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File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,c91e618b272bf5d2a1299413e0….png)

5521dd No.19565826 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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5521dd No.19565828

International Q Research Threads

>>19188850 ——–——– Australia #31

>>19181822 ——–——– Canada #45

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

>>19529888 ——–——– Japan #18

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>18778547 ——–——– South Africa #11

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50



Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker

Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?

>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19322099 SPAM is not free speech, will be removed

>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto

>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X new


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed

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#24028 >>19565062

>>19565124 DOJ blocks testimony of FBI agent who lied about Hunter laptop

>>19565134, >>19565145 Less than a week after New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an “emergency” order prohibiting the carrying of firearms in Albuquerque, she has backed down

>>19565144, >>19565179 Here We Go: Nipah Virus Outbreak Prompts Shutdowns and Containment Zones in Kerala, India

>>19565160 Socialist state lawmakers want new "Migrant Taxes" to fund Biden's migrant surge

>>19565165, >>19565367 MAGAnomics vs Potato

>>19565190, >>19565223, >>19565245 Argentina President Candidate Javier Milei dig

>>19565219 Son of drug kingpin 'El Chapo' extradited to United States

>>19565257 PF reports: VETO91. USN E-6B Mercury 163918. Squawk 0543. Data shows they have been offshore for 7.5 hours

>>19565403 Washington state spends $143 MILLION to get 126 out of homelessness — now Jay Inslee is asking for more

>>19565414 The latest ‘Threat to Democracy’: 'The Constitution

>>19565435 Kamala Harris Thinks Government Must Enforce Equal Outcomes - Also Known as Communism

>>19565489 University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering - “Inverse vaccine” shows potential to treat multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases

>>19565495 Multiple hostile aircraft were downed over the Black Sea as well as in Moscow Region, according to the Russian military

>>19565568 NATO country Romania moves radar near Ukrainian border and threatens to shoot down Russian aircraft

>>19565677 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: I will be the interviewed this morning on Meet the Press, NBC. Enjoy!

>>19565684 The state of California is suing the oil companies BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell and ConocoPhillips and their trade group

>>19565822 #24028

#24027 >>19564290

>>19564330 Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger signed an agreement to create a military alliance to ensure security in the Sahel, first anti-colonial alliance of countries on the African continent

>>19564357, >>19564376 PF reports

>>19564369 @KenPaxtonTX statement on today’s Senate acquittal vote

>>19564380 Hilton hotel logo symbolism

>>19564383, >>19564429 Rod Rosenstein's sister is Director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

>>19564407 G20 Announces Plan For Worldwide Digital ID And CBDC

>>19564451 Massive Mystery Explosion at Key Rail Yard Forces 4-Mile-Wide Evacuation Due to Deadly Chemicals - No Clues Yet

>>19564454 Texas Rep. John Smithee Floor Speech on Paxton Impeachment

>>19564469, >>19564545 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

>>19564494 What a Coincidence -- Potential RFK Jr Assassin Had Same Last Name as El Chapo’s Wife, Who Was Released from Federal Prison The Day Before

>>19564549 Sen. John Kennedy showed up to the NASA UFO press conference mp4s

>>19564564 Taliban detains American and 17 others in Afghanistan for ‘propagating and promoting Christianity’

>>19564942, >>19564898 Donald J. Trump praised 'Sound of Freedom,' an anti-trafficking movie that has proven popular with QAnon conspiracy theorists, at a Christian event on Friday

>>19564974 @GenFlynn on Paxton statement: buckling up and getting accountability - get ready!

>>19565052 #24027

#24026 >>19563513

>>19563919 PF updates

>>19563520 Kari Lake with Roseanne

>>19563548, >>19564017 This Contract Makes the Elections Invalid We can just go Citizens arrest Cops need to just cuff them now

>>19563554, >>19563560, >>19563740, >>19563782 THE MAY 2023 VOTE WHICH BEGAN THIS WHOLE CIRCUS IN TEXAS COUNT'EM 60

>>19563556, >>19563557, >>19563812 @realDonaldTrump The Ken Paxton Victory is sooo BIG. WOW!!!

>>19563564, >>19563567 How big can Trump's lead get?

>>19563572 The Great Washington Of Our Time: Trump Is Leading America To The Biggest Victory For Freedom In 240 Years

>>19563580 China’s Xi Jinping TERRIFIED He’s Going to Get Assassinated?

>>19563602, >>19563606, >>19563754, >>19563907 Texas State Rep. Calls for House Speaker Dade Phelan to “Step Down” After Acquittal of AG Ken Paxton on All Articles of Impeachment

>>19563687 Ivan Illich: The Anti-Christ is the liberal fantasy embodied by the “Institution”

>>19563708, >>19563722, >>19563698, >>19563742 Russell Brand Responds After Accusations of Raping, Sexually Assaulting 4 Women, Including 16yrold

>>19563723, >>19563921 U.S. billionaire Elon Musk has agreed to sell a portion of Starlink assets to the DOD/regarding geofencing

>>19563783, >>19563985, >>19564001 Montenegro Police Hunt Suspects in Tunnel Raid on High Court

>>19563809 Map Of 'Zombie Drug' Tsunami Consuming America

>>19563813, >>19563909, >>19563964, >>19564035 Trump retruths another Q post as a meme. #2178

>>19563826 Sounds like the GOPe is mad at Noem endorsing Trump.

>>19563847, >>19563857, >>19563979 REMEMBER YOUR OATH

>>19563869 Thousands of pounds of marijuana found hidden inside watermelons

>>19563883 2020 NIH extends funding of research into deadly Nipah virus

>>19563935 The battle for fourth place is tight.

>>19563953 Parmayxoviridae

>>19563990 You're Not Supporting Ukraine Enough Until the Nuclear Blast Hits Your /Face Rules for Rebels

>>19564274 #24026

Previously Collected

>>19563460 #24025,

>>19561161 #24022-B, >>19561895 #24023, >>19562667 #24024

>>19559558 #24020-B, >>19560347 #24921, >>19561155 #24022-A

>>19557780 #24018, >>19558748 #24019, >>19559555 #24020-A

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963

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Post last edited at

5521dd No.19565829

File: e854682f762cfdc⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x860,256:215,e854682f762cfdc35a0882d88a….png)



ghost in the graveyard, baker engaging lurk mode

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25426a No.19565840

File: f0ceb6067f91b15⋯.jpeg (27.47 KB,474x351,158:117,download_9_Copy.jpeg)

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ad7948 No.19565844

File: 83f1f4fdd819fb2⋯.jpg (129.94 KB,857x1200,857:1200,Sails_bright_white.jpg)

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15230b No.19565848

File: 1c65d9c532bce1c⋯.png (2.05 MB,2087x1241,2087:1241,1c65d9c532bce1c21d09d2d4ae….png)

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d03e07 No.19565849

File: 6bc55dfd1fd1776⋯.jpg (363.81 KB,1080x1153,1080:1153,5102017.jpg)


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977684 No.19565850


wat mean ?

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25426a No.19565851

File: 00895dbd30c315d⋯.png (277.21 KB,409x562,409:562,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2656707ed5c0d71⋯.png (251.71 KB,455x790,91:158,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f756a8ee6347d30⋯.png (80.19 KB,493x437,493:437,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13e28c52c1edf41⋯.png (122.42 KB,367x504,367:504,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1dd3c407629894⋯.png (1.27 MB,2799x1593,311:177,ClipboardImage.png)

[1] Delta for Mickey Mouse time

Dan Scavino


Sep 17, 2023, 12:51 AM



Sep 16, 2020 4:51:34 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4547 No. 10672384


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d03e07 No.19565852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1a45b6 No.19565855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Thomas Sowell, hardly ever wrong imo (hi)

>if Sowell is correct, what is the counter?


Thomas Sowell: This is why the left only focuses on race

Fox News

10.6M subscribers

65K views 5 hours ago #foxnews

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1a45b6 No.19565856

File: df3ea1bad0571bc⋯.png (160.24 KB,665x766,665:766,special_ops_lioness_show_0….png)

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256038 No.19565859


You buy an alarm clock at CVS.

The black-white linear pattern of the blinds matches the clock.

There are slightly more than 10 blinds, matching the clock time os slightly past 10.

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ebef07 No.19565862


any photographers in here?

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303888 No.19565863

File: 33a966f79afe6e0⋯.png (67.23 KB,404x524,101:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6ef50 No.19565868

File: bf0388ccc23349d⋯.jpg (91.68 KB,720x977,720:977,45d6e503_e29b_4ee3_b8dd_c6….jpg)

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7f2cc7 No.19565869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


t q b

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25426a No.19565870

File: 330707e651a0e89⋯.png (19.62 KB,371x241,371:241,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d7e97c42bc612e⋯.png (79.14 KB,723x345,241:115,ClipboardImage.png)


Dec 10, 2018 10:58:47 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 52a4e6 No. 4250634


+17 min DELTA between Tweets (cherry on top).


whoa, every day in every way <3

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16fa03 No.19565872





in the International Q Research Threads section -

>>19236542 -———– Japan #16

needs updating to this:

>>19529888 -———– Japan #18

Updated in the BREAD.

Updated in DOUGH here:


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256038 No.19565875

File: fe0104869161534⋯.png (76.52 KB,385x538,385:538,Q2182.png)

File: d3d9e49c8f1d852⋯.png (349.8 KB,579x683,579:683,DJT_Nunes.png)


moar deltas

re Nunes Interview….https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/with_replies

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2ed7aa No.19565876

File: 633a07e480d4b56⋯.png (1.09 MB,844x853,844:853,ClipboardImage.png)

Good evening gentlemen. Busy day, finally getting on to check notables.

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25426a No.19565877

File: 7a8cfdd41a5b356⋯.png (75.05 KB,459x825,153:275,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f49a9f37ff76e5⋯.png (4.35 MB,1920x1440,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28ea42b65a8d6b2⋯.png (460.38 KB,500x460,25:23,ClipboardImage.png)


only Q post with CVS


Nov 09, 2018 6:50:16 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 438

Nov 02, 2018 6:02:10 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 384

Nov 02, 2018 5:42:49 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 383


Cross reference 'blue' areas w/ illegal immigrant high pop zones.

You might be shocked what you discover.

The real TRUTH about why D's depend on illegal immigrants and why they care more about them than you.






Amazing what you discover when you research for yourself.

God bless you, Patriots!




Will recent [expected] voter fraud actions by the D party provide support for a VOTER ID LAW?


Boomerang Suicide?


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f25d1c No.19565878

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25426a No.19565879




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9f4866 No.19565880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f25d1c No.19565881

File: da5987533fda8fb⋯.png (1001.32 KB,992x1024,31:32,66d215cd7ff997dbe0ccfa3374….png)


so, next step is to bring articles of impeachment on this bitch, yeah?

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be37c5 No.19565882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2f40ca No.19565883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




17 black bars on blind

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331cd2 No.19565884

BDSM and that really strange mutilation’pron’ (wtf?) lb

Beating, torture and mutilation seems horrific enough, some even look as if they began their evening consensual (ijdfk).

But those who stop to take pictures to ‘share’ with others… really creeping me out. And THEN to think of all the metadata INSIDE modern digital photography and yet FEDS/LEOs maintain open borders, jail j6 grandmothers, and still writing traffic citations?????????

Good Lord almighty, SMOD please.

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57d09a No.19565885


You couldn’t put LB/PB you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with not LB/PB’ing that shit? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little not LB/PB’ing was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have had some consideration for others. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

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18ccb0 No.19565886

File: 4035b85ae65b767⋯.png (14.51 MB,4160x3120,4:3,Q_Rally.png)


Took this pic of Q Rally in Cleveland last night. Make me a photographer?

Q+ w/ R allies in the Lamb-Alien Community?

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d6ef50 No.19565888

File: 3099d954c7e6972⋯.jpg (81.65 KB,820x461,820:461,55447bbe8757cad0.jpg)

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ebef07 No.19565889

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ebef07 No.19565890

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2f40ca No.19565891

File: 1c47486526a55ee⋯.png (322.66 KB,509x339,509:339,prepare.png)


forgive if missed but where does 3-sec dan mention a clock? all his truth shows is a blind broken went to cvs, came back with a long assed receipt with 17 bars, talking about a "blind broke" so who/what/where is the "broken blind" in Operations?

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16fa03 No.19565892

File: 3ad0d6abd1dd247⋯.png (42.42 KB,300x100,3:1,archangel_clouds_300x100.png)

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1a45b6 No.19565893

File: 3be544c41019c82⋯.png (167.69 KB,667x771,667:771,garland_weiss_hunter_08122….png)

File: 19c6444f2927c6f⋯.png (170.26 KB,689x748,689:748,garland_weiss_hunter_09172….png)

how is weiss fake?

1. appointed by garland (swamp creature)

2. weak against hunter


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2f40ca No.19565894

File: 822c21838940a33⋯.jpg (27.69 KB,612x408,3:2,istockphoto_965435894_612x….jpg)


so does red october start on 10/9

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1a45b6 No.19565895

File: 137e493d9d02fbf⋯.png (20.46 KB,800x579,800:579,strange_posts_09082023.png)


>forgive if missed but where does 3-sec dan mention a clock?

reminds me of 'follow the coincidences'

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1a45b6 No.19565896

File: 460eec84287387f⋯.png (402 KB,800x556,200:139,Night_Shift_UFO.png)

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532fe6 No.19565897

File: 7ebf2c837ac44b2⋯.jpg (55.5 KB,948x536,237:134,steamstream.jpg)

Why chemtrails?

CO2 is not really a greenhouse gas. Carbon dioxide, commonly known as carbon dioxide, is contained in the earth's atmosphere as a trace gas with a volume fraction of about 0.04%.

By far the most important climate "gas" is… Steam. Water vapor in the atmosphere is called a cloud.

Clouds "isolate" the earth to the space. Everyone knows that it is extremely hot in the Sahara during the day and very cold at night.

Why? Because there are no clouds that hold on to the heat of the day and so the heat escapes.

Which nights in winter are the coldest? The cloudy ones or the cloudless ones?

Clouds are heat buffers and have an insulating effect.

More clouds - higher temperatures. And that's exactly what "THEY" want to create. Higher temperatures as evidence of man-made climate change.

Chemtrails should help "THEM" to justify climate change.

Only my 5 cents…

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2f40ca No.19565898

File: 1c04c21b49dbc88⋯.png (1.45 MB,965x814,965:814,hugs.png)


don't glorify it by posting about it anon, just gloss on over it. God will cut down sinners and raise up saints. just did meme pray. stay in the light. fight the good fight.

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2f40ca No.19565899


no dan just didn't mention a clock. the mm clock is on 10-9, the receipt/blind has 17 bars. simplest conclusion is dan, per Q, showing red october starts on 10-9

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715acd No.19565900

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1a45b6 No.19565901



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a1bce3 No.19565902


He has the receipts

trumps misspelling

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1a45b6 No.19565903

File: 5d90303db571923⋯.png (1006.72 KB,844x853,844:853,Night_Shift_UFO_2.png)

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25426a No.19565904


your power lines are in the air?

we bury ours

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1a45b6 No.19565905


if you could control a storm how would you use it?

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c1a879 No.19565906


Hi frens

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715acd No.19565907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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303888 No.19565908

File: 04cef9f0f6169a8⋯.png (208.05 KB,700x700,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a45b6 No.19565909

File: e9b1b1211847ec3⋯.png (1012.79 KB,844x853,844:853,Night_Shift_UFO_Frens.png)

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2f40ca No.19565910


no surprise since you've been a doubtfag since day 1

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1a45b6 No.19565911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'The View' Says Trump Is FAT & Joe Biden Is In Shape!


744K subscribers

29K views 1 day ago

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18ccb0 No.19565912

File: a83b173d76d7296⋯.png (66.69 KB,665x513,35:27,ClipboardImage.png)



C V S (total 44 or 8)

3 22 19(7, 35)

3 4 1

3 5 1

322=Skull and Bones plus World WATER Day

Some "119" there (clock time when he Truthed it), maybe "911" as "9/23", etc.

10:10am today on the clock using "CDT" one hour rewind as shown in "[1] DELTA" graphic.

7 words

7 words (9/17 makes 19 and 7, two 7's)

O I CVS capital letters.

IO SVC makes "on off power service"?

Broken blind lets Ray of light in, Ray Chalres Blind, maybe Jamie Foxx ded.

Born: December 13, 1967 (age 55 years), Terrell, TX

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f25d1c No.19565913

File: 11a552c387b0e61⋯.png (442.24 KB,720x406,360:203,4Hv3d4D.png)


lol. lmao even. duly noated.

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7ed54b No.19565914


Dr.Fauci will make the health decisions for you

Trust the Science

Dr.Fauci's treatments are safe and effective

Just ask the Beagles

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1a45b6 No.19565915

File: 30d47d205248ec7⋯.png (39.36 KB,759x300,253:100,you_are_the_plan_09172023.png)


i went to check on new msgs

there was none

i left the window open and noticed (1)


yikes kek

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2f40ca No.19565916

File: e1aca2686dfbf39⋯.png (2.56 MB,256x256,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


..it's fake, from fur-chan and old as dirt.

