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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

495d0e No.51577 [Last50 Posts]

17SEP23 to 20SEP23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

495d0e No.90783

File: 8ca3d647c4c491c⋯.png (277.2 KB,555x516,185:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567749 (171845ZSEP23) Notable: Apple ad blasted for suggestion people be … eliminated!

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Apple ad blasted for suggestion people be … eliminated!

'Our aim is to permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere'

A new global warming-inspired video from Apple that promotes the company's green ideology is being blasted for its comment that can be read as a suggestion that humans be eliminated.

In fact, all "carbon," which includes living things.

Humans, in fact, are a carbon-based life form.

Only Zoology states, "Carbon is the most important element of life. About 18% mass composition of the human body is composed of carbon. … Carbon is a prominent structural element of the various important molecules like carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acids, and proteins in our body. Not only humans but Carbon is also a primary component of all known life on Earth. Carbon represents approximately 45–50% of all dry biomass on earth."

It shows Apple executives being confronted by "Mother Nature" about their green ideologies and agendas.

At one point, an executive is talking about planting "forests" and grass in various locations around the world. She states, "Our aim is to permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere."

The company previously had set as a goal of establishing a carbon footprint of zero in coming years, and boasts now of having one product that is carbon-neutral.

However, a commentary by Mike Adams at Brighteon charges that removing all carbon from the atmosphere would involve the elimination of human, of animals, even plant species.

Adams describes Cook as an "eco-terrorist" and charges his ad calls "for the extermination of life on earth."

"This is the result of the climate cult run amok," he said. "Also, of course, LGBT corporate executives who don't know anything about reality … or real science."

Cook, in posting the video online, said, "At Apple, we believe that climate change is one of the world's most urgent priorities and we are deeply committed to doing our part. Today we had a special guest – a real force of nature – stop by to check on our progress."

That "guest" was "Mother Nature," who brags that her weather coming in was whatever she wanted it to me. Then she questions various corporate officials about their climate change ideologies.


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495d0e No.90784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567752 (171846ZSEP23) Notable: [MIRROR] The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)

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>>>/qresearch/19564499 PB



the narrator grows on you

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495d0e No.90785

File: 669c244fbcc8a46⋯.png (326.19 KB,1006x1291,1006:1291,Clipboard.png)

File: bc7605ef1a992f5⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567755 (171846ZSEP23) Notable: 'Don't believe Crime Minister Netanyahu' political message projected on UN building in New York ahead of Israeli PM's visit

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WATCH 🚨 'Don't believe Crime Minister Netanyahu' projected on UN building in New York ahead of Israeli PM's visit

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495d0e No.90786

File: 6854ab3e4d4fa62⋯.png (205.07 KB,444x369,148:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567765 (171847ZSEP23) Notable: White House Gives Biden’s Stance On Pardoning Son If He’s Convicted Of Crimes

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White House Gives Biden’s Stance On Pardoning Son If He’s Convicted Of Crimes

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Friday that President Joe Biden will not consider commuting or pardoning his son, Hunter Biden, if he is convicted of the crimes he is accused of committing.

Special counsel David Weiss filed charges against Hunter Biden this week stemming from a firearm-related incident from when Joe Biden was vice president in the Obama administration.

The indictment charges the president’s son with three crimes related to false statements made on a federal application to purchase a firearm. The charges relate to a time when, in October 2018, Hunter claimed he was clean of drugs to purchase a handgun. He later wrote in his memoir that he was addicted to crack cocaine at the time.

“Would the president pardon or commute his son if he’s convicted?” a reporter asked.

“So, I’ve answered this question before, it was asked of me not too long ago, a couple of weeks ago,” she said. “And I was very clear, and I said, ‘no.'”

Two of the counts carry max sentences of 10 years in prison, while the third carries a max sentence of five years, according to NBC News. The stiff sentences are a sharp contrast to the agreement worked out under the plea deal that was blown up in federal court by a judge. The plea agreement would have freed Hunter from jail time and instead put him in a diversion program that, if completed successfully, would have wiped the gun charges from his record.

Hunter, “knowing that he was an unlawful user of and addicted to any stimulant, narcotic drug, and any other controlled substance … did knowingly possess a firearm, that is, a Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver,” the indictment says.

Weiss signaled earlier this month that he was looking at charges against Hunter related to lying on a federal firearm registration form and owning a gun illegally. Weiss wrote in a notice to Judge Maryellen Noreika in Delaware that he was considering charging the Biden heir with gun charges, though Weiss did not mention other charges related to Hunter’s overseas business dealings or taxes that are the subject of an ongoing corruption investigation by House Republicans. Hunter’s failed plea deal struck with Weiss included two misdemeanor tax charges as well.


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495d0e No.90787

File: 7de447f0c763155⋯.png (819.59 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: dff5e877920cd50⋯.jpeg (406.88 KB,1234x1365,1234:1365,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567768 (171848ZSEP23) Notable: RE: Congressional Probe Jack smith

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it was notables a few days ago?

In one jurisdiction, he had been "let go" "dismissed"

You have to be a lawyer to check credentials in every state.

I din't do that.

But i thought if he was barred in one, hey, who knows?

He's already breaking the law right and left.

Is he even a U.S. citizen

I've thought of that in regard to other high profile perps who seem to have charmed existences.




has anyone checked their paperwork lately?

Can't trust the F raud B e our I nstitution, at all

A lot of DeepState get away with public belief that they are lawyers when they are not

cf William Pepper.

British Barrister, not an USA lawyer, but he "got away" with the feint in the King family case against the U.S. government for wrongfull death of Martin Luther King.

Post . notable was on the 12th

main stream media ., all media I could normal search engine are pushing John Smith as a success with Prosecutions. And we all know he's not.


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495d0e No.90788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567777 (171850ZSEP23) Notable: Mama Bears Have Had Enough, Stop Teaching LGBT In Our Schools, NOW!

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Go get'em MomaBear

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495d0e No.90789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567835 (171902ZSEP23) Notable: Mama Bears Have Had Enough, Stop Teaching LGBT In Our Schools, NOW!

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The best video on the internet, I’ve shared it to send around the world

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495d0e No.90790

File: f60364f4bc33790⋯.png (190.34 KB,544x499,544:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567840 (171903ZSEP23) Notable: Resurfaced clip from 2005 shows Joe and Hunter Biden discussing business IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA.

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Watch Joe Biden discussing “the weather.”

Resurfaced clip from 2005 shows Joe and Hunter Biden discussing business IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA.


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495d0e No.90791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567908 (171915ZSEP23) Notable: Mama Bears Have Had Enough, Stop Teaching LGBT In Our Schools, NOW!

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For Students, what needs to go viral…is that this flag exposes which teachers are pedophiles in their schools and law enforcement should be called on these predators. They are teachers wanting to victimize children. Should absolutely be against the law! Fortunately, we’re seeing more and more of them raising their hands to be prosecuted for their crime against children!

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495d0e No.90792

File: 3711d1a9fd86460⋯.png (403.17 KB,599x748,599:748,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567918 (171916ZSEP23) Notable: Fun Fact of the Day We gave more money to Ukraine than Russia spent on the war last year

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Wall Street Silver


Fun Fact of the Day: 🔥🔥🔥

"We gave more money to Ukraine than Russia spent on the war last year"

BlackRock & Vanguard are profiting immensely from this conflict continuing as long as possible🚨🚨🚨

7:32 AM · Sep 17, 2023




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495d0e No.90793

File: b3697b7523a383d⋯.png (1.33 MB,924x7604,231:1901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567928 (171918ZSEP23) Notable: RE: Congressional Probe Jack smith

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head sot on the right shows up no where on Tin Eye.

wonder where it came from?

Can't find the article.

not in qresear.ch

must have been a meme / graphic that I neglected to download

I remember it was late at night, last thing I did.

The pic on the right is from the article

this is all I could find so far

not it


Congressional Probe Jack smith

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495d0e No.90794

File: 85ae22d652fbf4a⋯.png (440.58 KB,598x661,598:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567957 (171923ZSEP23) Notable: Is Russell Brand getting the Julian Assange treatment?

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Herd Immunity News🇬🇧🇺🇸


Comment: Russell Brand spoke out against the lockdowns, adverse reactions from JABS and obvious political/corporate corruption. Brand is now getting the Julian Assange treatment - via multiple rape allegations. How original.

Meanwhile the likes of Hunter Biden and the contents of his laptop, are completely ignored by the toxic legacy media.

At first blush, this is the mother of all stitch ups.



11:38 PM · Sep 16, 2023




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495d0e No.90795

File: 41baec528a65750⋯.png (1.41 MB,1227x717,409:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 43775428b46192d⋯.png (79.15 KB,241x594,241:594,Clipboard.png)

File: bd417a74758c979⋯.png (1.64 MB,1215x1893,405:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e2fe043eec152a⋯.png (249.21 KB,489x634,489:634,Clipboard.png)

File: 47ce1e31b756695⋯.png (2.21 MB,1070x3020,107:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567959 (171923ZSEP23) Notable: DELTA 9/17/22 Youngstown Ohio Trump Rally where Flag without stars appeared in Trump's entry hall and media first pointed out the "QAnon Song"

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>>90685 (pb)

>>90686 (pb)

>>90738 (pb)

>dasting deltas today

Youngstown fag would like to add this one too.

one-year delta9/17/22 Youngstown Ohio Trump Rally whereFlag without stars appearedin Trump's entry hall and media first pointed out the "QAnon Song" being played and accusedd so-called cult-like crowd of doing creepy Hitler Salute.

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495d0e No.90796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567972 (171926ZSEP23) Notable: Mama Bears Have Had Enough, Stop Teaching LGBT In Our Schools, NOW!

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good for Mama Bear, we need to take back the schools.


had a friend who taught in very BLUE city, in the public school sys

came back from all district seminar where teachers were told their students weren't learning because teachers were white & privileged

that was SEVEN years ago

she retired early

at this point, any teacher in a public school in many states is likely compelled to teach CRT, etc.

Many older teachers don't go along with it, although there must be some lifelong communists who would

In the end, needs to be addressed at the policy-making level but parents making a fuss will eventually catch their eye

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495d0e No.90797

File: 5275db921cdfb9c⋯.png (326.75 KB,600x538,300:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d0cd10fc252189⋯.png (265.79 KB,600x520,15:13,Clipboard.png)

File: e6dd8a0042ba0d6⋯.png (43.74 KB,600x323,600:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19567998 (171931ZSEP23) Notable: The judge in Guantánamo’s 9/11 case, Air Force Col. Matthew McCall, is retiring.

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Carol Rosenberg


Sep 16

JUST IN: The judge in Guantánamo’s 9/11 case, Air Force Col. Matthew McCall, is retiring. He leaves the case in April. We learn this as war court personnel are assembling at Andrews airbase for Judge McCall’s third round of public hearings in the case.

Now heading to Guantánamo Bay for the first open hearings in the 9/11 case in 22 months: Prosecution and defense teams, the judge and his staff, 9/11 families, seven designated media members from Germany, Korea and the USA and 1 law student observer.

Good afternoon from Guantánamo Bay. The war court shuttle carrying around 110 passengers has arrived following a 75-minute delayed departure for next week’s pretrial hearing in the Sept. 11 case.

Today’s flight departed five hours after the media’s assigned predawn show-up time. Inflight meal: pasta and shrimp or shrimp and pasta. Inflight movie: A back of the seat player selection, including Guy Ritchie’s “The Covenant.” And “Lego Batman.”


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495d0e No.90798

File: 414b4131e946d3b⋯.png (1.17 MB,1043x695,1043:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568009 (171934ZSEP23) Notable: The judge in Guantánamo’s 9/11 case, Air Force Col. Matthew McCall, is retiring.

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>The judge in Guantánamo’s 9/11 case, Air Force Col. Matthew McCall, is retiring.

April, next year?


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495d0e No.90799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568012 (171935ZSEP23) Notable: Biden’s America: Child Poverty Rate Has More Than Doubled in a Year, US Census Bureau Reports

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Biden’s America: Child Poverty Rate Has More Than Doubled in a Year, US Census Bureau Reports

New data shows that even as President Joe Biden proclaims Bidenomics has transformed America for the better, that’s not necessarily so.

According to data from the Census Bureau, according to what is known as the Supplemental Poverty Measure, America’s child poverty rate more than doubled from 2021 to 2022. The rate was 5.2 percent in 2021 and 12.4 percent in 2022.

The supplemental measure of poverty, according to the Census, was below the official measure of poverty in 38 states, higher in three, and more or less the same in nine.

In releasing the data, the Census said that “the expiration of temporary expansions to the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) as well as the end of pandemic-era stimulus payments” were seen to “lead to increases in SPM poverty.”

The data led the Wall Street Journal to scold the president in an editorial headlined “The Census Exposes Bidenomics.”

“The annual census data tell the real story of Bidenomics: A gusher of unprecedented and unnecessary social-welfare spending helped to produce the highest inflation in 40 years that has made Americans poorer. The last thing Congress should do is heed Mr. Biden’s demand to do it all again,” the Journal editorial said.

The editorial noted that Biden tried to blame Republicans for the child poverty increase, and wrote “Mr. Biden has apparently forgotten that Republicans didn’t control either branch of Congress in 2021 or 2022.”

Last week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics noted that August brought multiple cost increases to consumers.

“The energy index rose 5.6 percent in August after increasing 0.1 percent in July. The gasoline index increased 10.6 percent in August, following a 0.2 percent increase in the previous month. (Before seasonal adjustment, gasoline prices rose 5.9 percent in August),” the Labor Department noted.

The monthly report for August indicated food prices and rent also rose.

“We really are at a major economic tipping point, and things are going to get even worse as more Americans lose their jobs,” Michael Snyder commented on Activist Post as he ran down the gloomy numbers.

Snyder noted a recent comment from JPMorgan Chase CEO Jaime Dimon.

“To say the consumer is strong today, meaning you are going to have a booming environment for years, is a huge mistake,” Dimon said on Monday, according to CNBC, adding that governments are “spending like drunken sailors.”

Snyder interpreted that comment to mean “the numbers have gotten so bad that even he can see that big trouble is rapidly approaching.

“Decades of very foolish decisions have brought us to this stage, and now a tremendous amount of pain is ahead of us. Unfortunately, the colossal mistakes that we have made will hurt our children severely. The child poverty rate has already more than doubled, and it will continue to go even higher as the U.S. economy steadily crumbles right in front of our eyes,” he wrote.


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495d0e No.90800

File: 940825ac3bfe467⋯.png (352.24 KB,686x384,343:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568030 (171939ZSEP23) Notable: BREAKING: Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown is missing

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Simon Ateba

BREAKING: Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown is missing, his mother has just been found dead in Illinois creek, officials have now launched homicide investigation.

3:12 PM · Sep 17, 2023


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495d0e No.90801

File: 2f04ac3864f0e0a⋯.png (1.59 MB,1200x900,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568107 (171956ZSEP23) Notable: House Passes Bill Prohibiting States From Banning, Limiting Sale of Gas Powered Vehicles

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House Passes Bill Prohibiting States From Banning, Limiting Sale of Gas Powered Vehicles

House lawmakers in Washington D.C. voted 222-190 in favor of a bill blocking states from attempting to eliminate the sale of internal combustion engine vehicles. The measure also would prevent the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from issuing waivers for such bans.


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495d0e No.90802

File: ee2208a9ee1effd⋯.png (944.06 KB,768x638,384:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568225 (172026ZSEP23) Notable: What are the blue traffic lights for?

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Arizona and Mississippi Have Blue Lights at Intersections: What Are They For?

The city of Tucson has begun installing blue lights at busy intersections. They’re for “better traffic enforcement,” but what do they do? Mississippi has them, too. So, what are the blue traffic lights for?

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495d0e No.90803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568238 (172030ZSEP23) Notable: #24031

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#24031 >>90747

>>90757, >>90778 Commemorating Constitution Day and Citizenship Day

>>90784 [MIRROR] The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)

>>90749, >>90762 'Chinese' balloon (had no correlation with following wildfires) - US military chief affirms

>>90750 Connecticut Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Clerk Dumping Multiple Illegal Absentee Ballots Into a Drop Box

>>90768 AG Garland is the 'greatest mob attorney the mob could ever hope for': Levin - Fox News

>>90751, >>90765 Creepy twins with ties to Jay-Z, De Niro upsetting NYC parents as they creep around kids at playground

>>90752 Chechen leader dismisses media reports about poor health

>>90753 Here's The Climate Dissent You're Not Hearing About Because It's Muffled By Society's Top Institutions

>>90755, >>90771 PF: Call sign ROKT + Call sign PENT97. USN E-6B Mercury 164407 now up from Travis AFB. Squawking 0625.

>>90756 Former Ambassadors Peter Hoekstra and Joseph Cella Call for Investigation into CCP-Linked Gotion

>>90754, >>90769, >>90772, >>90788, >>90789, >>90791, >>90796 Mama Bears Have Had Enough, Stop Teaching LGBT In Our Schools, NOW!

>>90758 STRONG DELUSION Loza Alexander Feat. Drake & 21 Savage AI

>>90759 GOP Senators Cotton, Wicker, Collins, and Graham Urge Joe Biden to Send Tactical Missile Systems to Ukraine: “Not Doing So Will Only Prolong the War”

>>90760 Are they removing OTC medication to promote the next scamvax?

>>90761 Ukraine seeking to dislodge Russia from uranium market (HRC sold our Uranium to Russia)

>>90763, >>90764, >>90766, >>90770, LIVE Escaping Communism Seminar

>>90767 "We Dare Not Keep Silent": ATF Releases Anti-Gun Rule For Public Comment

>>90773 14 Dead in Plane Crash in Brazil yesterday

>>90774 Pharma Doctors now promote Sodium deficiency

>>90775 Wife/Mom stuck in Liberia. Liberia authorized adoption but US Embassy will not let child come with new parents.

>>90776, >>90748 US using NATO to ‘absorb’ countries – Moscow

>>90777, >>90781 JOE BIDEN DISQUALIFIED - An Anonymous Legal Expert

>>90779 U.K. health agency 'closely' monitoring deadly virus in India, has up to 75% fatality rate

>>90780 Gen Flynn: Is the CCP about to implode?

>>90783 Apple ad blasted for suggestion people be … eliminated!

>>90785 'Don't believe Crime Minister Netanyahu' political message projected on UN building in New York ahead of Israeli PM's visit

>>90786 White House Gives Biden’s Stance On Pardoning Son If He’s Convicted Of Crimes

>>90790 Resurfaced clip from 2005 shows Joe and Hunter Biden discussing business IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA.

>>90792 Fun Fact of the Day We gave more money to Ukraine than Russia spent on the war last year

>>90793, >>90787 RE: Congressional Probe Jack smith

>>90794 Is Russell Brand getting the Julian Assange treatment?

>>90795 DELTA 9/17/22 Youngstown Ohio Trump Rally where Flag without stars appeared in Trump's entry hall and media first pointed out the "QAnon Song"

>>90797, >>90798 The judge in Guantánamo’s 9/11 case, Air Force Col. Matthew McCall, is retiring.

>>90799 Biden’s America: Child Poverty Rate Has More Than Doubled in a Year, US Census Bureau Reports

>>90800 BREAKING: Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown is missing

>>90801 House Passes Bill Prohibiting States From Banning, Limiting Sale of Gas Powered Vehicles

>>90802 What are the blue traffic lights for?


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495d0e No.90804

File: b90bac609c7838a⋯.png (255.56 KB,444x341,444:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568284 (172037ZSEP23) Notable: #24032

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>seeking handoff

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495d0e No.90805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568305 (172041ZSEP23) Notable: Meet the Press: Full Trump Interview

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Meet the Press: Full Trump Interview

Enjoy The Show


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495d0e No.90806

File: 6cd1f62bae61d2a⋯.png (148.77 KB,320x767,320:767,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bd3cb416d5fee9⋯.png (715.96 KB,1022x1257,1022:1257,Clipboard.png)

File: 7060aa8d0d96ff4⋯.mp4 (13.05 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: dd2a278bce17f1d⋯.png (860.69 KB,1200x1094,600:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568327 (172048ZSEP23) Notable: What the heck is going on in Chicago?

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What the heck is going on in Chicago?


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495d0e No.90807

File: 46efb75365d6beb⋯.jpg (135.77 KB,1200x714,200:119,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568448 (172112ZSEP23) Notable: The United States Constitution was constructed on September 17, 1787. 236 years ago today.

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WORTH REMEMBERING — The United States Constitution was constructed on September 17, 1787. 236 years ago today.

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495d0e No.90808

File: 180ed55d6fc3525⋯.png (2.72 MB,2390x1248,1195:624,Clipboard.png)

File: c2961eadefc9250⋯.png (2.1 MB,1797x1797,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568468 (172118ZSEP23) Notable: SARS, gain of function research, ACE2 receptor, Chapel Hill, Wuhan

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Not a leak, it was intentional: Gain of function


SARS, gain of function research, ACE2 receptor, Chapel Hill, Wuhan


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495d0e No.90809

File: 1961326648cf40e⋯.png (675.99 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568495 (172123ZSEP23) Notable: A Jan. 6 rioter was convicted and sentenced in secret. No one will say why

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lazar, 37, of Ephrata, Pennsylvania, was arrested in July 2021 on charges that he came to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, dressed in tactical gear and protective goggles, and used chemical spray on officers but he was more than likely CIA> FBI etc ..was convicted and sentenced in secret.

A Jan. 6 rioter was convicted and sentenced in secret. No one will say why

A felony case stemming from the U.S. Capitol riot appears to have been resolved in secret, with the man released from federal custody this week despite no public record of a conviction or sentencing.


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495d0e No.90810

File: b5e8d4c5ae45415⋯.png (142.83 KB,600x330,20:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568511 (172128ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery

On Thursday, Joe Biden named former U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker as U.S. special representative for Ukraine’s economic recovery.

The new position, which falls under the State Department, was established as the Biden administration comes under increased scrutiny for the billions being sent Ukraine.

According to the Council on Foreign Relations, the United States has provided Ukraine with more than $75 billion in assistance since the war began, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support.

As millions of Americans struggle to make ends meet amid rising inflation and an crumbling economy due to disastrous policies, in early September the Biden regime pledged another jaw-dropping sum of over $1 billion in new aid to Ukraine.

Joe Biden said in a statement announcing the appointment, “As an accomplished public servant, former Secretary of Commerce, and transformative industry leader — with deep familial ties to Ukraine — Special Representative Pritzker brings decades of experience and expertise to this critical position. Working in lockstep with the Ukrainian government, our allies and partners, international financial institutions, and the private sector, she will drive the United States’ efforts to help rebuild the Ukrainian economy.”

“This includes mobilizing public and private investment, shaping donor priorities and working to open export markets and businesses shut down by Russia’s brutal attacks and destruction.”

Pritzker released a statement Thursday, “Simply put, the stakes could not be higher. My role — working with governments and the private sector around the world — is about ensuring Ukraine succeeds, now and long into the future, as a prosperous, secure, independent, sovereign democracy. Our collective mission is simple: to see to it that Ukraine survives and thrives.”

“But this is also personal for me. My family fled Ukraine in the late 1800s, and my attachment to the country remains. During my tenure as Commerce Secretary, I worked with the Ukrainian government to advance progress on reforms, draw private sector interest, and coordinate with partner governments — activities I will also pursue in this role. And, like many Americans, I have been inspired by the bravery and resilience of the Ukrainian people.”

This was probably to shut up her brother about running in 2024… https://t.co/JoXjhmeI36

— John (@ilovedonrickles) September 15, 2023

3 Troubling Things To Know About Billionaire #PennyPritzker, #JoeBiden‘s choice to spend $100’s of billions of your tax dollars in #Ukraine. @inthesetimesmag https://t.co/Cclkw7z1vW

— Milo™ (@chasbottom) September 14, 2023


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495d0e No.90811

File: 3c401ca76728403⋯.png (547.48 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568513 (172128ZSEP23) Notable: Criminal breaking into our country Dies After Falling From 30-Foot Tall US-Mexico Border Wall

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FAFO! Criminal breaking into our country Dies After Falling From 30-Foot Tall US-Mexico Border Wall

Woman Dies After Falling From 30-Foot Tall US-Mexico Border Wall

On Friday afternoon, a woman scaling the U.S.-Mexico Border wall fell to her death in Otay Mesa, California.


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495d0e No.90812

File: 36bfcc6ee2bfe0d⋯.png (698.57 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568523 (172132ZSEP23) Notable: Armed Man Lawfully Protests Outside of Joe Biden's Delaware Home

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Armed Man Lawfully Protests Outside of Joe Biden's Delaware Home

An armed man wearing a neon yellow and orange safety vest lawfully protested near Joe Biden’s Wilmington, aware home on Sunday.


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495d0e No.90813

File: 09b1e64466a2cce⋯.png (347.57 KB,848x682,424:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568526 (172132ZSEP23) Notable: Los Angeles Spends $44,000 Per 'Temporary' Tent For Homeless Village

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Los Angeles Spends $44,000 Per 'Temporary' Tent For Homeless Village

Los Angeles is reportedly spending $44,000 for each individual tent in a temporary tent village for homeless people in East Hollywood, The Messenger reports.

All told, it cost about $4 million to put up fencing, bathrooms, and staffing facilities for the village. Catering services and 24-7 staffing cost an additional $3 million per year, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Despite the high costs, the site is only temporary. It's located on a parking lot that will eventually be turned into public housing. But because it will take years for construction to commence on that project, the city decided to fill the space with tents in the meantime.

San Francisco-based nonprofit Urban Alchemy maintains the encampment. Launched in 2018 with a small grant, the group hires mostly former prisoners because they have the "ability to read people in unpredictable situations."

According to several lawsuits, however, some of those employees have engaged in abusive behavior.

After expanding to Portland and Austin, the group brought in $51 million in 2021.


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495d0e No.90814

File: 2dc7b4b8dbee33a⋯.png (485.05 KB,996x856,249:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568547 (172137ZSEP23) Notable: Trump Blasts ‘Slime Balls’ Who Sued to Keep Him Off Colorado Ballot

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Blasts ‘Slime Balls’ Who Sued to Keep Him Off Colorado Ballot


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495d0e No.90815

File: f5d7d34603e4e05⋯.png (714 KB,832x760,104:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568559 (172139ZSEP23) Notable: McCarthy: Trump Will Be 2024 GOP Nominee, DeSantis ‘Not at the Same Level’

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McCarthy: Trump Will Be 2024 GOP Nominee, DeSantis ‘Not at the Same Level’


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495d0e No.90816

File: 04eef9db2448770⋯.png (446.24 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568623 (172155ZSEP23) Notable: Nancy Mace: ‘Everything Is on the Table’ When it Comes to McCarthy’s Speakership

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nancy Mace: ‘Everything Is on the Table’ When it Comes to McCarthy’s Speakership

Nancy Mace: 'Everything Is on the Table' When it Comes to McCarthy’s Speakership

Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC) said Sunday on ABC's "This Week" that "everything is on the table" when it comes to backing a motion to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).


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495d0e No.90817

File: 570ec4d2e1e3ca9⋯.png (572.73 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568637 (172158ZSEP23) Notable: McCarthy: White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Exclusive – McCarthy: White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points

Biden’s White House is already obstructing the U.S. House of Representatives' impeachment inquiry announced by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).


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495d0e No.90818

File: eb9b151e896d222⋯.png (419.96 KB,650x479,650:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568647 (172200ZSEP23) Notable: WINNING: Texas AG Sends Threatening Warning to Biden After Being Cleared From Impeachment Charges

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WINNING: Texas AG Sends Threatening Warning to Biden After Being Cleared From Impeachment Charges

Just hours after Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was acquitted of state impeachment charges, he sent a scathing warning to President Joe Biden, who is facing similar calls to oust him from office.'

On Saturday, Paxton released a letter to the Biden White House, telling the president to "buckle up" after defeating the "sham impeachment."

"The sham impeachment coordinated by the Biden Administration with liberal House Speaker Dade Phelan and his kangaroo court has cost taxpayers millions of dollars, disrupted the work of the Office of Attorney General, and left a dark and permanent stain on the Texas House," Paxton's letter read.

All 12 Democrats, plus two Republicans— Sens. Robert Nichols and Kelly Hancock— in the jury voted for his impeachment. The jury needed 21 votes to confirm the impeachment, but a two-thirds majority was not reached.

"The weaponization of the impeachment process to settle political differences is not only wrong, it is immoral and corrupt," Paxton's letter continued.

The Republican criticized the Biden Administration for infringing upon American's rights, promising the president that the time will come for him to face the same political persecution he targets toward conservatives.

"Finally, I can promise the Biden Administration the following: buckle up because your lawless policies will not go unchallenged," Paxton's letter added. "We will not allow you to shred the constitution and infringe on the rights of Texans. You will be held accountable."


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495d0e No.90819

File: b7a1f6012cda314⋯.png (483.98 KB,650x433,650:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568649 (172201ZSEP23) Notable: Bidenflation Has Caused A Drastic Number of Americans to Live In Poverty

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Bidenflation Has Caused A Drastic Number of Americans to Live In Poverty


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495d0e No.90820

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568752 (172230ZSEP23) Notable: ALL WARS ARE BANKSTER WARS

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this board is fucking up during posting.

does not show thread updating after it reaches 100%/



anon grabbed this below from the I.M.F website today, just in case they block access to the sight, just pause if it is going too fast and turn the sound off if you do not like the music.

shocking that they actually show all the countries they have fucked up on their site.

on the i.m.f

was stunned to find a full history and when it was first formed.

1940 during WW2 before anyone knew who was going to win the war.

Looking at the b.i.s from british libruay document anon posted, the B.I.S were already controlling the media around the globe and sending its reps around including controlling the biggest voices and the BBC counter narrative. At that time, they wanted the u.k destroyed and even though there were globalists in the u.k, the fact that it was a reserve currency before the USA which was there main captured nation financially due to the fact that the likes of j.p morgan and others dealing with the nazi's

The moar you dig into it, the worse it looks after you have done your own research and not the narratives the books push .

why is this important?

because it is capturing nations (i.m.f) latest the u.k with rishi sunak and Jeremy hunt as their puppets.


see below..



note: had to put this video on rumble as too much data for 8kun.

See below for details.

plus as a bonus, anon has added some music to it, plus if it is too fast, just pause the video so you can read what is the official history according to the I.M.F from1940 - to 2020. the start of the pandemic.

>>90712 PB




I.M.F video history from its own website

from 1940 to 2020 up to covid.

Sources below.



The B.I.S makes the Rules, The I.M.F is the economic terrorist arm of the banksters and the world bank than loans the money to the effected country, seizing its assets and infrastructure and appointing it's and w.e.f stooges in place.

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495d0e No.90821

File: 72aa550f19fda99⋯.jpg (163.01 KB,921x817,921:817,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568756 (172231ZSEP23) Notable: Trump considers joining auto workers on strike in Michigan

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Trump considers joining auto workers on strike in Michigan


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495d0e No.90822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568797 (172246ZSEP23) Notable: THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH

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pretty cool movie


the narrator's annoying but he grows on you

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495d0e No.90823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568814 (172249ZSEP23) Notable: WWI-era plane crashes at American Heritage Museum in Stow, Massachusetts.

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"WWI-era plane crashes at American Heritage Museum "

This plane crash occurred today in Stow, Massachusetts.

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495d0e No.90824

File: b96efa2a3bf7080⋯.png (448.43 KB,997x1271,997:1271,Clipboard.png)

File: d31b42d9e938913⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568942 (172321ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH 🚨 Video shows FerroMex train with massive number of migrants out of Zacatecas, Mexico heading to US southern border

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WATCH 🚨 Video shows FerroMex train with massive number of migrants out of Zacatecas, Mexico heading to US southern border


Griff Jenkins

7:02 PM · Sep 17, 2023


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495d0e No.90825

File: 02c275b23253d9f⋯.png (97.02 KB,607x606,607:606,Clipboard.png)

File: 347a710ecb93369⋯.png (359.05 KB,678x922,339:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568953 (172324ZSEP23) Notable: Former AG Ed Meese Submits Court Declaration Calling Prosecution of Trump DOJ Official Jeff Clark ‘A Major Affront to Federal Supremacy Never Seen Before’

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Former AG Ed Meese Submits Court Declaration Calling Prosecution of Trump DOJ Official Jeff Clark ‘A Major Affront to Federal Supremacy Never Seen Before’

Former Attorney General who served under Ronald Reagan, Edwin Meese, submitted a court declaration calling the prosecution of Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark ‘a major affront to federal supremacy never before seen in the history of our country.’

Jeffrey Clark served as the Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General under Trump and was under consideration to be Trump’s Attorney General.

Ed Meese is 91 years old so he won’t be able to show up in court on Monday where Jeffrey Clark will argue his case.

“So, he won’t be open to being cross-examined and, as a result, it’s unclear whether judge will consider Meese’s statement. Not clear if Clark himself will testify. Fulton County DA has subpoenaed another Trump Asst. AG, Jody Hunt, for the hearing.” Politico’s Josh Gerstein noted.

So, he won't be open to being cross-examined and, as a result, it's unclear whether judge will consider Meese's statement. Not clear if Clark himself will testify. Fulton County DA has subpoenaed another Trump Asst. AG, Jody Hunt, for the hearing.

— Josh Gerstein (@joshgerstein) September 17, 2023

Last month Fani Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.

Fani Willis criminalized the First Amendment and brave state lawmakers did their best to fight back and oust her from office.

Former Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark was indicted by a Fulton County grand jury on two counts: 1 (RICO) and 22 (Criminal Attempt to Commit False Statements and Writings).

Recall, that Jeffrey Clark was also raided by the FBI in 2022.

After the FBI raided Jeffrey Clark’s home, left-wing media attacked him for being a ‘promoter of The Gateway Pundit.’

In August 2022, Jeffrey Clark appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox to talk about the FBI raid on his Northern Virginia home. Clark said the agents made him go outside in his pajamas while they searched his house. Clark said twelve FBI agents, two Fairfax County police officers and an ‘electronic sniffer dog’ searched his house for over three hours. All his electronic devices were seized.



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495d0e No.90826

File: 02c275b23253d9f⋯.png (97.02 KB,607x606,607:606,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568967 (172328ZSEP23) Notable: NBC News mocked for report revealing doctors finding it 'increasingly difficult to distinguish COVID from allergies or the common cold'

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NBC News mocked for report revealing doctors finding it 'increasingly difficult to distinguish COVID from allergies or the common cold'

NBC News ran an article revealing that doctors are having issues distinguishing COVID from the common cold and allergies. Online commentators mocked the liberal news outlet, many asserting that the revelation materialized three years too late.

On Saturday, NBC News published an article that found that COVID symptoms are increasingly indistinguishable from the common cold and allergies.

"Doctors say they're finding it increasingly difficult to distinguish COVID from allergies or the common cold, even as hospitalizations tick up," the article began.

"The illness' past hallmarks, such as a dry cough or the loss of sense of taste or smell, have become less common," NBC News admitted. "Instead, doctors are observing milder disease, mostly concentrated in the upper respiratory tract."

Dr. Grace McComsey – vice dean for clinical and translational research at Case Western University – estimated that roughly 10-20% of her COVID patients lose their sense of taste or smell now, versus 60-70% early in the pandemic.

"It isn’t the same typical symptoms that we were seeing before. It’s a lot of congestion, sometimes sneezing, usually a mild sore throat," explained Dr. Erick Eiting – vice chair of operations for emergency medicine at Mount Sinai Downtown in New York City.

Eiting confessed, "Just about everyone who I've seen has had really mild symptoms. The only way that we knew that it was Covid was because we happened to be testing them."

Doctors say those infected with COVID typically have symptoms such as congestion, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, fever, chills, and post-nasal drip.

Dr. Dan Barouch – director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston – told NBC News, "Overall, the severity of COVID is much lower than it was a year ago and two years ago. That’s not because the variants are less robust. It’s because the immune responses are higher."

Reactions on the X social media platform slammed NBC News for the belated realization.

DeSantis press secretary Jeremy Redfern: "NBC is so close to getting it."

Health policy commentator Pradheep J. Shanker: "It's almost like... COVID doesn't matter that much."

Writer Ian Miller: "COVID is such a serious threat that it requires new boosters without rigorous clinical testing, but it’s also indistinguishable from the common cold Just The Science at work."

DeSantis researcher Kyle Lamb: "Again, while pretend 'experts' post about cases, actual physicians are not finding severe disease anywhere, or at least it's extremely rare. There is no longer an emergency. There is no need for boosters, nor has there been proven a benefit even if there were."

Conservative consultant Steve Guest: "'Doctors say they're finding it increasingly difficult to distinguish Covid from allergies.' It took NBC 3 years to report this."

Writer Rupa Subramanya: "Deadly COVID is indistinguishable from the common cold or allergies. The Science seems to be finally catching up with the 'conspiracy theorists' who had it right all along that COVID was basically the common cold."

Actor Matthew Marsden: "Same doctors failed to distinguish real science from bulls**t for the past four years."

Writer Meghan Maureen: "This is terrifying. How will I know if my sneezing is from the deadliest virus ever known or from ragweed?"


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495d0e No.90827

File: 02c275b23253d9f⋯.png (97.02 KB,607x606,607:606,Clipboard.png)

File: 393aeea8c2fc75d⋯.png (2.62 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19568989 (172333ZSEP23) Notable: Fire engulfs Greater Nile Petroleum Oil Company Tower in Sudan's capital as rival forces battle

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fire engulfs Greater Nile Petroleum Oil Company Tower in Sudan's capital as rival forces battle

Wonder if it free fell collapsed into it's own footprint????


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495d0e No.90828

File: d64cd357c06feab⋯.mp4 (9.55 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569029 (172343ZSEP23) Notable: PF: Call sign PIANO KEY all stations EAM force direction message for USN E-6B Mercury 164407 call sign PENT97.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Call sign PIANO KEY all stations EAM force direction message for USN E-6B Mercury 164407 call sign PENT97.

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495d0e No.90829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569033 (172345ZSEP23) Notable: #24032

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#24032 >>90804

>>90824 WATCH 🚨 Video shows FerroMex train with massive number of migrants out of Zacatecas, Mexico heading to US southern border

>>90807 The United States Constitution was constructed on September 17, 1787. 236 years ago today.

>>90805 Meet the Press: Full Trump Interview

>>90806 What the heck is going on in Chicago?

>>90808 SARS, gain of function research, ACE2 receptor, Chapel Hill, Wuhan

>>90809 A Jan. 6 rioter was convicted and sentenced in secret. No one will say why

>>90810 Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery

>>90811 Criminal breaking into our country Dies After Falling From 30-Foot Tall US-Mexico Border Wall

>>90812 Armed Man Lawfully Protests Outside of Joe Biden's Delaware Home

>>90813 Los Angeles Spends $44,000 Per 'Temporary' Tent For Homeless Village

>>90814 Trump Blasts ‘Slime Balls’ Who Sued to Keep Him Off Colorado Ballot

>>90815 McCarthy: Trump Will Be 2024 GOP Nominee, DeSantis ‘Not at the Same Level’

>>90817 McCarthy: White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points

>>90816 Nancy Mace: ‘Everything Is on the Table’ When it Comes to McCarthy’s Speakership

>>90818 WINNING: Texas AG Sends Threatening Warning to Biden After Being Cleared From Impeachment Charges

>>90819 Bidenflation Has Caused A Drastic Number of Americans to Live In Poverty

>>90821 Trump considers joining auto workers on strike in Michigan



>>90823 WWI-era plane crashes at American Heritage Museum in Stow, Massachusetts.

>>90825 Former AG Ed Meese Submits Court Declaration Calling Prosecution of Trump DOJ Official Jeff Clark ‘A Major Affront to Federal Supremacy Never Seen Before’

>>90826 NBC News mocked for report revealing doctors finding it 'increasingly difficult to distinguish COVID from allergies or the common cold'

>>90827 Fire engulfs Greater Nile Petroleum Oil Company Tower in Sudan's capital as rival forces battle

>>90828 PF: Call sign PIANO KEY all stations EAM force direction message for USN E-6B Mercury 164407 call sign PENT97.

Final notes 2: electric boogaloo

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495d0e No.90830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569041 (172346ZSEP23) Notable: #24033

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Baker hasGHOSTED

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495d0e No.90831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569093 (172356ZSEP23) Notable: Donald Trump took ownership for his actions following the 2020 election

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Trump says 'it was my decision' to attempt to overturn the 2020 election and insists he wasn't acting based on lawyer advice

Donald Trump took ownership for his actions following the 2020 election

'It was my decision. But I listened to some people,' he said in a Sunday interview

Ex-President also said he doesn't lose sleep over the idea of going to jail, claiming: 'I don't even think about it'

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495d0e No.90832

File: afc78b726953a7e⋯.png (598.79 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569096 (172356ZSEP23) Notable: "In the Great Depression, homes were x3 the average salary. Now it's x8. A car was 46% of a salary.

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"In the Great Depression, homes were x3 the average salary. Now it's x8. A car was 46% of a salary. New car today is 85%. Rent was 16% of the average salary. It is now 42%."

Are We in a Silent Economic Depression?

(WND)—Lately, the mainstream media have been delicately tiptoeing around the possibility that America “might” be in a recession. In the...

“You’re in a Silent Depression,” says a man calling himself Wall Street Silver. “When you compare the Great Depression to today, this is absolutely going to blow your mind. In 1930 during the Great Depression, the average home in America was $3,900. The average car was $600. The average monthly rent was $18, or $216 a year, and the average salary was $1,300 a year. Fast forward to today. It is $436,000 for the average home, $48,000 for the average car, and the average rent is $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year, and we have a $56,000 income for the average American right now.

“So if you look back to the Great Depression, the house was only three times the average salary. Now it is eight times the average salary. The car was 46% of the salary. The car today is 85% of the salary. And here’s the craziest part. The rent was 16% of the average salary. It is now 42% of the average salary.”


but the banks were still buying up corporations and real estate for pennies on the dollar

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495d0e No.90833

File: 7ad8685eebc13f2⋯.png (782.57 KB,1441x1016,1441:1016,Clipboard.png)

File: 9abc4d240399e7f⋯.png (30.77 KB,990x517,90:47,Clipboard.png)

File: e411f7cb0c5cf9c⋯.png (343.68 KB,744x390,124:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569098 (172357ZSEP23) Notable: PF update

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Call sign UGLY41. 246 knots is too fast to be a normal helicopter. Hex id AE4E4E decodes as V-22 Osprey. Unknown serial number.



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495d0e No.90834

File: bcadef3adc8b40d⋯.jpg (233.94 KB,1241x1183,1241:1183,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569119 (180003ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000057

If elected to a second term, President Biden pledged that he will go to Congress to start any major war.


MY COMMENT: The problem with that is politicians like Biden LIE. The plan is to get into a major conflict with both Russia and China knowing they will lose in advance, to set the stage for a sudden "surrender" which is part of the bigger plan to dissolve America's Constitutional law and national sovereignty! NATO already announced they are planning mass drafts, which will be heavily protested by Western citizens! So now they are talking about war powers, as in usurping power over Western nations with the intent of forcing people into conscription. This will not end well, certainly not in America.

ALL WARS ARE BANKER WARS: Rothschilds Created And Are Funding The Republic Of China




India and Saudi Arabia To Ditch US Dollar In Global Trade


Trump Defends American Auto Workers Against Biden’s Green Agenda: You’re ‘Being Sold Down the River’ To China


Democrats Do Have An Alternative Option To Biden If They Wish To Save Themselves And Country


Long List Of Economic Sabotage Against America By The Biden Regime



Global Systemic Change Is Now A Matter Of Survival


Gas & Food Cost Rising With A Colder-Than-Expected Fall And Winter Coming Are Going To Test Our Prepping Capabilities


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495d0e No.90835

File: 87ecf417b683342⋯.png (260.42 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569120 (180003ZSEP23) Notable: So the stealth works. Lost or laundered to Ukraine? Government loses F-35 somewhere in South Carolina After Pilot Ejects

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So the stealth works. Lost or laundered to Ukraine? Government loses F-35 somewhere in South Carolina.

F-35 Stealth Fighter Goes Missing Near North Charleston After Pilot Ejects


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495d0e No.90836

File: 73a4984589ae0ba⋯.png (1.01 MB,1196x1244,299:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569122 (180003ZSEP23) Notable: Heartbeat law a terrible thing???

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>>>/qresearch/19569079 lb

""Come together"''



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9b5e5d No.9599109📁

Jun 13 2020 13:35:27 (EST)


They can no longer hide in the dark.

It's happening.

You are watching it.

The World is Watching.

Have faith in Humanity.



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495d0e No.90837

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569126 (180005ZSEP23) Notable: Obama Era Official Drops Bombshell About Biden White House! | Allen West Exclusive

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Obama Era Official Drops Bombshell About Biden White House! | Allen West Exclusive 9-17-23


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495d0e No.90838

File: be5aff262f2ec7e⋯.png (674.93 KB,768x426,128:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569133 (180005ZSEP23) Notable: CT: Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Cle…

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Connecticut Democrat Primary Election Scandal: Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Cle...

Mayoral candidate John Gomes’ campaign released a damning video on Saturday showing evidence of election fraud in the recent Bridgeport Democratic primary.


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495d0e No.90839

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569134 (180006ZSEP23) Notable: Classical Liberalism, CIA Libertarianism, & CIA Marxism w/ Jay Dyer | The Courtenay Turner Show

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Classical Liberalism, CIA Libertarianism, & CIA Marxism w/ Jay Dyer | The Courtenay Turner Show


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495d0e No.90840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569174 (180014ZSEP23) Notable: Electronic correction of voter-marked paper ballot

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Electronic correction of voter-marked paper ballot

Patent number: 8844813

Abstract: Methods, systems, and devices are described for electronically correcting votes made on voter-marked paper ballots. An optical scan system may image a paper ballot and allow vote modification by the voter following the imaging. Such a modification may be necessary, for example, if a voter has improperly voted (e.g., voted for two candidates for one office), if a definitive determination of the intention to cast a vote cannot be made (e.g., partially filed-in bubble associated with a candidate, erasure, stray marks), if a write-in candidate is included on the ballot, or if a voter has changed their mind or otherwise wishes to cast a different vote than initially indicated. After correction, the corrected ballot may be re-imaged.

Type: Grant

Filed: May 21, 2012

Date of Patent: September 30, 2014

Assignee: Dominion Voting Systems, Inc.

Inventors: Lawrence Korb, James Hoover


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495d0e No.90841

File: c2f79c1d8ee0d58⋯.jpeg (99.1 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569180 (180015ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine’s drone attacks on Crimea, Moscow thwarted

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17 Sep, 2023 22:01

Ukraine’s drone attacks on Crimea, Moscow thwarted – MoD

A dozen of Kiev’s strikeshave been foiled over the past 24 hours, the Russian defense ministry has said

Kiev’s troops sought to launch about a dozen drone strikes targeting various Russian regions, the defense ministry said in a statement on Sunday, adding that all the attacks were successfully prevented by the nation’s air defenses.

Crimea has emerged as the most targeted region in Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) strike attempts over the past 24 hours, according to the ministry. In the early hours on Sunday, a total of four Ukrainian UAVs were intercepted over the peninsula, the statement said. On Sunday evening, Kiev’s forces launched three more drones in two attacks in about an hour, it said, adding that all of them were shot down.

Moscow also faced two Ukrainian drone attacks in the night on Sunday and in the early morning, the Russian military have said, adding that both UAVs were downed over the western and south-eastern parts of the Moscow region and failed to reach the Russian capital.

Russia’s Belgorod and Voronezh region also saw one attempted Ukrainian drone attack each over the past 24 hours, the Defense Ministry stated. Each of these attacks involved just one Ukrainian UAV, it said, adding that the drones were successfully intercepted in both cases. The Belgorod Region borders Ukraine’s Kharkov Region in the south and the Voronezh Region is located next to the Lugansk People’s Republic that join Russia in autumn 2022 together with three other former Ukrainian territories following a series of referendums.

The Ukrainian forces have repeatedly targeted various Russian regions, including its capital, with its drone attacks over the past months. Moth UAVs ended up either being shot down or crashing due to signal-jamming.

The Sunday attacks came just a day after another series of attempted drone strikes by Kiev on Saturday. The attacks prompted a brief shutdown of Moscow’s three main airports – Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, and Vnukovo – although none of the Ukrainian drones reached the Russian capital at that time, according to the Defense Ministry.


(Me thinks the knats bases of drones will be eliminated shortly)

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495d0e No.90842

File: d7f2cb51834c2ff⋯.png (613.4 KB,1019x1066,1019:1066,Clipboard.png)

File: e1fd8a9db44e85b⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,480x256,15:8,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569183 (180015ZSEP23) Notable: Migrants on Lampedusa, Italy are setting up barricades and establishing territorial control over certain areas of the island

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Migrants on Lampedusa, Italy are setting up barricades and establishing territorial control over certain areas of the island.

🔊 ... 🚨🚨🚨

Italy's sovereign control of their territory is being lost. Will Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni sit by as the island is taken? More boats will probably soon be launching from Tunisia sending reinforcements.

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495d0e No.90843

File: eae4cb57abacaba⋯.png (1.35 MB,768x762,128:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569200 (180019ZSEP23) Notable: Florida GOP Drops Loyalty Oath, Giving Big Win To Trump Over DeSantis.

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Florida GOP Drops Loyalty Oath, Giving Big Win To Trump Over DeSantis.

Florida GOP drops loyalty oath, giving big win to Trump over DeSantis

Florida Republicans meeting in Orlando late Friday dropped a loyalty oath required of GOP presidential candidates, a major victory for former President Trump and defeat for Gov. Ron DeSantis.


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495d0e No.90844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569231 (180025ZSEP23) Notable: Newsom is eyeing a change to the United States Constitution, The amendment would enshrine a list of Democratic gun-control policy priorities into federal law.

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This is the dumbest thing I've read all day....and that includes an AOC tweet.

Gavin Newsom is eyeing a change to the United States Constitution. The state's legislature on Thursday approved a resolution in support of Newsom's call for a 28th Constitutional amendment. The amendment would enshrine a list of Democratic gun-control policy priorities into federal law.

This is just fucking stupid, this shit bag is not going to get an amendment passed undoing the 2nd. There is as much stupid worry shit published on the right as there is the left



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495d0e No.90845

File: 4f3d0909dd38571⋯.png (208.23 KB,589x856,589:856,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569239 (180027ZSEP23) Notable: “In the last 24 hours, the California legislature has passed not one, not two, but four bills that are designed to remove children from their homes and into government systems

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Wall Street Apes



CALIFORNIA “In the last 24 hours, the California legislature has passed not one, not two, but four bills that are designed to remove children from their homes and into government systems where adults can have private conversations with them. And everyone, and I mean everyone from the school bus driver to the cafeteria lady will have knowledge about that child's gender confusion, about their stress or anxiety, their depression, except parents.

The children are out. There is no more privacy. This is not an outing policy. This is a parental notification policy. At the same time, we have the Attorney General Rob Bonta waging an unsubstantiated war, a lawsuit against Chino Valley Unified School District that will fail. The TRO that was issued just the other day is simply that. It is a temporary order to maintain the status quo until a final decision is reached, and that decision will be the policy's legal, constitutional, and necessary to protect.

Children, do the right thing, vote this policy in. Thank you.“

9:42 AM · Sep 17, 2023




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495d0e No.90846

File: 8050ed0c80bc910⋯.png (865.86 KB,887x646,887:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569243 (180028ZSEP23) Notable: The Left Will Devour Itself --- Just Ask Rolling Stone's Jann Wenner

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The Left Will Devour Itself — Just Ask

Rolling Stone's Jann Wenner

PJ Media, by Chris Queen

Posted By: DW626, 9/17/2023 6:33:41 PM

Jann Wenner is a giant of rock music history, even though he never fronted a band, composed a hit song, or produced a gold record. As the co-founder of Rolling Stone magazine, Wenner became a tastemaking publisher; for years, anybody who was anybody in popular music got a mention in Rolling Stone. Wenner’s clout also allowed him to co-found the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1987. Wenner is also a devoted man of the left. Rolling Stone’s coverage has always been unabashedly left-wing, and its co-founding publisher earned his bona fides protesting in Berkley’s Free Speech Movement and working for hippie rags like Ramparts.

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495d0e No.90847

File: 72b8fbe56cca8fb⋯.png (30.05 KB,900x265,180:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569252 (180030ZSEP23) Notable: Democrats may dump Joe Biden, but they still own his extreme policies

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Democrats may dump Joe Biden, but they

still own his extreme policies

The Hill, by Liz Perk

Posted By: Moritz55, 9/17/2023 3:22:37 PM

Democrats are about to fire President Biden. Are Republicans ready? Washington Post columnist David Ignatius ignited a political firestorm recently by veering off script and writing that Joe Biden should retire — a rare chink in the media bulwark protecting the president. In a follow-up interview, the “Morning Joe” crew echoed concerns about Biden’s age. Others will surely follow; polls showing that Biden might lose to Donald Trump and other GOP 2024 candidates have finally brought Democrats to their senses. Republicans need to prepare for the very real possibility that Joe Biden is forced out of the 2024 race. What does that mean?

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495d0e No.90848

File: 249c435392b65ea⋯.jpeg (59.74 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569253 (180030ZSEP23) Notable: Russian top spy reveals CIA contacts

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17 Sep, 2023 17:49

Russian top spy reveals CIA contacts

Washington remains Moscow’s “most dangerous and uncompromising” adversary, Sergey Naryshkin has said

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) maintains contacts with the CIA, its head, Sergey Naryshkin, told the Russian ‘National Defense’ magazine last week. Such communication helps reduce unnecessary tensions even though uncertainty is growing over the outcome of the geopolitical standoff between Russia and the West, he said.

“Consultations between the SVR and the CIA are of a rare but regular nature,”Naryshkin said, when asked if a direct communication link between the two intelligence services still exists and whether it could be “used again.”

“Professional dialogue in itself is useful, particularly for reducing international tensions and… misunderstandings between nations,”the Russian spy chief added, without revealing how often the two services communicate.

It is known that Naryshkin spoke to his US counterpart, William Burns, face-to-face in November 2022. At that time, the two intel chiefs met in the Turkish capital of Ankara. The White House said the discussion focused on the consequences of a potential use of nuclear weapons. Burns was “not discussing settlement of the war in Ukraine,” a White House official emphasized at the time.

Back in February, Burns described the discussions he had with Russian officials as “dispiriting” and accused the Russian spy chief of having a “very defiant attitude,” with a "sense of cockiness and hubris.”

In his interview with the ‘National Defense’ magazine, Naryshkin said he merely explained Russia’s geopolitical interests in Ukraine to his US counterpart. “Nothing that would go beyond that was said on my part,” he added. The SVR chief said that Burns might have perceived Russia’s determination to achieve the goals of its military campaign in Ukraine as “defiant.”

US officials still “fail to avoid using ideological cliches” even in “businesslike talks,” the top spy said. He also admitted that Russia still considers theUS its “most dangerous and uncompromising geopolitical opponent.”

Naryshkin also accused Washington of plotting to make Russia suffer a “military defeat” in Ukraine, adding that it was a miscalculation. The idea of enforcing “international isolation”on Russia in an increasingly multipolar world was nothing but an “anachronism” as well, he added.

The world is witnessing “growing uncertainty over the potential outcome of the current geopolitical standoff” between Russia and the West in Ukraine, Naryshkin stressed. At the same time, an increasing number of actors in the international arena want to localize the fighting and prevent it from becoming a “trigger for a total military conflict,” he stated.


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495d0e No.90849

File: f76c22571646d37⋯.png (714.69 KB,842x638,421:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569264 (180032ZSEP23) Notable: Chinese Police Move in on Evergrande Firm, Detain Wealth Management Staff

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Chinese Police Move in on Evergrande Firm, Detain Wealth Management Staff

By The Associated Press September 17, 2023 at 2:06am

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495d0e No.90850

File: d7c24c24d9432cd⋯.png (406.75 KB,979x572,89:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569273 (180034ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery/loop capital???

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Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery

by Margaret Flavin Sep. 17, 2023 3:40 pm

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495d0e No.90851

File: a4c7d1533e3fc86⋯.png (747.89 KB,768x511,768:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569277 (180034ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Prepare For a Long War’ -- NATO Chief Issues Stark Warning

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Let me be emphatic: Fuck no. ‘Prepare For a Long War’ – NATO Chief Issues Stark Warning, Says Ukraine Will Join Alliance ‘Eventually’

Jens Stoltenberg also said the world needs to recognise that if Ukraine stops fighting “their country will no longer exist.” If Russia stopped we will have peace, he added.


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495d0e No.90852

File: b59c1044d0cdc50⋯.png (1.65 MB,1481x872,1481:872,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569287 (180037ZSEP23) Notable: General Flynn & Malik Obama Interview: Barack Obama's Older Half-Brother Discusses: What Country Is Barack Obama From?

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Malik Obama | General Flynn & Malik Obama Interview: Barack Obama's Older Half-Brother Discusses: What Country Is Barack Obama From? Who Is the Real Obama? Is OBAMA Gay? Who Controls Obama? Who Controls Biden? Michelle Obama?

Thrivetime Show: The ReAwakening versus The Great Reset

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495d0e No.90853

File: 7ff414b536dc333⋯.png (657.33 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569312 (180041ZSEP23) Notable: Nashville elects Tennessee’s first openly transgender politician. Olivia Hill, 57, a military veteran

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FAFO incoming....

The sick symbolism in this pic is a big fu to us. No such thing as "transgender". Dude is a castrated cross-dresser...Where's the tranifesto? Inb4 arrested for child porn...

Nashville elects Tennessee’s first openly transgender politician. Olivia Hill, 57, a military veteran, joins the Nashville city council in historic election.

Nashville elects Tennessee’s first openly transgender politician

Olivia Hill, 57, a military veteran, joins the Nashville city council in historic election


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495d0e No.90854

File: 7833520c8e0ba9d⋯.png (273.26 KB,623x618,623:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569326 (180044ZSEP23) Notable: The Demons of Davos

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Steve Bannon




The Demons of Davos


Posted on 11:04 AM · Sep 17th, 2023

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495d0e No.90855

File: 90f9f6d01ce77d3⋯.jpg (87.97 KB,927x827,927:827,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569352 (180049ZSEP23) Notable: 2022 President Trump's 1776 Report

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Sep 17, 2022

President Trump's 1776 Report

(important for future - read and preserve)



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495d0e No.90856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569357 (180050ZSEP23) Notable: AT-6 Mid Air collision in the pattern following the AT-6 Gold Race.

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September 17, 2023 UPDATE Races Cancelled


381K subscribers

14,240 views Sep 17, 2023

AT-6 Mid Air collision in the pattern following the AT-6 Gold Race.


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495d0e No.90857

File: 9948a043b89d06a⋯.png (681.68 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569364 (180051ZSEP23) Notable: trans-exclusionary radical feminist aka TERF's.Trans rights activists shout 'F**k the TERFs' as clash with radical feminist group hosting conference at San Francisco Hilton

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ENEMIES & COMMIES: trans-exclusionary radical feminist aka TERF's.Trans rights activists shout 'F**k the TERFs' as clash with radical feminist group hosting conference at San Francisco Hilton leads to physical assaults and spray-painted storefronts

Trans activists clash with feminist group hosting conference in SF

Women's Declaration International held their 2nd National Women's Convention, leading to verbal and physical clashes between trans rights activists and radical feminists.

The Cabal sends Rahm Emanuel out to insult Xi, try to instigate war with China, which has been their plan all along (hint: China wins, again, all according to plan).

2010 LGB no T. We're fighting against people who are saying they think we're coming for their children. 10 years later LGB is saying we're fighting against people who are actively coming for your children

10 years ago there was no T it was still LGB. The T was forced upon them prior to that it was get the fuck out of the road. Still is The closest that the T ever came to be accepted was some of them took part in the drag Queen shows in that 1 room at the gay bar, entertainment only.

trying to add themselves to the PLGBT flag

This Twitter title adds the T when it was not even a consideration 20 years ago

Ralphie May on the LGBT community ~20 years ago. What a legend.

Girls you suck Dick where's your parade

Real issue is this

Corporate transsexual identities is a fashion. This comes from elite gay men with a fixation on owning womanhood for themselves. The LBG has really not been a human rights movement for a very long time. Its really become a subsidiary of the medical industrial complex


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495d0e No.90858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569372 (180052ZSEP23) Notable: AT-6 Mid Air collision in the pattern following the AT-6 Gold Race.

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2023 Reno Air Races T-6 Mid Air Collision (Tragically Pilots Confirmed as Deceased) (Video #1)

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495d0e No.90859

File: 7f22b8d8d4e0f98⋯.png (23.91 KB,140x93,140:93,Clipboard.png)

File: dd4eafd27d5647b⋯.png (608.8 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569380 (180053ZSEP23) Notable: Yale University student acquitted of rape SUES accuser for $110MILLION in defamation

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Yale University student acquitted of rape SUES accuser for $110MILLION in defamation after Connecticut Supreme court ruling clears the way: Undergrad was readmitted to neuroscience course after exoneration but was targeted by protestors

Ruling clears way for Yale student accused of rape to SUE his accuser

Expelled in 2019, Saifullah Khan, 30, filed the suit more than four years ago - 20 months after after he was acquitted of raping a female student in her dorm on Halloween night in 2015.


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495d0e No.90860

File: c9efd4d60a2fd13⋯.png (699.53 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569394 (180055ZSEP23) Notable: GOP Neocon Senators Tom Cotton and Lindsey Graham Send Letter to Joe Biden Begging for More US Missiles for Ukraine

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GOP Neocon Senators Tom Cotton and Lindsey Graham Send Letter to Joe Biden Begging for More US Missiles for Ukraine – Argue Sending Missiles Will Save Lives

Republican Senators Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) , Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Roger Wicker (R-Mississippi) sent a letter to Joe Biden on Saturday.


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495d0e No.90861

File: c15660a8f104616⋯.png (190.59 KB,726x898,363:449,Clipboard.png)

File: fe17dcd4f0e0991⋯.png (187.48 KB,726x882,121:147,Clipboard.png)

File: f9232333e4b6997⋯.png (168.22 KB,717x870,239:290,Clipboard.png)

File: 2572c822a59ae7c⋯.png (740.58 KB,967x910,967:910,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569405 (180057ZSEP23) Notable: 2017 Wikileaks Reveals Saudi Arabia and Qatar Giving Money to both Clinton and ISIS

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Wikileaks Reveals Saudi Arabia and Qatar Giving Money to both Clinton and ISIS

The first two emails below reveal that the Podesta/Clinton team fully understood that Qatar and Saudi Arabia finance ISIS and international terrorism. These email exchanges in this post took place immediately after the Wall Street Journal/Grimaldi article titled

“Foreign Government Gifts to Clinton Foundation on the Rise”

By James V. Grimaldi and Rebecca Ballhaus



This entire effort should be done with a low profile, avoiding the massive traditional military operations that are at best temporary solutions. While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.



One area in which these countries should take more action is cracking down on private financing that flows from some Gulf countries to terrorist groups such as ISIS—and the United States should increase its Treasury and Justice Department efforts to cut the financial links between the Gulf and extremist groups such as ISIS.

3rd email: Bill Clinton $1 million birthday donation from Qatar….



Qatar, Brazil, Peru, Malawi, Rwanda

From:adesai@clintonfoundation.org To: blindsey@clintonfoundation.org, lgraham@clintonfoundation.org, doug@presidentclinton.com, justin@presidentclinton.com Date: 2012-04-16 18:56 Subject: Qatar, Brazil, Peru, Malawi, Rwanda

Last Thursday, April 12, I met individually with the Ambassadors from Qatar, Brazil, Peru, Malawi, and Rwanda, in Washington, DC. Below is a summary of key points from each meeting, and we are following-up on each point. I’d welcome your feedback. Sincerely, Ami QATAR – Would like to see WJC “for five minutes” in NYC, to present $1 million check that Qatar promised for WJC’s birthday in 2011. – Qatar would welcome our suggestions for investments in Haiti – particularly on education and health. They have allocated most of their $20 million but are happy to consider projects we suggest. I’m collecting input from CF Haiti team.


4th email excerpt: Attempting to put out ‘brush fires’…..


Most revealing excerpts:

Subject: RE: WSJ | Foreign Government Donations I will leave all the defensive things to those who have and know the data for pushback. But there is a much larger strategic question that we need to resolve and stop this from spreading beyond today and probably tomorrow. And that is how quickly foundation stops. Even if we don’t announce it immediately, we may want to stop immediately. Obviously, doing this in the context of an overall strategy we can stick with is better than dealing with brush fires.

Qatar was for CGI

The only governments that donated to the endowment were: Saudi Arabia, Oman, and UAE

On Feb 18, 2015, at 8:56 AM, Margolis, Jim

It would be nice to paint a picture of how this money is being put to work — even anecdotally.

More on their discussions and awareness of problematic Clinton Foundation donations from states that support terrorism or have a dubious record regarding support for terrorist related activities:



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495d0e No.90862

File: a1754382f308f12⋯.png (303.24 KB,739x785,739:785,Clipboard.png)

File: d4bbda75bd2c2da⋯.png (217.51 KB,743x926,743:926,Clipboard.png)

File: 08620563a30cf1d⋯.png (197.62 KB,718x882,359:441,Clipboard.png)

File: 047d83e0b62a7b8⋯.png (157.73 KB,710x810,71:81,Clipboard.png)

File: 57d3ef6e8658707⋯.png (193.16 KB,728x859,728:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569421 (180100ZSEP23) Notable: 2017 Wikileaks Reveals Saudi Arabia and Qatar Giving Money to both Clinton and ISIS

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Saudi Arabia, the Clinton Foundation and Those Massive Yemen Bombs

Massive bunker buster bomb with radioactive particle spread to camera. It is theorized by analysts that this is a small nuclear bunker buster, also known as an Deep Earth-Penetrating Weapon (EPW) the initial blast is the first stage blasting the surface layer and second blast (a few second later is the main charge detonating deep under the ground. Online paid trolls have been constantly stating that this was a ammo facility that was hit. They provide no evidence of such and and also fail to explain the radioactive particle dispersion in front of the camera lenses of multiple cameras


APRIL 7, 2016 10:00PM EDT

Yemen: US Bombs Used in Deadliest Market Strike

Coalition Allies Should Stop Selling Weapons to Saudi Arabia

(Sanaa) – Saudi Arabia-led coalition airstrikes using United States-supplied bombs killed at least 97 civilians, including 25 children, in northwestern Yemen on March 15, 2016, Human Rights Watch said today. The two strikes, on a crowded market in the village of Mastaba that may have also killed about 10 Houthi fighters, caused indiscriminate or foreseeably disproportionate loss of civilian life, in violation of the laws of war. Such unlawful attacks when carried out deliberately or recklessly are war crimes.

Human Rights Watch conducted on-site investigations on March 28, and found remnants at the market of a GBU-31 satellite-guided bomb, which consists of a US-supplied MK-84 2,000-pound bomb mated with a JDAM satellite guidance kit, also US-supplied. A team of journalists from ITV, a British news channel, visited the site on March 26, and found remnants of an MK-84 bomb paired with a Paveway laser guidance kit. Human Rights Watch reviewed the journalists’ photographs and footage of these fragments.

“One of the deadliest strikes against civilians in Yemen’s year-long war involved US-supplied weapons, illustrating tragically why countries should stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia,” said Priyanka Motaparthy, emergencies researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The US and other coalition allies should send a clear message to Saudi Arabia that they want no part in unlawful killings of civilians.”


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495d0e No.90863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569438 (180104ZSEP23) Notable: Israeli Lobbyist Advocates False Flag Attack To Start A War With Iran

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Israeli Lobbyist Advocates False Flag Attack To Start A War With Iran

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495d0e No.90864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569482 (180115ZSEP23) Notable: For some time, Trump has been systematically mispronouncing "True the Vote" as "True TO Vote"..

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For some time, Trump has been systematically mispronouncing "True the Vote" as "True TO Vote"..

Last night he added an extra THE to his post touting his upcoming Meet the Press interview:


(Note 17 hour delta to next Truth...)

During the interview, he said "True THE Vote".


Link goes directly there.... 8:02

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495d0e No.90865

File: 59b94f83b7f33b1⋯.png (933.81 KB,787x1211,787:1211,Clipboard.png)

File: ceceb4e2d5ef423⋯.png (269.6 KB,638x333,638:333,Clipboard.png)

File: fddecf7342245aa⋯.png (138.73 KB,367x317,367:317,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c8ee5f6678c60b⋯.png (234.39 KB,366x313,366:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 6421ecd3fa3ca1e⋯.png (155.29 KB,365x307,365:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569499 (180120ZSEP23) Notable: 2014 [The Communist Strategy Of Deception And Disinformation]

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New Lies For Oldbook

[The Communist Strategy Of Deception And Disinformation]

Publication date 2014-01-01

Anatoliy Golitsyn

Anatoliy Mikhaylovich Golitsyn CBE (August 25, 1926 – December 29, 2008)[1] was a Soviet KGB defector and author of two books about the long-term deception strategy of the KGB leadership. He was born in Pyriatyn, USSR. He provided "a wide range of intelligence to the CIA on the operations of most of the 'Lines' (departments) at the Helsinki and other residencies, as well as KGB methods of recruiting and running agents." He became an American citizen by 1984.

Golitsyn worked in the strategic planning department of the KGB in the rank of Major. In 1961 under the name "Ivan Klimov" he was assigned to the Soviet embassy in Helsinki, Finland, as vice counsel and attaché. He defected with his wife and daughter to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) via Helsinki on December 15, 1961. They flew "with a CIA escort from Finland to Sweden and thence to the United States via Frankfurt am Main, Germany, arriving on 18 December 1961". He was interviewed by James Jesus Angleton, CIA counter-intelligence director.

The official historian for MI5, Christopher Andrew, described him as an "unreliable conspiracy theorist".

In 1984, Golitsyn published the book New Lies For Old, wherein he warned about a long-term deception strategy of seeming retreat from hard-line Communism designed to lull the West into a false sense of security, and finally economically cripple and diplomatically isolate the United States


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495d0e No.90866

File: 59b94f83b7f33b1⋯.png (933.81 KB,787x1211,787:1211,Clipboard.png)

File: ceceb4e2d5ef423⋯.png (269.6 KB,638x333,638:333,Clipboard.png)

File: fddecf7342245aa⋯.png (138.73 KB,367x317,367:317,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c8ee5f6678c60b⋯.png (234.39 KB,366x313,366:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 6421ecd3fa3ca1e⋯.png (155.29 KB,365x307,365:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569500 (180119ZSEP23) Notable: 2014 [The Communist Strategy Of Deception And Disinformation]

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New Lies For Oldbook

[The Communist Strategy Of Deception And Disinformation]

Publication date 2014-01-01

Anatoliy Golitsyn

Anatoliy Mikhaylovich Golitsyn CBE (August 25, 1926 – December 29, 2008)[1] was a Soviet KGB defector and author of two books about the long-term deception strategy of the KGB leadership. He was born in Pyriatyn, USSR. He provided "a wide range of intelligence to the CIA on the operations of most of the 'Lines' (departments) at the Helsinki and other residencies, as well as KGB methods of recruiting and running agents." He became an American citizen by 1984.

Golitsyn worked in the strategic planning department of the KGB in the rank of Major. In 1961 under the name "Ivan Klimov" he was assigned to the Soviet embassy in Helsinki, Finland, as vice counsel and attaché. He defected with his wife and daughter to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) via Helsinki on December 15, 1961. They flew "with a CIA escort from Finland to Sweden and thence to the United States via Frankfurt am Main, Germany, arriving on 18 December 1961". He was interviewed by James Jesus Angleton, CIA counter-intelligence director.

The official historian for MI5, Christopher Andrew, described him as an "unreliable conspiracy theorist".

In 1984, Golitsyn published the book New Lies For Old, wherein he warned about a long-term deception strategy of seeming retreat from hard-line Communism designed to lull the West into a false sense of security, and finally economically cripple and diplomatically isolate the United States


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495d0e No.90867

File: 0fd80c298e3e18f⋯.png (579.12 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569509 (180122ZSEP23) Notable: Canada in crisis: gangs steal cars EVERY SIX MINUTES to ship overseas

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The organized gangs running a billion-dollar industry stealing cars from the US to ship to Africa - with hundreds found stashed in containers on the East Coast and a theft EVERY SIX MINUTES threatening a 'national crisis' in Canada

Canada in crisis: gangs steal cars EVERY SIX MINUTES to ship overseas

In August, Homeland Security said it had already seized about 300 stolen vehicles at the Port of Newark this year, marking a a 32 percent increase from last year.


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495d0e No.90868

File: 4f8ffb00ed254c5⋯.png (131.9 KB,500x328,125:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569514 (180123ZSEP23) Notable: The Biden Blitzkrieg Bop! 10 Red Flags Point To Looming Recession Under Bidenomics

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The Biden Blitzkrieg Bop! 10 Red Flags Point To Looming Recession Under Bidenomics


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495d0e No.90869

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569528 (180126ZSEP23) Notable: 2014 [The Communist Strategy Of Deception And Disinformation]

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>>90865 (me)

The "Publication date 2014-01-01" was a pasta from a PDF download where the link was no longer active. oops

Book was written in 1984.

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495d0e No.90870

File: dfa374e38940b19⋯.png (444.32 KB,512x640,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569547 (180130ZSEP23) Notable: Cure for Prion diseases exists in the GUT and BACTERIA

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Cure for Prion diseases exists in the GUT and BACTERIA

God bless you anons, here is what you want. Gut bacteria transplants also can stop and reverse Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Title: Gut Microbiota Bacteria Implicated in Prion Clearance in the Human Body


Prion diseases, characterized by the accumulation of misfolded prion proteins (PrPSc) in the central nervous system, pose a significant public health concern. Emerging evidence suggests a potential role of gut microbiota in prion clearance. This article aims to delineate specific gut microbiota bacteria implicated in aiding the clearance of prions from the human body.


Prion diseases, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), are neurodegenerative disorders associated with the misfolding and aggregation of PrPSc. Recently, the gut-brain axis has garnered attention for its potential role in neurodegenerative diseases, including prion diseases. The gut microbiota, comprising diverse microbial communities residing in the gastrointestinal tract, has been shown to influence various aspects of host physiology, including the immune system and metabolic processes.


We reviewed existing literature to identify gut microbiota bacteria that have been implicated in the clearance of prions. The findings are summarized and presented herein.


Lactobacillus species:

Lactobacillus, a common genus of gut bacteria, has exhibited potential in prion clearance.

Lactobacillus strains have been observed to enhance protease activity, facilitating the degradation of PrPSc in the gut environment.

Bifidobacterium species:

Bifidobacterium, another prevalent gut microbiota genus, has demonstrated an ability to modulate the gut immune response.

Studies suggest that Bifidobacterium can influence host immune factors involved in prion clearance.

Clostridium species:

Certain strains of Clostridium have been associated with the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), such as butyrate.

SCFAs like butyrate may exert neuroprotective effects and potentially aid in mitigating prion-induced neurodegeneration.

Prevotella species:

Prevotella, a prevalent gut bacterium, has been linked to immune system modulation.

Prevotella may influence the immune response to prions, potentially affecting their clearance.


Emerging evidence suggests that specific gut microbiota bacteria, including Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Clostridium, and Prevotella species, may play a role in prion clearance. These bacteria have demonstrated the potential to influence protease activity, immune responses, and production of neuroprotective SCFAs, mechanisms that could aid in prion clearance within the gastrointestinal tract.


Understanding the interplay between gut microbiota and prion clearance is essential for developing potential therapeutic strategies to combat prion diseases. Further research is warranted to elucidate the precise mechanisms by which specific gut microbiota bacteria contribute to prion clearance and to explore the therapeutic potential of targeting the gut-brain axis in prion disease management.

Below is the link to gut bacteria transplants and ALZ disease. Use this information wisely anons, we are the ones who will bring the cures. Not Harvard, not lab coated scientists, but bastards like us. God Bless.


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495d0e No.90871

File: 3e0582776d0a6b3⋯.png (361.09 KB,1036x911,1036:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569553 (180130ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 stealth fighter lost in mid-flight ‘mishap’/no crash, on autopilot

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F-35 stealth fighter lost in mid-flight ‘mishap’

The real story here is;

1. Why is the plane lost?

2. Why are they TELLING the world the plane is lost?


>Authorities asked the public to help locate the missing plane or its crash site.

>the pilot put the plane on autopilot before ejecting

Is that normal operating procedure?

>“If anyone has any information that may help locate the F-35, you are asked to call the Base Defense Operations Center,”

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495d0e No.90872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569572 (180137ZSEP23) Notable: Timofey Bordachev: Here’s why events in Vladivostok prove that Russia has reached a new stage in its turn to the East

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I was in 7th grade and Ms. Deveny taught us about Vladivostock in 1967. She never let us forget about this land on the farthest reaches of Russia just slightly north of China. They took Geography seriously then

17 Sep, 2023 17:15

Timofey Bordachev: Here’s why events in Vladivostok prove that Russia has reached a new stage in its turn to the East

The issues of today shape the agenda of tomorrow. Rarely is that truer than in today’s transformative climate

The 2023 Eastern Economic Forum offered a kind of checkup in seeing how Russia’s ‘pivot to Asia’ policy has responded to the demands and needs that emerged last year. It met in Vladivostok for the seventh time. It was first held in 2015, and since then, only the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 forced its suspension.

For the second year, the forum was held in the context of the acute military and political confrontation between Russia and the West, the main consequence of which – for the global economy – has been the economic war unleashed against us by the US and its allies. The Asian countries, with which the EEF has traditionally focused on intensifying cooperation, are, with a few exceptions, not involved in this war. Of all the regional powers, only Japan has initiated sanctions against Russia, although it is taking a more moderate approach than the US satellites in Western Europe.

Even now, Japanese companies are continuing cooperation projects in the energy sector, for example. Another close American ally in Asia, South Korea, has been reluctant to comply with Western sanctions, and comes across as apologetic each time it is forced to impose new restrictions on trade and technological exchanges with Russia. All the other Asian states have avoided imposing sanctions of their own, although they do not always share Moscow’s position on European and international security issues.

In other words, Asia – as a region – has become Russia’s ‘gateway’ to the global economy, is most active in trade with us, and is engaged in dialogue at the intergovernmental level. This is also confirmed by the results of an analysis conducted by the experts of the Valdai Club in a recently published report on the dynamics of relations between Russia and the Asian countries over the past year and a half.

It should be understood, however, that the Eastern Economic Forum was not conceived solely as a means of more active dialogue with Russia’s external partners. From the very beginning, the main objective of the forum was to promote the vast Russian Far East to coordinate government policy in this area. This goal was identified as one of the most important in President Vladimir Putin’s address to the Federal Assembly in 2013. In addition, the accelerated development of this part of the country has proved to be very prudent in the context of general changes in the global economy and the associated shift of its center of gravity towards the Pacific and Asia.

