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f29ec2 No.51575 [Last50 Posts]

12SEP23 to 15SEP23


Re-Posts of notables

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5db7b0 No.89281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537234 (121811ZSEP23) Notable: OP: Election Fraud

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OP: Election Fraud

Election Fraud

The world must learn the truth, The 2020 Election was stolen from Donald J. Trump.

Dominion Voting and Democrat Mail in Ballot interference were among some tools used in the steal.

Below are videos, articles and such to help you tell the world the Truth: The 2020 Election was Stolen.













-Target Military and all High level Departments, include Media and Personalities

-Comment on their posts as well as 1 rebuttle for supporters.


#VoterFraud, #DominionVoting, #FacebookDonation, #2020Election, #ElectionFraud



TOR Access Only http://trutube54vqa3baer2kc7aggfc5qstxkgcmzm4qxxzfaxdsihu3znzid.onion/?cat=10























PASTE: https://fullchan.net/?a42882ff8cfc9f1d#CtUiEVdQw1wvePyzTTrn2wsgD4HECjusVD9fP4aKn5FG

>>89269 TYB!

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5db7b0 No.89282

File: a8e442ac34e0932⋯.png (1.19 MB,1624x961,1624:961,Clipboard.png)

File: d439f25dd91b246⋯.png (1.4 MB,1434x952,717:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537241 (121812ZSEP23) Notable: Refresher: May 10, 2020 Mexico's president calls for investigation into Obama-era Fast and Furious Operation

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Considering that the Uniparty is blackmailed using very little CHILDREN (not to mention, all the accompanying Child Trafficking they sweep under THEIR rug), reckon the Installed Kenyan's "popularity" will only increase with this "news". Will probably triple if Big Mike is revealed because at least they are consenting adults, unlike what's been happening to the VERY young CHILDREN being mutilated.

PAUL SACCA May 10, 2020 Mexico's president calls for investigation into Obama-era Fast and Furious Operation

The Mexican government is asking Washington for cooperation in discovering how Operation Fast and Furious happened

Furious Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador "What seems serious to me is that a violation of our sovereignty was carried out, a secret operation, and that Mexicans were killed with these weapons," Lopez Obrador said during a press conference in Mexico City on Friday. "How could this be? A government that invades in this way, that flagrantly violates sovereignty, international laws," Lopez Obrador continued. "We have to shine light on this so that an action of this type will never be carried out again."

"There is still time for the U.S. to apologize," the Mexican president stated.

He also said that his government would send a diplomatic note to Washington asking for information on the gun-running scheme. Mexico Foreign Affairs Minister Marcelo Ebrard confirmed the communication, and said he was sending a letter to the U.S. regarding Operation Fast and Furious.

Hezbollah’s Billion-Dollar Criminal Enterprise , Obama Ignored 12/17/17

https://founderscode.com/hezbollahs-billion-dollar-criminal-enterprise-obama-ignored/ archive.ph/s1Fk2 Posted on December 17, 2017

The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook https://archive.ph/Od7abPolitico: An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah’s billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House’s desire for a nuclear deal with Iran. https://www.politico.com/interactives/2017/obama-hezbollah-drug-trafficking-investigation/

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5db7b0 No.89283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537253 (121815ZSEP23) Notable: OP: Election Fraud

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5db7b0 No.89284

File: 43b20448c996057⋯.png (362 KB,645x430,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: e1cf748b6a4b21f⋯.png (163.42 KB,890x691,890:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 5353c3f9607afb8⋯.png (149.61 KB,801x869,801:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537269 (121818ZSEP23) Notable: Fani Willis bankrolls private attorney for Trump prosecution: 'Certainly unorthodox'

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Fani Willis bankrolls private attorney for Trump prosecution: 'Certainly unorthodox'

by Ashley Oliver, Justice Department Reporter

September 11, 2023 03:00 AM

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has paid massive sums to private sector attorneys for their services, and a portion of those relate to investigating and prosecuting former President Donald Trump, according to county records.

Nathan Wade, Willis’s lead prosecutor in the case, has raked in more than half a million dollars from the Fulton County District Attorney's Office from January 2022 to August 2023, according to a payment history.

Christopher Campbell, Wade's colleague at Wade & Campbell Firm, has been paid $116,670 from April 2021 to August 2023, the same records show.

Terrence Bradley, a former colleague of Wade's, was paid $74,480 from May 2021 to June 2022, according to the records.

Wade, a defense attorney who can bill by the hour, was hand-picked by Willis roughly two years ago to serve as special prosecutor in the Trump case. Wade is a former Cobb County fill-in municipal court judge who ran for Cobb County Superior Court and was defeated in 2012, 2014, and 2016. Willis chose Wade over career prosecutors who work on salaries, and while the legalities of that have not been questioned at this stage, some, like Phil Holloway, an Atlanta-based attorney for more than two decades, have found the use of Wade to be "unorthodox."

"It’s certainly unorthodox and appears to be a cash cow for any lawyer paid by the hour," Holloway said. "I’ve been practicing criminal law in Georgia for 24 years, and I’ve never seen such an arrangement."

Willis, who began investigating Trump in February 2021, indicted the former president and 18 co-defendants last month on racketeering charges, alleging they had conspired to illegally overturn the results of the 2020 election in Georgia.

Georgia Election Indictment

Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade (left), representing the District Attorney's office, talks with Attorney Scott Grubman, who is defending Ken Chesebro, and other attorneys after Fulton County Superior Judge Scott McAfee heard motions from attorneys representing Ken Chesebro and Sidney Powell in Atlanta on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023. (Jason Getz/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP, Pool)

Jason Getz/AP

One of the co-defendants, former Georgia GOP Chairman David Shafer, highlighted in a court filing on Thursday the hefty payments to private prosecutors, asking for Judge Scott McAfee to schedule a hearing "regarding improper contact by special prosecutor's law firm."

Shafer included in the filing an advertisement he had received from Wade's firm soliciting clients who needed help with criminal defense needs, including "impersonating a public officer," a charge leveled against Shafer.

The advertisement, while sent in the form of a standard mailer, presented an awkward scenario where a private attorney was offering defense services to a person he was prosecuting.

Yesterday I received an eight page solicitation from the Wade & Campbell law firm to represent me in the Trump indictment. Nathan Wade, pictured on the cover, is the Trump special prosecutor appointed by Fani Willis. We have notified the judge and moved for an immediate hearing. pic.twitter.com/Oo317130qb

— David Shafer (@DavidShafer) September 7, 2023

Shafer's attorney in the court filing said it also violated an "anti-contact" rule, noting that "the harassing, or mocking and intimidating nature of the firm’s communication with Mr. Shafer causes grave injury to the appearance of fairness and propriety of this proceeding."

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5db7b0 No.89285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537271 (121818ZSEP23) Notable: Fani Willis bankrolls private attorney for Trump prosecution: 'Certainly unorthodox'

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Aside from the advertisement, Holloway observed that Wade could skirt the typical obligations of public servants while working as outsourced counsel.

"For starters, it avoids the statutory requirements for the appointment of assistant district attorneys, who are paid a fixed salary, and also avoids the administration of an oath of office," Holloway said. "The oath of office is intended to protect the public from malfeasance by public officials and carries a criminal penalty if violated."

The use of Wade could also affect morale in Willis's office because in-house staff could feel that Willis finds them "incapable," Holloway warned.

Willis’s office did not respond to multiple requests for comment on this story.

Georgia-based defense attorney Andrew Fleischman has also brought attention to the cost of Wade and his firm, writing on social media about how the exorbitant payments have been made "to a dude who has never tried a RICO case."

She's spent almost a million taxpayer dollars on RICO advice from Nathan Wade, a dude who has never tried a RICO case.

— Andrew Fleischman (@ASFleischman) September 2, 2023

Fleischman indicated in another social media statement that he found the payments to Wade "troubling," particularly in light of what he described as the "massive backlog of cases" at the district attorney's office.

A person familiar with the Fulton County District Attorney's Office told the Washington Examiner he believed the payments to Wade and the others were not "getting the play that it should" in the media.

"Why is someone who is already on the government payroll not handling this?" he asked of the Trump case.

The person, who otherwise spoke highly of Willis and called her "smart as hell," said the use of Wade "doesn't feel right" and that "these are the taxpayers footing this. It's very strange."

Willis brought Wade on only “after several candidates turned her down,” according to the New York Times. The outlet did not specify which candidates Willis had attempted to bring on, noting that Wade was an "old friend" of Willis's.

Wade also "mentored [Willis] when she briefly served as chief magistrate judge in South Fulton," according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


Wade's office did not respond to a request for comment.

Read Shafer's motion request here:



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5db7b0 No.89286

File: 0dbdb7a31944e86⋯.png (2.4 MB,1920x8708,480:2177,Clipboard.png)

File: 59d581adf6a561a⋯.pdf (452.79 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537321 (121828ZSEP23) Notable: Arginine metabolism regulates the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's disease)

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Arginine metabolism regulates the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's disease)


The pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is related to genetic susceptibility, enteric dysbiosis, and uncontrolled, chronic inflammatory responses that lead to colonic tissue damage and impaired intestinal absorption. As a consequence, patients with IBD are prone to nutrition deficits after each episode of disease resurgence. Nutritional supplementation, especially for protein components, is often implemented during the remission phase of IBD. Notably, ingested nutrients could affect the progression of IBD and the prognostic outcome of patients; therefore, they should be cautiously evaluated prior to being used for IBD intervention. Arginine (Arg) is a semi-essential amino acid required for protein synthesis and intimately associated with gut pathophysiology. To help optimize arginine-based nutritional intervention strategies, the present work summarizes that during the process of IBD, patients manifest colonic Arg deficiency and the turbulence of Arg metabolic pathways. The roles of Arg–nitric oxide (catalyzed by inducible nitric oxide synthase) and Arg–urea (catalyzed by arginases) pathways in IBD are debatable; the Arg–polyamine and Arg–creatine pathways are mainly protective. Overall, supplementation with Arg is a promising therapeutic strategy for IBD; however, the dosage of Arg may need to be carefully tailored for different individuals at different disease stages. Additionally, the combination of Arg supplementation with inhibitors of Arg metabolic pathways as well as other treatment options is worthy of further exploration.

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5db7b0 No.89287

File: e99afc1171c94a5⋯.png (434.22 KB,1066x928,533:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537337 (121831ZSEP23) Notable: House Launches Formal Impeachment Probe Into President Joe Biden’s Corrupt Family Influence-Peddling Business

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House Launches Formal Impeachment Probe Into President Joe Biden’s Corrupt Family Influence-Peddling Business

‘These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction, and corruption, and they warrant further investigation by the House of Representatives,’ McCarthy said.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced on Tuesday that the House of Representatives will be opening a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden to further investigate growing evidence and allegations surrounding the president’s family business dealings.

“These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction, and corruption, and they warrant further investigation by the House of Representatives,” McCarthy said during Tuesday’s press conference. “That’s why today, I’m directing our House committee[s] to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.”

In his remarks, McCarthy highlighted how House Republicans’ investigations into the Bidens’ business ventures revealed that Joe Biden lied when he claimed he had no knowledge of his son Hunter’s business deals. More specifically, McCarthy alluded to “eyewitnesses” to those dealings such as Mykola Zlochevsky, the head of Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company on whose board Hunter sat. According to intelligence obtained by Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, Zlochevsky has claimed to possess 17 audio recordings of conversations with the Bidens, two of which purportedly involve then-Vice President Joe Biden.

WhatsApp messages included in testimony by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley further indicate Joe’s involvement in Hunter’s business affairs. In one message allegedly sent to Chinese businessman Henry Zhao, Hunter threatened to use his father’s political power to extort unfulfilled “promises and assurances” from Zhao.

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” the message reads. Hunter also purportedly indicated his “ability” to “forever hold a grudge that you will regret” with help from “the man sitting next to me and every person he knows” if Zhao did not meet his demands.

Hunter’s former business partner Devon Archer also testified to at least 24 times Joe spoke with his son’s business associates. Curiously, since these revelations became public, the White House has shifted its narrative from claiming Joe never “discussed” business dealings with Hunter to now claiming the president “has never been in business with his son.”

During Tuesday’s press conference, McCarthy also pointed to Joe’s use of his office to “coordinate with Hunter Biden’s business partners about Hunter’s role in Burisma.” An FD-1023 obtained by Grassley’s office containing intel from a “highly credible” confidential human source (CHS) offers further evidence the then-vice president was instrumental in the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma. It also contains allegations that the Bidens were paid $10 million for Joe’s role in firing the prosecutor.

McCarthy also highlighted House Republicans’ discovery earlier this year that the Bidens were paid millions of dollars by foreign companies during and after Joe’s time in the Obama White House. As The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd previously reported, a review of bank records conducted by the House Oversight Committee “confirmed that at least nine Biden family members, including some children, received millions in diluted payments from foreign companies during and shortly after Joe’s vice presidency.”

McCarthy further emphasized the role the Department of Justice has played in protecting the Bidens from both criminal probes and congressional inquiries. According to testimony by IRS whistleblowers, federal prosecutors concealed critical documents from tax investigators probing Hunter Biden while officials from the Justice Department sought to undermine the IRS’s investigative efforts. One of the whistleblowers had previously alleged in May that his investigative team had been removed from the Biden tax probe at the behest of the DOJ.

In addition to its alleged interference in the IRS tax probe, the DOJ also sought to give legal immunity to Hunter regarding charges filed against him earlier this year. A Delaware judge ultimately exposed the agreement for what it was — a sweetheart deal designed to protect Hunter and, by default, Joe from future prosecution.

“The American people deserve to know that the public offices are not for sale, and that the federal government is not being used to cover up the actions of a politically associated family,” McCarthy said.

The impeachment inquiry will be led by Republican Reps. James Comer, Jim Jordan, and Jason Smith, according to McCarthy.


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5db7b0 No.89288

File: ec1662541777fd4⋯.jpg (27.93 KB,480x466,240:233,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537338 (121831ZSEP23) Notable: NATO to hold military operations planning exercise in Riga

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NATO to hold military operations planning exercise in Riga

RIGA, SUN, SEPTEMBER 03, 2023 - 04:35


Steadfast Pyramid 2023


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5db7b0 No.89289

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537347 (121833ZSEP23) Notable: House Launches Formal Impeachment Probe Into President Joe Biden’s Corrupt Family Influence-Peddling Business

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Speaker Kevin McCarthy


BREAKING-I am directing House committees to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Over the past several months, House Republicans have uncovered serious and credible allegations into President Biden’s conduct—a culture of corruption.

Sep 12, 2023, 12:57 PM




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5db7b0 No.89290

File: 6434708277deae3⋯.png (262.72 KB,887x769,887:769,Clipboard.png)

File: 35b0fc53a710570⋯.png (127.84 KB,898x808,449:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537364 (121838ZSEP23) Notable: House Launches Formal Impeachment Probe Into President Joe Biden’s Corrupt Family Influence-Peddling Business

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The comments are telling and have a lot of votes for truth social




Replying to @SpeakerMcCarthy

Interesting, but you'll have to forgive us if our expectations of any sincerity on your part are slightly low...

But if you really do this... present real evidence of Biden's crimes... in a way that forces C-SPAN to broadcast it in full for all to see... yeah, that'd be cool. 

Just make sure you force a vote on record...

Be a real shame if everybody saw which RINOs are defending Biden and started wondering "hmm, why would they do that?"




Replying to @SpeakerMcCarthy

'Why are you colluding with the Democrats to slow walk every promise you made to America?




Replying to @SpeakerMcCarthy

What about the J6 tapes?




Replying to @SpeakerMcCarthy

This will never happen moving at a snail pace. You sir are part of the problem.

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5db7b0 No.89291

File: 5f71f07cd93c274⋯.png (1.73 MB,1266x1638,211:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537382 (121842ZSEP23) Notable: House Launches Formal Impeachment Probe Into President Joe Biden’s Corrupt Family Influence-Peddling Business

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Just out from Rep. Andy Biggs!


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5db7b0 No.89292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537386 (121843ZSEP23) Notable: The U.S. Marine Corps is interested in using unmanned submersibles or surface vessels as motherships for swarms of one-way drones.

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The U.S. Marine Corps is interested in using unmanned submersibles or surface vessels as motherships for swarms of one-way drones.

“We’re focused very heavily now on organic precision fires, loitering munitions. There’s a lot of areas there that I think we can accelerate, because industry is, clearly, cutting the path for us,” Lt. Gen. Karsten Heckl, leader of Marine Corps Combat Development Command, said at the Sept. 6 Defense News Conference in Pentagon City. “The idea of loitering munitions coming off unmanned surface vessels, loitering munitions coming out of unmanned underwater vessels — you can let your imagination run wild, and we’re pushing the envelope on all of those.”

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5db7b0 No.89293

File: 85b45a57dca9b9f⋯.png (784.15 KB,860x574,430:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537387 (121843ZSEP23) Notable: JOE BIDEN IMPEACHMENT IS COMING AND KAMALA IS SET AND READY CALL FOR MEMES

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Need RINO, Fake News and Celebrity against impeachment inquiry

*Dont forget Greata




























Need RINO, Fake News and Celebrity re Impeachment Inquiry

*Dont forget Greata


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5db7b0 No.89294

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537429 (121851ZSEP23) Notable: @TomFitton: Isn’t fraudulently using the 14th Amendment/falsely accusing @realDonaldTrump of insurrection to keep him off the ballot insurrection in itself?

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Judicial Watch




@TomFitton: Isn’t fraudulently using the 14th Amendment/falsely accusing @realDonaldTrump of insurrection to keep him off the ballot insurrection in itself?



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5db7b0 No.89295

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537438 (121853ZSEP23) Notable: House Launches Formal Impeachment Probe Into President Joe Biden’s Corrupt Family Influence-Peddling Business

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Kevin McCarthy impeaches because Matt Gaetz threatened to sue is fucking ass






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5db7b0 No.89296

File: a388a39f9ea15f1⋯.png (271.76 KB,1111x956,1111:956,Clipboard.png)

File: 01b0bfe0501b076⋯.png (215.54 KB,924x923,924:923,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ddc398bbe28319⋯.png (166.29 KB,1038x871,1038:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537478 (121902ZSEP23) Notable: Apple iPhone 12 Radiation Levels/France orders Apple iPhone 12 sales halted over radiation

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Apple iPhone 12 Radiation Levels

Add to Compare Compare Apple iPhone 12 Add to Compare Compare SHOW ALL SAR RANKING

Apple iPhone 12 SAR Level Summary:

The cellular transmission SAR values for the Apple iPhone 12 (FCC ID BCG-E3542A) are 1.17 W/kg (watts per kilogram) at the head and 1.19 W/kg when worn on the body. The hotspot/Airplay SAR level is 1.19 W/kg. The simultaneous transmission SAR values for iPhone 12 (cellular plus Wi-Fi) is 1.38 W/kg at the head, 1.55 W/kg when worn on the body, and 1.55 W/kg when used as a hotspot simultaneously with other transmitters active.


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5db7b0 No.89297

File: ef2ef18882d8edd⋯.png (452.27 KB,1231x935,1231:935,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537483 (121903ZSEP23) Notable: Apple iPhone 12 Radiation Levels/France orders Apple iPhone 12 sales halted over radiation

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France orders Apple iPhone 12 sales halted over radiation

September 12, 2023 2:07 pm

French regulators on Tuesday ordered Apple to halt sales of the iPhone 12 for emitting too much electromagnetic radiation, and to recall existing handsets.

The French agency that regulates radio frequencies, the ANFR, said testing found that the model emits more electromagnetic waves susceptible to be absorbed by the body than permitted.


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5db7b0 No.89298

File: 40bfa495b04cbaf⋯.png (42.15 KB,590x282,295:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537509 (121908ZSEP23) Notable: House Launches Formal Impeachment Probe Into President Joe Biden’s Corrupt Family Influence-Peddling Business

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Interesting, Trump puts out a post 8 hours ago asking for Repupblicans to Impeach Biden and Kevin McCarthy announced an Impeachment inquiry a few hours ago.

Movie is going according to plan per Q.

Full Control.

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5db7b0 No.89299

File: c6d993126c4450a⋯.jpg (106.72 KB,720x790,72:79,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f2773b688b6915b⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537533 (121912ZSEP23) Notable: Chuck Schumer calls an impeachment inquiry into Biden a “witch hunt”

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>Chuck Schumer sure is quiet

No he's not


Chuck Schumer calls an impeachment inquiry into Biden a “witch hunt”

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5db7b0 No.89300

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537660 (121928ZSEP23) Notable: #23994

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#23994 >>89269

>>89270 These are special collections in the Internet Archive [of] TV News

>>89271 A deposit of lithium recently discovered along the Nevada-Oregon border may be among the world’s largest according to a new scientific paper.

>>89272 Mark Levin Exposes Why Biased Anti-Trump Judge MUST be Removed From Jan 6 Case

>>89273 Defense Officials Hold Briefing

>>89274 @USNavy During the Revolutionary War, the first documented use of a submersible in combat took place …

>>89275 @realDonaldTrump David Schoen: “This is the ‘ultimate’ weaponization of the Justice System!”

>>89276 Hearings to Examine the Need for Transparency in Artificial Intelligence

>>89277 Oversight of A.I.: Legislating on Artificial Intelligence

>>89278 To Receive a Closed Briefing on Certain Intelligence Matters Senate Intelligence (Select) Committee/Hearings to Examine Housing Supply and Innovation

>>89279 Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 6, Part 3

>>89281, >>89283 OP: Election Fraud

>>89282 Refresher: May 10, 2020 Mexico's president calls for investigation into Obama-era Fast and Furious Operation

>>89284, >>89285 Fani Willis bankrolls private attorney for Trump prosecution: 'Certainly unorthodox'

>>89286 Arginine metabolism regulates the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's disease)

>>89287, >>89289, >>89290, >>89291, >>89295, >>89298 House Launches Formal Impeachment Probe Into President Joe Biden’s Corrupt Family Influence-Peddling Business

>>89288 NATO to hold military operations planning exercise in Riga

>>89292 The U.S. Marine Corps is interested in using unmanned submersibles or surface vessels as motherships for swarms of one-way drones.


>>89294 @TomFitton: Isn’t fraudulently using the 14th Amendment/falsely accusing @realDonaldTrump of insurrection to keep him off the ballot insurrection in itself?

>>89296, >>89297 Apple iPhone 12 Radiation Levels/France orders Apple iPhone 12 sales halted over radiation

>>89299 Chuck Schumer calls an impeachment inquiry into Biden a “witch hunt”


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5db7b0 No.89301

File: ec1662541777fd4⋯.jpg (27.93 KB,480x466,240:233,Clipboard.jpg)

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File: 1f8220bda9da041⋯.png (552.8 KB,718x597,718:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537684 (121931ZSEP23) Notable: #23995

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off hand or baker taps @20

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5db7b0 No.89302

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537705 (121936ZSEP23) Notable: Putin blasts tycoon who fled to Israel

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Putin blasts tycoon who fled to Israel

The Russian president suggested that Anatoly Chubais had not excelled as head of state-funded Rusnano

Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested that the former head of the state-funded Rusnano corporation, Anatoly Chubais, may have relocated to Israel due to fears of legal consequences over financial irregularities.

Speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok on Tuesday, Putin said he had been shown a photo of Chubais, “where he is no longer Anatoly Borisovich, but Moysha Israelievich, living somewhere over there.”

“What is he doing this for, I don’t understand. Why did he flee?” the president asked rhetorically.

He suggested Chubais’ reason for leaving revolved around an alleged “huge financial hole” at Rusnano, the company he headed for 12 years. Putin noted that there are currently no criminal cases related to alleged financial irregularities, but that perhaps Chubais was concerned that some could emerge.

The businessman “clearly didn’t excel at the helm of a big company that was created to foster nanotechnology, at least from an economic [and] financial perspective,” Putin said.

When asked by TASS for a response to the remarks, Chubais said he would “rather not comment on anything [President Vladimir Putin] said.”

Chubais occupied a number of senior offices under former President Boris Yeltsin, including that of finance minister. He headed Rusnano from 2008 until 2020, before becoming Putin’s special representative coordinating relations with international organizations.

Last March, soon after the start of Russia’s military campaign against Ukraine, several Western media outlets reported that Chubais had left the country. Putin officially relieved him of his duties at the end of the same month. This May, some Israeli media claimed that Chubais and his wife had requested long-term residence permits in the Middle Eastern state.

Putin also pointed the finger at the co-founder of Russian tech giant Yandex, Arkady Volozh, who has lived in Israel since 2015 and has not visited Russia since the conflict with Ukraine broke out. The Russian leader said that while people have the right to take up residence wherever they please, they should have respect for the country where they made a name for themselves.

Putin described Volozh as a “talented” man and wished him well, despite the tech entrepreneur last month criticizing Moscow’s actions in Ukraine. The president added, however, that if a person had received their education and achieved success in Russia, “they should have a sense of conscience toward the country that gave them everything.”


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5db7b0 No.89303

File: 1010f7ad4a73f5b⋯.png (232.75 KB,789x630,263:210,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537714 (121938ZSEP23) Notable: Zelensky Issues Veiled Threat To Destabilize Europe If Weapons Flow Curtailed

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Zelensky Issues Veiled Threat To Destabilize Europe If Weapons Flow Curtailed

As predicted by a number of independent geopolitical commentators, including ourselves, the emerging official narrative on why Ukraine's counteroffensive ended in failure will be to falsely claim the West didn't provide "enough" weapons in a timely fashion. Despite the literally tens of billions of US taxpayer dollars sunk into Kiev's war effort at record-breaking pace and scale, it will be the "fault" of the United States and its allies—or at least this will be solidified as the Ukrainian government's perspective and narrative (and then will be parroted among Zelensky's most diehard hawkish supporters).

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has this week been busy advancing this as a key talking point, first telling CNN's Fareed Zakaria on Sunday his country "waited too long" to start counteroffensive. The reason? He blames the West for forcing his military leaders to wait so long for the necessary weaponry and equipment.

"We — look, we waited too long. It’s true. No, I’m thankful to partners, to the United States, EU, other partners," Zelensky said. "I’m thankful very much to President Biden and to Congress, but we have to understand: We waited too long, they put mines."

"Then when we been ready from the point of view of our partners because the decision to give us, for example, Bradley [Fighting Vehicles] and other kind of weapons, the decision, it doesn’t mean the result." And The Hill underscores of his remarks, "Zelensky noted that Ukraine does not get the weapons promised to it immediately after they are announced by allies." This is not the first time Zelensky has blamed slowness in supplies and training from his Western sponsors. But behind the scenes, his Western patrons have criticized him for being "ungrateful".

In late March, Zelensky when asked about why the counteroffensive was being delayed said that he can't "start yet" as he's unable to "send our brave soldiers to the front line without tanks, artillery and long-range rockets." And then in May he reasserted that "We can advance with what we’ve got and I think we can be successful but we will lose a lot of people, I think that is unacceptable." He had added at the time, "We need to wait, we need a bit more time." The offensive later belatedly kicked off in full force in June.

In another interview freshly published this week with US media, Zelensky took this theme of "blame the West" even further. In remarks to the Economist, he issued a thinly veiled threat to those countries thinking about curtailing aid in any way, warning that "millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries" are capable of destabilizing the West.


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5db7b0 No.89304

File: 4711311eb2dfdc2⋯.png (420.83 KB,865x678,865:678,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537720 (121939ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE: House Freedom Caucus holds news conference on govt funding

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WATCH LIVE: House Freedom Caucus holds news conference on government funding


Tom Fitton talking now

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5db7b0 No.89305

File: e4594721b5267db⋯.png (210.97 KB,794x628,397:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537726 (121940ZSEP23) Notable: CIA Bribed Analysts To Change Lab-Leak Conclusions: 'Senior-Level' Whistleblower

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CIA Bribed Analysts To Change Lab-Leak Conclusions: 'Senior-Level' Whistleblower

A 'senior-level' CIA whistleblower has come forward to allege that the agency bribed analysts to change their opinion that Covid-19 most likely originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, according to the NY Post.

The whistleblower told House committee leaders that his agency ' tried to pay off six analysts who found SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a Wuhan lab if they changed their position and said the virus jumped from animals to humans,' according to a Tuesday letter from the chairmen of two House subcommittees investigating the pandemic response and US intelligence, Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) and Mike Turner (R-OH).

The whistleblower told House committee leaders that his agency ' tried to pay off six analysts who found SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a Wuhan lab if they changed their position and said the virus jumped from animals to humans,' according to a Tuesday letter from the chairmen of two House subcommittees investigating the pandemic response and US intelligence, Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) and Mike Turner (R-OH).

The pair have requested all documents, communications and pay info from the CIA's Covid-19 Discovery Team by Sept. 26.

"According to the whistleblower, at the end of its review, six of the seven members of the Team believed the intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low confidence assessment that COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China," reads the letter from the House panel chairmen.

"The seventh member of the Team, who also happened to be the most senior, was the lone officer to believe COVID-19 originated through zoonosis.

"The whistleblower further contends that to come to the eventual public determination of uncertainty, the other six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their position," the letters continue, adding that the analysts were "experienced officers with significant scientific expertise."

Wenstrup and Turner also asked for documents and communications between the CIA and other federal agencies, including the State Department, FBI, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Energy Department.

In a separate letter, the House committee leaders identified former CIA Chief Operating Officer Andrew Makridis as having “played a central role” in the COVID investigation and asked him to sit for a transcribed interview. -NY Post


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5db7b0 No.89306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537749 (121942ZSEP23) Notable: Iran Prez Gloats Over Biden $6bn Gift on 9/11.

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Iran Prez Gloats Over Biden $6bn Gift on 9/11.

In an interview, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi gloated that his government will determine how to allocate the $6 billion in previously frozen funds that are set to be released as part of a prisoner exchange agreement with the United States. Raisi asserted that the money will be spent “wherever we need it,” despite Biden government claims it was meant for “humanitarian purposes”. Under Biden’s 9/11 agreement with the Islamic Republic, Iran will gain access to approximately $6 billion of oil revenues that were held in South Korean banks due to U.S. sanctions. The funds will be overseen by Qatar’s central bank. The Biden government has taken steps to facilitate the transfer and informed Congress on Monday that a waiver has been issued to allow international banks to transfer the funds to Qatar without the threat of U.S. sanctions. While Raisi claimed that American prisoners were in good condition, their families have reported prolonged interrogations and mistreatment. Siamak Namazi, who has been imprisoned in Iran since 2015, revealed that he was held in solitary confinement for the first 27 months of his incarceration. Babak Namazi, Siamak’s brother, stated that Siamak was subjected to beatings. Iran has denied these allegations, asserting that the Americans were treated lawfully and rejecting accusations from the United Nations and human rights organizations that they were detained on false charges.


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5db7b0 No.89307

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537755 (121943ZSEP23) Notable: TSA and FEMA Administrators News Conference on National Preparedness Month

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4:30 PM EDT

TSA and FEMA Administrators News Conference on National Preparedness Month

TSA and FEMA administrators hold a news conference on National Preparedness Month.


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5db7b0 No.89308

File: b6990cfd8ad3772⋯.png (542.85 KB,749x499,749:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537790 (121948ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci Admits For the Very First Time Vaxxcines are the Leading cause of Myocarditis NO SAUCE SO FAR

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Fauci Admits

For the Very First Time

Vaxxcines are the Leading cause of Myocarditis

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5db7b0 No.89309

File: a37402db868e4be⋯.png (1013.8 KB,1280x852,320:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537809 (121951ZSEP23) Notable: NEW — The U.S. experienced 23 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in the first eight months of 2023 - But ARE they "climate disasters" or weather manipulations?

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NEW — The U.S. experienced 23 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in the first eight months of 2023 — the largest number since records began. (Axios)


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5db7b0 No.89310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537821 (121952ZSEP23) Notable: Iran Prez Gloats Over Biden $6bn Gift on 9/11.

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seriously, any non-retarded person understands that all these payments to iran are hush money payments. occam's razor.

otherwise, you'd have the cognitive dissonance inducing story that iran is both an existential threat to mideast and world security and a country to which we should send billions of dollars.

the real question is: what do they have, and on whom do they have it?

must be something very big.

my $0.02 is that it is evidence of treason at the highest level in the US to start a nuclear war. maybe obiden was trying to get iran to start it.

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5db7b0 No.89311

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537823 (121952ZSEP23) Notable: Comer Presses State Department for Information on then-Vice President Joe Biden’s Sudden Shift on Ukraine Policy

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Comer Presses State Department for Information on then-Vice President Joe Biden’s Sudden Shift on Ukraine Policy

Sep 12, 2023

Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was abruptly dismissed following public pressure most adamantly applied by Vice President Biden

WASHINGTON – House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) is continuing to investigate President Joe Biden’s connections to certain international and domestic business transactions and practices, including his family and associates peddling influence to generate millions of dollars for the Biden family. In a letter to U.S. Department of State Secretary Antony Blinken, Chairman Comer is requesting information on sudden foreign policy decisions related to the dismissal of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokinthat occurred while Joe Biden was Vice President and Hunter Biden served on the board of directors of Burisma, a natural gas company in Ukraine.

“The Committee on Oversight and Accountability seeks information from the U.S. Department of State to provide context for certain sudden foreign policy changes that occurred while Joe Biden was Vice President, particularly regarding Ukraine while then-Vice President Biden’s son served on the board of directors of a company being investigated for corruption,” wrote Chairman Comer. “The Committee is investigating then-Vice President Biden’s and the Obama-Biden Administration’s official actions and policies regarding Ukraine. Specifically, the Committee seeks information regarding the State Department’s perception of the Ukrainian Office of the Prosecutor General, at the time headed by Viktor Shokin.”


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5db7b0 No.89312

File: f89e9bcb7cd1b44⋯.jpg (192.14 KB,864x1405,864:1405,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 630e4c8c3d38f65⋯.jpg (140.15 KB,720x695,144:139,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537829 (121953ZSEP23) Notable: FDA rules TODAY that the Phenylephrine in Benadryl and Sudafed from pharmacy shelves doesn't work

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FDA rules TODAY that ingredient in Benadryl and Sudafed from pharmacy shelves doesn't work

A medicine used by millions of Americans for a stuffy nose does not work, a Food and Drug Administration panel ruled today.

Phenylephrine is the most common active compound in over-the-counter drugs like Benadryl Allergy Plus Congestion, Sudafed PE, and Tylenol Cold and Flu Severe Day & Night.

But an FDA panel said after a two-day review that the oral decongestant ‘is not effective’ at standard or even high doses compared to a placebo.

Their ruling is not binding but strongly suggests the agency could soon heed their advice and pull its approval, forcing companies to pull or reformulate their products. 

The ingredient is protected under the FDA’s Generally Recognized as Safe and Effective (GRASE) designation, but a reversal of its approval could mean manufacturers including Bayer and Johnson and Johnson might need to reformulate.

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5db7b0 No.89313

File: 2fa2f4f2f2e06af⋯.png (845.48 KB,1073x1280,1073:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537834 (121953ZSEP23) Notable: Bannon: Biden Crime Family Explodes with Anger

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5db7b0 No.89314

File: a36cd9ae6e2d598⋯.png (873.28 KB,962x721,962:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537835 (121953ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci Admits For the Very First Time Vaxxcines are the Leading cause of Myocarditis NO SAUCE SO FAR

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5db7b0 No.89315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537839 (121954ZSEP23) Notable: Bank of America says they're going for a "just energy transistion"

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Revolution for Me and Not for Thee

Bank of America is committed to working with out clients to bring together public and private stakeholders to drive a just energy transistion.

Bank of America Increases Environmental Business Initiative Target to $1 Trillion by 2030

Significant Increase from $300 Billion Target by 2030 set in 2019; Company Also Sets Broader SDG-Focused Sustainable Finance Target of $1.5 Trillion by 2030


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5db7b0 No.89316

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537855 (121955ZSEP23) Notable: PJ Media: I’m Really Enjoying the Media Panic About Trump

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Here we are today

Three years later, most Republicans still believe the 2020 presidential election was as kosher as a ham sandwich. Polls show that approximately one-third of Americans from all political parties believe Biden fraudulently “won” the election.

As to the indictments (with possibly more to come), it’s obvious that Joe Biden’s handlers fear the ballot box. So, like a banana republic, they get the “Big Guy” to go after his leading political opponent through lawfare. In the process, they are unraveling the foundation on which America was founded. Progressive Dr. Naomi Wolf has said about one of the indictments:

Don’t people understand – much as they may hate this fellow – that this is exactly what coup leaders in every banana republic do? Seek to imprison their political opponents? Especially while the political opponents are on the campaign trail?

Trump supporters are still going to vote for Donald Trump even if a biased jury finds him guilty because he is the only candidate with a proven track record of pushing back at UniParty insanity.

The GOP should be very concerned because in some states (such as California) you cannot write in a candidate in the general election. In other states, write-in candidates are allowed only if the candidate has registered as such before the election. Stalwart Trump supporters writing “Donald Trump” could invalidate their entire ballot including all down ballot Republican races.

The RNC can keep holding debates, but along with millions of Patriot Americans, I want The Donald to win a third time for his second term. No matter how many people stand on the debate stage, Trump is our candidate.

From unveiling Uniparty deep state corruption to creating a robust economy; from Middle East peace through the Abraham Accords to America being respected throughout the world; from energy independence to having a secure border; and everything in between, Patriots like me know that The Donald can Make America Great Again … Again.

Mr. Trump, I’ll be the loudest person applauding when you speak at the California GOP convention on September 29!


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5db7b0 No.89317

File: ef7a1ec6aaef126⋯.png (242.43 KB,715x947,715:947,Clipboard.png)

File: eab439d3de5f79c⋯.png (108.91 KB,839x394,839:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537867 (121957ZSEP23) Notable: Trump's Movement Transcends Politics - American Thinker

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Trump's Movement Transcends Politics

By Matt Kane

By now, everybody has heard Donald Trump say: "They're not after me; they're after you. I'm just standing in their way." It is a rallying cry for his supporters and "conspiracy" fuel for his critics. But as is the case in many instances, Trump is right. In fact, "they" have already begun coming after us — which is why the Trump political movement has officially transcended politics. America's fiercest enemy is now those within its own government using Trump's persecutions as a vehicle to covertly violate individual freedoms. The damage they are causing is undeniable, and the Trump movement represents the strongest, most wide-reaching, and most unified effort taking on these threats.

Traditional issues that exist in every election are still present. Immigration, the Second Amendment, the economy, jobs, inflation, taxes, and foreign affairs are still pressing issues. But a new set of challenges that have arisen are so crucial that if they are not addressed, they will make the traditional issues a moot point.

In just the last eight years, numerous attacks on Trump have occurred that were previously thought of as "not possible in America." Because they occurred so frequently, society to an extent became desensitized to their absurdity. Removing names when analyzing these events prevents bias and helps one better objectively comprehend them and understand attacks on Trump are assaults on the decision of citizens by proxy.

In 2016, the Democrat nominee for president concocted a complete fabrication about her Republican opponent colluding with a foreign country to propel him to victory. The sitting Democrat president and vice president were made aware that the allegations were bogus, yet they did not put an end to them, and in some instances, they furthered them. This was a direct attack on the people's right to elect the candidate they desire.

That attack on citizens to remove their chosen leader did not stop when the false collusion scheme failed. After he prevailed to win the presidency, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives sought to remove the victor by impeaching him for questioning potentially unethical behavior the former Democrat vice president may have participated in with foreign countries. The media were quick to "debunk" the damming allegations against the former vice president and presume the sitting president guilty, but recent revelations proved that the latter's concerns were credible and worth looking into.

Just months after defeating impeachment, the acquitted president was running for re-election against the former vice president. A laptop containing damaging information belonging to the son of the former vice president was left in a repair shop, and its contents were made public. However, government agencies colluded with social media companies to suppress the story and discredit it to prevent the incumbent president's re-election. The media now self-righteously admit that they were wrong, but only because they accomplished their mission by finally subverting the people's will after failing countless times during previous years.

The former vice president is now president, and his actions prove that these attacks on the people's choice have not stopped, as his Department of Justice indicted the former president who is once again running for the presidency. In total, the former president has been indicted four times since leaving office, with one indictment resulting in a mug shot, for questioning the results of an election, something Democrats have done every election they lost since 2000 and were rightly never criminally charged for.

Previously indirect assaults on the people are no longer that, as prosecutors are now attempting to intimidate supporters and allies into submission. The former president's chief of staff and personal attorney were indicted in the Georgia case for pursuing legal, constitutional election challenges. It's also gone beyond publicly known figures associated with Trump, as his longtime butler was indicted in the documents case for allegedly "helping Trump obstruct the investigation." Fittingly, the mainstream media describe these events as "saving democracy."

This is not limited to partisan politics, as some in the former president's own party are attempting to prevent him from appearing on ballots in 2024 based on a fringe legal theory that continues to be dismissed in courts across the country. When those in government openly plot an attempt to prevent citizens from freely choosing whom they want their next president to be, it signals something sinister at play.

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5db7b0 No.89318

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537869 (121957ZSEP23) Notable: Trump's Movement Transcends Politics - American Thinker

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In case you need any more evidence that these times are different, plenty of additional damage is being carried out by those currently in power. They forced mass inoculation on the masses and prevented those who opposed it from making a living, paralleling the Bible's Revelation prophecy regarding the mark of the beast. They also promote genital mutilation for minors, advocate for unlimited abortion, and endlessly fund a war that results in death and destruction, while those at the Capitol on January 6 have their homes raided by the FBI, are sentenced to extreme terms in prison, or rot in a cell without a fair and speedy trial as guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment.

If all these events were made into a TV show as opposed to reality, it would likely be described as action-filled but unrealistic. Even those who oppose the Trump movement are becoming aware that it is the only thing capable of stopping this agenda.

Alex Soros, the chair of the board of directors for the globalist Open Societies Foundation and son of George Soros, wrote that his main focus right now is preventing a Trump win in 2024 because a MAGA victory would "undermine the progress achieved in Ukraine," which translates to "Trump's plan to broker a peace deal in lieu of sending endless amounts of money to Ukraine threatens me."

Even Donna Brazile, the former acting chair of the Democrat National Committee, who later resigned from CNN after she was caught sharing debate questions with Trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton, conceded on left-leaning ABC News that she's "never seen anything like this," referring to the Trump movement, citing his rising support after indictments and mugshots.

Trump extended an olive branch by choosing not to investigate Hillary Clinton upon taking office. It was the correct move, as Trump would have been viewed in a tyrannical light for going after a political opponent, since that is precisely how Joe Biden and his weaponized government are now perceived.

But the gloves are now off. So much about the American political system is rooted in precedent, and a precedent has been set that will allow Trump to open investigations into the many troubling actions taken by his predecessors. Another Trump election could bring true generational change to America for the better. He has vowed he would quickly bring down inflation and gas prices, strengthen the economy, secure the border, and reintroduce a strong America on the global stage in just months. But taking on the Deep State is most important now, and he has demonstrated that he understands how vital this task is for America's long-term future by recently urging Republicans in Congress to "fight fire with fire." He also referenced "an eye for an eye" when asked, if re-elected, if he would "lock up" those in government who commit crimes.

Steve Brannon recently said the nation's destiny is tied to Trump. That couldn't be truer. Ironically, the man who built the wall is now the only barrier capable of preventing a communistic style of government from taking control of America forever.


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5db7b0 No.89319

File: 37ae693356bdc61⋯.png (460.95 KB,802x969,802:969,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537876 (121958ZSEP23) Notable: PJ Media: I’m Really Enjoying the Media Panic About Trump

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I’m Really Enjoying the Media Panic About Trump

In 2016, the media generally dismissed the idea that Donald Trump had a chance of winning the election. You can’t really blame them, as all the polls said Hillary Clinton was a lock. It was thrilling to watch liberal pundits melt down on air after Trump started winning states they never expected him to win.

This year, the media is already starting to panic that Trump is on the verge of making a triumphant return to the White House.

Two polls in particular have gotten a lot of attention in the past few days: a Wall Street Journal poll showing Trump and Biden tied at 46% and a CNN poll showing Biden losing by a point to Trump and losing to virtually every single Republican opponent—even Chris Christie for crying out loud.

According to the White House, Joe Biden is the most successful president in the history of the nation. They say the economy is strong and that job creation is at historic highs. Heck, they even claim that Biden brought down inflation, something anyone who has bought groceries or gas knows simply isn’t true. The media generally parrots the White House talking points about Joe Biden, so when recent polls started showing that general election matchups between Trump and Biden are in a dead heat, left-wing pundits couldn’t understand it and started freaking out. Meanwhile, I can’t help being reminded of the shock the media experienced on election night in 2016.

“It is kind of shocking in a way, that despite all of the baggage that Donald Trump carries, he’s tied with Joe Biden right now,” ABC’s George Stephanopoulos lamented earlier this week about the recent Wall Street Journal poll. “With every passing month, with every new indictment, Donald Trump seems to be consolidating his control over the Republican Party.”

Related: Joe Biden Is Really Screwed Now

“After the mugshot and four criminal indictments, you would think that President Biden would have [a] significant advantage, but apparently not,” New York Times White House correspondent Peter Baker observed on Saturday.

CNN’s Jim Acosta was similarly shell-shocked by the poll. “I guess we would be remiss if we were to pass over this Wall Street Journal poll, that found even rates between Trump and Joe Biden, 46% for each,” he begrudgingly conceded on Sunday. “The man on the left side of the screen is the President of the United States and the man on the right is former president of the United States with four indictments, and he is still tied with Joe Biden in the poll.”

They would be shocked. Why? Because they live in a liberal bubble and don’t realize that Americans perceive the indictments of Trump as being political. They also don’t seem to understand that Joe Biden isn’t exactly popular.

“If the president goes on to lose reelection to Trump — or any other Republican — the warning signs contained in the CNN poll, which mirrors his troubles in other recent surveys but goes far deeper on reasons for his malaise, will have foreshadowed the story of his downfall,” writes Stephen Collinson at CNN.

Amen to that. Amen.


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5db7b0 No.89320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537882 (121959ZSEP23) Notable: Comer, Jordan, Smith Statement on Speaker McCarthy Opening an Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden

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Comer, Jordan, Smith Statement on Speaker McCarthy Opening an Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden

Sep 12, 2023

WASHINGTON – House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.), House Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), and House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-Mo.) today issued the following statement regarding Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) opening an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden:

“Since January, House Republicans have uncovered an overwhelming amount of evidence showing President Joe Biden lied to the American people about his knowledge and participation in his family’s influence peddling schemes. Bank records, suspicious activity reports, emails, texts, and witness testimony reveal Joe Biden allowed his family to sell him as ‘the brand’ around the world to enrich the Bidens. And, thanks to two brave IRS whistleblowers, we know that the Justice Department – which has been sitting on much of this evidence – has prevented career investigators from pursuing information that could have led to Joe Biden.

“Based on the evidence, we support the opening of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. The House Committees on Oversight and Accountability, Judiciary, and Ways and Means, will continue to work to follow the facts to ensure President Biden is held accountable for abusing public office for his family’s financial gain. The American people demand and deserve answers, transparency, and accountability for this blatant abuse of public office.”

Read More:

Biden Family Investigation


Bidens’ Influence Peddling Timeline


Key Findings from IRS Whistleblowers


IRS Whistleblower Transcripts



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5db7b0 No.89321

File: 3087259fa6ddce6⋯.png (423.82 KB,1002x945,334:315,Clipboard.png)

File: 14ee1000b99c3dc⋯.png (212.94 KB,869x488,869:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537888 (121959ZSEP23) Notable: BRYAN LEIB: Donald Trump Was The Ultimate Peacemaker President

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BRYAN LEIB: Donald Trump Was The Ultimate Peacemaker President

This week, the world will celebrate the three-year anniversary of President Donald J. Trump’s Abraham Accords. On September 15, 2020, President Trump ushered in a new era of peace and collaboration in the Middle East between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain on the White House South Lawn.

While intelligence community leaders said President Trump’s bold decision to keep his campaign promise and move the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel, would cause war in the Middle East, just the opposite happened.

Not shockingly, many of these individuals said the same when the framework of the Abraham Accords were initially announced but just as they were wrong before, they were wrong once again. (RELATED: REP. MAX MILLER And BRYAN LEIB: Five Years Ago, Trump Ditched The Iran Deal And Made The World A Safer Place)

Long sought-after peace was achieved in the Middle East through America leading with strength, standing with our allies and without any wars started or bullets fired when the experts said the opposite would happen.

I’ve long held the position and used the analogy that President Trump and his administration provided the metaphorical runway and jet fuel for long-standing relationships between the Israelis, Bahrainis and Emiratis that had been held in the darkness to take off into the light for the world to see.

These long-held relationships being brought into the light have already led to tremendous economic and societal expansions.

So as we approach the three-year anniversary of the signing of these historic peace accords, it’s worth asking the question of why isn’t President Joe Biden expanding on the Abraham Accords?

When President Biden took office in January 2021 he had a prime opportunity to expand the Abraham Accords but unfortunately he did not. The Biden Administration didn’t even acknowledge the Abraham Accords in the first year of the administration and that has created a chilling effect in the Middle East.

The Biden Administration’s decision to realign America’s foreign policy toward appeasement with the Islamic Republic of Iran while largely ignoring America’s closest allies such as Israel, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and others have been a catastrophic mistake.

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5db7b0 No.89322

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537890 (121959ZSEP23) Notable: BRYAN LEIB: Donald Trump Was The Ultimate Peacemaker President

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This mistake has driven the Islamic Republic of Iran closer to Russia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In March 2023, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia agreed to reestablish diplomatic relations and reopen embassies after seven years of tensions. The major diplomatic breakthrough was negotiated by China. I didn’t have that on my 2023 bingo card!

So as this three-year anniversary approaches, I want to take a moment to applaud the courageous leaders President Trump assembled to achieve this historic peace in the Middle East. (RELATED: BRYAN LEIB: Antisemitism Is Thriving In The Democratic Party)

In addition, Jared Kushner, fmr. Ambassador David Friedman, Robert Greenway, Avi Berkowitz, Jason Greenblatt and many others also deserve to be recognized for the leadership roles they played in bringing lasting peace to the Middle East.

Looking forward, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is most likely the next Arab majority country to officially make a peace or normalization agreement with Israel but the chances that the inept Biden Administration will be the broker is slim.

Similar to the Israelis enjoying behind-the-scenes friendships and business relationships with the Emiratis and Bahrainis, the same is true for the Israelis and Saudis. I am confident that the Israelis and Saudis will reach a historic peace/normalization agreement sooner than later.

One thing is for sure — President Trump and his team showed the world that peace is possible in the Middle East and for that, they will go down in the history books as the ultimate peace makers.


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5db7b0 No.89323

File: 762df27b87df51f⋯.png (489.82 KB,787x958,787:958,Clipboard.png)

File: 9245b4fb7c676a2⋯.png (205.34 KB,730x445,146:89,Clipboard.png)

File: cc52319fee71741⋯.png (201.83 KB,730x513,730:513,Clipboard.png)

File: f6e7220436aabb2⋯.png (226.47 KB,906x490,453:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537903 (122001ZSEP23) Notable: Massive Trump vs. Biden Polling Swing From Four Years Ago to Now

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Massive Trump vs. Biden Polling Swing From Four Years Ago to Now

I won’t belabor it again here, except to say that the 2020 U.S. general election was highly irregular. I confess it crossed my mind more than once that the election had been stolen. And while I still think that may well be the case, I’ve concluded that it was stolen more via system rigging and interference than it was at the ballot box. The endless abuse of federal authority working hand-in-hand with the complicit media seeded the belief in voters’ minds that President Trump had somehow colluded with Russia to steal the office. This was coupled with the positively criminal interference in the form of suppressing news of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which was jam-packed with documented Biden family crimes and corruption. That despicable, dishonest effort is where the election was stolen more than through the corrupt scattering and harvesting of ballots.

A look at the polling during the run-up to the 2020 election demonstrates this. While a single poll is generally useless, the average of all major polls can be a better indicator of where public sentiment lies. Even more useful is this average over time, as an indicator of trends. And the polling average prior to the 2020 election showed candidate Joe Biden far ahead of President Donald Trump at all times.

At no time in the 14 months before Election Day 2020 was Trump ahead of Biden. Rather, Biden was decisively ahead of Trump, and beyond the margin of error. If you visit Real Clear Politics’ invaluable rolling average of polls from 2019–2020, you’ll see that four years ago — as of Sept. 10, 2019 — Biden led Trump by a cool 10.7 points:

In fact, if you look at the above screenshot, you can see that Biden led decisively in the average of all polls throughout the 2020 election season. On Election Day — Nov. 3 — Biden’s lead in the average of all polls was 7.2 points (51.2% to 44%). That is according to polls of voters before the ballot-harvesting machine did its thing and “midnight magic” created all those bizarre-looking graphs.

Bitter memories, to be sure. But there are signs that the truth is managing to work its way past the Swamp, Big Tech, and fake-news media goalkeepers and reaching the hoi polloi. Check out this year’s Real Clear Politics polling average of the Trump-Biden rematch over the past two months:

On the most recent date available — Sept. 7, 2023 — Trump and Biden are in a statistical dead heat. Separated by less than half a point, Biden averages 44.5% of the vote while Trump stands at 44.1%. Not only that, but the pair are now trading the lead back and forth. This was unheard of four years ago.

That’s a swing of 6.8 points in favor of Trump since this time in the last election cycle. And the more Biden’s family corruption is exposed, the more his weaponized, partisan justice department and its state corollaries overreach in their quest to destroy Trump, the more likely Trump is to pull decisively ahead.

It’s looking more likely than ever that Big Left will swap out Biden for a new candidate at some point before Election Day. And who knows what will happen then?


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5db7b0 No.89324

File: b94048ca55bb5c4⋯.png (333.32 KB,769x483,769:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537909 (122003ZSEP23) Notable: Trump v. Clinton and her Cohorts RICO filing

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Trump v. Clinton and her Cohorts RICO filing



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5db7b0 No.89325

File: eb583259763b84e⋯.png (539.59 KB,1053x968,1053:968,Clipboard.png)

File: bd39d6c3e304e5f⋯.png (237.86 KB,879x473,879:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537915 (122003ZSEP23) Notable: Trump's big lead: Among nonvoters, many agree with him that elections are rigged

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Trump's big lead: Among nonvoters, many agree with him that elections are rigged

Donald Trump's argument that the 2020 election was rigged has reinforced the views of Americans who are already disenchanted about politics, one factor in their inclination not to cast a vote next year − that is, a vote they would probably cast for him.

An exclusive USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll of unlikely voters − those who are eligible to vote but say they probably won't − give Trump a lopsided edge over President Joe Biden among Americans who are deeply skeptical of politics and government.

Registered voters who say they aren't likely to go to the polls back Trump over Biden by nearly 20 percentage points, 32%-13%, with 27% supporting a third-party or other candidate. Citizens who are eligible to vote but haven't registered also favor Trump by close to 2-1, 28%-15%; 27% prefer another candidate.

If they participated in the election, Trump's advantage among them is so wide that they could shift the political landscape to his advantage. His standing among unlikely voters is much stronger than in surveys of registered or likely voters, which generally show a presidential race that is effectively tied. The latest realclearpolitics.com average of national polls gives Biden a 1-point edge.


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5db7b0 No.89326

File: 9a5a7f54908ce1a⋯.png (512.49 KB,698x882,349:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537922 (122004ZSEP23) Notable: Seth Rich FOIA case filing

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Seth Rich FOIA case filing



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5db7b0 No.89327

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19537995 (122012ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci Admits For the Very First Time Vaxxcines are the Leading cause of Myocarditis NO SAUCE SO FAR

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>>89308 Fauci Admits For the Very First Time Vaxxcines are the Leading cause of Myocarditis NO SAUCE SO FAR

the sauce is here:


and here:

SAFE AND EFFECTIVE: Dr. Fauci Now Admits COVID Vaccines Cause Myocarditis (VIDEO)


and here:


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5db7b0 No.89328

File: 80eb64c5dc470f4⋯.png (605.39 KB,1189x704,1189:704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538029 (122017ZSEP23) Notable: Gaetz threatens vote to boot McCarthy from speakership, demands compliance with agreement he made with House conservatives

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Gaetz threatens vote to boot McCarthy from speakership, demands 'total compliance'

Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz on Tuesday informed House Speaker Kevin McCarthy that he would move forward with a bid to remove him from leadership of the lower chamber unless he fully honored the agreement he made with House conservatives to claim the gavel in January.

"I rise today to serve notice. Mr. Speaker, you are out of compliance with the agreement that allowed you to assume this role," Gaetz declared on the House floor. "The path forward for the House of Representatives is to either bring you into immediate total compliance or remove you, pursuant to a motion to vacate the chair."

McCarthy ultimately managed to secure the role of House speaker after 15 rounds of contentious voting. Conservative lawmakers had opposed him for most of the dispute, but ultimately relented after securing a litany of concessions from the California Republican.

Said lawmakers, however, appear dissatisfied with McCarthy's efforts to honor their deal. In his floor remarks, Gaetz admonished him for not following through with his pledges.

"We have had no vote on term limits or on balanced budgets, as the agreement demanded and required. There’s been no full release of the January 6 tapes, as you promised," Gaetz said. "There’s been insufficient accountability for the Biden crime family, and instead of cutting spending to raise the debt limit, you relied on budgetary gimmicks and rescissions so that you ultimately ended up serving as the valet to underwrite Biden’s debt and advance his spending agenda."

"Mr. Speaker, you boasted in January that we would use the power of the subpoena and the power of the purse. But here we are eight months later and we haven’t even sent the first subpoena to Hunter Biden," he went on, before excoriating McCarthy for supporting new budgetary resolutions that he said would advance Democratic priorities.

"Our leadership right now is asking us to vote for a continuing resolution, a vote for a continuing resolution is a vote to continue the green new deal, a vote to continue inflationary spending, and the most troubling of fashions, a vote for a continuing resolution is a vote to continue the election interference of Jack Smith," Gaetz declared. "September 30 is rapidly approaching and you have not put us in a position to succeed. There is no way to pass all the individual appropriations bills now."

The Florida Republican further opined that McCarthy's call for an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden had been a "rushed" and "rattled" performance, which he deemed a mere "baby step."

"We must move faster," he asserted.

"Mr. Speaker, dust off our written January agreement. You have a copy," Gaetz concluded. "No continuing resolutions, individual spending bills or bust. Votes on balanced budgets and term limits. Subpoenas for Hunter Biden and the members of the Biden family who have been gristing off of this country – grifting off of this country and the impeachment for Joe Biden that he so richly deserves. Do these things or face a motion to vacate the chair."


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5db7b0 No.89329

File: e8cebeb24c342b1⋯.png (456.24 KB,696x392,87:49,Clipboard.png)

File: c9f8c3d7c578309⋯.png (1.08 MB,880x660,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538062 (122021ZSEP23) Notable: 5 Former Memphis Police Officers Indicted by Federal Grand Jury in Connection with Fatal Beating of Black Motorist Tyre Nichols

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5 Former Memphis Police Officers Indicted by Federal Grand Jury in Connection with Fatal Beating of Black Motorist Tyre Nichols

Five ex-Memphis police officers were indicted by a federal grand jury in connection with the fatal beating of black motorist Tyre Nichols.

Authorities earlier this year released bodycam footage of five Memphis police officers beating motorist Tyre Nichols during a traffic stop.

Earlier this year, the state charged the five police officers with second-degree murder and kidnapping in the death of Tyre Nichols.

The officers, Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Emmitt Martin III, Desmond Mills Jr. and Justin Smith – were fired after Tyre Nichols died following a violent confrontation during a January 7 traffic stop.

A federal grand jury indicted the five former Memphis officers on Tuesday on charges “relating to thedeprivation of rights under color of law, including excessive force and failure to intervene as well as deliberate indifference, and conspiracy to witness-tamper,” ABC News reported.

Sep. 12, 2023 1:20 pm


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5db7b0 No.89330

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538078 (122024ZSEP23) Notable: Sen. Kennedy Corners Clueless Lib on So-Called "Book Bans" on CLEARLY PORNOGRAPHIC books

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Sen. Kennedy Corners Clueless Lib on So-Called "Book Bans"



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5db7b0 No.89331

File: 0b2ffd2cc92846d⋯.png (323.4 KB,600x619,600:619,Clipboard.png)

File: 90deacc35404ae9⋯.png (194.8 KB,600x514,300:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 25a2cf225f347f1⋯.png (48.3 KB,305x164,305:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538095 (122026ZSEP23) Notable: Two 9/11s: Both kill around 3,000 people

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5db7b0 No.89332

File: 50579740d5cf39a⋯.jpg (38.91 KB,720x288,5:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538098 (122027ZSEP23) Notable: NASA to release new UFO report on Thursday, Sept. 14

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NEW - NASA to release new UFO report on Thursday, Sept. 14



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5db7b0 No.89333

File: e230fed738330c7⋯.png (229.91 KB,854x474,427:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538113 (122029ZSEP23) Notable: DJT RT's "Why I will always support trump"

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Donald J. Trump





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5db7b0 No.89334

File: 3790bbc5cfa19d6⋯.png (263.69 KB,890x562,445:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538134 (122032ZSEP23) Notable: Sen. Kennedy Corners Clueless Lib on So-Called "Book Bans" on CLEARLY PORNOGRAPHIC books

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Washington Examiner


Sen. John Kennedy reads pornographic novel to Senate witness: 'Disturbing'


Sen. John Kennedy reads pornographic novel to Senate witness: 'Disturbing'

by Jeremiah Poff, Education Reporter

September 12, 2023 04:09 PM

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) shocked congressional witnesses Tuesday when he used his allotted time during a Senate hearing on "book bans" to read aloud an excerpt from two often-challenged books that contain graphic depictions of anal sex.

Kennedy read portions of Genderqueer by Maia Kobabe and All Boys Aren't Blue by George Johnson during a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee on "Book Bans: Examining How Censorship Limits Liberty and Literature." The passages the senator read contained graphic and sexually explicit depictions of anal and oral sex between gay characters.


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5db7b0 No.89335

File: ec90ddc8ef56c86⋯.png (310.47 KB,635x1127,635:1127,Clipboard.png)

File: 30333343269c048⋯.pdf (3.93 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 6a4f8af64acf017⋯.jpg (70.04 KB,720x727,720:727,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538141 (122033ZSEP23) Notable: A Buried England mRNA Data Avalanche has been Exposed. We can now Compare the % of All Cause Death (by Vaccination Status) with the % of Vaccine Uptake.

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Proof of a mRNA Disaster! A Buried England mRNA Data Avalanche has been Exposed. We can now Compare the % of All Cause Death (by Vaccination Status) with the % of Vaccine Uptake.


shit show!

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5db7b0 No.89336

File: a7f457a896a4401⋯.png (493.95 KB,1024x685,1024:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538151 (122035ZSEP23) Notable: BP CEO Bernard Looney resigns

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BP CEO Bernard Looney resigns after report of relationships with colleagues

BP CEO Bernard Looney has stepped down after less than four years in office following several allegations of personal relationships with colleagues, the company said in a statement Tuesday.

BP Chief Financial Officer Murray Auchincloss will act as CEO on an interim basis, the company said.

Looney, 53, took office in February 2020 with a vow to reinvent the 114-year-old company, laying out ambitious plans for the British energy giant to achieve zero net emissions by 2050, and to invest billions in renewable and low-carbon power.

Looney’s surprise resignation came after allegations of personal relationships with company colleagues surfaced recently, prompting the company to launch an investigation.

That followed allegations the board investigated in May 2022 relating to personal relationships with company employees.BP CEO Bernard Looney has stepped down after less than four years in office following several allegations of personal relationships with colleagues, the company said in a statement Tuesday.

BP Chief Financial Officer Murray Auchincloss will act as CEO on an interim basis, the company said.

Looney, 53, took office in February 2020 with a vow to reinvent the 114-year-old company, laying out ambitious plans for the British energy giant to achieve zero net emissions by 2050, and to invest billions in renewable and low-carbon power.

Looney’s surprise resignation came after allegations of personal relationships with company colleagues surfaced recently, prompting the company to launch an investigation.

That followed allegations the board investigated in May 2022 relating to personal relationships with company employees.

During that review, Looney disclosed “a small number of historical relationships with colleagues prior to becoming CEO.”

During that review, Looney disclosed “a small number of historical relationships with colleagues prior to becoming CEO.”

No breach of the company’s code of conduct was found at the time and the board was given assurances by Looney “regarding disclosure of past personal relationships, as well as his future behavior.”

Looney informed BP’s board on Tuesday that he did not fully disclose details of all relationships, prompting his resignation.

BP shares ended up 1% before the FT earlier reported his resignation after trading closed in London. Its American depositary receipt shares turned negative and closed down 1.3% at $38.10 in New York.

Reinventing BP

Auchincloss became CFO in July 2020 and has helped Looney steer the company through some of the most tumultuous years in modern history, from COVID-19 to a rapid exit from Russia following the invasion of Ukraine last year, an energy price shock, and a global cost of living crisis.

Looney has navigated the group through some of the most tumultuous years in modern history, from COVID-19 to a rapid exit from Russia following the invasion of Ukraine last year, an energy price shock, and a global cost of living crisis.


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5db7b0 No.89337

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538161 (122037ZSEP23) Notable: Largest NATO War Games Exercise Since Cold War to See 40,000 Troops Prep for Russian Invasion

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Largest NATO War Games Exercise Since Cold War to See 40,000 Troops Prep for Russian Invasion

The American-led NATO military alliance is planning on staging its largest war games exercise since the end of the Cold War to prepare for a possible invasion from Russia.

Over 40,000 troops from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will be assembled next year for the biggest joint command exercise since the end of the Cold War next year to practice a mission to defend against a Russian military action against one of its 31 members.

The war games exercise, dubbed ‘Steadfast Defender’, will take place next Spring, and is expected to see between 500 and 700 air force combat missions, over 50 naval ships, and approximately 41,000 troops take part, according to the Financial Times. NATO officials told the globalist British paper that it will be designed to simulate a confrontation with a coalition of forces marshalled by Moscow, which will be dubbed ‘Occasus’ during the exercise.

The NATO drill will be conducted in Germany, Poland and across the Baltic states throughout February and March. Sweden, which has yet to be ratified as an official member of the military alliance, will nonetheless also take part in the war games. In addition, NATO will also conduct counterterrorism training outside of its borders, although it has yet to be revealed where this will take place.

As a part of a desire to expand military readiness, the alliance will begin holding two major war games exercises next year, rather than one.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, whose term in office was extended earlier this year in light of the war in Ukraine, said last year that the American-led alliance would seek to expand the number of troops from around 40,000 to “well over 300,000” in order to transform its capabilities into a full-scale military force instead of the lighter role it took in places like Afghanistan.


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5db7b0 No.89338

File: 6338451cb2bb53e⋯.png (339.4 KB,600x641,600:641,Clipboard.png)

File: d1b3597705023b5⋯.png (270.48 KB,598x551,598:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538177 (122040ZSEP23) Notable: Vladimir Putin said that Moscow develops arms using "new physical principles"

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Vladimir Putin said that Moscow develops arms using "new physical principles" to ensure security in the near historic perspective.

"If one looks into the security sphere, new physical principles weapons will ensure the security of any country in the near historic perspective.



ayy lmao

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5db7b0 No.89339

File: 755c26cb70bebd8⋯.png (441.94 KB,612x408,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538195 (122043ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci Admits For the Very First Time Vaxxcines are the Leading cause of Myocarditis

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Fauci Finally Confesses!!!!

Vaxxcines Cause Myocarditis!

They Called us Liars

They Said we were Spreading Misinformation

They Censored us for telling the Truth

& in the End, We were Right yet again

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5db7b0 No.89340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538239 (122048ZSEP23) Notable: PROPAGANDA BLITZ: Left-Wing Orgs Form Coalition To Funnel More Than $500 Million To Local News Outlet

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PROPAGANDA BLITZ: Left-Wing Orgs Form Coalition To Funnel More Than $500 Million To Local News Outlets

A group of 22 left-wing organizations has announced the creation of a coalition that will funnel over $500 million in funding to local media publications over the course of five years.

The new coalition, known as Press Forward, claims to be an organization that will be "independent of ideology." However, many of the groups that have signed up for the initiative appear to have a left-wing bias based on their funding and programs.

The coalition claims its main goal is to reverse the downward trajectory of local news outlets and "close longstanding inequities in journalism coverage and practice." Press Forward rightly pointed out that, since 2005, roughly 2,500 newspapers in the U.S. have ceased operations. This number is rising, and many local news companies that are still in business have been forced to make cuts to their operations to remain afloat.

The $500 million Press Forward will be supporting local newspapers and newsrooms "that have the trust of local communities." It intends to strengthen the local environments to allow for greater news production and better dissemination of information, close longstanding inequalities in journalism coverage and practice, and advance public policies that expand access to local news outlets.

Left-wing philanthropic foundations main backers of Press Forward

Press Forward has received commitments from many major so-called philanthropic foundations.

One of Press Forward's major backers is the Knight Foundation, a major philanthropic organization dedicated to journalism. The foundation has pledged $150 million for Press Freedom over the next five years.

"You've got to build the road before you can put a lot of cars on it," said Jim Brady, the foundation's vice president of journalism. He added that building a sustainable local news environment relies on pouring investments into news outlets that are "connected to their communities in meaningful ways … not just 'traffic-guzzling.'"

The Knight Foundation has previously given over $1.2 million to nine universities and nonprofits to "combat disinformation in communities of color."

Another major funder is the MacArthur Foundation, which has similarly committed to providing at least $150 million in grants to Press Forward over the next five years. This is in addition to the $25 million in "impact investments" it has already provided to the coalition.

The MacArthur Foundation has frequently contributed to left-wing organizations, including Planned Parenthood, the Environmental Defense Fund and the Tides Foundation, the latter of which is dedicated to funding progressive causes. The MacArthur Foundation has given more than $5 million to all three groups.

"Ultimately this is about democracy," claimed MacArthur Foundation President John Palfrey. "Is our democracy stronger? And is local news in a position to support communities and individuals as they take part in democracy?"

Other foundations that have made major commitments to help fund Press Forward's propaganda initiative include The Archewell Foundation of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, the Miami Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Lenfest Institute for Journalism.


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5db7b0 No.89341

File: 87a2931b4f2b2d9⋯.png (98.92 KB,804x543,268:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538274 (122052ZSEP23) Notable: Judicial Watch Statement on Impeachment Inquiry into President Joe Biden

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Judicial Watch Statement on Impeachment Inquiry into President Joe Biden

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the announcement by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to initiate an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden:

The House took a necessary step for accountability and justice in opening an impeachment inquiry into President Biden. The American people have a right to know whether their president is a crook.

It is well past time for the House to use its full constitutional authority to investigate the catalog of credible allegations of corruption that crosses international borders – from Ukraine to Russia and China.

These Biden corruption issues have created a national security crisis, led to a border invasion, thoroughly corrupted the Justice Department and other federal agencies, and have resulted in wildly abusive efforts to jail former President Trump and other innocents.

This new impeachment inquiry is necessary but not sufficient. Impeachment must be accompanied with a serious effort to defund abuse by Biden’s agencies, and Congress must add oversight to curtail weaponized government.

In the meantime, Judicial Watch will continue its independent investigations and lawsuits into the Biden corruption issues.

Judicial Watch has at least 10 federal lawsuits focused on Biden family corruption.

Judicial Watch is pursuing a lawsuit for information regarding the gun owned by Hunter Biden that reportedly was thrown in a trash can behind a Delaware grocery store.

In June 2023, Judicial Watch sued the CIA for all communications of the spy agency’s Prepublication Classification Review Board (PCRB) regarding an October 19, 2020, email request to review and “clear” a letter signed by 51 former intelligence community officials characterizing the Hunter Biden laptop story as having “all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.”

In July, Judicial Watch sued the DOJ for records from the Office of the Attorney General and Office of the Deputy Attorney General regarding the Internal Revenue Service investigation of Hunter Biden.

In June 2023, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice for a copy of the FBI FD-1023 form that describes “an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.” Judicial Watch also asked for communications about the FD-1023.

In May 2023, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA lawsuit against the National Archives for Biden family records and communications regarding travel and finance transactions, as well as communications between the Bidens and several known business associates.


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5db7b0 No.89342

File: 15895049153e44a⋯.mp4 (254.02 KB,478x270,239:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538339 (122101ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci Admits For the Very First Time Vaxxcines are the Leading cause of Myocarditis

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5db7b0 No.89343

File: 041ddcc68034099⋯.png (50.95 KB,945x289,945:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 44382411c225652⋯.png (907.57 KB,992x546,496:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 2236886b4e1af28⋯.png (619.47 KB,945x476,135:68,Clipboard.png)

File: 774cbdf40ed6e65⋯.png (82.33 KB,959x352,959:352,Clipboard.png)

File: fa4087f43fcb441⋯.png (113.28 KB,980x467,980:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538478 (122120ZSEP23) Notable: BPro/KNOWiNK’s Uncertified, Internet-Connected, Cloud-Based Election Systems Are A Problem

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BPro/KNOWiNK’s Uncertified, Internet-Connected, Cloud-Based Election Systems Are Foreign Influenced and Used to Illegally Process Election Results


Guest post by Jessica Pollema and Erin Clements

We recently reported that uncertified, cloud-based, internet connected, and all-inclusive election software is being used to illegally process official election results. Investigators revealed impossible voter registration data spikes along with tens of thousands of voter histories being backdated to provide further corroboration of election systems being subverted.

There are four major election software vendors that appear to have the functional capability to touch virtually all aspects of our elections in a centralized fashion. The election software vendors are BPro, KNOWiNK, Tenex, and VR Systems. ES&S’s “Electionware” software appears to provide similar in-house software capabilities. There are others.

The main point is this: The software provides the capability to modify voter registrations, create ballots out of thin air that can be printed in areas not monitored by poll watchers, change tabulation results, and even affect what is reported on election night. Thus, each of the vendors carry the same vulnerabilities explained in the linked articles above.

The most prominent of the all-inclusive software is called “TotalVote,” created by election vendor BPro.

When you trace any of the election equipment vendors back far enough, whether its ES&S, Diebold, or Dominion, you will find that their origins converge with many of the same players and assets, switching from company to company. The effect provides a veneer of free market competition when the truth could not be further. Likewise, the vendors of all-inclusive election software appear to have taken a page out of the same book. When you look at the collective coverage of these vendors on a U.S. map, it appears that every election jurisdiction is accounted for.


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5db7b0 No.89344

File: 94c9f6de06b5c0a⋯.png (493.78 KB,1171x920,1171:920,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538485 (122121ZSEP23) Notable: From GA 2020: testimony on figures on voting illegalities

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How do you introduce evidence legally?

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5db7b0 No.89345

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538534 (122128ZSEP23) Notable: From GA 2020: testimony on figures on voting illegalities

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5db7b0 No.89346

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538568 (122133ZSEP23) Notable: #23985

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#23995 >>89301

>>89302 Putin blasts tycoon who fled to Israel

>>89303 Zelensky Issues Veiled Threat To Destabilize Europe If Weapons Flow Curtailed

>>89304 LIVE: House Freedom Caucus holds news conference on govt funding

>>89305 CIA Bribed Analysts To Change Lab-Leak Conclusions: 'Senior-Level' Whistleblower

>>89306, >>89310 Iran Prez Gloats Over Biden $6bn Gift on 9/11.

>>89307 TSA and FEMA Administrators News Conference on National Preparedness Month

>>89308, >>89339, >>89342 Fauci Admits For the Very First Time Vaxxcines are the Leading cause of Myocarditis

>>89309 NEW — The U.S. experienced 23 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in the first eight months of 2023 - But ARE they "climate disasters" or weather manipulations?

>>89311 Comer Presses State Department for Information on then-Vice President Joe Biden’s Sudden Shift on Ukraine Policy

>>89312 FDA rules TODAY that the Phenylephrine in Benadryl and Sudafed from pharmacy shelves doesn't work

>>89313 Bannon: Biden Crime Family Explodes with Anger

>>89308, >>89314, >>89327 Fauci Admits For the Very First Time Vaxxcines are the Leading cause of Myocarditis NO SAUCE SO FAR

>>89315 Bank of America says they're going for a "just energy transistion"

>>89319, >>89316 PJ Media: I’m Really Enjoying the Media Panic About Trump

>>89317, >>89318 Trump's Movement Transcends Politics - American Thinker

>>89320 Comer, Jordan, Smith Statement on Speaker McCarthy Opening an Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden

>>89321, >>89322 BRYAN LEIB: Donald Trump Was The Ultimate Peacemaker President

>>89323 Massive Trump vs. Biden Polling Swing From Four Years Ago to Now

>>89324 Trump v. Clinton and her Cohorts RICO filing

>>89325 Trump's big lead: Among nonvoters, many agree with him that elections are rigged

>>89326 Seth Rich FOIA case filing

>>89328 Gaetz threatens vote to boot McCarthy from speakership, demands compliance with agreement he made with House conservatives

>>89329 5 Former Memphis Police Officers Indicted by Federal Grand Jury in Connection with Fatal Beating of Black Motorist Tyre Nichols

>>89330, >>89334 Sen. Kennedy Corners Clueless Lib on So-Called "Book Bans" on CLEARLY PORNOGRAPHIC books

>>89331 Two 9/11s: Both kill around 3,000 people

>>89332 NASA to release new UFO report on Thursday, Sept. 14

>>89333 DJT RT's "Why I will always support trump"

>>89335 A Buried England mRNA Data Avalanche has been Exposed. We can now Compare the % of All Cause Death (by Vaccination Status) with the % of Vaccine Uptake.

>>89337 Largest NATO War Games Exercise Since Cold War to See 40,000 Troops Prep for Russian Invasion

>>89336 BP CEO Bernard Looney resigns

>>89338 Vladimir Putin said that Moscow develops arms using "new physical principles"

>>89340 PROPAGANDA BLITZ: Left-Wing Orgs Form Coalition To Funnel More Than $500 Million To Local News Outlet

>>89341 Judicial Watch Statement on Impeachment Inquiry into President Joe Biden

>>89343 BPro/KNOWiNK’s Uncertified, Internet-Connected, Cloud-Based Election Systems Are A Problem

>>89344, >>89345 From GA 2020: testimony on figures on voting illegalities


final, baking

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5db7b0 No.89347

File: e7c9609caa6ecc2⋯.png (146.32 KB,1083x390,361:130,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538588 (122136ZSEP23) Notable: #23996

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baker seeking handoff ghosting @20

great digs, memes, prayers

shills sucked



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5db7b0 No.89348

File: b9488473c4bfaeb⋯.jpeg (567.32 KB,1170x638,585:319,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538593 (122137ZSEP23) Notable: Jill Biden and Hillary Clinton Speak at 2023 Praemium Imperiale Laureates Celebration

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5db7b0 No.89349

File: 442ae864036c0a9⋯.png (126.8 KB,764x615,764:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538602 (122138ZSEP23) Notable: Leader of International Money Laundering Network Sentenced for Laundering Millions of Dollars in Drug Proceeds

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Leader of International Money Laundering Network Sentenced for Laundering Millions of Dollars in Drug Proceeds


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5db7b0 No.89350

File: 137815e5b8101df⋯.png (110.12 KB,756x543,252:181,Clipboard.png)

File: f862804514c3a9a⋯.png (122.76 KB,743x564,743:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538618 (122139ZSEP23) Notable: Subcontractor Sentenced to Pay Nearly $9 Million in a Criminal Fine and Restitution for Rigging Bids and Defrauding the U.S. Military

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Subcontractor Sentenced to Pay Nearly $9 Million in a Criminal Fine and Restitution for Rigging Bids and Defrauding the U.S. Military


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5db7b0 No.89351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538631 (122141ZSEP23) Notable: Australia draining cash from the banking system

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Australia is draining cash from the banking system. Take your cash out now before the shortage becomes apparent to everyone

This is also a good way to fight the bastards


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5db7b0 No.89352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538648 (122143ZSEP23) Notable: Archbishop Viganò: Banning abortion is essential to stopping ‘the New World Order subservient to Satan’

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Archbishop Viganò: Banning abortion is essential to stopping ‘the New World Order subservient to Satan’

Abortion is an act of worship to Satan. It is a human sacrifice offered to demons, and this is proudly affirmed by the very adepts of the 'church of Satan.'


You can go to prison because of abortion: prison is the penalty imposed in some nations for those who stop in silent prayer in front of a clinic where children are killed. But you don’t go to jail if you kill an innocent creature.



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5db7b0 No.89353

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538663 (122144ZSEP23) Notable: Jill Biden and Hillary Clinton Speak at 2023 Praemium Imperiale Laureates Celebration

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Hillary Clinton: [Wynton Marsalis] helped remove so many of the racial, social, and intellectual barriers to music.

[there has never been such 'barriers' in jazz music for black musicians]

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5db7b0 No.89354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538671 (122145ZSEP23) Notable: Leader of International Money Laundering Network Sentenced for Laundering Millions of Dollars in Drug Proceeds

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Leader of International Money Laundering Network Sentenced for Laundering Millions of Dollars in Drug Proceeds

A foreign national was sentenced today to 10 years in prison and ordered to forfeit $6 million for conspiracy to commit money laundering after laundering millions of dollars of drug proceeds on behalf of international drug trafficking organizations.