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1a45b6 No.19565917

File: 730d5034ddae4b8⋯.png (754.79 KB,800x788,200:197,biden_inflation.png)

File: ea59c37f30dc7a7⋯.png (442.1 KB,800x1100,8:11,solid_meme_easy_e_09142023.png)

File: a1ebbd5fe48de92⋯.png (522.96 KB,800x1100,8:11,delaware_problems_09142023.png)

File: c0dd3a536ca4843⋯.png (331.17 KB,623x350,89:50,arizona_illegal_aliens_091….png)

File: 9da5c3f725fde24⋯.png (293.99 KB,800x1100,8:11,colorado_democrats.png)


>no surprise since you've been a doubtfag since day 1

if that were true would i still be here?

do you really know or jus saying shit you don't know to be true?

thas what fake news does, no?

>nancy wrap smear acosta, Know Truth, no violence

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25426a No.19565918


the clock was always 10 and 2

the blind is 10 and 2

get the connection yet?

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283fa8 No.19565919

How are you?

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25426a No.19565920




Broken blind lets Ray of light in, Ray Chalres Blind, maybe Jamie Foxx ded.

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2f40ca No.19565921


Oct 2nd?

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25426a No.19565922

File: d1c8d20a716dcf4⋯.png (236.59 KB,1125x843,375:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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967a05 No.19565923

File: 9e18ea0489b4424⋯.png (408.28 KB,415x478,415:478,ClipboardImage.png)

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25426a No.19565924

File: dd66cf56e1d6a7a⋯.png (1.01 MB,1440x1440,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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303888 No.19565925

File: 44be7084f461656⋯.png (298.41 KB,745x625,149:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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aea989 No.19565926

File: 1bb6f7f130ad439⋯.png (1.57 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


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2f40ca No.19565927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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aea989 No.19565928

File: 8405b8657444214⋯.jpg (407.94 KB,1024x768,4:3,color_stars_001.jpg)

File: e46dd3213693e85⋯.jpg (464.94 KB,1024x768,4:3,color_stars_006.jpg)

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967a05 No.19565929

File: b193b6df4661910⋯.png (510.43 KB,836x799,836:799,screenshot_www_theblaze_co….png)

File: a25ef63402dbbde⋯.png (111.44 KB,320x180,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Florida man allegedly set fire to car belonging to his girlfriend — who is also his cousin


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2f40ca No.19565930


faggots who shit the bread by replying doubtful w/o an explanation have always been faggots. maybe you're their king. so either actually participate (or) shitpost. don't be fake _and_ gay by trying both.

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f25d1c No.19565931

File: 7d59589a2818d2b⋯.jpg (40.24 KB,453x576,151:192,xWGHe.jpg)


yes, anon, I'm aware…

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256038 No.19565932

File: f768b7921e52793⋯.png (172.32 KB,360x340,18:17,f768b7921e527933e338c05a4a….png)

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1a45b6 No.19565933


>do you really know or jus saying shit you don't know to be true?

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1a45b6 No.19565934

shills whine

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2f40ca No.19565935

File: 2a4046980529caf⋯.png (1.03 MB,1192x670,596:335,Undone.png)

..so are you going to give me the evidence or what? when?

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1a45b6 No.19565936

File: dbc4b7cf33387e4⋯.png (270.35 KB,800x600,4:3,ty_easy_filters.png)

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1a45b6 No.19565937

no go get another ip bitch ha ha

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2f40ca No.19565938

was asking anon, not you cunt.

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1a45b6 No.19565939


According to Kessler, the White House did not dispute this reporting. “As the facts have borne out for years, then-Vice President Biden successfully executed on U.S. policy that was supported by Republicans in Congress at home, international partners abroad, and Ukrainian citizens, as he worked to carry out policy in the best interests of the American people,” a spokesperson from the White House Counsel’s office told the Post.

This means Biden made a last-minute decision to link the firing of Shokin – who was investigating Burisma – to the $1 billion loan guarantee. It was the administration’s intent to leave the Shokin issue as separate matter, providing the guarantee while simultaneously asking for Shokin to be removed, according to Kessler’s interviews with administration sources.

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d2f0aa No.19565940

File: f604e4caf846724⋯.jpg (164.81 KB,720x988,180:247,20230917_021223.jpg)

File: b961b4a0a784634⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,854x480,427:240,Dane_20230917_1.mp4)


Biden gaffe or did he actually tell us what they're doing?

"The government is going to increase the number and intensity of the extreme weather events and be wary —we’re going  to be — use all the resources available to the government to do it."

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1a45b6 No.19565941


"It is necessary for Congress to gauge the extent to which FBI agents coerced, pressured, worked with, or relied upon social media and other tech companies to censor speech. The scope of the Committee’s investigation includes understanding the extent and nature of the FBI’s involvement in this censorship," Jordan contended.

Chan was slated to sit for a transcribed interview on Friday, though a dispute between the FBI and the Committee over protocol led to the cancellation of the interview. Accordingly, the committee issued a subpoena.

Jordan's subpoena comes amid the ongoing Missouri v. Biden court case in which Republican-led states have challenged the administrations interactions with social media giants. Last week, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the decision of Judge Terry Doughty, which found that the administration's efforts likely violated the First Amendment. The Supreme Court will likely decide on the matter.

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2f40ca No.19565942

File: cd4e1623a49f2f6⋯.jpg (389.22 KB,1200x1099,1200:1099,Dqr2s7iUwAAmRIl.jpg)


are you laughing bc you think HRC is not going to jail? that babylonian whore IS going to jail. i pray to God in Heaven it's during THIS october. sick witches and bitches. it's been a long time coming.

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303888 No.19565943


They are fucking doing it. Period. No joke. This ain't hyperbole, Jack!

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d2f0aa No.19565944

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1a45b6 No.19565945

File: 19c6444f2927c6f⋯.png (170.26 KB,689x748,689:748,garland_weiss_hunter_09172….png)

File: 3be544c41019c82⋯.png (167.69 KB,667x771,667:771,garland_weiss_hunter_08122….png)

File: 16ac68c608ab783⋯.png (167.93 KB,756x414,42:23,biden_classified_docs_garl….png)

File: 7c0a4cbffa4cebc⋯.png (189.38 KB,460x788,115:197,merrick_garland_viola_garc….png)

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cc573a No.19565946


>Biden gaffe or did he actually tell us what they're doing?

This many gaffs can't be unintentional.

No coinkydinks.

How do you introduce evidence?

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283fa8 No.19565947


I see you.

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2f40ca No.19565948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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256038 No.19565949

File: 8ea52c1e6843be7⋯.png (308.67 KB,608x518,304:259,8ea52c1e6843be74a0523beb4e….png)

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1a45b6 No.19565950


nice eyes, ty

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331cd2 No.19565951



I understand your rightful caution against ‘bringing undue attention’… but i am hardly ‘glorifying’ it. And ‘glossing over’ (turning a blind eye away from) something horrific, is kinda exactly what has brought humanity to this situation. Your word choices are a bit strange to me, but still frenanon.

My gist, is that this board online is NOT a very crowded place. That particular poster/group is NOT in any way a legitimate representation of the 8kun raison d’etre. Would seem traceable (and it KNOWS that). Most obviously, they/it is an agitation at least if not a serious creep trying to impugn the character of good people here (trying with all our heart).

In some ways it actually drives to the very core of this very very other-worldly situation we are mired… the Badies still walk free amongst us online and IRL, the fake Authorities demonstrate their obvious refusal to stop the criminality (proving their fealty to demonic criminality), yet the fraudulent Authorities can not stop good people here at 8kun, nor IRL from meme/dig/pray.

This situation continues to be frustrating, but still there are glimmers of hope and modest reasons to drive on. Till Valhalla, frenanons!

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1a45b6 No.19565952


In the key swing states of Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Nevada, and Michigan, Trump notched a 6% lead over Biden, 41% to 35%. A further 24% were undecided. The survey did not break down the margins in each of those states.

Trump won North Carolina in 2020 but lost all of the rest to Biden. Flipping only a handful of these states would likely win him the presidency.

Conducted Sept. 8-14, the survey questioned 4,413 U.S. adults and has a margin of error of +/- 2%.

On the whole, Trump appears to be gaining ground against Biden in a potential rematch and currently leads him by 0.5% in the RealClearPolitics polling average, which does not include the Reuters survey.

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2f40ca No.19565953

File: 9cf6281b303ebc7⋯.jpg (100.8 KB,1600x900,16:9,kill_the_dragon.jpg)



honestly anon, i'm having a pretty shitty day, i hate to say, but praying the sunlight on the morn of the 17th washes away the shadows of the 16th.

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283fa8 No.19565954


Thanks for your honesty. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

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1a45b6 No.19565955

File: 11ab35b441ffb2d⋯.png (177.99 KB,704x714,352:357,Kash_John_Soloman_podcast_….png)


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cc573a No.19565956

File: 36b0df3c5fd0e85⋯.png (355.74 KB,608x518,304:259,8ea52c1e6843be74a0523beb4e….png)

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2f40ca No.19565957

File: f2e5f0cf5fd4c91⋯.png (345.87 KB,501x571,501:571,Untitled.png)

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2f40ca No.19565958


KYS or grow a fucking spine and a few more layers of skin

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16fa03 No.19565959

File: d62f7b018cc5901⋯.png (186.56 KB,435x430,87:86,pepe_Q_on_a_swing.png)


when 8 was down, the thing i missed the most was being able to come here in the middle of the night, when there was no other place to talk. we're here, hope it helps.

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cc573a No.19565960

File: ba299b61df112a4⋯.png (128.17 KB,500x500,1:1,ba299b61df112a422a27e2d0b5….png)


>i'm having a pretty shitty day

Habbens to the best of us.

Soldier on.

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08149c No.19565961

File: 4447ea3808b999d⋯.png (558.5 KB,601x500,601:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ebbeeee53f00ff⋯.mp4 (4.74 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_tester.mp4)

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25426a No.19565962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Neil Diamond - Cherry, Cherry (Audio)



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331cd2 No.19565963


Good to know you’re a top notch ass.

Completely missed to tone of my written words, or intentional. Idgaf. Go suck yourself off with a backflip.

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cc573a No.19565964

File: 0f101d8fb16ba8a⋯.png (67.87 KB,1204x1188,301:297,0f101d8fb16ba8a4c061a8c38d….png)


>Go suck yourself off with a backflip.

I'm gonna need a diagram.

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a9a256 No.19565965

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25426a No.19565966

File: 0b17c65d8e70081⋯.png (5.09 MB,1600x1920,5:6,0b17c65d8e70081da46e5d4fa2….png)


who knows?

Q does

we dont

all speculation…


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25426a No.19565967

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Q - The Plan to Save the World



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2f40ca No.19565968


you're in the wrong place. we are at war. you are on a fukn coffee break bullshitting philosophy. please FOCUS on the actual war including shitposting but don't come up in here polyanna-ing about some dumb porno that probably came from 3 boards away.

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2f40ca No.19565969

File: f717d339380576b⋯.png (645.12 KB,600x809,600:809,d4delusion.png)


exactly, Time will tell.

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5234c2 No.19565970

File: 7973073eb9fd36f⋯.jpg (569.98 KB,1054x1445,62:85,Screenshot_20230917_204131….jpg)

17 sec

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06487b No.19565971

File: 61c8971729d80d5⋯.png (352.36 KB,633x394,633:394,justidonteven.png)

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d2f0aa No.19565972

File: 6b018e91d24d718⋯.mp4 (6.08 MB,480x724,120:181,Massimo_20230917_2.mp4)


A bizarre way to visualize gravity on different Solar System's celestial bodies

Because of this I canceled my tickets to the Sun.

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08149c No.19565973

File: c53cb5c16640d38⋯.png (308.04 KB,445x448,445:448,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea7e35639e951f0⋯.png (281.53 KB,740x500,37:25,ClipboardImage.png)


there are many here ww



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2f40ca No.19565974

File: e6fd17fc5da5dc8⋯.jpg (463.6 KB,1189x1200,1189:1200,mbid_b1b9bf98_86fa_4092_95….jpg)

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e42cf1 No.19565975

File: 27851fa10ea1459⋯.jpeg (39.58 KB,1536x202,768:101,IMG_2709.jpeg)

File: a7281d0a75c9f8d⋯.jpeg (287.85 KB,1536x926,768:463,IMG_0483.jpeg)

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2f40ca No.19565976

File: b90649b27d83fc7⋯.jpg (135.7 KB,710x710,1:1,donotmakepeace.jpg)

File: b7884dae9e6aa6c⋯.jpg (37.15 KB,600x375,8:5,get_a_piece.jpg)

File: 6125b1e2aab789d⋯.jpg (207.57 KB,1259x1127,1259:1127,silent_warrior.jpg)

File: 7986eb44e207ff3⋯.png (1.88 MB,854x1080,427:540,stayinthelight.png)


Trust must be earned.

Trust is not blind, nor is truth.

We fight every sigle day on behalf of you, the people who put us here.

We knew this day would come.

We will never forget.

Do not glorify us.

We are merely the vehicle.

You are what matters.

You are hope.

You are love.

You are peace.

Stay united.

Stay together.

Stay strong.

This is bigger than any one person or entity.

You are fighting for truth - collectively.

Will of the people.

Trust in yourself.

The choice will always be yours.

God bless you all.

Where we go one, we go ALL.


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5fb917 No.19565977

File: c4507b038f88c70⋯.png (667.06 KB,781x857,781:857,song.PNG)

File: 2f0ae9a50682ed0⋯.png (1.14 MB,860x609,860:609,yt.PNG)

File: 7131561719b5e3c⋯.png (609.85 KB,540x405,4:3,all.PNG)


Trump Rally’s ‘Deeply Weird’ Finger-Pointing Salute Sets Off Mass Confusion: Crowd Seemed to Believe the ‘QAnon Theme Song’ Was Playing

By Ken MeyerSep 18th, 2022, 10:19 am


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1a45b6 No.19565978


Under existing law, strikers are not eligible for unemployment benefits until the strike is over. If Governor Gavin Newsom signs SB 799 into law, strikers would be eligible for receiving unemployment benefits two weeks into a strike.

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d2f0aa No.19565979

File: 3a8458fa571da21⋯.jpg (187.51 KB,720x1046,360:523,20230917_024910.jpg)

File: b36124373c39db9⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB,576x1024,9:16,Wall_Street_Apes_20230917_….mp4)

1¢ burgers , what could go wrong?


WARNING ⛔️ National Cheeseburger Day Is Tomorrow & According To The Simpsons IT’S A TRAP

Wendy’s is selling cheeseburgers for $0.01 & McDonald’s for $0.50 but you might want to watch this video…

Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by leaders

If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion - Alan Watt

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1a45b6 No.19565980


Tim Ballard, the ex-Department of Homeland Security agent featured in the film "Sound of Freedom," is mulling a run for Senate in Utah to replace the retiring Republican Sen. Mitt Romney.

"Starting several weeks ago, I've been asked by a lot of very influential people… to throw in," Ballard told Sean Spicer on Newsmax, prompting him to clarify whether he would seek Romney's seat. "That's the very seat that I was asked to look at weeks ago… I was very seriously considering it then and I'll be honest now even more so."

Romney confirmed this week that he would not seek reelection in 2024 and called for a "new generation of leaders." At least one Republican, Riverton Mayor Trent Staggs, has already entered the race.

Ballard indicated that he had been mulling the move even before Romney confirmed he would not run again.

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5fb917 No.19565981

File: 886312098409a7a⋯.png (178.31 KB,416x553,416:553,cn.PNG)



University of Chicago Professor Finds Trump’s Open Support of Q “Extremely Disturbing”

“The former President has posted images of himself wearing a Q on his lapel on social media with the phrase ‘The Storm is Coming’. What does all of this mean and is it threatening???”




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25426a No.19565982

File: 3d9fcb3b39b1285⋯.png (71.25 KB,255x191,255:191,satan.png)


slay the beast

cut the head off

always makes me happy

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1a45b6 No.19565983

File: 60dd4f4091b5dfe⋯.png (182.88 KB,800x505,160:101,Candace_Haiti_Child_traffi….png)

wasn't there something weird about tim ballard?

i miss that episode

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25426a No.19565984


or what ever is shitty, allow it all the space it needs to become other…

sometimes sitting in you shitty thoughts or situation is the best thing to do

just sit in it

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1a45b6 No.19565985

>8 dems?


The U.S. House on Thursday advanced legislation to block states from outlawing gas vehicle sales, a move counter to green agendas pushing electric vehicles.

House Resolution 1435, a bipartisan measure known as the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act, cleared the lower chamber with a vote of 222-190 Thursday with all Republicans and eight Democrats, including North Carolina Rep. Don Davis, in support.

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2f40ca No.19565986

File: 57f6cd68b1c5ef3⋯.png (675.5 KB,640x942,320:471,_.png)



>>19565982 - it's the best.


i love you all no homo

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25426a No.19565987

File: 81b2aefec2ac71c⋯.png (703.07 KB,888x599,888:599,i_can_explain_it_to_you_i_….png)


That Chicago Professor is fucking stupid.

