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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

f29ec2 No.51575 [View All]

12SEP23 to 15SEP23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 633 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f29ec2 No.89982

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553595 (150248ZSEP23) Notable: Sebastian Gorka: "You have one job now and one job only, remove the threat to the nation"

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Sebastian Gorka: "You have one job now and one job only, remove the threat to the nation"! Comer and Jordan are not doing it.There are Fox viewers that think these things are the worst that Bidan has done. Not even close, reveal the assassinations that happened in various countries. They haven’t done enough! Money is expected, assassinations are much worse!



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f29ec2 No.89983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553601 (150249ZSEP23) Notable: Wisconsin Senate votes to fire top elections officer

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Wisconsin Senate votes to fire top elections officer

Gov. Tony Evers has directed the state Department of Justice to support Wolfe and argue for her maintaining her post.

The Wisconsin Senate on Thursday voted to fire the administrator of the state's elections commission (WEC) amid frustrations with her handling of the 2020 presidential contest.

Wisconsin was one of a handful of states that drew scrutiny of its elections due to former President Donald Trump's assertions that mass fraud influenced the outcome. WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe drew particular criticism due to her office, The Hill reported.

The vote to oust her is likely to draw constitutional scrutiny due to questions as to whether Wolfe had been technically nominated to serve another term. Three Republican members of the WEC nominated her while three Democrats abstained. Republicans in the chamber interpreted that decision as a unanimous nomination and subsequently voted that she not continue in the post.

Democrats, meanwhile, contend that the Senate vote was illegitimate. Gov. Tony Evers has directed the state Department of Justice to support Wolfe and argue for her maintaining her post.


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f29ec2 No.89984

File: d55418ecc1ed028⋯.mp4 (10.01 MB,512x288,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553602 (150249ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Buttar before his death discussing the injection payloads that can be activated to create symptoms of Marburg

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Dr. Madej says they can even load it with explosives if they want.

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f29ec2 No.89985

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553710 (150309ZSEP23) Notable: #24013

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Notables - FINAL

#24013 >>89943

>>89944 Lara Logan on Ukraine

>>89945 America's Transforming Its War Machine to Beat China - America Uncovered

>>89946 Torture and Abuse: DC Officials Place Jan. 6 Prisoners in DC Gulag Back on COVID Lockdown, Solitary Confinement Starting Today!

>>89947 TRUMP: "I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 States."

>>89948 Elon Musk has found himself in a battle & potential $22 billion lawsuit w/ the ADL

>>89949, >>89962 President Zelenskyy to visit Washington DC next week / Congress is debating $24 billion in aid for Ukraine

>>89950 Normies Talking About Frazzle.rip on "X"

>>89951 Judge Blocks Blue State School District Policy To Hide Pronouns From Parents

>>89952 Per CBP sources, yesterday alone, Border Patrol apprehended over 7,400 illegal immigrants at the southern border

>>89953 David Brock Threatens to Target the Children of GOP Members Investigating Hunter Biden

>>89954 Hunter Biden is suing @MarcoPolo501c3, a non-profit organization that released a comprehensive 640-page Report on the Biden Laptop.

>>89955 Dr. Michael Rectenwald On The Great Reset: “It Is A Globalist Plan”

>>89956, >>89958, >>89961 O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Governor has prohibited photography on public land.

>>89957 CIA Whistleblower: CIA Works With Pedophiles, Retaliates Against Whistleblowers, And Put Men in Harm’s Way For Frivolous Shopping And Baking Activities

>>89959, >>89970 Did they Just say Paying Taxes is Voluntary? / Frmr NV Sen Harry Reid: "Taxation Is Voluntary"

>>89960 Fulton County DA Hands Over List of 30 Co-conspirators in Trump Election Case

>>89963 PBD Podcast talking to Anthony Weiner

>>89964 Joe Biden Says Black and Hispanic Workers Don’t Have High School Diplomas (VIDEO)

>>89965, >>89981, >>89984 Dr. Buttar before his death discussing the injection payloads that can be activated to create symptoms of Marburg

>>89966 UN's Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications wants to "massively ramp up" an "information war" on "disinformation" with an "army of trusted messengers."

