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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

93a236 No.186 [Last50 Posts]

30OCT20 to 31OCT20


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

93a236 No.132095

File: fcf082cebbd4d2b⋯.png (333.69 KB,590x583,590:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361168 (301650ZOCT20) Notable: DJT Tweets

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93a236 No.132096

File: 9392d2903a00553⋯.png (161.19 KB,1439x794,1439:794,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361193 (301651ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump to hold 17 rallies between now and Monday evening

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93a236 No.132097

File: 867614b9d5b40ee⋯.mp4 (5.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361200 (301651ZOCT20) Notable: Sleepy speech fail

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Holy fuck

Holy fuck

Holy fuck

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93a236 No.132098

File: dcd783492fe8b54⋯.jpg (521.01 KB,1904x983,1904:983,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361205 (301652ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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GLF5 out of Houston Hobby speeding toward DC (probably)


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93a236 No.132099

File: 668ec385c8d8cc0⋯.png (973.44 KB,1080x920,27:23,Clipboard.png)

File: c5f34696c3bc158⋯.png (18.8 KB,449x317,449:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361245 (301654ZOCT20) Notable: NG deployments -> first Q posts?

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Any other cities spot NG deployments?

Could be a coinkidink, but we've been expecting it for 3 years

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93a236 No.132100

File: 3c9423bf3d7b6a2⋯.png (387 KB,535x539,535:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361260 (301655ZOCT20) Notable: DJT Tweets

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Biden would lock us down forever. We are rounding the corner!


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93a236 No.132101

File: 9a008a7e2c18eca⋯.png (493.27 KB,1920x933,640:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361274 (301656ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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contraband sweeps

dry weeks

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93a236 No.132102

File: d44ad9cc1894dda⋯.mp4 (790.13 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361318 (301659ZOCT20) Notable: Sleepy: "I've spent more time in Private Meetings with Xi Jinping than any other World Leader"

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"I've spent more time in Private Meetings with Xi Jinping than any other World Leader"

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93a236 No.132103

File: 5d48fb84e0481e9⋯.png (834.26 KB,705x569,705:569,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c13e941236ab36⋯.png (469.89 KB,581x681,581:681,Clipboard.png)

File: 63df905d4704476⋯.jpeg (8.39 KB,188x255,188:255,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 87896e3bf6281f9⋯.png (1.66 MB,1204x903,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361356 (301702ZOCT20) Notable: Happy Birthday to our First Daughter Ivanka!!

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Happy Birthday to our First Daughter Ivanka!!

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93a236 No.132104

File: 1c0645f23a80c1f⋯.png (130.27 KB,542x263,542:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cd2749908df4ac⋯.png (102.47 KB,544x488,68:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361365 (301702ZOCT20) Notable: Mailchimp Will Now Deactivate Accounts Sending 'False, Inaccurate, Or Misleading' Emails

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Mailchimp Will Now Deactivate Accounts Sending 'False, Inaccurate, Or Misleading' Emails

Mass mailing service Mailchimp, a US based marketing automation service, has updated its Terms of Use regarding types of content that are prohibited for distribution on the platform. In particular, the service now "does not allow the distribution of content that is, in our sole discretion, materially false, inaccurate, or misleading, in a way that could deceive or confuse others about important events, topics, or circumstances."

The policy change comes amid reports of Mailchimp summarily deactivating the accounts of independent news outlets SGTreport and Press for Truth, according to Reclaim The Net.

Press for Truth's Dan Dicks says he no longer has access to thousands of emails subscribers he's accumulated for years, as he can't access his account.

"I feel like that’s my data," said Dicks. "I was using it as a hedge against the coming censorship and they just pulled the plug on me there."

According to SGTreport, their email was "locked up" as a result of the termination.

As Reclaim The Net notes:

The mention of “important” events, etc., and the message around them being protected in this way is shorthand for political issues – but declaring Mailchimp’s right to ban content “in sole discretion” clearly spells out and cements the arbitrariness of it all.

With such rules in place, the New York Post – who recently broke the story about Joe Biden’s meddling in Ukraine’s affairs on behalf of his son, which was quickly labeled as “misinformation” – would not have the ability to use email marketing.


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93a236 No.132105

File: cbb0f81ad08f6a1⋯.jpg (259.28 KB,1911x982,1911:982,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361372 (301703ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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C30J looping off coast of NC

Unsure of this a/c's mission

**Not a regular PF

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93a236 No.132106

File: 5580d58f4eadec0⋯.png (72.71 KB,808x713,808:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361381 (301703ZOCT20) Notable: Senate Committee verifies Tony Bobulinski evidence on Bidens. So why is the MSM covering it up?

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Senate Committee verifies Tony Bobulinski evidence on Bidens. So why is the MSM covering it up?

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee confirmed Wednesday the information exposed by former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski that connects the former Vice President to companies and ventures in China. But you wouldn’t know it by following the main stream press.

Bobulinski’s bombshell interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson Tuesday, along with Carlson’s follow up exclusive on Wednesday, revealed that Democratic candidate Joe Biden was aware of his son’s business questionable overseas business dealings. It should be a huge story. After all, Joe Biden has publicly denied knowing about his son’s business ventures in China, Ukraine and other parts of the world.

So why isn’t this story on the front page of every newspaper and covered by every cable network?

How is it possible that the majority of main stream media outlets, newspapers and cable networks had no problem running unsubstantiated stories about President Donald Trump, his family and his businesses only to find out later – without corrections- that the information they published was bogus.

Here, there is an eye witness to the Biden family operations: Bobulinski. He has come forward and shown his credibility. He has verified documents, photos, receipts from Hunter Biden’s hard drive that the FBI had obtained, along with President Trump’s friend and personal lawyer former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Why hasn’t the FBI done anything with this before the election? The bureau has had it for almost a year. Giuliani then did the only thing he could do – he turned over the documents to The New York Post. Those documents obtained from Hunter Biden’s laptop are the massive breadcrumbs to a real political scandal.

These documents raise serious questions as to whether or not our possible future president really is compromised by foreign adversaries, or whether or not he was using his position in government to profit his family.

Still, it’s only crickets from the main stream media. At the same time, big tech giants like Twitter, Google and Facebook are also working diligently to squash the story and keep the truth from the American people.

Tucker Carlson had the highest ratings – historic ratings – at Fox News Tuesday night with more than 7 million viewers tuning in for the Bobulinski story. Yet, the Bobulinski interview wasn’t trending on Twitter, and in fact, it appeared that his story was non-existent on the other networks.

Not even the Senators, who held a hearing on Wednesday, could get a straight answer from Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey on why his platform banned The New York Post stories.

Sen. Ted Cruz said on Twitter “What @Jack told the Senate, under oath, is false.”

“I just tried to tweet the @nypost story alleging Biden’s CCP corruption. Still Blocked.”


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93a236 No.132107

File: 2c1e8efd1308e31⋯.jpg (403.98 KB,1916x982,958:491,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361391 (301704ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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Look like refuelling op E of Pittsburgh

500' vertical separation

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93a236 No.132108

File: e49390194ec7105⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361401 (301705ZOCT20) Notable: NG deployments -> first Q posts?

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Boots on the ground!

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93a236 No.132109

File: 6c3d746756ff485⋯.png (243.57 KB,1439x1215,1439:1215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361411 (301705ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump to hold 17 rallies between now and Monday evening

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93a236 No.132110

File: 5ecf68095d8d3f3⋯.jpg (277.66 KB,1914x937,1914:937,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361418 (301706ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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Nationwide currently seeing ten H60 Blackhawk choppers

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93a236 No.132111

File: 065fc07d54033f5⋯.png (1.13 MB,822x465,274:155,Clipboard.png)

File: c6ae04161e7714b⋯.png (458.57 KB,856x522,428:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361426 (301706ZOCT20) Notable: At least 6 people dead in Turkey after 7.0 quake hits Aegean Sea

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At least 6 people dead in Turkey after 7.0 quake hits Aegean Sea

Six people were killed and some 200 were injured in the Turkish city of Izmir after a powerful earthquake rocked its Aegean coast. Images coming from the city show significant damage, suggesting the death toll may rise.

Of the four people confirmed dead, one drowned during the quake, Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency said in a statement on Friday, citing preliminary data from local authorities. A further 120 people received various injuries, it said.

Shortly afterwards, the presidency revised the tally to six killed and 202 injured. Search and rescue operations are continuing at 12 collapsed and damaged buildings across the city of Izmir, it said.


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93a236 No.132112

File: 1453e7ec62d1c7e⋯.png (82.17 KB,609x924,29:44,Clipboard.png)

File: 28d5f1703926442⋯.png (122.23 KB,626x799,626:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361472 (301709ZOCT20) Notable: Bitcoin Miners in Iran Have a New Buyer: the Central Bank

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Bitcoin Miners in Iran Have a New Buyer: the Central Bank

Iran, hit hard by sanctions but brimming with oil and natural gas to supply electricity, turns to cryptocurrency to pay for imports.

Iran's foreign exchange reserves are dwindling, but its oil and gas reserves give it cheap electricity.

The country legalized cryptocurrency mining last year but prohibited trading.

New regulations ask miners to sell their crypto to the central bank.

According to a report from the state-run Iranian Students’ News Agency (ISNA), Iran has established new regulations to funnel Bitcoin mined by Iranians into state coffers so it can use them to pay for imports.

The edict, put forth by the Ministry of Energy and Central Bank of Iran (CBI), requires the country’s legally registered cryptocurrency miners to sell the tokens they mine to CBI. The country, which has watched its foreign reserves dwindle by over 33% in two years, has increasingly eyed Bitcoin as a workaround to crippling US sanctions.

Iran's move is reminiscent of fellow petro-state Venezuela's recent decision to nationalize mining pools. Venezuela is also subject to US sanctions.

Shortly after the US pulled out of a multilateral nuclear agreement in 2018, it reintroduced sanctions on Iran that prohibited groups doing business with the Islamic Republic from also doing business with the US. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo announced fresh sanctions against 18 Iranian banks on October 8.

As a result, Iran has limited ability to use any dollars it holds in reserve. According to rumors that have percolated up into mainstream publications, Iran’s central bank has all but officially switched its primary reserve currency from the US dollar to the Chinese yuan and is contemplating creating its own digital currency. Taken together, the embrace of the yuan and a state-sanctioned digital currency could help Iran sell more of its oil on the global market.

But today’s move, at least at face value, isn’t so much about exports as it is about paying for imports. In a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations last December, Brian Hook, the US Special Representative for Iran, said, "The regime is struggling to acquire the foreign currency they need to procure imports such as machinery, industrial inputs and consumer goods."

One wonders whether the miners will find the state to be a good trading partner for stateless currencies.


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93a236 No.132113

File: ca8c2d00da7319e⋯.png (589.96 KB,1438x2651,1438:2651,Clipboard.png)

File: 717f9d31d449f06⋯.png (303.83 KB,1439x1527,1439:1527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361485 (301710ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. Attorney McSwain Announces Charges Against Four Men for Arson of Philadelphia Police and Pennsylvania State Police Vehicles During Violent Civil Unrest

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93a236 No.132114

File: 31293afa67449cc⋯.png (20.52 KB,541x324,541:324,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bb1e5654951877⋯.png (450.56 KB,647x811,647:811,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b77a94ab055b04⋯.png (659.22 KB,520x748,130:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 759cf5f383b38ae⋯.png (621.57 KB,540x776,135:194,Clipboard.png)

File: 2782e52ec071ce8⋯.png (497.37 KB,589x813,589:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361511 (301712ZOCT20) Notable: General Flynn and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Send Open Letter to President Trump

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“At This Hour The Fate of the World Is Being Threatened by Global Conspiracy Against God” – General Flynn and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Send Open Letter to President Trump

If you believe the current struggles in our nation are between good and evil you are not alone.

Carlo Maria Viganò is an archbishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016.

Archbishop Viganò previously warned Catholics on the historic spiritual importance of this 2020 election on the future of this country and this planet.

President Trump is standing up against the demonic forces of the deep state and the New World Order.

This is a biblical challenge in November of the “Children of Light against the Children of Darkness.”

President Trump is the greatest defender of the Supreme Values of the Christian civilization: of life, from conception to natural death; of the natural family composed of one man and one woman and children; and of love for the homeland: One Nation under God!

Earlier this week Archbishop Viganò published an open letter to President Donald Trump during this hour of fate for the nation and the global community.

This is a warning to America in this important hour.

General Michael Flynn tweeted out the letter today to his nearly one million followers.


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93a236 No.132115

File: b8a4df098942bae⋯.jpg (488.58 KB,1903x979,173:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361518 (301712ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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PAT008 out of Ft. Belvoir, VA

(Priority Air Transport)

Cessna UC-35A Citation

currently high altitude near Burlington NC

flying SSW

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93a236 No.132116

File: 27bfd608e2e1639⋯.png (418.18 KB,1920x756,160:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361521 (301713ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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Locking down ports of entry = Election Security

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93a236 No.132117

File: 973da6292c4a115⋯.png (30.67 KB,633x242,633:242,Clipboard.png)

File: cddb02f6e4ac15d⋯.png (617.44 KB,849x842,849:842,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361532 (301714ZOCT20) Notable: Philadelphia council approves ban on tear gas & rubber bullets as battered police struggle to quell ‘peaceful protests’

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Philadelphia council approves ban on tear gas & rubber bullets as battered police struggle to quell ‘peaceful protests’

Amid unrest that has left dozens of officers wounded this week, Philadelphia police may lose much of their crowd-control weaponry, as the city council voted to ban use of tear gas and rubber bullets against “peaceful protesters.”

The council reportedly voted 14-3 on Thursday to prohibit use of the crowd-control tools during protests. The legislation will be enacted once it's signed by Democratic Mayor Jim Kenney, who has tried to appease demonstrators this week by blaming the unrest on “systemic racism” and promising actions to “bring true equity to our city.”

Black Lives Matter demonstrations reignited in Philadelphia on Monday, after police fatally shot a knife-wielding black man named Walter Wallace Jr. The protests quickly turned violent and spun so out of control that at least 57 police officers were injured in the first two nights, including one who was run over by a large pickup truck.

Rioters also torched and vandalized at least 18 police and fire department vehicles and blew up dozens of ATM machines around the city. Police described Philadelphia's Port Richmond shopping district as a “total loss” after more than 1,000 looters ransacked stores in the area.

BREAKING: Police release numbers on arrests overnight. They also tell us 23 officers were hurt overnight and all are ok. A total of 53 police officers have been injured since Monday’s police-involved shooting of Walter Wallace. No word on injuries to civilians. @CBSPhillypic.twitter.com/s3Y2ar0z7J

— Joe Holden (@JoeHoldenCBS3) October 28, 2020

Although the unrest was severe enough for Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf to activate the state's National Guard troops and for Kenney to impose a 9pm curfew on Wednesday, city lawmakers saw fit to ban most of the non-lethal crowd-control tools used by police.


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93a236 No.132118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361546 (301715ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Rally

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wheels down

POTUS incoming

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93a236 No.132119

File: 3698e5210b70c48⋯.png (177.54 KB,502x508,251:254,Clipboard.png)

File: 68f60a6354e2ba7⋯.png (526.33 KB,861x686,123:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361553 (301716ZOCT20) Notable: UK man creates company to list family as employees for Christmas ‘working lunch’

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Covid lockdown loophole? UK man creates company to list family as employees for Christmas ‘working lunch’

A British account manager says he’s beaten the country’s crackdown on private gatherings amid the Covid-19 crisis – and it only cost him £6 – creating a company and listing family as staff to game a loophole in the restrictions.

Fenn Settle, a 27-year-old from a suburb in Leeds, said he set up a new limited company, Fenn Settle Ltd., in order to evade the UK’s “rule of six,” which prohibits gatherings of groups larger than six people who live in different households.

Boasting about the feat in a Facebook post, Settle said he would “hire” friends and family for the new business venture, which he said cost only “6 quid” to establish. He will then host them for an “unpaid work event” at his home, a “registered premises,” on Christmas, he added.

Right, then, UK government, joke’s on you. I’m not allowed to have my family around for Christmas. I AM, however, allowed to have employees around… Checkmate.

Downing Street has acknowledged that the rules contain loopholes, with a spokesperson saying on Thursday that “There is a specific exemption which says that people from different households can gather in indoor settings that are open for work purposes,” but they stressed that the exemption was meant for freelancers and not intended for work meetings at private homes.

Settle told the Daily Mail that he got the idea after the death of his grandfather in April, noting he wasn’t able to see him for the last eight weeks of his life “because of Covid rules.”

“[That] got me thinking of [setting up the business]. People are dying on their own and yet you can see work colleagues,” he said. “I tried booking a dinner reservation for me and a couple of work colleagues. They said they weren't able to sit us and I said 'we're in a work bubble' and that was fine.”


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93a236 No.132120

File: 17661f23758c3a2⋯.png (624.24 KB,1920x936,80:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361555 (301716ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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you into tentacles?

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93a236 No.132121

File: ee34ac803851e40⋯.jpg (319.06 KB,1916x980,479:245,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361579 (301718ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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Low Chinook SE of Phoenix


Heavy lift mil chopper

Not often seen

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93a236 No.132122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361585 (301718ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Rally

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Just Music, no begging, no screeching before POTUS takes the stage.

Watch whatever channel you want when POTUS takes the stage.

But if you like just the music like me, then here ya go!

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93a236 No.132123

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361592 (301719ZOCT20) Notable: Lebron James & Magic Johnson on Hunter Biden hard drive

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Lebron James & Magic Johnson on Hunter Biden hard drive

Translation: On today’s Lude Live at 8:30 PM EST, One email in Biden’s hard drive will be revealed. It shows one of Joe Biden’s consultants, NBA’s LA Laker, Magic Johnson, Lebron James has collued with the CCP. Also, Xi is involved in the email. Xi is not the biological father of Liu Chengjie.


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93a236 No.132124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361601 (301719ZOCT20) Notable: #14510

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Notables @650

(last and baking soon)

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>132123 Lebron James & Magic Johnson on Hunter Biden hard drive

>>132119 UK man creates company to list family as employees for Christmas ‘working lunch’

>>132118, >>132122 Trump Rally

>>132117 Philadelphia council approves ban on tear gas & rubber bullets as battered police struggle to quell ‘peaceful protests’

>>132114 General Flynn and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Send Open Letter to President Trump

>>132113 U.S. Attorney McSwain Announces Charges Against Four Men for Arson of Philadelphia Police and Pennsylvania State Police Vehicles During Violent Civil Unrest

>>132112 Bitcoin Miners in Iran Have a New Buyer: the Central Bank

>>132111 At least 6 people dead in Turkey after 7.0 quake hits Aegean Sea

>>132106 Senate Committee verifies Tony Bobulinski evidence on Bidens. So why is the MSM covering it up?

>>132104 Mailchimp Will Now Deactivate Accounts Sending 'False, Inaccurate, Or Misleading' Emails

>>132103 Happy Birthday to our First Daughter Ivanka!!

>>132102 Sleepy: "I've spent more time in Private Meetings with Xi Jinping than any other World Leader"

>>132099, >>132108 NG deployments -> first Q posts?

>>132097 Sleepy speech fail

>>132096, >>132109 President Trump to hold 17 rallies between now and Monday evening

>>132092 President @realDonaldTrump is on his way to MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, and MINNESOTA!

>>132091, >>132095, >>132100 DJT Tweets

>>132090 This is what a Trump rally looked like in early 2016. We've come a long ways since then.

>>132088 U.S. Marshals Operation Results in Recovery of 27 Missing Children in Virginia

>>132087 Email this morning from @RoKhanna to Tony Bobulinski

>>132086, >>132089, >>132093, >>132098, >>132101, >>132105, >>132107, >>132110, >>132115, >>132116, >>132120, >>132121 pf

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93a236 No.132125

File: 46d665560e8b2e0⋯.png (1.78 MB,1198x1074,599:537,Clipboard.png)

File: 3eecfa98892f73a⋯.mp4 (473.47 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361699 (301727ZOCT20) Notable: DJT: On my way to MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, and MINNESOTA!

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93a236 No.132126

File: b8f02c8d99eaef6⋯.png (654.11 KB,663x697,39:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 43cdc18bee90fbc⋯.png (1.59 MB,2209x2133,2209:2133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361706 (301728ZOCT20) Notable: 25th Infantry Division tweet

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93a236 No.132127

File: 28f9bcc68a750c7⋯.png (150.87 KB,618x430,309:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361713 (301728ZOCT20) Notable: Cartel-Linked Mexican Governor Calls on Immigrants in U.S. to Vote for Biden

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Cartel-Linked Mexican Governor Calls on Immigrants in U.S. to Vote for Biden

A Mexican governor took to social media to ask people originating from his state who live in the U.S. to vote for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in what he called an opportunity to end “a long night of racism and hate.” The governor was previously accused by a top cartel boss for exchanging money for votes in his own election.

Through a video posted on Twitter, Michoacán Governor Silvano Aureoles asked “paisanas and paisanos” in the U.S. to vote in support of Biden, claiming that President Donald Trump hates migrants.

Mensaje a nuestras paisanas y paisanos con motivo de las próximas elecciones presidenciales en EUA. pic.twitter.com/VcxEebViM8

— Silvano Aureoles (@Silvano_A) October 29, 2020

“This November 3, the U.S. is having elections that are determining for you who live and work and have family on the other side,” Aureoles said. “You have an opportunity to choose a humanitarian government with a different approach that knows and understands the needs of migrants.”

According to Aureoles, there are more than 4 million with roots from Michoacán living in the U.S. and he called on those with voting rights to give voice to those “living in the shadows.”

“While Donald Trump builds walls to stop migrants and separates families, and promotes hate and racism against those who need to go to the other side [of the border],” Aureoles said. “At the same time, he only benefits the rich.”

In the video, Aureoles praised comments made by Biden about providing a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

“On the contrary, the candidate to replace him is pushing an agenda that carries a lot to the historic hopes and dreams of the migrant community through a naturalization program,” Aureoles said. “[Biden] has a vision for all Americans–even for those who don’t yet have papers.”

Aureoles has been a controversial figure since taking office due to the raging violence in his state where large swaths remain under the control of cartels. The escalating turf wars have led to mass kidnappings without any real response by authorities. In early 2018, Nicolas “El Gordo” Sierra, the leader of Los Viagras Cartel, claimed Aureoles paid large sums of money to cartels to generate votes.


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93a236 No.132128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361716 (301729ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. Economic Strength Weathers All Storms (whitehouse.gov)

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U.S. Economic Strength Weathers All Storms


Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure


Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Aboard Air Force One


Statement from National Security Advisor Robert C. O’Brien on the 20th Anniversary of UNSCR 1325


Trump Administration Announces Second Phase of FY 2020 Drug-Free Communities Grant Awards, Continuing Commitment to Substance Use Prevention



Shana M. Broussard, of Louisiana, to be a Member of theFederal Election Commissionfor a term expiring April 30, 2023, vice Ann Miller Ravel, term expired.

Sean J. Cooksey, of Missouri, to be a Member of theFederal Election Commissionfor a term expiring April 30, 2021, vice Lee E. Goodman, term expired.


On Friday, October 30, 2020, the Presidentsigned into law

H.R. 561, theProtecting Business Opportunities for Veterans Act of 2019which clarifies the performance expectations for certain businesses receiving contracts under the Veterans First Contracting Program (“Veterans First”) authorities;

H.R. 1952, theIntercountry Adoption Information Act of 2019which directs the Department of State to include additional information in its annual report to the Congress on intercountry adoptions;

H.R. 2359, theWhole Veteran Actwhich requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to submit to the Congress a report on the Department’s advancement of whole health transformation;

H.R. 3399, which amends theNutria Eradication and Control Actprogram to include additional States and authorize appropriations of $12 million for each of the fiscal years 2021 through 2025;

H.R. 4183, theIdentifying Barriers and Best Practices Study Actwhich requires the Government Accountability Office to conduct a study of disability compensation and pension benefits for certain individuals; and

S. 3051, theAmerica’s Conservation Enhancement Actwhich reauthorizes certain existing conservation and fish and wildlife programs and establishes new authorities.


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93a236 No.132129

File: f402711797135e8⋯.mp4 (308.43 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361726 (301729ZOCT20) Notable: Did Sleepy just have a stroke?

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Did he just have a stroke?

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93a236 No.132130

File: 1af4a3ed5dc80ef⋯.png (634.31 KB,651x474,217:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361732 (301730ZOCT20) Notable: Facebook Adds Bogus ‘Fact Check’ to Grenell Post About Biden Tax Plan

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Facebook Adds Bogus ‘Fact Check’ to Grenell Post About Biden Tax Plan

Facebook added a “fact check” from the Associated Press to a post by former acting Director of National Intelligence, Ric Grenell, accusing Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden of wanting to raise taxes on Americans. Grenell posted a video of Biden’s own words, which the AP says “lacks context.”

“I posted to @Facebook the video of @JoeBiden saying he would raise taxes. He said it. It’s a video. And this is what Facebook does to the post of Biden’s actual words,” said Grenell on Twitter.

The video shows Joe Biden telling a voter, “if you elect me your taxes are going to be raised not cut.”

“If you elect me, your taxes are gonna be RAISED, not cut.”@JoeBiden pic.twitter.com/8CtXcWbztv

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 28, 2020

I posted to @Facebook the video of @JoeBiden saying he would raise taxes. He said it. It’s a video.

And this is what Facebook does to the post of Biden’s actual words. pic.twitter.com/7oKokRJG2f

— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) October 29, 2020

“The former Malaysian Prime Minister is saying Muslims have a right to kill French people and the President of Iran consistently calls for gays to be pushed off buildings but posting an actual video of Joe Biden speaking is censored. Facebook and Twitter are out of control,” Grenell told Breitbart News.

The Associated Press “fact check” added to the Facebook post claims the video is “missing context” because it doesn’t quote Biden’s full tax plan, including his promise not raise income taxes on those who make less than $400,000 a year.

However, numerous instances of the Democrats taking comments from President Trump out of context, including the “very fine people” hoax are typically not fact-checked by Facebook.

In addition to suppressing the New York Post’s bombshell Biden-Ukraine story, Facebook has also censored ads from the Trump campaign highlighting Antifa violence.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg denied censoring the Post’s content at a hearaing of the Senate Commerce Committee earlier this week, but social media analytics shows that his platform’s actions reduced the reach of the Post’s story to around half that of high profile anti-Trump stories.


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93a236 No.132131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361743 (301731ZOCT20) Notable: Federal appeals court nixes Minnesota Democratic secretary of state's plan to extend the mail-in ballot deadline — for now

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Federal appeals court nixes Minnesota Democratic secretary of state's plan to extend the mail-in ballot deadline — for now

The court ordered officials to separate late-arriving ballots for possible removal

A federal appeals court has upended Minnesota Democratic Secretary of State Steve Simon's plan to extend the state's vote counting deadline by seven days.

In a 2-1 decision Thursday, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a Republican state representative and GOP activist could challenge Simon's order to extend the deadline and ordered that all ballots received after election day must be separated "to be removed from vote totals in the event a final order is entered by a court of competent jurisdiction determining such votes to be invalid or unlawfully counted."

"However well-intentioned and appropriate from a policy perspective in the context of a pandemic during a presidential election, it is not the province of a state executive official to re-write the state's election code," the decision added. "There is no pandemic exception to the Constitution."

Reuters reported that while Minnesota law requires absentee ballots be received by Election Day, the deadline had been extended by Simon through a settlement reached with a citizens group which sued earlier in the year.

Under the settlement, mail-in ballots that were postmarked by Nov. 3 would be counted if received by Nov. 10 — and even those without postmarks would be counted unless it could be proven that they were not sent before or on the 3rd.

The ruling sends the case back down to a lower court for further litigation but orders that late-arriving ballots not be lumped in with the rest.

In response, Simon told reporters that the timing of the decision was "unnecessarily disruptive" and complained that "just shy of 400,000" absentee ballots requested by voters in the state have not been received.

"They could be in transit or they could be on coffee tables throughout Minnesota," he said, adding that officials are considering an appeal to the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court on Wednesday permitted North Carolina's and Pennsylvania's extended deadlines for receiving mail-in ballots.

Minnesota Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar blasted the ruling on Twitter, saying, "In the middle of a pandemic, the Republican Party is doing everything to make it hard for you to vote."

Minnesota Republican Party Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan praised the decision.

"The Democrats are losing it," she tweeted Thursday. "Their efforts to manipulate our election laws met a road block today: the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals and the law. The integrity of our election to have votes in by 8 pm Election Day is intact. We will always applaud freedom and fairness."


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93a236 No.132132

File: 36335bd7e7802f0⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361744 (301730ZOCT20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani on Hunter Biden Controversy

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93a236 No.132133

File: 04946c8f9c60c9a⋯.png (39.34 KB,645x532,645:532,Clipboard.png)

File: 50250fa609f6c15⋯.png (54.65 KB,674x867,674:867,Clipboard.png)

File: 3746b93c005a801⋯.png (12.09 KB,642x180,107:30,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361758 (301732ZOCT20) Notable: As Facebook Censorship Peaks—A Better Alternative Treats You as a Customer, Not the Product

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As Facebook Censorship Peaks—A Better Alternative Treats You as a Customer, Not the Product

It is no secret that Facebook is a leviathan of corruption, censorship, spying, and an outright divide-stoking platform that has been a part of facilitating a massively bicameral society that is ripping apart. Thanks to its algorithms that keep users in their own partisan bubbles, billions of people across the planet who get most of their information from Facebook, have fallen into a bias-confirming slumber and react with anger, and sometimes violence, when presented with factual information that challenges their Facebook-constructed world view.

It is leading to mass ignorance, the shouting down of peaceful ideas, and hatred for our fellow man.

Even former high-level executives inside Facebook have come forward to attempt to alert the world to technocratic dystopia this social media platform is creating. For years, the Free Thought Project has been screaming this information from the rooftops. We even held a summit in Houston last year with heads of media companies from all over the world to discuss how to successfully combat the forthcoming big tech dictatorship.

But we were lacking one thing — an awakening to the censorship large enough to help create a massive migration to something better.

While heads of state across the world set out to make Facebook change to their will, or regulate them into submission — which cannot and will not ever happen or lead to any positive change — the Free Thought Project and others have been promoting and building alternative platforms. On these other platforms, unlike Facebook, the user is actually the customer, not the product. And, the term “censorship” is only used to describe these dinosaur social media companies who are finally being exposed.

Since the great alternative media purge in 2018, the Free Thought Project has kept our presence on Facebook — despite them repeatedly banning our pages, wiping away years of work and millions of followers in the process — in an effort to help guide people to a better way. Finally, after having their private information bought and sold by the highest bidder, repeated spying, and and constant censorship of peaceful views, this complacency is waning and people are now looking for a that better way.

Luckily, it is here.


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93a236 No.132134

File: 97415ad2bfcf143⋯.png (174.16 KB,563x470,563:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361768 (301733ZOCT20) Notable: Mexican Government ‘Profoundly Upset’ After DEA Arrests Fmr. Secretary of Defense

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Mexican Government ‘Profoundly Upset’ After DEA Arrests Fmr. Secretary of Defense

Mexico’s top diplomat publicly shared that his country’s government is “profoundly upset” after the DEA arrested a former secretary of defense for drug charges without official warning.

During a news conference, Mexican Foreign Relations Minister Marcelo Ebrard said he expressed discontent toward the U.S. Ebrard claimed that U.S. diplomats had told him they could not release information about the sealed grand jury indictment. The diplomat expressed his unhappiness anyway. The official added that Mexico’s government was ready to provide consular assistance to the jailed general.

Earlier this month, the DEA arrested General Salvador “El Padrino” Cienfuegos on drug charges–alleging he worked with and provided official protection to members of the Beltran Leyva Cartel (aka “H2”). Authorities arrested Cienfuegos as he landed in California. A federal judge ruled he will be held without bond.

The arrest sent shockwaves throughout Mexico. Cienfuegos served under former President Enrique Pena Nieto from a rival party to President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO). Cienfuegos is the second top official to face arrest in recent months. In December 2019, U.S. authorities arrested Genaro Garcia Luna, Mexico’s former Public Security Secretary, on drug charges. While Garcia Luna and Cienfuegos did not serve under AMLO, their arrests reinforce the perception of corruption at the highest levels in Mexico City.

The latest arrest is still a headache for AMLO as his administration relies heavily on the military to address cartel and public security issues.


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93a236 No.132135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361773 (301734ZOCT20) Notable: Florida police say 2 men fished mail out of a drop box, stole ballots

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Florida police say 2 men fished mail out of a drop box, stole ballots

Be on the lookout for election crime

Police say two Florida men stole mail, including two mail-in ballots, from a dropbox at a post office in Broward County.

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports that on Tuesday a patrolling police officer spotted the men lingering near a mailbox in Lighthouse Point, north of Fort Lauderdale, long enough to draw the officer's suspicions. The two suspects, Junior Alexander Cabral, 28, and Vladimir Cabral Cuevas, 20, were in a white Honda CRV next to the mailbox when approached by the officer.

During questioning, the policeman noticed a bag of mail wedged between the front seat and center console of the vehicle. He also observed a device used to extract mail from the drop box and two ballots that were separated from the rest of the mail.

Cabral and Cuevas were arrested and charged with stealing ballots, fraud, and petty theft, the Associated Press reports.

When the men appeared in court Thursday morning, presiding Judge Corey Amanda Cawthorn expressed concerns over the nature of the charges so close to Election Day.

"I'm not going to speculate as to the intentions behind the allegations, what mail was intended to be recovered or not," she said. "But, I do have to take notice of the fact we have a very big election coming up next week and the timing seems to be aggravating in Mr. Cabral's case."

A defense attorney representing Cuevas claimed that incident was a misunderstanding.

"My client was charged incorrectly by overzealous law enforcement looking to fill an empty narrative that would make a politically expedient mountain out of a molehill given the proximity to the general election," he told the Sun-Sentinel in a statement issued Thursday.

Broward assistant state attorney Katherine David requested a $10,000 bond for the ballot theft charge, noting that Cabral and Cuevas had no prior convictions.

Lighthouse Point police Commander Jack Vaccaro said the ballots will not be held as evidence and will be counted in the election.

"We are making arrangements to return these two ballots to their owners so they can deliver them to be counted," he said.

In September, the Federal Bureau of Investigations warned voters to be on the lookout for election crimes as the Nov. 3 election approaches. Earlier this week, the FBI began an investigation after a ballot drop box holding more than 120 ballots was set on fire in Boston.

"Every year, Americans pick their leaders and make their voices heard through elections," assistant director for the Criminal Investigative Division Calvin Shivers said in September. "Those elections must remain free and fair to ensure voters' voices are truly heard. As Americans get ready to vote, the FBI is asking each citizen to remain vigilant and report any suspected criminal scheme targeting voters to the FBI immediately."


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93a236 No.132136

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361781 (301734ZOCT20) Notable: France Dissolves Islamist Group, Founder Requests Political Asylum in Erdogan’s Turkey

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France Dissolves Islamist Group, Founder Requests Political Asylum in Erdogan’s Turkey

The former head of the Islamist NGO Barakacity, which was dissolved by the French government, has requested political asylum from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The founder and former head of the now-defunct Islamist NGO, Idriss Sihamedi, took to Twitter to speak about the aftermath of the government ban.

“The French state decided to dissolve the humanitarian aid and human rights organisation Barakacity, which operates for two million poor people in 26 countries. This is despite there being no real charges in the files after a three-year investigation,” Sihamedi wrote in Turkish.

He went on to address President Erdogan’s Twitter account directly, asking: “I would like to request political asylum for myself and my team since I am not safe in France on behalf of our NGO.”

Macron Govt Proposes Dissolving Major Islamist Associations After Teacher Beheading https://t.co/N90nY0RouO

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 20, 2020

France’s Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced the formal dissolution of Barakacity earlier this week after stating that the group “incited hatred” and “maintained relations within the radical Islamist movement”.

Sihamedi has been labelled a Salafist in the past, and French media revealed that he had previously been under observation by the French domestic security agency, the Directorate General of Homeland Security (DGSI).

The NGO has also been accused of strange financial practices in 2013 when it raised around €3 million but claimed to have a “profit” of nearly €2 million.

The ban on the group is just one step taken by President Emmanuel Macron’s government since the beheading of teacher Samuel Paty.

A mosque which shared a video on Facebook targeting Paty was also closed by the government following the attack. Earlier this week, a court confirmed the closure of the Patin mosque for the next six months.

Sihamedi’s request to President Erdogan is likely not a coincidence as Erdogan has called President Macron mentally unwell over his policy to crack down on Islamist groups and tensions between the two countries remain high.


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93a236 No.132137

File: 617eac125d7a0c3⋯.jpg (510.69 KB,1917x979,1917:979,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361788 (301735ZOCT20) Notable: .

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GLF5 out of Houston Hobby (lb), final approach to JBA / DC.

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93a236 No.132138

File: 83bd50a0f6d38d0⋯.png (866.3 KB,659x531,659:531,Clipboard.png)

File: 7466ca014abdc55⋯.png (728.3 KB,673x858,673:858,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361796 (301736ZOCT20) Notable: Sculpture of Donald Trump Having Sex With Miss Universe Displayed in London Gallery

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Sculpture of Donald Trump Having Sex With Miss Universe Displayed in London Gallery

A lewd sculpture depicting President Donald Trump having sex with a mock Miss Universe has been put on display in an art gallery in Central London. The sculpture will be shown at the Soho Revue until election day on November 3rd and was dubbed by the artist the “Official Presidential Send Off”.

In an exclusive interview, British artist Alison Jackson told Breitbart London that her raunchy depiction of the American leader gives people the opportunity to see “everything they’ve imagined but never seen before, come to life before their very eyes.”

“The thing about this sculpture, it’s like throwing up a mirror to people of what Donald Trump does and represents. He represents grabbing women by the pussy, and his bad behaviour with women. So when people see this sculpture they say that’s exactly what he’s going to be doing in the Oval Office,” Jackson said.

“This is what you expect, this is what you imagine of Donald Trump. This is what he does best,” she added.

The gallery’s windows have been blacked out aside from two peepholes, for pedestrians to stare into and get a glimpse of the simulated sex act. Next to the peephole is a mock road sign warning that reads: “Caution Slippery Politicians”.

One passerby told Breitbart London: “I think it captures 2020 perfectly, I certainly think it captures the essence of Trump in his entirety.”

Another was more critical, saying: “I think it lacks subtlety, it’s brutal, to the point, but it’s a bit like Banksy, it says something very obvious, in not a very clever way.”


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93a236 No.132139

File: 820da6eb638fb04⋯.png (58.42 KB,586x664,293:332,Clipboard.png)

File: 09748ea452ee47d⋯.png (585.74 KB,1314x745,1314:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361816 (301738ZOCT20) Notable: Everything they accuse Trump of doing, they do it in the article - FAKE NEWS

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WAPO article, in it you can see how they do everything they accuse of Trump doing, they do it in the article FAKE NEWS

This going nicely with the FACKCHECK Q Post

The numbers here are amazing ANONS!!!! The efforts are working with unprecedented efficiency!!!

The unseen machine pushing Trump’s social media megaphone into overdrive


By Elizabeth Dwoskin and Craig TimbergOctober 30, 2020

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93a236 No.132140

File: d1591dd8117c020⋯.png (71.56 KB,861x646,861:646,Clipboard.png)

File: 02b885eab9d323c⋯.png (91.24 KB,763x639,763:639,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c9a968bdb07805⋯.png (81.9 KB,846x698,423:349,Clipboard.png)

File: 166a3ef22562dcd⋯.png (115.85 KB,771x732,257:244,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e718a574bef847⋯.png (75.83 KB,914x589,914:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361826 (301739ZOCT20) Notable: COVID Vaccine Trials: Rigged Benchmarks and Horrible Side Effects

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COVID Vaccine Trials: Rigged Benchmarks and Horrible Side Effects

By now, word regarding the COVID vaccine trials

has leaked out. We know that many companies from the Big Pharma cartel have had to report embarrassing results from their COVID vaccine trials. Recently, we learnt that a volunteer participant in Brazil died in the COVID vaccine trial being conducted by AstraZeneca (in conjunction with Oxford University). Before that, in the same set of AstraZeneca trials, 2 women developed serious adverse effects, one of whom experienced neurological symptoms consistent with a serious spinal inflammatory disorder called transverse myelitis. Meanwhile, in the COVID vaccine trials of Johnson and Johnson (yes, the same Big Pharma company that was present at Bill Gates’ prophetic Event 201 simulation), there was an ‘unexplained illness’ in one of the volunteers. Even for those who passionately believe in vaccines, these horrible side effects are disturbing, all the more since the New World Order (NWO) agenda is dictating that the COVID vaccine be rolled out worldwide on a quasi-mandatory or fully mandatory basis.

Widespread and Serious Side Effects Everywhere in COVID Vaccine Trials

In another case, the COVID vaccine being developed by Moderna led to one participant developing a fever of more than 103º and later fainting in his home. In Moderna’s Phase 1 human trial, 100% of volunteers in the high-dose group suffered systemic side effects – fatigue, chills, headache and myalgia (muscle pain). In fact, Moderna’s vaccine was shown to have a 20% “serious” injury rate in its high-dose group; one participant in their trial stated that he had become “the sickest in his life” after taking the vaccine. In this interview with Gates, the CBS anchor reveals 80% of trial participants had a systemic reaction after the 2nd dose. The corruption goes deeper still, for the FDA just granted permission to yet another Big Pharma company Pfizer to test its experimental COVID vaccine on American children! Although it wasn’t for the COVID vaccine, there was another COVID trial that was halted; the NIH stopped the Eli Lilly COVID antibody trial because of safety concerns. The dubious amount of side effects apparently hasn’t been a problem for AstraZeneca, who according to Reuters was able to strike deals with many nations whereby it will gain protection from future vaccine liability claims.


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93a236 No.132141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361840 (301741ZOCT20) Notable: Live Rally

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93a236 No.132142

File: a30d512a2f4f01a⋯.png (169.32 KB,675x545,135:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 258e6e6923d94d3⋯.png (82.86 KB,720x880,9:11,Clipboard.png)

File: ad8f06d0e6db8f5⋯.png (74.56 KB,722x739,722:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361844 (301741ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. Air Force launches $7million Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile 4,200 miles across the Pacific to remote Marshall Islands in test 'not related to current world events'

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U.S. Air Force launches $7million Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile 4,200 miles across the Pacific to remote Marshall Islands in test 'not related to current world events'

The U.S. Airforce has launched an unarmed intercontinental ballistic missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California in the latest in a series of tests.

The Minuteman III ICBM was equipped with a test reentry vehicle and was launched at 12.27 a.m. on October 29, according to an Air Force news release.

Officials stressed that the test was planned well in advance and was not a reaction to current events.

The ICBM's reentry vehicle travelled 4,200 miles to the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, at the speed of 15,000mph. A single Minuteman III costs $7 million.

'The launch calendars are built three to five years in advance, and planning for each individual launch begins six months to a year prior to launch,' according to the release.

'Test launches are not a response or reaction to world events or regional tensions.'

The latest in a string of such tests, the launch aimed to demonstrate that the U.S. nuclear deterrent is a 'safe, secure, reliable and effective' means to deter modern threats and reassure allies, Air Force officials said.

'Like previous test launches, this event demonstrated the Air Force's commitment to the Nation's nuclear enterprise while ensuring the United States' nuclear deterrent is safe, secure, and effective to deter our adversaries while reassuring our allies and partners,' said Air Force Chief of Staff, General Charles Q. Brown, Jr., in a statement.

'We must continue to invest in this viable deterrent, and the Airmen who support this mission, as part of the most responsive leg of our nuclear triad.'

A video released by the Airforce showed the missile launching from a silo after a cover slid back.

Smoke is seen coming out of the hole in the ground before a flash of light is seen as the missile blasts out of the silo and into the air above the base.

Another camera angle - far back from the launch site - shows the missile as its propelled into upwards, leaving a trail of flames across the night's sky.


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93a236 No.132143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361855 (301743ZOCT20) Notable: DID THE ECONOMIST AID A CHINESE COMMUNIST INFLUENCE OPERATION?

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via strategypage:

On Oct. 26, the Washington Free Beacon published a hard-hitting investigative article exposing a truly appalling and destructive example of communist China’s long-term war on free societies, in this case using influence and information as weapons.


The Free Beacon’s bottom-line accusation: Chinese money bought advantageous (euphemized) treatment, if not favorable news coverage and a positive editorial attitude in a news and business journal long regarded as one of the world’s most influential — influential in terms of its editorial acumen, erudite reporting and savvy story selection. The Economist’s international subscriber base is well educated, wealthy and connected.

It appears the CCP managed to influence The Economist’s purveyors of influence and did so not in one or two instances but for eight critical years. The CCP wasn’t simply targeting The Economist. Huawei has tried to coopt media everywhere. But The Economist allegedly influences the influencers in capital cities around the planet, which gives it unique leverage.

An even bigger bottom line:

From the Chinese perspective, Hunter Biden’s alleged business deals in China would classify as an effort to influence an individual leader.

It’s my latest Creators Syndicate column.


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93a236 No.132144

File: eb0f8cc425cd142⋯.png (80.08 KB,812x617,812:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361875 (301745ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump meets with Army unit that conducted Al-Baghdadi raid

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I'm sure this was just for milk and cookies, and a small awards ceremony

Not to discuss plans for ass-kickings in the immediate future



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93a236 No.132145

File: 739f0582e608704⋯.png (950.34 KB,685x924,685:924,Clipboard.png)

File: 5917a2920e0d3f9⋯.png (550.57 KB,700x893,700:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 22836e79cbb2803⋯.png (164.12 KB,725x918,725:918,Clipboard.png)

File: ad3b3e8d825f162⋯.png (172.37 KB,763x911,763:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 8788b82c737e365⋯.png (170.08 KB,760x907,760:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361904 (301748ZOCT20) Notable: 'Big four' tech titans Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple see profits climb by £29billion and post record £177billion sales as they cash in during Covid pandemic

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'Big four' tech titans Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple see profits climb by £29billion and post record £177billion sales as they cash in during Covid pandemic

The 'big four' tech titans Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple have posted combined profits of £29billion and produced a record £177billion of sales as they continue to cash in on the coronavirus pandemic.

In a blowout set of earnings, the four tech giants all reported quarterly results within minutes of each other yesterday.

For July to September, Amazon's profits climbed to £4.87billion ($6.3billion); Apple's dropped to £9.8billion ($12.7billion); Google's increased to £8.7billion ($11.25billion); and Facebook's rose to £6.1billion ($7.84billion).

The figures stand in stark contrast to the fortunes of many traditional businesses, which have been devastated by the Covid-19 crisis, as consumers flock online to buy goods and switch to working from home.

Big Tech's earnings also continue to soar despite increased regulatory scrutiny across the four companies - including federal antitrust charges against Google's parent company Alphabet Inc and user and advertiser boycotts of Facebook Inc.

On Wednesday, a day before the earnings were published, Republican senators in a virtual Senate commerce committee tongue-lashed Facebook, Google and Twitter, accusing them of censoring conservative content on their platforms.

Google has also been sued by the Department of Justice for anti-competitive behaviour and Apple is being watched after it emerged that it was charging a premium for companies to advertise through its App Store.

Amazon said yesterday that its sales surged 37 per cent for the quarter to a record $96.2 billion (£74.4billion), generating a $6.3 billion (£4.87billion) profit, roughly three times its profits from the same period last year.

'There is no doubt that Amazon's latest results show it continues to be a winner from disruption caused by the pandemic,' said Neil Saunders of the research firm GlobalData.

But Saunders said growth was slower than in recent quarters as rivals ramped up competition and that 'Amazon's share of wallet dropped back a little.'

Shares in iPhone maker Apple fell as the firm reported a one per cent rise in revenues to £50billion ($64.7 billion) and a seven per cent drop in profits to £9.8billion ($12.7billion).

This was slightly better than expectations but Apple did not offer any forecasts of sales for Christmas, leaving investors in the dark about how well the firm thinks its new iPhone 12 handset will sell.

Jeff Bezos, Amazon's chief executive and richest person in the world, said in a press release, 'We're seeing more customers than ever shopping early for their holiday gifts, which is just one of the signs that this is going to be an unprecedented holiday season.'

At the same time, logistics costs have been rising in recent months as Amazon worked to cut standard delivery times for Prime loyalty club customers – and the pandemic has only added to its challenges.


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93a236 No.132146

File: 1a7b9f472333912⋯.png (204.39 KB,566x470,283:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c076b1813b1932⋯.png (426.06 KB,598x650,23:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a843c880622d2c⋯.png (439.52 KB,561x470,561:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361921 (301749ZOCT20) Notable: France national security alert system has just been raised to the maximum level!

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Global Dark Winter Plan Initiated – France national security alert system has just been raised to the maximum level!

Looks like the globalists are firing off a global Jihad, starting in France!

BREAKING – France hit by terror wave on Prophet Mohamed’s birthday:

– beheadings in the church of Notre-Dame in #Nice

– stabbing attack on police officers in #Avignon

– knife attack on a security guard at the French embassy in Saudi Arabia

— Disclose.tv 🚨 (@disclosetv) October 29, 2020


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93a236 No.132147

File: 911f45a1b8d484e⋯.png (169.26 KB,921x445,921:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b2b446aacd0ba3⋯.png (71.87 KB,914x438,457:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361938 (301750ZOCT20) Notable: Key Steele Dossier Source Revealed As Alcoholic Disgruntled Russian PR Exec In Cyprus

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Key Steele Dossier Source Revealed As Alcoholic Disgruntled Russian PR Exec In Cyprus

Just days before the election, but certainly still dismissed from coverage by the very networks that for years peddled the hoax, the final nail has gone into the Steele dossier coffin.

Already widely debunked, including by no less than Special Counsel Robert Mueller who the Steele dossier advocates put all their hopes in only for their delusion to eventually be shattered, a key source for many of its claims has been revealed by The Wall Street Journal to be a disgruntled Russian PR executive living in Cyprus.

40-year old Olga Galkina "stood as the dossier’s most important contributor," WSJ reported, after she was tapped by her old school friend and Steele’s employee, Igor Danchenko, to dig up dirt of Trump's dealings in Russia using the "vast network of people" from her various jobs in and out of the public sector.

Described as a public-relations executive, she "fed notes" to Danchenko for the dossier, including many of its most central claims. And of course behind all of this was British spy Christopher Steele, himself paid by Fusion GPS, and behind this the DNC itself.

They knew each other since the 8th grade in Perm, as the WSJ details:

Mr. Danchenko told the FBI that a school friend, referred to in heavily redacted FBI notes as "Source 3," had provided him with information for Mr. Steele "across a wide range of topics," and stood as the dossier’s most important contributor. The former high-ranking U.S. national-security official told The Wall Street Journal that the source in question was Ms. Galkina.

It was Galkina who claimed Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen secretly contacted Russian intelligence in Prague to establish compensation for DNC hackers in the summer of 2016. Crucially she had fed Steele's team the name of her own Cyprus-based employer Webzilla as being behind the hack under company owner Aleksej Gubarev.

So the Steele Dossier that kicked off 4 years of Russiagate hysteria among the US ruling class was cooked up by two Russian alcoholics from Perm. “Gogolesque” does not begin to describe the grotesque credulity & stupidity of the American elites.https://t.co/LynUT8KLWx

— Mark Ames (@MarkAmesExiled) October 28, 2020

At the very time Galkina was feeding Danchenko the information she was locked in an ugly dispute with her employer (the parent company of Webzilla) which she was intent on taking down. A mere eight months after starting at Webzilla in Cyprus, the company was forced to contact Cypriot police over her erratic and even dangerous behavior, which included frequently showing up to work late and drunk while making threats.

The WSJ notes that its reporters have reviewed the police statement, which revealed further: "The manager told police that an acquaintance of Ms. Galkina had told him he would face deep trouble, including possible death, unless he paid €10,000 ($11,740) in compensation, according to the statement, which was confirmed by a Cypriot official and a person who attended its recording."


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93a236 No.132148

File: 5f84763e7cf8331⋯.png (440.16 KB,632x345,632:345,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361949 (301751ZOCT20) Notable: SEC Scraps Proposed Rule To Raise 13F Reporting Threshold

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SEC Scraps Proposed Rule To Raise 13F Reporting Threshold

The Securities and Exchange Commission looks like it is abandoning a rule that would have raised the Form 13F threshold for lare investors. The proposed change, which we first highlighted months ago, would have been a major blow for hedge fund transparency and would have reduced the amount of holdings that fund managers would have to disclose to the public.

Now, some within the SEC have been informed that the proposed rule change "is dead", according to Bloomberg.

As the proposed change got closer, even the two largest lobbying groups for hedge funds questioned whether or not the amount saved by hedge funds in compliance costs due to the new rule was worth it. The SEC's decision was further swayed by an onslaught of public comments from hedge funds.

James Angel, a finance professor at Georgetown University, said: “This shows the value of the public comment process. More people should monitor what our regulators are proposing and submit comments. The SEC is a political agency, and they do pay attention to public opinion.” The SEC responded: “It remains clear that the current threshold is outdated. The comments received illustrate that the form is being used in ways that were not originally anticipated when the form was adopted. We are focused on examining these important issues before we move forward with determining the appropriate threshold.”

All told, the SEC received 2,238 letters opposing the rule change and 24 letters in favor of it. Despite 90% of fund managers no longer having to file 13F's, more than 90% of U.S. stock holdings would still need to be publicly disclosed due to funds with $3.5 billion in equities owning a majority of stocks.

Recall, back in July of this summer, we first noted that the SEC was proposing the change when, in a press release they wrote that they were considering amending Form 13F to update a reporting threshold for institutional investors to a new standard that would all but eliminate the point of the filings to begin with. Form 13F was put into place in 1978 to give transparency about larger institutions and their holdings. The threshold has not been changed for the last 40 years, which prompted Jay Clayon's SEC to attempt to raise the reporting threshold to $3.5 billion.

SEC Chairman Jay Clayton said at the time that the change was to reduce the burden on smaller managers while keeping the same oversight on large positions from the biggest institutional managers.

“Monitoring equity holdings of large institutional investment managers is an important part of our regulation and oversight of the securities markets. Today’s proposal will update, for the first time in over 40 years, the 13F reporting threshold to a level that furthers the statutory goal of enabling the SEC to monitor holdings of larger investment managers while reducing unnecessary burdens on smaller managers,” Clayton said over the summer.

Back then, the agency had estimated that $68 million to $136 million in compliance costs could be saved by smaller managers: "The proposal estimates that, for smaller managers that would no longer file reports on Form 13F under the proposed threshold, these direct compliance costs could range from $15,000 to $30,000 annually per manager, depending on certain factors, resulting in direct compliance cost savings for these managers per year ranging from $68.1 million to $136 million."

The SEC justifies the move by citing the growth in public equities since 1975. "In 1978, when Form 13F was adopted, the threshold for filing the form was set at $100 million, the amount in the underlying statute and representing a certain proportionate market value of U.S. equities," it said.

It continued: "Since then, the overall value of U.S. public corporate equities has grown over 30 times (from $1.1 trillion to $35.6 trillion), and the relative significance of managing $100 million has declined considerably. The Commission and staff have received recommendations to revisit the Form 13F reporting threshold from a variety of sources over the years, including from the Commission’s Office of the Inspector General."

The SEC also admitted at the time that the new rules would retain 90% of the dollar value that is currently being reported: "Today’s proposal would raise the reporting threshold to $3.5 billion, reflecting proportionally the same market value of U.S. equities that $100 million represented in 1975, the time of the statutory directive."


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93a236 No.132149

File: 24ad8456ce97cb1⋯.png (253.46 KB,235x1183,235:1183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361966 (301753ZOCT20) Notable: How will you be remembered?

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Twat Thread:How will you be remembered?

We are now 5 days out from the most important election in the history of our country. I want to share a few quotes from previous Q drops that we have been given, in hopes of firing you up even more than you already are.

First off, we were told that “History will judge you well” in drop 2237. This is pretty self explanatory, Q is telling us that we will go down in history as the “saviors of mankind”. This quote alone should be all that you need to hear today to fire you up, but let’s keep going.

That last quote leads right into my next - “History is being made. You are the saviors of mankind. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.” which is from drop #2442. Again, pretty powerful message, am I wrong?

Our movement will go down in history as the greatest and most important movement to have ever existed. Take a minute to reread that and think about it. How does that make you feel? It should make you feel pretty damn powerful and important! Am I right? Let’s continue.

“Let these coming days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture the republic from those evil bad actors who for so long have sacrificed the good people of this land for their own personal gain. Fight the good fight. LET JUSTICE BE SERVED.”

That quote was taken from drop #37, and every time I read it, I get chills. When this is all said and done, will you be remembered as someone who fought this information war day in and day out? Did you put your personal life on hold for hours a day, for years straight…

in an effort to make the world not only a better place for yourself, but for future generations to come? Or did you sit on the sidelines and watch your fellow citizens put in all of the work? How will you be remembered?

This next and final quote comes from drop #521. “We are FIGHTING for LIFE. We are FIGHTING for GOOD. We are at WAR. Have FAITH - WE ARE IN CONTROL. YOU WERE CHOSEN FOR A REASON. YOU ARE BEING PROVIDED THE…


Again, pretty powerful message, right? I don’t know exactly what Q means by “you were chosen for a reason”. It could be something related to a higher power, it could just be in regards to the public being chosen to help the military with this plan…

Or it could be something other than those two possibilities, but what’s important is that if you are reading and following the drops, YOU were chosen. How have you reacted over the last 3 years to being chosen? Have you been a fighter?

Have you been a calm, collected, and accurately informative friend/family member amongst the ones you care most about? Have you made it your personal mission to help awaken the world around you?

Or have you been sitting on the sidelines, choosing to ignore this battle and the information we have been given to use as our ammo? At the end of the day, you know which of these two types of people you are, and you and only you must live with that.

So once again, how will you be remembered?

This fight is not over, we are still currently in what I believe to be the most important battle of this war, the 2020 election. To those who have been sitting on the sidelines - pull yourself up, get out there and make a difference.


To those who have been fighting since day 1 - you truly will be remembered as a soldier in the most powerful movement in history, and as a fighter in the most important war in the history of our country.



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93a236 No.132150

File: f11049c7a953293⋯.png (20.13 KB,579x302,579:302,Clipboard.png)

File: 6eb26149d5b2a7f⋯.png (82.34 KB,1014x588,169:98,Clipboard.png)

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File: 4115a1a8a709556⋯.png (211.33 KB,447x737,447:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361970 (301753ZOCT20) Notable: TWITTER BLOCKING THE HASH #SAVETHECHILDREN

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>Twat censoring hashtag SaveTheChidren

>pic related

>filtered by TOP results / filtered by LATEST results minutes ago



man spends millions to get a posting system, then blocks post results o.0

jack ur running out of words to filter, fyi.


at least u allowed WORKTOGETHER back.

SECTION [23]0 coming to a big tech near you. $_SQQN()


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93a236 No.132151

File: 7b6bb7ee7aa27fc⋯.png (790.45 KB,495x910,99:182,Clipboard.png)

File: f0570797117f99d⋯.png (552.83 KB,794x777,794:777,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c13a6b8a3c9ab1⋯.png (200.84 KB,806x857,806:857,Clipboard.png)

File: e7490c6149143ca⋯.png (155.54 KB,775x599,775:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361971 (301753ZOCT20) Notable: Instagram has temporarily removed its 'recent' search listings for US users in a bid to stop fake election news

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Instagram has temporarily removed its 'recent' search listings for US users in a bid to stop fake election news

Instagram has temporarily removed the 'Recent' tab on its hashtag pages for US users to prevent the spread of misinformation before the November 3 presidential election.

This means that when US users of the Facebook-owned photo-sharing platform search for a hashtag, they no longer have the option to view 'recent' results.

Instagram's 'Recent' tab arranges hashtags in chronological order and amplifies the most recent posts regardless of their content.

This automated amplification can lead to the rapid spread of misinformation on the platform when users search #uselection in the next few days.

However, Instagram has removed the Recent tab for US users regardless of what hashtag they search for.

'As we near the US elections, we’re making changes to make it harder for people to come across possible misinformation on Instagram,' the Instagram Comms Twitter account said late on Thursday.

'Starting today, for people in the US we will temporarily remove the 'Recent' tab from hashtag pages.

'We’re doing this to reduce the real-time spread of potentially harmful content that could pop up around the election.'

The decision comes after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg warned of the potential for 'civil unrest' on election day.

'I'm worried that with our nation so divided and election results potentially taking days or weeks to be finalised there is a risk of civil unrest,' said Zuckerberg during a call discussing Facebook’s third-quarter earnings.

'Given this, companies like ours need to go well beyond what we've done before.'

Facebook has banned all new political advertisements in the week before the election and also plans to stop running political ads indefinitely in the US once the polls close.


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93a236 No.132152

File: a5f52befbdb780a⋯.png (1.93 MB,1286x13031,1286:13031,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361987 (301755ZOCT20) Notable: Fauci's Treacherous Ties to China and Globalists

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Fauci's Treacherous Ties to China and Globalists

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, this year rose to national prominence as the leader of the White House Coronavirus Task Force. By the time everything is said and done, he may end up wishing he’d gained less public exposure.

In the October 19, 2020, report “Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery,” Dr. Peter Breggin reveals Fauci’s “chilling ties” to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its military.

A second, legal, report by Breggin titled “COVID-19 & Public Health Totalitarianism: Untoward Effects on Individuals, Institutions and Society,” was filed in a federal court in Ohio, August 31, 2020, as part of a lawsuit and injunction to put an end to the state’s pandemic measures.

According to Breggin, Fauci “has been the major force” behind research activities that enabled the CCP to manufacture lethal SARS coronaviruses, which in turn led to the release — whether accidental or not — of SARS-CoV-2 from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in Wuhan, China.

Breggin claims Fauci has helped the CCP obtain “valuable U.S. patents,” and that he, in collaboration with the CCP and the World Health Organization, initially suppressed the truth about the origins and dangers of the pandemic, thereby enabling the spread of the virus from China to the rest of the world.

Fauci has, and continues to, shield the CCP and himself, Breggin says, by “denying the origin of SARS-CoV-2” and “delaying and thwarting worldwide attempts to deal rationally with the pandemic.”

In the executive summary of the report, Breggin documents 15 questionable activities that Fauci has been engaged in, starting with the fact that he funded dangerous gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses, both by individual Chinese researchers and the WIV in collaboration with American researchers. This research, Breggin says, allowed the CCP and its military to create their own bioweapons, including SARS-CoV-2.

He points out that the American-Chinese collaboration was initially detailed in a paper written by two Chinese researchers, Botao Xiao (trained at Northwestern University and Harvard Medical School) and Lei Xiao back in February 2020. According to Breggin, the CCP forced them to recant and the paper was withdrawn.

“The stated purpose [of gain-of-function research] is to learn to prevent and treat future outbreaks; but research labs are the most common source of outbreaks from dangerous pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, as well as two earlier accidental escapes by SARS viruses in 2004 from a research facility in Beijing,” Breggin writes.

As previously reported by Newsweek, the NIAID-funded gain-of-function research into bat coronaviruses was conducted in two parts. The first, which began in 2014 and ended in 2019, focused on “understanding the risk of bat coronavirus emergence.” Initial findings were published in Nature Medicine in 2015.

The program, which had a budget of $3.7 million, was led by Wuhan virologist Shi Zheng-Li and sought to catalogue wild bat coronaviruses. It also involved U.S. scientists such as Ralph Barric from the University of North Carolina and Charles Lieber from Harvard.

The second phase that began in 2019 included additional surveillance of coronaviruses along with gain-of-function research to investigate how bat coronaviruses might mutate to affect humans. This second phase was run by the EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit research group led by Peter Daszak, an expert on disease ecology. According to Newsweek, the project proposal explained the research to be conducted as follows:

“’We will use S protein sequence data, infectious clone technology, in vitro and in vivo infection experiments and analysis of receptor binding to test the hypothesis that % divergence thresholds in S protein sequences predict spillover potential.’

In layman's terms, ‘spillover potential’ refers to the ability of a virus to jump from animals to humans, which requires that the virus be able to attach to receptors in the cells of humans. SARS-CoV-2, for instance, is adept at binding to the ACE2 receptor in human lungs and other organs.

According to Richard Ebright, an infectious disease expert at Rutgers University, the project description refers to experiments that would enhance the ability of bat coronavirus to infect human cells and laboratory animals using techniques of genetic engineering. In the wake of the pandemic, that is a noteworthy detail.”

more https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/10/30/dr-anthony-fauci-coronavirus-chinese-communist-party.aspx

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93a236 No.132153

File: c3fa84d3da9b692⋯.png (72.64 KB,763x885,763:885,Clipboard.png)

File: 8605244dfeb5c81⋯.png (62.77 KB,756x867,252:289,Clipboard.png)

File: d42bd1ea928254e⋯.png (65.95 KB,753x904,753:904,Clipboard.png)

File: ca5c9b3505b25a3⋯.png (62.39 KB,740x878,370:439,Clipboard.png)

File: ebcc94944b2fdb1⋯.png (50.88 KB,774x767,774:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361995 (301755ZOCT20) Notable: The Bank of England has pumped up the housing market again

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The Bank of England has pumped up the housing market again

Overnight there has been quite a shift in economic sentiment. To some extent I am referring to the falls in equity markets although the real issue is the new lockdown in France and increased restrictions in Germany. As we have been noting they were obviously on their way and the Euro area now looks set to see its economy contract again this quarter. It will be interesting to see how and if the ECB responds to this in today’s meeting and these feeds also into the Bank of England. The UK has tightened restrictions especially in Northern Ireland and Wales as we now wonder what more the central banks can do in response to this?

Still even in this economic storm there is something to make a central banker smile.

LONDON (Reuters) – Lloyds Banking Group LLOY.L posted forecast-beating third quarter profit on Thursday, lowering its provisions for expected bad loans due to the pandemic and cashing in on a boom in demand for mortgages.

Britain’s biggest domestic lender reported pre-tax profits of 1 billion pounds for the July-September period, compared to the 588 million pounds average of analysts’ forecasts.

Few things cheer a central banker more than an improvement in prospects for The Precious! But we can see that there is also for them a cherry on top of the icing.

The bank booked new mortgage lending of 3.5 billion pounds over the quarter, after receiving the biggest surge in quarterly applications since 2008.

That links into the theme of monetary easing which of course is claimed to help businesses but if you believe the official protestations somehow inexplicably ends up in the housing market every time. So let us look at the latest monetary data which has just been released. Oh and one point before I move on, what use are analysts who keep getting things so wrong?


Whoever was responsible for the Bank of England morning meeting today must have run there with a smile on their face and gone through the whole release word by word.

The mortgage market strengthened a little further in September. On net, households borrowed an additional £4.8 billion secured on their homes, following borrowing of £3.0 billion in August. This pickup in borrowing follows high levels of mortgage approvals for house purchase seen over recent months. Mortgage borrowing troughed at £0.2 billion in April, but has since recovered reaching levels slightly higher than the average of £4.0 billion in the six months to February 2020. The increase on the month reflected higher gross borrowing of £20.5 billion, although this remains below the February level of £23.4 billion.


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93a236 No.132154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362013 (301757ZOCT20) Notable: Israel Prepares for War on Multiple Fronts

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Israel Prepares for War on Multiple Fronts

IDF wraps up massive military exercise that simulated war in Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, and other countries

On Thursday, Israel’s military completed a massive military exercise known as Lethal Arrow. The drill began on Sunday and simulated war on multiple fronts, in Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, and countries far from Israel’s borders.

An IDF spokesperson said the drill simulated a war against Hezbollah in Lebanon to the north and battle with other groups in Syria, Gaza, and “in countries that don’t border” Israel. The drill involved ground forces, fighter jets, and Israel’s Navy.

“We are preparing for a significant attack from the north and at the same time we can’t be surprised by attacks from the east from various ranges,” a senior IDF official said. “We are at war with an enemy with an arsenal of thousands of rockets and we are taking into account that there would be attacks from the east as well.”

Tensions have been high between Israel and Hezbollah since an Israeli airstrike in Syria killed a member of the Shia group. Israel regularly bombs Syria, although they rarely admit it. Israeli officials usually make vague statements about the strikes, and Israeli media paint whatever targets get hit as “Iranian.”

In August, Israel carried out airstrikes on Hezbollah observation posts inside Lebanon near the border after reports of shots being fired towards Israeli troops. Israel also frequently bombs Gaza in response to rocket fire or incendiary kites being sent from the besieged enclave.


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93a236 No.132155

File: 93e78a98405c031⋯.png (470.38 KB,616x521,616:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 283f1439e84d589⋯.mp4 (925.75 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362044 (301801ZOCT20) Notable: HAPPENING NOW—Waterford Township, in MICHIGAN!#Election2020

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HAPPENING NOW—Waterford Township, in MICHIGAN!#Election2020


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93a236 No.132156

File: fb4389faf2dcbac⋯.png (53.61 KB,765x343,765:343,Clipboard.png)

File: 21b0d9eef0610ef⋯.png (807.96 KB,720x894,120:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d53fdbb03709f7⋯.png (47.03 KB,680x758,340:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362050 (301802ZOCT20) Notable: FBI To The Rescue: Feds Arrest Members Of Suspected Fed-Run Honeypot 'The Base' Just Days Before Election

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FBI To The Rescue: Feds Arrest Members Of Suspected Fed-Run Honeypot 'The Base' Just Days Before Election

A neighbor told The Detroit News that one of the suspects is "a tool" and "he doesn't even have a car"

Christoper Wray's FBI on Thursday staged the dramatic arrest of two alleged "white supremacists" that were part of the suspected honeypot group "The Base" that was run by an intelligence contractor and suspected federal agent.

Reading through the lines, it appears the FBI could have arrested these two months ago but Wray sat on it just like with the Michigan militia (which was also filled with federal agents and informants) so it could have maximum electoral impact and push the media's hoax "white supremacy" narrative.

Fortunately, people these days are wising up to how this scam is run.

This is the top comment on YouTube:


From CBS:

The FBI and Michigan state police have arrested a self-proclaimed leader of the white supremacy group The Base and an alleged associate, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said on Thursday. The suspects are linked to a December 2019 incident in which The Base allegedly targeted a Michigan family's home, mistakenly believing it belonged to a podcaster critical of the neo-Nazi movement.

Justen Watkins, 25, the man who allegedly claimed to be leader of the group, and Alfred Gorman, 35, both of Michigan, have been charged with felony counts of gang membership, unlawful posting of a message and using computers to commit a crime. If convicted, they could face more than 25 years in prison.

According to prosecutors, a man and a woman witnessed two men in dark clothing shining a light and taking pictures on the front porch of the family's home in Dexter, Michigan. The photos were then allegedly uploaded to The Base's channel on the secret chat app Telegram, and misidentified the house as belonging to the podcaster, who Nessel's office said had never lived in the home.

Nessel said the suspects intended to intimidate the podcaster and the posting of the message was "intended to cause conduct that would make the residents feel terrorized and emotionally distressed."

"Using tactics of intimidation to incite fear and violence constitutes criminal behavior," Nessel said in a statement. "We cannot allow dangerous activities to reach their goal of inflicting violence and harm on the public."

Prosecutors also said Watkins ran a "hate camp" for members of The Base. Prosecutors said he allegedly led tactical and firearms training for participants.

A neighbor told The Detroit News that Watkins is "a tool" and "he doesn't even have a car."

Incidentally, the supposed "leader" of the Michigan militia group was a homeless guy who was living in his friend's basement.


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93a236 No.132157

File: c538c6739c08d81⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362051 (301802ZOCT20) Notable: National Guard arrives in Philadelphia amid riots over police of Black man

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National Guard arrives in Philadelphia amid riots over police of Black man


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93a236 No.132158

File: f901a376da17c51⋯.png (163.33 KB,794x421,794:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 2248dfd31e88abb⋯.png (42.32 KB,819x326,819:326,Clipboard.png)

File: bfd551d65240ab8⋯.png (92.69 KB,825x797,825:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362079 (301805ZOCT20) Notable: NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes

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NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes

An email Hunter Biden received in April 2015 from a Burisma executive discussing an introduction to then-Vice President Joe Biden, which lies at the heart of a New York Post investigation, is unquestionably authentic, a cybersecurity expert told the Daily Caller News Foundation on Thursday.

The DCNF obtained a full copy of Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday. The DCNF provided Robert Graham, the founder of the cybersecurity firm Errata Security, with a copy of the email and its metadata for forensic analysis.

Graham, who has been cited as a cybersecurity expert in The Washington Post, the Associated Press, Wired, Engadget and other news and technology outlets, told the DCNF that he used a cryptographic signature found in the email’s metadata to validate that Vadym Pozharsky, an advisor to Burisma’s board of directors, emailed Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015.

In the email, Pozharsky thanked Hunter Biden for “inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together.”

The New York Post first reported the email in October, describing it as a “smoking-gun” showing that Hunter Biden had introduced his father to the Burisma executive in 2015.

The email was sent less than a year before Joe Biden pressured former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire a prosecutor who was reportedly investigating the gas company in return for a $1 billion loan guarantee.

Graham previously told the DCNF that emails sent from Gmail, such as Pozharski’s message to Hunter Biden, can be “absolutely verified beyond a shadow of a doubt” by testing its contents against the unique DKIM signature found in its metadata.


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93a236 No.132159

File: 66e893a34940f04⋯.jpeg (263.01 KB,1241x1466,1241:1466,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: aed359d7c222976⋯.jpeg (365.99 KB,1241x1450,1241:1450,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: baa0614241e1e71⋯.jpeg (263.78 KB,1241x1455,1241:1455,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362082 (301805ZOCT20) Notable: The group that installed that 405 freeway TRUMP sign has come forward with a pro-Trump campaign video and IT IS Fire

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Wow. The group that installed that 405 freeway TRUMP sign has come forward with a pro-Trump campaign video and IT IS Fire. Could @realDonaldTrump flip California?

Someone post video please, this absolutely rocks and those guys are patriots!


11:51 AM · Oct 30, 2020·Twitter Web App

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93a236 No.132160

File: ca3de41e97738fa⋯.jpeg (16.57 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362088 (301805ZOCT20) Notable: NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes

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The email from a Ukrainian oil exec thanking Hunter Biden for introducing him to Joe Biden has been cryptographically verified. It's 100% real. This means Joe Biden lied and was engaged in pay-for-play, laundering bribe money through his son Hunter.

Here is the text of the email and the DKIM signature:

Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent some time together. It's realty an honor and pleasure.

As we spoke yesterday evening, would be great to meet today for a quick coffee. What do you think? I could come to you office somewhere around noon or so, before or on my way to airport.

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;

d=gmail.com; s=20120113;










Here is gmail.com's public domain key from that time: https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/hunter-dkim/blob/main/20120113._domainkey.gmail.com.-TXT.txt

Here is the proof that the DKIM in the email was signed by gmail's public domain key: https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/hunter-dkim/blob/main/verify.py

What does this mean?

It means an email of exactly the text above (it cannot be altered) was sent by Pozharskyi to Hunter Biden on Friday the 17th of April , 2015.

We need to get the other emails on that laptop so we can verify their validity, but this one was real.

It appears that Hunter introduced Joe to energy executives in the Ukraine while being paid by these executives when Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States.

That's called pay-for-play. It's corrupt.

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93a236 No.132161

File: 8a949127b5dbe45⋯.png (327.49 KB,655x709,655:709,Clipboard.png)

File: 4be5b5426d5497a⋯.png (346 KB,651x709,651:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362096 (301806ZOCT20) Notable: Democrats in Congress Demand More Big Tech Censorship, Not Less

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Democrats in Congress Demand More Big Tech Censorship, Not Less

As most on the Senate Commerce Committee too the CEOs of Twitter and Facebook to task on censorship, some Senators went on record as saying they don’t censor speech enough

The hearings on social media censorship earlier this week saw Republican Senators, and some Democrat Senators, taking issue with Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg over their organizations’ propensity to employ politically biased censorship. But some on the committee believe they don’t go far enough.

While Republican Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX, and Ron Johnson (R-WI), took Dorsey and Zuckerberg to task, Democrats on the committee praised the Silicon Valley billionaires for silencing “hate speech” in America. And at least three made it quite clear they expected more of it.

Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), said social media and big tech companies need to take more action, not less, suggesting that all articles questioning universal masking be removed completely from the internet. She exampled a tweet by the President citing data that proves

99 percent of people recover from COVID. She was outraged that he hadn’t been censored.


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93a236 No.132162

File: 91cd719cf99b6a9⋯.png (70.18 KB,853x389,853:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362112 (301808ZOCT20) Notable: FIVE PER DAY: Trump Rally Schedule Announced for Final Days of Campaign

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FIVE PER DAY: Trump Rally Schedule Announced for Final Days of Campaign

The Trump campaign announced the schedule for President Trump for the last three days of the campaign that features five rallies per day in closely polling states on Sunday and Monday and four events in Pennsylvania on Saturday including three rallies.

Following Saturday’s barnstorming of Pennsylvania, Trump will hold three rallies in Michigan over Sunday and Monday, rallies in North Carolina Sunday and Monday, Sunday rallies in Iowa, Georgia and Florida, and Monday rallies in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Trump is holding rallies in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota Friday. The Fayetteville, North Carolina rally that was scheduled for Thursday was postponed to Monday due to weather conditions.

Trump was hospitalized at the begininng of October with the COVID-19 China coronavirus but has bounce back so strongly he jokes on stage that he feels like Superman.


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93a236 No.132163

File: a27534f70fe9b69⋯.png (354.62 KB,599x501,599:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362116 (301809ZOCT20) Notable: Massive protests in Warsaw

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So much for Poland being based. It appears Moloch has complete control of this country.


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93a236 No.132164

File: 45bc3d520aa99e4⋯.png (115.09 KB,860x473,20:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362117 (301809ZOCT20) Notable: .

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GTMO845 US Navy Beech Huron appears over Nassau, Bahamas heading to NAS Jax

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93a236 No.132165

File: af322bad27980ba⋯.png (1.45 MB,1082x1134,541:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362131 (301810ZOCT20) Notable: Authorities have uncovered an attempt to register dozens of dead people as Democrat voters

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Confident winners don't need to cheat.

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93a236 No.132166

File: d37bcb967ae8828⋯.png (1.52 MB,1033x516,1033:516,Clipboard.png)

File: 2df1f0afdfbcaea⋯.png (48.87 KB,783x662,783:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362149 (301811ZOCT20) Notable: Authorities have uncovered an attempt to register dozens of dead people as Democrat voters

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Fraudster attempts to register dozens of dead Democrats as voters in Broward

Authorities have uncovered an attempt to register dozens of dead people as Democratic voters in Broward County. Though officials said no mail-in ballots were requested or cast under the falsified voter IDs, the scheme exposes weaknesses in Florida’s voter registration process, which relies partially on the honor system. An unknown person in Columbia, S.C., submitted at least 54 new voter applications in July in the same neat handwriting to the Broward elections office, several in each of 19 envelopes. Many of the voters were elderly, and had recently died in the Northeast. Almost all of them were flagged by Broward elections office staff as suspicious, and turned over to the Broward State Attorney’s Office. Prosecutors have been watching since August, in a sting operation to catch the culprit, internal correspondence shows. “We cannot comment on an ongoing, active criminal investigation,” State Attorney’s Office Spokeswoman Paula McMahon said.

At least three of the applications evaded detection, and were indeed added to the Broward voter rolls in July. Two of the people had died in June, the Sun Sentinel found. Broward Elections Supervisor Pete Antonacci revealed the fraud when the Sun Sentinel inquired this week about three mysterious voter ID cards sent to a Davie man’s home. He concluded they were part of the larger scam. All the voter ID cards were sent to strangers' homes in the same Davie neighborhood. “This is an organized effort by someone who knew a little bit about Florida law but not a lot, and had a scheme to either undermine the Florida registration system with fake voters, or intended to vote 50 times," Antonacci said. Registering dead or fraudulent voters is illegal, but not difficult, the scheme shows. Each application was blank where driver license and social security numbers were to be filled in. Actual voting under the false registrations would be much harder. All the applications were submitted as new registrations on Broward’s voter rolls, so the voter would have to show identification before voting, or when mailing in a ballot, Antonacci said. The voters would be classified as a “MARG,” or “Mail Registrant” who did not submit the required identification. “It would have been another layer of fraudulent activity in order for them to vote,” Broward elections spokesman Steven Vancore said. “They did not vote.” Pete Fisher, a registered Republican who lives in Davie, said he received three voter ID cards in the mail about a week ago, and he did a little Internet research. “Sure enough," Fisher said, "they were all dead.” One of them was a 104-year-old woman who died in Naples in June. Her son was aghast that her identity had been stolen. He said he’d notified officials in July to remove her from voter rolls. She had no ties to Broward County. Antonacci said there is a lag time when a voter dies, before elections officials are notified. The scammer appeared to take advantage of it.

“This is one of the weaknesses,” Antonacci said. “The system is based on the honor system, and the honor system is supposedly bolstered by the fact that if you lie on one of these applications, it’s a crime,” he said, adding that he knows of no such prosecutions. "With determination, you can muscle your way in.” Another ID sent to Fisher was that of a 77-year-old Newtown, Conn., woman who died June 24, and was registered to vote in Broward one month later. The third was a 90-year-old man. It was unclear whether he, too, is dead. Fisher said, “I think I found something,” and alerted Richard DeNapoli, Republican state committeeman from Broward. DeNapoli contacted the Sun Sentinel. The Sun Sentinel then inquired about the fraud Wednesday. “We always try to remain vigilant about protecting the integrity of the vote," DeNapoli said. “It’s definitely concerning. It proves that there are bad actors out there, and I’m glad they were stopped.” Antonacci, a Republican appointee of Gov. Ron DeSantis, said he would forward the additional three fraudulent voting applications to the State Attorney’s Office. Prosecutors there asked Antonacci to go ahead and activate the 51 fraudulent voter IDs that he flagged to them in August, so they could watch for any ballot requests and trace the ballot to the fraudster, according to a letter from Assistant State Attorney Tim Donnelly.


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93a236 No.132167

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362157 (301812ZOCT20) Notable: Authorities have uncovered an attempt to register dozens of dead people as Democrat voters

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Fraudster attempts to register dozens of dead Democrats as voters in Broward

Authorities have uncovered an attempt to register dozens of dead people as Democratic voters in Broward County.