According to court documents, from at least 2014 to 2020, Jianxing Chen, 42, of Belize City, Belize, led and controlled a network of couriers who transported cash generated by the sale of cocaine throughout the United States – including Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, and Atlanta – from those locations to New York City. From there, the cash was laundered through a variety of methods until it, or its equivalent value, was remitted to drug trafficking organizations in Latin America, including Mexico. Chen received “contracts” to transport and launder this money through co-conspirators who were prosecuted and convicted based on the same superseding indictment.

Chen coordinated the laundering of multimillion dollar quantities of drug proceeds from Latin American drug trafficking organizations, including organizations based in Mexico, into the hands of Chinese nationals, who subsequently engaged in a sophisticated scheme to covertly launder the drug money into mainland China, largely circumventing the U.S. financial system.

Chen pleaded guilty on May 23. In October 2021, co-defendant Xizhi Li was sentenced to 15 years in prison for leading the conspiracy to launder tens of millions of dollars for foreign drug trafficking organizations. Li signed a consent order of forfeiture for $10,000,000 to the United States pursuant to his plea.

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5db7b0 No.89355

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538689 (122148ZSEP23) Notable: France Orders Apple iPhone 12 Sales Halted Over Radiation levels surpassing permissible thresholds

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France Orders Apple iPhone 12 Sales Halted Over Radiation

France’s junior minister for the digital economy has declared that Apple is required to cease the sale of its iPhone 12 model in the country due to radiation levels surpassing permissible thresholds. The announcement was made in an interview with Le Parisien, published on Tuesday.

The decision to ban iPhone 12 sales in France was communicated to Apple by France’s radiation regulatory authority, ANFR, subsequent to conducting tests that revealed the smartphone’s Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) slightly exceeded the legal limit, as conveyed by Jean-Noel Barrot to the publication. Apple has not yet responded to the ruling.

Barrot went on to explain that rectifying the radiation issues associated with the phone could be achieved through a software update. The U.S. company has been marketing this model in France since 2020.

“Apple is expected to respond within two weeks”, said Barrot. “If they fail to do so, I am prepared to order a recall of all iPhones 12 in circulation. The rule is the same for everyone, including the digital giants.”


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5db7b0 No.89356

File: 06b788806a8913e⋯.pdf (829.51 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: fcebfaaaf7bdba7⋯.png (298.68 KB,658x576,329:288,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538690 (122149ZSEP23) Notable: Alpha-Gal Syndrome May Be Linked to Vaccine Anaphylaxis

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Alpha-Gal Syndrome May Be Linked to Vaccine Anaphylaxis

A new tick-borne meat allergy known as alpha-gal syndrome is on the rise may be linked with vaccines containing meat byproducts.

“A new tick-borne meat allergy known as alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is making headlines as nearly half a million Americans have reportedly become affected by the potentially life-threatening condition. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cases of AGS are rising and have increased by about 15,000 cases each year between 2017 and 2022.

The recently discovered condition has also been reported in those receiving vaccines containing hydrolyzed gelatin and other byproducts from affected animals, which could explain why some may experience anaphylaxis or meat allergies after vaccination.

Anaphylaxis is an acute, life-threatening hypersensitivity disorder characterized by a generalized, rapidly evolving, multi-systemic allergic reaction.

Alpha-gal (galactose-α-1,3-galactose) is a sugar molecule found in the meat of mammalian tissue, including pork, beef, lamb, deer, goat, and red meat products derived from those mammals, such as dairy products and gelatin, and some pharmaceutical products that use animal ingredients. It is not found in fish, poultry, eggs, reptiles, or people.

Evidence suggests that AGS is primarily associated with a lone star tick bite that causes a person to become infected. The bite transfers the alpha-gal sugar molecule into the body, triggering a reaction from the immune system. Symptoms can also develop after consuming things that contain alpha-gal.”


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5db7b0 No.89357

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538697 (122149ZSEP23) Notable: CIA bribed analysts into Covid-19 conclusion – whistleblower

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This won’t come as a shock to anyone

12 Sep, 2023 20:13

CIA bribed analysts into Covid-19 conclusion – whistleblower

Congress is investigating claims that spies were paid to declare the outbreak was natural

Six CIA analysts on the Covid Discovery Team were “given a significant monetary incentive” to report that the 2019 outbreak of the coronavirus did not originate at a laboratory, two committees of the US House of Representatives said on Tuesday, citing a whistleblower from within the spy agency.

The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) have received“new and concerning whistleblower testimony”regarding the CIA’s investigation into the origins of the pandemic, from aperson described as “a multi-decade, senior-level, current Agency officer.”

According to the whistleblower, six of the seven members of the team believed “the intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low confidence assessment” that the virus originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Only one believed the virus came from an animal, but he was the most senior, according to a letter the two committees sent to CIA Director William Burns.

The six analysts were offered money to change their positionso that the agency could arrive at “the eventual public determination of uncertainty,” the whistleblower told the committee.

HPSCI chair Mike Turner and Coronavirus Subcommittee chair Brad Wenstrup, both Ohio Republicans, requested documents from Burns pertaining to the work of the team. They also asked the former CIA chief operating officer, Andrew Makridis, for a “voluntary interview” on September 26.

The US intelligence community said in June that its multiple agencies could not reach a consensus about where the pandemic originated, with four “elements” believing it was “most likely caused by natural exposure to an animal infected with it or a close progenitor virus,” while only one thought it was “a laboratory-associated incident.” The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said it judged the virus “was not developed as a biological weapon,” however.

The novel coronavirus, later dubbed SARS-CoV-2, was first detected in Wuhan, China in late 2019. Its exact origin and how it came to affect humans remain unknown. The World Health Organization dubbed the disease caused by the virus Covid-19 and declared it a pandemic in March 2020. According to the WHO, there have been more than 770 million cases of Covid-19 and over 6.9 million deaths from the virus since then.

Both the Chinese government and the US health authorities, which were involved in funding the research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, categorically denied the possibility of a lab leak. Any mention of it was banned on most social media platforms as ‘misinformation’ until May 2021, when that policy was suddenly reversed.


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5db7b0 No.89358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538782 (122205ZSEP23) Notable: SEC Chair Gary Gensler testifies on oversight of financial regulator in Senate hearing

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tyb and infinity dubs chek'ed

posting something interesting which everyone seems to have missed today.

Always keep an eye on the means to money and what is habbening around rules.

basically they are shutting the access to crypto markets and capturing and shutting down the useful idiots who have been playing with funny money..




Note: There is a lot of scare tactics going on regarding the liquidation and selling off of FTX crypto assets. most say that the price of bitcoin will drop, what is likely to happen is that the markets will freak tomorrow and the price of crypto will be all over the place, but bitcoin will go up, mainly due to the decision tomorrow but the delay and regulator advisor for the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) which is controlled by Gary Gensler and peekaboo which is controlled by Letitia Ann James who trump has named many many times who has TSD and is a lunatic and went after trump on tax fraud on his business's.




SEC Chair Gary Gensler testifies on oversight of financial regulator in Senate hearing

12,032 views Streamed live 7 hours ago - 12th Sept 2023


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5db7b0 No.89359

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538828 (122215ZSEP23) Notable: Former Bronx Public Charter School Teacher Pleads Guilty In Connection With Sexual Abuse Of Five Former Students

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Former Bronx Public Charter School Teacher Pleads Guilty In Connection With Sexual Abuse Of Five Former Students


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5db7b0 No.89360

File: cea55ec5c5e66ac⋯.png (908.89 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538869 (122221ZSEP23) Notable: Nasa oxygenates Mars as Earth burns

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Nasa makes oxygen on Mars using Perseverance Rover

Sep 12, 2023

A toaster-sized device called Moxie, onboard the American space agency's Perseverance Rover, landed on the Red Planet in February 2021 and has made 122 grams of the gas - enough for an astronaut to breathe for roughly three hours.

Oxygen is one of the main gases that make up air on Earth and is needed by virtually all life on our planet to survive.

Nasa's hope is that future human missions will take much bigger versions of Moxie to the Red Planet rather than carrying tanks of breathable oxygen with them on rockets from Earth.

How does Moxie make oxygen on Mars?

Mars' atmosphere is almost entirely made up of carbon dioxide (CO₂) - 96% of the planet's air contains CO₂.

Oxygen is only at 0.13%, compared with 21% in Earth's atmosphere.

Moxie is able to strip the oxygen atoms from CO₂ molecules, which are made up of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.

Could Moxie mean future human life on Mars?

Not only is oxygen vital for astronauts to breathe it's also an important part of burning rocket fuel when it comes to blasting off into space.

So far, Moxie has produced oxygen on 16 separate occasions since its first attempt, two months after landing on Mars in April 2021 - a result that Nasa says is much better than expected.

"Moxie's impressive performance shows that it is feasible to extract oxygen from Mars' atmosphere - oxygen that could help supply breathable air or rocket propellant to future astronauts," said Pam Melroy from Nasa.


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5db7b0 No.89361

File: a233b73a9505b85⋯.png (114.49 KB,800x1024,25:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538922 (122230ZSEP23) Notable: Xwitter began to censor posts from the American Accountability Foundation (AAF) last week for exposing some of the SEXUAL content promoted to children.

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X, formerly known as Twitter, began to censor posts from the American Accountability Foundation (AAF) last week for exposing some of the content the American Library Association (ALA) and local libraries around the country promote to children.

On Sunday, AAF explained in a Substack newsletter that Elon Musk’s online platform slapped a “sensitive content” warning on “ALL OUR SOCIAL POSTS.” The AAF Twitter account has also been shadowbanned “so that you won’t find us in a search on X.”

In July, the conservative opposition research group published a long and damning thread — which doesn’t even show any pornographic imagery or explicit book excerpts — chronicling the far-left activism of the ALA under its new leadership. Now the whole account is blocked as “sensitive content” unless users have chosen to display sensitive material through their personal settings.

Posts are hidden entirely from internet users not signed in to X.

“Under these rules, you’ll probably find more adult content at the kids’ library than on Twitter,” AAF spokesman Yitz Friedman told The Federalist.

Parents from Georgia to Alaska have similarly been shut down at school board meetings for being too vulgar when they read straight from the books available to their children.

In April last year, the ALA elected a self-professed “Marxist lesbian” to lead the organization, which is responsible for coordinating programs for local libraries across the country. One year later, the Daily Signal reported on a list of 13 books the association recommended as the most “challenged” in the current educational environment, blaming anti-LGBT prejudice.

“It’s time to take action on behalf of authors, library staff, and the communities they serve. ALA calls on readers everywhere to show your commitment to the freedom to read by doing something to protect it,” the ALA announced when it released the list. All the books on the list, however, feature sexually explicit material, some of which is pornographic.

The ALA’s radical activism provoked a movement from conservative state lawmakers, who cut ties between their constituent library commissions and the national association. Missouri Republican Secretary of State John Ashcroft led the movement to disassociate from the umbrella organization with a letter in July. The Montana State Library Commission shortly followed suit. Texas was the latest state to sever ties with the ALA after the Texas State Library and Archives Commission faced pressure from GOP state Rep. Brian Harrison. Lawmakers in at least seven more states have signaled preparations to do the same.

In August, the leaders of 13 conservative groups penned a joint statement demanding federal, state, and local leaders work to strip the ALA of government support and influence.

“The ALA’s ceaseless promotion of obscene materials targeted at children could run afoul of numerous state and federal laws that protect against the proliferation of harmful materials to minors,” they wrote.

The World Library Association (WLA) popped up in July as an alternative to counter the ALA. “The WLA will foster safe environments for librarians, curate valuable reading materials for children, and maintain a public space that promotes information literacy and political neutrality,” read an organization press release.

The group has also pledged resources to help “stand with parents in legal battles for defending their children in school libraries,” featuring “financial support and active assistance.”


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5db7b0 No.89362

File: 0db25453dd9cce3⋯.png (2.27 MB,2054x1222,79:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538946 (122236ZSEP23) Notable: CIA bribed analysts into Covid-19 conclusion – whistleblower

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CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower


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5db7b0 No.89363

File: 68ea899ac7becd4⋯.png (1.46 MB,985x657,985:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538948 (122236ZSEP23) Notable: Nasa oxygenates Mars as Earth burns

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NASA Leadership to Call Agency’s Record-Breaking Astronaut in Space

Sep 11, 2023

During an Earth-to-Space call at 12:05 p.m. EDT Wednesday, Sept. 13, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy will speak with agency astronaut Frank Rubio about his record-breaking mission aboard the International Space Station.

Rubio, who is serving on a year-long mission aboard the orbiting laboratory, today surpassed NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei’s U.S. record of 355 days in space as the longest single spaceflight by an American.

When he lands on Earth at the end of the month, Rubio will have 371 days in space. A list of other NASA station astronaut records is available online.

For more than 22 years, astronauts have continuously lived and worked aboard the space station, testing technologies, performing science, and developing the skills needed to explore farther from Earth.


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5db7b0 No.89364

File: 7311a1b1002cc4d⋯.png (564.25 KB,985x554,985:554,Clipboard.png)

File: b35311d488608e6⋯.png (623.87 KB,985x554,985:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538969 (122241ZSEP23) Notable: Nasa oxygenates Mars as Earth burns

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Webb Discovers Methane, Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere of K2-18 b

Sep 11, 2023

A new investigation with NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope into K2-18 b, an exoplanet 8.6 times as massive as Earth, has revealed the presence of carbon-bearing molecules including methane and carbon dioxide. Webb’s discovery adds to recent studies suggesting that K2-18 b could be a Hycean exoplanet, one which has the potential to possess a hydrogen-rich atmosphere and a water ocean-covered surface.

The first insight into the atmospheric properties of this habitable-zone exoplanet came from observations with NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, which prompted further studies that have since changed our understanding of the system.

K2-18 b orbits the cool dwarf star K2-18 in the habitable zone and lies 120 light-years from Earth in the constellation Leo. Exoplanets such as K2-18 b, which have sizes between those of Earth and Neptune, are unlike anything in our solar system. This lack of equivalent nearby planets means that these ‘sub-Neptunes’ are poorly understood, and the nature of their atmospheres is a matter of active debate among astronomers.

The suggestion that the sub-Neptune K2-18 b could be a Hycean exoplanet is intriguing, as some astronomers believe that these worlds are promising environments to search for evidence for life on exoplanets.

"Our findings underscore the importance of considering diverse habitable environments in the search for life elsewhere," explained Nikku Madhusudhan, an astronomer at the University of Cambridge and lead author of the paper announcing these results. "Traditionally, the search for life on exoplanets has focused primarily on smaller rocky planets, but the larger Hycean worlds are significantly more conducive to atmospheric observations."

The abundance of methane and carbon dioxide, and shortage of ammonia, support the hypothesis that there may be a water ocean underneath a hydrogen-rich atmosphere in K2-18 b. These initial Webb observations also provided a possible detection of a molecule called dimethyl sulfide (DMS). On Earth, this is only produced by life. The bulk of the DMS in Earth’s atmosphere is emitted from phytoplankton in marine environments.

The inference of DMS is less robust and requires further validation. “Upcoming Webb observations should be able to confirm if DMS is indeed present in the atmosphere of K2-18 b at significant levels,” explained Madhusudhan.

While K2-18 b lies in the habitable zone, and is now known to harbor carbon-bearing molecules, this does not necessarily mean that the planet can support life. The planet's large size — with a radius 2.6 times the radius of Earth — means that the planet’s interior likely contains a large mantle of high-pressure ice, like Neptune, but with a thinner hydrogen-rich atmosphere and an ocean surface. Hycean worlds are predicted to have oceans of water. However, it is also possible that the ocean is too hot to be habitable or be liquid.

"Although this kind of planet does not exist in our solar system, sub-Neptunes are the most common type of planet known so far in the galaxy," explained team member Subhajit Sarkar of Cardiff University. “We have obtained the most detailed spectrum of a habitable-zone sub-Neptune to date, and this allowed us to work out the molecules that exist in its atmosphere.”


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5db7b0 No.89365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19538979 (122243ZSEP23) Notable: PA Unelect Senator Festerman mocks McCarthy's impeachment announcement

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Senator mocks McCarthy's impeachment announcement

CNN 17 sec


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5db7b0 No.89366

File: f3f07e1f9ad72ee⋯.png (544.39 KB,1079x675,1079:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539082 (122306ZSEP23) Notable: China deploys over 40 planes to Taiwan Strait, is massing forces at coastal military bases

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China is continuously massing forces at its coastal military bases facing Taiwan, the self-governing island warned Tuesday.

Taiwan said it is bolstering its own defenses in response. The island's Defense Ministry issued a report on the expansion of Chinese airfields and military activity on Taiwan's doorstep, saying China has begun probing Taiwan's territory on a near-daily basis.

"This year, the Chinese Communist Party has aggressively expanded its armaments and continued to build various types of fighter jets and drones," Maj. Gen. Huang Wen-Chi said of the report. "The information we have received is that all important military bases along the coast … are being continuously updated."

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5db7b0 No.89367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539096 (122308ZSEP23) Notable: China deploys over 40 planes to Taiwan Strait, is massing forces at coastal military bases

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5db7b0 No.89368

File: 65b1c40ee96942a⋯.png (557.09 KB,592x862,296:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539255 (122332ZSEP23) Notable: Reporter Owen Shroyer has been sentenced to prison for 60 days for the January 6th Capitol riot even though he did not enter the building.

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Collin Rugg


JUST IN: Reporter Owen Shroyer has been sentenced to prison for 60 days for the January 6th Capitol riot even though he did not enter the building.

The Biden regime is making it clear: 'Challenge us in any way and we will throw you in prison.'

What was Shroyer's crime? Prosecutors say Shroyer "helped create" the riot on J6 and he "amplified lies" about the 2020 election.

“Shroyer helped create January 6,” they claimed.

Basically, he is going to prison for exercising his 1st Amendment rights.



6:08 AM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89369

File: 5bc0724d31cf052⋯.png (429.97 KB,588x571,588:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539277 (122337ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Fauci Now Admits COVID Vaccines Cause Myocarditis

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The Gateway Pundit


SAFE AND EFFECTIVE: Dr. Fauci Now Admits COVID Vaccines Cause Myocarditis (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit


SAFE AND EFFECTIVE: Dr. Fauci Now Admits COVID Vaccines Cause Myocarditis (VIDEO) | The Gateway...

The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr.

8:09 AM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539279 (122337ZSEP23) Notable: Libya floods: Entire neighbourhoods dragged into the sea

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Libya floods: Entire neighbourhoods dragged into the sea


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5db7b0 No.89371

File: 89195d4e49811f0⋯.png (395.28 KB,1059x815,1059:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539282 (122337ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Agent in Hunter Biden Investigation Who Disputes IRS Whistleblower Over Key Meeting With Weiss clearly flipped his previous stance

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Cant Make This Up: FBI Agent in Hunter Biden Investigation Who Disputes IRS Whistleblower Over Key Meeting With Weiss Warned Gun Criminals Last Year: “Gun Crime Equals Federal Time. Which Means No Parole”

By Kristinn Taylor Sep. 12, 2023 6:20 pm


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5db7b0 No.89372

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539319 (122343ZSEP23) Notable: #23996

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#23996 >>89347

>>89357, >>89362 CIA bribed analysts into Covid-19 conclusion – whistleblower

>>89348, >>89353 Jill Biden and Hillary Clinton Speak at 2023 Praemium Imperiale Laureates Celebration

>>89349, >>89354 Leader of International Money Laundering Network Sentenced for Laundering Millions of Dollars in Drug Proceeds

>>89350 Subcontractor Sentenced to Pay Nearly $9 Million in a Criminal Fine and Restitution for Rigging Bids and Defrauding the U.S. Military

>>89351 Australia draining cash from the banking system

>>89352 Archbishop Viganò: Banning abortion is essential to stopping ‘the New World Order subservient to Satan’

>>89355 France Orders Apple iPhone 12 Sales Halted Over Radiation levels surpassing permissible thresholds

>>89356 Alpha-Gal Syndrome May Be Linked to Vaccine Anaphylaxis

>>89358 SEC Chair Gary Gensler testifies on oversight of financial regulator in Senate hearing

>>89359 Former Bronx Public Charter School Teacher Pleads Guilty In Connection With Sexual Abuse Of Five Former Students

>>89360, >>89363, >>89364 Nasa oxygenates Mars as Earth burns

>>89361 Xwitter began to censor posts from the American Accountability Foundation (AAF) last week for exposing some of the SEXUAL content promoted to children.

>>89365 PA Unelect Senator Festerman mocks McCarthy's impeachment announcement

>>89366, >>89367 China deploys over 40 planes to Taiwan Strait, is massing forces at coastal military bases

>>89368 Reporter Owen Shroyer has been sentenced to prison for 60 days for the January 6th Capitol riot even though he did not enter the building.

>>89369 Dr. Fauci Now Admits COVID Vaccines Cause Myocarditis

>>89370 Libya floods: Entire neighbourhoods dragged into the sea

>>89371 FBI Agent in Hunter Biden Investigation Who Disputes IRS Whistleblower Over Key Meeting With Weiss clearly flipped his previous stance


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5db7b0 No.89373

File: e40bbfb51729139⋯.jpeg (23.28 KB,255x245,51:49,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539355 (122350ZSEP23) Notable: #23997

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>can continue or defer

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5db7b0 No.89374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539388 (122355ZSEP23) Notable: VIDEO: Senator John Kennedy reads from obscene childrens' books at Senate Hearing

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VIDEO: Senator John Kennedy reads from obscene childrens' books at Senate Hearing


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5db7b0 No.89375

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539410 (130000ZSEP23) Notable: What is going on in the PA escaped convict?

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What is going on in the PA escaped convict?

He is an illegal alien who has acquaintances in the area. He stopped at a coworker’s house to attain his help in some way. He is accused of stabbing his girlfriend and kids. That’s the story we are being told..

But how can they not catch him? How is this guy outsmarting them? How does this guy have coworkers? What kind of coworkers?

He has been able to obtain a van, which had keys in it, a hair cut and new look, new clothes, and even a gun. Supposedly, he was shot at but missed.

Was this guy working for the FBI or CIA? Does he know too much? Did he really do what they say he did?

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5db7b0 No.89376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539493 (130017ZSEP23) Notable: What is going on in the PA escaped convict?

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Danelo Cavalcante Chester County Pennsylvania - Live Manhunt Day 13 - We are STILL the media now!

Embedded - Aggregate - T-REV 757 - 10,920 watching - https://youtu.be/YdMeQblnyeU

JLR© INVESTIGATEs! - 14,340 watching - https://youtu.be/Z4C18skobWQ

Recovery Addict - 8,019 watching - https://youtu.be/RygoqLcbBn0

Nik Hatziefstathiou - 2,545 watching - https://youtu.be/sBHqrFEYOF8

Surviving The Survivor - 1,394 watching - https://youtu.be/PIqfGGzl6g8

DutyRon -621 watching - https://youtu.be/nNzIoe0Qg_g

LTL Podcast - 167 watching - https://youtu.be/J_oOGr2aJSU

Agenda-Free TV - Just ended this stream, but here it is. 27K views. https://youtu.be/HUH0rzC30oo

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5db7b0 No.89377

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539509 (130021ZSEP23) Notable: Shouldn't elon be tweeting why his earth mesh satellite network is offline to all civilian customers?

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anybody else see starlink being down as a sign of CCP alliance making moves?


medvedev statements over the past 2 days

CCP maritime movements around taiwan

russian mobilization of Iskanders and 700000 troops

nk submarine declarations

Syria demands


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5db7b0 No.89378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539517 (130023ZSEP23) Notable: Shouldn't elon be tweeting why his earth mesh satellite network is offline to all civilian customers?

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What a coincidence... Attack warnings in Ukraine are going up now...

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5db7b0 No.89379

File: d39a8485bba3769⋯.png (26.36 KB,611x251,611:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539537 (130026ZSEP23) Notable: @paulsperry Republicans would be well-advised to match J6 Committee Dems and hold the Biden impeachment inquiry hearings during PRIME-TIME TV hours

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House Republicans would be well-advised to match Jan. 6 Committee Democrats and hold the Biden impeachment inquiry hearings during PRIME-TIME TV hours when more Americans can tune in-and they ought to challenge the BIG 3 networks to carry them LIVE as they did the Jan 6 hearings

2:29 PM · Sep 12, 2023



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5db7b0 No.89380

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539566 (130031ZSEP23) Notable: Shouldn't elon be tweeting why his earth mesh satellite network is offline to all civilian customers?

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Shouldn't elon be tweeting why his earth mesh satellite network is offline to all civilian customers?

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5db7b0 No.89381

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539597 (130035ZSEP23) Notable: RE: CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury COVID lab leak findings

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CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower


The Central Intelligence Agency offered to pay off analysts in order to bury their findings that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, new whistleblower testimony to Congress alleges.

A senior-level CIA officer told House committee leaders that his agency tried to pay off six analysts who found SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a Wuhan lab if they changed their position and said the virus jumped from animals to humans, according to a letter sent Tuesday to CIA Director William Burns.

Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio) requested all documents, communications and pay info from the CIA’s COVID Discovery Team by Sept. 26.

“According to the whistleblower, at the end of its review, six of the seven members of the Team believed the intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low confidence assessment that COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China,” the House panel chairmen wrote.

CIA Director William Burns

The CIA offered to pay off analysts in order to bury their findings that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, according to a letter sent to Director William Burns.

Getty Images

Wuhan Institute of Virology

A senior-level CIA officer told House committee leaders that his agency tried to pay off six analysts who found SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a Wuhan lab if they changed their position.


“The seventh member of the Team, who also happened to be the most senior, was the lone officer to believe COVID-19 originated through zoonosis.”

“The whistleblower further contends that to come to the eventual public determination of uncertainty, the other six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their position,” they said, noting that the analysts were “experienced officers with significant scientific expertise.”

Wenstrup and Turner also asked for documents and communications between the CIA and other federal agencies, including the State Department, the FBI, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Energy Department.

View this document on Scribd

View this document on Scribd

In a separate letter, the House committee leaders identified former CIA chief operating officer Andrew Makridis as having “played a central role” in the COVID investigation and asked him to sit for a transcribed interview.

“At CIA we are committed to the highest standards of analytic rigor, integrity, and objectivity. We do not pay analysts to reach specific conclusions,” CIA Director of Public Affairs Tammy Kupperman Thorp told The Post in a statement. “We take these allegations extremely seriously and are looking into them. We will keep our Congressional oversight committees appropriately informed.”

Makridis did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The FBI was the first US intelligence agency to conclude the COVID-19 pandemic most likely originated with a lab leak. In February, the Energy Department also concluded a lab leak was likely, based on new intelligence.

Andrew Makridis

In a separate letter, the House committee leaders identified former CIA chief operating officer Andrew Makridis as having “played a central role” in the probe and asked to interview him.

The US intelligence community declassified its 10-page reporton COVID origins in June, which found “biosafety concerns” and “genetic engineering” taking place at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but most of its “agencies assess that SARS-CoV-2 was not genetically engineered.”


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5db7b0 No.89382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539598 (130035ZSEP23) Notable: RE: CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury COVID lab leak findings

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Several scientists at the Wuhan lab also became sick in the fall of 2019 with symptoms “consistent with but not diagnostic of COVID-19,” the report states.

The CIA and one other intelligence agency “remain unable to determine the precise origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, as both hypotheses rely on significant assumptions or face challenges with conflicting reporting,” it says.

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio)

Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) in the letter requested all documents, communications and pay information from the CIA.


Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio)

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio) in the letter said the analysts were “experienced officers with significant scientific expertise.”

Getty Images

But some former US intelligence officials have disagreed with the assessment. In April, former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told Congress that the so-called “lab leak theory” was the “only” credible explanation for the pandemic, which has since claimed the lives of nearly 7 million people across the globe, according to the World Health Organization.

“My informed assessment as a person with as much access as anyone to our government’s intelligence … has been and continues to be that a lab leak is the only explanation credibly supported by our intelligence, by science and by common sense,” Ratcliffe told the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic in a hearing.

“If our intelligence and evidence supporting a lab leak was placed side by side with our intelligence and evidence pointing to a natural origins or spillover theory, the lab leak side of the ledger would be long, convincing, even overwhelming — while the spillover side would be nearly empty and tenuous,” added Ratcliffe, a former Texas Republican congressman who served as President Donald Trump’s second and last director of national intelligence.

Wuhan Institute of Virology

In April, former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told Congress that the so-called “lab leak theory” was the “only” credible explanation for the pandemic.


As the former number three official at the CIA during the pandemic, Makridis coordinated his agency’s response to COVID before retiring in 2022.

He now serves as a senior adviser at Beacon Global Strategies.

The strategic advisory firm also says on its website that he spent “over a decade in the Directorate of Intelligence working and then leading the technical analysis of Russian, Chinese, Iranian, and North Korean strategic weapons and space capabilities.”

2 of 2

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5db7b0 No.89383

File: c4b3453ef0f0b06⋯.png (1.06 MB,1902x1015,1902:1015,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539609 (130036ZSEP23) Notable: PF: USAF E-4 Nightwatch 73-1677. Was flying with no callsign. Has now changed to ORDER66

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

USAF E-4 Nightwatch 73-1677. Was flying with no callsign. Has now changed to ORDER66. Looks to be on descent into Offutt AFB.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89384

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539697 (130050ZSEP23) Notable: Great thread on the Paxton impeachment.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Great thread on the Paxton impeachment.


Self nom asnotable

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5db7b0 No.89385

File: f49504ed4cdf928⋯.png (479.83 KB,591x594,197:198,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539701 (130052ZSEP23) Notable: RE: CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury COVID lab leak findings

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


CIA Whistleblower Exposes Agency’s Action to Manipulate COVID-19 Origin Investigation, Offers “Significant Monetary Incentive” to Discredit Wuhan Lab Theory via @gatewaypundit


CIA Whistleblower Exposes Agency's Action to Manipulate COVID-19 Origin Investigation, Offers...

Every day, more evidence appears to emerge that our own government is corrupt to the core.

4:05 AM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89386

File: 005ca31ebcb0299⋯.png (97.35 KB,585x528,195:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539715 (130054ZSEP23) Notable: Here's Why Housing Is Unaffordable For The Bottom 90%: The Fed's decades of unprecedented stimulus

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Here's Why Housing Is Unaffordable For The Bottom 90%


Here's Why Housing Is Unaffordable For The Bottom 90%

...direct consequence of The Fed's decades of unprecedented stimulus

2:10 AM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89387

File: 9c25e7f2adbf0f5⋯.png (233.63 KB,597x898,597:898,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539720 (130056ZSEP23) Notable: @ChristinaPushaw simps for Ukraine

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Laura Loomer


WATCH: Newly uncovered footage I posted below shows @ChristinaPushaw

talking about how “she knows Ukraine well”. In the video she explains why she’s so invested in Ukraine.

She was living in the country of Georgia for 2 years before working for @RonDeSantis

and had no background in Florida politics.

She calls herself a “libertarian” and pushes for more support for Ukraine for the sake of “development”.

Listen to her speak and then ask yourself:

Is Pushaw a pro-Ukrainian asset intended to influence the US Presidential election with pro-Ukraine policies? Would explain why she hasn’t been fired yet if there’s some larger goal at hand with her having the position she has.

Very bizarre how a valley girl from California with poor public speaking skills and is fixated on bolstering candidates who are supported abroad by George Soros is now working as the “rapid response director” for @RonDeSantis

’s campaign.

You don’t just get to work for the Governor of Florida when more qualified candidates who live in Florida apply for the job.

She is a globalist. Listen to the video.

Last edited

2:57 AM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89388

File: 837293de223112e⋯.png (888.39 KB,676x703,676:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539750 (130100ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Biden’s DHS Losing Track of Almost 20% of Border Crossers Freed into U.S.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bombshell Federal Probe: Joe Biden’s

DHS Losing Track of Almost 20% of Border

Crossers Freed into U.S.

Breitbart Immigration, by John Binder

Posted By: Imright, 9/12/2023 5:05:28 PM

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is losing track of nearly two in ten border crossers released into the United States, a report from federal investigators suggests. DHS Inspector General (IG) Joseph Cuffari issued his office’s audit of the agency’s massive Catch and Release network, through which officials are supposed to keep contact with the tens of thousands of border crossers they release into American communities every month. According to the IG report, from March 2021 through August 2022, Biden’s DHS lost track of more than 177,000 border crossers released into the U.S. interior of the roughly 981,000 that were reviewed for the audit.

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5db7b0 No.89389

File: 9d5a82eb8de842d⋯.png (569.7 KB,587x880,587:880,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539759 (130102ZSEP23) Notable: Missouri Transgender children’s clinic under investigation for ‘pressuring parents to give hormone drugs to 600 children’

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Oli London


Missouri Transgender children’s clinic under investigation for ‘pressuring parents to give hormone drugs to 600 children’ is set to cease all medical transitions on children thanks to a Missouri ban on gender affirming procedures for under 18’s.

Washington University Transgender Center is alleged to have forced 600 children onto puberty blockers, hormones and irreversible surgeries.

The center has announced an end to the procedures due to a new Missouri state law.

In a statement issued by the hospital they said the center “will no longer prescribe puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones to minors for purposes of gender transition.”

A former employee and whistleblower at the hospital previously revealed that doctors would readily prescribe harmful drugs to children without any mental health evaluations.

Source: Daily Mail



2:18 AM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89390

File: 4dd73842a4c9196⋯.png (50.28 KB,663x371,663:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539769 (130103ZSEP23) Notable: US-Mexico border is officially the DEADLIEST in the world: At least 686 deaths and more missing this year

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US-Mexico border is officially the DEADLIEST

in the world: At least 686 deaths and

multiple migrants going missing makes

it the most dangerous crossing

Daily Mail (UK), by Claudia Aoraha

Posted By: Imright, 9/12/2023 3:24:50 PM

The US-Mexico border is the world's deadliest land migration route - with hundreds losing their lives and going missing while attempting to make perilous crossings. The International Organization for Migration documented 686 deaths and disappearances among migrants on the US-Mexico frontier last year - but the actual figure is likely higher due missing data. A total of 1,457 fatalities were recorded along migration routes in the Americas in 2022 - marking the deadliest year on record in the region since at least 2014, when the agency first started documenting deaths and disappearances.

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5db7b0 No.89391

File: 5f0ca2d41a44a3c⋯.png (394.77 KB,590x575,118:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539791 (130106ZSEP23) Notable: Hawaii State Attorney General to Decide on What Information to Release Publicly Regarding Maui Wildfire to “Protect the Integrity” of the Investigation

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The Gateway Pundit


Hawaii State Attorney General to Decide on What Information to Release Publicly Regarding Maui Wildfire to “Protect the Integrity” of the Investigation (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit


Hawaii State Attorney General to Decide on What Information to Release Publicly Regarding Maui...

Hawaii State Attorney General Anne E.

2:19 AM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89392

File: ab548bb55266df4⋯.png (17.17 KB,596x214,298:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539809 (130109ZSEP23) Notable: Seoul to pay up to W30m each for post-COVID jab deaths

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South Korea will be compensating the families of ALL people who have died within 90 days of the covid shot.

Looks like the truth is finally beginning to come out...

8:01 AM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89393

File: d941f0a885c4269⋯.png (444.58 KB,596x535,596:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539817 (130110ZSEP23) Notable: Great thread on the Paxton impeachment.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Luke Macias


8 more minutes of pure gold from the @KenPaxtonTX

legal team today.

This is the case that the liberals in the Texas House are making. #txlege #PaxtonImpeachment

4:56 PM · Sep 11, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89394

File: 8395eceba5e2946⋯.png (42.53 KB,1279x286,1279:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539824 (130111ZSEP23) Notable: RE: CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury COVID lab leak findings

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Info on New Bombshell Testimony Involving

the CIA and COVID Was Just Released

Townhall, by Katie Pavlich

Posted By: 4250Luis, 9/12/2023 2:09:57 PM

The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released information about new bombshell testimony Tuesday alleging senior Central Intelligence Agency officials bribed CIA analysts to reject the COVID-19 lab leak theory, despite evidence showing the disease likely came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology."A multi-decade, senior-level, current Agency officer has come forward to provide information to the Committees regarding the Agency’s analysis into the origins of COVID-19. According to the whistleblower, the Agency assigned seven officers to a COVID Discovery Team (Team). The Team consisted of multi-disciplinary and experienced officers with significant scientific expertise.

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5db7b0 No.89395

File: 050e6733cb9dbbf⋯.png (313.06 KB,595x683,595:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539842 (130114ZSEP23) Notable: US bought up nearly ALL the global stock of the drug Remdesivir before banning and demeaning other treatments like Ivermectin or HCQ

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Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit


No amnesty.

Nuremberg 2.0.






Did you know at the start of the plandemic in 2020, the US bought up nearly ALL the global stock of the drug Remdesivir before banning and demeaning other treatments like Ivermectin or HCQ?

Remember how quick mortality spiked when people first started going to hospitals for… Show more

11:19 AM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89396

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539866 (130117ZSEP23) Notable: Seoul to pay up to W30m each for post-COVID jab deaths

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Seoul to pay up to W30m each for post-COVID jab deaths

By Son Ji-hyoung Published : Sept. 6, 2023

Lawmakers and government officials on Wednesday agreed to increase the amount of condolence money to families of those who died following COVID-19 vaccinations, regardless of whether the vaccination itself was confirmed to be the cause of death.

From September, families will be eligible to get up to 30 million won ($22,500) in condolence money if a family member dies within 90 days of having received the COVID-19 vaccine, even if the cause of death can not be identified in an autopsy. Since July 2022, 10 million won had been given if the death occurred within 42 days of having received the shot.

Families can now get up to 20 million won even if autopsies were not conducted.

Separately, families of those who died within three days of inoculation but had not been eligible for any government aid previously can now get at least 10 million won, while the amount could go up to 30 million won depending on the severity of the side effects.

These measures also apply retroactively, according to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency.

people trusted the state and went to get vaccinated," Rep. Park Dae-chul of the ruling People Power Party said during a meeting between the ruling party and the government at the National Assembly.

"In this regard, it is the state's responsibility to tackle the blind spot in helping out those who fell victim to the vaccination policy."

This move comes as there have been growing calls to widen the scope of eligibility for those to receive either condolence money in which case the government does not necessarily admit liability or compensation as a result of the government's recognition of its liability.

The KDCA came under fire in a parliamentary meeting at the National Assembly on Aug. 25 over its recent decision to appeal to a court ruling that recognized the state's liability to compensate for injuries after the vaccination.

In July, the Seoul Administrative Court ordered the KDCA not to refuse compensation to the family of a man who suffered deadly brain injuries six days after the vaccination in October 2021, when he was 34.

The court ruling showed that, as COVID-19 vaccines earned the emergency use authorization instead of a full-fledged approval, an epidemiological causality between the vaccination and his death cannot be ruled out.

KDCA chief Jee Young-mee argued that the court ruling neglects the recommendation of a group of experts regarding the case, and that they would appeal. The comment drew a slew of criticism from lawmakers who said the decision could undermine public trust in the government.

So far, Korea has recognized 11 types of side effects caused by COVID vaccinations, including anaphylaxis, myocarditis and pericarditis, and those who died of such symptoms or suffered severe injuries were eligible for 480 billion won in monetary compensation plus funeral costs. Those suffering less severe injuries could get 55 percent of the compensation.

Korea also lists 15 other symptoms, including abnormal uterine bleeding, transverse myelitis and Bell's Palsy, as potential post-jab side effects. But those who suffered from any of the 15 were not eligible for compensation. Instead, they were only given condolence money of up to 100 million won in case of death.

Korea in July 2022 started to dole out condolence money to those who died after the vaccination whose cause of death was not identifiable, in line with an election campaign pledge by President Yoon Suk Yeol, who was inaugurated in May 2022.

Nearly 30 percent of some 96,000 complaints regarding vaccine side effect claims have been accepted by the government as of August. Among them were bereaved families of 83 people who died after vaccination following the government mandate. Eighteen of the 83 were eligible for compensation for their deaths, while the families of the remaining 65 received condolence money.



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5db7b0 No.89397

File: eb286042cd96ec1⋯.png (203.01 KB,410x494,205:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e66df273071541⋯.png (562.81 KB,708x594,118:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539872 (130119ZSEP23) Notable: RE: CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury COVID lab leak findings

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Serious whistleblower allegations from the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic -

The CIA gave a "significant monetary incentive" to CIA officers to change their position that COVID-19 originated from a Wuhan lab.

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5db7b0 No.89398

File: fde15ab14f525f3⋯.png (111.49 KB,385x502,385:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539883 (130122ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk Addresses the ADL Controversy, Says They Have 'Been Captured by the Woke Agenda'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Elon Musk Addresses the ADL Controversy, Says They Have 'Been Captured by the Woke Agenda'

"The issue with the ADL is not a question of hate speech...It's that the ADL, and a lot of other organizations, have become activist organizations which are acting far beyond their stated mandate"



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5db7b0 No.89399

File: 08d21c8de4d89db⋯.png (221.89 KB,392x516,98:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539891 (130124ZSEP23) Notable: State Dept spokesman Matt Miller panics and refuses to comment on USAID funding of gain of function on Coronaviruses

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⚠️Bioweapons Alert⚠️

Journalist gets too close to the big secret!

State Dept spokesman Matt Miller panics and refuses to comment on USAID funding of gain of function on Coronaviruses!

USAID is the CIA proxy that funds bioweapons research in Ukraine as well.


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5db7b0 No.89400

File: c49ca4fc3469adf⋯.png (1003.16 KB,1441x1007,1441:1007,Clipboard.png)

File: 5217dc2918add35⋯.png (22.29 KB,1017x306,113:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539895 (130126ZSEP23) Notable: PF: Unidentified fast mover up from Buckley Space Force Base, Denver. Call sign RE11 14. Hex ID AE5452 decodes as an F-16. Speed1,104 knots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Unidentified fast mover up from Buckley Space Force Base, Denver. Call sign RE11 14. Hex ID AE5452 decodes as an F-16. Speed1,104 knots!


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5db7b0 No.89401

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539914 (130129ZSEP23) Notable: State Dept spokesman Matt Miller panics and refuses to comment on USAID funding of gain of function on Coronaviruses

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


USAID> Ecohealth Alliance/Peter Daszak> UNC > Wuhan Labs> Chales Lieber>DARPA

US Govt made the bioweapon AND the follow on mrna nanoweapon. DARPA funded Pfizer and moderna in 2013 to make the mrna tech, and USAID funded Ecohealth Alliance, Lieber, UNC, Wuhan, NIH, etc to make the viral weapon.

And the shit is about to become common, global knowledge, it appears.

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5db7b0 No.89402

File: d262f402bf3a112⋯.png (947.15 KB,947x1526,947:1526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539942 (130133ZSEP23) Notable: Flynn calls on Speaker McCarthy to step down.

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Flynn calls on Speaker McCarthy to step down.


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5db7b0 No.89403

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89404

File: da3102a41ff3134⋯.png (557.58 KB,1002x561,334:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e316e26a6ab9f0⋯.png (361.31 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539960 (130136ZSEP23) Notable: PF: Unidentified fast mover up from Buckley Space Force Base, Denver. Call sign RE11 14. Hex ID AE5452 decodes as an F-16. Speed1,104 knots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>Hope he's meeting a tanker or you'll be seeing him back shortly. Those go-fasters go through a LOT of JP-4 to do that.

kek, there just so happens to be one very nearby.

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5db7b0 No.89405

File: 5a0bbb3d07f5cbe⋯.png (892.76 KB,1200x900,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539972 (130139ZSEP23) Notable: Kim Jong-un arrives in Russia for meeting with Putin

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>Kim Jung Un arrives in Russia for meeting with Putin.

Would it kill you to post more than that??

North Korea's Kim Jong-un arrives in Russia for meeting with Putin


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5db7b0 No.89406

File: d33da2a585d21eb⋯.png (597.08 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539973 (130139ZSEP23) Notable: PF: Unidentified fast mover up from Buckley Space Force Base, Denver. Call sign RE11 14. Hex ID AE5452 decodes as an F-16. Speed1,104 knots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


looks like he may have already refueled. the F-16 being all spoopy with his ADS-B. But appears to have been tracking with the KC-135.

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5db7b0 No.89407

File: 9b430b60a7a38fe⋯.png (775.84 KB,1177x635,1177:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539986 (130141ZSEP23) Notable: Plebbit bans QAnon again

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Reddit’s QAnon ban points to how it’s tracking toxic communities

Contain a virus, and it doesn’t spread

By Bijan Stephen

Sep 12, 2018, 9:13 AM GMT-11|

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5db7b0 No.89408

File: ac154951382c88e⋯.png (688.72 KB,886x404,443:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539991 (130142ZSEP23) Notable: Plebbit bans QAnon again

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89409

File: eb70a67bc73e670⋯.png (41.71 KB,929x459,929:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19539998 (130144ZSEP23) Notable: Plebbit bans QAnon again

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




C ulture

Internet Culture

Reddit bans QAnon subreddit that featured pro-Trump conspiracy theories

It was taken down for content policy violations, Reddit said.



Abrar Al-Heeti Video producer / CNET

Abrar Al-Heeti is a video host and producer for CNET, with an interest in internet trends, entertainment, pop culture and digital accessibility. Before joining the video team, she was a writer for CNET's culture team. She graduated with bachelor's and master's degrees in journalism from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Though Illinois is home, she now loves San Francisco - steep inclines and all.

Expertise Abrar has spent her career at CNET breaking down the latest trends on TikTok, Twitter and Instagram, while also reporting on diversity and inclusion initiatives in Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Credentials

Named a Tech Media Trailblazer by the Consumer Technology Association in 2019, a winner of SPJ NorCal's Excellence in Journalism Awards in 2022 and has twice been a finalist in the LA Press Club's National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Awards.

See full bio

Abrar Al-Heeti

Sept. 12, 2018 1:22

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5db7b0 No.89410

File: 21f55cbbc0d7073⋯.png (250.44 KB,382x484,191:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540051 (130151ZSEP23) Notable: FDA regulators reverse themselves, now say America's leading cold medicines don't actually work

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NEW: FDA regulators reverse themselves, now say America's leading cold medicines don't actually work


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5db7b0 No.89411

File: 38c2464fb098777⋯.png (163.04 KB,391x403,391:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540071 (130153ZSEP23) Notable: Another Former NFL Sportsballer Dead at 36

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🔴 Former NFL Receiver Dead at 36


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5db7b0 No.89412

File: aee2f3d12cb0cb8⋯.png (606.55 KB,998x560,499:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540082 (130155ZSEP23) Notable: The Socrates Ukraine [AI] Seminar will take place from October 3 to October 6, 2019 at the Aspen Institute Kyiv

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Aspen Institute Kyiv, the Socrates Ukraine Seminar will take place from October 3 to October 6, 2019.

Unlocking the Potential of Artificial Intelligence

Recent breakthroughs in the development of artificial intelligence is generating ever more excitement among the tech community, academia and broader audiences. While AI will undoubtedly unlock significant societal benefits and opportunities, like any transformative technology, it also presents new challenges and risks. Governments around the world are exploring policy and regulatory approaches to ensure the benefits of AI are widely shared while addressing concerns around safety, privacy and security, ethics, job automation, intellectual property and other potentially negative implications of the technology.

This seminar will use these issues as a backdrop to examine considerations for the ethical development and application of AI technology. We will also explore how the technical underpinnings of recent developments in AI have the potential to solve some of the world’s most difficult problems, while also creating new challenges.


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5db7b0 No.89413

File: 468a5fba14b4c68⋯.png (115.6 KB,384x410,192:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540095 (130156ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Agent Who Helped with Trump-Russia Probe Begs Judge for Patience After Conspiring with Russian Oligarch

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FBI Agent Who Helped with Trump-Russia Probe Begs Judge for Patience After Conspiring with Russian Oligarch

READ: http://w-j.co/s/80d27

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5db7b0 No.89414

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540102 (130158ZSEP23) Notable: #23997

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#23997 >>89373

>>89381, >>89382, >>89385, >>89394, >>89397, >>89403 RE: CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury COVID lab leak findings

>>89399, >>89401 State Dept spokesman Matt Miller panics and refuses to comment on USAID funding of gain of function on Coronaviruses

>>89392, >>89396 Seoul to pay up to W30m each for post-COVID jab deaths

>>89374 VIDEO: Senator John Kennedy reads from obscene childrens' books at Senate Hearing

>>89375, >>89376 What is going on in the PA escaped convict?

>>89377, >>89378, >>89380 Shouldn't elon be tweeting why his earth mesh satellite network is offline to all civilian customers?

>>89379 @paulsperry Republicans would be well-advised to match J6 Committee Dems and hold the Biden impeachment inquiry hearings during PRIME-TIME TV hours

>>89383 PF: USAF E-4 Nightwatch 73-1677. Was flying with no callsign. Has now changed to ORDER66

>>89400, >>89404, >>89406 PF: Unidentified fast mover up from Buckley Space Force Base, Denver. Call sign RE11 14. Hex ID AE5452 decodes as an F-16. Speed1,104 knots

>>89384, >>89393 Great thread on the Paxton impeachment.

>>89386 Here's Why Housing Is Unaffordable For The Bottom 90%: The Fed's decades of unprecedented stimulus

>>89387 @ChristinaPushaw simps for Ukraine

>>89388 Joe Biden’s DHS Losing Track of Almost 20% of Border Crossers Freed into U.S.

>>89389 Missouri Transgender children’s clinic under investigation for ‘pressuring parents to give hormone drugs to 600 children’

>>89390 US-Mexico border is officially the DEADLIEST in the world: At least 686 deaths and more missing this year

>>89391 Hawaii State Attorney General to Decide on What Information to Release Publicly Regarding Maui Wildfire to “Protect the Integrity” of the Investigation

>>89395 US bought up nearly ALL the global stock of the drug Remdesivir before banning and demeaning other treatments like Ivermectin or HCQ

>>89398 Elon Musk Addresses the ADL Controversy, Says They Have 'Been Captured by the Woke Agenda'

>>89402 Flynn calls on Speaker McCarthy to step down.

>>89405 Kim Jong-un arrives in Russia for meeting with Putin

>>89409, >>89408, >>89407 Plebbit bans QAnon again

>>89410 FDA regulators reverse themselves, now say America's leading cold medicines don't actually work

>>89411 Another Former NFL Sportsballer Dead at 36

>>89412 The Socrates Ukraine [AI] Seminar will take place from October 3 to October 6, 2019 at the Aspen Institute Kyiv

>>89413 FBI Agent Who Helped with Trump-Russia Probe Begs Judge for Patience After Conspiring with Russian Oligarch


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5db7b0 No.89415

File: 0af4f4c138ee318⋯.mp4 (2.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540137 (130204ZSEP23) Notable: #23998

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>seeking handoff

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5db7b0 No.89416

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540190 (130215ZSEP23) Notable: Federal Reserve has officially reported a loss of $57 billion for the first six months of 2023

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Lots of Red Ink at the Fed

1 HOUR AGOAlex J. Pollock

The Federal Reserve has officially reported a loss of $57 billion for the first six months of 2023. Quite a number! So the “Federal Reserve Banks Combined Quarterly Financial Report as of June 30, 2023” (CQFR)—a little-known document—is especially notable for its red ink. We can anticipate an annual loss of over $100 billion for 2023 and for the losses to continue into 2024.


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5db7b0 No.89417

File: 61eb5cc7a6d79ae⋯.png (2.29 MB,828x1173,12:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540242 (130226ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Regime is planning to fork over another $1.4 BIL to Big Pharma as part of a new scam called Project NexGen

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>Biden Regime is planning to fork over another $1.4 BIL in taxpayer monies to, not Volodymyr Zelensky directly this time, but rather to Big Pharma as part of a new scam called Project NexGen! Project NextGen aims to generate even more profits for Big Pharma using Tax Dollars to buy up booster jabs...

> sauce.


NextGen-ocide: Project NextGen aims to generate even more profits for Big Pharma by using American tax dollars to buy up $1.4 billion in COVID booster jabs that otherwise would not be purchased outright by pretty much anyone. So, Big Pharma will receive this massive cash injection for free, a process also known as corporate socialism.

You see, the right wing especially loves to complain about socialism whenever it stands to benefit regular folks. They are all too eager to send billions to the pharmaceutical and vaccine industries, though – as is the left wing, since both wings belong to the same evil bird...

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5db7b0 No.89418

File: 7bb77b2eab81d85⋯.png (882.07 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540247 (130227ZSEP23) Notable: Rudy Giuliani Walked Out on 9-11 Ceremony After Kamala Disgraces Memory of the 2,977 Victims

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“I Couldn’t Take it Anymore. I Just Couldn’t Take Standing There With Them” – Rudy Giuliani Walks Out on 9-11 Ceremony After Kamala Disgraces Memory of the 2,977 Victims


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5db7b0 No.89419

File: d44de81ee3babc8⋯.png (289.25 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540263 (130230ZSEP23) Notable: Top Law Firms Illegally Discriminating Against Whites.

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Top Law Firms Illegally Discriminating Against Whites. 5 American Top Law Firms operate diversity programs excluding white applicants or explicitly favor minorities. Experts say, creating a target rich environment for conservative litigants to take advantage of the SCOTUS affirmative action ruling..

Meet The Top-Flight Law Firms Running Illegal Diversity Programs

Five of America’s top law firms operate diversity programs that exclude white applicants or explicitly favor minorities, creating what experts say is a target rich environment for conservative litigants seeking to press the advantage in the wake of the Sup...


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5db7b0 No.89420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540266 (130230ZSEP23) Notable: What really happened with the Clintons in Haiti?

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What really happened with the Clintons in Haiti?

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5db7b0 No.89421

File: cc1d92d94f689b6⋯.png (318.55 KB,768x497,768:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540269 (130231ZSEP23) Notable: Whoever is running the drudge report these days just had an aneurysm

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PANIC: Whoever is running the drudge report these days just had an aneurysm


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5db7b0 No.89422

File: ca615469d0fc03d⋯.png (952.87 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540278 (130232ZSEP23) Notable: Ron DeSantis accused of being responsible for "Missing Melania" flyers distributed at Iowa event

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Ron DeSantis accused of being responsible for "Missing Melania" flyers distributed at Iowa event [where President Trump was warmly received while DeSantis wasn't] and a "Where's Melania?" airplane banner.

Ron DeSantis Harasses Melania Trump With ‘Missing Person’ Flyers At Iowa Football Game


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5db7b0 No.89423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540324 (130239ZSEP23) Notable: What really happened with the Clintons in Haiti?

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US missionaries in Haiti charged with kidnapping

In Haiti, 10 US missionaries have been charged with child kidnapping and criminal association.

The five men and five women are accused of attempting to smuggle dozens of children out of the country.

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5db7b0 No.89424

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540329 (130240ZSEP23) Notable: What really happened with the Clintons in Haiti?

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"The doctor was one of the first international doctors to reach HAITI in 2010 following a devastating earthquake and performed more than 100 surgeries there, his lawyer told the judge at his bail hearing, according to the Current."

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5db7b0 No.89425

File: 05531451cba75bf⋯.png (523.27 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540340 (130241ZSEP23) Notable: Ken Buck Flips, Says Biden Impeachment Inquiry Is a 'Good Idea'

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Ken Buck Flips, Says Biden Impeachment Inquiry Is a 'Good Idea'

Rep. Ken Buck, the chief GOP opponent of opening an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, has changed his mind, stating Tuesday it is a "good idea."


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5db7b0 No.89426

File: b60fa18efb3116a⋯.png (96.7 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540343 (130242ZSEP23) Notable: Russia's Navy Port At Sevastopol On Fire After Massive Ukraine Missile Attack

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Sevastopol comes under missile attack – governor

Russian air defenses have engaged multiple hostile targets over Crimea, according to the governor of Sevastopol

Ukrainian forces have attempted to target the Crimean port of Sevastopol, according to Mikhail Razvozhaev, the governor of the strategic city which hosts Russia’s Black Sea fleet.

“Approximately 20 minutes ago, our enemies attacked Sevastopol,” Razvozhaev wrote in a Telegram post around 3:40am Wednesday morning.

The official said that air defenses were activated against the suspected missiles, but the attack triggered a fire at a “non-civilian” facility in the city’s industrial district.

There were no immediate reports of casualties or information about the extent of the damage on the ground. Several photos and videos shared by Russian Telegram news channels purportedly showed an explosion and fire in the vicinity of one of the city’s shipbuilding yards.

All traffic on the Crimean Bridge was briefly stopped as a precaution during the incident. Razvozhaev said that all security services “continue to monitor the situation,” urging residents to remain calm and only trust official sources of information.

The Russian Defense Ministry has yet to comment on the incident or clarify the type of missiles or drones used in the latest strike on Crimea.

In recent months, Ukraine repeatedly launched drones at Crimea, where they were met with intense Russian air defenses. Groups of two to three UAVs also targeted the Moscow City trade center in the Russian capital, causing minor property damage but no casualties. The Kremlin has dismissed the attacks as a “nuisance” and an act of desperation, intended to distract from Kiev’s failures on the battlefield.


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5db7b0 No.89427

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540363 (130244ZSEP23) Notable: What really happened with the Clintons in Haiti?

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Legal adviser for Americans in Haiti facing his own charges

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5db7b0 No.89428

File: fe70438914eaf69⋯.png (821.95 KB,962x927,962:927,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540434 (130253ZSEP23) Notable: Rothschild family succeed in bid to take bank private

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NEW - Rothschild family succeed in bid to take bank private

2:45 PM · Sep 12, 2023·31.6K Views

September 12, 2023 1:05 pm


The Rothschild family has succeeded in its takeover bid of Rothschild & Co. announced in July with the goal of taking the investment bank private, French financial markets regulator AMF said Tuesday.

Concordia, the holding company for the family, now holds 95.65 percent of the share capital and 95.79 percent of the voting rights in the centuries-old business, following the tender closing on September 8.

In February, Concordia, the bank’s largest shareholder with nearly 40 percent of the capital, announced its plans to file a takeover bid and acquire the shares in the bank that it did not own.

“On the strength of this result, Concordia will shortly formulate a request to the AMF to implement the mandatory delisting” of the bank’s shares on the stock exchange, the firm said in a statement Tuesday.

In order to execute a mandatory delisting, Concordia had to hold at least 90 percent of shares.

The holding company in February noted that none of the group’s businesses “required the use of capital markets” and that the private status “appears more relevant”.

The fabled banking dynasty was founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild in Frankfurt in the 18th century.

His five sons branched out in Frankfurt, London, Paris, Vienna and Naples in the early 19th century.

More recently, the bank is famous for having employed Emmanuel Macron before he became president of France.

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5db7b0 No.89429

File: f89f4f3fe5bcd17⋯.png (639.72 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540457 (130255ZSEP23) Notable: UK: Channel migrants will face x-rays and MRI scans to determine their age

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UK: Channel migrants will face x-rays and MRI scans to determine their age and stop men from sneaking into Britain posing as children / Can we also get that?

Channel migrants will face x-rays and MRI scans to determine their age

MRIs of knees and collar bones could be used to check people arriving across the Channel in small boats along with X-rays of teeth, hands and wrists.


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5db7b0 No.89430

File: 14fc7fdf725973e⋯.png (264.72 KB,1483x526,1483:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540459 (130255ZSEP23) Notable: PF: US F35LTNG2 with registration DEFAULT squawking 7700 over Japan

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US F35LTNG2 with registration DEFAULT squawking 7700 over Japan


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5db7b0 No.89431

File: 723c8cdb0f6fa68⋯.png (399.82 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540465 (130256ZSEP23) Notable: First Case Of White Dot Syndrome Emerged After COVID-19 Vaccine And Subsequent Infection, Study Shows

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The 'Eyes' Have It: First Case Of White Dot Syndrome Emerged After COVID-19 Vaccine And Subsequent Infection, Study Shows


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5db7b0 No.89432

File: e82e7c387fa3066⋯.png (152.13 KB,1000x589,1000:589,Clipboard.png)

File: 13baa3e21b0a88c⋯.png (84.67 KB,991x478,991:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540523 (130304ZSEP23) Notable: Suspected Leader of Significant Human Smuggling Organization Extradited to San Diego

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Suspected Leader of Significant Human Smuggling Organization Extradited to San Diego


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5db7b0 No.89433

File: 3401154ed72cacc⋯.png (91.52 KB,682x585,682:585,Clipboard.png)

File: 281bbd3a4bd87c9⋯.png (91.17 KB,681x616,681:616,Clipboard.png)

File: a4d434810dae29d⋯.png (89.04 KB,696x637,696:637,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c559a3c9f4f947⋯.png (77.74 KB,691x638,691:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540599 (130318ZSEP23) Notable: G20 Announces Plan to Impose Digital Currencies and IDs Worldwide

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G20 Announces Plan to Impose Digital Currencies and IDs Worldwide

The Group of 20 leaders have agreed to a plan to eventually impose digital currencies and digital IDs on their respective populations, despite fears that governments will use them to monitor their peoples’ spending and crush dissent.

The G20, which is currently under India’s presidency, adopted a final declaration on the subject over the weekend in New Delhi.

The meeting, which included the world’s leading economies, announced last week that they had agreed to build the necessary infrastructure to implement digital currencies and IDs.

The group said that discussions were already underway to create international regulations for cryptocurrencies, but claimed that there was “no talk of banning cryptocurrency” at the summit.

Many critics are concerned that governments and central banks will eventually regulate cryptocurrencies and then immediately replace them with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which lack similar privacy and security.

Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that discussions were underway to build a global framework to regulate crypto assets since they believe cryptocurrencies can not be regulated efficiently without total international cooperation.

“India’s [G20] presidency has put on the table key issues related to regulating or understanding that there should be a framework for handling issues related to crypto assets,” Ms. Sitharaman said before the G20 gathering.

The top items discussed at the New Delhi summit included “building Digital Public Infrastructure, Digital Economy, Cryptoassets, [Central Bank Digital Currencies].”

Gita Gopinath, the International Monetary Fund’s first deputy managing director, said in a video posted on X that the G20 “helped shape a global perspective on how policymakers should deal with crypto assets.”

She also assured Business Today that there was “no talk of banning cryptocurrencies, indicating a global consensus against such measures” in the discussions.

However, some of the suggestions call for additional policing of cryptocurrencies, which are decentralized and do not operate under central banks’ control.

Critics say that these proposals could allow government authorities to impose a social credit score system and decide how their citizens can spend their money.


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5db7b0 No.89434

File: d082ddd03ec53c8⋯.png (337.23 KB,598x608,299:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540683 (130334ZSEP23) Notable: BP said Tuesday that its chief executive #BernardLooney had resigned "with immediate effect", after admitting that he had not been "fully transparent" about historical relationships with colleagues.

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00British energy giant #BP said Tuesday that its chief executive #BernardLooney had resigned "with immediate effect", after admitting that he had not been "fully transparent" about historical relationships with colleagues.==





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5db7b0 No.89435

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540694 (130336ZSEP23) Notable: At least 24 injured in Kiev’s missile attack on Sevastopol

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At least 24 injured in Kiev’s missile attack on Sevastopol

The governor added that emergency services were working at the southern facility of the Sevastopol Shipyard, where a fire broke out earlier on Wednesday

SEVASTOPOL, September 13. /TASS/. At least 24 people were injured in Kiev’s missile attack on the Crimean city of Sevastopol on Wednesday, including four patients whose condition is moderately severe, Governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhayev wrote on Telegram.

"According to preliminary information, a total of 24 people were injured as a result of the attack. Four of them are in a moderately severe condition," the governor wrote on his Telegram channel.

The governor added that emergency services were working at the southern facility of the Sevastopol Shipyard, where a fire broke out earlier on Wednesday.

"I’m at the fire site at the southern facility of the Sevastopol Shipyard. All emergency services are working in the area. There is no threat to the city’s civilian facilities," Razvozhayev wrote on his Telegram channel.

According to a TASS correspondent from the city, flashes of light were reported above the city at around 3:00 a.m. local time (same as Moscow time). Several targets were shot down in midair in the coastal zone. About ten explosions were heard.


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5db7b0 No.89436

File: 6112314c67281aa⋯.png (642.71 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540724 (130342ZSEP23) Notable: Russia's Navy Port At Sevastopol On Fire After Massive Ukraine Missile Attack

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Up ANOTHER Notch: Russia's Navy Port At Sevastopol On Fire After Massive Ukraine Missile Attack

Russia's Navy Port At Sevastopol On Fire After Massive Ukraine Missile Attack


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5db7b0 No.89437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540782 (130352ZSEP23) Notable: Italy's Lampedusa island hit with record migrant arrivals

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Italy's Lampedusa island hit with record migrant arrivals

He said there were about 2,800 migrants in the island's "hotspot" reception centre - which has an official capacity of only around 400 - plus about 300 more in other parts of the island.

The migrants were all due to be transferred to the larger island of Sicily to ease overcrowding and make room for future arrivals.

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5db7b0 No.89438

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540944 (130425ZSEP23) Notable: #23998

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#23998 >>89415

>>89416 Federal Reserve has officially reported a loss of $57 billion for the first six months of 2023

>>89417 Biden Regime is planning to fork over another $1.4 BIL to Big Pharma as part of a new scam called Project NexGen

>>89419 Top Law Firms Illegally Discriminating Against Whites.

>>89420, >>89423, >>89424, >>89427 What really happened with the Clintons in Haiti?

>>89421 Whoever is running the drudge report these days just had an aneurysm

>>89422 Ron DeSantis accused of being responsible for "Missing Melania" flyers distributed at Iowa event

>>89425 Ken Buck Flips, Says Biden Impeachment Inquiry Is a 'Good Idea'

>>89426, >>89436 Russia's Navy Port At Sevastopol On Fire After Massive Ukraine Missile Attack

>>89429 UK: Channel migrants will face x-rays and MRI scans to determine their age

>>89430 PF: US F35LTNG2 with registration DEFAULT squawking 7700 over Japan

>>89431 First Case Of White Dot Syndrome Emerged After COVID-19 Vaccine And Subsequent Infection, Study Shows

>>89432 Suspected Leader of Significant Human Smuggling Organization Extradited to San Diego

>>89433 G20 Announces Plan to Impose Digital Currencies and IDs Worldwide

>>89434 BP said Tuesday that its chief executive #BernardLooney had resigned "with immediate effect", after admitting that he had not been "fully transparent" about historical relationships with colleagues.

>>89435 At least 24 injured in Kiev’s missile attack on Sevastopol

>>89437 Italy's Lampedusa island hit with record migrant arrivals

>>89428 Rothschild family succeed in bid to take bank private

>>89418 Rudy Giuliani Walked Out on 9-11 Ceremony After Kamala Disgraces Memory of the 2,977 Victims


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5db7b0 No.89439

File: 5a8ab071f45708b⋯.png (457.94 KB,600x582,100:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19540994 (130433ZSEP23) Notable: #23999

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>baker hath ghosted

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5db7b0 No.89440

File: 9f169e2650dbe37⋯.png (1 MB,987x1599,329:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541078 (130459ZSEP23) Notable: Potentially the world's largest lithium deposit has been found in a US volcano

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Potentially the world's largest lithium deposit has been found in a US volcano

>What just happened? What is likely to be the world's largest deposit of lithium has been discovered in a volcano crater along the Nevada-Oregon border. It's estimated that the McDermitt Caldera holds between 20 million and 40 million metric tons, which would be larger than the current 21-million-ton record-holding deposit beneath the salt flats of Bolivia


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5db7b0 No.89441

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541091 (130503ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE UPDATES: Putin Meets with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un (lots of vids)

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LIVE UPDATES: Putin Meets with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un

(lots of vids)

• Putin, N. Korea's Kim Have Short Talk at Russia's Vostochny Cosmodrome

• Putin: Russia Will Help North Korea in Space Exploration and Rocket Construction

• Peskov stated Putin and Kim would also discuss "sensitive" issues, which he stressed "should not become the subject of any public disclosure or announcement".



being updated

moar updates here and here:



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5db7b0 No.89442

File: 4eda7941b6c44f9⋯.jpg (151.3 KB,720x817,720:817,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b02ebbb4e45f24b⋯.jpg (182.16 KB,1290x1704,215:284,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 51d49e647d6eb14⋯.jpg (131.8 KB,1290x924,215:154,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541106 (130507ZSEP23) Notable: Where's did Fetterman's tattoos go?

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Can someone please explain to me where the tattoos on the inside of his forearms went…… will the real John Fetterman Please stand up‼️

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5db7b0 No.89443

File: 71c1c9e474e5184⋯.jpeg (24.12 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541118 (130510ZSEP23) Notable: 24 people injured in Ukrainian missile attack on Sevastopol

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Ukraine just opened the flood gates. Not cool Kiev. They have no idea what is planned

13 Sep, 2023 00:46

24 people injured in Ukrainian missile attack on Sevastopol – governor

Russian air defenses have engaged multiple hostile targets over Crimea, according to the governor of Sevastopol

Ukrainian forces have targeted port infrastructure in the Crimean city of Sevastopol, according to Mikhail Razvozhaev, the governor of the strategic city which hosts Russia’s Black Sea fleet.

“Approximately 20 minutes ago, our enemies attacked Sevastopol,” Razvozhaev wrote in a Telegram post around 3:40am Wednesday morning. He later said that at least 24 people suffered various injuries as a result of the strike, with four of them reported to be in moderate condition, according to preliminary estimates.

The official said that while air defenses were activated against the suspected missiles, the attackcaused a fire at a “non-civilian” facilityin the city’s industrial district.

There were no immediate information about the extent of the damage on the ground. Several photos and videos shared by Russian Telegram news channels purportedly showed an explosion and fire in the vicinity of one of the city’s shipbuilding yards.

All traffic on the Crimean Bridge was briefly stopped as a precaution during the incident. Razvozhaev said that all security services “continue to monitor the situation,”urging residents to remain calm and only trust official sources of information.

The Russian Defense Ministry has yet to comment on the incident or clarify the type of missiles or drones used in the latest strike on Crimea.

In recent months, Ukraine repeatedly launched drones at Crimea, where they were met with intense Russian air defenses. Groups of two to three UAVs also targeted the Moscow City trade center in the Russian capital, causing minor property damage but no casualties. The Kremlin has dismissed the attacks as a “nuisance” and an act of desperation, intended to distract from Kiev’s failures on the battlefield.


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5db7b0 No.89444

File: 8c9916072080fad⋯.jpeg (66.83 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541125 (130514ZSEP23) Notable: White House details over $100 billion in Ukraine costs

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12 Sep, 2023 21:08

White House details over $100 billion in Ukraine costs – media

The Biden administration has $9.8 billion in additional aid to Kiev planned,as well as another $24 billion requested from Congress

President Joe Biden’s administration has reportedly confirmed more than $100 billion in US aid to Ukraine since the Russian military offensive began in February 2022, prompting one lawmaker to call for ending the “money pit.”

Responding seven months late to a request from Senate Republicans for an accounting of US assistance to Ukraine, the White House turned over a spreadsheet detailing nearly $101.2 billion in aid that had already been sent to Kiev or committed, Fox News reported on Tuesday. The administration has an additional $9.8 billion in Ukraine spending planned, as well as the $24 billion in new aid that Biden requested from Congress last month.

“We’ve got to stop sinking money into the Ukrainian money pit,” Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) said in reaction to the belated disclosure. Vance and dozens of other Republican lawmakers requested the Ukraine spending information in January and set a February 7 deadline for a response.

Shalanda Young, the director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, defended the spending binge in a letter to the lawmakers. “This support has been critical to Ukraine’s success on the battlefield, as well as the ability of its people to endure under harsh conditions,” she said. Biden has made it clear that the US “will not waver in our commitment to the Ukrainian people as they fight for their freedom and independence,” Young added.

Former President Donald Trump, who is polling as the leading Republican candidate to run against Biden in the 2024 election, has vowed to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict within 24 hours by forcing the leaders of the two countries to the negotiating table. The US national debt has ballooned to nearly $33 trillion from $28.4 trillion since Biden took office in January 2021.

Washington has been by far the biggest donor to Ukraine and has led an international sanctions campaign to punish Russia over the conflict. As of earlier this summer, total Western aid to Ukraine amounted to €165 billion ($177 billion) according to an estimate by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. US lawmakers have approved $113 billion in Ukraine aid so far.


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5db7b0 No.89445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541126 (130514ZSEP23) Notable: City Council votes to make Pittsburgh 'sanctuary city' for gender-affirming care

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City Council votes to make Pittsburgh 'sanctuary city' for gender-affirming care


City council on Tuesday approved a bill that would cement access to gender-affirming care in Pittsburgh.

The bill, which received a unanimous 8-0 vote, would amend a 2011 ordinance that designated Pittsburgh a "Human Rights City."

The amendment will shield care providers, as well as recipients and their legal guardians, from out-of-state investigations or prosecution for receiving gender-affirming care. It mirrors a move last year protecting abortion providers.

Another measure introduced last month would de-prioritize local enforcement of any bans on care if one is ever implemented at the federal or state level.

The measures define gender-affirming care as the "range of social, psychological, behavioral, and medical interventions designed to support and affirm an individual's gender identity when it conflicts with the gender they were assigned at birth."

Pennsylvania currently does not have any laws restricting access to gender-affirming care. Several states, including nearby West Virginia, have enacted laws this year restricting access to this type of care for minors.

The bill was sponsored by Councilmembers Barbara Warwick, Bobby Wilson and Bruce A. Kraus, all Democrats. Warwick told our partners at TribLIVE, "If Pittsburgh’s going to be a city where we prioritize human rights and LGBTQIA rights, it’s a good law to have on the books."

“Gender-affirming health care is life-saving health care,” said Maria Montaño, a spokeswoman for Mayor Ed Gainey, who identifies as trans, after the bill was introduced, according to the Trib. “I can say that because it saved my life.”


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5db7b0 No.89446

File: fdba2fcb786b7ef⋯.png (50.79 KB,776x263,776:263,Clipboard.png)

File: cdf30a17e5719b5⋯.png (386.68 KB,600x543,200:181,Clipboard.png)

File: 6593f79cc5bfece⋯.jpg (397.62 KB,2048x1534,1024:767,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541176 (130529ZSEP23) Notable: No hearings and no media at Guantánamo Bay this 9/11

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Carol Rosenberg


Sep 11

No hearings and no media at Guantánamo Bay this 9/11. Here’s what it looked like last year and the year before.


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5db7b0 No.89447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541212 (130537ZSEP23) Notable: Massive Plasma Fire and Social Media Blackout in Maui

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Massive Plasma Fire and Social Media Blackout in Maui

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5db7b0 No.89448

File: f9e12c4f6270208⋯.png (123.24 KB,1334x795,1334:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541412 (130647ZSEP23) Notable: Massive Plasma Fire and Social Media Blackout in Maui

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Have been collecting videos on maui on Disinfo thread. Most I posted are still there but some AREdisappearing....

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5db7b0 No.89449

File: f7fdc5e5520e876⋯.png (2.99 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541446 (130712ZSEP23) Notable: How an extramarital affair factors into Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial

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Dirty work of Karl Rove and Bushes


How an extramarital affair factors into Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial

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5db7b0 No.89450

File: da6c4c7f02e8cdc⋯.jpg (157.48 KB,720x905,144:181,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541451 (130716ZSEP23) Notable: PICTURED: Baby-faced 'racist,' John Sheeran, 14, charged with attempted murder 'after he tried to drown black teen in pond

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PICTURED: Baby-faced 'racist,' John Sheeran, 14, charged with attempted murder 'after he tried to drown black teen in pond while calling victim George Floyd, before punching Asian child'


Crazy headline

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5db7b0 No.89451

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541455 (130720ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE COVERAGE OF CHASING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT

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The broadcaters is awesome, but

Chat moderator put me on time out, twice, and told me not to use so many emojis

Seems to be uptight.

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5db7b0 No.89452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541466 (130725ZSEP23) Notable: PICTURED: Baby-faced 'racist,' John Sheeran, 14, charged with attempted murder 'after he tried to drown black teen in pond

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NBC10 Boston has reached out to Sheeran's lawyer for comment. The lawyer, Kevin Reddington, told The Boston Globe on Friday that the charges are "over the top" for what amounted to "horseplaying" that "got out of control." He said he was appealing to the Superior Court to have Sheeran released.

All of the people involved are juveniles, as are the witnesses, and all but Sheeran had their names redacted from the report. Sheeran's name was not redacted, as he is being tried as a youthful offender, a designation that gives Massachusetts prosecutors discretion for seeking an adult sentence for children between 14 and 17 years old who are charged with a felony and when other criteria are met, including a charge that involves the infliction or threat of serious bodily harm…

This kid already condemned:

Reaction in Chatham

The allegation that a white teenager held a Black child underwater in a racially motivated attack, while another white child looked on and laughed, has caused consternation in Chatham. Both the town's select board and the Monomoy Regional School District released statements Friday saying their communities stand for diversity and inclusion and that they were working to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

"We are disturbed and saddened to learn of the event that occurred earlier this summer between juveniles," the select board said. "We do not believe that it reflects the true nature of our community, which is diverse and inclusive. We condemn all acts of violence, particularly those directed at children."

The board added it was "here to support" the alleged victim and his family.

The Monomoy schools superintendent, in a letter to the community, noted that neither the boy charged with attempted murder and another white boy, whom prosecutors have said laughed and referred to the victim as George Floyd, were enrolled in the district.

"Acts of hatred and violence are unacceptable, and we condemn any behavior that seeks to harm or marginalize others based on their race, ethnicity, or any other personal attribute," Superintendent Scott Carpenter wrote, calling the allegations "incredibly concerning."

He said the district was working with Chatham police and its Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Advisory Council to provide support for anyone in the community who needs it. He also encouraged parents to discuss the importance of respect, kindness and empathy with their students.


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5db7b0 No.89453

File: 94c69263854613f⋯.jpg (46.48 KB,707x706,707:706,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541471 (130727ZSEP23) Notable: US donations for Ukraine 2023

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US donations for Ukraine 2023:

2/20 $500 Mil

2/23 $10 Bil

2/24 $2 Bil

3/3 $400 Mil

3/20 $350 Mil

4/04 $2.6 Bil

4/19 $325 Mil

5/08 $1.2 Bil

5/18 $3 Bil

5/19 $375 Mil

5/19 $40Bil

5/31 $300Mil

6/09 $2.1Bil

6/13 $325Mil

6/16 $205Mil

6/20 $6.2Bil

6/26 $500Mil

07/07 $800Mil

07/18 $1.3Bil

07/21 $400Mil

Last week US agreed to give $130Mil more and now Ukraine is asking for $24Bil..

H/T @TexasRepublic71

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5db7b0 No.89454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541476 (130729ZSEP23) Notable: Interview with Gen Tata; Jan Halper recommends his book

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Dr. Jan Halper said to read this book. Says it's a fiction written By Anthony J. Tata but says it explains a lot of what is going on rn.


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5db7b0 No.89455

File: 63646feef102bf8⋯.png (383.78 KB,583x603,583:603,Clipboard.png)

File: ac531f241a6b3e6⋯.png (37.89 KB,726x149,726:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541478 (130730ZSEP23) Notable: SLATE Magazine seems to think that the Senate can defund the Supreme Court by simple majority vote.

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I had to reread this multiple times to convince myself that they are actually this stupid, but...

SLATE Magazine seems to think that the Senate can defund the Supreme Court by simple majority vote.

They have NO IDEA how the branches of government work even on the MOST BASIC LEVEL.


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5db7b0 No.89456

File: 74bd0c3ac41592a⋯.png (383.29 KB,1147x711,1147:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541492 (130735ZSEP23) Notable: Interview with Gen Tata; Jan Halper recommends his book

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then check this out:

The world order is being hacked to pieces . . .

By the time anyone realizes what’s happening, it is too late. A dark network of hackers has infiltrated the computers of the U.S. military, unleashing chaos across the globe. U.S. missiles strike the wrong targets. Defense systems fail. Power grids shut down. Within hours, America’s enemies move in. Russian tanks plow through northern Europe. Iranian troops invade Iraq. North Korea destroys Seoul and fires missiles at Japan.

Phase 1 of ComWar is complete.

Enter Jake Mahegan and his team. Their mission: locate the nerve center of ComWar—aka Computer Optimized Warfare—and shut down the operation through any means necessary. There are three ComWar headquarters, each hidden deep underground in Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Each contains a human biometric nuclear key that the team must capture to shut down the imminent nuclear strikes. Splitting up the team is Mahegan’s only chance to prevent the next wave of cyber attacks. But even that won’t stop the sleeper cell agents—here in the United States . . .

When Phase 2 ends, World War III begins.

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5db7b0 No.89457

File: 4be970fc58fe078⋯.png (96.91 KB,869x628,869:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541520 (130752ZSEP23) Notable: Cates: Steps in the Congressional impeachment process

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To those don’t remember or never knew the Congressional impeachment process:

Step 1: A resolution to impeach the President MUST pass a vote on the House floor. This already happened.

Step 2: the impeachment resolution is sent to committees to be investigated.

Step 3: once the committees finish their investigations, if cause was found to proceed, they alert the House Speaker, who then initiated an impeachment inquiry. (You are here)

Step 4: If after inquiry and floor debate if the majority of the House members vote to proceed, the drafting of specific Articles of Impeachment begins.