>>89967 Bannon Calls On Kevin McCarthy To Stop Posturing And End The Biden Regime

>>89968 Miami city commissioner charged with bribery and money laundering

>>89969 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000053

>>89971 Megyn Kelly Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Details of Her Interview with Former President Donald Trump

>>89972 The Dark Origin of the ADL

>>89973 Frank Gaffney Joins WarRoom To Discuss Who Joe Biden Is Actually Working For

>>89974 Mike Davis: "People should not be fooled at all by these gun charges against Hunter Biden"

>>89975 China LACM History

>>89976 ''Diverse Array of Global Experts Join DFRLab’s Task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web - 2/13/23

>>89977 South Korea to COMPENSATE deaths 90 days after covid shot

>>89978 Biden Has People in Cages at the Border – Where’s the Democrat Outrage?

>>89979 Anon - Start Tracking events anons, and add to the list! 9/13/23 - 9/14/23

>>89980 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Pandora's Box + Q DROP #4888

>>89982 Sebastian Gorka: "You have one job now and one job only, remove the threat to the nation"

>>89983 Wisconsin Senate votes to fire top elections officer


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f29ec2 No.89986

File: 4c72a3a46d1d461⋯.jpg (43.29 KB,736x460,8:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553722 (150310ZSEP23) Notable: #24014

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The Whole World Is Watching

Godspeed Patriots


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f29ec2 No.89987

File: bb9ce9a1f9bc7a2⋯.png (221.19 KB,476x880,119:220,Clipboard.png)

File: c731c41cedf8126⋯.jpg (140.03 KB,594x978,99:163,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 947ba2023f36d51⋯.png (122.3 KB,840x1070,84:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 08e91e4b7fa3465⋯.png (211.11 KB,840x1956,70:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553759 (150314ZSEP23) Notable: Anon's Big List of Events

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>>89979 (me) LB

>>89980 (me) LB

Updated list: Keep this going, nightshift, tell dayshift to keep adding. Copy it into whatever note processor you use.

https://apnews.com/article/hunter-biden-gun-charge-investigation-e5c8ded90ea8c22d2e2e7cb09804b747 SEPT14

https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/thuhunter-biden-delivered-meeting-father-business-associates-inside SEPT 13

https://www.reuters.com/world/us/why-have-us-republicans-opened-an-impeachment-inquiry-into-joe-biden-2023-09-12/ SEPT13

https://nypost.com/2023/09/13/biden-impeachment-white-house-to-send-letter-urging-news-outlets-to-scrutinize-inquiry/ SEPT13

https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/2023-09/23_0913_ia_23-333-ia_u_homeland-threat-assessment-2024_508C_V6_13Sep23.pdf SEPT14

https://justthenews.com/world/middle-east/biden-admin-oks-transfer-6-billion-iranian-funds-prisoner-exchanges-report SEPT11

https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/justice-alito-temporarily-lifts-ban-biden-admin-contact-social-media SEPT14

https://apnews.com/article/mccarthy-biden-impeachment-shutdown-house-republicans-b187202be8814f7acbdd6e2e937e23d4 SEPT12

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of_w0WpzSoY McCarthy impeach video, SEPT12

https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/111064968220563297 "PANDORAS BOX" SEPT14

https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/biden-scandal-widens-question-what-obama-knew-and-when-rises-top SEPT4

https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/111058460949392374 ^ TS FOR ABOVE ARTICLE. SEPT13

https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/111066799598745757 "IT MUST BE DONE RIGHT" SEPT14

https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1700498417259069707 ^ TWITTER FOR ABOVE TS, "IT MUST BE DONE RIGHT" SEPT9

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f29ec2 No.89988

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553788 (150323ZSEP23) Notable: Bannons War Room. No One Talks About The Southern Borders!

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==Todd Bensman: "There's hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in the country who have disappeared"

Bannons War Room. No One Talks About The Southern Borders!==

“Men, we are surrounded by the enemy. We have the greatest opportunity ever presented an army. We can attack in any direction.”

Anthony McAuliffe

Mine would be this, by General Foch during WWI:

"Hard pressed on my right; my left is in retreat. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking!"


TIL: Trapped behind enemy lines during the Korean War Chester Puller Stated,"We’ve been looking for the enemy for several days now. We’ve finally found them. We’re surrounded. That simplifies our problem of finding these people and killing them." He and his men survived.