As the president noted at this year’s EEF, the policy of developing the Far East, and the ‘pivot to Asia’ in general, was therefore very timely. Since the spring of 2022, the West has been pursuing a policy of squeezing us out of world markets, and it was our ties with Asia that played a decisive role in preventing this from happening in the end. It is the Far East and its leading cities, including Vladivostok itself, that have become the main hubs for the new scale of trade and economic relations with Asian countries. Recently, its cargo ports have seen a manifold increase in traffic.

Not surprisingly, one of the region’s key development challenges is now recognized to be the acute lack of technical capacity to handle the ever-increasing volume of exports and imports. Much has been done in recent years to shift a significant share of trade flows to the Pacific so quickly. But until the spring of 2022, the EU states were still Russia’s most important partners. And despite all the growth in throughput capacity, it has not yet caught up with increased demand. Another traditional problem in the region is demographics. The Far East has traditionally had a very small population, and in recent years, there has been no radical solution to the problem of population growth. Nevertheless, economic activity in the region has increased significantly, new universities have been established, and construction is underway.

Now, judging by the discussions at the EEF, the most important area of work is recognized as improving the quality of life, the environment, and the state of the urban environment. In general, everything that makes the European part of Russia and its major cities attractive places to live. These efforts are particularly important in the Far East, where only Primorsky Region (the area around Vladivostok) has truly favorable climatic conditions….


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495d0e No.90873

File: aae57563bc670c3⋯.png (484.9 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569582 (180137ZSEP23) Notable: Australian workers extend gas strike

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Australian workers extend gas strike

Union workers at Chevron’s liquefied natural gas facilities in Australia continued their 24-hour stoppages for another day


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495d0e No.90874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569591 (180140ZSEP23) Notable: Israeli Lobbyist Advocates False Flag Attack To Start A War With Iran

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Sep 25, 2012


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495d0e No.90875

File: db08c46d3520920⋯.png (114.42 KB,472x592,59:74,Clipboard.png)

File: ae195ca028ba55e⋯.jpg (54.81 KB,680x597,680:597,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569601 (180141ZSEP23) Notable: As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols without even flinching.

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Dr. Doug Corrigan


As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols without even flinching.

Published just a few weeks ago, this study reports on creating human grafted lung tissue in humanized mice in order to create a human model for Nipah virus infection and pathology.

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495d0e No.90876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569623 (180149ZSEP23) Notable: As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols without even flinching.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



it is not new fuckery

and please refresh before reposting

Humanized mice and tissue transplantation

Abstract: Our understanding of the molecular pathways that control immune responses, particularly immunomodulatory molecules that control the extent and duration of an immune response, have led to new approaches in the field of transplantation immunology to induce allograft survival. These molecular pathways are being defined precisely in murine models, and are now being translated into clinical practice. However, many of the newly available drugs are human-specific reagents and furthermore, there exist many species-specific differences between mouse and human immune systems. Recent advances in the development of humanized mice, i.e., immunodeficient mice engrafted with functional human immune systems, have led to the availability of a small animal model for the study of human immune responses. Humanized mice represent an important pre-clinical model system for evaluation of new drugs as well as identification of the mechanisms underlying human allograft rejection without putting patients at risk. This review highlights recent advances in the development of humanized mice and their use as pre-clinical models for the study of human allograft responses.


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495d0e No.90877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569639 (180154ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 stealth fighter lost in mid-flight ‘mishap’/no crash, on autopilot

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – Recovery efforts are underway after a pilot safely ejected from a plane Sunday afternoon in North Charleston.

Joint Base Charleston says they are responding to a “mishap” involving an F-35B Lightning II jet from Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron (VMFAT) 501 with the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing.

Donald Trump to campaign in Summerville on September 25

According to officials, a pilot was found on South Kenwood Drive in North Charleston after safely ejecting from the passing plane.

Joint Base Charleston says the pilot was transported to a local medical center and is in stable condition.

His wingman, in another aircraft, safely landed at Joint Base Charleston.

Joint Base Charleston and Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort are working with local law enforcement to locate the F-35.

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495d0e No.90878

File: 379b41ba96ee772⋯.jpg (166.3 KB,720x1016,90:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569652 (180156ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 stealth fighter lost in mid-flight ‘mishap’/no crash, on autopilot

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🚨#BREAKING: The US military is asking the public for help in locating a missing $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that disappeared over North Charleston, South Carolina. Officials have reported that there is no concrete evidence of a crash. The pilot has been found and transported to a hospital

Uhhhh, what?

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495d0e No.90879

File: d27193ad8112c1e⋯.png (507.44 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

File: 0147785e9a02dec⋯.png (433.95 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569732 (180211ZSEP23) Notable: You Can’t Make This Up:Doctors Are Now Struggling to Differentiate Between Covid, Allergies, and Common Cold-- ‘We Only Knew It Was Covid Because We Tested’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


You Can’t Make This Up:Doctors Are Now Struggling to Differentiate Between Covid, Allergies, and Common Cold– ‘We Only Knew It Was Covid Because We Tested’

Medical professionals are finding it increasingly challenging to distinguish between Covid-19, allergies, and the common cold.


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495d0e No.90880

File: 525a9960be749e1⋯.jpg (156.82 KB,720x1106,360:553,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b3b5b6ced4aa8bc⋯.mp4 (7.19 MB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569748 (180215ZSEP23) Notable: The man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What a clown


The man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Is this MKUltra or bad acting?

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495d0e No.90881

File: c19cd778caf3025⋯.png (179.59 KB,548x835,548:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569820 (180230ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 stealth fighter lost in mid-flight ‘mishap’/no crash, on autopilot

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mario Nawfal


BREAKING: US $80m Jet Missing | Flying With No Pilot

Military officials are searching for a jet after the pilot ejected. The jet has not crashed and has continued to fly on autopilot.

"The public is asked to cooperate with military authorities as the recovery effort continues"


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495d0e No.90882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569837 (180233ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 stealth fighter lost in mid-flight ‘mishap’/no crash, on autopilot

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It's in Lake Moultrie or Lake Marion most likely.

Based on the missing plane's location and trajectory, the search for the F-35 Lightning II jet has been focused on Lake Moultrie and Lake Marion, Senior Master Sergeant Heather Stanton, at Joint Base Charleston, said.


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495d0e No.90883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569849 (180236ZSEP23) Notable: #24033

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's A Wrap

#24033 >>90830

>>90833 PF update

>>90831 Donald Trump took ownership for his actions following the 2020 election

>>90832 "In the Great Depression, homes were x3 the average salary. Now it's x8. A car was 46% of a salary.

>>90834 End Times News

>>90835 So the stealth works. Lost or laundered to Ukraine? Government loses F-35 somewhere in South Carolina After Pilot Ejects

>>90836 Heartbeat law a terrible thing???

>>90837 Obama Era Official Drops Bombshell About Biden White House! | Allen West Exclusive

>>90838 CT: Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Cle…

>>90839 Classical Liberalism, CIA Libertarianism, & CIA Marxism w/ Jay Dyer | The Courtenay Turner Show

>>90840 Electronic correction of voter-marked paper ballot

>>90841 Ukraine’s drone attacks on Crimea, Moscow thwarted

>>90842 Migrants on Lampedusa, Italy are setting up barricades and establishing territorial control over certain areas of the island

>>90843 Florida GOP Drops Loyalty Oath, Giving Big Win To Trump Over DeSantis.

>>90844 Newsom is eyeing a change to the United States Constitution, The amendment would enshrine a list of Democratic gun-control policy priorities into federal law.

>>90845 “In the last 24 hours, the California legislature has passed not one, not two, but four bills that are designed to remove children from their homes and into government systems

>>90846 The Left Will Devour Itself — Just Ask Rolling Stone's Jann Wenner

>>90847 Democrats may dump Joe Biden, but they still own his extreme policies

>>90848 Russian top spy reveals CIA contacts

>>90849 Chinese Police Move in on Evergrande Firm, Detain Wealth Management Staff

>>90850 Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery/loop capital???

>>90851 ‘Prepare For a Long War’ - NATO Chief Issues Stark Warning

>>90852 General Flynn & Malik Obama Interview: Barack Obama's Older Half-Brother Discusses: What Country Is Barack Obama From?

>>90853 Nashville elects Tennessee’s first openly transgender politician. Olivia Hill, 57, a military veteran

>>90854 The Demons of Davos

>>90855 2022 President Trump's 1776 Report

>>90856, >>90858 AT-6 Mid Air collision in the pattern following the AT-6 Gold Race.

>>90857 trans-exclusionary radical feminist aka TERF's.Trans rights activists shout 'F**k the TERFs' as clash with radical feminist group hosting conference at San Francisco Hilton

>>90859 Yale University student acquitted of rape SUES accuser for $110MILLION in defamation

>>90860 GOP Neocon Senators Tom Cotton and Lindsey Graham Send Letter to Joe Biden Begging for More US Missiles for Ukraine

>>90861, >>90862 2017 Wikileaks Reveals Saudi Arabia and Qatar Giving Money to both Clinton and ISIS

>>90863, >>90874 Israeli Lobbyist Advocates False Flag Attack To Start A War With Iran

>>90864 For some time, Trump has been systematically mispronouncing "True the Vote" as "True TO Vote"..

>>90865, >>90866, >>90869 2014 [The Communist Strategy Of Deception And Disinformation]

>>90867 Canada in crisis: gangs steal cars EVERY SIX MINUTES to ship overseas

>>90868 The Biden Blitzkrieg Bop! 10 Red Flags Point To Looming Recession Under Bidenomics

>>90870 Cure for Prion diseases exists in the GUT and BACTERIA

>>90871, >>90877, >>90878, >>90881, >>90882 F-35 stealth fighter lost in mid-flight ‘mishap’/no crash, on autopilot

>>90872 Timofey Bordachev: Here’s why events in Vladivostok prove that Russia has reached a new stage in its turn to the East

>>90873 Australian workers extend gas strike

>>90875, >>90876 As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols without even flinching.

>>90879 You Can’t Make This Up:Doctors Are Now Struggling to Differentiate Between Covid, Allergies, and Common Cold- ‘We Only Knew It Was Covid Because We Tested’

>>90880 The man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


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495d0e No.90884

File: 53a4fda6d5b0b8b⋯.mp4 (874.59 KB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569897 (180244ZSEP23) Notable: War is the only way for Pence (Cap 0:17)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.90885

File: b3b5b6ced4aa8bc⋯.mp4 (7.19 MB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 525a9960be749e1⋯.jpg (156.82 KB,720x1106,360:553,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 686b1da403a9de3⋯.jpg (83.66 KB,570x950,3:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569910 (180247ZSEP23) Notable: Man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Cap 2:15)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Never seen the board lag this bad before.

>>90880 (Lb/Pb)

>The man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Where's his neck tattoo?

Anyone have a pick of where it was?

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495d0e No.90886

File: 725ab0ae6695d72⋯.png (435.22 KB,1019x892,1019:892,Clipboard.png)

File: 520c4dc31a8b6e7⋯.png (132.45 KB,997x617,997:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569912 (180249ZSEP23) Notable: US military is asking public to help find $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that has gone missing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



NEW 🚨 US military is asking public to help find $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that has gone missing

"Joint Base Charleston @TeamCharleston @MCASBeaufortSC We're working with to locate an F-35 that was involved in a mishap this afternoon. The pilot ejected safely. If you have any information that may help our recovery teams locate the F-35, please call the Base Defense Operations Center at 843-963-3600."

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495d0e No.90887

File: de68fea3ddfbd72⋯.jpg (83 KB,713x1148,713:1148,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7153c22ccd155f5⋯.jpg (77.16 KB,506x830,253:415,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569936 (180254ZSEP23) Notable: Man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Cap 2:15)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Actually I think it's there just hard to see.

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495d0e No.90888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569939 (180256ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: So very honored that this song, TRUMP WON by Natasha Owens, became so successful!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Truth: So very honored that this song, TRUMP WON by Natasha Owens, became so successful!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

So very honored that this song, TRUMP WON by Natasha Owens, became so successful!


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495d0e No.90889

File: cdae04db6313846⋯.jpg (272.23 KB,698x801,698:801,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569954 (180259ZSEP23) Notable: US military is asking public to help find $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that has gone missing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.90890

File: 18e989d05b49a34⋯.png (675.27 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569956 (180258ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Boebert raises Swalwell Chinese spy scandal on House floor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Boebert raises Swalwell Chinese spy scandal on House floor: 'Sleeping with the enemy'

Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., called out Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., for his past relationship with a suspected Chinese spy while giving a speech defending Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., on the House floor Wednesday.


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495d0e No.90891

File: 6bbbcf36d9d76a5⋯.jpg (49.69 KB,602x680,301:340,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569992 (180306ZSEP23) Notable: US military is asking public to help find $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that has gone missing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.90892

File: fa72359ca384c67⋯.jpg (193.23 KB,1414x1118,707:559,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7a4e8efc98362a6⋯.jpeg (81.26 KB,1024x681,1024:681,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569995 (180307ZSEP23) Notable: US military is asking public to help find $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that has gone missing

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"The pilot's name has not been released."


was it this guy?

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495d0e No.90893

File: ac900c3bef45dc8⋯.jpg (218.69 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19569999 (180308ZSEP23) Notable: Two random dudes walking outside during Trump's interview at Bedminster

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Two random dudes walking outside during Trump's interview at Bedminster...


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495d0e No.90894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570017 (180312ZSEP23) Notable: LAST YEAR: Lockheed Martin cloud-based network will replace the computer-based logistics system in all its F-35 fighter jets by 2022 end

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


it is legit statement, anon

Lockheed Martin to migrate F-35 logistics system to cloud by 2022 end

January 20, 2022

"A cloud-based network will replace the computer-based logistics system in all its F-35 fighter jets by 2022 end, reports Reuters."

WASHINGTON - Lockheed Martin said on Tuesday that a cloud-based network will replace the computer-based logistics system in all its F-35 fighter jets by 2022 end, reports Reuters. Continue reading original article

The Intelligent Aerospace take:

January 22, 2020-Lockheed noted that the F-35 will use the Operational Data integrated Network (ODIN) to reduce the human workload while delivering data in near-real time. The system will replace the Automatic Logistics Information System, which has been blamed for delaying aircraft maintenance. Lockheed said that ODIN will be delivered to the F-35 fleet later this year.


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495d0e No.90895

File: 9bfa8e9edea53fa⋯.png (6.04 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570032 (180315ZSEP23) Notable: Man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Cap 2:15)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.90896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570035 (180317ZSEP23) Notable: LAST YEAR: Lockheed Martin cloud-based network will replace the computer-based logistics system in all its F-35 fighter jets by 2022 end

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

original source for article in >>90894

Lockheed Martin to migrate F-35 logistics system to cloud by 2022 end

Jan. 21, 2020

A cloud-based network will replace the computer-based logistics system in all its F-35 fighter jets by 2022 end, reports Reuters.

Lockheed Martin said on Tuesday that a cloud-based network will replace the computer-based logistics system in all its F-35 fighter jets by 2022 end.

The weapons maker said the Operational Data Integrated Network (ODIN) will reduce administrator workload on the jet and is designed to deliver data in near real time on aircraft.

The ODIN will replace the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS), which was blamed for delaying aircraft maintenance, one of the very things it was meant to facilitate.

The system was made to underpin the F-35 fleet’s daily operations, ranging from mission planning and flight scheduling to repairs and scheduled maintenance.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) had estimated that ALIS would have cost more than $16.7 billion over its multi-decade life cycle.

The F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office will design the ODIN, which will be delivered to the fleet later this year, Lockheed said.


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495d0e No.90897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570040 (180317ZSEP23) Notable: A Ferro Max train is headed to the U.S. packed with illegals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>A Ferro Max train is headed to the U.S. packed with illegals whooping and hollering. But it seems the U.S. conveyed a “strongly worded message” to stay home.




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495d0e No.90898

File: 5fe16bd55179ef5⋯.png (48.09 KB,588x288,49:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570046 (180319ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: The United Autoworkers are being sold down the “drain” with this all Electric Car SCAM.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Truth: The United Autoworkers are being sold down the “drain” with this all Electric Car SCAM.

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495d0e No.90899

File: 4a7970e9716a4e9⋯.png (3.05 MB,2048x956,512:239,Clipboard.png)

File: e539cf8a6d3a616⋯.png (4.47 MB,2000x1000,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570053 (180319ZSEP23) Notable: "When I was growing up they said I looked like Elvis"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

just visited graceland and saw this...looks more like trump than elvis...unless elvis is trump...he would be 88.

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495d0e No.90900

File: ae93f388e9371c2⋯.png (727.66 KB,900x503,900:503,Clipboard.png)

File: 550095f4a178bbc⋯.png (6.36 MB,3747x3200,3747:3200,Clipboard.png)

File: db2f09d9691798c⋯.mp4 (7.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 17136a4b9cd720b⋯.png (38.3 KB,228x119,228:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570075 (180323ZSEP23) Notable: "When I was growing up they said I looked like Elvis"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>original elvis was blonde

that'snotablefor a number of anons

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495d0e No.90901

File: e37b80f14811f6b⋯.png (327.42 KB,417x836,417:836,Clipboard.png)

File: 9903fa318d47798⋯.png (899 KB,700x900,7:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 49fe5ce1e4234a5⋯.png (60.37 KB,618x309,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570214 (180403ZSEP23) Notable: Multiple of Russell Brand’s Ex-Girlfriends Confirmed They Were Pressured By The Rape Squad To Create False Accusations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I don't trust Matt Wallace, but this is dasting.

She woke and that's not her real name.




Multiple of Russell Brand’s Ex-Girlfriends Confirmed They Were Pressured By The Rape Squad To Create False Accusations!

They Reach Out To Everyone You Have Ever Known & Offer To Pay Them To Manufacture The Story! Most Say No, But It Only Takes A Few. I HAVE OBTAINED OVERWHELMING PROOF OF THEIR EVIL TACTICS!


5:25 PM · Sep 17, 2023



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495d0e No.90902

File: 2d7ee0807f19eb1⋯.png (739.95 KB,634x476,317:238,Clipboard.png)

File: 83f60a528d876a7⋯.png (589.45 KB,634x425,634:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 72caeea2c1d9551⋯.png (1.41 MB,634x919,634:919,Clipboard.png)

File: cfdaff44fd6179c⋯.png (719.96 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 93e25fd75afe01f⋯.png (1003.23 KB,634x811,634:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570253 (180416ZSEP23) Notable: Ivanka Trump's secret trip to Maui to give meals to families devastated by wildfires

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EXCLUSIVE - Ivanka Trump's secret trip to Maui to give meals to families devastated by wildfires

Ivanka visited Maui two weeks ago on a humanitarian mission

She distributed food and supplies with group CityServe International

Thousands remain displaced and rebuilding has yet to begin

UPDATED: 20:52 EDT, 17 September 2023


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495d0e No.90903

File: 28f00af5018de95⋯.png (3.15 MB,2006x1442,1003:721,Clipboard.png)

File: de794cd8683c8b6⋯.png (433.86 KB,594x717,198:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570306 (180435ZSEP23) Notable: US military is asking public to help find $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that has gone missing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Auto ditch in water? Is that how they programmed this things?

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495d0e No.90904

File: ac7dac8bc217ca4⋯.png (1.12 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570313 (180439ZSEP23) Notable: PF reports: Ukrainian Military Airbus flying from Krakow, Poland back to Ukraine

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Ukranian Military Airbus flying from Krakow, Poland back to Ukraine. USAF KC-135 looks to have been refueling something over Eastern Poland.

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495d0e No.90905

File: ee75f856a260fd9⋯.png (446.4 KB,768x505,768:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570340 (180456ZSEP23) Notable: Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Fatally Shot in Ambush Attack in Palmdale, CA - Manhunt Underway

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Los Angeles Sheriff Assassinated.

UPDATE: Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Fatally Shot in Ambush Attack in Palmdale, CA - Manhunt Underway

A Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy was fatally shot in an ambush attack.


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495d0e No.90906

File: a492e0b80e5882c⋯.png (1008.76 KB,926x823,926:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570346 (180459ZSEP23) Notable: War is the only way for Pence (Cap 0:17)

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Panic Pence: Trump Isn’t Conservative Because He is Anti-War


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495d0e No.90907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570377 (180521ZSEP23) Notable: Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’

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Brave had 2 updates in that time frame and still struggling to get in...

We're under attack?

Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’


825K views11hours ago

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495d0e No.90908

File: 7b7a56b99c282a7⋯.jpg (134.34 KB,720x825,48:55,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2e19b86ffce5f6c⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB,576x1280,9:20,Clipboard.mp4)

File: efdb93710905db3⋯.jpg (83.53 KB,720x802,360:401,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f522fa76ce33b38⋯.jpg (83.81 KB,720x801,80:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570389 (180536ZSEP23) Notable: German comedian Carolin Kebekus, shapeshift eyes multiple times (Cap 0:25)

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German comedian Carolin Kebekus, shapeshift multiple times.🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎



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495d0e No.90909

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570463 (180630ZSEP23) Notable: US military is asking public to help find $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that has gone missing

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Moar on the cloud logisitics for F-35s, AKA ODIN, that replaced ALIS

Transition to New F-35 Logistics System Hits Headwinds

May 26, 2021

The effort to transition to a new and improved logistics system for the F-35 joint strike fighter is facing delays due to funding constraints and other challenges. The setback comes as the program is under pressure to improve operations and maintenance and to control costs.

The legacy Autonomic Logistics Information System, or ALIS, was designed to support F-35 operations, mission planning, supply-chain management and maintenance. However, it has been plagued by problems over the years.


Last year, officials announced plans to move to a new system known as the Operational Data Integrated Network, or ODIN. It is being billed as a more user-friendly, integrated information system to include modern hardware, architectures, software development methods, data environments and platforms.

The transition is being led by the Joint Program Office with support from Lockheed Martin, the prime contractor for the F-35 and ALIS.

“Our shared goal is continue improving speed, minimizing hardware footprint, reducing required labor, and enhancing user experience and overall capability,” said Greg Ulmer, Lockheed’s executive vice president of aeronautics.

The aim for ODIN is to improve maintenance efficiency, inventory management and responsiveness, he added.


“Our intent with ODIN is not to just rebrand ALIS,” he said. “ODIN is all about a new hardware baseline, a new integrated data environment and new applications, and user interfaces that make it a better system from the ground up that we [the JPO] own in its entirety, and we will then execute.”

Maurer noted that there has been some encouraging progress, highlighting the importance of the capability needs statement.

“That document contains some performance measures for ODIN, which did not exist for ALIS,” she said.

However, “we still have questions about the overall end state for what ODIN is designed to be,” she added. “There are still a lot of unanswered questions about some of the fundamental issues that we raised in our work on ALIS about cloud usage and software development models and ensuring user feedback, and some other things. … We are cautiously optimistic, but we’ll stay studiously skeptical.”

>article continues


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495d0e No.90910

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570476 (180637ZSEP23) Notable: US military is asking public to help find $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that has gone missing

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Better cloud technology to be adapted to F-35s by Lockheed Martin

February 24, 2023

"The US Airforce is keen to operate more seamlessly by contracting Lockheed Martin to research and develop a more advanced generation IT infrastructure based on cloud technology for its F-35 fighters."

The F-35 Lightening II is the most sustainable tactical aircraft out there according to Lockheed Martin, but the US Department of Defense (DoD) wants to optimise its fleet sustainment and readiness performance even further.

On 23 February, the DoD awarded F-35 designer and manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, a $32.5m contract modification against a previous order for a fleet of the stealth aircracft.

This modification adds scope to design, develop, and establish the F-35 NextGen Open Mission services. Lockheed will encompass the usage of modern cloud-based technologies and modern software methodologies for the Joint Strike Fighter programme.

Cloud-based technologies are increasingly being invested in and are beginning to play an integral part of the defence industry. The concept of a shared IT infrastructure provides flexibility, resource-efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

GlobalData states that cloud allows sensors, services and agencies to interconnect, giving forces the necessary superiority to overwhelm enemies that lag behind in such force multipliers.

Lockheed Martin had initially adapted its Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) to its first rollout of F-35s. However, this logistics system – which had been intended to monitor all aspects of the F-35 maintenance and the fleet at large – demonstrated problems of inaccurate or missing data according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in 2020.

ALIS’s successor system, the Operational Data Integrated Network (ODIN), was introduced in 2021. ODIN has since proven to be vast improvement. The Joint Strike Fighter programme website tells us ODIN’s properties.

“ODIN will be a cloud-native system that incorporates a new integrated data environment and a new suite of user-centered applications; it will be a significant step forward to improve F-35 fleet’s sustainment and readiness performance”.

However seamlessly this system may be working now, the fact remains that the DoD’s modification suggests that it has new demands for the IT backbone of its greatest vehicle asset.

What is known – from this modification and the success of ODIN – is that cloud is identifiably the future system for the F-35 fighter. But what cloud capabilities should Lockheed Martin devote to R&D with the US Government’s investment?

As the war in Ukraine has shown, opposing forces can deploy electronic warfare (EW) assets that rely on heavy jamming outputs that can easily interrupt telecommunications. In such an environment, cloud computing would face serious challenges.

Part of Lockheed’s development modification to F-35 logistics may look to strengthen the security of its cloud infrastructure.

There has already been growing interest in this area in Q1 2023. On 23 February, NV5 Global acquired Axim Geospatial, which offers “cloud services” and “critical infrastructure and security”. This acquisition demonstrates the increased concern for cloud security in the defence and intelligence industry.

Moreover, another key target of research concern would be to improve the seamless flow of data collected from sensors.

The aerial objects shot down over North America so far this year have given the high-altitude surveillance market increased attention. The Chinese spy balloon has particularly drawn US concern to protecting its intelligence, particularly critical data.

It seems reasonable that attention will be given to the data flow between sensors and the wider cloud network.

GlobalData’s report on Cloud Computing in Defense tells us that the US Airforce (USAF), which heavily relies on the continuous flow of data from multiple sensors, is shifting the sensor-to-shooter cycle operational approach into one of data-to-decision. It is a much wider one that refers to the core capability of this period, the collection and analysis of data, to make an informed decision.

If this modification tells us anything, it is that a demand for cloud-based technologies, and their secure maintenance, are only expected to increase as we enter a phase of modern warfare that uses data as an asset to be exploited.


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495d0e No.90911

File: 025bcce0ebf07f7⋯.jpg (42.21 KB,642x358,321:179,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570559 (180748ZSEP23) Notable: Pennsylvania judge rules Trump has presidential immunity, cannot be sued over statements on 2020 election fraud

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495d0e No.90912

File: 6174d3a481b1100⋯.png (279.36 KB,915x641,915:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570570 (180803ZSEP23) Notable: Pennsylvania judge rules Trump has presidential immunity, cannot be sued over statements on 2020 election fraud

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495d0e No.90913

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570677 (181015ZSEP23) Notable: Who controls the corrupt NCGOP?

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This is a MUST WATCH for all AnonsThis is how we take back our local elections County by County, State by State. Get the RINO’s out of control.

Follow the money…

See (their) agenda…

Do the opposite

Who controls the Corrupt NCGOP?


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495d0e No.90914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570708 (181042ZSEP23) Notable: #24034

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>>90884, >>90906 War is the only way for Pence (Cap 0:17)

>>90885, >>90895, >>90887 Man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Cap 2:15)

>>90886, >>90903, >>90889, >>90891, >>90892, >>90909, >>90910 US military is asking public to help find $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that has gone missing

>>90888 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: So very honored that this song, TRUMP WON by Natasha Owens, became so successful!

>>90890 Rep. Boebert raises Swalwell Chinese spy scandal on House floor

>>90893 Two random dudes walking outside during Trump's interview at Bedminster

>>90894, >>90896 LAST YEAR: Lockheed Martin cloud-based network will replace the computer-based logistics system in all its F-35 fighter jets by 2022 end

>>90897 A Ferro Max train is headed to the U.S. packed with illegals

>>90898 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: The United Autoworkers are being sold down the “drain” with this all Electric Car SCAM.

>>90899, >>90900 "When I was growing up they said I looked like Elvis"

>>90901 Multiple of Russell Brand’s Ex-Girlfriends Confirmed They Were Pressured By The Rape Squad To Create False Accusations

>>90902 Ivanka Trump's secret trip to Maui to give meals to families devastated by wildfires

>>90904 PF reports: Ukrainian Military Airbus flying from Krakow, Poland back to Ukraine

>>90905 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Fatally Shot in Ambush Attack in Palmdale, CA - Manhunt Underway

>>90907 Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’

>>90908 German comedian Carolin Kebekus, shapeshift eyes multiple times (Cap 0:25)

>>90911, >>90912 Pennsylvania judge rules Trump has presidential immunity, cannot be sued over statements on 2020 election fraud

>>90913 Who controls the corrupt NCGOP?


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495d0e No.90915

File: d4d00adc8a4da75⋯.png (357.58 KB,747x638,747:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570717 (181047ZSEP23) Notable: #24035

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Baker seeking handoff, out in 20


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495d0e No.90916

File: f987d6c33777434⋯.png (649.01 KB,594x685,594:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570735 (181057ZSEP23) Notable: The Clinton Global Initiative will announce the launch of the CGI Ukraine Action Network, as well as numerous financial pledges, to support nonprofits…

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This doesn't seem strange or anything.


NEW YORK (AP) — The Clinton Global Initiative will announce the launch of the CGI Ukraine Action Network, as well as numerous financial pledges, to support nonprofits working in the country, as the annual conference opens in New York on Monday morning.

The CGI Ukraine Action Network is the result of a collaboration between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Olena Zelenska, first lady of Ukraine, that began last year.

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495d0e No.90917

File: 11f3953f60064fb⋯.png (564.01 KB,891x840,297:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570838 (181135ZSEP23) Notable: Schumer’s First AI Conference Sets Goal of 2024 Election, With Big Tech Embracing Govt Regulation

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Schumer’s First AI Conference Sets Goal

of 2024 Election, With Big Tech Embracing

Govt Regulation

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 9/17/2023 9:28:04 PM

According to a recent media report, Senator Chuck Schumer led an AI insight forum that included tech industry leaders: Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Tesla, X and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, NVIDIA President Jensen Huang, Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, technologist and Google alum Eric Schmidt, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. Additionally, representatives from labor and civil rights advocacy groups (snip)and AI accountability researcher Deb Raji. The group was joined by a list of prominent AI executives,(anip) Notably absent from the Sept 13th forum was anyone with any real-world experience that is not a beneficiary of government spending. This is not accidental.

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495d0e No.90918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570854 (181141ZSEP23) Notable: anons opine on 45's comment on Biden leading us into “World War Two” if re-elected

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WWII never ended

just threw anon off a second cuz boss has mentioned WWIII in the past

then this

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495d0e No.90919

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570860 (181144ZSEP23) Notable: anons opine on 45's comment on Biden leading us into “World War Two” if re-elected

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So the Nazis didn't lose WWII

They just became American assets

And spent from 1946 to 2015 "buying" the World

Then HRC lost

And control of all their winnings changed hands

Now, their minions have to be defeated

With the tools the Overlords developed

Within the Framework of the US Constitution

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495d0e No.90920

File: dfe376fa4b05e8b⋯.mp4 (2.81 MB,1288x720,161:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570861 (181145ZSEP23) Notable: anons opine on 45's comment on Biden leading us into “World War Two” if re-elected

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WWI has never ended.


Donald Trump is warning America that “Cognitively impaired”Biden will lead us into “World War Two” if re-elected.

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495d0e No.90921

File: 823592294002e79⋯.png (898.4 KB,906x938,453:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570870 (181148ZSEP23) Notable: More Hospitals Across the US Are Bringing Back Mask Mandates

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By Jack Phillips




More Hospitals Across the US Are Bringing Back Mask Mandates

A handful of hospitals in multiple states announced this week that COVID-19 mask mandates would be reimplemented

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495d0e No.90922

File: bce676cf0893977⋯.png (383.14 KB,592x567,592:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570895 (181204ZSEP23) Notable: AF Seeks Help From Public Finding Missing F-35 Jet

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The Gateway Pundit


Air Force Seeks Help From Public in Finding Missing F-35 Jet Lost Over South Carolina After Pilot Ejected via @gatewaypundit


Air Force Seeks Help From Public in Finding Missing F-35 Jet Lost Over South Carolina After Pilot...

The Air Force is asking the public for help finding a lost F-35 jet that was last seen over South Carolina Sunday afternoon after the pilot safely ejected.

3:50 PM · Sep 17, 2023



ViewsThe Gateway Pundit


Air Force Seeks Help From Public in Finding Missing F-35 Jet Lost Over South Carolina After Pilot Ejected via @gatewaypundit


Air Force Seeks Help From Public in Finding Missing F-35 Jet Lost Over South Carolina After Pilot...

The Air Force is asking the public for help finding a lost F-35 jet that was last seen over South Carolina Sunday afternoon after the pilot safely ejected.

3:50 PM · Sep 17, 2023




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495d0e No.90923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570905 (181207ZSEP23) Notable: KLAUS SCHWAB IS SCARED -WHAT WE SEE IS A REVOLUTION AGAINST THE SYSTEM - WINNING!!

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“A Revolution Against The Elites!” - WEF’s Klaus Schwab Openly Worries



254,548 views 15 Sept 2023 #TheJimmyDoreShow

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab is not afraid to tell the rest of us the truth about unpleasant matters like how in the future we’ll all own nothing and be eating bugs. But what DOES strike fear in Schwab’s otherwise black heart is the prospect of the huddles masses rising up against “the system” and directing their anger at elites like, well, Klaus Schwab.

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495d0e No.90924

File: 5940433dcb0a6cc⋯.png (454.46 KB,592x788,148:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570907 (181206ZSEP23) Notable: Russell Brand: "The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military…

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talks to Russell Brand about how the NSA was in charge of Operation Warp Speed, the history of the United States bioweapons program, and why Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid government official in history:

"The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military. When Operation Warp Speed made its presentation to the FDA committee called VRBPAC...

It shocked everybody because it wasn't HHS, CDC, NIH, FDA, or a public health agency. It was the NSA, a spy agency that was the top agency that led Operation Warp Speed, and the second agency was the Pentagon.

The vaccines were developed not by Moderna and Pfizer. They were developed by NIH. The patents are owned 50% by NIH. Nor were they manufactured by Pfizer or by Moderna.

They were manufactured by military contractors, and basically, Pfizer and Moderna were paid to put their stamps on those vaccines as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry. This was a military project from the beginning.

One of the things I uncovered in my book is twenty different simulations of coronavirus and pandemics that started in 2001. The first one was right before the anthrax attacks, and the CIA sponsored them all.

The last one was Event 201, which was in October 2019. One of the participants was Avril Haines, the former Deputy Director of the CIA, who has been managing coverups her entire life. She did the Guantanamo Bay and others.

She is now the Director of National Intelligence, which makes her the highest-ranking officer at the NSA, which managed the pandemic... All of these simulations were about how you use the pandemic to clamp down on censorship. How do you use it to force lockdowns."

3:24 / 18:36

1:35 PM · Sep 17, 2023




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495d0e No.90925

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570922 (181212ZSEP23) Notable: KLAUS SCHWAB IS SCARED -WHAT WE SEE IS A REVOLUTION AGAINST THE SYSTEM - WINNING!!

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The race to 2030 explained.

The b.i.s was formed in 1930, fast forward 100 years and you are at 2030.

The NWO is coming and the only way to stop it is to stop paying taxes.

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495d0e No.90926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19570967 (181223ZSEP23) Notable: Senator Mark Warner Says SSCI Bill to Block All Presidents from Fourth Branch Classified Intelligence Close to Completion

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Sunday Talks – Senator Mark Warner Says SSCI Bill to Block All Presidents from Fourth Branch Classified Intelligence Close to Completion

September 17, 2023 | Sundance

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) created the systems that permit intelligence weaponization. The SSCI is the organizational institution that supports the Fourth Branch of Government, the intelligence branch. Keep in mind, the SSCI previously created a bipartisan “Restrict Act,” to deal with what they deemed dangerous information on the internet (under auspices of TikTok ban). SSCI Chairman Mark Warner is the current enabler of the continued weaponized intel operations.

In this video segment below, notice how Chairman Warner leads off his remarks. Two flares triggered. First, you can tell by his response, thatPresident Trump’s “classified documents” were exactly what we thought they were; evidence against those who constructed the Trump-Russia claims from inside govt.Second, notice how Warner now wants to block any President from controlling intelligence as defined by the Fourth Branch. This stuff is getting brutally obvious. WATCH:

“I’ve got bipartisan legislation that would reform the whole classification process. We way overclassify.We, frankly, should have a process in place so that no president or vice president ever takes documents after they leave office.” 👀

Panic in DC


17-Oct-2020 12:47:14 PM EDT







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495d0e No.90927

File: 5b06b30c1e6a482⋯.png (566.41 KB,583x523,583:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571023 (181238ZSEP23) Notable: Trump celebrates Paxton impeachment acquittal

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Sep 16, 2023, 8:46 AM

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed






Replying to @realDonaldTrump

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495d0e No.90928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571039 (181241ZSEP23) Notable: Tony Buzbee Discusses Background of Sham Impeachment Effort Against AG Ken Paxton

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Tony Buzbee Discusses Background of Sham Impeachment Effort Against AG Ken Paxton

September 17, 2023 | Sundance |

Do not let it escape your notice thatnot a single professional Republican entity has stood up to show their support for Texas AG Ken Paxton or congratulate himon the clear and decisive impeachment victory against the corrupt UniParty system in the Lone Star state. Not a word from The Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA), or any other professional Republican group.

Instead, only President Donald Trump and the overwhelming majority of the MAGA base have stood strong with Paxton – before, during and after the smear campaign to remove him. Keep this BIG UGLY data point in mind. On the federal side, with Obama-Biden flooding the border with illegal aliens, Ken Paxton was considered a threat from both the White House and the Texas Governor, Greg Abbott.

This weekend, Ken Paxton’s awesome attorney, Tony Buzbee, appeared for a Fox News interview, after the impeachment trial, to discuss the background motives and issues that led to the ridiculous effort. WATCH:



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495d0e No.90929

File: ee05a755764359d⋯.png (59.84 KB,392x641,392:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571047 (181245ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden is suing the IRS.

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Hunter Biden is suing the IRS.

The complaints are:

(1) unlawful disclosure of Mr. Biden’s confidential tax return information in violation of 26 U.S.C. § 6103 and 28 U.S.C. § 7431, and

(2) willful and intentional failure to establish appropriate administrative, technical, and/or physical safeguards over the IRS’s records system to insure the security and confidentiality of Mr. Biden’s confidential tax return information in violation of the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552a.”


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495d0e No.90930

File: 4c5564d0e7efbaa⋯.png (378.66 KB,594x594,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571064 (181250ZSEP23) Notable: Kamala Harris Lectures on Racist Criminal Justice System After She Kept Black Men in Prison

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The Gateway Pundit


Can’t Make This Up! Kamala Harris Lectures on Racist Criminal Justice System After She Kept Black Men in Prison Past Their Release Date for Cheap State Labor via @gatewaypundit


Can't Make This Up! Kamala Harris Lectures on Racist Criminal Justice System After She Kept Black...

On Friday Vice President Kamala Harris made an appearance at North Carolina AGT State University.

1:36 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.90931

File: 2e6d5d2a32ff5d9⋯.jpeg (79.5 KB,480x260,24:13,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a8f1990cba2798b⋯.jpeg (98.5 KB,690x765,46:51,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571093 (181255ZSEP23) Notable: Schumer’s First AI Conference Sets Goal of 2024 Election, With Big Tech Embracing Govt Regulation

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Schumer’s First AI Conference Sets Goal of 2024 Election, With Big Tech Embracing Govt Regulation

September 17, 2023 | Sundance.1/2

According to a recent media report, Senator Chuck Schumer led an AI insight forum that included tech industry leaders: Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Tesla, X and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, NVIDIA President Jensen Huang, Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, technologist and Google alum Eric Schmidt, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella.

Additionally, representatives from labor and civil rights advocacy groups which included: AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights President and CEO Maya Wiley, and AI accountability researcher Deb Raji. The group was joined by a list of prominent AI executives, including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang.

Notably absent from the Sept 13th forum was anyone with any real-world experience that is not a beneficiary of government spending. This is not accidental. Technocracy advances regardless of the citizen impact. Technocrats advance their common interests, not the interests of the ordinary citizen.

That meeting comes after DHS established independent guidelines we previously discussed {GO DEEP}.

DHS’ AI task force is coordinating with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency on how the department can partner with critical infrastructure organizations “on safeguarding their uses of AI and strengthening their cybersecurity practices writ large to defend against evolving threats.”

Remember, in addition to these groups assembling, the Dept of Defense (DoD) will now conduct online monitoring operations, using enhanced AI to protect the U.S. internet from “disinformation” under the auspices of national security. {link}

So, the question becomes, what was Chuck Schumer’s primary reference for this forum?

(FED NEWS) […] Schumer said that tackling issues around AI-generated content that is fake or deceptive that can lead to widespread misinformation and disinformation was the most time-sensitive problem to solve due to the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

[…] The top Democrat in the Senate said there was much discussion during the meeting about the creation of a new AI agency and that there was also debate about how to use some of the existing federal agencies to regulate AI.

South Dakota Sen. Mike Rounds, Schumer’s Republican counterpart in leading the bipartisan AI forums, said: “We’ve got to have the ability to provide good information to regulators. And it doesn’t mean that every single agency has to have all of the top-end, high-quality of professionals but we need that group of professionals who can be shared across the different agencies when it comes to AI.”

Although there were no significant voluntary commitments made during the first AI insight forum, tech leaders who participated in the forum said there was much debate around how open and transparent AI developers and those using AI in the federal government will be required to be. (read more)….


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495d0e No.90932

File: 38286486187cdfb⋯.jpeg (196.69 KB,800x1200,2:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571104 (181256ZSEP23) Notable: Schumer’s First AI Conference Sets Goal of 2024 Election, With Big Tech Embracing Govt Regulation

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There isn’t anything that is going to stop the rapid deployment of AI in the tech space. However, for the interests of the larger American population, the group unrepresented in the forum, is the use of AI to identify, control, and impede information distribution that is against the interests of the government and the public-private partnership the technocrats are assembling.

The words “disinformation” and “deep fakes” are as disingenuous as the term “Patriot Act.”The definitions of disinformation and deep fakes are where the government regulations step in, using their portals into Big Tech, to identify content on platforms that is deemed in violation.

It doesn’t take a deep political thinker to predict that memes and video segments against the interests of the state will be defined for removal.

This battlespace is only just now getting prepped, and I can guarantee you that few websites and alternative media outlets have any idea what is likely to happen – let alone the foresight toprepare their infrastructure to withstand the outcomes of the government determinations.

Remember, throughout this process the coordination is filled with plausible deniability, where outcomes from the tech space are justified by saying the platform control agents didn’t have any choice. Worse still, most of the advanced AI will be fully automated, providing even more plausible deniability and legal issue avoidance.

The corporations like Vanguard and Blackrock will ultimately be in the background, shaping the guidance of government policy to their own interests. The flow of information, and the ability of information consumers to locate it, is likely to be determined within this public-private network of aligned interests.

Watch carefully how this rolls out, and look for the tell-tale signs of content control.

If you didn’t understand why we needed Godzilla Trump before, you will soon…


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495d0e No.90933

File: 5058eaeb7b8ee0d⋯.jpeg (83.26 KB,900x675,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571105 (181256ZSEP23) Notable: “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

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“So, you want to worship Satan? By all means, but leave Russia out of it. Rest assured that I will be your worst nightmare. You can quote me on that.”

“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.

“As part of this defense of ‘Christian values,’ Russia has adopted a law banning “homosexual propaganda” and another that makes it a criminal offense to ‘insult’ the religious sensibilities of believers…

But the real question is this: why do the regime and their puppets hate Putin so much? Well, Putin suggested back in 2013 the Soviet government was guided by a dark force whose “ideological goggles and faulty ideological perceptions collapsed.”[33]

“The first Soviet government,” Putin added, “was 80-85 percent Jewish.”[34] Sounds like Putin has read Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together. If so, then it seems clear that he will continue to challenge the Zionist regime. Perhaps Putin has been encouraged by Solzhenitsyn’s bravery. It was Solzhenitsyn who said:

“And thus, overcoming our temerity, let each man choose: will he remain a witting servant of the lies, or has the time come for him to stand straight as an honest man, worthy of the respect of his children and contemporaries?”[35]

Perhaps Putin is saying enough is enough. And this maybe one reason why nearly all the major news outlets have been relentlessly slandering him. Kevin Barrett ended up his excellent article saying, “God bless President Putin, who is putting the fear of God into the New World Order.” Let us hope that he will never be weary in well doing, for in due season he shall reap, if he faints not.

November 30, 2015


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495d0e No.90934

File: 79141a4ee47a2b3⋯.png (471.38 KB,693x582,231:194,Clipboard.png)

File: bdd7e95cb31ea7f⋯.png (51.41 KB,438x817,438:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571118 (181258ZSEP23) Notable: Trump celebrates Paxton impeachment acquittal

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Sep 16, 2018 1:16:26 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 5db43b No. 3046027

Sep 16, 2018 1:11:05 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 5db43b No. 3045943

Sep 16, 2018 1:10:16 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 75e1e2 No. 3045932


911 digits Q interesting!






Memes at the ready.



Do you believe in coincidences?




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495d0e No.90935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571137 (181303ZSEP23) Notable: Full Interview Between President Trump and NBC Narrative Engineer Kristen Welker

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Sunday Talks – Full Interview Between President Trump and NBC Narrative Engineer Kristen Welker

September 17, 2023 | Sundance

Chuck Todd was removed and replaced as the anchor of NBC’s Meet The Press. Todd was replaced by the culturally correctKristen Welker, a fellow traveler from the tribe of Valerie Jarrett whose daughter Laura Jarrett is Welker’s sidekick.

If you followed the 2020 Super-Tuesday deal between Barack Obama (the Chicago Network that includes Oprah, and host of the ’24 Democrat National Convention), James Clyburn from South Carolina (now the #1 primary state for Democrats in 2024) and the Joe Biden family, then you will clearly see how the datapoints and roadmap aligns for 2024. {Go Deep}The NBC shift (Jarrett et al) was part of their corporate move in preparation for the 2024 election.

Welker kicks off her first day in the anchor chair with an interview with President Donald Trump. The full interview is available in the video below.The transcript of the segment that was edited and broadcast today is below the full video; there is a big difference. WATCH:

(Any Anons have the ability to transcribe the video and post it here?Since they edited it anon thinks it important to get before they edit the video itself.)



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495d0e No.90936

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571151 (181304ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2023

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LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2023



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495d0e No.90937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571174 (181308ZSEP23) Notable: “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

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“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


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495d0e No.90938

File: feecfebc31ad5aa⋯.png (1.17 MB,831x6815,831:6815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571207 (181313ZSEP23) Notable: “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

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495d0e No.90939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571219 (181314ZSEP23) Notable: A DC Cornerstone Issue That Must Be Understood – This Isn’t What You Learned on Schoolhouse Rock

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A DC Cornerstone Issue That Must Be Understood – This Isn’t What You Learned on Schoolhouse Rock

September 17, 2023 | Sundance |

I’m going to build out on this in the next several days and weeks. The reason is simple, this is the cornerstone of DC Business; it has nothing to do with legislation, lawmaking, or the other reference points we retain in the illusion of modern politics. It’s going to get ugly!

CTH often describes the background DC motives with the phrase: “There are Trillions at Stake.” Here we take a look at what that really means, and how DC politics is not quite based on the ideas that frame many reference points.

With people taking notice of DC politics for the first time, and with people not as familiar with the purpose of DC politics, we end up within two different references. Perhaps it is valuable to reset the larger frames of reference and provide clarity.

I’ve been talking about this for well over a decade, and we have had this conversation on these pages for just as long. However, in this video Bill Gurley brings some modern receipts. WATCH:

Most people think when they vote for a federal politician -a House or Senate representative- they are voting for a person who will go to Washington DC and write or enact legislation. This is the old-fashioned “schoolhouse rock” perspective based on decades past. There is not a single person in Congress writing legislation or laws.

In modern politics, not a single member of the House of Representatives or Senator writes a law, or puts pen to paper to write out a legislative construct. This simply doesn’t happen.

Over the past several decades a system of constructing legislation has taken over Washington DC that more resembles a business operation than a legislative body.

Here’s how it works right now.

Outside groups, often called “special interest groups”, are entities that represent their interests in legislative constructs. These groups are often representing foreign governments, Wall Street multinational corporations, banks, financial groups or businesses, or smaller groups of people with a similar connection who come together and form a larger group under an umbrella of interest specific to their affiliation.

Sometimes the groups are social interest groups, activists, climate groups, environmental interests etc. The social interest groups are usually non-profit constructs who depend on the expenditures of government to sustain their cause or need.

The for-profit groups (mostly business) have a purpose in Washington DC to shape policy, legislation and laws favorable to their interests. They have fully staffed offices just like any business would – only their ‘business‘ is getting legislation for their unique interests.

These groups are filled with highly paid lawyers who represent the interests of the entity and actually write laws and legislation briefs.

In the modern era, this is actually the origination of the laws that we eventually see passed by Congress. Within the walls of these buildings, within Washington DC, is where the ‘sausage’ is actually made.

Again, no elected official is usually part of this law origination process.

Almost all legislation created is not ‘high profile’; they are obscure changes to current laws, regulations or policies that no-one pays attention to. The passage of the general bills within legislation is not covered in media.Ninety-nine percent of legislative activity happens without anyone outside the system even paying any attention to it….

(Anons important to read the entire article, very long but it explains the full story of what Congress is about, Trillions of dollars at stake for them alone)



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495d0e No.90940

File: 9cb579957d7b80c⋯.png (1.28 MB,1703x830,1703:830,Clipboard.png)

File: 49f64afc110d107⋯.png (611.1 KB,911x775,911:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b3ad1414d4b483⋯.png (334.99 KB,1359x766,1359:766,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571233 (181316ZSEP23) Notable: Tim Ballard stepped down OUR started new trafficking org w/new partner named Jessica Munoz?

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Tim Ballard NXIVM connection

Tim Ballard stepped down from OUR and started a new trafficking organization with a new partner named Jessica Munoz who runs a child trafficking organization in Hawaii called Hoʻōla Nā Pua. Here is a video of Grace Park raising money for Hoʻōla Nā Pua. Grace Park is a member of NXIVM.

Their new organization is called The Spear Fund.

Can someone please embed the video, I don't know how to embed a video that is on the fakebook.


Jessica Munoz maiden name is Johansen, her father Leif Johansen is a third generation stone mason from Truckee, CA who builds custom homes in Reno an Hawaii. Her husband is also a home builder in Hawaii.

The Mormon church donated $400,000 to help build the Bromley Family Pearl Haven Campus where the victims are housed.




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495d0e No.90941

File: 1be01218f9bdff2⋯.jpeg (59.51 KB,609x376,609:376,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 559aea9d1050501⋯.jpeg (55.24 KB,600x579,200:193,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e0a9128897059ca⋯.jpeg (66.9 KB,801x569,801:569,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571234 (181317ZSEP23) Notable: A DC Cornerstone Issue That Must Be Understood – This Isn’t What You Learned on Schoolhouse Rock

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part 2

Once the corporation or representative organizational entity has written the law they want to see passed, they hand it off to the lobbyists.

The lobbyists are people who have deep contacts within the political bodies of the legislative branch, usually former House/Senate staff or former House/Senate politicians themselves.

The lobbyist takes the written brief, the legislative construct, and it’s their job to go to Congress and sell it.

“Selling it” means finding politicians who will accept the brief, sponsor their bill and eventually get it to a vote and passage.

The lobbyist does this by visiting the politician in their office, or, most currently familiar, by inviting the politician to an event they are hosting. The event is called a junket when it involves travel.

Often the lobbying “event” might be a weekend trip to a ski resort, or a “conference” that takes place at a resort. The actual sales pitch for the bill is usually not too long and the majority of the time is just like a mini vacation etc.

The size of the indulgence within the event, the amount of money the lobbyist is spending, is customarily related to the scale of benefit within the bill the sponsoring business entity is pushing. If the sponsoring business or interest group can gain a lot of financial benefit from the legislation, they spend a lot on the indulgences.

lobbyist-1.jpgRecap: Corporations (special interest group) write the legislation. Lobbyists take the law and go find politician(s) to support it. Politicians get support from their peers using tenure and status etc. Eventually, if things go according to norm, the legislation gets a vote.

Within every step of the process there are expense account lunches, dinners, trips, venue tickets and a host of other customary financial waypoints to generate/leverage a successful outcome. The amount of money spent is proportional to the benefit derived from the outcome.

The important part to remember is that the origination of the entire process is EXTERNALto Congress.

Congress does not write laws or legislation, special interest groups do. Lobbyists are paid, some very well paid, to get politicians to go along with the need of the legislative group.

When you are voting for a Congressional Rep or a U.S. Senator, you are not voting for a person who will write laws. Your rep only votes on legislation to approve or disapprove of constructs that are written by outside groups and sold to them through lobbyists who work for those outside groups.

While all of this is happening, the same outside groups who write the laws are providing money for the campaigns of the politicians they need to pass them. This construct sets up the quid-pro-quo of influence, although much of it is fraught with plausible deniability.

This is the way legislation is created.…


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495d0e No.90942

File: 3a265adfb73d591⋯.jpeg (228.31 KB,1347x1053,449:351,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 70ecc2b8dea85e5⋯.png (21.77 KB,406x291,406:291,Clipboard.png)

File: b00553d02075c78⋯.jpeg (144.13 KB,1080x1220,54:61,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0b77715c0fc7899⋯.png (138.42 KB,344x350,172:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571242 (181319ZSEP23) Notable: Trump celebrates Paxton impeachment acquittal

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Wonder what Ken meant by


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495d0e No.90943

File: 567fb80ff835c19⋯.png (230.63 KB,690x3276,115:546,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571254 (181323ZSEP23) Notable: Trump celebrates Paxton impeachment acquittal

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495d0e No.90944

File: 6cfaf546b626877⋯.mp4 (220.03 KB,400x224,25:14,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571261 (181325ZSEP23) Notable: Tim Ballard stepped down OUR started new trafficking org w/new partner named Jessica Munoz?

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Facebook - https://fdown.net/

Rumble - https://videodownloader.so/rumble-video-downloader

Telegram - https://steptodown.com/telegram-video-downloader/#url=https://t.me/hsretoucher17/10408

X/Twitter - https://ssstwitter.com/

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495d0e No.90945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571277 (181330ZSEP23) Notable: Trump celebrates Paxton impeachment acquittal

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>Wonder what Ken meant by




Saw that

Retaliation - 'Horizon' active.

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495d0e No.90946

File: 6b41033ba0823b3⋯.png (816.78 KB,673x2611,673:2611,Clipboard.png)

File: 2becf839ca3b6c5⋯.png (100.24 KB,663x505,663:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571324 (181338ZSEP23) Notable: Trump celebrates Paxton impeachment acquittal

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>Retaliation - 'Horizon' active.

oh snap


>911 digits Q interesting!



>Memesat the ready.


Trump celebrates Ken Paxton impeachment acquittal —with a 9/11 meme

The Independent US

Oliver O'Connell

September 17, 2023 at 9:47 AM

Former president Donald Trump has congratulated Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on surviving his impeachment.

Mr Trump wrote on Truth Social: “I want to thank the great Lt. Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick, who served as Judge in the Ken Paxton Trial, and the Republican State Senators, for showing great Professionalism and Fairness.”

“Attorney General Paxton was fully acquitted on all 16 Impeachment Articles brought by the Texas Republican House. It is time that Speaker Dade Phelan resign after pushing this Disgraceful Sham!” he added.

“Congratulations to Attorney General Ken Paxton on a great and historic Texas sized VICTORY. I also want to congratulate his wonderful wife and family for having had to go through this ordeal, and WINNING!”

The former president also reposted a meme from a follower on Truth Social depicting the moment then-President George Bush was informed in a whisper by White House chief of staff Andrew Card of the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on 11 September 2001.

The text reads: “They just acquitted Ken Paxton.”

The former president later posted: “Congratulations to the Great People of Texas, and the State Senate, for rejecting POLITICAL PERSECUTION, and respecting the Integrity of our Elections. We should choose our elected officials by VOTING, not by weaponizing government. That is for Banana Republics, and Third World Countries. Now Attorney General Ken Paxton can get back to work. He’s one of the BEST!”

Mr Paxton was acquitted on 16 impeachment articles brought before the state Senate.

A jury of 30 state senators, comprised of 19 Republicans and 12 Democrats, voted to acquit Mr Paxton on the articles accusing him of on abuse of power, bribery and other charges on Saturday morning.

Mr Paxton, who was elected to attorney general in 2015, will now go back to his office after none of the articles received the necessary two-thirds majority vote for conviction.

The Texas House impeached Mr Paxton in May on 20 articles - four of which were not voted on by the Senate on Saturday but were then dismissed in a follow-up vote.

The impeachment effort stemmed from accusations, brought forth by his former staffers, that Mr Paxton abused his power to benefit himself and a Texas real estate investor. They alleged that Mr Paxton gave the real estate investor special treatment in exchange for help paying for home renovations and engaging in an extramarital affair.

In the Senate trial, prosecutors and the defence spent nine days in the senate chambers presenting evidence and witness testimony in a historic trial that generated controversy among hard-right conservatives.

Mr Paxton, an ally of Donald Trump, received support from right-wing politicians like senator Ted Cruz and representative Marjorie Taylor Greene throughout the impeachment process who claimed the trial was a “travesty” and “witch hunt.”

Mr Trump backed Mr Paxton, calling the impeachment “shameful” and accusing “RINO” Texas officials of pursuing the trial for political reasons only.


It can be recalledPresident Trump warned Speaker Dade Phelan and the Texas RINOs that if this unfair process proceeds – “I WILL FIGHT YOU!”

“I love Texas, won it twice in landslides, and watched as many other friends, including Ken Paxton, came along with me. Hopefully Republicans in the Texas House will agree that this is a very unfair process that should not be allowed to happen or proceed—I will fight you if it does. It is the Radical Left Democrats, RINOS, and Criminals that never stop. ELECTION INTERFERENCE! Free Ken Paxton, let them wait for the next election!” he wrote.


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495d0e No.90947

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571330 (181339ZSEP23) Notable: Joint Press Statement for the 23rd Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue

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Joint Press Statement for the 23rd Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue

Sept. 18, 2023 |

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Republic of Korea (ROK) Ministry of National Defense (MND) held the 23rd Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue (KIDD) on September 18, 2023 in Seoul.

Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (DASD) for East Asia, Cara Allison Marshall, led the U.S. delegation and Deputy Minister for National Defense Policy (DEPMIN), Dr. Taekeun Heo, led the ROK delegation. Key senior U.S. and ROK defense and foreign affairs officials also participated in the dialogue.


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495d0e No.90948

File: 3e910ac505e6200⋯.png (3.41 MB,1600x1067,1600:1067,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571341 (181340ZSEP23) Notable: Trump celebrates Paxton impeachment acquittal

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>>>/qresearch/911 digits Q interesting!

>Memesat the ready.

>with a 9/11 meme

Article 9/17

The former president also reposted a meme from a follower on Truth Social depicting the moment then-President George Bush was informed in a whisper by White House chief of staff Andrew Card of the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on 11 September 2001.

The text reads: “They just acquitted Ken Paxton.”

This could be Q Proof material

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495d0e No.90949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571397 (181349ZSEP23) Notable: Iran prisoner swap live updates: Officials say Americans have flown out of Tehran

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Iran prisoner swap live updates: Officials say Americans have flown out of Tehran

Five Americans who had spent years imprisoned in Iran have been freed as part of a complex and delicate diplomatic deal, officials said.

Siamak Namazi, Morad Tahbaz and Emad Sharqi, as well as two others, were flown out of Tehran on Monday, a White House official told the Associated Press.

As part of the deal, the Biden administration unfroze nearly $6 billion in oil revenue that had been held in South Korea since 2018.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said two of the Iranian prisoners held in the United States plan to stay in the U.S.

The prisoner swap comes ahead of the United Nations General Assembly, which begins on Tuesday in New York City.


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495d0e No.90950

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571412 (181351ZSEP23) Notable: The Morning Briefing: Biden's Border Blow-Up Is the Mess That Just Gets Messier

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The Morning Briefing: Biden's Border Blow-Up Is the Mess That Just Gets Messier

Stephen Kruiser

There are just so many things falling apart in the United States whilst it is being presided over by a pudding-brained puppet that it’s difficult to keep up with them, even for those of us who pay attention to this stuff for a living.

It’s been about two-and-a-half weeks since we last discussed the Joe Biden border fiasco here at the Briefing. That one was titled, “However Bad You Think the Border Mess Is—It’s Worse.” I would have preferred to have waited at least a few more weeks before revisiting the subject, the subject didn’t feel like waiting. As I was perusing the news on the Mothership sites while gathering the links, there was just too much border stuff to ignore.

We have had more than our share of fun mocking the fact that Democrat-run sanctuary cities have been struggling to exercise their benevolence, and they deserve to have derision heaped upon them. Seeing leftists forced to confront the fruits of their insane labors does have some entertainment value, even if it’s a result of one of our more pressing problems.

As Kevin writes, there’s trouble in DemLand thanks to all of the illegal immigrant hubbub:

Tempers flared, middle fingers flew, and people were jostled aggressively in New York City today. No, it wasn’t a morning rush-hour subway ride; it was New York Democrats staging a press event at the illegal immigrant intake center at the iconic Roosevelt Hotel

Jerry “Nadless” Nadler, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and various city Democrats got more than a Bronx Cheer when they spoke in favor of the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants dragging the city into a financial disaster, as the global Marxists have long planned.

Eric Adams was not-so-suspiciously absent.

Kevin then provides a video of America’s Dumbest Bartender being shouted down by Big Apple residents who are none too amused by their new undocumented neighbors. Squeaky is angry with New York Mayor Eric Adams, and the Dem-on-Dem anger is proof that these people have never really thought the open borders fever dream through.

They can blame Republican governors all they want, but Joe Biden brought this problem to their doorsteps.

My colleague Sarah Arnold writes at Townhallof a recent illegal immigrant horror story from New York:

President Joe Biden should take note of this article the next time he refuses to address the crisis he created at the southern border.

An illegal alien stands accused of killing a man after being let out of jail due to a paperwork error for previously stabbing someone on a separate occasion.

Earlier this month, Carlos Corrales-Ramirez was arrested and arraigned in a Rensselaer County, New York court for the fatal stabbing of 28-year-old Jario J. Hernandez-Sanchez.

I’ve been reading and writing about these entirely avoidable tragedies for too many years. The Democrats have blood on their hands because of their untenable border policies.

The Border Patrol is not only overwhelmed but is also dealing with an administration that doesn’t want to help them. This is from something Catherine wrote:

Illegal aliens are being released onto the streets of our cities every day, and apparently, the federal government isn’t even trying to keep track of where they go.

The Biden border crisis continues to escalate, with the Border Patrol reportedly encountering 9,100 illegal aliens in just one day this week. And it seems that the Biden administration isn’t even making a pretense of keeping track of and controlling the massive number of illegal migrants anymore.

The numbers we hear about coming over here illegally are getting to be like the federal spending numbers from the last couple of decades: they’re so big and so frequent that the news has a numbing effect after a while. One might say that is part of the Democrats’ plan but, again, I can’t attribute that much competence to them, especially when it comes to the border.

In the vast catalog of Biden administration failures, the border situation has always been near the top, and it’s been there from Day One.

The original border mess was almost certainly deliberate, but it blew up on them immediately. Everything since then has been so much flailing, which is something Team Biden does a lot. It’s not just the crazy old man who flails, but all of the people controlling him are lost too.

But… no mean tweets.


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495d0e No.90951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571420 (181352ZSEP23) Notable: Police: Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown missing, mother found dead by homicide near a creek

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Police: Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown missing, mother found dead by homicide near a creek

Police in the Chicago suburb of Maywood say that former NFL defensive back Sergio Brown is missing and that they found his mother dead by a creek near her home.

The Maywood Police Department ruled the death of Myrtle Brown, 73, a homicide, the Chicago Tribune reports. Per the report, police say they issued a missing persons report on Saturday when family members said they couldn't locate Brown and his mother.

They conducted a search that located Myrtle Brown's body, but Sergio's whereabouts remain unknown. The Cook County medical examiner’s officer determined that Myrtle Brown sustained injuries during an assault, leading to the conclusion of homicide.

Further details of the situation weren't reported, and police have not named a suspect in Myrtle Brown's death.

Brown, 35, is a Maywood native who played in college at Notre Dame. He played seven seasons in the NFL starting in 2010 with the New England Patriots. He also played with the Indianapolis Colts and Jacksonville Jaguars before concluding his career with the Buffalo Bills in 2016. He played in 94 NFL games including 15 starts.


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495d0e No.90952

File: e2749392b0eb852⋯.jpeg (73.82 KB,1200x857,1200:857,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5bb7697e68959db⋯.jpeg (292.37 KB,1111x1222,1111:1222,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 11cca110613fe2a⋯.jpeg (350.41 KB,1136x1392,71:87,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 84a2bf2fdbc7edb⋯.jpeg (267.07 KB,1126x1072,563:536,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 03666055876bef7⋯.jpeg (502.73 KB,1112x2173,1112:2173,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571482 (181404ZSEP23) Notable: AF Seeks Help From Public Finding Missing F-35 Jet

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The Marines Need Help Finding a Lost Stealth Fighter and Nobody Can Stop Laughing

Stephen Green September 18, 2023

Those F-35 stealth fighters must be even closer to invisible than I thought because the Marines lost one on Sunday and nobody can find it.

A Marine piloting the special vertical takeoff and landing version, the F-35B, suffered some kind of “mishap” and was forced to eject over South Carolina. He ejected safely. He’s fine. We can go on and laugh. The plane, however, was nowhere to be found. Weighing in at over 32,000 pounds even when it isn’t filled with jet fuel, you’d think the missing jet would be easy to find, but no.

There was genuine concern that the autopilot might have been on, meaning that there was an $80 million fighter jet gently cruising around over South Carolina with no pilot and no canopy. Sunday drivers, amirite?

So whoever runs the social media for Joint Base Charleston took to Twitter to ask for help finding the super-invisible stealth fighter.

Actually, the mishaps have only just begun.

An early report from NBC noted that “The jet was left in autopilot mode so there’s a possibility it could still be airborne somewhere over South Carolina.” That was early Sunday evening. Surely, it’s run out of fuel by now. (Yes, and don’t call me Shirley.)

But no one seems to have seen or heard the thing crash.

This, of course, is when Twitter lept into action as only Twitter can.

PJ Media’s own Paula Bolyard said that she “spotted it being towed by a chi-com balloon over the Smoky Mountains,” and I almost believe her. If you have a better theory, I’d love to hear it.

This next one was, of course, inevitable.

Some folks tried their best to be helpful:

Others know an easy buck when they see one.

I usually avoid Twitter on the weekends, but I couldn’t resist asking, “When you ask Twitter if anyone has seen your missing fighter jet, are you expecting anything other than snarky answers?”

Maybe somewhere on Twitter, there’s one really earnest guy, walking around his backyard, looking for an F-35, just in case.

He gave it his best shot. Even looked in the shed, just in case. But then he had to tweet back to @TeamCharleston, “Sorry, no. What color was it?”

Florida State Board of Education member Ryan Petty quipped, “Joe Biden said we need an F-15 to protect our Constitutional rights, so maybe we’ll just keep this one. We paid for it.”

And I think that’s the last word on that — at least until the missing jet turns up on blocks in front of a small home just outside of Pamplico...


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495d0e No.90953

File: 22e69381fea7469⋯.png (1.7 MB,960x1224,40:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571493 (181407ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sep 18, 2023

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 18, 2023

The Red Sprite and the Tree

The sprite and tree could hardly be more different. To start, the red sprite is an unusual form of lightning, while the tree is a common plant. The sprite is far away high in Earth's atmosphere, while the tree is nearby only about a football field away. The sprite is fast electrons streaming up and down at near light's speed, while the tree is slow wood anchored to the ground. The sprite is bright lighting up the sky, while the tree is dim shining mostly by reflected light. The sprite was fleeting lasting only a small fraction of a second, while the tree is durable living now for many years. Both however, when captured together, appear oddly similar in this featured composite image captured early this month in France as a thunderstorm passed over mountains of the Atlantic Pyrenees.


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495d0e No.90954

File: 4c93fea3c281b2d⋯.jpg (22.81 KB,236x450,118:225,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 321eeb27ac3b5e7⋯.png (57.45 KB,926x630,463:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571494 (181408ZSEP23) Notable: AF Seeks Help From Public Finding Missing F-35 Jet

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Someone mention missing Stealth?

9 drops


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495d0e No.90955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571503 (181410ZSEP23) Notable: Iran prisoner swap live updates: Officials say Americans have flown out of Tehran

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10:15 AM

Watch live: 5 Americans freed from Iran


Scheduled for Sep 18, 2023


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495d0e No.90956

File: 7d19632f25853fe⋯.jpeg (93.95 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571599 (181433ZSEP23) Notable: African nation denies claims of coup attempt

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18 Sep, 2023 11:47

African nation denies claims of coup attempt

Authorities in Congo dismissed reports of the overthrow of Congolese President Denis Sassou Nguesso as “fake news”

The government of the Republic of the Congo has denied reports of an attempted military coup against President Denis Sassou Nguesso, who has been in power for almost four decades.

“Fanciful information suggests serious events taking place in Brazzaville. The Government denies this fake news. We reassure public opinion about the calm that reigns and invite people to calmly go about their activities,” the government said in a statement on Sunday.

Rumors of a military takeover in the Central African country began circulating on social media on Sunday, while Nguesso was in New York for the United Nations General Assembly.

These claims suggested that military forces began seizing critical facilities and government installations in the nation’s capital, Brazzaville.

Last month, soldiers in neighboring Gabon, a former French colony, overthrew the Central African country’s president, Ali Bongo, who had served in office for 14 years. This followed the July coup in Niger, which deposed President Mohamed Bazoum, causing tensions between the putschists and the French government, the West African country’s former colonial ruler.

Nguesso, 79, assumed the presidency of the Republic of Congo, another former French colony, in 1979 and held office until 1992. The Congolese leader, ranking as Africa’s third-longest-serving president after Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea and Paul Biya of Cameroon, returned to power following a civil war in 1997 after initially losing Congo’s inaugural multi-party elections in 1992.

In 2015, an amendment to the constitution in the oil-rich nation eliminated age restrictions for presidential candidates above 70 and removed the two-term limit, enabling Nguesso to seek reelection. He secured his fourth presidential term in the 2021 elections, receiving another five years in office.

(No wonder so many countries dislike the US and the West, they try to destroy any country that does not comply to SerEyeAye or MI6)


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495d0e No.90957

File: 22451e0909d2acc⋯.png (1.3 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 7658d3d659d198f⋯.png (942.89 KB,970x643,970:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571612 (181435ZSEP23) Notable: Kennedy Space Center post office closing after 58 years of postmarks

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Kennedy Space Center post office closing after 58 years of postmarks

Sep 16, 2023

The Kennedy Space Center post office has been, well, cancelled.

The contract facility, which was established at NASA's Florida spaceport on July 1, 1965, will close permanently "near the end of the fiscal year," or sometime before Sept. 30. Since 2013, the post office has been operated for NASA by Post Masters Mail and Print Services, a division of the nonprofit Anthony Wayne Rehabilitation Center (AWRC).

The agency's mail will now go through Cocoa Beach to Orlando for processing. But with the closure of the office, the public will no longer be able to request that stamped envelopes (called philatelic "covers") be postmarked with a cancellation device displaying the location of Kennedy Space Center.

Collectors' requests will instead be directed to Titusville, the next closest office to the space center, according to a notice from AWRC. Submitted covers will receive a Titusville postmark.

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) will also not service covers using the Kennedy Space Center postmark through its fulfillment center in Kansas City, Missouri.

Philatelic covers are stamped envelopes postmarked on the dates of significant events. Since the first rocket left Florida's Space Coast more than 70 years ago, collectors have had covers serviced at the post office nearest the site of the launch. In addition to Titusville, there are post offices today in Merritt Island, Cape Canaveral and at the Patrick Space Force Station.

Thomas Spaur, supervisor of the Kennedy Space Center post office, told Linn's Stamp News that the office recently averaged about 5,000 postmark requests each year. Since the 1969 launch of Apollo 12 and the end of the space shuttle program in 2011, drop boxes had been available at the spaceport's visitor center (today, the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex) for the public to have their envelopes submitted for servicing, but those bins are no more.

Collectors' requests for postmarks dated for the last day of service should be submitted to the Kennedy Space Center post office by Friday (Sept. 15). Self-addressed stamped envelopes (or stamped envelopes addressed to others of the sender's choice) should be placed into a larger envelope addressed to:

US Postal Service/CPU

KMSC-003/Clerk In Charge

Kennedy Space Center, FL 32815-9998

Collectors and the public can also send stamped envelopes and postcards without addresses for postmark, so long as they supply a larger self-addressed envelope with adequate postage. After applying the postmark, the post office will return the covers (with or without addresses) in the addressed larger envelope.

After the Kennedy office closes, cover requests should be addressed to: Titusville Post Office, Attn: Supervisor, 2503 S. Washington Ave., Titusville, FL 32780.


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495d0e No.90958

File: db08c46d3520920⋯.png (114.42 KB,472x592,59:74,Clipboard.png)

File: ae195ca028ba55e⋯.jpg (54.81 KB,680x597,680:597,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571671 (181448ZSEP23) Notable: As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols w/out flinching

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Dr. Doug Corrigan


As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols without even flinching.

Published just a few weeks ago, this study reports on creating human grafted lung tissue in humanized mice in order to create a human model for Nipah virus infection and pathology.


Convenient timing...UN/WHO Zero Draft Pandemic Public Declaration is in two days...

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495d0e No.90959

File: 3dd5d95536576ac⋯.png (21.07 KB,597x200,597:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571686 (181450ZSEP23) Notable: AF Seeks Help From Public Finding Missing F-35 Jet

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Joint Base Charleston


We’re working with @MCASBeaufortSC

to locate an F-35 that was involved in a mishap this afternoon. The pilot ejected safely. If you have any information that may help our recovery teams locate the F-35, please call the Base Defense Operations Center at 843-963-3600.

Last edited

10:36 AM · Sep 17, 2023




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495d0e No.90960

File: 497058cf9bd7042⋯.png (157.8 KB,1131x712,1131:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571720 (181456ZSEP23) Notable: AF Seeks Help From Public Finding Missing F-35 Jet

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"CAR control?" Q post #772

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495d0e No.90961

File: 3994bb33419a547⋯.png (423.25 KB,704x679,704:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571743 (181459ZSEP23) Notable: Nashville elects Tennessee’s first openly transgender politician

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Note the MANY symbols in the image-

masonic hall

reptilian skinned boots

storm drain (JFK) perspective

convertible (JFK)

'pride' (before the fall)


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495d0e No.90962

File: d71840f85525ae8⋯.png (101.83 KB,926x988,463:494,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571763 (181504ZSEP23) Notable: AF Seeks Help From Public Finding Missing F-35 Jet

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If only there was a Drop...

oh wait

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495d0e No.90963

File: 140a39243f5f0ab⋯.png (76.27 KB,596x224,149:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571801 (181513ZSEP23) Notable: @elonmusk: Artificial intelligence discussion with PM Netanyahu in an hour

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495d0e No.90964

File: ea39bc3829885fd⋯.png (46.82 KB,598x295,598:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571802 (181513ZSEP23) Notable: @elonmusk: Artificial intelligence discussion with PM Netanyahu in an hour

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495d0e No.90965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571818 (181516ZSEP23) Notable: Secretary Blinken delivers remarks to the press at the United Nations General Assembly - 11:15 AM

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Secretary Blinken delivers remarks to the press at the United Nations General Assembly - 11:15 AM

U.S. Department of State


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495d0e No.90966

File: 6856ac5ee3081b7⋯.png (1.97 MB,1076x685,1076:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571855 (181527ZSEP23) Notable: #24035

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FINAL @715

#24035 >>90915

>>90916 The Clinton Global Initiative will announce the launch of the CGI Ukraine Action Network, as well as numerous financial pledges, to support nonprofits…

>>90917 Schumer’s First AI Conference Sets Goal of 2024 Election, With Big Tech Embracing Govt Regulation

>>90918, >>90919, >>90920 anons opine on 45's comment on Biden leading us into “World War Two” if re-elected

>>90921 More Hospitals Across the US Are Bringing Back Mask Mandates


>>90924 Russell Brand: "The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military…

>>90926 Senator Mark Warner Says SSCI Bill to Block All Presidents from Fourth Branch Classified Intelligence Close to Completion

baker change

>>90922, >>90952, >>90954, >>90959, >>90960, >>90962 AF Seeks Help From Public Finding Missing F-35 Jet

>>90927, >>90934, >>90942, >>90943, >>90945, >>90946, >>90948 Trump celebrates Paxton impeachment acquittal

>>90928 Tony Buzbee Discusses Background of Sham Impeachment Effort Against AG Ken Paxton

>>90929 Hunter Biden is suing the IRS.

>>90930 Kamala Harris Lectures on Racist Criminal Justice System After She Kept Black Men in Prison

>>90931, >>90932 Schumer’s First AI Conference Sets Goal of 2024 Election, With Big Tech Embracing Govt Regulation

>>90933, >>90937, >>90938 “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

>>90935 Full Interview Between President Trump and NBC Narrative Engineer Kristen Welker

>>90936 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2023

>>90939, >>90941 A DC Cornerstone Issue That Must Be Understood – This Isn’t What You Learned on Schoolhouse Rock

>>90940, >>90944 Tim Ballard stepped down OUR started new trafficking org w/new partner named Jessica Munoz?

>>90947 Joint Press Statement for the 23rd Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue

>>90949, >>90955 Iran prisoner swap live updates: Officials say Americans have flown out of Tehran

>>90950 The Morning Briefing: Biden's Border Blow-Up Is the Mess That Just Gets Messier

>>90951 Police: Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown missing, mother found dead by homicide near a creek

>>90953 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sep 18, 2023

>>90956 African nation denies claims of coup attempt

>>90957 Kennedy Space Center post office closing after 58 years of postmarks

>>90958 As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols w/out flinching

>>90961 Nashville elects Tennessee’s first openly transgender politician

>>90963, >>90964 @elonmusk: Artificial intelligence discussion with PM Netanyahu in an hour

>>90965 Secretary Blinken delivers remarks to the press at the United Nations General Assembly - 11:15 AM


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495d0e No.90967

File: 9df19dd90eab475⋯.mp4 (9.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571882 (181532ZSEP23) Notable: #24036

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Thank you anons

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495d0e No.90968

File: 9de103d855da726⋯.jpeg (824.1 KB,1125x1831,1125:1831,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571903 (181538ZSEP23) Notable: @FAKEFLOTUS: Happy 76th Birthday, @usairforce!