Step 5: A floor vote takes place in the House for each Article of Impeachment. If 1 or more articles pass, the President has been impeached.

Step 6: the impeachment of the President in the House triggers a trial in the Senate, which looks at evidence from prosecutors and defense lawyers before voting as to removing the President from office.

I have observed this impeachment process play out fully three times:

1. Bill Clinton


2. Twice with Donald Trump

Clinton and Trump were both impeached in the House, but we’re acquitted in their Senate trials and so remained in office to complete their terms.

Sep 12, 2023, 11:53 AM


McCarthy would be ready to move forward with impeachment proceedings as soon as he came up with the best way to obstruct it.

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5db7b0 No.89458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541602 (130845ZSEP23) Notable: REESE REPORT Maui Fires and Directed Energy Weapons

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Dart was not swinging a ban hammer, the only bans are for illegal content.

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5db7b0 No.89459

File: 76bb38a59146313⋯.jpg (177.94 KB,720x1229,720:1229,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b52b3579b3c2fd8⋯.mp4 (1 MB,360x270,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541642 (130900ZSEP23) Notable: Mexican Government UAP/UFO Congressional hearing just showed Alien mummified bodies of two Alien Pilots that's around 1000 years old today LIVE

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Moar fake and ghey aliens


BREAKING - Mexican Government UAP/UFO Congressional hearing just showed Alien mummified bodies of two Alien Pilots that's around 1000 years old today LIVE

Credits - ChaosMoogle (Youtube)

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5db7b0 No.89460

File: fd9a778e61334a9⋯.png (27.52 KB,797x90,797:90,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541755 (130926ZSEP23) Notable: California Quietly Getting Rid of Travel Ban to ‘Anti-LGBT’ States, But What It’s Planning Instead Is Much Worse

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This been posted yet?


California Quietly Getting Rid of Travel Ban to ‘Anti-LGBT’ States, But What It’s Planning Instead Is Much Worse

Pic related.

Quote:"The big lie in this case is cultural Marxists masquerading as LGBT sympathizers. If the activists don’t even know they are frauds, they’re the ones who are stupid."

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5db7b0 No.89461

File: 12bafa8eca1ada9⋯.png (53.33 KB,662x393,662:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541801 (130940ZSEP23) Notable: Biden's White House will send letter to CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demanding them to probe 'lies' behind GOP's plan

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Biden's White House will send letter to

CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demanding

them to probe 'lies' behind GOP's plan

to impeach president

Daily Mail (UK), by Stephen M. Lepore

Posted By: Imright, 9/13/2023 2:27:31 AM

The Biden administration has been blasted over plans to send out a letter to many of the major news organizations across the country demanding they probe the 'lies' of the House GOP's impeachment inquiry. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced an official impeachment inquiry on Tuesday over allegations of corruption and involvement in son Hunter's business dealings, setting off fiery reactions from Democrats. Ian Sams, a special assistant to the president and senior advisor to the White House Counsel's Office, penned a letter to both conservative and liberal-leaning outlets, slated to be distributed Wednesday in an apparent attempt to influence their coverage. Among outlets targeted

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5db7b0 No.89462

File: 84343cb78e9bed4⋯.png (65.17 KB,673x463,673:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541803 (130940ZSEP23) Notable: Washington DC sees homicides spike by 29% in a Year

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Washington DC is now so crime-ravaged

locals are driving tiny distances instead

of walking and are too scared to go out

during the day, as woke city sees homicides

spike by 29% in a Year

Daily Mail (UK), by Harriet Alexander

Posted By: Imright, 9/13/2023 2:25:33 AM

Soaring crime in the nation's capital is leaving residents rattled, with locals driving small distances to avoid walking and others now too fearful to step outside even during the day. Homicides and robberies are up 29 and 67 per cent from the same time period last year, with murders approaching levels not seen in two decades - while other big cities such as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Baltimore are seeing declines. Neighboring Baltimore could end the year with under 300 killings for the first time since the riots over Freddie Gray's death in police custody in 2015.

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5db7b0 No.89463

File: 1151339c7643c05⋯.png (623.96 KB,674x718,337:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541810 (130941ZSEP23) Notable: Breitbart Business Digest: We Haven’t Had a Year This Bad Since Obama Was President

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Breitbart Business Digest: We Haven’t

Had a Year This Bad Since Obama Was President

Breitbart Economy, by John Carney

Posted By: Imright, 9/13/2023 2:15:40 AM

Things Have Not Been This Bad Since Biden Was Obama’s Vice President The last time Americans saw a drop in household income as large as we did last year, Barack Obama was president. The Census Bureau on Tuesday released its calculations for the change in real median household income for last year. By its calculations, the median income of U.S. households fell in 2022 by 2.3 percent, the worst decline since 2010. History may not necessarily repeat or even rhyme, but it certainly rings a bell on occasion. The last time household income suffered a decline as large as it did in the second year of Biden’s presidency

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5db7b0 No.89464

File: 98ef48748ced602⋯.png (436.31 KB,605x792,55:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541813 (130942ZSEP23) Notable: Today marks the 2nd anniversary of Veronica's passing. She is deeply missed. Her message was one of unity and love.

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Today marks the 2nd anniversary of Veronica's passing. She is deeply missed. Her message was one of unity and love.

Here's a tribute that we did for her. Please share.








Amazing Grace (for Veronica) - We Got UR 6

"Amazing Grace" was Veronica's favorite song. Veronica, this is for you, in loving memory of the incredible Patriot that you were. We will never forget you. You can download an mp3 of the song FREE he

6:24 PM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89465

File: bf879d2d223d7c1⋯.png (29.92 KB,964x298,482:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541818 (130944ZSEP23) Notable: Ten Red Flags - Looming Recession

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Ten Red Flags Warn of a Looming Recession

The Messenger, by Al Lewis

Posted By: Moritz55, 9/13/2023 1:19:53 AM

Economists have practically sounded the all-clear on a looming recession, but plenty of signs are still flashing red. Clearly, economists were wrong earlier this year when they forecast an economic contraction that has yet to manifest. Could they be wrong now? To be sure, economic growth, the labor market and consumer spending have proven unexpectedly resilient in the face of rising interest rates and elevated inflation. But there are still plenty of signs a recession might still be on its way. 1. An “uncertain outlook” from leading indicators Many mainstay economic indicators measure the past. So-called leading indicators reflect what likely lies ahead.

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5db7b0 No.89466

File: e6f3f15584f4619⋯.png (830.92 KB,833x612,49:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541830 (130947ZSEP23) Notable: ‘My Jaw Dropped’: Explosive Musk Biography Reveals Why Ex-FBI Lawyer Jim Baker Was Fired from Twitter

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‘My Jaw Dropped’: Explosive Musk Biography

Reveals Why Ex-FBI Lawyer Jim Baker Was

Fired from Twitter

National Review, by Ari Blaff

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/12/2023 9:31:23 PM

A new biography of Elon Musk released on Tuesday revealed that investigative journalist Bari Weiss was the first to alert the new owner of X, the social-media platform previously known as Twitter, that Jim Baker was overseeing the company’s legal department. Baker, the former FBI general counsel under Director James Comey, played a pivotal role in Twitter’s decision in October 2020 to suppress the distribution of the Hunter Biden laptop story written by the New York Post. After purchasing Twitter in October 2022, Musk made good on a promise to open the company’s books to select journalists, providing damning internal communications and files to Weiss and former Rolling Stone journalist Matt Taibbi.

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5db7b0 No.89467

File: e9458afe3bfed8d⋯.png (265.84 KB,582x523,582:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541845 (130950ZSEP23) Notable: Is Zelensky suggesting that Ukrainian refugees in other countries could be activated LIKE terrorist splinter cells if we stop funding @JoeBiden

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Kari Lake


Is Zelensky suggesting that Ukrainian refugees in other countries could be activated LIKE terrorist splinter cells if we stop funding @JoeBiden

's proxy war with Russia?

This reads like a threat.

How else are we supposed to interpret this?


3:55 PM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89468

File: 80938882107ec86⋯.png (80.74 KB,601x886,601:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541849 (130951ZSEP23) Notable: The new PIfzer/Moderna shots coming out are under the PREP Act, which requires only voluntary participation.

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Brian Ward


BREAKING MUST READ: The new PIfzer/Moderna shots coming out are under the PREP Act, which requires only voluntary participation. Moreover, "it appears" these shots will be the first licensed product vials to hit the shelves. The FDA told these companies in JUNE to make a shot, and they did in less than 60 days. However, despite 361,000,000 potential contraindications between the two drugs and 19,000 other licensed drugs, the FDA actually licensed them for commercial marketing, which is why they will not let them outside of the PREP Act's absolute immunity. NURSES, all seasonal influenza shots are also under the PREP Act for this year, which means you are not required to take the shot under a mandate.

However, the HHS Sec has brought ALL child vaccines under the PREP Act to provide absolute immunity for all damages, bringing into question the vaccine injury fund and how it might not be available to new victims. HHS ALSO is providing PREP Act immunity for ALL seasonal influenza "vaccines," which means that no one can be required to participate, and I am releasing a video explaining the legal reason why.

AMERICA - EVERY child vaccine administered this year is under absolute immunity, and every seasonal influenza vaccine is under absolute immunity. Additionally, many masks, testing articles, and protective equipment are still under EUA and the PERP Act.

Here is what is covered:

Any antiviral, any drug, any biologic, any diagnostic, any other device, any respiratory protective device, or any vaccine manufactured, used, designed, developed, modified, licensed, or procured:

To diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat, or cure COVID–19, or the transmission of SARS–CoV–2 or a virus mutating therefrom; or

to limit the harm that COVID–19, or the transmission of SARS–CoV–2 or a virus mutating therefrom, might otherwise cause; (b) a product manufactured, used, designed, developed, modified, licensed, or procured to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat, or cure a serious or life-threatening disease or condition caused by a product described in paragraph (a) above; (c) a product or technology intended to enhance the use or effect of a product described in paragraph (a) or (b) above; or (d) any device used in the administration of any such product, and all components and constituent materials of any such product.

WAIT, you're not ready for this: HHS Sec extended the disease categories under the PREP Act, which could be 100% of all diseases and medical treatments.

"The category of disease, health condition, or threat for which I recommend the administration or use of the Covered Countermeasures is not only COVID–19 caused by SARS–CoV– 2, or a virus mutating therefrom, but also other diseases, health conditions, or threats that may have been caused by COVID–19, SARS–CoV–2, or a virus mutating therefrom, including the threat of increased burden on the healthcare system due to seasonal influenza infections occurring at the same time as COVID–19 infections, which will lead to an increase in the rate of infectious diseases."

In other words, if you go to the hospital due to an auto accident and the hospital uses a respirator that is under the PREP Act in a manner causing you significant harm, the hospital can claim PREP Act immunity because they were under an "increased burden" to attend to all the other patients in the hospital for COVID-19 even though you did not go to the hospital for COVID-19 treatment.

The PREP Act is the most unconstitutional piece of legislation ever to come out of Congress. Don't believe me? Congress wrote into the PREP Act that the judicial branch of government can not issue a writ of mandamus nor review the legality of the HHS Sec's actions. In other words, the legislative branch provided one person with god like authority that they said that no person in America can touch including the President or the Supreme Court. An authority overriding the U.S. Constitution, state's sovereignty, and our Due Process rights.

No person can require any other person to participate in a "covered countermeasure" under PREP Act immunity and I intend to get that ruling from courts around the nation.

5:36 AM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89469

File: 7199b414a482fc1⋯.png (911.02 KB,601x867,601:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541855 (130953ZSEP23) Notable: I'm stoked. My new X name is @TheJimWatkins

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James Watkins


I'm stoked. My new X name is @TheJimWatkins

That is easier to remember.

How kind of X to allow me to use my name. I am grateful.


4:43 PM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89470

File: e9788eede694b7b⋯.png (18.64 KB,593x274,593:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541862 (130954ZSEP23) Notable: Border Patrol Union - Just yesterday, BP agents were instructed to reward and release over 6,500 illegal aliens who had committed a crime

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Border Patrol Union - NBPC


Just yesterday, BP agents were instructed to reward and release over 6,500 illegal aliens who had committed a crime and crashed our lawless border.

6,500 in one day. Do the math.

Joe Biden is destroying this country.

3:03 AM · Sep 12, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89471

File: e57d532704af1d8⋯.png (174.15 KB,389x667,389:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541885 (130958ZSEP23) Notable: Mexican Government UAP/UFO Congressional hearing just showed Alien mummified bodies of two Alien Pilots that's around 1000 years old today LIVE

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BREAKING: Alleged mummified alien corpses displayed at Mexico's Congress today, suspected to be 1,000 years old.

UFO enthusiasts celebrated a remarkable event today in Mexico City's Congress, led by journalist and ufologist Jaime Maussan. This official gathering unveiled two alleged "non-human" corpses.

These diminutive mummified remains, retrieved from Cusco, Peru, are believed to be a thousand years old and were showcased in windowed boxes. Scientists collaborated on this event, and Maussan, speaking under oath, presented his findings to Mexican government members and US officials.

He emphasized that the non-human specimens had recently undergone examination at the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM), yielding DNA evidence through radiocarbon dating.

Maussan says, "These specimens are not part of our terrestrial evolution. These aren't beings that were found after a UFO wreckage. They were found in diatom algae mines and were later fossilized."

Do you believe it's an elaborate hoax or actual mummified aliens?



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5db7b0 No.89472

File: e11802640d232a8⋯.mp4 (9.24 MB,576x576,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19541898 (131001ZSEP23) Notable: Oprah Winfrey Speaks Out About Criticism Over Her Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fire Donation Scam

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Oprah Winfrey Speaks Out About Criticism Over Her Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fire Donation Scam

Oprah, Worth $2.5 Billion & Who Purchased MASSIVE Amounts Of Land Just Prior To The Fires, Says She’s

“Being terrorized and vilified online.”

She says, she’s the target of “slander and attacks, lies, conspiracy theories, really took the focus off of what was the most important thing, and that was the people of Maui.”

Remember those In Charge Of The Fund Are Drawing As Much As $400k Each In Salaries

This is a great interview full of fully pre scripted questions and responses. An excellent example of the trash the mainstream media expects us to swallow and believe

It’s a long interview so due to X’s text limits I can’t transcribe it all but I HIGHLY recommend you watch it

DEWs, Direct Energy Weapons

#Hawaii #Maui #MauiFires #Lahaina #LahainaFires #DEWs #DirectedEnergyWeapons


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5db7b0 No.89473

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542024 (131056ZSEP23) Notable: #23999

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final bun for #23999

hold em

#23999 >>89439

>>89440 Potentially the world's largest lithium deposit has been found in a US volcano

>>89441 LIVE UPDATES: Putin Meets with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un (lots of vids)

>>89442 Where's did Fetterman's tattoos go?

>>89443 24 people injured in Ukrainian missile attack on Sevastopol

>>89444 White House details over $100 billion in Ukraine costs

>>89445 City Council votes to make Pittsburgh 'sanctuary city' for gender-affirming care

>>89446 No hearings and no media at Guantánamo Bay this 9/11

>>89458 REESE REPORT Maui Fires and Directed Energy Weapons

>>89447, >>89448 Massive Plasma Fire and Social Media Blackout in Maui

>>89449 How an extramarital affair factors into Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial

>>89450, >>89452 PICTURED: Baby-faced 'racist,' John Sheeran, 14, charged with attempted murder 'after he tried to drown black teen in pond


>>89454, >>89456 Interview with Gen Tata; Jan Halper recommends his book

>>89455 SLATE Magazine seems to think that the Senate can defund the Supreme Court by simple majority vote.

>>89457 Cates: Steps in the Congressional impeachment process

>>89453 US donations for Ukraine 2023

>>89459,>>89471 Mexican Government UAP/UFO Congressional hearing just showed Alien mummified bodies of two Alien Pilots that's around 1000 years old today LIVE

>>89460 California Quietly Getting Rid of Travel Ban to ‘Anti-LGBT’ States, But What It’s Planning Instead Is Much Worse

>>89461 Biden's White House will send letter to CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demanding them to probe 'lies' behind GOP's plan

>>89462 Washington DC sees homicides spike by 29% in a Year

>>89463 Breitbart Business Digest: We Haven’t Had a Year This Bad Since Obama Was President

>>89464 Today marks the 2nd anniversary of Veronica's passing. She is deeply missed. Her message was one of unity and love.

>>89465 Ten Red Flags - Looming Recession

>>89466 ‘My Jaw Dropped’: Explosive Musk Biography Reveals Why Ex-FBI Lawyer Jim Baker Was Fired from Twitter

>>89467 Is Zelensky suggesting that Ukrainian refugees in other countries could be activated LIKE terrorist splinter cells if we stop funding @JoeBiden

>>89468 The new PIfzer/Moderna shots coming out are under the PREP Act, which requires only voluntary participation.

>>89469 I'm stoked. My new X name is @TheJimWatkins

>>89470 Border Patrol Union - Just yesterday, BP agents were instructed to reward and release over 6,500 illegal aliens who had committed a crime

>>89472 Oprah Winfrey Speaks Out About Criticism Over Her Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fire Donation Scam

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5db7b0 No.89474

File: 38d10a20239aa45⋯.png (403.68 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542045 (131100ZSEP23) Notable: #24000

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5db7b0 No.89475

File: a989672cd94d30f⋯.png (941.64 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bb810a85fdb1f8⋯.png (996.67 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 6615af117176867⋯.png (106.05 KB,474x315,158:105,Clipboard.png)

File: bebe9bfae7828a7⋯.png (901.64 KB,1600x1096,200:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542120 (131117ZSEP23) Notable: PF reporting

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First time this PF has seen an F-15 on ADS-B Exchange. Now have a pair of them. Same call sign of ID. This must be part of, or the run up to, that huge NATO exercise that was in the news yesterday. Is that the area of Mach loop?

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5db7b0 No.89476

File: 76ae833d701db71⋯.png (952.08 KB,1542x811,1542:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542152 (131123ZSEP23) Notable: PF reporting

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>Is that the area of Mach loop?

Yep, that's Mach loop.


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5db7b0 No.89477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542177 (131140ZSEP23) Notable: Massachusetts National Guard set to deploy Wednesday to help unstaffed shelters. National Guard call-up could last six months

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" Massachusetts National Guard set to deploy Wednesday to help unstaffed shelters

National Guard call-up could last six months, Healey administration says



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5db7b0 No.89478

File: e311287ceb99c09⋯.jpeg (424.99 KB,1656x1485,184:165,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542181 (131143ZSEP23) Notable: SURPRISE! Cali Democrat Mayor Filmed Getting Spanked by a Drag Queen is a Self-Described MARXIST

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When asked, “Do you support abolishing the police?” He replied, “Yes, I’m a full abolitionist,” meaning he supports a “policeless state.”

“I don’t believe police have any effect on crime… The instigators of crime are poverty, mental health, economic issues, drug addiction, the family or locale that you live in,” he said.

“I asked people this all the time, I say, ‘Hey, do you work for somebody or are you your own boss?’ And most people say, ‘Well, yes, I work for somebody, but someday I want to be my own boss.’ And I’m like, ‘Cool. You know who wanted everyone to be their own boss? Karl Marx,’” Anthony said.

“Most people don’t understand that the American dream that they’re chasing is something that Democratic Socialists have been fighting for 100 years. We want you to be your own boss. Now you can be collectively your own boss,” he continued. “So when we think about Marxism as an ideology and we remove it from its German roots and we talk about American socialism. It has a very different tone [in its perception].”

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5db7b0 No.89479

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542247 (131207ZSEP23) Notable: Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Estimates Double to $100-$135 Billion; Smith and Crapo Call for Action.

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Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Estimates Double to $100-$135 Billion; Smith and Crapo Call for Action.

SEPTEMBER 12, 2023

WASHINGTON – Official government estimates of fraud in pandemic-era unemployment insurance (UI) programs have doubled within the last six months, reaching a staggering sum of $100 to $135 billion according to a newly released U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report. The report, issued in response to a request from House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) and Senate Finance Ranking Member Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID), doubles the original estimate provided in testimony to the Ways and Means Committee in February. This range means anywhere from 11 to 15 percent of total UI benefits paid during the pandemic were fraudulent. Outside experts put the number much higher at $400 billion.

According to GAO, as of May 1, 2023, states have reported fraudulent overpayment recoveries of only about $1.2 billion.


Unemployment Insurance: Estimated Amount of Fraud During Pandemic Likely Between $100 Billion and $135 Billion


Published: Sep 12, 2023. Publicly Released: Sep 12, 2023.


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5db7b0 No.89480

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542288 (131228ZSEP23) Notable: ODESSA, Texas (KOSA) - The City of Odessa voted to not enforce any mandates imposed nationally or by the State of Texas.

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Odessa City Council votes to not enforce state or federal Covid mandates


ODESSA, Texas (KOSA) - The City of Odessa voted to not enforce any mandates imposed nationally or by the State of Texas.

The resolution was presented by City Council Member Chris Hanie. He says why and where we need to mask up is for individuals to decide.

“Nobody’s gonna lose a job because they don’t get a stick or they have to wear a mask,” said Hanie.

Hanie says Odessa is not seeing a rise in Covid cases.

“When they started threatening that they were gonna make mask mandates and vaccines, well how many things did you lose we lost businesses, businesses were going under left and right everybody was put into a position of we’re gonna lose it so not this time,” said Hanie.

State Representative Brian Harrison who was chief of staff of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under Former President Trump partnered with the City of Odessa.

“Joe Biden and his administration are trying to bring back Covid tyranny for round two,” said Harrison.

“It is incumbent on states freedom loving patriots elected republicans, I don’t care quite frankly what party you are, if you believe in freedom it’s incumbent on you to stand up and push back against another round of Covid tyranny.”

Harrison filed the Texas Covid Vaccine Freedom Act to ban all Covid19 vaccine mandates in Texas. The Texas House killed the bill.

“I hope that tonight’s bold, brave action in defense of medical freedom, individual liberty, informed consent, I hope this causes city after city and other counties across Texas and across America to see the courage on display here and I hope the courage is contagious,” said Harrison.

Harrison says he believes Odessa is the first city in the state of Texas to do this.

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5db7b0 No.89481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542296 (131232ZSEP23) Notable: Biden's White House will send letter to CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demanding them to probe 'lies' behind GOP's plan to impeach president

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Biden's White House will send letter to CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demanding them to probe 'lies' behind GOP's plan to impeach president


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5db7b0 No.89482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542305 (131235ZSEP23) Notable: New Energy Bill: Risk Jail Time For Not Complying With Net Zero Regulations & More News

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New Energy Bill: Risk Jail Time For Not Complying With Net Zero Regulations & More News

Alaska Prepper



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5db7b0 No.89483

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542330 (131244ZSEP23) Notable: New Energy Bill: Risk Jail Time For Not Complying With Net Zero Regulations & More News

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5db7b0 No.89484

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542387 (131301ZSEP23) Notable: The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/13/2023

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LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/13/2023



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5db7b0 No.89485

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542421 (131312ZSEP23) Notable: congressional hearings n habbenings for 09/13/2023

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9:15 AM EDT

Washington Journal: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discusses His 2024 Presidential Bid

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discusses his platform, policy objectives and what he sees as his path to victory.


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5db7b0 No.89486

File: 9a89c16f146fd6c⋯.png (1.51 MB,1350x1756,675:878,Clipboard.png)

File: 839847c850da2d1⋯.png (932.01 KB,1352x1754,676:877,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b9a221f8a8fed2⋯.png (143.47 KB,647x596,647:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542437 (131315ZSEP23) Notable: Biden's White House will send letter to CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demanding them to probe 'lies' behind GOP's plan to impeach president

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The White House sends out a memo to media outlets urging them to scrutinize the Republican-led impeachment inquiry into Pres. Biden for his business dealings with his son, Hunter:


Jonathan Turley's take and article he wrote

The letter has an uncomfortable feeling of marching orders to the media. It is also notable in the role of White House Counsel's office. It removes any pretense of separation between the Biden personal legal team and the White House Counsel’s office.


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5db7b0 No.89487

File: aa9e4bb8d2edd79⋯.jpeg (85.43 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542451 (131318ZSEP23) Notable: US frets over ‘deepfake’ threats to national security

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12 Sep, 2023 23:26

US frets over ‘deepfake’ threats to national security

Federal security agencies have warned that AI-generated imagery will increasingly be used in cyberattacks

The US National Security Agency (NSA) and FBI have issued a threat alert over “deepfake”technology that could potentially be used to help breach computer systems in the military and other sensitive targets.

Hackers can use computer-generated imagery to hijack brands, impersonate organization leaders and gain access to sensitive data, the federal agencies said on Tuesday in a cybersecurity advisory. While such tactics have been employed in the past, advances in artificial intelligence have made it easier and less expensive to create deepfake images.

“The tools and techniques for manipulating authentic multimedia are not new, but the ease and scale with which cyber actors are using these techniques are,” NSA mathematician Candice Rockwell Gerstner said in a statement. “Organizations and their employees need to learn to recognize deepfake tradecraft and techniques and have a plan in place to respond and minimize impact if they come under attack.”

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) also contributed to Tuesday’s advisory. The agencies warned that deepfake attacks could present challenges for security agencies, the Pentagon and defense contractors. The agencies recommended that organizations deploy technologies that can detect deepfakes and trace the origin of multimedia files.

“In addition to undermining brands and finances, synthetic media can also cause public unrest through the spread of false information about political, social, military or economic issues,” the advisory said.

Those concerns will take on heightened significance as the 2024 US electionapproaches and congressional Republicans advance their impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. Touting the deepfake threat also could create a pretext for questioning the validity of authentic multimedia files.

During the 2020 election cycle, the FBI set the stage for social media censorship of a bombshell report on alleged influence-peddling by the Biden family – as evidenced by files on a laptop that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, had abandoned at a repair shop.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said last year that his platform throttled back sharing of the Biden story because the FBI had warned the company that law enforcement expected a major “dump” of Russian disinformation just before the election. A group of former US intelligence officials cited that warning after the laptop story broke, falsely claiming it had the “hallmarks” of Russian disinformation to benefit Biden's campaign.

(CISA plans on using deepfakes against Trump, the 51 IC leaders letter in 2020, will not be enough to defeat Trump in 2024, is my guess)


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5db7b0 No.89488

File: 312e1b25e808519⋯.png (2.93 MB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542462 (131320ZSEP23) Notable: Caught: Manhunt ends as escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante captured in Chester County

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Caught: Manhunt ends as escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante captured in Chester County

Convicted killer Danelo Cavalcante, 34, was apprehended Wednesday morning in Chester County after a manhunt that lasted nearly two weeks.

Pennsylvania State Police announced Wednesday that officers had captured the "extremely dangerous" prison escapee after he was found in South Coventry Township.

A 9:30 a.m. press conference will be carried live on this page.

He was apprehended while wearing what appeared to be a Philadelphia Eagles sweatshirt.

Cavalcante's arrest comes after he had reportedly obtained a firearm and, law enforcement officials believed he was corralled in the area of South Coventry Township in Chester County.

As of about 8:20 a.m. on Wednesday, police have not yet revealed details on how Cavalcante was apprehended.

The moment he was captured, officials announced the arrest over the radio.

More at: https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/danelo-cavalcante-convicted-killer-who-escaped-chester-county-prison-captured-after-days-on-the-lam/3637607/

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5db7b0 No.89489

File: 4a198a71bc851ee⋯.png (75.23 KB,1140x560,57:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542491 (131327ZSEP23) Notable: congressional hearings n habbenings for 09/13/2023

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"An Unbearable Price: The Devastating Human Costs of the Biden-Mayorkas Border Crisis"

Committee: House Homeland Security

Related Items: Data will display when it becomes available.

Date: 09/13/2023 (10:00 AM EDT) (Add to My Calendar)

Location: 310 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C.

Website: https://homeland.house.gov/

September 13 – 10:00 am - 1:00 pm


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5db7b0 No.89490

File: 1237b1015f200bd⋯.png (65.12 KB,1200x429,400:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542499 (131330ZSEP23) Notable: congressional hearings n habbenings for 09/13/2023

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Children are Not for Sale: Examining the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad

Committee: House Judiciary

Subcommittee: House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance

Related Items: Data will display when it becomes available.

Date: 09/13/2023 (2:00 PM EDT) (Add to My Calendar)

Location: 2141 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C.

Website: https://judiciary.house.gov/


Wed, 09/13/2023 - 2:00 PM


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5db7b0 No.89491

File: f6878f408f23ec9⋯.png (66.45 KB,1200x429,400:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542507 (131332ZSEP23) Notable: congressional hearings n habbenings for 09/13/2023

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“A Dangerous Strategy: Examining the Biden Administration’s Failures on Iran”

Committee: House Oversight and Accountability

Subcommittee: House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs

Related Items: Data will display when it becomes available.

Date: 09/13/2023 (2:00 PM EDT) (Add to My Calendar)

Location: 2154 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C.

Website: https://oversight.house.gov/

Time 2:00 pm


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5db7b0 No.89492

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542562 (131346ZSEP23) Notable: congressional hearings n habbenings for 09/13/2023

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10:00 AM EDT

Day 7 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/13/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network



Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 7

The Texas State Senate debates articles of impeachment against state Attorney General Ken Paxton, who was impeached in May in the state’s legislature over accusations of misconduct, including bribery and obstruction of justice.


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5db7b0 No.89493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542568 (131347ZSEP23) Notable: congressional hearings n habbenings for 09/13/2023

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10:00 AM EDT

Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) and Other Efforts to Strengthen National Security in the United States

House Financial Services Committee



Panel I

The Honorable Paul Rosen, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of the Treasury


Panel II

Mr. Brain Reissaus, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Investment Security, U.S. Department of the Treasury


Mr. Lucas Cadena, Director, Office of the Director of National Intelligence


Mr. Adam Vaccaro, Director, Office of Investment Security, U.S. Department of Commerce


Ms. Halimah Najieb-Locke, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Industrial Base Resilience, U.S. Department of Defense





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5db7b0 No.89494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542576 (131349ZSEP23) Notable: congressional hearings n habbenings for 09/13/2023

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10:00 AM EDT

Keeping the Lights On: Enhancing Reliability and Efficiency to Power American Homes

House Energy and Commerce Committee



Panel One:

Gene Rodrigues, Assistant Secretary for Electricity, Office of Electricity, U.S. Department of Energy


David Ortiz, Director, Office of Electric Reliability, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


Panel Two:

Kevin Messner, Executive Vice President and Chief Policy Officer, Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers;


B. Robert “Bob” Paulling, President and CEO, Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative, on behalf of the National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association


Ben Lieberman, Senior Fellow, Competitive Enterprise Institute Andrew deLaski, Executive Director, Appliance Standards Awareness Project






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5db7b0 No.89495

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542757 (131422ZSEP23) Notable: Chairman Green [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: At least seventeen hundred migrants have been found dead on US soil

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Chairman Green [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: At least seventeen hundred migrants have been found dead on US soil...CBP stopped reporting this statistic after Y21...migrants are also being abused and exploited to an unprecedented degree; women and children are being sexually assaulted along the journey, while others that eventually make it the the United States are lured or coerced into sex slavery...brothels are operating in broad daylight in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, where immigrants are reportedly coerced into prostitution.

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5db7b0 No.89496

File: 5321c1a99d89d5e⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,364x720,91:180,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 211269f449e8d86⋯.png (211.01 KB,408x523,408:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542770 (131424ZSEP23) Notable: Blacks v. Indian/Asian shopkeepers kicking off in London now MP4

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Blacks v. Indian/Asian shopkeepers kicking off in London now


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5db7b0 No.89497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542795 (131429ZSEP23) Notable: Pfizer’s covid injections target bone marrow and interfere with the body’s ability to manufacture blood cells

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Pfizer’s covid injections target bone marrow and interfere with the body’s ability to manufacture blood cells

In a recent article, Dr. William Makis highlighted three science papers about mRNA “vaccines” which are cause for great concern. The three papers are:

Study 1 – Matteo Zurlo et al.,The anti-SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 vaccine suppresses mithramycin-induced erythroid differentiation and expression of embryo-foetal globin genes in human erythroleukemia K562 cells, bioRvix. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.07.556634 (7 September 2023).

Study 2 – Laura Breda et al., In vivo hematopoietic stem cell modification by mRNA delivery. Science 381,436-443(2023). doi: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ade6967 (27 July 2023).

Study 3 – Puccetti, M.; Schoubben, A.; Giovagnoli, S.; Ricci, M. Biodrug Delivery Systems: Do mRNA Lipid Nanoparticles Come of Age? Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 2218. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24032218 (22 January 2023).

Formation of Blood Cells in Our Bodies

Our bodies produce blood cells continuously from the time we are in the womb up to old age. Millions of blood cells are replaced each day as they live out their lifespans. The lifespan for red blood cells is around 120 days.

There are more than 10 different kinds of blood cells, each performing its own set of tasks. Though red and white blood cells may end up in different places in the body, after we are born production of blood cells starts in the bone marrow. Bone marrow makes more than 220 billion new blood cells every day.

Haematopoiesis (adj. haematopoietic) is the medical term used to describe the process by which our blood cells are formed, develop and mature into their final “adult” types. The process begins with a haematopoietic stem cell (“HSC”), which then goes through a series of steps to arrive at the final product – a mature blood cell. A mature blood cell would be a red blood cell, a white blood cell such as a lymphocyte, or some other type of blood cell.

Lymphoblast cells are immature white blood cells that develop into healthy immune cells called lymphocytes. In leukaemia patients, for example, lymphoblasts don’t mature. Instead, they multiply rapidly in the bone marrow and interfere with blood cell production.

In a 2020 Nature Biomedical Engineering study, researchers used a type of genetic therapy, known as RNA interference, and nanoparticles modified in such a way that they would accumulate in the cells found in the bone marrow, rather than in the liver. These particles could be tailored to help treat heart disease or to boost the yield of stem cells in patients who need stem cell transplants, Penn Engineering Today wrote.

RNA interference is a gene therapy that could potentially be used to “treat a variety of diseases” by delivering short strands of RNA that block specific genes from being turned on in a cell. Using this gene therapy technique with specialised nanoparticles, researchers from Penn Engineering and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (“MIT”) developed a way to turn off specific genes in cells of bone marrow.

“RNA nanoparticles are currently FDA-approved as a liver-targeted therapy but hold promise for many diseases, ranging from covid-19 vaccines to drugs that can permanently repair disease genes,” said Daniel Anderson, one of the authors of the study. “We believe that engineering nanoparticles to deliver RNA to different types of cells and organs in the body is key to reaching the broadest potential of genetic therapy.”

“If we could develop technologies that could control cellular activity in bone marrow and the hematopoietic stem cell niche, it could be transformative for disease applications,” said Michael Mitchell, one of the study’s lead authors. Mitchell was already working on new nanotechnologies that target bone marrow and immune cells for treating other diseases, especially blood cancers such as multiple myeloma.

The 2020 study was funded in part by the National Institutes of Health and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, among others.

Further reading: New Research from Penn Engineering and MIT Shows How Nanoparticles Can Turn Off Genes in Bone Marrow, Penn Engineering Today, 7 October 2020



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5db7b0 No.89498

File: 6a1a7aafb12e8e9⋯.png (31.55 KB,300x168,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542801 (131431ZSEP23) Notable: A California bill could help make EVs a blackout solution

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CA goes BI

A California bill could help make EVs a blackout solution

The state might require every electric vehicle to be capable of powering your home — and the grid — through a process called bidirectional charging.

Proponents of Senate Bill 233, which the state’s Senate Appropriations Committee will hear this month, say using electric vehicle batteries to power homes, buildings, and even the grid could provide energy resilience and bolster grid reliability. Climate events and growing power demand increasingly stress the state’s energy supplies. Utilities sometimes shut down power lines to prevent ignition when wildfire danger is high. Storms can cause widespread blackouts, and excess demand when people turn up air conditioners during heat waves have prompted rolling blackouts to ration power.


h/t David Knight Show: https://www.thedavidknightshow.com/

h/t Frontline TV https://www.youtube.com/@thefrontlinetvnewsflash

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5db7b0 No.89499

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542811 (131432ZSEP23) Notable: Thompson [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: Republicans are trying to advance their illegitimate impeachment agenda

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Thompson [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: Republicans are trying to advance their illegitimate impeachment agenda, even as the Biden administration and Secretary Mayorkas work to implement orderly and humane border policies.

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5db7b0 No.89500

File: b4584f45563c524⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB,480x902,240:451,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542820 (131435ZSEP23) Notable: PedoJoe jumping from where he's walking by, to pet a child in the crowd

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here's a vid of PedoJoe jumping from where he's walking by, to pet a child in the crowd

Brief view of Barry walking behind him.

If I contradict a MuhJop jew hater does that mean my post is "up " for being erased.

We need to show that we know they're from Langley (Hi Doug) and report back to Twit.

We should be able to contradict them.. In fact everyone should and maybe drive them away for a time, (like noxious flies or cockroaches?)

Their spam should be countered, beside just erased.

Some liberals are "Hate Men"

And they do the same thing as the muhjoos (pretend to do?) They say Rule by Men has created disaster, and now we need "Rule by Woman"

Isnt that just lumping all men into one catagory - as what muhjoos do to Jews?

Seems like most wars get rid of men rather than woman.

? Why would civilized woman want to fight in war and thinks that's a great privlidge and a "win" in the "fight for equality" vis a vis men? Especially when the wars they send our people out to are "jimmied"

That is so crazy.

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5db7b0 No.89501

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542920 (131452ZSEP23) Notable: Cantu [wife of Border Patrol Agent]: Let's not forget to mention the stress of forced vaccinations by this administration

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Cantu [wife of Border Patrol Agent]: Let's not forget to mention the stress of forced vaccinations by this administration. Vax or get fired. This [is a] man-made perfect storm...with higher numbers in substance abuse, divorce rate, and suicide rate.

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5db7b0 No.89502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542961 (131459ZSEP23) Notable: Gelernt [ACLU]: As we came to learn, the goal of the family separation policy was to subject families to such cruelty, that they would give up their asylum claims

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Gelernt [ACLU]: As we came to learn, the goal of the family separation policy was to subject families to such cruelty, that they would give up their asylum claims, and to deter other asylum-seeking families from seeking refuge here.

[when a person is arrested with a child, they are always separated; many children are used by non-family members to gain entry and for abuse]

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5db7b0 No.89503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542967 (131501ZSEP23) Notable: #2400

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#24000 >>89474

>>89475, >>89476 PF reporting

>>89477 Massachusetts National Guard set to deploy Wednesday to help unstaffed shelters. National Guard call-up could last six months

>>89478 SURPRISE! Cali Democrat Mayor Filmed Getting Spanked by a Drag Queen is a Self-Described MARXIST

>>89479 Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Estimates Double to $100-$135 Billion; Smith and Crapo Call for Action.

>>89480 ODESSA, Texas (KOSA) - The City of Odessa voted to not enforce any mandates imposed nationally or by the State of Texas.

>>89481, >>89486 Biden's White House will send letter to CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demanding them to probe 'lies' behind GOP's plan to impeach president

>>89482, >>89483 New Energy Bill: Risk Jail Time For Not Complying With Net Zero Regulations & More News

>>89484 The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/13/2023

>>89485, >>89489, >>89490, >>89491, >>89492, >>89493, >>89494 congressional hearings n habbenings for 09/13/2023

>>89487 US frets over ‘deepfake’ threats to national security

>>89488 Caught: Manhunt ends as escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante captured in Chester County

>>89495 Chairman Green [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: At least seventeen hundred migrants have been found dead on US soil

>>89496 Blacks v. Indian/Asian shopkeepers kicking off in London now MP4

>>89497 Pfizer’s covid injections target bone marrow and interfere with the body’s ability to manufacture blood cells

>>89499 Thompson [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: Republicans are trying to advance their illegitimate impeachment agenda

>>89500 PedoJoe jumping from where he's walking by, to pet a child in the crowd

>>89498 A California bill could help make EVs a blackout solution

>>89501 Cantu [wife of Border Patrol Agent]: Let's not forget to mention the stress of forced vaccinations by this administration

>>89502 Gelernt [ACLU]: As we came to learn, the goal of the family separation policy was to subject families to such cruelty, that they would give up their asylum claims


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5db7b0 No.89504

File: b856f4a0d4aea5d⋯.png (142.72 KB,403x294,403:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542980 (131502ZSEP23) Notable: #24001

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#24001 https://fullchan.net/?209b2b2de560c282#9ky9VYMFaSmDaarG61Mm2dkfLzimNuNyQjPztwp7AfX3

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5db7b0 No.89505

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542997 (131505ZSEP23) Notable: OP: Impeach Joe Biden

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OP: Impeach Joe Biden


Joe Biden needs to be impeached and tried for the crimes he has committed.

The following OP is to help push that narrative.













#bidencrimefamily #ImpeachJoeBiden #HunterBiden #Biden #Treason #DevonArcher #joebiden #FJB #SaveAmerica #Burisma #ArrestBidenCrimeFamily


Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXA-dj2-CY

Hunter Biden Laptop: https://bidenlaptopmedia.com/

Joe Biden's Botched Withdrawal Plunges Afghanistan Into Chaos https://time.com/6090523/biden-afghanistan-withdrawal-taliban/

Nord Stream Attack: Senator Raises Alarms About Alleged U.S. Involvement https://www.newsweek.com/nord-stream-attack-senator-raises-alarms-about-alleged-us-involvement-1780192

President Biden, your wide open border has created the gravest US terror threat in years https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/president-biden-wide-open-border-created-gravest-us-terror-threat-years

Biden throws gas on inflation fire https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/editorials/biden-throws-gas-on-inflation-fire

Biden's 'weaponized' DOJ has officially gone full banana republic https://www.foxnews.com/media/sean-hannity-bidens-weaponized-doj-has-now-gone-full-banana-republic

Biden's persecution of opponents Trump and Kennedy https://www.wnd.com/2023/08/bidens-persecution-opponents-trump-kennedy/

Joe Biden's TOP 25 Bloopers, Blunders, and Gaffes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neCj_m2p4i0

47 Years Of Joe Biden's RAC*ST Comments! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h95hutjkxSM



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5db7b0 No.89506

File: f80ae4374a6aa06⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB,492x492,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543004 (131507ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine/CIA Back Nazis? MP4

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5db7b0 No.89507

File: 62ed6dccf09647f⋯.mp4 (13.35 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543011 (131508ZSEP23) Notable: Speaker Impeach Inquiry Presser MP4

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5db7b0 No.89508

File: 016de83dd7cc62f⋯.png (41.54 KB,392x476,14:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543023 (131511ZSEP23) Notable: 3-YEAR DELTA Q 4686

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Sep 13, 2020 12:32:54 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a4f814 No. 10630891





SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

Did Kevin set his alarm?


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5db7b0 No.89509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543035 (131514ZSEP23) Notable: Tony Buzbee Destroys Another Paxton Impeachment Schemer

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Tony Buzbee Destroys Another Paxton Impeachment Schemer, Gregg Cox

September 12, 2023 | Sundance |

Someone on the Twitter noticed that Tony Buzbee is like the film actor, Matthew McConaughey. 😂 Too funny, because it’s true.

Buzbee has been chewing through the fraud and manipulation that stems from the Bush family effort to target Attorney General Ken Paxton. Democrats and authentic Republicans in Texas have been working together to keep the political system under their control. The long-term goal to turn the state blue is against the interests of the state residents, but that doesn’t stop the Bush family from trying.

In this segment, Paxton attorney Tony Buzbee starts grinding the patina off the schemes the professional Republicans created in order to remove a non-compliant, non-Bush aligned, attorney general. It’s a good segment, very good. WATCH:

Must watch for keks



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5db7b0 No.89510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543042 (131516ZSEP23) Notable: New Mexico AG Tells Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham He Will Not Defend Her Unconstitutional Gun Ban

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New Mexico AG Tells Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham He Will Not Defend Her Unconstitutional Gun Ban in Court. KEK

September 12, 2023 | Sundance |

The Attorney General for New Mexico has informed Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham his office will not be appearing in court to defend her against the unconstitutional gun ban she has decreed by fiat in Alburquerque.

New Mexico – Democratic New Mexico Attorney General Raul Torrez announced he will not defend the state in pending lawsuits against the governor’s public health emergency order suspending open and concealed carry of firearms in Albuquerque and surrounding counties.

In a letter to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM) regarding four impending lawsuit cases, Torrez shared the same sentiments from Democratic and Republican lawmakers and law enforcement, saying the ban violates the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.

“Though I recognize my statutory obligation as New Mexico’s chief legal officer to defend state officials when they are sued in their official capacity, my duty to uphold and defend the constitutional rights of every citizen takes precedence,” Torrez wrote. “Simply put, I do not believe that the Emergency Order will have any meaningful impact on public safety but, more importantly, I do not believe it passes constitutional muster.” (more)

Using a “public health emergency” as a method to ban firearms is purely an ideological effort from the school of Soros.


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5db7b0 No.89511

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543093 (131525ZSEP23) Notable: Another Point, Kari Lake Would Have ‘Won Easily’ If Google Hadn’t Interfered

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Expert to Arizona Legislature: Kari Lake Would Have ‘Won Easily’ If Google Hadn’t Interfered in the 2022 Election

September 12, 2023 Rachel Alexander



State Representative Alex Kolodin (R-Scottsdale), chair of the Arizona House Ad Hoc Committee on Oversight, Accountability, and Big Tech, held the first of a series of hearings last week investigating the impact of Big Tech’s election interference. The first half of the four-hour long session featured testimony by Harvard-educated academic Dr. Robert Epstein, who discovered how Google influences election results. The second half consisted of testimony by First Amendment attorney James Kerwin of the Mountain States Legal Foundation, who discussed where the law is in regard to officials pressuring big tech about posts. He reviewed what then-Secretary of State Katie Hobbs’ office emailed to big tech during the last election, and suggested legislation the Arizona Legislature could propose to curtail the officials.

Kolodin said during the hearing, “It is not acceptable for the government to censor free speech simply because it acts through the private sector.” He warned that the country is in the beginning of a nascent police state … nascent totalitarian society … I go to grassroots meetings where people are afraid to speak … afraid they will be arrested.”

Kolodin said some presenters invited to speak at the hearing dropped out due to fear.

Epstein, whose speech was titled “The Impact of Big Tech’s Election Interference and How we Can Stop it,” admitted he voted for Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, said Google is the “biggest mind control engine that’s ever been invented.” He said that while “they have the power, it’s not illegal. It should be.” He said the government hasn’t done anything to stop Google.

He got involved in investigating Google after receiving a notice from the company in 2012 that said his website had been hacked. “Who made Google the sheriff of the internet?” Then he found the Safari browser was blocking his website — how could Google influence an unrelated browser, he wondered. He wrote an article for U.S. News & World Report about it in 2016.

He began looking into Google search results and said he found “[t]he most disturbing set of scientific findings that I have ever encountered in my life.” He learned that 95 percent of clicks on search results go to the results on the first page. He started setting up experiments with subjects to determine if the search results were artificially manipulated and whether it could influence which political candidate the subject decided to support. He predicted a 2-3 percent shift due to the bias. He was shocked to find it was a 43 percent shift.

He asked his subjects if they observed the bias, and only 25 percent said yes. Then, he set up the search results to “mask the bias.” Instead of showing results that primarily benefited one candidate, he added one favorable result for the opposing candidate. As a result, 85 percent said they saw no sign of bias. When he moved that result up to the third slot in the search results, not a single person reported seeing any bias.

Epstein said that based on all the information Google has compiled on people over the years, the company knows who the undecided voters versus the decided voters are. “We really don’t need to hold elections anymore,” he said since Google knows how people will vote and who will win. He refers to the phenomenon of influencing search results as the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME).

He found that certain demographics were more susceptible to manipulation than others.

Some groups would only shift 20 percent, whereas some would shift as much as 80 percent after just one search. That most vulnerable group was moderate Republicans.

He also discovered that the people who spotted the bias shifted even further in the direction of the bias, about 12-13 points more. He said it was due to a misplaced trust people place in search engines and machine output. He submitted a report on his findings to the National Academy of Sciences, which published it.

Epstein said people think using sites like Google is free, but the reality is “you pay with your freedom, not coins.”

After his report came out, Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood called him to tell him that after he sued Google, the company responded and sued him personally. Epstein said Google fights “tooth and nail” to stop “every sliver of discovery.” Hood said he was concerned that Google might deliberately manipulate search results regarding his next election to defeat him and wanted to know if he could find out.

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5db7b0 No.89512

File: a234a57b60593a4⋯.png (641.51 KB,730x968,365:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543139 (131533ZSEP23) Notable: MP4 'Non-humans' found in Peru said to be 1,000 years old?

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PUBLISHED: 09:44 EDT, 13 September 2023 | UPDATED: 09:46 EDT, 13 September 2023

'Alien' bodies with three-fingered hands, 'unknown DNA and eggs inside' are presented by UFO expert at Mexican congress - with the

'non-humans' found in Peru said to be 1,000 years old

Journalist Jaime Maussan described the event as a 'watershed' moment


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5db7b0 No.89513

File: 9762e04757fad1d⋯.png (479.03 KB,733x771,733:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543153 (131536ZSEP23) Notable: Mysterious lights were spotted in the sky before Morocco's devastating earthquake hit

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Mysterious lights were spotted in the sky before Morocco's devastating earthquake hit

last week - and scientists don't know what caused them

Strange videos have arisen in the aftermath of Morocco's devastating earthquake , showing mysterious lights in the sky before the tremor hit. Blue lights were seen flashing above Agadir at the foot of the Atlas Mountains, hours before the 6.8 magnitude tremor struck. While the clips have not been verified, the unexplained sightings have baffled onlookers, with some suggesting that a UFO or lightning could be to blame. Another possible explanation could be 'earthquake lights' - a rare phenomenon believed to take place in times of seismic stress. However, no-one knows for sure if earthquake lights even exist, or what causes them.


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5db7b0 No.89514

File: 141d55482de19b1⋯.png (748.18 KB,900x675,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543161 (131538ZSEP23) Notable: Memes of The Thread

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Fuck the peachmint charade

It's called TREASON!

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5db7b0 No.89515

File: fe0f805cca76834⋯.png (1.78 MB,960x1277,960:1277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543181 (131544ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 13, 2023

NGC 4632: Galaxy with a Hidden Polar Ring

Galaxy NGC 4632 hides a secret from optical telescopes. It is surrounded by a ring of cool hydrogen gas orbiting at 90 degrees to its spiral disk. Such polar ring galaxies have previously been discovered using starlight. However, NGC 4632 is among the first in which a radio telescope survey revealed a polar ring. The featured composite image combines this gas ring, observed with the highly sensitive ASKAP telescope, with optical data from the Subaru telescope. Using virtual reality, astronomers separated out the gas in the main disk of the galaxy from the ring, and the subtle color gradient traces its orbital motion. Why do polar rings exist? They could be material pulled from one galaxy as it gravitationally interacts with a companion. Or hydrogen gas flows along the filaments of the cosmic web and accretes into a ring around a galaxy, some of which gravitationally contracts into stars.


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5db7b0 No.89516

File: 2daeafc61bec563⋯.png (789.83 KB,1001x522,1001:522,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543199 (131547ZSEP23) Notable: Memes of The Thread

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The Reason for Treason is no Defense.

All Globalist are Guilty of Treason.

No matter the Reason.

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5db7b0 No.89517

File: b0820f649ed8bc8⋯.png (323.19 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 02e3d69affbf2af⋯.png (302.02 KB,553x503,553:503,Clipboard.png)

File: 490e3abb9d3c433⋯.png (210.71 KB,582x364,291:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543284 (131606ZSEP23) Notable: MP4 'Non-humans' found in Peru said to be 1,000 years old?

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We know it's coming, will they look like Aleister Crowley's "Aiwass" or more like what they portrayed in "E.T."

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5db7b0 No.89518

File: 45049d2c3687e5c⋯.png (180.56 KB,913x234,913:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543393 (131628ZSEP23) Notable: Memes of The Thread

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5db7b0 No.89519

File: 7436dc51774a221⋯.png (310.53 KB,841x631,841:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543396 (131629ZSEP23) Notable: @RepChipRoy Theory on Lies - Four kinds

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House Freedom Caucus reposted

Rep. Chip Roy Press Office

There are now four kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, statistics, and government COVID guidance.

🔗Full article:

>>>/qresearch/19543387 >https://nature.com/articles/s41562-023-01654-1

8:22 AM · Sep 13, 2023


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5db7b0 No.89520

File: 995822b61599e3a⋯.png (1.96 MB,1080x882,60:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543432 (131635ZSEP23) Notable: @RepChipRoy Theory on Lies - Four kinds

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There are now four kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, statistics, and government COVID guidance.

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5db7b0 No.89521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543451 (131639ZSEP23) Notable: Anon's Medical Industry Dig Bun

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Medical industry history digg

Many of us may know about the history with ‘Big pharma’ and the oil tycoons. We can see back in the 18th/19thcentury chemical based medicine overtook natural medicine with the help from rich oil tycoons like the Rockerfeller’s. Alongside these groups funding the medical research and Doctors, they also played a part in the Flexner report.

There are a couple of points that need to be understood in regards to the Flexner report. Firstly Abraham Flexner was NOT a doctor he was a school teacher. There is a large connection between unethical, ruthless industrialists and medicine. John Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie played a big part in this. At the time of the Flexner report there were no real effective governmental agencies in place monitoring the affairs. Abraham Flexner did this in favour of profit, not long term health. Not long after the release of the first of many chemical based drugs came the major side effects. Many cases of cancer were reported, causing the robber barons to create the cancer institute. It’s ironic the same people who created the product with the side effect set up the institute but never addressed their own products.

“Rockefeller’s goal was to dominate the oil, chemical, and pharmaceutical markets, so his company [Standard Oil of New Jersey] purchased a controlling interest in a huge German drug/chemical company called I.G. Farben,” Ty Bollinger said.

In 1910 Flexner published the book ‘Medical Education in the United States and Canada, which is now known as the Flexner report. This later influenced patenting and the laboratory research carried out. Big pharma also has a strong link with German cartels amongst the rest of its shady history.

Health journalist S.D. Wells notes in the eBook 25 Amazing (and Disturbing) Facts About the Hidden History of Medicine, “Five score and two years ago, a man named Abraham Flexner was hired by John D. Rockefeller to evaluate the effectiveness of therapies being taught by medical colleges and institutions, with the ultimate goal of dominating control over pharmaceuticals.

Whilst shutting down natural medicine and their institutions, people like Carnegie and JP Morgan would influence legislative bodies on a state and federal level to create legislations that mainly promoted drug based medicines.

Much of the teachings were built on empirical science (drugs) and often excluded whole-patient care. The same paradigm we face today where the patient is often not treated as a whole or individually. The Flexner report helped pave the way for a medical monopoly that we are still playing today. You cannot patent a product of nature but you can a chemical based medicine. Many natural practitioners at the time were getting arrested and often thrown in jail to help push the agenda of big pharma.


In this paper, we will begin by outlining some of the basic assumptions of Abraham Flexner's report to the Carnegie Foundation and its continuing effects on the North American clinical and research landscape in CAM and psychiatry. We then explore some of the antagonisms between the “biomedical model” of health research and nonconventional approaches that Flexner had subsumed under the “medical sects” of the time (e.g., homoeopathy, naturopathy, and homoeopathy, etc.), while pointing to the schism in medicine that Flexner had introduced and further aggravated and which the Canadian medical historian Don G. Bates (1940–2001) has so intriguingly explored and analysed....

More detailed government study on the Flexner Report and it's huge impact on Western Medicine


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5db7b0 No.89522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543481 (131644ZSEP23) Notable: 1:00 PM EST Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

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1:00 PM EST

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby, and Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers Jared Bernstein

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room




WH Press Secretary & Other Officials Hold Briefing

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre holds a White House briefing. She’s joined by National Security Council Communications Coordinator John Kirby and Council of Economic Advisers Chair Jared Bernstein.


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5db7b0 No.89523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543482 (131644ZSEP23) Notable: Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

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and look at how nicely it all swirls about Alex Jones...Steve Bannon... Roger Stone... Flynn... Caroline Wren... this list is longggggggggg...



🚨BREAKING: Cell phone video of DC officer on J6 saying “we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd”

They’re ADMITTING it

How many cops & federal agents were undercover that day? How many instigated violence & property destruction?

Release the J6 tapes!


Who financed the "Rally"?

Did POTUS say that it was going to be "Wild"?

Who blamed POTUS for Jan 06?

[MAGA] Supporters?

Seeking Immunity?



Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

The effort by the Trump ally to get an immunity deal is the latest sign of progress in the investigation, which recently brought on a well-regarded prosecutor.


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5db7b0 No.89524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543483 (131644ZSEP23) Notable: Anon's Medical Industry Dig Bun

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Medical industry history digg

People these days see you as a weirdo if you talk about the healing properties of plants or any other holistic practice. Like everything else, there is a lot of politics and money behind the modern medical system. Around the 20th century, when the possibility of creating everything from oil was discovered, the Rockefeller lineage opted for obtaining pharmaceutical drugs from petrochemicals. But the Rockefeller’s plan for the medical industry ran into one problem: the popularity of natural medicine in the United States. Almost half of the doctors and medical schools in the US practiced holistic medicine, using knowledge of Europe and Native Americans. Thus, the Rockefeller family found a way to get rid of their greatest competition using the classic Hegelian dialectic formula: “solution-problem-reaction.” That is, they created a problem to scare people, and then offered a pre-planned solution.

It all started with John Davidson Rockefeller (1839-1937), a Pharisee-born Illuminati monopoly, oil magnate, thief, and America’s first billionaire. In the early 1900s, Rockefeller controlled 90% of all oil refineries in the U.S. through his oil company, Standard Oil, which later split to become Chevron, Exxon, Mobil, etc. At the same time, around 1900, scientists discovered “petrochemicals” and the ability to create all kinds of chemicals from petroleum. For example, the first plastic, called bakelite, was made from petroleum in 1907. Scientists discovered various vitamins and assumed that many pharmaceutical drugs could be obtained from petroleum. Rockefeller saw this as a wonderful opportunity to monopolize the oil, chemical, and medical industries at the same time. The best thing about petrochemicals was that everything could be patented and sold with high profits.

But there was a problem with Rockefeller’s plan for the medical industry: Natural / herbal medicines were very popular in America at the time. Almost half of the doctors and medical schools in the US practiced holistic medicine, using knowledge of Europe and Native Americans. Rockefeller had to find a way to get rid of his increased competition. So he used the classic Hegelian dialectic formula: “solution-problem-reaction.” That is, he and his associates created a problem to scare people, and then offered a pre-planned solution. Rockefeller turned to his friend Andrew Carnegie, another plutocrat who made his money by monopolizing the steel industry, who devised a plan. From the prestigious Carnegie Foundation, they sent a man named Abraham Flexner to travel across the country and report on the status of all hospitals and medical colleges. This led to the writing of the Flexner Report, which gave rise to modern medicine as we know it, through which the need to modernize and centralize medical institutions was discussed. Based on this report, more than half of all medical universities were closed a short time later. Homeopathy and natural medicine were mocked and demonized. Many doctors who worked with these methods were even jailed.

To help with the transition and change the minds of other doctors and scientists, Rockefeller donated more than $100 million to schools and hospitals and founded a group of philanthropic leaders called the “General Board of Education” (GEB). In a very short time, all medical schools were modernized and homogenized. All the students were learning the same thing, and medicine consisted of using proprietary medicines. The scientists received huge grants to study how plants cure diseases, but their goal was to first identify which chemicals in the plant were effective, and then to recreate a similar, but not identical, chemical in the laboratory that could be patented. So now, 100 years later, we are producing doctors who know nothing about the benefits of nutrition or herbs or any holistic practice. Instead, we have an entire society that is enslaved to corporations and they still associate these with the idea of well-being. The United States spends 15% of its GDP on healthcare, but it does not focus on the cure, but on the symptoms, thus creating recurring clients. There is no industrial cure for cancer, diabetes, autism, asthma, or even the flu. After all, why would the Rockefellers want to produce real cures, if they are part of a system founded by international oligarchs and plutocrats, and not by doctors? As for cancer, the American Cancer Society was founded by none other than Rockefeller in 1913.


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5db7b0 No.89525

File: b6e0e5bd68417d8⋯.png (640.87 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543485 (131644ZSEP23) Notable: Berkeley Poll: California Voters Oppose “Unfair” Reparations Cash Payments For Slavery

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Berkeley Poll: California Voters Oppose “Unfair” Reparations Cash Payments For Slavery

A new poll from UC Berkeley and the LA Times reveals that California voters overwhelmingly oppose the idea of cash payments for black descendants of slaves by a 2-to-1 margin. The poll found that 59% of voters oppose cash payments vs. 28% who support the idea. The majority simply says it’s unfair to today’s taxpayers for injustice in the past that they had no part in; those polled also agreed that it is wrong to single out one group for reparations. Almost two-thirds of white voters were opposed as were 6 in 10 Latino and Asian voters.



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5db7b0 No.89526

File: ef5dbe03b09e98a⋯.png (750.56 KB,1064x832,133:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543500 (131647ZSEP23) Notable: Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

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Alex Jones met with 1/6 committee and says he pleaded the Fifth ‘almost 100 times’

By Annie Grayer and Oliver Darcy, CNN Tue January 25, 2022

Jones said the committee also asked him whether he used Oath Keepers or Proud Boys as security.

He said he hired his own private security but added that he later found out that the leader of the Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, “would assign someone to us.” CNN previously reported that

Rhodes’ Oath Keepers protected Jones at multiple “Stop the Steal” rallies and that some were tasked with providing a personal security detail for Jones and Alexander on January 6.

“I had 12 to 14 security people,” Jones said, elaborating that he hired a “well-known private security company” based out of Texas that provided him with personnel composed of “DC and Maryland police.”

“I go and try to get professional people,” Jones added, joking that they were probably Democrats.

Jones did say that everywhere he went, people “of every different type” followed him around.

He revealed that he had eaten at a Hooters restaurant with some members of the Proud Boys after attending a rally in Georgia prior to January 6.

Jones, referring to the indictment of Rhodes on seditious conspiracy charges, said that if the Oath Keepers were attempting to foment a violent rebellion, it’s not something he knew about or desired.

The committee acknowledged specifically in its subpoena to Jones that once at the Capitol, he had told people “not to be violent” and to gather and wait for Trump to speak.

Even though Trump never went to the Capitol that day, the committee said the location where Jones had told people to wait “coincided” with the place that

“Stop the Steal” rally organizer Alexander had obtained a permit for that day.

On his show, Jones said he had tried to discourage people from entering the Capitol but described containing the crowd as “mission impossible.”

“We learned there were a bunch of people inside the Capitol,” Jones said. “And that was so stupid and so dumb. I didn’t support it that day and I don’t support it now.”

“We got the hell out of there once we couldn’t stop it,” Jones later added, calling January 6 a “horrible historic fiasco” and saying he wished it had “never happened.”


Who is Caroline Wren?


Company website for Caroline Wren redirects to:


Who is Julie Jenkins Fancelli?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronna_McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney

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5db7b0 No.89527

File: 6eb951d61010cd6⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543501 (131648ZSEP23) Notable: MP4 'Non-humans' found in Peru said to be 1,000 years old?

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Posting the vid, use discernment anons

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5db7b0 No.89528

File: 13c92f3912c9840⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543514 (131651ZSEP23) Notable: Anon's Medical Industry Dig Bun

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Medical industry digg

And where did the list go? The list of all the online Alternate Health/Medicine websites practitioners who had all died unnaturally and before their time? It was like the list of former friends and enemies of the Clintons and the list of actual witnesses in the JFK assassination?


The Rockefeller's Drug Empire includes JP Morgan, Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, the Rockefeller Foundation, the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Cancer Society (ACS), BIG PHARMA and the 1939 Cancer Act...

For any doctor, P.A., pharmacist, etc. who doesn't know history, you are part of a massive negative, "philanthropic" creation that goes back to 1847 when the AMA and BIG PHARMA was created. Yes, I realize some will say that medicine kept them alive, but I will state that G-D created everything we need to heal and survive. These narcissistic bastards want to control humanity, they want everyone believing their expensive med's will treat you. But, they don't want to release the cure's. There's to much money to be made in the treatment, not the cure.

John D. Rockefeller set up the "American League of Municipalities" which controlled all small towns across the United States.

Rockefeller set up the "American Association of State Governments" which controlled all the State governments.

Rockefeller used state legislatures to control doctor's and hospital's. All hospitals and doctors had to be licensed through state legislature. That all sounded great, if you didn't know what was going on! You had to go through John D. Rockefeller to get a medical license and a hospital license.

Rockefeller, Carnegie and JP Morgan used their vast wealth to create the AMA, the ACS and the 1939 Cancer Act. Their fortunes changed everything. They gave huge grants to all the major universities and placed their people on the Board of Director's. They pushed the entire medical industry into pharmaceutical drugs. (Philanthropy, which is men with deep pockets, call the shots. Philanthropy is a tool for social control.).

Back then, Rockefeller bought the Union Medical School in China and renamed it "Peking Union Medical College". Rockefeller introduced the U.S. John Hopkins model to the Peking Union Medical College Hospital. The Rockefeller Foundation's ambition was to change traditional "Chinese" medicine into "Western" medicine. (Now let's fast forward to "Event 201" and the "Wuhan" leak or release).

Back in the late 1800's, patients could chose between Allopathic or Homeopathic medicine. With Allopathic treatments the patient often died of the cure. Homeopathic doctors used herbs that were learned from Native American's and old European traditions. They believed in stimulating the human bodies natural defenses to heal itself.

If you don't know the evil POS philanthropist named George Soros, just know that he is responsible for many of the World's problems. So is the POS named Bill Gates. Bill Gates is a Rockefeller. It's all about profit and these people, along with the financial industry / banks (which were also created by JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Rothschild's, etc...) started the Federal Reserve Bank. It's all about profit.

In 1910, J.D. Rockefeller and the others took over the health care industry and set up medical insurances.

In 1939, the 1939 Cancer Act was passed. All countries signed on except Ireland. Physicians can not treat with, advertise, or promote "alternative" medicines because of the 1939 Cancer Act. If you do, they will go after your license, insurance and black ball you in the medical field. The American Medical Association, American Cancer Society and Food and Drug Administration have tried to stop people from writing books, organizing public meetings, and producing films on the anticancer potential of Vitamin B17, intravenous Vitamin C, etc...and other alternative treatment methods.

For those that don't know it, the United Nations was built on land donated by the Rockefeller's.

The "League of Nations" was also founded by the Rockefellers.

Again, Bill Gates is a Rockefeller.

The term 'snake oil saleman' was coined from daddy Roth see embedded vid

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5db7b0 No.89529

File: c21168752cf8f02⋯.mp4 (15.08 MB,510x288,85:48,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543547 (131657ZSEP23) Notable: Chairman Green [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: At least (17) hundred migrants have been found dead on US soil MP4

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Chairman Green [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: At least seventeen hundred migrants have been found dead on US soil…CBP stopped reporting this statistic after Y21…migrants are also being abused and exploited to an unprecedented degree; women and children are being sexually assaulted along the journey, while others that eventually make it the the United States are lured or coerced into sex slavery…brothels are operating in broad daylight in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, where immigrants are reportedly coerced into prostitution.

Chairman Green: The Biden administration cares more about politics than ensuring minors are not exploited and abused…they have lost track of eighty-five thousand UACs [unaccompanied minor children] after release…in one case, a hundred children were sent to the same address in Austin, Texas…these minors themselves are being pushed into servitude of all kinds, from the sex trade, to forced labor….when we publish our findings, the American people will be shocked and disgusted at how Secretary Mayorkas's policies have explicitly led to the mass trafficking, exploitation, and abuse of vulnerable minors.

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5db7b0 No.89530

File: ee7d18372e83350⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543552 (131658ZSEP23) Notable: Rockefeller Medicine MP4

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forgot to add

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5db7b0 No.89531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543563 (131700ZSEP23) Notable: 1:15 PM EDT Secretary Antony J. Blinken

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1:15 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a Security Integration and Prosperity Agreement signing ceremony with Bahraini Crown Prince and Prime Minister Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa

Department of State





Secretary Blinken Signing Ceremony with Bahraini Crown Prince and Prime Minister Salman bin Al Khalifa

Secretary Blinken participates in a Security Integration and Prosperity Agreement signing ceremony with Bahraini Crown Prince and Prime Minister Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa at the State Department.


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5db7b0 No.89532

File: c120c616cca1425⋯.png (52.66 KB,863x591,863:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543587 (131706ZSEP23) Notable: Husband of U.S. Representative Mary Sattler Peltola died in a single-engine Piper PA-18 crash in Alaska

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==Husband of US lawmaker dies in plane crash


September 13, 202312:30 PM GMT-3Updated 2 hours ago

WASHINGTON, Sept 13 (Reuters) - The husband of U.S. Representative Mary Sattler Peltola died in a single-engine Piper PA-18 crash in Alaska, her office and U.S. agencies said Wednesday.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said the plane crashed shortly after takeoff near St. Mary's, Alaska, around 8:45 p.m. local time on Tuesday, Sept. 12. Only Peltola's husband, who was the pilot, was on board.

Peltola's office on Wednesday confirmed the death of Eugene Peltola Jr. Alaska has a disproportionate number of small fatal plane crashes in part because of mountainous terrain that prompts people to fly to reach remote destinations.

Former U.S. Senator Ted Stevens and three others died in a 2010 plane crash in Alaska.


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5db7b0 No.89533

File: 6c3b4260462b857⋯.mp4 (3.1 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543645 (131718ZSEP23) Notable: Gates, Musk & Zuck are in a closed door session

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Gates, Musk & Zuck are in a closed door session

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5db7b0 No.89534

File: 83b1f66d6259662⋯.png (260.5 KB,718x1105,718:1105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543658 (131721ZSEP23) Notable: Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP and Here’s Why.

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>Roseanne may be right.


>OMG she had POSO on & now is against Q too?

>Go fucking figure.

Operation Trust Demoralization Nigger Shills were in here hard after Potato inauguration. Surely they convinced some actual anons who were nowfagging after the 2020 election. Sounds like Roseanne was one of them.

No, Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP and Here’s Why.

Thursday, January 21, 2021 By Will Justice 32 Comments

Spread the love

(Will Justice) Have you been told your belief in Trump, patriotism, and Q is a “psyop”? Have you heard about Operation Trust and that Q is just another version of a communist honeytrap? Then you’ll want to read this because, despite their similarities, there’s a big difference that a lot of people are missing.

Related Lockdown Cops To Stop People In The Street, Issue Fines, Target ‘Anti-lockdown, Anti-vaccine Protesters’

by Will Justice, January 21st, 2021

Ever since the patriotic movement took off against the deep state progressive communist agenda, there have been haters and black pillers out there. They push the belief that if you think Trump and the military are working together to put a stop to the deep state—to drain the swamp—then you’re a gullible idiot.

But in most cases, these people don’t really understand what Q and the patriotic movement is truly about. They resemble the people during the revolutionary war who argued that Britain was too strong to fight against. Thankfully, true patriots like you didn’t buy into it. There is always a valid reason to reject despair in the face of a challenging situation. We must have good arguments and logic on our side to see the the truth of hope in every situation.

This article is meant to give you, the patriot who still believes in the movement to stop to the deep state, the hope and conceptual weapons you need to debunk and fight against those who want to push black pills of hopelessness.

The Communist Honey Trap OPERATION TRUST is NOT the Same as Q or Trump Patriotism

Trump patriotism is the sense of upset one feels for the degradation of American and constitutional values, and the belief that—via Trump and other populist movements (like Q); We the People have the power to stop the woke progressive-communist takeover. It’s the belief that you and your power as a truth-fueled-patriot can, and should, be a force for positive change. Much like being a vocal opponent against COVID-19 lockdowns that are clearly part of the Great Reset (Agenda 2030). Most of the readers of Stillness in the Storm I would classify as true patriots—Trump patriots. Filled with the same revolutionary spirit that the founders felt, and used to create the greatest nation on earth.

There are a few outlets and influencers that claim Q was a psy-op pushed by the deep state to get the names of patriots on a list to round-up and prosecute them. They also say that the idea of “trusting the plan” was designed to pacify true patriots who are sick of cabal corruption.

To support this belief, the history of Operation Trust has resurfaced:

Anatoliy Golitsyn was a Soviet KGB defector and author on the long-term deception policy of the KGB communist leadership.

In 1984, Golitsyn published the book New Lies For Old, where he warned about a long-term deception strategy of seeming retreat from hard-line Communism designed to lull the West into a false sense of security. The book also included a section that is relevant to today.

“Operation Trust” was a Bolshevik Counter-Intelligence honeypot trap to identify anti-communist patriots by having them wait for a secret military plan that didn’t exist.

The communist operation from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing the anti-communist opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists’ takeover. Then the Bolsheviks then later arrested and persecuted those involved.

Sound familiar? The people who reject the idea of a positive military force working with Trump and reawakened patriots—like you and me—suggest that “QAnon” is the same Soviet-style operation.

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5db7b0 No.89535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543688 (131725ZSEP23) Notable: Gates, Musk & Zuck are in a closed door session

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Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerburg, CEOs of Google, OpenAI & Other Tech Companies Discuss AI With Senators

Senators brief reporters following a meeting with Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerburg, the founder of ChatGPT and CEOs of Google and other tech companies to discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI).


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5db7b0 No.89536

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543695 (131726ZSEP23) Notable: Gates, Musk & Zuck are in a closed door session

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From bunker-

Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerburg, CEOs of Google, OpenAI & Other Tech Companies Discuss AI With Senators

Senators brief reporters following a meeting with Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerburg, the founder of ChatGPT and CEOs of Google and other tech companies to discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI).


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5db7b0 No.89537

File: c1de7eaeee5180b⋯.png (122.01 KB,821x554,821:554,Clipboard.png)

File: a72bf3544ac8566⋯.jpg (317.01 KB,2048x1535,2048:1535,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543744 (131735ZSEP23) Notable: Just to be clear, @RenzTom - CIA IS INVOLVED WITH COVID COVERUP

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That’s right folks - remember when I said (for the last year plus) that the CIA was involved in the funding and creation of #COVID19? Remember when


& I told you that EcoHealth Alliance did the work but the CIA & DOD made it possible to create the Covid pandemic? Remember how I told you all that this #conspiracytheory was actually just a fact & I had the evidence? This report is only the tip of the iceberg - mark my words and I have not been wrong yet. The “deep state” has declared war on the people of America and the world. They have censored us to make sure we could not share the truth but #WeThePeople just keep coming and will never stop.

Congratulations to


for finally asking some real questions & thank you for the elected officials willing to actually start showing some courage. The next thing you need to recognize is that the CIA didn’t just help cover this up - the also created the disease and are still working on Gain of Function to create more. Then you will need to start looking at the WEF and public private partnerships the CIA has used to facilitate all this. Hey


- I can fill you in on the details if you’d like me to testify or you can wait until my next report and I can send it to you again so you can pretend you did this without me 6 months later.

You can doubt me but show me where I’ve been wrong so far and ask yourself whether you want to trust the guy that has been attacked and censored relentlessly for telling the truth - or the crooks and liars that have made billions off of lying and killing people. Nuremberg 2.0 time yet?


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5db7b0 No.89538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543755 (131737ZSEP23) Notable: #24001

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24001 >>89504

>>89505 OP: Impeach Joe Biden

>>89507 Speaker Impeach Inquiry Presser MP4

>>89533, >>89535, >>89536 Gates, Musk & Zuck are in a closed door session

>>89508 3-YEAR DELTA Q 4686

>>89509 Tony Buzbee Destroys Another Paxton Impeachment Schemer

>>89510 New Mexico AG Tells Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham He Will Not Defend Her Unconstitutional Gun Ban

>>89506 Ukraine/CIA Back Nazis? MP4

>>89511 Another Point, Kari Lake Would Have ‘Won Easily’ If Google Hadn’t Interfered

>>89512, >>89517, >>89527 MP4 'Non-humans' found in Peru said to be 1,000 years old?

>>89513 Mysterious lights were spotted in the sky before Morocco's devastating earthquake hit

>>89515 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>89519, >>89520 @RepChipRoy Theory on Lies - Four kinds

>>89514, >>89516, >>89518 Memes of The Thread

>>89522 1:00 PM EST Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

>>89523, >>89526 Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

>>89525 Berkeley Poll: California Voters Oppose “Unfair” Reparations Cash Payments For Slavery

>>89529 Chairman Green [Hearing on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: At least (17) hundred migrants have been found dead on US soil MP4

>>89530 Rockefeller Medicine MP4

>>89531 1:15 PM EDT Secretary Antony J. Blinken

>>89532 Husband of U.S. Representative Mary Sattler Peltola died in a single-engine Piper PA-18 crash in Alaska

>>89521, >>89528, >>89524 Anon's Medical Industry Dig Bun

>>89534 Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP and Here’s Why.

>>89537 Just to be clear, @RenzTom - CIA IS INVOLVED WITH COVID COVERUP



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5db7b0 No.89539

File: ad13da37ad45118⋯.png (709.93 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543771 (131739ZSEP23) Notable: #24002-A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24002 https://fullchan.net/?07aeddf0ad48e5b8#2mWMTR2TzH8ATnzX7V4Pf3pSFpiy78DRSJHvbiRCyxmb


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5db7b0 No.89540

File: 4228b8e13ec02ba⋯.png (230.84 KB,621x482,621:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543782 (131740ZSEP23) Notable: Fetterman with bizarre tweet: more dick pics in house hearings????

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What does this mean exactly?

Senator John Fetterman


more dick pics in house hearings????

11:12 AM · Sep 13, 2023


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5db7b0 No.89541

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543797 (131742ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE | UNC students, staff told to say inside due to armed and dangerous person on or near campus CHAPEL HILL, N.C

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LIVE | UNC students, staff told to say inside due to armed and dangerous person on or near campus

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (WTVD) - UNC has issued an emergency notification, including sirens that an 'armed and dangerous' person is on or near campus.

The university is advising students and staff to stay inside, close windows and doors immediately until further notice.

The University advises the campus community to go to alertcarolina.unc.edu, for updates.

People can let their families know they are okay in the event of an emergency affecting the Carolina campus while keeping cell phone lines open for emergency calls by using the American Red Cross Safe and Well list. The Safe and Well list is especially helpful in communicating with family members who are outside the emergency area.

Campus police ask anyone seeing suspicious activity to call 911 and to refrain from calling 911 or campus police just to inquire about the current situation.

When the threat is over, school officials said sirens will sound again with a different tone to announce along with the voice message: "All clear. Resume normal activities."

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5db7b0 No.89542

File: 44ed40da635392c⋯.png (257.17 KB,1170x1147,1170:1147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543813 (131745ZSEP23) Notable: Housley: A state Senator held the bill up that would have protected victims. He’s crap too and we WILL be exposing him and his hypocrisy soon.

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For those who don’t know. My niece. My beautiful goddaughter was murdered in the Thousand Oaks shooting. For 4.5 years the @vcstar has fought to get the autopsy reports of the victims. Reports that provide nothing to this story other than sensationalized crap. California is one of the few states that does not protect the rights of murder victims. A state Senator held the bill up that would have protected victims. He’s crap too and we WILL be exposing him and his hypocrisy soon.


>Newsom exposed soon

>again, hasn’t worked in the past

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5db7b0 No.89543

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543816 (131745ZSEP23) Notable: Romney not running for re-election

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Romney not seeking re-election


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5db7b0 No.89544

File: e9bfb203bd60371⋯.png (1.27 MB,1170x1969,1170:1969,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543826 (131748ZSEP23) Notable: ELON: They’re desperate for ratings. Best to ignore them. re Madcow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


If you think @jaketapper is dishonest, wait until you hear what @maddow is saying. She can tell four lies in one minute, very loudly. Who is writing their scripts at @cnn and @msnbc ? @x believes in free speech, but not inciting violence. Do we have two cases here?

ELON: They’re desperate for ratings. Best to ignore them.


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5db7b0 No.89545

File: 1d6fd2d31e3e4c6⋯.png (93.51 KB,1080x659,1080:659,Clipboard.png)

File: 6242908d96d862d⋯.jpg (21.85 KB,683x436,683:436,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543834 (131748ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden is suing Garrett Ziegler, a former aide to former President Donald Trump, over his part in publishing emails, embarrassing images

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Hunter Biden is suing Garrett Ziegler, a former aide to former President Donald Trump, over his part in publishing emails, embarrassing images, videos and recordings belonging to Biden.

Filed on Wednesday in California, the lawsuit accuses Ziegler and 10 unnamed defendants of violating the state's computer fraud laws by "accessing, tampering with, manipulating, altering, copying and damaging computer data" as part of a "sustained, unhinged and obsessed campaign" against the Biden family.

"While Defendant Ziegler is entitled to his extremist and counterfactual opinions, he has no right to engage in illegal activities to advance his right-wing agenda," the lawsuit reads.

The laptop, now infamous, has been a key part of investigations alleging corruption on the part of the Biden family. The lawsuit also identifies an encrypted iPhone that was allegedly hacked by Ziegler and others to access data.

Ziegler is a vocal critic of the Biden family and previously worked in Trump's administration as an economic aide to former advisor Peter Navarro, who was convicted of contempt of Congress last week.

