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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

1a6d04 No.184 [Last50 Posts]

28OCT20 to 29OCT20


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

1a6d04 No.130593

File: c6abdd4d8ca27a8⋯.jpeg (398.6 KB,754x959,754:959,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325022 (281735ZOCT20) Notable: Happy Birthday to the Royal Marine Corps! OORA -o7

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Happy Birthday to the Royal Marine Corps!

Some of you may know that one of my brothers is a Royal Marine. So, I've long had a relationship with them, of sorts. Its also what I would probably be doing if the film industry hadn't got me first. Both of these things led to me becoming an Ambassador for the Royal Marines charity quite a few years ago. An ambassadorship of which I am enormously proud.

The legacy of the Royal Marines is long, 356 years to be precise. Which so happens to make their "birth" year, 1664, which so happens to also be a lager, which makes celebrating their birthday rather easy. But to be fair, when it comes to bootnecks (Royal Marines), anything will do! Cheers gents!





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1a6d04 No.130594

File: 4565af6b2653519⋯.png (696.9 KB,556x604,139:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 7790a7713d23626⋯.png (385.18 KB,850x669,850:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325068 (281739ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden Email Reveals ‘Wiring Instructions’ For ‘Spy Chief of China’ Patrick Ho #LaptopFromHell

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Hunter Biden Email Reveals ‘Wiring Instructions’ For ‘Spy Chief of China’ Patrick Ho #LaptopFromHell

A new tranche of emails released from Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell show Joe Biden’s slimy grifter brother Jim providing wire instructions to Patrick Ho, the ‘spy chief of China.’

Patrick Ho, a Hong Kong national, was suspected of being a covert agent for the Chinese government and was previously under FISA surveillance.

Ho was charged with money laundering in connection with CEFC contracts in Africa in 2017, according to court documents.

Recall, in an audio recording released by The National Pulse on Tuesday, Hunter Biden is heard describing Patrick Ho as his business partner and the ‘f*cking spy chief of China.’

Hunter Biden is heard complaining about his business partner Devon Archer naming him and Joe Biden as witnesses in a criminal case in the Southern District of New York without even notifying him.

The National Pulse released a March 21, 2018 email from Jim Biden providing wire instructions for Patrick Ho.

An email from March 21, 2018 shared by National Pulse Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam on Twitter shows Joe Biden’s brother Jim providing necessary information to complete a wire transfer to an individual named Mervyn Yan on behalf of Ho.

The “purpose of” the transfer per Jim Biden was for “Dr. Patrick Ho Chi Ping representation.”

Owasco LLC, the beneficiary according to Jim Biden, per the U.S. Senate report on Hunter Biden’s business dealings describes the law firm’s “executing officer and governor as Robert Hunter Biden.”

Photo of the email via The National Pulse EIC Raheem Kassam

Hunter Biden associate and whistleblower Tony Bobulinski sat down for an interview with Tucker Carlson which aired Tuesday evening.

Tony Bobulinski is the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family.

Bobulinski told Tucker Carlson that he asked Jim Biden specifically, “How are you guys getting away with this? Aren’t you concerned?”


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1a6d04 No.130595

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325071 (281739ZOCT20) Notable: MSM FUCKERY FAILS

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Not a complete list…


David Duke …FAIL

Gold Star family …FAIL

2 Corinthians…FAIL

P_Grabbing video…FAIL

Landslide predictions….FAIL

Recount attempt…FAIL

Alt-Right accusations…..FAIL

Racist accusations..FAIL

Too many generals appointed…FAIL

Conflict of interests…FAIL

Electoral College votes….FAIL

Russia hack….FAIL

John McCain-Lindsey Graham dossier leak…FAIL

Golden showers…FAIL

Fake Trump and Obama Polling numbers….FAIL

Fake Crowd Size…FAIL

Kavanaugh raping lies…FAIL

MLK bust missing…FAIL

Refugee Ban EO…FAIL

Logan Act…FAIL


Trump TowerRussia server link…FAIL

Trump’s Tax returns…FAIL

Twitter bug accusation…FAIL

Assistant AG firing…FAIL

Comey firing…FAIL

Emoluments clause…FAIL

Trump-Comey dinner…FAIL

CNN’s two scoop-gate…FAIL


Trump exposing top secret info…FAIL

Trump’s first overseas trip being a disasterFAIL

Kushner back-channel…FAIL

Comey Testimony…FAIL

Sessions Testimony…FAIL

Mika insults…FAIL

CNN wrestling meme…FAIL

Putin punking Trump at the G20…FAIL

Junior meeting with lawyer…FAIL

Mysterious Eighth Person…FAIL

Second Putin Meeting…FAIL

Scaramucci appointment…FAIL

Transgender Ban…FAIL

N Carolina riot statement…FAIL

Paris Accord…FAIL

Spicer leaving…FAIL

Priebus resigning…FAIL

Manafort Firing…FAIL

Kelly controlling Trump…FAIL

Scaramucci Firing…FAIL

Bannon resigning…FAIL

Greensboro speech…FAIL


Schumer Dinner Meeting…FAIL

Fake DACA for Amnesty…FAIL

Alabama Strange endorsement…FAIL

NFL kneelers Speech…FAIL

Inappropriate Texas hurricane visit…FAIL

Inappropriate Florida hurricane visit…FAIL

Puerto Rico slow response…FAIL

Weinstein Connection….FAIL

Niger Soldier killings…FAIL

Niger Gold Star wife call…FAIL

Moore allegations…FAIL

Rachel Maddow’s Tax return special …FAIL

Sessions 3rd Testimony…FAIL

Asia Tour…FAIL

Asia Tour Fish food toss…FAIL

Carter Page Indictment…FAIL

Papadopoulos Indictment…FAIL

Manafort Indictment…FAIL

NFL anthem Tweets l…FAIL

Flake Tweets…FAIL

Moore allegations silence…FAIL

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1a6d04 No.130596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325077 (281739ZOCT20) Notable: MSM FUCKERY FAILS

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Franken Tweets…FAIL

Moore Support…FAIL

Tillerson insulting Trump…FAIL

Flynn indictment tweets…FAIL

Deutsche Bank records supeona…FAIL

Megyn Kelly’s Trump accuser special …FAIL

Brian Ross fake report …FAIL

Rex Tillerson being fired….FAIL

Trump received Wikileaks information earlyFAIL

Trump is going fire Mueller rumors….FAIL

Iran uprising Tweet….FAIL

Bigger button Tweet….FAIL

Bannon betrayal….FAIL

Wolff book….FAIL

Trump mental stability….FAIL

Stable genius Tweet….FAIL

S–thole country comment…FAIL

Stormy Daniels payoff…FAIL

Bannon testimony…FAIL

DAVOS will be an embarrassment…FAIL


Hope Hicks testimony…FAIL

WH aide Porter resignation…FAIL

Dem memo not being released…FAIL

Security clearances…FAIL

Palm Beach property sale…FAIL

Playboy playmate…FAIL

Kushner Security Clearance…FAIL

Hope Hicks resigning…FAIL

Gary Cohn resigning…FAIL

Tariffs causing trade war…FAIL

N Korea meeting…FAIL

McCabe firing…FAIL

McMaster firing…FAIL

John Bolton Hiring…FAIL

Rumors of Mueller being fired lll…FAIL

Rob Porter firing…FAIL

John McEntee Firing….FAIL

John Dowd resignation…FAIL

Cambridge Analytica…FAIL

Gun Ban rally…FAIL

60 Minutes Stormy interview…FAIL

Rumors of Mueller being fired lV…FAIL

Michael Cohen office raided….FAIL

Rumors of Mueller being fired V…FAIL

Rumors of Rosenstien being fired l…FAIL

Stormy’s sketch of person who threatenedher…FAIL

Comey’s Interview…FAIL

Comey’s book…FAIL

Comey’s Memos…FAIL

Obama’s Doctor of 8 years, Admiral Jackson,was unvetted…FAIL

Mueller Questions leaked…FAIL

McCain insults…FAIL

Trump’s financial statement release…FAIL

Senate Intelligence Report release…FAIL

Trump calls MS13 animals…FAIL

Trump cancels NK summit…FAIL

Trump announces NK summit back on…FAIL

Trump slaps tariffs on NAFTA partners…FAIL

Trump pardons D’Souza, Blagojevich, and Martha Stewart…FAIL

Trump cancels Eagles WH ceremony…FAIL

Melania is MIA….FAIL

G7 summit snub…FAIL

Singapore summit failure…FAIL

Trump honored Kim…FAIL

Cohen flipping on Trump…FAIL

Manafort charged for witness tamperingFAIL

Trump is putting kids in concentrationcamps….FAIL

Trump caves to pressure on separating kidsFAIL

Trumps’ SCOTUS pick will end life as we know it….FAIL

Trump tariffs prompt fear…FAIL

Trump Insults NATO by asking for moneyFAIL

Trump Insults Theresa May…FAIL

Rosenstein Indicts 12 Russians prior toTrump’s Russia visit…FAIL

Trump/Putin meeting…FAIL

Cohen has Playboy payoff tape…FAIL


Cohen flipping on Trump lV…FAIL

Trump knew of Tower meeting ll…FAIL

Omarosa book claims Trump used N word….FAIL

Cohen has evidence to take down TrumpFAIL

Manafort Trial….FAIL

Anonymous White House tell all op-ed…FAIL

Puerto Rico hurricane response ll…FAIL

Woodwards has tapes…FAIL

Manafort reaches plea deal…FAIL

Rosenstein possible firing….FAIL

UN Assembly laughs at Trump….FAIL

Russia collusion……FAIL

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1a6d04 No.130597

File: ea8af8fa5460472⋯.png (827.97 KB,1088x1014,544:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325097 (281740ZOCT20) Notable: https://twitter.com/chiIIum/status/1321470772200787968

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Purple = color of the resistance.

DS Bastards.


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1a6d04 No.130598

File: b83825fa885f6ae⋯.png (733.86 KB,801x442,801:442,Clipboard.png)

File: 0aa6bcce47a560f⋯.png (367.24 KB,557x649,557:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 17e2ebb22356520⋯.png (482.04 KB,843x629,843:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 898a0a1786113ee⋯.png (412.77 KB,829x753,829:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325108 (281741ZOCT20) Notable: Pope Francis sparks criticism as he goes maskless at public event day

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Pope Francis sparks criticism as he goes maskless at public event day after staff promise they are ‘working on it’

Social media users have criticized Pope Francis, as he refused to wear a mask while holding a general audience at the Vatican, with people urging him to do so in public for “their safety and yours.”

The pontiff did not don a mask during his weekly address at the Vatican, only a day after his staff told reporters that they are “working” on convincing the Catholic leader to follow Covid-19 safety protocols and saying he “has started to use the mask now.”

However, despite Francis being at high risk of a serious infection if he contracted the virus – as an 83-year-old who had part of a lung removed due to illness – he declined to wear a mask at the indoor event.

Catholic priest Daniel Horan posted on Twitter to ask the Pope to take responsibility, even though his breathing difficulties can make it a challenge to have a face covering, by wearing “a mask in public, especially around others, for their safety and yours.” Another Twitter user suggested that “the Pope could display some helpful pro-life sentiment by wearing a mask while mingling.”


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1a6d04 No.130599

File: fe2dbed2cdeb5ee⋯.png (680.01 KB,816x605,816:605,Clipboard.png)

File: 292371a208acc75⋯.png (896.51 KB,817x602,19:14,Clipboard.png)

File: d3164599b59eb8d⋯.png (582.24 KB,819x592,819:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325125 (281742ZOCT20) Notable: 30 Pictures That Define Joe Biden's Career

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30 Pictures That Define Joe Biden's Career


There are some interesting pictures on this site. Here are 3 of them.

"Order and Law" - Clarence Thomas hearings, Sept. 20, 1991.

Hidin' Biden at violence against women press conference.

Sen. Joe Biden in Wilmington, Delaware, January 1973. So young.

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1a6d04 No.130600

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325128 (281742ZOCT20) Notable: Philadelphia PD ordered officers not to arrest rioters and looters

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Report: Philadelphia PD ordered officers not to arrest rioters and looters — just disperse them — as city was ransacked

Police are reportedly 'extremely frustrated'

As looters and rioters ransacked the city of Philadelphia again Tuesday night in response to the deadly police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr., the city police's response was reportedly obstructed by their own deputy commissioner.

WTXF-TV reporter Steve Keeley tweeted Wednesday morning that police officers were "extremely frustrated" after Deputy Police Commissioner Melvin Singleton allegedly ordered both patrol and commanding officers to "not arrest looters just disperse them."

"By the order of CAR-2, Philadelphia Police will respond to 'priority' calls only," the alleged directive from the department obtained by Keeley said. "This means no calls for disturbance, missing person, stolen vehicle, burglary or theft will be answered."

Keeley added that some officers believe the order "leaves no deterrent to stop looting."

It was not immediately clear if and when the order became effective, as police made at least 90 arrests, most for burglary, during Monday's riots. However, Keeley's tweet seems to indicate that the order was given heading into Tuesday night.

Yesterday when police announced the number of arrests in the Mon-Tues looting,charges were for “burglary”. And in… https://t.co/EIkUUGP7Lv

— Steve Keeley (@Steve Keeley)1603890736.0

Rioters first took to the streets Monday night after video of 27-year-old Wallace's death went viral on social media. In the video, Wallace appeared to be walking toward police as they yell at him and eventually open fire. The officers said that Wallace was carrying a knife and refused to drop it as he approached them.

Philadelphia police reported that on Monday night alone at least 30 officers were injured amid the chaos and lawlessness. Videos on social media showed rioters and looters facing little resistance as they burnt property and ransacked shops.

BlazeTV's Elijah Schaffer recorded Black Lives Matter protesters chanting, "Every city, every town, burn the precincts to the ground!"

Schaffer was later attacked by a mob while recording looters inside a Philadelphia Five Below store, resulting in a bloody mouth and swollen lip.

Schaffer described the assault in a video posted on Twitter, in which he said he "was jumped by BLM rioters while they were looting more than a dozen stores, including Wal-Matt [sic], T-Mobile, & 5-below."

PHILADELPHIA: This is the footage I was recording when BLM assaulted me. Other journalists were filming but I was… https://t.co/Jz69QaFImN



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1a6d04 No.130601

File: 299233fdb326d58⋯.png (128.63 KB,812x475,812:475,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f13733d5316595⋯.jpg (61.03 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325129 (281742ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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>>130491 pb

RCAF CFC3060 Bombardier Challenger departed Memphis Int'l wn after a ground stop-inbound from Ottawa

GRZLY50 USMC C-560 departed MCAS Miramar es-this AC did some fly-bys at Santa Maria Public Airport yesterday before returning to Miramar

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1a6d04 No.130602

File: d0b346cb45931fd⋯.png (60.71 KB,665x577,665:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325141 (281743ZOCT20) Notable: Marsha Blackburn Calls Out Google CEO Sundar Pichai over Suppression of Breitbart News

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Marsha Blackburn Calls Out Google CEO Sundar Pichai over Suppression of Breitbart News

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) criticized Google’s Sundar Pichai for suppressing the visibility of Breitbart News in Google search results during a hearing of the Senate Commerce Committee today. Pichai was present along with the CEOs of Twitter and Facebook.

“Google searches for ‘Joe Biden’ generated approximately 30,000 impressions for Breitbart links. This was on May 1. And after May 5th, both the impressions and the clicks went to zero,” Senator Blackburn noted.

“I hope what you all realize from this hearing is that there is a pattern. You may not believe it exists, but there is a pattern of subjective manipulation of the information that is available to people from your platforms,” she continued.

“What has driven additional attention to this is the fact that more of a family’s functional life is being conducted online. Because of this, more people are realizing that you are picking winners and losers.”

“You’re beginning to insert yourself into these issues of free speech.”

Breitbart News reported on the suppression of Google visibility in July:

After Google’s May core search update on or about May 5, 2020, Google search impressions and search traffic to Breitbart for “Joe Biden” and other Biden-related search terms has gone to zero. Zero. The following graph clearly illustrates the foregoing.


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1a6d04 No.130603

File: aa3e7ef08eca6ed⋯.jpeg (708.44 KB,1125x1780,225:356,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325147 (281743ZOCT20) Notable: https://twitter.com/USArmy/status/1321436825215553542?s=20

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Looks an awful lot like QArmy too!



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1a6d04 No.130604

File: a7968c2eb0e12bb⋯.png (708.79 KB,839x796,839:796,Clipboard.png)

File: 4edad91c3cb704d⋯.png (58.87 KB,856x539,856:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325186 (281746ZOCT20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani Threatens To Walk Out During Interview With Fox

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‘You Better Apologize For That!’: Rudy Giuliani Threatens To Walk Out During Interview With Fox Business Network Anchor

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani demanded an apology Tuesday and said “I think our interview is now over,” after a Fox Business Network host suggested he was acting like Christopher Steele.

“You’ve got to be kidding me? I was acting like Christopher Steel? You better apologize for that,” Giuliani told Lisa Kennedy after the host questioned his description of material that has allegedly been found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Steele was the former MI6 agent who prepared a largely discredited dossier for the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. The files contained sordid accusations of then-candidate Donald Trump meeting with Russian prostitutes.

“I mean I have been a United States attorney, associate attorney general, mayor of New York City and a member of the bar for 50 years but I’ve never been accused of anything. And you’re accusing me of being Christopher Steele?”

Speaking of the laptop and its emails that allegedly confirm Joe Biden met with a top executive of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings, Giuliani told Kennedy that the New York Post performed its own “verification with independent experts” on the computer to confirm that it belonged to Hunter Biden before first reporting the story.

The Biden campaign has denied that any meeting took place. Hunter Biden has not denied leaving his laptop with the computer repair shop. The Daily Caller has not independently confirmed the veracity of the email.

The FBI is investigating whether the emails are the result of a foreign intelligence operation, according to reports.

Giuliani referred to photographs on the laptops as “disgusting … it includes a large number of underage girls … and nobody was taking care of those underage girls.”


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1a6d04 No.130605

File: ae93c34e421a1b5⋯.png (573.89 KB,747x639,83:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325189 (281746ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter now promoting election delays

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Twitter now promoting election delays

This is now at the top of my feed.

They are preparing to shadow ban posts (ie Trump) about election results on election day as 'disinformation'.

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1a6d04 No.130606

File: 3488023e90afa5a⋯.png (12.75 KB,555x119,555:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 1882d6db63ec004⋯.png (366.34 KB,504x700,18:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325193 (281746ZOCT20) Notable: ANON THEORY

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-DS going all out to prep public on not expecting results on day after election due to muh mail-in votes

-Extended court fight to fatigue an already worn-out populace

-Court fight that reaches SCOTUS will just bring ACB reeee

-Paid thugs waiting in the wings to make summer riots look like a girl-scout cookie sale

-Incredibly polarized electorate due to Mockingbird brainwashing

-Fears from both sides (again, thanks C_A err MSM) that one side will try to steal the election

-Must SHOW the world the corruption


Patriots in control

Trust the plan

Military planning at its finest

Theory: early voting and in person results are landslide for POTUS. Including one or more BIG counted on blue states. I can even see Dems taking PA or one of the other battlegrounds, but losing something they never considered

LOOK HERE: Midwest battleground states


Liberals always fighting the last war


-Normies see MSM try to push for mail-in ballots (cuz they can’t help it) even though there is no chance of changing outcome

-Normies that still can think realize they’ve been lied to

-Validity of professional polling as it stands is destroyed – no credibility left

-Riots are insane because all ammunition of DS is spent – nothing left to lose

-Screaming for Trump/NG to step in

-Leads to realization that the DS is the virus




-Neuter big tech

-Take off masks

-Squash riots

All cheered on by a healthy majority (ignoring the hopelessly brainwashed)

It's the only clean way I see that doesn't burn the country down

They never thought she would lose….

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1a6d04 No.130607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325197 (281747ZOCT20) Notable: https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1321331069220605952

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>>>/qresearch/11324776 (lb)

Late lb

“LID” called at 12:40amE.

Both black and white.


We Must Fight - President Reagan


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1a6d04 No.130608

File: f0d6a70fd1ad636⋯.png (521.59 KB,827x349,827:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325213 (281748ZOCT20) Notable: German COVID-19 test lab produces slew of false positives

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German COVID-19 test lab produces slew of false positives

The Labor Augsburg MVZ laboratory in Bavaria has blamed a high number of tests and time pressure after recording 58 out of 60 false positives in a week.

Gabriele Schoen, Managing Director of the Labor Augsburg MVZ laboratory, told Munich’s daily newspaper Muenchener Merkur that it’s not possible for them to constantly “double check” tests when they provided a positive result”, as they were under pressure and working with a “lack of equipment”.

The laboratory was found to have wrongly diagnosed 58 out of 60 coronavirus tests it identified as positive during a one-week period, after testing samples again following an unusual spike in confirmed cases. The false positives raise questions around the reliability of the results that are being provided in the region, as Germany weighs introducing a new lockdown to combat the rising number of coronavirus cases in the country.

The testing issue was reportedly caused when the laboratory’s supplier did not deliver their normal reagent, forcing them to use an alternative one that was not compatible with its testing process.

It is not currently clear whether any other regions or testing sites have been affected, with a German Health Ministry spokesman saying there was no evidence to doubt the “validity and accuracy” of PCR molecular testing.

German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier responded to the news by stating that he does not believe there are a large number of unreliable coronavirus tests despite the situation at the Bavarian laboratory, suggesting it could have been an outlier limited to one location.

As of 28th October, 464,239 people have tested positive for coronavirus in Germany since the start of the pandemic, with 10,183 people dying from the virus, according to the Robert Koch Institute.


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1a6d04 No.130609

File: 7a4101eb3dbe555⋯.png (133.28 KB,529x520,529:520,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325244 (281750ZOCT20) Notable: IT's HABBENING ~ 5 unnamed arrests!!! (HOLY SHIT HAPPENING>)

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"Hunters become the hunted" ~ Justice Department tweat!

IT's HABBENING ~ 5 unnamed arrests!!!


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1a6d04 No.130610

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325246 (281750ZOCT20) Notable: Female prisoner suing UK govt after claiming sexual assault by transgender inmate

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Female prisoner suing UK govt after claiming sexual assault by transgender inmate

A female prisoner is suing the UK government in an effort to ban some trans women from all-female prisons, after claiming she was sexually assaulted by a biologically male inmate who had not undergone gender reassignment surgery.

A judicial review of the lawsuit, launched on Wednesday, will last about two days, and could overturn the government policy allowing biological men to be housed in women’s prisons if they have procured a gender recognition certificate.

Before being placed in the Downview women’s prison in Surrey, the alleged attacker was previously convicted of rape as a man, according to Keep Prisons Single Sex, a campaigning group supporting the claimant. Despite the past conviction, the trans woman was still placed in an all-female environment.

The legal action will specifically challenge the lawfulness of placing transgender women who have been convicted of sexual and violent offences in women’s prisons.

The alleged victim’s lawyers argue that biological men should be excluded from those spaces, regardless of provisions in the 2004 Gender Recognition Act allowing biological males to have acquired gender recognized.

The group’s director, Kate Coleman, said that this is going to be “the first to challenge the Prison Service policy of housing transgender prisoners in the women's estate,” adding, “It is accepted throughout the criminal justice system that female offenders respond best in female-only settings and services.”


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1a6d04 No.130611

File: cd02330369668ae⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB,1130x2224,565:1112,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0a53eb122eff583⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB,1668x2224,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325263 (281751ZOCT20) Notable: 6-facts-about-hunter-bidens-business-dealings-in-china/

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Why did they let him run at all? This was a big witch-hunt. Spies.

From the Oct 10, 2019 article:

5. BHR invested in strategically sensitive assets in both China and the United States.

The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

In December 2014, BHR became an “anchor investor” in the IPO of China General Nuclear Power Company (CGN), a state-owned nuclear company involved in the development of nuclear reactors. Not only is CGN a strategically important company in China, it was also facing legal scrutiny in the United States. In 2016, CGN was charged with espionage by the Justice Department for stealing US nuclear secrets.

As a “cross-border” investment fund, Bohai Harvest was interested in making deals outside of China. In 2015, BHR acquired Henniges Automotive, a Michigan-based producer of vibration-dampening equipment, alongside Chinese military contractor Aviation Industry Corp. of China (AVIC). Given the military applications of Henniges’ technology, the deal required federal approval. Like CGN, AVIC was suspected of stealing US technology for its purposes.

Not long after the Henniges deal closed, AVIC debuted its new J-20 fighter — incorporating designs allegedly stolen from the US’ F-35 program.


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1a6d04 No.130612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325267 (281751ZOCT20) Notable: Scotland’s justice minister wants to punish citizens over ‘insulting’ conversations AT HOME

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Scotland’s justice minister wants to punish citizens over ‘insulting’ conversations AT HOME

Scotland’s proposed hate crime bill will penalize anyone whipping up hatred against “protected groups.” That includes people making “insulting” remarks within their own home, Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf has revealed.

Quizzed on the bill by the Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee on Tuesday, Yousaf assured critics that the proposed legislation would protect the “right to be offensive.” However, anyone “stirring up hatred” against others on the basis of religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, transgender identity or “variations in sexual characteristics” will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, he said.

That includes off-color dinner table conversations with friends and family. Asked whether people would be allowed to speak freely within their own homes, Yousaf said he disagreed “in terms of principle and policy” with the idea of keeping the law out of the living room.

“Let's just give an example, which is intentionally stirring up hatred against Muslims,” he said. “Are we saying that that is justified because it is in the home?”

The bill’s definition of hate speech is a broad one, and its text would criminalize anyone acting in “a threatening, abusive or insulting manner” towards one of its protected groups.

Yousaf did not speculate on how Scottish authorities would police conversations inside the home. However, the bill as it currently stands would not require an actual victim, just proof that the perpetrator was motivated by “malice” or “ill-will.” According to the bill, a report by a “single source” could be enough to secure a conviction.

The justice secretary was roasted online for his Big Brother aspirations. Conservative MSP Alison Harris accused Yousaf of “trying to force through dangerous attacks on our freedoms,” while Harris’ fellow Conservative Gordon Lindhurst called Yousaf’s suggestion “deeply concerning.”

"Hate crime bill: Hate talk in homes ‘must be prosecuted’".I can only conclude @HumzaYousaf you are a fascist. https://t.co/n69LdgUn7D

— David Atherton (@DaveAtherton20) October 28, 2020

Humza Yousaf wants you prosecuted for hate speech over things you say in your own home. All you SNP supporters still comfortable with that? This is an odious little dictator in the making, representing a party that should be allowed nowhere near the levers of power. https://t.co/uS60wCMXJB

— Daniel O'Connell 🇮🇪+🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿=🍀 (@DanielOConnel18) October 28, 2020

Despite Humzas extremely authoritarian tendencies, I thought maybe this headline was misquoted or embellished.Nope, he actually believes this and is defending it.Humza literally wants to be Big Brother.For the protection of human rights, Humza must be removed from power. pic.twitter.com/CC8cSOdlZL

— Kamala Haggis🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏳️‍🌈 (@CountDankulaTV) October 28, 2020

As commenters slammed Yousaf online on Wednesday, he doubled down and replied to his critics. “If you invite 10 mates round & it can be proven beyond reasonable doubt that you intentionally stirred up hatred against Jews, why should this not be prosecuted,” the minister argued.

Beyond headline. If you invite 10 mates round & it can be proven beyond reasonable doubt that you intentionally stirred up hatred against Jews, why should this not be prosecuted. It would if you did so down the pub but not in your house? https://t.co/7NTcVIFft3

— Humza Yousaf (@HumzaYousaf) October 28, 2020


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1a6d04 No.130613

File: 60a21f0e9c67ba0⋯.png (28.09 KB,847x178,847:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325284 (281752ZOCT20) Notable: China looks to Mongolia for coking coal after banning Australian imports

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China looks to Mongolia for coking coal after banning Australian imports

China received more metallurgical coal from neighboring Mongolia in September than from its once-key supplier Australia, amid escalating tensions between Beijing and Canberra.

Coal exports from Mongolia, which borders China to the north, surged by 17 percent to 4.65 million tons last month, Global Times reported, citing data from the Mongolian General Administration of Customs. More than 96 percent of those shipments were destined for China, making Mongolia the largest metallurgical coal supplier to the country, the report said. According to S&P Global Platts, shipments from Mongolia to China rose to a record pace in September, jumping by over a quarter month-on-month and more than eight percent compared to a year earlier.

Shipments of the commodity from Australia, which used to be China’s top source of coking coal, dropped to their lowest level this year in September, falling to 2.72 million tons.

The swift change in China's imports comes amid reports that Australia's coal is not wanted in China any more. Earlier this month, Chinese power stations and steel mills reportedly started canceling orders, while Chinese ports turned away Australian shipments. No official confirmation has been made so far by either country.


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1a6d04 No.130614

File: 0de072451b3cc8d⋯.png (35.17 KB,439x627,439:627,Clipboard.png)

File: a38d21a39c258f5⋯.png (1.46 MB,1246x574,89:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325285 (281752ZOCT20) Notable: Three_Red_Banners

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Look at all the triple red stripes for the birth of socialism


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1a6d04 No.130615

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325291 (281753ZOCT20) Notable: IT's HABBENING ~ 5 unnamed arrests!!! (HOLY SHIT HAPPENING>)

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1a6d04 No.130616

File: 5597373c35fb246⋯.png (366.61 KB,613x644,613:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325307 (281753ZOCT20) Notable: https://twitter.com/NavalInstitute/status/1321505818186047489

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#OTD 1943, the "Philadelphia Experiment" allegedly took place. Conspiracy theorists claim the Navy is covering up an experiment to make ships invisible that caused USS Eldridge to teleport from Philly to Norfolk, driving the crew insane. The story was the basis for a 1984 film.


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1a6d04 No.130617

File: 8c85d115888272b⋯.png (126.95 KB,1068x546,178:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325323 (281754ZOCT20) Notable: https://twitter.com/DLoesch/status/1321491084191637504

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1a6d04 No.130618

File: 61df1c7e7bd4e4e⋯.png (127.21 KB,1082x544,541:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325340 (281755ZOCT20) Notable: https://twitter.com/HawleyMO/status/1321485596435587072

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1a6d04 No.130619

File: c7026fe01d292de⋯.png (69.03 KB,784x840,14:15,Clipboard.png)

File: 513e2cb3a86e406⋯.png (59.84 KB,791x784,113:112,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b7514c67dbab3d⋯.png (33.64 KB,573x577,573:577,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fcbb8dd6c01cba⋯.png (376.44 KB,801x854,801:854,Clipboard.png)

File: cf29cd9637136fb⋯.png (20.47 KB,702x224,351:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325341 (281755ZOCT20) Notable: The Current Head of the SDNY, Audrey Strauss, Behind the Abusive Bannon and Kolfage Indictments, Is a Lifelong Democrat Donor

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The Current Head of the SDNY, Audrey Strauss, Behind the Abusive Bannon and Kolfage Indictments, Is a Lifelong Democrat Donor

There are many indications the recent indictment of Steve Bannon, Brian Kolfage and others by the SDNY smells of prosecutorial abuse.

In late August war hero and triple amputee Brian Kolfage was arrested for bogus charges related to his, Bannon’s and two other gentlemen’s efforts in building a wall on the Southern Border. The 15 New York USPIS agents who arrested him dragged him into their arrest vehicle with his one good arm in the rain!

The New York Post reported on the arrest:

Kolfage claimed the feds sought to humiliate him during his Aug. 20 arrest.

He said that morning a squad of United States Postal Inspection Service agents ordered him out of bed and would not allow him to take his prosthetic limbs for the 90-minute drive to a Pensacola courthouse.

“How does a person with no legs get into a vehicle that’s not equipped for a wheelchair?” the former Air Force senior airman said. “I had to get on my butt and crawl up into it like a monkey with one arm and in the rain. My kids were watching. It was humiliating.”

Then the Post reported:

The feds further charged that Kolfage made the fraud a family affair, with his wife being paid by the non-profit for unspecified “media.”

“That never happened,” Kolfage told The Post of payments to his wife, Instagram influencer Ashley Kolfage.

He also denied spending We Build The Wall money on luxury items laid out in the indictment.

“I bought that boat a year before We Build The Wall,” Kolfage said. The 40-foot-foot motorboat, named Warfighter, made a July 4th appearance in a Trump Boat parade near Destin, Fla.

Kolfage says he gets $100,000 a year from the Department of Veterans Affairs for his combat related injuries and also does data work for fundraisers and political campaigns.

“I’m not living a lavish life by any freaking means,” Kolfage said, adding, “We are a good middle class family. Thank God I have a house that was given to me by the Gary Sinise Foundation.”

Kolfage noted that he had a very large Trump Facebook account that has now been purged in addition to all that is going on. He also shared a response to the accusations made by the SDNY in his case:

I’ve never stole a thing in my life, and to be accused of such heinous crimes infuriates me. The SDNY & liberal media claim that I bought a boat, a SUV, and home improvements with donor money! THEY 100% LIED!


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1a6d04 No.130620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325353 (281756ZOCT20) Notable: Ted Nugent SHREDS National Anthem at Trump Muskegon, MI rally 10/17/20

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Ted Nugent SHREDS National Anthem at Trump Muskegon, MI rally 10/17/20

Volume Notice!

Have a great hunting season!

Oct 17, 2020

One Good Lord † News

247 subscribers

Ted Nugent opens up MAGA rally in Muskegon, Michigan with a face-melting cover of the national anthem that would make Jimi proud.

#NationalAnthem #TedNugent #MAGARally

Remember, Sharing is Caring. We are the news now.


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1a6d04 No.130621

File: 45e5af4eb529d90⋯.png (7.71 KB,607x219,607:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325354 (281756ZOCT20) Notable: qfag proof?

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Future news will highlight.

Note "The Hunt For" was dropped.

Details matter.


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1a6d04 No.130622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325386 (281758ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS LIVE

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1a6d04 No.130623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325394 (281758ZOCT20) Notable: THE INVISIBLE ENEMY: CHAPTER 1

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[outbreak + impeachment]

Republican Senators

Oct 28, 2020



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1a6d04 No.130624

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325409 (281759ZOCT20) Notable: eight-individuals-charged-conspiring-act-illegal-agents-people-s-republic-china

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Thanks anon.

Also from @TheJusticeDept

A complaint and arrest warrants were unsealed today in federal court in Brooklyn charging eight defendants with conspiring to act in the United States as illegal agents of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Six defendants also face related charges of conspiring to commit interstate and international stalking. The defendants, allegedly acting at the direction and under the control of PRC government officials, conducted surveillance of and engaged in a campaign to harass, stalk, and coerce certain residents of the United States to return to the PRC as part of a global, concerted, and extralegal repatriation effort known as “Operation Fox Hunt.”


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1a6d04 No.130625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325426 (281801ZOCT20) Notable: The 15 Silicon Valley millionaires spending the most to beat Donald Trump

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The 15 Silicon Valley millionaires spending the most to beat Donald Trump

These tech titans have spent $120 million over the last two years, leading Silicon Valley’s political awakening.

Donald Trump has poked the bears that are Silicon Valley billionaires.

Over the last four years, the tech industry’s very richest have gotten far more political than they have ever been, channeling their money and energy into the world of partisan campaigning. They’ve hired full-time political aides to manage their investments. They’ve traded notes and organized to pool their money for maximum impact. And they’ve become vocal public critics of the president, so incensed by the Trump presidency that they’ve eschewed the longstanding Silicon Valley tradition of staying out of politics.

Some of the biggest Silicon Valley celebrities are indeed staying out of the race, but here are the 15 Democrats of Silicon Valley who are most responsible for the current political awakening. Recode reviewed all public federal campaign contributions this cycle through October 15.

While they are backing different groups, one striking commonality is how little they had donated prior to Trump’s 2016 run. It’s new territory for almost all of them: Prior to then, these 15 people together had donated about $7 million in total federal campaign contributions. Over the last two years? That figure is over $120 million.

"Prior to the 2016 race, these 15 people together had donated about $7 million in total federal campaign contributions. Over the last two years? That figure is over $120 million."

Some caveats to this list: Determining who qualifies as “Silicon Valley” is more subjective than you’d think (Does it apply to everyone who physically lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, no matter the industry? What about tech leaders who live in New York or Seattle?) but we focused on people whose money principally comes from founding or investing in tech companies.

This list also doesn’t tally all political donations. It doesn’t include gifts to state or local candidates. And, most importantly, the sums don’t include the tens of millions of dollars — likely even hundreds of millions — that these donors are spending on outside groups that aren’t required to disclose their backers. So Silicon Valley megadonors’ true contributions to ousting Trump are impossible to assess in total, meaning it is also impossible to assess the scale of their influence in American democracy.

That influence could pay off in a Biden administration that will have to wrestle with how aggressively to regulate the tech companies that have helped create these fortunes.

Karla Jurvetson: $27.5 million

Dustin Moskovitz: $25 million

Reid Hoffman: $14.1 million

Jeff and Erica Lawson: $8.2 million

Connie Ballmer: $7.6 million

Jeff Skoll: $7.4 million

Eric Schmidt: $6 million

Sam Bankman-Fried: $5.6 million

Patty Quillin and Reed Hastings: $5.3 million

Jessica Livingston: $5 million

Michael Moritz: $3.9 million

Ken Duda: $3.7 million

Vinod Khosla: $3.1 million


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1a6d04 No.130626

File: d838e6e4070200a⋯.png (994.97 KB,1399x1219,1399:1219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325427 (281801ZOCT20) Notable: clockfag proof

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1a6d04 No.130627

File: b431705749f7b46⋯.png (595.96 KB,701x755,701:755,Clipboard.png)

File: 59580e48f9d1324⋯.png (105.82 KB,702x788,351:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325434 (281801ZOCT20) Notable: Justice Department moves to protect election in Western Washington

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Justice Department moves to protect election in Western Washington


Records numbers of early voters are casting their ballots throughout Washington state.

The Western Washington U.S. Attorney’s Office is moving to make sure the election goes smoothly.

“You always have this tension between free, fair and successful elections with the possibility that there are those who don’t want to see the elections the way we hope they would be carried out,” said U.S. Attorney Brian Moran.

Moran assigned an assistant U.S. attorney with a decade of elections experience to monitor the vote in Western Washington.

>This is good

>Eyes on Seattle area for fraud

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1a6d04 No.130628

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325449 (281803ZOCT20) Notable: Coronavirus-Chinese-virologist-said-COVID-19-lab-reveals-mothers-arrest.html

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I can almost guarantee that it was the Whistle blowers who was with Steve Bannon that were being intimidated and the people got caught. They were going to be under heavy scrutiny and the Chinese made it obvious by arresting the virologists mother.

A Chinese virologist who claims the coronavirus was cooked up in a military lab has revealed that Chinese authorities have arrested her mother. Li-Meng Yan, who claims to be a former researcher at …


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1a6d04 No.130629

File: f24d6dae3f4d05a⋯.png (542.8 KB,603x673,603:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325458 (281804ZOCT20) Notable: https://twitter.com/USNavy/status/1321512086174863360

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Just America's #BlueGreenTeam dropping in to say hello.

Flexed biceps


Marines with the All-Domain Reconnaissance Detachment, 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, fast-rope from a #USNavy MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter aboard #USSMakinIsland while underway in the Pacific Ocean.


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1a6d04 No.130630

File: 60ae26fa523f02c⋯.png (338.13 KB,610x334,305:167,Clipboard.png)

File: a1c5021dfceec32⋯.png (260.26 KB,568x608,71:76,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b44c50fb9515cd⋯.png (343.82 KB,601x533,601:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325469 (281805ZOCT20) Notable: BLM is Rioting in Philly for Man Who Held a Gun to a Woman’s Head, Awaiting Trial For Threatening to Shoot Another

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Black Lives Matter is Rioting in Philly for Man Who Held a Gun to a Woman’s Head and Was Awaiting Trial For Threatening to Shoot Another

The man who was fatally shot by police after running at them with a knife, sparking violent riots in Philadelphia, previously held a gun to a woman’s head and was awaiting trial for threatening to shoot another.

Walter Wallace Jr., who was fatally shot on Monday, was also a rapper who had songs about shooting the police.

“Guns are a central theme as he rhymes about shooting people, including police,” ABC 6 reports. “Court records show Wallace was currently awaiting trial for allegedly threatening to shoot a woman and her house up.”

It gets worse.

“In 2017, he pled guilty to robbery, assault, and possessing an instrument of crime after kicking down the door of another woman and putting a gun to her head,” the report continues. “And in 2013, he pled guilty to assault and resisting arrest after punching a police officer in the face.”

Apparently, Wallace also had mental health issues and was on lithium.

“I do know that he was on a regimen of lithium and that says to me he was under a doctor’s care, and that says to me officers who are trained – invisible ink – properly should notice certain things when they arrive at the scene,” family attorney Shaka Johnson told the station.

Philadelphia has now been subjected to two nights of chaos over this violent felon.


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1a6d04 No.130631

File: 02ec8d4f0b35cce⋯.png (1.43 MB,1439x2449,1439:2449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325473 (281805ZOCT20) Notable: https://twitter.com/W7VOA/status/1321512487439814656?s=19

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1a6d04 No.130632

File: 77a96c62706ae95⋯.png (544.94 KB,600x827,600:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325482 (281806ZOCT20) Notable: https://twitter.com/USArmy/status/1321257661216804865

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Timestamps and sauce links are important


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1a6d04 No.130633

File: 213287c7d83e91b⋯.png (27.66 KB,529x262,529:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325498 (281807ZOCT20) Notable: Jack Dorsey came across as an absolute mental patient in his Senate testimony

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Jack Dorsey came across as an absolute mental patient in his Senate testimony…

My God, these filthy hippies are the so-called "masters of the universe" trying to tell us what truth is and who should lead the nation?


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1a6d04 No.130634

File: 3a8b6bf9f1fa2ac⋯.png (297.03 KB,594x1156,297:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325519 (281808ZOCT20) Notable: Interesting way to force the issue.

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Interesting way to force the issue.

Twitter especially maintain that the Biden Laptop is evidence of hacked material and goes against their policy. It is routinely maintained by Fake News that it's disinformation and it isn't true.

Here Candace Owens get's locked out of her account for breaking their "Child Sexual Exploitation Policy"

It can't be fake news or misinformation if you're getting censored by them for publishing texts of Hunter Biden's because it violates a different policy.

They've gone all in on the suppression of this story through the means of hacked material and misinformation that they've hoisted themselves by their own petard by now using an alternative policy to block it.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130635

File: 0fe141a7844a2fe⋯.png (33.91 KB,783x281,783:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325522 (281808ZOCT20) Notable: Nevada Trucking Association, Retail Association of Nevada & Associated Builders and Contractors endorse President Trump for re-election.

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BREAKING: Nevada Trucking Association, Retail Association of Nevada & Associated Builders and Contractors endorse President Trump for re-election.


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1a6d04 No.130636

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325548 (281810ZOCT20) Notable: #14466,

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Baking Now

Q Research General #14467: Justice is Coming Edition

#14466 Final

>>130579 https://twitter.com/SidneyPowell1/status/1321502259713331202

>>130580 usda-farmers-families-food-box-program-reaches-20-million-boxes

>>130581 https://twitter.com/A2ndOpynyn/status/1321497391137214464?s=19

>>130582 Notables #14465 #14464

>>130583 finger lakes Large Solar Array

>>130584 >>130585 warning that you can not sell any firearms via a private sale unless you have a FFL licens

>>130586 anon self notable?

>>130587 How did Pelosi get rich

>>130588 Delta Red October

>>130589 hillary-clinton-pelosi-ready-to-unleash-liberal-tsunami-after-biden-win

>>130590 Baker Change

>>130591 digfag we-playing-right-into-their-plan

>>130593 Happy Birthday to the Royal Marine Corps! OORA -o7

>>130594 Hunter Biden Email Reveals ‘Wiring Instructions’ For ‘Spy Chief of China’ Patrick Ho #LaptopFromHell

>>130595, >>130596 MSM FUCKERY FAILS

>>130597 https://twitter.com/chiIIum/status/1321470772200787968

>>130598 Pope Francis sparks criticism as he goes maskless at public event day

>>130599 30 Pictures That Define Joe Biden's Career

>>130600 Philadelphia PD ordered officers not to arrest rioters and looters

>>130601 Planefag Reports

>>130602 Marsha Blackburn Calls Out Google CEO Sundar Pichai over Suppression of Breitbart News

>>130603 https://twitter.com/USArmy/status/1321436825215553542?s=20

>>130604 Rudy Giuliani Threatens To Walk Out During Interview With Fox

>>130605 Twitter now promoting election delays

>>130606 ANON THEORY

>>130607 https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1321331069220605952

>>130608 German COVID-19 test lab produces slew of false positives

>>130609, >>130615 IT's HABBENING ~ 5 unnamed arrests!!! (HOLY SHIT HAPPENING>)

>>130610 Female prisoner suing UK govt after claiming sexual assault by transgender inmate

>>130611 6-facts-about-hunter-bidens-business-dealings-in-china/

>>130612 Scotland’s justice minister wants to punish citizens over ‘insulting’ conversations AT HOME

>>130613 China looks to Mongolia for coking coal after banning Australian imports

>>130614 Three_Red_Banners

>>130616 https://twitter.com/NavalInstitute/status/1321505818186047489

>>130617 https://twitter.com/DLoesch/status/1321491084191637504

>>130618 https://twitter.com/HawleyMO/status/1321485596435587072

>>130619 The Current Head of the SDNY, Audrey Strauss, Behind the Abusive Bannon and Kolfage Indictments, Is a Lifelong Democrat Donor

>>130620 Ted Nugent SHREDS National Anthem at Trump Muskegon, MI rally 10/17/20

>>130621 qfag proof?

>>130622 POTUS LIVE


>>130624 eight-individuals-charged-conspiring-act-illegal-agents-people-s-republic-china

>>130625 The 15 Silicon Valley millionaires spending the most to beat Donald Trump

>>130626 clockfag proof

>>130627 Justice Department moves to protect election in Western Washington

>>130628 Coronavirus-Chinese-virologist-said-COVID-19-lab-reveals-mothers-arrest.html

>>130629 https://twitter.com/USNavy/status/1321512086174863360

>>130630 BLM is Rioting in Philly for Man Who Held a Gun to a Woman’s Head, Awaiting Trial For Threatening to Shoot Another

>>130631 https://twitter.com/W7VOA/status/1321512487439814656?s=19

>>130632 https://twitter.com/USArmy/status/1321257661216804865

>>130633 Jack Dorsey came across as an absolute mental patient in his Senate testimony

>>130634 Interesting way to force the issue.

>>130635 Nevada Trucking Association, Retail Association of Nevada & Associated Builders and Contractors endorse President Trump for re-election.

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1a6d04 No.130637

File: 79b6172708a1131⋯.png (1.22 MB,1081x1536,1081:1536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325646 (281816ZOCT20) Notable: Trump vs Biden crowd size

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I'll just leave this here

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1a6d04 No.130638

File: 2880e95d649d0f0⋯.png (18.46 KB,560x217,80:31,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c9fb51269a55ef⋯.png (117.15 KB,229x242,229:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325666 (281817ZOCT20) Notable: Leaving Las Vegas? Sheldon Adelson Explores $6BN Sale Of Vegas Casinos

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Leaving Las Vegas? Sheldon Adelson Explores $6BN Sale Of Vegas Casinos

In the latest sign that Las Vegas' services and hospitality sector-focused mostly on the gambling industry - is experiencing long term economic scarring, Sheldon Adelson, known for decades as the biggest player in the gambling hub, is reportedly pulling out.

Sources told Bloomberg that Adelson's Sands is shifting concentration to Asian gaming markets and is seeking an exit from U.S. casino operations. Sands has hired an advisor to prepare Venetian Resort Las Vegas, the Palazzo, and the Sands Expo Convention Center for a $6 billion sale.

Aside from gambling, Adelson is known as a major booster of the GOP, and recently agreed to shell out millions to support Trump's bid for the White House after a troubling period of reticence.

The sale would position Sands' as a pure gaming play in Asia, concentrating its casino portfolio primarily in Macau and Singapore. Bloomberg notes, "the U.S. was already a small and shrinking part of his business, accounting for less than 15% of revenue last year."

"The growing insignificance of the U.S. market explains to you why Las Vegas Sands is looking to offload their U.S. properties," said Ben Lee, a Macau-based managing partner at IGamiX. "It is 15% of revenue but 80% of regulatory pain and burden."

Last week, Sands reported third-quarter earnings showing the company could be approaching break-even in Macau, the world's biggest gambling market. Still, Vegas operations continued to drag as indoor capacity remained limited, and consumers stayed away from indoor spaces as daily U.S. virus cases marched higher.

Sands' decision to sell Vegas operations at depressed valuations, smack dab in a virus pandemic amid collapsed fundamentals for the tourism and gaming industry only means one thing: "It's only getting worse," as we noted Monday evening on Twitter.

How much worse?

Las Vegas economic analyst Jeremy Aguero recently warned Vegas' economic recovery could take 18 and 36 months. Just weeks ago, Encore at Wynn Las Vegas, the gaming hub's largest casino, reduced operating hours as the "V-shaped" recovery narrative for the gambling hub has faltered into fall.

This all could mean that Adelson sees more downside for U.S. gambling markets as Asia recovers more swiftly. Adelson's potential sale could be the catalyst that triggers a firesale across the Vegas Strip.


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1a6d04 No.130639

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325671 (281818ZOCT20) Notable: China’s communist government is preparing to file treason charges against a former official who sought political asylum at the U.S. consulate

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AUGUST 16, 2012 5:00 AM

China’s communist government is preparing to file treason charges against a former official who sought political asylum at the U.S. consulate in Chengdu but was turned away to avoid upsetting U.S.-China relations, according to U.S. officials and Chinese reports.

The former official, Wang Lijun, a Chongqing police chief and deputy mayor until his visit to the U.S. consulate Feb. 6, is expected to be charged with treason, a crime that under the communist system normally results in summary execution or life in prison.

Wang made a dramatic escape from Chongqing in February wearing a disguise, and spent the night at the U.S. consulate, as scores of Chinese security police surrounded the diplomatic outpost.

U.S. officials said Wang provided information and documents on the case of British national Neil Heywood, who was found dead in a Chongqing hotel the previous November.

The Free Beacon reported May 1 that the office of Vice President Joe Biden was behind the administration’s decision to turn Wang away from the consulate, in particular Biden national security aide Antony Blinken.

Blinken, according to administration officials, overruled State and Justice Department officials who favored granting Wang political asylum and working to get him out of China.

A White House official, however, later denied that Blinken or the White House was behind the decision not to grant political asylum to the defector. President Obama was informed of the incident, but the official said he was not directly involved in the handling of the case.

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1a6d04 No.130640

File: cd76bb50b9ae7e0⋯.png (126.86 KB,348x217,348:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325673 (281818ZOCT20) Notable: Baking Seminar #38 for all anons

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Baking Seminar #38 for all anons

Thurs 7pm ET: >>>/comms/>>>/qresearch/40369

Continuation of last week's discussion on Q drop:


* What's happened in the last week?

* Where are we at now?

* How can we move forward from here?

Bring your ideas, friends.

We will problem-solve together.


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1a6d04 No.130641

File: 4795863006e7088⋯.jpg (33.49 KB,720x418,360:209,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325678 (281819ZOCT20) Notable: For the Keks

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1a6d04 No.130642

File: b71ab319bc6f1d2⋯.png (84.26 KB,733x890,733:890,Clipboard.png)

File: 695da92cb3b1915⋯.png (95.03 KB,739x793,739:793,Clipboard.png)

File: aa78548a4c43a8a⋯.png (66.74 KB,749x682,749:682,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325686 (281819ZOCT20) Notable: Man Sentenced for Posing As Covert CIA Officer in Elaborate $4 Million Fraud

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Man Sentenced for Posing As Covert CIA Officer in Elaborate $4 Million Fraud

Former DEA Public Affairs Officer Scammed Victims by Posing Falsely as Covert CIA Officer Involved in a Highly-classified Intelligence Program


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1a6d04 No.130643

File: 8144fa7d9947590⋯.pdf (1.08 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325692 (281819ZOCT20) Notable: COVID-19 STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PROGRAM

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Reposted for new bread..

I don't know if this COVID-19 STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PROGRAM (SPRP) (P173789) pdf from the World Bank has been posted here before but if not, here it is!

The World Bank is expecting the 'Covid19 Project' to last until 31 March 2025!

Does this tie up with the 2025 population reduction predictions on Deagel.com?

The World Bank








Human Development Practice Group

APRIL 2, 2020

Regional Vice President: Annette Dixon

Global Director: Muhammad Pate

Practice Manager: Feng Zhao

David Wilson and team, including Patricio V. Marquez, Sheila Dutta, Nadeem Mohammad, Franck Berthe, Betty Hanan, Zinaida Korableva, Sara Halstead Hersey,

Task Team Leader(s)Team: Christopher Finch, Lydia Ndebele, Martin Mpungu Lutalo, and Allison Ross, with contributions from OPCS, DFI and the WBG COVID-19 Steering Committee, Task Force, and Emergency Operations Center

Expected Project Approval Date - 02-Apr-2020

Expected Project Closing Date - 31-Mar-2025

Expected Program Closing Date - 31-Mar-2025

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1a6d04 No.130644

File: 78a5f8a7e031516⋯.png (24.37 KB,776x308,194:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325696 (281820ZOCT20) Notable: Facebook, Google Pledged $700M to ‘Buy Off the Press’ Since 2018

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Facebook, Google Pledged $700M to ‘Buy Off the Press’ Since 2018

If the liberal media’s relative silence towards Facebook and Google’s Orwellian behavior this electoral cycle seemed deafening, perhaps it's because many outlets have received big loads of cash from them.

A Washington Monthly report headlined “How Facebook and Google Buy Off the Press” said that by 2018, both Big Tech companies “were already among the largest funders of journalism in the world.” However, since then, both corporations “have gone on to promise a total of $700 million in funding for journalism, not counting other ‘undisclosed’ funds and in-kind contributions.” What makes this funding dubious, is that “[j]ust who is receiving exactly how much from Google and Facebook remains hard to establish.”

Reportedly, both Facebook and Google disburse “most” of this funding through each organization’s “marketing and public relations budgets rather than through charitable foundations.” As a result, this makes the flow of money “as much of a black box as any search or newsfeed algorithms,” according to Washington Monthly.

The article outlined the creepy “black box” nature of Facebook and Google’s journalism funding:

Even the flows to nonprofit media entities do not necessarily become public record, because since 2018 the Internal Revenue Service has no longer required nonprofits to disclose their donors. Investigative journalists who want to follow the money need to rely on intensive gumshoe reporting of the kind few publications can afford anymore, thanks in large measure to the predations of Google and Facebook[.]

Fortunately, much of the funding can be tracked through other sources. For example, Google launched the Google News Initiative (GNI) in 2018. Washington Monthly noted that GNI had promised a whopping “$300 million in support for journalism to be distributed across the globe over three years, although the emphasis appeared to be on local news in the United States.”

In 2019, “Facebook upped the ante with a $300 million pledge over three years, matching Google’s promised giving,” Washington Monthly said.

The article claimed that Facebook had provided a “bit more detail” on specific grants. For example, “[i]n 2019, it gave 46 grants of between $5,000 and $25,000 to small, local news organizations through the Facebook Journalism Project, which were administered by the Lenfest Institute for Journalism.” However, “only $36 million was specified, and went to recipients like the Pulitzer Center ($5 mil), the American Journalism Project ($1 mil), and Report for America ($2 mil), among others.”


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1a6d04 No.130645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325705 (281821ZOCT20) Notable: You can now tweet the MY Post Hunter story SPREAD IT EVERYWHERE

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You can now tweet the MY Post Hunter story



An hour ago you couldn’t tweet this



Now you can.


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1a6d04 No.130646

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325711 (281821ZOCT20) Notable: 30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

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Anons this is a compiled list of Republicans that are fighting for the 2016 Close House Races.

Social Warriors please pake a moment to endorse and/or share this information among your followers.

https://twitter.com/DanRodimer Nevada 3rd

https://twitter.com/mowers New Hampshire 1s

https://twitter.com/BuzzPatterson California 7th

https://twitter.com/drleovalentin Florida 7th

https://twitter.com/realannapaulina Florida 13th

https://twitter.com/VoteJimMarchant Nevada 4th

https://twitter.com/frankpallottanj New Jersey 5th

https://twitter.com/stevenegronnh New Hampshire 2nd

https://twitter.com/FischbachMN7 Minnesota 7th

https://twitter.com/valforcongress Illinois 10th

https://twitter.com/devolder New York 3rd

https://twitter.com/Caldwell_CA24 California 24th

https://twitter.com/tiffany_shedd Arizona 1st

https://twitter.com/millermeeks Iowa 2nd

https://twitter.com/seanparnellusa Pennsylvania 17th


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1a6d04 No.130647

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325712 (281821ZOCT20) Notable: 30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

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Our Plan is to Take Back The House.

This is the 2016 House Close Race Democrats, Please take the time to Counter and RedPill Thier Followers


The #DoNothingDemocrats are The 'NO' Party

-NO School Choice

-NO Child Tax Credit

-NO Social Security

-NO Speech

-NO Jobs

-NO Wall

-NO Police

-NO Guns

-NO Military

-NO Religion

-NO Law and Order


1. Nevada 3rd, 1.2% Susie Lee


2. New Hampshire 1st, 1.3% Chris Pappas


3. California 7th, 2.4% Ami Bera


4. Florida 7th, 3.0% Stephanie Murphy


5. Florida 13th, 3.8% Charlie Crist


6. Nevada 4th, 4.0% Steven Horsford


7. New Jersey 5th, 4.4% Josh Gottheimer


8. New Hampshire 2nd, 4.5% Ann McLane Kuster


9. Minnesota 7th, 5.1% Collin Peterson


10. Illinois 10th, 5.2% Brad Schneider


11. New York 3rd, 5.6% Thomas Suozzi


12. California 24th, 6.8% Salud Carbajal


13. Arizona 1st, 7.3% Tom O'Halleran


14. Iowa 2nd, 7.4% 	Dave Loebsack


15. Pennsylvania 17th, 7.6% Conor Lamb


Thank You and GodBless o7

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1a6d04 No.130648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325714 (281821ZOCT20) Notable: MUH COVID

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>>>/qresearch/11325606 PB

Unless people are dying of the Covid, it doesn't matter how many cases we have. Dems make fun of POTUS for saying if we didn't test we wouldn't have cases but HE'S RIGHT.

At this point, #of cases are inconsequential. Number of deaths (true deaths) in a healthy population is the only thing that matters now.

It's just like the common cold.

We don't test test for it because it doesn't matter. People get the common cold by the millions and a few days later they are recovered.

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1a6d04 No.130649

File: 0a2dc8dc3e23c42⋯.png (182.7 KB,769x865,769:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 9751f870bfe5634⋯.png (152.58 KB,521x557,521:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 661f553314b5b0e⋯.png (16.27 KB,797x203,797:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325730 (281822ZOCT20) Notable: Obama-Era Officials Call for More Government Control of Your Facebook Feed

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Obama-Era Officials Call for More Government Control of Your Facebook Feed

Writing in the Washington Post, senior Obama-era official Samantha Power has called on social media giant Facebook to do more to crush what she calls conspiracy theories and disinformation circulating on its platform.

Describing it as being “overrun with foreign disinformation,” Power demanded Mark Zuckerberg “take far more drastic steps” to “detox” the company’s algorithm. The former United States ambassador to the United Nations compared the viral vitriol circulating on Zuckerberg’s platform to the weaponized disinformation campaigns in the former Yugoslavia, implying that it could help spark a conflict in the United States.

52 percent of Americans get news on Facebook, making it an enormously powerful and influential news service, not just a social media or messaging app. For years, it has at least partially outsourced its news feed algorithm cultivation to the Atlantic Council, a NATO cutout organization funded by the U.S. government and headed and controlled by former CIA chiefs. Thus, the government already has significant control over the content on America’s most important media platform.

Zuckerberg also recently admitted that in 2017 he changed Facebook’s algorithm to deliberately throttle traffic to left-wing alternative news sites, even those as mainstream as Mother Jones. MintPress News was similarly negatively affected.

One reason to be skeptical of greater censorship of Facebook to fight fake news is that the Atlantic Council itself is perhaps the chief driver of one of the modern era’s most prominent conspiracy theories: that of RussiaGate.

Samantha Power speaks at the Atlantic Council to warn of a “Russian Threat” in January of 2017. Victoria Langton | Atlantic Council

The extent of Moscow’s involvement in domestic affairs can be debated, but the Atlantic Council has produced report after report making outlandish, unverified assertions, including that virtually every non-establishment political party in Europe, from Labour and UKIP in the UK, Podemos in Spain, Syriza and Golden Dawn in Greece, and the Five Star Movement in Italy are all secretly the “Kremlin’s Trojan Horses” — under the personal thumb of Vladimir Putin.

As part of Obama’s National Security Council, Power herself strongly pushed for war in Libya, which was sold to Americans on the claim that Colonel Gaddafi was giving his troops Viagra to encourage mass rapes. No evidence was presented for such a remarkable claim. Even after the destruction caused, turning the country into a failed state with active slave markets, Power praised her government’s response for “[helping] orchestrate the fastest and broadest international response to an impending human rights crisis in history,” brushing off criticism of the country’s current state by claiming that she, “could hardly expect to have a crystal ball when it came to accurately predicting outcomes in places where the culture was not our own.” She also supported the U.S. bombing of Syria on grounds now proven incorrect. Thus, misinformation merchants are themselves calling for restrictions on conspiracy theories online.

While Facebook is undoubtedly flooded with conspiracy theories and other types of fake news, the term is a loaded one that means very different things to different people. While readers might associate “conspiracy theories” with ideas about the Moon landing, aliens or various political assassinations, the establishment often uses it in an altogether different context. An example of this comes from an article on conspiracies from The Guardian, the most liberal of the United Kingdom’s major newspapers. The outlet claimed that the statement that, “even though we live in what’s called a democracy, a few people will always run things in this country anyway” was a conspiracy theory, comparing it to the neo-Nazi white genocide myth. Thus, to many at the top of society, basic scrutiny of the rich and powerful on the grounds of their class is akin to lurid fantasies about an attempt to destroy the white race.


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1a6d04 No.130650

File: d32e37ee31232ac⋯.png (270.63 KB,591x525,197:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325758 (281823ZOCT20) Notable: US Commander: Troops Can Be Sent to Defend Senkaku Islands

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US Commander: Troops Can Be Sent to Defend Senkaku Islands

Comments made at the start of major joint US-Japan naval drills

Adding to tensions in the Pacific between the US and China, the head of US forces in Japan said on Monday that US troops could be sent to defend the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea. The islands, known as Diaoyus in China, are at the center of a maritime dispute between Tokyo and Beijing.

“Our arrival today was simply to demonstrate the ability to move a few people but the same capability could be used to deploy combat troops to defend the Senkaku Islands or respond to other crisis and contingencies,” Lt. Gen. Kevin Schneider said. The commander also rattled off a list of what he called “malign activities” by Beijing in the region.

Schneider made the comments from the deck of a Japanese destroyer in waters south of Japan, kicking off Keen Sword 21, a massive naval exercise conducted jointly by the US and Japan. The 10-day military exercises are held every other year. This year’s drills will involve 9,000 US troops, about 37,000 Japanese troops, and 20 ships and 170 aircraft.

A military confrontation between Japan and China over the Senkakus could draw in the US due to a mutual defense treaty between Washington and Tokyo.


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1a6d04 No.130651

File: be6979aa5c02c43⋯.png (519.75 KB,773x431,773:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325774 (281824ZOCT20) Notable: China’s Top Censor Orders Another Crackdown On Dissent

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China’s Top Censor Orders Another Crackdown On Dissent

While Facebook readies emergency measures to halt the spread of viral election day misinformation, contributing to a bout of social media hysteria that is starting to feel vaguely reminiscent of the perturbation that preceded Y2K, the censors over in Beijing are as busy as ever.

Reuters reports that China’s “top cyber authority” has declared that it will carry out a “rectification” of China’s mobile internet browsers. The campaign is a response to concerns about “chaos” in terms of information being shared online.

Doesn’t sound too different from what’s happening over at Twitter and Facebook. But we digress.

Anyway, the Cyberspace Administration of China, or CAC – the regulator in question – has told mobile browser owners that they have until Nov. 9 to finish a “self examination” (sounds fun) and rectify any previously unaddressed “problems.”

Some suspect that President Trump’s attacks on China, combined with the pro-independence party that continues to rule Taiwan and the pro-democracy protests that preceded a wave of street violence in Hong Kong last year, may push President Xi to drastic action to assert China’s dominance once and for all. If accurate, than this would be only the latest example of China cracking down on what has been an unprecedented year for that, with all that has happened in Hong Kong.

But circling back to the mainland, browsers will need to upgrade their censorship tools surrounding sensationalist headlines and “rumors” spread online. We wonder how they plan on accomplishing all this?

“For some time, mobile browsers have grown in an uncivilised way…and have become a gathering place and amplifier for dissemination of chaos by ‘self-media’,” the CAC said, referring to independently operated social media accounts, many of which publish news.

“After the rectification, mobile browsers that still have outstanding problems will be dealt with strictly according to laws and regulations until related businesses are banned.”

The campaign is focusing on eight of the most widely used mobile browsers in China, including those operated by Huawei, Alibaba’s UCWeb and Xiaomi, also a major smartphone manufacturer. Others include the QQ platform owned by Tencent, Qihoo-owned 360, Oppo and Sogou.

It’s just the latest reminder that economic engagement in China hasn’t improved political freedoms in China one bit since Mao Zedong’s death.


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1a6d04 No.130652

File: 44a758c7d30c7cc⋯.png (125.1 KB,734x482,367:241,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e396b81a942507⋯.png (68.52 KB,422x250,211:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325775 (281825ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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ANON US Navy MH-60R Seahawk out of NAS North Island-call sign was visible upon ascent to about 3k ft and changed to VVNE702 now.

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1a6d04 No.130653

File: ac46b91775104a9⋯.png (2.58 MB,2356x1274,1178:637,Clipboard.png)

File: 023ecb895a5a0f5⋯.png (159.29 KB,2210x864,1105:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11325827 (281828ZOCT20) Notable: Finger lakes, mini bun

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re: /pb/


CONNECTION: HBiden Tattoo > Finger Lakes (Seneca) > NUWC, Newport, RI > Chinese Government Sub Data Hack in 2018

Anons, remember in early 2018, the Chinese hacked into Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division (NUWC) Newport, Rhode Island and stole submarine data/intel?

NUWC Newport, RI tests/operates a site at Lake Seneca in the Finger Lakes. Hunter Biden happens to have a tattoo on his back of the Finger Lakes. The Chinese own Hunter Biden and the Bidens. The Chinese hacked NUWC and stole sub data/intel.

All connected? All a coincidence? Trying to remember if the sub data hack by the Chinese had anything to do with the Whidbey Island missile launch at AF1? Anyone recall?





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1a6d04 No.130654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326386 (281911ZOCT20) Notable: #14467

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>>130637 Trump vs Biden crowd size

>>130638 Leaving Las Vegas? Sheldon Adelson Explores $6BN Sale Of Vegas Casinos

>>130639 China’s communist government is preparing to file treason charges against a former official who sought political asylum at the U.S. consulate

>>130641 For the Keks

>>130640 Baking Seminar #38 for all anons

>>130642 Man Sentenced for Posing As Covert CIA Officer in Elaborate $4 Million Fraud


>>130644 Facebook, Google Pledged $700M to ‘Buy Off the Press’ Since 2018

>>130645 You can now tweet the MY Post Hunter story SPREAD IT EVERYWHERE

>>>/qresearch/11326300 #14467

notetaker 2

>>130646 (You) >>130647

30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

>>130648 MUH COVID

>>130649 Obama-Era Officials Call for More Government Control of Your Facebook Feed

>>130650 US Commander: Troops Can Be Sent to Defend Senkaku Islands

>>130651 China’s Top Censor Orders Another Crackdown On Dissent

>>130652 PF

>>>/qresearch/11326312 #14467

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1a6d04 No.130655

File: 27c1ab4620b6101⋯.png (162.82 KB,2143x797,2143:797,Clipboard.png)


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1a6d04 No.130656

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326588 (281926ZOCT20) Notable: EU Continues Its Shutdown

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France Joins Germany In Reviving Nationwide Lockdown

Update (1515ET): As expected, French President Emmanuel Macron announced during a briefing Wednesday evening that France would join Germany in announcing a new partial lockdown that would see schools remain open, while curfews, 'nonessential' business closures and restrictions on movement return.

Per the new restrictions, all bars and restaurants across France will close, a measure that is infuriating the national hospitality industry.

Will the announcement, which was telegraphed in advance by leaks to the press, rattle markets on Thursday, leading to a continuation of Wednesday's market turmoil?


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1a6d04 No.130657

File: 794e5d751d350c4⋯.png (492.04 KB,597x338,597:338,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326607 (281927ZOCT20) Notable: Not my fault, Im Poor

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Seattle City Council Pushes For Poverty, Drug Addiction To Be A Legal Defense For Criminals

The Seattle City Council is quietly considering a new law that would create a legal loophole that will allow misdemeanor crimes to be broadly defended for those with substance addiction, mental illnesses or those in poverty.

Scott Lindsay, a former Seattle Public Safety Advisor warned that this unprecedented potential law will create a ‘green light for crime’

Lindsay said, “I am not aware of any legislation like this anywhere in the United States, even globally. All cities have criminal codes to protect their citizens from criminal acts. This would basically create a legal loophole that swallowed all those codes and said ‘green light to crime’. If you don’t feel very protected right now, this would wipe out almost all remaining protections that we have.”

Anything under a felony excluding DUIs and domestic violence would by law not be prosecuted.

Lindsay continued, “This would absolutely open the floodgates to crime in Seattle, even worse than we often currently struggle with. It’s basically a blank check to anybody committing theft, assault, harassment, trespass to continue without disruption from our criminal justice system.”

The new proposed legislation did not have a public hearing.

Lindsay also said, “This is a backdoor to get this legislation into the budget process, not through the normal democratic processes with transparency, dialog, public discussion.”

Councilmember Tammy J. Morales claimed there is no research that indicates having more police increases public safety in Seattle neighborhoods.

Morales said, “But just the notion that we need more police, ever an ever growing force in order to increase public safety is just a false notion. There is nothing that, um, no research that indicates that, um, you know, a large police force increases community safety at all. And the truth of the matter is that when we’re talking about community safety, we’re talking about public safety, the question is safety for whom? Right. Because I represent South Seattle, where many people do not, in fact, feel safe, um, having extra police in the neighborhood.”


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1a6d04 No.130658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326618 (281929ZOCT20) Notable: FBI agents voiced their support Wednesday for embattled Director Christopher Wray

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FBI agents voiced their support Wednesday for embattled Director Christopher Wray, warning President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden that his untimely removal could "undermine stability" within the federal government's premier law enforcement agency.

The action by the FBI Agents Association, representing 14,000 active and retired agents, comes as Trump is weighing a number of key staff changes after the election, including the dismissal of Wray, who has served just more than three years of 10-year term following the abrupt removal of James Comey in 2017.

"Unanticipated changes in bureau leadership are challenging and can undermine stability," the association said in separate letters to the president and the Democratic nominee. "Right now, the FBI is confronting an even more daunting threat environment… This country needs stability in leadership of the bureau during these challenging times, and creating upheavals…after the elections can only undermine the goal of protecting the safety and security of our country."

Asked if he thought Trump’s campaign was unfairly targeted in the Russia investigation, Wray said: “I do not.”

“I don’t know what report current Director of the FBI Christopher Wray was reading, but it sure wasn’t the one given to me,” Trump tweeted then, adding that Wray “with that kind of attitude will never be able to fix the FBI…”


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1a6d04 No.130659

File: 34b4e121a65f928⋯.png (766.77 KB,633x413,633:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326654 (281932ZOCT20) Notable: Spanish Doctors Stage First Walkout In 25 Years To Protest Government’s New COVID-19 Order

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Spanish Doctors Stage First Walkout In 25 Years To Protest Government’s New COVID-19 Order

Doctors across Spain have walked out on Tuesday in what media outlets have called the first medical strike to rock the country in 25 years.

As the coronavirus pandemic rages across Spain, where the Health Ministry reported another 18,418 new daily cases on Tuesday, doctors are beginning the strike, which was called in defiance of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s latest emergency order, which was implemented on Sunday.

The order requires doctors and nurses to report to any of a range of assignments that could be handed to them by the government during the state of emergency, which could be in place for months.

Doctors complained that the new law violated their rights, and compromised the standard of care for patients, as doctors would end up working in an area they weren’t specialized in.

The strike will continue indefinitely, with doctors set to continue striking on the last Tuesday of every month until a deal has been reached.

For the first time, 200,000 new cases were confirmed in Spain over the previous two weeks, and cases on Tuesday were up 33% compared with the prior week. And over the last 24 hours, another 267 people have died.

“The Health Ministry hasn’t even dignified us with a meeting to try and get us to call off the strike,” he told Spanish health journal iSanidad.

Spain’s hospitals harbor nearly 16,700 active COVID-19 patients – up more than 600 compared to Monday, with one quarter of all the country’s ICU units used to treat those with an infectious disease.

Doctors strikes in Spain follow similar demonstrations in India during the early months of the pandemic as physicians dealt with unprecedented harassment from the public.


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1a6d04 No.130660

File: 92d4b03a86798dd⋯.png (687.92 KB,1286x3201,1286:3201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326676 (281934ZOCT20) Notable: SF DA Chesa Boudin surveys crime victims on how to make life easier for their attackers

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SF DA Chesa Boudin surveys crime victims on how to make life easier for their attackers

Chesa Boudin, the radical left-wing San Francisco district attorney on whose watch San Francisco has become a crime-infested Caracas-like hellhole, is starting to draw criticism from crime victims for his unwillingness to prosecute crimes. Adding insult to injury, he's now using them as fodder for a survey on how to make their attackers' lives better.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, in a column by Heather Knight that ran on Oct. 17 (why the heck wasn't this reported as straight news?):

The survey asked them to rank the district attorney's top five priorities by importance. But the options did not include prosecuting violent crimes or ensuring public safety, which many residents would rank as the top priorities of the city's chief prosecutor.

And the reward for filling out answers about the crime committed against you?

The respondents could be entered into a raffle — if they provided an email address — to win free water bottles, tote bags "and more" with the D.A.'s logo emblazoned on them.

The aim is to use the responses to advance his political career, smothering the victims' real concerns in order to advance his let-'em-out political agenda in a quest for higher office.

Always the P.R. man, Chesa is focused on gaslighting the public for his own self-aggrandizement, claiming he's prosecuting criminals, while he's mainly attempting to get the victims of crimes he never prosecuted to answer his survey with carefully worded options on what his priorities should be, leaving off the option of "prosecuting violent crime" and taking violent thugs off the streets as choices.

It asks crime victims to rank these five priorities by importance: prioritizing rehabilitation over punishment, providing restorative justice options for victims of crime, increasing alternatives to prison, increasing services for victims of crime, and increasing financial resources for victims of crime.

Those might be fine ideas in some criminal cases. But for a man like Tonel's co-worker who allegedly drugs somebody, drags them into an Uber unconscious, takes them home and rapes them? Probably not.

"There was no option to disagree or to even add a suggestion or comment to what could be included in those five very limited options," Tonel said. "It's disappointing and disrespectful to survivors."

The Soros-funded stepson of Bill Ayers, who spent his youth as Hugo Chávez's adviser, has always been a slippery, ambitious character.

Here's how bad it was, according to Knight of the Chronicle:

It also appears geared toward collecting answers that show crime victims support Boudin's priorities at a time when many San Franciscans are concerned his office isn't doing enough to prosecute crime. Overall, crime in the city is down from last year, but homicides are up 23%, burglary has risen 43% and auto theft is up 34%, according to police data through August.

Here's what's going on there. Burglar's delight.

Boudin's lack of prosecutions is fueling a burglary epidemic. Boudin's term started with a 23% leap in robberies and upticks in burglaries and car break-ins. After the March 16th Covid-19 shutdown, with retail stores closing and tourists and rental cars disappearing, criminals transitioned to stealing cars, starting fires, and committing burglaries. Through the shutdown, as of September 1st, burglaries exploded up 57.6% over the same period last year. (Year-to-date homicides are up 33% under Boudin.)

So what is Boudin doing besides letting diligent police work go to waste? SFPD investigators are reporting that, when Boudin's office can't absolutely reject a solid SFPD case, his office is calling the victims and pressuring them to forgo prosecution in favor of "restorative justice." That's correct, the San Francisco DA's office is soliciting victims and asking for an excuse not to do their jobs. The Street is highly aware of Boudin's no-consequences prosecutorial policy and the price is a growing lawlessness and the compromised safety of our residents.

And with few ever prosecuted, cops are refusing to apprehend violent criminals: why stick your neck out when the D.A. just throws the cases out or calls you the problem?

But not a problem for young Chesa, a lily-white leftist male whose father is in prison for murdering a black cop in the infamous Weathermen Brink's robbery of 1981, who now shows similar disregard for the lives of women. Call it communist family values, and hope to heaven this guy never gets elected to any office beyond San Francisco.



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1a6d04 No.130661

File: 3c06d9c5f11a99d⋯.png (357.08 KB,598x590,299:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326677 (281934ZOCT20) Notable: O'Keefe twitter

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shared ty WRanon -o7

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1a6d04 No.130662

File: bea36b948700280⋯.png (999.01 KB,915x609,305:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 9160a47c9f5691f⋯.png (55.97 KB,946x477,946:477,Clipboard.png)

File: 335be69c02893de⋯.png (98.85 KB,961x716,961:716,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b9caa306b4f071⋯.png (82.3 KB,977x615,977:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326696 (281936ZOCT20) Notable: QAnon learns to survive — and even thrive — after Silicon Valley’s crackdown

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QAnon learns to survive — and even thrive — after Silicon Valley’s crackdown

Months into Silicon Valley’s crackdown on the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory, dozens of websites, social media apps and e-commerce platforms remain flooded with its debunked claims, showing a durability likely to outlast next week’s presidential election — no matter the outcome.

QAnon accounts have grown steeply on social media apps, such as Parler and Telegram, that have little content moderation. Merchants selling QAnon-themed books and T-shirts appear to be thriving, including on such major online retailers as Amazon. Even on Twitter, one of the tech companies seeking to curb the content, accounts openly touting QAnon remain active in online political debate, especially in key states such as Florida and Texas, according to new research.

The result is an ever-widening conspiracy-theory movement that, despite efforts by Silicon Valley to clean up its services, remains a primary fount of disinformation in the closing days of the hotly contested presidential election.

QAnon accounts have been particularly aggressive recently in spreading unverified claims about the supposed business dealings of Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. The accounts also have sought to undermine confidence in mail-in voting, warning, without evidence, that the election will be “stolen” by Democrats.

“Despite the actions of social media platforms to curtail the growth of QAnon, QAnon conspiracy theories and misinformation continue to gain traction online at an alarming rate,” said Daniel J. Jones, a former FBI analyst and Senate investigator who now is president of Advance Democracy, which studies disinformation. “This growth has real-world consequences. We’re going to see faith in our institutions continue to erode and that’s going to make it increasingly difficult to govern.”


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1a6d04 No.130663

File: b82c8bad3551325⋯.png (326.21 KB,567x601,567:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326717 (281938ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter Election Fuckery

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Twitter Declares ‘Election Results Might Be Delayed’

Twitter declared on Wednesday that due to the rise in mail-in voting, there might be a delay in the announcement of election results.

“With the increase in voting by mail, there might be a delay in the announcement of election results,” Twitter wrote in an announcement. “This means you could encounter unconfirmed claims that a candidate has won their race.”

Twitter also mentioned news outlets have “historically” projected the winners on election night, but official vote tallies could vary from state to state.

Zach Cohen, a national security reporter at CNN, noted that the announcement arises as “top election security officials” have urged voters to remain calm as it appears likely that the election results will be delayed.

Twitter’s mail-in voting announcement follows as the Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing on Section 230 on Wednesday.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for censorship the New York Post’s story about the Biden family’s alleged corruption. Cruz said:

Two weeks ago, Twitter made the unilateral decision to censor the New York Post, a series of two blockbuster articles, both alleging evidence of corruption against Joe Biden, the first concerning Ukraine, the second concerning Communist China.”

Twitter made the decision, number one to prevent users – any user – from sharing those stories. And, number two, you went even further, and blocked the New York Post from sharing on Twitter its own reporting. Why did Twitter make the decision to censor the New York Post?

You can censor the New York Post, you can censor Politico, presumably you can censor the New York Times or any other media outlet. Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you, and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the American people are allowed to hear, and why do you persist in behaving like a Democratic super-PAC, silencing views to the contrary of your political beliefs?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Dorsey were also unable to name a single leftist they have censored.