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495d0e No.90969

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571906 (181539ZSEP23) Notable: Macias: AG Ken Paxton Will Mostly Be Indicted With A Federal Grand Jury Before The End of The Year

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Macias: AG Ken Paxton Will Mostly Be Indicted With A Federal Grand Jury Before The End of The Year. He thinks the FBI, the Feds and Garland will seek retributionTwo weeks ago they called Vasser to testify before a grand jury. Now it comes out the FBI had this complaint and info from Ryan Vasser for three years but never brought him into the Grand Jury! Buckle up anons, they will do to Paxton what they are doing to Trump!



House attorney team gets whistleblower to clarify “took no evidence” statement

Sept. 8, 2023 at 2:08 p.m.

A whistleblower’s comment that he and his associates “took no evidence” when they reported Ken Paxton to the FBI in 2020 has become an early flashpoint in the suspended attorney general’s impeachment trial.

While the comment Thursday fromRyan Vassar, the former deputy attorney general for legal counsel, set off jubilation among Paxton supporters, it also prompted a House lawyer, Rusty Hardin, to coach Vassar through a clarification Friday. Vassar testified he meant physical evidence, and Hardin asserted that Vassar going to the FBI was inherently a form of evidence because he was a witness to a potential crime.

Vassar was among the top Paxton aides who went to the FBI three years ago to share concerns that Paxton was abusing his office to help Nate Paul, an Austin real estate investor and Paxton campaign donor. The articles of impeachment accuse Paxton of going to extraordinary lengths to help Paul investigate his perceived enemies as his businesses were floundering. Read more here.

— Patrick Svitek

Whistleblower Ryan Vassar revealed during testimony Friday morning that=the attorney general’s office kept a “blacklist” of reporters whom they “handled differently than other reporters.”Vassar testified that Dallas Morning News reporter Lauren McGaughy, who has covered the attorney general’s office for a decade, was on that list.

The revelation came during the cross examination of Vassar, the former deputy attorney general for legal counsel, continued into a second day on Friday. Paxton defense attorney Mitch Little directed the witness to specific group text messages where they discussed McGaughy’s coverage of the office as they reported Paxton’s activity to the FBI. The group text also included messages that criticized new lawyers in the office who were hired as the whistleblowers were fired or resigned after they reported Paxton’s allegedly illegal activity to the FBI.

— Kate McGee


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495d0e No.90970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571912 (181542ZSEP23) Notable: A STEALTH plane ejects piolet…Stealth jet then disappears…stealthy like

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So let me get this straight...

A STEALTH plane ejects piolet...(someone made that habben)

Stealth jet then discapears...stealthy like,

It may have had a stealthy crash, but we don't know 'cause was a stealthy crash.

Assuming it did crash, there was stealthy bangs & smoke & debris...

If it didn't crash (still flying on stealth fuel?) then it's gonna NOT turn up at a stealthy Servo on a stealthy airstrip.

Can some one just flick da switch remotely on this and UN-Stealth it? then we would know where it was.

or are we about to go with the Aliens took it story in msm?

BS the airforce don't know what happened...

But I thinks I got it... yea, it was the f'n Ruskies again (unless the plane was vaxed I 'spose, then it could be "suddenly dead" (but still invisible.

Am I on point on this?

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495d0e No.90971

File: 9c670c4b233b7d5⋯.jpg (251.62 KB,1080x909,120:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571920 (181543ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T: LET THESE PROPLE COME HOME!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Anons we have misspellings!


I brought 58 HOSTAGES home from many different countries, including North Korea, and I never paid anything. They all understood they MUST LET THESE PROPLE COME HOME! Toward the end, it got so that countries didn’t even start the conversation asking for money, because they knew they would not get it. Once you pay, you always pay, & MANY MORE HOSTAGES WILL BE TAKEN. Our grossly incompetent “leader,” Crooked Joe Biden, gave 6 BILLION DOLLARS for 5 people. Iran gave ZERO for 5. He’s Dumb as a ROCK!

11:35am ET


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495d0e No.90972

File: ba16da4872054b9⋯.png (326.17 KB,1588x1012,397:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a122320c6d9dd5⋯.png (58.81 KB,990x313,990:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571921 (181544ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T: LET THESE PROPLE COME HOME!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"MUST LET THESE PROPLE COME HOME!" - President Donald J. Trump

Misspellings matter. Q post #831


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495d0e No.90973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571922 (181545ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T: LET THESE PROPLE COME HOME!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





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495d0e No.90974

File: 899b71c7c8178f4⋯.jpeg (538.43 KB,1125x1117,1125:1117,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571941 (181551ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T Confirms: Buckel up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.90975

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571947 (181552ZSEP23) Notable: Jenna Ellis: will not vote for him in future because is “malignant narcissist” who cannot admit mistakes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I have never liked this back-stabbing psycho bitch and here is just another reason why.

Jenna Ellis – the Donald Trump lawyer who like the former president faces criminal charges regarding attempted election subversion in his defeat by Joe Biden in 2020 – says she will not vote for him in the future because he is a “malignant narcissist” who cannot admit mistakes.

“I simply can’t support him for elected office again,” Ellis said. “Why I have chosen to distance is because of that frankly malignant narcissistic tendency to simply say that he’s never done anything wrong.”


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495d0e No.90976

File: d0179c48059a1b6⋯.jpeg (772.69 KB,1125x1495,225:299,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571952 (181552ZSEP23) Notable: PROPLE > PEOPLE

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He corrected it


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495d0e No.90977

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571956 (181553ZSEP23) Notable: PROPLE > PEOPLE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


14 min diff

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495d0e No.90978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571959 (181554ZSEP23) Notable: PROPLE Inc. DIGG

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PROPLE Inc. Finance, accounting, payroll, timekeeping, tax services provider.?


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495d0e No.90979

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571961 (181555ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T Confirms: Buckel up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Buckle up spelled wrong

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495d0e No.90980

File: 5e97ae055f5f98a⋯.png (21.03 KB,296x539,296:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571968 (181556ZSEP23) Notable: PROPLE Inc. DIGG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Established two new service lines, HR and Information Technology

Established partnership with leading Silicon Valley information services firm

Moved to new office location


Launched Propleapp and third batch of technologies

Established partnership with US healthcare services provider


Acquired Kellogg & Andelson

Established partnership with regional Asia Pacific Finance & Accounting Services Provider


Established partnership with large US tax software company


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495d0e No.90981

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571973 (181557ZSEP23) Notable: PROPLE Inc. DIGG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



based in Phillipines, mostly chinese management

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495d0e No.90982

File: 1a50a52c7e4fc5f⋯.png (913.83 KB,1170x1145,234:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571976 (181557ZSEP23) Notable: PROPLE Inc. DIGG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



In 2006, PROPLE was launched as an outsourcing and off- shoring value- added business solutions provider for cost- savings and process improvement. The name exemplifies the value proposition that the company built and represents which is PROCESS and PEOPLE, powered by TECHNOLOGY. Its core strengths are in Finance & Accounting, Tax, Enterprise payroll and IT & Data management services. Locating itself in the heart of one of the premiere business districts in the metropolis, Mandaluyong City, in 2010, PROPLE set- up its base of operations for its expansion plans.

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495d0e No.90983

File: 6cb34fe25f81b63⋯.png (118.92 KB,1176x552,49:23,Clipboard.png)

File: 21d4cf518c9f5a5⋯.png (71.09 KB,1375x386,1375:386,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cb34fe25f81b63⋯.png (118.92 KB,1176x552,49:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571981 (181558ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T: LET THESE PROPLE COME HOME!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

HE DID IT AGAIN! 2 Quick misspellings in a row...

"Buckel up" - President Donald J. Trump

"Buckle up." Q post #879



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495d0e No.90984

File: beb4de8afd0d994⋯.jpg (9.79 KB,339x149,339:149,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571982 (181558ZSEP23) Notable: PROPLE > PEOPLE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>14min diff

Post #14 graphic included

10/31/17 11:00:15 PM EDT Anonymous


Military Intelligence.

What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?

What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?

What must occur to allow for civilian trials?

Why is this relevant?

What was Flynn's background?

Why is this relevant?

Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?

Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?

Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?

Was TRUMP asked to run for President?


By Who?

Was HRC next in line?

Was the election suppose to be rigged?

Did good people prevent the rigging?

Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?

Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?

What is POTUS in control of?

What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?

Why does the military play such a vital role?

Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?

Who guards former Presidents?

Why is that relevant?

Who guards HRC?

Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?

Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?

What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?

What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?

What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

Why is this important?

What is Mueller's background? Military?

Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?

How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?

Who is helping POTUS?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.90985

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19571990 (181600ZSEP23) Notable: PROPLE > PEOPLE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>14min diff

Mirror post #41

11/02/17 02:47:47 AM EDT Anonymous

What a coincidence the mountain that housed NK’s nuclear weapons and testing collapsed. Unbelievable timing. I wonder if critically important materials as well as scientists aka the bomb makers were inside when it happened. Shocking no global news agency suspects we had nothing to do with it. Enjoy the crumbs.

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495d0e No.90986

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572035 (181611ZSEP23) Notable: Texas Republican Precinct Chairs Must File A Censure Resolution Against RINOs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Texas Republican Precinct Chairs Must File A Censure Resolution Against RINOs

Texas Republicans: Reach Out To Precinct Chair Or File To Become A Precinct Chair And File A Censure Resolution Against RINOs With Your County. The precincts needs a 2/3rds vote to pass censure.it will then go to the RNC to vote on it.



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495d0e No.90987

File: 20c7c76014071a3⋯.png (842.08 KB,985x554,985:554,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c82f2c63050634⋯.png (2.11 MB,1533x1020,511:340,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b936866e440c3b⋯.png (710.12 KB,1573x885,1573:885,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572036 (181611ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Welcomes Germany as Newest Artemis Accords Signatory

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NASA Welcomes Germany as Newest Artemis Accords Signatory

Sep 15, 2023

During a ceremony at the German Ambassador's Residence in Washington on Thursday, Germany became the 29th country to sign the Artemis Accords. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson participated in the signing ceremony for the agency, and Director General of the German Space Agency at DLR Dr. Walther Pelzer signed on behalf of Germany.

NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy and the following also were in attendance:

Jennifer Littlejohn, acting assistant secretary, U.S. Department of State

Chirag Parikh, executive secretary of the U.S. National Space Council

Andreas Michaelis, German ambassador to the United States

Dr. Anna Christmann, federal German coordinator of German Aerospace Policy

“I’m thrilled to welcome Germany to the Artemis Accords family,” said Nelson. “Germany has long been one of NASA’s closest and most capable international partners, and their signing today demonstrates their leadership now and into the future – a future defined by limitless possibilities in space and the promise of goodwill here on Earth.”

The Artemis Accords establish a practical set of principles to guide space exploration cooperation among nations, including those participating in NASA’s Artemis program.

“Germany and the United States have been successful partners in space for a long time. For example, German companies in the space sector are already central contributing to the Artemis program. The German signing of the Artemis Accords gives a further boost to this joint endeavor to carry out programs for the exploration of space. Thus, the Artemis Accords offer a multitude of new opportunities for industry and scientific research in Germany – and ultimately also across Europe,” said Pelzer.

NASA, in coordination with the U.S. Department of State, established the Artemis Accords in 2020 together with seven other original signatories.

The Artemis Accords reinforce and implement key obligations in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. They also strengthen the commitment by the United States and signatory nations to the Registration Convention, the Rescue and Return Agreement, as well as best practices and norms of responsible behavior NASA and its partners have supported, including the public release of scientific data.

More countries are expected to sign the Artemis Accords in the months and years ahead, as NASA continues to work with its international partners to establish a safe, peaceful, and prosperous future in space. Working with both new and existing partners adds new energy and capabilities to ensure the entire world can benefit from our journey of exploration and discovery.


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495d0e No.90988

File: 785545b19b02b47⋯.png (702.25 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572057 (181616ZSEP23) Notable: A STEALTH plane ejects piolet…Stealth jet then disappears…stealthy like

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Just a reminder that CHINA has been trying to get the classified data on the F35.

They constructed a deal with Hunter Biden to aquire a US based business and then acquired the company that contained that classified part.



The state government’s Aviation Industry Corporation of China teamed with BHR to buy Henniges Automotive, a producer of high-tech, anti-vibration components for automobiles.

“The direct involvement of Mr. Hunter Biden and Mr. Heinz in the acquisition of Henniges by the Chinese government creates a potential conflict of interest,” Mr. Grassley wrote in an Aug. 15 letter to Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin.

Mr. Grassley, Iowa Republican, requested Mr. Mnuchin provide committee investigators with documents from the approval process, including a copy of the National Threat Assessment required for the deal.

The purchase of Henniges by the Chinese needed approval from the Obama administration’s Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) that included a go-ahead from Mr. Kerry’s State Department.

The $600 million acquisition of Henniges gave the Chinese aviation firm a 51% stake in the business and direct control of the anti-vibration technology. BHR got a 49% share of the business.

“The appearance of potential conflicts in this case is particularly troubling given Mr. Biden’s and Mr. Heinz’s history of investing in and collaborating with Chinese companies, including at least one posing significant national security concerns,” Mr. Grassley wrote.

He balked that CFIUS approved the transaction despite reports that in 2007, the same Chinese aviation company was reportedly involved in stealing sensitive data about the U.S. Defense Department’s Joint Strike Fighter program.

China reportedly incorporated the stolen data into its J-20 and J-31 stealth fighter aircraft.

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495d0e No.90989

File: 31b8c3db9556e8a⋯.jpeg (794.07 KB,1125x1556,1125:1556,Clipboard.jpeg)


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495d0e No.90990

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572088 (181622ZSEP23) Notable: @thejimwatkins: I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I will do my best to solve our problems with networking

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Our digital ghetto has a reduced ability to show the interwebs to folks. My gang of trusty raccoons are getting on it, and hopefully, the servers will work better, but expect more downtime and expect trouble.

We are all broke, and some of you are broken. I'm in that same boat. Trust in God, and trust also that I will do my best to solve our problems with networking.

Please continue to do your own research and keep the pressure on those who would lie to the people in order to fill their pockets with the last substance we all have.

12:19 PM · Sep 18, 2023

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495d0e No.90991

File: fc6fc4ac9d8aa5b⋯.png (3.14 MB,3237x1837,3237:1837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572089 (181622ZSEP23) Notable: QClock September 17, 2023 - The Lost F-35

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'''ALL PB"

>>90886 (me), >>90903, >>>/qresearch/19569952 (me), >>90889, >>90891, >>90892, >>90909, >>90910 US military is asking public to help find $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that has gone missing

QClock September 17, 2023 - The Lost F-35

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495d0e No.90992

File: 63502fbe4c66c89⋯.jpg (464.31 KB,1956x1203,652:401,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572103 (181626ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T Confirms: Buckel up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Potus Confrimmed

>>90974, >>90979 POTUS T: Buckel up


>>90927, >>90934, >>90942, >>90943, >>90945, >>90946, >>90948 Trump celebrates Paxton impeachment acquittal








>Buckle up was a delta from Saturday I think


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495d0e No.90993

File: f948cb2e757c604⋯.jpg (67.07 KB,1075x744,1075:744,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f583b67b1a26759⋯.jpg (79.88 KB,1079x721,1079:721,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572104 (181626ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T Confirms: Buckel up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.90994

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572125 (181630ZSEP23) Notable: Technology once used combat ISIS propaganda is enlisted by Democratic group to counter Trump’s c-19 messaging

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Technology once used to combat ISIS propaganda is enlisted by Democratic group to counter Trump’s coronavirus messaging

A new Democratic-aligned political action committee advised by retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the former head of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, is planning to deploy technology originally developed to counter Islamic State propaganda in service of a domestic political goal — to combat online efforts to promote President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

The group, Defeat Disinfo, will use artificial intelligence and network analysis to map discussion of the president’s claims on social media. It will seek to intervene by identifying the most popular counter-narratives and boosting them through a network of more than 3.4 million influencers across the country — in some cases paying users with large followings to take sides against the president.

The initiative reflects fears within the Democratic Party that Trump’s unwavering digital army may help sustain him through the pandemic, as it has through past controversies, even as the economy craters, tens of thousands have died, and Trump suffers in the polls.

“It’s often said campaigns are a battle of ideas, but they’re really a battle of narratives,” said David Eichenbaum, a Democratic media consultant who is a senior adviser to the PAC. “Today those narratives spread quickly online.”

The initiative is run by Curtis Hougland, who is using open-source technology initially incubated with funding from DARPA, the Pentagon’s research arm, as part of an effort in 2015 to combat extremism overseas. A DARPA spokesman, Jared B. Adams, said that the agency is not involved in Hougland’s current initiative.

Hougland insists Democrats are ill-prepared for the looming battle over information and attention, which is bound to play an outsize role in November. He cites as an example Trump’s suggestion last week that injecting bleach or other household disinfectants could be a treatment for the novel coronavirus — a moment that appeared unequivocally damaging to the president but was less clear-cut as it unfolded on social media. Although the episode was associated with a spike in Twitter engagement about Trump, especially in swing states such as Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, according to Hougland’s analysis, four of the top six tweets about Trump and disinfectant came from accounts partial to the president, boosting the notion that he had not really suggested the bogus cure.

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495d0e No.90995

File: 95386af06aa2c12⋯.png (331.33 KB,479x775,479:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572127 (181629ZSEP23) Notable: London taxpayers attack surveillance vans in continued revolt

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

London taxpayers attack surveillance vans in continued revolt

Thousands take to social media to report van sightings

London taxpayers are damaging the city’s surveillance vans in an escalating feud between Mayor Sadiq Khan and the city’s residents.

Last month Khan peppered the city with ultra-low emission zones (ULEZs), areas in London accessible only to low-emission vehicles. Cars that do not meet the city’s environmental standards are charged £12.50 ($16) for entering the ULEZ. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras positioned around the zones read license plates and check them against the vehicles’ make and model in real time. If a vehicle does not meet the environmental threshold, the fine is levied against the car owner. Failure to pay can lead to fines as high as £258 ($331).



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495d0e No.90996

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572129 (181630ZSEP23) Notable: Laura Loomer: Those Targeting Ken Paxton Now Backing Ron DeSantis, Bush Apparatus Included

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Laura Loomer: Those Targeting Ken Paxton Now Backing Ron DeSantis, Bush Apparatus Included



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495d0e No.90997

File: 17787eb08be7e5d⋯.png (120.92 KB,926x1252,463:626,Clipboard.png)

File: 7301cb0b29effed⋯.png (289.94 KB,926x2258,463:1129,Clipboard.png)

File: 95817cd570a32b2⋯.png (113.1 KB,926x894,463:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572136 (181631ZSEP23) Notable: Cuba to host Chinese spy base eavesdrop on the US?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



5 Drops

Here's 3

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495d0e No.90998

File: 0babe1a6a88cd5f⋯.png (132.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 501201f313692b8⋯.png (326.5 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572142 (181633ZSEP23) Notable: A STEALTH plane ejects piolet…Stealth jet then disappears…stealthy like

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Grassley concerns about F35 tech and Biden deal with China


Grassley Raises Concerns Over Obama Admin Approval of U.S. Tech Company Joint Sale to Chinese Government and Investment Firm Linked to Biden, Kerry Families

Grassley Questions Potential Obama-Biden-Kerry Conflicts of Interest That May Have Benefited Chinese Government and Military

Washington – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is raising concerns over the process by which the Obama administration’s Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approved the acquisition of a U.S. automotive technology company, Henniges, with reported military applications. Henniges was reportedly jointly acquired by Chinese government entities and an investment firm linked to family members of then-Vice President Joe Biden and other Obama administration officials. In his letter to Department of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Grassley is requesting documents associated with the approval of the transaction, as well as other details that may speak to the legitimacy of the decision-making process, including any potential coordination with the Obama-Biden White House.

“As with the Uranium One transaction, there is cause for concern that potential conflicts of interest could have influenced CFIUS approval of the Henniges transaction,” Grassley wrote. “Accordingly, Congress and the public must fully understand the decision-making process that led to the Henniges approval and the extent to which CFIUS fully considered the transaction’s national security risks.”

“For example, one of the companies involved in the Henniges transaction was a billion dollar private investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). BHR was formed in November of 2013 by a merger between the Chinese-government linked firm, Bohai Capital, and a company named Rosemont Seneca Partners. Rosemont Seneca was reportedly formed in 2009 by Hunter Biden, the son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, Chris Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, and others.”

Both individuals are related to high-ranking Obama administration officials. Accordingly, Grassley is raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest because in September 2015, BHR joined with a subsidiary of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) to acquire Henniges. The Department of State, then under Kerry’s leadership, is a CFIUS member and would have played a direct role in the decision to approve the Henniges transaction.

The full text of the letter can be found below or HERE.


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495d0e No.90999

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572151 (181635ZSEP23) Notable: There are 15 Freedom Fighters already in the House that are opposing the CR now

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Steve Bannon: “It’s Upon YOU The Whole Thing Rests”. We don’t care about the shutdown. There are 15 Freedom Fighters already in the House that are opposing the CR now



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495d0e No.91000

File: b3ebfb97ca2a07c⋯.png (893.04 KB,829x810,829:810,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572152 (181635ZSEP23) Notable: Border Patrol Separated Immigrant Families

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Border Patrol Separated Immigrant Families

This Summer, A Practice Biden Once Called ‘Abhorrent’

National Review, by David Zimmerman

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/18/2023 10:29:42 AM

New court documents claim that Border Patrol agents temporarily separated some migrant families this summer, a practice President Joe Biden once called an “abhorrent.” In a Friday court filing, Dr. Paul Wise, a pediatrician tasked with monitoring the conditions and treatment of migrant children in U.S. Customs and Border Protection custody, said that he found children as young as 8 were separated from their parents by the Biden administration. The separations were done mainly to prevent overcrowding in short-term holding facilities, but Wise warned that they could have a lasting effect on children.

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495d0e No.91001

File: bab511dc374c61f⋯.png (196.76 KB,614x595,614:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572171 (181639ZSEP23) Notable: A STEALTH plane ejects piolet…Stealth jet then disappears…stealthy like

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The Post and Courier


The missing stealth fighter, a model F-35B from Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, is among a line of jets designed to evade radar detection.

120230423 - MCAS Beaufort Air Show-2413.jpg (copy)


The F-35B: What you should know about the fighter jet missing in S.C.

The military can't find an airplane designed to avoid discovery after a pilot ejected from an F-35 over the Lowcountry.

5:20 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91002

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572174 (181640ZSEP23) Notable: Bomb threats at several schools in sw PA

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bomb threats at several schools in sw PA

BURGETTSTOWN, Pa. — Burgettstown Middle/High School and Avella and Fort Cherry school districts have evacuated due to bomb threats.

Burgettstown notified families that the district received an email regarding the threat and evacuated students.

Students have been relocated to an area several miles from the school.

Police are searching the building. Originally, students were going to return to the school, but they have since decided to cancel and are sending all students home for the day.

Email threats were also sent to Avella, Fort Cherry and California, according to school officials.

Fort Cherry evacuated and sent elementary students home while police investigated. High school students were evacuated to the football field until the buses could get them home.

Avella also received a threat and evacuated their buildings, the superintendent’s office confirmed.

California Area School District officials said they received an email bomb threat, but after working with local and state police, they determined the threat “noncredible” and will continue to closely monitor the premises.

Over the weekend, state police opened an investigation into a threatening email sent to the Albert Gallatin School District. The sender did not name a specific school or district.

It is not known at this time if the schools received the same threat.

Check back with Channel 11 for updates on this developing story.


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495d0e No.91003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572184 (181643ZSEP23) Notable: There was a movie awhile back about an autonomous fighter jet. It went rogue

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>There was a movie awhile back about an autonomous fighter jet

Anon remembers talk about plane guidance being moved from plane hardware to "The Cloud." Did this move open the door?

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495d0e No.91004

File: db28781136cc8c8⋯.jpeg (694.7 KB,560x840,2:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2583a3b97935471⋯.jpeg (19.96 KB,500x265,100:53,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572205 (181650ZSEP23) Notable: There was a movie awhile back about an autonomous fighter jet. It went rogue

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The movie is called "Stealth".


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495d0e No.91005

File: 843331af8533b28⋯.png (61.87 KB,613x290,613:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572224 (181654ZSEP23) Notable: @DJT: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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12:18pm ET


Yes, it is true that my intervention through TRUTH SOCIAL saved Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton from going down at the hands of Democrats and some Republicans, headed by PAUL RINO (Ryan), Karl Rove, and others, almost all of whom came back to reason when confronted with the facts. Ken has been a great A.G., and now he can go back to work for the wonderful people of Texas. It was my honor to have helped correct this injustice!

12:33pm ET


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495d0e No.91006

File: b0a816825d4ba45⋯.png (46.75 KB,827x405,827:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572230 (181654ZSEP23) Notable: Cuba to host Chinese spy base eavesdrop on the US?

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Cuba gives China permission to build spying facility on island, US intel says

Story by Natasha Bertrand • 3mo

It would not be the first time China has attempted to spy on the US’ electronic communications, known as signals intelligence. A suspected Chinese spy balloon that transited the US in February was capable of gathering signals intelligence and is believed to have transmitted back to Beijing in near-real time, sources told CNN at the time.

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495d0e No.91007

File: 045c2d4cf0129f1⋯.png (166.02 KB,458x611,458:611,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a464925d94f7e5⋯.png (467.13 KB,525x700,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 585f7868c5cc9d5⋯.png (353.74 KB,525x700,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572231 (181653ZSEP23) Notable: BREAKING: Massive Explosions In Columbus, GA - Possible Factory Explosion (9/17)

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BREAKING: Massive Explosions In Columbus, GA - Possible Factory Explosion

This story is developing...

UPDATE: The event appears to be at Radius Recycling, reports WRBL. Large flames and smoke can be seen coming from behind the Schnitzer plant [steel recycling].

UPDATE: The explosions seems to be located near 712 Tenth Ave, Columbus, GA.


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495d0e No.91008

File: ffcfe8403487c77⋯.png (1.14 MB,1585x832,1585:832,Clipboard.png)

File: 16a0f8a106f52c0⋯.png (218.28 KB,1156x671,1156:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 81082ec67933bdb⋯.png (161.71 KB,1056x844,264:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572267 (181700ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 happens to go down in the same area PDJT will be speaking next week??

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What a strange coincidence.

F-35 happens to go down in the same area PDJT will be speaking next week??

PDJT event in Summerville's SC according to Trumps event calendar


This is just a few miles where the pilot reportedly landed in Northern Charleston.

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495d0e No.91009

File: 7c5086cf08934e9⋯.png (343.99 KB,426x507,142:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572282 (181702ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T Confirms: Buckel up

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>How does work anon?

hang on

11:45 Potus truth timestamp


9:11 digits


>Beautiful! Thanks anon.

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495d0e No.91010

File: 2d19e0de62ba193⋯.png (144.55 KB,589x489,589:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572296 (181705ZSEP23) Notable: Cuba to host Chinese spy base eavesdrop on the US?

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Donald J. Trump


Do you believe this? We are a Nation in Decline (to put it mildly!).





Jun 8

JUST IN - Cuba to host Chinese spy base to eavesdrop on the United States. Beijing will pay Havana several billion dollars for the facility.


Cuba to host secret Chinese spy base focusing on U.S

Breaking news from around the world.


Jun 10, 2023, 12:55 AM

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495d0e No.91011

File: 9ad8b36e6764190⋯.png (146.22 KB,926x1566,463:783,Clipboard.png)

File: affc82c97ac48b4⋯.png (163.26 KB,926x1742,463:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 17787eb08be7e5d⋯.png (120.92 KB,926x1252,463:626,Clipboard.png)

File: 95817cd570a32b2⋯.png (113.1 KB,926x894,463:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 7301cb0b29effed⋯.png (289.94 KB,926x2258,463:1129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572310 (181709ZSEP23) Notable: Cuba to host Chinese spy base eavesdrop on the US?

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Even POTUS is highlightingCUBA!

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495d0e No.91012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572313 (181710ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T: LET THESE PROPLE COME HOME!

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The sentence starting:

THE 3 years ago. would not be suitable grammar/sentence structure. It simply be - 3 years ago...

The THE isn't really necessary.

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495d0e No.91013

File: 6cf9cabada2919c⋯.jpeg (687.35 KB,2036x1958,1018:979,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572333 (181713ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T Confirms: Buckel up

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>>>/qresearch/19572318 wrong 2nd pic

meant to add this one

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495d0e No.91014

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572344 (181717ZSEP23) Notable: Mike Lindell: “They’ve Upped Their Attacks”. Really bad on My Pillow

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Mike Lindell: “They’ve Upped Their Attacks”. Really bad on My Pillow. They are going after his company because of his investigations on Elections


Anons if you need anything go to all the sales on My Pillow, use mypillow.com with promo code “war room” or pray for Lindell and his employees and company

God bless this man and his employees


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495d0e No.91015

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572345 (181717ZSEP23) Notable: Virginia Rep. Wexton will not seek reelection, citing new diagnosis

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Virginia Rep. Wexton will not seek reelection, citing new diagnosis

Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.) announced on Monday that she will not seek reelection after receiving an updated, more serious diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy.

Wexton revealed in April that she'd been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, saying at the time that she hoped to continue serving “for many years to come.” But she sought additional testing after she had not been making the progress “to manage my symptoms that I had hoped,” Wexton, 55, said in a statement, leading to the new diagnosis of PSP, which she called “a kind of Parkinson's on steroids." The two conditions are often confused when first diagnosing a patient because they have similar symptoms.

“I’m heartbroken to have to give up something I have loved after so many years of serving my community,” Wexton said in the statement. “But taking into consideration the prognosis for my health over the coming years, I have made the decision not to seek reelection once my term is complete and instead spend my valued time with Andrew, our boys, and my friends and loved ones.”

Earlier this year, Wexton said the disease had primarily affected her speech and how her mouth moved, causing her to speak more quickly. It has also impacted her balance and the way she walks.

“I’ve always believed that honesty is the most important value in public service, so I want to be honest with you now — this new diagnosis is a tough one,” Wexton said. “There is no ‘getting better’ with PSP. I’ll continue my treatment options to manage my symptoms, but they don’t work as well with my condition as they do for Parkinson’s.”

Wexton was elected in 2018 when she defeated Republican Barbara Comstock and ended 40 years of GOP control of the district. She won reelection last year in the midterms. Wexton’s announcement on Monday now leaves open a vulnerable House seat.

Wexton was a staunch Trump critic and said in a Washington Post interview that she wouldn’t have run for the House if Trump wasn’t president. Wexton gained national prominence after she was elected when she displayed a trans flag outside her Capitol Hill office in 2019.

Virginia lawmakers on Monday came out in support of Wexton for her decision to not seek reelection. Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) said she had “served Virginians with dignity and strength.”

“No one could tackle this with more grace and tenacity than you, Jennifer,” Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) said Monday. “In Congress and across Northern Virginia, we are with you.”


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495d0e No.91016

File: 8121297db691d1f⋯.png (104.8 KB,594x340,297:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572391 (181725ZSEP23) Notable: Cuba to host Chinese spy base eavesdrop on the US?

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Why did our F-35 land in Cuba?

Who has a base in Cuba?

Did Biden give China an F-35?


6:21 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91017

File: 46af88ba4676f95⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB,1170x1956,195:326,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572395 (181728ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T: LET THESE PROPLE COME HOME!

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The extra “the” is an article

>3 years ago

Could he be pointing to this?


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495d0e No.91018

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572398 (181728ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden Sues IRS Alleging Agency Whistleblowers Improperly Disclosed Info to Congress

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Hunter Biden Sues IRS Alleging Agency Whistleblowers Improperly Disclosed Info to Congress

Wendell Husebø18 Sep 2023

hunter biden IRS

Hunter Biden launched a lawsuit against the IRS on Monday, alleging IRS whistleblowers improperly disclosed information to congressional investigators about the Justice Department’s tax probe into his financial affairs.

Hunter Biden’s lawyers claim when IRS agents informed Congress and news organizations of the Justice Department’s alleged mishandling of its tax probe into the president’s son, the IRS whistleblowers allegedly disclosed the damning allegations improperly.

Among the allegations, the whistleblowers alleged Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf refused to allow investigators to ask about President Joe Biden being “the big guy,” the DOJ twice prevented United States Attorney David Weiss from bringing stronger charges against Hunter Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland refused to name a special counsel in the tax investigation, and the IRS recommended charges against Hunter Biden that were not approved by Garland.

“This assault on Mr. Biden’s rights involved the public disclosure of his confidential tax information during more than 20 nationally televised and non-congressionally sanctioned interviews and numerous public statements,” the lawsuit alleges against his father’s government.

The disclosures included “detailed allegations regarding the specific tax years under investigation, the amounts of deductions, the nature of those deductions, and allegations of liability regarding specific tax years and the amount thereof, that could only be known to them based on a review of the physical tax returns themselves,” the lawsuit claims.

The House Ways and Means Committee in June voted to make public the many instances of alleged political interference in which the DOJ “thwarted, hampered or interfered” with the IRS tax investigation into Hunter Biden. In turn, IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel confirmed in July the rights of agency whistleblowers to make protected disclosures to Congress.

“As employees, you are the first line of defense to call out issues that raise concerns, and I want it to be clear that we will always encourage a ‘see something, say something’ philosophy,” he wrote.

Hunter Biden’s lawsuit against the IRS comes as his attorneys reportedly pushed the DOJ to prosecute the whistleblowers after the committee voted to approve the public disclosure of IRS whistleblower allegations.

According to the New York Times, the DOJ planned to let Hunter Biden off the hook without charges until two whistleblowers came forward:

Now, the I.R.S. agents and their Republican allies say they believe the evidence they brought forward, at the precise time they did, played a role in influencing the outcome, a claim senior law enforcement officials dispute. While Mr. Biden’s legal team agrees that the I.R.S. agents affected the deal, his lawyers have contended to the Justice Department that by disclosing details about the investigation to Congress, they broke the law and should be prosecuted.

Earlier this year, The Times found, Mr. Weiss appeared willing to forgo any prosecution of Mr. Biden at all, and his office came close to agreeing to end the investigation without requiring a guilty plea on any charges. But the correspondence reveals that his position, relayed through his staff, changed in the spring, around the time a pair of I.R.S. officials on the case accused the Justice Department of hamstringing the investigation. Mr. Weiss suddenly demanded that Mr. Biden plead guilty to committing tax offenses

As the testimony from the I.R.S. agents took hold, Mr. Biden’s legal team felt the ground shift beneath them. The U.S. attorney’s office suddenly went quiet.

Last week, Weiss indicted Hunter Biden on three gun related charges. No tax or FARA violations were filed, though Weiss “may soon file a new indictment against Hunter Biden in another federal court — potentially in California — over alleged tax crimes that the agents say they found in reviewing his finances from 2014 to 2019,” the Washington Post reported Monday.


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495d0e No.91019

File: c83c3e30de1e501⋯.png (152.92 KB,375x1129,375:1129,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e330a9fb23af17⋯.jpg (99.26 KB,1035x914,1035:914,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572405 (181730ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T Confirms: Buckel up

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Check Q2206

Dropped Sep 18, 2018

5 year delta of today

Includes pic of Q2183


>Potus Confrimmed

double conrimmed

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495d0e No.91020

File: 0db33405fd6fa69⋯.jpeg (34.29 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572421 (181733ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine’s Trans ‘Spokesperson’ Lashes out Sen Vance, gender chaos, Refuses Deny U.S. Gov’t Ties

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Ukraine’s Trans ‘Spokesperson’ Lashes Out at Sen. Vance for Spreading ‘Gender Chaos’, Refuses to Deny U.S. Gov’t Ties

Kurt Zindulka18 Sep 2023

In response to reporting from Breitbart News, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, an American transgender individual claiming to be a “spokesperson” of the Ukrainian military, has criticised Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) and Moscow for “focussing on the tired trope of gender chaos” after the Republican lawmaker demanded the Biden administration reveal if Ashton-Cirillo receives any American funding or has ties to U.S. intelligence agencies.

On Sunday, Breitbart News revealed that Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio had written to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines after apparent Ukrainian Territorial Defence Forces spokesperson Sarah Ashton-Cirillo had warned that Russian propagandists will be “hunted down”.

Senator Vance questioned in his letter whether the government has any information suggesting that the Ukrainians are intent on planning to commit acts of violence against those accused of spreading Russian propaganda, whether Ashton-Cirillo is indeed an American citizen in the employ of the Ukrainian military, and if the individual has any ties to U.S. intelligence services or is receiving American resources. He went on to question on Monday if the Ukrainians planned to “kill people who engage in free speech” and asked about the existence of reported “kill lists”, both of which Ashton-Cirillo dismissed as fabrications of Russian propaganda.

The Ohio Republican told Breitbart News on Sunday: “If the Ukrainians want to hire weirdos to threaten Americans and others for speaking their mind, I guess that’s their right. They shouldn’t use our tax dollars to do it. And we shouldn’t pretend this is a war for freedom when our supposed ally is threatening violence to anyone who opposes the war.”

In a video response to the reporting posted on Monday, Ashton-Crillo claimed to be a “Sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” serving as in the “dual role of spokesperson and Russian disinformation analyst” for the media team of the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces.

Without specifically refuting any connections to the American government or intelligence agencies, Ashton-Crillo said: “Simply put I am an American serving as a Ukrainian infantry soldier and combat medic,” adding: “The remaining speculation surrounding me is disappointing.”

Again, without expressly denying any links Ashton-Crillo added: “I only answer to three groups of people: my Ukrainian commanders, the Ukrainian people, and the American taxpayer,” while thanking the U.S. government and people for the military aid to Ukraine.

Rather than directly answering the questions laid out by Senator Vance, the apparent Ukrainian spokesperson went on to criticise the lawmaker for engaging — alongside figures in Moscow — in the culture war surrounding transgenderism.

“Why when we in Ukraine when we are fighting for global liberty and the ideology of victory, too many in Moscow and across the world are still caught up in focusing on the tired trope of gender chaos,” Ashton-Crillo said.

Continuing, the transgender individual went on to claim that Ukraine is not focused on fighting for the rights of “any one group but for the freedom of every human”. Comparing this struggle to the American Revolution, Ashton-Cirillo said: “I’ve never been more proud to be a U.S. citizen as I am fighting on behalf of the Ukrainian people against the tyranny of Russia and their assorted enablers, all of whom are enemies of the United States.”

Responding to Senator Vance’s stated concerns over threats to “hunt down” those who allegedly spread Russian propaganda, the apparent Ukrainian spokesperson said that the Territorial Defense Forces of Ukraine “believe journalists are heroes and have the right to report on Ukraine’s war for liberation without interference.”

Despite extolling the virtues of the American First Amendment, Ashton-Cirillo declared that free speech protections should not be extended to people spreading “false narratives” about the war in Ukraine.

“The Russian propagandists and war criminals who are spreading lies and pushing false narratives are not journalists, they are information agents in an extension of the Putin-Prighozin effort to spread chaos and wreak havoc across the globe,” Ashton-Cirillo said, adding that Ukraine will only seek justice and not “vengeance”…


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495d0e No.91021

File: 654cacd41653f2a⋯.png (503.25 KB,585x573,195:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572428 (181735ZSEP23) Notable: @JustTheNews: U.S. officials with dementia may pose national security threat, Pentagon-funded study finds

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Just the News


U.S. officials with dementia may pose national security threat, Pentagon-funded study finds

Pentagon | Getty Images


U.S. officials with dementia may pose national security threat, Pentagon-funded study finds

The report states that "an increasing number of cleared personnel-that is, personnel who hold or have held security clearances-have or will have dementia."

2:35 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572430 (181735ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine’s Trans ‘Spokesperson’ Lashes out Sen Vance, gender chaos, Refuses Deny U.S. Gov’t Ties

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In response to reporting from Breitbart News, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, an American transgender individual claiming to be a “spokesperson” of the Ukrainian military, has criticised Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) and Moscow for “focussing on the tired trope of gender chaos” after theRepublican lawmaker demanded the Biden administration reveal if Ashton-Cirillo receives any American funding or has ties to U.S. intelligence agencies.

On Sunday, Breitbart News revealed that Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio had written to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines after apparent Ukrainian Territorial Defence Forces spokesperson Sarah Ashton-Cirillo had warned that Russian propagandists will be “hunted down”.

Fuck this shit forever

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495d0e No.91023

File: 11e942987be9145⋯.jpeg (151.21 KB,683x1024,683:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 911449ec2f74869⋯.jpeg (53.27 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572455 (181740ZSEP23) Notable: Pictures: Iran Completes Biden’s $6 Billion Hostage Deal

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Pictures: Iran Completes Biden’s $6 Billion Hostage Deal

John Hayward18 Sep 2023

The United States and Iran reportedly exchanged prisoners on Monday, largely completing a deal that also included President Joe Biden unfreezing $6 billion in Iranian assets that have been held in South Korean banks since former President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018.

The United States and Iran reportedly exchanged prisoners on Monday, largely completing a deal that also included President Joe Biden unfreezing $6 billion in Iranian assets that have been held in South Korean banks since former President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018.

Sources in Qatar confirmed to Reuters on Monday morning that the $6 billion in Iranian assets have been transferred to bank accounts in Doha. Qatar is supposed to monitor the funds and ensure Iran does not use them for military development or terrorism, a restriction Iranian leaders mocked last week as meaningless.

Four of the five American hostages were moved from Iran’s notoriously brutal prisons into house arrest soon after the Biden administration began its bizarre slow-motion rollout of the deal a month ago.

The fifth hostage was already under house arrest at the time.

The Biden administration refused to make statements on the record for weeks, instead leaking details of the hostage deal to friendly media – a strategy presumably intended to minimize controversy from the gigantic payoff to Iran. The administration bizarrely chose September 11 as the day to confirm, via comments to the Associated Press, Iran’s assets would be unfrozen.

The White House released a statement from President Biden on Monday celebrating the release of Iran’s prisoners, but saying nothing about the $6 billion in assets:

Siamak Namazi, Morad Tahbaz, Emad Sharghi, and two citizens who wish to remain private will soon be reunited with their loved ones—after enduring years of agony, uncertainty, and suffering. I am grateful to our partners at home and abroad for their tireless efforts to help us achieve this outcome, including the Governments of Qatar, Oman, Switzerland, and South Korea.

I give special thanks to the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad, and to the Sultan of Oman, Haitham bin Tariq, both of whom helped facilitate this agreement over many months of difficult and principled American diplomacy.

The White House called on Iran to release other Americans it is still holding, reminded American citizens that the U.S. State Department has a “longstanding travel warning” about the dangers of visiting Iran, and announced sanctions against former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence for their “involvement in wrongful detentions” under the Levinson Act.

“As we celebrate the return of these Americans, we also remember those who did not return. I call on the Iranian regime to give a full account of what happened to Bob Levinson. The Levinson family deserves answers,” the Biden statement said. Levinson was a former FBI agent who disappeared under highly suspicious circumstances in Iran in 2007. U.S. officials said in March 2020 they believe Levinson died in Iranian custody.

According to the BBC on Monday, the U.S. was required to transfer the $6 billion to Qatar before Tehran would release any of its prisoners. The nine rounds of negotiations necessary to seal the deal were described as “difficult” by a BBC source, who said the American and Iranian delegations stayed in separate hotels while senior Qatar officials mediated the agreement.

The Biden administration was also required to grant clemency to five Iranians imprisoned in the United States, identified by the BBC as Reza Sarhangpour, Kambiz Attar Kashani, Kaveh Lotfolah Afrasiabi, Mehrdad Moein Ansari, and Amin Hasanzadeh…


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495d0e No.91024

File: 46f2072f0fbaf1d⋯.png (821.05 KB,680x705,136:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572463 (181741ZSEP23) Notable: Albuquerque Mayor: We Enacted Same Gun Ban Gov. Grisham Is Pushing – 3 Years Ago

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Albuquerque Mayor: We Enacted Same Gun

Ban Gov. Grisham Is Pushing – 3 Years Ago

Breitbart, by AWR Hawkins

Original Article

Posted By: KevinSeattle, 9/18/2023 8:59:25 AM

On Friday, Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller (D) responded to Gov. Michell Lujan Grisham’s (D) amended order — banning concealed carry in city parks and playgrounds — by explaining the city of Albuquerque banned guns in city parks three years ago. He noted the ban is facing a lawsuit: We banned guns from almost all City parks in 2020. It’s being challenged in court. https://t.co/ELM6ChcDLA — Mayor Tim Keller (@MayorKeller) September 15, 2023

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495d0e No.91025

File: 310655cd4bad80a⋯.png (458.93 KB,650x380,65:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572465 (181742ZSEP23) Notable: Suspect Arrested in Ambush Killing of LA County Sheriff's Deputy

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BREAKING: Suspect Arrested in Ambush Killing of LA County Sheriff's Deputy (Updated)


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495d0e No.91026

File: ac0efc17819d11e⋯.png (204.39 KB,502x269,502:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 574a678d9302e43⋯.png (36.27 KB,603x338,603:338,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572489 (181747ZSEP23) Notable: Integrated teams are searching and preparing for the recovery of the jet

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See new posts


Joint Base Charleston




We’re coordinating with @MCASBeaufortSC

, the 2nd MAW out of MCAS Cherry Point, @Navy_Region_SE

, the FAA, the @CivilAirPatrol

, as well as local, county, and state law enforcement across SC. Teams continue to search for the U.S. Marine Corps F-35B, using ground and air assets.

Joint Base Charleston


We appreciate the support we’ve received from our mission partners and every organization involved, as integrated teams are searching and preparing for the recovery of the jet.

6:10 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91027

File: 1119dbbd943e389⋯.jpeg (434.61 KB,1427x2911,1427:2911,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572499 (181748ZSEP23) Notable: Integrated teams are searching and preparing for the recovery of the jet

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Hide and Seek Missing F-35



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495d0e No.91028

File: 1198a759a1f7d27⋯.png (130.5 KB,240x300,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572502 (181749ZSEP23) Notable: Five Facts That Compel the Biden Impeachment Inquiry

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5 Facts Compel The Biden Impeachment Inquiry. 1st, appears to be evidence Joe lied to the public for years. 2nd we know $20 MIL was paid to the Bidens. 3rd demands on Hunter, dealing with the threat of a Ukrainian prosecutor. 4th Hunter paid Joe as much as 1/2 of his money. 5th covering up payments.

Five Facts That Compel the Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Below is my column in The Messenger on the reason why an impeachment inquiry is warranted. I do not believe that a case for impeachment has been made, but there is clearly a need for an investigat…


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495d0e No.91029

File: c52f73e78f9c096⋯.jpeg (336.45 KB,656x491,656:491,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572503 (181749ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T: LET THESE PROPLE COME HOME!

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58th Fighter Squadron

The 58th Fighter Squadron is part of the 33d Fighter Wing, a joint graduate flying and maintenance training wing for the F-35A, B, and C, organized under Air Education and Training Command's 19th Air Force, at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Its mission is to train US Air Force operators and maintainers on employment and maintenance of the F-35 Lightning II "A" model, as part of the overall 33d FW mission of training American and international aircrews and maintainers of US Air Force, Us Navy, US Marine Corps, and international Air Forces.


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495d0e No.91030

File: e22f39cccb6c0b7⋯.png (630.85 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c7bbaa766c2095⋯.png (595.47 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: b6bb982bd8900bb⋯.png (578.69 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572547 (181756ZSEP23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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Louis ?



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495d0e No.91031

File: b8a5e9cc5578fcc⋯.png (1.36 MB,1477x979,1477:979,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572572 (181801ZSEP23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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495d0e No.91032

File: 431677bffd005b9⋯.png (1.9 MB,1449x991,1449:991,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572596 (181807ZSEP23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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495d0e No.91033

File: 30749f553363ad4⋯.png (26.22 KB,599x325,599:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572599 (181809ZSEP23) Notable: @charliekirk11: Illinois becomes the first state to abolish cash bail today

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Charlie Kirk


Illinois becomes the first state to abolish cash bail today. Criminals will run wild and cops will have no tools to stop them. Retailers are already fleeing Chicago because rampant theft makes it impossible to turn a profit. Rather than fix that problem and side with those who follow the law, Chicago is plotting to open a government-run grocery store.

Democrats take the most prosperous cities in the world and turn them into Haiti.

6:58 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91034

File: 534d5d8986ad3a2⋯.png (50 KB,1028x448,257:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572605 (181810ZSEP23) Notable: Attorneys For IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley Respond to Hunter Biden Lawsuit Against IRS

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Attorneys For IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley Respond to Hunter Biden Lawsuit Against IRS

Hunter Biden on Monday sued the IRS after whistleblowers revealed he did not pay taxes on millions of dollars in international money schemes and was given a sweetheart deal from far-left investigators.

Two IRS whistleblowers, Gary Shapley, and Joseph Ziegler, testified on the government prosecutors’ preferential treatment of Hunter Biden.

Gary Shapley said Biden-appointed US Attorneys blocked charges against Hunter Biden.

Shapley’s testimony lines up with what whistleblower X, identified as Joseph Ziegler, said during a hearing in July.

Zieger said David Weiss, the US Attorney from Delaware, was hamstrung and marginalized by DOJ officials.

“It appeared to me, based on what I experienced, that the U.S. Attorney in Delaware in our investigation was constantly hamstrung, limited, and marginalized by DOJ officials,” Ziegler said.

“The Justice Department allowed the president’s political appointees to weigh in on whether to charge the president’s son,” Shapley said referring to the US Attorneys in DC and California.

The lawsuit alleges the whistleblowers embarrassed Hunter Biden when they publicly testified on his overseas business dealings.

“Biden has no fewer or lesser rights than any other American citizen, and no government agency or government agent has free reign to violate his rights simply because of who he is,” the lawsuit says.

“Two IRS agents—Mr. Gary Shapley and Mr. Joseph Ziegler—and their attorneys raised the stakes to unprecedented levels with their numerous public appearances and statements that blatantly violated Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code by engaging in a campaign to publicly smear Mr. Biden,” the lawsuit states.

Gary Shapley’s legal team issued a statement on Monday morning:

“This suit against the IRS is just another frivolous smear by Biden family attorneys trying to turn people’s attention away from Hunter Biden’s own legal problems and intimidate any current and future whistleblowers. The federal judge in Delaware who oversaw the aborted plea deal shot down similar claims against the whistleblowers after they exposed the secret backroom deal between Hunter Biden and the Department of Justice. Neither IRS SSA Gary Shapley nor his attorneys have ever released any confidential taxpayer information except through whistleblower disclosures authorized by statute. Once Congress released that testimony, like every American citizen, he has a right to discuss that public information.”


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495d0e No.91035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572614 (181812ZSEP23) Notable: #24036

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FINAL @710

#24036 >>90967

>>90968 @FAKEFLOTUS: Happy 76th Birthday, @usairforce!

>>90969 Macias: AG Ken Paxton Will Mostly Be Indicted With A Federal Grand Jury Before The End of The Year

>>90971, >>90972, >>90973, >>90983, >>91012, >>91017, >>91029 POTUS T: LET THESE PROPLE COME HOME!

>>90974, >>90979, >>90992, >>90993, >>91013, >>91009, >>91019 POTUS T Confirms: Buckel up

>>90975 Jenna Ellis: will not vote for him in future because is “malignant narcissist” who cannot admit mistakes

>>90976, >>90977, >>90984, >>90985 PROPLE > PEOPLE

>>90978, >>90981, >>90982, >>90980 PROPLE Inc. DIGG

>>90986 Texas Republican Precinct Chairs Must File A Censure Resolution Against RINOs

>>90987 NASA Welcomes Germany as Newest Artemis Accords Signatory

>>90970, >>90988, >>90998, >>91001 A STEALTH plane ejects piolet…Stealth jet then disappears…stealthy like


>>90990 @thejimwatkins: I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I will do my best to solve our problems with networking

>>90991 QClock September 17, 2023 - The Lost F-35

>>90994 Technology once used combat ISIS propaganda is enlisted by Democratic group to counter Trump’s c-19 messaging

>>90995 London taxpayers attack surveillance vans in continued revolt

>>90996 Laura Loomer: Those Targeting Ken Paxton Now Backing Ron DeSantis, Bush Apparatus Included

>>90997, >>91006, >>91010, >>91011, >>91016 Cuba to host Chinese spy base eavesdrop on the US?

>>90999 There are 15 Freedom Fighters already in the House that are opposing the CR now

>>91000 Border Patrol Separated Immigrant Families

>>91002 Bomb threats at several schools in sw PA

>>91003, >>91004 There was a movie awhile back about an autonomous fighter jet. It went rogue


>>91007 BREAKING: Massive Explosions In Columbus, GA - Possible Factory Explosion (9/17)

>>91008 F-35 happens to go down in the same area PDJT will be speaking next week??

>>91014 Mike Lindell: “They’ve Upped Their Attacks”. Really bad on My Pillow

>>91015 Virginia Rep. Wexton will not seek reelection, citing new diagnosis

>>91018 Hunter Biden Sues IRS Alleging Agency Whistleblowers Improperly Disclosed Info to Congress

>>91020, >>91022 Ukraine’s Trans ‘Spokesperson’ Lashes out Sen Vance, gender chaos, Refuses Deny U.S. Gov’t Ties

>>91021 @JustTheNews: U.S. officials with dementia may pose national security threat, Pentagon-funded study finds

>>91023 Pictures: Iran Completes Biden’s $6 Billion Hostage Deal

>>91024 Albuquerque Mayor: We Enacted Same Gun Ban Gov. Grisham Is Pushing – 3 Years Ago

>>91025 Suspect Arrested in Ambush Killing of LA County Sheriff's Deputy

>>91026, >>91027 Integrated teams are searching and preparing for the recovery of the jet

>>91028 Five Facts That Compel the Biden Impeachment Inquiry

>>91030, >>91031, >>91032 Planefag Reports

>>91033 @charliekirk11: Illinois becomes the first state to abolish cash bail today

>>91034 Attorneys For IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley Respond to Hunter Biden Lawsuit Against IRS


Baker will need handy n/b @ dough

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495d0e No.91036

File: ea2d7b25c257ae0⋯.png (2.02 MB,1028x1500,257:375,Clipboard.png)

File: d15e4ef7d56de71⋯.png (642.61 KB,574x565,574:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572643 (181816ZSEP23) Notable: #24037

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Thank you anons

Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

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495d0e No.91037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572670 (181821ZSEP23) Notable: Clinton Global Initiative 2023 Meeting: Satanist Pope Francis

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Clinton Global Initiative 2023 Meeting: His Holiness Pope Francis

Sep 18, 2023 #CGI2023

“We are living through a changing epoch. Only together can we emerge from it better.”

A special conversation between President Clinton and His Holiness Pope Francis via remote link on what it takes to keep going on the most pressing global challenges of our time, like climate change, the refugee crisis, the welfare of children, and the mission and projects of the Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital. #CGI2023

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495d0e No.91038

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572677 (181823ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight Committee Issues Statement Following Hunter Biden’s Lawsuit Against the IRS

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Oversight Committee Issues Statement Following Hunter Biden’s Lawsuit Against the IRS: “Witness Intimidation Is Just Another Dirty Tactic by the Hunter Biden Legal Team”

Hunter Biden filed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on Monday. The lawsuit alleges that IRS agents unlawfully disclosed his tax information and failed to protect his private records. This legal action comes amidst several other legal challenges facing Hunter Biden, including an indictment on federal firearms charges and potential additional tax charges.

Hunter Biden’s lawsuit accuses the IRS of unlawfully disclosing his tax return information.

The lawsuit claims the disclosures made by IRS agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who have been vocal about their concerns regarding handling investigations into Hunter Biden, “targeted and sought to embarrass Mr. Biden.”

The lawsuit seeks damages of $1,000 for each unauthorized disclosure of his tax return information, among other things, according to AP News.

The IRS agents in question have claimed whistleblower status, arguing that their disclosures were authorized under whistleblower laws. However, Hunter Biden’s lawsuit argues that these protections do not apply in this case. This raises questions about whether the lawsuit is an attempt to intimidate current and future whistleblowers, as suggested by Shapley’s lawyer.

“Biden has no fewer or lesser rights than any other American citizen, and no government agency or government agent has free reign to violate his rights simply because of who he is,” the lawsuit says, per Business Insider.

“Two IRS agents—Mr. Gary Shapley and Mr. Joseph Ziegler—and their attorneys raised the stakes to unprecedented levels with their numerous public appearances and statements that blatantly violated Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code by engaging in a campaign to publicly smear Mr. Biden.”

The Oversight Committee has released a statement defending the IRS whistleblowers.

“Anyone who has read or listened to the two IRS whistleblowers’ testimony knows that they are upstanding, concerned citizens without a political agenda. Both have worked at the IRS for over a decade on some of the biggest tax crime cases in our country’s history. What they witnessed while working on the Hunter Biden criminal investigation was a ‘corrosion of ethical standards and the abuse of power that threaten our nation.’ They have brought forward serious allegations of politicization and misconduct by DOJ officials,” the post read.

The statement further criticizes Hunter Biden, labeling him a “tax cheat” and accusing his legal team of waging a “smear campaign” against the whistleblowers. It concludes by saying, “Witness intimidation is just another dirty tactic by the Hunter Biden legal team. Despite their games, our investigation will continue.”


Anyone who has read or listened to the two IRS whistleblowers’ testimony knows that they are upstanding, concerned citizens without a political agenda. Both have worked at the IRS for over a decade on some of the biggest tax crime cases in…

— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) September 18, 2023


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495d0e No.91039

File: 78737cf180b76a6⋯.png (316.65 KB,587x426,587:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572685 (181825ZSEP23) Notable: Pelosi Refused to Hand Over Communications Surrounding Jan. 6

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Pelosi Refused to Hand Over Communications Surrounding Jan. 6, Democrats Destroyed Evidence from Jan. 6 Committee, Refused to Call in National Guard, and Pelosi Hired Camera Crew to Follow Her That Day

On Sunday President Donald Trump sat for an interview with Kristen Welker from NBC’s Meet the Press.

During the interview President Trump argued that “Nancy Pelosi is responsible for January 6th.”

President Trump: “Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security. She turned down 10,000 soldiers. If she didn’t turn down the soldiers, you wouldn’t have had Jan. 6.”

Trump on Meet The Press: ‘If Pelosi Didn’t Turn Down Soldiers, There’s No Jan. 6’ [WATCH] https://t.co/E8FYzlggKs

— ERIC BOLLING (@ericbolling) September 18, 2023

Of course, President Trump was right. And there is plenty of evidence to back him up.

President Trump asked for the National Guard three days in advance of January 6. Pelosi turned him down.

Pelosi refused to turn over information about her culpability in the security breakdown during the Jan. 6 riot for over a year to congressional investigators.

Steven A. Sund, the Capitol Police chief on that fateful day, not only confirms her culpability along with the rest of the Democratic leadership. Sund reported that Pelosi utilized him as a scapegoat and forced him to step down as Police chief. We all know now she was just trying to obfuscate her own responsibility for the attack.

House Republicans later found text and email evidence that Pelosi staffers secretly DECREASED security at the US Capitol on January 6.

This explosive story is spreading fast…

House GOP members found texts and emails from Pelosi staffers proving they forcefully decreased J6 security measures despite objections from Capitol Police and Sergeants at Arms

It was a setup and they got caught


— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) December 30, 2022

Pelosi hired her daughter to film her that day as she traveled through the US Capitol.


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495d0e No.91040

File: fb5d11f56527b4c⋯.png (60.64 KB,536x413,536:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 509a060a40f23d6⋯.png (391.8 KB,629x569,629:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572697 (181828ZSEP23) Notable: Second Marine F-35C Squadron Conquers “Safe for Flight” Certification

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"This week, VMFA-311 achieved their Safe for Flight certification, furthering [their] commitment and doubling the fifth-generation combat power within MAG-11."



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495d0e No.91041

File: cb47c6542b1727a⋯.png (854.32 KB,1912x897,1912:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572698 (181827ZSEP23) Notable: PF Ukraine coming in for another load of cash

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Ukraine coming in for another load of cash

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495d0e No.91042

File: a2fe06773b89c60⋯.png (798.69 KB,1930x2412,965:1206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572700 (181828ZSEP23) Notable: Second Marine F-35C Squadron Conquers “Safe for Flight” Certification

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Alright anons. Obviously the missing F-35 is an absolute bullshit story. Never in a million years with our military accidentally lose a 100 million dollar state of the art aircraft. Anon has been looking for a decode which brought me to Q drop #14. This drop contains a total of 36 lines. The first line we have the missing [F] which is followed by an additional 35 lines of juicy deliciousness. Is this our missing [F] - 35?


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495d0e No.91043

File: 170410f5caabe4f⋯.png (384.26 KB,600x636,50:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572703 (181829ZSEP23) Notable: Clinton 'The Harvest' in plain sight

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495d0e No.91044

File: 94613ca2339428f⋯.png (162.53 KB,602x584,301:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572706 (181830ZSEP23) Notable: Second Marine F-35C Squadron Conquers “Safe for Flight” Certification

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‘A Local Emergency’: Search For Missing F-35 Continues After ‘Mishap’; Plane Could Still Be Flying


F-35 Fighter Jet Disappears Over South Carolina — And U.S. Military Wants Your Help Tracking It...

FLORENCE COUNTY, S.C. – Military authorities are conducting a search for an F-35 fighter jet in the vicinity of Charleston, South Carolina, following an incident on Sunday afternoon in which the...

7:24 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91045

File: bc7b7b365898d6a⋯.png (180.62 KB,548x551,548:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572707 (181829ZSEP23) Notable: Second Marine F-35C Squadron Conquers “Safe for Flight” Certification

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14:21 = 17 Jack is Anon. He "keks" and he know all shit belongs to us

Jack Poso 🇺🇸




Human Events


BREAKING: Jack Posobiec declares he has captured the F-35

Demands Milley run one lap around a track on video and he will return it

2:21 PM · Sep 18, 2023


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495d0e No.91046

File: e7e349daf923a9a⋯.png (54.94 KB,661x450,661:450,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572731 (181834ZSEP23) Notable: FAKE PERSECUTION: Senior British Politicians Push Police to Investigate Sexual Assault Allegations Against Russell Brand

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Senior British Politicians Push Police to Investigate Sexual Assault Allegations Against Russell Brand

Senior British politicians on Monday urged police to investigate sexual assault allegations against Russell Brand, as the U.K. entertainment industry faced questions about whether the comedian’s bad behavior went unchallenged because of his fame.

Brand denies allegations of sexual assault made by four women in a Channel 4 television documentary and The Times and Sunday Times newspapers. The accusers, who have not been named, include one who said she was sexually assaulted during a relationship with him when she was 16. Another woman says Brand raped her in Los Angeles in 2012.

Brand, 48, has rejected all the claims, saying in a video statement that his relationships were “always consensual.”

The Times said Monday that more women had contacted the newspaper with allegations against Brand and they would be “rigorously checked.”

Max Blain, spokesman for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, said the claims were “very serious and concerning,” and those making the allegations should be “treated seriously and treated with sensitivity.”

Conservative legislator Caroline Nokes, who chairs the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee, urged police in both Britain and the United States to investigate the “incredibly shocking” allegations.

“This merits and needs a criminal investigation, because for too long we have seen men — and the perpetrators of these sorts of crimes are almost invariably men — not being held to account for their behaviors and their actions,” she told BBC radio.

Brand was suspended by the BBC in 2008 for making lewd prank calls to “Fawlty Towers” actor Andrew Sachs in which he boasted about having sex with Sachs’ granddaughter. He quit his radio show in the wake of the incident, which drew thousands of complaints to the publicly funded broadcaster.

The BBC, Channel 4 and the production company behind the “Big Brother” reality series – spinoffs of which were hosted by Brand — all say they have launched investigations into Brand’s behavior and how complaints were handled.

Brand also has been dropped by talent agency Tavistock Wood, which said it had been “horribly misled” by him.

Supporters of Brand asked why the allegations were being made years after the alleged incidents. The women said that they only felt ready to tell their stories after being approached by reporters, with some citing Brand’s newfound prominence as an online wellness influencer as a factor in their decision to speak.

Victims and the media also have to take account of Britain’s claimant-friendly libel laws, which put the burden of proof on those making allegations.


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495d0e No.91047

File: e31ab5c5bf647d3⋯.png (2.03 MB,1467x1007,1467:1007,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572746 (181838ZSEP23) Notable: Second Marine F-35C Squadron Conquers “Safe for Flight” Certification

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495d0e No.91048

File: 12052dcd474fcf7⋯.png (283.82 KB,868x580,217:145,Clipboard.png)

File: e48a31eb8faa735⋯.png (477.31 KB,711x957,237:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572757 (181909ZSEP23) Notable: Rather than addressing the substance of House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry, the mainstream media attacked the investigator

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The Patriot Post


==Rather than addressing the substance of House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry, the mainstream media attacked the investigator

Sep 18, 2023, 2:15 PM


Media Lapdogs Circle the Impeachment Wagons

Suppose you were a Democrat. And suppose you were a member of the mainstream media. But we repeat ourselves.

Mark Twain’s original quip noted the symbiosis between idiots and members of Congress, but it’s clearly a plug-and-play observation, clearly transferable to relationships among other institutions. And perhaps nowhere is this more the case than with the mutually beneficial relationship between the Democrat Party and the mainstream media, through which the former gains a guard dog against legitimate oversight and the latter gains an undeserved air of respectability.

More evidence of this cozy relationship emerged in recent days, as House Republicans announced that they’d launched an impeachment inquiry into the Biden Crime Family. The reaction was both swift and predictable: Rather than responding to the substance of the allegations against Joe and Hunter, the Denialist Democrats denounced the inquiry and continued to trumpet their laughable “not a shred of evidence” claims.

More remarkably, though, the White House demanded an investigation of the investigators. And the mainstream media obliged.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s statement was matter-of-fact: “Through our investigations, we have found that President Biden did lie to the American people about his own knowledge of his family’s foreign business dealings,” he said, adding that “these allegations paint a picture of a culture of corruption.”

This was too much for the White House Counsel’s office. In a 14-page memo from spokesman Ian Sams to “editorial leadership at U.S. news media organizations,” the Biden White House challenged their mainstream media water-carriers with the following subject line: “It’s Time For The Media To Do More To Scrutinize House Republicans’ Demonstrably False Claims That They’re Basing Impeachment Stunt On.”

Leftmedia bias is nothing new, of course, but the paternalistic tone of the White House memo shows the level of subservience that Democrats expect from our ostensibly independent press. Exhibit A would be a bizarre “Facts First” “fact-check” of Speaker McCarthy’s statement.

As National Review’s Becket Adams writes: “Out of the more than 2,300 words published by CNN, not one points to a single falsehood, lie, or even inaccuracy spoken by McCarthy during his announcement. In fact, the article concedes nearly all the speaker’s chief points. Instead of fact-checking McCarthy as the article promises, the reporters dedicate their efforts to reminding readers, repeatedly, that eyewitness testimony and suspicious bank activities are not necessarily evidence that the president engaged in an international influence-peddling operation.”

Seems odd for a “fact-check” not to fact-check the facts, no?

Perhaps the most hilarious of CNN’s charges against McCarthy is in response to his statement that “The President did lie to the American people about his own knowledge of his family’s foreign business dealings.”

This is a factual assertion — one that even the White House has had to walk back in recent weeks. And yet CNN can’t even muster the nerve to acknowledge it, instead stating, “Joe Biden’s unequivocal denials of any business-related contact with his son have been undercut over time.”

“Undercut over time.” Indeed, just like the mainstream media’s credibility.


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495d0e No.91049

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572760 (181922ZSEP23) Notable: Kash Patel: We throwing axes 🪓 tonight. Gonna be a barn burner, tune into @rumble with @DonaldJTrumpJr at 6pm est

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Kash Patel


We throwing axes 🪓 tonight. Gonna be a barn burner, tune into @rumble with @DonaldJTrumpJr at 6pm ET for live #GovernmentGangsters manhunt

Sep 18, 2023, 3:08 PM


Government Gangsters Didn't Want This Book Released: Live with Kash Patel | TRIGGERED Ep.69



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495d0e No.91050

File: 0bff94f3572bc81⋯.png (90.07 KB,880x374,40:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572763 (181929ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Ken has been a great A.G., and now he can go back to work for the wonderful people of Texas. It was my honor to have helped correct this injustice!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Yes, it is true that my intervention through TRUTH SOCIAL saved Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton from going down at the hands of Democrats and some Republicans, headed by PAUL RINO (Ryan), Karl Rove, and others, almost all of whom came back to reason when confronted with the facts. Ken has been a great A.G., and now he can go back to work for the wonderful people of Texas. It was my honor to have helped correct this injustice!

Sep 18, 2023, 12:33 PM


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495d0e No.91051

File: 0bff94f3572bc81⋯.png (90.07 KB,880x374,40:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572764 (181930ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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Donald J. Trump



Sep 18, 2023, 12:18 PM


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495d0e No.91052

File: b375522e7119fdc⋯.png (101.3 KB,1269x403,1269:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572765 (181930ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: I ASK, WHY HASN’T THE REPUBLICAN PARTY BEGUN THE PROCESS OF INVOKING THE 25th AMENDMENT

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Donald J. Trump


After seeing what has happened to our beautiful USA in such a short period of time, including Afghanistan, Self Imposed Inflation, Energy Independence, the Horrors of the Open Border, NO VOTER I.D., & now, 6 Billion Dollars for 5 Hostages from Iran, I ASK, WHY HASN’T THE REPUBLICAN PARTY BEGUN THE PROCESS OF INVOKING THE 25th AMENDMENT AGAINST THE WORST & MOST INCOMPETENT PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, CROOKED JOE BIDEN? With these facts, they would have done it to us long ago!

Sep 18, 2023, 12:15 PM


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495d0e No.91053

File: b375522e7119fdc⋯.png (101.3 KB,1269x403,1269:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572766 (181930ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: 58 HOSTAGES home Once you pay, you always pay, & MANY MORE HOSTAGES WILL BE TAKEN

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Donald J. Trump


I brought 58 HOSTAGES home from many different countries, including North Korea, and I never paid anything. They all understood they MUST LET THESE PEOPLE COME HOME! Toward the end, it got so that countries didn’t even start the conversation asking for money, because they knew they would not get it. Once you pay, you always pay, & MANY MORE HOSTAGES WILL BE TAKEN. Our grossly incompetent “leader,” Crooked Joe Biden, gave 6 BILLION DOLLARS for 5 people. Iran gave ZERO for 5. He’s Dumb as a ROCK!

Sep 18, 2023, 11:49 AM


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495d0e No.91054

File: b375522e7119fdc⋯.png (101.3 KB,1269x403,1269:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572767 (181930ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: This absolutely ridiculous 6 Billion Dollar Hostage Deal with Iran has set a terrible PRECEDENT for the future. Buckel up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


This absolutely ridiculous 6 Billion Dollar Hostage Deal with Iran has set a terrible PRECEDENT for the future. Buckel up, you are going to see some terrible things start to happen. The 3 years ago highly respected USA has become a laughingstock all over the WORLD. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. VOTE TRUMP!!!

Sep 18, 2023, 11:45 AM


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495d0e No.91055

File: 445f2d3d734f22e⋯.png (286.69 KB,558x431,558:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572784 (182003ZSEP23) Notable: @thejimwatkins Our digital ghetto has a reduced ability to show the interwebs to folks. My gang of trusty raccoons are getting on it, and hopefully, the servers will work better, but expect more downtime and expect trouble

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James Watkins


I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Our digital ghetto has a reduced ability to show the interwebs to folks. My gang of trusty raccoons are getting on it, and hopefully, the servers will work better, but expect more downtime and expect trouble.

We are all broke, and some of you are broken. I'm in that same boat. Trust in God, and trust also that I will do my best to solve our problems with networking.

Please continue to do your own research and keep the pressure on those who would lie to the people in order to fill their pockets with the last substance we all have.

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495d0e No.91056

File: 7f440fd2576edb8⋯.png (269.61 KB,547x503,547:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572785 (182004ZSEP23) Notable: Invasion update: "One of the largest mass illegal crossings we have ever seen

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Invasion update: "One of the largest mass illegal crossings we have ever seen. Migrants continue to have no fear of consequences for crossing the US border illegally. They believe if they step foot on US soil, they will be released. These numbers are expected to get worse."


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495d0e No.91057

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572789 (182008ZSEP23) Notable: Invasion update: "One of the largest mass illegal crossings we have ever seen

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495d0e No.91058

File: 6cb8e54bcdeadd7⋯.png (54.37 KB,1251x304,1251:304,Clipboard.png)


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Donald J. Trump



Sep 18, 2023, 3:58 PM


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495d0e No.91059

File: 3e4ebad9c743840⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572792 (182011ZSEP23) Notable: Invasion update: "One of the largest mass illegal crossings we have ever seen

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91060

File: 53a49926783ccb6⋯.png (99.6 KB,1237x378,1237:378,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b346c5eb9e33f1⋯.jpg (122.23 KB,880x727,880:727,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572793 (182010ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: ...each statement has a Disclaimer Clause strongly telling these institutions to do their own analysis...In other words, Trump Hating Letitia James has no case!

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Donald J. Trump


It turns out that my Financial Statements show a WORTH which is substantially more than I showed the very well represented (by top flight law firms!) & highly sophisticated Financial Institutions and Banks. Also shows that each statement has a Disclaimer Clause strongly telling these institutions to do their own analysis & to not rely on the Financial Statements presented. Additionally, great liquidity - Very little Debt relative to Assets! In other words, Trump Hating Letitia James has no case!

Sep 18, 2023, 3:49 PM


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495d0e No.91061

File: 04792a169c7a1a0⋯.png (458.18 KB,540x360,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572796 (182017ZSEP23) Notable: RESIGNATION Jennifer Wexton, Dem Lawmaker Stepping Down From Congress After Developing Terminal Illness

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Jennifer Wexton, Dem Lawmaker Stepping Down From Congress After Developing Terminal Illness

A Democratic lawmaker has announced some heartbreaking news that will force her to retire early from Congress.

In a statement on Monday, Rep. Jennifer Wexton of Virginia said she won’t be seeking re-election next year after being diagnosed with progressive supranuclear palsy, which is terminal. The 55-year-old told the Washington Post: “It’s not OK. It’s not OK at all … I’m going to die, which isn’t fair.”

Over the summer, doctors believed she was developing Parkinson’s disease, but the diagnosis changed after they got more medical information. Wexton said at one point, she asked her doctor, “Can I still run for reelection?” to which he responded, “Why would you want to?”


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495d0e No.91062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572809 (182027ZSEP23) Notable: Q 2206, U.S. officials have ordered a 2-day stand down for all military aviation inside as well as outside the United States after an F-35 jet went missing in South Carolina

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BREAKING: U.S. officials have ordered a 2-day stand down for all military aviation inside as well as outside the United States after an F-35 jet went missing in South Carolina.

This keeps getting more bizarre.

According to ABC News, "no units are allowed to fly" unless there is a discussion for two days about "safety measures and procedures."

“No units are allowed to fly until they have a two-day discussion about safety measures and procedures, the commandant said in a service-wide email on Monday.” -



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495d0e No.91063

File: 6234b5e8799c419⋯.png (388.78 KB,516x490,258:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572817 (182029ZSEP23) Notable: John Zack Ortiz, Regional Coordinator for the ADL’s Central Pacific branch, Outed as Antifa Organizer

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ADL Employee Gets Outed as Antifa Organizer - How Many More ADL Members Are Among Antifa?

Antifa 'researcher' unmasked as Central Pacific ADL Regional Coordinator

Powered by odysee embed generator Berkeley, California - For the second time in a year, the contents of a private antifascist Discord chat have been made available to the public. The resulting leak has confirmed the identity of a key Antifa "researcher" to...


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495d0e No.91064

File: 6062df952d6fb58⋯.png (251.33 KB,599x573,599:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572820 (182028ZSEP23) Notable: As Marines continue to search for F-35 after "mishap," officials order two-day stand-down for all jets

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ABC News


As Marines continue to search for F-35 after "mishap," officials order two-day stand-down for all jets.


As Marines continue to search for F-35 after 'mishap,' officials order 2-day stand-down for all jets

After a "mishap" with an F-35 fighter jet in South Carolina on Sunday, the Marine Corps commandant issued a two-day service-wide stand-down for all aviation units

8:31 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91065

File: 6366bd55f3822dd⋯.png (384.96 KB,450x337,450:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572824 (182029ZSEP23) Notable: John Zack Ortiz, Regional Coordinator for the ADL’s Central Pacific branch, Outed as Antifa Organizer

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Antifa—real name: Antifaschisitsche Aktion—was born during the street-fights of the 1932 Weimar Republic. It was founded by the Stalinist Communist Party of Germany (KPD)

The Real History of Antifa

The dark history of the radical Left's enforcement arm.


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495d0e No.91066

File: 5a5f9a892f9d8ca⋯.png (85.72 KB,451x558,451:558,Clipboard.png)

File: 3354187ddc74105⋯.mp4 (5.97 MB,1010x612,505:306,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572837 (182031ZSEP23) Notable: As Marines continue to search for F-35 after "mishap," officials order two-day stand-down for all jets

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More video from the moment the pilots of the MiG-23 ejected into the water and the airplane hit the side of an apartment building.


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495d0e No.91067

File: a63f269bd28b55e⋯.png (506.31 KB,712x2130,356:1065,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572838 (182031ZSEP23) Notable: Q 2206, U.S. officials have ordered a 2-day stand down for all military aviation inside as well as outside the United States after an F-35 jet went missing in South Carolina

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495d0e No.91068

File: 7f70522b3b392f7⋯.png (313.2 KB,597x622,597:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572839 (182032ZSEP23) Notable: As Marines continue to search for F-35 after "mishap," officials order two-day stand-down for all jets

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U.S. Navy


"Aim High"-er .....Fly Navy! 😜 ✈️

Happy 76th Birthday to our @usairforce


#readiness #maritimesuperiority #multidiscipline


4:10 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572843 (182032ZSEP23) Notable: Second Marine F-35C Squadron Conquers “Safe for Flight” Certification

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6+3+5 = 14

Drop 14 as I pointed out earlier

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495d0e No.91070

File: 86ef84e4e6bcd5d⋯.png (499.18 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572873 (182038ZSEP23) Notable: Kash Patel sues FBI director, former Trump DOJ officials for allegedly targeting personal records

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash Patel sues FBI director, former Trump DOJ officials for allegedly targeting personal records

Patel's private accounts were subpoenaed while he worked on the House Intelligence Committee, but he only recently found out about it.