Legal experts say the lawsuit could send a signal to others.

"This is a fascinating offensive move by Hunter Biden, and may very well be undertaken to be a shot across the bow for those who are thinking of joining on the bandwagon in allegedly slandering him," wrote former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissman in a post on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.


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5db7b0 No.89546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543843 (131750ZSEP23) Notable: Bioweapons Expert Dr David Martin Accuses WHO of Conspiracy To commit Mass Murder at EU Parliament and brings reciepts.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Watch the WHO suffer their biggest loss yet

Bioweapons Expert Dr David Martin Accuses WHO of Conspiracy To commit Mass Murder at EU Parliament and brings reciepts.

Btw, we need a transcript ;-).


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5db7b0 No.89547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543855 (131752ZSEP23) Notable: Bioweapons Expert Dr David Martin Accuses WHO of Conspiracy To commit Mass Murder at EU Parliament and brings reciepts.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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5db7b0 No.89548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543868 (131754ZSEP23) Notable: Children are Not for Sale: Examining the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2:00 PM EDT

Children are Not for Sale: Examining the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad

House Judiciary Committee



John Pizzuro, CEO-Raven, former Commander, NJ Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force


Anne Basham, Founder and Chair, Interparliamentary Taskforce on Human Trafficking


Vanessa Bautista, Global Survivor, Network-Survivor Leader/Advocate


John Tanagho, Executive Director, Center to End Online Sexual Exploitation of Children, International Justice Mission (IJM)






Hearing on the Rise of Online Child Sexual Abuse Content

A House Judiciary subcommittee examines ways to protect children amid a rise in online child sexual abuse content.


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5db7b0 No.89549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543870 (131755ZSEP23) Notable: A Dangerous Strategy: Examining the Biden Administration’s Failures on Iran

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2:00 PM EDT

A Dangerous Strategy: Examining the Biden Administration’s Failures on Iran

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



Richard Goldberg

Senior Advisor

Foundation for the Defense of Democracies


Michael Makovsky

President and CEO

Jewish Institute for National Security (JINSA)


Victoria Coates

Vice President of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy

The Heritage Foundation





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5db7b0 No.89550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543882 (131757ZSEP23) Notable: State of the Video Marketplace - House Energy and Commerce Committee

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2:00 PM EDT

Lights, Camera, Subscriptions: State of the Video Marketplace

House Energy and Commerce Committee



Mr. Curtis LeGeyt, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Broadcasters


Mr. Grant Spellmeyer, President and Chief Executive Officer, ACA ConnectsAmerican’s Communications Association


Mr. David Gandler, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, FuboTV Inc.


Mr. Jonathan Schwantes, Senior Policy Counsel, Consumer Reports







Streaming & Broadcast Industry CEO's Testify Before Congress

FuboTV Inc. and National Association of Broadcasters CEOs, and other consumer report and communications leaders discuss the evolution of streaming services and media consumption before a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee.


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5db7b0 No.89551

File: 73975161c0e8497⋯.png (23.18 KB,474x484,237:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543888 (131759ZSEP23) Notable: Unmasking the World Health Organization: A Criminal Cabal's Reign

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>Summarized by youtubedigest firefox plugin + ChatGPT4


Unmasking the World Health Organization: A Criminal Cabal's Reign


The World Health Organization (WHO), an institution ostensibly dedicated to global health, has come under intense scrutiny in recent times. Dr. David E. Martin, Chairman of MChem International and a Batton Fellow at the University of Virginia, has boldly exposed the dark underbelly of the WHO. His revelations shed light on how this organization, supposedly focused on safeguarding human health, is driven by ulterior motives. In this article, we will delve into Dr. Martin's allegations and the evidence supporting them.

WHO's Sinister Agenda

Dr. Martin pulls no punches in characterizing the WHO as a criminal cartel, operating with a sinister agenda that prioritizes profit over people's well-being. He contends that the WHO's actions over the past century have been far from benevolent.

The Four-Step Process

According to Dr. Martin, the WHO employs a systematic four-step process to execute its nefarious plans:

Planning and Exercise: The WHO devises its schemes meticulously.

Funding: It secures substantial financial backing to execute its agenda.

Creating Rationale: The organization crafts persuasive arguments to justify its actions.

Deployment and Profit: The WHO puts its plans into motion and reaps the benefits, often at the expense of human lives.

Immunity from Prosecution

One shocking revelation pertains to the WHO's immunity from prosecution, as laid out in Article 5, Section 13 of its founding documents. This immunity extends not only to legal processes but also to investigations. Dr. Martin argues that such immunity suggests a premeditated intent to commit crimes, as why else would an organization require protection from prosecution?

Historical Roots of Malevolence

The origins of the WHO's sinister agenda can be traced back to its early days, with its first Director-General, Dr. René Sand, having a dubious history associated with the Germans in Dachau during World War II. Within five years of its founding in 1947, the WHO was already advocating for population control as a primary objective, a far cry from its purported mission of public health.

A Genocidal Program

Dr. Martin asserts that the WHO's actions amount to genocide rather than public health. He cites data from Zurich indicating that during the global pandemic, life insurance claims decreased by $30 billion, raising questions about the severity of the health crisis. He challenges the narrative that a pandemic occurred, suggesting that what transpired was deliberate genocide.

Financial Ties to the Gates Foundation

One of the most damning pieces of evidence Dr. Martin presents is the WHO's financial dependence on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. An astounding 88% of the WHO's foundation donations come from this single entity, constituting a violation of competitive and tax laws on both sides of the Atlantic. This raises concerns about the WHO's independence and integrity.

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5db7b0 No.89552

File: f3cadd59eacd3ab⋯.png (353.75 KB,743x657,743:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543890 (131759ZSEP23) Notable: HiTOPS admints their goal is to strip parents of Opt-Out Rights

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Khazarian bitch bragging about turning kids trans


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5db7b0 No.89553

File: 8e45c90c98e4a6c⋯.png (364.64 KB,990x558,55:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543892 (131759ZSEP23) Notable: Unmasking the World Health Organization: A Criminal Cabal's Reign

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The Smoking Gun

Dr. Martin uses the WHO's own words to incriminate the organization further. He highlights how the WHO planned the release of a biologically modified chimera, closely related to coronavirus, to sustain its funding. The crisis they referred to was not a health emergency but a financial one, revealing their true priorities.

Wuhan's Early Role

Intriguingly, the whistleblower reveals that the focus on Wuhan and coronavirus was not accidental. A 2016 publication suggests that Wuhan Institute of Virology virus research was "poised for human emergence," hinting at premeditated actions years before the pandemic's outbreak.

Biological Warfare Enabling Technologies

The term "biological warfare" is not used lightly by the whistleblower. They draw attention to a 2005 conference presentation by Ralph Barrick, a key figure behind the virus's lethal strand. Barrick's presentation spoke of "synthetic coronaviruses," describing them as "biohacking" and "bio-warfare enabling technologies." This terminology leaves little room for ambiguity.

Planned Lethality

The whistleblower points out that the conspiracy's intentions were not hidden. In September 2019, the WHO declared that a lethal respiratory pathogen would be deliberately promoted to create fear and drive acceptance of a universal vaccine, not other treatments or interventions.

Deploy and Profit

As the conspiracy unfolded, it became evident that financial gain was a driving force. Major pharmaceutical companies reaped enormous profits from vaccines. Moderna and Pfizer alone amassed $100 billion in public funds. The WHO sought an 11% budget increase, further linking profit to the pandemic.

Treating it as a Criminal Conspiracy

The whistleblower insists that this is not a debate about public health but a criminal conspiracy. They emphasize that treating it as anything else is a distraction from the true nature of the crime. Criminal racketeers have orchestrated this disaster, resulting in global terrorism, profiteering, and death. The whistleblower calls for the complete dismantling of the WHO.


In conclusion, Dr. David E. Martin's exposé of the World Health Organization paints a disturbing picture of an institution that has strayed far from its mission. With allegations of criminal conspiracy, genocide, financial impropriety, and a complete disregard for public health, the WHO's actions warrant thorough investigation and scrutiny. The time has come to unmask the WHO and hold it accountable for its actions.

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5db7b0 No.89554

File: 438592a435c0d59⋯.jpeg (800.26 KB,1170x1452,195:242,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543902 (131801ZSEP23) Notable: Romney not running for re-election

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5db7b0 No.89555

File: f6a837b38bf53a0⋯.png (62.33 KB,715x688,715:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543949 (131809ZSEP23) Notable: Unmasking the World Health Organization: A Criminal Cabal's Reign

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Dr. David Martin surely know that the WHO is not a stand-alone institution, but rather a specialized subagency, one of 17, of the UN.

No one with a platform, when rightfully criticizing the WHO brings up this fact. WTF?


"One of the principal objectives of the UN is to solve economic, social, cultural and humanitarian issues through international cooperation. Several specialized agencies have been set up to achieve these goals, agencies which may or may not have been created by the UN, but were incorporated into the United Nations System by the United Nations Economic and Social Council acting under Articles 57 and 63 of the United Nations Charter."


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5db7b0 No.89556

File: 081c90607b49afe⋯.png (35.15 KB,482x267,482:267,Clipboard.png)


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Donald J. Trump



Sep 13, 2023, 2:08 PM


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5db7b0 No.89557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543965 (131812ZSEP23) Notable: 10 steps to a better education in America - which leads to great jobs-Donald Trump

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10 steps to a better education in America - which leads to great jobs

-Donald Trump

1) respect the right of parents to control the education of their children

2) empower parents and local school boards to hire and reward great principals and teachers and also to fire poor performers

3) ensure our classrooms are focused more n teaching knowledge of math, reading, science and no political agendas

4) teach students to love their country

5) support bringing back prayer

6) safe, secure and drug-free schools, with immediate expulsion for any student who harms a teacher or another student

7) give all parents “school choice”

8) give students access to project-based learning experiences in the classrooms to help train for work outside the classroom

9) strive to give all students internships and work experiences to help with their first job

10) ensure all schools provide excellent jobs and career counseling so that high school and college students can get a head-start on jobs and careers best suited to their God-given talents


- He’s closing the Dept of Education in DC and sending all education back to the states

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5db7b0 No.89558

File: 941f1787ca07549⋯.png (615.32 KB,780x4260,13:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b4900f5375b14f⋯.png (492.32 KB,780x3780,13:63,Clipboard.png)

File: 49afddfa0c14d86⋯.png (499.58 KB,780x4180,39:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 265ad9de997a58c⋯.png (305.16 KB,780x2890,78:289,Clipboard.png)

File: f4178487e371d46⋯.png (543.58 KB,758x3955,758:3955,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19543973 (131814ZSEP23) Notable: No, Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP and Here’s Why.

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>>89534 Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP and Here’s Why.

Here is the entire article.

No, Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP and Here’s Why.

Thursday, January 21, 2021 By Will Justice 32 Comments


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5db7b0 No.89559

File: e708b24e3ac0a7e⋯.png (270.83 KB,882x595,126:85,Clipboard.png)

File: e9d041b5748b8c5⋯.png (72.42 KB,905x375,181:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544053 (131827ZSEP23) Notable: Ilya Kramnik: Supplying depleted uranium shells is the latest Western attempt to hide its guilty secret in Ukraine

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Ilya Kramnik: Supplying depleted uranium shells is the latest Western attempt to hide its guilty secret in Ukraine

The US-led bloc continues to announce new billion-dollar packages for Kiev but how useful are they, in reality?

Last week, the United States announced two new military aid packages for Ukraine. One of these, disclosed on September 7, includes ammunition for HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, 105-mm caliber artillery shells, electronic warfare and counter-electronic warfare equipment, demolition munitions for obstacle clearing, as well as training equipment for the Ukrainian army – all worth $600 million.

Russia has expressed concern over this news but, to be fair, the hype around uranium shells causes a lot more discussionabout them compared to other types of ammunition. Let’s start from the beginning and explore the matter in greater detail.

Basic Q&A about depleted uranium shells

- Why do the shells contain depleted uranium?

Depleted uranium is a dense, heavy metal that is convenient for making the core of armor-piercing shells.

- Does Russia have such shells?

Yes. Armor-piercing feathered sub-caliber shells (BOPS) 3BM29/30 ‘Nadfil-2’ have a depleted uranium core; 3BM32 ‘Vant’ are monoblock BOPS made of an alloy based on depleted uranium, and so are 3BM46 ‘Svinets’ shells and some others.

- What are such shells made of besides depleted uranium?

In some shells, the core is made of tungsten carbide.

- What are the dangers of using depleted uranium shells?

The dust caused by the explosion is quite toxic and may cause serious disease.

- How can using these shells change the course of the war and worsen the situation in the conflict zone?

Considering the general and well-known calamities of war, such as ruined cities, mapped and unmapped minefields encompassing vast territories, a huge number of refugees, and other related issues, the troubles from using such ammunition are like a seasonal cold compared to a plague epidemic.

Will depleted uranium ammo help Ukraine?

Depleted uranium – such as British L26A1 shells for the 120-mm L30 cannon of the Challenger-2 tank – had already been delivered to Ukraine. However, according to reports, most of it was destroyed in the course of a Russian strike on an armament depot in Khmelnytsky in May 2023.

However, since the shells used for the British cannon are incompatible with those needed for the 120-mm M256 gun installed on US tanks – starting with the M1A1 model (a developed version of the German Rh-120) - the Americans will have to send their own ammunition to Ukraine. This will most likely be M829A3 or A4 shells.


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5db7b0 No.89560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544069 (131829ZSEP23) Notable: Dr David Martin accusing WHO of conspiracy to commit MURDER - transcript HERE

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transcript below

how anon did it:

1. use youtube-dl to obtain video, using args "embed-subs write-sub -write-auto-sub"

2. "ffmpeg -i in.mp4 out.srt", where "in.mp4" is the video downloaded in previous step

3. copy/paste out.srt in here



out.srt below, it's all one line but at least all the text is there! anon notes also, it had this text twice; once from 0 to 3.53 seconds in; again, from 3.53 to 5.69 seconds in. so, they won't show up correctly in the video anon downloaded but that wasn't the reason. hope this helps

yeah body keeps being too long

can't submit

so here's catbox hosting it


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5db7b0 No.89561

File: 6ad0f836680f292⋯.png (67.51 KB,947x329,947:329,Clipboard.png)

File: 22bb4101f07f2c0⋯.png (53.02 KB,944x230,472:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544083 (131830ZSEP23) Notable: GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “Absurd” Impeachment Remarks -- Says There’s No Evidence Linking Joe Biden to a “High Crime or Misdemeanor”

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GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “Absurd” Impeachment Remarks – Says There’s No Evidence Linking Joe Biden to a “High Crime or Misdemeanor”

In an interview with former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on MSNBC, Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) expressed strong disagreement with fellow Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) over her “absurd” calls for impeaching President Joe Biden. Buck argued that there is currently no evidence linking Biden to a “high crime or misdemeanor.”

On Saturday, Marjorie Taylor Greene said that “our country deserves for Congress to vote for an impeachment inquiry for very important reasons, not a rush impeachment vote.”

She added:

Our committee work has proven Joe Biden lied to the American people and not only does he know about Hunter’s business deals, he is involved.

And we produced bank reports and statements showing tens of millions paid to the Biden family from foreign countries even though the Biden’s don’t sell a single product or service and according to Devin Archer, “Joe is the brand they are selling.”

For some of us that’s grounds enough to go ahead and vote for impeachment but I believe we would fail the country if we rush to impeach because there is more at stake.

It has become evident that there is a vast amount of people in previous administrations, this administration, and federal agencies that all worked diligently to cover up unbelievable corruption and crimes committed by the Biden’s and Joe himself.

We need a very tedious impeachment inquiry that allows us to take a deep dive to uncover the traitors within that conspired together, not only to keep a criminal VP in office, but then work to propel him to highest office in the land, President of the United States, all by covering up the truth and stopping Biden prosecutions from happening.

The impeachment inquiry can not be rushed.

It must be done right.

No matter how long it takes.

Patience will be the virtue that will lead us to the traitors within.

When asked by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki about his position on launching an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, Rep. Buck said Greene’s remark is “absurd.”

“Marjorie filed impeachment articles on President Biden before he was sworn into office more than two and a half years ago. So the idea that she is now the expert on impeachment or that she is someone who should set the timing on impeachment is absurd,” said Ken Buck.


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5db7b0 No.89562

File: b2ae2ab64ce7436⋯.png (237.41 KB,541x457,541:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 38d93fd3a3a6620⋯.png (186.3 KB,721x846,721:846,Clipboard.png)

File: e1b0fda87a7e833⋯.png (117.59 KB,667x686,667:686,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544111 (131835ZSEP23) Notable: White House Sends Letter to Media Outlets on Biden Impeachment Inquiry: “It’s Time for the Media to Ramp Up Its Scrutiny of House Republicans”

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White House Sends Letter to Media Outlets on Biden Impeachment Inquiry: “It’s Time for the Media to Ramp Up Its Scrutiny of House Republicans”


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5db7b0 No.89563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544136 (131838ZSEP23) Notable: ‘They Will Say It’s Nuclear Blackmail!’ – Putin Accuses UK of Training Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants – Warns of SERIOUS Consequences

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‘They Will Say It’s Nuclear Blackmail!’ – Putin Accuses UK of Training Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants – Warns of SERIOUS Consequences

While Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) on Tuesday, he spent part of the time on remarks about the ‘Special Military Operation’ in Ukraine.

He spoke about the ‘failed counteroffensive’ that yielded no results and, more than a failure, a catastrophe for Ukraine, with the loss of personnel is high as 71,000 people, along with 543 tanks and some 18,000 armored vehicles.

All that for a few token destroyed villages of no strategic significance, without ever breaching the formidable layered Russian defense fortifications.

During his address, Putin also issued a grave, worrying warning towards the UK government, who he accuses of training a Ukrainian sabotage group which aimed to blow up nuclear power plant lines in Russia.

Sputnik reported Putin as saying:

“During the clash, the FSB [Russia’s Federal Security Service] captured several people, [some] were destroyed, the rest were taken prisoner, it turned out that this was a sabotage group of the Ukrainian special services. Interrogations are ongoing, which show that their task was to cause damage to one of our nuclear power plants, to blow up power lines in order to ultimately disrupt the operation of the power plant. This is not their first attempt.”

Putin accused UK’s special forces of trying to disrupt Russian nuclear power plants, saying that the elite forces were training Ukrainian troops on how to damage atomic power lines in Russia.

Vladimir Putin speculated that maybe PM Rishi Sunak ‘doesn’t understand’ the risks, na d warned of ‘serious consequences’

Daily Mail reported Putin as saying:

“During interrogation, they admitted they were trained under supervision of British instructors. Do [the British] understand what they are playing with, or not?

Are they provoking our response at Ukrainian nuclear sites, nuclear stations, or what? Does the British leadership, or the Prime Minister [of the United Kingdom. Rishi Sunak] know what their special services are engaged with in Ukraine?

Or do they have no clue at all? I assume this is possible, too. I assume it is possible British special services act on the orders of the Americans. Either way, we know the final beneficiary.

‘But do they realize what they are playing with? I am afraid they simply underestimate…. I know there will be howling that starts after my words like ‘These are threats!’, ‘Nuclear blackmail!’, and so on.”


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5db7b0 No.89564

File: c8093774acd5ba2⋯.jpeg (295.97 KB,1125x663,375:221,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544142 (131838ZSEP23) Notable: DJT: BIG INFLATION INCREASE, MILLIONS MORE PEOPLE POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY

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5db7b0 No.89565

File: f0976ebf468fe6d⋯.png (6.54 KB,620x26,310:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544151 (131839ZSEP23) Notable: GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “Absurd” Impeachment Remarks -- Says There’s No Evidence Linking Joe Biden to a “High Crime or Misdemeanor”

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>no evidence

What these lawyers are doing is playing with the legal definitions. What they mean is there is no evidence THAT HAS BEEN ADMITTED INTO THE RECORD IN A COURT OF LAW. There is a mountain of evidence. Just not any official evidence.

Remember when the "judges" wouldn't allow the evidence of election fraud into the courts by blocking the court actions?

Same thing.

What was the mantra?

There is no evidence of election fraud!

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5db7b0 No.89566

File: d95ecd778ee2581⋯.png (606.45 KB,1170x1174,585:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544158 (131840ZSEP23) Notable: DJT: FANTASTIC NEWS [re Romney Resignation]

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Liz Harrington


12:37 PM · Sep 13, 2023


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5db7b0 No.89567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544160 (131841ZSEP23) Notable: Good discussion on China and its military preparedness and ours

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Keith Kellogg

Good discussion on China and it's military preparedness and ours. Thanks @Varneyco for having me on today. Stuart, always a great discussion-thanks.

12:29 PM · Sep 13, 2023 4:16


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5db7b0 No.89568

File: 17578e3a77d933b⋯.png (315.27 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544167 (131842ZSEP23) Notable: Kim Jong Un Toasts Putin, Wishing 'Great Victory' Over Enemies

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Kim Jong Un Toasts Putin, Wishing 'Great Victory' Over Enemies

The meeting between Kim Jong Un and President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday in the far eastern city of Vladivostok was all that it was expected to be, with the North Korean strongman praising a "heroic" Russian army which will be led by Putin to a "great victory" over its enemies.

"We are confident that the Russian army and people will win a great victory in the just fight to punish evil groups who pursue hegemony, expansion, and ambition," Kim told Putin while raising a toast during an official dinner.

There's much speculation that the one-on-one talks held prior to the dinner, which lasted about two hours, may have focused on Moscow buying North Korean ammunition for use in Ukraine.

"I will always be standing with Russia," Kim emphasized in footage broadcast on Russian TV, while Putin agreed that "An old friend is better than two new ones."

Putin also hailed "the future strengthening of cooperation and friendship between our countries," during a tour with Kim at Russia's Far East spaceport, the Vostochny Cosmodrome. "The leader of the DPRK shows great interest in rocket technology, and they are trying to develop (their presence in) space," Putin said

Just as the two leaders, seen by the West as 'pariahs', were about to meet, Pyongyang fired off two ballistic missiles into the sea in yet another warning to South Korea and its main military backer the United States.

When asked by reporters about defense cooperation and weapons procurement, Putin merely said he sees "possibilities" for deepened military ties.

"Well, there are certain restrictions, and Russia complies with all these restrictions," Putin said to Russia 1 television station. "But there are things that we can of course talk about, discuss, think about it. And here too there are prospects."


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5db7b0 No.89569

File: 8206eef83d9844f⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544170 (131842ZSEP23) Notable: MTG on AOC ranting about others re "Tax the Rich"

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




It’s quite RICH that AOC is ranting and raving about others, when she herself is facing an Ethics probe for wearing a “Tax The Rich” designer dress and attending the $35,000/ticket Met Gala in 2021.

What a hypocrite!

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5db7b0 No.89570

File: c78362a809b143e⋯.png (794.27 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544184 (131845ZSEP23) Notable: US Congresswoman’s Husband Killed in Plane Accident, Spokesman Confirms

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US Congresswoman’s Husband Killed in Plane Accident, Spokesman Confirms

Rep. Mary Peltola’s (D-Alaska) office confirmed on Thursday that her husband, Eugene Peltola, died in a plane accident on Wednesday.

In a statement from her spokesman Anton McParland, she stated Mr. Peltola died in a plane accident in Alaska, although few details have been provided. It’s not clear where the plane crashed, what caused it, or if Mr. Peltola was the pilot.

“We are devastated to share that Mary’s husband, Eugene Peltola Jr.—’Buzzy’ to all of us who knew and loved him—passed away earlier this morning following a plane accident in Alaska,” her spokesman said.

Mr. Peltola had been the former regional director for the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs in Alaska. Before that, he worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska for decades and also previously served about a decade ago as the vice mayor and a council member for the city of Bethel, Alaska.

The congresswoman’s office continued to say that he was “good at everything” and “had a delightful sense of humor that lightened the darkest moments.”

“He was definitely the cook in the family. And family was most important to him. He was completely devoted to his parents, kids, siblings, extended family, and friends—and he simply adored Mary,” the spokesman for her office stated. “We are heartbroken for the family’s loss.”

Mrs. Peltola, who was elected last year, is now returning to her Alaska home, according to her office. The statement called on the public to respect her and her family’s privacy.

“Our team will continue to meet with constituents and carry on the work of the office while Mary and her family grieve,” said the statement, which was posted on X, or Twitter.

A number of lawmakers shared their condolences moments after the statement was issued Wednesday.

“I am so terribly sorry, [Rep. Peltola]. Our hearts are with you and your family today,” wrote Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) on X. “You and your family are in my prayers,” added Rep. John James (R-Mich.).

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) on Wednesday, too, expressed her condolences after her husband’s death.

“I am shocked, saddened and truly beyond words to express my grief at the loss of Gene Peltola Jr.,” the Republican senator said. “Anyone who met Buzzy felt his warmth, generosity and charm. It was easy to see why so many Alaskans called him a friend, and how he was so loved by his family.”

Last year, Mrs. Peltola defeated former Gov. Sarah Palin, a Republican, in the November election. However, critics expressed alarm over her victory, saying that it was, in part, due to Alaska’s controversial ranked-choice voting system.


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5db7b0 No.89571

File: 3b86a3fe73097cc⋯.png (358.29 KB,1331x905,1331:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544192 (131846ZSEP23) Notable: Romney not running for re-election

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LINK - https://dailycaller.com/2023/09/13/mitt-romney-will-not-seek-reeelection/?pnespid=77lqDypXOqdGhPDfvzStGpSCvQCjWJxsM.Ox3vtwrgNm6UqMlUt64epc0r3zPw3aU9fv4916

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/mSGZD

The Daily Caller just posted a story stating:

Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney announced Wednesday that he will not be running for reelection.

Romney released a video on Twitter, saying he will not run for another term.

“Frankly, it’s time for a new generation of leaders,” Romney said in the video.

“While I’m not running for re-election, I’m not retiring from the fight. I’ll be your United States Senator until January 2025. I will keep working on these and other issues and I will advance our state’s numerous priorities,” Romney added.

“We’re probably going to have either Trump or Biden as our next president. And Biden is unable to lead on important matters and Trump is unwilling to lead on important matters,” he said in an interview before the video was released.

(This is a developing story. More information will be added as it becomes available.)

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5db7b0 No.89572

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544193 (131846ZSEP23) Notable: The fascists @Youtube & @Google took down 7 of my vids today for "inappropriate content" re CCP influence, UN, Biden global gov't

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Alex Newman

The fascists @Youtube & @Google took down 7 of my vids today for "inappropriate content,"starting with this week's interview on Bannon's War Room re: CCP influence in @UN & upcoming @JoeBiden-backed summit for "global governance." See what they are hiding & bypass censorship :

9:29 AM · Sep 13, 2023 12:35


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5db7b0 No.89573

File: 02c590080864b23⋯.png (106.89 KB,790x609,790:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544209 (131849ZSEP23) Notable: US Attorney Appeared To Block Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor From Charging Him In Tax Case, IRS Whistleblower Notes Show

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US Attorney Appeared To Block Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor From Charging Him In Tax Case, IRS Whistleblower Notes Show

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s notes from an October 2022 meeting corroborate his testimony about Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss not having final charging authority on the Hunter Biden case.

Shapley’s handwritten, partially unredacted notes from an Oct. 7, 2022, meeting are included in a Wednesday letter his attorneys sent to the House Judiciary Committee after an FBI agent disputed Shapley’s account of the meeting, according to an interview transcript reviewed by the Daily Caller.

“In addition to the September 11 protected disclosure of nine new documents to the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance pursuant to § 6103(f)(5), we are today providing those committees an unredacted version of SSA Shapley’s contemporaneous handwritten notes,” Shapley’s attorneys at whistleblower protection group Empower Oversight wrote in a letter obtained by the Daily Caller.

Shapley wrote down Weiss’ alleged statement that he did not have final charging authority and that the Department of Justice (DOJ) denied Weiss special counsel authority after Biden-appointed D.C. U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves allegedly blocked him from charging Hunter Biden for tax offenses in 2014 and 2015.

“Weiss stated – He is not the deciding person,” Shapley wrote. “Not going to charge 14/15,” he noted in a separate bullet point below.

“Weiss requested special counsel status in D.C. + main DOJ said ‘no’ – follow the process,” Shapley added.

Shapley’s notes also contain Weiss’ alleged plan for next steps if the U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California decides not to charge Hunter Biden for alleged tax crimes. Biden-appointed U.S. Attorney E. Martin Estrada declined to charge Hunter Biden in the Central District of California, Shapley testified, a statement The New York Times has independently confirmed.


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5db7b0 No.89574

File: 3b91385a8184f6f⋯.png (275.23 KB,619x622,619:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544218 (131850ZSEP23) Notable: Reminder: Romney is also PIERRE DELECTO

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kek thanks boss


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5db7b0 No.89575

File: 7cba98f38e6c5a1⋯.png (445.66 KB,795x888,265:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544237 (131853ZSEP23) Notable: Not one dime in federal dollars should go to any school associated with the American Federation of Teachers.

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Stephen Miller

Not one dime in federal dollars should go to any school associated with the American Federation of Teachers.


12:09 PM · Sep 13, 2023


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5db7b0 No.89576

File: 4c0625a9450affa⋯.png (52.57 KB,672x352,21:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 196d36270897142⋯.png (44.16 KB,671x315,671:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544251 (131854ZSEP23) Notable: Watchdog Memo: ‘Irregularities’ Found in DOJ Investigation of ‘F—ing Spy Chief of China,’ Biden Associate Patrick Ho

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Watchdog Memo: ‘Irregularities’ Found in DOJ Investigation of ‘F—ing Spy Chief of China,’ Biden Associate Patrick Ho

The Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation and prosecution of CEFC China Energy Co. boss and Biden family associate Patrick Ho displayed “irregularities,” including concealing known connections between the Chinese Communist Party-linked entity and the Bidens, and communication between Hunter Biden and the FBI agents involved in Ho’s case, according to a memo by the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project.

Ho, infamously referred to as “the fucking spy chief of China” by Hunter Biden, was arrested in November, 2017, and convicted in December, 2018, in the Southern District of New York and sentenced to 3 years in prison for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and money laundering. Ho’s first phone call upon his arrest was to Hunter Biden, who was allegedly providing legal services to him at the time.

Now, a memo by the Heritage Foundation obtained exclusively by Breitbart News alleges that since Ho’s conviction, “significant evidence has emerged identifying concerning irregularities with the DOJ investigation and prosecution,” including that “DOJ was aware of connections between the Biden family and CEFC at least as early as 2017 and that they acted to conceal this information from the public,” as well as “contacts between Hunter Biden and FBI agents related to Ho’s arrest,” and “a leak of investigatory information in the Ho case.”

The memo cites the fact that Ho was under FISA surveillance during a period where he was in “regular communication” with CEFC and the Biden family, which would indicate the FBI and DOJ had knowledge of their business arrangements in at least 2017, and probably in 2016.

The memo also cites evidence that the DOJ redacted mentions of the Biden family — specifically, Hunter Biden — in the evidence presented at Ho’s 2018 trial. For instance, Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel Richenthal requested redactions of an email presented in the case for the purpose of avoiding a “political dimension”— which was eventually revealed on Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell.”


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5db7b0 No.89577

File: 6d3e5d52e41f01e⋯.png (345.36 KB,620x258,310:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544293 (131900ZSEP23) Notable: Reminder: Romney is also PIERRE DELECTO

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5db7b0 No.89578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544313 (131902ZSEP23) Notable: Up To $135 Billion In COVID-Era Unemployment Benefits Stolen By Fraudsters, Watchdog Finds

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Up To $135 Billion In COVID-Era Unemployment Benefits Stolen By Fraudsters, Watchdog Finds

A recent report from a government watchdog agency found that $100 billion to $135 billion in COVID-era unemployment benefits was stolen by fraudsters.

The Government Accountability Office released a September report titled, "Estimated Amount of Fraud during Pandemic Likely Between $100 Billion and $135 Billion."

The agency's latest estimates are over double previous projections released last year that claimed fraudsters stole $45.6 billion in unemployment benefits. In September 2022, the inspector general claimed that 205,766 Social Security numbers belonging to deceased individuals were used to file for unemployment insurance benefits.

However, the GAO's new report revealed that approximately 11%-15% of UI benefits paid from April 2020 to May 2023 were doled out to fraudsters.

"The full extent of UI fraud during the pandemic will likely never be known with certainty," the GAO stated, indicating that the fraud could be even higher.

According to the watchdog agency, the Department of Labor claimed that the GAO's estimates are "likely overstated," expressing concerns regarding the agency's fraud detection methodology.

"GAO disagrees and explains in the report the steps taken to estimate the range of fraud," the report said in response to the DOL's claim.

As of May 2023, states have only recovered $6.8 billion in COVID-era unemployment overpayments, including $1.2 billion in fraudulent UI overpayments.

"The unprecedented demand for UI benefits and the urgency with which states implemented the new programs during the pandemic increased the risk of improper payments, including, but not limited to, those due to fraud," the GAO stated.

Republican Idaho Senator Mike Crapo, ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, released a statement in response to the watchdog's findings.

"These shocking estimates continue to grow, and, as GAO notes, we may never know the full scope and scale of fraudulent pandemic payments," Crapo said. "Unfortunately, the Administration's efforts to address over one hundred billion dollars in fraud in the UI program have fallen woefully short. Congress should pass the Protecting Taxpayers and Victims of Unemployment Fraud Act to recoup stolen funds for victims and prevent similar large-scale theft from happening in the future."

Republican Missouri Rep. Jason Smith, the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, stated that he was "extremely alarmed" by the GAO's estimates.

"The unfortunate reality is that every day President Biden spends ignoring this problem, the chances of recovering stolen tax dollars on behalf of these fraud victims grow less," Smith stated. He called it "the greatest theft of taxpayer dollars in American history."


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5db7b0 No.89579

File: b1b8c1055ea7137⋯.png (326.27 KB,600x584,75:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544341 (131907ZSEP23) Notable: Putin accused Yandex founder Arkady Volozh of ingratitude toward Russia

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Putin accused Yandex founder Arkady Volozh of ingratitude toward Russia and hinted that Israeli authorities supposedly demand a condemnation of the war in Ukraine

Antisemitic undertones: Putin mocks former senior Russians who moved to Israel





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5db7b0 No.89580

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544350 (131909ZSEP23) Notable: Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation

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Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation — health officials slam decision

Meta's new social media platform, Threads, recently confirmed that it is blocking COVID-related search terms in order to combat disinformation, according to the Washington Post.

Threads, a social media site launched by Mark Zuckerberg's company in July to compete with X, formerly known as Twitter, has already landed in hot water for censoring search terms that could populate sensitive results.

The Post reported that the platform is intentionally blocking search results for several terms but declined to provide a list. The outlet noted that Threads populates a blank screen when users search for "covid," "coronavirus," "vaccines," and "vaccination." Additional blocked search terms included "sex" and "porn," the Post stated.

When using COVID-related search terms, Threads provides users with a pop-up link to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

Threads told the outlet that the platform plans to temporarily block sensitive searches while it continues to work on its results feature.

"The search functionality temporarily doesn't provide results for keywords that may show potentially sensitive content," Threads stated. The company said it will enable complete search functionality "once we are confident in the quality of the results."

Taylor Lorenz, a Washington Post journalist, criticized Threads for blocking the search terms, calling it "extremely irresponsible."

Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri replied to Lorenz on X, stating, "I hear you, and we're working to support more searches quickly. We're trying to learn from last mistakes and believes it's better to bias towards being careful as we roll out search."

Health officials torched the social media company for its decision.

Lucky Tran, director of science communication at Columbia University, told the Post that he was initially excited to utilize the platform's search feature.

"The decision to censor searches about COVID will make it harder for public health experts and people who work in public health to get out important info to the public about how they can protect themselves," Tran explained.

Tran claimed that blocking search results "will only leave an information gap that will be filled by misinformation from elsewhere."

"The best solution is to take proactive steps to elevate multiple trusted sources and address misinformation," he added.

Julia Doubleday, an outreach director at the nonprofit World Health Network, told the outlet that "social media is a lifeline for patients, literally."

"Long covid patients have died of organ failure, infections, cardiac events and more, and social media is one place they can share information. Cutting off communication between suffering and disabled patients is cruel in the extreme. It's indefensible," Doubleday said.


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5db7b0 No.89581

File: 302c15d62c24746⋯.png (973.54 KB,1170x1829,1170:1829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544374 (131912ZSEP23) Notable: PF

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GTMO842 up


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5db7b0 No.89582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544390 (131914ZSEP23) Notable: Dr David Martin accusing WHO of conspiracy to commit MURDER - transcript HERE

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>i don't know what to do with that link. can you post an image?

sry text is way too big.

you should be able to right-click and download?


will reupload to catbox as a .txt file:


hope this helps!



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5db7b0 No.89583

File: b8c9abde99d9e16⋯.png (245.72 KB,1005x614,1005:614,Clipboard.png)

File: 80a3224079fb002⋯.png (691.3 KB,1026x639,114:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b479589676088e⋯.png (116.21 KB,1015x624,1015:624,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e90c3f2427a7aa⋯.png (104.36 KB,1030x592,515:296,Clipboard.png)

File: c62dbe3d25f1f75⋯.png (78.92 KB,1023x414,341:138,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544399 (131915ZSEP23) Notable: The Elite’s 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is Climaxing. Can We Defeat It?

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The Elite’s 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is Climaxing. Can We Defeat It?

Part 1

“The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.” – Steve Biko, South African freedom fighter, beaten to death in an Apartheid prison cell in 1977.

So you think that you make up your own mind about what you will do, how you will do it, what you will buy and so on.

Good, because that is what you are supposed to believe. Especially when you are thinking what others want you to think.

Most of us like to believe that we have ‘a mind of our own’.

But, in fact, any serious consideration of the evidence leads to the exact opposite conclusion. In the vast majority of cases, you haven’t had a mind that was yours since you were very young. At least on anything that really matters in your life.

Let me elaborate.

In recent years, I have been writing about the Elite’s 5,000-year war against humanity with the final battle in this war now being fought.

See ‘The Final Battle for Humanity: It is “Now or Never” in the Long War Against Homo Sapiens’.

Hence, I have argued, it is important to understand the Elite’s ‘Great Reset’, with its fourth industrial revolution (technocratic), eugenicist and transhumanist programs, as simply the latest manifestation of this 5,000-year war on Homo Sapiens during which Elites (local, ‘national’, ultimately global) have used a range of policies to contrive ‘great events’

orchestrated wars and famines;

slavery; human sacrifice;

imperialism and colonialism;

economic exploitation through contrived financial crises (including depressions);

‘natural’ disasters, revolutions and ‘medical’ crises to name the most obvious – to distract attention from and facilitate profound changes in world order, to kill off substantial proportions of the human population and enslave those left alive while obscuring vast transfers of wealth from ordinary people to the Elite (whether local, ‘national’ or, ultimately, global).

See ‘Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until “You’ll Own Nothing.”’


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5db7b0 No.89584

File: 6cd9c88adbcca00⋯.png (407.15 KB,602x612,301:306,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544410 (131917ZSEP23) Notable: Romney not running for re-election

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Just a few days ago.


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5db7b0 No.89585

File: 78af4e023339eca⋯.png (747.09 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544430 (131920ZSEP23) Notable: Pornhub exec caught on camera admitting rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'

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Pornhub exec caught on camera admitting rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'

"It would be counterintuitive to the business."

A new investigation out from Sound Investigations reveals that tube site Pornhub has found a loophole around the age verification process for explicit, pornographic videos. When videos are uploaded with faces blurred out, Pornhub does not verify the ages of those in the videos.

Pornhub CEO Mike Farley spoke with an undercover reporter over dinner, and revealed that execs at the porn site are aware of this, and that human traffickers and rapists use this feature of bypassing age verification to "make a lot of money."

Farley said that everyone knows about this, and that "everybody is just rolling with it."

"Why do they roll with it?" the Sound Investigations reporter asked Farley, "Why don't they say something?"

"Because it costs money," Farley admits. "It would be counterintuitive to the business."

"We’ve brought it up to the CPO [chief product officer]. We’ve brought it up to the CLO [chief legal officer], and they’re both telling us it’s all good. And the CPO is especially telling us like, 'F*ck off. It’s all good. Stop. Like, shut up,'" Farley goes on to say.

Pornhub parent MindGeek is based in Quebec, and has been pressured to make sure that consent and age verification are done on videos hosted on the site. In 2020, the site changed its rules and made it not possible for users to download videos, only to upload.

They denied outright hosting videos of rape or revenge porn, but per the Sound Investigations report, they are not able to vet videos that contain that kind of content in the event that the face of the victim is blurred out.

Sound Investigations asked Farley what would happen "if the government was to find out about this loophole. What would they do?"

"I don't know," Farley said, "They're not going to do sh*t. They'll do nothing."

"Why?" Sound Investigations asked.

"Because they're dumb," Farley said. "They don't know sh*t. They don’t know sh*t. Because they’re not qualified to identify the loophole."

Only the person uploading the videos to Pornhub has to provide an ID for age verification. Farley told Sound Investigations that he, and his boss Ramsey Belmaaza, have brought up this concern to officers of the company, but that those officers do not want to hear about it.

Sound Investigations pressed Farley on who makes use of this loophole of age verification, and Farley said that yes, "of course" human traffickers use it "to make money."

Farley said he recorded a meeting with his chief product officer in which he warned the officer about the issues, telling Sound Investigations that he would have it in the event that the "sh*t hits the fan."

"You shouldn't have content up that can't identify the person..." Farley told Sound Investigations, "they would lose a lot of money... They're like, 'it's all good. I'm not going to get caught. It's fine.'"

There are countless stories of women and children who were raped complaining about videos of those crimes ending up on Pornhub, and the great difficulty they have had trying to get that content taken down.


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5db7b0 No.89586

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544466 (131924ZSEP23) Notable: #24002-A

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#24002-A >>89539


>>89540 Fetterman with bizarre tweet: more dick pics in house hearings????

>>89541 LIVE | UNC students, staff told to say inside due to armed and dangerous person on or near campus CHAPEL HILL, N.C

>>89542 Housley: A state Senator held the bill up that would have protected victims. He’s crap too and we WILL be exposing him and his hypocrisy soon.

>>89544 ELON: They’re desperate for ratings. Best to ignore them. re Madcow

>>89545 Hunter Biden is suing Garrett Ziegler, a former aide to former President Donald Trump, over his part in publishing emails, embarrassing images

>>89546, >>89547 Bioweapons Expert Dr David Martin Accuses WHO of Conspiracy To commit Mass Murder at EU Parliament and brings reciepts.

>>89548 Children are Not for Sale: Examining the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad

>>89549 A Dangerous Strategy: Examining the Biden Administration’s Failures on Iran


>>89543, >>89554, >>89571, >>89584 Romney not running for re-election

>>89566 DJT: FANTASTIC NEWS [re Romney Resignation]

>>89550 State of the Video Marketplace - House Energy and Commerce Committee

>>89552 HiTOPS admints their goal is to strip parents of Opt-Out Rights

>>89551, >>89553, >>89555 Unmasking the World Health Organization: A Criminal Cabal's Reign


>>89557 10 steps to a better education in America - which leads to great jobs-Donald Trump

>>89558 No, Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP and Here’s Why.

>>89559 Ilya Kramnik: Supplying depleted uranium shells is the latest Western attempt to hide its guilty secret in Ukraine

>>89560, >>89582 Dr David Martin accusing WHO of conspiracy to commit MURDER - transcript HERE



B open

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5db7b0 No.89587

File: eb75df1be48ebda⋯.png (192.09 KB,500x329,500:329,Clipboard.png)

File: b5ca4939e99bbe9⋯.png (66.98 KB,929x406,929:406,Clipboard.png)

File: 473b17e57e06293⋯.png (76.34 KB,950x333,950:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 52ee13a38ec1221⋯.png (262.31 KB,968x617,968:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 80068d50044da26⋯.png (355.29 KB,768x965,768:965,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544477 (131925ZSEP23) Notable: Part 4: Nothing Adds Up in Fulton County… 17k Missing Ballot Images, 10 “Phantom” Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More

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Part 4: Nothing Adds Up in Fulton County… 17k Missing Ballot Images, 10 “Phantom” Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More

In Part 1, The Gateway Pundit revealed that the Georgia Secretary of State (GASOS) and the GASOS COO Gabriel Sterling, who left the SOS office to take a private contract with the SOS office and then returned to the SOS after the election, neglected to act on several requests to rectify a reported issue in Coffee County regarding their Dominion equipment before the Nov 3, 2020 election.

In Part 2, the mysterious ability of Dominion technicians to repair equipment without ever touching it was revealed through the sworn affidavit of now-indicted 30-year retired school teacher Cathy Latham.

In Part 3, we discussed a State Election Board complaint that resulted in Fulton County entering into a Consent Order that acknowledged “36 inconsistencies” in the Nov. 14th hand-recount/risk-limiting audit outlined in a report by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp’s office. This report was based on research by Joe Rossi and David Cross showing numerous double and triple counted batches in the hand-count that helped the results get in line with the original machine count. The result was an excess 4,057 votes tallied for Joe Biden in the hand-count.

Part 4 – Where’s the Proof?

During the 2020 Election in Fulton County, a “non-partisan” observer by the name of Carter Jones observed “nearly 270 hours” as part of a consent order with the county and the State Election Board. As reported by the GPB, Jones wrote of the Fulton County election:

“At no time did I ever observe any conduct by Fulton County election officials that involved dishonesty, fraud, or intentional malfeasance. During my weeks of monitoring, I witnessed neither ‘ballot stuffing’ nor ‘double-counting’ nor any other fraudulent conduct that would undermine the validity, fairness, and accuracy of the results published and certified by Fulton County.”

But this is not what Carter Jones reported on Election night. Jones reported on election night that “order was starting to break down” and Ralph (Jones) was double counting ballots at the State Farm Center!

After Part 3 of this series that documents the State Election Board (SEB) entering into a Consent Order with Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections (BRE) regarding 36 inconsistencies that add up to a 4,057 vote surplus for Joe Biden, it seems clear that “they made the numbers add up.” But, in all fairness, the hand-count wasn’t the “official count”. So how did the Election Day Machine Count (MC1), hand-recount and the Machine Recount (MC2) “add up” then?


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5db7b0 No.89588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544501 (131930ZSEP23) Notable: 4,500 3rd Infantry Division soldiers deploying to Eastern Europe

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4,500 3rd Infantry Division soldiers deploying to Eastern Europe

About 85,000 US troops are currently deployed to Europe.

“The 3rd Infantry Division mission is to support NATO allies, deter further aggression against NATO member states, and train with host-nation forces to build readiness and interoperability,” Army Lt. Col. Matt Fontaine, a division spokesman, told Task & Purpose on Monday.

On Sept. 9, the 3rd Infantry Division officially assumed control of the Army task force in Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

That region includes the Suwalki Gap, a roughly 40-mile strip of land that connects Poland to Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. NATO planners have long feared that Russia could send forces from its Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad and Belarus to close the gap, thus separating the Baltic states from the rest of the alliance.


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5db7b0 No.89589

File: 2caa6cc764bee06⋯.png (1.12 MB,768x986,384:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544516 (131932ZSEP23) Notable: Mass Protest Against the US-backed Regime Change in Pakistan

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Mass Protest Against the US-backed Regime Change in Pakistan


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5db7b0 No.89590

File: 510a7e0f385c55f⋯.png (382.07 KB,607x532,607:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544528 (131935ZSEP23) Notable: The reason we paid $6bil to Iran? "This is the deal that we were able to strike…"

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HEINRICH: "Didn't they also get 5 Iranians?"

KIRBY: "They will get 5 Iranians as well, yeah."

HEINRICH: "Then why did we need to add $6 billion dollars on top of that?"

KIRBY: "This is the deal that we were able to strike..."


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5db7b0 No.89591

File: 5104ad1c8277bd1⋯.png (352.37 KB,600x632,75:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544531 (131936ZSEP23) Notable: The phone of Russian independent media figure Galina Timchenko had reportedly been infected using spyware built by the Israeli company NSO Group.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Jerusalem Post



A leading Russian journalist has had her phone compromised using Israeli spyware, researchers said, the latest sign that phone hacking tools are being used to spy on media workers and opposition figures worldwide.

#Russia | #Israel | #Spyware

The phone of Russian independent media figure Galina Timchenko had reportedly been infected using spyware built by the Israeli company NSO Group.




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5db7b0 No.89592

File: f79e956446476e4⋯.jpg (241.04 KB,964x1280,241:320,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544538 (131937ZSEP23) Notable: This is Dr David Martin's Speech, please share.

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The most important video you will watch.

Today, 13th September, A panel bravely exposed the WHO (World Health Organisation) for the criminal organisation it is, and proved that Covid is indeed a BioWeapon.

This is Dr David Martin's Speech.

Please Share



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5db7b0 No.89593

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544573 (131940ZSEP23) Notable: #24002-B

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>>89561, >>89565 GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “Absurd” Impeachment Remarks - Says There’s No Evidence Linking Joe Biden to a “High Crime or Misdemeanor”

>>89563 ‘They Will Say It’s Nuclear Blackmail!’ – Putin Accuses UK of Training Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants – Warns of SERIOUS Consequences

>>89562 White House Sends Letter to Media Outlets on Biden Impeachment Inquiry: “It’s Time for the Media to Ramp Up Its Scrutiny of House Republicans”


>>89567 Good discussion on China and its military preparedness and ours

>>89568 Kim Jong Un Toasts Putin, Wishing 'Great Victory' Over Enemies

>>89569 MTG on AOC ranting about others re "Tax the Rich"

>>89570 US Congresswoman’s Husband Killed in Plane Accident, Spokesman Confirms

>>89572 The fascists @Youtube & @Google took down 7 of my vids today for "inappropriate content" re CCP influence, UN, Biden global gov't

>>89573 US Attorney Appeared To Block Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor From Charging Him In Tax Case, IRS Whistleblower Notes Show

>>89575 Not one dime in federal dollars should go to any school associated with the American Federation of Teachers.

>>89576 Watchdog Memo: ‘Irregularities’ Found in DOJ Investigation of ‘F—ing Spy Chief of China,’ Biden Associate Patrick Ho

>>89577, >>89574 Reminder: Romney is also PIERRE DELECTO

>>89578 Up To $135 Billion In COVID-Era Unemployment Benefits Stolen By Fraudsters, Watchdog Finds

>>89579 Putin accused Yandex founder Arkady Volozh of ingratitude toward Russia

>>89580 Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation

>>89581 PF

>>89583 The Elite’s 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is Climaxing. Can We Defeat It?

>>89585 Pornhub exec caught on camera admitting rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'

>>89587 Part 4: Nothing Adds Up in Fulton County… 17k Missing Ballot Images, 10 “Phantom” Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More

>>89588 4,500 3rd Infantry Division soldiers deploying to Eastern Europe

>>89589 Mass Protest Against the US-backed Regime Change in Pakistan

>>89590 The reason we paid $6bil to Iran? "This is the deal that we were able to strike…"

>>89591 The phone of Russian independent media figure Galina Timchenko had reportedly been infected using spyware built by the Israeli company NSO Group.

>>89592 This is Dr David Martin's Speech, please share.



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5db7b0 No.89594

File: 9a8990e63ae00f5⋯.png (93.37 KB,1076x311,1076:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544589 (131942ZSEP23) Notable: #24003

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baker seeking handy, ghosting @20

BIG TY to anons for your contributions,



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5db7b0 No.89595

File: 375a981cb1aae25⋯.pdf (10.18 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544624 (131948ZSEP23) Notable: Q WEB 3.17.20 flyer-01.jpg

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I think we should get an updated all hands on deck dig on this, strongly feel like everything’s there (“you have more than you know”)

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5db7b0 No.89596

File: deefce2ac1075a2⋯.png (28.73 KB,891x214,891:214,Clipboard.png)

File: fb042ec19edf6f7⋯.png (373.16 KB,608x500,152:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 04c5f4b55366ab4⋯.png (832.23 KB,800x720,10:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544703 (132001ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Just out: INFLATION UP, INCOME DOWN!

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Donald J. Trump



Sep 13, 2023, 3:51 PM


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5db7b0 No.89597

File: 618966b7189cb07⋯.png (40.79 KB,897x257,897:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e7dae68678dec7⋯.png (1.74 MB,1117x920,1117:920,Clipboard.png)

File: edfae93f5233a1f⋯.png (1.38 MB,911x1126,911:1126,Clipboard.png)

File: 6577eab62d19d5c⋯.png (1.51 MB,750x942,125:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544715 (132004ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Just out: INFLATION UP, INCOME DOWN!

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Donald J. Trump



Sep 13, 2023, 2:33 PM


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5db7b0 No.89598

File: 5d66570b0df79ef⋯.png (2.96 MB,1476x1848,123:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544718 (132004ZSEP23) Notable: Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

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If this was an Investigation > everything suggests Treason

Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

The effort by the Trump ally to get an immunity deal is the latest sign of progress in the investigation, which recently brought on a well-regarded prosecutor.


By Alan Feuer, Adam Goldman and Katie Benner

April 20, 2022

The federal investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election appears to be gaining traction, with the Justice Department having brought in a well-regarded new prosecutor to help run the inquiry

and a high-profile witness seeking a deal to provide information.

Alex Jones, the host of the conspiracy-driven media outlet Infowars and a key player in the pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” movement, is in discussions with the Justice Department about an agreement to detail

his role in the rally near the White House last Jan. 6 that preceded the attack on the Capitol.

Through his lawyer, Mr. Jones said he has given the government a formal letter conveying “his desire to speak to federal prosecutors about Jan. 6.”

The lawyer, Norm Pattis, maintained that Mr. Jones had not engaged in any “criminal wrongdoing” that day when — chanting slogans about 1776 — he helped lead a crowd of Trump supporters in a march to the Capitol

as violence was erupting.

As a condition of being interviewed by federal investigators, Mr. Jones, who is known for his rants about the “Deep State” and its supposed control over national affairs, has requested immunity from prosecution.

“He distrusts the government,” Mr. Pattis said.

While convincing federal prosecutors to grant him immunity could be an uphill climb for Mr. Jones, his discussions with the Justice Department suggest that the investigation into the postelection period could be gathering momentum.

Two weeks ago, another prominent Stop the Steal organizer, Ali Alexander, a close associate of Mr. Jones, revealed that he had received a subpoena from a federal grand jury that is

seeking information on a broad swath of people — rally planners, members of Congress and others close to former President Donald J. Trump — connected to political events that took place in the run-up to Jan. 6.

Mr. Alexander, who marched with Mr. Jones to the Capitol that day, has said that he intends to comply with the subpoena.


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5db7b0 No.89599

File: 56b13520527e7cb⋯.jpg (55.86 KB,841x347,841:347,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4f8e111d7bd2903⋯.pdf (4.46 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544821 (132022ZSEP23) Notable: JEFFREY ESPTEIN'S LIDDLE BLACK BOOK PDF

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5db7b0 No.89600

File: d67ccd0439f8564⋯.png (655.28 KB,620x778,310:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544861 (132028ZSEP23) Notable: The first change of responsibility ceremony for the 11th Cyber (Electromagnetic Activity) Battalion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber)



The first change of responsibility ceremony for the 11th Cyber Battalion | The first and only expeditionary Cyber Electromagnetic Activity (CEMA) battalion of its kind in the United States Army.



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5db7b0 No.89601

File: 61de407d88b93b9⋯.mp4 (6.3 MB,564x318,94:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544865 (132028ZSEP23) Notable: "It's a sponsor racket. That's why they aren't answering the phone. That's why you can't find who they are."

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Higgins: Mr. Gelent, are you an attorney sir?

Gelent [ACLU] I am.

Higgins: When I was a cop we had a common saying, a bit of a chuckle; we say that, 'I've known many convicts I can trust in my life, and very few attorneys.' How does the ACLU feel about eighty-five thousand missing children? Think their civil rights might be being violated?

Gelent: Our view is that those children are not likely missing, that the sponsors don't simply answer the phone.

Higgins; The sponsors are not real. You know that, right? It's a racket. It's a sponsor racket. That's why they aren't answering the phone. That's why you can't find who they are.

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5db7b0 No.89602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544892 (132033ZSEP23) Notable: Reminder: There is a Daily ASSAULT on the citizens of our, “Republic.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Reminder: There is a Daily ASSAULT on the citizens of our, “Republic.”

Man-made clouds blanket the sky.

This is an assault on our senses (moods…).

This is an assault on our health (vitamin D…).

What other chemical poisons are we forced to breath and gardens/soil/waterways are smothered with?

Lack of sunshine?

Lack of garden growth?

Prime condition for mold growth?

Weather manipulation (SAI, chemtrails, whatever you’d like to call it) is a clear sign of government(s) at war with their own citizens.

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5db7b0 No.89603

File: 6acdc8bd3affc28⋯.png (287.71 KB,486x932,243:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544930 (132038ZSEP23) Notable: Trump-appointed circuit judge strikes down 'unconstitutional' California law that restricts firearm advertisements

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Sep 13, 2023

Trump-appointed circuit judge strikes down 'unconstitutional' California law that restricted firearm advertisements

Judge Lee said California "cannot ban truthful ads about lawful firearm use among adults and minors.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Wednesday that California's minor firearm advertising law likely violates the US Constitution, saying "The First Amendment demands more than good intentions and wishful thinking to warrant the government's muzzling of speech."

The state law which prohibits the marketing and advertising of firearms that "reasonably appear to be attractive to minors" was struck down by a three-judge panel, in which Judge Kenneth Lee wrote for the majority: "While California has a substantial interest in reducing gun violence and unlawful use of firearms by minors, its law does not 'directly' and 'materially' further either goal."

"California cannot straitjacket the First Amendment by, on the one hand, allowing minors to possess and use firearms and then, on the other hand, banning truthful advertisements about that lawful use of firearms. There is no evidence in the record that a minor in California has ever unlawfully bought a gun, let alone because of an ad. Nor has the state produced any evidence that truthful ads about lawful uses of guns—like an ad about hunting rifles in Junior Sports Magazines’ Junior Shooters—encourage illegal or violent gun use among minors," Judge Lee said, according to court documents.

"Simply put, California cannot lean on gossamers of speculation to weave an evidence-free narrative that its law curbing the First Amendment "significantly" decreases unlawful gun use among minors. The First Amendment demands more than good intentions and wishful thinking to warrant the government’s muzzling of speech," he continued.

Adding, "California's law is also more extensive than necessary, as it sweeps in truthful ads about lawful use of firearms for adults and minors alike. For instance, an advertisement directed at adults featuring a camouflage skin on a firearm might be illegal because minors may be attracted to it."

In summation, Lee said that California’s limits on advertising likely impose "an

unconstitutional burden on protected speech." ...


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5db7b0 No.89604

File: 5bfe7220a79cdb8⋯.png (586.24 KB,792x780,66:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544934 (132039ZSEP23) Notable: Trump-appointed circuit judge strikes down 'unconstitutional' California law that restricts firearm advertisements

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Katie Daviscourt

BREAKING:Trump-appointed circuit judge strikes down 'unconstitutional' California law that restricts firearm advertisements


>Trump-appointed circuit judge strikes down 'unconstitutional' California law that restricted firearm advertisements

2:31 PM · Sep 13, 2023


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5db7b0 No.89605

File: 34f995048910c87⋯.mp4 (15.89 MB,158x90,79:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544944 (132041ZSEP23) Notable: DIG ON HITOPS AND EXEC. DIRECTOR LISA SHELBY

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VIDEO of HITOPS execs admitting they structure their courses so that students cannot opt out.

Note: this is Project Veritas wo/James Okeefe AND IT SHOWS (Compare and contrast)


from the video: HITOP radicals want to MANDATE Pathways for Racial Literacy classes for students. Executive Director is Lisa Shelby.

HiTOPS Mission

HiTOPS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that fosters strong and healthy young people of all identities by providing inclusive and youth-informed sex education and LGBTQ+ support for young people throughout New Jersey. It is the only organization in New Jersey to provide direct support, education, and information for LGBTQ+ youth, their families, and youth-serving professionals. The full range of programming includes;sex education for middle & high school-age youth; peer leadership & education; education, support, & advocacy for LGBTQ+ identified youth; and professional development and consultation for youth serving-professionals and organizations. HiTOPS’ programs & services reach thousands of people throughout the state of New Jersey every year. More information and a new Annual Report are available at HiTOPS.org.

Lisa Shelby

HiTOPS Welcomes New Executive Director, Lisa Shelby, MPH

In addition to her success as HiTOPS Interim Director, Shelby brings substantial expertise from her extensive career in Public Health that began with a Master of Public Health Administration from UMDNJ-Rutgers University. Shelby served as Director of Community Services,Planned Parenthood Association of the Mercer Area, and as Vice President for Education and Professional Development/Program Development, Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania. Shelby is a founding Board member of the NJ Women and AIDS Network and the Women’s Anti-Violence Education Project, and served three years as Board Chair for the Women’s Medical Fund, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Prior to joining HiTOPS in 2018, Shelby served as Interim Executive Director of the non-profit organization, Gearing Up, in Philadelphia.


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5db7b0 No.89606

File: ede1e5f24dcaed0⋯.png (673.5 KB,748x909,748:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544946 (132041ZSEP23) Notable: Mass releases of THOUSANDS OF ILLEGAL DEMOCRAT VOTERS underway in Tucson, AZ sector due to CBP facilities being over capacity

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Bill Melugin

NEW: Per Border Patrol sources, street releases of migrants who crossed illegally are beginning today in the Tucson, AZ sector due to CBP facilities being overcapacity. The Tucson sector alone saw over 2,000 illegal crossings yesterday in a 24 hour span. Mass releases underway.

We have a cameraman in the sector right now, where large numbers of single adult men from Africa have been crossing illegally, including many from Senegal. People from all over the world arrive in the Tucson sector.

1:39 PM · Sep 13, 2023


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5db7b0 No.89607

File: ec3683f60bde6b2⋯.png (936.92 KB,1417x1383,1417:1383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544953 (132042ZSEP23) Notable: 'tHerE iS nO eViDeNcE'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B-b-b-but cult controlled enemy of the people fake news are gaslighting the public with 'tHerE iS nO eViDeNcE'.


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5db7b0 No.89608

File: 52f8dc22781f68f⋯.png (114.82 KB,744x839,744:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544958 (132043ZSEP23) Notable: Let's see if 41 senators can block a blank check for Biden’s releases & demand this funding restriction..

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Stephen Miller




>Mass releases underway.

Just 41 senators can block a blank check for Biden’s releases & demand this funding restriction—putting immense pressure on Tester, Manchin, Brown, Kaine, Casey, Rosen, etc.

Why join Senate if not to fight for America’s survival? Wake up! Get in the arena! What are you doing?

We are about to enter the fourth year — fourth! — of Biden’s open border and mass resettlement scheme. He has resettled more illegals than live in most red states. Is there no travesty that will rouse the Senate GOP from its long and luxurious slumber?

2:37 PM · Sep 13, 2023


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5db7b0 No.89609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19544994 (132048ZSEP23) Notable: Matt Gaetz: Motions To Vacate the Speaker Could Come Next Week if McCarthy Fails to Comply

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Rep. Matt Gaetz

If by next week I am not seeing action from Kevin McCarthy to come into compliance with the deal he made in January, then I wouldn’t bet against seeing motions to vacate the chair regularly until he is removed.

Matt Gaetz: Motions To Vacate the Speaker Could Come Next Week

2:19 PM · Sep 13, 2023 8:13


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5db7b0 No.89610

File: 38d15bf2b5757c6⋯.jpg (25.89 KB,600x315,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545076 (132102ZSEP23) Notable: Q WEB 3.17.20 flyer-01.jpg

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AYYO, I never heard of this b4, WTF?

Am I still a newfag?


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5db7b0 No.89611

File: 3bc4a581a8cf46b⋯.png (441.14 KB,764x432,191:108,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545116 (132108ZSEP23) Notable: Kemp suspends Georgia gas tax, declares state of emergency over inflation

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Kemp suspends Georgia gas tax, declares state of emergency over inflation

September 12, 2023 9:29AM

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has declared a state of emergency and temporarily suspended the state's tax on gasoline in an effort to reduce the impact of inflation.

In a press release Tuesday, Kemp claimed that his actions were in response to policies coming at the federal level, saying that President Joe Biden has caused Georgians to feel the brunt of negative economic conditions,

"While high prices continue to hit family budgets, hardworking Georgians deserve real relief and that's why I signed an executive order today to deliver it directly to them at the pump," Kemp said.

The executive order will go into effect Wednesday and continue through Oct. 12.

Officials estimate the suspension of the tax will save Georgians around 31 cents per gallon of gasoline and 35 cents per gallon of diesel fuel. But Kendra Cray says she still feels the pain at the pump. "It’s about $45 to fill up my car," Cray said. "It hurts a lot."

"I applaud Gov. Kemp’s suspension of motor fuel taxes to keep our people and our economy moving despite Washington’s inaction on rising fuel prices," said Georgia Speaker of the House Jon Burns.

Danny Kanso, senior fiscal analyst and director of legislative strategy at the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, estimates suspending the gas tax could save money for Georgia drivers but cost the state as much as $180 million a month.

"A good chunk of that will go to consumer," said Kanso "It almost certainly will reduce state tax collections by about that amount per month."

The state can absorb the hit from the lost revenue because of a budget surplus. "Right now the state has about $16-billion cash on hand," Kanso said.

The gas tax is reserved exclusively for infrastructure like roads and transportation. The state can backfill lost revenue from gas taxes with money from the surplus. But Kanso says that could come at a cost to other programs. "And that means less money available for things like education, healthcare, core functions of government that make up most of what the state does," Kanso said. "It could go to a long-term investment like a school bus, or it could go to a short-term suspension of the gas tax."

Kemp previously suspended the state's gas tax in March 2022 and extended the suspension for 10 months.

Georgia’s gasoline price normally includes a federal tax of 18.4 cents per gallon and a state tax of 29.1 cents per gallon. A number of counties and the city of Atlanta also charge taxes. Federal taxes on diesel fuel are 24.4 cents per gallon, while Georgia’s tax on diesel is 32.6 cents per gallon.

As of Tuesday, AAA reports that the average price for a gallon of gas in Georgia is $3.57 - six more cents than Monday, around 6 cents less than the same time in August, and around 33 more cents than in 2022.

Georgia's fuel price remains lower than the national average of $3.83 for a gallon of regular unleaded gas.


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5db7b0 No.89612

File: 825bab74ef7f876⋯.png (341.39 KB,1170x1429,1170:1429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545199 (132122ZSEP23) Notable: Trump to Deliver Remarks in Dubuque, Iowa Sep 20th

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45th President of the United States Donald J.

Trump to Deliver Remarks in Dubuque, Iowa

Wed, September 20, 2023

03:00 pm (US/Central)

Doors Open: 12:00 pm

Grand River Center

500 Bell Street

Dubuque, IA 52001



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5db7b0 No.89613

File: 9dab80777170da8⋯.png (24.66 KB,547x185,547:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545209 (132124ZSEP23) Notable: Ronny Jackson: "President Trump will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!"

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Ronny Jackson

President Trump will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!

3:19 PM · Sep 13, 2023


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5db7b0 No.89614

File: 542aa04f3b8658e⋯.jpeg (714.59 KB,1170x1268,585:634,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545222 (132126ZSEP23) Notable: Biden sits and blankly stares at the press as he refuses to answer questions about impeachment and his involvement in his son's corruption

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5db7b0 No.89615

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545230 (132127ZSEP23) Notable: Federal judge rules against Gov. Lujan Grisham’s order banning guns in public

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Federal judge rules against Gov. Lujan Grisham’s order banning guns in public


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5db7b0 No.89616

File: 56964a0f9c3a658⋯.png (1.27 MB,683x1024,683:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545235 (132128ZSEP23) Notable: RNC Lawyer Begins Contract Work on Background Effort to Disqualify Donald Trump

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RNC Lawyer Begins Contract Work on Background Effort to Disqualify Donald Trump

September 13, 2023 | Sundance |

A baseline is important to frame the accurate context:

♦ Our government is controlled by corporations and financial interests who operate on an independent agenda, not in our interest.

♦ The RNC and DNC are private clubs inside the U.S. political system, who construct the illusion of choice as directed by their benefactors (donors).

The benefactors/donors in both instances are the same entities.

This reality forms the core of the Uniparty agenda that we see surface every day in government policy that runs counter to the interests of U.S citizens and voters. The two wings of the UniParty vulture are the RNC and DNC. Any entity that exists outside the framework of the modern political industry, is considered a threat.

WASHINGTON POST – […] Jason Torchinsky, a partner with the Virginia law firm Holtzman Vogel, has in recent days initiated conversations about the idea of trying to disqualify Trump with a range of figures, including a Democratic secretary of state, fellow election lawyers and a retired federal judge who has helped lead the push to question Trump’s eligibility, according to multiple people familiar with the calls, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.

[…] Torchinsky’s firm has done legal work for the campaigns of former New Jersey governor Chris Christie and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, as well as for Never Back Down, the political action committee promoting the presidential campaign of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Torchinsky, a longtime GOP election lawyer who has also represented the Republican National Committee, is researching the issue not for Trump’s rivals but for Jacob Harriman, the founder of a nonpartisan service organization called More Perfect Union, Harriman said in a statement to The Washington Post.

“It is critical to understand if there is a legitimate risk of nominating a candidate who could be deemed to be ineligible for office,” Harriman said. Torchinsky declined to comment. (read more)

We The People are in an abusive relationship with government and the party system used to retain control and power. Once we accept that a disparate political structure exists above the election systems, a structure that runs the election systems through party/club rules, then we can begin to address how corrupt the illusion of choice has become.

In the biggest of big pictures, seeing this reality clearly is the gift from the era of Trump.

(They are not even trying to hide it anymore!)


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5db7b0 No.89617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545251 (132131ZSEP23) Notable: Representatives Scott Perry and Dan Bishop both confront the pretending media with facts that destroy the argument in defense of Joe and Hunter Biden.

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For a Brief Moment Today, The Pretending Stopped – Scott Perry and Dan Bishop Go Full Wolverine Against Ridiculous Media Impeachment Defense of Joe Biden

September 12, 2023 | Sundance |

The one thing I can tell you about this video is that North Carolina Representative Dan Bishop is part of team freedom. His articulate remarks to the insufferable questioning of the media are exactly how he feels.

Representatives Scott Perry and Dan Bishop both confront the pretending media with facts that destroy the argument in defense of Joe and Hunter Biden.

This is what it looks like when representatives stop pretending and deliver the truth to a jaw-agape media. WATCH:


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5db7b0 No.89618

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545257 (132132ZSEP23) Notable: Dominion touchscreen Ballot Marking Devices (BMD) has vulnerabilities so damning it was sealed by U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and kept from the public for the past two years.

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The expert for plaintiffs, Dr. J. Alex Halderman of the University of Michigan, was then allowed to examine the new Dominion touchscreen Ballot Marking Device (BMD) systems. His report, however, finding multiple vulnerabilities, was said to be so damning that it was sealed by U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and kept from both plaintiffs and the public for the past two years.


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5db7b0 No.89619

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545325 (132146ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden just sued a former Trump official for illegally accessing his computer, when the data in question is actually from his iPhone...

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BREAKING: Hunter Biden just sued a former Trump official for illegally "accessing, tampering with, manipulating, altering, copying, & damaging computer data" & then claimed it came from Hunter Biden's computer when it was actually from his iPhone. This is huge & really good.

7:09 PM · Sep 13, 2023

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5db7b0 No.89620

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545350 (132151ZSEP23) Notable: Want to Help Clean Up Elections? Join This *No Cost* Nationwide Seminar for *Grassroots* Election Integrity Groups

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Want to Help Clean Up Elections? Join This *No Cost* Nationwide Seminar for *Grassroots* Election Integrity Groups – September 15-18 in St Louis, MO

"Despite incessant claims that our election system is not connected to the Internet, engineers have discovered a nationwide cellular network connects election equipment giving the federal government total access to election systems down to the precinct level."

If all the election equipment is connected by a cellular network is it really okay that a person's drivers license is scanned when they go to vote? Seems like the dossier's collected on Americans must contain a fantastic amount of information.

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5db7b0 No.89621

File: cacb89a59ebec6c⋯.png (335.5 KB,602x631,602:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545383 (132157ZSEP23) Notable: Another SILENCED and censored by Police for reading from a filthy book 'Approved' by School District, if front of the School Board

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ANOTHER Black Pastor is silenced and censored by a Police officer at the request of the board chair, while reading from a filthy book in the Asheville School District in NC.

When you're censored from speaking the text from books allowed in schools for children, because it's too vile and disgusting, you know the marxist commie scum who put the books there are HUNTING YOUR CHILDREN.


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5db7b0 No.89622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545409 (132201ZSEP23) Notable: #24003

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#24003 >>89594

>>89614 Biden sits and blankly stares at the press as he refuses to answer questions about impeachment and his involvement in his son's corruption

>>89596, >>89597 @realDonaldTrump Just out: INFLATION UP, INCOME DOWN!

>>89602 Reminder: There is a Daily ASSAULT on the citizens of our, “Republic.”

>>89606 Mass releases of THOUSANDS OF ILLEGAL DEMOCRAT VOTERS underway in Tucson, AZ sector due to CBP facilities being over capacity

>>89607 'tHerE iS nO eViDeNcE'

>>89608 Let's see if 41 senators can block a blank check for Biden’s releases & demand this funding restriction..

>>89609 Matt Gaetz: Motions To Vacate the Speaker Could Come Next Week if McCarthy Fails to Comply

>>89612 Trump to Deliver Remarks in Dubuque, Iowa Sep 20th

>>89613 Ronny Jackson: "President Trump will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!"

>>89616 RNC Lawyer Begins Contract Work on Background Effort to Disqualify Donald Trump

>>89617 Representatives Scott Perry and Dan Bishop both confront the pretending media with facts that destroy the argument in defense of Joe and Hunter Biden.

>>89618 Dominion touchscreen Ballot Marking Devices (BMD) has vulnerabilities so damning it was sealed by U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and kept from the public for the past two years.

>>89619 Hunter Biden just sued a former Trump official for illegally accessing his computer, when the data in question is actually from his iPhone...

>>89621 Another SILENCED and censored by Police for reading from a filthy book 'Approved' by School District, if front of the School Board

>>89595, >>89610 Q WEB 3.17.20 flyer-01.jpg

>>89598 Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview


>>89600 The first change of responsibility ceremony for the 11th Cyber (Electromagnetic Activity) Battalion

>>89601 "It's a sponsor racket. That's why they aren't answering the phone. That's why you can't find who they are."

>>89603, >>89604 Trump-appointed circuit judge strikes down 'unconstitutional' California law that restricts firearm advertisements


>>89611 Kemp suspends Georgia gas tax, declares state of emergency over inflation

>>89615 Federal judge rules against Gov. Lujan Grisham’s order banning guns in public

>>89620 Want to Help Clean Up Elections? Join This *No Cost* Nationwide Seminar for *Grassroots* Election Integrity Groups


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5db7b0 No.89623

File: 36cd08d469ae1cc⋯.gif (4.04 MB,292x372,73:93,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545420 (132202ZSEP23) Notable: #24004

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Sleepy Dough


>baker seeks handoff

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5db7b0 No.89624

File: 146f34d4d5493a4⋯.png (294.22 KB,598x838,299:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545444 (132208ZSEP23) Notable: @GenFlynn Hey @GOP and Main Stream Media, this is not a conspiracy theory… this is called treason.

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General Mike Flynn


Hey @GOP

and Main Stream Media, this is not a conspiracy theory…this is called treason. Undermining of the American people and a U.S. President is a very serious crime.

Please hold someone accountable. This is not good!

The CIA is out of control!!!


Tom Renz




BREAKING - CIA IS INVOLVED WITH COVID COVERUP - That’s right folks - remember when I said (for the last year plus) that the CIA was involved in the funding and creation of #COVID19? Remember when @AGHuff & I told you that EcoHealth Alliance did the work but the CIA & DOD made it… Show more


10:25 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89625

File: 8cfcf57c1aa42aa⋯.png (331.65 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545460 (132211ZSEP23) Notable: notable anon opine/appreciation

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It's really quite incredible how the narrative was 'guided' by the good guys and is succeeding the way it is.


Whoever you are in military psyops, whoever you generals are who work tirelessly without any 'public' recognition, whoever you that are sacrificing your lives to break through the 'bloodline'/'monarchical' controlled psyop that has kept humanity repressed for longer than any of us have been alive, this anon says God bless you all, thank you to the infinity, anon loves you even though anon doesn't 'know' you know you.

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5db7b0 No.89626

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545466 (132213ZSEP23) Notable: >They want you focused on the fake aliens so you wont notice the illegal aliens

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They want you focused on the fake aliens so you wont notice the illegal aliens

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5db7b0 No.89627

File: d4749d0266441b8⋯.png (387.17 KB,587x568,587:568,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545472 (132214ZSEP23) Notable: SHOCKER: KNOWiNK Systems Allow Election Staff to Override Election Results

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


SHOCKER: KNOWiNK Systems Allow Election Staff to Override Election Results via @gatewaypundit


SHOCKER: KNOWiNK Systems Allow Election Staff to Override Election Results | The Gateway Pundit |...

This article originally appeared on JoeHoft.comand was republished with permission.

6:09 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89628

File: ee51a2936b3476d⋯.png (29.67 KB,591x374,591:374,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545529 (132224ZSEP23) Notable: An unusual "fresh-air break" by the jury that convicted Peter NAVARRO is threatening to upend the case.

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


"After they returned to the jury room, Torres recalled, the jury reached a verdict within about 30 minutes, concluding a roughly four-hour deliberation."


Kyle Cheney




NEW: An unusual fresh-air break by the jury that convicted Peter NAVARRO is threatening to upend the case.

Judge Mehta held a hearing on the matter today. At issue: Were the jurors exposed to Jan. 6 protesters during deliberation?


5:30 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89629

File: bfcee2fb72366d4⋯.mp4 (955.55 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545573 (132231ZSEP23) Notable: Cornered Joe Biden changes the subject from questioning over corruption, as other Dems are pleading the 5th

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Biden - Nobody warned me it was wrong for my son to take millions from a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch while I was doling out aid to Ukraine to fight corruption.

Reporter - Many people tried to warn you.

Biden - My son Beau died.


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5db7b0 No.89630

File: f1ff2d0f80aa819⋯.png (3.12 MB,2500x1407,2500:1407,Clipboard.png)

File: f1ff2d0f80aa819⋯.png (3.12 MB,2500x1407,2500:1407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545583 (132232ZSEP23) Notable: Axiom Space Announces Astronauts for Third Mission to ISS

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Axiom Space Announces Astronauts for Third Mission to ISS

September 12, 2023


Today, Axiom Space announced the full crew complement for its third mission, Axiom Mission 3 (Ax-3), to the International Space Station (ISS), after receiving NASA and ISS-partner approval for the four-person, multi-national team to travel to the orbiting laboratory no earlier than January 2024.

Ax-3 will be the first all-European commercial astronaut mission to launch to the ISS – redefining the pathway to low-Earth orbit (LEO) and helping chart a course toward Axiom Station, the world’s first commercial space station.

In an historic venture, three countries – Italy, Türkiye, and Sweden through the European Space Agency (ESA) – have united for Ax-3, with Axiom Space’s Chief Astronaut and Commander Michael López-Alegría leading the commercial mission, representing both the U.S. and Spain as a dual-citizen. The Ax-3 pilot is Italian Air Force Col. Walter Villadei, and the two mission specialists are Alper Gezeravcı of Türkiye and ESA project astronaut Marcus Wandt of Sweden. Villadei, Gezeravcı, and Wandt have extensive flight crew experience and have all served in their nation’s Air Forces.

“It is an honor to command another private astronaut mission with Axiom Space and lead a dynamic crew of professional operators representing several nations across one region of the world,” said López-Alegría, former NASA astronaut and Ax-1 commander. “This crew is shifting the paradigm of how governments and space agencies access and reap the benefits of microgravity. The Ax-3 mission will be transformational as it fosters partnerships outside the construct of the ISS and positions European nations as pioneers of the emerging commercial space industry. I look forward to working with this team and with all those who will support our mission on the ground, on orbit, and around the world.”

As part of Ax-3, Türkiye is sending its first astronaut to space in a larger effort to expand the nation’s space exploration capabilities and establish a national human spaceflight program. Ax-3 will also be the first commercial spaceflight mission for an ESA-sponsored astronaut. For Italy, the Ax-3 mission represents a whole-of-country effort to foster its endeavor for safe, secure, and effective access to space.

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch the Ax-3 crew aboard a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft to the ISS from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Once docked, the Ax-3 astronauts plan to spend up to 14 days on board implementing a full mission comprised of microgravity research, educational outreach, and commercial activities.

Axiom Space is currently the commercial space industry’s only full-service orbital mission provider conducting end-to-end crewed missions for private astronauts, both private individuals and those sponsored by governments. Axiom Space's broad range of services – in collaboration with NASA and SpaceX – includes training and flying private astronauts, access to training facilities and instructors, hardware and safety certification, and operational on-orbit management.

Candidates for flight complete Axiom Space's rigorous training curriculum over many months in preparation to live and work in space. The expert team at Axiom Space is helping nations and organizations build human spaceflight programs, develop astronaut selection programs, and provide the expertise needed to expand the international community of space explorers to a larger and more diverse representation of humanity.

