425 Ken Buck Flips, Says Biden Impeachment Inquiry Is a 'Good Idea'

>>89426, >>89436 Russia's Navy Port At Sevastopol On Fire After Massive Ukraine Missile Attack

>>89428 Rothschild family succeed in bid to take bank private

>>89429 UK: Channel migrants will face x-rays and MRI scans to determine their age

>>89430 PF: US F35LTNG2 with registration DEFAULT squawking 7700 over Japan

>>89431 First Case Of White Dot Syndrome Emerged After COVID-19 Vaccine And Subsequent Infection, Study Shows

>>89432 Suspected Leader of Significant Human Smuggling Organization Extradited to San Diego

>>89433 G20 Announces Plan to Impose Digital Currencies and IDs Worldwide

>>89434 BP said Tuesday that its chief executive #BernardLooney had resigned "with immediate effect", after admitting that he had not been "fully transparent" about historical relationships with colleagues.

>>89435 At least 24 injured in Kiev’s missile attack on Sevastopol

>>89437 Italy's Lampedusa island hit with record migrant arrivals

>>89438 #23998

(20 notables, 24 posts, 20 media/files)

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9f968a No.117970

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19540990 Q Research General #23999: Sum of all Shills Edition

Created 130432ZSEP23




>>89439 #23999

>>89440 Potentially the world's largest lithium deposit has been found in a US volcano

>>89441 LIVE UPDATES: Putin Meets with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un (lots of vids)

>>89442 Where's did Fetterman's tattoos go?

>>89443 24 people injured in Ukrainian missile attack on Sevastopol

>>89444 White House details over $100 billion in Ukraine costs

>>89445 City Council votes to make Pittsburgh 'sanctuary city' for gender-affirming care

>>89446 No hearings and no media at Guantánamo Bay this 9/11

>>89447, >>89448 Massive Plasma Fire and Social Media Blackout in Maui

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Nd4-0OjRjCU - massive plasma fire and social media blackout in Maui [Channel: Jeff Snyder2]

>>89449 How an extramarital affair factors into Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial

>>89450, >>89452 PICTURED: Baby-faced 'racist,' John Sheeran, 14, charged with attempted murder 'after he tried to drown black teen in pond


>>89453 US donations for Ukraine 2023

>>89454, >>89456 Interview with Gen Tata; Jan Halper recommends his book

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0OBwaAUco6w - General AJ "Tony" Tata (US Army ret.) | DOUBLE CROSSFIRE [Channel: The Crew Reviews]

>>89455 SLATE Magazine seems to think that the Senate can defund the Supreme Court by simple majority vote.

>>89457 Cates: Steps in the Congressional impeachment process

>>89458 REESE REPORT Maui Fires and Directed Energy Weapons

>>89459, >>89471 Mexican Government UAP/UFO Congressional hearing just showed Alien mummified bodies of two Alien Pilots that's around 1000 years old today LIVE

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b52b3579b3c2fd876c88be9e934744e2bae97ceabf8ad4ba821f6d2e214e7355.mp4

>>89460 California Quietly Getting Rid of Travel Ban to ‘Anti-LGBT’ States, But What It’s Planning Instead Is Much Worse

>>89461 Biden's White House will send letter to CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demanding them to probe 'lies' behind GOP's plan

>>89462 Washington DC sees homicides spike by 29% in a Year

>>89463 Breitbart Business Digest: We Haven’t Had a Year This Bad Since Obama Was President

>>89464 Today marks the 2nd anniversary of Veronica's passing. She is deeply missed. Her message was one of unity and love.

>>89465 Ten Red Flags - Looming Recession

>>89466 ‘My Jaw Dropped’: Explosive Musk Biography Reveals Why Ex-FBI Lawyer Jim Baker Was Fired from Twitter

>>89467 Is Zelensky suggesting that Ukrainian refugees in other countries could be activated LIKE terrorist splinter cells if we stop funding @JoeBiden

>>89468 The new PIfzer/Moderna shots coming out are under the PREP Act, which requires only voluntary participation.

>>89469 I'm stoked. My new X name is @TheJimWatkins

>>89470 Border Patrol Union - Just yesterday, BP agents were instructed to reward and release over 6,500 illegal aliens who had committed a crime

>>89472 Oprah Winfrey Speaks Out About Criticism Over Her Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fire Donation Scam

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e11802640d232a84dcdc398b37d4e5b3879e73616958ee012d8891333b2271ce.mp4

>>89473 #23999

(31 notables, 35 posts, 33 media/files)

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9f968a No.117971

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19542036 Q Research General #24000: Anons Are 24K Gold Edition

Created 131058ZSEP23




>>89474 #24000

>>89475, >>89476 PF reporting

>>89477 Massachusetts National Guard set to deploy Wednesday to help unstaffed shelters. National Guard call-up could last six months

>>89478 SURPRISE! Cali Democrat Mayor Filmed Getting Spanked by a Drag Queen is a Self-Described MARXIST

>>89479 Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Estimates Double to $100-$135 Billion; Smith and Crapo Call for Action.

>>89480 ODESSA, Texas (KOSA) - The City of Odessa voted to not enforce any mandates imposed nationally or by the State of Texas.

>>89481, >>89486 Biden's White House will send letter to CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demanding them to probe 'lies' behind GOP's plan to impeach president

>>89482, >>89483 New Energy Bill: Risk Jail Time For Not Complying With Net Zero Regulations & More News

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lcO9HJ6zftc - New Energy Bill: Risk Jail Time For Not Complying With Net Zero Regulations & More News [Channel: Alaska Prepper]

>>89484 The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/13/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hckts - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/13/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>89485, >>89489, >>89490, >>89491, >>89492, >>89493, >>89494 congressional hearings n habbenings for 09/13/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h3g9c - Day 7 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/13/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AYv8c4AH0QA - Hearing Entitled: Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)... [Channel: GOPFinancialServices]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Rzp0Xc7q2Co - Hearing: “Keeping the Lights On: Enhancing Reliability and Efficiency to Power American Homes” [Channel: House Committee on Energy and Commerce]

>>89487 US frets over ‘deepfake’ threats to national security

>>89488 Caught: Manhunt ends as escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante captured in Chester County

>>89495 Chairman Green [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: At least seventeen hundred migrants have been found dead on US soil

>>89496 Blacks v. Indian/Asian shopkeepers kicking off in London now MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5321c1a99d89d5eb0a960f00e9b5024dbab1ca92ed2ede7d9c502370579d9d32.mp4

>>89497 Pfizer’s covid injections target bone marrow and interfere with the body’s ability to manufacture blood cells

>>89498 A California bill could help make EVs a blackout solution

>>89499 Thompson [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: Republicans are trying to advance their illegitimate impeachment agenda

>>89500 PedoJoe jumping from where he's walking by, to pet a child in the crowd

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b4584f45563c5246ad12f2acaa56689a2a4ebc503a983c8ca7ee902213981626.mp4

>>89501 Cantu [wife of Border Patrol Agent]: Let's not forget to mention the stress of forced vaccinations by this administration

>>89502 Gelernt [ACLU]: As we came to learn, the goal of the family separation policy was to subject families to such cruelty, that they would give up their asylum claims

>>89503 #2400

(21 notables, 30 posts, 19 media/files)

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9f968a No.117972

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19542971 Q Research General #24001: Peach Mint on the Menu Boys Edition

Created 131501ZSEP23




>>89504 #24001

>>89505 OP: Impeach Joe Biden

>>89506 Ukraine/CIA Back Nazis? MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f80ae4374a6aa06f220a921645742e960f2bf09e18f362755d28ad26fe2b9f59.mp4

>>89507 Speaker Impeach Inquiry Presser MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/62ed6dccf09647f1d7fc087d1c379b95553a1b1ef18d5d6f05f388b8d2bba1d0.mp4

>>89508 3-YEAR DELTA Q 4686

>>89509 Tony Buzbee Destroys Another Paxton Impeachment Schemer

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=27o4HREJN3s - Ken Paxton Impeachment: Tony Buzbee Destroys Gregg Cox [Channel: The Luke Macias Show]

>>89510 New Mexico AG Tells Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham He Will Not Defend Her Unconstitutional Gun Ban

>>89511 Another Point, Kari Lake Would Have ‘Won Easily’ If Google Hadn’t Interfered

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3drhwt - Dr. Robert Epstein On How Google Manipulates Swing Voters To Vote Democrat [11:36] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>89512, >>89517, >>89527 MP4 'Non-humans' found in Peru said to be 1,000 years old?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6eb951d61010cd6e8f52d241de8bdd7aed9370f72f154eec64024250b202be95.mp4

>>89513 Mysterious lights were spotted in the sky before Morocco's devastating earthquake hit

>>89514, >>89516, >>89518 Memes of The Thread

>>89515 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>89519, >>89520 @RepChipRoy Theory on Lies - Four kinds

>>89521, >>89524, >>89528 Anon's Medical Industry Dig Bun

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/13c92f3912c9840cb3c303388426c6b5c474756bb1ac1281f0e893ce0f51a7d0.mp4

>>89522 1:00 PM EST Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MaXEaJpONQc - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, John Kirby, and Jared Bernstein [Channel: The White House]

>>89523, >>89526 Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

>>89525 Berkeley Poll: California Voters Oppose “Unfair” Reparations Cash Payments For Slavery

>>89529 Chairman Green [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: At least (17) hundred migrants have been found dead on US soil MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c21168752cf8f02f3bf98ef21cfe9fcb9083737d9e9b07b9a09bc39454bee4b2.mp4

>>89530 Rockefeller Medicine MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ee7d18372e83350c4f2a210c0014caaff7612d09a92ab02293a817392621910f.mp4

>>89531 1:15 PM EDT Secretary Antony J. Blinken

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=r8qnSU0omCU - Secretary Blinken at a Security Integration and Prosperity Agreement signing ceremony - 1:15 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>89532 Husband of U.S. Representative Mary Sattler Peltola died in a single-engine Piper PA-18 crash in Alaska

>>89533, >>89535, >>89536 Gates, Musk & Zuck are in a closed door session

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/317e6164a418face7d4ebbc532842a335041f31101afdf17e0c49795a43f2199.mp4

>>89534 Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP and Here’s Why.

>>89537 Just to be clear, @RenzTom - CIA IS INVOLVED WITH COVID COVERUP

>>89538 #24001

(25 notables, 35 posts, 26 media/files)

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9f968a No.117973

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19543760 Q Research General #24002: Standby for President Kabala Edition

Created 131738ZSEP23




>>89539 #24002-A

>>89540 Fetterman with bizarre tweet: more dick pics in house hearings????

>>89541 LIVE | UNC students, staff told to say inside due to armed and dangerous person on or near campus CHAPEL HILL, N.C

>>89542 Housley: A state Senator held the bill up that would have protected victims. He’s crap too and we WILL be exposing him and his hypocrisy soon.

>>89543, >>89554, >>89571, >>89584 Romney not running for re-election

>>89544 ELON: They’re desperate for ratings. Best to ignore them. re Madcow

>>89545 Hunter Biden is suing Garrett Ziegler, a former aide to former President Donald Trump, over his part in publishing emails, embarrassing images

>>89546, >>89547 Bioweapons Expert Dr David Martin Accuses WHO of Conspiracy To commit Mass Murder at EU Parliament and brings reciepts.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nd6wuWTg9mw - Dr. David Martin at EU Parliament in Strasbourg:Expert Panel about WHO's power grab!Wed, Sept. 13th [Channel: Frank Priebe]

>>89548 Children are Not for Sale: Examining the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cS1iRjx4Np0 - Children are Not for Sale: Examining the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

>>89549 A Dangerous Strategy: Examining the Biden Administration’s Failures on Iran

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CSDDlafFp5I - Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs Hearing [Channel: GOP Oversight]

>>89550 State of the Video Marketplace - House Energy and Commerce Committee

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6TImumK-N1U - Communications & Technology Hearing: “Lights, Camera, Subscriptions: State of the Video Marketplace” [Channel: House Committee on Energy and Commerce]

>>89551, >>89553, >>89555 Unmasking the World Health Organization: A Criminal Cabal's Reign

>>89552 HiTOPS admints their goal is to strip parents of Opt-Out Rights


>>89557 10 steps to a better education in America - which leads to great jobs-Donald Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tscgWCBbeao - Agenda47: President Trump’s Ten Principles For Great Schools Leading To Great Jobs [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>89558 No, Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP and Here’s Why.

>>89559 Ilya Kramnik: Supplying depleted uranium shells is the latest Western attempt to hide its guilty secret in Ukraine

>>89560, >>89582 Dr David Martin accusing WHO of conspiracy to commit MURDER - transcript HERE

>>89561, >>89565 GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “Absurd” Impeachment Remarks -- Says There’s No Evidence Linking Joe Biden to a “High Crime or Misdemeanor”

>>89562 White House Sends Letter to Media Outlets on Biden Impeachment Inquiry: “It’s Time for the Media to Ramp Up Its Scrutiny of House Republicans”

>>89563 ‘They Will Say It’s Nuclear Blackmail!’ – Putin Accuses UK of Training Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants – Warns of SERIOUS Consequences


>>89566 DJT: FANTASTIC NEWS [re Romney Resignation]

>>89567 Good discussion on China and its military preparedness and ours

>>89568 Kim Jong Un Toasts Putin, Wishing 'Great Victory' Over Enemies

>>89569 MTG on AOC ranting about others re "Tax the Rich"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8206eef83d9844fc441ea6863df70c649fd7d4c2acd5a0aab8e7d2aaf8773c59.mp4

>>89570 US Congresswoman’s Husband Killed in Plane Accident, Spokesman Confirms

>>89572 The fascists @Youtube & @Google took down 7 of my vids today for "inappropriate content" re CCP influence, UN, Biden global gov't

>>89573 US Attorney Appeared To Block Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor From Charging Him In Tax Case, IRS Whistleblower Notes Show

>>89574, >>89577 Reminder: Romney is also PIERRE DELECTO

>>89575 Not one dime in federal dollars should go to any school associated with the American Federation of Teachers.

>>89576 Watchdog Memo: ‘Irregularities’ Found in DOJ Investigation of ‘F—ing Spy Chief of China,’ Biden Associate Patrick Ho

>>89578 Up To $135 Billion In COVID-Era Unemployment Benefits Stolen By Fraudsters, Watchdog Finds

>>89579 Putin accused Yandex founder Arkady Volozh of ingratitude toward Russia

>>89580 Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation

>>89581 PF

>>89583 The Elite’s 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is Climaxing. Can We Defeat It?

>>89585 Pornhub exec caught on camera admitting rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'

>>89586 #24002-A

>>89587 Part 4: Nothing Adds Up in Fulton County… 17k Missing Ballot Images, 10 “Phantom” Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More

>>89588 4,500 3rd Infantry Division soldiers deploying to Eastern Europe

>>89589 Mass Protest Against the US-backed Regime Change in Pakistan

>>89590 The reason we paid $6bil to Iran? "This is the deal that we were able to strike…"

>>89591 The phone of Russian independent media figure Galina Timchenko had reportedly been infected using spyware built by the Israeli company NSO Group.

>>89592 This is Dr David Martin's Speech, please share.

>>89593 #24002-B

(46 notables, 55 posts, 55 media/files)

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9f968a No.117974

File: b19cd846bc1681a⋯.png (220.9 KB,659x357,659:357,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19544562 Q Research General #24003: ROMNEY Isn't Running! Edition

Created 131939ZSEP23




>>89594 #24003

>>89595, >>89610 Q WEB 3.17.20 flyer-01.jpg

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/375a981cb1aae258c9cee09c8072f2eb1ca7cbdfe11c8c26b4e13cb717c965b6.pdf

>>89596, >>89597 @realDonaldTrump Just out: INFLATION UP, INCOME DOWN!

>>89598 Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview


PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f8e111d7bd29039742de62e9f67cf5051b617e26a923117df323a5d2fb3c0de.pdf

>>89600 The first change of responsibility ceremony for the 11th Cyber (Electromagnetic Activity) Battalion

>>89601 "It's a sponsor racket. That's why they aren't answering the phone. That's why you can't find who they are."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/61de407d88b93b924f5e3de3f33e4ccd47857b94f916f95343bdfc6eac473da4.mp4

>>89602 Reminder: There is a Daily ASSAULT on the citizens of our, “Republic.”

>>89603, >>89604 Trump-appointed circuit judge strikes down 'unconstitutional' California law that restricts firearm advertisements


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/34f995048910c878507b47fcbbc3a11c8b5d29737a359554a1a53b6a0340b461.mp4

>>89606 Mass releases of THOUSANDS OF ILLEGAL DEMOCRAT VOTERS underway in Tucson, AZ sector due to CBP facilities being over capacity

>>89607 'tHerE iS nO eViDeNcE'

>>89608 Let's see if 41 senators can block a blank check for Biden’s releases & demand this funding restriction..

>>89609 Matt Gaetz: Motions To Vacate the Speaker Could Come Next Week if McCarthy Fails to Comply

>>89611 Kemp suspends Georgia gas tax, declares state of emergency over inflation

>>89612 Trump to Deliver Remarks in Dubuque, Iowa Sep 20th

>>89613 Ronny Jackson: "President Trump will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!"

