off of everything else to survive. Basically, we are afraid that the creatures from other dimensions and higher realities are us but more powerful, and from purely a logical point of view I find that to be extremely unlikely.
As in, the good news is we are already the closest to "Hell" as you can possibly get, which also means the worst part is almost over and will never have to done again.
There are many tribal shamans who do ayahuasca, and western tourists as well who see and interact with a "cosmic serpent", same with DMT, and even hallucinogenic mushrooms. I've had my own experiences as well, and that was without drugs or even meditation for that matter.
To summarize it, we are destined to evolve into Gods that exist in the higher dimension, and our current state was just to develop the intuition and wisdom of over 9,000 years worth of rebirths so that when we do gain god like powers, we won't sit there and fuck everything up like what happened on earth.
You won't have to worry about walking into the "light at the end of the tunnel", or being "tricked by the archons", or having your soul stolen by aliens, though I would strongly recommend you do not merge with the machines and reconnect with nature instead, even as the authority does everything in their power to try and influence you to do so, as the experience will be quite unpleasant.
Perhaps the "Merging with the machines" serves to break down the weaker amongst us, with a withered soul so it can be recycled into something new, or maybe we are intended to break the machines and free those people - I'm not sure.
As personally, I believe in the Gnostic theory that there are 3 types of people, little to no soul, an average soul, and a powerful connection to the divine. It seems like an insult if the soulless got a free pass kissing the ass of authority while the rest of us actually made an effort, and suffered as a result in our attempts to actually do good in the world.
If you are interested, I just created a documentary - more like a slideshow with pictures, artifacts, scriptures, and paintings from the modern era all Post too long. Click here to view the full text.