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f29ec2 No.89989

File: 58107a57e81e4fc⋯.png (633.84 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553804 (150329ZSEP23) Notable: The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed Patriots a Potent New Tool

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The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed Patriots a Potent New Tool


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f29ec2 No.89990

File: 5d6c4db34969ea2⋯.png (463.15 KB,650x333,650:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553808 (150330ZSEP23) Notable: CNN’s Amazingly Inept ‘Fact-Check’ on Impeachment Inquiry Instead Proves Republicans Correct

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CNN’s Amazingly Inept ‘Fact-Check’ on Impeachment Inquiry Instead Proves Republicans Correct


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f29ec2 No.89991

File: 6f872ceae915aee⋯.png (1.01 MB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553814 (150331ZSEP23) Notable: Biden claims to group of rabbis that he was ‘raised in synagogues in my state’

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Biden claims to group of rabbis that he was ‘raised in synagogues in my state’

“You might say I was raised in the synagogues of my state. You think I’m kidding, but I’m not,” Biden said during a call ahead of Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish new year holiday …


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f29ec2 No.89992

File: 5656fee21a31dea⋯.png (987.33 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553819 (150332ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Tom Emmer reintroduces anti-CBDC bill to Congress

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Rep. Tom Emmer reintroduces anti-CBDC bill to Congress The bill would limit the Fed from issuing a CBDC, which Tom Emmer called a surveillance tool that would “undermine the American way of life.”

Rep. Tom Emmer reintroduces anti-CBDC bill to Congress

U.S. Representative Tom Emmer has reintroduced the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act to prohibit the Fed from minting digital dollars for individuals.


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f29ec2 No.89993

File: 04245e7a75cf6b2⋯.png (647.28 KB,934x923,934:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553822 (150332ZSEP23) Notable: Timeline: Criminal probe into Trump's efforts to overturn Georgia election results

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Timeline: Criminal probe into Trump's efforts to overturn Georgia election results

Trump asked the Georgia secretary of state to"find 11,780 votes"in 2021.

Anons, whats 1+1+7+8?



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f29ec2 No.89994

File: e8b2cf5ff5f9ed8⋯.png (483.68 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553826 (150333ZSEP23) Notable: "I Used to Teach Political Theory" - Joe Biden Lies AGAIN About Being a Professor at UPenn

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Another Day Another Lie...“I Used to Teach Political Theory” – Joe Biden Lies AGAIN About Being a Professor at UPenn [with VIDEO for the Lefty Trolls]

"I Used to Teach Political Theory" - Joe Biden Lies AGAIN About Being a Professor at UPenn


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f29ec2 No.89995

File: 703eb4161c3f372⋯.png (1.42 MB,1584x1979,1584:1979,Clipboard.png)

File: da1aa0691b2d176⋯.png (418.7 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553828 (150334ZSEP23) Notable: Deputy saves a child being trafficked in Navajo County

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Deputy saves a child being trafficked in Navajo County

Holbrook, AZ: On September 8, 2023, a Navajo County Deputy assigned to the Criminal Interdiction Unit conducted a traffic stop on Interstate 40 at milepost 258 in the Winslow area. After an investigation was conducted, it was learned that Julio Ramirez-Felipe (35) of Greenfield, CA, was traveling with a juvenile boy who was not related or known to him. Ramirez-Felipe was arrested and booked into Navajo County Jail for Assisting in Human Smuggling Organization.

Deputies at the Navajo County Sheriff’s Office, specifically the deputies assigned to the Criminal Interdiction Unit have received substantial training on recognizing and detecting signs of human trafficking. During the traffic stop, the Deputy utilized their training and was able to determine that the child was in danger and was being trafficked. The Deputy secured the juvenile while Ramirez-Felipe was transported to NCSO Jail. He is currently being held on an immigration detainer. The Criminal Interdiction Unit deputy is working with partnering investigative agencies to further investigate this incident.

There is no specific age, race, or gender that is targeted for human trafficking. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide, including here in Arizona. We are proud of our Deputy for applying his training and saving the juvenile from danger.

Sheriff Clouse stated: “I would like to commend my Deputy for his exemplary investigative work on this traffic stop. Because of this simple traffic stop and furtherance of his investigation, an innocent child was rescued from danger. Human trafficking is a real issue that affects too many children. Thank you to the men and women who combat these issues every day.”