Axiom Space is leveraging the capabilities and resources of the ISS to build the world’s first commercial space station, where access to space moves beyond the partners of the ISS to include countries, institutions, industries, and individuals with new ideas fueling a human economy beyond Earth. Private astronaut missions to the International Space Station are a precursor to Axiom Station and part of the efforts to develop a thriving LEO ecosystem and global space marketplace.


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5db7b0 No.89631

File: ce500a365dda2a6⋯.png (24.35 KB,786x259,786:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545623 (132239ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Woke’ James Bond novel has conservative ‘anti-trans’ villain

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‘Woke’ James Bond novel slammed for

having conservative ‘anti-trans’ villain

New York Post, by Alexander Hall

Posted By: Beardo, 9/13/2023 12:38:47 PM

Multiple conservative critics condemned a recent James Bond novel for vilifying former President Trump and other conservative politicians in a story about a dastardly international plot against King Charles III. (snip) “Bond was struck by something. It was a long while since he’d been at any kind of function that was almost exclusively full of men. It felt strange. There was not even a pretense at diversity here,” the book wrote, later noting Aethelstan “hadn’t been the least bit concerned about ensuring that half of the people he’d hired to carry out his coup should be women, non-White, or disabled.”

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5db7b0 No.89632

File: 78804e346d7b0ed⋯.png (197.41 KB,589x711,589:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545629 (132240ZSEP23) Notable: from @CDCgov’s OWN data: 1 million mRNA Covid shots for teens will prevent 0-1 Covid deaths and CAUSE 100,000 - 200,000 severe side effects.

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Alex Berenson


Again, from @CDCgov

’s OWN data:

1 million mRNA Covid shots for teens will prevent

0-1 Covid deaths


100,000-200,000 severe side effects.

Yes, you read that right.



4:45 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89633

File: edcf5d7f4eb6fdb⋯.png (277.81 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 276f2972ab00d2b⋯.png (260.96 KB,517x483,517:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545638 (132241ZSEP23) Notable: China Brings Taliban Out Of Total Isolation In Sending New Ambassador

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China Brings Taliban Out Of Total Isolation In Sending New Ambassador

The Taliban government of Afghanistan is seeking to break loose from its isolation on the world stage, with a little help from Communist China, of all countries.

For the first time since the Taliban seized power in August 2021 amid the disastrous and bloody rapid American pullout, Kabul has welcomed a new Chinese ambassador to Afghanistan.

The Taliban apparently pulled out all the stops Wednesday in creating a lot of fanfare to greet Ambassador Zhao Sheng, with The Associated Press observing that his "car swept through the tree-lined driveway of the Presidential Palace escorted by a police convoy," after which he was "greeted by uniformed troops and met top-ranking Taliban officials, including Mohammad Hassan Akhund, who heads the administration, and Foreign Affairs Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi."

"It is the first time since the Taliban takeover that an ambassador to Kabul has been afforded such lavish protocol," the report noted.

While the vast majority of countries around the world, including the US, have not formally recognized Taliban rule, China has remained among the few that have maintained a diplomatic mission in Kabul.

China as the globe's second largest economy has expressed a desire to better ties with Afghanistan, especially on a commercial and investment front, also given the potential for Belt & Road related infrastructural works. But it remains that security and terror attacks have plagued the country.

Attempting to put on a new positive face for the world to see of 'responsible rule', Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid had this to say:

"It also signals to other countries to come forward and interact with the Islamic Emirate," said Mujahid. "We should establish good relations as a result of good interactions and, with good relations, we can solve all the problems that are in front of us or coming in the future."



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5db7b0 No.89634

File: 1169b59d09c44e7⋯.png (99.74 KB,628x785,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545641 (132241ZSEP23) Notable: As COVID recrudesces, major meta-study questioning lockdowns is censored

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As COVID recrudesces, major meta-study

questioning lockdowns is censored

American Thinker, by Monica Showalter

Posted By: PageTurner, 9/13/2023 12:28:50 PM

With COVID back, censorship is back, and now it's taken a particularly dangerous form, not just on social media, but on leading academic exchanges. The huge Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN), run by Netherlands-based publishing house Elsevier, is not a site most people know about, but it is a behemoth in academia, extremely important to professors for getting their work out there and advancing within the academic community. That's where censorship on COVID is happening, which could have far-reaching consequences for public policy and the free exchange of ideas. SSRN's plain, bare-bones front page on its site describes itself this way: Tomorrow´s Research Today SSRN provides 1,265,565 research papers from 1,365,420 researchers in 70 disciplines.

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5db7b0 No.89635

File: 7fcba99c675db7e⋯.png (264.86 KB,497x442,497:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545653 (132243ZSEP23) Notable: Cornered Joe Biden changes the subject from questioning over corruption, as other Dems are pleading the 5th

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Top Biden spokesman John Kirby completely ignores a question on why Joe Biden so frequently makes up completely demonstrably false stories in a desperate attempt to feign empathy


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5db7b0 No.89636

File: 0ea2891654662ab⋯.png (296.81 KB,597x833,597:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545656 (132244ZSEP23) Notable: Biden puts John Podesta in charge of the $370 billion slush fund here that flows straight to the Zients family & their cronies

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Mike Benz


Know who’s in charge of the $370 billion slush fund here that flows straight to the Zients family & their cronies?

John Podesta.



Glenn Greenwald




Bizarre but typical bullshit from @TheIntercept:

Good reporting shows Biden's chief of staff - oligarch Jeffrey Zients - has a family trust profiteering on Biden's green energy policies.

But editors framed it as to praise the WH for being so ethical:


5:12 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89637

File: 6c890eb87dd016e⋯.png (880.45 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cfecfb7f2d1cf5⋯.png (3.49 MB,2000x1125,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 35b3225915b14dc⋯.png (277.76 KB,557x716,557:716,Clipboard.png)

File: 6326a31f8c75791⋯.png (543.74 KB,642x424,321:212,Clipboard.png)

File: f91ef0fc5581b36⋯.png (491.97 KB,636x422,318:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545657 (132244ZSEP23) Notable: Vladimir Putin meets North Korea's Kim Jong-un at Russia's Vostochny Cosmodrome spaceport for 5-hour summit

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Vladimir Putin meets North Korea's Kim Jong-un at Russia's Vostochny Cosmodrome spaceport for 5-hour summit

Sep 13, 2023

Russian President Vladimir Putin met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at a spaceport on Wednesday (Sept. 13), likely discussing a range of possibilities for space-related cooperation.

The leaders of the internationally isolated countries met for a five-hour summit at Russia's Vostochny Cosmodrome, in the far east of the country.

The talks between the pair attracted global attention amid Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine and the possibility of deepened military cooperation between the two countries — particularly Moscow seeking to obtain artillery and ammunition to support its war effort.

The meeting and its setting highlighted that space exchanges were to be discussed between Russia and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). The leaders observed a new Soyuz-2 rocket launch facility from a viewing area during the visit, according to press reports.

The BBC noted that Putin told reporters that "the leader of the DPRK shows great interest in rocket engineering."

Rockets for launching satellites are similar in many ways to intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) that can launch nuclear payloads. While launch vehicles insert satellites into particular orbits, ICBMs remain suborbital and release payloads that then fall to Earth on ballistic trajectories. North Korea — which, notably, has developed nuclear weapons and is looking to improve its delivery systems — is likely interested in both.

North Korea has failed with two attempts to launch spy satellites this year, and its last remaining — and already defunct — satellite is expected to reenter Earth's atmosphere within days.

As well as improving its rocket technology, the reclusive state may also be seeking assistance for its satellite programs.

The AP reported that Thae Song, chairman of North Korea's space science and technology committee, was among the delegation in Russia, suggesting that possible Russian assistance for space systems such as spy satellites may have been discussed.

Imagery from space can provide information on adversaries' military-related activities and movements and inform planning and national defense strategies.

The summit also generated unconfirmed speculation that the pair could collaborate to send North Korean astronauts to space.

Reporter and author Anatoly Zak, who runs RussianSpaceWeb.com, tweeted that a short-duration orbital joint crewed mission on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft was one speculative possibility. A more antagonistic approach would see Russia carry North Korean astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS). Such a proposal would be met by strong opposition by other ISS partners, particularly the United States.

Russia has lost a number of space cooperation partners and customers following its decision to invade Ukraine in February 2022. The country is currently training an astronaut from Belarus, another largely isolated, authoritarian nation, to travel to the ISS in March 2023.



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5db7b0 No.89638

File: 91a1d0ae50652e1⋯.png (477.34 KB,590x565,118:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545662 (132245ZSEP23) Notable: 72,000 Ukrainian Casualties in $110 Billion Meat Grinder – UN: “The World Cannot Afford for this Senseless War to Continue”

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The Gateway Pundit


72,000 Ukrainian Casualties in $110 Billion Meat Grinder – UN: “The World Cannot Afford for this Senseless War to Continue” via @gatewaypundit


72,000 Ukrainian Casualties in $110 Billion Meat Grinder - UN: “The World Cannot Afford for this...

US funds for Ukraine stand at $110.97 billion, Fox News reported on Tuesday, citing a document by the Office of Management and Budget of the White House.

3:04 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89639

File: aa25e91a9f6e813⋯.png (318.93 KB,550x545,110:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545666 (132246ZSEP23) Notable: Cornered Joe Biden changes the subject from questioning over corruption, as other Dems are pleading the 5th

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's @StevenNelson10

: "Can you explain why the President interacted with so many of his son's foreign business associates? More than half of voters told CNN they believe [he] was involved & he lied. You can't have a response to that, Karine?"

KJP ignores him and leaves....


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5db7b0 No.89640

File: 978359b41c4a5d1⋯.png (642.94 KB,674x714,337:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545668 (132246ZSEP23) Notable: Misinformation Czar Under Fire for Reportedly Lying on Her Resumé

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‘Unsurprising’ — BBC’s Millennial

Misinformation Czar Under Fire for Reportedly

Lying on Her Resumé

Breitbart, by Kurt Zindulka

Posted By: Beardo, 9/13/2023 12:15:40 PM

The face of the BBC’s disinformation fact-checking unit allegedly fabricated details on her resumé when she applied for a different media role in 2018, sparking another round of criticism for the millennial presenter. In what has been described as an “unsurprising” turn of events, legacy media darling and the lead figure for the UK publicly-funded broadcaster’s ‘Verify’ disinformation division, Marianna Spring is once again facing allegations of lying. According to a report last week from The New European, Spring allegedly made up details on her CV when she applied for the position of Russian correspondent for the American news site Coda Story.

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5db7b0 No.89641

File: cf94690dde27077⋯.png (345.58 KB,590x504,295:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545676 (132247ZSEP23) Notable: NY Governor Hochul: "don’t rely on the fact that you had a vaccine in the past, it will not help you this time around."

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NEW - NY Governor Hochul: "Tell everybody don’t rely on the fact that you had a vaccine in the past, it will not help you this time around."


Eli Klein

5:08 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545678 (132247ZSEP23) Notable: GOP Rep. Tom Emmer Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Federal Reserve from Creating Central Bank Digital Currency

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GOP Rep. Tom Emmer Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Federal Reserve from Creating Central Bank Digital Currency

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (MN-06) reintroduced his flagship legislation, the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Anti-Surveillance State Act, signaling a strong countermove against the Biden regime’s overreach into Americans’ financial privacy.

Emmer has rallied a significant bloc of 50 original Republican co-sponsors, underscoring the concern among conservatives about the implications of a government-issued digital currency.

At the core of this legislation is the principle that a Central Bank Digital Currency, unlike decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, would give the federal government unprecedented powers to monitor and control individual financial transactions.

“The administration has made it clear: President Biden is willing to compromise the American people’s right to financial privacy for a surveillance-style CBDC. That’s why I’m reintroducing my landmark legislation to put a check on unelected bureaucrats and ensure the United States’ digital currency policy upholds our values of privacy, individual sovereignty, and free-market competitiveness,” Whip Emmer said in a statement.

“If not designed to be open, permissionless, and private – emulating cash – a government-issued CBDC is nothing more than a CCP-style surveillance tool that would be used to undermine the American way of life,” Emmer added.

While the bill is Republican-led, its implications have garnered wide-ranging support. Heritage Action Acting Executive Director, Ryan Walker, stated, “Thorough anti-CBDC legislation is critical for safeguarding Americans’ financial privacy in the face of potential surveillance, control, and political intimidation. We commend Congressman Emmer’s sweeping bill to prohibit a CBDC issued both directly from the Fed to Americans and indirectly via banks or other intermediaries.”

David McIntosh, President of Club for Growth, also offered a strong endorsement: “We fully support this new legislation which ensures America doesn’t go down the China road and the Federal Reserve never develops a CBDC.”

The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act aims to:

Prohibit the Federal Reserve from issuing a CBDC directly to individuals, ensuring the Fed cannot mobilize itself into a retail bank able to collect personal financial data on Americans.

Prohibit the Fed from indirectly issuing a CBDC to individuals through an intermediary, preventing the Fed from launching a retail CBDC through our two-tier financial system.

Prohibit the Fed from using any CBDC to implement monetary policy, ensuring the Federal Reserve cannot use a CBDC as a tool to control the American economy. The legislation protects innovation and any future development of digital cash.

According to the press release, “Whip Emmer first introduced the leading Republican bill to address central bank digital currencies in January of 2022. The bill is now co-sponsored by 50 of Whip Emmer’s Republican colleagues, including Members of the Financial Services Committee, Representatives French Hill (AR-02), Warren Davidson (OH-08), Byron Donalds (FL-19), Pete Sessions (TX-32), Young Kim (CA-40), William Timmons (SC-04), Ralph Norman (SC-05), Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), Bryan Steil (WI-01), Scott Fitzgerald (WI-05), Mike Flood (NE-01), Bill Posey (FL-08), Mike Lawler (NY-17), Andy Ogles (TN-05) and Ann Wagner (MO-02).”

During the press conference, Emmer clarified the intentions behind his legislation.

“Recent actions from the Biden administration have made it clear that they are not only itching to create a digital dollar, but they’re willing to trade [the] right to financial privacy for a surveillance-style CBDC,” Emmer announced. “This bill ensures the future of crypto is in the hands of the American people, not the administrative state.”


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5db7b0 No.89643

File: cceddd5dbff6471⋯.png (262.59 KB,589x595,589:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545681 (132248ZSEP23) Notable: Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: Mask Mandates Ineffective Against Respiratory Viruses, Harmful, and Infringe on Informed Consent Rights

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: Mask Mandates Ineffective Against Respiratory Viruses, Harmful, and Infringe on Informed Consent Rights via @gatewaypundit


Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: Mask Mandates Ineffective Against Respiratory...

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) has released a statement challenging the effectiveness and ethicality of mask mandates for respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.

5:10 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89644

File: ecff9edaf975ce7⋯.png (627.45 KB,589x594,589:594,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545688 (132249ZSEP23) Notable: Zelenskyy is suing American defense contractors for failing to supply weapons to Ukraine. Will he sue Elon Musk next? Joe Biden?

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UKRAINE: Zelenskyy is suing American defense contractors for failing to supply weapons to Ukraine. Will he sue Elon Musk next? Joe Biden? Isn’t it time to sue for peace instead?



4:33 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89645

File: 6f5006a702f92a2⋯.png (2.16 MB,689x4533,689:4533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545695 (132250ZSEP23) Notable: Karine Jean-Pierre and Longtime Lesbian Lover Suzanne Malveaux Have Separated, what does this mean for our democracy?

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Karine Jean-Pierre and Longtime Partner Suzanne Malveaux Have Separated: ‘I’m a Single Mom Who’s Co-Parenting’

The White House press secretary revealed in an interview with "Vogue" that she and Malveaux, with whom she shares a 9-year-old daughter, are no longer together


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5db7b0 No.89646

File: a8d36969e956031⋯.png (93.97 KB,591x597,197:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545710 (132253ZSEP23) Notable: @tracybeanz THREAD: @elonmusk and X Corp have filed a lawsuit against California.

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Tracy Beanz


🚨THREAD: @elonmusk

and X Corp have filed a lawsuit against California.


4:39 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89647

File: 8360c0e8bdeaac9⋯.png (219.74 KB,590x635,118:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545716 (132254ZSEP23) Notable: Andrew Makridis - the ringleader of the CIA’s scheme bribing COVID investigators to disavow the lab leak theory - is now a Senior Advisor at Beacon Global Strategies.

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Emerald Robinson ✝️




Natalie Winters




Andrew Makridis - the ringleader of the CIA’s scheme bribing COVID investigators to disavow the lab leak theory - is now a Senior Advisor at Beacon Global Strategies.

That’s the same firm behind the notorious “Russian disinformation” letter about Hunter Biden’s hard drive.



3:21 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89648

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545717 (132254ZSEP23) Notable: Alex DeGrasse Explains How Dems Inch Toward A House Majority With Their Wins In Court

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Alex DeGrasse Explains How Dems Inch Toward A House Majority With Their Wins In Court



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5db7b0 No.89649

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545719 (132254ZSEP23) Notable: Biden puts John Podesta in charge of the $370 billion slush fund here that flows straight to the Zients family & their cronies

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Biden, Remaking Climate Team, Picks John Podesta to Guide Spending

Mr. Podesta, a Democratic stalwart, will oversee $370 billion in clean energy investments. Gina McCarthy, the president’s domestic climate adviser, is stepping down.

By Lisa Friedman

Sept. 2, 2022

WASHINGTON — President Biden on Friday appointed John Podesta, a veteran Washington insider who spearheaded the Obama administration’s climate strategy, to oversee the federal investment of $370 billion in clean energy under a landmark new climate law.

As a senior adviser to Mr. Biden on clean energy innovation, Mr. Podesta will shape how the government disburses billions of dollars in tax credits and incentives to industries that are developing wind and solar energy, as well as to consumers who want to install solar panels, heat and cool their homes with electric heat pumps or buy electric vehicles.

Lisa Friedman reports on federal climate and environmental policy from Washington. She has broken multiple stories about the Trump administration’s efforts to repeal climate change regulations and limit the use of science in policymaking.

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5db7b0 No.89650

File: a1704368fdaff33⋯.png (476.55 KB,1026x872,513:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545731 (132256ZSEP23) Notable: Newly Emerged 9/11 Video Shows Previously Unseen Angle of Second Plane Hitting South Tower

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Newly Emerged 9/11 Video Shows Previously

Unseen Angle of Second Plane Hitting South

Tower – Uploader Claims to “Accidentally

Left It Private” on YouTube for Almost

2 Decades (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 9/13/2023 11:54:56 AM

Twenty-two years ago, terrorists hijacked four American commercial airplanes, according to the Department of Defense. Two were flown into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, another into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and the last, United Airlines Flight 93, was headed for Washington, D.C. Courageous passengers thwarted that plan, and the plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, sparing countless lives. In a shocking development, a previously unseen video of the September 11 attacks has surfaced on YouTube, capturing a rare angle of the second plane striking the South Tower of the World Trade Center.

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5db7b0 No.89651

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545743 (132258ZSEP23) Notable: Newly Emerged 9/11 Video Shows Previously Unseen Angle of Second Plane Hitting South Tower

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>CIA had plenty of time and Edited it a little better”

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5db7b0 No.89652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545746 (132259ZSEP23) Notable: Newly Emerged 9/11 Video Shows Previously Unseen Angle of Second Plane Hitting South Tower

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>Accidentally Left It Private

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5db7b0 No.89653

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545749 (132259ZSEP23) Notable: RE: Election Fraud

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OP: Election Fraud

Election Fraud

The world must learn the truth, The 2020 Election was stolen from Donald J. Trump.

DOMINION Voting and Democrat Mail in Ballot interference were among some tools used in the steal.

Below are videos, articles and such to help you tell the world the Truth: The 2020 Election was Stolen.













-Target Military and all High level Departments, include Media and Personalities

-Comment on their posts as well as 1 rebuttle for supporters.


#VoterFraud, #DOMINIONVoting, #FacebookDonation, #2020Election, #ElectionFraud



TOR Access Only http://trutube54vqa3baer2kc7aggfc5qstxkgcmzm4qxxzfaxdsihu3znzid.onion/?cat=10























PASTE: https://fullchan.net/?a42882ff8cfc9f1d#CtUiEVdQw1wvePyzTTrn2wsgD4HECjusVD9fP4aKn5FG

>>89269 TYB!

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5db7b0 No.89654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545781 (132306ZSEP23) Notable: RE: Election Fraud

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brassballs. blog

Election data connects to the Internet

Aug 30

Election data connects to the Internet

>konnech. com/

According to Konnech CEO Eugene Yu.

His company makes election software called PollChief.

Konnech’s advertising says it is used by thousands of Election Boards in N. America.

Cloud-based means PollChief’s servers run on the Internet.

Its customers’ election data is:


sent, and

received through clusters of servers worldwide.

aws. amazon. com/about-aws/global-infrastructure/

Eugene Yu moved to Malaysia in November.

He is working there to develop the Pentagon’s cloud networks with:



AWS (Amazon Web Services), and


According to the Pentagon.

Details are in this story:

Pentagon's cloud is being developed in Malaysia

According to Google, its cloud servers work in over 200 countries.

cloud. google. com/about/locations#lightbox-edgepoint-map

Microsoft has partnered with the China Communist Party (CCP) to provide Konnech cloud services in China since 2014.

azure. microsoft. com/en-us/blog/microsoft-azure-expands-to-new-region-in-the-china-market/

azure. cn/

According to Amazon Web Services (AWS), its cloud services launched in China in 2018.

aws. amazon. com/about-aws/global-infrastructure/

AWS (Amazon) has 33 cloud regions:

aws. amazon. com/about-aws/global-infrastructure/

https://aws. amazon. com/about-aws/global-infrastructure/

Amazon’s 42 U.S. “edge locations” are imaged above.

Edge Computing allows for real-time interaction with users such as Election Boards.

Cloud Computing does not always offer this level of interaction.

Next year’s Presidential Election will be fixed using these edge computing centers.

Just like it was in 2022 and 2020.

Microsoft’s 34 edge locations in the U.S. are named in this link dated May 23rd:

learn . microsoft. com/en-us/azure/frontdoor/edge-locations-by-region

Google’s said its 27 edge locations in the U.S. are listed here:

cloud .google. com/vpc/docs/edge-locations

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5db7b0 No.89655

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545834 (132319ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine used British missiles to attack Russian port – Sky News

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Ukraine used British missiles to attack Russian port – Sky News

The UK outlet claimed that ‘Storm Shadow’ cruise missiles were fired at Sevastopol

‘Storm Shadow’ missiles provided to Kiev by London earlier this year were used to attack the shipyard in Crimea, Sky News reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed Western and Ukrainian sources. The claim has not been officially confirmed.

Three unidentified missiles struck the Ordzhonikidze ship repair facility in Sevastopol in the early hours of Wednesday, damaging a landing ship and a submarine currently in dry dock and starting a fire at the facility. Four of the 24 people injured in the attack were reported to be in serious condition.

The Russian Defense Ministry did not describe the missiles involved, only that there were ten of them and seven had been intercepted. Ukraine was quick to claim credit for the attack, but did not specify what type of weapons were used.

“It was Storm Shadow," an unnamed source told Sky News, which called the strike “audacious.”

The outlet also quoted Admiral Sir Ben Key, the head of the Royal Navy, who was asked about the attack during a weapons fair in London. Key praised Ukraine’s “innovative thought processes and a willingness to take risk,” and “some really significant adaptations of tactics, techniques and capabilities.” He did not comment on the ‘Storm Shadow’ claim, however. Neither did the British defense ministry.

The UK confirmed back in May that it had provided Ukraine with an unspecified number of air-launched cruise missiles, which have a range of up to 300 km (200 miles). London said that Kiev had promised not to strike Russian territory with the weapons, but specified that this did not apply to Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson or Zaporozhye, which Ukraine claims as its own.

Within days of the announcement, Ukraine launched ‘Storm Shadows’ at civilian targets in Lugansk and a bridge north of Crimea. By May 15, the Russian military had claimed its first intercept of the newest Western “wonder weapon.”

Russian long-range missiles targeted Ukrainian air bases and a depot where the British missiles were reportedly stored at the end of June. The use of ‘Storm Shadows’ drastically decreased after that, while Kiev began demanding ‘Taurus’ missiles from Germany, leading to widespread speculation about shortages.

While the Russian Defense Ministry did not offer much in the way of details about Wednesday’s strike, one military blog claimed that the missiles were launched by Ukrainian SU-24M bombers flying over the Black Sea. Five of the incoming missiles were allegedly shot down by Pantsir air defense systems, one by a S-400 battery, and another by a MiG-31 fighter, but three managed to hit the shipyard.


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5db7b0 No.89656

File: dd4319978a66dbd⋯.png (693.05 KB,594x673,594:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545835 (132319ZSEP23) Notable: @JackPosobiec Everyone knows cold medicines work. The FDA is doing this to get rid of Over the Counter drugs and move everything to a prescription model

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Everyone knows cold medicines work. The FDA is doing this to get rid of Over the Counter drugs and move everything to a prescription model







FDA advisory panel’s declaration paves way for removal of dozens of medicines in the U.S.


2:54 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89657

File: 0d03879affe57a9⋯.png (455.21 KB,585x597,195:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545839 (132320ZSEP23) Notable: Nothing Adds Up in Fulton County: Part 4

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


Part 4: Nothing Adds Up in Fulton County… 17k Missing Ballot Images, 10 “Phantom” Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More via @gatewaypundit


Part 4: Nothing Adds Up in Fulton County... 17k Missing Ballot Images, 10 "Phantom" Tabulators That...

In Part 1, The Gateway Pundit revealed that the Georgia Secretary of State (GASOS) and the GASOS COO riel Sterling, who left the SOS office to take a private contract with the SOS office and then...

4:01 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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5db7b0 No.89658

File: 1fe0293eb30ca28⋯.png (31.98 KB,761x305,761:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545855 (132323ZSEP23) Notable: Time to stop Joe Biden’s power play to protect himself and his family - New York Post

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Time to stop Joe Biden’s power play

to protect himself and his family

New York Post, by Michael Goodwin

Original Article

Posted By: Moritz55, 9/13/2023 11:04:42 AM

The decision by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden is drawing predictable howls from Democrats and their media handmaidens. Some faint-hearted Republican representatives also are whimpering, as if playing nice would help them keep their jobs. They should step away from the Kool-Aid. The truth is that if McCarthy (R-Calif.) had opted against an inquiry, he wouldn’t deserve to keep his job and the GOP wouldn’t deserve to hold the House majority. The role of the opposition party is to oppose, not to surrender to the White House, especially a corrupt one. And it’s long past time for Republicans to play hardball because it’s the only

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5db7b0 No.89659

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545856 (132323ZSEP23) Notable: What is the solution to a state being captured if law enforcement won’t arrest and prosecute them?

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>>89611 Kemp suspends Georgia gas tax, declares state of emergency over inflation PN

I hope all Georgians understand why Kemp is doing this?He’s not doing it for the people, he’s doing it because over 55% -60% dislike and even hate him for what he’s allowing Fani Willis is to do to Trump and the steal of 2020 and 2022 elections. He’s trying find favor so his popularity polling goes up, because he plans on running for higher office in the future. All Trump supporters which there is more each day, especially with the black population coming to Trump. It won’t work because it’s obvious RINOs and Radicals are the same in their hatred for Trump and MAGA. There’s plenty more like him in the State House and Senate. The problem we have in GA is elections delete the red counties and steal more votes for radicals in Dekalb and Fulton country. And the GBi leader is Kemp’s best friend and Kemp appointed him.

What is the solution to a state being captured if law enforcement won’t arrest and prosecute them?

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5db7b0 No.89660

File: b99a7247d074098⋯.png (252.39 KB,983x854,983:854,Clipboard.png)

File: 96e5a9b7f5e39c3⋯.png (86.39 KB,650x907,650:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545864 (132324ZSEP23) Notable: Former CEO of Financial Services Firm Pleads Guilty to $150M Investment Fraud Conspiracy

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Former CEO of International Investment Advisory Firm Pleads Guilty to Investment Fraud Scheme


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5db7b0 No.89661

File: 9118eb6fd055180⋯.png (205.91 KB,751x830,751:830,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545873 (132325ZSEP23) Notable: Former CEO of Financial Services Firm Pleads Guilty to $150M Investment Fraud Conspiracy

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Former CEO of Financial Services Firm Pleads Guilty to $150M Investment Fraud Conspiracy


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5db7b0 No.89662

File: 0227531b0dd58b4⋯.png (358.59 KB,452x725,452:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545890 (132327ZSEP23) Notable: Are U.S. elections are controlled from Malta?

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sure thing faggot:

U.S. elections are controlled from Malta

Pete Buttigieg, Biden Administration Secretary of Transportation (above)



Where are the servers from last year’s Presidential Election?



The source is their owner, Paragon Group of the European Union.


Paragon bought Scytl on Oct. 22nd last year.

Screenshot 2021-09-09 1.50.44 PM.png


Scytl admits its voter systems are used in 28 states in 980 elections.

Screenshot 2021-09-09 1.34.00 PM.png



Why Malta?

Diplomatic immunity.

Money going in and out of Paragon in Malta is kept from the public.

It never has to be disclosed.

Nor do their election transactions of millions of votes.

Pete Buttigieg’s family has been part of the ruling class in Malta for most of the last century.


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5db7b0 No.89663

File: 14bc0fe4d7bb9ea⋯.png (1 MB,770x513,770:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19545960 (132340ZSEP23) Notable: Why did Derna’s dams break whenStorm Danielhit Libya?

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Why did Derna’s dams break whenStorm Danielhit Libya?

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5db7b0 No.89664

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546004 (132347ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Cline: “Overwhelming Evidence” On Joe Biden Calls For Impeachment Inquiry To Move To Next Level

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Rep. Cline: “Overwhelming Evidence” On Joe Biden Calls For Impeachment Inquiry To Move To Next Level



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5db7b0 No.89665

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546016 (132348ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Cline: “Overwhelming Evidence” On Joe Biden Calls For Impeachment Inquiry To Move To Next Level

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Rep. Cline: Republicans Don’t Feel Pressure On CR Yet, Any CR Must Address Broken Policy



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5db7b0 No.89666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546053 (132354ZSEP23) Notable: Why did Derna’s dams break whenStorm Danielhit Libya?

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How Libya Built Brand-New Rivers Across the Sahara



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5db7b0 No.89667

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546111 (140002ZSEP23) Notable: #24004

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#24004 >>89623

>>89664, >>89664, >>89665 Rep. Cline: “Overwhelming Evidence” On Joe Biden Calls For Impeachment Inquiry To Move To Next Level

>>89624 @GenFlynn Hey @GOP and Main Stream Media, this is not a conspiracy theory… this is called treason.

>>89625 notable anon opine/appreciation

>>89629, >>89635, >>89639 Cornered Joe Biden changes the subject from questioning over corruption, as other Dems are pleading the 5th

>>89636, >>89649 Biden puts John Podesta in charge of the $370 billion slush fund here that flows straight to the Zients family & their cronies

>>89626 >They want you focused on the fake aliens so you wont notice the illegal aliens

>>89627 SHOCKER: KNOWiNK Systems Allow Election Staff to Override Election Results

>>89628 An unusual "fresh-air break" by the jury that convicted Peter NAVARRO is threatening to upend the case.

>>89630 Axiom Space Announces Astronauts for Third Mission to ISS

>>89631 ‘Woke’ James Bond novel has conservative ‘anti-trans’ villain

>>89632 from @CDCgov’s OWN data: 1 million mRNA Covid shots for teens will prevent 0-1 Covid deaths and CAUSE 100,000 - 200,000 severe side effects.

>>89633 China Brings Taliban Out Of Total Isolation In Sending New Ambassador

>>89634 As COVID recrudesces, major meta-study questioning lockdowns is censored

>>89637 Vladimir Putin meets North Korea's Kim Jong-un at Russia's Vostochny Cosmodrome spaceport for 5-hour summit

>>89638 72,000 Ukrainian Casualties in $110 Billion Meat Grinder – UN: “The World Cannot Afford for this Senseless War to Continue”

>>89640 Misinformation Czar Under Fire for Reportedly Lying on Her Resumé

>>89641 NY Governor Hochul: "don’t rely on the fact that you had a vaccine in the past, it will not help you this time around."

>>89642 GOP Rep. Tom Emmer Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Federal Reserve from Creating Central Bank Digital Currency

>>89643 Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: Mask Mandates Ineffective Against Respiratory Viruses, Harmful, and Infringe on Informed Consent Rights

>>89644 Zelenskyy is suing American defense contractors for failing to supply weapons to Ukraine. Will he sue Elon Musk next? Joe Biden?

>>89645 Karine Jean-Pierre and Longtime Lesbian Lover Suzanne Malveaux Have Separated, what does this mean for our democracy?

>>89646 @tracybeanz THREAD: @elonmusk and X Corp have filed a lawsuit against California.

>>89647 Andrew Makridis - the ringleader of the CIA’s scheme bribing COVID investigators to disavow the lab leak theory - is now a Senior Advisor at Beacon Global Strategies.

>>89648 Alex DeGrasse Explains How Dems Inch Toward A House Majority With Their Wins In Court

>>89650, >>89651, >>89652 Newly Emerged 9/11 Video Shows Previously Unseen Angle of Second Plane Hitting South Tower

>>89653, >>89654 RE: Election Fraud

>>89655 Ukraine used British missiles to attack Russian port – Sky News

>>89656 @JackPosobiec Everyone knows cold medicines work. The FDA is doing this to get rid of Over the Counter drugs and move everything to a prescription model

>>89657 Nothing Adds Up in Fulton County: Part 4

>>89660, >>89661 Former CEO of Financial Services Firm Pleads Guilty to $150M Investment Fraud Conspiracy

>>89659 What is the solution to a state being captured if law enforcement won’t arrest and prosecute them?

>>89658 Time to stop Joe Biden’s power play to protect himself and his family - New York Post

>>89662 Are U.S. elections are controlled from Malta?

>>89663, >>89666 Why did Derna’s dams break whenStorm Danielhit Libya?


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5db7b0 No.89668

File: 4ca7dbfc0360f8a⋯.jpg (123.68 KB,595x516,595:516,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546161 (140010ZSEP23) Notable: #24005

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>requesting handoff

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5db7b0 No.89669

File: c27d17a53d3dfb7⋯.png (179.28 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546199 (140015ZSEP23) Notable: Company With Ties to Communist China Will Receive Billions from American Taxpayers for Electric Vehicle Battery Factory in Illinois./Gotion

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Company With Ties to Communist China Will Receive Billions from American Taxpayers for Electric Vehicle Battery Factory in Illinois.

The State of Illinois is providing taxpayer funded incentives, of more than half a billion dollars, to lure a Communist China tied company, Gotion, to build an electric vehicle (EV) battery factory in the state. Gotion will receive additional federal tax incentives.

The Gateway Pundit reported on Gotion’s recent failed attempt to build a similar factory in a small farming community in Green Twp, Michigan.

But Illinois Governor JB Pritzker announced on Friday that Illinois is more than ready to hand over tax dollars to the CCP tied company.

The plant’s location in Manteno, Illinois lies approximately 30 miles from one of the largest inland ports in the United States.

Pritzker said in a statement announcing the deal, “In partnership with the business community and the General Assembly, two years ago we set out to make Illinois a destination for electric vehicle and clean energy companies from across the globe.”

“With the right incentives, nation-leading infrastructure, world-class workforce and booming clean energy production, we have transformed ourselves into an attractive location for global manufacturers. Today, we take another leap forward. It’s my pleasure to welcome Gotion to Illinois and to show the world yet again that Illinois is ready to be a player on the world stage.”

WirePoints reports:

Governor JB Pritzker announced the state’s deal with Gotion on Friday for construction of the project in Manteno, southwest of Chicago. The plant is expected to cost $2 billion and employ 2,600 workers. Gotion’s total incentive package from the State of Illinois is valued at $536 million, according to Pritzker’s announcement. In addition, Kankakee County agreed to cap property taxes paid on the approximately 150-acre property at $2 million per year for the next 30 years.

The state incentive package alone, exceeding $206,000 per worker, is exceptionally high in comparison to typical plant-siting location incentives around the nation other than battery factories. “The average incentive deal in the U.S. might be around US$50,000 per job,” although it’s not unusual for highly capital-intensive projects to receive incentives of over US$100,000 per job.” That’s according to senior economist at the WE Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, quoted in the Financial Times.

However, those subsidies are dwarfed by huge federal tax credits now being lavished on new battery producers under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which devoted $783 billion to global warming and green energy spending. President Biden recently admitted that the act was not about inflation reduction. It has been heavily criticized as climate extremism.


TREASON Aid and comfort to the enemy

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5db7b0 No.89670

File: 67da926730a238e⋯.png (1.76 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 23e409d5e440275⋯.png (819.24 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546253 (140024ZSEP23) Notable: Biden, Obama Must Approve Release of Emails in Which Biden Uses Pseudonyms ‘To Discuss Business With Hunter’

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Biden, Obama Must Approve Release of Emails in Which Biden Uses Pseudonyms ‘To Discuss Business With Hunter’

The National Archives has acknowledged the existence of about 5,400 emails in which President Biden uses fake names such as Robin Ware, Robert Peters, and JRB Ware to communicate with correspondents including his troubled son, Hunter.

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5db7b0 No.89671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546268 (140027ZSEP23) Notable: Saltzman highlights new Space Force mission statement

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Saltzman highlights new Space Force mission statement and building a purpose-built service for great power competition

Published Sept. 12, 2023

By Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs


Chief of Space Operations, Gen. Chance Saltzman, offered a portrait of space on Sept. 12 that is increasingly crowded and dangerous, requiring new thinking, innovation and unity of action to ensure America’s security and stability in the space domain.

“The domain is now more contested than at any other point in history. This was the genesis of the Space Force—a military service focused on addressing the challenges and opportunities we face in the space domain. We were created for this new space era—an era increasingly characterized by great power competition,” Saltzman told a large audience of Guardians, Airmen, industry and government officials during his keynote address at the Air & Space Forces Association’s Air, Space & Cyber Conference.


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5db7b0 No.89672

File: 104a4d5ada5f3bd⋯.png (715.41 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b2c6c6c135f10e⋯.png (1.69 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 018594423e91664⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546278 (140030ZSEP23) Notable: Biden, Obama Must Approve Release of Emails in Which Biden Uses Pseudonyms ‘To Discuss Business With Hunter’

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Biden, Obama Must Approve Release of Alias Emails Sought by GOP

Story by Stephen Neukam •

—2w ago—

Republicans have requested the emails as part of their ongoing probe into the president and his son, Hunter Biden, and his family's finances

Published |Updated

Stephen Neukam

The release of email records from Joe Biden’s time as vice president is now pending the approval of Biden and former President Barack Obama, according to a House investigative committee.

Republicans earlier this month requested from the National Archives special access to a number of Biden emails from his time as vice president. They have criticized the fact that the then-vice president used a number of pseudonyms to communicate via email, and have taken particular interest in messages that Hunter Biden, the president’s son, was copied on.

That request from the House Oversight Committee is now in the hands of Obama and Biden, with a GOP committee aide telling The Messenger that the National Archives has indicated it has sent at least some of the records to the current and former presidents' offices for their approval to be released.

“President Joe Biden promised the most transparent administration in history and we fully expect him to approve the release of the records,” the Oversight aide said.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Presidents and vice presidents have used pseudonyms as security measures in the past, including Obama, whose email alias was revealed in an FBI email dump that included his communications with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Comer and Republicans have requested unredacted copies of a number of emails in which Hunter Biden was included on messages involving one of the three aliases his father used in office. The redacted versions of the emails have already been publicly released by the National Archives.

Some of the material in the emails may be subject to executive privilege, meaning the contents of the records must be reviewed by the president and former president’s legal camps to make sure there is no information they would assert is too sensitive for public release. Executive privilege may apply to information that, if disclosed, “might impair national security (including the conduct of foreign relations), law enforcement, or the deliberative processes of the executive branch,” according to National Archives policy.

The Archives may release the records 30 days after notifying the president and former president, unless either team asks for an extension of the deadline or asserts executive privilege.

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5db7b0 No.89673

File: ed5d319180194ef⋯.webp (20.07 KB,1080x842,540:421,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546348 (140042ZSEP23) Notable: Pinellas County Election Fraud Cover-Up Part of Statewide Election Fraud RICO Enterprise

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BOMBSHELL: Pinellas County Election Fraud Cover-Up Part of Statewide Election Fraud RICO Enterprise


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5db7b0 No.89674

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546353 (140043ZSEP23) Notable: DOD Exercises Option on Second Micro Nuclear Reactor Design

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DOD Exercises Option on Second Micro Nuclear Reactor Design

Sept. 13, 2023 |

As part of the Strategic Capabilities Office (SCO) initiative Project Pele, the Department of Defense (DOD) has awarded a contract option to X-energy, LLC of Rockville, Maryland in order to develop an enhanced engineering design for a transportable micro nuclear reactor.

In 2022, SCO selected BWX Technologies, Inc. of Lynchburg, Virginia to build a prototype micro reactor. This work is underway and long lead hardware fabrication has begun. By executing this contract option with X-energy, SCO seeks to develop a complementary micro reactor design that builds upon X-energy's developments completed under Project Pele in 2022. This option continues funding for X-energy to develop its design to meet the technical requirements of Project Pele, targeting a reactor design which is ready for licensing by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for both commercial ventures and military resiliency.


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5db7b0 No.89675

File: 8c6bd69da7bafed⋯.mp4 (14.4 MB,82x180,41:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546369 (140045ZSEP23) Notable: A panel bravely exposed the WHO (World Health Organisation) for the criminal organization it is, Dr David Martin's Speech

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File this under...."INCOMING"...

The most important video you will watch.

Today, 13th September, A panel bravely exposed the WHO (World Health Organisation) for the criminal organization it is and proved that Covid is indeed a BioWeapon.

This is Dr David Martin's Speech.


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5db7b0 No.89676

File: d9507ddb66c0799⋯.png (183.6 KB,666x883,666:883,Clipboard.png)

File: ab19d7068939f25⋯.png (146.48 KB,667x848,667:848,Clipboard.png)

File: bafbcbd5527ff18⋯.png (131.98 KB,678x910,339:455,Clipboard.png)

File: 6830c92af985321⋯.png (144.17 KB,680x768,85:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546402 (140052ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden scored meeting with father, business associates inside VP home at Naval Observatory

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Hunter Biden scored meeting with father, business associates inside VP home at Naval Observatory

A 2015 meeting with VP Biden and son Hunter's client being wooed for Burisma deal involved discussion about influencing UN Secretary General race: One of many meetings that dispel the Democrat narrative of mere ‘illusion of access.”

Adorned with the Queen Anne-era of grand architecture and tightly guarded by Secret Service agents, the 9,000-square foot vice president’s mansion on the U.S. Naval Observatory grounds is rarely accessible to everyday Americans. But Hunter Biden – as the son of a sitting vice president – was able to score the sort of VIP meeting inside the mansion that most lobbyists could only dream of.

There in spring 2015, the future first son delivered face time between then-Vice President Joe Biden, his fellow business partner and Burisma board member Devon Archer and an international banker they were courting for business in Kazakhstan.

The meeting – recently divulged by Archer in congressional testimony – is one of several that Hunter Biden arranged that delivered direct access for business partners to his powerful father. Some occurred on phone calls; others at the swanky Cafe Milano restaurant in Washington D.C. But this one – in the personal residence of the vice president – is taking on more significance for House investigators for the specificity of the conversation and the secretive nature of the gathering.

The official entry logs released by the Obama administration do not show businessman/banker Marc Holtzman, Archer or Hunter Biden attending together at the Naval Observatory in spring 2015.

But Archer confirmed the meeting occurred, and detailed the nature of the conversation: Holtzman wanted to advocate for former Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov – today imprisoned in his country on treason charges - to become the next United Nations Secretary General.

Hunter Biden and Archer hoped Holtzman – then the top official at Kazakhstan’s largest bank – could help deliver an energy deal for their Burisma client in Ukraine with Kazakhstan. Joe Biden was in a position to influence both.

“It was, like, a U.N.-related conversation,” Archer told congressional investigators about the Naval Observatory breakfast.

“Who was present?,” he was asked.

“A gentleman named Marc Holtzman, myself, Hunter, and the Vice President,” he answered.

“And what was the discussion about?” investigators pressed.

“It was about who was going to be the next U.N. Secretary-General … Marc Holtzman was lobbying for Karim Massimov. But it was, obviously, that didn't happen.”

You can read the full account here.




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5db7b0 No.89677

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546423 (140056ZSEP23) Notable: Patrick Gunnels: Erik Carlson on Digital Services!

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Patrick Gunnels

Erik Carlson on Digital Services!

1:49 PM · Sep 13, 2023 43:29


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5db7b0 No.89678

File: 9c0ab321de576fe⋯.png (75.8 KB,735x571,735:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546428 (140056ZSEP23) Notable: Aussie: Macquarie Bank announces shock move to scrap cash in all branches

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Macquarie Bank announces shock move to scrap cash in all branches

A major bank had made a shock decision which could have massive implications for the way Aussies access their cash.

A major bank has made the shock decision to scrap cash in all of its branches across Australia, in what could be another step towards a cashless society.

Macquarie Bank has announced it will phase cash out across their branches in 2024, and by November of the same year, the bank won’t accept cash anywhere.

“Between January 2024 and November 2024, we’ll be phasing out our cash and cheque services across all Macquarie banking and wealth management products, including pension and super accounts,” the bank said in a statement to clients.

As well as scrapping over-the-counter cash transactions, Macquarie will also stop accepting payments via telephone banking from May next year.

The move means customers wishing to withdraw or deposit cash will only be able to do so via an ATM.

Macquarie Bank defended its decision, saying the vast majority of its customers already banked digitally and only around 1% used cash or cheques.

“As a digital bank, we’re committed to transitioning to completely digital payments by November 2024 as a safer, faster and convenient way to bank,” a Macquarie Bank spokesperson told NCA NewsWire.

“The majority of our customers already bank digitally and we’re working very closely to support the less than 1% of our customers who currently use cheques or cash to ensure they have access to other digital payment methods.”

Despite the bank’s reassurances, there were fears about what the growing trend towards digital-only transactions would mean, particularly for older and regional Australians.

“Some of these regional communities in particular have challenges around internet access,” Chief Operating Officer of National Seniors Australia Chris Grice told 9News in July.

“There’s a lot of work that needs to happen in terms of educating and informing senior Australians in terms of being able to operate using their smartphones and these apps,” he added.


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5db7b0 No.89679

File: aa7d62dc205dc84⋯.jpeg (855.85 KB,1170x1555,234:311,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546431 (140057ZSEP23) Notable: Tator: GOP is coming after him over connections to Hunter's shady deals 'because they want to shut down the government'

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Biden FINALLY addresses impeachment and claims GOP is coming after him over connections to Hunter's shady deals 'because they want to shut down the government'


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5db7b0 No.89680

File: 7ecf7c9f5fe26bc⋯.png (35.71 KB,742x220,371:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546439 (140058ZSEP23) Notable: Paxton: I’m heading to Maine next week to sit down with @TuckerCarlson

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Attorney General Ken Paxton

I’m heading to Maine next week to sit down with @TuckerCarlson

and discuss the last two weeks in Texas politics. It should be interesting!

4:45 PM · Sep 13, 2023·359.3K Views


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5db7b0 No.89681

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546460 (140101ZSEP23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'- 09/13/2023



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5db7b0 No.89682

File: bd79ab7f291bf1f⋯.png (184.92 KB,552x857,552:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546463 (140102ZSEP23) Notable: Did @SenatorRomney sell his email list to Tim Scott?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Laura Loomer


Upon the announcement that he won’t be running for re-election, I took a peek at @MittRomney financial forms on the FEC.

Did you know that his report shows a list rental for over $713,000? That’s an obscene number.

The list rental was on 6/21/23 to @TargetedVictory, which is operated by

@ZacMoffatt, who was @MittRomney’s former Digital Director. Now he’s working for @SenatorTimScott.

Did @SenatorRomney sell his email list to Tim Scott?

Anyone who has ever done a list rental knows $714,000 is obscene and not plausible. This is so sketchy.

Looks like Romney made a deal with Tim Scott via his former digital director! 👀👀👀


6:54 PM · Sep 13, 2023


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5db7b0 No.89683

File: 221d39c8b52c46f⋯.png (478.44 KB,898x570,449:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546489 (140104ZSEP23) Notable: Pinellas County Election Fraud Cover-Up Part of Statewide Election Fraud RICO Enterprise

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anons this is fire testimony



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5db7b0 No.89684

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546524 (140108ZSEP23) Notable: Gaetz: Impeachment is not some get-out-of-jail-free card for Kevin McCarthy on the motion to vacate.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Matt Gaetz

Impeachment is not some get-out-of-jail-free card for Kevin McCarthy on the motion to vacate.

This is about the Biden administration’s policy choices that the American people abhor.

A vote for a continuing resolution is a vote for continuing election interference from Jack Smith, the Green New Deal, and inflationary spending.

6:51 PM · Sep 13, 2023 7:52


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5db7b0 No.89685

File: b62bcfa08c943c4⋯.png (266.8 KB,545x518,545:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546560 (140112ZSEP23) Notable: Mao was a Yale Man - A Yali with Skull and Bones - Part 2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rothschilds Create People’s Republic of China

They’re all in it together

Mao was a Yale Man - A Yali with Skull and Bones - Part 2

Part 2 - Return to Mao was a Yale Man Page 1

Related: OSS recruits IPR members : Internationalizing the Pacific: the United States, Japan, and the IPR ... By Tomoko Akami - "The American World Order"

"The OSS also recruited IPR members...."

Many interesting facts.... considering Sumner Welles was a member of the American branch of the Institute of Pacific Relations,



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5db7b0 No.89686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546562 (140112ZSEP23) Notable: My American Dream | Dr. Ben Carson LIVE at Roanoke College

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Streamed live 2 hours ago

My American Dream | Dr. Ben Carson LIVE at Roanoke College

17th U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson is LIVE at Roanoke College to share his inspirational story of living the American Dream and how we can preserve it for generations to come. This event is brought to you by YAF's Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise, the David L. Guy '75 Lecture Series, and the Roanoke College Center for Economic Freedom.



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5db7b0 No.89687

File: 1f9664d676c44fa⋯.png (82.28 KB,410x497,410:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546593 (140116ZSEP23) Notable: Response from multiple Sheriff’s to the Governor of New Mexico’s violation of the Constitution.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


[ Album ]

Response from multiple Sheriff’s to the Governor of New Mexico’s violation of the Constitution.

Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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5db7b0 No.89688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546613 (140118ZSEP23) Notable: Collins Asks GA Election Officials: ‘Which Is Cheaper Dominion Voting Machines Or Paper Ballots?’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Collins Asks GA Election Officials: ‘Which Is Cheaper Dominion Voting Machines Or Paper Ballots?’


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5db7b0 No.89689

File: 06a7c25cadf5d90⋯.png (231.04 KB,390x495,26:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546624 (140119ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Tom Emmer introduces a bill to ban the Federal Reserve from creating a Central Bank Digital Currency.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


JUST IN: Rep. Tom Emmer introduces a bill to ban the Federal Reserve from creating a Central Bank Digital Currency.

"A CBDC is nothing more than a CCP-style surveillance tool that can be weaponized to oppress the American way of life."



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5db7b0 No.89690

File: 319de0fb36a3aad⋯.png (192.85 KB,790x670,79:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546640 (140121ZSEP23) Notable: Mao was a Yale Man - A Yali with Skull and Bones - Part 2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89691

File: 68790e46722d201⋯.png (79.75 KB,396x705,132:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546644 (140122ZSEP23) Notable: CNN's "fact-checking" McCarthy’s claims while launching Biden impeachment inquiry acknowledges

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


[ Album ]

CNN's "fact-checking" McCarthy’s claims while launching Biden impeachment inquiry acknowledges:

✅The Bidens received $20 million through shell companies

✅ An FBI informant claims they received a $10 million bribe

✅Joe Biden participated in calls with Hunter's business partners

✅Six banks submitted 150+ suspicious activity reports

But this "doesn't prove wrongdoing."

Why even write the fact-check?




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5db7b0 No.89692

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546687 (140128ZSEP23) Notable: Mao was a Yale Man - A Yali with Skull and Bones - Part 2

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Tang Ming-Chao

Ting Hsi lin

Anna Louise Strong

Mao Zedong

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois

Chu Poshem

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5db7b0 No.89693

File: 5b23a092081e2cc⋯.png (148.99 KB,600x632,75:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546741 (140133ZSEP23) Notable: UK: Tory MP, Europhile and Taliban PR man Tobias Ellwood has just resigned as Chair of the Commons Select Committee on Defence

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Herd Immunity News🇬🇧🇺🇸



Breaking News: Tory MP, Europhile and Taliban PR man Tobias Ellwood has just resigned as Chair of the Commons Select Committee on Defence.

HIN have been on this faux-Conservatives case for many years. This man wanted the UK to be governed by Brussels, he insisted that the country give Ukraine as much of our depleted weapons supply as possible, finally he went over to Afghanistan claiming that those Taliban are actually nice chaps and "the streets are safe".

If anyone's accounts need reviewing, Tobias Ellwood's should be at the top of the list. HIN wonders just how many traitors we have in Commons, House of Lords and Whitehall?

Time for direct democracy friends.



Panic is good.

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5db7b0 No.89694

File: 732c03b3485061a⋯.png (869.58 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: b670153d30f8dd7⋯.png (1011.52 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 98835d8cf9d3a22⋯.png (1.25 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: e1786152f94b174⋯.png (754.17 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546745 (140134ZSEP23) Notable: Manhunt for escaped serial killer is over pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89695

File: 2019640333fbec8⋯.png (192.52 KB,414x492,69:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546753 (140135ZSEP23) Notable: Ep. 23 of ‘Tucker on X’ just dropped --- Hyperinflation and reckless monetary policy could soon devastate the global economy. We traveled to Argentina, where it’s already happened.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: Ep. 23 of ‘Tucker on X’ just dropped — Hyperinflation and reckless monetary policy could soon devastate the global economy. We traveled to Argentina, where it’s already happened.

🚨BIDENOMICS IS CRUSHING YOUR RETIREMENT. Protect It Now, Before It’s Too Late! Get Your Special Report: https://breakingheadlines.news/this-could-be-the-most-important-message-you-read-all-year

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89696

File: 6d4457f20519476⋯.jpeg (102.7 KB,1024x609,1024:609,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 479252c8d25e71e⋯.jpeg (144.34 KB,1200x887,1200:887,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 016a7e45a41a2e8⋯.jpeg (336.85 KB,562x953,562:953,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546769 (140138ZSEP23) Notable: Mao was a Yale Man - A Yali with Skull and Bones - Part 2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89697

File: 6b2ff1b7d3a1349⋯.png (28.85 KB,454x150,227:75,Clipboard.png)

File: bf9ad9c9bb99979⋯.png (258.37 KB,794x678,397:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546785 (140140ZSEP23) Notable: Mao was a Yale Man - A Yali with Skull and Bones - Part 2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





I embedded because anon had posted with the stringer and I figured it could not embed. I was hoping she would talk about her testimony. I didn't expect the "chat" about her testimony.

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5db7b0 No.89698

File: d5def76c34974e2⋯.jpg (85.5 KB,750x462,125:77,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546795 (140141ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000051

Australian CEO Explains Why World Governments Are Crippling The Economy


More suffering people equals more dependent servile obedient slave laborers.

Hyperinflation and reckless monetary policy could soon devastate the global economy. We traveled to Argentina, where it’s already happened.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. May Switch To Independant Party Over Corrupt DNC Policy


America will be a third world failed state if Kennedy or Trump do not get elected.

Libertarian Party Files Legal Conservatorship Over Old Dementia-Ridden Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell


Good! Rural Communities Across America Are Starting To Put Up Resistance To Block "Zero Carbon" Goals


Good! Ninth Circuit Rules Commiefornia's Anti-Gun Marketing Policy Violates First & Second Amendments


In its ruling handed down on Thursday morning, the panel vacated a lower court decision denying an injunction against the law’s enforcement and delivered a resounding win for both First and Second Amendment advocates.

Good! Federal Judge Rules New Mexico's 'Health Emergency' Gun Ban Violates Second Amendment


China Is Deploying Military Forces To The Border of Taiwan


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5db7b0 No.89699

File: 704448eba026bd5⋯.png (464.09 KB,923x697,923:697,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e17a377c274265⋯.png (871.37 KB,926x696,463:348,Clipboard.png)

File: 812df5d1e2d0ceb⋯.png (719.02 KB,928x693,928:693,Clipboard.png)

File: 23c440ca7536d6d⋯.png (926.17 KB,924x698,462:349,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a746c268ab4870⋯.png (933.94 KB,854x689,854:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546796 (140141ZSEP23) Notable: Cabal Graphics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89700

File: bad84ac28f88920⋯.png (235.79 KB,383x453,383:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546802 (140142ZSEP23) Notable: Federal Judge Again Declares DACA Program Unlawful

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Federal Judge Again Declares DACA Program Unlawful

READ: https://breakingheadlines.news/Qa7P3F


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5db7b0 No.89701

File: 0b2b269f1a6068a⋯.png (101.27 KB,922x1079,922:1079,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e36a5227171e42⋯.png (159.99 KB,1287x1080,143:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546864 (140149ZSEP23) Notable: 28 EAMs broadcast today FROG POND

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


28 EAMs broadcast today 09/13. A rash of radio checks including multiple calls from Mainsail. Then a new station name appears and has been logged.FROG PONDbroadcasting the coded messages to all stations.

HFGCS Force Directional Message (FDM) and Emergency Action Message (EAM) Log

Daily call sign for 13 September 2023: FROG POND (ground NCS), GREY MARE (airborne CP), (other)



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5db7b0 No.89702

File: b55045b37cefc57⋯.png (187.64 KB,385x488,385:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546866 (140149ZSEP23) Notable: The House Managers in the Ken Paxton trial accidentally just rested their case.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The House Managers in the Ken Paxton trial accidentally just rested their case. They’ve made mistake after mistake. Next up was their star witness, Laura Olsen, Ken Paxton’s mistress who linked him to Nate Paul, but they failed to file in time and now she won’t even be heard.

Lawyers for Paxton have filed motions for an immediate impeachment vote. The Senate will resume tomorrow.

AG Paxton will be heading to Maine next week to discuss with Tucker Carlson.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89703

File: a9781c3827b1300⋯.png (163.5 KB,388x490,194:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546900 (140153ZSEP23) Notable: Our case against the use of electronic voting machines is NOW on the docket of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Our case against the use of electronic voting machines is NOW on the docket of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.

I ask all of you to join me in praying for my attorneys, & justice for the People & their sacred right to vote.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546967 (140158ZSEP23) Notable: #24005

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24005 >>89668

>>89669 Company With Ties to Communist China Will Receive Billions from American Taxpayers for Electric Vehicle Battery Factory in Illinois./Gotion

>>89670, >>89672 Biden, Obama Must Approve Release of Emails in Which Biden Uses Pseudonyms ‘To Discuss Business With Hunter’

>>89671 Saltzman highlights new Space Force mission statement

>>89673, >>89683 Pinellas County Election Fraud Cover-Up Part of Statewide Election Fraud RICO Enterprise

>>89674 DOD Exercises Option on Second Micro Nuclear Reactor Design

>>89675 A panel bravely exposed the WHO (World Health Organisation) for the criminal organization it is, Dr David Martin's Speech

>>89676 Hunter Biden scored meeting with father, business associates inside VP home at Naval Observatory

>>89677 Patrick Gunnels: Erik Carlson on Digital Services!

>>89678 Aussie: Macquarie Bank announces shock move to scrap cash in all branches

>>89679 Tator: GOP is coming after him over connections to Hunter's shady deals 'because they want to shut down the government'

>>89680 Paxton: I’m heading to Maine next week to sit down with @TuckerCarlson

>>89681 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

>>89682 Did @SenatorRomney sell his email list to Tim Scott?

>>89684 Gaetz: Impeachment is not some get-out-of-jail-free card for Kevin McCarthy on the motion to vacate.

>>89686 My American Dream | Dr. Ben Carson LIVE at Roanoke College

>>89687 Response from multiple Sheriff’s to the Governor of New Mexico’s violation of the Constitution.

>>89688 Collins Asks GA Election Officials: ‘Which Is Cheaper Dominion Voting Machines Or Paper Ballots?’

>>89689 Rep. Tom Emmer introduces a bill to ban the Federal Reserve from creating a Central Bank Digital Currency.

>>89690, >>89685, >>89692, >>89696, >>89697 Mao was a Yale Man - A Yali with Skull and Bones - Part 2

>>89691 CNN's "fact-checking" McCarthy’s claims while launching Biden impeachment inquiry acknowledges

>>89693 UK: Tory MP, Europhile and Taliban PR man Tobias Ellwood has just resigned as Chair of the Commons Select Committee on Defence

>>89694 Manhunt for escaped serial killer is over pics

>>89695 Ep. 23 of ‘Tucker on X’ just dropped — Hyperinflation and reckless monetary policy could soon devastate the global economy. We traveled to Argentina, where it’s already happened.

>>89698 End Times News.

>>89699 Cabal Graphics

>>89700 Federal Judge Again Declares DACA Program Unlawful

>>89701 28 EAMs broadcast today FROG POND

>>89702 The House Managers in the Ken Paxton trial accidentally just rested their case.

>>89703 Our case against the use of electronic voting machines is NOW on the docket of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.


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5db7b0 No.89705

File: a36fa031f57a577⋯.png (2.41 MB,1289x919,1289:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19546993 (140200ZSEP23) Notable: #24006

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89706

File: fc1055046203dfc⋯.mp4 (7.64 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547022 (140203ZSEP23) Notable: Project Looking Glass Stuff

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Project Looking Glass...

Military Expert Insider spills the beans...


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547102 (140213ZSEP23) Notable: Project Looking Glass Stuff

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


USAF EC-135 Operation Looking Glass - 250196-10 | Footage Farm Ltd

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547125 (140215ZSEP23) Notable: Project Looking Glass Stuff

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Interview on Looking Glass (Expert) with Bill Wood...

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89709

File: 1dcf930b9ec2b8a⋯.png (336.11 KB,600x482,300:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547148 (140219ZSEP23) Notable: Binance US 🇺🇲 CEO just resigned

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Binance US 🇺🇲 CEO just resigned 🤯


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5db7b0 No.89710

File: c07f6deddbd0cc4⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547154 (140220ZSEP23) Notable: Project Looking Glass Stuff

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


They fucked with our heads but in return we got a front row seat to witness the game.

It's been a hell of a ride, wouldn't change a thing.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5db7b0 No.89711

File: 1bea9fc6ea66a19⋯.png (247.53 KB,548x304,137:76,Clipboard.png)

File: 44e881e89284249⋯.png (409.85 KB,1019x743,1019:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547276 (140242ZSEP23) Notable: The Old World Order is over – Blinken

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Old World Order is over – Blinken

Washington must preserve its leadership “from a position of strength,” the US Secretary of State has claimed

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has claimed that the world is transitioning to a new diplomatic order in which Washington must lead the way in overcoming increasing threats from Russia and China by working with its allies to build trust among nations for whom the old system failed.

“One era is ending, a new one is beginning, and the decisions that we make now will shape the future for decades to come,” Blinken said on Wednesday in a speech at John Hopkins University in Washington. He said the “post-Cold War order” ended as “decades of relative geopolitical stability have given way to an intensifying competition with authoritarian powers.”

Namely, those powers are led by Russia and China, Blinken said, adding that “Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine is the most immediate, the most acute threat to the international order.” China poses the biggest long-term challenge, he claimed, because it aspires to reshape the international order and is developing the economic, diplomatic, military and technological power to do so.


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5db7b0 No.89712

File: c01c88e54ab6c75⋯.png (113.6 KB,998x419,998:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547300 (140249ZSEP23) Notable: Youth Pastor Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography Charge

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Youth Pastor Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography Charge


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5db7b0 No.89713

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547329 (140256ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker being blunt in Michigan.

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Tucker being blunt in Michigan.

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5db7b0 No.89714

File: fcb69791f00a014⋯.png (410.37 KB,799x853,799:853,Clipboard.png)

File: 44f6e81bfefdb5f⋯.png (558.44 KB,1031x884,1031:884,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bd7782a61e7315⋯.png (529.14 KB,1013x932,1013:932,Clipboard.png)

File: a2ffce498d17d5a⋯.png (1.03 MB,1047x926,1047:926,Clipboard.png)

File: 92f81adfbf52ddb⋯.png (136.02 KB,1086x906,181:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547330 (140256ZSEP23) Notable: Report: Hundreds of Thousands of Florida Ballots Were Flagged as “Blank” and Later Adjudicated

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Report: Hundreds of Thousands of Florida Ballots Were Flagged as “Blank” and Later Adjudicated

Michael Thompson is the latest chairman for the Lee County Florida Republican Executive Committee. He secured this position in Lee County due to his affiliation with General Michael Flynn, Patrick Byrne and his tenure at the America Project. Thompson used this association to win over the members of the Lee County Republican Executive Committee.

Once he secured the position he rapidly went about subverting election integrity efforts in Lee County Florida. Why would someone associated with General Flynn and Patrick Byrne do such a thing?

Chris Quackenbush in Lee County uncovered an interesting dataset in the ES&S EL45A Election Summary Results. This find was “the spark” that helped expose election fraud and solve the largest legal problem facing American who were contesting election results.


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5db7b0 No.89715

File: e6840be457e86fc⋯.png (242.3 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 885e1aaace4c3fb⋯.png (402.17 KB,848x839,848:839,Clipboard.png)

File: 456a169d8a3c005⋯.png (348.17 KB,857x920,857:920,Clipboard.png)

File: 7becce2e10323ad⋯.png (359.75 KB,884x907,884:907,Clipboard.png)

File: 49d8686ca8c64f2⋯.png (16.47 KB,847x170,847:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547353 (140259ZSEP23) Notable: Rothschild Admits ESG Failure As Globalists Shift To "Inclusive Capitalism" Agenda

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Rothschild Admits ESG Failure As Globalists Shift To "Inclusive Capitalism" Agenda

In July of last year as the hype surrounding the covid pandemic was finally dying out I published an article about a barely publicized project called the “Council For Inclusive Capitalism.”

The group, headed by Lynn Forester de Rothschild who now seems to be the public face of the notorious Rothschild dynasty, is the culmination of decades of various globalist agendas combined to represent the ultimate proof of “New World Order” conspiracy.


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5db7b0 No.89716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547356 (140300ZSEP23) Notable: Former President Donald Trump on Not Firing Fauci, Lockdowns, COVID Vaccines, and More

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Former President Donald Trump on Not Firing Fauci, Lockdowns, COVID Vaccines, and More

I don't like Trump's answer one bit here - makes me think he is part of the Big Pharma fraud.

He could have laid down how he will go after Big Pharma and the evil bastards that did the mass murder event for 100s billion profit every quarter.

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5db7b0 No.89717

File: fe150bbc4c2c8a3⋯.png (837.48 KB,1023x948,341:316,Clipboard.png)

File: 173a87dd608b4cd⋯.png (752.33 KB,777x918,259:306,Clipboard.png)

File: d8549ee55c9d9f7⋯.png (694.73 KB,778x913,778:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547390 (140306ZSEP23) Notable: Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag group member caught masturbating at popular California park

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1 of 2

Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag group member caught masturbating at popular California park:

8:15 PM · Sep 13, 2023·122.3K Views

A member of the controversial Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag group was arrested last month after police said he blatantly masturbated for an hour in broad daylight at a popular California park.

Clinton Monroe Ellis-Gilmore, 53, allegedly made no attempts to hide the perverted act around 6:45 p.m. Aug. 12 at Table Bluff County Park in Loleta, a coastal community 15 miles south of Eureka.

“According to numerous witnesses, Ellis-Gilmore had been at that location for approximately one hour, sitting in his truck with the door open, masturbating,” the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.

There was still an hour of sunlight left when he was cuffed at the beachside park.

Ellis-Gilmore was arrested and charged with indecent exposure, a misdemeanor that can fetch up to six months of prison time, a $1,000 fine and a requirement to register as a sex offender.

The drag queen — who goes by “Queen Bethe C–khim” — appeared shirtless in his mugshot and flashed a stifled smirk.

His Facebook page is littered with images of himself dressed as a nun and participating in events run by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, the trans-queer group that was invited, uninvited and then reinvited to the Los Angeles Dodgers’ Pride Night in June.

Thousands of demonstrators descended on the stadium to protest a pre-game ceremony in which the baseball team honored the local chapter of the Sisters, whose members dress up in drag in traditional Catholic nun habits, with the Dodgers’ Community Hero Award for their “lifesaving work.”

Critics have blasted the group as a “blatantly perverted, sexual, and disgusting anti-Catholic hate group.”

It’s not clear whether Ellis-Gilmore is still an active member of the Sisters, but pictures indicate he was once associated with its Eureka chapter.

One witness to Ellis-Gilmore’s alleged debauchery claimed the drag queen parked two spots away from his trailer and had his left leg out the open door of the truck and right leg up on the dashboard with no pants on, which gave him a full view of Ellis-Gilmore “playing with himself.”

“Well this is f–ked up,” Randy Fleek told The Daily Wire.

“It’s obvious. You cannot help but see this guy, he’s not hiding it. He wants everyone to see what he’s doing.”

Ellis-Gilmore allegedly gradually shed his clothes during his hour in the car until he was naked, despite multiple cars passing through the parking lot, many of whom sought a view of the coast, Fleek said.

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5db7b0 No.89718

File: a2d9599967d5012⋯.png (729.4 KB,625x941,625:941,Clipboard.png)

File: dd9a08cc044ff36⋯.png (524.77 KB,682x930,11:15,Clipboard.png)

File: 557631833a5dc5e⋯.png (691.84 KB,815x895,163:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547407 (140308ZSEP23) Notable: Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag group member caught masturbating at popular California park

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>>89717 1 of 2

2 of 2

“People pull in to see the ocean, they don’t pull in to see this. But you can’t help but see,” the witness added.

“There’s something wrong with that man. He’s got a weird f–king desire to show off to the public, to anybody that wants to look at him … He puts himself in a position and in a spot that you can’t help but look at the son of a bitch.”

The accused deviant appears to go by several drag names, including “Novice Sister Bethe C–khim,” and “Novice Sister Man Romeo,” according to the Daily Wire.

Several pictures depict Ellis-Gilmore covered in white face paint, long wigs, dresses and fishnet tights.

He apparently participated in multiple Sisters events, including drag queen story hours in which he read to a group of young children.

He is married to “Saint Gives More” — “Sainthood” in the group is bestowed on only the most dedicated community members.

In addition to images of himself dressed in mock-nun costumes, Ellis-Gilmore’s social media posts were also flooded with sexually suggestive content.

One graphic he posted featured a pacifier, a lollipop, an ice cream bar and a penis with the caption “Shhhhhhhh….it’s ok, you’ve been preparing for this your whole life.”

Another showed a faux certificate from the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence that says “pleasure should be your god, lust your temple, and sex your sacrament.”

The Sisters’ Eureka chapter did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.

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f29ec2 No.89719

File: 39f4c898c4d068c⋯.png (96.62 KB,873x732,291:244,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cfb5a3676e4b52⋯.png (82.38 KB,861x670,861:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547427 (140311ZSEP23) Notable: How Deep Is The Deep State?

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How Deep Is The Deep State?

We received some seemingly excellent news over the weekend. The appellate court of the 5th Circuit has reimposed the restrictions on the White House, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the FBI to stop bullying social media companies to censor content.

This has taken place ahead of the actual trial because two judges found that the practice was so egregious that it needed to be stopped right now before more damage is done to the First Amendment.

“The officials have engaged in a broad pressure campaign designed to coerce social-media companies into suppressing speakers, viewpoints, and content disfavored by the government,” a three-judge panel wrote in Missouri v. Biden.

“The harms that radiate from such conduct extend far beyond just the Plaintiffs; it impacts every social-media user.”

That’s all excellent news so far.

But there's a fly in this ointment.

The lower court’s injunction included restrictions on a whole host of agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (and its sub-unit, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or CISA), and the State Department and its relationships with other third-party agencies.

I was personally disappointed that the initial injunction didn't name the CIA and all of its thousands of proxies, to say nothing of the other 400-plus agencies in the administrative state of the federal government.

What’s strange and disappointing is that the appeals court stripped all of this out of its ruling.

It vacated the most devastating parts of the injunction, including that which hit the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department. It specifically stripped out the list of defendants.

I’m not a lawyer or an expert in administrative law, but the decision is packed with hints and suggestions that this injunction might be mostly cosmetic. It stops the most aggressive and overt censorship but also offers a road map for how they can do this in other ways, simply by burying the mechanisms of control one layer more deeply.

In short, the initial injunction didn't go nearly far enough. The renewed injunction, with its careful carve-outs, is far more toothless still.

What are the next steps? There will eventually be a trial and decision. That's likely to be settled for the plaintiffs in some measure and will imply certain policies. That could be appealed to the Supreme Court, which might take years to unfold. In the meantime, it’s unclear as to whether and to what extent the true Deep State does face much of a restriction on its activities.


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f29ec2 No.89720

File: 0c9f1bf03d2ed19⋯.png (710.14 KB,1911x1009,1911:1009,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d9d8daa32201c4⋯.png (664.45 KB,1920x1016,240:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 07eb5d5a0c912b8⋯.png (900.29 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 074ee49707fe2cd⋯.jpg (822.92 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547435 (140312ZSEP23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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>Project Looking Glass…

>Military Expert Insider spills the beans…


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f29ec2 No.89721

File: 5e2e17c8decc7b2⋯.png (695.38 KB,1000x948,250:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547455 (140316ZSEP23) Notable: Federal judge says DACA program illegal but declines to order its termination

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Federal judge says DACA program illegal but declines to order its termination

Afederal judge has ruled that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is illegal, but declined to order the end of deportation protections for its recipients.

U.S. District Court Judge Andrew Hanen on Wednesday specifically determined that the Biden administration's effort to codify the program through federal regulation was illegal, CBS News reported. He rejected a request from Republican states to order DACA's end over two years.

The program permitted illegal immigrants who either arrived in the country as children or who overstayed their visas while underage to avoid deportation and secure work authorization. Roughly 580,000 individuals have enrolled in DACA. Hanen in 2021 closed the program to new enrollees, but in that instance also permitted the program's continuance.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals oversees Hanen's jurisdiction and the Biden administration is expected to appeal his decision. The dispute may reach the Supreme Court.

The 5th Circuit in October of last year ruled DACA illegal.

"DACA creates a new class of otherwise removable aliens who may obtain lawful presence, work authorization, and associated benefits," the court wrote at the time. "Congress determined which aliens can receive these benefits, and it did not include DACA recipients among them."

Ben Whedon is an editor and reporter for Just the News. Follow him on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

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f29ec2 No.89722

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547507 (140325ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Rima Leibow: How to Defeat the Global Elite

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Dr. Rima Leibow: How to Defeat the Global Elite

with Reiner Feullmich & Dagmar Schoeb - ICIC


Sept 10, 2023


Leibow the MD who was told by an elite client about it being time soon for the "Great Culling" of humanity, where 95% would be killed and there would be a return to Neo-feudalism.

She lays everything out about the UN, WEF and Agenda 2030.

One of the group, Dagmar Schoen, said she tells everyone she runs into about this plan to destroy humanity.

But it's such a fantastic idea that "NOBODY CAN BELIEVE IT".

What can we do?


They are psychopaths, they cannot LOVE.

They have surrendered their an essential part of their humanity.

People must understand this EMOTIONALLY not just MENTALLY.

SO: we need something to ENGAGE THEIR PASSION:

- MUSIC - PROTEST MUSIC like Oliver Anthony

- MEMES: reduces a huge concept to something understandable

- HUMOR: ridicule, laughter, irony


- STORIES - People telling their stories about the jabs, etc.


How can we decolonize peoples' minds?

Have to get OUT of the four control mechanisms & not recreate them:

1. WHO

2. UN

3. IMF

4. unseen control system

We start by exiting from WHO & UN, which will take us out of the IMF "in a very interesting way."


More info:


http://drrimatruthreports.comDr. Rima Leibow: How to Defeat the Global Elite

with Reiner Feullmich & Dagmar Schoeb - ICIC


Sept 10, 2023


Leibow the MD who was told by an elite client about it being time soon for the "Great Culling" of humanity, where 95% would be killed and there would be a return to Neo-feudalism.

She lays everything out about the UN, WEF and Agenda 2030.

One of the group, Dagmar Schoen, said she tells everyone she runs into about this plan to destroy humanity.

But it's such a fantastic idea that "NOBODY CAN BELIEVE IT".

What can we do?


They are psychopaths, they cannot LOVE.

They have surrendered their an essential part of their humanity.

People must understand this EMOTIONALLY not just MENTALLY.

SO: we need something to ENGAGE THEIR PASSION:

- MUSIC - PROTEST MUSIC like Oliver Anthony

- MEMES: reduces a huge concept to something understandable

- HUMOR: ridicule, laughter, irony


- STORIES - People telling their stories about the jabs, etc.


How can we decolonize peoples' minds?

Have to get OUT of the four control mechanisms & not recreate them:

1. WHO

2. UN

3. IMF

4. unseen control system

We start by exiting from WHO & UN, which will take us out of the IMF "in a very interesting way."


More info:



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f29ec2 No.89723

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547516 (140327ZSEP23) Notable: Exposing the REAL Child Traffickers: EVERY Foster or Adopted Child is Wanted by Someone – The Child Welfare System Needs to Abolished

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Exposing the REAL Child Traffickers: EVERY Foster or Adopted Child is Wanted by Someone – The Child Welfare System Needs to Abolished

Unfortunately I have personally seen this in action: The state seems much more interested in getting ahold of the child than in preserving families. The children don't seem to be doing well after the state gets involved, either.

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f29ec2 No.89724

File: a26daacec548f50⋯.png (754.22 KB,1232x953,1232:953,Clipboard.png)

File: 595deee088ca778⋯.mp4 (6.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547533 (140329ZSEP23) Notable: Former President Donald Trump on Not Firing Fauci, Lockdowns, COVID Vaccines, and More

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Well here's what he couldn't say because ALL of the dirty media is so corrupt, how could he? First:

POTUS couldn’t have fired fauci if he wanterd to. Even CNN admitted it:

Under federal law, Trump doesn’t have the power to directly fire Fauci, a career civil servant, and remove him from government. And while Trump could try ordering his political appointees to dismiss the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci could appeal – a time-consuming process. https://archive.is/ngWSj


THIS is what conservatives were stuck with for "news" because OAN was banned and censored everywhere VId is just one of countless Reports aired in 2020.

Fox News & Newsmax Took Biden Money To Push Deadly COVID Vaccines To Its Viewers Corporate news outlets did not disclose the money they took to push dangerous drugs to their conservative audience https://archive.ph/canyw


Federal Government Paid $1 Billion to Media Outlets to Manipulate COVID Vaccine Coverage March 9, 2022 by The Vault Project 

The Biden administration made direct payments to nearly all major corporate media outlets to deploy a $1 billion taxpayer-funded outreach campaign designed to push only positive coverage about COVID-19 vaccines and to censor any negative coverage. Media outlets across the nation failed to disclose the federal government as the source of ads in news reports promoting the shots to their audiences.

According to a Freedom of Information Request filed by The Blaze, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) purchased advertising from major news outlets including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, CNN and MSNBC.

HHS also ran media blitzes in major media publications including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, New York Post, BuzzFeed News, Newsmax and hundreds of local TV stations and newspapers across the nation. https://archive.is/3pTsg https://thevaultproject.org/federal-government-paid-1-billion-to-media-outlets-to-manipulate-covid-vaccine-coverage/

Perhaps this sham will finally expose those "flu" shots so very aggressively pushed year after year, which only make people sicker...

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f29ec2 No.89725

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547603 (140344ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Rima Leibow: How to Defeat the Global Elite

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baker, can u add to this one? >>89722



1:18 in video:

2014 ebola outbreak - "which was helped to break out", was not natural:

- research done in 2009 by DOD showed that nano silver at 10 parts per million prevented hemorrhagic viruses from attaching to a cell

- Dr Rima was making this silver available to govts of sierra leone and liberia

she sent it to both

- In Sierra Leone, it disappeared for six weeks, bill of lading disappeared

- when administered, it cured 500 people in SL

- in Liberia, as an MD was opening the first bottle of silver, the president of the country phoned him, said she was standing with head of mission of the WHO who forbade it

- told that ALL aid from any source would be cut if they used nano silver



"THAT is the international control"

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f29ec2 No.89726

File: 35e3d87941bdf41⋯.png (197.69 KB,969x975,323:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547611 (140346ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden investigation: FBI agent testimony confirms limits to David Weiss's authority

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September 13, 2023 09:45 PM

Hunter Biden investigation: FBI agent testimony confirms limits to David Weiss's authority

A second FBI official who appeared before the House Judiciary Committee on Monday testified that now-special counsel David Weiss had to go through "other processes" to charge Hunter Biden after U.S. attorneys in Washington, D.C., and California allegedly blocked him from bringing charges against Biden last year.