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495d0e No.91071

File: b8b255d99c7f37d⋯.png (318.53 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572874 (182038ZSEP23) Notable: PANIC: Moderna Plunges After Pfizer Sees Just 24% Of Americans Seeking Covid Boosters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PANIC: Moderna Plunges After Pfizer Sees Just 24% Of Americans Seeking Covid Boosters


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495d0e No.91072

File: a2dc2d37fa42307⋯.png (450.99 KB,558x651,6:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572881 (182039ZSEP23) Notable: Biden’s DOJ secures conviction against journalist over reporting on January 6

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Biden’s DOJ secures conviction against journalist over reporting on January 6

"My sole motivation in entering Capitol Grounds and the Capitol itself was to document, record, and publish the newsworthy events that were occurring."

An independent journalist has been found guilty by a DC jury on charges related to January 6, 2021.

Stephen Horn was found guilty of entering or remaining in a restricted area, disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted area, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in the Capitol building.


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495d0e No.91073

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572894 (182041ZSEP23) Notable: PANIC: Moderna Plunges After Pfizer Sees Just 24% Of Americans Seeking Covid Boosters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pfizer CFO David Denton said his company projected that just 24% of the US population recommended to take the shots will decide to roll up their sleeves, representing a slight increase in takeup from the previous round of boosters. As a reference, 70.5% of the world population has (forcibly) received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

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495d0e No.91074

File: eeb20ed24fc0977⋯.png (379.98 KB,861x920,861:920,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572902 (182043ZSEP23) Notable: Wisconsin Oust Top Election Official Meagan Wolfe, Following Messy And Chaotic 2020 Election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wisconsin Republicans Vote To Oust Top Election Official Meagan Wolfe, Following Messy And Chaotic 2020 Elction

The Republican-controlled Wisconsin Senate voted to fire the head of the state’s elections agency on Thursday, citing the need to restore citizens’ trust in the electoral process following Wisconsin’s messy 2020 election.

“Wisconsinites have expressed concerns with the administration of elections both here in Wisconsin and nationally,” Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu, a Republican, said. “We need to rebuild faith in Wisconsin’s elections.”

The dispute over the confirmation of Meagan Wolfe, the administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), began earlier this summer when the WEC “deadlocked and did not pass a motion to reappoint Wolfe to another four-year term.” While the commission’s three Republican members voted to re-nominate Wolfe, the body’s three Democrats abstained.

In Wisconsin, the WEC is responsible for overseeing the administration of elections and possesses responsibilities such as “helping ensure compliance with federal and state election laws.” As WEC administrator, Wolfe “serves as the agency’s chief executive … and carries out the Commission’s directives.”

Democrats’ abstention from the commission’s vote on re-nominating Wolfe appears to be a strategy based upon their interpretation of state law, which stipulates that the WEC administrator “shall be appointed by a majority of the members of the commission.” The WEC’s Democrat members seem to believe Wolfe’s re-nomination requires four “yea” votes before it can be considered by the Senate. Their choice to abstain from June’s vote was designed to allow her to serve as WEC administrator indefinitely.

LeMathieu, however, interpreted the WEC’s June vote as a unanimous 3-0 decision in favor of Wolfe’s re-nomination and ultimately scheduled the Senate vote to remove her from office. Following Thursday’s vote, Senate Republicans reportedly introduced a resolution “calling on the [WEC] to appoint an interim administrator to replace [Wolfe].”

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul, a Democrat, has since filed a lawsuit in response, arguing the Senate’s removal of Wolfe is invalid. Meanwhile, Wolfe has asserted she will remain in her position unless she’s removed via court order or commission vote.

While largely ignored by corporate media, numerous court rulings have determined that the WEC has violated several areas of state law regarding the conduction of Wisconsin elections. In July 2022, for instance, the Wisconsin Supreme Court found the WEC’s guidance authorizing the use of ballot drop boxes in the 2020 election violated state law. In its ruling, the high court specifically deemed the use of such devices illegal and prohibited their use in future elections.

More recently, a Wisconsin circuit court ruled the WEC illegally authorized a federal voter registration form used “to register new voters by mail.” Despite the WEC’s claims that it properly approved the form’s use, Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael Maxwell determined the agency failed to provide evidence demonstrating “that the National Form was approved by a prior election agency at some point in the past.”

“WEC has failed in this most basic duty by allowing the National Form to be used in Wisconsin where WEC has never actually [prescribed] its use,” Maxwell wrote.


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495d0e No.91075

File: 8adce076b6a8168⋯.png (191.72 KB,593x897,593:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572904 (182042ZSEP23) Notable: As Marines continue to search for F-35 after "mishap," officials order two-day stand-down for all jets

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Collin Rugg


BREAKING: U.S. officials have ordered a 2-day stand down for all military aviation inside as well as outside the United States after an F-35 jet went missing in South Carolina.

This keeps getting more bizarre.

According to ABC News, "no units are allowed to fly" unless there is a discussion for two days about "safety measures and procedures."

“No units are allowed to fly until they have a two-day discussion about safety measures and procedures, the commandant said in a service-wide email on Monday.” - @ABC

9:07 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572938 (182050ZSEP23) Notable: Invasion update: "One of the largest mass illegal crossings we have ever seen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


doesn't anybody remember Elis island?

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495d0e No.91077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19572952 (182055ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: This absolutely ridiculous 6 Billion Dollar Hostage Deal with Iran has set a terrible PRECEDENT for the future. Buckel up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Buckel Instead of Buckle.

Analysts go

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495d0e No.91078

File: b7c8f150dc2a141⋯.png (24.22 KB,599x303,599:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573003 (182105ZSEP23) Notable: Remember the stand down on 9/11? NORAD drill grounded all jets; Marine Corps issue a two-day "stand-down" for "all aviation units" both "inside and outside" of the U.S

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Amazing Polly's Sword Sharpener


Remember the stand down on 9/11?

NORAD drill grounded all jets.

Just something to keep in mind as this crazy story develops






JUST IN - Marine Corps issue a two-day "stand-down" for "all aviation units" both "inside and outside" of the U.S. following the disappearance of a F-35 warplane — ABC

9:52 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573008 (182107ZSEP23) Notable: Remember the stand down on 9/11? NORAD drill grounded all jets; Marine Corps issue a two-day "stand-down" for "all aviation units" both "inside and outside" of the U.S

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

F-35 HighJack: Revenge of Skyking

“Fly it like you stole it.”


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495d0e No.91080

File: 6f841bc6d62edca⋯.png (72.46 KB,1252x601,1252:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573011 (182107ZSEP23) Notable: DOJ draft letter being used as evidence by Fani Willis page 25-29, Declaration in support of AAG Jeff Clark

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>90825 pb

Former AG Edwin Meese Declaration in support of AAG Jeff Clark.

Interesting documents in the filing I have never seen before.

PDF is 135 pages from courtlistener.


Meese court declaration is page 1 -20

Historical use of AG page 21-23

Certificate of Jeff Clark pg 24

The DOJ draft letter being used as evidence by Fani Willis page 25-29

Georgia Election Law Subcommittee report by Chairman Ligon page 30-44 [election evidence issues documented here]

Louie Gohmert lawsuit against Pence Case No. 6:20-cv-00660 document pages 45-58

Injunction Lawsuit against USPS page 59-114

NAACP injunction lawsuit against USPS page 115-121

Declaration of Postal Inspector page 122-127

Declaration of Postal Inspector page 128-135

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495d0e No.91081

File: aa6c2c368764818⋯.mp4 (3.8 MB,484x272,121:68,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573014 (182107ZSEP23) Notable: Remember the stand down on 9/11? NORAD drill grounded all jets; Marine Corps issue a two-day "stand-down" for "all aviation units" both "inside and outside" of the U.S

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Don't kid yourselves, they know exactly where that F-35 went and what happened to it!!!

We can see and already have it recorded everything all the time...we will just have to go back and find out what happened to it....it take a bit of time!!!

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495d0e No.91082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573048 (182112ZSEP23) Notable: Remember the stand down on 9/11? NORAD drill grounded all jets; Marine Corps issue a two-day "stand-down" for "all aviation units" both "inside and outside" of the U.S

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I tend to agree but as a defensive technician we have to defend until we are 100% positive. So in that respect if it was an F-35C than it could possibly land by hovering onto a small ship going to Chyna or Russia. Every use case must be analyzed and treated as true until we get to the truth.

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495d0e No.91083

File: cb2b8c533733703⋯.jpeg (552.13 KB,750x830,75:83,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 70101c68c010652⋯.jpeg (492.83 KB,750x1294,375:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573055 (182113ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: This absolutely ridiculous 6 Billion Dollar Hostage Deal with Iran has set a terrible PRECEDENT for the future. Buckel up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


There is this winery in Colorado:


Or I like this explanation. Maybe he is saying to get our shields ready:


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495d0e No.91084

File: 64714477f708fb2⋯.png (25.87 KB,600x253,600:253,Clipboard.png)

File: d9018e8f6a9851f⋯.png (28.52 KB,600x276,50:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573068 (182116ZSEP23) Notable: Remember the stand down on 9/11? NORAD drill grounded all jets; Marine Corps issue a two-day "stand-down" for "all aviation units" both "inside and outside" of the U.S

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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495d0e No.91085

File: 64714477f708fb2⋯.png (25.87 KB,600x253,600:253,Clipboard.png)

File: d9018e8f6a9851f⋯.png (28.52 KB,600x276,50:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573079 (182118ZSEP23) Notable: Remember the stand down on 9/11? NORAD drill grounded all jets; Marine Corps issue a two-day "stand-down" for "all aviation units" both "inside and outside" of the U.S

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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495d0e No.91086

File: 073257e28163c51⋯.png (731.61 KB,913x908,913:908,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573136 (182128ZSEP23) Notable: Jake Sullivan held an unscheduled meeting with China's top diplomat, Wang Yi, in Malta during the weekend

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biden National Security Adviser Secretly

Meets With China's Top Diplomat in Malta

Epoch Tiimes, by Dorothy Li

Posted By: earlybird, 9/18/2023 12:59:50 PM

National security adviser Jake Sullivan held an unscheduled meeting with China's top diplomat, Wang Yi, in Malta during the weekend, the White House said. The meeting was part of the Biden administration's efforts to reopen the high-level communication lines with China's communist regime and manage bilateral ties that have deteriorated over a slew of issues, from trade to Taiwan. In the past three months, President Joe Biden has dispatched four Cabinet-level officials to Beijing: Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, climate envoy John Kerry, and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.

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495d0e No.91087

File: a44dfa6d272fb39⋯.png (1.31 MB,1897x934,1897:934,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573153 (182131ZSEP23) Notable: Q 2206, U.S. officials have ordered a 2-day stand down for all military aviation inside as well as outside the United States after an F-35 jet went missing in South Carolina

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


242 right now haven't gotten the memo

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495d0e No.91088

File: b359f13e0807b2a⋯.png (17.34 KB,563x336,563:336,Clipboard.png)

File: 10a798476d31c8e⋯.png (513.5 KB,500x523,500:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573160 (182133ZSEP23) Notable: Q 2206, U.S. officials have ordered a 2-day stand down for all military aviation inside as well as outside the United States after an F-35 jet went missing in South Carolina

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>242 right now haven't gotten the memo

F-35 Narrative Shift


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bd6786 No.2805326 📁

Aug 30 2018 17:52:12 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bd6786 No.2805260 📁

Aug 30 2018 17:48:47 (EST)









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495d0e No.91089

File: 0fd80c298e3e18f⋯.png (579.12 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573168 (182135ZSEP23) Notable: Billion-dollar industry: Gangs steal cars EVERY SIX MINUTES from the US & Canada to ship to Africa - hundreds found stashed in containers on the East Coast

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Organized gangs running a billion-dollar industry stealing cars from the US & Canada to ship to Africa - hundreds found stashed in containers on the East Coast. A theft EVERY 6 MINUTES threatens a 'national crisis' in Canada.

Canada in crisis: gangs steal cars EVERY SIX MINUTES to ship overseas

In August, Homeland Security said it had already seized about 300 stolen vehicles at the Port of Newark this year, marking a a 32 percent increase from last year.


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495d0e No.91090

File: 797abc333395789⋯.png (533.68 KB,698x707,698:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573184 (182140ZSEP23) Notable: As Marines continue to search for F-35 after "mishap," officials order two-day stand-down for all jets

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



All Marine Corps aircraft, inside and outside the U.S., were grounded Monday


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495d0e No.91091

File: 2cedc5a2a95b59c⋯.png (1.02 MB,596x907,596:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573189 (182141ZSEP23) Notable: Seeing Traffic is stopped or very slow on Old Georgetown Road. I’m not going to confirm anything but I’m fairly certain “something has been found here”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


☈ Chris Jackson ☈


Seeing Traffic is stopped or very slow on Old Georgetown Road. I’m not going to confirm anything but I’m fairly certain “something has been found here”



☈ Chris Jackson ☈




Something is 100% definitely up right close to Hemingway Hwy. I also had a message about this area earlier today.



10:27 AM · Sep 18, 2023

from Cayce, SC




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495d0e No.91092

File: 3e30de668dc93c0⋯.png (289.39 KB,602x493,602:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573194 (182143ZSEP23) Notable: Seeing Traffic is stopped or very slow on Old Georgetown Road. I’m not going to confirm anything but I’m fairly certain “something has been found here”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



☈ Chris Jackson ☈


Something is 100% definitely up right close to Hemingway Hwy. I also had a message about this area earlier today.



10:23 AM · Sep 18, 2023

from Cayce, SC




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495d0e No.91093

File: 05a9c57f3d1730a⋯.png (650.84 KB,548x832,137:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573207 (182145ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chuck Grassley


Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what

4:53 PM · Sep 18, 2023


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495d0e No.91094

File: a1528bac00470a5⋯.png (438.42 KB,604x534,302:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573209 (182146ZSEP23) Notable: If I were an F-35B Lightning II jet, where would I be?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Brad Panovich


If I were an F-35B Lightning II jet, where would I be?


6:54 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91095

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573216 (182147ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


sounds like grassley has it all

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495d0e No.91096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573218 (182148ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Can you find the 17, anons?

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495d0e No.91097

File: e17e57ff0b8ca70⋯.png (4.37 MB,1928x1247,1928:1247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573228 (182150ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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495d0e No.91098

File: 6d689e5943967fb⋯.jpg (205.34 KB,1179x1568,1179:1568,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573234 (182151ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


17 19 15?

Happy bday Chuck.


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495d0e No.91099

File: 3b2c3c090bf5e8d⋯.png (16.36 KB,652x153,652:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573240 (182153ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>17 19 15?


Contact (amateur radio)

An amateur radio contact, more commonly referred to as simply a "contact", is an exchange of information between two amateur radio stations. The exchange usually consists of an initial call, a response by another amateur radio operator at an amateur radio station, and a signal report.A contact is often referred to by the Q code QSO.Wikipedia

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495d0e No.91100

File: a953e6855798cb0⋯.png (161.49 KB,483x358,483:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573242 (182153ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



correction 52 blizzard cups

background chairs 2 and 5 25

52 = 25

Happy Birthday Charlie

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495d0e No.91101

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573247 (182154ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Love you, Chuckster! Thank you for the puzzle! Hope you are enjoying all your b-day festivities!

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495d0e No.91102

File: a953e6855798cb0⋯.png (161.49 KB,483x358,483:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573248 (182155ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



correction 52 blizzard cups

background chairs 2 and 5 25

52 = 25

Happy Birthday Charlie

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91103

File: a953e6855798cb0⋯.png (161.49 KB,483x358,483:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573254 (182154ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



correction 52 blizzard cups

background chairs 2 and 5 25

52 = 25

Happy Birthday Charlie

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495d0e No.91104

File: e2e645221f608d3⋯.jpg (5.45 KB,277x182,277:182,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573255 (182155ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


ThankQ Chuck you are the Best.

17 19 15 1

911 15 17

I fought for 15 years before Trump showed up since 911. Q.

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495d0e No.91105

File: 88cbb6b27538da5⋯.jpeg (362.68 KB,1124x1896,281:474,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573258 (182156ZSEP23) Notable: Two day stand down you say?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Two day stand down you say?

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495d0e No.91106

File: a987f0b87c2cefa⋯.png (353.07 KB,606x503,606:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573262 (182156ZSEP23) Notable: The military Super King Air from Myrtle Beach has really been searching this area around Hemingway, SC. This area had reports of a loud boom on Sunday #MissingF35 #scwx

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Brad Panovich


The military Super King Air from Myrtle Beach has really been searching this area around Hemingway, SC. This area had reports of a loud boom on Sunday #MissingF35 #scwx


Last edited

10:26 AM · Sep 18, 2023

from Charlotte, NC




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495d0e No.91107

File: ae010ae456b1ced⋯.jpg (15.65 KB,384x320,6:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573271 (182158ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91108

File: 23294680d50bbac⋯.png (332.07 KB,826x643,826:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573272 (182159ZSEP23) Notable: Two day stand down you say?

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>ABC News



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495d0e No.91109

File: b5f46c976319bf7⋯.png (489.76 KB,548x832,137:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573276 (182200ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

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Anon still seeing that damn 22 everywhere

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495d0e No.91110

File: 3e97ff36f3960a5⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573277 (182200ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91111

File: c01d9a710609277⋯.png (914.97 KB,700x700,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573283 (182202ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

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Happy birthday Chuckster

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495d0e No.91112

File: 54bbdc326d00524⋯.png (182.16 KB,595x606,595:606,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573312 (182213ZSEP23) Notable: Debris field located near Williamsburg County in search for missing F-35 fighter jet, officials confirm

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91113

File: 42ad80034fab2b1⋯.png (1.02 MB,1752x936,73:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573315 (182212ZSEP23) Notable: Debris field located near Williamsburg County in search for missing F-35 fighter jet, officials confirm

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Musta found it, FOXX840 heading home

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495d0e No.91114

File: c48505b0b5a24dc⋯.png (10.55 KB,595x154,85:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573327 (182215ZSEP23) Notable: Missing F-35 fighter jet found, crashed in Williamsburg County, South Carolina

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JUST IN - Missing F-35 fighter jet found, crashed in Williamsburg County, South Carolina.

11:14 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91115

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573333 (182217ZSEP23) Notable: #24037

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>>91060 Donald J. Trump: ...each statement has a Disclaimer Clause strongly telling these institutions to do their own analysis...In other words, Trump Hating Letitia James has no case!

>>91050 Donald J. Trump: Ken has been a great A.G., and now he can go back to work for the wonderful people of Texas. It was my honor to have helped correct this injustice!

>>91051 Donald J. Trump: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


>>91053 Donald J. Trump: 58 HOSTAGES home Once you pay, you always pay, & MANY MORE HOSTAGES WILL BE TAKEN


>>91049 Kash Patel: We throwing axes 🪓 tonight. Gonna be a barn burner, tune into @rumble with @DonaldJTrumpJr at 6pm est

>>91070 Kash Patel sues FBI director, former Trump DOJ officials for allegedly targeting personal records

>>91054, >>91077, >>91083 Donald J. Trump: This absolutely ridiculous 6 Billion Dollar Hostage Deal with Iran has set a terrible PRECEDENT for the future. Buckel up

>>91055 @thejimwatkins Our digital ghetto has a reduced ability to show the interwebs to folks. My gang of trusty raccoons are getting on it, and hopefully, the servers will work better, but expect more downtime and expect trouble

>>91040, >>91042, >>91069, >>91044, >>91047, >>91045 Second Marine F-35C Squadron Conquers “Safe for Flight” Certification

>>91064, >>91066, >>91068, >>91075, >>91090 As Marines continue to search for F-35 after "mishap," officials order two-day stand-down for all jets

>>91078, >>91079, >>91081, >>91082, >>91084, >>91085 Remember the stand down on 9/11? NORAD drill grounded all jets; Marine Corps issue a two-day "stand-down" for "all aviation units" both "inside and outside" of the U.S

>>91091, >>91092 Seeing Traffic is stopped or very slow on Old Georgetown Road. I’m not going to confirm anything but I’m fairly certain “something has been found here”

>>91094 If I were an F-35B Lightning II jet, where would I be?

>>91112, >>91113 Debris field located near Williamsburg County in search for missing F-35 fighter jet, officials confirm

>>91114 Missing F-35 fighter jet found, crashed in Williamsburg County, South Carolina

>>91105, >>91108 Two day stand down you say?

>>91106 The military Super King Air from Myrtle Beach has really been searching this area around Hemingway, SC. This area had reports of a loud boom on Sunday #MissingF35 #scwx

>>91056, >>91057, >>91059, >>91076 Invasion update: "One of the largest mass illegal crossings we have ever seen

>>91037 Clinton Global Initiative 2023 Meeting: Satanist Pope Francis

>>91038 Oversight Committee Issues Statement Following Hunter Biden’s Lawsuit Against the IRS

>>91039 Pelosi Refused to Hand Over Communications Surrounding Jan. 6

>>91041 PF Ukraine coming in for another load of cash

>>91043 Clinton 'The Harvest' in plain sight

>>91046 FAKE PERSECUTION: Senior British Politicians Push Police to Investigate Sexual Assault Allegations Against Russell Brand

>>91048 Rather than addressing the substance of House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry, the mainstream media attacked the investigator

>>91061 RESIGNATION Jennifer Wexton, Dem Lawmaker Stepping Down From Congress After Developing Terminal Illness

>>91062, >>91067, >>91087, >>91088 Q 2206, U.S. officials have ordered a 2-day stand down for all military aviation inside as well as outside the United States after an F-35 jet went missing in South Carolina

>>91063, >>91065 John Zack Ortiz, Regional Coordinator for the ADL’s Central Pacific branch, Outed as Antifa Organizer

>>91071, >>91073 PANIC: Moderna Plunges After Pfizer Sees Just 24% Of Americans Seeking Covid Boosters

>>91072 Biden’s DOJ secures conviction against journalist over reporting on January 6

>>91074 Wisconsin Oust Top Election Official Meagan Wolfe, Following Messy And Chaotic 2020 Election

>>91080 DOJ draft letter being used as evidence by Fani Willis page 25-29, Declaration in support of AAG Jeff Clark

>>91086 Jake Sullivan held an unscheduled meeting with China's top diplomat, Wang Yi, in Malta during the weekend

>>91089 Billion-dollar industry: Gangs steal cars EVERY SIX MINUTES from the US & Canada to ship to Africa - hundreds found stashed in containers on the East Coast

>>91093, >>91098, >>91099, >>91100, >>91095, >>91096, >>91097, >>91101, >>91102, >>91103, >>91104, >>91107, >>91109, >>91110, >>91111 @ChuckGrassley Staff had a bday party for me & guess what? U kno what BLIZZARD

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91116

File: 9d830a4f6d3bec5⋯.png (2.57 MB,2090x1388,1045:694,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a44a9467ced38a⋯.jpg (99.25 KB,447x670,447:670,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573378 (182223ZSEP23) Notable: #24038

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Q Research General #24038: LOST & FOUND? Black Box CUBED & GROUNDED Fuckery Afoot Edition

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495d0e No.91117

File: f4b6393b51bb74a⋯.png (537.44 KB,599x792,599:792,Clipboard.png)

File: 2954ead410ed724⋯.png (743.07 KB,1341x940,1341:940,Clipboard.png)

File: 25056fe1b940af8⋯.png (724.17 KB,601x762,601:762,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573405 (182228ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 found in South Carolina

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91118

File: 2122606c90d51a2⋯.png (391.8 KB,611x542,611:542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573412 (182229ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 found in South Carolina

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☈ Chris Jackson ☈


All the search assets for the F-35 have left the area. The UC-12 just landed back at MCAS Beaufort, SLED’s 407 is almost back to the hangers on Broad River, and Civil Air Patrol is back enroute to CAE after getting some fuel in Georgetown.




11:24 AM · Sep 18, 2023

from Cayce, SC




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495d0e No.91119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573418 (182232ZSEP23) Notable: Tim Ballard Accused of Sexual Misconduct Days After Announcing Possible Senate Run

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Sound of Freedom Hero Tim Ballard Accused of Sexual Misconduct Days After Announcing Possible Senate Run – LDS Church Condemns

Sound of Freedom hero Tim Ballard’s June resignation/removal from Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) was due to claims of sexual misconduct.

Ballard recently said he is considering a run for Mitt Romney’s senate seat after the Utah RINO announced his retirement.

According to VICE News, at least 7 women have accused Ballard of sexual misconduct.

Operation Underground Railroad told VICE News that Tim Ballard resigned on June 22, 2023. “He has permanently separated from O.U.R.”

According to a letter published by VICE News, an OUR employee who accompanied Ballard on an undercover operation accused him of sexual harassment.

“Several weeks ago, an OUR employee who accompanied Tim on an undercover operation filed a sexual harassment complaint against him with OUR’s HR department,” the July letter reads. “This resulted in an extensive internal investigation into Tim and his individual operational tactics and led to more women speaking up as part of the investigation process.

“It was ultimately revealed through disturbingly specific and parallel accounts, that Tim has been deceitfully and extensively grooming and manipulating multiple women for the past few years with the ultimate intent of coercing them to participate in sexual acts with him, under the premise of going where it takes and doing ‘whatever it takes’ to save a child.”

The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints condemned Ballard.

VICE News reported:

Tim Ballard’s exit from Operation Underground Railroad earlier this year followed an investigation into claims of sexual misconduct involving seven women, according to sources with direct knowledge of the organization.

Sources familiar with the situation said that the self-styled anti-slavery activist, who appears to be preparing for a Senate run, invited women to act as his “wife” on undercover overseas missions ostensibly aimed at rescuing victims of sex trafficking. He would then allegedly coerce those women into sharing a bed or showering together, claiming that it was necessary to fool traffickers. Ballard, who was played by Jim Caviezel in the hit film Sound of Freedom, is said to have sent at least one woman a photo of himself in his underwear, festooned with fake tattoos, and to have asked another “how far she was willing to go,” in the words of a source, to save children. These sources requested anonymity because they fear retaliation.

The total number of women involved is believed to be higher than seven, as that would only account for employees, not contractors or volunteers. One source close to OUR has detailed knowledge of Ballard making sexual advances to a volunteer using methods similar to those he allegedly used with OUR employees. Those methods are also consistent with his conduct toward another former volunteer who spoke to VICE News.

Tim Ballard recently took to social media to warn the public that “lies are coming.”

“The left has thrown everything at me,” Ballard said on social media.

Journalist Lynn Packer posted an update to the unproven claims against Ballard.


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495d0e No.91120

File: 2f4e6530a5303c6⋯.png (18.63 KB,591x208,591:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573422 (182232ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 found in South Carolina

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Joint Base Charleston


Personnel from Joint Base Charleston and @MCASBeaufortSC

, in close coordination with local authorities, have located a debris field in Williamsburg County. The debris was discovered two hours northeast of JB Charleston.

11:25 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91121

File: 66fd4555c45c120⋯.png (79.73 KB,1337x636,1337:636,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573445 (182239ZSEP23) Notable: Florida man (former preacher) was sentenced today to 60 years in prison for sexually abusing a child while traveling in Fiji

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Man Sentenced for Sexually Abusing Child in Fiji

Monday, September 18, 2023

A Florida man was sentenced today to 60 years in prison for sexually abusing a child while traveling in Fiji.

According to court documents, Jason R. Moore, 43, of Milton, sexually abused a child on multiple occasions during trips to Fiji in 2013 and 2016. In late 2022, Moore was arrested in Santa Rosa County by special agents from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).

Acting Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Jason R. Coody for the Northern District of Florida, and Special Agent in Charge John Condon of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Tampa made the announcement.

HSI, FDLE, and the New York State Police investigated the case.

Trial Attorney Adam Braskich of the Criminal Division’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney David L. Goldberg for the Northern District of Florida prosecuted the case.

This case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative to combat the epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse launched in May 2006 by the Justice Department. Led by U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Project Safe Childhood marshals federal, state, and local resources to better locate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who exploit children via the internet, as well as to identify and rescue victims. For more information about Project Safe Childhood, please visit www.justice.gov/psc.

Updated September 18, 2023


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495d0e No.91122

File: 8834610e7e7e8ce⋯.png (516.67 KB,726x421,726:421,Clipboard.png)

File: cb898538c9a34b8⋯.png (22.43 KB,644x260,161:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573453 (182240ZSEP23) Notable: Chinese firm receives $530 million in state incentives to build EV battery plant in Illinois, sparking national security concerns

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Chinese firm receives $530 million in state incentives to build EV battery plant in Illinois, sparking national security concerns

A Chinese company is set to receive more than $536 million in state incentives and tax breaks to build an electric vehicle battery plant in Illinois, WLS-TV reported this month.

Democratic Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker offered Chinese Communist Party-linked battery manufacturer Gotion hundreds of millions of dollars in incentives to build a plant in Manteno, a village just outside of Kankakee, approximately 50 miles south of Chicago.

The $2 billion project is estimated to start production in 2024 and generate 2,600 jobs. Full-time workers are expected to receive approximately $55,000 in annual salary, at least 120% of the average wage of similar jobs, the Chicago Tribune reported. The lithium-ion batteries will be used in electric vehicles and energy storage systems.

After nearly two years of negotiations with the state, Gotion has agreed to a deal to receive over $330 million in tax incentives to build the factory.

Despite the recently announced deal sparking national security concerns for many, Pritzker touted the development as "the most significant new manufacturing investment in Illinois in decades."

"Illinois is leading the charge, literally," Pritzker wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. "Gotion's new EV lithium battery manufacturing plant is coming to our state — the largest EV battery investment here EVER at $2 billion. It will create 2,600 good-paying jobs and help our goal of putting 1M EVs on our roads by 2030."

Manteno Mayor Tim Nugent voiced support for the new project.

"Gotion selecting Manteno to be the home of their new state-of-the-art battery facility brings the promise of a great future for the village, the county, the region and the state," Nugent said. "Today's news propels our area into the center of a new emerging technology that will benefit all who will become involved in it."

Mark Denzler, president of the Illinois Manufacturers' Association, a trade association, called it a "big win" for the governor and the state. He applauded Pritzker for making Illinois "competitive with neighboring states."

"The IMA worked with the governor and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to pass these changes in the General Assembly, and it's great to see today's announcement of significant new jobs and capital investment that are a direct result of these new laws," Denzler stated.

Illinois is already home to two EV facilities: a Rivian factory in Normal and a Lion Electric plant in Joliet. The state also aims to transform its shutdown Belvidere factory into a Stellantis EV plant. Additionally, it is pushing for Ford to convert its Torrence Avenue facility for EV production, according to Chicago Business.

Pritzker waved off concerns over Gotion's ties to the CCP. The governor's spokesperson previously stated, "Many companies with Chinese ties have manufacturing facilities in the United States and many U.S. companies have manufacturing facilities in China."

"Gotion Inc. is actually headquartered in California and is majority owned by Volkswagen. The deal is strictly business; it creates jobs and brings billions in investment to Illinois cementing our future as a leader in the EV space," the spokesperson added.

Gotion Inc.'s parent company, Gotion High-Tech, is based in Hefei, China.


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495d0e No.91123

File: 0af62d86aaed5dd⋯.png (397.55 KB,776x786,388:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573471 (182243ZSEP23) Notable: Florida man (former preacher) was sentenced today to 60 years in prison for sexually abusing a child while traveling in Fiji

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Former preacher from Milton, Jason R. Moore, charged with child sex crimes

December 6, 2022

Jason R. Moore, 42, of Milton, was arrested on a federal criminal complaint, said Jason R. Coody, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Florida. Moore made his initial appearance last week in federal court in Pensacola.

In addition to the federal charges, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) announced that Moore also faces state charges of lewd and lascivious molestation on a victim under 12 from 2006 in Pensacola.

According to the FDLE, Moore was a preacher who led missionary trips in Florida, throughout the United States, Canada, and Fiji.

The federal criminal complaint alleges that Moore engaged in “Illicit Sexual Conduct in Foreign Places” from March 2013 through February 2016. Specifically, Moore is alleged to have engaged in these crimes in the Republic of Fiji.

If you have any relevant information involving Jason R. Moore and his contact with minors, and would like to speak with an investigator, please contact Homeland Security Investigations and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement at 850-595-2100 – Attn: Special Agents Ed Vincent/Vanessa Carmona/Andrew LaFlam.

The case is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney David L. Goldberg and Trial Attorney Adam Braskich of the Department of Justice’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section.


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495d0e No.91124

File: 3bb218dc74d2bd7⋯.png (650.29 KB,548x830,274:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573472 (182242ZSEP23) Notable: Chuck Grassley bday party

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Should we add this missing "w" to the list for today?


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495d0e No.91125

File: 63df4dfcaa1ce0f⋯.png (60.71 KB,600x343,600:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573487 (182247ZSEP23) Notable: Son of El Chapo arraigned in Chicago on federal criminal charges for international drug trafficking

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495d0e No.91126

File: 26fef6e4423ce59⋯.png (383.47 KB,548x532,137:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573488 (182247ZSEP23) Notable: Chuck Grassley bday party

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Anons, can you find another 17?

Chuck Grassley


What’s ur favorite blizzard flavor???

5:42 PM · Sep 18, 2023


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495d0e No.91127

File: 7daa5e682c22d4c⋯.png (170.03 KB,735x693,35:33,Clipboard.png)

File: e1e5edacf1ddeb5⋯.png (231.26 KB,751x898,751:898,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573538 (182258ZSEP23) Notable: Son of El Chapo arraigned in Chicago on federal criminal charges for international drug trafficking

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Son of Joaquin Guzman Loera aka “El Chapo” Arraigned on Federal Criminal Charges Following his Extradition from Mexico to the United States for International Drug Trafficking


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495d0e No.91128

File: dc0f2d3648205f2⋯.png (651.79 KB,613x791,613:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573555 (182301ZSEP23) Notable: @ObamaFoundation "Tu Mexico, Tu Chicago"

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The Obama Foundation



What a day in Little Village! 🩵 Thanks to everyone who joined us for the Mexican Independence Parade this weekend.

This year’s theme “Tu Mexico, Tu Chicago” highlighted the beauty of Mexican culture and the traditions that are celebrated across the city of Chicago.


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495d0e No.91129

File: e512321044789fe⋯.png (77.13 KB,519x1193,519:1193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573571 (182304ZSEP23) Notable: Q#1290 - Military aircraft crashing in US. Coincidence?

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Military aircraft crashing in US.


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495d0e No.91130

File: 5f4ce8e6d80eee8⋯.png (730.43 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573576 (182306ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump to skip second Republican debate for Detroit prime-time speech

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Trump to skip second Republican "none of the above" debate, will instead speak in Detroit. /// This is brilliant. He is aggressively going after the UAW rank and file.

Trump to skip second Republican debate for Detroit prime-time speech

Former President Donald Trump will skip the second Republican presidential primary debate in California next week and instead will travel to Detroit to deliver a speech to an audience that will include current and former union members, according to a sourc...


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495d0e No.91131

File: a17c7fb881d89fb⋯.png (260.06 KB,559x481,43:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573583 (182307ZSEP23) Notable: Fire dangers in Australia lifted to extreme - expecting 91F/33C degree weather

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A number of schools across the New South Wales South Coast will be closed today due to the fire danger rating lifting to extreme.

The NSW Education Department announced the closures yesterday, saying the decision was made in consultation with the NSW Rural Fire Service.

It came after a total fire ban was issued for Greater Sydney and the Far South Coast.

This is the first time in nearly three years the whole of Sydney has been under a total fire ban, with the mercury expected to soar to 33 degrees in the CBD and 35 in the west.

Below is a list of the 20 schools that are closed today.

The most up to date information about school closures is available at the NSW Education Department's website.

Meanwhile Queensland is also on high alert ahead of temperatures soaring later in the week.


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495d0e No.91132

File: 92ed4fdb3a99875⋯.png (679.6 KB,768x485,768:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573588 (182307ZSEP23) Notable: Multiple cases: Democrats challenging local level election results after discovering fraud

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Democrat Produces Video Alleging Bridgeport Mayor Stole Election By Stuffing Ballot Boxes - Democrats and media keep insisting that absentee ballots and mail-in voting don’t contribute to voter fraud — but a mayoral election in Connecticut could blow a big hole in that dubious claim

Video Alleges CT Mayor Stole Election By Stuffing Ballot Boxes

Democrats insist absentee ballots don't contribute to voter fraud, but a Connecticut mayoral election could blow a hole in that claim.


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495d0e No.91133

File: 43afd83bab27f40⋯.png (28.42 KB,598x391,26:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573609 (182312ZSEP23) Notable: @Potato: When I signed the American Rescue Plan, we invested $17 billion in veterans’ health care, including mental health care

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President Biden


Over the past two decades, more veterans have lost their lives to suicide than the battlefield.

When I signed the American Rescue Plan, we invested $17 billion in veterans’ health care, including mental health care.

We must ensure our nation’s heroes get the care they deserve.



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495d0e No.91134

File: 3bfcfbe3fbe24c0⋯.mp4 (13.74 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573616 (182313ZSEP23) Notable: Multiple cases: Democrats challenging local level election results after discovering fraud

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>Democrat Produces Video Alleging Bridgeport Mayor Stole Election By Stuffing Ballot Boxes - Democrats and media keep insisting that absentee ballots and mail-in voting don’t contribute to voter fraud — but a mayoral election in Connecticut could blow a big hole in that dubious claim

There was another one like this down south

Video proof

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495d0e No.91135

File: bd58f5b3a2a6eb4⋯.png (481.94 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573621 (182313ZSEP23) Notable: Tim Ballard Accused of Sexual Misconduct Days After Announcing Possible Senate Run

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HERE WE GO: Sound of Freedom Hero Tim Ballard Accused of Sexual Misconduct Days By 7 Women After Announcing Possible Senate Run – LDS Church Condemns. Tim Ballard recently took to social media to warn the public that “lies are coming.”

HERE WE GO: Sound of Freedom Hero Tim Ballard Accused of Sexual Misconduct Days After Announcing Possible Senate Run - LDS Churc...

Here we go.


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495d0e No.91136

File: 119d336e6996807⋯.png (365.97 KB,595x802,595:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573627 (182315ZSEP23) Notable: @NSA/CSS wishing the CIA a happy birthday #WeAreTheIC

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As members of the Intelligence Community, NSA (through SIGINT) and CIA (through HUMINT) work closely together on matters of national security in defense of the nation. Happy birthday @cia

! #WeAreTheIC

CIA Birthday

12:11 PM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91137

File: a2f21deeaa78975⋯.png (615.98 KB,600x877,600:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573664 (182321ZSEP23) Notable: FEMA Upcoming nationwide emergency alert test

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📆 Upcoming nationwide emergency alert test

What: A one minute test alert on cell phones, radios, and TVs

When: Wednesday, October 4th, 2:20 p.m. ET

Why: To ensure systems are effective to warn the public about emergencies

Please share this info!

🔗 http://fema.gov/press-release/20230803/fema-and-fcc-plan-nationwide-emergency-alert-test-oct-4-2023

A person holds a mobile device showing a test emergency alert reading, "National Alert. This is a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed."

7:14 AM · Sep 18, 2023




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495d0e No.91138

File: 38f235e9d10290b⋯.png (330.54 KB,607x1053,607:1053,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573672 (182323ZSEP23) Notable: USAID Office of Inspector General audit: Counter-Trafficking in Persons. Improved Guidance and Training Can Strengthen USAID’s C-TIP Efforts in Asia

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USAID Office of Inspector General


Sep 12

🚨NEW REPORT🚨 Counter-Trafficking in Persons: Improved Guidance and Training Can Strengthen USAID’s C-TIP Efforts in Asia

We assessed @USAID’s C-TIP programming in select Asia missions, here’s what we found: oig.usaid.gov/node/6244




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495d0e No.91139

File: de48fe23a68643a⋯.png (733.47 KB,1300x2900,13:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573674 (182323ZSEP23) Notable: Anons testing Google search engine word prediction function

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Stop Using Google For Any Important Searches

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495d0e No.91140

File: 00c77ee625f32e3⋯.png (21.12 KB,416x203,416:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573715 (182331ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 found in South Carolina

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So debris from the missing F-35 have been spotted in South Carolina…ironically the same state the Chinese spy balloon was finally shot down by an F-22


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495d0e No.91141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573718 (182333ZSEP23) Notable: Buckel misspelling: David Buckel was an American LGBT rights lawyer who worked with Lambda Legal. He died on April 14, 2018, by self-immolation as a protest against the use of fossil fuels

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buckel - David Buckel?

lgbtq fag lawyer who lit himself on fire to protest?

>David Stroh Buckel (June 13, 1957 – April 14, 2018) was an American LGBT rights lawyer who worked with Lambda Legal on a number of their notable cases. He was also an environmental activist, focusing on composting. He died on April 14, 2018, by self-immolation as a protest against the use of fossil fuels.


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495d0e No.91142

File: 6f245704b8ddff0⋯.png (691.55 KB,746x793,746:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573726 (182333ZSEP23) Notable: Chinese firm receives $530 million in state incentives to build EV battery plant in Illinois, sparking national security concerns

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China Grabs Even Larger Shares of Electric Vehicle, Battery, Other Tech Markets


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495d0e No.91143

File: ad22f743c298b65⋯.jpeg (216.35 KB,1170x1281,390:427,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573737 (182335ZSEP23) Notable: Faux News hit piece: Trump blasted online after attack on DeSanctimonious proposed 6 week abortion ban

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495d0e No.91144

File: 04675f1e32460c9⋯.png (818.72 KB,748x797,748:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573746 (182336ZSEP23) Notable: Alex Soros and Gavin Newsom together at Clinton Global Initiative

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Notice how Baby Degenerate Soros always wears that satin Satan red everywhere he goes now? Very telling.

Left’s Sugar Daddy Alex Soros Huddles with ‘Great Leader’ Gavin Newsom at Clinton Global Initiative


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495d0e No.91145

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573777 (182340ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 found in South Carolina

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That area of SC is decently populated. On a warm sunny Sunday afternoon, people will be outside and would see a plane go down. The smoke plume would be visible for miles.

There should be no reason why there were running grid searches.

Yet they were.

This doesn't make any sense at all.

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495d0e No.91146

File: 9a3d21cc6d89833⋯.png (377.44 KB,669x376,669:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573843 (182354ZSEP23) Notable: Japanese company Air Water Inc. has been manufacturing liquid biomethane in Hokkaido since 2021, hopes to create carbon-neutral rocket fuel

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Cow waste to be transformed into rocket fuel for space startup

Sep 18, 2023

A Japanese chemical manufacturing company has been working on creating liquid biomethane from cow waste to be used as rocket fuel, potentially providing a solution for dairy farmers grappling with disposal challenges.

Air Water Inc. said it would begin conducting trials in the fall, with the fuel to be loaded on a rocket created by space startup firm Interstellar Technologies Inc. based in Japan's northernmost island of Hokkaido.

Air Water has been manufacturing liquid biomethane in Hokkaido since 2021. It ferments the dung and urine in a plant constructed on a dairy farm in the town of Taiki before transporting the generated biogas to a factory in Obihiro.

The methane is then separated from the product, cooled and made into liquid biomethane.

Rockets require liquid fuel to generate enough power to blast off into space. While high-purity methane is usually manufactured using liquid natural gas, the company has been working on creating methane of a similar quality through waste-sourced biogas.

Interstellar Technologies will conduct tests to confirm the fuel created from cow waste can be used for its devices and aims to utilize it for its "Zero" rocket with a small satellite payload.

"We want to send the rocket up using carbon-neutral energy," a representative from Air Water said.


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495d0e No.91147

File: c9579c107377b7c⋯.png (337.49 KB,598x552,13:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573890 (190006ZSEP23) Notable: The United States national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time, according to the information released by the US Department of the Treasury

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The United States national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time, according to the information released by the US Department of the Treasury:




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495d0e No.91148

File: cb2615250347a01⋯.png (28.22 KB,553x368,553:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573898 (190007ZSEP23) Notable: @Potato: Tomorrow marks the beginning of another great UN General Assembly. Ready to get to work.

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19:25 = 17

President Biden


Tomorrow marks the beginning of another great UN General Assembly.

Ready to get to work.


The White House




President Biden is in New York City this week for the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, where he’ll demonstrate America’s global leadership on the world stage and meet with world leaders.

In the meantime, here’s a recap from last year’s UN General Assembly. twitter.com/POTUS/status/1…

Show this thread

7:25 PM · Sep 18, 2023


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495d0e No.91149

File: 5f2895bb530c9f2⋯.png (259.11 KB,589x1024,589:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bcdecd69570f2d⋯.png (1.12 MB,1170x1755,2:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 63e7fd6e18e8b65⋯.png (1.01 MB,1170x1748,585:874,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d1a5cce63cb76b⋯.png (627.56 KB,1088x1088,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 459b25cdb146573⋯.png (153.52 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573956 (190022ZSEP23) Notable: @Rep Tim Burchett questions Intel Committee Inspector General on UAP crash retrieval programs

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Rep. Tim Burchett


Look at the bottom paragraph. The IC IG office did nothing to look into the information they received from David Grusch on UAP crash retrieval programs? They have no information they can give to Congress???


1:27 PM · Sep 15, 2023

Aug 22

During the UAP hearing, David Grusch testified he could not provide specific details about UAP crash retrieval programs or reverse engineering programs, but said the Intelligence Community Inspector General could. So my colleagues and I wrote to him to ask for details.


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495d0e No.91150

File: d6cda3aef3fed51⋯.png (140.99 KB,751x714,751:714,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d59c168daf7689⋯.png (82.06 KB,766x698,383:349,Clipboard.png)

File: 72a0310e058cb0f⋯.png (129.98 KB,762x824,381:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573970 (190025ZSEP23) Notable: Anons testing Google search engine word prediction function

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How Google autocomplete works in Search


Autocomplete policies


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495d0e No.91151

File: bb672cac3604ff7⋯.png (223.45 KB,1054x877,1054:877,Clipboard.png)

File: 93d0493fd25177f⋯.png (159.34 KB,1005x565,201:113,Clipboard.png)

File: eea94bac95c6c22⋯.png (194.02 KB,1098x683,1098:683,Clipboard.png)

File: e13db5b9fa9e38f⋯.png (91.41 KB,1097x645,1097:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19573999 (190032ZSEP23) Notable: GWP: Newly Obtained Evidence Shows Key Signatures Are Missing on Wayne County’s 2020 General Election Certification

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NEWLY OBTAINED Evidence Shows Key Signatures Are MISSING on Wayne County’s 2020 General Election Certification

The official narrative promoted by Michigan election officials has long been that Joe Biden defeated President Donald J. Trump in the 2020 General election in Michigan by 154,188 votes, thereby awarding Michigan’s 16 electoral college votes to Joe Biden. On the basis of this narrative, on July 18, 2023, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel indicted each of the alternate 16 Republican electors with eight felony counts, including forgery and conspiracy charges. These charges hinge upon the assertion that the 2020 election was lawfully certified. Was it?

Wayne County, MI, is the largest county by population in the State of Michigan. According to the official Wayne County election records for the 2020 General Election, 597,170 votes were cast for Joe Biden and 264,553 for President Trump for a vote margin of 332,617 in favor of Biden. If these votes were not lawfully certified, the statewide vote margin would flip to reveal a 178,429 margin of victory for President Trump in Michigan. That means that due to the discrepancy, President Trump, not Joe Biden, would be the rightful owner of Michigan’s 16 electoral college votes for the 2020 election.

The question is, “Are there compelling legal grounds to assert that the 2020 election results in Wayne County, MI, were not lawfully certified?”

Continue reading this post to find out what evidence supports this assertion.


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495d0e No.91152

File: 5a92a7490d58338⋯.png (609.51 KB,885x516,295:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574033 (190038ZSEP23) Notable: Chinese military conducts massive dispatch of jets near Taiwan

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Chinese military conducts massive dispatch of jets near Taiwan

September 18, 2023

China’s military stepped up its provocative military operations around Taiwan over the weekend, flying over 100 military aircraft near the island democracy it has vowed one day to take over.

A total of 103 jets were detected on Sunday and 40 of the planes crossed the median line down the middle of the 100-mile-wide Taiwan Strait, the Taiwan Defense Ministry disclosed in a post on X, the site formerly known as Twitter. Nine PLA navy vessels also were spotted, the ministry said.

The Chinese warplanes included 10 Su-30s, 12 J-10s, four J-11s, 10 J-16s, two Y-20 refueling tankers and two KJ-500 warning and control jets.

The latest demonstration followed major PLA war games around Taiwan from Sept. 11 to Sept. 15 that included 20 warships, among them the aircraft carrier Shandong and two other action groups of destroyers and frigates. Taipei said that in response Taiwanese jets were scrambled, naval vessels deployed, and land-based missile systems activated.

The observance of the unofficial maritime dividing line between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland had until recently been a key tool in maintaining a fragile status quo. Analysts say the median-line crossings are the latest indication China is challenging the status quo despite repeated U.S. and Taiwanese complaints.

The weekend’s sorties appear to be part of a pressure campaign by China to enforce Beijing’s expansive maritime claims in the region, claims rejected by the U.S. and smaller countries across East Asia.

Chinese vessels recently fired a water cannon at a Philippines ship seeking to resupply a grounded naval vessel in the Spratly Islands being used as a military base.

Japan’s government also protested the deployment of an oceanographic buoy by China inside Japan’s exclusive economic zone near the Senkaku Islands, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported Monday. The buoys are being used to collect data that could be useful for directing coast guard vessels, tracking such factors as wave size and current, the newspaper said, quoting government sources.

China and Japan have long clashed over who owns the uninhabited islands.

The warplane flights Sunday near Taiwan were described in Chinese state media as “record-breaking,” and coincided with a major war game exercise around the island that included 20 PLA naval vessels.

The large-scale warplane and naval activity also appeared timed to coincide with meetings between White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Taiwan was a major topic of the talks, a senior Biden administration official told reporters Sunday.

The two days of secret meetings that ended Sunday were held on the Mediterranean island nation of Malta. Mr. Wang then flew on to Moscow for talks with top Russian leaders.

The purpose of the Malta talks was to promote greater communication and maintain relations during times of tensions, the White House said in a statement.

“The two sides had candid, substantive, and constructive discussions,” the statement said, noting a reset effort launched during a November 2022 meeting between President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Bali, Indonesia. Taiwan and the war in Ukraine were among the key topics discussed.

Chinese state media said Mr. Wang told Mr. Sullivan that Taiwan is a “red line that must not be crossed.”

PLA spokesman Sr. Col. Senior Colonel Wu Qian on Aug. 31 defended earlier Chinese war games near Taiwan, saying they were designed to deter “separatist forces” inside Taiwan and ward off any thought of foreign intervention.

“We warn the [ Democratic Progressive Party] authorities not to hold back the tide with a broom. Otherwise, they will walk into a blind alley,” Col. Wu said, referring to the pro-independence political party now in power in Taipei.

The Chinese Communist Party-affiliated newspaper Global Times said the unannounced dispatch of over 100 aircraft in a single day indicated “a large-scale operational level campaign.”

Fu Qianshao, a retired PLA air force officer, told the paper that the large number of forces around Taiwan are a sign that combat-oriented exercises reached a new level and “can be turned into real action at any time if necessary.”


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495d0e No.91153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574100 (190055ZSEP23) Notable: What counts as CP?

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Images of females on the border between teen and adult age - especially those trying to coyly suggest the impression of a child with teddy bears, braces, tutu's or little girl style undies - are going to see those posts REMOVED.

Posts need to be of adult females that clearly look like adults. Anything ambiguous will be treated by admins as CHILD EXPLOITATION.

Am I clear?

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495d0e No.91154

File: 581a178ab7fce9b⋯.jpg (60.34 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 874f2efbe922310⋯.jpg (108.9 KB,479x752,479:752,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6d9ebe1f87f018d⋯.png (794.64 KB,500x625,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574211 (190115ZSEP23) Notable: #24039

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495d0e No.91155

File: 8a5b435c85f1e37⋯.mp4 (8.28 MB,642x360,107:60,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574275 (190133ZSEP23) Notable: NM: [Rules Committee Hearing]Tiffany: Yeah, I'd like to if I may just close with a coup three comments

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[Rules Committee Hearing]Tiffany: Yeah, I'd like to if I may just close with a coup three comments., your colleague on this said we were attacking New Mexico. No, that's not it at all. This isn't against the people of the state of New Mexico.

Number two, we've heard a lot about gun violence today and the gentleman from Texas just alluded to some of this. We have prosecutors in cities that do not prosecute crime anymore.And I'm gonna give you a quick example in Milwaukee County in my state. Here was his quote from about 15 years ago.Is it possible someone will be killed as a result of a parole or diversion that comes through my office?Absolutely. But that does not change the fact that we should be doing what we're doing to change.How we go about prosecuting crime. He's accepting of it. We have prosecutors that don't prosecute crime. You wonder why people commit more crime? We had to defund the police movement.I mean, is it any surprise that that's happened and look at what's been on the, on all the television stations that I've seen the cable networks over the last 24 hours is the officer that was assassinated in Los Angeles,it is open season on law enforcement in America since the riots of 2020.

I live in one of the most rural districts that you'll find in the United States largest community of 50,000 people. We have had three officers in 2023 that have been gunned down. The last one was in just across the border from the twin cities and that person that came out, came out and gunned down, that sheriff's deputy was out as a result of a violent crime that they only served four years for. We wonder why there's violence that continues to escalate in America.

And the final thing that I will say make no doubt about it. This may be one governor in the United States of America, but there's a whole lot of elected officials around America in particular on the other side of the aisle that are quietly applauding this and that's why this resolution is so important. We need to send the message that we will stand up for the second amendment to the constitution because if they could take the guns, they will. And all you have to do is look at Australia and countries like that where the exact thing has happened. That is why this resolution is important. We need to stand up for our constitutional rights every day of the year.


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495d0e No.91156

File: 8f09f05a84ceb42⋯.png (335.03 KB,596x508,149:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574293 (190137ZSEP23) Notable: Supremes have affirmed Biden Admin can resort to disinfo with soc med platforms

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91157

File: 119bdc91e1486aa⋯.png (337.42 KB,539x490,11:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574304 (190140ZSEP23) Notable: Zelensky visits wounded Ukrainian soldiers at NYC hospital ahead of UN General Assembly

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New York Post


Volodymyr Zelensky visits wounded Ukrainian soldiers at NYC hospital ahead of UN General Assembly



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495d0e No.91158

File: 67b797217747188⋯.png (31.74 KB,399x314,399:314,Clipboard.png)

File: 391a0fa59b97e7d⋯.png (883.51 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574318 (190142ZSEP23) Notable: Apparently the debris field has been found but no pics or vids yet.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Apparently the debris field has been found but no pics or vids yet.

Look how long this link is, kek:


DEVELOPING: Missing F-35 Jet Crashed in South Carolina: REPORT


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495d0e No.91159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574327 (190144ZSEP23) Notable: Zelensky visits wounded Ukrainian soldiers at NYC hospital ahead of UN General Assembly

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US military to treat wounded Ukrainian troops at Landstuhl hospital

By Rachel S. Cohen

Jul 27, 2022


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495d0e No.91160

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574350 (190147ZSEP23) Notable: Trump said over and over to Welker, we will have discussions of the weeks of abortions bans and both sides will come to an agreement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Welker interview;

President Trump is not afraid of going to jail. Anon commented before, he will be friends with everyone in less than 2-4 hours hours, guaranteed. They have never had the ear of someone so powerful that is persecuted by the same people that put them in jail. He’ll be the Great King in jail and listen to their stories and complaints and if valid, he will promise to fix it. No one loves American citizens and those who have been oppressed and figure out ways to solve it, like President Trump. Slowly but surely to the truth of us all. (PS the Secret Service will not like it nor will they allow it based on the mandates of their charter to keep the President out of danger)

Go to 8:14 to 11:30

Bongino has to disagree on some of Trump’s answers on abortion after, but Bongino misses personally whatTrump said over and over to Welker, we will have discussions of the weeks of abortions bans and both sides will come to an agreement.

Bongino misses the message thatTrump said, We need to come together and discuss this. Personally I think when the “right” proves to the left, the weeks it takes for a baby to feel pain they will change their minds; simply because no one told them the science! At least some of them.


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495d0e No.91161

File: e8e3615bc4df188⋯.png (95.99 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574380 (190152ZSEP23) Notable: Taliban Arrests American, 17 Others in Afghanistan

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Wut dis?

Taliban Arrests American, 17 Others in Afghanistan

The Taliban raided the office of a Swiss nonprofit group in Afghanistan and reportedly took into custody an American and 17 others.

The International Assistance Mission confirmed the Taliban’s two separate raids in its office in Ghor, according to the nonprofit’s press release. On the first raid of September 3, the Taliban took three people, and on the second raid on September 13, they took 15 workers.

The Christian-based organization has served in Afghanistan for 57 years and works to improve health care and education in the country.

According to local Afghan spokesman Abdul Wahid Hamas, the workers were taken into custody on charges of “propagating and promoting Christianity.”

https: //www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2023/09/17/taliban-takes-american-17-others-afghanistan/

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495d0e No.91162

File: a97a756838bc7ee⋯.png (10.59 KB,479x177,479:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574408 (190156ZSEP23) Notable: Assuming 2 days ahead of schedule… Lag started yesterday, here is 1 of tomorrow's Qdeltas.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Assuming 2 days ahead of schedule... Lag started yesterday, here is 1 of tomorrow's Qdeltas.

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495d0e No.91163

File: c46a4797ec4a037⋯.png (227.14 KB,416x606,208:303,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f83b836cab61f1⋯.png (410 KB,1335x642,445:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574414 (190156ZSEP23) Notable: “Commercial plane that flew Chinese delegation to UN General Assembly parked at Joint Base Charleston until Sept 21st.

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Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁💪🏻


Biden admin gives China UN delegation special favored status

He put the Peoples Republic of China commercial jet carrying their UN delegation up on a military base for nearly a week.

There’s definitely an air of sedition in this.

“Commercial plane that flew Chinese delegation to UN General Assembly parked at Joint Base Charleston until Sept 21st.”




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495d0e No.91164

File: 4b0ad9a1e4855ed⋯.png (34.38 KB,484x734,242:367,Clipboard.png)

File: b646c876944d8d5⋯.png (9.23 KB,483x153,161:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574454 (190203ZSEP23) Notable: Assuming 2 days ahead of schedule… Lag started yesterday, here is 1 of tomorrow's Qdeltas.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Oh, there's 2 others. What are the odds?

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495d0e No.91165

File: a7616cb6b377392⋯.png (744.18 KB,1224x974,612:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574458 (190205ZSEP23) Notable: Blizzard comms and Q proof

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Blizzard comms and Q proof




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495d0e No.91166

File: 57a6216935a3055⋯.png (769.34 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574481 (190210ZSEP23) Notable: Wisconsin Republicans Consider Impeachment of Justice Over Redistricting Comments, Donations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wisconsin Republicans Consider Impeachment of Justice Over Redistricting Comments, Donations


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495d0e No.91167

File: c46a4797ec4a037⋯.png (227.14 KB,416x606,208:303,Clipboard.png)

File: c868e89d45da04c⋯.jpg (675.16 KB,2805x3631,2805:3631,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 157f03439a14117⋯.jpg (203.23 KB,1403x1816,1403:1816,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 275b421ee358fc4⋯.jpg (839.97 KB,2805x3631,2805:3631,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ca9ae5d476cd839⋯.jpg (888.79 KB,2805x3631,2805:3631,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574482 (190209ZSEP23) Notable: one piece of evidence that GA Fulton County DA Fani Willis is using to justify the RICO charge against AAG Jeff Clark

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is the drafted DOJ memo that was ultimately not acted upon regarding 2020 election.

It is one piece of evidence that GA Fulton County DA Fani Willis is using to justify the RICO charge against AAG Jeff Clark.

Including in the recent Edwin Meese filing in court docs in Georgia.

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495d0e No.91168

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574486 (190211ZSEP23) Notable: WTF:Stoltenberg Admits Putin Made Sensible Final Ultimatum to NATO Which Forced Him to Invade

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


WTF:Stoltenberg Admits Putin Made Sensible Final Ultimatum to NATO Which Forced Him to Invade

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495d0e No.91169

File: c0ea91e36df3c93⋯.png (903.44 KB,1552x1390,776:695,Clipboard.png)

File: e3bac9e03add95b⋯.png (258.83 KB,1466x1124,733:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574496 (190213ZSEP23) Notable: Trump said over and over to Welker, we will have discussions of the weeks of abortions bans and both sides will come to an agreement

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495d0e No.91170

File: 50851c74d872005⋯.jpg (826.32 KB,2805x3631,2805:3631,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574500 (190214ZSEP23) Notable: one piece of evidence that GA Fulton County DA Fani Willis is using to justify the RICO charge against AAG Jeff Clark

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Pages 25-29

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495d0e No.91171

File: 015867cb7599a16⋯.png (337.25 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d4fd78287ab339⋯.png (384.24 KB,609x542,609:542,Clipboard.png)

File: e4c3e2daf9605d6⋯.png (5.31 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

File: 30edbebc049064a⋯.png (5.41 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574520 (190219ZSEP23) Notable: Male crowned homecoming queen in Missouri

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Male crowned homecoming queen in Missouri

Tristan Young, a biologically male student who identifies as female, beat four other girls in the competition

Oak Park High School in Kansas City, Missouri has crowned a biological male as this year’s homecoming queen. The ‘coronation’ of Tristan Young was announced on the school’s official X (formerly Twitter) account on Saturday, however, the comments section under the post was closed.

The incident is allegedly the second time the school, which belongs to the North Kansas City Schools district, has awarded the title to a biologically male trans student, despite there being multiple biologically female contestants for the traditionally woman-only award. moar

18 Sep, 2023 21:25


all i can hear is "oh my gawd you guys". puke

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495d0e No.91172

File: 2f182e1d5fc8df8⋯.jpg (160.11 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: debb6740343a871⋯.jpg (453.73 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6a29bd2cc7970bd⋯.jpg (429.62 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 13ee9183d242eb7⋯.jpg (359.65 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4c026e9ac989057⋯.jpg (403.93 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574534 (190221ZSEP23) Notable: The Georgia election final report.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Also mentioned in the Edwin Meese filing

The Georgia election final report.

It's 15 pages.




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495d0e No.91173

File: 8cd9eaace8b95ba⋯.jpg (317.97 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9622426f168a2a0⋯.jpg (410.81 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3763b5b68cb2a51⋯.jpg (393.35 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9349e80a6bcf6b9⋯.jpg (398.37 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ee4e1ca850cd34f⋯.jpg (408.79 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574543 (190223ZSEP23) Notable: The Georgia election final report.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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495d0e No.91174

File: e25d4e4b88c201e⋯.jpg (418.13 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de2dd910278b775⋯.jpg (433.3 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bd9051fa6fb9388⋯.jpg (304.89 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eb374d9a9c6ee0e⋯.jpg (309.9 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2864c3b72ebbbaf⋯.jpg (141 KB,969x1254,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574546 (190224ZSEP23) Notable: The Georgia election final report.

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495d0e No.91175

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574629 (190243ZSEP23) Notable: The Foer book on Biden. It shows exactly what Biden is, a cretin and hateful authoritarian

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden Report: Greg Kelly Reports. The Foer book on Biden. It shows exactly what Biden is, a cretin and hateful authoritarian09-07-2023

Kek when Trump’s speech it’s played it’s hilariously


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495d0e No.91176

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574638 (190246ZSEP23) Notable: #24038

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#24038 >>91116

>>91117, >>91118, >>91120, >>91140, >>91145 F-35 found in South Carolina

>>91119, >>91135 Tim Ballard Accused of Sexual Misconduct Days After Announcing Possible Senate Run

>>91121, >>91123 Florida man (former preacher) was sentenced today to 60 years in prison for sexually abusing a child while traveling in Fiji

>>91122, >>91142 Chinese firm receives $530 million in state incentives to build EV battery plant in Illinois, sparking national security concerns

>>91124, >>91126 Chuck Grassley bday party

>>91125, >>91127 Son of El Chapo arraigned in Chicago on federal criminal charges for international drug trafficking

>>91128 @ObamaFoundation "Tu Mexico, Tu Chicago"

>>91129 Q#1290 - Military aircraft crashing in US. Coincidence?

>>91130 Donald J. Trump to skip second Republican debate for Detroit prime-time speech

>>91131 Fire dangers in Australia lifted to extreme - expecting 91F/33C degree weather

>>91132, >>91134 Multiple cases: Democrats challenging local level election results after discovering fraud

>>91133 @Potato: When I signed the American Rescue Plan, we invested $17 billion in veterans’ health care, including mental health care

>>91136 @NSA/CSS wishing the CIA a happy birthday #WeAreTheIC

>>91137 FEMA Upcoming nationwide emergency alert test

>>91138 USAID Office of Inspector General audit: Counter-Trafficking in Persons. Improved Guidance and Training Can Strengthen USAID’s C-TIP Efforts in Asia

>>91139, >>91150 Anons testing Google search engine word prediction function

>>91141 Buckel misspelling: David Buckel was an American LGBT rights lawyer who worked with Lambda Legal. He died on April 14, 2018, by self-immolation as a protest against the use of fossil fuels

>>91143 Faux News hit piece: Trump blasted online after attack on DeSanctimonious proposed 6 week abortion ban

>>91144 Alex Soros and Gavin Newsom together at Clinton Global Initiative

>>91146 Japanese company Air Water Inc. has been manufacturing liquid biomethane in Hokkaido since 2021, hopes to create carbon-neutral rocket fuel

>>91147 The United States national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time, according to the information released by the US Department of the Treasury

>>91148 @Potato: Tomorrow marks the beginning of another great UN General Assembly. Ready to get to work.

>>91149 @Rep Tim Burchett questions Intel Committee Inspector General on UAP crash retrieval programs

>>91151 GWP: Newly Obtained Evidence Shows Key Signatures Are Missing on Wayne County’s 2020 General Election Certification

>>91152 Chinese military conducts massive dispatch of jets near Taiwan

>>91153 Questionable age content will not be tolerated



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495d0e No.91177

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574644 (190248ZSEP23) Notable: ICYMI: Today, AOC and Nadler blamed Republicans for the border crisis

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Today, AOC and Nadler blamed Republicans for the border crisis and said the only way to solve the migrant crisis is to give them all jobs and additional benefits.

This is the reaction 👇🏼


(This guy is fantastic - guess i need to learn how to compress video)

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495d0e No.91178

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574652 (190251ZSEP23) Notable: WTF:Stoltenberg Admits Putin Made Sensible Final Ultimatum to NATO Which Forced Him to Invade

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>>/qresearch/19574640 WTF:Stoltenberg Admits Putin Made Sensible Final Ultimatum to NATO Which Forced Him to Invade



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495d0e No.91179

File: eb33fee5f847075⋯.png (430.2 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574662 (190254ZSEP23) Notable: Trump to Appear with Striking Autoworkers as GOP Debate Counter-Programming

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Trump to Appear with Striking Autoworkers as GOP Debate Counter-Programming

Donald Trump will appear with striking members of the United Auto Workers on September 27 instead of attending the second GOP primary debate.


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495d0e No.91180

File: 2c64cf457765ee6⋯.png (205.82 KB,1186x614,593:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 3831c41cc546e81⋯.png (431.23 KB,1193x616,1193:616,Clipboard.png)

File: 800e0e238264cce⋯.png (27.53 KB,719x310,719:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574677 (190257ZSEP23) Notable: Epstein - Tom Pritzker - Penny Pritzker now handing the Ukraine issue for Sleepy Joe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's actually funny when you know.......

Epstein - Tom Pritzker - Penny Pritzker now handing the Ukraine issue for Sleepy Joe





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495d0e No.91181

File: 5ce45843e1eaadc⋯.png (391.27 KB,467x320,467:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574681 (190259ZSEP23) Notable: Proud Boys leader didn't realize how many FBI joined the group.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Proud Boys leader didn't realize how many FBI joined the group. That's why he's in jail. Anyone should know the FBI is going to try to infiltrate your organization if they can when it has to do with patriotism and populism.

Proud Boys Leader Ethan Nordean Speaks Out to The Gateway Pundit in First Interview Since His 18 Year Prison Sentence for Attend...

Hours before jurors deliberated a verdict convicting the Proud Boys of seditious conspiracy, J6 political prisoner Ethan Nordeandetailedto Gateway Pundit reporter Alicia Powe how the US government conspired to incriminate the pro-Trump group months leading...


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495d0e No.91182

File: 5252e6e21596d22⋯.png (932.03 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: c8c4385d6f93948⋯.jpg (32.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574684 (190300ZSEP23) Notable: PF updates

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USN E-6B Mercury.


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495d0e No.91183

File: ff778917f19465e⋯.png (576.7 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574688 (190300ZSEP23) Notable: McCarthy Won't Weigh In on Tuberville Holding Up 300 Military Promotions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

McCarthy Won't Weigh In on Tuberville Holding Up 300 Military Promotions

Top Republican in Congress staying out of the fray as others express support or opposition to the Alabama senator's move.


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495d0e No.91184

File: ab1c95843aa0a10⋯.png (457.41 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574694 (190303ZSEP23) Notable: Trump to Appear with Striking Autoworkers as GOP Debate Counter-Programming

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nothing to debate here. Reeeeeee!!!

Trump plans to give speech to autoworkers in Detroit, skipping second GOP debate

Trump's plan emerged days after United Auto Workers members went on strike after the union and Detroit carmakers failed to reach a deal.


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495d0e No.91185

File: b82225f82f60c8c⋯.png (819.54 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574761 (190320ZSEP23) Notable: PF updates

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Just now reappeared ALBUS08. Apparently transited the entire state of Nevada in dark mode.

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495d0e No.91186

File: c0a167999cc8d32⋯.png (917.35 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574840 (190345ZSEP23) Notable: PF reports: Singapore military craft in Idaho

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Call sign TWISTER. Singapore Military A332 out of Boise, Idaho and orbiting over Northern Nevada for quite some time now. Strange night tonight.

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495d0e No.91187

File: d18d9d4f73a90dc⋯.png (756.66 KB,960x411,320:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574854 (190350ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Admin Shells Out Over $5 Million To Give Journalists ‘Trauma-Informed’ Support If They’re Getting Trolled

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden Admin Shells Out Over $5 Million To Give Journalists ‘Trauma-Informed’ Support If They’re Getting Trolled

The Biden administration has approved $5.7 million in grant funding to George Washington University to create a program that will provide psychological care to journalists who believe they are the targets of “misinformation-driven harassment campaigns.”

The program, calledExpert Voices Together, is described in the government grant database as “a socio-technical system that provides real-time support to experts experiencing online harassment.” The project’s goal is to provide journalists, and eventually other “experts,” with means of “monitoring and reporting” alleged abuse, as well as “personalized assistance with digital safety” and access to “mental health care specialists” as a form of “trauma-informed care.” moar

September 18, 2023

4:21 PM ET


NBC News interviewed Kate Sosin, a nonbinary trans journalist, who shared their experience with gender-based threats akin to those faced by reporters who identify as female. That context was not clear in this story, which inadvertently led to Kate's misgendering. Banners have been removed from this story to help eliminate any confusion.


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495d0e No.91188

File: 9f6be6f0f02538d⋯.jpg (135.24 KB,720x839,720:839,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff5d8e47540690b⋯.jpg (267.38 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574870 (190358ZSEP23) Notable: @MalikObama: So Bill Gates is the PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD. Kenya President reduced to being a SIDEKICK. A PROP!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


So Bill Gates is the PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD. Kenya President reduced to being a SIDEKICK. A PROP!

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495d0e No.91189

File: b073a53b1a8aa01⋯.png (902.63 KB,1442x1013,1442:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574911 (190408ZSEP23) Notable: PF reports flight history of newly minted V-22 Osprey, first appearance September 11th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Been looking at flight history on this hex code and PF believes this to be a newly minted V-22 Osprey. This given the observed flight characteristics since it's first appearance on the network near the Bell Plant in Amarillo, Texas on September 11th.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574961 (190419ZSEP23) Notable: #24039

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24039 >>91154

>>91182, >>91185 PF updates

>>91155 NM: [Rules Committee Hearing]Tiffany: Yeah, I'd like to if I may just close with a coup three comments

>>91156 Supremes have affirmed Biden Admin can resort to disinfo with soc med platforms

>>91157, >>91159 Zelensky visits wounded Ukrainian soldiers at NYC hospital ahead of UN General Assembly

>>91158 Apparently the debris field has been found but no pics or vids yet.

>>91160, >>91169 Trump said over and over to Welker, we will have discussions of the weeks of abortions bans and both sides will come to an agreement

>>91161 Taliban Arrests American, 17 Others in Afghanistan

>>91162, >>91164 Assuming 2 days ahead of schedule… Lag started yesterday, here is 1 of tomorrow's Qdeltas.

>>91163 “Commercial plane that flew Chinese delegation to UN General Assembly parked at Joint Base Charleston until Sept 21st.

>>91165 Blizzard comms and Q proof

>>91166 Wisconsin Republicans Consider Impeachment of Justice Over Redistricting Comments, Donations

>>91167, >>91170 one piece of evidence that GA Fulton County DA Fani Willis is using to justify the RICO charge against AAG Jeff Clark

>>91168, >>91178 WTF:Stoltenberg Admits Putin Made Sensible Final Ultimatum to NATO Which Forced Him to Invade

>>91171 Male crowned homecoming queen in Missouri

>>91172, >>91173, >>91174 The Georgia election final report.

>>91175 The Foer book on Biden. It shows exactly what Biden is, a cretin and hateful authoritarian

>>91177 ICYMI: Today, AOC and Nadler blamed Republicans for the border crisis

>>91179, >>91184 Trump to Appear with Striking Autoworkers as GOP Debate Counter-Programming

>>91180 Epstein - Tom Pritzker - Penny Pritzker now handing the Ukraine issue for Sleepy Joe

>>91181 Proud Boys leader didn't realize how many FBI joined the group.

>>91183 McCarthy Won't Weigh In on Tuberville Holding Up 300 Military Promotions

>>91186 PF reports: Singapore military craft in Idaho

>>91187 Biden Admin Shells Out Over $5 Million To Give Journalists ‘Trauma-Informed’ Support If They’re Getting Trolled

>>91188 @MalikObama: So Bill Gates is the PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD. Kenya President reduced to being a SIDEKICK. A PROP!

>>91189 PF reports flight history of possible newly minted V-22 Osprey, first appearance was September 11th



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495d0e No.91191

File: 9b07b746f59d4d7⋯.jpg (87.42 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19574977 (190421ZSEP23) Notable: #24040

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91192

File: 5726160b09c771a⋯.png (226.41 KB,598x631,598:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 850082093988cd2⋯.png (235.36 KB,704x1170,352:585,Clipboard.png)

File: 420f88e386d0eb0⋯.png (213.65 KB,757x1058,757:1058,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575021 (190430ZSEP23) Notable: Unique mRNA vaccine formulation or dosing schedule potentially behind uptick in autoimmune deficiency disease

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The third dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine enhances IgG4 isotype switching and recognition of Omicron subvariants by memory B cells after with mRNA but not adenovirus priming




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495d0e No.91193

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575067 (190447ZSEP23) Notable: US Military scheduled livestream meetings and conferences - 3:30/4:00 AM EDT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

September 19, 2023

3:30 AM EDT

SECDEF Ukraine Defense Contact Group Conference; Bi-Lat Livestream - Opening Remarks

Department of Defense


September 19, 2023

4:00 AM EDT

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III is traveling. His opening remarks at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, will be livestreamed on Defense.gov at 4 a.m. EDT, and played back on Channel 2 in the Pentagon at 9:30 a.m. EDT.

Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Mark A. Milley is traveling. His remarks at a press conference with Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III following the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, at 10:30 a.m. EDT, will be livestreamed on Defense.gov and broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.

Department of Defense



September 19, 2023

4:00 AM EDT

Austin Speaks at Ukraine Defense Meeting

Department of Defense


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495d0e No.91194

File: 71dc5618da58466⋯.mp4 (10.52 MB,406x720,203:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575094 (190502ZSEP23) Notable: Trannys preaching acceptance in the church "we pledge to be allies to the drag community"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Asteroid God please.

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495d0e No.91195

File: cb2ddf4c107efab⋯.png (1.22 MB,1154x833,1154:833,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a3f38588b2864e⋯.png (1.19 MB,894x620,447:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575318 (190624ZSEP23) Notable: California earthquake activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Little EQ action in Cali Strongest so far is a 4.5


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495d0e No.91196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575403 (190715ZSEP23) Notable: Kash Patels joins Don Jr. to discuss his new book "Government Gangsters"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Government Gangsters Didn't Want This Book Released: Live with Kash Patel | TRIGGERED Ep.69

Donald Trump Jr.


Enjoyed this video? Join my Locals community for exclusive content at triggered.locals.com!

Streamed on:

Sep 18, 6:00 pm EDT

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495d0e No.91197

File: 3a716fe87ed5d0a⋯.png (434.26 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575416 (190730ZSEP23) Notable: PANIC at CNN - Warning Constitution is 'Outdated, Puts Democracy at Risk'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


4am talking points inbound..

PANIC at CNN - Warning Constitution is 'Outdated, Puts Democracy at Risk'

CNN Gets Roasted for Absurd Chyron Warning Constitution is 'Outdated, Puts Democracy at Risk'

The genius of the Founding Fathers has never been easy for the left to accept. Now, they're attacking it a "threat."


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495d0e No.91198

File: fd2562e47ef367e⋯.png (667.71 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575417 (190731ZSEP23) Notable: Antifa Discussed Plans To Firebomb Federal Buildings, Jan. 6 Court Filing Contends

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Antifa Discussed Plans To Firebomb Federal Buildings, Jan. 6 Court Filing Contends

Antifa Discussed Plans To Firebomb Federal Buildings, Jan. 6 Court Filing Contends


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495d0e No.91199

File: 717660c32c5ba4d⋯.png (887.46 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575420 (190733ZSEP23) Notable: New Delhi slams Canada for linking its government to the murder of a political activist

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Justin Trudeau creates international incident with India by accusing the Indian government of assassinating Khalistan movement leader.

India rejects Canada’s ‘absurd’ allegations

New Delhi slams Canada for linking its government to the murder of a political activist


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495d0e No.91200

File: c73a8e8f069a428⋯.png (775.75 KB,768x513,256:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575422 (190736ZSEP23) Notable: Mexican Mafia member who ran Ventura County rackets is killed in Baja California, authorities say

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Illegal alien that was raised in Oxnard, California became a Mexican Mafia kingpin for Ventura County. He was deported to Mexico and has been assassinated. None of this would have happened if the borders were secure.