Though officials said no mail-in ballots were requested or cast under the falsified voter IDs, the scheme exposes weaknesses in Florida’s voter registration process, which relies partially on the honor system.

An unknown person in Columbia, S.C., submitted at least 54 new voter applications in July in the same neat handwriting to the Broward elections office, several in each of 19 envelopes. Many of the voters were elderly, and had recently died in the Northeast.

Almost all of them were flagged by Broward elections office staff as suspicious, and turned over to the Broward State Attorney’s Office. Prosecutors have been watching since August, in a sting operation to catch the culprit, internal correspondence shows.

Sauce: https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/politics/elections/fl-ne-voter-id-fraud-broward-florida-20201030-rfwqzhgfq5fypl4632dspgla7i-story.html

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93a236 No.132168

File: 796a6a9df453ee0⋯.png (61.75 KB,814x855,814:855,Clipboard.png)

File: 937d971ecd685bd⋯.png (987.26 KB,774x487,774:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dad20e2429bd1b⋯.png (227.83 KB,561x516,187:172,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cbdff03aead436⋯.png (224.19 KB,563x481,563:481,Clipboard.png)

File: 27baf78b68288d3⋯.png (227.65 KB,547x531,547:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362181 (301813ZOCT20) Notable: UK Police Chief: It’s a “Civic Duty” to Snitch on Neighbors Violating COVID Restrictions

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UK Police Chief: It’s a “Civic Duty” to Snitch on Neighbors Violating COVID Restrictions

A UK police chief has called it a “civic duty” to snitch on neighbors and businesses that violate COVID-19 restrictions while criticizing the culture that condemns such tattle tailing.

On Wednesday, Merseyside Chief Constable Andy Cooke condemned the ‘sneering culture’ against those who tip-off police when he told the Daily Mail that if Brits carry out their “civic duty” of snitching on those who refuse to follow the martial-law-esque social and economic restrictions imposed by government, they “will save lives.”

“People are doing a civic duty in contacting us for the right reasons,” Cooke said. “The vast majority of people across the country are really concerned about this. Any information that you can give us in relation to breaches will save lives, and that’s why people are doing it.”

Cooke’s words follow the decision of West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson to break up any Christmas celebration that violates government lockdown restrictions.

“If we think there’s large groups of people gathering where they shouldn’t be, then police will have to intervene. If, again, there’s flagrant breaking of the rules, then the police would have to enforce,” Jamieson said.

After adding that “it’s not the police’s job to stop people enjoying their Christmas,” the Crime Commissioner stated that this would not stop the police from following orders.

However, we are there to enforce the rules that the Government makes, and if the Government makes those rules then the Government has to explain that to the public.

Jamieson says he believes that public “frustration” with decisions to spoil Christmas celebrations could boil over into civil unrest.


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93a236 No.132169

File: b6b767d370ef79c⋯.png (151.3 KB,742x481,742:481,Clipboard.png)

File: 6200c667d86aafe⋯.png (495.64 KB,789x551,789:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362196 (301814ZOCT20) Notable: .

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AF2 USAF VIP C-32A departed Reno Int'l Airport to Flagstaff Pulliam Airport, AZ for campaign eventhttps://twitter.com/mike_pence

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93a236 No.132170

File: b25f510229d1792⋯.png (616.83 KB,554x371,554:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362198 (301814ZOCT20) Notable: US and Chinese Militaries Hold Talks Amid Heightened Tensions

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US and Chinese Militaries Hold Talks Amid Heightened Tensions

Beijing says US is not planning an attack on Chinese territory

With tensions between the US and China at their highest in decades, military chiefs from the two countries decided to hold talks on crisis communications. According to China’s defense ministry, the US and Chinese militaries held a video conference meeting on October 28th and 29th.

One issue China raised with the US were rumors of a US drone attack on Chinese-claimed islands in the South China Sea. The rumors of such an attack stemmed from a US military drill held in California in September. The exercise simulated an island attack, and US Airmen operating MQ-9 Reaper drones wore patches that depicted a drone and a skeleton over a red silhouette of China.

China said US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper dismissed the rumor that the US was planning an attack in the South China Sea. “US Defense Secretary Esper clarified the issue through the military diplomacy channel and said the reports were inconsistent with the facts,” Wu Qian, China’s defense ministry spokesman, said.

The US has significantly increased military activity in the South China Sea this year. Despite the increased military footprint, Wu said the US does not want to create a military crisis. “The US side does not have the intention to create a military crisis and is willing to build stable, constructive, results-oriented ties with the Chinese side,” Wu said.

Wu also called on the US to stop “stop military provocation against China” and said Beijing would respond to “anyone who dares to incite conflicts at sea.”

It’s not clear if Esper participated directly in the talks or if he spoke to China through other channels. A Pentagon statement on the talks said the dialogue allowed the opportunity to create principles to “prevent and manage crisis and reduce risk to forces.”

“The two sides agreed on the importance of establishing mechanisms for timely communication during a crisis, as well as the need to maintain regular communication channels to prevent crisis and conduct post-crisis assessment,” the Pentagon said.

The militaries are expected to meet again before the year is over to exchange views on humanitarian aid and maritime security.


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93a236 No.132171

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362254 (301819ZOCT20) Notable: Ukraine launches criminal case against Constitutional Court judges

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Ukraine launches criminal case against Constitutional Court judges

Verkhovna Rada member Yaroslav Yurchishin earlier revealed that he appealed to Prosecutor General Irina Venediktova asking her to launch a pre-trial probe against the judges on the article of forceful change or toppling of constitutional order

KIEV, October 30. /TASS/. A criminal case against the Constitutional Court judges was opened in Ukraine on the article of plot to forcefully topple constitutional order or seize state power, Verkhovna Rada (parliament) member Yaroslav Yurchishin inormed Friday.

"Proceedings were launched under my petition into possible collusion of the constitutional judges to seize power. It will help to remove judges complicit in the wrongdoing without destroying the institute of Constitutional Court to then later fill it with candidates through competition," he wrote on Facebook.

Earlier, the lawmaker revealed that he appealed to Prosecutor General Irina Venediktova asking her to launch a pre-trial probe against the judges on the article of forceful change or toppling of constitutional order. The article can entail a punishment of up to 10 years behind bars. Yurchishin made the appeal after the Constitutional Court ruled that a lot of provisions of the anti-corruption law ran counter to the constitution, in particular the requirement to publish digital declarations by officials and their inspection. On October 29, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told an urgent meeting of the National Security and Defense Council that Kiev would lose the West’s financial support due to this decision.

Zelensky later introduced a bill to the parliament to sack the judges and recognize their decision null and void.


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93a236 No.132172

File: 2e7d3041d0e41a1⋯.png (930.8 KB,1480x832,185:104,Clipboard.png)

File: 63546d34c549092⋯.png (108.09 KB,598x455,46:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362275 (301820ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter stock in free-fall

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93a236 No.132173

File: bc6b45b4a52976d⋯.png (491.68 KB,678x451,678:451,Clipboard.png)

File: 413c7a851de0a22⋯.png (408.39 KB,598x839,598:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362280 (301820ZOCT20) Notable: CNN’s Jake Tapper To The New York Post: Bow To Twitter Censorship And Delete Your Tweet

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CNN’s Jake Tapper To The New York Post: Bow To Twitter Censorship And Delete Your Tweet

CNN’s Jake Tapper urged the New York Post to delete their tweets containing links to their bombshell stories revealing potential corruption with the Biden family’s foreign business affairs on Friday. The Post’s account was locked by Twitter more than two weeks ago for reportedly violating Twitter guidelines, preventing the media outlet from sharing any new articles since then. Tapper reportedly spoke with a Twitter executive about the decision, but merely shrugged at Twitter’s excuse for the blatant censorship. “Since Twitter has locked out the NYPost for violating rules that no longer stand as rules (but Twitter won’t revisit past enforcement decisions) the NY Post COULD end this standoff by deleting the tweets that broke the rules (thus unlocking its account) then tweet them out again,” he wrote. “I asked a Twitter exec if this was possible, he said yes and it would end the whole thing. Probably take 15 seconds,” Tapper continued. While Tapper acknowledged that Twitter’s refusal to revisit past decisions also means that they have the power to end the standoff, he pinned the burden of change on the Post, chalking up Twitter’s refusal to budge on company policy instead of pushing the Big Tech company about the censorship further. “And yes twitter could end this immediately as well given that these rules are no longer rules. I’m just suggesting a possible way to end this,” he added, including a gif of a woman in a hoodie and sunglasses flashing two peace signs.

Tapper’s comments signal a larger pattern in mainstream media about willingness to investigate and criticize the Biden family. While there is plenty of evidence to at least warrant a journalistic investigation of the situation, Tapper’s employer, CNN, and other outlets have failed to cover it. Not only did they largely ignore the New York Post’s series of bombshell stories, giving them only 15 minutes of airtime combined, but they also failed to recognize the censorship of the article and accounts such as the Post, the Trump campaign, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, and others who shared it. Even when Tony Bobulinski, Hunter’s former business partner, came forward confirming the emails in the Post’s story, many legacy media outlets shrugged him off. In addition to simply ignoring the FBI’s investigation of the laptop mentioned in the Post story and how it is potentially connected to a money-laundering scheme, forensic evidence confirming the emails are real, a whistleblower confirming the emails, and a Senate investigation into the Biden family showing that Hunter Biden took $3.5 million from an ex-Moscow mayor’s wife, the media continue to push the disproven narrative that the story is “Russian disinformation.” “We have shared no intelligence with Chairman Schiff, or any other member of Congress that Hunter Biden’s laptop is part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” DNI Director John Ratcliffe said on Fox Business. “It’s simply not true.”



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93a236 No.132174

File: da058539ac35417⋯.png (86.92 KB,743x476,743:476,Clipboard.png)

File: 82e70b34c39fac7⋯.jpg (158.98 KB,1001x748,91:68,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362340 (301825ZOCT20) Notable: .

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ATTACK and A10C9177 BRRRRRRRRT at and heading to the Goldwater Range

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93a236 No.132175

File: 8a9153d7809ba84⋯.png (48.13 KB,590x466,295:233,Clipboard.png)

File: d2fae3bde6a8ba3⋯.png (61.45 KB,593x516,593:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362342 (301825ZOCT20) Notable: Kyle Rittenhouse Hearing

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Kyle Rittenhouse Hearing



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93a236 No.132176

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362386 (301829ZOCT20) Notable: #14511

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Notables @650

(last and baking soon)

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>132172 Twitter stock in free-fall

>>132175 Kyle Rittenhouse Hearing

>>132173 CNN’s Jake Tapper To The New York Post: Bow To Twitter Censorship And Delete Your Tweet

>>132171 Ukraine launches criminal case against Constitutional Court judges

>>132170 US and Chinese Militaries Hold Talks Amid Heightened Tensions

>>132168 UK Police Chief: It’s a “Civic Duty” to Snitch on Neighbors Violating COVID Restrictions

>>132165, >>132166, >>132167 Authorities have uncovered an attempt to register dozens of dead people as Democrat voters

>>132163 Massive protests in Warsaw

>>132162 FIVE PER DAY: Trump Rally Schedule Announced for Final Days of Campaign

>>132161 Democrats in Congress Demand More Big Tech Censorship, Not Less

>>132159 The group that installed that 405 freeway TRUMP sign has come forward with a pro-Trump campaign video and IT IS Fire

>>132158, >>132160 NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes

>>132157 National Guard arrives in Philadelphia amid riots over police of Black man

>>132156 FBI To The Rescue: Feds Arrest Members Of Suspected Fed-Run Honeypot 'The Base' Just Days Before Election

>>132155 HAPPENING NOW—Waterford Township, in MICHIGAN!#Election2020

>>132154 Israel Prepares for War on Multiple Fronts

>>132153 The Bank of England has pumped up the housing market again

>>132152 Fauci's Treacherous Ties to China and Globalists

>>132151 Instagram has temporarily removed its 'recent' search listings for US users in a bid to stop fake election news


>>132149 How will you be remembered?

>>132148 SEC Scraps Proposed Rule To Raise 13F Reporting Threshold

>>132147 Key Steele Dossier Source Revealed As Alcoholic Disgruntled Russian PR Exec In Cyprus

>>132146 France national security alert system has just been raised to the maximum level!

>>132145 'Big four' tech titans Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple see profits climb by £29billion and post record £177billion sales as they cash in during Covid pandemic

>>132144 President Trump meets with Army unit that conducted Al-Baghdadi raid


>>132142 U.S. Air Force launches $7million Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile 4,200 miles across the Pacific to remote Marshall Islands in test 'not related to current world events'

>>132141 Live Rally

>>132139 Everything they accuse Trump of doing, they do it in the article - FAKE NEWS

>>132140 COVID Vaccine Trials: Rigged Benchmarks and Horrible Side Effects

>>132138 Sculpture of Donald Trump Having Sex With Miss Universe Displayed in London Gallery

>>132136 France Dissolves Islamist Group, Founder Requests Political Asylum in Erdogan’s Turkey

>>132135 Florida police say 2 men fished mail out of a drop box, stole ballots

>>132134 Mexican Government ‘Profoundly Upset’ After DEA Arrests Fmr. Secretary of Defense

>>132133 As Facebook Censorship Peaks—A Better Alternative Treats You as a Customer, Not the Product

>>132132 Rudy Giuliani on Hunter Biden Controversy

>>132131 Federal appeals court nixes Minnesota Democratic secretary of state's plan to extend the mail-in ballot deadline — for now

>>132130 Facebook Adds Bogus ‘Fact Check’ to Grenell Post About Biden Tax Plan

>>132129 Did Sleepy just have a stroke?

>>132128 U.S. Economic Strength Weathers All Storms (whitehouse.gov)

>>132127 Cartel-Linked Mexican Governor Calls on Immigrants in U.S. to Vote for Biden

>>132126 25th Infantry Division tweet

>>132125 DJT: On my way to MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, and MINNESOTA!

>>132137. >>132164, >>132169, >>132174 pf

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93a236 No.132177

File: a80fbc56128cb90⋯.png (212.42 KB,562x417,562:417,Clipboard.png)

File: 77aff43813101b8⋯.png (89.67 KB,768x829,768:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362484 (301837ZOCT20) Notable: Democratic congressman tells ex-Hunter Biden associate Bobulinski he’d defend him over ‘partisan hack’ claim

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Democratic congressman tells ex-Hunter Biden associate Bobulinski he’d defend him over ‘partisan hack’ claim

Donor records show that Bobulinski has contributed money to Democrats – including Rep. Ro Khanna

Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna told Hunter Biden’s former business associate Tony Bobulinski in a new message that he would defend him against claims that he is a “partisan hack” in the wake of his claims about the Biden family's business ventures, according to an email obtained by Fox News.

Bobulinski who says he was once involved in a joint-business venture with Hunter Biden and Jim Biden has come forward with documents, including emails and text messages, claiming that he met twice with former Vice President Joe Biden. Those claims conflict with the Democratic nominee's statements that he has had no involvement with, or discussions about, his family’s overseas business ventures.

Critics have slammed Bobulinski for going public with the accusations and documents with some accusing him of being a partisan of trying to take down Biden but the businessman has maintained that the “American people should be demanding that this is investigated.”

Donor records show that Bobulinski has contributed money to Democrats – including multiple times to Khanna, a California lawmaker, since 2013.

Fox News obtained an email from Khanna on Friday Oct. 30, to Bobulinski, offering him well wishes and support – while saying he isn't commenting specifically on his claims. A spokeswoman for Khanna confirmed the email to Bobulinski from the congressman is authentic.

“Tony, hope you are doing okay. I did give an on the record statement to The NY Times that I know you, you have always acted honorably with me, and you and other family members supported me,” Khanna wrote. “I have told any media outlets that have asked the same thing.”

Khanna wrote that he has “refused to comment on the details of your allegations because I don’t have personal knowledge about that, but have said I respect your service to our country and that you have never been a ‘partisan hack’ in our interactions and have talked about putting country over party.”

“I also have made it clear that I do not think you are a Russian agent,” Khanna wrote. “I will continue to make that statement to any media that asks.”


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93a236 No.132178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362495 (301838ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden & Burisma's Dealings w/ China–"Everyone Knew Joe Biden Was Making Money!"

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Hunter Biden & Burisma's Dealings w/ China–"Everyone Knew Joe Biden Was Making Money!"

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton interviewed former mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani on the latest news surrounding the Biden-Burisma corruption scandal.


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93a236 No.132179

File: 55e2733a4d36792⋯.png (593.77 KB,667x787,667:787,Clipboard.png)

File: b3991c0326d0df9⋯.png (615.38 KB,665x866,665:866,Clipboard.png)

File: 35ed731eb231979⋯.png (188.15 KB,672x855,224:285,Clipboard.png)

File: 26676ad861cc45b⋯.png (13.2 KB,611x210,611:210,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362522 (301841ZOCT20) Notable: Hundreds protest at Temple Mount against Macron, Muhammad cartoons; 3 arrested

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Hundreds protest at Temple Mount against Macron, Muhammad cartoons; 3 arrested

Police say suspects held for disorderly conduct; French president’s vow to protect the right to caricature the Prophet Muhammad continues to roil the Muslim world

Hundreds of people protested at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount on Friday against French President Emmanuel Macron’s vow to protect the right to caricature the Prophet Muhammad, with three arrested after scuffles with police.

The protestors chanted, “with our souls and with our blood we sacrifice for our prophet, Muhammad,” and what Israel Police described as “nationalist slogans.”

Protesters also called Macron “the enemy of God.”

Police said they dispersed the “rioters” and arrested three people for disorderly conduct.

Hundreds of Palestinians also reportedly participated in a march condemning Macron’s remarks in Jerusalem’s Kafr Aqab neighborhood and in the neighboring Qalandiya refugee camp.

Demonstrators wore headbands declaring insulting Muhammad to be a red line and waved flags emblazoned with the Islamic declaration of faith.


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93a236 No.132180

File: 06f0bf9def0ea75⋯.png (602.16 KB,698x610,349:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362528 (301842ZOCT20) Notable: Election Violence Fears Rise: California Prepares For Civil Unrest; Walmart Pulls Guns From Stores

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Election Violence Fears Rise: California Prepares For Civil Unrest; Walmart Pulls Guns From Stores

California State, Walmart, and Facebook are bracing for potential civil unrest on Election Day

The retail giant pulled out all guns and ammunition for the floors of its stores

The move comes as multiple voters reportedly experienced voter suppression tactics

California Governor Gavin Newson said Thursday that they are preparing for possible civil unrest on Election Day amid the rising tensions due to the coronavirus pandemic, voter suppression, and an emotional presidential race.

The governor did not elaborate on what actions they may take to brace for potential protests following the release of election results. However, he said the state is prepared to address different scenarios that may occur, Politico reported.

"As it relates to making sure people are safe, making sure not only the process of voting is a safe and healthy one, but keeping people safe after the election for whatever may occur, the answer is yes, we are always gaming out different scenarios and making sure that we are prepared," Newsom said.

The governor's statement comes as Walmart began removing guns and ammunition from the floor of its stores. The major retailer cited civil unrest incidents due to the racial tension across the country as the reason for the move.

Walmart took similar action in June after "Black Lives Matter" demonstrations turned violent in some cities, with many looting retail giants. While guns and ammunition would not be available on sales floors, they could still be purchased at the stores, Buzzfeed News reported.

"We have seen some isolated civil unrest, and as we have done on several occasions over the last few years, we have moved our firearms and ammunition off the sales floor as a precaution for the safety of our associates and customers," the statement read.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg also cited steps the social media platform has taken in response to the possibility of civil unrest. During a call discussing the company's earnings, he said they had implemented precautions, such as blocking ads that delegitimize the election results, providing Facebook users with information about the election, and banning content focused on the QAnon conspiracy theory, CNBC reported.

"This is not a shift in our underlying philosophy or strong support of free expression. Instead, it is a reflection of the increased risk of violence and unrest," Zuckerburg said.

The move comes after many voters, especially people of color, have reportedly experienced a wide range of tactics to suppress their votes.

On Oct. 21, voters in St. Petersburg, Florida, said two armed guards — a man and a woman — stood outside an early voting site. Local media reports claimed the Trump campaign hired them, but a spokesperson for the president denied any connections with the armed guards.


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93a236 No.132181

File: 46d489f35229c93⋯.png (471.04 KB,897x851,39:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 0563e62cbf1804b⋯.png (37.8 KB,919x265,919:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362570 (301845ZOCT20) Notable: Over 10,000 Robinhood Account Credentials Are Being Sold On The Dark Web, Bloomberg Discovers

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Over 10,000 Robinhood Account Credentials Are Being Sold On The Dark Web, Bloomberg Discovers

Robinhood's account security issues look like they have just gone from "bad" to "worse".

When reports about Robinhood hacks started making their rounds earlier this month, the company said it only affected a "limited number" of accounts. Now, it looks as though that may be far from the truth.

Upon investigation by Bloomberg, it was discovered that a marketplace on the dark web is selling alleged access to over 10,000 email login credentials for Robinhood accounts. The number of Robinhood e-mail accounts available for purchase outnumber other brokerages by a factor of "5 to 1", according to the report.

Eli Dominitz, chief executive officer of Q6 Cyber, an e-crime intelligence firm explained to Bloomberg why he thought Robinhood emails were so much more prominent: “If they feel that Robinhood gives them greater upside than trying to steal money from Bank of America, that’s what they’re going to do.”

In other words, hackers likely think that Robinhood's response is going to be lackluster.

Robinhood offered up the following excuse: “It is not uncommon for cyber-criminals to target customers of financial-services companies by attempting to use information sourced from the dark web.”

"This is a very common occurrence in corporations as large as ours. You have nothing to worry about."​​​​

Robinhood also said there were "no signs" that its systems had been breached. But, again, this appeared to be the same boilerplate response we saw earlier this month after many accounts were confirmed to have been breached.

While dark web data being sold isn't always accurate, it often is, Dominitz noted. One of the latest offers made on the marketplace for the tranche of 10,000 emails was for just $3.50 per email.

One Robinhood user, Ryan Bordner, hired an identity theft protection service after being hacked in mid-August. They told him that his information was "among those whose email credentials were sold on the dark web."

Recall, in mid-October we pointed out that 2,000 Robinhood accounts had been hacked, with some having funds siphoned off to external accounts.

Days prior to that report, we published a story about Robinhood users who had seen their accounts looted and were at their wits' end with the company's customer service. Many affected claimed they were unable to contact anyone at the company after logging into their accounts and seeing their funds withdrawn. Robinhood claimed it was only “a limited number” of accounts that had been affected.


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93a236 No.132182

File: 0ae29c79a5de8ca⋯.png (231.49 KB,1040x469,1040:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362574 (301846ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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AF2 USAF VIP C-32A on approach for Flagstaff, AZ campaign event with V.P. Pence

SAM045 USAF G5 departed Burbank Airport, CA after an overnight

DERMA80 US Navy E-6B Mercury es from Travis AFB, CA

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93a236 No.132183

File: 36ab0436f79fa03⋯.png (820.06 KB,631x419,631:419,Clipboard.png)

File: 16aecad3e43e11c⋯.png (122.68 KB,649x912,649:912,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b17167ce880a9f⋯.png (132.87 KB,649x851,649:851,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c4fa5d45285799⋯.png (127.75 KB,684x901,684:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a4fd6b0dd05bb6⋯.png (107.91 KB,675x898,675:898,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362598 (301849ZOCT20) Notable: Mountain Of Evidence Confirms Common Pesticide Hazardous To Children’s Health

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Mountain Of Evidence Confirms Common Pesticide Hazardous To Children’s Health

Chlorpyrifos insecticides were introduced by Dow Chemical in 1965 and have been used widely in agricultural settings. Commonly known as the active ingredient in the brand names Dursban and Lorsban, chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate insecticide, acaricide and miticide used primarily to control foliage and soil-borne insect pests on a variety of food and feed crops. Products come in liquid form as well as granules, powders and water-soluble packets, and may be applied by either ground or aerial equipment.

Chlorpyrifos is used on a wide variety of crops including apples, oranges, strawberries, corn, wheat, citrus and other foods families and their children eat daily. USDA’s Pesticide Data Program found chlorpyrifos residue on citrus and melons even after being washed and peeled. By volume, chlorpyrifos is most used on corn and soybeans, with over a million pounds applied annually to each crop. The chemical is not allowed on organic crops.

Non-agricultural uses include golf courses, turf, green houses and utilities.

Human health concerns

The American Academy of Pediatrics, which represents more than 66,000 pediatricians and pediatric surgeons, has warned that continued use of chlorpyrifos puts developing fetuses, infants, children and pregnant women at great risk.

Scientists have found that prenatal exposures to chlorpyrifos are associated with lower birth weight, reduced IQ, the loss of working memory, attention disorders and delayed motor development. Key studies are listed below.

Chlorpyrifos is also linked to acute pesticide poisoning and can cause convulsions, respiratory paralysis and sometimes, death.

FDA says food and drinking water exposures unsafe

Chlorpyrifos is so toxic that the European Food Safety Authority banned sales of the chemical as of January 2020, finding that there is no safe exposure level. Some U.S. states have also banned chlorpyrifos from farming use, including California and Hawaii.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reached agreement with Dow Chemical in 2000 to phase out all residential uses of chlorpyrifos because of scientific research showing the chemical is dangerous to the developing brains of babies and young children. It was banned from use around schools in 2012.

In October 2015, the EPA said it planned to revoke all food residue tolerances for chlorpyrifos, meaning it would no longer be legal to use it in agriculture. The agency said “expected residues of chlorpyrifos on food crops exceed the safety standard under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.” The move came in response to a petition for a ban from the Natural Resources Defense Council and Pesticide Action Network.

In November 2016, the EPA released a revised human health risk assessment for chlorpyrifos confirming it was unsafe to allow the chemical to continue in use in agriculture. Among other things, the EPA said all food and drinking water exposures were unsafe, especially to children 1-2 years old. The EPA said the ban would take place in 2017.



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93a236 No.132184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362608 (301850ZOCT20) Notable: TED panic

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132185

File: 7b7ea779945d70c⋯.png (387.89 KB,351x501,117:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362631 (301852ZOCT20) Notable: Oil Firm Whistleblower Faces Puzzling Extradition to Monaco

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Oil Firm Whistleblower Faces Puzzling Extradition to Monaco

A British national who blew the whistle on the Dutch Oil firm SBM Offshore eight years ago faces “imminent extradition” to Monaco in what his lawyers call retaliation for exposing a massive bribery and corruption scandal that led to hundreds of millions in fines.

The whistleblower, Jonathan Taylor, was detained when he arrived at a Croatian airport on a vacation with his family in response to an Interpol Red Notice issued by Monaco authorities, his lawyers said in a press release updated on Thursday.

His lawyer, Toby Cadman of Guernica 37 International Justice Chambers, called on the international community to block the extradition, which he called a “clear act of retaliation.”

According to the BBC, it is unclear why Monaco is seeking Taylor’s extradition now. The news outlet was told by the country’s police department that it could not comment on the matter.

Taylor, who worked for SBM Offshore Monaco for nine years, provided evidence of bribery and corruption at the firm in 2012. The company is alleged to have paid out millions in bribes to public officials in exchange for lucrative contracts.

This helped lead to the collection of over US$800 million in fines from various governments including the U.S. and the Netherlands, along with the imprisonment of three individuals who were directly involved.

The Guernica 37 press release added that if Taylor is extradited and faces trial in Monaco, it “could send a chilling message to whistle-blowers and investigative journalists the world over. ”

The anti-corruption organization Transparency International reiterated this concern on Twitter, writing that “this kind of intimidation deters others from reportingcorruption,” and shows why we need strong laws to protect whistleblowers.

Taylor’s counsel also called on the UK government to intervene, arguing that “it must do so in cases where there is a risk of abuse of process and “a flagrant denial of justice.”

“When there is a risk of an abuse of process, there is an obligation to intervene to protect brave revealers of corruption,” the Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa (PPLAAF) wrote regarding the news on its Twitter account.

Taylor’s wife, meanwhile, just wants him home. "We are very proud of him. But our lives are in tatters - the children all worry and can't understand why this is happening to us when he's done the right thing," she told the BBC.


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93a236 No.132186

File: a3dfbb7353c98c7⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1125x1398,375:466,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362634 (301852ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump is LEADING Joe Biden in 4 key swing states‼️

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President Trump is LEADING Joe Biden in 4 key swing states‼️


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93a236 No.132187

File: 73cb15caa648005⋯.png (220.43 KB,478x602,239:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362650 (301853ZOCT20) Notable: The best of the best (US Air Force)

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The best of the best.

Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Airmen participate in the 2020 Lightning Challenge at Fort Hood, Texas. TACP specialists participated in challenge to test their endurance, job knowledge and physical fitness.



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93a236 No.132188

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362658 (301854ZOCT20) Notable: DoD canceled its diversity training audit to comply with new White House rules

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DoD canceled its diversity training audit to comply with new White House rules

The Defense Department’s inspector general has canceled an audit of its diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity training just a month after first announcing it.

As part of a series of initiatives born of his desire to get a handle on how prejudice and discrimination affect service members at work, the IG set out to evaluate whether these programs are effective. But a White House memorandum issued last month, banning any diversity training that discusses white people’s role in systemic racism, has forced DoD first get its existing training in compliance.

“[The] Uniformed Services should not teach our heroic men and women in uniform the lie that the country for which they are willing to die is fundamentally racist,” President Trump wrote in a Sept. 22 executive order. “Such teachings could directly threaten the cohesion and effectiveness of our Uniformed Services.”

More broadly, the memo targeted any federal training that references critical race theory, the idea that in order to achieve an egalitarian society, the society must acknowledge inequities and hold accountable those responsible for perpetuating them.

“This ideology is rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America is an irredeemably racist and sexist country; that some people, simply on account of their race or sex, are oppressors; and that racial and sexual identities are more important than our common status as human beings and Americans,” Trump wrote.

DoD instead plans to launch a new project, according to a Tuesday announcement, that focuses on implementing the White House memo.

“The objective was to determine whether the Military Departments provide military personnel with diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity training that aligns with the DoD’s diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity goals, and to determine whether the training is effectively implemented across the Military Departments in accordance with Federal and DoD policies,” Theresa Hull, an assistant inspector general, wrote in the Sept. 24 memo first announcing the project.

Her Tuesday follow-up memo does not explain why the first project must be canceled in favor of the second, only that the new focus is on the White House’s guidance.

A DoD IG spokeswoman declined to make a statement about the change.


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93a236 No.132189

File: 97c32e167a7adde⋯.png (404.56 KB,535x594,535:594,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362671 (301855ZOCT20) Notable: Navy Partnerships in action in the #SouthChinaSea!

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NavyPartnerships in action in the #SouthChinaSea!

#USNavy's USS John S. McCain Sails Alongside @Australian_Navy's HMAS Ballarat.


NN sink in 3, 2 ..

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93a236 No.132190

File: ba333b618df3ba2⋯.png (408.99 KB,635x476,635:476,Clipboard.png)

File: 524db117fdfc3ed⋯.png (175.96 KB,581x382,581:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362688 (301857ZOCT20) Notable: Lady Gaga: Vote ‘If You Want the Country to Be Different Than It Is’

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Lady Gaga: Vote ‘If You Want the Country to Be Different Than It Is’

Pop star Lady Gaga, donning a collection of her most outrageous outfits, urged Americans that they must get involved in the election, go out, and vote if they “want the country to be different than it is.”

“So. The election. This coming Tuesday. We’re almost there. We need to talk,” the singer, who backed and campaigned for Hillary Clinton in 2016, said in three-minute video message to those who have yet to cast their vote in the presidential election. “I believe no matter how you feel right now about the election, you are still accountable,” the “Stupid Love” singer said.

“Maybe you’re sick of all the fighting or you’re frustrated by COVID and don’t want to deal with it. Or maybe you dislike all the candidates. Or maybe you feel so discouraged by the state of our nation that you’ve decided you don’t believe in voting because you feel it’s better not to be a part of the system — the system you don’t like.”

“If you want to change this system, if you want this country to be different than it is right now, you have got to participate in this election,” she pleaded, wearing a collection of her most recognizable outfits, including a piece paying homage to her infamous 2010 meat dress. “When they announce who has won the election, it will be very clear what this country has become.”

“The government is not going away tomorrow, and unless you have a plane ticket to another country this is going to be your home,” she continued. “I’m telling you that no matter how you feel, your future is still in your hands with this vote.What you choose to do will affect you,” Gaga told her 82 million Twitter followers, encouraging them to — in the very least — vote in honor of others.

“Let’s be real. You know who I voted for,” the singer, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, said. “But believe me and listen to me now. Even if you disagree with me, your vote still matters to the world.”

The A Star Is Born actress emphasized that she has “never been shy to make my voice heard.”

“I’ve said a lot of things in a lot of different ways, wearing a lot of different outfits, makeup, hats, dresses made our of meat,” she continued, adding, “I may have seemed to shift and change, but one thing that has never changed is my voice and what I believe.”

The “Shallow” singer, who alleged that there is deep-rooted racism in America, said in a September interview with Billboard that those who are born in America “all drink the poison that is white supremacy.”

“I am in the process of learning and unlearning things I’ve been taught my whole life,” she said.


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93a236 No.132191

File: f953d265a55aa05⋯.png (614.79 KB,746x485,746:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362723 (301859ZOCT20) Notable: Despite Its Five Felony Counts, the Federal Reserve Has Entrusted $2 Trillion in Bonds to JPMorgan Chase

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Despite Its Five Felony Counts, the Federal Reserve Has Entrusted $2 Trillion in Bonds to JPMorgan Chase

Imagine that your neighbor across the street had been criminally charged with five felony counts for financial crimes in the past six years and admitted to committing each and every crime to the U.S. Department of Justice. Would you put one-third of all of your money in a safe, give that neighbor the combination, and ask him to hold the safe in his house for you? You would probably be suited up for a straight jacket if you did something like that. That’s effectively what the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, has done when it comes to JPMorgan Chase. As of this past Wednesday, the Fed has a $7 trillion balance sheet and $2 trillion of its agency Mortgage-Backed Securities are sitting at JPMorgan Chase, the bank that the Department of Justice has charged with five criminal felony counts since 2014 – all of which it admitted to.

Since JPMorgan Chase first inked a contract with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on December 31, 2008, it has been the sole custodian of all of the agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) that the Fed had bought in its long-running Quantitative-Easing programs. The contract was updated on January 30, 2017 and continues to this day. We confirmed that fact with the New York Fed yesterday. As of this past Wednesday, JPMorgan Chase was holding $2,000,305,000,000 (principal amount) in MBS backed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac or Ginnie Mae that belongs to the Fed. The Fed apparently saw no need to find a new custodian for the $1.49 trillion of MBS that JPMorgan Chase was holding for the Fed on January 7, 2014 when the Justice Department charged the bank with two criminal counts for its role in the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme. The bank admitted to the charges; paid $1.7 billion into a Madoff victims fund; and was given a 3-year Deferred Prosecution Agreement and put on probation for the same period.

The Fed was apparently not worried about JPMorgan holding $1.7 trillion of the Fed’s MBS on May 20, 2015 when the bank was charged with its third criminal felony count in less than a year and a half. On that occasion, JPMorgan Chase pleaded guilty to one criminal count brought by the Justice Department for its role with other banks in rigging the foreign exchange market. The bank paid a fine of $550 million and was put on probation again. And when the bank admitted to its fourth and fifth felony count on September 29 of this year, once again the Fed saw no reason to remove its $2 trillion in mortgage securities from the sticky palms of JPMorgan Chase. The latest felony counts, once again brought by the Justice Department, involved “tens of thousands of episodes of unlawful trading in the markets for precious metals futures contracts” and “thousands of episodes of unlawful trading in the markets for U.S. Treasury futures contracts and in the secondary (cash) market for U.S. Treasury notes and bonds,” according to the Justice Department. The bank agreed to pay $920 million in fines and restitution to various regulators. It was given another Deferred Prosecution Agreement and put on probation for the third time.

Could this story get more outrageous? Yes it can. Not only did the Federal Reserve look the other way at five criminal felony counts, but it looked the other way as JPMorgan Chase was repeatedly charged with fraud involving the very same securities it was holding for the Fed. On November 15, 2013, JPMorgan Chase announced that it had agreed to pay $4.5 billion to settle claims by private investors that it had defrauded them in mortgage-backed securities. On November 19, 2013, JPMorgan agreed to pay $13 billion to settle claims by the Department of Justice, the FDIC, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, and various State Attorneys General over its fraudulent practices involving mortgage-backed securities.



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93a236 No.132192

File: ea0a20497a132f9⋯.png (92.76 KB,1442x648,721:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362725 (301859ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter/Joe connections map - requesting help

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Can anyone help with Names/Companies

That were involved with Hunter Biden/Biden Crime Family









Or any other Countries HB was working with/in?

Any names of people or companies would be great.

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93a236 No.132193

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362742 (301901ZOCT20) Notable: YouTube reporters on DLive

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Someone was looking for Youtube reporters they have moved to other platforms now and some are found on DLive Here are a couple of them




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93a236 No.132194

File: 1ea9773798c718c⋯.png (283.23 KB,598x570,299:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362774 (301903ZOCT20) Notable: DOD surveillance - GA = Great Awakening?

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Great Awakening


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93a236 No.132195

File: bd5c9b9ecfcb87e⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB,700x622,350:311,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362778 (301903ZOCT20) Notable: based Pence, fake news btfo

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Wait for it…

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93a236 No.132196

File: a766645830f67a4⋯.png (118.82 KB,247x201,247:201,Clipboard.png)

File: 52ec6ae24a074b8⋯.png (7.56 KB,608x220,152:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362779 (301903ZOCT20) Notable: Navy Partnerships in action in the #SouthChinaSea!

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just saying

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93a236 No.132197

File: b547f707b561afa⋯.png (153.6 KB,589x622,589:622,Clipboard.png)

File: 46d5bab9a8fb309⋯.png (288.76 KB,1479x826,1479:826,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362781 (301904ZOCT20) Notable: NG Proof check - 12 states and counting

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"Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities." - Cue

12 states and counting…

BUCKLE UP, Anons……


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93a236 No.132198

File: 690401252cf98e0⋯.jpeg (204.54 KB,750x853,750:853,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e4e93789e6388b2⋯.png (913.61 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 133abae8941c5ce⋯.png (632.75 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: c2d6493e5e1a3f2⋯.png (492.49 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: b353fe293e91359⋯.png (459.57 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362817 (301906ZOCT20) Notable: NG Proof check - 12 states and counting

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3 year Delta 10/30

NG activated across the country

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93a236 No.132199

File: 7a0105826ded48b⋯.png (932.78 KB,2063x1291,2063:1291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362823 (301907ZOCT20) Notable: Navy Partnerships in action in the #SouthChinaSea!

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@ :38 on the :38 line.

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93a236 No.132200

File: 2e2d727ffe92d7e⋯.jpeg (891.21 KB,1125x1732,1125:1732,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362825 (301907ZOCT20) Notable: Boom: “Hunter called ANOTHER Foreign Spy Chief a ‘Close Friend,’ met KGB-linked man with Joe Biden”

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“Hunter called ANOTHER Foreign Spy Chief a ‘Close Friend,’ met KGB-linked man with Joe Biden”


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93a236 No.132201

File: e6e3842381d0eee⋯.png (1004.44 KB,862x518,431:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 7687957dfb8b0ef⋯.png (197.53 KB,771x858,257:286,Clipboard.png)

File: ac534f7376b9676⋯.png (726.24 KB,787x694,787:694,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362838 (301908ZOCT20) Notable: Federal Government to ramp up its vaccine diplomacy in the Pacific, South-East Asia

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Federal Government to ramp up its vaccine diplomacy in the Pacific, South-East Asia

The Federal Government is dramatically ramping up its vaccine diplomacy in the region, pledging another $500 million to help eradicate COVID-19 across South-East Asia and the Pacific.

Key points:

The Australian Government already committed $300 million in the Budget to provide economic aid to the Pacific

It says the additional funds will go towards fulfilling the aim of "full immunisation coverage" in Australia's region

Vaccines have become a theatre of diplomatic competition, with Australia and China vying for influence in the Asia Pacific

The initiative comes on top of a $300 million Budget commitment to assist Pacific countries struggling with the economic impact of the pandemic.

The Government wants to use the new money to distribute millions of COVID-19 vaccine doses to countries across the region, as well as providing technical support to ensure those doses are safely administered.

Lessons from the last big vaccine race

The flags of the Us, China, the EU and Australia tiled behind a hand holding a syringe.

Billions are being poured into the race to find a coronavirus vaccine, with the winner owning a powerful political tool. During the last pandemic an Australian company got there first.

Read more

In a joint statement Foreign Minister Marise Payne, Health Minister Greg Hunt and Minister for International Development Alex Hawke said the initiative would help ensure the Pacific achieved "full immunisation coverage" as well as making a "significant contribution" to immunisation efforts in South-East Asia.

"Ensuring countries in our region can quickly recover from the health and economic impacts of this devastating global pandemic is vital to ensuring our shared economic future in the post-pandemic world," they said.

"A fast, safe vaccine rollout in the Pacific and South-East Asia will mean we are able to return to more normal travel, tourism and trade with our key partners in the region."


Australian state & state Media pushing vaccine Tyranny

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93a236 No.132202

File: e0c907d005af8ef⋯.png (22.83 KB,624x185,624:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362840 (301908ZOCT20) Notable: DEVELOPING: ICE agents told to prepare for possible civil unrest in Washington D.C., on #ElectionDay

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DEVELOPING: ICE agents told to prepare for possible civil unrest in Washington D.C., on #ElectionDay


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93a236 No.132203

File: b1db2610943e2bb⋯.jpg (80.13 KB,1065x537,355:179,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362854 (301909ZOCT20) Notable: DARK WINTER: code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation

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why they keep calling it the





> code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation

code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation

> code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation

code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation

wake up anons

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93a236 No.132204

File: 40f0681a2ffce80⋯.png (723.63 KB,635x789,635:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362857 (301909ZOCT20) Notable: NG Proof check - 12 states and counting

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"Here’s the rundown of which states have activated the Guard and their missions."

Military Times staff will update this page with more information as it becomes available.


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93a236 No.132205

File: 8008c7d7792fcfa⋯.jpg (292.98 KB,1524x1436,381:359,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362880 (301911ZOCT20) Notable: NG Proof check - 12 states and counting

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Watch as Q's 3-year Delta manifests in Reality. Prayers for all of us.


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93a236 No.132206

File: ebd617173891771⋯.mp4 (6.3 MB,848x480,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362883 (301911ZOCT20) Notable: Motorcycle parade going through Jerusalem's Old City in support of President Donald Trump

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Motorcycle parade going through Jerusalem's Old City in support of President Donald Trump


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93a236 No.132207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362894 (301912ZOCT20) Notable: Navy Partnerships in action in the #SouthChinaSea!

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That's interesting.

Guess what Australia's new class of frigate will be called?



Mcstain's curse lives on.

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93a236 No.132208

File: 6398f9fe6369f0f⋯.png (358.36 KB,534x337,534:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362902 (301913ZOCT20) Notable: Obama-Biden Michigan Rallies Closed to the Public, Locations Being Kept Secret

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Obama-Biden Michigan Rallies Closed to the Public, Locations Being Kept Secret

Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden and his ex-boss former President Barack Obama are scheduled to hold two joint-appearance rallies in Flint and Detroit, Michigan on Saturday. However the public is not invited and the locations of the drive-in rallies have not been disclosed.

Local media reports:

WJRT-TV, Flint: “Former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden will be in Flint on Saturday. They are planning to take part in a drive-in event around 1:45 p.m. at an undisclosed location. The event is closed to the public, but will be livestreamed on the Biden-Harris campaign website…”

Former President Barack Obama will visit Flint and Detroit Saturday to campaign for Joe Biden, his past running mate and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.

Obama and Biden are scheduled to hold drive-in rallies in two Democratic strongholds to encourage Michigan residents to vote with just three days until the Nov. 3 election. The former president is coming back to Michigan, a state he won with Biden as his vice president in 2008 and 2012 before President Donald Trump narrowly flipped Michigan in 2016.

The events are not open to the public…

The Detroit rally is reported to start at 5:30 p.m., but the Biden campaign press release on the Obama-Biden rallies is thin on details, just giving the day and cities (via Mediaite):

On Saturday, October 31, President Obama and Joe Biden will travel to Michigan to discuss bringing Americans together to address the crises facing the country and winning the battle for the soul of the nation.

In the afternoon, President Obama and Vice President Biden will deliver remarks at a drive-in event in Flint to encourage Michiganders to vote.

After, President Obama and Vice President Biden will deliver remarks at a drive-in event in Detroit to encourage Michiganders to vote.


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93a236 No.132209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362916 (301914ZOCT20) Notable: NYC mayor de Blasio Ready to lock the city down if infection rate gets to 2%, and its at 1.92%

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NYC mayorde Blasio Ready to lock the city down if infection rate gets to 2%, and its at 1.92%

Mayor de Blasio warned Thursday that the city has seen a “meaningful jump” in the COVID infection rate, saying there could be a return to “huge restrictions” if the situation is not brought under control.

He pointed to a key metric for gauging the outbreak, the seven-day average rate at which New Yorkers are testing positive. The latest figure came to 1.92%, and Hizzoner previously said if the number reaches 2%, the city will consider ending indoor dining at restaurants, though the decision is ultimately left to the state government.

“This is the first time the number has taken a meaningful jump, to 1.92%,” de Blasio said at a press conference. “That alone is not a number that would overwhelm us, but the growth is what worries me and we cannot allow that number to keep growing.”


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93a236 No.132210

File: 94016edcc7a99f8⋯.png (403.48 KB,762x636,127:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11362966 (301917ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez offer bill to create national public banking system http://hill.cm/BH4KxAo


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93a236 No.132211

File: 922b88d7982f439⋯.png (113.68 KB,704x899,704:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cedf7b748e46fa⋯.png (93.92 KB,523x500,523:500,Clipboard.png)

File: e7c6a03382e2217⋯.png (112.26 KB,705x896,705:896,Clipboard.png)

File: f9b8001e2ed47d7⋯.png (112.59 KB,716x904,179:226,Clipboard.png)

File: baab9e3717160fe⋯.png (114.23 KB,710x869,710:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363011 (301921ZOCT20) Notable: Yes, Media Are Rigging The Election Against Half The Country. Here’s How

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Yes, Media Are Rigging The Election Against Half The Country. Here’s How

Will all this be enough for mass media to win the day? People will find out next week.

Even if Donald Trump had lost the 2016 election, instead of won it in a surprise, the media’s coverage of his campaign and supporters would have been a horrific failure. They presented that race as unwinnable for Trump and as if his support was inexplicable.

Their response to their 2016 failures has been not to improve their journalism in any way, shape, or form, but to decide that they didn’t do enough to bias that election in their preferred direction. Their nearly four-year temper tantrum has resulted in far worse 2020 campaign coverage than even the depths of their 2016 coverage. It’s as if they looked to the Candy Crowley debate in 2012, when she went out of her way to back Barack Obama when he said something false, and viewed it as a model, not an embarrassment.

Once again, regardless of the outcome next week, Big Media is actively at war with half of the American people and are desperately working to rig an election against them. Here are just five ways they’re doing that.

1. Refusing to Do Journalism on Joe Biden

On October 14, the New York Post published a story about how Hunter Biden had introduced his father to a top Ukrainian businessman. This contradicted Joe Biden’s oft-repeated claim to have had no knowledge whatsoever about his son’s overseas business affairs.

Hunter Biden was paid handsomely by Burisma, a Ukrainian energy concern, while his father was vice president. Hunter had no business acumen or relevant experience in the energy sector, but was paid millions of dollars by Burisma at the time his father was in charge of U.S. policy toward Ukraine.

The story was sourced to a laptop computer allegedly left by Hunter at a Wilmington computer repair store. Big Tech moved immediately to squash the blockbuster story on both Twitter and Facebook. Twitter has banned the New York Post from tweeting and Facebook publicly announced they were suppressing the story, pending journalistic fact checks.

It’s been more than two weeks since Facebook announced it was suppressing the story pending fact checks. It has not shared who it tasked with the fact checks, and the only journalistic checks on the information have confirmed the story. One of the recipients of an email found on the laptop confirmed it was real, on the record. Government officials said it was not Russian disinformation. No information has come to light to suggest it was Russian disinformation. And last night, the key email in question was verified as legitimate by a cyber expert who was given access to the metadata for the email.



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93a236 No.132212

File: 684ae027bcb8a73⋯.png (118.12 KB,1218x1450,21:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 42fc1eccb92a12b⋯.png (9.7 KB,760x156,190:39,Clipboard.png)

File: b2c13b5635e1425⋯.png (460.92 KB,653x424,653:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363046 (301924ZOCT20) Notable: NG Proof check - 12 states and counting

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National Guard:



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93a236 No.132213

File: 472f438539d6038⋯.png (907.54 KB,839x486,839:486,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363060 (301925ZOCT20) Notable: Epstein sleaze empire fallout continues as head of International Peace Institute resigns over dealings with pedophile

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Epstein sleaze empire fallout continues as head of International Peace Institute resigns over dealings with pedophile

The head of the International Peace Institute (IPI), Terje Rød-Larsen, has resigned in disgrace after admitting he accepted donations and a personal loan from the disgraced financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

The think tank chief says accepting the donations from foundations related to Jeffrey Epstein was “poor judgement” on his part as was a personal loan from the millionaire financier-cum-human trafficker in 2013.

“Epstein’s crimes were horrific. The notion that IPI would in some way be associated with such an ugly type is contrary to the institution’s core values,” the New York-based lobby group said in a statement, following an extraordinary board meeting on Thursday.

Chairman of the board Kevin Rudd was damning in his criticism of Rød-Larsen’s actions.

“Neither the loan nor the repayment of it had previously been disclosed to the board or to me as chairman,” Rudd, a former Prime Minister of Australia, said to the Norwegian newspaper Dagens Næringsliv.

“Rød-Larsen has apologised to the board for what he has described as a serious misjudgment. I am deeply disappointed that the board has had to find out so much of this through the media,” Rudd added.

In November 2019, the IPI announced it would match any donations received from Epstein-affiliated foundations and re-donate the funds to “programs that support victims of human trafficking and sexual assault,” to the tune of a reported $30 million.


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93a236 No.132214

File: e0445cac6463b7d⋯.jpg (600.78 KB,1917x973,1917:973,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b16df4f926d7a0e⋯.jpg (703.13 KB,1919x961,1919:961,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 990f1f774e0c20a⋯.jpg (412.78 KB,1915x965,383:193,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 13d6cf4b8b4e27b⋯.jpg (418.59 KB,1909x967,1909:967,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363082 (301926ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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Planefag on patrol. There was a strange aircraft call sign DDA that was over Imperial earlier today, there's another one called DEDA now that is returning to Miramar. Very spoopy. GTMO845 is landing at Jacksonville and there's a C-32 escorted by SAm942 headed to wards Wisconsin.

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93a236 No.132215

File: 88fa215c45a2c28⋯.png (122.75 KB,847x830,847:830,Clipboard.png)

File: ffa20556c96d4e7⋯.png (508 KB,840x759,280:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363092 (301927ZOCT20) Notable: Emmanuel Macron is selling out French sovereignty to the EU with a second total lockdown

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Emmanuel Macron is selling out French sovereignty to the EU with a second total lockdown

President Macron’s decision to return France to lockdown could have serious repercussions, particularly if he has to borrow heavily from the European Union to compensate struggling businesses.

It’s common for French hospitals to be overwhelmed by seasonal viruses. French newspaper headlines dating back to January 2017 and January 2018 refer to hospitals being overwhelmed by the simple flu. The government has never bombarded those of us who live in France with daily infection rates, then sent healthy citizens into house arrest for months – until now. It’s worth asking why.

At the beginning of September, two high-ranking sources – one retired from the French Interior Ministry, the other a retired general – said that France would be sent back into total lockdown by the beginning of November. Their assertion was hard to believe, given that, at that point, everything had nearly returned to normal in the wake of the two-month total lockdown from March to May, which relegated the entire country’s population to their homes for 23 hours per day under the pretext of Covid-19. One even proposed a date for the next lockdown: October 29.


I expect things to deteriorate in France then the EU will send in the UN troops

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93a236 No.132216

File: 769cf3eea814293⋯.png (73.54 KB,532x651,76:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363106 (301928ZOCT20) Notable: New Catherine Herridge

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Catherine Herridge

#Election2020 A source with direct knowledge of the FBI interview tells @CBSNews that former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski was interviewed by the FBI, with counsel present, at the bureau's Washington Field Office, on October 23 for approximately 4-5 hours. About

a half dozen agents took part, at various points, of the interview. The source said it included an "examination and review" of the 3 phones to confirm the authenticity. Bobulinski says he used the phones to communicate with Hunter Biden + HB's business team. The FBI interview was

described as voluntary + the source said the discussion included his business dealings with Hunter Biden + his team on the Chinese firm CEFC as well as Bobulinski's "exposure to other Biden family business deals" globally. At the time of the 2017 CEFC texts + emails, the former

VP was a private citizen. At the last debate, Candidate Biden said "nothing was unethical" + "I have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life." First reported @WeAreSinclair


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93a236 No.132217

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363156 (301932ZOCT20) Notable: #14512

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Notables @650

(last and baking soon)

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>132216 New Catherine Herridge

>>132215 Emmanuel Macron is selling out French sovereignty to the EU with a second total lockdown

>>132195 based Pence, fake news btfo

>>132213 Epstein sleaze empire fallout continues as head of International Peace Institute resigns over dealings with pedophile

>>132211 Yes, Media Are Rigging The Election Against Half The Country. Here’s How

>>132210 Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez offer bill to create national public banking system

>>132209 NYC mayor de Blasio Ready to lock the city down if infection rate gets to 2%, and its at 1.92%

>>132208 Obama-Biden Michigan Rallies Closed to the Public, Locations Being Kept Secret

>>132206 Motorcycle parade going through Jerusalem's Old City in support of President Donald Trump

>>132203 DARK WINTER: code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation

>>132202 DEVELOPING: ICE agents told to prepare for possible civil unrest in Washington D.C., on #ElectionDay

>>132201 Federal Government to ramp up its vaccine diplomacy in the Pacific, South-East Asia

>>132200 Boom: “Hunter called ANOTHER Foreign Spy Chief a ‘Close Friend,’ met KGB-linked man with Joe Biden”

>>132197, >>132198, >>132204, >>132205, >>132212 NG Proof check - 12 states and counting

>>132194 DOD surveillance - GA = Great Awakening?

>>132193 YouTube reporters on DLive

>>132192 Hunter/Joe connections map - requesting help

>>132191 Despite Its Five Felony Counts, the Federal Reserve Has Entrusted $2 Trillion in Bonds to JPMorgan Chase

>>132190 Lady Gaga: Vote ‘If You Want the Country to Be Different Than It Is’

>>132189, >>132196, >>132199, >>132207 Navy Partnerships in action in the #SouthChinaSea!

>>132188 DoD canceled its diversity training audit to comply with new White House rules

>>132187 The best of the best (US Air Force)

>>132186 President Trump is LEADING Joe Biden in 4 key swing states‼️

>>132185 Oil Firm Whistleblower Faces Puzzling Extradition to Monaco

>>132184 TED panic

>>132183 Mountain Of Evidence Confirms Common Pesticide Hazardous To Children’s Health

>>132181 Over 10,000 Robinhood Account Credentials Are Being Sold On The Dark Web, Bloomberg Discovers

>>132180 Election Violence Fears Rise: California Prepares For Civil Unrest; Walmart Pulls Guns From Stores

>>132179 Hundreds protest at Temple Mount against Macron, Muhammad cartoons; 3 arrested

>>132178 Hunter Biden & Burisma's Dealings w/ China–"Everyone Knew Joe Biden Was Making Money!"

>>132177 Democratic congressman tells ex-Hunter Biden associate Bobulinski he’d defend him over ‘partisan hack’ claim

>>132182, >>132210, >>132214 pf

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93a236 No.132218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363243 (301940ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Live

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Here is the FOX feed for POTUS in Michigan

I'll get RSBN in a min

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93a236 No.132219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363250 (301941ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Live

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🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Green Bay, WI 10-30-20

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93a236 No.132220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363272 (301942ZOCT20) Notable: Belgium Announces 6-Week National COVID-19 Lockdown To Avert "Collapse Of Health-Care System"

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Belgium Announces 6-Week National COVID-19 Lockdown To Avert "Collapse Of Health-Care System"

As was widely expected, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo has announced a nationwide coronavirus lockdown that will apply to the entire nation, and last for at least 6 weeks.

He said he imposed the lockdown to try and avoid a complete collapse of Belgium's health-care system as more than 6,000 patients are currently occupying the country's COVID-19 beds.

Per the lockdown, which will be more restrictive than the 'lockdown-light' imposed by France and Germany. Belgium will extend a school holiday until Nov. 15, while ordering hairdressers and all nonessential retailers to close. Outdoor gatherings will be limited to 4 people (despite researchers repeated claims that outdoor gatherings are largely safe).

The lockdown will start at midnight Sunday, and continue for at least 6 weeks.

In other news, the CDC has, as promised, released guidelines for cruise companies to reinstate phased resumption of cruises.

Meanwhile, J&J announced that it will soon start testing vaccines for minors aged 12-18.


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93a236 No.132221

File: 4fb4f637a2e381d⋯.png (367.14 KB,479x675,479:675,Clipboard.png)

File: 43cdc18bee90fbc⋯.png (1.59 MB,2209x2133,2209:2133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363287 (301943ZOCT20) Notable: Dan Scavino tweet

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@:38 on the hour. 10/30/2020.

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93a236 No.132222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363293 (301943ZOCT20) Notable: Live Updates: Casualties, Major Damage Reported After Strong Earthquakes Hit Turkey, Greece

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Live Updates: Casualties, Major Damage Reported After Strong Earthquakes Hit Turkey, Greece

Major damage has been reported following a strong 6.6-magnitude earthquake that hit Greece and Turkey on Friday.

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake hit Greece's Dodecanese Islands and Turkey's Aegean coast on Friday.

According to the seismological laboratory of the University of Athens, the epicentre was located 24 kilometres (14.9 miles) to the north-west of the island of Samos at a depth of 10 kilometres.

The earthquake was also felt in Athens.

Strong #earthquake (#σεισμός) shakes Dodecanese Islands, Greece 4 min ago. Map of eyewitnesses' felt reports: pic.twitter.com/1CVwtLEXwm

— EMSC (@LastQuake) October 30, 2020

At the same time, the Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) has stated that an earthquake of the same magnitude was felt along Turkey's Aegean coast.

The epicentre was located some 17 km (11 miles) off the coast of Izmir province, at a depth of 16 km, AFAD added.

According to Turkish media reports, tremors could be felt in numerous provinces in the country's west, as well as in Istanbul.

Izmir’s Governor Yavuz Selim Köşger has issued a statement saying that up to 20 buildings have been destroyed in the province and that a crisis centre has been established to investigate the matter.

Number of Casualties in Earthquake in Izmir Rises to 607, Emergency Authority Says


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93a236 No.132223

File: a205a993d3c9b32⋯.png (196.57 KB,828x459,92:51,Clipboard.png)

File: 30b496bbde6bceb⋯.png (604.67 KB,516x442,258:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363298 (301944ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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09-0015 USAF VIP C-32A on descent for Green Bay Austin Straubel Int'l Airport, Wisconsin

SAM942 USAF G5 departed Oakland Cty Airport prior to POTUS departure and also heading for Straubel Int'l

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93a236 No.132224

File: f45d250e871f099⋯.jpg (423.83 KB,1917x957,639:319,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363309 (301945ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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POTUS on final into Green Bay, Wisconsin.

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93a236 No.132225

File: 4785866bc8b1265⋯.png (379.33 KB,996x846,166:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363313 (301945ZOCT20) Notable: Anon Q digits theory

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I have a theory that the post digits of the Q posts link back to previous Q posts. Not sure if this has ever been explored.

Think Mirror.

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93a236 No.132226

File: 0ec9424ff502281⋯.png (643.09 KB,633x481,633:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363339 (301948ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Respect Our Prophet’ Image of Emmanuel Macron Burnt Outside London French Embassy

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‘Respect Our Prophet’ Image of Emmanuel Macron Burnt Outside London French Embassy

Police broke up an illegal protest outside the French embassy Friday, citing coronavirus restrictions, after a Muslim prayer meeting threatened to get carried away.

Over 100 protesters rolled out rugs to pray and listen to speeches at the demonstration on Friday afternoon, before the crowd surged towards the doors of the embassy and London’s Metropolitan Police moved to intervene.

Protesters carrying “Islam is the religion of love & peace” signs watched as a portrait of French President Emmanuel Macron was set on fire to chants of “Allah hu Akbar” [our god is the greatest]. Behind the line of regular police officers, a pair of heavily armed diplomatic protection officers stood at the front door of the embassy.

India Scolds Muslim World for ‘Unacceptable Personal Attacks’ on France’s Macron https://t.co/idmQ8vzXnK

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 29, 2020

Despite a great number of attendees electing to not wear masks, policing of the event was a relatively light touch, at least for the first hour. Officers then split the group, pushing protesters away from the embassy and then down the street. At that point, a number of protesters were cuffed for failing to adhere to Britain’s strict mask-wearing rules.

Police cited coronavirus restrictions as their reasoning for shutting down the event, London’s Evening Standard reports, which noted a force spokesman said the protest had failed to file a risk assessment beforehand, and the gathering was therefore unlawful.

The protest came in the wake of a series of Islamist terror attacks in France. French President Emmanuel Macron’s response to the attacks have angered some in the Islamic world, including the leaders of Turkey and Pakistan. Turkey’s Erdogan has called Macron mentally unwell for his crackdown on radicals — including shutting down a mosque in the aftermath of a terrorist beheading — and Pakistan’s Khan accused Macron of “attacking Islam” itself.

•Terror Strikes Inside French Church

•Mayor: ’We Are Victims of Islamo-Fascism… Enough is Enough’

•Three Dead, Several Injured in Nice

•Perpetrator arrested, Hospitalised https://t.co/GFYufaL9Du

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 29, 2020


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93a236 No.132227

File: 8cad230744b98f7⋯.mp4 (7.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 32d04384b9a7483⋯.png (204.85 KB,469x495,469:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363363 (301949ZOCT20) Notable: Regardless of who wins, the LEFT plans to take over

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Regardless of who wins, the LEFT plans to take over

Dr. Zev Zelenko @zev_dr

Please share with the right people

Undercover "Inside the Sunrise Movement"

2-minute video


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93a236 No.132228

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93a236 No.132229

File: b35a6f272349a16⋯.jpg (934.01 KB,1919x965,1919:965,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363399 (301952ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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93a236 No.132230

File: fa64263b103ceac⋯.png (206.25 KB,778x463,778:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363414 (301953ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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GRZLY50 USMC C-560 departed Dulles Int'l west after a quickish ground stop-inbound from Charlotte-Douglas Int'l after an overnight.-THis will make one or two stops on it's trip back west to Miramar

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93a236 No.132231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363457 (301956ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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93a236 No.132232

File: 30c9f2b313414af⋯.png (292.39 KB,894x444,149:74,Clipboard.png)

File: e0bf65c954254df⋯.png (347.48 KB,450x309,150:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363487 (301958ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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>>131667 pb

WALDO13 USAF E-4B Nightwatch west from JBA after returning home last night (see pb link) with the Sec. of Defense aboard after a Tel Aviv. Israel and Aqaba, Jordan ground stop.

A Manama, Bahrain departure prior

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93a236 No.132233

File: 258b8d94017534d⋯.png (66.14 KB,716x739,716:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 51136fa99ff40a1⋯.png (1004.5 KB,1021x421,1021:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363505 (301959ZOCT20) Notable: Operation Vulgar Betrayal, Counter-terrorism Probe, 1990s-2000s

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Operation Vulgar Betrayal, Counterterrorism Probe, 1990s-2000s


Operation Vulgar Betrayal was a counterterrorism probe, allegedly targeting Middle Eastern terrorist funds used to finance attacks on U.S. soil. The program also targeted those on U.S. soil planning such attacks.

It was an operation through the late 1990s and possibly into the early 2000s. FBI Agent Robert Wright was the case agent of Operation Vulgar Betrayal, who has spoken out extensively about the cancellation of the program, and the fact the FBI did not adequately pursue the many known U.S.-based Middle Eastern terrorists and their financial supporters identified via Vulgar Betrayal.

Below, I have archived thousands of pages relating to the program which the FBI has released, and the case is ongoing. Bookmark this page and watch for updates for new pages, as they come in.

Document Archive

Operation Vulgar Betrayal, Counterterrorism Probe, 1990s-2000s – FBI Release #1 (COMBINED / SEARCHABLE .pdf file of the individual files below) [9,425 Pages, 360MB] – Please note: This is a LARGE file. It is recommended you right click, and press “save as” to download to your hard drive before opening.


Operation Vulgar Betrayal, Counterterrorism Probe, 1990s-2000s – FBI Release #1 (.ZIP FILE OF SEARCHABLE, IDIVIDIAL .pdf FILES) [9,425 Pages, 305MB]



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93a236 No.132234

File: a8fbb98a3d06f74⋯.png (630.13 KB,848x517,848:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363541 (302003ZOCT20) Notable: New Zealand Votes to Legalize Euthanasia

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New Zealand Votes to Legalize Euthanasia

There was a strange result from a referendum in New Zealand where voters endorsed euthanasia by a 65-34 margin. But they have also apparently rejected legalizing the recreational use of marijuana.

The vote on legalizing pot was much closer, but with some votes still outstanding, it was losing 53-47.

New Zealand is no European social democracy. It’s a fairly conservative nation with a strong market economy. It ranks third in economic freedom. It has incredibly low unemployment at 3.7 percent.

But the Labour Party just won a resounding victory at the polls, giving their liberal Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern a mandate for change.

Associated Press:

The two referendums represented significant potential changes to New Zealand’s social fabric, although the campaigns for each ended up getting overshadowed somewhat by the coronavirus pandemic and a parallel political race, in which Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her liberal Labour Party won a second term in a landslide.

In past elections, special votes — which include those cast by overseas voters — have tended to track more liberal than general votes, giving proponents of marijuana legalization some hope the measure could still pass.

Proponents of legalizing the drug were frustrated that Ardern wouldn’t reveal how she intended to vote ahead the Oct. 17 ballot. Many believed an endorsement by Ardern could have boosted support for the measure, but she said she wanted to leave the decision to New Zealanders. Ardern said Friday after the results were released that she had voted in favor of both referendums.

It appears that voters separated the two measures into the personal and the political. The wrenching decision for any family to make at the end of life doesn’t get much more personal. And while some euthanasia laws aren’t drawn carefully enough and leave room for mischief by the state or by relatives, this particular law requires a terminal diagnosis, not just the “wishes” of the patient.

But weed is still weed. And there are still enough conservatives in New Zealand to keep a ban on it.

Conservative lawmaker Nick Smith, from the opposition National Party, welcomed the preliminary marijuana result.

“This is a victory for common sense. Research shows cannabis causes mental health problems, reduced motivation and educational achievement, and increased road and workplace deaths,” he said. “New Zealanders have rightly concluded that legalizing recreational cannabis would normalize it, make it more available, increase its use and cause more harm.”

It seems a foregone conclusion that here in the U.S. pot will be legalized sooner rather than later. The cannabis lobby is strong in most Democratic states and many Democrats are on record supporting legalizing the drug. It won’t be a high priority if Democrats take over the Senate and White House, but an attempt at national legalization will be made eventually.


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93a236 No.132235

File: 7bf3fab4611e2da⋯.png (101.28 KB,783x733,783:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363550 (302003ZOCT20) Notable: Bureaucrats Try Limiting Us to Just One Drink a Day—After Everything They’ve Put Us Through?

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Bureaucrats Try Limiting Us to Just One Drink a Day—After Everything They’ve Put Us Through?

They shut down our jobs, locked us in our houses, drove us out of our churches, destroyed our favorite restaurants, crushed our favorite live music venues, delayed Wonder Woman 1984 (again), won’t let us trick-or-treat — and now some government bureaucrats are trying to limit men to just one drink a day?

Are you kidding me?

Insert slightly maniacal, vaguely menacing chuckle.

You say you want a revolution? That’s how you get a revolution.

Unsatisfied with regulating all those other things that once made up a normal life, our betters in Washington are shifting their all-knowing minds to your and my little daily life choices. And yet again, they’re doing it without the facts being on their side.

Despite the overwhelming scientific consensus being against them, they’re now targeting grown men’s booze.

Are we adults in this country anymore or not?

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s latest “scientific” report, which slipped out in August, uses a single study to justify recommending cutting the alcohol consumption limit for men to a single drink per day. They recommend this limitation based on the findings of one study within the committee’s review process, despite the dozens upon dozens of other studies reviewed by the committee offering little to no justification for the move.

The DGAC’s report leaves a lot to be desired in the rationality department.

Going with one report against a stack of others isn’t science; it’s a sham. Forbes questions the whole thing, even raising the specter of “stealth prohibition.” The Hill took them to task too.

Who do these people think they are?

While there has always been debate about the best ways to use scientific findings, the idea of how to conduct “sound science” is relatively settled. A theory needs to be repeatable with consistent results and receive rigorous testing within the scientific community. Has that happened here?

When cherry-picking occurs to bias the result, you get something, but it’s not science.

Sadly, selection bias is growing all too common with big-government bureaucrats. Wittingly or unwittingly, they continue to use studies — and in this instance, just one study — that sets them up to make proclamations, laws, and official government policy — even when it conflicts with other overwhelming evidence.

It’s just a recommendation, you say. Nothing to worry about.

Look at how even absurd clickbait studies turn into real-world -policy if it conforms to the busybody bureaucrats’ control-first worldview.

Cow farts have become a source of concern trolling dressed up as policy on the left. They arrived at the demand to limit cattle flatulence from a study of animals’ carbon footprints in the U.S. agriculture industry. The issue made its way into major legislative proposals sponsored by Kamala Harris (of the “Harris-Biden” ticket) and even onto the floor of the U.S. Senate, with Democrats advocating for a significant reduction in American cattle numbers to protect the environment for the American people.

They came after your grill. Now they’re coming for your drink.


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93a236 No.132236

File: 3aa37d23cfd8473⋯.jpg (540.38 KB,1917x965,1917:965,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363557 (302004ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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PAT609 (03-0016) out of Louisville.

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93a236 No.132237

File: 91cac5f48d979c4⋯.jpg (258.45 KB,1440x1440,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363579 (302006ZOCT20) Notable: Farmers for Trump

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93a236 No.132238

File: 60694fd7b739995⋯.jpg (500.59 KB,1915x971,1915:971,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 670699c65014c85⋯.jpg (407.6 KB,1919x969,101:51,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363609 (302008ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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LOBO712 out of Midland Airport. Apparently, it's a Space port too…

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93a236 No.132239

File: 08bc5a7fe30c5a1⋯.png (137.86 KB,680x300,34:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363693 (302014ZOCT20) Notable: We'll see what happens (Trump, dailymail)

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We'll see what happens


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93a236 No.132240

File: 813ad234ce7f8e9⋯.png (467.43 KB,735x628,735:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363709 (302015ZOCT20) Notable: Walmart reverses decision to remove guns, ammo from sales floors

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Walmart reverses decision to remove guns, ammo from sales floors http://hill.cm/7DjpNZW


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93a236 No.132241

File: 80a178fc7b7625e⋯.png (117.49 KB,535x467,535:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363748 (302019ZOCT20) Notable: Southeast Texas man who wanted to marry child victim sentenced to 50 years in prison for producing child pornography.

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Southeast Texas man who wanted to marry child victim sentenced to 50 years in prison for producing child pornography.


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93a236 No.132242

File: 73abd70818c1035⋯.png (697.58 KB,1088x1618,544:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363765 (302020ZOCT20) Notable: Dan Scavino tweet

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93a236 No.132243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363834 (302026ZOCT20) Notable: Disturbing Joe Biden Brain Freeze Caught at PA Rally: ‘Truaninonashufodopressure’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disturbing Joe Biden Brain Freeze Caught at PA Rally: ‘Truaninonashufodopressure’

Yet another brain freeze from Former Vice President Joe Biden went viral Friday — a clip from an October 24 rally speech in Dallas, Pennsylvania, where he bizarrely failed to read the phrase “true international pressure” from his teleprompter.

The disturbing moment, which went unnoticed until the Trump campaign isolated it on social media, came nearly ten minutes into Biden’s stump speech:

“I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize truaninonashufodopressure,” he shouted to an audience in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

“I’ll do what he’s unable to do. I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize true international pressure, isolate and punish China,” a transcript posted by CNN said.

Biden, who is approaching his 78th birthday, has run a tightly controlled campaign with long rests between his public appearances, seemingly to minimize the number of “brain freeze” moments that have plagued his third run for the presidency. However, as the final week of the race has forced him to conduct more campaign events, he has suffered more and more embarrassing episodes.

Earlier this week, Biden seemed to confuse Trump with former President George W. Bush — or, in corporate media’s telling, with comedian George Lopez:

WATCH: Joe Biden confuses President Trump with George Bush.

"4 more years of George, uh, George…" pic.twitter.com/Zzt2brIaYS

— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) October 26, 2020

“Four more years of George, uh, George, uh, he, uh— gonna find ourselves in a position where, if, uh, Trump gets elected, uh, we’re gonna be, uh, we’re gonna be in a different world,” he said.

The Daily Mail reported Jill Biden muttered “Trump” under her breath in an apparent attempt to get Joe to correct himself.

Days later, he called Doug Emhoff, the husband of his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), “Kamala’s wife.”


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93a236 No.132244

File: b3e54484f368467⋯.png (597.75 KB,602x1089,602:1089,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363878 (302031ZOCT20) Notable: A “Blue” Moon will rise on Halloween

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A “Blue” Moon will rise on Halloween


It's named not for its color, but for its rarity. About every 2.5 years, a month has two full Moons, the second called a "Blue" Moon. The U.S. hasn't had one on Halloween in all time zones since 1944.


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93a236 No.132245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363961 (302037ZOCT20) Notable: McConnell hints that COVID-19 relief package might wait till early 2021

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McConnell hints that COVID-19 relief package might wait till early 2021

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) hinted on Friday that the long-delayed second coronavirus economic relief package might be delayed until the beginning of the new year.

When asked by conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt about the legislative agenda during the next session of Congress, presuming the GOP maintains control of the Senate after November 3, McConnell drifted to coronavirus relief.

“We probably need to do another package, certainly more modest than the $3 trillion dollar Nancy Pelosi package,” said the Kentuckian, referring to the package that the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed back in May.

“I think that’ll be something we’ll need to do right at the beginning of the year,” he added. “We could target it particularly at small businesses that are struggling, and hospitals that are now dealing with the second wave of the Coronavirus, and of course the challenges for education, both K-12 and college.”

The first economic relief package was passed by both houses and signed by the President back in March. A second package has been stalled since the summer and pressure has been mounting for both parties to agree to some form of a deal so that the tens of millions of unemployed Americans can get their stimulus checks in the mail.


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93a236 No.132246

File: c99e242be6eb770⋯.png (594.39 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11363969 (302037ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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93a236 No.132247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364043 (302044ZOCT20) Notable: #14513

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Notables @650

(last and baking soon)

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>132245 McConnell hints that COVID-19 relief package might wait till early 2021

>>132244 A “Blue” Moon will rise on Halloween

>>132243 Disturbing Joe Biden Brain Freeze Caught at PA Rally: ‘Truaninonashufodopressure’

>>132241 Southeast Texas man who wanted to marry child victim sentenced to 50 years in prison for producing child pornography.

>>132240 Walmart reverses decision to remove guns, ammo from sales floors

>>132239 We'll see what happens (Trump, dailymail)

>>132237 Farmers for Trump

>>132235 Bureaucrats Try Limiting Us to Just One Drink a Day—After Everything They’ve Put Us Through?

>>132234 New Zealand Votes to Legalize Euthanasia

>>132233 Operation Vulgar Betrayal, Counter-terrorism Probe, 1990s-2000s

>>132228 National Guard links

>>132227 Regardless of who wins, the LEFT plans to take over

>>132226 ‘Respect Our Prophet’ Image of Emmanuel Macron Burnt Outside London French Embassy

>>132225 Anon Q digits theory

>>132222 Live Updates: Casualties, Major Damage Reported After Strong Earthquakes Hit Turkey, Greece

>>132221, >>132242 Dan Scavino tweet

>>132220 Belgium Announces 6-Week National COVID-19 Lockdown To Avert "Collapse Of Health-Care System"

>>132218, >>132219 Trump Live

>>132223, >>132224, >>132229, >>132231, >>132230, >>132232, >>132236, >>132238, >>132246 pf

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93a236 No.132248

File: adf6aa65873f9de⋯.png (121.01 KB,607x478,607:478,Clipboard.png)

File: bef0003a7cf9492⋯.png (317.23 KB,626x869,626:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364133 (302050ZOCT20) Notable: The growth rate for death in America went up more in the last years of Obama-Biden than in any of the Trump years.

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Rudy W. Giuliani


The growth rate for death in America went up more in the last years of Obama-Biden than in any of the Trump years.

This includes 2020 the year of the Chinese Communist COVID attack on the U.S. and world.


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93a236 No.132249

File: 677eea24eb44bd3⋯.png (115.02 KB,615x420,41:28,Clipboard.png)

File: 85901a4856b6c26⋯.png (388.96 KB,690x859,690:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364163 (302052ZOCT20) Notable: US Judge Approves Extradition of Teen Kenosha Shooter to Wisconsin

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US Judge Approves Extradition of Teen Kenosha Shooter to Wisconsin

A US judge on Friday approved the extradition of Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, to Wisconsin to face homicide charges.

The teen is accused of fatally shooting two people and wounding another during an August 25 protest in Kenosha, Washington and has since remained in an Illinois jail as his attorneys have tried to prevent his extradition to Kenosha.

— Brittany Lewis (@brittlewisnews) October 30, 2020

​The Kenosha County Sheriff's Office confirmed that it plans to pick Rittenhouse up in Kenosha, unless an appeal takes place, WISN reported.


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93a236 No.132250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364173 (302053ZOCT20) Notable: Death Toll From Earthquake in Turkey Rises to 17, Number of Injured to 709 - Emergency Agency

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Death Toll From Earthquake in Turkey Rises to 17, Number of Injured to 709 - Emergency Agency


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93a236 No.132251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364174 (302053ZOCT20) Notable: Project Veritas SUES New York Times for Defamation for Labeling Videos “Deceptive,” “Disinformation”

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Project Veritas SUES New York Times for Defamation for Labeling Videos “Deceptive,” “Disinformation”

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93a236 No.132252

File: 4aa86d836c0d8e3⋯.jpeg (202.83 KB,1125x964,1125:964,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cdf273b8bf1ee48⋯.jpeg (706.09 KB,667x2104,667:2104,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364185 (302054ZOCT20) Notable: Never forget that the press told you voter fraud doesn’t exist!

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Never forget that the press told you voter fraud doesn’t exist!

Yet ANOTHER example…



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93a236 No.132253

File: 5478c248b19b69b⋯.png (342.07 KB,535x626,535:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364275 (302100ZOCT20) Notable: kek: McDonald's announces that it's bringing back the McRib sandwich nationwide

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McComeback: McDonald's announces that it's bringing back the McRib sandwich nationwide for the first time in eight years. The barbeque slathered sandwich with a cult following went viral before viral was a thing.



stop crying and repost

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93a236 No.132254

File: fbd3dcab0067e02⋯.png (382.18 KB,478x594,239:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364325 (302103ZOCT20) Notable: WH: Wisconsin is the dairy capital of the country, home to nearly a quarter of dairy farms nationwide.

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Wisconsin is the dairy capital of the country, home to nearly a quarter of dairy farms nationwide.

President @realDonaldTrump renegotiated and replaced the NAFTA disaster with the new and improved USMCA to put our great American farmers FIRST!


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93a236 No.132255

File: 971586f92d01124⋯.png (638.63 KB,718x560,359:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364360 (302106ZOCT20) Notable: President @realDonaldTrump in Green Bay, Wisconsin! #MAGA

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HAPPENING NOW—President @realDonaldTrump

in Green Bay, Wisconsin! #MAGA


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93a236 No.132256

File: 4364c934d2b4f8d⋯.png (598.63 KB,596x667,596:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364367 (302107ZOCT20) Notable: Recent arrests in Portland, Oregon

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Recent arrests in Portland, Ore.:

Vivian Gingerrain Shemansky

Everett Jacob Blickenstaff

Katie Jane Wilson




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93a236 No.132257

File: 4b27d0ac29f035d⋯.png (899.16 KB,655x833,655:833,Clipboard.png)

File: 38e1bfe3e0bad66⋯.png (1.95 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364550 (302124ZOCT20) Notable: @USNavy: To infinite-sea and beyond

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To infinite-sea and beyond. @NASA

#nasa #usnavy #navyreadiness


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93a236 No.132258

File: 06edc4b11077af6⋯.png (528.09 KB,4855x2445,971:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364556 (302124ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter/Joe connections: anon requesting help

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Still a work in progress.

Thanks for all the help faggots. **Not

What happened to all the old fags.

More shills than anons here.

Version 0.5

Will rearrange and finish color coding with legend

Input regarding Companies or People is great. TY

Input on Design will be ignored.

Design is last step.

Sources not added yet. Will share final by End of day.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364574 (302126ZOCT20) Notable: FBI Had Possession of Biden-Burisma Wire Transfers

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FBI Had Possession of Biden-Burisma Wire Transfers—Why Didn’t They Do Anything About it?

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93a236 No.132260

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364703 (302137ZOCT20) Notable: Trump supporters not taking “no” for an answer at Rochester Airport rally

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DEVELOPING: Trump supporters not taking “no” for an answer at Rochester Airport rally. Hundreds with Trump flags gathering outside the airport and the roads surrounding the airport are jammed. State limited size of rally inside to 250. Big screen set up outside for overflow.