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1a6d04 No.130664

File: e914b4ca59ff655⋯.png (76.82 KB,661x920,661:920,Clipboard.png)

File: 2946479b8b66e60⋯.png (75.95 KB,659x913,659:913,Clipboard.png)

File: d2398cdb30816fa⋯.png (74.13 KB,703x912,37:48,Clipboard.png)

File: b5c5cf775ef4ea8⋯.png (76.24 KB,701x915,701:915,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b7bc696884e025⋯.png (13.27 KB,693x154,9:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326748 (281941ZOCT20) Notable: ‘The Biden Five’: The Definitive Breakdown of One of America’s Most Corrupt Families

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‘The Biden Five’: The Definitive Breakdown of One of America’s Most Corrupt Families

Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and senior contributor at Breitbart News, explained how Joe Biden’s family members — dubbed the Biden Five — monetized political connections and influence in an interview aired on Tuesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

The Biden Five is composed of Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden; his younger brothers Frank Biden and James Biden, his sister Valerie Biden, and his daughter Ashley Biden.

Marlow highlighted Schweizer’s latest book, Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, as “the gateway into understanding not just Joe Biden and the Biden family, but also the entire institutional Democratic Party at this moment and their corruption.”

Marlow described Schweizer’s investigation of the Biden family as yielding “indisputable evidence that Joe Biden is running a crime-like syndicate where he is, if nothing else, enabling his family members to get rich, without really any noticeable skill, using the American people’s good name.”

Schweizer noted the internationalization of the Biden family’s business dealings following Joe Biden becoming vice president.

“There’s no question about it. Joe Biden is the planet around which the moons of his family travel,” Schweizer said, “and the gravitational pull is Joe Biden’s power and his position, and the family has enriched themselves based on the positions he has.”

Schweizer continued, “Before Joe Biden is vice president of the United States, they’re really not doing many international deals, but once Joe Biden becomes vice president of the United States, suddenly, they’ve got foreign governments and foreign entities falling over themselves to cut them in on deals that they have no background or no expertise in. There’s a direct link between the corrupt acts of the family and the policy positions and power that Joe Biden has.”

1 – Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden joined his father aboard Air Force Two in December of 2013 on a flight to China. Ten days later, he secured over $1 billion in financing from the state-run Bank of China for a newly launched private equity firm he co-founded.

Schweizer explained, “Before Joe Biden becomes vice president of the United States, Hunter is a lobbyist for online gambling companies in Europe. That’s what he’s doing. That’s his professional background. Once his dad becomes vice president of the United States, he suddenly starts doing a whole host of global deals beginning with China. He flies with his dad on Air Force Two to Beijing China in December 2013.”


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1a6d04 No.130665

File: 20f3b4be1605419⋯.png (413.86 KB,561x390,187:130,Clipboard.png)

File: 29428cc97147ada⋯.png (61.43 KB,720x846,40:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326769 (281943ZOCT20) Notable: Keith Olbermann wants President Trump arrested

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Keith Olbermann wants President Trump arrested, claims he threatened Biden. But here's the truth.

Leftist pundit Keith Olbermann called for President Donald Trump to be arrested on Tuesday over a video of the president speaking about Democratic nominee Joe Biden during a campaign rally in Michigan. The president's critics claimed he called for Biden's assassination.

But as it turned out, the president's words were taken out of context to convey a message that Trump did not actually communicate.

What did Olbermann and others say?

"Arrest this man for threatening Biden," Olbermann said.

"Damn. Trump is talking about Biden being assassinated weeks into his presidency. What nut is going to interpret this as an encouragement?" David Corn of Mother Jones and MSNBC said.

Gun control activist Shannon Watts said, "Donald Trump waxing poetic about Joe Biden's murder if he's elected: 'Three weeks and Joe's shot. Let's go Kamala.' Police wouldn't tolerate this kind of threat from a citizen. They shouldn't tolerate it from the President."

The Lincoln Project, the anti-Trump organization run by former Republicans, pounded on the president. "Trump is calling for the assassination of his political opponent," the group said.

The claim originated with journalist Andrew Feinberg, who stripped Trump's words from their context to make it appear that Trump was advocating a threat against his political opponent.


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1a6d04 No.130666

File: 2b17f16c3ff9584⋯.png (30.46 KB,896x151,896:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 2345f6798b68a75⋯.png (18.95 KB,554x192,277:96,Clipboard.png)

File: b8858cb73153700⋯.png (37.23 KB,954x354,159:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326809 (281946ZOCT20) Notable: After Peddling Trump-Russia Hit-Pieces Before 2016 Election - MSM Totally Ignores Bobulinski Bombshells On Bidens

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After Peddling Trump-Russia Hit-Pieces Before 2016 Election - MSM Totally Ignores Bobulinski Bombshells On Bidens

The mainstream media is silent following an explosive Tuesday night interview with Tony Bobulinski, a former Naval veteran of 20 years who provided text, email, and anecdotal evidence that he was brought in by the Biden family to manage a venture with a CCP-linked Chinese entity, and that they concealed Joe Biden's involvement.

"Why on 10:38 on the night of May 2 [2017] would Joe Biden take time out of his schedule to take time with me, behind a column so people could not see us, to have a discussion with his family and my family and business at a very high level?" Bobulinski asked host Tucker Carlson.

And just 11 days after that clandestine 2017 meeting with Joe, an email was sent regarding 'remuneration packages' for six individuals - which included a proposed equity split of "20" for "H" and "10 held by H for the big guy."

When Bobulinski asked Joe Biden's brother why they weren't concerned about the political or headline risk involved in case Joe Biden decided to run for office in the future, Jim Biden replied "plausible deniability."

And when Bobulinski was threatening to go public with this information after Rep. Adam Schiff smeared him as a Russian asset, Biden family representative Rob Walker told Bobulinski "You're just gonna bury all of us."

And the MSM won't cover any of this. Nevermind that Joe Biden lied in 2019 when he said that he 'never talked to Hunter about his business.' This is the same constellation of news organizations which was happy to peddle unfounded rumors about then-candidate Donald Trump's nonexistent relationship with Russia, before the 2016 election.

As Fox News notes, "While the mainstream media has scrutinized President Trump and his family members at every turn, there has been a near blackout of coverage of Bobulinski’s shocking claims."

"It is pretty much a 100 percent blackout of the Bobulinski story in the traditional media. Of course, there are lots of stories that need to be covered in the busy 2020 news agenda, but the total omission of Bobulinski's accusations is curious, to say the least," DePauw University professor and media critic Jeffrey McCall told Fox News.

"Even if this story is not front and center on the news agenda, it does need to be approached somewhere along the way. Odds are that most mainstream media outlets are devoting very few reporting resources, if any, to the Bobulinski story," he added. "It would seem those outlets could at least be investigating the accusations to try to prove them invalid."

McCall noted that the typical default has been to “assume that the Hunter Biden story, and what Joe's role might or might not have been, is totally off limits and not newsworthy,” which isn’t how the press should operate.

“What little coverage has surfaced has basically just been running without challenge the boilerplate denials and indignation from the Biden camp. The manner in which this story has been covered can only be described as the ‘lapdog press,’ as contrasted with the ‘watchdog press,’” McCall said. -Fox News


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1a6d04 No.130667

File: 262d3a6ed006d4a⋯.png (157.05 KB,727x640,727:640,Clipboard.png)

File: ee31d431cf2387b⋯.jpg (103.17 KB,737x1200,737:1200,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326851 (281949ZOCT20) Notable: Democrat Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones is calling out liberal media

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Democrat Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones is calling out liberal media by name for hiding the news of Hunter Biden’s laptop email scandal from the American public.

Rep. Jones, a Democrat who supports Republican President Donald Trump’s reelection, tweeted Tuesday that – by willfully hiding news, rather than just fabricating it - the liberal media “have gone off the deep end.”

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1a6d04 No.130668

File: 983bae6a287f0e2⋯.png (416.01 KB,675x639,75:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326867 (281950ZOCT20) Notable: Ex-Homeland Security Official Caught as Anon

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1a6d04 No.130669

File: 0ccf01ab1b82892⋯.png (126.25 KB,650x838,325:419,Clipboard.png)

File: b85b893a819ee1c⋯.png (278.33 KB,652x829,652:829,Clipboard.png)

File: b837f161ae79fe3⋯.png (214.18 KB,650x853,650:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326874 (281951ZOCT20) Notable: Declassified CIA documents confirm Hillary created the Russia interference narrative in 2016

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Declassified CIA documents confirm Hillary created the Russia interference narrative in 2016

Hand written notes from CIA Director Brennan briefed the president on intel of Hillary’s plan to create the Russia story to distract from her email scandal.

The CIA also sent information over to FBI task force looking into the Russia allegations in a formal document.




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1a6d04 No.130670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326887 (281951ZOCT20) Notable: Two FEC Nominations

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Two FEC Nominations

Sean J. Cooksey, of Missouri, to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission. Sean J. Cooksey currently serves as General Counsel to U.S. Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri. Since Senator Hawley was sworn in, Mr. Cooksey has advised the Senator on issues including constitutional law, judicial nominations, election law, federal criminal law, and ethics compliance, and he has served as the Senator’s lead staffer on the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Cooksey previously served as Deputy Chief Counsel for U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. Prior to serving in the Senate, Mr. Cooksey worked as a litigation associate at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP in Washington, D.C., where his practice focused on appeals and constitutional law. He served as a law clerk for Judge Jerry E. Smith of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. A Missouri native, Mr. Cooksey received his B.A., summa cum laude, from Truman State University and his J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School, where he graduated with High Honors and Order of the Coif.

Shana M. Broussard, of Louisiana, to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission. Shana M. Broussard currently serves as the Counsel to FEC Commissioner Steven T. Walther. Before this, Ms. Broussard was an Attorney Advisor at the Internal Revenue Service and a Deputy Disciplinary Counsel at the Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board. She also served as a New Orleans Assistant District Attorney. While at the FEC, Ms. Broussard received the “Outstanding Performance Award” in 2011 and 2014. She earned her Bachelor of Arts from Dillard University and her Juris Doctor from Southern University Law Center.


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1a6d04 No.130671

File: ba99f41903691f8⋯.png (284.88 KB,543x544,543:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326932 (281955ZOCT20) Notable: Ex-Homeland Security Official Caught as Anon

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Wow. So Miles Taylor lied to his colleagues at CNN about being Anonymous.


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1a6d04 No.130672

File: 6fa5f9d75bc430c⋯.png (33.72 KB,537x369,179:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11326994 (282000ZOCT20) Notable: Ex-Homeland Security Official Caught as Anon

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Donald Trump is a man without character. It’s why I wrote “A Warning”…and it’s why me & my colleagues have spoken out against him (in our own names) for months. It’s time for everyone to step out of the shadows. My statement:



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1a6d04 No.130673

File: f8fa670cdd66b57⋯.png (575.98 KB,1880x970,188:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327006 (282000ZOCT20) Notable: PF Report

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WINK03 KC-135 tanker orbiting POTUS @21k ft

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1a6d04 No.130674

File: 3dc04215c19cfc5⋯.png (134.49 KB,596x806,298:403,Clipboard.png)

File: db64e9a28d9686f⋯.png (284.88 KB,1178x1206,589:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327025 (282002ZOCT20) Notable: Bannon Doc Dump Tweet

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1a6d04 No.130675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327049 (282004ZOCT20) Notable: #14468

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>>130656 EU Continues Its Shutdown

>>130657 Not my fault, Im Poor

>>130658 FBI agents voiced their support Wednesday for embattled Director Christopher Wray

>>130659 Spanish Doctors Stage First Walkout In 25 Years To Protest Government’s New COVID-19 Order

>>130660 SF DA Chesa Boudin surveys crime victims on how to make life easier for their attackers

>>130661 O'Keefe twitter

>>130662 QAnon learns to survive — and even thrive — after Silicon Valley’s crackdown

>>130663 Twitter Election Fuckery

>>130664 ‘The Biden Five’: The Definitive Breakdown of One of America’s Most Corrupt Families

>>130665 Keith Olbermann wants President Trump arrested

>>130666 After Peddling Trump-Russia Hit-Pieces Before 2016 Election - MSM Totally Ignores Bobulinski Bombshells On Bidens

>>130667 Democrat Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones is calling out liberal media

>>130668 , >>130671 , >>130672 Ex-Homeland Security Official Caught as Anon

>>130669 Declassified CIA documents confirm Hillary created the Russia interference narrative in 2016

>>130670 Two FEC Nominations

>>130673 PF Report

>>130674 Bannon Doc Dump Tweet

Last Call

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1a6d04 No.130676

File: b17267ea058a62e⋯.jpg (11.09 KB,168x299,168:299,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327169 (282012ZOCT20) Notable: baker changed

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1a6d04 No.130677

File: eb41f511afc3cac⋯.jpeg (183.31 KB,906x964,453:482,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7aa72a671cfe799⋯.jpeg (172.4 KB,827x871,827:871,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b6d6c5b08725625⋯.jpeg (124.53 KB,720x1163,720:1163,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327175 (282013ZOCT20) Notable: General Flynn tweets 3 "4's" yesterday…

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General Flynn tweets 3 "4's" yesterday…

Today is Q's 3 yr anniversary.

The 1st Q post was made at 4:44…


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1a6d04 No.130678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327183 (282014ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump supports friendly nations against illegal Chinese fishing pt 1 & pt 11

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President Trump supports friendly nations against illegal Chinese fishing pt 1

U.S. Navy Arrest and Sink 300 Chinese Fishing Ships Off South America Coast in Security Worries

Sep 28, 2020

USA Military

U.S. Navy Arrest and Sink 300 Chinese Fishing Ships Off South America Coast in Security Worries

Ecuador's navy confirmed a large Chinese fishing fleet of roughly 300 vessels is moving away from the Galapagos Islands and is now operating in international waters off Peru.

The Ecuadorian commander of naval operations, Rear Admiral Daniel Ginez, said this week that the Chinese vessels are now "in offshore waters off the exclusive economic zone of Peru."

Where are the boatfags on this? Or are they freshwaterfags only?

Remember, Sharing is Caring. We are the news now.


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1a6d04 No.130679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327184 (282014ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump supports friendly nations against illegal Chinese fishing pt 1 & pt 11

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President Trump supports friendly nations against illegal Chinese fishing pt 2

War on the high seas!

Indonesia has NO MERCY! Blows Up 45 Fishing Ships and Sinks Them ALL.

Oct 21, 2020

You News2

Indonesia Blows Up 45 Fishing Ships and Sinks Them | Sending Tough message to China.

Where are the boatfags on this? Or are they freshwaterfags only?

Remember, Sharing is Caring. We are the news now.


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1a6d04 No.130680

File: e9415f2c2db5b44⋯.png (620.09 KB,604x726,302:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327200 (282015ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. Marines with CLB-8 recently participated in an Advanced Motorized Operators course

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And It Was All Yellow

U.S. Marines with CLB-8 recently participated in an Advanced Motorized Operators course. The course is designed to challenge motor vehicle operators' capabilities both behind the wheel and on the ground in a realistic combat environment at ITX 1-21.


I don't care what anyone says…That was a good Coldplay song

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1a6d04 No.130681

File: 2d4bb41c765fc85⋯.png (354.3 KB,538x385,538:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327214 (282016ZOCT20) Notable: Any planefags wanna chime in on what POTUS was pointing at?

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Any planefags wanna chime in on what POTUS was pointing at?

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1a6d04 No.130682

File: ec0dc1e6eddf937⋯.jpeg (474.19 KB,1125x766,1125:766,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327220 (282017ZOCT20) Notable: Any planefags wanna chime in on what POTUS was pointing at?

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Trump Rally in Arizona.. trump was talking about Hunter shortly before this. I believe the periscope RSBN broadcast had a better close up but it may have been OANN tv.

I believe F32s flew by the rally and Trump was in awe.. magnificent. The white smoke look led similar to the The finger lakes tat on Hunter

This pic doesn’t do justice. This happened on POTUS second mention of the F32

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1a6d04 No.130683

File: 577fb7b41934814⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327225 (282017ZOCT20) Notable: Any planefags wanna chime in on what POTUS was pointing at?

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Sky event?


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1a6d04 No.130684

File: 43ef0a14b77d0e8⋯.png (80.52 KB,952x514,476:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327229 (282017ZOCT20) Notable: Miles Taylor? That’s who the New York Times granted an anonymous editorial article?

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You have got to be kidding me. Miles Taylor? That’s who the New York Times granted an anonymous editorial article? I’ve seen more exciting reveals in Scooby-Doo episodes.

What a monumental embarrassment.



happy qday

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1a6d04 No.130685

File: 236a9f346fdc196⋯.png (338.74 KB,1467x821,1467:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327230 (282017ZOCT20) Notable: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/events/

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1a6d04 No.130686

File: b5d85dfef23d5cd⋯.png (99.45 KB,731x405,731:405,Clipboard.png)

File: 0129b6bb895a0c9⋯.png (177.72 KB,367x895,367:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327238 (282018ZOCT20) Notable: CDC report says vast majority of Americans have actually been wearing face masks since spring

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CDC report says vast majority of Americans have actually been wearing face masks since spring

COVID-19 cases are at record levels

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a report Tuesday that said, starting in the spring, most Americans have been wearing masks.

As the New York Times reported on the CDC release, "a vast majority of Americans of all ages have been wearing face coverings since April."

The CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report stated what many polls have been showing: A significant majority of Americans are wearing masks — and have been doing so since spring.

According to the CDC's survey data, which the agency said came from the months of April to June, the reported use of face masks among adults (ages 18 and older) in April was 78%. That figure jumped to 83% in May.

By June, the share of American adults wearing masks had risen to 89%.

Generally, younger adults (ages 18-29) were the group with the smallest share of respondents saying they wore masks, while older adults (ages 60 and older) were the group most likely to wears masks.

In July, National Geographic reported that 85% of Americans said they wear face masks when they leave their homes.

Three months later, even that significant figure had increased.

National Geographic reported on Oct. 5 that 92% of Americans said they were wearing face masks — and 74% said they "always" do so.

What's the status of COVID-19 infections in the U.S.?

According to the New York Times' own COVID-19 tracking data on Wednesday, the United States is seeing a record surge in COVID-19 cases, despite increased mask wearing by Americans — as reported by the Times.

On Tuesday, the country saw 74,410 new confirmed cases, with an average of 73,094 cases per day over the last seven days. According to the paper, that's a 39% increase from the average two weeks ago.


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1a6d04 No.130687

File: 80606350e42d1a9⋯.png (740.27 KB,1339x1161,1339:1161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327240 (282018ZOCT20) Notable: clockfag report

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>>>/qresearch/11327116 LB


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1a6d04 No.130688

File: 80b1149ead19f7e⋯.png (526.16 KB,601x723,601:723,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327243 (282018ZOCT20) Notable: "Donald Trump will be history by 8:45pm Eastern time on Tuesday night."

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"Donald Trump will be history by 8:45pm Eastern time on Tuesday night."

Author and journalist Michael Wolff explains why he thinks Donald Trump will lose the upcoming US election, saying it's "impossible to imagine" that he could recover at this point.


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1a6d04 No.130689

File: 9d93bfc2d8abe2a⋯.png (93.3 KB,1237x422,1237:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327247 (282018ZOCT20) Notable: USPS worker charged with dumping ballots, as mail carriers perform extra trips before Election Day

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USPS worker charged with dumping ballots, as mail carriers perform extra trips before Election Day

Similar cases have been seen in other states

Another employee for the U.S. Postal Service is facing federal charges in the latest instance where mail-in ballots were discovered dumped in the trash in Kentucky.

Similar cases have been seen in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania over the past few weeks, as a record number of Americans are casting their ballots by mail this year amid the coronavirus pandemic. Ballot drop boxes have also been set ablaze in separate incidents in Boston and outside Los Angeles recently.

Meanwhile, USPS workers were directed Tuesday to perform late and extra trips to “the maximum extent necessary to increase on-time mail deliveries, particularly for election mail.” A federal judge said the USPS must rescind rules set in place by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy over the summer and carry out the extra trips, as well as ordered USPS to distribute information to staff regarding each state's deadlines for accepting ballots so that they can ensure timely delivery.


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1a6d04 No.130690

File: 34414cf08ca77dc⋯.png (430.98 KB,592x667,592:667,Clipboard.png)

File: a9deb8d536a7c68⋯.mp4 (644.53 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327248 (282019ZOCT20) Notable: https://twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1321538609430880258

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1a6d04 No.130691

File: 70160d4549ed8c7⋯.png (142.07 KB,678x580,339:290,Clipboard.png)

File: 1862b9a8b6d353c⋯.png (431.98 KB,1213x653,1213:653,Clipboard.png)

File: b53028bb07f981d⋯.png (518.65 KB,812x590,406:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327256 (282019ZOCT20) Notable: Save the Children Action Network President with Hunter Biden

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Save the Children Action Network President with Hunter Biden

Mark Kennedy Shriver and Jeanne Shriver in pic with HB. Save the Children Action Network is saving the children, right?

Save the Children Action Network - Our Leadership


Mark and Jeanne Shriver with Hunter Biden


Save the Children Action Network

"As the

political advocacy arm of Save the Children,

we are building bipartisan support to make sure every child has a strong start in life. We’re doing this by advocating for high-quality early learning for children in the U.S., the safety of children arriving at the southern U.S. border and protection of vulnerable children worldwide."


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1a6d04 No.130692

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327258 (282020ZOCT20) Notable: Handoff confirmed

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Baker requests handoff

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1a6d04 No.130693

File: 3cc1973e2d4e0d0⋯.png (302.02 KB,555x319,555:319,Clipboard.png)

File: 43557541bee7ac9⋯.png (69.64 KB,373x650,373:650,Clipboard.png)

File: a22ef1724ef6979⋯.png (51.92 KB,473x551,473:551,Clipboard.png)

File: e0a9da00adbe9fa⋯.png (204.66 KB,250x340,25:34,Clipboard.png)

File: 19daddc90ff1bdf⋯.png (84.97 KB,400x322,200:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327279 (282021ZOCT20) Notable: the-story-of-pope-benedicts-infamous-red-shoes-which-he-will-give-up

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>>>/qresearch/11327045 (lb)




Gammarelli and Antonio Arellano (Peruvian) are two 'red shoe' cobblers in Rome…

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1a6d04 No.130694

File: 12aba92799caa49⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327285 (282022ZOCT20) Notable: This is not a photoshop. Oregon's public health authority announced COVID deaths in clown makeup.

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This is not a photoshop. Oregon's public health authority announced COVID deaths in clown makeup.


I mean….i know its a clown world, but dayum, why tho?

what a fucking timeline..

is she trolling or wut?

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1a6d04 No.130695

File: d2be879de4b5361⋯.jpeg (143.45 KB,723x756,241:252,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 957bc6c66b02734⋯.jpeg (213.96 KB,1668x413,1668:413,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 52f573816852a25⋯.jpeg (604.95 KB,1642x899,1642:899,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c004329c646019e⋯.jpeg (2.03 MB,1652x2184,59:78,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327286 (282022ZOCT20) Notable: In the interview Tony Bobulinski said his relative pass away at 6:38

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In the interview Tony Bobulinski said his relative pass away at 6:38. If we look at Q post 1838 it references distress. The date is August 10 2018. This is the same day that Dennis Shields friend or Michael Cohen (who was texted during the fire in Trump Tower) died of a suspected drug overdose.





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1a6d04 No.130696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327300 (282022ZOCT20) Notable: Rudd denies knowledge of Epstein's $650k donation

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Rudd denies knowledge of Epstein's $650k donation

It has been revealed notorious paedophile Jeffrey Epstein donated $650,000 to former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's New York based think tank.

Mr Rudd has denied knowledge of any links between Mr Epstein and his organisation and claims he was “blindsided” when he learned of the cash donated to the International Peace Institute.

The former prime minister and current chairman of the think tank said he first learned of the donations in November last year - through Norwegian media reports – and described them as “deeply disturbing”.

In August 2019 Mr Epstein was found dead in his prison cell while under arrest on sex trafficking charges.

Mr Rudd has announced the amount donated will be sent from the institute to charities benefiting sex assault victims.


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1a6d04 No.130697

File: 24696be252674c8⋯.jpg (94.46 KB,1446x531,482:177,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 01a3d4c9db7d08d⋯.jpg (106.71 KB,1496x857,1496:857,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327305 (282023ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. Senate battlegrounds, 2020

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U.S. Senate battlegrounds, 2020

Last updated: October 4, 2020

Elections for 35 U.S. Senate seats will take place in 2020.[1] Ballotpedia has identified 16 races as general election battlegrounds.

Of the 16 seats, four have Democratic incumbents and 12 have Republican incumbents heading into the election.

These battleground seats were selected by examining the results of the 2016 presidential election in the state, whether the incumbent was seeking re-election, and whether the incumbent was serving his or her first term in the Senate. Race ratings from the Cook Political Report, Sabato's Crystal Ball, and Inside Elections with Nathan Gonzales were also considered. For more information on our methodology, click here.

As of October 2020, the Republican Party has a 53-seat Senate majority, while Democrats have 45 seats. There are also two independents who caucus with the Democratic Party. The following are some factors that could influence the outcome of the 2020 Senate elections:

Republicans are defending 23 seats while Democrats are defending 12. The greater number of Republican seats up for election makes the GOP more vulnerable to losing seats than Democrats.

Both parties are defending two states each where the opposite party's presidential candidate won in 2016.

Republicans are defending seven seats in states with Democratic governors, while Democrats are defending three seats in states with Republican governors.

In 2018, Ballotpedia identified 16 U.S. Senate battleground races: 11 Democratic seats and five Republican seats. Democrats won two of the Republican-held seats, and Republicans won four of the Democratic-held seats. To read more about the 2018 battleground races, click here.


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1a6d04 No.130698

File: 163e72fa300ebce⋯.png (652.07 KB,922x1060,461:530,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327323 (282024ZOCT20) Notable: Khamenei 'raises doubts about the Holocaust'

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Khamenei 'raises doubts about the Holocaust' on #Twitter after @jack Dorsey defends protecting his tweets


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1a6d04 No.130699

File: e905d3c102529a5⋯.png (257.93 KB,478x543,478:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327330 (282024ZOCT20) Notable: Philadelphia requests National Guard aid

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Philadelphia requests National Guard aid to prepare for 3rd day of riots over killing of Black man


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1a6d04 No.130700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327334 (282025ZOCT20) Notable: There is ‘rank dishonesty’ about Hydroxychloroquine: Alan Jones

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There is ‘rank dishonesty’ about Hydroxychloroquine: Alan Jones

Sky News host Alan Jones says there is “rank dishonesty” about Hydroxychloroquine, a medicine which Australians are being denied access to despite it being a recommended lifesaving treatment for COVID-19.

“You have to ask whether there is an agenda here,” Mr Jones said.

Mr Jones pointed out the medical treatment had been recommended as a lifesaving treatment in a peer-reviewed paper published in The American Journal of Medicine, authored by 24 doctors including five PhD’s.

“Australians are being denied access to a medicine and denied access to a medical treatment which is recommended as a lifesaving treatment,” Mr Jones said.

Mr Jones spoke with Liberal MP Craig Kelly, who has been pushing for the medicine in parliament.

“This is not whether I think this drug is useful or not, it’s what the peer-reviewed science says,” Mr Kelly said.

“You’ve got medical experts from all around the world running studies and trials that show unambiguously that the effects of Hydroxychloroquine – when taken early and with zinc – reduces deaths by up to 63 per cent.

“We’ve got a medical treatment being denied to Australians and yet that medical treatment is published in peer-reviewed literature.

“I’m going to keep up the pressure.”


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1a6d04 No.130701

File: 2f581b6e5f64b6a⋯.png (118.5 KB,1277x1080,1277:1080,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327340 (282025ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. Senate battlegrounds, 2020

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2020 General Election Early Vote Statistics

Last updated: 10/28/2020 03:49 PM Eastern Time

Total Early Votes: 75,009,142 • In-Person Votes: 25,565,668 • Mail Ballots Returned: 49,443,474 • Mail Ballots Outstanding: 42,408,000

Note: Some states do not differentiate between mail ballots and in-person votes.


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1a6d04 No.130702

File: 02f323de1f6b731⋯.png (217.51 KB,598x590,299:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c34daad00efabb⋯.png (493.87 KB,567x917,81:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 94d490e83e7ade3⋯.png (765.59 KB,1630x917,1630:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327341 (282025ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: Candidate for Chief Justice, 4th Court of Appeals Judge

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James O'Keefe

BREAKING: Candidate for Chief Justice, 4th Court of Appeals Judge @renee4judge

releases statement downplaying campaign association with Raquel Rodriguez and “adamantly and unequivocally” renouncing illegal voting activity.




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1a6d04 No.130703

File: 0f84538de1eecf6⋯.png (38.63 KB,350x272,175:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327359 (282027ZOCT20) Notable: Any planefags wanna chime in on what POTUS was pointing at?

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The Finger Lakes

GEOTUS Trump is still our Troller in Chief

Pic relevant

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1a6d04 No.130704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327370 (282027ZOCT20) Notable: note taker

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>>130685 POTUS Map Of Events

>>130689 USPS worker charged with dumping ballots, as mail carriers perform extra trips before Election Day

>>130691 Save the Children Action Network President with Hunter Biden

>>130699 Philadelphia requests National Guard aid to prepare for 3rd day of riots over killing of Black man

>>130701 Early Voting Statistics


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1a6d04 No.130705

File: 6bb495a68e6c573⋯.png (22.23 KB,592x213,592:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327384 (282028ZOCT20) Notable: Teed up for SCOTUS ruling on PA

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Teed up for SCOTUS ruling on PA


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1a6d04 No.130706

File: 0e4eee7c4d02af7⋯.png (206.44 KB,552x468,46:39,Clipboard.png)

File: 4331b511020ba6f⋯.png (66.45 KB,700x549,700:549,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e8ddd06e439954⋯.png (769.4 KB,982x868,491:434,Clipboard.png)

File: e9fd8d3a3bed907⋯.png (675.65 KB,1534x566,767:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327393 (282029ZOCT20) Notable: White House Lists ‘Ending the COVID-19 Pandemic’ as Trump Accomplishment

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White House Lists ‘Ending the COVID-19 Pandemic’ as Trump Accomplishment

In a news release sent to reporters on Tuesday, the White House Office of Science and Technology listed “ending the COVID-19 pandemic” as one of US President Donald Trump’s first-term accomplishments, despite the fact that COVID-19 cases continue to skyrocket in the US.

According to the release, the Trump administration “has taken decisive actions to engage scientists and health professionals in academia, industry and government to understand, treat and defeat the disease."

However, the rosy outlook does not reflect the current reality plaguing the US.

As of Wednesday, more than 9 million cases of the novel coronavirus had been reported in the US, with over 232,000 deaths as a result, Worldometer’s COVID-19 data states. According to the COVID Tracking Project, there are more than 44,000 people in the US currently hospitalized due to the respiratory disease.

During Wednesday’s broadcast of “America’s Newsroom” on Fox News, White House Director of Strategic Communications Alyssa Farah admitted that the statement was poorly phrased.

"Cases are still rising, and we need the American public to remain vigilant," she explained. "This is the top priority of the president, defeating this virus and rebuilding our economy. But we are rounding the corner, because we think that we will have a vaccine by the end of the year, and because of the president's leadership, we expect that we'll be able to massively deploy that on a large scale to as many as 100 million Americans by the end of the year."


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1a6d04 No.130707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327401 (282030ZOCT20) Notable: DO NOT ADD /abcu/ to Dough. removed

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DO NOT ADD /abcu/ to Dough.

I have never requested this I am the BO of ABCU.

I do not want to be dragged back into your faggot ass drama.

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1a6d04 No.130708

File: 2dfaa4bedad3d9e⋯.png (93.51 KB,1429x749,1429:749,Clipboard.png)

File: 743afb443843e39⋯.png (80.31 KB,1439x726,1439:726,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327428 (282033ZOCT20) Notable: /LB According to https://www.donaldjtrump.com/events/ POTUS will be Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota on Friday (see pics) and no events with POTUS Saturday…

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Both nov 2 2017 drops.

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1a6d04 No.130709

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327450 (282034ZOCT20) Notable: notetaker

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>>130685 POTUS Map Of Events

>>130689 USPS worker charged with dumping ballots, as mail carriers perform extra trips before Election Day

>>130691 Save the Children Action Network President with Hunter Biden

>>130699 Philadelphia requests National Guard aid to prepare for 3rd day of riots over killing of Black man

>>130701 Early Voting Statistics

>>130706 White House Lists ‘Ending the COVID-19 Pandemic’ as Trump Accomplishment

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1a6d04 No.130710

File: cad1fd2de402b44⋯.mp4 (6.02 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327496 (282038ZOCT20) Notable: You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy.

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World Economic Forum


You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy. This is how our world could change by 2030.

Read more: http://wef.ch/2gmBN7M


Sounds awesome doesn't it? They never bothered to ask us or discuss either. This is why Trump, if more knew what covid was cover for, they'd see the drastic reality shift ahead and what's at stake here.

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1a6d04 No.130711

File: ab25ba316ab10dc⋯.png (626.83 KB,932x888,233:222,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327522 (282039ZOCT20) Notable: Textbook example of a blue falcon.

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Textbook example of a blue falcon.

This guy has the character and integrity of a rattlesnake.

He is hereby awarded the coveted Kekistan "Loser of the day" award.


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1a6d04 No.130712

File: 0eb8b9990c10f61⋯.png (309.22 KB,671x895,671:895,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e75a4a63995b9b⋯.png (185.63 KB,664x685,664:685,Clipboard.png)

File: 3be476267076e1e⋯.png (512.81 KB,645x919,645:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dad479decaf6b6⋯.png (69.43 KB,679x713,679:713,Clipboard.png)

File: 79b338d62031031⋯.png (523.72 KB,663x630,221:210,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327572 (282043ZOCT20) Notable: Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood: Kamala Harris Weaponized Her Office to Punish Me on Behalf of Her Donors

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Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood: Kamala Harris Weaponized Her Office to Punish Me on Behalf of Her Donors

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has a history of abusing the powers of her office to target and punish Americans she disagrees with. I know firsthand that Harris is one of the biggest threats to First Amendment civil liberties that our country has ever seen because I have been on the receiving end of her unconstitutional abuses of power when she was California’s attorney general.

In 2015, after I released undercover videos of taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood officials trafficking the body parts of live-aborted fetuses, Planned Parenthood was desperate and furious. The organization turned to Harris, its political patron in the California Attorney General’s office, for help to silence me and my message. Though local law enforcement made it clear to Planned Parenthood that the California videos were recorded in public places and were perfectly legal, the abortion provider and its allies within the state Department of Justice conspired to enforce California’s video recording law for the first time ever against newsgathering, in order to punish me for speaking out.`

On March 23, 2016, Harris met secretly with several top California Planned Parenthood executives in Los Angeles. The action items from the meeting show they discussed Planned Parenthood’s political agenda in California as well as issues in Harris’s so-called “investigation” of me and my coworkers, such as Planned Parenthood’s false claims that my videos made threats against their personnel. Two of the Planned Parenthood officials interviewed in Harris’s probe were present at the meeting.


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1a6d04 No.130713

File: 998cf12b4e15e13⋯.png (17.62 KB,621x229,621:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327600 (282044ZOCT20) Notable: "I will fully comply with any investigation into this matter.

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>"BREAKING: Candidate for Chief Justice, 4th Court of Appeals Judge @renee4judge releases statement downplaying campaign association with Raquel Rodriguez

@renee4judge Replying to @JamesOKeefeIII

"I will fully comply with any investigation into this matter." https://twitter.com/renee4judge/status/1321549220919365632

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1a6d04 No.130714

File: e8645ee46f9d9fa⋯.png (543.8 KB,920x698,460:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327644 (282048ZOCT20) Notable: House To Consider Authorizing 'Mother Of All Bombs' Sale To Israel

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House To Consider Authorizing 'Mother Of All Bombs' Sale To Israel

Israeli media is reporting that defense officials plan to soon obtain the "mother of all bombs" or a MOAB from the United States.

The GBU-43/B Massive Ordinance Air Blast bomb (MOAB) is the most powerful non-nuclear bomb in the US arsenal, which over recent years has seen occasional use in Afghanistan against ISIS, Taliban and al-Qaeda terrorists. It's especially brought in as a bunker-buster when smaller conventional munitions can't dislodge enemy combatants.

Sales of the MOAB to Israel is expected to be put before the House on Friday in a bipartisan bill - part of the newly enacted policy of the US assisting Israeli in its "military edge" over Arab countries in the region. If passed it would pave the way for Israel eventually being able to obtain the massive weapon.

Last week Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz met at the Pentagon and signed a joint declaration affirming Washington’s commitment to ensure Israel’s 'Qualitative Military Edge'. This after Israeli officials expressed concern that the latest US-brokered peace deals between Tel Aviv and Arab countries - so far including UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan - would open up their countries further to obtaining high-tech American military hardware.

Friday's expected legislation is being spearheaded by Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Rep. Brian Mast (D-FL), with Gottheimer putting out a statement saying the bill will "help shore-up Israel’s QME in the region and secure both of our countries from the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran."



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1a6d04 No.130715

File: 66878513ca76004⋯.png (108.57 KB,924x430,462:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327697 (282050ZOCT20) Notable: Don’t let @nytimes off the hook

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Don’t let @nytimes off the hook. They purposefully misled the country into thinking a notable senior Trump admin official was plotting against him when in fact it was an unknown Obama donor, Miles Taylor, from DHS. They knew what they were doing and it’s not journalism.


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1a6d04 No.130716

File: 4ff5689074dc3f4⋯.png (157.68 KB,635x909,635:909,Clipboard.png)

File: d294b6d06c90adb⋯.png (31.26 KB,641x380,641:380,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327706 (282051ZOCT20) Notable: Bermuda-Based, Democrat-Tied Dark Money Machine Aids Dems In 2020 Election

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Bermuda-Based, Democrat-Tied Dark Money Machine Aids Dems In 2020 Election

A political activist group based in Bermuda has spent millions in ‘dark money’ financing organizations in the United States to influence political demographics and elections skirting election law

A foreign-owned group based in Bermuda has been financing Progressive organization in the United States in an effort to transform red states into blueish-purple toss-ups so that they become low hanging fruit for Democrats in election cycles.

The group Atlantic Philanthropies, based in the island nation of Bermuda, is a conglomeration of private foundations that, because of loopholes in US tax law, fund 501(c)(4) advocacy activities in the United States, providing them with a steady stream of dark money.

Dark money is defined as political spending by nonprofit organizations – 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), and 501(c)(6) organizations – that are not required to make their donor lists public.

In the 2016 General Election cycle, Atlantic Philanthropies bankrolled a 501(c)(4) organization called the Civic Participation Action Fund (CPAF), that exclusively supported Democrat candidates including then-nominee Hillary Clinton.

CPAF’s CEO is currently Stephen McConnell who is the former US chief of Atlantic Philanthropies. Prior to him, Christopher G. Oechsli was CEO. He served as counsel to former US Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI). Gara LaMarche, currently the head of the Democracy Alliance group of Progressive activist donors to include George Soros, Peter Lewis and Rob Reiner, served as CEO before Oechsli.

The CPAF’s five-year plan is to target voter registration efforts to effectively transform red states into blueish-purple toss-ups states. Their hope is that this manipulation of the voter demographics will lead to Progressives winning more seats in Congress as well as a continuous capture of the presidency.


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1a6d04 No.130717

File: 33cb64d1752726f⋯.png (150.66 KB,829x431,829:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327707 (282051ZOCT20) Notable: planefagging

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RUDY30 up again from North Island and went to Pendleton

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1a6d04 No.130718

File: 3496654cb656322⋯.png (682.84 KB,1045x587,1045:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327710 (282051ZOCT20) Notable: New Covid-19 video on whistleblower

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New Covid-19 video on whistleblower


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1a6d04 No.130719

File: 13923f10ce1e6e7⋯.jpeg (131.79 KB,749x934,749:934,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8ceedf88d7d81a9⋯.jpeg (241.65 KB,750x1061,750:1061,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 92d939fa28b793c⋯.jpeg (112.33 KB,750x489,250:163,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327714 (282051ZOCT20) Notable: Pittsburgh-Watch the water

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Pittsburgh-Watch the water

The areas affected are where there are a lot of low income families.


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1a6d04 No.130720

File: 46a6b5dcda8d7c9⋯.jpeg (308.65 KB,750x676,375:338,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327740 (282053ZOCT20) Notable: Florida Governor’s voter file hacked, preventing him from voting. Suspect arrested.

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Florida Governor’s voter file hacked, preventing him from voting. Suspect arrested.

Reminds me of that backdoor voter file hack found by 4chan the other day in Oregon.


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1a6d04 No.130721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327777 (282056ZOCT20) Notable: Q's job is not to reassure us. kek speaks

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>>>/qresearch/11326869 (PB)

Q's job is not to reassure us. Q's job is to prepare anons for our main and most important job. After the 11/3 election and what immediately follows, it’s going to be absolute pandemonium…this country needs to come together as one or we will have all out civil war, not the digital kind…the kind with actual body counts. This would be terrible for our society, would set us back decades and make us vulnerable to outside threats (Xi & CCP). The only way to heal this nation and save the republic is to pull the covers back and show what’s really been going on, then bring fellow citizens around. Still won’t convince the hard core lefties, but our job will be to move enough people to avert major conflicts.

Q has been preparing us for what's next…which won't be easy at first, but it will be an amazing time to be alive on this earth.

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1a6d04 No.130722

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327794 (282057ZOCT20) Notable: HUNTER's LAPTOP ROSEMONT SENECA

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BHR was founded in 2013, by two Chinese-registered asset managers, Bohai Industrial Investment Fund and Harvest Fund Management, and two U.S. organisations, Thornton Group LLC and Rosemont Seneca Partners. The Chinese registered asset managers are BOC International Holdings-backed Bohai Industrial Investment Fund Management and Deutsche Bank-backed Harvest Fund Management. The U.S. partners as a pair and the two Chinese partners each own a 30% stake in the joint management firm.

According to the Wall Street Journal, "Bohai is China's oldest private equity firm, having launched the country's first yuan-denominated fund in 2006. Harvest Fund Management is one of China's largest asset managers, with previous private equity ventures, including with a jointly held fund investing in both domestic and overseas real estate". Thornton Group is a Boston-based cross-border investment advisory firm founded by Michael Lin and James Bulger, son of former Massachusetts state Senate President William Bulger. Rosemont Seneca is a Washington, D.C.-based investment and advisory firm, founded by Devon Archer, Christopher Heinz, and Hunter Biden, who is the son of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. According to The New Yorker, in June 2013, "[Jonathan] Li, Archer, and other business partners signed a memorandum of understanding to create the fund, which they named BHR Partners, and, in November, they signed contracts related to the deal. Hunter became an unpaid member of BHR’s board but did not take an equity stake in BHR Partners until after his father left the White House".

Hunter Biden announced his intention to resign in October 2019 so as not to complicate the U.S. Presidential aspirations of his father, Joe Biden, but as of Q2 2020 company records still show him employed as a board member.

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1a6d04 No.130723

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327842 (282102ZOCT20) Notable: #14469

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Baker Change

>>130685 POTUS Map Of Events

>>130689 USPS worker charged with dumping ballots, as mail carriers perform extra trips before Election Day

>>130691 Save the Children Action Network President with Hunter Biden

>>130699 Philadelphia requests National Guard aid to prepare for 3rd day of riots over killing of Black man

>>130701 Early Voting Statistics

>>130706 White House Lists ‘Ending the COVID-19 Pandemic’ as Trump Accomplishment


>>130676 baker changed

>>130677 General Flynn tweets 3 "4's" yesterday

>>130678, >>130679 President Trump supports friendly nations against illegal Chinese fishing pt 1 & pt 11

>>130680 U.S. Marines with CLB-8 recently participated in an Advanced Motorized Operators course

>>130681, >>130682, >>130683, >>130703 Any planefags wanna chime in on what POTUS was pointing at?

>>130684 Miles Taylor? That’s who the New York Times granted an anonymous editorial article?

>>130686 CDC report says vast majority of Americans have actually been wearing face masks since spring

>>130687 Clockfag report

>>130688 "Donald Trump will be history by 8:45pm Eastern time on Tuesday night."

>>130689 USPS worker charged with dumping ballots, as mail carriers perform extra trips before Election Day

>>130692 Handoff confirmed

>>130693 the-story-of-pope-benedicts-infamous-red-shoes-which-he-will-give-up

>>130694 This is not a photoshop. Oregon's public health authority announced COVID deaths in clown makeup.

>>130695 In the interview Tony Bobulinski said his relative pass away at 6:38

>>130696 Rudd denies knowledge of Epstein's $650k donation

>>130697, >>130701 U.S. Senate battlegrounds, 2020

>>130698 Khamenei 'raises doubts about the Holocaust'

>>130699 Philadelphia requests National Guard aid

>>130700 There is ‘rank dishonesty’ about Hydroxychloroquine: Alan Jones

>>130702 BREAKING: Candidate for Chief Justice, 4th Court of Appeals Judge

>>130704 note taker

>>130706 White House Lists ‘Ending the COVID-19 Pandemic’ as Trump Accomplishment

>>130705 Teed up for SCOTUS ruling on PA

>>130707 DO NOT ADD /abcu/ to Dough. removed

>>130709 notetaker

>>130710 You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy.

>>130711 Textbook example of a blue falcon.

>>130712 Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood: Kamala Harris Weaponized Her Office to Punish Me on Behalf of Her Donors

>>130713 "I will fully comply with any investigation into this matter.

>>130714 House To Consider Authorizing 'Mother Of All Bombs' Sale To Israel

>>130715 Don’t let @nytimes off the hook

>>130716 Bermuda-Based, Democrat-Tied Dark Money Machine Aids Dems In 2020 Election

>>130717 planefagging

>>130718 New Covid-19 video on whistleblower

>>130719 Pittsburgh-Watch the water


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130724

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327852 (282103ZOCT20) Notable: #14470

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Q Research General #14470: Philly - National Gurd Requested

>handoff next bread needed

>>130676 baker changed

>>130677 General Flynn tweets 3 "4's" yesterday

>>130678, >>130679 President Trump supports friendly nations against illegal Chinese fishing pt 1 & pt 11

>>130680 U.S. Marines with CLB-8 recently participated in an Advanced Motorized Operators course

>>130681, >>130682, >>130683, >>130703 Any planefags wanna chime in on what POTUS was pointing at?

>>130684 Miles Taylor? That’s who the New York Times granted an anonymous editorial article?

>>130685 https://www.donaldjtrump.com/events/

>>130686 CDC report says vast majority of Americans have actually been wearing face masks since spring

>>130687 clockfag report

>>130688 "Donald Trump will be history by 8:45pm Eastern time on Tuesday night."

>>130689 USPS worker charged with dumping ballots, as mail carriers perform extra trips before Election Day

>>130690 https://twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1321538609430880258

>>130692 Handoff confirmed

>>130693 the-story-of-pope-benedicts-infamous-red-shoes-which-he-will-give-up

>>130694 This is not a photoshop. Oregon's public health authority announced COVID deaths in clown makeup.

>>130695 In the interview Tony Bobulinski said his relative pass away at 6:38

>>130696 Rudd denies knowledge of Epstein's $650k donation

>>130697, >>130701 U.S. Senate battlegrounds, 2020

>>130698 Khamenei 'raises doubts about the Holocaust'

>>130699 Philadelphia requests National Guard aid

>>130700 There is ‘rank dishonesty’ about Hydroxychloroquine: Alan Jones

>>130702 BREAKING: Candidate for Chief Justice, 4th Court of Appeals Judge

>>130704 note taker

>>130706 White House Lists ‘Ending the COVID-19 Pandemic’ as Trump Accomplishment

>>130705 Teed up for SCOTUS ruling on PA

>>130707 DO NOT ADD /abcu/ to Dough. removed

>>130709 notetaker

>>130710 You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy.

>>130711 Textbook example of a blue falcon.

>>130712 Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood: Kamala Harris Weaponized Her Office to Punish Me on Behalf of Her Donors

>>130713 "I will fully comply with any investigation into this matter.

>>130714 House To Consider Authorizing 'Mother Of All Bombs' Sale To Israel

>>130715 Don’t let @nytimes off the hook

>>130716 Bermuda-Based, Democrat-Tied Dark Money Machine Aids Dems In 2020 Election

>>130717 planefagging

>>130718 New Covid-19 video on whistleblower

>>130719 Pittsburgh-Watch the water

>>130720 Florida Governor’s voter file hacked, preventing him from voting. Suspect arrested.

>>130721 Q's job is not to reassure us. kek speaks



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130725

File: d8206f11666dfef⋯.jpg (487.98 KB,796x1466,398:733,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c353df8ec5a7f94⋯.jpg (396.35 KB,809x1546,809:1546,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327917 (282108ZOCT20) Notable: Miles Taylor praised Trump in letter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Miles Taylor praised Trump in letter


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130726

File: 1ffa33d196a85cd⋯.png (322.61 KB,699x677,699:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327999 (282113ZOCT20) Notable: SNOW ON THE GROUND

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You made me believe in happy endings. I love you, darlin.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328038 (282115ZOCT20) Notable: Eight Individuals Charged With Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of China

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Eight Individuals Charged With Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of the People’s Republic of China

The Justice Department

@6 min mark of video: With today's charges we have turned the PRC's Operation Fox Hunt on it's head. The hunters have became the hunted. The pursuers the pursued.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328074 (282117ZOCT20) Notable: Fight the Good Fight - Triumph

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fight the Good Fight

- Triumph

An anthem for this op if there ever was one. Happy 3rd Anniversary, Anons.

Peace to you, family.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130729

File: 414abecae33d0e1⋯.jpeg (500.93 KB,1536x1949,1536:1949,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328129 (282120ZOCT20) Notable: Oregon health official announces COVID-19 death toll dressed as clown

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Oregon health official announces COVID-19 death toll dressed as clown



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130730

File: b82d6a4eb35c37e⋯.jpg (48.48 KB,593x325,593:325,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328226 (282125ZOCT20) Notable: CA Church Fined, ‘Harassed’ by County After Suing Newsom for Covid Closures of ‘Nonessential’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


On Trump's watch. Trust God's plan.

CA Church Fined, ‘Harassed’ by County After Suing Newsom for Covid Closures of ‘Nonessential’ Churches https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2020/october/ca-church-fined-harassed-by-county-after-suing-newsom-for-covid-closures-of-nonessential-churches

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130731

File: c1e43bf377f20b6⋯.png (630.51 KB,1020x750,34:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328243 (282125ZOCT20) Notable: Senate Committee Successfully Verifies All Bobulinski Materials Reviewed To Date

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EXCLUSIVE: Senate Committee Successfully Verifies All Bobulinski Materials Reviewed To Date


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130732

File: 27e830dedcb213c⋯.png (1.02 MB,960x1301,960:1301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328279 (282127ZOCT20) Notable: Senate Committee Successfully Verifies All Bobulinski Materials Reviewed To Date

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130733

File: b5f2cdd8a5f818f⋯.png (76.23 KB,827x420,827:420,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328314 (282129ZOCT20) Notable: Supreme Court won't expedite Republican request to stop extended deadline for receiving mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Supreme Court won't expedite Republican request to stop extended deadline for receiving mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania. New Justice Barrett did not participate

4:17 PM · Oct 28, 2020

Robert Barnes


Robert Barnes covers the Supreme Court for The Washington Post.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130734

File: 3a729a0a596e004⋯.png (61.77 KB,1303x395,1303:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328349 (282131ZOCT20) Notable: Dow sinks more than 900 points for its worst drop since June amid rising virus cases globally

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dow sinks more than 900 points for its worst drop since June amid rising virus cases globally


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328361 (282132ZOCT20) Notable: Dow sinks more than 900 points for its worst drop since June amid rising virus cases globally

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


blatant fuckery they do this EVERY SINGLE ELECTION YEAR

yeah anon has been in the business almost 30 years.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130736

File: 82d117bd23a745c⋯.png (139.67 KB,1098x869,1098:869,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c641097fd5fb70⋯.pdf (3.6 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328365 (282132ZOCT20) Notable: Senate Committee Successfully Verifies All Bobulinski Materials Reviewed To Date

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



We've been told to "Read pages 65 to 87"


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130737

File: 28c43e52500c415⋯.jpeg (45.35 KB,750x234,125:39,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fa80dba88e3668f⋯.jpeg (199.33 KB,750x874,375:437,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0587df8dcf9a94f⋯.jpeg (126.65 KB,750x570,25:19,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 04270a247c925d1⋯.jpeg (186.54 KB,750x801,250:267,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328379 (282132ZOCT20) Notable: PA Fracking

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PA Fracking


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130738

File: 553335f1cd7f381⋯.png (50.65 KB,652x325,652:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328413 (282134ZOCT20) Notable: Dow sinks more than 900 points for its worst drop since June amid rising virus cases globally

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130739

File: c7bbb3534da8c80⋯.jpeg (309.41 KB,640x1059,640:1059,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9942930b0d59988⋯.jpeg (322.69 KB,494x982,247:491,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328438 (282135ZOCT20) Notable: FAKE NEWS Miles Taylor Admits He Was ‘Anonymous’ WH Official Behind NYT ‘Resistance’ Op-ed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I guess this is how clownniggers earn their stripes


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130740

File: bc2ff9410ae5856⋯.jpg (344.22 KB,1741x929,1741:929,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 01f46c012ae723e⋯.jpg (508.65 KB,1905x933,635:311,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328632 (282147ZOCT20) Notable: PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

R103O1 (ops flight) out of Fort Bragg.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130741

File: 91803e266712c05⋯.jpeg (378.47 KB,1346x1390,673:695,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328656 (282148ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Joe Biden Corruption’ Trends on Google – But Google Whitewashes Autocomplete Suggestions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘Joe Biden Corruption’ Trends on Google – But Google Whitewashes Autocomplete Suggestions


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328668 (282149ZOCT20) Notable: "There's Enough Evidence to Indict Joe Biden!" Started 18 minutes ago

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"There's Enough Evidence to Indict Joe Biden!"

2,987 watching now•Premiere in progress. Started 18 minutes ago

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton interviews former mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani on the latest news surrounding the Biden-Burisma corruption scandal.

Judicial Watch


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1a6d04 No.130743

File: 5e2f6700865f34d⋯.png (47.76 KB,565x377,565:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328673 (282149ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS on Miles Taylor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130744

File: 8bdec21bb0d14e0⋯.jpg (417.78 KB,1915x965,383:193,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328778 (282156ZOCT20) Notable: PF ANON

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

C-32 alternating it's tail number and ANON as it leaves Coronado.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328814 (282157ZOCT20) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Phoenix, AZ 10-28-20

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Phoenix, AZ 10-28-20


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130746

File: 3551871ce618f5b⋯.jpg (622.95 KB,1915x971,1915:971,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328861 (282200ZOCT20) Notable: AF2 leaving Wassau, Wisconsin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AF2 leaving Wassau, Wisconsin

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130747

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328863 (282200ZOCT20) Notable: New Mexico to begin COVID-19 spot testing at restaurants

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Mexico to begin COVID-19 spot testing at restaurants

LAS CRUCES, NM (KFOX14/CBS4) — COVID-19 spot testing at restaurants across New Mexico begins this week.

The new initiative is part of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s new public health order that went into effect on Friday.

“Businesses will be notified ahead of time that [the Department of Health] will be coming to do these spot tests and if employees refuse, then they can only provide outdoor dining at 75 percent capacity, they will not be able to provide indoor dining,” Communication Director for the New Mexico Dept. of Health Marisa Maez said.

The National Guard will be helping the NMDOH administer the tests.

Rapid tests will be used, giving businesses results within minutes.

“The rapid test that we would be using if we went to do spot testing on the employees are very reliable and they help us determine on the spot whether someone needs to be sent home,” Maez said.

Angela Stoltenberg, owner of Boba Café in Las Cruces, said she has mixed emotions about the new rule.

“I know that they’re doing it because they want to combat the spread of COVID, but I guess randomly testing my employees, you know, it’s sort of like I feel it infringes on their rights, you know?” Stoltenberg said.

The NMDOH said it will look at data from counties and zip codes experiencing high numbers of COVID-19 cases to determine which areas need to be targeted for spot testing.


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1a6d04 No.130748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329120 (282216ZOCT20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense Joe Biden PARTNERED With Chinese COMMUNISTS For $30M

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Biden PARTNERED With Chinese COMMUNISTS For $30M

Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense Ep. 81

Oct 28, 2020



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1a6d04 No.130749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329168 (282219ZOCT20) Notable: 144669, #14470 (BS), #14470 (bs)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notables are NOT endorsements

Check them please, missed anything?


>>130748 Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense Joe Biden PARTNERED With Chinese COMMUNISTS For $30M

>>130747 New Mexico to begin COVID-19 spot testing at restaurants

>>130746 AF2 leaving Wassau, Wisconsin

>>130745 LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Phoenix, AZ 10-28-20

>>130744 PF ANON

>>130743 POTUS on Miles Taylor

>>130742 "There's Enough Evidence to Indict Joe Biden!" Started 18 minutes ago

>>130741 ‘Joe Biden Corruption’ Trends on Google – But Google Whitewashes Autocomplete Suggestions

>>130740 PF

>>130739 FAKE NEWS Miles Taylor Admits He Was ‘Anonymous’ WH Official Behind NYT ‘Resistance’ Op-ed

>>130737 PA Fracking

>>130734 , >>130735, >>130738, Dow sinks more than 900 points for its worst drop since June amid rising virus cases globally

>>130733 Supreme Court won't expedite Republican request to stop extended deadline for receiving mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania

>>130731 , >>130732, >>130736, Senate Committee Successfully Verifies All Bobulinski Materials Reviewed To Date

>>130730 CA Church Fined, ‘Harassed’ by County After Suing Newsom for Covid Closures of ‘Nonessential’

>>130729 Oregon health official announces COVID-19 death toll dressed as clown

>>130728 Fight the Good Fight - Triumph

>>130727 Eight Individuals Charged With Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of China


>>130725 Miles Taylor praised Trump in letter


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130750

File: 46a6b5dcda8d7c9⋯.jpeg (308.65 KB,750x676,375:338,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327924 (282108ZOCT20) Notable: Ron Desantis’ voter file hacked, preventing him from voting.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ron Desantis’ voter file hacked, preventing him from voting.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130751

File: acae81b2c8ec357⋯.png (54.42 KB,820x615,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 14fb9049f625899⋯.png (45.79 KB,792x395,792:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327944 (282109ZOCT20) Notable: Autists found Huma Abedin's secret Twitter and Youtube account.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Autists found Huma Abedin's secret Twitter and Youtube account.

BOTH are filled with violent Jihadi propaganda!!

Thread showing how her Username on Venmo was public:


Same username is used on Twitter and Youtube.

One of her posts says:


>May God greet you, soldiers of Islam, whatever you do with it, the blood of a single martyr will not be equal to the blood of the martyrs

One video linked from her Twitter, to her youtube account, and it is entitled "Song of the Caliphate" in Arabic, and shows the White House with a black flag over the top, and Arabic banners down the side.

More Links: https://twitter.com/HMA2011/


Previous: https://gab.com/Anglojibwe/posts/105113609798909468

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130752

File: 25dd1b16758488e⋯.png (678.96 KB,908x1086,454:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327962 (282110ZOCT20) Notable: The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has SUCCESSFULLY verified all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden's ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SCOOP: @DailyCaller

has learned that The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has SUCCESSFULLY verified all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden's ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130753

File: e70b21ea29186ef⋯.png (1.15 MB,1276x1011,1276:1011,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327967 (282111ZOCT20) Notable: Autists found Huma Abedin's secret Twitter and Youtube account.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130754

File: 736fb3c57e69a6d⋯.png (287.3 KB,585x691,585:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11327997 (282112ZOCT20) Notable: This is what all the indoctrination on television, in public schools, and on social media is doing to the youth.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This is what all the indoctrination on television, in public schools, and on social media is doing to the youth.

The left is fucking traumatizing impressionable teenagers with their insanity. Making them hate their own skin. Sickening.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130755

File: ee46081eae6fc12⋯.png (403.58 KB,594x662,297:331,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b274bb8b41f913⋯.png (382.96 KB,565x621,565:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328066 (282117ZOCT20) Notable: Texas Attorney General Investigating Voter Fraud Operation Following Project Veritas Exposé

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Texas Attorney General Investigating Voter Fraud Operation Following Project Veritas Exposé

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) on Wednesday said his office contacted the state’s Attorney General’s office about O’Keefe’s undercover video of a ballot chaser bribing voters and getting paid thousands of dollars to help Joe Biden get elected.

“An investigation will determine if voter fraud has occurred. If so, it will be prosecuted,” Governor Abbott said.

“Voter fraud won’t be tolerated in Texas,” he added.

Project Veritas on Wednesday released undercover footage of a ballot chaser admitting to conducting massive voter fraud to help elect Joe Biden.

The new video is the second part to a bombshell undercover investigation into a Texas “Republican” consultant who was caught on camera violating both Texas and federal laws by coercing and bribing voters into voting Democrat, which was released on Tuesday.

In the new footage, Raquel Rodriguez, a consultant for GOP House candidate Mauro Garza, admits that she will be making about $55,000 to change 5,000 votes, as rigging the election will cost “five to eight dollars per vote.” She also admitted that “some of my Republicans are precinct chairs that cannot be known… they want to help Biden.”

Rodriguez stated that she is getting paid to help Republicans who want to flip votes for Biden, saying “yeah, that’s what I’m doing. That’s exactly what I’m getting paid to do.”

In Tuesday’s video, Rodriguez was seen providing a gift to an elderly woman after coercing her into changing her vote and helping her change the ballot.


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1a6d04 No.130756

File: 21f70c1a4d2a2cf⋯.png (355.06 KB,737x667,737:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328083 (282117ZOCT20) Notable: Hillary Clinton to vote as member of New York’s Electoral College

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Hillary Clinton to vote as member of New York’s Electoral College

Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that she will be a member of the Electoral College for New York this year, and that she plans to vote against President Trump.

The former New York senator won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College to Trump in 2016, and supports abolishing the institution.

“I’m an elector in New York,” Clinton told SiriusXM’s “Signal Boost” in an interview.

Clinton will cast one of New York’s 29 electoral votes when the 538-member body gathers in December to formalize the Nov. 3 election results.

“I’m sure I’ll get to vote for Joe [Biden] and [Sen. Kamala Harris] in New York. So, that’s pretty exciting,” Clinton said.

The role of elector is usually a formality in keeping with the Constitution, which gives states a weighted vote based on the number of congressmen they have.

Although Trump told The Post in an August interview that he believes he could win the Empire State, polls show Democrat Joe Biden with an overwhelming lead.

Electors allow state parties a messaging opportunity or a perch to reward loyal allies. In the last election, many New York electors were states officials, but other spots went to union leaders and policy advocates.

In 2016, five electors who were supposed to vote for Clinton — from Washington state and Hawaii — voted for other people instead, including her primary rival Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Two of Trump’s 2016 electors also balked.

Clinton previously said, “we should respect the will of the people and to me, that means it’s time to do away with the Electoral College and move to the popular election of our president.”


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1a6d04 No.130757

File: ed86679874e8393⋯.png (33.76 KB,501x332,501:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328085 (282117ZOCT20) Notable: The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has SUCCESSFULLY verified all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden's ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski.

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The Bias News @thebias_news

BREAKING:The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committeehas successfully verified all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski (Daily Caller).


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1a6d04 No.130758

File: 859ca1e8ca73975⋯.png (49.27 KB,649x516,649:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328101 (282118ZOCT20) Notable: Rangers, Green Berets Showing Interest in New Nonlethal M4 Carbine, Firm Says

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Rangers, Green Berets Showing Interest in New Nonlethal M4 Carbine, Firm Says

A California-based company has introduced a nonlethal M4 carbine-style training tool that is catching the interest of elite door-kickers in Army Special Operations Command.

Unit Solutions Inc.'s Unit4 is a standalone M4 look-alike system that uses carbon dioxide to fire 8mm nonlethal projectiles, thus making it a "non-weapon" by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms standards, Joe Fitterer, a field service representative of Unit Solutions, told Military.com.

Other nonlethal training systems on the market rely on primer-fired ammunition and require designated training areas, said Fitterer, a former Green Beret with 3rd Special Forces Group.

"You are no longer [required] to go to the range for training," he said. "You can train off-range."

The Unit4 system is designed for close-range, force-on-force tactical training. It can fire on semiautomatic and fully-automatic, launching paintball-style and non-marking projectiles at 300 to 350 feet per second, with a maximum range of about 35 meters, Fitterer said.

"All the components look very similar to a user's M4; there is a slight modification in the lower [receiver] and the bolt doesn't have a firing pin and it's a smoothbore barrel," Fitterer said.

"We are certified by the FBI to not break skin or quarter-inch glass outside of five feet."

The 75th Ranger Regiment at Fort Benning, Georgia just purchased 30 of the systems. And two other SF units, 3rd Special Forces Group at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and 5th Special Forces Group at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, have evaluated the system, Fitterer said.

Military.com reached out to Army Special Operations Command to confirm the Ranger Regiment's purchase but did not receive an immediate response.

"We are basically trying to get it in the door of Special Operations Command," Fitterer said, adding that the company will work with any service that is interested.

"Right now, we are so new that we wanted to get into special operations – with the idea that if Green Berets and Rangers have it, other units are going to want to get it."

The Unit4 project actually started in 2011 and is now in its third-generation model, Fitterer said.

"It has taken a long time, but if you don't have the right product to introduce, then you are not going to get a second chance," he said.


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1a6d04 No.130759

File: 3d8a79828b33cf2⋯.png (10.35 KB,519x149,519:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328114 (282119ZOCT20) Notable: The Former COS To @DHSgov @SecNielsen Was #MilesTaylor & HE HAS NOW ADMITTED TO BEING "ANONYMOUS" OF THE INFAMOUS TIMES OP-ED & LATER BOOK! #TAYLOR WAS NOT A MEMBER OF #TRUMP'S CABINET! HE WAS AN #OBAMA DONOR!"

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"BREAKING: @nytimes= #FakeNews! The Former COS To @DHSgov @SecNielsen Was #MilesTaylor & HE HAS NOW ADMITTED TO BEING "ANONYMOUS" OF THE INFAMOUS TIMES OP-ED & LATER BOOK! #TAYLOR WAS NOT A MEMBER OF #TRUMP'S CABINET! HE WAS AN #OBAMA DONOR!" https://twitter.com/JohnBasham/status/1321555812054147073

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1a6d04 No.130760

File: 4fa1e16e1376cf0⋯.png (19.53 KB,851x311,851:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328130 (282120ZOCT20) Notable: Former Navy chief convicted for Bahrain sex crimes faces new rape allegations

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Former Navy chief convicted for Bahrain sex crimes faces new rape allegations

A former U.S. Navy chief convicted as part of a rash of sailor sex crimes in Bahrain is facing new stateside sexual assault charges, according to charge sheets obtained by Navy Times.

Then-Chief Logistics Specialist Calvin Halfacre is charged with raping a woman in Virginia Beach, Virginia, on Feb. 3, 2019.

At the time of the alleged rape, Halfacre had just signed a plea deal in January 2019 and was awaiting his day in court in March 2019 on a previous sex crime dating back to when he was assigned to Bahrain.

Three Thai women working as prostitutes in Bahrain accused him of brutally sodomizing them against their will on the Middle Eastern island in 2017.

Navy investigators lost track of those three women and they did not testify in court against Halfacre.

Prosecutors later offered the chief a deal that withdrew the sexual assault charges in exchange for him pleading guilty to paying the three women for sex.

Halfacre, 42, was sentenced last year to 30 months in the brig, a bad-conduct discharge, reduction in rank to E-1 and forfeiture of all pay and allowances during confinement. He remains incarcerated at the Naval Consolidated Bring Charleston, South Carolina.

The alleged Virginia Beach victim’s name is redacted in the charge sheet copy provided to Navy Times.

The new rape charges against Halfacre accuse him of "placing (the woman) in fear that she would be subjected to grievous bodily harm,” the charge sheet states.


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1a6d04 No.130761

File: 1405792f853e69b⋯.png (86.81 KB,744x865,744:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 57b42983859af68⋯.png (101.11 KB,763x915,763:915,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328166 (282122ZOCT20) Notable: Statement from Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband Commemorating the Twentieth Anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act

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Statement from Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband Commemorating the Twentieth Anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act


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1a6d04 No.130762

File: 936852bd44523d9⋯.png (991.65 KB,990x944,495:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328177 (282122ZOCT20) Notable: disneyland covid issues

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Expect many more coming soon…


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1a6d04 No.130763

File: 1f264e969951680⋯.png (863.91 KB,810x450,9:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328191 (282123ZOCT20) Notable: Socialist presidential candidate accuses Dems of enabling Trump, puts both major US parties on blast as serving ‘the ruling class’

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Socialist presidential candidate accuses Dems of enabling Trump, puts both major US parties on blast as serving ‘the ruling class’

The Democrats are “covering up” Donald Trump and the Republicans’ assault on democracy and US workers, socialist presidential candidate Joe Kishore has told RT, in a strong critique of the two-party political process.

The “ramming through” of conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett onto the Supreme Court bench will not just facilitate a massive rightward shift of the institution, the Socialist Equality Party’s candidate said. It may also help Trump to “undermine” the results of the election, should it not go his way, and “retain power.”

Kishore speculated that Republican agents are planning to challenge the validity of mail-in ballots, a voting method on which Democrats massively rely amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

He accused the Democrats of “refusing to do anything” to block or postpone Barrett’s nomination and confirmation, despite there being “numerous ways” to achieve it.

“They made sure there would be no significant effort to stop the nomination of Barrett.”

“If the roles were reversed, Republicans would have blocked it,” Kishore said, recalling 2016, when the Republican-majority Senate stonewalled then-President Barack Obama’s attempt to appoint Merrick Garland to the Court, almost a year before the election.The socialist candidate believes such political impotence on the part of Democrats is intentional.

“Democrats are really terrified of the development of a real popular movement against Trump’s conspiracies”.

They are “covering up” for Trump, Kishore said, despite the sitting president being a fundamental threat to their espoused ideals. “The Democrats, a party of Wall Street, are terrified to mobilize a popular opposition against [Trump].” The reason for that, in Kishore’s view, is that the party’s establishment does not wish to share its power with outsiders to the state apparatus.

However, the candidate sees hope, saying that there is “enormous growing opposition” in the US, to which the president is responding with “fascistic violence returning to authoritarian forms of rule.”

Kishore perceives that a real anti-establishment effort has to come from the outside, saying it would have to be a “mass popular opposition, not only to Trump but to the ruling class policy that he represents, the financial oligarchy in the United States.”


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1a6d04 No.130764

File: f7fd492667ad879⋯.png (917.77 KB,928x940,232:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328199 (282123ZOCT20) Notable: Jeff Bezos 'has held zero talks' about buying CNN despite Wall Street speculation

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Jeff Bezos 'has held zero talks' about buying CNN despite Wall Street speculation


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1a6d04 No.130765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328271 (282127ZOCT20) Notable: Hillary Clinton to vote as member of New York’s Electoral College

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one link was from 1pm. posted the later one, 4pm today was from NY Post…


Hillary Clinton said Tuesday she is one of the 538 electors in the Electoral College.

"I'm an elector in New York," the 2016 Democratic nominee told SiriusXM's "Signal Boost." "I'm sure I'll get to vote for Joe (Biden) and (Sen. Kamala Harris) in New York. So, that's pretty exciting."

New York has 29 electors, and 270 electoral votes are needed to capture the presidency.


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1a6d04 No.130766

File: 67177aa555f76bd⋯.png (51.66 KB,597x418,597:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328291 (282128ZOCT20) Notable: Man Sentenced for Posing As Covert CIA Officer in Elaborate $4 Million Fraud

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Man Sentenced for Posing As Covert CIA Officer in Elaborate $4 Million Fraud

Former DEA Public Affairs Officer Scammed Victims by Posing Falsely as Covert CIA Officer Involved in a Highly-Classified Intelligence Program


I'd laugh if this was Steinmart

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1a6d04 No.130767

File: 90a58095ee93d62⋯.png (65.9 KB,478x535,478:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328403 (282133ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: F-16 jets intercepted unknown aircraft flying over Trump’s rally in Arizona—flares deployed to signal to unknown aircraft an exit of restricted airspace is required. (NORAD)

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BREAKING: F-16 jets intercepted unknown aircraft flying over Trump’s rally in Arizona—flares deployed to signal to unknown aircraft an exit of restricted airspace is required. (NORAD)


Pain is coming

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1a6d04 No.130768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328412 (282134ZOCT20) Notable: PETA Demands Federal Prison Accommodate Ghislaine Maxwell’s Vegan Diet

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PETA Demands Federal Prison Accommodate Ghislaine Maxwell’s Vegan Diet

Animal-rights activist group PETA is demanding a federal prison accommodate Ghislaine Maxwell's vegan diet to prevent her from "contributing to suffering."

PETA sent a letter to the Metropolitan Detention Center on Tuesday demanding the federal prison provide Maxwell, a longtime confidant to disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein, with plant-based meals—"regardless of the accusations against her." Maxwell was arrested in July on multiple charges related to sex trafficking and sexual abuse of young girls and is being held in the Brooklyn detention center without bail.

"Regardless of how anyone feels about Ms. Maxwell, no one should be forced to eat the corpse of an animal who felt pain and fear and didn't want to die," PETA president Ingrid Newkirk said in a statement.

PETA said its decision to advocate for Maxwell follows multiple reports that the facility has for months failed to provide her with meals suitable to her vegan diet. In the letter, addressed to the detention center's warden, PETA said that providing vegan meals to Maxwell and other inmates can help end animal suffering. "Although none of us can stop all violence, by providing everyone with vegan meals, you have the power to prevent Ms. Maxwell and other inmates from contributing to suffering," the organization said.

Newkirk told the Washington Free Beacon that PETA has asked multiple prisons to serve "cruelty-free" meals, which she claims cost less.

"PETA always suggests ways to save animals from pain and suffering, which is why we advocate for vegan choices for everyone," Newkirk said. "We have asked numerous prisons—most recently, the Indiana penitentiary holding accused cannibal Joseph Oberhansley—not only to accommodate requests for vegan meals (which, apparently, Ghislaine Maxwell has made) but also to reduce violence generally by providing all inmates with cruelty-free food. In addition, our prison systems, paid for with our taxes, should be saving funds by serving vegan meals, which are less costly."

Maxwell has allegedly lost 25 pounds over the past four months because she has refused to eat the meals provided for her. According to one friend, she also says she is "humiliated" by the paper clothes the prison has forced her to wear while on suicide watch.

The letter comes just one week after the release of a 2016 deposition, in which Maxwell denied all allegations of wrongdoing against her. She denies claims that she recruited minors to have sex with Epstein and has said she was unaware of accusations that he was abusing women and young girls. Her trial is set for next summer.


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1a6d04 No.130769

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328479 (282138ZOCT20) Notable: Hillary Clinton to vote as member of New York’s Electoral College

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Each state and the District of Columbia will appoint its electors after it certifies the general election results. Each will then prepare a Certificate of Ascertainment which will contain the names of the electors and the number of votes they received. Certificates of Ascertainment also may contain the party affiliation for electors. OFR posts the Certificates of Ascertainment after receiving them from the States. You’ll find the posted Certificates on our website.

However, OFR does not receive the names of the electors until receiving the Certificates of Ascertainment. To find out the names earlier, you would need to contact each State and the District of Columbia individually to request the contact information for their electors. The National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) can help you find contact information for the States.

Some States release the slates of all potential electors before the general election and some States include the names of the potential electors on the general election ballot. How each State approaches these issues is up to the State.

Whether or when a State releases contact or other information about its electors is also up to the State.


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1a6d04 No.130770

File: 9052a7575b9d080⋯.png (263.33 KB,633x509,633:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328489 (282139ZOCT20) Notable: anybody posted Snowman yet?

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anybody posted Snowman yet?


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1a6d04 No.130771

File: 628a20e03728c93⋯.png (628.7 KB,1278x721,1278:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328506 (282140ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: F-16 jets intercepted unknown aircraft flying over Trump’s rally in Arizona—flares deployed to signal to unknown aircraft an exit of restricted airspace is required. (NORAD)

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AF1 kicked up a lot of dust with those thrust reversers. Wonder what the take off will look like? kek

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1a6d04 No.130772

File: 59273d470ba8dbc⋯.png (265.63 KB,513x288,57:32,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a43941e1afdc07⋯.png (134.12 KB,907x809,907:809,Clipboard.png)

File: dfb7b248e53dd78⋯.png (391.3 KB,947x845,947:845,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a31167c3657fc9⋯.png (91.83 KB,912x475,48:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 953cf5409ba8378⋯.png (360.43 KB,939x829,939:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328507 (282140ZOCT20) Notable: NY Gov. Cuomo Reaped $6.2 Million In Campaign Cash From 347 State Vendors Who Pocketed $7 Billion Since 2014

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NY Gov. Cuomo Reaped $6.2 Million In Campaign Cash From 347 State Vendors Who Pocketed $7 Billion Since 2014

While New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and national progressives decry corporate money in politics, Governor Andrew Cuomo has embraced the highly unethical practice of soliciting campaign cash from state contractors.

Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com found 347 state vendors that gave $6.2 million in political donations to Cuomo over a six-year period (2014-2019). Meanwhile, these companies reaped $7 billion in state payments.

These donations represented the equivalent of more than half of the current cash on hand – $11.9 million – in the governor’s campaign committee as of 12/31/2019, according to disclosures.

We created an interactive map displaying by ZIP Code all of the governor’s campaign contributions since 2014. Just click a pin (ZIP Code) and scroll down to see the results that render in the chart beneath the map.

We reached out to Governor Cuomo and Rich Azzopardi, a senior advisor, answered for the administration, “No contribution of any size plays a role in any official action and any official who can be swayed by a single dollar has no business being in government.”

However, since 1940, individuals and entities negotiating or working under federal contracts have been prohibited from giving political cash to federal candidates, parties, or committees. In New York, however, this political patronage is perfectly legal (at least for now).

Here are some of the big winners who gave campaign cash to Gov. Cuomo and separately received state payments.

Hospitals – Covid-Positive Patients Transferred To Nursing Homes

The Greater New York Hospital Association (Association) funneled $1 million to Cuomo’s re-election through the state Democratic party in 2018. That same year, the Association and the healthcare union, 1199SEIU, backed Cuomo’s healthcare “reforms” and spent $5.9 million lobbying in Albany.

By February 2020, Cuomo appointed the Association’s past chair and board member Michael Dowling along with 1199SEIU President Dennis Rivera as co-chairmen of the “Medicaid Redesign Team.” (State Medicaid was $4 billion in the red because of Cuomo’s accounting gimmicks.)

Just six weeks before the governor’s appointment, Michael Dowling gave Cuomo a $5,000 campaign donation (12/14/19). (Dowling is also the CEO of Northwell Health – which received $10 million in state payments in 2019.)

Twenty-eight days before the governor made 1199SEIU president Dennis Rivera co-chairman of his Medicaid Team, the union gave $15,000 to Cuomo’s re-election fund (1/6/2020). Since 2014, 1199SEIU backed Cuomo with political endorsements and $95,250 in campaign cash.

Cuomo didn’t answer our question as to whether soliciting state contractors for campaign cash was ethical, and a senior aide, Rich Azzopardi, argued that the governor exerted no influence.

“Agency contracting is done at the agency level on the merits, by career civil servants and procurement professionals — with no input or influence from the Executive Chamber—and generally through a competitive bidding process.”

Meanwhile, New York residents are left with skyrocketing taxes and an increasingly bleak future.

We can blame Governor Cuomo, but he’s just a reflection of today’s broken culture of public service.

Methodology: We matched companies donating to Andrew Cuomo For New York, Inc., as disclosed by the NYS Board of Elections, to state payment transactions – which are available for download on the NYS Comptroller’s website, Open Book New York. Separately, the Comptroller posts a searchable contract file also within the Open Book New York portal. To the extent that the information contains government errors, our report will reproduce those errors. No quid pro quo or illegal activity by any elected official, company or individual referenced in this piece is implied or intended. Andrew Cuomo was elected governor in 2010. Every person or entity in this piece was given an opportunity to provide comment.


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1a6d04 No.130773

File: 186b9d573bf7dbd⋯.jpg (105.91 KB,549x735,183:245,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328590 (282145ZOCT20) Notable: Byron York's Daily Memo: Another sign of intensity for Trump in Pennsylvania

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Byron York's Daily Memo: Another sign of intensity for Trump in Pennsylvania

by Byron York, Chief Political Correspondent | | October 28, 2020 08:31 AM



Today's newsletter is based on a new story I have just published called "Trump House: Pennsylvania woman gives Trump fans sense of belonging, hope of victory." It's about a place in the western part of the state known as a "mecca for the silent majority."

Each day, about 1,000 people visit "Trump House" in Latrobe.It's really a house, a former rental property painted like a giant American flag and transformed by its owner, Leslie Rossi, into a center where Trump supporters gather, pick up a free Trump hat, or shirt, or flag, and==pose in front of the 14-foot high cutout of President Trump in the front yard.

More importantly, it's a place where Trump supporters meet others who share their political views. It's a place where people who have never voted can find the necessary papers to register. It's a place where registered Democrats who want to change to the Republican Party can get it done. And now, it has become an important indicator of the intensity of Trump support in perhaps the most important battleground state in the 2020 election.