>>89614 Biden sits and blankly stares at the press as he refuses to answer questions about impeachment and his involvement in his son's corruption

>>89615 Federal judge rules against Gov. Lujan Grisham’s order banning guns in public

>>89616 RNC Lawyer Begins Contract Work on Background Effort to Disqualify Donald Trump

>>89617 Representatives Scott Perry and Dan Bishop both confront the pretending media with facts that destroy the argument in defense of Joe and Hunter Biden.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UVL1kDI9TqA - WATCH: Scott Perry Snaps At Reporter Asking About Impeachment: 'If You Are That Blind...' [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>89618 Dominion touchscreen Ballot Marking Devices (BMD) has vulnerabilities so damning it was sealed by U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and kept from the public for the past two years.

>>89619 Hunter Biden just sued a former Trump official for illegally accessing his computer, when the data in question is actually from his iPhone...

>>89620 Want to Help Clean Up Elections? Join This *No Cost* Nationwide Seminar for *Grassroots* Election Integrity Groups

>>89621 Another SILENCED and censored by Police for reading from a filthy book 'Approved' by School District, if front of the School Board

>>89622 #24003

(26 notables, 29 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117975

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19545414 Q Research General #24004: Sleepy Joe Pleads the 5th Edition

Created 132202ZSEP23




>>89623 #24004

>>89624 @GenFlynn Hey @GOP and Main Stream Media, this is not a conspiracy theory… this is called treason.

>>89625 notable anon opine/appreciation

>>89626 >They want you focused on the fake aliens so you wont notice the illegal aliens

>>89627 SHOCKER: KNOWiNK Systems Allow Election Staff to Override Election Results

>>89628 An unusual "fresh-air break" by the jury that convicted Peter NAVARRO is threatening to upend the case.

>>89629, >>89635, >>89639 Cornered Joe Biden changes the subject from questioning over corruption, as other Dems are pleading the 5th

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bfcee2fb72366d4142a1126771a7c3c41cccd7412f0e7849efd89803a4cb729b.mp4

>>89630 Axiom Space Announces Astronauts for Third Mission to ISS

>>89631 ‘Woke’ James Bond novel has conservative ‘anti-trans’ villain

>>89632 from @CDCgov’s OWN data: 1 million mRNA Covid shots for teens will prevent 0-1 Covid deaths and CAUSE 100,000 - 200,000 severe side effects.

>>89633 China Brings Taliban Out Of Total Isolation In Sending New Ambassador

>>89634 As COVID recrudesces, major meta-study questioning lockdowns is censored

>>89636, >>89649 Biden puts John Podesta in charge of the $370 billion slush fund here that flows straight to the Zients family & their cronies

>>89637 Vladimir Putin meets North Korea's Kim Jong-un at Russia's Vostochny Cosmodrome spaceport for 5-hour summit

>>89638 72,000 Ukrainian Casualties in $110 Billion Meat Grinder – UN: “The World Cannot Afford for this Senseless War to Continue”

>>89640 Misinformation Czar Under Fire for Reportedly Lying on Her Resumé

>>89641 NY Governor Hochul: "don’t rely on the fact that you had a vaccine in the past, it will not help you this time around."

>>89642 GOP Rep. Tom Emmer Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Federal Reserve from Creating Central Bank Digital Currency

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nFl6KP7ZGl0 - Majority Whip Tom Emmer at Leadership Stakeout | September 13, 2023 [Channel: Rep. Tom Emmer]

>>89643 Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: Mask Mandates Ineffective Against Respiratory Viruses, Harmful, and Infringe on Informed Consent Rights

>>89644 Zelenskyy is suing American defense contractors for failing to supply weapons to Ukraine. Will he sue Elon Musk next? Joe Biden?

>>89645 Karine Jean-Pierre and Longtime Lesbian Lover Suzanne Malveaux Have Separated, what does this mean for our democracy?

>>89646 @tracybeanz THREAD: @elonmusk and X Corp have filed a lawsuit against California.

>>89647 Andrew Makridis - the ringleader of the CIA’s scheme bribing COVID investigators to disavow the lab leak theory - is now a Senior Advisor at Beacon Global Strategies.

>>89648 Alex DeGrasse Explains How Dems Inch Toward A House Majority With Their Wins In Court

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hh85m - Alex DeGrasse Explains How Dems Inch Toward A House Majority With Their Wins In Court [8:06] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>89650, >>89651, >>89652 Newly Emerged 9/11 Video Shows Previously Unseen Angle of Second Plane Hitting South Tower

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=o6t31R4tI10 - 9-11 Kevin's Video [Channel: Kevin Westley]

>>89653, >>89654 RE: Election Fraud

>>89655 Ukraine used British missiles to attack Russian port – Sky News

>>89656 @JackPosobiec Everyone knows cold medicines work. The FDA is doing this to get rid of Over the Counter drugs and move everything to a prescription model

>>89657 Nothing Adds Up in Fulton County: Part 4

>>89658 Time to stop Joe Biden’s power play to protect himself and his family - New York Post

>>89659 What is the solution to a state being captured if law enforcement won’t arrest and prosecute them?

>>89660, >>89661 Former CEO of Financial Services Firm Pleads Guilty to $150M Investment Fraud Conspiracy

>>89662 Are U.S. elections are controlled from Malta?

>>89663, >>89666 Why did Derna’s dams break whenStorm Danielhit Libya?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jjOW6kLEckg - How Libya Built Brand-New Rivers Across the Sahara [Channel: RealLifeLore]

>>89664, >>89665 Rep. Cline: “Overwhelming Evidence” On Joe Biden Calls For Impeachment Inquiry To Move To Next Level

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3he68i - Rep. Cline: “Overwhelming Evidence” On Joe Biden Calls For Impeachment Inquiry To Move To Next Level [14:35] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3he558 - Rep. Cline: Republicans Don’t Feel Pressure On CR Yet, Any CR Must Address Broken Policy [6:08] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>89667 #24004

(36 notables, 45 posts, 38 media/files)

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9f968a No.117976

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19546153 Q Research General #24005: 'tHerE iS nO eViDeNcE' Edition

Created 140009ZSEP23




>>89668 #24005

>>89669 Company With Ties to Communist China Will Receive Billions from American Taxpayers for Electric Vehicle Battery Factory in Illinois./Gotion

>>89670, >>89672 Biden, Obama Must Approve Release of Emails in Which Biden Uses Pseudonyms ‘To Discuss Business With Hunter’

>>89671 Saltzman highlights new Space Force mission statement

>>89673, >>89683 Pinellas County Election Fraud Cover-Up Part of Statewide Election Fraud RICO Enterprise

>>89674 DOD Exercises Option on Second Micro Nuclear Reactor Design

>>89675 A panel bravely exposed the WHO (World Health Organisation) for the criminal organization it is, Dr David Martin's Speech

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8c6bd69da7bafed61fe4b041c28128bfa41594b737224e15c3d7fb7cb866e62a.mp4

>>89676 Hunter Biden scored meeting with father, business associates inside VP home at Naval Observatory

>>89677 Patrick Gunnels: Erik Carlson on Digital Services!

>>89678 Aussie: Macquarie Bank announces shock move to scrap cash in all branches

>>89679 Tator: GOP is coming after him over connections to Hunter's shady deals 'because they want to shut down the government'

>>89680 Paxton: I’m heading to Maine next week to sit down with @TuckerCarlson

>>89681 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3heeou - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'-- 09/13/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>89682 Did @SenatorRomney sell his email list to Tim Scott?

>>89684 Gaetz: Impeachment is not some get-out-of-jail-free card for Kevin McCarthy on the motion to vacate.

>>89685, >>89690, >>89692, >>89696, >>89697 Mao was a Yale Man - A Yali with Skull and Bones - Part 2

>>89686 My American Dream | Dr. Ben Carson LIVE at Roanoke College

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JOXkeZyIMIE - My American Dream | Dr. Ben Carson LIVE at Roanoke College [Channel: Young America's Foundation]

>>89687 Response from multiple Sheriff’s to the Governor of New Mexico’s violation of the Constitution.

>>89688 Collins Asks GA Election Officials: ‘Which Is Cheaper Dominion Voting Machines Or Paper Ballots?’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ktqTa35wXww - Collins Asks GA Election Officials: ‘Which Is Cheaper Dominion Voting Machines Or Paper Ballots?’ [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>89689 Rep. Tom Emmer introduces a bill to ban the Federal Reserve from creating a Central Bank Digital Currency.

>>89691 CNN's "fact-checking" McCarthy’s claims while launching Biden impeachment inquiry acknowledges

>>89693 UK: Tory MP, Europhile and Taliban PR man Tobias Ellwood has just resigned as Chair of the Commons Select Committee on Defence

>>89694 Manhunt for escaped serial killer is over pics

>>89695 Ep. 23 of ‘Tucker on X’ just dropped --- Hyperinflation and reckless monetary policy could soon devastate the global economy. We traveled to Argentina, where it’s already happened.

>>89698 End Times News.

>>89699 Cabal Graphics

>>89700 Federal Judge Again Declares DACA Program Unlawful

>>89701 28 EAMs broadcast today FROG POND

>>89702 The House Managers in the Ken Paxton trial accidentally just rested their case.

>>89703 Our case against the use of electronic voting machines is NOW on the docket of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.

>>89704 #24005

(31 notables, 37 posts, 45 media/files)

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9f968a No.117977

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19546982 Q Research General #24006: WHO Wants To Shut Down The Gubmint? Edition

Created 140159ZSEP23




>>89705 #24006

>>89706, >>89707, >>89708, >>89710 Project Looking Glass Stuff

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fc1055046203dfc2260cee51605491810ea59f6a2ae80accc5fe43e99913eb2a.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jKYua_4ls48 - USAF EC-135 Operation Looking Glass - 250196-10 | Footage Farm Ltd [Channel: footagefarm]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nfxt3Gvzkco - Guardians of Looking Glass (2): Kerry Cassidy Project Camelet Interviewed Bill Wood [Channel: Reborn : The World is about to change]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c07f6deddbd0cc4e2ad9386093fe835f7b5e46e7cc2b6bd13b601756011434f1.mp4

>>89709 Binance US 🇺🇲 CEO just resigned

>>89711 The Old World Order is over – Blinken

>>89712 Youth Pastor Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography Charge

>>89713 Tucker being blunt in Michigan.

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/q15DYNdSoaBj/ - WHAT DO GRETCHEN WHITMER & GREG ABBOT HAVE IN COMMON? [23-09-11] - TUCKER CARLSON (VIDEO) [4:48] [Channel: Sergeant Major]

>>89714 Report: Hundreds of Thousands of Florida Ballots Were Flagged as “Blank” and Later Adjudicated

>>89715 Rothschild Admits ESG Failure As Globalists Shift To "Inclusive Capitalism" Agenda

>>89716, >>89724 Former President Donald Trump on Not Firing Fauci, Lockdowns, COVID Vaccines, and More

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aHW7629LyiE - Former President Donald Trump on Not Firing Fauci, Lockdowns, COVID Vaccines, and More [Channel: Megyn Kelly]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/595deee088ca778500eecbc4234a6a8b82e222d70e34dda6b9dca82721b6dc58.mp4

>>89717, >>89718 Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag group member caught masturbating at popular California park

>>89719 How Deep Is The Deep State?

>>89720 Planefag Reports

>>89721 Federal judge says DACA program illegal but declines to order its termination

>>89722, >>89725 Dr. Rima Leibow: How to Defeat the Global Elite

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gl9pe - Dr. Rima Laibow: Monstrous Sexualization of Children and Colonization by Mind Control [1:44:14] [Channel: ICIC.LAW]

>>89723 Exposing the REAL Child Traffickers: EVERY Foster or Adopted Child is Wanted by Someone – The Child Welfare System Needs to Abolished

>>89726 Hunter Biden investigation: FBI agent testimony confirms limits to David Weiss's authority

>>89727 FBI agent’s testimony confirms limits to David Weiss's authority.

>>89728 Miller outlines how House Republicans need to hold the line as the deadline to fund the government approaches.

>>89729 Nearly every cleaning product in your home may release hundreds of toxic chemicals linked

>>89730 #24006

(20 notables, 26 posts, 35 media/files)

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9f968a No.117978

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19547802 Q Research General #24007: Night Of The Living Comfefe Edition

Created 140430ZSEP23




>>89731 #24007

>>89732 Dr. Eric Berg - YouTube has now banned alternative views on health.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ETonDtzkETw - Dr. Berg Gets Censored (Silenced) [Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC]

>>89733 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was easily re-elected last November

>>89734 Dan Scavino - Average inflation Donald Trump 1.9% Biden Admistration 6.0

>>89735 BLUR IMAGES, copy and save js in [options] top right-hand corner, then in the [theme] tab

>>89736 Donal d J. Trump TruthSocial - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was easily re-elected last November

>>89737 Phil Godlewski's Latest B.S., Jan Halper-Hayes Claims, Matrixxx is Asshoe, + More!

>>89738 17: Popular Number for Headlines?

>>89739 James O'Keefe: @GovHawaii fasten your seatbelt. Our crew, myself included wore button cams for days and spoke to officials who did not know they were being recorded

>>89740, >>89741 BO reminder on importance of global reporting illegal content to keep board operating

>>89742 Secret Service agent next to JFK during assassination challenges official narrative

>>89743 Max Igan shocking discovery - what happened to the missing children of Maui

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/1HYTHl9NFcm7/ - Max Igan shocking discovery - what happened to the missing children of Maui [8:38] [Channel: Indigo_Ratnik_Newsroom]

>>89744 Donald Trump to appear on ‘Meet the Press’ Sunday in Kristen Welker’s debut as host

>>89745 Donald J. Trump w/CAP: We could all learn something from this. Great interview by @HerschelWalker!

>>89746 kek: China demands Ukraine explain ‘low intellectual potential’ slur

>>89747 #24007

(16 notables, 17 posts, 12 media/files)

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9f968a No.117979

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19548655 Q Research General #24008: The Awakening Process Edition

Created 141133ZSEP23




>>89748 #24008

>>89749, >>89752 Azerbaijan's preparations for a new armed confrontation with Armenia are increasing.

>>89750 Prayers for Anon's Pup

>>89751 63K Migrants Apprehended in First 10 Days of Sept — Up 10 Percent from Aug

>>89753 India Leads the World in Internet Shutdowns

>>89754 more Biden crime family news overnight, Hunter Biden met with business associates at the VP mansion in DC while Joe was VP. And those meetings involved Kazakhstan and Ukrainian deals…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/42f346d0c7278bd67801a8bf9c43a2e68942ccfc60ec3ba9ed3f389478c82e81.mp4

>>89755 DJT TS w/CAP: Not only is DeSanctimonious looking to destroy your Social Security, including moving the minimum age to 70, and your Medicare, but today…

>>89756 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/14/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hixso - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/14/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>89757, >>89758 10:00 AM EDT Georgia Election Interference Court Hearing. Day 8 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h3h7y - Day 8 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/14/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>89759, >>89760, >>89761, >>89762, >>89764, >>89766, >>89767, >>89768 Hearing Bun

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0-YnTQemYiM - Select Subcommittee Hearing [Channel: GOP Oversight]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=v5u8cF3EPvk - Iran’s Escalating Threats: Assessing U.S. Policy Toward Iran’s Malign Activities [Channel: House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GRf3wisY_s4 - An Update on the Department of Energy’s Science and Technology Priorities [Channel: House Science, Space, and Technology Committee]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Af_ZBpi725o - Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Hearing [Channel: GOP Oversight]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RcgiJ9bwJKU - Hearing Entitled: Implementing Basel III: What’s the Fed’s Endgame? [Channel: GOPFinancialServices]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DwJax8QbSaQ - Oversight Hearing | Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations [Channel: House Committee on Natural Resources GOP]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5aZW9Hol9Kw - Terrorist Entry Through the Southwest Border [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TMCfjU8iQpw - Health Hearing: "Legislative Proposals to Prevent and Respond to Generic Drug Shortages" [Channel: House Committee on Energy and Commerce]

>>89763, >>89771, >>89772, >>89773 @realDonaldTrump Post Cap

>>89765 Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Report

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=idJKLP5hcuQ - Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Report [Channel: NASA]

>>89769 Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Complete Stop To All COVID Injections

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0d60edef376a4fa77110221899143eaf956bb6cdfaabd35f3c37f9b7a39845aa.mp4

>>89770 Pope Francis to address pro-abortion Clinton Foundation conference on climate change

>>89774 Member of anti-Catholic drag ‘nuns’ group arrested for indecent exposure near park

>>89775 Anon Reminder - Parasites are everywhere

>>89776 @DanScavino Dropping Vids

>>89777 @DanScavino THE BEST IS YET TO COME

>>89778 Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearing]: On January 20th, we will mark the third anniversary of the Biden executive orders that opened our borders to the world,

>>89779 Nigeria hit by major blackout with levels of power being generated fell to zero

>>89780 Meme of the Thread

>>89781 The spending standoff between House GOP leadership and conservatives hardened Wednesday

>>89782 In Mexico, parents burned books promoting LGBT and homosexual ideas.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a62001a1283e04653ea508d64b9cd114e63c121e5580646e01d7b0ec098aab61.mp4

>>89783 Lisa Page back in the news - Has DIVORCED her husband

>>89784 Schumer 2019 vs 2023 MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c17c9b113b3a08ff8722b7df7312ab6ec351c7c9ee95acdd2f31cf3c8bf0a0b0.mp4

>>89785 Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) 2024 economic agenda rollout Thursday featured many typical Republican objectives

>>89786 @Thekeksociety YOUR DNA IS FROM GOD!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/737b9df30f1a263a403e59016bcfbcff58c192200632832146d02ca954f5df0e.mp4

>>89787 Cato, Mr. Nowrasteh - Biggs: This notion about being concerned about terrorists entering through the southwest border

>>89788 #24008

(29 notables, 41 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117980

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19549686 Q Research General #24009: Joe Biden for Impeachment 2023 Edition

Created 141500ZSEP23




>>89789 #24009

>>89790 Judge severs Trump's Georgia election interference case, and 16 others, from trial starting in October

>>89791 NASA says UFOs are NOT aliens:

>>89792 Spartz: Do you believe the border needs to be secured?