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93a236 No.132261

File: 4f0134ddaa14366⋯.png (930.17 KB,1218x884,609:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364724 (302138ZOCT20) Notable: @USNavy: To infinite-sea and beyond

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Data Exchange

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93a236 No.132262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364742 (302140ZOCT20) Notable: VPOTUS is live in AZ

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VPOTUS is live in AZ


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93a236 No.132263

File: 22d4bc14fb2301b⋯.png (1.87 MB,1125x1922,1125:1922,Clipboard.png)

File: a8af8664d6e87fd⋯.png (221.74 KB,1280x1024,5:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d588a308e86bea⋯.jpg (14.14 KB,200x250,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364750 (302141ZOCT20) Notable: Thumbnail from Hunter's pornhub album

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I got the thumbnail from the locked album on hunters ph, and put it over the book pic. Before you say no freckle, thumbnail was only 200x250 before enlarged, and could have been makeup. it does seem to fit though. Sorry about white rectangle on itsher, i messed up and i dont feel like redoing. Eyebrows guy keeps saying its too thin, like a teen girl has never tweezed? And might be a year between pics.

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93a236 No.132264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364820 (302149ZOCT20) Notable: #14514

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Notables @650

(last and baking soon)

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>132263 Thumbnail from Hunter's pornhub album

>>132262 VPOTUS is live in AZ

>>132260 Trump supporters not taking “no” for an answer at Rochester Airport rally

>>132259 FBI Had Possession of Biden-Burisma Wire Transfers

>>132258 Hunter/Joe connections: anon requesting help

>>132257, >>132261 @USNavy: To infinite-sea and beyond

>>132256 Recent arrests in Portland, Oregon

>>132255 President @realDonaldTrump in Green Bay, Wisconsin! #MAGA

>>132254 WH: Wisconsin is the dairy capital of the country, home to nearly a quarter of dairy farms nationwide.

>>132253 kek: McDonald's announces that it's bringing back the McRib sandwich nationwide

>>132252 Never forget that the press told you voter fraud doesn’t exist!

>>132250 Death Toll From Earthquake in Turkey Rises to 17, Number of Injured to 709 - Emergency Agency

>>132249 US Judge Approves Extradition of Teen Kenosha Shooter to Wisconsin

>>132251 Project Veritas SUES New York Times for Defamation for Labeling Videos “Deceptive,” “Disinformation”

>>132248 The growth rate for death in America went up more in the last years of Obama-Biden than in any of the Trump years.

any suggestions?

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93a236 No.132265

File: 8e714ee04afba0e⋯.png (200.87 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364834 (302150ZOCT20) Notable: International Peace Institute president resigns after Epstein links revealed

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93a236 No.132266

File: e87a7f90cb48e69⋯.png (13.16 KB,700x90,70:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364921 (302157ZOCT20) Notable: All 236 Sources in PDF Cited in Project Time Biden Investigation

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All 236 Sources in PDF Cited in Project Time Biden Investigation


1,000s of pages of evidence connecting the Biden family to Chinese entities. Every single business entity's full registration in China and Delaware. All related press releases. Everything.

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93a236 No.132267

File: 1af1eca8febd07d⋯.png (8.68 KB,569x114,569:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364958 (302200ZOCT20) Notable: How Serious Is The FBI's Biden Inc. Investigation?

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UPDATED: How Serious Is The FBI's Biden Inc. Investigation?

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93a236 No.132268

File: 6b092e08f8586fd⋯.png (18.57 KB,652x193,652:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364971 (302201ZOCT20) Notable: DJT: The Election should end on November 3rd., not weeks later!

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The Election should end on November 3rd., not weeks later!


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93a236 No.132269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364981 (302202ZOCT20) Notable: Battelle Awarded US Navy Contract for Brain Computer Interface Development

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Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, is awarded a $12,899,128, 18-month contract option under existing cost-reimbursement contract N66001-19-C-4019 for the development of a novel, nonsurgical, bi-directional brain-computer interface with high spacio-temporal resolution and low latency for potential human use. Exercise of this option increases the overall value of this contract to $15,804,682. Work will be performed at the contractor’s facilities in Columbus, Ohio (31%); Weston, Florida (47%); Miami, Florida (11%); and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (11%). The period of performance from Oct. 30, 2020, through April 29, 2022. Fiscal 2021 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funding in the amount of $1,854,743 will be obligated at the time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency broad agency announcement solicitation published on the beta.SAM.gov website. Nineteen proposals were received and six were selected for award. The Naval Information Warfare Center, Pacific, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity (N66001-19-C-4019).

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93a236 No.132270

File: 2e75c89a854c282⋯.jpg (55.39 KB,560x378,40:27,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364987 (302202ZOCT20) Notable: "Utah sent every phone in the state an emergency alert warning about rapidly rising Covid-19 cases and overwhelmed hospitals'"

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'"Utah sent every phone in the state an emergency alert warning about rapidly rising Covid-19 cases and overwhelmed hospitals'"

Utah hit another ominous record by tallying the highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases in a single day as the state struggles to slow a monthlong surge of COVID-19 that is filling intensive care beds at hospitals.

(CNN)The alarming alert was sent to everyone in Utah who had a phone capable of receiving one: the state has reached a record number of Covid-19 cases, and it was time to get serious.

"State of Utah: COVID-19 is spreading rapidly. Record cases. Almost every county is a high transmission area. Hospitals are nearly overwhelmed," read the alert. "By public health order, masks are required in high transmission areas. Social gatherings are limited to 10 or fewer."

"Be careful!" it warned, alongside a link containing more information about the ever-worsening coronavirus surge.

Typically used for severe weather and AMBER Alerts, state and local officials are increasingly deploying these Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) to warn of Covid-19 spikes as well. Through late September, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), local officials had sent the public than 400 such alerts.

Typically they are targeted to a city; New Yorkers have gotten a few. But Utah's appears to be the first time a WEA was sent to an entire state. Officials explained in a news statement that the "dire situation" there drove them to try the stark approach.

"Despite the ongoing pandemic, there are a number of people who are not aware of the dire situation we find ourselves in," state officials said. "As a result, the emergency alert was an effort to "make sure nearly everyone is aware of the serious nature of the pandemic." he alert came as the state hit a grim milestone, as Utah hits record highs in several Covid-19 measures, including number of new cases, 7-day case average, and test positivity percentage, the state data dashboard shows.

In a press conference on Thursday, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert called the state's situation "one of the worst outbreaks in the country."

The state reported a record 2,281 new Covid-19 cases Friday, according to state data. Previously, its record high was 1,989 cases on October 22. Furthermore, its 7-day case average now sits at a record of 1,621.7 cases, and its percentage of positive tests is at a record 18.17% as of Friday. All of these barometers are steadily climbing.

Meanwhile, 72.5% of Utah's ICU beds are occupied, along with 54% of its traditional beds, according to the state dashboard, meaning that hospitals are quickly running out of space for new patients. All this comes as the US hits a record of 9 million Covid-19 cases, a number that experts are warning will continue to surge.


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93a236 No.132271

File: b170eeda688085c⋯.png (521.05 KB,911x569,911:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364988 (302203ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Looting, Horrible Destruction’: Here’s What People In DC Think Will Happen If Trump Gets Reelected

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‘Looting, Horrible Destruction’: Here’s What People In DC Think Will Happen If Trump Gets Reelected

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93a236 No.132272

File: 559ae165e41d285⋯.png (386.58 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11364996 (302203ZOCT20) Notable: Get ready for this Halloween’s Blue Hunter's Moon

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Get ready for this Halloween’s Blue Hunter's Moon

Hunters become the hunted.

Saturday is everyone’s favorite spooky fall holiday: Halloween. And this year, trick-or-treaters will enjoy making their socially distanced rounds under the light of a Full Moon. But there’s more to this Halloween’s Full Moon than a bit of supernatural mystique. Saturday’s Full Moon is also a Blue Moon — a term that applies to any second Full Moon within a single calendar month. (This skies this month hosted their first Full Moon on October 1.)

That’s not all, either. If you want to get a bit crazy, this Halloween technically sports a Blue Hunter’s Moon, as a Full Moon in October is typically referred to as a Hunter’s Moon. But what about the first Full Moon of the Month? Was that a Hunter’s Moon, too?

Actually, no. It was considered a Harvest Moon, a name reserved for the Full Moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox. Normally, the Harvest Moon falls in September. But every few years — this year included — it pops up in October.

This year’s Blue Moon is a bit special because it coincides with Halloween. Halloween Full Moons are even rarer than Blue Moons — the last time any part of the U.S. enjoyed the light of a Halloween Full Moon was 2001. But the last time the entire world saw a Full Moon on Halloween (thanks to the way time zones affect the dates of viewing Full Moons across the globe) was October 31, 1944.

The next Halloween Full Moon won’t hover in the skies above trick-or-treaters until 2039.

Additionally, as mentioned above, the Harvest Moon is the Full Moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox. Usually, September’s Full Moon is the Harvest Moon. But this year, the equinox was on September 22. And because September’s only Full Moon was Sept. 2nd, while October’s first Full Moon fell on Oct. 1st — closer in time to the equinox — the first Full Moon of October took this year’s title for Harvest Moon.


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93a236 No.132273

File: fd3cab1e5e30e4c⋯.png (461.84 KB,602x757,602:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365007 (302204ZOCT20) Notable: Here are some of our #ReserveCitizenAirmen on the other side of the globe

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Here are some of our #ReserveCitizenAirmen on the other side of the

Earth globe americas

Airmen from the 815th AS, 403rd OSS and 803rd AMXS and other support personnel are providing various airlift operations throughout U.S. Central Command.

#ReserveReady #ReserveResilient #C130


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93a236 No.132274

File: a2075e8c5caa618⋯.png (29.96 KB,936x218,468:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365029 (302206ZOCT20) Notable: Hackers Steal Millions Of Dollars Out From Wisconsin Republican Party In Final Days Of Election: Party Chairman

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Hackers Steal Millions Of Dollars Out From Wisconsin Republican Party In Final Days Of Election: Party Chairman

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93a236 No.132275

File: cef4f168e6ba692⋯.png (26.24 KB,740x267,740:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365046 (302207ZOCT20) Notable: Uncharted Territory: Texas Early-Voting Turnout Surpasses *Total* Turnout In 2016

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Uncharted Territory: Texas Early-Voting Turnout Surpasses *Total* Turnout In 2016

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93a236 No.132276

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365053 (302208ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter backs down, unlocks New York Post’s account

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Twitter backs down, unlocks Post’s account

By Bruce GoldingOctober 30, 2020 | 6:00pm | Updated

Enlarge Image

Post cover

Twitter backed down Friday in its battle with The Post and unlocked its main account after a two-week stalemate.

The social-media giant said it would put out three tweets saying it was revising its “Hacked Materials Policy” and “updating our practice of not retroactively overturning prior enforcement.”

“Our policies are living documents,” said one of the promised tweets from @TwitterSafety.

“We’re willing to update and adjust them when we encounter new scenarios or receive important feedback from the public.”








READ NEXT	Man in alleged kidnap plot of Michigan gov wanted to ‘ha…

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93a236 No.132277

File: 543bcff8d6597a6⋯.png (393.14 KB,1472x921,1472:921,Clipboard.png)

File: a6caf0c726af806⋯.png (318.18 KB,656x662,328:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365054 (302208ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. Naval Research Lab chimed in & said water on the Moon was known for 25+ years.

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U.S. Naval Research Lab chimed in & said water on the Moon was known for 25+ years.



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93a236 No.132278

File: 11f8e0ca752be4c⋯.png (622.24 KB,672x573,224:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365069 (302210ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Campaign Bus Runs Red Light to Flee Pro-Trump ‘Democrat Cemetery Vote Collector’ Hearse

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Video: Biden Campaign Bus Runs Red Light to Flee Pro-Trump ‘Democrat Cemetery Vote Collector’ Hearse

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93a236 No.132279

File: de5796f81c848a8⋯.png (555.54 KB,680x630,68:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365083 (302211ZOCT20) Notable: ABC Affiliate in Philadelphia Refuses to Air Restoration PAC Ad Highlighting Biden Corruption

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Exclusive: ABC Affiliate in Philadelphia Refuses to Air Restoration PAC Ad Highlighting Biden Corruption

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93a236 No.132280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365110 (302213ZOCT20) Notable: Attempted Cop Assassination in New Orleans French Quarter

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Attempted Cop Assassination in New Orleans French Quarter

Developing. A person in the back of a pedi-cab stood up and fired into a police cruiser. Officer was talking as he was transported to University Medical Center.

Shooter was riding in a pedi-cab, stood up and shot into the window of the police car striking the offier in the face (unknown whether bullet or glass struck the officer).

Shooter was apprehended near the scene.


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93a236 No.132281

File: 669d497a95b2e9e⋯.png (106.47 KB,854x442,427:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365163 (302217ZOCT20) Notable: Trump plans an election eve MAGA rally at airport in Miami-Dade County

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Trump plans an election eve MAGA rally at airport in Miami-Dade County

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93a236 No.132282

File: 80583696603766e⋯.png (682.33 KB,842x579,842:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365228 (302221ZOCT20) Notable: Raleigh mayor issues curfew for Friday night ahead of planned demonstration over shooting death of Walter Wallace Jr. by Philadelphia police

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Raleigh mayor issues curfew for Friday night ahead of planned demonstration over shooting death of Walter Wallace Jr. by Philadelphia police

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93a236 No.132283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365262 (302223ZOCT20) Notable: Elementary schooler asked by administrator to remove most of his Trump costume for 'Super Hero Day'

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Elementary schooler asked by administrator to remove most of his Trump costume for 'Super Hero Day' — and folks are not pleased

'Some people actually respect their president. For the staff to make him take it off is ridiculous.'

Things are tough all over for supporters of President Donald Trump — and apparently no matter how old they are.

An administrator at Oglethorpe Point Elementary in St. Simons, Georgia, asked a student to remove most of his Trump costume during "Super Hero Day," which took place earlier in the week, the Brunswick News reported.

The male preteen's costume included a "Trump 2020" hat, a Trump flag as a cape, and a red T-shirt with a blue "T" on it, the paper said, adding that the student was asked to remove the cape and hat — which he did.

Turns out asking the student to remove his costume was not consistent with the school's dress code policy, the News reported, citing a statement from the school system.

And folks turned to social media to vent their frustration at the actions of the administrator, whose identity was not disclosed, the paper said.

What did folks have to say?

"I'm sorry, but if that's who he thinks is [his] super hero, well he sure as heck should've been able to wear it," one Facebook commenter said, according to the News. "Some people actually respect their president. For the staff to make him take it off is ridiculous. I'll say he picked a real super hero instead of a fictional one. What's wrong with that? Come on people; messing with a kid because of his political view is just sad."

But others argued that political beliefs shouldn't come into schools in such a way, the paper said.

What did the superintendent have to say?

Scott Spence, superintendent of Gynn County School District, said Thursday the district is not in the business of telling students which political party they should support, the News noted.

"I have been a school administrator for 20 years, and it seems that every four years when a presidential election is held, something out of the ordinary occurs in one of more of our schools," Spence said, according to the paper. "When something like this occurs, teachers and administrators are an easy target for the folks on social media. We must realize that our schools are a microcosm of our community, and the issues that we have in our community are going to filter into our schools."

He added that he didn't believe there is specific dress code guidance that applied to Tuesday's "Super Hero Day," the News reported.

"Our teachers and administrators have worked extremely hard in a very stressful time to be able to provide face-to-face instruction for our students," Spence added, according to the paper. "Situations like this only add to the stress and make their jobs more difficult.

Anything else?

Students who are Trump supporters have faced more than a few hurdles in the run-up to next Tuesday's election:

A New Jersey public high school teacher earlier this month ordered a student to take down a Trump 2020 flag hanging in his room that was visible during an online class — or leave the virtual session.

A Tacoma, Washington, teacher reportedly berated a 10-year-old student who recently revealed during a virtual class that Trump is the person he most admires.

A northern California high school teacher recently threatened to kick a student out of a virtual class unless he removed a Trump 2020 flag from his camera background.

A California public school teacher was caught on video in September telling his students that those who say "Make America Great Again" — the slogan from Trump's 2016 campaign — actually mean "make it kinda racist and sexist again."


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93a236 No.132284

File: c3e0c1e33509c88⋯.png (72.34 KB,259x260,259:260,Clipboard.png)

File: d03d6c4c66a9c9e⋯.png (237.4 KB,346x392,173:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365281 (302224ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter backs down, unlocks New York Post’s account

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Twitter backs down, unlocks Post’s account

Twitter backed down Friday in its battle with The Post and unlocked its main account after a two-week stalemate over its Hunter Biden exposé.

The Post never deleted the tweets during the standoff.

In a series of tweets, the social-media giant said it was revising its “Hacked Materials Policy” and “updating our practice of not retroactively overturning prior enforcement.”

“Our policies are living documents,” said one of the tweets from @TwitterSafety.

“We’re willing to update and adjust them when we encounter new scenarios or receive important feedback from the public.”

Twitter arbitrarily cracked down on The Post and locked its account on Oct. 14.

The company claimed it violated its policy on sharing “hacked materials” by tweeting links to the paper’s bombshell exclusives on Biden’s emails — without ever saying how it came to that conclusion.


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93a236 No.132285

File: 2a6c18fea38ffae⋯.png (85.05 KB,1458x754,729:377,Clipboard.png)

File: 2226a51e77f446d⋯.png (50.07 KB,662x178,331:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365299 (302225ZOCT20) Notable: Qanon, Trump, and the election (bloomberg, cnn)

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Qanon, Trump, and the election. VID

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93a236 No.132286

File: 58cb6eb56d6045a⋯.png (502.28 KB,463x747,463:747,Clipboard.png)

File: b2635f292138cf5⋯.png (103.27 KB,739x829,739:829,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a129ba55d5ea4e⋯.png (731.47 KB,805x689,805:689,Clipboard.png)

File: ea78ce61e610e25⋯.png (413.51 KB,803x525,803:525,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365308 (302226ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Support Criminals and Demoralize Cops

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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Support Criminals and Demoralize Cops

Joe Biden is making no bones about where his sympathies lie when an officer-involved shooting is reported. This week, Walter Wallace Jr. brandished a knife at police in Philadelphia. After officers repeatedly ordered Wallace to drop the knife and attempted to de-escalate the situation by backing away, Wallace came around a parked car holding the knife and continuing to advance.

The often-debated 21-foot rule stipulates that a suspect with a blade or blunt instrument can travel that distance in 1.5 seconds. This is about the same amount of time it takes an officer to draw his weapon and fire. It is not a hard-and-fast rule for the use of deadly force, but it gives officers perspective to evaluate the danger they are in. Police training programs teach this rule.

When Wallace looked to be well within a 21-foot distance on the bodycam video and still advancing, officers, who already had their guns drawn, opened fire. Wallace died as a result of his wounds. The shooting sparked several days of riots and looting in Philadelphia. The National Guard was deployed to join the Philadelphia police on Thursday, as officials anticipate further unrest.

Fox 29 reports that in the melee since the shooting on Monday, 57 police officers have been injured and 212 arrests have been made. This includes federal agents arresting individuals associated with a van full of low-grade explosives. This marks an escalation from the fireworks and other projectiles seen in riots in other cities. Looters were also shooting each other, with 11 shot overnight on Tuesday.

Wallace had a criminal record, including assault, robbery, and possessing the instrument of a crime. When he confronted police with a knife, he was awaiting trial for allegedly threatening to shoot a woman. In 2013, he pleaded guilty to resisting arrest and punching an officer in the face.

Police-involved shootings are most often a choice between a bad outcome and a worse outcome. However, the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris ticket does not see it that way. Their joint statement never mentioned the officers or the danger they were in for doing their jobs. While it did caution against violence and looting in the second graph, the statement never mentioned the behavior of Wallace or that the shooting was likely justified:

On social media, mourning the death of Wallace takes precedence. The official account for Joe Biden does not call for an end to the violence in Philadelphia, acknowledge the property destruction, or offer thoughts for the dozens of officers injured or the 11 “protestors” shot.

Our hearts are broken for the family of Walter Wallace Jr., and for all those suffering the emotional weight of learning about another Black life in America lost.

Walter’s life mattered. https://t.co/mGki28Cpyr

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 27, 2020

Biden remarked that there is no excuse for rioting when a reporter asked him directly about it. But his official statement and social media post played into the premise behind the riots as much as they discouraged them. Biden’s campaign statement appears to buy into the family lawyer’s assertion that the emergency call had been for an ambulance to deal with mental health issues. Fox 29 reports police were actually called regarding a man with a weapon.

Neither Biden nor Harris has ever called out Black Lives Matter or antifa, the groups behind this insanity. In fact, Joe Biden famously said antifa was an idea. Democrats seem insistent on promoting the narrative that the protests, riots, and violence we have seen since the death of George Floyd have been spontaneous responses to grave racial injustice. The reality is they are organized, well resourced, and coordinated according to the DOJ.


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93a236 No.132287

File: b4c1dd505b55d17⋯.jpg (10.25 KB,203x250,203:250,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365337 (302228ZOCT20) Notable: Qanon, Trump, and the election (bloomberg, cnn)

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93a236 No.132288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365359 (302230ZOCT20) Notable: We have not fallen

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"WE" Have not Fallen.

"WE" will get to the bottom of corruption & insider dealings, one way or another.

"WE" Just need as much information and documentation as possible.

"WE" need Canadian Patriots to stand up, wake up, and speak up with what they know.

"WE" NEED out Family to the South to help with this, if they know anything. Please bring it forwards, as our government is blocking all legitimate channels of government inquiry into their own corruption.

"WE" are in a pickle - but "WE" have not been defeated - Together we are stronger.

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93a236 No.132289

File: 0f8fa25d82f6c75⋯.png (491.8 KB,673x634,673:634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365376 (302231ZOCT20) Notable: How Wikipedia Buries Stories Like the Biden Corruption Scandal

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Verifiability, Not Truth: How Wikipedia Buries Stories Like the Biden Corruption Scandal

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93a236 No.132290

File: 67ac6420f695f65⋯.png (19.37 KB,939x150,313:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365441 (302235ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Administration to Put 180-Day Ban on Many Asylum Requests

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Trump Administration to Put 180-Day Ban on Many Asylum Requests

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93a236 No.132291

File: 8ab04b03ff2f243⋯.png (99.49 KB,967x715,967:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365471 (302237ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Pledges to ‘Collaborate’ With CCP in Chinese-Language Newspaper

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Biden Pledges to ‘Collaborate’ With CCP in Chinese-Language Newspaper

Formerly anti-CCP newspaper now attends regime junkets

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden promised a more collaborative approach to China in an op-ed published in a Chinese-language newspaper whose editors frequently attended junkets organized by the Chinese government.

Biden published an op-ed in the World Journal, a U.S. newspaper widely read by the Chinese-American community, on October 22. World Journal, which is owned by a Taiwanese news conglomerate, historically had an anti-CCP tilt but has become open to Beijing in recent years. The newspaper's editors have attended annual conferences hosted by the Chinese government and reportedly complied with a demand from the Chinese consulate to scrub an advertisement about the Falun Gong, an oppressed religious movement.

"Our approach to China will focus on boosting American competitiveness, revitalizing our strengths at home, and renewing our alliances and leadership abroad," Biden wrote in the op-ed. "We'll work to collaborate with China when it's in our interest, including on public health and climate change."

The Biden op-ed, written in Chinese, comes as his family's financial relationship with regime-linked oligarchs has drawn scrutiny. Companies led by his son Hunter Biden and brother Jim Biden garnered millions of dollars from Chinese investors. Biden's business partner, Tony Bobulinski, has said that the former vice president was aware of his family's business dealings in the country.

Biden sharply criticized President Donald Trump in the op-ed and included an accusation that the president fanned anti-immigrant sentiments against the Chinese-American community by calling the coronavirus the "China virus." Biden also discussed his vision for foreign policy in Asia, where he emphasized ties with Taiwan but did not rule out cooperation with Beijing on issues of mutual interest.

The op-ed's publication in a newspaper with ties to Beijing speaks to the extent of the Chinese government's influence in U.S. civil society. A 2001 report by the Jamestown Foundation, a D.C.-based think tank, found that three out of the four most influential Chinese-language papers in the country "are either directly or indirectly controlled by the government of Mainland China." The same report found that while World Journal is not controlled by mainland interests, it has increasingly become vulnerable to Beijing's pressure campaigns.

The Biden campaign did not return a request for comment.




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93a236 No.132292

File: 9f9611fdb2cb5ed⋯.png (856.47 KB,940x741,940:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365475 (302237ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Pledges to ‘Collaborate’ With CCP in Chinese-Language Newspaper

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Biden Pledges to ‘Collaborate’ With CCP in Chinese-Language Newspaper

Formerly anti-CCP newspaper now attends regime junkets

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93a236 No.132293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365493 (302238ZOCT20) Notable: Florida judge resigns from vote-counting board after at least a dozen Trump donations discovered

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Florida judge resigns from vote-counting board after at least a dozen Trump donations discovered

The judge also had Trump-Pence signs on his front lawn

Florida judge resigns from vote-counting board after at least a dozen Trump donations discovered

The judge also had Trump-Pence signs on his front lawn

Judges are required to refrain from offering donations or public support to a particular political candidate, but a report by The Florida Times-Union uncovered that he had donated $20 in 2016 to Trump's first run for office and then 11 times after that amounting to $170. He also donated $178 to the RNC, the National Republican Congressional Committee, and the National Republican Senatorial Committee between 2018 and 2020.

Shore had previously come under fire for the way he handled mail-in ballot counting that had been rejected by machines.

Shore attempted to keep a tight lid on vote-counting meetings by preventing members of the public from taking photos or videos at the meetings. He also barred observers, including political parties, candidates and the public, from objecting to the Duval County Canvassing Board's decisions.

Chief Judge Mark Mahon said that although Shore resigned, "he indicated he has always conducted himself fairly and impartially."

Signs on Shore's front lawn read “Americans for the Trump Agenda,” and “Keep the heat on Congress.”

Judges could potentially be prosecuted or removed from their posts by the Judicial Qualifications Commission for violating judicial canons.

Campaign donations themselves don't constitute political activism but displaying signs does, according to the Division of Elections.


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93a236 No.132294

File: a44ff432fb894b3⋯.png (565.66 KB,930x751,930:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365495 (302238ZOCT20) Notable: Pelosi-Tied Super PAC Targets Republican with Misleading Health Care Ad, Ex-govt. worker attacks Barr despite being on plan administered by the state

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Pelosi-Tied Super PAC Targets Republican with Misleading Health Care Ad

Ex-govt. worker attacks Barr despite being on plan administered by the state

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93a236 No.132295

File: 5e6c9dc04ee3017⋯.png (25.77 KB,643x304,643:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365529 (302241ZOCT20) Notable: HUNTER'S PAYOUT Scandal-hit Hunter Biden ‘agreed to pay baby mama $2.5million to settle paternity case despite claiming to be broke’

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HUNTER'S PAYOUT Scandal-hit Hunter Biden ‘agreed to pay baby mama $2.5million to settle paternity case despite claiming to be broke’

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93a236 No.132296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365571 (302245ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS IS LIVE

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Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds MAGA "Peaceful Protest" in Rochester, MN 10/30/20



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93a236 No.132297

File: 49ae8d9143545c7⋯.png (314.01 KB,631x463,631:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365579 (302245ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Accuser Tony Bobulinski Has Record Of Honorable Navy Service

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Biden Accuser Tony Bobulinski Has Record Of Honorable Navy Service

Businessman Tony Bobulinksi has cited his honorable Navy service to bolster his credibility in leveling charges that former Vice President Joe Biden allegedly was involved in the dealings of his son, Hunter, with China.

The Navy Wednesday issued what was publicly releasable on Bobulinski's record, showing he served for four years on active duty and left the service as a lieutenant.

Bobulinski received his commission as an officer at the Officer Training Command in Newport, Rhode Island, in August 1995 and left active duty in December 1999, the Navy said. He was listed in the Navy reserves until June 2006.

He served with the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command in Orlando, Florida, from October 1995 to May 1998. From May 1998 to December 1999, he was assigned to the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command in Charleston, South Carolina, the Navy said.

His awards and decorations included the Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and the National Defense Service Medal, the Navy said.

The Navy records backed up what Bobulinski has said about his service in interviews with Fox News, the New York Post and other outlets.

In an interview with Fox host Tucker Carlson Tuesday, Bobulinski described himself as "the grandson of a 37-year Army Intelligence officer, the son of a 20-plus year career Naval officer and the brother of a 28-year career Naval Flight Officer."

A former business partner of Hunter Biden, Bobulinski charged that the Biden family's denials of involvement with him has "tarred my family's name and a long history of serving this country."

He said he had received top secret clearances from the National Security Agency and the Department of Energy for service in "one of the most elite environments in the world" at the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command.

"I don't have a political ax to grind; I just saw behind the Biden curtain and I grew concerned with what I saw," Bobulinski told Carlson. "The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist-controlled China."

Other news outlets and the nonprofit fact-checking agency PolitiFact have been unable to substantiate Bobulinski's charges.

Bobulinski was in the audience at the final presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Biden in Nashville, Tennessee, on Oct. 22 as a guest of Trump in what may have been an effort to rattle the former vice president.

Trump did not refer to Bobulinski's presence and neither did Biden, but Biden denied ever profiting from his son's business dealings.

"I have not taken a penny from any foreign source, ever in my life," Biden said.


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93a236 No.132298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365590 (302246ZOCT20) Notable: #14515

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Notables @650

(last and baking soon)

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>132296 POTUS IS LIVE

>>132297 Biden Accuser Tony Bobulinski Has Record Of Honorable Navy Service

>>132295 HUNTER'S PAYOUT Scandal-hit Hunter Biden ‘agreed to pay baby mama $2.5million to settle paternity case despite claiming to be broke’

>>132294 Pelosi-Tied Super PAC Targets Republican with Misleading Health Care Ad, Ex-govt. worker attacks Barr despite being on plan administered by the state

>>132293 Florida judge resigns from vote-counting board after at least a dozen Trump donations discovered

>>132291, >>132292 Biden Pledges to ‘Collaborate’ With CCP in Chinese-Language Newspaper

>>132290 Trump Administration to Put 180-Day Ban on Many Asylum Requests

>>132289 How Wikipedia Buries Stories Like the Biden Corruption Scandal

>>132288 We have not fallen

>>132286 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Support Criminals and Demoralize Cops

>>132285, >>132287 Qanon, Trump, and the election (bloomberg, cnn)

>>132283 Elementary schooler asked by administrator to remove most of his Trump costume for 'Super Hero Day'

>>132282 Raleigh mayor issues curfew for Friday night ahead of planned demonstration over shooting death of Walter Wallace Jr. by Philadelphia police

>>132281 Trump plans an election eve MAGA rally at airport in Miami-Dade County

>>132280 Attempted Cop Assassination in New Orleans French Quarter

>>132279 ABC Affiliate in Philadelphia Refuses to Air Restoration PAC Ad Highlighting Biden Corruption

>>132278 Biden Campaign Bus Runs Red Light to Flee Pro-Trump ‘Democrat Cemetery Vote Collector’ Hearse

>>132277 U.S. Naval Research Lab chimed in & said water on the Moon was known for 25+ years.

>>132276, >>132284 Twitter backs down, unlocks New York Post’s account

>>132275 Uncharted Territory: Texas Early-Voting Turnout Surpasses *Total* Turnout In 2016

>>132274 Hackers Steal Millions Of Dollars Out From Wisconsin Republican Party In Final Days Of Election: Party Chairman

>>132273 Here are some of our #ReserveCitizenAirmen on the other side of the globe

>>132272 Get ready for this Halloween’s Blue Hunter's Moon

>>132271 ‘Looting, Horrible Destruction’: Here’s What People In DC Think Will Happen If Trump Gets Reelected

>>132270 "Utah sent every phone in the state an emergency alert warning about rapidly rising Covid-19 cases and overwhelmed hospitals'"

>>132269 Battelle Awarded US Navy Contract for Brain Computer Interface Development

>>132268 DJT: The Election should end on November 3rd., not weeks later!

>>132267 How Serious Is The FBI's Biden Inc. Investigation?

>>132266 All 236 Sources in PDF Cited in Project Time Biden Investigation

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93a236 No.132299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365718 (302255ZOCT20) Notable: North Carolina Citizens Defy Proposed Mandatory Mask Law — City Council Stunned by Turn Out Backs Down

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North Carolina Citizens Defy Proposed Mandatory Mask Law — City Council Stunned by Turn Out Backs Down

Waynesville leaders backed down from a proposed local mask mandate Tuesday night after nearly 100 people packed town hall to voice their opposition.

Tensions rose before the meeting ever began when the assembled crowd — who were being held in the lobby until the doors opened — learned there wasn’t going to be enough room for them all in the town board room.

Those wishing to speak were told to fill out forms and wait until their name was called. This didn’t sit well with many in the crowd, who demanded the meeting be moved to the sidewalk outside so that everyone could see and hear it — touching off a loud chant of “Take it outside.”

Town staff and police officers eventually quelled the crowd and convinced them that waiting for their turn to speak was the only option. Another uprising ensued after the waiting crowd was told they couldn’t come in without a mask when their turn rolled around.

The vast majority weren’t wearing a mask, given the whole reason they were there in the first place was to speak against the proposed mask mandate.

Some claimed exemptions for religious and health reasons, but others simply said they weren’t going to wear one and it would violate their rights to be denied entry to a public hearing on that grounds.

In the end, masks were offered but not compulsory.

The mezzanine outside the town board room, which was packed shoulder to shoulder, well exceeded the fire code capacity. But attempts to disperse some of the waiting crowd to the main lobby downstairs was likewise abandoned as fruitless.

By now, more police officers had been called in to help manage crowd control. The five town board members had arrived through a back door of town hall and were being held in a private room until the meeting began.

Once the doors opened, the first 20 people in line got inside and claimed the limited seats. The rest could listen to audio from the meeting streamed over a speaker, but given the large crowd, only those in close proximity could hear what was transpiring.

Several in attendance left after seeing they wouldn’t be admitted. Others continued to try to gain entry past police officers guarding the doorway. Staff meanwhile attempted to assure everyone they would eventually get a chance to speak — something that ultimately didn’t happen, however.

One by one, those who had filled out a slip of paper to speak came in to take their turn at the mic. Town Attorney Bill Cannon tried to ban the audience outside the doors from clapping and cheering for speakers, threatening on several occasions to cut off the public hearing if it continued. Eventually, the door to the meeting room was simply closed to keep the sounds of clapping out.

To the chagrin of the waiting masses, Cannon cut off the hearing after 32 minutes, saying the allotted time for the hearing was up. Many still waiting outside to speak, who were previously told by town staff they would get their turn, were upset that the town cut off the public hearing.

Although the public hearing was officially closed, every town board meeting has a designated period of general public comment mandated by law to give constituents the chance to address their local elected officials.

So, some who didn’t get their turn during the official public hearing instead decided to speak during the generic public comment session. However, they were cut off if they mentioned the word “mask.”

They were told they weren’t allowed to talk about masks during the public comment period because it had already been covered in the public hearing — despite most not actually getting to speak during the 32-minute hearing. When a 16-year-old took the podium, as soon as she mentioned the word “mask,” Cannon interjected. “Ma’am, this is not the public time period for talking about the ordinance and the masks,” Cannon said.

Several in the audience chimed in calling for the young speaker to be given a break.

Janet Presson was among those who didn’t get to speak in the public hearing and was barred from talking about masks during the public comment period, as well.

“We were told they were done with the mask issue and you couldn’t say the ‘m’ word,” Presson said. “They did everything they could to silence our voices.” She said the town was clearly unprepared to handle the turnout.

“I think they were dumbfounded and horrified,” Presson said. “Mask mandates are a major issue that affect every single person. It is a hot-button issue. They should have done some better planning.” The latest indication is the town leaders will not sign the mask proclamation tonight as originally believed.


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93a236 No.132300

File: 389b4da8c48f5f0⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,636x360,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365722 (302256ZOCT20) Notable: Only 250 Allowed In To Trump Rally, But Thousands Show Up

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Only 250 Allowed In To Trump Rally, But Thousands Show Up


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93a236 No.132301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365725 (302256ZOCT20) Notable: Very Interdasting Twatter Thread

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Very Interdasting Twatter Thread

Ties bush family, Nazi's, Nicola Tesla, Antarctica, Admiral Byrd together.


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93a236 No.132302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365733 (302257ZOCT20) Notable: Dr. Simone Gold: I DO NOT CONSENT!

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Dr. Simone Gold: I DO NOT CONSENT!

Dr. Gold pointed out that suppression of HCQ is a crime against humanity. Depriving people of access to it is killing people. This is a life-saving medication that is extremely safe. It would change everything. Around 70,000 of the 100,000 people who died would be alive now. It’s been FDA-approved for 55 years. It’s given to children, pregnant women, immune-compromised people, to the elderly, to healthy patients. There’s tons of data to support that. It’s only a media fiction that there’s controversy.



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93a236 No.132303

File: 2d7b778b9156e87⋯.png (964.2 KB,839x651,839:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365757 (302258ZOCT20) Notable: UFC lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov not a fan of Macron or cartoons

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UFC lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov not a fan of Macron or cartoons

What does UFC/ESPN think of this message? Do they support beheading old ladies in churches if someone insults a religion?

"We are Muslims, we love our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more than our mothers, fathers, children, wives and all other people close to our hearts. Believe me, these provocations will come back to them, the end is always for the God-fearing," Khabib added.

The 32-year-old star also cited a verse from the Koran which translates as: "Surely those who offend Allah and His Messenger are condemned by Allah in this world and the Hereafter. And He has prepared for them a humiliating punishment."



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93a236 No.132304

File: 97c88bfc4facd71⋯.png (696.7 KB,580x642,290:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 419b8a2739c906f⋯.png (410.46 KB,562x478,281:239,Clipboard.png)

File: c5f1c9624b96bd2⋯.png (652.31 KB,854x495,854:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365783 (302300ZOCT20) Notable: Masked men ATTACK abortion protest in Poland with flares

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Masked men ATTACK abortion protest in Poland with flares

As masses of pro-choice demonstrators gathered in Warsaw to protest a court-issued ban on abortion, a group of masked counter-protesters rushed the throngs, shooting flares right at the crowd.

The streets of the Polish capital were reinforced by police and military on Friday, as thousands of demonstrators gathered to oppose a recent court ruling that introduced a near-total ban on abortion in the mainly Catholic country.

The protests were hailed by politicians and pundits in Western Europe, but some Poles weren’t pleased. In video footage shared on Twitter, a crowd of masked men, labeled by social media users as “nationalists” and “Nazis,” charged towards the demonstrators.

One of the masked men shot a flare point-blank at cameraman Jan Spiewak, as others chucked more flares towards the pro-choice crowd. Scuffles and fights between both sides were also caught on camera.

Friday is the eighth consecutive day of anti-abortion law activism since Poland’s constitutional court closed one of the few remaining grounds for abortion on October 22. It is now only legal for an abortion to take place in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother.

Abortion is a divisive issue in Poland. A 2016 opinion poll found that, outside of these cases, less than 20 percent of Poles surveyed support legal abortion. Among women, the number was even lower, at under 15 percent.


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93a236 No.132305

File: d141387a729dc3b⋯.png (295.19 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365800 (302301ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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YUKLA02 in Alaska

SAM727 left from Alaska

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93a236 No.132306

File: b4c0f9e1cb71563⋯.png (839.93 KB,838x510,419:255,Clipboard.png)

File: ecad8bfb371e705⋯.png (368.86 KB,564x485,564:485,Clipboard.png)

File: 722ce36479e8315⋯.png (348.14 KB,566x491,566:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 30cdb37850d03c5⋯.png (416 KB,759x576,253:192,Clipboard.png)

File: c4ba73eda0e0171⋯.png (651.97 KB,799x776,799:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365813 (302302ZOCT20) Notable: Violent clashes in Barcelona as protesters hurl missiles at police after Catalonia closes borders over Covid

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Violent clashes in Barcelona as protesters hurl missiles at police after Catalonia closes borders over Covid

Angry crowds hurled projectiles at police in Barcelona, Spain, on Friday as hundreds of protesters gathered in the streets to demonstrate against the new Covid-19 state of emergency.

The protests follow a decision by Catalan lawmakers to close the region’s borders for 15 days and shut shops, except for food stores, in a bid to halt the spread of coronavirus in its rising second wave.

Police warned the public “not to approach” Plaça Sant Jaume, a square in the city’s Gothic Quarter, where violent clashes saw officers in riot gear wield batons and fire rubber bullets to disperse the public.

The square was a focal point for some 1,500 protesters, some of whom were armed with smoke canisters and firecrackers, according to police.

At least two people have been arrested, local media reported.

In one video posted on social media, a protester can be seen hurling a barrier at a line of police, before dozens of officers then march into the square, some using batons to beat people who are lying on the ground.


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93a236 No.132307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365896 (302309ZOCT20) Notable: Steve Bannon shows COUP zoom call recorded by Millie Weaver

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Steve Bannon shows COUP zoom call recorded by Millie Weaver

Steve gives a good summary of what is happening

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93a236 No.132308

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365898 (302309ZOCT20) Notable: How Many People Have Already Voted In The 2020 Election? Turnout Already Exceeds 2016 In One Key Battleground State

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How Many People Have Already Voted In The 2020 Election? Turnout Already Exceeds 2016 In One Key Battleground State

Early voting is breaking records across the country,with more than 85 million Americans having already cast their ballots, according to the U.S. Elections Project at the University of Florida.

Michael McDonald, the political science professor who administers the project, said as many as 150 million Americans could vote this year. In comparison, 137 million voted in 2016.

In one key battleground state, Texas, turnout has already exceeded the total number of votes cast in 2016. The latest figures show that 9,009,850 Texans have already voted, higher than the 8,969,226 total ballots cast in the previous presidential election.

Texas, with 38 electoral votes, is rated a “toss up” state by the Cook Political Report.

In another key battleground state this cycle, Georgia, early voting has reached 86.9% of 2016 turnout. So far, 3,621,485 Georgians have already voted, with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger predicting 6 million Georgians could cast their ballots in this year’s election.

Georgia, with 16 electoral votes, is also rated a “toss up” by Cook.

Recent polls show Biden with a strong lead over Trump in the general election. Biden has an average 7.8 point nationwide lead over Trump, according to polling aggregator RealClearPolitics.


By election day 1.4 billions would've voted I suspect!

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93a236 No.132309

File: 0132fff95e72a47⋯.png (464.89 KB,588x482,294:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11365915 (302310ZOCT20) Notable: It's time to save America!

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It's time to save America!


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93a236 No.132310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366079 (302318ZOCT20) Notable: This Week at Justice - October 30, 2020

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This Week at Justice - October 30, 2020

• The Department of Justice announced standards for certifying safe policing practices by law enforcement agencies.

Eight individuals charged with conspiring to act as illegal agents of the People’s Republic of China

• The Department of Justice opened an investigation into veterans homes in New Jersey and requested additional data on nursing home deaths in New York

• The Department of Justice announced a pilot program for use of body-worn cameras by federally deputized task force officers

• The United States filed a complaint to forfeit Iranian missiles and sold previously-transferred Iranian petroleum

• Assistant Attorney General Beth A. Williams delivered remarks at Columbia Law School Virtual Event on combating the online exploitation of children

The Justice Department released information on election day efforts to protect the right to vote and prosecute ballot

The Justice Department

227 views•Oct 30, 2020



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93a236 No.132311

File: 15c695a70b4f8c9⋯.png (493.01 KB,478x644,239:322,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366118 (302321ZOCT20) Notable: NYP is back (free bird)

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Screencap this

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93a236 No.132312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366120 (302321ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. Ignores China’s Sanction over Arms Sale to Taiwan

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U.S. Ignores China’s Sanction over Arms Sale to Taiwan

1,074 views•Premiered 24 minutes ago

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs threatened to sanction U.S. defense companies after the U.S. State Department approved three arms sales to Taiwan last week. However, the CCP’s intimidation served no use. A few hours later, the United States announced again that it would sell Harpoon missiles worth more than $2 billion to Taiwan.

The Epoch Times

Oct 30, 2020



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93a236 No.132313

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366207 (302326ZOCT20) Notable: NYP is back (free bird)

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>Screencap this

^^^^^^^^^^^when does a bird sing?

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93a236 No.132314

File: ec328ff0ce4a204⋯.png (113.68 KB,787x410,787:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366232 (302328ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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SAM045 USAF G5 that departed Burbank Hollywood Airport had a ground stop at Nellis AFB, LV

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93a236 No.132315

File: dd9e84ed12dc4ae⋯.png (463.09 KB,842x626,421:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 922e8978225a495⋯.png (17.11 KB,838x163,838:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 40af875ddf98f6f⋯.png (459.87 KB,627x352,57:32,Clipboard.png)

File: 887961c6707e23a⋯.png (330.21 KB,580x318,290:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366259 (302330ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden Recorded Video of Himself and a Hooker Watching Perverted Porn Scene Filmed in a Church

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A Dark Chapter – Hunter Biden Recorded Video of Himself and a Hooker Watching Perverted Porn Scene Filmed in a Church

(Disclaimer: This is so perverted and dark that we debated on whether to report it but we decided to share the truth. This is an immediate member of a family who wants to reside in the White House and lead this country.)

The Biden Family wants America to believe that they are the typical hard working American family, but nothing could be further from the truth. Bagman and chronic addict Hunter Biden is also demented, perverted and an abuser, and the Bidens are working hard to cover this up.

Joe Biden said his son Hunter had done “nothing but good things his whole life” but this appears not to be the case. Additional information uncovered from a laptop Hunter left with a computer repair shop shows a different story.

On Monday text messages were uncovered indicating VP Biden and his wife colluded to suppress Hunter’s actions with a certain minor.

On Tuesday we uncovered information showing how Hunter put his family at risk for Russian Blackmail after participating in seedy actions in West Hollywood with at least one Russian woman. This is likely not the only time the family was put in a precarious situation by Hunter.

On Wednesday we reported that Hunter took pictures exposing himself in the presence of a minor. On Thursday we reported that Hunter was accused of “Walking Around Naked Watching Porn Masturbating and Doing Drugs” in front of a minor.

Then yesterday we uncovered that Hunter Biden was not only involved in depraved activities, he filmed them and took pictures of these events too. There is evidence that Hunter published and promoted these activities at the porn website PornHub which included activities with a family member.

Today we’ve uncovered a video on Hunter’s laptop where he recorded the following:

The video begins with Hunter attempting to obtain a ride for the escort service he contacted to come to where Hunter was staying. This was all recorded by Hunter.

Once the woman arrives, Hunter and the woman begin to chat and discuss various items surrounding sex. During this time Hunter discusses a sex video of a young woman on the Internet while sharing a picture of a minor he knows. Next they continue their discussion while they watch a video of women with a clergy in a church having sex. Below is a snap shot from the video:


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93a236 No.132316

File: b762daa765ce270⋯.png (951.45 KB,900x847,900:847,Clipboard.png)

File: d6ac1a3396c9d70⋯.png (509.65 KB,905x817,905:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 86cb492c4d155bb⋯.png (284.74 KB,953x757,953:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366288 (302332ZOCT20) Notable: California Threatens To Arrest 12-Year-Old For Missing 3 Zoom Classes

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California Threatens To Arrest 12-Year-Old For Missing 3 Zoom Classes

Are you ready for this week’s absurdity?

Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

School Threatens to Arrest 12 Year Old Over Three Missed Zoom Classes

A California school sent a letter threatening to arrest and prosecute a 12 year old boy who missed 90 minutes of online virtual classes.

The letter says the middle-schooler is considered truant if he misses more than a half hour of any given class.

When the boy’s father complained about the threat to his son (who happens to be an excellent student and makes straight A’s), the school principal said his hands were tied.


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93a236 No.132317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366357 (302336ZOCT20) Notable: #14516,

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Notables @650

(last and baking soon)

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>132316 California Threatens To Arrest 12-Year-Old For Missing 3 Zoom Classes

>>132315 Hunter Biden Recorded Video of Himself and a Hooker Watching Perverted Porn Scene Filmed in a Church

>>132311, >>132313 NYP is back (free bird)

>>132312 U.S. Ignores China’s Sanction over Arms Sale to Taiwan

>>132310 This Week at Justice - October 30, 2020

>>132309 It's time to save America!

>>132308 How Many People Have Already Voted In The 2020 Election? Turnout Already Exceeds 2016 In One Key Battleground State

>>132307 Steve Bannon shows COUP zoom call recorded by Millie Weaver

>>132306 Violent clashes in Barcelona as protesters hurl missiles at police after Catalonia closes borders over Covid

>>132304 Masked men ATTACK abortion protest in Poland with flares

>>132303 UFC lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov not a fan of Macron or cartoons

>>132302 Dr. Simone Gold: I DO NOT CONSENT!

>>132301 Very Interdasting Twatter Thread

>>132300 Only 250 Allowed In To Trump Rally, But Thousands Show Up

>>132299 North Carolina Citizens Defy Proposed Mandatory Mask Law — City Council Stunned by Turn Out Backs Down

>>132305, >>132314 pf

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93a236 No.132318

File: a096476541000e5⋯.png (513.77 KB,899x971,899:971,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366492 (302347ZOCT20) Notable: Another laptop tied to Hunter Biden was reportedly obtained by the Drug Enforcement Agency earlier this year.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132319

File: 2d9656769c2bc9e⋯.png (123.15 KB,447x439,447:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366494 (302347ZOCT20) Notable: DJT: THANK YOU MINNESOTA!

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Donald J. Trump




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93a236 No.132320

File: d9a83dab24b993d⋯.png (1.52 MB,1356x810,226:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366519 (302349ZOCT20) Notable: Thousands of Ballots in Pennsylvania May Be Missing: Officials

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Thousands of Ballots in Pennsylvania May Be Missing:Officials

October 30, 2020

Thousands call Pennsylvania county about requested ballots that never arrived

Thousands of voters in Butler County, Pennsylvania, said have they never received their ballots.

Nearly 40,000 registered voters in the county requested mail-in ballots, but only about 24 percent of them have been returned back to the county so far, authorities said.

“At first we thought that maybe it just was a delay in the postal system” due to the high number of requests, Leslie Osche, chair of the Butler County commissioners, was quoted by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette as saying. “And that could still be the case. But nonetheless, when we realized that, we changed our strategy and now have begun to tell folks that if they haven’t received a ballot, they still have multiple options.”

“Our main focus—because it’s too late now to worry about this—we need to make sure we get these people their ballots,” Osche added.

A U.S. Postal Service (USPS) spokesperson told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that the agency is “unaware of any significant delays or issues and is in regular contact with the Board of Election as we work to locate and deliver ballots as they are presented to us.” As of Tuesday, voters in Pennsylvania cannot apply for a mail-in or absentee ballot.

A local county official, Aaron Sheasley, told CNN Friday that the county has received more than 10,000 phone calls about information related to the ballots that were requested but not received.

“Somewhere between the post office and the Pittsburgh sorting facility something happened,” Sheasley told the network. “We don’t know what.” He added: “We haven’t given out any numbers” about the number of missing ballots “because we simply don’t know.”

Speaking to CNN, Chuck Bugar, president of the American Postal Workers Union Pittsburgh chapter, said there is no record that suggests the missing ballots in Butler County made it to a Postal Service facility.

“There’s no pile of ballots that have been taken from the Butler County election committee that are sitting around,” Bugar said. “There’s no record or indication that they entered the mail stream. There’s paperwork that goes along with it.”….


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93a236 No.132321

File: b6310334293b63b⋯.png (1009.82 KB,1004x1954,502:977,Clipboard.png)

File: 88f9fd6472867c4⋯.png (650.95 KB,1903x3840,1903:3840,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366540 (302351ZOCT20) Notable: Another laptop tied to Hunter Biden was reportedly obtained by the Drug Enforcement Agency earlier this year.

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Another laptop tied to Hunter Biden was reportedly obtained by the Drug Enforcement Agency earlier this year.

Sources told NBC News that the device belonging to the 50-year-old son of former Vice President Joe Biden, who is now a presidential candidate, was taken into custody by the DEA in February while executing a search warrant in the Massachusetts office of a psychiatrist who was accused of professional misconduct.

That former celebrity psychiatrist, Keith Ablow, saw his license suspended after he faced allegations of sexually exploiting patients and illegally diverting prescription drugs. Ablow has denied the allegations and has not been charged with any crime.

The report from NBC on Friday said Hunter Biden was not a target of the search or the investigation, and his lawyer got the laptop back. It remains unclear why the device was there in the first place.



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93a236 No.132322

File: 83bfaa6dc8aae24⋯.png (284.88 KB,832x493,832:493,Clipboard.png)

File: ec1cf53d922a865⋯.png (419.43 KB,543x301,543:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366557 (302352ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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09-0015 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A departing Rochester Int'l Airport, MN back to JBA

09-0017 USAF C-32A departed Milwaukee, WI Mitchell Airport se

SAM727 USAF C-32A se from Ted Stevens Airport, Anchorage ground stop-this is KANSAS returning from India, Sri Lanka (1027), Jakarta (1028), Ha Noi (1029) departed 1030 and had a ground stop at Yokota AB, Japan and then on to Anchorage where it changed crew and continued back to JBA

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93a236 No.132323

File: d025e3b60483e56⋯.jpg (103.06 KB,1814x1250,907:625,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366594 (302355ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Dark money’ groups find new ways to hide donors in 2020 election

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132324

File: 235c8aa0e019056⋯.png (306.25 KB,645x581,645:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366612 (302356ZOCT20) Notable: Illinois Court Approves Extradition of 17-Year-Old Kyle Rittenhouse to Wisconsin on Murder Charges

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Illinois Court Approves Extradition of 17-Year-Old Kyle Rittenhouse to Wisconsin on Murder Charges


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132325

File: 4b99af825b7d648⋯.png (426.76 KB,738x647,738:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366648 (302359ZOCT20) Notable: Illinois Court Approves Extradition of 17-Year-Old Kyle Rittenhouse to Wisconsin on Murder Charges

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kyle Rittenhouse moved to Kenosha County to face homicide charges after judge denies defense's request for him to be released in Illinois

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93a236 No.132326

File: f506c1e4a1e7f02⋯.png (3.54 MB,1574x1244,787:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366652 (302359ZOCT20) Notable: Welcome, Great Trumpkin! (art)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132327

File: f0aa5f0c7c94009⋯.png (356.11 KB,682x535,682:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366685 (310001ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden Melts Down at Trump Supporters in Minnesota: ‘Ugly People’

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WATCH: Joe Biden Melts Down at Trump Supporters in Minnesota: ‘Ugly People’

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93a236 No.132328

File: 9e26eed02a195f8⋯.png (42.7 KB,633x383,633:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366729 (310004ZOCT20) Notable: Read the piece The Intercept refused to run: GLENN GREENWALD'S blistering attack on the US media's conspiracy of silence over Hunter Biden's laptops and the serious questions Joe still has to answer over son's sketchy Chinese and Ukrainian business deals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Read the piece The Intercept refused to run: GLENN GREENWALD'S blistering attack on the US media's conspiracy of silence over Hunter Biden's laptops and the serious questions Joe still has to answer over son's sketchy Chinese and Ukrainian business deals

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132329

File: bc6052ae067b239⋯.png (42.13 KB,1044x296,261:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366745 (310005ZOCT20) Notable: Scott Walker claims Trump has 'fighting chance' in Wisconsin, touts Favre endorsement of president

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Scott Walker claims Trump has 'fighting chance' in Wisconsin, touts Favre endorsement of president

Former Packers QB endorsed Trump ahead of Green Bay rally Friday

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132330

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366769 (310006ZOCT20) Notable: @Project_Veritas SUES @nytimes

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"BREAKING: @Project_VeritasSUES @nytimesfor defamation over labeling our videos “deceptive,“ “coordinated disinformation," using “solely unidentified sources” and "no verifiable evidence” Read lawsuit complaint/donate: http://exposenyt.com #ExposeNYT"


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132331

File: 88c61a31fb257e2⋯.png (22.14 KB,863x218,863:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366795 (310008ZOCT20) Notable: Thousands of Ballots in Pennsylvania May Be Missing: Officials

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thousands Of Ballots In Pennsylvania May Be Missing: Officials

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132332

File: ef36196960d1650⋯.jpg (136.14 KB,720x1211,720:1211,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 95be6ee34c89448⋯.jpg (210.55 KB,1440x1920,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366798 (310008ZOCT20) Notable: Kanye acting weird again

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kanye acting weird again

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132333

File: 9bbcf9ab33e8b3a⋯.jpg (370.17 KB,1917x942,639:314,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9db2ca5377ed819⋯.jpg (272.26 KB,1920x962,960:481,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1da396325c5f907⋯.jpg (230.17 KB,1202x882,601:441,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366808 (310009ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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17 grounded in DC

Long day over 11th circuit https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Court_of_Appeals_for_the_Eleventh_Circuit

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132334

File: 5dd0cd88bd1d702⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366811 (310009ZOCT20) Notable: Song for the Potus

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Song for the Potus


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132335

File: 95ba2bfac61d02b⋯.png (572.56 KB,598x573,598:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366836 (310011ZOCT20) Notable: Illinois Court Approves Extradition of 17-Year-Old Kyle Rittenhouse to Wisconsin on Murder Charges

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kyle Rittenhouse ordered to be extradited to Wisconsin for Kenosha shooting


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132336

File: 29fa27f0894f25b⋯.png (17.64 KB,905x170,181:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366850 (310012ZOCT20) Notable: Philly City Council Strips Cops Of Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas After Dozens Wounded In Street Violence

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Philly City Council Strips Cops Of Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas After Dozens Wounded In Street Violence

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132337

File: f2e1a6f09481aef⋯.png (468.28 KB,748x619,748:619,Clipboard.png)

File: 70939be714ce0e1⋯.mp4 (2.19 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366873 (310013ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS speaks truth.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


POTUS speaks truth.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132338

File: b6d569a62e5414a⋯.png (784.91 KB,984x889,984:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366978 (310019ZOCT20) Notable: NATIONAL GUARD IS CALLED UP IN 12 CITIES.

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re-read the crumbs faggots.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132339

File: fa4dea486855f2a⋯.png (338.78 KB,588x647,588:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11366996 (310020ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS speaks truth.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132340

File: bafee3b4f6c496c⋯.png (54.73 KB,598x520,23:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367059 (310024ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS speaks truth.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biden has pledged a staggering 700% increase in refugees from the most dangerous and violent terrorist hot spots on earth. He has also vowed to terminate our national security travel bans, allowing for unlimited migration from war zones, and terrorist havens…

…Biden’s deadly migration policies will overwhelm taxpayers and open the floodgates to terrorists, jihadists, and violent extremists. Under my Administration, the safety of our families will always come FIRST!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132341

File: f58b814a2bf56b1⋯.png (24.19 KB,450x298,225:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367104 (310027ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS speaks truth.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




[Next week]

[Next week]

[Next week]

Suicide weekend?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367121 (310028ZOCT20) Notable: #14517

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notables @650

(last, baking soon)

Notables are NOT endorsements



>>132337, >>132339, >>132340, >>132341 POTUS speaks truth.

>>132336 Philly City Council Strips Cops Of Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas After Dozens Wounded In Street Violence

>>132334 Song for the Potus

>>132332 Kanye acting weird again

>>132330 @Project_Veritas SUES @nytimes

>>132329 Scott Walker claims Trump has 'fighting chance' in Wisconsin, touts Favre endorsement of president

>>132328 Read the piece The Intercept refused to run: GLENN GREENWALD'S blistering attack on the US media's conspiracy of silence over Hunter Biden's laptops and the serious questions Joe still has to answer over son's sketchy Chinese and Ukrainian business deals

>>132327 Joe Biden Melts Down at Trump Supporters in Minnesota: ‘Ugly People’

>>132326 Welcome, Great Trumpkin! (art)

>>132324, >>132325, >>132335 Illinois Court Approves Extradition of 17-Year-Old Kyle Rittenhouse to Wisconsin on Murder Charges

>>132323 ‘Dark money’ groups find new ways to hide donors in 2020 election

>>132321, >>132318 Another laptop tied to Hunter Biden was reportedly obtained by the Drug Enforcement Agency earlier this year.

>>132320, >>132331 Thousands of Ballots in Pennsylvania May Be Missing: Officials


>>132322, >>132333 pf

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93a236 No.132343

File: 3b672e821a6d3c2⋯.jpg (458.29 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367243 (310037ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Controlled “Q” Typhoon Slams Into Hunter The Hunted And Levels Leftist Media

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Sorcha Fall post today is about Q and POTUS.

Grain of salt and all that. Every single statement made in the text has a link to sauce on the SF page for this post at


October 30, 2020

Trump Controlled “Q” Typhoon Slams Into Hunter The Hunted And Levels Leftist Media

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An astonishing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest findings compiled by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) regarding the known and suspected operations emanating from the private intelligence service President Donald Trump created upon his taking office in 2017, says the boundaries of coincidence have to be stretched beyond imagination when understanding this powerful and shadowy organization in light of Time Magazine publishing their article “The 25 Most Influential People on the Internet” for 2018 that listed the mysterious QAnon organization in this category and said: “Last October, an anonymous user, known simply as Q, started posting cryptic messages on the controversial message board 4chan”—an October-2017 date for when QAnon first appeared, whose cryptic messages and clues have been deciphered and expanded on over these past few years by numerous professional soldiers like former US Army combat veteran Jeffrey L Minch—a professional soldier who publishes under the banner “The Musings of the Big Red Car”—and though interspersed with his unique conservative social commentary, saw him being one of the first and only operatives to have laid out the trail of crimes committed by Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election.

A trail of crimes that saw Hillary Clinton and her socialist Democrat Party bankrolling former British spy Christopher Steele to compile against then candidate Donald Trump the dirty dossier of Russia lies—a fact revealed as true in July-2020 when a British court released the under oath testimony of Christopher Steele showing him admitting that Hillary Clinton personally knew that he was commissioned to compile the now thoroughly discredited Trump-Russia dossier—saw this dossier of lies being handed over to Steele after it was written by a socialist activist working at the leftist Brookings Institute named Igor Danchenko—who doesn’t live in Russia, he lives in America and was educated in Louisiana as a 16-year old exchange student who went on to college at Louisville and Georgetown—and before leaving Russia as a school child never to return, lived in the city of Perm—where one of his school mates was Olga Galkina—who now lives a drunken life in Cypress—and whom every American should know about because she’s the person who made up all the Russian lies about Trump that she passed on to Danchenko, who then gave them to Steele—after which Steele then wrote his infamous lie packed dossier that Clinton and her socialist forces began to circulate throughout Washington D.C. months before the 2016 election to damage Trump—and whose most succinct and truthful telling of this entire sordid affair was provided by professional solider Minch writing: “The entire Steele Dossier was sourced from a guy who puts ink on paper for money….He was not a highly placed source inside Russian intel….He was a hack at a bar with his friends laughing up his sleeve at Christopher Steele and selling him baloney like it was filet mignon….For money….Steele knew it….The FBI knew it….The DNC knew it….The Hillary Clinton campaign knew it….Only you didn’t know it”.

Though most critically to be noticed, is a sordid affair President Trump has now responded to in kind to show Hillary Clinton and her Deep State socialist idiots how real intelligence operations work, specifically by them not leaving a trail leading back to whom is doing what—best exampled when top Trump intelligence operative Steve Bannon left the White House in August-2017 just months before the mysterious QAnon organization appeared—after which Bannon allied himself with billionaire Chinese Communist dissident Guo Wengui—both of whom created and established the G News website, that the SVR describes as being indistinguishable from the Republic of China (Taiwan) intelligence agency National Security Bureau (NAB).


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93a236 No.132344

File: a1771dc05916652⋯.png (1.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: edb0cb4a48b5b5b⋯.jpeg (324.09 KB,1139x1124,1139:1124,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367245 (310038ZOCT20) Notable: A Pandemic, a Vaccine and Mind Control: The Prophetic Messages of the Series “Utopia”

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A Pandemic, a Vaccine and Mind Control: The Prophetic Messages of the Series “Utopia”


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93a236 No.132345

File: 0ce5cac411a8a82⋯.jpeg (367.9 KB,906x1072,453:536,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2bf647b928b8cf5⋯.jpeg (208.34 KB,1209x1774,1209:1774,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367407 (310048ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump's 2016 surprise victory over Hillary Clinton caused mass panic within the the int'l child trafficking cartel involving the Clinton's, Biden's, and Obama's. They scrambled to move controlled opposition into place. They were stopped.

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President Trump's 2016 surprise victory over Hillary Clinton caused mass panic within the the int'l child trafficking cartel involving the Clinton's, Biden's, and Obama's. They scrambled to move controlled opposition into place. They were stopped.


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93a236 No.132346

File: 988f47405bfa95f⋯.jpg (115.35 KB,1244x696,311:174,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367480 (310053ZOCT20) Notable: A Joliet police sergeant who went public with allegations of police misconduct in the death of a suspect has been arrested

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OLIET, Ill. (CBS) — A Joliet police sergeant who went public with allegations of police misconduct in the death of a suspect has been arrested, CBS 2 Investigator Dave Savini has learned.

Sgt. Javier Esqueda was charged with two counts of official misconduct and was booked at the Kendall County Jail. Bond was set at $5,000 and Esqueda walked out of the facility on Wednesday afternoon. The felony charges mean the Esqueda could fave five years in prison if he is found guilty.

“I want justice for Eric Lurry,” Esqueda said on Wednesday. “I want officers in the country to come out and tell the truth.”

“Something like this should not be happening if you are telling the truth.”

Esqueda, 51, blew the whistle on the death of Lurry and had been stripped of his police powers and placed on administrative leave. Joliet police withheld the video of the arrest for five months. He believes the police department was trying to cover up the arrest. “Yes, I do, 100 percent,” Esqueda told Savini this summer. “I did the right thing, I am a good honest cop.”

There are calls to fire the two officers involved in Lurry’s death.

Police Chief Alan Roechner said Esqueda’s “unauthorized access to video evidence that was involved in a criminal investigation” is what ultimately led to him being placed on administrative duty. In one video clip Sgt. Doug May slapped Lurry, called him a “bitch” then pinched his nose shut. The video also shows police hitting Lurry while he was in handcuffs and putting police baton into his mouth.

After Lurry died, police said officers believed there was a bag of drugs in his mouth. But Esqueda told Savini earlier this year that even if that was the case, he doesn’t believe the officers should’ve taken actions that could have cut off Lurry’s air supply.

“That’s been written in the law for a few years,” Esqueda said. “You can’t do that anymore to try to get them to cough up any kind of drugs in their system.”

“I can’t think of anywhere where I was taught CPR or in the academy where you slap a man, call him a bad name, cut off his airway, go for his throat,” Esqueda added. He said he cried when he saw the video.

The Will County Coroner’s Office ruled Lurry’s death was due to heroin, fentanyl and cocaine intoxication. The autopsy report obtained by CBS 2 does not mention whether squad car video was reviewed before the coroner’s office issued its ruling in March.

Joliet finally released three hours of video related to the investigation.

This is not the first time there have been questions about police transparency surrounding Lurry’s death. In an interview with CBS 2, Lurry’s widow, Nicole, said she was denied access to all police reports. She only found out a video from a camera mounted inside a police car of that night exists – because CBS 2 found out and told her.


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93a236 No.132347

File: 4668ae2e916435c⋯.jpg (90.85 KB,990x363,30:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367534 (310057ZOCT20) Notable: UN General Assembly to Resume In-Person Meetings Monday, Spokesman Says

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But but Muh Covid..KEK

UN General Assembly to Resume In-Person Meetings Monday, Spokesman Says

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - UN General Assembly President Volkan Bozkir informed member states that in-person meetings would resume at the United Nations headquarters on Monday after gatherings were suspended earlier this week over COVID-19 concerns, Bozkir’s spokesperson Brenden Varma said during a press briefing.

“I can confirm that following advice from the Secretariat, the President of the General Assembly is informing member states today that in-person meetings of the General Assembly will resume at headquarters, starting this Monday, November 2,” Varma said on Friday.


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93a236 No.132348

File: c5c90695d4b3a21⋯.jpg (47.29 KB,600x340,30:17,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367560 (310059ZOCT20) Notable: “I Feel Very Confident that Joe Biden Will Be President – Whatever the End Count Is” – Nancy Pelosi Issues Frightening Proclamation (VIDEO)

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“I Feel Very Confident that Joe Biden Will Be President – Whatever the End Count Is” – Nancy Pelosi Issues Frightening Proclamation (VIDEO)

Speaker Pelosi had an ominous proclamation during her latest meeting with reporters. The far left House Speaker vowed that Joe Biden will be inaugurated as president no matter what the final vote tallies, no matter what the final vote is.

Speaker Pelosi: I feel very confident that Joe Biden will be elected president on Tuesday whatever the end count is. But on the election that occurs on Tuesday he will be elected on January 20th. He will be inaugurated president of the United States.

This is a frightening proclamation by the Democrat leader who is third in line to the presidency.

The Democrat Party is lawless and violent.


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93a236 No.132349

File: 1be2b0180d0f1a6⋯.png (31.8 KB,655x267,655:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367564 (310059ZOCT20) Notable: Inspire Brands, parent company of Arby’s & Sonic, reaches deal to acquire Dunkin Brands for $106.50/share in cash or total of about $11.3 billion including the company’s debt - CNBC

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JUST IN: Inspire Brands, parent company of Arby’s & Sonic, reaches deal to acquire Dunkin Brands for $106.50/share in cash or total of about $11.3 billion including the company’s debt - CNBC


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93a236 No.132350

File: f2f58975bdec4b3⋯.jpg (67.06 KB,602x492,301:246,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367615 (310102ZOCT20) Notable: Judge Cites Trump Tweets in Restricting Feds at Protests

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Judge Cites Trump Tweets in Restricting Feds at Protests

A federal judge found Friday that tweets by President Donald Trump helped incite improper conduct by federal officers responding to racial justice demonstrations in Portland, Oregon, and directed both sides in a lawsuit to determine “rules of engagement” for officers acting outside a U.S. courthouse.

U.S. District Judge Michael W. Mosman granted a preliminary injunction on a First Amendment claim in the case against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security filed by two state lawmakers, the Portland-based Western States Center, a church and a legal observer, The Oregonian/OregonLive reported.

However, Mosman rejected their claim that the federal officers violated the 10th Amendment’s separation of powers.

He directed the parties to agree on the “contours” of the injunction, asking them to provide him with their best proposals within hours Friday because he wants a deal reached before Election Day, when mass protests are expected.


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93a236 No.132351

File: c3171c91be90d94⋯.jpg (70.79 KB,871x567,871:567,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367627 (310104ZOCT20) Notable: CNN just updated their Bill Richard Bio Page 2 days ago

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>Big Day tomorrow.

>Watch Close.




>Another random, Sir?



>Bill Richardson? Deleted? Throat slashed? What?

CNN just updated their Bill Richard Bio Page 2 days ago


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93a236 No.132352

File: bfa0b4aa758ae1b⋯.jpg (56.08 KB,605x491,605:491,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367650 (310105ZOCT20) Notable: Tech Rout Sends Stocks to Worst Week Since March

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Tech Rout Sends Stocks to Worst Week Since March

U.S. stocks dropped, capping their biggest weekly rout since March, after earnings from the largest tech companies disappointed investors concerned that a slowing economy will damp profit.

The Nasdaq 100 declined about 2.6% after Apple Inc.’s iPhone sales and Twitter Inc.’s user growth both missed estimates, though Google parent Alphabet Inc. jumped after reporting a rebound in advertising. The S&P 500 Index dropped 5.6% over the past five days, the worst-ever loss in the week leading to a presidential election. Ten-year Treasury yields jumped to the highest since June


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93a236 No.132353

File: 5aa1d650ad1d022⋯.png (431.17 KB,531x645,177:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 08dfe37b3957068⋯.mp4 (111.92 KB,320x400,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367777 (310114ZOCT20) Notable: New Dan Scavino

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


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93a236 No.132354

File: a0e416891a13a42⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: a18a3700253b8d4⋯.png (273.01 KB,607x585,607:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367783 (310115ZOCT20) Notable: People in spain are done with lockdown

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People in spain are done with lockdown


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93a236 No.132355

File: 7152cbae68da9a5⋯.png (379.56 KB,928x469,928:469,Clipboard.png)

File: c0d8ee32527d2df⋯.png (623.96 KB,653x425,653:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367796 (310116ZOCT20) Notable: 09-0015 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A on approach for JBA from Rochester, MN

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09-0015 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A on approach for JBA from Rochester, MN

SAM942 USAF G5 departed Rochester, MN and will arrive shortly after POTUS which is followed in by.

SAM727 USAF C-32A KANSAS returning home after a 'round the world trip.


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93a236 No.132356

File: 9f0a4e828165e9a⋯.jpg (91.88 KB,617x492,617:492,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367851 (310120ZOCT20) Notable: Reports Show Trump Rallies Are Not Super Spreaders for COVID-19

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Reports Show Trump Rallies Are Not Super Spreaders for COVID-19

Reports of incidences of COVID-19 China coronavirus infections potentially traced to President Trump’s campaign rallies this fall shows low numbers of cases, contradicting fear-mongering that the outdoor rallies attended by thousands of supporters are “super spreader” events.

The Trump campaign does temperature checks of attendees at the entrance to the rallies and encourages the use of face masks and hand sanitizers, however once inside there is little social distancing.

Wearing of masks is more prevalent with those seated behind Trump than with supporters in other sections of the rallies.


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93a236 No.132357

File: e260f60152e3404⋯.png (382.46 KB,598x617,598:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367875 (310121ZOCT20) Notable: US court summons Saudi Crown Prince via WhatsApp in attempted assassination lawsuit

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US court summons Saudi Crown Prince via WhatsApp in attempted assassination lawsuit



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93a236 No.132358

File: d9c9045217b55fa⋯.jpg (49.66 KB,753x449,753:449,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367890 (310122ZOCT20) Notable: Money from Iranian Gasoline Seized on Its Way to Venezuela Will Go to Victims of Terrorism

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Money from Iranian Gasoline Seized on Its Way to Venezuela Will Go to Victims of Terrorism

The United States explained that the sale of oil that Iran makes to Venezuela in exchange for gold directly finances the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Venezuela’s illegal business with Iran will have a different destination than the one planned by Nicolás Maduro‘s dictatorship, which exchanges gasoline for gold, given the country’s fuel shortage.

The U.S. Justice Department reported that it would use 40 million USD obtained from the sale of confiscated fuel to help victims of terrorism, Efe reported.

The amount corresponds to 1.1 million barrels of gasoline, diesel oil, and refined products confiscated in August from the Liberian-flagged cargo ships and Greek shipowners Bella, Bering, Luna, and Pandi.

This was achieved thanks to a lawsuit filed by the National Security Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office before a court, which led to the seizure of a murky business between two nations that are in Washington’s sights because of their totalitarian regimes linked to terrorism.

In a statement, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that Iran’s sale of oil to Venezuela in exchange for gold directly finances the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRCG), a terrorist organization that has sought to expand in the continent.


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93a236 No.132359

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11367912 (310124ZOCT20) Notable: #14518

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>>132353 New Dan Scavino

>>132343 Trump Controlled “Q” Typhoon Slams Into Hunter The Hunted And Levels Leftist Media

>>132344 A Pandemic, a Vaccine and Mind Control: The Prophetic Messages of the Series “Utopia”

>>132345 President Trump's 2016 surprise victory over Hillary Clinton caused mass panic within the the int'l child trafficking cartel involving the Clinton's, Biden's, and Obama's. They scrambled to move controlled opposition into place. They were stopped.

>>132346 A Joliet police sergeant who went public with allegations of police misconduct in the death of a suspect has been arrested

>>132347 UN General Assembly to Resume In-Person Meetings Monday, Spokesman Says

>>132348 “I Feel Very Confident that Joe Biden Will Be President – Whatever the End Count Is” – Nancy Pelosi Issues Frightening Proclamation (VIDEO)

>>132349 Inspire Brands, parent company of Arby’s & Sonic, reaches deal to acquire Dunkin Brands for $106.50/share in cash or total of about $11.3 billion including the company’s debt - CNBC

>>132350 Judge Cites Trump Tweets in Restricting Feds at Protests

>>132351 CNN just updated their Bill Richard Bio Page 2 days ago

>>132352 Tech Rout Sends Stocks to Worst Week Since March

>>132354 People in spain are done with lockdown

>>132355 09-0015 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A on approach for JBA from Rochester, MN

>>132356 Reports Show Trump Rallies Are Not Super Spreaders for COVID-19

>>132357 US court summons Saudi Crown Prince via WhatsApp in attempted assassination lawsuit

>>132358 Money from Iranian Gasoline Seized on Its Way to Venezuela Will Go to Victims of Terrorism

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132360

File: 8cfff3c4ab553a1⋯.png (922.13 KB,976x1042,488:521,Clipboard.png)

File: a0aa0bee64b75da⋯.png (413.49 KB,872x1194,436:597,Clipboard.png)

File: 14686ef525117de⋯.mp4 (5.01 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368039 (310133ZOCT20) Notable: No way was that filled out by a human. The box was inked from a computer.

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Remember the pre-filled ballot in NYC from earlier today?

Twatter helping spread disinfo.

No way was that filled out by a human. The box was inked from a computer.


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93a236 No.132361

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368060 (310135ZOCT20) Notable: North Dakota man arrested for threatening to blow up voting location

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baker you missed this lb

they're trying to frame the proud boys for this.. we should be looking into all of this guy's social media and try to figure out who the fuck he is. i'm sure there will be more of these instances..


North Dakota man arrested for threatening to blow up voting location

An email sent to The Dickinson Press stated, "I will blow up the voting location in Stark Co.," and it was signed by "The Proud Boys."

Written By: Jackie Jahfetson | Oct 29th 2020 - 7pm.

DICKINSON, N.D. – A 33-year-old self-professed “Proud Boy” was arrested Wednesday, Oct. 28, by the Dickinson Police Department on terrorizing charges after sending an anonymous email to The Dickinson Press in which he conveyed a bomb threat, targeting a voting location in the city.

Anthony A. Raymond of Dickinson was arrested and is being held at the Southwest Multi-County Correction Center. The anonymous email threat was received by The Press Wednesday afternoon.

The email stated, “I will blow up the voting location in Stark Co.,” and it was signed by “The Proud Boys.”

The “Proud Boys” is a far-right and neo-facist male-only organization that has been known to encourage political violence — especially centered on counter protests against ANTIFA, a left-wing political movement in the United States that aims to achieve their objectives through the use of violence.

Dickinson Police Sgt. Joe Cianni said the investigation team was able to determine the IP address and locate Raymond by tracing the origin of the email that was sent to The Press.

“I think this is an isolated incident and we don’t believe that anyone is in any immediate danger and can safely vote at any of the various polling locations located in Stark County or other jurisdictions within North Dakota and feel safe to be able to cast their vote,” Cianni said. “This should not (prevent) them from feeling safe or casting their vote.”

The investigation is still ongoing as police sift through video surveillance footage, Cianni said, adding that Raymond is facing a C-Felony charge, and the courts will decide how to pursue the matter predicated on Raymond’s criminal record.

“I really don’t know why people do some of the things they do. Some of them have some issues going on in their lives and mental health disabilities. There’s such a variety of things which causes people to commit crimes that I can’t really pin it down,” he said. “… It could be as bad as someone having a bad day and frustrated with what’s been occurring throughout the day or throughout the week.”

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93a236 No.132362

File: 620ee4c2580bf82⋯.png (1.26 MB,1320x1240,33:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368068 (310135ZOCT20) Notable: Pennsylvania governor appeals public information request

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Pennsylvania governor appeals public information request

The Center Square) – Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration appealed an order from the state’s public records office to produce data supporting its decision in August to keep Lebanon County under pandemic lockdown.

The state’s Office of Open Records (OOR) compelled the administration last month to comply with a request from state Rep. Frank Ryan, R-Lebanon, to share the data it used to justify extended economic restrictions imposed on the county over the summer.

Instead, Ryan said, the administration asked the Commonwealth Court on Friday to intervene. Court records show attorneys for the Department of Health filed a petition for review on Oct. 23.

“It makes no sense to me that businesses in densely populated Philadelphia, were permitted to open before businesses in much-smaller Lebanon County under the administration’s three-tier COVID-19 mitigation plan,” Ryan said. “I want to see the public health data and models the administration used to reach its conclusions, but the department has been stonewalling.”

Wolf lifted every other county across the state out of lockdown – including Philadelphia and Allegheny, where COVID-19 cases peaked – ahead of Lebanon County over what Republican legislators insist was political retribution. The governor further supported the assertion after withholding federal relief aid from the county as a consequence for local officials’ decision to reopen businesses ahead of his schedule. County commissioners later sued the administration for the $12.5 million owed through the CARES Act.

“My colleagues and I have been frustrated by the administration’s lack of transparency during this pandemic,” Ryan said. "The public and our small businesses have been forced to make significant sacrifices, while the administration makes arbitrary decisions and picks winners and losers. Delaying the re-opening of Lebanon County is a prime example. We deserve answers.”

Ryan cited the Right to Know law the Legislature passed over the summer that specifies what’s considered public information during a disaster declaration. Wolf opposed the legislation because he said it could force state employees to access public records in unsafe conditions and that it violated privacy concerns under the Disease Prevention and Control Law – a claim the OOR later rejected

Moar here : https://www.newsbreakapp.com/n/0XUFTvDd?pd=04kiWEni&lang=en_US&s=i0

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93a236 No.132363

File: 23af0ecd000b95b⋯.png (937.82 KB,600x852,50:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 81ded0efafabedb⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368073 (310136ZOCT20) Notable: @USArmy Time to slide into the #weekend!!

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Time to slide into the #weekend!!

🎥 by 8th Psychological Operations Group



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93a236 No.132364

File: 6423335172beac0⋯.png (360.64 KB,855x472,855:472,Clipboard.png)

File: 738f2a28ea801bf⋯.png (359.16 KB,521x307,521:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368097 (310138ZOCT20) Notable: SAM727 USAF C-32A KANSAS has priority on the arrivals

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SAM727 USAF C-32A KANSAS has priority on the arrivals

SAM942 USAF G5 from Rochester, MN on a hold to allow

SAM045 USAF G5 begins descent for JBA-departed Burbank Hollywood Airport had a ground stop at Nellis AFB, LV

DUNK78 US Navy E-6B Mercury heading to Pax River and out of Tinker

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93a236 No.132365

File: 8c007299231a370⋯.png (25.54 KB,783x191,783:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368116 (310139ZOCT20) Notable: New Mike Pence - Four more days until FOUR MORE YEARS!