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f29ec2 No.89996

File: 2430933c100bc36⋯.png (920.67 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553836 (150335ZSEP23) Notable: "I Used to Teach Political Theory" - Joe Biden Lies AGAIN About Being a Professor at UPenn

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Biden Be Lyin' Again: Whire House Resident Claims He Taught Class At UPenn; And Just Like He Didn't Really Win The Election, He Didn't Really Teach There, EVER

Biden boasts teaching ‘political theory’ at UPenn — but he never taught a single class at the Ivy League school

Biden was an honorary professor at the Philadelphia school, but never taught a single semester-long course.


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f29ec2 No.89997

File: 29eab958c3e18d0⋯.png (870.72 KB,510x768,85:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553840 (150336ZSEP23) Notable: Prominent Bucks County Democrat Turns to Violence at School Board Meeting

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Bucks County, Pennsylvania Democratic Committeeman Attempts To Hit A Republican With A Steel Chair At School Board Meeting

Prominent Bucks County Democrat Turns to Violence at School Board Meeting — Stop Bucks Extremism

Last night, a crazed Democrat tried inciting violence with a steel chair at a Central Bucks School Board meeting. And by “crazed Democrat,” we mean prominent Bucks County Democrat Steve Sullivan.


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f29ec2 No.89998

File: 19268c715fc3a43⋯.png (666.18 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553843 (150337ZSEP23) Notable: Bidenomics: As Historic Auto Union Strike Starts, White House Prepares Emergency Aid

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Bidenomics: As Historic Auto Union Strike Starts, White House Prepares Emergency Aid


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f29ec2 No.89999

File: 4c755c343656c3d⋯.png (541.06 KB,600x315,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553846 (150338ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Biden Tries to Sneak Provision into Budget that would Eliminate ICE Agents and Excuse Criminal Illegal

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==Biden Tries to Sneak Provision into Budget that would Eliminate ICE Agents & Excuse Criminal Illegals. Biden has slipped a provision into the budget now being debated in Congress that would Defund ICE and give Criminal Illegals a free hand to commit as many crimes as they want free of being deported =

Joe Biden Tries to Sneak Provision into Budget that would Eliminate ICE Agents and Excuse Criminal Illegals • Warner Todd Huston...

Joe Biden has slipped a provision into the budget now being debated in Congress that would defund Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


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f29ec2 No.90000

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553902 (150357ZSEP23) Notable: CIA employee convicted for child porn.

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CIA employee convicted for child porn. Plot twist: He was previously convicted for releasing info to WikiLeaks!


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f29ec2 No.90001

File: 2d89a435e37d7f7⋯.png (1.12 MB,762x768,127:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553904 (150358ZSEP23) Notable: The Child Poverty Rate In The United States Has More Than Doubled

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The Child Poverty Rate In The United States Has More Than Doubled


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f29ec2 No.90002

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553944 (150410ZSEP23) Notable: Bannons War Room. The military is the last pillar for enemies to destroy the US.

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Bannons War Room. The military is the last pillar for enemies to destroy the US. The CCP loves this! They are supercharging the destruction of the the psyche of the military. Tribalizing the US Military! Col. Grant Newsham On The Chaos Gutting The US Military



Think about this, I took note of what Bidan did on his first day in office, when he eliminated EO’s by Trump. ==They attacked and had to destroy what accomplishments Trump was proudest about for the benefit of America?

The Military was almost there first target. So when Obama/Bidan (O had to get back at Trump for vowing to destroy his legacy). So Obama and Bidan appointed Austin abd Milley, Immediately for destroying and attacking all the institutions that protect our country. Anything Trump and the country loved, they went about destroying. The list they are crossing off monthly is Marxist demoralization technique, “you will always be subject to what we tell you”!

Bidan opens the entire Southern border asap. (If you look at the EO’s he destroyed, you can be sure of what policies and EOs were the most successful for America and Trump). Kills oil and gas drilling and pipelines.

There has been so much revenge porn by Obama and Bidan, but then they have to do the worst, which was/is the Afghanistan catastrophic intentional withdrawal was not just botched but created in hell, that Satan is still proud of.

No one will remember Trump as getting us out of a forever war, and will never be remembered as a Trump accomplishment, or of saving future lives of the military, etc. .

There are so many other things that Obama had to get revenge on Trump for erasing the destruction Obama built; but its guaranteed anything Trump holds as protecting our people and country, and the values as America, they will attempt to destroy forever

Well IMO the Boom, Boom, Boom is coming soonFuck the EMS, unless it comes before the Booms!