>>89793 President Trump Takes Biggest Lead in Quinnipiac Poll

>>89794 @POTUS has appointed Penny Pritzker as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery

>>89795 Correa: Is the refugee movement something unique to the United States, or is this a worldwide phenomena?

>>89796 Federal Judge Blocks New Mexico Governor’s Gun Ban Effort

>>89797 AG Asst Who Claimed Ken Paxton Took Bribe via Kitchen Remodel Admits Remodel Never Took Place

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Wa6aemT2R0c - Paxton impeachment trial: Tony Buzbee in another fiery exchange with prosecutors [Channel: WFAA]


>>89799 PF B52 eastbound vicinity Fargo

>>89800 Illegal immigrant charged with murder released by New York police because of paperwork delay

>>89801 Lara Logan’s Look Into January 6’s True Attendees

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hmwcg - Lara Logan | The Rest of the Story | Lara Logan’s Look Into January 6’s True Attendees [15:59] [Channel: Lara Logan]

>>89802 Ross: There have been no murders or injuries committed by terrorists

>>89803 Lara Logan First episode just dropped! Please watch

>>89804 Nowrasteh: The one, sure-fire way to get rid of it [cartel control of border], to exclude the black market from this

>>89805 Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Run for Reelection and Will Work to Block Trump in 2024

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9U1nGF8UVAM - Senator Romney Releases Message to Utahns on Senate Reelection Plans [Channel: Senator Mitt Romney]

>>89806 Chairman McClintock: Mr. Nadler assures us that, well don't worry, everybody who comes across is subject to, his words, 'a rigorous vetting procedure'

>>89807 ARIZONA A monsoon thunderstorm with 60-80 mph winds hit North Mesa last night.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bbbe73cc467affbb07af6a336db61cfd39d0f03032030e9f142e7bda0b9a70a5.mp4

>>89808, >>89809, >>89810, >>89811, >>89812 Trump’s First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.

>>89813 Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearing]:

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d66c2695f9fb919d06a8f0b1271fe3d91f2490da405b2407dd078998e0ebd75e.mp4

>>89814 Exposing the New Ethnic Studies Curriculum Coming to a School Near You in 2024

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CXvXh0g6reg - Exposing "Ethnic Studies"- Live with Christine Sefein & Carob Marcelle [Channel: the radical center]

>>89815 @Kash "Don't have to do 100 things,3 things…" Subpoena Wray, Garland and Hunter.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hmy5s - Video upload for 111064071931309525 [51] [Channel: hostid1]

>>89816 Chairman McClintock: Clearly, very bad actors are entering our country through our open southwest border,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c988189e3dae30069eaa87444801f887112fe09f1365689b012ba538bf31db5a.mp4

>>89817 Arguments end in appeal case over COVID-19 quarantine regulations

>>89818 UK 15 Minute City Down CAP

>>89819 Nadler: Attacks by foreign-born terrorists on US soil since 9/11 are vanishingly rare.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/01146cd7b9d7c7e85548f45d829ffd7773f691f47a83ebb04586cce9210ca296.mp4

>>89820 Biden sitting in the Comfy Green Pepe Chair

>>89821 Gateway Pundit posts anti-rights screed on "owe woe is us, we should never have decriminalized cannabis"

>>89822 Saudi Arabia executes two military personnel for treason, state media reports

>>89823 CNN’s Senior Legal Analyst Says Trump’s Motion For Recusal Is ‘Not Outrageous’

>>89824 Claudia Tenney Confronts Secretary Granholm with her False Statements and Ethics Violations

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RFl6FZhLmrs - JUST IN: Claudia Tenney Demands Resignation Of Biden's Energy Sec. Over Alleged Ethics Violations [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>89825 Biggs: This notion about being concerned about terrorists entering through the southwest border,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b44d65f055bf62c9f9eba12014e1969dde751e9b12e8b1e50cf4928809068215.mp4


>>89827 Jayapal: I'm happy to see that the Biden administration is on pace to welcome the highest number of refugees since 2016.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5ccd36527eeb6857f233fa96d866fcb3ab634424d94e5340235060821bac7fda.mp4

>>89828 1:00 PM EDT How Are Federal Agencies Harnessing Artificial Intelligence?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0hI-Tk4_L1I - Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation Hearing [Channel: GOP Oversight]

>>89829 Tiffany: Parole is a very specific concept in the law here in the United States of American,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/99b4f7604978fd0a57473392e079d2d066dfb814930094b0e0c2fb21947d6807.mp4

>>89830 1:05 PM EDT Vice President Harris Kicks off her National "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour,

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kJYSeSoi-ls - Vice President Harris Kicks off her National "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour [Channel: The White House]

>>89831 "If you want to file the motion, file the F****ing motion," McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in the week

>>89832 Nowrasteh [Cato Institute]: The US immigration system is extremely restrictive

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/80c90bdd8c93e9739905223646671eae7f13d974cc3d0dfc243d7f35482a8b95.mp4

>>89833 Nancy Pelosi, "I'm more reptilian and cold-blooded."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/481c19cf40edc6da8d0af16d7c36fae769865f95b254640be171a1cd17e90b1c.mp4

>>89834 Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges

>>89835 Happy 76th birthday to Sam Neill. #REDOCTOBER

>>89836 Hungarian Citizen Files Charges of Treason Against Leftist Opposition over Illegal Biden Funding

>>89837 #24009

(45 notables, 49 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117981

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19550526 Q Research General #24010: Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges Edition

Created 141746ZSEP23




>>89838 #24010

>>89839 MTG - Hunter Biden has been indicted for three counts of federal gun charges. But where are the indictments for tax fraud, FARA abuse, money laundering, and sex trafficking???

>>89840 The Inflation Reduction Act: A Year in Review House Oversight and Accountability Committee

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TZ3I2yuYvQ0 - Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services Hearing [Channel: GOP Oversight]

>>89841 Digital Dollar Dilemma: The Implications of a Central Bank Digital Currency and Private Sector Alternatives House Financial Services Committee

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RnW5EJ18550 - Hearing Entitled: Digital Dollar Dilemma: The Implications of a Central Bank Digital Currency... [Channel: GOPFinancialServices]

>>89842 Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the news media at the Pentagon DoD

>>89843 Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Gun Charges – Three Counts Related to Possession of Gun While on Drugs – Hallie Biden Tossed It in the Trash

>>89844 New Trump Truth - Prosecutor Weiss is appointed by the 2 Democrat Senators of Delaware under Blue Slip!

>>89845 "File The F*cking Motion": McCarthy Melts Down After Gaetz Threatens Removal

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZqYkctHf4mU - Matt Gaetz on Speaker Kevin McCarthy's Agenda [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>89846 resident Biden Delivers Remarks on Bidenomics

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tMIRRHs-b50 - President Biden Delivers Remarks on Bidenomics [Channel: The White House]

>>89847 Max Blumenthal: SecState Tony Blinken Stands to “Make a Lot of Money” Off Ukraine war

>>89848, >>89857 Ex-CIA Employee Guilty of Child Abuse Image Possession.

>>89849 YouTube Censoring Evidence Of Ukrainian Troops Embracing Nazi Symbols

>>89850 Corporation loyal to CCP builds battery plants near military bases in Illinois, Michigan

>>89851 Elon Musk Admits X/Twitter Has to ‘Play Nice’ with China to Avoid Tesla Trouble, Sees ‘Two Sides’ to Uyghur Genocide

>>89852 Explaining the Senate’s Blue Slip Process

>>89853 Give Ukraine More Missiles, Urges Boris Johnson, as Ukraine Hammers Russian Black Sea Fleet at Anchor With Strikes

>>89854 ‘Legalized Poisoning of 5,500 People’: Oregon County Fights Plan to Spray 473 Acres With Glyphosate

>>89855, >>89856 DJT Truths

>>89858 Biden-appointed US attorneys refused to work on Hunter Biden case, FBI agent says

>>89859 "The problems run vastly deeper and are far worse." - Flynn

>>89860 Major Obama Policy Declared Unconstitutional

>>89861, >>89863, >>89864, >>89866, >>89867, >>89868 Pf Reports

>>89862 NEW via @AP: "Pope Francis (@Pontifex) and @BillClinton set discussion on climate change at @ClintonGlobal Initiative."

>>89865 GOP rep calls for impeachment inquiry into Biden energy secretary Granholm: 'she lied, under oath'

>>89869 That a Threat? Zelensky Warns Ukrainians in Europe Could Act ‘Unpredictably’ if Western Aid Is Cut

>>89870 'Has your ego cost Ukrainian lives?' Elon Musk was questioned by a Sky News reporter after the billionaire admitted thwarting a Ukrainian attack on Russia

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dbf321589b5ae91243876429847470689b8721c55a7c06f0a16a0361d2484835.mp4

>>89871 #24010

(27 notables, 34 posts, 31 media/files)

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9f968a No.117982

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19551332 Q Research General #24011: Let's See What Habbens Next Edition

Created 142001ZSEP23




>>89872 CNN just spent an entire segment documenting how Joe Biden is a pathological liar

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ec4a4372c04da2c83dc389c195cfe5c529cae576e3545c7f982ecb70c1f10dac.mp4

>>89873 #24011

>>89874, >>89885, >>89895, >>89904, >>89906 Train car carrying toxic perchloric acid explodes in Nebraska rail yard: Evacuation orders issued for four mile radius as huge plume of smoke fills sky above North Platte

>>89875 Saudis co-hosting UN event aimed at revamping Israeli-Palestinian peace process

>>89876 Missed Red Flags: Leak Exposes Swiss Asset Management Firm’s Work for Clients Accused of Fraud and Corruption

>>89877, >>89880, >>89881, >>89884 Trump tells Megyn Kelly ‘I don’t know who’ gave Fauci commendation he signed (and more)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/74c14b3b5bfeb1ef99c1573e8059024a4d9dbd20ebe06dc9eef2ea9851ef4be1.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aHW7629LyiE - Former President Donald Trump on Not Firing Fauci, Lockdowns, COVID Vaccines, and More [Channel: Megyn Kelly]

>>89878 Attorney General Bailey Files Suit Against Dollar General for Deceptive Pricing

>>89879 Jack Poso - INCOMING

>>89882 Iran maintains its intent to "plot attacks" against "current and former" US officials in retaliation for Soleimani's death — DHS

>>89883 Mr. Nunes posted 17 popcorns last night. He knows what he dun did. Didn't even have to ask this time kek.

>>89886 Spanish police has arrested three Real Madrid players for allegedly sharing a sexual video involving a minor, local media reports

>>89887 Rudy knew yesterday "Where's Hunter?"


>>89890 Q PROOF? Pandora's Box again re: Hunter

>>89892 White House memo 'asks' media to quit asking questions about Biden and focus on Trump

>>89893 Nanshee and the Soros crotch spawn meet

>>89894 Another One Bites the Dust: New Hampshire Slaps Down Latest Attempt to Keep Trump off the Ballot

>>89896 FBI lawyer Lisa Page divorces husband who stuck by her when she was outed over affair with her boss Peter Strzok while investigating then-president Trump

>>89897 US power centers shift to Florida, Idaho and South Carolina as aging Americans decamp to those states - while New York, Louisiana and Illinois see biggest population drops, census shows

>>89898 Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA): Biden So Afraid of the Truth He Will Demand Corporate Media Scrutinize Impeachment Inquiry

>>89899 DJT jr - Tune in tonight at 6 PM Eastern, I’ll have @WhitlockJason of the Fearless podcast

>>89900 resident Biden - Under MAGAnomics, the top 0.1% of households – folks making over $4 million – would get a tax cut worth twice the average family's salary.

>>89901 resident Biden - It’s time billionaires paid at least a 25% minimum tax.

>>89902 Hunter Biden lines up for free pizza with son Beau day before indictment

>>89903 Manager of Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Ring Indicted on Racketeering and Related Charges Along With Two of the Organization’s Enforcers

>>89905 WATCH: Newt Gingrich, Kari Lake, Nick Searcy, Steve Bannon, John Eastman and Trump Impersonator Shawn Farash WARN About The Consequences If We Don’t Fight Back To Fight Back Against Lawfare

>>89907 Trump WON'T stand trial in October: Judge rejects Fani Willis' bid to have all 19 co-defendants in Georgia election case be tried together - and warns they could ALL be split up

>>89908 Growing costs of migrant care tied to projected $538 million budget deficit

>>89909 'Blade runners' have removed or disabled nearly a 1000 of ULEZ cameras.

>>89910 Lara Logan Drops Her Much-Anticipated Production – “The Matthew Perna Story, Part 1” From “The Rest of the Story” Series

>>89911 #24011

(31 notables, 40 posts, 53 media/files)

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9f968a No.117983

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19552154 Q Research General #24012: Distractions from the Distractions Edition

Created 142231ZSEP23




>>89912 #24012

>>89913 Lady Speaks to Newscasters about Nazis in Ukraine

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/455519e68052eb7a09e9a20c3ce51038e5020926776e065186a37a3eec0f20e4.mp4

>>89914 Ken Paxton trial

>>89915 David Brock Threatens to Target the Children of GOP Members Investigating Hunter Biden


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e4ae77aacf789f2451f529281072f3b67584d721dc3546a067eaa16a26424737.mp4

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/zE3J62uIpINx/ - MAUI FIRES AND DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS - GREG REECE REPORT [3:34] [Channel: Tez Truth Dog 🐕]

>>89917 The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed Patriots a Potent New Tool

>>89918 About 6,800 migrants arrived on the Italian island of #Lampedusa in one day

>>89920 New Mexico Governor on Emergency powers to restrict gun carry laws

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dc1ab14907d194b28fccf02454c8557461930c17c5c525d5c5a98607a698b20a.mp4

>>89921 Climate Eugenics - American Thinker

>>89922 WH Chief of Staff Jeff Zients' family getting RICH from green energy company pushed by Biden/Harris

>>89923 MELANIA TRUMP - I am pleased to continue USA Memorabilia’s tradition of celebrating the season with A Red, White and Blue Christmas.

>>89924 Lara Logan’s Look Into January 6’s True Attendees

>>89925 Providence Hospital System Imposes Draconian Mandatory COVID Vaccine for Healthcare Workers

>>89926 We won’t let Ukrainian grain in – Polish PM

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/92d9d9a92872edbb66b3e491a33eb8309162d7f0f0b9bb708dad121ef6411a28.pdf

>>89927 King Bau SHREDS Zuckerberg's Pedophile Network: Instagram Child Sex Abuse EXPOSED

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/3n7qv4gkWfct/ - King Bau SHREDS Zuckerberg's Pedophile Network: Instagram Child Sex Abuse EXPOSED [25:02] [Channel: Stew Peters]

>>89928 Bioweaponry Expert Calls out Eugenics Program

VIDEO https://tora3.com/video/5bff9d38cf42d14c2403384ca50a5bfd - Bioweaponry Expert Calls out Eugenics Program - Tiger Network [Channel: Pearl]

>>89929 Justice Alito temporarily lifts ban on Biden admin contact with social media

>>89930, >>89931 Under-the-tongue COVID vaccine could be on the way after trial on monkeys

>>89932 CDC Admit 120K US Children ‘Died Suddenly’ Following Covid Jab Rollout

>>89933 Lawsuit filed against UNMC, Nebraska Medicine over trans teen’s breast-removal surgery in 2018

>>89934 SecState Tony Blinken Stands to “Make a Lot of Money” Off Ukraine war

>>89935 Pope Francis to participate in Clinton Foundation “Global Initiative 2023”

>>89936 President Trump’s Ten Principles For Great Schools Leading To Great Jobs

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tscgWCBbeao - Agenda47: President Trump’s Ten Principles For Great Schools Leading To Great Jobs [Channel: Donald J Trump]


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SA5Z5WTcpIg - Former President Donald Trump on Biden's Impeachment and Age, Fauci and COVID, & Melania and Barron [Channel: Megyn Kelly]

>>89938 Trump Talking About "Qanon Movement" to Press - old

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c2b683d43f07ad11d856773497911eb18f9fd409480a98457850b3c2e071dfad.mp4

>>89939 O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1 - in maui undercover recordings of police and national guards and sherrifs

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3af4a5535cbf64c67f0fce3510331bd7578ffde172eb3b25a626389634f4074a.mp4

>>89940 Inside the mystery vigilante group removing Sadiq Khan’s hated ULEZ cameras

>>89941 British royal holds hands with Neo-Nazi veteran (PHOTO)

(28 notables, 30 posts, 23 media/files)

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9f968a No.117984

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19552967 Q Research General #24013: Behold A Comfy Horse Edition

Created 150101ZSEP23




>>89942 #24012

>>89943 #24013

>>89944 Lara Logan on Ukraine

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0a3d6fb9286ad75b50cd8a4cc940c7ecb8a1051bea450b59a8ff8f81f89b8b76.mp4

>>89945 America's Transforming Its War Machine to Beat China - America Uncovered

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WVU7KIMPqTc - America's Transforming Its War Machine to Beat China [Channel: America Uncovered]

>>89946 Torture and Abuse: DC Officials Place Jan. 6 Prisoners in DC Gulag Back on COVID Lockdown, Solitary Confinement Starting Today!