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Four more days until FOUR MORE YEARS!


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93a236 No.132366

File: 319741534e0e593⋯.jpg (45.53 KB,660x372,55:31,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7b7b5eb5f5e8c30⋯.jpg (32.87 KB,660x440,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 50cf9ef2bc8a9f1⋯.jpg (36.89 KB,660x486,110:81,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368123 (310139ZOCT20) Notable: 'A storm is ahead of us': Ducey warns public of rise in COVID-19, but doesn't impose new preventive measures

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This is for all the old school anons like myself who can take joy in little things:

In the last hour or so, I was at a Circle K gas/convenience store here in AZ just after 5:00. It was busy.

At least 15 people in the store and all in line had on masks, except me.

I was standing middle of the line near the doors and just glanced over at the cover story on The Arizona Republic newspaper and kek'd like kkekkkeekkkek, like a quiet laugh growl,

as the headline made me smile as it was juxtaposed with the masks.


'A storm is ahead of us': Ducey warns public of rise in COVID-19, but doesn't impose new preventive measures

A STORM…kekekekee kkekek kek


I really don't care what the Arizona Republic paper has to say and means nothing to the headline that made me kek, but here's the sauce anyhow:



Published 9:55 am MT October. 29, 2020

Maria Polletta

Arizona Republic

In late May and early June, just weeks before Arizona experienced one of the world’s worst COVID-19 outbreaks, Gov. Doug Ducey repeatedly sought to reassure his constituents.

He noted the increase in confirmed cases was expected, given expanded testing; contrasted Arizona's experience with that of harder-hit states, such as New York and Washington; and for weeks resisted putting more aggressive measures in place.

Ducey returned to those themes on Thursday during an afternoon news briefing, warning against “conflating” Arizona’s situation with that of the nation at large as reporters pressed him on the state's worsening COVID-19 metrics.

“It's different here in our state than it is in other states,” he said. “Arizona is in a position right now where we need to be vigilant and keep our guard up, but the rise in cases, the concern at the hospital level, is not happening in the state of Arizona at this time.”

It may be soon.

COVID-19 is spreading through the state at its fastest rate since June, according to infection tracker rt.live. On Tuesday, Banner Health officials said if recent upticks in case counts and hospitalizations continue, hospitals could meet or exceed the number of COVID-19 patients seen during the June and July surge. And Ducey himself acknowledged there "is a storm is ahead of us."

Nonetheless, the Republican leader announced no new preventive measures on Thursday, instead of pointing to existing strategies such as restaurant capacity limits. He contended the state had already "learned what works to combat this virus.

“I am proud that Arizona is open, that our economy is open, that our educational institutions are open and our tourist destinations are open,” he said.

U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, an Arizona Democrat and longtime critic of Ducey's pandemic response, swiftly criticized what she described as further inaction from Ducey on Thursday.

"The best thing to do when you see the very recent past (early June) repeating itself is … nothing. Wait, that doesn’t seem right," she wrote on Twitter.

"AZ, don’t wait for (Ducey) to take action. You can take steps to protect yourself & your family. Wear a mask, stay home, & avoid gatherings."

Christ: Don't underestimate risks

Many of the businesses targeted for closure at the end of June have gradually reopened in the months since, and students in districts throughout the state have slowly resumed in-person learning. The state also relaxed its recommended guidelines for schools last week.


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93a236 No.132367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368132 (310140ZOCT20) Notable: 'A storm is ahead of us': Ducey warns public of rise in COVID-19, but doesn't impose new preventive measures

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continued: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-health/2020/10/29/arizona-gov-doug-ducey-coronavirus-update/6070745002/

State Department of Health Services Director Dr. Cara Christ insisted Thursday that health officials remained "on high alert" but indicated Arizona would be better prepared for a COVID-19 surge this time around.

"Our actions to date include increasing access to testing, increasing hospital capacity and ensuring businesses and schools are partnering in mitigating the spread," she said, as well as working to boost the number of Arizonans vaccinated against the flu to keep them out of hospitals this winter.

"Over the last few months, we've worked to build up our lab capacity, ensuring every Arizonan has access to COVID-19 testing with quick turnaround times … and we've enhanced contact tracing at the state and local levels to ensure that once a case is identified, every effort is made to contain it from spreading further."

related: Ducey warns of rise in COVID-19, doesn't impose preventive measures

50K students are gone from Arizona public schools

Latest maps and county-by-county numbers

County won't name schools with outbreaks, so we're tracking cases

Hospital staffing seemed to be Christ's only immediate infrastructure concern. While plenty of beds are available in Arizona, she said, complex cases of COVID-19 can require specialized

care not every medical professional is trained to provide.

Christ also urged residents not to underestimate the risks inherent in even small get-togethers over the next few months, emphasizing the importance of social distancing and mask-wearing even with relatives.

"Anytime you come into contact with somebody … that doesn't live in your household, you are putting yourself at risk," she said.

Health officials are expected to issue guidance soon on how to safely celebrate during the holiday season.

"I hope that I am wrong, but what I would anticipate is to see a spike about 10 to 14 days after Thanksgiving (that would) then potentially continue to increase over the next four to six weeks," Christ said.

FYI Cara Christ is a joke and fake like Dr. Fauci, her role is political and her hair is as bad as Debbie Wasserman Schultz

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93a236 No.132368

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368139 (310140ZOCT20) Notable: Fraudster attempts to register dead Americans as Dem voters in Florida

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Fraudster attempts to register dead Americans as Dem voters in Florida

Someone appears to have attempted to register dozens of dead people as Democrats in Florida, Steven Vancore, Broward County Supervisor of Elections spokesperson, confirmed in an emailed statement to Fox News.

Officials in Broward County, a Democratic stronghold and Florida’s second-most populous county, uncovered the scheme over the summer.

“Fortunately the system we have in place works, the improper registrations were flagged in a timely manner and the information was turned over to law enforcement for prosecution,” Vancore added. “We are also pleased to inform you that there was no attempt by this person or persons to cast a ballot.”

Florida, a key swing state in the 2020 election, that is heavily targeted by President Trump's and former Vice President Joe Biden's campaigns.

Broward County supervisor of elections officials flagged the registrations as suspicious and turned them over to the Broward state attorney’s office.

“We cannot comment on an ongoing, active criminal investigation,” state attorney’s office spokeswoman Paula McMahon told The Associated Press in an email.

But the correspondence between the state attorney’s office and Broward Elections Supervisor Pete Antonacci shows that officials could not determine who mailed the registrations because there was no return address. The registration applications were received in 19 envelopes.

Thirty of the 51 were verified by the state attorney’s office as being deceased. The identities of the other 21 could not be verified by only date of birth and name, Assistant State Attorney Tim Donnelly said in a letter to Antonacci dated Oct. 22.

The incident was first reported by the South Florida SunSentinel, which reported that someone from South Carolina submitted at least 50 voter applications to the Broward elections office, and about 30 of the people were dead.

Five of the names were already on the voter rolls, but investigators said no absentee ballots had been requested. The deadline to request a mail-in ballot was Oct. 24.

The SunSentinel reported that at least three of the applications evaded detection and were added to the Broward voter rolls in July. Two of those people had died in June.

The registration applications were sent in 19 envelopes, though authorities have yet to determine who mailed them.

The fraud was uncovered when the SunSentinel asked about a handful of suspicious voter ID cards sent to a man in Davie, which were deemed to be part of a larger scheme.


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93a236 No.132369

File: 8ba3da16c6f0767⋯.png (831.65 KB,783x779,783:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368142 (310140ZOCT20) Notable: New Dan Scavino - Trump: Biden ‘Twisted the Knife in the Back of Michigan Workers'

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“Trump: Biden ‘Twisted the Knife in the Back of Michigan Workers’”



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93a236 No.132370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368169 (310143ZOCT20) Notable: Donald Trump deserves a second term - CNN???

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it's a halloween miracle


Donald Trump deserves a second term

(CNN)The case for President Donald Trump is simple: He made the economy work for so many Americans, kept us out of new and costly wars and even brokered peace deals in the Middle East.

He believes our taxes should be lower, not higher – and signed into law sweeping tax relief for businesses and the vast majority of federal income tax filers. He thinks government shouldn't overregulate, rolling back numerous Obama-era overreaches, while working with his Republican allies in Congress.

And despite his relative dovishness, he has invested in our military and in the men and women who wear the uniform. As a result, our enemies know we are more than capable of finishing them. Just ask the former leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or former Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

Beyond that, Trump stands up against the worst impulses of the American left and the radicals who seek to banish from the public square those who dare to think differently. Heck, even the Girl Scouts deleted a tweet congratulating Amy Coney Barrett on her elevation to the Supreme Court because of pressure from the liberal Twitter mob. Is that the kind of American we want, where unhinged progressives can shut down even a simple tweet of congrats to an accomplished female judge?

Whatever problems I have with him and there are more than a few Trump's willingness to stand up to this kind of mob impresses the hell out of me. Standing by Justice Brett Kavanaugh during a tough confirmation fight, for instance, was a particularly proud moment.

Trump is not a perfect person. His personal history, and the way he speaks to and about people can be atrocious. But Trump did become the first sitting president to attend the March for Life Rally this year, where he voiced his unwavering support for "unborn children," who he said "never had a stronger defender in the White House." Whether his views on abortion are pure or transactional, I care not. He stands up for the unborn who can't stand up for themselves – and has appointed judges, like Barrett, who will hopefully do the same.

Elections are choices. Pro-life or pro-choice. Higher taxes or lower taxes. Support free speech or coddle censorship. No politician ever satisfies me fully, but Trump comes far closer than Joe Biden ever could.

There's room for Trump to improve, but in no way does Biden represent a step in a policy direction that I can support as a conservative. He fails the test on virtually every issue I care about, and I expect the United States would move radically left on his watch, especially on abortion.

And for all of the President's missteps, including his rhetorical failures in dealing with coronavirus, this vote is about the next four years. We will likely have a vaccine soon (and in large part thanks to Trump's leadership on Operation Warp Speed), and we will defeat this virus no matter who wins.

So, who can lead us through that day and beyond, restoring the American economy and stopping the radicals from tearing up the American political institutions they find inconvenient?

Donald J. Trump.

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93a236 No.132371

File: fc198e0403bb7e9⋯.jpg (47.79 KB,845x253,845:253,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f4c245312a17ea0⋯.jpg (276.26 KB,1101x561,367:187,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368253 (310149ZOCT20) Notable: Moar Bill Richardson

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>>132351 (LB) CNN just updated their Bill Richard Bio Page 2 days ago

Will Bill take the short path tomorrow?

Former New Mexico Democratic Governor Bill Richardson is accused of raking in hundreds of thousands in bribes and kickbacks to fund debauched lifestyle including 'sexual services and favors'

1 month ago


Families fear for former U.S. soldiers jailed in Venezuela …

www.miamiherald.com › americas › article246820497

6 hours ago — Bill Richardson, who has traveled the world negotiating the release of hostages and prisoners. Since July, Richardson has worked pro-bono to actively seek ..


Is Bill Richardson in Venezuela?

Working pro bono to retrieve mercenaries who were duped into a failed CIA plot to install start a war with Venezuela earlier this year?

I don't have a subscription so I cant get the details from the Miami Herald

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93a236 No.132372

File: 59bca2de88bdc02⋯.jpg (153.74 KB,1066x783,1066:783,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368256 (310150ZOCT20) Notable: Ice Cube On Turning Down Kamala Harris Group Zoom Call: "I Want To Get Things Done"

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Ice Cube On Turning Down Kamala Harris Group Zoom Call: "I Want To Get Things Done"

Posted By Ian Schwartz

On Date October 30, 2020

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93a236 No.132373

File: d673acee53d086d⋯.jpg (757 KB,1137x2458,1137:2458,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368316 (310154ZOCT20) Notable: The FBI opened an investigation into Hunter Biden and associates in 2019 on suspicion of money laundering, a Justice Department official told Sinclair Broadcasting.

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The FBI opened an investigation into Hunter Biden and associates in 2019 on suspicion of money laundering, a Justice Department official told Sinclair Broadcasting.

The criminal investigation is ongoing, the DOJ official said.

The revelation comes after Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, came forward with a trove of documents regarding the Biden family’s dealings with now-defunct Chinese energy firm CEFC. While Joe Biden has denied that he has ever spoken with Hunter regarding the latter’s overseas business dealings, Bobulinski claims the former vice president is lying.

EXCLUSIVE: Tony Bobulinski tells @WeAreSinclair he was questioned by six @FBI agents, with counsel present, for five hours on October 23, listing him as a "material witness" in an ongoing investigation focused on Hunter Biden and his associates. His cell phones were examined. pic.twitter.com/5lPzRTREJN

— James Rosen (@JamesRosenTV) October 29, 2020

Additionally, Bobulinski told Sinclair that he was interviewed by FBI agents for five hours last Friday and was listed as a “material witness” for the agency.

The interview “was a very cooperative deep dive into all the facts across that time period” during which Bobulinski conducted business with members of the Biden family, Bobulinski said.

The New York Post reported earlier this month that it was given materials purportedly from Hunter Biden’s laptop. While a subsequent Fox News report revealed that Hunter Biden’s laptop was subpoenaed by the FBI in connection with a money laundering investigation, the Thursday report by Sinclair marks the first confirmation that Hunter Biden himself is the subject of an ongoing criminal probe.

The Biden campaign has not denied the veracity of any of the materials revealed by the Post or Bobulinski. However, the campaign has stated that “Joe Biden has never even considered being involved in business with his family, nor in any overseas business whatsoever.”

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93a236 No.132374

File: 914226195a6d486⋯.png (374.32 KB,648x625,648:625,Clipboard.png)

File: 9be329aebd11bd9⋯.mp4 (5.26 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368434 (310202ZOCT20) Notable: It doesn't get more twisted than this….Thomas Friedman on CNN….

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It doesn't get more twisted than this….Thomas Friedman on CNN….


I know the importance of Texas on Tuesday. Apparently, so does NY Times, Thomas Friedman. His wish for Texas


0:32 / 2:06

8:05 PM · Oct 30, 2020

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93a236 No.132375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368472 (310206ZOCT20) Notable: This Week At State - The Department of State Week In Review

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This Week At State - The Department of State Week In Review

Secretary of State Pompeo travels to India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Secretary Pompeo, U.S. Defense Secretary Esper, Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar, and Indian Defence Minister Singh participate in the U.S.-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in Delhi, India.

Spokesperson Ortagus hosts a conversation on the Abraham Accords with her counterparts from Bahrain, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates.

Secretary Pompeo delivers virtual remarks to the 2020 Indo-Pacific Business Forum.

Secretary Pompeo meets with Sri Lanka Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Secretary Pompeo meets with Maldivian President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and announces that the United States will open an embassy in Malé, Maldives.

Secretary Pompeo meets with Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Secretary Pompeo delivers speech on Unalienable Rights and Traditions of Tolerance in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Secretary Pompeo travels to Hanoi, Vietnam, celebrates 25 years of U.S.-Vietnam relations, and reaffirms the strength of the U.S.-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership.

U.S. Department of State

Oct 30, 2020



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93a236 No.132376

File: cc66ce9cebeacf1⋯.png (20.22 KB,973x133,139:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368610 (310216ZOCT20) Notable: FreeBaker forgets to not namefag

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>Desperation breeds mistakes.

Speaking of mistakes

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93a236 No.132377

File: f3f0de83e9a30ff⋯.png (78.9 KB,702x763,702:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368632 (310218ZOCT20) Notable: FreeBaker forgets to not namefag

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I wasn't here for that, thank you

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93a236 No.132378

File: f6fcda20758932d⋯.jpg (175.66 KB,1043x698,1043:698,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368647 (310219ZOCT20) Notable: Letter from Acting Secretary Wolf to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on recent censorship by Twitter of DHS personnel

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Letter from Acting Secretary Wolf to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on recent censorship by Twitter of DHS personnel



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93a236 No.132379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368686 (310222ZOCT20) Notable: #14519,

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>>132378 Letter from Acting Secretary Wolf to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on recent censorship by Twitter of DHS personnel

>>132375 This Week At State - The Department of State Week In Review

>>132374 It doesn't get more twisted than this….Thomas Friedman on CNN….

>>132373 The FBI opened an investigation into Hunter Biden and associates in 2019 on suspicion of money laundering, a Justice Department official told Sinclair Broadcasting.

>>132372 Ice Cube On Turning Down Kamala Harris Group Zoom Call: "I Want To Get Things Done"

>>132371 Moar Bill Richardson

>>132370 Donald Trump deserves a second term - CNN???

>>132369 New Dan Scavino - Trump: Biden ‘Twisted the Knife in the Back of Michigan Workers'

>>132368 Fraudster attempts to register dead Americans as Dem voters in Florida

>>132365 New Mike Pence - Four more days until FOUR MORE YEARS!

>>132360 No way was that filled out by a human. The box was inked from a computer.

>>132361 North Dakota man arrested for threatening to blow up voting location

>>132362 Pennsylvania governor appeals public information request

>>132363 @USArmy Time to slide into the #weekend!!

>>132364 SAM727 USAF C-32A KANSAS has priority on the arrivals

>>132366, >>132367 'A storm is ahead of us': Ducey warns public of rise in COVID-19, but doesn't impose new preventive measures

>>132376, >>132377 FreeBaker forgets to not namefag

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93a236 No.132380

File: 9abf6ce7a76c346⋯.png (228.91 KB,536x460,134:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368804 (310231ZOCT20) Notable: FREEDOM

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93a236 No.132381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368821 (310232ZOCT20) Notable: Lude Media: CCP Censorship, Closer Than You Think - Live now

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10/30/2020 Lude Media: CCP Censorship, Closer Than You Think

Live now


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93a236 No.132382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368837 (310233ZOCT20) Notable: Rob Graham has successfully verified DKIM headers of Hunter Biden email

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Rob Graham has successfully verified DKIM headers of Hunter Biden email




This project validates that the "smoking gun" email from that NYPost story actually was a valid email sent 6 years ago. We know this because GMail cryptographically signed it with "DKIM".

This repository contains the original email, plus Google's DKIM key at the time the email was sent. This key is no longer provided by GMail's DNS servers, so you have to hack up a server yourself, such as using BIND9 as a resolver with a Response Policy Zone (RPZ).

As you would expect, many people try to challenge this. Many of them reflect misunderstandings, or people sending links to articles claiming "DKIM breaks" without having read or understood the article.

"Did you get this email from the laptop? or was it sent to you?"

The email was sent to me by a journalist. This leads to two points.

The first is that validation of the email is solid regardless of source. We know it was an email sent by GMail from around that time by that named account. Doesn't matter where it came, we can know these facts.

The second is that even if I had a copy of the laptop drive, it's passed through so many hands on the way to me that it's untrustworthy. I mean, if you doubt the "laptop" story to begin, I don't think me having a copy could validate that their story is true.

I personally have many doubts about where this email came from, and the overall "narrative" they are trying to push. Regardless, I can validate the basic facts about this email.

Delivered-To: hbiden@rosemontseneca.com

Received: by with SMTP id j143csp13601itj;

Fri, 17 Apr 2015 06:00:53 -0700 (PDT)

X-Received: by with SMTP id b42mr5166039qkb.53.1429275653296;

Fri, 17 Apr 2015 06:00:53 -0700 (PDT)


Received: from mail-qc0-x232.google.com (mail-qc0-x232.google.com. [2607:f8b0:400d:c01::232])

by mx.google.com with ESMTPS id u123si11512941qhd.83.2015.


(version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128);

Fri, 17 Apr 2015 06:00:53 -0700 (PDT)

Received-SPF: pass (google.com: domain of v.pozharskyi.ukraine@gmail.com designates 2607:f8b0:400d:c01::232 as permitted sender) client-ip=2607:f8b0:400d:c01::232;

Authentication-Results: mx.google.com;

spf=pass (google.com: domain of v.pozharskyi.ukraine@gmail.com designates 2607:f8b0:400d:c01::232 as permitted sender) smtp.mail=v.pozharskyi.ukraine@gmail.com;

dkim=pass header.i=@gmail.com;

dmarc=pass (p=NONE dis=NONE) header.from=gmail.com

Received: by qcbii10 with SMTP id ii10so23145475qcb.2

for ; Fri, 17 Apr 2015 06:00:52 -0700 (PDT)

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;

d=gmail.com; s=20120113;










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by mx.google.com with ESMTPSA id e70sm7925958qka.40.2015.


(version=TLSv1 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA bits=128/128);

Fri, 17 Apr 2015 06:00:51 -0700 (PDT)

Subject: Meeting for coffee?

From: Vadym Pozharskyi

Content-Type: text/plain;


X-Mailer: iPhone Mail (12B440)


Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 09:00:51 -0400

To: Hunter Biden

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Mime-Version: 1.0 (1.0)

Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to m=

eet your father and spent some time together. It's realty an honor and pleas=


As we spoke yesterday evening, would be great to meet today for a quick coff=

ee. What do you think? I could come to you office somewhere around noon or s=

o, before or on my way to airport.=20

Best ,=20


=D0=9E=D1=82=D0=BF=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=BE =D1=81 iPhone=

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93a236 No.132383

File: fee0736e9740cce⋯.png (538.21 KB,1295x5338,1295:5338,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368854 (310234ZOCT20) Notable: MBNA Paid Biden's Son As Biden Backed Bill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

from 2008

MBNA Paid Biden's Son As Biden Backed Bill

A son of Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden was paid an undisclosed amount of money as a consultant by MBNA, the largest employer in Delaware, during the years the senator supported legislation that was promoted by the credit card industry and opposed by consumer groups.

Barack Obama's presidential campaign said Biden helped forge a bipartisan compromise on the measure, which is now law and makes it harder for consumers to obtain bankruptcy protection in the courts.

MBNA's consulting payments to Hunter Biden, first reported by The New York Times, followed his departure in 2001 from the company, where he had been an executive.

Obama opposed the bankruptcy law, enacted in 2005, while Biden supported it.

David Wade, a spokesman for the Obama campaign, said that "after working in the Clinton administration in the Department of Commerce on Internet privacy and online commerce issues, Hunter consulted for five years as an expert on these very same issues at a time of enormous expansion in online banking."

At the time Hunter Biden was receiving consulting payments from MBNA, he also was a Washington lobbyist at a firm he had co-founded.

"He was not a lobbyist for MBNA, and his work had absolutely nothing to do with the bankruptcy bill. Zero. Nothing," said Wade.

Resurrecting Biden's role in the bankruptcy legislation could undercut one of the Obama campaign's lines of attack: That his Republican opponent, John McCain, is insensitive to the financial woes of middle-class Americans.

Consumer and civil rights groups and unions, as well as Democratic opponents, had argued that the bankruptcy legislation was unfair to low-income working people, single mothers, minorities and the elderly, and would remove a safety net for those who have lost their jobs or face mounting medical bills.

The financial services industry made the case that bankruptcy frequently is a refuge of gamblers, impulsive shoppers, divorced or separated fathers avoiding child support, and multimillionaires who buy mansions in states with liberal exemptions to shelter assets from creditors.

When the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the bill early in 2005, Biden, Dianne Feinstein of California and Herb Kohl of Wisconsin were the only Democrats to vote with the Republican majority. Biden also voted for the bill on final passage in the Senate, while Obama voted against it.

MBNA employees have poured more than $200,000 into Biden's Senate campaigns over the past two decades, making donors working for the credit card company the senator's largest source of campaign money.

On the bankruptcy bill, the senator "took plenty of knocks from the largest employer in his state because he demanded changes," said Wade, the Obama campaign spokesman. "Sen. Biden improved the bill for low-income workers, women, and children. There were times when he believed amendments on both sides would have blown up a bipartisan compromise backed by three quarters of the Senate. At those moments, Sen. Biden had to make the tough calls and he voted to pass a bill."

In a separate matter in which Hunter Biden's lobbying activities were referenced, he and Biden's brother Jim have been sued for allegedly defrauding an ex-business partner.

In the lawsuit filed last year in state court in New York, Anthony Lotito says that he got a call from Jim Biden in early 2006 saying that Sen. Biden was concerned with the impact that Hunter's lobbying activities might have on the senator's expected campaign for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination.

According to the lawsuit, Jim Biden said his brother had asked him to seek Lotito's assistance in finding employment for Hunter in a non-lobbying capacity.

The lawsuit says that Lotito later was cut out of a business arrangement with Jim and Hunter Biden to purchase a Wall Street hedge fund.

Nicholas Gravante, a lawyer for the Bidens, said that Lotito's claim that Sen. Biden told his brother that he was concerned about his son's lobbying activities is completely baseless.

"There is absolutely no connection between Joe Biden and this lawsuit. The case is without merit and it will be dismissed," said Gravante, a partner at the firm of Boies, Schiller & Flexner.


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93a236 No.132384

File: 5e5ac5db3641d07⋯.png (942.54 KB,1062x736,531:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368873 (310236ZOCT20) Notable: Group Headed by Biden’s Daughter Got Grant While He Was Veep 01/29/2020

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93a236 No.132385

File: ea8840ab724fc3c⋯.png (222.1 KB,530x691,530:691,Clipboard.png)

File: ef5efe9d850c46e⋯.png (149 KB,530x502,265:251,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a2d9927ed6b6c7⋯.png (283.09 KB,530x775,106:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368878 (310236ZOCT20) Notable: FOLLOWING HUMA DIGS

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QDrop 2:



QDrop 3:



QDrop 6:



>Follow Huma tomorrow.





Huma, Iran


>The Huma (Persian: ‎, pronounced Homā, Avestan: Homāio), also Homa, is a mythical bird of Iranian legends and fables,[2][3] and continuing as a common motif in Sufi and Diwan poetry. Although there are many legends of the creature, common to all is that the bird is said never to alight on the ground, and instead to live its entire life flying invisibly high above the earth.

>There are numerous folk interpretations of the name, among them that of the Sufi teacher Inayat Khan, who supposed that "in the word Huma, hu represents spirit, and the word mah originates from the Arabic 'Maʼa' which means water."[4]

>It is also believed that Huma cannot be caught alive, and the person killing a Huma will die in forty days.[6]

>The Persian language acronym for "Iran National Airline" is HOMA and the airline's emblem has a stylized rendering of a Huma bird.


Huma, China Virus

10/29/20: (3-yr. delta w/ QDrop 3)


>Entrepreneurs are developing products and technology to battle Covid with artificial intelligence, data and 'biotech' products all coming to the foreground

>Huma - Founder and CEO Danoosh Vahdat is worth an estimated £42.9 million

>The programme by British healthcare technology company Huma gathers 'biomarkers' from patients and uses the data to improve treatment.

>It produces apps that integrate health data from existing hospital databases as well as patient wearables, like Fitbits, and other smartphones cameras and securely transmits it to doctors to use when deciding their course of treatment.

>Huma's focus shifted from remote monitoring of patients with rare and chronic diseases towards gathering biological data for use in preventative healthcare.


>The fact that the company works so closely with Tencent and other Chinese companies is notable at a time when there is a lot of scrutiny of China and how its companies may be using or working with personal data in countries like the U.S. and U.K.

>The Tencent partnership, he added, was largely to help build the company’s AI engine, with China’s massive population providing a ripe background to train machine learning algorithms.


10/29/20: (3-yr. delta w/ QDrop 3)



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93a236 No.132386

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368890 (310237ZOCT20) Notable: The Rally in Georgia on Sunday is being held at the Richard Russell Airport. RIP SKYKING.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bros. The Rally in Georgia on Sunday is being held at the Richard Russell Airport.


No coincidences.


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93a236 No.132387

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11368928 (310240ZOCT20) Notable: FOLLOWING HUMA DIGS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



QDrop 2:



QDrop 3:



QDrop 6:



>Follow Huma tomorrow.





Huma, China/Russia / Water / Bridge

Re: Qrop 2:

>Where is Huma? Follow Huma.

>This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet).


>The Huma River is a right tributary on the northern loop of the Amur River in China's province of Heilongjiang.

>Somewhere near its mouth was the Russian fort of Kumarsk at the time of the Russian–Manchu border conflicts.


>The Amur (Russian: река Амур, IPA: [ɐˈmur]), or Heilong Jiang (Chinese: 黑龙江; pinyin: Hēilóng Jiāng, "Black Dragon River", IPA: [xei.lʊŋ tɕjaŋ]),[2] is the world's tenth longest river, forming the border between the Russian Far East and Northeastern China (Inner Manchuria).

>The Amur is an important symbol of, and geopolitical factor in, Chinese–Russian relations. The Amur became especially prominent in the period of the Sino–Soviet political split of 1956–1966.

>The Tongjiang-Nizhneleninskoye railway bridge was proposed in 2007 by Valery Solomonovich Gurevich, the vice-chairman of the (((Jewish Autonomous Oblast))) in Russia. The railway bridge over the Amur will connect Tongjiang with Nizhneleninskoye, a village in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast.[25] The Chinese portion of the bridge was finished in July 2016.[26] In December 2016, work began on the Russian portion of the bridge. The bridge is expected to open in 2020.[27]



Huma, AW

Re: Qrop 2:

>Where is AW being held? Why?



>The former Democratic congressman — whose serial sexting cost him his political career and later sent him to prison — was recently named CEO of IceStone, which has a factory in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, The Post has learned.



Huma, Gowdy, Comey

Re: QDrop 3:

>Gowdy comments on Comey (history will ….)

>POTUS has everything.

>Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think).

>Follow Huma.

>Operation Mockingbird

10/29/20: (3-yr. delta w/ QDrop 3)



>Comey’s decision to reveal the bureau’s probe into the former Secretary of State’s private email server on October 28, 2016 – just 11 days before Election Day – has since been cemented as the turning point of her doomed campaign.

>Patrice Comey, his wife of more than three decades, says she was one of the people who tried to stop that from happening.

>She recounted how Comey came to her in their McLean, Virginia, home on October 27, 2018, and told her he had been briefed by his deputies that agents investigating the disgraced former House member Anthony Weiner had made a startling discovery on his laptop

>His wife at the time was Huma Abedin, Clinton’s senior aide. Investigators reportedly found an enormous number of emails belonging to Clinton, including some that the bureau investigators thought they had not found during their original email investigation, which was closed months before.

>Patrice said rather than appealing to her husband about Clinton’s political fate – which she said she knew would be a losing argument - she instead grilled him with questions.

>Comey reportedly grew irritated by his wife’s protests, insisting the gravity of the situation had nothing to do with timing and reiterating that he was supposed to be partisan in his decision making.


Following Huma.

Following Orders.

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93a236 No.132388

File: 078517578bb88f3⋯.mp4 (4.9 MB,888x488,111:61,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11369061 (310249ZOCT20) Notable: BOLOGNA, ITALY: The conscience of a country's population standing against their politicians speaks through this woman who says her life has been destroyed by lockdowns & has nothing to eat or to feed her 3 year old child

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BOLOGNA, ITALY: The conscience of a country's population standing against their politicians speaks through this woman who says her life has been destroyed by lockdowns & has nothing to eat or to feed her 3 year old child:


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93a236 No.132389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11369126 (310254ZOCT20) Notable: CENSORED: Here Are The Crimes They Are Hiding From You | Rudy Giuliani

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CENSORED: Here Are The Crimes They Are Hiding From You | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 82

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93a236 No.132390

File: 287bdb72d5eef88⋯.png (334.76 KB,535x569,535:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11369174 (310257ZOCT20) Notable: During a BBC investigation, they discovered that Facebook didn't remove 80 percent of child abuse images they reported. In response, Facebook requested examples then reported the BBC team to the authorities.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132391

File: 140328539ef0c79⋯.png (776.69 KB,915x1053,305:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11369272 (310307ZOCT20) Notable: 27 Missing Children Rescued In Virginia Sweep: U.S. Marshals

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27 Missing Children Rescued In Virginia Sweep: U.S. Marshals

+The U.S. Marshals Service rescued 27 children in Virginia through a five-day law enforcement operation called Operation Find Our Children."


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93a236 No.132392

File: c679a207414879a⋯.png (255.81 KB,656x1666,328:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11369311 (310311ZOCT20) Notable: P = Paysuer

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132393

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11369479 (310324ZOCT20) Notable: #14520

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>132392 P = Paysuer

>>132391 27 Missing Children Rescued In Virginia Sweep: U.S. Marshals

>>132390 During a BBC investigation, they discovered that Facebook didn't remove 80 percent of child abuse images they reported. In response, Facebook requested examples then reported the BBC team to the authorities.

>>132389 CENSORED: Here Are The Crimes They Are Hiding From You | Rudy Giuliani

>>132388 BOLOGNA, ITALY: The conscience of a country's population standing against their politicians speaks through this woman who says her life has been destroyed by lockdowns & has nothing to eat or to feed her 3 year old child

>>132380 FREEDOM

>>132381 Lude Media: CCP Censorship, Closer Than You Think - Live now

>>132382 Rob Graham has successfully verified DKIM headers of Hunter Biden email

>>132383 MBNA Paid Biden's Son As Biden Backed Bill

>>132384 Group Headed by Biden’s Daughter Got Grant While He Was Veep 01/29/2020

>>132386 The Rally in Georgia on Sunday is being held at the Richard Russell Airport. RIP SKYKING.

>>132385, >>132387 FOLLOWING HUMA DIGS

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93a236 No.132394

File: 33488509111ba8a⋯.mp4 (418.12 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11369629 (310336ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden and I are about to work to get rid of that tax cut

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Joe Biden and I are about to work to get rid of that tax cut,"


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93a236 No.132395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11369649 (310338ZOCT20) Notable: Texan Trumps Fans give Sleepy his biggest rally. - Hilarious.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Texan Trumps Fans give Sleepy his biggest rally.



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93a236 No.132396

File: f4923b1e6eaa3d9⋯.mp4 (4.28 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11369713 (310343ZOCT20) Notable: NOW ABC IS COVERING THE HUNTER STORY

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>>132370 (pb notable) Donald Trump deserves a second term - CNN???


methinks the tide is turning…



Nov 1 2017 01:44:10 (EST)

Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).

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93a236 No.132397

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11369763 (310348ZOCT20) Notable: Anons see?

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>>132370 Donald Trump deserves a second term - CNN??? PB

Anons see?

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93a236 No.132398

File: b5355cf6a6991d8⋯.png (433.91 KB,595x515,119:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a88721f3f400a8⋯.png (4.68 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 589236d9e373a04⋯.png (5.03 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: b55ab68b9a3f6bb⋯.png (4.82 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11369764 (310348ZOCT20) Notable: Anon makes case for everyone to homeschool their kids after finding CCP propaganda in school textbooks

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American Pageant textbooks are used in schools - WTAF! This shit needs to stop. Textbooks should not sound like reading the tabloids in the grocery line.

tweet addy - https://twitter.com/GregHawes/status/1321587836152242176

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93a236 No.132399

File: df2c0660e802205⋯.png (1.89 MB,1160x778,580:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11369831 (310353ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS Schedule for SATURDAY, October 31, 2020

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POTUS Schedule for SATURDAY, October 31, 2020


10:00AM Depart the White House - South Portico

10:25AM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews

10:35AM Depart Washington, D.C.

11:25AM Arrive at Trenton-Mercer Airport - Ewing Township, NJ

11:35AM Departs Ewing Township, NJ

11:55AM Arrive at Keith House-Washington’s Headquarters - Newtown, PA

12:00PM Deliver remarks on Making America Great Again, Again - Newtown, PA

1:00PM Depart Newtown, PA

1:20PM Arrive at Trenton-Mercer Airport - Ewing Township, NJ

1:30PM Depart Ewing Township, NJ

2:05PM Arrive at Reading Regional Airport - Reading, PA

2:15PM Deliver remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally - Reading, PA

3:55PM Depart Reading, PA

4:55PM Arrive at Pittsburgh International Airport - Pittsburgh, PA

5:05PM Depart Pittsburgh, PA

5:20PM Arrive at Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport - Butler, PA

5:30PM Deliver remarks at Make America Great Again Victory Rally - Butler, PA

6:50PM Depart Butler, PA

7:05PM Arrive at Pittsburgh International Airport - Pittsburgh, PA

7:15PM Depart Pittsburgh, PA

8:05PM Arrive at t Williamsport Regional Airport - Montoursville, PA

8:15PM Deliver remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally - Montoursville, PA

9:35PM Depart Montoursville, PA

10:25PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews

10:35PM Depart Joint Base Andrews

11:00PM Arrive at the White House - South Portico



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93a236 No.132400

File: a94e8297275fae7⋯.jpg (103.7 KB,962x660,481:330,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370083 (310413ZOCT20) Notable: Mueller gathered evidence suggesting DNC, Clinton camp created Russia collusion story

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Mueller gathered evidence suggesting DNC, Clinton camp created Russia collusion story

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office gathered evidence suggesting that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee launched a political "smear job" in spring 2016 tying Donald Trump to Russia collusion through the lobbying work of his campaign chairman Paul Manafort in Ukraine, according to memos that were excluded from the prosecutor's final report.

The evidence, reviewed by Just the News, includes information obtained by State Department officials from a trusted Ukrainian source, a private investigator's report, and an email exchange suggesting Tony Podesta — a Manafort business associate and brother of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta — tried at one point to slow down the opposition research project.

The evidence — which is additional to records showing the law firm for the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the infamous "Steele dossier" given to the FBI — was never mentioned in last year's vast, two-volume Mueller Report, which concluded that no Americans colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

The newly surfaced evidence bolsters separate intelligence reporting that Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe made public recently showing the Obama CIA also believed Clinton's campaign had launched a political dirty trick to "vilify" Trump on Russia in an effort to distract from her own controversies.

"We did have evidence to show that early collusion allegations against Trump and Manafort were created or propagated by people who either worked for the DNC or the Clinton campaign, including some efforts that went beyond the Steele dossier," a person with direct knowledge of the Mueller probe told Just the News.

The person spoke only on condition of anonymity because the person did not have permission to speak to the news media.

Asked why the Mueller report did not mention the Clinton campaign tactics, the source answered: "Our job was to report on and prosecute crimes, not write an essay on how political opposition research was conducted by the two parties."

Unredacted emails and other documents gathered by Mueller's team suggest the earliest hint of the Democrats' Russia collusion smear campaign emerged in a May 2016 email exchange between Democratic super-lobbyist Tony Podesta and Manafort's lead business manager in Ukraine, Rick Gates, who also worked as a deputy campaign manager for the Trump campaign. The thread appeared under the subject line: "DNC and Paul Manafort."

Though on opposite sides of the political spectrum, Tony Podesta, Manafort and Gates worked together on lobbying and political consulting projects related to Ukraine's Party of Regions and former President Viktor Yanukovych, who was ousted from power in 2014.

"Last Friday APAC had a meeting at DNC organized by their ethnic outreach office, presenting Democratic Party strategies for presidential elections," Gates emailed Tony Podesta on May 17, 2016. "One of the subjects was a smear campaign against Paul Manafort, which will be launched in a couple of days. The head of the ethnic outreach is of Ukrainian descent and has connections in Ukraine.

"She was able to produce documents linking Manafort to Moscow during his time as adviser to Victor Yanukowych (cq), ousted former Ukrainian president. They will try to link Donald Trump to Putin through Manafort's engagement and money trail of over [a] billion dollars. This was a formal presentation on the part of DNC — I am trying to obtain an audio tape from the meeting. I just wanted to share this with you to make you aware before they start."

Tony Podesta responded by asking what APAC was and Gates wrote back: "You will love this one … the American Polish Advisory Council."

A few days later, Podesta reported back to Gates in a May 23, 2016 email: "Think I slowed this down."

Other documents show how Gates and Manafort got a first-hand account of what happened at the APAC event with Chalupa from an official with the Polish lobby.

In an interview, Gates confirmed to Just the News that the email exchanges occurred and said that Podesta eventually disclosed to the Manafort team that the DNC's lead figure on the opposition research campaign targeting Trump was a Ukrainian-American woman and DNC contractor named Alexandra Chalupa.

Gates, who later pled guilty to financial crimes and became a cooperating witness in the Mueller probe, added that he was questioned by the prosecutor's team about Chalupa's work and his contacts with Podesta.

more https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/mueller-gathered-evidence-dnc-clinton-dirty-trick-russia

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93a236 No.132401

File: de55d47f74a5431⋯.png (577.47 KB,6951x3171,331:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370178 (310420ZOCT20) Notable: ANONS Here is MAP it is not complete. But It is start.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


K. Keep up the good work.

I can see now you are fighting the good fight and clearly I am the enemy.

Ohh wait no Im just tired and dont have time for you BS.

ANONS Here is MAP it is not complete. But It is start.



















































Enjoy anons!

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93a236 No.132402

File: 5474c5e1e0019e2⋯.png (57.9 KB,921x364,921:364,Clipboard.png)

File: 35c343ec97b47a8⋯.png (81.82 KB,888x472,111:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370186 (310421ZOCT20) Notable: Keith House was General George Washington's headquarters before the historic crossing of the Delaware River and Battle of Trenton.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>11:55AM Arrive at Keith House-Washington’s Headquarters - Newtown, PA

Keith House was General George Washington's headquarters before the historic crossing of the Delaware River and Battle of Trenton.



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93a236 No.132403

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370248 (310426ZOCT20) Notable: #14521

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>132394 Joe Biden and I are about to work to get rid of that tax cut

>>132395 Texan Trumps Fans give Sleepy his biggest rally. - Hilarious.


>>132397 Anons see?

>>132399 POTUS Schedule for SATURDAY, October 31, 2020

>>132398 Anon makes case for everyone to homeschool their kids after finding CCP propaganda in school textbooks

>>132400 Mueller gathered evidence suggesting DNC, Clinton camp created Russia collusion story

>>132402 Keith House was General George Washington's headquarters before the historic crossing of the Delaware River and Battle of Trenton.

>>132401 ANONS Here is MAP it is not complete. But It is start.

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93a236 No.132404

File: d9ab1e0f9d11be5⋯.png (16.26 KB,594x179,594:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370329 (310433ZOCT20) Notable: New James Woods: Finger Lakes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132405

File: 639b45c92fa01b7⋯.png (3.55 MB,2319x1546,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370336 (310434ZOCT20) Notable: Biblical.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132406

File: ec865eb225c3588⋯.png (651.51 KB,1182x1194,197:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370343 (310434ZOCT20) Notable: Woman Extradited From Australia Charged For Fatal 2017 Hit-And-Run That Killed Bicyclist In Whittier

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

On the one hand, DOJ is corrupt AF but on the other, they ain't fucking around

Woman Extradited From Australia Charged For Fatal 2017 Hit-And-Run That Killed Bicyclist In Whittier

Andrea Dorothy Chan, aka Andrea Dorothy Reyes, was charged with a felony count each of hit-and-run driving resulting in death and vehicular manslaughter. Chan was also charged with a misdemeanor count of destroying or concealing evidence and faces allegations of causing great bodily injury.

Prosecutors say Chan, 35, ran over 46-year-old Augustin Rodriguez, who was on a bicycle, and dragged him under her car for a period of time on Jan. 13, 2017. She then had her vehicle fixed and stored in Idaho before leaving the country, according to the District Attorney’s Office.

The FBI located Chan in Hong Kong and issued an international warrant for her arrest. She then moved to Australia, where she was arrested in Adelaide in April of 2018. She arrived back in Southern California Thursday after a year-long extradition process.

If convicted as charged, Chan faces a possible maximum sentence of more than 11 years in state prison. She is scheduled to make her first appearance in court Monday.

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93a236 No.132407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370348 (310435ZOCT20) Notable: Protesters livestream Portland Andy

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Protesters livestream Portland Andy

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93a236 No.132408

File: afb70627d5e8539⋯.png (1.98 MB,1074x1402,537:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370349 (310435ZOCT20) Notable: FLOTUS, volume 28

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FLOTUS, volume 28

November 2020

Will make a Special Edition after the election.

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93a236 No.132409

File: f518a9fb4647338⋯.jpg (85.46 KB,507x564,169:188,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370353 (310435ZOCT20) Notable: New Dan Scavino

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132410

File: 8d8e0fe05663abe⋯.jpg (23.45 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a955a151020ff6f⋯.png (73.84 KB,946x370,473:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370356 (310436ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: U.S. reports 100,000 coronavirus cases in 24 hours, setting world record - BNO count

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: U.S. reports 100,000 coronavirus cases in 24 hours, setting world record - BNO count


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93a236 No.132411

File: 9efa2cf2ab65919⋯.png (111.63 KB,1339x689,103:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 9404b83b6284a2a⋯.png (91.51 KB,1033x1075,1033:1075,Clipboard.png)

File: 3eba63217c51406⋯.png (172.12 KB,1045x1549,1045:1549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370375 (310437ZOCT20) Notable: some new foia stuff rosatom docs

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some new foia stuff

rosatom docs

state dept. 85 new docs

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132412

File: cee4697e852e2ab⋯.png (477.45 KB,523x585,523:585,Clipboard.png)

File: 58c617d9eeb4e86⋯.png (2.96 MB,1390x792,695:396,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370376 (310437ZOCT20) Notable: New Dan Scavino

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅

Hearing there are [Exploding head] over at Biden campaign. Trump Train has to get out in full force—and VOTE! Do not think your vote won’t matter—keep the enthusiasm and momentum going…it is AWESOME—let’s WIN!!

“Your VOTE on Tuesday, Nov 3rd is going to SAVE OUR COUNTRY.“ @realDonaldTrump


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93a236 No.132413

File: 3e6334ac9ad0e4a⋯.jpg (120.58 KB,447x435,149:145,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370437 (310444ZOCT20) Notable: Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: Barack Obama's advisors were 'bothered' and thought it was 'unseemly' when Hunter Biden joined board of Burisma while Joe was VP and helping decide policy for Ukraine, new book claims

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Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: Barack Obama's advisors were 'bothered' and thought it was 'unseemly' when Hunter Biden joined board of Burisma while Joe was VP and helping decide policy for Ukraine, new book claims

Has the damn broken? First, CNN, then ABC, and now Daily Mail???


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93a236 No.132414

File: 9512fe2858874a3⋯.png (20.51 KB,709x239,709:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370467 (310446ZOCT20) Notable: Another late night for POTUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Another late night for POTUS.


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93a236 No.132415

File: c6368756672fb77⋯.png (9.18 KB,730x158,365:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370498 (310449ZOCT20) Notable: Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee, has reportedly chosen her Secret Service code name ahead of the 2020 election. ("Pioneer")

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I wonder if this has any significance.

Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee, has reportedly chosen her Secret Service code name ahead of the 2020 election.

The Democratic senator from California will be referred to by security agents as “Pioneer,” CNN reported Monday, citing a law enforcement official.


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93a236 No.132416

File: d3bc8f03feeee92⋯.png (881.04 KB,1918x967,1918:967,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370500 (310449ZOCT20) Notable: PF: PORTLAND POLICE BUREAU doing laps

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132417

File: 2b8506fd521f0a7⋯.png (1.41 MB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 84cbee0aff39c87⋯.jpeg (839.08 KB,828x1085,828:1085,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370501 (310450ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter search: Hunter Finger Lakes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Man, Hunter is one screwed up modi.

Twitter search: Hunter Finger Lakes

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93a236 No.132418

File: 9a9b194c822a1a7⋯.jpg (169.15 KB,908x452,227:113,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370529 (310452ZOCT20) Notable: DAILY MAIL: Read tGLENN GREENWALD'S blistering attack on the US media's conspiracy of silence over Hunter Biden's laptops and the serious questions Joe still has to answer over son's sketchy Chinese and Ukrainian business deals

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DAILY MAIL: Read tGLENN GREENWALD'S blistering attack on the US media's conspiracy of silence over Hunter Biden's laptops and the serious questions Joe still has to answer over son's sketchy Chinese and Ukrainian business deals


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93a236 No.132419

File: b3d1fc9de793e56⋯.jpg (351.36 KB,1920x938,960:469,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1442abaac062a32⋯.png (106.32 KB,1267x936,1267:936,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370560 (310455ZOCT20) Notable: PF: SkyWest bringing more shitters to the direct action

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


SkyWest bringing more shitters to the direct action

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132420

File: e9b135792cc6d7f⋯.png (263.7 KB,1071x682,1071:682,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fcd62b60597c5d⋯.pdf (590.72 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370564 (310455ZOCT20) Notable: This is where Washington made his plans for his Christmas eve attack

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>>132399 LB

>>132402 LB

Keith House - National Register of Historic Places Inventory—Nomination Form


This is where Washington made his plans for his Christmas eve attack

When American troops were stationed along the banks of the Delaware River, the	Keith family made its home available to General Washington. For ten days, from December 14 to 24, 1776 Washington made his headquarters in the Keith home. It		was in this home that Washington met with aids staying in near-by homes to plan his Christmas eve attack on the Hessians in Trenton.


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93a236 No.132421

File: 1a932f8e0a1f51b⋯.jpg (777.42 KB,1439x2158,1439:2158,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 89778a1c6f66262⋯.jpg (612.84 KB,1439x1807,1439:1807,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370566 (310455ZOCT20) Notable: New source for HB laptop "openly admitting that a foreign national used him repeatedly for access to Obama and Joe Biden and that he fulfilled their every wish"

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It's all coming out now.

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93a236 No.132422

File: de55d47f74a5431⋯.png (577.47 KB,6951x3171,331:151,Clipboard.png)

File: e241ea7a7993a39⋯.jpg (117.18 KB,705x751,705:751,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370575 (310455ZOCT20) Notable: HunterBiden Crime and Corruption MAP v0.8

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/11370272, >>>/qresearch/11370288

Here's ABCU_8's tweet.

I believe he will not post his own tweets here at QR. so I'm doing it for him. Since I was the digger on this collaboration and I want to see this info that we worked so hard to assemble get out there.



#HunterBiden Crime and Corruption MAP v0.8

Will update as more news and facts are released.

SEE LINK if twitter downsizes the image









All Roads lead to Joe!


10:45 PM · Oct 30, 2020

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93a236 No.132423

File: 9bc6a6da41beecf⋯.jpg (48.35 KB,709x837,709:837,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5985fa25272d874⋯.png (22.02 KB,546x147,26:7,Clipboard.png)

File: ff23847d03e7b6f⋯.jpg (286.53 KB,1080x1873,1080:1873,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370584 (310456ZOCT20) Notable: NATIONAL GUARD ACTIVATE

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Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/25/2020 14:29:10 ID: b079ec

Archive Bread/Post Links: 9743399 / 9744194

Direct Link: 9744194

Image Name: EbTQIj_WoAYxTwX.jpg

Filename: ff23847d03e7b6f2b1ef2417914d4f74e5f6513206b929260a9e5bf458cf3a98.jpg


Worth tracking.


"The Posse Comitatus Act, 18 U.S. Code, Section 1385, an original intent of which was to end the use of federal troops [TO POLICE STATE ELECTIONS] in former Confederate states, proscribes the role of the Army and Air Force in executing civil laws and states."


"Pursuant to the presidential power to quell domestic violence, federal troops are expressly exempt from the prohibitions of Posse Comitatus Act, and this exemption applies equally to active-duty military and federalized National Guard troops."

What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?

Everything you are witnessing [past & present [future]] centrally revolves around the Presidential Election of 2020.

Win by any means necessary [self-preservation].



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/14/2020 12:23:52 ID: a54ff9

Archive Bread/Post Links: 10644330 / 10644371

Direct Link: 10644371

What happens when people in positions of power are sympathizers to the cause or part of that same ‘organization’ themselves?

What is a ‘safe zone’?

Why are riots conducted in specific [D] controlled locations?

What happens when elected officials [governors/mayors] handcuff the officers instead of criminals?

What happens when elected officials [governors/mayors] refuse to call in the national guard or other federal assistance?

Sacrificing the lives and well-being of the community for a calculated political gain [or other]?


Does ANTIFA fear prosecution?

Would they continue to operate if they did?

What organized group(s) are bailing out rioters within 24-hours of arrest?

What happens post bailout?

Do charges remain enforced or dropped by DA?


DA: will not act re: “low-level’ arrests

Have all refusal to bring charges been related to “low-level” arrests?




What happens when prosecutors, board of county commissioner members, volunteer firefighters, etc. are sympathetic to the cause?

What happens if the organization [ANTIFA] itself is aware?

Infiltration not invasion.


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93a236 No.132424

File: 8d69a20b96d189a⋯.png (246.83 KB,346x240,173:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370636 (310500ZOCT20) Notable: Dear Lord Jesus please bless anons

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Good evening anons,

Just wanted to say a quick prayer,

Dear Lord Jesus please bless anons, send the Holy Spirit to them to inspire and comfort them with your grace and wisdom, may their focus produce truth and things of the light which lead back to you. May we weather this storm on smooth waters and have the joy of doing so in your good name so that it pleases the Lord.

Many come here to do research, many come here for anwers, many come here to sow division and I ask that you send them all the power and grace of your Holy Spirit that they may see your light and feel your love and understand all that is ours through your resurrection and your Ascension which gives us forgiveness of sins. Thank you Lord ,

Gratefully I leave this here,


I have loved and known Jesus my whole life, he has revealed himself to me in my darkest hours and I am grateful for his intercessions. I do not believe I would be here if not for him and my faith in who he is….

Good evening anons, light and love being sent your way…..

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93a236 No.132425

File: 6bce2123b6350b9⋯.jpg (78.39 KB,632x761,632:761,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370664 (310503ZOCT20) Notable: This is what the filthy Jewish Talmud actually teaches. No wonder Jews are the leading proponents of transgenderism and homosexuality.

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This is what the filthy Jewish Talmud actually teaches. No wonder Jews are the leading proponents of transgenderism and homosexuality.

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93a236 No.132426

File: 3e93829c78a00fb⋯.png (114.98 KB,804x814,402:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370669 (310504ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS mentioned 1972 at the peaceful protests today. Q 1972

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS mentioned 1972 at the peaceful protests today.

Q 1972

Biggest Scandal in US History.

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93a236 No.132427

File: 4f65fd68c7123a8⋯.png (712.27 KB,1917x940,1917:940,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370683 (310505ZOCT20) Notable: PF: Delta from San Diego + Hawaiian Airlines going in, should be hitting the streets at midnight imo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Delta from San Diego + Hawaiian Airlines going in, should be hitting the streets at midnight imo

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93a236 No.132428

File: 66700de980f9cbd⋯.png (1002.01 KB,1288x726,644:363,Clipboard.png)

File: 9175c02096407f3⋯.png (602.83 KB,708x1202,354:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 6528b48d2428576⋯.png (1.24 MB,982x1186,491:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370700 (310507ZOCT20) Notable: This Ukrainian woman who criticizes the Bidens is only described as a 'supporter of Biden'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>132396 (pb)


This Ukrainian woman who criticizes the Bidens is only described as a 'supporter of Biden', her name and position are not given.

Look at the artwork, George Washington portrait painted over as a clown and giving the keep quiet signal, eyes X'd out.

Once a story gets too big for the MSM to ignore they will usually hop on it but then steer away from it later.

Oh we thought it was real bad but after investigating we found it was not that bad after all…

I still don't trust them as far as I could throw them.

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93a236 No.132429

File: f13ff2d0d765953⋯.png (423.5 KB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370712 (310508ZOCT20) Notable: Alaskan Airlines bringing in methhead Radicals from Minneapolis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Alaskan Airlines bringing in methhead Radicals from Minneapolis

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93a236 No.132430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370718 (310508ZOCT20) Notable: Dear Lord Jesus please bless anons

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Amen anon.

Call to action: Prayers for POTUS and WINNING each day until Trump is victorious at 12PM EST.

There is power in numbers so please pass along!

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93a236 No.132431

File: 0835431cb7ce724⋯.png (473.17 KB,535x583,535:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370725 (310509ZOCT20) Notable: Stange Factoid Tweet (assassinate POTUS comms -obvious -nothing stops what is happening)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132432

File: 2734d6c2a77af74⋯.jpg (79.76 KB,991x625,991:625,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370746 (310511ZOCT20) Notable: Seven takeaways from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s talk to Silicon Valley

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Seven takeaways from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s talk to Silicon Valley

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s assertive and insightful voice came to the San Francisco Bay Area on Friday, where he appeared as a special guest at the Silicon Valley Leadership Group’s Annual Forum, a virtual version of the group’s once-a-year luncheon.

The nation’s top infectious disease expert, Fauci was interviewed by Leadership Group CEO Ahmad Thomas about the the state of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Here are some takeaways from their conversation, which has been edited.

We’re not in a “second wave” or “third wave” — because we never got out of the first wave:

“When we first got hit badly, it was dominated by what was going on in the New York metropolitan area. But we never got down to a real low baseline because the other areas of the country began to get ‘hot.’

We saw a resurgence of cases, dominated by the southern states of Florida, Georgia, Texas, Arizona, and Southern California.

Now, fast forward to today, we’re seeing hotspots literally throughout the entire country.”

He’s really worried about this fall and winter:

“As we enter into the cooler months, much of what is going to be done is going to be done indoors. So I’m concerned that unless we do something to turn this around, we’re going to have a very difficult winter.

But if we have universal wearing of masks, physical distancing, avoiding congregate settings in crowds, doing things more outdoors, washing hands, (then) we do not necessarily have to accept the inevitability of these major surges.”

Expect vaccine news in November or December, with distribution starting early next year:

“We should be able to get an inkling of whether or not we have a safe and effective vaccine sometime in mid- to the end of November, or the beginning of December. I don’t know how effective it’s going to be, I hope it’s going to be somewhere around 70% to 75%.

If we’re successful, we will be able to start administering vaccine doses by the end of this calendar year or, more likely, in the beginning of 2021. So that hopefully by the time we get to the third quarter of 2021, we will have vaccinated the vast majority of people who want to get vaccinated.”

He knows why people are leery. But he promises transparency:

“I understand the skepticism that people have, for a number of reasons. There have been some mixed signals and some issues that have come out of Washington.

The way around that is to be completely transparent with the American public about what the process is.

Every vaccine trial has a Data and Safety Monitoring Board — a completely independent group of clinicians, vaccinologists, statisticians and ethicists who look at the data. They don’t answer to the President. They don’t answer to the pharmaceutical company.

Then the career scientists of the FDA will look at the data. And another independent committee, called the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, will look at the data and advise the FDA as to whether to grant either an ‘emergency use authorization,’ or actual licensure.

I can promise you that the process is independent of political manipulation. And I will be very open with the American public about my impression of whether or not this is safe and effective.”

'''There will likely be more than one safe and effective vaccine. Should you wait?

In the next month or so, we’ll see more and better therapies:

Don’t be like Dr. Fauci. He hasn’t taken a day off since January:'''


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93a236 No.132433

File: 80e6f37fddd5ac9⋯.png (541.92 KB,535x558,535:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370754 (310512ZOCT20) Notable: Stange Factoid Tweet (assassinate POTUS comms -obvious -nothing stops what is happening)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132434

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370776 (310515ZOCT20) Notable: How do I get proof that Trump received the letter from Vigano?

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How do I get proof that Trump received the letter from Vigano?

Anyone know?


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93a236 No.132435

File: 3f59b6eeae4441a⋯.png (473.02 KB,1920x907,1920:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370797 (310517ZOCT20) Notable: PF: Portland; Transition Integrity Project in full swing

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Transition Integrity Project in full swing

watch w/ portland andy, purge kick off at 12pst


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93a236 No.132436

File: 6388aff1e4a65af⋯.png (335.17 KB,535x635,107:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370801 (310518ZOCT20) Notable: How do I get proof that Trump received the letter from Vigano?

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93a236 No.132437

File: 37d7f82ff78c0f4⋯.jpg (323.91 KB,660x736,165:184,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370809 (310518ZOCT20) Notable: New Dan Scavino

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Dan reminds patriots that their votes melt Biden-heads. And who doesn't want more of that! :)

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93a236 No.132438

File: 1f9fe51394c0026⋯.png (43.77 KB,1181x600,1181:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370834 (310520ZOCT20) Notable: I found this source for how many ballots have been returned with all the statistical information for each state for anyone who is interested.

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I found this source for how many ballots have been returned with all the statistical information for each state for anyone who is interested.



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93a236 No.132439

File: e839bf7a0e8ff74⋯.png (31.52 KB,595x275,119:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370842 (310522ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS: “A Biden win would mean the end of Fracking in Pennsylvania, Texas, and everywhere else. Millions of jobs would be lost, and Energy prices would soar.” @OANN And we would no longer be Energy Independent!!!

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“A Biden win would mean the end of Fracking in Pennsylvania, Texas, and everywhere else. Millions of jobs would be lost, and Energy prices would soar.” @OANN And we would no longer be Energy Independent!!!


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93a236 No.132440


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sauce…. now everywhere in US….https://abbott.mediaroom.com/2020-08-26-Abbotts-Fast-5-15-Minute-Easy-to-Use-COVID-19-Antigen-Test-Receives-FDA-Emergency-Use-Authorization-Mobile-App-Displays-Test-Results-to-Help-Our-Return-to-Daily-Life-Ramping-Production-to-50-Million-Tests-a-Month

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93a236 No.132441

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370855 (310523ZOCT20) Notable: How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge ('fake persona' -when will they learn?)

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How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge

A 64-page document that was later disseminated by close associates of President Donald Trump appears to be the work of a fake "intelligence firm."


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93a236 No.132442

File: 50bc1033ebd4c53⋯.jpg (399.76 KB,1200x960,5:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370860 (310524ZOCT20) Notable: May all beings be blessed

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Amen, Fren.

Thank you Dear God for Blessing our dear Q+, giving him supernatural discernment and wisdom, comforting him, strengthening him, and protecting him and his family.

Thank you for comforting and blessing all Patriots who work tirelessly with our POTUS, our great Military, our Border Patrol, our ICE agents, our Law Enforcement, our First Responders, our Doctors and Nurses, and all Patriots everywhere.

Thank you for watching over our veterans. Thank you for comforting them and letting them know how much we love and value them.

Thank you for comforting all those who suffer in fear, poverty, oppression, grief, despair, etc.

Thank you for awakening all those who have been asleep so they can see the light of truth.

May all beings be blessed.


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93a236 No.132443

File: 272512c25779c61⋯.png (294.38 KB,742x640,371:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370888 (310528ZOCT20) Notable: PhD Chemist Whistleblower who Worked 17 Years Developing Chemtrails: 90% of Chemtrails Designed to Alter Emotions/Mood/State of Mind and Provoke “Flu-like Symptoms”

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This story was excerpted from something on a different site. Going to the original article revealed some information about "Evergreen" airplanes. Reminded me of previous digs on Hillary's SS "nickname".

Original story apparently appeared on 10/27 speculating about what was causing an uptick in symptomatic COVID cases. IS THIS STUFF BEING SPRAYED ON US FROM ABOVE?!

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93a236 No.132444

File: ef66c68cbd7b751⋯.png (233.2 KB,478x591,478:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370890 (310528ZOCT20) Notable: Scientists say they have found an elusive chameleon species that was last spotted in Madagascar 100 years ago. Researchers say they've discovered several living specimens of Voeltzkow’s chameleon during an expedition.

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Scientists say they have found an elusive chameleon species that was last spotted in Madagascar 100 years ago. Researchers say they've discovered several living specimens of Voeltzkow’s chameleon during an expedition.


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93a236 No.132445

File: 7505eb1416caf1d⋯.png (715.31 KB,1053x1176,351:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370935 (310532ZOCT20) Notable: Report: Second Hunter Biden Laptop Seized by DEA

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Report: Second Hunter Biden Laptop Seized by DEA

A second laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Joe Biden, was reportedly seized in February during a raid on a psychiatrist by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Hunter Biden was reportedly not the target of the raid.

NBC News first reported the best Friday afternoon at the end of an article in which it defended its reporting — or lack thereof — about the emails on an abandoned laptop, which purportedly connect Joe Biden to his son’s businesses.

The first laptop was seized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December 2019.

NBC reported on the second:

If [Hunter Biden] did leave the machine in Delaware, it would have marked at least the second time he has left behind a laptop.

According to two people familiar with the matter, a different Hunter Biden laptop landed in the custody of the DEA in February when they executed a search warrant on the Massachusetts office of a psychiatrist accused of professional misconduct. The psychiatrist has not been charged with a crime.

Hunter Biden was not a target of the search or the investigation, and his lawyer ultimately got his laptop back. It’s not clear why his computer was left in the doctor’s office.

The Washington Examiner expanded on NBC’s reporting:

Sources told NBC News that the device belonging to the 50-year-old son of former Vice President Joe Biden, who is now a presidential candidate, was taken into custody by the DEA in February while executing a search warrant in the Massachusetts office of a psychiatrist who was accused of professional misconduct.

That former celebrity psychiatrist, Keith Ablow, saw his license suspended after he faced allegations of sexually exploiting patients and illegally diverting prescription drugs. Ablow has denied the allegations and has not been charged with any crime.

The report from NBC on Friday said Hunter Biden was not a target of the search or the investigation, and his lawyer got the laptop back. It remains unclear why the device was there in the first place.

A lawyer for Hunter Biden did not immediately return a request for comment. The Washington Examiner also reached out to the DEA for comment. Hunter Biden has struggled with substance abuse. He was discharged from the U.S. Navy in 2013 after testing positive for cocaine.

Data and files on the original laptop, left at a repair store in Wilmington, Delaware, purportedly connect Hunter Biden to it.

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93a236 No.132446

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370965 (310535ZOCT20) Notable: #14522,

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>>>/qresearch/11370288 Dough

Friday 10.30.2020

>>132042 ————————————–——– Fact checkers created in effort to reinforce propaganda [digestion]? (Cap: >>132044)

>>132037 ————————————–——– TIME magazine - The Great Reset - This is not about R v D


Notables Are Not Endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL


>>132404 New James Woods: Finger Lakes

>>132405 Biblical.

>>132406 Woman Extradited From Australia Charged For Fatal 2017 Hit-And-Run That Killed Bicyclist In Whittier

>>132408 FLOTUS, volume 28

>>132407 Protesters livestream Portland Andy

>>132409 , >>132412 , >>132437 New Dan Scavino

>>132410 BREAKING: U.S. reports 100,000 coronavirus cases in 24 hours, setting world record - BNO count

>>132411 some new foia stuff rosatom docs

>>132413 Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: Barack Obama's advisors were 'bothered' and thought it was 'unseemly' when Hunter Biden joined board of Burisma while Joe was VP and helping decide policy for Ukraine, new book claims

>>132414 Another late night for POTUS

>>132415 Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee, has reportedly chosen her Secret Service code name ahead of the 2020 election. ("Pioneer")

>>132417 Twitter search: Hunter Finger Lakes

>>132416 PF: PORTLAND POLICE BUREAU doing laps

>>132418 DAILY MAIL: Read tGLENN GREENWALD'S blistering attack on the US media's conspiracy of silence over Hunter Biden's laptops and the serious questions Joe still has to answer over son's sketchy Chinese and Ukrainian business deals

>>132419 PF: SkyWest bringing more shitters to the direct action

>>132420 This is where Washington made his plans for his Christmas eve attack


>>132424 , >>132430 Dear Lord Jesus please bless anons

>>132425 This is what the filthy Jewish Talmud actually teaches. No wonder Jews are the leading proponents of transgenderism and homosexuality.

>>132421 New source for HB laptop "openly admitting that a foreign national used him repeatedly for access to Obama and Joe Biden and that he fulfilled their every wish"

>>132426 POTUS mentioned 1972 at the peaceful protests today. Q 1972

>>132427 PF: Delta from San Diego + Hawaiian Airlines going in, should be hitting the streets at midnight imo

>>132428 This Ukrainian woman who criticizes the Bidens is only described as a 'supporter of Biden'

>>132429 Alaskan Airlines bringing in methhead Radicals from Minneapolis

>>132431 , >>132433 Stange Factoid Tweet (assassinate POTUS comms -obvious -nothing stops what is happening)

>>132432 Seven takeaways from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s talk to Silicon Valley

>>132422 HunterBiden Crime and Corruption MAP v0.8

>>132435 PF: Portland; Transition Integrity Project in full swing

>>132434 , >>132436 How do I get proof that Trump received the letter from Vigano?

>>132438 I found this source for how many ballots have been returned with all the statistical information for each state for anyone who is interested.

>>132439 POTUS: “A Biden win would mean the end of Fracking in Pennsylvania, Texas, and everywhere else. Millions of jobs would be lost, and Energy prices would soar.” @OANN And we would no longer be Energy Independent!!!


>>132441 How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge ('fake persona' -when will they learn?)

>>132442 May all beings be blessed

>>132443 PhD Chemist Whistleblower who Worked 17 Years Developing Chemtrails: 90% of Chemtrails Designed to Alter Emotions/Mood/State of Mind and Provoke “Flu-like Symptoms”

>>132444 Scientists say they have found an elusive chameleon species that was last spotted in Madagascar 100 years ago. Researchers say they've discovered several living specimens of Voeltzkow’s chameleon during an expedition.

>>132445 Report: Second Hunter Biden Laptop Seized by DEA

save the best for next bread

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93a236 No.132447

File: 6ab44768aea797a⋯.jpg (85.66 KB,924x721,132:103,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11370967 (310536ZOCT20) Notable: First known case in Bay Area of dual coronavirus-flu infection found in Solano County

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let's see what fuckery happens with the so far absent flu now…

First known case in Bay Area of dual coronavirus-flu infection found in Solano County

The first known case in the Bay Area of a dual coronavirus-influenza infection was confirmed Thursday in Solano County, prompting health officials to urge residents to hurry up and get flu shots and double down on social distancing and mask wearing.

The Solano County Department of Health and Social Services described the unlucky patient as an otherwise healthy individual under the age of 65, but the county did not release any personal information.

Bela Matyas, the Solano County health officer, said the victim is older than 20, works in the “health care realm” and appears to have recovered from the co-infection.

“This is a very clear indication of the potential for this to occur,” Matyas said. “We now have flu in our community at the same time we have COVID … Contracting either disease may weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to the other disease.”

Not much is known about how contracting the flu would impact someone with COVID-19, but infectious disease specialists have long warned that co-infection could cause more severe illness.

“It certainly can’t be good to be infected with both and it may well be a greater challenge to the person who has both infections, and that could make the outcomes worse,” said John Swartzberg, an infectious disease specialist at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. “So we should do everything we can to prevent infections.”

The fact that the Solano County patient recovered from the two viruses may not be indicative of what is likely to occur in the overall population. It is just not a large enough sample to determine how the two viruses interact with each other, said Robert Siegel, an infectious-disease specialist at Stanford University.

That’s why doctors are forced to rely on common sense, which dictates that two diseases in one body put greater stress on the immune system.

“People who have respiratory problems generally do worse with the coronavirus, and the flu causes those problems,” Siegel said. “We want to err on the side of caution.”

But there is some contradictory information.

A small study in New York found no difference in outcomes when they compared patients with COVID-19 with patients who had both influenza and COVID-19. The data, released on Oct. 23 in IDWeek, looked at a small group of patients in the Bronx who tested positive for both tests early in the pandemic.

A Stanford study in April found that 20.7% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, were also co-infected with at least one other respiratory pathogen.

The fact that the Solano County patient recovered from the two viruses may not be indicative of what is likely to occur in the overall population. It is just not a large enough sample to determine how the two viruses interact with each other, said Robert Siegel, an infectious-disease specialist at Stanford University.

That’s why doctors are forced to rely on common sense, which dictates that two diseases in one body put greater stress on the immune system.

“People who have respiratory problems generally do worse with the coronavirus, and the flu causes those problems,” Siegel said. “We want to err on the side of caution.”

But there is some contradictory information.

A small study in New York found no difference in outcomes when they compared patients with COVID-19 with patients who had both influenza and COVID-19. The data, released on Oct. 23 in IDWeek, looked at a small group of patients in the Bronx who tested positive for both tests early in the pandemic.

A Stanford study in April found that 20.7% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, were also co-infected with at least one other respiratory pathogen.


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93a236 No.132448

File: 5cce2e88b8aea9a⋯.png (37.17 KB,597x298,597:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371053 (310543ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS: Suburban Women are trending strongly to our campaign because they want SAFETY, SECURITY

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Suburban Women are trending strongly to our campaign because they want SAFETY, SECURITY, and love the fact that I terminated the REGULATION that would destroy their neighborhood and with it, the American Dream. Biden would bring the REGULATION back in a MUCH stronger form!!!


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93a236 No.132449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371076 (310546ZOCT20) Notable: Behold a Pale Horse book , page 86-87 decodes the recent Archbishop letter to POTUS

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Behold a Pale Horse book , page 86-87 decodes the recent Archbishop letter to POTUS


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93a236 No.132450

File: 131b9162a1a0f15⋯.jpg (60.77 KB,405x480,27:32,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371119 (310551ZOCT20) Notable: Finger lakes, mini bun

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132451

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371123 (310552ZOCT20) Notable: January 15, 2020: A Day That Should Live in Infamy

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January 15, 2020: A Day That Should Live in Infamy

January 15 was a very busy day in the United States of America.

It was the day that Nancy Pelosi and her minions strutted through the halls of Congress to deliver the Articles of Impeachment to the House of Representatives and voted to send them to the Senate. The entire proceedings can be viewed here on YouTube.

Although nothing came of the impeachment articles, they were still the “BIG DEAL” that the mainstream media focused on that day.

Meanwhile, the alleged first Covid-19 infected individual flew from Wuhan, China to Washington state that day. The virus flew in under the cover of media distraction.

From the CDC Press Release:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China, where an outbreak of pneumonia caused by this novel coronavirus has been ongoing since December 2019. While originally thought to be spreading from animal-to-person, there are growing indications that limited person-to-person spread is happening. It’s unclear how easily this virus is spreading between people.

The patient from Washington with confirmed 2019-nCoV infection returned to the United States from Wuhan on January 15, 2020. The patient sought care at a medical facility in the state of Washington, where the patient was treated for the illness. Based on the patient’s travel history and symptoms, healthcare professionals suspected this new coronavirus. A clinical specimen was collected and sent to CDC overnight, where laboratory testing yesterday confirmed the diagnosis via CDC’s Real time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test.

That information is conveniently omitted from the World Health Organization Timeline, the National Institute of Health Timeline, the Think Global Health Timeline, the New York Times Timeline, and the Wikipedia Covid Timeline. It is almost as if they don’t want that date associated with the alleged arrival of the virus.

Perhaps because that still wasn’t all that happened on January 15.

It was also the day that President Trump signed “Phase One” of a new trade deal with China. The remarks from President Trump and members of his administration can be read here.

The details of the deal can be read here. There are a couple sections that seem rather convenient given that the alleged first infected individual arrived in the US the same day it was signed.

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93a236 No.132452

File: f17dec2296c6a1c⋯.png (19.92 KB,456x211,456:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371128 (310552ZOCT20) Notable: January 15, 2020: A Day That Should Live in Infamy

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>>>/qresearch/11371007, 11371012 (pb)

January 15, 2020: A Day That Should Live in Infamy

January 15 was a very busy day in the United States of America.

It was the day that Nancy Pelosi and her minions strutted through the halls of Congress to deliver the Articles of Impeachment to the House of Representatives and voted to send them to the Senate. The entire proceedings can be viewed here on YouTube.

Although nothing came of the impeachment articles, they were still the “BIG DEAL” that the mainstream media focused on that day.

Meanwhile, the alleged first Covid-19 infected individual flew from Wuhan, China to Washington state that day. The virus flew in under the cover of media distraction….

And I present Q proof #4817:


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 56d8e9 No.10957834 📁

Oct 6 2020 22:17:47 (EST)

January 15, 2020:

1. USA CHINA Phase I deal executed [China bad day]

2. Impeachment articles released by Pelosi _walked [delivered] to Senate [attack v POTUS?][coordinated/planned for a specific day?]

3. 1st C19 case lands @ Seattle-Tacoma Airport [attack v POTUS?]

Mathematical probability [same day][natural vs controlled?]


Evil surrounds us.



here in WA, it was all over the news. Inslee, (D) governor of Washington did NOTHING for six weeks and didn't shut down anything in the state until ~March 24th, 2020.

What are the chances that he 'knew' about this 'Covid' patient?

What are the chances that he is part of the DS?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132453

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371131 (310552ZOCT20) Notable: January 15, 2020: A Day That Should Live in Infamy

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January 15, 2020: A Day That Should Live in Infamy

Chapter 6 – Page 2, regarding trade between nations:

If China believes that its ability to fulfill its obligations under this Chapter is being affected by an action or inaction by the United States or by other circumstances arising in the United States, China is entitled to request consultations with the United States.

Could “other circumstances arising in the United States” include a total shutdown of the economy and disruption of world trade caused by a pandemic?

The scope of appeal is as follows, from Chapter 7, Page 2-3:

a) The dispute resolution process covers all matters that occur after the date of entry into force of this Agreement.

b) Any measure, including an action, of a Party taken prior to the date of entry into force of this Agreement, which is maintained or continues to have effect after that date, is also subject to the dispute resolution process.

To be sure that any “action” taken by the United States – i.e. economic shutdown and quarantine – is covered by the agreement, it seems to have been necessary to wait until the agreement was signed to send the first carrier of Covid-19 to the United States later that day.

The most suspicious part of the agreement is in Article 7.6, Chapter 7, Page 4, under “miscellaneous.”

In the event that a natural disaster or other unforeseeable event outside the control of the Parties delays a Party from timely complying with its obligations under this Agreement, the Parties shall consult with each other.

Again, an “unexpected” economic shutdown could certainly delay a Party (the US) from meeting obligations within an adequate time frame. It was exactly 60 days later on March 15, 2020 that the CDC officially recommended canceling events and the quarantine process began. The snowballing of states closing schools and issuing shutdown orders began on this date as well. My home state of Indiana issued executive orders for the closing of restaurants and so forth on the following day, March 16, as a response to the CDC recommendations.

But on January 15, the US public was clueless that the virus had officially entered the country. The US public was clueless that the Phase One Trade Deal with China had convenient loopholes for circumstances that could be created by the upcoming economic shutdown.

The only ones who knew, it seems, were the leaders of China.

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93a236 No.132454

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371157 (310556ZOCT20) Notable: Report: Second Hunter Biden Laptop Seized by DEA

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Report: Second Hunter Biden Laptop Seized by DEA

A second laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Joe Biden, was reportedly seized in February during a raid on a psychiatrist by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Hunter Biden was reportedly not the target of the raid.

NBC News first reported the best Friday afternoon at the end of an article in which it defended its reporting — or lack thereof — about the emails on an abandoned laptop, which purportedly connect Joe Biden to his son’s businesses.

The first laptop was seized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December 2019.

NBC reported on the second:

If [Hunter Biden] did leave the machine in Delaware, it would have marked at least the second time he has left behind a laptop.

According to two people familiar with the matter, a different Hunter Biden laptop landed in the custody of the DEA in February when they executed a search warrant on the Massachusetts office of a psychiatrist accused of professional misconduct. The psychiatrist has not been charged with a crime.

Hunter Biden was not a target of the search or the investigation, and his lawyer ultimately got his laptop back. It’s not clear why his computer was left in the doctor’s office.

The Washington Examiner expanded on NBC’s reporting:

Sources told NBC News that the device belonging to the 50-year-old son of former Vice President Joe Biden, who is now a presidential candidate, was taken into custody by the DEA in February while executing a search warrant in the Massachusetts office of a psychiatrist who was accused of professional misconduct.

That former celebrity psychiatrist, Keith Ablow, saw his license suspended after he faced allegations of sexually exploiting patients and illegally diverting prescription drugs. Ablow has denied the allegations and has not been charged with any crime.

The report from NBC on Friday said Hunter Biden was not a target of the search or the investigation, and his lawyer got the laptop back. It remains unclear why the device was there in the first place.

A lawyer for Hunter Biden did not immediately return a request for comment. The Washington Examiner also reached out to the DEA for comment. Hunter Biden has struggled with substance abuse. He was discharged from the U.S. Navy in 2013 after testing positive for cocaine.

Data and files on the original laptop, left at a repair store in Wilmington, Delaware, purportedly connect Hunter Biden to it.


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93a236 No.132455

File: 58c4c5b0847630b⋯.png (306.63 KB,601x681,601:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371170 (310557ZOCT20) Notable: URGENT: Biden Team Need Volunteers (no money)

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93a236 No.132456

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371171 (310558ZOCT20) Notable: "Inslee-Clinton fundraiser almost sold out, boasts excited campaign"

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Re: Insley: This was recently removed from the Seattle Times.


"Inslee-Clinton fundraiser almost sold out, boasts excited campaign"

On the day after Bill Clinton delivered a fiery speech at the Democratic National Convention, the Jay Inslee campaign announced that the mid-September fundraiser with the former president has nearly sold out its 2,000 tickets.

Inslee, a former Democratic congressman running for governor, said he didn’t watch Clinton’s speech in real time but he “saw some highlights” afterwards.

“I thought it was remarkable,” Inslee said, after a Thursday morning campaign event with biotechnology leaders. “He’s seen the full ebb and flow of economic history … (and) he described the fundamental approach that he believes we need to take.”

Inslee served briefly for Clinton as the regional director for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the former president wrote the forward for Inslee’s book, “Apollo’s Fire: Igniting America’s Clean Energy Economy.”

The luncheon fundraiser is scheduled for Sat., Sept. 15. Tickets range from $150 to $5,000.

“It’s very, very exciting,” said campaign spokeswoman Jaime Smith, although she declined to predict how much the event will raise.

Inslee is locked in a tight race with Republican Rob McKenna, the state attorney general.

Inslee’s Thursday event at the University of Washington marked the second day in a row that he has appeared with leaders of industries that he feels will be the backbone of the state’s future.

He was introduced by Clay Siegall, the CEO of Seattle Genetics, which works on new drugs for cancer patients.

“He understands biotech,” Siegall said. “He understands the issues facing biotech.”

In a short speech, Inslee pledged to encourage investment in biotech by proposing tax breaks to start-up businesses in the field. He also wants school to focus on the industry, among other technology and clean energy areas.

On Wednesday, Inslee appeared with business leaders in the clean technology field.>>>/qresearch/11371143

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93a236 No.132457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371175 (310558ZOCT20) Notable: Another 1-On-1 With Giuliani — After Giving Us The Hard Drive, He’s Now Directly Accusing Biden Of Two Specific Crimes. Do You Believe Him?