The revelation came in a 180-page transcript, obtained by the Washington Examiner, of an interview the committee conducted with an assistant special agent in charge at the FBI's Baltimore Field Office. The agent was accompanied during the interview by a Department of Justice lawyer and an FBI lawyer, according to the transcript.

Asked by committee staff about Weiss's charging authority at the time of a key Oct. 7, 2022, meeting, the agent said, "I'm aware that obviously charging discussions were happening, and, yes, there was a difference in the venue for some of those charges."

"I remember learning at some point in the investigation that Mr. Weiss would have to go through his other processes because the U.S. Attorney's Offices had, I guess, in that sense, using that terminology, wasn't going to partner," she said in reference to the Washington, D.C., and central California offices.

The agent works in the Baltimore office under FBI Special Agent in Charge Thomas Sobocinksi, who testified to the committee last week on the same topic. The Washington Examiner was asked to withhold her name for this story after she conveyed in her testimony that an agent had received "concerning" contact from people after the agent's name was made public. ...


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f29ec2 No.89727

File: 8bbf56f5d5f2fa3⋯.png (499.15 KB,812x906,406:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547620 (140348ZSEP23) Notable: FBI agent’s testimony confirms limits to David Weiss's authority.

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House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸

🚨 HUGE.FBI agent’s testimony confirms limits to David Weiss's authority.

The IRS Whistleblowers were right (again).

Weiss can’t keep his story straight.


>Hunter Biden investigation: FBI agent testimony confirms limits to David Weiss's authority

10:22 PM · Sep 13, 2023


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f29ec2 No.89728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547637 (140352ZSEP23) Notable: Miller outlines how House Republicans need to hold the line as the deadline to fund the government approaches.

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The Absolute Truth with @EmeraldRobinson

"Democrats are faced with a decision. Either shutdown the government or accept these reforms, " says @WadeMiller_USMC.

Miller outlines how House Republicans need to hold the line as the deadline to fund the government approaches.

LISTEN to his discussion with @EmeraldRobinson:

8:00 PM · Sep 13, 2023 7:19


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f29ec2 No.89729

File: 5d516fe56c73986⋯.png (675.88 KB,735x801,245:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547680 (140403ZSEP23) Notable: Nearly every cleaning product in your home may release hundreds of toxic chemicals linked

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Nearly every cleaning product in your home causes hundreds of toxic chemicals linked to cancer and infertility to linger in the air for up to four HOURS- these are the worst offenders

Nearly every cleaning product in your home may release hundreds of toxic chemicals linked

Researchers at the Environmental Working Group tested 30 common household products such as glass cleaners, stain removers and air fresheners. All but one released volatile compounds, or VOCs, the scientists found, with many releasing hundreds of hazardous VOCs with every spray - which raise the risk of breathing problems, cancers, developmental delays and reproductive issues. The researchers heralded their study as a 'wake-up call' for consumers, saying people needed to be 'more aware' of the risks from chemicals in indoor air.


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f29ec2 No.89730

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547798 (140430ZSEP23) Notable: #24006

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Notables - FINAL

#24006 >>89705

>>89706, >>89707, >>89708, >>89710 Project Looking Glass Stuff

>>89709 Binance US 🇺🇲 CEO just resigned

>>89711 The Old World Order is over – Blinken

>>89712 Youth Pastor Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography Charge

>>89713 Tucker being blunt in Michigan.

>>89714 Report: Hundreds of Thousands of Florida Ballots Were Flagged as “Blank” and Later Adjudicated

>>89715 Rothschild Admits ESG Failure As Globalists Shift To "Inclusive Capitalism" Agenda

>>89716, >>89724 Former President Donald Trump on Not Firing Fauci, Lockdowns, COVID Vaccines, and More

>>89717, >>89718 Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag group member caught masturbating at popular California park

>>89719 How Deep Is The Deep State?

>>89720 Planefag Reports

>>89721 Federal judge says DACA program illegal but declines to order its termination

>>89722, >>89725 Dr. Rima Leibow: How to Defeat the Global Elite

>>89723 Exposing the REAL Child Traffickers: EVERY Foster or Adopted Child is Wanted by Someone – The Child Welfare System Needs to Abolished

>>89726 Hunter Biden investigation: FBI agent testimony confirms limits to David Weiss's authority

>>89727 FBI agent’s testimony confirms limits to David Weiss's authority.

>>89728 Miller outlines how House Republicans need to hold the line as the deadline to fund the government approaches.

>>89729 Nearly every cleaning product in your home may release hundreds of toxic chemicals linked

>>>/qresearch/19547745 Breitbart Business Digest: We Haven’t Had a Year This Bad Since Obama Was President


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f29ec2 No.89731

File: 63038d4a77b9fac⋯.png (194.3 KB,512x276,128:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547811 (140431ZSEP23) Notable: #24007

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Godspeed Patriots

Digital Soldiers


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f29ec2 No.89732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547887 (140453ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Eric Berg - YouTube has now banned alternative views on health.

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Dr. Eric Berg - YouTube has now banned alternative views on health.

Here’s what you need to know about this radical new change.

1,131,309 views Sep 13, 2023 UNITED STATES

Please Take This SURVEY: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CNL3G22

0:00 Introduction: New YouTube ban

0:12 What this new ban means

6:38 The #1 ranking video for the keto diet

12:05 What is your opinion?

YouTube has just banned anything related to health that doesn’t align with the general medical consensus.

If any information related to health doesn’t agree with the World Health Organization, the video won’t necessarily be taken down, but it may be hard to find.

This is supposed to protect viewers against misinformation and promote high-quality health information. But, their definition of misinformation is anything that opposes their viewpoint.

I currently have collected 7,607 success stories—I’m helping people. My information is not misinformation. It’s helpful information.

Traditional medicine doesn’t work for everyone, and people are looking for inexpensive natural remedies. How are they supposed to find alternative viewpoints or opinions?

A lot of people are searching for the keto diet. However, many medical professionals don't really understand nutritional ketosis.

Many times, doctors don’t get training in nutrition or alternatives. Yet these are the people who get to control this information.

Healthy ketosis is not toxic or dangerous. Ketones are a super fuel and are antioxidants. On the other hand, glucose is dangerous and toxic.

I would love to get your opinion on this situation. Please click the link above and go through the survey questions to let me know your opinion on this recent radical change of suppressing alternative viewpoints on health.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:

Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

YouTube Link:


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f29ec2 No.89733

File: 7ed2cd4df7dd244⋯.png (101.78 KB,910x405,182:81,Clipboard.png)

File: e6459426c12a7d1⋯.png (114.99 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 37a8c875b4d9f28⋯.png (138.31 KB,242x320,121:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547908 (140459ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was easily re-elected last November

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Donald J. Trump


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was easily re-elected last November, but now establishment RINOS are trying to undo that Election with a shameful impeachment of him. Who would replace Paxton, one of the TOUGHEST & BEST Attorney Generals in the Country? Could it be a Democrat, or even worse, a RINO? The voters have decided who they want! Democrats are feeling very good right now as they watch, as usual, the Republicans fight & eat away at each other. It’s a SAD day in the Great State of Texas!

Sep 14, 2023, 12:51 AM


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f29ec2 No.89734

File: 39187e6fcc76849⋯.png (458.78 KB,578x812,289:406,Clipboard.png)

File: 4edd21536723e22⋯.png (1.56 MB,947x1085,947:1085,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547920 (140503ZSEP23) Notable: Dan Scavino - Average inflation Donald Trump 1.9% Biden Admistration 6.0

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


Average inflation (Feb 2017 - Jan 2021) Donald Trump 1.9%

Average inflation (Feb 2021 - Aug 2023) Biden Admistration 6.0

Sep 13, 2023, 11:53 PM


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f29ec2 No.89735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19547971 (140514ZSEP23) Notable: BLUR IMAGES, copy and save js in [options] top right-hand corner, then in the [theme] tab

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BLUR IMAGES, copy and save js in [options] top righthand corner, then in the [theme] tab

.post-image { opacity: .2; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */ filter: blur(5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */ transition: all 233ms;}.post-image:hover { opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */ filter: blur(1px);/* Can be 0 - 10+ */ transition: all 89ms;}

This makes the BV is completely responsible for removing illegal images, no need to report what you cant see.


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f29ec2 No.89736

File: cd913294c238ca4⋯.png (80.95 KB,617x421,617:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548055 (140543ZSEP23) Notable: Donal d J. Trump TruthSocial - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was easily re-elected last November

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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was easily re-elected last November, but now establishment RINOS are trying to undo that Election with a shameful impeachment of him. Who would replace Paxton, one of the TOUGHEST & BEST Attorney Generals in the Country? Could it be a Democrat, or even worse, a RINO? The voters have decided who they want! Democrats are feeling very good right now as they watch, as usual, the Republicans fight & eat away at each other. It’s a SAD day in the Great State of Texas!

12:51pm ET (cap is on CT)


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f29ec2 No.89737

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548111 (140558ZSEP23) Notable: Phil Godlewski's Latest B.S., Jan Halper-Hayes Claims, Matrixxx is Asshoe, + More!

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[9.12] CBOTW! - Phil Godlewski's Latest B.S., Jan Halper-Hayes Claims, Matrixxx is Asshoe, + More!

Jordan Sather


Enjoyed this video? Join my Locals community for exclusive content at jordansather.locals.com!

Streamed on:

Sep 12, 8:31 pm EDT

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f29ec2 No.89738

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548212 (140637ZSEP23) Notable: 17: Popular Number for Headlines?

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17: Popular Number for Headlines?

Ukraine Says It Downed 17 Drones in Overnight Attack

14 Sep 2023


Almost 10,000 Ukrainian civilians killed since start of Russia’s all-out war, 17,000+ more injured – UN

12 Sep 2023


Cuba Arrests 17 People It Accuses of Recruiting for Russia's War in Ukraine

6 days ago


Russia-Ukraine live updates: At least 17 killed in Russian attack on Donetsk market

06 Sep 2023


Russia's Fierce Drone Assault Rattles Ukraine; 17 Drones Fired, Missile Downed Over Crimea

19 Aug 2023


In related news:

To date, the UK and its allies have trained more than 17,000 armed forces of Ukraine personnel

1 day ago


It is difficult to pinpoint the source of the figure circulating in the information space, claiming that Russians still have 17,000 tanks in reserve.

1 day ago


The Mi-8 ‘Hip’ medium-lift twin-engine helicopter has been a workhorse of Russia’s vertical-lift aviation since it entered Soviet service in 1967. It remains in production today, with over 17,000 built

30 Aug 2023


the S-400 fires missiles against aerial targets flying at as much as 17,000 km/h.

23 Aug 2023


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f29ec2 No.89739

File: 22fc574bbe88193⋯.png (32.79 KB,582x425,582:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548234 (140652ZSEP23) Notable: James O'Keefe: @GovHawaii fasten your seatbelt. Our crew, myself included wore button cams for days and spoke to officials who did not know they were being recorded

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Just got back from Maui.

Our crew, myself included wore button cams for days and spoke to officials who did not know they were being recorded.

Stay tuned Thursday PM for Part 1 of our “Undercover in #Lahaina “ installment.


fasten your seatbelt.

#OMG indeed…

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f29ec2 No.89740

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548248 (140704ZSEP23) Notable: BO reminder on importance of global reporting illegal content to keep board operating

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Good evening baker, ty for your service. Truly appreciate it.

Posting info on how to blue images is also useful. But why post this?

This makes the BV is completely responsible for removing illegal images, no need to report what you cant see.

That doesn't work. There are a handful of BVs. There are hundreds of anons - many more eyes.

Do you know what will happen if illegal images slip through? This will become an image board wo/images. Happened before - a whole month wo/images: Aug 2021.

ALSO: Do you know that, after images were restored, they originally faded completely after 24 hours? The only reason they now last for weeks instead of hours is because board admins reminded 8kun mgmt that anons here promptly report illegal images.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f29ec2 No.89741

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548294 (140731ZSEP23) Notable: BO reminder on importance of global reporting illegal content to keep board operating

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regular Reports:

Any kind of spam can be reported.

Especially stuff that's nobody wants - adult bdsm, gore, dic pics, etc.

Global Reports:

anything potentially illega.

Mainly credible violent threats and cp, even borderline stuff - if you're not sure about age, use a Global.

re BDSM: if you can't tell it's an adult, treat it as CP.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f29ec2 No.89742

File: 137ee7be294e658⋯.png (1.39 MB,2560x5107,2560:5107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548332 (140756ZSEP23) Notable: Secret Service agent next to JFK during assassination challenges official narrative

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Secret Service agent next to JFK during assassination challenges official narrative

Speaks after 60 years

The commission reached that conclusion in part because a bullet was discovered on a stretcher that it was believed Connally laid on at Parkland Memorial Hospital, so they assumed it exited his body as medical professionals worked to save his life.

However, Landis said he found the bullet in the presidential limousine in the back of the seat in front of Kennedy. In the chaotic scene after the assassination, he was concerned that souvenir hunters would try to take evidence from the vehicle, so he grabbed and put it next to Kennedy on his stretcher.


His entire narrative will be detailed in his upcoming memoir, "The Final Witness," which will be published Oct. 10.

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f29ec2 No.89743

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548417 (140925ZSEP23) Notable: Max Igan shocking discovery - what happened to the missing children of Maui

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- Max Igan shocking discovery - what happened to the missing children of Maui

sauce... https://www.bitchute.com/video/1HYTHl9NFcm7/

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f29ec2 No.89744

File: 0c81abf030c16eb⋯.png (32 KB,1451x223,1451:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548450 (140955ZSEP23) Notable: Donald Trump to appear on ‘Meet the Press’ Sunday in Kristen Welker’s debut as host

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Donald Trump to appear on ‘Meet the

Press’ Sunday in Kristen Welker’s

debut as host

Associated Press, by Staff

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/14/2023 12:19:30 AM

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump will give his first broadcast network interview since leaving office, sitting down this week with Kristen Welker as she debuts as host of NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday. The network said in a release that the interview will be pre-taped at Trump’s Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club Thursday and that the same invitation had been extended to President Joe Biden. Trump last appeared on the show in 2019. The former president has largely steered clear of mainstream media interviews during his third campaign for the White House. Instead, he frequently calls in to conservative podcasts, radio shows and far-right cable outlets,

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f29ec2 No.89745

File: 489560d422ffe09⋯.png (212.31 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 7af5a5022214455⋯.png (376.32 KB,548x450,274:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548508 (141041ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump w/CAP: We could all learn something from this. Great interview by @HerschelWalker!

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>9:46 pm


Donald J. Trump


We could all learn something from this. Great interview by @HerschelWalker


2:14 / 2:14

10:03 PM · Sep 14, 2020

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f29ec2 No.89746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548592 (141115ZSEP23) Notable: kek: China demands Ukraine explain ‘low intellectual potential’ slur

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China demands Ukraine explain ‘low intellectual potential’ slur

President Zelensky’s top aide has suggested that Beijing and New Delhi are unable to analyze the consequences of their moves

Beijing has demanded clarification from Kiev after Mikhail Podoliak, the top aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, suggested that authorities in China and India weren’t smart enough to figure out what the actual national interests of their countries were.

Podoliak characterized the two Asian powerhouses as having “low intellectual potential,” in an interview with channel Vlast vs Vaschenko published Tuesday on YouTube. Speaking about the increasing cooperation of Beijing and New Delhi with Moscow amid the conflict in Ukraine, he claimed that China and India “don’t analyze the consequences of the steps they make.”

The aide accused China, India and also Türkiye of “earning money” on the conflict between Moscow and Kiev. The Chinese authorities believe that doing so is in their country’s national interests, but Beijing is better off distancing itself from Russia as it’s “an archaic nation that drags China into unnecessary conflicts,” he said.

When asked to comment on the statements by Podoliak during a briefing on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said: “I don’t know the background of this person’s remarks, but he should clarify them.”

Mao reminded reporters that Beijing has always maintained a “responsible” stance towards the conflict in Ukraine, constantly calling for a cessation of hostilities and a political settlement to the crisis.

Later on Wednesday Podoliak took to X (formerly Twitter) to explain what he meant by questioning China’s and India’s intellectual abilities. He claimed that his comments were taken out of context by the Russian media.

According to Podoliak, China, India and Türkiye are “clearly justified” in claiming important roles on the international stage, but “the global world is much broader than even the most thoughtful regional national interests.”

Moscow, with which Ankara, New Delhi and Beijing maintain ties, is “demonstratively trying to undermine the foundations of the global world,” he explained.


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f29ec2 No.89747

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548632 (141127ZSEP23) Notable: #24007

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final bun for #24007

hold the yer laties till the top

#24007 >>89731


>>89732 Dr. Eric Berg - YouTube has now banned alternative views on health.

>>89733 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was easily re-elected last November

>>89734 Dan Scavino - Average inflation Donald Trump 1.9% Biden Admistration 6.0

>>89735 BLUR IMAGES, copy and save js in [options] top right-hand corner, then in the [theme] tab

>>89736 Donal d J. Trump TruthSocial - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was easily re-elected last November

>>89737 Phil Godlewski's Latest B.S., Jan Halper-Hayes Claims, Matrixxx is Asshoe, + More!

>>89738 17: Popular Number for Headlines?

>>89739 James O'Keefe: @GovHawaii fasten your seatbelt. Our crew, myself included wore button cams for days and spoke to officials who did not know they were being recorded

>>89740, >>89741 BO reminder on importance of global reporting illegal content to keep board operating

>>89742 Secret Service agent next to JFK during assassination challenges official narrative

Ghost Grab

>>89743 Max Igan shocking discovery - what happened to the missing children of Maui

>>89744 Donald Trump to appear on ‘Meet the Press’ Sunday in Kristen Welker’s debut as host

>>89745 Donald J. Trump w/CAP: We could all learn something from this. Great interview by @HerschelWalker!

>>89746 kek: China demands Ukraine explain ‘low intellectual potential’ slur

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f29ec2 No.89748

File: f29bbe694a963a0⋯.png (54.51 KB,473x174,473:174,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a99a47561fcc6a⋯.png (53.85 KB,473x205,473:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548665 (141135ZSEP23) Notable: #24008

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morn'n baker requesting handoff - call the ball baker or notetaker

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f29ec2 No.89749

File: 610fe90a437a308⋯.png (182.08 KB,437x226,437:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548688 (141143ZSEP23) Notable: Azerbaijan's preparations for a new armed confrontation with Armenia are increasing.

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Azerbaijan's preparations for a new armed confrontation with Armenia are increasing.

Thus, over the past couple of weeks , Il-76TD cargo aircraft of the Azerbaijani airline Silk Way have been actively flying between the Israeli airport Uvda and the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku .

Obviously, the cargo is weapons and ammunition , which Azerbaijan is actively purchasing from Israel, since this is not the first time Silk Way has been engaged in such transportation.

Similar flights of Silk Way aircraft from Baku to Israel could be observed before the Second Karabakh War in 2020. In addition, during the Syrian war, Silk Way took part in the transportation of weapons to terrorists under the guise of diplomatic cargo .

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f29ec2 No.89750

File: b3f599478a16892⋯.jpg (987.3 KB,3000x2250,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548707 (141146ZSEP23) Notable: Prayers for Anon's Pup

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Shit day today anons.

Gotta put the GOAT down today. She needs to rest. I'm pretty fuggin sad about it. Leukemia got her and her rear end stopped working a day or so ago. FUCK I wish dogs lived longer.

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f29ec2 No.89751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548712 (141147ZSEP23) Notable: 63K Migrants Apprehended in First 10 Days of Sept — Up 10 Percent from Aug

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EXCLUSIVE: 63K Migrants Apprehended in First 10 Days of Sept — Up 10 Percent from Aug

Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 63,000 migrants in the first ten days of September, according to unofficial reports reviewed by Breitbart Texas. This represents a nearly ten percent increase over the same period in August.

Agents in the nine southwest Border Patrol sectors apprehended approximately 62,738 migrants during the first ten days of September. During the same period in August, agents apprehended 57,075 migrants. This represents an increase of approximately ten percent in a month-to-month comparison.

With an average of nearly 6,300 migrant apprehensions daily, the September apprehensions could represent a major increase for the third consecutive month.

In August, agents apprehended more than 179,000 migrants, unofficial Border Patrol reports revealed. This was up from nearly 132,652 in July and 99,539 in June.

The Tucson Sector continues to lead the nation with the apprehension of nearly 17,000 migrants during the first ten days of September. This is followed by the Rio Grande Valley Sector (nearly 15,000) and the Dek Rio Sector (approximately 10,000).

The El Paso and San Diego Sectors followed closely with approximately 9,300 and 8,300 migrant apprehensions respectively.

The five Texas-based Border Patrol Sectors accounted for approximately 35,000 (56 percent) of the nearly 63,000 migrant apprehensions during the first ten days of September.

Border Patrol officials reacted to the increasing migrant apprehensions by pulling agents off the line and shutting down some interior immigration checkpoints, Breitbart Texas’ Randy Clark reported.

In addition, highly trained Homeland Security Investigations special agents are being utilized to drive vans to transport migrants to processing centers, according to a source within CBP.

“We’ve got them driving vans. The whole situation here is beyond belief,” the source told Clark.


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f29ec2 No.89752

File: 4633eac418110b2⋯.png (307.37 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548732 (141153ZSEP23) Notable: Azerbaijan's preparations for a new armed confrontation with Armenia are increasing.

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≠=Armenia launches joint military drills with United States that anger Moscow==

Armenia on Monday launched a joint military exercise with the United States, a move that has angered the Caucasus nation's main ally, Russia.

The “Eagle Partner” war games will run through Sept. 20 and involve 175 Armenian and 85 troops. They reflect Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's efforts to forge closer ties with the United States and other Western allies amid the simmering tensions with neighboring Azerbaijan.


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f29ec2 No.89753

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548787 (141206ZSEP23) Notable: India Leads the World in Internet Shutdowns

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India Leads the World in Internet Shutdowns

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Wednesday that India is the world leader in shutting down Internet access, coming in ahead of heavyweight access-blockers like Iran, Libya, and Sudan with 84 regional shutdowns in 2022.

In fact, India accounted for over half of all Internet shutdowns detected around the globe by a digital rights group called Access Now, which began tracking access blockages in 2016.

Last year was especially bad because of the unrest in Manipur, a province of India tormented by tribal warfare. Indian officials shut down the Internet in Manipur soon after the latest round of violence began in May, and was only partially restored in July, albeit with heavy monitoring and continuing bans on mobile Internet and wifi.

India’s blockade on Internet access in Manipur was blamed for suppressing a shocking video that showed two women from the Christian Kuki tribe being paraded naked through the jungle and then sexually assaulted by a mob. The incident occurred in early May, but was not made public until July because of the Internet blockage, a delay that made it more difficult to identify and apprehend the perpetrators. Seven arrests were eventually made in connection with the assault, including the youth who filmed it.

“The Manipur shutdown crippled the ability for information to reach the rest of the world. If we had seen the videos hidden from us for almost 80 days back in May, we could have reacted to it sooner,” Indian technology lawyer Mishi Choudhary told Time in August.

Manipur takes a back seat to Kashmir for the longest Internet shutdown in India, and indeed the entire world. Internet access was blocked in Muslim-majority Kashmir in August 2019, and was only partially restored 552 days later, thanks to an order from India’s Supreme Court.

Other heavy shutdowns were ordered during the farm protests of 2020-2021, Hindu-Muslim tensions in western India in 2022, and the manhunt for Sikh separatist leader Amritpal Singh in early 2023.

Choudhary described India as “the most brutal censor of the Internet in the democratic world,” citing reports from digital rights groups that have awarded India that dubious distinction for the past five years running. As bad as 2022 was, India had already surpassed its number of Internet blocks by June 2023.

In addition to regional blockades on Internet access, India frequently blocks individual websites and social media accounts – almost 7,000 of them last year, according to Access Now. Time pointed out that the Indian government does not publish statistics on Internet shutdowns, and the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology claims it does not keep them. All of the data on India’s Internet restrictions comes from outside watchdog groups.

Most of India’s Internet major shutdowns are imposed by the government during times of unrest, as in Manipur and Kashmir, but Time cited a report from the Internet Freedom Foundation and Human Rights Watch that found a third of the disruptions between 2020 and 2022 were imposed to prevent students and civil servants from cheating on exams.

The WSJ focused on the heavy costs of Internet shutdowns, which fall heavily upon India’s poor, and sharply contradict Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Digital India” initiative, under which he pronounced connectivity to be “as much a basic right as access to school.”

“Digital India” included a massive push to make mobile Internet access more affordable and get Indians to use digital commerce platforms. Shutting down the Internet yanks away the digital rug that all of those people were persuaded to stand upon, and wreaks havoc on small entrepreneurs who rely heavily on online business information and payment systems. The entire business model for enterprises like ride-hailing and food delivery services collapses when Internet access is blocked.

Shutdowns are also brutal on poor Indians who use online systems to collect subsidies, rural workers who receive their paychecks online, and startups hoping to lure foreign investment. The total economic damage from Internet shutdowns is approaching $5 billion, according to digital rights groups.

Digital rights advocates point out there is little evidence that Internet shutdowns actually help to quell unrest, especially since they tend to impose additional hardships on restless populations, giving them fresh reasons to be angry at each other and the government.

In June, the United Nations Human Rights Office reported on the suffering from Internet shutdowns and urged all member states to refrain from using such techniques.

“Shutdowns are powerful markers of sharply deteriorating human rights situations,” the U.N. warned.


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f29ec2 No.89754

File: d8a037e7314f6c3⋯.png (659.03 KB,1105x622,1105:622,Clipboard.png)

File: 42f346d0c7278bd⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB,548x310,274:155,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19548914 (141226ZSEP23) Notable: more Biden crime family news overnight, Hunter Biden met with business associates at the VP mansion in DC while Joe was VP. And those meetings involved Kazakhstan and Ukrainian deals…

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Our partners at just the news broke more Biden crime family news overnight, Hunter Biden met with business associates at the VP mansion in DC while Joe was VP. And those meetings involved Kazakhstan and Ukrainian deals. They were cooking up with Devin Archer,


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f29ec2 No.89755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549095 (141300ZSEP23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Not only is DeSanctimonious looking to destroy your Social Security, including moving the minimum age to 70, and your Medicare, but today…

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Donald J. Trump


Not only is DeSanctimonious looking to destroy your Social Security, including moving the minimum age to 70, and your Medicare, but today he had a killer story in the Washington Post talking about his really bad spending habits He’s gone, yet Fox has him all over the place, even on Hannity last night. They’ve actually picked another candidate, they just don’t know who it is yet…Ratings Freefall! I’m America First, so it will never be me!





Sep 14, 2023, 7:43 AM


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f29ec2 No.89756

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549100 (141301ZSEP23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/14/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/14/2023



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f29ec2 No.89757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549171 (141313ZSEP23) Notable: 10:00 AM EDT Georgia Election Interference Court Hearing. Day 8 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton

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10:00 AM EDT

Georgia Election Interference Court Hearing

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee hears several motions in the 2020 election interference case.



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f29ec2 No.89758

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549176 (141314ZSEP23) Notable: 10:00 AM EDT Georgia Election Interference Court Hearing. Day 8 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton

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10:00 AM EDT

Day 8 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/14/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network



Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 8

The Texas State Senate debates articles of impeachment against state Attorney General Ken Paxton, who was impeached in May in the state’s legislature over accusations of misconduct, including bribery and obstruction of justice.


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f29ec2 No.89759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549219 (141321ZSEP23) Notable: Hearing Bun

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10:00 AM EDT

Oh Doctor, Where Art Thou? Pandemic Erosion of the Doctor-Patient Relationship

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



Jeffrey Singer, M.D.

Surgeon, Private Practice

Senior Fellow, Cato Institute, Department of Health Policy Studies


Azadeh Khatibi, M.D, M.S., M.P.H

Physician, Medical Ethics and Freedom Advocate


Jerry Williams, M.D.


Urgent Care 24/7





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f29ec2 No.89760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549220 (141321ZSEP23) Notable: Hearing Bun

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10:00 AM EDT

Iran’s Escalating Threats: Assessing U.S. Policy Toward Iran’s Malign Activities

House Foreign Affairs Committee



Mr. Norman Roule

Former National Intelligence Manager for Iran


Mr. Behnam Ben Taleblu

Senior Fellow

Foundation for Defense of Democracies


Ms. Masih Alinejad

Author and Activist


Ms. Suzanne Maloney

Vice President and Director of Foreign Policy

Brookings Institution





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f29ec2 No.89761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549224 (141321ZSEP23) Notable: Hearing Bun

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10:00 AM EDT

An Update on the Department of Energy’s Science and Technology Priorities

House Science, Space, and Technology Committee



The Honorable Jennifer Granholm, Secretary of Energy, U.S. Department of Energy





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f29ec2 No.89762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549226 (141322ZSEP23) Notable: Hearing Bun

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10:00 AM EDT

Oversight of Federal Agencies’ Post-Pandemic Telework Policies

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



Dr. Karen Marrongelle

Chief Operating Officer

National Science Foundation


Robert Gibbs

Associate Administrator for the Mission Support Directorate

National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Dan Dorman

Executive Director for Operation

Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Randolph “Tex” Alles

Deputy Under Secretary for Management & Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Under Secretary for Management

Department of Homeland Security





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f29ec2 No.89763

File: bb6e04cfc770ba3⋯.png (685.46 KB,1280x1003,1280:1003,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549228 (141322ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Post Cap

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f29ec2 No.89764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549234 (141323ZSEP23) Notable: Hearing Bun

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10:00 AM EDT

Implementing Basel III: What’s the Fed’s Endgame?

House Financial Services Committee



Mr. Greg Baer, President, and CEO of the Bank Policy Institute


Mr. Andrew Olmem, Partner, Mayer Brown


Mr. Robert Broeksmit, President and CEO, Mortgage Bankers Association


Ms. Alexa Philo, Senior Policy Analyst for Banking, Systemic Risk, Economic Justice & Racial Equity, Americans for Financial Reform






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f29ec2 No.89765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549236 (141323ZSEP23) Notable: Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Report

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Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Report

This media briefing is a discussion about the report published by the unidentified anomalous phenomena independent study team we commissioned in 2022.

The team’s report aims to inform us on what possible data could be collected in the future to shed light on the nature and origin of UAPs. Briefing participants include:

· NASA Administrator Bill Nelson

· Nicola Fox, associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters in Washington

· Dan Evans, assistant deputy associate administrator for research, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate

· David Spergel, president, Simons Foundation and chair of NASA’s UAP independent study team

The UAP independent study team is a counsel of 16 community experts across diverse areas on matters relevant to potential methods of study for UAP. We commissioned the nine-month study to examine UAP from a scientific perspective and create a roadmap for how to use data and the tools of science to move our understanding of UAP forward. Right now, the limited high-quality observations of UAP make it impossible to draw scientific conclusions from the data about the nature of such events.


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f29ec2 No.89766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549237 (141323ZSEP23) Notable: Hearing Bun

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10:00 AM EDT

Hearings to Examine the Crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh

Senate Foreign Relations Committee



The Honorable Yuri Kim

Acting Assistant Secretary

European and Eurasian Affairs

United States Department of State

Washington, D.C.




10:00 AM EDT

Examining Systemic Government Overreach at Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) | Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

House Natural Resources Committee



Ms. Brenda Mallory, Chair, Council on Environmental Quality, Washington, DC (Invited)


Mr. Mario Loyola, Director, Environmental Finance & Risk Management Program, Research Assistant Professor, Florida International University—Institute of Environment, Miami, FL


Ms. Jill Witkowski Heaps, Senior Attorney, Earthjustice, New York, NY


Mr. Scott Simms, CEO & Executive Director, Public Power Council, Portland, OR


Mr. Marlo Lewis, Senior Fellow, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC






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f29ec2 No.89767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549239 (141323ZSEP23) Notable: Hearing Bun

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10:00 AM EDT

Terrorist Entry Through the Southwest Border

House Judiciary Committee



Todd Bensman, Senior National Security Fellow, Center for Immigration Studies


Charles Marino, Former Senior Law Enforcement Advisor, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary


Rodney Scott, Distinguished Senior Fellow for Border Security, Texas Public Policy Foundation





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f29ec2 No.89768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549246 (141324ZSEP23) Notable: Hearing Bun

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10:00 AM EDT

Legislative Proposals to Prevent and Respond to Generic Drug Shortages

House Energy and Commerce Committee


H.R. ___, Stop Drug Shortages Act (Rep. Rodgers)



H.R. 3008, Drug Shortage Prevention Act of 2023 (Rep. Jacobs)



H.R. 3810, Drug Origin Transparency Act of 2023 (Rep. Eshoo)



H.R. 3793, Ensuring Access to Lifesaving Drugs Act of 2023 (Rep. Slotkin)



H.R. 167, Patient Access to Urgent-Use Pharmacy Compounding Act of 2023 (Rep. Griffith)









Pharmaceutical Policy Stakeholders Testify on Measures to Prevent Generic Drug Shortages

Pharmaceutical industry and policy stakeholders testify on measures to prevent shortages in generic drug supplies before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health.


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f29ec2 No.89769

File: 0d60edef376a4fa⋯.mp4 (9.35 MB,502x270,251:135,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1b1a757d75a7cad⋯.png (106.01 KB,893x704,893:704,Clipboard.png)

File: 23fa7a32f785b82⋯.png (590.25 KB,884x588,221:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549247 (141324ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Complete Stop To All COVID Injections

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Must Watch: Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Complete Stop To All COVID Injections - Not Safe For Human Use (9/13/23):


testifies in the European Parliament to end all COVID vaccinations.

“I submit to you the COVID-19 vaccines and all of their progeny & future boosters are not safe for human use.”

It is a longer clip, so consider playing it on 1.25X speed or bookmarking it for later if you’re short on time.

This is Dr. Peter McCullough’s Speech.

Please share.


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f29ec2 No.89770

File: 149ada1bdba2cf6⋯.png (479.43 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549285 (141332ZSEP23) Notable: Pope Francis to address pro-abortion Clinton Foundation conference on climate change

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BREAKING: Pope Francis to address pro-abortion Clinton Foundation conference on climate change

Pope Francis will kick off the 2023 Clinton Global Initiative two-day conference September 18, by holding a 'special conversation' with former President Clinton.


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f29ec2 No.89771

File: 0d5dca00baf7d93⋯.jpeg (676.27 KB,1125x1390,225:278,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549309 (141337ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Post Cap

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f29ec2 No.89772

File: e3d4c30aca2e2cd⋯.jpeg (425.91 KB,1125x987,375:329,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549318 (141338ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Post Cap

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f29ec2 No.89773

File: c475d443067a4ca⋯.jpeg (796.04 KB,1125x1565,225:313,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549325 (141340ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Post Cap

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f29ec2 No.89774

File: 4b796a450884c82⋯.png (428.64 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549364 (141347ZSEP23) Notable: Member of anti-Catholic drag ‘nuns’ group arrested for indecent exposure near park

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Member of anti-Catholic drag ‘nuns’ group arrested for indecent exposure near park

Just weeks after the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence received an LGBT award from the Los Angeles Dodgers, a male drag member was caught performing an indecent act near a child-friendly park.


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f29ec2 No.89775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549366 (141347ZSEP23) Notable: Anon Reminder - Parasites are everywhere

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Not all at once

Listen to your body it will tell you

Inflammation of any kind

Is a sign of infections starting

Parasites are everywhere

Cannot escape them ..

So learn to live with them

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f29ec2 No.89776

File: 897f5e5d439f480⋯.jpeg (342.9 KB,1125x1014,375:338,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549383 (141351ZSEP23) Notable: @DanScavino Dropping Vids

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Dan just post a vid if sm1 could grab it…too nice to go inside right now


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f29ec2 No.89777

File: 8e2af9f5fc6f042⋯.png (576.92 KB,875x573,875:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549388 (141353ZSEP23) Notable: @DanScavino THE BEST IS YET TO COME

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f29ec2 No.89778

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549435 (141406ZSEP23) Notable: Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearing]: On January 20th, we will mark the third anniversary of the Biden executive orders that opened our borders to the world,

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Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearing]: On January 20th, we will mark the third anniversary of the Biden executive orders that opened our borders to the world, by halting construction of the border wall, rescinding the Remain in Mexico Policy, and forbidding ICE from enforcing court-ordered deportations. Since that day, more than 5.7 million illegal aliens from over one hundred and sixty countries have illegally crossed our border. Mr. Biden has released over 2.6 million of them, a population larger than the entire state of New Mexico, into the United States, in violation of our immigration laws.

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f29ec2 No.89779

File: 2e9feb2eb2752a7⋯.png (427.71 KB,966x817,966:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 9601e0542ff2e5d⋯.png (135.84 KB,1124x660,281:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f862e0aa4a654d⋯.png (239.5 KB,1606x1454,803:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549456 (141410ZSEP23) Notable: Nigeria hit by major blackout with levels of power being generated fell to zero

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BREAKING: Nigeria hit by major blackout with levels of power being generated fell to zero: 'total system collapse'

8:00 AM · Sep 14, 2023


sauce 3rd img:


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f29ec2 No.89780

File: 14c7f0842f60f39⋯.png (1.96 MB,1280x1138,640:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549497 (141420ZSEP23) Notable: Meme of the Thread

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f29ec2 No.89781

File: e30321004cb4b0b⋯.png (902.4 KB,916x1280,229:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549515 (141426ZSEP23) Notable: The spending standoff between House GOP leadership and conservatives hardened Wednesday

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The spending standoff between House GOP leadership and conservatives hardened Wednesday, with demands from hard-liners forcing Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to punt a procedural vote on legislation to fund the Pentagon.

The decision to delay the vote came one day after McCarthy opened an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, a move that onlookers thought may mollify conservative demands on spending after weeks of them pushing for the amped-up investigation.

But McCarthy’s announcement is not buying the Speaker any love from his right flank when it comes to government funding, underscoring the tough road ahead as conservatives dig in their heels on steeper spending cuts — all while the shutdown deadline quickly approaches.

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f29ec2 No.89782

File: a62001a1283e046⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB,624x352,39:22,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549520 (141427ZSEP23) Notable: In Mexico, parents burned books promoting LGBT and homosexual ideas.

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In Mexico, parents burned books promoting LGBT and homosexual ideas.

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f29ec2 No.89783

File: c02b10c19b4b66c⋯.jpeg (981.15 KB,1170x1566,65:87,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549531 (141429ZSEP23) Notable: Lisa Page back in the news - Has DIVORCED her husband

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Lisa Page back in the news.


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f29ec2 No.89784

File: c17c9b113b3a08f⋯.mp4 (664.79 KB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549532 (141429ZSEP23) Notable: Schumer 2019 vs 2023 MP4

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f29ec2 No.89785

File: a42696508e1337c⋯.png (1.28 MB,1088x1280,17:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549576 (141437ZSEP23) Notable: Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) 2024 economic agenda rollout Thursday featured many typical Republican objectives

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Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) 2024 economic agenda rollout Thursday featured many typical Republican objectives with one glaring exception: trade.

Nestled in his hodgepodge of GOP wish list items such as tax cuts and regulatory rollbacks in his newly unveiled “Build Don’t Borrow” plan is a call to “avoid blunt trade wars with our friends and allies.”

The proposal pits the Republican presidential contender at odds with the party’s frontrunner former President Donald Trump, who has floated a 10% baseline tariff on goods pouring into the US.

“An across-the-board 10% [tariff would] increase in the cost of everything,” Scott told The Post. “In the current inflationary environment [that] would not be helpful.”

While Scott agrees that the tariffs the US has imposed on China are “helpful,” he is wary about the repercussions of slapping broad-based sanctions on non-adversarial nations.

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f29ec2 No.89786

File: d6edecb08721a64⋯.png (103.14 KB,308x485,308:485,Clipboard.png)

File: 737b9df30f1a263⋯.mp4 (5.74 MB,224x432,14:27,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549590 (141439ZSEP23) Notable: @Thekeksociety YOUR DNA IS FROM GOD!

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What is the meaning of DNA, and what did [they] just corrupt?


DR. Kek








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f29ec2 No.89787

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549615 (141444ZSEP23) Notable: Cato, Mr. Nowrasteh - Biggs: This notion about being concerned about terrorists entering through the southwest border

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Biggs: This notion about being concerned about terrorists entering through the southwest border, which is absolutely open; that's somehow a fiction or speculation, is probably one of the most asinine pieces of testimony I've heard in congress.

[that was testimony of democrat witness from Cato, Mr. Nowrasteh]

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f29ec2 No.89788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549678 (141459ZSEP23) Notable: #24008

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#24008 >>89748

>>89749, >>89752 Azerbaijan's preparations for a new armed confrontation with Armenia are increasing.

>>89750 Godspeed on doggos' passing baker knows of no better fren

>>89751 63K Migrants Apprehended in First 10 Days of Sept — Up 10 Percent from Aug

>>89753 India Leads the World in Internet Shutdowns

>>89754 more Biden crime family news overnight, Hunter Biden met with business associates at the VP mansion in DC while Joe was VP. And those meetings involved Kazakhstan and Ukrainian deals…

>>89755 DJT TS w/CAP: Not only is DeSanctimonious looking to destroy your Social Security, including moving the minimum age to 70, and your Medicare, but today…

>>89756 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/14/2023

>>89757, >>89758 10:00 AM EDT Georgia Election Interference Court Hearing. Day 8 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton

>>89759, >>89760, >>89761, >>89762, >>89764, >>89766, >>89767, >>89768 Hearing Bun

>>89765 Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Report

>>89769 Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Complete Stop To All COVID Injections

>>89770 Pope Francis to address pro-abortion Clinton Foundation conference on climate change

>>89763, >>89771, >>89772, >>89773 @realDonaldTrump Post Cap

>>89774 Member of anti-Catholic drag ‘nuns’ group arrested for indecent exposure near park

>>89775 Anon Reminder - Parasites are everywhere

>>89776 @DanScavino Dropping Vids

>>89777 @DanScavino THE BEST IS YET TO COME

>>89750 Prayers for Anon's Pup

>>89778 Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearing]: On January 20th, we will mark the third anniversary of the Biden executive orders that opened our borders to the world,

>>89779 Nigeria hit by major blackout with levels of power being generated fell to zero

>>89780 Meme of the Thread

>>89781 The spending standoff between House GOP leadership and conservatives hardened Wednesday

>>89782 In Mexico, parents burned books promoting LGBT and homosexual ideas.

>>89783 Lisa Page back in the news - Has DIVORCED her husband

>>89784 Schumer 2019 vs 2023 MP4

>>89785 Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) 2024 economic agenda rollout Thursday featured many typical Republican objectives

>>89786 @Thekeksociety YOUR DNA IS FROM GOD!

>>89787 Cato, Mr. Nowrasteh - Biggs: This notion about being concerned about terrorists entering through the southwest border


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f29ec2 No.89789

File: 14c7f0842f60f39⋯.png (1.96 MB,1280x1138,640:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549706 (141505ZSEP23) Notable: #24009

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#24009 https://fullchan.net/?7b8c2fc1e1fa18ff#B1wKyzy9cxYtRbEG3ZVwWfzUQP4qJY8cx2j75ZZMsWyT

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f29ec2 No.89790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549743 (141514ZSEP23) Notable: Judge severs Trump's Georgia election interference case, and 16 others, from trial starting in October

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Judge severs Trump's Georgia election interference case, and 16 others, from trial starting in October

The judge overseeing the Georgia election interference case has severed the case, ordering that 17 defendants including Donald Trump will not be tried alongside speedy trial defendants Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell on Oct. 23.

Judge Scott McAfee said severing the remaining 17 defendants was "a procedural and logistical inevitability," and did not rule out the possibility that "additional divisions" may be required later.

The judge, however, said that any defendant who does not waive their right to speedy trial before Oct. 23 will "immediately" join the trial. Trump has already waived his speedy trial rights.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis had been seeking to have all 19 defendants in the case stand trial together, arguing that multiple trials would create an "enormous strain" on the court.

McAfee last week ordered Chesebro and Powell to be tried on Oct. 23 after they filed speedy trial requests.

His order to sever the remaining cases cited issues regarding due process and the voluminous discovery in the case.

"The precarious ability of the Court to safeguard each defendant's due process rights and preparation ensure adequate pretrial preparation on the current accelerated track weights heavily, if not decisively, in favor of severance," his order stated.

The judge also laid out numerous logistical concerns about a 19-person trial, saying the courthouse "simply contained no courtroom adequately large enough to hold all 19 defendants."

Trump and 18 others have pleaded not guilty to all charges in a sweeping racketeering indictment for alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state of Georgia.

The former president says his actions were not illegal and that the investigation is politically motivated.

Chesebro is accused in the DA's indictment of drafting a strategy to use so-called "alternate electors" to prevent Joe Biden from receiving 270 electoral votes - but his attorneys have argued that the action was justified since Chesebro, in working for Trump, was "fulfilling his duty to his client as an attorney."

Powell is accused of conspiring with other co-defendants to commit election fraud by allegedly encouraging and helping people tamper with ballot markers and machines inside an elections office in Coffee County.

Chesebro, as part of his defense, had filed a motion asking the DA to disclose the identities of the 30 unindicted co-conspirators referenced in the indictment, and prosecutors told McAfee at Thursday's hearing that they would do so.

The names will be shared with defense under a protective order, so they will not be made public.


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f29ec2 No.89791

File: 6021f4e85f0af62⋯.png (1.1 MB,1152x1125,128:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549747 (141515ZSEP23) Notable: NASA says UFOs are NOT aliens:

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NASA says UFOs are NOT aliens:

Space agency's first EVER study into more than 800 flying phenomena over three decades pours cold water on sightings... and reveals what they REALLY are

NASA will today release the findings of its highly-anticipated study into more than 800 sightings of UFOs over three decades. The US space agency announced last year that it was reviewing evidence regarding unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs), more commonly known as unidentified flying objects (UFOs). These are defined as sightings 'that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena from a scientific perspective'. In May, NASA's independent study team shared their preliminary observations - that up to 98 per cent of reported UAP sightings can be explained away. Just 2 to 5 per cent are considered 'possibly really anomalous', the panel added, but a lack of high-quality data is hampering researchers' ability to apply 'rigorous scientific scrutiny' to the mystery-solving.


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f29ec2 No.89792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549748 (141516ZSEP23) Notable: Spartz: Do you believe the border needs to be secured?

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Spartz: Do you believe the border needs to be secured?

Nowrasteh: Yes...and the way to do that is by expanding legal immigration.

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f29ec2 No.89793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549770 (141521ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump Takes Biggest Lead in Quinnipiac Poll

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President Trump Takes Biggest Lead in Quinnipiac PollKEK

September 14, 2023 | Sundance |

President Donald Trump has taken the biggest lead in the most recent Quinnipiac Poll [DATA HERE]. Oddly, the Quinnipiac results are almost identical to another poll taken by Premise polling on Sept 6th [SEE HERE].

At this point the GOPe battle against President Trump looks stunningly futile. Team DeSantis alone has spent near $200 million so far, and he’s lost half the support they had before they spent a dime. lol 👀 Yet, thebillionaire classesof multinational donors, Wall St, corporations and other entities with vested financial interests in America-LAST, arecontinuing to fund the battle against Trump.

Quinnipiac – In the race for the 2024 Republican Party nomination, support for formerPresident Donald Trump now stands at 62 percentamong Republican and Republican leaning voters, slightly up from 57 percent support in August, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll released today.

Florida GovernorRon DeSantis receives 12 percent support, down from 18 percentsupport in August. In today’s poll, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy receives 6 percent support, former United Nations Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and former Vice President Mike Pence each receive 5 percent support, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott receives 3 percent support, and former New JerseyGovernor Chris Christie receives 2 percent support.. All other listed Republican candidates receive less than 2 percent support. (more)


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f29ec2 No.89794

File: cb31ee046aefd4a⋯.jpg (191.11 KB,720x1025,144:205,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8162ab528a414ea⋯.jpg (272.22 KB,1199x800,1199:800,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549775 (141523ZSEP23) Notable: @POTUS has appointed Penny Pritzker as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery

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@POTUS has appointed Penny Pritzker as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery. She will work with Ukraine’s government, international partners, and the private sector to accelerate Ukraine's economic transformation.

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f29ec2 No.89795

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549780 (141525ZSEP23) Notable: Correa: Is the refugee movement something unique to the United States, or is this a worldwide phenomena?

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Correa: Is the refugee movement something unique to the United States, or is this a worldwide phenomena?

Marino: No, it's not unique.

[because the United Nations is attempting to destabilize virtually every country on Earth]

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f29ec2 No.89796

File: 0ed76ccd4b72fb6⋯.jpeg (286 KB,1171x653,1171:653,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 710f8c703282907⋯.jpeg (83.02 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549782 (141526ZSEP23) Notable: Federal Judge Blocks New Mexico Governor’s Gun Ban Effort

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A Glimpse of Sanity? – Federal Judge Blocks New Mexico Governor’s Gun Ban Effort Using “Public Health Emergency”

September 13, 2023 | Sundance

I try not to cuss much, but I will admit when New Mexico Governor Lujan Grisham declared a “public health emergency” then issued a regional gun ban for the Albuquerque area, I was cussing quite a bit. I was cussing because this approach was instantly predictable, as the result of Americans allowing various governors to take control over free-range citizens during COVID-19 by declaring the same “public health emergencies.”

Thankfully, there was a massive backlash from citizens, local law enforcement, state law enforcement and the New Mexico Attorney General’s office. Now, fortunately, a federal judge has stepped in and blocked the unconstitutional gun ban. The blood pressure lowers a bit, but we have got to be on guard for the next test; they won’t quit.

New Mexico – A federal judge on Wednesday temporarily halted a 30-day order from New Mexico’s governor suspending the open and concealed carrying of guns in the Albuquerque area that had sparked bipartisan condemnation.

[…] During the hearing, U.S. District Judge David H. Urias, an appointee of President Joe Biden who took his seat on the bench last year, indicated that the numerous Supreme Court precedents on the Second Amendment suggested that the governor’s order would cause irreparable harm to citizens seeking to exercise their gun rights. Thus, he said, he had to issue a temporary strike of the ban — a move that does not rule on its merits.

“To be honest with you, I think you have kind of a hard road here to get up,” Urias told Holly Agajanian, the attorney for the governor’s office defending the rule.

In briefs and during Wednesday’s court session, lawyers for the various gun rights groups argued that Lujan Grisham and her administration went far beyond constitutional powers in issuing the order.

“The Second Amendment has no exception. It has no part of it that says as long as the state governor can issue an emergency, you’re allowed to take our citizens’ firearms,” Jason Bowles, an attorney representing the National Association for Gun Rights, said during the hearing. “There’s no historical evidence of that. There’s no support for it.”

[…] The court will hold a hearing to evaluate the merits of arguments on the rule on Oct. 3, Urias said on Wednesday. The temporary restraining order will extend until then, even though it would normally be limited to 14 days. The extension was accepted by both parties because counsel on both sides did not have availability for a court date within that two-week time frame.

The judge specifically enjoined two sections of the executive order that restricted gun use. Other parts of the governor’s order not in contention included instruction for various state agencies to analyze the sale and use of guns in New Mexico and monitor the presence of illegal substances such as fentanyl in the wastewater. (read more)


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f29ec2 No.89797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549793 (141529ZSEP23) Notable: AG Asst Who Claimed Ken Paxton Took Bribe via Kitchen Remodel Admits Remodel Never Took Place

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Buzbee Does It Again – AG Asst Who Claimed Ken Paxton Took Bribe via Kitchen Remodel Admits Remodel Never Took Place

September 13, 2023 | Sundance |

Once again, the innuendo and supposition by Ken Paxton accusers runs into reality. Previously Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s personal assistant, Drew Wicker, made an accusation that a Texas donor named Nate Paul funded a kitchen remodel for Paxton. A quid pro quo to sell influence.

However, during cross examination today, Drew Wicker admitted the kitchen remodel never took place, and theactual details of the home remodel being done by Paxton was taking place *after* the office “whistleblowers” went to the FBIwith their ungrounded claims. Paxton’s attorney Tony Buzbee showed Drew Wicker pictures of the kitchen taken three years ago and also taken last month. There was never any remodel work completed. This is the central point of the alleged bribery. WATCH:

The prosecutors tried to deny the pictures were correctly dated or real, and thenTony Buzbee says let’s drive over there and look at the kitchen your honor. 😂🤣😂

The baseline of this entire impeachment has become a joke. A bunch of Bush aligned prosecutors, and staff from Texas, manufactured a case of rumor and innuendo against Attorney General Ken Paxton simply because Paxton defeated George P. Bush, their preferred candidate.



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f29ec2 No.89798

File: 43b93dac836473b⋯.jpg (285.88 KB,1080x1511,1080:1511,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549797 (141531ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS LOVES THE SMELL OFPANIC #Trump

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Screen cap is on Central Time


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f29ec2 No.89799

File: 2e52e56666b9bc9⋯.png (492.02 KB,888x909,296:303,Clipboard.png)

File: 64ea55436f40b91⋯.jpg (113.79 KB,900x600,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549799 (141533ZSEP23) Notable: PF B52 eastbound vicinity Fargo

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REG: 60-0044

B52 eastbound vicinity Fargo


Squawking 2470


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f29ec2 No.89800

File: abaf59f81a1050b⋯.jpg (112.94 KB,720x873,80:97,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549804 (141534ZSEP23) Notable: Illegal immigrant charged with murder released by New York police because of paperwork delay

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Illegal immigrant charged with murder released by New York police because of paperwork delay: Reports


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f29ec2 No.89801

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549806 (141535ZSEP23) Notable: Lara Logan’s Look Into January 6’s True Attendees

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Lara Logan’s Look Into January 6’s True Attendees



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f29ec2 No.89802

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549817 (141538ZSEP23) Notable: Ross: There have been no murders or injuries committed by terrorists

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Ross: There have been no murders or injuries committed by terrorists who have illegally entered the United States through the US/Mexico border in the past forty-eight years.

[how many murders and other crimes were committed by illegal aliens in the last forty-eight years?]

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f29ec2 No.89803

File: 689e8d70999efb3⋯.png (27.34 KB,496x256,31:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549821 (141540ZSEP23) Notable: Lara Logan First episode just dropped! Please watch

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Lara Logan

First episode just dropped! Please watch….



11:05 AM · Sep 14, 2023·7,486 Views


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f29ec2 No.89804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549825 (141541ZSEP23) Notable: Nowrasteh: The one, sure-fire way to get rid of it [cartel control of border], to exclude the black market from this

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Nowrasteh: The one, sure-fire way to get rid of it [cartel control of border], to exclude the black market from this, is to legalize that flow so folks can come legally...the way to control and to regulate this market is through legalization.

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f29ec2 No.89805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549831 (141542ZSEP23) Notable: Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Run for Reelection and Will Work to Block Trump in 2024

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Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Run for Reelection and Will Work to Block Trump in 2024

September 13, 2023 | Sundance |

The approved Republican, ala a true DeceptiCON and man of lightly held stances, Mitt Romney, has announced he will not seek reelection in 2024.

During a video presentation announcing his decision, the conniving conman used the opportunity to disparage President Trump, and proclaim himself too old to run for reelection. “It’s time for a new generation of leaders to step forward,” the Utah Senator said. WATCH:

The announcement is not really a surprise as Romney was likely to face a serious primary challenge, and given his track record unlikely to win.


(His face and voice is creepy!)


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f29ec2 No.89806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549865 (141553ZSEP23) Notable: Chairman McClintock: Mr. Nadler assures us that, well don't worry, everybody who comes across is subject to, his words, 'a rigorous vetting procedure'

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Chairman McClintock: Mr. Nadler assures us that, well don't worry, everybody who comes across is subject to, his words, 'a rigorous vetting procedure'. Would you elucidate on that?

Scott: [Former Border Patrol Chief]: The information they give the officer, their name, and even their fingerprints, are bounced off of a database here in the United States that has minuscule information about foreigners in it, so it's the equivalent of checking them in basically an empty hard drive.

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f29ec2 No.89807

File: bbbe73cc467affb⋯.mp4 (4.1 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549873 (141554ZSEP23) Notable: ARIZONA A monsoon thunderstorm with 60-80 mph winds hit North Mesa last night.

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ARIZONA ⚠️ A monsoon thunderstorm with 60-80 mph winds hit North Mesa last night.


Probably not to uncommon but cool nonetheless

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f29ec2 No.89808

File: 4fcc334d96a931c⋯.png (291.42 KB,855x773,855:773,Clipboard.png)

File: f3058c269419896⋯.png (2.01 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 999979f5e7936b4⋯.png (2.02 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 3396fd716e86cdf⋯.png (297.93 KB,522x426,87:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549901 (141600ZSEP23) Notable: Trump’s First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.

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Trump’s First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.

The perpetual crisis at the U.S. southern border behooves a reminder of President Donald J. Trump’s policy achievements – and an exhaustive list of actions taken over just four years – which led to one of the most secure periods of time in the region for decades. In 2015, Trump declared “the U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.” Surely enough, those problems have come home to roost in variety of ways, be it related to infrastructure, crime, jobs, or otherwise. Now, Trump’s opponents including candidates such as Ron DeSantis and the pro open border Koch network are attempting to undermine the former President on the issue, amongst others.

‘The Most Secure Border in History’.

Team Trump points to what they call the “most secure border in the history of the United States,” citing the government-wide end of the “catch and release” policy, which didn’t just remove illegals from the country, but also “sent a strong deterrence message that illegal aliens should not take the journey north because they will not be allowed into American communities.” Trump also presided over a “record level of deportations,” with his team blasting the idea that Obama was the “deporter-in-chief” simply for adding the number of migrants apprehended at the border itself to the number of “deportations” – an obvious fudging of the numbers. In Trump’s first week in office, the record states, “President Trump issued EO 1376… declaring all illegal aliens a priority for removal, reversing the dangerous policy of the previous administration that exempted most illegal aliens from deportation.” This led to removals increasing each of the first three years, with 226,119 illegals deported in fiscal year 2017, to 256,085 in fiscal year 2018, to 267,258 in fiscal year 2019. This was slowed by the COVID-19 pandemic, during which 185,884 in fiscal year 2020. This is in addition to the removal of 526,884 criminal aliens over Trump’s first term in office. Trump’s team also cite the termination of the Flores Settlement Agreement which aided migrants using children to skirt U.S. immigration laws and thusly finding themselves eligible to remain in the United States. The same can be said of Title 42, described as “effectively seal[ing] the border,” and “den[ying] illegal aliens the opportunity to exploit the asylum system.” Title 42 was also used to stop human trafficking of illegal alien minors, with apprehensions of such cases falling to record lows of just 741 by April 2020. Since the end of Trump’s first term, these numbers have again skyrocketed, with 370,000 unaccompanied alien children being smuggled into the U.S. under Joe Biden. The list, as previously stated, is exhaustive, and also includes moves against flight-risk asylum seekers; the imposition of DNA testing to combat fraudulent families and human trafficking; the infamous Remain in Mexico policy; and a “critical victory” in the U.S. Supreme Court. Of the more than 71,000 illegal aliens returned to Mexico under MPP, less than 1% (641 aliens) were granted asylum by the end of President Trump’s first term. Trump also presided over a border surge of U.S. troops under Trump, by the name of Operation Secure Line, which resulted in an extra 5,000 troops assisting U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), as well as the physical installation of razor and concertina wire. Dishonest critics allege Trump’s border wall was not good enough for the course of one term. But with 463 miles of border wall system built despite ruthless opposition by the political left, the courts, and the government itself, it is unreasonable to suggest anyone else would have come anywhere close. Unlawful border crossings plummeted 87 percent where the wall was built. Then, along came the fix of 2020, which led to the Biden regime canceling the next tranche of work. Streamlining deportation processes, as well as pushing more judges to the border, to hear more cases faster are another example of where Team Trump says the last administration took a wide array of unprecedented steps to restore border normality and security to America. The moves touted also include anti-terrorism or criminality measures such as EO 13769, falsely labelled as a “Muslim ban,” by the hysterical media, as well as the notorious “extreme vetting” order. Campaign briefings also point to the “lowest refugee settlement” every year of the Trump admin, based off EO 13769, as well as visa sanctions, social media extreme vetting, family extreme vetting, and a crack down on visa entry into the United Sates of Chinese students or academics, many of whom are used by the Chinese Communist Party as infiltrators or for espionage. A Full List of Trump-Era Border Security and Immigration EOs/Memoranda follows:

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f29ec2 No.89809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549903 (141600ZSEP23) Notable: Trump’s First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.

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Executive Order 13767, Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements (Jan. 25, 2017)

Executive Order 13768, Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States (Jan. 25, 2017)

Executive Order 13769, Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States (Jan. 27, 2017)

Executive Order 13773, Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking” (Feb. 9, 2017)

Executive Order 13776, Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety” (Feb. 9, 2017)

Executive Order 13780, Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States (Mar. 16, 2017)

Executive Order 13788, Buy American and Hire American (Apr. 18, 2017)

Executive Order 13802, Amending Executive Order 13597 (June 21, 2017)

Executive Order 13810, Imposing Additional Sanctions with Respect to North Korea (Sept. 21, 2017)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f29ec2 No.89810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549904 (141600ZSEP23) Notable: Trump’s First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.

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Executive Order 13815, Resuming the United States Refugee Admissions Program With Enhanced Vetting Capabilities (Oct. 24, 2017)

Executive Order 13828, Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility (Apr. 10, 2018)

Executive Order 13841, Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation (June 20, 2018)

Executive Order 13880, Collecting Information About Citizenship Status in Connection with the Decennial Census (July 11, 2019)

Executive Order 13882, Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Mali (July 26, 2019)

Executive Order 13884, Blocking Property of the Government of Venezuela (Aug. 5, 2019)

Executive Order 13888, Enhancing State and Local Involvement in Refugee Resettlement (Sept. 26, 2019)

Executive Order 13894, Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Syria (Oct. 14, 2019)

Executive Order 13902, Imposing Sanctions With Respect to Additional Sectors of Iran (Jan. 10, 2020)

Executive Order 13928, Blocking Property of Certain Persons Associated With the International Criminal Court (June 11, 2020)

Executive Order 13936, Hong Kong Normalization (July 14, 2020)

Executive Order 13940, Aligning Federal Contracting and Hiring Practices With the Interests of American Workers (Aug. 3, 2020)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f29ec2 No.89811

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549907 (141601ZSEP23) Notable: Trump’s First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.

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Presidential Memorandum: Implementing Immediate Heighted Screening and Vetting Applications for Visas and Other Immigration Benefits, Ensuring Enforcement of All Laws for Entry into the United States, and Increasing Transparency among Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government and for the American People (Mar. 6, 2017)

Presidential Memorandum: Optimizing the Use of Federal Government Information in Support of the National Vetting Enterprise (Feb. 6, 2018)

Presidential Memorandum: Securing the Southern Border of the United States (Apr. 4, 2018)

Presidential Memorandum: Ending “Catch and Release” at the Border of the United States and Directing Other Enhancements to Immigration Enforcement (Apr. 6, 2018)

Presidential Memorandum: Additional Measures to Enhance Border Security and Restore Integrity to Our Immigration System (Apr. 29, 2019)

Presidential Memorandum: Enforcing the Legal Responsibilities of Sponsors of Aliens (May 23, 2019)

Presidential Memorandum: Visa Sanctions (Apr. 10, 2020)

Presidential Memorandum: Excluding Illegal Aliens From the Apportionment Base Following the 2020 Census (July 21, 2020)

Presidential Memorandum: Inadmissibly of Persons Affiliated with Antifa Based on Organized Criminal Activity (Jan. 5, 2021)

Presidential Proclamation 9645, Enhancing Vetting Capabilities and Processes for Detecting Attempted Entry into the United States by Terrorists or Other Public-Safety Threats (Sept. 24, 2017)

Presidential Proclamation 9723, Maintaining Enhanced Vetting Capabilities and Processes for Detecting Attempted Entry into the United States by Terrorists or Other Public-Safety Threats (Apr. 10, 2018)

Presidential Proclamation 9822, Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States (Nov. 9, 2018)

Presidential Proclamation 9842, Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States (Feb. 7, 2019)

Presidential Proclamation 9844, Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Southern Border of the United States (Feb. 15, 2019)

Presidential Proclamation 9931, Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons who Threaten Venezuela’s Democratic Institutions (Sept. 25, 2019)

Presidential Proclamation 9932, Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Senior Officials of the Government of Iran (Sept. 25, 2019)

Presidential Proclamation 9945, Suspension of Entry of Immigrants Who Will Financially Burden the United States Healthcare System (Oct. 4, 2019)

Presidential Proclamation 9983, Improving Enhanced Vetting Capabilities and Processes for Detecting Attempted Entry (Jan. 31, 2020)

Presidential Proclamation 9984, Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus (Jan. 31, 2020)

Presidential Proclamation 9982, Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus (Feb. 29, 2020)

Presidential Proclamation 9993, Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus (Mar. 11, 2020)

Presidential Proclamation 10014, Suspending Entry of Immigrants of Who Present Risk to the U.S. Labor Market During the Economic Recovery Following the COVID-19 Outbreak (Apr. 22, 2020)

Presidential Proclamation 10041, Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus (May 24, 2020)

Presidential Proclamation 10043, Suspension of Entry as Nonimmigrants of Certain Students and Researches from the People’s Republic of China (May 29, 2020)

Presidential Proclamation 10052, Suspending Entry of Aliens Who Present a Risk to the U.S. Labor Market Following the Coronavirus Outbreak (June 22, 2020)


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f29ec2 No.89812

File: 5d3275e8d83c149⋯.png (240.54 KB,493x587,493:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549911 (141602ZSEP23) Notable: Trump’s First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.

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Donald J. Trump


“Trump’s First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary” thenationalpulse.com/analysis-

Sep 14, 2023, 11:01 AM


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f29ec2 No.89813

File: d66c2695f9fb919⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,608x340,152:85,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549919 (141604ZSEP23) Notable: Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearing]:

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>>89778 LB

Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearing]: On January 20th, we will mark the third anniversary of the Biden executive orders that opened our borders to the world, by halting construction of the border wall, rescinding the Remain in Mexico Policy, and forbidding ICE from enforcing court-ordered deportations. Since that day, more than 5.7 million illegal aliens from over one hundred and sixty countries have illegally crossed our border. Mr. Biden has released over 2.6 million of them, a population larger than the entire state of New Mexico, into the United States, in violation of our immigration laws.

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f29ec2 No.89814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549921 (141604ZSEP23) Notable: Exposing the New Ethnic Studies Curriculum Coming to a School Near You in 2024

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Exposing the New Ethnic Studies Curriculum Coming to a School Near You in 2024


Christine Sefein Wolk of Critical Therapy Antidote criticaltherapyantidote.org/ and and parents' rights advocate Carob Marcelle join Leslie Elliott to talk about the "California Model" of Ethnic Studies. The curriculum is going to be launching in a number of states across the US in 2024. We take a look at some of the components of this model and why parents- and all citizens- should be concerned.


This is an up close and personal look at what they're teaching young children in schools.

Ethnic studies isn't about teaching kids to appreciate different cultures - it's about one model in the end: Black Liberation >>> MARXISM.

First thing on the agenda if the Black Panther Movement, proceeds to give lip service to other ethnic groups and to "tribal wisdom."

One participant pointed out that theglorification of tribalism- "pre colonial ancestral knowledge" - is actually about theABOLITION OF PROPERTY RIGHTS(Tribal cultures are communal).

Focus is on breaking down the vaguely innocent-sounding but deceptive curriculum line by line. At one point, someone said this curriculum is preparing our kids to be loading their parents onto boxcars in the future.

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f29ec2 No.89815

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549952 (141611ZSEP23) Notable: @Kash "Don't have to do 100 things,3 things…" Subpoena Wray, Garland and Hunter.

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SGT Loring U.S. Army (RET)


@Kash "Don't have to do 100 things,3 things..." Subpoena Wray, Garland and Hunter.

266 ReTruths


Sep 14, 2023, 10:54 AM




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f29ec2 No.89816

File: c988189e3dae300⋯.mp4 (946.64 KB,608x340,152:85,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549953 (141611ZSEP23) Notable: Chairman McClintock: Clearly, very bad actors are entering our country through our open southwest border,

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>>>/qresearch/19549448 LB

Chairman McClintock: Clearly, very bad actors are entering our country through our open southwest border, and I'm afraid something terrible is brewing. Either a coordinated terrorist attack by elements that have entered over the last few years, or the kind of cartel violence that has now become so common in Mexico.

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f29ec2 No.89817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549959 (141611ZSEP23) Notable: Arguments end in appeal case over COVID-19 quarantine regulations

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Arguments end in appeal case over COVID-19 quarantine regulations

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — Oral arguments were heard Wednesday morning in an appeal case against the Hochul Administration over quarantine regulations relative to COVID by the NYS Department of Health.

Several protestors were outside the New York State Appellate Court Wednesday morning to protest against quarantine, holding up signs, some of which say “No Quarantine Camps.”

Back in July 2022, Senator George Borello and other plaintiffs won a lawsuit against Governor Hochul and the State Department of Health on a regulation that would allow the Commissioner of Health to issue isolation or quarantine orders to control the spread of a communicable disease. A verdict was ruled against the Hochul Administration, striking down the regulation. NY Attorney General Letitia James then filed an appeal to overturn the ruling on behalf of the Hochul Administration and Department of Health.

Updated COVID-19 booster coming: What you need to know

“If we don’t stop them here, this goes on to other things and it goes to other states, and it goes to other states,” Sen. Borello said in front of supporters gathered outside the courthouse following the oral arguments. “It really crumbles the foundation of our nation, which is individual liberty.”

The plaintiffs involved in the lawsuit are Senator Borello, Assemblymember Chris Tague, Congressman Michael Lawler, and United NYS — a state organization that describes its mission as “fighting to protect our freedoms.”

The five-judge panel is expected to reach its decision on this case in a few months. News8 is told there is still the posibility for the A.G. to appeal again, which would take the case to the state’s highest court.

Governor Hochul also held a press conference Wednesday afternoon regarding current COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. She says that, while the number of cases isn’t as high as it was during the quarantine period, she is encouraging residents to get the updated vaccine.

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f29ec2 No.89818

File: 1ccc683f9f6464a⋯.png (313.46 KB,795x673,795:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549971 (141613ZSEP23) Notable: UK 15 Minute City Down CAP

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mikesmom37 & JoetheReloader




THIS is how it's done!!https://truthsocial.com/group/q/posts/111063129880948031

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f29ec2 No.89819

File: 01146cd7b9d7c7e⋯.mp4 (489.96 KB,608x340,152:85,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549981 (141615ZSEP23) Notable: Nadler: Attacks by foreign-born terrorists on US soil since 9/11 are vanishingly rare.

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>>>/qresearch/19549484 LB

Nadler: Attacks by foreign-born terrorists on US soil since 9/11 are vanishingly rare.

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f29ec2 No.89820

File: eea37cfffe7d6b4⋯.png (711.26 KB,498x931,498:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549985 (141616ZSEP23) Notable: Biden sitting in the Comfy Green Pepe Chair

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Pepe green....

President Biden


House Republicans' trickle-down economic plan cuts taxes for the wealthy – and cuts programs families and seniors count on.

These aren’t your father’s Congressional Republicans.

I’ll speak on this today. And make clear that Bidenomics and MAGAnomics couldn’t be more at odds.

11:07 AM · Sep 14, 2023


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f29ec2 No.89821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550043 (141626ZSEP23) Notable: Gateway Pundit posts anti-rights screed on "owe woe is us, we should never have decriminalized cannabis"

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Gateway Pundit posts anti-rights screed on "owe woe is us, we should never have decriminalized cannabis"


fuck them, fuck their fucking shit abuse of rights

cannabis and ANY MATERIAL SUBSTANCE should never, ever, EVER be banned by government which wasn't granted the right to ban anything; all other rights reserved to states and people!

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f29ec2 No.89822

File: 0aff25172bb100a⋯.jpg (43.53 KB,720x335,144:67,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550060 (141630ZSEP23) Notable: Saudi Arabia executes two military personnel for treason, state media reports

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NEW - Saudi Arabia executes two military personnel for treason, state media reports


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f29ec2 No.89823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550071 (141633ZSEP23) Notable: CNN’s Senior Legal Analyst Says Trump’s Motion For Recusal Is ‘Not Outrageous’

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CNN’s Senior Legal Analyst Says Trump’s Motion For Recusal Is ‘Not Outrageous’ After You See Judge’s Past Statements

September 12, 2023

CNN’s senior legal analyst Elie Honig said Tuesday that former President Donald Trump’s motion to have the judge overseeing his Jan. 6 case recused isn’t “outrageous” given some of the judge’s previous statements.

Trump’s attorneys filed a motion arguingJudge Tanya Chutkan should recuse herself over previous comments she made about Trump when sentencing defendants who were involved in the Jan. 6 riot.

Honig acknowledged the recusal motion is a long shot but said Trump’s thought process isn’t abnormal.

“This is an extreme long shot, legally speaking,” Honig said. “But you can see where Donald Trump’s coming from. It’s not an outrageous motion when you see various statements that Judge Chutkan has made in the course of handling the prosecutions and sentencing of other January 6 rioters.”

“She has said things that seem to pretty clearly suggest that she believed years ago Donald Trump should have been charged, should have been held accountable and she was essentially making the point at this sentencing that, yes, you’re being prosecuted, rightly so, for storming the Capitol, but more responsible people are not.”

“The problem, however, with Donald Trump’s argument legally is that A: it’s really hard to get a judge to recuse himself or herself and B: you can’t base a recusal motion for the most part on something that a judge said during a court proceeding, basically because that’s a judge’s job. They have to take all the evidence in front of them, make decisions, make determinations sometimes about the relative culpability of other people. And so the Supreme Court has basically said if you’re trying to recuse the judge, you have to do it based on something outside of whatever she said in the scope of an actual case in court.”

Trump’s lawyers quoted a portion of the sentencing transcript for a case involving Jan. 6 defendant Christine Priola in which Chutkan said the rioters “were there in fealty, in loyalty, to one man…it’s a blind loyalty to one person, who, by the way, remains free to this day.”

Trump’s lawyers argue the statement meant that “President Trump is free, but should not be.”

Chutkan told another defendant in 2021 that “people who exhorted you and encouraged you and rallied you to go and take action and to fight have not been charged.”

Trump was charged on four counts relating to his alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election in August. Chutkan has set the trial date for March 4, 2024, the day before Super Tuesday.

(Ok this is about the 4th time someone on CNN sided with Trump, whats going on here?)


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f29ec2 No.89824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550083 (141635ZSEP23) Notable: Claudia Tenney Confronts Secretary Granholm with her False Statements and Ethics Violations

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VIDEO: Claudia Tenney Confronts Secretary Granholm with her False Statements and Ethics Violations

"You actually committed perjury"

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f29ec2 No.89825

File: b44d65f055bf62c⋯.mp4 (4.09 MB,608x340,152:85,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550090 (141637ZSEP23) Notable: Biggs: This notion about being concerned about terrorists entering through the southwest border,

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>>89787 LB

Biggs: This notion about being concerned about terrorists entering through the southwest border, which is absolutely open; that's somehow a fiction or speculation, is probably one of the most asinine pieces of testimony I've heard in congress.

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f29ec2 No.89826


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to replace 0021



Lawyer @JasonTorchinsky

Working With @TheDemocrats

To Keep @realDonaldTrump

Off The @GOP Ballot!

Other Holtzman Clients Are @GOP




GOP lawyer with ties to three Trump rivals enters 14th Amendment fray

Lawsuits seeking to bar former president Donald Trump from running for president under the 14th Amendment are expected in at least a dozen states.

6:16 PM · Sep 13, 2023


Lawsuit alleging Trump fomented insurrection adds momentum to legal effort to block him from 2024 presidential ballot

Brandi Buchman Sep 13th, 2023, 1:03 pm


Who is Ronna McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney?


Who is Caroline Wren?


Company website for Caroline Wren redirects to:


Who is Julie Jenkins Fancelli?


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f29ec2 No.89827

File: 5ccd36527eeb685⋯.mp4 (390.79 KB,608x340,152:85,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550153 (141646ZSEP23) Notable: Jayapal: I'm happy to see that the Biden administration is on pace to welcome the highest number of refugees since 2016.

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>>>/qresearch/19549640 LB

Jayapal: I'm happy to see that the Biden administration is on pace to welcome the highest number of refugees since 2016.

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f29ec2 No.89828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550184 (141650ZSEP23) Notable: 1:00 PM EDT How Are Federal Agencies Harnessing Artificial Intelligence?

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1:00 PM EDT

How Are Federal Agencies Harnessing Artificial Intelligence?

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



Dr. Arati Prabhaker


White House Office of Science and Technology Policy


Dr. Craig Martell

Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer

Department of Defense


Eric Hysen

Chief Information Officer

Department of Homeland Security







Federal Agency Heads Testify on Artificial Intelligence

Officials with the White House, Defense and Homeland Security Departments testify on how they’re using artificial intelligence (AI) technology during a hearing before a House Oversight and Accountability subcommittee.


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f29ec2 No.89829

File: 99b4f7604978fd0⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB,608x340,152:85,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550193 (141651ZSEP23) Notable: Tiffany: Parole is a very specific concept in the law here in the United States of American,

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>>>/qresearch/19549667 LB

Tiffany: Parole is a very specific concept in the law here in the United States of American, that is supposed to be done on a case-by-case basis. That was been wiped out by fiat, without passing a law to change the law that enabled parole back in 1954. They have been breaking the law….The reason illegal entries have been going down, is because they've ignored the law.

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f29ec2 No.89830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550202 (141652ZSEP23) Notable: 1:05 PM EDT Vice President Harris Kicks off her National "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour,

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1:05 PM EDT

Vice President Harris Kicks off her National "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour, Hampton, Virginia

Vice President Harris kicks off her national "Fight for Our Freedoms" college tour by participating in a moderated conversation with Terrence J.



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f29ec2 No.89831

File: 2f0786d53fcad10⋯.png (1017.09 KB,1200x1569,400:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550228 (141656ZSEP23) Notable: "If you want to file the motion, file the F****ing motion," McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in the week

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"File The F*cking Motion": McCarthy Melts Down After Gaetz Threatens Removal


THURSDAY, SEP 14, 2023 - 12:40 PM

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has McFucking had it with GOP threats to remove him for failing to perform on a laundry list of demands from his party's Freedom Caucus members.

"If you want to file the motion, file the fucking motion," McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in the week - giving him a list of demands while threatening to bring a motion to vacate McCarthy's chair.


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f29ec2 No.89832

File: 80c90bdd8c93e97⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB,608x340,152:85,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550254 (141700ZSEP23) Notable: Nowrasteh [Cato Institute]: The US immigration system is extremely restrictive

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>Nowrasteh [Cato Institute]: The US immigration system is extremely restrictive. It is very difficult to come here. The idea that we have an open border is ludicrous…if we have an open border, why are people paying five to twenty thousand dollars to be smuggled here? Virginia and Maryland have an open border. I don't have to pay twenty thousand dollars to go from my home in Virginia to Maryland.

>[they pay because the cartels control the border, you criminal apologist]

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f29ec2 No.89833

File: dd1a24d66202e15⋯.jpg (110.08 KB,720x752,45:47,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 481c19cf40edc6d⋯.mp4 (285.74 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550319 (141710ZSEP23) Notable: Nancy Pelosi, "I'm more reptilian and cold-blooded."

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WATCH: Nancy Pelosi, "I'm more reptilian and cold-blooded."

OH SHITNancy admits she is a Reptilian

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f29ec2 No.89834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550444 (141733ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges

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Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges

U.S. Attorney David Weiss was appointed special counsel in the case last month.

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f29ec2 No.89835

File: f26807cda4584f7⋯.png (152.35 KB,526x444,263:222,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550451 (141734ZSEP23) Notable: Happy 76th birthday to Sam Neill. #REDOCTOBER

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Happy 76th birthday to Sam Neill. The great New Zealand actor played Captain Vasily Borodin in 1990's THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER.


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f29ec2 No.89836

File: fa68a010c7034d3⋯.png (492.35 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550514 (141744ZSEP23) Notable: Hungarian Citizen Files Charges of Treason Against Leftist Opposition over Illegal Biden Funding

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Hungarian Citizen Files Charges of Treason Against Leftist Opposition over Illegal Biden Funding

Private Hungarian citizen István Tényi wrote to police and prosecutors, asking that they investigate whether the Hungarian opposition accepted illegal foreign campaign donations from US government funded Soros-aligned NGO Action for Democracy.

The Hungarian secret service revealed the $7.5 million in illegal campaign funding for the communist-fascist alliance which was supported by the EU and the Biden Regime to try and oust popular Hungarian President Viktor Orbán in 2022 elections.

“We are thankful for the hundreds of millions [of Hungarian forints] of support coming from the United States,” said former PM candidate Péter Márki-Zay in June, publicly admitting to receiving HUF 1.8 billion ($4.5 million) in support from “Action for Democracy”.

“The shadowy group sent ($5 million) in mostly U.S. donations through an NGO with close ties to billionaire oligarch George Soros, officials connected with Hillary Clinton, and a number of leading transatlantic organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations”


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f29ec2 No.89837

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550523 (141745ZSEP23) Notable: #24009

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#24009 >>89789

>>89834 Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges

>>89790 Judge severs Trump's Georgia election interference case, and 16 others, from trial starting in October

>>89791 NASA says UFOs are NOT aliens:

>>89792 Spartz: Do you believe the border needs to be secured?