Subscribe today to the Washington Examiner magazine that will keep you up to date with what's going on in Washington. SUBSCRIBE NOW: Just $1.00 an issue!

The creator of Trump House, Leslie Rossi, first opened it in the 2016 campaign. It became hugely popular almost right away. Back then, she got lots of visitors who were skeptical about Donald Trump. She talked with them, persuaded them, encouraged them – and registered many of them to vote. In the end, she contributed to Trump's narrow 44,000-vote margin of victory in Pennsylvania.

Now, with the president running for a second term, there's a different vibe at the Trump House. Rossi's work is no longer to persuade doubting voters to give Trump a chance. Instead, she is providing a place for Trump supporters from all over Pennsylvania to meet and see that there are in fact a lot of other Trump supporters out there. "It's so different now," said Rossi. "They like coming here because they feel so connected. They are so proud of their president. They get to come here and celebrate him their movement with like-minded people."

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1a6d04 No.130774

File: 260aaf1ec99b605⋯.png (70.15 KB,736x898,368:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 6737cb72156fb42⋯.png (65.92 KB,745x896,745:896,Clipboard.png)

File: fc6241c7164d5a7⋯.png (26.87 KB,744x366,124:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328730 (282153ZOCT20) Notable: “Unless the US stops printing money, the dollar will collapse.”

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“Unless the US stops printing money, the dollar will collapse.”

We’re less than two weeks away from the US election, and yet this sense of utter confusion, bitter political conflict, and economic uncertainty that has been ominously hovering over the nation, as well as the rest of the world, doesn’t seem to have subsided. The country still appears to be in a directionless state, with its economy in serious trouble and its society dangerously fragmented.

There seems to be a wide rift in US politics, which is not just pragmatic or ideological, but perceptual too: The two “camps” and their supporters appear to be living in and arguing about two different versions of reality, and neither corresponds to the actual experiences of most ordinary citizens, taxpayers and savers. This disconcerting dissonance became painfully apparent in the first Presidential debate, at least to those who had the patience to keep watching after the first few minutes. It was especially pronounced when the candidates were asked about their economic policies and recovery plans. Both had all these grand plans, big-spending dreams and voter-pleasing promises, and for those of us who understand even the very basic lessons from our monetary history, one thing was clear as day: If there’s one thing the two sides can agree on, it’s that fiscal prudence, responsibility and long-term thinking, are at the bottom of their priority list.

This has serious implications for investors and savers that go well beyond the theoretical realm of politics and ideology. To put all these risks in their proper context and to help us get a clearer understanding of how investors can prepare for what lies ahead, I asked my friend Patrick Barron for some of his valuable insights. Pat is an Austrian school economist and he has been a private consultant to the banking industry since 1985. He has taught an introductory course in Austrian economics for several years at the University of Iowa and he also taught for over thirty years at the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin. He has written dozens of excellent essays disseminated worldwide, including the Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, USA.

Claudio Grass (CG): For any student of monetary history, the past decade was a fascinating period. Many of us expected this reckless experiment with QE, negative rates and aggressive expansionism by central bankers to end in tears, but few could have foreseen the response to the Covid crisis. Do you expect this move to “double down” on bad policies to expedite the monetary system’s demise or perhaps to breathe new life into it and simply prolong it?


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1a6d04 No.130775

File: 9c8df88b0016d09⋯.png (22.22 KB,630x410,63:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328783 (282156ZOCT20) Notable: SILVER DUMP

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what happened there

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1a6d04 No.130776

File: e27ef6839446cf0⋯.png (864.94 KB,1010x852,505:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328842 (282159ZOCT20) Notable: NY Gov. Cuomo Reaped $6.2 Million In Campaign Cash From 347 State Vendors Who Pocketed $7 Billion Since 2014

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moar sneeze on grandma and grandpa killer Cuomo, nothing to see here, move along!

NY Gov. Cuomo Reaped $6.2 Million In Campaign Cash From 347 State Vendors Who Pocketed $7 Billion Since 2014

October 28, 2020

While New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and national progressives decry corporate money in politics, Governor Andrew Cuomo has embraced the highly unethical practice of soliciting campaign cash from state contractors.

Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com found 347 state vendors that gave $6.2 million in political donations to Cuomo over a six-year period (2014-2019). Meanwhile, these companies reaped $7 billion in state payments.

These donations represented the equivalent of more than half of the current cash on hand – $11.9 million – in the governor’s campaign committee as of 12/31/2019, according to disclosures.

We created an interactive map displaying by ZIP Code all of the governor’s campaign contributions since 2014. Just click a pin (ZIP Code) and scroll down to see the results that render in the chart beneath the map.


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1a6d04 No.130777

File: 22317861c709056⋯.png (73.57 KB,1162x360,581:180,Clipboard.png)

File: f73e53a98aac8e4⋯.png (715.34 KB,918x868,459:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328850 (282159ZOCT20) Notable: Gen Flynn twat 10/27

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Little auturd habben

Who knows what this means, but it sounds good to me.




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1a6d04 No.130778

File: 65f5c1dfd669dc3⋯.jpg (468.65 KB,1919x961,1919:961,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8bdec21bb0d14e0⋯.jpg (417.78 KB,1915x965,383:193,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328899 (282201ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag

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C-32 leaving Coronado with the callsign ANON

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1a6d04 No.130779

File: d782a4cfb6dd7fc⋯.png (503.45 KB,742x602,53:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328902 (282202ZOCT20) Notable: Roanoke VA shooting

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1a6d04 No.130780

File: fec66860fac3030⋯.png (73.17 KB,744x870,124:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328912 (282202ZOCT20) Notable: FinCEN wants to clamp down on small payments fueling crime

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FinCEN wants to clamp down on small payments fueling crime

Concerned that money transfers worth just a few hundred dollars are helping terrorists and fentanyl traffickers, the U.S. Treasury is pushing a new rule for banks, money transmitters and others.

The top U.S. financial crime watchdog wants to slash the value of transactions that banks and other financial institutions must report as potentially suspicious, citing small payments used to plan terrorist attacks and to import deadly drugs.

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, known as FinCEN, published a proposal with the Federal Reserve last week to require banks and others to collect and share with authorities information on potentially suspicious transactions sent overseas worth more than $250. The current threshold is $3,000.

“Malign actors are using smaller-value cross-border wire transfers to facilitate or commit terrorist financing, narcotics trafficking, and other illicit activity,” FinCEN said in its proposed rule. “Increased recordkeeping and reporting concerning these transactions would be valuable to law enforcement and national security authorities.”

The proposal comes weeks after the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists BuzzFeed News, and more than 400 reporters worldwide published the FinCEN Files investigation. The 16-month investigation was largely based on more than 2,100 leaked reports submitted by banks to FinCEN that detail possibly criminal money transfers.

FinCEN Files revealed how banks moved staggering sums of illicit cash for shadowy characters and criminal networks. Banks didn’t always know to whom they were providing services or did so even after the banks were penalized by U.S. authorities for flaws in anti-money laundering practices.

ICIJ reported on transactions, some worth only a few hundred dollars, that banks suspected may have paid for deadly drugs to arrive in the U.S. from China or been used to bribe witnesses to lie during a high-profile war crimes trial. In many cases, banks and other financial institutions, like Western Union and MoneyGram, reported the transactions as suspicious months or years after those who sent or received the money were charged or even jailed for high-profile crimes.

The existing $3,000 threshold dates to 1995. Under that rule, financial institutions that send or receive funds must collect and retain information on the sender’s name and address, the amount, the date, the bank that receives the money and other details.

That threshold is outdated, say crime fighting experts and law enforcement agencies.

In support of the new rule, FinCEN analyzed thousands of suspicious activity reports – or SARs – potentially related to terrorism financing. More than one million transactions included in the analyzed SARs were lower than $500, according to the report.


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1a6d04 No.130781

File: 319aa59c4e7118b⋯.png (518.85 KB,603x445,603:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328917 (282202ZOCT20) Notable: "watch the jesse waters - Tony Bobulinski was an ex submarine commande

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Tony Bobulinski was an ex submarine commander



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1a6d04 No.130782

File: c357bc5985fb73d⋯.png (46.12 KB,961x548,961:548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11328930 (282203ZOCT20) Notable: Phone Reveals Moldova-Russian Connections

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Phone Reveals Moldova-Russian Connections

Moldovan President Igor Dodon, who is seeking a second presidential term, is apparently relying on support from the Kremlin and Russian intelligence, according to OCCRP partner RISE Moldova.

In its latest investigative project #Kremlinovici Leaks, RISE reporters worked with the Russian Dossier Center to track communications between Dodon and Russian sources.

According to the team, Kremlinovici is the username Dodon employed to communicate with Moldovan politicians. RISE has previously reported extensively about the president’s alleged shady businesses.

In the investigative report released last week, the reporters noted, “The communication took place via an encrypted application that runs on a BlackBerry smartphone the Socialist party leader had used until mid-2017.”

RISE Moldova said that the smartphone was delivered to its reporters by an anonymous intermediary. “A note [attached] to the device recommended journalists to study the smartphone’s content [for] a few days and extract the information of interest. We later returned the device via the intermediary,” RISE said.

After extracting the contents, RISE also analyzed the data from the Chernov Archives, a “leak from the so-called Moldova affairs division in the administration of President Vladimir Putin,” obtained by Dossier Center.

The RISE journalists said the motives of those providing the phone were unclear, while noting that interesting data was discovered.

“In the process of documenting #Kremlinovici, we have learned that an office with Russian ‘consultants’ exists in the very heart of Chisinau [the Moldovan capital], in the neighborhood close to the Moldovan presidential administration,” RISE said.

The agency added that Moldova’s “Socialist Party lawmakers and a former aide to Prime Minister, Ion Chicu, are frequent visitors to that office.”

RISE added that, “We’ve also learned that some Moldovan politicians have been engaged in collaborative activities with the Kremlin’s consultants for years and that Igor Dodon even has Moscow review speeches he prepares for international events.”

The investigative reporters further learned that an office within the Russian presidential administration deals with Moldova’s affairs. According to the Dossier Center, the office is run by Igor Maslov, a colonel in the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).


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1a6d04 No.130783

File: f5ed3b6e83430f2⋯.jpg (77.79 KB,804x694,402:347,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329083 (282213ZOCT20) Notable: Substandard Print Quality on Mail-in Ballots Causes Issues for Tarrant County (TX) Elections

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Substandard Print Quality on Mail-in Ballots Causes Issues for Tarrant County (TX) Elections

The Tarrant County Elections Office has discovered an issue with about one-third of the mail-in ballots that have been returned.

According to Elections Administrator Heider Garcia, the state-authorized vendor did not print the barcodes on the ballots of a sufficient quality that it could be read by the scanning equipment.

Those rejected ballots must be separated, and the ballot board must follow a process outlined in the law for making a copy of the ballot that can be read.

Garcia explained that the process involves ballot board members of both major political parties being present to copy the votes to a blank ballot that can then be counted.

The ballot board is composed of about 80 citizens recommended by the political parties and approved by the elections board. They work in a secure location with limited access.

Republican Kelly Roberson serves as the chair of the ballot board, Democrat Kat Cano serves as the vice-chair, and Rene Perez represents the Libertarians.

Garcia assured the Tarrant County Commissioners on Tuesday that ballot integrity was his highest priority.

“Our goal here is to protect the integrity of the ballot and follow the process outlined in the law,” Garcia said.

“It is critical that you follow the law and get every one of those votes counted,” Commissioner Roy Brooks (D-Prct 1) emphasized.

“It is not the voters’ fault that we hired a vendor who did substandard work, and I demand on their behalf that they are counted,” he added.

Garcia assured Brooks that the process is outlined in the law, and while there are more ballots than usual having to be copied, this problem is not a new one, just of greater magnitude due to the number of mail-in ballots this year.

“The Tarrant County Republican Party’s primary concern in all matters of elections is the integrity of each ballot,” said Tarrant GOP Chairman Rick Barnes in a press statement. “We are working with the Tarrant County Elections Administration, the Ballot Board, and our candidates to guarantee representation of all Parties during the process. We are deploying poll watchers to protect the public interest. It is my firm belief that each individual ballot must be protected, regardless of that voter’s party affiliation.”

Approximately 85,000 mail-in ballots were sent out, county Judge Glen Whitley stated, and of those about 60,000 have been returned. He added that 1,950 are awaiting a decision on the signature verification.

Garcia assured voters who have not yet voted that they can still use mail-in ballots, but that if they are more comfortable, they may vote in person either early or on Election Day. Voters who have a mail-in ballot but wish to vote in person should take their mail-in ballot to the voting location to have it canceled.

Garcia also pointed out that one early voting location per week has had to close for a day or two due to coronavirus cases, but were re-opened quickly.

“We’ve taken staff from our office to get the sites running, then replace them,” he added.

The Tarrant County Democrat and Libertarian parties did not respond to a request for comment.


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1a6d04 No.130784

File: cc623b188d3642a⋯.jpg (81.75 KB,805x735,23:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329140 (282217ZOCT20) Notable: Disparities in Harris County (TX) Election Tallies Prompt Inquiry From State

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Disparities in Harris County (TX) Election Tallies Prompt Inquiry From State

The Texas Secretary of State’s Election Division is seeking clarification from Harris County on discrepancies in election reports submitted to the state.

Observers noted on Monday that as of October 25, Harris County’s published “Daily Record of Early Voting” reported that 1,090,445 voters had cast ballots either by mail or in-person, but the Secretary of State’s website, which reflects data submitted by the county to the state, reported 1,081,265 total votes cast, a difference of 9,180 votes. A third report, the Harris County Early Voting roster, had the total at 1,092,521.

The reports posted on the county’s website warn that the numbers are unofficial, but the significant discrepancy prompted a response from local officials and a query from the state election office.

The Secretary of State’s Office has confirmed to The Texan that on Monday, the Texas Elections Division sent Harris County a formal request for clarification on the submission of their early voting totals.

State Senator Paul Bettencourt (R-Houston), who previously served as the Harris County Voter Registrar, also called on Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins to provide an explanation for the discrepancies.

“Clerk Hollins owes an explanation to the public about which one of these numbers is correct,” said Bettencourt. “Hollins cannot have nearly a nearly 11,000 vote differential on different reports unexplained.”

Updated to include votes cast on Monday, October 26, the county’s daily record of early voting now reports that 1,149,047 have cast ballots. The state’s website now shows 1,151,399, reflecting a discrepancy of 2,352 votes.

Harris County commissioners appointed Hollins, who is the Texas Democratic Party vice-chairman of finance, to serve as the interim county clerk earlier this year after elected clerk Diane Trautman abruptly resigned last May.

This year the county has approved more than $27 million and accepted a private grant for an additional $9.6 million for the 2020 elections, and Hollins has pushed an ambitious agenda that elicited numerous lawsuits from citizens and state officials.

Although initiatives to send mail-in ballots or applications to all voters have been halted by state and federal courts, Hollins has succeeded in creating drive-through voting stations in select portions of the county, circumventing Texas law limiting curbside voting to those who are physically unable to enter the polling place without personal assistance or risk of injury.

Courts have also ruled against Hollins’ expansion of mail-ballot drop off sites and his efforts to block certified poll watchers.

Additional controversy surrounding Harris County elections has come from multiple allegations of ballot harvesting. Earlier this year the Secretary of State’s Office referred at least one complaint to the Texas attorney general for a full investigation, and last month private investigators provided to the Supreme Court of Texas sworn affidavits alleging a coordinated ballot-harvesting operation that involved a Biden campaign operative, state Senator Boris Miles (D-Houston), and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (D-Pct.1).

Most recently, certified poll-watcher Raymond Stewart provided another sworn affidavit and complaint to the Harris County district attorney alleging irregularities in early voting procedures.

Stewart, a former peace officer who was serving as a certified poll watcher, says he saw a large stack of Texas driver’s licenses left on a table between two sign-in stations. In his sworn statement, he says election workers coming in from drive-through polling stations would sometimes sort through the stack of licenses, choose one, scan it for voter check-in, and obtain a ticket to bring out to the drive-through voter.

Other irregularities identified by poll watchers include insecure transport of election documents. Harris County Republican Party Vice-Chair Kevin Fulton said that individuals without identification were picking up from polling sites unsecured boxes of surrendered mail ballots, mail ballot cancellations, provisional affidavits, statement of residency forms, and other “critical documents” and taking those materials without documenting chain of custody.


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1a6d04 No.130785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329210 (282222ZOCT20) Notable: 144669, #14470 (BS), #14470 (bs)

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>>>/qresearch/11329155 anons helping!!!


Notes for Bread #14470

>>130750 Ron Desantis’ voter file hacked, preventing him from voting.

>>130751, >>130753 Autists found Huma Abedin's secret Twitter and Youtube account.

>>130752, >>130757 The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has SUCCESSFULLY verified all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden's ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski.

>>130754 This is what all the indoctrination on television, in public schools, and on social media is doing to the youth.

>>130708 /LB According to https://www.donaldjtrump.com/events/ POTUS will be Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota on Friday (see pics) and no events with POTUS Saturday…

>>130755 Texas Attorney General Investigating Voter Fraud Operation Following Project Veritas Exposé

>>130756, >>130765, >>130769 Hillary Clinton to vote as member of New York’s Electoral College

>>130758 Rangers, Green Berets Showing Interest in New Nonlethal M4 Carbine, Firm Says


>>130760 Former Navy chief convicted for Bahrain sex crimes faces new rape allegations

>>130761 Statement from Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband Commemorating the Twentieth Anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act

>>130762 disneyland covid issues

>>130763 Socialist presidential candidate accuses Dems of enabling Trump, puts both major US parties on blast as serving ‘the ruling class’

>>130764 Jeff Bezos 'has held zero talks' about buying CNN despite Wall Street speculation

>>130766 Man Sentenced for Posing As Covert CIA Officer in Elaborate $4 Million Fraud

>>130767, >>130771 BREAKING: F-16 jets intercepted unknown aircraft flying over Trump’s rally in Arizona—flares deployed to signal to unknown aircraft an exit of restricted airspace is required. (NORAD)

>>130768 PETA Demands Federal Prison Accommodate Ghislaine Maxwell’s Vegan Diet

>>130770 anybody posted Snowman yet?

>>130772, >>130776 NY Gov. Cuomo Reaped $6.2 Million In Campaign Cash From 347 State Vendors Who Pocketed $7 Billion Since 2014

>>130773 Byron York's Daily Memo: Another sign of intensity for Trump in Pennsylvania

>>130774 “Unless the US stops printing money, the dollar will collapse.”

>>130775 SILVER DUMP

>>130777 Gen Flynn twat 10/27

>>130778 Planefag

>>130779 Roanoke VA shooting

>>130780 FinCEN wants to clamp down on small payments fueling crime

>>130781 "watch the **jesse waters - Tony Bobulinski was an ex submarine commander

>>130782 Phone Reveals Moldova-Russian Connections

>>130783 Substandard Print Quality on Mail-in Ballots Causes Issues for Tarrant County (TX) Elections

>>130784 Disparities in Harris County (TX) Election Tallies Prompt Inquiry From State

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1a6d04 No.130786

File: 0bbe622da812b6a⋯.png (53.11 KB,881x374,881:374,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329324 (282228ZOCT20) Notable: Maine Dem Gideon Bails on Senate Debate

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Maine Dem Gideon Bails on Senate Debate

Candidate Sara Gideon reneges on pledge to six debates

Maine Democratic Senate candidate Sara Gideon, who criticized President Donald Trump for not attending a second presidential debate, canceled her debate with Republican rival Sen. Susan Collins at the last minute Tuesday.

Gideon, who said it was "really shameful" for Trump to forgo his debate, canceled her plans to appear in a one-on-one debate with Collins scheduled for Tuesday evening. The cancellation marks the latest in a string of instances in which the Democrat has refused to appear on the debate stage, to the chagrin of her political rivals.

"I think the American people are looking to hear substance on issues. They want to hear what plans each of the presidential candidates have," Gideon said about Trump's debate nonattendance. "I think it is really shameful that he is making this decision."

Gideon's Tuesday no-show is the fourth time the Democrat has refused to appear in a televised debate.

It is unclear why Gideon decided against showing up for the Tuesday debate, but she did appear at a campaign rally with Jill Biden a few hours before the debate was supposed to go on.

Gideon's debate nonattendance has become a contentious subject in a close Senate race that could affect Democrats' chances of retaking the upper chamber.

Recent campaign polls show that Gideon has a slight edge over the incumbent Collins, while a FiveThirtyEight analysis estimates that Collins has a roughly two-in-five chance of holding the seat.

When the Commission on Presidential Debates made its second debate into a virtual forum in light of Trump's COVID diagnosis, the president said he would only attend an in-person debate, leading to the event's cancellation.

While the Trump campaign explained its reasoning in a two-page memo, Gideon has yet to explain why she declined to attend her debate. The Gideon campaign did not respond to a request for comment.


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1a6d04 No.130787

File: 121d9bb9579e0f8⋯.png (283.37 KB,552x474,92:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329330 (282229ZOCT20) Notable: Miles Taylor Denies Being ‘Anonymous’ in August CNN Appearance — ‘I Wear a Mask for Two Things … Halloween and Pandemics’

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Miles Taylor Denies Being ‘Anonymous’ in August CNN Appearance — ‘I Wear a Mask for Two Things … Halloween and Pandemics’

“I wear a mask for two things, Anderson: Halloween and pandemics. So, no,” says @MilesTaylorUSA, when asked by @AndersonCooper if he is the author of the op-ed book written by someone called Anonymous. pic.twitter.com/sPjs4OoAnp

— CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) August 21, 2020

On Wednesday, former Department of Homeland Security official Miles Taylor revealed himself to be “Anonymous,” the author of a New York Times op-ed and a subsequent book critical of President Donald Trump.

However, when asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper back in August if he was “Anonymous,” Taylor denied it.

Partial transcript as follows:

COOPER: There was an op-ed, a book by someone calling themselves Anonymous. Are you aware of who that is?

TAYLOR: I’m not. Look, that was a parlor game that happened in Washington D.C., of a lot of folks trying to think who that might be. And I have my own thoughts who that might be —


COOPER: You are not Anonymous?

TAYLOR: I wear a mask for two things, Anderson, Halloween and pandemics. So, no.


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1a6d04 No.130788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329345 (282230ZOCT20) Notable: Fuck Your Feelings song, because it is a fresh and good song.

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Fuck Your Feelings song, because it is a fresh and good song.

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1a6d04 No.130789

File: 3a1fba6fb7b4287⋯.png (97.83 KB,1841x486,1841:486,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d25d24b1b87f79⋯.mp4 (9.37 MB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329352 (282231ZOCT20) Notable: Bobo had a Q clearance…

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Bobo had a Q clearance…

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1a6d04 No.130790

File: 4bb6cd10b304620⋯.png (92.01 KB,833x645,833:645,Clipboard.png)

File: a745691aff2ecfa⋯.png (898.37 KB,860x780,43:39,Clipboard.png)

File: be8d732f01cb799⋯.png (59.64 KB,854x412,427:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329356 (282231ZOCT20) Notable: Crazy and Corrupt Judge Emmet Sullivan Who’s Busy ‘Prosecuting’ General Flynn with His Own ‘Special Counsel’ Now Believes He’s ‘US Postmaster General’

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Crazy and Corrupt Judge Emmet Sullivan Who’s Busy ‘Prosecuting’ General Flynn with His Own ‘Special Counsel’ Now Believes He’s ‘US Postmaster General’

Judge Emmet Sullivan is corrupt or crazy or both. His actions with General Flynn’s case and now with the US Postal Service prove it.

After more than four years of corrupt investigations and indictments and the government finally acknowledging their crimes in setting up General Michael Flynn, the government decided to drop its case against General Flynn based on a review within the DOJ.

But this did not stop the corrupt Deep State to continue their prosecution of General Flynn. The corrupt judge in the case, Emmet Sullivan, refuses to close the case and has even brought in his very own ‘special counsel’, John Gleeson, to help him prosecute the case. This has never happened before in US history. It is corrupt to the core and when the case was taken to the corrupt Appellate Court in DC they allowed it to continue.

War hero and good man General Flynn remains a victim of the Deep State due to his knowledge of Obama era corruption and his desire to clean it all up with the Trump team. His attorney Sidney Powell said previously that they went after Flynn because he knew Obama’s Deep State had billions in off balance sheet transactions that were not reported.

During an early October hearing Judge Sullivan showed that he never read the motions from the Powell team and that he felt it was proper for him to prosecute the case even though the DOJ decided to drop the case after their internal review. The judge was fine with letting his ‘special counsel’ as Powell referred to Gleeson, raise all sorts of crazy accusations but he challenged Powell every step of the way.

After five hours of insanity, Sidney Powell was able to finally provide her closing remarks and they were spot on:


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1a6d04 No.130791

File: 2487462b367fa8e⋯.jpg (96.62 KB,854x727,854:727,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329359 (282231ZOCT20) Notable: Texas voters have to wear masks while voting despite Gov. Greg Abbott's exemption, federal judge rules

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Texas voters have to wear masks while voting despite Gov. Greg Abbott's exemption, federal judge rules

Texas voters are now required to wear face masks when casting ballots during the pandemic, a federal district judge ruled Tuesday, invalidating an exemption for polling places that Gov. Greg Abbott had included in his statewide mask mandate.

The governor’s mandate for Texans to cover their mouths and noses in public does not apply to polling places, an exclusion that has been challenged as discriminatory against Black and Latino voters who are more likely to be harmed by the coronavirus. Abbott has previously said he encourages voters to wear a face mask, but said he excluded polling places from his mandate to prevent people from being turned away from voting just because they don’t have a mask. Under Abbott’s order, poll workers are also not required to wear masks.

In his temporary ruling, U.S. District Judge Jason Pulliam said the exemption “creates a discriminatory burden on Black and Latino voters.”

Abbott and Texas Secretary of State Ruth Hughs immediately sought an appeal at the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. The Harris County Clerk's Office, expecting the appeals court to at least temporarily halt Pulliam's order, said Wednesday that it will continue its policy of strongly encouraging, but not requiring, masks at the polls to avoid voter confusion.

The argument for a mask mandate at the polls was first raised in a much broader lawsuit filed against Abbott and the Texas secretary of state in July by Mi Familia Vota, the Texas National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and two Texas voters. The plaintiffs also sought things like a month of early voting, the opening of additional polling places and a suspension of rules that limit who can vote curbside without entering a polling place.

Pulliam, based in San Antonio, had dismissed the lawsuit in September, with Texas having convinced him that the sweeping changes sought to the state’s rules for in-person voting during the pandemic were outside of his jurisdiction as a federal judge. But earlier this month, with early voting already underway, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals punted the case back to Pulliam for him to again review the argument for an across-the-board mask mandate for anyone at a polling place.

The appeals court said that if Pulliam found that Abbott’s decision to not require masks at the polls violated the federal Voting Rights Act’s disallowance of discriminatory voting practices based on race, he would have jurisdiction to order changes.

“Black and Latino Texans … are more likely to become infected and more likely to suffer severe illness or to die of COVID-19. Black and Latino voters in Texas also face longer lines at the polls, increasing their risk of transmission by exposing them to crowds of other voters and poll workers,” the plaintiffs wrote in their renewed argument before Pulliam last week. “Under these conditions, Black and Latino voters must choose between not voting or risking their lives or the lives of their loved ones to vote. White voters do not face the same level of risk.”

The Texas attorney general’s office countered that the majority of states are not requiring masks at polling places and argued that the new legal fight over a potential Voting Rights Act violation is happening too late — after more than 7 million Texans have already cast ballots since early voting began on Oct. 13.

“Texas is on track to smash its prior turnout record, even during the pandemic and in counties with large minority populations,” the state’s filing said.

After the court voided Abbott's exemption, in effect requiring masks at polls, the plaintiffs said it was a "tremendous victory for democracy."

"The Judge has already been vindicated, as last night we received reports of polling officials in Texas testing positive for the coronavirus, and other polling places being required to close down because of sick poll workers," said Gary Bledsoe, president of the Texas NAACP, in a statement. "And, this past weekend, we received reports of poll watchers who were using their maskless presence to approach and intimidate minority voters."


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1a6d04 No.130792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329362 (282232ZOCT20) Notable: The Plan for Post-Election Chaos, Trump vs Biden Optics

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The Plan for Post-Election Chaos, Trump vs Biden Optics


EP 3 of #ElectionEdge: There are now a slew of court cases around the issue of ballot submission deadlines and signature verifications. Democrats are pushing for a long delay after election day, while Republicans are not wanting any last minute rule changes and voter extensions under the pretext to COVID and 'the pandemic'. 21WIRE editor and host Patrick Henningsen looks at some of these legal challenges in key swing states, and also exposes Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg's own direct role in helping to sow mass-doubt in the election result. Also, we break down the contrast in optics between the Trump and Biden campaigns - and how this is affecting voter preferences on Nov 3rd. Thus far, Trump looks like he's extended his likely lead this week, surging in some key battleground states. We'll reveal our latest Electoral College Projections. All this and more.

STAY IN THE LOOP AT OUR #ElectionEdge LIVE Blog at @21WIRE for real-time updates:

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1a6d04 No.130793

File: 44cf1a19a598014⋯.png (490.94 KB,607x652,607:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329364 (282232ZOCT20) Notable: A raid on an illegal cockfight ended with a Filipino officer being fatally wounded by one of the birds' metal spurs

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A raid on an illegal cockfight ended with a Filipino officer being fatally wounded by one of the birds' metal spurs


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1a6d04 No.130794

File: 37b13120c1e8857⋯.png (897.71 KB,927x585,103:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329369 (282232ZOCT20) Notable: Florida woman in labor showed up to vote, refused go to hospital until she cast her ballot

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Florida woman in labor showed up to vote, refused go to hospital until she cast her ballot


A pregnant Florida woman in labor refused to go to the hospital to give birth Tuesday afternoon until after she cast her ballot in the U.S. presidential election.

The determined voter had her husband run into the Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office to fetch her a mail-in ballot while she waited in the car at the office's parking lot, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

Eileen Deliz, an early voting clerk for the Supervisor of Elections, told the Sentinel that the woman's husband spoke with a customer service representative who gave him the ballot and waited as she filled it out in her car. She said neither the woman nor her husband told election officials why she insisted on voting while she was in labor.

Danaë Rivera-Marasco, communications and community outreach coordinator for the Orange County Supervisor of Elections, said the unidentified woman was already in labor when she arrived to request her ballot.

Deliz speculated that the woman may have wanted to vote in-person but went into labor before she had the opportunity.

"Maybe she wanted to come in-person at one point and that's why she was waiting, who knows. But she wouldn't go to the hospital until she voted," Deliz said.

She added that elections staff were thrilled by her enthusiasm for voting.

"We are very, very busy, but when something like that happens it just makes our day," Deliz said. "It kind of validates what we do [and] the importance of voting. Every election cycle brings us a great little story."

According to the Sentinel's report, after turning in her ballot the woman's husband drove her to Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital.

Florida is considered a pivotal swing state in the 2020 election. The state permits early voting, allowing voters to request a ballot by mail or vote early in-person at 10 days before Election Day. According to WFOR-TV, 41% of eligible voters in Florida have already cast their ballots, totaling more than 6.4 million votes.

More than 65.5 million votes have already been cast in the 2020 presidential election, already more than half of the total votes cast for the presidential election in 2016.

With six days remaining before the election, President Donald Trump has taken a slight lead ahead of Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the RealClearPolitics average of Florida polls. Trump will campaign in the Sunshine State on Thursday after completing rallies on Wednesday in Arizona.


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1a6d04 No.130795

File: 2d16409ecefe3d9⋯.png (61.69 KB,743x384,743:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 07a35aeedd89e38⋯.png (593.98 KB,832x619,832:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329373 (282232ZOCT20) Notable: Right-wingers are usually pushovers and it's been easy to force our agenda onto them…but they've gone into beastmode

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Panic from @MidnightStrider

Right-wingers are usually pushovers and it's been easy to force our agenda onto them…but they've gone into beastmode

Losing hope for #BidenHarris2020. Warning sign Right-wingers are usually pushovers and it's been easy to force our agenda onto them. But in the past week, they've gone into beastmode and we are being slashed from every direction with proof of sleaze, corruption and fraud. Could we lose?

IT's Profile

@MidnightStrider Pronoun is ☮. Liberalism is my religion. MSNBC and CNN are my gospels. Government is my parents. Corruption is a myth. Communism just needs the right leaders.


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1a6d04 No.130796

File: 4076a1c8e711caf⋯.jpg (23.8 KB,390x634,195:317,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b1e50d3f2c40207⋯.pdf (534.21 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329376 (282232ZOCT20) Notable: The Hidden Tyranny

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America and the world is now covered in political, economic, moral and social problems which need to be acted upon by Christian people. As Edmund Burke stated: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." But before we can properly act we need a proper (not just a superficial) understanding of the problem. This booklet will help provide the reader with that understanding. (24 Pages)

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1a6d04 No.130797

File: 024cf0fa27c1a1f⋯.png (13.57 KB,447x297,149:99,Clipboard.png)

File: b8e99e62d6fac62⋯.png (82.88 KB,871x519,871:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329388 (282233ZOCT20) Notable: Listen to Q. Trust the Plan. Your VOICE and VOTE matter.

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Listen to Q. Trust the Plan. Your VOICE and VOTE matter.

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1a6d04 No.130798

File: ea9478b4c1636b0⋯.png (393.83 KB,535x614,535:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329389 (282233ZOCT20) Notable: "This is not a drill," said the mayor of New Orleans

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"This is not a drill," said the mayor of New Orleans


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1a6d04 No.130799

File: c792e2611208901⋯.png (89.58 KB,749x914,749:914,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a71af3c0585173⋯.png (14.14 KB,744x283,744:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329396 (282234ZOCT20) Notable: Former President of Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Prison for Foreign Bribery and Other Offenses

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Former President of Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Prison for Foreign Bribery and Other Offenses


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1a6d04 No.130800

File: c12c243985267e1⋯.png (259.73 KB,598x542,299:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329400 (282234ZOCT20) Notable: Ron Jeremy Sexual Assault

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ron knows


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1a6d04 No.130801

File: 22317861c709056⋯.png (73.57 KB,1162x360,581:180,Clipboard.png)

File: f73e53a98aac8e4⋯.png (715.34 KB,918x868,459:434,Clipboard.png)

File: 89c0a04aa84a72f⋯.png (297.22 KB,936x912,39:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329411 (282235ZOCT20) Notable: FLYNN 4 4 4 > DROP 444 > JARED COHEN BOOK > ACCIDENTAL PRESIDENTS > BIDEN "DIES" HARRIS TAKES OVER

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See! this is why we cannot have nice things!

>>>130777 (You) Gen Flynn twat 10/27





Any fool can see that this is the:

Flynn 4 4 4 > Drop #444 > Jared Cohen Book > Accidental Presidents > Biden dies Harris becomes President


God damn finklestein shit kid, son of a bitch!


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1a6d04 No.130802

File: e3df2b620675884⋯.png (283.03 KB,621x404,621:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329420 (282235ZOCT20) Notable: Ron Jeremy Sexual Assault

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JUST IN: Ron Jeremy Hit With 7 New Sexual Assault Charges In Los Angeles, Faces 330 Years In Prison If Found Guilty https://breaking911.com/ron-jeremy-hit


Ron Jeremy Hit With Seven New Sexual Assault Charges In Los Angeles, Faces 330 Years In Prison If Found Guilty

Seven additional sexual assault counts were filed today against Ron Jeremy involving six women for incidents that date back to 1996, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced.

The casewas amended today against Ron Jeremy Hyatt to add three counts of forcible rape, two counts of forcible oral copulation and one count each of sexual battery by restraint and assault with intent to commit forcible digital penetration.

He now faces a total of 11 counts of forcible rape, eight counts of sexual battery by restraint, six counts of forcible oral copulation, five counts of forcible penetration by a foreign object and one count each of sodomy, assault with intent to commit rape, assault with intent to commit forcible digital penetration, penetration by a foreign object on an unconscious or sleeping victim and lewd conduct with a 15-year-old girl, involving 23 victims that span from 1996 to 2020.

Jeremy pleaded not guilty to the new charges today and is scheduled to return to court on December 14 for a preliminary hearing.

The new charges span a 17-year period and the victims range in age from 17 to 38. In October 1996, a 19-year-old woman was allegedly raped by the defendant during a photo shoot in the San Fernando Valley.

In October 2000, a 26-year-old woman was allegedly raped by Hyatt at a party in a nightclub. Sometime between 2002 and 2003, Hyatt also is accused of sexually assaulting a young woman at a strip club in City of Industry.

A 17-year-old girl was allegedly raped by Jeremy at a home in Woodland Hills in 2008. Two years later, a woman went to Jeremy’s home where she was allegedly sexually assaulted.

In January 2013, Hyatt is accused of sexually assaulting a 38-year-old woman at a West Hollywood bar Jeremy frequented.

If convicted as charged, Jeremy faces a possible maximum sentence of more than 330 years to life in state prison.

Additionally, 14 cases were declined today because they were outside the statute of limitations.

The case remains under investigation by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the Los Angeles Police Department and the District Attorney Office’s Bureau of Investigation.


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1a6d04 No.130803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329426 (282235ZOCT20) Notable: -POTUS LIVE!

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1a6d04 No.130804

File: 1e8d270c8dd95bd⋯.png (33.18 KB,597x228,199:76,Clipboard.png)

File: 6083c27bc452d8c⋯.png (101.72 KB,745x1062,745:1062,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329446 (282237ZOCT20) Notable: This is the guy who was transporting the uranium to Canada in the Uranium One case!

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>>>/qresearch/11328948 lb

>>>/qresearch/11329151 lb

>>>/qresearch/11328969 lb

>>>/qresearch/11328593 lb

This is the guy who was transporting the uranium to Canada in the Uranium One case!

Former President of Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Prison for Foreign Bribery and Other Offenses


Brian C. Rabbit, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division made the announcement. Same guy that announced the CIA imposter.

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1a6d04 No.130805

File: 5d3a8c6a9bab5f8⋯.jpg (523.34 KB,1917x969,639:323,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c7c9c7a5bb10a9b⋯.jpg (634.7 KB,1919x957,1919:957,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d996da4f3b8007c⋯.jpg (561.09 KB,1915x955,383:191,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b435ea5c6e7e2c4⋯.jpg (639.94 KB,1913x963,1913:963,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329451 (282237ZOCT20) Notable: We out here Planefaggin'

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C-32 with the ANON call sign landed at Sky Harbor. DFI5899 landed at Ellington Field, Houston. AF2 landing at Bishop Airport, Flint, MI. C-130 call sign 'X' landed at NAS Norfolk.

Planefag signing off for the night. o7

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1a6d04 No.130806

File: a64b2d7d20ae98d⋯.jpeg (283.18 KB,1320x1277,1320:1277,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8805b6715b880e8⋯.jpeg (55.64 KB,790x527,790:527,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329462 (282239ZOCT20) Notable: REPORT: Senate Homeland Security Committee Has Verified ALL MATERIALS Reviewed so far from Former Biden Associate Tony Bobulinski

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1a6d04 No.130807

File: d12d123e3d3afb6⋯.png (237.16 KB,716x315,716:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329551 (282246ZOCT20) Notable: HEELS UP HARRIS HAS TIES TO MONTREAL MK ULTRA PROGRAM

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Canada quietly prepares for the possible challenges of a Biden presidency

this shitty "political analysis" piece by the canadian mockingbirds actually revealed some gold that i hadn't heard before. kamala spent her high school years in montreal where her mother was a biomedical scientist at mcgill university. years after their confirmed MK Ultra program had gone "dark". some of the program's vicitms have even reached settlements with the CIA, and the canadian government.

Even Biden's choice for running mate on the 2020 Democratic ticket has strong Canadian ties. Sen. Kamala Harris spent her high school years in Montreal, where her mother was a professor at McGill University.





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1a6d04 No.130808

File: 33ef9bd06924ec2⋯.png (330.66 KB,535x559,535:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329555 (282246ZOCT20) Notable: October 28, 1944 #Ukraine was finally liberated by the #RedArmy from the #German invaders. The liberators were officers and men of various ethnic groups and from all republics in the #SovietUnion.

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October 28, 1944 #Ukraine was finally liberated by the #RedArmy from the #German invaders. The liberators were officers and men of various ethnic groups and from all republics in the #SovietUnion.


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1a6d04 No.130809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329692 (282254ZOCT20) Notable: FCC Commissioner: Dorsey trying to scare those who want to reform Section 230

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Look, one of the reasons internet speach is so powerful in the first place, is because people went there, to get around, the traditional gatekeepers that we had in traditional MSM.

FCC Commissioner: Dorsey trying to scare those who want to reform Section 230

Oct 28, 2020

Fox Business

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr weighs in on big tech CEOs testifying on Section 230.

Remember, Sharing is Caring. We are the news now.


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1a6d04 No.130810

File: 66bc1b3eb783725⋯.png (28.53 KB,807x234,269:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329705 (282255ZOCT20) Notable: 'A green light to crime': Major U.S. city considers excusing poor and mentally ill people from criminal charges

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'A green light to crime': Major U.S. city considers excusing poor and mentally ill people from criminal charges


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1a6d04 No.130811

File: f40bf83d2c5e28b⋯.png (252.4 KB,610x586,305:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329715 (282256ZOCT20) Notable: #BREAKING: F-16 Fighter Jet Intercepted Plane Over President Trump's Rally Today In Bullhead City, Arizona

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#BREAKING: F-16 Fighter Jet Intercepted Plane Over President Trump's Rally Today In Bullhead City, Arizona - https://breaking911.com/breaking-f-16-fighter-jet-intercepted-plane-over-president-trumps-rally-in-bullhead-city-arizona/

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1a6d04 No.130812

File: 1abe733146f8ce5⋯.png (367.84 KB,967x574,967:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329756 (282258ZOCT20) Notable: Expensify CEO Tells 10 Million Customers To Vote For Biden Or Face Possible ‘Civil War.’ Clients Pummel Him.

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Expensify CEO Tells 10 Million Customers To Vote For Biden Or Face Possible ‘Civil War.’ Clients Pummel Him.

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1a6d04 No.130813

File: cd260ed880834c1⋯.png (569.4 KB,717x669,239:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329770 (282259ZOCT20) Notable: With CNN Contract, Another ‘Resistance’ Leaker Cashed In On Anti-Trump Vendetta

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With CNN Contract, Another ‘Resistance’ Leaker Cashed In On Anti-Trump Vendetta

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1a6d04 No.130814

File: 83b4a9520b36f54⋯.png (326.85 KB,682x610,341:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329798 (282301ZOCT20) Notable: ‘The Biden Five’: The Definitive Breakdown of One of America’s Most Corrupt Families

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‘The Biden Five’: The Definitive Breakdown of One of America’s Most Corrupt Families

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1a6d04 No.130815

File: c90f9dab52a2f65⋯.png (169.44 KB,603x767,603:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329808 (282301ZOCT20) Notable: Air Combat Command Tweets, 'Hey, come closer…..Wanna know a secret?'

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Hey, come closer…..Wanna know a secret?

#Brrrt it’s #warthogwednesday


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1a6d04 No.130816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329811 (282302ZOCT20) Notable: Endowed by the Creator: Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Peter Berkowitz on Our Unalienable Rights

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Endowed by the Creator: Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Peter Berkowitz on Our Unalienable Rights

1,424 views•Oct 28, 2020

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1a6d04 No.130817

File: c3fdb4d3c33c43d⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329837 (282303ZOCT20) Notable: #BREAKING: F-16 Fighter Jet Intercepted Plane Over President Trump's Rally Today In Bullhead City, Arizona

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1a6d04 No.130818

File: d5a565e743831d0⋯.png (362.67 KB,853x625,853:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329854 (282304ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter, Facebook Confess There Is No Evidence Of Russian Disinformation Behind Hunter Biden Story

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Crazy and Corrupt Judge Emmet Sullivan Who’s Busy ‘Prosecuting’ General Flynn with His Own ‘Special Counsel’ Now Believes He’s Also ‘US Postmaster General’

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1a6d04 No.130819

File: f491ebea80cdfac⋯.png (81.72 KB,748x523,748:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329861 (282305ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. Military Says Fighter Jet Intercepted Private Plane Over Trump’s Arizona Rally

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U.S. Military Says Fighter Jet Intercepted Private Plane Over Trump’s Arizona Rally


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1a6d04 No.130820

File: 91028b78322790b⋯.png (341.93 KB,1300x2811,1300:2811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329869 (282305ZOCT20) Notable: THOSE WHO KNOW CAN'T SLEEP.

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Q I'm sorry I never understood what it really meant. Your mission, and effort is literally gods work. I pray for the success and safety of everyone fighting for good and humanity.

>Fuck the doubters last bread.

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1a6d04 No.130821

File: af3d7b6996402dc⋯.jpg (14.24 KB,255x194,255:194,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329884 (282306ZOCT20) Notable: Please never forget France DID help us! Bagettes of Freedom and French Fries

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Please never forget France DID help us!

(Benjamin)Franklin knew his mission was straightforward, if not simple. He would use his intellect, charm, wit, and experience to convince France to join the war on the side of the fledgling United States of America. Franklin’s popularity, persuasive powers, and a key American battlefield victory were crucial factors that led France to join the war in 1778.

France provided the money, troops, armament, military leadership, and naval support that tipped the balance of military power in favor of the United States and paved the way for the Continental Army’s ultimate victory, which was sealed at Yorktown, VA, five years after Franklin embarked on his mission.


A number of European countries assisted the American colonists. The primary allies were France, Spain, and the Netherlands with France giving the most support.


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1a6d04 No.130822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329888 (282307ZOCT20) Notable: -POTUS LIVE!

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Isn't it nice to have a President that doesn't need a teleprompter!


Trump campaigns in Bullhead City, AZ

Oct 28, 2020

Remember, Sharing is Caring. We are the news now.


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1a6d04 No.130823

File: 27df8737250bac1⋯.png (23.23 KB,938x226,469:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329891 (282307ZOCT20) Notable: Texas Heroes Rail Against Biden Gun-Control Plans

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Texas Heroes Rail Against Biden Gun-Control Plans

'If it was Hunter Biden and your wife and family sitting in those pews at that church, would you still want me not to have this gun to protect them with?'

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1a6d04 No.130824

File: b79bf0e2cd40ac2⋯.png (69.46 KB,434x300,217:150,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bd9f5a17db39fe⋯.png (16.2 KB,436x296,109:74,Clipboard.png)

File: 54541dd72af5fb7⋯.png (15.69 KB,433x338,433:338,Clipboard.png)

File: 982f399af6e2fdb⋯.png (17.89 KB,440x374,20:17,Clipboard.png)

File: c9fb4e8cfbcb8f3⋯.png (388.08 KB,594x583,54:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329915 (282309ZOCT20) Notable: Sep 7 2018 , NYT "Anon" source , "Sleeper Cells"

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Sep 7 2018

NYT "Anon" source

"Sleeper Cells"


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1a6d04 No.130825

File: 02d3321f65ccfaf⋯.png (241.23 KB,676x675,676:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329921 (282309ZOCT20) Notable: South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Leaves Trump Event Unharmed After Man Brandishes Weapon

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South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Leaves Trump Event Unharmed After Man Brandishes Weapon

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1a6d04 No.130826

File: 07a812d10709838⋯.png (84.37 KB,275x183,275:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11329960 (282312ZOCT20) Notable: 132 Countries Kicked The Jews Out and Did It 1,030 Times Over 2 Millennia

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132 Countries Kicked The Jews Out and Did It 1,030 Times Over 2 Millennia

Page 5 of 44

132 A.D. - Syria - Jews Expelled by Emperor Hadrian

("The Bar-Kokhba Revolt", JewishVirtual Library)

132-135 A.D. - Palestine - Jews Expelled/massacred (hundreds of thousands) under Emperor Hadrian after Bar Cochba Revolt (E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule: FromPompey To Diocletian', p. 439-466)

139 A.D. - Rome, Italy - Jews Expelled by Emperor Antoninus Pius for Corrupting morals and Money Fraud

(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey ToDiocletian', p. 205)

155-156 A.D. - Judea (re-named 'Aelia Capitolina' under Emperor Hadrian) - Jews Expelled(eventually cancelled) by Emperor Antoninus Pius after failed revolt over the issue of Circumcision (Jews are eventually exempted from the empire-wide ban) (E. MarySmallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 467-469)

175 A.D. - Syria - Jews Expelled/massacred by Emperor Marcus Aurelius for supporting revolt of a Roman usurper named Avidius Cassius, who was legate of Syria

(E. MarySmallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 482-483)

194 A.D. - Judea - Jews Expelled/imprisoned by Emperor Septimius Severus for supporting losing side (Pescennius Niger) in Roman civil war (E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews UnderRoman Rule: From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 487-490)

250 A.D. - Carthage, North Africa - Jews Expelled (P.E. Grosser/E.G. Halperin, 'Anti-Semitism:Causes and Effects', 1978)

251-252 A.D. - Gaul - Jews self-deport after being given choice of Baptism or Death by Merovingian kings (Solomon Katz, ' The Jews In The Visigothic And Frankish Kingdoms of Spain And Gaul', p. 22)

255 A.D. - Cappadocia - Jews Expelled/12,000 Jews massacred by Persian King Shapur for conspiring with Rome against Persia

(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule:From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 509)

325 A.D. � Jerusalem � Jews Expelled (P.E. Grosser/E.G. Halperin, 1978)

400-410 A.D. - Tella, Byzantine Empire - Jews slaughtered after a Jewish attempt to betray a city to the Persians is discovered during Roman-Persian War;Jews actually dug a tunnel starting in their Synagogue under the city walls which the Persians used to breach the city of Tella, near Edessa

(James Parkes, 'The Conflict of The Church and The Synagogue', p.257-258)

415 A.D. - Alexandria, Egypt - Jews Expelled by Saint Cyril of Alexandria (SocratesScholasticus; John of Nikiu)

418 A.D. - Menorca, Spain - Jews Expelled or asked to convert (Scott Bradbury, 'Severus ofMinorca: Letter on the Conversion of the Jews', 1996, p. 154)

468 A.D. � Babylon/Judea � Jews Expelled

470 A.D. � Babylon/Judea � Jews Expelled (again)

527-565 A.D. - Byzantine Empire - Jews Expelled/massacred by the thousands after Samaritan Jews revolt and attempt to set up their own state and king; all synagogues and Jewish houses are burned to the ground by Byzantine Emporer Justinian I (James Parkes,'The Conflict of The Church and The Synagogue', p. 258-259)

567-578 A.D. - Ceasarea, Byzantine Empire - Jews massacre Christians and destroy Churches;Byzantine Emporer Justin II puts down revolt and expels the Jewish leaders of the uprising (James Parkes, 'The Conflict of The Church and The Synagogue', p. 259)554 A.D. - Clement, France - Jews Expelled (Bruce R. Booker, 'The Lie: Exposing the SatanicPlot Behind Anti-Semitism', Ch. 4)

558 (or 561) A.D. - Uzzes, Gaul - Jews Expelled by Saint Ferreol (Ferreolus) after refusing

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1a6d04 No.130827

File: 87fc1d920fcd87d⋯.png (2.47 MB,1286x11335,1286:11335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330031 (282317ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Ripe for error’: Ballot signature verification is flawed — and a big factor in the election

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‘Ripe for error’: Ballot signature verification is flawed — and a big factor in the election

Mail-in ballots are pouring in by the millions to election offices across the country, getting stacked and prepared for processing. But before the count comes the signature test.

Election workers eyeball voter signatures on ballots one by one, comparing the loop of an “L” or the squiggle of an “S” against other samples of that person’s writing.

When performed by professionals in criminal cases or legal proceedings, signature verification can take hours. But election employees in many states must do the job in as little as five seconds.

In an election marked by uncertainty amid the pandemic, the signature verification process represents one of the biggest unknowns: whether a system riddled with vulnerabilities will work on such a massive scale.

In 2016, mismatched signatures were the most common reason that mail ballots were rejected, according to federal officials. With record numbers of people voting by mail this cycle, ballots thrown out for signature problems and other issues have the potential to decide races where the margin of victory is slim.

Candidates could mount legal battles over the verification process to challenge election outcomes. President Trump has repeatedly asserted, with no evidence, that mail-in voting is rife with fraud.

Rejected mail-in ballots have been a significant factor in recent elections.

This year a New York congresswoman won a primary by 3,200 votes, a margin smaller than the number of mail-in ballots disqualified in that election. In 2018 in Florida, the number of mail ballots tossed was greater than the 10,033 votes that secured one candidate a U.S. Senate seat.

More than 45 million Americans have already returned mail ballots, according to the U.S. Elections Project. That includes nearly 5 million voters in the battlefield states of Texas, Michigan and Pennsylvania, where elections workers will have to verify, process and count ballots in a matter of days.

More than 25 states have taken steps to broaden access to mail voting during the pandemic, including investing in technology and staff.

Some also have created processes for voters to fix signature problems if their ballots are challenged — which should lead to a lower rate of rejection, experts say.

But experts say mail voters are far more likely to be disenfranchised than those who vote in person.

That’s particularly true for young people, who are more likely to experiment with various handwriting styles; the elderly, whose signatures sometimes change with age; people with disabilities; and those voting by mail for the first time — a category that this year includes millions of Americans.

People tasked with verifying signatures often receive little or no instruction. According to one study, those without formal training are more likely to flag a genuine signature as a fake rather than identify false signatures as real.

“It is just ripe for error,” said Linton Mohammed, a forensic document examiner in California who has been an expert witness in lawsuits over ballot signature rules.

Voters whose ballots are rejected aren’t always given the opportunity to correct, or cure, the issue. In states like Mississippi, West Virginia and Wisconsin, ballots aren’t counted until the day of the election, so voters there will have little, if any, time to correct errors.


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1a6d04 No.130828

File: 4231e4a74ad4df9⋯.png (506.22 KB,841x729,841:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330051 (282319ZOCT20) Notable: Hours after Lightfoot announces new COVID-19 restrictions, Birx warns during Chicago visit that closing public spaces won't be enough

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Hours after Lightfoot announces new COVID-19 restrictions, Birx warns during Chicago visit that closing public spaces won't be enough

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1a6d04 No.130829

File: b2fff03724c77ec⋯.png (50.44 KB,565x665,113:133,Clipboard.png)

File: cdfee442904291b⋯.jpeg (15.44 KB,240x255,16:17,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330058 (282320ZOCT20) Notable: General Flynn tweets 3 "4's" yesterday…

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General Flynn tweets 3 "4's" yesterday…

Today is Q's 3 yr anniversary.

The 1st Q post was made at 4:44…


should we go further with Flynn tweet time of 608 as significant?


Jan 25, 2018 12:44:04 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: fa6a1f No. 158405

Jan 25, 2018 12:42:56 PM EST

Anonymous ID: d5ca84 No. 158391

Jan 25, 2018 12:34:26 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: fa6a1f No. 158297


POTUS' statement and focus [Tweet] on the UK should SCARE a lot of people.

It signifies something VERY IMPORTANT.





they did the spying for us on us citizens at our direction as they always do

They ratted out their deep state masters?


+ more, a lot more.


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1a6d04 No.130830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330063 (282320ZOCT20) Notable: [Exclusive] Devin Nunes: The Man Behind the Explosive Memo

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[Exclusive] Devin Nunes: The Man Behind the Explosive Memo

October 28, 2020


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1a6d04 No.130831

File: 8c6cff39925715c⋯.png (254.67 KB,940x668,235:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330064 (282320ZOCT20) Notable: More Than 100 Arrests, 100 Survivors in Ohio's Biggest Human Trafficking Sting

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More Than 100 Arrests, 100 Survivors in Ohio's Biggest Human Trafficking Sting

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1a6d04 No.130832

File: 932114d10945239⋯.png (163.16 KB,168x400,21:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330087 (282322ZOCT20) Notable: 132 Countries Kicked The Jews Out and Did It 1,030 Times Over 2 Millennia

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Good God! Jews Were Kicked Out 1,030 Times By Their 132 Host Nations

Page 6 OF 44

558 (or 561) A.D. - Uzzes, Gaul - Jews Expelled by Saint Ferreol (Ferreolus) after refusing Baptism; the choice Of Baptism or Expulsion was given onlyafter Jews had plotted with Saracens to overthrow the King Childebert

(Solomon Katz, ' The Jews In The Visigothic AndFrankish Kingdoms OF Spain And Gaul', p. 24)

576 (or 582) A.D. - Clermont, Gaul - Jews Expelled or forced into Baptism by King Chilperic

(Solomon Katz, ' The Jews In The Visigothic And Frankish Kingdoms OF Spain And Gaul', p.24, 84)

590 A.D. - Antioch, Syria - Jews Expelled by Byzantines for insulting image Of Mary

(SaloBaron, 'Social and Religious History OF the Jews, Volume 2: Ancient Times to the BeginningOF the Christian Era: The First Five Centuries', 1952)

602-610 A.D. - Mesopotamia - Jews partially expelled for plotting a great Massacre Of Christians and destruction Of churches;the plot was betrayed; Christians fell upon the Jews instead and killed many

(James Parkes, 'The Conflict OF The Church and The Synagogue', p.259)

610 A.D. - Cyprus (Greek island) - Jews Expelled

'''614 A.D. - Palestine - Jews Expelled by Persians/massacred by Romans as Persians invade and capture Galilee; Jews joined army Of invading Persians against Rome;

Jews purchase 90,000 Christian prisoners from the Persians for the pleasure Of cruelly putting them to death;''' Jews were expelled, however, afterwards, because they insisted on setting up their own independent state under the protection Of Persia and the Persians weren't going to allow that

(James Parkes, 'The Conflict OF The Church and The Synagogue', p. 260; originallyvia Michael the Syrian)

616 A.D. - Visigothic Spain - Jews Expelled/mass converted by King Sisebut at the instigation OF Byzantine Emperor Heraclius;Jews refer to this as the "First Evil"; some Jews self deported in 613 to Gaul also (Bernard S. Bachrach, 'Early Medieval Jewish Policy in WesternEurope', p. 7-8; C. Roth, 'A History OF the Marranos', p. 7; (Solomon Katz, ' The Jews In TheVisigothic And Frankish Kingdoms OF Spain And Gaul', p. 25))

622 A.D. - Medina - Jews Expelled/Killed; overseen by Mohammed


627 A.D. - Medina - Jews Expelled/Killed (again); overseen by Mohammed

(http://www.jewish virtuallibrary.org/the-treatment-OF-jews-in-arab-islamic-countries)

629 A.D. - Jerusalem - Jews Expelled partially by Byzantine Emperor Heraclius I after retaking Of Jerusalem; upon approach, Jews bribed him to guarantee their safety,but upon entering the city and seeing the number Of Christians that the Jews had killed, he withdrew his promise, executed many Of them, and expelled the remaining Jews

(James Parkes, 'TheConflict OF The Church and The Synagogue', p. 261)

629 A.D. - Austrasia/Francia - Jews Expelled/mass converted by King Dagobert I on orders OF the church; baptism or expulsion was the choice

(Bernard S. Bachrach, 'Early MedievalJewish Policy in Western Europe', p. 60-64; (Solomon Katz, ' The Jews In The Visigothic AndFrankish Kingdoms OF Spain And Gaul', p. 25, 84)

====629 A.D. - Lombardy, Italy - Jews Expelled/mass converted by King Dagobert I

(C. Roth, 'AHistory OF the Marranos', p. 3)640 A.D. - Arabia - Jews Expelled

642 A.D. - Visigoth Empire -Jews Expelled for aiding influential Goths who had revolted

(Bernard S. Bachrach, 'Early Medieval Jewish Policy in Western Europe', p. 14)

650 A.D. - Rome, Italy - Emperor Domitian murders all alleged "descendents Of David"

(Bernard S. Bachrach, 'Early Medieval Jewish Policy in Western Europe', p. 63)

653 A.D. Toledo, Spain Jews Expelled by King Reccesuinth for "pollutinvg the soil OF Spain"after Eighth Council OF Toledo (Bernard S. Bachrach, 'Early Medieval Jewish Policy in

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1a6d04 No.130833

File: 76eea36cde8bf0c⋯.png (38.77 KB,1286x303,1286:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330104 (282323ZOCT20) Notable: Why the Addition of QAnon Believers to Congress Should Terrify Us All

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Why the Addition of QAnon Believers to Congress Should Terrify Us All

The candidate almost certain to join the 117th Congress is Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia’s 14th District. The Democrat running against her dropped out of the race in September, virtually guaranteeing the victory to Greene.

By Chase Cain • Published October 28, 2020 • Updated on October 28, 2020 at 12:13 pm

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1a6d04 No.130834

File: c63b427490d8a3e⋯.png (356.42 KB,854x626,427:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330125 (282325ZOCT20) Notable: In Arizona President Trump Declares US Will Be First to Land a Man on Mars and Maybe a Woman – Attendee Blurts Out Who to Send…

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In Arizona President Trump Declares US Will Be First to Land a Man on Mars and Maybe a Woman – Attendee Blurts Out Who to Send…

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1a6d04 No.130835

File: 30c51cdc7b5617e⋯.png (42.22 KB,536x375,536:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330127 (282325ZOCT20) Notable: Kamala, we will all see you Friday.

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The Biden Harris Bus tour stop couldn’t do their interviews because the car horns were too loud. Beto was there and isn’t happy. Cops blocked area off. Next stop Houston. The Biden bus tour isn’t getting off this easy. This is Trump country.

Kamala, we will all see you Friday.

7:22 PM · Oct 28, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

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1a6d04 No.130836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330137 (282325ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS making Anime Real Again (laffs)

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1a6d04 No.130837

File: b63deabcbf45661⋯.jpg (121.93 KB,1125x847,1125:847,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330139 (282326ZOCT20) Notable: Double-voting probed in Monte Sereno: What stops someone from casting ballots in two states?

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Double-voting probed in Monte Sereno: What stops someone from casting ballots in two states?

Authorities are looking into accusations that a Monte Sereno city councilwoman illegally voted twice in California and Oregon for years, raising the question of how could someone repeatedly cast ballots in two states?

The alleged fraud comes to light during a year where election integrity already is under scrutiny. President Trump has been criticized for suggesting, without evidence, that mail-in ballots used across the country as the coronavirus pandemic rages are vulnerable to such fraud.

But while election experts acknowledge that policing the one-person, one-vote principal across state lines is difficult, they say violations are rare.

“Is it happening frequently? No, I don’t think so,” said Kim Alexander, founder and president of the California Voter Foundation, a Sacramento nonprofit dedicated to improving the voting process. “This is definitely a situation where voters are policing themselves. The burden is on the voter to adhere to the law and the penalty to not adhere to the law is a felony. I think that does effectively deter pretty much most people.”

In Monte Sereno, the double-voting allegations against Rowena C. Turner, 71, came as the former teacher and marketing manager for several Silicon Valley technology companies seeks re-election to the city council she joined in 2016. She has lived in the small, upscale residential community in the South Bay since 1986.

Records from the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters office show she has been a registered voter in the county since at least 1990, when she changed her party affiliation from Democrat to Republican, and cast mail or absentee ballots in elections from 1992 through the upcoming Nov. 3 election.

However, in Josephine County, Oregon, where Turner in 1999 bought property in Grants Pass, elections records show she also registered to vote there that year, again as a Republican, as the state became the first in the country to conduct elections entirely by mail. She voted in more than a dozen Oregon elections from 2004 through the 2020 primary held there May 19.

The records from the two counties indicate Turner cast ballots in both states in five general and two primary elections in both places: The 2010, 2012 and 2014 general elections, the 2016 primary and general elections, the 2018 general and 2020 primary.

The allegations against Turner came to a head at last week’s Monte Sereno council meeting, at the insistence of a councilman who supports her re-election opponents in a four-way race for two seats.

“Those are issues the council member should answer,” Councilman Javed I. Ellahie said. “We should not be burying them under the rug.”

Turner said at the council meeting that she has retained a lawyer “and cannot make any public statements.” She did not respond to requests for comment from the Bay Area News Group.

The offices of both the Santa Clara County District Attorney and the California Secretary of State, which oversees elections, confirmed they are looking into the matter.


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1a6d04 No.130838

File: 6416f823a4492af⋯.png (397.8 KB,797x593,797:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330144 (282326ZOCT20) Notable: OREGON HEALTH OFFICIAL COVID Deaths Not Funny …

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COVID Deaths Not Funny …


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1a6d04 No.130839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330210 (282332ZOCT20) Notable: 14471

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>>130786 Maine Dem Gideon Bails on Senate Debate

>>130787 Miles Taylor Denies Being ‘Anonymous’ in August CNN Appearance — ‘I Wear a Mask for Two Things … Halloween and Pandemics’

>>130788 Fuck Your Feelings song, because it is a fresh and good song.

>>130789 Bobo had a Q clearance…

>>130790 Crazy and Corrupt Judge Emmet Sullivan Who’s Busy ‘Prosecuting’ General Flynn with His Own ‘Special Counsel’ Now Believes He’s ‘US Postmaster General’

>>130791 Texas voters have to wear masks while voting despite Gov. Greg Abbott's exemption, federal judge rules

>>130792 The Plan for Post-Election Chaos, Trump vs Biden Optics

>>130793 A raid on an illegal cockfight ended with a Filipino officer being fatally wounded by one of the birds' metal spurs

>>130794 Florida woman in labor showed up to vote, refused go to hospital until she cast her ballot

>>130795 Right-wingers are usually pushovers and it's been easy to force our agenda onto them…but they've gone into beastmode

>>130796 The Hidden Tyranny

>>130797 Listen to Q. Trust the Plan. Your VOICE and VOTE matter.

>>130798 "This is not a drill," said the mayor of New Orleans

>>130799 Former President of Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Prison for Foreign Bribery and Other Offenses

>>130800 , >>130802 Ron Jeremy Sexual Assault


>>130803 , >>130822 ,POTUS LIVE!

>>130804 This is the guy who was transporting the uranium to Canada in the Uranium One case!

>>130805 We out here Planefaggin'

>>130806 REPORT: Senate Homeland Security Committee Has Verified ALL MATERIALS Reviewed so far from Former Biden Associate Tony Bobulinski


>>130808 October 28, 1944 #Ukraine was finally liberated by the #RedArmy from the #German invaders. The liberators were officers and men of various ethnic groups and from all republics in the #SovietUnion.

>>130809 FCC Commissioner: Dorsey trying to scare those who want to reform Section 230

>>130810 'A green light to crime': Major U.S. city considers excusing poor and mentally ill people from criminal charges

>>130811 , >>130817 #BREAKING: F-16 Fighter Jet Intercepted Plane Over President Trump's Rally Today In Bullhead City, Arizona

>>130812 Expensify CEO Tells 10 Million Customers To Vote For Biden Or Face Possible ‘Civil War.’ Clients Pummel Him.

>>130813 With CNN Contract, Another ‘Resistance’ Leaker Cashed In On Anti-Trump Vendetta

>>130814 ‘The Biden Five’: The Definitive Breakdown of One of America’s Most Corrupt Families

>>130815 Air Combat Command Tweets, 'Hey, come closer…..Wanna know a secret?'

>>130816 Endowed by the Creator: Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Peter Berkowitz on Our Unalienable Rights

>>130818 Twitter, Facebook Confess There Is No Evidence Of Russian Disinformation Behind Hunter Biden Story

>>130819 U.S. Military Says Fighter Jet Intercepted Private Plane Over Trump’s Arizona Rally


>>130821 Please never forget France DID help us! Bagettes of Freedom and French Fries

>>130823 Texas Heroes Rail Against Biden Gun-Control Plans

>>130824 Sep 7 2018 , NYT "Anon" source , "Sleeper Cells"

>>130825 South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Leaves Trump Event Unharmed After Man Brandishes Weapon

>>130826 , >>130832 132 Countries Kicked The Jews Out and Did It 1,030 Times Over 2 Millennia

>>130827 ‘Ripe for error’: Ballot signature verification is flawed — and a big factor in the election

>>130828 Hours after Lightfoot announces new COVID-19 restrictions, Birx warns during Chicago visit that closing public spaces won't be enough

>>130829 General Flynn tweets 3 "4's" yesterday…

>>130830 [Exclusive] Devin Nunes: The Man Behind the Explosive Memo

>>130831 More Than 100 Arrests, 100 Survivors in Ohio's Biggest Human Trafficking Sting

>>130833 Why the Addition of QAnon Believers to Congress Should Terrify Us All

>>130834 In Arizona President Trump Declares US Will Be First to Land a Man on Mars and Maybe a Woman – Attendee Blurts Out Who to Send…

>>130835 Kamala, we will all see you Friday.

>>130836 POTUS making Anime Real Again (laffs)

>>130837 Double-voting probed in Monte Sereno: What stops someone from casting ballots in two states?

>>130838 OREGON HEALTH OFFICIAL COVID Deaths Not Funny …


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1a6d04 No.130840

File: aa69203e294cdb4⋯.png (338.55 KB,556x470,278:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330277 (282337ZOCT20) Notable: Kamala Harris Calls for ‘Reckoning on Racial Injustice in America

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Kamala Harris Calls for ‘Reckoning on Racial Injustice in America’

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) told voters in Tucson, Arizona, that she and Joe Biden were fighting for a “long-overdue reckoning on racial injustice in America.”

Harris was speaking at a “drive-in rally,” the first of two stops for her in the Grand Canyon State. Democrats have long hoped to swing the state into the “blue” column.

Both Harris and Biden have emphasized the idea that the United States is haunted by “systemic racism.”

She spoke in the aftermath of a second night of violence and looting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, following the shooting of an armed black man, Walter Wallace Jr., by police.

She said:

We are in the midst of a crisis, which is the long-overdue reckoning on racial injustice in America.

[Horns honking]

On that note, Joe Biden knows Americans’ history. He knows our history as a country. And he has the courage to speak truth about it. Joe Biden has the ability to say, “Black Lives Matter.”

[Horns honking]

Donald Trump will never speak those words [sic]. Joe Biden knows that we need to look at racial disparities in America. We need to understand Latinos and African-Americans have been three times more likely to contract COVID and twice as likely to die from it. Joe Biden knows our indigenous brothers and sisters have the highest rate of diabetes of any population in America. Joe Biden says pay attention to this and understand, a real leader will address the truth and speak the truth in a way that is about promoting equality and equity.

Though Harris and Biden criticized violence and looting earlier in the week, Harris did not mention it in Tucson.

Trump has, in fact, said the words “Black Lives Matter”:

Harris repeated a number of other racial hoaxes, which Breitbart News has debunked on many occasions.


Darkest Winter

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1a6d04 No.130841

File: 3e7d08dad2e8e13⋯.jpg (33.35 KB,483x600,161:200,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fa689c8bb170f07⋯.jpg (35.36 KB,460x600,23:30,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 164e1e5cb901d38⋯.jpg (35.28 KB,458x600,229:300,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b22151245409323⋯.jpg (36.57 KB,454x600,227:300,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ae7b75ac61af5d5⋯.jpg (33.06 KB,455x600,91:120,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330315 (282341ZOCT20) Notable: They all knew Hunter was fucking Natalie and let it slide

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They all knew Hunter was fucking Natalie and let it slide

result a child of a child born into an evil family


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1a6d04 No.130842

File: f9ddd4f0d8980be⋯.png (143.52 KB,645x921,215:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 49edfc3d1709957⋯.png (352.17 KB,495x731,495:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330320 (282341ZOCT20) Notable: Mystery 'recruiter' for Jeffrey Epstein - Rina Oh speaks out for first time

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Mystery 'recruiter' for Jeffrey Epstein - Rina Oh speaks out for first time

to admit she brought three girls to the pedophile and went shopping with victim Virginia Roberts for a sexy schoolgirl outfit, but denies taking part in the abuse

Who exactly Rina Oh is has been a mystery since she was described as an Epstein recruiter in Virginia Roberts' draft memoir, published last year in court papers

Roberts claimed Oh 'loved bondage, whipping, hitting and cutting her sex partner with little sharp knives until they subdued (sic) to her punishment'

Speaking for the first time in the podcast Broken: Seeking Justice, Rina Oh, a 41-year-old artist from New Jersey, said that she dated Epstein

He asked her to bring attractive friends to him, among Marijke Chartouni, a former model who he sexually abused

Oh denied claims by Chartouni and fellow accuser Virginia Roberts that she participated in the sexual abuse they endured

However, she admitted buying a schoolgirl outfit for Roberts

Virginia responds - Rina Oh, U disgust me

Virginia Giuffre @VRSVirginia

Jeffrey Epstein 'recruiter' admits bringing girls but denies abuse” Pathetic excuses from a deranged woman who was NO victim & should be sitting in jail next to #GhislaineMaxwell Rina-woman to woman, now that I am a woman, U disgust me. ⁦



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1a6d04 No.130843

File: 810f1f3728d2267⋯.png (463.63 KB,628x546,314:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330355 (282344ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter is running a blackmail operation — cooperate or no traffic for you

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Twitter is running a blackmail operation — cooperate or no traffic for you

For all their talk of “neutral platforms,” the Big Shots at Big Tech — Twitter, Facebook and Google — are running a protection racket. They figure they can dictate what Americans get to see and read, and what other media companies must do to reach the public via those platforms.

It’s a clear threat to a healthy democracy — and Congress has noticed. On Wednesday, the Senate launched a hearing to investigate “Big Tech’s bad behavior.”

Center-stage: Twitter’s strong-arm tactics to censor The Post ever since we began reporting on Hunter Biden’s e-mails. First, it froze our account and banned our stories; then, amid a public backlash, it agreed to unfreeze us — but only if we deleted our original tweets.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sounded like every mob enforcer and shakedown artist in history: Nice paper you got there, New York Post. Shame, should something happen to it. He knows full well media outlets depend on social media, and Google search algorithms, to help readers access our reporting.

Sen. Ted Cruz wasn’t fooled: “Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report, and what the American people are allowed to hear?” he thundered. “Why do you persist in behaving as a Democratic super PAC, silencing views to the contrary of your political beliefs?”

Dorsey tried to claim it was all a mistake that had been fixed, but The Post account remained locked, even as he spoke.

“Can the New York Post post on their Twitter account?” Cruz asked.

“If they go into their account . . . ” squirmed Dorsey, before Cruz cut him off.

“No, is your answer to that,” fumed Cruz, “unless they genuflect and agree with your dictates.”

Besides, if it was an honest error, then why do they only happen to one side? As Sen. Marsha Blackburn noted, Twitter has “censored” President Trump 65 times and Joe Biden zero. “There is a pattern of subjective manipulation of information.”

Nor can Twitter and Facebook, which also moved to suppress The Post’s reporting, claim there’s anything wrong with the stories. Asked if they had any “evidence” of that, Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg both admitted they didn’t.

Some folks think the paper should’ve just caved immediately and deleted the story. Yet the problem isn’t The Post’s failure to squelch stories — it’s Big Tech’s heavy-handed shakedown.


NY POST is pissed

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1a6d04 No.130844

File: 5ac8d9c49f48143⋯.png (777.79 KB,653x908,653:908,Clipboard.png)

File: 3181ae8deecd76f⋯.png (135.27 KB,668x704,167:176,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b215215d5731c5⋯.png (143.4 KB,669x712,669:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330372 (282346ZOCT20) Notable: Bill de Blasio is trying to kill Mets sale to Steve Cohen

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Bill de Blasio is trying to kill Mets sale to Steve Cohen

Bill de Blasio has privately told Major League Baseball that he will do everything he can to stop Steve Cohen from buying the Mets.

The Post has learned that Hizzoner called MLB commissioner Rob Manfred earlier this month and told him outright that he opposed the idea of a hedge-fund billionaire buying a local team and would be using his oversight power of the city’s control of the Citi Field lease to prevent the sale from being finalized.

A source inside City Hall confirmed to The Post that de Blasio did call Manfred, but said the mayor’s message to the MLB commish was “very close to what the mayor has been saying publicly.”

City Hall has maintained that de Blasio and his team are merely doing “due diligence” on Cohen’s purchase of the Mets, something they are entitled to do thanks to a clause in the Citi Field lease that allows the mayor to weigh in because the ballpark sits on land that is technically a city park.

What the mayor has said publicly and what he has told people inside city government appear to be at odds, and multiple sources have told The Post the mayor has been pushing the city’s lawyers to find a way to halt Cohen’s sale by using a clause buried in the Citi Field lease.

“The ‘due diligence’ line is bulls–t,” a source familiar with City Hall told The Post. “He’s told [Major League] Baseball he doesn’t want Cohen and he’s told his Law Department to find a way to stop it.”


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1a6d04 No.130845

File: f07a902d59fac5e⋯.png (332.81 KB,496x869,496:869,Clipboard.png)

File: 39d39ced0b9ecf9⋯.png (1.07 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330376 (282346ZOCT20) Notable: Moments ago I asked AG Barr why he hasn’t looked at Hunter Biden’s laptop

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.@realDonaldTrump, why is your attorney general protecting Biden?

Moments ago I asked AG Barr why he hasn’t looked at Hunter Biden’s laptop

at @TrumpDC and got no answer.

The republic is at stake and he’s giving the Biden Crime Family a pass.

ENOUGH! Drain the fucking swamp!


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1a6d04 No.130846

File: 09d9f71ea8623d1⋯.png (107.88 KB,732x817,732:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 58783dd03baca0a⋯.png (25.19 KB,740x221,740:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330421 (282349ZOCT20) Notable: Major lawsuits coming for political tyrants who used coronavirus to steal freedom, destroy lives

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Major lawsuits coming for political tyrants who used coronavirus to steal freedom, destroy lives

With regards to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), President Trump has repeatedly warned against a “cure” that is worse than the “disease.” And now that “cure” is the subject of new litigation that seeks justice against the political tyrants who told us all that we had to hole up at home in a mask in order to “flatten the curve.”

The Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss (ACU), also known as the “Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee,” is a German group leading the charge to sue the pants off of every politician and government official out there who decided it would be a good idea to force everyone to stay home for months on end, which destroyed many small businesses while decimating the economy and ruining people’s lives.

An international class-action lawsuit, which is backed by more than 500-and-growing doctors and medical experts, aims to remedy the pain and suffering that tens of millions of innocent people have suffered at the hands of authoritarians who demanded “lockdowns” as the solution to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, one of the founders of the ACU, the lawsuit demands tens of billions of dollars in restitution for those who lost their jobs, developed mental problems, lost loved ones to suicide, or who otherwise suffered immensely due to the deadly “lockdowns” that were imposed on most of the West.

These government-ordered lockdowns “caused the loss of innumerable human lives, and have destroyed the economic existence of countless companies and individuals worldwide,” the suit explains.

Dr. Fuellmich specifically calls out the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) hysteria peddlers who induced “deliberate panic-mongering” in order to implement “fascist totalitarian models” of governance that were hatched by none other than communist China, the dictatorship responsible for unleashing the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).


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1a6d04 No.130847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330461 (282352ZOCT20) Notable: Are You One Of 1.52 Million Toyota, Lexus Owners Affected By This Latest Recall?

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Are You One Of 1.52 Million Toyota, Lexus Owners Affected By This Latest Recall?

Toyota (TM) has expanded a safety recall that it initially announced in January for certain models under its Lexus and Toyota brands over a fuel pump issue.

The expanded recall adds another 1.52 million vehicles to the announcement, bringing the total number of affected vehicles to 3.34 million.

The recall was issued over a fuel pump that may stop operating, causing warning lights and messages to display on the instrument panel of the vehicle. The engine may also “run rough,” causing the vehicle to stall and fail to restart. If the vehicle stalling occurs when driving at higher speeds, this could lead to a crash, automaker said.

Vehicles affected by the recall were produced from July 2017 to September 2020. They include:

2013-2015 Model Year Lexus LS 460;

2013-2015 Model Year Lexus GS 350;

2014 Model Year Toyota FJ Cruiser, Lexus IS-F;

2014-2015 Model Year Toyota 4Runner, Land Cruiser; Lexus GX 460, IS 350, LX 570;

2015 Model Year Lexus NX 200t, RC 350;

2017 Model Year Lexus IS 200t, RC 200t GS 200t;

2017-2019 Model Year Toyota Highlander; Lexus GS 350;

2017-2020 Model Year Toyota Sienna and Lexus RX 350;

2018-2019 Model Year Toyota 4Runner, Land Cruiser; Lexus GS 300, GX 460, IS 300, IS 350, LS 500h, LX 570, NX 300, RC 300, RC 350;

2018-2020 Toyota Avalon, Camry, Corolla, Sequoia, Tacoma, Tundra; Lexus ES 350, LC 500, LC 500h, LS 500, RX 350L;

2019 Model Year Toyota Corolla Hatchback and Lexus UX 200;

2019-2020 Model Year Toyota RAV4.

To repair the engine stalling problem, Toyota and Lexus dealers will replace the fuel pump with a new one at no cost to the vehicle owner.

Toyota and Lexus owners that were not included in the initial recall will be notified of this recent recall by late December, Toyota said. Questions about the recall can be directed to the Toyota Brand Experience Center at 1-800-331-4331.

Shares of Toyota were trading at $130.28 as of 2:23 p.m. EDT, down $2.18, or 1.65%.