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Another 1-On-1 With Giuliani — After Giving Us The Hard Drive, He’s Now Directly Accusing Biden Of Two Specific Crimes. Do You Believe Him?

Manhattan — Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani says that information contained on a hard drive allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden provides evidence of two potential crimes committed by former Vice President Joe Biden.

Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, made the claim during an exclusive Friday afternoon interview with Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc.

Datoc had previously pressed Giuliani to hand over the hard drive so that outside investigators could determine the veracity of his claims. Giuliani had refused to hand over the drive until Wednesday evening.

Datoc stated during Friday’s interview that though certain communications contained on the hard drive had been verified, no direct evidence directly implicating Joe Biden in any lawbreaking had yet surfaced.

Giuliani countered by accusing the Biden family of defrauding their former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, and doing business with Chinese intelligence assets in a manner that gets “pretty close to an espionage charge.”

“They stole from the business. They defrauded Bobulinski and the other partners,” he stated. “They’re doing business with Chinese communist spies, and taking money from Chinese communist spies.”

“I would think even the most ill-informed would figure out taking money from a Chinese communist spy, gee, that could be espionage,” Giuliani continued. “None of the morons in the press pick that up.”

If you hadn’t seen it already, make sure to watch Datoc’s prior interview with Giuliani below.

Here are the highlights:

Though he claimed the information he said he will release in the coming weeks will effectively end Biden’s election chances within 10 days of election day, he would not commit to ever releasing the hard drive in its entirety to be inspected by the media.

Giuliani says the hard drive originally came into his possession after the Mac Shop owner created four copies to distribute to his friends because he feared for his life. He passed along the original, physical hard drive to the FBI, and finally handed over the copy in Giuliani’s possession to Robert Costello, Giuliani’s attorney, months later. He claims the shop owner attempted to give it to other Republican operatives but no one would take it.

Giuliani claims the hard drive corroborates a tip he received from a confidential informant about a secret meeting between Hunter Biden and former Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken at the State Department that violates the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). In total, he claims the hard drive includes “six or seven” FARA violations.

Giuliani claimed that text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.” He did not answer questions about whether there were bank documents or other evidence supporting that claim contained on the hard drive.

Part 1 https://youtu.be/7ztJNBlKLu0

Part 2 https://youtu.be/7ztJNBlKLu0

Part 3 https://youtu.be/X7ziEwfWghA


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93a236 No.132458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371191 (310600ZOCT20) Notable: Kamala Harris: ‘Joe Biden and I Are About to Work to Get Rid of that Tax Cut’

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Kamala Harris: ‘Joe Biden and I Are About to Work to Get Rid of that Tax Cut’

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) spoke to Hispanic Americans at a campaign stop in McAllen, Texas, on Friday, telling them that she and former Vice President Joe Biden’s “first order of business” is to get rid of President Trump’s tax cuts.

“I promise you this — as a first order of business, Joe Biden and I are about to work to get rid of that tax cut,” she said to cheers.

"Joe Biden and I are about to work to get rid of that tax cut," Kamala Harris tells Hispanic Americans. pic.twitter.com/BT9sTqsDfK

— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) October 30, 2020

As Breitbart News’s John Nolte has reported, the Trump tax cuts, known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), were a boon for the middle class.

The cuts practically doubled the standard deduction for singles from $6,350 in 2017 to $12,000 in 2018; nearly doubled the standard deduction for married couples from $12,700 to $24,400; and bumped up the child tax credit from $1,000 in 2017 to $2,000 in 2018.

Eliminating the Trump tax cuts would slash those deductions on working people and families almost in half — effectively a huge tax increase, since a married couple will be paying federal taxes on $11,700 in income they weren’t paying under the TCJA. For a tax rate of 20 percent, that would be an annual tax increase of around $2300.

The TCJA also actually raised taxes on the rich by capping the wealthy’s ability to deduct their state and local taxes from reported federal income to just $10,000. Before, the wealthy were able to deduct every penny of their local and state taxes from their federal income. It was an unlimited deduction, so whatever the wealthy paid in local taxes was deducted, and they paid no federal income tax on that amount.

However, Biden and Harris have repeatedly mischaracterized the TCJA as only helping the rich. They have also claimed they would not raise taxes, but their plan to eliminate the TCJA would effectively raise taxes on the middle class.


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93a236 No.132459

File: d5206b861389b36⋯.png (242.43 KB,478x412,239:206,Clipboard.png)

File: 3efbf3b9ddae796⋯.mp4 (850.56 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371218 (310603ZOCT20) Notable: New Dan Scavino

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93a236 No.132460

File: fb6682dbd6d63f4⋯.png (163.99 KB,1290x573,430:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371219 (310603ZOCT20) Notable: More than 230 election-related federal lawsuits have been filed already. A look at each state

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Detroit Free Press posted article by USA Today

Oct. 30, 2020

"More than 230 election-related federal lawsuits have been filed already. A look at each state."

This article lists each lawsuit by state. Thought if would be of interest.



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93a236 No.132461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371231 (310605ZOCT20) Notable: Candidates Are Held Hostage by Scandal

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Candidates Are Held Hostage by Scandal


On Friday, Inslee launched a new television commercial attacking White for his vote in favor of the Republican-sponsored impeachment resolution, which he said will mean "months and months of more mud and politics."

Speaking into the camera, Inslee says, "What the president did was wrong. He should be censured, not impeached. Rick White and [House Speaker] Newt Gingrich should not be dragging us through this. Enough is enough. It's time to get on with the nation's business."

Republicans already are energized by the scandal, Inslee said in an interview yesterday. Democrats will be hurt if they remain silent. "I think there's an army out there waiting to hear a bugle and willing to be quite active on this issue and eager to be engaged," he said, adding, "You can't tiptoe around this enormous debate and think it's going to go away."

Inslee's strategy represents a significant gamble for Democrats. Will the ads motivate core Democrats angry with the Republicans for wanting to impeach Clinton or energize opponents of the president who may be angry with him for lying about his relationship with Lewinsky. Inslee said his ads are not intended as a sign of support for Clinton but as a chance for voters to tell Congress to wrap up the impeachment inquiry and get back to other business.

Inslee remains one of the few candidates willing to spend precious advertising dollars on the scandal. The political newsletter Hotline calculated a week ago that only 11 Republicans and 4 Democrats had used the scandal in their television ads (and three of the Democrats did it last spring by attacking independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr). Those who have talked about the issue generally have been long-shot candidates.

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93a236 No.132462

File: d0154981cb48c98⋯.png (455.55 KB,517x602,517:602,Clipboard.png)

File: b06f9324a5ade23⋯.png (423.93 KB,807x749,807:749,Clipboard.png)

File: f3a8625fc0cf8fc⋯.png (96.15 KB,860x618,430:309,Clipboard.png)

File: c6dc1c8be2fa0ff⋯.png (68.6 KB,861x461,861:461,Clipboard.png)

File: fa5319ca106c6e8⋯.png (106.06 KB,858x673,858:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371232 (310605ZOCT20) Notable: Bernie Endorses Pro-Antifa Portland Mayoral Candidate Who Voted for Stalin, Mao, Pol-Pot, Lenin and Castro as Write-In Candidates on Her 2016 Ballot

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Bernie Endorses Pro-Antifa Portland Mayoral Candidate Who Voted for Stalin, Mao, Pol-Pot, Lenin and Castro as Write-In Candidates on Her 2016 Ballot

Comrade Sanders has inserted himself into Portland’s elections, formally endorsing Sarah “I am antifa” Iannarone for Mayor and City Council-person-of-nondescript-gender Chloe Eudaly.

Bernie Sanders is the latest figure endorsing Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone.

Sanders’ endorsement late Thursday endorsement came the same day Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty announced her backing of incumbent Ted Wheeler’s challenger.

The former presidential hopeful and current U.S. senator from Vermont also endorsed Chloe Eudaly in her Portland City Commissioner race against challenger Mingus Mapps in a list of endorsements for “progressive, down-ballot candidates.”

“In every corner of the country, strong progressives are running at the state and local level to represent our movement and lead the fight to transform this country. These races are incredibly important — that’s why I am endorsing progressive, down-ballot candidates across the country. If you can, I hope you’ll cast your ballot for them when you vote,” Sanders’ statement said.

Thank you, Senator Sanders. Bernie sees a progressive running to challenge the status quo, and he wants to help. I am proud to receive his endorsement. I’m excited to work on behalf of the 99% to hold big corporations accountable and to fight for health care for all Portlanders and everyone across the country.

Iannarone, you may recall, has been criticized and mocked for her apparent support of murderous communist dictators.

In fact, her apparent 2016 ballot was rehashed, and you can see she wrote in Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Ho Chi Min, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, along with extremist black panther and convicted murderer Assata Shakur and Angela Davis, a Shakur sympathizer:



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93a236 No.132463

File: 5c7c0949c6e4367⋯.png (490.46 KB,586x950,293:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371252 (310606ZOCT20) Notable: DC activist groups primed for Nov. 3 and whatever follows

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DC activist groups primed for Nov. 3 and whatever follows


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93a236 No.132464

File: 4c84c2022a5a54b⋯.png (434.51 KB,899x641,899:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ea30e1057e95f6⋯.png (593.23 KB,906x696,151:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371257 (310607ZOCT20) Notable: US Seizes "Largest Ever" Haul Of Iranian Missiles & Oil: 'Enough For A Large Military Force'

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US Seizes "Largest Ever" Haul Of Iranian Missiles & Oil: 'Enough For A Large Military Force'

On Thursday the United States revealed it had previously seized a major shipment of Iranian missiles bound for Yemen, and separately that it seized and later sold 1.1 million barrels of Iranian fuel bound for Venezuela.

Reports describe the seizer was accomplished by two US warships in regional waters that apprehended a total of 171 guided anti-tank missiles, eight surface-to-air missiles, and associated equipment, according to a statement by Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers.

"These actions represent the government’s largest-ever forfeitures actions for fuel and weapons shipments from Iran," the Justice Department said.

Meanwhile Iran and Venezuela have pledged deepening cooperation, while the US has vowed to "destroy" and missiles transferred to the Maduro regime.


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93a236 No.132465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371307 (310611ZOCT20) Notable: Biden whistleblower says he’s hired former Navy Seal team for security, worried they’ll be targeted in retaliation

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Biden whistleblower says he’s hired former Navy Seal team for security, worried they’ll be targeted in retaliation


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93a236 No.132466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371311 (310612ZOCT20) Notable: "Inslee-Clinton fundraiser almost sold out, boasts excited campaign"

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Jay Inslee: Everything you need to know about the former 2020 presidential candidate

"In 1996, Inslee made a failed bid for governor. After he lost in the primary, former President Bill Clinton chose him to serve as regional director for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services."

"After losing his reelection bid, Inslee made his way back to Capitol Hill in 1998, representing Washington's 1st Congressional District. He served on the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce and was re-elected to Congress six times before winning the 2012 governor's race back in his home state."

Health & Human Services for Clinton.

Lost a reelection bid.

Managed to claw back into power.

He definitely is in deep.

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93a236 No.132467

File: b3da46b35ebb420⋯.png (133.56 KB,810x763,810:763,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b2b3519d866977⋯.png (483.25 KB,824x681,824:681,Clipboard.png)

File: 51d0a72615419dc⋯.png (213.47 KB,857x700,857:700,Clipboard.png)

File: 581267fc1a8f7a2⋯.png (114.44 KB,850x731,50:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ff1f2dc0ad2a51⋯.png (90.32 KB,859x811,859:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371346 (310615ZOCT20) Notable: Self Appointed “Fact-Checking” Group NewsGuard, Gets Exposed After Trying To Smear Top Conservative Pages On Facebook Before Election

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Self Appointed “Fact-Checking” Group NewsGuard, Gets Exposed After Trying To Smear Top Conservative Pages On Facebook Before Election

Most fact-checking organizations are bullies, who ignore the lies told by far-left publications like CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, Buzzfeed, and others while focusing instead on labeling conservative news websites as fake or mostly fake news.

NewsGuard, a relative newcomer in the self-appointed arbiter of truth game, is certainly no exception.

Four days ago, Shayna Elliot of NewsGuard, sent an email to 1oo Percent Fed Up informing us that they were planning to write a report “highlighting social media accounts with high follower counts who have shared what we have found to be voting or election-related misinformation to their large audiences.” As an example of “election-related misinformation,” NewsGuard located ONE article from the 100percentfedup.com website that was posted on the 100 Percent Fed Up Facebook page that they used an example. The article, titled: Critical Swing State of PA: 372,000 Mail-In Ballot Applications Rejected After Discovering 90% Were DUPLICATES, was originally missing the word “Applications.” Once it was brought to our attention, it was immediately corrected.

NewsGuard’s Shayna Elliot wrote to 100 Percent Fed Up on Wednesday:

Your Facebook account (100 Percent Fed Up) is included based on a post* reviewed by NewsGuard which claims “372,000 mail-in ballots rejected” in “critical swing state” Pennsylvania, when in reality 372,000 ballot applications were rejected, a seemingly small but crucial distinction. Voters who were denied a mail-in ballot are still able to vote in person.

If you would like to include an on the record comment, please let me know as soon as possible. We intend to publish our report tomorrow morning, Wednesday, October 28.

100 Percent Fed Up co-owner Patty McMurray responded to Elliot’s email:

Today, only 4 days before the general election, NewsGuard published their ridiculous smear article titled:




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93a236 No.132468

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371368 (310617ZOCT20) Notable: Finger lakes, mini bun

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finger lakes, mini bun..

pulled from archive all (pb):






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93a236 No.132469

File: 739eb76ed23c15e⋯.png (168.85 KB,600x497,600:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 371d1ed31551821⋯.png (301.86 KB,600x500,6:5,Clipboard.png)

File: e6110ce79a61eaf⋯.png (277.35 KB,600x504,25:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 851ee6979350a1e⋯.png (208.28 KB,600x390,20:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371379 (310618ZOCT20) Notable: January 15, 2020: A Day That Should Live in Infamy

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some public record

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93a236 No.132470

File: eaf71af86252671⋯.png (377.74 KB,538x1650,269:825,Clipboard.png)

File: a3e425766a698a9⋯.pdf (7.82 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371394 (310620ZOCT20) Notable: Behold a Pale Horse book , page 86-87 decodes the recent Archbishop letter to POTUS

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very compressed (didn't check quality—just reduced now) complete book "Behold A Pale Horse"

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93a236 No.132471

File: be51a0d45c96edb⋯.jpeg (234.38 KB,1200x628,300:157,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371422 (310623ZOCT20) Notable: QAnon Isn’t Just For Boomers. Teachers Are Now Debunking It At Schools.

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QAnon Isn’t Just For Boomers. Teachers Are Now Debunking It At Schools.

Conspiracy theories and collective delusions are often thought to be the purview of baby boomers on Facebook, but it’s clear that their children are also picking it up — and it’s their teachers who have to deal with it.

Conspiracy theories have always been a little dangerous — and of course, a little delicious to be privy to. They range from the adorably dumb but ultimately absurd, like Bat Boy and flat-earthers, to the legitimately terrifying and tangibly damaging, like vaccine denial and Pizzagate. But while a lot of political conspiracy theories (like the idea of rampant voter fraud, which has most recently been pushed by the president and debunked repeatedly) feel like the department of baby boomers and older Gen X parents on Facebook, there’s a contingency of believers who are young, extremely online, and bringing their theories to school for their teachers to try to parse.


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93a236 No.132472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371424 (310623ZOCT20) Notable: Alternate Use of the Tunnel?

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Alternate Use of the Tunnel?

Q Research General #14407: Increasing the Shills Blood Pressure, ONE Glorious post at a Time Edition Anonymous 10/25/20 (Sun) 17:19:01

▶Anonymous ‪10/25/20 (Sun) 17:57:56‬ 5fa9f4 (1) No.11278556‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

File (hide): fb6259d9e2b86e4⋯.jpg (126.32 KB, 965x541, 965:541, chinainvasion.jpg) (h) (u)

Why is no one talking about this?

Under a Treaty signed in late 2019 with Canada, the People’s Liberation Army of China has been quietly massing military troops in Canada since the beginning of 2020 and those troops are believed to be readying for an actual military invasion of the United States.

While it has long been rumored that China began massing troops and armor in southern Mexico for a similar invasion goal, word of such troops appearing in Canada only began this year. Those rumors were pretty much laughed off until video emerged this week of Chinese troops on a back road of Salt Spring Island, near Vancouver, British Columbia.

Once actual proof emerged of Chinese troops in Canada, we started digging into where they were in relation to US soil and how such a thing could be given that Canada was _supposed_ to be a U.S. ally?

The map below shows where China is massing the troops in Prince Rupert and on Salt Spring Island, BC, CANADA:

It turns out that the globalist/Commie Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, signed a Treaty with China in late 2019. In January, 2020, the Canadian Independent Press Review reported it as follows:

Under the terms of the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA), a bi-lateral treaty ratified with China by the Trudeau government in 2019, Chinese security forces can be stationed on Canadian soil to protect vital Chinese investments, without the knowledge or consent of local authorities. – Canadian Independent Press Review, January 15, 2020

One has to ask why Prime Minister Trudeau would sign such a treaty? Does Canada not have its own military to “protect vital Chinese investments?” Does Canada not trust its own Royal Canadian Mounted Police? Are Canada’s Provincial Police forces somehow inadequate? Or did Prime Minister Trudeau somehow find that allowing China to mass troops in his country might be beneficial to HIMSELF? Did Trudeau get a massive payoff from China to betray the United States like this? What other explanation could there be?

According to locals in British Columbia, PLA troops are troops being stationed in Stanley Park (almost an entire island of a park) in Vancouver, as temporary housing until they are assigned something permanent. Look at the size of this “park:”




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93a236 No.132473

File: 71e8658c2370786⋯.png (91.37 KB,751x897,751:897,Clipboard.png)

File: 9810ccc30851511⋯.png (36.38 KB,739x449,739:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371428 (310624ZOCT20) Notable: West Tennessee Psychiatrist Sentenced for Unlawfully Distributing Opioids

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West Tennessee Psychiatrist Sentenced for Unlawfully Distributing Opioids


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93a236 No.132474

File: eb000c8729d85a8⋯.jpg (67.89 KB,900x596,225:149,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371444 (310626ZOCT20) Notable: Bill would allow children 11 years and older to be vaccinated without parental knowledge

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Bill would allow children 11 years and older to be vaccinated without parental knowledge

Law would also require insurance companies, vaccine administrators, schools to conceal actions

On Oct. 7, 2020, during a hastily scheduled virtual meeting, four District of Columbia Council members making up the Health Committee amended and unanimously passed a minor consent bill, B23-0171.

The bill would not only permit children aged 11 years and older to give consent for doctors and other vaccine administrators to give them vaccines without their parents’ knowledge or consent, but would also require insurance companies, vaccine administrators and schools to conceal from parents that the child has been vaccinated.

On Oct. 20, 2020, the entire DC Council voted in favor of the bill 12:15 on the first reading in yet another virtual online meeting with no public testimony. It was announced that the second reading, which will be the final vote, will take place on Nov. 10, 2020.



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93a236 No.132475

File: 177d0fb8ec406e3⋯.png (167.83 KB,607x261,607:261,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f887510a2522fe⋯.png (741.03 KB,766x743,766:743,Clipboard.png)

File: 61433331a1e543b⋯.png (959.95 KB,760x493,760:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ebb992e5ee2299⋯.png (587.55 KB,711x513,79:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371459 (310628ZOCT20) Notable: South-east Queensland hit by very dangerous thunderstorms as hail up to 13cm pummels the region

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93a236 No.132476

File: 3123e7043ce7d46⋯.png (890.05 KB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371467 (310629ZOCT20) Notable: NASA Spacecraft Spots “Dancing Sprites” And Colorful Electrical Bursts in Jupiter’s Sky For First Time (Jupiter COMMS?)

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NASA Spacecraft Spots “Dancing Sprites” And Colorful Electrical Bursts in Jupiter’s Sky For First Time

Nobody had ever seen these bright, transient luminous events dancing across alien skies – until now.

New high-definition imagery captured of Jupiter by NASA’s Juno spacecraft is revealing colorful, lighting-like bursts of energy in the upper atmosphere of our solar system’s largest planet.

The phenomena – haunting, jellyfish-like spurts of red lightning dubbed “sprites” and glowing disks known as “elves” – are common occurrences in the upper reaches of the Earth’s atmospheres during thunderstorms, and were first discovered in 1989. Since then, they have been sighted over every continent besides Antarctica.

Scientists have theorized that any planet that has lightning would also produce these super-fast electrical bursts that occur up to 60 miles up in the Earth’s sky, reaching toward space. Researchers predicted that this would certainly be the case in Jupiter’s massive, roiling atmosphere.

However, nobody had ever seen these bright, transient luminous events dancing across alien skies – until now.


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93a236 No.132477

File: f5ec9a0510ecbbe⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,2895x3000,193:200,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371476 (310630ZOCT20) Notable: Trump By A Landslide In Texas? Early Voting Numbers Are Diverging Strongly From The Polls

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I found this:

Trump By A Landslide In Texas? Early Voting Numbers Are Diverging Strongly From The Polls


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93a236 No.132478

File: 2310fc8a4664d27⋯.png (83.71 KB,246x329,246:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371488 (310631ZOCT20) Notable: Eight billion humans can't all be wrong, but we do need a civilised discussion on this

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Australian MSM

Eight billion humans can't all be wrong, but we do need a civilised discussion on this

Population growth is a big challenge for the planet, but to see human life as a negative is to flip every civilising value on its back.


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93a236 No.132479

File: 291723994ebf14b⋯.png (104.29 KB,913x805,913:805,Clipboard.png)

File: ffc0c2328c6df4f⋯.png (123.72 KB,906x897,302:299,Clipboard.png)

File: bde4cdee292de3b⋯.png (20.42 KB,891x152,891:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371527 (310636ZOCT20) Notable: Dem Senate Candidate Kelly Wanted Ex-Wife Jailed Amid Custody Dispute

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Dem Senate Candidate Kelly Wanted Ex-Wife Jailed Amid Custody Dispute

Court records contradict autobiographical claims of an ‘amicable’ divorce

Arizona Democratic Senate candidate Mark Kelly made an odd request years after his 2004 divorce: The famed astronaut petitioned a Texas court in 2010 to sentence his ex-wife to 6 months in jail and 10 years of supervised release after she moved to a new town a few miles outside of their children’s school district.

The court records from Galveston County, Texas—which include recriminations from both sides and detail a lengthy custody dispute—show that Kelly claimed his ex-wife Amy’s move was a violation of their custody agreement.

The documents, which include a temporary restraining order issued against Kelly in 2004, appear to contradict his description of the divorce as "amicable" in his 2011 autobiography. The order was never served, according to Kelly's campaign.

The former couple faced off in court a year earlier after Kelly accused his ex-wife of moving to a nearby town in Texas without giving him proper notice.

Kelly, who is locked in a tight Senate race against Republican Martha McSally, said then that his ex-wife violated their custody agreement because her new home was a few miles outside the school district where they had been sending their children, and she had neglected to give him 60 days notice of the move or get his consent. He asked the court to imprison her in the county jail for six months, the maximum penalty for contempt.

Amy Kelly should "be confined in the county jail for 179 days or until [she] complies with the order," Kelly said in the petition. He requested that she "be placed on community supervision for ten years on release from jail" and that she be ordered to pay his attorney’s fees along with "postjudgment interest."


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93a236 No.132480

File: c5a57988bfb4b3c⋯.png (130.36 KB,909x880,909:880,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371591 (310645ZOCT20) Notable: Maine Dem Refused to Spare Small Businesses From Taxes on COVID Relief

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Maine Dem Refused to Spare Small Businesses From Taxes on COVID Relief

Gideon's failure to reopen legislature could cost businesses $100 million

Democratic Senate candidate Sara Gideon's refusal to reopen the Maine state legislature has stalled efforts to amend the state's tax code to exempt federal COVID business loans from taxation. Without the amendments, small businesses might be forced to pay millions in taxes for participating in the Paycheck Protection Program.

Gideon, the speaker of the Maine House of Representatives, closed the legislature in March due to the pandemic. She has failed for months to work out a deal with the Republican minority to reopen the legislature to amend the tax code. As the law stands, Maine small business owners will have to pay income tax on the portion of their PPP loans that is forgiven, likely squeezing small businesses that are already struggling to stay afloat.

"Congress intended the forgiven loan to be tax-free," Bernstein Shur, a New England-based law firm, wrote in a legal analysis. "But, due to other provisions in federal and state law, a forgiven loan will not be tax-free unless Congress and state legislatures pass new laws."

Gideon did not respond to a request for comment.

The CARES Act, which created the small business relief program, stipulated that forgiven PPP loans will not be considered taxable income by the federal IRS. But since Maine law requires the state legislature to vote every time it wants to update the state's tax code to conform with federal policies, the state's tax code still considers forgiven PPP loans taxable income. California, which has a similar law, has already voted to conform its tax code and exempt PPP loans from taxation, but Maine has yet to take such action.

Republican legislator Amy Arata, who serves on the state's tax committee, said that she and her fellow lawmakers intended to pass bills to exempt forgiven PPP loans from taxation. Gideon has failed to reopen negotiations with the Republican leadership while she has been on the campaign trail, according to Arata. She called on the Democrat to take action to protect Maine businesses.

"The intent is to conform [the state tax code] and one of the conditions we have to go back in the legislature was that we would only address coronavirus-related items," she said. "Sara Gideon has not been communicating with [state house minority leader] Kathleen Dillingham. So I really don't know if she's willing to compromise and bring back the legislature just to address COVID-related items or not."


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93a236 No.132481

File: 72d685d8f31abb5⋯.png (250.58 KB,544x524,136:131,Clipboard.png)

File: d9d883d7ae4a2ba⋯.png (506.98 KB,848x855,848:855,Clipboard.png)

File: d1549f1ea6a8356⋯.png (429.1 KB,842x478,421:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371681 (310700ZOCT20) Notable: Facebook’s ban on New York Post’s Hunter Biden story had NOTHING to do with fact-checkers, report suggests

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Facebook’s ban on New York Post’s Hunter Biden story had NOTHING to do with fact-checkers, report suggests

Fact-checkers appear to have been invoked only as an excuse to shadow-ban the New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, according to Facebook’s own statement and leaked internal moderation documents.

Earlier this month, the Post obtained a hard drive belonging to the son of the current Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, and cited emails they found as indication of troubling business deals in Ukraine. Twitter responded by locking their account, but Facebook said it would “temporarily reduce distribution” of it.

According to Andy Stone, Facebook’s policy communications director, the story would have to be looked at by fact-checkers, which was part of a “standard process” to reduce the spread of “misinformation.”

On Friday, however, a Facebook statement seemed to confirm that no such review actually took place.

“As our CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified to Congress earlier this week, we have been on heightened alert because of FBI intelligence about the potential for hack and leak operations meant to spread misinformation,” a company spokesman said in a statement to the Guardian. “Based on that risk, and in line with our existing policies and procedures, we made the decision to temporarily limit the content’s distribution while our fact-checkers had a chance to review it.”

When that didn’t happen, we lifted the demotion.

The spokesman did not clarify whether the fact-checkers even attempted to verify the materials published by the Post, but no results of such a review have ever been published.

Moreover, the Guardian cited internal moderation documents that someone at Facebook leaked to them, indicating that the shadow-ban wasn’t part of a regular process. Instead, the documents purportedly showed the existence of a policy under which stories can be “manually enqueued” for suppression, citing the upcoming US elections as an “issue of importance” that justified such actions.

Who elected these people guardians of what is true?Facebook leak reveals policies on restricting New York Post's Biden story | Technology | The Guardian https://t.co/Tbng1r4Cdf

— CalThomas (@CalThomas) October 30, 2020

The documents also say that the standard practice is for Facebook AI to predict which content might contain misinformation, based on signals “including feedback from the community and disbelief comments,” in a sort of pre-crime enforcement straight out of dystopian science fiction.

There is also a de facto “whitelist” of some 5,000 media outlets, called the “Alexa 5K,” whose content the AI ignores by default “under the assumption these are unlikely to be spreading misinformation.” The Post was apparently on that list, so the decision to suppress the story was made by actual Facebook employees, not an AI system flagging potential misinformation.


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93a236 No.132482

File: a27b9a4bd0ccabc⋯.png (55.78 KB,440x252,110:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371692 (310702ZOCT20) Notable: The Facts on Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Policy

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The Facts on Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Policy

By Anna Lynn and James Agrest

So in the face of proven scientific facts and crystal clear guidance from federal health agencies, Cuomo forced C-19 carriers into the vicinity of the people who are most vulnerable to the virus.

Cuomo and his surrogates then used a series of falsehoods to cast blame for his policy on others. Now, he is impugning people who would hold him accountable for his actions.


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93a236 No.132483

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371733 (310710ZOCT20) Notable: #14523

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>>>/qresearch/11371002 Dough

Notables Are Not Endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL


>>132449 , >>132470 Behold a Pale Horse book , page 86-87 decodes the recent Archbishop letter to POTUS

>>132448 POTUS: Suburban Women are trending strongly to our campaign because they want SAFETY, SECURITY

>>132451 , >>132452 , >>132453 , >>132469 January 15, 2020: A Day That Should Live in Infamy

>>132454 Report: Second Hunter Biden Laptop Seized by DEA

>>132455 URGENT: Biden Team Need Volunteers (no money)

>>132456 , >>132466 "Inslee-Clinton fundraiser almost sold out, boasts excited campaign"

>>132457 Another 1-On-1 With Giuliani — After Giving Us The Hard Drive, He’s Now Directly Accusing Biden Of Two Specific Crimes. Do You Believe Him?

>>132458 Kamala Harris: ‘Joe Biden and I Are About to Work to Get Rid of that Tax Cut’

>>132459 New Dan Scavino

>>132460 More than 230 election-related federal lawsuits have been filed already. A look at each state

>>132461 Candidates Are Held Hostage by Scandal

>>132462 Bernie Endorses Pro-Antifa Portland Mayoral Candidate Who Voted for Stalin, Mao, Pol-Pot, Lenin and Castro as Write-In Candidates on Her 2016 Ballot

>>132463 DC activist groups primed for Nov. 3 and whatever follows

>>132464 US Seizes "Largest Ever" Haul Of Iranian Missiles & Oil: 'Enough For A Large Military Force'

>>132465 Biden whistleblower says he’s hired former Navy Seal team for security, worried they’ll be targeted in retaliation

>>132467 Self Appointed “Fact-Checking” Group NewsGuard, Gets Exposed After Trying To Smear Top Conservative Pages On Facebook Before Election

>>132468 Finger lakes, mini bun

>>132471 QAnon Isn’t Just For Boomers. Teachers Are Now Debunking It At Schools.

>>132472 Alternate Use of the Tunnel?

>>132473 West Tennessee Psychiatrist Sentenced for Unlawfully Distributing Opioids

>>132474 Bill would allow children 11 years and older to be vaccinated without parental knowledge

>>132475 South-east Queensland hit by very dangerous thunderstorms as hail up to 13cm pummels the region

>>132476 NASA Spacecraft Spots “Dancing Sprites” And Colorful Electrical Bursts in Jupiter’s Sky For First Time (Jupiter COMMS?)

>>132477 Trump By A Landslide In Texas? Early Voting Numbers Are Diverging Strongly From The Polls

>>132478 Eight billion humans can't all be wrong, but we do need a civilised discussion on this

>>132479 Dem Senate Candidate Kelly Wanted Ex-Wife Jailed Amid Custody Dispute

>>132480 Maine Dem Refused to Spare Small Businesses From Taxes on COVID Relief

>>132481 Facebook’s ban on New York Post’s Hunter Biden story had NOTHING to do with fact-checkers, report suggests

>>132482 The Facts on Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Policy

save the rest for next bread, faggots!

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93a236 No.132484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371805 (310721ZOCT20) Notable: Peter Navarro—‘Arc of Toughness’ on China to Continue

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Peter Navarro—‘Arc of Toughness’ on China to Continue

Under a Second Trump Administration

(Peter Navarro is Assistant to President Trump and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy.)

American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times

Oct 30, 2020



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93a236 No.132485

File: e970bc8c08c823c⋯.png (362.4 KB,547x623,547:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371886 (310743ZOCT20) Notable: Hilldawg goes to college

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Cackle Alert


Not Arrested; Appointed Elector

Clinton laughed as she talked about her new role as a New York elector 4 the Electoral College in a SiriusXM interview Tuesday. “I’m an elector,” Clinton told host “Signal Boost” hosts Zerlina Maxwell & Jess McIntosh. “I’m an elector in New York, yeah.”

5:58 PM · Oct 30, 2020·Twitter Web App

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93a236 No.132486

File: 43ccb622c0a8523⋯.png (184.08 KB,372x700,93:175,Clipboard.png)

File: 02ec86a14dbfd3d⋯.jpg (167.55 KB,840x1120,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11371939 (310755ZOCT20) Notable: What is the Quatria Theory? The nature of existence is music

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Now it starts to get interesting..




What is the Quatria Theory?

central components of what is known as the Quatria Theory.

Quatria was a global prehistoric seafaring civilization.

Quatrian civilization existed millions of years ago.

Quatrians had colonies around the world in far flung locations.

Their fleet consisted of reed boats capable of withstanding voyages over the high seas.

Like their boats, all Quatrian cultural artifacts were made of organic materials that have long since deteriorated.

The Quatrian capital was located in Antarctica, back when the continent was tropical.

The Piri Reis map and several other very old maps depict Quatria.

Quatrian civilization was destroyed over the course of hundreds of years by a series of ecological disasters, including volcanic eruptions, massive flooding, and asteroid impacts.

As coastlines have risen, the remnants of almost all the other ancient Quatrian settlements are now underwater. Those that remain will be revealed as the ice in Antarctica melts.

Evidence of the existence of this civilisation has been systematically destroyed by authorities for millenia, because they view this secret history as a threat to their power.

The nature of existence is music

The central premise of Quatrian myth seems to be that the nature of existence is music. That is, there are fundamental tonal components within the hyper-patterns of cosmic reality which shimmer and shift and ever recompose themselves into never-ending rhythms, melodies, harmonies, and discordant crescendos.

It seems to be the same secret of the psychonaut, temporarily attuned to nearby frequencies appearing as perceptible shapes in the darkness, spinning and weaving themselves together out of preality into almost-tangible moments, under the direction of some kind of will, whose locus is both mine and other, inward and outward. …

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93a236 No.132487

File: 834733bf920bb10⋯.png (344.74 KB,540x574,270:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372019 (310811ZOCT20) Notable: Clinton, DeBlasio Cuomo enrolled in Electoral college

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1:58 PM · Sep 21, 2019·Twitter Web App

Replying to


Everyone should check their state. Bill Clinton, Bill de Blasio and Andrew Cuomo are among the electorates for my state of NY.

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93a236 No.132488

File: 0518e3909d94935⋯.png (143.1 KB,592x592,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372181 (310837ZOCT20) Notable: More lockdown for Pommies

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93a236 No.132489

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372515 (310942ZOCT20) Notable: #14524

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>>>/qresearch/11371755 Dough

Friday 10.30.2020

>>132042 ————————————–——– Fact checkers created in effort to reinforce propaganda [digestion]? (Cap: >>132044)

>>132037 ————————————–——– TIME magazine - The Great Reset - This is not about R v D


=Notables Are Not Endorsements==

Notes @650 FINAL


note-taker anon

>>132484 Peter Navarro—‘Arc of Toughness’ on China to Continue

>>132485 Hilldawg goes to college

>>132488 More lockdown for Pommies

>>132487 Clinton, DeBlasio Cuomo enrolled in Electoral college

>>132486 What is the Quatria Theory? The nature of existence is music

save the best for next

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93a236 No.132490

File: 4335e94c3a62c70⋯.png (27.47 KB,851x216,851:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372639 (311010ZOCT20) Notable: AMAZING! Minnesota Democrat Leaders Try to Keep Massive Crowd of Supporters from Trump Rally — FAIL MISERABLY –VIDEO

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AMAZING! Minnesota Democrat Leaders Try to Keep Massive Crowd of Supporters from Trump Rally — FAIL MISERABLY –VIDEO

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93a236 No.132491

File: 1da0f0a8b1c65b6⋯.png (14.69 KB,791x150,791:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372641 (311010ZOCT20) Notable: Nobody Likes You: CNN Goes After Kirstie Alley After She Slams Their COVID Coverage

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Nobody Likes You: CNN Goes After Kirstie Alley After She Slams Their COVID Coverage

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93a236 No.132492

File: ba29572e1c0fc3e⋯.png (781.8 KB,781x629,781:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372645 (311011ZOCT20) Notable: This Week in Ballot Shenanigans: 'Disgrace to Democracy' Edition!

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This Week in Ballot Shenanigans: 'Disgrace to Democracy' Edition!

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93a236 No.132493

File: e0656c6f758b81f⋯.png (515.25 KB,901x913,901:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372651 (311012ZOCT20) Notable: Taiwanese woman in ICU nine days after flu vaccination

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Taiwanese woman in ICU nine days after flu vaccination

CECC to investigate another suspected flu shot illness after woman lost sense of touch and taste

By Ching-Tse Cheng, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

2020/10/31 17:13

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A resident of Keelung was hospitalized this week after it was suspected she suffered from the side effects of the government-funded influenza vaccine she had received nine days earlier.

According to CNA, the 50-year-old Taiwanese woman surnamed Li (李) is currently intubated in an intensive care unit at the Keelung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital after experiencing numbness in her body since Oct. 24, nine days after being vaccinated against the flu. Although doctors had associated her symptoms with the rare Guillain-Barre syndrome, they said her loss of taste is uncommon in patients with the disease.

Speaking to the media, Li's son said his mother started to experience tingling in her body over the weekend and eventually lost the ability to swallow due to soreness in her throat. He said her condition continued to worsen and that she became unable to breathe on her own and had to rely on a ventilator on Thursday (Oct. 29).

Li's son said his mother has lost her sense of touch and could only express her thoughts by nodding or shaking her head. He said she does not have any chronic diseases and that he strongly suspects her respiratory symptoms are linked to the vaccination.

In reaction to the incident, Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) Spokesman Chuang Jen-hsiang (莊人祥) said Saturday (Oct. 31) that officials have yet to identify the cause of Li's illness. He said about nine Guillain-Barre syndrome cases are reported in Taiwan every week, and that multiple virus tests will be needed to determine the connection between Li's case and the flu vaccine.

Chuang also made a reference to a similar case that was reported in Taichung last week and said both patients had received Vaxigrip Tetra vaccine produced by the French company Sanofi. However, he said their flu shots were of different batches and that only one other individual has reported serious side effects after receiving the Sanofi-made vaccine, reported ETtoday.


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93a236 No.132494

File: 98cfac86d43255d⋯.png (739.98 KB,847x653,847:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372652 (311012ZOCT20) Notable: Bernie Endorses Pro-Antifa Portland Mayoral Candidate Who Voted for Stalin, Mao, Pol-Pot, Lenin and Castro as Write-In Candidates on Her 2016 Ballot

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Bernie Endorses Pro-Antifa Portland Mayoral Candidate Who Voted for Stalin, Mao, Pol-Pot, Lenin and Castro as Write-In Candidates on Her 2016 Ballot

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93a236 No.132495

File: 5e15caad83387a4⋯.png (38.37 KB,1184x216,148:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372660 (311014ZOCT20) Notable: These Potential Biden Cabinet Members Should Terrify Capitalists

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These Potential Biden Cabinet Members Should Terrify Capitalists

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93a236 No.132496

File: 3950498a12cf9c3⋯.png (593.87 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 82b6eac1a8f1540⋯.png (819.08 KB,830x911,830:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d1f288766db92d⋯.jpg (506.9 KB,2047x1582,2047:1582,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d018db4377d0b05⋯.png (346.31 KB,986x666,493:333,Clipboard.png)

File: def8ed4810000b5⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,1349x6160,1349:6160,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372662 (311014ZOCT20) Notable: Israeli Court Rules Convict Who Ran International Child Porn Ring ‘Safe’ To Practice As Pediatrician (checks out)

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Israel comes last.

The seat of Satan.



Israeli Court Rules Convict Who Ran International Child Porn Ring ‘Safe’ To Practice As Pediatrician


A Jewish pediatrician who was convicted of possessing and distributing some 190,000 child pornography videos and images can serve as a medical supervisor at the Health Ministry’s student health services department, an Israeli court ruled last week:

"Avraham Barkai will be able to pay visits to schools but not treat children in his new position, which a panel of judges at the Nazareth Regional Labor Court determined that he should be allowed to fill, going against the recommendation of the Civil Service Commission.

Barkai was convicted in 2011 of being part of an international child pornography distribution ring and later sentenced to 18 months behind bars. However, the punishment was reduced on appeal to six months of community service, a nine-month suspended sentence and a NIS 20,000 ($5,690) fine.

For over a year up to his conviction, but after he had already been charged, Barkai continued to practice at a Haifa clinic of the Meuhedet HMO after a Health Ministry disciplinary committee ruled that he could continue to see children as long as a parent or nurse was in the room.

The disciplinary committee went on to rule that despite the charges, Barkai did not pose a danger to children as he had not been accused of physical acts against minors. As a result, it ruled that the pediatrician’s license should only be stripped for two years, and by July 2013 Barkai got his license back….

However, senior officials in the Health Ministry have come to Barkai’s defense. In 2014, the Health Ministry’s senior vice president of Administration and Human Resources, Dov Passat, submitted a letter to the disciplinary committee asserting that there should be nothing preventing Barkai from applying for tenders for positions as a pediatrician. The letter was submitted by Barkai as an official position of the Health Ministry to the Petah Tivka Magistrate’s Court, which ruled in 2018 that he be granted an exemption from the ban on employing convicted sex offenders as he does not pose a risk to the public, even if he works as a pediatrician.

In late 2018, a medical board voted unanimously to award Barkai a position as medical supervisor at the Health Ministry’s student health services department in the northern district. The Civil Service Commission subsequently interfered and blocked the appointment, stating in a 2019 hearing that “while the job at hand does not require clinical care for children, its core is oversight of student services and some of its assignments take place on school grounds and during the school day… Taking into account the nature of the offenses of which Dr. Barkai was convicted, [granting him this position] can greatly damage the image of the Civil Service Commission and the public’s confidence in its institutions.” "

Simply put, Jews — especially Jews in Israel — do not treat pedophilia as a serious crime the way White Christian societies do. The pedophile is always given the benefit of the doubt with reduced prison sentences and cursory slaps on the wrist.

This leniency toward pedophilia, of course, can be found in the Jewish “holy” book, The Talmud, and child rape has literally become a pandemic among religious Jews, according to a whistleblower rabbi.

And as our White Christian nations become more and more judaized under the oppressive influence of Jews in positions of power, we see an increasing inclination for courts and the media to show sympathy for dangerous pedophiles.

All this media coverage of pedophiles, like homosexuals before them, serves to desensitize us to these abhorrent criminals.

As the article clearly states, just because you collect and distribute massive amounts of child pornography, it’s doesn’t necessarily follow that you’re a “pedophile” or an actual threat to physically abuse real children.

That’s the kind of “logic” you’ll find throughout The Talmud — Martin Luther referred to it as “talmudic hairsplitting”.

Pedophiles need our ‘protection’, not our condemnation, according to ‘experts’ who just so happen to mostly be Jewish.

The endgame is to recast pedophilia as just another sexual orientation or “lifestyle”, and the public school systems have begun to push this “progressive” perspective.

And if you have a problem with your child’s Jewish pediatrician being a convicted sex offender, then you’re probably an ‘antisemite’ who is the real danger to society.


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93a236 No.132497

File: 67fd36a1fb15ae0⋯.png (25.08 KB,1272x173,1272:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372665 (311015ZOCT20) Notable: Mueller gathered evidence suggesting DNC, Clinton camp manufactured Russia collusion story

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Mueller gathered evidence suggesting DNC, Clinton camp manufactured Russia collusion story

Memos show Clinton-DNC effort to tie Trump to Russia began as early as May 2016 in Ukraine, but Mueller didn't include in final report.

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93a236 No.132498

File: 84fbc515005b5f9⋯.png (262.09 KB,455x295,91:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 37bb798da023e37⋯.jpg (352.56 KB,1080x2032,135:254,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d908ff80016204a⋯.jpg (50.5 KB,855x419,855:419,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a382b46d85e6388⋯.png (630.55 KB,928x694,464:347,Clipboard.png)

File: 056b230961554e3⋯.jpg (2.51 MB,1349x9999,1349:9999,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372670 (311017ZOCT20) Notable: San Francisco Sen. Scott Wiener Introduces Bill to Decriminalize Men Having Sex With Boys (re-post because it so insane)

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San Francisco Sen. Scott Wiener Introduces Bill to Decriminalize Men Having Sex With Boys



San Francisco state Senator Scott Wiener has introduced a new bill to decriminalize adult men having sex with boys andhe and his allies in the media are smearing all opposition as "homophobic" and "anti-Semitic."

From The Federalist, "No California Shouldn't Decriminalize Adult Sex With 14-Year-Olds":

LGBT activists have pushed reasonable notions of equality to its limits with obscene perversions. State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco the same lawmaker who co-sponsored a bill in 2017 to remove the felony penalty for knowingly exposing another person to HIV has introduced a bill, Senate Bill 145 to give judges more flexibility in sentencing gay men who abuse minors.

Under current law which Wiener, who is gay, describes as "horrific homophobia" a straight 24-year-old male who has sex with a 15-year-old girl can avoid being put on the sex-offender list if the judge feels the situation does not deserve it, but a gay man in the same scenario with a similar-aged boy would not be given the same option.

Wiener's argument is one of evolving social standards. In 2015, the California Supreme Court upheld the long-standing separation of vaginal sex from other forms of sex-based on the misguided idea that if pregnancy occurred, placing the father on the sex-offender list could ruin his chances of providing for his family. The extreme of the scenario would be an 18-year-old man with a 17-year-old girlfriend.

Wiener's bill, however, is not so straightforward. He argues all forms of sex should be treated equally under the law.

The Law Will Protect Exploitation of Minors

Moreover, while there is room for flexibility in a ruling in which a boy turns 18 while his girlfriend is still 17 and her father presses charges, the bill defines the age minimum at 14. Recognizing that minors cannot legally consent to sex, Wiener argues that if a minor age 14 to 17 voluntarily has sex with an adult who is less than 10 years older, the judge should decide based on the individual facts of the case whether the adult should be placed on the sex-offender registry. Data provided by Wiener's office states, "[A]t least 2,400 people on the [CA] sex-offender registry, and potentially hundreds more, have been convicted of non-vaginal sex with a minor age 14 or older."

According to the media, you're "homophobic" and "anti-Semitic" if you oppose this bill.


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93a236 No.132499

File: 990c8c726e0f82f⋯.png (28.57 KB,1397x189,1397:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372671 (311017ZOCT20) Notable: “Not Pro-Black”: Wisconsin Students Unanimously Vote To Remove Lincoln Statue As Racist

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“Not Pro-Black”: Wisconsin Students Unanimously Vote To Remove Lincoln Statue As Racist

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93a236 No.132500

File: 8d36a70db0afb8c⋯.jpeg (521.96 KB,828x1271,828:1271,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372672 (311017ZOCT20) Notable: Exclusive: Goldman money funds' liquidity buffer swells before U.S. election

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Exclusive: Goldman money funds' liquidity buffer swells before U.S. election


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93a236 No.132501

File: d6292e844ed6ece⋯.png (22.2 KB,1012x197,1012:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372683 (311019ZOCT20) Notable: New York Times opinion section comes unhinged ahead of the 2020 election

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New York Times opinion section comes unhinged ahead of the 2020 election

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93a236 No.132502

File: df826fb328ecee6⋯.png (417.49 KB,651x538,651:538,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372701 (311023ZOCT20) Notable: Family dynasty protects a ‘killer’ Kennedy

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Family dynasty protects a ‘killer’ Kennedy

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93a236 No.132503

File: e0759fb45f100a0⋯.png (959.82 KB,1503x831,501:277,Clipboard.png)

File: 703256a7269e341⋯.png (386.39 KB,678x741,226:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 587aa805d5aec84⋯.png (575.67 KB,687x693,229:231,Clipboard.png)

File: 1086cc77ab1612a⋯.png (1008.37 KB,1216x570,32:15,Clipboard.png)

File: 54749b79722e4e9⋯.png (246.03 KB,584x600,73:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372702 (311023ZOCT20) Notable: Soros will lead to the Rothschild and Israel

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Soros will lead to the Rothschild and Israel.

Soros was made by the Rothschild (who created Israel with the help of Hitler via the 1933 Haavara Agreement and the British government via the 1917 Balfour Declaration), gets protection from Israel (despite his organizations not operating in Israel), and Soros organizations collaborate with organizations that get their funding from the Israeli government (like ISRAaid) and work together to flood the West with ME and African Muslims.

DE BORCHGRAVE: Geneva gnome’s global dread




"Their Geneva counterparts in French-speaking Switzerland were more sophisticated, relaxed in the company of global wheeler-dealers, and weren’t afraid to speak their minds, albeit off the record. Such was George C. Karlweis, the brain behind Banque Privee, owned by the late Baron Edmond de Rothschild. His biggest claim to fame: George Soros and the launch of his Quantum Fund in 1969."


Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel




Balfour Declaration




Haavara Agreement




Israel envoy urges Hungary to halt anti-Soros campaign




Soros stopped his investment in FEMEN after finding out they were launching FEMEN Israel




For Syrian refugees in Greece, Israel is no longer the enemy




“Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”



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93a236 No.132504

File: 84b6a4f0452478f⋯.png (572.08 KB,779x601,779:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372707 (311024ZOCT20) Notable: More than 230 Federal Election-Related Lawsuits Have Been Filed Already

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More than 230 Federal Election-Related Lawsuits Have Been Filed Already

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93a236 No.132505

File: d5faffac7b0f3e7⋯.png (245.48 KB,601x492,601:492,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372708 (311024ZOCT20) Notable: TRUMP PATRIOTS escort DRUNK wicked witch KAMALA HARRIS the HELL on outta TOWN!

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TRUMP PATRIOTS escort DRUNK wicked witch KAMALA HARRIS the HELL on outta TOWN!

Credit to


for the footage!

#trump #donaldTrump #maga #MAGA2020LandslideVictory #trump2020 #Patriots #maga2020


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93a236 No.132506

File: d6b0ab92c585817⋯.png (32.79 KB,1084x232,271:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372713 (311025ZOCT20) Notable: Chicago unveils Election Day security plan spanning 10 days

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Chicago unveils Election Day security plan spanning 10 days

'We've been focused on two issues when it comes to Election Day,' Mayor Lori Lightfoot said

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93a236 No.132507

File: 6aad48539b42461⋯.png (27.37 KB,1216x230,608:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372722 (311027ZOCT20) Notable: Massive Florida mail pile-up believed to include ballots

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Massive Florida mail pile-up believed to include ballots

Florida ballots must be returned by Election Day

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93a236 No.132508

File: 3141210b1bd37bd⋯.webm (3.65 MB,460x258,230:129,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372723 (311027ZOCT20) Notable: Anons are the most powerful weapon on the digital battlefield

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Anons are the most powerful weapon on the digital battlefield. We run the information warfare.

Over Target. They are fucking cringy scared.

Do you think for yourself? Do you read old history books? Do you watch documentaries on YouTube

Listen to the media. Acquire certified truths.

Have you been digging on C_A honeypots? Child Sex Trafficking? Pedophile rings

That's conspiracy theories. You nut. Oh, wait. They exist, Epstein didn't kill himself in jail. But anyways, you believe a larp? You larptard.

Kek. This election, the coming years. For the history books!

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93a236 No.132509

File: af9ca0b0b262278⋯.png (15.51 KB,1187x183,1187:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372731 (311028ZOCT20) Notable: Keith Richards on catching COVID-19: ‘I’m impervious … like Donald Trump’

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Keith Richards on catching COVID-19: ‘I’m impervious … like Donald Trump’

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93a236 No.132510

File: 3cfd87e9fc43e7b⋯.png (27.14 KB,966x163,966:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372741 (311030ZOCT20) Notable: Biden is slammed for calling Trump fans 'ugly folks' after they interrupt his Minnesota rally with honking horns - leading critics to compare moment to Hillary Clinton's 2016 'deplorables' remark

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Biden is slammed for calling Trump fans 'ugly folks' after they interrupt his Minnesota rally with honking horns - leading critics to compare moment to Hillary Clinton's 2016 'deplorables' remark

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93a236 No.132511

File: ce5d1f9af354efa⋯.png (121.57 KB,1344x730,672:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372744 (311030ZOCT20) Notable: “. . . All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic”: An Open Letter to Gen. Milley

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“. . . All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic”: An Open Letter to Gen. Milley

If the commander in chief attempts to ignore the election’s results, you will face a choice.


Dear General Milley:

As chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, you are well aware of your duties in ordinary times: to serve as principal military advisor to the president of the United States, and to transmit the lawful orders of the president and Secretary of Defense to combatant commanders. In ordinary times, these duties are entirely consistent with your oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

We do not live in ordinary times. The president of the United States is actively subverting our electoral system, threatening to remain in office in defiance of our Constitution. In a few months’ time, you may have to choose between defying a lawless president or betraying your Constitutional oath. We write to assist you in thinking clearly about that choice. If Donald Trump refuses to leave office at the expiration of his constitutional term, the United States military must remove him by force, and you must give that order.

Due to a dangerous confluence of circumstances, the once-unthinkable scenario of authoritarian rule in the United States is now a very real possibility. First, as Mr. Trump faces near certain electoral defeat, he is vigorously undermining public confidence in our elections. Second, Mr. Trump’s defeat would result in his facing not merely political ignominy, but also criminal charges. Third, Mr. Trump is assembling a private army capable of thwarting not only the will of the electorate but also the capacities of ordinary law enforcement. When these forces collide on January 20, 2021, the U.S. military will be the only institution capable of upholding our Constitutional order.

There can be little doubt that Mr. Trump is facing electoral defeat. More than 160,000 Americans have died from COVID 19, and that toll is likely to rise to 300,000 by November. One in ten U.S. workers is unemployed, and the U.S. economy in the last quarter suffered the greatest contraction in its history. Nearly 70 percent of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track. The Economist estimates that Mr. Trump’s chances of losing the election stand at 91 percent.



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93a236 No.132512

File: 0c2e5ddc674928a⋯.png (214.3 KB,773x576,773:576,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372746 (311031ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Pledges to Gut Religious Freedom Protections, Saying They Give 'Hate' a 'Safe Harbor'

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Biden Pledges to Gut Religious Freedom Protections, Saying They Give 'Hate' a 'Safe Harbor'

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93a236 No.132513

File: f0121ca36d5e57b⋯.jpg (98.18 KB,1038x714,173:119,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372748 (311031ZOCT20) Notable: Why did all the rioting stop when CNN polls found it hurting Biden?

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Why did all the rioting stop when CNN polls found it hurting Biden?

It's almost as if the rioting was never organic…


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93a236 No.132514

File: 0a32ddd8468213f⋯.png (33.42 KB,1242x203,1242:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372761 (311032ZOCT20) Notable: 'Ambushed': New Orleans police officer shot in French Quarter by man in pedicab

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'Ambushed': New Orleans police officer shot in French Quarter by man in pedicab

Officer seriously wounded; suspect arrested, tried to bite first responders, witness says

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93a236 No.132515

File: 01802a0afd3694b⋯.png (504.91 KB,647x704,647:704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372765 (311034ZOCT20) Notable: Mary Jane Jacoby, a 101-year-old supporter of President Donald Trump, will not let the COVID-19 pandemic or its restrictions keep her from voting in person

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Mary Jane Jacoby, a 101-year-old supporter of President Donald Trump, will not let the COVID-19 pandemic or its restrictions keep her from voting in person, as the centenarian has arranged to ride in a motorcycle sidecar to cast her ballot for the president in person on November 3

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93a236 No.132516

File: fc168c2e6d3d562⋯.png (17.67 KB,855x175,171:35,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372768 (311036ZOCT20) Notable: Walmart returning displays of guns, ammo to stores, reversing decision prompted by mounting civil unrest

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Walmart returning displays of guns, ammo to stores, reversing decision prompted by mounting civil unrest

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93a236 No.132517

File: 06ea2511a1a23c9⋯.png (16.42 KB,1079x138,1079:138,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372774 (311037ZOCT20) Notable: Project Veritas Sues New York Times for Calling Group ‘Deceptive’

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Project Veritas Sues New York Times for Calling Group ‘Deceptive’

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93a236 No.132518

File: 177b8ffce067be2⋯.png (26.75 KB,1391x171,1391:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372781 (311039ZOCT20) Notable: Chris Wallace says he 'never believed' that Joe Biden did not speak about Hunter's business activity

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Chris Wallace says he 'never believed' that Joe Biden did not speak about Hunter's business activity

"I can tell you I know what my kids are up to and if they were up to business dealings in Beijing or Ukraine it would've come up at some point," Wallace said.

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93a236 No.132519

File: 8fafd12adf11e24⋯.png (1.11 MB,1378x1144,53:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372786 (311040ZOCT20) Notable: Coronavirus: PM considering England lockdown next week

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Coronavirus: PM considering England lockdown next week

The prime minister is considering a month-long lockdown across England in the hope that measures could be eased before Christmas.

A new "stay at home" order could be announced on Monday, with schools, colleges and universities exempt.

Documents seen by the BBC suggest the UK is on course for a much higher death toll than during the first wave unless further restrictions are introduced.

Deaths could reach more than 4,000 a day, one of the models suggests.

This figure is based on no policies being brought in to slow the spread of the disease, but most of the models peak at about 2,000 a day.


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93a236 No.132520

File: 63fc29b6a36afce⋯.png (52.28 KB,629x404,629:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372802 (311042ZOCT20) Notable: How to survive the riots if President Trump is re-elected

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How to survive the riots if President Trump is re-elected

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93a236 No.132521

File: f65024d9a995902⋯.png (146.54 KB,859x333,859:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372810 (311043ZOCT20) Notable: National Review: Biden, Never

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Biden, Never

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93a236 No.132522

File: 01e9dbafb5917f5⋯.png (416.04 KB,660x575,132:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372817 (311045ZOCT20) Notable: Trump greets throngs of fans outside Minnesota rally after state allows just 250 seats

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Trump greets throngs of fans outside Minnesota rally after state allows just 250 seats

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93a236 No.132523

File: 90040c277760641⋯.png (16.95 KB,913x181,913:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372843 (311050ZOCT20) Notable: US Seizes "Largest Ever" Haul Of Iranian Missiles & Oil: 'Enough For A Large Military Force'

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US Seizes "Largest Ever" Haul Of Iranian Missiles & Oil: 'Enough For A Large Military Force'

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93a236 No.132524

File: d1455ffb1cc079a⋯.png (36.69 KB,1247x317,1247:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372854 (311052ZOCT20) Notable: Michigan Officially Starts Covid Track & Tracing – Next Will Be Mandatory Apps On Your Phones (Hawaii is already full on tracking)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Michigan Officially Starts Covid Track & Tracing – Next Will Be Mandatory Apps On Your Phones

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132525

File: b0c68480b311cc4⋯.png (419.32 KB,667x599,667:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372860 (311054ZOCT20) Notable: The Post’s Twitter account gained about 190,000 followers during blackout

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The Post’s Twitter account gained about 190,000 followers during blackout

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132526

File: 4f4193db1fc0d3a⋯.png (611.82 KB,659x560,659:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372868 (311056ZOCT20) Notable: NYC businesses board up windows ahead of 2020 presidential election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NYC businesses board up windows ahead of 2020 presidential election

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132527

File: a3b26d3743e1960⋯.png (562.35 KB,650x554,325:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372874 (311057ZOCT20) Notable: Professor of African American history accused of faking Mexican heritage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Professor of African American history accused of faking Mexican heritage

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132528

File: 384b709ed4ce682⋯.png (618.89 KB,844x522,422:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372889 (311059ZOCT20) Notable: Investigators Stop Attempt To Register Dead People As Democrats In Florida

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Investigators Stop Attempt To Register Dead People As Democrats In Florida

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132529

File: 805cb5f77d1de56⋯.png (19.2 KB,602x223,602:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372913 (311105ZOCT20) Notable: New Flynn: The stakes in this election are monumental

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132530

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372919 (311105ZOCT20) Notable: (lb) anons opine on wuhan, soros, smart dust, 5g

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>So youre saying

It is a bit more complex, This anon actually think the deep state had a virus strain developed either in U.S. or Canada to wipe out 1/3 (billions) of humanity. Stolen by China.

But since, POTUS dined in the forbidden city, China is fighting their own deep state.

Patriots swapped out the strain, to a almost harmless respiratory virus less deadly than most influenza.

It was released by the deep state actors, and we got to see the media and clowns play out their game plan [as if billions would die WW]

I forgot the article, or even the theory. But I read an article about how war changes soldiers minds. Most of the normies have lived a very sheltered life.

Given the mentality of "we have survived, what appeared to be a deadly global pandemic" will harden most normies psyche.

Anon think it's a two edges sword, it was ammo for the deep state that the patriots used. For what is perceived as good, even if it's a bitter pill of medicine for most normies to swallow.

It can explain why POTUS plays along with the media re: Covid19.

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93a236 No.132531

File: c13bee24a9f5880⋯.png (509.51 KB,747x502,747:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372920 (311106ZOCT20) Notable: Georgia battle could swing control of US Senate

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Georgia battle could swing control of US Senate

Fate of Republican seat hangs on businesswoman Kelly Loeffler’s allegiance to Donald Trump

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93a236 No.132532

File: 520f7004da8895e⋯.png (62.7 KB,711x472,711:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372922 (311106ZOCT20) Notable: New Flynn: The stakes in this election are monumental

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The stakes in this election are monumental. We’re fighting for our families, homes & our democracy. Beware of false prophets (Matthew 7:15-20).

Vote for the AMERICAN DREAM and our CHILDREN

VOTE for


This election is the most consequential of our lifetime.


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93a236 No.132533

File: d9f042f42bd9842⋯.png (182.05 KB,393x399,131:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372931 (311108ZOCT20) Notable: Fox News Beats Three Broadcast Networks in Overall Primetime Ratings on Thursday, Romps in Total Day Audience

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fox News Beats Three Broadcast Networks in Overall Primetime Ratings on Thursday, Romps in Total Day Audience

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132534

File: f1e2e3d6234fa0e⋯.png (499.28 KB,625x604,625:604,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ac17be31252c90⋯.png (365.18 KB,581x497,83:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372948 (311112ZOCT20) Notable: Second Hunter Biden Laptop Taken Into Custody by DEA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Second Hunter Biden Laptop Taken Into Custody by DEA

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132535

File: 26bbc26d0a4fb10⋯.jpeg (110.27 KB,746x708,373:354,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 774c9859b95a331⋯.jpeg (170.71 KB,750x743,750:743,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7807dfa8638dcdc⋯.jpeg (182.15 KB,750x794,375:397,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372955 (311114ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes digs

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=Finger Lakes digs=

PA dumping fracking waste in NY.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132536

File: b21b1f78911e71f⋯.png (329.75 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372956 (311114ZOCT20) Notable: New Flynn: The stakes in this election are monumental

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Gen. Flynn


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132537

File: c6ab02b5e960edb⋯.png (899.82 KB,934x776,467:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11372957 (311115ZOCT20) Notable: Maine Dem Refused to Spare Small Businesses From Taxes on COVID Relief

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Maine Dem Refused to Spare Small Businesses From Taxes on COVID Relief

Gideon's failure to reopen legislature could cost businesses $100 million

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93a236 No.132538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373020 (311126ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes digs

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Hunter Finger Lakes

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132539

File: 51f4dd8cf1ebe5a⋯.png (1.25 MB,849x816,283:272,Clipboard.png)

File: 85afe8b8d0512a6⋯.png (29.95 KB,270x185,54:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373041 (311130ZOCT20) Notable: A guide to Pennsylvania’s political hot spots The Keystone State

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A guide to Pennsylvania’s political hot spots

The Keystone State has emerged as a virtual must-win for both Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132540

File: 94e100b71f2eeb6⋯.png (343.29 KB,600x471,200:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373065 (311135ZOCT20) Notable: Woah, did @maggieNYT see that ABC News just broke the dam?!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Woah, did


see that ABC News just broke the dam?!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132541

File: c0fe8d39b5a4172⋯.png (78 KB,783x737,783:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373074 (311137ZOCT20) Notable: Flynn: Read this very sincere & uplifting thread from the great journalist

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Read this very sincere & uplifting thread from the great journalist


Tracy, you speak for millions of Americans & Patriots around the world praying for America to remain THE beacon of hope for the rest of the world.



Thread: Running some errands today when I was absolutely struck with emotion for a minute- I can’t really explain this but I’m going to try. I’ll likely get mocked by some for sharing this but I don’t care. It’s my heart speaking. Deal with it.


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93a236 No.132542

File: fc3eef175345642⋯.png (38.42 KB,1239x307,1239:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373128 (311146ZOCT20) Notable: New Jersey's Gov. Murphy won't rule out another coronavirus lockdown as cases spike

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New Jersey's Gov. Murphy won't rule out another coronavirus lockdown as cases spike

The state reported 2,089 new cases Friday

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93a236 No.132543

File: cb826dcee068098⋯.png (783.08 KB,1228x496,307:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373191 (311159ZOCT20) Notable: Black Cats and Election Predictions

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Black Cats and Election Predictions

This Tuesday, will we avoid the bad luck brought by the last Democrat presidential win?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132544

File: 8d7fc6afc8c6892⋯.png (476.04 KB,593x774,593:774,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373211 (311203ZOCT20) Notable: FLOTUS: Office of National Drug Control Policy and the #BeBest campaign are committed to nurturing an environment that is conducive for children to live their best, drug-free lives

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Office of National Drug Control Policy and the #BeBest campaign are committed to nurturing an environment that is conducive for children to live their best, drug-free lives. Read my #PreventionMonth op-ed with


Director Carroll here:

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132545

File: 72978e485ced929⋯.png (106.04 KB,2478x486,413:81,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e4222fd3d58888⋯.png (1.49 MB,1472x1326,736:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373221 (311206ZOCT20) Notable: (pb) Keith Ablow / DEA / Another HB laptop

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"That former celebrity psychiatrist, Keith Ablow, saw his medical license suspended after he faced allegations of sexually exploiting patients and illegally diverting prescription drugs. Ablow has denied the allegations and has not been charged with any crime."


"The office of a former celebrity psychiatrist in Newburyport, Massachusetts was raided by federal agents, Thursday.

Drug Enforcement Administration officers executed a search warrant at the office of Keith Ablow, a prominent former psychiatrist whose license was suspended following allegations he sexually exploited patients.

DEA Special Agent Timothy Desmond said the search warrants were executed as part of an ongoing investigation but did not elaborate further."


"Last May, Ablow had his medical license suspended by the Massachusetts Board of Medicine, which labeled Ablow “an immediate and serious threat to public health” at the time. Ablow, 58, was also accused of having sexual relationships with three female patients, who sued him. Their cases resolved in June 2019, according to The Boston Globe.

Little is known about this latest development – a DEA spokesman did not respond to an inquiry from Boston.com. However, Special Agent Timothy Desmond, a spokesman for DEA, told the Globe that raiding Ablow’s office was part of an “ongoing investigation,” but declined to give further detail on what that is, or what authorities took."


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93a236 No.132546

File: 4eeea7a417eda6f⋯.jpeg (60.11 KB,719x374,719:374,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373240 (311209ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes digs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

More Finger Lakes digs


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132547

File: 057749d9130fa9c⋯.png (1006.68 KB,1024x736,32:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373263 (311216ZOCT20) Notable: Three women settle medical malpractice lawsuits against prominent psychiatrist Keith Ablow

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>Ablow, a nationally known author, last year settled several malpractice lawsuits that alleged that he engaged in sexual relationships with patients, inappropriately prescribed drugs, and committed "boundary violations” between 2011 and 2018.

Three women settle medical malpractice lawsuits against prominent psychiatrist Keith Ablow

Lawyers for Dr. Keith R. Ablow, a nationally known author and former Fox News contributor, and the three accusers recently reached out-of-court settlements, according to court filings.

The terms and settlement sums were not disclosed.

In their lawsuits, the women alleged they traveled from out of state to be treated by Ablow, 57, in Newburyport, where their relationships eventually turned sexual. While under Ablow’s care, all three said they received infusions of the anesthetic Ketamine to treat depression.

Two of the women alleged Ablow charged them for therapy during meetings where they engaged in sex acts.

During some sexual encounters, the women said Ablow beat them with a belt with a skull-shaped buckle and told one words to the effect of “I own you,” and “You are my slave.”

The same woman wrote in an affidavit that she had Ablow’s Facebook name tattooed on her inner forearm.

Massachusetts regulators barred him from practicing medicine last month after concluding he poses “an immediate and serious threat to public health.”

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93a236 No.132548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373269 (311217ZOCT20) Notable: Three women settle medical malpractice lawsuits against prominent psychiatrist Keith Ablow

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In May, a different medical malpractice case filed against Ablow in 2016 settled shortly before trial. Details of the agreement weren’t filed in court. In that case, a 55-year-old antiques dealer from Cape Cod accused Ablow of crossing clinical boundaries by e-mailing and texting her outside of therapy sessions, helping her open a store in Newburyport, prescribing medications for her family members, and suggesting she have an affair with help from the online dating service Ashley Madison. The company’s famous slogan is: “Life is short. Have an affair.” The lawsuit didn’t accuse Ablow of sexual misconduct. In court papers, Ablow’s lawyers said his treatment was within the standard of care and “is to be viewed in the context of the development of communicative technology” and that the patient’s ability to “reach, check in, and otherwise contact her psychiatrist was valuable.”

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93a236 No.132549

File: e9b826360ddb6aa⋯.png (2.06 MB,1440x995,288:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373286 (311224ZOCT20) Notable: Three women settle medical malpractice lawsuits against prominent psychiatrist Keith Ablow

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>While under Ablow’s care, all three said they received infusions of the anesthetic Ketamine to treat depression. During some sexual encounters, the women said Ablow beat them with a belt with a skull-shaped buckle and told one words to the effect of “I own you,” and “You are my slave.”

He has testified as a defense witness in the high-profile trials of Dr. Richard Sharpe, who was convicted of killing his wife in Wenham, and Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter, the German national serving time for murder in California who pretended to be a member of the Rockefeller dynasty.


LOS ANGELES — A small, bespectacled German immigrant who invented a glamorous life for himself in the United States by posing as an heir to the fabled Rockefeller fortune was sentenced Thursday to 27 years to life in prison for a California cold-case murder.

Representing himself after firing his lawyers, Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter, 52, asserted that he did not commit the mid-1980s murder of John Sohus in the wealthy city of San Marino and asked to read a voluminous motion he had submitted to the court. When Superior Court Judge George Lomeli refused the request, he withdrew the motion.

Gerhartsreiter — who fooled friends, lovers, and a wife during an extraordinary three-decade charade — entered the courtroom balancing in his arms a mountain of transcripts from his trial. He asked that he be given time served and probation. The judge rejected that.

The hearing was marked by an emotional statement from Sohus’s sister, who said some questions in the case will never be answered. She said that until his dying day, her father always asked, “Why John?”

Get Today's Headlines in your inboxThe 10 top local news stories from metro Boston and around New England delivered daily.

Ellen Sohus told the judge: “You cannot give me back my brother. All I ask is that you hold Mr. Gerhartsreiter accountable.”

Gerhartsreiter, handcuffed and wearing a blue jail uniform, was calm and respectful as he addressed the judge, saying he wished to read his motion for a new trial aloud for the benefit of reporters and others.

“There is great public interest,” he said. “It would save time for the media.”

The judge told him his motion would become part of the public file where anyone can read it. But it did not become part of the public record because Gerhartsreiter said, “If I do not get to read the motion, I will withdraw it.” The judge said it was his right to do so.

Asked whether he had any last words, Gerhartsreiter said: “I can only say again I want to assert my innocence. I did not commit the crime for which I was convicted.”

Gerhartsreiter took over his own representation after a jury convicted him of first-degree murder in the death of Sohus, whose bones were found buried at the suburban San Marino home where the defendant had lived under the name Chris Chichester.

It was a heavily circumstantial case built 28 years after Sohus vanished. There was no slam-dunk DNA solution to a murder mystery. But discovery of the bones with a bag bearing the logo of a university once attended by the defendant added a crucial piece to the puzzle of the man who later called himself Clark Rockefeller.

Sohus, a 27-year-old computer programmer who was the son of the defendant’s landlady, vanished with his wife, Linda, in 1985. No trace of her has been found. Gerhartsreiter hinted at a recent hearing that he might have information about her whereabouts but never expanded on that.

During the years, Gerhartsreiter was variously known as Chris Crowe, Chip Smith, and as a Rockefeller while worming his way into high society, moving from New York to Connecticut and Boston. He married a wealthy woman and controlled her funds. But his identity unraveled after he kidnapped their daughter in Boston during a custody dispute.

The publicity led California authorities to revisit the Sohus disappearance and the bones found in 1994.

He was near the end of his sentence in Boston for kidnapping his young daughter when he was charged with murder.

Jurors took a scant six hours to convict him.

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93a236 No.132550

File: e07b88c6ecefb34⋯.png (766.38 KB,1376x1080,172:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373303 (311230ZOCT20) Notable: #14525

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11372542 Dough


>>132490 AMAZING! Minnesota Democrat Leaders Try to Keep Massive Crowd of Supporters from Trump Rally — FAIL MISERABLY –VIDEO

>>132491 Nobody Likes You: CNN Goes After Kirstie Alley After She Slams Their COVID Coverage

>>132492 This Week in Ballot Shenanigans: 'Disgrace to Democracy' Edition!

>>132493 Taiwanese woman in ICU nine days after flu vaccination

>>132494 Bernie Endorses Pro-Antifa Portland Mayoral Candidate Who Voted for Stalin, Mao, Pol-Pot, Lenin and Castro as Write-In Candidates on Her 2016 Ballot

>>132495 These Potential Biden Cabinet Members Should Terrify Capitalists

>>132496 Israeli Court Rules Convict Who Ran International Child Porn Ring ‘Safe’ To Practice As Pediatrician (checks out)

>>132497 Mueller gathered evidence suggesting DNC, Clinton camp manufactured Russia collusion story

>>132498 San Francisco Sen. Scott Wiener Introduces Bill to Decriminalize Men Having Sex With Boys (re-post because it so insane)

>>132499 “Not Pro-Black”: Wisconsin Students Unanimously Vote To Remove Lincoln Statue As Racist

>>132500 Exclusive: Goldman money funds' liquidity buffer swells before U.S. election

>>132501 New York Times opinion section comes unhinged ahead of the 2020 election

>>132502 Family dynasty protects a ‘killer’ Kennedy

>>132503 Soros will lead to the Rothschild and Israel

>>132504 More than 230 Federal Election-Related Lawsuits Have Been Filed Already

>>132505 TRUMP PATRIOTS escort DRUNK wicked witch KAMALA HARRIS the HELL on outta TOWN!

>>132506 Chicago unveils Election Day security plan spanning 10 days

>>132507 Massive Florida mail pile-up believed to include ballots

>>132508 Anons are the most powerful weapon on the digital battlefield

>>132509 Keith Richards on catching COVID-19: ‘I’m impervious … like Donald Trump’

>>132510 Biden is slammed for calling Trump fans 'ugly folks' after they interrupt his Minnesota rally with honking horns - leading critics to compare moment to Hillary Clinton's 2016 'deplorables' remark

>>132511 “. . . All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic”: An Open Letter to Gen. Milley

>>132512 Biden Pledges to Gut Religious Freedom Protections, Saying They Give 'Hate' a 'Safe Harbor'

>>132513 Why did all the rioting stop when CNN polls found it hurting Biden?

>>132514 'Ambushed': New Orleans police officer shot in French Quarter by man in pedicab

>>132515 Mary Jane Jacoby, a 101-year-old supporter of President Donald Trump, will not let the COVID-19 pandemic or its restrictions keep her from voting in person

>>132516 Walmart returning displays of guns, ammo to stores, reversing decision prompted by mounting civil unrest

>>132517 Project Veritas Sues New York Times for Calling Group ‘Deceptive’

>>132518 Chris Wallace says he 'never believed' that Joe Biden did not speak about Hunter's business activity

>>132519 Coronavirus: PM considering England lockdown next week

>>132520 How to survive the riots if President Trump is re-elected

>>132521 National Review: Biden, Never

>>132522 Trump greets throngs of fans outside Minnesota rally after state allows just 250 seats

>>132523 US Seizes "Largest Ever" Haul Of Iranian Missiles & Oil: 'Enough For A Large Military Force'

>>132524 Michigan Officially Starts Covid Track & Tracing – Next Will Be Mandatory Apps On Your Phones (Hawaii is already full on tracking)

>>132525 The Post’s Twitter account gained about 190,000 followers during blackout

>>132526 NYC businesses board up windows ahead of 2020 presidential election

>>132527 Professor of African American history accused of faking Mexican heritage

>>132528 Investigators Stop Attempt To Register Dead People As Democrats In Florida

>>132529 , >>132532 , >>132536 New Flynn: The stakes in this election are monumental

>>132531 Georgia battle could swing control of US Senate

>>132533 Fox News Beats Three Broadcast Networks in Overall Primetime Ratings on Thursday, Romps in Total Day Audience

>>132534 , >>132545 Second Hunter Biden Laptop Taken Into Custody by DEA

>>132535 , >>132538 , >>132546 Finger Lakes digs

>>132537 Maine Dem Refused to Spare Small Businesses From Taxes on COVID Relief

>>132539 A guide to Pennsylvania’s political hot spots The Keystone State

>>132540 Woah, did @maggieNYT see that ABC News just broke the dam?!

>>132541 Flynn: Read this very sincere & uplifting thread from the great journalist

>>132542 New Jersey's Gov. Murphy won't rule out another coronavirus lockdown as cases spike

>>132543 Black Cats and Election Predictions

>>132544 FLOTUS: Office of National Drug Control Policy and the #BeBest campaign are committed to nurturing an environment that is conducive for children to live their best, drug-free lives

>>132547 , >>132548 , >>132549 Three women settle medical malpractice lawsuits against prominent psychiatrist Keith Ablow

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132551

File: 25c64a083468243⋯.jpeg (698.28 KB,1125x1046,1125:1046,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373353 (311238ZOCT20) Notable: New DJT @ 0747 ET

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7:47 - 7+4+7= 18 = Q+

(Hoping this doesn’t mean a 747 jet..)


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93a236 No.132552

File: 727611f35d2550b⋯.png (1.78 MB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: dc17de08a7ca179⋯.png (1010.59 KB,500x932,125:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 10f46ab700bf459⋯.png (455.37 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b2de978953ad88⋯.png (471.8 KB,500x624,125:156,Clipboard.png)


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Decided to do a deep dive into the finger lakes company and Seneca holdings Ltd

I don't want to do a wall of text so will just show images and links to follow below and then summarize ?

1) https://senecaholdings.com/

2) https://senecaholdings.com/contact-us/

3) 90 Ohi: yo Way, Salamanca, NY 14779

4) 6265 Sheridan Drive, Williamsville, NY 14221 [2] location near New York

5) Lake Eerie right next to buffalo leading to Clinton port and out to sea?


6) Right next to Lake Ontario and FINGER LAKES?


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93a236 No.132553

File: cf71d7a4af8b3a4⋯.png (452.97 KB,661x517,661:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373431 (311251ZOCT20) Notable: Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90

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Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90

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93a236 No.132554

File: 057749d9130fa9c⋯.png (1006.68 KB,1024x736,32:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373465 (311257ZOCT20) Notable: (pb) Keith Ablow / DEA / Another HB laptop

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According to two people familiar with the matter, a different Hunter Biden laptop landed in the custody of the DEA in February when they executed a search warrant on the Massachusetts office of a psychiatrist accused of professional misconduct. The psychiatrist has not been charged with a crime.

Drug Enforcement Administration officers executed a search warrant at the office of Keith Ablow, a prominent former psychiatrist whose license was suspended following allegations he sexually exploited patients.

Ablow, a nationally known author, last year settled several malpractice lawsuits that alleged that he engaged in sexual relationships with patients, inappropriately prescribed drugs, and committed "boundary violations” between 2011 and 2018.


While under Ablow’s care, all three said they received infusions of the anesthetic Ketamine to treat depression.

During some sexual encounters, the women said Ablow beat them with a belt with a skull-shaped buckle and told one words to the effect of “I own you,” and “You are my slave.”

The same woman wrote in an affidavit that she had Ablow’s Facebook name tattooed on her inner forearm.

Massachusetts regulators barred him from practicing medicine last month after concluding he poses “an immediate and serious threat to public health.”

In May, a different medical malpractice case filed against Ablow in 2016 settled shortly before trial. Details of the agreement weren’t filed in court. In that case, a 55-year-old antiques dealer from Cape Cod accused Ablow of crossing clinical boundaries by e-mailing and texting her outside of therapy sessions, helping her open a store in Newburyport, prescribing medications for her family members, and suggesting she have an affair with help from the online dating service Ashley Madison. The company’s famous slogan is: “Life is short. Have an affair.” The lawsuit didn’t accuse Ablow of sexual misconduct.

Ablow has testified as a defense witness in the high-profile trials of Dr. Richard Sharpe, who was convicted of killing his wife in Wenham, and Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter, the German national serving time for murder in California who pretended to be a member of the Rockefeller dynasty.


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93a236 No.132555

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373471 (311258ZOCT20) Notable: Scotland’s Justice Secretary, the Afro-Pakistani Humma Yousaf, says he intends to clamp down on hate speech inside private homes under his sinister new so-called ‘hate crime’ Bill

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Scotland’s Justice Secretary, the Afro-Pakistani Humma Yousaf, says he intends to clamp down on hate speech inside private homes under his sinister new so-called ‘hate crime’ Bill:


Out with the invaders.