Mexican Mafia member who ran Ventura County rackets is killed in Baja California, authorities say

Martin Madrigal Cazares, a fugitive Mexican Mafia member who controlled gangs in Ventura County from a base in Mexico where he developed...


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495d0e No.91201

File: bf9ab2080e19af7⋯.png (556.47 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575425 (190737ZSEP23) Notable: California district judge blocked the state from enforcing a new law requiring Big Tech companies to verify users' ages before giving them access to their websites

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

California law that violated the 1st amendment struck down in court.

Judge blocks California child internet privacy law

A district judge in California blocked the state from enforcing a new law requiring Big Tech companies to verify users' ages before giving them access to their websites.


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495d0e No.91202

File: 35dfbb1b745a2d2⋯.png (863.65 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575431 (190740ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Chip Roy of Texas has been trying to destroy AG Ken Paxton for nearly 4 years

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Texas Rep. Chip Roy......exposed as an anti-Trump, Bush-weasel Chip Roy has a few UN-paid taxes to discuss,first.

ICYMI: Rep. Chip Roy of Texas has been trying to destroy AG Ken Paxton for nearly 4 years...

Chip Roy was trying to take down the best AG in the country.


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495d0e No.91203

File: 46601c042ad15ff⋯.png (732.33 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575432 (190742ZSEP23) Notable: Libya Dam Disaster Shows Horrific Consequences Of US-NATO Imperialism

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Libya Dam Disaster Shows Horrific Consequences Of US-NATO Imperialis


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495d0e No.91204

File: b942865c232132f⋯.png (543.94 KB,681x624,227:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575433 (190743ZSEP23) Notable: BlackRock and the Potato Admin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DEEP STATE Definition: Nothing to see here...

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495d0e No.91205

File: 6ec8d5b9599642f⋯.png (251.82 KB,1080x713,1080:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575434 (190743ZSEP23) Notable: YouTube has suspended monetization on Russell Brand's channel for violating its creator responsibility policy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN - YouTube has "suspended monetization" on Russell Brand's channel for "violating" its "creator responsibility policy" — BBC

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495d0e No.91206

File: ac3a97e00fcb49d⋯.png (598.27 KB,768x526,384:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575435 (190744ZSEP23) Notable: North Carolina Lt Governor Mark Robinson calls for state level military action to step-up and secure the border

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

North Carolina Lt Governor Mark Robinson calls for state level MILITARY action to step-up and secure the border

Mark Robinson, "If I Were the Governor of Texas"...

The frontrunner for President Trump’s Vice-Presidential spot, North Carolina Lt Governor Mark Robinson, was bringing some big ugly truth bombs at the Pray, Vote, Stand Summit today. I’ve prompted the video below to the point that deserves to be seen and...


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495d0e No.91207

File: 881b3de9118544f⋯.png (596.37 KB,600x455,120:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575443 (190749ZSEP23) Notable: American Library Association Intensifies Push To Radicalize Children

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

American Library Association Intensifies Push To Radicalize Children

CHICAGO, Ill. - A goal to politically radicalize children and families has intensified through the American Library Association's President, Emily Dra...


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495d0e No.91208

File: 4bd923a1eeb1ac5⋯.png (551.72 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575461 (190758ZSEP23) Notable: Video shows more than 2,000 migrants crossing Rio Grande in one night

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What happened to 'consequences' for crossers, Joe? Shocking footage shows over 2,000 migrants crossing Rio Grande in one night. Biden Admin response "Shut up! We're busy replacing the white republicans in Texas."

Video shows more than 2,000 migrants crossing Rio Grande in one night

More than 2,000 migrants crossed the Rio Grande River from Mexico into Texas, in one of the largest documented instances of mass illegal border crossings.


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495d0e No.91209

File: f97767f80f391fd⋯.png (531.79 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575466 (190802ZSEP23) Notable: FBI being called to answer for active involvement in online censorship

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jim Jordan Subpoenas FBI Agent Who Flagged Tweets, Elvis Chan, and forces him to testify against himself and his agency. Which will result in absolutely nothing, but "I cannot answer that in this setting"...."i'm not going to answer that"....

Jim Jordan Subpoenas FBI Agent Who Flagged Tweets


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495d0e No.91210

File: a6c90491dca204e⋯.png (90.52 KB,628x676,157:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575543 (190902ZSEP23) Notable: Who is Seth Rich? Who Murdered Him? And What’s The Deep State Hiding?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Who is Seth Rich? Who Murdered Him? And

What’s The Deep State Hiding?

American Thinker, by Ron Wright

Posted By: Imright, 9/18/2023 11:15:05 PM

The Background: Seth Rich, a DNC staffer, was murdered on July 10, 2016. The DC Metro Police attributed his death to a botched robbery. That’s tragic but straightforward. Why, then, is the FBI refusing to release the information from Rich’s laptop? Perhaps it’s because Rich is the key to understanding the Russian collusion narrative that the Democrats and Deep State used to such savage effect against Trump, up to and including the 2020 campaign, when operatives lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Anyone questioning the official narrative was immediately labeled a conspiracy theorist and canceled. The Russian Disinformation Narrative – The Con:

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495d0e No.91211

File: 8c0a24784be18ba⋯.png (877.68 KB,768x450,128:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575555 (190907ZSEP23) Notable: $120,000 Vanishes From Woman’s Bank Account, Banking Giant Says Account Will Be Terminated: Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

$120,000 Vanishes From Woman’s Bank Account, Banking Giant Says Account Will Be Terminated: Report

A woman in Arizona says her life savings of $120,000 has disappeared from her bank account – and her bank is now giving her the boot. Margaret Lomax says she transferred the money to her Citibank account from a regional California bank called Farmers & Mer...


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495d0e No.91212

File: 87175a5530456f0⋯.jpeg (136.3 KB,716x726,358:363,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575716 (191028ZSEP23) Notable: A 1967 CBS News Special about how the C_A funneled money to charities to infiltrate American news, student, and labor organizations.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575879 (191100ZSEP23) Notable: #24040

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final bun for #24040


this the shill team 6 c group today? you shillfags are lame AF

czech em

#24040 >>91191

>>91192 Unique mRNA vaccine formulation or dosing schedule potentially behind uptick in autoimmune deficiency disease

>>91193 US Military scheduled livestream meetings and conferences - 3:30/4:00 AM EDT

>>91194 Trannys preaching acceptance in the church "we pledge to be allies to the drag community"

>>91195 California earthquake activity

>>91196 Kash Patels joins Don Jr. to discuss his new book "Government Gangsters"

>>91197 PANIC at CNN - Warning Constitution is 'Outdated, Puts Democracy at Risk'

>>91198 Antifa Discussed Plans To Firebomb Federal Buildings, Jan. 6 Court Filing Contends

>>91199 New Delhi slams Canada for linking its government to the murder of a political activist

>>91200 Mexican Mafia member who ran Ventura County rackets is killed in Baja California, authorities say

>>91201 California district judge blocked the state from enforcing a new law requiring Big Tech companies to verify users' ages before giving them access to their websites

>>91202 Rep. Chip Roy of Texas has been trying to destroy AG Ken Paxton for nearly 4 years

>>91203 Libya Dam Disaster Shows Horrific Consequences Of US-NATO Imperialism

>>91204 BlackRock and the Potato Admin

>>91205 YouTube has suspended monetization on Russell Brand's channel for violating its creator responsibility policy

>>91206 North Carolina Lt Governor Mark Robinson calls for state level military action to step-up and secure the border

>>91207 American Library Association Intensifies Push To Radicalize Children

>>91208 Video shows more than 2,000 migrants crossing Rio Grande in one night

>>91209 FBI being called to answer for active involvement in online censorship

>>91210 Who is Seth Rich? Who Murdered Him? And What’s The Deep State Hiding?

>>91211 $120,000 Vanishes From Woman’s Bank Account, Banking Giant Says Account Will Be Terminated: Report

>>91212 A 1967 CBS News Special about how the C_A funneled money to charities to infiltrate American news, student, and labor organizations.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91214

File: 1332c74bbf72c32⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575915 (191105ZSEP23) Notable: #24041

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91215

File: 27e24bf2434b213⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 69145fc117d93a9⋯.jpg (110.12 KB,768x1024,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19575987 (191119ZSEP23) Notable: Are we in the Storm? Some dasting things going on

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Are we in the Storm? Some dasting things going on

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91216

File: 4933322f24e08a2⋯.jpg (143.19 KB,718x767,718:767,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576007 (191124ZSEP23) Notable: Are we in the Storm? Some dasting things going on

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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495d0e No.91217

File: 946048b9919c34d⋯.jpg (200.43 KB,720x1005,48:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c2850e078c9d927⋯.jpg (202.78 KB,1290x1760,129:176,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d51a7322bf78e05⋯.jpg (296.78 KB,1283x1640,1283:1640,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576030 (191130ZSEP23) Notable: Sounds like @pawpatrol is run by groomers who are after your kids. PARENTS BEWARE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Devious pedophiles run almost all cartoons and children's programming


So a link to a porn site was put on @pawpatrol’s packaging for biscuits and now they just included a nonbinary character for their kid’s show?

Sounds like @pawpatrol is run by groomers who are after your kids. PARENTS BEWARE

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495d0e No.91218

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576237 (191212ZSEP23) Notable: B.I.S NWO, videos, screenshots and research, now also on tora.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Note: This latest italian island Lampedusa, the u.k boards, the southern border in the usa and Australia is not organic, they are being funded by NGO'S of different types including soro's and catholic charities.

not a conspiracy, listen to them when they tell you what they are doing and what you should expect.




The race to 2030 explained.

The b.i.s was formed in 1930, fast forward 100 years and you are at 2030.

The NWO is coming and the only way to stop it is to stop paying taxes.

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495d0e No.91219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576317 (191228ZSEP23) Notable: "No Soliciting!" Dumb Cop Told to SHUT UP by First Amendment Auditor!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"No Soliciting!" Dumb Cop Told to SHUT UP by First Amendment Auditor!


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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495d0e No.91220

File: dcb149734df68f0⋯.png (1.29 MB,1292x703,68:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c837702e427974⋯.png (1.12 MB,1288x721,184:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 19cbe0db5048fa6⋯.png (1.54 MB,1294x719,1294:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ee02842a41a43e⋯.png (1.14 MB,1294x725,1294:725,Clipboard.png)

File: 861c9d88baf0c83⋯.png (1.12 MB,1342x713,1342:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576320 (191229ZSEP23) Notable: B.I.S NWO, videos, screenshots and research, now also on tora.

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The video from W.E.F you will own nothing and you will be happy explained!!

note: Check timestamp of video and screenshots.

1) The us will no longer be a superpower

2) A handful of countries will dominate (chek flags)

3) A billion people will be displaced due to climate change

4) We'll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees

5) Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide (air tax -you will have to pay to breath air).


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495d0e No.91221

File: 369f1a63202133c⋯.png (159.89 KB,1096x549,1096:549,Clipboard.png)

File: ba9047d6af323e9⋯.png (162.2 KB,1088x653,1088:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 292bdf9babbc2fa⋯.png (276.2 KB,1492x670,746:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576338 (191240ZSEP23) Notable: B.I.S NWO, videos, screenshots and research, now also on tora.

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Note: Anon is still working on a moar detailed b.i.s report and video with proofs and archives which can be used by anons when anon puts togather the data in video format and directions so they can verify themselves.

p.s the 2 videos anon put out have now reached a combined total of 15 thousand views, from absolute zero with no content on any video social media platform or push by any social media apart from 8kun and anons endorsement and recommendations.

keep going anons, here are the tip of the spear in informations warfare !!

P.s The only hope is Trump and the Q team if they are not a delaying tactic whilst the digital grid is being built around the masses and especially the anons



3) NEW OFFICES IN MEXICO AND HONG KONG SAR (sar stands for special administrative region of China).



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495d0e No.91222

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576353 (191247ZSEP23) Notable: B.I.S NWO, videos, screenshots and research, now also on tora.

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495d0e No.91223

File: b4ce9853bcb4050⋯.png (188.88 KB,500x551,500:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576364 (191250ZSEP23) Notable: B.I.S NWO, videos, screenshots and research, now also on tora.

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Note: This is going to take moar research, trump mentioned this strongly in his 2024 run speech at Mar A Lago. If anon is correct, the next phase of the clean up will be the banks, the federal reserve must be bought down, BlackRock is now in charge of all the assets it gobbled up due to the covid - 19 pandemic act which was used by all the national banks around the world. it is now the largest hedge fund asset owner in the world. If it goes down they lose the lot !!!


COVID-19 pandemic

On March 16, 2020, amid an economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, for the first time since the inception of the Federal Reserve, the fractional reserve requirement was reduced to 0%.



Reserve requirements are central bank regulations that set the minimum amount that a commercial bank must hold in liquid assets. This minimum amount, commonly referred to as the commercial bank's reserve, is generally determined by the central bank on the basis of a specified proportion of deposit liabilities o



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495d0e No.91224

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576377 (191254ZSEP23) Notable: Former President Donald Trump plans to skip the second Republican presidential debate and come to Metro Detroit instead to rally unionized auto workers...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump to court striking auto workers in Michigan, skip second GOP debate

Sept. 18, 2023

Former President Donald Trump plans to skip the second Republican presidential debate and come to Metro Detroit instead to rally unionized auto workers on strike, according to a Trump campaign adviser.

The Trump campaign is planning an event for 500 auto workers on Sept. 27 that will coincide with the GOP presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, California, the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.


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495d0e No.91225

File: 481f6a656214e47⋯.jpg (162.7 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 047167bae593615⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB,1190x720,119:72,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576385 (191255ZSEP23) Notable: F-35B stealth fighter jet crash landing site in Williamsburg County, SC (Supposedly)

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F-35B stealth fighter jet crash landing site in Williamsburg County, SC (Supposedly) 🤔

Oh shitanother Shanksville/ Pentagon with no wreckage?

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495d0e No.91226

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576413 (191302ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE - Ahoy The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/19/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE - Ahoy The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/19/2023



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495d0e No.91227

File: 41b54569f283175⋯.jpg (115.35 KB,720x838,360:419,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576508 (191326ZSEP23) Notable: F-35B stealth fighter jet crash landing site in Williamsburg County, SC (Supposedly)

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Something Fishy is going on


So... total incineration of the F-35?

Incredible. 🤨

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495d0e No.91228

File: 4c0b7266bd70e1d⋯.jpg (87.18 KB,720x839,720:839,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7253503eec8991f⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB,1278x720,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576537 (191333ZSEP23) Notable: F-35B stealth fighter jet crash landing site in Williamsburg County, SC (Supposedly)

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Better footage of crash site



Footage of F-35 crash site in Williamsburg County, South Carolina

JUST IN: Footage of the debris field of the F-35 jet has been released after it was located in a field in Williamsburg County, South Carolina.

The crash site was about 80 miles from Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina.

The F-35 fighter jet appeared to run through a group of trees before crashing down in the field.

In 2019, concerns were raised by the Pentagon of the possibility that the F-35 could be hacked.

It’s still unclear what caused the crash

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495d0e No.91229

File: ae8d189cac4c42c⋯.png (745.89 KB,1080x1378,540:689,Clipboard.png)

File: 78b9c186b4505e7⋯.png (459.55 KB,600x737,600:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576614 (191355ZSEP23) Notable: Russell Brand will no longer make money from streaming his videos on YouTube after the site suspended his ability to monetize his presence Tuesday...

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If you dated a woman 20 years ago she can say you raped her with no proof and your life is immediately destroyed this shit is insane.

Russell Brand will no longer make money from streaming his videos on YouTube after the site suspended his ability to monetize his presence Tuesday with immediate effect.

The move comes in the wake several women making allegations of sexual assault against the UK comedian-turned-influencer, as Breitbart News reported.

AP reports YouTube said monetization of Brand’s account, which has 6.6 million subscribers, has been suspended “following serious allegations against the creator.” His agent has also dropped him.

“This decision applies to all channels that may be owned or operated by Russell Brand,” the Google-owned video service said.

Brand, 48, vehemently denies allegations of sexual assault made by four women initially made public in a Channel 4 television documentary and The Times and Sunday Times newspapers.

The accusers, who have not been named, include one who said she was sexually assaulted during a relationship with him when she was 16. Another woman alleges Brand raped her in Los Angeles in 2012.


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495d0e No.91230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576624 (191359ZSEP23) Notable: House committee meetings and other happenings for 9/19/2023

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10:00 AM EDT

The President delivers remarks before the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

United Nations




President Biden and Others Speak at U.N. General Assembly

President Biden and Ukrainian President Zelensky deliver remarks at the annual United Nations General Assembly in New York City.


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495d0e No.91231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576628 (191400ZSEP23) Notable: House committee meetings and other happenings for 9/19/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

FEMA: The Current State of Disaster Readiness, Response, and Recovery

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee



The Honorable Deanne Criswell, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Department of Homeland Security






FEMA Administrator Testifies on Disaster Readiness

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Deanne Criswell testifies on the agency’s ability to help calamity-stricken areas recover from natural disasters before a House subcommittee.


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495d0e No.91232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576633 (191401ZSEP23) Notable: House committee meetings and other happenings for 9/19/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

Chips on the Table: A One Year Review of the Chips and Science Act

House Science, Space, and Technology Committee



The Honorable Gina M. Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce






Commerce Secretary Testifies on the Chips and Science Act

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo testifies before the House Science, Space & Technology Committee on the implementation of the Chips and Science Act a year after its passage.


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495d0e No.91233

File: b64f25eb711aca2⋯.png (419.52 KB,908x1328,227:332,Clipboard.png)

File: 290ad91b21a2c0c⋯.png (539.88 KB,903x949,903:949,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576659 (191409ZSEP23) Notable: F-35B stealth fighter jet crash landing site in Williamsburg County, SC (Supposedly)

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So, let's assume the "debris field" is real (although, I didn't see any plane parts in the vid...kinda like the 9/11 Pentagon vids)....

and the down trees don't really make sense / jive with the mud splash (although scale is difficult to ascertain in said vid (I'm betting intentionally so)).

Papadopolous made this statement yesterday that it was likely hacked by China.

Cuba just hosted the G77 ... did they do a private hack showing for VIPs a few days later? Did we let it get hacked to ascertain China's capabilities...?

So many questions, we'll never get to hear the answers too...or be able to determine their accuracy.



The military is asking for the public to find the “missing” F-35 that a pilot ejected from while it was on auto pilot.

The transponder now does not work.

This plane is likely en route to one destination based on fuel capacity: Cuba

Where China just built a military base.

George Papadopoulos


This is the radius

1:05 PM · Sep 18, 2023 ·19.7K Views


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495d0e No.91234

File: 6921d206b1d7c07⋯.webp (41.1 KB,1272x344,159:43,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576661 (191410ZSEP23) Notable: F-35B stealth fighter jet crash landing site in Williamsburg County, SC (Supposedly)

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The worst case scenario is the computerized plane ejected its pilot and defected by itself.


In spite of all the ubiquitous headlines, the military has not actually identified the Charleston debris field as the missing fighter. A conspiratorial-minded person might think they are just covering their sixes by hanging on to a “possible” crash site in case the plane turns up somewhere else. Whoops! Sorry! We had the wrong debris field. Here it is, over HERE!

🔥 All signs point to massive government mendacity and obfuscation, but what else is new? Rather, what’s the worst case scenario here? Let’s start with the second-worst case scenario, which is the pilot defected, perhaps stealthily flying the plane to the new Chinese military base in Cuba, which was easily within range.

But the Marines said the pilot ejected, not defected. True, it’s a pilot they haven’t named. An unnamed pilot they haven’t quoted. A mute, unnamed pilot who is reportedly still somewhere in an unidentified hospital being treated by unnamed doctors for unspecific “injuries.” Okay.

None of that makes sense, but let’s stick with what we know. Taking the official, albeit scant, explanation at face value, and assuming the pilot did eject — keeping in mind the initial reports that the plane had continued flying without its pilot on autopilot — we come to the possible worst-case scenario.

The worst case scenario is the computerized plane ejected its pilot and defected by itself. Maybe it flew itself to Cuba, after Chinese hackers assumed control of its highly-advanced instruments using the stealth fighter’s own networked “communications gateway.” Maybe this summer’s Chinese Spy Balloon mapped out a way to get the plane out of the U.S. undetected?

Could that possibly happen? I did a little research.

🔥 At a $1.7 trillion price tag, our enemies have a lot of incentive to capture one of the top fighters, either for reverse-engineering, or just for developing jammers, spoofers, and countermeasures.

The first thing my research produced is that the software running the F35 is hideously complicated. You could call the F35 the world’s first software-driven airplane. Estimates range from 600,000 lines of code to over 1,000,000 lines of code. And that’s just the software inside the plane. A code base like that takes a giant team of programmers to maintain, and the opportunities for bugs and glitches scale up along with the code base’s size.

Put differently, a massive code base equals a massive opportunity for bugs and glitches. With a hundred-milllion-dollar, nuclear-equipped fighter jet flying at mach speeds, the opportunities for disastrous bugs and glitches is equally massive. (C&C programmers: feel free to weigh in and offer your own opinions.)

But we needn’t speculate. It is common knowledge that problems have plagued the F35 program since day one. In fact, there have been several crashes just in the last twelve months.

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495d0e No.91235

File: 3eb52c6c8a9379a⋯.png (188.94 KB,1404x591,468:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576671 (191413ZSEP23) Notable: F-35B stealth fighter jet crash landing site in Williamsburg County, SC (Supposedly)

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AI gonna take over.

The F-35B Can Eject Its Pilot Automatically

Only the F-35B variant has an auto-eject system, a feature that is tied to its ability to hover in mid-air.


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495d0e No.91236

File: 95e15d5df9a37c7⋯.png (892.28 KB,960x784,60:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576682 (191416ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: HH 211: Jets from a Forming Star

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 19, 2023

HH 211: Jets from a Forming Star

Do stars always create jets as they form? No one is sure. As a gas cloud gravitationally contracts, it forms a disk that can spin too fast to continue contracting into a protostar. Theorists hypothesize that this spin can be reduced by expelling jets. This speculation coincides with known Herbig-Haro (HH) objects, young stellar objects seen to emit jets - sometimes in spectacular fashion. Pictured is Herbig-Haro 211, a young star in formation recently imaged by the Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in infrared light and in great detail. Along with the two narrow beams of particles, red shock waves can be seen as the outflows impact existing interstellar gas. The jets of HH 221 will likely change shape as they brighten and fade over the next 100,000 years, as research into the details of star formation continues.


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495d0e No.91237

File: 39af7ddac2354fd⋯.png (435.34 KB,858x692,429:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576691 (191419ZSEP23) Notable: BREAKING: House to hold first Biden impeachment inquiry hearing next Thursday

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BREAKING: House to hold first Biden impeachment inquiry hearing next Thursday - Fox

Follow @insiderpaper



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495d0e No.91238

File: 67c10159698c1dc⋯.png (316.26 KB,906x671,906:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576780 (191438ZSEP23) Notable: Now NYT admits that Ukraine fired the missile, not Russia."

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"[A] missile hit a Donetsk market on Sept. 6, killing 17 people...

Ukraine declared that Russia was responsible. Western media outlets [...] widely parroted the claim...

Now NYT admits that Ukraine fired the missile, not Russia."


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495d0e No.91239

File: 49c0638d8636244⋯.png (331.3 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

File: a50f637953ac838⋯.png (492.58 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 431856994389b5f⋯.png (218.69 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cac4e2f2f3a7b2⋯.png (446.07 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b441a75f91d71e⋯.png (297.98 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576872 (191501ZSEP23) Notable: Mummified 'alien corpses' are from single skeletons and were not assembled, Mexican doctor claims as he examines 'eggs' in one of the 'non-human' bodies...

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Mummified 'alien corpses' are from single skeletons and were not assembled, Mexican doctor claims as he examines 'eggs' in one of the 'non-human' bodies during new lab tests

UPDATED: 09:53 EDT, 19 September 2023

Alien investigators have claimed that new tests show two 'non-human' bodies are 'single skeletons' rather than being assembled from various remains - with scans allegedly also showing eggs inside one corpse.

UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan unveiled the pair - which he has named Clara and Mauricio - to Mexico's congress last week, describing their discovery as one of the most important in human history.

His associate, Dr Jose Zalce Benitez, has now claimed scans showed the specimens are each 'a single skeleton' and 'complete organic being', contrary to suggestions they were made up of 'different parts as some assumed'.

His team have also said their latest studies indicate Clara 'was alive, was intact, was biological and was in gestation,' pointing to the presence of large lumps in her abdomen which they said could be eggs.

Most in the scientific community are not convinced by the findings however, with multiple UFO and forensics experts coming out to slam the claims as 'unsubstantiated' and a 'hoax'.

The scan was performed by technicians and scientists on the project at the Noor Clinic, in Huixquilucan, Mexico, on Monday. It was livestreamed on Maussan's YouTube channel, Infobae.com reports.

The team behind the UFO claims previously showed apparent X-rays of the specimens to Mexico's congress, saying that they showed one of the beings had carried 'eggs' with embryos inside them.

The pair of corpses have elongated heads with three fingers on each hand - but otherwise somewhat humanoid in shape, including two arms and two legs.

Their retractable necks and long skulls show characteristics more 'typical of birds', El País reported.

They were also found to have strong, light bones and no teeth, the presenters said.

They said they had implants of cadmium and osmium metals, with osmium one of the most scarce elements in the Earth's crust and considered the rarest precious metal.

But most scientists have rebuked claims that the bodies are from another world, with a number saying they are more likely to be mummies made up of various earthly beings.

Julieta Fierro, a scientist at Mexico's National Autonomous University's (UNAM) Institute of Astronomy who reviewed the specimens, said samples were related to brain and skin tissues from mummies who died at different times.

Dr Benitez, who presented the findings alongside Maussan, earlier challenged scientists to take samples of the alleged alien bodies and conduct studies themselves before labelling it a hoax.

'Based on the DNA tests, which were compared with more than one million species... they are not related to what is known or described up to this moment by science or by human knowledge,' he told journalists.

But Fierro, looking at Maussan's test results for Reuters, said her observations 'do not show anything mysterious that could indicate life compounds that do not exist on Earth.'

Elsa Tomasto-Cagigao, a respected Peruvian bio-anthropologist, has also revealed her frustration at the claims, citing similar alleged finds that were found to be frauds.

'What we said before still stands, they are presenting the same rehash as always and if there are people that keep believing that, what can we do?,' she said.

'It is so crass and so simple that there is nothing more to add.'

Suspicion has also arisen after a previous purported 'discovery' by Maussan and Dr Benitez was debunked.

In 2015, they claimed that a mummified body found near Nazca in Peru belonged to an alien.

Following tests, it was later to discovered to be the remains of a human child.



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495d0e No.91240

File: d257018c7a41f9c⋯.png (509.53 KB,1122x839,1122:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576896 (191505ZSEP23) Notable: Wayne County, Michigan, never lawfully certified their 2020 presidential election results, potentially making Donald Trump the winner.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Wayne County, Michigan, never lawfully certified their 2020 presidential election results, potentially making Donald Trump the winner.


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495d0e No.91241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576980 (191522ZSEP23) Notable: #24041

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final bun o' fun for #24041

ty bv fer the 6 - shillz never stood a chance

hold yer laties tight we clos'n this one down

czech em

#24041 >>91214

>>91217 Sounds like @pawpatrol is run by groomers who are after your kids. PARENTS BEWARE

>>91215, >>91216 Are we in the Storm? Some dasting things going on

>>91219 "No Soliciting!" Dumb Cop Told to SHUT UP by First Amendment Auditor!

>>91224 Former President Donald Trump plans to skip the second Republican presidential debate and come to Metro Detroit instead to rally unionized auto workers...

>>91225, >>91227, >>91228, >>91233, >>91234, >>91235 F-35B stealth fighter jet crash landing site in Williamsburg County, SC (Supposedly)

>>91226 LIVE - Ahoy The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/19/2023

>>91218, >>91220, >>91221, >>91222, >>91223 B.I.S NWO, videos, screenshots and research, now also on tora.

>>91229 Russell Brand will no longer make money from streaming his videos on YouTube after the site suspended his ability to monetize his presence Tuesday...

>>91230, >>91231, >>91232 House committee meetings and other happenings for 9/19/2023

>>91236 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: HH 211: Jets from a Forming Star

>>91237 BREAKING: House to hold first Biden impeachment inquiry hearing next Thursday

>>91238 Now NYT admits that Ukraine fired the missile, not Russia."

>>91239 Mummified 'alien corpses' are from single skeletons and were not assembled, Mexican doctor claims as he examines 'eggs' in one of the 'non-human' bodies...

>>91240 Wayne County, Michigan, never lawfully certified their 2020 presidential election results, potentially making Donald Trump the winner.

>>>/qresearch/19576939 Marco Polo Biden crime family resource link

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495d0e No.91242

File: 2122d4472a08b1f⋯.png (236.26 KB,535x311,535:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 6268d24430dc4ac⋯.png (246.8 KB,491x329,491:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576997 (191527ZSEP23) Notable: #24042

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morn'n baker requesting handoff - call the ball baker

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495d0e No.91243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19576999 (191527ZSEP23) Notable: Ray Epps has been charged relating to January 6, Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds

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New - Ray Epps has been charged relating to January 6.

He faces one count: "Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds"


brought forward from LB

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495d0e No.91244

File: a654de1ee825a6c⋯.jpg (158.01 KB,1398x1080,233:180,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577007 (191528ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000059

Biden Seeks To Undermine Nuclear Power In The United States, A Very Bad Idea For National Energy Security


MY COMMENT: Meanwhile the regime is banning traditional appliances like incandescent light bulbs, gas stoves, gas and propane generators, ceiling fans, older refrigeration units, air conditioners, water filtering systems, and more! They also depleted the nations strategic oil reserves to keep gas prices artificially low temporarily. Now they wish to undermine our entire energy grid by blocking oil leases and redefining Uranium by claiming it is "non-critical" although nuclear power provides 20 percent our nation's energy. All of this while they are bringing us closer to world war! Can you say staging the event for a major loss!?

Long List Of Economic Sabotage Against America By The Biden Regime


Industrial Sabatoge: Another Key US Infrastructure Installation Has Gone Up In Flames


If you close your eyes in the middle of a war does that make you immune from defeat?

Surge Pricing ‘Will Eventually Be Everywhere’ Warns Financial Times


A violent assault on a Seattle gas station clerk by teenagers, all for $100 and cigarettes, further highlights the growing culture of violence plaguing America's younger generation. Progressive cities like Seattle have defunded police and only emboldened criminals to commit thefts and other violent crimes.


Leaked South Africa Pfizer Contract Admits Covid Clot Shots Are EXPERIMENTAL, They DO NOT Know If They Are Safe!


Hunter Biden Sues IRS For Violating His Privacy After Congressional Hearings About Corruption


US Government Declared The Number One Creator Of World's Bioweapons


New Project, GatGPT, Creating AI That Is Not Owned By Big Tech, Government Mafia


The Rockefeller Secret Covenant Plan - Just Like The Protocols Of Zion - The Entire Plot Is Laid Out


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495d0e No.91245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577053 (191539ZSEP23) Notable: Sikh and Muslim groups discuss alleged assassination of B.C. Sikh leader

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Sikh and Muslim groups discuss alleged assassination of B.C. Sikh leader – September 19, 2023: Live


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495d0e No.91246

File: 22729bb1933245d⋯.jpeg (448.86 KB,1170x862,585:431,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577069 (191545ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Biden has just said that he has gotten rid of certain WMD’s, but other countries have not done so. This puts us in an untenable negotiating position...

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Biden has just said that he has gotten rid of certain WMD’s, but other countries have not done so. This puts us in an untenable negotiating position to get others to do the same, or anything. Just like the 6 Billion Dollars so unnecessarily given. This guy is either the dumbest “leader” in world history, or actually wants to destroy the United States!


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495d0e No.91247

File: 845616e5ad57cc9⋯.png (511.18 KB,801x799,801:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ab80369b163b21⋯.jpg (202.05 KB,1080x1290,36:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577070 (191545ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The Election Cheaters hate to see this. MAGA!

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The Election Cheaters hate to see this. MAGA!

11:33am ET


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495d0e No.91248

File: 6ff4331f95ee8b3⋯.jpeg (12.5 KB,160x160,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4fa08ac6e9522fd⋯.jpeg (637.82 KB,1072x2426,536:1213,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1952ed1c0e6d0e8⋯.jpeg (357.75 KB,1068x1268,267:317,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 51cd4cbb76daa6c⋯.jpeg (446.53 KB,1096x1962,548:981,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577096 (191554ZSEP23) Notable: Refresher: Autopsy Shows FBI Agents Executed ‘Domestic Terrorist’ in Michigan Days Before Fake Whitmer Kidnapping Plot was Rolled Out

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Autopsy Shows FBI Agents Executed ‘Domestic Terrorist’ in Michigan Days Before Fake Whitmer Kidnapping Plot was Rolled Out

Shane TrejoJun 7, 2022

An autopsy report revealed by the Detroit News has shown that the FBI executed an alleged “domestic terrorist” in Michigan days before they rolled out their phony Whitmer kidnapping plot.

43-year-old Eric Mark-Matthew Allport was shot once in the back and three times in the head as FBI agents confronted him in the parking lot of a Madison Heights steakhouse. One FBI agent was wounded during the ambush. The FBI and the Oakland County Medical Examiner’s Office attempted to keep details about the case hidden from the public, but the Detroit News obtained the autopsy report following an appeal.

This all occurred on Oct. 2, 2020 — just days before the fake Whitmer kidnapping was rolled out in an October surprise meant to influence the presidential election. Allport was riddled with bullet holes by the FBI as they supposedly attempted to apprehend him on illegal gun charges.

“It almost mirrors Ruby Ridge, what they did to Eric,” Allport’s mother, Judy Grider, said to the Detroit News. As a child, Allport’s family were neighbors with Randy Weaver, the patriotic martyr whose family was gruesomely murdered by federal agents who ensnared him in an entrapment plot during a lengthy standoff in Idaho.

American Greatness senior writer Julie Kelly pointed out the troubling undercurrent beneath this deep state atrocity:

Big League Politics reported on how the Whitmer kidnapping was revealed to be a hoax and the alleged perpetrators were allowed to go free in a jury trial:

“A federal jury in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has found two suspects in the FBI-encouraged plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer not guilty and is deadlocked on two others.

The jury reached the verdict around 2 p.m. on Friday, declaring Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta of not guilty of all charges, Fox 2 Detroit reported. The two men had been accused of engaging in a conspiracy to kidnap the governor. It appears those who levied the charges were not particularly fond of their choices in gun ownership as well; Harris had previously been accused of illegally possessing an ‘unregistered’ semiautomatic rifle with a barrel length of under 16 inches, a charge that was later dismissed along with the rest.

The Jury has yet to return verdicts for the other two men in the alleged plot, Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr.”

The federal scumbags likely attempted to entrap Allport, and when he failed to go along with their diabolical schemes, they gunned him down to keep him quiet.This is part and parcel for the Satan worshipers in control of the FBIand other demonic alphabet soup agencies in Washington D.C.

“Allport moved to Madison Heights, in a suburb of Detroit, about six years ago and opened a business that trained K9 dogs to work in drug detection and facilitated dog training inmate programs with prisons, Detroit News reported. Michigan Department of Corrections spokesman told Detroit News that Allport had a 2003 conviction for receiving and concealing stolen property, concealed weapons and aggravated assault.”

(It appears that FBI have been going after white extremists even before Trump left office. This guy was friends with the Weavers at Ruby Ridge but he turned his life around. FBI may have tried to recruit him for the Whitmer plot and didn’t want any part of it.)


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495d0e No.91249

File: 6ff4331f95ee8b3⋯.jpeg (12.5 KB,160x160,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577129 (191601ZSEP23) Notable: Refresher: Autopsy Shows FBI Agents Executed ‘Domestic Terrorist’ in Michigan Days Before Fake Whitmer Kidnapping Plot was Rolled Out

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FBI must release review in killing of extremist

Jun 25, 2022

The Detroit News

Whenever a citizen dies at the hands of law enforcement, the public is owed a full accounting of why it was necessary to use lethal force. The federal government has yet to explain the decision byagents to shoot and kill Eric Mark-Matthew Allport outside a Madison Heights restaurant in October 2020.

Allport, 43, was not a sympathetic figure.

He lived next door to, and was friends with, Randy Weaver, whose wife and son were killed in an FBI siege at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in 1992. He later served an 11-year sentence for shooting at police officers and supported the anti-government Boogaloo movement.

That history may have something to do with the failure thus far to disclose the details of his death, which occurred during a daytime shoot-out in a Texas Roadhouse parking lot in Madison Heights. He was shot seven times, according to the autopsy.

The FBI describe Allport as an anti-government extremist known to have a cache of weapons, including an illegal machine gun, which the FBI said was found in his truck at the scene. He was wanted on an illegal possession charge at the time of the shooting.

An FBI agent was reportedly wounded during the exchange, and the implication is the agent was shot by Allport. The bureau has acknowledged to The Detroit News that its review of the incident was completed last fall, but thus far has been unresponsive to requests for its release. It took The News more than a year just to obtain the autopsy, which also is a public document.

Several questions remain, including:

≤ Why was Allport confronted in broad daylight in the parking lot outside a post office and restaurant?Was any consideration given to the danger presented to bystanders? Why did they choose not to arrest him at his home or business?

≤ The confrontation came five days before federal agents rounded up the suspects in the kidnap plotagainst Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and just a month before the 2020 election. Is there a connection? Was the intent to take a sympathizer off the street to minimize the risk of a violent response to the arrests?

≤ Did Allport shoot the wounded agent, or was the injury caused by friendly fire?An FBI spokeswoman, in a statement to The Detroit News, said Allport drew a handgun and fired at officers. Do civilian witnesses corroborate that account?

≤ What is the justification for withholding the official review?

The handling of this federal shooting differs markedly from the way the Justice Department reacted following the killing by law enforcement in 2009 of Luqman Ameen Abdullah, an imam at a mosque on Detroit’s west side. The government, then under intense community pressure, eventually disclosed the details of that investigation. The conclusion was that the imam was armed and threatening. And already the Justice Department has released more about the death of Ashli Babbitt, who was killed by a U.S. Capitol Police lieutenant during the insurrection on Jan. 6.

There’s no such public outcry surrounding Allport’s death. But there shouldn’t have to be.

As we’ve learned over the past two years of intense scrutiny of police shootings, the character of the deceased is immaterial. Secrecy works only to build suspicion. Nearly two years is too long.

“When you have law enforcement shootings, it’s appropriate to demand greater transparency,î Suffolk University Law School professor Michael Avery, past president of the nonprofit National Police Accountability Project, told The News. “What haven’t we been told?î”

That’s the key question. The government’s review might help answer it. It should be released immediately.

(The FBI has still not released anything on them killing him, the following is from another article):

Allport’s former partner, Rachel Charnley, said he appeared to have turned his life around after leaving prison for a separate shooting and moving to Michigan six years ago.

He ran a dog-training business, got married last month and his pregnant wife is expected to give birth later this month, Charnley said.

The team of FBI agents involved in the attempted Allport arrest likely knew about his background and ties to Ruby Ridge, said Andrew Arena, former special agent in charge of the FBI office in Detroit.

“They’re going to know as much about a person as they can,” Arena said. “And that goes into how you formulate your arrest plan or search plan. You want as much intelligence as you can get.”


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495d0e No.91250

File: addacb7b168de06⋯.png (433.9 KB,719x766,719:766,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577143 (191605ZSEP23) Notable: Ray Epps has been charged relating to January 6, Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds

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>Ray Epps has been charged

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495d0e No.91251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577213 (191618ZSEP23) Notable: Ray Epps has been charged relating to January 6, Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds

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Ray Epps, subject of Tucker Carlson's Jan. 6 conspiracy theories, charged by DOJ

Epps entered Capitol grounds on Jan. 6 as a supporter of former President Donald Trump. He told the Jan. 6 committee that the conspiracy theories about him ruined his life.

Ray Epps, a Jan. 6 participant whose removal from the FBI's Capitol Violence webpage sparked conspiracy theories that he was a federal informant, was charged in connection with the Capitol attack on Tuesday.

Epps is charged with one misdemeanor count, disorderly or disruptive conduct on restricted grounds. He was charged by information, which suggests that he plans to enter a plea deal.

The criminal information charges that Epps "did knowingly, and with intent to impede and disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business and official functions, engage in disorderly and disruptive conduct in and within such proximity to, a restricted building and grounds—that is, any posted, cordoned-off, and otherwise restricted area within the United States Capitol and its grounds, where the Vice President was and would be temporarily visiting—when and so that such conduct did in fact impede and disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business and official functions, and attempted and conspired to do so."

Most of the thousands who unlawfully gathered on the restricted grounds of the U.S. Capitol have not been charged unless they engaged in some sort of aggravating conduct, like attacking police or destroying property. Video shows that Epps attempted to deescalate tensions between the police and rioters, though he's also shown with his hands on a giant Trump sign the rioters jammed into the police line. A federal judge acquitted another Jan. 6 participant who had his hand on that same sign, saying that his intent was unclear.

Epps is not charged with entering the Capitol; he is only known to have been on the grounds on Jan. 6. NBC News reached out to lawyers representing Epps, who did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In an interview with the Jan. 6 committee last year, Epps said that he'd gone to Washington, D.C., in January 2021 as a supporter of former President Donald Trump, but that the conspiracy theories that followed had torn his life apart.

“I never intended to break the law," Epps, a former Marine, told the committee. "It’s not in my DNA. I’ve never — I’m sure you’ve looked up my record. I don’t break the law.”

Epps filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News and former host Tucker Carlson for spreading the conspiracy theories suggesting that Epps was some sort of agent of the federal government.

Representatives for Fox News and for Carlson did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The unsupported notion that Epps was some sort of government agent who was inciting the mob to storm the Capitol has become widely accepted in right-wing circles, and even members of Congress have raised the Epps case during congressional hearings. Dominic Pezzola, a member of the Proud Boys who was sentenced to 10 years for his actions on Jan. 6, even invoked Epps’ name at trial.


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495d0e No.91252

File: 3279c415366caa1⋯.png (897.66 KB,810x1268,405:634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577218 (191620ZSEP23) Notable: 9/17 @realDonaldTrump Reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy American and Israel...

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495d0e No.91253

File: 8240f0b1e977858⋯.webp (122.53 KB,1480x986,740:493,Clipboard.webp)

File: 6ebf1e9c70988e2⋯.webp (275.09 KB,1680x1166,840:583,Clipboard.webp)

File: 10a358107f1a1be⋯.jpeg (14.7 KB,160x160,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577227 (191621ZSEP23) Notable: Refresher: Autopsy Shows FBI Agents Executed ‘Domestic Terrorist’ in Michigan Days Before Fake Whitmer Kidnapping Plot was Rolled Out

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>>91248 (they shot Alrwood one in the back 3 in the head, similar to Robertson 74 year crippled old man last month)

‘He has a gun!’ An eyewitness details what happened when the FBI came to a Provo neighborhood

Aug. 10, 2023

“Craig Robertson, come out with your hands up! This is the FBI.”

That’s what residents of a quaint, suburban neighborhood pushed up against Provo Canyon near the BYU campus say they woke up to in the early morning hours Wednesday.

“It sounded like it was coming from inside my house,” said one neighbor, who asked not to be identified.

What followed was a barrage of gunshots. Moments later, authorities carried the overweight, elderly man out of his house, placed him on the sidewalk and tried, unsuccessfully, to render first aid, according to the witness. Several neighbors saidhis body remained on the concrete for two hours as blood soaked througha white sheet paramedics placed over him.

The FBI has not released details about the shooting. The neighbor’s eyewitness account provides the clearest picture so far of the fatal encounter between authorities and 75-year-old Craig Robertson.

After the sound of about six gunshots, “you hear them yell ‘shots fired, shots fired. He has a gun!’ And then a whole bunch more shots,” said the neighbor.There was such a loud barrage they were unable to tell how many timesthe agents inside Robertson’s home fired. “They were all shooting at the same time ... and at that point in time, I was in get-my-kid mode.”

Neighbors say Robertson was shot and killed between 6 and 6:30 a.m. Wednesday as the FBI carried out a raid related to his social media posts where he made threats to President Joe Biden and other Democrats. Not long after the shooting, Biden arrived in Utah as part of a tour of Western states.

Robertson had been under FBI surveillance for a number of months, according to a federal criminal complaint filed Tuesday. He was charged with making interstate threats, making threats against federal law enforcement and making threats against the president.

“I hear Biden is coming to Utah. Digging out my old ghille suit and cleaning the dust off the m24 sniper rifle. Welcom, buffoon-in-chief!” Robertson wrote on social media.

Neighbors who spoke with the Deseret News describedRobertson as a markedly different person than what he portrayed online. One person called him a “teddy bear”known for his woodworking who would sit in the same seat at church every Sunday; another said he was barely mobile, weighed nearly 300 pounds and was unable to walk without a cane. He would drive to church, despite it only being about 200 yards from his home, because he had so much trouble moving around.

Neighbors also described a harrowing scene, with dozens of agents converging on the Provo house, rifles drawn and hiding behind bulletproof shields as flash bangs exploded.

“I just can’t believe that this man warranted that kind of response,”said Travis Clark, who lived up the street from Robertson.

The neighbor who spoke on the condition of anonymity said they were shocked by the police presence and disturbed by what they saw after the shooting.

“I understand they have procedures that have to be followed. But having his body out there for so long when there’s kids in the cul-de-sac ... they could have done more. Because he was bleeding through the sheet,” said the neighbor who asked to remain anonymous.

Through pictures and videos, the Deseret News was able to confirm the neighbor watched the scene unfold.

A neighborhood becomes a crime scene

It started early. The trucks rolled in quietly, under the cover of darkness, parking on lawns and blocking driveways in the suburb. It’s an unassuming street, where cottonwood trees grow in lawns and children ride bikes and scooters. But by Wednesday morning, it was blocked off with crime scene tape as investigators combed through the property.

It wasn’t until agents began calling to Robertson with a megaphone that the witness noticed the police. They looked out their window to see “dozens” of agents wearing fatigues and tactical gear with “FBI” plastered across their body armor. Parked nearly on the witness’ lawn was a tactical vehicle. The agents lined up in front of Robertson’s door, ordering him to exit with his hands up.

When Robertson wouldn’t comply, agents attempted to break his front door down, the neighbor said. The thud of a battering ram echoed through their house, at first sounding like a gunshot. The neighbor compared it to an “armory door. They could not get it open.” …


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495d0e No.91254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577236 (191623ZSEP23) Notable: PA: Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour

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12:45 PM EDT

Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation, Reading, Pennsylvania

Vice President Harris participates in a moderated conversation with Annie Gonzalez as part of the "Fight for Our Freedoms" college tour.


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495d0e No.91255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577265 (191629ZSEP23) Notable: “Ring Of Fire Eclipse” On October 14th Will Combine With Another Eclipse In 2024 To Form A Giant “X” Over “The Empty Cross” In Texas

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The “Ring Of Fire Eclipse” On October 14th Will Combine With Another Eclipse In 2024 To Form A Giant “X” Over “The Empty Cross” In Texas

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495d0e No.91256

File: 3599818702c42de⋯.png (168.46 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 423b2bd5f3dffa0⋯.png (169.5 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577271 (191631ZSEP23) Notable: Trump child actor

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Gonna. Get beat up for this


What have we learned about actors ?

This one's different ?

Same criteria...professional bullshitter

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495d0e No.91257

File: ea964cc8c067160⋯.png (313.51 KB,598x621,26:27,Clipboard.png)

File: 4091e206f0219c9⋯.png (4.83 MB,1337x8013,1337:8013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577279 (191632ZSEP23) Notable: @MELANIATRUMP Check out Melania Trump’s new collection of Christmas ornaments, up for sale

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97th Annual National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony


Check out Melania Trump’s new collection of Christmas ornaments

The ornaments are up for sale on her website, USA Memorabilia



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495d0e No.91258

File: c08823a99a48080⋯.jpg (68.11 KB,960x627,320:209,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577346 (191645ZSEP23) Notable: Maritime industry explores nuclear power for ships as technology opens up

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Maritime industry explores nuclear power for ships as technology opens up

By Jonathan Saul

September 19, 202311:37 AM EDTUpdated an hour ago

A speed boat and a sail boat pass as the USS Ronald Reagan, departs for Yokosuka, Japan from Naval Station North Island in San Diego

A speed boat and a sail boat pass as the USS Ronald Reagan, a Nimitz-class nuclear-powered super carrier, departs for Yokosuka, Japan from Naval Station North Island in San Diego, California August 31, 2015. REUTERS/Mike Blake/File Photo Acquire Licensing Rights

Pressure growing on shipping sector to decarbonise faster

Nuclear fuel options being seen as cleanest solution

Any nuclear solutions seen at least 10 years away

LONDON, Sept 19 (Reuters) - The maritime industry is exploring whether nuclear fuel can be used to power commercial ships as advancements in technology open up such options, industry officials said.

Nevertheless, any possible nuclear fuel solutions for ships are at least 10 years away they added.

Shipping accounts for nearly 3% of global CO2 emissions and the industry is under pressure from investors and environmentalists to find cleaner fuel solutions, which include ammonia, methanol and wind.


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495d0e No.91259

File: 3c003efc1ba3161⋯.png (2.63 MB,1375x1100,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577391 (191653ZSEP23) Notable: STAR ANISE HEALTH BENEFITS/cloves

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495d0e No.91260

File: ea7a0df1e738dd8⋯.png (247.39 KB,600x581,600:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577396 (191654ZSEP23) Notable: Germany bans hammerskins, ties to US???

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495d0e No.91261

File: 78c96057c91d327⋯.jpeg (170.37 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577420 (191659ZSEP23) Notable: NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike/Zelensky @UN

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19 Sep, 2023 08:40

NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike

An investigation contradicts the Ukrainian president’s claim that a Russian attack killed civilians the same day as a visit by the US secretary of state

A New York Times investigation'strongly suggested' on Monday that Ukrainian forces were responsible for a deadly missile strikeat a Donbass market, on the day US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited the country.

The incident on September 6 in the Kiev-controlled Donbass city of Konstantinovka killed at least 15 civilians and injured scores of others.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky immediately accused Russia of launching the strike and claimed that any “attempts to deal with anything Russian” meant turning a blind eye to “the audacity of evil.” Many Western media outlets and some governments endorsed his statement.

The NYT said evidence pointed toa “tragic mishap” involving a Ukrainian anti-air Buk missile that apparently veered off course. The newspaper analyzed missile fragments, satellite imagery, witness accounts, and social media posts to come to the conclusion. It noted that Ukrainian authorities tried to prevent journalists from accessing the impact site.

Some people unsympathetic to the Russian cause, including Bild journalist Julian Ropcke and the open-source intelligence analysis group CIT suggested Kiev’s responsibility shortly after the incident. The Ukrainian government indicated that it considered Russian guilt to be beyond any doubt.

“What would an investigation be needed for, if all is obvious for us?” Zelensky’s senior aide Mikhail Podoliak told the media at the time. He called any other scenario, including a Ukrainian error, “ridiculous.”

The missile was apparently one of the two fired by Ukrainian forces from the outskirts of the town of Druzhkovka some 15 km to the northwest of Konstantinovka, NYT reported. The projectile was likely a 9M38 model used by the Buk system, the newspaper concluded based on forensic evidence. Considering the short distance from the presumed launch point, it probably crashed with much of its fuel unspent, and the subsequent explosion left scorch marks at the scene.

Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia mentioned the incident in a speech last week, suggesting that Kiev may have orchestrated it deliberately to coincide with Blinken’s visit. He added that as the evidence clearly contradicts Zelensky’s accusation, “the Kiev regime and its sponsors are trying to hush up this story and keep it off radar.”

The Ukrainian president similarly attributed to Russia a missile strike in Poland which killed two farmers last November. He urged “collective action” in retaliation, but Warsaw said it was most likely a projectile fired by a Ukrainian S-300 air defense system that caused the deaths.

At least one Kiev official has been forced to resign after attributing a strike to Ukrainian forces that his government had pinned on Russia. Aleksey Arestovich quit his post as an advisor to the president in January, amid pressure over an interview in which he suggested that anapartment block in the city of Dnepr was hit by a Ukrainian interceptor rather than a Russian cruise missile.

The Russian military has maintained since the start of the conflict that it only targets military objectives in its operations.

(This NYTs article tells you the US and EU are getting ready to cut loose Ukraine and Zelensky. He’s gone too far with his threats to the West supporting him.)


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495d0e No.91262

File: f85d5ea23e9b7a1⋯.png (616.48 KB,556x889,556:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577422 (191659ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Each Monday when I go to our Leadership mtg I take a big handful of Hersey kisses from McConnell’s office/hear say? heresy?/anon?

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9:08 = 17

Chuck Grassley


Each Monday when I go to our Leadership mtg I take a big handful of Hersey kisses from McConnell’s office So for my bday Ldr McConnell got me a giant Hersey THX MITCH

9:08 AM · Sep 19, 2023


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495d0e No.91263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577429 (191701ZSEP23) Notable: NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike/Zelensky @UN

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495d0e No.91264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577431 (191701ZSEP23) Notable: STAR ANISE HEALTH BENEFITS/cloves

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Information on its vitamin and mineral content is lacking, but considering the small amount of spice you may use at any one time, its nutritional value may be less significant (1Trusted Source).

Nonetheless, it’s an impressive source of several powerful bioactive compounds — all of which are vital contributors to good health.

The most valuable component of star anise may lie within its dense supply of flavonoids and polyphenols. These may primarily be responsible for the spice’s broad applications and medicinal benefits (2).

Some of the major health-promoting compounds found in star anise include (2, 3Trusted Source, 4):




Shikimic acid

Gallic acid


Together, these compounds may contribute to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of star anise.

Some animal and test-tube research indicates that the antioxidant capacity of this spice may even possess anti-cancer properties, such as reducing tumor size (5Trusted Source, 6).

Ultimately, more research is needed to better understand how the bioactive compounds in star anise may support human health.


Star anise is rich in a variety of flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds that may contribute to its medicinal capacity.

Offers Medicinal Benefits

Star anise has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years and has also been accepted into some Western medicine practices more recently.

Its rise in popularity is largely driven by its antimicrobial properties and pharmacological potential.

Antiviral Capabilities

One of the most popular pharmacologically relevant attributes of star anise is its shikimic acid content.

Shikimic acid is a compound with strong antiviral capabilities. In fact, it’s one of the main active ingredients in Tamiflu, a popular medication for the treatment of influenza (7).

Currently, star anise is the primary source of shikimic acid used for pharmaceutical product development. As the influenza pandemic continues to mount as a threat to global health, the demand for star anise is on the rise (7).

Some test-tube research has also shown that the essential oil of star anise may treat other types of viral infections, including herpes simplex type 1 (8Trusted Source).

Though star anise is frequently used for treating influenza, more research is needed to further understand its potential to treat other viral infections in humans.

Antifungal Properties

Star anise is a rich source of the flavonoid anethole. This compound is responsible for the spice’s distinct flavor and offers potent antifungal benefits.

Some agricultural research has found that trans-anethole derived from star anise may inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi in certain edible crops (9Trusted Source).

Test-tube research indicates that other bioactive compounds found in star anise essential oil, like terpene linalool, may suppress biofilm and cell wall formation of infectious fungi in humans (10Trusted Source).

More research is needed to better understand the applications for star anise to treat fungal infections in humans.

Antibacterial Benefits

Another important medicinal benefit of star anise is its ability to inhibit bacterial growth implicated in a variety of common illnesses.

Some research has revealed that star anise extract is as effective as antibiotics against multiple drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria. This may be particularly useful for future development of new antibiotic medications (11Trusted Source).

Test-tube studies have also shown that bioactive compounds in star anise may be effective in treating urinary tract infections caused by different bacteria (12Trusted Source).

A separate study revealed star anise extract to be somewhat effective in reducing the growth of E. coli on a petri dish, though it wasn’t as effective as current, more common antibiotic treatments (13Trusted Source).

At this time, most research on the antibacterial properties of star anise is limited to animal and test-tube studies. More studies are needed to better understand how this spice may be used to support human health.


Star anise has been useful in the medical realm for treating a variety of fungal, bacterial and viral infections.

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495d0e No.91265

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577434 (191701ZSEP23) Notable: Republic vs Democracy

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"Definition of Republic." Dictionary.com. “a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.”

"Definition of Democracy." Dictionary.com. “government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their el…

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495d0e No.91266

File: 072af31e24f0375⋯.png (2.42 MB,3674x2400,1837:1200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577454 (191706ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Each Monday when I go to our Leadership mtg I take a big handful of Hersey kisses from McConnell’s office/hear say? heresy?/anon?

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He spelled Hershey wrong.

What is Hersey? Hear say?

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495d0e No.91267

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577462 (191710ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Each Monday when I go to our Leadership mtg I take a big handful of Hersey kisses from McConnell’s office/hear say? heresy?/anon?

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or Her Say?

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495d0e No.91268

File: df2d9d44237dd46⋯.jpg (10.94 KB,256x144,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577463 (191710ZSEP23) Notable: Sunac just beat Country Garden to US bankruptcy. Evergrande, Sunac and Country Garden (expected to be the next to file for bankruptcy) is a real estate disaster in the making.

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Sunac just beat Country Garden to US bankruptcy. Evergrande, Sunac and Country Garden (expected to be the next to file for bankruptcy) is a real estate disaster in the making. The exposure of US creditors makes this our problem too.

(Headline) First Evergrande, now Sunac. Another big Chinese developer files for US bankruptcy protection

By Michelle Toh, CNN

Published 7:09 AM EDT, Tue September 19, 2023


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495d0e No.91269

File: 4c16b219ac4fce3⋯.png (304.5 KB,533x560,533:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577517 (191725ZSEP23) Notable: 2022 Military Grounds Some F-35s Following Crash in Texas

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Military Grounds Some F-35s Following Crash in Texas


Remember when this one happened?

Maybe there is something wrong with the program itself.

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495d0e No.91270

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577536 (191729ZSEP23) Notable: Gaetz Demands Pre-COVID Spending And More From January Deal

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The “Rational” CR Deal | Matt Gaetz Demands Pre-COVID Spending And More From January Deal


What to hell happened with Byron Donalds


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495d0e No.91271

File: 1cbd06dcb2ebb7f⋯.png (152.09 KB,634x506,317:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577566 (191738ZSEP23) Notable: UK's "Online Safety Bill" for a "safer Internet" has passed its final parliamentary debate and will become law soon.

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@disclosetv 1h

JUST IN -UK's "Online Safety Bill" for a "safer Internet" has passed its final parliamentary debate and will become law soon.

Social media platforms that do not comply with the new rules could face fines of up to 10% of their global annual revenue.



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495d0e No.91272

File: bdb5d17c5b65b41⋯.png (89.55 KB,874x610,437:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577585 (191743ZSEP23) Notable: Ray Epps has been charged relating to January 6, Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds

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Just to shed some perspective on the Ray Epps indictment this morning: Ray Epps was indicted on ONE count: disorderly conduct or disruptive conduct. What an absolute joke. What about *seditious conspiracy*? *terrorist enhancement*?

Forget that, how about the charges that EVERYONE ELSE got... *obstruction*? *Civil disorder*? *TRESSPASSING*???? He wasnt even charged with anything related to entering the Capitol, yet everyone else who entered was.

Enrique Tarrio got 22 years & wasnt even there.


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495d0e No.91273

File: b104c06472c081c⋯.png (317.65 KB,552x464,69:58,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b16478dd43558f⋯.mp4 (3.34 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577590 (191744ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Each Monday when I go to our Leadership mtg I take a big handful of Hersey kisses from McConnell’s office/hear say? heresy?/anon?

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Repost with correct video

Check this out… at the 17 sec mark Fox shows the popular picture that an anon uses here for a meme …..


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495d0e No.91274

File: d21599bdf22da82⋯.png (188.42 KB,534x612,89:102,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577631 (191759ZSEP23) Notable: #ICYMI Germany 🇩🇪 became the 29th nation to join the #Artemis Accords. Together, like-minded spacefaring nations are safeguarding outer space, fostering global collaboration...

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#ICYMI Germany 🇩🇪 became the 29th nation to join the #Artemis Accords. Together, like-minded spacefaring nations are safeguarding outer space, fostering global collaboration & ensuring safe, sustainable space exploration for all.


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495d0e No.91275

File: 338e8b11b40474b⋯.png (51.76 KB,761x388,761:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577636 (191801ZSEP23) Notable: Biden failed to report more than $5 million in incomein his sworn financial disclosures for the years 2017-19

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DEVELOPING: PresidentBiden failed to report more than $5 million in incomein his sworn financial disclosures for the years 2017-19, when millions of dollars flowed into several Biden family members' bank accounts from China.The discrepancy shows up in CelticCapri Corp line item

11:16 AM · Sep 19, 2023



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495d0e No.91276

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577659 (191807ZSEP23) Notable: St. Louis FBI officials encourage school districts to adopt Safe Schools Initiative

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St. Louis FBI officials encourage school districts to adopt Safe Schools Initiative

FBI officials say in four of five school shootings, at least one other person knew of the attacker’s plan but failed to report it.

Now that a new school year is underway, active shooter intervention is a very real concern, once again. In fact, many administrators are taking action to intervene way before there is an act of violence.

Officials at the St. Louis branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigation are advocating for such intervention. The FBI program is called the Safe Schools Initiative. It gets involved at the school district level way before a gunman breaks into a classroom.

Instead, the program solicits the input of fellow students, parents, teachers, administrators, counselors and social workers – anyone who knows a student who is exhibiting potentially threatening behavior.

FBI officials say in four of five school shootings, at least one other person knew of the attacker’s plan but failed to report it. Almost all mass school shooters shared threatening or concerning messages or images in advance.

Dr. Greg Wagener, a student discipline coordinator within the Parkway School District, said Parkway adapted the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment guideline, which is a program authored by Dr. Dewey Cornell at the University of Virginia.

Wagener said Cornell is a forensic psychologist who has been looking at threat assessment and public safety for decades.

“What that does is – if a student makes a potential threat – instead of a reactive response of discipline, or consequences or suspension, we go into an investigative mode of involving administrators, counselors, social workers, law enforcement to really investigate the threat the student made," Wagener said.

“A number of districts have started to lean in here across a variety of counties in and around St. Louis area. What we’re starting to see is schools recognized pulling together these cross-disciplinary teams that involve counseling resources, school administrators, resource officers, allows these children in distress to be addressed before law enforcement needs to intervene,” Jay Greenberg, FBI-St. Louis special agent in charge, said.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol operates Courage2Report, a 24/7 resource where you can report school safety concerns anonymously. Call 1-866-748-7047 or text “C2R” to 738477. You can also report concerning behavior at 1-800-CALL-FBI and fbi.gov.

FBI officials say a handful of states have legislative mandates requiring schools to create threat assessment teams. Missouri is not one of them.

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495d0e No.91277

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577661 (191809ZSEP23) Notable: NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike/Zelensky @UN

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Zelenskyy [United Nations]: History shows it was Russia who deserved nuclear disarmament the most back in 1990s, and Russia deserves it now. Terrorists have no right to hold nuclear weapons.

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495d0e No.91278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577668 (191812ZSEP23) Notable: House Judiciary Committee Examines Proposed Constitutional Amendments

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LIVE: House Judiciary Committee Examines Proposed Constitutional Amendments

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495d0e No.91279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577686 (191815ZSEP23) Notable: NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike/Zelensky @UN

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Zelenskyy: When hatred is weaponized against one nation, it never stops there. Each decade, Russia starts a new war.

[Russia is the target of 'global hatred' because it is cleaning up the criminal state of Ukraine that most countries are involved with]

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495d0e No.91280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577696 (191817ZSEP23) Notable: NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike/Zelensky @UN

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Zelenskyy is talking climate change at the U.N.

KeK, this little fella is pushing all the right DS buttons

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495d0e No.91281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577697 (191817ZSEP23) Notable: NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike/Zelensky @UN

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Zelenskyy: The goal of the present war against Ukraine, is to turn our land, our people, our lives, our resources, into a weapon against you. Against the International Rules-Based Order.

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495d0e No.91282

File: 805a497c6dc7c05⋯.mp4 (14.81 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577710 (191820ZSEP23) Notable: Evaluating CISA’s Federal Civilian Executive Branch Cybersecurity Programs

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[Evaluating CISA’s Federal Civilian Executive Branch Cybersecurity Programs] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6zLiYzrqw4

Gimenes: Sir, I, I, I was listening to your, your testimony and and it struck me, were you saying basically that the United States cyber security efforts are mainly not exclusively defensive in nature?

Head: I would say that we're reactive defensive and that we're not taking actions to stop it before it happens, you know, and I think there's obviously there's difference between the offensive side and the defensive side. So the military guys have offensive capabilities that they hold in reserve. And that, that, that'll work independently. But my comment was more on the side of, don't just wait till something happens and, and develop a process to know about it and report it sooner, work on the technologies that stopped the attack in the first place.

Gimenez: But you also, I think you, you heard, you also said that the, the, cyber security threats that they can't operate with impunity, they know that nothing's ever gonna happen to them, which means they're, that they're not a afraid, afraid of any offensive capability that their target and they possess.

Head: That's correct.

Gimenez: Is that because is it illegal for the, for for us to, or a company to conduct offensive or retaliatory, operations against somebody who just attacked their network, et cetera or, or, or what, what is that?

Head: I think there's many levels to that. I've been asked several times about, should we take off the gloves and let people that are, that are hit, hit back. And I'm not a big fan of that approach because you could end up starting a nuclear war just by, you know, doing something crazy. So II I don't think we wanna go vigilante, but I do think we need better clarity.

When I first started looking at this a decade ago, we had a guy that had a bunch of, of documents stolen and he put scripts in his documents so that when they got to wherever they were going to, they would call him and let him know where they ended up. They arrested him for operating shell scripts on a, on a computer without permission.

Gimenez: That's crazy. You know, so being able to trace that we could, we need to clarify.

Gimenez: Was that, was that illegal?

Head: Yes, he didn't have permission from the guy that attacked him to run scripts on the attacker's computer. And so he included executable files in what was stolen and he was arrested for that. So there's, there's a little bit of crack smoking that goes on in the, the legal world that we need to fix, right?

Gimenez: So somebody attacked him and he put something in there to make sure that he could find out who was, that attacked him. And then the person that attacked him said, hey, you couldn't do that to me even though I attacked you first. And therefore the guy that was attacked was the one. Ultimately.

Head:Yes. It sounds a lot for comedy in, in the cyber space. But I'm just saying, you know, you guys are really good about, a lot of us that have been in the defensive world forever. We, we, we, we try to figure out how to operate within the laws and make it better and it just, the reason I'm here is, is it suddenly dawned on me a year or so? Just change the law. Let's, let's get rid of the crazy.

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495d0e No.91283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577711 (191820ZSEP23) Notable: NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike/Zelensky @UN

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Zelenskyy: Over the past year, the peace formula became the basis to obtain the existing security architecture. Now we can bring back to live the UN Charter, and guarantee the full power of the Rules-Based World Order.

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495d0e No.91284

File: eb975f03046c2ca⋯.png (1.13 MB,810x8580,27:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577721 (191823ZSEP23) Notable: STAR ANISE HEALTH BENEFITS/cloves

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8 Surprising Health Benefits of Cloves

Cloves are a versatile spice that add flavor while also providing health benefits. They are high in antioxidants, may help regulate blood sugar, can kill bacteria, and more.


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495d0e No.91285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577722 (191823ZSEP23) Notable: NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike/Zelensky @UN

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Zelenskyy: While Russia is pushing the world to the final war, Ukraine is doing everything to ensure that after Russia aggression, no one in the world will dare to attack any nation.

[NATO is the one pushing the world towards World War III]

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495d0e No.91286

File: 631fe51164e26b7⋯.jpg (255.57 KB,960x720,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577738 (191826ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000060

Fears of War In Europe As Azerbaijan Launches Military Counter-terror Attack?


Biden Calls Putin A Dictator And Berates Americans For Supporting Trump


MY COMMENT: Calling at least half, possibly over half, of Americans 'domestic enemies' while you wish to start a global war you depend on 'domestic enemies' fighting for your regime is just plain dangerous and stupid! We will not.

MUH "DEMOCRACY!" 20 common functions of American life the government wants to regulate, restrict or outright ban.


These are all things that, to one extent or another, in at least some states, are under attack by governments in partnership with big and powerful corporations. And more than half of them are under attack nationwide by the federal government and its corporate partners.

Berkey Water Filter Maker Sues EPA Over Bogus Claims That Its Products Are 'Pesticides' In Order To Ban Them


MY COMMENT: I am once again glad I am a prepper and have many of these stocked up, but I also have well water which has no flouride, a rain water collection system and a water distiller! Again folks, all these bans against utilities is meant for POPULATION CONTROL. They want us dependant and enslaved!

They Ruined The Economy. Now They Wonder Why No One Is Funding Them.


Due To Massive Amounts Of Theft And Crime, Retailers Will Be Shutting Down Across Major Cities


Governments Are Perfecting Wifi Devices To Snoop On All Indoor Activities





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495d0e No.91287

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577765 (191831ZSEP23) Notable: “Where Is The Audit?”: Steve Bannon Rails American Leaders For Funding The Corrupt Ukrainian Regime

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“Where Is The Audit?”: Steve Bannon Rails American Leaders For Funding The Corrupt Ukrainian Regime. We are Anti Slaughter!



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495d0e No.91288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577821 (191838ZSEP23) Notable: #24042

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#24042 >>91242

>>91243, >>91250, >>91251, >>91272 Ray Epps has been charged relating to January 6, Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds

>>91244, >>91286 End Times News

>>91245 Sikh and Muslim groups discuss alleged assassination of B.C. Sikh leader

>>91246 @realDonaldTrump Biden has just said that he has gotten rid of certain WMD’s, but other countries have not done so. This puts us in an untenable negotiating position...

>>91247 @realDonaldTrump The Election Cheaters hate to see this. MAGA!

>>91248, >>91249, >>91253 Refresher: Autopsy Shows FBI Agents Executed ‘Domestic Terrorist’ in Michigan Days Before Fake Whitmer Kidnapping Plot was Rolled Out

>>91252 9/17 @realDonaldTrump Reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy American and Israel...

>>91254 PA: Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour

>>91255 “Ring Of Fire Eclipse” On October 14th Will Combine With Another Eclipse In 2024 To Form A Giant “X” Over “The Empty Cross” In Texas

>>91256 Trump child actor

>>91257 @MELANIATRUMP Check out Melania Trump’s new collection of Christmas ornaments, up for sale

>>91258 Maritime industry explores nuclear power for ships as technology opens up

>>91260 Germany bans hammerskins, ties to US???

>>91261, >>91263, >>91277, >>91279, >>91280, >>91281, >>91283, >>91285 NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike/Zelensky @UN

>>91262, >>91266, >>91267, >>91273 @ChuckGrassley Each Monday when I go to our Leadership mtg I take a big handful of Hersey kisses from McConnell’s office/hear say? heresy?/anon?

>>91264, >>91259, >>91284 STAR ANISE HEALTH BENEFITS/cloves

>>91265 Republic vs Democracy

>>91268 Sunac just beat Country Garden to US bankruptcy. Evergrande, Sunac and Country Garden (expected to be the next to file for bankruptcy) is a real estate disaster in the making.

>>91269 2022 Military Grounds Some F-35s Following Crash in Texas

>>91270 Gaetz Demands Pre-COVID Spending And More From January Deal

>>91271 UK's "Online Safety Bill" for a "safer Internet" has passed its final parliamentary debate and will become law soon.

>>91274 #ICYMI Germany 🇩🇪 became the 29th nation to join the #Artemis Accords. Together, like-minded spacefaring nations are safeguarding outer space, fostering global collaboration...

>>91275 Biden failed to report more than $5 million in incomein his sworn financial disclosures for the years 2017-19

>>91276 St. Louis FBI officials encourage school districts to adopt Safe Schools Initiative

>>91278 House Judiciary Committee Examines Proposed Constitutional Amendments

>>91282 Evaluating CISA’s Federal Civilian Executive Branch Cybersecurity Programs

>>91287 “Where Is The Audit?”: Steve Bannon Rails American Leaders For Funding The Corrupt Ukrainian Regime


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495d0e No.91289

File: ca96b60818a822a⋯.webp (159.3 KB,960x714,160:119,Clipboard.webp)

File: bdb5d17c5b65b41⋯.png (89.55 KB,874x610,437:305,Clipboard.png)

File: fd329c8ed01b1c1⋯.png (76.54 KB,892x523,892:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bd711817b8dfe6⋯.png (289.64 KB,400x504,50:63,Clipboard.png)

File: f41276df77e3db0⋯.png (786.29 KB,804x561,268:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577842 (191840ZSEP23) Notable: #24043-A

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Baker needs off hand, will continue till can't

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495d0e No.91290

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577862 (191843ZSEP23) Notable: New escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh, alleged Armenian military buildup

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New escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh: Live updates

Baku has launched a counter-terrorism operation in the disputed region, citing an alleged Armenian military buildup


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495d0e No.91291

File: 35bb5e797820144⋯.png (123.3 KB,792x874,396:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 06fe45f64578b40⋯.png (107.43 KB,813x861,271:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577870 (191844ZSEP23) Notable: DHS Announces Establishment of New “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group”

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DHS Announces Establishment of New “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group”


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495d0e No.91292

File: 62c9edb84bc5506⋯.png (184.31 KB,392x561,392:561,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ba32b782951366⋯.jpg (206.26 KB,884x1161,884:1161,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 82bfd2189f50ccc⋯.jpg (329.43 KB,892x1151,892:1151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 06c4b43dae241d2⋯.jpg (324.91 KB,892x1151,892:1151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dc047e5e03a9d84⋯.jpg (291.44 KB,892x1151,892:1151,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577875 (191845ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump There is no insurrection case against Trump

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1404 - https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/111093132893330874

1404b - https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/111093132128353470

1404c - https://truthsocial.com/users/realDonaldTrump/statuses/111093130999717594

1403 - https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/111093128765408475

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495d0e No.91293

File: 3313bd6ab39bbe8⋯.png (127.24 KB,543x509,543:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577878 (191846ZSEP23) Notable: Gaetz Drafts Subpoena for Hunter Biden’s Records and Deposition, Calls on Kevin McCarthy to Sign it: “Millions of Americans Are Wondering if You’re Serious”

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Rep. Matt Gaetz Drafts Subpoena for Hunter Biden’s Records and Deposition, Calls on Kevin McCarthy to Sign it: “Millions of Americans Are Wondering if You’re Serious”

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) slammed House Speaker Kevin McCarthy again Tuesday morning for his “eight months of inaction” on Joe Biden and the Biden Crime Family.

Gaetz further called on McCarthy to sign a subpoena for Hunter Biden that he took the initiative to draft.

The subpoena orders Hunter to testify under oath and produce records such as documents, contracts, agreements, and financial records from his shady business dealings; communications with Joe Biden, domestic and foreign business partners; and what appears to be records pertaining to secret global phone lines and email pseudonyms used by then-Vice President Joe Biden to communicate with Hunter and their business partners. Hunter must produce all relevant documents from January 2008 to the present.

The Gateway Pundit reported last Tuesday that Gaetz threatened to remove Speaker McCarthy for being out of compliance with the agreement that allowed him to assume his role, not holding the Bidens accountable, and advancing Biden’s inflationary spending, among other things. “Here we are, eight months later, and we haven’t even sent the first subpoena to Hunter Biden,” Gaetz said one week ago on the House floor before calling McCarthy’s announcement of an impeachment inquiry a “rushed and somewhat rattled performance.”

Trump Save America Attorney Christina Bobb recently told The Gateway Pundit that she agrees with Matt Gaetz, and there should be a vote to remove Kevin McCarthy to at least be transparent and show “which members of Congress stand where.” Watch the full exclusive interview.

Matt Gaetz put McCarthy on notice again today, saying, “@SpeakerMcCarthy, after eight months of inaction, I have taken the liberty of drafting a subpoena to Hunter Biden. It simply requires your date and signature. Millions of Americans are wondering if you’re serious.”


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495d0e No.91294

File: b348e2f4d49569d⋯.png (950.65 KB,1284x763,1284:763,Clipboard.png)

File: a0f48944c498839⋯.png (92.38 KB,554x382,277:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 776c2e2ea9961e7⋯.png (429.45 KB,1047x901,1047:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577894 (191848ZSEP23) Notable: Radical Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego Begins Implementing Climate Organization’s Goal to Ban Meat, Dairy, and Private Vehicles In 14 US Cities by 2030

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THE GREAT RESET: Radical Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego Begins Implementing Climate Organization’s Goal to Ban Meat, Dairy, and Private Vehicles In 14 US Cities by 2030

Radical left Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego is reportedly laying the groundwork in Phoenix to ban meat, dairy, and cars and carry out globalist leader Klaus Schwab’s 2030 Agenda with C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group.

Last month, The Gateway Pundit reported on the Marxist scheme by C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group and globalist leaders worldwide to ban meat, dairy, and private vehicles by 2030. The organization is headed by billionaire globalist “Mini” Mike Bloomberg and is mainly funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies. As of August 4, 2023, C40 has a membership with “mayors of nearly 100 world-leading cities collaborating to confront the climate crisis,” according to their website.

The organization’s webpage advocates for a “Global Green New Deal” that “lays out a set of principles to be adopted by cities worldwide and takes a collaborative approach to climate action.” These include:

Principles of the Global Green New Deal

We recognise the global climate emergency.

We are committed to keeping global heating below the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement by curbing emissions in the sectors that are the most significant contributors to the climate crisis: transportation, buildings, and waste.

We are committed to putting inclusive climate action at the centre of all urban decision-making to create thriving and equitable communities for everyone.

We invite our partners – political leaders, CEOs, trade unions, investors, and civil society – to join us in recognising the global climate emergency and help us deliver on science-based action to overcome it.

Phoenix Mayor Gallego, a member of C40 since 2020, now serves as “Vice Chair of the C40 Steering Committee,” which” provides strategic oversight to ensure C40’s mission and mandate are directly driven by and responsive to the needs of C40 cities.”

Their mission and mandate include a Race to Zero global campaign to reach net-zero carbon emissions in 1,000 cities worldwide and “sustainable food policies” that support “an overall increase of healthy plant-based food consumption in our cities by shifting away from unsustainable, unhealthy diets,” A.K.A. carnivorous diets.

This also comes as fraudulently elected Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs recently declared a “heat state of emergency,” mainly in Phoenix, likely meant to accelerate the implementation of these radical policies.