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1a45b6 No.19565988

File: 5d48d029af78f52⋯.png (941.84 KB,600x800,3:4,Catherine_Herridge_0207202….png)

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1a45b6 No.19565989

File: baecb0d86c1105e⋯.png (75.73 KB,760x853,760:853,new_mexico_guns_gov_michel….png)

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08149c No.19565990

File: f9ba33c9b53f4d4⋯.png (58.25 KB,ClipboardImage.png)


Good meme

it's only a scratch


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08149c No.19565991

File: f9ba33c9b53f4d4⋯.png (58.25 KB,ClipboardImage.png)


Good meme

it's only a scratch


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cc573a No.19565992

File: fb99527fce7d678⋯.jpg (112.69 KB,fb99527fce7d6786e2afcbe745….jpg)


>A needlessly violent way to visualize gravity on different Solar System's celestial bodies


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cc573a No.19565993

File: fb99527fce7d678⋯.jpg (112.69 KB,640x862,320:431,fb99527fce7d6786e2afcbe745….jpg)


>A needlessly violent way to visualize gravity on different celestial bodies


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2f40ca No.19565994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(if not previously noted):

NRA Files Lawsuit Challenging Lujan Grisham’s Unconstitutional Order Banning Public Carry


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06487b No.19565995

File: a673282b2944a9b⋯.png (261.96 KB,eye.png)

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2f40ca No.19565996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dang. should we? cuz.. nek minit, one letter of the alphabet is deemed racist and nazi white supremacist signaling

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25426a No.19565997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MYSTERIOUS Flower That Blooms Every 3,000 YEARS Spotted Across Globe

334,264 views Sep 10, 2016

There's an ancient eastern Buddhist legend about the mysterious Udumbara flowers which blooms every 3,000 signaling the arrival of a celestial being. It has been turning up in the word since it's first sighting in South Korea in 1997 when they appeared on a Buddha statue. The flowers are said to be fragrant, resilient and can bloom on any surface and any object such as metal, wood, etc. Many people have documented this rare occurrence but there are people to say the flowers are the eggs of the Green Lacewing insect. However, it has been pointed out that the insect eggs will deteriorate once the larvae hatches but the mystical flowers do not decay for long periods of time.

Mike has seen two cases of his friends finding the flowers and keeping them intact for a long time.

The Buddhist legend foretells a Holy King Who Turns the Wheel, rectifying the Dharma in the world. This King is said to accept anyone of any religious affiliation, offering salvation to all through compassion.

In Volume 8 of the Buddhist scripture, it reads:

“Huilin Phonetics and Interpretation” states: “The udumbara flower is the product of propitious and supernatural phenomena; it is a celestial flower and does not exist in the mundane world. If a Tathagata or the King of the Golden Wheel appears in the human world, this flower will appear due to his great virtue and blessings.”


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e45239 No.19565998

File: c08230ac74db618⋯.jpeg (67.89 KB,12C90170_619F_4165_9AAB_F….jpeg)

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25426a No.19565999

File: 03251794e649591⋯.png (101.39 KB,501x351,167:117,03251794e649591018627e9542….png)

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5fb917 No.19566000

File: 23232b6d9e22ef4⋯.png (356.7 KB,608x478,304:239,soon.PNG)


The White House 45 Archived



12:25 PM · Sep 20, 2019

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25426a No.19566001


what are you suggestin?

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5fb917 No.19566002

File: f1639027cfcbf42⋯.png (341.81 KB,437x662,437:662,23.PNG)

>>19563847 >>19563857 >>19563979 REMEMBER YOUR OATH

23rd ?

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5fb917 No.19566003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2f40ca No.19566004

File: e2987d472dbfcce⋯.jpg (137.04 KB,736x736,1:1,dont_come_back.jpg)


Donald J. Trump is the 1st horseman of the apocalypse anon. We are the arrows in the quiver and Q is the bow. Jesus is the crown. just this anon's thought.

Rev 6:2

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

pic related.

white - 1st horse > Conqueror

red - 2nd horse >War

black - 3rd horse >Famine

pale + death - 4th horse + 1 >Death

see all 5 horses in the related pic.

on a side note, Ayyyyyy

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25426a No.19566005

File: cac5af1bf3e7418⋯.png (504.49 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f91b651cfe4c694⋯.png (218.05 KB,805x880,161:176,ClipboardImage.png)

Immunisation Agenda 2030: Bill Gates’ latest plan to vaccinate every man, woman and child on Earth

A UN-led global immunisation strategy was launched in April 2021 – the Immunisation Agenda 2030 (IA2030). It unites WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other partners to focus on vaccination throughout life, from infancy through to adolescence and older age.

IA2030 sets an overarching global vision and strategy for vaccines and immunisation for the decade 2021–2030. The specified goal of their unprecedented agenda is to vaccinate every man, woman, and child on Earth by the year 2030.

“The covid-19 pandemic has reminded the world of the power of vaccines to fight disease, save lives, and create a healthier, safer, and more prosperous future,” WHO claims attempting to sell the IA2030 strategy. “Immunisation … is an indisputable human right. It’s also one of the best health investments money can buy.”

Is IA2030 UN-led?

According to the United Nations (“UN”), IA2030 is a UN-led global immunisation strategy. But we beg to differ considering the partnerships and the funding.

In April, Andrew Bridgen MP gave a speech during a Westminster Hall debate. “The second-largest donor after Germany is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and I think Gavi is the fifth, so if we add those together, they are the biggest donors to the WHO,” he said.

Bill & Melinda Gates set up their Foundation in 1994. Since then, vaccines have become the Gates Foundation’s biggest investment. In 1999, the Gates Foundation set up the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (“GAVI”).

GAVI is a public-private partnership between UN agencies, governments, the vaccine industry, the private sector and civil society. GAVI’s partners are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the key partner), the World Health Organisation (“WHO”), the United Nations Children’s Fund (“UNICEF”) and the World Bank.

IA2030’s partners are WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Excepting for the World Bank, IA2030 partners are GAVI’s partners. And, GAVI’s founder and key partner is Bill Gates. So, we can assume that IA2030 is, in fact, a Gates initiative.

It is not the first time Gates has attempted to profiteer from vaccinating the world. In 2012, at the World Health Assembly, Bill Gates became the leader of the 2012-2020 Global Vaccine Action Plan (“GVAP”), the global immunisation plan of the so-called “decade of vaccines.” According to Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, in 2016, an assessment of GVAP showed that the plan to vaccinate the world had failed. “They were very upset because they did not [vaccinate] the whole world,” she told Reiner Fuellmich early last year.

WHO is Lying to You

Before we get to IA2030, it is important to put WHO’s documents into context and to establish the integrity of WHO’s statements about vaccines. To demonstrate that WHO is not truthful to the public, below is a comparison of what is said by a senior WHO official in promotional material to what was said at a WHO summit.

On 2 to 3 December 2019, WHO convened the Global Vaccine Safety Summit in Geneva, Switzerland. The summit aimed to “take stock of [the] accomplishments” of WHO’s Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) and to work toward finalising the agency’s Global Vaccine Safety Blueprint 2.0 strategy 2021-2030.

On 28 November 2019, paediatrician Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, WHO’s Chief Scientist, assured the public in a commercial that “vaccines are very safe” and that vaccine safety tracking is robust, and examining the data lets them promptly address problems. They are “thoroughly monitored.”

Four days later, at the WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit, Dr. Swaminathan admitted: “We really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems in many countries. We can’t give answers about the deaths. We need to put mechanisms in place to monitor what’s going on. With many drugs, we only learn about adverse events after they are introduced to the populations.”

And she was not the only one expressing concerns about vaccine safety at the Summit. For a summary list of quotes from attendees at the Summit in the 56-minute video below condensed from Highwire, see the description below the video on YouTube.

If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can find the full show on The Highwire’s website HERE.

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25426a No.19566006


Further reading:

Scientists at WHO Global Summit Confirm the Absence of Vaccine Safety Science, Alliance for Human Research Protection, 31 January 2023

Anatomy of Corruption: WHO Public Health Guidelines, Alliance for Human Research Protection, 30 January 2023

The WHO Vaccination Agenda 2030: a Global PhRMA Strategy, Alliance for Human Research Protection, 30 January 2023

How did the Member States Vote for IA2030?

They didn’t.

In August 2020, the Seventy-third World Health Assembly (“WHA”), through the written silence procedure, endorsed the new global vision and overarching strategy for vaccines and immunisation: Immunisation Agenda 2030 (IA2030).

The written silence procedure is when the Director General transmits to the Member States a proposal for consideration and then sets a deadline within which written objections need to be submitted. In this case, within 14 days from the date of dispatch of the Director General’s communication.

“In absence of the receipt by the set date of any written objection from a Member State, the proposal concerned will be considered as having been validly adopted by the Health Assembly,” the Written Silence Procedure rules for the WHA stated.

While the covid pandemic prevented in-person meetings, conveniently, non-governmental organisations took advantage of the situation and adopted the “silence procedure.” Along with WHO, the UN General Assembly and UN Economic and Social Council also adopted the practice.

Qui tacet consentire videtur – “silence means consent.” Democracy at its finest!

What are IA2030’s Targets?

Targets to be achieved by 2030 include:

Achieving 90% coverage for essential vaccines given in childhood and adolescence.

Halving the number of children completely missing out on vaccines which WHO labels as “zero dose” children.

Completing 500 national or subnational introductions of new or under-utilised vaccines – such as those for covid-19, rotavirus, or human papillomavirus (HPV)

How Will WHO Measure Progress?

You can find details on how IA2030’s targets will be measured by following the hyperlinks ‘Explore Data’ on THIS webpage. Below are excerpts from a few of what WHO terms ‘Impact Goal Indicators’. It gives a good indication of what vaccines they will be pushing onto populations and when – to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Impact Goal 1.1: Modelled estimates project the number of lives that “will be saved” from 2021-2030 by achieving IA2030’s aspirational coverage targets for WHO-recommended vaccines. Estimates are included for global and regional deaths prevented through the administration of vaccines against 14 diseases.

The initial scope focuses on 14 pathogens, which will be expanded to update the estimates at the midpoint of IA2030.

2021-2030: Hepatitis B, Hib, HPV, JE, measles, MenA, Streptococcus pneumoniae, rotavirus, rubella, yellow fever, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, TB (BCG)

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25426a No.19566007


By 2025: Polio, typhoid, influenza, cholera, multivalent meningitis, covid-19, varicella, dengue, mumps, rabies, hepatitis A, hepatitis E, and other new vaccines.

Impact Goal 1: Prevent Disease, 1.1 Saves Lives, IA2030 Scorecard – Global, Immunisation Agenda 2030

Impact Goal 1.3: Globally, the IA2030 target is 90% for coverage of these four vaccines – DTP (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis), measles, pneumococcal disease, and HPV.

Impact Goal 2.2: The target is 500 vaccine introductions in low- and middle-income countries by 2030, including current new or under-utilised vaccine introductions (NUVI) as well as vaccines that will be recommended over the decade.

Introductions are defined as addition of a vaccine to the national immunisation schedule … New or underutilised vaccines are defined as vaccines that have not yet been introduced into national immunisation schedules in all countries where recommended by WHO.

Vaccines included in this indicator that are recommended by WHO for use in national immunisation schedules in all countries: HepB birth dose, Hib, HPV, IPV2, MCV2, PCV, rotavirus, rubella, DTP booster (currently reporting the fourth dose at any age), and covid-19 (interim recommendation). Vaccines included in this indicator that are recommended by WHO for use in national immunisation schedules in countries in certain geographic region(s), in some high-risk populations, or in immunisation programmes with certain characteristics: YF, JE, MenA, multivariate meningitis, typhoid, cholera, dengue, rabies, HepA, influenza, varicella, and mumps.

Impact Goal 2: Promote Equity, 2.2 Provide access to all vaccines, IA2030 Scorecard – Global, Immunisation Agenda 2030

Why are they targeting the introduction of so many vaccines in low- and middle-income countries (“LMICs”)? The European Immunisation Agenda 2030 gives a clue:

Immunisation has a high return on investments, especially in LMICs. In a recent study on the return in investments from immunisation in 94 LMICs, the return on every dollar invested was estimated at almost USD 20 between 2021–2030.

European Immunisation Agenda 2030, 2021, pg. 3

What Does IA2030 Say?

IA2030 envisions a world where everyone, everywhere, at every age, fully benefits from vaccines

Immunisation is playing a critical role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) … Immunisation critical to SDG3 – to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Because health is so fundamental to development, IA2030 will also contribute – either directly or indirectly – to 13 of the other SDGs.

Immunisation Agenda 2030: A Global Strategy to Leave No One Behind, World Health Organisation

The following are extracts from the Immunisation Agenda 2030 dated 1 April 2020. For ease of reference, the page numbers where the text appears in the 60-page document are noted in square brackets at the end of the paragraph.


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25426a No.19566008


Lessons from the Global Vaccine Action Plan: The Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) was the global immunization strategy of the “Decade of vaccines” (2011–2020). Developed through extensive global consultations, GVAP brought together existing goals to eradicate and eliminate diseases and set new global goals that accounted for the full spectrum of functions of immunization programmes. The review of experience with GVAP in 2019 revealed important lessons for the decade to 2030. [pg. 18]

Life-course approach. The growing number of new vaccines administered after childhood is opening frontiers for national immunisation programmes and will require new methods for delivery. Furthermore, booster doses should be introduced for lifelong protection against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. IA2030 has a stronger focus on extending the benefits of vaccination throughout the life-course. [pg. 25]

Strengthening partnerships beyond health. The future of immunisation will increasingly be based on integration and collaboration with stakeholders within and beyond health. IA2030 proposes closer collaboration with existing and new partners. Such enhanced collaboration will have mutual advantages, extending the benefits of immunisation while helping others to achieve their goals. [pg. 25]

Accelerating innovation. A more nimble, robust research agenda offers new opportunities to meet future challenges. IA2030 focuses on not only the development of new vaccines but also accelerating innovation to improve programme performance, surveillance and quality and to increase access to data, drawing on lessons from other sectors. [pg. 26]

Strategic Priority 3: Everyone is protected by full immunisation, regardless of location, age, socioeconomic status or gender-related barriers. [pg. 36]

Strategic Priority 4: All people benefit from recommended immunisations throughout the life-course. [pg. 38]

Strategic Priority 4. Key areas of focus. Tracking vaccination status: Institute policies for monitoring vaccination coverage at different ages and facilitating administration of vaccines throughout the life-course. [pg. 38]

Strategic Priority 4. Application of the core principles. People-centred: Vaccination throughout the life-course is integrated into other health care services for different age groups. [pg. 39]

Strategic Priority 4. Application of the core principles. Data-guided: Implementation and social and behavioural research will be conducted to generate evidence for effective delivery of integrated, coordinated packages of vaccination services and to identify new contact points for vaccination throughout the life course. [pg. 39]


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5fb917 No.19566009

File: 3dd2a000302b947⋯.png (476.34 KB,595x562,595:562,well.PNG)





On your marks, get set, BREAK! Complete the challenge and show us who has the skills to break our codes.

(Didn't get a chance to sign up? There's still time! Click here to join the challenge: https://codebreaker.ltsnet.net/home)

12:15 PM · Sep 20, 2019

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2f40ca No.19566010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Never give up.

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a14ae9 No.19566011

File: b29a2cfd667df7b⋯.jpg (80.61 KB,600x750,4:5,Trump_coming_after_you.jpg)

File: bb7849a6999269e⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,474x474,1:1,Ghost_boobs.jpg)


KEK! Is this a picture made by Jim?

TY Ghost Baker!

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99dc22 No.19566012

Redpill Ken Live

Always top kek.


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25426a No.19566013


you're a bible basher

should be in jail for harassment


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a14ae9 No.19566014



Many resigned (in parentheses)

1. Scaparrotti ret (19)

3. Neller ret (19)

4. Zukunft ret (19)

5. Tidd ret (19)

6. Thomas ret (19)

7. Waldhauser ret (19)

8. Selva ret (19)

9. Dunford ret (19)

10. Mattis ret (19)

14. Richardson ret (19)

15. Votel ret (19)

16. Goldfein ret (20)

18. Lengyel ret (20)

19. Robinson ret (18)

20. Shanahan w/d (19)

21. Harris amb to SKor, announced resig (20)

22. McDew ret (18)

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5fb917 No.19566015

File: 344fc5635066dd6⋯.png (584.86 KB,1180x855,236:171,bt.PNG)


Ohio priest urges voters to reject ‘demonic’

pro-abortion amendment, send it ‘back

to hell’

Life Site News, by Raymond Wolfe

Posted By: Harlowe, 9/17/2023 12:47:12 AM

WADSWORTH, Ohio - A Catholic priest called on voters to reject an upcoming pro-abortion ballot measure in Ohio and slammed Planned Parenthood abortionists as “Moloch’s priests” in a powerful sermon going viral online. Father Patrick Schultz warned in a September 5 homily that Ohio and the United States are in a “very dire situation” due to widespread abortion, one with similarities to the “ancient pagan world.”[Snip]“Moloch’s priests are still very much alive and well, except they wear white coats and scrubs these days, and they mostly work for Planned Parenthood,” he said.