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93a236 No.132556

File: f705a614d5039b1⋯.png (242.15 KB,430x580,43:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373477 (311259ZOCT20) Notable: (pb) Keith Ablow / DEA / Another HB laptop

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a different Hunter Biden laptop landed in the custody of the DEA in February when they executed a search warrant on the Massachusetts office of a psychiatrist Keith Ablow

>>>/qresearch/11373222 (pb)

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93a236 No.132557

File: c58619fdb6ba21f⋯.jpeg (753.31 KB,1125x1447,1125:1447,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5280a3824f7a01d⋯.jpeg (947.73 KB,1125x1442,1125:1442,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7fc2e6ef45a9288⋯.jpeg (978.28 KB,1125x1439,1125:1439,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373490 (311301ZOCT20) Notable: Trump's order ending diversity training faces lawsuit

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This is why it’s great we got the Supreme Court back to constitutionalists.

Trump's diversity training order faces lawsuit

New York (AP) — Three civil rights groups filed a lawsuit Thursday challenging President Donald Trump's executive order that prohibits federal agencies, contractors and grant recipients from offering certain diversity training that the president deems “anti-American."

The NAACP Legal Defense Fund filed the complaint in federal court in Washington, D.C., along with the National Urban League and the National Fair Housing Alliance. The lawsuit argued that Trump's order violates free speech rights and strangles workplace attempts to address systemic race and sex discrimination.

The National Urban League and the National Fair Housing Alliance both have federal contracts and plan to apply for future ones.

The executive order “unconstitutionally forces Plaintiffs to choose between censoring speech on these important issues or forfeiting any opportunity to enter into a federal contract,” the groups argued in the complaint.

Trump’s executive order, signed last month, called out workplace trainings that explore deep-seated racism and privilege that the administration says could make white workers feel “discomfort” or guilt. The president ordered the Labor Department to set up a hotline to investigate complaints about training sessions that Trump has called “anti-American” and “blame-focused.”

Trump has said he is targeting training based on “critical race theory,” the idea that racism has permeated American history and institutions. At the first presidential debate, Trump said such training is “teaching people to hate our country.”

The directive uses a 55-year-old presidential order spurred by the Civil Rights Movement that sought to ban discriminatory practices at companies that contract with the federal government. Critics say Trump's order twists President Lyndon B. Johnson’s 1965 initiative into vehicle for white grievances.

“The executive order smacks of a totalitarian endorsement of white supremacy,” Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League said at a virtual press conference.


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93a236 No.132558

File: 96e22ab4221be9f⋯.png (44.78 KB,906x322,453:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 05342d4b0be8595⋯.png (85.89 KB,784x550,392:275,Clipboard.png)

File: 9efbdcee22932d4⋯.png (95.62 KB,734x563,734:563,Clipboard.png)

File: d92a6aaf86e7a4a⋯.png (68.34 KB,718x456,359:228,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373502 (311303ZOCT20) Notable: American hostage rescued by Navy Seals in Nigeria

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American hostage rescued in Nigeria


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93a236 No.132559

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB,753x861,251:287,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373509 (311304ZOCT20) Notable: Archive Update: "One Ping Only!" Edition

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Archive Update

"One Ping Only!" Edition

I added #14468 to #14524 and updated the checksums.



14468-14524.html.zip MD5: ce2499536535c77fe3ead99bd6f22dce

The archive now contains 14549 breads.


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93a236 No.132560

File: b9c85e8877dfadd⋯.png (246.2 KB,456x600,19:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373534 (311306ZOCT20) Notable: Ablow: Will run with GOP backing (FROM 2013)

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>In January 2013, Ablow expressed his interests in possibly running for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by John Kerry, On February 5, 2013, Ablow announced that he would seek the Republican nomination, but only if he did not have to face a primary battle.


Ablow: Will run with GOP backing

Newbury psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow yesterday said he will only declare his candidacy to fill John Kerry’s U.S. Senate seat if he is the sole Republican candidate on the ballot and he has the full support of the GOP party.

Ablow said he’s not interested in campaigning for the seat if it means first battling another Republican candidate in a primary fight — nor does he think such a fight would be advisable for the party.

The Fox News contributor said his potential candidacy is predicated on the party’s full leadership at the state and national level being united around him to preclude a primary. But he acknowledged such a show of “unity looks improbable at this time.”

“The window is short for a primary battle,” Ablow said in an interview. “I think spending money on a primary, which should be spent on defeating someone in the general election, is ill-advised, that and the time wasted being contentious with another Republican candidate when the whole party has to be unified in an extraordinary way to have even a chance of prevailing, those are the reasons I’m not interested in fighting through a primary.”

The primary is scheduled for April 30, with the special election to be held on June 25.

Ablow announced last month that he would consider running as a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate if both former U.S. Sen. Scott Brown and former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld opted out as candidates. Brown took himself out of the race on Friday, and Weld followed suit yesterday.

The list of potential Republican candidates to replace Kerry, who was confirmed last week as U.S. secretary of state, has been shrinking every day.

Former Gov. Jane Swift has ruled out a run, as has Richard Tisei, the former state Senate minority leader who ran unsuccessfully against U.S. Rep. John Tierney last fall. Former Gov. and presidential hopeful Mitt Romey’s son, Tagg Romney, whose name was being floated, announced last night that he wasn’t interested in pursuing the seat.

That leaves Romney’s former lieutenant governor, Kerry Healey, who also served as a foreign policy adviser in Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign; ex-Navy SEAL and fighter pilot Gabriel Gomez; Massachusetts state Rep. Dan Winslow, R-Norfolk, who is expected to announce his decision today; and former state Rep. Karyn Polito among the remaining possible candidates

Congressmen Edward Markey of Malden and Stephen Lynch of South Boston are vying for the Democratic nomination in the special election.

Ablow, an outspoken conservative commentator who calls himself a political outsider, said he’s been talking with national Republican operative Roger Stone as well as some key party figures on the state level, who he said aren’t comfortable publicly revealing themselves at this time.

He expects the picture to become clearer in the next few days, since a decision on who enters the race must be made quickly. Party candidates have until Feb. 27 to turn in 10,000 signatures to election officials to be included on the ballot. Ablow said the task is no small feat.

“If one started today, they would need to get 500 signatures a day,” he said.

Ablow doesn’t believe the Republican Party can go without a candidate in the race.

“I can’t imagine the party would like the special election to go uncontested, nor do they need to … and they just might win,” he said.

But he also acknowledged he might not be exactly whom the party has in mind.

“The theme for my campaign would be that the truth doesn’t have a political agenda. This wouldn’t be about making myself palatable to the greatest number of people. This would be about being completely honest about what I think and why and letting people make their own, autonomous, honest judgments.

“ … To candy-coat anything I believe in or withhold any opinion I have on an issue would be counter to everything I have worked for my entire life.”

If the Republican Party opts to support another candidate, Ablow said he will work hard to elect that individual. And should that candidate lose, he would likely offer again to be a Senate candidate from Massachusetts in 2014 — under the same demands of the party leadership

“Nobody knows the future. To predict a year or two or five from now is folly,” he said. “It might not be today, but maybe it will be in the future that plainspoken beliefs are embraced because they are not enough right now.”

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93a236 No.132561

File: b0780afba2d6b2b⋯.png (335.68 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373543 (311308ZOCT20) Notable: Ablow: Will run with GOP backing (FROM 2013)

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>In January 2013, Ablow expressed his interests in possibly running for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by John Kerry, On February 5, 2013, Ablow announced that he would seek the Republican nomination, but only if he did not have to face a primary battle.


Potential Republican candidate for special election discusses gun control, mental health

Dr. Keith Ablow joined the FOX 25 Morning News on Tuesday to discuss his potential run in the special election for senate if Sen. John Kerry is confirmed as Secretary of State.

Dr. Ablow is a forensic psychiatrist regularly featured on various shows including some on FOX News. He says he wants to unify behind one candidate and would give running for senate serious consideration if Republicans Bill Weld and Scott Brown didn't announce.

The prominent forensic psychiatrist responded to previous statements he made about the Newtown, Conn. shooting on Tuesday. Dr. Ablow says he wished the teachers at the Sandy Hook Elementary School were armed.

"I did say that because I think this issue is not about gun control," Dr. Ablow explains. "It's so frustrating to me, you know most mass shootings, they all involve people with psychiatric problems and we have a mental health system that is in shambles, which I've written extensively about. We need to really solve problems, not pontificate."

Dr. Ablow continued with his discussion of gun control by saying that disarming people takes away their autonomy, doesn't sit well with the Constitution, and "doesn't go with the facts."

"The bottom line is that assault weapons are used in a vast minority of these killings and so do we really believe that by taking these guns away from citizens who acquire them legally that the people who are on edge in terms of their psychiatric status are not going to shift to another means of committing these crimes? Of course they are," says Dr. Ablow.

The psychiatrist says that his other policy concerns are education, tax code, and creating a strong policy that supports Israel and makes it clear that the U.S. can't tolerate nuclear weapons in the hands of nations like Iran.

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93a236 No.132562

File: ced71f623fdfbae⋯.png (63.48 KB,892x824,223:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373548 (311308ZOCT20) Notable: countries using Google and Apple’s COVID-19 Contact Tracing API

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Here are the countries using Google and Apple’s COVID-19 Contact Tracing API


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93a236 No.132563

File: 1151983b8676852⋯.mp4 (3.82 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373551 (311309ZOCT20) Notable: @RealJamesWoods "They don’t even hide it anymore."

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"They don’t even hide it anymore."


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93a236 No.132564

File: 3c74c3da4db07e4⋯.jpg (53.53 KB,638x566,319:283,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 694bdcf79ae850d⋯.jpg (83.95 KB,482x960,241:480,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f5cfd5286a8cde3⋯.jpg (93.97 KB,635x900,127:180,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8d5177e7d99d9a7⋯.jpg (69.05 KB,960x926,480:463,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0723792c32c622b⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,1184x7352,148:919,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373572 (311312ZOCT20) Notable: Bitchute video: activists, talking heads, and world leaders admitting White Genocide is real

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Diversity is code for White genocide.

2 hour long documentary on the issue of the ethnic displacement of the Western people:

"White Genocide Is Real - In Their Own Words"



Two and one half hours of activists, talking heads, and world leaders admitting: White Genocide is real and it is a crime under the UN Convention on Genocide of 1948. See what the media wont show you and hear it in their own words, then judge for yourself. Please spread the truth and this video.



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93a236 No.132565

File: d0b79004305d50d⋯.jpg (86.84 KB,1080x608,135:76,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373613 (311318ZOCT20) Notable: American hostage rescued by Navy Seals in Nigeria

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American hostage rescued in West Africa by SEAL Team 6 in daring raid


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93a236 No.132566

File: db7a8294fd836a9⋯.png (59.8 KB,882x329,126:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373627 (311319ZOCT20) Notable: Chuck's harvest is over.

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Chuck's harvest is over.


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93a236 No.132567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373633 (311320ZOCT20) Notable: Rudy Gave Us The Hard Drive, Accused Biden Of Two Specific Crimes

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>>132457 (pb)

>Rudy Gave Us The Hard Drive, Accused Biden Of Two Specific Crimes


Giulliani's chess board - both white knights are advanced!!

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93a236 No.132568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373644 (311321ZOCT20) Notable: Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out | 9/11 Evidence and NIST

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Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out | 9/11 Evidence and NIST


This is the best introductory redpill for normies regarding 9/11, it does NOT mention Jews or Israel at all, but shows that the official version given from the administration was a obvious fraud, using undeniable proof and a very clean and perfect optics presentation. Share it with all the normads you can!

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93a236 No.132569

File: 73bc9625d6c19c9⋯.png (375.97 KB,587x468,587:468,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373672 (311324ZOCT20) Notable: new @FLOTUS

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Melania Trump




US government account



& I were excited to welcome frontline workers, schoolchildren, military families & all of the wonderful costumed trick-or-treaters to the South Lawn for the annual


#Halloween. Wishing everyone a safe & Happy Halloween! #TrickOrTreat

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93a236 No.132570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373676 (311324ZOCT20) Notable: BIGGEST BRIBERY CASE IN THE HISTORY OF OHIO; use qresear.ch to see how relates to Ukraine

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HOT IN CLEVELAND…Householder aide, lobbyist plead guilty in House Bill 6 (a $1.3 billion bailout of nuclear power plants owned by a former FirstEnergy subsidiary):

CEO fired: FirstEnergy Corp. has fired its CEO amid multiple federal investigations related to an Ohio nuclear bailout law passed year. John Caniglia and Jeremy Pelzer report the utility company announced in a Thursday evening news release it had terminated CEO Chuck Jones, effective immediately. The company also fired two othe corruption investigation:

HB6 plea: Jeffrey Longstreth, the longtime aide to former Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder, and lobbyist Juan Cespedes pleaded guilty Thursday to corruption-related charges involving the House Bill 6 scandal, hours after federal prosecutors filed plea agreements. John Caniglia and Jeremy Pelzer report the men are the first to admit wrongdoing in what federal prosecutors called the largest pay-to-play scandal in Ohio history involving the passage of House Bill 6, a $1.3 billion bailout of nuclear power plants owned by a former FirstEnergy subsidiary. The plea deals do not specify if the men will cooperate with investigators.

CEO fired: FirstEnergy Corp. has fired its CEO amid multiple federal investigations related to an Ohio nuclear bailout law passed year. John Caniglia and Jeremy Pelzer report the utility company announced in a Thursday evening news release it had terminated CEO Chuck Jones, effective immediately. The company also fired two others: Senior Vice President of Product Development, Marketing, and Branding Dennis Chack, and Senior Vice President of External Affairs Mike Dowling.


Anons….search qresear.ch for 'Cleveland Connection' to find some old diggs on how this relates to Ukraine…



cleveland.com editor Chris Quinn says Householder, who is charged with racketeering in the biggest bribery case in Ohio history, is discovering that nearly every lawyer has a conflict-of-interest. It demonstrates how far-reaching the $60 million scheme is in Ohio.


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93a236 No.132571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373678 (311325ZOCT20) Notable: (lb) anons opine on wuhan, soros, smart dust, 5g

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>>132530 (LB)

Fauci gave $4m to wuhan lab, Soros also, guess which city became the testing ground for their evil!

USA aerosoled with a less deadly version to provide some immunity.

Assange...black dust, smart nano system to cause clots when activated by 5G

We the people were held hostage, ammo finished when POTUS received cure for the real virus.

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93a236 No.132572

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373707 (311327ZOCT20) Notable: 51 new voter applications, all of which featured the same handwriting

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Broward County Officials Expose Scheme to Register Dead People as Democrats

According to the election officials, a person in Columbiana, South Carolina, mailed 51 new voter applications, all of which featured the same handwriting, to the Broward County elections office in July.

The Times also stated that the “Broward County supervisor of elections officials flagged the registrations as suspicious and turned them over to the Broward state attorney’s office.”

“We cannot comment on an ongoing, active criminal investigation,” state attorney’s office spokeswoman Paula McMahon said in an email to The Associated Press.


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93a236 No.132573

File: 55f6ddff272e535⋯.png (428.72 KB,601x679,601:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373717 (311328ZOCT20) Notable: Herridge rt @DHS_Wolf

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warns twitter CEO over temporary suspension senior CBP official’s account for post on Border Wall, saying it "endangers the national security" READ: "Not only was Twitter’s act of censorship unjustified—the tweet is supported by data—it is disturbing. As (DHS) + other

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93a236 No.132574

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373736 (311330ZOCT20) Notable: Abused In A Satanic Halloween Ritual

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132575

File: d331f4033623f05⋯.png (637.35 KB,609x604,609:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373748 (311331ZOCT20) Notable: Jackie was taking private yacht rides with Aristotle Onassis when she was still first lady

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Jackie was taking private yacht rides with Aristotle Onassis when she was still first lady

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93a236 No.132576

File: 22aa1e576b4cc28⋯.png (52.18 KB,594x613,594:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373755 (311332ZOCT20) Notable: new @SidneyPowell1

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Sidney Powell Flag of United States⭐⭐⭐


Not until their 14 day suspension ended.



#Twitter must be treated like a utility.

First Amendment must apply to all social media and search engine platforms





Quote Tweet

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93a236 No.132577

File: 769633ad38a9953⋯.jpg (244.24 KB,1920x831,640:277,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373768 (311333ZOCT20) Notable: Donald Trump Fought the Establishment—and Won, October 30, 2020, 4 minute read

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald Trump Fought the Establishment—and Won

Donald Trump won the presidency by challenging both the Republican and Democrat Party establishments. For too long, the political class of party leaders, paid consultants, lobbyists, donor-funded think tanks, and partisan media outlets ignored the concerns of millions of working- and middle-class American families.

These families didn’t see themselves as Democrats or Republicans. They saw themselves as Americans—and they wanted change.

Career politicians didn’t get the message. Rather than listen to the American people, the establishment chose to lecture them instead. Democrats in Congress, for example, could’ve joined with President Trump and Republicans to work together on infrastructure, immigration, healthcare, the economy, our military, and more.

Instead, Democrats spent four years obstructing that agenda, wasting time—and tens of millions in taxpayer dollars—on political stunts.

While the left resisted, President Trump went to work.

He replaced NAFTA, something both Republican and Democrat politicians had promised to do for years. His new USMCA rebalances trade, protects American labor, and levels the playing field for U.S. manufacturers and automakers.

He cut taxes for over 80 percent of Americans by lowering rates for middle-income families, doubling the child tax credit, nearly doubling the standard deduction, and lowering costs for employers.

He ended the Obama-era War on Energy. Rather than relying on foreign oil, today America is the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world. Last year, for the first time in 67 years, America exported more energy than it imported.

He stood up to Big Pharma, including taking action to permit the safe, legal importation of prescription drugs from Canada. In 2018, Americans saw the biggest drop in prescription drug prices in half a century.

He slashed income inequality as wages grew faster for workers than for managers and fastest for Americans without a college degree.

He paused immigration to ensure Americans are first in line for jobs as the country safely reopens. He also closed visa loopholes that allowed companies to replace American workers with low-cost foreign labor.

He fixed our justice system, reforming the Clinton-era crime bill that sent too many young Black men to jail. Today, America has its lowest prison rate for Black Americans in 31 years.

He rebuilt our military, secured the largest raise for our troops in a decade, and became the first President since Reagan not to start a war.

He held the VA accountable for failing our veterans under the previous Administration, signing the VA Accountability Act and removing more than 2,500 employees for misconduct and poor performance.

He used bold diplomacy to secure peace deals in the Middle East, supporting our allies instead of starting wars or giving cash to Iran.

He protected Medicare and Social Security—including from socialist “Medicare-for-All” schemes, which would kick 180 million Americans off their health plans.

He made the single-largest investment in our national parks and public lands in history, signing the Great American Outdoors Act to protect our natural heritage.

He defended American patriotism from those who would tear it down—literally—by increasing penalties on those who vandalize or destroy monuments and memorials.

He grew the strongest economy in history, with record-high incomes and record-low unemployment and poverty rates for Americans once left behind—including Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and others.

And today, as America reopens from the global Coronavirus pandemic, our country is witnessing its fastest economic recovery in history.

Americans outside of our nation’s political class see these results. A majority of our citizens say they are better off today than they were 4 years ago. In fact, more Americans say they are better off after President Trump’s first term than said so after the first terms of Barack Obama, George W. Bush, or even Ronald Reagan.

The American people wanted change. The establishment didn’t listen. Fortunately for millions of families across our country, President Trump did—and he’s just getting started.


pf- kuwait peace through strength

oman would follow imo

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93a236 No.132578

File: 209d97a8d081cb7⋯.png (21.12 KB,759x235,759:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373771 (311333ZOCT20) Notable: Texas Supreme Court Weighing Whether To Throw Out More Than 100,000 Drive-Thru Votes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Texas Supreme Court Weighing Whether To Throw Out More Than 100,000 Drive-Thru Votes

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132579

File: 7195a2141c6fe68⋯.png (59.38 KB,622x444,311:222,Clipboard.png)

File: e6521b18e59433b⋯.png (1.15 MB,1211x719,1211:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373799 (311336ZOCT20) Notable: The greatest stunt of the 2020 election has now produced the most inspiring ad of the campaign

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The greatest stunt of the 2020 election has now produced the most inspiring ad of the campaign

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132580

File: dc2eb86ae14abca⋯.png (1.47 MB,1204x1366,602:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 58390d38073dfe8⋯.png (3.14 MB,1188x1634,594:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 40811bbf331c62a⋯.png (3.1 MB,1186x1592,593:796,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373852 (311341ZOCT20) Notable: Herridge pen shows words we have been waiting for!!! from

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Catherine…


warns twitter CEO over temporary suspension senior CBP official’s account for post on Border Wall, saying it "endangers the national security" READ: "Not only was Twitter’s act of censorship unjustified—the tweet is supported by data—it is disturbing. As (DHS) + other"


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132581

File: 373d57a6cec9155⋯.png (236.29 KB,1184x520,148:65,Clipboard.png)

File: 373d57a6cec9155⋯.png (236.29 KB,1184x520,148:65,Clipboard.png)

File: d08d728bcd728d3⋯.png (102.15 KB,1858x504,929:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373870 (311343ZOCT20) Notable: Herridge rt @DHS_Wolf

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Federal agencies continue to rely on Twitter to share important information with the U.S. public, your censorship poses a threat to our security." https://dhs.gov/publication/letter-acting-secretary-wolf-twitter…





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93a236 No.132582

File: 64a19b20c0f13cc⋯.png (461.93 KB,1300x1696,325:424,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a1fde0544abd8c⋯.png (364.96 KB,1270x1672,635:836,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373878 (311345ZOCT20) Notable: Chad Wolf letter to Dorsey (yesterday)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132583

File: acf13907ab2f0e6⋯.png (207.03 KB,2628x844,657:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373879 (311345ZOCT20) Notable: New DJT: Big win for our very elite U.S. Special Forces today. Details to follow!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DJTBig win for our very elite U.S. Special Forces today. Details to follow!


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93a236 No.132584

File: 8044da6ce6faec5⋯.png (239.77 KB,536x243,536:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373908 (311349ZOCT20) Notable: Herridge pen shows words we have been waiting for!!! from

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132585

File: ec693eaa76ed4fd⋯.png (311.1 KB,863x770,863:770,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373924 (311351ZOCT20) Notable: American hostage rescued by Navy Seals in Nigeria

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


American hostage rescued in West Africa by SEAL Team 6 in daring raid

An American hostage has been rescued in West Africa by SEAL Team 6 in a daring raid, Fox News has learned.

The elite SEAL Team 6 staged a daring raid in the West African country of Nigeria, rescuing Philip Walton, 27, who had been taken hostage, officials told Fox News.

“We had to get him before any potential trade or sale,” one U.S. official said.

President Donald Trump tweeted out a show of support, calling the operation a "big win" for the elite force, and promised further details.

Walton was kidnapped in Niger, which borders Nigeria, earlier this week. The hostage rescue took place in northern Nigeria earlier today.


The SEALs rescued Walton after killing a number of his captors. SEAL Team 6 was chosen for the operation because they are responsible for West Africa, Fox News has learned.

“U.S. forces conducted a hostage rescue operation during the early hours of 31 October in Northern Nigeria to recover an American citizen held hostage by a group of armed men," Jonathan Hoffman, chief Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement.

"This American citizen is safe and is now in the care of the U.S. Department of State. No U.S military personnel were injured during the operation."


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93a236 No.132586

File: 006caa775b885dd⋯.png (357.52 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11373991 (311400ZOCT20) Notable: New DJT: Big win for our very elite U.S. Special Forces today. Details to follow!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This was the Special Forces job that POTUS just referred to. The first one was Milley's rescue.


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93a236 No.132587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374078 (311411ZOCT20) Notable: #14526

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Notables at 650ish are NOT endorsements


>>132551 New DJT @ 0747 ET


>>132553 Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90

>>132554, >>132556, >>132545 (pb) Keith Ablow / DEA / Another HB laptop

>>132555 Scotland’s Justice Secretary, the Afro-Pakistani Humma Yousaf, says he intends to clamp down on hate speech inside private homes under his sinister new so-called ‘hate crime’ Bill

>>132558, >>132565, >>132585 American hostage rescued by Navy Seals in Nigeria

>>132557 Trump's order ending diversity training faces lawsuit

>>132559 Archive Update: "One Ping Only!" Edition

>>132560, >>132561 Ablow: Will run with GOP backing (FROM 2013)

>>132562 countries using Google and Apple’s COVID-19 Contact Tracing API

>>132564 Bitchute video: activists, talking heads, and world leaders admitting White Genocide is real

>>132563 @RealJamesWoods "They don’t even hide it anymore."

>>132566 Chuck's harvest is over.

>>132567 Rudy Gave Us The Hard Drive, Accused Biden Of Two Specific Crimes

>>132568 Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out | 9/11 Evidence and NIST

>>132569 new @FLOTUS

>>132570 BIGGEST BRIBERY CASE IN THE HISTORY OF OHIO; use qresear.ch to see how relates to Ukraine

>>132571, >>132530 (lb) anons opine on wuhan, soros, smart dust, 5g

>>132572 51 new voter applications, all of which featured the same handwriting

>>132573, >>132580, >>132581 Herridge rt @DHS_Wolf

>>132574 Abused In A Satanic Halloween Ritual

>>132575 Jackie was taking private yacht rides with Aristotle Onassis when she was still first lady

>>132576 new @SidneyPowell1

>>132577 Donald Trump Fought the Establishment—and Won, October 30, 2020, 4 minute read

>>132578 Texas Supreme Court Weighing Whether To Throw Out More Than 100,000 Drive-Thru Votes

>>132579 The greatest stunt of the 2020 election has now produced the most inspiring ad of the campaign

>>132582 Chad Wolf letter to Dorsey (yesterday)

>>132583, >>132586 New DJT: Big win for our very elite U.S. Special Forces today. Details to follow!

>>132584 Herridge pen shows words we have been waiting for!!! from >>132580


bakering now

bring all the good stuff forward

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93a236 No.132588

File: a482be51f095643⋯.png (31.46 KB,748x467,748:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 10cf581fc1d7cfe⋯.png (40.51 KB,748x512,187:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374202 (311426ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump is now running against Joe Biden, the media and Barack Obama.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump is now running against Joe Biden, the media and Barack Obama.

Obama has gone all in and this is now his campaign too.

9:14 AM · Oct 31, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


Jake is emotionally invested with the Democrats. He was a Democrat staffer on Capitol Hill and can’t stop helping them.

Arthur Schwartz


· 9m

This is Fake @jaketapper pushing straight up rumor and unverified gossip from a random on twitter three days before an election. twitter.com/jaketapper/sta…

9:24 AM · Oct 31, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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93a236 No.132589

File: 2ff05769449208a⋯.jpeg (824.56 KB,593x1909,593:1909,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374205 (311426ZOCT20) Notable: Election2020 In local Iowa interview, former VP Biden was asked about Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop. He called it a “smear” + loosely connected the story to “Russians” NOTE: There are 2 distinct buckets of info: the alleged laptop + former HB business associate Tony Bobulinski

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Catherine Herridge




#Election2020 In local Iowa interview, former VP Biden was asked about Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop. He called it a “smear” + loosely connected the story to “Russians” NOTE: There are 2 distinct buckets of info: the alleged laptop + former HB business associate Tony Bobulinski

whose records are separate from the laptop + have been made available to FBI as well as Senate Investigators. @CBSNews confirmed details of Bobulinski's voluntary 4-5 hour FBI interview October 23. Lying to fed investigators is a crime under 18 USC 1001.


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93a236 No.132590

File: e0ee78e8e5dc545⋯.jpeg (90.74 KB,680x524,170:131,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374217 (311428ZOCT20) Notable: @StatesPoll Is Out With Their Latest Electoral College Forecast Based On Polling Reanalysis Current As Of 10/30.#Trump 312 Electoral Votes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pinned Tweet

John Basham 🇺🇲



Oct 30

==REPORT: @StatesPoll Is Out With Their Latest Electoral College Forecast Based On Polling Reanalysis Current As Of 10/30.#Trump 312 Electoral Votes

#Biden 226 Electoral Votes@StatesPoll

Has Removed ALL States From Toss-Up & Moved #Nevada To "Tilts #Republican"==

Question if our POTUS wins in a landslide on election night with 98% of people votes counted, do we have to wait fir late mails Ins to be counted?


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93a236 No.132591

File: 294680ace4330b0⋯.png (2.24 MB,1439x2259,1439:2259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374246 (311431ZOCT20) Notable: Grassley says the the corn is completely harvested.

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Grassley says the the corn is completely harvested.

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93a236 No.132592

File: e7dc56410b88fee⋯.png (217 KB,756x444,63:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 22fab92ceafdc96⋯.png (202.7 KB,593x292,593:292,Clipboard.png)

File: ca9e218e2f46b59⋯.png (217.21 KB,459x607,459:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374259 (311432ZOCT20) Notable: EXEC1F USAF VIP C-32A FLOTUS departing JBA nw

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


SAM942 USAF G5 departed JBA

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93a236 No.132593

File: 7b1b64582925124⋯.jpg (705.83 KB,2922x1924,1461:962,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374276 (311434ZOCT20) Notable: Q PROOF 12 Cities National Guard

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Q PROOF 12 Cities National Guard

Q manifesting into REALITY on 3 year delta


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93a236 No.132594

File: b420720b1fd3dde⋯.png (123.26 KB,320x180,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374285 (311434ZOCT20) Notable: Ivanka Trump makes clear just where she stands on a key issue

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Do ya think she's going to run for office in 2024?

Ivanka Trump makes clear just where she stands on a key issue


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93a236 No.132595

File: d878b6b102143eb⋯.jpeg (96.72 KB,900x600,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374447 (311449ZOCT20) Notable: #China is pouring $3 BILLION into #Freeport #Bahamas, a short 87 miles east of #PalmBeach #Florida.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

John Basham 🇺🇲@JohnBasham

REPORT: #China is pouring $3 BILLION into #Freeport #Bahamas, a short 87 miles east of #PalmBeach #Florida.Unless the US Stops this move we'll likely see a CHINESE NAVY BASE LESS THAN 90 MILES FROM PALM BEACH!


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93a236 No.132596

File: bb457a29d45af24⋯.jpeg (581.35 KB,828x1526,414:763,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374466 (311450ZOCT20) Notable: Sheriff’s Office to enforce shutdown after county attorney reinstates order

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sheriff’s Office to enforce shutdown after county attorney reinstates order


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132597

File: d7c6942593f6891⋯.png (2.58 MB,860x6581,860:6581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374506 (311453ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Daughter’s Diary Details ‘Not Appropriate’ Showers With Joe As Child

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden Daughter’s Diary Details ‘Not Appropriate’ Showers With Joe As Child

"Was I molested. I think so."

National File obtained this document from a whistleblower who was concerned the media organization that employs him would not publish this potential critical story in the final 10 days before the 2020 presidential election. National File’s whistleblower also has a recording of Ashley Biden admitting the diary is hers, and employed a handwriting expert who verified the pages were all written by Ashley. National File has in its posession a recording of this whistleblower detailing the work his media outlet did in preparation of releasing these documents. In the recording, the whistleblower explains that the media organization he works for chose not to release the documents after receiving pressure from a competing media organization.



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93a236 No.132598

File: a1625cd77cb810e⋯.jpeg (299.13 KB,1502x1573,1502:1573,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374536 (311456ZOCT20) Notable: This is the most badass video of Trump supporters dominating Biden yet…..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is the most badass video of Trump supporters dominating Biden yet…..


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374604 (311502ZOCT20) Notable: Mitigation Measures pursuant to EO 4.4.20- Could Sec 9 be a [Marker}?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

pb notable >>132573, >>132580, >>132581 Herridge rt @DHS_Wolf

Mitigation Measures pursuant to EO 4.4.20- Could Sec 9 be a [Marker}?

SECTION 9- Marker 9- Follow The Pen?

Recommendations by the Committee Pursuant to the Committee Review Process.

(excerpts from EO)

(i) recommend that the FCC modify the license to include a condition of compliance with mitigation measures negotiated by the Committee;

(ii) recommend that the FCC revoke the license due to the risk to national security or law enforcement interests of the United States; or

—The Committee:

(i) the Secretary of Defense;

(ii) the Attorney General;

(iii) the Secretary of Homeland Security

—the primary objective of which shall be to assist the FCC in its public interest review of national security and law enforcement concerns that may be raised by foreign participation in the United States telecommunications services sector.

—The Attorney General shall serve as Chair of the Committee (Chair).

—Sec. 6. Committee License Review Process. (a) The Committee may review existing licenses to identify any additional or new risks to national security or law enforcement interests of the United States.

—Sec. 7. Threat Analysis by the Director of National Intelligence. (a) For each license or application reviewed by the Committee, the Director of National Intelligence shall produce a written assessment of any threat to national security interests of the United States posed by granting the application or maintaining the license. The Director of National Intelligence shall solicit and incorporate the views of the Intelligence Community, as appropriate.

1- Wolf (DHS) letter cites National Security, countless incidents of Exec. Branch Agencies/Departments censoring by SM, Tech.

NatSec concerns can lead to mitigation steps, and/or revocation of FCC Lic.

2- EO of 4.4.20 empowers committee review of current FCC licensing. Investigations and Findings by Intel. (DNI)

3- DNI> Enter Ratcliffe 5.23.20

SECTION 9- Marker 9- Follow The Pen?

Recommendations by the Committee Pursuant to the Committee Review Process.

(i) recommend that the FCC modify the license to include a condition of compliance with mitigation measures negotiated by the Committee;

(ii) recommend that the FCC revoke the license due to the risk to national security or law enforcement interests of the United States; or


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93a236 No.132600

File: de428067baf3b0f⋯.png (48.11 KB,598x495,598:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374639 (311506ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: An American hostage has been rescued in West Africa by SEAL Team 6 in a daring raid early this morning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



"BREAKING: An American hostage has been rescued in West Africa by SEAL Team 6 in a daring raid early this morning

Philip Walton, 27, "is safe and is now in the care of the U.S. Department of State," DoD says

Walton kidnapped in Niger earlier this week. He was recused in Nigeria"

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93a236 No.132601

File: 3045ef53a48d460⋯.png (381.2 KB,777x437,777:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374641 (311506ZOCT20) Notable: FBI Hiring Outside Contractor To Overhaul Use Of FISA Spying Tool

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FBI Hiring Outside Contractor To Overhaul Use Of FISA Spying Tool


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132602

File: 2ad7430147431fc⋯.png (186.73 KB,777x441,37:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 96383a058f66aee⋯.png (221.12 KB,539x266,77:38,Clipboard.png)

File: ae60adfd1776e4f⋯.png (195.75 KB,415x269,415:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374670 (311509ZOCT20) Notable: AF2 USAF VIP C-40B departed JBA for Elm City, NC campaign event

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AF2 USAF VIP C-40B departed JBA for Elm City, NC campaign event

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132603

File: f8d010e8845dd45⋯.png (34.05 KB,598x266,299:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 773c631e13ae629⋯.jpg (51.06 KB,639x558,71:62,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374712 (311513ZOCT20) Notable: The Biden Bus, with Kamala on board, got so trolled by flag-waving Trump trucks on I-35 in Texas, they cancelled their Austin rally!

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Cari Kelemen @KelemenCari


The Biden Bus, with Kamala on board, got so trolled by flag-waving Trump trucks on I-35 in Texas, they cancelled their Austin rally!

>they cancelled their Austin rally!

Anons you know what to do. Meme This Shit!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132604

File: f37eefce18cc740⋯.png (602.56 KB,1049x596,1049:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374760 (311519ZOCT20) Notable: Human trafficking in Finger Lakes region: ‘It’s real, and it’s here’

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Human trafficking in Finger Lakes region: ‘It’s real, and it’s here’


+ + +

Jannine Phillips, Yates County program director with Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes, said people often have a misconception about what defines human trafficking.

Like Crawford and Stevens, Phillips said the crime is more common than people think.

“People should be aware this is happening in our community,” Phillips said.

In fact, 20 minutes into Phillips’ first human trafficking training session she realized she had served individuals who were victims of human trafficking, but since little was known about it at the time, their cases had been misidentified.

Safe Harborsbegan receiving funding about three years ago to increase awareness in the region about human trafficking. The agency serves ==Ontario, Seneca and Yates counties.

Since then, Safe Harbors has been working to increase awareness. A full-time human trafficking advocate is on staff and the agency distributes posters, rack cards and brochures on the subject throughout the region.

Staff also regularly give presentations to various schools and organizations, tailoring the talks to the audience.

Phillips is also a member of theOntario County Sexually Exploited Youth Task Force, which was formed in conjunction with the New York State Office of Children and Family Services,a coordinated statewide response to victims and survivors of commercial sexual exploitation of children and child trafficking.

Human trafficking is similar to domestic violence and often times victims can’t, or won’t, speak out, Phillips said. There are signs to look for that could indicate an issue, such as a teen who is a repeat runaway or one who has multiple cell phones.

Human trafficking is about manipulation and control, Phillips noted.

“They aren’t physically imprisoned, they’re psychologically imprisoned,” she said.

To help

If you suspect a case of human trafficking or are a victim, call the Safe Harbors 24-hour local hotline at 1-800-247-7273.

moar at sauce:


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93a236 No.132605

File: 90857d71acc75aa⋯.png (309.99 KB,939x470,939:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374812 (311524ZOCT20) Notable: 09-0015 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A departed JBA for Trenton-Mercer Airport,

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09-0015 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A departed JBA for Trenton-Mercer Airport, Ewing Township, NJ

SAM025 USAF G5 on descent for JBA from Chievres AB Belgium (sw of Brussels)-this AC departed Maxwell AFB, AL late 1029

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93a236 No.132606

File: d810dbb5dffc71d⋯.png (518.79 KB,610x625,122:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374824 (311525ZOCT20) Notable: Today President Trump will be focusing on Pennsylvania with four rallies in the keystone state

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Today President Trump will be focusing on Pennsylvania with four rallies in the keystone state: Newtown, Reading, Butler and Montoursville. The first rally is in Newtown within Bucks County, PA. The anticipated start time is 12:000pm EDT [Livestreams Below]

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93a236 No.132607

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374879 (311532ZOCT20) Notable: ANONYMOUS REVEALD-ANOTHER LEFT MAIN STREAM MEDIA HOAX

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Richard A. Grenell

The traditional media outlets in Washington, D.C., and New York City have told us for months that there was an Anonymous staffer inside the inner circle of President Trump controlling issues and messaging from the inside in a noble effort to save the country from an uncontrollable Donald Trump. Anonymous has even written an entire book explaining how he/she is protecting Americans from disastrous decisions that the 45th President has wanted to make. All of the political establishment in Washington has been abuzz with speculation as to who Anonymous really is. The New York Times assured the public that Anonymous was definitely a Senior Administration official.

When speculation became rampant that Anonymous could be a Trump Administration Cabinet official, the New York Times continued to tell us it was a Senior official. On Wednesday we learned that Anonymous was Miles Taylor. My first reaction was, “Who is Miles Taylor?” As it turns out, nearly no one knew who he was or where he worked. As we learned more on Wednesday, we learned that Taylor was a policy staffer at the Department of Homeland Security. He definitely wasn’t a Senior Administration official, he didn’t work at the White House, and he for sure didn’t have the ability to stop President Trump from making decisions.

So how did this hoax get perpetrated on the American people for so long?

Nearly every media organization reported regularly that Trump appointees like Anonymous were concerned about President Trump’s decisions and were working to undermine him. The mainstream media celebrated these insiders as heroes.

it was all fake. To be sure, there are Trump appointees who aren’t fully implementing the President’s agenda and are thwarting his decisions. But Anonymous and his supposed power were totally made up. The mainstream media created a powerful Anonymous player because they want someone on the inside to stop President Trump from implementing his agenda.

It’s shameful. And dangerous. It undermines our democracy. But mainstream media activists don’t care. They think the ends justifies the means.

The power of the media to create a partisan political narrative, like the Russian collusion hoax and the Anonymous hoax, is a growing problem for journalism in America. Reporters and their news editors have decided to go all in and use every power they have to defeat the President’s conservative agenda.

The reason they are willing to become political activists is because President Donald Trump is aggressively changing the game in Washington. The mainstream media want the system back where they control the public through their daily reporting. They want to define the issues and they want politicians who will play by their rules. They want the Left in power.


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93a236 No.132608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374947 (311540ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Rally Buck Pa livelink RSBN

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Rally bucks county, pa

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93a236 No.132609

File: 7b1b64582925124⋯.jpg (705.83 KB,2922x1924,1461:962,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374952 (311541ZOCT20) Notable: Q Proof 12 Cities that National Guard is activating in

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q PROOF 12 Cities National Guard

Q manifesting into REALITY on 3 year delta


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93a236 No.132610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374964 (311542ZOCT20) Notable: Video Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on DeepState

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Has this been posted?

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93a236 No.132611

File: efac116510068c1⋯.png (345.06 KB,806x458,403:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374969 (311542ZOCT20) Notable: 09-0015 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A on approach for Trenton-Mercer Airport, NJ from JBA

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09-0015 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A on approach for Trenton-Mercer Airport, NJ from JBA

-POTUS delivers remarks on Making America Great Again, Again-Keith House Washington's Headquarters, Upper Makefield Township, PA

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132612

File: a4f75f6340f990c⋯.png (3.04 MB,1161x3829,1161:3829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374978 (311544ZOCT20) Notable: Halloween is NOT harmless fun (video)

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Worth watching some of "ex-satanic High Priest" John Ramirez' videos if you still think Halloween is harmless fun. It's not. I'll never participate again.


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93a236 No.132613

File: 6fb29db68f2e84f⋯.png (590.98 KB,1035x582,345:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374982 (311545ZOCT20) Notable: Human Trafficking in Finger Lakes NY is REAL

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reposting >>132604 (lb)

Human trafficking in Finger Lakes region: ‘It’s real, and it’s here’

Jannine Phillips, Yates County program director with Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes, said people often have a misconception about what defines human trafficking.

Like Crawford and Stevens, Phillips said the crime ismore common than people think.

“People should be awarethis is happening in our community,” Phillips said.

In fact, 20 minutes into Phillips’ first human trafficking training session she realized she had served individuals who were victims of human trafficking, but since little was known about it at the time, their cases had been misidentified.

Safe Harborsbegan receiving funding about three years ago to increase awareness in the region about human trafficking. The agency serves ==Ontario, Seneca and Yates counties.

Since then, Safe Harbors has been working to increase awareness. A full-time human trafficking advocate is on staff and the agency distributes posters, rack cards and brochures on the subject throughout the region.

Staff also regularly give presentations to various schools and organizations, tailoring the talks to the audience.

Phillips is also a member of theOntario County Sexually Exploited Youth Task Force,which was formed in conjunction with theNew York State Office of Children and Family Services,a coordinated statewide response to victims and survivors of commercial sexual exploitation of children and child trafficking.

Human trafficking is similar to domestic violence and often times victims can’t, or won’t, speak out, Phillips said. There are signs to look for that could indicate an issue, such as a teen who is a repeat runaway or one who has multiple cell phones.

Human trafficking is about manipulation and control, Phillips noted.

“They aren’t physically imprisoned, they’re psychologically imprisoned,” she said.

To help

If you suspect a case of human trafficking or are a victim, call the Safe Harbors 24-hour local hotline at 1-800-247-7273.


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93a236 No.132614

File: 3d2b553088b4835⋯.png (87.61 KB,552x402,92:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 28b2b8acece8c58⋯.png (152.96 KB,460x654,230:327,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d5d3959067dff7⋯.png (117.77 KB,810x630,9:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374986 (311545ZOCT20) Notable: Not Pro-Black: Wisconsin Students Unanimously Vote To Remove Lincoln Statue As Racist

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If the mob can “cancel” Lincoln, no one is safe.

- Jim Jordan


October 30, 2020

“Not Pro-Black”: Wisconsin Students Unanimously Vote To Remove Lincoln Statue As Racist

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93a236 No.132615

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11374996 (311546ZOCT20) Notable: Anon letter to Congress

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An open letter from Anons

Dear incoming Congress,

In a few days, President Donald J. Trump will win re-election resoundingly. The Plan to save the world from the globalist Cabal will continue unabated, and those of you who have knowingly and willfully supped with the devil’s high minions will suffer whatever fate your conduct merits.

This letter is intended for those members of our next Congress who have not yet crossed the Rubicon into forbidden territory. Your transgressions may themselves be great, or minor, or perhaps you are innocent of such lust for power…whatever your circumstances, be forwarned: we elected President Trump for the specific reason of restoring our Republic and placing the governance of this country where it rightfully belongs, into the hands of people whose highest goal is to serve justly, wisely and with due restraint of activities that deprive us of our rights. We expect and demand that you perform your duties in such fashion.

We are not going away. We will remain forever vigilant. We will investigate. We will uncover. And we will act on what we find, good or bad. We can be your staunchest ally, or most fearsome opponent. We prefer the former, but will gleefully become the latter if you provide us with reason to do so.

You should take this promise seriously. Anons have withstood the most brazen, horrid, continued attacks against us. Nothing has deterred us, and nothing will. We have investigated, uncovered the truth, and acted upon it. And now, we own the media. We own the narrative. We openly engage in psychological operations and have turned the truth into the most fearful and glorious weapon known to mankind.

Cross us, and you would be better off being perpetually sodomized by a badger on angel dust, wielding a razor-wire wrapped chainsaw.

Fornicate around and find out.



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93a236 No.132616

File: 36f55f8b8c64313⋯.png (986.73 KB,1976x1490,988:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375010 (311548ZOCT20) Notable: According to Fakenews fearport - Biden forced to cancel event in Texas due to armed Trump Supporters

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Lookie lookie…

NOTcancelled due to LACK OF TURNOUT…

InsteadARMED???(watch the video…) DJT supporters ran them out of town???



"Joe Biden campaigners were forced to cancel an event in Texas on Friday as tensions flared in the key battleground state ahead of election day.

Local Democrats said they were forced to pull the plug on a gathering scheduled to take place in Pflugerville – a small city about 17 miles north of Austin – due to "security reasons".

It came as vice-presidential candidate, senator Kamala Harris, completed a whistle-stop three-city tour of the Lone Star state in a last-minute bid for votes.

Traditionally a Republican stronghold, the battle for Texas's 38 electoral college votes is likely to go down to the wire."

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93a236 No.132617

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375015 (311548ZOCT20) Notable: #14527, #14528

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>>132588 President Trump is now running against Joe Biden, the media and Barack Obama.

>>132589 Election2020 In local Iowa interview, former VP Biden was asked about Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop. He called it a “smear” + loosely connected the story to “Russians” NOTE: There are 2 distinct buckets of info: the alleged laptop + former HB business associate Tony Bobulinski

>>132590 @StatesPoll Is Out With Their Latest Electoral College Forecast Based On Polling Reanalysis Current As Of 10/30.#Trump 312 Electoral Votes

>>132593 Q PROOF 12 Cities National Guard

>>132592 EXEC1F USAF VIP C-32A FLOTUS departing JBA nw

>>132594 Ivanka Trump makes clear just where she stands on a key issue

>>132591 Grassley says the the corn is completely harvested.

>>132595 #China is pouring $3 BILLION into #Freeport #Bahamas, a short 87 miles east of #PalmBeach #Florida.

>>132596 Sheriff’s Office to enforce shutdown after county attorney reinstates order

>>132597 Biden Daughter’s Diary Details ‘Not Appropriate’ Showers With Joe As Child

>>132598 This is the most badass video of Trump supporters dominating Biden yet…..

>>132599 Mitigation Measures pursuant to EO 4.4.20- Could Sec 9 be a [Marker}?

>>132600 BREAKING: An American hostage has been rescued in West Africa by SEAL Team 6 in a daring raid early this morning

>>132601 FBI Hiring Outside Contractor To Overhaul Use Of FISA Spying Tool

>>132602 AF2 USAF VIP C-40B departed JBA for Elm City, NC campaign event

>>132603 The Biden Bus, with Kamala on board, got so trolled by flag-waving Trump trucks on I-35 in Texas, they cancelled their Austin rally!

>>132604 Human trafficking in Finger Lakes region: ‘It’s real, and it’s here’

>>132605 09-0015 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A departed JBA for Trenton-Mercer Airport,

>>132606 Today President Trump will be focusing on Pennsylvania with four rallies in the keystone state


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93a236 No.132618

File: 2a3e1f0a39a819a⋯.jpeg (142.2 KB,750x466,375:233,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375083 (311554ZOCT20) Notable: CBS WH correspondent thinking about jumping ship?

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CBS WH correspondent thinking about jumping ship?

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93a236 No.132619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375086 (311555ZOCT20) Notable: The Make America Great Again Victory Rallies will feature remarks from President Donald J. Trump and Republican candidates.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Right Side Broadcasting Network

Saturday, October 31, 2020:

Join the RSBN crew for live coverage as President Donald J. Trump holds a Make America Great Again rally in Bucks County, PA

Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. announced that President Donald J. Trump will deliver remarks on Making America Great Again, Again in Bucks County, Pennsylvania on Saturday, October 31st, 2020 at1:30 PM EDT,

and at Make America Great Again Victory Rallies in Reading, Pennsylvania on Saturday, October 31st at 4:00 PM EDT

and in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday, October 31st, 2020 at 7:00 PM EDT.

The Make America Great Again Victory Rallies will feature remarks from President Donald J. Trump and Republican candidates.

Saturday, October 31, 2020 at 1:30 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Making America Great Again, Again

Bucks County, Pennsylvania

🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Bucks County, PA 10/31/20


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93a236 No.132620

File: 22356e367a16924⋯.jpeg (58.45 KB,680x510,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375089 (311555ZOCT20) Notable: Over the next Seven Days, leave it all on the field. /ourgeneral/

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General Flynn


·Oct 28

Over the next Seven Days, leave it all on the field. The enemy uses fear to decrease our hope and limit our victories. Patriots & Freedom will be victorious (ISAIAH 43:1 … “you are Mine”)



I know this has posted before but I love this statement and picture

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93a236 No.132621

File: 7f5b53dbe00d9e2⋯.jpg (84.41 KB,751x1063,751:1063,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c870a8ceb7d8fa9⋯.jpg (399.41 KB,1500x1500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8054a84621cb656⋯.jpg (348.87 KB,827x1494,827:1494,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bab773f1ddeb496⋯.jpg (52.78 KB,500x378,250:189,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 097d3f2c1e60f4c⋯.png (1.28 MB,1800x1200,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375100 (311557ZOCT20) Notable: Discussing the blackmail and methods of the CCCP is banned on TWITTER.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TWITTER censorship caught on Air during internet radio show.


Guests starting asking for the link GNEWS.org early on in Biden story so Shannon Burke goes to tweet the link GNEWS.org and is INSTANTLY

Discussing the blackmail and methods of the CCCP is banned on TWITTER. It is a shame that voters will cast their vote and not be fully informed on the issue. Treason.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132622

File: 225a3bc49999451⋯.png (141.19 KB,760x445,152:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 2996359ad08079e⋯.png (483.08 KB,1024x644,256:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375130 (311600ZOCT20) Notable: EXEC1F USAF VIP C-32A FLOTUS on final approach to Milwaukee-Mitchell Airport from JBA departure

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EXEC1F USAF VIP C-32A FLOTUS on final approach to Milwaukee-Mitchell Airport from JBA departure

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132623

File: dfbc5ed4ba0f3ea⋯.png (4.53 MB,2880x3708,80:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375158 (311603ZOCT20) Notable: Define: Projection

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93a236 No.132624

File: c84a29540d3cf6a⋯.jpeg (36.33 KB,594x414,33:23,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ef909e084c4c143⋯.jpeg (34.21 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375206 (311607ZOCT20) Notable: Why We, Never give up.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Why We, Never give up.

CA looking moar purplish than blue.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375218 (311609ZOCT20) Notable: In conversation with a shy Trump voter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

October 31, 2020

In conversation with a shy Trump voter

• A fervent Democrat, she voted for Obama twice and even traveled to Washington for his inaugurations. She ardently campaigned for Hillary Clinton and was devastated when Hillary lost.

• She thought Trump's "abominable lack of restraint" made him a force of chaos. Trump's "vile" tweets didn't curb her fears.

• Calls for more improvements are always welcome, but to abolish the police is preposterous. Who was making these ludicrous demands? The Democrats," she said. "

• "My cousin is a policeman. I know of the lives the police save, from arresting drug-peddlers to rescuing battered housewives. They are deterrents and protectors of society. "The protests devolved into riots. I feared for my safety. Many shops near my home were vandalized and looted. The purveyors of some establishments, most of whom are black, were attacked. The damage they did to the infrastructure will take years to fix. But not a syllable of condemnation from the Democrats. In fact, they supported it, calling it peaceful. Never before have I witnessed anything this disgraceful," she said.

• "The news media are sympathetic to the 'protesters.' They refused to acknowledge that anything wrong had occurred even when rioters stormed their studios. The only ones condemning this were President Trump, Republicans, Fox News pundits, and conservatives commentators. Never did I think I would gravitate toward this group," she said.

• "Only when Trump deployed federal forces in another state did our authorities wake up. But their reaction was perfunctory and delayed. There was nothing more left to destroy. The Democrats failed to protect us and our property, which is the primary function of government," she said.

• "During the pandemic, the Democrats behaved like tyrants as they shut down businesses. People were denied their right to earn a living, despite promising to wear masks and be socially distant. Many businesses couldn't sustain the losses and shut down. The goal clearly was to undo the economic progress and hurt Trump's re-election prospects. We supporters are collateral damage in the quest for power," she said.

• "The Democrats were not concerned about COVID-19 when demonstrators marched closely in groups. The restrictions are only for regular citizens," she said.

• "Blatant hypocrisy," I said.

• "Biden says those having a hard time 'figuring out' whether to support him or Trump means they 'ain't black' made me angry. I have long suspected this, but it became clear the Democrats have taken African-Americans for granted. They just don't say it out loud like Biden," she said.

• "I began to study President Trump's record objectively. The undeniable facts are, he built a strong economy. My acquaintances who previously struggled to earn a decent living now have full-time jobs because of this growth. My friends who run a small businesses are doing extremely well. I realized that Trump has empowered minorities economically like no other president. Trump is also among the few insisting that we reopen." she said.

• "Trump is the only modern president who has not caused new wars. He has actually led peace treaties in the Middle East. He fervently supports the police. He values tradition and faith. He is taking on China. I do not always like his style, I'm beginning to get his humor though. But on substance, he is a huge success. Why should I not vote for him?" she asked.

• I was taken aback and almost rendered speechless.

• "It is not just me, my friends and relatives are all for Trump. But we are not doing a song and dance about it. Some among us have a 'Biden-Harris' banners outside our houses. They attend anti-Trump protests and joke about later. I see myriad similar disgruntled Democrats on social media. We feel like a secret society" said she.

• "America is one of the greatest democracies in the world, but the left has curbed your freedom of expression. Ironically they claim to be saving democracy," I said.

¥ "People being targeted and brutalized for supporting Trump. You can even lose your job for a social media post. The leaders of this detestable practice of 'canceling' non-conformists are Democrats. So no MAGA hats for me any time soon," she said.

• "Very wise," I said, laughter making a remarkable comeback.

• "What do the Democrats stand for today? High taxes, the Green New Deal, appeasement without the empowerment of minorities, defunding the police, hatred for tradition, disdain for regular folks, citizenship, and benefits for illegal aliens, conformism, cancel culture, and faux political correctness. I'm not only voting for Trump, but I'm going to quit the party soon," she replied.

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/10/in_conversation_with_a_shy_trump_voter.html#ixzz6cStcO8O4

Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

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93a236 No.132626

File: 6f81ad6c98fd105⋯.mp4 (3.28 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375222 (311609ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump Supporting Parade of vehicles (over 1000) escort Biden/Harris Campaign bus out of Texas City, Texas - Video

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132627

File: 88f319b3edb13ad⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,1242x1230,207:205,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e1371e97b02b3ba⋯.jpeg (273.87 KB,1242x653,1242:653,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375236 (311611ZOCT20) Notable: Husband of Africa's richest woman Isabel dos Santos dies in diving accident off the coast of Dubai

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132628

File: 0266e3008070e38⋯.png (15.96 KB,533x161,533:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375281 (311615ZOCT20) Notable: New POTUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Will be making a special speech in Pennsylvania at 12:30 P.M. Eastern!


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93a236 No.132629

File: 1d20cb95472bb8c⋯.png (505.72 KB,531x486,59:54,Clipboard.png)

File: ab7ee610782f522⋯.png (2.97 MB,1305x886,1305:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375312 (311618ZOCT20) Notable: New Creepy Joe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Biden


Who let all these people into my basement?


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93a236 No.132630

File: 688f3ef1b5d6b8f⋯.png (69.27 KB,995x380,199:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375372 (311623ZOCT20) Notable: New /OurGeneral/ Tweet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Flynn twat

The stakes in this election are monumental. We’re fighting for our families, homes & our democracy. Beware of false prophets (Matthew 7:15-20).

Vote for the AMERICAN DREAM and our CHILDREN

VOTE for


This election is the most consequential of our lifetime.

Sauce: https://twitter.com/GenFlynn/status/1322494419073933314?s=20

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93a236 No.132631

File: d6d9feb7dd67f98⋯.png (271.5 KB,535x910,107:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375401 (311626ZOCT20) Notable: Another Terror Attack in France - Joe Biden Style Immigration Policies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Another Terror Attack in France


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132632

File: af7d20586032f43⋯.jpeg (457.91 KB,828x1538,414:769,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375450 (311631ZOCT20) Notable: Costco Drops Coconut Milk Products Over Allegations Of Forced Monkey Labor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Costco Drops Coconut Milk Products Over Allegations Of Forced Monkey Labor


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93a236 No.132633

File: c92a1e83e66dbba⋯.png (275.56 KB,981x730,981:730,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375473 (311633ZOCT20) Notable: BASED AF TWAT BE TROLLIN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Now that's spooky. [Smirking face]

As spooky season comes to a close, remember to maintain social distance and wear a mask this weekend.

Sauce: https://twitter.com/usairforce/status/1322554717944336385?s=20

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93a236 No.132634

File: 12a0e41a63e1741⋯.png (34.89 KB,900x277,900:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375562 (311640ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING - United Kingdom to ban all international travel outbound.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It would be tough to be on the run right now.


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93a236 No.132635

File: 641da20c8485b1a⋯.png (386.23 KB,1049x1500,1049:1500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375566 (311641ZOCT20) Notable: Freebaker forgets to not namefag when working for JIDF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132636

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375616 (311644ZOCT20) Notable: #14527, #14528

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>132628 New POTUS

>>132630 New /OurGeneral/ Tweet

>>132623 Define: Projection

>>132611 09-0015 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A on approach for Trenton-Mercer Airport, NJ from JBA

>>132614 Not Pro-Black: Wisconsin Students Unanimously Vote To Remove Lincoln Statue As Racist

>>132608 Trump Rally Buck Pa livelink RSBN

>>132609 Q Proof 12 Cities that National Guard is activating in

>>132610 Video Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on DeepState

>>132612 Halloween is NOT harmless fun (video)

>>132613 Human Trafficking in Finger Lakes NY is REAL

>>132615 Anon letter to Congress

>>132616 According to Fakenews fearport - Biden forced to cancel event in Texas due to armed Trump Supporters

>>132618 CBS WH correspondent thinking about jumping ship?

>>132619 The Make America Great Again Victory Rallies will feature remarks from President Donald J. Trump and Republican candidates.

>>132620 Over the next Seven Days, leave it all on the field. /ourgeneral/

>>132621 Discussing the blackmail and methods of the CCCP is banned on TWITTER.

>>132622 EXEC1F USAF VIP C-32A FLOTUS on final approach to Milwaukee-Mitchell Airport from JBA departure

>>132624 Why We, Never give up.

>>132625 In conversation with a shy Trump voter

>>132627 Husband of Africa's richest woman Isabel dos Santos dies in diving accident off the coast of Dubai

>>132629 New Creepy Joe

>>132631 Another Terror Attack in France - Joe Biden Style Immigration Policies

>>132626 President Trump Supporting Parade of vehicles (over 1000) escort Biden/Harris Campaign bus out of Texas City, Texas - Video

>>132632 Costco Drops Coconut Milk Products Over Allegations Of Forced Monkey Labor


>>132635 Freebaker forgets to not namefag when working for JIDF

>>132634 BREAKING - United Kingdom to ban all international travel outbound.

>>>/qresearch/11375598 emocrat billionaire George Soros is among investors who will bankroll Facebook's new fake news fact checking feature.

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93a236 No.132637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375674 (311649ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS LIVE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375696 (311650ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS LIVE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132639

File: 17db8c2ab70c660⋯.png (242.93 KB,466x575,466:575,Clipboard.png)

File: cf21d4c43319448⋯.png (21.54 KB,475x228,25:12,Clipboard.png)

File: 8fee3a70657d49b⋯.png (138.63 KB,340x149,340:149,Clipboard.png)

File: fbb72ed4ba7dcf0⋯.png (1.54 MB,1131x2214,377:738,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375705 (311650ZOCT20) Notable: 3-year delta - Q14

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3-year delta - Q14

Noon event is titled:

"Making America Great Again, Again"

It's more than a rally as @realDonaldTrump is speaking from Keith House, where George Washington stayed for 10 days (December 14-24, 1776) prior to crossing the Delaware river as depicted in this image posted 3-yrs ago.


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93a236 No.132640

File: ffd33508750ecee⋯.png (294.72 KB,522x501,174:167,Clipboard.png)

File: e183998937b9730⋯.mp4 (7.5 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375721 (311651ZOCT20) Notable: New Dan Scavino

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅

Happening Now—President @realDonaldTrump arrives in PENNSYLVANIA, and is on his way to his first stop of FOUR today! LET’S GO PENNSYLVANIA! http://Vote.DonaldJTrump.com

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93a236 No.132641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375729 (311652ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS LIVE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS Speaking now

Looks very serious.


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93a236 No.132642

File: d964c72c6635be2⋯.png (1.74 MB,1480x1204,370:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375763 (311655ZOCT20) Notable: The wild life of billionaire Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who eats one meal a day, has faced attempted oustings, and had to defend his company in front of Congress

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

a brief history of @jack.

The wild life of billionaire Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who eats one meal a day, has faced attempted oustings, and had to defend his company in front of Congress

October 29, 2020


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93a236 No.132643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375767 (311655ZOCT20) Notable: Dem Senate Candidate Kelly Wanted Ex-Wife Jailed Amid Custody Dispute

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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93a236 No.132644

File: 7a9408ba46d528a⋯.jpg (41.8 KB,648x579,216:193,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375801 (311657ZOCT20) Notable: BigMikeAnon Pompeo's visit to improve trade and security in the South China Sea..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BigMikeAnon Pompeo's visit to improve trade and security in the South China Sea..


, on his last trip abroad before the US presidential elections, also visited India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Indonesia. According to Vietnamese media, the United States must remain a great superpower, to counter China. In 2019, trade between Vietnam and the US reached US$ 77 billion, up by 32 per cent over the previous year.

Hanoi (AsiaNews) – US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in Vietnam on Thursday and Friday, invited by Vietnamese Foreign Minister Phạm Bình Minh.

According to local media, the purpose of the visit was to boost US-Vietnamese cooperation, especially in trade and security in the South China Sea and more broadly in the Indo-Pacific region.

Pompeo, on his last trip abroad before the US presidential elections, also visited India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Indonesia.

The trip provided an opportunity to celebrate 25 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries, which fought a bloody war in the past.

Despite the war, according to local media, the Vietnamese are very much in favour of the United States retaining its great superpower status, to ensure Vietnam’s economic growth as well and above all freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and the Indo-Pacific area.

This stance is clearly aimed at China, which the Vietnamese view as their the "Big" but invasive Communist "Brother", which Vietnam has resisted for decades (and perhaps centuries, having long been a vassal of the Chinese Empire).

The tug-of-war about sovereignty over the Spratly islands – claimed by Beijing and Hanoi and five other countries – has now also spilled over into the economic sphere: fishing rights, oil exploration, exploitation of the Mekong waters, industrial competitiveness.

Yesterday, Pompeo met in Hanoi with Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, Foreign Minister Phạm Bình Minh, and Minister for Public Security Tô Lâm.

Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc reiterated that "Viet Nam always considers the United Stated of America as one of its leading partners,” and seeks “to strengthen comprehensive partnership with the US, especially in areas such as the economy, trade and investment.”

A report published by the US’s Congressional Research Service notes that US-Vietnam trade topped US$ 77 billion in 2019, a 32 per cent year-on-year increase. This is partly the result of trade diversion caused by the Sino-US trade dispute.

Vietnam's exports to the US rose by 29.1 per cent, reaching US$ 61.35 billion. By comparison, exports to China rose by only 15.2 per cent, to 41.41 billion.

Pompeo's visit coincided with the Indo-Pacific Trade Forum, held in Hanoi on 28 and 29 October. On this occasion, seven agreements and memoranda of economic cooperation worth several billions were signed.



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93a236 No.132645

File: b5d4366f208aef7⋯.mp4 (11.72 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375831 (311701ZOCT20) Notable: "Breaking: Boots On The Ground"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Breaking: Boots On The Ground"⁦




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93a236 No.132646

File: 75ed41d9ef8c9fc⋯.png (484.74 KB,700x4603,700:4603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375834 (311701ZOCT20) Notable: Dem Senate Candidate Kelly Wanted Ex-Wife Jailed Amid Custody Dispute

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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93a236 No.132647

File: 7634882177fad50⋯.png (336.44 KB,603x569,603:569,Clipboard.png)

File: b62181751cd6281⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375853 (311702ZOCT20) Notable: New Dan Scavino

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Happening Now—President


arrives in PENNSYLVANIA, and is on his way to his first stop of FOUR today! LET’S GO PENNSYLVANIA! http://Vote.DonaldJTrump.com


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93a236 No.132648

File: 279e4dc22daf53f⋯.jpg (138.82 KB,706x976,353:488,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375873 (311704ZOCT20) Notable: Bill Maher doesnt want a civil war with Trump supporters.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bill Maher doesnt want a civil war with Trump supporters.

Hmm Why the change in tone? PANIC

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93a236 No.132649

File: 3fb6142d9a788cf⋯.png (20.26 KB,599x216,599:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375879 (311704ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: Priest gravely injured in shooting at Greek Orthodox church in French city of Lyon; suspect fled the scene

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Priest gravely injured in shooting at Greek Orthodox church in French city of Lyon; suspect fled the scene - BFM


So why hasn't any of this happened to the US? Why is France right now? That is 3 attacks in what, a week?

My guess? POTUS & his team have done a bang up job clearing out & keeping out that kind of scum

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93a236 No.132650

File: 2ee795a645e60f7⋯.png (86.59 KB,902x384,451:192,Clipboard.png)

File: 6371570fbcfbbfd⋯.png (162.87 KB,380x300,19:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375916 (311707ZOCT20) Notable: When a politician talks about lockdowns, realize that no lockdown ever applies to any politician.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The ruling classes see us as cattle and stupid peasants.

"When a politician talks about lockdowns, realize that no lockdown ever applies to any politician.

You infect enough fear into a people and they will enslave themselves in perpetuity."


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93a236 No.132651

File: 381388d79587972⋯.png (13.28 KB,884x292,221:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 8956756edd67b4d⋯.png (650.56 KB,857x776,857:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375935 (311708ZOCT20) Notable: Gunmen Kidnap American Citizen in Southern Niger - Saved by Seals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Can't find in NOTABLES, or resear.ch I found it weirdly looking up something on podestamolesta.

27-year-old Philip Walton, who kept camels, sheep and poultry and grew mango trees near the border with Nigeria, was kidnapped off his property by six gunmen on motorcycles at around 0145 local time October 27th, 2020.

The demanded a ransom of a paltry one million dollars from the American government. This morning, 'Commandos from the Navy’s elite SEAL Team 6 rescued the American, Philip Walton, 27, after tracking the phones of his attackers to a hide-out in neighboring northern Nigeria, U.S. officials said.'

They were parachuted in about three miles from the location. There was a "brief but intense firefight" where all but one of the captors (terrorists) were killed. The one who lived ran away, presumably when the shooting started.

It's a great story, links below.



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93a236 No.132652

File: 3c715497f071f6c⋯.png (386.54 KB,675x768,225:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a284023774694b⋯.png (178.47 KB,450x425,18:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 27bde59117ed17b⋯.png (659.85 KB,986x701,986:701,Clipboard.png)

File: 986baeec7a5b90b⋯.png (132.78 KB,464x386,232:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375947 (311709ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes child trafficking tie into Trudeau's Ottawa?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Finger Lakes child trafficking tie into Trudeau's Ottawa?

throwing this out for anons' consideration.

if we think back to earlier times in US and Canuckistan, much of longer range traffic was via inland waterways. an older dig on suspected Team Trudeau's Ottawa pedovore child trafficking ring suggested that Rideau canal water way system could give covert transport to St Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes.

"Prime child trafficking potential. Art in Embassies program as means to ship internationally—US Embassy & CAN National Gallery tied to program. Native (&haitian?) kids to distribute to embassies, ambassadors hoomz, feed UK Satanic cabal, pedo control networks, etc. Rideau waterway system, can access Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Seaway / Atlantic. Maybe Canada's microPENTAGON, 2."

https://wearethene.ws/notable/76698 (2/4)

If we're to WATCH THE WATER, it seems that anon's Turdeau pdeovore network dig can be PHYSICALLY/GEOGRAPHICALLY connected to Finger Lakes pedo. network of networks.

>>132613 (lb) Human Trafficking in Finger Lakes NY is REAL

The Rideau Canal, also known unofficially as the Rideau Waterway, connects Canada's capital city of Ottawa, Ontario, to Lake Ontario and the Saint Lawrence River at Kingston, Ontario. It is 202 kilometres in length


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93a236 No.132653

File: ebf21ada2b9328d⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1440x2150,144:215,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375958 (311710ZOCT20) Notable: Who let all these people into my basement?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sorry if posted, but this is an official twat from Biden (team).

Who let all these people into my basement?


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93a236 No.132654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11375974 (311711ZOCT20) Notable: WE ARE FIRST COUNTRY TO TEST WHOLE POPULATION THIS WEEK. YES, WHOLE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hi USAnons,

EUAnon here, from Slovakia.

Population only 5,5million.

But len me tell you funny story.

Government is fearmorgening us from day one.

We had locknowns, everything is closed, people losing jobs, lilevihoods.

People are depressed, divorced rates are skyrocketing, you can see in the streets how people are fucked up mentally.

But now the real funny part:



People are not forced to go to testing site.

But, when you go to test, you will get CERTIFICATE - with POSITIVE or NEGATIVE result.

If you are NEGATIVE, you can run around as you like.

If you are POSITIVE, you must be in 10 day quarantine.

If you refuse to go to test, you will not get certificate, and you must be in quarantine 10 days

Police will stopping everyone, and you must show them certificate.



So they destroyed economy, destroyed peoples lives, AND 0,3% POSITIVE CASES.


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93a236 No.132655

File: c9231b09d1c578a⋯.png (388.52 KB,543x424,543:424,Clipboard.png)

File: c0bc7ded272bfb3⋯.png (415.56 KB,563x564,563:564,Clipboard.png)

File: c463cc20c82dac7⋯.png (39.12 KB,912x257,912:257,Clipboard.png)

File: cfb47e196c8e0c3⋯.png (425.91 KB,608x438,304:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376015 (311714ZOCT20) Notable: CNN Claims Hunter Biden "Burisma Deal" Stinks; Story On ABC News Confronting Hunter Biden Resurfaces

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CNN Claims Hunter Biden "Burisma Deal" Stinks; Story On ABC News Confronting Hunter Biden Resurfaces

Update (1030ET): Now that the dam has broken, more MSM "journalists" are jumping on the Hunter Biden story, including CNN's Jake Tapper, who acknowledged on Saturday that Hunter Biden's relationship with Burisma - initiated just weeks after his father became the top US diplomat responsible for purging corruption in Ukraine - "stinks"

CNN followed that up with something even more surprising: An opinion piece arguing that Trump does deserve a second term.

'Wow', indeed.

* * *

Last night, after a 16-day blackout, Twitter finally relented and released the NY Post's account from 'Twitter jail', punishment for the paper's work publishing stories about Hunter Biden's financial dealings in Ukraine and China. Some of the emails clearly contradicted Hunter Biden father's claims that he had never discussed business with his son.

On the contrary, it was later revealed, Joe Biden was "the big man", a "Godfather"-like figure overseeing the business dealings of his son, and his brother, Jim Biden, from a relatively safe distance. As former Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski affirmed, the Bidens saw Hunter's dealings abroad as part and parcel of the family business. "They were putting the Biden name on the line," Bobulinski said.

For the last two weeks, big tech and their allies in the mainstream media have been dreaming up every excuse imaginable to continue censoring the Hunter Biden stories. Meanwhile, a network of conservative blogs led by a new Chinese news site called G-News have released an unceasing stream of pornographic images purporting to show Hunter Biden using drugs and engaging in sexual acts.

But after Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai were dragged in front of a Senate Committee this week and mercilessly pounded by Ted Cruz, followed by a historic selloff in Twitter shares on Friday - and after Intercept founder Glenn Greenwald quit and appeared on Tucker Carlson to accuse the outlet of censoring criticism of Biden - it seems the entire mainstream media ecosystem has finally run out of excuses, and just like that, Hunter Biden and the issue of foreign corruption exposing the former VP to international blackmail is back on the table.


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93a236 No.132656

File: 8d26d88beb7d75e⋯.png (257.19 KB,598x682,299:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b83a0ce40c5db3⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB,478x270,239:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376088 (311720ZOCT20) Notable: BORIS JOHNSON CONFIRMS MICROCHIPS, NANOBOTS AND NEW WORLD ORDER.. Video

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A Total Globalist Shill..


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93a236 No.132657

File: 3d472b5c5db9136⋯.jpeg (603.73 KB,828x1335,276:445,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376096 (311720ZOCT20) Notable: Planned Parenthood Lied To Congress About Selling Aborted Fetuses

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Planned Parenthood Lied To Congress About Selling Aborted Fetuses


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93a236 No.132658

File: 96aac43efb86388⋯.png (471.98 KB,603x329,603:329,Clipboard.png)

File: aaeb30660cca216⋯.png (334.06 KB,527x415,527:415,Clipboard.png)

File: 375d044d3e038bf⋯.png (29.21 KB,848x272,53:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376101 (311721ZOCT20) Notable: “It Was Just Conversation, Like BSing” Mainstream Media Runs Damage Control On O’Keefe Texas Hit

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“It Was Just Conversation, Like BSing” Mainstream Media Runs Damage Control On O’Keefe Texas Hit

Leave it to mainstream media to run a puff piece on the woman caught on hidden video encouraging and engaging in various voter fraud activities. The video, launched by Project Veritas and James O’Keefe, showed Raquel Rodriguez offering to buy people off to vote the way she wanted them to, admitting that Trump was right and that voter fraud was rampant, admitted to bringing in 7000 votes, possibly all fraudulently, and openly admitted that what she’s doing is illegal and she could go to jail for doing it.

Now News 4 San Antonio is running tear jerker stories on Rodriguez in an attempt to gain public sympathy for her.

In the interview, she tries to play it off that she was just lying, “just BS’ing” with the undercover PV operative, and everything was taken out of context. Of course the News 4 reporter, Yami Virgin, has to accuse Project Veritas of working a “coordinated disinformation effort” lie that has been perpetrated by the apparently fake news, New York Times in order to try to discredit the videos.

News 4 SA reports:

This is Raquel Rodriguez. She is the woman in the center of what has now become a national story on an alleged voter fraud scheme.

“First, everybody who knows me directly, they know what I do for the community, they know what I do for people, but I’m not like a monster like they make me out to be,” Rodriguez said to us.

In their story, they showed this undercover video of Rodriguez claiming that several candidates had paid her money to engage in various forms of voter fraud, including helping harvest ballots here in Bexar County.

Ballot harvesting is when a third-party gets a complete ballot and delivers it to an election official or a post office.

The allegations were wide ranging, and included ballot harvesting, but also included buying gifts for voters and persuading them to change votes.

“It was just conversation, like the b-s-ing,” Rodriguez claims. “They were pulling me and I was pulling their strings that’s how I saw it. Little did I know what they were doing but I knew something was wrong and I just went with it.”

Now, Rodriguez claims that it was all a lie. But why?

In an exclusive interview Rodriguez gave to the southside live stream show Carpenters Apprentice – Rodriguez claims she was just playing along with the undercover’s game.

“99 percent was bs to make a sale,” Rodriguez claims.

Rodriguez now tells you, the voter, should believe her.


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93a236 No.132659

File: 06c2fe3cee57ffa⋯.png (2.17 MB,1310x1337,1310:1337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376108 (311721ZOCT20) Notable: Unrest erupts over police killing of 21-year-old Black man, Kevin Peterson Jr., near Portland

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Here we go anons. MOAR RIOTS. probably to steal that state.

Unrest erupts over police killing of 21-year-old Black man, Kevin Peterson Jr., near Portland

Tensions boiled over into unrest late Friday following a vigil for a Black man shot and killed by law enforcement in a city near Portland, Oregon, in southwestern Washington state.

Mourners gathered in Hazel Dell, an unincorporated area of Vancouver, Washington, where family and friends say Kevin E. Peterson Jr., 21, was shot Thursday night. The city is about 12 miles north of Portland.

Hundreds of people gathered for the vigil Friday evening, with some holding signs reading, "Honk for Black lives. White silence is violence" and "Scream his name."

Moar here.


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93a236 No.132660

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376114 (311722ZOCT20) Notable: NY Introduces Mandatory 3-Day Quarantine

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NY Introduces Mandatory 3-Day Quarantine

Update (1200ET): New York Gov Andrew Cuomo has just shared NY's latest COVID-19 stats, and also announced a confusing new policy for people traveling to the Empire State the requires them to be tested twice (once before and once after arriving) if they want to avoid the whole 2 week quarantine. However, every new arrival will still need to quarantine for three days after arriving in the state, regardless of whether they are on the state's travel warning list.

NEW: @NYGovCuomo announces NYS is shifting from a quarantine list to a testing policy.

➡️ Get a negative test within 3 days BEFORE arriving in NYS.

➡️ Once you arrive in NYS, wait 3 days and then take a test on the 4th day (or after).

✅ If both are negative, no quarantine.

— Jack Sterne (@JRSterne) October 31, 2020

NY reported another 2,049 new cases on Saturday.

Today's update on the numbers:

Of the 136,962 tests reported yesterday, 2,049 were positive (1.49% of total).

Total hospitalizations are at 1,121.

Sadly, there were 8 COVID fatalities yesterday. pic.twitter.com/8briKkbF8e

— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) October 31, 2020

Today's update on the numbers:

Of the 136,962 tests reported yesterday, 2,049 were positive (1.49% of total).

Total hospitalizations are at 1,121.

Sadly, there were 8 COVID fatalities yesterday. pic.twitter.com/8briKkbF8e

— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) October 31, 2020

The state's positivity rate in its "cluster zones" however, was 2x as high at 3%.

Notably, the new rule announced by Cuomo on Saturday morning doesn't apply to neighboring states or people who commute into the city every day. Enforcement, Cuomo said, will be carried out by local health departments.

He added that the rule was intended to try and avoid a surge in cases from the Thanksgiving holiday. "People are going to travel for Thanksgiving. We're having issues with small gatherings, which is almost a psychological issue," Cuomo said.


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93a236 No.132661

File: a1d2c4a3b34f6af⋯.png (772.84 KB,764x452,191:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376133 (311723ZOCT20) Notable: South Korea reports 83 deaths among people given flu jabs amid safety concerns with govt vaccination program

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South Korea reports 83 deaths among people given flu jabs amid safety concerns with govt vaccination program

South Korea has reported that 83 people have died after receiving flu shots, a week after Seoul said it would probe its mass vaccination program. The government continues to insist the deaths aren’t linked to the jab.

The country’s public health agency, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), announced on Saturday that 83 people in total have died after participating in a free vaccination initiative billed as a way to offset potential complications from Covid-19.

Most of the deaths involved the elderly, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported, citing figures provided by the KDCA. Of the total number of fatalities, 37 people were in their 70s, followed by 34 people aged 80 or older. Four deaths involved people in their 60s, while eight individuals who passed away were under 60.

Health officials have repeatedly insisted that there is no evidence pointing to a direct link between the flu shots and the deaths. However, South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun called for an investigation into potential safety issues last week, when the number of people who died shortly after receiving flu shots reached 30. Earlier, the Korean Medical Association had called on Seoul to halt the program pending a full review.

Concerns about the vaccination drive first emerged after it was revealed that some of the doses were exposed to room temperature while being administered to the public. However, the vaccines in question have not been linked to any of the deaths.

To date, more than 11.5 million South Koreans have received a free jab under the program.


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93a236 No.132662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376187 (311726ZOCT20) Notable: United States and more than 30 other nations sign declaration that 'there is no international right to abortion' and that the family is 'fundamental' to society

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United States and more than 30 other nations sign declaration that 'there is no international right to abortion' and that the family is 'fundamental' to society

Trump administration leads the way

The U.S. and 32 other nations signed a declaration last week that made clear that "there is no international right to abortion" and highlighted the foundational importance of the family unit to society.

The document, called the "Geneva Consensus Declaration On Promoting Women's Health and Strengthening the Family" and co-sponsored by the U.S., Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia, and Uganda, was signed at a virtual event.

What does the declaration say?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a statement touting the document as an effort to achieve four main pillars:

better health for women;

the preservation of human life;

strengthening of family as the foundational unit of society; and

protecting every nation's national sovereignty in global politics.

Cultural conservatives in the U.S. took particular note that the document took a stance that appears contrary to the increasingly liberal international community's stance on the right to life and the importance of the family unit.

The declaration stated a reaffirmation of "the inherent 'dignity and worth of the human person,' that 'every human being has the inherent right to life,' and the commitment 'to enable women to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth and provide couples with the best chance of having a healthy infant."

It went on to say that "in no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning" and declared that "any measures or changes related to abortion within the health system can only be determined at the national or local level according to the national legislative process."

It further reaffirmed that "'the child … needs special safeguards and care … before as well as after birth' and 'special measures of protection and assistance should be taken on behalf of all children,' based on the principle of the best interest of the child."

In order to make it clear they meant business on the pro-life front, the co-singers all committed to "[r]eaffirm that there is no international right to abortion, nor any international obligation on the part of States to finance or facilitate abortion."

Regarding families, the agreement said "the family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State" and called the family "foundational to society" and noted that it is a "source of health, support, and care."