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f29ec2 No.90003

File: b5c5ba2d972827e⋯.png (778.29 KB,768x438,128:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553950 (150412ZSEP23) Notable: Biden names Penny Pritzker to lead U.S. in forging Ukraine’s economic recovery

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The Corrupt Cronyism Never Ends: Biden names Penny Pritzker to lead U.S. in forging Ukraine’s economic recovery. Biden said Pritzker will work in ‘lockstep’ with the Ukraine government. Pritzker, a member of one the richest families in the nation, is the Sister of illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker...

Biden names Penny Pritzker to lead U.S. in forging Ukraine’s economic recovery

President Joe Biden said Pritzker will work in “lockstep” with the Ukraine government.


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f29ec2 No.90004

File: 5e0d526f84e5a24⋯.png (672.58 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553957 (150413ZSEP23) Notable: Apple’s creepy new climate change ad proposes killing all of us to “save the planet”

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Apple’s creepy new climate change ad proposes killing all of us to “save the planet”…

One Apple can KILL the bunch.


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f29ec2 No.90005

File: ff6509a17a5cbe0⋯.png (304.56 KB,541x707,541:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553963 (150415ZSEP23) Notable: Former USCP Chief Steven Sund will be the witness at next week’s House Administration’s Oversight Subcommittee hearing

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Ivan Raiklin



The J6 Fedsurrection Coup is about to be exposed for the whole nation to see!!!!! This should get a billion views!!! Everyone must tune in!!!


Rep. Barry Loudermilk




Former USCP Chief Steven Sund will be the witness at next week’s House Administration’s Oversight Subcommittee hearing. I look forward to hearing the Chief’s testimony and his assessment of the security failures on January 6, 2021.

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f29ec2 No.90006

File: 33604291b359954⋯.png (573.97 KB,600x500,6:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553968 (150416ZSEP23) Notable: The Biden Crime Family is Exposed in New Peter Schweizer Blockbuster Book

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Someone point David Brock to Peter Schweizer's three New York Times bestsellers Profiles in Corruption, Secret Empires and Red-Handed to get things rolling!

The Biden Crime Family is Exposed in New Peter Schweizer Blockbuster Book

Some of Schweizer’s previous books have sparked FBI investigations and exposed many illegal activities by Congress members like insider trading. Peter says the revelations in Red-Handed are the “scariest” ones he has ever found.


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f29ec2 No.90007

File: b0f5cd0efb6c2cb⋯.png (209.65 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553978 (150418ZSEP23) Notable: Post-Postmodern America

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Post-Postmodern America. Woke Revolution depends on its advocates never having to experience firsthand any of the nonsense they inflict on others...

Post-Postmodern America


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f29ec2 No.90008

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553981 (150419ZSEP23) Notable: Will Thibeau Discusses How Wokeism Is Driving Promotions In The US Military

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==Will Thibeau Discusses How Wokeism Is Driving Promotions In The US Military. The Military is being destroyed, because 42% of the appointments by Bidan in the Military are 100% for woke destruction of the whole military at every level.

Must listen



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f29ec2 No.90009

File: a88944a733e1c18⋯.png (304.36 KB,600x607,600:607,Clipboard.png)

File: cf35acf5defb145⋯.gif (3.11 MB,498x498,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553986 (150420ZSEP23) Notable: Saudi Arabia's defense ministry has executed two military personnel who were accused of committing treason

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The Jerusalem Post



Saudi Arabia's defense ministry has executed two military personnel who were accused of committing treason among other offenses, the state news agency (SPA) said on Thursday.

#Saudi #spying #Treason


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f29ec2 No.90010

File: b2261290cb0f80a⋯.png (106.82 KB,589x426,589:426,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ea56d5a3c61091⋯.mp4 (14.3 MB,500x212,125:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19553994 (150421ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - “REMEMBER THE MAN”

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Donald J. Trump




Sep 15, 2023, 12:01 AM


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f29ec2 No.90011

File: 9e83f29aa80cf08⋯.png (875.52 KB,768x431,768:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554002 (150423ZSEP23) Notable: California school districts ban LGBTQ Pride flags

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California school districts ban LGBTQ Pride flags. Der Fuehrer Gavin Newsom outraged.