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5fb917 No.19566016

File: e238d35d0b2e524⋯.png (829.55 KB,924x779,924:779,22.PNG)


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GOP Reps Release 22 Examples Of Biden’s

Corruption After Dems Claim There’s

No Evidence

American Insider, by Carver Malone

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 9/16/2023 11:39:59 PM

Democrats and left-wing operatives in the mainstream media say there is “no evidence” that Joe Biden did anything wrong to warrant impeachment. This key Democrat “talking point” has been carefully crafted as the evidence and seriousness of Biden’s corrupt actions is enough to make your blood boil. In response, the House Oversight Committee has compiled a startling list of 22 pieces of evidence that show Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s influence-peddling scheme that raked in millions. • 1) In July 2023, former Biden business associate Devon Archer described how Joe Biden was “The Brand” and was used to send “signals” of power,

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2f40ca No.19566017

File: a7eb1b737eae2e5⋯.png (4.55 MB,DAY_SHIFT.png)


a wut mate? test me

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5c8d84 No.19566018


“…implementing the ChristChurch call.”

As in false flag shooting?

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a14ae9 No.19566019

File: 68c4bf25b00da1f⋯.jpg (97.33 KB,688x1024,43:64,Jesus_Horsemen.jpg)

File: 58fafb5fa2342cd⋯.jpg (79 KB,1000x613,1000:613,Behold_the_rider_on_the_pa….jpg)

File: 093d3c37f5d7bee⋯.png (928.98 KB,768x768,1:1,Four_Horsemen.png)

File: e54874aafe31b5c⋯.png (300.21 KB,500x487,500:487,Pale_horse.png)

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25426a No.19566020


how does this make you feel?

I feel the same, sick to my stomach when you bible bash me

I hate your beliefs and am fucking over you talking to me

jesus dick sucker

kill your self already

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ff0552 No.19566021

File: acd8dc1a1986915⋯.jpg (3.13 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

U do realise they have the ability to control all body movement.

>was getting tired of unknown energy drawing eye of Horus on forehead, infinity. Symbol in my chest, repeat n loop till this symbol turned into power, energy.

My point is. Because I couldn’t finish / comply, the made my right eyeball spin round, like fast to the point I had to get up and Finnish the process. A scan got taken of my face and a msg cheers buddy appeared in my ear.

Inb4 take meds. Yeh I am..

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5fb917 No.19566022

File: 3c95729f53fa597⋯.png (35.25 KB,1106x256,553:128,irs.PNG)


IRS watchdog rips into Biden’s false

pledge that $80B would not be used to

audit average Americans

BizPac Review, by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Posted By: Imright, 9/16/2023 10:18:38 PM

A new report has been issued by the official watchdog of the Internal Revenue Service unsurprisingly admitting that the $80 billion given to the IRS by the Biden administration potentially means more audits for average Americans. The watchdog claims the audits will occur if the IRS doesn’t take immediate action to prevent it and there is little indication they are inclined to do so. “Last year, the Inflation Reduction Act — which was not actually designed to reduce inflation — gave the IRS $80 billion in new funding. That funding would be used to hire 87,000 new agents over the next decade and to increase tax enforcement,” TheBlaze reported.

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25426a No.19566023

The Armed Man Who Gave RFK Jr. Assassination Scare Has Been Identified

by Becker NewsSeptember 16, 2023Featured

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has repeatedly sought Secret Service protection from the federal government due to persistent threats to his safety, but his requests have been denied.

Unfortunately, on Saturday night in Los Angeles, the concerns of his campaign turned into a reality when an armed individual impersonating a federal marshal appeared at a campaign event.

The man has now been identified as 44-Year-Old Adrian Paul Aispuro.

JUST IN — The Armed Man Who Tried to Enter the @RobertKennedyJr Event Last Night Has Been Identified as 44-Year-Old Adrian Paul Aispuro

Aispuro is currently being held in Los Angeles on $35,000 bail for a felony charge of carrying a concealed weapon. pic.twitter.com/a2DNMiDNtS

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) September 16, 2023

According to reports, the man is being held in Los Angeles on $35,000 bail for a felony charge of carrying a concealed weapon.

At around 4:30 pm, police were alerted to a disturbance at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre. According to reports from Breitbart, the police indicated that “a male was in front of the event venue with ‘a badge on their lapel, a gun, and a shoulder holster, and claimed to be a U.S. Marshal.'”

Despite his claims of being part of the event staff, no one from the staff could confirm his identity. A note, shared with Breitbart by an officer present at the scene and addressed to the campaign, stated: “Male impersonating a federal agent with a handgun and exposed ammunition. He claimed to be employed for the event but was not recognized by security.”

Video footage captured the moment when the man was handcuffed and taken away by officers from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD).

“I’m very grateful that alert and fast-acting protectors from Gavin de Becker and Associates (GDBA) spotted and detained an armed man who attempted to approach me at my Hispanic Heritage speech at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre in Los Angeles tonight,” Kennedy said in a statement. “The man, wearing two shoulder holsters with loaded pistols and spare ammunition magazines was carrying a U.S. Marshal badge on a lanyard and beltclip federal ID. He identified himself as a member of my security detail. Armed GDBA team members moved quickly to isolate and detain the man until LAPD arrived to make the arrest. I’m also grateful to LAPD for its rapid response.”

I’m very grateful that alert and fast-acting protectors from Gavin de Becker and Associates (GDBA) spotted and detained an armed man who attempted to approach me at my Hispanic Heritage speech at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre in Los Angeles tonight. The man, wearing two shoulder… pic.twitter.com/vvJc0Gtk4o

— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) September 16, 2023

“I’m still entertaining a hope that President Biden will allow me Secret Service protection,” he continued. “I am the first presidential candidate in history to whom the White House has denied a request for protection.”


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2f40ca No.19566024

File: 635702483167603⋯.jpeg (22 KB,283x283,1:1,1207798890.jpeg)


kex. 3rd image is not accurate tho, only first horseman should be check-marked

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25426a No.19566025

Texas Lt. Gov. Unloads on ‘Indefensible’ Paxton Impeachment

by Becker NewsSeptember 16, 2023Featured

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick unloads on the state legislators who rammed through an impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton after his acquittal on all 16 charges on Saturday.

“Members, I have just a few minutes of comments. About five minutes,” he said. “I’ve been unusually quiet for the last three months since the House of Representatives sent the articles of impeachment against Attorney General to us on very short notice in the final hours of the regular legislative session. The law requires the Senate to receive the articles and have a trial, and once I realized I would be the presiding officer and judge, I thought it was my duty to be quiet on this issue. Otherwise, how could I oversee a fair trial? I’ve done my very best to do so the last three months, especially the last two weeks. Now the trial is over. I want to take a few minutes before we close to put a few remarks in the court record for future legislatures to read in the event of another impeachment one day on both what the House and Senate did.”

“I’ve spent most of the last 90 days, as many of you have, preparing for this trial,” he added. “I’ve issued over 240 subpoenas. I’ve studied numerous motions, written multiple orders, read hundreds of pages of history, rules, documents, and worked on every detail of this trial with you and with our incredible Secretary of the Senate, the clerk of the court who turned this chamber into a courtroom and her great staff. I have had a total view of this process from the very first day, the House sent over the articles of impeachment to us in May.”

“With all due respect to the House, we didn’t need to be told in the final arguments how important this vote was,” he continued. “I believe the quote was, ‘this will… be the hardest and most difficult and the heaviest vote that you’ll ever cast in your time in the legislature.’ This vote will be the vote you’re remembered for most’.”

“Our members already knew that and have known that for the last three months,” he went on. “If only the House members who voted for impeachment would’ve followed that instruction in the house. We may not have been here. In the House, the vote to send the articles of impeachment against the Attorney General to the Senate happened in only a few days with virtually no time for 150 members to even study the articles.”

“The Speaker and his team rammed through the first impeachment of the statewide official in Texas in over 100 years while paying no attention to the precedent that the House set in every other impeachment before in the past,” Patrick said. “The House had transparent and open investigations for all to see, including other House members. The target of the investigation was notified and invited to attend with counsel and given an opportunity to cross-examine witnesses that were placed under oath before testimony was taken. At the conclusion of past House investigations, the evidence was laid out for weeks for House members to evaluate, not hours before they took their vote on articles of impeachment.”

“Representative John Smithee, a longtime House member who has argued cases before the Texas Supreme Court, spoke on the House floor during impeachment vote in May,” he added. “He was one of only 23 who voted against impeachment. Representative Smithee said the House could not legitimately impeach General Paxton on the record because there was no record sent to the Senate. He said ‘the House was not following the rule of law.’ He said, the House’s approach — and I quote Representative Smithee — ‘hang them now and judge them later’.”

“Representative Smithee told his fellow members the House process was indefensible,” Patrick would go on to say. “Representative Smithee said the House did not follow the rules of evidence, and their case was based on ‘triple hearsay’ that would never be allowed in court. I think Representative Smithee’s speech was one of the most honest and courageous speeches I’ve ever heard of in the House, and if you want to watch it online, go to YouTube.

Look up John Smithee. That’s his floor speech on the Paxton impeachment. It’s an amazing, courageous speech to give when he knew he was only one of 23 not voting for impeachment.”

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25426a No.19566026


“In the next regular session, we should amend the Constitution,” Patrick said. “The issue of impeachment is currently written that allowed this flawed process to happen. Any testimony given in a House impeachment investigation must be given under oath and the target of that impeachment must be allowed to present with a lawyer to cross examinee the witnesses. Otherwise, people can say anything they want without any accountability or need to be truthful. Because there is no threat of perjury.”

“The House must also give members a minimum of two weeks to review all evidence given under oath before voting on such a serious matter,” he added. “Had they done those two things, this trial may never have happened. And when the House sends articles of impeachment to the Senate, if they do in the future, the officials should not be put on unpaid leave through the process. The federal system does not allow that. Why do we allow that in Texas?”

“President Clinton and President Trump did not have to step down from the Oval Office from their duties during their impeachment process,” he noted. “And members, this is not a partisan issue. We owe it to future legislatures to make these changes so that no future official impeached by the House, whether Republican, Democrat, or independent, is subject to the way this impeachment process occurred in the House.”

Then, Lt. Gov. Patrick called for a full audit of the Paxton impeachment.

“This year, millions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted on this impeachment,” Patrick said. “31 Senators and a large Senate staff that made this trial possible have put their family life, their jobs, their business will hold for the last three months after already being here from January to June.”

“I’m going to call next week for a full audit of all taxpayer money spent by the House from the beginning of their investigation in March to their final bills they get from their lawyers,” he said. “We will provide our cost as well that were forced on us by the House impeachment. One big difference. We didn’t pay a huge team of outside lawyers and investigators. We did it mostly with our own staff, working endless hours with no extra pay.”

“As Representative Smithee, he said, ‘this is not the way it has happened in the past in the House.’ That’s why I believe we’ve only had two prior impeachments. Our founders expected better. It should have never happened this year, and hopefully it doesn’t again unless we address this in the Constitution.”

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6d3811 No.19566027

File: 2b42652b529de7f⋯.jpeg (773.41 KB,314CAFA9_ABB8_44B3_AD8A_6….jpeg)


Dronland Blumf thinks he’s running against the Young Prince, Barack Obama, lol. What a dotard.

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25426a No.19566028


After eight days of testimony from both sides, a total of 30 state senators cast their votes on Saturday to either “acquit” or “remove from office” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton based on “16 articles of impeachment.”

The Texas state senators voted to acquit Paxton on all counts.

Additionally, the state Senate decided to “dismiss” the four articles of impeachment that were “held in abeyance” with a 19–11 vote.

“Today, the truth prevailed. The truth could not be buried by mudslinging politicians or their powerful benefactors. I’ve said many times: Seek the truth! And that is what was accomplished,” Paxton said in a statement after the acquittal.

Attorney General Ken Paxton will now be able to resume office and get on with doing the business of Texans.


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ff0552 No.19566029

File: 7a1e2bb36a6855d⋯.png (8.28 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_1358.png)

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06487b No.19566030


not suggestin, just perplexin

all foreheads, eyes, throats, and hands appear unique

tf is dis from

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5fb917 No.19566031

File: 15240d0ca7fb33a⋯.png (38.76 KB,liz.PNG)




It turns out Lauren Boebert's mystery man is a Democrat bar owner.

If I was a wagering enthusiast, I would bet this guy was paid to set her up.

She’s coming off a divorce, and she’s vulnerable. This guy comes into her life, charms her, seduces her and then probably gets her liquored up and takes her out in public. Stage set.

He then instigates her by fondling her in a theater that just happens to have night vision cameras right on them. Then the whole incident is released to the public in what looks like high-definition video in an attempt to harm her reputation.

This is all way too convenient. Whether her date was a part of it or not, this seems like a well-coordinated setup. These types of tactics and traps are used all the time, and I would know.

Last edited

4:44 PM · Sep 16, 2023




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2f40ca No.19566032

File: a238ff35104827c⋯.png (8.52 KB,300x199,300:199,ClipboardImage.png)


i don't have feelings, Satan. and i know you don't either. God is going to touch you alright. and in the worst way.

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a14ae9 No.19566033

File: dca4b769ceec10e⋯.jpg (138.12 KB,1149x1436,1149:1436,WTF_Famous_Old_chan_threat.jpg)


No school like the old school.



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5fb917 No.19566034

File: 15240d0ca7fb33a⋯.png (38.76 KB,596x519,596:519,liz.PNG)




It turns out Lauren Boebert's mystery man is a Democrat bar owner.

If I was a wagering enthusiast, I would bet this guy was paid to set her up.

She’s coming off a divorce, and she’s vulnerable. This guy comes into her life, charms her, seduces her and then probably gets her liquored up and takes her out in public. Stage set.

He then instigates her by fondling her in a theater that just happens to have night vision cameras right on them. Then the whole incident is released to the public in what looks like high-definition video in an attempt to harm her reputation.

This is all way too convenient. Whether her date was a part of it or not, this seems like a well-coordinated setup. These types of tactics and traps are used all the time, and I would know.

Last edited

4:44 PM · Sep 16, 2023




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5fb917 No.19566035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


JFK 's restroom scene (director's cut version only).avi

The set up EXAMPLE

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2f40ca No.19566037

File: b6bd03b1c78b245⋯.png (168.47 KB,682x642,341:321,luvs.png)


Believer. Pain.

oh let the bullets fly oh let them rain.

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6fc99f No.19566038

>It seems we are supposed to walk by with dogs bc it makes him smile.

Cross. Make your dogs bark.

>Some happened to find themselves in a nice situation and all was fine though. He smiled at the dog and had a nice short conversation.


>You really sure about that? So far he seems to like me and he might just be God and able to reject me.


>Why don't you do it? Why would I have to?


Your way has ended.

It clearly is not about info or anything, but it is about torture and trying to break God in the flesh.

Angels will take care of that swiftly.

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2f40ca No.19566039

File: fa52bc453b107f2⋯.jpg (328.22 KB,607x438,607:438,bg.jpg)

back to workfagging. i love you.

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5fb917 No.19566040

File: 7de9f92c66a291e⋯.png (349.88 KB,592x792,74:99,mon.PNG)


Simon Ateba


Why is President Biden not getting the same widespread support Trump is getting? Officially, he won 81 million votes in 2020. Where are all those people as the 2024 campaign intensifies?


🇺🇲 ❌❌🛡️ Captain Chaos 🛡️❌❌ 🇺🇲

6:50 PM · Sep 16, 2023




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785a46 No.19566041


shut the fuck up you retarded cultist.

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97bef1 No.19566042

File: adaaa59aa259cfd⋯.png (6.41 MB,2349x2365,2349:2365,786F1711_0D73_4F18_B194_7D….png)

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6fc99f No.19566043


Luke, your house is burning and the fig tree is gone.

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5fb917 No.19566044

File: 42d1f4e883ef0c0⋯.png (299.48 KB,598x587,598:587,sus.PNG)




Trump: "I will terminate every open border policy of the Biden administration and commence the largest deportation operation in American history. We have no choice. This is not sustainable…

Thousands and thousands of people all over… No country can possibly financially sustain it."

3:44 PM · Sep 16, 2023




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a14ae9 No.19566046

File: fd19c8f91b6f663⋯.png (128.29 KB,520x480,13:12,QAnon_Pepe.png)


all speculation…

Ain't that the truth? None of us have shit, because it's all in Socratic method.

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6fc99f No.19566047


Harbor closed, vessels entering will be drowned.

Wait for invitation, "after six days".

Those complicit of turture will not have a future.

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74553c No.19566048

File: 30b81c912ac5bd9⋯.png (4.57 KB,200x200,1:1,30b81c912ac5bd9f7bc4bc81e0….png)

shoulda called sponsor

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5fb917 No.19566049

File: 58d2dba4820b320⋯.png (324.26 KB,387x520,387:520,ride.PNG)


"The cesspool of the MAGA base!"

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ff0552 No.19566050

Can any anons remember, when this movement got going the party in the Mar-a-Lago

One msg was we would all receive a msg, we can’t explain how.