Secretary of State Michael Pompeo touted the agreement and President Donald Trump's guidance on protecting the unborn and the family. He noted in his remarks:

Under President Trump's leadership, the United States has defended the dignity of human life everywhere and always. He's done it like no other president in history. We've also mounted an unprecedented defense of the unborn abroad.

In front of world leaders at the 2019 United Nations General Assembly, President Trump said, "We in America believe that every child — born and unborn — is a sacred gift from God." […]

Today, we're taking the next step, as we sign the Geneva Consensus Declaration. At its very core, the declaration protects women's health, defends the unborn, and reiterates the vital importance of the family as the foundation of society.


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93a236 No.132663

File: 92a313d68f50994⋯.png (544.83 KB,717x1060,717:1060,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376194 (311726ZOCT20) Notable: The Godfather: how the Mafia blockbuster became a political handbook

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The Godfather: how the Mafia blockbuster became a political handbook

First published in 1969, Mario Puzo’s novel is a page-turning fable of 20th-century America – and now it is a set text for politicians in Washington and Westminster


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93a236 No.132664

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376207 (311727ZOCT20) Notable: UK govt to hold emergency meeting after plans for new Covid-19 lockdown in England leaked to media

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UK govt to hold emergency meeting after plans for new Covid-19 lockdown in England leaked to media

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will gather his ministers for an emergency meeting on Saturday after the media found out that a new lockdown in England was under consideration amid a deteriorating situation with Covid-19.

An unnamed government official earlier told the Times that month-long restrictions were still under discussion, but if agreed they would be announced by Johnson during a press conference on Monday.

Under the new lockdown, people would again be asked to stay at home as they were during the first wave of the coronavirus. But essential shops, schools, nurseries, universities would be allowed to remain open.

The restrictions would only affect England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will separately decide how to tackle the rapid spread of the virus.

The prime minister’s office declined to comment on the report when approached by Reuters.

The introduction of the lockdown would mark a drastic change in Johnson’s policy, as he had earlier insisted that such a move would be a “disaster” and said that a patchwork of local restrictions would be enough.

However, the coronavirus has been rampant the UK in recent weeks, with more than 20,000 people getting infected every day. Britain has so far registered 46,229 deaths from Covid-19 – more than any other nation in Europe – and over 990,000 confirmed cases.

The government’s scientific advisers have warned that the virus is spreading so fast that the “reasonable worst case” scenario of 80,000 fatalities may be well surpassed if measures to reduce the number of infected are not implemented.


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93a236 No.132665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376238 (311729ZOCT20) Notable: BORIS JOHNSON CONFIRMS MICROCHIPS, NANOBOTS AND NEW WORLD ORDER.. Video

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Youtube sauce?

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93a236 No.132666

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376262 (311731ZOCT20) Notable: BORIS JOHNSON CONFIRMS MICROCHIPS, NANOBOTS AND NEW WORLD ORDER.. Video

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Transcript sauce


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93a236 No.132667

File: 8aaba8d5fc67990⋯.png (361.86 KB,620x492,155:123,Clipboard.png)

File: 64e8f86e9124569⋯.png (737.43 KB,594x832,297:416,Clipboard.png)

File: aeeb554eec36da4⋯.png (352.04 KB,582x424,291:212,Clipboard.png)

File: 23daf47c091e882⋯.png (665.37 KB,599x752,599:752,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376288 (311733ZOCT20) Notable: Antifa Attacks Restaurant Patrons in Suburban Vancouver, Washington

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Antifa Attacks Restaurant Patrons in Suburban Vancouver, Washington

A large group of Antifa protesters from Portland, Oregon, crossed the river into Vancouver, Washington, and attacked patrons of local restaurants. Protesters carried Antifa, and Black Lives Matter flags and signs.

A “large mob of BLM-antifa from Portland are marching through Vancouver, Wash,” journalist Andy Ngô tweeted. “They’ve attacked bar patrons on the way & confronted people at their homes.”

As the group entered a business district lined with restaurants and bars, Antifa brutally assaulted a man — kicking him repeatedly as he fell to the ground.

Another view of the vicious attack shows Vancouver residents coming to the man’s aid before he became seriously injured by Antifa.

Additional videos show the fight spreading to others outside a restaurant across the street


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93a236 No.132668

File: 93186154facdb94⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,152x148,38:37,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376291 (311733ZOCT20) Notable: This Week in Iran Policy..

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This Week in Iran Policy..

“Instead of using its natural resource wealth to improve living conditions for the Iranian people, the Iranian regime prefers to pawn its oil to fund the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) and support its terror proxies as they sow chaos and destruction around the Middle East.

We will not let that happen.

– Secretary BigMikeAnon Pompeo, October 26,2020

Read it all here shipmates……..


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93a236 No.132669

File: 08388bd07f1d9e1⋯.png (1.54 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 36fb2446f010c5c⋯.png (742.29 KB,655x814,655:814,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376293 (311733ZOCT20) Notable: The White House Tweets

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During the expansion period of the previous Administration, 9,000 Pennsylvania manufacturing jobs were LOST.

Under President Trump, prior to the global pandemic, nearly 17,000 manufacturing jobs were CREATED in PA!



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93a236 No.132670

File: 7310ed8ada63d3a⋯.png (754.8 KB,642x471,214:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 50b7be7f1786e16⋯.png (52.47 KB,680x764,170:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376314 (311735ZOCT20) Notable: NGOs Demand Britain Open Borders to Migrants Across the World After Boat Deaths

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NGOs Demand Britain Open Borders to Migrants Across the World After Boat Deaths

NGOs have demanded Britain totally open its borders to illegal immigration and fly in migrants’ families from across the globe after four people died off the French coast in an attempt to reach UK shores.

Groups including Save the Children, which is funded by some of the world’s richest individuals and corporations including Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, called for the government to expand “safe and legal” migration routes for the effectively unlimited number of people in the world who could seek to “flee” to Britain from “poverty”.

The push for open borders, which is being heavily publicised across the United Kingdom and even international media, comes after a family of two adults and two children from Iran died when their boat capsized in the English Channel. A 15-month-old baby who was with them is also missing.

Refugee Action declared that the deaths were “entirely inevitable” and that the situation would be repeated unless the government allow would-be migrants from across the globe to resettle in Britain.

“If you look at the particular people in this boat, as far as we can see they were from Iran and if you think about the journey they will have taken, there are many ways in which focusing on safe and legal routes could have potentially prevented them from thinking about crossing the English Channel,” said Naor Hilton, the NGO’s head of asylum.

Hilton gave no indication that migrants might themselves bear some responsibility for drownings in the Channel, particularly of children, despite the publication of undercover footage showing youngsters being ordered onto boats despite begging not to go on them.

“We have been fearing that something like this would happen since earlier in the year as the number of [Channel crossings] increased and as the government’s response focused on talking tough and creating hostile environments for the people arriving,” Hilton added.

It is not entirely clear what “hostile environment” he could be referring to, however, as the British government has turned back no boats intercepted at sea and deported only a tiny minority of their passengers after their arrival.

All children deserve to be safe from harm.

The British and French governments must work together to expand safe and legal routes for desperate families fleeing conflict, persecution, and poverty.

The English Channel must not become a graveyard for children. https://t.co/DEGMEMLONH

— Save the Children UK (@savechildrenuk) October 28, 2020

Earlier this month Breitbart London noted how some 9,500 asylum seekers who broke into Britain are being housed at taxpayers’ expense in 91 hotels around the country, with between 20 and 50 of these — including some with four-star ratings — reported to be benefiting from a £4 billion ten-year contract with the government to accommodate illegal immigrants.

With record thousands of migrants having successfully crossed the English Channel this year, more than triple the figure recorded in 2019, other newcomers are living in open camps at disused military facilities such as Napier Barracks, where illegal arrivals are provided with taxpayer-funded mobile phones, as well as having access to “TVs, WiFi and sports equipment”.

Head of advocacy at the Refugee Council, Andy Hewett, asserted that the “tragic loss of life needs to be turning point for the UK government who can act now”.

“The lack of safe and regular routes into the UK for people fleeing war and persecution leaves them with little choice but to undertake these dangerous journeys,” he claimed, apparently not considering that they might opt not to attempt to enter Britain illegally via small boats, and instead claim asylum in France or any of the other safe countries most will have passed through en route to the Channel coast.


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93a236 No.132671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376389 (311740ZOCT20) Notable: #14529

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>>132668 This Week in Iran Policy..

>>132670 NGOs Demand Britain Open Borders to Migrants Across the World After Boat Deaths

>>132669 The White House Tweets

>>132667 Antifa Attacks Restaurant Patrons in Suburban Vancouver, Washington

>>132664 UK govt to hold emergency meeting after plans for new Covid-19 lockdown in England leaked to media

>>132663 The Godfather: how the Mafia blockbuster became a political handbook

>>132662 United States and more than 30 other nations sign declaration that 'there is no international right to abortion' and that the family is 'fundamental' to society

>>132661 South Korea reports 83 deaths among people given flu jabs amid safety concerns with govt vaccination program

>>132660 NY Introduces Mandatory 3-Day Quarantine

>>132659 Unrest erupts over police killing of 21-year-old Black man, Kevin Peterson Jr., near Portland

>>132657 Planned Parenthood Lied To Congress About Selling Aborted Fetuses

>>132658 “It Was Just Conversation, Like BSing” Mainstream Media Runs Damage Control On O’Keefe Texas Hit

>>132655 CNN Claims Hunter Biden "Burisma Deal" Stinks; Story On ABC News Confronting Hunter Biden Resurfaces


>>132653 Who let all these people into my basement?

>>132652 Finger Lakes child trafficking tie into Trudeau's Ottawa?

>>132651 Gunmen Kidnap American Citizen in Southern Niger - Saved by Seals

>>132650 When a politician talks about lockdowns, realize that no lockdown ever applies to any politician.

>>132649 BREAKING: Priest gravely injured in shooting at Greek Orthodox church in French city of Lyon; suspect fled the scene

>>132648 Bill Maher doesnt want a civil war with Trump supporters.

>>132647 New Dan Scavino

>>132645 "Breaking: Boots On The Ground"

>>132644 BigMikeAnon Pompeo's visit to improve trade and security in the South China Sea..

>>132642 The wild life of billionaire Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who eats one meal a day, has faced attempted oustings, and had to defend his company in front of Congress

>>132640 New Dan Scavino

>>132639 3-year delta - Q14

>>132646, >>132643 Dem Senate Candidate Kelly Wanted Ex-Wife Jailed Amid Custody Dispute


>>132637, >>132638, >>132641 POTUS LIVE

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93a236 No.132672

File: 8488ae2f174a345⋯.png (117.07 KB,802x855,802:855,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c1ae1617666e1b⋯.png (117.32 KB,799x843,799:843,Clipboard.png)

File: b7dfae71b1e8f99⋯.png (117.98 KB,835x863,835:863,Clipboard.png)

File: a94aa8838c13f6f⋯.png (105.39 KB,820x846,410:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 157446d3499912d⋯.png (112.8 KB,841x852,841:852,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376501 (311749ZOCT20) Notable: Grand Jury Finds Prima Facie Evidence of Pandemic Fraud

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Grand Jury Finds Prima Facie Evidence of Pandemic Fraud

On Thursday 07 May 2020, a Sovereign Grand Jury was convened in a virtual and secure session in the British Isles, under the protection of the Treaty of Universal Community Trust, to consider allegations in relation to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The jury was asked to rule on whether there was sufficient evidence of pandemic fraud, upon the evidence submitted into the public domain by numerous doctors, experts and eye witnesses, to justify a formal Grand Jury investigation.

There now follows a summary of the allegations presented.

Legal Definitions

FRAUD – A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury.


CORONAVIRUS – Any of a family of single-stranded RNA viruses that infect mammals and birds, causing respiratory infections such as the common cold and SARS in humans, and that have spikes of glycoproteins projecting from the viral envelope.


PANDEMIC – 1. Widespread; general.

2. Medicine Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the population


In January 2020, the UK government classified the COVID-19 strain of Coronavirus as a High Consequence Infectious Disease [HCID], following a worldwide panic over an alleged pandemic which originated in Wuhan, China.

Then on 16/03/2020, Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London claimed that 500,000 British people would be killed by COVID-19, based upon the Bill Gates financed university’s predictive computer model, in the event Brits just carried on as normal.

However, on 19/03/2020, COVID-19 was reclassified by the UK government from being a serious public health risk to an easily manageable one, only two months after being declared a High Consequence Infectious Disease.

Locked Down

Nevertheless, on 23/03/2020, the UK government imposed a voluntary indefinite domestic prison sentence upon the population of Britain, in the name of keeping people safe and protecting the allegedly over-stretched National Heath Service.

Two days later, on 25/03/2020, the Coronavirus Act 2020 was rushed through Parliament, on the alleged ground that the country was in grave danger from a viral pandemic, which the government had already reclassified on 19/03/2020, from being considered a serious threat to being no more threatening than a common cold or influenza.


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93a236 No.132673

File: 12660d0184dcc48⋯.png (55.1 KB,602x270,301:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376523 (311751ZOCT20) Notable: Look what's trending.

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Look what's trending.

This is a great movie tho


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132674

File: 0293415fdba6016⋯.png (477.85 KB,768x870,128:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a2558b9b2705e7⋯.png (495.98 KB,752x722,376:361,Clipboard.png)

File: cbdf9928e870822⋯.png (935.67 KB,685x899,685:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 3155d4165658e15⋯.png (369.23 KB,771x914,771:914,Clipboard.png)

File: 355e334ca868f6b⋯.png (40.58 KB,747x482,747:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376539 (311753ZOCT20) Notable: DoJ fights 'last minute delay' in extradition of former Green Beret and his son to Japan after they 'helped smuggle Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn out of the country in custom-made speaker box'

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DoJ fights 'last minute delay' in extradition of former Green Beret and his son to Japan after they 'helped smuggle Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn out of the country in custom-made speaker box'

The US Department of Justice has urged a judge to deny a last-minute bid to block the extradition of two American men who are wanted in Japan for helping former Nissan Motors boss Carlos Ghosn sneak out of the country in a box.

Michael Taylor, 60, and his son, Peter, 27, allegedly helped facilitate Ghosn's brazen escape from Japan last December. At the time, Ghosn was being held under house arrest in Tokyo while facing criminal charges of underreporting $80 million in earnings.

The Taylors were arrested over their purported involvement in Ghosn's escape back in May, and are being held in a Massachusetts prison. The Japanese government is hoping to prosecute the pair and is seeking their extradition.

On Thursday, the Taylors received a last-minute glimmer of hope that they would not be sent to Japan when a US District Judge granted a request to delay their transfer shortly before they were set to be placed on a flight to Tokyo.

But on Friday, DoJ Attorney Stephen Hassink described the Taylors' 'eleventh-hour bid to thwart their extradition' as 'meritless,' and asked the judge to allow the father and son to be handed over to Japan.


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93a236 No.132675

File: e241ea7a7993a39⋯.jpg (117.18 KB,705x751,705:751,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de55d47f74a5431⋯.png (577.47 KB,6951x3171,331:151,Clipboard.png)

File: b9927775032c5e0⋯.jpg (69.59 KB,695x311,695:311,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376554 (311754ZOCT20) Notable: MAP OF BIDEN FAMILY CONNECTIONS

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**Repost for Day Shift

Here's ABCU_8's tweet. He does not post his own tweets here at QR (confirmed via pic3), so I'm doing it for him. As the digger on this collaboration I want to see this info that we worked so hard to assemble get out there.

* * *



#HunterBiden Crime and Corruption MAP v0.8

Will update as more news and facts are released.

SEE LINK if twitter downsizes the image









All Roads lead to Joe!


10:45 PM · Oct 30, 2020

* * *

Text info can be found in this pastebin:


Because we are not the [MSM]

Here is how we came to these conclusions.

See Pastebin for more info



10:51 PM · Oct 30, 2020

* * *

Here are our sauces. I expect we will continue adding to this dig and updating the MAP as further info comes out. The current map points to existence of still-missing pieces.

Sources used:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/16/exclusive-this-is-china-inc-emails-reveal-hunter-bidens-associates-helped-communist-aligned-chinese-elites-secure-white-house-meetings/



Cannot locate source of 11/2/15 Vadym Pozharskyi email to Devon Archer & Hunter Biden. We captured the image on 10/17/20.





































Did not use https://www.baldingsworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/KVBJHB.pdf Just too intiminating. Still needs a look.



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93a236 No.132676

File: 20206a8fa35439c⋯.png (846.35 KB,638x484,29:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376565 (311755ZOCT20) Notable: Vatican Cardinal Calls for Battle Against ‘Monstrous’ Islamism

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Vatican Cardinal Calls for Battle Against ‘Monstrous’ Islamism

ROME — Vatican Cardinal Robert Sarah denounced Islamism Thursday following a lethal terror attack in a French church, calling it a “monstrous fanaticism.”

“Islamism is a monstrous fanaticism which must be battled with force and determination,” wrote the Guinean cardinal, who leads the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship, invoking his own experience as an African.

“It will not stop its war. Unfortunately, we Africans know this only too well,” the cardinal wrote on Twitter. “The barbarians are always the enemies of peace.”

“The West, today France, must understand this. Let us pray,” he said.

France Shuts Paris Mosque that Shared Fatwa Call Against Beheaded Teacher https://t.co/zcRnwoyHQc

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 20, 2020

On Thursday morning, a Muslim man entered the Notre Dame Basilica in Nice armed with a knife, and proceeded to kill three people, including the church sacristan. Shouting “Allahu akbar” as he attacked his victims, the assailant was eventually apprehended by French police and is now in the hospital with gunshot wounds sustained during the encounter.

France’s national antiterrorist prosecution announced the opening of an investigation for “assassination and attempted assassination in connection with a terrorist enterprise” and “criminal terrorist association,” French media reported.

The mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, wrote on Twitter that all indications are that the incident was, in fact, a terrorist attack.

For his part, Pope Francis also expressed his closeness to the Catholic community of Nice, joining “in mourning after the attack which sowed death in a place of prayer and consolation.”

“I pray for the victims, for their families and for the beloved French people, so that they can respond to evil with good,” he also wrote on Twitter.

On Thursday, the pontiff sent a telegram to the Catholic bishop of Nice, saying he condemned “in the most forceful way such violent acts of terror.”


Cabal pushing Albert Pike's version of WW3 big time: ""The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other……."


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93a236 No.132677

File: 9ff9d2e1e8923e9⋯.png (418.38 KB,531x550,531:550,Clipboard.png)

File: 777c3b10d49b448⋯.png (1.92 MB,1195x898,1195:898,Clipboard.png)

File: ab7ee610782f522⋯.png (2.97 MB,1305x886,1305:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376595 (311758ZOCT20) Notable: NEW LEWANDOWSKI

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Great to be with a massive crowd in Jacksonville, FL today to see ⁦@EricTrump On to Vicotry


>More people show up for Eric than a Biden Rally

>>132629 [pb]

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93a236 No.132678

File: dabd14ab1ad0ce1⋯.png (585.73 KB,619x371,619:371,Clipboard.png)

File: ab097ad8c155d4a⋯.png (162.95 KB,992x752,62:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 5865e2f3890c631⋯.png (329.66 KB,994x891,994:891,Clipboard.png)

File: d28f579a12e6521⋯.png (349.49 KB,951x883,951:883,Clipboard.png)

File: e3c2e93ea033a02⋯.png (130.34 KB,997x576,997:576,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376600 (311759ZOCT20) Notable: BLM’s Connection to Obama’s Rev Wright: “There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness”

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BLM’s Connection to Obama’s Rev Wright: “There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness”

To know where we are today, it’s important to go back and see where everything began and who the players are. The Black Lives Matter movement and all of the factions that formed the movement are a danger to America. Barack Hussein Obama sat in a church that preaches Black Liberation Theology…more on this below.

“There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness” -Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Barack Hussein Obama’s pastor for over 20 years

When the organization known as Black Lives Matter (BLM) was first formed right after George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin on July 13, 2013, most overlooked the true intentions of the group beyond their calls for “justice.” Fast forward to today, and it can no longer be overlooked that their calls for justice now result in retaliatory violence against those whom they believe are the oppressors, namely those being white people in general and police officers specifically. By tracing the origins of the organization back to its philosophical formation in the 1960s, we can begin to see how BLM is rooted in the radical ideological beliefs espoused by none other than President Barack Obama.

Before we get to that point, though, it is crucial for us to understand that BLM was founded by three militant feminists named Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opel Tometi. Cullors, pictured below in the center, recently said that the members of BLM are “trained Marxists,” which fits with what is written below.

This is not about black lives but is about transforming America via redistribution of wealth.



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93a236 No.132679

File: b6da8a84dc0a355⋯.png (258.35 KB,899x586,899:586,Clipboard.png)

File: b59ff007bab2b42⋯.png (198.33 KB,884x493,52:29,Clipboard.png)

File: ededdd8cd9f536a⋯.png (216.76 KB,699x882,233:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376628 (311801ZOCT20) Notable: 9 More Biden Hard Drive Disclosure! Hunter Biden’s Email Concerning Former Ukrainian President!

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【9】More Biden Hard Drive Disclosure! Hunter Biden’s Email Concerning Former Ukrainian President!

The video link: https://gtv.org//?videoid=5f9d45b5bd0d464fade24c86

Dear brothers-in-arms! Everyone’s attention must have been attracted by the videos and photos exposed over the past few days. Now, the brainstorming time is coming! Are you ready? What follows are evidences as solid as gravity, showing what harms and threats the Chinese and American kleptocrats are imposing to the whole of mankind and disclosing their ignorance to law and order, total humiliations to females, and their complete loss of humanity.

In fact, most videos on the hard drives are extremely sensitive and extremely inhumane, with extremely cruel pictures that cannot be broadcasted, so they will be processed later.

Now presented are the ironclad facts of the collusion between Burisma and Hunter Biden and the CCP, including the exchanges of documents and email message, and the interaction of the people involved! We hope brothers-in-arms around the world will take a look. If such things are not exposed, mankind will go into utter darkness all around!


【9】More Biden Hard Drive Disclosure! Hunter Biden’s Email Concerning Former Ukrainian President!_PDF


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93a236 No.132680

File: 7b6a5fb5b86c986⋯.png (311.54 KB,598x518,299:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376637 (311801ZOCT20) Notable: MI Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: "I've earned a few nicknames in 2020 – but 'Big Gretch' is my favorite."

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MI Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: "I've earned a few nicknames in 2020 – but 'Big Gretch' is my favorite."


This is some weird ass COMMs. She's so fucking gross

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93a236 No.132681

File: 5d864314e861408⋯.png (115.76 KB,726x498,121:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376640 (311801ZOCT20) Notable: Most employers issue only paychecks every two weeks. In the meantime, payroll processors like ADP make millions from investing worker salaries before they’re paid.

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Most employers issue only paychecks every two weeks. In the meantime, payroll processors like ADP make millions from investing worker salaries before they’re paid.

There are efforts to use technology to shorten the gap between someone working and getting paid. To learn more, check out two pieces (first, second) that NPR ran on this topic last year.

I found the numbers in ADP’s quarterly reports. The date reflects the total amount ADP made in the quarter that ended on the given date. I made the chart in R. I pasted my source code as a subcomment below.


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93a236 No.132682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376647 (311802ZOCT20) Notable: 4 Star General Explains America’s Greatest National Security Risk

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4 Star General Explains America’s Greatest National Security Risk

Former Brigadier General Robert Spalding has a virtual sit down with four-star general in the United States Army Joseph Votel.


Oct 31, 2020



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93a236 No.132683

File: ef64317e7c34b8a⋯.png (1.14 MB,707x819,101:117,Clipboard.png)

File: 489613f877971c1⋯.png (662.38 KB,800x752,50:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ccd88ed024895e⋯.png (382.55 KB,806x601,806:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376665 (311803ZOCT20) Notable: Married Kentucky teacher, 36, 'sexually abused her 13-year-old student and gave him an iPad to send explicit photos of himself to her'

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Married Kentucky teacher, 36, 'sexually abused her 13-year-old student and gave him an iPad to send explicit photos of himself to her'

A married Kentucky teacher has been arrested and is facing 15 criminal charges related to sex crimes involving a 13-year-old student.

Micca Watts-Gordon, 36, worked at W.E.B. DuBois Academy, an all-boys middle school in Louisville, where she allegedly struck up the relationship with the boy.

She was reassigned in November 2019 to non-instructional duties in the Jefferson County Public Schools district after the allegations came to light.

On Tuesday, after a nearly year-long investigation by the Louisville Metro Police, Watts-Gordon was indicted on nine felonies and six misdemeanors.

These include sending nude photos to a 13-year-old boy, masturbating in front of him and having sex with him, according to WDRB.

If convicted of the Class B felonies, she could be facing up to 20 years in prison.

Watts-Gordon was hired as an art teacher at W.E.B. DuBois Academy and began teaching in August 2019.

According to court documents obtained by the Louisville Courier Journal, she began a sexually abusive relationship with a 13-year-old student.

The records allege that over a four month period - from August 25, 2019, to November 19, 2019 - she masturbated near the teenager or while messaging or calling him.

Watts-Gordon also allegedly sent him nude photos and gave him an iPad so he could send explicit photos of himself to her.

Charges against her include:

Six counts of first-degree sexual abuse

Four counts of distribution of obscene matter to a minor

Two counts of criminal attempted third-degree sodomy

One count of using a minor in a sex performance

One count of first-degree unlawful transaction with a minor

One count of tampering with evidence


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93a236 No.132684

File: 28963e6e561d0a3⋯.png (640.37 KB,676x920,169:230,Clipboard.png)

File: 855141820b76a77⋯.png (1.25 MB,697x914,697:914,Clipboard.png)

File: aaf12e1cf34ac88⋯.png (633.9 KB,832x927,832:927,Clipboard.png)

File: 02277da9e41c56c⋯.png (65.55 KB,835x776,835:776,Clipboard.png)

File: 79a2594c8e28ccd⋯.png (259.46 KB,830x560,83:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376688 (311806ZOCT20) Notable: INTL NEWS

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Drug cartels control more than 20% of Mexico according to classified CIA study, as homicides surge to highest levels for 30 years

More than 20% of Mexico's territory - as many as 151,689 square miles - is under the control of the country's powerful drug cartels, according to a classified CIA report from 2018.

The revelation comes as homicides in the country have surged to their highest levels for decades, amid bloody turf wars between rival crime groups that smuggle narcotics across the southern United States border for distribution in American cities.

The secret study by the Central Intelligence Agency was compiled before current Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador entered office in December 2018, and has not been made public.

But details were revealed by several current and former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to the Washington Post as part of a report on the spiraling problem of organized crime in the country.

Mexico's Secretariat of Security and Civilian Protection were quick to fire back at the report, posting a series of tweets and insisting López Obrador's newly created military National Guard has restored order.

According to the Post, Mexican officials say there are at least 19 major criminal organizations with significant influence, including the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, the Gulf Cartel, and the Sinaloa Cartel. These organizations not only have a national reach also control drug markets across the world.

Meanwhile the International Crisis Group has identified at least 198 criminal factions, including gangs and regional organizations, many of which are connected to the larger cartels, the Post explains.

But the number of factions could be as high as 231 according to Eduardo Guerrero, director for Lantia Consultores, a public policies consulting firm.

Guerrero told the post that these smaller players may lack infrastructure to export drugs, but are involved kidnapping, extortion, stealing fuel and selling drugs.

The bigger cartels also exert their influence on territory under their control in order to gain resources and finance their huge private paramilitaries.

'They don’t just want territorial control to move drugs, but to extract resources from the population,' Ricardo Márquez, a former top Mexican security official, told the Post.

Hundreds of thousands are believed to have fled their homes to escape violence in cartel-controlled areas.


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93a236 No.132685

File: 259b27b7923bf4b⋯.png (29.29 KB,595x262,595:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376700 (311807ZOCT20) Notable: Some 50 Young People With Turkish Background Rampage in Catholic Church in Vienna – Reports

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Some 50 Young People With Turkish Background Rampage in Catholic Church in Vienna – Reports

Some 50 young people with a Turkish background have rushed into the St Anthony of Padua Church in the Austrian capital of Vienna and staged a rampage there, Austrian media reported.

According to the Kurier newspaper, the incident took place on late Thursday, with the young Turks kicking benches and a confessional, as well as shouting "Allahu Akbar!"

A priest called the police but the assaulters had left the site before the officers arrived. The regional department of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism believes that the group of radical Turkish extremists, which is operating in the area, is behind the incident.

Both Interior Minister Karl Nehammer and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz have condemned the incident.

"All Christians must have a right to freely and safely practice their faith in Austria! We will firmly continue the fight against political Islam and refrain from false tolerance here", Kurz wrote on his Twitter page.

Commenting on the recent terrorist attack in France's Nice, which claimed the lives of three people, Nehammer said that "every terrorist attack is an attack on our democracy and our European fundamental and freedom rights".

Meine Gedanken sind bei den Opfern und ihren Familien in #Nizza. Jede terroristische Attacke ist ein Angriff auf unsere Demokratie und unsere europäischen Grund- & Freiheitsrechte. Wir stellen uns klar gegen alle Formen von Extremismus und Terrorismus.

— Karl Nehammer (@karlnehammer) October 29, 2020

Europe has been facing a spike in the incidents related to radical Islam since the brutal beheading of a French history teacher by a radicalised teen in Paris and the tough rhetoric of French President Emmanuel Macron following this attack.


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93a236 No.132686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376705 (311807ZOCT20) Notable: Instagram ‘blocked French account of Iran’s Khamenei’ after he sent message to youths on Prophet Mohammed cartoons

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Instagram ‘blocked French account of Iran’s Khamenei’ after he sent message to youths on Prophet Mohammed cartoons

A French-language Instagram account of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was temporarily blocked after posting a critical message to young people about controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, Iran's FARS news agency reported.

The page became inaccessible on Friday, two days after Khamenei's missive to “young French people” was posted on social media. In his address, the Ayatollah blasted French President Emmanuel Macron as “stupid” for insisting that caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed were in line with that country’s values of freedom of speech. He also questioned why it was “OK” in France to insult the Prophet Mohammed, but illegal to doubt the Holocaust.

However, a shadow French-language account was quickly created for Khamenei, to repost the message in text and audio formats. The original account appears to be unblocked, but the message to French youths seems to have been removed.

Macron has been facing harsh criticism from Muslim leaders after the French president vowed to clampdown on radical Islam, in response to the beheading of schoolteacher Samuel Paty outside Paris on October 16.

Paty, in a freedom of expression class, had shown his students cartoons of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed, which had just been published by satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Making drawings of the prophet is considered blasphemous in Islam, and Macron's statement defending the publication of the cartoons drew a wave of protests in several Muslim countries, as well as boycotts of French goods and accusations of Islamophobia.


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93a236 No.132687

File: 448dd8b20c00294⋯.png (581.09 KB,914x553,914:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 80ac91fbce5df94⋯.png (370.18 KB,550x625,22:25,Clipboard.png)

File: c70f7884b4c839c⋯.png (337.22 KB,558x564,93:94,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fc4b5989216177⋯.png (24.73 KB,538x224,269:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376726 (311809ZOCT20) Notable: Q Clock Updates

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>>>/qresearch/11376042 (PB)

>>>/qresearch/11376007 (PB)

"(You) Can you give a better explainer for notes please"

Epstein shenanigans in the news….on All Hallows Eve.

Disney Trending as well

that's all i got for now….

(Awan's also on the clock if you see something….)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132688

File: 6fdb5ab341026ce⋯.png (1.03 MB,657x912,219:304,Clipboard.png)

File: 4da5b51a384b0e4⋯.png (398.79 KB,678x778,339:389,Clipboard.png)

File: b642375effe3552⋯.png (789.71 KB,671x901,671:901,Clipboard.png)

File: b7c7b83b0a18708⋯.png (501.2 KB,669x895,669:895,Clipboard.png)

File: 98ac30333f8d4ff⋯.png (87.56 KB,672x854,48:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376766 (311811ZOCT20) Notable: INTL NEWS

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Chinese fixer targets FIVE Prime Ministers: New evidence of Beijing's infiltration of British Establishment as it emerges leading figure 'tasked with grooming foreign elites' met politicians including Boris Johnson, David Cameron and Tony Blair

Zhirong Hu has also met former Prime Ministers Theresa May and Gordon Brown

He leads the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

Academics say its mission is to groom top ‘business, political and media leaders'

A leading figure in a Chinese group allegedly created to groom foreign elites has been pictured with five British prime ministers.

Photographs uncovered by the Daily Mail show how Zhirong Hu has moved among the British Establishment.

He has met Boris Johnson, Theresa May, David Cameron, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair.

Mr Hu is a director of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, which is reportedly controlled by the country’s Communist Party.

Academics say its mission is to groom ‘business, political and media leaders in countries around the world’.

The claims are backed by a new book, Hidden Hand, whose serialisation continues in the Mail today.



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93a236 No.132689

File: 95756fbad511c6c⋯.png (273.32 KB,731x922,731:922,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376800 (311814ZOCT20) Notable: Facebook cracks down on the use of 'Save Our Children' hashtag because it's been overtaken by QAnon conspiracy theorists

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Facebook cracks down on the use of 'Save Our Children' hashtag because it's been overtaken by QAnon conspiracy theorists

Facebook is cracking down on the 'save our children' hashtag after it was used by supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory, the social network said on Friday.

‘Earlier this week, we stepped up how we enforce our rules against QAnon on pages, events, and groups,’ a spokesperson for Facebook told DailyMail.com.

'Starting today, we're limiting the distribution of the "save our children" hashtag given we've found that content tied to it is now associated with QAnon.'

'When people search for it, they will now see the credible child safety resources.'

Facebook users can still enter the hashtag, but they will not be able to see aggregated results of posts incorporating the hashtag.

Earlier this month, Facebook announced that it was banning QAnon across its platforms, which includes its group pages as well as Instagram.

QAnon is the baseless conspiracy theory that paints President Donald Trump as a secret warrior against a supposed child-trafficking ring run by celebrities and 'deep state' government officials.

The theory holds that Trump will finally emerge victorious on a day of reckoning known as ‘The Storm’, when thousands of people said to belong to this pedophile ring, including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Soros, will be arrested and executed.

Alphabet-owned YouTube has also banned QAnon, while Twitter has purged tens of thousands of QAnon-linked accounts.

Before banning QAnon in early October, Facebook launched an earlier crackdown on QAnon-linked groups that ‘discussed potential violence.’

QAnon followers circumvented the ban by using the ‘save our children’ hashtag.

For now, the restrictions will not apply to ‘save the children,’ which is also the name of a United Kingdom-based children’s charity that operates worldwide.

After the ‘save our children’ hashtag went viral this past summer, the Save the Children Federation released a statement seeking to put a distance between the charity and the QAnon-linked trend.

‘Our name in hashtag form has been experiencing unusually high volumes and causing confusion among our supporters and the general public,’ the organization wrote in August.

‘In the United States, Save the Children is the sole owner of the registered trademark “Save the Children.”

‘While people may choose to use our organization’s name as a hashtag to make their point on different issues, we are not affiliated or associated with any of these campaigns.’


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93a236 No.132690

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376890 (311821ZOCT20) Notable: House Democrats Introduce Bill to Slow UAE F-35 Deal

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House Democrats Introduce Bill to Slow UAE F-35 Deal

Congress concerned with upholding Israel's military edge

House Democrats introduced a bill on Friday to restrict arms sales to countries in the Middle East. The legislation comes after the Trump administration informally notified Congress of its intent to sell the UAE 50 F-35 fighter jets, worth approximately $10.4 billion.

Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY), chair of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, introduced the legislation along with 10 other lawmakers. “It’s up to Congress to consider the ramifications of allowing new partners to purchase the F-35 and other advanced systems,” Engel said in a statement announcing the bill.

The bill is the latest in a round of legislation introduced in Congress to protect Israel’s military superiority over its neighbors, known as the Qualitative Military Edge (QME). A similar bill was introduced in the Senate last week.

“We need to know that such weapons will be used properly and in a way aligned with our security interests, which include protecting Israel’s qualitative military edge and ensuring adversaries can’t get their hands on American technology,” Engel said.

Engel’s bill outlines conditions necessary to sell F-35s and other advanced equipment to countries in the Middle East that are not Israel. One condition is that the recipient country has to have signed an agreement to normalize relations with Israel like the UAE did in September.

The bill would also require the weapons to be modified to ensure Israel “is able to identify, locate, and continually track the weapons and that the recipient country will not alter such modifications.” Other requirements include ensuring the weapons are not stolen or do not end up in the hands of non-state actors in the region.

Despite the concerns in Congress, the Israelis signed off on the arms sale to the UAE after securing a guarantee from Secretary of Defense Mark Esper last week that the US will provide Israel with new weapons in exchange. Discussing the potential F-35 sale with reporters on Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he received strong assurances about “the American commitment to preserve Israel’s military qualitative edge.”

Congress is already mandated by US law to uphold Israel’s QME. Since rumors of the F-35 sale to Abu Dhabi began to surface, US lawmakers have introduced a few bills concerning Israel’s QME. Earlier in October, a group of bipartisan lawmakers introduced a bill that would essentially give the State of Israel veto powers over US arms sales to the Middle East.


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93a236 No.132691

File: 24c5a7318621f32⋯.png (674.25 KB,642x1204,321:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376907 (311822ZOCT20) Notable: Inside Finger Lakes' Nuclear Bunker Data Center

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Video was linked here:

Inside Finger Lakes' Nuclear Bunker Data Center

FLTG is family-owned telco with a twist


For the past 10 years, Finger Lakes Technologies Group has owned and operated theQ area of the Seneca Army Depot in Romulus, New York, an 800-acre section of a Cold War-era munitions storage and disposal facility.



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93a236 No.132692

File: 4b290b0903be4f0⋯.jpg (74.11 KB,592x666,8:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376919 (311823ZOCT20) Notable: Kyle Rittenhouse was unexpectedly transferred to Wisconsin today before he could exercise his statutory right of appeal.

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Kyle Rittenhouse was unexpectedly transferred to Wisconsin today before he could exercise his statutory right of appeal.

Bail has been set at $2 Million. #FightBack needs to raise another $1 Million by Monday afternoon. Please consider helping this boy.


Wisconsin does not allow for bail bond. $2M bail must be paid in cash.

#FightBack helped assemble 5 criminal defense lawyers for Kyle & is paying their fees & expenses. The lawyers are doing great work.

#FightBack is doing all it can to help Kyle.

He is a political prisoner.

– @LLinWood


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93a236 No.132693

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376920 (311823ZOCT20) Notable: Military Forces Rescue Kidnapped American in Niger

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Military Forces Rescue Kidnapped American in Niger

An American citizen kidnapped in the West African nation of Niger this past week has been rescued in a U.S. military operation in neighboring Nigeria, a U.S. official told The Associated Press on Saturday.

Philipe Nathan Walton was taken from his farm in Massalata in southern Niger early Tuesday morning by armed kidnappers who demanded a ransom from the man’s father.

The Defense Department confirmed the operation Saturday, saying it took place in northern Nigeria.

“This American citizen is safe and is now in the care of the U.S. Department of State. No U.S military personnel were injured during the operation,” the department said in a statement.

Niger has faced a growing number of attacks by extremists linked to both the Islamic State group and to al-Qaida. The kidnapping comes two months after IS-linked militants killed six French aid workers and their Niger guide while they were visiting a wildlife park east of the capital.

The U.S. official, who was not authorized to publicly discuss the rescue and spoke on condition of anonymity, said there were no solid indications that Walton's kidnapping was terrorism-related and that it was instead “trending toward a kidnapping for ransom.”

But the official said the U.S. government said it was concerned that the hostage could be passed to another terrorist group, or that the kidnapping could become a prolonged hostage-taking.

Walton is now back in Niger, according to the official, who said no ransom was paid.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly promoted his administration’s focus on securing the release of American hostages held by militant groups abroad as well as others being detained. Earlier this month, two Americans held captive by Iranian-backed militants in Yemen were released, along with a third person, in exchange for the return of about 250 of the Houthi rebels from Oman.


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93a236 No.132694

File: 5a5726fbf558139⋯.jpg (43.38 KB,595x443,595:443,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376939 (311824ZOCT20) Notable: Social media & mainstream media have banned fundraising efforts for Kyle Rittenhouse & have censored information establishing his evidence.

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Lin Wood @LLinWood

Social media & mainstream media have banned fundraising efforts for Kyle Rittenhouse & have censored information establishing his evidence.

This is what happens in third world countries. Do not let it happen to this boy who did nothing except defend himself.

Not in America.

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93a236 No.132695

File: 375477c9ed987c7⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376947 (311825ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS hated CNN even in 1990.

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POTUS hated CNN even in 1990.


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93a236 No.132696

File: af3f0f6e9d3832c⋯.png (87.79 KB,648x790,324:395,Clipboard.png)

File: 67af26e945be6bc⋯.png (83.96 KB,655x825,131:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 053b801ee689c5d⋯.png (80.9 KB,683x810,683:810,Clipboard.png)

File: ddd6b524c70fedd⋯.png (24.96 KB,661x249,661:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376958 (311826ZOCT20) Notable: Here’s What National Guard Units Across the Country Will Be Doing on Election Day

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Here’s What National Guard Units Across the Country Will Be Doing on Election Day

From New Jersey to Washington state, National Guard members across the country are gearing up for election-related missions ranging from cybersecurity support to responding to civil unrest in an already record-breaking year for state activations.

Governors have continued to activate National Guard troops in the final days leading up to the presidential election, which has been transformed by the coronavirus pandemic. Soldiers and airmen are supporting polling stations, leading cybersecurity missions, and even preparing for civil disturbances in the wake of what could prove to be a contentious election in which results might not be known for weeks.

As of Friday, 10 states were actively planning for Guard members to handle election-related missions and 15 were indicating they plan to do so. Those missions include working polling stations and cybersecurity missions.

No Uniforms, No Weapons

Armed troops won’t be guarding polling places on Tuesday.

Leaders in several states said the hundreds of Guard members activated by their governors will be wearing civilian clothes and won’t be carrying weapons. That’s true in Wisconsin, New Jersey and Nebraska, officials from those states say.

“Our service members are placed on state active duty, and they show up in civilian clothes to the polling stations, so any member of the community that is coming into a polling station isn’t going to be able to recognize that they are in the Guard,” said Brig. Gen. Robyn Blader, assistant adjutant general of the Wisconsin National Guard. “They are going to look like anyone else from the community.”

Several hundred Guard members assisted at polling places during the primaries, Military.com reported this summer. They were under strict orders to stay out of the actual voting process, filling gaps created during the pandemic since older people who tend to volunteer at polls were staying home to prevent contracting COVID-19.

In New Jersey, one of the states where Guard members assisted during the primaries, troops are helping process mail-in ballots. The country has seen a huge uptick in mail-in ballots during the pandemic. About 240 New Jersey National Guard soldiers and airmen are already supporting 18 counties’ board of elections, Lt. Col. Barbara Brown, a Guard spokeswoman there, said.


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93a236 No.132697

File: 079c3efb381a6b1⋯.png (471.99 KB,556x572,139:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11376981 (311828ZOCT20) Notable: Project Veritas SUES New York Times for Defamation for Labeling Undercover Videos as “Deceptive”

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Project Veritas SUES New York Times for Defamation for Labeling Undercover Videos as “Deceptive”

It’s nice to see someone join the ranks of myself and crew at The DC Patriot filing counter suits for these liberal media hacks that continue to slander and libel conservative truth slingers.

The New York Times has now been sued by Conservative Investigation and Media group Project Veritas for labeling their videos as “deceptive” and for using “solely unidentified sources” and also claiming “no verifiable evidence.”

You can read the announcement below from Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe, as well as watch the video press release.

It feels good to see a fellow truth slinger fighting back, as James and his group always have. We’re proud to know them, and proud of them! Good job Veritas Team!


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93a236 No.132698

File: 778436541bd5f71⋯.png (534.27 KB,641x900,641:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377023 (311830ZOCT20) Notable: Amen.

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Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy Name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not in to temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom,

and the power,

and the glory,

forever and ever!

In the name of the Father,

and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit,


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93a236 No.132699

File: 3afe6c53b673d55⋯.png (442.78 KB,604x450,302:225,Clipboard.png)

File: aef76d26c7479b9⋯.mp4 (419.93 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377061 (311834ZOCT20) Notable: New Scavino

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93a236 No.132700

File: c1428ba69d590fc⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5e24447670ad4f6⋯.png (128.55 KB,402x465,134:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377089 (311836ZOCT20) Notable: Saturday pop quiz: who led the Senate Supreme Court hearings Justice Clarence Thomas referred to as a “high-tech lynching for uppity Blacks?” You guessed right, Joe Biden.

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Saturday pop quiz: who led the Senate Supreme Court hearings Justice Clarence Thomas referred to as a “high-tech lynching for uppity Blacks?” You guessed right, Joe Biden.

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93a236 No.132701

File: f9feeca6bea67ad⋯.png (1012.23 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377116 (311838ZOCT20) Notable: 09-0017

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Q's plane has been circling for a little while now

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93a236 No.132702

File: 9b09a3435fe4dcb⋯.png (659.03 KB,603x703,603:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377121 (311839ZOCT20) Notable: NEW PDJT

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Pennsylvania is where the story of American Independence began – it is the state where the American Constitution was signed – and 3 days from now this is the state that will SAVE THE AMERICAN DREAM! A great RED WAVE is forming! http://Vote.DonaldJTrump.com


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93a236 No.132703

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377213 (311847ZOCT20) Notable: #14530

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>>132698 Amen.

>>132702 NEW PDJT

>>132701 09-0017

>>132700 Saturday pop quiz: who led the Senate Supreme Court hearings Justice Clarence Thomas referred to as a “high-tech lynching for uppity Blacks?” You guessed right, Joe Biden.

>>132699 New Scavino

>>132697 Project Veritas SUES New York Times for Defamation for Labeling Undercover Videos as “Deceptive”

>>132696 Here’s What National Guard Units Across the Country Will Be Doing on Election Day

>>132695 POTUS hated CNN even in 1990.

>>132694 Social media & mainstream media have banned fundraising efforts for Kyle Rittenhouse & have censored information establishing his evidence.

>>132693 Military Forces Rescue Kidnapped American in Niger

>>132692 Kyle Rittenhouse was unexpectedly transferred to Wisconsin today before he could exercise his statutory right of appeal.

>>132691 Inside Finger Lakes' Nuclear Bunker Data Center

>>132690 House Democrats Introduce Bill to Slow UAE F-35 Deal

>>132689 Facebook cracks down on the use of 'Save Our Children' hashtag because it's been overtaken by QAnon conspiracy theorists

>>132687 Q Clock Updates

>>132683 Married Kentucky teacher, 36, 'sexually abused her 13-year-old student and gave him an iPad to send explicit photos of himself to her'

>>132682 4 Star General Explains America’s Greatest National Security Risk

>>132672 Grand Jury Finds Prima Facie Evidence of Pandemic Fraud

>>132673 Look what's trending.

>>132674 DoJ fights 'last minute delay' in extradition of former Green Beret and his son to Japan after they 'helped smuggle Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn out of the country in custom-made speaker box'


>>132676 Vatican Cardinal Calls for Battle Against ‘Monstrous’ Islamism


>>132678 BLM’s Connection to Obama’s Rev Wright: “There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness”

>>132679 9 More Biden Hard Drive Disclosure! Hunter Biden’s Email Concerning Former Ukrainian President!

>>132680 MI Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: "I've earned a few nicknames in 2020 – but 'Big Gretch' is my favorite."

>>132681 Most employers issue only paychecks every two weeks. In the meantime, payroll processors like ADP make millions from investing worker salaries before they’re paid.

>>132685 Some 50 Young People With Turkish Background Rampage in Catholic Church in Vienna – Reports

>>132686 Instagram ‘blocked French account of Iran’s Khamenei’ after he sent message to youths on Prophet Mohammed cartoons

>>132684, >>132688 INTL NEWS

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93a236 No.132704

File: 86ef3c9a4e81196⋯.png (101.34 KB,850x318,425:159,Clipboard.png)

File: e1838a323850e56⋯.png (904.67 KB,1728x3496,216:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377266 (311851ZOCT20) Notable: /Comms/ Collection - Shilling hard today

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93a236 No.132705

File: 558d04f8b257c43⋯.png (511.32 KB,605x308,55:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377289 (311853ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. Military Helicopter Crashed In Northeastern Syria – Reports

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U.S. Military Helicopter Crashed In Northeastern Syria – Reports

On October 31, a U.S. military helicopter crashed in the northeastern Syrian governorate of al-Hasakah, according to a number of opposition sources.

Citing a special source, the Jesr Press said the helicopter fell near the town of al- Shaddadi in the southern countryside of the governorate. Other sources reported that the helicopter crashed inside a base of the U.S.-led coalition located in the vicinity of the town.

According to the news agency, the helicopter burned for three hours after crashing. It was apparently destroyed in the accident.

Meanwhile, the Orient News said the helicopter crashed and burned as a result of a “technical error.” No human losses have been reported, thus far.

The U.S.-led coalition and the Syrian Democratic Forces, which control the area where the alleged accident took place, are yet to comment on the issue.

Several AH-64 Apache and UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters are known to be deployed in the U.S.-led coalition base in al-Shaddadi. V-22 Osprey vertical takeoff and landing aircraft are also active in northeastern Syria.


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93a236 No.132706

File: 74bc6b695145e76⋯.png (2.74 MB,2384x3996,596:999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377295 (311853ZOCT20) Notable: /Comms/ Collection - Shilling hard today

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>Why do you hate Plane fags

I don't I just hate you MOS faggots.

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93a236 No.132707

File: 08f0025e809caf8⋯.png (470.52 KB,604x556,151:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377296 (311853ZOCT20) Notable: #RIP Sean Connery who has asked for his last ping. Connery passed away this morning at the age of 90. He will always be Captain Marko Ramius to us.

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#RIP Sean Connery who has asked for his last ping. Connery passed away this morning at the age of 90. He will always be Captain Marko Ramius to us.


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93a236 No.132708

File: dfbc5ed4ba0f3ea⋯.png (4.53 MB,2880x3708,80:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 165d2734a3138a9⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,2263x4091,2263:4091,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7e20f7d77c9e5ed⋯.png (5.62 MB,2390x3338,1195:1669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377359 (311858ZOCT20) Notable: /Comms/ Collection - Shilling hard today

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132709

File: 9c6f20be5c124e2⋯.png (471.11 KB,665x535,133:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377373 (311900ZOCT20) Notable: Obama officials were ‘bothered’ by Hunter Biden Burisma job: book

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Obama officials were ‘bothered’ by Hunter Biden Burisma job: book

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93a236 No.132710

File: 3e040ae0092de38⋯.jpg (160.23 KB,530x1167,530:1167,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377381 (311900ZOCT20) Notable: 3 years ago today

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Thank you, baker!

3 years ago today

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93a236 No.132711

File: 313a369cb2ef8d4⋯.png (347.26 KB,565x516,565:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377394 (311901ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden Interrupts Local Iowa Reporter Asking About Hunter’s Laptop From Hell, ‘It’s All a Smear From Russia – Classic Trump!’

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Joe Biden Interrupts Local Iowa Reporter Asking About Hunter’s Laptop From Hell, ‘It’s All a Smear From Russia – Classic Trump!’

Joe Biden traveled to Iowa on Friday in a desperate attempt to win the state with just a few days left until Election Day.

A local reporter in Iowa confronted Joe Biden about Hunter’s laptop from hell and as expected, Joe Biden blamed Russia and President Trump.

“There’s nothing to any of that,” Biden said interrupting the reporter. “It’s all a smear. Every major outfit, every serious investigator has pointed out that this is a smear. This is classic Trump. We have four days left and all of a sudden there’s a laptop.”

Joe Biden, AKA “The Big Guy” falsely claimed the laptop story is just unverified Russian disinformation and the reporter didn’t even push back.

“Look, my son’s an honorable man,” Biden said claiming his son Hunter broke no laws.

Hunter Biden and his associates (possibly Joe Biden as well) are currently under FBI investigation for money laundering.

According to Hunter Biden’s associate-turned-whistleblower Tony Bobulinski, the FBI is investigating Hunter Biden’s work with the Chinese Communist Party and his tenure on the board of Burisma Holdings in Ukraine.


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93a236 No.132712

File: 9d91a24313ffb16⋯.png (627.55 KB,784x853,784:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377424 (311904ZOCT20) Notable: Group Responsible for 405 Trump Sign Comes Forward With Killer Pro-Trump Campaign Ad

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[Exclusive] Group Responsible for 405 Trump Sign Comes Forward With Killer Pro-Trump Campaign Ad

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93a236 No.132713

File: a1a34a3ff3f4b77⋯.png (495.8 KB,1744x1500,436:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377429 (311904ZOCT20) Notable: /Comms/ Collection - Shilling hard today

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>All heat aimed at comms. and Karen


>Clearly one of the faggots is a bo/bv this is why this happens.

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93a236 No.132714

File: 75f441b8cc2f063⋯.png (335.38 KB,571x500,571:500,Clipboard.png)

File: 265b82df50f855e⋯.png (185.25 KB,599x882,599:882,Clipboard.png)

File: fedbeebf4ee9616⋯.png (17.77 KB,519x216,173:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377445 (311906ZOCT20) Notable: Fireworks Over Nagorno-Karabakh: Azerbaijan Used Banned Phosphorus Munitions

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Fireworks Over Nagorno-Karabakh: Azerbaijan Used Banned Phosphorus Munitions

Azerbaijani forces have used munitions containing internationally prohibited white phosphor in a number of attacks on the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia announced on October 31.

“This is a gross violation of the international humanitarian law, norms and the principles of customary law, the Geneva Conventions, aiming not only to harm the Defense Army but also create an environmental disaster,” the ministry said in a brief statement.

The Armenian MoD and several media sources shared videos confirming the use of incendiary munitions, which may have contained white phosphor, by Azerbaijani forces.

The Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons prohibits the deliberate use of incendiary weapons against civilian or against military targets in civilian areas.

This type of munition is highly flammable and provokes the spread of forest fires.

The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan called the Armenian claims “groundless.” In a statement the ministry stressed that the Azerbaijani military does not possess weapons which are prohibited by international laws.

Azerbaijan launched a large attack to capture Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27 with support from Turkey. Since then, a fierce battle has been ongoing in the region.

The use of incendiary weapons, and possibly white phosphor munitions, by Azerbaijani forces indicates that Baku is determined to do whatever it takes to push Armenian forces out of the disputed region.


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93a236 No.132715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377452 (311906ZOCT20) Notable: Hugo Chavez’s ex-nurse indicted in US for money laundering

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Hugo Chavez’s ex-nurse indicted in US for money laundering

MEDELLIN, Colombia - Hugo Chávez’s former nurse has been charged with money laundering in a Miami federal court, accused of taking bribes from a billionaire media mogul to green light lucrative currency transactions when she served as Venezuela’s national treasurer.

Claudia Díaz and her husband, Adrían Velasquez, were accused of taking at least $4.2 million in furtherance of the bribery scheme, according to the charges presented Friday. The payments came from companies and bank accounts located in Switzerland to the couple’s accounts in Miami.

Behind the payments, according to prosecutors, was businessman Raúl Gorrín, owner of the country’s last major private TV network, Globovisión. Gorrin is on the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s most-wanted list after being charged for his alleged role in a $2.4 billion money laundering conspiracy in 2017. His TV network is under U.S. sanctions for its alleged role propping up the socialist government of Chávez’s successor, Nicolás Maduro.

Díaz, 46, was a former petty officer in Venezuela’s navy who took care of an ailing Chávez before the Venezuelan leader died of cancer in 2013. In 2011, Chávez named her Venezuela’s national treasurer. She was replaced when Maduro was elected in 2013.

Díaz and her husband, a former security adviser to Chávez, currently live in Madrid, where they were briefly arrested in 2018 on a Venezuelan warrant. Spain’s supreme court rejected Venezuela’s extradition request, finding the couple could be tortured if they return home.

U.S. prosecutors have charged dozens of Maduro-connected officials and businessmen as part of a campaign to root out corruption plaguing the oil-rich South American nation. As much as $300 billion is estimated to have been raided from Venezuela’s state coffers in two decades of socialist rule.

It was not immediately possible to communicate with Díaz. But in August her Madrid lawyer, Ismael Oliver, denied the couple had profited from their positions in power.

Díaz succeeded Alejandro Andrade as Venezuela’s treasurer in 2011. In what is the biggest judgment against a former Venezuelan to date, Andrade in 2018 agreed to forfeit more than $1 billion in proceeds he acknowledged receiving in return for approving lucrative currency deals. The arrangement, allegedly promoted by Gorrín and others, continued when Díaz took his place.


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93a236 No.132716

File: b350d6f82dddccc⋯.png (319.1 KB,679x579,679:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377456 (311906ZOCT20) Notable: Watch: Kamala Harris Introduced as ‘Next President of the United States’ During Texas Campaign Event

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Watch: Kamala Harris Introduced as ‘Next President of the United States’ During Texas Campaign Event

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93a236 No.132717

File: 95152bf148226b2⋯.png (472.54 KB,659x1777,659:1777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377476 (311908ZOCT20) Notable: New interview. Lockdowns, facts, frauds … if you can't handle truth, use a mask to cover your eyes and ears

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New interview. Lockdowns, facts, frauds … if you can't handle truth, use a mask to cover your eyes and ears #FactsMatter #LockdownsKill

Scott W. Atlas





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93a236 No.132718

File: e30a6cae0958b75⋯.png (462.58 KB,672x534,112:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377479 (311908ZOCT20) Notable: Bernie Tells Squad: ‘Electing Biden Is Not the End-All, It Is the Beginning’

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Bernie Tells Squad: ‘Electing Biden Is Not the End-All, It Is the Beginning’

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93a236 No.132719

File: b48f4e9160b20d6⋯.png (935.5 KB,920x509,920:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377483 (311909ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Enough is enough’: How FinCEN Files exposes a broken system that keeps dirty cash flowing

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‘Enough is enough’: How FinCEN Files exposes a broken system that keeps dirty cash flowing

Three ICIJ reporters take us behind the scenes of the FinCEN Files investigation in this special edition of our Meet the Investigators series.

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists collaborates with hundreds of members across the world. Each of these journalists is among the best in his or her country and many have won national and global awards. Our monthly series, Meet the Investigators, highlights the work of these tireless journalists.

This month, we have a special edition featuring three ICIJ reporters who worked on our latest investigation, the FinCEN Files.

Karrie Kehoe, Spencer Woodman and Ben Hallman were part of a team of more than 400 journalists working on the 16-month investigation that exposed how giants of Western banking enriched themselves while facilitating the movement of money for oligarchs, terrorists, drug traffickers and fraudsters. The investigation was based on thousands of secret United States Treasury documents obtained by BuzzFeed News and shared with more than 100 media partners from all around the world.

Karrie, Spencer and Ben take us behind the scenes of the investigation, revealing what it was like to work on the cache of confidential files and how reporters methodically searched the data for the stories buried within.


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93a236 No.132720

File: 44d26dfd59cd0d3⋯.png (23.49 KB,500x330,50:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377516 (311912ZOCT20) Notable: NEW PDJT

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Watch the Water Anons


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93a236 No.132721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377525 (311912ZOCT20) Notable: NEW PDJT

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93a236 No.132722

File: e50963ba291833d⋯.png (26.73 KB,797x197,797:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377539 (311913ZOCT20) Notable: LIL WAYNE’S ENDORSEMENT OF PRESIDENT TRUMP ANOTHER ‘KICK IN THE NUTS’ TO WHITE LIBERALS

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93a236 No.132723

File: b63988afd77351f⋯.png (387.74 KB,653x584,653:584,Clipboard.png)

File: 71bea1d3a729b3e⋯.png (276.25 KB,387x391,387:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377567 (311916ZOCT20) Notable: Drudge Report traffic plunges as content turns against Trump

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Drudge Report traffic plunges as content turns against Trump

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93a236 No.132724

File: 9772c79e720a7c9⋯.png (155.22 KB,616x582,308:291,Clipboard.png)

File: fc3e20a5935fc54⋯.png (455.74 KB,1347x827,1347:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377571 (311917ZOCT20) Notable: Democratic presidential candidate Creepy Joe Biden will address the nation on Election Day from Wilmington, Delaware

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Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden will address the nation on Election Day from Wilmington, Delaware.


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93a236 No.132725

File: 12f50bbe2951788⋯.png (477.42 KB,844x544,211:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377591 (311919ZOCT20) Notable: A Collusion Tale: China and the Bidens

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A Collusion Tale: China and the Bidens

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93a236 No.132726

File: f3088cbd76b5d49⋯.png (725.39 KB,647x435,647:435,Clipboard.png)

File: a488e4c4da5f598⋯.png (373.86 KB,681x770,681:770,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d947e0827d1411⋯.png (318.16 KB,719x464,719:464,Clipboard.png)

File: b3eaf7edd5e8c06⋯.png (591.36 KB,772x634,386:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377595 (311919ZOCT20) Notable: Open season when?

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Yale Psychiatrist Suggests Middle America May Need To Be 'Leveled' Like Dresden to Stop Trump

Middle America may need to be "leveled" like Dresden in order to break the Hitler-esque "spell" Trump has on his supporters, Yale psychiatrist Bandy X Lee appeared to suggest in a post on Twitter.

Lee, who bills herself as an "expert on global violence prevention," wrote Wednesday on Twitter (Archive):

A reporter whose grandparents were refugees from Nazi Germany related to me: "I cannot help but remember a conversation I had with my grandfather … about the firebombing of Dresden, whether he thought the Allies should be reproached for targeting civilians.

He said—I remember this well—that it was a necessity, because nothing short of the sight of SEEING THEIR CITIES LEVELED would have broken the spell. The German public, he said, was not open to reason. They could not be persuaded to abandon Hitler…."

That comment haunted her, she said.

Needless to say, we are seeing the same phenomenon here, and every day that Donald Trump has exposure to the public, he spellbinds his followers ever more deeply, as mental health experts are precisely the ones banned from comment.

This is what the leaders of "The Resistance" are fantasizing about if Trump loses – subjecting his supporters to Soviet-style show trials, Truth and Reconciliation commissions and Dresden 2.0!


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93a236 No.132727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377602 (311920ZOCT20) Notable: Election Resurrection: Scheme to Register Dead Voters as Democrats Uncovered in Florida

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Election Resurrection: Scheme to Register Dead Voters as Democrats Uncovered in Florida

Investigators in South Florida discovered an attempt to register “dozens of dead people as Democratic voters,” in Broward County, reports the Washington Times.

According to the report, “no mail-in ballots were requested or cast under the falsified IDs.”

Election officials say an individual in South Carolina mailed 51 new voter applications to the Broward County elections office in the summer. Thankfully, the registrations were flagged as suspicious and turned over to the local state attorney’s office.

Officials have so far been unable to determine who mailed the bogus registrations, which had no return address and were sent in 19 envelopes. Thirty of the 51 applications were verified to have been made for people who are deceased, while the remaining registrations were unverifiable.

“This is an organized effort by someone who knew a little bit about Florida law but not a lot and had a scheme to either undermine the Florida registration system with fake voters or intended to vote 50 times,” Broward Elections Supervisor Pete Antonacci told the Washington Times.

The suspicious registrations left driver’s license numbers and Social Security numbers blank.

According to Antonacci, the scammer was attempting to take advantage of the lag time between when a voter dies and when the voter rolls are updated.

“The system is based on the honor system, and the honor system is supposedly bolstered by the fact that if you lie on one of these applications, it’s a crime,” Antonacci said. “With determination, you can muscle your way in.”


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93a236 No.132728

File: d08d3a3ba1fd670⋯.png (216.06 KB,897x624,23:16,Clipboard.png)

File: b74a69a05a6bb78⋯.png (23.29 KB,908x164,227:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377629 (311923ZOCT20) Notable: The 10 Cities In The Most Financial Distress

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The 10 Cities In The Most Financial Distress


Las Vegas is the top U.S. city where people are experiencing "financial distress" during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, according to a WalletHub analysis of the country's 100 largest cities.

The rankings were determined by a weighted average across six categories, including credit scores, average number of accounts in distress and changes in the numbers of bankruptcy filings in June 2020 versus June 2019. The 10 cities with the most people in financial distress include: Las Vegas; Chicago; Houston; San Antonio; Dallas; Phoenix; Los Angeles; Austin, Texas; Miami and Fort Worth, Texas.

The cities with the lowest rates of financial distress are Anchorage, Alaska; Madison, Wisconsin; Jersey City, New Jersey; Fremont, California; and Newark, New Jersey.

The national unemployment rate was 7.9% in September, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), compared to the 3.6% unemployment rate in January. The actual rate of unemployment, however, is likely closer to 26%, Axios reports.

Hawaii holds the highest rate of unemployment among states at 15.1%, followed by Nevada at 12.6%, according to Forbes, in part due to the pandemic's heavy toll on tourism industries.

Las Vegas; Henderson, NV; Reno, NV; and North Las Vegas, NV were among the top five cities to see the highest change in the average number of accounts in distress this September compared to January, according to the WalletHub study.


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93a236 No.132729

File: b455f5d03e4ec7f⋯.png (692.05 KB,772x690,386:345,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377677 (311927ZOCT20) Notable: Michigan Bars and Restaurants Will Require Customers’ Names and Phone Numbers

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Michigan Bars and Restaurants Will Require Customers’ Names and Phone Numbers

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93a236 No.132730

File: 1e4e02df891cd86⋯.png (53.77 KB,625x430,125:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377687 (311928ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden’s Hand in Corruption, Subversion and Crime in Guatemala

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Joe Biden’s Hand in Corruption, Subversion and Crime in Guatemala

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93a236 No.132731

File: 2e571a7c647e87e⋯.png (320.95 KB,587x593,587:593,Clipboard.png)

File: b14a1fd41c1acc8⋯.mp4 (101.29 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377690 (311929ZOCT20) Notable: Help needed. What language does Sleepy Joe speak ?

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Help needed. What language does Sleepy Joe speak ?



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93a236 No.132732

File: e7f032149e68765⋯.png (52.44 KB,662x850,331:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377704 (311930ZOCT20) Notable: Gov. Gavin Newsom sends his children to private school when many California kids can't, sparking backlash

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Gov. Gavin Newsom sends his children to private school when many California kids can't, sparking backlash

Many people saw this as an unjust double standard: 'Yet another instance of the political elitism'

California Gov. Gavin Newsom sent his children back to their private school this week, while at the same time, the state has forbid hundreds of thousands of other kids from attending school in-person. Many people saw this development as an unjust double standard.

Newsom said his four children have returned to in-person learning at their private school, according to Politico.

"They're phasing back into school and we are phasing out of our very challenging distance learning that we've been doing, so many parents are doing up and down the state," Newsom said on Friday.

Newsom and his family lives in Sacramento County, where some schools have opened.

"All school grade levels in Sacramento County are permitted to conduct in-person instruction with required mitigation measures maintained (social distancing, face coverings, and sanitization) in compliance with California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Sacramento County Public Health," the Sacramento County website states.

Sacramento County was allowed by the state to reopen schools as of Oct. 13 after the county moved into the Red Tier 2, which means that there are "substantial" cases of coronavirus, but it is not "widespread," that would equate to much more stringent restrictions.

Politico noted that the "county's large public school districts — including San Juan Unified, which serves Newsom's neighborhood," have yet to reopen. The report added that San Juan Unified hopes to reopen in January.

There are nine counties, including highly populated Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties that have over 12.5 million residents, that the state will not allow schools to reopen fully for in-person instruction because they have been deemed to have "widespread" coronavirus cases, according to the California state COVID-19 website. Newsom has ruled that these counties may not reopen until they move into the "substantial" tier of COVID-19 cases for two consecutive weeks.

In counties with a lower adjusted coronavirus case rate and COVID-19 positivity rate, local school officials decide whether and when schools reopen. In schools that are not open, students must learn remotely.

"We absolutely believe that the social-emotional learning that occurs in the classroom is the best place for our kids, certainly the best place for their parents as well," Newsom said. "And so it is absolutely incumbent to do everything in our power to provide support to our districts so that they can safely reopen, emphasis on safely reopen."

Newsom's announcement that his children were going back to school raised eyebrows with many, and was met by backlash.


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93a236 No.132733

File: 3fd949a91f75ea6⋯.png (77.43 KB,623x780,623:780,Clipboard.png)

File: 9df259f5f9c1be5⋯.png (532.42 KB,622x648,311:324,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cab088e20cb138⋯.png (296.07 KB,637x822,637:822,Clipboard.png)

File: fa3843e4e1b98d3⋯.png (81.18 KB,643x901,643:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 12e64a0113ce01a⋯.png (58.05 KB,658x603,658:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377719 (311932ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden’s Hand in Corruption, Subversion and Crime in Guatemala

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Joe Biden’s Hand in Corruption, Subversion and Crime in Guatemala

In 2014 and 2015, then-Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Guatemala three times to pressure the government to maintain a United Nations body known as the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG). CICIG was established in Guatemala in 2006 under the pretext of prosecuting "crimes committed by members of illegal security forces and clandestine security structures," during Guatemala's long civil war. Instead, CICIG – an international body unaccountable to Guatemalan law, worked with Guatemala's Justice Ministry to arrest and jail the left's opponents. Many remain illegally detained to this day without trial. Two prominent doctors and a Guatemalan congressman died in jail. All suffered ill health, did not receive proper treatment and were detained much longer than legally allowed. None got a trial. All were absolved following their deaths.

Biden met with then-Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina, who did not want to renew CICIG's charter. The Obama administration had promised a $1 billion aid package to Northern Triangle countries (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador), but Biden made the aid and upcoming trade agreements contingent upon renewing CICIG's contract. First cajoling then threatening, Biden finally announced, "The CICIG is staying, period." Biden used this same tactic in Ukraine, where he bragged about threatening to withhold loan guarantees until the Ukrainian government fired the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden. Biden also sought Pérez's help in extending CICIG's rule to El Salvador and Honduras.

Pérez reluctantly agreed to renew CICIG's charter. He was then pressured to resign under accusations of corruption and stripped by the Guatemalan Congress of legal immunity. The day after he resigned he was arrested and thrown in jail. He has remained there ever since, without trial. In a Daily Caller interview from jail, Pérez called these efforts, "a coup without bullets."

Pérez said that, "CICIG amounts to a new form of U.S. interference in Guatemala's affairs and that his country has surrendered its sovereignty over its justice system by allowing the unit to operate."

CICIG's litany of abuses includes arbitrary arrest, detention and interrogation without charges or trial, fabricated evidence, illegal break-ins and denial of due process, pretrial detention for years longer than allowed by Guatemalan law and many other abuses. Some of the charges it has brought are valid, given endemic corruption in Guatemala. But CICIG's goal was not to stem corruption, rather to use it as a pretext to dispatch the left's enemies and install vastly more corrupt individuals who will advance the Communist cause in Guatemala.


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93a236 No.132734

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377764 (311936ZOCT20) Notable: THE GREAT RESET

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It's 2023. Here's How We Fixed the Global Economy


The U.S. began to change its approach after Nov. 3, 2020, when Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in the presidential election and the Democrats held the majority in both houses of Congress.



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93a236 No.132735

File: 08019190e30450c⋯.png (26.99 KB,600x308,150:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377793 (311938ZOCT20) Notable: More #Biden nefarious dealings!

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More #Biden nefarious dealings!




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93a236 No.132736

File: e49a34a87573966⋯.png (452.08 KB,1247x1308,1247:1308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377798 (311938ZOCT20) Notable: Rally Numbers

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Rally Numbers

still listening but DELFI interdasting

Super V 10 min in




180 million people

42 yrs

12 yrs

32% lost to mexico

47 years

3.5 yrs ago

6 & 7 Dollars

under $2

Laura Ingram LI?

100 Trillion

33.1 GDP

last 5 months

11.4 million jobs

19 years



10% or 50%


3million up front

1.5 billion

3.5 million from moscow

crowd 25,000 people

27,000 troops in mexico

10 years jail for knocking down statue

25% chicken tax

AOC +3

20-21years road ways

got it down to 2 years going to be 1 year

25% tarrif on cars if nafta

DELFI 33:01 min mark


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93a236 No.132737

File: b7e28d12339dd42⋯.png (25.82 KB,760x311,760:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377805 (311938ZOCT20) Notable: THE GREAT RESET

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"The U.S. began to change its approach after Nov. 3, 2020, when Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in the presidential election and the Democrats held the majority in both houses of Congress. Following his Inauguration in January 2021, President Biden moved quickly to rebuild frayed ties between America and Europe, setting up a forum to share collective intelligence that could inform a smarter form of government. European governments were eager to learn from the investment strategies used by the U.S. government—like those led by defense research agency DARPA—to spur research and development in high-risk technologies. And the U.S. was eager to learn from Europe how to create sustainable cities and reinvigorate civic participation."

The playbook

In Plain Sight


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93a236 No.132738

File: ee8cce93f85b7b7⋯.png (519.77 KB,645x590,129:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377810 (311939ZOCT20) Notable: Gov. Cuomo announces mandatory COVID-19 testing for out-of-state travelers

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Gov. Cuomo announces mandatory COVID-19 testing for out-of-state travelers

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132739

File: dcd835b89bd7460⋯.png (210.98 KB,646x480,323:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377814 (311940ZOCT20) Notable: Minnesota Absentee Ballot Tracking Site Crashes Three Days Before Election

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=Minnesota Absentee Ballot Tracking Site Crashes Three Days Before Election

A website that Minnesota residents can use to track their absentee ballots crashed for more than an hour Saturday morning three days before Tuesday’s election.

The problem stemmed from a “hardware issue” impacting online tools for voters and site issues with the Statewide Voter Registration System, a spokesperson from the secretary of state’s office told the Associated Press.

The spokesperson added that the site had been restored by 10:15 a.m.

The ballot tracking site had seen a huge uptick in usage as a record number of Minnesota residents opted to vote early this year.

But those checking the status of their ballot Saturday morning saw an error message until the website issues were resolved.

Lines formed at early voting centers in the state Saturday morning as more Minnesota residents dropped off their absentee ballots in person instead of voting by mail or voted early in person after a federal court ruling challenged whether mail-in ballots could be accepted after Election Day even if they are postmarked on November 3.


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93a236 No.132740

File: 96a8f80275a74b7⋯.png (477.2 KB,653x621,653:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377825 (311940ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Ukraine contact allegedly a ‘fixer’ for shady oligarchs

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Hunter Biden’s Ukraine contact allegedly a ‘fixer’ for shady oligarchs

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132741

File: e4465045f5aa76b⋯.png (145.08 KB,673x918,673:918,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377828 (311941ZOCT20) Notable: Gretchen Whitmer Administration Tightens Coronavirus Restrictions, Issues Guidelines for Trick-or-Treating

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Gretchen Whitmer Administration Tightens Coronavirus Restrictions, Issues Guidelines for Trick-or-Treating

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration tightened restrictions on residents on Friday despite a Supreme Court ruling throwing out her coronavirus-related executive orders.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) issued new orders, which include smaller indoor crowd sizes and new requirements for restaurants to collect contact information from patrons.

The State News reported:

All dine-in food service establishments are now required to maintain accurate records of the names and phone numbers of patrons who purchase food for consumption on the premises, along with the date and time of entry. If patrons refuse to give out this information then servers need to deny entry/service.

The department, headed by Robert Gordon, who does not have a background in public health, cut indoor gatherings from 500 to 50.

“The only way to beat COVID is to act on what we’ve learned since March,” Gordon said in a news release. “Wear masks. Keep six feet of distance. Wash hands. And avoid the indoor get-togethers where we have seen COVID explode.”

Those who refuse to comply face stiff fines or even jail time.

“Violations are punishable by a civil fine up to $1,000 and may also be treated as a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than six months or a fine of not more than $200, or both,” MDHHS said.

The department also threatened businesses that do not collect the demanded information.

“In addition, failure to comply with orders may violate a business or professional’s licensure requirements or present a workplace safety violation,” it said.

The department then provided an avenue for residents to tattle on businesses and patrons they feel have not sufficiently submitted.

Many residents did not take kindly to the new requirements, with some proposing to turn the tables on Whitmer and the bureaucrats.

The department recommended children always stay on the right and participate in “one-way” trick-or-treating. It urged parents “to only go to houses with safety measures in place.”


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93a236 No.132742

File: d9d0f0d8a9d4a43⋯.png (503.46 KB,598x597,598:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377838 (311942ZOCT20) Notable: Former Denver FBI Agent who Helped Capture Saddam Hussein Dies

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Former Denver FBI Agent who Helped Capture Saddam Hussein Dies


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93a236 No.132743

File: d233d3accb5c8cb⋯.png (480.31 KB,856x775,856:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377841 (311942ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: CALLING ALL LOCAL TRUMP SUPPORTERS — Mole Leaks Out Michigan Location of Obama-Sleepy Joe Rally — Help Welcome Them to Belle Isle!

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BREAKING: CALLING ALL LOCAL TRUMP SUPPORTERS — Mole Leaks Out Michigan Location of Obama-Sleepy Joe Rally — Help Welcome Them to Belle Isle!

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93a236 No.132744

File: 5e725a5eb175d38⋯.png (460.85 KB,857x636,857:636,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377855 (311944ZOCT20) Notable: AMAZING! Ivanka Trump Invites Law Enforcement Officers Who Worked on Recent Human Trafficking Rescues on Stage to Thank Them! (VIDEO)

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AMAZING! Ivanka Trump Invites Law Enforcement Officers Who Worked on Recent Human Trafficking Rescues on Stage to Thank Them! (VIDEO)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132745

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377865 (311945ZOCT20) Notable: THIS IS WHAT CONSENSUS CRACKING LOOKS LIKE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE

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>c23a02 (1)


>929322 (1)


>929322 (2)


>13fadf (2)


>e7e819 (1)


>3c73e1 (2)


>d9e2e4 (11)



>d9e2e4 (11)


>63756d (6)

>63756d (7)


>63756d (7)




>63756d (8)


>63756d (9)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132746

File: c1204f7afcc39a1⋯.png (125.64 KB,981x857,981:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377866 (311945ZOCT20) Notable: Statement From the President On Last Night’s Hostage Rescue

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Statement From the President On Last Night’s Hostage Rescue

Just now

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary


October 31, 2020

Last night, at my direction, the United States military conducted a successful operation to rescue an American hostage in Nigeria, kidnapped just 96 hours earlier. United States Special Forces executed a daring nighttime operation to rescue their fellow American with exceptional skill, precision, and bravery. No United States Service Members were harmed. The former hostage is currently in good health and has been reunited with his family.

Securing the freedom of Americans held in captivity abroad has been a top national security priority of my Administration. Since the beginning of my Administration, we have rescued over 55 hostages and detainees in more than 24 countries. Today’s operation should serve as a stark warning to terrorists and criminal thugs who mistakenly believe they can kidnap Americans with impunity.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132747

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11377945 (311952ZOCT20) Notable: #14531

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>>132746 Statement From the President On Last Night’s Hostage Rescue

>>132744 AMAZING! Ivanka Trump Invites Law Enforcement Officers Who Worked on Recent Human Trafficking Rescues on Stage to Thank Them! (VIDEO)

>>132743 BREAKING: CALLING ALL LOCAL TRUMP SUPPORTERS — Mole Leaks Out Michigan Location of Obama-Sleepy Joe Rally — Help Welcome Them to Belle Isle!

>>132742 Former Denver FBI Agent who Helped Capture Saddam Hussein Dies

>>132740 Hunter Biden’s Ukraine contact allegedly a ‘fixer’ for shady oligarchs

>>132741 Gretchen Whitmer Administration Tightens Coronavirus Restrictions, Issues Guidelines for Trick-or-Treating

>>132739 Minnesota Absentee Ballot Tracking Site Crashes Three Days Before Election

>>132738 Gov. Cuomo announces mandatory COVID-19 testing for out-of-state travelers

>>132736 Rally Numbers

>>132735 More #Biden nefarious dealings!

>>132733 Joe Biden’s Hand in Corruption, Subversion and Crime in Guatemala

>>132732 Gov. Gavin Newsom sends his children to private school when many California kids can't, sparking backlash

>>132731 Help needed. What language does Sleepy Joe speak ?

>>132730 Joe Biden’s Hand in Corruption, Subversion and Crime in Guatemala

>>132729 Michigan Bars and Restaurants Will Require Customers’ Names and Phone Numbers

>>132728 The 10 Cities In The Most Financial Distress

>>132727 Election Resurrection: Scheme to Register Dead Voters as Democrats Uncovered in Florida

>>132726 Open season when?

>>132725 A Collusion Tale: China and the Bidens

>>132724 Democratic presidential candidate Creepy Joe Biden will address the nation on Election Day from Wilmington, Delaware

>>132723 Drudge Report traffic plunges as content turns against Trump


>>132719 ‘Enough is enough’: How FinCEN Files exposes a broken system that keeps dirty cash flowing

>>132718 Bernie Tells Squad: ‘Electing Biden Is Not the End-All, It Is the Beginning’

>>132717 New interview. Lockdowns, facts, frauds … if you can't handle truth, use a mask to cover your eyes and ears

>>132716 Watch: Kamala Harris Introduced as ‘Next President of the United States’ During Texas Campaign Event

>>132715 Hugo Chavez’s ex-nurse indicted in US for money laundering

>>132714 Fireworks Over Nagorno-Karabakh: Azerbaijan Used Banned Phosphorus Munitions

>>132712 Group Responsible for 405 Trump Sign Comes Forward With Killer Pro-Trump Campaign Ad

>>132711 Joe Biden Interrupts Local Iowa Reporter Asking About Hunter’s Laptop From Hell, ‘It’s All a Smear From Russia – Classic Trump!’

>>132710 3 years ago today

>>132709 Obama officials were ‘bothered’ by Hunter Biden Burisma job: book

>>132705 U.S. Military Helicopter Crashed In Northeastern Syria – Reports

>>132707 #RIP Sean Connery who has asked for his last ping. Connery passed away this morning at the age of 90. He will always be Captain Marko Ramius to us.

>>132720, >>132721 NEW PDJT

>>132737, >>132734 THE GREAT RESET

>>132706, >>132708, >>132713, >>132704 /Comms/ Collection - Shilling hard today

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132748

File: 932c78908897993⋯.png (300.65 KB,557x391,557:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378050 (311959ZOCT20) Notable: Biden the Bully Fantasizes About Assaulting President Trump in Michigan Speech

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Biden the Bully Fantasizes About Assaulting President Trump in Michigan Speech

Joe Biden and Barack Obama traveled to Michigan on Saturday to a secret location.