California school districts ban LGBTQ Pride flags

Two California school districts banned the display of LGBTQ pride flags on Tuesday as organizations and municipalities move to limit flags on display, often citing the controversy around them. Districts in the Southern California city of Temecula and the B...


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f29ec2 No.90012

File: e141b1e4abc2300⋯.png (596.85 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554013 (150425ZSEP23) Notable: California passes law that suspends manual counts of votes, targeting rural, conservative counties

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FUCK NEWSCUM: Commiefornia passes law that ends the manual counting of votes, targeting rural, conservative counties

California passes law that suspends manual counts of votes, targeting rural, conservative counties

The California legislature voted last Friday to end manual counts of votes, ending any sort transparency in what they ironically refer to as "democracy" in the golden state.


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f29ec2 No.90013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554049 (150433ZSEP23) Notable: Greg Kelly: This tape will 'blow the lid' off of Team Biden

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still waiting on this too.


Greg Kelly: This tape will 'blow the lid' off of Team Biden

>sometime after labor day and before halloween.

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f29ec2 No.90014

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554053 (150434ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Carol Swain Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Downfall Of The US Military

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Dr. Carol Swain Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Downfall Of The US Military. During Obama’s term he eliminated the Generals that took seriously their oath to the Constitution to protect America from enemies foreign and domestic.. This is how far the military has lost all sense of the mission to protect our country. The ones left embraced wokeism, which is just another name for traitors of their mission to protect America.


Does anyone have the picture of Obama dressed in tribal clothes, aiming his gun against someone or the Flag of the USA.I think it might be times for memes with that picture, to flood all of the social media


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f29ec2 No.90015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554129 (150458ZSEP23) Notable: GOP Leaders Accuse Biden Of 'Biggest Corruption Scandal' In US History

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GOP Leaders Accuse Biden Of 'Biggest Corruption Scandal' In US History

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f29ec2 No.90016

File: 445c76d3383415a⋯.png (985.11 KB,742x753,742:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554173 (150507ZSEP23) Notable: Alex Soros Meets with Nancy Pelosi on Capitol Hill

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Election Fraud Planning: Alex Soros Meets with Nancy Pelosi on Capitol Hill



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f29ec2 No.90017

File: 811b50c2e191207⋯.png (21.34 KB,600x161,600:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554240 (150522ZSEP23) Notable: Historic move as Ansarullah (Houthis) delegation plans to visit Saudi Arabia for the first-ever talks on a permanent peace treaty

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Abdul Quadir -



🇸🇦🇾🇪 BREAKING: Historic move as Ansarullah (Houthis) delegation plans to visit Saudi Arabia for the first-ever talks on a permanent peace treaty.


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f29ec2 No.90018

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554359 (150603ZSEP23) Notable: CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires

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CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires

The possibility remains that drone mounted DEWs were deployed at times to coincide with known satellite passage. However this seems somewhat unlikely given the green laser mapping of the area by Chinese satellites. I.e. advance surveillance of the battlefield prior to attack.

Raises the obvious possibility that the recent spate of fires including food processing and industrial plants, chemical and fuel storage, live stock incineration and forest fires were ignited by the same means.

Would be interesting to see the results if someone could do a similar analysis of others fires.

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f29ec2 No.90019

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554421 (150620ZSEP23) Notable: Homeland Security Awards $20 Million to Police, Mental Health Networks, Universities, Churches and School Districts to Help Identify Americans as Potential ‘Extremists’

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Homeland Security Awards $20 Million to Police, Mental Health Networks, Universities, Churches and School Districts to Help Identify Americans as Potential ‘Extremists’



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f29ec2 No.90020

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554479 (150639ZSEP23) Notable: #24014

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Notables - FINAL

#24014 >>89986

>>89987 Anon's Big List of Events

>>89988 Bannons War Room. No One Talks About The Southern Borders!

>>89989 The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed Patriots a Potent New Tool

>>89990 CNN’s Amazingly Inept ‘Fact-Check’ on Impeachment Inquiry Instead Proves Republicans Correct

>>89991 Biden claims to group of rabbis that he was ‘raised in synagogues in my state’

>>89992 Rep. Tom Emmer reintroduces anti-CBDC bill to Congress

>>89993 Timeline: Criminal probe into Trump's efforts to overturn Georgia election results

>>89994, >>89996 "I Used to Teach Political Theory" - Joe Biden Lies AGAIN About Being a Professor at UPenn

>>89995 Deputy saves a child being trafficked in Navajo County

>>89997 Prominent Bucks County Democrat Turns to Violence at School Board Meeting

>>89998 Bidenomics: As Historic Auto Union Strike Starts, White House Prepares Emergency Aid

>>89999 Joe Biden Tries to Sneak Provision into Budget that would Eliminate ICE Agents and Excuse Criminal Illegal

>>90000 CIA employee convicted for child porn.