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97bef1 No.19566051

File: fe04c6d13803b42⋯.png (374.72 KB,289x1008,289:1008,IMG_5846.png)

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97bef1 No.19566052

File: b0649992f88353c⋯.jpeg (830.13 KB,2560x1536,5:3,4968660C_E86B_4DFB_BADF_1….jpeg)

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97bef1 No.19566053

File: 2559f9890a224b3⋯.png (604.48 KB,403x800,403:800,F87C0D0D_00ED_4E4E_96EF_86….png)

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74553c No.19566054



he coulda homo'd by now

must need to pickpocket and lie

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97bef1 No.19566055

File: c443989c45328da⋯.jpeg (105.82 KB,800x600,4:3,94C2DBD1_0A44_402F_BACB_0….jpeg)

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97bef1 No.19566057

File: 8c78fe4e3f4e2f3⋯.png (2.83 MB,95ABA992_398A_467E_8DEE_77….png)

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5c8d84 No.19566058


> If I was a wagering enthusiast, I would bet this guy was paid to set her up.

Boebert is popular with many people. They have now been introduced to the ‘honey trap.’

Now they will understand the concept. When it comes out how many politicians have been caught in that trap…then blackmailed.

Not excusing their behaviors, just an understanding of what it means.

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74553c No.19566059


>coulda homo'd by now

>must need to pickpocket and lie

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97bef1 No.19566060

File: aeb974ac88d77fa⋯.jpg (56.02 KB,395x394,395:394,Lurkers_02_.jpg)

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5fb917 No.19566061

File: cb48aaf2ab65007⋯.png (779.74 KB,825x422,825:422,wa.PNG)

File: 2ddc37ff601a07f⋯.png (921.07 KB,829x671,829:671,dis.PNG)


Desperate Disney Conducting 'Viewership Experiment' with 'Monday Night Football' Games

By Michael Schwarz September 16, 2023 at 7:56am Desperate Disney Conducting 'Viewership Experiment' with 'Monday Night Football' Games

By Michael Schwarz September 16, 2023 at 7:56am

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74553c No.19566062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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97bef1 No.19566063

File: 07da304e32c67eb⋯.jpeg (78.53 KB,543x368,543:368,CC69B58D_FCC4_46C5_B5C0_6….JPEG)

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8599a3 No.19566064

All is well! Despite what you hear from the various media to which you are paying attention, humanity is in the final stages of your collective awakening. Your prayers and loving intentions, offered to all without any exceptions, are massively powerful and utterly essential. Keep on BEING! You are all divine beings created by God for Her and your eternal joy, so just accept the Truth that each and every one of you is eternally and inseparably connected to Her. Then, in your acceptance, open your hearts and invite Her to enter. Do NOT allow feelings of unworthiness of any kind to dissuade you from doing just this. It is very simple, very easy, and when you allow Her to enter you will feel Her Presence, and you will experience an intense and uplifting sense of peace, knowing that All is Well. That it always has been and that it always will be; you just need to alter your point of view, your perception, the inner place from which you observe your aware consciousness confirming that you are fully alive and eternally One with God, so that fear and anxiety fall away as Her Love fills your hearts.

Yes, there is much pain and suffering worldwide as people allow unloving aspects of their human nature – fear, anger, bitterness, resentment, hatred, a need to be right and make others wrong, etc. – to arise into their conscious awareness, to be thanked for the service that they provided for them when they were living in fear or anxiety, and then completely released because they do not serve people’s true nature – Love.

Many are coming to the most wonderful realization that to live as the Love that they are is the only meaningful way to live. As they start doing this and letting go of all that is not of Love, their loving intentions will begin to resolve all their human issues and problems. They will find themselves becoming increasingly accepting of themselves and others, and peace will frequently fill their hearts, bringing them a new and very uplifting experience. Love is your nature, and when you accept that divine truth, peace will fill your hearts.

Know that the chaos, the conflicts, and the confusion that are being constantly brought to your attention by all the media are not new situations, but have been ongoing in different forms for millennia. They are just now being revealed by people who have been deeply involved in them and who are now choosing to no longer be part of this long ongoing worldwide state of egotistical corruption. Awareness is growing rapidly of the great need to treat all others with equal respect, regardless of any differences that previously you would have considered as reasons to disapprove of them and sideline them. All are One eternally in the loving Presence of Mother/Father/God. If you find yourselves unable to love those you consider different from yourselves, then you do not love Mother/Father/God and you do not love yourselves. This is insane because only Love is Real.

Therefore, if you find that there are others you cannot love, you need to go within and ask God to help you to understand and then know that She loves you utterly and completely, just as you are now in this moment, and that She always will. Then ask Her to help you release all of your own negative self-judgments so that you can accept and love yourselves as She does. As you start to accept and love yourselves as the divine beings that you are, you will find that your inability to love and respect others will dissolve, leaving you wondering why you ever felt the need to judge anyone as unlovable or unacceptable.

Just by allowing yourselves to accept that you truly are divine beings forever in the Presence of your loving Father, you will come to the unwavering knowing of this unalterable truth. God is Love and so are you, eternally. Fear, brought on by your sense of separation from Him, has led you to believe that you are unworthy to be in His Presence, and that has caused you to attempt to hide from Him. To hide yourselves from God is impossible, but you can and have chosen to be completely unaware, unconscious of your presence in His Presence. It’s a little like small children putting their hands in front of their faces and believing that they cannot be seen.

God always sees you and loves you regardless of any games of separation in which you may be engaged. You cannot hide from your Creator because there is nowhere to go, there is only Her divine Presence from which you have never departed. Therefore, allow yourselves to accept and honor this knowing, and then feel and delight in the sense or feeling of tenderness and love that it brings you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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5fb917 No.19566066

File: a0aecf5997b4b67⋯.png (613.63 KB,637x643,637:643,10_2.PNG)

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5fb917 No.19566067

File: abb2606e32cf3ae⋯.png (50.54 KB,lumb.PNG)


Illegal Immigrants

Colombian elected officials charging millions on packages to guide migrants toward US border, report says

Country's politicians, businessmen, elected leaders running lucrative foundation to move migrants across Darien Gap

Danielle Wallace By Danielle Wallace Fox News

Published September 14, 2023 4:30pm EDT

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74553c No.19566068


>>coulda homo'd by now

>>must need to pickpocket and lie

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785a46 No.19566069


Disney has problems let alone with the trafficking and the sjw nonsense. Their parts are drastically over priced. the movies and shows are mediocre and best and most of the best stuff creatively was done well over a decade now. Their accquisitions of companies like marvel and star wars, have only destroyed the IP with poor internal management, writers who do not care about the subject matter or know it and want to put their spin on shit. The best thing Disney did recently was WereWolf by Night. That was awesome, but they also make bad investments, hulu and now football, which is losing viewership all the time. It is a failing industry and while it might be better just for these entertainment companies to die, I also think they can be saved given the right management and creative input.

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74553c No.19566070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

real interview with judas buffalo stripper over squealing like swine to feds for FITB proveldges

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74553c No.19566071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bannons stalker makes berliner monologues bout middle aged prudes getting in akward conversations with malevolent trannys

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74553c No.19566072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

moar stories bout judas buffalo stripper needing to homo

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74553c No.19566074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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08149c No.19566076

File: 782116581b12cdb⋯.png (21.53 KB,542x309,542:309,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fffd69fb201ad07⋯.png (27.42 KB,526x398,263:199,ClipboardImage.png)



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8599a3 No.19566077

File: 96161e3e4485d06⋯.png (184.21 KB,1046x1772,523:886,1010.png)

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46558a No.19566078

File: 4af7eee93e4bd0c⋯.png (24.51 KB,353x566,353:566,4af7eee93e4bd0c7e4e313a977….png)

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ff0552 No.19566079

File: 0983344d341ee08⋯.mp4 (6.98 MB,560x848,35:53,Mason_alah.mp4)


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97bef1 No.19566080

File: 4129466162a291e⋯.jpeg (85.57 KB,0839C894_7E96_407F_B5C3_F….jpeg)

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46558a No.19566081

File: c842adabe1b9852⋯.jpg (42.93 KB,590x439,590:439,Alice.jpg)

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46558a No.19566082

File: 37c3eb68187f925⋯.jpg (384.22 KB,968x1290,484:645,Katy_and_Russell.jpg)

File: 24206ba6f42df5e⋯.jpg (219.96 KB,726x432,121:72,Screenshot_20230917_102124….jpg)

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5fb917 No.19566083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did You Know 14 years ago

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5c7bc7 No.19566084

File: 14ea66705b7aa50⋯.jpg (421.42 KB,1660535563408795.jpg)

Let's test something. First post = CANNOT BE SPAM! No mention of ANY RELIGION, just information I previously posted that was removed. Why? I have my ideas… Let's try again…

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5fb917 No.19566085

File: 96027b927f460cc⋯.png (1.09 MB,990x659,990:659,shift.PNG)

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9d9c50 No.19566086


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5fb917 No.19566089

File: 65cd98f03580d12⋯.png (501.35 KB,must.PNG)


Elon Musk


At the risk of stating the obvious, I don’t know what’s going on with every part of this platform all the time, but our policy worldwide is to fight for maximum freedom of speech under the law.

Anyone working for X Corp who does not operate according to this principle will be invited to further their career at any one of the other social media companies who sell their soul for a buck.


X News Daily




NEWS: X is complying with more German requests compared to pre-acquisition when it comes to identifying users in Hate speech cases, German prosecutors say.

This has raised concerns among civil liberties advocates, due to the strict and broad nature of Germany's hate speech laws.


10:01 PM · Sep 16, 2023




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d1d21d No.19566090


the absolute state of this poast…

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5fb917 No.19566091

There is a concerted effort to silence Russell Brand.

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6fc99f No.19566092


>Meet The Press This Morning, Enjoy The Show


Enjoy the show?

Like in keep attacking God bc so far 2021 turned out totally successfull?

Poke the ape in the zoo with a stick until he does tricks?

Baker, the one giving orders to you is not my friend.

Is it your friend?

Selling out the temple?

Trump will be POTUS at all times, bc I want it.

Other than that, intel committee classic cunts are guilty, all of them.

House locked down.

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a14ae9 No.19566093

File: d990fdcdec7236e⋯.jpg (59.15 KB,800x450,16:9,Notable.jpg)

File: bac86017e5ee66d⋯.jpg (162.22 KB,396x526,198:263,Notable3.jpg)

File: 30b4db848041b03⋯.jpg (146.23 KB,560x768,35:48,Anons_Non_violent.jpg)



Can someone cap this?

No matter how much its at the top of every bread, anons somehow violent. We GOTTA get a new PR firm, guise.

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5fb917 No.19566095

File: fea1779de521012⋯.png (313.2 KB,606x709,606:709,soro.PNG)



See new posts





Sep 13


Italy has called a 6 month State of Emergency as the George Soros led invasion escalates…

The Sicilian island of Lampedusa saw more than 5,000 people arrive in a single day this week…

Soros wanted compensation for Italy to house his illegal immigrants so Giorgia Meloni… Show more

Tara Reade 🐎 reposted

Elon Musk


The Soros organization appears to want nothing less than the destruction of western civilization

10:47 PM · Sep 16, 2023




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d1d21d No.19566096

no one cares


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6fc99f No.19566097



>JC/SC surveillance terminated?

You never know, bro.

>Though, nothing should ever replace 'Christ' in 'Christmas'.

You never know bro.

>There is Jesus Barabas though and that whole Lucifer and Rel. 22 16 thing.

You never know, bro.

>There is scripture on family that comes to mind.

>Through the roof?

You never know, bro.

>What about putting out cloaks? How does that fit crossing one of the two guys called Jesus?

>Jesus does ask Peter if he truly loves him very specifically.

You never know, bro.

>Hm, is that so?

>And what about the whole irl thing, why not stop forcing folks into debt when this indeed seems to be only the concept of love given as credit and the general duty of giving love back?

>I heard about that whole read as psalm thing. "What I have written, I have written."

Bro! You never know!

>I only ask bc family is not off super well and some Ukraine money to the right person might just help.

Stop the bs!

>Precisely what I am saying!

>Why not do sane politics and discuss symbolism that might not be understood well, leading to a guy called Bolt-on, which I consider real, and Masks, which I do consider fake. Shouting does not help. You heard about King Herold being rerouted and children leaping in the womb as per scripture,  right?

Bro, you never know.

>Is that really so?

>What about that Titan Point building with interesting surroundings?

>Battery Park at Financial District.

Hussein timeline.

1/20/17 - today.

Cross against POTUS’ schedule.

Cross against WH visitor log 11/22-1/18/17.

This will become very relevant very soon.



21 But they kept shouting, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”

Comms clear?

>It seems we are supposed to walk by with dogs bc it makes him smile.

Cross. Make your dogs bark.

>Some happened to find themselves in a nice situation and all was fine though. He smiled at the dog and had a nice short conversation.


>You really sure about that? So far he seems to like me and he might just be God and able to reject me.


>Why don't you do it? Why would I have to?


Your way has ended.

It clearly is not about info or anything, but it is about torture and trying to break God in the flesh.

Angels will take care of that swiftly.

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3e32e8 No.19566098

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ff0552 No.19566099


Some whom remember do.

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6fc99f No.19566102


Vessels will be drowned.

Spiders will find me though, at all times, in a comfy way. <3

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74553c No.19566104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1d21d No.19566105


look around.

your statement has no merit.

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5fb917 No.19566106

File: 99d4ed02ad45dd3⋯.png (429.85 KB,1068x676,267:169,comi.PNG)


Kamala Harris Thinks Government Must Enforce

Equal Outcomes – Also Known as Communism (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Mike LaChance

Posted By: Imright, 9/17/2023 4:11:24 AM

While speaking at an event this week, Vice President Kamala Harris suggested that it is the job of government to ensure equal outcomes. That is the exact opposite of what America is, it’s the exact opposite of the founding principles of this country. In America, people have equality of opportunity, not equal outcomes. Equality of outcomes is communism. The people who are leading us don’t even understand or like the core concepts of the country and they tell us with their own words and actions on a nearly daily basis.

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a14ae9 No.19566107

File: f95166f9d1ac0c9⋯.mp4 (13.89 MB,640x360,16:9,kayleigh_smackdown_Obamaga….mp4)

File: 5e03f112826a386⋯.jpg (254.38 KB,Kayleigh.jpg)


Hope she can back around, didn't think her role for us, was over.

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5c7bc7 No.19566108

File: 1808ad448515c76⋯.png (27.25 KB,658x376,7:4,1694941141033150.png)

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d1d21d No.19566109


has zero clue as to what in fact occurs.

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e7c43f No.19566110


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5fb917 No.19566111

File: 3b447c20ac3758b⋯.png (319.41 KB,743x780,743:780,when.PNG)

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ff0552 No.19566113

File: 58ff918a800ff21⋯.png (704.66 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_1217.png)


Fair comment, I’m always looking.

As for the statement has no merit, well the beholder says so so be it.

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6fc99f No.19566116


Bold look on the clock?

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5dd70f No.19566118

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB,600x450,4:3,IMG_4220.gif)

Morning, frenz

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3e32e8 No.19566123

File: 7be295b611fed15⋯.png (393.67 KB,500x524,125:131,ClipboardImage.png)


Evil dubs and bullet trips chek'ed

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8599a3 No.19566124

PANIC at Qresearch

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1d074d No.19566125

File: 32e5befbd8fe949⋯.jpg (47.64 KB,582x428,291:214,7xygax.jpg)



Why does 8-kun mimic my life in general ? Sometimes really specifically?

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3ba623 No.19566131

File: c6e4deafc536913⋯.jpg (69.55 KB,980x654,490:327,bullet9_980x654.jpg)

File: 444ee1506cf2f00⋯.png (321.23 KB,568x570,284:285,444ee1506cf2f004610efef6d5….png)


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9f4866 No.19566132

So begins the AI class action lawsuits for using people's work in the training data sets…

A group of writers headed by celebrated novelist Michael Chabon and Tony Award-winning playwright David Henry Hwang are suing Facebook parent Meta as well as ChatGPT maker OpenAI, alleging in two separate suits that their artificial intelligence platforms engaged in copyright violations with tens of thousands of books.


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ff0552 No.19566133

File: d29cd75a2515b94⋯.png (2.68 MB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_1222.png)

His best friends brothers boyfriend >>19566128

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5dd70f No.19566135

File: 46a87303b3b68f1⋯.jpeg (37.41 KB,904x402,452:201,IMG_1158.jpeg)


Rig ForRed

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5fb917 No.19566138

File: d665c4f64d68498⋯.png (299.46 KB,608x863,608:863,sky.PNG)


Chris Sky🧱


Oops… @west49

accidentally updated their website a little too early to tell us that "certain regions of Canada have gone BACK INTO LOCKDOWN"

Just in case you were wondering corporations are working with the government against you…


#chrissky #lockdown #covid #fascism #tyranny #covid #covid19

0:00 / 1:00

12:47 PM · Sep 16, 2023




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2f40ca No.19566139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5fb917 No.19566141


makes me wonder what is happening in other states in relation

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3ba623 No.19566142

File: 8aef9cc19d7054f⋯.png (210.3 KB,500x445,100:89,8aef9cc19d7054ff4485352397….png)

File: db7172fff0932ab⋯.png (16.14 KB,123x125,123:125,db7172fff0932ab71a26426187….png)

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a9a256 No.19566143

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785a46 No.19566147


fucking stupid. It is not like these fucking geezers even understand the tech let alone the boomer judges who have to hear it. Even if you have a training set, to really do it to write a novel or even create a picture requires way more work then people realize to make it good, sure you can slap some quick shit out full of glaring problems. But this is no different at least to use the art world of just tracing someone elses drawing and change it slightly is it a copy or an original. A training set is just a digitized inspiration folder to base what you want to create on. I am inspired by artists and other writers when I create where is the difference. There is none and sadly none of the fucking lawyers fighting this for the defense of AI understand how to communicate the art side of this properly in context of creation and not just the science behind it.