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1a6d04 No.130848

File: ddd6da7aea30dd2⋯.png (185.16 KB,677x468,677:468,Clipboard.png)

File: f8405b375848695⋯.png (62.47 KB,645x635,129:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 03e8d2e7e44e66e⋯.png (178.39 KB,663x652,663:652,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a4f8cdd3194472⋯.png (51.74 KB,656x463,656:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330486 (282353ZOCT20) Notable: Gen Flynn's 444 poast possibility

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>>130677 (pb)

Gen Flynn's 444 poast possibility:

If you have recently started noticing the Angel number 444 everywhere you go, then it is time to figure out what is the reason behind it. Seeing this digit often is not a coincidence. Moreover, there is a special meaning behind the Angel number 444.


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1a6d04 No.130849

File: b59976d80374fc8⋯.png (911.41 KB,960x539,960:539,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fd35450ce09933⋯.png (374.84 KB,549x574,549:574,Clipboard.png)

File: b59afa98a26d792⋯.png (394.15 KB,540x657,60:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330506 (282354ZOCT20) Notable: Here you go. He’s in other photos with you in the Oval Office. I’m sure you’ve heard of him. 5:55 PM · Oct 28, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

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Here you go. He’s in other photos with you in the Oval Office. I’m sure you’ve heard of him.

5:55 PM · Oct 28, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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1a6d04 No.130850

File: c99fd7d73f2c8e5⋯.png (565.78 KB,385x500,77:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330518 (282355ZOCT20) Notable: Why Jews Were Kicked Out of 132 Countries, 1,030 Times

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Why Jews Were Kicked Out of 132 Countries, 1,030 Times

Page 8 of 44

1066 A.D. - Toledo, Spain - Jews Expelled/Killed by Crusaders (C. Roth, 'A History of theMarranos', p. 13)

1107 A.D. - Morocco - Jews Expelled/Forced to convert (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews ofItaly', p. 82)

1113 A.D. - Russia - Jews Expelled by Prince Vladimir Monomakh


1113 A.D. - Syracuse, Italy - Jews Expelled after crucifying a ram in mockery of Christ

(C.Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 83)

1125 A.D. - Ghent, Belgium - Jews Expelled (B. Booker, 'The Lie', Ch. 4)

1125 A.D. - Flanders, Belgium - Jews Expelled (B. Booker, 'The Lie', Ch. 4)

1130-1135 A.D. - Genoa, Italy - Jews Expelled due to Jewish Merchant activity

(C. Roth, 'TheHistory of the Jews of Italy', p. 74)

1144 A.D. - Spain - Jews Expelled after Almoravide persecutions (C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 80)

1147 A.D. - Toledo, Spain - Jews Expelled by Muslims


1147 A.D. - Thebes, Byzantium - Jews Expelled by Roger II after his expedition

(C. Roth, 'TheHistory of the Jews of Italy', p. 82)

1147 A.D. - Bavaria, Germany - Jews Expelled after Pogroms (James F. Harris, 'The PeopleSpeak: Anti-Semitism and Emancipation in 19th Century Bavaria', p. 13)

1156 A.D. - Bari, Italy - Jews Expelled after its total sack by William the Bad of Sicily (C. Roth,'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 80)

1156 A.D. - Lanciano, the Abruzzo, Italy - Jews Expelled by the leader of a successful revolt(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 81)

1171 A.D. - Bologna, Italy (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 126)

1180 A.D. - France - Jews Expelled by King Philip II

(Bell and Burnett, ' Jews, Judaism, andThe Reformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 33)

1182 A.D. - Small cities in France - Jews Expelled (Bell and Burnett, ' Jews, Judaism, and The Reformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 33)

1182 A.D. - Germany - Jew Expelled

1189-1190 A.D. - Burry St. Edmunds, England - Jews Expelled by William the Scaristan for Ritual Murder

(C. Roth, 'A History of the Marranos', p. 16)

1205 A.D. - Villages/Towns in Spain - Jews Expelled by Muslims (R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews')

1206 A.D. - Halle, Germany - Jews Expelled/Killed

(B. Booker, 'The Lie', Ch. 4)

1212 A.D. - Toledo, Spain - Jews Expelled/Killed

(P.E. Grosser/E.G. Halperin, "JewishPersecution")

1223 A.D. - Normandy, France - Jews Expelled by King Louis VIII

(R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews')

1225 A.D. - Milan, Italy - Jews Expelled

(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 77)

1225 A.D. - Cremona, Italy (B. Booker, 'The Lie', Ch. 4)

1225 A.D. - Pavia, Italy (B. Booker, 'The Lie', Ch. 4)

1225 A.D. - High Wycombe, England - Jews Expelled

(R. Mundill, 'England's Jewish Solution')

1231 A.D. - Leicester, England - Jews Expelled by Simon de Montfort

(Robin R. Mundill,'England's Jewish Solution: Experiment and Expulsion, 1262-1290, p. 13)

1234 A.D. - Warwick, England - Jews Expelled (R. Mundill, 'England's Jewish Solution')

1236 A.D. - Southhampton, England - Jews Expelled (R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews, 1095-1291')

1237 A.D. - Northamptonshire, England - Jews Expelled

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1a6d04 No.130851

File: c8c067cec8ece04⋯.png (795.44 KB,633x476,633:476,Clipboard.png)

File: 25aed429add2c74⋯.png (336.39 KB,579x397,579:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 16560a4dd977d3e⋯.png (650.33 KB,556x667,556:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ee99fde2b34f1c⋯.png (405.71 KB,661x784,661:784,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330520 (282355ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Draws Thousands to Campaign Rallies in Arizona, Kamala Harris Draws ‘Approximately 100’

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Trump Draws Thousands to Campaign Rallies in Arizona, Kamala Harris Draws ‘Approximately 100’

President Donald Trump drew thousands to a campaign rally on Wednesday in Arizona, while Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) drew what appeared to be several dozen.

Trump held a campaign rally in Bullhead City, Arizona, on Wednesday morning, drawing “thousands,” according to the Arizona Republic newspaper. Reuters’ Jeff Mason tweeted a video showing the crowd waiting for Trump to exit Air Force One:

In contrast, Harris held a “drive-in” rally at Pima Community College in Tucson, Arizona, that drew “approximately 100 cars,” according to the paper.

Far fewer cars were heard honking during the Harris drive-in event, which was held in a parking lot of the college.

One livestream by ABC15 showed about 50 cars in the parking lot at the end, in addition to the approximately 10 cars seen closest to the stage. It was not clear if all cars in the lot were attendees of the event.

At the end of the rally, about 30 people left their vehicles and gathered around the stage.


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1a6d04 No.130852

File: 2566392abfde5ab⋯.png (185.15 KB,930x451,930:451,Clipboard.png)

File: 48d39ad7baf6269⋯.png (625.94 KB,722x496,361:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330555 (282357ZOCT20) Notable: We out here gettin' trips, being Planefags

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92-9000 USAF VIP 747 POTUS departed Goodyear Airport, AZ for Miami Int'l Airport

09-0017 USAF C-32A departed McCaran Int'l Airport east

LURE41 US Navy E-6B Mercury from Tinker AFB over Phoenix se

RUDY30 out of North Island NAS felt like an afternoon fly up to Santa Barabara and currently over San Clemente Island NR

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1a6d04 No.130853

File: 5ac83a1ddf0a23d⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB,778x360,389:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330565 (282358ZOCT20) Notable: The same Chinese dissident group who released the Hunter/Joe Biden leaks are now claiming to have dirt on former British Prime Minister David Cameron, his family AND current PM Boris Johnson!!! And those leaks may be coming in the near future!

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The same Chinese dissident group who released the Hunter/Joe Biden leaks - are now claiming to have dirt on former British Prime Minister David Cameron, his family AND current PM Boris Johnson!!! And those leaks may be coming in the near future!


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1a6d04 No.130854

File: c4b21927dc684cb⋯.png (23.07 KB,631x347,631:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330582 (282359ZOCT20) Notable: US to let citizens born in Jerusalem list Israel on their passports — report

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US to let citizens born in Jerusalem list Israel on their passports — report

Announcement on change of decades-old policy, which sought to avoid taking position on final status issue of conflict, expected less than week before presidential election

NEW YORK — The Trump administration is expected to announce that it will allow US citizens born in Jerusalem to list Israel as their country of birth on their passports, according to a Wednesday report.

An unnamed US official told Politico that the policy change could be announced as soon as Thursday. The State Department declined a request for comment.

Current US policy allows American citizens born in Jerusalem to identify only the city as their birthplace in their passports, unless they were born before Israel’s creation in 1948. The State Department policy, held up by a 2015 Supreme Court case, is designed to avoid having Washington take a position on the final status of Jerusalem, the eastern part of which Palestinians claim as their future capital.

That policy has remained in place even after the US recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in 2017, despite growing pressure from pro-Israel lawmakers and groups in the US to allow Israel on the passports. However, the State Department said at the time that it would not revise the position.

The policy change only affects the words written on the passport. Israelis born in Jerusalem are already recognized as being from Israel by US agencies.

The new policy will allow Jerusalem-born US passport holders to choose whether they want Israel to be included as their country of birth, Politico said. No country option will be given to those who would like their country of birth to be documented as Palestine, though those born in Jerusalem before 1948 may have “Jerusalem, Palestine” on their passports.

Previous administrations often struggled with the studied neutrality over the city, routinely making embarrassing corrections to documents identifying the city as “Jerusalem, Israel.”

The reported decision comes amid a flurry of gestures and diplomatic activity seemingly aimed at shoring up pro-Israel Jewish and Evangelical Republican voters, with days to go before the November 3 presidential election.


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1a6d04 No.130855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330627 (290002ZOCT20) Notable: Philadelphia DA warns President Trump on election poll-watchers: 'Break the law here, and I've got something for you.'

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Philadelphia DA warns President Trump on election poll-watchers: 'Break the law here, and I've got something for you.'

The Trump campaign has threatened to sue over the poll watchers

The district attorney in Philadelphia issued a fiery statement warning President Donald Trump about supporting uncertified poll watchers for the election.

Larry Krasnerissued the statement on Wednesday as a third night of violent protests were expected to erupt in the historic city.

"The Trump Administration's efforts to suppress votes amid a global pandemic fueled by their disregard for human life will not be tolerated in the birthplace of American democracy. Philadelphians from a diversity of political opinions believe strongly in the rule of law, in fair and free elections, and in a democratic system of government. We will not be cowed or ruled by a lawless, power-hungry despot. Some folks learned that the hard way in the 1700s," read the statement.

Krasner went on blame the president for coronavirus pandemic deaths, and then addressed the rioting over the lethal police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr., a black man.

"Philadelphians are grieving the fatal shooting by police of a Black man who appeared to be in mental health crisis. Instead of working with cities and states to improve accountability and efficacy in policing, instead of supporting and strengthening Black communities, the Trump Administration seeks to throw gasoline on a long-burning fire in order to provoke further unrest and violence ahead of an election he is terrified to lose," he said.

Krasner then said his office was pursuing serious charges against a suspect who allegedly ran over a police sergeant, seriously injuring her, during the protests.

"My office is also investigating the police shooting death of Walter Wallace, Jr., because justice demands accountability for every death at the hands of government actors — whether on the streets or in prisons or in the ICE facilities where Donald Trump is caging children," he added.

"Keep your Proud Boys, goon squads, and uncertified 'poll watchers' out of our city, Mr. President. Break the law here, and I've got something for you," Krasner concluded.

The Trump campaign had said they were prepared to sue the city over their lack of cooperation with the insertion of "poll watchers" for the election. The president tweeted about the issue in September.

Wow. Won’t let Poll Watchers & Security into Philadelphia Voting Places. There is only one reason why. Corruption!!… https://t.co/mkWsQx48e7

— Donald J. Trump (@Donald J. Trump)1601414045.0

Krasner said during an interview on Democracy Now! that the law would apply to any federal officers that the president might send to the city and if they attempted to arrest people without probable cause that he would press charges against them and litigate the issue as a crime. He went on to say that he believed Trump was a "wannabe fascist," during the interview.

Here's more about Kresner's threats:


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1a6d04 No.130856

File: 9c9564e806f5dab⋯.jpeg (736.7 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330655 (290004ZOCT20) Notable: Supreme Court punts again on whether Pa. can count ballots after Election Day

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Supreme Court punts again on whether Pa. can count ballots after Election Day

It was the second time Republicans had asked the court to roll back the deadline. They lost Oct. 19 on a 4-4 vote, when the justices denied their request to put a hold on a lower court order extending the deadline.

In trying again, the Republicans apparently hoped that newly appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett's arrival would help them prevail. But she sat this one out, taking no part in the consideration or disposition of the motion. A court spokeswoman said that was "because of the need for a prompt resolution of it and because she has not had time to fully review the parties' filings."


Hope she gets cracking here so they can hear the case and vote on it.

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1a6d04 No.130857

File: 6770de891d910d1⋯.png (132.45 KB,1920x915,128:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330657 (290004ZOCT20) Notable: Whitmer kidnap plotter also wanted to hang Trump, other politicians, FBI says

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The affidavit gave federal agents permission to search a Facebook account belonging to Barry Croft, 44, of Bear, Delaware, who was one of six men charged in federal court with conspiracy to kidnap. Evidence collected by FBI agents portrays his Facebook account as a virtual bulletin board filled with violent imagery, including a noose and a list of grievances in which he mulled killing Democrats and Republicans including South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, Muslims and liberals.

"I say we hang everything currently governing us, they're all guilty!!!," Croft wrote in May on his Facebook page, which also included an image of Trump. "Wanna hang this mf'er too…"

The affidavit helps trace the roots of an investigation that drew national attention earlier this month when FBI agents said they thwarted a plot to violently overthrow the government as well as kidnap and harm Whitmer. The conspiracy included surveillance visits to the governor's home in northern Michigan and training with firearms and explosive devices

The FBI started investigating in March after an unidentified police department learned about members of the militia group who were trying to obtain the home addresses of local police officers, according to court filings.

“At the time, the FBI interviewed a member of the militia group who was concerned about the group’s plans to target and kill police officers, and that person agreed to become a (confidential human source),” FBI Special Agent Kristopher Long wrote.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer addresses the state Oct. 8, 2020, after the revelation of an alleged plot to kidnap her. Photo was provided by Whitmer's office.

Defense lawyers have portrayed their clients as tough talkers who were exercising their First Amendment rights who never carried out any kidnapping plot.

In all, 14 people have been charged with crimes in state and federal courts, including members and associates of an obscure militia called the Wolverine Watchmen.

The other five men charged in federal court with conspiracy to kidnap are:

• Adam Fox, 37, of Potterville, known as "Alpha F— You"

* Kaleb Franks, 26, of Waterford, known as "Red Hot."

• Ty Garbin, 25, of Hartland Township, known as "Gunney"

• Daniel Harris, 23, known as "Beaker"

• Brandon Caserta, 32, known as "Debased Tyrant"

The 40-page filing gave FBI agents permission to search a Facebook account belonging to Croft.

In late June, Croft posted a photo of a noose and a caption that listed people and groups that should "hang." The list included references to Obama; former President Bill Clinton and his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; Democratic U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York; as well as Democrats, liberals, Muslims and "all anti-Americans."

Barry Croft posted this image on his Facebook page, according to the FBI.

On May 8, the FBI obtained a federal search warrant to go through Croft’s Facebook account. The review found messages “plotting potential acts of violence.” On May 3, Croft messaged another user “he may be first.” The user responded, “SC.” The FBI contends that the individual referenced was McMaster, the Republican governor of South Carolina.

FILE- In this Feb. 17, 2017, file photo, President Donald Trump shakes hands with South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster after arriving on Air Force One at Charleston International Airport in North Charleston, S.C. Fresh off the Alabama defeat of his chosen candidate to replace Jeff Sessions, Trump is again wading into southern horse-race politics, visiting South Carolina on Monday, Oct. 16, to lend his support for the campaign of McMaster, one of his earliest backers. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

“Yup. I’m going. With Sword,” Croft replied.

The following day, Croft wrote “I’ll die in defense of the constitution” and “I’ll be in Columbia, SC, on Friday. They say they want their governor in custody.”

“I want to grab them all and hold trial,” he added.

McMaster spokesman Brian Symmes declined comment, citing a practice of not commenting about the governor's security issues.

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McMaster is the third governor linked to the alleged conspirators. During a bond hearing earlier this month in federal court, an FBI agent testified that plotters discussed "taking out" Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat.

Croft’s social media posts could be viewed as constitutionally protected free speech but likely would raise concerns within the law enforcement community, said Jon Lewis, a research fellow at the Program on Extremism at George Washington University.



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1a6d04 No.130858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330686 (290006ZOCT20) Notable: US Charges 8 in Alleged Beijing-Run Plot to Coerce Citizens into Returning to China

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US Charges 8 in Alleged Beijing-Run Plot to Coerce Citizens into Returning to China

By Cathy He October 28, 2020 Updated: October 28, 2020

The U.S. Department of Justice announced unprecedented charges against eight men over their alleged role in carrying out a campaign orchestrated by the Chinese regime to coerce a U.S. resident to return to mainland China.

The criminal complaint, unsealed on Oct. 28, alleges that the individuals had for three years targeted a former Chinese government employee and his wife and daughter who have been living in New Jersey since 2010. Federal prosecutors alleged that the men were acting under the direction of Chinese officials to surveil, harass, and stalk the family.

The New Jersey man was targeted under a Chinese extralegal campaign known as “Operation Fox Hunt“—which was initiated by Beijing in 2014 to repatriate fugitives targeted by the Chinese Communist Party, including dissidents and officials who’ve fallen out of favor with the Party. To protect the victim’s identity, the department didn’t provide details on why he was targeted by the regime.

The eight individuals, based both in the United States and China, were charged with conspiring to act as illegal agents of China. Six defendants were also charged with conspiring to commit interstate and international stalking.

Five defendants were arrested on Oct. 28 in New Jersey, New York, and California. They were Zhu Yong, a Chinese citizen and U.S. permanent resident; Jin Hongru, a naturalized U.S. citizen; Michael McMahon, a U.S. citizen who was hired as a private investigator in the scheme; and Rong Jing and Zheng Congying, both Chinese citizens with U.S. permanent residencies. Three remain at large in China: Zhu Feng, Hu Ji, and Li Minjun.

“With today’s charges, we have turned the PRC’s [People’s Republic of China] Operation Fox Hunt on its head—the hunters became the hunted, the pursuers the pursued,” Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers said at a press conference. Demers described the defendants’ alleged conduct as “shocking but standard operating procedure for Operation Fox Hunt.” For instance, the complaint alleges that several defendants, with the help of unnamed Chinese officials, carried out a scheme to bring the New Jersey man’s elderly father to the United States from China for a surprise visit—in an effort to coerce the man into returning to China. Acting U.S. Attorney Seth D. DuCharme said some of the tactics were “shockingly overt,” such as surveillance using night vision goggles. The scheme also included imprisoning the victim’s sister in China, harassing the victim’s adult daughter online, and leaving menacing notes on the victim’s door, Demers said.

Prosecutors alleged that in September 2018, Zheng and another unidentified co-conspirator affixed a note on the victim’s door that read: “If you are willing to go back to mainland [China] and spend 10 years in prison, your wife and children will be all right. That’s the end of this matter!”

Other co-conspirators left packages at the victim’s home in early 2019, the Justice Department stated, that contained letters and a video with messages that threatened harm to the victim’s family members in China if he didn’t return to China.

“These are not the actions we would expect from a responsible nation state,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said at the press conference. “Instead, it’s more like something we’d expect from an organized criminal syndicate.”

The eight defendants face a maximum of five years of prison if found guilty of acting as an illegal agent of the Chinese regime. For the additional charge of conspiracy to commit interstate and international stalking, the six defendants face a maximum of five years in prison.


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1a6d04 No.130859

File: b8d9b37d27c3516⋯.png (407.16 KB,728x546,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330723 (290009ZOCT20) Notable: Why Jews Were Kicked Out of 132 Countries, 1,030 Times

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History of The "Wandering" Jew: Kicked Out 1,030 Times From 132 Host Countries

Page 9 of 44

1240 A.D. - Brittany, France - Jews Expelled by Duke Jean le Roux

(R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews,1095-1291')

1240 A.D. - Austria - Jews Expelled (P.E. Grosser/E.G. Halperin, 'Anti-Semitism: Causes andEffects)

1242 A.D. - Berkhamstead, England - Jews Expelled (R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews, 1095-1291')

1244 A.D. - Newbury, England - Jews Expelled (R. Mundill, 'England's Jewish Solution')

1244 A.D. - Speenhamland, England - Jews Expelled (R. Mundill, 'England's Jewish Solution')

1247 A.D. - Trani, Italy - Jews Expelled/Forced to Convert (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jewsof Italy', p. 101)

1247 A.D. - S. Anna, Italy - Jews Expelled/Forced to Convert (C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 101)

1247 A.D. - Naples, Italy - Jews Expelled/Forced to Convert (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jewsof Italy', p. 101)

1253 A.D. - Vienne, France - Jews Expelled by the Archbishop (R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews,1095-1291')

1254 A.D. - France - Jews Expelled by Louis IX

(R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews, 1095-1291')

1261 A.D. - Derby, England - Jews Expelled (R. Mundill, 'England's Jewish Solution')

1261 A.D. - Brabant, Netherlands - Jews Expelled by Duke Henry II in his will


1263 A.D. - Derby, England - Jews Expelled (R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews, 1095-1291')

1266 A.D. - Romsey, England - Jews Expelled (R. Mundill, 'England's Jewish Solution')

1267 A.D. - Wroclaw, Poland - Jews Expelled to segregated quarter

1274 A.D. - Winchelsea, England - Jews Expelled (R. Mundill, 'England's Jewish Solution')

1275 A.D. - Cambridge, England - Jews Expelled by the Queen Mother, Eleanor of Provence

(J. Hillaby, 'The Palgrave Dictionary of Medieval Anglo-Jewish History')

1275 A.D. - Gloucester, England - Jews Expelled by the Queen Mother, Eleanor of Provence

(J. Hillaby, 'The Palgrave Dictionary of Medieval Anglo-Jewish History')

1275 A.D. - Marlborough, England - Jews Expelled by the Queen Mother, Eleanor of Provence (J. Hillaby, 'The Palgrave Dictionary of Medieval Anglo-Jewish History')

1275 A.D. - Worcester, England - Jews Expelled by the Queen Mother, Eleanor of Provence(J. Hillaby, 'The Palgrave Dictionary of Medieval Anglo-Jewish History')

1275 A.D. - Andover, England - Jews Expelled (R. Mundill, 'England's Jewish Solution')

1276 A.D. - Upper Bavaria, Germany - Jews Expelled


1279? A.D. - Sicily, Italy - Jews Expelled after Abraham Abulafia declares himself the"Messiah"

(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 151)

1278 A.D. - Cremona, Italy - Jews Expelled after Bianca Sforza is petitioned by citizens (C.Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 126)

1278 A.D. - Small Towns in England - Jews Expelled for Coin-Clipping

(Zefira Entin Rokeah,'Medieval English Jews and Royal officials: Entries of Jewish Interest in the EnglishMemoranda Rolls, 1266-1293')

1279 A.D. - Perugia, Italy - Jews Expelled by the Podesta (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews ofItaly', p. 120)

1283 A.D. - Windsor, England - Jews Expelled (R. Mundill, 'England's Jewish Solution')

1287 A.D. - Bacharach, Germany - Jews Expelled after major pogroms for Ritual Murder

(Belland Burnett, 'Jews, Judaism, and The Reformation In Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 34)

1287-1288 A.D. - Gascony, England - Jews Expelled by King Edward I

(R. Rist, 'Popes andJews, 1095-1291)

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1a6d04 No.130860

File: 7979d3027352551⋯.png (339.02 KB,1071x481,1071:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330744 (290010ZOCT20) Notable: Is Transmutation Nuclear “Molecular” Physics, 12 December 2006 High Energy Workshop Slides

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Is Transmutation Nuclear “Molecular” Physics, 12 December 2006 High Energy Workshop Slides

Document Archive

Is Transmutation Nuclear “Molecular” Physics, 12 December 2006 High Energy Workshop Slides [52 Pages, 2.5MB]


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1a6d04 No.130861

File: 85a37107de7febb⋯.png (1.09 MB,1050x485,210:97,Clipboard.png)

File: dba2088c86878cd⋯.png (68.71 KB,730x887,730:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d29cbdc053b618⋯.png (250.73 KB,725x873,725:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330778 (290013ZOCT20) Notable: Congressional Correspondence with the Department of the Navy

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Congressional Correspondence with the Department of the Navy


The following documents have been released by the Department of the Navy. They include all correspondence between members of Congress, and their office.

Document Archive

Congressional Correspondence Log, Department of the Navy, January 1, 2020 – June 31, 2020 [219 Pages, 2MB]


Congressional Correspondence Log, Department of the Navy, January 1, 2019 – July 27, 2019 [96 Pages, 24MB]


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1a6d04 No.130862

File: 1a091e727312773⋯.png (398.96 KB,551x580,19:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a7ee941dcb7077⋯.png (50.05 KB,840x425,168:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330819 (290015ZOCT20) Notable: Daily Caller: Senate Homeland Security chair won’t have Bobulinski testify before election

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Daily Caller: Senate Homeland Security chair won’t have Bobulinski testify before election

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), the Senate Homeland Security Committee chair, has said that he won’t call Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, to testify in front of the panel before the election on November 3, The Daily Caller is reporting exclusively.

RELATED: Bobulinski exposes alleged Biden corruption in tell-all interview with Tucker Carlson

Bobulinski’s communications with the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee for president, were stored on the hard drive of the laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter that was given to a Delaware repair shop. The communications and information on that hard drive, which the New York Post obtained, were published in an exposé earlier in October.

The reasoning behind the decision was that Bobulinski’s numerous interviews on television and with Johnson himself have provided troves of information that the committee needs to verify, a Johnson spokesperson said.

“Senator Johnson has always wanted the truth to come out, and through media interviews and the troves of information Mr. Bobulinski provided to the committee, that truth is coming out day by day,” a spokesperson from the senior Wisconsin senator’s office told The Daily Caller. “Our staff is working tirelessly to continue verifying the information and using it to piece together a bigger picture about the Biden family’s significant conflicts of interest.”


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1a6d04 No.130863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330889 (290018ZOCT20) Notable: Tucker Reveals Biden Documents from Bobulinski were Stolen!

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Tucker Reveals Biden Documents from Bobulinski were Stolen!

Just on show, no sauce yet.

Ostensibly, these were copies transferred from NY to LA via Fed-Ex or UPS or DHL.

Extensive investigation found nothing.

(find that hard to believe)

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1a6d04 No.130864

File: fa309110f652327⋯.png (24.96 KB,600x279,200:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330908 (290019ZOCT20) Notable: Earlier today, we shared a post highlighting the five women who have been appointed to the Supreme Court.

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Earlier today, we shared a post highlighting the five women who have been appointed to the Supreme Court. It was quickly viewed as a political and partisan statement which was not our intent and we have removed the post.


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1a6d04 No.130865

File: 57a82b4b1ce5ac5⋯.jpeg (270.36 KB,828x846,46:47,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330913 (290019ZOCT20) Notable: The Curse of Canaan

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Do your fucking homework- do not be decieved.

Decide for yourself, then call whoever you want whatever you want.

Build ammo first- then fire…….

Q wasn’t fucking around when he said biblical.

Literally biblical


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1a6d04 No.130866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330915 (290020ZOCT20) Notable: 144669, #14470 (BS), #14470 (bs)

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>>130676 baker changed

>>130677 General Flynn tweets 3 "4's" yesterday

>>130678, >>130679 President Trump supports friendly nations against illegal Chinese fishing pt 1 & pt 11

>>130680 U.S. Marines with CLB-8 recently participated in an Advanced Motorized Operators course

>>130681, >>130682, >>130683, >>130703 Any planefags wanna chime in on what POTUS was pointing at?

>>130684 Miles Taylor? That’s who the New York Times granted an anonymous editorial article?

>>130685 https://www.donaldjtrump.com/events/

>>130686 CDC report says vast majority of Americans have actually been wearing face masks since spring

>>130687 clockfag report

>>130688 "Donald Trump will be history by 8:45pm Eastern time on Tuesday night."

>>130689 USPS worker charged with dumping ballots, as mail carriers perform extra trips before Election Day

>>130690 https://twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1321538609430880258

>>130692 Handoff confirmed

>>130693 the-story-of-pope-benedicts-infamous-red-shoes-which-he-will-give-up

>>130694 This is not a photoshop. Oregon's public health authority announced COVID deaths in clown makeup.

>>130695 In the interview Tony Bobulinski said his relative pass away at 6:38

>>130696 Rudd denies knowledge of Epstein's $650k donation

>>130697, >>130701 U.S. Senate battlegrounds, 2020

>>130698 Khamenei 'raises doubts about the Holocaust'

>>130699 Philadelphia requests National Guard aid

>>130700 There is ‘rank dishonesty’ about Hydroxychloroquine: Alan Jones

>>130702 BREAKING: Candidate for Chief Justice, 4th Court of Appeals Judge

>>130704 note taker1

>>130706 White House Lists ‘Ending the COVID-19 Pandemic’ as Trump Accomplishment

>>130705 Teed up for SCOTUS ruling on PA

>>130707 DO NOT ADD /abcu/ to Dough. removed

>>130709 notetaker

fixingg bun post disrreagard

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1a6d04 No.130867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11330933 (290021ZOCT20) Notable: We found the Liar on Anderson Coopers show on CNN

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HEY Q are you watching Tucker tonight he's drop the MOAB's and so did

We found the Liar on Anderson Coopers show on CNN


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1a6d04 No.130868

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB,985x218,985:218,Clipboard.png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB,603x960,201:320,Clipboard.png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,3668x3284,917:821,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB,1272x1023,424:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB,810x570,27:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331054 (290031ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331056 (290031ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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It's time to wake up.


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

The Curse of Canaan (Eustace Mullins) Audiobook - Chapter 11

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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1a6d04 No.130870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331064 (290031ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


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1a6d04 No.130871

File: fa22b2119030b44⋯.gif (3.16 MB,777x437,777:437,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331069 (290031ZOCT20) Notable: Physicists Discover Strange New Magnetoelectric Effect

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Physicists Discover Strange New Magnetoelectric Effect

n a very unusual way, the electrical and magnetic properties of a particular crystal are linked together — the phenomenon was discovered and explained at TU Wien (Vienna).

Electricity and magnetism are closely related: Power lines generate a magnetic field, rotating magnets in a generator produce electricity. However, the phenomenon is much more complicated: electrical and magnetic properties of certain materials are also coupled with each other. Electrical properties of some crystals can be influenced by magnetic fields — and vice versa. In this case one speaks of a “magnetoelectric effect.” It plays an important technological role, for example in certain types of sensors or in the search for new concepts of data storage.

A special material was investigated for which, at first glance, no magnetoelectric effect would be expected at all. But careful experiments have now shown that the effect can be observed in this material, it only works completely differently than usual. It can be controlled in a highly sensitive way: Even small changes in the direction of the magnetic field can switch the electrical properties of the material to a completely different state.

Symmetry controls the coupling

“Whether the electrical and magnetic properties of a crystal are coupled or not depends on the crystal’s internal symmetry,” says Prof. Andrei Pimenov from the Institute of Solid State Physics at TU Wien. “If the crystal has a high degree of symmetry, for example, if one side of the crystal is exactly the mirror image of the other side, then for theoretical reasons there can be no magnetoelectric effect.”

… More in article.


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1a6d04 No.130872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331072 (290032ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

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1a6d04 No.130873

File: c5f5aa6f1f6437e⋯.jpg (47.37 KB,617x481,617:481,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331079 (290032ZOCT20) Notable: Biden campaign is PAYING to promote a NYT article defending Biden

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Biden campaign is PAYING to promote a NYT article defending Biden


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1a6d04 No.130874

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB,720x540,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff052ed587bbee7⋯.png (1.53 MB,1200x667,1200:667,Clipboard.png)

File: fbd48c6ab434c5f⋯.jpg (111.18 KB,519x748,519:748,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 881ec98e36148e1⋯.jpg (268.32 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5c35988b963ed99⋯.jpg (214.76 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331105 (290033ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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1a6d04 No.130875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331114 (290034ZOCT20) Notable: Mexican president blasts European leaders for ‘authoritarian urge’ over harsh Covid-19 lockdowns

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Mexican president blasts European leaders for ‘authoritarian urge’ over harsh Covid-19 lockdowns

By imposing lockdowns to stem the second wave of the coronavirus, EU leaders are showing a lack of faith in their citizens and putting themselves above the people, Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has said.

During a press conference on Wednesday, Lopez Obrador was asked if Mexico was planning to introduce restrictions to tackle the spread of the virus similar to those already in place in some European countries, including France, Spain, Italy, and the Czech Republic.

“No to using coercive measures,” the president responded. “This is not resolved with that.”

The introduction of tough restrictions reveals “an authoritarian urge by the authorities, by the government, with all due respect, on the part of those who opt for this,” he insisted.

Curfews aren’t a sign of faith in people. It’s putting yourself above as authority and seeing citizens as children, like they don’t understand.

Lopez Obrador added that “not even in its worst moments did Europe have these curfews and all these measures.”

While assuring people that he will not introduce any lockdown, he called on Mexicans to adhere to social distancing, act responsibly and wash their hands often, as coronavirus cases have been on the rise in some parts of the country.

Mexico has so far registered more than 901,000 coronavirus cases and 89,800 deaths due to Covid-19. However, the authorities have acknowledged that the total case and fatality numbers could be significantly higher.


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1a6d04 No.130876

File: 3dc0e3f8392327f⋯.png (32.32 KB,605x337,605:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331198 (290037ZOCT20) Notable: CNBC's Shepard Smith: "Is it time for the [national mask] mandate, Dr. Fauci? We lean on you for advice. Do we need a national mandate, or not?"

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CNBC's Shepard Smith: "Is it time for the [national mask] mandate, Dr. Fauci? We lean on you for advice. Do we need a national mandate, or not?"

Fauci: "You know, yes. Well, we do. If we don't get one, I would hope the mayors and governors do it locally"


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1a6d04 No.130877

File: 83e10f5cefe51fe⋯.jpg (303.04 KB,1540x460,77:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331228 (290039ZOCT20) Notable: Schumann has been going nuts for the last 7 and a half hours

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Schumann has been going nuts for the last 7 and a half hours

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1a6d04 No.130878

File: 4b9b219a8a326b5⋯.png (153.35 KB,550x718,275:359,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a6a6e7f7f4300e⋯.png (339.82 KB,835x721,835:721,Clipboard.png)

File: 039d57083cb459b⋯.png (89.09 KB,564x476,141:119,Clipboard.png)

File: d162eb6d264d865⋯.png (374.9 KB,579x615,193:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a60c19356f12f7⋯.png (506.49 KB,884x476,13:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331249 (290041ZOCT20) Notable: Philadelphia imposes citywide curfew after 2 nights of riots over police shooting of knife-wielding black man

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Philadelphia imposes citywide curfew after 2 nights of riots over police shooting of knife-wielding black man

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney has imposed a curfew, starting Wednesday and lasting from 9pm until 6am, after two nights of rioting and large-scale looting that left the city's Port Richmond shopping district a “total loss.”

The curfew is being put in place after violent protests spun out of control on Monday and Tuesday following the death of Walter Wallace Jr., whom police shot after he refused to drop his knife during an altercation on Monday afternoon. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf ordered several hundred members of the state National Guard to deploy to Philadelphia to help quell the unrest.

At least 53 police have been injured in the clashes, many of whom were struck by bricks and rocks, according to local CBS reporter Joe Holden. One officer was run over by a large pickup, and 28 police or fire department vehicles were torched or otherwise damaged.

Nine ATMs were blown up overnight Tuesday alone, which is something of a tradition during Philadelphia riots. About 50 ATMs around the city were bombed during Black Lives Matter protests in early June, and in one of those cases, the would-be thief was killed in the explosion.

But police denied a media report suggesting that officers had been ordered to stand down and decline to respond to calls for such incidents as burglary and theft. Police said the order was given to “galvanize additional resources to specifically deal with looters and other in-progress crimes.” There have been 172 arrests during the two nights of unrest, including 53 looting suspects on Tuesday, police said.

Mayor Kenney has tried to appease protesters, tweeting on Tuesday: “Last night, we saw further evidence of the anguish of our black and brown residents who have struggled their entire lives under systemic racism.” He added that he was “resolved to bring true equity to our city” and would be working with an advisory committee to “advance our reform agenda.”


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1a6d04 No.130879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331250 (290041ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Talmud aka Written Oral Torah Excerpts:

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin.” (Babha Kama 113ª).

Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible.

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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1a6d04 No.130880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331258 (290041ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Tells Viewers a Package with Biden Documents Sent By Producer from NY to LA Was Tampered with and Contents Went Missing (VIDEO)

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More sauce for the Tucker Carlson Documents

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Tells Viewers a Package with Biden Documents Sent By Producer from NY to LA Was Tampered with and Contents Went Missing (VIDEO)


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1a6d04 No.130881

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB,640x446,320:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB,1332x869,1332:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331267 (290041ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331381 (290047ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

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1a6d04 No.130883

File: fc017b9c2e43698⋯.jpg (48.46 KB,675x900,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4f22892b95fb574⋯.jpg (81.69 KB,586x900,293:450,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331386 (290047ZOCT20) Notable: SATANIC PANIC SHILL MELTDOWN

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1a6d04 No.130884

File: 3d4a3aa3ea33b54⋯.jpg (139.45 KB,654x597,218:199,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331397 (290048ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331399 (290048ZOCT20) Notable: Redpill Vol. 1: The Spectrum of Corruption [11m06s]

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This video outlines a color-coded, seven-point model [6+1] for understanding corruption: Compartmentalization, Manipulation, Loyalty, Bribery, Extortion, Blackmail, Psychopathy.

The general public and people just starting their "redpill journey" are the target audience. Public education is the name of the game.

Redpill Vol. 1: The Spectrum of Corruption [11m06s]



Volume 2 will focus on the mind as a battleground.

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1a6d04 No.130886

File: 308cb5fade3396a⋯.jpg (85.68 KB,730x837,730:837,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331442 (290050ZOCT20) Notable: A Key Source for Steele Dossier Was an Alcoholic Female Lawyer Living In Cyprus Who He'd Known Since 8th Grade

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A Key Source for Steele Dossier Was an Alcoholic Female Lawyer Living In Cyprus Who He'd Known Since 8th Grade

Igor Danchenko and Olga Galkina — not quite Julius and Ethel Rosenburg, but they tried hard.

This is not the first time Olga Galkina’s name has been confirmed as one of the key sources behind allegations in the Steele Dossier reports.

But the Wall Street Journal has a story out today about the individual identified as “Sub-Source 3” providing much more information and background on Galkina. It makes even more clear the fact that the various reports making up the Steele Dossier — basis for nearly four years of wall-to-wall non-stop coverage in the media, and tens of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of federal law enforcement man-hours wasted — was all done in pursuit of a story that had all the earmarks of a hoax from the very start.

Vladamir Putin goes to bed each night chuckling at the way he made the NYT, WaPo, ABC, NBC, CBS — not to mention the FBI and DOJ — look like chuckle-headed morons chasing this complete fraud. The fact that many in the media hold-out hope that there really was something there, our point to the completely idiotic outcomes of the efforts of the Mueller Special Counsel’s Office – while at the same time IGNORING the FACTS that Joe Biden went into business with the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army — is for all practical purposes, a signifier that our great nation is on the brink of self-destruction.

Igor Danchenko had a case opened on him in 2009 as a likely Russian intelligence operative tasked with recruiting incoming members of the newly-elected Obama Administration to sell classified information to Russian intelligence services. Two individuals described to the FBI how Danchenko approached them after the election in 2008 to inquire if they would be joining the Obama Administration foreign policy team, and if they did he could help them to sell classified information they might obtain to people who were interested in buying that kind of information. In January 2017 he was interviewed by the FBI who knew at that point that he was the “Primary Sub-source” for Christopher Steele — the sole conduit through which the information from a “network of sub-sources” inside Russia was supplying information on connections between Donald Trump, the Trump Campaign, and Russian government actors.

Olga Galkina was a Russian living and working in Cyprus, where she was employed by an affiliate of XBT Holdings, which owned and operated the web hosting service Webzilla, and which was owned by a Russian named Aleksej Gubarev. Galkina and Danchenko had been friends since the equivalent of 8th grade in the Russian city Perm where they both grew up. Some of the most significant allegations against Trump and the Trump campaign in the Steele Dossier are traced to “Sub-source 3”, including the claims that Michael Cohen traveled to Prague to meet with Russian government officials to coordinate Russian efforts in support of the Trump campaign, as well as allegations that Carter Page, while a Trump campaign official, had met with a high-level Kremlin official Igor Diveykin, Russia’s deputy chief for internal policy, while visiting Moscow to give a speech in July 2016.

But according to the WSJ, Galkina had moved to Cyprus in the early fall of 2016.

Apparently, firing an employee in Cyprus can be a challenging effort as her manager felt the need to go to the police in the Cypriot city where she worked to file a police report regarding her misconduct. His reason for going to the police was that he’d been told — by whom he does not say — that he could be killed if he did not pay Galkina 10,000 Euros.

According to the WSJ, when Danchenko was interviewed by the FBI and asked about Galkina, he disputed the manner in which Steele had characterized some of the things that he had told Steele based on information he received from Galkina.

That the Steele reports were a pathetic excuse to simply pursue baseless claims against the Trump Administration has become more and more clear almost from the moment the Reports were made public by Buzzfeed. The fact that the press, FBI, and DOJ was not able to make that judgement YEARS AGO is an indictment of all of them for their own corruption.

If Joe Biden wins next week while the press ignores the fact that he’s a business partner with the malign foreign communist government in China, the time of US ascendency in the world will have drawn to a close.

The United States press has turned itself into the “Pravda” of our time.


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1a6d04 No.130887

File: 39eae305882650e⋯.png (1.4 MB,1081x1278,1081:1278,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fca0d0673ca983⋯.jpg (1.63 MB,1308x4766,654:2383,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331451 (290050ZOCT20) Notable: Schumann has been going nuts for the last 7 and a half hours

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331482 (290052ZOCT20) Notable: Mainland Chinese Dare to Openly Criticize the Chinese Communist Party

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Mainland Chinese Dare to Openly Criticize the Chinese Communist Party

3,771 views•Premiered 2 hours ago

The Epoch Times

Oct 28, 2020



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1a6d04 No.130889

File: 101aae4eadf34a8⋯.png (360.32 KB,640x503,640:503,Clipboard.png)

File: d4978d4dd4844bc⋯.jpg (41.53 KB,474x335,474:335,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9c81b1eeb6b7f0d⋯.jpg (207.76 KB,715x477,715:477,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0bc991953f25222⋯.jpg (278.22 KB,798x1200,133:200,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 303c9fccf6344cd⋯.jpg (187.52 KB,722x402,361:201,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331541 (290055ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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> communism.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130890

File: 1a207ed8fb9b521⋯.png (186.79 KB,632x424,79:53,Clipboard.png)

File: d8989ea614c639d⋯.png (26.17 KB,513x503,513:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331595 (290058ZOCT20) Notable: Gulf Cartel Armored Vehicle Tech near Texas Border Improves

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Gulf Cartel Armored Vehicle Tech near Texas Border Improves

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – Gulf Cartel gunmen are demonstrating a higher degree of sophistication and craftsmanship with the development of their armored vehicles–well beyond their typical means.

Recently, Tamaulipas state police in Reynosa and in Ciudad Camargo seized armored vehicles as violence in these border regions continues. Officers patrolling in Ciudad Camargo, just south of Rio Grande City, Texas, spotted a gunman who began shooting at them and then ran away into the brush. As police officers rushed to the scene, they found armored vehicles. Inside, police found an explosive device, bulletproof vests, ammunition, and other tactical gear.

In a separate case, gunmen from the Reynosa faction of the Gulf Cartel clashed with Tamaulipas police in the city’s Loma Real neighborhood. Police chased gunmen in a white late-model GMC Sierra that was part of a convoy. A few blocks further, the gunmen left their weapons and the SUV and ran into a neighborhood to hide.

Armored SUVs are now a common tool used by cartel gunmen during their frequent clashes in Tamaulipas. Quite often, gunmen are better equipped than state police–causing a dispute between federal and state officials since Mexico’s recently established National Guard is accused of not taking an active role in fighting cartels.


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1a6d04 No.130891

File: 94d8392f7e9b2b6⋯.png (82.25 KB,737x843,737:843,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e3dda862dff85e⋯.png (100.36 KB,755x921,755:921,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331626 (290100ZOCT20) Notable: Ongoing Investigation into Violent White Supremacist Gang Results in Rico Indictmnt and Additional Charges against Members and Associates

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Ongoing Investigation into Violent White Supremacist Gang Results in Rico Indictment and Additional Charges against Members and Associates

New Charges Include Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Conspiracy, Assault and Kidnapping in Aid of Racketeering, and Accessory to Murder


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130892

File: de74e370f5f1c13⋯.png (431.24 KB,829x771,829:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331660 (290101ZOCT20) Notable: The Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Has Grown Much Deeper And Wider in 2020

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Could this have coralation?

The Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Has Grown Much Deeper And Wider in 2020


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1a6d04 No.130893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331674 (290102ZOCT20) Notable: That's the angry malicious Cyber-stalker C.W. CHANTER, alias Benjamin Zavodnick.

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That's the angry malicious Cyber-stalker C.W. CHANTER, alias Benjamin Zavodnick.

There is a Defamation lawsuit against this belligerent loser from Corey Goode.

After I outed his real name, he stopped NameFagging his alias name, but uses the same abusive language and "QTARDS".

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130894

File: 5fcfc7a20c15aa3⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,1920x1920,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a7728554d40784b⋯.jpg (987.65 KB,1920x1920,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331677 (290102ZOCT20) Notable: Hunters became the hunted

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Hunters became the hunted

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1a6d04 No.130895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331757 (290107ZOCT20) Notable: #14473

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>>130868 , >>130869 , >>130870 , >>130872 , >>130874 , >>130879 , >>130881 , >>130884 , >>130882 , >>130889 JQ

>>130871 Physicists Discover Strange New Magnetoelectric Effect

>>130873 Biden campaign is PAYING to promote a NYT article defending Biden

>>130875 Mexican president blasts European leaders for ‘authoritarian urge’ over harsh Covid-19 lockdowns

>>130876 CNBC's Shepard Smith: "Is it time for the [national mask] mandate, Dr. Fauci? We lean on you for advice. Do we need a national mandate, or not?"

>>130877 , >>130887 Schumann has been going nuts for the last 7 and a half hours

>>130878 Philadelphia imposes citywide curfew after 2 nights of riots over police shooting of knife-wielding black man

>>130880 BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Tells Viewers a Package with Biden Documents Sent By Producer from NY to LA Was Tampered with and Contents Went Missing (VIDEO)


>>130885 Redpill Vol. 1: The Spectrum of Corruption [11m06s]

>>130886 A Key Source for Steele Dossier Was an Alcoholic Female Lawyer Living In Cyprus Who He'd Known Since 8th Grade

>>130888 Mainland Chinese Dare to Openly Criticize the Chinese Communist Party

>>130890 Gulf Cartel Armored Vehicle Tech near Texas Border Improves

>>130891 Ongoing Investigation into Violent White Supremacist Gang Results in Rico Indictment and Additional Charges against Members and Associates

>>130892 The Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Has Grown Much Deeper And Wider in 2020

>>130893 That's the angry malicious Cyber-stalker C.W. CHANTER, alias Benjamin Zavodnick.

>>130894 Hunters became the hunted

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331799 (290110ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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It's time to wake up.


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Cain, Abel, and the Enochs Exposing the Jews' Family Tree Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130897

File: e00e8aebe7882d1⋯.png (74.82 KB,248x255,248:255,Clipboard.png)

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB,985x218,985:218,Clipboard.png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB,603x960,201:320,Clipboard.png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,3668x3284,917:821,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB,1272x1023,424:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331800 (290110ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claime "it's not all the jews, their little feud with "Animebaker" is all melodrama and Theatre

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130898

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331806 (290111ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331819 (290111ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

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1a6d04 No.130900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331825 (290112ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews, their little feud with "Animebaker" is all melodrama and Theatre

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130901

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,1655x1080,331:216,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1788x1080,149:90,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f7543e31d182156⋯.png (1.47 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331829 (290112ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130902

File: bffb94e09524c83⋯.png (503.2 KB,700x883,700:883,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b03da56cd06624⋯.png (88.05 KB,729x673,729:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331834 (290113ZOCT20) Notable: King County Elections to open six Vote Center locations to assist voters

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King County Elections to open six Vote Center locations to assist voters


KING COUNTY, Wash. — King County Elections plans to open six Vote Center locations Saturday.

The purpose of the centers is to help voters with registration, receiving a replacement ballot or other assistance.

The centers will also feature assistive devices to help those with disabilities.

Officials said voters can preorder a replacement ballot before going to a Vote Center to reduce their wait time.

The vote centers will be located in Seattle, Bellevue, Kenmore, Kent and Federal Way. In-person service is already offered at Elections Headquarters in Renton.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130903

File: fa9586c6265f181⋯.png (26.32 KB,519x216,173:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331887 (290116ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS TWEETS

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Why isn’t Biden corruption trending number one on Twitter? Biggest world story, and nowhere to be found. There is no”trend”, only negative stories that Twitter wants to put up. Disgraceful! Section 230


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130904

File: b89ee249e3b4423⋯.jpg (366.62 KB,1080x1996,270:499,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f37ad9a12f1ae21⋯.jpg (624.19 KB,917x1651,917:1651,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 64030f071a57e59⋯.jpg (743.93 KB,1079x1964,1079:1964,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331894 (290116ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden’s partner the spy chief of China Patrick Ho.Hunter Biden associate emails show the deal they were working on inclued Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.Feds Obtained FISA Warrant Against Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business AssociateHow Hunter Biden helped the CCP to kill American jobs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hunter Biden’s partner the spy chief of China Patrick Ho.Hunter Biden associate emails show the deal they were working on inclued Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.Feds Obtained FISA Warrant Against Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business AssociateHow Hunter Biden helped the CCP to kill American jobs.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130905

File: af0e1dbffa22c74⋯.jpg (440.38 KB,1180x1180,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a0c8b2890bc6c6a⋯.png (601.27 KB,756x874,378:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a7c789341ea62d⋯.png (3.34 MB,1102x5854,551:2927,Clipboard.png)

File: 45289da1e3ed173⋯.png (77.93 KB,1002x1390,501:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331913 (290117ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




doesnt work like that, traitor

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331919 (290117ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews", their little feud with "Animebaker" is all melodrama and Theatre

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130907

File: 70160d4549ed8c7⋯.png (142.07 KB,678x580,339:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331947 (290119ZOCT20) Notable: Save the Children Action Network, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.org, Clinton, Bush, Cher, Oprah

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Save the Children Action Network, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.org, Clinton, Bush, Cher, Oprah

Save the Children Action Network - Our Leadership

Mark Kennedy Shriver

Paul Ciaramitaro

Kimberly Robson

Roy Chrobocinski

Diana Onken

Ed Stierli


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130908

File: 779a56951595b1a⋯.png (268.72 KB,612x344,153:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331966 (290119ZOCT20) Notable: "Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, of the center-left New Zealand Labour Party, announced in a video that if people sent to the camp refuse to be tested, they will be required to remain another two weeks after their initial two-week stay."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, of the center-left New Zealand Labour Party, announced in a video that if people sent to the camp refuse to be tested, they will be required to remain another two weeks after their initial two-week stay."

Center left? CENTER LEFT?!!!!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130909

File: d23b527f7b1e0f3⋯.png (731.35 KB,1084x804,271:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331976 (290120ZOCT20) Notable: You know what trended on Twitter all fucking day???

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


You know what trended on Twitter all fucking day???

A made up story about Trump Rally goers in Omaha Freezing

Such bullshit.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130910

File: 86457e1f3c05d1c⋯.png (450.11 KB,920x606,460:303,Clipboard.png)

File: cc58534ca7e94c0⋯.png (243.36 KB,889x632,889:632,Clipboard.png)

File: 29f84c1ecdc9bd2⋯.png (94 KB,893x595,893:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11331977 (290120ZOCT20) Notable: Save the Children Action Network, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.org, Clinton, Bush, Cher, Oprah

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Save the Children Action Network, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.org, Clinton, Bush, Cher, Oprah

Mark Kennedy Shriver - Eunice Kennedy Shriver.org


"Protecting Kids When Disaster Strikes"

"Mark Shriver created Save the Children's domestic emergency response programs in 2005 to ensure that children are protected when disaster strikes and are provided safe haven and reunion with their families during a disaster's aftermath. He was the chief spokesperson for the organization's 2009 and 2010 national report card, which revealed a severe lack of preparedness for protecting kids during disasters. He led a national coalition that successfully convinced Congress to create the National Commission on Children and Disasters to ensure better protection of children before, during and after major domestic catastrophes. Shriver was appointed to the Commission by Senate Majority Harry Reid (D-NV) and was elected as its first chairperson by his fellow commissioners."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130911

File: 1bd14450747e6d6⋯.png (551.85 KB,976x637,976:637,Clipboard.png)

File: 03925af79a6cf48⋯.png (331.07 KB,975x625,39:25,Clipboard.png)

File: ee84df67981d111⋯.png (537.42 KB,979x639,979:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332016 (290121ZOCT20) Notable: Save the Children Action Network, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.org, Clinton, Bush, Cher, Oprah

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Save the Children Action Network, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.org, Clinton, Bush, Cher, Oprah

Eunice Kennedy Shriver.org - Global Leaders


Lots of nice pictures of Global Leaders here.


Eunice Kennedy Shriver.org - Friends


Muhammad Ali





Johnny Knoxville

Vanessa Williams

Susan Saint James


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130912

File: 6c2af430b21b3d7⋯.jpeg (312.66 KB,828x968,207:242,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332119 (290126ZOCT20) Notable: The Curse of Canaan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Much better- let’s see if “anons” actually live up to their name and investigate(dig).

They need to decide for themselves.

Khazarian jews like SOROS need to be exposed.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332152 (290127ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's time to wake up.


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

The Curse of Canaan (Eustace Mullins) Audiobook - Chapter 11

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130914

File: 15ee1bf0fd6bd98⋯.png (146.18 KB,529x520,529:520,Clipboard.png)

File: 117aff4218113c5⋯.png (415.07 KB,362x546,181:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332153 (290127ZOCT20) Notable: From the Justice Dept tweet earlier

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From the Justice Dept tweet earlier

"…the pursuers the pursued"


Transgression: The Pursuers and the Pursued

By James A. Ridler

A complex thriller, involving political intrigue, fraud, medical experimentation, and sexual corruption, culminating in a surprise denouement.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130915

File: 60f554b22ccafce⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332175 (290128ZOCT20) Notable: PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130916

File: 4efbe9a9d95ef55⋯.png (194.61 KB,918x468,51:26,Clipboard.png)

File: c5a93c86866d603⋯.png (73.06 KB,643x396,643:396,Clipboard.png)

File: 93df930874986bc⋯.png (216.06 KB,560x244,140:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332176 (290128ZOCT20) Notable: We out here Planefaggin'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

92-9000 USAF VIP 747 POTUS se to Miami Int'l

82-8000 USAF VIP 747 departed McCarran Int'l and back to JBA

09-0017 USAF C-32A east from McCarran

00000000 USAF B-52 out of Barksdale AFB

MAST34 USAF RC-135V Rivet Joint off se Florida -see cap #2

The RC-135V/W Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft supports theater and national level consumers with near real time on-scene intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination capabilities. The aircraft is an extensively modified C-135. The Rivet Joint's modifications are primarily related to its on-board sensor suite, which allows the mission crew to detect, identify and geolocate signals throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. The mission crew can then forward gathered information in a variety of formats to a wide range of consumers via Rivet Joint's extensive communications suite. The interior seats more than 30 people, including the cockpit crew, electronic warfare officers, intelligence operators and in-flight maintenance technicians.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332185 (290128ZOCT20) Notable: Rabbi Jason Sobel admits the goal is UNITY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rabbi Jason Sobel admits the goal is UNITY

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332463 (290138ZOCT20) Notable: 14474

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>>130896 , >>130897 , >>130898 , >>130899 , >>130900 , >>130901 , >>130905 , >>130906 , >>130913 JQ

>>130902 King County Elections to open six Vote Center locations to assist voters

>>130903 ,POTUS TWEETS

>>130904 Hunter Biden’s partner the spy chief of China Patrick Ho.Hunter Biden associate emails show the deal they were working on inclued Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.Feds Obtained FISA Warrant Against Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business AssociateHow Hunter Biden helped the CCP to kill American jobs.

>>130907 >>130910 , >>130911 Save the Children Action Network, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.org, Clinton, Bush, Cher, Oprah

>>130908 "Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, of the center-left New Zealand Labour Party, announced in a video that if people sent to the camp refuse to be tested, they will be required to remain another two weeks after their initial two-week stay."

>>130909 You know what trended on Twitter all fucking day???

>>130912 The Curse of Canaan

>>130914 From the Justice Dept tweet earlier

>>130915 PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes

>>130916 We out here Planefaggin'

>>130917 Rabbi Jason Sobel admits the goal is UNITY

ready for the spllit anons?

dont bump their bread, hold the line

attacks will intensify

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332567 (290142ZOCT20) Notable: TUCKER CARLSON: BIDEN DOCS VANISHED

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130920

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB,985x218,985:218,Clipboard.png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB,603x960,201:320,Clipboard.png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,3668x3284,917:821,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB,1272x1023,424:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB,810x570,27:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332578 (290142ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)


JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews", their little feud with "Animebaker" is all melodrama and Theatre

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332582 (290143ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's time to wake up.


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332583 (290143ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


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1a6d04 No.130923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332586 (290143ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

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1a6d04 No.130924

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1788x1080,149:90,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f7543e31d182156⋯.png (1.47 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332592 (290144ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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1a6d04 No.130925

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB,720x540,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff052ed587bbee7⋯.png (1.53 MB,1200x667,1200:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e0269e3593ab62⋯.jpg (873.15 KB,1500x832,375:208,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f8c7e683d71d4c2⋯.png (539.66 KB,426x854,213:427,Clipboard.png)

File: c993ba1013efb12⋯.jpg (575.11 KB,1600x1236,400:309,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332608 (290144ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130926

File: d56282297dfd83e⋯.jpg (154.45 KB,561x970,561:970,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 95e79f43ff6bd40⋯.jpg (154.58 KB,561x970,561:970,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c18aae90d546e8d⋯.jpg (154.69 KB,561x970,561:970,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bab4feefd534edb⋯.jpg (154.83 KB,561x970,561:970,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fda5b89fbb445aa⋯.jpg (154.99 KB,561x970,561:970,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332668 (290147ZOCT20) Notable: Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun

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Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun

"They want you divided by religion - Q


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130927

File: e77de944762d781⋯.jpg (496.59 KB,718x664,359:332,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e53992ab850ad72⋯.jpg (893.95 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 560c08747a5ad4b⋯.jpg (259.62 KB,640x1162,320:581,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpg (470.01 KB,1242x991,1242:991,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 51c48e505e966fb⋯.jpg (268.22 KB,1080x1489,1080:1489,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332672 (290147ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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1a6d04 No.130928

File: 085131d3a01ef00⋯.png (249.39 KB,478x478,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d7618697d1e332⋯.jpg (87.19 KB,1125x839,1125:839,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332685 (290147ZOCT20) Notable: How a "diabolical" former DEA staffer conned the intelligence community

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

How a "diabolical" former DEA staffer conned the intelligence community


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1a6d04 No.130929

File: 5055f92a5ab56a4⋯.jpg (316.96 KB,722x475,38:25,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2696db8681c7b71⋯.jpg (427.64 KB,711x483,237:161,Clipboard.jpg)

File: aaec79f225fb718⋯.png (456.53 KB,500x614,250:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a0fed7271daffe⋯.png (388.07 KB,831x856,831:856,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c3fe6669b7f998⋯.jpg (122.31 KB,474x827,474:827,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332705 (290148ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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1a6d04 No.130930

File: 5c6ab8f0eae7b9a⋯.mp4 (8.83 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332718 (290148ZOCT20) Notable: Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun

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Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun

"They want you divided by religion - Q



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1a6d04 No.130931

File: 4a7a7454d060636⋯.jpeg (511.03 KB,936x1232,117:154,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332721 (290148ZOCT20) Notable: PDF files ofQ poststo end of Sept. 2020

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PDF files ofQ poststo end of Sept. 2020

Just leaving these right here.




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1a6d04 No.130932

File: a3e62a0d03d64ba⋯.png (1.57 MB,618x934,309:467,Clipboard.png)

File: e3f800ca1aa0f5a⋯.png (1.57 MB,618x934,309:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332726 (290148ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden and wife Melissa Cohen go hiking with their baby boy

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Hunter Biden and wife Melissa Cohen go hiking with their baby boy

June 15, 2020

Why is there no clothes on this baby? The supposed parents are wearing clothes so it's not HOT. WTF is going on here and where are they exactly?


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1a6d04 No.130933

File: 3dc6f8042a116ab⋯.jpeg (171.62 KB,696x1000,87:125,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3e3d834ee4ebaf1⋯.jpeg (90.2 KB,487x750,487:750,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b424af901f6f072⋯.jpeg (298.92 KB,641x998,641:998,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6f1bc35ab9ff62f⋯.jpeg (98.4 KB,461x749,461:749,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7f1002e6bbe0d90⋯.jpeg (169.74 KB,750x1000,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332729 (290148ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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“If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he must to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death.” -Libbre David 37

“A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.” -Aboda Sarah 37a

“To communicate anything with a Goy (Gentile) about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.” -Libbre David 37

“A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.” -Gad. Shas. 2:2

“A heathen (Gentile) who pries into the Torah is condemned to death, for it is written, it is our inheritance, not theirs.” -Sanhedrin 59a

“Balaam (Jesus) is raised from the dead and being punished in boiling hot semen. Those who mock the words of the Jewish sages and sin against Israel are boiled in hot excrement.” -57a Gittin

“Only Jews are human. Gentiles are animals.” -Baba Mezia 114a-114b

“Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.” -Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L

“If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.” -Moed Kattan 17a

“If a heathen Gentile hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hit-ting a Jew is hitting God.” -Sanhedrin 58b

“Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.” -Sanhedrin 59a

“For murder, whether of a Cuthean (Gentile) by a Cuthean, or of an Israelite by a Cuthean, punishment is incurred; but of a Cuthean by an Israelite, there is no death penalty.” -Sanhedrin 57a

“If a Jew finds an object lost by a heathen (Gentile) it does not have to be returned.” -Baba Mezia 24a

“What a Jew obtains by theft from a Cuthean (Gentile) he may keep.” -Sanhedrin 57a

“Jews may use lies (deceit) to circumvent a Gentile.” -Baba Kamma 113a

“All Gentile children are animals.” -Yebamoth 98a

“Gentiles prefer sex with cows.” -Abodah Zarah 22a-22b

“If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite (Gentile) gores an ox of an Israelite, the payment is to be in full.“ -Baba Kamma 37b

“Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.” -Sanhedrin 59a

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1a6d04 No.130934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332746 (290149ZOCT20) Notable: Supreme Court Rejects GOP Appeal, Allows Democrats to Extend North Carolina Vote-by-Mail Deadline

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Supreme Court Rejects GOP Appeal, Allows Democrats to Extend North Carolina Vote-by-Mail Deadline

The Supreme Court has voted 5-3 to deny a request by Republicans to overturn a decision by Democratic authorities in North Carolina to allow mail-in ballots to be counted nine days after Election Day and without a witness signature.

Justices Neil Gorsuch, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas dissented, though only Gorsuch and Alito signed the dissent. Newly-sworn-in Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision.

As Breitbart News previously reported:

Democrats engineered the changes to mail-in voting through a “consent decree” between Democratic Party-aligned groups on the one hand, and state election authorities on the other. The state elections board is led by a Democrat appointed to the role.

Normally, mail-in ballots are counted in the state if they arrive up to three days after Election Day, and have a witness signature.

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh joined the liberal justices, though for reasons that are unclear. One blog speculated that Kavanaugh wished to show deference to the North Carolina State Board of Elections because the state legislature had delegated rule-making power to it.

Gorsuch’s dissent argues that the state legislature had already passed new election laws, and that it had sole constitutional authority to set election rules. “The parties before us all acknowledge that, under the Federal Constitution, only the state “Legislature” and “Congress” may prescribe “[t]he Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections.” Art. I, §4, cl. 1,” he wrote.

Gorsuch, joined by Alito, said that the legislature had not given the board “a blank check … allowing it to rewrite the

election code in any and all consent decrees it may wish to enter.”

Republicans had lost in both the district court and at the Fourth Circuit.


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1a6d04 No.130935

File: 44efea6ea6a6ea7⋯.jpg (545.33 KB,1200x1574,600:787,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332758 (290149ZOCT20) Notable: Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun

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Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun

"They want you divided by religion - Q



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1a6d04 No.130936

File: df6c40216d11517⋯.png (1.05 MB,1440x1011,480:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332774 (290150ZOCT20) Notable: We out here Planefaggin'

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Blackhawks over central Texas.

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1a6d04 No.130937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11332782 (290150ZOCT20) Notable: Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun

"They want you divided by religion - Q



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1a6d04 No.130938

File: 7d478effd4cb60a⋯.png (332.08 KB,582x582,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333278 (290206ZOCT20) Notable: (You)

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>>130920 , >>130921 , >>130922 , >>130923 ,>>130924 , >>130925 , >>130927 , >>130929 , >>130933 JQ


>>130926 , >>130930 , >>130935 , >>130937 Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun

>>130928 How a "diabolical" former DEA staffer conned the intelligence community

>>130931 PDF files ofQ poststo end of Sept. 2020

>>130932 Hunter Biden and wife Melissa Cohen go hiking with their baby boy

>>130934 Supreme Court Rejects GOP Appeal, Allows Democrats to Extend North Carolina Vote-by-Mail Deadline

>>130936 , >>>/qresearch/11332961 , >>>/qresearch/11333026 , >>>/qresearch/11333170 , >>>/qresearch/11333253 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11333003 BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Tells Viewers a Package with Biden Documents Sent By Producer from NY to LA Was Tampered with and Contents Went Missing (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11333120 Who is Miles Taylor

>>>/qresearch/11333125 OLDIE BUT GOODIE

>>>/qresearch/11333160 phily riots


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1a6d04 No.130939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333364 (290210ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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It's time to wake up.


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.


(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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1a6d04 No.130940

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB,985x218,985:218,Clipboard.png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB,603x960,201:320,Clipboard.png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,3668x3284,917:821,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB,1272x1023,424:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB,810x570,27:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333375 (290210ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews", their little feud with "Animebaker" is all melodrama and Theatre

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

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1a6d04 No.130941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333387 (290211ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333394 (290211ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130943

File: 722be207071ddd7⋯.png (276.68 KB,716x361,716:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333423 (290212ZOCT20) Notable: Remember this? , ++Blunt and Direct Time++, Learn your Q[l]ues

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11332975 lb

No worries fren! We all have our skills.

>>>/qresearch/11333231 lb

>>>/qresearch/11333272 lb

Remember this?

> Pain is on the way.


++Blunt and Direct Time++



Know your Enemy.

Know your Frens.

Be well read, Knowledge is Power.

You need to help the [C] see, then [C] will be exposed, only with [C] can this happen.

[C] = Cattle, [sheep], Citizens

[C] = Corruption, Crooks, Criminals

[C] = Cooperation, Community, Collective

[C] = … … … … … .

Learn your Q[l]ues

Clues : Direct or Covert messages for Anons to dig on

Clues : Riddles… … … .. "Future Proves Past" "Do you believe in coincidences?" Movies, etc.

Ques : comms for Operatives (Frens)

Ques : comms for Counter-Operatives (Enemies)

Ques : A signal, A hint, A light (Above & Beyond, AI Manhattan Project) (Code Names, Brackets, (periods), … … ..) (When Q asks you to think) etc.

Ques : Staging or setting up OP

Q : Questions

(Qou) : messages for You to do

Learn Double Meanings

[Symbolism will be their downfall.]

Remember Patches.

Remember Symbolism.

Remember Words.

Remember Right, Write, Rite.

Remember Game Theory.

Remember the GAME. (It is not a game.)

These lead to Light.

It's always been out in the open.

You just have to LOOK. Then see.

You MUST stay TOGETHER. Dig together, Meme together, Pray together


Symbolism = END.







Now is the time to Write, Right Now.

The silent war is ending (period)

You need no Rite to Write what is Right.

#1 protects your write. Right?

Write Now. Right Now?


(You/)r voices must be heard

You must sing as the mockingbird did, you must stop the birds waves.

Waves have a big influence, strong and unified.

Waves can be caught. Can You?

Waves can be changed. Can You?

Narratives will always exist. Will Yours?

Whose will shine?

Darkness requires lies, lies and more lies.

Truth only needs a single light.

A single light will light the darkest of rooms.

Each candle looses nothing when lighting another.

For each Candle lighted the darkness fades.

SCUM will rise to the top.

DIRT will fall to the bottom.

Dirt is easier to clean than Scum.

If you chop the legs off a table the whole table will fall.

United We Stand, Patriot.

Together We Win.


Unity is Key.

WE are Key.

Maps are Key.

[C] is Key.

Waves are Key.

(You) are Key.

Memes are Key.

Truth is Key.

What is a door that has no key?

The key that opens all doors.

The 'Start'.

What is the Keystone. Re_read carefully. Like a Novel.

You have the Script.

You have the Screenplay.

You have the Playbook.

You know the Actors.

You know the Set.

You know the Score.

You have the Answers.

Let them know. Write Now.

START Producing.

Right Now!

All you need is your Audience.

We have it all.

You have all you need to START.

You are missing the connections.

Continue to build the MAP.

MAP provides the KEY.

KEY spreads the TRUTH.



Future proves past.

Trust the plan.

The time has come.

The storm is now.

(You) are the storm.

You will know you are done when you see:

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.





FIGHT the censorship.

You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER.

You simply forgot how to PLAY.


They want you divided.

They want you silenced.


We are WITH you.


THIS IS ABOUT SAVING AMERICA. And then the World will follow.

We are all God's children.

We are, FATHERS.

We are, MOTHERS.


We are, SONS.


We are, SISTERS.

Learn the TRUTH.

MSM has you brainwashed.

They want you controlled.

They want you enslaved.

They want you divided.

They want you dependent!

Learn the TRUTH.

We do not look at race.

We do not look at skin color.

We do not look at religion.

We do not look at gender.

We do not look at creed.

We do not look at rite.

We do not look at class.

We do not look at political affiliation.

We do not look at sect.

We do not look at culture.

We look at people.

We look at deeds.

We look at actions.

We look at truths.

We look at You.

We are Patriots.

Learn the TRUTH.


We are, and will always be, PATRIOTS.






Learn the TRUTH.


Learn the TRUTH.

Those who know, Know.

Those who see, See.

Those who hear, Hear.

Only Justice should be Blind.

Shine the light of Truth.

Together we are strong.

Divided we are weak.

(((THEY))) want You divided.

Stay Strong Patriots.

Together We Win!!


> You have powerful frens, WE are all Watching, WE are all waiting.

Learn the TRUTH.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333430 (290212ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews", their little feud with "Animebaker" is all melodrama and Theatre

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130945

File: 94f5e474e70aaa4⋯.png (108.65 KB,773x440,773:440,Clipboard.png)

File: 143bcf29b7059ef⋯.png (612.8 KB,677x449,677:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333455 (290213ZOCT20) Notable: We out here Planefaggin'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

92-9000 USAF VIP 747 POTUS reappears se to Miami Int'l

09-0016 USAF C-32A es from Sky Harbor Int'l departure and should be heading to MacDill AFB

MAST34 USAF RC-135V Rivet Joint nw up eastern Florida (and out of Offutt AFB)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130946

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB,720x540,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff052ed587bbee7⋯.png (1.53 MB,1200x667,1200:667,Clipboard.png)

File: f8c7e683d71d4c2⋯.png (539.66 KB,426x854,213:427,Clipboard.png)

File: c993ba1013efb12⋯.jpg (575.11 KB,1600x1236,400:309,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fa866851e510a2c⋯.png (1.86 MB,1502x871,1502:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333467 (290213ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130947

File: 280c950a48aa633⋯.jpg (4.9 MB,4936x5384,617:673,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333476 (290213ZOCT20) Notable: Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun!

"They want you divided by religion - Q



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130948

File: fc017b9c2e43698⋯.jpg (48.46 KB,675x900,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4f22892b95fb574⋯.jpg (81.69 KB,586x900,293:450,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333506 (290214ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump: "Thanks Rabbis!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: "Thanks Rabbis!"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130949

File: 3406ef24c6d6072⋯.jpeg (253.58 KB,828x1033,828:1033,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d9722a5d74c9988⋯.png (232.86 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cf334e8781da62⋯.png (240.16 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333573 (290216ZOCT20) Notable: This board used to have useful information that showed proof of the plans of the powers that be…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This board used to have useful information that showed proof of the plans of the powers that be…


November 30th vs. December 1st - back to normal?

November 30th - BOS - EWR: 3 flights

December 1st - BOS - EWR: 12 flights @ hourly

They would have to recall crew to cover so many flights, so about 3 weeks from election sounds about right. They planned this all along…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333582 (290217ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews", their little feud with "Animebaker" is all melodrama and Theatre

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130951

File: 8a89d8e2c14d5bd⋯.png (141.74 KB,517x634,517:634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333610 (290217ZOCT20) Notable: -MOSSAD Q DROP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130952

File: 7eb9dd7a8e51af9⋯.png (534.42 KB,644x612,161:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333739 (290222ZOCT20) Notable: Civil Rights Leader Rev. William Owens Endorses Donald Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Civil Rights Leader Rev. William Owens Endorses Donald Trumphttps://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/28/civil-rights-leader-rev-william-owens-endorses-donald-trump/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130953

File: 76d0aa5497cf897⋯.jpg (41.23 KB,292x461,292:461,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333850 (290226ZOCT20) Notable: Denver anti-hunger groups remove Trump letter from federal aid boxes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Denver anti-hunger groups remove Trump letter from federal aid boxes

A coalition of anti-hunger groups in Denver announced Wednesday that it has been removing a letter written by President Donald Trump from boxes of food paid for by the federal government before distributing those boxes to needy families.

Under a U.S. Department of Agriculture program called Farmers to Families, boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat are distributed by local nonprofits and anti-hunger organizations. In September, USDA mandated the boxes include a letter from Trump touting the federal program and listing several sanitation tips.

The Denver Community Food Access Coalition says that letter, printed on White House letterhead, is a politicization of federal aid and contains outdated public health information. The letter advises people to “consider wearing a face covering when in public,” rather than directly tell people to wear a face covering.

“Politicizing the one lifeline Colorado families have left during this health pandemic and economic crisis by putting these letters in food boxes is shameful and degrading,” said Christine Alford, executive director of Denver Food Rescue, a member of the food access coalition.

USDA, reached for comment Wednesday, defended the president’s letter, which is printed in both English and Spanish. The letter does not mention the election.

"Politics has played zero role in the Farmers to Families food box program — it is purely about helping farmers and distributors get food to Americans in need during this unprecedented time,” the agency said in an email. “The letter from President Trump has been included for several months now and contains health information that is critical to slowing the spread of COVID-19.”

USDA passed along praise for the Farmers to Families program from Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infection disease specialist, as well as Ivanka Trump, a senior adviser to the president and his daughter.

Nonprofits across the country have weighed what to do with the Trump letter, fearful of running afoul of prohibitions on partisanship and losing their tax-exempt status if they leave the letter in food boxes. The program, set to end Saturday, reimburses farmers for the food it distributes to families, giving them customers at a time of shrinking distribution to restaurants and schools.

The Denver Community Food Access Coalition is made up of eight nonprofits, as well as the Denver Department of Public Health and Environment. In a press release Wednesday, the coalition accused the president of trying to influence next week’s election with the letter.

“We are not pawns in this election,” said Teva Sinicki, CEO of Metro Caring, a member of the coalition. “The largest public health and economic crisis Colorado has ever seen is not the time to exploit taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars and manipulate overworked direct service providers in an attempt to bolster one’s own reelection campaign.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130954

File: 15df937265401c1⋯.jpeg (410.45 KB,640x615,128:123,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333853 (290226ZOCT20) Notable: It’s happening..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It’s happening..


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130955

File: 491f23a523b7769⋯.png (1.19 MB,737x921,737:921,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333889 (290227ZOCT20) Notable: Notably large asian tits

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130956

File: ca580d5cecb6206⋯.png (645.86 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.png)


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I can't link the video yet cuz I found it only thru PT News Network's twat.

I'm so fucking furious AND I PACK HEAT.

Fuck these Chink-funded, CCP agents.

If anyone fucks with voters they should be arrested on the spot and brutalized if they resist. These fuckers should know patriots are carrying and we will defend ourselves.

TWAT - https://twitter.com/PTNewsnetwork/status/1321633445735501825?s=20

ARCHIVE - https://archive.is/wip/VJ6qn

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130957

File: 588dd87c66c4ef6⋯.jpg (105.17 KB,715x776,715:776,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11333996 (290231ZOCT20) Notable: Girl Scout Org. Tweet Honors 5 Women on SCOTUS, Then Swiftly Bowed to SJW Scolds

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Earlier today, the Girl Scouts of America organization shared what appeared to be a celebration of American women’s achievements when it posted a tweet honoring the five women who’ve served as members of the Supreme Court of the United States. The text above the Twitter image showing Justices Ginsburg, Barrett, O’Connor, Sotomayor, and Hagen, specifically recognizes new Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s ascension to the High Court this week.

The tweet read: “Congratulations Amy Coney Barrett on becoming the 5th woman appointed to the Supreme Court since its inception in 1789,” and ended with a “praise” emoji. But the positive tone from the over a century-old, non profit group for girls and women (which was founded in 1912) proved to be short-lived…once the SJW scolds on the Left got wind of it.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130958

File: 4076a1c8e711caf⋯.jpg (23.8 KB,390x634,195:317,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b1e50d3f2c40207⋯.pdf (534.21 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334008 (290232ZOCT20) Notable: The Hidden Tyranny

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

America and the world is now covered in political, economic, moral and social problems which need to be acted upon by Christian people. As Edmund Burke stated: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." But before we can properly act we need a proper (not just a superficial) understanding of the problem. This booklet will help provide the reader with that understanding. (24 Pages)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130959

File: 81fa5656f9b8ebb⋯.jpg (75.32 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334042 (290233ZOCT20) Notable: #14476, #14477, #14478 - #14478, split

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>130939 , >>130940 , >>130941 , >>130942 , >>130944 , >>130946 , >>130950 JQ

>>130943 Remember this? , ++Blunt and Direct Time++, Learn your Q[l]ues

>>130945 We out here Planefaggin'

>>130947 Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun!

>>130948 President Trump: "Thanks Rabbis!"

>>130949 This board used to have useful information that showed proof of the plans of the powers that be…

>>130951 ,MOSSAD Q DROP

>>130952 Civil Rights Leader Rev. William Owens Endorses Donald Trump

>>130953 Denver anti-hunger groups remove Trump letter from federal aid boxes

>>130954 It’s happening..

>>130955 Notably large asian tits


>>130957 Girl Scout Org. Tweet Honors 5 Women on SCOTUS, Then Swiftly Bowed to SJW Scolds

>>130958 The Hidden Tyranny


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334089 (290236ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's time to wake up.


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334091 (290236ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334097 (290236ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130963

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB,985x218,985:218,Clipboard.png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB,603x960,201:320,Clipboard.png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,3668x3284,917:821,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB,1272x1023,424:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB,810x570,27:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334102 (290236ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews", their little feud with "Animebaker" is all melodrama and Theatre

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130964

File: 404c7678d96b345⋯.png (31.55 KB,1280x674,640:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334112 (290237ZOCT20) Notable: Anon speaks

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TY! Baker-sama!

**== For Night Shift = BE BEST!

Tick Tock

The timer has begun.. [-10]

> The Lid is lifted. Hiding behind "Work." Denial will not hide the facts.

> "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." ~ Aldous Huxley

A new battle has begun.

You may not see it yet but in time.

> You should now see this unfolding before your eyes. If you do not yet Open your Eyes and Elevate your view.

If you dont see it now (You/) are blind or actively distracted by shill/trolls

News Unlocks your maps.

> Have you made new maps regarding upcoming changes to FBI/CIA?

> Map for Biden corruption? Make to so normies can comprehend… Spread far and wide.

> I am not seeing the new MAP.

How many times has Q said maps are key/important?

Look back to understand what is coming. REVIEW YOUR Q[l]ues!

> You will need new and updated maps to expose the truth. Maps are KEY! You are KEY! What is a Keystone?

Watch and see.

Red_Red_Red_Red_Red (Red5 #4414) What is mirror of #4414, #4144

> Do you understand Red5. And what it means? Markers everywhere.

Should make sense now?

WE HAVE IT ALL! You have only seen the tip of the iceberg.