>>89947 TRUMP: "I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 States."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/95ba56005d2b4bf71838fd3da3df559e328c1be878ec5a5ca4d5c16294818887.mp4

>>89948 Elon Musk has found himself in a battle & potential $22 billion lawsuit w/ the ADL

>>89949, >>89962 President Zelenskyy to visit Washington DC next week / Congress is debating $24 billion in aid for Ukraine

>>89950 Normies Talking About Frazzle.rip on "X"

>>89951 Judge Blocks Blue State School District Policy To Hide Pronouns From Parents

>>89952 Per CBP sources, yesterday alone, Border Patrol apprehended over 7,400 illegal immigrants at the southern border

>>89953 David Brock Threatens to Target the Children of GOP Members Investigating Hunter Biden

>>89954 Hunter Biden is suing @MarcoPolo501c3, a non-profit organization that released a comprehensive 640-page Report on the Biden Laptop.

>>89955 Dr. Michael Rectenwald On The Great Reset: “It Is A Globalist Plan”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hgjvg - Dr. Michael Rectenwald On The Great Reset: “It Is A Globalist Plan” [9:56] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>89956, >>89958, >>89961 O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Governor has prohibited photography on public land.

>>89957 CIA Whistleblower: CIA Works With Pedophiles, Retaliates Against Whistleblowers, And Put Men in Harm’s Way For Frivolous Shopping And Baking Activities

>>89959, >>89970 Did they Just say Paying Taxes is Voluntary? / Frmr NV Sen Harry Reid: "Taxation Is Voluntary"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dDFoxAI2Glc - Frmr NV Sen Harry Reid: "Taxation Is Voluntary" [Channel: RubyRedTootsies]

>>89960 Fulton County DA Hands Over List of 30 Co-conspirators in Trump Election Case

>>89963 PBD Podcast talking to Anthony Weiner

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=u8sKo4KQO-E - Anthony Weiner | PBD Podcast | Ep. 287 [Channel: PBD Podcast]

>>89964 Joe Biden Says Black and Hispanic Workers Don’t Have High School Diplomas (VIDEO)

>>89965, >>89981, >>89984 Dr. Buttar before his death discussing the injection payloads that can be activated to create symptoms of Marburg

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/2FG7dzbeQbvW/ - WARNO FOR THE COUNTRY: 5G Binary Bioweapon [1:57:24] [Channel: KekAgent]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d55418ecc1ed0285a0bb40a9394538eb5f56c04fed03ff5eba6d18df16bd7849.mp4

>>89966 UN's Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications wants to "massively ramp up" an "information war" on "disinformation" with an "army of trusted messengers."

>>89967 Bannon Calls On Kevin McCarthy To Stop Posturing And End The Biden Regime

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hn20e - “Be A Man”: Bannon Calls On Kevin McCarthy To Stop Posturing And End The Biden Regime [10:23] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>89968 Miami city commissioner charged with bribery and money laundering

>>89969 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000053

>>89971 Megyn Kelly Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Details of Her Interview with Former President Donald Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=b7rrt1YBz7E - Megyn Kelly Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Details of Her Interview with Former President Donald Trump [Channel: Megyn Kelly]

>>89972 The Dark Origin of the ADL

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/95b4c35ea8e3e12ed439428f14f642aea687cd45116723f554140b3eaea7d63a.mp4

>>89973 Frank Gaffney Joins WarRoom To Discuss Who Joe Biden Is Actually Working For

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hgiec - Frank Gaffney Joins WarRoom To Discuss Who Joe Biden Is Actually Working For [6:12] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>89974 Mike Davis: "People should not be fooled at all by these gun charges against Hunter Biden"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hq4hq - Mike Davis: "People should not be fooled at all by these gun charges against Hunter Biden" [11:09] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>89975 China LACM History

>>89976 ''Diverse Array of Global Experts Join DFRLab’s Task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web - 2/13/23

>>89977 South Korea to COMPENSATE deaths 90 days after covid shot

>>89978 Biden Has People in Cages at the Border – Where’s the Democrat Outrage?

>>89979 Anon - Start Tracking events anons, and add to the list! 9/13/23 - 9/14/23

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/865ca5ea37d0e354932597ee0bcde2a7969058c3fe1f7fb08d347d3983d41d2e.mp4

>>89980 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Pandora's Box + Q DROP #4888

>>89982 Sebastian Gorka: "You have one job now and one job only, remove the threat to the nation"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hq85k - Sebastian Gorka: "You have one job now and one job only, remove the threat to the nation" [14:48] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>89983 Wisconsin Senate votes to fire top elections officer

>>89985 #24013

(38 notables, 44 posts, 38 media/files)

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9f968a No.117985

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19553709 Q Research General #24014: Activate Comfy Shift Edition

Created 150309ZSEP23




>>89986 #24014

>>89987 Anon's Big List of Events

>>89988 Bannons War Room. No One Talks About The Southern Borders!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hqkoo - Todd Bensman: "There's hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in the country who have disappeared" [17:13] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>89989 The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed Patriots a Potent New Tool

>>89990 CNN’s Amazingly Inept ‘Fact-Check’ on Impeachment Inquiry Instead Proves Republicans Correct

>>89991 Biden claims to group of rabbis that he was ‘raised in synagogues in my state’

>>89992 Rep. Tom Emmer reintroduces anti-CBDC bill to Congress

>>89993 Timeline: Criminal probe into Trump's efforts to overturn Georgia election results

>>89994, >>89996 "I Used to Teach Political Theory" - Joe Biden Lies AGAIN About Being a Professor at UPenn

>>89995 Deputy saves a child being trafficked in Navajo County

>>89997 Prominent Bucks County Democrat Turns to Violence at School Board Meeting

>>89998 Bidenomics: As Historic Auto Union Strike Starts, White House Prepares Emergency Aid

>>89999 Joe Biden Tries to Sneak Provision into Budget that would Eliminate ICE Agents and Excuse Criminal Illegal

>>90000 CIA employee convicted for child porn.

>>90001 The Child Poverty Rate In The United States Has More Than Doubled

>>90002 Bannons War Room. The military is the last pillar for enemies to destroy the US.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hplj2 - Col. Grant Newsham On The Chaos Gutting The US Military [8:56] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90003 Biden names Penny Pritzker to lead U.S. in forging Ukraine’s economic recovery

>>90004 Apple’s creepy new climate change ad proposes killing all of us to “save the planet”

>>90005 Former USCP Chief Steven Sund will be the witness at next week’s House Administration’s Oversight Subcommittee hearing

>>90006 The Biden Crime Family is Exposed in New Peter Schweizer Blockbuster Book

>>90007 Post-Postmodern America

>>90008 Will Thibeau Discusses How Wokeism Is Driving Promotions In The US Military

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hp5ve - Will Thibeau Discusses How Wokeism Is Driving Promotions In The US Military [7:13] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90009 Saudi Arabia's defense ministry has executed two military personnel who were accused of committing treason

>>90010 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - “REMEMBER THE MAN”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2ea56d5a3c61091eae1505a1d691ef1cbcba5d235716a4a89d0aa55ad4f20c31.mp4

>>90011 California school districts ban LGBTQ Pride flags

>>90012 California passes law that suspends manual counts of votes, targeting rural, conservative counties

>>90013 Greg Kelly: This tape will 'blow the lid' off of Team Biden

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jjpng5symNE - Greg Kelly: This tape will 'blow the lid' off of Team Biden [Channel: Newsmax]

>>90014 Dr. Carol Swain Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Downfall Of The US Military

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hp45q - Dr. Carol Swain Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Downfall Of The US Military [11:02] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90015 GOP Leaders Accuse Biden Of 'Biggest Corruption Scandal' In US History

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HE1kI-C3LK8 - BREAKING NEWS: GOP Leaders Accuse Biden Of 'Biggest Corruption Scandal' In US History | Impeachment [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>90016 Alex Soros Meets with Nancy Pelosi on Capitol Hill

>>90017 Historic move as Ansarullah (Houthis) delegation plans to visit Saudi Arabia for the first-ever talks on a permanent peace treaty

>>90018 CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hru8a - CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires [4:41] [Channel: MJTruth]

>>90019 Homeland Security Awards $20 Million to Police, Mental Health Networks, Universities, Churches and School Districts to Help Identify Americans as Potential ‘Extremists’

>>90020 #24014

(34 notables, 35 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117986

File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.gif)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19554480 Q Research General #24015: Morning Comfefe Edition

Created 150639ZSEP23




>>90021 #24015

>>90022 Lauren Boebert tard'n out on the vape

>>90023 Australian MP Malcom Roberts: "This week represents a rare victory for Australian sovereignty. A victory for common sense, decency and humanity.

>>90024 Durham shocker: Danchenko was a paid FBI informant

>>90025 Donald Trump: ‘Concealed Carry a Right, Not a Privilege’

>>90026, >>90030 UAW launches strike against Big 3 automakers

>>90027 California Officially Gives Up on Travel Bans to Conservative States

>>90028 Musk Says Old Twitter Regime Censored GOP 10x More Than Leftists

>>90029 ABC News producer John Santucci is appalled at how “bad” Fani Willis’ case against Trump is, admits she is just “throwing things against the wall.”

>>90032, >>90040 Pete Strozk needs protection from his own wife who turned his phone over to the FBI with his love texts to his mistress...

>>90033 Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Wants to Open Taxpayer-Funded City-Owned Grocery Stores

>>90034 Narrative for future FF: Iran maintains its intent to "plot attacks" against "current and former" US officials in retaliation for Soleimani's death.

>>90035, >>90036 Steve Bannon ERUPTS On Kevin McCarthy: ‘Stop Posturing And END The Biden Regime’

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hn20e - “Be A Man”: Bannon Calls On Kevin McCarthy To Stop Posturing And End The Biden Regime [10:23] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90037, >>90042 CDC Director Mandy Cohen recommends a COVID mRNA booster for everyone 6 months and older.

>>90038 BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Attends Vigil for Mistreated J6 Prisoners at DC Jail

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hDIXuq1PI60 - BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Attends Vigil for Mistreated J6 Prisoners at DC Jail [Channel: Congressman Matt Gaetz]

>>90039 Company With Ties to Communist China Will Receive Billions from American Taxpayers for Electric Vehicle Battery Factory in Illinois.

>>90041 Verizon, T-Mobile Discounts Are Being Used to Get Access to Your Bank Account

>>90043 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/15/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hvai8 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/15/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>90044 Doctor with ties to Columbia sentenced for Medicare and Medicaid fraud

>>90045 #24015

(20 notables, 24 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117987

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19555268 Q Research General #24016: TGIF File The F*cking Motion Edition

Created 151315ZSEP23




>>90046 #24016

>>90047 People of Color Trending Republican Townhall

>>90048 Bidenomics Continues to Crash As Grocery Prices Jump 19.6%

>>90049 Victor Davis Hanson Post-Postmodern America

>>90050 Tucker Carlson goes to Argentina — and shows us what it's like to live in a country where the government can't stop printing money

>>90051 Bidenese For the keks!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a0bf4a938a6bf9a7ae4c7904083f49f302de1b5fa6041611574d5ac520d38462.mp4

>>90052 Tapper: Biden Has at Least ‘Been Letting’ His Family Profit off Their Relationship with Him

>>90053, >>90073 Yes, these flag officers didn’t think twice about destroying Service Members under their command for refusing the jab

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/86907b0ca82de237125a3c748d3c0eecebb282a7ffd8e58e6c90771e1d2646b6.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cc26088b9c5647c5112c47239d3d9866b60c9324b7c9baaa4dbe42674f7d2de0.mp4

>>90054 ICYMI: O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Gov has prohibited photography on public land.

>>90055 Barack Obama was a fake, a puppet, a complete construct from start to finish…

>>90056 ICYMI: DACA declared illegal by fed judge

>>90057 Document Dump On “Boneface”, Faux Nazi Confidential Informant For U.S. Government

>>90058, >>90075, >>90078 LIVE - Day 9 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr/closing arguments

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h3hsy - Day 9 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/15/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=a8rlcWHsWBE - Ken Paxton impeachment trial: Closing arguments (WATCH LIVE) [Channel: WFAA]

>>90059 California lawmakers face a midnight deadline on Thursday to pass new, proposed laws for the year./czech em

>>90060 Historic 16th Street Baptist Church 60 Years Commemoration of Church Bombing 16th Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, Alabama

>>90061, >>90089 Chief Master Sgt of the Space Force – Change of Responsibility Ceremony

>>90062, >>90063 Today marks the 3 year anniversary of Abraham Accords/needs sauce

>>90064 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Venus, Moon, and the Smoking Mountain

>>90065, >>90066, >>90068 Meet NASA's UFO boss: Former Pentagon liaison Mark McInerney

>>90067 QClock September 15, 2023 - The Hanged Man

>>90069, >>90097 Powell & Co. have officially managed to lose a whopping $100 BILLION

>>90070, >>90071 Archaeologists are fuming over ancient human relative remains sent to edge of space

>>90072, >>90074 " More cities, towns need to share burden of Massachusetts’ shelter crisis, officials say "

>>90076 Massive flooding cause chaos in Spain's Madrid, alert issued for 13 other regions

>>90077 Hunter indictment to tie him up so he can't testify in peach mint hearings???

>>90079 Refresher: Huber

>>90080 Closed AI session

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c3b4260462b857ac15bef4e0dcfeb00c58cc6067b85017f308aea3909f7db4e.mp4

>>90081 The Bee: Dims say...........

>>90082, >>90083 2015 Yes, Diversity Is About Getting Rid Of White People (And That’s A Good Thing)

>>90084, >>90088 ICYMI: CDC Study which Confirms COVID Jab Lowers Male Life Expectancy By 24 Years/kids

>>90085 Corey Lynn of Corey's Digs Dutch Farmers & Fisherman with Elze van Hamelen

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hvsem - Dig It! #200: Dutch Farmers & Fisherman with Elze van Hamelen [1:18:13] [Channel: Corey's Digs]

>>90086, >>90090 Kerala Province in India locked down in 7 containment zones after deadly Nipah virus outbreak

>>90087 End Times News

>>90091 @RepJerryNadler, @AOC and otherdemocratic congress members' press conference in New York over illegal immigration turns chaoticwith people shouting "close the freaking border"

>>90092 Theresa May says she is ‘woke (Dumb) and proud’

>>90093 Watch NASA astronaut Loral O'Hara and 2 cosmonauts launch to the ISS on a Russian rocket today

>>90094, >>90095 North Korea plans to send 500,000 soldiers to Russia. In return, Russia and the CCP are assisting North Korea in developing rockets and bio-weapons?????

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1fbb49cc446c4ae355f1d757397868c6ab0bdc20268188f9f88f5a4f5e778e76.mp4

>>90096, >>90099 Biden considering emergency aid to suppliers who could be hit hard by UAW strike

>>90098 Florida Neo-Nazis Find Anti-Drag Mania Is a Recruitment Tool.

>>90100 #24016

(40 notables, 55 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117988

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19556174 Q Research General #24017: Prey Pray Edition

Created 151649ZSEP23




>>90101 #24017

>>90102, >>90125, >>90127, >>90131, >>90147, >>90148, >>90157, >>90162, >>90164, >>90170 Sullivan/Buckwheat

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pu-HRsFiFzE - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Jake Sullivan [Channel: The White House]

>>90103, >>90106, >>90115, >>90116, >>90118, >>90128 Dang! Paxton's attorney went after the Bush family The Bush era ends today!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d0c8ae391cbc83968926918b4f1461ade6321bce7630a58aa9335ccdb52f7bd.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hwxu0 - Cary Cheshire On Ken Paxton's Impeachment Trial: "No Evidence Ken Paxton Did Anything Wrong" [5:05] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hwyd2 - Steve Bannon Calls Out "Bush Apparatus" Manipulating Texas And American Politics [4:54] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/54a0c3104bb07d9c575f0a94b2f02e5dc6a63121319ec0cc512e4355f413e1e0.mp4

>>90104 Tater remarks

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9c16de7d68d9348f1bfb0b1ab2ceea53ce3cec8cf262282ce584341b35a06689.mp4

>>90105, >>90112, >>90122, >>90124, >>90129, >>90136, >>90139, >>90160 Hunter gun??

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/98fcbdd3e5e1b1b9117eed555de0bc3860b59b5978ff0124b8d2c82c0153f199.mp4

>>90107 Apple Tells Support Staff To Remain Silent On iPhone Radiation Concern

>>90108 The Greatest Show On Earth

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/vJ61AcWYIfZQ/ - The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)Documentary: Good Lion Films [1:20:02] [Channel: Nesara/Gesara]

>>90109 Get rid of all whites 'Carol J. Baker, M.D., is a highly accomplished infectious diseases clinician, teacher and vaccinologist.