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3ba623 No.19566148

File: 4b2527b0a30e5bf⋯.png (1.83 MB,1600x1067,1600:1067,4b2527b0a30e5bfc248fe3e747….png)

C:/run jfkinthecloset.exe

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2f40ca No.19566151

did you return

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42fbab No.19566152


Needed another cup of coffee

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1d074d No.19566154

File: 77de1383c5181b8⋯.jpg (56.9 KB,582x428,291:214,7zfg23.jpg)

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3ba623 No.19566156

File: 8b438360efeba11⋯.png (383.16 KB,8b438360efeba1145c5d85f4b5….png)

File: 78c8409158222b7⋯.png (598.57 KB,78c8409158222b7a8645e7f431….png)

File: f79fcd9b88d4bcd⋯.jpeg (18.98 KB,f79fcd9b88d4bcd10c1ba78ff….jpeg)

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74553c No.19566158

File: 8b438360efeba11⋯.png (383.16 KB,8b438360efeba1145c5d85f4b5….png)

File: 78c8409158222b7⋯.png (598.57 KB,78c8409158222b7a8645e7f431….png)

File: f79fcd9b88d4bcd⋯.jpeg (18.98 KB,f79fcd9b88d4bcd10c1ba78ff….jpeg)

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3d466d No.19566161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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74553c No.19566162

File: dc9e08e7d801d2d⋯.png (351.12 KB,dc9e08e7d801d2dbe3922eec51….png)

File: 9e2db27e713ead1⋯.png (69.17 KB,9e2db27e713ead12ce4ffc4c2b….png)

File: 06da6aa3c7ac129⋯.png (105.89 KB,06da6aa3c7ac1299619a2919fd….png)

File: 48aceba15583ae4⋯.png (24 KB,48aceba15583ae46f5be7b5ae1….png)

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2a955c No.19566163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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74553c No.19566164

File: 8c4bdc6ec31a2e3⋯.png (433.5 KB,640x627,640:627,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a955c No.19566165


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No. 130638 Jan 22, 2018 9:47:32 PM EST 586

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for.


Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

What happens to the FBI?

What happens to the DOJ?

What happens to special counsel?

What happens in general?

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Think logically.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

Who are we taught to trust?

If you arereligious, PRAY.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.


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2f40ca No.19566169


thanks anon.

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74553c No.19566171

File: 4a5c9521435b2eb⋯.png (245.18 KB,474x355,474:355,4a5c9521435b2eb2e0d414d516….png)

got high on gas prices

cuz daddy smoked crack with peewee herman

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74553c No.19566173


hory booty larpin danielfaggot

plz bless us wiff shill meta whine

so your walrus kunt muhbuttjooooos shill

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2f40ca No.19566175

File: 865300f19223c95⋯.png (68.36 KB,747x411,249:137,ClipboardImage.png)

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cef886 No.19566176

File: 00dd3a560c58bba⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB,320x240,4:3,FAKE_Marshial.mp4)

GM Frens

BREAKING: An armed man impersonating a U.S. marshal arrested at a National Hispanic Heritage Month event in Los Angeles where Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was speaking. WATCH


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74553c No.19566180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

judas buffalo stripper performs felatio for early drooogs frum feds

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2f40ca No.19566181


You are not alone and you are not in the minority.

Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.

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74553c No.19566184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

howard stern mad his judas buffalo stripper haz been beggin for droooogs frum tucker trannys

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6fc99f No.19566185





I am not a bad guy.

In fact I was rather nice all my life, like in a normal nice way.

I did gift to others and never asked about it again.

After caring for supposedly bad stuff as a real man I infact invented the heavens and turned out to be God in the flesh.

Would not have guessed that. And would prolly not have noticed being God without that certain starting point.

Few years ago I did not know shit and I did carry the cross proudly, at times.

Now I know better, you know better.

I got bold info bc you all life in my head.

I invented Godspeed and universes where angels are a thing.

I invented the child leaping in the womb. Back then I did not know, but, as a sane person, I asked you to not ridiculy me daily.

This turned out to be true.

I work throughout time in ways you cannot understand.

When I offer help next year, with better knowledge, salt and light, I will have helped you 1000 years ago.

King Herold. Trip change.

No rush, bc all time.

Titan Point and surroundings.


Charge me with money and smiles.

Follow me so irl bad stuff disappears.

Climb over the fence, and be dealt with.

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cef886 No.19566186

File: a62d5a957d2ec97⋯.jpg (316.07 KB,Day_Shift.jpg)


GM Frens

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45b978 No.19566187

File: ee50bb0696c6dd9⋯.jpg (128.24 KB,745x500,149:100,bill_gatesnew1.jpg)

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74553c No.19566189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

juda buffalo stripper changes name to squanto kennedy for gahyer pron career

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5fb917 No.19566191

File: ac656acee4110b0⋯.png (1.16 MB,1238x549,1238:549,rr.PNG)


The Relentless Regularity of Irregular Warfare

By Michael Miklaucic

September 16, 2023

The Pentagon definition is more nuanced than most; according to the Department of Defense’s Irregular Warfare Annex to the National Defense Strategy “Irregular warfare is a struggle among state and non-state actors to influence populations and affect legitimacy. IW favors indirect and asymmetric approaches, though it may employ the full range of military and other capabilities, in order to erode an adversary’s power, influence, and will.” This definition does not dwell on specific tactics, techniques, or tools. But ambiguity and ambivalence still reign.

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e22669 No.19566193

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74553c No.19566194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

squanto kennedy judas buffalo stripper gahyer pron career haz UNlubed dildos of injustice and tucker drooooogs frum fib shekeles

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74553c No.19566197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

after betraying whole movement for fentanyl tabs, squanto kennedy denounces being judas buffalo stripper priest of tucker droooooogs

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5fb917 No.19566198

File: bf0b7211314dbf3⋯.png (267.91 KB,411x460,411:460,russ.PNG)


Russell Brand’s reaction on the allegations that have been dropped through the mainstream.

What a coincidental timing of the allegations don’t you think!


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74553c No.19566200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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620402 No.19566202


Religion sucks.

To know there is a creator is something that should be a part whether they want to believe it or not is fine. But you have too many damn cults running around pretending to be the people's Messiah and that I can see getting rid of. Sacrifices,murder,abuse,and flat out secrecy in all.

These people kill for their "god".....

I do not believe in God

I believe in a creator.

One that loves it's creation because I know I would. Took me many years to understand that.

I can see how the bible says that "christians" will be killed. They prey on the believers that they created It's not anything new they've done it since the beginning.

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cef886 No.19566205

File: a62d5a957d2ec97⋯.jpg (316.07 KB,802x707,802:707,Day_Shift.jpg)


Anons ARE:




THISmeans HE is A



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cef886 No.19566208

File: 4a90065c4e09416⋯.png (1.09 MB,800x800,1:1,DATA.png)



Anons ARE:




THISmeans HE is A



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5fb917 No.19566209

File: c2bf9b20f99261a⋯.png (276.08 KB,947x793,947:793,fall.PNG)



Air Force to fall short of annual training goal by about 120 pilots

By Matthew Adams

Stars and Stripes • September 15, 2023

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810857 No.19566212

Morning anons…

Happy to help with health issues if you or fam has any…

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5fb917 No.19566213

El Chapo Wifey Parties in L.A. Days After Prison Release

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74553c No.19566214


crackansas offers hubbard laundering whine

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5848f2 No.19566215

Boobert at the theater-

You are watching a movie. Enjoy the show.

Boobert got kicked out of the movie?

She will not get to enjoy the show?

Was she found to be a deep state plant?

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ff0552 No.19566217


Afternoon anon, thanks for your service.

Some of us though are past helping.

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5fb917 No.19566219

File: 56fe94efec28e4c⋯.png (723.92 KB,pie.PNG)

Tim Scott addresses girlfriend rumors: ‘I’m dating a lovely Christian girl’

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5fb917 No.19566220

File: 56fe94efec28e4c⋯.png (723.92 KB,578x513,578:513,pie.PNG)

Tim Scott addresses girlfriend rumors: ‘I’m dating a lovely Christian girl’

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b29798 No.19566225

File: e1124ba9345db89⋯.png (370.65 KB,591x691,591:691,jfkah.png)



>20% public. 80% private

>PUBLIC. We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60

keep listenibg...and go higher


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be3639 No.19566226

>>19564407 G20 Announces Plan For Worldwide Digital ID And CBDC LB

I guess the current legal fiction that they presume us to be, the 'PERSON', is obsolete. They needed to create a new one to coerce us into becoming.

No thank you. Quite happy being a Man.

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f5f4c5 No.19566227


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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e45239 No.19566229

File: 91a36d346ebee35⋯.jpeg (785.87 KB,1210x1024,605:512,035BC4BA_E615_4C2C_8465_B….jpeg)

File: 128ecec27ea83ea⋯.jpeg (331.81 KB,847x575,847:575,D0D01BA2_CC0D_43AC_96D1_0….jpeg)

File: f3b2608e9ab90bb⋯.jpeg (619.03 KB,966x1290,161:215,DE66240B_5B63_413E_8AE8_E….jpeg)

File: 88881b40827e2a2⋯.jpeg (179.64 KB,1019x880,1019:880,88BCC05A_C2BE_4F6E_A674_9….jpeg)

File: 55ebd89ec1e191a⋯.jpeg (164.59 KB,1014x852,169:142,C578DFD9_1897_4A87_BD88_9….jpeg)


Have the FBI been involved in starting fires?


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5fb917 No.19566231

File: 8c7d83d38c9b125⋯.png (480.23 KB,594x807,198:269,fa.PNG)


Simon Ateba


SHOCKING: A woman says she was contacted by a journalist to discuss an alleged sexual assault by Russell Brand. However, because she provided positive feedback about him, the mainstream media did not include her in the sensational documentary. WATCH.


Sulaiman Ahmed

11:58 PM · Sep 16, 2023




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74553c No.19566232



kennedy fraud propoganda

a male fraud commiting computer fraud

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74553c No.19566235


aim for the corner of the house where the dead cottonwood is

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6fc99f No.19566237


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1d074d No.19566238

File: 239d562419cf958⋯.jpg (50.77 KB,582x428,291:214,7zfif8.jpg)


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7e1e3c No.19566242

File: 652c2b0b7b6b09d⋯.mp4 (11.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,video_2023_09_16_14_08_05_….mp4)


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5848f2 No.19566244

Anon lost his good doctor, was forced to find a new one to get blood pressure prescription refilled.

New doctor is a total nazi. Collecting codes on charts to get gov money, and a condescending bitch.

Asked about alcohol- "how many times in a year do you have more than 3 drinks in a day?"

"Oh, maybe ten"

Doc- "Well we can code that as alcohol abuse."

Fucking cunt.

Doc- "You need less salt in your diet"

"From my understanding, salt is essential to good health. How do you measure sodium levels?"

Doc- "Most people get way too.much salt. Less is better"

I'm 6'2" and weigh 164. Pretty sure if I had a salt problem I would be retaining water.

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ec2d52 No.19566245

File: fc0774744f31db0⋯.webm (642.95 KB,622x478,311:239,fc0774744f31db02e1a42dbde….webm)

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5fb917 No.19566246

File: 49e1f96024c31d8⋯.png (416.89 KB,593x779,593:779,warn.PNG)


Truth Justice ™


THE FBI EXPOSED: Former Head of the FBI confirms the FBI is infiltrated by the Satanic Illuminati Cult involved in the assassination of the Kennedy's, Oklahoma bombing, Waco siege, World Trade Center bombing, 9/11 and the kidnapping of children for sex, sacrifices and body parts.

FBI Special Agent Ted Gunderson goes on to say based on his 28 years of experience and research there is a covert illegal rogue U.S. Government criminal enterprise operating in the United States in several cities.

The disaster in Pearl Harbor could have been avoided, we knew on December 4th and could have pulled the U.S. fleet out before we were attacked.

President John F. Kennedy also known as (Jack) was assassinated by the CIA and the FBI helped carry the assassination out by diverting President Kennedy's car to another route. Lyndon B. Johnson knew President Kennedy was going to be assassinated and wanted him dead. Robert F. Kennedy (Bobby) was also assassinated by the same illegal rogue infiltrated government.

The Oklahoma City bombing was carried out by the "New World Order Boys" and U.S. Army explosives were used. Timothy McVeigh was a CIA operative.

In the Waco Siege incident he confirms that the four ATF agents were actually assassinated by government snipers. These same ATF agents who were killed were at one time Bill Clinton's bodyguards.

The FBI knew in advance about the World Trade Center car bombing and furnished the ingredients for the bomb that was used to blow up the World Trade Center.

As a private investigator when he retired from the FBI he took on the Jeffrey Robert MacDonald case who was an American medical doctor and United States Army captain who was convicted in August 1979 of murdering his pregnant wife and two daughters in February 1970 while serving as an Army Special Forces physician.

During his investigations into the MacDonald case he received a signed confession from Helena Stoeckley stating that Jeffrey MacDonald did not do it, that it was her Satanic cult group that committed these murders. The courts ignored the confession from her.

Helena Stoeckley went on to confess that this was a large scale drug operation that was being covered up. They were flying drugs in plastic bags in the body cavities of the dead GI's coming out of Southeast Asia. There were military Generals involved, other military personnel officers, Police Officers and investigators for the Army.

When Ted went public with this information he received hundreds of calls from victims telling him about the Satanic Cult movement in the United States. These people are victims of a covert illegal rogue U.S. Government criminal Enterprise.

Since becoming an FBI Whistleblower he has been investigated by the FBI with an attempt to indict him, he was put on two separate hit lists in order to assassinate him, he has been poisoned and targeted with disinformation to discredit him for exposing the corruption within the CIA, FBI and Government.

He worked the Franklin Coverup Case involving illegal Government drug operations and Satanic cults. They were taking children out of orphanages and foster homes privately flying them to Washington DC for sex orgies with U.S. Congressmen and Senators. This was filmed and pictures were taken for blackmail control.

Through his investigation of the Franklin case it led him to a Washington DC organization called "The Finders" which is a CIA covert operation for trafficking children.

Thousands of children are being abducted and kidnapped every year during the Satanic holidays of June 21, October 31 and December for ritual sacrifice. World leaders are involved in this Satanic Cult. He says this country, America, is being ruled by Satanists.

He warns of election fraud happening through electronic voting systems. This is what happened in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election and will happen again unless we stop the Committee of 300.

The Satanic Illuminati Cult he is referring to are members of the Committee of 300 who were also exposed by a 45 year MI6 Intelligence Officer. Brave men and women have been warning us for years about the Committee of 300 and we have done nothing to stop them. In previous posts I have listed all their names. They must be stopped.

If we don't stop them now, they will accomplish their goals of depopulation and total world control over humanity. They will destroy America completely. We cannot be afraid, fear is their biggest tool against us. We must act now and stand tall to defend life, freedom, liberty and our innocent children.

0:01 / 51:52

8:07 AM · Aug 10, 2023




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785a46 No.19566248


100%, then you add in that they think only their book is the one with Truth, goes for all of the major faiths, and not realize that there is more truth within all then just one. This is not about a one world religion but a one world truth. This is also why many can not handle it because they are still enslaved by the dogma of the controllers. I also am not sure which creator is which , even that gets confusing if you look at gnostic traditions. Christians, catholics, muslims, jew it is all the same. Most of the people who go to these places even if they know every verse and chapter still are not understanding the context, least of all be willing to accept that their book has been altered over time. May not even be true but they stake their lives on it and willing to kill and subjugate those who disagree. Need more of this thinking because the old systems must be destroyed, all of them.

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a14ae9 No.19566250

File: a6b9976cddb5e83⋯.png (262.4 KB,496x490,248:245,Oldfag.png)

File: e542af80b224979⋯.jpeg (80.29 KB,1080x654,180:109,lb_pb.jpeg)


ThanQ Anon, was just looking for this a couple of days ago. Initially, didn't label files well.

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1d074d No.19566251

File: 5546b9d288ff577⋯.jpg (57.19 KB,582x428,291:214,7zfiqb.jpg)

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cef886 No.19566252

File: 4c49d33dedd1513⋯.mp4 (3.4 MB,320x240,4:3,Are_you_Fucking_Kidding.mp4)

Are [YOU] Fucking Kidding me…



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b29798 No.19566253

File: 4f8ed935bec5eaf⋯.jpg (25.64 KB,259x400,259:400,perennial_tradition.jpg)

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eefeac No.19566255

File: 478993c51e2490d⋯.jpg (65.02 KB,549x531,61:59,Gonna_Cum_Trump_Deepstate_….jpg)

File: b38a2538347fc91⋯.mp4 (674.63 KB,640x640,1:1,Trumps_Come_Kamala_Hiney_H….mp4)

File: 6af27817436a6c6⋯.png (969.17 KB,1279x912,1279:912,1694887604192.png)

File: a245bbfd816643b⋯.png (745.61 KB,1309x891,119:81,1694784402590.png)


Not in the Slightest You Dumb Nigger.