Those who can see Know. If you know SHOW!

Be calm, Be Rational.

> Attacks will only intensify. Each day will bring a clearer picture. It is your job to SHOW them the [MSM] will not.

Do not be goaded, there is bait everywhere.

> Be Leaders not followers. You have WAY more than you know. Review all to understand what is coming. Create a picture for others.

Use discernment.

> Remember Hunter is not running against Trump, Joe is, focus on the crimes. Hunter sleeping with whores and smoking crack is not the smoking gun you need. Be the diggers and voices Q knows you are.

Think for yourself.

> Do not allow the Hivemind to taint your ability to think on your own. Elevate your own view to bring others with you.

this should make sense with the news coming out now! (See the gore shills etc.) This is an attempt to disturb the hivemind.

Did you see the Go8/Ministry of Truth trying to decide what could be thought and said?


Bad and Good are perspective. Reason will always prevail.

WRWY! Be Safe. We have it all do not risk yourself. Be smart anons.

Now, Then, Forever!

Focus Joe's Crimes. See the Tony B interview.

Remember TB met Hunter, Jim and Joe at Chateau Marmont. How much does Joe know about "The Biden Family Business"

"Across those day in Los Angeles in May 2017… I met with Hunter Biden multiple times at the Chateau Marmont and Rob Walker and the discussion was they wanted me to sit down with their father…"

Would China of worked with Hunter or Jim if not for Joe?



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130965

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,1655x1080,331:216,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1788x1080,149:90,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f7543e31d182156⋯.png (1.47 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,Clipboard.png)

File: e6cd82c5af1d3cc⋯.png (148.84 KB,600x540,10:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334120 (290237ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130966

File: bf71c01def432b8⋯.png (28.63 KB,525x310,105:62,Clipboard.png)

File: 3595797db41f6f6⋯.png (25.66 KB,516x229,516:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334132 (290238ZOCT20) Notable: Earlier today, we shared a post highlighting the five women who have been appointed to the Supreme Court. It was quickly viewed as a political and partisan statement which was not our intent and we have removed the post.

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the militant woke has every organization on twitter cowering. so why not get off twitter and return to your normal, brave life?


Girl Scouts

Earlier today, we shared a post highlighting the five women who have been appointed to the Supreme Court. It was quickly viewed as a political and partisan statement which was not our intent and we have removed the post.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130967

File: b5eaaf70f1e3bd1⋯.png (718.71 KB,1440x1009,1440:1009,Clipboard.png)

File: 1084ef40926b332⋯.png (2.01 MB,1399x851,1399:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334143 (290238ZOCT20) Notable: We out here Planefaggin'

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334147 (290238ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11333999 PB

I nominate William Cooper as Highest-Ranking Anon

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130969

File: d6808d2e6523be6⋯.png (102.58 KB,600x523,600:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334189 (290241ZOCT20) Notable: Twitch has banned all protest/riot streams and coverage. The revolution will not be livestreamed

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Twitch has banned all protest/riot streams and coverage. The revolution will not be livestreamed.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130970

File: 84ce6e4c384c026⋯.png (485.83 KB,459x903,153:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b163216de191d0⋯.png (6.03 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334199 (290241ZOCT20) Notable: @RichieMcGinniss, Chief Video Director @dailycaller "acquired" #HunterBiden HD info

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

@RichieMcGinniss, Chief Video Director @dailycaller "acquired" #HunterBiden HD info

I just acquired a copy of the #HunterBiden hard drive from @RudyGiuliani and I am bringing it back to @DailyCaller for analysis.

In unrelated news, I love life and have no plans to die anytime soon!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130971

File: 15df937265401c1⋯.jpeg (410.45 KB,640x615,128:123,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334262 (290244ZOCT20) Notable: Jesus is coming

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Jesus is coming


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130972

File: e481df377fdd97f⋯.png (172.97 KB,809x460,809:460,Clipboard.png)

File: 6891d08b677aee9⋯.png (269.65 KB,682x255,682:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334295 (290245ZOCT20) Notable: We out here Planefaggin'

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92-9000 USAF VIP 747 POTUS on final approach at Miami Int'l and spoofed heavily

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130973

File: 3e00b1d8c0dc06b⋯.png (284.61 KB,517x527,517:527,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fe180448d19530⋯.png (485.59 KB,577x991,577:991,Clipboard.png)

File: 97c1bf9d0c22b07⋯.png (508.75 KB,565x972,565:972,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334298 (290245ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter is running a blackmail operation — cooperate or no traffic for you

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Twitter is running a blackmail operation — cooperate or no traffic for you


Twitter is running a blackmail operation — cooperate or no traffic for you


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130974

File: 48367be05bc3b92⋯.png (540.14 KB,601x635,601:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334367 (290248ZOCT20) Notable: Habitat loss, climate change, pesticides, hunting and a deadly disease called white-nose syndrome all threaten the survival of populations around the world.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Habitat loss, climate change, pesticides, hunting and a deadly disease called white-nose syndrome all threaten the survival of populations around the world.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334415 (290251ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS ROCKING OUT

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130976

File: 89bd9ea3986c4d6⋯.jpg (74.52 KB,714x535,714:535,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334576 (290257ZOCT20) Notable: California restaurants demand state return liquor fees, other charges collected in pandemic

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California restaurants demand state return liquor fees, other charges collected in pandemic

California restaurants in five counties filed claims against local governments and the state on Monday seeking refunds for a list of fees they’ve had to pay for liquor licenses, health permits and tourism assessments to stay open during COVID-19.

Restaurants in Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Sacramento and Monterey counties have filed the claims against their boards of supervisors and a state office, according to the California Restaurant Association. Establishments in San Francisco, Fresno and Placer counties expected to follow suit. The claims are considered a precursor to a lawsuit.

The claim filed in Los Angeles County alleges “unlawful taxation, fees, and/or charges that were collected” despite restaurants’ inability to operate in accordance with California’s reopening regulations.

“It is without dispute that the government-ordered closure of neighborhood restaurants have wreaked havoc on small businesses that are the cornerstones of every California community,” the claim says. “These small business owners are struggling to pay their bills and keep people employed.”

Restaurants, bars and wineries are subject to California’s tiered reopening rules that categorize counties by color according to their infection risk. Guidelines for these businesses include rigorous sanitation protocol, increased air circulation recommendations and a reconfiguration of standard operations, like ordering from a menu, providing utensils and sharing condiments.

Even in the least restrictive tier, the businesses must limit capacity to no more than 50% for indoor services. Up and down California, restaurants and other dining establishments have established creative ways to stay afloat, like setting up temporary outside seating or running specials on takeout menus.

Brian Kabateck, an attorney representing the restaurants, said that because restaurants have to follow the rules to stay in business, “it’s offensive and tone deaf” for state regulators to charge them compliance fees for permits they can’t necessarily use.

“Restaurant owners are obligated to pay these government fees just to operate, yet the same government entities who have collected those fees have forced these businesses to close their doors or drastically restrict operations due to the pandemic,” Kabateck said. “We simply want the government to return those fees to those restaurants who followed the law and closed.”

California Restaurants Association President and CEO Jot Condie said “easing fees” would help businesses stay open and keep employees on the payroll. Condie also urged Gov. Gavin Newsom in August to call a special legislative session to address sectors of the economy struggling to survive during the pandemic, especially California’s restaurants.

California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency spokesman Russ Heimerich said the administration has “been deeply sympathetic to the difficulties facing restaurants” since the start of COVID-19.

Heimerich added that the state provided “various forms of regulatory relief,” including to-go alcohol sales and postponing annual renewal fees without penalty.

“Alcoholic Beverage Control has kept an open line of communication with the industry throughout and continues to do so in order to hear the concerns and ideas from the industry as we respond to the pandemic while fueling our economic recovery,” he said.

Without intervention, the association has warned, the tight rules will run close to a third of the state’s restaurants into the ground. The group estimates that before the coronavirus swept through California and shuttered businesses, 1.4 million workers were employed by restaurants. Today, the association said around 1 million have faced furloughs or layoffs.

“Even when the restrictions are lifted,” Condie said, “the devastating impact on the restaurant industry will extend for years.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130977

File: 4756979371969d4⋯.png (15.25 KB,518x200,259:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334609 (290259ZOCT20) Notable: That POS outed himself! @jack is a satan worshiping POS!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>JACK DORSEY, for the record, are you a satanist?

That POS outed himself!

@jack is a satan worshiping POS!

PROBABLY a pedophile!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334744 (290304ZOCT20) Notable: #14476, #14477, #14478 - #14478, split

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>>130960 , >>130961 , >>130962 , >>130963 , >>130965 , >>130968 JQ

>>130964 Anon speaks

>>130966 Earlier today, we shared a post highlighting the five women who have been appointed to the Supreme Court. It was quickly viewed as a political and partisan statement which was not our intent and we have removed the post.

>>130967 , >>130972 We out here Planefaggin'

>>130969 Twitch has banned all protest/riot streams and coverage. The revolution will not be livestreamed.

>>130970 @RichieMcGinniss, Chief Video Director @dailycaller "acquired" #HunterBiden HD info

>>130971 Jesus is coming

>>130973 Twitter is running a blackmail operation — cooperate or no traffic for you

>>130974 Habitat loss, climate change, pesticides, hunting and a deadly disease called white-nose syndrome all threaten the survival of populations around the world.


>>130976 California restaurants demand state return liquor fees, other charges collected in pandemic

>>130977 That POS outed himself! @jack is a satan worshiping POS!



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130979

File: 09fc53ba728eb52⋯.png (24.83 KB,598x250,299:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335084 (290316ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: Multiple US hospitals have been hit with a “coordinated” cyberattack—days before election. FBI, HHS & Homeland Security's Cybersecurity Agency warn of more possible attacks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Multiple US hospitals have been hit with a “coordinated” cyberattack—days before election. FBI, HHS & Homeland Security's Cybersecurity Agency warn of more possible attacks.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130980

File: 6fd9c4be87d9ad9⋯.png (19.17 KB,598x216,299:108,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335143 (290318ZOCT20) Notable: JUST IN: Flint City Council member Maurice Davis, who has always voted Democrat, is supporting President Donald Trump.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130981

File: 6495248983a22a2⋯.png (612.97 KB,556x413,556:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335177 (290319ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING : Phila Police discover van loaded with explosives, suspicious equipment at Logan Circle in Center City. Live report coming up at 11.

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"#BREAKING : Phila Police discover van loaded with explosives, suspicious equipment at Logan Circle in Center City. Live report coming up at 11. @6abc" https://twitter.com/DannCuellar/status/1321645909432782848

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1a6d04 No.130982

File: 7e197dc20747749⋯.png (16.76 KB,599x184,599:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335185 (290320ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: Twitch banning all streams of Riots and Protests

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.130983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335220 (290322ZOCT20) Notable: "#Philadelphia INCENDIARIES RECOVERED:19th and Van Franklin Parkway Propane tanks, torches and other fire-making devices recovered from looters."

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>"#BREAKING : Phila Police discover van loaded with explosives, suspicious equipment at Logan Circle in Center City. Live report coming up at 11. @6abc"

these fuckers…


"#Philadelphia INCENDIARIES RECOVERED:19th and Van Franklin Parkway Propane tanks, torches and other fire-making devices recovered from looters." https://twitter.com/shanermurph/status/1321638008471388160

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1a6d04 No.130984

File: e6f03df4eedd5bb⋯.jpeg (340.92 KB,1032x1110,172:185,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335227 (290322ZOCT20) Notable: Someone is reading Tuckers Texts

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1a6d04 No.130985

File: 864b4ace27ffc07⋯.png (251.17 KB,828x671,828:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335263 (290323ZOCT20) Notable: Someone is reading Tuckers Texts

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1a6d04 No.130986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335288 (290324ZOCT20) Notable: FOX News Reporter Confronts Jim Biden Outside his Multi-Million Dollar Home on the Biden Family Scandals

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FOX News Reporter Confronts Jim Biden Outside his Multi-Million Dollar Home on the Biden Family Scandals

A FOX News digital reporter confronted Jim Biden, brother of Joe Biden, outside his multi-million dollar home on Wednesday.

Jim Biden refused to comment on the growing family financial scandals.

Earlier this week The Gateway Pundit reported on Jim Biden’s defense of Hunter Biden after accusations of his sexual advances on a minor family member.

Now Jim Biden is not interested in discussing the family scandals.


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1a6d04 No.130987

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335326 (290326ZOCT20) Notable: Someone is reading Tuckers Texts

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1a6d04 No.130988

File: 650b33ccfb47488⋯.png (88.77 KB,742x855,742:855,Clipboard.png)

File: 3417c1f5821d1ed⋯.png (38.75 KB,737x404,737:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335353 (290328ZOCT20) Notable: Chinese energy company, U.S. oil & gas affiliate and Chinese national indicted for theft of trade secrets

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Chinese energy company, U.S. oil & gas affiliate and Chinese national indicted for theft of trade secrets


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1a6d04 No.130989

File: 881783dea312343⋯.jpg (124.45 KB,708x883,708:883,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c5f395b49d0f0e9⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335443 (290332ZOCT20) Notable: Fresh KEKS - Biden is compromised

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Fresh KEKS

Biden is compromised


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1a6d04 No.130990

File: 3f636d99f73e817⋯.png (20.98 KB,559x253,559:253,Clipboard.png)

File: cbd2b66c44c10c4⋯.png (85.45 KB,788x619,788:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335449 (290333ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter Is Shadowbanning Me, But Only for a Specific Kind of Tweet

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Twitter Is Shadowbanning Me, But Only for a Specific Kind of Tweet

Twitter Is a Media Hack’s Best Friend

We are all by now aware that the social media giants and their other friends in Big Tech lean hard left. It’s also no secret that they are more than willing to aid and abet the Democrats in any way possible. One of the best ways to help the Democrats is to allow their flying monkeys in the mainstream media spread their Biden advocacy disinformation unchecked.

Those who have been reading my stuff or following me on social media for any length of time know that being an opinionated, bomb-throwing critic of the biased American political media is kind of my thing. In fact, media bias is what made me begin writing about politics lo those many years ago.

One of my favorite things to do on Twitter is point out the absurd bias of “journalists” and give them grief about it.

Twitter seems to have taken umbrage with that in the form of a shadowban.

Here is a brief explanation of the infamous Twitter shadowban for those who are unfamiliar. Twitter will throttle some or all of the tweets of those it deems unfriendly. To the person who is tweeting, it seems like nothing is going on. The tweets, however, are not getting into the feeds of those following the person being shadowbanned. It accomplishes the same thing as banning a user, but without making it seem like Twitter is being heavy-handed.

For the longest time I didn’t believe that shadowbanning was happening as frequently as most of my conservative friends thought it was. I’m pretty sure that I was right. As we’ve gotten closer to this election, however, Twitter and Facebook have shown that they’re willing to throttle any content that isn’t Democrat-friendly.

A couple of weeks ago I began noticing that certain tweets of mine were getting absolutely no reaction whatsoever. Now, I’m not a guy who gets a ton of engagement on Twitter. The people who follow me are largely voyeuristic, content with watching the hot mess that is my Twitter life. Still, I do get engagement, especially for certain kinds of tweets. People tend to enjoy it when I go after CNN’s Brian Stelter and call him “Poppin’ Fresh,” for example.

I usually tweet at Stelter, Jake Tapper, and the other hacks, rather than just retweeting and leaving their “@” handles out. What I noticed was that when I included the handle of any mainstream media account I was suddenly getting no response. The first couple of times I passed it off as just an anomaly, but then it happened a couple of more times.

Then I checked it out with people who I know follow me a lot. This tweet red-flagged it for me:


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1a6d04 No.130991

File: 0fa38655bbc7b00⋯.png (571.09 KB,655x1063,655:1063,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335452 (290333ZOCT20) Notable: F-16 Fighter Jet Fires Flares at Unauthorized Aircraft Near Trump Rally

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An anon pointed this out in a previous bread. Didn't make notables.

F-16 Fighter Jet Fires Flares at Unauthorized Aircraft Near Trump Rally


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1a6d04 No.130992

File: 72fc4425d7cec09⋯.png (100.23 KB,727x779,727:779,Clipboard.png)

File: c9dfa0a88188dd6⋯.png (76.78 KB,762x662,381:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335464 (290333ZOCT20) Notable: Former President of Maryland-Based Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Four Years in Federal Prison on Charges, Including Paying Bribes to Russian Official

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Former President of Maryland-Based Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Four Years in Federal Prison on Charges, Including Paying Bribes to Russian Official


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1a6d04 No.130993

File: c591a7a6167eec6⋯.png (427.52 KB,596x681,596:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335520 (290336ZOCT20) Notable: An investigation is underway in Philadelphia after police found a van loaded w/dynamite sticks, propane tanks and torches. The city is under heightened alert following days of mass rioting & looting inspired by BLM

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1a6d04 No.130994

File: 4244b778667c2b0⋯.png (521.53 KB,666x375,222:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335526 (290337ZOCT20) Notable: FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower

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FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower

National File has exclusively released the full 112 pages of the diary our whistleblower identified as belonging to Ashley Biden

Since Saturday night, National File has published dozens of pages from what our whistleblower has identified as the 2019 diary of Ashley Blazer Biden, the 39-year-old daughter of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden. The diary was started while the author was in a drug rehabilitation facility in Florida, and details her romantic interests, crumbling marriage, struggle with drug and sex addiction, and family life as her father began to run for president.

With limited redactions to protect the identities of private individuals, National File can now publish the full 112 page diary our whistleblower has identified as belonging to Ashley Biden. National File obtained this document from a whistleblower who was concerned the media organization that employs him would not publish the materials in the final days before the presidential election.



National File’s whistleblower also has a recording of Ashley Biden admitting the diary is hers, and employed a handwriting expert who verified the pages were all written by Ashley. National File has in its possession a recording of this whistleblower detailing the work he did to verify its authenticity.

In the recording, the whistleblower also adds that his media organization chose not to release the documents after receiving pressure from a competing outlet.

National File has already reported several revelations from the diary, including the fact that the author believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father, the months of entries detailing the author’s struggle with drug abuse, the entries that detail the author’s crumbling marriage with multiple affairs, the entries showing the family’s fears of a potential scandal due to her brother’s new home, and those that show a deep resentment for her father due to his money, control, and emotional manipulation.


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1a6d04 No.130995

File: 4424a50387aa83c⋯.png (351.96 KB,551x478,551:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335553 (290338ZOCT20) Notable: NEW POTUS TWEET

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My Bad. Sorry.



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1a6d04 No.130996

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB,985x218,985:218,Clipboard.png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB,603x960,201:320,Clipboard.png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,3668x3284,917:821,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB,1272x1023,424:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB,810x570,27:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334885 (290309ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews", their little feud with "Animebaker" is all melodrama and Theatre

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

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1a6d04 No.130997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334928 (290310ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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It's time to wake up.


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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1a6d04 No.130998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334935 (290311ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


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1a6d04 No.130999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334951 (290311ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

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1a6d04 No.131000

File: 3120ab0901c6e3e⋯.png (108.59 KB,1021x693,1021:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11334962 (290312ZOCT20) Notable: justice kav on FBI vault drop today

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justice kav

on FBI vault drop today


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1a6d04 No.131001

File: edda3bd0e41f638⋯.png (46.05 KB,464x430,232:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335120 (290318ZOCT20) Notable: DOJ “has opened a civil-rights investigation into NJ veterans home

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>>>/qresearch/11334479 lb

>U.S. Investigating Veterans Nursing Homes in New Jersey for Possibly Understating Covid Deaths

AG Barr's Spox' has also posted this 'story'

DOJ “has opened a civil-rights investigation into NJ veterans home

s’ handling of deadly coronavirus outbreaks earlier this year…The Justice Dept letter informing Gov. Murphy of the investigation says recent reports suggest that the # of Covid-19 deaths have been understated.”


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1a6d04 No.131002

File: 6eda0f6ce1a8050⋯.png (99.72 KB,756x246,126:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 04c1f6dabec4c99⋯.png (6.26 MB,3783x1110,1261:370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335251 (290323ZOCT20) Notable: Hallie Biden is BPD/DID, etc. Her family need to be dug.

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Hallie Biden is BPD/DID, etc.

Her family need to be dug.

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1a6d04 No.131003

File: e7f7f97007dd472⋯.png (732.73 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: b6352d514893483⋯.png (17.36 KB,649x244,649:244,Clipboard.png)

File: 616b66d55cb068d⋯.png (681.9 KB,1169x646,1169:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335697 (290345ZOCT20) Notable: "A senior Oregon health official donned a clown costume prior to announcing the daily death toll from coronavirus.

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I'm not sure if anyone has captured or shared this but I had to share. (https://thepostmillennial.com/oregon-health-offical-dressed-as-clown)

"A senior Oregon health official donned a clown costume prior to announcing the daily death toll from coronavirus.

Claire Poche, a senior official of the Oregon Health Authority, made the announcement dressed in a red tie, polka dot shirt, bright yellow pants, and a full face of clown makeup. he announcement, however, is two weeks old, having been recorded on October 14th and only gaining widespread attention since Tuesday, making the choice of attire even more puzzling."

Without addressing her attire, she passed the floor to fellow health advisor Shimi Sharief, who donned an anthropomorphic onesie. According to Sharief, the costume was inspired by the Japanese anime “My Neighbor Totoro.”

>take a minute to look up this story listed here


It's a literal FREAKING COPY of Alice in Wonderland/Follow the White Rabbit.

""She watches as the figure, a small, semi-transparent creature, walks past her towards the house. She follows it until it runs off and hides under the porch. It emerges with a larger, blue companion carrying a bag full of acorns, and they attempt to sneak past Mei. However, she quickly notices them and chases them to the edge of the woods. She follows them up a path through the shrubbery, losing her hat in the process, to a large camphor tree where they disappear into a hole beneath the roots. Mei falls into it and lands in a mossy hollow where she meets a large, slumbering version of the creatures she followed. It identifies itself with a series of roars that Mei interprets as Totoro (a mispronunciation on her part of tororu, the Japanese word for troll). Mei falls asleep on Totoro's furry belly. (Mei's adventure following rabbit-like creatures and falling down a hole, like Lewis Carroll's Alice is one of several references the movie makes to older children's stories.)"

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1a6d04 No.131004

File: 4176c1dee948748⋯.png (114.67 KB,876x760,219:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335749 (290347ZOCT20) Notable: Maidan

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1a6d04 No.131005

File: 08ac93fbe331f44⋯.jpg (3.13 MB,1286x9394,643:4697,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335795 (290350ZOCT20) Notable: New Unseen Emails: Does This Heated Exchange Suggest Hunter’s Deals Were Too Dirty For His Business Associate?

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>>130000 (pb)

seems notable?

New Unseen Emails: Does This Heated Exchange Suggest Hunter’s Deals Were Too Dirty For His Business Associate?


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1a6d04 No.131006

File: 44a07fd3bef42bb⋯.mp4 (833.26 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335806 (290350ZOCT20) Notable: SCAVINO AZ MP4

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1a6d04 No.131007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11335948 (290357ZOCT20) Notable: bun of both breads

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>>130996 , >>130997 , >>130998 , >>130999 , JQ

>>131000 justice kav on FBI vault drop today

>>131001 DOJ “has opened a civil-rights investigation into NJ veterans home

>>131002 Hallie Biden is BPD/DID, etc. Her family need to be dug.

>>131004 Maidan

>>131005 New Unseen Emails: Does This Heated Exchange Suggest Hunter’s Deals Were Too Dirty For His Business Associate?

>>131006 SCAVINO AZ MP4




>>130994 FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower

>>130993 An investigation is underway in Philadelphia after police found a van loaded w/dynamite sticks, propane tanks and torches. The city is under heightened alert following days of mass rioting & looting inspired by BLM

>>130992 Former President of Maryland-Based Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Four Years in Federal Prison on Charges, Including Paying Bribes to Russian Official

>>130991 F-16 Fighter Jet Fires Flares at Unauthorized Aircraft Near Trump Rally

>>130990 Twitter Is Shadowbanning Me, But Only for a Specific Kind of Tweet

>>130989 Fresh KEKS - Biden is compromised

>>130988 Chinese energy company, U.S. oil & gas affiliate and Chinese national indicted for theft of trade secrets

>>130986 FOX News Reporter Confronts Jim Biden Outside his Multi-Million Dollar Home on the Biden Family Scandals

>>130979 BREAKING: Multiple US hospitals have been hit with a “coordinated” cyberattack—days before election. FBI, HHS & Homeland Security's Cybersecurity Agency warn of more possible attacks.

>>130980 JUST IN: Flint City Council member Maurice Davis, who has always voted Democrat, is supporting President Donald Trump.

>>130981 BREAKING : Phila Police discover van loaded with explosives, suspicious equipment at Logan Circle in Center City. Live report coming up at 11.

>>130983 "#Philadelphia INCENDIARIES RECOVERED:19th and Van Franklin Parkway Propane tanks, torches and other fire-making devices recovered from looters."

>>130982 BREAKING: Twitch banning all streams of Riots and Protests

>>130987, >>130984, >>130985 Someone is reading Tuckers Texts

>>131003 "A senior Oregon health official donned a clown costume prior to announcing the daily death toll from coronavirus.


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1a6d04 No.131008

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB,985x218,985:218,Clipboard.png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB,603x960,201:320,Clipboard.png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,3668x3284,917:821,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB,1272x1023,424:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB,810x570,27:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336040 (290401ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews", their little feud with "Animebaker" is all melodrama and Theatre

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.


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1a6d04 No.131009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336041 (290401ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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It's time to wake up.


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN Full documentary 1878 - 2006 by A C Hitchcock

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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1a6d04 No.131010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336043 (290401ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


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1a6d04 No.131011

File: 1b129fc0576cf95⋯.jpg (377.58 KB,1500x1500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336044 (290401ZOCT20) Notable: BEST ENDORSEMENT FOR DONALD TRUMP 10-28-2020

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Tweet: https://twitter.com/JNEWS245/status/1321525538079596545

Archive: https://archive.is/Ruvwa

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1a6d04 No.131012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336050 (290402ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

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1a6d04 No.131013

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,1655x1080,331:216,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1788x1080,149:90,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f7543e31d182156⋯.png (1.47 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,Clipboard.png)

File: e6cd82c5af1d3cc⋯.png (148.84 KB,600x540,10:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336058 (290402ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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1a6d04 No.131014

File: fbd48c6ab434c5f⋯.jpg (111.18 KB,519x748,519:748,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 66f695dee0477e1⋯.jpg (219.38 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cf0c6e167239061⋯.jpg (252.49 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 46093193cc0412e⋯.jpg (240.73 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 881ec98e36148e1⋯.jpg (268.32 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336063 (290403ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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1a6d04 No.131015

File: 3b937f67bbb4202⋯.jpg (202.55 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2c1d108bf14725f⋯.jpg (175.26 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5c35988b963ed99⋯.jpg (214.76 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 469c4e09508639f⋯.jpg (142.59 KB,713x672,713:672,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2dcf9d07f70958d⋯.jpg (253.79 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336068 (290403ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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1a6d04 No.131016

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB,720x540,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff052ed587bbee7⋯.png (1.53 MB,1200x667,1200:667,Clipboard.png)

File: f8c7e683d71d4c2⋯.png (539.66 KB,426x854,213:427,Clipboard.png)

File: c993ba1013efb12⋯.jpg (575.11 KB,1600x1236,400:309,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fa866851e510a2c⋯.png (1.86 MB,1502x871,1502:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336077 (290403ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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1a6d04 No.131017

File: c792e2611208901⋯.png (89.58 KB,749x914,749:914,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e6d7e353e0831e⋯.png (1.07 MB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: e49796f3caae796⋯.png (308.38 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 04f1f79d34ffdc3⋯.png (412.6 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336100 (290404ZOCT20) Notable: This DOJ statement is all Uranium One (TENEX/ROSATOM) related

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Sorry if already discussed, didn’t see in notables.

This DOJ statement is all Uranium One (TENEX/ROSATOM) related.And how is this fucker awaiting sentencing since Feb 2015!?

Looks like we found a witness.

Did a mini dig on William “Douglas Campbell”, the witness to the bribes. Last mentioned by just the news in July this year. Nothing since or prior until back to 2018.

Is u1 on the clock today?

Uranium One whistleblower flash back to 2018:


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1a6d04 No.131018

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB,746x596,373:298,Clipboard.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB,474x355,474:355,Clipboard.png)

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB,1065x595,213:119,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB,1137x590,1137:590,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3a938583c0fdecf⋯.png (2.42 MB,2790x9886,1395:4943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336106 (290404ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary














The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

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1a6d04 No.131019

File: 86e040921117113⋯.png (64.73 KB,485x457,485:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336112 (290405ZOCT20) Notable: Freedom of Information Q DROP

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1a6d04 No.131020

File: b496bdeaefc68d1⋯.png (760.27 KB,770x671,70:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336131 (290406ZOCT20) Notable: The BEST parody, The only Democrat campaign ad you need to see this year.

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The BEST parody

The only Democrat campaign ad you need to see this year.


Tried to embed but too big

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1a6d04 No.131021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336171 (290407ZOCT20) Notable: Report: Philadelphia PD Ordered Officers Not to Arrest Rioters and Looters — Just Disperse Them — as City Was Ransacked

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Report: Philadelphia PD Ordered Officers Not to Arrest Rioters and Looters — Just Disperse Them — as City Was Ransacked

The police in Philadelphia were told not to arrest anyone. Deputy Police Commissioner Melvin Singleton allegedly ordered police not to arrest any of the rioters. That makes no sense. If you don’t arrest them, they will just go ransack another business. Yet, somehow the police did manage to arrest ninety of them. Will the arresting cops be punished.

“By the order of CAR-2, Philadelphia Police will respond to ‘priority’ calls only,” the alleged directive from the department obtained by Keeley said. “This means no calls for disturbance, missing person, stolen vehicle, burglary or theft will be answered.”

Steve Keeley@KeeleyFox29·7hBreaking: OBTAINED BY FOX29 NEWS. The directive from @PhillyPolice executive team. Extremely frustrated officers, both patrol&commanders told me overnight they were” ordered to NOT arrest looters just disperse them”. ‘CAR-2’ is Deputy Police Commissioner Melvin Singleton @FOX29philly.

Steve Keeley@KeeleyFox29·7hYesterday when police announced the number of arrests in the Mon-Tues looting, charges were for “burglary”. And in the directive, @phillypolice point out no calls for burglary will be responded to by the dept. & officers think that leaves no deterrent to stop looting @FOX29philly

Rioters hit the streets on Monday and immediately started looting and burning. They would not let Antifa or Jews that showed up were not allowed in with BLM. Governor Tom Wolf called them peaceful protesters even after they injured 30 cops and one journalist.

One hilarious thing has come out of the riots in Philly that I find completely hysterical. A looter came out of a store to find that a fellow looter had stolen his car. And when he called the police, they told him that all available officers were out handling the looters and were not answering many calls including auto theft.

On the first night of riots, 30 officers were injured including a female officer that was hit by a truck, breaking her leg. A dozen businesses were looted and they flooded the Walmart after looting it. And looters were even shooting other looters as eleven people were shot.


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1a6d04 No.131022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336186 (290408ZOCT20) Notable: Is David Cameron a Necrophiliac?

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Is David Cameron a Necrophiliac?

Prime Minister David Cameron (Wikimedia)

The Internet is awash with rumour and speculation about Prime Minister David Cameron

The internet and David Cameron

David Cameron is facing extraordinary new claims that he had sex with a dead child to join an ultra secret club and be selected for the position of British Prime Minister.Defying the risk of being arrested for libel and slander, the author of The Coleman Experience Wordpress site has published damaging claims that David Cameron is a necrophiliac, mentioned on at least three different blogs.

With the Internet awash with rumour, it's suggested that Lord Ashcroft’s revelation that Cameron stuck his penis into a dead pigs head was only a smoke screen to hide a much more hideous revelation from coming out.

Lord Ashcroft famously missed the launch party of his controversial book “Call me Dave,” having been rushed to hospital by air ambulance following a septic shock which lead to life threatening liver and kidney failure. It was only after 18 days in intensive care that he was deemed “out of danger.”

Lord Ashcroft and Molock

Accused of being a follower of Molock, an ancient Jewish God whom followers sacrificed their first born child to elicit favours, Cameron is facing the disturbing claims that he did the same by sacrificing his son Ivan.While many insist it's only coincidence that his first born son died in 2009 and he became Prime Minister in 2010, the suggestion that Cameron is a follower of Molock is being met with silence from 10 Downing Street, deemed so preposterous it doesn't justify an answer.

Making no aspersions, it's worthy of note that no official reason of death has ever been made public regarding Cameron’s son. The only statement ever given by a Conservative party spokesman was, “They had no particular warning that this tragedy was going to happen. Ivan had a bad night, but he’s had bad nights before.

They got him to hospital but he did not pull through.”

David Cameron isn’t the only Prime Minister to have been accused of committing hideous crimes. Edward Heath was rumoured to have ’laughed off’ any suggestions he raped, killed, and dumped young men’s bodies off his yacht, the Morning Cloud, following claims made by David Icke in his book The Biggest Secret.

Like Edward Heath, David Cameron nor the Metropolitan Police have taken any action to shut down The Coleman Experience website or to initiate court proceedings to make the author retract or take-down these damaging claims.

With such conflicting accounts of the character of David Cameron circulating online, it's hard to see how the average voter can get a clear picture of the man currently in power and running the country.

While he promised to “leave no stone unturned” in the pursuit of identifying parliamentary paedophiles live on This Morning Show in 2012, Cameron’s track record and these latest destructive allegations only add weight to the assertion that David Cameron isn’t the man we are being lead to believe.

Either David Cameron needs to be arrested and these claims investigated fully by the police, or the author behind The Coleman Experience Wordpress needs to be arrested for libel and slander.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131023

File: fb92d56dd538e7c⋯.jpg (303.12 KB,1920x812,480:203,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336207 (290409ZOCT20) Notable: We out here Planefaggin'

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hey, have you seen this?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131024

File: 50dcc78b81c265c⋯.png (83.04 KB,738x691,738:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336232 (290410ZOCT20) Notable: Taiwan Company Pleads Guilty To Trade Secret Theft In Criminal Case Involving PRC State-Owned Company

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Taiwan Company Pleads Guilty To Trade Secret Theft In Criminal Case Involving PRC State-Owned Company

SAN FRANCISCO – The Department of Justice today announced that United Microelectronics Corporation, Inc. (UMC), a Taiwan semiconductor foundry, pleaded guilty to criminal trade secret theft and was sentenced to pay a $60 million fine, in exchange for its agreement to cooperate with the government in the investigation and prosecution of its co-defendant, a Chinese state-owned-enterprise. The plea was accepted by the Hon. Maxine M. Chesney, U.S. District Judge.


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1a6d04 No.131025

File: 833ebaae769a198⋯.mp4 (5.8 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336310 (290413ZOCT20) Notable: Fight Drug Addiction

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131026

File: 77822266936544c⋯.png (525 KB,500x498,250:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336324 (290414ZOCT20) Notable: Graphic compilations of Q's posts in GMT in off-site permanent gallery (ARCHIVE OFFLINE)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Graphic compilations of Q's posts in GMT in off-site permanent gallery


This gallery will be kept updated as new compilations are made, in coordination with GMTanon.

This obviates any argument about where the complation graphics are kept (on which board).

The ONLY things that are important are:

Access to all



Patriots, archive offline!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131027

File: 39e7332473723e9⋯.png (123.05 KB,206x255,206:255,Clipboard.png)

File: 23bcf325b27aa7c⋯.png (66.31 KB,556x898,278:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 36602da4f67ca62⋯.png (209.83 KB,1543x511,1543:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336422 (290418ZOCT20) Notable: Andrew Scheer, Canada's former Leader of the Opposition, is part of a the masonic organization Knights of Columbus and is a dual citizen with the US

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Andrew Scheer, Canada's former Leader of the Opposition, is part of a the masonic organization Knights of Columbus and is a dual citizen with the US

Currently, Scheer is the Official Opposition Critic for Infrastructure and Communities under Erin O'Toole (Conservative leader).

Prior diggs on qresear.ch prove that Knights of Columbus is a masonic organization.

Scheer's father

Andrew Scheer's father is Jim Scheer, the Deacon at Saint Patrick's Basilica in Ottawa. Jim is an American-born individual and was previously Assistant Librarian of the Ottawa Citizen and Assistant Librarian of CanWest MediaWorks. He graduated from Our Lady of Angels Seminary in Albany with a BA, Philosophy, and the University of Toronto with a secondary school teaching licence.

About Scheer's dual citizenship

He obtained his US citizenship through his American-born father, Jim Scheer.

In August 2019, Andrew Scheeer began the process of renouncing his US citizenship, which he obtained through his American-born father. Scheer confirmed that he has filed US tax returns and the party verified that he is registered for the draft under the U.S. Selective Service System, which is a list of individuals who can be conscripted into the US military in the event of a national emergency.

During the 2019 Canadian election, The Globe and Mail revealed that Scheer had dual citizenship with the US and had an American citizen, Scheer denied that he had been hiding this information. …like all politicians.

In May 2020, he announced that he no longer plans to renounce his American citizenship, as he will not be prime minister.




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1a6d04 No.131028

File: a5ffb58f26bf1ea⋯.png (353.36 KB,527x484,527:484,Clipboard.png)

File: 554f137ead99e68⋯.png (616.41 KB,531x690,177:230,Clipboard.png)

File: bdd688867c1d0a6⋯.png (1.45 MB,818x890,409:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336428 (290418ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS TWEET

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Jack, this is a Great Honor. Thank you!


Get out and vote. I did!


>POTUS' pinned tweet

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1a6d04 No.131029

File: fa225e539983a2a⋯.png (1.67 MB,960x756,80:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336453 (290420ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS Schedule for THURSDAY, October 29, 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS Schedule for THURSDAY, October 29, 2020


12:00PM Depart Doral, FL

12:10PM Arrive at Miami International Airport

12:20PM Depart Miami, FL

1:15PM Arrive at Tampa International Airport

1:25PM Depart Tampa International Airport

1:30PM Arrive at Raymond James North Lot - Tampa, FL

1:35PM Deliver remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally - Tampa, FL

3:10PM Depart Raymond James North Lot

3:15PM Arrive at Tampa International Airport

3:25PM Depart Tampa, FL

4:50PM Arrive at Pope Army Field - Pope Field, NC

5:15PM Participate in a Troop Engagement - Fort Bragg, NC [Closed Press]

5:50PM Depart Fort Bragg, NC

6:25PM Arrive at Fayetteville Regional Airport - Fayetteville, NC

6:30PM Deliver remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally - Fayetteville, NC

7:55PM Depart Fayetteville, NC

8:25PM Arrive at Pope Army Field

8:35PM Depart Pope Field, NC

9:40PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews

9:50PM Depart Joint Base Andrews

10:00PM Arrive at the White House - South Lawn

>>>/qresearch/11335617 lb



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1a6d04 No.131030

File: e9249a82fb4b611⋯.png (81.07 KB,731x731,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: bb3a0dac5332af3⋯.png (56.89 KB,723x498,241:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336616 (290428ZOCT20) Notable: Former Soldier Pleads Guilty In Child Sexual Exploitation Case

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Former Soldier Pleads Guilty In Child Sexual Exploitation Case

Soldier secreted 13-year-old runaway he met online onto Ft. Benning for six days before rescue


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131031

File: b77555ab2f0844e⋯.png (323.93 KB,526x490,263:245,Clipboard.png)

File: 21c8e64d1572ea3⋯.png (321.75 KB,521x433,521:433,Clipboard.png)

File: 84491b61034b6d2⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336651 (290430ZOCT20) Notable: Richard Grenell Just watch. Wow! Damning Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish

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Richard Grenell

Just watch. Wow!


Damning Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131032

File: cca9f76aca6d4eb⋯.png (380.26 KB,539x470,539:470,Clipboard.png)

File: 78951b5f34ee3e0⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336706 (290432ZOCT20) Notable: protesters surround a police officer in a vehicle in Washington DC.

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BLM protesters surround a police officer in a vehicle in Washington DC.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131033

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336771 (290435ZOCT20) Notable: #14479

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>>131008 , >>131009 , >>131010 , >>131012 , >>131013 , >>131014 , >>131015 , >>131016 , >>131018 JQ


>>131017 This DOJ statement is all Uranium One (TENEX/ROSATOM) related

>>131019 Freedom of Information Q DROP

>>131020 The BEST parody, The only Democrat campaign ad you need to see this year.

>>131021 Report: Philadelphia PD Ordered Officers Not to Arrest Rioters and Looters — Just Disperse Them — as City Was Ransacked

>>131022 Is David Cameron a Necrophiliac?

>>131023 We out here Planefaggin'

>>131024 Taiwan Company Pleads Guilty To Trade Secret Theft In Criminal Case Involving PRC State-Owned Company

>>131025 Fight Drug Addiction

>>>/qresearch/11336610 The real issue is that immigrant workers 1) are not cheap and 2) *DO NOT* provide the same quality of engineering work than the folks they replaced .

>>131026 Graphic compilations of Q's posts in GMT in off-site permanent gallery (ARCHIVE OFFLINE)

>>131027 Andrew Scheer, Canada's former Leader of the Opposition, is part of a the masonic organization Knights of Columbus and is a dual citizen with the US

>>131028 POTUS TWEET

>>131029 POTUS Schedule for THURSDAY, October 29, 2020

>>131030 Former Soldier Pleads Guilty In Child Sexual Exploitation Case

>>131031 Richard Grenell Just watch. Wow! Damning Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish

>>131032 protesters surround a police officer in a vehicle in Washington DC.

>>>/qresearch/11336751 Andy Ngo Tweet with bideo

This message is brought you in part but not limited by, Anime Smartie Snacks; The smart snack that pushes back

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131034

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336813 (290437ZOCT20) Notable: Is former UK Prime Minister David Cameron a Necrophiliac?

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Is David Cameron a Necrophiliac?

Prime Minister David Cameron (Wikimedia)

Prime Minister David Cameron (Wikimedia)

The Internet is awash with rumour and speculation about Prime Minister David Cameron

The internet and David Cameron

David Cameron is facing extraordinary new claims that he had sex with a dead child to join an ultra secret club and be selected for the position of British Prime Minister.Defying the risk of being arrested for libel and slander, the author of The Coleman Experience Wordpress site has published damaging claims that David Cameron is a necrophiliac, mentioned on at least three different blogs.

With the Internet awash with rumour, it's suggested that Lord Ashcroft’s revelation that Cameron stuck his penis into a dead pigs head was only a smoke screen to hide a much more hideous revelation from coming out.

Lord Ashcroft famously missed the launch party of his controversial book “Call me Dave,” having been rushed to hospital by air ambulance following a septic shock which lead to life threatening liver and kidney failure. It was only after 18 days in intensive care that he was deemed “out of danger.”

Lord Ashcroft and Molock

Accused of being a follower of Molock, an ancient Jewish God whom followers sacrificed their first born child to elicit favours, Cameron is facing the disturbing claims that he did the same by sacrificing his son Ivan.While many insist it's only coincidence that his first born son died in 2009 and he became Prime Minister in 2010, the suggestion that Cameron is a follower of Molock is being met with silence from 10 Downing Street, deemed so preposterous it doesn't justify an answer.

Making no aspersions, it's worthy of note that no official reason of death has ever been made public regarding Cameron’s son. The only statement ever given by a Conservative party spokesman was, “They had no particular warning that this tragedy was going to happen. Ivan had a bad night, but he’s had bad nights before.

They got him to hospital but he did not pull through.”

David Cameron isn’t the only Prime Minister to have been accused of committing hideous crimes. Edward Heath was rumoured to have ’laughed off’ any suggestions he raped, killed, and dumped young men’s bodies off his yacht, the Morning Cloud, following claims made by David Icke in his book The Biggest Secret.

Like Edward Heath, David Cameron nor the Metropolitan Police have taken any action to shut down The Coleman Experience website or to initiate court proceedings to make the author retract or take-down these damaging claims.

With such conflicting accounts of the character of David Cameron circulating online, it's hard to see how the average voter can get a clear picture of the man currently in power and running the country.

While he promised to “leave no stone unturned” in the pursuit of identifying parliamentary paedophiles live on This Morning Show in 2012, Cameron’s track record and these latest destructive allegations only add weight to the assertion that David Cameron isn’t the man we are being lead to believe.

Either David Cameron needs to be arrested and these claims investigated fully by the police, or the author behind The Coleman Experience Wordpress needs to be arrested for libel and slander.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131035

File: 5de7da2b2ff9f58⋯.png (407.81 KB,1360x564,340:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336832 (290438ZOCT20) Notable: Is former UK Prime Minister David Cameron a Necrophiliac?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336883 (290443ZOCT20) Notable: Ron Johnson: ‘Not a Big Fan’ of Special Counsels, But ‘Don’t See How You Avoid One’ if Biden Wins

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Ron Johnson: ‘Not a Big Fan’ of Special Counsels, But ‘Don’t See How You Avoid One’ if Biden Wins

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Wednesday said if 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins next week’s election, there might need to be a special counsel to investigate. GOP lawmakers have been urging Attorney General William Barr to appoint a special counsel to investigate before Election Day.

In an appearance on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Johnson admitted he is “not a big fan” of special counsels, but argued one is necessary to get to the bottom of Hunter Biden’s business dealings overseas.

“Do you want to see a special counsel?” host Maria Bartiromo asked.

“You know, I am not a big fan of special counsels, but if Joe Biden wins the presidency, I don’t see how you avoid one,” Johnson replied. “Otherwise, this is going to be, you know, tucked away, and we will never know what happened. All this evidence is going to be buried, so I think we have to have a special election if Joe Biden wins.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131037

File: 34c263cb386fce6⋯.png (299.28 KB,562x599,562:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 752440130ac62b7⋯.png (77.9 KB,669x918,223:306,Clipboard.png)

File: fb46ee3c6e0f3f8⋯.png (64.98 KB,660x896,165:224,Clipboard.png)

File: fdba10ae2456b3a⋯.png (80.78 KB,688x900,172:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cc027bbe4a2ee9⋯.png (382.24 KB,665x767,665:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336918 (290445ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Rewrites H-1B Program to Help American White-Collar Workers

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Trump Rewrites H-1B Program to Help American White-Collar Workers

President Donald Trump’s deputies have launched a fundamental reform of the H-1B visa system to protect American graduates from outsourcing — despite furious opposition from donors and leaders from Silicon Valley, Fortune 500 companies, and coastal investors.

The reform will end the annual award of 85,000 H-1B visas by lottery, which has been gamed by companies to import foreign workers at wages far below the salaries needed by American professionals. Instead, the visas will be offered to the companies that compete to offer the highest salaries, preventing employers from undercutting American graduates.

“The Trump administration is continuing to deliver on its promise to protect the American worker while strengthening the economy,” said Acting DHS Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli. “The current use of random selection to allocate H-1B visas … hurts American workers by bringing in relatively lower-paid foreign labor at the expense of the American workforce.”

“We have seen more progress in the last few weeks than we’ve seen in the last 30 years,” said Kevin Lynn, founder of U.S. Tech Workers, which opposes the H-1B and other visa worker programs. He continued:

If you look at it on the whole, Trump is side with working Americans. Look at the beginning of his administration when he canceled the Trans-Pacific Partnership. All the elites wanted that — he said no. He allowed labor into [negotiations about] NAFTA II — the USMCA — and they made a better deal for working man and women. On August 3, for the Tennessee Valley Authority, he used the authority he had to protect those white-collar jobs [from H-1B outsourcing]. So he’s clearly made a choice between the elites and working men and women.

Trump has pushed forward with popular and dramatic reforms of the visa worker programs since June, with additional actions taken in August and early October.

The actions may be helping his poll ratings among vital white-collar graduates in two critical states: North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

For example, Monmouth University’s early October poll showed Trump getting 38 percent among white college graduates, while Biden had 57 percent. That is down slightly from a September 2 poll that showed Trump was getting 40 percent but is above Monmouth’s July poll that showed Trump getting only 34 percent of white college voters.

On October 13, Monmouth showed Trump was getting 48 percent of white college graduates in North Carolina, up from 42 percent on September 3.

Both states have been hit hard by H-1B outsourcing, giving Trump a chance to champion the very popular economic self-interest of college graduates.

“There are many financial institutions in North Carolina that are abusing cheap labor and H-1Bs,” Jay Palmer, a civil rights activist who works with abused visa workers, told Breitbart News. He continued:

Charlotte, N.C., is the hotbed of visa fraud. They’re laying off American workers left and right because there is so much cheap [foreign] labor in North Carolina … They’re hiring anybody through third-party consulting companies, and they are paying them on 1099s [as gig workers] to work at the financial institutions. They’re replacing American workers such as risk managers and actuaries — any jobs they can fill with cheap labor. It’s horrible. You don’t even know how bad it is.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131038

File: c15277baed00cb0⋯.png (575.65 KB,942x678,157:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336927 (290445ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS talks LAW AND ORDER regarding Philadelphia unrest

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Shower thought: I think it's weird the way he says it. He's not taking the OBVIOUSLY THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW approach. He seems to consider that looting might be the way to get things, then decides, "No, that's not the way to do it. You've got to have law and order."

Now about this admiralty law thing…….


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1a6d04 No.131039

File: b7679971f761f47⋯.png (638.54 KB,1337x944,1337:944,Clipboard.png)

File: b14c501bd584e1b⋯.png (661.78 KB,898x1189,898:1189,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b6f2a6f520bd01⋯.png (501.76 KB,827x1120,827:1120,Clipboard.png)

File: 21016933aad4c6d⋯.png (522.18 KB,797x1234,797:1234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336934 (290446ZOCT20) Notable: Tucker Carlson: What Tony Bobulinski told me and why it matters

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Tucker Carlson: What Tony Bobulinski told me and why it matters

Millions of dollars linked directly to the Communist Party of China went to Joe Biden's family

Tuesday night, we heard at length and on camera from one of the Biden family's former business partners. His name is Tony Bobulinski. He's a very successful businessman and a Navy veteran.

Bobulinski spoke to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" for a full hour. He told us he met two separate times with Joe Biden himself. Not just with Joe Biden's son or his brother, but with Joe Biden the former vice president and the man now running for president to discuss business deals with the communist government of China.

That's a very serious claim, and whatever your political views, it's hard to dismiss it when Tony Bobulinski makes it because Bobulinsky is an unusually credible witness. He's not a partisan, he's not seeking money, he's not seeking publicity. He did not want to come on our show.

But when Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and the Biden campaign accused Tony Bobulinski of participating in a Russian disinformation effort, he felt he had no choice. That was a slander against him and against his family. So Bobulinski came to us. He arrived with heaps of evidence to bolster the story he was telling. He brought contemporaneous audio recordings, text messages, emails, many financial documents.

By the end of the hour, it was very clear to us that Tony Bobulinski was telling the truth and that Joe Biden was lying. We believe that any honest person who watched the entire hour would come to the same conclusion.

CARLSON: When Hunter Biden said his chairman, he was talking about his dad.

BOBULINSKI: Correct, and what Hunter is referencing there is, he spoke with his father and his father is giving an emphatic 'no' to the ask that I had, which was putting proper governance in place around Oneida Holdings.

CARLSON: So, Joe Biden is vetoing your plan for putting stricter governance in the company. I mean, and it's it's right here in the email.

BOBULINSKI: Yes, Tucker, I want to be very careful in front of the American people. That is not me writing that. That is not me claiming that. That is Hunter Biden writing on his own phone. Typing in that 'I spoke with my chairman,' referencing his father.

All this is spelled out in the clearest possible language in documents that Bobulinski provided us, documents that federal authorities have subsequently authenticated as real.

On May 13, 2017, for example, Hunter Biden got an email explaining how his family would be paid for their deal with a Chinese energy company. His father, Joe Biden, was getting 10%.

BOBULINSKI: In that email, there's a statement where they go through the equity, Jim Biden's referenced as, you know, 10%. It doesn't say Biden, it says Jim. And then it has 10% for the big guy held by H. I, 1,000%, sit here and know that the big guy is referencing Joe Biden. It's, that's crystal clear to me because I lived it. I met with the former vice president in person multiple times.


Need a full-screen cap for baker, please!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131040

File: 93da68d271cdd18⋯.png (502.28 KB,644x444,161:111,Clipboard.png)

File: 284a9d96e5532ac⋯.png (183.21 KB,341x372,11:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336959 (290448ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. Space Force’s No. 2 General Tests Positive For COVID-19

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U.S. Space Force’s No. 2 General Tests Positive For COVID-19

WASHINGTON (AFNS) — Space Force Gen. David D. Thompson, Vice Chief of Space Operations, tested positive Oct. 28 for COVID-19. He took the test today after learning that a close family member, with whom he had contact, tested positive for the virus.

In accordance with established COVID policies, Thompson is self-quarantining and working remotely from home.

The Department of the Air Force continues to follow established DoD and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention policies and guidelines for COVID. Measures include temperature testing, social distancing to the greatest extent possible, the wearing of masks when social distancing is not possible, and contact tracing and quarantining, if needed.

The U.S. Space Force remains operationally ready to answer the nation’s call.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336971 (290448ZOCT20) Notable: Disinformation By Popular Demand: How The Authenticity Of Hunter's Laptop Became Immaterial

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Disinformation By Popular Demand: How The Authenticity Of Hunter's Laptop Became Immaterial

Yesterday, former Vice President Joe Biden was again insisting that the scandal involving Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation despite the direct refutation of that claim by the FBI.

No mainstream reporter bothered to ask the simple question of whether this was his son’s laptop and emails, including emails clearly engaging in an influence peddling scheme and referring to Joe Biden’s knowledge. Instead, media has maintained a consistent and narrow focus. Indeed, in her interview, Leslie Stahl immediately dismissed any “scandal” involving Hunter in an interview with the President on 60 Minutes. It was an open example of what I previously noted in a column: “After all, an allegation is a scandal only if it is damaging. No coverage, no damage, no scandal.”

In her interview with Joe Biden, CBS anchor Norah O’Donnell did not push Biden to simply confirm that the emails were fake or whether he did in fact meet with Hunter’s associates (despite his prior denials). Instead O’Donnell asked: “Do you believe the recent leak of material allegedly from Hunter’s computer is part of a Russian disinformation campaign?”

Biden responded with the same answer that has gone unchallenged dozens of times:

“From what I’ve read and know the intelligence community warned the president that Giuliani was being fed disinformation from the Russians. And we also know that Putin is trying very hard to spread disinformation about Joe Biden. And so when you put the combination of Russia, Giuliani– the president, together– it’s just what it is. It’s a smear campaign because he has nothing he wants to talk about. What is he running on? What is he running on?”

It did not matter that the answer omitted the key assertion that this was not Hunter’s laptop or emails or that he did not leave the computer with this store.

Recently, Washington Post columnist Thomas Rid wrote said the quiet part out loud by telling the media:

“We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation — even if they probably aren’t.”

Let that sink in for a second. It does not matter if these are real emails and not Russian disinformation. They probably are real but should be treated as disinformation even though American intelligence has repeatedly rebutted that claim. It does not even matter that the computer has seized the computer as evidence in a criminal fraud investigation or that a Biden confidant is now giving his allegations to the FBI under threat of criminal charges if he lies to investigators.

It simply does not matter. It is disinformation because it is simply inconvenient to treat it as real information.


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1a6d04 No.131042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336983 (290449ZOCT20) Notable: "Greg Gutfeld on media coverage of latest Hunter Biden news"

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"Gutfeld on media coverage of latest Hunter Biden news"

"We live in a world where the 'news' depends on who the media wishes to protect or harm"

– By Greg Gutfeld | Fox News

"Tuesday night on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, made some big claims about former Vice President Joe Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s shady dealings.

"TONY BOBULINSKI: I was sitting with Jim Biden and Hunter Biden. And Joe came through the lobby with his security [detail]. Hunter introduced me as “this is Tony, dad, the individual I told you about that's helping us with the business that we're working on and the Chinese.”

"TUCKER CARLSON: The former vice president has said he had no knowledge whatsoever of his son's business dealings and was not involved in them.

"BOBULINSKI: That’s a blatant lie. I know Joe decided not to run in 2016, but what if he ran in the future? Aren't they taking a political risk or headline risk? And I remember looking at Jim Biden and saying, “How are you guys getting away with this? Like, aren't you concerned?” And he certainly looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said, “plausible deniability.”

"That’s the name of my yacht.

"Now with six days left in this campaign, the chattering chucklebuckets will say this story isn’t going to "move the needle."

"But that's only if you're looking at this politically.

"The big picture?

"We live in a world where the "news" depends on who the media wishes to protect or harm.

"If the story weren't about a Biden family member but a Pence, this would flood the airwaves. We would have to sedate the entire CNN anchor team with elephant tranquilizers.

"But today, most journalists are Dems and are forewarned:

"If you report on this story, you'll be helping Trump get re-elected. So don’t touch this story with a ten-foot pole. – Or in Hunter’s case, a ten-foot stripper pole.

"It’s the same thing with the riots. Any honest reporting helps Trump. So don’t.

"But if this story had implicated Trump? Can you imagine?

"You don't have to.

"MADDOW: This guy Kilimnik keeps turning up again and again.// Konstantin Kilimnik // Konstantin Kilimnik // Konstantin Kilimnik // Konstantin Kilimnik // he’s still Russian military intelligence// giant aluminum smelters// he started sleeping at his smelters// sabotage in his smelters// came to his smelters// very brutal start, sleeping in the smelters// tick tick tick tick tick// boom// starting ticking again// tick tick tick tick // four hours later, boom // boom? // you’re stressing me out, he starts tick tick ticking again.

"Those were the days: when unsubstantiated rumors created nightly comic masterpieces.

"Yet we aren't even acting close to that nuts over Hunter. And we have tapes! Words! Witnesses.

"Yet, we see a media blackout – all agreeing to take a dive as reporters.

"Bring up Hunter – it’s like breaking wind in the world’s tiniest elevator.

"How dare you!! Screams the press.

"Well, we learned how to live with lies from the best. Or worst.

"That's you, the left wing media.

"Our trust in you is gone and you're despised by all.

"So while you ignore Hunter, the rest of America ignores you."


Say what you want about Fox and Rupert Murdoch, anons, but when "crunch time" came, they stood shoulder to shoulder with POTUS and our Republic. A small window exists for those in the MSM to break away. It appears that the WSJ was about to break the Story wide but Renegade Hussein made a call.

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1a6d04 No.131043

File: 7b1bbb78ef51c82⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 33bfcf5139cb337⋯.png (189.96 KB,596x874,298:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337018 (290451ZOCT20) Notable: Unauthorized Plane intercepted over airspace of Trump Rally (audio)

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L Person fencing


In Bullhead City, AZ, today an unauthorized plane entered the airspace above a Trump rally location and a fighter jet let them know what's up real fast.

You don't see much until the end, but this audio is awesome.

God bless that pilot and God bless President Trump.


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1a6d04 No.131044

File: b49600d6366b0d1⋯.png (84.01 KB,617x891,617:891,Clipboard.png)

File: d64d731581deb67⋯.png (13.35 KB,602x158,301:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337064 (290453ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Is Running a Protection Racket By Sidney Powell

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Biden Is Running a Protection Racket By Sidney Powell

Joe Biden's big pitch is his promise to restore calm. It's a con. It's Antifa and Black Lives Matter — both on his side — that are stirring everything up. He's trying to run a protection racket: vote Democrat, or the chaos continues.

Biden talks of calm, but it is not Trump-supporters storming restaurants and other public places across the country to demand obeisance to their agenda. Instead, from Washington to Kentucky to Florida, it is the "Black Lives Matter" movement — which Biden has made a centerpiece of his campaign — that has smashed up restaurants, threatened their owners, and demanded that diners raise the black power fist. As one headline put it, "aggressive mob of white BLM protesters threaten and film white diners at DC restaurants and DEMAND they raise their fist and show solidarity with them…or else."

Biden speaks of tolerance, but it isn't MAGA people marching into our schools, newsrooms, and even corporate boardrooms to demand absolute allegiance; it's Biden-supporting leftists. As President Trump warned in his Independence Day address at Mt. Rushmore, if you do not "perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished."

Biden professes not to treat the other party as the enemy, but he demonizes his opponents whenever he opens his mouth. Just this week, he called Trump-supporters "chumps." And his supporters call themselves "the resistance" — a term ordinarily used to describe armed insurgency against an occupying military power.

Biden speaks of mutual respect, but he demonstrates contempt, animosity, and rage at Trump-supporters. Let's face it: no one in America is afraid of going out in public while wearing a Biden hat.

Biden accuses the president of sowing chaos, but small businesses across the country haven't boarded up their windows in advance of MAGA rallies.

Biden decries deepening divisions but defends government-wide indoctrination sessions that preach tribalism and racism rather than unity and colorblindness. In the first debate, with the assistance of moderator Chris Wallace, Biden dismissed the spread of "Critical Race Theory" as "racial sensitivity training."

Critical Race Theory is an explicitly Marxist academic concept that casts all white people as oppressors. It maintains that white Americans must stop valuing "white" things like "individualism" and "objectivity" and give up their "comfort," "relationships with some other white people," and even their "physical safety" to atone for their "complicity in the system of white supremacy."


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1a6d04 No.131045

File: 0740a8d6321adf6⋯.png (1 MB,852x543,284:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337225 (290502ZOCT20) Notable: V/Line CEO James Pinder sacked amid corruption allegations, Transclean contract terminated

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V/Line CEO James Pinder sacked amid corruption allegations, Transclean contract terminated

The head of Victoria's regional train network has been sacked in the wake of his appearance before a corruption inquiry.

Key points:

V/Line also terminated its contract with cleaning company Transclean

The board said the alleged conduct of Mr Pinder and the cleaning company was not acceptable "under any circumstances"

An IBAC inquiry heard Mr Pinder and a Metro trains manager collected cash payments from Transclean

The V/Line board of directors terminated the employment of chief executive James Pinder, effective from today.

Mr Pinder has been suspended since August, when the Department of Transport became aware he was the subject of an Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) probe into serious misconduct claims in the state's public transport sector.

The inquiry this week heard Mr Pinder and Metro Trains fleet manager Peter Bollas collected multiple cash payments of up to $10,000 from the boss of Transclean.

Transclean was awarded the contract to clean Victoria's trams and trains, and Mr Bollas managed the cleaning contract at Metro Trains.

Mr Pinder has denied any wrongdoing, and claims the men were in a secret gambling syndicate.

However, Mr Bollas yesterday confessed to the inquiry he had taken up to $150,000 in corrupt cash payments from Transclean director George Haritos.

In a statement, V/Line chair Gabrielle Bell said the board had also terminated its contract with Transclean.

"All V/Line employees and contractors are expected to uphold the highest levels of integrity," Ms Bell said.

"The alleged conduct of both Mr Pinder and Transclean are not acceptable to V/Line under any circumstances."

She said V/Line would continue to cooperate with the IBAC investigation and would "work to support the front-line cleaning staff who may be affected by this decision".

Acting V/Line chief executive Gary Liddle will continue in the role until further notice.

In a secretly-recorded phone call played at an IBAC hearing today, Mr Bollas told Mr Haritos he would "cover up" for the cleaning company, after it emerged they failed to spray a Metro train at the start of Victoria's first wave of coronavirus.


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1a6d04 No.131046

File: 99fbce7032c69c0⋯.png (90.54 KB,579x728,579:728,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b05ad3f7a2a85a⋯.png (354.67 KB,760x772,190:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 00299bec4177d1b⋯.png (42.32 KB,768x376,96:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337354 (290509ZOCT20) Notable: Drudge Alternative Citizen Free Press Mysteriously Disappears From Bing, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go

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Drudge Alternative Citizen Free Press Mysteriously Disappears From Bing, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go

The Drudge Report alternative Citizen Free Press, which has racked up 75 million page views in October so far, mysteriously disappeared from search results on Bing, Duck Duck Go, and Yahoo on Wednesday. Microsoft told PJ Media that it is working on a “fix” but the mysterious disappearance still raises serious questions.

Citizen Free Press raised the alarm on Twitter about an hour after the disappearance.

“Attention Bing: Citizen Free Press has completely disappeared from your search results in the past hour,” the secretive one-man operator who goes by “Kane” tweeted. “The link to our homepage suddenly is gone from your results 7 days before the election. CFP gets 15,000 visitors per day thru Bing.”

“For BING to suddenly remove Citizen Free Press from search results — 7 days before the election — certainly raises some questions. Let us hope this is just a technical snafu and not a permanent ban,” Kane told PJ Media. “CFP is not a bit player — with 75 million pageviews so far in October, it is one of the largest conservative news sites in existence.”

“For one of the 3 major search engines to mysteriously remove our link would be a gross violation of free speech, and an untenable act of censorship,” Kane added.

“Citizen Free Press gets approximately 15,000 unique visitors per day from Bing, and another 15,000 from Duck Duck Go, which has also removed the links, as they use Bing as their search engine base,” Kane explained. Citizen Free Press gets another 2,000 users from Yahoo.

PJ Media reached out to Microsoft and received a response from a staffer with WE Communications.

“Microsoft is aware of the content not showing up and actively working on a fix,” the spokeswoman said.

As of Wednesday evening, the link to Citizen Free Press (citizenfreepress.com) still does not appear on the Bing search results.


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1a6d04 No.131047

File: 39726ef2c0b82ca⋯.png (227.64 KB,471x695,471:695,Clipboard.png)

File: ef39907a7e47685⋯.png (357.03 KB,466x849,466:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337368 (290510ZOCT20) Notable: Whoever is running General Flynn's "Book" twitter tonight isn't holding back!

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Whoever is running General Flynn's "Book" twitter tonight isn't holding back!

Maybe more than he should…

Opinion: Joe Biden loves his son.


This should be played 24/7 until Nov 3: https://youtu.be/_-eD2n2dD2Y




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1a6d04 No.131048

File: 3772797bbedc22b⋯.jpeg (195.6 KB,1250x950,25:19,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337407 (290512ZOCT20) Notable: Putin Defends Bidens, Becomes ‘Visibly Irritated’ When Asked About $3.5 Million Moscow Payment To Hunter

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Putin Defends Bidens, Becomes ‘Visibly Irritated’ When Asked About $3.5 Million Moscow Payment To Hunter

Russian President Vladimir Putin defended Hunter Biden on Sunday, saying the saw ‘nothing criminal’ regarding his past business ties with Ukraine or Russia, according to Reuters.

Putin’s statement would seem to fly in the face of the MSM’s latest conspiracy theory that he’s somehow behind the release of Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop contents, and you should believe that ‘whether or not it’s true.’ It would also suggest that Putin never possessed, or hasn’t read the New York Post‘s undisputed evidence that Hunter introduced a Burisma adviser to his father eight months before Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire their Prosecutor General, who was investigating Burisma at the time.

Putin appeared less friendly towards Trump in remarks broadcast by Russian state TV on Sunday. In what may be seen by some analysts as an attempt to try to curry favour with the Biden camp, he took the time to knock down what he made clear he regarded as false allegations from Trump about the Bidens.

“Yes, in Ukraine he (Hunter Biden) had or maybe still has a business, I don’t know. It doesn’t concern us. It concerns the Americans and the Ukrainians,” said Putin. –Reuters

“But well yes he had at least one company, which he practically headed up, and judging from everything he made good money. I don’t see anything criminal about this, at least we don’t know anything about this (being criminal),” said the Russian leader – who leftists in America have spent four years insisting is extremely corrupt, and will now lionize as a paragon of truth.

According to the report, Putin “reacted with visible irritation” over question regarding an alleged $3.5 million payment made to Hunter Biden the ex-Moscow Mayor’s widow – responding that he knew nothing about a commercial relationship between Hunter and the woman who President Trump said was tied to Putin during last week’s debate.


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1a6d04 No.131049

File: 7ae1020ad457c70⋯.png (124.77 KB,488x435,488:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337517 (290517ZOCT20) Notable: BLM enters voting location in LA. Voter intimidation suspected

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1a6d04 No.131050

File: 7fb49ad403baab6⋯.jpeg (51.81 KB,800x534,400:267,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337533 (290517ZOCT20) Notable: Will They Really Get Away With It? (blocking the New York Post's report on Hunter Biden)

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Will They Really Get Away With It?

Forty government officials were indicted or jailed as a result of Watergate. White House staffers H.R. Haldeman and John Erlichman went to jail. White House counsel John Dean went to jail. Attorney General John Mitchell went to jail. Howard Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy, Charles Colson and James McCord – all jailed. Nixon Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler called Watergate a "third-rate burglary." It toppled a president.

"Obamagate," or the "Russia Hoax" is a political and criminal scandal exponentially more serious and damaging to the constitution. Like the Richter Scale measurements of earthquakes, Obamagate can be measured in "orders of magnitude" greater seriousness than the third-rate burglary. Obamagate is the First American Coup. Not from the militaristic right, as fantasized by liberal Hollywood. Oh, no – from the "fundamental transformation" artists of the Bolshevik Left.

Writing in the New York Post on October 24, 2020, columnist Michael Goodwin listed his reasons for voting for Donald Trump, again. His reasoning included:

"The other side must not be rewarded for its efforts to sabotage and remove a duly-elected president.

"Russia, Russia, Russia was a scam that ruined lives and put a cloud over the White House for nearly three years. The sequel was partisan impeachment, a clumsy coup attempt orchestrated by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Trump haters in Congress, the deep state, and the media.

"The press corps' bias of 2016 has morphed into full-blown partisanship on a daily basis at print, digital and broadcast outlets. Facebook, Twitter and other platforms openly use their power to censor pro-Trump news and opinion while promoting anything that makes the president look bad.

"It's not the algorithms; it's the people behind them.

"Their decision to block The Post's groundbreaking reports on Hunter Biden's business deals and Joe Biden's involvement should scare anyone who treasures the First Amendment. To censors, Orwell's nightmare is their dream.

"All fairness has been abandoned in a frenzy to destroy Trump and everything he represents. This culture war extends backward, too."


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1a6d04 No.131051

File: 68b1aca1304071a⋯.jpeg (65.84 KB,730x487,730:487,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7e3230ae9a7e6aa⋯.png (9.45 MB,1668x2388,139:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337674 (290525ZOCT20) Notable: Legendary Golfer [Jack Nicklaus] Cautions Critics Who Hate Trump's Tweets: 'His Love for America….Has Come Through Loud and Clear'

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Legendary Golfer Cautions Critics Who Hate Trump's Tweets: 'His Love for America….Has Come Through Loud and Clear'

In the world of golf, you won’t find a bigger name. And it tells you all you need to know that, even if you’re not at all familiar with the sport, you’ve probably heard his name before.

Jack Nicklaus is considered the “golfer’s golfer” — and might be the best to ever play the game on a professional level. Only Tiger Woods can get close to what Nicklaus has achieved. And though one of his records fell recently, according to PGA Tour.com, there are plenty more where that came from, when you take even a casual look at his legendary records:

73 PGA Tour victories

18 Major tournament victories

20 International victories

19 Additional victories

58 2nd Place finishes

Career Low round: 62

Now, he’s made an endorsement in the 2020 presidential race: President Donald Trump, whom you might know owns several golf courses. Also, if you’ve played a round or two of golf in your time, you may have seen Nicklaus’ name emblazoned on courses, too, nationally and internationally that meet his exacting standards.

Back in July, he took some criticism for insisting on shaking hands at the 18th tee with the winner of the Memorial tournament, which is held at Muirfield, one of his courses. According to the Sun, he said,

“I’m going to shake their hand.

I’m going to walk right out there and shake their hand.

If they don’t want to shake my hand, that’s fine.

Incidentally, I like shaking their hand too.

I think it’s a great tradition, but it’s as much fun for me as I hope it is for them.”

Much like the man himself, Nicklaus doesn’t hold back in his endorsement statement. And it’s a blunt rebuttal to anyone who might have implied, for over four years, that Trump’s tweets and strong personality disqualify him from holding high office.

He begins with the simple exclamation: “Get out and vote. I did!”


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1a6d04 No.131052

File: 52172239c48c328⋯.jpeg (210.48 KB,1160x773,1160:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337815 (290534ZOCT20) Notable: Facebook missteps stoke fears of long political ad blackout online

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Facebook missteps stoke fears of long political ad blackout online

When Facebook and Google announced plans to ban new political ads around the end of the election, they left one key thing out of the new policies: an end date.

Now, as Facebook’s pre-election blackout on new ads begins and a total post-election freeze on Google and Facebook ads looms, digital strategists in both parties are worried that ads on the biggest digital platforms may never come back — or, at the very least, they’ll be down so long that they paralyze campaigns in major races set to stretch beyond Nov. 3.

Those fears spiked in recent days after Facebook’s blackout started Tuesday with the social media giant taking down ads that groups in both parties said had been pre-approved. A day and a half later, many groups said they are still struggling to resolve these inconsistencies with the companies’ advertising reps.

Representatives of Facebook and Google said that their political ad bans were temporary.

“Our intention is to block political and issue ads only for a short period of time,” a Facebook spokesperson said in an emailed statement. “As part of our efforts to protect the integrity of this election, we are temporarily blocking the creation of any new political and issue ads during the final week of the election and all political and issue ads in the election’s immediate aftermath.”

A Democratic digital strategist, granted anonymity to speak candidly, said there’s an “extreme level of concern that political ads are going to be banned outright.” Another Republican digital consultant said he’s “surprised” they haven’t already banned political ads to “avoid the headache,” but “if they do, Congress will probably be more willing to regulate them.”

“A total ban on political advertising by Facebook and Google would be catastrophic,” said Eric Wilson, a GOP digital consultant who worked on Marco Rubio’s 2016 presidential campaign. “Together, they account for the vast majority of online advertising. This would shut off candidates, PACs, and issue advocacy groups from reaching voters.”


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1a6d04 No.131053

File: 23e8e6d9cd2655d⋯.jpg (228.86 KB,949x955,949:955,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338050 (290547ZOCT20) Notable: Anons discuss and analyze cameras and link to Ray Chandler

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with Nancy caught in the act on CH7

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1a6d04 No.131054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336823 (290438ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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It's time to wake up.


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131055

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB,985x218,985:218,Clipboard.png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB,603x960,201:320,Clipboard.png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,3668x3284,917:821,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB,1272x1023,424:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB,810x570,27:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336825 (290438ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336828 (290438ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336835 (290439ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

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1a6d04 No.131058

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,1655x1080,331:216,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1788x1080,149:90,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f7543e31d182156⋯.png (1.47 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,Clipboard.png)

File: e6cd82c5af1d3cc⋯.png (148.84 KB,600x540,10:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336841 (290439ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131059

File: fbd48c6ab434c5f⋯.jpg (111.18 KB,519x748,519:748,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 46093193cc0412e⋯.jpg (240.73 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 881ec98e36148e1⋯.jpg (268.32 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5c35988b963ed99⋯.jpg (214.76 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3c740348f9f1269⋯.jpg (255.82 KB,1350x750,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336848 (290440ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336851 (290440ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131061

File: bece7ebcade19ea⋯.jpg (60.57 KB,804x803,804:803,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpg (125.99 KB,720x663,240:221,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpg (470.9 KB,1185x1325,237:265,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpg (339.5 KB,820x1446,410:723,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336880 (290443ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131062

File: 08c5108bb8bf613⋯.jpg (159.82 KB,711x574,711:574,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8c11f661fae4d40⋯.jpg (137.23 KB,589x783,589:783,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336901 (290444ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter's Biden's baby was born March 29, 2019

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Hunter's Biden's baby was born March 29, 2019

He and Melissa were spotted 'hiking' last Thursday with the baby.

March 29 - October 20? = 7 months.

the baby in this pic is not a 7 month old baby!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131063

File: 1efe4bac96f0dbb⋯.png (267 KB,525x698,525:698,Clipboard.png)

File: da0bda2e364865c⋯.mp4 (715.79 KB,320x480,2:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11336929 (290446ZOCT20) Notable: Andy Ngo Tweets (videoo)

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Rioters in Washington DC throw an explosive mortar at police.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131064

File: 971a4a15d99f036⋯.jpg (197.62 KB,1110x1080,37:36,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 63c90f856633280⋯.jpg (110.14 KB,1635x342,545:114,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337013 (290450ZOCT20) Notable: CHAIRMAN WICKER'S STATE DECLARED EMERGENCY

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Today, President Donald J. Trump declared that an emergency exists in the State of Mississippi and ordered Federal assistance to supplement State, tribal, and local response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from Hurricane Zeta beginning on October 27, 2020, and continuing.

The President’s action authorizes the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to coordinate all disaster relief efforts which have the purpose of alleviating the hardship and suffering caused by the emergency on the local population, and to provide appropriate assistance for required emergency measures, authorized under Title V of the Stafford Act, to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, and to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in the counties of Clarke, Forrest, George, Greene, Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, Jones, Lamar, Pearl River, Perry, Stone, and Wayne.

Specifically, FEMA is authorized to identify, mobilize, and provide at its discretion, equipment and resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of the emergency. Emergency protective measures, including direct Federal assistance, will be provided at 75 percent Federal funding.

Pete Gaynor, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Homeland Security, named Brett H. Howard as the Federal Coordinating Officer for Federal recovery operations in the affected areas.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131065

File: 04fc3060f7bbc27⋯.png (18.09 KB,599x280,599:280,Clipboard.png)

File: ed337467bdda0df⋯.png (19.3 KB,297x241,297:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337096 (290455ZOCT20) Notable: Every Poll is a Goal

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131066

File: bb5392bcd2879dd⋯.png (323.63 KB,1167x704,1167:704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337119 (290456ZOCT20) Notable: at 119 min mark Timcast IRL - Riots Erupt, Jack Murphy ATTACKED By Antifa In DC, Riots Continue EVERYWHERE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

at 119 min mark

Timcast IRL - Riots Erupt, Jack Murphy ATTACKED By Antifa In DC, Riots Continue EVERYWHERE


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131067

File: b4d49c9284bdbce⋯.mp4 (2.19 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 08ec7647e8c73c9⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 316955f894c8d7f⋯.mp4 (2.25 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: a335ed7ffb71fbe⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337171 (290459ZOCT20) Notable: We Are The Plan 4 part set of mp4's for twatters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


We Are The Plan

4 part set of mp4's for twatters



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131068

File: f3dd57e59ba4336⋯.png (225.57 KB,1221x558,407:186,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337176 (290459ZOCT20) Notable: Full Armor of God

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131069

File: 86f1d6a6d89cfe8⋯.jpg (146.32 KB,1220x708,305:177,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d58b6260e4240cb⋯.jpg (100.53 KB,614x771,614:771,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337732 (290529ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter's new mother in law, Zoe Cohen ,specializes in Adoption services in South Africa??

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hunter's new mother in law, Zoe Cohen ,specializes in Adoption services in South Africa??

Welcome to the internet site of the private adoption practice "Adoption SA".

Social workers Joan Nathanson and Zoë Cohen specialize in providing adoption and related services. They have been involved in the field of adoption for over 20 years. During this time they have been privileged to facilitate hundreds of adoptions, both locally and internationally. Adoption SA can offer you a personalized and professional service in order to meet your adoption needs.

[link to www.medpages.info (secure)]

[link to adoptionsa.co.za]

[link to za.linkedin.com (secure)]






Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131070

File: 280549654865437⋯.png (237.88 KB,529x796,529:796,Clipboard.png)

File: 23aafbd8dea4e2f⋯.png (507.05 KB,871x886,871:886,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ce6424d0d62ac5⋯.png (22.97 KB,529x210,529:210,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b9c1fb2184e898⋯.png (281.1 KB,850x1018,425:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337733 (290529ZOCT20) Notable: He’s not hiding the calls for violence.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

He’s not hiding the calls for violence.


Here’s the thing: if the worst-case scenario happens next week, Americans don’t need to just “protest.”

They need to actively try to topple the government.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11337800 (290533ZOCT20) Notable: 14480

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>>131054 , >>131055 , >>131056 , >>131057 , >>131058 , >>131059 , >>131060 , >>131061 JQ

>>131062 Hunter's Biden's baby was born March 29, 2019

>>131063 Andy Ngo Tweets (videoo)


>>131065 Every Poll is a Goal

>>131066 at 119 min mark Timcast IRL - Riots Erupt, Jack Murphy ATTACKED By Antifa In DC, Riots Continue EVERYWHERE

>>131067 We Are The Plan 4 part set of mp4's for twatters

>>131068 Full Armor of God

>>131069 Hunter's new mother in law, Zoe Cohen ,specializes in Adoption services in South Africa??

>>131070 He’s not hiding the calls for violence.

144480 (spit bread)

>>131034, >>131035 Is former UK Prime Minister David Cameron a Necrophiliac?

>>131036 Ron Johnson: ‘Not a Big Fan’ of Special Counsels, But ‘Don’t See How You Avoid One’ if Biden Wins

>>131037 Trump Rewrites H-1B Program to Help American White-Collar Workers

>>131038 POTUS talks LAW AND ORDER regarding Philadelphia unrest

>>131039 Tucker Carlson: What Tony Bobulinski told me and why it matters

>>131040 U.S. Space Force’s No. 2 General Tests Positive For COVID-19

>>131041 Disinformation By Popular Demand: How The Authenticity Of Hunter's Laptop Became Immaterial

>>131042 "Greg Gutfeld on media coverage of latest Hunter Biden news"

>>131043 Unauthorized Plane intercepted over airspace of Trump Rally (audio)

>>131044 Biden Is Running a Protection Racket By Sidney Powell

>>131045 V/Line CEO James Pinder sacked amid corruption allegations, Transclean contract terminated

>>131046 Drudge Alternative Citizen Free Press Mysteriously Disappears From Bing, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go

>>131047 Whoever is running General Flynn's "Book" twitter tonight isn't holding back!