>>90110, >>90130, >>90176 People in NYC are sick and tired of the illegal immigration crisis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/72ed8b407c962257890cda94aa922b5a529020aee6fd16ff46eadb7fdf57b8cc.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PdP7X2n-ChI - New York City Migrants: Protesters take over AOC news conference | LiveNOW from FOX [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>90111 Beware the DoJ’s Hunter Biden distraction

>>90113 MeAgain Kelly Interviews President Donald Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SA5Z5WTcpIg - Former President Donald Trump on Biden's Impeachment and Age, Fauci and COVID, & Melania and Barron [Channel: Megyn Kelly]

>>90114 Final Three Men Acquitted and Break Down Crying in Junk Whitmer Kidnapping Case That Was Hatched, Planned, Paid For, and Executed by Chris Wray’s FBI

>>90117 2005 vid on Tater on Hunter biz

>>90119 ICYMI: Fox News Poll - Trump Continues Massive Dominance, DeSantis Loses Ground Again

>>90120 Dark to Light: Musk Sues CA, Government Demands SCOTUS Allow Censorship

>>90121, >>90171 Morning Mika and Joe lying about patriots, and saying democrats are dedicated to the law and constitution!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hwz3i - Steve Bannon: The Administrative State Just Told Joe Biden To Not Run Again [5:38] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hwtuw - Steve Bannon: Mika's In FULL MELTDOWN Because She Knows They Are Losing [5:16] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90123, >>90126 Rep. Rosendale: The United States Debt Service Bill's On Path To Reach 50% Of Annual Revenue. No one in the government can explain how we will incur a $2 Trillion into perpetuity!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hx24s - Rep. Rosendale: The United States Debt Service Bill's On Path To Reach 50% Of Annual Revenue [3:37] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hx4iy - "His Position Is In Jeopardy": Rep. Rosendale Discusses Future If McCarthy Works With Democrats [12:24] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90132, >>90133 Steve Bannon Discusses Lara Logan's Latest Film On Jan. 6's Truth

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hx1im - "Incredibly Powerful Piece": Steve Bannon Discusses Lara Logan's Latest Film On Jan. 6's Truth [7:32] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90134 MASS RELEASE of illegal migrants on street in San Diego..

>>90135 ‘He’s A Smart Guy’: Trump Reacts to Democrat Being Potential ’24 Running Mate

>>90137 Milton Friedman famously said: “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon"

>>90138 Arrogant Executives of Radical Non-Profit Group Reveal How They Are Sneaking Woke LGBTQ+ Curriculum Into Elementary Schools

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=t1tTtc4Q-24 - ‘HiTOPS’ Org Sneaks Sexual & LGBTQ+ Curriculum into Schools, Goal to Strip Parental Opt-Out Rights [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>90140, >>90141 Apples & Honey for Jewish New Year.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=T_M5-qthA8w - Rosh Hashanah Rock Anthem [Channel: AishJewish]

>>90142 I pledge allegiance.............

>>90143, >>90145, >>90149 'Equitable Weeding' in School Libraries and Replacing History With Perversion

>>90144, >>90178 PRAY FOR LIBYA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3de0c1a0f0a947e75cc839c8705ed335755c63ec2a2b081145b92f611b88159b.mp4

>>90146 Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation, Greensboro, North Carolina

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=I3n4w35NLRI - Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation [Channel: The White House]

>>90150 The Corporate Media is the Enemy of the People: Here's Ten Stories They Never Told You This Month

>>90151, >>90167 Aramco arrives in Chile: Saudi Arabia's state oil company announces deal and stays with Petrobras Chile/BRICS/Antartica Treaty

>>90152 A 1967 CBS News Special about how the CIA funneled money to charities to infiltrate American news, student, and labor organizations.

>>90153 Jimmy Dore and frens cracking up over new jab recommendations

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LW-PqEMi9vw - CDC Director’s New Booster Campaign Is A Debacle! [Channel: The Jimmy Dore Show]

>>90154 EU Hands TikTok $386 Million Fine for Child Data Breaches

>>90155 Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Court Orders Arrest of Zelensky’s Covid-Era Health Minister

>>90156 McCarthy is losing it!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hwtaa - Steve Bannon: The Administrative State's Hitting The "Panic Button" [14:01] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90158 Kash: Democrats will “off-ramp” Biden’s re-election campaign by urging him to pardon Hunter

>>90159 The Child Poverty Rate In The United States Has More Than Doubled

>>90161 $300 weekly checks for illegal immigrants approved by Calif. Senate

>>90163 Bank of Russia Chief says cash will not disappear from circulation

>>90165 Windows 11 ‘ThemeBleed’ RCE bug gets proof-of-concept exploit

>>90166 Judicial Watch: Documents Reveal Photos, Conditions in Illegal California Medical Labs Owned by Chinese Company

>>90168 50 Most Influential Jews

>>90169 Kazakhstan Soyuz launch sends 2 Russians, American to space station

>>90172, >>90174 Putin: Now we have 300,000 volunteers who will join the special operation in Ukraine/Belarus/Wagner

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c1c31e2897b2843d2b34a07c62bf5c39e3a5c05f9907120bf29695bfe8e75a9c.mp4

>>90173 Government reports confirmed COVID-19 vaccination has caused Cancer at an unprecedented rate

>>90175 Lithuania revokes Russian-born figure skater’s citizenship

>>90177 Toxic lead found in MAJORITY of Americans' tap water is killing 5.5million people globally - more than smoking or obesity, study of 183 countries claims

>>90179 We're Coming to Tear Down Australia's Corrupt Regime!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZlqGyMWsdiI - We're Coming to Tear Down Australia's Corrupt Regime! [Channel: In the Interests of the People]

>>90180 Pro-life rescuers found guilty, immediately taken into custody in second DC FACE Act trial

>>90181 #24017

(49 notables, 81 posts, 81 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117989

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19556985 Q Research General #24018: Under Water Edition

Created 151930ZSEP23




>>90182 #24018

>>90183, >>90187 Prof. Mattias Desmet: (YOU)r decision to speak the Truth will determine whether humanity survives!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ae2b315d3a77c44b7718565cd298eecb6630ece33c3062f0d43950b9cb4f7c02.mp4

>>90184, >>90190 Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Dubuque, Iowa "DOUBLEHEADER" SPEECH 7:00 p.m. ET on RSBN

>>90185 Inside SECRET AFFAIR of Kristi Noem and Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski - DAILY MAIL EXCLUSIVE

>>90186 Western nations ‘dream’ of sending troops to Ukraine – Lukashenko

>>90188, >>90226 Proclamation on National POW/MIA Recognition Day, 2023

>>90189 Trump Is Scheduled For Two More Major Events In Iowa: ‘We Love Iowa’

>>90191 @OAN House Passes Bill To Strike Down CA’s EV Mandate

>>90192 Elon: The ADL was instrumental in getting Donald Trump deplatformed - 2:34 minute video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b7b6925d7d1653be216b852b1efac36428ec96a3ce96b1d8229b36cb035361e5.mp4

>>90193 BBC Radio Scraps Irish Singer Róisín Murphy After She Called Out Puberty Blocking Drugs

>>90194, >>90196 @realDonaldTrump 60% and climbing

>>90195 Hey, doesn't this OPEN A DOOR TO THE CIA AND MOSSAD?

>>90197, >>90203, >>90204, >>90214, >>90216, >>90217 Ashton Kutcher Steps Down as Board Chair of Anti-Child-Sex-Abuse Organization After Danny Masterson Support Caused Backlash

>>90198, >>90201 Ukrainian commander slams ‘dangerous’ Western training

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3eaql1 - Colonel Douglas Macgregor: 'Ukraine Is Being Annihilated' (8-31-2023) [40:24] [Channel: RADcreate]

>>90199 @DevinNunes Biden’s Impeachment Entanglement with guest Matt Boyle

>>90200 Anon challenge

>>90202 NICHOLAS COUNTY, WV Deputy Jarrod Bennett has been indicted on child pornography charges

>>90205, >>90206, >>90207, >>90208, >>90209, >>90213 This $80 pellet gun is not the same firearm Hunter attempted to buy during his crack bender... FYI

>>90210, >>90218 Apple CEO Tim Cook releases ad calling for depopulation and total EXTERMINATION of life on Earth

>>90211, >>90212, >>90215 OUR Country Our choice (OCOC) will give “We The People” the tools, information and skills to proactively preserve and strengthen the security, prosperity, and moral fabric of our society.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h91gk - Robbing America Blind [3:01] [Channel: Our Country Our Choice]

>>90219, >>90220, >>90221 Ronny Jackson: We already have more than enough evidence to IMPEACH BIDEN right now.

>>90222 PDJT VPPence Both speaking at This event today?

>>90223 Navy Puts The Kibosh On Digital Recruiting Program After Discovering Enlistees Aren’t Into Drag Queens

>>90224 Virginia Democrat Who Raised Money By Selling Sex Acts Could Be Charged With Prostitution, Lawyers Say

>>90225 James O'Keefe and Attorney Mike Yoder have filed a lawsuit against Hawaii Governor to invalidate the criminalization of protected First Amendment activity.

>>90227 LIVE: Jack Smith OBJECTS; Hunter Defense BLASTS Congress; GOP Lawyer Fights for Trump REMOVAL - Robert Gouveia

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hzjvo - Jack Smith OBJECTS; Hunter Defense BLASTS Congress; GOP Lawyer Fights for Trump REMOVAL [0] [Channel: Robert Gouveia]

>>90228 #24018

>>90229 Biden_gun_app.jpg

(28 notables, 48 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117990

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19557849 Q Research General #24019: You are not Forgotten Edition

Created 152232ZSEP23




>>90230 #24019

>>90231 https://stopworldcontrol.com/

>>90232, >>90239, >>90261 President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches - 9/15/23

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5EqdmXI1aIM - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches - 9/15/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h3mi4 - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches - 9/15/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>90233, >>90237, >>90240, >>90252 Boebert bad! REEEEEE

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1d31f10940a7812a47419e3b6a8861411fc890a0c2abbad39556485b21f00393.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c3ef39cd9c31268dd3a51449281969914a44d542004abf58043f7e210ba01f4b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/40e3576b43491d8bc8c96906061d3460d819f08eda4f1489911aabdc4a0d83ed.mp4

>>90234 Firefly launches Space Force ‘Victus Nox’ mission

>>90235, >>90236 French Ambassador to Niger Held Hostage in Embassy

>>90238 Why Are We Giving $8 Billion To Chinese Company With Communist Ties To Build A $2 Billion Battery Factory?

>>90241 Union of Auto Workers (UAW) officially begins strike with 12,700 workers at three plants.

>>90242 Was it just a coincidence that COVID+jab (gene therapy) was released during the peak of a solar minimum when our DNA was most vulnerable (Earth's magnetic shield down) to the effects of cosmic rays?

>>90243 Biden Is Trying To Make It Harder To Fire Unelected Bureaucrats In Case A Republican Wins In 2024

>>90244 Tim Ballard, the man behind Sound of Freedom plans to run for Mitt Romney’s Senate seat

>>90245 Jim Jordan Subpoenas FBI Agent Who Allegedly Lied About Hunter Biden Laptop

>>90246 @GenFlynn watch this interview between @TuckerCarlson and Argentinian Presidential candidate Javier Milei.

>>90247 Special Counsel Jack Smith calls for 'narrowly tailored' gag order against Donald Trump in January 6 case after 'intimidating' comments

>>90248 Garrett Ventry: Talking about Hunter and phony gun charge and it was the only charge that had no relationship to Joe.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hzx6e - Garrett Ventry: "He's gaining steam with Black voters, Hispanic voters, suburban women" [5:15] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90249, >>90255, >>90256 Jim Jordan Blasts ‘Face-Saving’ Hunter Biden Indictment, Reveals Key Impeachment Inquiry Facts

>>90250 Friendly reminder that 10 GOP Congressmen voted to impeach President Trump and 9 of them are no longer in Congress

>>90251 MSNBC's @PeteStrzok: We need a special unit to protect FBI agents from Americans

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7c3babcf329f11cf879d602120fc5c16e1727ed252ce593017a484417d23f2a8.mp4

>>90253 E.J. Antoni: bidenomics is bombing "Not only have they gone to zero they've gone to negative 100 billion dollars"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hzsfw - E.J. Antoni: "Not only have they gone to zero they've gone to negative 100 billion dollars" [9:58] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90254 @DC_Draino If you want to know why the Texas Bush cartel is trying to remove AG @KenPaxtonTX, here are the GOP primary results

>>90257 Capt. James Fanell Answers Questions On What Needs To Change In US Approach In Asia

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hyr2c - Capt. James Fanell Answers Questions On What Needs To Change In US Approach In Asia [9:22] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90258 Dr Shiva RE: the "Swarm" of Politicians Like Trump/Biden& Entertainers Like Alex Jones/Tucker Carlson

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/HGGP7W12X1UN/ - Dr Shiva: the "Swarm" of Politicians Like Trump/Biden& Entertainers Like Alex Jones/Tucker Carlson [1:09:17] [Channel: The David Knight Show]

>>90259 Baby Who Died 34 Hours After Vaccines Had Toxic Level of Aluminum in His Blood, Report Confirms.

>>90260 Geraldine Laybourne and Kit Laybourne both are on the Jeffrey Epstein Flight Logs. #ChildTrafficking

>>90262 26 Defendants Charged for Drug Trafficking in Multi-State Operation

>>90263 President Trump: We're going to do something about Washington. We're going to bring in the federal government. We're going to federalize it, we're gonna run it properly.

>>90264 President Trump: We're going to take back our country, we're going to take back our culture, and we're going to Make America Great Again, Better Than Ever Before.

>>90265 U.S. Attorney Charges High School Teacher With Attempted Transfer Of Obscene Material And Receipt And Possession Of Child Pornography

>>90266, >>90267 Gov. Gavin Newsom Officially Calls for Convention to Violate the Second Amendment

>>90268 Dr. John Lenczowski Discusses Offensive And Defensive Strategies In China

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i09ro - Dr. John Lenczowski Discusses Offensive And Defensive Strategies In China [13:00] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90269 President Trump: It's no wonder the far-left lunatics, perverts and crimials, are getting desperate to stop our movement by any means necessary. They are really trying to stop us.

>>90270 they aren't recommending the vaccine to protect the health of the child, but to protect pharmaceutical companies from legal liability.

>>90271 President Trump: [DeSantis] went down like an injured bird out of the sky.

>>90272 President Trump: There has never been a more incompetent administration in the history of our country, than these clowns, and thugs, and very bad people, that are running our country now, and destroying our country. There's never been anything like this.

>>90273 President Trump: [Electric cars] they've got some basic problems. Very expensive, and they don't go far. I think they want to keep you somewhere around your home. They don't want to build highways or something. They've got some crazy plan. They always have something.

>>90274 President Trump: They want to build all-electric army tanks. [audience laughter]

>>90275 #24019

(37 notables, 46 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117991

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19558758 Q Research General #24020: Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speech Edition

Created 160029ZSEP23




>>90276 #24020-A

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5EqdmXI1aIM - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches - 9/15/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>90277 President Trump: I will fire every corrupt official who has weaponized our government against Christians, conservatives, patriots, and people of faith. We're gonna fire 'em. You're fired!

>>90278 President Trump: I fired a lot of people [Apprentice], but we're gonna have to fire a lot more, because that deep state runs deeper than we thought.

>>90279 President Trump: I will be your peacemaker, and I am the only candidate that can make this promise to you- I will prevent World War III. We are very close to World War III.

>>90280 President Trump: America will have the number one lowest cost of energy and electricity anywhere in the world. We'll do that.

>>90281 President Trump: Upon my inauguration, I'll terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration, and quickly achieve the most secure border in US history, as we had three years ago.

>>90282 President Trump: Jim Caviezel put it very well in the movie Sound Of Freedom, "God's Children Are Not For Sale."

>>90283 President Trump: I will insist on the right of every parent to send their child to the public, private charter, or religious school of their choice. Choice. Choice. Choice.

>>90284 President Trump: I will close the Department of Education, and we will move everything back to the states, where they can individualize education, and do it with love for our children.

>>90285 President Trump: We will have great schools that lead to great jobs, and ultimately, great lives, because we have horrible schools right now. Our programs are terrible.

>>90286 President Trump: I'll take historic action to defeat the toxic poison of gender ideology, and reassert, In The Beginning, God Created Two Genders, Male And Female.

>>90287 President Trump: On day one, I will sign an executive order, instructing every federal agency to cease the promotion of sex or gender transition at any age.

>>90288 President Trump: I will challenge California's depraved new laws that strip parents of parental rights, that encourage minors to be transported across state lines for sexual mutilation.

>>90289 President Trump: There is nothing we can not do as long as we hold fast to the timeless words of our national motto, In God We Trust.

>>90290 President Trump: With your help, and your prayers, and your vote, we will stand up for the women of America, we will put America first, and we will, without question, Make America Great Again

>>90291 President Trump: I stand here tonight confident that America can and will overcome it all by the strength of our faith the power of prayer and the grace of almighty God.

>>90292 PF: Call sign Bruce89. USN E-6B Mercury 164408 up from TInker AFB

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/10dd836b7e3737403e9ea72609f18e20b33535d227e800f80cc7cd5086d3b4e6.mp4

>>90293 RE Titanic Dig: Was a person listed as dead, but wasn't really?

>>90294 Marco Rubio Urges U.S. Southern Command to Reschedule Cancelled ‘Sound of Freedom’ Screenings

>>90295 Q189 Mila + Kutcher reference?

>>90296, >>90298, >>90299, >>90308 President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h3mi4 - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches - 9/15/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hyc7m - LIVE AT THE PRAY VOTE STAND SUMMIT [0] [Channel: RealAmericasVoice]

>>90297 New Mexico Governor Grisham REFUSES to Comply with Court’s Restraining Order, ‘Narrows’ Her Unconstitutional Gun Grab

>>90300 President Trump: I stopped Barack Hussein Obama's hatefull and bigoted assault on faith-based adoption and foster care services.

>>90301, >>90305 how does the ADL control 60% of advertising?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b7b6925d7d1653be216b852b1efac36428ec96a3ce96b1d8229b36cb035361e5.mp4

>>90302 President Trump: They [democrats] are a group of people that are willing to do things that nobody thought ever would be acceptable.