A mole inside the Biden campaign revealed that China Joe and Barack Hussein Obama are in Belle Isle, Michigan.

Biden the bully fantasized about assaulting President Trump during his angry Michigan speech.

“The President likes to portray himself as a tough guy! When you were in high school wouldn’t you have liked to take the shot? Anyway, that’s a different story, but anyway,” Biden said.


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93a236 No.132749

File: dabd8c166383feb⋯.png (242.37 KB,729x772,729:772,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378055 (312000ZOCT20) Notable: French Police Have Detained Suspected Shooter Who Wounded Orthodox Priest in Lyon - Report

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French Police Have Detained Suspected Shooter Who Wounded Orthodox Priest in Lyon - Report

The development comes two days after three people were stabbed to death in the Notre-Dame basilica in the city of Nice and two weeks after an 18-year-old man of Chechen origin beheaded a schoolteacher in a Paris suburb.

French police have detained the suspected shooter who injured an Orthodox priest in Lyon earlier today, local media reported. French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has urged residents of Lyon to avoid the area around Jean-Macé sector, where the shooting occurred. The mayor of Lyon has said there is no information about the motive of the shooter.

Later, the prosecutor confirmed that an arrest had been made over the shooting.

Local media says the attack occurred when the priest, a Greek citizen, was closing the church. According to LyonMag, the perpetrator was armed with a sawed-off shotgun, fired his weapon twice, and fled the scene. The priest is reportedly in a serious condition.

🔴 #Lyon : un homme blessé par balle rue St-Lazare dans le 7e arrondissement, dans des circonstances encore obscures. Le tireur serait en fuite. Le secteur actuellement bouclé par les #policiers @lyonmag pic.twitter.com/8RUoFFXDNi

— Julien Damboise (@JDANDOU) October 31, 2020

​The French Interior Ministry has said on social media that security and rescue services are currently at the crime scene.

🔴 #ALERTE | Un événement est en cours à proximité du secteur Jean-Macé, dans le 7ème arrondissement à #Lyon.

Les forces de sécurité et de secours sont sur place. Un périmètre de sécurité a été installé.

⚠️ Évitez le secteur et suivez les consignes des autorités. pic.twitter.com/ZZxeTADcAF

— Ministère de l'Intérieur - Alerte (@Beauvau_Alerte) October 31, 2020

​Local media says the perpetrator is about 40 years old and didn’t know his victim. The shooter is still at large. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has said he is returning to Paris where he will form a crisis committee together with President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Jean Castex, who has already departed for the French capital.

#Lyon : Évitez le secteur et suivez les consignes.

Soutien à nos forces de sécurité et de secours sur place.

Je rentre à Paris et ouvre la cellule de crise, en lien avec le Président de la République et le Premier ministre.

— Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin) October 31, 2020


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93a236 No.132750

File: f90d5b5130980cb⋯.png (471.09 KB,597x793,597:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378056 (312000ZOCT20) Notable: AWACSs get thirsty too.

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AWACSs get thirsty too.

An E-3 Sentry is refueled over the @CENTCOM

area of responsibility. The E-3 Sentry is an airborne warning & control system aircraft with an integrated command & control battle management surveillance, target detection & tracking platform.



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93a236 No.132751

File: 9042e4e2b76995a⋯.png (175.82 KB,638x876,319:438,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378081 (312003ZOCT20) Notable: Where is Hillary? MATHs is noteworthy.

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Help me with a fucking math problem.

How many times did Killary Twat or retwat yesterday Oct. 30th?

and she has not twatretwat so far today, correct?

Correct, Motherfucker!?



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93a236 No.132752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378111 (312006ZOCT20) Notable: Here’s some fake news I expected months ago

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Here’s some fake news I expected months ago

Donald Trump’s Campaign Rallies Connected to Thousands of COVID-19 Cases, According to Stanford Study


Panic runs deep

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93a236 No.132753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378117 (312006ZOCT20) Notable: Reading Rally Live Link

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128k watching.

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93a236 No.132754

File: 54ef6dc693c16eb⋯.png (805.91 KB,1440x1351,1440:1351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378282 (312018ZOCT20) Notable: America is the Guiding Light of the Free World. It serves as the Keystone that holds together the world's arching society.

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America is the Guiding Light of the Free World. It serves as the Keystone that holds together the world's arching society.

Pennsylvania, the Keystone State, earned its name from its pivotal role in our Great Nation's founding, including the signing of America's Great Constitution.

The Keystone State is coming in clutch as the Patriots look to regain control of all branches of government, which will allow for The People to take back our Great Nation & hold the oppressors/traitors accountable.

The American Light will once again shine brightly throughout the world!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132755

File: 5680eeac151276e⋯.png (870.39 KB,1362x902,681:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378412 (312027ZOCT20) Notable: Business Associates Viewed Hunter Biden as Pipeline to Obama Administration, Researcher Says

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Figure Daily Mail and NY Post just tried to get ahead of this by publishing [Barack Obama's advisors were 'bothered' and thought it was 'unseemly' when Hunter Biden joined board of Burisma while Joe was VP and helping decide policy for Ukraine, new book claims], to cover for him.

Because Obama is connected.

Business Associates Viewed Hunter Biden as Pipeline to Obama Administration, Researcher Says

October 31, 2020

Hunter Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, was viewed as a pipeline to the Obama-Biden administration by his business associates, according to a researcher who focuses on government integrity who was provided access to emails between the associates.

“They viewed hunter Biden as a pipeline to the administration,” Seamus Bruner said during an interview with “Crossroads with Joshua Philipp.”

(Click here to watch the full interview.)

Bruner is the associate director of research at the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) and author of “Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption” and “Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties.”

The GAI is led by famed investigative journalist Peter Schweizer.

Bruner cited emails between Hunter Biden and his former associates including Devon Archer, Bevan Cooney, and Jason Galavis.

According to Bruner, one email said “let’s leverage Hunter Biden more,” another email allegedly described the “direct administration pipeline” as “other currency” when discussing how to pitch to investors.

The emails Bruner cited were provided by Cooney, who is currently in prison serving a sentence for his involvement in a 2016 bond fraud investment scheme.

Cooney authorized Schweizer access to his Gmail account after learning of his 2018 book “Secret Empires,” which casts lights on the Bidens’ foreign dealing.

Cooney’s brother, Scott Cooney, allowed Schweizer and him access to those emails, Bruner told The Epoch Times.

One of the emails, published by Breitbart on Oct. 20, sent by Biden business associate Jason Galanis to business partners Devon Archer and Bevan Cooney on Nov. 4, 2014, said: “I wanted to focus on the “other currency” we are bringing to the table … direct administration pipeline.”….


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93a236 No.132756

File: 62ea514accd8490⋯.png (30.81 KB,598x155,598:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378425 (312028ZOCT20) Notable: Monica The Living Humidor Tweets

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132757

File: b0e2ccf0da9a356⋯.mp4 (976.61 KB,640x800,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

File: da4cc4d1f323800⋯.png (432.5 KB,437x538,437:538,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378529 (312038ZOCT20) Notable: Children are DONE with lockdown. Open schools and playgrounds.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378720 (312057ZOCT20) Notable: #14532

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Noteables, save the good ones for the NB anons!


>>132748 Biden the Bully Fantasizes About Assaulting President Trump in Michigan Speech

>>132749 French Police Have Detained Suspected Shooter Who Wounded Orthodox Priest in Lyon - Report

>>132750 AWACSs get thirsty too.

>>132751 Where is Hillary? MATHs is noteworthy.

>>132752 Here’s some fake news I expected months ago

>>132753 Reading Rally Live Link

>>132754 America is the Guiding Light of the Free World. It serves as the Keystone that holds together the world's arching society.

>>132755 Business Associates Viewed Hunter Biden as Pipeline to Obama Administration, Researcher Says

>>132756 Monica The Living Humidor Tweets

>>132757 Children are DONE with lockdown. Open schools and playgrounds.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132759

File: 52126ea7da6f6e7⋯.png (398.02 KB,600x608,75:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378817 (312108ZOCT20) Notable: Bernie Sanders Cheerily Greets Trick-Or-Treaters Before Stealing Their Candy For Redistribution - Babylon Bee Tweet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bernie Sanders Cheerily Greets Trick-Or-Treaters Before Stealing Their Candy For Redistribution


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132760

File: be146cd6ca2b171⋯.jpg (96.2 KB,790x547,790:547,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378840 (312110ZOCT20) Notable: Lockdowns Recreated a Pre-Modern Caste System

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Lockdowns Recreated a Pre-Modern Caste System

If you test positive or refuse to be tested at all in New Zealand, prepare to be shipped out to a quarantine camp recently established by the government. Shocking, yes, but we have an analogous system in the US. If you test positive (which is not the same as actually being sick), you will be removed from school or forbidden from coming into the office. You could lose your job – or refused the opportunity to earn money. In many places in the country and the world where you travel today, you are subject to quarantine unless you can present a clean Covid test, regardless of profound questions that still surround the accuracy of such testing.

All these policies that stigmatize the sick, excluding them from society, follow directly from a strange twist in Covid policies. We started presuming that many or even most people will get the disease but seeking only to slow the pace at which it spread. Over time, we began to attempt the impossible, namely to stop the spread altogether. In the course of it, we’ve set up systems that punish and exclude the sick, or at least relegate them to a second-class status (a Scarlet Letter C on their chest, as it were) while the rest of us wait for the virus to go away either through a vaccine or some mysterious process by which the bug goes into retirement.

What really is going on here? It is resurrecting what amounts to a pre-modern ethos of how society deals with the presence of infectious disease. It’s not clear whether this is by accident or not. That it is in fact happening is indisputable. We are hurling ourselves in fits and starts toward a new system of castes, created in the name of disease mitigation.

Every pre-modern society assigned to some group the task of bearing the burden of new pathogens. Usually, the designation of the unclean was assigned based on race, language, religion, or class. There was no mobility out of this caste. They were the dirty, the diseased, the untouchables. Depending on the time and place, they were segregated geographically, and the designation followed from generation to generation. This system was sometimes codified in religion or law; more commonly this caste system was baked into social convention.

In the ancient world, the burden of disease was assigned to people not born as “free;” that is, as part of the class permitted to participate in public affairs. The burden was borne by the workers, merchants, and slaves who mostly lived away from the city – unless the rich fled the cities during a pandemic. Then the poor suffered while the feudal lords went to their manors in the country for the duration, forcing the burden of burning out the virus on others. From a biological perspective, they served the purpose of operating like sandbags to keep those in city free of disease. Pathogens were something to be carried and absorbed by them and not us. The elites were invited to look down on them, even though it was these people – the lower castes – who were operating as the biological benefactors of everyone else.

… Lockdowns are the worst of all worlds from the perspective of public health. More than that, lockdowns represent a repudiation of the social contract we long ago made in order to deal with infectious diseases. We worked for centuries to reject the idea that some group – some caste – should be permanently assigned the role of getting sick so that the rest of us can persist in an immunologically virginal state. We abolished the systems that entrenched such brutality. We decided that this is radically inconsistent with every civic value that built the modern world.

By reinstating ancient forms of exclusion, disease assignment or avoidance based on class, and social stigma of the sick, the lockdowners have created an astonishing pre-modern catastrophe.

There is more to The Great Barrington Declaration than a simple statement of cell biology and public health. It is also a reminder of a deal that modernity made with infectious diseases: despite their presence, we will have rights, we will have freedoms, we will have universal social mobility, we will include not exclude, and we will all participate in making the world safe for the most vulnerable among us, regardless of arbitrary conditions of race, language, tribe, or class.


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93a236 No.132761

File: 3e8e515a93fa17d⋯.jpeg (193.2 KB,1124x1140,281:285,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378843 (312110ZOCT20) Notable: Gen Flynn tweet - Conversation with Arch Bishop Carlos Vigano

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93a236 No.132762

File: 819b3916fd37361⋯.jpeg (345.73 KB,1124x1900,281:475,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378879 (312114ZOCT20) Notable: Anon notes on Gen Flynn tweet - Arch Bishop Carlos Vigano Talks pedophilia, corruption, culture of silence, blackmail, China, ect. NEED EYES AND EARS ON.

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Talks pedophilia, corruption, culture of silence, blackmail, China, ect.


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93a236 No.132763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378881 (312114ZOCT20) Notable: 'Blaming Wuhan' a documentary (Youtube Video)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132764

File: e9dffddd1ad9e35⋯.png (954.81 KB,601x868,601:868,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378887 (312115ZOCT20) Notable: A neighbor reports that AG William Barr's house in McLean is being picketed by Trump supporters who believe he's not doing enough to lock up Joe Biden

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It's come to this: A neighbor reports that AG William Barr's house in McLean is being picketed by Trump supporters who believe he's not doing enough to lock up Joe Biden


"Trump Supporters"


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93a236 No.132765

File: a0003145ce8faee⋯.mp4 (6.72 MB,640x800,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378906 (312117ZOCT20) Notable: 96 miles of Trump Supporters in Arizona (MP4 Video)

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96 Miles of Trump Supporters in Arizona


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93a236 No.132766

File: 033aeabd36ff913⋯.png (61.34 KB,841x451,841:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378980 (312123ZOCT20) Notable: Tweet from Chanel Rion OAN - Biden Tax Liens?

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And the hits just keep on comin'. Biden tax liens?


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93a236 No.132767

File: 9f8c5bd015efa30⋯.jpg (109.25 KB,1222x670,611:335,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378989 (312124ZOCT20) Notable: Wokeness - old religion in a new bottle

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Wokeness: old religion in a new bottle

Woke anti-racism certainly appears to have taken on the trappings of religion. White people have been seen washing the feet of black people and asking for forgiveness, a ritual firmly in line with the Christian tradition. And terms like ‘white guilt’ and ‘white privilege’ are treated much as Original Sin used to be – things for which humanity must forever atone.

One person who has long been exploring the religious fervour of today’s increasingly moralistic politics is the essayist and author Joseph Bottum. Indeed, his 2014 book, An Anxious Age: The Post-Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of America, seems almost prophetic. There he argued that the demise of traditional Protestantism in the US has led liberals to transfer their religious beliefs, habits and passions into the political realm, moralising it in the process. Our age of ‘post-Protestantism’, he concludes, has eroded the boundary between the religious and the political, infusing politics with a religious mindset and discourse.

spiked’s US correspondent, Sean Collins, caught up with Bottum, at his home in the Black Hills of South Dakota, to find out what he makes of the contemporary political moment, woke anti-racism and the phenomenon of cancel culture.


Collins: Why does the Elect have to go as far as to ‘cancel’? You could imagine a movement promulgating certain moral ideas in society, and hoping to win converts. Such a movement wouldn’t necessarily feel the need to purge others, who didn’t agree with them, from their workplaces and colleges. What drives the Elect to go to those lengths?

Bottum: Look, you wouldn’t want a Satan worshipper turning up at your Church on a Sunday. You would drive them out. But of course these people don’t live in churches any more. This is what happens when those old ideas break loose and become modes of behaviour in politics. They don’t want these people in their church, but their church is politics. Their congregation is Twitter. They want these people not to exist, they want them banished. There are the power reasons for this: look at how powerful I am; I am a 17-year-old kid, and I had a major US corporation kow-towing to me. But there’s also this kind of religious sense that we can’t let sinners into the church. That’s what shunning was for, to get people to confess their sins, to realise their sinfulness. That’s what we’re doing now – it’s just that the church, the locus of faith, is no longer your congregation on Sunday. It’s public life.

This demand that politics somehow solve everything is an apocalyptic, religious sense of politics. For hundreds of years American jurisprudence has worried about the impact of religion on politics. What’s really extraordinary is that it is finally happening – politics is becoming religionised – but it’s being done in the name of anti-religion.


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93a236 No.132768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11378990 (312124ZOCT20) Notable: International Q Research threads

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International Q Research Threads

>>>/qresearch/10705197 		————————————–——– Australia #10

>>>/qresearch/11358881 ————————————–——– Canada #9

>>129329		————————————–——– China #1

>>>/qresearch/8331823 		————————————–——– France #1

>>>/qresearch/11215013		————————————–——– Germany #69

>>>/qresearch/10838222		————————————–——– Italia #1

>>>/qresearch/9133907 		————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>>/qresearch/10497699		————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>>/qresearch/10524823		————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>>/qresearch/5290557 		————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>>/qresearch/10843151 		————————————–——– Scotland #1

>>>/qresearch/8033191 		————————————–——– South Africa #1

>>>/qresearch/11297393 		————————————–——– UK #24

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93a236 No.132769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379020 (312127ZOCT20) Notable: Millie Weaver @ America's Voice news reporting on BLM plans to cause ruckus after Election (youtube video)

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Yesterday from Steve Bannon’s WAR ROOM…

Millie Weaver @ America’s Voice news, got a ZoomChat for the plans to take over key cities including DC from the 4th to Inauguration day.

ZoomChat participant(s):

“Make sure what we are naming is a COUP. Tell everyone it is a COUP.”

“Come to the BLM Plaza on the 4th, we are going to shut down the WH on the 5th.”

“We know every access point of the WH, so we can blockade it.”

“We will be shutting down larger parts of DC.”

“We have been working on a “target” scenario, where are all the police stations, where are all the key government buildings are, who are the Trump boosters.”

‘We are going to meet Congressmen wherever they are coming in from, i.e., airports, and send them back where they came from until we deal with the situation we are in.”

“We are going to be in a “crisis”, but we want it to be one that “we are creating”.” Whoever’s(sic) got the “guns”, wins. Let’s take over the buildings.”

Wow…what balls. Just wow!

Start @ 33:15


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93a236 No.132770

File: 8a8633e9e3143f4⋯.png (706.57 KB,856x757,856:757,Clipboard.png)

File: 91eb87d27335a98⋯.png (324.96 KB,810x504,45:28,Clipboard.png)

File: f4be7adc7f259cd⋯.png (311.73 KB,834x766,417:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b0d9cbf298a0dd⋯.png (190.96 KB,810x327,270:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379023 (312127ZOCT20) Notable: Leaked Emails Reveal Bill Clinton and Hunter Biden Planned Trip Together To Haiti

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Leaked Emails Reveal Bill Clinton and Hunter Biden Planned Trip Together To Haiti

October 31, 2020

According to a leaked email sent by Hunter Biden, former President Bill Clinton invited him on a trip to Haiti in 2010 — as though Haiti didn’t have enough problems with the Clintons, without them bringing drug and sex-addicted degenerate son of Joe Biden to the island.

The email was found in a trove of leaked documents currently being reviewed in a joint effort by District Herald and the Nationalist Review, provided to the outlets on Friday by a source who obtained them from former Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

In an email on June 18, 2010, to President Bill Clinton’s deputy assistant and councilor, Doug Band, Joe Biden’s son Hunter discussed seeing the former president in Arkansas and being invited on a trip to Haiti with Clinton.

“Hope you’re doing well. I wanted to follow up on a conversation I had with President Clinton when I saw him in Arkansas last month. He expressed interest in me potentially joining him on one of his future trips to Haiti. Should the opportunity still exist, I would love to join him – particularly given my role as a member of the Board of Directors of Friends of the World Food Program. I have been in the loop on their efforts on the ground in the country and it’d be great to see it firsthand. Let me know what you think the best way to follow up is,” the email reads.

In response, Band wrote “Appreciate the invitation. We are in africa now and headed to moscow on 29, home 30. Let me know when your next in ny good luck with the event.”

In an email to Doug Davenport, Hunter Biden explained that the goal of the meeting was to secure the Haiti trip with Bill Clinton.

The email chain goes silent at this point and it is unclear if Hunter Biden ended up joining Bill Clinton in Haiti.

What happens in Haiti stays in Haiti?

Hunter Biden and his business associates are under an active FBI criminal investigation focussed on money laundering, a Department of Justice official has confirmed to Sinclair Broadcast Group.

The justice department official said the FBI probe into Hunter Biden’s international dealings was launched late last year and the investigation remains active.

Sinclair investigative reporter James Rosen has also spoken with a central witness in these allegations, which suggests that former vice president Joe Biden knew more than he has acknowledged about his son’s overseas dealings.


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93a236 No.132771

File: 1f608e5edf8c985⋯.jpg (38.57 KB,802x449,802:449,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379040 (312128ZOCT20) Notable: South Korea reports 83 dead from covid vaccination trial

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Coming to America…Anybody know Anything about the Swine flu of 1976

South Korea reports 83 deaths among people given flu jabs amid safety concerns with govt vaccination program

South Korea has reported that 83 people have died after receiving flu shots, a week after Seoul said it would probe its mass vaccination program. The government continues to insist the deaths aren’t linked to the jab.

The country’s public health agency, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), announced on Saturday that 83 people in total have died after participating in a free vaccination initiative billed as a way to offset potential complications from Covid-19.

Most of the deaths involved the elderly, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported, citing figures provided by the KDCA. Of the total number of fatalities, 37 people were in their 70s, followed by 34 people aged 80 or older. Four deaths involved people in their 60s, while eight individuals who passed away were under 60.

Health officials have repeatedly insisted that there is no evidence pointing to a direct link between the flu shots and the deaths. However, South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun called for an investigation into potential safety issues last week, when the number of people who died shortly after receiving flu shots reached 30. Earlier, the Korean Medical Association had called on Seoul to halt the program pending a full review.


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93a236 No.132772

File: 8c39ff37a97290a⋯.jpg (599.05 KB,872x848,109:106,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379052 (312129ZOCT20) Notable: 7 part digg on Dead Sea Scrolls

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Contains the Prophecy of the War of the Sons of Light Versus the Sons of Darkness


5:5 o7

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93a236 No.132773

File: e8f1c0177625bda⋯.png (6.36 MB,1125x2436,375:812,Clipboard.png)

File: b9359979ee045d1⋯.png (6.36 MB,1125x2436,375:812,Clipboard.png)

File: 981543c7828117f⋯.png (731.31 KB,1125x2436,375:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379063 (312129ZOCT20) Notable: Anon notes on Gen Flynn tweet - Arch Bishop Carlos Vigano Talks pedophilia, corruption, culture of silence, blackmail, China, ect. NEED EYES AND EARS ON.

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Dark to Light

It’s going to be biblical

Arch Bishop Carlos Vigano talks pedophilia, corruption, blackmail, conspiracy, deep state, deep church, agenda to destroy freedom and enslave humanity.

Part 1 - https://www.podbean.com/media/player/v7x2e-f0e81b-pb?vjs=1

Part 2 - https://www.podbean.com/media/player/vaqvs-f0e83c-pb?vjs=1


(Posted earlier but it was a messy post - making it clean & easy for anons.)

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93a236 No.132774

File: 46931cd8f6c0e8f⋯.png (241.12 KB,596x754,298:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379082 (312132ZOCT20) Notable: New ad DJT Jr tweet Shout out to anons

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New ad

DJT Jr twat

Shout out to anons

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93a236 No.132775

File: d3a88ac92fd03dd⋯.jpg (29.77 KB,806x420,403:210,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379103 (312133ZOCT20) Notable: Explosion at China Virus Hospital in Russia's Urals

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WATCH: Powerful oxygen EXPLOSION rocks Covid-19 hospital in Russia's Urals

An oxygen supply shed caught fire and exploded at a hospital for Covid-19 patients in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk. The moment of the powerful blast was captured in multiple videos.

The incident occurred in the southern Urals city on Friday, when a shed that housed a large oxygen canister caught fire at a local hospital. Some 170 patients, including 150 people with confirmed coronavirus, were in the hospital at the time of the blast. All the patients were safely evacuated.

Footage from the scene shows firefighters attempting to extinguish the blazing shed outside the hospital building. Realizing that the oxygen canister was about to explode, the first responders ran away from it moments before the tank blew up


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93a236 No.132776

File: c25c72a02068086⋯.png (359.09 KB,528x585,176:195,Clipboard.png)

File: 8844bded0d362ec⋯.png (300.61 KB,536x421,536:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379108 (312134ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden missed introduction by Obama in Michigan.

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Joe Biden just missed his introduction in Michigan. SAD!



Where is Joe Biden?


Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022

2:56 PM · Oct 31, 2020·TweetDeck

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93a236 No.132777

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379117 (312135ZOCT20) Notable: Self Appointed “Fact-Checking” Group NewsGuard, Gets Exposed After Trying To Smear Top Conservative Pages On Facebook Before Election

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Self Appointed “Fact-Checking” Group NewsGuard, Gets Exposed After Trying To Smear Top Conservative Pages On Facebook Before Election

Most fact-checking organizations are bullies, who ignore the lies told by far-left publications like CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, Buzzfeed, and others while focusing instead on labeling conservative news websites as fake or mostly fake news.

NewsGuard, a relative newcomer in the self-appointed arbiter of truth game, is certainly no exception.

NewsGuard’s Shayna Elliot wrote to 100 Percent Fed Up on Wednesday:

Your Facebook account (100 Percent Fed Up) is included based on a post* reviewed by NewsGuard which claims “372,000 mail-in ballots rejected” in “critical swing state” Pennsylvania, when in reality 372,000 ballot applications were rejected, a seemingly small but crucial distinction. Voters who were denied a mail-in ballot are still able to vote in person.


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93a236 No.132778

File: ed71d061fb73511⋯.png (745.12 KB,790x2365,158:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379148 (312138ZOCT20) Notable: Hillary interned the summer after college at law firm whose 4 partners included 2 communists and 2 that tolerated communists.

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Hillary interned the summer after college at law firm whose 4 partners included 2 communists and 2 that tolerated communists.



14 hours ago

2 min read

Hillary Clinton: Radical Leftist?

When you think Hillary Clinton, what's the first thing that springs to mind?

For me, it's pantsuits. No kidding. Pantsuits, followed by thoughts of her deceptive behavior with respect to Benghazi, her terrible accent when she proclaimed, "I don't feel no ways tired," in a speech in Selma, Alabama, and her many ties with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

A new discovery I made about her past in the wee hours of this morning have fleshed out a new side of Hillary I'd not noticed before. That discovery being her tie to Robert Treuhaft.

Who is Robert Treuhaft?

Robert Treuhaft was an American lawyer and former member of Communist Party USA who worked for labor unions and radical left causes for the majority of his life.

Well who should so happen to intern for Treuhaft after college but one Hillary Rodham Clinton. Check out this excerpt from A Woman in Charge: "The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton" by Carl Bernstein.

Hillary told [Bill Clinton] that she planned to spend the summer in Oakland, California, as an intern at the law firm of Treuhaft, Walker, and Burnstein.

Then, earlier in the book:

In Oakland, she would be working for the most important radical law practice on the West Coast, celebrated for its defense of constitutional rights, civil liberties, and leftist causes. "The reason she came to us," said Robert Treuhaft, the firm's senior principal, "the only reason I could think of because none of us knew her, was because we were a so-called Movement law firm at the time."

In all probability, Hillary found her way to the firm through her professor, Tom Emerson, an old friend of Treuhaft and some of his partners. "There was no reason except politics for a girl from Yale" to intern at the firm, said Treuhaft. "She certainly was…in sympathy with all the left causes, and there was a sharp dividing line at the time."

Treuhaft et al. had represented leaders of the labor movement on the West Coast who had been prosecuted for allegedly being members of the Communist Party. It had also represented some of the Black Panther leadership. Of the firm's four partners, "two were communists, and others tolerated communists," Treuhaft said, but none acknowledged membership in the party until many years later.

Source: https://www.google.com/books/edition/A_Woman_in_Charge/KG8oDvWH3ZYC?hl=en&gbpv=1&bsq=treuhaft

Her radical leftist roots have been out in the open for a long time now, but I've never seen so much as a single reference to this important factor of her political origins in all the time I've spent doing research. I certainly find it interesting that she sought out an internship in Oakland, California, with a member of the Communist Party. A lawyer who represented the Black Panthers, no less.

So, when I think Hillary Clinton, I feel I will now immediately think "pantsuits & Communism" from now on. A deadly combo indeed.

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93a236 No.132779

File: 677976d4c74ed13⋯.png (59.68 KB,609x572,609:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379163 (312139ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS / FLOTUS roundup from Chanel Rion OAN

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From: Chanel Rion

Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2020 5:03 PM

Subject: [EXTERNAL] FLOTUS Pool Report #7 – Arrival Wilkes-Barre-Scranton (AVP) Airport

FLOTUS Pool Report #7 – Arrival Wilkes-Barre-Scranton (AVP) Airport

Executive Foxtrot One was wheels down at Wilkes-Barre-Scranton International Airport (AVP) at 4:44pm EST.

FLOTUS exited plane at 5:00pm EST.

It is a nippy and partly cloudy 46 degrees in Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, PA.

At 5:03pm EST FLOTUS motorcade departs for Whitewoods roughly 40 minutes southwest of AVP.

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93a236 No.132780

File: e9503f826eea47c⋯.png (306.9 KB,708x1078,354:539,Clipboard.png)

File: de55d47f74a5431⋯.png (577.47 KB,6951x3171,331:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379172 (312140ZOCT20) Notable: Tweet with Hunter Biden corruption flow chart

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Saw this plea to help spread the info. This is the huge Biden Family map that was posted earlier.

@babyfist Twat is shadowbanned.

His truth threatens the MSM narrative, so @Jack silences him.

Anons who like his tweets would have to Follow to see them, or use direct link:



Have you seen this #HunterBiden Crime and Corruption Map?

#HunterBidensLaptop #HunterBidenEmails #Hunter

Retweet as Twitter is trying to censor this tweet!

This will not be seen if you do not help to get the word out.


Know what you are really voting for.

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93a236 No.132781

File: ea95ceeb1ddc816⋯.jpeg (238.64 KB,1102x1674,551:837,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 70ad4db8ca4b1c2⋯.jpeg (66.04 KB,507x767,39:59,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2f2f5409ba2bdc5⋯.jpeg (246.35 KB,1124x1675,1124:1675,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a5eddff4114c4c6⋯.jpeg (242.07 KB,1114x1680,557:840,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2ba56a4411fe3d7⋯.jpeg (444.67 KB,828x973,828:973,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379196 (312142ZOCT20) Notable: Bradley Birkenfeld - accurate predictions in 'Lucifer's Banker' book

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93a236 No.132782

File: 7c264732b214c39⋯.jpg (26.76 KB,704x359,704:359,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379221 (312144ZOCT20) Notable: Barr tells friends he would like to remain attorney general in second term if Trump is reelected

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Barr tells friends he would like to remain attorney general in second term if Trump is reelected

Attorney General William P. Barr — who has recently faced criticism from President Trump for not prosecuting his political rivals — has told friends and advisers in recent weeks that he hopes to stay on for some time in the next term, if Trump wins the election.

The assertion from the president’s top law enforcement official might otherwise be unsurprising, if not for the public pressure Trump has put on Barr in recent months to deliver results from an investigation Barr specially commissioned to review the FBI’s 2016 probe of possible coordination between Russia and Trump’s campaign.

Trump also has openly discussed with advisers firing FBI Director Christopher A. Wray after Election Day, even though Wray is only a little more than three years into what is normally a 10-year appointment. Barr has generally sought to shield Wray from Trump’s wrath, though his friends believe he would not resign in protest were the FBI director ousted, people familiar with the matter said. Like others, they spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the politically sensitive topic.


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93a236 No.132783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379239 (312146ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes Constellation Brands Connections Digg

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Remember the Constellation Brands/REVERIE (Modelo, Corona, wines etc) dig?

Think this is part of why we are being pointed to Finger Lakes.

old post that sparked questions

▶Anonymous 06/05/19 (Wed) 22:38:13 a06ee2 (1) No.6683475


110 N Marina Dr, Long Beach, CA 90803

First and ten (110)

On the 40.

Op pic related.

What company owns?

Headquartered where?

Owned by what family?

Donators to who?

Major areas of operation?


MX Border

What brands?

What infrastructure?

They are undoubtedly deeply connected to HRC

Follow the wives.

Where did they work?

Who did these firms defend? (NXIVM)

Bronfman's warchest.

$$,$$$,$$$.$$ makes the world go round.

That's just how they do business down there.

What else to do in a desert but bribe for some water?

Eagle pass importance?

TX and Rails.

Beer and Bush.


Border states are busy illicit corridors

What about border businesses?

Which way does Siemens slant?

Harmless or Cabal?

What's their business?


back to current dig

(Look into archives for more background on above)

Here were some subsequent posts with some answers

#5699165 at 2019-03-15 14:59:17 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7288: Hussein + 3-Letter-Agencies = TREASON Edition


Mondavi was founding member of OPUS 1 with JdRoths

Mondavi sold to Constellation Brands based in finger lakes region of NY

CB now owns part of O1 in partnership with Roths

Constellation Brands owned by Sands family

RS and RS brothers.

RoS's wife worked for Harris Beach law firm in NY

With Albany branch.

Client was NXIVM via Clare Bronfman as a bank roller.

Part of Clare's $50,000,000 warchest to defend NXIVM.

#5676226 at 2019-03-14 13:36:07 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7259: The Happy Birthday Einstein Edition


Look at the symbolism of Prisoner Wine Company.

Former Huneeus Brand

Who did he sell to?

CB = Early supporters of Senator HRC

Sea to Shining Sea

Napa to finger lakes

RS and RS

Follow the wives,

NXIVM law firm "hairy beach"

All coming full circle.

▶Anonymous 06/06/19 (Thu) 04:52:10 fb6bea (2) No.6684557

>>>/qresearch/6683475 (pb)

Started pulling this thread. Didn't take long to get to upstate NY,

NXIVM/Bronfman country, and Napa

including Clown vintner Agustin Hunneus

Ballast Point → Bought by Constellation Brands 2015 → Constellation Originally Canadaigua from Rochester NY→ Pres CEO Robert Sands /Chairman Richard Sands→ Franciscan Vineyards → Augistin Hunneeus

Constellation Brands is of course mostly owned by Blackrock and Vanguard. Their brands include own Modelo, Corona, Robert Mondavi wines


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93a236 No.132784

File: 99a1e49145642db⋯.jpg (47.2 KB,844x464,211:116,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379240 (312146ZOCT20) Notable: Pentagon Leaders Targeted in Retaliation for Soleimani Assassination

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Pentagon Leaders Targeted in Retaliation for Soleimani Assassination

In September, the Pentagon’s senior leadership was briefed by military, intelligence, and law enforcement officials on credible domestic and overseas threats against Washington’s military and civilian leaders, sources reported. These active threats could possibly be related to the assassination of Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani as Iran may be looking to retaliate.

The briefings, according to media sources, show that security officials believe that senior U.S. leadership involved in the Soleimani assassination has been targeted. NBC News was the first to break the story

This week, Defense Secretary Mark Esper has been traveling in the Middle East and South Asia. His security staff kept a tighter lid than usual on any information regarding his itinerary, suggesting that there are heightened security measures in place. Reporters traveling with Secretary Esper were not allowed to report about his visits to Bahrain or Israel until after he left each country, although he spent two nights in Bahrain.

Officials from the FBI, CIA, and the Pentagon first met on September 22 following an incident involving a senior Department of Defense official who had been followed by an Iranian national after leaving the Pentagon.

The American official was in a black government SUV driven by a security detail when an Iranian national, driving a car with Virginia plates, followed him for five to seven miles, driving “aggressively” at times, according to the security detail. The security detail was able to lose the suspected tail by changing routes

There was disagreement between the FBI and the Pentagon on whether this classifies as a serious attempt to target a senior Defense Department leader. The FBI is not considering it a serious concern. Reportedly, it investigated the individual and found no correlation between him and the Iranian government.


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93a236 No.132785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379250 (312147ZOCT20) Notable: Anon opines on spontaneous Trump Rally that broke out by his home

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there's enthusiasm like i've never seen before. muh wifeanon heard honking this morning about 11am, went outside and we could see vehicles w/american and trump flags driving down one of our towns main streets.

we quickly got in muh truck, to see what was up, miles and miles of cars, trucks bearing flags, couldn't help but join in, it was bitchen!

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93a236 No.132786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379260 (312148ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes Constellation Brands Connections Digg

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#6684792 at 2019-06-06 14:59:33 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8548: Wednesday Night Edition


Moar on the Sands…

More recently Richard and Robert Sands have become a giant connection in Napa. They are better known for their ownership of Constellation brands, the world's largest winery, which now includes the legendary Robert Mondavi winery and Franciscan in Rutherford, and the newly acquired Atlas Peak Winery. Their great grandfather was Elias Sandomirsky, a Jewish merchant who emigrated from Russia in 1903 with his eight sons.

It was at Ellis Island where the family name was truncated to Sands. Their grandfather, Mordecai (Max), distributed bottles to wineries in the thirties. When his son, Marvin mustered out of the navy following World War II, Max urged him to purchase the Canandaigua winery in New York's wine country.

According to company spokesman, Mike Martin, its original offering and grand money maker was a sweet, Catawba-based wine, called Richard's Wild Irish Rose, and was named after Marvin's first son, who is now chairman of the company. From these small beginnings, the company has expanded to include other world known wineries beyond Napa, such as Buena Vista, Clos du Bois, Geyser Peak, Kim Crawford, Ravenswood, Ruffino and Simi.



Always label themselves

Today, Canandaigua is the country's second-largest wine producer after E.& J. Gallo; the second-largest beer importer, after Heineken, and the fourth-largest spirits producer. Worldwide, it is third in wine production and 10th in spirits.

Sands served as chief executive of Canandaigua, which is now based in Fairport, a suburb of Rochester, from 1945 until 1993. During his career, he was also president of the finger lakes Wine Growers Association and was a founder of the American Vintners Association, a national trade group.

Richard Sands took over as president of Canandaigua in 1993 and chief executive in 1996. Another son, Robert Sands, is chief executive for international operations and vice president and general counsel of Canandaigua Brands and chief executive of the Canandaigua Wine Co.

Sands was active in community affairs and in

Among his leadership roles, he was chairman of F.F. Thompson Health Systems and affiliated organizations for more than 25 years. He was instrumental in the establishment of the finger lakes Performing Arts Center, which was constructed as the summer home of the Rochester Philharmonic.

*Here is a link between Mondvai (above) and Rothschild

Opus One Winery is a winery in Oakville, California, United States. The wine was called napamedoc until 1982 when it was named Opus One. The winery was founded as a joint venture between Baron Philippe de Rothschild of Château Mouton Rothschild and Robert Mondavi to create a single Bordeaux style blend based upon Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. It is located across State Route 29 from the Robert Mondavi Winery. The creation of this winery venture in 1980[1] was big news in the wine industry; de Rothschild's involvement added an air of respectability to the burgeoning Napa wine region.



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93a236 No.132787

File: 18d3d30921fd45c⋯.jpg (193.39 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379262 (312148ZOCT20) Notable: Never Trumper Rick Gates and John Podesta comms

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93a236 No.132788

File: 8296d2c688eb561⋯.jpg (41 KB,643x480,643:480,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379272 (312149ZOCT20) Notable: Portland Antifa Invades Vancouver — Attacks Restaurant Patrons

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WATCH: Portland Antifa Invades Vancouver — Attacks Restaurant Patrons

A large group of Antifa protesters from Portland, Oregon, crossed the river into Vancouver, Washington, and attacked patrons of local restaurants. Protesters carried Antifa, and Black Lives Matter flags and signs.

A “large mob of BLM-antifa from Portland are marching through Vancouver, Wash,” journalist Andy Ngô tweeted. “They’ve attacked bar patrons on the way & confronted people at their homes.”

“Burn it down!”

Large mob of BLM-antifa from Portland are marching through Vancouver, Wash. They’ve attacked bar patrons on the way & confronted people at their homes. pic.twitter.com/xhi3jUJS25

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) October 31, 2020

As the group entered a business district lined with restaurants and bars, Antifa brutally assaulted a man — kicking him repeatedly as he fell to the ground.


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93a236 No.132789

File: 6ac822693079e7b⋯.png (21.08 KB,314x402,157:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379275 (312149ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS up by 7 in Utah

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#Utah Poll:

Trump 51% (+7)

Biden 44%

Y2 Analytics

(660 LV, 10/15-24)

Translate Tweet

5:46 PM · Oct 31, 2020·Twitter for Android

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93a236 No.132790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379279 (312150ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes Constellation Brands Connections Digg

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*Now I had some previous digs that delt with the wine industry in South Africa that links Rothschild to the Rupert Family. This dig started with "Follow the Watch" referring to following the watch Q posted by looking into the maker, IWC.

IWC was acquired by Richemont in 2000

"In July 2000, LMH was acquired by Richemont, a Zug-based luxury goods behemoth, for CHF 2.8 billion. Despite the takeover by Richemont, IWC was guaranteed that it would continue to be managed by the same executives from the LMH Group. "


Richemont was founded by Johann Rupert

Compagnie Financière Richemont SA, also known as Richemont, is a Switzerland-based luxury goods holding company founded in 1988 by South African businessman Johann Rupert. Through its various subsidiaries, Richemont produces and sells jewellery, watches, leather goods, pens, firearms, clothing and accessories. Richemont is publicly traded as CFR on the SIX Swiss Exchange and the JSE Securities Exchange.

The brands it owns include A. Lange & Söhne, Azzedine Alaïa, Baume & Mercier, Buccellati, Cartier, Chloé, Dunhill, IWC Schaffhausen, Giampiero Bodino, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lancel, Montblanc, Officine Panerai, Piaget, Peter Millar, Purdey, Roger Dubuis, Vacheron Constantin, and Van Cleef & Arpels.

As of November 2012, Compagnie Financière Richemont SA is the sixth largest corporation by market capitalization in the Swiss Market Index. As of 2017, Richemont is the third-largest luxury goods company in the world after LVMH and Estée Lauder Companies.[3]

Johann Rupert founded Compagnie Financière Richemont SA in 1988 when he spun off the international assets of Rembrandt Group Ltd. (now Remgro Limited), a South Africa-based company founded in the 1940s by his father, Anton Rupert.[4][5] The luxury goods investments of Rembrandt Group combined with Rothmans International formed the initial group of Richemont subsidiaries.[6][7]

In March 2007, Richemont and Polo Ralph Lauren Inc. announced the formation of a 50/50 joint venture, the Polo Ralph Lauren Watch and Jewelry Company SÀRL.[8]

In October 2008, the Group divested all of its remaining interests in the tobacco industry.[9]

As of November 2012, Compagnie Financière Richemont SA is the sixth largest corporation by market capitalization in the Swiss Market Index.[10] As of 2014, Richemont is the second-largest luxury goods company in the world after LVMH.[11]

*Previous stake in Vivendi (Bronfman)


Rupert Family and Rothschilds have history regarding Rothmans tobacco and British American Tobacco companies.

They also have a wine partnership

Rupert & Rothschild VIGNERONS

A Partnership

In 1997, under the leadership of Dr Anton Rupert and Baron Edmond de Rothschild, Rupert & Rothschild Vignerons was established. Both men later relinquished the reigns to their respective sons; Anthonij Rupert and Baron Benjamin de Rothschild. Following the passing of Anthonij Rupert in 2001, his older brother Johann Rupert and sister Hanneli Rupert-Koegelenberg assumed his position.


And if you really wanna go deeper, look into the history of the 1001 club and the Safari club.

n 1948, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) was erected, mainly by Sir Julian Huxley, a famous biologist. Later, on September 11, 1961, Julian Huxley officially established the WWF, together with people like Prince Bernhard and Prince Philip. Ten years later, around 1971, WWF officials Anton Rupert, Prince Philip, and Prince Bernhard came together and decided to form a club that would generate an independent source of income for the WWF.


Anton Rupert is said to have been the one who came up with the idea. Bernhard became the ’figurehead’, just as Joseph Retinger’s secretary described his role in the creation of Bilderberg. Bernhard was well liked, knew many people on both sides of the Atlantic, and as a prince, he was considered neutral.


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93a236 No.132791

File: 83dba78a3361eff⋯.png (223.04 KB,607x341,607:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379285 (312150ZOCT20) Notable: Prayer for President Trump from anon

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Almighty Father, I pray for President Trump and all who work with him to fulfill your heavenly destiny for mankind one earth. May his election-win be so clear and decisive that the enemies of God and Man cannot hide it, and that the truth is obvious for all America, indeed all the world, to see plain as day. In your name, Father, I pray this. Amen

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93a236 No.132792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379287 (312150ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes Constellation Brands Connections Digg

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Anton Rupert appointed the Belgian economist Charles de Haes as Bernhard’s personal assistant. These two approached most of the individuals that would be invited to the 1001 Club. In 1974, all the members were recruited, each of them having paid the one-time contribution of $10,000. From this point on, we have very little information about how the club organizes its meetings and how much each of the members keep contributing. In 1980, Private Eye magazine wrote (1):

"The puzzling question is what do the ’1001’ get for their money apart from private prestige and the privilege of dining with Prince Bernhard or the Duke of Edinburgh?"

This is the only reference I (initially) found that talks about this club actually arranging meetings. The mentioning of diners seems to indicate the 1001 Club is organized in the same way as the Pilgrims Society, which arranges diners two or three times a year with several hundred members attending at a time. With every diner you have several guest speakers that are invited. Of course, if the 1001 Club has been set up in the same way is only our best guess. One thing we do know is that new members were still invited in 1996. On the website of Buttonboss Plc. we can read in their history section:




An obvious difference between the Anglo-American Pilgrims Society is that members of the 1001 Club are recruited from all over the world. You have:

Edgar Bronfman and Maurice Strong from Canada

Henry Ford and Robert McNamara from the United States

Antenor Patino and Gustavo Cisneros from Latin America

Sir Peter Cadbury and Lord Buxton from the United Kingdom

Hilmar Reksten and Alf Bjercke from Norway

Prince von Thurn und Taxis and Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza from Germany

Mobutu Sésé Seko Nkuku wa za Banga (don’t you just love that name) and Salay Edu from Africa

Mohammed Al-Naki and Agha Abedi from the Middle-East

Gyanendra Dev from Nepal

Sir Kenneth Fung and Sir Y.K. Pao from Hong Kong


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93a236 No.132793

File: 72cd55861db28a0⋯.jpeg (298.2 KB,640x837,640:837,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 84e217c1b94895e⋯.jpeg (227.63 KB,640x883,640:883,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379307 (312152ZOCT20) Notable: 5G digg

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Anons.. I’ve dismissed a lot of the 5g conspiracy theories and often thought of them as being unfounded and plain crazy.

This has since changed. I’ve recently discovered that electricity is being used in administration of vaccines and genetic engineering. This process is called electroporation. I believe the threshold for this is voltage which is higher than 60v. 5g has a variance of how much power is transmitted but can be as high as 120 watts.

I then came across this article where it says they are now able to perform electroporation wirelessly. So this brings a great deal of concern and worry.

In theory, we could consume or breath in something that could be activated within ourselves by a wireless signal. They can change our dna or activate foreign molecular bodies via wireless signal.

These are insane times we live in.



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93a236 No.132794

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379313 (312153ZOCT20) Notable: DEA raids Newburyport office of Dr. Keith Ablow, controversial psychiatrist who settled malpractice lawsuits

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DEA raids Newburyport office of Dr. Keith Ablow, controversial psychiatrist who settled malpractice lawsuits

By Travis Andersen and Laura Crimaldi Globe Staff,Updated February 13, 2020, 6:17 p.m.

[Keith Ablow, pictured in a 2009 file photo.CJ Gunther/Pool, European Pressphoto Agency via AP]

The Drug Enforcement Administration on Thursday raided the Newburyport office of Dr. Keith R. Ablow, a controversial psychiatrist whose medical license was suspended last year after state regulators alleged he drew three female patients into sexual relationships and improperly prescribed medications, including addictive narcotics, to eight people who worked for him.

Investigators searched Ablow’s office on Water Street as part of an "ongoing investigation” said Special Agent Timothy Desmond, a DEA spokesman. He declined to provide details about the investigation or describe what was seized from the building where Ablow operated Baystate Psychiatry until last May when the state suspended his medical license.

Ablow, 58, wasn’t taken into custody and hasn’t been charged with a crime, Desmond said. He referred further questions to federal prosecutors, who declined to comment.

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93a236 No.132795

File: 738dbac43bf5d90⋯.png (869.18 KB,1551x705,11:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379319 (312154ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden incest - look at the bracelet

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93a236 No.132796

File: 64e90dac207de57⋯.png (184.3 KB,776x382,388:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379369 (312158ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes Constellation Brands Connections Digg

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Forgot a key point

The company was established in 1945 by Marvin Sands in the Finger Lakes region of New York as Canandaigua Industries, selling bulk wine to bottlers in the eastern United States.[9] In its first year, the company sold approximately 200,000 gallons of wine and had gross sales of $150,000.[10]

The company was incorporated as Canandaigua Wine Company, Inc. in 1972 and went public in 1973.[11] Marvin's son Richard Sands became president in 1993 and CEO in 1996.[9] In 1999, Marvin Sands died following a brief illness.[9]

In 2000, the company changed its name to Constellation Brands, Inc. to reflect the scope of the company and its range of brands.[10] In 2007, Rob Sands was named president and CEO.[12]

In 2017, the company began investing in medical marijuana. In March 2019, Bill Newlands became CEO.[13]


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93a236 No.132797

File: 9982298c712b717⋯.png (207.89 KB,792x707,792:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379377 (312159ZOCT20) Notable: Tom Fitton tweet BREAKING:@Instagram (owned by @Facebook) throttling its entire system to restrict information flow through hashtags. Unprecedented censorship of 1 billion users– all to protect Joe Biden and hurt @realDonaldTrump

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'''@Tom Fitton"

1h ago


(owned by @Facebook

) throttling its entire system to restrict information flow through hashtags. Unpresented censorship of 1 billion users– all to protect Joe Biden and hurt @realDonaldTrump


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93a236 No.132798

File: 7d788b65d75a9c3⋯.png (234.24 KB,600x616,75:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379379 (312159ZOCT20) Notable: IDF tweet - RIP Sean Connery

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93a236 No.132799

File: 8432f406d86864c⋯.png (418.83 KB,497x919,497:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379394 (312201ZOCT20) Notable: MSM poking fun at Hillary?

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MSM making fun of HRC?

Fact check: A birthday tweet from Hillary Clinton was edited to be about Amy Coney Barrett

Camille Caldera, USA TODAY 5 hrs ago

A post on Instagram from Not the Bee — a humor-based news, opinion and entertainment site from the creators of The Babylon Bee — depicts an edited tweet from Hillary Clinton.

"Happy birthday to this future president," the tweet appears to read, with a black-and-white photo of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning.

In the post, the word "birthday" has been crossed out and replaced with the word "confirmation." The word "president" has been crossed out and replaced with the word "justice."

In its new form, it reads, "Happy confirmation to this future justice."

The post went up on Oct. 26, the day the Senate voted 52-48 to confirm Barrett to the high court, per USA TODAY.

Not the Bee has not responded to a request from USA TODAY for comment.

Post is a riff on a real tweet from Clinton in 2016, which since has become a meme

The post is based on a real tweet from Clinton in 2016.

On Oct. 26, 2016, she posted a photo of herself as a child on Twitter along with the caption "Happy birthday to this future president."

Two weeks later, on Nov. 8, 2016, she lost the election to President Donald Trump.

In its post, Not the Bee simply subbed out the black-and-white photo of Clinton with a photo of Barrett and added its strikethroughs and substitute text.

The photo is a real portrait Barrett — then known as Amy V. Coney — that hangs in a student hall of fame display in Southwestern Hall at Rhodes College, per the Commercial Appeal in Memphis, Tennessee.

Not the Bee is not the first to poke fun at Clinton for her premature tweet.

In 2017, the DailyDot — an outlet that reports on internet culture — marked the tweet's first anniversary with a compilation of jokes about it.

"It's a tweet that will surely haunt us every year on Oct. 26," the story predicted.

So far, it's been right.

Fox News rounded up over a dozen jokes about the tweet this week.

Others also pointed out that the tweet (and birthday) coincided with the vote that confirmed Barrett to the Supreme Court — solidifying a conservative majority on the court.

Even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell got in on the fun.

"It was a wonderful birthday present for Hillary Clinton to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court Monday night on her birthday," he said, per Newsweek. "I'm sure she was so grateful. So grateful."

Our rating: Satire

Based on our research, the post from Not the Bee is SATIRE. In 2016, Hillary Clinton tweeted a photo of herself as a child on her birthday with the caption, "Happy birthday to this future president." After she lost the election, it became a meme. This year, her birthday coincided with the confirmation vote for Justice Amy Coney Barrett — fueling further jokes and parodies, like the one created by Not the Bee.

Our fact-check sources:

USA TODAY, Oct. 26, Amy Coney Barrett confirmed to the Supreme Court, giving conservatives a 6-3 majority

Hillary Clinton, Oct. 26, 2016, Tweet

Commercial Appeal, Oct. 7, Amy Coney Barrett at Rhodes College

DailyDot, Oct. 26, 2017, The right can’t stop laughing at this old Hillary Clinton birthday tweet

Fox News, Oct. 26, 4-year anniversary of infamous Hillary Clinton tweet draws mockery: ‘Never forget’

Newsweek, Oct. 30, Mitch McConnell Calls Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation 'Wonderful Birthday Present for Hillary Clinton'


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93a236 No.132800

File: b17e607243450a7⋯.jpg (33.35 KB,773x274,773:274,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379415 (312203ZOCT20) Notable: Harvard Exploring the Renaming of Pretty Much Everything on Campus

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The Dumbing Down of America…Strikes again

Harvard Exploring the Renaming of Pretty Much Everything on Campus

“names or representations should be removed in view of their past advocacy or support of activities that many members of our community would today find abhorrent”

This is so hypocritical. Harvard can rename everything on campus, but they will never drop the name Harvard. Know why? Because it’s a billion dollar brand. Same applies to Yale.

The College Fix reports:

Harvard to explore renaming *almost everything* named for historical figures on campus (seriously)

Harvard University recently announced its 16-person committee to explore the possible renaming of buildings, programs, professorships and places on campus.

The committee at this point will not rename anything but has been asked to develop the guidelines for determining what should and should not be renamed.


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93a236 No.132801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379431 (312205ZOCT20) Notable: Melania live (Youtube live broadcast)

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Melania is live on here

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132802

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379433 (312206ZOCT20) Notable: archive bread links

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You're not baking anymore? Of course they are impersonating again.

Well here DB.

Q's Latest Posts~ Newest!

>>132042 ————————————–——– Fact checkers created in effort to reinforce propaganda [digestion]? (Cap: >>132044)

>>132037 ————————————–——– TIME magazine - The Great Reset - This is not about R v D


Previously Collected Notables As of 10.30.2020~ A "Global Review" Of Daily Events. ~ "Tracking Events so You Don't Have To!"

> (So HARD! {KEK!})


Mini Guide for Reading PCN List Below:Asterisk * = NumberBaker Error & Asterisk+ *~ = No FinalCritical Errors In Addition To NumberBaker Error

Saturday 10.31.2020

>>132747 #14531, >>>/qresearch/11378783 #14532,*

>>132636 #14528, >>132671 #14529, >>132703 #14530

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>>/qresearch/11374911 #14527,*~ >>132636 #14528

>>132489 #14524,* >>132550 #14525,* >>132587 #14526*

>>132403 #14521, >>132446 #14522, >>132483 #14523

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Saturday 10.31.2020

Fillin up todai.

Friday 10.30.2020

>>132403 #14521

>>132359 #14518,* >>132379 #14519, >>132393 #14520,*

>>132298 #14515, >>132317 #14516, >>132342 #14517

>>132217 #14512, >>132247 #14513, >>132264 #14514*

>>132085 #14509,* >>132124 #14510,* >>132176 #14511*

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>132020 #14507,* >>132045 #14508,* >>132085 #14509*

>>131914 #14504,* >>131989 #14505,* >>>/qresearch/11358440 #14506*

>>131737 #14501,* >>>/qresearch/11355371 #14502,* >>131836 #14503*

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Friday 10.30.2020

Thursday 10.29.2020

>>>/qresearch/11352743 #14499,*~ >>131711 #14500,* >>131737 #14501*

>>131568 #14496,* >>131612 #14497,* >>131642 #14498*

>>131450 #14493,* >>131487 #14494,* >>131535 #14495*

>>>/qresearch/11346249 #14491,* >>>/qresearch/11347500 #14491,*~ >>131396 #14492*

>>131238 #14487,*~ >>>/qresearch/11344629 #144889,* >>>/qresearch/11345390 #14490*

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>131238 #14487*~

>>131198 #14484, >>>/qresearch/11341566 #14485,*~ >>>/qresearch/11342965 #14486*

>>>/qresearch/11338660 #14481,*~ >>131098 #14482,* >>>/qresearch/11340423 #14483*

>>131033 #14479,* >>>/qresearch/11337831 #14479,* >>>/qresearch/11337905 #14480*

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thursday 10.29.2020

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379436 (312206ZOCT20) Notable: archive bread links

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wednesday 10.28.2020

>>131007 #14478,* >>131033 #14479,*

>>130938 #14475,* >>130959 #14476,* >>>/qresearch/11334786 #14477*~

>>>/qresearch/11330974 #14472,* >>130895 #14473,* >>130918 #14474*

>>130785 #14470,* >>>/qresearch/11329471 #14470*~ >>130839 #14471*

>>130654 #14467,* >>>/qresearch/11327100 #14468,* >>>/qresearch/11327848 #14469*

>>>/qresearch/11324191 #14464,* >>130578 #14465,* >>>/qresearch/11325444 #14466*

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>130501 #14463,* >>>/qresearch/11324191 #14464*

>>>/qresearch/11320153 #14460,*~ >>130461 #14461,* >>130483 #14462*

>>130373 #14457, >>130401 #14458, >>130422 #14459

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Wednesday 10.28.2020

Tuesday 10.27.2020

>>130373 #14457,

>>130225 #14453,* >>130257 #14454,* >>130306 #14455

>>130177 #14450,* >>130194 #14451,* >>130209 #14452*

>>130101 #14447,* >>>/qresearch/11312286 #14448,* >>130151 #14449*

>>>/qresearch/11308472 #14444,* >>130042 #14445,* >>130065 #14446*

>>129894 #14441,* >>129910 #14442,* >>129940 #14443*

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>129877 #14440,* >>129894 #14441,*

>>>/qresearch/11302953 #14437,*~ >>129849 #14438,*~ >>129867 #14439*

>>129780 #14434,* >>129799 #14435,* >>129816 #14436*

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tuesday 10.27.2020

Monday 10.26.2020

>>129727 #14432,* >>129762 #14433,* >>129780 #14434*

>>129670 #14429,* >>129686 #14430,* >>129709 #14431*

>>129603 #14426,* >>129632 #14427,* >>129650 #14428*

>>129509 #14423,* >>129537 #14424,* >>129569 #14425*

>>129406 #14420,*~ >>129430 #14421,* >>>/qresearch/11290740 #14422*~

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>129406 #14420*~

>>129351 #14417,* >>129363 #14418,* >>>/qresearch/11287840 #14419*~

>>129308 #14414,* >>129326 #14415,* >>129337 #14416*

>>129251 #14411,* >>129278 #14412,* >>>/qresearch/11283570 #14413*~

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Monday 10.26.2020

Sunday 10.25.2020

>>129251 #14411*

>>129107 #14408,* >>129148 #14409,* >>129184 #14410*

>>128989 #14405,*~ >>129039 #14406,* >>>/qresearch/11278716 #14407*

>>128909 #14402,* >>128934 #14403,* >>128960 #14404*

>>128824 #14399, >>128852 #14400, >>128887 #14401

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>128824 #14399,

>>128727 #14396,* >>>/qresearch/11269992 #14397,* >>128767 #14398*

>>128631 #14393,* >>128686 #14394,* >>>/qresearch/11268818 #14395*~

>>128447 #14390,* >>128519 #14391,* >>128587 #14392*

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sunday 10.25.2020

Saturday 10.24.2020

>>128447 #14390,*

>>128343 #14387,* >>>/qresearch/11263536 #14388, >>128416 #14389*

>>128259 #14384,* >>>/qresearch/11261259 #14385, >>128311 #14386

>>128171 #14381,* >>128205 $14382, >>128233 #14383

>>>/qresearch/11255791 #14378, >>>/qresearch/11256715 #14379,* >>128130 #14380*

>>128032 #14375,* >>>/qresearch/11254290 #14376, >>>/qresearch/11254992 #14377*

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>127981 #14374,* >>128032 #14375,* >>>/qresearch/11254290 #14376

>>>/qresearch/11250439 #14371,* >>127881 #14372,* >>127934 #14373*

>>127729 #14368,* >>127774 #14369,* >>127807 #14370*

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Saturday 10.24.2020

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379444 (312207ZOCT20) Notable: archive bread links

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By the way…

All Your Base are Belong To Us.



>Godspeed 07

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379546 (312217ZOCT20) Notable: #14533,

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Final NOTES for #14533

>>132759 Bernie Sanders Cheerily Greets Trick-Or-Treaters Before Stealing Their Candy For Redistribution - Babylon Bee Tweet

>>132760 Lockdowns Recreated a Pre-Modern Caste System

>>132761 Gen Flynn tweet - Conversation with Arch Bishop Carlos Vigano

>>132762 , >>132773 Anon notes on Gen Flynn tweet - Arch Bishop Carlos Vigano Talks pedophilia, corruption, culture of silence, blackmail, China, ect. NEED EYES AND EARS ON.

>>132763 'Blaming Wuhan' a documentary (Youtube Video)

>>132764 A neighbor reports that AG William Barr's house in McLean is being picketed by Trump supporters who believe he's not doing enough to lock up Joe Biden

>>132765 96 miles of Trump Supporters in Arizona (MP4 Video)

>>132766 Tweet from Chanel Rion OAN - Biden Tax Liens?

>>132767 Wokeness - old religion in a new bottle

>>132768 International Q Research threads

>>132769 Millie Weaver @ America's Voice news reporting on BLM plans to cause ruckus after Election (youtube video)

>>132770 Leaked Emails Reveal Bill Clinton and Hunter Biden Planned Trip Together To Haiti

>>132771 South Korea reports 83 dead from covid vaccination trial

>>132772 7 part digg on Dead Sea Scrolls

>>132774 New ad DJT Jr tweet Shout out to anons

>>132775 Explosion at China Virus Hospital in Russia's Urals

>>132776 Joe Biden missed introduction by Obama in Michigan.

>>132777 Self Appointed “Fact-Checking” Group NewsGuard, Gets Exposed After Trying To Smear Top Conservative Pages On Facebook Before Election

>>132778 Hillary interned the summer after college at law firm whose 4 partners included 2 communists and 2 that tolerated communists.

>>132779 POTUS / FLOTUS roundup from Chanel Rion OAN

>>132780 Tweet with Hunter Biden corruption flow chart

>>132781 Bradley Birkenfeld - accurate predictions in 'Lucifer's Banker' book

>>132782 Barr tells friends he would like to remain attorney general in second term if Trump is reelected

>>132783 , >>132786, >>132796, >>132790 , >>132792 Finger Lakes Constellation Brands Connections Digg

>>132784 Pentagon Leaders Targeted in Retaliation for Soleimani Assassination

>>132785 Anon opines on spontaneous Trump Rally that broke out by his home

>>132787 Never Trumper Rick Gates and John Podesta comms

>>132788 Portland Antifa Invades Vancouver — Attacks Restaurant Patrons

>>132789 POTUS up by 7 in Utah

>>132791 Prayer for President Trump from anon

>>132793 5G digg

>>132794 DEA raids Newburyport office of Dr. Keith Ablow, controversial psychiatrist who settled malpractice lawsuits

>>132795 Hunter Biden incest - look at the bracelet

>>132797 Tom Fitton tweet BREAKING:@Instagram (owned by @Facebook) throttling its entire system to restrict information flow through hashtags. Unprecedented censorship of 1 billion users– all to protect Joe Biden and hurt @realDonaldTrump

>>132798 IDF tweet - RIP Sean Connery

>>132799 MSM poking fun at Hillary?

>>132800 Harvard Exploring the Renaming of Pretty Much Everything on Campus

>>132801 Melania live (Youtube live broadcast)

>>132802 , >>132803 , >>132804 archive bread links

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132806

File: d22b15332b10300⋯.png (157.97 KB,595x272,35:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379592 (312221ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS Tweet - Signed order to protect fracking and Oil/Gas Industry

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Just signed an order to protect fracking and the oil and gas industry. This means JOBS, low energy bills, and continued AMERICAN ENERGY INDEPENDENCE! Sleepy Joe would BAN fracking and destroy American energy jobs! He has NO clue!!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132807

File: 2364eb787025a7e⋯.png (91.61 KB,598x239,598:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379594 (312221ZOCT20) Notable: Chanel Rion tweet - Biden Tax Liens in the millions of $$

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Biden Family's Unpaid Taxes has garnered Massive IRS Tax Liens.

See this breaking news on @OANN tonight.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379628 (312223ZOCT20) Notable: Project Veritas receives death threat

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Thank you, Baker!


Proj. Veritas: We have received a death threat.

Let us pray for patriots, frens!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132809

File: 7b5f5f682da98ef⋯.mp4 (467.75 KB,360x710,36:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379632 (312223ZOCT20) Notable: free cheese is not free - it's socialism

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379645 (312225ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS Live in Butler, PA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Butler, PA 10/31/20


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132811

File: 36335bd7e7802f0⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379648 (312225ZOCT20) Notable: Rudy G goes off on never-Trumper Kennedy on Fox Business (MP4 Video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132812

File: 943986af49498ae⋯.jpg (457.91 KB,1919x969,101:51,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379695 (312228ZOCT20) Notable: Plane Fags might have a runner!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Luftwaffe GAf686 showing no sign of descent into Vancouver. Just where IS it headed? Are we watching a runner?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379716 (312230ZOCT20) Notable: Trump / Biden watch numbers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BIDEN 9,104 watching now


PRESIDENT TRUMP 101,587 watching now and RISING


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132814

File: 7fe5cea9e4a7c01⋯.jpg (120.82 KB,577x477,577:477,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379773 (312234ZOCT20) Notable: RALLY BREAD

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132815

File: f89b77e1b9b2653⋯.png (939.44 KB,757x480,757:480,Clipboard.png)

File: 6babb822b48e55d⋯.png (821.24 KB,578x480,289:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379780 (312235ZOCT20) Notable: more diggs on Finger Lakes

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Noticed a Rome, NY when digging in the Finger Lakes area. Rome, NY is a little NE of the lakes though, NW of Utica, NY.

Anon wondered how many cities in America are named "Rome"?

Would it surprise you to learn there are 17?

4 are Townships or Counties and 13 are Cities.

12 out of 17 Romes (70%) are located in Great Lake states (direct shoreline).

Combined, PA is the state with the most Romes with 3 total (counting cities + townships/counties)

PA is the "Keystone State"

Google Earth cannot find Rome, Maryland, but that's because it is now called Washington, DC.

Non Great Lakes Romes:

Rome, Georgia, U.S.

Rome, Iowa, U.S.

Rome, Maine, U.S.

Rome, Maryland, U.S. (now called Washington, DC)

Rome, Oregon, U.S.

Great Lakes Romes:

Rome, Illinois, U.S.

Rome, Indiana, U.S.

Rome City, Indiana, U.S.

Rome Township, Michigan, U.S.

Rome Township, Minnesota, U.S.

Rome, New York, U.S.

Rome, Ohio, U.S.

Rome, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Rome Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Rome Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Rome, Adams County, Wisconsin, U.S.

Rome, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, U.S.


Rome, Adams County, OH





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132816

File: 01a6de73e636e41⋯.jpg (524.35 KB,1917x955,1917:955,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379791 (312236ZOCT20) Notable: PlaneFag GAF686 interesting data

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Check this - GAF686's serial number is 14+03


No coincidences.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132817

File: f2ea77a0812e1cf⋯.png (903.07 KB,1178x866,589:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379824 (312238ZOCT20) Notable: Why the NYTimes is blocking the truth SO HARD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Why is NY Times blocking the truth SO HARD

'On the weekend of Oct. 10, President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani, his former adviser Stephen K. Bannon and a prominent new ally, a Chinese billionaire and Mar-a-Lago member named Guo Wengui, gathered at Mr. Guo’s luxury apartment overlooking Central Park for dinner and cigars.'

Is the Stage Set?

'Each faced some combination of legal or credibility issues, but on this night they had reason to celebrate: a plan was coming together.'


That weekend, Mr. Giuliani had delivered to The New York Post a copy of a hard drive purported to be from a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, the son of Mr. Trump’s Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. The hard drive was filled with what the men claimed was compromising material about the younger Biden that they hoped would sully his father’s reputation.

They don't even offer a timeline, just supposition and 'Conspiracy', yet WE are the conspiracy theorists….


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379902 (312244ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Are you ready to finish what we started?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Are you ready to finish what we started?

'Nothing can stop what is coming' is not just a catch-phrase.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132819

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11379970 (312246ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380075 (312249ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Are you ready to take back control of this Country?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Are you ready to take back control of this Country?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380146 (312250ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Are you ready for: ZERO DAY! (Cap: )

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380279 (312253ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Space Shuttle Launch Audio - play LOUD (no music) HD 1080p ( CAP: )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


CAP for Baker

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380391 (312301ZOCT20) Notable: #14534

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notables Interim #14534

>>132818 Q Post - Are you ready to finish what we started?

>>132819 Q Post - Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?

>>132820 Q Post Are you ready to take back control of this Country?

>>132821 Q Post - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnoNITE-CLc

>>132806 POTUS Tweet - Signed order to protect fracking and Oil/Gas Industry

>>132807 Chanel Rion tweet - Biden Tax Liens in the millions of $$

>>132808 Project Veritas receives death threat

>>132809 free cheese is not free - it's socialism

>>132810 POTUS rally Butler, PA (Youtube livestream)

>>132811 Rudy G goes off on never-Trumper Kennedy on Fox Business (MP4 Video)

>>132813 Trump / Biden watch numbers

>>132814 RALLY BREAD

>>132816 PlaneFag GAF686 interesting data

>>132817 Why the NYTimes is blocking the truth SO HARD

>>132810 POTUS Live in Butler, PA

>>132812 Plane Fags might have a runner!

>>132815 more diggs on Finger Lakes

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132824

File: ac82b0bcfc668d1⋯.png (180.26 KB,1596x720,133:60,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380413 (312301ZOCT20) Notable: A tradition for NASA spaceflights since the days of Gemini, mission crews are played a special musical track at the start of each day in space.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A tradition for NASA spaceflights since the days of Gemini, mission crews are played a special musical track at the start of each day in space. Each track is specially chosen, often by their family, and usually has special meaning to an individual member of the crew, or is applicable to their daily activities.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93a236 No.132825

File: c15b65bd33ae801⋯.png (447.13 KB,1180x599,1180:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380449 (312302ZOCT20) Notable: Trilateral Commission

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trilateral Commission


Leadership: Asia Pacific Group

Chairman: Akihiko Tanaka

President, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo

Deputy Chairman: Ryu Jin Roy

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Poongsan Group, Seoul

Deputy Chairman: Barry Desker

Distinguished Fellow, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

Asia Pacific Director: Hideko Katsumata

Former Japanese/Asia Pacific Chairmen:

Yotaro Kobayashi (1997 - 2013)

Kiichi Miyazawa, Acting Chairman (1993-1997)

Akio Morita (1992-1993)

Isamu Yamashita (1985-1992)

Takeshi Watanabe (1973-1985)

Japan Center for International Exchange

At the bottom of Trilateral Commission page: https://trilateral.org/page/2/about , we are directed to Japan Center for International Exchange to see the Asia Pacific Group.


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93a236 No.132826

File: d4d58d3c53b92c3⋯.png (432.33 KB,1215x560,243:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380483 (312304ZOCT20) Notable: Trilateral Commission

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Trilateral Commission

European Leadership


Chairman: Jean-Claude Trichet

Chairman, Group of Thirty; Chairman, BRUEGEL Institute; Honorary Governor, Banque de France; former President of the European Central Bank; European Chairman, Trilateral Commission, Paris

Deputy Chairman: Alexandra Papalexoulou

Group Strategic Planning Director, Titan Cement Company; European Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission, Athens

Deputy Chairman: Carl Bildt

Co-Chair, European Council on Foreign Relations; former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden; former Chairman, Nordic Venture Network, Stockholm; former Member of the Swedish Parliament, Chairman of the Moderate Party and Prime Minister of Sweden; former European Union High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina & UN Special Envoy to the Balkans; European Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission

European Director: Paolo Magri

European Treasurer: Eli Leenaars

Former European Chairmen:

Mario Monti (2010-2011) Honorary European Chairman

Peter Sutherland (2001-2010) Honorary European Chairman

Otto Graf Lambsdorff (1992-2001) Honorary European Chairman

Georges Berthoin (1976-92) Honorary European Chairman

Max Kohnstamm (1973-76) Founding European Chairman

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93a236 No.132827

File: 674fc744cebdd94⋯.png (28.75 KB,587x159,587:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380502 (312304ZOCT20) Notable: We are here!

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We are here

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93a236 No.132828

File: dedb6975df6d17d⋯.png (60.52 KB,698x855,698:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380510 (312305ZOCT20) Notable: Rhode Island Man charged with Sex Trafficking

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Posted at the end of the last bread may have been missed.


Friday, October 30, 2020

Rhode Island Man Charged with Sex Trafficking

BOSTON – A Woonsocket, R.I. man has been charged with trafficking victims to engage in prostitution.

Ronald Hall, 48, was indicted on Oct. 28, 2020 on five counts of sex trafficking by force, fraud or coercion and one count of transportation of an individual with intent to engage in prostitution.

According to the indictment, from at least January 2012 to December 2019, Hall trafficked five victims between Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and Las Vegas, Nev., with the intent that each victim would engage in prostitution, and used force and threats of force to coerce them to do so. Hall also transported these women between Massachusetts and Rhode Island and Connecticut with the intent they engage in prostitution.

Members of the public who have questions, concerns or information regarding this case should call 617-748-3274.

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93a236 No.132829

File: 32b283ac3968ed4⋯.png (155.31 KB,480x757,480:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380523 (312305ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump supports fracking

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>>>/qresearch/11379904 /lb


President Donald J. Trump Is Supporting Hydraulic Fracturing and Other Technologies to Protect Our Jobs, Economic Opportunity, and National Security

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93a236 No.132830

File: 0c142c19b38154c⋯.png (498.08 KB,1205x646,1205:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380533 (312306ZOCT20) Notable: Trilateral Commission

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Trilateral Commission

North American Leadership


Press Release: Democracies Under Stress: Recreating the Trilateral Commission to Revitalize Our Democracies to Uphold the Rules-Based International Order

Press Release: Trilateral Commission Invites Applications for New American Members

Chairman: Meghan O'Sullivan

Evron and Jeane Kirkpatrick - Professor of the Practice of International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge; former Special Assistant to President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Iraq and Afghanistan, North American Chairman, Trilateral Commission

Deputy Chairman: Herminio Blanco Mendoza

President of IQOM Inteligencia Comercial (2005) and IQOM Strategic Advisors (2015); Deputy Chairman, North American Trilateral Commission

Deputy Chairman: Carole Taylor

Chancellor Emeritus, Simon Fraser University; former Minister of Finance, British Columbia; former Chair, CBC/Radio-Canada; former Chair, Canada Ports; Public Affairs Broadcaster

North American Director: Richard Fontaine

Deputy North American Director: Michael Greenwald

Former North American Chairmen:

Joseph S. Nye, Jr. (2008-2018)

Thomas S. Foley (2001-2008)

Paul A. Volcker (1991-2001) Honorary North American Chairman

David Rockefeller (1977-1991) Founder and Honorary North American Chairman

Gerard C. Smith (1973-1977)

Previous posts on this topic.

>>>/qresearch/11379141 (PB), >>>/qresearch/11379156 (PB), >>>/qresearch/11379167 (PB), >>>/qresearch/11379179 (PB), >>>/qresearch/11379190 (PB) Trilateral Commission - Executive Committee

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93a236 No.132831

File: 82dade5c962c5c5⋯.jpg (30.49 KB,679x390,679:390,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380539 (312306ZOCT20) Notable: God Wins

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Absolutely ready. Praise God!

God Wins!

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93a236 No.132832

File: 856bbcc10e53d41⋯.png (399.95 KB,535x626,535:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380580 (312308ZOCT20) Notable: 45 missing children rescued, 179 arrested in Ohio human trafficking sting operation.

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45 missing children rescued, 179 arrested in Ohio human trafficking sting operation.

God bless the U.S. Marshall and all the men and women involved in Operation Autumn Hope!


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93a236 No.132833

File: ce3914e94cdb7c4⋯.jpg (426.49 KB,2566x1438,1283:719,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380582 (312308ZOCT20) Notable: T-Minus 17 seconds

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>>132821 (lb Q)

T-Minus 17 seconds

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93a236 No.132834

File: 1ac878afa293202⋯.png (512.16 KB,478x623,478:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b48c8a87b58f1d⋯.jpg (116.89 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380659 (312310ZOCT20) Notable: Thank you Wisconsin for your immense support & pride for our country. I am now off to Pennsylvania!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thank you Wisconsin for your immense support & pride for our country. I am now off to Pennsylvania!


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93a236 No.132835

File: e3c7add569bb4f2⋯.png (519.59 KB,586x687,586:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380673 (312311ZOCT20) Notable: A DOJ official says Barr went outside to greet the crowd, chatted with the folks out there, explained DOJ’s role generally in investigations and then shook hands and posed for photos with them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A DOJ official says Barr went outside to greet the crowd, chatted with the folks out there, explained DOJ’s role generally in investigations and then shook hands and posed for photos with them.


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93a236 No.132836

File: 2b489b33d096bef⋯.png (143.18 KB,695x904,695:904,Clipboard.png)

File: ba010eb50c927e2⋯.png (58 KB,685x769,685:769,Clipboard.png)

File: 177ee67fcb861bd⋯.png (368.64 KB,707x901,707:901,Clipboard.png)

File: b347cea8cffc33c⋯.png (164.8 KB,683x910,683:910,Clipboard.png)

File: e7a94a253e79d9f⋯.png (81.57 KB,708x866,354:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11380884 (312320ZOCT20) Notable: Paradigm Global, the Bidens and allegedly fraudulent hedge funds – a summary

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Paradigm Global, the Bidens and allegedly fraudulent hedge funds – a summary

his is a summary of the situation to put all the posts in one place. You can read this as an alternative to the other posts – though I will leave the original posts up for posterity. There are some versions on the web that are wildly inaccurate. All I will assert is that the Biden’s firm has been shockingly sloppy about basic due diligence issues. Unsurprisingly the inaccurate versions are coming from right-wing politics driven blogs (who like the idea that Biden’s family is in trouble) and who reinvent complex facts to fit their simple world view. Some of the financial blogs have been much better.

The short version is that an allegedly fraudulent hedge fund (Ponta Negra) shared an office and a phone number and a common marketer (Jeff Schneider) with Paradigm Global a fund of hedge funds owned by the Vice President’s family.

Paradigm Global have said that they were subtenants – and that they were introduced via their common marketer.

The story however is murkier than that simple explanation. However it is consistent with repeated and extreme sloppiness by the Vice President’s family and the fund of hedge funds they control.

First we run through the players in this drama.

1. The small alleged fraudulent hedge fund: Ponta Negra

Ponta Negra is a hedge fund run out of a unit in Connecticut that just had its assets frozen by a Federal Judge and had the SEC accuse it of fraud. The Justice Department has yet to file criminal charges and unless criminal charges are filed you would have to wonder what the point of the current crackdown is.

The alleged fraud is brazenly simple. The company simply produced fake return numbers and doctored accounts from their counterparty brokers to over-represent funds under management. The last set of published return numbers I have access to is here.



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93a236 No.132837

File: 019b330820f0391⋯.png (432.8 KB,534x610,267:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 926033a54e4c25a⋯.mp4 (391.46 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11381122 (312330ZOCT20) Notable: New Dan Scavino

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅

A view from above in BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA! Unbelievable!! Get out and #VOTE to #MAGA🇺🇸🦅


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93a236 No.132838

File: ed6d40c1cac4b69⋯.png (747.86 KB,748x717,748:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11381165 (312332ZOCT20) Notable: Time to wake up, California. - John Solomon

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Time to wake up, California.

John Solomon


California governor sends his children to private school as local public schools remain closed | Just The News


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93a236 No.132839

File: 788271d6f73fc66⋯.png (222.08 KB,1221x589,1221:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11381316 (312340ZOCT20) Notable: THE WALL AND THE WHEEL

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Seriously, read this post from the other day

Trump just said it on stage

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93a236 No.132840

File: 6bf18df9dfe0182⋯.png (771.25 KB,600x745,120:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11381378 (312343ZOCT20) Notable: Happy Halloween! Owls may seem spooky, but unless you're a mouse, you have nothing to fear!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Happy Halloween! Owls may seem spooky, but unless you're a mouse, you have nothing to fear! Here are five species to look out for this Halloween:


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93a236 No.132841

File: 16f655a24b68649⋯.png (535.97 KB,748x657,748:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 050e3e6eae81e56⋯.mp4 (120.29 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11381380 (312343ZOCT20) Notable: Biden babbling about cars honking not made in Michigan

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Biden babbling about cars honking not made in Michigan



BIDEN: “Lets hear it for those honks of the cars out there who’ve maybe think it’s made here in Michigan.”


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93a236 No.132842

File: e92f8bfc7d32fae⋯.png (612.48 KB,605x739,605:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11381420 (312345ZOCT20) Notable: Hussein - Shoot your shot

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Shoot your shot. http://iwillvote.com



Threat much?

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93a236 No.132843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11381432 (312346ZOCT20) Notable: Trudeau Ethics Scandal CONTINUES!

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Trudeau Ethics Scandal CONTINUES! Viva Frei Vlawg

22,720 views•Oct 31, 2020

The Trudeau scandals continues. This time, the Liberals have avoided a Motion to appoint a special committee to investigate the WE Charity scandal by threatening to hold a snap election during My Sharon Cyrus. Here's the breakdown.


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93a236 No.132844

File: 880bb886951b047⋯.mp4 (8.05 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11381436 (312346ZOCT20) Notable: 6-second clip: T-Minus 17 seconds and counting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>132833 /lb

>>132821 /pb Q4947

6-second clip: T-Minus 17 seconds and counting

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93a236 No.132845

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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