>>131048 Putin Defends Bidens, Becomes ‘Visibly Irritated’ When Asked About $3.5 Million Moscow Payment To Hunter

>>131049 BLM enters voting location in LA. Voter intimidation suspected

>>131050 Will They Really Get Away With It? (blocking the New York Post's report on Hunter Biden)

>>131051 Legendary Golfer [Jack Nicklaus] Cautions Critics Who Hate Trump's Tweets: 'His Love for America….Has Come Through Loud and Clear'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338284 (290603ZOCT20) Notable: #14476, #14477, #14478 - #14478, split

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>>130996 , >>130997 , >>130998 , >>130999 , JQ

>>131000 justice kav on FBI vault drop today

>>131001 DOJ “has opened a civil-rights investigation into NJ veterans home

>>131002 Hallie Biden is BPD/DID, etc. Her family need to be dug.

>>131004 Maidan

>>131005 New Unseen Emails: Does This Heated Exchange Suggest Hunter’s Deals Were Too Dirty For His Business Associate?

>>131006 SCAVINO AZ MP4




>>130994 FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower

>>130993 An investigation is underway in Philadelphia after police found a van loaded w/dynamite sticks, propane tanks and torches. The city is under heightened alert following days of mass rioting & looting inspired by BLM

>>130992 Former President of Maryland-Based Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Four Years in Federal Prison on Charges, Including Paying Bribes to Russian Official

>>130991 F-16 Fighter Jet Fires Flares at Unauthorized Aircraft Near Trump Rally

>>130990 Twitter Is Shadowbanning Me, But Only for a Specific Kind of Tweet

>>130989 Fresh KEKS - Biden is compromised

>>130988 Chinese energy company, U.S. oil & gas affiliate and Chinese national indicted for theft of trade secrets

>>130986 FOX News Reporter Confronts Jim Biden Outside his Multi-Million Dollar Home on the Biden Family Scandals

>>130979 BREAKING: Multiple US hospitals have been hit with a “coordinated” cyberattack—days before election. FBI, HHS & Homeland Security's Cybersecurity Agency warn of more possible attacks.

>>130980 JUST IN: Flint City Council member Maurice Davis, who has always voted Democrat, is supporting President Donald Trump.

>>130981 BREAKING : Phila Police discover van loaded with explosives, suspicious equipment at Logan Circle in Center City. Live report coming up at 11.

>>130983 "#Philadelphia INCENDIARIES RECOVERED:19th and Van Franklin Parkway Propane tanks, torches and other fire-making devices recovered from looters."

>>130982 BREAKING: Twitch banning all streams of Riots and Protests

>>130987, >>130984, >>130985 Someone is reading Tuckers Texts

>>131003 "A senior Oregon health official donned a clown costume prior to announcing the daily death toll from coronavirus.

>>131007 bun of both breads

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131073

File: a07c5003d159107⋯.png (263.69 KB,1206x1044,67:58,Clipboard.png)

File: 69a5260cff671db⋯.png (192.71 KB,1396x496,349:124,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ce1aff5fe5a732⋯.png (527.79 KB,770x858,35:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338373 (290611ZOCT20) Notable: Who is Miles Taylor?

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Who is Miles Taylor?

In 2007, while in college, Taylor interned in the office of the Secretary of Defense and the office ofVice President Dick Cheney.[8] In 2008, he worked as Briefing Book coordinator at the Department of Homeland Security.[8] In 2009 he served as a regional policy intern for the Defense Department.[8]

Taylor was a political appointee in the administration of George W. Bush.[7] He was a staffer for the House Appropriations Committee and then the Committee on Homeland Security, where he was advisor to its chair,Michael McCaul.[7] He was McCaul's chief speechwriter and the Majority Staff Lead for the congressional Task Force on Combating Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel.[7] In 2015 he was named a Penn Kemble Fellow by the National Endowment for Democracy.[9]

In October 2020, Taylor revealed himself to be"Anonymous", the author of the New York Times September 5, 2018, op-ed, "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration" and the follow-up book, A Warning, published in November 2019.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338437 (290616ZOCT20) Notable: Jack Dorsey of Twitter should be Brought to Justice & Imprisoned

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Jack Dorsey of Twitter should be Brought to Justice & Imprisoned

October 29, 2020

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey should be Imprisoned for violating the Civil Rights under 18 USC 241 of the American People and Congress cannot by Section 230 grant him any immunity whatsoever that undermines the Constitution

The Supreme Court long ago recognized that the right to vote for federal offices is among the rights secured by Article I, Sections 2 and 4, of the Constitution, and hence is protected by Section 241. United States v. Classic, 313 U.S. 299 (1941); Ex parte Yarbrough, 110 U.S. 651 (1884).

Therefore, Section 230 cannot overrule a constitutional right. The Supreme Court held “We have rejected the view that the applicability of one constitutional amendment pre-empts the guarantees of another.” US v James Daniel Good, 510 US 43 (1993) see also Soldal v Cook County, 506 US 56 (1992).

Therefore, Section 230 CANNOT repeal the civil rights statute. They need to be brought to court and this power needs to be stripped from them as unconstitutional. Let the jury take their billions and redistribute it to all Americans fulfilling their Socialist dreams.

It is time for lawyers to bring a class-action lawsuit against Dorsey and Twitter.


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1a6d04 No.131075

File: 730ce1d5ba91cf7⋯.png (246.94 KB,800x710,80:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a9a399922b173a⋯.png (195.72 KB,678x647,678:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 67f6560efcc701e⋯.png (193.36 KB,766x620,383:310,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c34e3e0f513640⋯.png (205.86 KB,744x623,744:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e519caac424dec⋯.png (129.17 KB,741x513,13:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338594 (290635ZOCT20) Notable: It is Very Strange That General Flynn Was unmaske almost 50 times

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1a6d04 No.131076

File: cad0b1317e94017⋯.png (37.47 KB,1360x240,17:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338595 (290635ZOCT20) Notable: Who are his parents?

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Who are his parents?

How did Taylor get all these internships with senior govt officials?

Taylor is majoring in political science and in international security studies through the individualized major program.

Taylor took time off from college in 2007 to work in Washington, D.C., serving as an intern in the office of the secretary of Defense and Vice President Dick Cheney's office.


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1a6d04 No.131077

File: ce25be46c0b7dd7⋯.png (308.43 KB,1100x800,11:8,Clipboard.png)

File: 05c586fc7e9e438⋯.png (145.2 KB,546x615,182:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 5553434b42e335d⋯.png (223.18 KB,800x485,160:97,Clipboard.png)

File: b26f9f0f02c0662⋯.png (441.42 KB,1100x800,11:8,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ffc5428e3560f7⋯.png (453.98 KB,1185x868,1185:868,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338738 (290649ZOCT20) Notable: Mic hael T Flynn Case

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1a6d04 No.131078

File: 9606650f6c9f917⋯.png (40.19 KB,604x300,151:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338841 (290658ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: ADL IS "CONCERNED" ABOUT JEWS BEING HARASSED BY BLM IN PHILLY

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1a6d04 No.131079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338908 (290703ZOCT20) Notable: #144481

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>>131073 Who is Miles Taylor?

>>131074 Jack Dorsey of Twitter should be Brought to Justice & Imprisoned

>>131075 It is Very Strange That General Flynn Was unmaske almost 50 times

>>131076 Who are his parents?

>>131077 Mic hael T Flynn Case


secondary bread



>>131073 Who is Miles Taylor?

>>131074 Jack Dorsey of Twitter should be Brought to Justice & Imprisoned

>>131075 It is Very Strange That General Flynn Was unmaske almost 50 times

>>131076 Who are his parents?

>>131077 Mic hael T Flynn Case


Does this look correct?

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1a6d04 No.131080

File: 55c0750a355853c⋯.png (648.51 KB,1215x600,81:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339003 (290710ZOCT20) Notable: Was digging on the F-16 intercept today

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Was digging on the F-16 intercept today and came across a possible Crowdstrike Q Drop 3764 referencing what may be this intercept today possibly targeting the crowd and POTUS at the rally that connects back to the Disney Clock Q Drop 4730 based on the numbers.

>>>/qresearch/11338813 reposting here

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1a6d04 No.131081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339093 (290721ZOCT20) Notable: _Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish

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Tucker: Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish

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1a6d04 No.131082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339364 (290743ZOCT20) Notable: 14480

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>>131073 Who is Miles Taylor?

>>131074 Jack Dorsey of Twitter should be Brought to Justice & Imprisoned

>>131075 It is Very Strange That General Flynn Was unmaske almost 50 times

>>131076 Who are his parents?

>>131077 Mic hael T Flynn Case


>>131080 Was digging on the F-16 intercept today

144481 split bread

>>131073 Who is Miles Taylor?

>>131074 Jack Dorsey of Twitter should be Brought to Justice & Imprisoned

>>131075 It is Very Strange That General Flynn Was unmaske almost 50 times

>>131076 Who are his parents?

>>131077 Mic hael T Flynn Case


>>131081 _Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish

>>>/qresearch/11338209 New 'We the People' banner for Gen Flynn Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11338348 Detroit ABC affiliate 'accidentally' predicts Trump winning Michigan in election graphic

>>>/qresearch/11338423, >>>/qresearch/11338429 Hunter Biden Rosemont Seneca Leaked Bank Statements

>>>/qresearch/11338537 Andre Balazs, huge donor to DNC, Schumer, and Cuomo, owns Chateau Marmont and The Standard hotels

>>>/qresearch/11338824 Disturbing events that happened at Chateau Marmont that includes living and dead celebrities. 'Bad time at the Old Royale' is real.

>>>/qresearch/11338717, >>>/qresearch/11338882 2 Burisma payments = 166,666.66

>>>/qresearch/11339088 VOTE IN PERSON- RIGHT NOW-TODAY Don't Wait until Nov 3rd

>>>/qresearch/11339165 'clowns' are running the OR Health authority during the Covid 'pandemic'

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1a6d04 No.131083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338155 (290553ZOCT20) Notable: Anons discuss and analyze cameras and link to Ray Chandler, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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>>131053 lb

Someone is raping a child in room 14

Seriously, what the fuck

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1a6d04 No.131084

File: 46c6ac801befe07⋯.jpg (407.65 KB,2130x1695,142:113,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338209 (290557ZOCT20) Notable: New 'We the People' banner for Gen Flynn Twitter

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New Gen Flynn Banner


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1a6d04 No.131085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338348 (290609ZOCT20) Notable: Detroit ABC affiliate 'accidentally' predicts Trump winning Michigan in election graphic

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In Detroit during the bachlorette on ABC they put up an election graphic showing Trump winning Michigan

Mike Murri, WXYZ-TV vice president and general manager, apologized Wednesday morning for the accidental testing of systems that will be used next week for actual election night coverage.

"WXYZ inadvertently aired an election result graphic this evening as part of our testing of the systems we will use during election night coverage," Murri said via email. "The results displayed were randomly generated by that system. We apologize for any confusion. We have taken steps to ensure this will not happen again."

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1a6d04 No.131086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338415 (290614ZOCT20) Notable: Anons discuss and analyze cameras and link to Ray Chandler

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>>131053 lb


An anon adjusted the perspective of that picture with all of the cameras. Got them all squared up.

Does anyone have that? I wish I would've saved it

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1a6d04 No.131087

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338423 (290615ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden Rosemont Seneca Leaked Bank Statements

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Hunter Biden Rosemont Seneca Leaked Bank Statements


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1a6d04 No.131088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338429 (290615ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden Rosemont Seneca Leaked Bank Statements

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1a6d04 No.131089

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338443 (290617ZOCT20) Notable: Anons discuss and analyze cameras and link to Ray Chandler

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>adjusted the perspective of that picture with all of the cameras. Got them all squared up.

If you have a copy of the Q drop pic I can square it up like you describe.

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1a6d04 No.131090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338469 (290619ZOCT20) Notable: Anons discuss and analyze cameras and link to Ray Chandler, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: chataou_marmont_sec_cams_chandler_decode.jpg, Gitmo_camp_justice.jpg

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i know the one your thinking of.. still looking. meanwhile...

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1a6d04 No.131091

File: a7cdad1bdeccef4⋯.png (1.64 MB,2136x1175,2136:1175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338506 (290623ZOCT20) Notable: Anons discuss and analyze cameras and link to Ray Chandler

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1a6d04 No.131092

File: e4926f5df27f4b0⋯.png (44.25 KB,1325x574,1325:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338537 (290627ZOCT20) Notable: Andre Balazs, huge donor to DNC, Schumer, and Cuomo, owns Chateau Marmont and The Standard hotels

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Andre Balazs owns Chateau Marmont and The Standard hotels

He's donated to Schumer, Cuomo, and the DNC


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1a6d04 No.131093

File: 56aa51c6210ba1e⋯.png (33.05 KB,1061x53,1061:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338717 (290646ZOCT20) Notable: 2 Burisma payments = 166,666.66

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83,333.33 x 2 =


self notable

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1a6d04 No.131094

File: 985e13cb0971122⋯.png (1.96 MB,1300x1590,130:159,Clipboard.png)

File: 721a08f7a2c060b⋯.png (2.31 MB,1300x1733,1300:1733,Clipboard.png)

File: 7aaa06d6d93b25c⋯.png (2.49 MB,1300x1639,1300:1639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338824 (290656ZOCT20) Notable: Disturbing events that happened at Chateau Marmont that includes living and dead celebrities. 'Bad time at the Old Royale' is real.

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moar mormont. nothing to see here,, just a friendly looking back though history… kek

in case you didn't know


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1a6d04 No.131095

File: 9338398973b8b31⋯.png (199.75 KB,459x505,459:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 127127a0d489a91⋯.png (556.34 KB,1535x874,1535:874,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11338882 (290702ZOCT20) Notable: 2 Burisma payments = 166,666.66

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Probably not the exact sauce but here's one Michael Coudrey with pics of the document and he highlights it.


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1a6d04 No.131096

File: 178cfc3bd4db791⋯.png (30.69 KB,522x261,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339088 (290721ZOCT20) Notable: VOTE IN PERSON- RIGHT NOW-TODAY Don't Wait until Nov 3rd

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VOTE IN PERSON- RIGHT NOW-TODAY if you can. Don’t wait until Nov 3rd. You have no idea what might happen in your life between now and then.

You may get sick, have an emergency, who knows?

Not worth risking.



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1a6d04 No.131097

File: 653b9cf3c393183⋯.png (454.25 KB,751x772,751:772,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339165 (290726ZOCT20) Notable: 'clowns' are running the OR Health authority during the Covid 'pandemic'

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A senior official with the Oregon Health Authority announced the daily covid death toll in the state while wearing clown makeup. Oregon literally has lunatics in clown costumes running their pandemic response. This does not surprise me at all.

this is peak…something

clownworld jumped the shark

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1a6d04 No.131098

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339346 (290741ZOCT20) Notable: #14482

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#14482 notables

>>131084 New 'We the People' banner for Gen Flynn Twitter

>>131085 Detroit ABC affiliate 'accidentally' predicts Trump winning Michigan in election graphic

>>131087, >>131088 Hunter Biden Rosemont Seneca Leaked Bank Statements

>>131092 Andre Balazs, huge donor to DNC, Schumer, and Cuomo, owns Chateau Marmont and The Standard hotels

>>131094 Disturbing events that happened at Chateau Marmont that includes living and dead celebrities. 'Bad time at the Old Royale' is real.

>>131093, >>131095 2 Burisma payments = 166,666.66

>>131096 VOTE IN PERSON- RIGHT NOW-TODAY Don't Wait until Nov 3rd

>>131097 'clowns' are running the OR Health authority during the Covid 'pandemic'

>11338050 (lb), >>131091, >>131083, >>131086, >>131089, >>131090 Anons discuss and analyze cameras and link to Ray Chandler

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1a6d04 No.131099

File: 2ab222bdbc3f008⋯.jpg (98.05 KB,1173x654,391:218,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339577 (290806ZOCT20) Notable: Hillary is a Democrat Elector for NY if Biden wins

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Hillary Clinton says she is an Electoral College elector in New York

Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton said Tuesday she is one of the 538 electors in the Electoral College.

"I'm an elector in New York," the 2016 Democratic nominee told SiriusXM's "Signal Boost." "I'm sure I'll get to vote for Joe (Biden) and (Sen. Kamala Harris) in New York. So, that's pretty exciting."

Clinton has previously called for the abolition of the Electoral College, where electors directly vote on the president and vice president of the United States. She advocated for the president to be instead selected based on the US popular vote. Clinton won almost 2.9 million more votes than Donald Trump in 2016, but lost the election after Trump secured a majority of votes in the Electoral College.

When Americans cast their votes in presidential elections, they are not selecting the President directly. According to the system laid out by the US Constitution, Americans are voting for 538 electors, who meet in their respective states and vote for the President and Vice President. These electors comprise the Electoral College, and their votes are then counted by the President of the Senate in a joint session of Congress. Each state is in charge of selecting their own electors.

There is an elector for every member of the US House of Representatives (435) and the US Senate (100), and an additional three for people who live in the District of Columbia. It takes 270 electoral votes to get a majority of the Electoral College and win the presidential election.

The former secretary of state told CNN's Anderson Cooper in September 2017 that she believed the Electoral College needed to be eliminated, and said, "I'd like to see us move beyond it."

Clinton had also called for an end to the Electoral College after the 2000 election, when former Vice President Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the presidency. Clinton told reporters at the time, "I believe strongly that in a democracy, we should respect the will of the people and to me, that means it's time to do away with the Electoral College and move to the popular election of our president."

Clinton told SiriusXM's "Signal Boost" that she is worried there won't be a final conclusion to the 2020 election, "for a couple of days, if not longer."

Build your own road to 270 electoral votes with CNN's interactive map

She said she had planned to vote early in-person for the upcoming election, but said the lines where she lives have been several hours long.

"I'm waiting for either a break in the line so I can vote early, or I'll just, you know, take up a bag lunch and go stand in line and vote on Election Day, depending upon what I can get done," Clinton said with a laugh.


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1a6d04 No.131100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339669 (290818ZOCT20) Notable: Bobulinski - "I met with Hunter Biden often at Chateau Marmon w/ Rob Walker

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Bobulinski responded, “I met with Hunter Biden multiple times at the Chateau Marmont and Rob Walker, and the discussion was they wanted me to sit down with their father, just to meet him and, at a high level, discuss the Biden family and how they approach things.”


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1a6d04 No.131101

File: 7c50148294f0618⋯.png (1.05 MB,767x602,767:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339682 (290819ZOCT20) Notable: Orgy Island closed circuit TV system camera locations

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1a6d04 No.131102

File: 280a16dcf0b1dba⋯.jpg (56 KB,800x420,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339742 (290827ZOCT20) Notable: "We're going to make sure Trump leaves

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"We're Going To Make Sure Trump Leaves": Leftists Plan To Storm DC After Election

A far left group is vowing to “make sure Trump leaves” the White House after the election, even if he wins, with radicals preparing to storm and occupy DC.

The Shut Down DC group says it will “be in the streets before the polls even close,” asserting that “Trump will not leave office without mass mobilization and direct action.”

“On Election Day, when you’re done voting, doing election protection, or getting out the vote, come join us at Black Lives Matter Plaza,” states the group’s manifesto.

“We’re inviting everybody who agrees with these organizing principles to work together to make this uprising happen. We’re going to make sure Trump leaves.”

Quite how the group is going to make Trump leave the White House on election day is somewhat baffling, given that even if he loses he doesn’t have to officially leave office until next year.

The extremist group is planning to block highways, shut down ports and occupy state capitols if Trump “tries to steal the election” (ie wins it), while also vowing to harass members of Congress at their own homes.

“We’ll meet them at the train station or the airports or if they drive into town we can meet them at their homes,” states the group.

Bragging about how mobs of leftists protested outside Sen. Lindsay Graham’s (R-SC) house before sunrise, the organization is conducting “mass rebellion training” in the event of Trump attempting a “coup”.

If a right-wing group had published such a manifesto, it would be nationally demonized as a domestic terrorist outfit and face immediate federal investigation.

As it is, Shut Down DC’s call to arms has received virtually no mainstream media attention whatsoever.


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1a6d04 No.131103

File: a68589568399af2⋯.png (47.57 KB,1155x968,105:88,Clipboard.png)

File: f345b77a60c4c1b⋯.png (883.02 KB,1144x922,572:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cdcec593d77ed8⋯.png (631.07 KB,858x724,429:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339756 (290830ZOCT20) Notable: Bobulinski video censored

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>>131039 (lb)


Full Bobulinski Video Matters So Much that it is and will Continue to be Blocked and/or Throttled

Here is an example of a site that posted the video on YouTube. About halfway through while watching it the streaming was cut and the Video was Removed. (real-time Screen cap 1)

Views: 27,047

Date: October 27, 2020

The site owner (neotech40) must have figured out a way to post it again, but with a visible compression (pixilation lossy blocks) on the video. Whether the site owner reposted with the encoding or YouTube only allowed it that way, the views went up again to what it was before. (Screen cap 2) How long will this one last before being removed?

Views: 27,453

Date: October 28, 2020


Another Possibility for Video being Removed:

Maybe FoxNews doesn't want the Full Interview it posted elsewhere so it is being brought down everywhere because of Fox.

I don't think so however, because Tucker also posted his video wondering where his shipped Hunter Biden related documents went (Screen cap 3).



Bobulinski Videos Continually being Dumped. Now Related Documents Lost in Shipping.

The Senators could have used us Anons in their Big Tech Hearing to give examples.

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1a6d04 No.131104

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339759 (290830ZOCT20) Notable: Orgy Island closed circuit TV system camera locations

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1a6d04 No.131105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339776 (290833ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Caravan in Jerusalem

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Trump Caravan Rolls Down Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Highway in Israel

A caravan displaying Trump flags alongside Israeli flags paraded through Israel on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway Tuesday.

(awe inspiring!)


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1a6d04 No.131106

File: f14d7f03babb308⋯.jpg (33.75 KB,436x583,436:583,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f802676b760bc95⋯.jpg (19.99 KB,346x600,173:300,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f41a867b4f5cd45⋯.png (96.13 KB,594x513,22:19,Clipboard.png)

File: 9de767810b51098⋯.png (289.58 KB,985x786,985:786,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339780 (290834ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter pics

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Hmm. i haven't seen these yet.

They're not clear enough to guesstimate the age of the person, much less exactly who it is.

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1a6d04 No.131107

File: 88a02fa70b71ba6⋯.png (973.43 KB,1130x717,1130:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339845 (290843ZOCT20) Notable: Jim Biden - red shoes?

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Joe Biden's brother Jim wears RED shoes.


Now what was the thing about red shoes, again?

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1a6d04 No.131108

File: a60f12ef6e0b5a8⋯.png (2.87 MB,1499x4370,1499:4370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339853 (290844ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Campaign Website hacked

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Reposting for an anon who posted as a thread…

Donaldjtrump.com website hacked and defaced briefly on October 27, 2020

On October 27, 2020 at approximately 4:50pm Mountain Time, Donald Trump’s campaign website, www.donaldjtrump.com, was defaced. The attackers left a message claiming they had compromising information on President Trump. The defacement page contained two Monero cryptocurrency wallet IDs encouraging visitors to “vote” by sending cryptocurrency to the wallets, indicating that if the first wallet received more money than the second wallet, the attackers would release this compromising information.

Technical Analysis

The campaign website made use of the Expression Engine CMS, a commercial CMS with few known vulnerabilities. The site used Cloudflare as a content delivery network (CDN).

Since the site was protected by Cloudflare, the attackers would not have been able to access the site via FTP or SSH unless they knew the Origin IP, that is, the IP of the server hosting the site. When a site uses Cloudflare, the Cloudflare servers are what site visitors access, rather than the ‘origin’ server that actually contains the content and any web application. Cloudflare tries to hide the origin server IP address, making it difficult to access that server unless you can discover the IP address.

The defacement page itself displayed two XMR (Monero) wallets. Monero is a cryptocurrency popular amongst threat actors because it uses an obfuscated public ledger. This means that, while transactions are recorded, they’re not currently traceable. This makes it impossible for outsiders to discover who sent money to each wallet or the amounts involved.

The attackers also left a Pretty Good Privacy(PGP) Public Key on the defacement page. A PGP Public Key can be used to verify signed messages and ensure that a message sender is the same person who posted the public key. If the attackers later decided to release information, they could prove they were the same threat actors who defaced the site by signing released information with their private key.

Only information signed with their private key would be verifiable using the published public key. In this case, the Public Key appears to correspond to a nonexistent email address, hack@planet.gov. Nonetheless, we have provided the PGP key for posterity.

Moar at article:



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1a6d04 No.131109

File: 290ae239e6ccb94⋯.png (1.29 MB,1366x5499,1366:5499,Clipboard.png)

File: bcf8bb95074acbb⋯.png (264.15 KB,266x375,266:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339904 (290850ZOCT20) Notable: Bright Sunny Days = Film set in Beijing?

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found this while researching BRIGHT SUNNY days

The film is set in Beijing during the Cultural Revolution.

The original title of film may be translated as "Bright Sunny Days"


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1a6d04 No.131110

File: 6f54b6394c0cde2⋯.jpg (78.55 KB,618x410,309:205,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11339992 (290900ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter running blackmail op

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Twitter is running a blackmail operation — cooperate or no traffic for you

By Post Editorial Board

October 28, 2020 | 6:46pm

For all their talk of “neutral platforms,” the Big Shots at Big Tech — Twitter, Facebook and Google — are running a protection racket. They figure they can dictate what Americans get to see and read, and what other media companies must do to reach the public via those platforms.

It’s a clear threat to a healthy democracy — and Congress has noticed. On Wednesday, the Senate launched a hearing to investigate “Big Tech’s bad behavior.”

Center-stage: Twitter’s strong-arm tactics to censor The Post ever since we began reporting on Hunter Biden’s e-mails. First, it froze our account and banned our stories; then, amid a public backlash, it agreed to unfreeze us — but only if we deleted our original tweets.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sounded like every mob enforcer and shakedown artist in history: Nice paper you got there, New York Post. Shame, should something happen to it. He knows full well media outlets depend on social media, and Google search algorithms, to help readers access our reporting.

Sen. Ted Cruz wasn’t fooled: “Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report, and what the American people are allowed to hear?” he thundered. “Why do you persist in behaving as a Democratic super PAC, silencing views to the contrary of your political beliefs?”

Ted Cruz lambastes Twitter’s Jack Dorsey over NY Post’s censorship

Play Video

Dorsey tried to claim it was all a mistake that had been fixed, but The Post account remained locked, even as he spoke.

“Can the New York Post post on their Twitter account?” Cruz asked.

“If they go into their account . . . ” squirmed Dorsey, before Cruz cut him off.

“No, is your answer to that,” fumed Cruz, “unless they genuflect and agree with your dictates.”

Besides, if it was an honest error, then why do they only happen to one side? As Sen. Marsha Blackburn noted, Twitter has “censored” President Trump 65 times and Joe Biden zero. “There is a pattern of subjective manipulation of information.”

Nor can Twitter and Facebook, which also moved to suppress The Post’s reporting, claim there’s anything wrong with the stories. Asked if they had any “evidence” of that, Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg both admitted they didn’t.

Some folks think the paper should’ve just caved immediately and deleted the story. Yet the problem isn’t The Post’s failure to squelch stories — it’s Big Tech’s heavy-handed shakedown.


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1a6d04 No.131111

File: 5bb88c4f6a5648d⋯.png (429.31 KB,862x632,431:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340024 (290902ZOCT20) Notable: FOX News confronts Jim Biden at his home

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FOX News Reporter Confronts Jim Biden Outside his Multi-Million Dollar Home on the Biden Family Scandals (VIDEO)

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1a6d04 No.131112

File: 74592f2a1375ed6⋯.png (312.45 KB,697x478,697:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340026 (290902ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter running blackmail op

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Twitter is running a blackmail operation — cooperate or no traffic for you

By Post Editorial Board

October 28, 2020 | 6:46pm

For all their talk of “neutral platforms,” the Big Shots at Big Tech — Twitter, Facebook and Google — are running a protection racket. They figure they can dictate what Americans get to see and read, and what other media companies must do to reach the public via those platforms.

It’s a clear threat to a healthy democracy — and Congress has noticed. On Wednesday, the Senate launched a hearing to investigate “Big Tech’s bad behavior.”

Center-stage: Twitter’s strong-arm tactics to censor The Post ever since we began reporting on Hunter Biden’s e-mails. First, it froze our account and banned our stories; then, amid a public backlash, it agreed to unfreeze us — but only if we deleted our original tweets.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sounded like every mob enforcer and shakedown artist in history: Nice paper you got there, New York Post. Shame, should something happen to it. He knows full well media outlets depend on social media, and Google search algorithms, to help readers access our reporting.

Sen. Ted Cruz wasn’t fooled: “Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report, and what the American people are allowed to hear?” he thundered. “Why do you persist in behaving as a Democratic super PAC, silencing views to the contrary of your political beliefs?”

Ted Cruz lambastes Twitter’s Jack Dorsey over NY Post’s censorship

Play Video

Dorsey tried to claim it was all a mistake that had been fixed, but The Post account remained locked, even as he spoke.

“Can the New York Post post on their Twitter account?” Cruz asked.

“If they go into their account . . . ” squirmed Dorsey, before Cruz cut him off.

“No, is your answer to that,” fumed Cruz, “unless they genuflect and agree with your dictates.”

Besides, if it was an honest error, then why do they only happen to one side? As Sen. Marsha Blackburn noted, Twitter has “censored” President Trump 65 times and Joe Biden zero. “There is a pattern of subjective manipulation of information.”

Nor can Twitter and Facebook, which also moved to suppress The Post’s reporting, claim there’s anything wrong with the stories. Asked if they had any “evidence” of that, Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg both admitted they didn’t.

Some folks think the paper should’ve just caved immediately and deleted the story. Yet the problem isn’t The Post’s failure to squelch stories — it’s Big Tech’s heavy-handed shakedown.



Forgot the darn hyperlink folks.

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1a6d04 No.131113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340046 (290903ZOCT20) Notable: Election fraud comes in many forms

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Election fraud comes in many forms

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1a6d04 No.131114

File: c71a4e4c3b1e95a⋯.png (430.48 KB,766x560,383:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340051 (290904ZOCT20) Notable: Eleven Trillion reasons not to vote for Biden

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Eleven Trillion Reasons Not to Vote for Joe Biden

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1a6d04 No.131115

File: c1928759682d4b4⋯.png (355.04 KB,700x466,350:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340087 (290907ZOCT20) Notable: SCOTUS with Kavanaugh

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The Kavanaugh Court

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1a6d04 No.131116

File: d54a31fb8f9a44d⋯.png (110.81 KB,720x917,720:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340103 (290909ZOCT20) Notable: Officers had what appeared to be blood thrown on them in Philly Riots

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Nothing crazy about this Carrie shit here



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1a6d04 No.131117

File: c0f43f922fe3f82⋯.png (21.93 KB,677x335,677:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340115 (290910ZOCT20) Notable: Donald Trump, Genie

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Donald Trump, Genie

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1a6d04 No.131118

File: 293d8b5c0eb673b⋯.png (16.5 KB,792x112,99:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340126 (290911ZOCT20) Notable: CNN blasted for ignoring Biden bombshells

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CNN blasted as ‘Democrat State Media’ for COMPLETELY ignoring Bobulinski bombshells

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1a6d04 No.131119

File: 7667332dc3819ca⋯.png (653.36 KB,894x564,149:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340135 (290912ZOCT20) Notable: Philadelphia Police discover van loaded with explosives

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BREAKING: Police In Philadelphia ‘Discover Van Loaded With Explosives, Suspicious Equipment,’ Report Says

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1a6d04 No.131120

File: 82d517ada53f1ca⋯.png (26.8 KB,728x226,364:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340146 (290913ZOCT20) Notable: Girl Scouts bow to SJW's

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Girl Scout Org. Tweet Honors 5 Women on SCOTUS, Then Swiftly Bowed to SJW Scolds

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1a6d04 No.131121

File: 1acbb0ecf77a142⋯.png (391.97 KB,663x465,221:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340154 (290915ZOCT20) Notable: SCOTUS rejects GOP appeal to stop extended voting deadline

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Supreme Court Rejects GOP Appeal, Allows Democrats to Extend North Carolina Vote-by-Mail Deadline

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1a6d04 No.131122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340167 (290915ZOCT20) Notable: Former Military Investigator warns of post election violence from left

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Former Military Air Force Investigator Now Undercover Investigator believes the Left will incite Civil War over Election…


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1a6d04 No.131123

File: 904d562f2b2571a⋯.jpg (95.42 KB,1140x712,285:178,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7c8146782038c97⋯.jpg (62.15 KB,804x666,134:111,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ed6fbad4a586f2c⋯.jpg (67.68 KB,1140x712,285:178,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cd15d420a541b9c⋯.png (1.32 MB,1048x706,524:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340168 (290916ZOCT20) Notable: South Dakota Gubenatorial Candidate storms North Dakota

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Write-in Candidate Michael Coachman Joel Hylden could be the upset of 2020 Election

Not looking good for globalist, scamdemic, 'Mask-up', a friend of Bill Gates & Dr. Birx, RINO Gov. Doug Burgum (R).

Burgum has his sights set on US Senate to replace RINO Sen John Hoeven that supported Russia, Russia, Russia election interference.

Cryin' Burgum is gunnin' for U.S. Senate. Possibly to replace RINO Sen. John Hoeven. Sucking up to Dr. Birx might be a strategy to cozy up with Joe Biden because Burgum is unsure who will win.

Burgum's write-in opponent Right-To-Life endorsed, Michael Coachman (R) could be the ND upset of the century. Coachman is a 'Qanon' #WWG1WGA follower.

Some GOP members not voting for Burgum in November



Hoeven has crossed swords w Pres. Donald Trump over supporting Russia, Russia, Russia 'Election Interference'. If Trump is re-elected Hoeven will retire within two years.


Hoeven also has a stake in providing oxygen to Veterans hospitals AND Burgum has a stake in PPE company. VOTE GLOBALIST OUT.

Burgum's PAC supported a Pro-Choice candidate.


And one of Burgum's PAC supported candidates DIED before the election in what has been described as a 'Divine Intervention' type twist. https://www.kxnet.com/news/local-news/district-8-candidate-dave-andahl-dies/



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1a6d04 No.131124

File: 7d9f2eeca80818c⋯.png (21.59 KB,590x191,590:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340179 (290917ZOCT20) Notable: James Woods tweet - Give Tucker the Pulitzer

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James Woods

If @TuckerCarlson does not win the Pulitzer this year, the prize no longer has any meaning whatsoever. Meanwhile Democrat lapdogs like Jake Tapper are meticulously defending and “libsplaining” Twitter’s censorship of the New York Post, which broke the story originally.



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1a6d04 No.131125

File: 411a1ddaa2eff08⋯.png (148.64 KB,864x517,864:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340182 (290917ZOCT20) Notable: Third wave of Hunter Biden hard drive data

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The third wave: Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive Email Declassification: Democratic donor Bill Bartmann promised to support Hunter Biden Unconditionally

25 mins ago


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1a6d04 No.131126

File: 3b982780f07cd6a⋯.png (56.91 KB,625x421,625:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340195 (290918ZOCT20) Notable: Trump's path to 270

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Trump's paths (plural!) to 270 electoral votes and victory

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/10/trumps_paths_plural_to_270_electoral_votes_and_victory.html#ixzz6cFa67SyE

Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

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1a6d04 No.131127

File: a55f80f1796c1a5⋯.png (524.93 KB,620x617,620:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340214 (290920ZOCT20) Notable: EX DEA Spokesman gets 7 years for 4.4M$ fraud

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Ex-DEA Spokesman Gets 7 Years for $4.4M Fraud Scheme

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1a6d04 No.131128

File: a2737713604d8d3⋯.png (143.17 KB,621x693,69:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340228 (290922ZOCT20) Notable: Judge: Virginia can't count ballots without postmarks

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Judge: Virginia Can't Count Ballots With Missing Postmarks

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1a6d04 No.131129

File: ddfc96ee701e988⋯.png (342.21 KB,605x399,605:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340232 (290922ZOCT20) Notable: Terrorist Knife attack in Nice, France 2 dead

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Two people are BEHEADED and several others wounded in 'terrorist' knife attack at a Catholic church in Nice

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1a6d04 No.131130

File: d927fc8ed7077a2⋯.png (22.37 KB,717x205,717:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340269 (290925ZOCT20) Notable: Borat crashes Mike Pence speech?

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Did Borat really crash Mike Pence's CPAC speech? Here's what videos from the day showed.

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1a6d04 No.131131

File: e7e219f9ca85a19⋯.png (459.28 KB,837x581,837:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340301 (290927ZOCT20) Notable: Chelsea Handler assaults conservatives in airport

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‘I Was Out Of My Tree’: Chelsea Handler Admits Trump Hate Led To Assaulting Conservatives In Airports

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1a6d04 No.131132

File: 777fa04c72b2c3a⋯.png (695.9 KB,962x784,481:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340307 (290927ZOCT20) Notable: Pompeo in Indonesia, renews China attacks

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Pompeo, in Indonesia, renews China attacks as US vote looms


an hour ago

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo renewed the Trump administration’s rhetorical onslaught against China in Indonesia on Thursday as the American presidential election looms.

With China a central theme in President Donald Trump’s campaign to win a second term in just five days time, Pompeo took aim at Chinese aggressiveness in the South China Sea, where it has advanced maritime and territorial claims over the objections of its smaller neighbors, over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic and its repression of religious minorities.

Speaking in Jakarta, the headquarters of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Pompeo praised Indonesia’s leadership in ASEAN for pushing back on what he called China’s “unlawful” claims and lauded Jakarta’s protection of its own territory. He also attacked Beijing for its treatment of religious minorities, calling China “the gravest threat to the future of religious freedom.”

Delivering a speech on religious freedom in the capital of the world’s most populous Muslim nation, Pompeo denounced the Chinese Communist Party for its reported mass abuses of Muslim minorities in the western Xinjiang region.

“The atheist CCP has tried to convince the world that its brutalization of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang is necessary as a counterterrorism efforts or poverty - depending on the audience, they are speaking to,” Pompeo said. ”I know the Chinese Communist Party has tried to convince Indonesians to look away from the torments your fellow Muslims are suffering.”

He dismissed as fantasy Chinese officials’ claims that Uighurs are “eager to discard their ethnic, religious and cultural identities to become ‘modern’ and enjoy the benefits of CCP-led development” and urged Indonesians to reject them.

Earlier, in an appearance with Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Pompeo took China to task for threatening its neighbors.

“We respect freedom of the seas, sovereignty and the rule of law,” he said, standing beside Marsudi. Marsudi agreed, saying “any claims should be based on universally recognized principle of international law” although she did not specifically mention China.

“Our law-abiding nations reject the unlawful claims by Chinese Communist Party in the South China Sea as is clear from Indonesia’s courageous leadership on this subject within ASEAN and at the United Nations,” Pompeo said. “It’s a cause worth pursuing in multilateral settings and the Trump administration very much supports this.” Earlier this year, the Trump administration clarified its longstanding policy on the disputes by rejecting outright nearly all of Beijing’s maritime claims in the South China Sea. That decision in July came as Trump began a concerted effort to use China as a campaign cudgel against his Democratic challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, who he paints as weak on China and beholden to it.

Previously, U.S. policy had been to insist that maritime disputes between China and its smaller neighbors be resolved peacefully through U.N.-backed arbitration. But in a July 13 statement, Pompeo said the U.S. now regards virtually all Chinese maritime claims outside its internationally recognized waters to be illegitimate.

China has pressed ahead with attempts to enforce its disputed claims in the South China Sea, leading to serious spats with Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia in recent years. It has ignored arbitration rulings that the disputes must be negotiated.

In making the U.S. announcement, Pompeo said China cannot legally claim the James Shoal near Malaysia, waters surrounding the Vanguard Bank off Vietnam, the Luconia Shoals near Brunei or Natuna Besar off Indonesia.

more at link:


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1a6d04 No.131133

File: cca6fdbbb97dfa4⋯.png (55.26 KB,626x429,626:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340325 (290928ZOCT20) Notable: The American Dream vs Dark Winter

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The American dream vs. the dark winter

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1a6d04 No.131134

File: a38be8ea5877131⋯.png (279.73 KB,610x328,305:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340354 (290931ZOCT20) Notable: Taiwan can wipe out half of Chinese Navy with new missiles

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Taiwan Can Wipe-Out Half Of Chinese Navy With New Missiles; China Accuses US Of Violating 1982 Pact

Published 3 hours ago on October 29, 2020

By Smriti Chaudhary

After the US announced the sale of anti-ship Harpoon missiles to Taiwan, Beijing has accused Washington of violating three joint communique signed between the US and China.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that China would take legitimate and necessary measures to safeguard its sovereignty and security interests with firm determination, noting the arms sale to Taipei violates the three communique, especially the one signed on August 17, 1982.

Reminding of the 1982 communique, the US stated that it “does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms… and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution.”

“The move has interfered in China’s internal affairs, seriously damaged China’s sovereignty and security interests, and sent wrong signals to Taiwan secessionists, and has seriously harmed China-US relations and the peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits,” Wang emphasized.

The Chine state-owned tabloid, Global Times (GT), citing Song Zhongping, a Chinese mainland military expert, said that the US missiles could bring some threats to the PLA if war breaks out between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits which that the US has violated its promises made in the three joint communique with the People’s Republic of China to gradually reduce its arms sales to Taiwan.

The announcement for the $2.4 billion sale of the 400 Harpoon anti-ship missiles, 100 launcher transporters, radar, and support systems to Taipei was made on the same day when Beijing announced sanctions on American defense companies including Boeing, the lead contractor on the Harpoon deal, as well as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and other entities that are supplying arms to Taiwan.

The Harpoon is an all-weather, over-the-horizon, anti-ship missile that can be launched by air, surface, or by submarine-based platforms. It has a range of about 125 kilometers.


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1a6d04 No.131135

File: 810222659406f2d⋯.png (54.93 KB,624x427,624:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340364 (290931ZOCT20) Notable: Bidenomics threatens Small Industry

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Bidenomics threatens small business too

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1a6d04 No.131136

File: 13e7b6d9e63e1fd⋯.png (136.52 KB,593x721,593:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340380 (290933ZOCT20) Notable: Media calls on Election too early? Maria Bartiromo

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We will discuss



Media that declares a winner of the presidential election before polling centers close will unquestionably disenfranchise Americans who have not yet voted.

I wrote a letter to the heads of major news orgs to request patience in calling a winner until all polling centers close.

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1a6d04 No.131137

File: bceb0eb96597b99⋯.png (27.73 KB,851x230,37:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340395 (290934ZOCT20) Notable: FBI announces Chinese indictments, no arrests

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FBI announces indictment of 8 Chinese operatives working to 'surveil, threaten, and harass' U.S. residents

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1a6d04 No.131138

File: 0ea7909573a22f2⋯.png (11.56 KB,910x156,35:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340429 (290937ZOCT20) Notable: Lauren Bobert addresses China Virus, Wildfires and Q

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Lauren Boebert addresses COVID, Wildfires, and QAnon

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1a6d04 No.131139

File: 2eb84fcba9c7b68⋯.png (33.96 KB,1040x217,1040:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340444 (290938ZOCT20) Notable: Conspiracy theories and how people become susceptible to them

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Why some people are susceptible to conspiracy theories and how to protect yourself

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1a6d04 No.131140

File: 7354ff2468b70c9⋯.png (436.67 KB,680x569,680:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340481 (290941ZOCT20) Notable: Space Force #2 has China Virus

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Space Force's No. 2 officer tests positive for Covid-19

Gen. David Thompson, the vice chief of space operations, took a test after a close family member also tested positive, according to a news release.

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1a6d04 No.131141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340496 (290943ZOCT20) Notable: Chinese Invasion?

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Easy entry of 4 million Chinese raises fears of ‘soft invasion’

By: DJ Yap - Reporter / @deejayapINQPhilippine Daily Inquirer / 05:32 AM October 29, 2020

MANILA, Philippines — The unhampered entry of millions of Chinese nationals into the Philippines may be the start of an “orchestrated soft invasion” by China, an opposition senator warned on Wednesday.

In a proposed resolution, Sen. Francis Pangilinan called for an inquiry into the “national security implications of the entry of around 4 million Chinese into the country since 2017.”

“It is worrying, especially considering we have issues [with China] in the West Philippine Sea,” he said.

Immigration rackets

The proposed inquiry in aid of legislation stemmed from the findings of a Senate committee that corrupt Bureau of Immigration (BI) officers had allowed the hitch-free entry of 4 million Chinese nationals since 2017 in exchange for billions of pesos in bribes through various rackets.

The moneymaking operations uncovered during hearings held by the committee on women, children, family relations and gender equality included the “pastillas” racket and the visa-upon-arrival (VUA) policy.

The panel chair, Sen. Risa Hontiveros, estimated that P40 billion had exchanged hands in these rackets.

“Given the lenient requirements for foreign national retirees and the seemingly unchecked entry of some 4 million Chinese nationals into the country, there is a need to look into whether this is an orchestrated ‘soft invasion’ of our country,” Pangilinan said in the proposed resolution he filed on Tuesday.

more at link:


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1a6d04 No.131142

File: 293df11201eb27e⋯.png (61.39 KB,770x324,385:162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340501 (290943ZOCT20) Notable: Citizen Free Press disappears from Google / search engines

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Drudge Alternative Citizen Free Press Mysteriously Disappears From Bing, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go — Updated

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1a6d04 No.131143

File: 4ac02a7553337e6⋯.png (334.91 KB,500x587,500:587,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b1ee42127dce6b⋯.png (842.38 KB,675x900,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340530 (290946ZOCT20) Notable: Kayleigh tweet

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131144

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340557 (290949ZOCT20) Notable: #14483

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#14483 Notables

>>131099 Hillary is a Democrat Elector for NY if Biden wins

>>131100 Bobulinski - "I met with Hunter Biden often at Chateau Marmon w/ Rob Walker

>>131101 , >>131104 Orgy Island closed circuit TV system camera locations

>>131102 "We're going to make sure Trump leaves

>>131103 Bobulinski video censored

>>131105 Trump Caravan in Jerusalem

>>131106 Hunter pics

>>131107 Jim Biden - red shoes?

>>131108 Trump Campaign Website hacked

>>131109 Bright Sunny Days = Film set in Beijing?

>>131110 , >>131112 Twitter running blackmail op

>>131111 FOX News confronts Jim Biden at his home

>>131113 Election fraud comes in many forms

>>131114 Eleven Trillion reasons not to vote for Biden

>>131115 SCOTUS with Kavanaugh

>>131116 Officers had what appeared to be blood thrown on them in Philly Riots

>>131117 Donald Trump, Genie

>>131118 CNN blasted for ignoring Biden bombshells

>>131119 Philadelphia Police discover van loaded with explosives

>>131120 Girl Scouts bow to SJW's

>>131121 SCOTUS rejects GOP appeal to stop extended voting deadline

>>131122 Former Military Investigator warns of post election violence from left

>>131123 South Dakota Gubenatorial Candidate storms North Dakota

>>131124 James Woods tweet - Give Tucker the Pulitzer

>>131126 Trump's path to 270

>>131125 Third wave of Hunter Biden hard drive data

>>131127 EX DEA Spokesman gets 7 years for 4.4M$ fraud

>>131128 Judge: Virginia can't count ballots without postmarks

>>131129 Terrorist Knife attack in Nice, France 2 dead

>>131130 Borat crashes Mike Pence speech?

>>131131 Chelsea Handler assaults conservatives in airport

>>131132 Pompeo in Indonesia, renews China attacks

>>131133 The American Dream vs Dark Winter

>>131134 Taiwan can wipe out half of Chinese Navy with new missiles

>>131135 Bidenomics threatens Small Industry

>>131136 Media calls on Election too early? Maria Bartiromo

>>131137 FBI announces Chinese indictments, no arrests

>>131138 Lauren Bobert addresses China Virus, Wildfires and Q

>>131139 Conspiracy theories and how people become susceptible to them

>>131143 Kayleigh tweet

>>131142 Citizen Free Press disappears from Google / search engines

>>131140 Space Force #2 has China Virus

>>131141 Chinese Invasion?

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1a6d04 No.131145

File: 205100706dea511⋯.png (306.14 KB,992x970,496:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340696 (291002ZOCT20) Notable: Twelve elected GOP openly support Q

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Don’t laugh: Twelve elected Republicans openly support QAnon

by Stephen Hunter | Oct 29, 2020

While it’s easy to dismiss QAnon’s brand of nonsense, but they have influence in Washington – Donald Trump is merely the tip of the iceberg.

On December 4th, 2016 twenty-eight-year-old Edgar Welch burst into a Pizzeria in North West Washington D.C. demanding to be taken to the basement where they, “keep the kids”. He’s armed with a semi-automatic and fires a shot off into the ceiling. The slack-jawed staff, powdered with pizza dough, stood stunned in their aprons. Their last thoughts on this earth could be, “WTF! Comet Ping Pong Pizza has no basement let alone kids huddled in it”.

No kids? No basement? No matter. This incident is a foundational event in the life of America’s fastest-growing conspiracy cult: QAnon. This amorphous group believes that there is a cabal of left-wing Satanists out to bring down the current U.S. government. This demonic cabal supposedly operates a massive kidnapping, paedophilia and kiddie porn ring, spear-headed by Hillary Clinton. Comet Ping Pong is just one of their secret, toddler holding cells. OK, a primer:

QAnon gets its name from an anonymous, supposed Government insider named “Q” who, over the conspiratorial petri dish of the Internet, posts what are known as “Q Drops”; cryptic messages informing on this Deep State clique of Democrats, Hollywood elites, and radical left-wing moles all bent on taking out the president and establishing a satanic power here in the United States.

Twelve Republicans running for the US Congress are open supporters of QAnon and two of them appear a lock to win. Michael Flynn, Trump’s first National Security Adviser and the man guilty of lying about his contacts with Russian operatives, has publically sworn a loyalty oath to QAnon.

And, the kids? They’re kidnapped, held captive and eventually sold into sexual slavery. In some cases, they’re even killed for their adrenal glands. Seems adrenal nectar is a fountain-of-youth-life-extender if you know how to mix the drink. This is, nothing new. The horrific use of children has been part of conspiracy thinking since the Middle Ages. Remember the Nazi claim that Jews were drinking the blood of Aryan children?

Q+ is their messiah, Donald Trump. He’s supposedly always flashing coded messages to his followers. The index finger to thumb, “OK” sign he makes with his right hand while gesturing is a signal of QAnon support. The yellow tie he wore during a Covid-19 press briefing was the colour of the maritime flag for, “All Clear”. It informed the faithful that the virus was either a) a hoax or b) successfully quashed.

Trump’s odd, seemingly nonsensical pronouncement that he is, “the calm before the storm” is a reference to the coming apocalypse. The storm will see the demons routed, the media subdued, the jails stocked with the above mentioned, demonic, left-wing elites and the kiddies sprung from their pornographic prisons. In this storm’s wake will come a new, beatific world.

Pass the joint. Deep inhale. Eyes squint and water. Hilarious, right?

More at link:


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1a6d04 No.131146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340702 (291003ZOCT20) Notable: Twelve elected GOP openly support Q

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Well, before laughing try this: The largest QAnon site on YouTube sports 33 million subscribers. A number of major corporations advertise on it. Q+ himself in a recent town hall, when asked about the movement, said, “I know nothing about QAnon but that they like me, they like me a lot and they’re very strongly against paedophilia. That’s a good thing.”

The Quniverse exploded with elation; they had been validated and waved to on national TV: “Trump is going to win this thing in a landslide. If he doesn’t there’s been massive fraud and we will act.” At the very least there’s a mutual back-scratching type deal going on.

Twelve Republicans running for the US Congress are open supporters of QAnon and two of them appear a lock to win. Michael Flynn, Trump’s first National Security Adviser and the man guilty of lying about his contacts with Russian operatives, has publically sworn a loyalty oath to QAnon. The group is being winked at by Trump himself and, according to the FBI, this paranoid gang is getting more and more organised and more and more armed and dangerous.

In the final, diseased crawl to the vote on November 3 paranoia has firmly replaced religion as the organising principle of American politics. It used to be The Rapture, the immediate ascension to Heaven for the righteous. George W. Bush Republicans subscribed to that Christian fantasy, and some still do, for example, the current Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.

But here in 2020, it has morphed and taken a sinister turn. Jesus, his angels and the Rapture have given way to kiddie porn crazed lizards from Brooklyn.

Ah yes, the lizards, now we come to them. In some of the recesses of the QAnon basement is a “theory” that their Deep State enemies are really alien lizards camouflaged in skin sacks to look human. They also, it seems, love their kiddie adrenal gland protein shakes.

As the future Vice President of the United States would say, “you can’t make this shit up”.

Well, they have made this shit up.

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1a6d04 No.131147

File: 6eda0f6ce1a8050⋯.png (99.72 KB,756x246,126:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fc957fff5195e4⋯.jpg (1.62 MB,3783x1110,1261:370,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 48b946e7c345dd2⋯.png (56.48 KB,695x239,695:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340715 (291006ZOCT20) Notable: Hallie Biden call for diggs

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Its rather obvious that Hallie Biden grew up in the circle.

From these latest text messages it appears she has BPD / DID, etc.

Also having addiction issues.

He family should be thoroughly dug.

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1a6d04 No.131148

File: 75a48bc9e9d0200⋯.png (369.48 KB,818x806,409:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340717 (291006ZOCT20) Notable: Pompeo wants to find new ways to cooperate with Indonesia in South China Sea

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U.S. State Secretary Mike Pompeo to find ‘new ways’ to cooperate with Indonesia in South China Sea




U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday said Washington would find new ways to cooperate with Indonesia in the South China Sea and respected Jakarta’s efforts to safeguard its own waters while rejecting China’s “unlawful” claims in the area.

Pompeo’s visit to Indonesia comes amid a five-nation swing through Asia where he has sought to strengthen strategic and economic ties amid rising tensions between the U.S. and China.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday said Washington would find new ways to cooperate with Indonesia in the South China Sea and respected Jakarta’s efforts to safeguard its own waters while rejecting China’s “unlawful” claims in the area.

Pompeo’s visit to Indonesia comes amid a five-nation swing through Asia where he has sought to strengthen strategic and economic ties amid rising tensions between the U.S. and China.

In a joint news conference with his Indonesian counterpart Retno Marsudi, he hailed Jakarta’s “decisive action” to protect its sovereignty in the waters near the Natuna Islands, which China also claims as its territory. Pompeo said China’s claim was “unlawful”.

“I am looking forward to co-operating together in the new ways to ensure maritime security protects some of the world’s busiest trade routes,” Pompeo said in a streamed news conference after his meeting with Indonesia’s foreign minister.

Retno said she wanted a “stable and peaceful” South China Sea where international law is respected.

Pompeo is scheduled to meet Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Thursday, as well as making an address to an Islamic youth group.

Prior to his visit to Indonesia, Pompeo visited India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. He is scheduled to fly to Vietnam later on Thursday.


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1a6d04 No.131149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340741 (291012ZOCT20) Notable: Judge: Signatures don't have to match Absentee Ballots in South Carolina

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Federal Judge Rules Signatures Don’t Have to Match Absentee Ballots in South Carolina

The ruling on Oct. 27 by U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel, an appointee of President Barack Obama, called on the state to review and reprocess ballots that have mismatched signatures that have been rejected or set aside, according to several local news websites.


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1a6d04 No.131150

File: 4a50bb67883d9b5⋯.png (284.12 KB,589x558,19:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340753 (291015ZOCT20) Notable: CNN compares humans to vampire bats

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CNN thinks humans, like VAMPIRE bats should be distancing themselves now. Bwahahahaha

Guess Joe is not going to get his special treatment anymore


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1a6d04 No.131151

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340781 (291022ZOCT20) Notable: Former President of Nuclear Transport Company sent to Prison for Foreign Bribery

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Former President of Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Prison for Foreign Bribery and Other Offenses

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1a6d04 No.131152

File: 1b9169acdc0db76⋯.png (161.56 KB,469x826,67:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340785 (291023ZOCT20) Notable: DOJ News

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1a6d04 No.131153

File: f977d3ad3e78dca⋯.jpg (129.18 KB,720x687,240:229,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340791 (291024ZOCT20) Notable: Red Shoes at Dundee Uni?

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Just stumbled across this:

>Where art meets Sci comms is really interesting-new masters at Dundee Uni focused on this-just numbers removes the grief…to compare-eg. the art installation of a pair of red shoes for every disappeared women (Chauvet Mexico) communicates at a different level-we need both.


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1a6d04 No.131154

File: 78deaeb30162801⋯.png (509.25 KB,1142x500,571:250,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f3c047ccc2cf51⋯.png (7.98 MB,1366x10613,1366:10613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340798 (291025ZOCT20) Notable: Chateau Mamont diggs

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moar on standard hotel/chateau marmont/epst island digs and tweets from night shift

Across those days in Los Angeles in May of 2017 that you're referencing, I met with Hunter Biden multiple times at the Chateau Marmont and Rob Walker, and the discussion was they wanted me to sit …



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1a6d04 No.131155

File: 488e86ba4e3975b⋯.png (151.66 KB,598x666,299:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340808 (291028ZOCT20) Notable: More smears on Q and anons

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QAnon is Supposed to Be All About Protecting Kids. Its Primary Enabler Appears to Have Hosted Child Porn Domains.

Archives document Jim Watkins’ links to domains suggestive of underage sexual material.



For indispensable reporting on the coronavirus crisis, the election, and more, subscribe to the Mother Jones Daily newsletter.

One dark irony of QAnon has always been that the conspiracy theory, which holds that President Trump is waging a war on a cabal of elite liberal pedophiles, rose to prominence on 8chan, an imageboard where users swapped child pornography.

But that irony may have a darker, deeper layer: Mother Jones has uncovered that Jim Watkins, the owner of 8chan and its successor site, 8kun, controls a company that hosted scores of domains whose names suggest they are connected to child pornography.

Watkins’ company hosted scores of domains apparently connected to child pornography.

While Mother Jones did not visit the domains because of strict laws related to viewing child sex abuse material, internet registration and hosting data suggest at a minimum that Watkins profited from domains with names explicitly related to pedophilia—the very thing that QAnon followers say that they’re motivated to end. The domains’ names include terms such as “preteen,” “schoolgirl,” and “child” alongside graphic terms for genitalia and words like “rape” and “love.” It’s unclear what, if anything, is currently being served at the domains. However, an analysis of metadata collected years ago from one by archive.org shows dozens of filenames and links containing highly suggestive terms, including “xxxpreteen,” “children,” and sexual references to girls aged 12 to 15.

Some of the domains date back to the late 1990s and may no longer be active, while others currently resolve to IP addresses controlled by Watkins’ company, N.T. Technology, according to records compiled by Farsight Security, a cybersecurity company that archives historical routing data detailing relationships among domain names, IP addresses, name servers, and other digital assets.

Watkins, who some experts believe has an active role in maintaining the QAnon account on 8kun, dismissed Mother Jones‘ questions about the domains as “an attempt to smear [his] name and print something awful,” offering varying explanations why they were on N.T. Technology’s servers. “We’re not child pornographers, and we don’t host child pornography, and we don’t condone that,” he insisted.

A group of anti-Q researchers that includes Aubrey Cottle, a founder of the activist hacker collective Anonymous, brought Watkins’ connection to the domains to Mother Jones’ attention. Another researcher, who asked not to be named to avoid harassment from Watkins supporters, reviewed the historical domain and routing information at Mother Jones’ request and agreed the records showed that N.T. Technology “hosted many domains with CP [child pornography] themed names over an extended period of time.”

Using a combination of open-source and commercially available data, the researcher confirmed that the domains pointed to IP addresses registered to N.T. Technology, and that the IP addresses were routed to the company’s network while the explicit domains were active.

One domain created in 1998 and hosted by N.T. Technology, which bills itself as “a powerhouse in the internet world, [s]upporting some of the largest sites on Earth,” lists Watkins as its administrator and names a separate holding company he owns, Is It Wet Yet Inc., as the administration organization. According to historical domain and web archive records, the domain has, over the years, been associated with dozens of subdomains—more specific and focused offshoots of the main domain—whose names combine terms like “preteen,” “kidnap,” and “rape.” They include a comprehensive system of subdomains referencing age ranges as young as 10. When asked about the specific domain, Watkins said “I have really no idea about” it.



Thoughts: If there is any truth to the above accusations > Trap for Pedo's OR guilty and Freed/Flipped?

Just like so many who now Champion POTUS, Many of them were Flipped or Freed.

No, I do not "believe" or trust Mother Jones yet data is data.

If this is all disinfo then allow anons to discern instead of avoiding what is clearly a narrative that the deep state will continue to use to attack Jim and this movement.

How do anons defend from a false narrative that they are not aware of?

Do not shrink and turn away from the Truth or The Lies. Confront it all and Watch the Water.

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1a6d04 No.131156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340813 (291029ZOCT20) Notable: More smears on Q and anons

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The QAnon conspiracy theory began on 4chan, a site Watkins had no role in running, eventually migrating to 8chan in 2017. 8chan was ultimately shut down in August of 2019 when its domain hosting and cybersecurity providers dropped it after several far-right wing shooters used the site to disseminate their manifestos. Watkins provided Q a place to continue posting by restarting and rebranding the imageboard as 8Kun, vowing to moderate child porn and other illegal content more strictly.

QAnon’s sprawl and constant evolution can make it difficult to follow. It started with a poster on 4chan who claimed to be a member of the federal government with high-level “Q” security clearance. Posts from Q dropped cryptic breadcrumbs that purportedly shed light on a pedophile ring being run by liberal elites. The conspiracy, which holds that Donald Trump is secretly battling this cabal despite opposition from the so-called “deep state,” has found ardent supporters among the president’s base.

A former associate of Watkins says he would not be surprised if “Jim was involved in pedophile sites going back that far.”

Watkins’ precise role in QAnon is murky. At a minimum, he is widely recognized as having played an instrumental part in giving the movement a platform where it could flourish as he has publicly encouraged the conspiracy. When he was subpoenaed to testify before Congress, he wore a “Q” pin. Just weeks ago, he was a featured speaker at a QAnon conference in Phoenix. In addition to running QAnon’s home on 8kun, the fact-checking site Logically.ai reported this month that Watkins appears to be playing a role in facilitating online QAnon community hubs elsewhere.

Brennan, 8chan’s original founder, has suggested Watkins’ involvement goes deeper, positing he took advantage of his power as the owner of 8kun to essentially hijack the account that claims to be Q. Other researchers and journalists have raised the possibility that Watkins has some involvement or knowledge of who runs the account. Watkins has denied that claim, or having acted as Q.

Even if he has no direct relationship to the QAnon account, as an active supporter of Q and the movement’s host, Watkins is an inextricable sustainer of a conspiracy that has falsely branded political opponents and innocent bystanders as pedophiles—despite his own apparent role in profiting from words that appeal to the real thing.


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1a6d04 No.131157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340826 (291032ZOCT20) Notable: Rosatom became the owner of 100 percent of shares of Canadian uranium company Uranium One, which operates in Kazakhstan

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Rosatom became the owner of 100 percent of shares of Canadian uranium company Uranium One, which operates in Kazakhstan

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1a6d04 No.131158

File: 8b3b5e6349b007a⋯.jpeg (223.01 KB,970x2048,485:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340828 (291033ZOCT20) Notable: Digital Soldier Prayer

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Digital Soldier Prayer

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1a6d04 No.131159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340830 (291033ZOCT20) Notable: Anon opines on HRC (High Risk Capture) Joe R Biden being arrested before election

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Haven't you been following he clues, fake Q?

"Uncontested." -that means Biden is going to be arrested or removed, just prior or just after the election, when there's no time to change or swap anyone. POTUS wins by default. A big arrest that will shock the world happens. The calm before the storm is over. Riots begin, false flags, 10 days of pure chaos, power going off and on, net going up and down, media blaming it all on TRUMP RUSSIA TRUMP RUSSIA.. The storm begins. A brave new world sets in.. just like the last one but with new rulers. Everything repeats, but this time, America is first.

Pay attention, you only have a few days left. And you should probably stock up on some food and water for at least 14 days, just in case.

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1a6d04 No.131160

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340853 (291038ZOCT20) Notable: More smears on Q and anons

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Ali Breland - major anti-Q writer. Now after Jim.

Jim hosts a free speech platform that follows the laws of the U.S. Can't easily police every post on every site. And did not create 8chan originally.

>No, I do not "believe" or trust Mother Jones yet data is data.

What data? the data from Anonymous? Did you dig on the data from that source or from Farsight Security?

This author is not a real journalist. Here is his stuff on Q:

Breland, Ali	https://thehill.com/policy/technology/414452-hoaxes-hate-speech-find-home-on-instagram

Q	THEHILL	2018-11-02

Breland, Ali	https://thehill.com/policy/technology/415392-election-day-misinformation-spreads-on-social-media

Q	THEHILL	2018-11-06

Breland, Ali	https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/02/ruth-bader-ginsburg-death-private-facebook-groups/ [linked to David Corn tweet]

Q	MOTHERJ	2019-02-06

Breland, Ali	https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/04/8chan-canary/

Q	MOTHERJ	2019-04-08

Breland, Ali	https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/04/twitter-verified-accounts-misinformation/ [Twitter’s “Verified” Users Are Spreading Viral Misinfo]

Q	MOTHERJ	2019-04-18

Breland, Ali	https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/07/why-are-right-wing-conspiracies-so-obsessed-with-pedophilia/ [it’s a hoax” argument….]

Q	MOTHERJ	2019-08-07

Breland, Ali	https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/08/qanon-8chan/

Q	MOTHERJ	2019-08-15

Breland, Ali	https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/08/reddit-hate-content-moderation/ [going after Reddit: “infested with racism & sexism]

8	MOTHERJ	2019-08-27

Breland, Ali	https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/06/qanon-coronavirus/

Q	MOTHERJ	2020-06-23

Breland, Ali & Harper Neidig	https://thehill.com/policy/technology/406344-reddit-bans-qanon-subreddit

Q	THEHILL	2018-09-12

Breland, Ali & Mark Helenowski	https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/02/qanon-2020/ [article, video, podcast]

Q	MOTHERJ	2020-02-26

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1a6d04 No.131161

File: 53ca6d4b6677c2a⋯.png (504.9 KB,566x492,283:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340870 (291040ZOCT20) Notable: Jack Nicklaus endorses President Trump

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Get out and vote. I did!


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1a6d04 No.131162

File: 06b91a3e1ea9cd6⋯.png (957.08 KB,992x884,248:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340874 (291041ZOCT20) Notable: Former DEA official pretended to be CIA Spy, stole 4.4mil$, almost stole BILLIONS

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Former DEA official who pretended to be a covert CIA spy for four years to con $4.4M and was on brink of stealing BILLIONS from US Military

is sentenced to seven years

Garrison Courtney’s fraudulent plot was reportedly so compelling that even when it began to unravel, the people he duped stonewalled federal investigators

In addition to the $4.4m he personally extracted from his victims between 2012 and 2016, Courtney was on the verge of securing a $3.7Bln federal contract

Astonishingly, the 44-year-old, of Tampa, Florida, also came ‘dangerously close’ to obtaining a legal sign-off that would’ve immunized him from prosecution

Courtney, who served in the DEA’s public affairs office from 2005 to 2009, admitted in June that he constructed the false identity as a covert CIA agent


PUBLISHED: 18:40 EDT, 28 October 2020 | UPDATED: 00:49 EDT, 29 October 2020

A former Drug Enforcement Administration official was sentenced to seven years in prison on Wednesday for an elaborate scheme in which he posed as a covert CIA operative to swindle companies out of more than $4 million.

Garrison Courtney’s fraudulent plot was reportedly so compelling that even when it began to unravel, the people he duped stonewalled federal investigators, convinced that talking about Courtney would be a betrayal of national interest.

In addition to the $4.4 million he personally extracted from his victims between 2012 and 2016, Courtney was reportedly on the verge of securing $3.7 billion in Army, Navy, Air Force contracts but the FBI caught him in the nick of time.

Astonishingly, the 44-year-old, of Tampa, Florida, also came ‘dangerously close’ to obtaining a legal sign-off that would’ve made it near impossible for prosecutors to bring him to justice, court records show.

‘It was such a diabolical series of crimes,’ US District Judge Liam O’Grady said during the sentencing hearing. ‘It was so inventive, so creative. As a result it created such a danger to our country and to our intelligence community.’

Courtney, who served in the DEA’s public affairs office from 2005 to 2009, admitted in June that he constructed a false identity as a deep-cover CIA operative on a top-secret mission crucial to national security shortly after leaving the federal drug agency.

Under this persona, Courtney would approach defense contractors and businesses and convince them to put him on their payrolls to enable him to appear as if an ordinary citizen while he went about his supposedly covert activities.

Often he’d tell them he was involved in either a special operations forces program operating covertly in Africa, or a separate program aimed at enhancing the United States' intelligence collection abilities.

Courtney would tell the contractors it was their patriotic duty to oblige. In return, he promised them lucrative government contracts – and in some cases, came through.

To enhance the scam, Courtney used authentic-looking CIA documents, on actual agency letterhead. He also involved briefings by real government officials and military officers in secure rooms known as Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities, or SCIFs.

More at link:


He was just larping! Come on, Man!

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1a6d04 No.131163

File: 501a08c70f1b361⋯.png (576.45 KB,663x503,663:503,Clipboard.png)

File: 593df7760f95e76⋯.png (478.25 KB,650x520,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340876 (291042ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Family connections

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"LIZ", the person Hunter is texting ab Hallie is Elizabeth Olivere Secundy, Hallie's Sister.

Money says Hallie has been an addict for a long long while and her and Hunter have scored together in the past, even while Beau was alive.

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1a6d04 No.131164

File: 38b4418fd1b8aac⋯.png (411.34 KB,600x476,150:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340881 (291043ZOCT20) Notable: 100 Trump vehicles following Biden Campaign Bus kek

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I have to say… the Biden Bus has gained quite the traction.. it’s currently leading 100+ cars carrying Trump flags around Dallas 😂 #LeadRight #KeepTexasRed #MAGA


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1a6d04 No.131165

File: e2637046fdb48dd⋯.png (289.88 KB,637x597,637:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340888 (291045ZOCT20) Notable: Hollywood Producer David Guillod arrested on Sex Assault charges… again

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A Hollywood producer was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault on Wednesday — four months after he was charged with drugging, kidnapping and raping four women, police said.

David Guillod — who produced Charlize Theron’s “Atomic Blonde” and Netflix’s “Extraction” starring Chris Hemsworth — is accused of sexually assaulting a woman during an “evening meeting” on Oct. 21, the Los Angeles Police Department said.

Guillod, 53, was out on bail at the time, on prior sexual assault charges tied to four alleged attacks that occurred between 2012 and 2015 in Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties.

The tinsel town exec stepped down as chief executive of Primal Wave Entertainment in 2017 shortly after “Ted” actress Jessica Barth publicly accused him of raping her five years earlier.

She’s one of the four victims whose cases are being pursued by the Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office.

Guillod faces up to 21 years in prison if convicted of 11 felony charges, which include rape, kidnap for rape and rape of a drugged victim, prosecutors have said.

He was nabbed at his Sherman Oaks home on Wednesday morning. He was being held at the Los Angeles Police Metropolitan Detention Center on $5 million bail.


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1a6d04 No.131166

File: 24529d00bf5014d⋯.png (437.04 KB,1136x848,71:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340893 (291047ZOCT20) Notable: CIA Impeachment whistleblower forced to live under surveillance due to threats

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CIA impeachment whistleblower forced to live under surveillance due to threats: report

BY JORDAN WILLIAMS - 10/28/20 10:55 AM EDT

The CIA analyst who was the whistleblower in President Trump’s impeachment case was forced to live under strict security measures after receiving multiple threats, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

The Post reported that the CIA’s Security Protective Service implemented the measures after they noticed violent threats on the internet every time the president mentioned the whistleblower, who has not been identified by the government.

Officials said the threats increased when Trump tweeted about the analyst. The president's allies also sought to reveal the person's identify, with Sen. Rand Paul (R- Ky.), for instance, reading the name of the alleged whistleblower aloud during the impeachment trial.

Top lawmakers throughout the impeachment process stressed the need to protect the identify of the whistleblower, whose complaint alleged that Trump sought to get Ukraine's help in the 2020 election by announcing an investigation of Democratic rival Joe Biden. Whistleblowers enjoy federal protections against retribution for coming forward.

“The president was tweeting, ‘Where’s the whistleblower? Where’s the whistleblower?’” a former senior U.S. official involved in overseeing the whistleblower’s protection told the Post. The official said the analyst was never in immediate danger, but without security, “there is a strong possibility that grave harm would have come to him.”

Current and former U.S. officials told the newspaper that the analyst was living under CIA security in hotels, and that armed officers drove him to work in an unmarked vehicle. A security team had to make sure his apartment was safe before he was allowed in to get any items.

Officials told the Post that the threats have subsided, and that some measures were pulled back. However, other measures will likely stay in place, as the analyst continues to face online attacks, sources told the Post.

The Hill has reached out to the CIA for comment.

The analyst was not the only person involved in the president’s impeachment to need security following attacks.

Officials told the Post that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who served as one of the House impeachment managers, needed full-time security.

And key impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman told the newspaper that he was urged to move his family to a military base but chose not to, waiting instead for other security measures to be implemented, such as police patrols near his home.

Other political rivals of the president have blamed him for a rise in threats after he has attacked them publicly.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) has argued that Trump is "complicit" in extremism surrounding an FBI-foiled plot to kidnap her earlier his year, charges the president has rejected.

Whitmer has said her family has seen increased threats when Trump targets her.

"I'm the one — it was our people that helped her out with her problem," Trump maintained during a rally in her home state on Tuesday, before questioning the significance of the plot against her.

"I mean, we'll have to see if it's a problem, right? People are entitled to say maybe it was a problem, maybe it wasn't," he added.

Overnight Defense: Trump campaign's use of military helicopter raises…

Qatar to investigate forced examinations of female airline passengers

The president had tweeted in April “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” due to Michigan’s coronavirus restrictions.

The FBI revealed earlier this month that the same people accused in the Michigan plot were also discussing targeting Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D). Trump also tweeted about Virginia in April.

“Liberate VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!” he wrote at the time.


Highlight the "poor CIA analyst" yet never say a word about all of the crazies > deep state attempts to harm POTUS.

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1a6d04 No.131167

File: efad85e206dd994⋯.png (531.66 KB,840x616,15:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340894 (291047ZOCT20) Notable: Hollywood Producer David Guillod arrested on Sex Assault charges… again

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1a6d04 No.131168

File: 94c1e1b78d2e195⋯.png (51.3 KB,908x312,227:78,Clipboard.png)

File: b7a1209648595a7⋯.png (950.54 KB,814x428,407:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340904 (291050ZOCT20) Notable: USC data modelling that predicted Trump 2016 victory predicts 2020 victory

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A polling method utilized by the University of Southern California’s Dornslife College is predicting that President Donald Trump will secure an electoral college victory, deviating from many polling models produced by corporate media in accounting for what they call a “social desirability bias.”

USC’s polling model seeks to account for what they’re citing as shy Trump supporters by asking poll respondents how they believe that those in their own immediatel social circles will vote. The theorists behind the poll argue that such a line of questioning allows respondents more inclined to disclose information to reveal how so-called shy Trump supporters will vote.

“To evaluate the potential impact of the shy voter belief on the responses of poll participants, we asked them three questions: What percent of their social contacts might be embarrassed to admit to pollsters their opinions about Trump or Biden, what percent might fear harassment if they admit these opinions, and what percent might want to obstruct polls by misreporting who they will vote for?

On average, our participants believe that people in their social circle might be more reluctant to admit their support for Trump than for Biden.”

When the presence of socially identified shy Trump voters is accounted for, the USC pollsters ultimately make a cautious prediction that Biden will fail to secure 270 electoral college votes.

“When we calculate how many electoral votes each candidate could get based on state level averages of the own-intention and social-circle questions, it’s looking like an Electoral College loss for Biden.”


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1a6d04 No.131169

File: 3d81c5e85ed3b91⋯.png (332.74 KB,588x688,147:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340905 (291050ZOCT20) Notable: Russia planted Hunter Biden Laptop? C'mon man

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Russia planted Hunter Biden's laptop? Come on, man

Scott Jennings Opinion contributor

6:28 AM 10 29 2020

I was perusing the pages of The Washington Post and ran across a column by a professor at Johns Hopkins University about the political dustup over Hunter Biden’s laptop. It was a miracle I found this column, mind you, given the media and tech industry’s determination to stop us from learning about the Biden family’s business dealings.

Despite this unprecedented and outrageous modern-day book burning, I quickly realized why this column was allowed to exist. It contained the following sentence:

“We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation — even if they probably aren’t.”


I’ve been wondering what to make of it. On the one hand, the laptop would confirm something we already knew: Joe Biden’s son was constantly trying to make money on his famous father’s back, and it raises questions about whether the former vice president knew or had a hand in it. And it was credible enough for presidential debate moderator Kristin Welker to bring up the other night.

On the other hand, it was produced by Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s lawyer, who was recently duped by Borat.

More:Will we know who won Kentucky races on election night? Results to come faster than primary

It is no secret Hunter Biden followed the well-worn gilded path of many of Washington’s ne'er do well sons. He was paid $500,000 by MBNA as a “consultant” while his dad was voting for a bankruptcy law favored by the credit card companies. He was paid several million dollars by a Ukrainian gas company while his dad ran point on the Obama Administration’s Ukraine policy.

Hunter had five qualifications for these jobs: B-I-D-E-N.

Hunter later admitted to “poor judgment” in Ukraine. His dad apparently agreed, issuing a statement last year promising to never let this happen again should he return to the White House.

This is what the Bidens do. Dad serves in office, and Hunter makes money from it. The Senate Intelligence Committee released a report confirming numerous “questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden and his associates and foreign individuals, including the wife of the former mayor of Moscow and individuals with ties to the Chinese Communist Party” but stopped short of alleging any criminal wrongdoing on the part of his father. The report, it should be noted, was written before the laptop surfaced.

More at Link:


Counter narratives on tap. Come on, Man!

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1a6d04 No.131170

File: da8f0e04e054d9a⋯.png (520.64 KB,1212x936,101:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340918 (291052ZOCT20) Notable: Turkish backed Free Syrian Army terror org, Jaysh al-Islam, condemns President Macron, calls for Jihad in France

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BREAKING – #Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army terror group, Jaysh al-Islam condemns President Macron and calls for an Islamist "jihad" in #France


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1a6d04 No.131171

File: 88aed0b53999a38⋯.png (32.46 KB,536x260,134:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340921 (291054ZOCT20) Notable: General Flynn tweet "Put your trust in the instrument of Divine Providence"

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Mr. President, in these final days America remains the bulwark defending against a war declared by the unleashed & dark forces of socialism. Place your trust in the instrument of Divine Providence. “We The People” do and we support you with our prayers & votes. (ISAIAH 41:10)


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1a6d04 No.131172

File: f82e4b65a32dcc7⋯.png (292.33 KB,861x549,287:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 606fca52c00c351⋯.png (349.86 KB,548x454,274:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 2baeb9caf7d2c45⋯.png (428.61 KB,550x460,55:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340925 (291054ZOCT20) Notable: A dozen cars show up for Kamala Harris rally in Tucson, AZ after 15,000 appear at Trump Rally in Bullhead, AZ

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1a6d04 No.131173

File: 04d78df915571e8⋯.png (645.63 KB,638x606,319:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340951 (291058ZOCT20) Notable: Justice Dept requesting more data on CHINA VIRUS deaths in nursing homes in New York

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WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is requesting more data on COVID-19 deaths linked to New York nursing homes after receiving figures that indicate a significant under-count of deaths at publicly run nursing homes in the state.

The Justice Department’s civil division on Tuesday night requested from state officials data on deaths linked to New York’s more than 1,000 private nursing homes.

New York records provided in response to an August Justice Department inquiry indicated that a quarter of deaths in the state’s roughly two dozen public nursing homes weren’t disclosed to federal health officials, administration sources said.

New York indicated that about 400 residents of the state’s public facilities died from COVID-19, according to federal sources, who said that state facilities had only disclosed about 300 deaths to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In total, the New York Health Department publicly reports about 6,720 deaths from the serious respiratory bug in nursing homes and adult-care facilities. But the true scope of New York’s tragic toll in nursing homes is expected to be much higher.

Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo has angrily denied accusations that a March 25 state rule barring nursing homes from turning away coronavirus-positive patients contributed significantly to New York’s 33,000 COVID-19 deaths.