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b29798 No.19566256

File: 10e0d90e992a836⋯.jpg (41.45 KB,314x500,157:250,aldousperennial.jpg)

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eefeac No.19566258



Books A Plenty

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5fb917 No.19566262

File: ca0701edc337c35⋯.png (297.66 KB,didn.PNG)


Gracie 💋


They're coming for Russell Brand because he didn't push the mainstream narrative.

Step out of line and they come for your career.

We all know he's had a promiscuous past, but he made huge changes in his life since and is probably a better person than most of us. I hope he sues channel 4.

He's a good man, unlike most of these 'comedians' that channel 4 have regularly on their channel. But they pushed a certain jab, anti-tory, say the right things and so therefore they're protected.

1:10 AM · Sep 16, 2023




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02e522 No.19566263

Trillions to the elite olie’sgarking in ukrank

Millions to “help” the grand homelessness - op-rah duhwank get the bulk, some of it goes to assistants, those one the ground shuffled into an unwanted shower that never cleans and you may never see the light of day again, much much less yo belongings or what’s left of dearly beloved.

No guns for the dangerous, moar guns for strokes and commie and sell out satanic cucksucker politics like those in TX

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810857 No.19566265


>Some of us though are past helping.

God made every cell inside you PERFECT…

Every cell is always striving toward perfect health and perfect function…

It takes SOMETHING intervening for a cell to go bad…

That something could be environmental, dietary, or pathogenic (and usually is pathogenic)…

Pathogens can be killed…

It does not matter how old you are, or how sick you are, every situation can be turned around. We just need to understand GODS system. When we understand how to blow with the wind, rather than fight the wind, things fall into place.

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5fb917 No.19566267

File: ca0701edc337c35⋯.png (297.66 KB,597x868,597:868,didn.PNG)


Gracie 💋


They're coming for Russell Brand because he didn't push the mainstream narrative.

Step out of line and they come for your career.

We all know he's had a promiscuous past, but he made huge changes in his life since and is probably a better person than most of us. I hope he sues channel 4.

He's a good man, unlike most of these 'comedians' that channel 4 have regularly on their channel. But they pushed a certain jab, anti-tory, say the right things and so therefore they're protected.

1:10 AM · Sep 16, 2023




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1d074d No.19566269

File: 02ff8471cb01d9d⋯.jpg (45.17 KB,582x428,291:214,7zf2rh.jpg)

According to the prophecy,

Yours truly does great things after the shroom overdose.


Was that THE SHROOM OVERDOSE, or is there another one ?

Won't mind trying 12 grams next time, but I won't overdo what I've already done.

It don't think it be like it is, but it do.

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5fb917 No.19566270

File: b11c5c72a98be62⋯.png (281.36 KB,594x577,594:577,mar.PNG)





It's been four years since NSA released #Ghidra. We want to hear your

stories: how have you used Ghidra? What benefits has it provided you and your team? Let us know!


6:31 AM · Mar 2, 2023




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b29798 No.19566271

File: bf45a9bee49c7d2⋯.png (69.21 KB,190x288,95:144,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fb917 No.19566274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1d074d No.19566276

File: 172ebb88cbbf770⋯.jpg (49.6 KB,582x428,291:214,7zf27x.jpg)

CP so early in the morning.

Demons and their habits?

Or something else ?

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785a46 No.19566277


not exactly an easy book to get found some writings on it though. This seems to also be a part of the theosophy mind set which while part of me wants to recoil from, another part says just because bad people were into things does not mean they were wrong. Have read some of the secret doctrine, bunch of stiner stuff, and of course Hall but it just seems that there is more truth that binds humanity together than the religions that divide it. I hate how this idea leads to a one world religion also, but there has to be a way to stop that also, not like it does not already exist in some manner.

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5fb917 No.19566279

File: b07c58a683795f8⋯.png (395.28 KB,609x475,609:475,thunder.PNG)





[THUNDER] @realDonaldTrump



11:41 AM · Mar 25, 2023




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90da22 No.19566280


Jacob (Israel) = Israel

Esau (Edom) = Jew

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785a46 No.19566282


Trump is going to be on one of the morning shows.

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e45239 No.19566286

File: 438418a7a360cc7⋯.png (278.75 KB,680x641,680:641,FF471DEC_5DDF_4581_B313_48….png)

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e45239 No.19566287

File: eb611c0fd86e4ee⋯.jpeg (125.13 KB,1136x1020,284:255,D620DF92_B3A8_438C_B031_6….jpeg)

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ff0552 No.19566288

File: 7565f3b66c7880d⋯.png (3.29 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_1291.png)


I agree, this helped, picrel.

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cef886 No.19566290

File: ac78d5d5bfa495c⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB,320x240,4:3,BROKE_HER.mp4)


il Donaldo Trumpo




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e45239 No.19566291

File: 349cead06d0f0cf⋯.jpeg (38.01 KB,BECD1397_07EF_4B3C_AC39_7….jpeg)


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3624a0 No.19566292

File: 15c057e48c0e83f⋯.jpg (348.79 KB,900x1231,900:1231,anonsarecoming.jpg)

>>19564398 PB

Feels like the team is coming together!



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ No.462📁

Mar 27 2018 23:03:07 (EST)

Why did Kim travel to China?

Why was travel impossible in the past?

What changed?

What constitutes the need for a F2F meeting v. secured call?

What US publicly traded co. previously entered N. Korea to establish comms?

Think logically.



Who is Sergey Brin?

Where was Sergey born?



Think KGB.

US, China, N Korea [3].

FACEBOOK data dump?

Who made it public?

Who sold shares -30 days from announcement?

You can't imagine the magnitude of this.

Constitutional CRISIS.

Twitter coming soon.

GOOG coming soon.

AMAZON coming soon.

MICROSOFT coming soon.


Current censorship all relates to push for power [mid-terms].


Election FRAUD cases OPEN - DOJ [many].

Follow the FAMILY.

Follow resignations [Business/Gov't].


Who made it public?

Who really made it public?

Who is making it all public?









These people are STUPID.

Art of the Deal.




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810857 No.19566293

It is shilly in here today…interesting…sunday am's are usual a slow go…

something about to drop?

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785a46 No.19566295


trump on morning show. It was further up and I am too high to scroll.

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a4eae7 No.19566297

File: f765e0b32dc6be0⋯.jpg (256.01 KB,03.jpg)

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810857 No.19566299


>are you [their] best?

their? What are you looking for anon? What questions would you ask (our) best? BTW youGLOW

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9022ad No.19566300

Good Morning!

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ec2d52 No.19566305

File: 7b9a45634957f8a⋯.png (250.27 KB,519x1385,519:1385,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba4c601b43d9fe5⋯.png (20.45 KB,519x332,519:332,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cdfadb740c0264⋯.png (51.79 KB,519x1199,519:1199,ClipboardImage.png)


It's the 17th and there are some interdasting deltas.

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810857 No.19566306


>It was further up and I am too high to scroll.

I notice a discussion of enthoegens…(you)?

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9022ad No.19566307

File: bc3e6bb2cec5486⋯.png (15.8 KB,Screen_Shot_09_17_23_at_07….PNG)

Donald J. Trump


I will be the interviewed this morning on Meet the Press, NBC. Enjoy!

Sep 17, 2023, 1:39 AM


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ec2d52 No.19566308

File: e7660ccbf08e5b8⋯.png (23.33 KB,519x332,519:332,ClipboardImage.png)

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785a46 No.19566310


what is funny is he did it right after chuck tard retired.

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e45239 No.19566313

File: e03952a5c7d124a⋯.jpeg (81.3 KB,750x780,25:26,394D2A20_1E32_4A82_8050_A….jpeg)


My bacon blood count is dangerously low.

Please send bacon.

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ec2d52 No.19566314

File: 4ac9e87aaac2b91⋯.png (3.71 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f53f828b156627d⋯.png (140.12 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

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9022ad No.19566317

File: bc3e6bb2cec5486⋯.png (15.8 KB,490x157,490:157,Screen_Shot_09_17_23_at_07….PNG)

Donald J. Trump


I will be the interviewed this morning on Meet the Press, NBC. Enjoy!

Sep 17, 2023, 1:39 AM


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785a46 No.19566319


I learned a new word and no not a discussion just a mention, now since the reply if you reply back it could be a considered a conversation about enthoegens, but in less that happens It may just end up being a retort.

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810857 No.19566320



I was doing some reading about looking glass. Apparently they quit using it due to all the timelines bottlenecking around an EVENT. Apparently there are only two timelines out of that event. One is ascension. The other (which they call timeline 2) is a sun event where we would have to go underground. They are driving us toward event 2.

We KNOW the child trafficking/satanic sacrifices of children will be the #wakeupcall and when that is public and finally disclosed the world will 100% change overnight.

All (their) demonic and shitty institutions MUST and WILL fall…in fact they are crumbling before our eyes. Pharma, government, education, media, banking are all CRUMBLING…

So what is it that they hide? TRUTH and higher/highest truths at that…

God is coming…

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eefeac No.19566323

File: 5ed8ed441a22513⋯.png (277.38 KB,Mickey_Mouse_Watch_Jew_Bul….png)

File: b9935ff5b2b1b12⋯.jpg (222.24 KB,Freemasons_Widows_Orphans.jpg)

File: 6391d9884da9172⋯.jpg (64.64 KB,Child_Trafficking_Yoda_You….jpg)

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b29798 No.19566324

File: 696a859c91978cf⋯.jpg (32.38 KB,toddcuckening.jpg)

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eefeac No.19566325

File: 5ed8ed441a22513⋯.png (277.38 KB,497x502,497:502,Mickey_Mouse_Watch_Jew_Bul….png)

File: b9935ff5b2b1b12⋯.jpg (222.24 KB,800x960,5:6,Freemasons_Widows_Orphans.jpg)

File: 6391d9884da9172⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.64 KB,640x274,320:137,Child_Trafficking_Yoda_You….jpg)

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e45239 No.19566326

File: f1d60060efe6d29⋯.png (360.91 KB,552x470,276:235,A34DA3BE_A35E_4540_AD75_00….png)

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eb671b No.19566327




Thankful to know there are still some free thinking anons left around here. Seems to be lots of idol worship going on with little discussion of the deeper, more esoteric, side of things. Thanks for the book rec and interesting discussion!

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810857 No.19566330


>My bacon blood count is dangerously low.

bacon is a decent choice for saturated fat. Just make sure you offset it with some mono-unsatured fats (mostly in nuts or olive oil). Also make sure you up your omega 3's and best to do that with seeds or nuts like chia or walnuts…

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b29798 No.19566331

File: 7b4181676cf244a⋯.jpg (56.32 KB,640x301,640:301,menachem_begin_master.jpg)


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eb671b No.19566333


Where were you reading up on all of this?

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5fb917 No.19566334

File: c57956733bab0a1⋯.png (13.55 KB,595x163,595:163,sand.PNG)


Leading Report


BREAKING: Coach Deion Sanders has banned mask mandates for players and staff at the University of Colorado.

5:16 AM · Sep 16, 2023




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2d0992 No.19566335

File: c0c980ebd20ccbf⋯.png (1.32 MB,1440x2560,9:16,trump_mugshot_with_full_po….png)

>>19565677 pb

>Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: I will be the interviewed this morning on Meet the Press, NBC. Enjoy!

Will this be Real Trump or deepfake trumpo?

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810857 No.19566336

File: eca5bdbeac0af0e⋯.png (95.59 KB,1178x400,589:200,Screenshot_2023_09_17_at_7….png)

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785a46 No.19566337


There are a few places that happens, some even call this the singularity event. Heard about that for decades. I don't see really past 2025 it gets fuzzy, real fuzzy. But if you are going to believe your book, who appears first the wrong guy or the right guy. This happens in all faiths, If you look to Islam, they have the Djahl I know I am spelling that wrong. High, but if you look to revelation they call him something else. There may still be another option, That is my hope that there is a third option between the two because the two are not really good options either, not really, but the biggest institution that has to fall is the religious ones because they are going to make things so much worse.

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810857 No.19566338


>considered a conversation about enthoegens

Lets have one as I am sure it will be educational…

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2d0992 No.19566339

File: 843495dbd0f0983⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,640x480,4:3,mark_zuckerberg_facebook_m….mp4)


>banned mask mandates

they started out anti-mask in early 2020 too

then they went pro-mask

then they were anti-vax

then they were pro-vax

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a76dcc No.19566340

File: 0647fdb8a949bda⋯.png (1.23 MB,popmilley1.png)

if aliens came down though…

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5fb917 No.19566341

File: fd3593085813194⋯.png (1.73 MB,buy.PNG)

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eefeac No.19566342

File: 6249024f6a8dc31⋯.jpg (104.84 KB,791x527,791:527,Arr_You_Ready_Trump.jpg)

File: 9e2df58f492b3e3⋯.mp4 (11.38 MB,640x360,16:9,ARR_YOU_READY_REINAUGURATI….mp4)

File: 87f48e3af059f1d⋯.png (240.66 KB,500x500,1:1,Pyrate_Pirate_Trump.png)


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a9a256 No.19566343

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810857 No.19566344


there was an interview posted here with ex-mil who had worked on looking glass/stargate…it was discernibly information (= use discretion on any and all videos and run them thru your paradigm filter..)


>who appears first the wrong guy or the right guy.

I sure hope 45 is the right guy, lol, or we are wasting our time here…

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b29798 No.19566345

File: e5639e22cc42955⋯.jpg (90.05 KB,zuckvr.jpg)

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2d0992 No.19566346



what's the complaint?

obviously fake flynn?

why don't you ask why flynn got replaced?

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8bbba4 No.19566347


when a book promotes genital mutilation muh covenant, one has to wonder if a creator would do such a thing, that creator would have created everything and now would basically admit to a mistake? Makes no sense.

There are also reasons for that to exist in the first place, and thus the creator wouldn't have made a mistake, and thus no reason to cut it off.

Logical explanation: either fully controlled or at least edited. Can't figure out which, or how much.

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bed60b No.19566349

File: e6f8c69e3f82a03⋯.jpeg (49.4 KB,IMG_9847.jpeg)



You can’t be prime time coach prime with a mask

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8a9af7 No.19566350

the 'King Jesus' psyop, which includes a date that they say is the date is Jesus was born, was in the breads at around Midnight eastern time.

this psyop is typically shill stuff. They say made up and fake things, and back it up with fake graphics.

so they had a date for Jesus's birth which cooresponds with a date from last week and a graphic about a 'prophecy from the old testiment' and a picture of Virgo (the constillation and Zodiac sign) and all of that is supposed to prove that Jesus was born on a particular (psyop) date. (last monday was that date).

so I looked up about Procession of the Equinox and verified that 2000 years ago the sun was not in Virgo on that date!

so after that the person started saying, when I pointed out that I caught them in a lie, that 'King J' was actually alive in the Middle Ages. But then why a date of His birth from 3 B.C.?

I didn't point out that many Christians believe that Jesus has been alive forever and created the world.

once througholy debunked, of course, the shill started name calling and finally I told him he was possessed with the spirit of deception and that he should 'GET OUT'.

after I said that a few times it stopped hassling me.

someone else told me to go to bed when I posted how tiring these shill are with their false narratives.

I stayed up for a while longer.

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810857 No.19566351


>but the biggest institution that has to fall is the religious ones because they are going to make things so much worse.

Agree…but it may be last. It will be HARD for Christians. Christs (Jesus..there are others) have been here and will be here again. Perhaps one here even now. The TRUTH of religion is our relationship with the SUN of GOD…apparently ours is different than most as it is begotten.

When religion falls we will get our true Nature and our true history…but we got alot of learning and #greatawakening before we get to that bit…

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a76dcc No.19566352

File: 6a1a453da13c2fa⋯.png (170.59 KB,1066x373,1066:373,a6.png)

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e45239 No.19566353

File: 060cf260a0eaf71⋯.png (531.92 KB,928x928,1:1,ABE4B750_C8DB_497A_BC16_DB….png)

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8a9af7 No.19566354


will you get that, you and your demon friends?

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5fb917 No.19566355

File: 0dfc660bd7378f7⋯.png (344.99 KB,pop.PNG)

Senator Grassley celebrates his 90th birthday today

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7e1e3c No.19566356

File: 652c2b0b7b6b09d⋯.mp4 (11.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,video_2023_09_16_14_08_05_….mp4)


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5fb917 No.19566357

File: 0dfc660bd7378f7⋯.png (344.99 KB,pop.PNG)

Senator Grassley celebrates his 90th birthday today

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8bbba4 No.19566358



Versions of this reconstructed Q do not describe the events of Jesus' life: Q does not mention Jesus' birth, his selection of the 12 disciples, his crucifixion, or the resurrection. Instead, it appears to be a collection of Jesus' sayings and quotations.