>>90303 Canada’s governor general doubles down on residential school narrative, blames media for ‘denialism’

>>90304 Libya Dam Failure Devastation. 11k dead, 10k still 'missing'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6b9cf0c47855f728583adf04d0128d3198f7f0007b996904ad1c8de60ce167c9.mp4

>>90306 President Trump: I was honored to get up every single day and do battle on your behalf. Oh I did battle; you probably read about some of those battles.

>>90307 President Trump: It's no wonder that this very sinister opposition is now tearing down every law and institution, to try and stop us from vanquishing them from power forever.

>>90309 Jim Watkins is on Revolution Radio Studio B

>>90310 President Trump: Some of the illegal immigrants that came in; they've got my mugshot [shirt] on.

>>90311 President Trump: Today we had this prosecutor, Deranged Jack Smith. Has anyone ever heard of him? I wonder what his name used to be. Jack Smith.

>>90312 "I wonder what his name used to be." (Jack Smith) CALL TO DIG

>>90313 PF: Call sign EVAC850, USAF C-17 02-11047.

>>90314 President Trump: The truth is, the radical left is coming after all of us, because they know that our allegiance is not to them, our allegiance is to our country, and to our Creator.

>>90315 Hunter Biden's Net Worth is estimated to be between $1 and $330 million... nobody knows!

>>90316 President Trump: The political repression is immoral, and it's very, very unamerican, and it's very dangerous for them to be playing that game

>>90317 Court Orders Facebook To Comply With Subpoena For Data On All Users That Broke “Covid-19 Misinformation” Rules

>>90318 President Trump: When I'm reelected, I will totally obliterate, we're going to obliterate the deep state.

>>90319 Bill Mitchell is currently suffering a TDS melt down

>>90320, >>90323 What is this man doing to Lauren?! Better question, who's the peeping tom spying on people in a movie theater?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/776636134ae8f77ac18dd5bab2871024f163e9f7325978181bff3860fdc14864.mp4

>>90321 Special Counsel Jack Smith Attempts to Gag Trump

>>90322 President Trump: They're putting young children into schools who don't speak any English, and they're in school. Nobody is there to teach them; they're sitting in class they don't understand

>>90324 President Trump: We will end this horrible Department of Education. We'll keep a few people there, just to make sure they're guaranteeing they're going to teach English.

>>90325 President Trump: We had Paul Ryan… I call him Paul Rino [laughter]

>>90326 President Trump: All-electric trucks, which would be like going back fifty years, because a diesel truck can go two thousand miles on a tank of fuel, whereas an electric truck can only go three hundred miles.

>>90327 President Trump: We are a nation that no longer has a free and fair press. Fake news is all you get, and they are the true enemy of the people.

>>90328 #24020-A

>>90329 #24020-B

(49 notables, 54 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117992

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19559576 Q Research General #24021: In God We Trust Edition

Created 160251ZSEP23




>>90330 #24021

>>90331, >>90333 Jack Smith is John Lumen Smith

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UJnO6Kr92bM - Behold the Lord High Executioner! The Mikado, National Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company - 2012 [Channel: Gilbert & Sullivan Festival]

>>90332, >>90334 Biden's Dark Winter: Two Years Away, Fast Forward to Now

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Qu22-qcKx1A - Biden Says We 'Remain in a Very Dark Winter' [Channel: Bloomberg Television]

>>90335 Three Reasons Why Military Recruitment Is In Crisis

>>90336 Donald Trump says Melania will be on the campaign trail 'when it's appropriate'

>>90337 Grassley: Republican Calls to Shut Down FBI ‘Stupid’ --- ‘We’ve Got to Have an FBI’

>>90338 The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued a unanimous three-judge decision on September 1, 2023, holding that the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) overstepped its statutory authority by attempting to ban using ivermectin to treat COVID-19

>>90339 Support for Noem, Boebert from Gaetz, Poso

>>90340 DJT: Hillary Clinton Doubles

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/642da058afa1433513ec7c3e69b0b160f2e789cd8d70f654ab69ad8bb11320ad.mp4

>>90341 China shows its structural weakness with response to disappearing ministers

>>90342 Armed Man Arrested at Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Event in LA

>>90343 RFK thanks Gavin DeBecker for protection after being DENIED Secret Service protection by BIDEN

>>90344 States Beg Biden to Bolster Offshore Wind While Projects Flounder

>>90345 US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Regime — You Can Add More Incidents

>>90346 #24921

(15 notables, 17 posts, 15 media/files)

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9f968a No.117993

File: 6118f4e0f560cc5⋯.png (224.51 KB,511x338,511:338,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19560342 Q Research General #24022: RFK's Life Threatened After Being DENIED Secret Service by BIDEN Edi

Created 160740ZSEP23




>>90347 #24022-A

>>90348 Ex-Homeland Security agent who inspired Sound of Freedom reveals he is considering a run for Mitt Romney's Senate seat in Utah

>>90349 Trump hits opponents at leadership summit: 'Getting desperate to stop our movement'

>>90350 Atlanta Area Superintendent Stands Firm On Opposing ‘Pornographic Material’ In Schools After Calls For His Removal, Says It’s About ‘Good And Evil’

>>90351 Trump Defends Auto Workers Against Biden’s Green Agenda: You’re ‘Being Sold Down the River’ to China

>>90352 Indecent Exposure

>>90353 Canadian school library removes all books published prior to 2008

>>90354 Final Three Men Acquitted and Break Down Crying in Junk Whitmer Kidnapping Case

>>90355 FAA, DOT coordinated to hide cost of 18 Buttigieg flights on government planes

>>90356, >>90363, >>90370, >>90384, >>90391, >>90393, >>90394

>>90357 Armed Man With US Marshal’s Badge and Federal ID Arrested at Robert F. Kennedy Jr Appearance in Los Angeles After Trying to Infiltrate Security

>>90358 Ashton Kutcher has stepped down as chairman of THORN

>>90359 Providence Hospital System Clarifies COVID-19 Vaccine Policy: No Mandates, “Caregivers Can Choose to Decline the Vaccine”

>>90360, >>90402 New toxicology report reveals that graphene nanomaterials ingested by the vaccinated are being transmitted to the unvaccinated.

>>90361 Dove faces growing boycott over partnership with morbidly obese BLM activist and hate hoaxer

>>90362 New York Attorney General Letitia James Gets Confronted Over Her Decisions To APPEAL The End Of Quarantine Camp

>>90364 New Mexico Governor Grisham REFUSES to Comply with Court’s Restraining Order, ‘Narrows’ Her Unconstitutional Gun Grab

>>90365 Speaking in the European parliament, German MEP Christine Anderson, implores the people of the world to meet any attempt at resurrecting Covid tyranny with mass non-compliance.

>>90366 Candace Owens is suspended from YouTube for hate speech against the LGBTQ community.

>>90367 The Middle Class Is Increasingly Becoming “The Impoverished Class”

>>90368 Gutfield

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rLmPW0vZa7U - Gutfeld! 9/15/23 FULL HD | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP September 15, 2023 [Channel: Kieu Oanh DIY]

>>90369, >>90373, >>90390, >>90392 MindWar 6th Gen. Warfare. 7 Day Plan to End Cartel Border Issue, Peace Deal Between Putin & Ukraine & more w/General Vallely

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2xxvz2 - 7 Day Plan to End Cartel Border Issue, Peace Deal Between Putin & Ukraine & more w/ General Vallely [1:10:10] [Channel: Sarah Westall]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a863e5f31032ef79d2af2f801867c6bf3f521e6c8c4b8edb800d19b1ca6164b1.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3hox40 - General Paul Vallely: The Enemy Within... [59:02] [Channel: OPERATION FREEDOM]

>>90371 AZ: "Street releases like those happening in AZ this week put an immense strain on our local communities

>>90372 @realDonaldTrump Great, we get twice as much of Mark. That can only be very good news, indeed!

>>90374 President Trump: "I will not give ONE PENNY to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i1nr2 - Video upload for 111072588671681487 [12] [Channel: hostid1]

>>90375 President Trump: "I will keep men OUT of women's sports"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i1nz8 - Video upload for 111072592298635074 [13] [Channel: hostid1]

>>90376 Our movement is popular because people can't stand to see what's happening to our country. - President @realDonaldTrump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i1rzw - Video upload for 111072668007076773 [1:05] [Channel: hostid1]

>>90377 Upon my inauguration, I will terminate every Biden open border policy - President @realDonaldTrump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i1si6 - Video upload for 111072674105611912 [1:13] [Channel: hostid1]

>>90378 Jack Smith is a deranged individual and he wants to take away my First Amendment rights. - President @realDonaldTrump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i1m2s - Video upload for 111072557474917414 [1:49] [Channel: hostid1]

>>90379, >>90380 >>1956054 Aussie: The US President’s recent appearances have been some of his worst./CNN/DIMS

>>90381, >>90382 House impeachment investigators now have the power to subpoena grand jury information

>>90383 President Trump delivers a speech at the Concerned Women of America 2023 Leadership Summit

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3h3mi4 - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches - 9/15/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>90385 DoD Awards Disinfo Researcher Who Praised Hunter Biden Laptop Censorship, Lisa Kaplan/ Nina Jankowicz

>>90386, >>90387 @DanScavino vid

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i4law - Video upload for 111074467606260508 [27] [Channel: hostid1]

>>90388 @DanScavino WTF are they all gonna do when we win this thing?! Heads are going to explode to the likes of which we have never seen before🤯

>>90389 THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i4rme -TESTING - THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030[5:47] [Channel: chestercat01]


>>90396 Coast Guard called in to battle woke Oakland's sea pirate problem

>>90397, >>90399 UK: status of dating the NSA traf/ROT/LISA pics.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Dch_qpR9i0A - Q London Pic, Piccadilly Circus Ticket Kiosk, Summer 2013 v 2014 [Channel: Fortu Nisko]

>>90398 Republicans to dispense with ‘pro-life’in favor of ‘pro-baby’?

>>90400 Only 800 of New York's tens of thousands of illegal immigrants have applied for work authorization

>>90401 The FBI Illegally Politicized Background Investigations For Republican Presidential Nominees

>>90403 A Federal Judge has blocked the lunatic running New Mexico’s attempt to violate the Constitution and suspend the right to carry firearms.

>>90404 UK Biohazzrd tents are being erected at Dover and people seen wearing full hazmat suits have been witnessed there

>>90405 Blackrock CEO: “Behaviours are gonna have to change. You have to force behaviours.”

>>90406, >>90407 Cases of COMIRNATY, Pfizer's branded death shot, just started showing up on U.S. military bases - MARKED 2023-2024!

>>90408 Did y'all know there's a Catholic teachers union in Canada?

>>90409 Joe Biden’s ‘TikTok Army’ received hundreds of thousands from George Soros to push left-wing causes, bash conservatives

(48 notables, 63 posts, 72 media/files)

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9f968a No.117994

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19561139 Q Research General #24023: UK Anons Bringin The Pain Edition

Created 161425ZSEP23




>>90410 #24023

>>90411 #24022-A

>>90412 #24022-B

>>90413 Damning evidence of election fraud. Aids in defense of #16MIElectors, courageous lawyers targeted with unwarranted sanctions plus much more.

>>90414 Family of Barack Obama Dig

>>90415, >>90430, >>90431, >>90432, >>90433, >>90434, >>90436 . Verdict in Paxton Impeachment trial streaming now, RINOs BTFO

>>90416 Kissinger, Harvard And the FBI

>>90417, >>90419 VIDEO: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suffers assassination scare

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/469dfe66d8cc214cec7d08bd47a7cbc894b8b8820a2ecf3e3e04df7edf4053dc.mp4

>>90418 John Thaler: in 2020 at least 38,000 mail-in ballots were counted having totally mismatched signatures.

>>90420, >>90423, >>90435, >>90437 Dear, shitlibs, if you think two adults in a dark theater is bad just wait til you find out what Joe Biden does to kids in braod daylight

>>90421 Fetterman posts unabomber selfie

>>90422 The World Celebrates Batman Day 2023

>>90424 The Japanese are marching for #Trump2024

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b30f14d431b7d802c58e83543c669ca2cffb2e8c2912d860d5219bbc92c5fa9f.mp4

>>90425 Major Hospital Group Issues 'Updated' Covid Vaccine Mandate for Caregivers

>>90426 Russell Brand accused of raping, sexually assaulting four women --- including 16-year-old

>>90427 What is US Army Operation blue roof?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/56edc54263b66859200ce5f2ac667bb0f339bd94215cd13ed8697b3ce23f170e.mp4

>>90428 PF: A pair of USN UC-12M Hurons coming in from Gitmo. 163842 & 44.


>>90438 Why won't President Biden's administration give Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Secret Service protection?

>>90439 George Soros gives invests $300K into network of TikTok activists to praise Joe Biden and push ultra-left ideas on young voters

>>90440, >>90441 CEOs from Alphabet, Walmart, Pfizer meet White House officials on refugees

>>90442 #24023

(22 notables, 33 posts, 24 media/files)

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9f968a No.117995

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19561921 Q Research General #24024: Bogus Smear Campaigns Will Intensify Edition

Created 161708ZSEP23




>>90443 #24024

>>90444, >>90448, >>90460 Any laserfags in here?

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fbaaf0e8e77207b7e4906f7b37f6e1e25d584da6e82314714c2e75a3f7f7849d.pdf

>>90445, >>90449, >>90453, >>90456, >>90457 Texas AG Ken Paxton ACQUITTED on ALL Articles of Impeachment!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i7zum - BOOOOOOOM!!! KEN PAXTON ACQUITTED ON ALL CHARGES!!!🥳🥳🥳LET'S GO!!! [9] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>90446 “I Can’t Wait for This to be Litigated – It’s Going to Highlight the Weaponization of Justice!”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i6hku - Kash Patel on Mobster Jack Smith's Latest Move to Silence Trump: "I Can't Wait for This to be Litigated [2:08] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>90447 Justice Jackson couldn't go 15 seconds without referencing herself in her speech last night

>>90450 PF: GTMO001 on the move.

>>90451 Prosecutors celebrated in court as pro-lifers’ children wept after second DC FACE Act trial


>>90454 San Diego, Border Patrol agents dumping and abandoning entire migrant caravans in parking lots

>>90455 @western_journal Biden clearly (doesn't) want to talk about his son’s indictment

>>90458, >>90459 PF: Call sign SAM839. United States Air Force Gulfstream C-37A 20-1941.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/01b637fe558c58b8bac3ad9caa5efe93cd3a80ce911d07c349614a02c3c1a971.mp4

>>90461 @DonaldJTrumpJr Biden is hiding Delaware visitor logs. Are there secret meetings happening in Delaware?

>>90462, >>90463, >>90465 Paxton statments + scheduled on Tucker next week "Let's go Brandon, we'll see you in court."

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i88ts - LOVE KEN PAXTON!!!😂😂😂 [25] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>90464 PF: Call sign AURA93. USN E-6B Mercury 162783. This flight out of Pautuxent River NAS and headed west.

>>90466 #24024

(15 notables, 24 posts, 22 media/files)

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9f968a No.117996

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19562704 Q Research General #24025: Texas AG Ken Paxton ACQUITTED! Edition

Created 161917ZSEP23




>>90467 #24025

>>90468, >>90470, >>90472, >>90480, >>90484, >>90485, >>90491, >>90494 Lauren Booba Theater MP4 dig and discussion.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5697e564d2f499c198140b9d9a62b104810fb72061e5c7e0f8d9def219cdfdbb.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c4b0d89740b1bc366b94edb28765677f3627e8a8c6a206a72611efa29306b142.mp4

>>90469, >>90478, >>90495 Current COVID dogma - hurray for the new JABS!!

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3600a0125dd1c1ad0d1bef5202b5a6ce8d40923161e7219ba9277b9d2e2aee91.pdf

>>90471, >>90475 Russell Brand accused of raping, sexually assaulting 4 women — including 16-year-old

>>90473 @KobeissiLetter Borrowing more debt is not the solution to high inflation.

>>90474 Kash Patel: The America First Cadre’s About Roll Into Washington DC - full video

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i6zyc - Kash Patel: The America First Cadre’s About Roll Into Washington DC [5:32] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90476 Ukrainian Opposition Lawmaker Arrested on Suspicion of High Treason, Spreading Russian ‘False Narratives’

>>90477 Paul Dans: America’s President Can Only Remove 1% Of The Administrative State. Dans is working with Kash and John McEntee etc. has been working on this close to three years. Bidan etc are trying to shut them down

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i71t8 - Paul Dans: America’s President Can Only Remove 1% Of The Administrative State [13:59] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90479 Panama Canal traffic nearly HALTED due to “drought,” global supply chain NIGHTMARE to unfold

>>90481 Ford CEO Jim Farley On Auto Strike: ‘Transition To EVs’ Is Top Priority Despite Losing $4.5 Billion

>>90482 DJT: “The polls that have been coming out repeatedly show Donald Trump winning over all and Donald Trump significantly ahead in key battleground states.”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i8q3g - Video upload for 111076494937572486 [21] [Channel: hostid1]

>>90483 @realDonaldTrump on Will Cain re Trump re-election

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i8st2 - Video upload for 111076534990870131 [32] [Channel: hostid1]

>>90486 Face masks increase the risk of cardiac arrythmians, more likely more so in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.