Cuomo’s detractors see blood on his hands as he embarks on a self-congratulatory book tour crediting himself with a successful pandemic response and faulting President Trump.

“What we’re trying to determine is why these people died so it doesn’t happen again,” an administration official said. “We’re going where the greatest carnage occurred.”

An Associated Press analysis in August found 11,000 New York nursing home residents may have died from COVID-19.

The Justice Department’s civil division is seeking the New York data on private homes under its authority to police against “grossly substandard care” for Medicare and Medicaid recipients, Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Bossert Clark wrote in a letter to the New York State Department of Health.

There are two possible reasons for the New York death undercount at public homes, officials said.

One explanation is that some residents died in hospitals and weren’t reported to the CDC. Another is that the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services mandated that nursing home deaths be reported as of May, but made retroactive reporting optional, obscuring the true scale of the devastation.

Cuomo’s office denounced the initial August request for data as “nothing more than a transparent politicization of the Department of Justice.”

Spokesman Richard Azzopardi said of the latest federal action: “it appears DOJ requested data since the beginning of this pandemic while CMS sought numbers only after May 8th. They should have figured this out themselves, but there’s an election in a week and this federal government is clearly seeking to deceive and distract any way it can.”

The Justice Department’s civil rights division sought data on publicly run nursing homes from New York and three other states in August under the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act.

The division launched an investigation in April of a publicly run home in Republican-governed Massachusetts and on Tuesday night informed New Jersey it was opening an investigation of two of its three publicly run nursing homes, after New Jersey officials declined to supply data.


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1a6d04 No.131174

File: ab6846b52a197a3⋯.png (416.58 KB,1086x694,543:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340956 (291059ZOCT20) Notable: Pompeo urges Indonesia to resist China's request to turn blind eye to torment of Ulghur Muslims

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Pompeo urges Indonesia to resist China's request to turn blind eye to torment of Uighur Muslims


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday urged Indonesians to focus on the treatment of Uighur Muslims in China, describing it as the "gravest threat" to religious freedom in a speech to an ethnic group.

On a trip to the world's largest Muslim majority country, Pompeo praised Indonesia's tradition of tolerance but urged Jakarta to resist China's entreaties to "look away from the torments of your fellow Muslims."

Pompeo said China had brutalized its Uighur minority in Xinjiang province, corralling them in huge detention centers and forcing some to eat pork during the Islamic holy month.

In his address to the youth wing of Indonesia's largest Muslim group, he also accused China of separating Uighur children from their parents and imposing sterilizations.

China denies mistreating Uighurs and says the camps are vocational training centers that are needed to tackle extremism and promote development.

Around 10 million Uighurs have been living in China's Xinjiang region. The Turkic Muslim group, which makes up around 45% of Xinjiang's population, has long accused Chinese authorities of cultural, religious and economic discrimination.

About 7% of the Muslim population in Xinjiang has been incarcerated in an expanding network of "political reeducation" camps, according to U.S. officials and U.N. experts, while more than 380 suspected detention facilities have been identified in the region, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) reported.

Indonesians are typically vocal about the mistreatment of Muslims, but the backlash against the abuse of Uighurs has been comparatively quiet.

China – Indonesia's largest trade partner and a leading investor – has also embarked on a diplomatic push to influence perceptions about Uighurs in Indonesia, including funding the trips of journalists and Muslim leaders to Xinjiang.

Indonesia's foreign minister Retno Marsudi said her government has pressed China on the treatment of Uighurs.

According to Reuters, Pompeo also lamented the rise in "blasphemy accusations" and discrimination against nonofficial religions, both growing problems in Indonesia, according to Human Rights Watch's Andreas Harsono.

Indonesia is religiously pluralist but recognizes only five religions: Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism and Hinduism.

"Indonesia has a toxic blasphemy law and is planning to expand it," said Harsono.

"Indonesia continuously discriminates against non-Islam and non-Sunni minorities, as well as indigenous faiths," he said.

Pompeo is visiting Indonesia as part of a regional trip to bolster trade and security ties amid rising geopolitical tensions between the United States and China. He also met Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Foreign Minister Retno in Jakarta.



Just because the deep state used them like useful hateful idiots. Let's blame everything on them and pretend that the CIA has not been over throwing

their nations and starting wars in order to exploit resources, control since before most can remember. Yeah, let's just ignore all of that mess of history.

Just pretend it did not happen. Write a few books maybe to reinforce the bullshit we lie to ourselves about daily.

Can we have a Revolution that involves 100% PUBLIC truth next time, pretty please?

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1a6d04 No.131175

File: ccceecca7dbcb93⋯.jpeg (340.89 KB,828x969,276:323,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340960 (291100ZOCT20) Notable: General Flynn tweet "Put your trust in the instrument of Divine Providence"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://mobile.twitter.com/GenFlynn/status/1321766398289465346 Mr. President, in these final days America remains the bulwark defending against a war declared by the unleashed & dark forces of socialism. Place your trust in the instrument of Divine Providence. “We The People” do and we support you with our prayers & votes. (ISAIAH 41:10)

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1a6d04 No.131176

File: f1602fb9c963475⋯.jpeg (625.38 KB,828x1169,828:1169,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340977 (291103ZOCT20) Notable: HUGE - Lifelong Dem City Council Official in Flint, MI endorses President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/lifelong-democrat-city-council-official-flint-michigan-announces-backing-trump-video/ Lifelong Democrat And City Council Official In Flint, Michigan Announces He’s Backing Trump (VIDEO)

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1a6d04 No.131177

File: ee52017ebd164ba⋯.png (250.33 KB,473x320,473:320,Clipboard.png)

File: a19a8790a48bef4⋯.png (456.56 KB,530x375,106:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340986 (291104ZOCT20) Notable: More smears on Q and anons

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Unfortunately, much of the reporting facts are valid although somewhat twisted to make a compelling narrative. I've watched the crap that comes from Mother Jones (David Corn) for years.

David Corn (Mother Jones) is a Massive Jerk just like David Brock (Media Matters)

David Brock is a Clinton Puppy Dog after they "flipped" him following his publication of the Clinton Dossier.

I believe Freddy (and his friend Travis) is the key to providing the information to Mother Jones and others to protect himself.

Jim had to testify in a Hearing when he left the Philippines and after he made a case against Freddy.

I believe Jim has changed his ways from his prior days and he and CM are working in a somewhat redemption based fashion. CM worked hard and nailed it to cause the transition to 8kun and he's got other tools (Odin) in his pocket just in case.

Bottom Line: Anything from Mother Jones is Designed to Protect the Guilty and Bring others Down

>Mother Jones always does some sort of October surprise

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1a6d04 No.131178

File: 7faedd081f82bb0⋯.jpg (471.99 KB,720x1154,360:577,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11340994 (291106ZOCT20) Notable: Xi pins hopes of Chinese Economy on Biden being elected

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> It is reported that Xi Jinping has been very nervous recently because Biden's "hard drive door" came out recently. He pinned all hopes on Biden's election. As long as Biden wins, Xi wins. Xi's coming to power has nothing to do with Biden, but Xi's real power is the relationship between Biden and Austria. The political battle between Xi and Bo is Biden. All the black materials of Bo Zaimei are handed over to Xi, and the United States can only capture Bo Zai Mei with nothing. Including opponents like Xu and Zhou


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1a6d04 No.131179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341000 (291107ZOCT20) Notable: Woman beheaded in Nice, France Church by crazed man shouting 'Allah Akbar'

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Three dead as woman beheaded in knife attack at French church

NICE, France (Reuters) - A knife-wielding attacker shouting “Allahu Akbar” beheaded a woman and killed two other people in a suspected terrorist incident at a church in the French city of Nice on Thursday, police and officials said.

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1a6d04 No.131180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341009 (291108ZOCT20) Notable: Reagan remarks against Drug trafficking and Organized Crime on 10/14/82 (learn from history)

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President Reagan's Remarks Against Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime on October 14, 1982

100 views • Sep 22, 2018

UH OH! What have we here?


The affair was investigated by the U.S. Congress and by the three-person, Reagan-appointed Tower Commission. Neither investigation found evidence that President Reagan himself knew of the extent of the multiple programs.[3][4][7] In the end, fourteen administration officials were indicted, including then-Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. Eleven convictions resulted, some of which were vacated on appeal.[12] The rest of those indicted or convicted were all pardoned in the final days of the presidency of George H. W. Bush, who had been Vice President at the time of the affair.[13]

Who was a Big Pharma CIA clown?

Who was a life long Democrat until Nancy's father influenced him which means he was not a strong person but easily pliable?

100% TRUTH is the only way and will always be the only way.

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1a6d04 No.131181

File: dee6bf66bcb1314⋯.png (634.22 KB,735x522,245:174,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341013 (291108ZOCT20) Notable: George Stephanopoulos says it was a mistake to dine with Eptstein after his first stint in jail

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1a6d04 No.131182

File: 93f596d440bd433⋯.jpeg (685.27 KB,1242x1408,621:704,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: accfe1e5943a0e8⋯.jpeg (769.38 KB,1242x1364,621:682,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341071 (291120ZOCT20) Notable: Chrissy Tiegen/Clinton comms

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Clinton teigen comms



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1a6d04 No.131183

File: 0e8278e14dc1c77⋯.jpg (1.45 MB,3763x1831,3763:1831,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 669b1bd4f795f01⋯.png (3.04 MB,1125x1922,1125:1922,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341078 (291121ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden incest

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Since every-time it has been removed from notables I will post it again.

Hunter was Fucking Natalie and the whole Biden family knew and they covered it up and let him get away with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1a6d04 No.131184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341085 (291122ZOCT20) Notable: FBI 'Operation Foxhunt' snares eight Chinese citizens conspiring to act as illegal agents of China

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Eight Individuals Charged With Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of the People’s Republic of China

With today's charges we have turned the prc's operation foxhunt on its head, the hunters became the hunted, the pursuers the pursued.


(2:52 start)

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1a6d04 No.131185

File: 4a7d10614b8e6ae⋯.jpeg (846.07 KB,1242x1488,207:248,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341087 (291122ZOCT20) Notable: Woman beheaded in Nice, France Church by crazed man shouting 'Allah Akbar'

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1a6d04 No.131186

File: 04571cb3115ed4f⋯.jpeg (155.92 KB,1242x486,23:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341108 (291125ZOCT20) Notable: Woman beheaded in Nice, France Church by crazed man shouting 'Allah Akbar'

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131187

File: f164f926c56d467⋯.png (509.18 KB,652x753,652:753,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cab7b37ba0a3cf⋯.png (340.37 KB,558x575,558:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bf63eb183b3f53⋯.png (413.94 KB,546x666,91:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341109 (291125ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS clippings from New York Real Estate days

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1a6d04 No.131188

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341124 (291128ZOCT20) Notable: CHINA VIRUS is destroying our society according to many medical and public health officials

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Great Barrington Declaration

As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.


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1a6d04 No.131189

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341170 (291135ZOCT20) Notable: Miles Taylor (anonymous writer of NYTimes hit piece on POTUS) digs his grave deeper

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Taylor said, “I think the president will feel completely emboldened to pursue not just these almost Nazi-like immigration policies—I don’t say that lightly that is a pretty harsh term to levee against the president —but that’s really where they want to go is turn this country into fortress America rather than the shining city on a hill. But worse still for me as a lifelong national security professional is I believe the president is going to sell out our allies and befriend our enemies, and put this country in danger. He’s already shown a proclivity for friendships with depots and dictators around the world. He has kicked our best friends to the curb. That kind of thing will put this country in danger for the long run.”

He continued, “The president will pull out of NATO, pull our troops back from places where they’re fighting forward, so Americans don’t have to fight bad guys here at home on our city streets. That is what he is going to do. I think if the guard rails come off, which they have, the president will feel unimpeded. The damage he’s done to our democratic institutions, he will double down on that. Damaging the courts, damaging the oversight power of Congress, and expanding the power of the Executive so far that it’s unreasonable. This is not a conservative president because conservatives believe in small government. Donald Trump’s government is so big and expansive that it invades our lives and our minds every single day.”

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1a6d04 No.131190

File: 6fd99b801d60c2c⋯.png (665.86 KB,634x444,317:222,Clipboard.png)

File: 1be9a7c4d7328b5⋯.png (702.36 KB,634x421,634:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341173 (291136ZOCT20) Notable: Comey in no win situation over Weiner Laptop (Comey protects elites, that's his job)

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Patrice was an ardent supporter of Clinton and told Schmidt how she had long dreamed about seeing a woman elected president. At the same time, she said she also believed Trump posed an existential threat to the country and wasn’t fit to assume control of the Oval Office.

She recounted how Comey came to her in their McLean, Virginia, home on October 27, 2018, and told her he had been briefed by his deputies that agents investigating the disgraced former House member Anthony Weiner had made a startling discovery on his laptop.

Weiner, who was under a criminal investigation for sending explicit message to a minor over the internet, was found to be in possession of a number of Clinton's emails on one of the devices he used to contact the teen girl.

His wife at the time was Huma Abedin, Clinton’s senior aide. Investigators reportedly found an enormous number of emails belonging to Clinton, including some that the bureau investigators thought they had not found during their original email investigation, which was closed months before.

Patrice said rather than appealing to her husband about Clinton’s political fate – which she said she knew would be a losing argument - she instead grilled him with questions.

‘What the hell are Hillary Clinton's emails doing on Anthony Weiner's laptop? How is Huma Abedin that incompetent with emails? Why is this coming out now?’ Patrice recounted telling her husband to Schmidt.

‘It's too close to the election. It's too close to the election,’ she said. ‘Don't you understand that?’

Comey reportedly grew irritated by his wife’s protests, insisting the gravity of the situation had nothing to do with timing and reiterating that he was supposed to be partisan in his decision making.

He then told his wife he had no other choice but disclose the discovery to Congress.

‘What is the alternative?’ he asked Patrice. ‘The alternative is a f***ing disaster,’ he continued, explaining how the bureau would be accused of having covered up for newly elected President Clinton if she won as projected.

‘This is going to be awful for you,’ she responded. ‘You just can't do it.’

Comey responded: ‘I am screwed no matter what happens. If I disclose this, I'm screwed. If I don't disclose this, I'm screwed. And so it's freeing in a way.’

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1a6d04 No.131191

File: c47f9eaef01baa5⋯.jpeg (243.44 KB,1242x528,207:88,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b43d41b6f04c10c⋯.jpeg (284.29 KB,1242x652,621:326,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341182 (291137ZOCT20) Notable: Guard stabbed at French Consulate in Saudi Arabia on day of attacks in France re: Mohammed cartoons

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1a6d04 No.131192

File: 3fd9d08f83e9175⋯.png (62.56 KB,848x637,848:637,Clipboard.png)

File: dd616afa999ed11⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB,380x190,2:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341282 (291151ZOCT20) Notable: Hallie Biden call for diggs

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Morning anons.

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1a6d04 No.131193

File: af7ed3714ace2b6⋯.png (689.89 KB,906x600,151:100,Clipboard.png)

File: 5725e0dd941829c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1064x924,38:33,Clipboard.png)

File: af7ed3714ace2b6⋯.png (689.89 KB,906x600,151:100,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c3669508cf6ec6⋯.jpg (191.7 KB,1025x1200,41:48,Clipboard.jpg)

File: af7ed3714ace2b6⋯.png (689.89 KB,906x600,151:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341301 (291153ZOCT20) Notable: Link between Saul Alinsky and Roman Catholic Jesuits

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ThanQ. I made that observation and graphic in 2018.

*bows humbly*

Link between Saul Alinsky and the Roman Catholic Jesuits.



"A 2014 article in the journal Jesuit Higher Education spends 18 pages urging faculty nationwide to include Alinsky’s books and thinking as a central feature of the curriculum at the country’s 221 Catholic colleges and universities.

Eric J. Fretz, associate professor of peace and justice studies at Denver’s Regis University, explains in the journal how he taught a course called “Stand Up and Fight: Saul Alinsky and the Community Organizing Tradition” at Regis University and two other colleges over the past decade.

Fretz describes the Jesuit community’s “political turn to the left” in the mid-20th century and Pedro Arrupe’s call for “collectively entering upon a more severe way of the cross.”

“We should go back and revisit that bifurcation we have created between academics and activists,” Fretz wrote, adding, “We are all, in varying degrees, both academics and activists,

and those two things can live together in harmony in one being.”

History professor Michael Kazin, of the Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington, defends Alinsky while speaking of him alongside “a community organizer from Calcutta named Mother Teresa.”

“Alinsky frequently spoke at Catholic venues and regularly advised young seminarians who were eager to improve the well-being of the men and women they would soon be serving, many of

whom were poor and needed help organizing themselves to demand jobs and better services from local authorities,” Kazin wrote in the New Republic in 2012.

The FBI described Alinsky’s ties to Catholic organizations in the narrative of a 1972 investigation in Baltimore. The agency found Alinsky working with the Industrial Areas Foundation,

a nationwide network of faith-based community organizing groups, and Baltimore’s North East Community Organization."








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1a6d04 No.131194

File: c8e4b3ed3e4c0da⋯.png (2.84 MB,856x3340,214:835,Clipboard.png)

File: d148fd4cfde628c⋯.png (1.67 MB,848x2476,212:619,Clipboard.png)

File: 617281ff705209d⋯.mp4 (8.93 MB,1644x922,822:461,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341313 (291155ZOCT20) Notable: Hallie Biden call for diggs

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How's the coffee?

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1a6d04 No.131195

File: 7fcb8e9d9e122b9⋯.png (30.41 KB,782x1252,391:626,Clipboard.png)

File: aab33dea5f01f99⋯.png (8.25 KB,780x504,65:42,Clipboard.png)

File: f613bff3cbbfe1e⋯.png (10.24 KB,773x537,773:537,Clipboard.png)

File: b4afec02f4d1771⋯.png (10.75 KB,796x548,199:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 98a6ea0211ef7ae⋯.png (10.51 KB,602x639,602:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341353 (291202ZOCT20) Notable: CIA and MSM all fall down (Q Post roundup)

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Clowns In Action

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1a6d04 No.131196

File: 9ded4bc23a48a82⋯.png (2.37 MB,1841x1164,1841:1164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341363 (291203ZOCT20) Notable: Flynn's new twitter banner

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Nailed it! See agen Flynnn’s new Twatter banner:

We The People



>Intercept is a candidate for SKY Event

>the 2nd SKY EVENT post was by Q+

>Compared Patriots and Traitors.

>Mentioned No names

>[FOCUS] President directed audience focus to the intercept

> 1328

>Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 9d52eb No.1361222 📁

>May 10 2018 15:02:52 (EST)


>1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.

>2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.


>1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust [FOCUS].

>2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

>They want you DIVIDED.

>DIVIDED you are WEAK.


>There was no attempt to DIVIDE.

>There was however a strategic move to REVEAL.

>[Be careful who you follow]

>Incorrect message translated [past] autists.

>Correction made.

>No names mentioned.

>They revealed themselves.

>Fake & False [incorrect] decodes removed/resolved.

>Fake & False claims of an 'unknown' allowed access to classified sealed indictments removed/resolved.

>Do not fall victim to con artists.


>Stay on point.

>This is NOT about a single person.

>This is NOT about fame, followers, or profiteering.

>We, the PEOPLE.

>We, the PEOPLE.

>We, the PEOPLE.


>We will not be held hostage.




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1a6d04 No.131197

File: e2d181e6b8e4cbb⋯.jpg (51.42 KB,387x610,387:610,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341366 (291203ZOCT20) Notable: Tomorrow is 1 week since last Q Post

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One week ago is the last Q drop.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6d04 No.131198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341369 (291204ZOCT20) Notable: #14484

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Notables for Baker

#14484 FINAL

>>131145 , >>131146 Twelve elected GOP openly support Q

>>131147 , >>131192 , >>131194 Hallie Biden call for diggs

>>131148 Pompeo wants to find new ways to cooperate with Indonesia in South China Sea

>>131149 Judge: Signatures don't have to match Absentee Ballots in South Carolina

>>131150 CNN compares humans to vampire bats

>>131151 Former President of Nuclear Transport Company sent to Prison for Foreign Bribery

>>131153 Red Shoes at Dundee Uni?

>>131152 DOJ News

>>131154 Chateau Mamont diggs

>>131155 , >>131156 , >>131160 , >>131177 More smears on Q and anons

>>131157 Rosatom became the owner of 100 percent of shares of Canadian uranium company Uranium One, which operates in Kazakhstan

>>131158 Digital Soldier Prayer

>>131159 Anon opines on HRC (High Risk Capture) Joe R Biden being arrested before election

>>131161 Jack Nicklaus endorses President Trump

>>131162 Former DEA official pretended to be CIA Spy, stole 4.4mil$, almost stole BILLIONS

>>131163 Biden Family connections

>>131164 100 Trump vehicles following Biden Campaign Bus kek

>>131165 , >>131167 Hollywood Producer David Guillod arrested on Sex Assault charges… again

>>131166 CIA Impeachment whistleblower forced to live under surveillance due to threats

>>131168 USC data modelling that predicted Trump 2016 victory predicts 2020 victory

>>131169 Russia planted Hunter Biden Laptop? C'mon man

>>131170 Turkish backed Free Syrian Army terror org, Jaysh al-Islam, condemns President Macron, calls for Jihad in France

>>131171 , >>131175 General Flynn tweet "Put your trust in the instrument of Divine Providence"

>>131172 A dozen cars show up for Kamala Harris rally in Tucson, AZ after 15,000 appear at Trump Rally in Bullhead, AZ

>>131173 Justice Dept requesting more data on CHINA VIRUS deaths in nursing homes in New York

>>131174 Pompeo urges Indonesia to resist China's request to turn blind eye to torment of Ulghur Muslims

>>131176 HUGE - Lifelong Dem City Council Official in Flint, MI endorses President Trump

>>131178 Xi pins hopes of Chinese Economy on Biden being elected

>>131179 , >>131185 , >>131186 Woman beheaded in Nice, France Church by crazed man shouting 'Allah Akbar'

>>131180 Reagan remarks against Drug trafficking and Organized Crime on 10/14/82 (learn from history)

>>131181 George Stephanopoulos says it was a mistake to dine with Eptstein after his first stint in jail

>>131182 Chrissy Tiegen/Clinton comms

>>131183 Hunter Biden incest

>>131184 FBI 'Operation Foxhunt' snares eight Chinese citizens conspiring to act as illegal agents of China

>>131187 POTUS clippings from New York Real Estate days

>>131188 CHINA VIRUS is destroying our society according to many medical and public health officials

>>131189 Miles Taylor (anonymous writer of NYTimes hit piece on POTUS) digs his grave deeper

>>131190 Comey in no win situation over Weiner Laptop (Comey protects elites, that's his job)

>>131191 Guard stabbed at French Consulate in Saudi Arabia on day of attacks in France re: Mohammed cartoons

>>131193 Link between Saul Alinsky and Roman Catholic Jesuits

>>131195 CIA and MSM all fall down (Q Post roundup)

>>131196 Flynn's new twitter banner

>>131197 Tomorrow is 1 week since last Q Post


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1a6d04 No.131199

File: 00f6917b9589683⋯.png (44.94 KB,578x629,34:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341510 (291224ZOCT20) Notable: John Brenan twat

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No one deserves a more thorough drubbing on Election Day than Donald Trump.

Well, maybe Lindsey Graham does,

& Mitch McConnell,

& Thom Tillis,

& David Purdue,

& Joni Ernst.

Oh, heck, all Trump lackeys deserve to be tossed out.

Vote Biden/Harris & flip the Senate.

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1a6d04 No.131200

File: 52409bb29991702⋯.png (488.33 KB,2170x1252,1085:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341516 (291226ZOCT20) Notable: Sky event dig

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sky event

we the people

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1a6d04 No.131201

File: 0e8278e14dc1c77⋯.jpg (1.45 MB,3763x1831,3763:1831,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 669b1bd4f795f01⋯.png (3.04 MB,1125x1922,1125:1922,Clipboard.png)

File: a3e62a0d03d64ba⋯.png (1.57 MB,618x934,309:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341518 (291226ZOCT20) Notable: Anons debate Biden family text importance

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Since every-time it has been removed from notables I will post it again.

Hunter was Fucking Natalie and the whole Biden family knew and they covered it up and let him get away with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1a6d04 No.131202

File: 5df8a7929bfb42e⋯.png (1.2 MB,1274x1248,49:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341666 (291251ZOCT20) Notable: Red shoes art dig

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>>131153 (lb)

>Red Shoes at Dundee Uni?

For anons that want to dig more.


Mar 10, 2020 6:35 PM EDT

Editor’s note: This story contains graphic details of violence.

Elina Chauvet’s red shoes are worldly. They’ve been in Milan, Italy, and Grand Rapids, Michigan. Not just one pair, but hundreds — red boots, red heels, red toddler shoes. They’re not there to see the sights, but to take up space. Especially when the women or girls who would have worn them no longer take up any space, except in the lives of their loved ones.

For more than a decade, Chauvet has staged her “Los Zapatos Rojos” installation in cities around the world. In January, the 60-year-old Mexican artist helped activists paint 300 shoes red and laid them out in pairs in an open, public place: inside Mexico City’s historic square. Some of the pairs — four of them — had once belonged to women who had been victims of gender-based deadly violence. To mark their absence, two mothers had personally painted and placed their daughters’ shoes inside the plaza.

For Chauvet, red takes on several meanings. It represents bloodshed, but also change and hope and love, according to the artist.

Wearing a luchador mask, artist Elina Chauvet (L) poses for a photo amid the hundreds of pairs of women’s red shoes inside Mexico City’s famous Zocalo plaza. The photo on the right shows Chauvet’s installation that was displayed on Grand Valley State University’s Pew Campus in March 2017. Photos courtesy of Elina ChauvetWearing a luchador mask, artist Elina Chauvet (L) poses for a photo amid the hundreds of pairs of women’s red shoes inside Mexico City’s famous Zocalo plaza. The photo on the right shows Chauvet’s installation that was displayed on Grand Valley State University’s Pew Campus in March 2017. Photos courtesy of Elina Chauvet

On Monday, nearly two months since Chauvet’s installation, Mexican activists launched a nationwide, 24-hour women’s strike, known as #UnDiaSinNosotras (A Day Without Us) on social media. There were fewer women and girls in work places, schools, the streets and other public spaces to demonstrate what it would be like if there were no women. Activists hoped the action will further pressure government officials into taking action against femicide in the country.

Mexico officially made “femicides” — the killings of women because of their gender — legally distinct from homicides in 2012. That change was meant to lead to tougher penalties and a greater support system for victims.

On average, 10 women and girls are killed each day in Mexico, according to an oft-cited statistic. That number has risen since 2016, when official government figures put the number at eight per day. But not all female murder victims are classified as femicide — that can differ in each country according to their specific legal definition.

-Article too long to post in full-

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1a6d04 No.131203

File: 4e249e4157a7bc3⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11341818 (291311ZOCT20) Notable: Potus on human trafficking. Powerful video.

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1a6d04 No.131204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342023 (291330ZOCT20) Notable: U1 digs, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: OilPrice1.jpg

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Condrey solo two photo.png

Daren Condrey (above)

A week later, Judge Chuang will sentence Daren Condrey.

Condrey is a co-conspirator and defendant in a second related Uranium One case.

Condrey was an FBI informant who ratted out Lambert.

William D. Campbell, another FBI informant, was barred from testifying on Lambert’s behalf.

Condrey pled guilty to conspiracy to commit fraud on June 17th, 2015.

Condrey has never:

been sentenced

posted bail, or

served a day in jail.

Neither has Lambert.


Judge Chuang’s name is pronounced Swong.

Rhymes with King Kong.

Guess who filed the original charges in the four Uranium One cases?

Rod Rosenstein, former Assistant Attorney General.

And Andy McCabe, former Assistant Director of the FBI.



Lambert and Condrey worked together for Transport Logistics Inc. (TLI).

They ran the company for five years..

TLI received a 20-year no-bid contract to import and export uranium and other rare metals to:


China Nuclear Energy Industry Corp., Beijing, China


Namibia (Africa)



Denver, Colorado

It was never limited to Russia.

Details were approved by the Atomic Energy Commission.

And Congress.

Here is an example:

thumbnail_Lambert Canada, Austrlia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Namibia, US 2014.png

Lambert shipping to China NRC letter 2014.png

During Lambert’s trial, the Prosecution admitted bribes started in 1993 before Lambert and Condrey started running the company in 2010.

Transport Logistics bought and sold 20,000 nuclear warheads from Russia.

Where they ended up has never been disclosed.

How much were they sold for?

That has never been disclosed either.

According to Prosecutors, one of the persons responsible for cooking the books was never prosecuted.

Mariia Butina.

Yep, the same person who admitted she was a Russian spy.

Instead, Butina was deported to Russia.

She returned a heroine who duped the U.S.

Butina served 18-months .

The evidence in Butina’s case was destroyed by Judge Tonya Chutkan.

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1a6d04 No.131205

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342113 (291339ZOCT20) Notable: U1 digs, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: chuang_best_photo_updated.jpg

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Nov 4

Chuang's Kangaroo court hides CIA's role in Uranium One

David Ira Salem, CIA/SEC/DOJ attorney, prosecutor in ongoing Mark T. Lambert Uranium One case


David Ira Salem works as an attorney for the CIA.

Office of General Counsel.

Someone has to represent the CIA in a criminal trial.

It is Salem.

His picture and resume is posted at the top of this story.

He represents the best interests of the CIA.

Over the best interests of the:

American people


Justice Department

Instead, the Department of Energy (DOE), said they have “Special Agents” who have the same authority as the FBI.

Under what legal authority?

The CIA?

No one is challenging the DOE’s position that their Special Agents are equal to or better than the ones working for the FBI.

Including the FBI.

Prosecutors have used false identities for two of their informants in the Uranium One cases.

One of them is Rodney Fisk.

He supposedly died in 2011.

Any witnesses to his funeral?

His wife lives in London and worked for American University.

Fisk died having no assets, according to his will.

The court waived fees in Fisk’s probating of his will because there were no assets.

Fisk’s true identity is Alex Copson.

The pseudo FBI agent working for the DOE is in a similar capacity is David Gadren,

His identify remains protected because it is false.

And faked in the court record.


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1a6d04 No.131206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342146 (291342ZOCT20) Notable: U1 digs

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Uranium One Digs


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1a6d04 No.131207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342147 (291342ZOCT20) Notable: Its a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy

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We will only get to where we are going when everyone stops calling the USA a Democracy. We are a Republic and need to go back to THAT and do away with all the crap that has been added by the Democracy crowd. It is all crap to undo the Republic.

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1a6d04 No.131208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342405 (291406ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Rewrites H-1B Program to Help American White-Collar Workers

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Trump Rewrites H-1B Program to Help American White-Collar Workers

President Donald Trump’s deputies have launched a fundamental reform of the H-1B visa system to protect American graduates from outsourcing — despite furious opposition from donors and leaders from Silicon Valley, Fortune 500 companies, and coastal investors.


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1a6d04 No.131209

File: 0c697b2c0fcc0fa⋯.png (1.02 MB,1120x630,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342516 (291414ZOCT20) Notable: Former military intelligence operative from Romania blows the whistle on a massive identity theft that can influence the 2020 elections in US (iffy)

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Former military intelligence operative from Romania blows the whistle on a massive identity theft that can influence the 2020 elections in US

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1a6d04 No.131210

File: 751fc8a88fb0447⋯.jpg (221.66 KB,1069x400,1069:400,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342591 (291421ZOCT20) Notable: Biden and Trump to tangle in Tampa on Thursday

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Biden and Trump to tangle in Tampa on Thursday

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and President Trump hold dueling rallies Thursday in Tampa, Florida, the western anchor of the critical I-4 swing region in the extremely crucial general election battleground state.

The president goes first, holding an early afternoon rally outside of Raymond James Stadium, which his home to the NFL’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

The former vice president goes second, headlining a socially distanced drive-in car rally in the early evening. Biden arrives in Tampa after holding a campaign event earlier in the day in Democratic rich Broward County in southeast Florida.

It comes as the economy remains a top issue on the minds of voters and the Commerce Department released GDP data on Thursday showing the U.S. economy grew at a record-shattering pace in the third quarter as businesses reopened from the coronavirus shutdown – something Trump is likely to highlight as Biden attacks him over his handling of the pandemic.




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1a6d04 No.131211

File: ece3f190510d496⋯.png (42.26 KB,589x299,589:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342642 (291426ZOCT20) Notable: No Stimulus

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"Game over" no stimulous before election - @larry_kudlow

told me. "We are pulling the plug Also @SpeakerPelosi sent a letter to @USTreasury secy @stevenmnuchin1 but @politico

published it before mnuchin received it" #LEAKS more tonight



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1a6d04 No.131212

File: 990bcfed104f577⋯.png (502.98 KB,512x634,256:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342714 (291431ZOCT20) Notable: (anon seconded) We see Trump Differently

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1a6d04 No.131213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342738 (291432ZOCT20) Notable: CNN's Cuomo asks Miles Taylor why network should 'keep you on the payroll' after lying about op-ed

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CNN's Cuomo asks Miles Taylor why network should 'keep you on the payroll' after lying about op-ed


CNN host Chris Cuomo pressed Miles Taylor, the former Trump administration staffer who revealed this week he was behind a 2018 New York Times op-ed and 2019 book attributed to "Anonymous," why the network should keep him as a contributor after he lied to host Anderson Cooper about whether he authored the piece.

"You lied to use, Miles. You were asked in August here on CNN if you were Anonymous and you said no," Cuomo told Taylor on Wednesday. "Now, why should CNN keep you on the payroll after lying like that?"

Taylor called it a "great question."

"When I published [the book] I said I would strenuously deny that I was the author," Taylor said. "The things that I said in that book were ideas that I wanted Donald Trump to challenge on their merits."

CNN's Cuomo asks Miles Taylor why network should 'keep you on the payroll' after lying about op-ed

CNN host Chris Cuomo pressed Miles Taylor, the former Trump administration staffer who revealed this week he was behind a 2018 New York Times op-ed and 2019 book attributed to "Anonymous," why the network should keep him as a contributor after he lied to host Anderson Cooper about whether he authored the piece.

"You lied to use, Miles. You were asked in August here on CNN if you were Anonymous and you said no," Cuomo told Taylor on Wednesday. "Now, why should CNN keep you on the payroll after lying like that?"

Taylor called it a "great question."

"When I published [the book] I said I would strenuously deny that I was the author," Taylor said. "The things that I said in that book were ideas that I wanted Donald Trump to challenge on their merits."

Taylor went on to say he wrote the 2018 op-ed anonymously so Trump could not wage personal attacks against him.

"So, when asked by Anderson I temporarily denied it," he said. "But I've always said I was going to come out under my own name. That being said, I owe Anderson a beer and I owe him a mea culpa."

Earlier this year, Cooper asked Taylor if he had written the op-ed.

“I wear a mask for two things, Anderson: Halloween and pandemics. So, no,” Taylor said.

More at link:


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1a6d04 No.131214

File: 40e417955ed9c30⋯.png (262.26 KB,493x414,493:414,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342799 (291437ZOCT20) Notable: Kevin McCarthy Wants Media To Wait To Call Election Winner ‘Until Every Polling Center Has Closed’

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Kevin McCarthy Wants Media To Wait To Call Election Winner ‘Until Every Polling Center Has Closed’

U.S. House Minority Leader McCarthy speaks during his weekly news conference with Capitol Hill reporters in Washington

REUTERS/Erin Scott

Daily Caller News Foundation logo


Mary Rose Corkery


October 28, 2020 8:29 PM ET

Font Size:

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy wants all major media outlets to wait to call the 2020 election winner “until every polling center has closed,” McCarthy said in a letter to outlets Wednesday.

“Americans will be watching their television and monitoring their social media feeds anxiously awaiting the results of the election. And understandably, the competition within the media to be the first to deliver those results is intense,” McCarthy wrote. (RELATED: House Republicans Release Agenda Ahead Of Election)

“But media bragging rights should not supersede Americans’ voices. Any media organization that declares a winner of the presidential election before polling centers have closed will unquestionably disenfranchise Americans who have not yet voted,” he added.

Media that declares a winner of the presidential election before polling centers close will unquestionably disenfranchise Americans who have not yet voted.

I wrote a letter to the heads of major news orgs to request patience in calling a winner until all polling centers close. pic.twitter.com/k2RtoK5YSs

— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) October 28, 2020

Due to the inability to count important battleground states’ mail-in-ballots until the day of the election, there is a possible situation where the presidential election winner may be unknown until after Nov.3, The Hill reported.

McCarthy’s letter was addressed to NBC Universal News Group Chairman Cesar Conde, ABC News President James Goldston and Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott, among others.

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1a6d04 No.131215

File: 6471c6d627ff3c7⋯.png (901.34 KB,1270x800,127:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342827 (291439ZOCT20) Notable: DOJ presses New York for information about COVID deaths in nursing homes

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DOJ presses New York for information about COVID deaths in nursing homes

An August AP analysis indicated that the state is likely undercounting such fatalities by thousands.


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in September 2020

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in September 2020

(Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

By Alex Nitzberg

Updated: October 28, 2020 - 11:51pm


Dig In

The U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday increased the size of an inquiry which could reveal if the state is lowballing the number of COVID-19 fatalities among New York nursing home residents.

The Associated Press reported that the DOJ is calling for information from hundreds of private facilities.

The news outlet said that the DOJ letter requested a breakout of hospital fatalities that the health department has not shared publicly, and expands to over 600 facilities a similar request from earlier this year targeting a much smaller number of public facilities.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been facing criticism that the state's reported fatality count at long-term care establishments severely misrepresents the actual number of deaths, the AP noted.

The state only counts those residents who pass away on the nursing home premises but not those who die at the hospital.

An August AP analysis said that the state is likely undercounting such fatalities by thousands.

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1a6d04 No.131216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342868 (291443ZOCT20) Notable: Millions of mail ballots not yet returned in key states

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Millions of mail ballots not yet returned in key states


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1a6d04 No.131217

File: 1fb566efed56537⋯.png (54.67 KB,585x505,117:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342874 (291443ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: Wisconsin Republican Party chairman says hackers stole $2.3 million from account dedicated to Trump reelection.

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BREAKING: Wisconsin Republican Party chairman says hackers stole $2.3 million from account dedicated to Trump reelection.


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1a6d04 No.131218

File: f718e128f8d6fc3⋯.png (157.21 KB,702x438,117:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342907 (291447ZOCT20) Notable: PF Report

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RSAF MEDVC5A G5 departed Franfurt Int'l se after a ground stop-inbound from Bonn after an overnight

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1a6d04 No.131219

File: f2013cf33a8e483⋯.png (119.62 KB,903x397,903:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342917 (291448ZOCT20) Notable: GDP UP 33.1%

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GDP UP 33.1%


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1a6d04 No.131220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11342919 (291448ZOCT20) Notable: Former Secretary Of State John Kerry: Idea Of Joe Biden Embracing Socialism Is ‘Scare Tactic’ By President Trump

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Former Secretary Of State John Kerry: Idea Of Joe Biden Embracing Socialism Is ‘Scare Tactic’ By President Trump


Former Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday tried to put to rest concerns that former Vice President Joe Biden, if elected to the presidency, would be influenced by far left progressives or socialists.

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1a6d04 No.131221

File: 75c4d6de0e843ca⋯.png (386.16 KB,1240x1754,620:877,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c1318849344f53⋯.png (1.97 MB,1275x1650,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: e32bd4607b1aaca⋯.png (651.16 KB,1275x1650,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 777603a8edfdf96⋯.png (4.88 MB,1920x1834,960:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343119 (291505ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Docs

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Biden Docs

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1a6d04 No.131222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343152 (291508ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Docs

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1a6d04 No.131223

File: 385fc95e2e9b02a⋯.png (384.97 KB,785x482,785:482,Clipboard.png)

File: a3591015474c28e⋯.png (480.32 KB,756x342,42:19,Clipboard.png)

File: a1fc0375177cdb7⋯.png (1.23 MB,913x719,913:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343160 (291509ZOCT20) Notable: PF Report

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EXECF1 USAF G5 (FLOTUS) departed JBA south

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1a6d04 No.131224

File: 563bc7771f96e18⋯.png (109.46 KB,934x518,467:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343203 (291516ZOCT20) Notable: DJT Jr Tweet On Media

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The reality is not whether the MSM are compromised or not.

The MSM operatives have proved over and over that they are fully compromised, infiltrated and controlled by rabid DNC activists.

The real question is how did the "invisible hand" gain so much control over the journalists and media outlets?

Some interesting books will be written about how the MSM were completely co-opted by 1 political party to march in complete obedient lockstep to their masters.


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1a6d04 No.131225

File: e6daadc35e639de⋯.png (73.81 KB,820x435,164:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cb41f97e3e7e65⋯.png (99.18 KB,820x492,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343309 (291528ZOCT20) Notable: Economy Statistics

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“built the greatest economy anywhere in the world . . . and we’re going to build it again.”

At that time, the consensus among economic forecasters was that pandemic-induced lockdowns would result in a sharp economic contraction in the second quarter, and that the economy would experience tepid growth in the third quarter as it slowly clawed back from pandemic losses. But because of the President’s pro-growth policies that set a strong pre-pandemic foundation—and the extraordinary speed and scale of the Administration’s support for America’s families and businesses—our nation’s recovery continues to exceed expectations.

This morning’s release of U.S. GDP for the third quarter of 2020 from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) affirms President Trump’s statement that “we’re coming back, and we’re coming back strong.”

The BEA estimates that real GDP grew 7.4 percent (33.1 percent at an annual rate) in the third quarter, the largest single quarter of economic growth on record and roughly twice the prior record of 3.9 percent (16.7 percent at an annual rate) set in the first quarter of 1950. This growth follows the most severe pandemic-induced contraction on record in the second quarter of 2020, which occurred as the government mandatorily shut down all but nonessential services, and Americans made sacrifices to slow the pandemic.

With the historic third-quarter growth, the United States in a single quarter has now recovered two-thirds of the economic output lost due to the pandemic during the first half of the year (Figure 1). In the recovery from the 2008-09 recession, it took 4 times as long to regain the same share of lost economic output.

After data confirmed the recovery was well underway beginning in May, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) in July projected a second quarter contraction roughly in line with the actual decline that occurred, though the CBO projected a third quarter growth rate of just 4.0 percent (17.0 percent at an annual rate). The strong footing of the United States economy prior to the pandemic contributed to the stronger-than-expected recovery our country is currently experiencing.

The United States had the highest GDP growth rate among the G7 countries from 2017 to 2019, with growth more than double the G7 average. While the pandemic hit every major economy around the world, the United States experienced the least severe economic contraction of any major Western economy in the first half of 2020, with the Euro Area economy’s contraction being 1.5 times as severe as the contraction of the U.S. economy.

A resurgence in consumer spending, which accounts for two-thirds of GDP, supported the historic third quarter GDP growth and reflects both the reopening of America’s businesses and the confidence of consumers to spend on goods and services once more. Consumer spending in the services sector alone accounted for nearly half of GDP growth in the third quarter. Greater third quarter spending on recreation, food, and accommodation services—sectors acutely impacted by lockdowns—alone accounted for one-fifth of total GDP growth in the third quarter.

The growth in the third quarter, and the particular strength of American consumers, also reflects the swiftness and magnitude of the aid the Administration provided directly to America’s families, workers, and small businesses. The $2.7 trillion in stimulus that the CARES Act and other pandemic-related legislation supplied is roughly 13 percent as a share of GDP. That is more than twice the size of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) as a share of GDP.

This direct aid supported Americans’ income through the pandemic. Total personal income rose above, and still remains above, pre-pandemic levels. Personal income excluding the government transfers provided for in the CARES Act, however, decreased from pre-pandemic levels (Figure 2). Without this income support, the resurgence in consumer spending would likely not have been as strong. Having added back 11.4 million jobs since April with more than 5 in 10 jobs lost in the pandemic recovered, total wages and salaries increased 5 percent in the third quarter and are now just 1.4 percent below pre-pandemic level.

The strong foundation of the pre-pandemic economy and the efficacy of the Trump Administration’s efforts to provide direct economic aid to families and small businesses helped deliver record-setting growth that few predicted would occur earlier this year. Our nation’s economy is poised for continued expansion in the fourth quarter, and the strength of the recovery thus far is a testament to the fortitude and resilience of America’s workers and families.


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1a6d04 No.131226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343330 (291529ZOCT20) Notable: Anne Wojcicki on Covid-19 and Genetics: Discovering Clues in Big Data

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Anne Wojcicki on Covid-19 and Genetics: Discovering Clues in Big Data

23andme CEO Anne Wojcicki discusses the potential for crowdsourced data to help provide new insights into the coronavirus at WSJ Tech Live.

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1a6d04 No.131227

File: 694871e0f339abd⋯.jpg (3.76 MB,1776x3400,222:425,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 639fb445678e2d6⋯.pdf (329.63 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343347 (291531ZOCT20) Notable: Finger lakes, mini bun

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This may have already been covered:


Once again, in reference to ONEIDA LAKE "part" of of the Finger Lakes Region, near Syracuse NY. Often forgotten talking about the Finger Lakes region. (note OP from WNY)

Also Remember Keith Raniere operated just east of here in Albany area.

10/282020 headlines:

Keith Raniere sentencing: Nxivm leader gets 120 years



Here Are Ten Moments from the Bobulinski Interview the Liberal Media Will Ignore





LLC Agreement PDF document for ONEIDA HOLDINGS LLC

(Shell Company):



Oneida Holdings LLC mentioned again:



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1a6d04 No.131228

File: e2ed734cc059f70⋯.jpg (259.49 KB,1891x870,1891:870,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343368 (291533ZOCT20) Notable: PF Report

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Very Safe

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1a6d04 No.131229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343380 (291534ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Docs

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Baker forgot some docs >>>/qresearch/11343129

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1a6d04 No.131230

File: 3676551d87fe582⋯.png (193.81 KB,771x455,771:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343465 (291543ZOCT20) Notable: PF Report

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02-5001 USAFSOC C-32A departed Louisville, KY-Ali Int'l and heading to Bragg -POTUS and FLOTUS participate in a Troop Engagement at Ft. Bragg later today

EXECF1 USAF G5 (FLOTUS) continues sw from JBA

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1a6d04 No.131231

File: 8556ebafef75af8⋯.png (87.91 KB,661x735,661:735,Clipboard.png)

File: 68c117695e09440⋯.png (462.41 KB,747x719,747:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343547 (291551ZOCT20) Notable: Operational Tests of Missiles

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1a6d04 No.131232

File: c29b3dbff37248f⋯.png (420.64 KB,858x472,429:236,Clipboard.png)

File: f5c4b17871e8ae3⋯.png (368.52 KB,521x311,521:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343558 (291552ZOCT20) Notable: PF Report

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French AF CTM0003 Falcon 7x CTM0009 Falcon 7X and CTM0012 Falcon 900 departed Nice Airport nw back to AB Villacoublay

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1a6d04 No.131233

File: 8d63b3d7458a086⋯.png (430.93 KB,586x542,293:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343595 (291555ZOCT20) Notable: REPORT: Explosives Found in Van May Be Linked to Philadelphia ATM Robberies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

REPORT: Explosives Found in Van May Be Linked to Philadelphia ATM Robberieshttps://www.breitbart.com/law-and-order/2020/10/29/report-explosives-found-in-van-may-be-linked-to-philadelphia-atm-robberies/

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1a6d04 No.131234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343656 (291559ZOCT20) Notable: The Biden Family Foreign Corruption Scandal is staggering

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>The Biden Family Foreign Corruption Scandal is staggering, which is why the Establishment Media refuses to give it the coverage it deserves. "A fraudulent Bond scheme with the Ogalala Sioux tribe (THE POOREST TRIBE IN AMERICA!), everyone was charged EXCEPT Where's Hunter~!"


>Sauce with repost please

Sauce: https://twitter.com/BreitbartNews/status/1321837377690755072

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1a6d04 No.131235

File: 217859344f32e13⋯.png (58.16 KB,595x528,595:528,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343731 (291606ZOCT20) Notable: Sergei Millian Tweet Re: Corruption

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Sergei Millian twat


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1a6d04 No.131236

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343745 (291606ZOCT20) Notable: Uranium One News

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Uranium One News

Former President of Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Prison for Foreign Bribery and Other Offenses

The former president of Transport Logistics International Inc. (TLI), a Maryland-based transportation company that provides services for the transportation of nuclear materials to customers in the United States and abroad, was sentenced today to 48 months in prison and three years of supervised release for his role in a scheme to bribe a Russian official in exchange for obtaining contracts for the company.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian C. Rabbitt of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Robert K. Hur of the District of Maryland, Assistant Director in Charge Steven D’Antuono of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, and Inspector General Teri L. Donaldson of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Inspector General (DOE-OIG) made the announcement.

On Nov. 22, 2019, after a three-week trial,Mark T. Lambert, 57, was convicted of four counts of violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), two counts of wire fraud, and one count of conspiracy to violate the FCPA and commit wire fraud. Lambert was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Theodore D. Chuang of the District of Maryland. In addition to his prison sentence, Judge Chuang ordered Lambert to pay a $20,000 fine. Lambert must report to the U.S. Marshals Service by Feb. 15, 2021, to begin serving his prison sentence.

According to the evidence presented at trial, Lambert participated in a scheme to bribe Vadim Mikerin, a Russian official at JSC Techsnabexport (TENEX), a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation (ROSATOM) and the sole supplier and exporter of Russian Federation uranium and uranium enrichment services to nuclear power companies worldwide. Mikerin was later president of TENEX’s wholly-owned U.S. subsidiary, TENAM Corporation. Lambert and other members of the conspiracy used code words like “lucky figures,” “LF,” “lucky numbers,” and “cake” to describe the bribes, and they communicated with Mikerin about the scheme at his alias e-mail account where Mikerin used the name “Marvin Jodel.”

The trial evidence demonstrated that,for approximately seven years, in order to secure contracts with TENEX, Lambert conspired with others at TLI to make over $1.5 million in corrupt and fraudulent bribe payments to Mikerin through offshore shell companies Mikerin directed them to pay. To conceal the bribe payments, Lambert and his co-conspirators caused fake invoices to be prepared, purportedly from TENEX to TLI, that described services that were never provided. Lambert and others then used the fake invoices to justify and conceal the bribes they caused to be transmitted by wire to shell company bank accounts in Latvia, Cyprus, and Switzerland.

Two other defendants have pleaded guilty in this matter. On June 17, 2015, Daren Condrey, Lambert’s former co-president, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to violate the FCPA and commit wire fraud. He is awaiting sentencing. On Aug. 31, 2015, Russian national Vadim Mikerin pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering. He was sentenced to 48 months in prison. On March 12, 2018, TLI entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the Department of Justice in connection with the bribery scheme.

This case was investigated by the FBI’s Washington Field Office and DOE-OIG. Assistant Chief Vanessa A. Sisti and Trial Attorney Derek J. Ettinger of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney David I. Salem of the District of Maryland are prosecuting the case.


> https://brassballs.blog/home/uranium-one-trial-starts-october-24-24th-theodore-chuang-maryland-greenbelt-mark-t-tutt-lambert-tenex-hillary-clinton-foundation-mikerin-condrey-fisk-rod-daren-tonya-chutkan-rosenstein-kavanaugh-n3gf6

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1a6d04 No.131237

File: afeabb49b0afddc⋯.png (40.4 KB,584x251,584:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343799 (291611ZOCT20) Notable: Body cams for Fed Task Force

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Body cams for Fed Task Forces


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1a6d04 No.131238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343833 (291613ZOCT20) Notable: #14487

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#14488 (due to # copy of #14486)

>>131221 , >>131222 , >>131229 Biden Docs

>>131223 , >>131228 , >>131230 , >>131232 PF Report

>>131224 DJT Jr Tweet On Media

>>131225 Economy Statistics

>>131226 Anne Wojcicki on Covid-19 and Genetics: Discovering Clues in Big Data

>>131231 Operational Tests of Missiles

>>131233 REPORT: Explosives Found in Van May Be Linked to Philadelphia ATM Robberies

>>131234 The Biden Family Foreign Corruption Scandal is staggering

>>131235 Sergei Millian Tweet Re: Corruption

>>131236 Uranium One News

>>131237 Body cams for Fed Task Force

Final, Baking

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1a6d04 No.131239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11343899 (291617ZOCT20) Notable: LATEST NOTABLES COLLECTED BUN

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1a6d04 No.131240

File: 81b0177d5df16b9⋯.jpg (356.64 KB,1222x730,611:365,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344166 (291639ZOCT20) Notable: LATEST NOTABLES COLLECTED BUN

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need notetaker or no notables posted

ffs i baked all day yesterday. cant do it today anons. i can ebake 1 if notetaker runs notables. but thats it. im just burned the hell out [8a-8p] out from yesterday


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1a6d04 No.131241

File: 5e3b0ea5f8f7d04⋯.jpg (24.04 KB,400x260,20:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344196 (291642ZOCT20) Notable: Owner And General Manager Of Pocono Area Hotels Convicted Of Sex And Drug Trafficking In Precedent Setting Case

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Owner And General Manager Of Pocono Area Hotels Convicted Of Sex And Drug Trafficking In Precedent Setting Case


Notorious Human Trafficker Who Forced Victims into Prostitution Sentenced to 30 Years


Rapid City Man Sentenced for Failure to Register


Traffickers Charged With Buying and Selling a 19-Year-Old 'Sex Slave'


Former Harrison County Constable and Paris Firefighter Sentenced to 420 Months for Using a Minor to Produce Sexually Explicit Images and Videos


Local man who wanted to marry child victim sent to prison for 50 years


Union City, PA Man Indicted on Child Sex Exploitation Charges


Child Sexual Abuser Pleads Guilty to Citizenship Fraud


Springfield Man Sentenced to 20 Years for Sexual Exploitation of a Child


Soldier secreted 13-year-old runaway he met online onto Ft. Benning for six days before rescue


Former University of Michigan Professor Indicted on Charges of Child Exploitation of a Minor


Jury Convicts East St.Louis Man of Producing Child Pornography Attempting to Tamper with Victim's Testimony


Ex-Keesler Airman Sentenced to Over Ten Years in Federal Prison for Child Pornography


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1a6d04 No.131242

File: 5720b737ea7d215⋯.png (571.3 KB,800x609,800:609,Clipboard.png)

File: 47ece627d13d40d⋯.png (355.86 KB,680x691,680:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 309c7cfce92cf60⋯.png (361.53 KB,680x1009,680:1009,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344207 (291642ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden-Led Firm Scrubs Website, ‘See You After The Election!’

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Hunter Biden-Led Firm Scrubs Website, ‘See You After The Election!’

Eudora Global, a Hunter Biden-founded investment firm, has taken down its website, replacing it with a picture of an American flag and imploring citizens to vote.

The move follows a National Pulse exposè highlighting the group, where Hunter Biden served as Founder from 2009 to 2012, for its involvement in the former veep’s son granting access to the Obama White House to a Mexican businessman. “I have brought every single person you have ever asked me to bring to the F’ing WHite House and the Vice President’s house and the inauguration,” emails from Hunter Biden to Miguel Aleman Magnani read. Jeff Cooper, another Founder and CEO of one of Eudora’s portfolio companies, was on the email thread and appeared to be involved with a joint business deal between Pemex and Burisma. Eudora Global’s website, therefore, redirects to the domain “https://www.seeyouaftertheelection.com” accompanied by a flag and the text: See you after the election! Vote! It Matters! Ocho Global, Eudora’s portfolio company which Cooper serves as CEO of, has done the same thing with its website “ocho.com.” Recent archives of the “Eudoraglobal.com” domain, however, show the site’s setup prior to it being scrubbed from the internet. Individuals on the now-revealed emailed threads – Jeff Cooper and Hunter Biden – can be seen on the company’s “partners” page since at least 2015.


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1a6d04 No.131243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344208 (291642ZOCT20) Notable: LATEST NOTABLES COLLECTED BUN

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>>131033 #14479, >>131071 #14480, >>131079 #14481

>>130959 #14476, >>130978 #14477, >>131007 #14478

>>130895 #14473, >>130918 #14474, >>130938 #14475

>>130724 #14470, >>130839 #14471, >>>/qresearch/11333453 #14472

>>130866 #14469, >>130749 #14470, >>130785 #14470

>>130636 #14466, >>130654 #14467, >>>/qresearch/11330892 #14468

>>130501 #14463, >>130576 #14464, >>130578 #14465

>>130429 #14460, >>130461 #14461, >>130483 #14462

>>130373 #14457, >>130401 #14458, >>130422 #14459

>>130257 #14454, >>130306 #14455, >>130344 #14456

>>130194 #14451, >>130209 #14452, >>130225 #14453

>>130132 #14448, >>130151 #14449, >>130177 #14450

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1a6d04 No.131244

File: a422e780b3c0543⋯.png (426.14 KB,707x589,707:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344212 (291643ZOCT20) Notable: EXCLUSIVE: Twitter Suspends U.S. Border Chief For Celebrating Wall’s Protection From Illegal Aliens

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>"Twitter has now locked the account of US Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner #CensorshipIsReal"



Don't be dense! smdh


"Twitter suspended the account of the head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection for touting progress on the border wall. Twitter said the tweet below violated a policy against 'hateful conduct.' From @FDRLST:"



EXCLUSIVE: Twitter Suspends U.S. Border Chief For Celebrating Wall’s Protection From Illegal Aliens


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1a6d04 No.131245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344214 (291643ZOCT20) Notable: Philadelphia police discover van loaded with explosives amid unrest over fatal shooting of Black man

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Philadelphia police discover van loaded with explosives amid unrest over fatal shooting of Black man

PHILADELPHIA — Philadelphia remains on high alert after police reportedly found explosives inside a van following multiple nights of protest over the shooting death of a Black man with a history of mental health problems.

Police recovered propane tanks, torches and possible dynamite sticks from the van Wednesday and it is unclear if anyone has been arrested in connection with the vehicle, WPVI reported. The Philadelphia Police Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment from USA TODAY.

The city fell mostly silent Wednesday after officials instituted a citywide curfew following several nights of unrest over the police killing of Walter Wallace Jr.

While scattered reports of looting were still popping up throughout the city Wednesday night, the protests and confrontations that marred Philadelphia since Monday had all but dissipated. Police showed a heavy presence in the neighborhood near where Wallace died Wednesday in anticipation of a third night of discord, but that never materialized.

By 7:30 p.m., just 15 people had gathered for a "Justice for Walter Wallace Jr" protest in Center City. The group slowly disbanded and went its separate ways not long after.

Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said at a news conference Wednesday she plans to release 911 tapes and police body camera footage of the shooting once the department shares it with Wallace's family.

Mayor Jim Kenney said the Pennsylvania National Guard would also be deployed to help protect property and assist the police. The first troops were expected Friday and Saturday.

Wallace, a 27-year-old aspiring rapper and father of nine, was shot Monday as officers responded to a report of a person with a weapon, police spokesperson Tanya Little said. Officers ordered Wallace to drop the knife, but he instead “advanced towards” them. Both officers then fired “several times,” Little said.


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1a6d04 No.131246

File: a4715075a310d94⋯.png (23.93 KB,387x90,43:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344239 (291645ZOCT20) Notable: Chinese Energy Company, U.S. Oil & Gas Affiliate and Chinese National Indicted for Theft of Trade Secrets

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Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Chinese Energy Company, U.S. Oil & Gas Affiliate and Chinese National Indicted for Theft of Trade Secrets https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/chinese-energy-company-us-oil-gas-affiliate-and-chinese-national-indicted-theft-trade-secrets

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1a6d04 No.131247

File: 27d36ca1f6e9f3f⋯.png (81.86 KB,717x953,717:953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344267 (291648ZOCT20) Notable: Chinese Energy Company, U.S. Oil & Gas Affiliate and Chinese National Indicted for Theft of Trade Secrets

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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Chinese Energy Company, U.S. Oil & Gas Affiliate and Chinese National Indicted for Theft of Trade Secrets

with cap

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1a6d04 No.131248

File: a294d471c7bfab8⋯.png (414.72 KB,580x1025,116:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 67b467f4be67f8c⋯.png (464.6 KB,647x917,647:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344288 (291650ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden’s $1,000,000 Contract With ‘Spy Chief Of China’ Patrick Ho

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Hunter Biden’s $1,000,000 Contract With ‘Spy Chief Of China’ Patrick Ho

Documents found on Hunter Biden’s include a contract which shows the former veep’s son’s $1,000,000 contract with Patrick Ho, the same individual Hunter Biden described as the “spy chief of China” in an audio recording. The contract, an “Attorney Engagement Letter,” appears to show an agreement between Hunter Biden and Patrick Ho, the Secretary General of China Energy Fund Committee. Hunter Biden was expected to provide “counsel to matters related to US law and advice pertaining to the hiring and legal analysis of any US Law Firm of Lawyer.” The fourth section of the document, “Compensation,” reveals that “at the time of execution of this agreement” Ho would pay Hunter Biden a sum of $1,000,000 as a retainer. Ho, however, was described by Hunter Biden himself as the “Spy Chief of China” in an audio recording obtained exclusively by The National Pulse.



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1a6d04 No.131249

File: d9eaa278dbcdfdb⋯.png (712.17 KB,1008x959,144:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344403 (291701ZOCT20) Notable: Senate panel investigating Hunter Biden’s failure to register as foreign agent

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Senate panel investigating Hunter Biden’s failure to register as foreign agent

A search of Justice Department databases reveals that Hunter Biden failed to register as a foreign agent while promoting the interests of foreign business partners in Washington, including brokering meetings with his father and other government officials, and RealClear Investigations has learned that at least one Senate committee is investigating whether Joe Biden’s son violated federal laws requiring disclosure of such foreign contacts.

Paul Manafort ended up in prison in part for failing to publicly disclose his lobbying on behalf of Ukrainian clients and partners. Compared with the treatment of Hunter Biden, that's “a double standard, 100%,” said a former assistant FBI director….


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1a6d04 No.131250

File: ea022df93e14340⋯.png (169.96 KB,556x464,139:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344462 (291705ZOCT20) Notable: Fresh DJT twats

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So it turns out that the wise guy promoted as “Anonymous” by the @nytimes, named Miles Taylor (who I never even heard of!), was only a little known “staffer” as opposed to a “Senior Administration Official”. He then scammed @CNN, lied to @andersoncooper, & got a job there….

….He also worked at, of all places, @Google. They all have big liability!!!


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1a6d04 No.131251

File: f5128589723e52b⋯.png (19.27 KB,652x219,652:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344473 (291706ZOCT20) Notable: Fresh DJT twats

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Weekly Jobless Claims just hit a 7 month low!


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1a6d04 No.131252

File: 9521f1d6c01a33a⋯.png (26.57 KB,530x293,530:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344496 (291708ZOCT20) Notable: Adam Housley I was spied on

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Adam Housley

I was spied on…so at this point I put nothing past this country. We are more corrupt and messed up than I ever dreamed of.


>Hey @adamhousley what do you think about Tucker's documents disappearing in the mail? Was he being spied on?

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1a6d04 No.131253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344608 (291720ZOCT20) Notable: #14489

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Torfag note taker here

received bad gateway on Tor

here is


>>131252 Adam Housley I was spied on

>>131250, >>131251 Fresh DJT twats

>>131249 Senate panel investigating Hunter Biden’s failure to register as foreign agent

>>131248 Hunter Biden’s $1,000,000 Contract With ‘Spy Chief Of China’ Patrick Ho

>>131246, >>131247 Chinese Energy Company, U.S. Oil & Gas Affiliate and Chinese National Indicted for Theft of Trade Secrets

>>131245 Philadelphia police discover van loaded with explosives amid unrest over fatal shooting of Black man

>>131242 Hunter Biden-Led Firm Scrubs Website, ‘See You After The Election!’

>>131244 EXCLUSIVE: Twitter Suspends U.S. Border Chief For Celebrating Wall’s Protection From Illegal Aliens

>>131241 Owner And General Manager Of Pocono Area Hotels Convicted Of Sex And Drug Trafficking In Precedent Setting Case

anything missing?

is the ghost baker still here?

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1a6d04 No.131254

File: 6c15717c3a989b8⋯.png (87.37 KB,750x905,150:181,Clipboard.png)

File: a1ff327fb50c006⋯.png (29.39 KB,744x433,744:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344700 (291727ZOCT20) Notable: Chinese Energy Company, U.S. Oil & Gas Affiliate and Chinese National Indicted for Theft of Trade Secrets

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Chinese Energy Company, U.S. Oil & Gas Affiliate and Chinese National Indicted for Theft of Trade Secrets


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1a6d04 No.131255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344729 (291729ZOCT20) Notable: Suspected Terrorist Knife Attack in Nice, France, Leaves Three Dead

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Suspected Terrorist Knife Attack in Nice, France, Leaves Three Dead

PARIS—A knife-wielding man killed three people—nearly decapitating one of them—in the Notre Dame Basilica in Nice, police said, in an assault being treated as an act of terrorism.

Sauce: https://www.wsj.com/articles/two-people-killed-in-knife-attack-at-church-in-french-city-of-nice-11603963626

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1a6d04 No.131256

File: a613a992e4ca382⋯.png (227.4 KB,501x465,167:155,Clipboard.png)

File: e0f0b22d3b998fc⋯.png (75.1 KB,906x209,906:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 35779ca044078cc⋯.png (25.25 KB,551x326,551:326,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bc12fd1452eaef⋯.png (15.12 KB,916x127,916:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344730 (291729ZOCT20) Notable: Former Malaysian PM: "Muslims Have A Right To Be Angry And Kill Millions Of French People"

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Former Malaysian PM: "Muslims Have A Right To Be Angry And Kill Millions Of French People"

Update (1130ET): Twitter says part of the thread from Mohamad violates its rules on glorifying violence.. no shit!

Why is he not banned permanently for this kind of genocidal encouragement?

* * *

As Summit News' Paul Joseph Watson reported earlier, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia reacted to a series of Islamic terror attacks in France by tweeting, “Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past.”

Yes, really.

Three people were killed and several injured near a church in the Notre-Dame area of Nice this morning, including one 70-year-old woman who was decapitated. The culprit was a jihadist who yelled “Allahu Akbar” throughout the attack.

Meanwhile, in Avignon, a man wielding a knife while also shouting “Allahu Akbar” was shot dead after trying to attack police officers who were patrolling the street.

In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, a French guard at the French consulate was also wounded by an attacker.

The attacks followed the beheading of school teacher Samuel Paty in Paris earlier this month by a Chechen jihadist who sought revenge for Paty showing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad to pupils in his class.

Mahathir bin Mohamad, who served twice as the Prime Minister of Malaysia from 1981 to 2003, and again from 2018 to 2020, reacted to the attacks by suggesting that they were completely justified because of France’s colonial past.

“Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past,” tweeted Mohamad.


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1a6d04 No.131257

File: a00505becece3bf⋯.png (385.33 KB,530x465,106:93,Clipboard.png)

File: 4edcb89da239640⋯.mp4 (662.83 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344744 (291731ZOCT20) Notable: DJT Thank you to Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) for seeing the light. Our Country is doing great!

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Thank you to Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) for seeing the light. Our Country is doing great!


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1a6d04 No.131258

File: 705ab3b3e326863⋯.png (439.14 KB,569x772,569:772,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344750 (291731ZOCT20) Notable: Knifeman beheaded TWO victims in church terrorist attack, Nice first deputy mayor tells RT

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Knifeman beheaded TWO victims in church terrorist attack, Nice first deputy mayor tells RT

A knife-wielding attacker beheaded two of the three victims at the Notre Dame church in the center of the French resort city of Nice, First Deputy Mayor Anthony Borré told RT France.

Shocking media reports on Thursday morning indicated that one of the churchgoers was beheaded, but the deputy mayor of Nice confirmed to RT France by phone that the reality turned out to be even grimmer.

“The assailant beheaded a woman and then a man who was working at the church,” Borré said. He added that the third person managed to flee outside (French media reported it was a woman), but her wounds were too severe and she passed away later.

Those who died are victims of “Islamic barbarism,” as the attacker shouted ‘Allahu akbar’ several times, the deputy mayor said.

The perpetrator, who is yet to be officially identified, was injured by police and arrested. “He’s alive, but seriously wounded.”

The authorities are now working to establish if the attacker had any accomplices. “There are 3,000 CCTV cameras in Nice… We’re eager to find anybody who could be associated with this terrorist act,” Borré said.

The incident resulted in the French authorities putting the whole nation on high alert.

The beheadings in Nice were followed by an alleged knife attack on police officers in the city of Avignon, in which the assailant was gunned down.


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1a6d04 No.131259

File: 50af0ac3e40ddce⋯.jpg (187.17 KB,1125x1474,1125:1474,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f20096856673c0e⋯.jpg (25.82 KB,366x356,183:178,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bf579a004d13ae0⋯.png (252.5 KB,954x1012,477:506,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344761 (291732ZOCT20) Notable: The Great Reset Time Magazine Cover shows the exact location of CERN

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The Great Reset Time Magazine Cover shows the exact location of CERN

I was listening to Anthony Patch describe how CERN may use strangelets to cause (paraphrasing) the splitting of quarks by overcoming their natural nuclear bond. This would create a violent rip in the fabric of space time. (Stranger Things anyone?)

As soon as he said this the Time Magazine Cover immediately jumped into my mind. I flipped out, I knew CERN had to be located at the EXACT spot where they were lifting out the chunk of earth.

Rev 9: The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss.

"The town in France where CERN is partially situated is called “Saint-Genus-Poilly.” The name Pouilly comes from the Latin “Appolliacum” and it is believed that in Roman times a temple existed in honor of Apollo, and the people who lived there believed that it is a gateway to the underworld. It is interesting to note that CERN is built on this spot." https://www.rt.com/op-ed/313922-cern-collider-hadron-higgs/

Rev 9:11, They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon."

There are also 12 people on the cover, which is obviously significant but it could be a number of things. Anyone have any ideas on that one?

Anyway I hope this connects some dots for people!

God Bless.

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1a6d04 No.131260

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344774 (291733ZOCT20) Notable: Owner And General Manager Of Pocono Area Hotels Convicted Of Sex And Drug Trafficking In Precedent Setting Case

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Owner And General Manager Of Pocono Area Hotels Convicted Of Sex And Drug Trafficking In Precedent Setting Case

A federal two-week trial involving more than 35 witnesses in Scranton ended with convictions against Faizal Bhimani, 43, Nazim Hassam, 64, both of Bartonsville, Om Sri Sai, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation, and the Pocono Plaza Inn in the 1200 block of West Main Street, Stroudsburg, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania said, calling this “a precedent-setting case.”

booms arrests winnings




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1a6d04 No.131261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344787 (291734ZOCT20) Notable: More Fauci Warnings: Expect “A Whole Lot Of Pain” This Winter

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More Fauci Warnings: Expect “A Whole Lot Of Pain” This Winter

As the elitists continue to roll out their New World Order agenda, Dr. Anothny Fauci keeps talking about how much “pain” the public is going to go through this winter due to this scamdemic. Fauci continues to talk about bad and dark this winter will get, so expect these elitists to pull off something sinister.

“If things do not change, if they continue on the course we’re on, there’s gonna be a whole lot of pain in this country with regard to additional cases and hospitalizations, and deaths,” Fauci said in an interview Wednesday evening on “The News with Shepard Smith.”

In an interview on Wednesday with CNBC, Fauci said that the United States is “going in the wrong direction” as coronavirus cases allegedly rise in 47 states and infected patients overwhelm hospitals across the country. It certainly feels like these people are going to make life difficult soon.

“They never had the kind of hospital and intensive care facility and flexibility that some of the larger hospitals in larger cities have,” said Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “They’re concerned that if the trajectory continues, they may be in a position where they are going to be strapped for things like intensive care beds,” said Fauci.

The people who think they have power over everyone continue to talk of a “dark winter.” They will probably attempt to pull off another lockdown. It is now up to the public what we will accept. We also implore all military and law enforcement to take a long hard look at what you are going to be asked to do:

The post More Fauci Warnings: Expect “A Whole Lot Of Pain” This Winter first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.


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1a6d04 No.131262

File: 79fbc5d2add93c6⋯.png (551.59 KB,558x537,186:179,Clipboard.png)

File: f709c5e56e70cb0⋯.png (27.79 KB,543x303,181:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344837 (291737ZOCT20) Notable: Van Full Of Explosives Discovered In Philly On Third Night Of Rioting

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Van Full Of Explosives Discovered In Philly On Third Night Of Rioting

Police in Philadelphia discovered a van packed with explosives and other “suspicious equipment” as a third night of rioting and looting gripped the city on Wednesday.

ABC 6 reported that “police recovered propane tanks, torches and possible dynamite sticks from the van.”

The report adds that “The bomb squad is on the scene at this hour.”

The development comes after President Trump claimed police were told to “stand back” and not stop looting and rioting.

“People are breaking into stores and walking out with washing machines and walking out with all sorts of things and it shouldn’t be allowed,” Trump noted, adding “The police were told to stand back, and maybe that’s not so but that’s what I was told upon very good authority.”

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney blasted the crime wave Wednesday, noting that “The looting that has taken place is distressing.”

“It is clear that many of these folks are taking advantage of the situation, harming our businesses and communities, and doing a great disservice to those who want to protest the death of Walter Wallace, Jr.,” Kenney added.

“We cannot allow others to destroy property. I have requested the assistance of the PA National Guard. Their role will be to safeguard property, prevent looting, and provide operational and logistical assistance to @PhillyPolice and other departments,” Kenny also announced.


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1a6d04 No.131263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344868 (291739ZOCT20) Notable: UK’s Labour suspends former leader Jeremy Corbyn after anti-Semitism report

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UK’s Labour suspends former leader Jeremy Corbyn after anti-Semitism report

The British Labour Party suspended its former leader Jeremy Corbyn on Thursday after he refused to accept all findings in a report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) on anti-Semitism within the party.

Corbyn vowed to contest “the political intervention” against him.

“In light of his comments made today and his failure to retract them subsequently, the Labour Party has suspended Jeremy Corbyn pending investigation,” the party said in a statement. It also removed the whip from Corbyn, and he will no longer be able to take part in House of Commons votes as a Labour lawmaker.

Under Corbyn, Labour saw complaints of anti-Semitism within its ranks and the leadership was criticized for their lack of response.

Following the party’s move on Thursday, Corbyn tweeted he “will strongly contest the political intervention” to suspend him. “I’ve made absolutely clear those who deny there has been an antisemitism problem in the Labour Party are wrong.” He also promised to “continue to support a zero tolerance policy towards all forms of racism.”

The EHRC report found Labour responsible for unlawful acts of harassment and discrimination over anti-Semitism. In his initial reaction, Corbyn rejected the overall conclusions, saying that the anti-Semitism problem within the party was “dramatically overstated for political reasons.” The politician also said in a Facebook post that he had been obstructed by party officials in trying to tackle the issue, but expressed regret that “it took longer to deliver that change than it should.”

The EHRC’s lead investigator, Alasdair Henderson, said that as the leader of the party, Corbyn “is ultimately accountable and responsible for what happened at that time.”

Keir Starmer, who replaced Corbyn as Labour leader in April, said he accepted the EHRC report “in full” and the party was facing a “day of shame” over the failings revealed.

“Under my leadership, we will have zero tolerance of anti-Semitism,” Starmer added.


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1a6d04 No.131264

File: 4651819201fcb62⋯.png (118.97 KB,613x467,613:467,Clipboard.png)

File: d9f7248a9d29f6f⋯.png (146.41 KB,893x337,893:337,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cf11a7d3fc8d0c⋯.png (206.68 KB,857x347,857:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344898 (291741ZOCT20) Notable: In Unprecedented Cost-Cutting, Exxon Is Firing 15% Of Its Workers To Keep Dividend

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In Unprecedented Cost-Cutting, Exxon Is Firing 15% Of Its Workers To Keep Dividend

It may sound unbelievable that just seven years ago Exxon was the world's largest company.

Of course, all that changed with the advent of the FAAMGs and the Fed blowing the biggest tech bubble in history which together with the plunge in the price of oil, meant the market cap of Exxon has tumbled to just $136BN, below that of Zoom. Yes, we have gotten to the point in the bubble where a video chat with no barriers to entry, zero infrastructure and barely any profit is more valuable than a company that has invested tens of billions of dollars in creating the world's biggest oil exploration and production infrastructure.

In an attempt to recover some of its former glory, last night Exxon announced that it would be keeping its precious 87 cent/share dividend, which many had expected would be cut amid the ongoing devastation in the oil sector. Keeping the dividend, however, meant that Exxon would have to trim fat and/or muscle elsewhere, and on Thursday Exxon unveiled the latest unprecedented cost-cutting measure when it said it slash its global workforce by a record 15% over the next two years, an unprecedented culling by North America’s biggest oil explorer as it struggles to preserve dividends. According to Bloomberg, the cuts include 1,900 U.S. jobs, mostly in Houston, as well as an undisclosed number of positions around the world.

"These actions will improve the company’s long-term cost competitiveness and ensure the company manages through the current unprecedented market conditions," the company said in a statement on Thursday.

Exxon spokesman Case Norton told Bloomberg that total reductions will affect about 14,000 people, split between employees and contractors. The figure includes the U.S. job cuts, as well as layoffs and retirements previously announced in Europe and Australia, and future reductions in Canada and elsewhere.

Exxon is not alone in picking dividends over workers, with other Big Oil giants also cutting thousands of jobs in response to the pandemic-induced demand slump. BP plans to slash 10,000 jobs, Royal Dutch Shell Plc will cut as many as 9,000 roles and Chevron Corp. has announced around 6,000 reductions.

Ironically, Exxon’s move is smaller both in absolute terms and as a proportion of its larger workforce, which stood at 74,900 people as of Dec. 31, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. However, as Bloomberg notes, "the fact that it’s cutting at all is a sign of its weakened financial position compared to its former status as the S&P 500 Index’s biggest company less than a decade ago and a profit powerhouse used to riding out oil-price cycles."

This year’s downturn has been particularly painful because it affected refining, usually a cushion in times of low oil prices, and because it came at a time when Exxon was already increasing borrowing to fund a large expansion program. The company was forced to retreat on these plans in April, reducing capital spending by $10 billion and delaying or scaling back most of major projects.

The stock has plunged 54% this year, making it less valuable than Zoom as noted above. A chart showing the ridiculous price/book ratio of the two companies is shown below.


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1a6d04 No.131265

File: c9265ea39b09059⋯.png (499.06 KB,1644x668,411:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 40e1386554b2a8c⋯.png (1.69 MB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344901 (291741ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter paid Anna $2K for her services.

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Hunter paid Anna $2K for her services.


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1a6d04 No.131266

File: a0d5855b4e3e627⋯.png (492.68 KB,502x346,251:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344916 (291742ZOCT20) Notable: "This Was A Terrible Mistake": Apollo's Black Regrets Giving Epstein A "Second Chance"

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"This Was A Terrible Mistake": Apollo's Black Regrets Giving Epstein A "Second Chance"

In the aftermath of the widespread blowback amid Apollo clients, many of whom have frozen their new capital allocations to the private equity giant in response to recent reports that co-founder Leon Black had paid "suicided" pedophile Jeffrey Epstein $50 million after he was released from jail, during a conference call on Thursday morning discussing Apollo’s third-quarter results, Black said he regretted doing business with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, even though other prominent people had done the same.

"Like many people I respected, I decided to give Epstein a second chance," Black said Thursday during a conference call to discuss Apollo’s third-quarter results.

"This was a terrible mistake", the former Drexel banker added pointing out the obvious, although it still remains unclear just what "second chance" services Epstein provided to Black that was worth a whopping $50 million in compensation, but we are confident we will find out soon enough.

And in what may be the greatest example of "whataboutism" in modern history, Black said that Epstein worked with many prominent individuals after he was released from jail, and that "the distinguished reputations of these individuals gave me misplaced comfort."

In other words, if everyone is going to "picnics" on Epstein's underage girl island in their private jets, it's all cool.

Laughably, Black - who is surrounded by the most brilliant financial minds of his generation 24/7 - has said he sought advice from Epstein for matters such as taxes, estate planning and philanthropy.

Apollo hired law firm Dechert LLP to conduct a review that’s expected to take 60 to 90 days, according to people familiar with the matter.

That said, we doubt their reputations will be just as "distinguished" once it emerges just what "services" underage girls Epstein was providing them.

Also on the call we learned that despite the posturing, Apollo's clients were not really turned off by the ongoing scandal, and the PE giant raised another $4 billion in the third quarter even though it expects fundraising to slow, co-founder Joshua Harris said on the call.


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1a6d04 No.131267

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11344972 (291745ZOCT20) Notable: Whistleblower Says El Paso Ambulances Are Bringing COVID-19 Patients from Juarez to US Hospitals

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This Explains the Surging Numbers: Whistleblower Says El Paso Ambulances Are Bringing COVID-19 Patients from Juarez to US Hospitals

This is one way to up the COVID-19 numbers…

A whistleblower in El Paso, Texas told FOX 14 reporters that local firefighters are making several trips a day to the border with Juarez and bringing sick Mexicans to US hospitals in El Paso.

The whistleblower said some days it’s only 3 or 4 trips to the border but on other days the firefighters make 13 to 14 trips to the border to bring the COVID patients to US hospitals.