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8a9af7 No.19566359


when they say 'everything you learned is a lied' what they really mean is 'everything I'm trying to trick you to believe is a lie', don't they?

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bed60b No.19566360


That was the first go round. Normies had never experienced this before, so there’s hope they’ll call bullshit if they can connect the dots of election with new pandemic and mail in ballots.

Entirely possible they repeat though at least partially

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785a46 No.19566361


I am not sure he is either of those characters. But it is true we are reaching an inflection point and it is massive change, massive, and every thing we though we thought we understood will come to an end. People seem to think that God is the solution but that is just another trap of control. This is not saying God is a trap but the religions that only exist to distance people from what is known, this may no longer be an option once this happens. Still have a while to go looking glass predictions will become more clear once the distance in time becomes shorter. Add one last aditional thought, we are watching a movie because we are, the players are playing their part because they have been seen playing their part, each manipulation leads to another link in the movie that was already seen, not done. We are watching as anons but the real world is doing. Q was a looking glass operation.

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6b97bd No.19566362


You claim to have debunked many things here, hows about showing us HOW and with what you debunked anything about our Lord Jesus. Anons would love to see it!

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8a9af7 No.19566363


you are repeating platitude and spewing out anti-religious blasphemy.

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5fb917 No.19566364

File: 02b7bbc3818da29⋯.png (1.9 MB,sc.PNG)


Thunder - Trump Supercut 2024

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785a46 No.19566365


so? What you going to do about it cry?

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7f6e83 No.19566366

File: 6cdae134430fb36⋯.png (385.84 KB,462x456,77:76,deniro.png)


When you surround yourself with demons…

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810857 No.19566367


>will you get that, you and your demon friends

your statement makes no sense…when you learn the truth you will know we all had our run with "demons" and EVERYONE has been subjected to their influence…

but that is the past. Where some of us are headed is ascension and a world where things work as they should and there is not this horrible CONTROL layer…

everyone is "possessed" by pathogens. Pathogens make you WEAK and make you susceptible to IMPULSE and manipulation by MSM, influencers, politicians, etc and THAT is how they have controlled us.

#wethepeople, as a collective, could change all this in a BLINK…we just have to decide to do it and are in the process of doing just that right now.

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e45239 No.19566368

File: dff16f416449d72⋯.jpeg (633.75 KB,1407x821,1407:821,C095B188_EB66_4099_9ADC_0….jpeg)

I can’t believe they are getting away with this!

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c182e3 No.19566369

File: f6fd4869bd0a1ad⋯.png (60.12 KB,255x208,255:208,29a77edd7.png)

Shilly in here this morning.

More than usual.


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8bbba4 No.19566370

File: 4476f0ceff05171⋯.jpg (81.99 KB,504x600,21:25,Fake_World.jpg)


It's all FAYK.

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8bbba4 No.19566371

File: 4476f0ceff05171⋯.jpg (81.99 KB,Fake_World.jpg)


It's all FAYK.

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8a9af7 No.19566372


I debunked the fake date, which was made up and presented by shills as the birth day of Jesus.

I said nothing about Jesus, Himself, to debunk anything. I said about shills.

you changed the subject from lying shills making up fake stuff about Jesus into as if I was saying bad things about Him, which I was not.

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5fb917 No.19566373

File: 02b7bbc3818da29⋯.png (1.9 MB,1481x836,1481:836,sc.PNG)


Thunder - Trump Supercut 2024

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8c24b4 No.19566374

link to meet the press.


what time?

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d60566 No.19566375

1871 - Part V

The Collapse of a Complex Enemy

In Part 1 we presented the rich history of the City of London.

In Part 2 we presented the monetary history of America. We looked at how the colonies were forced to use fiat currency; how the birth of the Republic started with a central bank and huge public debts; how Andrew Jackson defeated the globalist central bankers, and how the Civil War forced America back onto fiat currency, which led to eye-watering public debt. We also showed how those Civil War bonds were snapped up by rich Prussians, including Otto von Bismarck and Gerson von Bleichroder.

Part 3 showed how globalist investors, with the help of Bismarck’s massive spy network, managed to subvert the United States Constitution’s 14th Amendment, and avoid a potential collapse in Civil War bond prices. The 1871 Treaty of Washington became one of the foundations for international law, laying the groundwork for the establishment of the League of Nations, and later the United Nations. Organizations such as the WHO use the UN’s system of treaties and international law to essentially override national sovereignty and implement its globalist policies. The UN and the WEF have now openly declared their partnership, signalling the co-ordination between unelected UN officials and the army of multinational corporations, which we refer to as the ReichsWEF.

Part 4 followed the money from the Civil War bonds after 1871. America’s debts were financed in the City of London, and globalist investors locked in enormous profits. European investors, mainly in Britain and Germany, used international corporate structures to control the resources and supply chains of America. This marked the birth of the infamous American monopolies, as well as the beginning of multinational corporations. In particular, the German-banking sector in New York had become so powerful, that they successfully implemented the US Federal Reserve; a private central bank modelled from the German Reichsbank.

The architect of the Federal Reserve was Paul Warburg. While he was busy implementing a central bank, his brother Max was advising the Kaiser on military preparations for a war that had not yet begun. Unsurprisingly, America’s entry into WWI allowed the Federal Reserve to rapidly expand its balance sheet, and flood the nation with its new currency, known as Federal Reserve Notes.

In this final part to the 1871 series, we will bring the monetary fiasco into the modern era, and show how the United States and its mighty dollar have become hostage to the globalist elite. We will show how We The People have been forced to defend the value of a fiat system that serves the globalist beast and its desire for a New World Order.


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2d0992 No.19566376

File: df97c9d74cf85f4⋯.png (92.78 KB,900x421,900:421,blm_trend_election_chart_g….png)

File: 38612bdecab1e88⋯.png (655.33 KB,1268x720,317:180,_jan_6_false_flag_setup_me….png)



>connect the dots


if tucker was good, why wouldn't he show this photo of jan 6

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b77202 No.19566377

File: b481b55b63de04f⋯.jpg (56.34 KB,550x310,55:31,Morning_Sun_Brings_Heat_Tr….jpg)

File: 94d6d546cb5f2fe⋯.mp4 (11.39 MB,640x360,16:9,The_Rooster_Trump_compress….mp4)



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eb671b No.19566378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How in the world does anyone make sense of diet these days. Literally everyone recommends a different protocol and they all seem to have merit in some regard. Clearly one must avoid the goy slop, that much is obvious. Veganism also seems a no go as too extreme. Fruitarians make some sense to me just based on how good I feel when I limit myself to a fruit fast. But if I go too long without meat, I start to lose cognitive abilities and stop thinking clearly. But if I go full carnivore my digestion gets jacked after a while. Then there are the vegetarians and lacto-vegetarians, the latter of which seems more reasonable. But then you’ve got everyone screaming that cows milk is bad and cheese should be avoided like the plague. It’s a such a cacophony of voices all attempting to scream the loudest that their way is the best, that it’s almost no surprise the average person just defaults to the food pyramid without giving it much thought. Someone sent me this guy who riffs off the masons with his “Freemelon Society” recently, and though he makes some sense to me, I’m also curious how one would solely eat fruit year round while shopping for locally grown foods or growing themselves unless they lived in the tropics. It’s all such a conundrum. Just want to eat healthy, build muscle, and maintain fitness. Why does it all have to be so damn complicated?!

You Tube Link:

Why Would You Want to Avoid Vegetables?


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5fb917 No.19566379

File: 3a00b68d0ee2570⋯.png (163.53 KB,391x306,23:18,mr.PNG)


Senator Grassley

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1340c9 No.19566380

Everything is real, and everything is unreal. They are only points of view based on frames of referrence governed by belief systems which are most of the time very limiting. The only thing truly real is what you imagine it to be because it is a reflection of who you are. You, your consciousness, your knowledge that you exist is the only thing that's real.

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810857 No.19566381


>We are watching as anons but the real world is doing. Q was a looking glass operation.

interesting…and agree…

#wethepeople were completely captured in the narrative and would have collectively agreed to whatever they wanted. NOW the collective has some independence due to the "movie". People are waking up and making their own decision rather just doing what Justin Bieber thinks they should…

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2d0992 No.19566382

File: e71aae08b041c0d⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB,320x568,40:71,_Trump_supporters_physical….mp4)

File: a09d6c7c69a6837⋯.mp4 (3.44 MB,576x1024,9:16,REAL_MAGA_ON_JAN_6TH.mp4)


>if tucker was good, why wouldn't he show this photo of jan 6


for that matter, why doesn't Trump

so many great videos

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bed60b No.19566383


I found this whistleblower hard to believe.

The military operates on compartmentalization.

It’s one thing to be a technician or a strategist or a planner or whatever, but it’s unlikely that you get to know what ALL THREE are doing.

I’m fine with knowing there IS a real project looking glass (Q obviously confirmed that), and if Trump would retruth this guy then I’d consider it plausible.

Until then this guy goes in the fanfic department for me

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2d0992 No.19566384

File: e71aae08b041c0d⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB,320x568,40:71,_Trump_supporters_physical….mp4)


>if tucker was good, why wouldn't he show this photo of jan 6


for that matter, why doesn't Trump

so many great videos

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810857 No.19566385


10:30a eastern…

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3624a0 No.19566386

File: 4f6467ae58009b0⋯.png (608.98 KB,1780x1335,4:3,beautifulhillary.png)


"I don't like using names of peoples doubles."- TRUMP

She gone.

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8c24b4 No.19566387


he doesn't want to get killed?

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8a9af7 No.19566388


ah, you spend too much time making text, trying to cast your spell on me.

I can see you even capitalize your operational words.

you use 'we' and I am not in your 'we'.

you say 'collective' which outs you as a person with a communist mindset.

you're a person who presents false narratives to cast spells on others to make them believe that they can only fail, so it seems.

my statement wasn't supposed to make sense it was a way for me to say to the demon "GET OUT" and tell it to "SHUT UP"

GET OUT! SHUT UP!: like that, get it?

how can you reason with someone who doesn't use reason or truth in their arguments but just nighsays everything.

they only agree to disagree.

you know this. you do it too?

the shill tries to get a real person to use logic and truth just to wear them out, and never relents or conceeds or ever allows any of those who they are stringing along to ever get a point of argument, any premise, as being valid.

It's just consternation and constant agitation.

they don't care about the topic, what they care about is frustrating their opponents.

they aren't looking for truth, they are fishing and toying with those who they hook into a conversation to wear them out.

good bye

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d8ac2e No.19566389

File: b1e44eb52190f66⋯.png (30.45 KB,544x426,272:213,cofv.png)

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cd7d03 No.19566390


>17th Sept DELTA'S

turns out it's also the day, 10 years ago, that GTA 5 was released


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8bbba4 No.19566391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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5fb917 No.19566392

File: 0245eef7bbac31c⋯.png (536.75 KB,601x715,601:715,ud.PNG)


Chuck Grassley


harvest update #cornwatch

1:29 AM · Sep 17, 2023




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1340c9 No.19566393


People think they are inconsequential, small, and useless when they are the key to everything. They start chain reactions, they are the powerful ones. People must not look for a savior, they must save themselves.

Saving your little world saves the collective world. Fighting is not only guns and swords, I fight with mind and consciousness, and weaponized time. Pursue what is meaningful for you, meaningful overrides happiness. Why? Because meaningful contains happiness. Why stop at happiness?

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785a46 No.19566394


right and for some fucking reason chosen and I hate that idea always have, are here at this time witnessing this shit and participating and fighting and bickering and making dank memes and even danker jokes. The problem is anons have a sense of what is coming even if we do not know every scripted word. The reason Q was out of order is because looking glass is out of order and things have to be put in order because youknow what the order is. Spitballin, so now with the slow roll out even though we are under a pressure situation, it is allowing people to see and say what the fuck is going on. I heard once it takes about 15% or so of a population to change to affect change. Maybe anons were that %. good or bad we are witness to something insane. Maybe it helps to already be a little crazy as anons run through the dark trying to light torches and seeds to find the way through this bullshit.

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d29dfa No.19566395

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,5kuz14.gif)


>Morning, frenz

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6d3811 No.19566396



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2d0992 No.19566397

File: 2d3aea85ff20f2a⋯.png (216.74 KB,588x764,147:191,ClipboardImage.png)

medical examiner of each state is a big pharma shill in on the murder scam

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f253cd No.19566398

File: bbae97ba738de79⋯.png (414.82 KB,1101x620,1101:620,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d0992 No.19566399

File: 2d3aea85ff20f2a⋯.png (216.74 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

medical examiner of each state is a big pharma shill in on the murder scam

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7992ad No.19566400

President of Iran to Participate in UNGA

September, 17, 2023

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will leave Tehran for New York on Sunday night to attend the 78th session of the UN General Assembly.

The Iranian president is going to deliver an address to the UNGA on Tuesday.

Apart from meetings with the heads of state and top officials of other countries on the sidelines of the event, Raisi will attend a gathering with Iranian expatriates and economic activists residing in the US.

The general debate of the UN General Assembly will begin on September 19 and continue until September 26.



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5fb917 No.19566401

File: cefcd0ae0d8cde0⋯.png (510.42 KB,harv.PNG)

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8bbba4 No.19566402

File: 8fd6d64bf27c769⋯.jpg (51.81 KB,1540946074728.jpg)

File: 0552f990fe4c90c⋯.png (30.03 KB,pedosta_group.png)

File: 3ee65843f191686⋯.jpg (183.89 KB,preuzmi_6.jpg)

File: baa5606ed019de3⋯.png (188.42 KB,Podesta_office_picture.png)

File: 0db8e4fa8fd3214⋯.jpg (39.76 KB,podesta_red_shoes.jpg)

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2d0992 No.19566403

File: 3c182de16d2e00e⋯.png (99.11 KB,gay_bait.png)

File: d00cd633170891f⋯.png (590.35 KB,ClipboardImage.png)


not a motherfucking game

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b29798 No.19566404


do you, perhaps believe that you are hot shit or do you not?

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8c24b4 No.19566405

File: fd99a31112af81b⋯.png (336.97 KB,annstanleybarryshooped.png)


biden too?

check out the shooped photo shop of him an his alleged mother?

Why would they have cut and paste here?

This is from a vidrel about the homage / memorial to his mom

They bring up "Water"

Water used in art sculptures.

There was water at the sculpture in the courtyard of Trade Towers.

That sculpture was suspect in the dustification attack.

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d29dfa No.19566406

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,5kuz14.gif)


>Morning, frenz

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6d3811 No.19566407


what’s it like having 25% of the posts in this bread, and yet you haven’t shared a single meaningful thing?

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d8ac2e No.19566408

File: 8905c2bb10693e6⋯.jpeg (29.63 KB,stfu.jpeg)


>Saving your little world saves the collective world.

retarded meme

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eb671b No.19566409

File: ecbe0761500dad2⋯.png (181.12 KB,EB4FEB14_59D8_45C0_A3F5_06….png)


Are you referring to the Bill Brockrader aka Bill Wood interviews? Looks like the marshals are still looking for him. Was hoping you had something further to offer than the vids that have been going around for years now.


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785a46 No.19566410

File: 3f02e3e6d75c9b5⋯.png (72.66 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

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810857 No.19566411


>How in the world does anyone make sense of diet these days.


There is a ton of crap and confusion out there about what you should eat…NOW WHY WOULD THAT BE? Perhaps because food is weaponized against you…

So here is what you should eat and why…

FIRST EVERYONE SHOULD BE INTERMITTENT FASTING and happy to explain that if anyone wants to know WHY…

DIET = 5 categories from most to least important…

1. FATS - you are a fat machine and built to run on fats. You use fats as fuel and also as precursors for many hormones and steroids and many other chemical mediators. Fats come in 4 sizes. Saturated fat. Mono-unstatured fat. Omega 3 fat and omega 6 fat. Your should roughly eat about 30% of your fat as saturated, 50% as mono, 10% as O3, 10% as o6. You should NEVER eat more O6 than O3 at a 4:1 ratio (we are at 20:1 now…)…

2.Aminos - there are critical and you need an RDA of all 9 everyday. Cells are factories and they need aminos (protein) in order to build what they are trying to build which is protein (aminos).

3. Vitamins

4. Trace minerals

5. Fiber..at least for now.

You do not need glucose and your body will make that on its own.

Meat is good for saturated fat only and you will need to supplement with O3/O6/mono…

Vegetables are SUGAR = glucose (although they do have some minerals/vitamin/fiber value)…fruits are the same…

Seeds and nuts are the things it looks to me like we are built to eat. I still eat meat but am trying to balance all of this…

BTW, watch the protein powders. If they contain sugar, the sugar will degrade the protein (see the Mallard effect..)…

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2f1047 No.19566412

File: 84a024d955dc15b⋯.jpg (98.87 KB,Best_is_yet_to_come.jpg)

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8c24b4 No.19566413

File: fd99a31112af81b⋯.png (336.97 KB,annstanleybarryshooped.png)


biden too?

check out the shooped photo shop of him an his alleged mother?

Why would they have cut and paste here?

This is from a vidrel about the h