>>90487 Freudian slip? Biden says CABINET will work to “increase the number and intensity of extreme weather events"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9dB7ftIODj8 - BIDEN SAYS WE WILL INCREASE NUMBER & INTENSITY OF EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS [Channel: EnvironmentalEducator]

>>90488 Biden Administration Aims To Trump-Proof The Federal Work Force

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i71e2 - Biden Administration Aims To Trump-Proof The Federal Work Force [5:25] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90489 @CodeMonkeyZ Blade Runners fighting on the front lines of the "Climate Wars".

>>90490 "Migration Economy": South American Businessmen, Politicians Making 'Tens Of Millions' On Human Trafficking Empire

>>90492, >>90512 DJT: I want to thank the great Lt. Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick, who served as Judge in the Ken Paxton Trial…

>>90493, >>90499 DJT: ….Attorney General Paxton was fully acquitted on all 16 Impeachment Articles

>>90496, >>90501, >>90509, >>90517 Attorney General Ken Paxton Releases Statement Following His Acquittal

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i74wu - LIVE - VERDICT: Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/16/23 [2:22:30] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90497, >>90503 June 2023: Evaluation of Mask-Induced Cardiopulmonary Stress

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/84187623ec5ef23ca77534755605c31e79fd0dbf9d7f6f2525021b13ea9503d4.pdf

>>90498 PJ Media: Video Resurfaces of Joe and Hunter Biden Talking Business With Potential Clients

>>90500 RINOS who voted FOR Paxton impeachment

>>90502 Interviews with Immigrants from Afghanistan coming through the Darien Gap

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i74ly - The Invasion Through Darien Gap IS The Democrats’ Policy [10:28] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>90504 Australian State Media: Prospect of another 'erratic' Trump presidency prompts call to move faster on AUKUS

>>90505 Dem Governor Deploys National Guard as Thousands of Migrants Flood Into Her State

>>90506 Immigrant children crawling thru razor wire to enter the US

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bfd177aca9864991da371e7f15710658d5ee6e5f27bc075310696997b453a583.mp4

>>90507 Red Voice Media: 36 States Have Contracts With A Clause That Allows Elections To Be Overridden [VIDEO]

>>90508 Maren Morris' Shots at Jason Aldean's 'Small Town' in Music Video Epically Backfire

>>90510, >>90513, >>90515, >>90516 UN Set to Agree New Political Declaration on Pandemics Next Week

>>90511 Artificial Intelligence Power Consumption About to Skyrocket – And No One Is Prepared

>>90514 NC pastor denounces graphic sex ed material in Asheville NC schools

>>90518, >>90519, >>90520 FOX: McCarthy does not have the votes to formally start an impeachment inquiry

>>90521 Bizarre: Trudeau Threatens 'Grocery Tax' To Combat 'Record Profits'



>>90523 Kari Lake Files 74-Page Lawsuit Against Katie Hobbs, Election Officials

>>90524 Rep. Smithee Compares 3 Impeachments in Texas History, Emphasizes Due Process

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7lC8o-kbG1Q - Rep. Smithee Compares 3 Impeachments in Texas History, Emphasizes Due Process [Channel: NTD News]

>>90525 #24025

(38 notables, 59 posts, 56 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117997

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19563500 Q Research General #24026: Impeachment Party Edition

Created 162200ZSEP23




>>90526 #24026

>>90527 Kari Lake with Roseanne

>>90528, >>90568 This Contract Makes the Elections Invalid We can just go Citizens arrest Cops need to just cuff them now

>>90529, >>90532, >>90544, >>90547 THE MAY 2023 VOTE WHICH BEGAN THIS WHOLE CIRCUS IN TEXAS COUNT'EM 60

>>90530, >>90531, >>90550 @realDonaldTrump The Ken Paxton Victory is sooo BIG. WOW!!!

>>90533, >>90534 How big can Trump's lead get?

>>90535 The Great Washington Of Our Time: Trump Is Leading America To The Biggest Victory For Freedom In 240 Years

>>90536 China’s Xi Jinping TERRIFIED He’s Going to Get Assassinated?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mC3LB5CTFlg - China’s Xi Jinping TERRIFIED He’s Going to Get Assassinated [Channel: China Uncensored]

>>90537, >>90538, >>90546, >>90557 Texas State Rep. Calls for House Speaker Dade Phelan to “Step Down” After Acquittal of AG Ken Paxton on All Articles of Impeachment

>>90539 Ivan Illich: The Anti-Christ is the liberal fantasy embodied by the “Institution”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jsW8UQgFOBI - The Antichrist was never a man, but rather the liberal fantasy embodied by the “Institution.” [Channel: sparkgap]

>>90540, >>90541, >>90542, >>90545 Russell Brand Responds After Accusations of Raping, Sexually Assaulting 4 Women, Including 16yrold

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c5964b9945f2c874bfe20d74f30b2bfbaa34656532afe1da756912fe376c071.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/243c28bc299c2ea912fb4af8d2b7de1c29cf9597b0e76232ad651f0aca5b6d30.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=goQD0HE9UfY - 'To be sovereign is to have ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY over our own bodies' | Neil Oliver VS the state [Channel: GBNews]

>>90543, >>90560 U.S. billionaire Elon Musk has agreed to sell a portion of Starlink assets to the DOD/regarding geofencing

>>90548, >>90565, >>90567 Montenegro Police Hunt Suspects in Tunnel Raid on High Court

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OXoVv2cGRoI - Tucker: Why question US obligations to Montenegro [Channel: Fox News]

>>90549 Map Of 'Zombie Drug' Tsunami Consuming America

>>90551, >>90558, >>90563, >>90569 Trump retruths another Q post as a meme. #2178

>>90552 Sounds like the GOPe is mad at Noem endorsing Trump.

>>90553, >>90554, >>90564 REMEMBER YOUR OATH

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tRQ0d3dd4A8 - Oath Of Office 2015 [Channel: National Security Agency]

>>90555 Thousands of pounds of marijuana found hidden inside watermelons

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/867154d7701f430674b908a78a506891430fe20fc5ccfd13760fa7ded76a2feb.mp4

>>90556 2020 NIH extends funding of research into deadly Nipah virus

>>90559 PF updates

>>90561 The battle for fourth place is tight.

>>90562 Parmayxoviridae

>>90566 You're Not Supporting Ukraine Enough Until the Nuclear Blast Hits Your /Face Rules for Rebels

>>90570 #24026

(24 notables, 45 posts, 58 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9f968a No.117998

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19564281 Q Research General #24027: Are you ready to serve your country again? Edition

Created 170055ZSEP23




>>90571 #24027

>>90572 Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger signed an agreement to create a military alliance to ensure security in the Sahel, first anti-colonial alliance of countries on the African continent

>>90573, >>90575 PF reports

>>90574 @KenPaxtonTX statement on today’s Senate acquittal vote

>>90576 Hilton hotel logo symbolism

>>90577, >>90579 Rod Rosenstein's sister is Director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

>>90578 G20 Announces Plan For Worldwide Digital ID And CBDC

>>90580 Massive Mystery Explosion at Key Rail Yard Forces 4-Mile-Wide Evacuation Due to Deadly Chemicals - No Clues Yet

>>90581 Texas Rep. John Smithee Floor Speech on Paxton Impeachment

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yvKQCEx1GBc - John Smithee Floor Speech on Paxton Impeachment [Channel: The Luke Macias Show]

>>90582, >>90584 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

>>90583 What a Coincidence -- Potential RFK Jr Assassin Had Same Last Name as El Chapo’s Wife, Who Was Released from Federal Prison The Day Before

>>90585 Sen. John Kennedy showed up to the NASA UFO press conference mp4s

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b603a42e7e48339f67f73c7659f8b299cdc2a10bd2c0c1d48077639a93fb35ed.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7ef23ea2433e6cb6069870e2ce51a15207ce79db01ba105feb5e4416ac2c0b70.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1cfc851735d78793eef8880c0f66dfb4ef145f73965e334e31fb9f6a5b777ea7.mp4

>>90586 Taliban detains American and 17 others in Afghanistan for ‘propagating and promoting Christianity’

>>90587, >>90588 Donald J. Trump praised 'Sound of Freedom,' an anti-trafficking movie that has proven popular with QAnon conspiracy theorists, at a Christian event on Friday

>>90589 @GenFlynn on Paxton statement: buckling up and getting accountability - get ready!

>>90590 #24027

(16 notables, 20 posts, 28 media/files)

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9f968a No.117999

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19565058 Q Research General #24028: Anons In The Machine Edition

Created 170327ZSEP23




>>90591 #24028

>>90592 DOJ blocks testimony of FBI agent who lied about Hunter laptop

>>90593, >>90595 Less than a week after New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an “emergency” order prohibiting the carrying of firearms in Albuquerque, she has backed down

>>90594, >>90598 Here We Go: Nipah Virus Outbreak Prompts Shutdowns and Containment Zones in Kerala, India

>>90596 Socialist state lawmakers want new "Migrant Taxes" to fund Biden's migrant surge

>>90597, >>90604 MAGAnomics vs Potato

>>90599, >>90601, >>90602 Argentina President Candidate Javier Milei dig

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b11a3b6eb9ac823e944dba394a1b5943686f7ff531ebeaa2d5acd8f4e5141bc1.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9d0fb88487b0e7d85ced5006a5c2e2aa59003f24dd2211e9540538f113a01bdf.mp4

>>90600 Son of drug kingpin 'El Chapo' extradited to United States

>>90603 PF reports: VETO91. USN E-6B Mercury 163918. Squawk 0543. Data shows they have been offshore for 7.5 hours

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1cde9224dca2c63bfc8c83f150bd3d5f8b1ce8c20fc14046889c672dd84ea056.mp4

>>90605 Washington state spends $143 MILLION to get 126 out of homelessness — now Jay Inslee is asking for more

>>90606 The latest ‘Threat to Democracy’: 'The Constitution

>>90607 Kamala Harris Thinks Government Must Enforce Equal Outcomes - Also Known as Communism

>>90608 University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering - “Inverse vaccine” shows potential to treat multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases

>>90609 Multiple hostile aircraft were downed over the Black Sea as well as in Moscow Region, according to the Russian military

>>90610 NATO country Romania moves radar near Ukrainian border and threatens to shoot down Russian aircraft

>>90611 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: I will be the interviewed this morning on Meet the Press, NBC. Enjoy!

>>90612 The state of California is suing the oil companies BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell and ConocoPhillips and their trade group

>>90613 #24028

(18 notables, 23 posts, 35 media/files)

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9f968a No.118000

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19565826 Q Research General #24029: Donald J. Trump on Meet The Press This Morning, Enjoy The Show! Edition

Created 170637ZSEP23




>>90614, >>90615, >>90617, >>90618, >>90619, >>90620, >>90621, >>90622 Scavino/DJT/Q deltas/Nunes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5SiJg43j2nk - AWOLNATION - Sail, 10th Anniversary [Audio] [Channel: Red Bull Records]

>>90616 #24029

>>90623 Muck warnin on AI

>>90624 Biden made a last-minute decision to link the firing of Shokin - who was investigating Burisma – to the $1 billion loan guarantee

>>90625 ICYMI: Biden gaffe or did he actually tell us what they're doing? weather

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b961b4a0a784634a14a74556a52994d23a93d887e9e76f82676d4b9f061e78af.mp4

>>90626 It is necessary for Congress to gauge the extent to which FBI agents coerced, pressured, worked with, or relied upon social media and other tech companies

>>90627 In the key swing states of Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Nevada, and Michigan, Trump notched a 6% lead over Biden

>>90628 A bizarre way to visualize gravity on different Solar System's celestial bodies

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6b018e91d24d7181bc722baa9f9b55327f3c82a9605625817abddddf2712feb5.mp4

>>90629 If Governor Gavin Newsom signs SB 799 into law, strikers would be eligible for receiving unemployment benefits two weeks into a strike.

>>90630 National Cheeseburger Day Is Tomorrow & According To The Simpsons IT’S A TRAP

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b36124373c39db9c7c22eb989fe7c22454a715977360d685409fffa1250df9d2.mp4

>>90631 Tim Ballard, the ex-Department of Homeland Security agent featured in the film "Sound of Freedom," is mulling a run for Senate in Utah

>>90632, >>90652 University of Chicago Professor Finds Trump’s Open Support of Q “Extremely Disturbing”/LMAO, anons DGAF

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v1kl311-university-of-chicago-professor-finds-trumps-open-support-of-q-extremely-di.html - University of Chicago Professor Finds Trump’s Open Support of Q “Extremely Disturbing” [2:26] [Channel: Chief Nerd]

>>90633 2016 MYSTERIOUS Flower That Blooms Every 3,000 YEARS Spotted Across Globe

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CNwwtZCNRPI - MYSTERIOUS Flower That Blooms Every 3,000 YEARS Spotted Across Globe [Channel: Beyond Science 2]

>>90634 2019 The White House 45 Archived Soon...

>>90635, >>90636, >>90637, >>90638 Immunisation Agenda 2030: Bill Gates’ latest plan to vaccinate every man, woman and child on Earth

>>90639 Ohio priest urges voters to reject ‘demonic’ pro-abortion amendment, send it ‘back to hell’

>>90640 GOP Reps Release 22 Examples Of Biden’s Corruption After Dems Claim There’s No Evidence

>>90641 IRS watchdog rips into Biden’s false pledge that $80B would not be used to audit average Americans

>>90642 The Armed Man Who Tried to Enter the @RobertKennedyJr Event Last Night Has Been Identified as 44-Year-Old Adrian Paul Aispuro

>>90643, >>90644, >>90645 Texas Lt. Gov. Unloads on ‘Indefensible’ Paxton Impeachment

>>90646 81 M votes?????

>>90647 Trump: "I will terminate every open border policy of the Biden administration and commence the largest deportation operation in American history. We have no choice. This is not sustainable…

>>90648 Colombian elected officials charging millions on packages to guide migrants toward US border

>>90649, >>90654, >>90662 Rig For Red Delta

>>90650 X is complying with more German requests compared to pre-acquisition when it comes to identifying users in Hate speech cases

>>90651 Italy has called a 6 month State of Emergency as the George Soros led invasion escalates…

>>90653 Kamala Harris Thinks Government Must Enforce Equal Outcomes - Also Known as Communism

>>90655 Just in case you were wondering corporations are working with the government against you…

>>90656 The Relentless Regularity of Irregular Warfare

>>90657 Air Force to fall short of annual training goal by about 120 pilots

>>90658 @realDonaldTrump I will be the interviewed this morning on Meet the Press, NBC. Enjoy!

>>90659 Coach Deion Sanders has banned mask mandates for players and staff at the University of Colorado

>>90660 Grassley 90 today

>>90661 "I don't like using names of peoples doubles."- TRUMP

>>90663, >>90666 @ChuckGrassley harvest update #cornwatch

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f449a71c98a93ef91fea86c92d9ff91249fe9ee0503966a7e8be34a2e65b0d35.mp4

>>90664 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will leave Tehran for New York on Sunday night to attend the 78th session of the UN General Assembly.

>>90665 Smart Dieting

>>90667 George Soros funded Joe Biden’s ‘TikTok Army’

>>90668 Biden to meet with Netanyahu at UN General Assembly for first face-to-face meeting since Israeli PM returned to office

>>90669, >>90676, >>90677 PF updates

>>90670 Congress addresses another victim of COVID pandemic: the doctor-patient relationship

>>90671 Machete and knife fighting in Chicago on "Mexican Independence Day."

>>90672 Protesters march at Jesse Hall after MU Health Care stops gender-affirming care for minors

>>90673, >>90674 2022 AG Paxton Investigates Texas Bar Foundation for Facilitating Mass Influx of Illegal Aliens/karma bites

>>90675 @GenFlynn “White, Black and Brown, it’s time to UNITE”

>>90678 Zelensky and Lavrov might cross paths at UN

>>90679 Donald Trump on Nancy Pelosi’s failures on J6, “She’s responsible for January 6th”

>>90680, >>90681 Trump talks to Kristen Welker about the charges brought against him in Florida, Georgia, Washington DC and New York, in an exclusive interview with Meet the Press.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6ddb47bbf16bc1c9c26b1cd3a08c65e35d088677532cb46e934a903799cc1493.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/69eb53af388fe182b6b168537eeb8fe4d9dfe71da2fdc8b7ad63036afbe0701d.mp4

>>90682 #24029

(49 notables, 69 posts, 63 media/files)

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9f968a No.118001

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19566639 Q Research General #24030: Easy Q Sunday Edition

Created 171353ZSEP23




>>90683 #24030-A

>>90684, >>90731 Megadeath: the global conspiracy to kill every living thing until we submit.

>>90685, >>90686, >>90738 dasting deltas today

>>90687, >>90693 Zelensky rival charged with treason

>>90688 Billy Miller, Daytime Emmy-Winning Y&R and GH Vet, Dead at 43

>>90689 'In darkness we find light': As missiles fall, Jews in Ukraine mark Rosh Hashana

>>90690 Trump says it was his 'decision' to believe 2020 election was rigged

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8ad284c3d5a8eb4a188b8ed58a06cf0488d4be287e9f374b67150e27ff19f149.mp4

>>90691 Trump: ‘I could have had a pardon’ before leaving office

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7dbe390078b31e4aa08cea6fbd01d88bc6514fb14dfc9c86584129ab08cd52f7.mp4

>>90692 Trump: Hunter Biden had ‘deal of the century’ until indictment news

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1c79edc1433eae13fc7312566c23e657c003ddae07e2b1032edb3147cf96ac58.mp4

>>90694 Massachusetts 'Right to Shelter' law is stated to be ...