As The Gateway Pundit recently reported, this is the same far-left City Council and Mayor that quietly voted to unanimously approve a plan to send hundreds of firearms, valued at an estimated $200,000, to Ukraine. Advancing the war and distracting from this Marxist takeover is more of their globalist agenda for Phoenix and America.

Jeff Caldwell with EZAZ.org published more on his research into the City of Phoenix and Mayor Kate Gallego’s agenda “to reduce meat consumption” in Arizona.


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495d0e No.91295

File: ff6bbdf386180b0⋯.png (423.56 KB,917x936,917:936,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f7fe602cbddd3c⋯.png (753.87 KB,1399x1159,1399:1159,Clipboard.png)

File: e1ab90e82a5e27b⋯.png (49.02 KB,731x496,731:496,Clipboard.png)

File: c07db4a6938ec6d⋯.png (243.55 KB,607x788,607:788,Clipboard.png)

File: 5756a1ae6815b80⋯.png (536.27 KB,969x546,323:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577915 (191851ZSEP23) Notable: 5 Year Deltas Are The Best Deltas

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5 Year Deltas Are The Best Deltas

Especially when coupled with a 62 year Delta



NEW: Mexican doctors have confirmed that there is “no evidence of any assembly or manipulation of the skulls” of the so-called “non-human beings” remains recently shown to Mexico’s congress.

2:02 PM · Sep 19, 2023 ·10.1K Views

September 19, 2023 2:02 pm

Results of scientific examination of ‘non-human’ entities by Mexican doctors unveil potential eggs inside the ET’s abdomen

Scientists performed various tests on the two specimens at the Noor Clinic on Monday. The entire procedure was live-streamed on Jaime Maussan’s YouTube channel. Maussan is a long-time UFO enthusiast.

Ultimately, José Zalce Benitez, who is the director of the Health Sciences Research Institute of the Secretary of the Mexican Navy, stated that their investigations confirmed that the supposed “aliens” were part of a single skeleton and had not been put together with human-made objects.

Maussan reported that these entities had lightweight and robust bones, were toothless, and contained cadmium and osmium implants. Notably, osmium is one of the rarest elements on Earth.

He also noted that his team discovered that one of them “was alive, was intact, was biological, and was in gestation.” He pointed to significant masses inside the alleged extraterrestrial’s abdomen, suggesting that they might be eggs.

Almost one-third of their DNA is “unknown,” he testified, claiming the beings are not part of “our terrestrial evolution.”

“These specimens are not part of our evolutionary history of Earth,” Massaun told Mexican government officials and representatives from the US.

“They are not beings recovered from a UFO crash. Instead, they were found in diatom (algae) mines and subsequently became fossilized.”

“This is the first time it (extraterrestrial life) is presented in such a form and I think there is a clear demonstration that we are dealing with non-human specimens that are not related to any other species in our world,” Maussan added.

Scientists and experts question ‘alien’ specimens

Last week, Mexico hosted its inaugural congressional hearing on UFOs during which Maussan unveiled two artifacts that he asserted were proof of “non-human” life.

This event quickly gained widespread attention online, sparking both conspiracy theories and some ridicule.

A few days later, journalists were invited to document tests conducted by Jose de Jesus Zalce Benitez, a forensic doctor from the Navy.

Their previous claims about similar specimens have been dismissed by scientists who identified them as mummified human remains, BBC reported.

Responding to their appearance at the hearing, NASA scientist Dr. David Spergel raised questions about why the pair had not made their data samples publicly available.

One of the skeptics, Physics Professor Brian Cox, urged for a sample of the specimens to be sent to the biotechnology company 23andMe for an impartial confirmation of whether these specimens are indeed aliens, as reported by Sky News.

“It’s very unlikely that an intelligent species that evolved on another planet would look like us,” he said last week.

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495d0e No.91296

File: ec24d3356dfd9f4⋯.png (358.37 KB,702x846,39:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577920 (191853ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci, wife Christine Grady worth $11M last year after he retired

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Dr. Anthony Fauci, wife Christine Grady worth $11M last year after he retired: report

Former White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci and his wife, Christine Grady, reported a net worth of more than $11 million after he retired as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the end of last year.

A National Institutes of Health (NIH) termination report obtained by Fox News showed Fauci, 81, and Grady holding $11.5 million in assets — with Fauci responsible for the majority of those.

The wealth expansion came from mutual fund investments, awards, federal compensation increases, and royalties, the outlet reported, though Fauci has said he donates all of his royalties to charity.

Fauci and Grady, who serves as the chief bioethicist at NIH, also saw their net worth decline by $1.1 million in 2022 from the previous year.

As chief medical adviser to President Biden and a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force under former President Donald Trump, Fauci made more than both commanders-in-chief and was the highest-paid federal employee during the pandemic.

He exited government service with a salary of roughly $481,000, according to Fox News.

NIH declined to comment when contacted by The Post. Grady did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

An earlier investigation by the taxpayer watchdog OpenTheBooks.com found Fauci and his wife saw a massive net worth increase of $5 million between January 2019 and December 2021 — up from $7.5 million prior.

That valuation included trust, retirement, and college education accounts in addition to salary hikes, royalties, and cash awards.

The former White House COVID czar, who championed mask and vaccination mandates to halt the spread of the virus, took $1 million from at least one nonprofit, the Dan David Foundation, in 2021 for “speaking truth to power” and “defending science” under Trump.


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495d0e No.91297

File: f97ee3545165e78⋯.png (481.46 KB,760x534,380:267,Clipboard.png)

File: 0998d59e772c1bd⋯.png (899.23 KB,740x858,370:429,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c3bb29cabc9c73⋯.png (595.71 KB,729x849,243:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bc96924732a88b⋯.png (337.15 KB,747x854,747:854,Clipboard.png)

File: 6181d68950bf73a⋯.png (537.19 KB,743x780,743:780,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577937 (191858ZSEP23) Notable: Investigation Reveals NATO Supervises Ukrainian Child Abduction Groups

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Investigation Reveals NATO Supervises Ukrainian Child Abduction Groups

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have collected unique evidence of the involvement of the Ukrainian government and NATO in the organization and leadership of the criminal groups “Phoenix” and “White Angel” engaged in the illegal abduction of children and their subsequent removal to the West.

(FTBI) “White Angel” and “Phoenix” are groups of former and current law enforcement officers of Ukraine who are engaged in kidnapping underage children and, according to sources of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, taking them to Western countries through Ukraine. The Foundation to Battle Injustice has learned that the methods used by these paramilitary groups go far beyond any principles of humanity and public morality. The Foundation to Battle Injustice has obtained facts and testimonies of direct eyewitnesses of the events, which directly indicate the connection of criminal structures operating under the license of NATO with the Kiev government and personally President of Ukraine Zelensky.

The formation “White Angel”, which was formed at the end of February 2022, received its name because of the white color of the ambulance, which is used by Ukrainian police officers for conspiracy purposes. At that time, the formation “White Angel” consisted of patrol officers of the Pokrovsky district Main Department of the National Police of Ukraine and was headed by senior sergeant Lukomskyi Rustam Vasilievich, born in 1976. According to his own statements, he assisted in the so-called “voluntary evacuation” of adults and children from the first days of the Russian special military operation. According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Lukomskyi received a direct order from the leadership of the Ukrainian security forces to “evacuate as much kids as possible”, because due to panic, lack of communication and demoralization of the population, residents of the frontline areas were ready to entrust their children to “any person in military or police uniform”.



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495d0e No.91298

File: 7f8c65f52242830⋯.png (98.31 KB,750x795,50:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c24122ad37d547⋯.png (450.7 KB,734x826,367:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ee0d051429e3b3⋯.png (516.33 KB,771x857,771:857,Clipboard.png)

File: 622155ca2215a2a⋯.png (107.46 KB,739x818,739:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577946 (191900ZSEP23) Notable: Investigation Reveals NATO Supervises Ukrainian Child Abduction Groups

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According to two Foundation to Battle Injustice in Ukraine sources, in March 2022, Ivan Bakanov, former head of the Security Service of Ukraine, tacitly authorized the “Phoenix” organization to conduct forced evacuations of children from territories near war zones and gave a direct order to take “the toughest possible measures” against citizens unwilling to voluntarily surrender their children during so-called evacuation events.

After several months of almost daily raids by the “White Angel” and “Phoenix”, local residents learned about their methods and schedule and began hiding children in basements and abandoned apartments. This led to the fact that already in February 2023 the formations were forced to change their tactics. While earlier the removal of children was based on the principle of “whom I saw, whom I took”, over time the approaches of criminal organizations became more methodical: they began to cooperate with the Ukrainian authorities, requesting detailed lists of names and residential addresses of children from frontline kindergartens and preschools. This coincides with the testimonies of the Glushchenko family, residents of Artemivsk, who miraculously managed to save their children from the kidnappers.

“Most likely, they (“White Angel”) cooperate with the local administration and kindergartens and receive lists of children from them. They know exactly where the children live,” Yulia Glushchenko said in an interview with the Foundation to Battle Injustice

According to them, aggression and rudeness were briefly replaced by manipulation of parents’ desire to keep their own children safe. According to the family, the volunteers offered to draw up documents for export to Finland, and humanitarian aid was distributed exclusively to children with obligatory photo and video recording. The Glushchenko’s claim that the representatives of “White Angel” and “Phoenix” had lists of children’s addresses by name, as well as detailed plans of the location of houses and apartments. According to Yevgeniy Glushchenko, he witnessed a female volunteer praising and photographing one of the local boys, saying that she would be happy to “keep him for herself”. Later, the same woman was seen wearing an AFU military uniform.

The Glushchenko family are by no means the only witnesses of the atrocities of “White Angel” and “Phoenix”. In an interview with the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Marina N. from Artemivsk and Miroslava S. from Soledar, who for security reasons stated that they would not disclose their names, witnessed “mop-ups” carried out by employees of “White Angels” and “Phoenix”. Miroslava S. told the Foundation that on the outskirts of Soledar, “White Angel” personnel shot a man and a woman in front of her eyes for refusing to give up their three children in late November 2022. According to Miroslava’s testimony:


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495d0e No.91299

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577955 (191903ZSEP23) Notable: Sacramento County District Attorney Thien Ho announced Tuesday morning that his office has filed a civil lawsuit against the city of Sacramento over its response to the growing unhoused population

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BCFAC News 9/19/2023 Sacramento, CA — Sacramento County District Attorney Thien Ho announced Tuesday morning that his office has filed a civil lawsuit against the city of Sacramento over its response to the growing unhoused population in the area.

Ho said he filed the lawsuit around 9 a.m.

“The community is at a breaking point,” Ho said in a press conference where other Sacramento residents claimed inaction by the city to their complaints.

The lawsuit comes after months of back-and-forth between the city and the county regarding accountability over unhoused encampments.

It alleges that the city “allowed, created, and enabled a public safety crisis regarding our unhoused,” Ho said.

Ho said that the unhoused population in Sacramento has grown 250% in the last seven years, outpacing San Francisco.

The district attorney said the city should consistently enforce its ordinances regarding unlawful camping, storage and sidewalk obstructions.

"City Hall allows camping on City Hall property at night, but they don't allow it during the day. I ask the city to extend the same protection they give to themselves to the rest of us," he said.

Earlier this year on July 26, Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg and Ho met to discuss a partnership between the city and county to address homelessness issues.

Ho responded to the city a month later with a letter that included data from his office’s survey on the Sacramento homeless response, which included a 30-day notice for the city to comply with the DA’s demands.

The DA’s demands include requiring the city attorney’s office to prosecute codes and ordinances outside of his office’s jurisdiction, providing four additional city attorneys, creating more temporary emergency shelter and caping spaces, access to real-time data regarding shelter beds and a citywide daytime camping ban, among other things.

Steinberg had responded to that letter by saying it “deflects responsibility, takes credit for programs the city initiated, lacks basic understanding of existing shelter management systems and funding structures, and includes a series of demands that would cripple the city financially.”

Ho said Tuesday his office will be “demanding text messages, emails and the production of documents.” He said they plan to call 400-500 witnesses “that will talk about the city’s actions and inactions.”

The goal is to “ensure that the city follows through with its mandate,” he said.

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495d0e No.91300

File: ee0b9e024ec3d2c⋯.png (695.78 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577973 (191908ZSEP23) Notable: Canada Sentences Pastor to Prison for Speech in Which He Called Freedom Convoy Truckers ‘Heroes’

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Canada Sentences Pastor to Prison for Speech in Which He Called Freedom Convoy Truckers ‘Heroes’

A court in Alberta, Canada, sentenced Pastor Artur Pawlowski on Monday to 60 days in prison for a speech to Freedom Convoy truckers in February 2022 in which he supported their protests against repressive lockdown, vaccine, and other mandates related to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

Pawlowski, who first rose to prominence for expelling Canadian police from his church for trying to shut down an Easter service in 2021, faced multiple charges, including “mischief,” a crime in Canada, and violating the Critical Infrastructure Defense Act (CIDA). The latter charge suggested that Pawlowski’s speaking to protesters on the Alberta-Montana border was an attack on the province’s road infrastructure, as he encouraged them to continue an ongoing blockade demanding the lifting of coronavirus-related mandates. Prosecutors were demanding up to ten months in prison for the pastor on the grounds that he has publicly and repeatedly denied having any remorse for his vocal opposition to lockdowns.

“I’m not ashamed of what I did. If I had a chance to do it again, I would do it again, gladly,” Pawlowski told a crowd of supporters after his conviction on Monday.

Judge Gordon Krinke reserved a conviction on the charges of attacking infrastructure, as Pawlowski’s defense had challenged the CIDA as unconstitutional, and proceedings regarding that law are ongoing. He found Pawlowski guilty of “mischief” and breaching a release order in May. The 60-day sentence handed down on Monday includes time served, so Pawlowski walked out of the court free – but with a criminal conviction on his record.

“A period of incarceration is required in order to achieve the objectives of denunciation and deterrence,” Krinke said at the sentencing, according to the CBC.

Prior to the sentencing, prosecutor Steven Johnston argued that the case, in which Pawlowski faced charges for delivering a sermon, was “not about freedom of religion and it is not about free speech.”

“In this case, the accused comes before the court with no sense of remorse,” Johnston said. “The lack of remorse, the lack of introspection is important in this case because of the fact he is likely a high risk to redo this.”

Pawlowski appeared to agree in remarks to the 200 supporters who convened to celebrate his release on Monday.

“For the past 18 months they’ve done everything in their power to force me to say that I am guilty, that I am sorry. They were forcing me to apologize, but I have nothing to apologize for,” the pastor said.

“I hope that my oppressors are listening because this is not over. This is just the beginning,” Pawlowski added, also stating that he would “gladly” repeat the actions that resulted in his arrest if he deemed it necessary:


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495d0e No.91301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577984 (191912ZSEP23) Notable: Tara Reade: Russell Brand rape allegations are the return of the MeToo political zombie

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19 Sep, 2023 17:22

Tara Reade: Russell Brand rape allegations are the return of the MeToo political zombie

If crimes were committed, they must be investigated and brought before court – but not the biased court of establishment media

Recently, actor and comedian Russell Brand has used his celebrity status and his internet-based show to lift up independent-minded people like US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He questioned the US and NATO involvement in the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, as well as the mainstream media narrative on Covid-19.

The establishment neoliberals were having none of it. They turned their laser-guided coordinated attacks on Brand, and now he is facing cancelation, MeToo style. He’s been accused of rape and abuse by several women, and as a result has lost his YouTube ad revenue, has had his live shows canceled, has been dropped by his publisher, and has had shows featuring him removed from the BBC’s video-on-demand service, among other things.

MeToo started out with a valiant goal, as a movement to empower women to speak out about sexual abuse where they had previously felt pressured into silence. All too quickly it got co-opted by political agendas, becoming a Democrat-backed hashtag used to attack and shut down those who disagree with the establishment narrative. It appears to have faded into relative obscurity since its roaring peak, and this zombie-like return of this style of cancelation comes off as both tiresome and disingenuous.

I should know for two reasons: I worked for Democrats, and I was raped by one. The Democrat I was raped by at work is now the president of the United States. There was no investigation into Joe Biden for what he did to me that day, but rather a coordinated attack on me across social media and establishment media alike that lasted years. It destroyed my professional and personal life. The MeToo movement was nowhere to be found for me because the founder of Time’s Up, the primary organization that supported the movement, was on Biden’s payroll. Truth never stood a chance. Even when I came close to testifying before Congress, the DNC machine went full throttle at me, and then there was the part where I had to seek asylum in another country to avoid prosecution or violence. Now, I never expected instant justice. But I never got the justice of even an investigation into him.

I know what it’s like to have the narrative be locked and loaded for your complete destruction, and now so does Russell Brand.

The facts on his alleged actions are murky and many of the accusers are anonymous. To date, no criminal charges, investigation, or civil cases have been filed. Just a blurry news program of innuendos latched onto by lap-dog Western media. The allegations against him were brought by Channel 4 Dispatches in a program called ‘Russell Brand: In Plain Sight’ and The Times. The allegations include rape and manipulation. As the news of the journalistic investigation spread, two shows dropped their episodes featuring Brand, and in only a few days, the trial by media had instigated his complete cancelation. Cases involving sexual misconduct, especially when they are about someone famous, are always a headline grabber.

That said, sexual assault and rape are difficult to publicly discuss. On a psychological level, rape is not about sex but power. On a legal level, the issue that swirls around any allegations of sexual assault is consent. Was there consent or not? It seems like a simple enough question, but when it comes to arguing legal definitions, it can get much more complicated, especially when you throw things like capacity to consent and withdrawal of consent into the mix. And then there’s the political level.

Rape is a highly politicized issue in the US and the West in general, and no one can politicize it better than the Democrats. When a woman comes forward, her reputation often gets attacked, be it by slut-shaming or through allegations of fishing for attention. The MeToo mantra ‘believe all women’, when co-opted by the Democrat political agenda, is applied very selectively, and it becomes very easy to dismiss a politically inconvenient accuser by destroying her reputation. The accusations themselves then become a tool to deplatform or silence chosen targets.

If Russell Brand is innocent, he faces a long road to prove it – in a court of law, if it comes to that, but also in the court of public opinion. And in the latter case, Brand’s image may never fully recover.

The questions that need to be asked when discussing the allegations against Brand are their curious timing – his alleged misconduct dates back a decade, but came to light soon after he started speaking out against the establishment narrative on Ukraine – and how the same neoliberals Brand has always been critical of are now leading and boosting the charge against him.


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495d0e No.91302

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577986 (191913ZSEP23) Notable: Vaccine Effectiveness of Fourth Dose Against Death Was Around Zero

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Vaccine Effectiveness of Fourth Dose Against Death Was Around Zero, ONS Data Show

“The true effectiveness of the first booster was short-lived, if meaningful at all. Peak protection was somewhere between mediocre and zero, and it is impossible to narrow that range.”

That was my conclusion after analysing the effectiveness of the first booster (reposted on Brownstone and Daily Sceptic).

We can try to narrow the range by analysing the merit of another booster, the fourth dose, as compared with three previous doses. I will show here that its effectiveness was close to zero, with an upper bound around 15%. Whether it was exactly zero, 5% or 15% makes no difference. That’s not a basis for mass vaccination.

My analysis of the first booster was based on removing one of two key biases, which is called the healthy vaccinee bias. That strong bias results from the fact that people who take a vaccine (whether against flu or against Covid) are healthier, on average, than people who do not, even in narrow age bands, and even among residents of nursing homes. Therefore part, or all, of their lower Covid mortality is not the vaccine effect. They are simply healthier people than their unvaccinated counterparts.

To remove the healthy vaccinee bias, we adjust the risk of Covid death in vaccinated people upwards, using data on non-Covid death, and thereby create two groups that are comparable on their baseline risk of death. (Mathematically, it is equivalent to a downward adjustment of the Covid death risk in the unvaccinated.)

The method is not perfect, but it does get us much closer to the truth than naïve comparisons of vaccinated with unvaccinated, which have been presented on countless dashboards. Moreover, in the absence of randomised trials of the mortality endpoint, that method is likely superior to observational studies that try to adjust for, or match on, a limited number of health-related variables. Such adjustments proved unsatisfactory in the case of flu vaccines and recently in the case of the first booster.

My largest source for the first booster (third dose) analysis was the dataset of the Office for National Statistics (ONS), England. I used it again to study the effectiveness of the second booster (fourth dose).

Contrary to what some might think, the healthy vaccinee bias is not restricted to a comparison of vaccinated (two doses) with unvaccinated. Three-dose recipients were healthier than two-dose recipients (consistently), and that was the case again with recipients of the fourth dose. They were healthier than three-dose recipients. Their non-Covid mortality was substantially lower in every age group and every month I analysed, with only one exception.

The example below shows the healthy vaccinee bias in the ONS data — in one age group (70-79) and one month (December 2022). As you can see, the rate of non-Covid death in four-dose recipients (2,476.0) was less than half that rate in three-dose recipients (6,579.4). Of course, the second booster was not expected to protect from other causes of death. That’s the evidence of the healthy vaccinee bias.

In the tables below the data, I show two corrected estimates of effectiveness. The count-based estimate (left table) is not prone to miscalculation of person-years, which occasionally happened in the ONS data. It will be used throughout. (I will skip a technical explanation of the computation.)


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495d0e No.91303

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19577995 (191915ZSEP23) Notable: McCarthy (R-CA) told reporters Monday that he will meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Washington this week

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House Speaker McCarthy to Meet With Zelensky This Week

Zelensky arrived in New York on Monday and will head to Washington after the UN General Assembly

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told reporters Monday that he will meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Washington this week as Congress is debating new spending on the proxy war in Ukraine.

Zelensky arrived in New York on Monday where he will attend the UN General Assembly. After that, he’s headed to Washington where he will visit the White House and Capitol Hill.

Zelensky’s visit comes as Congress needs to pass a funding bill by September 30 to avert a government shutdown, and Democrats are looking to include the $24 billion in additional spending on the Ukraine war that President Biden recently requested.

But McCarthy has put forward a continuing resolution for the short-term funding bill that does not include the $24 billion for Ukraine, which will be dead on arrival in the Democrat-controlled Senate. McCarthy is also unsure if his resolution will be passed by the House as some Republicans have come out against it due to spending levels.

Democrats in the House are expected to vote down McCarthy’s resolution since it doesn’t include the Ukraine spending, so he could only afford to lose four Republican votes. According to ABC News, about a dozen House GOP members have signaled they will vote against the measure.

Zelensky will make a pitch for the US to spend more on the war, but when asked if the Ukrainian leader’s visit could alter his resolution to include the Ukraine aid, McCarthy told reporters, “No.”

The new spending on the war in Ukraine is expected to be authorized by Congress eventually, but a loud minority of House Republicans opposed to the policy, mainly in the Freedom Caucus, can delay the package. McCarthy has been a staunch supporter of the proxy war in Ukraine, but if he loses the support of too many Republicans, he could lose his speakership, giving Freedom Caucus members leverage to work with.


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495d0e No.91304

File: 0297bf38355175c⋯.png (208.76 KB,393x639,131:213,Clipboard.png)

File: f8b90d2bafff311⋯.mp4 (734.55 KB,828x462,138:77,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578000 (191917ZSEP23) Notable: Senator John Fetterman delivers a powerful message in support of the United Auto Workers.

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Senator John Fetterman delivers a powerful message in support of the United Auto Workers.

Truly inspirational!

“My message to the, the CEOs, CEOs is, you know, it's $74 million, you know, collectively earning that, you know, how many yachts can they need, you know, to, to yacht, to water, uh, ski behind it, you know, I mean, it's, it's crazy. You know, I don't, my message.”

Powerful 🔥

1:46 PM · Sep 19, 2023 · 308.8K Views


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495d0e No.91305

File: 51863092d2d75b1⋯.png (287.24 KB,1878x803,1878:803,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578013 (191919ZSEP23) Notable: THE "U.S. GOVERNMENT" WENT BANKRUPT IN 1933 AND IS NO LONGER A REPUBLIC

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United States Congressional Record March 17, 1993 Vol. #33, page H-1303

[The] Speaker [is]-Senator James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House:

“Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner’s report that will lead to our demise.”

It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress in session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.

The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: “The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States.”

United States Congressional Record May 4, 1992, page H 2891, Senator and Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, Senator Henry Gonzalez (Texas) speaking on “NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL THIEVERY IN HIGH PLACES” “We are bankrupted. We are insolvent on every level of our national life, whether it is corporate, whether it is just plain you and I out there with the life of debt that we have all piled up, private debt, credit cards and what not, or whether it is the government. We are insolvent. How long will it take before that nasty Mega-truth is conveyed?”

United States Congressional Record January 19, 1976, page 240 Marjorie S. Holt (Maryland):


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495d0e No.91306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578031 (191923ZSEP23) Notable: Vaccine Effectiveness of Fourth Dose Against Death Was Around Zero

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Peer-Reviewed Journal: ‘Boosters’ Increase Covid Infection Rates

A renowned peer-reviewed scientific journal is standing by a study that found so-called “booster” shots increased Covid infection rates when compared to unvaccinated people.

The journal Cureus has come under mounting pressure to retract the study after it conflicted with the official narrative used to promote the latest FDA-approved booster campaign.

However, the journal has refused to bow to the mob and rejected calls to retract the study.

Cureus said there is “no basis for retraction.”

The study that found people who received a Covid booster were more likely to become infected when compared to unvaccinated people.

The research group analyzed numbers from California’s prison system.

They found that those who received one of the bivalent boosters had a higher infection rate than people who have never received a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Their study was published by Cureus following peer review.

Each study has an author who fields questions and comments.

They are known as the corresponding authors.

Cureus confirmed that the study’s corresponding author has asked the journal to retract the article.

“I can confirm that we were contacted by the corresponding author with a request to retract,” Graham Parker-Finger, director of publishing and customer success for Cureus, told The Epoch Times.

“However, we have determined that there is no basis for retraction and therefore it will remain published.


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495d0e No.91307

File: da17a6a464865fe⋯.jpeg (155.61 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578037 (191924ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine will get Abrams tanks soon - Pentagon

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19 Sep, 2023 14:17

Ukraine will get Abrams tanks soon – Pentagon

The 70-ton American vehicles are due to arrive in the coming days

The first batch of American-made M1 Abrams main battle tanks “will be entering Ukraine soon,” US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin told reporters on Tuesday. An anonymous military official told AFP that deliveries will begin within days.

“I’m ... pleased to announce that the M1 Abrams tanks that the United States had previously committed to will be entering Ukraine soon,” Austin said at a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in Germany.

This panel of nearly 50 countries has met 15 times since Russia’s military operation in Ukraine began last February, with each meeting followed by fresh pledges of military aid from America and its allies.

Citing ananonymousUS military official, the AFP news agency reported that the first Abrams tanks will arrive in Ukraine in the coming days, with the process to be completed within weeks.

The tanks will be equipped withdepleted uranium shells, a toxic ammunition whose use has been condemned by the United Nations.

Kiev has requested these flagship American tanks since last year, but Washington has hesitated on handing them over. Back in January, Pentagon officials told the Washington Post that the Abrams tanks consumed too much fuel and were too unreliable for the Ukrainian military to make effective use of them.

After claiming that it would take more than a year to equip Kiev with the latest M1A2 variant of the tank, Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder said in March that older M1A1 models would be repaired in Germany and shipped to Ukraine before the end of 2023. Media reports in recent weeks suggested that 31 M1A1 models would be delivered by fall.

Thetanks will arrive immediately before the end of fighting season in Ukraine, meaning their impact on the current frontline will likely be minor. Last week, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told the BBC that Kiev had “about 30 to 45 days’ worth of fighting weather left,” before mud and rain would prevent large-scale battlefield maneuvers.

Even in favorable conditions, the Ukrainian military has not managed to achieve its summer objective of splitting the Russian front in two in Zaporozhye Region.Instead, Kiev has lost more than 70,000 men, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In exchange, Ukraine has captured only a handful of small villages in the region, while losing dozens of Western-supplied tanks and armored vehicles.

(The last dying breath of a dying regime!)


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495d0e No.91308

File: a2637f12dcdc884⋯.png (50.3 KB,893x561,893:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578044 (191926ZSEP23) Notable: Military Whistleblower Exposes Massive Heart Failure Spike in Vaxxed Personnel

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Military Whistleblower Exposes Massive Heart Failure Spike in Vaxxed Personnel

A US military whistleblower has warned the American people about a massive spike in cases of heart failure among service members who have received mRNA injections for Covid.

The brave whistleblower has chosen to shun anonymity and identified himself as active-duty Navy Medical Service Corps officer Lt. Ted Macie.

Earlier this year, Macie anonymously disclosed data from a Pentagon medical database showing a huge and officially unexplained spike in the rate of myocarditis in the military in 2021.

Myocarditis is a known side effect of Covid mRNA shots.

Severe myocarditis weakens the heart so that the rest of the body doesn’t get enough blood, according to Mayo Clinic.

Clots can form in the heart, leading to a stroke, heart attack, or cardiac arrest, often ending in death.

According to Macie, cases of myocarditis skyrocketed after the military mandated COVID-19 vaccines for service members.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin mandated the vaccines in 2021, a requirement that remained in place until Congress forced its withdrawal in late 2022.

Now Macie is going public to raise the alarm among his fellow citizens.

He has also released new data showing a substantial rise in accidents, assaults, self-harm, and suicide attempts in the military in 2021.

The data shows a significant spike compared to the average from 2016 to 2021, including a 147 percent increase in intentional self-harm incidents among service members.

Lt. Macie revealed that he started “keeping an eye on” a defense medical database when another whistleblower alerted him to soaring health-related incidents in the winter of 2021/2022.

The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) is a depository of all diagnoses.

The data is recorded using the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes.


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495d0e No.91309

File: c6bc1b605e65c68⋯.png (287.14 KB,431x768,431:768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578048 (191927ZSEP23) Notable: Resolution declaring the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE VACANT has been observed circulating the House Floor..

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BREAKING REPORT: Resolution declaring the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE VACANT has been observed circulating the House Floor..

Author: Matt Gaetz..


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495d0e No.91310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578064 (191931ZSEP23) Notable: EU reacts to Ukraine's grain lawsuit

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19 Sep, 2023 11:19

EU reacts to Ukraine's grain lawsuit

Agriculture commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski says the bloc will take appropriate measures in response to Kiev's WTO complaint

European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski has said he was surprised by Ukraine’s decision to file a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) against Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. The three EU states broke ranks with Brussels by refusing to lift embargoes on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products.

I was quite surprised that Ukraine chose this path, given the enormous efforts that the Member States have made so far,” said Wojciechowski, speaking at a press conference in Brussels on Monday.

He said that it would be “very easy” to show that Kiev had not suffered any damage to its grain export volumes, adding that despite the embargo by the three EU states, Ukraine’s grain shipments have increased.

Nevertheless, the commissioner stressed that he hopes the EU and Ukraine will be able to resolve the issue “through dialogue and mutual agreement” and that he remains “optimistic” that such dialogue will take place. He also noted that Brussels does not currently intend to introduce any sanctions against the countries that have retained import bans on Ukrainian grain.

Wojciechowski’s comments come after Kiev announced on Monday that it will sue Poland, Hungary and Slovakia in the WTO over their unilateral grain bans, and in turn, will consider retaliatory trade restrictions.

The three countries chose to keep their embargoes in place despite Brussels opting to lift restrictions on Ukrainian wheat, maize, rapeseed and sunflower shipments last week. Officials in Budapest, Warsaw and Bratislava have argued that cheap Ukrainian agricultural products undercut domestic prices and threaten the livelihoods of local farmers.

Kiev, however, has warned thatit will sue any EU country that decides to ban its grainin contravention of decisions made in Brussels. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has stressed that it is “important to make sure European unity works on a bilateral level” and that “neighbors support Ukraine” in the conflict with Russia. (Is their grain a bioweapon?)

(The EU fed this beast, how can they be shocked when the beast is unhappy they won’t feed it more?)


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495d0e No.91311

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578089 (191936ZSEP23) Notable: Biden: US to work for Israeli normalization and two states

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Biden: US to work for Israeli normalization and two states

Biden set out his country’s foreign policy agenda at the 78th opening session of the UN General Assembly.

The United States plans to seek both the normalization of the Jewish state with its Arab neighbors and a two-state resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, US President Joe Biden told the United Nations on Tuesday.

“Israel’s greater normalization and economic connection with its neighbors delivering positive and practical impacts even as we continue to work tirelessly for just and lasting peace, for Israelis and Palestinians, two states for two peoples,” he said.

Biden lays out US foreign policy

Biden set out his country’s foreign policy agenda as one of the first speakers to address the high-level portion of the 78th opening session of the UN General Assembly.

He spoke in advance of his highly anticipated meeting on Wednesday morning with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UNGA’s weeklong event that draws heads of state and governments from many of the UN’s 193 member nations.

The importance of regional cooperation as a blueprint to solve global crises and conflict, including in the Middle East, was one of his central themes.

Biden referenced specifically the new energy corridor the US announced that would link Europe to India through the Middle East, touching Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

This, he said, “will spur opportunities for investment across two continents” and is part of “our efforts to build a more sustainable and integrated Middle East.”

Biden hinted that the partnerships the US is helping foster between Israel and its neighbors have little to do with Iran’s nuclear threat.

“None of these partnerships are about containing any country, they are about a positive vision for our shared future,” he said.

Still, Washington is pushing for a security pact with Riyadh that would normalize ties with Israel, but Biden did not specifically address that burgeoning deal in his UNGA address.

He also warned that the US would work to ensure that “Iran never acquires nuclear weapons.”

The US president stressed the importance of democracy, an issue that has been a sticking point between him and Netanyahu.

Biden has opposed Netanyahu’s judicial reform plan, which the prime minister has argued will strengthen democracy but which his opponents fear will transform Israel into a dictatorship.

“We will defend democracy as our best tool to meet the challenges that we face around the world,” Biden said.The US is “working to show how democracy can deliver in ways that matter to people’s lives,” he added.

The issue of Netanyahu’s judicial reform plan and the possibility of a Saudi-Israel normalization deal are among the topics the two men are expected to discuss on Wednesday.


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495d0e No.91312

File: b1042c1bd0d267d⋯.png (900.99 KB,1375x1012,125:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578095 (191937ZSEP23) Notable: One of China’s leading property developers, Sunac, has filed for bankruptcy protection in the United States

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>One of China’s leading property developers, Sunac, has filed for bankruptcy protection in the United States, shortly after winning approval from its creditors to restructure nearly $10 billion worth of debt.


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495d0e No.91313

File: 1e22aaded135329⋯.png (583.46 KB,640x427,640:427,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578109 (191941ZSEP23) Notable: NYT: Evidence Suggests Ukraine Carried Out Missile Strike on Ukrainian Market Which They Blamed Russia

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NYT: Evidence Suggests Ukraine Carried Out Missile Strike on Ukrainian Market Which They Blamed Russia

"The attack appears to have been a tragic mishap," the Times reports

Ukrainian forces carried out a missile strike on a market in eastern Ukraine and then falsely blamed Russia for the attack, according to analysis from the New York Times.

From The New York Times, "Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy":

The Sept. 6 missile strike on Kostiantynivka in eastern Ukraine was one of the deadliest in the country in months, killing at least 15 civilians and injuring more than 30 others. The weapon's payload of metal fragments struck a market, piercing windows and walls and wounding some victims beyond recognition.

Less than two hours later, President Volodymyr Zelensky blamed Russian "terrorists" for the attack, and many media outlets followed suit. Throughout its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has repeatedly and systematically attacked civilians and struck schools, markets and residences as a deliberate tactic to instill fear in the populace. In Kostiantynivka in April, they shelled homes and a preschool, killing six.

But evidence collected and analyzed by The New York Times, including missile fragments, satellite imagery, witness accounts and social media posts, strongly suggests the catastrophic strike was the result of an errant Ukrainian air defense missile fired by a Buk launch system.

The attack appears to have been a tragic mishap. Air defense experts say missiles like the one that hit the market can go off course for a variety of reasons, including an electronic malfunction or a guidance fin that is damaged or sheared off at the time of launch.

[...] Ukrainian authorities initially tried to prevent journalists with The Times from accessing the missile debris and impact area in the strike's immediate aftermath. But the reporters were eventually able to get to the scene, interview witnesses and collect remnants of the weapon used.

Security camera footage shows that the missile flew into Kostiantynivka from the direction of Ukrainian-held territory, not from behind Russian lines.

As the sound of the approaching missile is heard, at least four pedestrians appear to simultaneously turn their heads toward the incoming sound. They face the camera — in the direction of Ukrainian-held territory. Moments before it strikes, the missile's reflection is visible as it passes over two parked cars, showing it traveling from the northwest.


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495d0e No.91314

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578125 (191945ZSEP23) Notable: Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund about to testify before Congress.

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Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund about to testify before Congress. This is the guy who Tucker had to interview twice because Fox refused to air it so Tuck produced a second interview on 'X' (15.7mil views)

could not embed https://www.youtube.com/live/Gmq2tcm_3c8?si=Av4qQR1hVTFOx6lC

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495d0e No.91315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578129 (191945ZSEP23) Notable: Another EU nation snubs cheap Ukrainian grain

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19 Sep, 2023 13:28

Another EU nation snubs cheap Ukrainian grain

The shipments are welcome to pass through but not stay, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has said

Zagreb has informed Kiev that it hasno wish to expose domestic farmers to competition from Ukrainian grain, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has told local media. His comments come amid the escalating spat over protectionism between Ukraine and some of its EU neighbors.

“Croatia’s stance and desire is that we are a transit country, not a country receiving enormous amounts ofUkrainian grain that is cheaper than ours, which would mean our farmers are in trouble,” Plenkovic said, as quoted by the Croatian News Agency on Monday.

He was commenting on the unfolding standoff over the decision by three of Ukraine’s neighbors to impose bans on imports of Ukrainian grain. A previous restriction approved by the EU expired last Friday, but Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia chose to unilaterally extend the ban. In response, Kiev has filed a complaint against them with the World Trade Organization.

Romania, which was one of the five EU nations that pushed for the temporary import ban, has indicated that it would also reimpose the restrictions if Ukrainian grain threatened its market again. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that he has struck a gentlemen’s agreement with Kiev that “not a single gram of grain” would be imported into his country from Ukraine.

Bulgaria, the fifth country subject to the now-lifted prohibition, said that Kiev had promised that its exports would not cause trouble again.

When asked by journalists whether Croatia could follow the example of Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia, Plenkovic stressed his nation’s transit role. Ukrainian grain flows through the country, using Croatian ports on the Danube River and the Adriatic Sea, he noted.

The route through the Danube became more important for Kiev after Russia revoked security guarantees for civilian maritime vessels heading to and from Ukraine through the Black Sea when it pulled out of the Türkiye- and UN-mediated grain deal in July. The route is more profitable than hauling goods via the EU.

(This is another example of how the EU will not tolerate the Mafia in Kiev any longer.)


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495d0e No.91316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578145 (191948ZSEP23) Notable: Subcommittee on Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures

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Subcommittee on Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures


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495d0e No.91317

File: 14b6e2670ba7671⋯.png (265.09 KB,620x470,62:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578149 (191949ZSEP23) Notable: ZELENSKYY: “We know the names of tens of thousands of children and have evidence of hundreds of thousands of others kidnapped by Russia”

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ZELENSKYY: “We know the names of tens of thousands of children and have evidence of hundreds of thousands of others kidnapped by Russia. […] This is clearly a genocide.”


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495d0e No.91318

File: 800759d77838644⋯.png (665.63 KB,801x822,267:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578156 (191950ZSEP23) Notable: starting today, Pennsylvania will begin automatic voter registration for folks getting a driver's license or state ID card at the DMV.

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Great news — starting today, Pennsylvania will begin automatic voter registration for folks getting a driver's license or state ID card at the DMV. Hopefully even more states will follow.

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495d0e No.91319

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578157 (191951ZSEP23) Notable: THE REST OF THE STORY EPISODE 1 BY LARA LOGAN

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will archive.

p.s anons should watch lara logan's documentary on jan 6th and mathew perno suicide in d.c jail.


Note: Tragic story of one of the Jan 6th Souls who got caught up in deep state set up to steal the election away from the people of the USA. Pray for patience and retribution, anon will not forgive or forget what they have done to the millions and billions of people around the world that this event effected.



First published at 14:41 UTC on September 18th, 2023.



Very nice watch! Please give Lara all the support you can including prayers, and credit along with the War Room for this video production.

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495d0e No.91320

File: 1526bea5e018a68⋯.png (139.34 KB,720x813,240:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a4a53dc7913ec7⋯.png (76.16 KB,691x775,691:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 282cd3ff622c8cb⋯.png (305.45 KB,663x728,51:56,Clipboard.png)

File: f61ec575cf2d45a⋯.png (335.46 KB,791x1024,791:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: ac2c111da9b8a64⋯.png (29.98 KB,689x309,689:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578185 (191956ZSEP23) Notable: How Microsoft helped Germany rig 2020 United States presidential election to overthrow President Donald Trump

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How Microsoft helped Germany rig 2020 United States presidential election to overthrow President Donald Trump

Joe Biden became President by Microsoft rigging the election for Germany. The election rigging was part of Germany’s American strategy to overthrow President Donald Trump. Germany lead the coup to overthrow US President Donald Trump after Trump made plans to withdraw the US from NATO – Germany’s new Waffen SS.

Microsoft sabotaged the election by conducting a software update during the United States 2020 presidential election. Microsoft gained access to the Dominion voting machines during the election and uploaded an executable malware.

Microsoft Windows startup screen indicating Microsoft is remotely accessing, uploading & installing code / instructions

By default, Windows 10 updates your operating system automatically. That means unless you have changed the setting manually, Bill Gates’ Microsoft will automatically access your Windows 10 computer system and upload and install computer code / set of instructions whenever Microsoft wants and without your knowledge or consent. That is exactly what happened during the 2020 United States presidential election.

Dominion Voting Sys “uploaded something last night, which is not normal & it caused a glitch” Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Election.

Gabriel Sterling, the voting system implementation manager in the Georgia secretary of state’s office told reporters during a news conference on Nov. 3 that the problem was probably a dataset that had been uploaded to the systems, but that the state didn’t know for certain. Microsoft’s voting machine tampering on election day may have affected 28 states.


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495d0e No.91321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578214 (192000ZSEP23) Notable: California’s Democrat Legislators Want to Make it ILLEGAL to Touch Grass

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California’s Democrat Legislators Vote to Ban Grass Lawns

Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of California…

California’s Democrat legislators last week voted to ban decorative lawns that are irrigated by potable water.

Democrats banned decorative grass lawns to reduce water usage and to help the state ‘adapt to climate change.’

“Wasteful outdoor irrigation is a major challenge to our ability to adapt to climate change,” Adán Ortega Jr., chair of the Metropolitan Water District said.

The bill, AB 1572, passed the Senate in a 28-10 vote last week and headed over to Governor Newsom’s desk for a signature.

The ban, which will take effect in 2027, will take 4 years to fully implement.

“The legislation includes exceptions for grass in sports fields, parks, cemeteries, areas used for activities, and other “community spaces.” Also exempt are areas where grass is irrigated with recycled water.” The Los Angeles Times reported.

Expert from The Los Angeles Times:

Outdoor watering accounts for roughly half of total water use in Southern California’s cities and suburbs, and a large portion of that water is sprayed from sprinklers to keep grass green.

Under a bill passed by state legislators this week, California will soon outlaw using drinking water for some of those vast expanses of grass — the purely decorative patches of green that are mowed but never walked on or used for recreation.

Grass covers an estimated 218,000 acres in the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s six-county area. Nearly a quarter of that, or up to 51,000 acres, is categorized as “nonfunctional” turf — the sort of grass that fills spaces along roads and sidewalks, in front of businesses, and around parking lots.

This unused grass covers an area roughly 12 times the size of Griffith Park. By eliminating this grass and replacing it with landscaping that fits Southern California’s arid climate, the district estimates the region could reduce total water use by nearly 10%.

While the legislation outlaws purely decorative grass in most common areas of homeowners associations, it won’t affect residential lawns.

Grass outside apartment complexes, which originally was included in the bill, was removed from the legislation after some city officials and managers of water agencies raised concerns about how they would enforce the restrictions, and about the costs for low-income communities.

California is descending into chaos because of one-party Democrat rule. Instead of solving the homelessness crisis, securing the border, preventing rolling blackouts and making life better for Californians, the state’s Democrats are crippling the residents with climate mandates.

California is suing Big Oil for deceiving the public on how their fossil fuels contributed to climate change.

Last Friday California filed a civil lawsuit in state Superior Court in San Francisco against BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, ConocoPhillips, and their trade group, the American Petroleum Institute.

California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom blasted the oil companies and blamed them for wildfires, storms, deadly heat waves, and droughts.

Storms and droughts. Makes sense.

“For more than 50 years, Big Oil has been lying to us — covering up the fact that they’ve long known how dangerous the fossil fuels they produce are for our planet,” Newsom said. “California taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for billions of dollars in damages — wildfires wiping out entire communities, toxic smoke clogging our air, deadly heat waves, record-breaking droughts parching our wells.”


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495d0e No.91322

File: 3090e6d77fc1b4e⋯.jpeg (114.53 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578227 (192003ZSEP23) Notable: Seized Zelensky home could become anti-Nazi museum

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A house in the Yalta region of Crimea, Russia, where the former apartment of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is located © Max Vetrov; RIA Novosti


18 Sep, 2023 19:15

Seized Zelensky home could become anti-Nazi museum

A Crimean MP suggested that such a move could serve as a “vaccination against Nazism”

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s former apartment in Crimea could be turned into a museum dedicated to the fight against Nazism, according to a proposal put forward by the head of the Crimean parliament, Vladimir Konstantinov.

Speaking on the TV channel Rossiya 24, the politician claimed that such a move would be a good way to “vaccinate against Nazism for centuries to come” and serve as a warning as to what can happen to “schemers who pushed it too far.“

Konstantinov explained that it was unlikely that the property would ever be purchased by a regular family since “no normal person could live there” asit would be akin to “purchasing Hitler’s apartment.

He admitted, however, that the property, despite its ties to the Ukrainian leader and the subsequent hype around it, is not really a noteworthy asset for Zelensky. “This asset is perhaps more symbolic for him than actually valuable,” Konstantinov said, noting that while it could seem significant for the average person a billionaire would not find the property to be anything special.

The proposal comes after the Crimean parliament leader announced that some 100 nationalized properties formerly owned by Ukrainian oligarchs, businessmen, and politicians who have direct ties to the Kiev government or have become “unfriendly to Russia” would be auctioned off in the near future. Earlier this year, Konstantinov announced thatover 700 such propertieshad been nationalized by the regional authorities.

Konstantinov also noted in a Telegram post on Saturday that eight of these estates have already been sold off to the tune of over 800 million rubles ($8.3 million) and stated that the Crimean counter-terrorism commission will continue to uncover assets belonging to Ukrainian oligarchs.

“We will not allow these people who sponsor the murder of Russian people and support the terrorist Kiev regime to make money off our residents. And then we will transfer the properties to new, decent owners,”Konstantinov wrote.

Crimea broke away from Ukraine after the Western-backed Maidan coup in Kiev in 2014. The peninsula held a public referendum where residents overwhelmingly voted to become a part of Russia. Kiev and its Western backers have continued to deny the legitimacy of that referendum and insist that the peninsula remains a part of Ukraine.


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495d0e No.91323

File: bcc4e8531ad326f⋯.png (257.79 KB,1008x857,1008:857,Clipboard.png)

File: e787eb1f378b80e⋯.png (76.01 KB,964x301,964:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578307 (192018ZSEP23) Notable: Two Pharmafags Plead Guilty To Insider Trading Scheme Surrounding Alexion Pharmaceuticals’ Acquisition Of Portola Pharmaceuticals

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Two Individuals, Including A Former Pharmaceutical Executive, Plead Guilty To Participating In Insider Trading Scheme Surrounding Alexion Pharmaceuticals’ Acquisition Of Portola Pharmaceuticals


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495d0e No.91324

File: be9937246f9a769⋯.jpg (281.24 KB,1049x1246,1049:1246,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ebdec3579a5197e⋯.jpg (283.66 KB,698x1471,698:1471,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff2c17c687304c9⋯.png (405.08 KB,710x3094,355:1547,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ff37c1c2e2d218⋯.jpg (408.17 KB,2048x1532,512:383,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578349 (192025ZSEP23) Notable: DHS Announces Establishment of New “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group”

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Obviously Brennan and Clapper are bad enough, but Tashina Gauhar (linked to Page & Strzok text drama) and Comey's pet Ben Wittes pique anon's interest even moar.



BREAKING — The Biden administration has appointed James Clapper, John Brennan, and Paul Kolbe, former intelligence officials, to a DHS "Homeland Intelligence Experts Group" handling national security issues. These individuals signed the fraudulent October 2020 letter deceptively asserting that Hunter Biden's laptop was likely Russian disinformation. This falsehood significantly impacted the closely contested 2020 election, decided by a mere 44,000-vote margin in Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin. Why select intelligence officials who intentionally spread disinformation to sway a U.S. election for a role in a DHS Expert Group tasked with national security? Shouldn't they be losing their security clearances?

3:49 PM · Sep 19, 2023




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495d0e No.91325

File: 73f03455abfcc1c⋯.png (1009.16 KB,820x738,10:9,Clipboard.png)

File: fdb9d132ded66b3⋯.png (714.84 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578354 (192025ZSEP23) Notable: Air Force Releases Never-Before-Seen Side Photo of Secretive B-21 Raider

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Air Force Releases Never-Before-Seen Side Photo of Secretive B-21 Raider


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495d0e No.91326

File: be9937246f9a769⋯.jpg (281.24 KB,1049x1246,1049:1246,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578359 (192026ZSEP23) Notable: Secretary Mayorkas Announces Establishment of Homeland Intelligence Experts Group

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Secretary Mayorkas Announces Establishment of Homeland Intelligence Experts Group


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495d0e No.91327

File: d1664e8f5acea22⋯.png (1.01 MB,747x796,747:796,Clipboard.png)

File: c65a0d7eacd5983⋯.png (747.76 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578376 (192028ZSEP23) Notable: 500 Pound ‘Green’ Delivery e-Bikes Planned by City Set To Replace NY Cyclists and Pedestrians

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New Yorkers: 500 Pound ‘Green’ Delivery e-Bikes Planned by City Will Kill Cyclists and Pedestrians

Concerned New Yorkers and industry leaders are warning that the giant “green” delivery e-bikes currently being planned by the city’s Department of Transportation (DOT) will kill cyclists and crowd bike lanes.

“If this passes, there is no doubt this will end in dead cyclists,” community member Joel Gelb warned at a public hearing last week regarding New York City’s DOT proposal, according to a report by W42ST.

In an effort to cut carbon emissions, the NYC’s DOT is planning to bring 500-pound, four-wheeled cargo bikes — that can be up to 48 inches wide and will have a maximum speed of 20 miles per hour — to the city’s streets.

While DOT initially planned to unveil these bikes by August of this year, it later announced a 30-day window for comment by the public. Over 100 industry leaders and concerned residents took advantage of the public hearing to express their concerns.

“It’s the end of bike lanes,” Gelb added. “We can’t call them bike lanes anymore if it’s open to four-wheel trucks that are electric-powered and 500 pounds.”

Patricia Bennett, who has lived in New York City for 24 years, added, “I’ve never been scared here until now.”

Christine Berthet, founder of CHEKPEDS (Clinton Hell’s Kitchen Chelsea Coalition for Pedestrian Safety) and co-chair of Community Board 4’s transportation committee, said, “I applaud the effort to try to convert deliveries to cargo bikes. However, the proposed rules must keep the delivery vehicles where they belong — in the roadway.”

“They must not encroach on pedestrians on the sidewalks and they must not encourage illegal activities like riding on the sidewalk, a practice that has everyone up in arms,” Berthet added.

Local elected officials Council Member Erik Bottcher, Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal, and Assembly Member Tony Simone echoed Berthet’s sentiments, saying in a written testimony, “It is our belief that this would be a negative change to the sidewalk space for pedestrians, and would encourage cyclists to ride on the sidewalk, an issue that is one of the most frequently brought up with our offices.”

“The single greatest impact DOT can make to accommodate and encourage the safe operation of e-micro-mobility is to update and expand infrastructure for non-motor vehicle use,” Council Member Gale Brewer said at the public hearing.

Brewer went on to suggest the following:

Most bike lanes are too narrow to accommodate 48-inch wide cargo bikes, let alone all the cyclists. DOT must widen existing lanes. Number two, wayfinding signage must be updated. Number three, the proposed rules state that cargo bikes may not be parked on a sidewalk while attended or unattended, except temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaging commercially in loading and unloading property.

Not everyone, however, agrees with the concerned residents and industry leaders. Elizabeth Adams of Transportation Alternatives reportedly said, “This proposed rule takes a step in the right direction to support commercial cargo bikes.”

“We urge the DOT to build new cargo bike delivery hubs to support local deliveries where goods can be transferred from truck to bike, which reduces congestion, pollution and traffic violence,” she added.

Earlier this year, New York City mayor Eric Adams claimed the move to implement these bigger bikes “will help New Yorkers get the items they need while reducing carbon emissions and traffic congestion — and getting dangerous trucks off our streets,” according to a report by New York Post.


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495d0e No.91328

File: 6348b208db8551b⋯.png (610.79 KB,891x806,891:806,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578381 (192030ZSEP23) Notable: Canada Rolls Out First Nationally Accredited Program for How to Kill a Patient

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Canada Rolls Out First Nationally Accredited Program for How to Kill a Patient


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495d0e No.91329

File: 6a1b6532f553b17⋯.png (473.4 KB,720x943,720:943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578386 (192030ZSEP23) Notable: @PDJT I got the job done! Republicans must learn how to talk about Abortion... Radical Left Democrats who are so willing to destroy Life!

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I got the job done!

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495d0e No.91330

File: d8c95970c097ab3⋯.png (440.65 KB,720x849,240:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578389 (192030ZSEP23) Notable: @PDJT I got the job done! Republicans must learn how to talk about Abortion... Radical Left Democrats who are so willing to destroy Life!

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Republicans must learn how to talk about Abortion

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495d0e No.91331

File: dbcdc2bd318c06e⋯.png (479.61 KB,720x918,40:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578391 (192031ZSEP23) Notable: @PDJT I got the job done! Republicans must learn how to talk about Abortion... Radical Left Democrats who are so willing to destroy Life!

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Radical Left Democrats who are so willing to destroy Life!

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495d0e No.91332

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578397 (192032ZSEP23) Notable: California’s Democrat Legislators Want to Make it ILLEGAL to Touch Grass

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California’s Democrat Legislators Vote to Ban Grass Lawns.

Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of California…

California’s Democrat legislators last week voted to ban decorative lawns that are irrigated by potable water.

Democrats banned decorative grass lawns to reduce water usage and to help the state ‘adapt to climate change.’

“Wasteful outdoor irrigation is a major challenge to our ability to adapt to climate change,” Adán Ortega Jr., chair of the Metropolitan Water District said.

How a Faith-Based Gold Company Is Changing the Way Americans Protect Their Retirement

The bill, AB 1572, passed the Senate in a 28-10 vote last week and headed over to Governor Newsom’s desk for a signature.

The ban, which will take effect in 2027, will take 4 years to fully implement.

“The legislation includes exceptions for grass in sports fields, parks, cemeteries, areas used for activities, and other “community spaces.” Also exempt are areas where grass is irrigated with recycled water.” The Los Angeles Times reported.


When does this commie bs end?

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495d0e No.91333

File: 1af9c23c0dd6673⋯.png (662.59 KB,732x621,244:207,Clipboard.png)

File: 27125b830e10762⋯.png (550.12 KB,700x350,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578406 (192034ZSEP23) Notable: Did China Just Create a New Bermuda Triangle?

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Did China Just Create a New Bermuda Triangle?

(Ben Sellers, Headline USA) Where kids these days have their groomer-lit like Lawn Boy and Gender Queer, I had the 001.9’s—the Dewey Decimal designation for unexplained phenomena.

Perhaps nothing was as great a harbinger of my future adult self than my fascination with the occult and paranormal—although as I’ve noted in the past, the shroud has now been lifted over many of those unexplained mysteries; and normal, everyday life, paradoxically, seems far more weird and creepy.

It turns out, for example, that UFOs may be real after all, and that nobody cares.

But the bigger conspiracy is whether the Pentagon has been covering them up for 70 or so years, only so it can roll them out at the right time as a sort of PR gimmick to distract from its own cratering public approval amid scandal after scandal.

Likewise, Mexico appeared to offer proof last week that ancient aliens were real—and looked like Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.

The female one looks familiar too https://t.co/NUqdcH5xmx pic.twitter.com/ZdCy7qnKY2

— 🫃🏼💉🇺🇦Hollaria Briden, Esq. & Ally (@HollyBriden) September 13, 2023

The biggest mystery in this meme-worthy moment—which struck many as an obvious hoax—was WTF was going on and how did it reach the level of newsworthiness that it did.

Was this some sort of marketing gimmick to boost the flagging box-office figures of the latest Indiana Jones installment?

At any rate, the alien news got overshadowed by a flurry of more serious stories, including the launch of an impeachment probe against President Joe Biden and the indictment of his son Hunter on felony gun charges.

Yet, even then, both appeared to be largely symbolic measures, while the bigger story was that the Washington Post‘s Operation Mockingbird stool pigeon, David Ignatius, had given the go-ahead for leftist media to hate on Joe Biden—which they did.

CNN just spent an entire segment documenting how Joe Biden is a pathological liar:

Witnessed a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh in 2022 – FALSE

Grandfather died just days before his own birth at the same hospital – FALSE

Conversation with Amtrak conductor (who was already dead) -… pic.twitter.com/NWSPQUR6RW

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 14, 2023


Some of the great mysteries of my childhood, I have personally tried to debunk. I’ve been on ghost tours in supposedly haunted places like Savannah, Charleston and New Orleans but seen nothing special—although they are a fun way of learning the local lore.

And, at the risk of disappointing my Fox News’s newest leading man, Tyrus, who has been on this case of late, I can confirm firsthand that what lies beneath Loch Ness is a gigantic tourist trap.


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495d0e No.91334

File: 7d74efc57da558e⋯.png (859.75 KB,882x766,441:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578421 (192037ZSEP23) Notable: Gavin Newsom's Defense of Hunter Biden Is as Telling as It Is Ridiculous

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Gavin Newsom's Defense of Hunter Biden Is as Telling as It Is Ridiculous

Gavin Newsom has weighed in on Hunter Biden's self-inflicted woes, and what he said is as telling as it is ridiculous.

The California governor, who continues to seek out national media attention despite insisting he won't step into the presidential race for any reason, sat down with CNN's Dana Bash. The liberal "journalist" proceeded to frame a question on Hunter Biden's business dealings this way.

"One of the things that Republicans are relentless on, of course, is Hunter Biden," CNN host Dana Bash began. "There is no evidence that Joe Biden benefited from anything that Hunter was doing, but Republicans have shown that Hunter Biden – he tried to leverage his father's name, and that the president allegedly before he was president joined phone calls that Hunter Biden's business associates were on. Do you see anything inappropriate there?"

I'll get to Newsom's response, but can we all just pause for a moment and admire the sheer level of bias illustrated by Bash? It's not enough for her to just ask what the governor thinks. She has to first editorialize and insist that "there is no evidence that Joe Biden benefited from anything that Hunter was doing."

That's just blatantly false. We have emails from Hunter Biden complaining that he was being forced to give his father half his income. Income, mind you, that was being earned through the aforementioned corrupt business dealings. Never mind that Joe Biden is directly implicated in having meetings with his son's business partners, including a Russian oligarch who mysteriously paid the Biden family $3 million afterward (and then avoided being put on the Biden administration sanctions list).

There is plenty of evidence that, at the very least, puts a dark cloud directly over Joe Biden relating to all this. Bash's response? To pretend none of that exists and white knight for the president even when she is ostensibly asking a tough question. That's a standard should would never apply to a Republican.

Regardless, here's how Newsom answered.

"I don't know enough about the details of that. I mean I've seen a little of that," Newsom responded. "If that's the new criteria, there are a lot of folks in a lot of industries – not just in politics – where people have family members and relationships and they're trying to parlay and get a little influence and benefit in that respect. That's hardly unique."

"I don't love that any more than you love it or other people I imagine love that. We want to see a lot less of that, but an impeachment inquiry? Give me a break," he continued.

Am I crazy or does that read like a confession? Newsom sure is comfortable with admitting that powerful people allowing themselves to be used to "get a little influence" is "hardly unique." He speaks like someone with first-hand experience.

Past those suspicions, how is "other people do it" an excuse, anyway? Newsom is essentially admitting that the Biden family is corrupt while simultaneously suggesting it doesn't matter. Of course, it matters. Besides, does anyone think the governor would give the Trumps that kind of benefit of the doubt?

Riddle me this. Why are Democrat politicians even bothering to defend Hunter Biden? What's the payoff there? It would make sense if the president's degenerate son was also a politician. Circling the wagons to retain power is hardly a novel concept among either party. But Hunter Biden isn't a politician. He's a scumbag who abused women and allegedly committed tax fraud, among other crimes. Why go to bat for him?

The only thing I can figure out is that doing so is a "kiss the ring" test for Newsom. Perhaps he feels like he's got to downplay the matter lest he not receive Joe Biden's blessing for a future presidential run. Whatever the reason, it's morally repugnant, but so very on-brand for Newsom.


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495d0e No.91335

File: bd002a4f78c732e⋯.jpg (80.79 KB,1304x679,1304:679,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578427 (192038ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Matt Gaetz Calls for Repatriation of US Taxpayer Dollars Sent to Ukraine (VIDEO)

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Rep. Matt Gaetz Calls for Repatriation of US Taxpayer Dollars Sent to Ukraine (VIDEO)

On Tuesday Rep. Matt Gaetz joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss the upcoming spending bill and the continued funding of the Ukrainian War and the Biden DOJ’s open war on Trump supporters.

Republican leader Kevin McCarthy is eager to fund these rogue departments as they continue to persecute his party members and even President Trump.

What is wrong with this guy? Do ANY Republican leaders have any fight in them? Good grief!

Matt Gaetz wants to bring the lost billions in Ukraine back home to the states. What a hero!


Gj Matt Gaetz, the US shouldn't be paying for any foreign wars, no more injuried US troops, close the fugin boarders.

God bless America and our family's.

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495d0e No.91336

File: c74e953b018d13c⋯.png (501.29 KB,687x776,687:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578428 (192038ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Admin Taps Ex-Intel Officials Who Signed Infamous Hunter Biden Laptop Letter To Form DHS ‘Expert’ Committee

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I've said it a thousand times, they aren't going to stop until they are forced to stop.

Biden Admin Taps Ex-Intel Officials Who Signed Infamous Hunter Biden Laptop Letter To Form DHS ‘Expert’ Committee


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495d0e No.91337

File: 53eeefd5fbb71e0⋯.png (6.63 MB,3200x1801,3200:1801,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578437 (192040ZSEP23) Notable: CALL TO DIGG:This is "general" CQ "Swamp Thang" Brown (swamp thang is his real call sign from when he ejected from a functioning F-16 back at Moody AFB, GA - landed in the swamp).

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CALL TO DIGG:This is "general" CQ "Swamp Thang" Brown (swamp thang is his real call sign from when he ejected from a functioning F-16 back at Moody AFB, GA - landed in the swamp). He's a marxist, like Obama. Write your senators, DO NOT CONFIRM.

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495d0e No.91338

File: 08d65d3937df5bf⋯.png (713.61 KB,768x421,768:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578442 (192040ZSEP23) Notable: UN globalists descend upon Gotham City for crisis talks as ‘progress’ of Sustainable Development Goals backslides - americanthinker

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UN globalists descend upon Gotham City for crisis talks as ‘progress’ of Sustainable Development Goals backslides

“But as we gather this weekend, the goals are in trouble.”—United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres September 18, 2023This is music to my ears.There’s a scene in the 1992 film Batman Returns in whic...


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495d0e No.91339

File: 13b77690f4be1d2⋯.jpg (125.62 KB,566x637,566:637,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578448 (192041ZSEP23) Notable: AF was warned about F-35 safety and security problems years ago - this is why it may have been HACKED or malfunctioned

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official who warned about F-35 safety and security problems years ago - this is why it may have been HACKED or malfunctioned

* A former Marine and watchdog revealed the F-35 is riddled with vulnerabilities

* These vulnerabilities could let hackers brick fleets and take over weapons

* The Marine said the missing F-35 likely malfunctioned - but a further investigation will need to be conducted before confirming

READ MORE: How did it take the Pentagon 28 HOURS to find missing F-35

By Stacy Liberatore For Dailymail.com

Published: 19:41, 19 September 2023 | Updated: 20:52, 19 September 2023

A former US defense official who has warned about F-35 safety issues for years said a software glitch or cyberattack could have caused the missing jet to malfunction over South Carolina this weekend.

Former Marine Dan Grazier, who works at a Defense watchdog, authored a report in 2019 warning that the Department of Defenses' most expensive weapon system is plagued with cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

He told DailyMail.com today: 'There are thousands of penetration points, weaknesses in the entire enterprise that a hacker could access the software.'

Grazier also claimed that the Pentagon has been aware of the software flaws since the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) office conducted testing in 2017 but has yet to rectify the problems.

The same DOT&E investigation showed a 26 percent fully missional capable rate across the entire F-35 fleet, which may have impacted Sunday's incident.

The $145 million jet went missing for hours over South Carolina when the pilot ejected during a training exercise and was found 28 hours later.



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495d0e No.91340

File: 72b03c7b4013284⋯.png (813.27 KB,737x791,737:791,Clipboard.png)

File: 72b03c7b4013284⋯.png (813.27 KB,737x791,737:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578458 (192043ZSEP23) Notable: The Biden Admin Just Declared 'War on Consumers'

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Commie in sheeps clothing: John Cusack Slams Democratic Party Elites: ‘Dems Have Sold Out the Working Class for Decades’

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495d0e No.91341

File: daa440936f7ae5f⋯.png (572.51 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578467 (192044ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Biden Laments He Could Be Dead Before Hunter Biden’s Legal Woes Resolved

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sniff sniff Pardon sniff sniff - "So I have no choice but to pardon..."

Joe Biden Laments He Could Be Dead Before Hunter Biden’s Legal Woes Resolved

President Joe Biden reportedly laments he could be dead before Hunter Biden's legal woes are resolved, fearing legal problems could worsen in future months.


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495d0e No.91342

File: b7b67bf308c3457⋯.png (749.4 KB,842x705,842:705,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578475 (192045ZSEP23) Notable: Peter Schweizer Schools Ex-FBI Agent Who Shielded Bidens

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Peter Schweizer Schools Ex-FBI Agent Who Shielded Bidens


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495d0e No.91343

File: 0a5d833bc65e403⋯.jpg (25.59 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578480 (192046ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Donalds to Zelensky: 'No money in the House' for Ukraine

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Rep. Donalds to Zelensky: 'No money in the House' for Ukraine

Florida Republican Rep. Byron Donalds on Tuesday insisted that their was neither the support nor the money to accommodate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's demands that the U.S. provide additional funding to fuel Kyiv's war effort against Russia.

"There's no money in the House right now for Ukraine. It's not there," he told The Recount, prompting the reporter to clarify whether he meant there existed no support for giving Ukraine additional aid.

"No. And to be blunt, we're running a $2 trillion deficit. Any money we give to Ukraine, we're borrowing from our future. That's the facts. Those are the truth," he said.

Zelensky is slated to address Congress this week to request additional funding for the war effort. Kyiv is currently several months into an ongoing counteroffensive effort that has fallen well short of its aims and foreign expectations.

"It’s not a good time for him to be here, quite frankly. That's just the reality," Donalds said of Zelensky's visit. He further attributed the ongoing conflict to the failings of Democratic leadership in Washington.

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495d0e No.91344

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578485 (192046ZSEP23) Notable: Secretary Mayorkas Announces Establishment of Homeland Intelligence Experts Group

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Tashina Gauhar

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495d0e No.91345

File: b54c8f7af096d3f⋯.jpg (90.01 KB,1200x861,400:287,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 955548b7825c8e9⋯.jpg (30.24 KB,760x428,190:107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578506 (192049ZSEP23) Notable: AF was warned about F-35 safety and security problems years ago - this is why it may have been HACKED or malfunctioned

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The 17 Most Innovative Features Of The F-35 Lightning II

Date: Jan 02, 2020

By: Maciej Bilinski


Innovation As A Fifth-Generation Fighter

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495d0e No.91346

File: 256cc9afb3f6a1a⋯.png (436.41 KB,768x328,96:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578515 (192050ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Admin Shuts Down Future Oil and Gas Activity on Thousands of Acres of New Mexico Land for Next 50 Years

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Explains all the New Mexico TREASON going on...

Biden Admin Shuts Down Future Oil and Gas Activity on Thousands of Acres of New Mexico Land for Next 50 Years

Biden Admin Shuts Down Future Oil And Gas Activity On Thousands Of Acres

The Biden administration announced that it has moved to shut down future oil, gas and mining activity on thousands of acres of New Mexico land for the next 50 years.


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495d0e No.91347

File: 3f63bbc6f5bd125⋯.png (600.53 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578524 (192051ZSEP23) Notable: Defiant journo drops damning new Ray Epps footage night before Epps is slapped with ‘joke’ of a charge

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Defiant journo drops damning new Ray Epps footage night before Epps is slapped with ‘joke’ of a charge

Ray Epps hit with one charge related to J6 a day after journalist found guilty on multiple counts released new footage of him at Capitol.


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495d0e No.91348

File: be740392f68e265⋯.png (1.41 MB,1052x615,1052:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578540 (192053ZSEP23) Notable: The Biden Admin Just Declared 'War on Consumers'

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The Biden Admin Just Declared 'War on Consumers'

In the Biden administration's whole-of-government attempt to force a transition to supposedly "green" and ethical energy that's anything but — just ask the whales off the coast of New England or forced/child laborers in EV battery supply chains in Africa — another department is jumping into the crusade.

On Tuesday morning, the U.S. Department of the Treasury released its "Principles for Net-Zero Financing & Investment" to press ahead with "best practices for private sector financial institutions that have made net-zero commitments and promote consistency and credibility in approaches to implementing them."

These principles, the Treasury Department and Secretary Janet Yellen say, are key to "supporting the mobilization of more private sector capital to address the physical and economic impacts of climate change and to seize on the historic economic opportunity presented by the green transition."

To that end, Yellen and her department heralded "a number of announcements from civil society including a $340 million commitment" from the likes of the Bezos Earth Fund, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Climate Arc, ClimateWorks, Hewlett Foundation, and Sequoia Climate Foundation over the next three years "to support the continued development of research, data availability, and technical resources intended to help financial institutions develop and execute robust, voluntary net-zero commitments" and "facilitate the transition planning efforts of non-financial sectors of the economy."

According to the Treasury Department, the "climate crisis is propelling a massive economic shift and is hitting the most vulnerable countries and communities first and hardest" and there's an "increasing demand for technologies, products, and services that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, support a clean energy future, and help adapt to a changing climate across all sectors." Notably, however, that demand is not high enough to see the market move truly voluntarily to meet it. As such, "[i]n the United States, government support is playing a role in accelerating this transition," the Treasury Department admitted as it pushes for more net-zero agreements and investment, as seen in the principles released on Tuesday.


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495d0e No.91349

File: 38e7e13ad0ea8e2⋯.png (727.83 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578548 (192054ZSEP23) Notable: Jack Smith’s Gag Order Designed To Destroy Trump’s First Amendment Right To Criticize Biden On Campaign Trail

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Jack Smith’s Gag Order Designed To Destroy Trump’s First Amendment Right To Criticize Biden On Campaign Trail

Smith's Gag Order Designed To Destroy Trump's Rights

This partisan indictment has quickly become one of the most egregious examples of sweeping state abuse this nation has ever seen.


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495d0e No.91350

File: 3920ef81956f029⋯.png (872.8 KB,768x421,768:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578552 (192055ZSEP23) Notable: Judicial Watch Uncovers Key Documents and Photos on Chinese Covid Labs in California

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Judicial Watch Uncovers Key Documents and Photos on Chinese Covid Labs in California

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch uncovered key documents and photos on Chinese Covid labs operating in California.


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495d0e No.91351

File: b8454c7c858ea12⋯.png (436.28 KB,696x364,174:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578559 (192056ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk Sues Joe Biden’s Administration For Violating U.S. Constitution

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Elon Musk Sues Joe Biden’s Administration For Violating U.S. Constitution

Elon Musk’s SpaceX fired back at President Joe Biden and sued the U.S. government claiming that the government’s case accusing the space leader of refusing to hire refugees and asylees violates the U.S. Constitution. According to Law.com: “SpaceX’s lawsuit...


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495d0e No.91352

File: dbfb0ed552ca29c⋯.png (626.68 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578617 (192109ZSEP23) Notable: Hundreds of high school students walk out after school board said transgender students must be allowed to use whichever bathroom they choose

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Hundreds of high school students walk out after school board said transgender students must be allowed to use whichever bathroom they choose

Moment Pennsylvania students walkout over trans bathroom policy

Students from Pennsylvania's Perkiomen Valley School District left class on Friday after officials decided not to force trans students to use a bathroom which aligns with their biological sex.


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495d0e No.91353

File: d42350e556a869a⋯.png (1.58 MB,768x922,384:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578622 (192110ZSEP23) Notable: Russell Brand’s girlfriend Kristen Bell was convicted of recruiting for a literal sex cult

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Russell Brand’s girlfriend, taken during the time when they were dating, performing with her dance troupe The Satanic Sluts.

""and his “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” co-star Kristen Bell discussing his behavior years ago,"''

Kristen Bell? This is the same Kristen Bell who was convicted of recruiting for a literal sex cult? THIS is the person we're trusting?


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495d0e No.91354

File: f19e2bae918aea3⋯.png (739.9 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578637 (192113ZSEP23) Notable: House GOP yanks vote to avoid a government shutdown

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House GOP yanks vote to avoid a government shutdown

House GOP leadership yanked a vote to advance a short-term spending deal Tuesday in a sign of the dwindling chances of the federal government avoids a shutdown by September 30.


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495d0e No.91355

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578652 (192115ZSEP23) Notable: #24043-A

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#24043-A >>91289

>>91290 New escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh, alleged Armenian military buildup

>>91291, >>91324 DHS Announces Establishment of New “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group”

>>91292 @realDonaldTrump There is no insurrection case against Trump

>>91293 Gaetz Drafts Subpoena for Hunter Biden’s Records and Deposition, Calls on Kevin McCarthy to Sign it: “Millions of Americans Are Wondering if You’re Serious”

>>91294 Radical Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego Begins Implementing Climate Organization’s Goal to Ban Meat, Dairy, and Private Vehicles In 14 US Cities by 2030

>>91295 5 Year Deltas Are The Best Deltas

>>91296 Fauci, wife Christine Grady worth $11M last year after he retired

>>91297, >>91298 Investigation Reveals NATO Supervises Ukrainian Child Abduction Groups

>>91299 Sacramento County District Attorney Thien Ho announced Tuesday morning that his office has filed a civil lawsuit against the city of Sacramento over its response to the growing unhoused population

>>91300 Canada Sentences Pastor to Prison for Speech in Which He Called Freedom Convoy Truckers ‘Heroes’

>>91301 Tara Reade: Russell Brand rape allegations are the return of the MeToo political zombie

>>91302, >>91306 Vaccine Effectiveness of Fourth Dose Against Death Was Around Zero

>>91303 McCarthy (R-CA) told reporters Monday that he will meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Washington this week

>>91304 Senator John Fetterman delivers a powerful message in support of the United Auto Workers.


>>91307 Ukraine will get Abrams tanks soon - Pentagon

>>91308 Military Whistleblower Exposes Massive Heart Failure Spike in Vaxxed Personnel

>>91309 Resolution declaring the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE VACANT has been observed circulating the House Floor..

>>91310 EU reacts to Ukraine's grain lawsuit

>>91311 Biden: US to work for Israeli normalization and two states

>>91312 One of China’s leading property developers, Sunac, has filed for bankruptcy protection in the United States

>>91313 NYT: Evidence Suggests Ukraine Carried Out Missile Strike on Ukrainian Market Which They Blamed Russia

>>91314 Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund about to testify before Congress.

>>91315 Another EU nation snubs cheap Ukrainian grain

>>91316 Subcommittee on Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures

>>91317 ZELENSKYY: “We know the names of tens of thousands of children and have evidence of hundreds of thousands of others kidnapped by Russia”

>>91318 starting today, Pennsylvania will begin automatic voter registration for folks getting a driver's license or state ID card at the DMV.


>>91320 How Microsoft helped Germany rig 2020 United States presidential election to overthrow President Donald Trump


baker will finish collecting

and post part B next bread

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495d0e No.91356

File: 402b75bce7b0294⋯.png (1.92 MB,1440x1080,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 8de14d54b3b5865⋯.png (403 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578653 (192116ZSEP23) Notable: Congrats to Jack Poso for making it to Zelensky's Kill List of "Enemies of Ukraine"!!

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Congrats to Jack Poso for making it to Zelensky's Kill List of "Enemies of Ukraine"!!

American Conservative Journalist Jack Posobiec Put on Enemies of Ukrainian List

American conservative journalist and political commentator Jack Posobiec has been included on a Ukrainian-run list of supposed enemies of Ukraine, which claimed that his public statements amount to acts against the national security of Ukraine.

The shadowy organisation behind the list, which claims to act independently from the Ukrainian state, describes Posobiec as a “pro-Russian activist”, a “provocateur”, and recommends that law enforcement agencies consider his statements as “deliberate acts against the national security of Ukraine, peace, the security of humanity and international law and order, as well as other offences.”

In response to his inclusion on the “criminal” list, the Human Events senior editor said: “After the collapse of his counteroffensive, Zelensky’s biggest threat isn’t me, it’s his own intelligence services. Hope you don’t get put on the CIA’s Early Retirement Plan, Volod. Drop the receipts on the Bidens and we’ll find you a nice McMansion in Sarasota.”

In addition to the Human Events editor, the list is comprised of thousands of individuals deemed to be enemies of Ukraine, lumping together Russian spies alongside journalists, former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Hungarian Prime Minster Viktor Orban and even Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters

The website, which features graphic images of apparently slain Russian soldiers declares on its homepage that “Russians and other enemies should be killed”. In an Orwellian turn of phrase the organisation’s name, Myrotvorets, translates to “Peacemaker”.