>>89793 President Trump Takes Biggest Lead in Quinnipiac Poll

>>89794 @POTUS has appointed Penny Pritzker as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery

>>89795 Correa: Is the refugee movement something unique to the United States, or is this a worldwide phenomena?

>>89796 Federal Judge Blocks New Mexico Governor’s Gun Ban Effort

>>89797 AG Asst Who Claimed Ken Paxton Took Bribe via Kitchen Remodel Admits Remodel Never Took Place


>>89799 PF B52 eastbound vicinity Fargo

>>89800 Illegal immigrant charged with murder released by New York police because of paperwork delay

>>89801 Lara Logan’s Look Into January 6’s True Attendees

>>89802 Ross: There have been no murders or injuries committed by terrorists

>>89803 Lara Logan First episode just dropped! Please watch

>>89804 Nowrasteh: The one, sure-fire way to get rid of it [cartel control of border], to exclude the black market from this

>>89805 Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Run for Reelection and Will Work to Block Trump in 2024

>>89806 Chairman McClintock: Mr. Nadler assures us that, well don't worry, everybody who comes across is subject to, his words, 'a rigorous vetting procedure'

>>89807 ARIZONA A monsoon thunderstorm with 60-80 mph winds hit North Mesa last night.

>>89808, >>89809, >>89810, >>89811, >>89812 Trump’s First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.

>>89813 Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearing]:

>>89814 Exposing the New Ethnic Studies Curriculum Coming to a School Near You in 2024

>>89815 @Kash "Don't have to do 100 things,3 things…" Subpoena Wray, Garland and Hunter.

>>89816 Chairman McClintock: Clearly, very bad actors are entering our country through our open southwest border,

>>89817 Arguments end in appeal case over COVID-19 quarantine regulations

>>89818 UK 15 Minute City Down CAP

>>89819 Nadler: Attacks by foreign-born terrorists on US soil since 9/11 are vanishingly rare.

>>89820 Biden sitting in the Comfy Green Pepe Chair

>>89821 Gateway Pundit posts anti-rights screed on "owe woe is us, we should never have decriminalized cannabis"

>>89822 Saudi Arabia executes two military personnel for treason, state media reports

>>89823 CNN’s Senior Legal Analyst Says Trump’s Motion For Recusal Is ‘Not Outrageous’

>>89824 Claudia Tenney Confronts Secretary Granholm with her False Statements and Ethics Violations

>>89825 Biggs: This notion about being concerned about terrorists entering through the southwest border,


>>89827 Jayapal: I'm happy to see that the Biden administration is on pace to welcome the highest number of refugees since 2016.

>>89828 1:00 PM EDT How Are Federal Agencies Harnessing Artificial Intelligence?

>>89829 Tiffany: Parole is a very specific concept in the law here in the United States of American,

>>89830 1:05 PM EDT Vice President Harris Kicks off her National "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour,

>>89831 "If you want to file the motion, file the F****ing motion," McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in the week

>>89832 Nowrasteh [Cato Institute]: The US immigration system is extremely restrictive

>>89833 Nancy Pelosi, "I'm more reptilian and cold-blooded."

>>89835 Happy 76th birthday to Sam Neill. #REDOCTOBER

>>89836 Hungarian Citizen Files Charges of Treason Against Leftist Opposition over Illegal Biden Funding


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f29ec2 No.89838

File: e8b7b248f0d3d0c⋯.png (563.41 KB,680x573,680:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550540 (141747ZSEP23) Notable: #24010

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#24010 https://fullchan.net/?a28cad36a6eb2ae0#De1yMWo8JpDsPuyuuEM3Eu7nEeakVp49qxRhSq73XDyH

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f29ec2 No.89839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550569 (141752ZSEP23) Notable: MTG - Hunter Biden has been indicted for three counts of federal gun charges. But where are the indictments for tax fraud, FARA abuse, money laundering, and sex trafficking???

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




🚨🚨🚨 BREAKING: Hunter Biden has been indicted for three counts of federal gun charges

But where are the indictments for tax fraud, FARA abuse, money laundering, and sex trafficking???


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f29ec2 No.89840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550588 (141756ZSEP23) Notable: The Inflation Reduction Act: A Year in Review House Oversight and Accountability Committee

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2:00 PM EDT

The Inflation Reduction Act: A Year in Review

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



Preston Brashers, PhD

Senior Policy Analyst, Tax Policy, Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget

The Heritage Foundation


Joel White


Council for Affordable Health Coverage


Mr. Trevor Higgins (Minority Witness)

Senior Vice President, Energy and Environment

Center for American Progress






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f29ec2 No.89841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550590 (141757ZSEP23) Notable: Digital Dollar Dilemma: The Implications of a Central Bank Digital Currency and Private Sector Alternatives House Financial Services Committee

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2:00 PM EDT

Digital Dollar Dilemma: The Implications of a Central Bank Digital Currency and Private Sector Alternatives

House Financial Services Committee



Mr. Yuval Rooz, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Digital Asset


Ms. Paige Paridon, Senior Vice President and Senior Associate General Counsel, Bank Policy Institute


Ms. Christina Parajon Skinner, Assistant Professor, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania


Dr. Norbert Michel, Vice President and Director, Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives, Cato Institute


Mr. Raúl Carrillo, Academic Fellow, Lecturer in Law, Columbia Law School






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f29ec2 No.89842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550596 (141758ZSEP23) Notable: Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the news media at the Pentagon DoD

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2:30 PM EDT

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the news media at the Pentagon

Department of Defense





Defense Department Briefing

Deputy Defense Department Spokesperson Sabrina Singh briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of issues.


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f29ec2 No.89843

File: ccba69fa3b59311⋯.png (1.11 MB,679x804,679:804,Clipboard.png)

File: cf97264cdc0091e⋯.png (91.52 KB,1035x735,69:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550731 (141826ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Gun Charges – Three Counts Related to Possession of Gun While on Drugs – Hallie Biden Tossed It in the Trash

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Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Gun Charges – Three Counts Related to Possession of Gun While on Drugs – Hallie Biden Tossed It in the Trash

Hunter Biden was indicted on federal gun charges on Thursday.

Biden was indicted in a Delaware court on three counts related to his possession of a firearm while using drugs.

“Two of the counts carry a maximum prison sentence of 10 years, while the third has a maximum of five years,” NBC News reported.

Special Counsel Dave Weiss indicted Hunter Biden after the sweetheart plea deal fell apart last month.

Hunter Biden was charged with “one count of False Statement in Purchase of a Firearm, one count of False Statement Related to Information Required to be Kept By Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer, and one count of Possession of a Firearm by a Person who is an Unlawful User of or Addicted to a Controlled Substance.” ABC News reported.

The Gateway Pundit reported back in October 2020 that his then lover and deceased brother’s widow toss the gun in the trash. She admitted this in an online conversation.

And on the next day, we provided additional text messages from Hunter Biden that were devastating.

In a long text that Hunter sent to a family friend, Hunter exposed all that was going on with him and his family. (See also the Illustrated Primer)

We shared texts where Hunter comes across as borderline crazy. Hunter shared that his dead brother’s wife, Hallie Biden, whom he had an affair with, threw his gun away and the police, FBI and Secret Service got involved. Hallie claimed she did this because she was afraid Hunter would harm himself or the kids!

Below is the text we provided:


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f29ec2 No.89844

File: e1887259a41adfe⋯.jpeg (276.62 KB,960x811,960:811,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550734 (141827ZSEP23) Notable: New Trump Truth - Prosecutor Weiss is appointed by the 2 Democrat Senators of Delaware under Blue Slip!

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New Trump Truth

Prosecutor Weiss is appointed by the 2 Democrat Senators of Delaware under Blue Slip!


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f29ec2 No.89845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550747 (141829ZSEP23) Notable: "File The F*cking Motion": McCarthy Melts Down After Gaetz Threatens Removal

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"File The F*cking Motion": McCarthy Melts Down After Gaetz Threatens Removal

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has McFucking had it with GOP threats to remove him for failing to perform on a laundry list of demands from his party's Freedom Caucus members.

"If you want to file the motion, file the fucking motion," McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in the week - giving him a list of demands while threatening to bring a motion to vacate McCarthy's chair.

Gaetz and other Republicans have slammed McCarthy for dragging his feet on a Biden impeachment inquiry, which the Speaker finally announced earlier in the week. Gaetz, however, says this isn't enough.

McCarthy also faces another episode of shutdown theater, where Republicans pretend they won't budge unless Democrats cut spending, or separate Ukraine funding from the stopgap bill, only to cave at the 11th hour in dramatic fashion.

"I showed frustration in here because I am frustrated," McCarthy told reporters following the GOP meeting. "Frustrated with some people in the conference."

Gaetz fired back after McCarthy's outburst.

"Instead of emotionally cursing, maybe the Speaker should just keep his word from January on balanced budgets, term limits and single-subject spending bills," he told The Hill.

That said, other GOP members are getting a little tired of Gaetz's threats.

"We don’t try to air our laundry but again, you know, to that point, if somebody wants to file a motion to vacate, then file the f—ing motion to vacate, and that’s it," said Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL). "And stop holding up everybody’s work, stop holding it, you know, over people’s head like it’s, you know, like, it’s this noose that you’re going to try to get somebody to walk into."

Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), a close McCarthy ally, also called out Gaetz for holding up a Pentagon appropriations bill on Thursday over demands that McCarthy present them with top-line figures for all 12 appropriations bills that are on the table.

"If we’re going to be able to do our job we need every single member in our conference to show up and face everyone else and then we can work out our differences and fund the government," she said.


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f29ec2 No.89846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550766 (141833ZSEP23) Notable: resident Biden Delivers Remarks on Bidenomics

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2:45 PM EDT

President Biden Delivers Remarks on Bidenomics

Largo, Maryland




President Biden Delivers Remarks in Maryland on the Economy

President Biden delivers remarks on the U.S. economy at Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Maryland, a Washington, DC suburb.


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f29ec2 No.89847

File: ad2f4b12cf8c035⋯.png (56.06 KB,1042x402,521:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550813 (141840ZSEP23) Notable: Max Blumenthal: SecState Tony Blinken Stands to “Make a Lot of Money” Off Ukraine war

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Max Blumenthal: SecState Tony Blinken Stands to “Make a Lot of Money” Off Ukraine war

Speaking to host Russell Brand, leftist Grayzone editor-in-chief Max Blumenthal pointed out that US Secretary of State Tony Blinken stands to “make a lot of money off this war“ through his company WestExec . Ukraine has been “drunk” off of “delusional fantasies out of Washington that they can somehow ‘win’,” Blumenthal said.

“Tony Blinken was recently in Kiev for a more extended period than usual, probably to put the idea of negotiations on the table,” Blumenthal claimed. “This is because of the colossal failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, which the US has been heavily involved in.”

The Gateway Pundit is one of the only media in the US reporting about the catastrophic Meat Grinder the US and UK pushed Ukraine into, which has cost approx. 72,000 Ukrainian casualties since June, according to Russian estimates. Blinken visited Kiev Sept. 6, where he met with Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and President Volodymyr Zelensky, promising another $1 billion in US aid. US funds for Ukraine stand at $110.97 billion, Fox News reported on Tuesday.

“They failed to capture any real territory. They were supposed to cut off the land bridge between Russia and Crimea, which is not going to happen,” Blumenthal said. “Soon there’s going to be rain in the eastern plains of the Donbass region, and it’s going to be impossible to get armor through there.”

“Tony Blinken was recently in Kiev for a more extended period than usual, probably to put the idea of negotiations on the table,” Blumenthal claimed. “This is because of the colossal failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, which the US has been heavily involved in.”

The Gateway Pundit is one of the only media in the US reporting about the catastrophic Meat Grinder the US and UK pushed Ukraine into, which has cost approx. 72,000 Ukrainian casualties since June, according to Russian estimates. Blinken visited Kiev Sept. 6, where he met with Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and President Volodymyr Zelensky, promising another $1 billion in US aid. US funds for Ukraine stand at $110.97 billion, Fox News reported on Tuesday.

“They failed to capture any real territory. They were supposed to cut off the land bridge between Russia and Crimea, which is not going to happen,” Blumenthal said. “Soon there’s going to be rain in the eastern plains of the Donbass region, and it’s going to be impossible to get armor through there.”

“It’s a total failure, so why can’t they negotiate?” Blumenthal asked. “Number one, why should Russia negotiate at this point, when the West has stabbed them… and sabotaged negotiations at every turn, leading to this proxy war? Back in April 2022, the US canceled negotiations between Zelensky and the Kremlin and said, ‘Keep fighting’. And they sabotaged the Minsk Accords before that. So why trust the West?”

“And why negotiate when you could actually start capturing more and more territory?” Blumenthal asked, “Given the terrible state of Ukraine’s military and the hundreds of thousands of casualties they’ve suffered? They don’t have much left, apparently.”

Blumenthal also pointed out that US Secretary of State Tony Blinken, “Has major skin in the game when it comes to continuing this war. He founded a firm called WestExec Advisors, which finesses contracts for the arms industry and Big Tech through the Pentagon and the State Department – him and his former colleagues from the Obama Administration founded this firm to profit off their connections with the major winners of the Ukraine proxy war: Raytheon, LockheedMartin, Palantir – all the Beltway Bandits, as we call them here in Washington.”

Past WestExec partners have included DNI Avril Haines, former Biden spokeswoman Jen Psaki and CIA deputy director David Cohen, The Intercept reported 2021.


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f29ec2 No.89848

File: 6f404ec20d6ab61⋯.png (478.16 KB,830x415,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550824 (141843ZSEP23) Notable: Ex-CIA Employee Guilty of Child Abuse Image Possession.

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Ex-CIA Employee Guilty of Child Abuse Image Possession.

Former CIA employee Joshua Schulte has been convicted for a second time on charges of possessing thousands of child sexual abuse images. The conviction was delivered by a jury in Manhattan federal court, who presented evidence that Schulte had over 3,000 images and videos of child sexual abuse hidden in encrypted areas of his home desktop computer. Schulte, who was previously convicted for releasing agency secrets through WikiLeaks in 2017, could face decades in prison. His sentencing is scheduled for January 10.

The so-called Vault 7 leak, orchestrated by Schulte, exposed the CIA’s hacking of Apple and Android smartphones for overseas spying operations. It also revealed efforts to turn internet-connected televisions into listening devices. In his position as a coder at the agency’s headquarters in Virginia, Schulte had helped create these hacking tools. A mistrial was declared in Schulte’s original 2020 trial due to jurors deadlocking on serious counts such as illegal gathering and transmission of national defense information.


U.S. Attorney Damian Williams released a statement acknowledging Schulte’s accountability for endangering both national security and children. Schulte, 34, has been held in custody without bail since 2018. His lawyer declined to comment on the recent conviction.

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f29ec2 No.89849

File: 0a1782deae531cc⋯.png (251.91 KB,474x268,237:134,Clipboard.png)

File: c2613c5f025b095⋯.png (318.1 KB,258x1024,129:512,Clipboard.png)

File: 515e24e5ce80ee9⋯.png (856.07 KB,1066x738,13:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550848 (141847ZSEP23) Notable: YouTube Censoring Evidence Of Ukrainian Troops Embracing Nazi Symbols

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YouTube Censoring Evidence Of Ukrainian Troops Embracing Nazi Symbols

If you have some genuine information about Nazis in Ukraine, YouTube will prevent you from posting. I tried repeatedly tonight to upload the second video below to YouTube. No deal. The algorithm identified the Nazi content and refused to allow me to upload the video to my YouTube channel. So much for free speech (I had to use Rumble). Repeated denials from Ukraine enthusiasts in America and Europe collapse in the face of these videos and images. This is not AI manufactured content. It is an honest presentation of what some of the units in the Ukrainian Army are celebrating and embracing enthusiastically.

However, remember the “Nazi” Boneface? Turns out he is a fake Nazi and, according to information obtained by Laura Loomer (and I can confirm her source is legit), Boneface is a Confidential Human Informant being run by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Boneface has never been in Ukraine, despite his claims to the contrary. And he is not a CIA asset and the CIA has not paid him a dime to travel overseas. DHS has been trying to use him to keep tabs on the American Nazi movement despite his documented criminal past. I will write in detail about this tomorrow.

Lest you think that YouTube rejects all Nazi content, think again. YouTube is quite happy to allow a documentary on rightwing American Nazis. No problem. Here is one example:

Now look at the following video. This is genuine footage from Ukraine. Americans need to ask themselves a hard question — do we really want to continue to spend billions of dollars propping up a regime that is supported by die-hard Nazis?

Ukraine’s cyber warfare unit is not sitting still. They are churning out provably false information to try to discredit anyone who claims that there are active Nazis in Ukraine. How so? Let me show you one of the images sent to Laura Loomer to ostensibly prove Boneface was in Ukraine. Take a look at the following two images. The top one is allegedly Boneface standing next to a civilian corpse in Ukraine. But it is a sloppy photoshop. Look at the mouth in the top image. The tattoo on the upper lip matches one on the upper lip of Boneface. But that image is a forgery. Look at the second image. That is the original. Notice the different angle on the mouth.

This image is being used by elements of Ukrainian intelligence to discredit Loomer and anyone else who buys into the fantastical tale of Boneface’s claim that he was fighting in Ukraine. He has never been there.


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f29ec2 No.89850

File: 91acfed8815ec61⋯.png (111.87 KB,733x114,733:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550879 (141853ZSEP23) Notable: Corporation loyal to CCP builds battery plants near military bases in Illinois, Michigan

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CCP ally announces another massive project near US military base

Corporation loyal to CCP builds battery plants near military bases in Illinois, Michigan


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f29ec2 No.89851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550880 (141853ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk Admits X/Twitter Has to ‘Play Nice’ with China to Avoid Tesla Trouble, Sees ‘Two Sides’ to Uyghur Genocide

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Elon Musk Admits X/Twitter Has to ‘Play Nice’ with China to Avoid Tesla Trouble, Sees ‘Two Sides’ to Uyghur Genocide

Elon Musk, the billionaire CEO of Tesla and SpaceX and most recently the owner of X/Twitter, has recently come under scrutiny for his willingness to accommodate China’s policies to safeguard Tesla’s business interests based on revelations contained in the recently published biography written by Walter Isaacson.

Mediaite reports that Walter Isaacson’s recent biography of Elon Musk reveals that in a conversation with journalist Bari Weiss, Elon Musk admitted that Twitter — now rebranded as X — would exercise caution in its language concerning China to protect Tesla’s business operations in the country.

Isaacson wrote:

At one point during their two-hour conversation, she asked how Tesla’s business interests in China might affect the way he managed Twitter. Musk got annoyed. That was not what the conversation was supposed to be about. Weiss persisted. Musk said that Twitter would indeed have to be careful about the words it used regarding China, because Tesla’s business could be threatened. China’s repression of the Uyghurs, he said, had two sides. Weiss was disturbed.

Musk’s comments didn’t stop at Twitter’s language policy. When Weiss inquired about China’s genocide of the Uyghurs, which Breitbart News reports extensively on, Musk responded that the issue had “two sides.” This adds another layer of complexity to the ethical questions surrounding Musk’s business relationships in China and their potential influence on his public stances.

Earlier this year, Tesla took a significant step by signing onto a letter pledging commitment to China’s “core socialist values,” making it the only company not based in China to do so. This move was met with both praise and criticism. Chinese authorities lauded Musk for his pro-China call for the reunification of Taiwan, a highly sensitive geopolitical issue. On the other hand, critics argue that such actions indicate a willingness to overlook human rights concerns for the sake of business gains.

Chinese authorities have praised the billionaire for advocating the reunification of Taiwan with China, the U.S.’s geopolitical competitor. Last fall, the Chinese ambassador to the U.S. tweeted: “I would like to thank @elonmusk for his call for peace across the Taiwan Strait and his idea about establishing a special administrative zone for Taiwan. Actually, Peaceful reunification and One Country, Two Systems are our basic principles for resolving the Taiwan question…”

Breitbart News has reported extensively on Musk’s close ties to China. Earlier this year, he claimed that Chinese workers and companies “work the hardest, and they work the smartest.”

When asked about the competition Tesla faces during the release of the company’s financial results on Wednesday, Musk said that he respected car companies in China and referred to the country as the most competitive market in the world. Although he avoided mentioning any specific Chinese automakers, he said, “they work the hardest, and they work the smartest.”

Due to increased competition and waning demand in China, Tesla has been lowering prices in the country. Price reductions in the US and other markets have followed. However, the company’s financial results demonstrated that recent significant price reductions were boosting demand and that the company is reducing costs to continue growing despite what Musk anticipates will be a recession this year.


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f29ec2 No.89852

File: b1e3b30c65e95d6⋯.png (92.89 KB,718x636,359:318,Clipboard.png)

File: 06c39ee45a81f05⋯.png (40.17 KB,586x275,586:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550891 (141855ZSEP23) Notable: Explaining the Senate’s Blue Slip Process

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Explaining the Senate’s Blue Slip Process

Washington—Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following background on the blue-slip policy, which requires senators to sign off on judicial nominees from their states.

This morning’s Judiciary Committee nominations hearing includes a nominee who has yet to receive both blue slips from home-state senators.

The blue-slip policy incentivizes consultation between the White House and home-state senators on judicial nominees, ensuring that nominees are mainstream and well-suited to serve in their states. For example, many senators use bipartisan committees to screen and recommend judicial nominees. The blue slip ensures the White House doesn’t ignore those bipartisan processes, which produce well-qualified candidates.

Fact: The last time a judge was confirmed without two blue slips was 1989, nearly 30 years ago.

Fact: Fewer than five judges have been confirmed without two blue slips in the past 100 years.

Fact: During the administrations of Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, no circuit court or district court nominees were confirmed without blue slips from both home-state senators.

Fact: Chairman Grassley had one policy for President Obama’s nominees. He has a different policy for President Trump’s nominees. From 2015-2016, Chairman Grassley didn’t hold hearings on the following Obama nominees because they didn’t have two blue slips.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Rebecca Haywood (3rd Circuit-Penn.)

Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Lisabeth Tabor Hughes (6th Circuit-Ky.)

U.S. District Court Judge Abdul Kallon (11th Circuit-Ala.)

Former Indiana Supreme Court Justice Myra Selby (7th Circuit-Ind.)

South Carolina Supreme Court Justice Don Beatty (District Court-S.C.)

Former Judge Mary Barzee Flores (Southern District-Fla.)

Judge Dax Lopez (Northern District-Ga.)

Former North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Patricia Timmons-Goodson (Eastern District-N.C.)

Anne Traum (District Court-Nev.)

Fact: Chairman Leahy had a consistent policy for Democratic and Republican presidents. He did not hold a hearing on a single Obama nominee who did not have two blue slips, including when:

Senators initially returned blue slips but later rescinded them.

Judicial vacancies were left open for years.

When Senators had recommended the nominee to the White House in the first place, but then refused to return a blue slip on the same nominee.

When Senators recommended a nominee to the White House for a district court vacancy, but refused to return a blue slip for that same nominee when nominated to a circuit court vacancy.

Fact: During the Obama administration, the blue slip was honored even when senators took years to return their blue slips. Judge Jill Pryor was nominated to the Eleventh Circuit in February 2012, but Senators Isakson and Chambliss did not return their blue slips until April 2014, 803 days later.

Fact: Chairman Grassley has different standards for what qualifies as adequate consultation with home-state senators based on whether the president is a Democrat or a Republican. For example, he didn’t hold a hearing last year for Justice Lisabeth Tabor Hughes, even though Senator McConnell admitted that he had “a back and forth with the administration for a year and a half or two over that particular seat on the Sixth Circuit.”


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f29ec2 No.89853

File: 1f15547c6bea9ab⋯.png (874.68 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550896 (141855ZSEP23) Notable: Give Ukraine More Missiles, Urges Boris Johnson, as Ukraine Hammers Russian Black Sea Fleet at Anchor With Strikes

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Give Ukraine More Missiles, Urges Boris Johnson, as Ukraine Hammers Russian Black Sea Fleet at Anchor With Strikes

The United Kingdom should keep handing over its stocks of advanced cruise missiles, former Prime Minister and key Zelensky ally Boris Johnson has said, as Ukraine continues to strike Russia’s navy.

The West needs “strategic patience” and a “far greater sense of urgency about our programme of military assistance” towards Ukraine, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has written for a British news magazine, as he urged more missiles for Ukraine, and as soon as possible. The shopping list of missiles he has in mind is broad, from UK Storm Shadow cruise missiles, ‘ATACM’ tactical missiles, man-portable air defence missiles, and more Patriot air defence missile batteries.

This is because, Johnson says, Ukraine is capable of pushing back Russia and needs more support. He said: “Even if they can’t do it in the next few weeks – or however much remains of the 2023 fighting season – they can certainly do it next year.”

This is realistic, the ousted British Conservative leader said, because Zelensky says he needs “just 200 more” ballistic missile systems. Fail to stand foursquare behind Ukraine to the end, Johnson warned, and the West would show the world it “flunked it”, signalling democracy could no longer stand up to autocracy.

As reported this week, the U.S. is apparently on the verge of agreeing to send those tactical missile systems soon.

Johnson’s call for more weapons comes as Ukraine uses the British Storm Shadow cruise missiles it has already received as part of its campaign to disable the Russian Black Sea Fleet. A series of strikes this week have reportedly damaged several ships and burnt a shipyard, including a pre-dawn attack on Wednesday against Sevastopol, the home of the Russian fleet.

Ukraine claims the attack destroyed a Russian warship and a submarine: the fact both ships were at dry dock undergoing repairs may have aided the strike, as they were by necessity totally immobile. Images published to social media show what could be the burnt wreckage of a Russian Ropucha-class assault ship, which is claimed to be the ‘Minsk’, a ship of the Baltic Sea Fleet relocated to the Black Sea last year.

The strike early Wednesday morning was by ten cruise missiles and three drones, reports CNN. While Russia claims to have shot down some of these, evidently others got through the anti-air screen. Russia has also claimed it will be able to fully restore the two ships to working condition.

There have also been attempts to take out Russian warships at sea with swarms of drone boats. Russia claims these attempts — at least one on Wednesday and Thursday morning each — were repelled.


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f29ec2 No.89854

File: 09b4240a2dde71b⋯.png (36.98 KB,306x99,34:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550897 (141855ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Legalized Poisoning of 5,500 People’: Oregon County Fights Plan to Spray 473 Acres With Glyphosate

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‘Legalized Poisoning of 5,500 People’: Oregon County Fights Plan to Spray 473 Acres With Glyphosate

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f29ec2 No.89855

File: 41347b2ecdcfc85⋯.png (59.87 KB,579x310,579:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550924 (141900ZSEP23) Notable: DJT Truths

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Sep 14, 2023, 1:42 PM CST

This, the gun charge, is the only crime that Hunter Biden committed that does not implicate Crooked Joe Biden.One down, Eleven to go!The Democrats, with all of their horrible, very unfair, and mostly illegal Witch Hunts, have started a process that is very dangerous for our Country. They have opened the proverbial Pandora’s Box, and it is possible that the USA will never be the same again. SO SAD!!!

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f29ec2 No.89856

File: d1c8a901b43355c⋯.png (33.54 KB,588x223,588:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550937 (141902ZSEP23) Notable: DJT Truths

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Donald J. Trump



Sep 14, 2023, 2:48 PM


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f29ec2 No.89857

File: 2f5f3c9843191a5⋯.png (213.99 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550944 (141903ZSEP23) Notable: Ex-CIA Employee Guilty of Child Abuse Image Possession.

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Well shit Bob

You didn't log out

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f29ec2 No.89858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550970 (141908ZSEP23) Notable: Biden-appointed US attorneys refused to work on Hunter Biden case, FBI agent says

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Biden-appointed US attorneys refused to work on Hunter Biden case, FBI agent says

An FBI agent recently testified that U.S. attorneys appointed by President Joe Biden were uncooperative with Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, the lead prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden for alleged tax offenses. kì

The disclosure raises questions about the integrity of the legal process and has added fuel to the already heated debate on Capitol Hill over the ongoing investigation.

The FBI agent testified before the House Judiciary Committee, confirming earlier allegations made by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley. According to transcripts reviewed by the Daily Caller, the agent stated that Matthew Graves, U.S. Attorney for D.C., and E. Martin Estrada, U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California, “refused to work” with Weiss on charges against Hunter Biden in their respective jurisdictions.

“I remember learning at some point in the investigation that Mr. Weiss would have to go through his other processes because the U.S. Attorney’s Offices had, I guess, in that sense, using that terminology, wasn’t going to partner,” the agent said when asked about Graves.

Graves, who assumed his role as D.C. U.S. Attorney in November 2021, had previously worked for Biden’s presidential campaign and contributed to it financially, according to Senate Judiciary Committee records and FEC filings. Estrada took office in September 2022 and had made prior political donations to Vice President Kamala Harris’ Democratic Senate campaign, according to FEC records.

Addressing the testimony of Gary Shapley, the FBI agent disputed the claim that Weiss lacked final authority over the Hunter Biden case prior to his special counsel designation. “So, again, there had been a process. He would still have the authority to do so. It’s just that now he would do it differently,” the agent clarified.

According to The Daily Caller, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Weiss as special counsel in August after a plea deal involving Hunter Biden fell apart. Weiss subsequently moved to withdraw tax charges against Biden in Delaware, aiming to potentially charge him in D.C. or California. Those charges were dismissed without prejudice by U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika.

These developments come as various committees, including the House Ways and Means Committee, the Judiciary Committee, and the Oversight Committee, continue to investigate allegations of special treatment and political interference in the Hunter Biden case.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has announced that these committees will lead the House’s impeachment inquiry into President Biden.


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f29ec2 No.89859

File: 0b23075473de172⋯.png (782.83 KB,827x1242,827:1242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550977 (141910ZSEP23) Notable: "The problems run vastly deeper and are far worse." - Flynn

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"The problems run vastly deeper and are far worse." - Flynn

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f29ec2 No.89860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550982 (141912ZSEP23) Notable: Major Obama Policy Declared Unconstitutional

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Major Obama Policy Declared Unconstitutional

A federal judge in Texas has ruled an Obama-era immigration policy unconstitutional, setting up the potential for hundreds of thousands of deportations to begin.

On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen ruled that DACA, or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, policy violated the U.S. Constitution, which requires Congress to manage immigration affairs, not the White House. Former President Barack Obama infamously declared that the children of illegal immigrants, referred to as Dreamers, would be protected from deportation through an executive order.

While Judge Hanen did not call for an immediate end to the program while it works its way through the appeals process, he barred the Biden administration from processing any new applications.

“While sympathetic to the predicament of DACA recipients and their families, this Court has expressed its concerns about the legality of the program for some time,” Hanen wrote in his 40-page ruling. “The solution for these deficiencies lies with the legislature, not the executive or judicial branches. Congress, for any number of reasons, has decided not to pass DACA-like legislation … The Executive Branch cannot usurp the power bestowed on Congress by the Constitution — even to fill a void.”

Eight Republican-led states banded together to overturn the policy, and their attention will now turn to a defense of Hanen’s rulings in appeals courts where they will likely continue to call for an end to the program within two years. Judge Hanen maintained that his ruling does not require the federal government to take any action against Dreamers while the case remains active in the courts.

Immigration advocates criticized the ruling and said a final say would ultimately be up to the Supreme Court.

“Judge Hanen has consistently erred in resolving both of these issues, and today’s ruling is more of the same flawed analysis. We look forward to continuing to defend the lawful and much-needed DACA program on review in higher courts,” said Thomas Saenz, president and general counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the administration is “deeply disappointed” by the ruling.

“We are deeply disappointed in today’s DACA ruling from the District Court in Southern Texas,” press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement Wednesday night. “… As we have long maintained, we disagree with the District Court’s conclusion that DACA is unlawful, and will continue to defend this critical policy from legal challenges. While we do so, consistent with the court’s order, DHS will continue to process renewals for current DACA recipients and DHS (the Department of Homeland Security) may continue to accept DACA applications.”

Judge Hanen, appointed in 2002 by former President George W. Bush, previously ruled against DACA in 2021 saying it had not been subject to public notice and comment periods required under the federal Administrative Procedures Act. Though the president claimed to have revamped the program by including a public comment period, Hanen concluded the underlying nature of DACA had not changed and was still unconstitutional.

The program has faced a roller coaster of court challenges over the years.

In 2016, the Supreme Court deadlocked 4-4 over an expanded DACA and a version of the program for parents of DACA recipients. In 2020, the high court ruled 5-4 that the Trump administration improperly ended DACA, allowing it to stay in place.

There were 578,680 people enrolled in DACA at the end of March, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, according to the Associated Press.


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f29ec2 No.89861

File: e78ce257f66b294⋯.png (1.03 MB,1339x884,103:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19550997 (141916ZSEP23) Notable: Pf Reports

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Sum it




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f29ec2 No.89862

File: 1d3bdd04b48c716⋯.png (282.16 KB,603x631,603:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551002 (141916ZSEP23) Notable: NEW via @AP: "Pope Francis (@Pontifex) and @BillClinton set discussion on climate change at @ClintonGlobal Initiative."

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Clinton Foundation


NEW via @AP: "Pope Francis (@Pontifex) and @BillClinton set discussion on climate change at @ClintonGlobal Initiative."



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f29ec2 No.89863

File: 667f1c14df6258c⋯.png (831.48 KB,1339x886,1339:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551006 (141917ZSEP23) Notable: Pf Reports

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>Uhm, banning innocuous memes and poasts, maybe? Look, BO




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f29ec2 No.89864

File: 5972878c32bf530⋯.png (681.18 KB,1339x886,1339:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551013 (141919ZSEP23) Notable: Pf Reports

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f29ec2 No.89865

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551018 (141919ZSEP23) Notable: GOP rep calls for impeachment inquiry into Biden energy secretary Granholm: 'she lied, under oath'

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GOP rep calls for impeachment inquiry into Biden energy secretary Granholm: 'she lied, under oath'

Granholm admitted in June that she gave false testimony when speaking under oath about her stock ownership

Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney of New York called for Congress to launch an impeachment inquiry into Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Thursday for giving false testimony to Congress about her family's stock ownership.

Tenney called for the investigation during remarks, shared in advance to Fox News Digital, at a House Science and Technology Committee hearing where Granholm testified about her agency's science and technology priorities. Tenney, who is the first lawmaker to demand an impeachment inquiry into Granholm, cited a series of violations she said Granholm has made since taking office in 2021.

"Since taking office in January of 2021, Secretary Granholm has violated the Hatch Act multiple times," Tenney remarked during the hearing. "She owned Proterra stock while her boss, President Biden, repeatedly promoted the company. Her husband owned Ford stock while she personally promoted the companies’ work with official resources."

"And most critically, she lied, under oath, to Congress, claiming that you did not own any individual stocks when in fact she did. If anyone would like to dispute these charges, all the evidence you need is in the articles I submitted into the record," the New York Republican continued.

Tenney added that Granholm "chose to ignore the rules and lied to Congress under oath." She cited the Department of Energy's ethics guidelines which state that "public service is a public trust; employees must place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws, and ethical principles above private gain."

"That's perjury, period," Tenney continued. "Why should you not resign or why should we not consider some kind of impeachment inquiry into you for your perjury charges?" Tenney said.

In June, Granholm admitted in a letter to lawmakers that she falsely testified under oath during a Senate hearing in April that she didn't own any individual stocks.

While Granholm divested from a variety of stocks in 2021, she acknowledged in the letter — which was sent to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee leadership — that she maintained shares of six companies worth up to $120,000. On April 20, however, Granholm testified in response to a question from Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., that she had sold all of her shares of individual companies.

In addition, Granholm said she discovered on May 13 that her husband Daniel Mulhern owned $2,457.89 worth of shares in Ford Motor Company. Those shares were then sold on May 15, a Monday, when the stock market opened.

"As a public servant, I take very seriously the commitment to hold myself to the highest ethical standards, and I regret the accidental omission of my spouse’s interest in Ford," Granholm wrote in the letter. "This is a commitment I made to you, the President, and most importantly the American people."

And in response to Tenney's questions Thursday, Granholm said she had made an honest mistake during the April hearing.

"Of course I do not believe it's okay to violate ethics laws. Nor does anyone else in the Department of Energy," Granholm told Tenney. "I made a mistake when I testified saying that I had sold all stock. I honestly thought we had."

Granholm has also sparked criticism for maintaining shares of electric vehicle maker Proterra after being confirmed to lead the Energy Department and while the White House promoted the company. She also violated the STOCK Act nine times by failing to disclose $240,000 worth of stock sales within the legally-mandated time frame.

And last year, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel found Granholm guilty of violating the Hatch Act during a 2021 interview where she explicitly endorsed Democratic Party candidates in her official capacity as energy secretary.


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f29ec2 No.89866

File: ba22b23c8940cc5⋯.png (732.17 KB,1339x883,1339:883,Clipboard.png)

File: d05d91770000c16⋯.png (820.13 KB,1338x884,669:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551040 (141922ZSEP23) Notable: Pf Reports

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f29ec2 No.89867

File: 040c18ab80ee740⋯.png (862.92 KB,1342x885,1342:885,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551056 (141924ZSEP23) Notable: Pf Reports

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>It's the littlest tics that have the most information.

Intentional? Keck!


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f29ec2 No.89868

File: 2549c5fc80761b4⋯.png (619.96 KB,1367x881,1367:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551067 (141926ZSEP23) Notable: Pf Reports

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Core DT 1 is The Holy Head!

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f29ec2 No.89869

File: ebb66b83b83e949⋯.png (393.1 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551100 (141932ZSEP23) Notable: That a Threat? Zelensky Warns Ukrainians in Europe Could Act ‘Unpredictably’ if Western Aid Is Cut

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That a Threat? Zelensky Warns Ukrainians in Europe Could Act ‘Unpredictably’ if Western Aid Is Cut

13 Sep 2023

Don’t push Ukrainians into a corner by cutting Western support for the war or else the millions of refugees who have presently “behaved well” in Europe may start to act unpredictably, President Zelensky has said.

Speaking to a British centre-left-leaning news magazine, the Ukrainian President has made remarks that may to some ears sound like a threat, or at least a dire warning, as he spoke of the possible negative consequences for European nations if they reduced the donations and aid given to his country.

While the interview with the Economist largely paraphrases Zelensky’s words — as a non-native speaker his English can be a little convoluted — the meaning appears from their writing to be clear, as the magazine warns curtailing aid would “create risks for the West in its own backyard” .

“There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in

European countries would react to their country being abandoned”, Zelensky is reported to have intoned, saying while they are grateful for the asylum they had been given during the war and had “behaved well” so far, this could apparently not be guaranteed to continue.

In perhaps some of the darkest words Zelensky has had for his European allies during the war, the magazine reports he told them: “…it would not be a ‘good story’ for Europe if it were to ‘drive these people into a corner’.” ‘We Waited Too Long’ for Western Weapons Before Starting Counteroffensive, Says Zelensky.

The comments came in the context of a discussion on how to end the war sooner, and Zelensky’s intuition of “a change of mood” in Western leaders away from bottomless support as long as it will take as the counteroffensive falters. “I see that he or she is not here, not with us”, he said of the new attitude towards Ukraine he claims to have detected.

Portraying things in black-and-white George W. Bush-like terms, he told the magazine: “If you are not with Ukraine, you are with Russia, and if you are not with Russia, you are with Ukraine. And if partners do not help us, it means they will help Russia to win. That is it.”

While perhaps the starkest yet, these remarks are not the first time Zelensky has made clearhe believed there are consequences waiting for Western nations that fail to help him rout the Russian invasion. As reported this week, Zelensky told CNN that it was better for Europe to fund and arm him now than to let Russia win and leave them emboldened to invade European Union and NATO member states next. Rhetorically, he asked: “You can feel it when your family is under attack. You really want to try it? I cannot recommend it”.

There are four million Ukrainian refugees in Europe, according to the European Union, with a million apiece in Poland and Germany alone, with a further 210,000 in the United Kingdom. While it is broadly presumed most will want to go home when the war finished, some research challenged this perception.

As reported, a German study found earlier this year that 44 per cent of those surveyed said they want to stay in Germany “forever” or at least for “a few more years”, with just 31 per cent wanting to return to their homeland upon the conclusion of the war.

(I get the feeling that at the start of the war, Zelensky et al, sent Nazis & terrorists in all Western Ally countries, to start a war if the West doesn’t fulfill all their promises.)


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f29ec2 No.89870

File: 65471206a93668e⋯.png (651.35 KB,1017x1555,1017:1555,Clipboard.png)

File: dbf321589b5ae91⋯.mp4 (5.53 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 3900135ff548f8c⋯.png (1.1 MB,956x1379,956:1379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551211 (141947ZSEP23) Notable: 'Has your ego cost Ukrainian lives?' Elon Musk was questioned by a Sky News reporter after the billionaire admitted thwarting a Ukrainian attack on Russia

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'Has your ego cost Ukrainian lives?'

Elon Musk was questioned by a Sky News reporter after the billionaire admitted thwarting a Ukrainian attack on Russia

Bodyguards might need to drop the "slim fit" look

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f29ec2 No.89871

File: 7b2941090fe4463⋯.jpg (292.54 KB,702x1006,351:503,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551297 (141958ZSEP23) Notable: #24010

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Final dump

...It's like watching the chess pieces all being moved, at once.


#24010 >>89838

>>89839 MTG - Hunter Biden has been indicted for three counts of federal gun charges. But where are the indictments for tax fraud, FARA abuse, money laundering, and sex trafficking???

>>89840 The Inflation Reduction Act: A Year in Review House Oversight and Accountability Committee

>>89841 Digital Dollar Dilemma: The Implications of a Central Bank Digital Currency and Private Sector Alternatives House Financial Services Committee

>>89842 Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the news media at the Pentagon DoD

>>89843 Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Gun Charges – Three Counts Related to Possession of Gun While on Drugs – Hallie Biden Tossed It in the Trash

>>89844 New Trump Truth - Prosecutor Weiss is appointed by the 2 Democrat Senators of Delaware under Blue Slip!

>>89845 "File The F*cking Motion": McCarthy Melts Down After Gaetz Threatens Removal

>>89846 resident Biden Delivers Remarks on Bidenomics

>>89847 Max Blumenthal: SecState Tony Blinken Stands to “Make a Lot of Money” Off Ukraine war

>>89848, >>89857 Ex-CIA Employee Guilty of Child Abuse Image Possession.

>>89849 YouTube Censoring Evidence Of Ukrainian Troops Embracing Nazi Symbols

>>89850 Corporation loyal to CCP builds battery plants near military bases in Illinois, Michigan

>>89851 Elon Musk Admits X/Twitter Has to ‘Play Nice’ with China to Avoid Tesla Trouble, Sees ‘Two Sides’ to Uyghur Genocide

>>89852 Explaining the Senate’s Blue Slip Process

>>89853 Give Ukraine More Missiles, Urges Boris Johnson, as Ukraine Hammers Russian Black Sea Fleet at Anchor With Strikes

>>89854 ‘Legalized Poisoning of 5,500 People’: Oregon County Fights Plan to Spray 473 Acres With Glyphosate

>>89855, >>89856 DJT Truths

>>89858 Biden-appointed US attorneys refused to work on Hunter Biden case, FBI agent says

>>89859 "The problems run vastly deeper and are far worse." - Flynn

>>89860 Major Obama Policy Declared Unconstitutional

>>89861, >>89863, >>89864, >>89866, >>89867, >>89868 Pf Reports

>>89862 NEW via @AP: "Pope Francis (@Pontifex) and @BillClinton set discussion on climate change at @ClintonGlobal Initiative."

>>89865 GOP rep calls for impeachment inquiry into Biden energy secretary Granholm: 'she lied, under oath'

>>89869 That a Threat? Zelensky Warns Ukrainians in Europe Could Act ‘Unpredictably’ if Western Aid Is Cut

>>89870 'Has your ego cost Ukrainian lives?' Elon Musk was questioned by a Sky News reporter after the billionaire admitted thwarting a Ukrainian attack on Russia


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f29ec2 No.89872

File: ec4a4372c04da2c⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 152400a0884f06e⋯.png (139.88 KB,306x527,18:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551339 (142004ZSEP23) Notable: CNN just spent an entire segment documenting how Joe Biden is a pathological liar

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Charlie Kirk


CNN just spent an entire segment documenting how Joe Biden is a pathological liar:

Witnessed a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh in 2022 - FALSE

Grandfather died just days before his own birth at the same hospital - FALSE

Conversation with Amtrak conductor (who was already dead) - FALSE

Arrested during a civil rights protest - FALSE

Used to drive an 18-wheeler - FALSE

Visited Pittsburgh synagogue and site of 2018 mash shooting - FALSE

This isn’t senility. Thirty-five years ago Biden was already plagiarizing foreign speeches and lying about his grades in college.

When you lie about small things you lie about big things. If Biden can’t stop fabricating inane personal stories, imagine the whoppers he's told about Burisma, Hunter, Ukraine, MBNA, China, etc.


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f29ec2 No.89873

File: 8f2583052c09e08⋯.png (893.75 KB,845x675,169:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551341 (142005ZSEP23) Notable: #24011

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...Hope it isn't fucked.

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f29ec2 No.89874

File: dfe55039d4ecc96⋯.jpeg (957.57 KB,1170x1600,117:160,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551374 (142009ZSEP23) Notable: Train car carrying toxic perchloric acid explodes in Nebraska rail yard: Evacuation orders issued for four mile radius as huge plume of smoke fills sky above North Platte

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING NEWS: Train car carrying toxic perchloric acid explodes in Nebraska rail yard: Evacuation orders issued for four mile radius as huge plume of smoke fills sky above North Platte


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f29ec2 No.89875

File: 3ed76c158ebf6b7⋯.jpeg (649.63 KB,892x5527,892:5527,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551375 (142010ZSEP23) Notable: Saudis co-hosting UN event aimed at revamping Israeli-Palestinian peace process

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Saudis co-hosting UN event aimed at revamping Israeli-Palestinian peace process


Saudi Arabia will be co-hosting an event on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly next week focused on revamping the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, three UN diplomats told The Times of Israel on Thursday.

The event, titled “Peace Day Effort for Middle East Peace,” will take place on Monday and is being put on by Saudi Arabia along with the Arab League and the European Union in cooperation with Egypt and Jordan, one of the diplomats said.UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will be the keynote speaker.

Neither the Israeli nor the Palestinian missions were invited to the event, the UN diplomat said, explaining that it is focused on congregating important global stakeholders on the issue in order to “reinvigorate” the peace process.

The current hardline Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has refused to entertain the notion of peace talks with the Palestinian Authority, instead moving to radically expand Israel’s footprint in the West Bank. The PA supports a two-state solution, but its leadership is marred by charges of corruption and President Mahmoud Abbas was roundly criticized last week for a speech employing a range of antisemitic tropes. Both Netanyahu and Abbas will be at the UN next week.

The event is the latest effort by Saudi Arabia to engage in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as it negotiates with US President Joe Biden’s administration about a potential normalization agreement with Israel.

Last week, Riyadh hosted a Palestinian Authority delegation to discuss how to leverage a normalization deal to advance the Palestinian cause.

Saudi Arabia did host a ministerial meeting at the UN General Assembly sidelines last year on the issue, but that event was to mark the 20th anniversary of the proposal of the Arab Peace Initiative.

Diplomats gather at a meeting convened by Saudi Arabia on the sidelines of the UNGA in New York to discuss the Arab Peace Initiative on September 20, 2022. (Saudi Foreign Ministry)

Riyadh has since gradually moved away from that proposal, which offered Israel normalization with the entire Arab League only after it reached a two-state solution with the Palestinians.

Saudi leaders assured the visiting delegation last week that Riyadh “will not abandon” the Palestinian cause, even as it discusses normalizing ties with Israel, a US and an Arab official told The Times of Israel on Wednesday.

The message was passed along in multiple meetings between the Palestinian Authority delegation and senior Saudi officials, including Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan, the US and the Arab official said.

There will be follow-upconversations between US, Israeli, Palestinian and Saudi officials on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly next week, but Riyadh will likely need several months to study the issue further before raising specific demands in its talks with the Biden administration, according to the two officials.

“The appointment of an ambassador helps, but they really are new to this issue,” the US official said.

Last month, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Jordan began serving as Riyadh’s first-ever nonresident ambassador to the Palestinians as well as its first-ever nonresident consul general to Jerusalem.

The Arab official explained that Riyadh has made clear to Ramallah that it is prepared to depart from its long-held public stance against normalizing ties with Israel absent an actualized two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and that the PA has come to terms with this development and accordingly is asking for measures that fall short of immediate statehood.

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f29ec2 No.89876

File: c076207bd4d6fdd⋯.png (598.71 KB,1115x878,1115:878,Clipboard.png)

File: 6069f8a3a1ae5d8⋯.png (106.76 KB,768x922,384:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 65967c03bf47808⋯.png (106.45 KB,792x922,396:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ca88ecb43e600b⋯.png (102.29 KB,765x908,765:908,Clipboard.png)

File: f8a1695cb703e4d⋯.png (92.08 KB,785x883,785:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551381 (142010ZSEP23) Notable: Missed Red Flags: Leak Exposes Swiss Asset Management Firm’s Work for Clients Accused of Fraud and Corruption

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Missed Red Flags: Leak Exposes Swiss Asset Management Firm’s Work for Clients Accused of Fraud and Corruption

A data leak from Finaport, an asset manager based in Zurich, shows the firm worked with clients that included politically exposed persons, two Russians accused of embezzling funds from a bank they owned, and a businessman accused of insurance fraud.

Key Findings

A data leak in 2022 from Finaport shows that this asset management company provided services to clients who were embroiled in legal scandals at the time.

A Finaport client withdrew more than $500 million from an account at a Russian bank that later collapsed.

Another client established bank accounts under an alternative identity and moved money into it despite concerns raised by banking compliance.

Finaport also worked with a businesswoman who was the romantic partner of the head of a Russian state-owned firm which has supported the war effort in Ukraine.

On the surface, the client roster of the boutique Swiss investment firm Finaport Holding might appear exceptionally clean.

Between 2017 and 2019, the company — which manages bank accounts, companies, and other assets for its wealthy clients — filed just two alerts of suspicious transactions to the Swiss regulator, according to an internal audit.

Yet over that same period, Finaport represented over a dozen clients who had high-level political connections, were accused of corruption, or were facing criminal charges.

These customers included a former Afghan minister fired amid corruption accusations, a Peruvian politician connected to the massive “Car Wash” bribery scandal, and the son of a former Uzbekistan intelligence chief. But many of those with the clearest red flags were Russian.

Finaport said the information in the leak was an “arbitrary, out-of-date and incomplete selection,” and that “drawing conclusions from it for Finaport’s business activities leads to false and/or misleading insinuations.”


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f29ec2 No.89877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551398 (142013ZSEP23) Notable: Trump tells Megyn Kelly ‘I don’t know who’ gave Fauci commendation he signed (and more)

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Trump tells Megyn Kelly ‘I don’t know who’ gave Fauci commendation he signed

Former President Donald Trump pleaded ignorance to journalist Megyn Kelly when asked about his elevation of Dr. Anthony Fauci during the COVID-19 pandemic — insisting he had no idea who was responsible for awarding the doctor a presidential commendation signed by Trump before he departed the White House.

“Not only did you not fire Fauci, who is loathed by many — millions of Republicans in particular, but also some Democrats — you made him a star,” Kelly said during an interview that aired Thursday on SiriusXM.

“This is the criticism of you, that you made him the face of the White House Coronavirus Task Force — he was out at every presser — that he was running herd for the administration on COVID, and that you actually gave him a presidential commendation before you left office. Wouldn’t you like a do-over on that?” she asked.

“Ah … I don’t know who have him the commendation,” Trump, 77, responded. “I really don’t know who gave him the commendation.”

“It’s a presidential commendation,” Kelly cut him off.

“I know,” Trump responded.

“One went out to Mark Milley, too,” Kelly said, referring to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, whom Trump has also criticized.

“Somebody probably handed him a commendation,” said Trump of the honor, which was awarded to Fauci during Trump’s last full day in office, Jan. 19, 2021 — and bore his signature.


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f29ec2 No.89878

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551410 (142016ZSEP23) Notable: Attorney General Bailey Files Suit Against Dollar General for Deceptive Pricing

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Missouri AG taking on Dollar General about deceptive pricing.

Attorney General Bailey Files Suit Against Dollar General for Deceptive Pricing

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f29ec2 No.89879

File: da96a0a4e3e3808⋯.png (10.13 KB,311x170,311:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551425 (142018ZSEP23) Notable: Jack Poso - INCOMING

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13:58 = 17

Jack Poso 🇺🇸



1:58 PM · Sep 14, 2023


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f29ec2 No.89880

File: 2a768e87dbef578⋯.png (2.3 MB,2314x1324,1157:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551427 (142018ZSEP23) Notable: Trump tells Megyn Kelly ‘I don’t know who’ gave Fauci commendation he signed (and more)

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All segments of Megan Kelly interview of Trump up now - including that disappointing one about vaccines.


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f29ec2 No.89881

File: 74c14b3b5bfeb1e⋯.mp4 (4.75 MB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551451 (142023ZSEP23) Notable: Trump tells Megyn Kelly ‘I don’t know who’ gave Fauci commendation he signed (and more)

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f29ec2 No.89882

File: dc76c8d8607fd6a⋯.png (411.05 KB,992x783,992:783,Clipboard.png)

File: 937d1a165aca85c⋯.png (426.3 KB,1123x532,1123:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551493 (142032ZSEP23) Notable: Iran maintains its intent to "plot attacks" against "current and former" US officials in retaliation for Soleimani's death — DHS

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NEW - Iran maintains its intent to "plot attacks" against "current and former" US officials in retaliation for Soleimani's death — DHS

2:43 PM · Sep 14, 2023·105.5K Views

4 Homeland Threat Assessment 2024

''• Iran maintains its intent to plot attacks against current and former US government officials

in retaliation for the 2020 death ot Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-

QF) Commander and designated foreign terrorist Qassem Soleimani. Iran relies on individuals

with pre-existing access to the United States for surveillance and lethal plotting—using dual

nationals, members of criminal networks, and private investigators—and has attempted plots

that do not require international travel for operatives. In August 2022, the DOJ indicted an

IRGC-QF member for allegedly conspiring to assassinate a former US National Security Advisor

between late 2021 to mid-2022. Iran's surrogate ''

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f29ec2 No.89883

File: 4debcaeee3b8c37⋯.jpg (165.67 KB,720x1120,9:14,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5d695a5f2d57ce8⋯.png (168.42 KB,710x1682,355:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551510 (142035ZSEP23) Notable: Mr. Nunes posted 17 popcorns last night. He knows what he dun did. Didn't even have to ask this time kek.

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>>>/qresearch/19551276 lb

Reposting: Mr. Nuney posted 17 popcorns last night. He knows what he dun did. Didn't even have to ask this time kek. o7

Sep 14, 2023, 12:45 AM


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f29ec2 No.89884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551513 (142035ZSEP23) Notable: Trump tells Megyn Kelly ‘I don’t know who’ gave Fauci commendation he signed (and more)

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Former President Donald Trump on Not Firing Fauci, Lockdowns, COVID Vaccines, and More

Megyn Kelly


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f29ec2 No.89885

File: 0762162b094bcaa⋯.png (808.63 KB,998x1626,499:813,Clipboard.png)

File: 830d772d8be1379⋯.png (4.11 MB,1920x1440,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551528 (142040ZSEP23) Notable: Train car carrying toxic perchloric acid explodes in Nebraska rail yard: Evacuation orders issued for four mile radius as huge plume of smoke fills sky above North Platte

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🚨#BREAKING: A Four Mile Evacuation has been Ordered after a Railcar carrying toxic chemicals explodes Unleashing Hazardous Toxic Smoke

📌#Northplatte | #Nebraska

Currently Numerous Authorities and hazmat crews are one the scene of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks in North platte Nebraska due to several railcars catching on fire and exploding releasing heavy Hazardous toxic smoke in the air as one containers that caught fire contained a hazardous chemical called perchloric acid. Officials have sent out a emergency warning and are currently evacuating people within a four-mile radius of the explosion. The Union Pacific Railroad says that there was no derailment, and the affected railcar had been stationary in the yard for a couple of hours prior to the incident. The cause of the explosion is currently under investigation.

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f29ec2 No.89886

File: 2a25b4de19c60d9⋯.png (57.39 KB,991x394,991:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551541 (142042ZSEP23) Notable: Spanish police has arrested three Real Madrid players for allegedly sharing a sexual video involving a minor, local media reports

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BREAKING: Spanish police has arrested three Real Madrid players for allegedly sharing a sexual video involving a minor, local media reports

1:08 PM · Sep 14, 2023 · 40.2K Views

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f29ec2 No.89887

File: e5cddbd9f4232d6⋯.jpeg (349.58 KB,1170x867,390:289,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551542 (142043ZSEP23) Notable: Rudy knew yesterday "Where's Hunter?"

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Rudy knew yesterday.


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f29ec2 No.89888

File: 4ed366beb489b07⋯.png (60.16 KB,1091x934,1091:934,Clipboard.png)

File: 812ba512c1fc91b⋯.png (359.17 KB,842x776,421:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551575 (142049ZSEP23) Notable: GATEWAY PUNDIT TO BATTLE BIDEN WHITE HOUSE-FBI AT US SUPREME COURT

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Gateway Pundit





By Jim Hoft HUGE DEVELOPMENT in the Missouri and Louisiana (and Gateway Pundit) v.

Sep 14, 2023, 4:22 PM


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f29ec2 No.89889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551576 (142050ZSEP23) Notable: GATEWAY PUNDIT TO BATTLE BIDEN WHITE HOUSE-FBI AT US SUPREME COURT

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HUGE DEVELOPMENT in the Missouri and Louisiana (and Gateway Pundit) v. Biden First Amendment lawsuit challenging the government’s collusion with Big Tech to suppress the speech of millions of Americans.


Sources sent Gateway Pundit a copy of an unfiled legal document the Department of Justice’ (DOJ) appears to have leaked to the friendly press. The document is a draft Motion to Stay, to be filed at the U.S. Supreme Court. The draft motion asks the Supreme Court to stay (halt) last week’s ruling by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. There, the government had asked the Court of Appeals to reverse Judge Terry Doughty’s (United States District Court for the District of Louisiana) Preliminary Injunction (court order forcing government to stop), which ordered the Biden White House, the FBI, the DOJ, and scores of other government defendants to immediately cease censoring Americans’ speech on the internet.



Instead, the 5th Circuit tried to split the baby: it upheld Judge Doughty’s courageous injunction, but only as to the White House, the CDC, the FBI, and the Surgeon General while letting the rest of the government defendants off the hook.

After the 5th Circuit’s ruling, there was some question and speculation as to what the government’s next course of action would be – there were numerous strategic legal options for them to pursue, with a possible Supreme Court challenge perhaps being the most direct path.

This leaked DOJ Motion to Stay indicates that the DOJ is going to try and reverse the portion of the injunction left in place by the 5th Circuit. That is, the DOJ is going to try and stop the order (injunction) stopping the White House, CDC, FBI, and Surgeon General from censoring speech and overturning the 5th Circuit.

However, this also gives Gateway Pundit, Missouri, Louisiana, and the other plaintiffs in the case the opportunity to argue the whole 5th Circuit order – to ask the Supreme Court to issue an injunction against ALL OF THE GOVERNMENT DEFENDANTS TO IMMEDIATELY STOP COLLUDING WITH BIG TECH TO CENSOR SPEECH.

Additional plaintiffs, joining Hoft and the State of Missouri, include the State of Louisiana, epidemiologists Drs. Jayanta Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty and Jill Hines.

This is a huge development. Generations of law students will read about this case. The Supreme Court will have an opportunity to hold the line on the First Amendment in a decision that could and should set the tone for First Amendment law for the next 50 years.

Please Pray for us.

And please help cover our costs if you are able.


“Order issued by Justice Alito: UPON CONSIDERATION of the application of counsel for the applicant, IT IS ORDERED that the preliminary injunction issued on July 4, 2023, by the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, case No. 3:22-cv-01213, is hereby administratively stayed until 11:59 p.m. (EDT) on Friday, September 22, 2023. It is further ordered that any response to the application be filed on or before Wednesday, September 20, 2023, by 4 p.m. (EDT)”


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f29ec2 No.89890

File: b3f69b98b7557ac⋯.jpeg (672.4 KB,1125x1325,45:53,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a4e4088a3eea1ff⋯.jpeg (575.98 KB,1125x1780,225:356,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 861b2e5ad660f75⋯.jpeg (336.56 KB,1125x1123,1125:1123,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551662 (142103ZSEP23) Notable: Q PROOF? Pandora's Box again re: Hunter

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Pandora’s Box

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f29ec2 No.89891

File: 9bf04b21d05828f⋯.png (407.73 KB,768x511,768:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551723 (142113ZSEP23) Notable: GATEWAY PUNDIT TO BATTLE BIDEN WHITE HOUSE-FBI AT US SUPREME COURT

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BREAKING: Missouri/Lousiana/Gateway Pundit Case Against Biden WH/FBI Goes To SCOTUS – Biggest First Amendment Case in Modern US History! Supreme Court to decide if Government should stop colluding with Big Tech to Censor Speech.


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f29ec2 No.89892

File: 13d8c8d771ecd53⋯.png (783.33 KB,768x511,768:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551728 (142114ZSEP23) Notable: White House memo 'asks' media to quit asking questions about Biden and focus on Trump

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White House memo 'asks' media to quit asking questions about Biden and focus on Trump

The massive, bold red headline on the Drudge Report screamed:


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f29ec2 No.89893

File: d0730974197c672⋯.jpg (209.86 KB,720x1175,144:235,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 94ca87f86e50f03⋯.jpg (85.1 KB,598x746,299:373,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551729 (142115ZSEP23) Notable: Nanshee and the Soros crotch spawn meet

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George Soros’ son Alex with Nancy Pelosi today

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f29ec2 No.89894

File: 96ebaa6b8aac7e9⋯.png (395.56 KB,650x433,650:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551730 (142115ZSEP23) Notable: Another One Bites the Dust: New Hampshire Slaps Down Latest Attempt to Keep Trump off the Ballot

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Another One Bites the Dust: New Hampshire Slaps Down Latest Attempt to Keep Trump off the Ballot


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f29ec2 No.89895

File: 8b09595a5b7c7d7⋯.png (526.26 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551733 (142115ZSEP23) Notable: Train car carrying toxic perchloric acid explodes in Nebraska rail yard: Evacuation orders issued for four mile radius as huge plume of smoke fills sky above North Platte

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Nebraska rail car fire prompts emergency evacuations

The incident happened on Union Pacific Railroad tracks in the city of North Platte earlier today, and has sparked widespread evacuations from the city in Nebraska.


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f29ec2 No.89896

File: 681648e596836cb⋯.png (845.68 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551740 (142116ZSEP23) Notable: FBI lawyer Lisa Page divorces husband who stuck by her when she was outed over affair with her boss Peter Strzok while investigating then-president Trump

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FBI lawyer Lisa Page divorces husband who stuck by her when she was outed over affair with her boss Peter Strzok while investigating then-president Trump


FBI lawyer Lisa Page who had affair with Peter Strzok has DIVORCED'''

Divorce papers filed in DC and obtained by DailyMail.com show the 44-year-old lawyer has formally ended her marriage to non-profit executive Joseph Burrow


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f29ec2 No.89897

File: f4bae3f3fc794f9⋯.png (494 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551762 (142119ZSEP23) Notable: US power centers shift to Florida, Idaho and South Carolina as aging Americans decamp to those states - while New York, Louisiana and Illinois see biggest population drops, census shows

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US power centers shift to Florida, Idaho and South Carolina as aging Americans decamp to those states - while New York, Louisiana and Illinois see biggest population drops, census shows

US power centers move to Florida, Idaho and South Carolina, data shows

Released Thursday morning, the data comes from the U.S. Census Bureau's one-year estimates for 2022, collected between January 1 and December 31, 2022.


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f29ec2 No.89898

File: 6ee892a0cea35c0⋯.png (817.17 KB,668x760,167:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551779 (142122ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA): Biden So Afraid of the Truth He Will Demand Corporate Media Scrutinize Impeachment Inquiry

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA): Biden So Afraid of the Truth He Will Demand Corporate Media Scrutinize Impeachment Inquiry


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f29ec2 No.89899

File: 1df2a487f3fdc47⋯.png (412.27 KB,614x585,614:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551789 (142124ZSEP23) Notable: DJT jr - Tune in tonight at 6 PM Eastern, I’ll have @WhitlockJason of the Fearless podcast

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald Trump Jr.


Tune in tonight at 6 PM Eastern, I’ll have @WhitlockJason of the Fearless podcast talking Faith, Hunter indictment, sports, and how he became an outspoken person for common sense in a world where that seems to be almost entirely missing. Don’t miss it. https://rumble.com/v3hnwog-jason-whitlock-is-fearless-why-sports-media-went-woke-plus-apple-mocked-for.html

4:35 PM · Sep 14, 2023


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f29ec2 No.89900

File: 297ba6f1451c582⋯.png (22.89 KB,614x320,307:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551805 (142126ZSEP23) Notable: resident Biden - Under MAGAnomics, the top 0.1% of households – folks making over $4 million – would get a tax cut worth twice the average family's salary.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Biden


Under MAGAnomics, the top 0.1% of households – folks making over $4 million – would get a tax cut worth twice the average family's salary.

Who’s going to pay for it? Republicans in Congress finally released a budget with the answer:

Seniors and hard-working Americans.

4:52 PM · Sep 14, 2023


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f29ec2 No.89901

File: cc1aa54459800b5⋯.png (12.28 KB,614x185,614:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551810 (142127ZSEP23) Notable: resident Biden - It’s time billionaires paid at least a 25% minimum tax.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Biden


It’s time billionaires paid at least a 25% minimum tax.

5:25 PM · Sep 14, 2023


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f29ec2 No.89902

File: 1986b8f20c92e1e⋯.jpg (211.98 KB,720x1195,144:239,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4998769d87f67e5⋯.jpg (175.66 KB,1024x1663,1024:1663,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551817 (142128ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden lines up for free pizza with son Beau day before indictment

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Free Pizza


Hunter Biden lines up for free pizza with son Beau day before indictment

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f29ec2 No.89903

File: 8f924eb39771a1b⋯.png (275.93 KB,1005x850,201:170,Clipboard.png)

File: 5170f030fa52a1c⋯.png (284 KB,987x895,987:895,Clipboard.png)

File: 406f4cc00b75962⋯.png (115.63 KB,993x875,993:875,Clipboard.png)

File: d3b24c25a79b534⋯.png (29.73 KB,807x332,807:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551851 (142134ZSEP23) Notable: Manager of Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Ring Indicted on Racketeering and Related Charges Along With Two of the Organization’s Enforcers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Manager of Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Ring Indicted on Racketeering and Related Charges Along With Two of the Organization’s Enforcers


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f29ec2 No.89904

File: 6fff5e90e4e743e⋯.png (365.72 KB,980x772,245:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bf38c15d0f093c⋯.png (24.85 KB,594x206,297:103,Clipboard.png)

File: f63c39ccd35dfd1⋯.png (352.69 KB,980x635,196:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551878 (142139ZSEP23) Notable: Train car carrying toxic perchloric acid explodes in Nebraska rail yard: Evacuation orders issued for four mile radius as huge plume of smoke fills sky above North Platte

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Railcar carrying toxic chemicals explodes, prompts evacuation west of North Platte

NORTH PLATTE, Neb. (KNOP) - Emergency crews are on the scene of a railcar fire at Union Pacific’s Bailey Yard in North Platte.

According to Union Pacific Railroad, around noon Thursday, an explosion occurred inside a container, resulting in several railcars catching on fire. UP said there was no derailment and the car had been stationary in the yard for a couple hours.

UP said a container that caught fire contained a hazardous chemical called perchloric acid.


The North Platte Fire Department is evacuating people near the explosion due to toxic smoke. Anyone located between Front Road and Homestead Road, and from just north of the railroad tracks to 1 mile north of Highway 30 should evacuate. See map below.

Lincoln County Emergency Management wants people south of the evacuation zone to be ready to move if winds shift.

“Currently, the Nebraska Department of Roads is placing barricades at west A St/Lakeview Blvd as well as west Front St./Lakeview Blvd, North Platte Police said. “That area is not in the evacuation zone, but the purpose is to keep people from entering the evacuation zone.”

Highway 30 remains closed between Hershey and North Platte. I-80 is not affected.

Buffalo Bill State Historical Park and State Recreation Area in North Platte are closed until further notice due to the toxic smoke in the area.

No Union Pacific personnel were injured.

The cause is under investigation.

UP said perchloric acid is used for a number of things, including food, drug and biocidal products, as well as explosives.


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f29ec2 No.89905

File: 66b34f48eb4c972⋯.png (480.21 KB,600x629,600:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551968 (142156ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Newt Gingrich, Kari Lake, Nick Searcy, Steve Bannon, John Eastman and Trump Impersonator Shawn Farash WARN About The Consequences If We Don’t Fight Back To Fight Back Against Lawfare

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


WATCH: Newt Gingrich, Kari Lake, Nick Searcy, Steve Bannon, John Eastman and Trump Impersonator Shawn Farash WARN About The Consequences If We Don’t Fight Back To Fight Back Against Lawfare Being Used By Radical MI AG Dana Nessel Against Elderly Alternat…


WATCH: Newt Gingrich, Kari Lake, Nick Searcy, Steve Bannon, John Eastman and Trump Impersonator...

Last week, a national telethon hosted by the Gateway Pundit (donate HERE) was held for the everyday citizens who were chosen by their communities to represent them as MI GOP electors in the 2020...

6:24 AM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89906

File: 379b4397f549a81⋯.png (285.76 KB,606x872,303:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19551977 (142159ZSEP23) Notable: Train car carrying toxic perchloric acid explodes in Nebraska rail yard: Evacuation orders issued for four mile radius as huge plume of smoke fills sky above North Platte

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🚨#BREAKING: A Four Mile Evacuation has been Ordered after a Railcar carrying toxic chemicals explodes Unleashing Hazardous Toxic Smoke

📌#Northplatte | #Nebraska

Currently Numerous Authorities and hazmat crews are one the scene of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks in North platte Nebraska due to several railcars catching on fire and exploding releasing heavy Hazardous toxic smoke in the air as one containers that caught fire contained a hazardous chemical called perchloric acid. Officials have sent out a emergency warning and are currently evacuating people within a four-mile radius of the explosion. The Union Pacific Railroad says that there was no derailment, and the affected railcar had been stationary in the yard for a couple of hours prior to the incident. The cause of the explosion is currently under investigation.

8:37 AM · Sep 14, 2023

from North Platte, NE




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f29ec2 No.89907

File: c529dfc03a825a5⋯.png (52.27 KB,651x376,651:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552027 (142208ZSEP23) Notable: Trump WON'T stand trial in October: Judge rejects Fani Willis' bid to have all 19 co-defendants in Georgia election case be tried together - and warns they could ALL be split up

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Trump WON'T stand trial in October: Judge

rejects Fani Willis' bid to have all 19

co-defendants in Georgia election case

be tried together - and warns they could

ALL be split up

Daily Mail (UK), by Emily Goodin

Posted By: Imright, 9/14/2023 3:28:17 PM

A Georgia judge ruled on Thursday that Donald Trump and 16 others will be tried separately from Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, who are set to go to trial next month in the case that centers on an alleged scheme to overturn the 2020 election results in that state. Powell and Chesebro had filed demands for a speedy trial, and Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee had set their trial to begin October 23. The former president and the other defendants asked to be tried separately from the two, with some arguing they would not be ready in time for an October trial.

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f29ec2 No.89908

File: a8c9275b15391d4⋯.png (99.96 KB,1248x324,104:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552055 (142215ZSEP23) Notable: Growing costs of migrant care tied to projected $538 million budget deficit

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Growing costs of migrant care tied to

projected $538 million budget deficit

NBC5-TV (Chicago), by Bennett Haeberle

Posted By: AltaD, 9/14/2023 2:36:54 PM

Mayor Brandon Johnson announced Wednesday that the city of Chicago is facing a projected $538 million budget deficit for 2024 – a financial burden his administration blamed in part on the growing cost of caring for migrants. (Snip) One invoice from the now-closed shelter at Truman College shows a facility manager made $14,000 in one week last December. Another invoice shows a nurse earned $20,000 during a week in December. That same week – that shelter manager’s invoice billed for more than $14,000. All those employees’ figures included the employees being paid for overtime. The hourly rate for the registered nurse was $195 an hour. The facility manager earned $135 an hour.

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f29ec2 No.89909

File: 963016056928315⋯.png (771.76 KB,597x878,597:878,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552067 (142217ZSEP23) Notable: 'Blade runners' have removed or disabled nearly a 1000 of ULEZ cameras.

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Blade Runners fighting on the front lines of the "Climate Wars".


Square profile picture

Wall Street Silver



Sep 13

'Blade runners' update: 🔥🔥🔥

'Blade runners' have removed or disabled nearly a 1000 of ULEZ cameras.

These cameras are charging gas cars that are older than 2006 and diesel cars older than 2015, 15 € a day due to new emission laws.

This is designed to limit the movement of… Show more


6:23 AM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89910

File: 13ec4878832ac98⋯.png (203.24 KB,594x604,297:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552132 (142227ZSEP23) Notable: Lara Logan Drops Her Much-Anticipated Production – “The Matthew Perna Story, Part 1” From “The Rest of the Story” Series

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


BREAKING!… Lara Logan Drops Her Much-Anticipated Production – “The Matthew Perna Story, Part 1” From “The Rest of the Story” Series – WATCH IT HERE AND PASS IT ON! via @gatewaypundit


BREAKING!... Lara Logan Drops Her Much-Anticipated Production - "The Matthew Perna Story, Part 1"...

Investigative journalist Lara Logan announced the release her most important investigative series to date – “The Rest of the Story.” Lara Logan is a South African television and radio journalist and...

5:05 AM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552148 (142230ZSEP23) Notable: #24011

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~FINAL ...Prepping next bread.


#24011 >>89873

>>89872 CNN just spent an entire segment documenting how Joe Biden is a pathological liar

>>89874, >>89885, >>89895, >>89904, >>89906 Train car carrying toxic perchloric acid explodes in Nebraska rail yard: Evacuation orders issued for four mile radius as huge plume of smoke fills sky above North Platte

>>89875 Saudis co-hosting UN event aimed at revamping Israeli-Palestinian peace process

>>89876 Missed Red Flags: Leak Exposes Swiss Asset Management Firm’s Work for Clients Accused of Fraud and Corruption

>>89877, >>89880, >>89881, >>89884 Trump tells Megyn Kelly ‘I don’t know who’ gave Fauci commendation he signed (and more)

>>89878 Attorney General Bailey Files Suit Against Dollar General for Deceptive Pricing

>>89879 Jack Poso - INCOMING

>>89882 Iran maintains its intent to "plot attacks" against "current and former" US officials in retaliation for Soleimani's death — DHS

>>89883 Mr. Nunes posted 17 popcorns last night. He knows what he dun did. Didn't even have to ask this time kek.

>>89886 Spanish police has arrested three Real Madrid players for allegedly sharing a sexual video involving a minor, local media reports

>>89887 Rudy knew yesterday "Where's Hunter?"


>>89890 Q PROOF? Pandora's Box again re: Hunter

>>89892 White House memo 'asks' media to quit asking questions about Biden and focus on Trump

>>89893 Nanshee and the Soros crotch spawn meet

>>89894 Another One Bites the Dust: New Hampshire Slaps Down Latest Attempt to Keep Trump off the Ballot

>>89896 FBI lawyer Lisa Page divorces husband who stuck by her when she was outed over affair with her boss Peter Strzok while investigating then-president Trump

>>89897 US power centers shift to Florida, Idaho and South Carolina as aging Americans decamp to those states - while New York, Louisiana and Illinois see biggest population drops, census shows

>>89898 Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA): Biden So Afraid of the Truth He Will Demand Corporate Media Scrutinize Impeachment Inquiry

>>89899 DJT jr - Tune in tonight at 6 PM Eastern, I’ll have @WhitlockJason of the Fearless podcast

>>89900 resident Biden - Under MAGAnomics, the top 0.1% of households – folks making over $4 million – would get a tax cut worth twice the average family's salary.

>>89901 resident Biden - It’s time billionaires paid at least a 25% minimum tax.

>>89902 Hunter Biden lines up for free pizza with son Beau day before indictment

>>89903 Manager of Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Ring Indicted on Racketeering and Related Charges Along With Two of the Organization’s Enforcers

>>89905 WATCH: Newt Gingrich, Kari Lake, Nick Searcy, Steve Bannon, John Eastman and Trump Impersonator Shawn Farash WARN About The Consequences If We Don’t Fight Back To Fight Back Against Lawfare

>>89907 Trump WON'T stand trial in October: Judge rejects Fani Willis' bid to have all 19 co-defendants in Georgia election case be tried together - and warns they could ALL be split up

>>89908 Growing costs of migrant care tied to projected $538 million budget deficit

>>89909 'Blade runners' have removed or disabled nearly a 1000 of ULEZ cameras.

>>>/qresearch/19552121 GenFlynn & RobertKennedyJr - you are highlighting a massive issue and rightly so. The problems run vastly deeper and are far worse than even you might understand

>>89910 Lara Logan Drops Her Much-Anticipated Production – “The Matthew Perna Story, Part 1” From “The Rest of the Story” Series

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f29ec2 No.89912

File: 91f9627b16fe42e⋯.png (385.29 KB,800x714,400:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552168 (142234ZSEP23) Notable: #24012

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...Unintentional baker looking for handoff.

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f29ec2 No.89913

File: 455519e68052eb7⋯.mp4 (3.51 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552173 (142235ZSEP23) Notable: Lady Speaks to Newscasters about Nazis in Ukraine

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f29ec2 No.89914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552189 (142237ZSEP23) Notable: Ken Paxton trial

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Ken Paxton trial

Defense Rests!


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f29ec2 No.89915

File: b794e62f31747cd⋯.png (187.38 KB,400x325,16:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552195 (142238ZSEP23) Notable: David Brock Threatens to Target the Children of GOP Members Investigating Hunter Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Gloves Are Off, Families Are On” – David Brock Threatens to Target the Children of GOP Members Investigating Hunter Biden

As the walls close in on the Biden Crime Family, Democrats are starting to resort to desperate tactics to save them. One prominent leftist operative going to the extreme and looking at hitting Republicans close to home.

Tara Palmeri of Puck News reported last Friday that David Brock will be launching a personal investigation into family members of Republican lawmakers, looking for any instances where they may have benefited from that member’s position.

“Gloves are off, Families are on,” Brock said to Palmeri.

Brock is specifically looking at targeting the children of these Republican congressional members.

We’ve been looking into how the children of those same members may have benefited from their parents’ position. We’re not shy about going after the members.

One interesting fact about Brock is that he started as a conservative reporter before flipping to the Democratic Party in the mid-1990s. He was also described by former Center for American Progress president Neera Tanden, who is currently a top Biden aide, of being “bats*** crazy” back in 2015.

Brock is a vicious smear merchant who has led numerous efforts to destroy patriotic Americans and prominent conservative voices. Brock’s 65 Project has filed over 40 ethics complaints against conservative attorneys who defended President Trump.

Palmeri notes that Facts First, Brock’s Super PAC, has been the primary communications outlet to defend Hunter in the GOP inquiries and likely Biden impeachment.

The spokesperson for the Super Pac told Fox News Thursday they are about to spill the beans on a GOP leadership member’s family.

This work has been ongoing, and we will soon have more to share publicly about a key member of Republican leadership whose family has gotten multiple jobs from their Congressional donors.

If people want to investigate the Biden family, then what’s good for the goose is good for gander. But no one should feel intimidated if they aren’t doing anything improper.

Republicans not surprisingly had some pointed responses to Brock’s threats and vowed not to be intimidated.

“Nothing says desperation like threatening to sic a smear merchant on innocent families. This is all you need to know about how worried Democrats and the White House are about having to answer for Joe Biden’s culture of corruption,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) told Fox News.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) told the outlet that “the far left and their radical outside allies are desperately trying to cover up and distract from Joe Biden’s illegal corruption.”

We will soon see if Republicans hold firm or they roll over in the face of the upcoming Democrat onslaught, especially following today’s indictment of Hunter Biden which Cristina Laila reported on. History shows they tend to fold.