>>90001 The Child Poverty Rate In The United States Has More Than Doubled

>>90002 Bannons War Room. The military is the last pillar for enemies to destroy the US.

>>90003 Biden names Penny Pritzker to lead U.S. in forging Ukraine’s economic recovery

>>90004 Apple’s creepy new climate change ad proposes killing all of us to “save the planet”

>>90005 Former USCP Chief Steven Sund will be the witness at next week’s House Administration’s Oversight Subcommittee hearing

>>90006 The Biden Crime Family is Exposed in New Peter Schweizer Blockbuster Book

>>90007 Post-Postmodern America

>>90008 Will Thibeau Discusses How Wokeism Is Driving Promotions In The US Military

>>90009 Saudi Arabia's defense ministry has executed two military personnel who were accused of committing treason

>>90010 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - “REMEMBER THE MAN”

>>90011 California school districts ban LGBTQ Pride flags

>>90012 California passes law that suspends manual counts of votes, targeting rural, conservative counties

>>90013 Greg Kelly: This tape will 'blow the lid' off of Team Biden

>>90014 Dr. Carol Swain Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Downfall Of The US Military

>>90015 GOP Leaders Accuse Biden Of 'Biggest Corruption Scandal' In US History

>>90016 Alex Soros Meets with Nancy Pelosi on Capitol Hill

>>90017 Historic move as Ansarullah (Houthis) delegation plans to visit Saudi Arabia for the first-ever talks on a permanent peace treaty

>>90018 CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires

>>90019 Homeland Security Awards $20 Million to Police, Mental Health Networks, Universities, Churches and School Districts to Help Identify Americans as Potential ‘Extremists’


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f29ec2 No.90021

File: fa8c94287d029cd⋯.png (627.82 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554491 (150641ZSEP23) Notable: #24015

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Godspeed Patriots


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f29ec2 No.90022

File: b2f8ae7a08a935d⋯.png (276.48 KB,434x565,434:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554521 (150646ZSEP23) Notable: Lauren Boebert tard'n out on the vape

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Lauren Boebert, the rights AOC denied vaping during a Denver Center for the Performing Arts musical before being kicked out Sunday. Clearly vaping on video, being groped, flipping people off

Pure class.


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f29ec2 No.90023

File: a6725aac18ee702⋯.jpg (87.67 KB,833x468,833:468,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554551 (150701ZSEP23) Notable: Australian MP Malcom Roberts: "This week represents a rare victory for Australian sovereignty. A victory for common sense, decency and humanity.

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The following is a statement by Australian MP Malcom Roberts begins.

"This week represents a rare victory for Australian sovereignty.

A victory for common sense, decency and humanity.

And a victory against the sprawling monster of unelected, unaccountable foreign bureaucrats at the World Health Organisation.

You will recall the WHO proposed to change their health regulations that guide member states in the event of a disease outbreak, like COVID, from guiding member states to being mandatory on member states, including Australia.

This would have represented a complete destruction of Australian sovereignty, and a fundamental re-imagining of the powers of the World Health Organisation."

See the following link for video and transcript:


Or, as the title of one Bitchute video says, "‼️WE WON‼️ 😃" (A mirror video)


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f29ec2 No.90024

File: 861e89184504af4⋯.png (590.17 KB,810x822,135:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554700 (150903ZSEP23) Notable: Durham shocker: Danchenko was a paid FBI informant

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Durham shocker: Danchenko was a paid FBI informant

Techno Fog

Sep 13, 2022


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f29ec2 No.90025

File: 8c1407173652d7c⋯.png (629.52 KB,669x668,669:668,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554717 (150922ZSEP23) Notable: Donald Trump: ‘Concealed Carry a Right, Not a Privilege’

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Donald Trump: ‘Concealed Carry a Right, Not a Privilege’