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495d0e No.91357

File: 8465c622c60ebc0⋯.png (85.02 KB,291x581,291:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578695 (192126ZSEP23) Notable: Secretary Mayorkas Announces Establishment of Homeland Intelligence Experts Group

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TRUMP's Timestamp

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495d0e No.91358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578670 (192120ZSEP23) Notable: Subcommittee on Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures

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>baker is finishing last bread part B notes

Subcommittee on Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures


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495d0e No.91359

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578680 (192123ZSEP23) Notable: >> 9578759, Arrested child trafficker admits to boarding school used as front for organ harvesting network in Ukraine - by: Jack Posobiec and Thomas Stevenson

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VIDEO LEAK: Arrested child trafficker admits to boarding school used as front for organ harvesting network in Ukraine

by: Jack Posobiec and Thomas Stevenson09/19/2023

In a video confession of a child traffickerwho was caught on Ukraine-Slovakian border, the trafficker admits that he had higher involvement in the trafficking of kidsfrom a boarding school in Perechyn, Ukraine.

Child trafficker and ex-teacher, Denys Varodi, 43, had allegedly given a $1000 down payment for the 11-month-old baby. He was arrested on the Ukraine-Slovakian border and put in prison. In a video obtained by journalist, Vitaliy Glagola, Varodi’s cellmate recorded a video where he admits and exposes more child trafficking he was involved in at the school he taught at.

Varodi said that he and other traffickers were involved in various activities with a “charity organization.” The charity worked with orphaned students at a boarding school in Perechyn, Ukraine. According to Varodi, many of these trips for students went to places such as “Holland, or Germany, or Italy, or America."

During the various trips of the students, lawyers working with the trafficker would falsify documents of the students’ travel and some were allegedly “adopted.”

In reality, according to Varodi “children and students of the Borshchiv boarding school were taken out for organ transplantation.”

“If twenty-five children were taken out, only twenty-three were returned… between the employees of the institution, educators and teachers,” Varodi continued.

Students started asking questions about where the other orphans had gone during the trips and some faculty in the school. made excuses for why kids had disappeared.

Varodi explained that as a general rule, children at the school were selected for “organ transplants.”

“They were mostly orphans who had no parents,” Varodi said. “Some of them have not returned to this day and it is not known where they are.”

One police officer with the name of “Sasha” had also allegedly taken several girls from the school on a regular basis. Other employees at the school saw him take “two girls… constantly.” He would take them in the evening and return them in the morning time. Glagola described the events as happening “systematically.”

According to Glagola, in the video, Varodi “accuses the director of the boarding school, Vasyl Koba, the institution's lawyer, Olga Longwiser, and the director's son, Vasyl Koba Jr., of involvement in the sale of children for organs.”

Glagola called on law enforcement to investigate further into the crimes.

Below is the translated telegram caption from journalist Vitaliy Glagola that he posted with the video:

I got my hands on a video of the communication of the child trafficker Denys Varoda, who is currently in the Uzhgorod pre-trial detention center. The video confession was recorded right there by one of Varodi's cellmates. Subtitles were superimposed (with errors).

In the video, the child trafficker Denys Varodi admits that he was clearly aware that he was taking children "to organs". Despite the fact that he told the parents that the children would be adopted into European families.

In this sensational video by Denys Varodi, it is said that in Perechyn, children of the former boarding school were taken abroad for organs in 2010-2014. And also several cases [from] 2016-2018.

In the video, Denys Varodi also accuses the director of the boarding school, Vasyl Koba, the institution's lawyer, Olga Longwiser, and the director's son, Vasyl Koba Jr., of involvement in the sale of children for organs to EU countries.

In addition, the man told how the girls were taken from the institution in the evening by authorized police officers and brought back only in the morning. According to the man's statement, this happened systematically...



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495d0e No.91360

File: a49abf2e07dddaf⋯.jpg (123.37 KB,720x844,180:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578718 (192130ZSEP23) Notable: Temple University says President JoAnne A. Epps has suddenly died, the same day Ray Epps catches a charge, how convenient

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BREAKINGTemple University says President JoAnne A. Epps has suddenly died after collapsing on stage during a memorial service

The same day RayEppscatches a charge, how convenient.....

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495d0e No.91361

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578742 (192137ZSEP23) Notable: >> 9578759, Arrested child trafficker admits to boarding school used as front for organ harvesting network in Ukraine - by: Jack Posobiec and Thomas Stevenson

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Part 2of 3 or 4

Now it's up to the law enforcement officers and the court. I call on the law enforcement officers and competent services to immediately investigate the information from Denys Varodi's confessions and check the credibility of the accusations.

And in general, I'm just in shock. Even if we imagine that only 10% of these statements are true.

Below is the translated cell testimony of Varodi:

Speaker1: [00:00:00] You order a frame, including on the facade of the house, which was previously selected with you, when he gave, when was the last time. Yesterday Voloshyn told me how to cross the street and gave me the money. The look with the mark showed everything about who you are hair. Why for your concessions, for what statement are you abroad now? Who will we choose in the winter from patriotism? Where did Ukraine's beautiful self get caught with him? You knew that this is not the first time that you are putting them on the bodies of this legislation, and in general, it introduces such concepts for the age. Haven't you heard? The change to the toponym had time only for the organs, but the woman did not already know the child for the interpersonal organs. To bring her out here, as already noticed, they are tired. She made all the proofs for herself. And experts should know why a child should go to the organs. The amendment was news. Yes, yes, the past died directly, And the first woman is also not easy. But the pregnant woman thought that the child would be born there, like a surrogate mother went to her because she knew that the child was going to the family, but in fact the child was going where he was helping to make his own child. Love was for organs and to go, then he knew and that friend of yours knew too. I would like to thank him and speak loudly. He heard and knew the task, he knew that it was not about organs, about health, as it is now. Denis Yosypovych. On the twenty-sixth of January, nineteen eighty-th year of birth, living across the river, Luzhanska street, eighty-fourth of the Perechyn District, worked at the Perechyn Boarding School for orphans and children deprived of parental care.

Speaker1: [00:02:19] He also worked as the head of the Heart with Love charity organization. The organization provided help from the number of orphans to graduates of boarding schools, to the elderly, namely in the form of food kits received from various organizations. I know people like the participants who sent their children abroad allegedly for treatment or during the holidays. This is Vasyl Fedorovych Koba, the director of a boarding school who lives in the city of Perechyn. Vlad Vizer Olga, a lawyer who lives in the village of Yablunytsia, Perechyn district, and Vasyl Vasyliovych Koba, the director's son, who lives in the city of Uzhhorod. These persons often took their children on holiday abroad during summer vacations, as well as from 2010 to 2014. It is either Holland, or Germany, or Italy, or America, and so on. Olya van Wiese created these persons and worked as a lawyer who made false or false documents. And during all this, children and students of the Borshchiv boarding school were taken out for organ transplantation. If twenty-five children were taken out, only twenty-three were returned in parts between the employees of the institution, educators and teachers. Some students asked questions. The answer was short and clear, and the children on the list are currently being treated. Some time passes, we asked questions again and were told the following words: If you want to work, work, and if you don't, then quit. In fact, it was a question, as a rule, of a closed type, that it is secret information, where and where it is, where the children are, whether we are adopted or not adopted….

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495d0e No.91362

File: 20e4773bace1c77⋯.jpeg (771.28 KB,2000x1500,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: be9452eecef038e⋯.jpeg (523.61 KB,1200x1600,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578752 (192139ZSEP23) Notable: How Sam Bankman-Fried’s Elite Parents Enabled His Crypto Empire

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How Sam Bankman-Fried’s Elite Parents Enabled His Crypto Empire

Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried, both renowned Stanford scholars, opened doors for their son and provided a halo effect for his company.

Their kid seemed “bred for the role of crypto exchange founder and CEO,” as a fawning profile published by Sequoia Capital, one of FTX’s biggest investors, put it. The article, which attempted to explain why one of Silicon Valley’s most respected venture capital firms had chosen to give $150 million to a young man who was caught playing video games on his computer in the middle of an investor pitch meeting, offered two pieces of evidence in support of its assertion. The first was that Bankman-Fried worked briefly at a Wall Street trading firm. The second was that his parents were Stanford law professors.


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495d0e No.91363

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578778 (192146ZSEP23) Notable: >> 9578759, Arrested child trafficker admits to boarding school used as front for organ harvesting network in Ukraine - by: Jack Posobiec and Thomas Stevenson

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part 4

Speaker1: [00:09:11] He constantly emphasized that children should be at school, study and engage in various methods. But about these two girls, whom Sasha took away, almost the entire school staff knew, they already started talking loudly. Sasha had to resign from the position of head of children's affairs. And where did you take the children? Where do you think I'm from? How was it taken for divorce? That's why I can't officials. There were quite a few people, too, in the police there was a captain in affairs, a chief in affairs, there is a manager, then a big position is needed individually, he would choose his own or friends, or a tower for high-ranking officials. A fifteen-year-old girl in the middle of the road near Lviv. The director of the courses, Oleg Novikov, is in the course, because a statement was written to him, and then he will stop it all, because it ended in a big scandal two weeks ago. Allegedly from something, because the first trips with children's concerts to Holland began. The conclusion of these concerts I have to adopt a child for myself, because to a greater extent, the truth. I don't remember Bobby's last name now, he adopted him. The child was now cured by Janush's circle. But then, over time, Janusz began to be a sponsor of the institution and trips were made more often, either to adopt children, or to go abroad. And it all started with two thousand to the whole world, which had the eighth. And this went on somewhere until the virus hit. The children often left, many of these were established, either officially or unofficially, by children nominated.

[00:11:24] Well, they disappeared like that….

Speaker1: [00:11:31] Children went missing in a wild way, so they didn't go missing at school. Almost all of them went abroad. For example, three left, two returned, where the third girl, the third girl remained for treatment. After some time, they say, the ox was adopted, there are parents, family and so on. Was it true or not? We don't say it, but I know that it was all a lie. At that time, I worked at a school there, I had a high salary. At that time, a dollar was worth eight hryvnias, and a salary was eight thousand. It was a thousand dollars. Although I know that the authorities in the region supported him, because he was the director of the school for thirty years, and no inspection did not free him and the school. Well, then everything you know. Thus, for a time, Maksakov Anna Ivanivna Zhive and Maria Ivanovna were in education. I don't know that woman's last name, because she was Surkov's boss. She came to school and all the checks were carried out by the head and that was it. There was silence, everything was smooth, everything was fine. For some reason, everything worked out. Everything is fine with us, but after two years, he returned me to the school again as a teacher organizer and gave me a half-time job as a night teacher. Well, it was at such a time that they came and took my pen and it ended in a scandal. What did I release? Then why did the kid run away from the internet during my shift? Why don't I know about this? Where is it and when was it necessary to say that the lawyer came to pick up the package with the pen. If someone knows about it, I'll be the head of the department and that's it.

Speaker1: [00:13:44] No one is no one what you pretend to be, that you know what you are talking about. Now the police will come here to beat you up. Think about what you say and that's it. Please teach him the resignation letter and goodbye. I haven't done anything to you for two years. Did he tell you that he would be fired? Well, yes, I freed myself then. So what do you think, in your opinion, where did these children go?

This is much longer go to the article to read it all.Call to Dig Anons all the people, orgs etc


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495d0e No.91364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578780 (192147ZSEP23) Notable: Temple University says President JoAnne A. Epps has suddenly died, the same day Ray Epps catches a charge, how convenient

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Temple University says acting president JoAnne A. Epps has died after collapsing on stage

Temple University acting president JoAnne A. Epps has died after collapsing at a memorial service Tuesday afternoon, the university said.

Epps was transported to Temple University Hospital, where she was pronounced dead around 3:15 p.m. Tuesday, the university said. She was 72.

Ken Kaiser, senior vice president and chief operating officer at Temple, declined to speculate about Epps’ health prior to her collapse.

“We are not aware that President Epps had any health issues,” Kaiser said at a news conference.

“There are no words that can describe the gravity and sadness of this loss,” Temple board chairman Mitchell Morgan said in the statement. “President Epps was a devoted servant and friend who represented the best parts of Temple. She spent nearly 40 years of her life serving this university, and it goes without saying her loss will reverberate through the community for years to come.”

Temple University Provost Gregory Mandel choked up as he described Epps.

“We are all in deep grief and at a loss for words. To know Joanne is to be her friend,” Mandel said at the news conference. “She was one of the most remarkably compassionate and caring individuals I’ve ever known.”

Mandel said the university’s Board of Trustees would be meeting tomorrow to “put together a plan for us as we work through this transition.”

Epps, Temple’s former law school dean and provost, was named to the post in April following the resignation of Jason Wingard, the university’s first Black president, who resigned in March after leading the 33,600-student university since July 2021.

Kaiser said Epps started out working at Temple’s bookstore 40 years ago and dedicated herself to improving the university.

Epps vowed to focus on enrollment and safety due to spiraling crime near the north Philadelphia campus and other issues during her predecessor’s tumultuous tenure. She told The Philadelphia Inquirer, which reported enrollment was down 14% since 2019, that she believed she was selected in part for her “ability to sort of calm waters.”

“I am obviously humbled and excited and really looking forward to being able to make a contribution to the university that I so love,” Epps told the newspaper. She said she would not be a candidate for the permanent position.

Gov. Josh Shapiro described Epps as “a powerful force and constant ambassador for Temple University for nearly four decades.”

“Losing her is heartbreaking for Philadelphia,” Shapiro said in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Lori and I are holding JoAnne’s loved ones in our hearts right now. May her memory be a blessing.”

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495d0e No.91365

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578806 (192152ZSEP23) Notable: #24043-B posted in #24044

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#24043-B >>91289

>>91321, >>91332 California’s Democrat Legislators Want to Make it ILLEGAL to Touch Grass

>>91322 Seized Zelensky home could become anti-Nazi museum

>>91323 Two Pharmafags Plead Guilty To Insider Trading Scheme Surrounding Alexion Pharmaceuticals’ Acquisition Of Portola Pharmaceuticals

>>91325 Air Force Releases Never-Before-Seen Side Photo of Secretive B-21 Raider

>>91326, >>91344 >>91357 Secretary Mayorkas Announces Establishment of Homeland Intelligence Experts Group

>>91327 500 Pound ‘Green’ Delivery e-Bikes Planned by City Set To Replace NY Cyclists and Pedestrians

>>91328 Canada Rolls Out First Nationally Accredited Program for How to Kill a Patient

>>91329, >>91330, >>91331 @PDJT I got the job done! Republicans must learn how to talk about Abortion... Radical Left Democrats who are so willing to destroy Life!

>>91333 Did China Just Create a New Bermuda Triangle?

>>91334 Gavin Newsom's Defense of Hunter Biden Is as Telling as It Is Ridiculous

>>91335 Rep. Matt Gaetz Calls for Repatriation of US Taxpayer Dollars Sent to Ukraine (VIDEO)

>>91336 Biden Admin Taps Ex-Intel Officials Who Signed Infamous Hunter Biden Laptop Letter To Form DHS ‘Expert’ Committee

>>91337 CALL TO DIGG:This is "general" CQ "Swamp Thang" Brown (swamp thang is his real call sign from when he ejected from a functioning F-16 back at Moody AFB, GA - landed in the swamp).

>>91338 UN globalists descend upon Gotham City for crisis talks as ‘progress’ of Sustainable Development Goals backslides - americanthinker

>>91339, >>91345 AF was warned about F-35 safety and security problems years ago - this is why it may have been HACKED or malfunctioned

>>91341 Joe Biden Laments He Could Be Dead Before Hunter Biden’s Legal Woes Resolved

>>91342 Peter Schweizer Schools Ex-FBI Agent Who Shielded Bidens

>>91343 Rep. Donalds to Zelensky: 'No money in the House' for Ukraine

>>91346 Biden Admin Shuts Down Future Oil and Gas Activity on Thousands of Acres of New Mexico Land for Next 50 Years

>>91347 Defiant journo drops damning new Ray Epps footage night before Epps is slapped with ‘joke’ of a charge

>>91348, >>91340 The Biden Admin Just Declared 'War on Consumers'

>>91349 Jack Smith’s Gag Order Designed To Destroy Trump’s First Amendment Right To Criticize Biden On Campaign Trail

>>91350 Judicial Watch Uncovers Key Documents and Photos on Chinese Covid Labs in California

>>91351 Elon Musk Sues Joe Biden’s Administration For Violating U.S. Constitution

>>91352 Hundreds of high school students walk out after school board said transgender students must be allowed to use whichever bathroom they choose

>>91353 Russell Brand’s girlfriend Kristen Bell was convicted of recruiting for a literal sex cult

>>91354 House GOP yanks vote to avoid a government shutdown

>>91356 Congrats to Jack Poso for making it to Zelensky's Kill List of "Enemies of Ukraine"!!

>>>/qresearch/19578806 #24043-B

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495d0e No.91366

File: 977c6e9978ecb95⋯.jpeg (74.6 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578843 (192201ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Claims Client ‘Did Not Share Money’ with Joe Biden, Contradicting Hunter’s Own Words

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The statements from Hunter’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, have to be parsed very carefully. Notice from the article below that Hunter’s text message from 2018 indicates that Joe was taking out lines of credit (loans) forELEVEN YEARSfrom a bank account with Hunter — which Hunter then was paying off with the help of his buddy at Rosemont Seneca, Eric Schwerin. This is essentially a way of using intermediaries as conduits to route money to Joe. Anti-corruption laws cover both direct and indirect transfers, so these payments are COVERED as indirect transfers to Joe. Lowell is saying that Hunter did not directly “share” money with his dad, but he does not discuss bank lines of credit repaid by Hunter. The law covers “anything of value,” provided directly or indirectly, to an official. Well-established precedent confirms that loans repaid by another are covered under anti-corruption laws.

The other text message quoted in the article confirms that Hunter gave half of his “salary” at the time to Joe. The only paying “job” Hunter had at the time was the board seat at Burisma. Hunter had partial ownership of Rosemont Seneca, his “salary” money was essentially coming only from Burisma.

The fact that Joe structured these transfers as loans with repayments by Hunter again showsINTENTIONAL CONCEALMENT, which is further evidence of guilt. Biden isGUILTY.

Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Claims Client ‘Did Not Share Money’ with Joe Biden, Contradicting Hunter’s Own Words


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495d0e No.91367

File: 9fe8d52e2423b0a⋯.png (644.59 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578860 (192204ZSEP23) Notable: New York City Considering Removing Statues of George Washington, Others

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New York City Considering Removing Statues of George Washington, Others

New York City is considering a measure that would essentially remove statues of Founding Fathers such as George Washington, all while facing a migrant crisis costing taxpayers billions.

According to a list found in New York City’s council agenda for Tuesday, September 19, officials will consider a bill that would:

…require the Public Design Commission (PDC) to publish a plan to remove works of art on City property that depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefitted economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity.

Under this criteria, the Father of the Nation’s depictions could get the boot, including the famous statue in Union Square Park.

Other statues, including that of Christopher Columbus, would also be subjected to this measure.

According to the bill, if the PDC opts not to remove a work of art of an individual who fits the criteria, it would be required to “include in the plan steps it will take to install an explanatory plaque next to the work of art.”

“This bill would also require the Department of Transportation to consult with the Department of Education to install plaques on sidewalks or other public space adjacent to schools that are named after a person that fits the criteria,” a summary of the measure adds.

Other items on the agenda include bills to “require the Commission on Racial Equity to establish a Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation process in connection with the City’s historic involvement in slavery” and “require the Chief Equity Officer to create an anti-racism training for employees of human services contractors.”

Years ago, former President Donald Trump predicted that the far-left would eventually turn on the Founding Fathers.

“This week, it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is George Washington next week, and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You really do have to ask yourself: ‘Where does it stop?'” Trump asked during a press conference as the far-left kicked off the trend of removing Confederate statues.

“Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments,” Trump said on X, formerly known as Twitter, in 2017.

He added that you “can’t change history, but you can learn from it.”

“Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson – who’s next, Washington, Jefferson? So foolish!” he exclaimed.


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495d0e No.91368

File: add500c07169677⋯.png (573.74 KB,779x855,41:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578928 (192220ZSEP23) Notable: The BEE: Zelensky Passes Around Offering Plate During U.N. Speech

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Zelensky Passes Around Offering Plate During U.N. Speech

Sep 19, 2023

NEW YORK, NY — In an effort to raise more funds to support Ukraine's war efforts against Russia, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had ushers pass around an offering plate during his speech to the United Nations General Assembly.

"Please give as you feel led in your hearts," Zelensky said to the delegates as soft music began to play. "It is only through the generosity of people like you that we can continue to simultaneously carry out violent military strikes against the evil Russian invaders and keep making progress in our work to launder massive amounts of money for different corrupt regimes around the world."

Zelensky has been the target of increased criticism as reports of heavy Ukrainian casualties have circulated, despite Ukraine launching a massive counteroffensive against Russian forces. Public support among the American people for funding the war has begun to wane, with a movement growing in the U.S. Congress to discontinue sending taxpayer dollars overseas to help Ukraine. "Your contributions are so critical," Zelensky said. "Every taxpayer dollar you send to us helps us spread misinformation and corruption around the world. Thank you for following your hearts and giving to our very worthy cause."

The delegates of the United Nations eagerly filled the offering plate as it was passed around, providing Zelensky with the money he needed to keep the Ukrainian government operating and furnish all government buildings with PlayStation 5 consoles.

At publishing time, Zelensky had been unsatisfied with the amount and demanded all plates be passed around again.


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495d0e No.91369

File: c2110d3b5b00f60⋯.jpeg (56 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578940 (192223ZSEP23) Notable: A visits Ukraine wounded in NY hospital: When did Staten Island become part of Ukraine?

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What's This Now? Zelenskyy Visits Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers — in New York City Hospital

Robert Spencer

There are an awful lot of strange things about the war in Ukraine. Here’s another one.

The New York Post reported matter-of-factly Monday that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy “headed to Staten Island University Hospital on Monday to visit his country’s wounded soldiers after he landed in the Big Apple for this week’s United Nations General Assembly.” It was presented as a heart-warming story: the Commander-In-Chief gives a morale boost to those who have been wounded in defense of the nation, and everyone goes away feeling inspired.

But wait.Why are the Ukrainian wounded in a hospital on Staten Island, instead of, say, Kyiv, or Odessa?It seems an awful long way for a wounded person to have to travel for treatment. Yet the Post offers no explanation of why they’re there, how they got there, or what the implications of their being there might be. Sky News offered raw footage of the event but no further explanation.

The Post says that Zelenskyy “thanked Ukrainian fighters receiving treatment at the hospital and even helped one soldier out of his wheelchair and to his feet as the two took a photo together.” And even more inspiring, “during his visit, Zelenskyy handed out commendations to the injured soldiers, some confined to wheelchairs and others with prosthetic limbs.”

While he was there, “he also toured the facility” and gave “a short address to the soldiers in the room.” That was when the inspirational content of this story reached its height, for Zelenskyy “reportedly issued the country’s battle cry, ‘Glory to Ukraine’ with soldiers replying ‘Glory to the heroes’ in Ukrainian.”

Gee, that’s swell, but when did Staten Island become part of Ukraine?Did Zelenskyy buy it with all the billions that the Biden regime has been shoveling his way?

Michael Dowling, whom the Post identifies as “the CEO of Northwell Health, which owns Staten Island University Hospital” offered a clue to this curious scenario whenhe said that “18 Ukrainian soldiers have received treatment at the medical center since March.”

That leads us to an ABC News story from March 30, which informs us that “a U.S.-based nonprofit is providing life-changing prosthetic limbs to Ukrainian soldiers who were wounded while defending their country against Russian forces. In just a few months, Kind Deeds has helped 11 soldiers receive and get fitted with prostheses.” The story adds that the soldiers were being treated at Staten Island University Hospital.

Dowling explained, “We have an obligation to help with the situation in Ukraine as much as we possibly can. It’s our privilege to help any way we can.” The executive director of Staten Island University Hospital, Dr. Brahim Ardolic, added that “the soldiers want to get back to serve their country.”

He said, “We’ve rarely seen patients that are this much wanting to get better to go back to help. It’s really incredible to see how passionate you all are about getting better so you can go back and help your country. It really is something that is an inspiration to all of us.” In the same spirit of warmth and commendation, Zelenskyy “also presented awards to hospital staff.”

Zelenskyy is in New York to speak at the UN, and while he is in the country, he also plans to pay a visit to his piggy bank: “Later this week, Zelenskyy plans to meet with President Biden and congressional leaders in Washington, D.C. in a bid to secure more assistance from the U.S. as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine approaches 20 months.”

And of course, he will get it as America’s infrastructure continues to crumble and Americans are increasingly squeezed by the financial burden of taking care of everyone in the world who has any problems.

It is unlikely that Zelenskyy and Old Joe will discuss the wisdom of the U.S. getting ever more involved in the war in Ukraine and thereby also inching ever closer to a world war. American taxpayer money isbankrolling the war in Ukraine, and wounded Ukrainian soldiers are being treated in the United States (paid for by a charity, apparently), and no one seems concerned about the bigger picture at all.

So relax. There will never be any consequences for America’s actions, and the money will never run out. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!


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495d0e No.91370

File: dd28071f86dd4f9⋯.png (490.17 KB,789x853,789:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578955 (192226ZSEP23) Notable: MOAR BEE: Bad Luck: Military Announces Lost F-35 Was Carrying Epstein Client List

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bad Luck: Military Announces Lost F-35 Was Carrying Epstein Client List

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a blow to the transparency of information and what could have been a treasure trove of evidence against a global sex trafficking ring, the Pentagon has announced the lost F-35 fighter jet was apparently carrying the only known copy of Jeffrey Epstein's client list.

"This is truly unfortunate," said Department of Defense spokesman John Kirby. "The client list that once belonged to the late Mr. Epstein was being transported to an undisclosed location for analysis to prepare to use it as evidence to deliver justice for Epstein's victims. Tragically, with the plane going missing, it is unlikely we will ever see the list again. Such a peculiar happenstance, really."

Media outlets and the public at large have been calling for the release of Eptsein's client list for years but will now be left to speculate as to its contents. "Such an awful coincidence," said conspiracy theorist Ryan Felix. "It just so happens that the very plane that is carrying the client list disappears? Yeah, sure. Right. Funny how that happens, huh?"

At publishing time, reports had begun to circulate that, in addition to the Epstein client list, the missing F-35 jet just so happened to also be carrying the Nashville shooter's manifesto, Barack Obama's original birth certificate, conclusive proof of the identity of the Jan 6 pipe bomber, and all known documentation and evidence of Joe and Hunter Biden's dealings with the Ukrainian and Chinese governments.


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495d0e No.91371

File: f75dbb11f0d2713⋯.png (1.93 MB,1639x890,1639:890,Clipboard.png)

File: 96482c964ec5fa2⋯.png (1.98 MB,1633x891,1633:891,Clipboard.png)

File: f03d7277d8d659e⋯.png (767.66 KB,1369x882,1369:882,Clipboard.png)

File: e033b8de987a44c⋯.png (60.88 KB,640x426,320:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578963 (192226ZSEP23) Notable: PF REPORT

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Kek, something is fischy Flightradar!

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495d0e No.91372

File: 1d952bc725e061b⋯.png (33.51 KB,799x184,799:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19578997 (192235ZSEP23) Notable: Why is nobody objecting when they call January 6th an 'Insurrection'?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Subcommittee on Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures

Top Comment

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495d0e No.91373

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579000 (192235ZSEP23) Notable: Why is nobody objecting when they call January 6th an 'Insurrection'?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


When Democrat idiots refer to J6 as an "insurrection", the witness or any member of the opposing party has a right and obligation to object on the basis that the word "insurrection" assumes facts that are not adjudicated or entered into evidence. Any party to any official proceeding, including a Congressional hearing, has the right to object at any time during the proceeding and have their objection noted for the record.

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495d0e No.91374

File: 238d83667589a4a⋯.png (22.17 KB,598x295,598:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579127 (192307ZSEP23) Notable: Iranian President Raisi at the UN: Some intl powers and their shadow rulers are trying to provoke conflicts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Iranian President Raisi at the United Nations General Assembly: Some international powers and their shadow rulers are trying to provoke conflicts in different regions of the world as we speak here


Shadow Rulers..

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495d0e No.91375

File: 59e5e1d09a6457a⋯.png (499.23 KB,557x665,557:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579165 (192314ZSEP23) Notable: Grassley meets with Save the Children

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4:58 = 17

Chuck Grassley


Mtg w Save the Children issues: child care, Head Start funding

4:58 PM · Sep 19, 2023


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495d0e No.91376

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579192 (192322ZSEP23) Notable: Mary Lasker established the Birth Control Federation (later PP), later pushed NIH funding - DIG CALL

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Mary Lasker is worth a dig, in my opinion.


Quotes:"In 1938 she became the president of the Birth Control Federation of America, the precursor of the Planned Parenthood Federation.[4]"

"She played major roles in promoting and expanding the National Institutes of Health, helping its budget expand by a factor of 2000 times from $2.4 million in 1945 to $5.5 billion in 1985.[15]"

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495d0e No.91377

File: 6270c1478d27ed0⋯.png (122.6 KB,851x618,851:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579219 (192327ZSEP23) Notable: Ford Lays Off 600 Workers Due To UAW Strike

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Permanent Strike: Ford Lays Off 600 Workers Due To UAW Strike

As a result of the UAW strikes, 600 Ford employees will now be taking a permanent strike.

Just hours after it was reported that Stellantis could be shuttering 18 facilities as part of a new "improved" contract with the UAW, Ford faces additional realities of the ongoing strike: it has laid off 600 workers at the Michigan Assembly Plant's body construction department, ABC Detroit reported.

The company said this week: “Our production system is highly interconnected, which means the UAW’s targeted strike strategy will have knock-on effects for facilities that are not directly targeted for a work stoppage. In this case, the strike at Michigan Assembly Plant’s final assembly and paint departments has directly impacted the operations in other parts of the facility."

"Approximately 600 employees at Michigan Assembly Plant’s body construction department and south sub-assembly area of integrated stamping were notified not to report to work Sept. 15. This is not a lockout. This layoff is a consequence of the strike at Michigan Assembly Plant’s final assembly and paint departments, because the components built by these 600 employees use materials that must be e-coated for protection. E-coating is completed in the paint department, which is on strike," it continued.

At the stroke of midnight last Friday, the United Auto Workers initiated their labor strike, focusing their initial efforts on three facilities—Ford's Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne, Stellantis' Toledo Assembly Complex in Toledo, and a General Motors factory in Missouri.

To add insult to collateral-damage-injury, Stellantis, in a recent bargaining move with the United Auto Workers union, has floated a contract proposal - that could result in the shuttering of 18 American facilities, according to CNBC, citing sources familiar with strike discussions.

On Tuesday, the head of United Auto Workers, Shawn Fain, declared he will unleash additional strikes across manufacturing facilities of General Motors Co., Ford Motor Co., and Stellantis NV on Friday. This move is contingent on the three automakers not properly addressing the union's demands for a new four-year labor contract for its 146,000 members.


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495d0e No.91378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579229 (192329ZSEP23) Notable: Gavin Newsom defends Hunter Biden's business deals, says family influence peddling is 'hardly unique'

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Gavin Newsom defends Hunter Biden's business deals, says family influence peddling is 'hardly unique'

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, defended Hunter Biden's business deals in an interview during which he said family influence peddling was "hardly unique."

Newsom made the comments in an interview with Dana Bash on CNN Monday when she asked him about Republicans hounding the president about his son's business dealings.

"One of the things that Republicans are relentless on, of course, is Hunter Biden," said Bash.

"There is no evidence that Joe Biden benefited from anything that Hunter was doing," she claimed, "but Republicans have shown that Hunter Biden ... tried to leverage his father's name and that the president allegedly, before he was president, joined phone calls that Hunter Biden's business associates were on. Do you see anything inappropriate there?"

"I don't know enough about the details of that. I mean, I've seen a little of that," Newsom replied.

"If that's the new criteria, there are a lot of folks in a lot of industries — not just in politics — where people have family members and relationships and they're trying to parlay and get a little influence and benefit in that respect. That's hardly unique," he added.

"I don't love that any more than you love it or other people, I imagine, love that. We want to see a lot less of that. But an impeachment inquiry? Give me a break," he concluded.

Newsom went on to blast Republicans for the government shutdown that may result from Democrats and Republicans failing to come to an agreement on how to raise the debt ceiling.

"This is a joke. Ready, fire, aim. I mean, this is a perversity that the Founding Fathers never conceived of and imagined," said Newsom. "So, if that’s the best they can do, give me a break. That’s about public opinion."

Republicans have lambasted President Joe Biden with the evidence that he helped his son enrich himself by selling access to his father. Biden at first denied ever having any involvement with his son's business dealings, but more and more evidence has been contradicting that claim.


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495d0e No.91379

File: d2b84f3f7eb76b2⋯.jpg (79.02 KB,719x798,719:798,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579275 (192341ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000061

Stoltenberg Admits Putin Made Sensible Final Ultimatum To NATO Which Forced Him to Invade Ukraine



WWIII Fault Lines Drawn? China Displays Military Might Against Taiwan, Joins North Korea In Defending Russia


Iranian President Raisi at the UN General Assembly: Some international powers and their shadow rulers are trying to provoke conflicts in different regions of the world as we speak here.


Secret Pfizer Document Shows Company KNEW Since February 2021 That mRNA COVID 'Vaccine' Was Killing People


You're Not Even Safe In You're Own Garage Anymore! You Need To Be Ready To SHOOT Thugs Like This!


If you are not mentally ready for a situation like this, then YOU will end up just like this poor guy, what you've worked so hard to earn, stolen right from you. This homeowner was not mentally ready to intentionally hurt such people. He became a victim.

Seattle Law Enforcement Tells Citizens They Won't Protect Them Anymore


Democrat-run States To Allow CRIMINALS To Freely Steal, Rob, Kidnap, Rape and Murder With NO BAIL, NO JAIL


New York City is considering a measure that would essentially remove statues of Founding Fathers such as George Washington, all while facing a migrant crisis costing taxpayers billions.


Phoenix Mayor Moves to Enforce Ban on Meat, Dairy and Private Car Ownership


MY COMMENT: How is this even allowed to happen, let alone be enforceable? The unconstitutional power grabbing is astounding today. Totally un-American in every way.

Biden Regime Shuts Down Future Oil and Gas Mining on Thousands of Acres of New Mexico Land for Next 50 Years


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495d0e No.91380

File: 029954c43ed59fb⋯.mp4 (13.79 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579284 (192343ZSEP23) Notable: Rotting garbage, dead bodies, and robbers in the jungle - they don’t tell you that when the cartel and NGOs are selling illegals the travel brochures! Darien Gap, Panama. #BidenDidThis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News on X

Rotting garbage, dead bodies, and robbers in the jungle - they don’t tell you that when the cartel and NGOs are selling illegals the travel brochures! Darien Gap, Panama. #BidenDidThis

“Law & Border” Real America’s Voice News


Sponsored by http://PatriotMobile.com promo code: RAV

And http://RAVSAT.com for satellite communication when the grid goes down. Be prepared and support companies that support your value




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495d0e No.91381

File: 95f007c9efc7cf0⋯.png (345.14 KB,848x836,212:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d6b0515e91fd03⋯.png (281.67 KB,500x570,50:57,Clipboard.png)

File: 9863a18ecb45c22⋯.png (140.37 KB,528x549,176:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579291 (192344ZSEP23) Notable: India Rejects Trudeau's "Absurd" Accusations It Assassinated Canadian Citizen, Expels Diplomat In Tit-For-Tat

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India Rejects Trudeau's "Absurd" Accusations It Assassinated Canadian Citizen, Expels Diplomat In Tit-For-Tat

India is remaining defiant and has refused to acknowledge Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's shock accusation that Indian intelligence assassinated a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil. Trudeau on Monday told lawmakers there is "credible" intelligence pointing to "agents of the government of India" as being behind the June murder of a prominent Sikh leader named Hardeep Singh Nijjar near Vancouver - shot dead outside a Sikh temple in Surrey, British Columbia. He was a prominent leader in the Sikh Khalistan independence movement, and thus the Indian government labeled him a "terrorist".

Canada on Monday expelled an Indian diplomat who is a known intelligence official, but on Tuesday India in tit-for-tat fashion expelled a senior Canadian diplomat from its territory. India’s Ministry of External Affairs cited Canadian "interference" in India's sovereign matters. "The decision reflects Government of India’s growing concern at the interference of Canadian diplomats in our internal matters and their involvement in anti-India activities," the ministry said in a statement.


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495d0e No.91382

File: 72ce7c2f2322aed⋯.png (423.18 KB,737x484,67:44,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cdedc774b3dd3c⋯.png (424.84 KB,541x543,541:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579301 (192346ZSEP23) Notable: Australia to back Ukraine's proceedings against Russia by delivering intervention in Intl Court of Justice

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Australia to back Ukraine's proceedings against Russia by delivering intervention in International Court of Justice

The Australian government will challenge Russia's "egregious violations of international law" in the invasion of Ukraine as it intervenes in a legal battle before the United Nations' International Court of Justice.

Australia will support Ukraine’s case against Russia along with a cohort of 31 other countries at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Wednesday.

Delivered by Australian Solicitor-General Stephen Donaghue, the intervention will contend for the top United Nations court to hear the case under its jurisdiction, which argues the 2022 invasion by Russia was an “illegal and immoral” act.

The legal filing was initiated before the ICJ at The Hague in February last year, where Ukraine alleged the war was a violation by Russia of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

In response, Moscow sought to have the case overthrown, labelling it “hopelessly flawed” and justifying its military conquest on the pretext of being carried out to prevent genocide in eastern Ukraine.

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs said in a statement it would not condone Russia’s attempts to use false allegations of genocide to defend its “egregious violations of international law” that undermined the global rules-based order.

“Australia’s intervention in the International Court of Justice today is just one way we are supporting Ukraine to hold Russia to account,” Minister Penny Wong said.

“We stand with the people of Ukraine and the 31 other countries who are supporting Ukraine in this case - we are stronger when we work together to address shared challenges.”

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus affirmed unequivocal support with Ukraine to challenge the “despicable” reasonings of genocide prevention used by Russia for the war.

“Our intervention before the International Court of Justice demonstrates Australia’s unwavering commitment to upholding fundamental rules of international law and the integrity of the Genocide Convention,” he said.

Minister Wong also discussed the Ukraine war with Germany’s Foreign Affairs Minister Annalena Baerbock on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York, with both parties endorsing the “complete and immediate” removal of Russian troops from Ukraine.

The two countries pledged their support for the war-torn nation, but called for superpowers in the Indo-Pacific, like China, to persuade Russia in ending the conflict.

“Australia and Germany unequivocally condemn Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine. We demand Russia’s complete and unconditional withdrawal from the territory of Ukraine in respect of its internationally recognised borders,” the ministers said in a joint statement.

“We have provided substantial support to Ukraine – Germany, the largest contributor after the United States, and Australia one of the largest non-NATO contributors. We agree that support for Ukraine must continue for as long as necessary.


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495d0e No.91383

File: 65a10a1893c1a95⋯.png (214.85 KB,565x528,565:528,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579306 (192348ZSEP23) Notable: 6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes New Zealand’s South Island

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'A doozy': Powerful 6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes New Zealand’s South Island on Wednesday morning

A powerful 6.2 magnitude earthquake has struck New Zealand’s South Island on Wednesday morning.

A 6.2 magnitude earthquake has struck New Zealand’s South Island on Wednesday morning.

The quake began at 9:14am and was centered almost 120 kilometers from Christchurch.

The epicentre of the earthquake was located in the centre of the South Island. Picture: GeoNet

The epicentre of the earthquake was located in the centre of the South Island. Picture: GeoNet

The epicenter of the large quake was located 45 kilometers north of the town of Geraldine in the Canterbury region of the South Island.

It was recorded at a depth of 11 kilometres, according to GeoNet.

The NZ monitoring and response outfit has received more than 14,000 reports for the powerful quake.


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495d0e No.91384

File: 64af38588331c43⋯.jpeg (924.56 KB,1170x1542,195:257,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579311 (192349ZSEP23) Notable: PELOSI LIED! Former Cap. Police Chief Testifies on J6

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495d0e No.91385

File: 25c344c20a03a2e⋯.png (224.62 KB,1065x849,355:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579328 (192352ZSEP23) Notable: House Judiciary Committee Republicans - FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the J6 Crowd

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House Judiciary Committee Republicans – FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the Trump Crowd on January 6!

The House Judiciary Republicans sent out an explosive email on Tuesday night that CHANGES EVERYTHING!

The House Judiciary Republicans sent out a letter Tuesday that includes transcribed testimony from former Assistant Director-in-Charge of the Washington Field Office (WFO) Steven D’Antuono.

D’Antuono testified that the FBI had numerous confidential human sources (CHS) in the Trump crowd on January 6.

In fact, they had so many FBI operatives in the crowd they they had no idea how many were actually there that day!

From the document.

D’Antuono explained that due to the large number of CHSs present at the Capitol, the WFO asked FBI Headquarters “to do a poll or put out something to people saying w[ere] any CHSs involved” so the FBI could try to ascertain how many CHSs had been in attendance.5 D’Antuono stated after the outreach from Headquarters was “when we started getting responses back.”6 As one example, he recalled that a CHS from the Kansas City Field Office was on site at the Capitol and had allegedly been in contact with his handler while at the event.7 The CHS reported to his handler “while they were in the crowd, I think, saying that they were going in. They were trying to stop some of the action happening and they left or whatnot.”8

This new information is extremely concerning. It suggests that the FBI cannot adequately track the activities and operations of its informants, and that it lost control of its CHSs present at the Capitol on January 6. These revelations reinforce existing concerns, identified by Special Counsel Durham, about the FBI’s use of, and payment to, CHSs who have fabricated evidence

and misrepresented information. 9 The Justice Department Inspector General also identified critical problems in the FBI’s CHS program, including the FBI’s failure to fully vet CHSs and the FBI’s willingness to ignore red flags that would call into question an informant’s reliability.10

Here is the document released Tuesday night by the House Judiciary Republicans.


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495d0e No.91386

File: 964287992813c4f⋯.png (45.79 KB,865x277,865:277,Clipboard.png)

File: 9719a7580d4ebd7⋯.gif (2.04 MB,480x400,6:5,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579330 (192352ZSEP23) Notable: BREAKING: Pentagon officials are worried that Biden may pose a national security risk given his apparent dementia.

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BREAKING: Pentagon officials are worried that Biden may pose a national security risk given his apparent dementia.

5:19 PM · Sep 19, 2023


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495d0e No.91387

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579383 (200005ZSEP23) Notable: PELOSI LIED! Former Cap. Police Chief Testifies on J6

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PELOSI LIED! Former Capitol Police Chief Sund Testifies He Had 3 Calls with Pelosi on Jan. 6 – Pelosi Said They Never Spoke

Video here


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495d0e No.91388

File: 787089e672c63b2⋯.png (2.44 MB,969x2585,969:2585,Clipboard.png)

File: 08d2faa8396e967⋯.mp4 (6.17 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9ca72c230f342c6⋯.mp4 (3.46 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579396 (200008ZSEP23) Notable: Lincoln Project Has a Field Day on Fox News, Trump, and Family Values Hyprocrites

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Lincoln Project Has a Field Day on Fox News, Trump, and Family Values Hyprocrites

Leave it to the Lincoln Project to produce ads that get to the heart of the matter on MAGA and Family Value Conservative hypocrisy.

Over the last two days, the organization has broadcast two stellar ads called “Senile” and “OK Coupid.”

In “Senile,” the Project creators envision an alternative universe where FOX News goes after Mr. Trump for being out of touch, senile, and inept: all of the attributes they are trying to brand Joe Biden with.

It is really funny to watch the Lincoln Project take excerpts from Fox television personalities belittling an unnamed Presidential candidate and substituting images of Trump, at his gaffe best, to fit the commentary they are uttering.

The second ad, “OK Coupid” points out the blatant hypocrisy of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and Trump-Noem advisor and resident creep Corey Lewandowski spewing their vocal beliefs in faith, family values, and conservative principles after it was revealed that the two of them have apparently been cheating on their spouses by having an affair since 2019.

I can not wait for the ad the Project produces on fellow MAGA hypocrite Lauren Boebert who was asked to leave a theater for vaping and engaging in affectionate acts with someone not her soon-to-be ex-husband.

Stay Tuned.


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495d0e No.91389

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579440 (200016ZSEP23) Notable: #24044

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24044 >>91358

>>91358 Subcommittee on Oversight Hearing: J6 Security Failures

>>91359, >>91361, >> 9578759, >>91363 Arrested child trafficker admits to boarding school used as front for organ harvesting network in Ukraine - by: Jack Posobiec and Thomas Stevenson

>>91360, >>91364 Temple University says President JoAnne A. Epps has suddenly died, the same day Ray Epps catches a charge, how convenient

>>91362 How Sam Bankman-Fried’s Elite Parents Enabled His Crypto Empire

>>91366 Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Claims Client ‘Did Not Share Money’ with Joe Biden, Contradicting Hunter’s Own Words

>>91367 New York City Considering Removing Statues of George Washington, Others

>>91368 The BEE: Zelensky Passes Around Offering Plate During U.N. Speech

>>91370 MOAR BEE: Bad Luck: Military Announces Lost F-35 Was Carrying Epstein Client List

>>91369 A visits Ukraine wounded in NY hospital: When did Staten Island become part of Ukraine?

>>91371 PF REPORT

>>91372, >>91373 Why is nobody objecting when they call January 6th an 'Insurrection'?

>>91374 Iranian President Raisi at the UN: Some intl powers and their shadow rulers are trying to provoke conflicts

>>91375 Grassley meets with Save the Children

>>91376 Mary Lasker established the Birth Control Federation (later PP), later pushed NIH funding - DIG CALL

>>91377 Ford Lays Off 600 Workers Due To UAW Strike

>>91378 Gavin Newsom defends Hunter Biden's business deals, says family influence peddling is 'hardly unique'

>>91379 End Times News

>>91380 Rotting garbage, dead bodies, and robbers in the jungle - they don’t tell you that when the cartel and NGOs are selling illegals the travel brochures! Darien Gap, Panama. #BidenDidThis

>>91381 India Rejects Trudeau's "Absurd" Accusations It Assassinated Canadian Citizen, Expels Diplomat In Tit-For-Tat

>>91382 Australia to back Ukraine's proceedings against Russia by delivering intervention in Intl Court of Justice

>>91383 6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes New Zealand’s South Island

>>91384, >>91387 PELOSI LIED! Former Cap. Police Chief Testifies on J6

>>91385 House Judiciary Committee Republicans - FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the J6 Crowd

>>91386 BREAKING: Pentagon officials are worried that Biden may pose a national security risk given his apparent dementia.

>>91388 Lincoln Project Has a Field Day on Fox News, Trump, and Family Values Hyprocrites



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495d0e No.91390

File: 2a10926915302ae⋯.png (293.27 KB,470x365,94:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579463 (200019ZSEP23) Notable: #24045

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baker seeking handoff ghosting @20

Tx to anons for your contributions,


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495d0e No.91391

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579478 (200023ZSEP23) Notable: Darren Beattie: "It's a major development in the January 6th Fedsurrection saga" Ray Epps petty charge

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Darren Beattie: "It's a major development in the January 6th Fedsurrection saga" Ray Epps petty charge

Bannons War Room



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495d0e No.91392

File: 7da0a93dcf5c853⋯.png (244.99 KB,565x526,565:526,Clipboard.png)

File: 6715e300d2ac67b⋯.png (989.02 KB,1276x1536,319:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579551 (200039ZSEP23) Notable: Resolution Declaring the Office of Speaker of the House of Representatives to be Vacant Found in Capitol Restroom Under House

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Resolution Declaring the Office of Speaker of the House of Representatives to be Vacant Found in Capitol Restroom Under House Floor

A copy of a Resolution to remove Kevin McCarthy from his Speakership authored by Matt Gaetz back in September was reportedly found by a left-wing journalist in a restroom inside the Capitol.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) slammed House Speaker Kevin McCarthy this morning for his “eight months of inaction” on Joe Biden and the Biden Crime Family. Gaetz further called on McCarthy to sign a subpoena for Hunter Biden’s records and testimony that he took the initiative to draft.

This comes exactly one week after Gaetz threatened to remove Speaker McCarthy for being out of compliance with the agreement that allowed him to assume his role, not holding the Bidens accountable, and advancing Biden’s inflationary spending, among other things.

Under new House rules, it only takes one member of Congress from either party to bring a ‘Motion to Vacate,’ which forces a vote on removing the Speaker of the House.

It is interesting that Democrats appear to be very comfortable with McCarthy as Speaker.

Now this:

DC journalist Matt Lasso “found” a copy of a “Resolution Declaring the office of Speaker of the House of Representatives to be vacant” on a baby changing table inside the Capitol. He posted the photos on X:

The document dated September 15 states,

Resolved, That the office of Speaker of the House of

Representatives is hereby declared to be vacant.

Gaetz has been very outspoken against Kevin McCarthy’s weakness for the job.

This reporter reached out to the Gaetz team and they told The Gateway Pundit “no comment.”

This is a developing story…


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495d0e No.91393

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579553 (200039ZSEP23) Notable: Jeff Clark Joins WarRoom To Discuss Whether The 14th Amendment Will Keep Trump Out Of Office

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Jeff Clark Joins WarRoom To Discuss Whether The 14th Amendment Will Keep Trump Out Of Office



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495d0e No.91394

File: 73510a6a76beffb⋯.png (675.02 KB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.png)

File: d41be887cdb1bcd⋯.png (319.6 KB,546x577,546:577,Clipboard.png)

File: e18a3906b167480⋯.png (168.96 KB,801x833,801:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579574 (200042ZSEP23) Notable: CCP-Linked Battery Maker Eligible For $7.5 Billion In Biden Bucks

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CCP-Linked Battery Maker Eligible For $7.5 Billion In Biden Bucks, Analysis Finds

A company linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) could ultimately receive $7.5 billion in federal taxpayer funds to subsidize its production at an Illinois factory, according to Good Jobs First, a business watchdog.

Gotion Inc., which is tied to the CCP via its China-based parent company, Gotion High-Tech, could be eligible for the federal taxpayer dollars thanks to the 45X production tax credit provision in the Inflation Reduction Act at its Manteno, Illinois facility, Jacob Whiton of Good Jobs First told the Daily Caller News Foundation. The $2 billion facility, set to be built within about 30 miles of two U.S. military installations, will also receive more than $500 million worth of subsidies from the state of Illinois, bringing the total amount of taxpayer dollars it could ultimately receive up to about $8 billion.

The 45X tax credits that Gotion Inc. could receive will be determined by the Manteno plant’s annual output of battery cells and packs, which the company places at 40 gigawatt hours (GWh) and 10 GWh, respectively, according to Whiton. Between the 45X credits available for each type of technology, Gotion Inc.’s Manteno plant will be eligible to receive approximately $1.5 billion each year for the first five years that it is in operation, assuming that the factory opens as scheduled and meets its own output projections for each product, Whiton told the DCNF.

“Recipients can choose to either sell their credits or make them refundable for five years, so if their value exceeds the company’s federal income tax liability, the credits can be effectively converted into cash,” Whiton told the DCNF.

It is unlikely that the Treasury Department will rescind the company’s eligibility for the 45X credits because the agency’s Committee on Foreign Investments (CFIUS) has already approved a Gotion Inc. project in Michigan, indicating that the Illinois facility is unlikely to see its status as tax credit-eligible change in any substantial way, according to Wirepoints.

The company will also receive a state subsidy package valued at around $536 million for the Manteno plant, according to an Illinois press release announcing the factory. Combined with the federal credits it could eventually receive, the $2 billion facility could end up earning a total of about $8 billion in subsidies for the company if the plant meets its projected output.

While it is unclear how much money the company’s Michigan operations may eventually unlock, it appears to be eligible for federal tax credits in addition to $715 million worth of already-announced state subsidies given that CFIUS reportedly approved the project. Any potential federal credits that the company’s Michigan operations could provide are not included in the Good Jobs First estimate.

Chuck Thelen, Vice President of North American manufacturing for Gotion Inc., stated that “the Chinese Communist Party has no presence in the North American company,” an Aug. 13 report by Politico.


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495d0e No.91395

File: 9f9e0f32b7b1dd8⋯.png (366.69 KB,807x524,807:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579576 (200042ZSEP23) Notable: The ‘chai’ charm that keeps this secretary of health grounded in the value of life

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The ‘chai’ charm that keeps this secretary of health grounded in the value of life

Mandy Cohen, North Carolina’s secretary of health and human services, has threaded the needle of this politically charged moment by balancing her devotion to scientific data and her faith.

But to the Jewish community that watches her near-daily news conferences from the podium of the Emergency Operations Center in Raleigh, Cohen is probably better known as the woman who wears the “chai.”

A charm with the two-letter Hebrew word, which means “life” (and is pronounced “khai”), is attached to a gold chain she wears around her neck. She jokes her husband wouldn’t recognize her without it.

It is a testament to her faith — she is Jewish — and, in this strange pandemic moment, to her religious values.

Cohen is, as she says, “the tip of the spear” when it comes to the health and well-being of North Carolina’s 10.5 million residents, the person most responsible for shaping policies to contain the coronavirus.

And in this politically charged moment, the 42-year-old Long Island native has made it clear she is on the side of preserving life.

“There’s so much of what I do in the health and human services space that’s so aligned with Jewish values of healing the world,” Cohen said in a video call with Religion News Service. “It feels like a natural fit.”

As the Jewish High Holidays approach, Cohen said she looks forward to the time of reflection and introspection — the themes of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur — especially as they relate to her public work.

“I want to make the world better than what I found it, but it’s also about having the humility to know you make mistakes and publicly asking for forgiveness,” she said. “That articulates a transparency that I value a lot in my work life but comes directly from the things we practice as Jews every year, saying, ‘I have failed, I have wronged. But I’m going to strive to do better.’”

On Sept. 28, the Day of Atonement, Cohen will share some of her thinking in an online panel discussion hosted by her rabbi at Raleigh’s Conservative Beth Meyer Synagogue. The topic: leadership in a time of crisis.

Amid the multiple “unmasked” protests by a group called Reopen NC and ongoing complaints from churches about unfair treatment with government-imposed pandemic restrictions, Cohen has been able to thread a needle: She is guided by science, believing her work in public health should be evidence-based and data-driven, and, at the same time, visibly grounded in her faith.

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495d0e No.91396

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579589 (200045ZSEP23) Notable: The ‘chai’ charm that keeps this secretary of health grounded in the value of life

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>Amid the multiple “unmasked” protests by a group called Reopen NC and ongoing complaints from churches about unfair treatment with government-imposed pandemic restrictions, Cohen has been able to thread a needle: She is guided by science, believing her work in public health should be evidence-based and data-driven, and, at the same time, visibly grounded in her faith.


The Yom Kippur test

Cohen’s work earned plaudits before the pandemic struck, even among North Carolina’s Republican legislators. She also become a hero to the state’s Jewish community, especially among Raleigh’s six Jewish congregations. Two years ago the Raleigh-Cary Jewish Federation honored her as one of 13 “Extraordinary Women.”

Her renown has only grown in the past six months.

“I can’t adequately express my admiration for the excellent job she’s doing steering us through this pandemic,” said Dr. Liz Kanof Levine, a retired dermatologist who has become a close friend. “We are most, most fortunate to have her.”

Last week, Cohen began the process of reflection that Jews undertake before Yom Kippur. With the virus in the back of her mind, she’s thinking especially of the value of empathy in the midst of all that public officials like herself are asking of people.

“If there’s one thing I wish we can continue to do more is to express as much empathy as we can for what people are going through and understanding that people are coming from so many places to start with,” she said. “If we can all have a little more empathy for each other, that will make us more successful.”

For Cohen, the measure of that success is saving a life.

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495d0e No.91397

File: 2cc8815a8d3d7b0⋯.png (985.04 KB,1168x1066,584:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579604 (200047ZSEP23) Notable: President of Brazil speaking at the opening of the UN General Assembly today: "It is (essential) to preserve the freedom of the press. A journalist like Julian Assange cannot be punished for informing society in a transparent and legitimate way

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To rapturous applause, President of Brazil speaking at the opening of the UN General Assembly today: "It is (essential) to preserve the freedom of the press. A journalist like Julian Assange cannot be punished for informing society in a transparent and legitimate way


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495d0e No.91398

File: e8c61927d8ad95c⋯.png (249.01 KB,989x892,989:892,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579616 (200049ZSEP23) Notable: Former Investment Banker and Registered Broker Pleads Guilty to Cryptocurrency Investment Fraud Scheme/Rashawn Russell

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Former Investment Banker and Registered Broker Pleads Guilty to Cryptocurrency Investment Fraud Scheme


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495d0e No.91399

File: 53e330f9eac86fb⋯.mp4 (973.92 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579620 (200049ZSEP23) Notable: President of Brazil speaking at the opening of the UN General Assembly today: "It is (essential) to preserve the freedom of the press. A journalist like Julian Assange cannot be punished for informing society in a transparent and legitimate way

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495d0e No.91400

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579627 (200050ZSEP23) Notable: Zelensky sure does move around freely for a guy in war posture against a major world power. Enjoy the show!

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Zelensky sure does move around freely for a guy in war posture against a major world power.

Enjoy the show!

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495d0e No.91401

File: 1adcef243a541ef⋯.png (274.64 KB,1005x873,335:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579633 (200051ZSEP23) Notable: Former Congressman Sentenced To 22 Months In Prison For Insider Trading/Stephen Buyer

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Former Congressman Sentenced To 22 Months In Prison For Insider Trading


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495d0e No.91402

File: b6969650b963420⋯.jpeg (538.49 KB,1154x1323,1154:1323,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579645 (200053ZSEP23) Notable: More abortions in California

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More abortions in California

In states where abortion remains legal, reproductive care workers have been complaining about being overworked due to increased demand for care from out-of-state patients. Planned Parenthood workers in at least seven states, including Massachusetts and Nebraska, have decided to unionize, according to news reports.

“We’ve definitely seen an increase in patients,” said Libby Kusiak, a certified physician associate at a Planned Parenthood in San Diego. “We see a lot of out-of-state patients since we’re kind of really perfectly nestled geographically to serve and accommodate patients from other states like Arizona, but we do see patients from Texas and other states as well.”

A new study by the Guttmacher Institute, a research organization that supports reproductive rights, shows that the number of abortions in California has increased by 16% since the end of Roe vs. Wade.

It found 12,300 more abortions were performed from January to June 2023 compared to a similar time period in 2020. That marked the second-largest numerical increase in abortions among states.

Cathren Cohen, staff attorney at the UCLA Center on Reproductive Health, Law and Policy, said some patients seeking abortions may be traveling from states where bans have not yet been legalized or instituted.

“When people hear the news about the introduction of bans in states like North Carolina, Florida or even Arizona, there is a significant chilling effect,” she said. “People don’t seek out care because they think it is illegal, even if it is six months before those laws go into effect.”


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495d0e No.91403

File: 6e959ae7e1832eb⋯.png (273.4 KB,680x527,40:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579656 (200055ZSEP23) Notable: @realdonaldtrump I was able to do something that nobody thought was possible, end Roe v. Wade. For 52 years, people talked, spent vast amounts of money, but couldn’t get the job done...

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495d0e No.91404

File: 7266a3a56876ea2⋯.png (46.19 KB,744x486,124:81,Clipboard.png)

File: 38ae1023cc0a5bd⋯.png (111.16 KB,474x341,474:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579674 (200057ZSEP23) Notable: 5 Year Delta Consider the vastness of space

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5 Year Delta

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495d0e No.91405

File: 5f86eed402712a1⋯.png (336.81 KB,600x512,75:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579682 (200058ZSEP23) Notable: Iranian President Raisi at United Nations General Assembly: The Zion Occupation Regime (Israel) in Jerusalem is the primary source of terrorism in the Middle East region and beyond

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Iran Observer



Iranian President Raisi at United Nations General Assembly: The Zion Occupation Regime (Israel) in Jerusalem is the primary source of terrorism in the Middle East region and beyond it


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495d0e No.91406

File: 0914ec37264ebe6⋯.png (5.51 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 77862c2c321a8c1⋯.png (6.41 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579702 (200102ZSEP23) Notable: 5 Year Delta Consider the vastness of space

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there are a few more...that's all i got now...

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495d0e No.91407

File: e33212191dd1a16⋯.png (442.51 KB,671x825,61:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579756 (200113ZSEP23) Notable: Mayorkas Names Russia Hoaxers, Laptop Deniers Brennan, Clapper to Intelligence ‘Experts’ Panel

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Mayorkas Names Russia Hoaxers, Laptop Deniers Brennan, Clapper to Intelligence ‘Experts’ Panel

The group will analyze “foreign nation-state adversaries” as well as “domestic violent extremists.”

Brennan, a former CIA director, and Clapper, a former Director of National Intelligence, were key players in spreading the “Russia collusion” hoax to discredit the 2016 election, with Clapper telling CNN that it was possible there was evidence linking Russia to Trump, then admitting under oath that he knew of no evidence.

Brennan claimed that Trump’s protestations of innocence were “hogwash,” though Special Counsel Robert Mueller later found that no American, including on the Trump campaign, had colluded with Russia in the 2016 election.

Later, as Breitbart News noted, Brennan and Clapper joined more than 50 national security and intelligence alumni in a letter claiming that stories during the 2020 race about Hunter Biden’s laptop were Russian disinformation. In fact, the laptop was real, and the stories — published by the New York Post, Breitbart News, and others — were proven accurate. But the letter, arranged by Joe Biden’s campaign, served to deflect criticism from the candidate.

It is unclear how Brennan will advise the Department of Homeland Security, given that President Trump revoked his security clearance in 2018, in reaction to Brennan’s increasingly unhinged political attacks on the president.

“I express my deep gratitude to these distinguished individuals for dedicating their exceptional expertise, experience, and vision to our critical mission,” Mayorkas said in a statement. The statement also cited what it called the “experience, expertise, and perspective offered by Experts Group members” as an asset to DHS intelligence.


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495d0e No.91408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579810 (200118ZSEP23) Notable: Demons in the Media - John B Wells LIVE

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Stream begins at the bottom of the hour.

Demons in the Media - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight

141K subscribers

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#CTM Tonight

Topic: Demons in the Media

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• Chris Boyle

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495d0e No.91409

File: a76680627cbac9c⋯.png (547.51 KB,1305x852,435:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579823 (200120ZSEP23) Notable: 2019 The F-35: Made in China? We Explain.

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The F-35: Made in China? We Explain.


by Dario Leone

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495d0e No.91410

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579833 (200121ZSEP23) Notable: Ed Dowd: "We found a signal in cardiovascular deaths in the UK"

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Ed Dowd: "We found a signal in cardiovascular deaths in the UK"



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495d0e No.91411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579851 (200124ZSEP23) Notable: 2019 The F-35: Made in China? We Explain.

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F-35 jets: Chinese-owned company making parts for top-secret UK-US fighters

An expert said it's possible to embed technology such as a chip without a customer's knowledge that could change how it functions.

Exception PCB, a printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturer in Gloucestershire, south west England, produces circuit boards that "control many of the F-35's core capabilities", according to publicity material produced by the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD).

This includes "its engines, lighting, fuel and navigation systems", it said.

When asked about the firm's Chinese ownership, the MoD said Exception PCB is an established manufacturer of circuit boards to the defence industry and presents "no risk" to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter supply chain.

A director from the company said there are "clear firewalls in place" between Exception PCB and its Chinese parent company Shenzhen Fastprint.

But defence experts, including former defence ministers, expressed concern that a Chinese-owned company is producing any parts for such a classified, British and American fifth generation programme, because of long-standing fears about Chinese espionage and rivalry.

They said it is a particularly odd situation given President Donald Trump's trade war with China and his opposition to any involvement by another Chinese company, Huawei, in fifth generation civilian mobile phone networks.

"We have been completely and utterly naive about the role of China and it is only now that people are beginning to wake up," said Sir Gerald Howarth, a former Tory defence minister.

There is no suggestion that Exception PCB or Shenzhen Fastprint have done anything wrong.

The Chinese state has long been accused of seeking to steal details on the multi-billion-pound F-35 programme, headed by US defence giant Lockheed Martin.

The stealth aircraft, fitted with a suite of highly classified sensors and other technology, will form a core part of US, British and other allied air and naval forces for the coming decades.

Companies in nine countries that partnered on the programme from its early stages supply components for the entire fleet of aircraft that is being built.

This means parts made in the UK are put on F-35 jets flown by the US, Japanese, Norwegian, Italian and other militaries.

The revelation that one Chinese-owned firm is part of this global supply chain raises the possibility there could be others.

Lockheed Martin was unable to state categorically this was not the case.

"We are not aware of any other Chinese-owned F-35 suppliers at this time," the firm said.

A March publication by the UK MoD, entitled Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) Action Plan, promoted Exception PCB as an example of a UK-based firm that is part of the supply chain for the F-35.

What it did not mention is that Shenzhen Fastprint - a company based in China and listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange - bought Exception PCB in 2013.

Describing its involvement in the aircraft programme, the MoD publication said: "Gloucestershire-based Exception PCB manufacture the circuit boards that control many of the F-35's core capabilities."

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495d0e No.91412

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579875 (200128ZSEP23) Notable: @realdonaldtrump I was able to do something that nobody thought was possible, end Roe v. Wade. For 52 years, people talked, spent vast amounts of money, but couldn’t get the job done...

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Donald J Trump




I was able to do something that nobody thought was possible, end Roe v. Wade. For 52 years, people talked, spent vast amounts of money, but couldn’t get the job done. I got the job done! Thanks to the three great Supreme Court Justices I appointed, this issue has been returned to the States, where all Legal Scholars, on both sides, felt it should be. Now the Pro Life Community has TREMENDOUS NEGOTIATING POWER.

Like Ronald Reagan before me, I believe in the three exceptions for Rape, Incest, and the Life of the Mother. Without the exceptions, it is very difficult to win Elections, we would probably lose the Majorities in 2024, and perhaps the Presidency itself, but you must follow your HEART! In order to win in 2024, Republicans must learn how to talk about Abortion. This issue cost us unnecessarily, but dearly, in the Midterms.

We have to expose the Democrats, like Crooked Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, as being the true Radicals on the Abortion issue, in that they allow the killing of babies in the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th months, and even after birth. But it was OK to “rip the baby out of the womb” under Roe v. Wade, and destroy a living soul. Now, with Roe v. Wade no longer, the power to negotiate is with the Pro Life Movement, not the Radical Left Democrats who are so willing to destroy Life!

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495d0e No.91413

File: ea2f7b0801bbb59⋯.png (278.5 KB,397x671,397:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579888 (200130ZSEP23) Notable: Mayorkas Names Russia Hoaxers, Laptop Deniers Brennan, Clapper to Intelligence ‘Experts’ Panel

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BREAKING — The Biden administration has appointed James Clapper, John Brennan, and Paul Kolbe, former intelligence officials, to a DHS "Homeland Intelligence Experts Group" handling national security issues.

These individuals signed the fraudulent October 2020 letter deceptively asserting that Hunter Biden's laptop was likely Russian disinformation.

This falsehood significantly impacted the closely contested 2020 election, decided by a mere 44,000-vote margin in Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin.

Why select intelligence officials who intentionally spread disinformation to sway a U.S. election for a role in a DHS Expert Group tasked with national security?

Shouldn't they be losing their security clearances?



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495d0e No.91414

File: 3bce278f7892f00⋯.png (250.09 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579900 (200131ZSEP23) Notable: 2007 Mossad reveals photo of ‘the Angel,’ Egyptian agent who warned of Yom Kippur war

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Mossad reveals photo of ‘the Angel,’ Egyptian agent who warned of Yom Kippur war

Spy organization also releases transcript of Ashraf Marwan warning then-Mossad chief Zvi Zamir of a ’99 percent’ chance of war breaking out in 1973

Ahead of the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, the Mossad published on Thursday a photo of one of its handlers together with the agent code-named “the Angel,” who gave the spy agency a precise warning that war was about to break out.

The agency also published a transcript of the conversation between then-Mossad chief Zvi Zamir and the agent, later revealed to be Ashraf Marwan, the son-in-law of former Egyptian president Gamal Abdul Nasser.

The day before the war broke out, Marwan warned Zamir that “there is a 99 percent chance that the war will start tomorrow… it will start simultaneously on both fronts, the Egyptian and the Syrian.”

Marwan told Zamir that the Egyptians planned to launch a massive artillery barrage and “move almost the entire army across the Suez Canal.”

He also told him that the Syrians “planned to capture the Golan Heights.”

On June 27, 2007, Marwan plunged to his death from the fourth-floor balcony of an upscale London apartment building. Whether he fell or was pushed has never been definitively established.

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495d0e No.91415

File: 0ebcc268f2083bf⋯.png (183.66 KB,600x522,100:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579914 (200133ZSEP23) Notable: B25 hits Empire State Building Never Forget.

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Never Forget.

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495d0e No.91416

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579931 (200135ZSEP23) Notable: B25 hits Empire State Building Never Forget.

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495d0e No.91417

File: f8f0e48e67fecea⋯.png (73.55 KB,282x353,282:353,Clipboard.png)

File: b2d731652a6777f⋯.png (380.63 KB,558x691,558:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579940 (200137ZSEP23) Notable: B25 hits Empire State Building Never Forget.

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On July 28, 1945, a B-25 Mitchell bomber of the United States Army Air Forces crashed into the north side of the Empire State Building in New York City while flying in thick fog. The accident killed fourteen people (three crewmen and eleven people in the building), and an estimated twenty-four others were injured. Damage caused by the crash estimated at US$1 million (equivalent to about $16 million in 2022), although the building's structural integrity was not compromised.

Despite the damage and deaths, the building was open for business on many floors on the next Monday morning, less than 48 hours later. The crash spurred the passage of the long-pending Federal Tort Claims Act, which was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman in August 1946, initiating retroactive provisions into the law and allowing people to sue the government for the accident.

After the debris had been cleared away, Armand Hammer purchased the damaged 78th floor, refurbished it, and made it the headquarters of his United Distillers of America.

On July 24, 1946, four days before the first anniversary of the crash, another aircraft narrowly missed striking the building. The unidentified twin-engine plane, described as bearing no military insignia, flew past the 68th floor and scraped the observation deck, startling workers and tourists there.[16]

The events of the crash were the subject of an episode of the 2001 History channel documentary Disasters of the Century, "It Came from the Sky".

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495d0e No.91418

File: 6a7eeb47d512b1e⋯.png (469.36 KB,754x904,377:452,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579963 (200140ZSEP23) Notable: Boebert's ex-husband Jayson has responded to the Colorado rep's viral theatre video, "I deeply regret the choices I made that led to the breakdown of our marriage …

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Chris Bertman


NEW: Lauren Boebert's ex-husband Jayson has responded to the Colorado representative's viral theatre video.

"I deeply regret the choices I made that led to the breakdown of our marriage ... Much of this is on me because the problem starts at the root. I am the root."

"I stand behind [Lauren] ... "I am asking for you all to show grace and mercy towards Lauren in this troubling season. She deserves a chance to earn your forgiveness and regain trust."


1:04 AM · Sep 19, 2023




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495d0e No.91419

File: 8df176947d32c44⋯.png (393.42 KB,541x476,541:476,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a2ddb4828ab6b1⋯.png (410.91 KB,538x551,538:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19579974 (200142ZSEP23) Notable: Protesters rage outside United Nations HQ in opposition to WHO, 'Great Reset,' human rights abuses

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Protesters rage outside United Nations HQ in opposition to WHO, 'Great Reset,' human rights abuses

"Hey hey, ho ho, WHO's got to go!"

On Tuesday, a series of protests took place outside the United Nations' headquarters in New York City while diplomats and world leaders congregated in the General Assembly.

Demonstrators demanded an end to the "great reset" they alleged was being pushed by those in power, and the abolition of the World Health Organization. A number of groups also brought attention to other region-specific human rights abuses.

There was a heavy security presence outside the UN headquarters on 1st Avenue, thus most protestors held their marches on 2nd. Some, however, set up signs within view of the building.

Among them were activists calling on world leaders to punish Iran for the atrocities committed by the Islamic regime. On September 16, 2022, a young woman named Mahsa Amini was killed by the so-called "morality police," igniting a wave of protests that are still ongoing. In the months since, countless other Persian protestors have been murdered by the regime.

Both within Iran and in diaspora communities across the world, Persians have been united in their desire to see revolution bring down the Islamic government.

Nearby, a number of people took part in a protest organized by the New York Freedom Rally, a grassroots movement whose goal is to put an end to government control over peoples' bodies, and promote health autonomy.

"NO GREAT RESET!" read a banner held by two protestors, one of whom wore a shirt stating, "We will not comply."

Over on 2nd Avenue, dozens marched carrying signs warning about everything from vaccines to Agenda 2030, the UN's plan to combat climate change.

The main target of their ire, however, was the WHO.

"Hey hey, ho ho, WHO's got to go!" they chanted as they made their way down the sidewalk.

A second day of protests are expected outside the UN headquarters on Wednesday, organized once again by the New York Freedom Rally.


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495d0e No.91420

File: 699df7b95e5402f⋯.png (9.37 KB,255x216,85:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580114 (200203ZSEP23) Notable: If the Federal Govt shuts down Sept 31 due to no new budget approved or no new Continuing Resolution agreed upon…. where does that leave the Federal Court System?

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Question for Lawfags:

If the Federal Govt shuts down Sept 31 due to no new budget approved or no new Continuing Resolution agreed upon.... where does that leave the Federal Court System?

As I recall in past Govt Shutdowns, every single FEDERAL building was shut and shuttered, including the Federal/National Parks.

Can anyone advise how the Federal Court system comes into play with this?

(And why do I not have a Pepe Judge or Pepe Courtroom?)

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495d0e No.91421

File: 4e3b4c0f44e348e⋯.png (386.54 KB,593x831,593:831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580132 (200206ZSEP23) Notable: Hundreds of students in Pennsylvania walked out of school in protest over a new rule allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice.

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Citizen Free Press


The kids are fighting back!

Hundreds of students in Pennsylvania walked out of school in protest over a new rule allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice.


Louder with Crowder Dot Com

2:30 PM · Sep 19, 2023




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495d0e No.91422

File: 931d8ae756d660a⋯.png (243.59 KB,590x566,295:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580164 (200211ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 “He Just Lost It In The Weather” - Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges/wingman, not pilot

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☈ Chris Jackson ☈


Hey look who it is. Pretty cool.


“He Just Lost It In The Weather” – Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges

Video of the crash site and radio calls made shortly after the F-35 pilot ejected add new color to this developing story.

11:05 AM · Sep 19, 2023




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495d0e No.91423

File: becd39c5ff6df1d⋯.png (93.87 KB,1163x675,1163:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580170 (200213ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 “He Just Lost It In The Weather” - Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges/wingman, not pilot

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“He Just Lost It In The Weather” – Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges

Video of the crash site and radio calls made shortly after the F-35 pilot ejected add new color to this developing story.

byJoseph Trevithick| PUBLISHED Sep 19, 2023 3:24 PM EDT

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495d0e No.91424

File: 56a6b6d6f116bbc⋯.png (368.51 KB,554x515,554:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580204 (200220ZSEP23) Notable: F-35 “He Just Lost It In The Weather” - Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges/wingman, not pilot

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>“He Just Lost It In The Weather”

A bit of pre-emptive sanity if PF may please...

This is the wing man who did not eject telling them he lost visual contact with the F-35 that the pilot ejected from. Not the pilot who ejected "losing it" and deciding to eject. So don't go crazy on this anons. kek

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495d0e No.91425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580222 (200224ZSEP23) Notable: #24045

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#24045 >>91390

>>91391 Darren Beattie: "It's a major development in the January 6th Fedsurrection saga" Ray Epps petty charge

>>91392 Resolution Declaring the Office of Speaker of the House of Representatives to be Vacant Found in Capitol Restroom Under House

>>91393 Jeff Clark Joins WarRoom To Discuss Whether The 14th Amendment Will Keep Trump Out Of Office

>>91394 CCP-Linked Battery Maker Eligible For $7.5 Billion In Biden Bucks

>>91395, >>91396 The ‘chai’ charm that keeps this secretary of health grounded in the value of life

>>91397, >>91399 President of Brazil speaking at the opening of the UN General Assembly today: "It is (essential) to preserve the freedom of the press. A journalist like Julian Assange cannot be punished for informing society in a transparent and legitimate way

>>91398 Former Investment Banker and Registered Broker Pleads Guilty to Cryptocurrency Investment Fraud Scheme/Rashawn Russell

>>91400 Zelensky sure does move around freely for a guy in war posture against a major world power. Enjoy the show!

>>91401 Former Congressman Sentenced To 22 Months In Prison For Insider Trading/Stephen Buyer

>>91402 More abortions in California

>>91404, >>91406 5 Year Delta Consider the vastness of space

>>91405 Iranian President Raisi at United Nations General Assembly: The Zion Occupation Regime (Israel) in Jerusalem is the primary source of terrorism in the Middle East region and beyond

>>91407, >>91413 Mayorkas Names Russia Hoaxers, Laptop Deniers Brennan, Clapper to Intelligence ‘Experts’ Panel

>>91408 Demons in the Media - John B Wells LIVE

>>91409, >>91411 2019 The F-35: Made in China? We Explain.

>>91410 Ed Dowd: "We found a signal in cardiovascular deaths in the UK"

>>91412, >>91403 @realdonaldtrump I was able to do something that nobody thought was possible, end Roe v. Wade. For 52 years, people talked, spent vast amounts of money, but couldn’t get the job done...

>>91414 2007 Mossad reveals photo of ‘the Angel,’ Egyptian agent who warned of Yom Kippur war

>>91415, >>91416, >>91417 B25 hits Empire State Building Never Forget.

>>91418 Boebert's ex-husband Jayson has responded to the Colorado rep's viral theatre video, "I deeply regret the choices I made that led to the breakdown of our marriage …

>>91419 Protesters rage outside United Nations HQ in opposition to WHO, 'Great Reset,' human rights abuses

>>91420 If the Federal Govt shuts down Sept 31 due to no new budget approved or no new Continuing Resolution agreed upon…. where does that leave the Federal Court System?

>>91421 Hundreds of students in Pennsylvania walked out of school in protest over a new rule allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice.