And, it goes without saying, US taxpayers are covering the costs.

ABC News reported on the situation in El Paso without mentioning the obvious — that dozens of patients are from Juarez, Mexico.

KFOXTV reported:

El Paso is making international headlines for the COVID-19 outbreak.

As emergency responders are being recognized across the nation, El Paso’s first responders may be facing more danger from COVID-19 than anyone else.

El Paso firefighters in the trenches of the COVID-19 pandemic, cannot talk on the record about the number of people they are picking up every day from El Paso’s international bridges.

But a whistleblower inside the fire department spoke to KFOX14 exclusively on condition of anonymity.

“There’s somedays where it’s only three or four times and other days when it will be 13 or 14 responses. You’ll be there for one patient and [CBP] customs will let you know, hey there’s another one right behind them and another one sometime there are four or five waiting in line,” said the anonymous source.

As a result of what appear to be escalating ambulance responses at the international bridges by the El Paso Fire Department, KFOX14’s source insists the city of El Paso is being left in a dangerously vulnerable position.

KFOX14 anchor Erika Castillo was at the Stanton Bridge in downtown El Paso when a firetruck picked up a person from Ciudad Juarez and crossed back to El Paso to send the person to the nearest hospital.


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1a6d04 No.131268

File: 1cf7774995c1925⋯.png (479.56 KB,660x339,220:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 2284d2e61c7f6f9⋯.png (38.92 KB,638x564,319:282,Clipboard.png)

File: 2407702a1ae9b28⋯.png (52.65 KB,644x672,23:24,Clipboard.png)

File: c1e26ce16796681⋯.png (62.37 KB,675x856,675:856,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345010 (291747ZOCT20) Notable: Cop Who Allegedly Beat, Starved, Froze 8yo Boy to Death, Allowed to Resign to ‘Protect His Pension’

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Cop Who Allegedly Beat, Starved, Froze 8yo Boy to Death, Allowed to Resign to ‘Protect His Pension’

New York, NY — The death of 8-year-old Thomas Valva shocked the nation earlier this year when it was discovered his New York cop father was alleged to have beat him and starved him before throwing him into an unheated garage where he froze to death. As the investigation unfolded, we learned that authorities were warned by multiple people on multiple occasions that NYPD officer Michael Valva was horrifically abusing his children, and, in a disgusting display of blue privilege, no one acted. In fact, the only actions taken were against the mother, and helped Valva continue the abuse.

Now, this officer’s blue privilege is being exposed once again as he was quietly allowed to resign this week — to protect his pension.

“He voluntarily resigned today,” Valva’s attorney John LoTurco said. “He executed paperwork in that regard today, which protects his benefits and his pension. There’s no admission of any wrongdoing. It allows him to forgo any disciplinary hearing and in exchange, he will no longer receive any salary or any future benefits.”

As we reported at the time, 8-year-old Thomas died of hypothermia on January 17 after he was allegedly starved, beaten and locked outside overnight by his NYPD officer father. Valva allegedly washed the body of his autistic child in an attempt to warm the corpse, then lied to cops by claiming the boy fell in the driveway. On Jan. 24, Valva and his fiancee Angela Pollina were arrested and charged with murder.

After their arrests, we found out that Justyna Zukbo-Valva, Thomas’ mother, had filed multiple complaints — with physical evidence — alleging the abuse. Instead of helping her authorities simply looked the other way. Not only was she never given help, Zukbo-Valva was treated like she was the abuser and lost custody as the true monster continued his horrifying treatment of his children.

According to the NY Daily News, who received the documents from Zukbo-Valva, after losing custody, this mother feared for the safety of her children, fought to save them, and was ignored and punished until Thomas was tortured to death.


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1a6d04 No.131269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345031 (291748ZOCT20) Notable: Wisconsin GOP says hackers stole $2.3 million from its coffers just days before the election; FBI is investigating

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Wisconsin GOP says hackers stole $2.3 million from its coffers just days before the election; FBI is investigating

Interesting timing

Officials with the Wisconsin Republican Party told the Associated Press on Thursday that hackers broke into the party's coffers and stole $2.3 million designated for promoting the re-election of President Donald Trump.

According to the AP, GOP officials discovered the hack on Oct. 22 and called the FBI on Friday.

Wisconsin Party Chairman Andrew Hitt told the outlet that the FBI has launched an investigation into the theft. The AP said the FBI has yet to respond to inquiries about the alleged theft.

The timing of the hack comes as the Trump campaign is attempting to ward off the efforts of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and repeat its surprise victory of 2016.

The Badger State has been seen during the entire 2020 election cycle as a key battleground state after Trump beat Hillary Clinton there in 2016 after she infamously took the state for granted and barely campaigned there. Trump took the state by only 23,000 votes.

How did this happen?

Hitt told the AP that the hackers were able to steal the funds by altering vendor invoices.

From the AP:

Hitt said the hackers manipulated invoices from four vendors who were being paid for direct mail for Trump's reelection efforts as well as for pro-Trump material such as hats to be handed out to supporters. Invoices and other documents were altered so when the party paid them for the services rendered, the money went to the hackers instead of the vendors, Hitt said.

The hack was discovered after someone noticed that an invoice was generated that should not have been, he said.

How is the race going in Wisconsin?

Polls in the state have varied wildly over the last week.

For example, a Washington Post/ABC News poll reported Wednesday showed Biden with a 17-point lead over Trump, 57% to 40%. The poll was conducted Oct. 20-25.

However, a new Trafalgar Group poll conducted Oct. 24-25 showed Biden with lead of less than half a point, 47.5% to 47.1%

According to RealClearPolitics' average of polls, Biden currently leads Trump by an average of 6.4 percentage points.

The RealClearPolitics site shows that on this date (Oct. 29) four years ago, Hillary Clinton led Donald Trump by an average of 6.2 points. She had a 6.5-point lead going into Election Day.


FBI investigates kek….we found nothing!

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1a6d04 No.131270

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345064 (291751ZOCT20) Notable: Gov. Cuomo: I’m Holding Trump ‘Responsible for Every’ Coronavirus Death in This Country

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Gov. Cuomo: I’m Holding Trump ‘Responsible for Every’ Coronavirus Death in This Country

Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) said Thursday on ABC’s “The View” that President Donald Trump was responsible for “every death” in the country from the coronavirus pandemic.

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg said, “Coronavirus is now the third leading cause of death in America, and you say, and rightfully so I think, but I’m going to ask you, you’re holding you-know-who responsible for every death in New York from COVID. I’m going to say to you. Why?”

Cuomo said, “I’m holding you-know-who responsible for every death in this country. First, Whoopi, because he lied about it. He lied about it from day one. They had that memo in January from a person named Peter Navarro saying millions are going to die. They lied about it, and they knew that millions were going to get infected and that hundreds of thousands were going to die. That’s the first reason. The Old Book says, don’t lie, right?”

He continued, “Second, they were totally incompetent in what they did. He keeps talking about the China-virus, China-virus, China-virus, trying to demonize China. The virus did not come here from China. The virus came here from Europe because he wasn’t paying attention, and the virus left China, went to Europe. January, February, March, we had 3 million people coming in from Europe. Italy, France, Spain. That’s where the virus came from, and he never knew that, and he never said it. No, this is all on his doorstep, and it still is, and the most obnoxious — you know that 110,000 people more are going to die because you won’t wear a mask, and your own neurosis keeps you from wearing a mask? All of your advisers say at least tell the American people to protect themselves. Wear a mask, and you refuse? I mean, how? How crazy.”


Gov. Cuomo: Criticism of New York Nursing Home Deaths a ‘Conspiracy’

Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) said Thursday on ABC’s “The View” that New York State’s more than 6,000 nursing home deaths allegedly caused by his order to put patients infected with coronavirus back in facilities was a conspiracy theory.

Co-host Sunny Hostin asked, “There has been a lot of confusion about an alleged March 25th order that directed nursing homes to accept in New York, infected COVID patients, possibly leading to the death of more than 6,000 seniors. Now you say in your book that that was a lie, that New York state never demanded or directed that any nursing home accept a COVID positive patient. The Department of Justice however is now supposedly looking into this issue. Can you explain what really happened?”

Cuomo said, “What a shock that the ‘Department of Injustice’ sends a letter a few days before an election trying to advance a political theory. I was shocked and amazed that the Trump administration was capable of such a thing. Sunny, they have played politics on this from day one, right? They have done a terrible job on Covid from day one, and they want a counter defense and what they were saying was, well, a lot of people died in nursing homes in Democratic states. It’s not just New York it’s all the Democratic states. The truth is a lot of people did die in nursing homes in Democratic states. The truth is people are dying today in nursing homes in Republican states. It’s just that Democratic states had the disease worse and earlier, and older people are more vulnerable to Covid, right? We were introduced to covid in the state of Washington in a nursing home.”

He continued, “If you look at how many people died in New York nursing homes, New York is number 46 out of 50 states in the percentage of deaths in nursing homes. The way the law works is no nursing home in New York can accept a patient if they don’t believe they can care for that patient adequately, and if they can do it within the safety of their facility.”

He added, “So the conspiracy they’re trying to spread just has no factual basis. But yes, people in nursing homes died, and they’re playing politics with the issue, which I think is especially cruel because people who lost loved ones in a nursing home, they’re dealing with it, and now they also have to deal with the confusion or the pain of maybe government did this.”


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1a6d04 No.131271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345073 (291751ZOCT20) Notable: Feds arrest leader of white supremacy group who ran 'hate camp' in Michigan

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Feds arrest leader of white supremacy group who ran 'hate camp' in Michigan

The leader of a national white supremacist group who ran a 'hate camp' in Michigan and one of his cohorts were charged Thursday with multiple crimes as extremist groups continue to land on the FBI's radar nationwide.

The latest suspects were arrested at their homes at 6 a.m. Thursday for their alleged roles in a December 2019 incident in Dexter, where police said a husband, wife and their infant child were terrorized by two white supremacists who showed up on their porch in the middle of the night and took photos of their house, thinking someone else lived there.

The suspects, police said, were targeting a podcaster who is critical of the neo-Nazi movement and has expressed concern about the rise in white supremacy in the United States.

Police identified the suspects as Justen Watkins, 25, of Bad Axe, and Alfred Gorman, 35, of Taylor — both members of The Base, a white supremacy organization that openly advocates for violence and criminal acts against the U.S., and purports to be training for a race war to establish white rule in areas of the U.S., including the Upper Peninsula.

Sauce: https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2020/10/29/base-white-supremacy-michigan-watkins/6069096002/

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1a6d04 No.131272

File: 036f9e431bdf879⋯.png (270.71 KB,671x859,671:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 2250e3aa189539d⋯.png (820.71 KB,640x804,160:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345088 (291753ZOCT20) Notable: Epstein ex admits bringing him women, buying victim schoolgirl outfit

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Epstein ex admits bringing him women, buying victim schoolgirl outfit

One of Jeffrey Epstein’s ex-girlfriends has admitted bringing three women to the now-deceased pedophile — as well as shopping for a “little schoolgirl outfit” for one of his teen victims.

Jersey City-based artist Rina Oh, 41, spoke for the first time about accusations that she joined her ex in abusing women after being tracked down by the podcast “Broken: Seeking Justice” — a charge she denied.

As well as life with the late pedophile, she spoke about being married to Vincent Amen — a former Michael Jackson employee who was named as one of five unindicted co-conspirators in the late star’s molestation trial.

Oh said Epstein was her “older, rich boyfriend” in the early 2000s — albeit one who constantly pestered her to bring other women to his Upper East Side mansion.

She said she was not concerned when he made her take then-17-year-old Virginia Roberts Giuffre shopping with a twisted request.

“I was just called and told, ‘Can you take Virginia shopping for a little schoolgirl outfit. You will know where to go — take her there,'” she recalled Epstein saying, leading to a trip to an East Village store on St. Mark’s Place.

“I wasn’t asking any questions. I just did as I was told. And you don’t ask questions … that’s rude,” she said of “dealing with a billionaire.”

It did not concern her, she said, because “17 to me is not a child.”

“Seventeen is a minor — 17 is not a child. And 17 is of legal age in New York state … in most states, 17 is legal,” said the artist, whose artwork largely consists of paintings inspired by Epstein.

She later changed her mind, however, after what the podcast called an “increasingly tense” interview.

“I think it’s disgusting seeing 40-year-old men with 20-year-olds. They’re children,” she said later. “I think it’s disgusting and I’m so traumatized.”


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1a6d04 No.131273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345097 (291753ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter Warns Breitbart Reporter over Violating Pakistani Law with Mohammed Cartoons

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Twitter Warns Breitbart Reporter over Violating Pakistani Law with Mohammed Cartoons

Twitter has informed a Breitbart News Network reporter that the social network had received a “request from Pakistan” regarding two tweets related to Charlie Hebdo cartoons which allegedly “violates the law(s) of Pakistan”, advising the journalist to “take appropriate action to protect your interests”.

Europe Correspondent Chris Tomlinson had received a message addressed from Twitter Legal which alerted him that, “in the interest of transparency, we are writing to inform you that Twitter has received a request from Pakistan regarding your Twitter account” which “claims the following content violates the law(s) of Pakistan”.

The first tweet was of a video showing Charlie Hebdo cartoons including the Muslim prophet, Mohammed, being projected onto a government building in Montpellier, France. The second was a link to the Breitbart London article from October 21st detailing the incident.

The projections were made in response to the murder by a Chechen Islamist of French teacher Samuel Paty, who had shown cartoons of Mohammed during a freedom of expression lesson earlier this month. French President Emmanuel Macron’s insistence on defending secular values, including freedom of speech, has resulted in protests around the Islamic world, including Pakistan.

The social media giant continued in its correspondence with the Breitbart reporter that “we have not taken any action on the reported content at this time as a result of this request.”

The notice continued: “As Twitter strongly believes in defending and respecting the voice of our users, it is our policy to notify our users if we receive a legal request from an authorized entity (such as law enforcement or a government agency) to remove content from their account. We provide notice whether or not the user lives in the country where the request originated.”

“We understand that receiving this type of notice can be an unsettling experience. While Twitter is not able to provide legal advice, we want you to have an opportunity to evaluate the request and, if you wish, take appropriate action to protect your interests.

“This may include seeking legal counsel and challenging the request in court, contacting relevant civil society organizations, voluntarily deleting the content (if applicable), or finding some other resolution,” said the message.

Others have reportedly received similar notices from Twitter of Pakistan’s request after sharing content related to cartoons of the Islamic prophet, including journalist Andy Ngo and conservative commentator Michelle Malkin.


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1a6d04 No.131274

File: 8f1f3b0ec2f0658⋯.png (53.48 KB,678x666,113:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345109 (291754ZOCT20) Notable: Anna Makanju of Facebook and Atlantic Council Is Tied to Ukraine, Biden, Burisma

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Bokhari: Anna Makanju of Facebook and Atlantic Council Is Tied to Ukraine, Biden, Burisma

Last week, Breitbart News reported on Anna Makanju, Facebook’s global policy manager for content regulation, who advised Joe Biden on Ukraine policy during his time as vice president. But Makanju — and Facebook’s — connections to not only Ukraine, but the energy giant Burisma, go even deeper than that.

Testifying before the Senate Commerce Committee, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg claimed ignorance, telling Sen. John Thune (R-SD he wasn’t aware that Makanju, a senior employee in his content regulation apparatus was a former top Biden adviser.

As a policy manager for content regulation, Makanju was in a position to influence Facebook’s decision to censor the New York Post’s bombshell reporting about the Biden family’s ties to Ukraine and Burisma. The conflict of interest is clear: Makanju is herself intimately involved in the same web that connects Burisma, Ukraine, the Bidens, and Facebook.

One of Facebook’s most consequential partnerships is with the Atlantic Council, a highly influential foreign policy think tank that the tech giant partnered with in 2018 to “monitor for misinformation” and “protect free and fair elections across the world.” Makanju, in addition to her work for Facebook, is a senior fellow with the organization.

The Atlantic Council — which is tied to Burisma.

The think tank signed a cooperative agreement with the Ukrainian company in 2017, while Hunter Biden was still on the company’s board. The Atlantic Council and Burisma would go on to organize international energy conferences together, one of which featured Hunter Biden as a speaker.

As of 2019, Burisma had given more than $450,000 in donations to the Atlantic Council.

In 2016, before the donations started, the think tank harshly criticized Ukrainian oligarchs over corruption, including Burisma Holdings owner Mykola Zlochevsky. In the words of one Atlantic Council report, Zlochevsky hired “trophy foreigners” like Hunter Biden to help bolster his company’s reputation, while engaging in financial and political corruption.

Just a year later, the Atlantic Council partnered with the same company whose owner it had previously condemned as corrupt.

And a year after that, it partnered with Facebook to fight “misinformation” and defend “free and fair elections.” Its senior fellow, Makanju, works for Facebook in the same area — regulating content and controlling “misinformation.”

Makanju was so close of an adviser to Biden on Ukraine policy that she was on the former Vice President’s now-infamous phonecalls with President Poroshenko, and later argued that transcripts of the calls shouldn’t be released to the public.

So, to recap:


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1a6d04 No.131275

File: 713bfe7d210b5c4⋯.png (1.55 MB,1234x693,1234:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345121 (291755ZOCT20) Notable: Chinese Communist Party Ties to Black Lives Matter

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Chinese Communist Party Ties to Black Lives Matter

Trevor Loudon - Published October 27, 2020

A brand new video released by the anti-communist group Choose Freedom outlines specific ties between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Marxist Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement

Shows very strong ties between CCP's China Progressive Association (CPA) to BLM

6-minute video


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1a6d04 No.131276

File: 434bf7e654ec353⋯.jpg (191.14 KB,720x1066,360:533,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a16de9eee33840b⋯.mp4 (2 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345163 (291757ZOCT20) Notable: Joe gets called out on Hunter while on stage

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Joe gets called out on Hunter while on stage



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1a6d04 No.131277

File: c6a1353f04102b2⋯.png (95.23 KB,962x390,37:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345212 (291801ZOCT20) Notable: Cracks are appearing in the DNC MSM dam.

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Cracks are appearing in the DNC MSM dam.


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1a6d04 No.131278

File: d46819ed98982db⋯.png (34.68 KB,525x347,525:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345225 (291802ZOCT20) Notable: Richard Grenell Ridiculous. The Left is against IDs to vote. Why?

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Richard Grenell

Ridiculous. The Left is against IDs to vote. Why? Who are they trying to protect? IDs are required everywhere.

An overwhelmingly number of Americans think its weird that they don’t need IDs to vote.


>It is deeply disturbing that virtually everywhere the concerted litigation strategy of the GOP is to make sure that fewer votes count. The strategy goes far, far beyond any legitimate concern about fraud.

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1a6d04 No.131279

File: 52409bb29991702⋯.png (488.33 KB,2170x1252,1085:626,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ba083f5c778df9⋯.png (45.47 KB,720x367,720:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345243 (291803ZOCT20) Notable: Gen. Flynn Mr. President, in these final days America remains the bulwark defending against a war declared by the unleashed & dark forces of socialism.

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Sky Event

We The People



Mr. President, in these final days America remains the bulwark defending against a war declared by the unleashed & dark forces of socialism. Place your trust in the instrument of Divine Providence.“We The People”do and we support you with our prayers & votes. (ISAIAH 41:10)


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1a6d04 No.131280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345345 (291811ZOCT20) Notable: My Resignation From The Intercept Greenwald

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"But the pathologies, illiberalism, and repressive mentality that led to the bizarre spectacle of my being censored by my own media outlet are ones that are not unique to The Intercept."I'll be doing my journalism at Substack for now. Subscribe here:" https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1321869908154765312

My Resignation From The Intercept

The same trends of repression, censorship and ideological homogeneity plaguing the national press generally have engulfed the media outlet I co-founded, culminating in censorship of my own articles.

Today I sent my intention to resign from The Intercept, the news outlet I co-founded in 2013 with Jeremy Scahill and Laura Poitras, as well as from its parent company First Look Media.

The final, precipitating cause is that The Intercept’s editors, in violation of my contractual right of editorial freedom, censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all New-York-based Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression.

The censored article, based on recently revealed emails and witness testimony, raised critical questions about Biden’s conduct. Not content to simply prevent publication of this article at the media outlet I co-founded, these Intercept editors also demanded that I refrain from exercising a separate contractual right to publish this article with any other publication.

I had no objection to their disagreement with my views of what this Biden evidence shows: as a last-ditch attempt to avoid being censored, I encouraged them to air their disagreements with me by writing their own articles that critique my perspectives and letting readers decide who is right, the way any confident and healthy media outlet would. But modern media outlets do not air dissent; they quash it. So censorship of my article, rather than engagement with it, was the path these Biden-supporting editors chose.

The censored article will be published on this page shortly. My letter of intent to resign, which I sent this morning to First Look Media’s President Michael Bloom, is published below.

As of now, I will be publishing my journalism here on Substack, where numerous other journalists, including my good friend, the great intrepid reporter Matt Taibbi, have come in order to practice journalism free of the increasingly repressive climate that is engulfing national mainstream media outlets across the country.



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1a6d04 No.131281

File: d3ccbfafe5b4ea8⋯.png (281.17 KB,598x472,299:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345555 (291836ZOCT20) Notable: FBI Director Wray profited from Hunter Biden illegal China/Russia kickback scheme

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1a6d04 No.131282

File: d4763f9c2d87ee4⋯.png (477.89 KB,602x849,602:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345559 (291837ZOCT20) Notable: General Flynn tweet - Check out the list of names. These people corrupted our peaceful transition of power. Coup much?!

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Check out the list of names. These people corrupted our peaceful transition of power. Coup much?!

You could’ve just asked me.



Judicial Watch Sues for Unmasking Records: Biden, Top Obama Officials ‘Unmasked’


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1a6d04 No.131283

File: 39b5dd7060ce858⋯.png (1.3 MB,950x860,95:86,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e6ac099cf411a3⋯.jpg (78.64 KB,688x728,86:91,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345564 (291837ZOCT20) Notable: Pelosi Tweet - Anon asks about her mask design

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I can't get a fix on what the mask design is or if it is significant. Any ideas?

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1a6d04 No.131284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345570 (291837ZOCT20) Notable: ** #14488, #14490,

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>>131254 Chinese Energy Company, U.S. Oil & Gas Affiliate and Chinese National Indicted for Theft of Trade Secrets

>>131255 Suspected Terrorist Knife Attack in Nice, France, Leaves Three Dead

>>131256 Former Malaysian PM: "Muslims Have A Right To Be Angry And Kill Millions Of French People"

>>131257 DJT Thank you to Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) for seeing the light. Our Country is doing great!

>>131258 Knifeman beheaded TWO victims in church terrorist attack, Nice first deputy mayor tells RT

>>131259 The Great Reset Time Magazine Cover shows the exact location of CERN

>>131260 Owner And General Manager Of Pocono Area Hotels Convicted Of Sex And Drug Trafficking In Precedent Setting Case

>>131261 More Fauci Warnings: Expect “A Whole Lot Of Pain” This Winter

>>131262 Van Full Of Explosives Discovered In Philly On Third Night Of Rioting

>>131263 UK’s Labour suspends former leader Jeremy Corbyn after anti-Semitism report

>>131264 In Unprecedented Cost-Cutting, Exxon Is Firing 15% Of Its Workers To Keep Dividend

>>131265 Hunter paid Anna $2K for her services.

>>131266 "This Was A Terrible Mistake": Apollo's Black Regrets Giving Epstein A "Second Chance"

>>131267 Whistleblower Says El Paso Ambulances Are Bringing COVID-19 Patients from Juarez to US Hospitals

>>131268 Cop Who Allegedly Beat, Starved, Froze 8yo Boy to Death, Allowed to Resign to ‘Protect His Pension’

>>131269 Wisconsin GOP says hackers stole $2.3 million from its coffers just days before the election; FBI is investigating

>>131270 Gov. Cuomo: I’m Holding Trump ‘Responsible for Every’ Coronavirus Death in This Country

>>131271 Feds arrest leader of white supremacy group who ran 'hate camp' in Michigan

>>131272 Epstein ex admits bringing him women, buying victim schoolgirl outfit

>>131273 Twitter Warns Breitbart Reporter over Violating Pakistani Law with Mohammed Cartoons

>>131274 Anna Makanju of Facebook and Atlantic Council Is Tied to Ukraine, Biden, Burisma

>>131275 Chinese Communist Party Ties to Black Lives Matter

>>131276 Joe gets called out on Hunter while on stage

>>131277 Cracks are appearing in the DNC MSM dam.

>>131278 Richard Grenell Ridiculous. The Left is against IDs to vote. Why?

>>131279 Gen. Flynn Mr. President, in these final days America remains the bulwark defending against a war declared by the unleashed & dark forces of socialism.

>>131280 My Resignation From The Intercept Greenwald

Anon notes

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1a6d04 No.131285

File: 57f09a6f47f97cd⋯.jpg (262.41 KB,1080x1611,120:179,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345584 (291838ZOCT20) Notable: General Flynn tweet - Check out the list of names. These people corrupted our peaceful transition of power. Coup much?!

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1a6d04 No.131286

File: af888ded11cddc3⋯.png (290.21 KB,956x958,478:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345588 (291838ZOCT20) Notable: FBI Director Wray's daughter is assistant Editor at Crown Publishing (Obama new book)

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1a6d04 No.131287

File: bb2d78b7a486f4a⋯.jpeg (182.47 KB,828x355,828:355,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345592 (291838ZOCT20) Notable: From Q post (padawan)

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It’s only the beginning… Pad Awan?

(An encrypted laptop start up disk needs a bit key…pad?)

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1a6d04 No.131288

File: 66c15de1fa048de⋯.png (432.69 KB,529x447,529:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 088c9398bcb6369⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345593 (291838ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Rally video (MP4) Melania - “We are a country of hope, not a country of fear or weakness.”

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First Lady Melania Trump: “We are a country of hope, not a country of fear or weakness.”


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1a6d04 No.131289

File: 8157d49bc294018⋯.png (265.46 KB,447x506,447:506,Clipboard.png)

File: eac884886101b8b⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,590x270,59:27,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345604 (291839ZOCT20) Notable: Dan Scavino tweet - TAMPA, FLORIDA! It is imperative that EVERYONE gets out to VOTE for President Trump and Vice President Pence! LET’S DO THIS!!

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Dan Scavino

Flag of United States



HAPPENING NOW—TAMPA, FLORIDA! It is imperative that EVERYONE gets out to VOTE for President Trump and Vice President Pence! LET’S DO THIS!!


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1a6d04 No.131290

File: 652b36c4aa58bf0⋯.png (659.02 KB,841x748,841:748,Clipboard.png)

File: de0b9c512e5d89c⋯.png (282.33 KB,576x743,576:743,Clipboard.png)

File: 764fe06d283c3aa⋯.png (159.64 KB,613x784,613:784,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dff45bc00f9161⋯.png (511.62 KB,909x759,303:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345610 (291839ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter Suspends US Border Chief For Touting Anti-Crime Southern Wall

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Twitter Suspends US Border Chief For Touting Anti-Crime Southern Wall

One day after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admitted that the company needs 'more accountability' over its selective political bias, the social media giant suspended US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan for a post touting the southern border wall for helping the country 'stop gang members, murderers, sexual predators, and drugs from entering our country."

Morgan's account was locked on Wednesday afternoon for violating Twitter's "hateful conduct" rules, according to The Federalist.

"You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease," wrote Twitter in an email explaining the suspension. And as the Federalist notes "the commissioner did not threaten anyone based on race, national origin, or anything else"

"If you look at the tweet in question again," Morgan told The Federalist, "every mile helps us stop gang members, murderers, and pedophiles from entering our country. It’s just a fact."


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1a6d04 No.131291

File: 93dc62bca4c4a92⋯.png (165.06 KB,648x356,162:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345614 (291840ZOCT20) Notable: FBI Director Wray's daughter is assistant Editor at Crown Publishing (Obama new book)

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1a6d04 No.131292

File: 115a566da123b6a⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,1258x608,629:304,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345619 (291840ZOCT20) Notable: FUCKING 10 SECONDS IN AND JOE STARTS GLITCHING!!!!

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1a6d04 No.131293

File: 02a41e2444eacb5⋯.jpeg (1.46 MB,3763x1831,3763:1831,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7b92abf027d3ae4⋯.jpeg (119.01 KB,416x773,416:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9cc5f957a0b4ee4⋯.jpeg (1.62 MB,3783x1110,1261:370,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a491948c87fe5fa⋯.png (921.43 KB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345631 (291840ZOCT20) Notable: Moar Biden Texts and why they are so important

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Moar Biden Texts and why they are so important

Here are some additional hunter texts. One of these was dropped here last night before, and it got very little note. I reposted here, and baker would not put it in notables. It was then posted on /pol, and they went nuts.

Why do these matter? First, hunter was fucking his niece, and the abused girl was like a love struck 16 year old. Second, the family knew. One can debate the money situation, but normies cannot dismiss this. This matters because of how incredibly and completely blackmailable it makes Joe.

I can’t believe bakers want to dismiss this. Joe is utterly and completely compromised, and the family knew this abomination was occurring.

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1a6d04 No.131294

File: 288cac121674995⋯.png (104.96 KB,572x469,572:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345638 (291841ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were planning to launder $500 MILLION from Kremlin asset.

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Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were planning to launder $500 MILLION from Kremlin asset. US Sanctions prevented the LEGAL transfer… so they worked a way around the sanctions. $35 mill. was “tester” amount. Biden partner: “There’s so much more.”

From Chanel Rion

More coming out about Hunter Biden business deals. The screenshot purports to show a Kremlin asset purchasing an equity stake in a Rosemont Seneca affiliated real estate fund.for $35 million.


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1a6d04 No.131295

File: e731629fafcabb0⋯.png (65.94 KB,829x2331,829:2331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345645 (291841ZOCT20) Notable: General Flynn tweet - Check out the list of names. These people corrupted our peaceful transition of power. Coup much?!

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The first request seeks “records about a January 12, 2017, request to ‘unmask’ Lieutenant General Flynn submitted to NSA by or on behalf of then-Vice President Joe Biden.”

The second request asks for “records about requests to ‘unmask’ Lieutenant General Flynn submitted to NSA by or on behalf of the following officials on the dates or date ranges indicated:

Samantha Powers – Nov. 30, 2016 to Jan. 11, 2017

James Clapper – Dec. 2, 2016 to Jan. 7, 2017

Kelly Degnan – Dec. 6, 2016

John R. Phillips – Dec. 6, 2016

John Brennan – Dec. 14 & 15, 2016

Patrick Conlon – Dec. 14, 2016

Jacob Lew – Dec. 14 & 15, 2016

Arthur McGlynn – Dec. 14, 2016

Mike Neufeld – Dec. 14, 2016

Sarah Raskin – Dec. 14, 2016

Nathan Sheets – Dec. 14, 2016

Adam Szubin – Dec. 14, 2016

Robert Bell – Dec. 15, 2016

John Christenson – Dec. 15, 2016

Sarah Raskin – Dec. 15, 2016

Nathan Sheets – Dec. 15, 2016

Adam Szubin – Dec. 15, 2016

Robert Bell – Dec. 15, 2016

John Christenson – Dec. 15, 2016

James Comey – Dec. 15, 2016

Paul Geehreng – Dec. 15, 2016

Douglas Lute – Dec. 15, 2016

James Hursh – Dec. 15, 2016

Lee Litzenberger – Dec. 15, 2016

Scott Parrish – Dec. 15, 2016

Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall – Dec. 15, 2016

Tamir Waser – Dec. 15, 2016

John Tefft – Dec. 16, 2016

John Bass – Dec. 28, 2016

Denis McDonough – Jan. 5, 2017

Michael Dempsy – Jan. 7, 2017

Stephanie O’Sullivan – Jan. 7, 2017

The Deputy Assistant Director of the National Media Exploitation Center, whose name was not known – December 15, 2016


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1a6d04 No.131296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345650 (291841ZOCT20) Notable: Apple is quietly building a search rival to Google ahead of the DOJ’s landmark antitrust case, according to a report

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Apple is quietly building a search rival to Google ahead of the DOJ’s landmark antitrust case, according to a report


Users who downloaded iOS 14, the latest iPhone operating system, noticed that Apple now shows its own results when users search on their home screen. Clicking on links takes users directly to the website in question, rather than through another search engine.

This isn’t Apple’s first move into the world of search engines. In April 2018, the company hired John Giannandrea, who was formerly Google’s head of search and one of its most powerful people, to work on its AI services.

Google has described losing the Apple deal as a “code red” scenario, the DOJ lawsuit, filed October 20, claimed. The deal brings in around half of Google’s US site traffic, the DOJ said – and as much as 20% of Apple’s profit.


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1a6d04 No.131297

File: 40d21c42afb88cc⋯.png (55.52 KB,713x867,713:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345660 (291842ZOCT20) Notable: Former Marines charged in conspiracy to illegally manufacture, sell firearms

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Former Marines charged in conspiracy to illegally manufacture, sell firearms

WASHINGTON — Two former Marines based at Camp Lejeune, N.C., were arrested for illegally making, transporting and selling firearms, including one who was investigated for white supremacist activities while in the service, the Justice Department announced Tuesday.

Former Marines Liam Montgomery Collins, 21, and Jordan Duncan, 25, were arrested along with Paul James Kryscuk, 35, on federal charges Oct. 20 for “conspiracy to unlawfully manufacture, possess, and distribute various weapons, ammunition and suppressors,” according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina.

“The Marine Corps will continue to assist the investigating authorities in any way we can. The serious allegations are not a reflection of the Marine Corps, do not reflect the oath every Marine takes to support and defend the Constitution, and do not align with our core values of honor, courage and commitment,” Capt. Joseph Butterfield, a Marine Corps spokesman, said in a statement Wednesday.

Collins and Kryscuk are co-defendants who “used the conspiracy to enrich themselves and others by manufacturing and selling hard to obtain firearms and firearm parts in a manner that would hide these purchases from the federal government,” the Justice Department said. Duncan was aware of the illegal activity and participated in it, according to the release.

Collins made multiple money transfers to Kryscuk from May 2019 to the present to buy guns, including a 9mm pistol and suppressor and a short-barrel rifle, according to the Justice Department. Kryscuk then made the firearms and suppressors from parts that he bought from vendors. He also used an alias to mail the firearms and suppressor from Idaho, where he lived, to Jacksonville, N.C. Duncan resides in Boise, Idaho.

Kryscuk also mailed the short-barrel rifle to Collins without registering it with the federal government, which is required, according to the Justice Department.At the time, Collins was a lance corporal in the Marine Corps assigned to 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, at Camp Lejeune, according to the Marine Corps.

Collins served in the Marine Corps as a rifleman from Aug. 21, 2017, to Sept. 21, 2020, a shorter enlistment than the typical four-year term, according to his service record.


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1a6d04 No.131298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345669 (291843ZOCT20) Notable: "We're Going To Make Sure Trump Leaves": Leftists Plan To Storm DC After Election

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"We're Going To Make Sure Trump Leaves": Leftists Plan To Storm DC After Election

A far left group is vowing to “make sure Trump leaves” the White House after the election, even if he wins, with radicals preparing to storm and occupy DC.

The Shut Down DC group says it will “be in the streets before the polls even close,” asserting that “Trump will not leave office without mass mobilization and direct action.”

“On Election Day, when you’re done voting, doing election protection, or getting out the vote, come join us at Black Lives Matter Plaza,” states the group’s manifesto.

“We’re inviting everybody who agrees with these organizing principles to work together to make this uprising happen. We’re going to make sure Trump leaves.”

Quite how the group is going to make Trump leave the White House on election day is somewhat baffling, given that even if he loses he doesn’t have to officially leave office until next year.

The extremist group is planning to block highways, shut down ports and occupy state capitols if Trump “tries to steal the election” (ie wins it), while also vowing to harass members of Congress at their own homes.

“We’ll meet them at the train station or the airports or if they drive into town we can meet them at their homes,” states the group.

Bragging about how mobs of leftists protested outside Sen. Lindsay Graham’s (R-SC) house before sunrise, the organization is conducting “mass rebellion training” in the event of Trump attempting a “coup”.

If a right-wing group had published such a manifesto, it would be nationally demonized as a domestic terrorist outfit and face immediate federal investigation.

As it is, Shut Down DC’s call to arms has received virtually no mainstream media attention whatsoever.


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1a6d04 No.131299

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345702 (291846ZOCT20) Notable: Finger lakes, mini bun

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"Watch the water"

Finger Lakes Capital, LLC is associated with the following Finger Lake-named LLCs:

Seneca Lake Acquisition LLC

Honeoye Lake Acquisition LLC

Owasco Lake Acquisition LLC

Canadaiuga Lake LLC

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1a6d04 No.131300

File: b3bfa9e93cb524d⋯.png (863.02 KB,960x826,480:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345703 (291846ZOCT20) Notable: The Twitter Jack crowd. Haters gonna hate.

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Haters going to hate.


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1a6d04 No.131301

File: 9791d60d8e4ecef⋯.png (438.28 KB,531x428,531:428,Clipboard.png)

File: f779b5c0c3b44f6⋯.png (2.99 MB,1387x747,1387:747,Clipboard.png)

File: 33fb0a56a631a52⋯.png (1.2 MB,885x476,885:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345704 (291846ZOCT20) Notable: James Woods tweet #ButThePolls - GO JAMES GO

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President Trump… #ButThePolls


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1a6d04 No.131302

File: cb8726da722b31c⋯.png (101.81 KB,703x830,703:830,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fc4d1afa20d354⋯.png (30.78 KB,741x377,57:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345715 (291847ZOCT20) Notable: Western Countries 'Attacking' Islam Want to 'Relaunch the Crusades', Says Erdogan

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Western Countries 'Attacking' Islam Want to 'Relaunch the Crusades', Says Erdogan

Turkey said earlier that diplomatic and legal action will be taken as a response to the caricature of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that was published by French magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that western countries want to "relaunch the crusades" by attacking Islam. The comment was made as Erdogan addressed members of his AK Party in parliament.

"France - and Europe as a whole - does not deserve this provocative, dirty, hateful and divisive policy pursued by Macron and those who share his views", Erdogan said during his speech, after relations had worsened between Erdogan and his French counterpart this month.

According to the Turkish president, it was "a question of honour" for his country to take a stand against attacks on the Prophet Muhammad.

Erdogan and Macron at Loggerheads Over Islam & Charlie Hebdo Cartoons

The most recent spat between the French and Turkish presidents came after a teacher in Paris, Samuel Paty, was murdered for showing his pupils, during a class on freedom of speech, cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that were published in the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in 2015. Paty was subsequently beheaded by an 18-year-old of Chechen descent, Abdoullakh Anzorov, in an act French President Emmanuel Macron described as an "Islamist terrorist attack".

Macron defended the teacher's action and called him a "quiet hero", despite the fact that it is considered blasphemous among Muslims to depict the Prophet Muhammad in such a way.

Macron then announced a plan to "reform Islam" and make it more compatible with republican values, adding that the religion of billions of Muslims in the world was "in crisis". Erdogan replied to the comments by suggesting the French president undergo "mental checks".


This and the stuff in France is all related to Albert Pike's 3 world wars doc

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1a6d04 No.131303

File: b57fca65f59151e⋯.png (202.01 KB,904x571,904:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345728 (291848ZOCT20) Notable: Disney Just Laid Off Thousands Of Additional Workers

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Disney Just Laid Off Thousands Of Additional Workers

It was less than a month ago that we reported Disney was laying off 28,000 employees as a result of continued economic pressure and lockdowns resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Now, "thousands of cast members" - which include workers in Entertainment, Transportation, Merchandise, and Food & Beverage - are being hit with "another wave of layoff emails", according to Walt Disney News Today.

“As heartbreaking as it is to take this action, this is the only feasible option we have in light of the prolonged impact of Covid-19 on our business,” Josh D’Amaro, the chairman of the parks division, said in a memo to workers in late September.

The late September cuts spanned across the company’s various businesses including theme parks, cruise ships and retail businesses. While the layoffs also include executives, they were focusing on part-time workers: 67% of those getting a pink slip are part-time workers.

As part of its farewell package, Disney offered benefits to the workers being cut, including 90 days of severance. The 28,000 layoffs followed the furloughing of a massive 43,000 workers in April, when the company was first impacted by the pandemic.

In July, Disney triumphantly reopened several of its shuttered parks, including in Florida, although visits were a fraction of their pre-pandemic levels. Disney still hasn’t received clearance to restart operations at its two theme parks in Anaheim, California.

Before the pandemic, Disney’s domestic parks alone employed more than 100,000. And, as we noted back in September, while one can "understand" the plight of management, which is scrambling to boost cash flow after it saddled the company with record debt in recent years…


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1a6d04 No.131304

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345736 (291848ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden sick art on his pinterest account

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>>>/qresearch/11345409 /lb

Notable from last bread.

Hunters Pinterest Account

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1a6d04 No.131305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345741 (291848ZOCT20) Notable: Former CFTC Chairman Admits Futures Can Be Used To Control Prices

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Former CFTC Chairman Admits Futures Can Be Used To Control Prices

Gold and silver futures have been used for decades to control the price of gold and silver. In fact, declassified letters )which can be found in the GATA archive) that bounced between Henry Kissinger and his advisors in the early 1970’s discuss the need for a market mechanism to help control the price of gold. Gold futures did not exist until 1974, three years after Nixon closed the gold window, shortly after which the Fed began to print money. The price of gold had more than quintupled between 1971 and 1974.

Fast forward to present times. A former CFTC Chairman, Christopher Giancarlo, was interviewed by CoinDesk a year ago. In that interview, he likely inadvertently admitted in reference to the creation of Bitcoin futures that futures contracts can be used to manipulate markets for the purpose of implementing and achieving official Government policies:

“One of the untold stories of the past few years is that the CFTC, the Treasury, the SEC and the [National Economic Council] director at the time, Gary Cohn, believed that the launch of bitcoin futures would have the impact of popping the bitcoin bubble. And it worked.” (CoinDesk)

Wittingly or unwittingly, that assertion by Mr. Christopher vindicates the contention – led by GATA starting in over 20 years ago and backed by reams of evidence – that gold and silver have been manipulated as part of official Government and Central Bank policy implementation to support fiat currencies and the dollar’s role as the reserve currency.

As an aside, I find it curious that Mr. Christopher states that the Government specifically identified Bitcoin as a bubble that needed to be deflated. Ever since the dot.com bubble of the late 1990’s, every Federal Reserve Chairman and FOMC member, starting with Alan Greenspan, as been adamant that investment bubbles are impossible to identify until AFTER they’ve popped. Yet, here is a former high level Government regulatory official explicitly stating that Bitcoin was not only identified as a bubble but that it needed to be deflated.


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1a6d04 No.131306

File: 10e4337b7cdb33f⋯.png (402.25 KB,565x523,565:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 65e2dad21af87b2⋯.png (486.11 KB,568x668,142:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c3bc248d9880c7⋯.png (424.47 KB,832x500,208:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345763 (291850ZOCT20) Notable: Dem Rep. Sounds the Alarm: ‘It’s Tightening Here in Michigan…Autoworkers Who I Thought Were Voting For Biden Told Me They’re Voting For Trump’

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Dem Rep. Sounds the Alarm: ‘It’s Tightening Here in Michigan…Autoworkers Who I Thought Were Voting For Biden Told Me They’re Voting For Trump’

Democrat Rep. Debbie Dingell (MI) sounded the alarm on Thursday and told CNN’s Dana Bash, “It’s tightening here in Michigan.”

“Yesterday, I had some of the autoworkers, who I thought were going to go back to Joe Biden, were very clear with me…they’re voting for President Trump,” Dingell said as she stuttered.

Autoworkers in Michigan support president Trump because he got rid of jobs-killing NAFTA.

Biden also mistreated the auto plant workers in Detroit earlier this year.

Shortly before the Covid lockdowns, Joe Biden traveled to Detroit and snapped at auto plant workers who confronted him on his anti-2A stance.

This is why Biden’s handlers are hiding behind Covid and not allowing him to interact with voters.

Biden snapped at an auto plant worker in March and told him he’s “full of shit.”

And Dingell wonders why autoworkers in Michigan are voting for President Trump.


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1a6d04 No.131307

File: f1be16c7fbaaeae⋯.png (234.79 KB,643x633,643:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345782 (291851ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter bans us but not this jackwagon

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Twitter bans you, but not this?

They are now openly pushing a specific political agenda. Calling on a Jihad.

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1a6d04 No.131308

File: b9f8787eb0dc4c2⋯.png (591.62 KB,597x549,199:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345784 (291852ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Interior ends 45 years of endangered species protections for gray wolves, paving the way for hunting

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Trump Interior ends 45 years of endangered species protections for gray wolves, paving the way for hunting



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1a6d04 No.131309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345786 (291852ZOCT20) Notable: US Congress Has Declared Itself a Collective Dictatorship Over Every Nation in the World

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US Congress Has Declared Itself a Collective Dictatorship Over Every Nation in the World

"Congress has also used legislation to outline the behavioral criteria that the Syrian regime must meet to rejoin the international community"

Your country’s relations to Syria, are up to the US Congress to decide, is the opinion of said Congress

In a recent letter written to Secretary of State Pompeo, a number of Congressmen led by Eliot Engel (D–NY) and Michael McCaul (R–TX) expressed their “deep concern” as “strong supporters of the Syrian people” that various countries are attempting to normalize relations with the secular dictator of Syria, Bashar al-Assad.

This they say is unacceptable due to the barbaric war crimes Assad has committed in his country against his own people. Topical as ever, the Congressmen add that Russia and Iran are his allies and have aided in some way to the conflict that has killed at least half a million people since Arab Spring, and led to around 12.5 million to flee the country, many thousands of whom drowned while crossing the Mediterranean.

The hypocrisy contained in the letter is breathtaking, as well as the presumption that the 116th Congress of the United States of America is also the 116th Congress of the entire world.

“Congress has also used legislation to outline the behavioral criteria that the Syrian regime must meet to rejoin the international community,” reads the letter, published on the House Foreign Affairs Committee website.

Exactly why is it that the elected officials of the American republic get to dictate how and when the other 200 or so countries of the world get to open diplomatic relations with Syria: because they passed the Caesar Syrian Civilian Protection Act? Was that passed as a United Nations treaty, or as United States law?


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1a6d04 No.131310

File: 84860207866b726⋯.png (381.66 KB,525x519,175:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 670cf245b392652⋯.mp4 (4.52 MB,788x360,197:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345806 (291853ZOCT20) Notable: Dan Scavino tweet - TAMPA, FLORIDA! It is imperative that EVERYONE gets out to VOTE for President Trump and Vice President Pence! LET’S DO THIS!!

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅

HAPPENING NOW—TAMPA, FLORIDA! It is imperative that EVERYONE gets out to VOTE for President Trump and Vice President Pence! LET’S DO THIS!!


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1a6d04 No.131311

File: e6c74caccd2e0b4⋯.png (413.01 KB,1859x978,1859:978,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345813 (291854ZOCT20) Notable: Protests in Portland graphics

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>anarchists in Portland

He needs to go scorched earth on Oregon government.

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1a6d04 No.131312

File: b9a9fb964cbc699⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,2010x1339,2010:1339,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345814 (291854ZOCT20) Notable: Jihad Twitter Jack meme

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1a6d04 No.131313

File: 331406fe59b3ebf⋯.png (861.69 KB,659x848,659:848,Clipboard.png)

File: c0ebbd8decde68e⋯.png (34.81 KB,663x367,663:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345818 (291854ZOCT20) Notable: Durham councillor claims Covid is 'a fake virus' that does NOT exist and says living in lockdown is 'like living in North Korea'

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Durham councillor claims Covid is 'a fake virus' that does NOT exist and says living in lockdown is 'like living in North Korea'

Irene Hewitson, 63, called Covid-19 a 'fake virus' at an anti-lockdown protest

Independent councillor said life in lockdown was 'like living in North Korea'

Durham politician claimed pandemic would stop 'if people took off their masks'

A councillor who claims that Covid-19 is a 'fake virus' which does not exist has compared life under lockdown to 'living in North Korea'.

Irene Hewitson, an Independent member of Great Aycliffe Town Council in Co Durham, said she will believe that coronavirus exists 'when my neighbours, relatives, friends and work people are dying around me'.

Speaking at an anti-lockdown rally in Durham city centre, the outspoken councillor compared the virus to the flu and suggested the pandemic would be over 'if people turned their TVs off and just took their masks off'.

'We're being locked down over a fake virus. I don't believe the virus exists,' Cllr Hewitson, 63, told ChronicleLive yesterday. 'When my neighbours, relatives, friends and work people are dying around me then I'll believe it's true.

'I've got a friend who works in the Nightingale Hospital and they've never had one patient. They've been cleaning a hospital for six months. It's absolutely disgusting.

'My granddaughter goes dancing, she goes skating – all the things she enjoys is going ahead – and yet Boris can still go hunting and shooting, it's absolutely disgusting.'

The Byerley Park, Horndale & Cobblers Hall councillor's outburst came during an anti-lockdown protest held at Market Place in Durham yesterday.

The rally, which was organised by Geza Tarjanyi who has spent months protesting outside Downing Street, saw a tiny turnout of opponents to the Government's pandemic policies.

Cllr Hewitson, who lives in Newton Aycliffe, added: 'I think if people turned their TVs off and just took their masks off, got back to normal then the virus would be gone.

'I'm 63-year-old and I've never worn a mask, I've never used hand sanitiser and I've never had a day's illness. And I won't because I'm building up an immunity if there is a little tiny virus out there like the flu.

'People need to wake up fast because before long we're going to have no jobs, no social life, no life at all. It's going to be like living in North Korea.'

A spokesperson for Great Aycliffe Town Council declined to comment.

Durham is currently in Tier 2 lockdown, where households and support bubbles are banned from meeting indoors.

But separate households can meet outdoors and in public gardens, provided they keep two metres apart.

Meanwhile 1,725 students and 20 members of staff at Durham University have tested positive for Covid-19 since the start of term.


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1a6d04 No.131314

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345823 (291855ZOCT20) Notable: General Flynn tweet - Check out the list of names. These people corrupted our peaceful transition of power. Coup much?!

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Gen Flynn is a troll KING

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1a6d04 No.131315

File: 7529c7c4a4d5a7c⋯.png (22.34 KB,536x263,536:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345843 (291856ZOCT20) Notable: Richard Grenell tweet - Biden begins campaigning - the weekend before the election.

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Richard Grenell

Biden begins campaigning - the weekend before the election.


>JUST IN: Joe Biden is heading to St. Paul, Minnesota, tomorrow. It will be the fullest travel day of his general election campaign, with stops now in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

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1a6d04 No.131316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345873 (291858ZOCT20) Notable: Breast Cancer is an Environmental Health Issue. For Example: Cell Phones in Bras = Tumors in Ta-Tas

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Breast Cancer is an Environmental Health Issue. For Example: Cell Phones in Bras = Tumors in Ta-Tas

Dr. Devra Davis, EHT Co-Founder, and President has long championed the issue of environmental factors contributing to breast cancer.

“A substantial body of scientific evidence indicates that exposures to common chemicals and radiation, alone and in combination, are an important cause of breast cancer. The challenge in understanding breast cancer is considerable as the disease can arise decades after critical exposures take place. The disease may well arise from either hormonally active materials or those that directly damage DNA.

Pre-menopausal breast cancer and postmenopausal breast cancer are likely to have different causes. Several classes of environmental factors have been implicated as an increased risk for breast cancer, including hormones and endocrine-disrupting compounds, organic chemicals and by-products of industrial and vehicular combustion, and both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

In its review of “The State of the Evidence,” the Breast Cancer Fund recently concluded that there are major opportunities to reduce breast cancer risk through lowering chemical exposures in many different workplaces.

The fundamental challenge to researchers and policymakers remains this: we seldom can identify specific distinct causes of breast cancer through public health research. Yet every proven cause of cancer in humans has also been shown to cause cancer in animals when adequately studied. Policymakers have agreed that in order to prevent cancer in humans, we should rely on experimental findings.

We cannot wait for sufficient numbers of illnesses or deaths to amass when we already know that certain compounds and professions increase the risk of breast cancer in women. Acting to control or restrict such exposures is critical in order to control disease.”

-Devra Davis PhD, MPH

Please take the time to learn from videos of Dr. Davis presenting on breast cancer, air pollution, pollution, and the environment below.


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1a6d04 No.131317

File: edba23c4a4c41e6⋯.jpeg (703.3 KB,899x1955,899:1955,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f683c5f4eb8984b⋯.jpeg (807.35 KB,1125x2185,225:437,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8ddce2ec282dbc7⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,1125x2338,1125:2338,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345879 (291858ZOCT20) Notable: Coincidence alert - Queen and her wrecking crew

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Dominic Barton (Canadian Ambassador to China and previous head of McKinsey and Partners)

And Oz’s ex PM Malcolm Turnbull

Will BOTH be making speeches at Brasenose College, Oxford within a week of each other (4/11/20 and 11/11/20 respectively) at the college.


The College that is home to the Phoenix Society that is a revival of the Hellfire Club and initiates members by dousing them in pig’s blood.

The same college which David Cameron attended.

The same college, who in 2010/11 had to fire the Prinicpal Roger Cashmore for using college funds for mytery trips to Pakistan. The same Cashmore who is head of the UK Nuclear Agency and former director of research at CERN.

Wonder what they’ll talk about after POTUS wins?


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1a6d04 No.131318

File: 9236c4a087fc104⋯.png (31.65 KB,607x276,607:276,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345881 (291859ZOCT20) Notable: Senator Grassley tweet re: Biden Crime Empire

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Sen Johnson &I spent months examining records+ conducting interviews 2 assemble pieces of puzzle of Biden family foreign biz deals Docs from Tony B r new missing puzzle pieces+provide gr8r clarity on financial arrangements These deals deserve attention+ scrutiny


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1a6d04 No.131319

File: ae705dd6033fde5⋯.mp4 (936.8 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345882 (291859ZOCT20) Notable: Contrast of Biden/Trump rallies

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1a6d04 No.131320

File: 3738712181d8c1d⋯.png (79.45 KB,132x284,33:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345884 (291859ZOCT20) Notable: US Early voting according to Commie News Network

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U.S. Early Voting

Mail-In: 49,768,958

In-Person: 26,023,693


Total Pre-Election: 75,792,651

According to Commie News Network!

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1a6d04 No.131321

File: 139e6ec92c470fe⋯.png (301.96 KB,611x654,611:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345925 (291902ZOCT20) Notable: RED FLAG-Alaska 21-1 is a two-week training exercise that simulates realistic air combat conditions.

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RED FLAG-Alaska 21-1 is a two-week training exercise that simulates realistic air combat conditions. Watch as service members participate in the second exercise of 2020 and the first iteration to include joint participants since the #COVID-19 pandemic. #KnowYourMil


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1a6d04 No.131322

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345944 (291903ZOCT20) Notable: Netanyahu: COVID will stay ‘here’ until vaccine developed, maybe even after that

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Netanyahu: COVID will stay ‘here’ until vaccine developed, maybe even after that

Coronavirus cabinet to convene to discuss further easing lockdown measures; Health Ministry reports 7 deaths, 384 new infections since midnight

Prime Minister Netanyahu gives a televised statement before the so-called coronavirus cabinet reconvenes to discuss further easing lockdown measures.

He again defends the decision to impose a lockdown last month amid a surge in new COVID-19 cases, noting declining infection rates.

Netanyahu says the coronavirus will remain “here” until a vaccine is developed and maybe even after that.

“We’re making every effort to carefully open businesses,” he says.

The premier also claims he’ll back localized lockdowns in areas with high infection rates. He previously backed off imposing local lockdowns in ultra-Orthodox cities following pushback from Haredi politicians, who he is aligned with.


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1a6d04 No.131323

File: 6f8f35d62f1052e⋯.png (578.22 KB,848x473,848:473,Clipboard.png)

File: fd90eb33d25f2cb⋯.png (53.43 KB,796x387,796:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345968 (291905ZOCT20) Notable: Mark Levin powerful video retweeted by President Trump

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No login necessary

Mark Levin on saving our Republic

~40 mins.


re: DJT retweet


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1a6d04 No.131324

File: bd9a0f3b1ddf9b6⋯.jpeg (694.56 KB,1125x1063,1125:1063,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345975 (291906ZOCT20) Notable: Pete 'the commie' Butteigieg interrupted by Trump Supporter. (great video) Pete got BTFO

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To the anon who wears many hats.

Thank you for your service.

I have been enlightened.

Igor would be most impressed.

I’ll ‘be done in 30’. Watch this space. You know me too well. Do I have ADHD?


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1a6d04 No.131325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345977 (291906ZOCT20) Notable: ICE announces arrests of more than 30 at-large aliens in south Texas

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ICE announces arrests of more than 30 at-large aliens in south Texas

SAN ANTONIO – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced Wednesday the results of a five-day targeted enforcement operation that resulted in the apprehension of more than 30 at-large aliens in the south Texas area of responsibility. ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers conducted the targeted enforcement actions Oct. 19 through Oct. 23, focusing on aliens subject to removal who pose a threat to public safety.

“Each arrest protects the victims involved in crimes committed by criminal aliens and prevents future ones. Criminal aliens who are illegally present in the U.S. and threaten public safety will be apprehended and removed,” said Jose Correa, field office director for ICE ERO San Antonio. “Targeted enforcement operations continue everyday as part of our efforts to protect our communities from cross-border crime and illegal immigration.”

Among those ICE arrested during the enforcement actions were:

a 29-year-old, aggravated felon and citizen of Honduras with multiple convictions for burglary, driving while intoxicated (DWI) and DWI with a child in the vehicle. Additionally, he was convicted and sentenced to 18 months incarceration by the U.S. District Court of the Western District of Texas for illegal reentry into the United States. He was arrested and remains in ICE ERO custody pending removal

a 38-year-old, aggravated felon and citizen of Honduras with a conviction of possession with intent to distribute a schedule 2 narcotic in August 2008. He was sentenced to two years and six months incarceration. He was arrested and remains in ICE ERO custody pending removal.

Last fiscal year, 86 percent of those arrested by ICE had criminal convictions or pending charges. ICE focuses its resources on those who pose the greatest threat to public safety.

In FY 2019, ICE arrested individuals with more than 1,900 convictions and charges for homicide, 1,800 for kidnapping, 12,000 sex offenses, 5,000 sexual assaults, 45,000 assaults, 67,000 crimes involving drugs, 10,000 weapons offenses, and 74,000 DUIs. ICE continues to target criminal aliens and other public safety and national security threats every day.

ICE does not exempt classes or categories of removable aliens from potential enforcement. All those in violation of immigration law may be subject to arrest, detention and, if found removable by final order, removal from the United States. ICE takes many factors into account when targeting and arresting individuals, including their criminal and immigration history.

Every day, ICE officers enforce U.S. immigration laws that enable them to remove dangerous criminal aliens and immigration violators from our communities.


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1a6d04 No.131326

File: 8bc0029d42c370b⋯.png (32.41 KB,609x282,203:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345980 (291906ZOCT20) Notable: Tom Fitton slams Amy Barrett for not participating in Election cases before SCOTUS

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Disappointing. @RealDonaldTrump

, the Senate, and millions of Americans move heaven and earth to quickly get Justice Barrett onto the Supreme Court and she declines to participate in two major emergency election integrity cases (NC and Pennsylvania)?


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1a6d04 No.131327

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345983 (291906ZOCT20) Notable: Southeast Texas man who wanted to marry child victim sentenced to 50 years in prison for producing child pornography

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Southeast Texas man who wanted to marry child victim sentenced to 50 years in prison for producing child pornography

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – A Southeast Texas man who wanted to marry his minor victim was sentenced Wednesday in the Southern District of Texas to 50 years in federal prison for producing child pornography.

This investigation was conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in Corpus Christi, Texas, and the Corpus Christi Police Department Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

Stephen Scott Meals, 39, a resident of Corpus Christi, pleaded guilty to the charges on Feb. 20. He was further ordered to register as a sex offender and to serve the rest of his life on supervised release following completion of his prison term, during which time he will have to comply with numerous requirements designed to restrict his access to children and the internet.

At the hearing, the court heard how Meals groomed his victim over many years, gaining her trust and the trust of her family. He then initiated a sexual relationship with her while her family was displaced during Hurricane Harvey in 2017.

In November 2018, law enforcement learned of the sexual relationship he had with the 15-year-old female. When authorities identified her, she was wearing a promise ring Meals had given her and Meals later admitted he had hoped to marry her.

During the investigation, authorities seized Meals’ electronic devices. Forensic evaluation revealed several pornographic images of the child victim in a secure folder on his cell phone. Some of the images included the minor female in various stages of nudity that Meals has taken in order to memorialize the sexual assaults he had committed against her.

The investigation also led to the discovery of an additional child victim Meals had been sexually abusing. At the hearing today, the court heard testimony from a medical expert regarding the evidence of that abuse.

Meals has been and will remain in custody pending transfer to a U.S. Bureau of Prisons facility to be determined in the near future.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Brittany L. Jensen prosecuted the case.


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1a6d04 No.131328

File: 96f9f5aa1f7d4be⋯.png (91.18 KB,750x909,250:303,Clipboard.png)

File: d5ae2257bbbb794⋯.png (323.57 KB,788x756,197:189,Clipboard.png)

File: fec1d4b1fa3fa29⋯.png (380.03 KB,767x914,767:914,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11345999 (291908ZOCT20) Notable: United Stated Files Complaint to Forfeit Iranian Missiles and Sells Previously-Transferred Iranian Petroleum

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United Stated Files Complaint to Forfeit Iranian Missiles and Sells Previously-Transferred Iranian Petroleum

The Iranian Missiles Were Confiscated and the Iranian Petroleum Was Transferred From Ships in International Waters


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1a6d04 No.131329

File: b54f59d7b0a008d⋯.png (2.96 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346000 (291908ZOCT20) Notable: Gov. Jared Polis announces $375 direct payments for more than 400,000 Coloradans

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Gov. Jared Polis announces $375 direct payments for more than 400,000 Coloradans

Hundreds of thousands of Coloradans will receive $375 each in one-time, direct payments that come out of untapped funds, Gov. Jared Polis announced Wednesday.

According to an executive order signed by Polis, eligibility for this money will be limited to those earning under $52,000 who have filed for unemployment at least once between March 15 and Oct. 24 of this year, and who met state eligibility requirements for a weekly benefit amount between $25 and $500 during that same period.

The Polis administration estimates that more than 400,000 Coloradans will receive payments, for a total of $168 million to be distributed statewide. Polis told The Denver Post the money would hit bank accounts by Dec. 1, and that people will not have to apply for the money.

Multiple members of a household can receive the payments.

The governor collaborated with state lawmakers in finding the money, said state Rep. Daneya Esgar, a Pueblo Democrat who chairs the legislature’s Joint Budget Committee. The excess Medicaid money was a result of lower than expected caseloads and a higher than expected federal match, she said.

“This would have reverted to the general fund, but we are instead reallocating the resources back to hard-working Coloradans who need them,” Esgar said. “The governor has the authority to do this, and we were happy to work with him to provide this badly needed assistance.”

The governor said he considered making the move earlier in October but was waiting to see if there would be another round of federal coronavirus relief payments.

The announcement comes less than a week before Election Day. One of the Democratic lawmakers mentioned in the press release, stateSen. Dominick Moreno of Commerce City, said he doesn’t think Coloradans should “read too much into the timing.”


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1a6d04 No.131330

File: ef0901d75e8b844⋯.jpg (74.1 KB,565x680,113:136,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346005 (291908ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Anonymous’ Never Trumper Miles Taylor Now Works for Google

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‘Anonymous’ Never Trumper Miles Taylor Now Works for Google

Miles Taylor, the anti-Trump staffer who published an anonymous op-ed for the New York Times in 2018 declaring himself a part of the deep state “resistance” against the President before serving as chief of staff to former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, went to work for Google after leaving the government.

Taylor’s move to Google, which came before he outed himself as a deep state leaker, caused significant controversy at the time. Democrats in congress found it unacceptable that a member of Trump’s DHS could be allowed to seek employment at a tech company.

The Democrats were presumably unaware that Taylor was trying to undermine the Trump administration from the inside.


Members of the US House of Representatives sent a letter this week to Google CEO Sundar Pichai slamming the search giant’s hiring of Miles Taylor, a former Department of Homeland Security official who’d publicly defended President Donald Trump’s travel ban.

The letter, dated Nov. 19, was signed by the chairs of three House caucuses representing racial minorities: Rep. Joaquin Castro of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Rep. Karen Bass of the Congressional Black Caucus, and Rep. Judy Chu of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus.

The lawmakers, all Democrats, said they found Google’s hiring of Taylor, who previously served as chief of staff to former DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, “deeply troubling.”

The Times misrepresented Taylor, a low-level official, as a “senior administration official,” a description that even other leftist, mainstream journalists mocked after Taylor’s identity was revealed earlier this week.

“Leaving aside how one feels about Taylor’s actions, I’m not sure that the NY Times decision to grant a DHS chief of staff anonymity for that op-ed and to describe him as a ‘senior administration official’ holds up especially well,” said CNN analyst Susan Hennessey.

“The mere fact that the majority of people clearly came away with the perception that the author was dramatically more senior that he was in reality means that the Times failed to provide its readership sufficient context,” said Hennessey in a follow-up tweet.

“It’s an embarrassment,” agreed Axios reporter Jonathan Swan.


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1a6d04 No.131331

File: 520d481beed825e⋯.png (715.58 KB,793x601,793:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 620be724f181b1f⋯.png (82.22 KB,669x626,669:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346028 (291909ZOCT20) Notable: King County (Washington State) employees ordered to work from home through July 5, 2021

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King County employees ordered to work from home through July 5, 2021


SEATTLE - King County Executive Dow Constantine announced Thursday that he is extending the mandatory work-from-home order for hundreds of county employees through July 5, 2021.

The extension comes as the coronavirus transmission rate is rising across Washington state.

Constatine's order applies to all executive branch employees who are currently telecommuting, except where there is an operational need for them to physically return to the workplace.

That includes employees of the Department of Assessments, Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention, Department of Executive Services, Department of Community and Human Services, Department of Human Resources, Department of Judicial Administration, Department of Local Services, Metro Transit Department, Department of Natural Resources and Park, Department of Public Defense, Department of Public Health, Executive Department and King County Elections.

The King County Council, Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, King County Elections, and the Department of Assessments have also mandated working from home for their employees through July 5, where appropriate.

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1a6d04 No.131332

File: 27b331d78823146⋯.png (17.22 KB,354x835,354:835,Clipboard.png)

File: 27a74380af5822b⋯.png (26.31 KB,805x752,805:752,Clipboard.png)

File: 3037ba3a373b75d⋯.png (29.63 KB,816x400,51:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346030 (291910ZOCT20) Notable: Judicial Watch Sues for Unmasking Records: Biden, Top Obama Officials ‘Unmasked’ General Flynn

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Judicial Watch Sues for Unmasking Records: Biden, Top Obama Officials ‘Unmasked’ General Flynn

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the National Security Agency (NSA) for records of requests by former Vice President Joe Biden and other top Obama administration officials, including President Obama’s chief of staff, to “unmask” Lieutenant General (Retired) Michael Flynn (Judicial Watch v. National Security Agency (No. 1:20-cv-03088)). The term “unmasking” refers to the practice of disclosing to political appointees the identities of U.S. citizens referenced in intelligence surveillance of foreign nationals. U.S. citizens’ names are typically redacted from such reports unless a specific request is made to “unmask” them.

Judicial Watch filed this lawsuit after the NSA failed to respond to two separate September 1, 2020 FOIA requests.

The first request seeks “records about a January 12, 2017, request to ‘unmask’ Lieutenant General Flynn submitted to NSA by or on behalf of then-Vice President Joe Biden.”

The second request asks for “records about requests to ‘unmask’ Lieutenant General Flynn submitted to NSA by or on behalf of the following officials on the dates or date ranges indicated:

Samantha Powers – Nov. 30, 2016 to Jan. 11, 2017

James Clapper – Dec. 2, 2016 to Jan. 7, 2017

Kelly Degnan – Dec. 6, 2016

John R. Phillips – Dec. 6, 2016

John Brennan – Dec. 14 & 15, 2016

Patrick Conlon – Dec. 14, 2016

Jacob Lew – Dec. 14 & 15, 2016

Arthur McGlynn – Dec. 14, 2016


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1a6d04 No.131333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346041 (291911ZOCT20) Notable: UPS Locates Contents of Tucker Carlson's Package After He Said Incriminating Biden Documents Went Missing

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>UPS locates Tucker's documents

UPS Locates Contents of Tucker Carlson's Package After He Said Incriminating Biden Documents Went Missing

United Parcel Service (UPS) reportedly located the contents of Tucker Carlson's misplaced package on Thursday, shortly after the Fox News host said he had obtained incriminating documents about Joe Biden's family that were subsequently lost en route to California.

A UPS spokesperson confirmed that company employees found and identified Carlson's missing parcel by midday on Thursday, less than 24 hours after Carlson said it was missing on Fox News, according to reports from multiple news outlets.

"After an extensive search, we have found the contents of the package and are arranging for its return," the spokesperson reportedly said. "UPS will always focus first on our customers and will never stop working to solve issues and make things right."


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1a6d04 No.131334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346058 (291912ZOCT20) Notable: The World Bank Throws Full Weight Behind The Great Financial Reset

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The World Bank Throws Full Weight Behind The Great Reset

For decades, the global elite hid their plans behind environmental extremists, but now they have fully revealed themselves as being the master architects from the very beginning. The World Bank, IMF and Bank for International Settlements are in a coordinated tryst to reform the planet. ⁃ TN Editor

The World Bank has published a report that outlines economy-wide actions to facilitate decarbonization and sustainable development as the world recovers from the COVID-19 global pandemic. The report aims to help countries align their development pathways with the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change through long-term strategies that promote climate resilience of food and water systems, energy, transport, and cities, among other sectors.

The report titled, ‘World Bank Outlook 2050 Strategic Directions Note: Supporting Countries to Meet Long-Term Goals of Decarbonization,’ highlights the “huge risks” climate change poses to countries’ long-term development and growth, with critical implications for poverty, food security, and health. In a foreword, Juergen Voegele, World Bank’s Vice President for Sustainable Development, cautions that all countries, particularly the poorest and most vulnerable, are now facing “the compound impacts of the twin challenges” of climate change and COVID-19.

The report notes that the ambition reflected in the first round of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) would only limit global warming to 2.7-3.7°C above preindustrial levels. It warns that a continued focus on short- and medium-term targets could make decarbonization more difficult, and calls for long-term strategies to help countries develop sustainably. “By planning ahead, these strategies can boost new economic activity and innovations, creating the jobs of the future, while also securing a safer climate, especially for the poorest and most vulnerable,” said Mari Pangestu, World Bank’s Managing Director of Development Policy and Partnerships, at the report’s launch.

The Outlook 2050 recognizes the need for a “bold economic transformation” to realize the vision of the Paris Agreement and make the SDGs “more achievable,” which includes aligning finance flows with low-emissions, climate-resilient development pathways. It proposes a “whole-of-economy” approach to decarbonization, which prioritizes four economy-wide strategic directions:

Embed long-term climate priorities in countries’ macroeconomic frameworks;

Embed long-term climate planning in national budgets and expenditure frameworks;

Embed long-term climate objectives in financial sector regulations and incentives; and

Embed long-term climate objectives in systems planning.

The report identifies cross-sectoral opportunities and makes recommendations across eight areas that are essential for achieving the SDGs: 1) transforming food systems; 2) protecting land-based ecosystems and carbon sinks; 3) transforming energy systems; 4) transforming mobility; 5) building low-carbon, more resilient urban areas; 6) transforming water systems; 7) transforming the ocean economy; and 8) digital transformation. The Outlook 2050 finds that investing in cross-sectoral opportunities, including as part of stimulus packages, can aid in a sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.


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1a6d04 No.131335

File: 46b9f2c1582c6f4⋯.png (791.39 KB,522x774,29:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ce2be94bc4072c⋯.png (1.37 MB,711x891,79:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346065 (291912ZOCT20) Notable: Nigel Farage tweet major kek - 'Hunter's Laptop Matters'

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1a6d04 No.131336

File: 0beb6b677cbd9b5⋯.png (125.3 KB,895x873,895:873,Clipboard.png)

File: 93e78e8be5ddac9⋯.png (1.19 MB,886x882,443:441,Clipboard.png)

File: cefe6dfb4154648⋯.png (1.08 MB,887x900,887:900,Clipboard.png)

File: 956b88c034876a8⋯.png (134.32 KB,918x911,918:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d115e6a598adb8⋯.png (1.41 MB,911x912,911:912,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346139 (291917ZOCT20) Notable: Key Pentagon Official Turned China Policy Over to Arms Industry & Taiwan Supporters

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Key Pentagon Official Turned China Policy Over to Arms Industry & Taiwan Supporters

When the United States finalized a set of seven arms sales packages to Taiwan in August, including 66 upgraded F-16 fighter planes and longer-range air-to-ground missiles that could hit sensitive targets on mainland China, it shifted U.S. policy sharply toward a much more aggressive stance on the geo-strategic island at the heart of military tensions between the United States and China.

Branded “Fortress Taiwan” by the Pentagon, the ambitious arms deal was engineered by Randall Schriver, a veteran pro-Taiwan activist and anti-China hardliner whose think tank had been financed by America’s biggest arms contractors and by the Taiwan government itself.

Since assuming the post of assistant secretary of defense for Asian and Pacific security affairs in early 2018, Schriver has focused primarily on granting his major arms company patrons the vaunted arms deals they had sought for years.

The arms sales Schriver has overseen represent the most dangerous U.S. escalation against China in years. The weapons systems will give Taiwan the capability to strike Chinese military and civilian targets far inland, thus emboldening those determined to push for independence from China.

Although no U.S. administration has committed to defending Taiwan since Washington normalized relations with China, the Pentagon is developing the weapons systems and military strategy it would need for a full-scale war. If a conflict breaks out, Taiwan is likely to be at its center.

Returning Favors

Schriver is a longtime advocate of massive, highly provocative arms sales to Taiwan who has advanced the demand that the territory be treated more like a sovereign, independent state. His lobbying has been propelled by financial support from major arms contractors and Taiwan through two institutional bases: a consulting business and a “think tank” that also led the charge for arms sales to U.S. allies in East Asia.

The first of these outfits was a consulting firm called Armitage International, which Schriver founded in 2005 with Richard Armitage, a senior Pentagon and State Department official in the Reagan and George W. Bush administrations.

Schriver had served as Armitage’s chief of staff in the State Department and then as deputy sssistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs. (Armitage, a lifelong Republican, recently released a video endorsement of Joseph Biden for president).



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1a6d04 No.131337

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346171 (291921ZOCT20) Notable: Texas voters won't be required to wear masks at polling locations, appeals court rules

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Knew this was going to happen KEK!

Texas voters won't be required to wear masks at polling locations, appeals court rules


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1a6d04 No.131338

File: eafe9f069578ad0⋯.png (334.2 KB,597x581,597:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346199 (291923ZOCT20) Notable: Jack Flynn Tweet - BREAKING NEWS: FOLLOW MIDNIGHT RIDER. YOU WONT REGRET IT.

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1a6d04 No.131339

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346200 (291923ZOCT20) Notable: Glen Greenwald quits Intercept for censorship of his Joe Biden article

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LB or PB newfag

second prior notable

Glen Greenwald quits Intercept or censorship

of his Joe Biden article

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1a6d04 No.131340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346205 (291924ZOCT20) Notable: The United States revealed on Thursday it had seized Iranian missiles shipped to Yemen and sold 1.1 million barrels of previously seized Iranian oil that was bound for Venezuela

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States revealed on Thursday it had seized Iranian missiles shipped to Yemen and sold 1.1 million barrels of previously seized Iranian oil that was bound for Venezuela, in the Trump administration’s latest move to increase pressure on Tehran less than a week before Nov. 3 election.

The unsealing of the forfeiture complaints, by the Justice Department, came at the same time that the Treasury Department and State Department jointly slapped sanctions on a combined 11 different entities and individuals for their involvement in the purchase and sale of Iranian petrochemicals.

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1a6d04 No.131341

File: 5163a3ef6e0b211⋯.png (406.63 KB,557x522,557:522,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346210 (291924ZOCT20) Notable: Pray for each other

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1a6d04 No.131342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11346559 (291948ZOCT20) Notable: #14491

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Notables for #14491 FINAL

>>131281 FBI Director Wray profited from Hunter Biden illegal China/Russia kickback scheme

>>131282 , >>131285 , >>131295 , >>131314 General Flynn tweet - Check out the list of names. These people corrupted our peaceful transition of power. Coup much?!

>>131283 Pelosi Tweet - Anon asks about her mask design

>>131286 , >>131291 FBI Director Wray's daughter is assistant Editor at Crown Publishing (Obama new book)

>>131287 From Q post (padawan)

>>131288 Trump Rally video (MP4) Melania - “We are a country of hope, not a country of fear or weakness.”

>>131289 , >>131310 Dan Scavino tweet - TAMPA, FLORIDA! It is imperative that EVERYONE gets out to VOTE for President Trump and Vice President Pence! LET’S DO THIS!!

>>131290 Twitter Suspends US Border Chief For Touting Anti-Crime Southern Wall

>>131293 Moar Biden Texts and why they are so important

>>131294 Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were planning to launder $500 MILLION from Kremlin asset.

>>131296 Apple is quietly building a search rival to Google ahead of the DOJ’s landmark antitrust case, according to a report

>>131297 Former Marines charged in conspiracy to illegally manufacture, sell firearms

>>131298 "We're Going To Make Sure Trump Leaves": Leftists Plan To Storm DC After Election

>>131300 The Twitter Jack crowd. Haters gonna hate.

>>131301 James Woods tweet #ButThePolls - GO JAMES GO

>>131302 Western Countries 'Attacking' Islam Want to 'Relaunch the Crusades', Says Erdogan

>>131303 Disney Just Laid Off Thousands Of Additional Workers


>>131304 Hunter Biden sick art on his pinterest account

>>131305 Former CFTC Chairman Admits Futures Can Be Used To Control Prices

>>131306 Dem Rep. Sounds the Alarm: ‘It’s Tightening Here in Michigan…Autoworkers Who I Thought Were Voting For Biden Told Me They’re Voting For Trump’

>>131307 Twitter bans us but not this jackwagon

>>131308 Trump Interior ends 45 years of endangered species protections for gray wolves, paving the way for hunting

>>131309 US Congress Has Declared Itself a Collective Dictatorship Over Every Nation in the World

>>131311 Protests in Portland graphics

>>131312 Jihad Twitter Jack meme

>>131313 Durham councillor claims Covid is 'a fake virus' that does NOT exist and says living in lockdown is 'like living in North Korea'

>>131315 Richard Grenell tweet - Biden begins campaigning - the weekend before the election.

>>131316 Breast Cancer is an Environmental Health Issue. For Example: Cell Phones in Bras = Tumors in Ta-Tas

>>131317 Coincidence alert - Queen and her wrecking crew

>>131318 Senator Grassley tweet re: Biden Crime Empire

>>131319 Contrast of Biden/Trump rallies

>>131320 US Early voting according to Commie News Network

>>131321 RED FLAG-Alaska 21-1 is a two-week training exercise that simulates realistic air combat conditions.

>>131322 Netanyahu: COVID will stay ‘here’ until vaccine developed, maybe even after that

>>131323 Mark Levin powerful video retweeted by President Trump

>>131324 Pete 'the commie' Butteigieg interrupted by Trump Supporter. (great video) Pete got BTFO

>>131325 ICE announces arrests of more than 30 at-large aliens in south Texas

>>131326 Tom Fitton slams Amy Barrett for not participating in Election cases before SCOTUS

>>131327 Southeast Texas man who wanted to marry child victim sentenced to 50 years in prison for producing child pornography

>>131328 United Stated Files Complaint to Forfeit Iranian Missiles and Sells Previously-Transferred Iranian Petroleum

>>131329 Gov. Jared Polis announces $375 direct payments for more than 400,000 Coloradans

>>131330 ‘Anonymous’ Never Trumper Miles Taylor Now Works for Google

>>131331 King County (Washington State) employees ordered to work from home through July 5, 2021

>>131332 Judicial Watch Sues for Unmasking Records: Biden, Top Obama Officials ‘Unmasked’ General Flynn

>>131333 UPS Locates Contents of Tucker Carlson's Package After He Said Incriminating Biden Documents Went Missing

>>131334 The World Bank Throws Full Weight Behind The Great Financial Reset

>>131335 Nigel Farage tweet major kek - 'Hunter's Laptop Matters'

>>131336 Key Pentagon Official Turned China Policy Over to Arms Industry & Taiwan Supporters

>>131337 Texas voters won't be required to wear masks at polling locations, appeals court rules


>>131339 Glen Greenwald quits Intercept for censorship of his Joe Biden article

>>131340 The United States revealed on Thursday it had seized Iranian missiles shipped to Yemen and sold 1.1 million barrels of previously seized Iranian oil that was bound for Venezuela

>>131341 Pray for each other


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1a6d04 No.131343

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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