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f29ec2 No.89916

File: e4ae77aacf789f2⋯.mp4 (527.21 KB,320x180,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552199 (142239ZSEP23) Notable: MAUI FIRES AND DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS

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CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires

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f29ec2 No.89917

File: 52155dc037ce327⋯.png (54.05 KB,1278x378,71:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552200 (142240ZSEP23) Notable: The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed Patriots a Potent New Tool

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed

Patriots a Potent New Tool

Townhall, by Kurt Schlichter

Posted By: mc squared, 9/14/2023 12:57:31 PM

I want to thank the versatile governor of New Mexico, whose name I don’t care about, for being a communist and a fascist all at once. Now that may seem strange, coming from somebody who actually believes in freedom and actually defended it for 27 years, but I want you to hear me out. She may be an aspiring dictator and a mid-wit Karen brimming over with Xanax wishes and Chardonnay dreams, but she’s providing us with a valuable opportunity that we should take full advantage of. She has decreed that the constitutional right to keep and bear arms must yield


Schlichter on the state of culture and the justice system

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f29ec2 No.89918

File: 29bd35f540d7ec8⋯.png (344.32 KB,604x641,604:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552209 (142242ZSEP23) Notable: About 6,800 migrants arrived on the Italian island of #Lampedusa in one day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

About 6,800 migrants arrived on the Italian island of #Lampedusa in one day

A state of emergency was declared on the island. Problems with city infrastructure and clashes between migrants and local police have already begun.


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f29ec2 No.89919

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552214 (142243ZSEP23) Notable: MAUI FIRES AND DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



First published at 22:33 UTC on September 1st, 2023.


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f29ec2 No.89920

File: dc1ab14907d194b⋯.mp4 (6.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552216 (142243ZSEP23) Notable: New Mexico Governor on Emergency powers to restrict gun carry laws

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f29ec2 No.89921

File: 10affc7177d0f73⋯.png (102.34 KB,626x712,313:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552223 (142244ZSEP23) Notable: Climate Eugenics - American Thinker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Climate Eugenics

American Thinker, by Mark Adams

Posted By: DVC, 9/14/2023 12:49:23 PM

Suppose the world was in the grip of an Armageddon-type crisis with the finest scientific minds from around the world working at a feverish pitch in an international collaborative effort to find a solution. So much so that medical and scientific journals were dedicated to keeping pace with the latest developments. No, I’m not talking about climate change. I’m talking about eugenics, the early 20th-century belief that there were too many of the wrong people in the world. One hundred years on, though, eugenics has fused with climate change for the perfect anti-human storm.

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f29ec2 No.89922

File: 6dedc617f26dba0⋯.png (461.96 KB,589x558,19:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552240 (142247ZSEP23) Notable: WH Chief of Staff Jeff Zients' family getting RICH from green energy company pushed by Biden/Harris

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


WH Chief of Staff Jeff Zients' family getting RICH from green energy company pushed by Biden/Harris


WH Chief of Staff Jeff Zients' family getting RICH from green energy company pushed by Biden/Harris

5:36 AM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89923

File: c5b210d0e685e16⋯.png (86.17 KB,597x561,199:187,Clipboard.png)

File: e12547db6023bf2⋯.png (976.62 KB,851x476,851:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552271 (142252ZSEP23) Notable: MELANIA TRUMP - I am pleased to continue USA Memorabilia’s tradition of celebrating the season with A Red, White and Blue Christmas.

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I am pleased to continue USA Memorabilia’s tradition of celebrating the season with A Red, White and Blue Christmas. This year, I found myself looking to my love for our great nation for inspiration. May everyone experience an abundance of peace & love during the holiday season.


1:34 AM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89924

File: 150865d38223f2f⋯.png (1.7 MB,1457x944,1457:944,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552281 (142254ZSEP23) Notable: Lara Logan’s Look Into January 6’s True Attendees

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Lara Logan | The Rest of the Story | Lara Logan’s Look Into January 6’s True Attendees

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f29ec2 No.89925

File: 40aa90677d33e76⋯.png (473.2 KB,587x579,587:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552301 (142258ZSEP23) Notable: Providence Hospital System Imposes Draconian Mandatory COVID Vaccine for Healthcare Workers

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The Gateway Pundit


IT’S BACK! Providence Hospital System Imposes Draconian Mandatory COVID Vaccine for Healthcare Workers – Non-Compliance Results in Unpaid Leave and Potential Termination via @gatewaypundit


IT'S BACK! Providence Hospital System Imposes Draconian Mandatory COVID Vaccine for Healthcare...


3:21 AM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89926

File: 92d9d9a92872edb⋯.pdf (9.12 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552323 (142301ZSEP23) Notable: We won’t let Ukrainian grain in – Polish PM

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12 Sep, 2023

We won’t let Ukrainian grain in – Polish PM

Mateusz Morawiecki has insisted Warsaw will reject any demand the product be sold in the country

Warsaw will not allow Ukrainian grain to “flood” the Polish market, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has vowed ahead of deliberations in the EU on whether to extend an existing trade restriction.

The government puts the interests of Polish farmers first and will not allow cheap Ukrainian products to disrupt the domestic agriculture industry again, Morawiecki declared in a video address posted on social media on Tuesday.

“The EU is now considering whether to maintain the embargo. I’ll tell you how it ends. Poland will not allow Ukrainian grain to flood us. Regardless of what the decision of Brussels officials will be, we will not open the border,” he declared.

The European Parliament is set to debate on Friday the expiration of the EU’s ban on importing Ukrainian grain into five Eastern European members of the bloc. The measure was imposed in May, de facto legitimizing national prohibitions by Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Slovakia.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has stated that failure by the EU to lift the ban as Kiev was promised would be a betrayal of “European values.” In such a case, the Ukrainian government intends to seek arbitration in international organizations, he said last week.

Kiev has reportedly chosen theWorld Trade Organization (WTO)as the venue for any potential legal battle with Brussels. Polish Minister for EU Affairs Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek has described Kiev’s position as “a threat” that goes “beyond the certain boundaries of classical diplomacy.”

Brussels lifted quotas and tariffs from Ukrainian exports in the early weeks of Kiev’s armed conflict with Moscow in a bid to support the Zelensky government. The policy backfired on Eastern European nations, however, which faced mass protests by local farmers.

The EU’s ban had shut the markets of the five nations to Ukrainian wheat, corn, sunflower seeds and rapeseed, but allowed transit of the goods to continue. However transportation costs cut into the profits of the firms that own Ukrainian farms.

According to an Oakland Institute study* released in February, Ukrainian farmlands are predominantly controlled by “foreign interests” either directly or through foreign-registered companies run by local oligarchs.

(see attached Oakland Institute study report and snippets below.Anons , this fight is going to be a big deal. Poland, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Slovakia, placed a sweeping ban on the import of Ukrainian grain. See below that the farmlands controlled by Oligarchs, Business’s, Wealth Funds etc., so Ukraine selling their grains less year for dramatically lower rates than domestic grains, not to mention Ukraine’s grains had toxic levels of pesticides. )

War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land

Oakland Institute


… This includes the highly controversial land reform that took place in 2021 as part of the structural adjustment program initiated under the auspices of Western financial institutions, after the installation of a pro-European

Union (EU) government following the Maidan Revolution in 2014.

In addition, according to the government, about five million hectares – the size of two Crimea – have been “stolen” by private interests from the state of Ukraine.3 The total amount of land controlled by oligarchs, corrupt individuals, and large agribusinesses is thus over nine million hectares, '''exceeding

28 percent of the country’s arable land'''. The rest is used by over eight million Ukrainian farmers.4

The largest landholders are a mix of oligarchs and a variety of foreign interests – mostly European and North American, including a US-based private equity fund and the sovereign fund of Saudi Arabia. All but one of the ten largest landholding firms are registered overseas, mainly in tax havens such as Cyprus or Luxembourg.

The report identifies many prominent investors, including Vanguard Group, Kopernik Global Investors, BNP Asset Management Holding, Goldman Sachs-owned NN Investment Partners Holdings, and Norges Bank Investment Management, which manages Norway’s sovereign wealth fund. A number of large US pension funds, foundations, and university endowments are also invested in Ukrainian land through NCH Capital – a US-based private equity fund, which is the fifth largest landholder in the country. Most of these firms are substantially indebted to Western financial institutions, in particular the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) – the private sector arm of the World Bank.



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f29ec2 No.89927

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552355 (142310ZSEP23) Notable: King Bau SHREDS Zuckerberg's Pedophile Network: Instagram Child Sex Abuse EXPOSED

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King Bau SHREDS Zuckerberg's Pedophile Network: Instagram Child Sex Abuse EXPOSED


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f29ec2 No.89928

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552369 (142315ZSEP23) Notable: Bioweaponry Expert Calls out Eugenics Program

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If Faux-y has killed millions of people world-wide and is itching to do it more, and again; nothing is too low for him.

Forging a Certi of Commendation is easy to believe; Nothing compared to mass murder.

Dirtys gonna Dirty.

Crooks gonna Crook.

Liars gonna Lie.

Dishonest is gonna steal; and then blame others.

Bioweaponry Expert Calls out Eugenics Program


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f29ec2 No.89929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552396 (142320ZSEP23) Notable: Justice Alito temporarily lifts ban on Biden admin contact with social media

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Justice Alito temporarily lifts ban on Biden admin contact with social media

Last week, the appeals court backed Judge Terry Doughty's July decision, which found that the government likely violated the First Amendment by working with social media companies during the coronavirus pandemic to curtail hostile viewpoints.

Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito on Thursday temporarily blocked an order limiting the Biden administration's contact with social media firms as litigation proceeds.

Alito's stay will last until 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 22, the Washington Examiner reported. The Department of Justice has asked the Supreme Court to lift the order from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in Missouri v. Biden. That decision largely upheld a lower court order barring the government from working with social media companies to censor disfavored viewpoints online. Litigants have until Sept. 20 to file responses to the DOJ.

Last week, the appeals court backed Judge Terry Doughty's July decision, which found that the government likely violated the First Amendment by working with social media companies during the coronavirus pandemic to curtail hostile viewpoints.

"Defendants, and their employees and agents, shall take no actions, formal or informal, directly or indirectly, to coerce or significantly encourage social-media companies to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce, including through altering their algorithms, posted social-media content containing protected free speech," the court wrote. "That includes, but is not limited to, compelling the platforms to act, such as by intimating that some form of punishment will follow a failure to comply with any request, or supervising, directing, or otherwise meaningfully controlling the social-media companies' decision-making process."

Should the court ultimately uphold the 5th Circuit decision, key government offices and leaders such as the Surgeon General, the CDC, the FBI, and White House, would be barred from contacting social media companies to remove lawful speech.


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f29ec2 No.89930

File: e4dd686a4cf522e⋯.png (11.77 KB,600x179,600:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552412 (142323ZSEP23) Notable: Under-the-tongue COVID vaccine could be on the way after trial on monkeys

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Insider Paper


NEW: Under-the-tongue COVID vaccine could be on the way after trial on monkeys - Sky News

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f29ec2 No.89931

File: 7e4169405ec9f5c⋯.png (12.01 KB,593x158,593:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552413 (142324ZSEP23) Notable: Under-the-tongue COVID vaccine could be on the way after trial on monkeys

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Insider Paper


NEW: Under-the-tongue COVID vaccine could be on the way after trial on monkeys - Sky News

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f29ec2 No.89932

File: 2f798cba96046db⋯.png (253.78 KB,594x551,594:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552421 (142325ZSEP23) Notable: CDC Admit 120K US Children ‘Died Suddenly’ Following Covid Jab Rollout

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CDC Admit 120K US Children Died Suddenly Following Covid Jab Rollout:


CDC Admit 120K US Children ‘Died Suddenly’ Following Covid Jab Rollout - Media Blackout - The...

A bombshell report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that 120,000 children died following the rollout of the mRNA Covid jabs.

1:45 AM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89933

File: afe6fa9febd2917⋯.png (364.1 KB,593x871,593:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552439 (142330ZSEP23) Notable: Lawsuit filed against UNMC, Nebraska Medicine over trans teen’s breast-removal surgery in 2018

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Libs of TikTok


A then 16-year-old teen is suing a hospital for providing her a double mastectomy which she says was “fast tracked.” The filing says she “may have been swept up in a social contagion and/or unduly influenced by social media.”

Doctors allegedly told her parents she would commit suicide if she didn’t receive the surgery despite no evidence of being suicidal.

“I was going through the darkest and most chaotic time in my life, and instead of being given the help I needed, these doctors affirmed that chaos into reality,” the patient said.



Last edited

2:52 AM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89934

File: 3cc5540baee7d70⋯.png (386.89 KB,604x573,604:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552463 (142334ZSEP23) Notable: SecState Tony Blinken Stands to “Make a Lot of Money” Off Ukraine war

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The Gateway Pundit


Max Blumenthal: SecState Tony Blinken Stands to “Make a Lot of Money” Off Ukraine war via @gatewaypundit


Max Blumenthal: SecState Tony Blinken Stands to “Make a Lot of Money” Off Ukraine war | The Gateway...

Speaking to host Russell Brand, leftist Grayzone editor-in-chief Max Blumenthal pointed out that US Secretary of State Tony Blinken stands to “make a lot of money off this war“ through his company...

2:35 AM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89935

File: 741c3ea784babde⋯.png (233.84 KB,601x725,601:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552467 (142335ZSEP23) Notable: Pope Francis to participate in Clinton Foundation “Global Initiative 2023”

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


Pope Francis is participating in a Clinton Foundation event - he's chosen to hang out with infamous pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's favorite island guests.

This is an outrage that Catholics must condemn.


Bree A Dail




VATICAN CITY—Pope Francis to participate in Clinton Foundation “Global Initiative 2023”, starting today.

“Today, President Bill Clinton, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton announced programming and participants for next week’s… Show more




2:24 AM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552564 (142355ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump’s Ten Principles For Great Schools Leading To Great Jobs

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>>>/qresearch/19544756 pb



>President Trump’s Ten Principles For Great Schools Leading To Great Jobs


>Donald J Trump


>11,061 views Sep 13, 2023 4:11



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f29ec2 No.89937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552590 (142359ZSEP23) Notable: TRUMP GRANTS MEGAN KELLY INTERVIEW - RUNTIME 1HR 39 MINUTES

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Former President Donald Trump on Biden's Impeachment and Age, Fauci and COVID, & Melania and Barron



33,747 views Premiered 3 hours ago

Megyn Kelly is joined by former President Donald Trump to talk about the Biden impeachment inquiry, what we're learning now about the potential for then-VP Biden corruption that Trump tried to bring up at the debate, whether Biden is too old to be president, birthright citizenship and the immigration crisis in America, why he didn't fire Dr. Fauci, how Biden and DeSantis handled COVID, the success or failure of Operation Warp Speed and COVID vaccines, not getting enough credit for what did during the beginning of the pandemic, his stance on trans rights and how it's evolved, his friendship with Caitlyn Jenner (and previously Bruce), trans in the military, whether he'd ban puberty blockers for kids, the details of his classified documents case and the Presidential Records Act, why he didn’t turn over documents after the subpoena, Hillary Clinton and the double standard, if he's angry about the prosecutions, the real story behind the "DeSanctimonious" Ron DeSantis nickname, why he values loyalty above so much else, how Melania and Barron are doing, the personality traits about Melania that the media doesn't understand, why he's running for president and facing jail time instead of enjoying retirement, the way this country can come together, that big debate moment between Trump and Megyn, and more. Plus Megyn shares behind-the-scenes details about the interview. Then Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The Dying Citizen," joins to react to the Trump interview, and discuss whether Trump should debate, if the Trump indictments will help or hurt his general election against Biden, and more.

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f29ec2 No.89938

File: c2b683d43f07ad1⋯.mp4 (6.33 MB,444x324,37:27,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552625 (150005ZSEP23) Notable: Trump Talking About "Qanon Movement" to Press - old

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>swept up in a social contagion and/or unduly influenced by social media

swept up in a social contagion and/or unduly influenced by social media

this is a useful phrase

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f29ec2 No.89939

File: 3af4a5535cbf64c⋯.mp4 (11.56 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552713 (150022ZSEP23) Notable: O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1 - in maui undercover recordings of police and national guards and sherrifs

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James O'Keefe


O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Governor has prohibited photography on public land.

Hawaii National Guard says Maui police and Sheriffs are “assholes” who are “puffing chests”

OMG files lawsuit against Hawaii Gov to invalidate the criminalization of protected First Amendment activity and to also strip Maui County of any ability to criminally charge anyone who exercises their First Amendment rights.


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f29ec2 No.89940

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552908 (150055ZSEP23) Notable: Inside the mystery vigilante group removing Sadiq Khan’s hated ULEZ cameras

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Inside the mystery vigilante group removing Sadiq Khan’s hated ULEZ cameras

The ‘Balaclava Blade Runners' claim to be fighting back against a war on motorists.

The video shows a man in a hood crossing a London road at night.

As he reaches the concrete island instead of walking to the other side he clambers up the metal fencing and begins to scale the traffic lights. Twisting his body to the top he removes a power drill and presses upwards into the mounted camera.

There’s a spark as loosened screws cascade to the ground and the man shifts his head to avoid being hit by the camera unit which flops down, suspended by a wire. Snapping the unit free, he holds it up to the viewer like a hunter with some futuristic plastic kill.

Without saying a word the masked man walks out of frame.

The viral clip is, according to the internet, an example of one of London’s many ‘Balaclava Blade Runners’ at work.

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f29ec2 No.89941

File: 9c3b9eff7084971⋯.png (576.25 KB,1027x866,1027:866,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552911 (150055ZSEP23) Notable: British royal holds hands with Neo-Nazi veteran (PHOTO)

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British royal holds hands with Neo-Nazi veteran (PHOTO)

>In March 2022, Antonov said, the woman had surrendered to Russian troops in Mariupol by pretending to be a mother of two children, “whose parents she had killed herself,” and then attempted to escape wearing civilian clothing. The children later testified that Paevskaya had threatened them with violence, the diplomat added.


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f29ec2 No.89942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552970 (150102ZSEP23) Notable: #24012

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#24012 >>89912

>>89913 Lady Speaks to Newscasters about Nazis in Ukraine

>>89914 Ken Paxton trial

>>89915 David Brock Threatens to Target the Children of GOP Members Investigating Hunter Biden


>>89917 The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed Patriots a Potent New Tool

>>89918 About 6,800 migrants arrived on the Italian island of #Lampedusa in one day

>>89920 New Mexico Governor on Emergency powers to restrict gun carry laws

>>89921 Climate Eugenics - American Thinker

>>89922 WH Chief of Staff Jeff Zients' family getting RICH from green energy company pushed by Biden/Harris

>>89923 MELANIA TRUMP - I am pleased to continue USA Memorabilia’s tradition of celebrating the season with A Red, White and Blue Christmas.

>>89924 Lara Logan’s Look Into January 6’s True Attendees

>>89925 Providence Hospital System Imposes Draconian Mandatory COVID Vaccine for Healthcare Workers

>>89926 We won’t let Ukrainian grain in – Polish PM

>>89927 King Bau SHREDS Zuckerberg's Pedophile Network: Instagram Child Sex Abuse EXPOSED

>>89928 Bioweaponry Expert Calls out Eugenics Program

>>89929 Justice Alito temporarily lifts ban on Biden admin contact with social media

>>89930, >>89931 Under-the-tongue COVID vaccine could be on the way after trial on monkeys

>>89932 CDC Admit 120K US Children ‘Died Suddenly’ Following Covid Jab Rollout

>>89933 Lawsuit filed against UNMC, Nebraska Medicine over trans teen’s breast-removal surgery in 2018

>>89934 SecState Tony Blinken Stands to “Make a Lot of Money” Off Ukraine war

>>89935 Pope Francis to participate in Clinton Foundation “Global Initiative 2023”

>>89936 President Trump’s Ten Principles For Great Schools Leading To Great Jobs


>>89938 Trump Talking About "Qanon Movement" to Press - old

>>89939 O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1 - in maui undercover recordings of police and national guards and sherrifs

>>89940 Inside the mystery vigilante group removing Sadiq Khan’s hated ULEZ cameras

>>89941 British royal holds hands with Neo-Nazi veteran (PHOTO)

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f29ec2 No.89943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552971 (150102ZSEP23) Notable: #24013

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Dough Updated with CURRENT NOTES


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f29ec2 No.89944

File: 0a3d6fb9286ad75⋯.mp4 (15.03 MB,360x202,180:101,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553004 (150110ZSEP23) Notable: Lara Logan on Ukraine

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f29ec2 No.89945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553010 (150111ZSEP23) Notable: America's Transforming Its War Machine to Beat China - America Uncovered

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>Behold A Comfy Horse

Always another hidden cut in the bread title.

Behold it's 9:11 AM in Beijing, China.

America's Transforming Its War Machine to Beat China

America Uncovered

520K subscribers

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f29ec2 No.89946

File: 32506df61079493⋯.png (425.18 KB,588x591,196:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553057 (150119ZSEP23) Notable: Torture and Abuse: DC Officials Place Jan. 6 Prisoners in DC Gulag Back on COVID Lockdown, Solitary Confinement Starting Today!

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


Torture and Abuse: DC Officials Place Jan. 6 Prisoners in DC Gulag Back on COVID Lockdown, Solitary Confinement Starting Today! via @gatewaypundit


Torture and Abuse: DC Officials Place Jan. 6 Prisoners in DC Gulag Back on COVID Lockdown, Solitary...

The devastating reality of 23 hours per day solitary confinement is back for the January 6 political prisoners.

1:35 AM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89947

File: 95ba56005d2b4bf⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553065 (150120ZSEP23) Notable: TRUMP: "I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 States."

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TRUMP: "I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 States."

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f29ec2 No.89948

File: e7e0b2893801ffa⋯.png (248.51 KB,594x704,27:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553066 (150120ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk has found himself in a battle & potential $22 billion lawsuit w/ the ADL

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Elon Musk


No kidding …


Ashley St. Clair



Sep 13

Elon Musk has found himself in a battle & potential $22 billion lawsuit w/ the ADL

But who is the ADL?

Are they the righteous champions against hate or should we be asking more questions?

Watch below to dive into the not-so-spotless history of the ADL

5:56 PM · Sep 13, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553073 (150120ZSEP23) Notable: President Zelenskyy to visit Washington DC next week / Congress is debating $24 billion in aid for Ukraine

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President Zelenskyy to visit Washington DC next week

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f29ec2 No.89950

File: 00c6a5c644449ee⋯.png (682.31 KB,588x798,14:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553084 (150122ZSEP23) Notable: Normies Talking About Frazzle.rip on "X"

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Mark Attwood


It's called "Frazzledrip", and this is the tip of the iceberg. This horrific demon was the next planned president in 2016. If she'd won, we'd all be dead. Pretty sure she's already gone, but this needs to play out in a way the public will accept. If it was me, I'd just play the Frazzledrip video to everyone on TV, but someone out there knows more than me about what people can cope with.


Shadow of Ezra



Sep 12

Multiple sources within the FBI and NYPD have confirmed the existence of a “sickening” Hillary Clinton sex tape involving Huma Abedin and an underage teenage girl, and provided assurances that a faction within the department had vowed to send Hillary Clinton to jail for the rest… Show more


10:36 AM · Sep 13, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89951

File: dd10b0a70b6edcc⋯.png (647.37 KB,852x873,284:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553096 (150124ZSEP23) Notable: Judge Blocks Blue State School District Policy To Hide Pronouns From Parents

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Judge Blocks Blue State School District

Policy To Hide Pronouns From Parents

Daily Caller, by Kate Anderson

Posted By: Beardo, 9/14/2023 9:18:10 PM

A U.S. District Court judge ruled on Thursday that a school district policy requiring teachers to keep preferred pronouns from parents undermines their constitutional rights and “conflicts with knowledgeable medical opinion,” according to the decision. Two teachers, Elizabeth Mirabelli and Lori Ann West, filed a lawsuit against the Escondido Union School District (EUSD) in April after the school board adopted a policy that says if a child identifies as a “new gender, or wants to be addressed by a new name or new pronouns during the school day,” then teachers must withhold it from parents unless given permission by the student, according to the ruling.

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f29ec2 No.89952

File: 39caa49ebd1da4e⋯.png (23.05 KB,604x290,302:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553123 (150127ZSEP23) Notable: Per CBP sources, yesterday alone, Border Patrol apprehended over 7,400 illegal immigrants at the southern border

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Elon Musk


Is the public aware of the scale of the issue?


Bill Melugin



Sep 13

NEW: Per CBP sources, yesterday alone, Border Patrol apprehended over 7,400 illegal immigrants at the southern border, & when combined with CBP ports of entry, there were over 9,100 migrant encounters in one day. I’m told CBP released 5,000+ yesterday w/ a notice to appear. As of… Show more

12:43 AM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89953

File: 330fcdb3e99dc31⋯.png (299.7 KB,400x325,16:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553130 (150127ZSEP23) Notable: David Brock Threatens to Target the Children of GOP Members Investigating Hunter Biden

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"Gloves Are Off, Families Are On" - David Brock Threatens to Target the Children of GOP Members Investigating Hunter Biden

As the walls close in on the Biden Crime Family, Democrats are starting to resort to desperate tactics to save them.


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f29ec2 No.89954

File: 3088db5a19f5416⋯.png (162.06 KB,596x872,149:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553138 (150129ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden is suing @MarcoPolo501c3, a non-profit organization that released a comprehensive 640-page Report on the Biden Laptop.

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This is THE most important post you’ll read all year ⤵️






BREAKING: Hunter Biden is suing @MarcoPolo501c3, a non-profit organization that released a comprehensive 640-page Report on the Biden Laptop.

You can support Marco Polo here:


The Report meticulously documents 459 crimes involving the Biden family and… Show more


5:54 PM · Sep 13, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89955

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553181 (150136ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Michael Rectenwald On The Great Reset: “It Is A Globalist Plan”

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Dr. Michael Rectenwald On The Great Reset: “It Is A Globalist Plan”. Its in the DNA in our institutions to overthrow capitalizationeducators were programmed into Marxism in the early 50’s-70’s to cross over into our society!



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f29ec2 No.89956

File: 00287a34f4625a5⋯.png (94.68 KB,392x687,392:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553186 (150136ZSEP23) Notable: O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Governor has prohibited photography on public land.

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"Just got back from Maui.

Our crew, myself included, secretly recorded state and federal officials along the burn zone being honest.

Stay tuned Thursday PM for Part 1 of our *Undercover in #Lahaina* installment.

@GovHawaii fasten your seatbelt.

#OMG indeed…"


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f29ec2 No.89957

File: d98df38dcd0bb18⋯.png (477.38 KB,750x375,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 084037b3e84c05a⋯.png (217.99 KB,675x754,675:754,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ba193f89186b74⋯.png (138.21 KB,987x848,987:848,Clipboard.png)

File: 5103c8471f2e112⋯.png (138.4 KB,983x860,983:860,Clipboard.png)

File: cb844874e1c2206⋯.png (139.18 KB,974x920,487:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553195 (150138ZSEP23) Notable: CIA Whistleblower: CIA Works With Pedophiles, Retaliates Against Whistleblowers, And Put Men in Harm’s Way For Frivolous Shopping And Baking Activities

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EXCLUSIVE: CIA Whistleblower: CIA Works With Pedophiles, Retaliates Against Whistleblowers, And Put Men in Harm’s Way For Frivolous Shopping And Baking Activities

"Let's get back to cooking"

CIA whistleblower Pedro Israel Orta told NATIONAL FILE that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has worked with pedophiles in Afghanistan, and that the CIA engages in a corrupt practice of retaliating against whistleblowers who complain about abuse or incompetence in the agency’s leadership. Pedro Israel Orta personally blew the whistle on a female superior who put men in harm’s way for her shopping, baking, and socializing activities in a combat zone. Pedro Israel Orta is describing the war on whistleblowers in his book The Broken Whistle: A Deep State Run Amok.

“The CIA, like many US Government agencies, is suffering from the consequences of what is called the bureaucratic state and an increase in US Government executive branch powers with no accountability from Congress or the judiciary branch. A problem amplified by its classified and ultra-secret environment,” Pedro Israel Orta told National File.

“Therefore, what happens, the CIA abuses its power to shield itself from accountability for any mistakes, violations of laws, and abuses of power. It aims to preserve its power and get its fair share of tax dollars to fund operations,” Orta said, adding, “For whistleblowers like myself who have alleged reprisals, that we receive our restoration and restitution stolen from us. They took reprisals against us, they must admit they did, and provide restitution. If they do not, they are liars and any claims that there are whistleblower reprisal protections is a lie.”

Here are excerpts from the lawsuit, JAMES S. PARS v. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY and JOHN O. BRENNAN:

“The COB ran the base like a college dormitory. Her behavior negatively impacted the Base’s ability to meet its mission of assisting Intelligence Community (IC) and US military partners, and endangered the lives of personnel. The COB admitted to Plaintiff that she was “wrecked” and “horribly depressed” because she missed her family. The COB placed her personal needs of cooking, baking, socializing, entertainment, exercise and shopping above he needs of the mission often going days and sometimes more than a week without meeting with key personnel,” according to whistleblower Pedro Israel Orta’s lawsuit against the CIA, which he filed under his alias “James S. Pars.” Orta has provided evidence to NATIONAL FILE proving that he, Orta, and James S. Pars are the same person.

“The COB continually put herself and personnel in danger by insisting that they travel in areas of indirect fire attack (IDF) when not operationally necessary — such as trips for food, shopping or to the gym — contrary to US Military personnel movement guidance. In one instance, the COB and her personnel traveled through the same area hit by a rocket about 10 minutes after transiting the area. The COB adopted certain U.S. Military members to feed and entertain on base. She referred to these military members as her “adopted sons.” The COB would frequently spend hours entertaining her adopted sons,” according to Pedro Israel Orta’s lawsuit against the CIA.


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f29ec2 No.89958

File: f194848d9b3df5e⋯.png (16.69 KB,391x690,17:30,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553198 (150139ZSEP23) Notable: O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Governor has prohibited photography on public land.

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O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Governor has prohibited photography on public land.

Hawaii National Guard says Maui police and Sheriffs are “assholes” who are “puffing chests”

OMG files lawsuit against Hawaii Gov to invalidate the criminalization of protected First Amendment activity and to also strip Maui County of any ability to criminally charge anyone who exercises their First Amendment rights.


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f29ec2 No.89959

File: c9a8358a5166a41⋯.png (217.91 KB,411x592,411:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553213 (150140ZSEP23) Notable: Did they Just say Paying Taxes is Voluntary? / Frmr NV Sen Harry Reid: "Taxation Is Voluntary"

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Holy smokes Batman! 👀

Did they Just say Paying Taxes is Voluntary?

“As much as we know that the folks at IRS have a thankless job, because they have to go and tell their fellow Americans that they may be audited, or have to do this work understaffed…

We have to maintain the confidence in the system because it’s a voluntary system of payment of our taxes.”[Agreed]…..


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f29ec2 No.89960

File: 787bebc4a6c9203⋯.png (556.98 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 26ab2a237b77e22⋯.png (1.07 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: ffbae530bf4f385⋯.png (164.88 KB,693x921,231:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d31fce4348459c⋯.png (146.74 KB,687x838,687:838,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553220 (150141ZSEP23) Notable: Fulton County DA Hands Over List of 30 Co-conspirators in Trump Election Case

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Fulton County DA Hands Over List of 30 Co-conspirators in Trump Election Case

On Thursday, the Fulton County District Attorney’s office handed over the names of 30 unindicted co-conspirators listed in the 98-page racketeering indictment that charges 19 defendants for their challenge of the 2020 election results.

Two of the 19 defendants charged go to trial next month and will receive more documents and information from the prosecution in discovery.

The remaining 17 defendants will later receive the list as well, according to the judge.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee, who is presiding over the case, said the defendants will also have access to some of the witness transcriptions from the special grand jury that recommended charges be brought. They will obtain access to the transcripts previously given by witnesses who will again be called to testify, by Sept. 20 when the list of witnesses needs to be provided to the defense.

Judge McAfee is still considering whether the prosecution will be required to provide the defense additional information.

On Oct. 23, defendants Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell will be tried together. Judge McAfee has officially severed their cases from the other 17 defendants, which includes former President Donald Trump.

Upcoming Trial

Mr. Chesebro and Ms. Powell were both attorneys who advised President Trump when he challenged the 2020 election results, but they had advised him on different matters. Like several other defendants, they are arguing their cases are unrelated to each other.

In the upcoming trial, which will be televised, the prosecution will have to prove that Mr. Chesebro’s advice on organizing an alternate slate of electors, and Ms. Powell’s questioning of voting machine integrity are part of the same “scheme.”

They have also both filed separate motions to dismiss, Ms. Powell arguing that the indictment falsely attributes several acts to her that she was not a part of, and Mr. Chesebro arguing he was acting in his official capacity as a lawyer.


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f29ec2 No.89961

File: b2f1052853bd9ad⋯.png (356.88 KB,591x674,591:674,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553222 (150141ZSEP23) Notable: O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Governor has prohibited photography on public land.

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James O'Keefe


O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Governor has prohibited photography on public land.

Hawaii National Guard says Maui police and Sheriffs are “assholes” who are “puffing chests”

OMG files lawsuit against Hawaii Gov to invalidate the criminalization of protected First Amendment activity and to also strip Maui County of any ability to criminally charge anyone who exercises their First Amendment rights.

1:01 PM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89962

File: f291628c545d795⋯.png (251 KB,1043x601,1043:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553239 (150143ZSEP23) Notable: President Zelenskyy to visit Washington DC next week / Congress is debating $24 billion in aid for Ukraine

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Zelenskyy is expected to visit Washington

as Congress is debating $24 billion in

aid for Ukraine

Associated Press, by Stephrn Groves *

Posted By: Imright, 9/14/2023 8:21:03 PM

Washington— Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is expected at the White House and on Capitol Hill next week as he visits the U.S. during the United Nations General Assembly. Zelenskyy’s trip comes as Congress is debating President Joe Biden’s request to provide as much as $24 billion in military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine as it fights the Russian invasion. An administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive visit, said Zelenskyy will meet with Biden at the White House next Thursday.

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f29ec2 No.89963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553263 (150149ZSEP23) Notable: PBD Podcast talking to Anthony Weiner

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On PBD Podcast Patrick mentioned Frazzledrip but didn't ask about it because he didn't believe it, but when he asked about people close to the Clintons dying it is what set Weiner into a meltdown. This is an interesting interview, you can tell right off the bat there was tension because off camera before the interview, Anthony said to PBD "Hi whats your name?" Total disrespect douche move from Weiner. PBD was up until 2 AMM watching a Weiner documentary studying before the interview, Weiner watched a few clips. When Weiner talks about texting underage girls he likens it to any addiction, like he is working the 12 steps. It kinda pissed me off because I work with addicts and alcoholics and he seemed to play down what he did


. It is really a fascinating interview and you can totally see the deflection and tactics that a certain type of person uses. Listen in the background it is fascinating


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f29ec2 No.89964

File: 1c9055f46fb18c7⋯.png (396.91 KB,588x571,588:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553269 (150150ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Biden Says Black and Hispanic Workers Don’t Have High School Diplomas (VIDEO)

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The Gateway Pundit


WOW! Joe Biden Says Black and Hispanic Workers Don’t Have High School Diplomas (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit


WOW! Joe Biden Says Black and Hispanic Workers Don't Have High School Diplomas (VIDEO) | The...

Joe Biden on Thursday delivered remarks on his failed economic agenda dubbed “Bidenomics” at Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Maryland.

11:36 AM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.89965

File: 17223b11a8e21d4⋯.png (307.29 KB,407x707,407:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553287 (150152ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Buttar before his death discussing the injection payloads that can be activated to create symptoms of Marburg

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Dr. Buttar before his death discussing the injection payloads that can be activated to create symptoms of Marburg.

Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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f29ec2 No.89966

File: 99e1f9289761bb5⋯.png (154.11 KB,409x464,409:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553292 (150153ZSEP23) Notable: UN's Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications wants to "massively ramp up" an "information war" on "disinformation" with an "army of trusted messengers."

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UN's Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications wants to "massively ramp up" an "information war" on "disinformation" with an "army of trusted messengers."

Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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f29ec2 No.89967

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553295 (150153ZSEP23) Notable: Bannon Calls On Kevin McCarthy To Stop Posturing And End The Biden Regime

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==“Be A Man”: Bannon Calls On Kevin McCarthy To Stop Posturing And End The Biden Regime

Bannons War Room. Important rant and speech.== IMO The Founding Fathers are reaching up from their graves or down from heaven anons! There is movement in our Universe!




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f29ec2 No.89968

File: 6624a986e619712⋯.png (465.22 KB,1260x906,210:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553299 (150154ZSEP23) Notable: Miami city commissioner charged with bribery and money laundering

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Miami city commissioner charged with bribery and money laundering

Miami Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla and co-defendant, Miami attorney William Riley Jr.

Diaz de la Portilla and Riley accepted more than $15,000 in payments for the Miami-Dade County Court judicial campaign of Diaz de la Portilla’s brother but did not report them, as required by state law, investigators said. Riley also controlled a bank account in the name of a Delaware-based corporation to launder about $245,000 in concealed political contributions made by a management services company in exchange for permission to build a sports complex in the city of Miami, officials said.

Investigators also said that Diaz de la Portilla operated and controlled two political committees used not only to support his brother’s campaign, but also for personal expenditures. Records showed that one of the committees reported total donations of about $2.3 million and the other reported total donations of more than $800,000.


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f29ec2 No.89969

File: 9bc697b0bcf3895⋯.jpg (323.07 KB,1395x1080,31:24,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553321 (150159ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000053

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000053

SCOTUS To Take Up The Biggest First Amendment Case In Modern US History


HUGE DEVELOPMENT in the Missouri and Louisiana (and Gateway Pundit) vs. Biden lawsuit challenging the government’s collusion with Big Tech companies to suppress the freedom of speech of millions of Americans.

Private Hungarian citizen István Tényi wrote to police and prosecutors, asking that they investigate whether the Hungarian opposition accepted illegal foreign campaign donations from US government funded Soros-aligned NGO Action for Democracy.


Oregon County Fights Monsanto/Bayer Plan To Spray 473 Acres With Toxic Glyphosate


More Economic Terrorism: Train car carrying toxic perchloric acid explodes in Nebraska rail yard: Evacuation orders issued for four mile radius as huge plume of smoke fills sky above North Platte.


MY COMMENT: Bolsheviks are trying to destroy farm land, thus destroying our ability to produce our own food in America. Control the food, control people. Control the oil, control nations.

A science paper published in MaterialsToday Chemistry reveals that cell phone signals can be used to release biological or chemical payloads from graphene oxide that's introduced into the human body. The paper, published in September of 2022, is entitled, "Remotely controlled electro-responsive on-demand nanotherapy based on amine-modified graphene oxide for synergistic dual drug delivery."



Graphene Oxide was one of the compounds found in several covid clot shot batches!

The Timeline For The Anti-Christ Currently In Progress!


We have corporate capture of our entire government… There’s corruption at every level… Not to say that people are inherently corrupt… but the system itself is corrupt.


Hunter Biden Convicted For Owning An Unlicensed Gun (Yet They Ignore Money Laundering From Ukraine!?)


Convicted Sex Offender Rabbi Berland Turned Away At Ukrainian Border On Way To Uman


Bulgaria Calls for NATO Article 4 "Consultations" After Russia Blocks Black Sea Area for Naval Exercise


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f29ec2 No.89970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553335 (150203ZSEP23) Notable: Did they Just say Paying Taxes is Voluntary? / Frmr NV Sen Harry Reid: "Taxation Is Voluntary"

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Frmr NV Sen Harry Reid: "Taxation Is Voluntary"

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f29ec2 No.89971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553341 (150204ZSEP23) Notable: Megyn Kelly Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Details of Her Interview with Former President Donald Trump

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she states it was freezing in there cos trump likes it cold..


Megyn Kelly Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Details of Her Interview with Former President Donald Trump


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f29ec2 No.89972

File: 95b4c35ea8e3e12⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553368 (150208ZSEP23) Notable: The Dark Origin of the ADL

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f29ec2 No.89973

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553379 (150211ZSEP23) Notable: Frank Gaffney Joins WarRoom To Discuss Who Joe Biden Is Actually Working For

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Frank Gaffney Joins WarRoom To Discuss Who Joe Biden Is Actually Working For. The problem is the House went home for the summer knowing that McCarthy betrayed America by allowing Bidan to spend $2 Trillion deficit every year to come. Tuberville is now trying to save our military from the woke agenda



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f29ec2 No.89974

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553427 (150218ZSEP23) Notable: Mike Davis: "People should not be fooled at all by these gun charges against Hunter Biden"

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Mike Davis: "People should not be fooled at all by these gun charges against Hunter Biden". These charges by Weiss are never going to punish anyone. Weiss, Garland and Joe figured out a smokescreen, “see he will be punished!” KEK



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f29ec2 No.89975

File: 48d8960332bf1be⋯.png (568.03 KB,684x547,684:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553432 (150218ZSEP23) Notable: China LACM History

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Reports of uncertain reliability claimed in the late 1990s that China was working on several advanced ground-based LACMs: the Changfeng ["Long Wind"] CF-1 and CF-2 [also termed Chang Feng and Chang Feng-JIA], and Hong Niao (HN)-1 and HN-2 missile, with a range between 400 km and 1,800 km, with conventional and possibly nuclear warheads. The ground-launched Hong Niao missiles were said to be fitted with tandem solid-rocket boosters.

In 1995 it was reported that China was funding Israeli development of an air-launched cruise missile based on the Israeli Delilah anti-radiation attack drone, with a 230-mile range. The new missile reportedly was to be larger than the Delilah, while retaining its basic configuration. The range and CEP of the Chang Feng air-launched LACM are claimed to be 600km and 15m, respectively, and Chang Feng -JIA 1300km and 5m. Similar accuracy claims are made for the Hong Niao family of missiles, though these would appear to be rather optimistic.

In May 2001 an air-to-surface missile was reportedly launched from an H-6 bomber. The test, reportedly the first time China had launched the new cruise missile, was apparently deemed successful by US defense and intelligence agencies. The missile, reportedly an extended-range version of the C-802 anti-ship missile, was assessed as being capable of carrying a 500-kilogram warhead to a range of at least 150 kilometers.

The first operational long range Chinese cruise missile, the Hong Niao ("Red Bird") may have entered service as early 1992. The HN-1 was reportedly tested in mid-1999 to a range of 600km. The Hong Niao reportedly derived from the Russian KH-65SE/SD, a short-range version of the Russian Kh-55 [AS-15 KENT] 3,000-kilometer-range strategic cruise missile. The HN-1 apparently has straight folding wings at the mid-body, with a folding tailplane rear assembly. The engine is mounted in the rear of the missile, with an air inlet under the fuselage. Some sources suggest that this missile features inertial guidance with a terrain following radar altimeter, and scene-matching terminal guidance. The missile is variously reported to be able to carry a nuclear, high explosive, or cluster munition warhead.

Reportedly the HN-2 version, with an improved engine and range extended to at least 1,500 kilometers (930 miles), was introduced as early as 1996. In February 2000, Lin Chong-pin, vice chairman of the cabinet-level Mainland Affairs Council, stated that Beijing had also developed a mid-range "Hongniao 2" cruise missile. According to an August 2001 report of doubtful reliability, PLA Navy vessels involved in June 2001 exercises test-fired for the first time the Hongniao-2 cruise missiles, which was claimed to have a range of 1,000 km. According to some reports, the HongNiao-II may have a range of 1,800km, with an inertial and terrain-following guidance system.


A third version, the HN-2C, is submarine-launched and has a range of 1,400 km. Other improvements and changes include the following: a body diameter of 0.7 m, an increase in launch weight to 1,400 kg, an accuracy improvement to 5 m CEP, and an overall improvement of various systems including the guidance, engine, airframe, and wing design.


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f29ec2 No.89976

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553454 (150222ZSEP23) Notable: Diverse Array of Global Experts Join DFRLab’s Task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web - 2/13/23''

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case in point:

''Diverse Array of Global Experts Join DFRLab’s Task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web


WASHINGTON, DC – February 13, 2023 – The Atlantic Council’s Democracy + Tech Initiative at the Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) is pleased to announce the inaugural members of its Task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web, representing 42 companies, globalcivil societyorganizations, universities & initiatives, individual experts, and associations.

Led by Task Force Director Kat Duffy, these exceptional leaders will collaborate over the next four months to articulate a future-focused agenda in support of building a more trustworthy web, and to identify specific interventions necessary to catalyze that evolution. The Task Force will engage a broad range of experts drawn from product, business, rights, policy, and related fields to determine its findings, and will publish a report with recommendations by June 2023.

“This task force unites luminaries who not only have decades of experience and perspective behind them, but also a creative vision for the ways we could build a safer, more inclusive web in the future,” said Duffy. “‘Trust and safety’ practices and principles transcend any particular policy, company, issue, team, or tool. By illuminating and embracing that complexity, this Task Force will help chart a path forward that can support human dignity and innovation, and mitigate harms.”


TRUSTWORTHY is another part of the Soros-Speak, along with CIVIL SOCIETY and INCLUSIVE

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f29ec2 No.89977

File: e538b343d99bac1⋯.png (1.21 MB,614x768,307:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553495 (150229ZSEP23) Notable: South Korea to COMPENSATE deaths 90 days after covid shot

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South Korea to COMPENSATE deaths 90 days after covid shot

Families to all people who have died within 90 days of receiving a covid-19 vaccination will be compensated by the government


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f29ec2 No.89978

File: 19cc0eed0b07d80⋯.png (715.75 KB,777x494,777:494,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553509 (150232ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Has People in Cages at the Border – Where’s the Democrat Outrage?

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Biden Has People in Cages at the Border – Where’s the Democrat Outrage?

Do you remember all the Democrats shrieking about kids in cages during the 2020 election? It was repeated by Biden, his supporters and people in media over and over again. A constant drum beat.

Here’s the harsh truth. They don’t care. They didn’t care then and they don’t care now.

It was nothing more than a line of attack against Trump. How do we know this? Simple. There are people being held in cages at the border right now under Biden and none of the Democrats are saying anything about it.

Townhall reports:

Call AOC! Biden’s Cages Are Back at the Border

The Tucson Sector along the U.S.-Mexico border continues to be slammed with illegal immigrants, straining resources in a part of the country that typically sees more gotaways than people claiming asylum.

As a result, almost no Border Patrol agents are actively patrolling the southern border because they are having to quickly process and release the thousands of illegal immigrants to get out of their facilities. Pictures and videos have emerged once again of illegal immigrants being held behind crowded fencing outdoors, which previously caused outrage from Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media.

AOC actually called this ‘concentration camps’ under Trump. Now? Silence.

NEW: Images from Ajo, AZ show illegal immigrants being detained in an outdoor Border Patrol holding area yesterday as the Tucson, AZ sector is overwhelmed & CBP facilities there are overcapacity. The sector has seen approx 2,000 illegal crossings per day last 3 days in a row &… pic.twitter.com/rqp2MKOuF3

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) September 14, 2023

Right now in Ajo AZ Sector for the Border Patrol. Hundreds in custody on top of what was caught last night. Already getting reports of large numbers crossing and Border Patrol trying to respond. They are overwhelmed and this administration

is letting this happen with no support! pic.twitter.com/Kkqv3xq8h9

— John Fabbricatore (@JohnE_Fabb) September 13, 2023

Hey, AOC, kids in cages. Get down there in your best white pantsuit. https://t.co/sEUydNePmV

— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) September 14, 2023

Hundreds of people kept in cages, outside in record heat. Media + Dems no longer care. Zero reporters. Zero members of congress crying on fence lines. https://t.co/5dfgY4sLqa

— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 14, 2023

They never cared. It was just about them pretending to be morally superior.


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f29ec2 No.89979

File: 1f1af3e9b2b42ab⋯.png (261.33 KB,840x1178,420:589,Clipboard.png)

File: 00cc042bad4b7c6⋯.png (490.04 KB,1581x891,527:297,Clipboard.png)

File: 865ca5ea37d0e35⋯.mp4 (8.95 MB,1276x718,638:359,Clipboard.mp4)

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f29ec2 No.89980

File: eb7d1a46b5d5172⋯.png (47.78 KB,589x387,589:387,Clipboard.png)

File: fd2a8cc5fdccddb⋯.png (67.22 KB,840x586,420:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553572 (150244ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Pandora's Box + Q DROP #4888

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I don't know if we should be tracking this year or next year, but this week has been crazy which leads me to ASSUME to track this week.


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f29ec2 No.89981

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553589 (150247ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Buttar before his death discussing the injection payloads that can be activated to create symptoms of Marburg

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They touch on that here too with Dr. John Waterman.

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f29ec2 No.89982

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553595 (150248ZSEP23) Notable: Sebastian Gorka: "You have one job now and one job only, remove the threat to the nation"

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Sebastian Gorka: "You have one job now and one job only, remove the threat to the nation"! Comer and Jordan are not doing it.There are Fox viewers that think these things are the worst that Bidan has done. Not even close, reveal the assassinations that happened in various countries. They haven’t done enough! Money is expected, assassinations are much worse!



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f29ec2 No.89983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553601 (150249ZSEP23) Notable: Wisconsin Senate votes to fire top elections officer

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Wisconsin Senate votes to fire top elections officer

Gov. Tony Evers has directed the state Department of Justice to support Wolfe and argue for her maintaining her post.

The Wisconsin Senate on Thursday voted to fire the administrator of the state's elections commission (WEC) amid frustrations with her handling of the 2020 presidential contest.

Wisconsin was one of a handful of states that drew scrutiny of its elections due to former President Donald Trump's assertions that mass fraud influenced the outcome. WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe drew particular criticism due to her office, The Hill reported.

The vote to oust her is likely to draw constitutional scrutiny due to questions as to whether Wolfe had been technically nominated to serve another term. Three Republican members of the WEC nominated her while three Democrats abstained. Republicans in the chamber interpreted that decision as a unanimous nomination and subsequently voted that she not continue in the post.

Democrats, meanwhile, contend that the Senate vote was illegitimate. Gov. Tony Evers has directed the state Department of Justice to support Wolfe and argue for her maintaining her post.


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f29ec2 No.89984

File: d55418ecc1ed028⋯.mp4 (10.01 MB,512x288,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553602 (150249ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Buttar before his death discussing the injection payloads that can be activated to create symptoms of Marburg

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Dr. Madej says they can even load it with explosives if they want.

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f29ec2 No.89985

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553710 (150309ZSEP23) Notable: #24013

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Notables - FINAL

#24013 >>89943

>>89944 Lara Logan on Ukraine

>>89945 America's Transforming Its War Machine to Beat China - America Uncovered

>>89946 Torture and Abuse: DC Officials Place Jan. 6 Prisoners in DC Gulag Back on COVID Lockdown, Solitary Confinement Starting Today!

>>89947 TRUMP: "I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 States."

>>89948 Elon Musk has found himself in a battle & potential $22 billion lawsuit w/ the ADL

>>89949, >>89962 President Zelenskyy to visit Washington DC next week / Congress is debating $24 billion in aid for Ukraine

>>89950 Normies Talking About Frazzle.rip on "X"

>>89951 Judge Blocks Blue State School District Policy To Hide Pronouns From Parents

>>89952 Per CBP sources, yesterday alone, Border Patrol apprehended over 7,400 illegal immigrants at the southern border

>>89953 David Brock Threatens to Target the Children of GOP Members Investigating Hunter Biden

>>89954 Hunter Biden is suing @MarcoPolo501c3, a non-profit organization that released a comprehensive 640-page Report on the Biden Laptop.

>>89955 Dr. Michael Rectenwald On The Great Reset: “It Is A Globalist Plan”

>>89956, >>89958, >>89961 O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Governor has prohibited photography on public land.

>>89957 CIA Whistleblower: CIA Works With Pedophiles, Retaliates Against Whistleblowers, And Put Men in Harm’s Way For Frivolous Shopping And Baking Activities

>>89959, >>89970 Did they Just say Paying Taxes is Voluntary? / Frmr NV Sen Harry Reid: "Taxation Is Voluntary"

>>89960 Fulton County DA Hands Over List of 30 Co-conspirators in Trump Election Case

>>89963 PBD Podcast talking to Anthony Weiner

>>89964 Joe Biden Says Black and Hispanic Workers Don’t Have High School Diplomas (VIDEO)

>>89965, >>89981, >>89984 Dr. Buttar before his death discussing the injection payloads that can be activated to create symptoms of Marburg

>>89966 UN's Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications wants to "massively ramp up" an "information war" on "disinformation" with an "army of trusted messengers."

>>89967 Bannon Calls On Kevin McCarthy To Stop Posturing And End The Biden Regime

>>89968 Miami city commissioner charged with bribery and money laundering

>>89969 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000053

>>89971 Megyn Kelly Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Details of Her Interview with Former President Donald Trump

>>89972 The Dark Origin of the ADL

>>89973 Frank Gaffney Joins WarRoom To Discuss Who Joe Biden Is Actually Working For

>>89974 Mike Davis: "People should not be fooled at all by these gun charges against Hunter Biden"

>>89975 China LACM History

>>89976 ''Diverse Array of Global Experts Join DFRLab’s Task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web - 2/13/23

>>89977 South Korea to COMPENSATE deaths 90 days after covid shot

>>89978 Biden Has People in Cages at the Border – Where’s the Democrat Outrage?

>>89979 Anon - Start Tracking events anons, and add to the list! 9/13/23 - 9/14/23

>>89980 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Pandora's Box + Q DROP #4888

>>89982 Sebastian Gorka: "You have one job now and one job only, remove the threat to the nation"

>>89983 Wisconsin Senate votes to fire top elections officer


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f29ec2 No.89986

File: 4c72a3a46d1d461⋯.jpg (43.29 KB,736x460,8:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553722 (150310ZSEP23) Notable: #24014

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The Whole World Is Watching

Godspeed Patriots


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f29ec2 No.89987

File: bb9ce9a1f9bc7a2⋯.png (221.19 KB,476x880,119:220,Clipboard.png)

File: c731c41cedf8126⋯.jpg (140.03 KB,594x978,99:163,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 947ba2023f36d51⋯.png (122.3 KB,840x1070,84:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 08e91e4b7fa3465⋯.png (211.11 KB,840x1956,70:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553759 (150314ZSEP23) Notable: Anon's Big List of Events

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>>89979 (me) LB

>>89980 (me) LB

Updated list: Keep this going, nightshift, tell dayshift to keep adding. Copy it into whatever note processor you use.

https://apnews.com/article/hunter-biden-gun-charge-investigation-e5c8ded90ea8c22d2e2e7cb09804b747 SEPT14

https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/thuhunter-biden-delivered-meeting-father-business-associates-inside SEPT 13

https://www.reuters.com/world/us/why-have-us-republicans-opened-an-impeachment-inquiry-into-joe-biden-2023-09-12/ SEPT13

https://nypost.com/2023/09/13/biden-impeachment-white-house-to-send-letter-urging-news-outlets-to-scrutinize-inquiry/ SEPT13

https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/2023-09/23_0913_ia_23-333-ia_u_homeland-threat-assessment-2024_508C_V6_13Sep23.pdf SEPT14

https://justthenews.com/world/middle-east/biden-admin-oks-transfer-6-billion-iranian-funds-prisoner-exchanges-report SEPT11

https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/justice-alito-temporarily-lifts-ban-biden-admin-contact-social-media SEPT14

https://apnews.com/article/mccarthy-biden-impeachment-shutdown-house-republicans-b187202be8814f7acbdd6e2e937e23d4 SEPT12

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of_w0WpzSoY McCarthy impeach video, SEPT12

https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/111064968220563297 "PANDORAS BOX" SEPT14

https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/biden-scandal-widens-question-what-obama-knew-and-when-rises-top SEPT4

https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/111058460949392374 ^ TS FOR ABOVE ARTICLE. SEPT13

https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/111066799598745757 "IT MUST BE DONE RIGHT" SEPT14

https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1700498417259069707 ^ TWITTER FOR ABOVE TS, "IT MUST BE DONE RIGHT" SEPT9

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f29ec2 No.89988

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553788 (150323ZSEP23) Notable: Bannons War Room. No One Talks About The Southern Borders!

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==Todd Bensman: "There's hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in the country who have disappeared"

Bannons War Room. No One Talks About The Southern Borders!==

“Men, we are surrounded by the enemy. We have the greatest opportunity ever presented an army. We can attack in any direction.”

Anthony McAuliffe

Mine would be this, by General Foch during WWI:

"Hard pressed on my right; my left is in retreat. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking!"


TIL: Trapped behind enemy lines during the Korean War Chester Puller Stated,"We’ve been looking for the enemy for several days now. We’ve finally found them. We’re surrounded. That simplifies our problem of finding these people and killing them." He and his men survived.



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f29ec2 No.89989

File: 58107a57e81e4fc⋯.png (633.84 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553804 (150329ZSEP23) Notable: The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed Patriots a Potent New Tool

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The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed Patriots a Potent New Tool


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f29ec2 No.89990

File: 5d6c4db34969ea2⋯.png (463.15 KB,650x333,650:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553808 (150330ZSEP23) Notable: CNN’s Amazingly Inept ‘Fact-Check’ on Impeachment Inquiry Instead Proves Republicans Correct

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CNN’s Amazingly Inept ‘Fact-Check’ on Impeachment Inquiry Instead Proves Republicans Correct


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f29ec2 No.89991

File: 6f872ceae915aee⋯.png (1.01 MB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553814 (150331ZSEP23) Notable: Biden claims to group of rabbis that he was ‘raised in synagogues in my state’

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Biden claims to group of rabbis that he was ‘raised in synagogues in my state’

“You might say I was raised in the synagogues of my state. You think I’m kidding, but I’m not,” Biden said during a call ahead of Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish new year holiday …


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f29ec2 No.89992

File: 5656fee21a31dea⋯.png (987.33 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553819 (150332ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Tom Emmer reintroduces anti-CBDC bill to Congress

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Rep. Tom Emmer reintroduces anti-CBDC bill to Congress The bill would limit the Fed from issuing a CBDC, which Tom Emmer called a surveillance tool that would “undermine the American way of life.”

Rep. Tom Emmer reintroduces anti-CBDC bill to Congress

U.S. Representative Tom Emmer has reintroduced the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act to prohibit the Fed from minting digital dollars for individuals.


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f29ec2 No.89993

File: 04245e7a75cf6b2⋯.png (647.28 KB,934x923,934:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553822 (150332ZSEP23) Notable: Timeline: Criminal probe into Trump's efforts to overturn Georgia election results

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Timeline: Criminal probe into Trump's efforts to overturn Georgia election results

Trump asked the Georgia secretary of state to"find 11,780 votes"in 2021.

Anons, whats 1+1+7+8?



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f29ec2 No.89994

File: e8b2cf5ff5f9ed8⋯.png (483.68 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553826 (150333ZSEP23) Notable: "I Used to Teach Political Theory" - Joe Biden Lies AGAIN About Being a Professor at UPenn

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Another Day Another Lie...“I Used to Teach Political Theory” – Joe Biden Lies AGAIN About Being a Professor at UPenn [with VIDEO for the Lefty Trolls]

"I Used to Teach Political Theory" - Joe Biden Lies AGAIN About Being a Professor at UPenn


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f29ec2 No.89995

File: 703eb4161c3f372⋯.png (1.42 MB,1584x1979,1584:1979,Clipboard.png)

File: da1aa0691b2d176⋯.png (418.7 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553828 (150334ZSEP23) Notable: Deputy saves a child being trafficked in Navajo County

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Deputy saves a child being trafficked in Navajo County

Holbrook, AZ: On September 8, 2023, a Navajo County Deputy assigned to the Criminal Interdiction Unit conducted a traffic stop on Interstate 40 at milepost 258 in the Winslow area. After an investigation was conducted, it was learned that Julio Ramirez-Felipe (35) of Greenfield, CA, was traveling with a juvenile boy who was not related or known to him. Ramirez-Felipe was arrested and booked into Navajo County Jail for Assisting in Human Smuggling Organization.

Deputies at the Navajo County Sheriff’s Office, specifically the deputies assigned to the Criminal Interdiction Unit have received substantial training on recognizing and detecting signs of human trafficking. During the traffic stop, the Deputy utilized their training and was able to determine that the child was in danger and was being trafficked. The Deputy secured the juvenile while Ramirez-Felipe was transported to NCSO Jail. He is currently being held on an immigration detainer. The Criminal Interdiction Unit deputy is working with partnering investigative agencies to further investigate this incident.

There is no specific age, race, or gender that is targeted for human trafficking. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide, including here in Arizona. We are proud of our Deputy for applying his training and saving the juvenile from danger.

Sheriff Clouse stated: “I would like to commend my Deputy for his exemplary investigative work on this traffic stop. Because of this simple traffic stop and furtherance of his investigation, an innocent child was rescued from danger. Human trafficking is a real issue that affects too many children. Thank you to the men and women who combat these issues every day.”

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f29ec2 No.89996

File: 2430933c100bc36⋯.png (920.67 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553836 (150335ZSEP23) Notable: "I Used to Teach Political Theory" - Joe Biden Lies AGAIN About Being a Professor at UPenn

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Biden Be Lyin' Again: Whire House Resident Claims He Taught Class At UPenn; And Just Like He Didn't Really Win The Election, He Didn't Really Teach There, EVER

Biden boasts teaching ‘political theory’ at UPenn — but he never taught a single class at the Ivy League school

Biden was an honorary professor at the Philadelphia school, but never taught a single semester-long course.


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f29ec2 No.89997

File: 29eab958c3e18d0⋯.png (870.72 KB,510x768,85:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553840 (150336ZSEP23) Notable: Prominent Bucks County Democrat Turns to Violence at School Board Meeting

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Bucks County, Pennsylvania Democratic Committeeman Attempts To Hit A Republican With A Steel Chair At School Board Meeting

Prominent Bucks County Democrat Turns to Violence at School Board Meeting — Stop Bucks Extremism

Last night, a crazed Democrat tried inciting violence with a steel chair at a Central Bucks School Board meeting. And by “crazed Democrat,” we mean prominent Bucks County Democrat Steve Sullivan.


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f29ec2 No.89998

File: 19268c715fc3a43⋯.png (666.18 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553843 (150337ZSEP23) Notable: Bidenomics: As Historic Auto Union Strike Starts, White House Prepares Emergency Aid

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Bidenomics: As Historic Auto Union Strike Starts, White House Prepares Emergency Aid


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f29ec2 No.89999

File: 4c755c343656c3d⋯.png (541.06 KB,600x315,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553846 (150338ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Biden Tries to Sneak Provision into Budget that would Eliminate ICE Agents and Excuse Criminal Illegal

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==Biden Tries to Sneak Provision into Budget that would Eliminate ICE Agents & Excuse Criminal Illegals. Biden has slipped a provision into the budget now being debated in Congress that would Defund ICE and give Criminal Illegals a free hand to commit as many crimes as they want free of being deported =

Joe Biden Tries to Sneak Provision into Budget that would Eliminate ICE Agents and Excuse Criminal Illegals • Warner Todd Huston...

Joe Biden has slipped a provision into the budget now being debated in Congress that would defund Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


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f29ec2 No.90000

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553902 (150357ZSEP23) Notable: CIA employee convicted for child porn.

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CIA employee convicted for child porn. Plot twist: He was previously convicted for releasing info to WikiLeaks!


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f29ec2 No.90001

File: 2d89a435e37d7f7⋯.png (1.12 MB,762x768,127:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553904 (150358ZSEP23) Notable: The Child Poverty Rate In The United States Has More Than Doubled

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The Child Poverty Rate In The United States Has More Than Doubled


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f29ec2 No.90002

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553944 (150410ZSEP23) Notable: Bannons War Room. The military is the last pillar for enemies to destroy the US.

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Bannons War Room. The military is the last pillar for enemies to destroy the US. The CCP loves this! They are supercharging the destruction of the the psyche of the military. Tribalizing the US Military! Col. Grant Newsham On The Chaos Gutting The US Military



Think about this, I took note of what Bidan did on his first day in office, when he eliminated EO’s by Trump. ==They attacked and had to destroy what accomplishments Trump was proudest about for the benefit of America?

The Military was almost there first target. So when Obama/Bidan (O had to get back at Trump for vowing to destroy his legacy). So Obama and Bidan appointed Austin abd Milley, Immediately for destroying and attacking all the institutions that protect our country. Anything Trump and the country loved, they went about destroying. The list they are crossing off monthly is Marxist demoralization technique, “you will always be subject to what we tell you”!

Bidan opens the entire Southern border asap. (If you look at the EO’s he destroyed, you can be sure of what policies and EOs were the most successful for America and Trump). Kills oil and gas drilling and pipelines.

There has been so much revenge porn by Obama and Bidan, but then they have to do the worst, which was/is the Afghanistan catastrophic intentional withdrawal was not just botched but created in hell, that Satan is still proud of.

No one will remember Trump as getting us out of a forever war, and will never be remembered as a Trump accomplishment, or of saving future lives of the military, etc. .

There are so many other things that Obama had to get revenge on Trump for erasing the destruction Obama built; but its guaranteed anything Trump holds as protecting our people and country, and the values as America, they will attempt to destroy forever

Well IMO the Boom, Boom, Boom is coming soonFuck the EMS, unless it comes before the Booms!


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f29ec2 No.90003

File: b5c5ba2d972827e⋯.png (778.29 KB,768x438,128:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553950 (150412ZSEP23) Notable: Biden names Penny Pritzker to lead U.S. in forging Ukraine’s economic recovery

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The Corrupt Cronyism Never Ends: Biden names Penny Pritzker to lead U.S. in forging Ukraine’s economic recovery. Biden said Pritzker will work in ‘lockstep’ with the Ukraine government. Pritzker, a member of one the richest families in the nation, is the Sister of illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker...

Biden names Penny Pritzker to lead U.S. in forging Ukraine’s economic recovery

President Joe Biden said Pritzker will work in “lockstep” with the Ukraine government.


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f29ec2 No.90004

File: 5e0d526f84e5a24⋯.png (672.58 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553957 (150413ZSEP23) Notable: Apple’s creepy new climate change ad proposes killing all of us to “save the planet”

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Apple’s creepy new climate change ad proposes killing all of us to “save the planet”…

One Apple can KILL the bunch.


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f29ec2 No.90005

File: ff6509a17a5cbe0⋯.png (304.56 KB,541x707,541:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553963 (150415ZSEP23) Notable: Former USCP Chief Steven Sund will be the witness at next week’s House Administration’s Oversight Subcommittee hearing

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Ivan Raiklin



The J6 Fedsurrection Coup is about to be exposed for the whole nation to see!!!!! This should get a billion views!!! Everyone must tune in!!!


Rep. Barry Loudermilk




Former USCP Chief Steven Sund will be the witness at next week’s House Administration’s Oversight Subcommittee hearing. I look forward to hearing the Chief’s testimony and his assessment of the security failures on January 6, 2021.

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f29ec2 No.90006

File: 33604291b359954⋯.png (573.97 KB,600x500,6:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553968 (150416ZSEP23) Notable: The Biden Crime Family is Exposed in New Peter Schweizer Blockbuster Book

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Someone point David Brock to Peter Schweizer's three New York Times bestsellers Profiles in Corruption, Secret Empires and Red-Handed to get things rolling!

The Biden Crime Family is Exposed in New Peter Schweizer Blockbuster Book

Some of Schweizer’s previous books have sparked FBI investigations and exposed many illegal activities by Congress members like insider trading. Peter says the revelations in Red-Handed are the “scariest” ones he has ever found.


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f29ec2 No.90007

File: b0f5cd0efb6c2cb⋯.png (209.65 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553978 (150418ZSEP23) Notable: Post-Postmodern America

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Post-Postmodern America. Woke Revolution depends on its advocates never having to experience firsthand any of the nonsense they inflict on others...

Post-Postmodern America


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f29ec2 No.90008

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553981 (150419ZSEP23) Notable: Will Thibeau Discusses How Wokeism Is Driving Promotions In The US Military

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==Will Thibeau Discusses How Wokeism Is Driving Promotions In The US Military. The Military is being destroyed, because 42% of the appointments by Bidan in the Military are 100% for woke destruction of the whole military at every level.

Must listen



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f29ec2 No.90009

File: a88944a733e1c18⋯.png (304.36 KB,600x607,600:607,Clipboard.png)

File: cf35acf5defb145⋯.gif (3.11 MB,498x498,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553986 (150420ZSEP23) Notable: Saudi Arabia's defense ministry has executed two military personnel who were accused of committing treason

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The Jerusalem Post



Saudi Arabia's defense ministry has executed two military personnel who were accused of committing treason among other offenses, the state news agency (SPA) said on Thursday.

#Saudi #spying #Treason


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f29ec2 No.90010

File: b2261290cb0f80a⋯.png (106.82 KB,589x426,589:426,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ea56d5a3c61091⋯.mp4 (14.3 MB,500x212,125:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553994 (150421ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - “REMEMBER THE MAN”

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Donald J. Trump




Sep 15, 2023, 12:01 AM


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f29ec2 No.90011

File: 9e83f29aa80cf08⋯.png (875.52 KB,768x431,768:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554002 (150423ZSEP23) Notable: California school districts ban LGBTQ Pride flags

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California school districts ban LGBTQ Pride flags. Der Fuehrer Gavin Newsom outraged.

California school districts ban LGBTQ Pride flags

Two California school districts banned the display of LGBTQ pride flags on Tuesday as organizations and municipalities move to limit flags on display, often citing the controversy around them. Districts in the Southern California city of Temecula and the B...


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f29ec2 No.90012

File: e141b1e4abc2300⋯.png (596.85 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554013 (150425ZSEP23) Notable: California passes law that suspends manual counts of votes, targeting rural, conservative counties

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FUCK NEWSCUM: Commiefornia passes law that ends the manual counting of votes, targeting rural, conservative counties

California passes law that suspends manual counts of votes, targeting rural, conservative counties

The California legislature voted last Friday to end manual counts of votes, ending any sort transparency in what they ironically refer to as "democracy" in the golden state.


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f29ec2 No.90013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554049 (150433ZSEP23) Notable: Greg Kelly: This tape will 'blow the lid' off of Team Biden

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still waiting on this too.


Greg Kelly: This tape will 'blow the lid' off of Team Biden

>sometime after labor day and before halloween.

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f29ec2 No.90014

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554053 (150434ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Carol Swain Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Downfall Of The US Military

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Dr. Carol Swain Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Downfall Of The US Military. During Obama’s term he eliminated the Generals that took seriously their oath to the Constitution to protect America from enemies foreign and domestic.. This is how far the military has lost all sense of the mission to protect our country. The ones left embraced wokeism, which is just another name for traitors of their mission to protect America.


Does anyone have the picture of Obama dressed in tribal clothes, aiming his gun against someone or the Flag of the USA.I think it might be times for memes with that picture, to flood all of the social media


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f29ec2 No.90015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554129 (150458ZSEP23) Notable: GOP Leaders Accuse Biden Of 'Biggest Corruption Scandal' In US History

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GOP Leaders Accuse Biden Of 'Biggest Corruption Scandal' In US History

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f29ec2 No.90016

File: 445c76d3383415a⋯.png (985.11 KB,742x753,742:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554173 (150507ZSEP23) Notable: Alex Soros Meets with Nancy Pelosi on Capitol Hill

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Election Fraud Planning: Alex Soros Meets with Nancy Pelosi on Capitol Hill



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f29ec2 No.90017

File: 811b50c2e191207⋯.png (21.34 KB,600x161,600:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554240 (150522ZSEP23) Notable: Historic move as Ansarullah (Houthis) delegation plans to visit Saudi Arabia for the first-ever talks on a permanent peace treaty

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Abdul Quadir -



🇸🇦🇾🇪 BREAKING: Historic move as Ansarullah (Houthis) delegation plans to visit Saudi Arabia for the first-ever talks on a permanent peace treaty.


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f29ec2 No.90018

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554359 (150603ZSEP23) Notable: CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires

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CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires

The possibility remains that drone mounted DEWs were deployed at times to coincide with known satellite passage. However this seems somewhat unlikely given the green laser mapping of the area by Chinese satellites. I.e. advance surveillance of the battlefield prior to attack.

Raises the obvious possibility that the recent spate of fires including food processing and industrial plants, chemical and fuel storage, live stock incineration and forest fires were ignited by the same means.

Would be interesting to see the results if someone could do a similar analysis of others fires.

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f29ec2 No.90019

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554421 (150620ZSEP23) Notable: Homeland Security Awards $20 Million to Police, Mental Health Networks, Universities, Churches and School Districts to Help Identify Americans as Potential ‘Extremists’

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Homeland Security Awards $20 Million to Police, Mental Health Networks, Universities, Churches and School Districts to Help Identify Americans as Potential ‘Extremists’



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f29ec2 No.90020

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554479 (150639ZSEP23) Notable: #24014

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Notables - FINAL

#24014 >>89986

>>89987 Anon's Big List of Events

>>89988 Bannons War Room. No One Talks About The Southern Borders!

>>89989 The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed Patriots a Potent New Tool

>>89990 CNN’s Amazingly Inept ‘Fact-Check’ on Impeachment Inquiry Instead Proves Republicans Correct

>>89991 Biden claims to group of rabbis that he was ‘raised in synagogues in my state’

>>89992 Rep. Tom Emmer reintroduces anti-CBDC bill to Congress

>>89993 Timeline: Criminal probe into Trump's efforts to overturn Georgia election results

>>89994, >>89996 "I Used to Teach Political Theory" - Joe Biden Lies AGAIN About Being a Professor at UPenn

>>89995 Deputy saves a child being trafficked in Navajo County

>>89997 Prominent Bucks County Democrat Turns to Violence at School Board Meeting

>>89998 Bidenomics: As Historic Auto Union Strike Starts, White House Prepares Emergency Aid

>>89999 Joe Biden Tries to Sneak Provision into Budget that would Eliminate ICE Agents and Excuse Criminal Illegal

>>90000 CIA employee convicted for child porn.

>>90001 The Child Poverty Rate In The United States Has More Than Doubled

>>90002 Bannons War Room. The military is the last pillar for enemies to destroy the US.

>>90003 Biden names Penny Pritzker to lead U.S. in forging Ukraine’s economic recovery

>>90004 Apple’s creepy new climate change ad proposes killing all of us to “save the planet”

>>90005 Former USCP Chief Steven Sund will be the witness at next week’s House Administration’s Oversight Subcommittee hearing

>>90006 The Biden Crime Family is Exposed in New Peter Schweizer Blockbuster Book

>>90007 Post-Postmodern America

>>90008 Will Thibeau Discusses How Wokeism Is Driving Promotions In The US Military

>>90009 Saudi Arabia's defense ministry has executed two military personnel who were accused of committing treason

>>90010 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - “REMEMBER THE MAN”

>>90011 California school districts ban LGBTQ Pride flags

>>90012 California passes law that suspends manual counts of votes, targeting rural, conservative counties

>>90013 Greg Kelly: This tape will 'blow the lid' off of Team Biden

>>90014 Dr. Carol Swain Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Downfall Of The US Military

>>90015 GOP Leaders Accuse Biden Of 'Biggest Corruption Scandal' In US History

>>90016 Alex Soros Meets with Nancy Pelosi on Capitol Hill

>>90017 Historic move as Ansarullah (Houthis) delegation plans to visit Saudi Arabia for the first-ever talks on a permanent peace treaty

>>90018 CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires

>>90019 Homeland Security Awards $20 Million to Police, Mental Health Networks, Universities, Churches and School Districts to Help Identify Americans as Potential ‘Extremists’


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f29ec2 No.90021

File: fa8c94287d029cd⋯.png (627.82 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554491 (150641ZSEP23) Notable: #24015

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Godspeed Patriots


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f29ec2 No.90022

File: b2f8ae7a08a935d⋯.png (276.48 KB,434x565,434:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554521 (150646ZSEP23) Notable: Lauren Boebert tard'n out on the vape

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Lauren Boebert, the rights AOC denied vaping during a Denver Center for the Performing Arts musical before being kicked out Sunday. Clearly vaping on video, being groped, flipping people off

Pure class.


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f29ec2 No.90023

File: a6725aac18ee702⋯.jpg (87.67 KB,833x468,833:468,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554551 (150701ZSEP23) Notable: Australian MP Malcom Roberts: "This week represents a rare victory for Australian sovereignty. A victory for common sense, decency and humanity.

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The following is a statement by Australian MP Malcom Roberts begins.

"This week represents a rare victory for Australian sovereignty.

A victory for common sense, decency and humanity.

And a victory against the sprawling monster of unelected, unaccountable foreign bureaucrats at the World Health Organisation.

You will recall the WHO proposed to change their health regulations that guide member states in the event of a disease outbreak, like COVID, from guiding member states to being mandatory on member states, including Australia.

This would have represented a complete destruction of Australian sovereignty, and a fundamental re-imagining of the powers of the World Health Organisation."

See the following link for video and transcript:


Or, as the title of one Bitchute video says, "‼️WE WON‼️ 😃" (A mirror video)


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f29ec2 No.90024

File: 861e89184504af4⋯.png (590.17 KB,810x822,135:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554700 (150903ZSEP23) Notable: Durham shocker: Danchenko was a paid FBI informant

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Durham shocker: Danchenko was a paid FBI informant

Techno Fog

Sep 13, 2022


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f29ec2 No.90025

File: 8c1407173652d7c⋯.png (629.52 KB,669x668,669:668,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554717 (150922ZSEP23) Notable: Donald Trump: ‘Concealed Carry a Right, Not a Privilege’

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Donald Trump: ‘Concealed Carry a Right, Not a Privilege’


Trump with rifle AP PhotoDanny Johnston

AP/Danny Johnston

AWR Hawkins18 Sep 2015


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f29ec2 No.90026

File: dc1b3c0e657dc75⋯.png (22.49 KB,940x184,235:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554760 (150943ZSEP23) Notable: UAW launches strike against Big 3 automakers

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UAW launches strike against Big 3 automakers

ABC News, by Max Zahn *

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/15/2023 12:46:25 AM

A union representing nearly 150,000 autoworkers launched a strike early Friday morning against the Big 3 U.S. automakers - General Motors, Ford and Stellantis. The United Auto Workers, or UAW, and the car manufacturers failed to reach a contract agreement before a deadline set by the union for Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ET. Less than two hours before the deadline, UAW president Shawn Fain announced the plants where union members would strike if a tentative agreement wasn't reached in time. By midnight Friday, that amounted to approximately 12,700 union workers, including ones at GM in Wentzville, Missouri; Stellantis in Toledo, Ohio; and Ford’s Wayne, Michigan plant.

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f29ec2 No.90027

File: 41a6c0701dcc899⋯.png (494.82 KB,666x712,333:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554764 (150945ZSEP23) Notable: California Officially Gives Up on Travel Bans to Conservative States

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California Officially Gives Up on Travel

Bans to Conservative States

Breitbart, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/15/2023 12:39:51 AM

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a bill Wednesday that officially ends the state’s ban on official travel to conservative states that had enacted laws that Democrats claim are anti-LGBTQ. The ban had been a total failure. The Sacramento Bee reported: Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday signed Senate Bill 447 into law, ending the seven-year-old travel ban that prohibited state money from being used to pay for travel to states with anti-LGBTQ laws. The ban caused difficulties for many state agencies, researchers, student athletes and others who rely on state money. Even supporters of the ban acknowledged that the law was not having the deterrent effect it was intended to

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f29ec2 No.90028

File: b711a3400c0afbb⋯.png (246.58 KB,778x757,778:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554769 (150947ZSEP23) Notable: Musk Says Old Twitter Regime Censored GOP 10x More Than Leftists

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Musk Says Old Twitter Regime Censored

GOP 10x More Than Leftists

Newsbusters, by Catherine Salgado

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/15/2023 12:24:57 AM

X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk says the platform should be for moderate Americans, not just leftists. The All In Podcast, which is hosted by David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, and David Friedberg, posted an interview they did with Elon Musk at the All In Summit. During the interview, Musk noted that, in the past, social media has all been “very left-leaning to far left-leaning,” suspending Republicans far more than leftists. He also expressed his goal of changing that online monopoly. The X owner and billionaire said that “The suspensions of several Republican candidates, interests, or voices were at least ten times the rate of—suppression of left-wing voices.”

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f29ec2 No.90029

File: 94188e2900ffe9b⋯.png (374.81 KB,593x638,593:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554779 (150950ZSEP23) Notable: ABC News producer John Santucci is appalled at how “bad” Fani Willis’ case against Trump is, admits she is just “throwing things against the wall.”

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Juanita Broaddrick


Can’t believe ABC has the balls to admit it !


Collin Rugg




NEW: ABC News producer John Santucci is appalled at how “bad” Fani Willis’ case against Trump is, admits she is just “throwing things against the wall.”

You know it’s bad when even the main stream media is admitting it.

Santucci also mentioned how Trump scored a big win after… Show more

12:31 PM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.90030

File: ad54406fc13e9dc⋯.png (808.63 KB,673x681,673:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554791 (150954ZSEP23) Notable: UAW launches strike against Big 3 automakers

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Breitbart Business Digest: The UAW Is

Fighting Bidenomics and Bidenflation

Breitbart Economy, by John Carney

Posted By: Imright, 9/14/2023 10:32:55 PM

Which Side Are You On? The looming strike by the United Auto Workers is as much a protest against Bidenomics as it is the policies of General Motors, Ford Motor, and Stellantis. More than a decade ago, as U.S. automakers were teetering on the verge of collapse and two in the grip of bankruptcy amid the Great Recession, the unions and the autoworkers they represent made many concessions to keep the Big Three afloat. A big one was the agreement to accept contracts that no longer tied worker pay to inflation. The pressure put on the unions at the time was tremendous. The Obama administration relentlessly pushed for acceptance of its program,

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f29ec2 No.90031

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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