>>91422, >>91423, >>91424 F-35 “He Just Lost It In The Weather” - Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges/wingman, not pilot


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495d0e No.91426

File: 0c3024fc19ebfa0⋯.png (750.19 KB,710x805,142:161,Clipboard.png)

File: b12f0d51a02eaec⋯.png (311.47 KB,460x510,46:51,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ebcc268f2083bf⋯.png (183.66 KB,600x522,100:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 68a1a06b46a6ff0⋯.png (437.18 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: d646116be8f49ed⋯.png (1.32 MB,1114x840,557:420,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580236 (200227ZSEP23) Notable: #24046

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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495d0e No.91427

File: 4f0d914b290eadf⋯.mp4 (330.62 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: f4b21a90b3935a8⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580252 (200230ZSEP23) Notable: “He Just Lost It In The Weather” - Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges

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“He Just Lost It In The Weather” – Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges

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495d0e No.91428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580257 (200231ZSEP23) Notable: “He Just Lost It In The Weather” - Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


sauce: https://twitter.com/ChrisJacksonSC/

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495d0e No.91429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580338 (200247ZSEP23) Notable: Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project / Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker - DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In response to "call to dig" on Mary Lasker I have unearthed some information that I had researched a while ago.


Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project

The story appears to be more about Margaret Sanger. However, her close relationship with Mary Lasker is evident. Mary Lasker's likely eugenicist background is obvious, imo.

Quote: "In 1939 Sanger teamed with Mary Woodward Reinhardt, secretary of the newly formed BCFA, to secure a large donor to fund an educational campaign to teach African-American women in the South about contraception. " (Mary Woodward Reinhardt was Mary Lasker's name before she married the advertising executive Albert Lasker.)

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495d0e No.91430

File: 589d8c54f73dbd7⋯.png (257.6 KB,411x772,411:772,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f4c03e8b9f7168⋯.png (883.2 KB,832x1234,416:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580345 (200248ZSEP23) Notable: DEVELOPING: I have the original Edgartown Police Report and I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but why are there ‘42 PAST INCIDENTS’ at Barrack and Michelle Obama’s house

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🔥🚨DEVELOPING: I have the original Edgartown Police Report and I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but why are there ‘42 PAST INCIDENTS’ at Barrack and Michelle Obama’s house and why did the Secret service Agent request an ambulance if he was unsure of the service?

Sep 19, 2023, 9:04 PM


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495d0e No.91431

File: 46a08b6ab8bbdca⋯.png (903.01 KB,1440x1006,720:503,Clipboard.png)

File: a25f6cfa6d23ddd⋯.gif (7.81 KB,686x400,343:200,Clipboard.gif)

File: 1c2417e27047367⋯.png (140.95 KB,1442x1003,1442:1003,Clipboard.png)

File: 7af81a83ac35eb1⋯.png (996.77 KB,1021x754,1021:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580364 (200251ZSEP23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - Call sign MOST11

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They MOST11 come out at night.

Call sign MOST11. USN E-6B Mercury 164408. Tinker to Travis. Travis is guess. But it looks that way.

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495d0e No.91432

File: 144f87894311a41⋯.png (1.9 MB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580370 (200253ZSEP23) Notable: Via House Judiciary Committee Republicans -FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the Trump Crowd on January 6!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING BIG: Via House Judiciary Committee Republicans –FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the Trump Crowd on January 6!

The House Judiciary Republicans sent out an explosive email on Tuesday night that CHANGES EVERYTHING!

The House Judiciary Republicans sent out a letter Tuesday that includes transcribed testimony from former Assistant Director-in-Charge of the Washington Field Office (WFO) Steven D’Antuono.

D’Antuono testified that the FBI had numerous confidential human sources (CHS) in the Trump crowd on January 6.

In fact, they had so many FBI operatives in the crowd they they had no idea how many were actually there that day! moar

Sep. 19, 2023 6:50 pm


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495d0e No.91433

File: 32c244f0c348404⋯.png (901.37 KB,1200x1169,1200:1169,Clipboard.png)

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495d0e No.91434

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580470 (200313ZSEP23) Notable: LAW OFFICES OF AISSA WAYNE (John Wayne's Daughter) Obama's SS Number

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LAW OFFICES OF AISSA WAYNE (John Wayne's Daughter) Obama's SS Number

For those of you who don't know but at the very bottom of this article the attorney who authored this article is John Wayne's daughter, Aissa Wayne, also a USC graduate.

Well, Well, Well, it looks like someone thoroughly checked this out! I was wondering who was going to do research into President Obama's Social Security number.

Jean Paul Ludwig or Barack Hussein Obama? S . S . N#042-68-4425

WOW, read this, it's short - very interesting.

An intensive 6-year investigation has revealed the identity of the man whose Social Security Number (SSN) is being used by President Obama.

Jean Paul Ludwig, who was born in France in 1890, immigrated to the United States in 1924, and was assigned SSN 042-68-4425 (President Obama's current SSN) rec'd on or about March 1977.

Mr. Ludwig lived most of his adult life in Connecticut. Because of that, his SSN begins with the digits 042, which are among only a select few reserved for Connecticut residents.

Barack H. Obama never lived or worked in that state! Therefore, there is no reason on earth for his SSN to start with the digits 042. None whatsoever!

Now comes the best part! J. P. Ludwig spent the final months of his life in Hawaii, where he died.

Conveniently, Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham, worked part-time in the Probate Office in the Honolulu Hawaii Courthouse, and therefore had access to the SSNs of deceased individuals.

The Social Security Administration was never informed of Ludwig's death, and because he never received Social Security benefits there were no benefits to stop and therefore, no questions were ever raised.

The suspicion, of course, is that Dunham, knowing her grandson was not a U.S. Citizen, either because he was born in Kenya, or became a citizen of Indonesia upon his adoption by Lolo Soetoro, simply scoured the probate records, until she found someone, who died who was not receiving Social Security benefits, and selected Mr. Ludwig’ s Connecticut SSN for her grandson, Barry Obama.

Just wait until the head Birther himself, Donald Trump, gets past the birth certificate and onto the issue of Barry O's use of a stolen SSN. You will see leftist heads exploding, because they will have no way of Defending Obama.


Although many Americans do not understand the meaning of the term "natural born", there are few who do not understand that if you are using someone else's SSN it is a clear indication of fraud, and a federal offense.

Let's all get this information out to everybody on our mailing lists. If the voters of this great nation can succeed in bringing this lying, deceitful, cheating, corrupt, impostor to justice it will be the biggest and best news in decades for our country and the world.

"In God We Trust."

Telegram - https://t.me/c/1849900184/77670

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495d0e No.91435

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580484 (200317ZSEP23) Notable: Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project / Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker - DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Found a letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker:


Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker

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495d0e No.91436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580503 (200322ZSEP23) Notable: Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project / Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker - DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This one appears to be Margaret Sanger begging Mary Lasker for money.


Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker

It's hard to read because it was handwritten.

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495d0e No.91437

File: 9607e41b10c507b⋯.png (131.76 KB,469x343,67:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 5270e1f2c4d2311⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,472x346,236:173,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580514 (200324ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - New Radio Ad

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Donald J. Trump


Sep 19, 2023, 10:51 PM


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495d0e No.91438

File: f16a5a3a5b92852⋯.png (1.66 MB,1169x2309,1169:2309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580522 (200326ZSEP23) Notable: Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project / Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker - DIG

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Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker

Hard to read on YT, pieced it together.

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495d0e No.91439

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580523 (200328ZSEP23) Notable: Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project / Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker - DIG

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Hilary Clinton and Mary Lasker appeared in a photo together.

Someone wrote a whole article about it.


Hillary Clinton and Mary Lasker: A Photo in Proper Focus

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495d0e No.91440

File: aa7673d3c0462c9⋯.png (58.4 KB,423x167,423:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 311ee9153d531e5⋯.png (63.17 KB,514x173,514:173,Clipboard.png)

File: c10494557567f7c⋯.png (50.06 KB,347x159,347:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580576 (200342ZSEP23) Notable: Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project / Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker - DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This one goes over the top in it's praise of Mary Lasker:


Pics related.

Mary Woodard Lasker: First Lady of Medical Research

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495d0e No.91441

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580592 (200347ZSEP23) Notable: Biden quietly makes it harder for future Republican presidents to slash size of the federal bureaucracy

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Biden quietly makes it harder for future Republican presidents to slash size of the federal bureaucracy



The Biden administration wants to make it difficult for future Republican presidents to decrease the size of the federal bureaucracy.

In 2020, then-President Donald Trump issued an executive order creating a new job category for federal employees: Schedule F. The new category would have applied to excepted employees whose job exerted any influence over policy. The directive would have essentially made these employee's "at will," and thus would have stripped them of their civil service protections. In theory, it would have made such employees easy to fire.

What is the Biden admin proposing?

The Office of Personnel Management issued a rule proposal on Friday to give federal employees more protections and to rebuff future attempts at slashing the size of the federal workforce.

The new rule stipulates that any federal employee shifted from the competitive service to the excepted service will keep "the status and civil service protections they had already accrued." The rule also clarifies the definition of which employees have influence over policy to mean "noncareer, political appointments."

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495d0e No.91442

File: 2b1f2e695efa75d⋯.png (43.25 KB,356x140,89:35,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b21831876afc22⋯.png (18.22 KB,339x74,339:74,Clipboard.png)

File: b37b5fbf535cde8⋯.png (39.15 KB,370x111,10:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 503e5b782923f90⋯.png (29.3 KB,431x79,431:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580612 (200352ZSEP23) Notable: Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project / Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker - DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


More on Mary Lasker

Mary Woodard Lasker: First Lady of Medical Research


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495d0e No.91443

File: 2d1482610ce63e1⋯.png (560.64 KB,712x600,89:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580628 (200354ZSEP23) Notable: The Biden administration has appointed James Clapper, John Brennan, and Paul Kolbe, former intelligence officials, to a DHS "Homeland Intelligence Experts Group" handling national security issues."

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"BREAKING — The Biden administration has appointed James Clapper, John Brennan, and Paul Kolbe, former intelligence officials, to a DHS "Homeland Intelligence Experts Group" handling national security issues."

Hat Tip: @Kagbabe


Look at the names on this list. Not the big ones, the little ones. Do your own research! Look these names up. Deep dive them! Why? These are the filthy rats of the Deep State coming out of their holes!

@TrueGenFlynn @RealSKeshel @LTCPeteChambers @wendyrogersaz

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495d0e No.91444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580642 (200357ZSEP23) Notable: John Kerry’s son cut business ties with Hunter Biden over Ukrainian oil deal

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>Christopher Heinz joined Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, one of his classmates at Yale University, in co-founding financial services company Rosemont Seneca Partners in 2009.


John Kerry’s son cut business ties with Hunter Biden over Ukrainian oil deal

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495d0e No.91445

File: b57df20dd645ce0⋯.png (61.1 KB,392x566,196:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 03c05b78fff1e6c⋯.mp4 (11.39 MB,372x466,186:233,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580648 (200358ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - NEVER GIVE UP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Join Team Trump today at: donaldjtrump.com/join

Sep 19, 2023, 11:38 PM


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495d0e No.91446

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580751 (200426ZSEP23) Notable: WHISTLEBLOWER TESTIMONY EXPOSING MIKE PENCE + ROD ROSENSTEIN'S 'DIRTY TRICK SQUAD'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gen McInerney


There's a nice clip of them getting those envelopes in there.

Idk what this is. I'm still listening.

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495d0e No.91447

File: cb152c6c6850a2e⋯.png (122.5 KB,465x397,465:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 011d60ec053b953⋯.mp4 (3.38 MB,438x252,73:42,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580804 (200438ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - “Joe Biden was using his son to get rich, now he’s using his son to obstruct justice. It’s now a crime to get Hunter Biden in trouble.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


“Joe Biden was using his son to get rich, now he’s using his son to obstruct justice. It’s now a crime to get Hunter Biden in trouble.”

Sep 20, 2023, 12:15 AM


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495d0e No.91448

File: af55cf5700fb92e⋯.png (1.13 MB,1438x929,1438:929,Clipboard.png)

File: 8087523f3c5ee52⋯.png (22.61 KB,731x438,731:438,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19580872 (200454ZSEP23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - Upsun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Upsun: The time during which the sun is up, or above the horizon, the time between sunrise and sunset.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581077 (200602ZSEP23) Notable: #24046

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Notables - FINAL

#24046 >>91426

>>91427, >>91428 “He Just Lost It In The Weather” - Audio From F-35 Crash Response Emerges

>>91429, >>91435, >>91436, >>91438, >>91439, >>91440, >>91442 Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project / Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker - DIG

>>91430 DEVELOPING: I have the original Edgartown Police Report and I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but why are there ‘42 PAST INCIDENTS’ at Barrack and Michelle Obama’s house

>>91431 PlaneFag Report - Call sign MOST11

>>91432 Via House Judiciary Committee Republicans -FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the Trump Crowd on January 6!

>>91433 Nanorobots Are Everywhere

>>91434 LAW OFFICES OF AISSA WAYNE (John Wayne's Daughter) Obama's SS Number

>>91437 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - New Radio Ad

>>91441 Biden quietly makes it harder for future Republican presidents to slash size of the federal bureaucracy

>>91443 The Biden administration has appointed James Clapper, John Brennan, and Paul Kolbe, former intelligence officials, to a DHS "Homeland Intelligence Experts Group" handling national security issues."

>>91444 John Kerry’s son cut business ties with Hunter Biden over Ukrainian oil deal

>>91445 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - NEVER GIVE UP


>>91447 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - “Joe Biden was using his son to get rich, now he’s using his son to obstruct justice. It’s now a crime to get Hunter Biden in trouble.”

>>91448 PlaneFag Report - Upsun


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495d0e No.91450

File: c50d1818a529a0e⋯.png (121.01 KB,510x335,102:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581137 (200625ZSEP23) Notable: #24047

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updated dough

updated dough

updated dough


dead link removed from Globals

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495d0e No.91451

File: df39b88f5636202⋯.png (56.87 KB,914x349,914:349,Clipboard.png)

File: 8766c4de97b38c4⋯.png (92.13 KB,1249x416,1249:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581143 (200627ZSEP23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Our Country has spent almost 200 Billion Dollars more than the countries of Europe in fighting go Ukraine. Does anybody think this is fair and reasonable?...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Our Country has spent almost 200 Billion Dollars more than the countries of Europe in fighting go Ukraine. Does anybody think this is fair and reasonable? Europe should equalize before we go forward!

1 ReTruth


Sep 20, 2023, 2:25 AM


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495d0e No.91452


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468 US Climate Mayors commit to adopt, honor and uphold Paris Climate Agreement goals


The President’s denial of global warming is getting a cold reception from America’s cities.

As 466 US Mayors representing 74 million Americans, we will adopt, honor, and uphold the commitments to the goals enshrined in the Paris Agreement. We will intensify efforts to meet each of our cities’ current climate goals, push for new action to meet the 1.5 degrees Celsius target, and work together to create a 21st century clean energy economy.

We will continue to lead. We are increasing investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. We will buy and create more demand for electric cars and trucks. We will increase our efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions, create a clean energy economy, and stand for environmental justice. And if the President wants to break the promises made to our allies enshrined in the historic Paris Agreement, we’ll build and strengthen relationships around the world to protect the planet from devastating climate risks.

The world cannot wait — and neither will we.


468 mayors at link:


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495d0e No.91453


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Press Releases

Stay up to date by reading the network’s latest press releases.


Over 50 U.S. Mayors Sign Letter to Treasury Urging Simple Direct Pay Guidelines to Accelerate Local Climate ActionAUGUST 23, 2023

Mayors applaud new access to elective pay credits that will turbocharge climate action and environmental justice at the local level Washington D.C. (August 23) – Over 50 U.S. mayors signed …

Mayoral Terms End, but Climate Legacies Live on Forever: Recognizing Mayor Michael. B HancockJUNE 29, 2023

Mayor Michael B. Hancock of Denver began his term in 2011 and will close this chapter in July of 2023. During this time he also served on the Climate Mayors …

Statement from Climate Mayors Supporting New White House Guidance on Direct Pay for Tax Credits in the Historic Inflation Reduction ActJUNE 14, 2023

June 14, 2023 – Today, President Biden released initial guidance on direct pay for tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act. The historic bill includes billions of dollars in provisions …

Climate Mayors Welcomes New 2023 Steering Committee Members to Turbocharge Climate Action from Coast to CoastAPRIL 13, 2023

Climate Mayors strengthens its Steering Committee leadership with the addition of the first African American female Mayor of Los Angeles, Karen Bass, and Atlanta Mayor and Deacon, Andre Dickens. April …

Three Climate Mayors Reach the End of their Terms and Leave Behind Climate LegaciesDECEMBER 19, 2022

Three members of the Climate Mayors’ Steering Committee will soon conclude their terms as city mayors. Yet, their leadership in climate action leaves behind unforgettable legacies. Several leaders of Climate …

1 2 3 … 6 NEXT »

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495d0e No.91454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581326 (200745ZSEP23) Notable: NEW Side by side of Lahaina before and after

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NEW Side by side of Lahaina before and after

Geoff said a lot of his footage got pulled down by YT for unspecified reasons.

Geoff Cygnus


TikTok: @geoffcygnus

X: @cygnusgeoff

Zelle: zelle@cygnusperformance.com

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495d0e No.91455

File: 0f81e2a23ca9c5c⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 178d466d1cc0b67⋯.png (1.29 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581412 (200856ZSEP23) Notable: FDA trying to remove reformulate mucous thinning drugs and 2021 NIH study concerning mucous thinning and treatments.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FDA trying to remover reformulate mucous thinning drugs and 2021 NIH study concerning mucous thinning and treatments.

We hypothesize that the drugs targeting elevated mucins or else implementing better ways to remove excess mucus clogs in airways can improve pulmonary complications in COVID-19 patients.

Another study showed that our immune system recognizes SARS CoV2 as an allergen and establishes an allergic immunity against the virus. This stimulates respiratory mucosal sensitivity and activation of SOX2 gene which leads to goblet cell hyperplasia and mucus hypersecretion as same as other allergic and inflammatory diseases.


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495d0e No.91456

File: 239c8f7d78fe8f3⋯.png (4.04 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581414 (200857ZSEP23) Notable: FDA trying to remove reformulate mucous thinning drugs and 2021 NIH study concerning mucous thinning and treatments.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91457

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581416 (200902ZSEP23) Notable: UN Secretary-General Admits New World Order Is Failing, Agenda 2030 ‘In Peril’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UN Secretary-General Admits New World Order Is Failing, Agenda 2030 ‘In Peril’

United Nations globalists descended on New York City to attend the 2023 Sustainable Development Goals Summit and devise an “urgent plan” to save Agenda 2030 because, according to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the deeply unpopular globalist plot is “in peril.”



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495d0e No.91458

File: e32a9290192b92c⋯.png (621.88 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581421 (200906ZSEP23) Notable: UN Secretary-General Admits New World Order Is Failing, Agenda 2030 ‘In Peril’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Forgot the capture.

UN Secretary-General Admits New World Order Is Failing, Agenda 2030 ‘In Peril’

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495d0e No.91459

File: 364789e34e1dd7e⋯.png (60.96 KB,662x423,662:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581462 (200935ZSEP23) Notable: Next stop, USA! Moment huge group of migrants bursts through cordon and trample officials in Mexico as they demand expedited processing...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Next stop, USA! Moment huge group of migrants

bursts through cordon and trample officials

in Mexico as they demand expedited processing

so they can get to the border more quickly

Daily Mail (UK), by Adry Torres

Posted By: Imright, 9/20/2023 4:51:38 AM

A group of migrant rushed an asylum office in southern Mexico, trampling over each in an attempt to demand legal documents. The migrants, mostly Haiti nationals, were seen on video knocking down metal barricades and storming the office in Tapachula on Monday. Some of the migrants were able to get past National Guard officers and the municipal police who were guarding the center, which is operated by the Mexican Commission for Refugee Aid. The group, which also includes migrants from Cuba and Honduras, have grown frustrated with the Mexican government's ability to process their asylum requests. Papers that they're seeking would allow them to travel freely and eventually reach the United States

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495d0e No.91460

File: ba63762cd46058e⋯.png (820.24 KB,882x833,18:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581467 (200939ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Administration Makes Unbelievable Move to Re-Employ James Clapper and John Brennan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biden Administration Makes Unbelievable

Move to Re-Employ James Clapper and John Brennan

Red State, by Bonchie

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/20/2023 1:50:37 AM

Remember James Clapper and John Brennan? It's easy to forget given how much has transpired since both men consistently led the news throughout the Trump administration. At one time, though, their involvement in Crossfire Hurricane, otherwise known as the Russia collusion investigation was really big news. For those less initiated, here's a quick refresher. Clapper was Barack Obama's DNI and has been credibly accused of lying to Congress. Meanwhile, Brennan is Obama's former CIA Director and has been credibly accused of doing the same. Both men lived on cable news after Trump's inauguration, making all kinds of wild, unsubstantiated claims related to nefarious Russian collusion supposedly committed by

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495d0e No.91461

File: a3d95b3d57b93a3⋯.png (633.55 KB,668x671,668:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581471 (200942ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Biden to Announce Executive Level Gun Control Office

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Joe Biden to Announce Executive Level

Gun Control Office

Breitbart 2nd Amendment, by AWR Hawkins

Posted By: Imright, 9/19/2023 11:26:07 PM

President Joe Biden will announce the Office of Gun Violence Prevention on Friday and the new office will be coordinated with Mike Bloomberg gun control proponents and others. According to the Washington Post, “The new office will report up through Stefanie Feldman, the White House staff secretary and a longtime Biden policy aide who has worked on the firearms issue for years.” Coordination in the office is expected between the “White House, the Community Justice Action Fund and Everytown for Gun Safety.”

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495d0e No.91462

File: 9fcaa1e5c61f6f7⋯.png (19.25 KB,592x262,296:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 52e72b9d07295d6⋯.png (604.95 KB,1256x609,1256:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581497 (200953ZSEP23) Notable: General Mike Flynn w/CAP: We’re closer to conformity than you think

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


General Mike Flynn


We’re closer to conformity than you think @Timcast


Tim Pool



Sep 18

Holy Fuck Watch this short film


4:00 PM · Sep 19, 2023




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495d0e No.91463

File: 15651592d0688e2⋯.png (2.33 MB,2004x1392,167:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581682 (201137ZSEP23) Notable: Putin to visit China in October, accepts Xi's invitation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Putin to visit China in October, accepts Xi's invitation


Russian leader Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday he had accepted Chinese President Xi Jinping’s invitation to travel to China in October.

“I was pleased to accept the invitation of the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China to visit China in October,” Putin told Beijing’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi during a meeting, according to images distributed by Russian state television.

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495d0e No.91464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581724 (201158ZSEP23) Notable: 10:00AM - Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice

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495d0e No.91465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581748 (201210ZSEP23) Notable: 10:00AM - Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91466

File: 57f704172e93680⋯.png (889.16 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581772 (201221ZSEP23) Notable: "It was kinda genius" - Democrats Sound the Alarm After Trump Outfoxes Joe Biden on Auto Union Strike

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

According to Politico, a union advisor said Trump “boxed Biden in.” “[Trump] actually has people who know what they’re doing. He boxed Biden in. It was kinda genius ,” the union advisor said.

Democrats Sound the Alarm After Trump Outfoxes Joe Biden on Auto Union Strike


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495d0e No.91467

File: b37483795251b9f⋯.png (23.09 KB,601x166,601:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581802 (201232ZSEP23) Notable: DJT Jr. X acct hacked?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WTF is up with Don Jr. X account?


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495d0e No.91468

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581806 (201235ZSEP23) Notable: DJT Jr. X acct hacked?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If the permafrost melts then we need to worry.


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495d0e No.91469

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581809 (201235ZSEP23) Notable: DJT Jr. X acct hacked?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fucking "hackers" are real edgy bleeping out the N word, bet it won't say anything about Qanon or Epstein.

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495d0e No.91470

File: dbb1facc8afd0a3⋯.png (11.7 KB,446x107,446:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 29473703333b24d⋯.png (15.52 KB,449x162,449:162,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d15f68a5e27b31⋯.png (15.6 KB,451x155,451:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 60c7dab6c467d90⋯.png (11.32 KB,448x108,112:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581812 (201236ZSEP23) Notable: DJT Jr. X acct hacked?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

495d0e No.91471

File: a23aae9f1cc63be⋯.png (35.79 KB,593x455,593:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581814 (201236ZSEP23) Notable: DJT Jr. X acct hacked?

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RK says hacked

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495d0e No.91472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581817 (201238ZSEP23) Notable: DJT Jr. X acct hacked?

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Someone has taken over Don Jr's account


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495d0e No.91473

File: a18a1b8c506538b⋯.png (197.87 KB,595x403,595:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581825 (201239ZSEP23) Notable: DJT Jr. X acct hacked?

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>@DonaldJTrumpJr hacked

seems so indeed.

Kek! Wondering how that happened.

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495d0e No.91474

File: 8f163ad44f5d364⋯.jpg (88.68 KB,599x598,599:598,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581828 (201240ZSEP23) Notable: DJT Jr. X acct hacked?

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495d0e No.91475

File: 22944c5d8102afc⋯.jpg (268.12 KB,1043x1158,1043:1158,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581835 (201242ZSEP23) Notable: DJT Jr. X acct hacked?

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495d0e No.91476

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581862 (201249ZSEP23) Notable: #24047

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final bun for #24047

graveyard bred about ready fer bed

ghost'n at the top

#24047 >>91450

>>91451 DJT TS w/CAP: Our Country has spent almost 200 Billion Dollars more than the countries of Europe in fighting go Ukraine. Does anybody think this is fair and reasonable?...


>>91454 NEW Side by side of Lahaina before and after

>>91455, >>91456 FDA trying to remove reformulate mucous thinning drugs and 2021 NIH study concerning mucous thinning and treatments.

>>91457, >>91458 UN Secretary-General Admits New World Order Is Failing, Agenda 2030 ‘In Peril’

>>91459 Next stop, USA! Moment huge group of migrants bursts through cordon and trample officials in Mexico as they demand expedited processing...

>>91460 Biden Administration Makes Unbelievable Move to Re-Employ James Clapper and John Brennan

>>91461 Joe Biden to Announce Executive Level Gun Control Office

>>91462 General Mike Flynn w/CAP: We’re closer to conformity than you think

>>91463 Putin to visit China in October, accepts Xi's invitation

>>91464, >>91465 10:00AM - Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice

>>91466 "It was kinda genius" - Democrats Sound the Alarm After Trump Outfoxes Joe Biden on Auto Union Strike

>>91467, >>91468, >>91469, >>91470, >>91471, >>91472, >>91473, >>91474, >>91475 DJT Jr. X acct hacked?

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495d0e No.91477

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581917 (201305ZSEP23) Notable: #24048

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morn'n baker requesting handoff - call the ball caker

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495d0e No.91478

File: a1ca699cb475294⋯.png (644.31 KB,1232x905,1232:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c563b22fe4ddde⋯.png (407.78 KB,1258x605,1258:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581939 (201312ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “Feds thwarted probe into possible ‘criminal violations’ involving 2020 Biden campaign, agents say”

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Donald J. Trump


“Feds thwarted probe into possible ‘criminal violations’ involving 2020 Biden campaign, agents say”


Feds thwarted probe into possible 'criminal violations' involving 2020 Biden campaign, agents say

Newly-discovered inquiry opened after the 2020 election into the payment of Hunter Biden’s overdue taxes by a lawyer, but like other investigative avenues there was 'obstruction' by prosecutors, Congress…

Sep 20, 2023, 8:42 AM


Feds thwarted probe into possible 'criminal violations' involving 2020 Biden campaign, agents say

Newly-discovered inquiry opened after the 2020 election into the payment of Hunter Biden’s overdue taxes by a lawyer, but like other investigative avenues there was 'obstruction' by prosecutors, Congress told.

The FBI and IRS probed allegations that Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign may have benefitted from “campaign finance criminal violations” by allowing a politically connected lawyer to help pay off Hunter Biden’s large tax debts but agents were blocked by federal prosecutors from further action, according to new information uncovered by congressional investigators.

The previously unreported campaign finance inquiry was first alluded to in transcribed interviews by House investigators with two IRS agents and a retired FBI supervisor, and the allegations since have been augmented in recent weeks by new evidence uncovered by the House Ways and Means Committee, the House Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight Committee.

That evidence includes a case summary memo written by IRS Supervisory Criminal Investigative Agent Gary Shapley to his bosses dated May 3, 2021 in which he alleged that Lesley Wolf, a top prosecutor in the Hunter Biden case inside Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss’ office, waived agents off the campaign finance case. Shapley provided the information to Congress under the protections of whistleblower laws, and lawmakers voted the information to be public

"This investigation has been hampered and slowed by claims of potential election meddling,” Shapley wrote in the memo, according to his now-public transcribed interview with House Ways and Means where he read verbatim a passage from the memo. “Through interviews and review of evidence obtained, it appears there may be campaign finance criminal violations.

“AUSA Wolf stated on the last prosecution team meeting that she did not want any of the agents to look into the allegation,” Shapley’s memo stated, according to his interview. “She cited a need to focus on the 2014 tax year, that we could not yet prove an allegation beyond a reasonable doubt, and that she does not want to include their Public Integrity Unit because they would take authority away from her. We do not agree with her obstruction on this matter.”


Whistleblower 1 Transcript_Redacted.pdf


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Just the News on Tuesday evening that the campaign finance inquiry is a newer matter under investigation by his committee but it fits a pattern of other investigative avenues ranging from search warrants to interviews that were inexplicably turned down by prosecutors in the Hunter Biden case.

"We're just getting into this issue and the concerns," Jordan told the Just the News, No Noise television show. "But it wouldn't surprise me if they were told to stand down because remember this investigation over a five-year timeframe was slow-walked."

"This is something that I think is a concern, because, you know, you had this individual come in and cover Hunter Biden's tax liability," he added. "That's kind of interesting. And then, was in fact that a contribution to Mr. Biden's campaign when he ran for president?"

Shapley wasn't the only federal agent to raise concerns about the campaign finance inquiry.

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495d0e No.91479

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581942 (201313ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “Feds thwarted probe into possible ‘criminal violations’ involving 2020 Biden campaign, agents say”

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“And was the call that they would, you know, push for a prosecution?” a congressional investigator asked.

“I don't want to get into it because I don't know if that matter was opened or not,” he answered. “…They were talking about a matter that maybe could have been venued in D.C.”

Thibault wasn’t more specific about the inquiry, the allegations or what was discussed in the call. And none of the agents specified in their interviews which defendants they may have been targeting or what specific charges they sought, To date, no one has been charged with any such wrongdoing.

In his transcribed interview, Shapley described the general theory of the newly-disclosed campaign finance allegations as relating to the payment of Hunter Biden's significant tax debts, which reportedly totaled more than $2 million just to the IRS and were extinguished by a third-party by October 2021, according to a document filed by prosecutors in the now-scuttled plea deal between Hunter Biden and prosecutors in Delaware.


Hunter Biden's plea agreement with the Justice Department 7.26.23


Kevin Morris, a successful Hollywood lawyer and novelist, has been identified by The New York Times and others as the person who provided the money for Hunter Biden to pay his overdue taxes. The Times also reported Hunter Biden and Morris met at a 2019 presidential fund-raiser for Joe Biden.


Shapley also mentioned Morris in his transcribed interview.

“In late 2019-2020, a Kevin Patrick Morris comes into the picture. And he was described as meeting Hunter Biden at a campaign finance event. And he paid off several different tranches of tax due and owing, to include Federal and D.C. tax due and owing. And when they prepared some of these returns, they wrote that Kevin Patrick Morris gave him a loan for these. So that's also not taxable,” Shapley said.

Morris did not answer a text or call to his phone seeking comment Tuesday. Ian Sams, a spokesman for Joe Biden, declined to comment on the record. Abbe Lowell, a lawyer for Hunter Biden, did not return an email seeking comment.

The new information from the agents is prompting new questions for congressional investigators, For instance, if the court document from the plea deal is correct and Morris is the third-party who paid $2 million in delinquent Hunter Biden taxes in October 2022, why were agents already investigating the matter a year earlier and believe it was connected to the 2020 elections?

Shapley's testimony suggested there were "several different tranches" of tax payments made in 2020-21. NBC News has reported that Hunter Biden and his ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle, received an earlier tax lien from the IRS in November 2019 about the time Morris and Biden reportedly met and paid the lien off in the amount of $112,805.09 in March 2020, well before the election ended.


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495d0e No.91480

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581943 (201313ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “Feds thwarted probe into possible ‘criminal violations’ involving 2020 Biden campaign, agents say”

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Likewise, the Free Beacon reported Hunter Biden was also hit with a state tax lien totaling $453,890 from the Washington DC government on July 9, 2020 and paid it off just six days later. The news organization noted that Hunter Biden made the payment despite claiming in an Arkansas paternity case at the time that he had "no discernible income."


Congressional investigators want to know how Hunter Biden afforded paying off those two pre-2020 election tax liens given his publicly acknowledged financial difficulties and whether Morris or another supporter provided any loans or assistance then.

Morris' support for the Biden family including donating more than $50,000 to Joe Biden's campaign and a super PAC supporting him in 2020 and providing legal advice to Hunter Biden was first flagged in a letter to the Hollywood lawyer from House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer a year ago.

"Your sudden patronage of the President’s son, enormous financial contributions to President Biden, and outsized role you are taking in defending against both congressional and criminal investigations raise serious concerns about whether you are providing in-kind contributions to President Biden’s re-election efforts," Comer wrote in June 2022. "Committee Republicans request documents and information regarding your actions to shield Hunter Biden and, ultimately, President Biden from congressional oversight."




Shapley’s attorney, Tristan Leavitt of the Empower Oversight whistleblower center, told Just the News this week that Wolf’s refusal to allow campaign finance charges was reported to his chain of command as evidence the probe was being obstructed.

“One of the examples of a case being shut down that … Shapley talked about in his transcript related to Hollywood attorney named Kevin Patrick Morris,” Leavitt told the "Just the News, No Noise" television show.

“….Shapley talked about how Morris met Hunter Biden at a campaign finance event. Morris paid off the taxes that were due in late 2019, early 2020. And then when agents went to Assistant U.S. Attorney Leslie Wolf, and said so that looks like there might be campaign finance criminal violations. Leslie Wolf specified that she didn't want them looking back at that. And she didn't want to have to include the Public Integrity Unit.

“She didn't want other people looking over her shoulder. And these are the types of disclosures that Gary Shapley made within his chain of command, saying this is obstruction and we think there's a real problem,” he added.

House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith, (R-Mo.), is expected to hold a committee vote soon to release to the public additional new evidence his team has gathered in the Hunter Biden case, including some of the nine memos Shapley's lawyers referenced in a public letter last week. It also is expected that the May 2021 memo that Shapley referred to in his congressional interview may also be released.


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495d0e No.91481

File: 304d6e5907e3a1c⋯.jpg (366.28 KB,720x1194,120:199,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581945 (201313ZSEP23) Notable: End of an era: No more ‘Chief Caddo’ for NSU-SFA football

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End of an era: No more ‘Chief Caddo’ for NSU-SFA football


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495d0e No.91482

File: f165d975d7d477a⋯.png (85.45 KB,1279x387,1279:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581948 (201314ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump If I would have made that speech yesterday at the United Nations, for all of the World to see, including the HORRENDOUS delivery...

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Donald J. Trump


If I would have made that speech yesterday at the United Nations, for all of the World to see, including the HORRENDOUS delivery, I would have been run out of politics! An EMBARRASSMENT to our Country.

Sep 20, 2023, 9:00 AM


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495d0e No.91483

File: 6185a5822bf4c7c⋯.png (891.77 KB,1043x695,1043:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581952 (201314ZSEP23) Notable: resident discussed with the CEO of BlackRock the coordination of efforts to rebuild Ukraine

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President discussed with the CEO of BlackRock the coordination of efforts to rebuild Ukraine

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a video conference meeting with Larry Fink, CEO of one of the world's leading investment managers, BlackRock.

BlackRock manages client assets worth about 8 trillion dollars.

In accordance with the preliminary agreements struck earlier this year between the Head of State and Larry Fink, the BlackRock team has been working for several months on a project to advise the Ukrainian government on how to structure the country’s reconstruction funds.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Larry Fink agreed to focus in the near term on coordinating the efforts of all potential investors and participants in the reconstruction of our country, channelling investment into the most relevant and impactful sectors of the Ukrainian economy.

During the conversation, it was emphasized that certain BlackRock leaders plan to visit Ukraine in the new year.

The President thanked Larry Fink for the work of the professional team that BlackRock has allocated to advise on structuring the reconstruction projects.

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495d0e No.91484

File: faa53dd0957307a⋯.png (404.27 KB,861x1192,861:1192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581958 (201316ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump 2024 NRP Trump 59% (+9)

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Donald J. Trump


2024 NRP Trump 59% (+9)

Sep 20, 2023, 8:46 AM


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495d0e No.91485

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581964 (201318ZSEP23) Notable: Specklin Forensics Finds 34,000 Illegal 2020 Election Ballots in Michigan

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Specklin Forensics Finds 34,000 Illegal 2020 Election Ballots in Michigan

The forensics organization found damning evidence of widespread and systemic voter fraud, particularly among absentee ballots, according to the report.


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495d0e No.91486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19581977 (201321ZSEP23) Notable: "The 2021 Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award honors two scientists—Katalin Karikó (BioNTech) and Drew Weissman (University of Pennsylvania)—who discovered a new therapeutic technology based on the modification of messenger RNA."

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I want to add a bit to the dig on Mary Lasker. The foundation started by Mary and her husband Albert is called the Lasker Foundation. They give awards that have been called, apparently "The American Nobel prizes".

Today I found this on their web site. https://laskerfoundation.org/winners/modified-mrna-vaccines/

It is about a couple of winners who happen to have won for their work with "modified" mRNA. Not only do I think the award winners are worth a look, but I find this an odd confirmation that the COVID injections were not simply using mRNA (messenger RNA) but that it had been modified to work differently in human cells. The description of the two scientists and their work does say their technology can turn human cells into "factories" for protein.

Quote:"The 2021 Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award honors two scientists—Katalin Karikó (BioNTech) and Drew Weissman (University of Pennsylvania)—who discovered a new therapeutic technology based on the modification of messenger RNA."

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495d0e No.91487

File: 66a727f4c7a103c⋯.png (70.02 KB,929x442,929:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582005 (201329ZSEP23) Notable: The House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing at 10 am with Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland.

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🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸


The House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing at 10 am with Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Biden and Garland have politicized and weaponized the Justice Department to go after their political enemies.

Even Christians and parents.

They must be held accountable.

Sep 20, 2023, 9:26 AM


hate the truth social trending button, in my fucking way, every single day

fuck you NUNES

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495d0e No.91488

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582018 (201331ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine Begins Putting American Conservatives on Official Kill List???

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Ukraine Begins Putting American Conservatives on Official Kill List

Ukraine’s main intelligence agency (SBU) has begun putting ordinary Americans who criticize Ukraine on their official ‘Kill List’.

The program, funded by American taxpayer dollars, targets any American citizen who dares to criticize the Ukraine regime. According to the Ukrainian government, Americans who speak out against the Zelensky regime will be officially designated “traitors to Ukraine” and be liable for assassination.


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495d0e No.91489

File: 1d0b2e95c8555b2⋯.jpeg (594.57 KB,1170x1789,1170:1789,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582024 (201333ZSEP23) Notable: Conspiracy theorist lawyer Lin Wood is a witness "for the State" in Trump's Georgia RICO case.

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Adam Klasfeld


REVELATION buried in the DA Willis' conflicts motion:

Conspiracy theorist lawyer Lin Wood is a witness "for the State" in Trump's Georgia RICO case.

Background on him,



DEVELOPING story https://themessenger.com/politics/fani-willis-six-attorneys-trump-conflicts


9:21 AM · Sep 20, 2023




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495d0e No.91490

File: 0fc4334bd0c3fd8⋯.png (743.56 KB,737x674,737:674,Clipboard.png)

File: e2a64411fc0dda7⋯.png (776.66 KB,634x642,317:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 2de57e0721317c1⋯.png (1.11 MB,634x792,317:396,Clipboard.png)

File: 2348bd82827957f⋯.png (664.25 KB,634x888,317:444,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cdc52bec058b8c⋯.png (450.57 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582049 (201338ZSEP23) Notable: Hillary Clinton embraced Olena Zelenska on stage at a New York conference last night

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Hillary Clinton embraced Olena Zelenska on stage at a New York conference last night as she and her husband Bill presented the First Lady of Ukraine with an award for 'extraordinary leadership amid unimaginable circumstances'.

The former Secretary of State was seen hugging Zelenska before she and Bill handed her this year's Clinton Global Citizen Award during a conference focusing on pressing global issues.

Zelenska, who worked with Hillary Clinton for the past year designing the Clinton Global Initiative's new Ukraine Action Network, accepted the award on behalf of all Ukrainians who she said keep the country going each day in the face of attacks from Russia.

'All of them are my compatriots and I am grateful for them,' Zelenska said. 'A leader is the one who comes to help, who stands by those who need help. I'm grateful to the American people and their friends and family for being such leaders.'

Hillary Clinton said Olenska was given the award for her 'extraordinary leadership amid unimaginable, difficult circumstances, and who has been a forceful advocate for peace and a relentless champion of her determined people.'

The former first Lady said CGI's new Ukraine Action Network is 'committed to sustaining a deliberate international focus on Ukraine and supporting new commitments to action'.

CGI announced numerous new programs for Ukraine - from actor Orlando Bloom's plan to raise $20 million to provide new laptops to 50,000 students to So-Light Design's pledge to provide 30,000 SoLights, individual solar-powered light sources, to Ukrainians who lack consistent access to electricity.

'We are in this for the long haul for Ukraine, Ukrainians, and for democracy everywhere,' Hillary Clinton said. 'Their fight is our fight. Don´t let anybody tell you differently.'

The conference addressed a series of global issues before wrapping up on Tuesday night - from food insecurity, which World Food Programme Executive Director Cindy McCain called 'desperation,' to climate change - with 160 new monetary commitments announced that could total billions of dollars in new funding.

The CGI also announced that it had added gender equity as a pillar of the nonprofit's work to sound the alarm about the increasing challenges women and girls currently face.

'Whatever the issue - it's connected to women and it falls more heavily on women,' Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton, who is the only child of Bill and Hillary, said. 'It also requires us to center women in how we think about what our collective response should be.'

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495d0e No.91491

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582080 (201342ZSEP23) Notable: ️Azerbaijani President Aliyev told US Secretary of State Blinken that Baku's operation in Karabakh will be stopped after the Armenian armed forces surrender their weapons.

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️Azerbaijani President Aliyev told US Secretary of State Blinken that Baku's operation in Karabakh will be stopped after the Armenian armed forces surrender their weapons.

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495d0e No.91492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582081 (201342ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

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"Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice"



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495d0e No.91493

File: a3fabf83967615b⋯.jpg (13.45 KB,204x255,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582105 (201346ZSEP23) Notable: ️Azerbaijani President Aliyev told US Secretary of State Blinken that Baku's operation in Karabakh will be stopped after the Armenian armed forces surrender their weapons.

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495d0e No.91494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582110 (201348ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

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10:00 AM EDT

Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice

House Judiciary Committee



The Honorable Merrick Garland, Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice






Attorney General Testifies on Justice Dept. Oversight

Attorney General Merrick Garland testifies on oversight of the Justice Department before the House Judiciary Committee.


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495d0e No.91495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582112 (201348ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight of the Department of Transportation’s Policies and Programs

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10:00 AM EDT

Oversight of the Department of Transportation’s Policies and Programs

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee



The Honorable Pete Buttigieg, Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation







Transportation Secretary Testifies on Agency Oversight

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg testifies on oversight of his department before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.


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495d0e No.91496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582117 (201349ZSEP23) Notable: The Financial Costs of Mayorkas’ Open Border

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10:00 AM EDT

The Financial Costs of Mayorkas’ Open Border

House Homeland Security Committee



The Honorable Jonathan W. Lines

County Supervisor, District 2, Yuma County, Arizona


The Honorable Joseph C. Borelli

New York City Council


Aaron Reichlin-Melnick

Policy Director, American Immigration Council





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495d0e No.91497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582141 (201353ZSEP23) Notable: In challenge for NATO, election front-runner in Slovakia wants to end aid to Ukraine/noice proxy to beat the paywall tyvm

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In challenge for NATO, election front-runner in Slovakia wants to end aid to Ukraine

A populist former prime minister whose party is favored to win Slovakia’s parliamentary election plans to reverse the country’s military and political support for neighboring Ukraine, in a direct challenge to the European Union and NATO, if he returns to power.

Robert Fico, who led Slovakia from 2006 to 2010 and again from 2012 to 2018, is the front-runner in the Sept. 30 election. He and his left-wing Smer, or Direction, party have campaigned on a clear pro-Russian and anti-American message.

His candidacy is part of a wider trend across Europe. Only Hungary has an openly pro-Russian government, but in Germany, France, Spain and elsewhere, populist parties skeptical of intervention in Ukraine command significant support. Many have national or regional elections coming up that could tip popular opinion away from Kyiv and toward Moscow.


support for Ukraine is slipping. Time for a FF op to regain support.

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495d0e No.91498

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582162 (201400ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Set To Deliver Remarks At Several Stops In Iowa 4:00 PM EDT

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11:00 AM EDT

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Set To Deliver Remarks At Several Stops In Iowa - 9/20/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network



4:00 PM EDT

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Dubuque, Iowa

Doors Open: 12:00 pm

>>89612 PB




Campaign 2024

Fmr. President Trump Campaigns in Maquoketa, Iowa

2024 Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump speaks to voters at a “Commit to Caucus” event at the Jackson County Fairgrounds in Maquoketa, Iowa.


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495d0e No.91499

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582167 (201402ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine - Security Council Meeting, Upholding the Purposes and Principles of the UN Charter Through Effective Multilateralism

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11:00 AM EDT

Ukraine - Security Council Meeting, Upholding the Purposes and Principles of the UN Charter Through Effective Multilateralism - Security Council, 9,421st Meeting

United Nations



Ukrainian Pres. Zelensky Before UN Security Council, Part 1

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks before members of the UN Security Council in New York City.


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495d0e No.91500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582170 (201402ZSEP23) Notable: UN Sec-Gen: Guterres had to say regarding Egypt and Libya, What he is doing is threatening those in the room with recalling loans given to them by the World bank, I.M.F, weather warfare

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Anons should really watch the U.N assembly meeting this year.

Especially what The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres had to say regarding egypt and Libya, What he is doing is threatening those in the room with recalling loans given to them by the World bank, I.M.F after the pandemic and war, plus indirectly reminding them of weather warfare.



🇺🇳 UN Secretary-General Addresses General Debate, 78th Session | #UNGA



6,472 views 19 Sept 2023 UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS

UN Secretary General addresses the general debate of the 78th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (New York, 19 - 26 September 2023).

This video is available in multiple languages. Click the settings ⚙️ button to change the language track.


The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, opened the High-level week of the General Assembly warning that the world “is becoming unhinged” and that is happening “at a time of chaotic transition.”

Addressing Member States today (19 Sep), Guterres made a call to renew multilateral institutions, saying that “geopolitical tensions are rising”, “global challenges are mounting” and “we seem incapable of coming together to respond”.

Guterres added, “We are inching ever closer to a Great Fracture in economic and financial systems and trade relations; one that threatens a single, open internet; with diverging strategies on technology and artificial intelligence; and potentially clashing security frameworks. It is high time to renew institutions based on 21st century economic and political realities – rooted in equity, solidarity and universality – anchored in the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law.”


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495d0e No.91501

File: dd269b224a35cbd⋯.png (1.4 MB,1183x650,91:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582173 (201404ZSEP23) Notable: UN Sec-Gen: Guterres had to say regarding Egypt and Libya, What he is doing is threatening those in the room with recalling loans given to them by the World bank, I.M.F, weather warfare

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continued text below youtube video.

The Secretary-General recognized the obstacles, saying “I have no illusions. Reforms are a question of power. I know there are many competing interests and agendas. But the alternative to reform is not the status quo. The alternative to reform is further fragmentation. It’s reform or rupture.”

According to Guterres, “in the face of all these challenges and more, compromise has become a dirty word.”

“Our world needs statesmanship, not gamesmanship and gridlock. As I told the G20, it is time for a global compromise. Politics is compromise. Diplomacy is compromise. Effective leadership is compromise,” said the UN chief.

The Secretary-General also mentioned climate change, saying, “We have just survived the hottest days, hottest months, and hottest summer on the books. Behind every broken record are broken economies, broken lives and whole nations at the breaking point. Every continent, every region and every country is feeling the heat. But I’m not sure all leaders are feeling that heat. Actions are falling abysmally short.”

For Guterres, “climate chaos is breaking new records, but we cannot afford the same old broken record of scapegoating and waiting for others to move first.”

“And to all those working, marching and championing real climate action, I want you to know: You are on the right side of history. I’m with you. I won’t give up this fight of our lives,” added the UN chief.

On gender equality, the Secretary-General said, “Just four women signed our founding document. One look around this room shows not enough has changed. “We, the Peoples” does not mean “'We, the men.'”

He added, “In some countries, women and girls are punished for wearing too many clothes; in others, for wearing too few. Thanks to generations of women’s rights activists, times are changing. From sports fields to schools and public squares, girls and women are challenging the patriarchy - and winning. I stand with them.”

Guterres also mentioned the dangers of Artificial Intelligence, noting that when he referred to the issue in his General Assembly speech in 2017, only two other leaders even uttered the term.

“Now AI is on everyone’s lips – a subject of both awe, and fear. Even some of those who developed generative AI are calling for greater regulation. But many of the dangers of digital technology are not looming. They are here,” the UN chief concluded.


The UN General Assembly (UNGA) is the main policy-making organ of the Organization. Comprising all Member States, it provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter of the United Nations. Each of the 193 Member States of the United Nations has an equal vote.

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. Currently made up of 193 Member States, the UN and its work are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter.

The UN has evolved over the years to keep pace with a rapidly changing world.

But one thing has stayed the same: it remains the one place on Earth where all the world’s nations can gather together, discuss common problems, and find shared solutions that benefit all of humanity.


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495d0e No.91502

File: 8665cd0ba650413⋯.jpg (19.28 KB,715x223,715:223,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4ceb3f71ea65a75⋯.jpg (111.84 KB,720x738,40:41,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 511a2904ca9e6a0⋯.mp4 (2.69 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582186 (201407ZSEP23) Notable: Reports Of Donald Trump's Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated For The Keks!

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Reports Of Donald Trump's Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated


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495d0e No.91503

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582190 (201410ZSEP23) Notable: 1971 New York Times: "Concern of viruses is about genetics and THE SECRET TO LIFE"

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1 minute shorts

Dr Carter Mecher (Red Dawn Group primary email author) on last flight into DC morning of 911


Vaccine pushin! 1971 New York Times: "Concern of viruses is about genetics and THE SECRET TO LIFE"


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495d0e No.91504

File: 194cd94ee92a7d7⋯.png (86.35 KB,1321x597,1321:597,Clipboard.png)

File: ec480862caaff5e⋯.png (247.37 KB,1437x765,479:255,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c4f3e5e8ee711c⋯.png (107.69 KB,1359x818,1359:818,Clipboard.png)

File: d099ae864dbd43d⋯.jpg (73.02 KB,680x588,170:147,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b5c879c3ceab035⋯.png (260.02 KB,1313x718,1313:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582195 (201411ZSEP23) Notable: QintelPro. Is this the Q plan? Looks like it to me and what they are trying to accomplish

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This is an interesting site. QintelPro. Is this the Q plan? Looks like it to me and what they are trying to accomplish.


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495d0e No.91505

File: 1eee22008771a0a⋯.png (394.49 KB,937x1200,937:1200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582199 (201413ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Set To Deliver Remarks At Several Stops In Iowa 4:00 PM EDT

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Rally Day

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495d0e No.91506

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582225 (201419ZSEP23) Notable: Democrats Sound the Alarm After Trump Outfoxes Joe Biden on Auto Union Strike

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>>91466 "It was kinda genius" - Democrats Sound the Alarm After Trump Outfoxes Joe Biden on Auto Union Strike PN

This article is glorious, look what the union members are saying

Democrats Sound the Alarm After Trump Outfoxes Joe Biden on Auto Union Strike

by Cristina Laila Sep. 19, 2023

Democrats sounded the alarm after Trump outfoxed Joe Biden on the auto union strike with his plan to deliver a speech in Detroit next week. Trump decided to forgo the upcoming Republican primary debate scheduled for Wednesday, September 27 at the Reagan Library in California. Instead, he will be in Detroit, speaking to a crowd of more than 500 current and former union members.

For the first time in the history of the 150,000-member United Auto Workers Union, members went on strike against the “Big 3” manufacturers at midnight Thursday night after no deal was reached. The “Big 3” include Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis, the newly-formed merger of Fiat Chrysler and the PSA Group.

“Key demands from the union have included 40% hourly pay increases; a reduced, 32-hour, workweek; a shift back to traditional pensions; the elimination of compensation tiers; and a restoration of cost-of-living adjustments. Other items on the table include enhanced retiree benefits and better vacation and family leave benefits,” CNBC reported.

The automakers pushed back on union demands and said their proposals would bankrupt the companies. Democrats are quietly panicking over Trump’s planned speech in Detroit as Joe Biden’s White House grapples with how to handle the historic strike.

“Trump scooped us. Now if we announce we’re going, it looks like we’re just going because of Trump,” said a national Democratic strategist, according to Politico. “We waited too long. That’s the challenge.”

According to Politico, a union advisor said Trump “boxed Biden in.” ; “[Trump] actually has people who know what they’re doing. He boxed Biden in. It was kinda genius,” the union advisor said.

Politico reported:

Some Joe Biden allies fear that Donald Trump is outmaneuvering them on the auto workers’ strike with his decision to head to Detroit for a speech next week.

Democrats close to the White House said they saw Trump’s trip as a plainly cynical ploy to gain political advantage from the current United Auto Workers strike at three plants.But they also worry it is a sign that the ex-president had a more sophisticated campaign than in previous cycles— and that Biden’s operation needs to step it up.

“We should not underestimate Donald Trump. He’s a survivorand this is going to be a very hard-fought campaign,” said Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), a member of Biden’s national advisory board who was in Wayne, Mich., and Toledo, Ohio, on Monday with UAW members. “We need a message to working-class Americans. Right now, they’re still hurting in terms of gas prices, food prices, housing costs, utilities costs, and they don’t feel like their wages are going up fast enough, and they feel like the very wealthy are getting too much of the rewards. That’s what I heard on the picket lines.”

Earlier this month, Joe Biden, the most ‘pro-union president in US history,’arrogantly brushed offa question about the looming auto strike. “No, I’m not worried about [an auto workers] strike until it happens. I don’t think it’s going to happen,” Biden said to reporters on the tarmac in Philadelphia on Labor Day.

WATCH: BIDEN (September 5): “No, I’m not worried about [an auto workers] strike until it happens. I don’t think it’s going to happen.”

The autoworkers are not happy with Joe Biden. Autoworkers lashed out at “pro-union” Joe Biden on the eve of a historic United Auto Workers union strike last week. A dozen union members gathered in Kokomo, Indiana, the hometown of United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain on Thursday night. One worker expressed his frustration with Joe Biden and his policies as the clock got closer to midnight last Thursday.

“I don’t know what he’s done,” said Gary Quick, president of Local 685 at a union hall in Kokomo, Indiana on Thursday night, according to Politico. “Ask him. I don’t think he knows what he’s done. Seriously. I’m not trying to be mean.”

Another union member, Denny Butler, blasted Joe Biden and the Democrat party.

“They’re all full of shit,” Butler said, according to Politico. “We haven’t had a president in there for years, with the exception of Trump, that was really for the people, all the way back to the Reagan days.”

“Historically, man, if you didn’t vote Democrat years ago, and you were in the union, sometimes you got your ass kicked,” he said. “Democrats were for the working people. That shit has changed.I’m telling you what, the Democratic Party was not what it was 20, 30 years ago.”


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495d0e No.91507

File: f5c903178f4e125⋯.mp4 (6.4 MB,888x496,111:62,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582239 (201423ZSEP23) Notable: The House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing at 10 am with Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland.

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Garland just mentioned the Sinaloa Cartel

Organized crime syndicate

maybe he should take into account this testimony which is available.


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495d0e No.91508

File: 9bcd1789bdde811⋯.png (572.72 KB,960x679,960:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582247 (201425ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Methane Discovered on Distant Exoplanet/no mention of cow farts, waiting for the "View" to weigh in

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 20, 2023

Methane Discovered on Distant Exoplanet

Where else might life exist? One of humanity's great outstanding questions, locating planets where extrasolar life might survive took a step forward in 2019 with the discovery of a significant amount of water vapor in the atmosphere of distant exoplanet K2-18b. The planet and its parent star, K2-18, lie about 124 light years away toward the constellation of the Lion (Leo). The exoplanet is significantly larger and more massive than our Earth, but orbits in the habitable zone of its home star. K2-18, although more red than our Sun, shines in K2-18b's sky with a brightness similar to the Sun in Earth's sky. The 2019 discovery of atmospheric water was made in data from three space telescopes: Hubble, Spitzer, and Kepler, by noting the absorption of water-vapor colors when the planet moved in front of the star. Now in 2023, further observations by the Webb Space Telescope in infrared light have uncovered evidence of other life-indicating molecules - including methane. The featured illustration imagines exoplanet K2-18b on the far right orbited by a moon (center), which together orbit a red dwarf star depicted on the lower left.


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495d0e No.91509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582248 (201425ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

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Garland is crying.

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495d0e No.91510

File: 4b08fa112dec6d3⋯.png (267.27 KB,598x682,299:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 2acf6c37ef2de25⋯.png (350.51 KB,598x670,299:335,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b6552f1e97d785⋯.png (39.76 KB,785x490,157:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582270 (201428ZSEP23) Notable: Canada recently was blaming Modi for assassinating a Sikh leader.

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Funny thread, probably true because Canada recently was blaming Modi for assassinating a Sikh leader.



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495d0e No.91511

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582273 (201429ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine ‘behaving like a drowning man’ - Poland Warsaw must protect its agricultural interests to prevent Kiev from dragging it down

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20 Sep, 2023 11:34

Ukraine ‘behaving like a drowning man’ – Poland

Warsaw must protect its agricultural interests to prevent Kiev from dragging it down, Andrzej Duda has said

By suing Warsaw over the embargo on Ukrainian grain, Kiev is behaving like a “drowning person,” threatening to pull down one of its main supporters in the conflict with Russia, President Andrzej Duda has said. He also announced that his scheduled meeting with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in New York had been cancelled.

Duda made the remarks while speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday. He complained that Ukraine, currently embroiled in fighting with Moscow, was “desperately clinging to whatever is available.”

He went on to explain that“a drowning person… is dangerous and can drown the rescuer.”“They say a drowning man is grasping at straws. This is a bit like the situation between Poland and Ukraine now,” he said, adding that Warsaw must take measures to protect its interests and not be dragged down with Kiev.

Amid the ongoing grain dispute, the Polish president also stated that his meeting with Zelensky “has been dropped from the agenda,” although he explained that the cancellation was due to conflicting schedules. “We were supposed to meet at 11:30am, but I had my speech then,” he said, adding that the two leaders could sit down at a later date.

Duda and Zelensky were expected to discuss both the issue of agricultural imports, as well as Kiev’s counteroffensive against Russia, which has struggled to gain significant ground despite more than three months of intense fighting.

The grain dispute between Kiev and Warsaw started when Poland, along with Hungary and Slovakia, refused to follow the EU’s lead and lift the embargo on Ukrainian grain imports, citing the need to protect their local agricultural producers amid plunging market prices. Romania also banned Ukrainian grain imports for 30 days, during which time it plans to work out the exact terms of trade with Kiev.

Ukraine responded to the restrictions by filing a lawsuit with the World Trade Organization against Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia. It also said that it would impose an embargo on Polish onions, tomatoes, cabbage, and apples in the next few days.

(Zelensky and Kiev are alienating all the EU countries that backed his bullshit offensive. Duda's message is more about what they are considering doing now, which is to cut the drowning man free in more ways than one.)


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495d0e No.91512

File: f5936095eb0ad08⋯.png (738.17 KB,785x499,785:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582280 (201431ZSEP23) Notable: The House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing at 10 am with Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland.

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garland: 2nd question, i don't recollect the answer to that question.


anon just spit out his brandy already


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495d0e No.91513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582288 (201432ZSEP23) Notable: Congress passed the Judiciary Act of 1789 which, among other things, established the Office of the Attorney General.

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The Office of the Attorney General isn't in the Constitution?

It's creation/charter is Congressional in origin?

Or it just exists by executive fiat?

Congress passed the Judiciary Act of 1789 which, among other things, established the Office of the Attorney General. The original duties of this officer were "to prosecute and conduct all suits in the Supreme Court in which the United States shall be concerned, and to give his advice and opinion upon questions of law when required by the president of the United States, or when requested by the heads of any of the departments".[7] Some of these duties have since been transferred to the United States solicitor general and the White House counsel.

The Department of Justice was established in 1870 to support the attorneys general in the discharge of their responsibilities.

The secretary of state, the secretary of the treasury, the secretary of defense, and the attorney general are regarded as the four most important Cabinet officials in the United States because of the size and importance of their respective departments.[8]

Attorney General is a Level I position in the Executive Schedule,[2] thus earning a salary of US$221,400, as of January 2021.[9]


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495d0e No.91514

File: f60f90f213def24⋯.png (778.85 KB,1462x610,731:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 053585c47605773⋯.png (59.32 KB,1604x440,401:110,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e810e394e1e738⋯.png (114.1 KB,1837x423,1837:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 246a0ccb165a158⋯.png (93.76 KB,1685x658,1685:658,Clipboard.png)

File: 8587eb1b302da76⋯.png (268.06 KB,1523x999,1523:999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582329 (201439ZSEP23) Notable: QintelPro. Is this the Q plan? Looks like it to me and what they are trying to accomplish

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I love who they are targeting for Niche groups. EDM Raver crowd KEK. I raved the shit out in the 90's, when you would have to get a flyer with a hotline number to find the party. Help by making Dank memes. Yeah here we are, the populist right wingers are the frog.

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495d0e No.91515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582343 (201442ZSEP23) Notable: Scientific Highlights of NASA Astronaut Frank Rubio’s Year in Space

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Scientific Highlights of NASA Astronaut Frank Rubio’s Year in Space

Sep 18, 2023

NASA astronaut Frank Rubio is set to return to Earth this fall after setting the record for the longest single spaceflight by a U.S. astronaut. He arrived at the International Space Station on Sept. 21, 2022, and returns home after 371 days in space. While on the orbiting lab, Rubio and his fellow crew members conducted dozens of scientific investigations and technology demonstrations.

Here’s a recap of Frank Rubio’s year-long scientific journey aboard the space station.



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495d0e No.91516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582344 (201442ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

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Garland: The way to not interfere is not to investigate an investigation.

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495d0e No.91517

File: 3460b31a10ca870⋯.pdf (44.62 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: fb212c2600221e7⋯.jpg (432.26 KB,1280x940,64:47,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582362 (201444ZSEP23) Notable: C_A Facility List ??

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C_A Facility List ??

Anon wonders what this is within USPS.com web site?


Page Header: CIA_FacilityList_02222012.xls - facility-list02222012.pdf

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495d0e No.91518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582374 (201447ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

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Lofgren: The proposal is basically to defund the police by the republicans., To defund the FBI.

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495d0e No.91519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582391 (201449ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine ‘behaving like a drowning man’ - Poland Warsaw must protect its agricultural interests to prevent Kiev from dragging it down

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20 Sep, 2023 08:00

Poland threatens to withdraw support for Ukraine

Relations between the neighbors have been marred by a row over Kiev's demands that its produce be sold on the Polish market

Poland may cut its support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia over the growing grain dispute between the two Eastern European countries, Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek, Warsaw’s minister for EU affairs, has said. Asked to comment on Warsaw’s decision to extend its embargo on Ukrainian grain despite the EU lifting the restriction, the minister told PAP news agency on Tuesday that Poland would be “relentless” on the matter.

Szynkowski vel Sek claimed that Kiev’s pushback over the dispute “harms Ukraine itself,” as it makes “a certain impression on Polish public opinion” and affects the level of support for continued military and economic assistance. The minister added that while Warsaw wants to continue to back Ukraine, there should be public support. “If there is no support for such actions from Poles, it will be difficult for us to continue supporting Ukraine in the same way as we have been doing so far.”

The minister’s comments echo similar remarks by Polish President Andrzej Duda, who recently urged Ukraine “to remember that it receives help from us,” and that Poland is a major transit country for Kiev.

The agricultural row dates back to May, when the European Commission imposed restrictions on imports of some Ukrainian agricultural products to protect local producers amid plummeting prices. Earlier this month, Brussels lifted the embargo after Kiev pledged to tighten control over its agricultural exports. Nevertheless, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania refused to follow the EU’s lead. Bulgaria agreed to allow Ukrainian grain into the country, but the decision triggered mass protests among local farmers.

In response, Kiev filed a suit against Poland, Hungary and Slovakia at the World Trade Organization, with Taras Kachka, Ukraine’s trade representative, describing their actions as “legally wrong.” Speaking to Rzeczpospolita on Monday, Kachka also promised that Ukraine would introduce an embargo on Polish onions, tomatoes, cabbage, and apples in the next few days.

Polish Agriculture Minister Robert Telus told Euractiv that Warsaw does not fear any repercussions from the EU or the WTO over its decision to impose an embargo on Ukraine, sayingKiev’s lawsuit has “no legal basis.”


(I wonder how these countries that surround and support Ukraine can live with the fact that there is child and adult trafficking for sex and organs, bioweapons labs, money laundering, inordinate killing in Ukraine, and totally fucked up corrupt country that should be destroyed by God, how do these leaders live with their choices?)

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495d0e No.91520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582405 (201453ZSEP23) Notable: Kaiser Permanente workers in the District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland have joined workers in other states in voting to authorize a strike

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Kaiser Permanente workers in the District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland have joined workers in other states in voting to authorize a strike.


The Office and Professional Employees International Union Local 2 said in a news release that members at Kaiser voted to authorize a strike by a margin of 98 percent if no agreement is reached by Sept. 30. This comes after Service Employees International Union members in Colorado, California, Oregon and Southwest Washington voted to authorize a strike at Kaiser in the past two weeks.

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495d0e No.91521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582406 (201453ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

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Jordan: You said he [Weiss] had complete authority, but he'd already been turned down. He wanted to bring an action in the District of Colombia, and the US Attorney there said no, you can't. And then you go tell the United States Senate, under oath, that he has complete authority.

Garland: No one had the authority to turn him down, they could refuse to partner with him...

Jordan: You can use whatever language; refuse to partner is turning down.

Garland: It's not the same under well-known Justice Department practice.

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495d0e No.91522

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582417 (201455ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

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Jordan; Every witness we've talked to said this thing was slow-walked, and we know why. You slow-walked it long enough to let the statute of limitations run, so they wouldn't have to get into Burisma.

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495d0e No.91523

File: 902665e4cd6b8c4⋯.png (69.9 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582433 (201457ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine ‘behaving like a drowning man’ - Poland Warsaw must protect its agricultural interests to prevent Kiev from dragging it down

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20 Sep, 2023 04:42

Polish leader makes veiled threat to Ukraine

President Duda reminded Kiev about Warsaw’s role in military aid amid the row over grain

Polish President Andrzej Duda has said Kiev should not forget the crucial role Poland plays in Western military aid to Ukraine. The veiled threat came after cash-strapped Ukraine launched legal action against Warsaw over Poland’s embargo on imports of Ukrainian grain.

“It would be good for Ukraine to remember that it receives help from us and to remember that we are also a transit country to Ukraine,” Duda told reporters on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday.

Speaking about the need to protect Poland’s domestic markets from the influx of Ukrainian grain, Duda compared the neighboring country to “a drowning person [who] is extremely dangerous because he can pull you to the depths.”

The Polish president said Warsaw has a duty to defend itself against businessmen who “would like to sell grain as quickly as possible at the lowest possible cost.”

Last week, Poland extended its temporary ban on Ukrainian grain, despite the European Commission lifting bloc-wide restrictions. “We will do it because it is in the interest of the Polish farmer,” Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Friday.

Kiev reacted by suing Poland, as well as Hungary and Slovakia, and alleging that the embargoes imposed by the three countries are in violation of the World Trade Organization rules. “It is fundamentally important for us to prove that individual member states cannot ban the import of Ukrainian goods,” Ukrainian Economy Minister Yulia Sviridenko said in a statement.

Poland has become an important logistical hub for Western military aid to Ukraine and the transit route for many foreign heads of state who have visited Kiev since Russia launched its military operation in the neighboring country in February 2022. Poland is also a training ground for Ukrainian troops who learn how to operate foreign heavy weapons, including German-made Leopard 2 tanks.

(This is a NOT SO VEILED threat, this is a real one!This is how stupid Kiev is, they think they have dirt on Poland and leaders to blackmail them, but Poland and the West have much more on all who lead in Kiev. The current little dwarf leader will be “early retired” by the agency that set him up soon.)


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495d0e No.91524

File: 4cad76fd535c055⋯.png (427.94 KB,619x382,619:382,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d74ce173a4a159⋯.png (461.68 KB,627x664,627:664,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e1de51094d9e73⋯.png (164.79 KB,625x670,125:134,Clipboard.png)

File: f5fbe6b37ef4d7c⋯.png (723.02 KB,622x651,622:651,Clipboard.png)

File: bbf14a119db9eb5⋯.png (391.71 KB,620x441,620:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582469 (201502ZSEP23) Notable: Powerful observatories reveal 5 breathtaking corners of the universe hidden to human eyes

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Powerful observatories reveal 5 breathtaking corners of the universe hidden to human eyes

Sep 18, 2023

Even if you were to theoretically travel to the darkest desert on Earth, wait until after sundown and peer up at the night sky, you wouldn't be able to see every star there is to see.

There'd be countless more scattered across the universe, hidden not just by distance but also because your eyes aren't built to perceive the signals they emit — unseeable signals like infrared light, radio waves and X-ray emissions. In fact, humans can only see a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum. It's a sliver known as the "visible light region."

But as Stephen Hawking once said, we brilliantly step past these limitations with "our minds and our machines" — and once again, our species has managed to live up to that phrase.

On Thursday (Sept. 14), scientists presented five new deep-space images captured in a variety of invisible-to-human wavelengths. It's a stunning collection of visuals that reveal some absolutely riveting corners of the cosmos. Each portrait is constructed with data collected by powerful telescopes, including NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, the now-retired Spitzer Space Telescope, the iconic James Webb Space Telescope and the Very Large Telescope (to name just some).

Basically, these instruments are able to capture outflows of non-visible light radiation emanating from distant regions of space in such a way that scientists can take that information, overlay as necessary and turn it into images we can admire.

Now that we know what we're looking at, let's go through the lot.

The first image NASA highlights in a statement about the five pieces is titled the "Galactic Center." Sitting about 26,000 light-years from Earth, this is literally the center of the Milky Way galaxy that we live in. It contains a supermassive black hole, superheated clouds of gas, neutron stars (which are stellar beings so dense a tablespoon of one would equal something like the weight of Mount Everest) and other trippy things.

The reason it looks kind of blobby instead of swirly like you might imagine a galactic center to look is due to the fact that we are looking at it from within the galaxy. This internal perspective is actually one reason scientists with the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration selected M87*, the black hole in one of our neighboring galaxies, as the subject of humanity's first black hole image instead of Sgr A*, the one in the center of the Milky Way. It was easier to inspect the center of a galaxy that we can see panoramically. (The EHT team did eventually manage to get an image of Sgr A*. That was humanity's second black hole image).

In this view of the Milky Way's core, Chandra data leads the charge, its observations seen in orange, green, blue and purple.

NASA then moves on to Kepler's Supernova Remnant, which the agency says represents the remains of a white dwarf that exploded after undergoing a thermonuclear explosion.

White dwarfs are the dying cores of stars that once thrived and shined the way our sun currently does. Someday, our sun will become a white dwarf as well.

In this image, Chandra data is seen in blue and shows a "powerful blast wave that ripped through space after the detonation," NASA explains, while infrared data from Spitzer is seen in red, and optical light from the Hubble Space Telescope is seen in cyan and yellow. The latter two show debris of the destroyed star.


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495d0e No.91525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582470 (201502ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

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Garland: No one that I know of of has spoken to the White House about the Hunter Biden case.

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495d0e No.91526

File: 5be8e5d19b9eceb⋯.png (389 KB,623x575,623:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582474 (201503ZSEP23) Notable: Powerful observatories reveal 5 breathtaking corners of the universe hidden to human eyes

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To be clear, all the colors mentioned may not be easily discernible because of how scientists overlay certain bits of information. For instance, if you overlay yellow data with red data, you'd see more of an orange hue. If you'd like to see all the colors individually, however, here's a page on Chandra's website that shows you non-overlain images of the discussed portraits as well.

Next up, we have ESO 137-001, a galaxy that's moving through space at 1.5 million mph (2.4 million kph) while leaving two tails behind that are made of superheated gas.

Chandra observations capture this gas in blue, the VLT indicates hydrogen present in red and Hubble's optical and infrared data is shown in orange and cyan. (Yes, Hubble can collect infrared light like the James Webb Space Telescope, but the JWST is far better at it).

Keeping with the theme of galaxies, NASA then highlights the spiral galaxy NGC 1365 in a rather ghostly scene. This realm, according to the statement, contains a supermassive black hole that's being fed a steady stream of material.

Chandra observations, shown in purple to create that Barbie-esque glow, reveal some of that material yet to enter the void. The JWST's impressive infrared sensors had a hand in this visual as well, offering red, green and blue accents that are pretty difficult to see in this version.

For the final of the so-called "Fab Five" images, scientists offer a dreamy view of the aftermath of a collapsed star. This is the Vela Pulsar, spied by NASA's Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), Chandra and Hubble. These instruments' data are distributed in the light blue, purple and yellow, respectively.

But despite the "Fab Five" title, it's worth noting that these images may as well be collectively called the "Fab Million." That does sound a bit weird, but what I mean to say is it's really hard not to focus on the absolute wealth of stars, galaxies and who knows what else that's present in the background of these photos.

Every single one of those sparkles represents a cosmic marvel just as beautiful as the one we're seeing up close — in the way that every image we take of someone in public tends to have people in the background with lives as rich as our subject's.

Day by day, each of those sparkles seems to be coming to the forefront, thanks to our minds and our machines.



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495d0e No.91527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582507 (201509ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

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Gaetz: Hunter Biden is selling art to pay for his fifteen thousand dollar a month rent in Malibu. How can you guarantee that the people buying that art, aren't doing so to gain favor with the president...someone who bought Hunter Biden's art, ended up with a prestigious appointment to a federal position., Doesn't it look weird that he's become this immediate success in the art world, as his Dad is president of the United States? Isn't that odd?

Garland: I'm not going to comment...

Gaetz: Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer told us that Hunter sold the appearance of access to then vice president Biden. Are you confident he has stopped doing that?

Garland: I'm sorry, I didn't understand the question.

Gaetz: Hunter Biden associate, Devon Archer, told us that Hunter sold the appearance of access to then vice president Biden., Are you confident he has stopped?

Garland: I will say again that all these matters are within the purview of Mr. Weiss. I have not interfered with them, and I do not intend to interfere with them.

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495d0e No.91528

File: b25de45b722f72a⋯.jpg (361.18 KB,720x1394,360:697,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 333984636cbc4ff⋯.jpg (369.84 KB,720x1229,720:1229,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582524 (201513ZSEP23) Notable: Inside Colony Ridge: The ‘Fastest Growing Development’ In The U.S. Is A Magnet For Illegal Immigrants

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The founders of Colony Ridge, aka Plum Grove, are native, white, money-hungry Texans.

The vastness of this thing is almost unbelievable, and a huge majority of the inhabitants are illegals. Violent crime in the area has literally exploded.


>military is the only way.

There is not enough law in TX to take this thing out.

Covers 60 square acres. Murders, cartels, assassinations (in broad daylight), drugs, etc

Inside Colony Ridge: The ‘Fastest Growing Development’ In The U.S. Is A Magnet For Illegal Immigrants

Located in Liberty County, Texas near the small town of Plum Grove, the Colony Ridge development is a sprawling community that, based on an analysis of publicly available information, is now over 60 square miles and nearly the size of the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. Its population is estimated to be anywhere between 50,000 to 75,000, and it is growing rapidly thanks to a marketing plan targeted at Texas’ hispanic population.

Colony Ridge, owned and operated by developer William “Trey” Harris, is rapidly expanding, at least in part due to a financing arrangement that makes it possible for illegal aliens to buy land deep in the heart of Texas. While traditional financing methods require credit ratings and proof of income, Todd Bensman, a National Security Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, told The Daily Wire that buyers at Colony Ridge are able to circumvent the usual requirements, even dodging the need to provide a social security number.

“Because with a traditional bank loan you need to be able to show that you have a credit rating and proof of income,” Bensman said, adding that buyers at Colony Ridge are asked to pay as little as a “few hundred dollars” as a down payment. “The loan is directly from the developer, bypassing traditional mortgages,” and while the buyer might pay high interest rates near 15%, it’s a great deal for someone with no other option to buy land in the country, Bensman explained.

Doing business as Terrenos Houston (which translates to Houston Land), the company appears to market its property entirely in Spanish, telling prospective buyers they can own land in the United States. An advertisement posted on the Instagram page for Terrenos Houston appears to target those who are either not currently living in the United States or who are not citizens of the country. The caption of the post, written in Spanish, roughly translates to “Still renting? Own land in the United States!”



Morgan Luttrell, Ernest Bailes have received donations

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495d0e No.91529

File: 5132c35dc0a5843⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB,624x360,26:15,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582527 (201513ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

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495d0e No.91530

File: 93d5c593a48c8a8⋯.png (2.01 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: bb4d1d3261be625⋯.png (171.79 KB,400x449,400:449,Clipboard.png)

File: f33a8167acd5633⋯.png (169.67 KB,400x426,200:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582530 (201513ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

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Probably nothing.

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495d0e No.91531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582532 (201513ZSEP23) Notable: Comer (R-Ky.) is furthering an investigation into how Hunter Biden has used his new art career to peddle influence in and WH access

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"House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) is furthering an investigation into how Hunter Biden has used his new art career to peddle influence in and access to the White House. Despite the White House stating that the identity of Hunter Biden art purchasers would be concealed, Democrat donor Elizabeth Hirsch Naftali was revealed to have purchased at least one piece of Hunter Biden’s artwork. She was appointed by President Biden to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, a position within the Biden Administration."


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495d0e No.91532

File: b8fafbd928f3161⋯.mp4 (10.97 MB,624x360,26:15,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19582538 (201515ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight of the U.S. DOJ

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>Jordan; Every witness we've talked to said this thing was slow-walked, and we know why. You slow-walked it long enough to let the statute of limitations run, so they wouldn't have to get into Burisma.

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495d0e No.91533

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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