>>90695 Connecticut Democrat Primary Election Scandal: Police Launch Investigation into Fraud

>>90696 Cruisin the Orcas

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DstWZY_eUOc - Extended audio: Horizon employee talks with air traffic control in cockpit [Channel: KING 5]

>>90697 Climate activists spray-painted the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d0705f5ec7b32ad27ea4c93bf5d846ec0e8cc1adf7ff0c0cad01d5bd55dad245.mp4

>>90698 Woman Who Attempted To Assassinate Trump Learns Her Prison Sentence, 262 months, which is nearly 22 years

>>90699 Hawaii Gov to O'Keefe Media Group: Right to jail!

>>90700 Nation vs Republic

>>90701 Capitol Hill warned to be on high alert after suspected Beijing espionage plot was uncovered in British parliament

>>90702 @thejimwatkins Suppression of Reach is Suppression of Speech

>>90703, >>90713 Who Are the Newly Revealed Jeffrey Epstein Associates?

>>90704 MSNBC reports more Americans support Biden's impeachment inquiry than those who oppose it:

>>90705 a L.A. County Sheriff’s deputy was ambushed and shot in the back of his head while in his patrol car

>>90706, >>90734, >>90737 Grassley: "I think harvesting is going to start two or three weeks ahead of normal."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4aa0d34ea8b4557f68651270e460f8650adf2d730dd3a80fd118d81094206379.mp4

>>90707 NFSC Exclusive Intelligence: At 1 AM yesterday, CCP's Defense Minister Li Shangfu was arrested by Xi, alongside over 200 PLA Rocket Force associates

>>90708 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Moon Mountains Magnified during Ring of Fire Eclipse

>>90709 Gaetz: It’s disappointing that @SpeakerMcCarthy is spending one of his final Sundays as Speaker lying about me on Fox.

>>90710, >>90711 Homeland Security Publishes Guidance for Using Artificial Intelligence as Tool for Surveillance, Monitoring and Tracking of American Citizens


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3igii8 -ALL WARS ARE BANKSTER WARS[4:11] [Channel: chestercat01]

>>90714 Las Vegas hit-and-run death of cyclist Andreas Probst was intentional, video shows

>>90715, >>90717 Milley says China's spy balloon got no intel

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mTq2FwiSq5o - China's spy balloon: What we've learned [Channel: CBS Sunday Morning]

>>90716 The Left's Hatred of Trump Will Elect Him President Again55

>>90718 What makes invermectin a kick ass anti-viral

>>90719 Video Resurfaces of Joe and Hunter Biden Talking Business With Potential Clients

>>90720 MAUI police chief John Pelletier's background

>>90721, >>90744 PF

>>90722 SURPRISE: @KariLake team recorded the entire live-stream of testing AZ machines to make sure they FAILED with paper jams and rejected ballots

>>90723 Blue roofs images in Maui - seem to do well in fire, who knew?

>>90724 Biden: "The job’s not done."

>>90725, >>90739 Liz Crokin on Boebert's date - was he paid to set her up?

>>90726 Biden re Pact Act

>>90727 Musk: How did most of the legacy media go from superheroes of free speech to supervillains of speech suppression?

>>90728 Re Covid: In FOUR MONTHS, the US was transformed into an obedient socialist country

>>90729 Loomer: Why is @RonDeSantis allowing a map that tracks children in the state of Florida who aren’t vaccinated due to religious exemptions?

>>90730 Biden Admin Breaks Eagle Pass All Time Record for Migrant Apprehensions

>>90732 ‘Real Genius’ Actor Gabriel Jarret Caught in Underage Sting Operation

>>90733, >>90745 Million Man March - Sept 20 2023 school walkout, coast to coast in Canada

>>90735 Biden ethics official Jeanne Duross donated $1,000 to Virginia 'porn Dem' Susanna Gibson who livestreamed her X-rated videos with husband

>>90736 DeSantis Backers Jenna Ellis & Steve Deace Rant About Founding Fathers Being in Hell for Not Repenting Over Slavery

>>90740 No more Senate dress code, can't embarrass Fetterman no siree! No more Senate dress code, can't embarrass Fetterman no siree!

>>90741 Logan re Fauci admitting Covid vaxxes cause myocarditis: "Do people deserve justice?"

>>90742 #24030-A

>>90743 Q Clock Today - Jumpin' Jack Flash

>>90746 #24030-B

(52 notables, 64 posts, 70 media/files)

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9f968a No.118002

File: 13914b05d72e381⋯.png (344.78 KB,993x564,331:188,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19567504 Q Research General #24031: Surprise - Lake Team Recorded Machine Testing Fuckery! Edition

Created 171757ZSEP23




>>90747 #24031

>>90748, >>90776 US using NATO to ‘absorb’ countries – Moscow

>>90749, >>90762 'Chinese' balloon (had no correlation with following wildfires) -- US military chief affirms

>>90750 Connecticut Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Clerk Dumping Multiple Illegal Absentee Ballots Into a Drop Box

>>90751, >>90765 Creepy twins with ties to Jay-Z, De Niro upsetting NYC parents as they creep around kids at playground

>>90752 Chechen leader dismisses media reports about poor health

>>90753 Here's The Climate Dissent You're Not Hearing About Because It's Muffled By Society's Top Institutions

>>90754, >>90769, >>90772, >>90788, >>90789, >>90791, >>90796 Mama Bears Have Had Enough, Stop Teaching LGBT In Our Schools, NOW!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/50634bf21a2795ad2058029016b09e0c832522017a0ff683c00e68d08d7af982.mp4

>>90755, >>90771 PF: Call sign ROKT + Call sign PENT97. USN E-6B Mercury 164407 now up from Travis AFB. Squawking 0625.

>>90756 Former Ambassadors Peter Hoekstra and Joseph Cella Call for Investigation into CCP-Linked Gotion

>>90757, >>90778 Commemorating Constitution Day and Citizenship Day

>>90758 STRONG DELUSION Loza Alexander Feat. Drake & 21 Savage AI

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VL5ZmAS9Rzs - STRONG DELUSION Loza Alexander Feat. Drake & 21 Savage AI [Channel: Loza Alexander]

>>90759 GOP Senators Cotton, Wicker, Collins, and Graham Urge Joe Biden to Send Tactical Missile Systems to Ukraine: “Not Doing So Will Only Prolong the War”

>>90760 Are they removing OTC medication to promote the next scamvax?

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/TagpcqNaW0mZ/ - The FDA are having some very interesting medications pulled from store shelves [0:59] [Channel: ApplesIsland]

>>90761 Ukraine seeking to dislodge Russia from uranium market (HRC sold our Uranium to Russia)

>>90763, >>90764, >>90766, >>90770 LIVE Escaping Communism Seminar

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gkVHDNtjEu0 - Venezuela, My Story…Your Future? | Andrés Guilarte LIVE at the Escaping Communism Seminar [Channel: Young America's Foundation]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ig-iZjVFzeM - Beyond the North Korean Bubble | Seohyun Lee LIVE at the Escaping Communism Seminar [Channel: Young America's Foundation]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=srLb3gtvegs - Real Socialism is Systemic Misery by Design | Helen Raleigh LIVE at the Escaping Communism Seminar [Channel: Young America's Foundation]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CejlaMn4c64 - America: Never a Communist Country | Governor Scott Walker LIVE at the Escaping Communism Seminar [Channel: Young America's Foundation]

>>90767 "We Dare Not Keep Silent": ATF Releases Anti-Gun Rule For Public Comment

>>90768 AG Garland is the 'greatest mob attorney the mob could ever hope for': Levin - Fox News

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mDVwmntXRrY - AG Garland is the 'greatest mob attorney the mob could ever hope for': Levin [Channel: Fox News]

>>90773 14 Dead in Plane Crash in Brazil yesterday

>>90774 Pharma Doctors now promote Sodium deficiency

>>90775 Wife/Mom stuck in Liberia. Liberia authorized adoption but US Embassy will not let child come with new parents.

>>90777, >>90781 JOE BIDEN DISQUALIFIED - An Anonymous Legal Expert

>>90779 U.K. health agency 'closely' monitoring deadly virus in India, has up to 75% fatality rate

>>90780 Gen Flynn: Is the CCP about to implode?

>>90783 Apple ad blasted for suggestion people be … eliminated!

>>90784 [MIRROR] The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)

>>90785 'Don't believe Crime Minister Netanyahu' political message projected on UN building in New York ahead of Israeli PM's visit

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bc7605ef1a992f5efebe4c1bcdcf264271eab4b9f6c99a5882ef423520121747.mp4

>>90786 White House Gives Biden’s Stance On Pardoning Son If He’s Convicted Of Crimes

>>90787, >>90793 RE: Congressional Probe Jack smith

>>90790 Resurfaced clip from 2005 shows Joe and Hunter Biden discussing business IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA.

>>90792 Fun Fact of the Day We gave more money to Ukraine than Russia spent on the war last year

>>90794 Is Russell Brand getting the Julian Assange treatment?

>>90795 DELTA 9/17/22 Youngstown Ohio Trump Rally where Flag without stars appeared in Trump's entry hall and media first pointed out the "QAnon Song"

>>90797, >>90798 The judge in Guantánamo’s 9/11 case, Air Force Col. Matthew McCall, is retiring.

>>90799 Biden’s America: Child Poverty Rate Has More Than Doubled in a Year, US Census Bureau Reports

>>90800 BREAKING: Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown is missing

>>90801 House Passes Bill Prohibiting States From Banning, Limiting Sale of Gas Powered Vehicles

>>90802 What are the blue traffic lights for?

>>90803 #24031

(39 notables, 56 posts, 63 media/files)

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9f968a No.118003

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19568276 Q Research General #24032: The Show Must Go On Edition

Created 172036ZSEP23




>>90804 #24032

>>90805 Meet the Press: Full Trump Interview

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JOCRo97NoJ8 - Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’ [Channel: NBC News]

>>90806 What the heck is going on in Chicago?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7060aa8d0d96ff4d9864be6572f73977d558067f18d21f72ad7e1fafb16cdc60.mp4

>>90807 The United States Constitution was constructed on September 17, 1787. 236 years ago today.

>>90808 SARS, gain of function research, ACE2 receptor, Chapel Hill, Wuhan

>>90809 A Jan. 6 rioter was convicted and sentenced in secret. No one will say why

>>90810 Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery

>>90811 Criminal breaking into our country Dies After Falling From 30-Foot Tall US-Mexico Border Wall

>>90812 Armed Man Lawfully Protests Outside of Joe Biden's Delaware Home

>>90813 Los Angeles Spends $44,000 Per 'Temporary' Tent For Homeless Village

>>90814 Trump Blasts ‘Slime Balls’ Who Sued to Keep Him Off Colorado Ballot

>>90815 McCarthy: Trump Will Be 2024 GOP Nominee, DeSantis ‘Not at the Same Level’

>>90816 Nancy Mace: ‘Everything Is on the Table’ When it Comes to McCarthy’s Speakership

>>90817 McCarthy: White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points

>>90818 WINNING: Texas AG Sends Threatening Warning to Biden After Being Cleared From Impeachment Charges

>>90819 Bidenflation Has Caused A Drastic Number of Americans to Live In Poverty


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3igii8 -ALL WARS ARE BANKSTER WARS[4:11] [Channel: chestercat01]

>>90821 Trump considers joining auto workers on strike in Michigan


>>90823 WWI-era plane crashes at American Heritage Museum in Stow, Massachusetts.

>>90824 WATCH 🚨 Video shows FerroMex train with massive number of migrants out of Zacatecas, Mexico heading to US southern border

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d31b42d9e938913585beffc97c7047df9e0b9f663c136bac17a04d4170832507.mp4

>>90825 Former AG Ed Meese Submits Court Declaration Calling Prosecution of Trump DOJ Official Jeff Clark ‘A Major Affront to Federal Supremacy Never Seen Before’

>>90826 NBC News mocked for report revealing doctors finding it 'increasingly difficult to distinguish COVID from allergies or the common cold'

>>90827 Fire engulfs Greater Nile Petroleum Oil Company Tower in Sudan's capital as rival forces battle

>>90828 PF: Call sign PIANO KEY all stations EAM force direction message for USN E-6B Mercury 164407 call sign PENT97.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d64cd357c06feab9af5de29b3698a2f841cd1b3db0a7d257efa37f863f9f5db3.mp4

>>90829 #24032

(26 notables, 26 posts, 28 media/files)

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9f968a No.118004

File: 5bc3d6ef8870a19⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19569036 Q Research General #24033: FerroMex train of migrants heading to US southern border Edition

Created 172346ZSEP23




>>90830 #24033

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JOCRo97NoJ8 - Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’ [Channel: NBC News]

>>90831 Donald Trump took ownership for his actions following the 2020 election

>>90832 "In the Great Depression, homes were x3 the average salary. Now it's x8. A car was 46% of a salary.

>>90833 PF update

>>90834 End Times News

>>90835 So the stealth works. Lost or laundered to Ukraine? Government loses F-35 somewhere in South Carolina After Pilot Ejects

>>90836 Heartbeat law a terrible thing???

>>90837 Obama Era Official Drops Bombshell About Biden White House! | Allen West Exclusive

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/BvxOv7y3w6Va/ - Obama Era Official Drops Bombshell About Biden White House! | Allen West Exclusive 9-17-23 Stephen G [25:50] [Channel: levtcs]

>>90838 CT: Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Cle…

>>90839 Classical Liberalism, CIA Libertarianism, & CIA Marxism w/ Jay Dyer | The Courtenay Turner Show

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3gsoae - Ep. 306: Classical Liberalism, CIA Libertarianism, & CIA Marxism w/ Jay Dyer | The Courtenay Turner Show [59:28] [Channel: CourtenayTurner]

>>90840 Electronic correction of voter-marked paper ballot

>>90841 Ukraine’s drone attacks on Crimea, Moscow thwarted

>>90842 Migrants on Lampedusa, Italy are setting up barricades and establishing territorial control over certain areas of the island

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e1fd8a9db44e85be7addffa91b4cfa7a67c1c41373b749785190be0cbc224df6.mp4

>>90843 Florida GOP Drops Loyalty Oath, Giving Big Win To Trump Over DeSantis.

>>90844 Newsom is eyeing a change to the United States Constitution, The amendment would enshrine a list of Democratic gun-control policy priorities into federal law.

>>90845 “In the last 24 hours, the California legislature has passed not one, not two, but four bills that are designed to remove children from their homes and into government systems

>>90846 The Left Will Devour Itself --- Just Ask Rolling Stone's Jann Wenner

>>90847 Democrats may dump Joe Biden, but they still own his extreme policies

>>90848 Russian top spy reveals CIA contacts

>>90849 Chinese Police Move in on Evergrande Firm, Detain Wealth Management Staff

>>90850 Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery/loop capital???

>>90851 ‘Prepare For a Long War’ -- NATO Chief Issues Stark Warning

>>90852 General Flynn & Malik Obama Interview: Barack Obama's Older Half-Brother Discusses: What Country Is Barack Obama From?

>>90853 Nashville elects Tennessee’s first openly transgender politician. Olivia Hill, 57, a military veteran

>>90854 The Demons of Davos

>>90855 2022 President Trump's 1776 Report

>>90856, >>90858 AT-6 Mid Air collision in the pattern following the AT-6 Gold Race.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Uk8z7EtGiAA - September 17, 2023 UPDATE Races Cancelled [Channel: blancolirio]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xymLwDBSXws - 2023 Reno Air Races T-6 Mid Air Collision (Tragically Pilots Confirmed as Deceased) (Video #1) [Channel: Rain]

>>90857 trans-exclusionary radical feminist aka TERF's.Trans rights activists shout 'F**k the TERFs' as clash with radical feminist group hosting conference at San Francisco Hilton

>>90859 Yale University student acquitted of rape SUES accuser for $110MILLION in defamation

>>90860 GOP Neocon Senators Tom Cotton and Lindsey Graham Send Letter to Joe Biden Begging for More US Missiles for Ukraine

>>90861, >>90862 2017 Wikileaks Reveals Saudi Arabia and Qatar Giving Money to both Clinton and ISIS

>>90863, >>90874 Israeli Lobbyist Advocates False Flag Attack To Start A War With Iran

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ySIiuej3hMs - WWIII - Israeli Lobbyist Advocates False Flag Attack To Start A War With Iran [Channel: The Watchman Wire]

>>90864 For some time, Trump has been systematically mispronouncing "True the Vote" as "True TO Vote"..

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JOCRo97NoJ8 - Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’ [Channel: NBC News]

>>90865, >>90866, >>90869 2014 [The Communist Strategy Of Deception And Disinformation]

>>90867 Canada in crisis: gangs steal cars EVERY SIX MINUTES to ship overseas

>>90868 The Biden Blitzkrieg Bop! 10 Red Flags Point To Looming Recession Under Bidenomics

>>90870 Cure for Prion diseases exists in the GUT and BACTERIA

>>90871, >>90877, >>90878, >>90881, >>90882 F-35 stealth fighter lost in mid-flight ‘mishap’/no crash, on autopilot

>>90872 Timofey Bordachev: Here’s why events in Vladivostok prove that Russia has reached a new stage in its turn to the East

>>90873 Australian workers extend gas strike

>>90875, >>90876 As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols without even flinching.

>>90879 You Can’t Make This Up:Doctors Are Now Struggling to Differentiate Between Covid, Allergies, and Common Cold-- ‘We Only Knew It Was Covid Because We Tested’

>>90880 The man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b3b5b6ced4aa8bcf0c1a46fb159acb30045b0874ee2499f26f1cf2f4ba55590f.mp4

>>90883 #24033

(44 notables, 54 posts, 59 media/files)

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