Trump with rifle AP PhotoDanny Johnston

AP/Danny Johnston

AWR Hawkins18 Sep 2015


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f29ec2 No.90026

File: dc1b3c0e657dc75⋯.png (22.49 KB,940x184,235:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554760 (150943ZSEP23) Notable: UAW launches strike against Big 3 automakers

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UAW launches strike against Big 3 automakers

ABC News, by Max Zahn *

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/15/2023 12:46:25 AM

A union representing nearly 150,000 autoworkers launched a strike early Friday morning against the Big 3 U.S. automakers - General Motors, Ford and Stellantis. The United Auto Workers, or UAW, and the car manufacturers failed to reach a contract agreement before a deadline set by the union for Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ET. Less than two hours before the deadline, UAW president Shawn Fain announced the plants where union members would strike if a tentative agreement wasn't reached in time. By midnight Friday, that amounted to approximately 12,700 union workers, including ones at GM in Wentzville, Missouri; Stellantis in Toledo, Ohio; and Ford’s Wayne, Michigan plant.

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f29ec2 No.90027

File: 41a6c0701dcc899⋯.png (494.82 KB,666x712,333:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554764 (150945ZSEP23) Notable: California Officially Gives Up on Travel Bans to Conservative States

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California Officially Gives Up on Travel

Bans to Conservative States

Breitbart, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/15/2023 12:39:51 AM

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a bill Wednesday that officially ends the state’s ban on official travel to conservative states that had enacted laws that Democrats claim are anti-LGBTQ. The ban had been a total failure. The Sacramento Bee reported: Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday signed Senate Bill 447 into law, ending the seven-year-old travel ban that prohibited state money from being used to pay for travel to states with anti-LGBTQ laws. The ban caused difficulties for many state agencies, researchers, student athletes and others who rely on state money. Even supporters of the ban acknowledged that the law was not having the deterrent effect it was intended to

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f29ec2 No.90028

File: b711a3400c0afbb⋯.png (246.58 KB,778x757,778:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554769 (150947ZSEP23) Notable: Musk Says Old Twitter Regime Censored GOP 10x More Than Leftists

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Musk Says Old Twitter Regime Censored

GOP 10x More Than Leftists

Newsbusters, by Catherine Salgado

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/15/2023 12:24:57 AM

X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk says the platform should be for moderate Americans, not just leftists. The All In Podcast, which is hosted by David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, and David Friedberg, posted an interview they did with Elon Musk at the All In Summit. During the interview, Musk noted that, in the past, social media has all been “very left-leaning to far left-leaning,” suspending Republicans far more than leftists. He also expressed his goal of changing that online monopoly. The X owner and billionaire said that “The suspensions of several Republican candidates, interests, or voices were at least ten times the rate of—suppression of left-wing voices.”

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f29ec2 No.90029

File: 94188e2900ffe9b⋯.png (374.81 KB,593x638,593:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554779 (150950ZSEP23) Notable: ABC News producer John Santucci is appalled at how “bad” Fani Willis’ case against Trump is, admits she is just “throwing things against the wall.”

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Juanita Broaddrick


Can’t believe ABC has the balls to admit it !


Collin Rugg




NEW: ABC News producer John Santucci is appalled at how “bad” Fani Willis’ case against Trump is, admits she is just “throwing things against the wall.”

You know it’s bad when even the main stream media is admitting it.

Santucci also mentioned how Trump scored a big win after… Show more

12:31 PM · Sep 14, 2023




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f29ec2 No.90030

File: ad54406fc13e9dc⋯.png (808.63 KB,673x681,673:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19554791 (150954ZSEP23) Notable: UAW launches strike against Big 3 automakers

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Breitbart Business Digest: The UAW Is

Fighting Bidenomics and Bidenflation

Breitbart Economy, by John Carney

Posted By: Imright, 9/14/2023 10:32:55 PM

Which Side Are You On? The looming strike by the United Auto Workers is as much a protest against Bidenomics as it is the policies of General Motors, Ford Motor, and Stellantis. More than a decade ago, as U.S. automakers were teetering on the verge of collapse and two in the grip of bankruptcy amid the Great Recession, the unions and the autoworkers they represent made many concessions to keep the Big Three afloat. A big one was the agreement to accept contracts that no longer tied worker pay to inflation. The pressure put on the unions at the time was tremendous. The Obama administration relentlessly pushed for acceptance of its program,

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f29ec2 No.90031

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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