This entire board is nothing but a bunch of social outcast misfits that nobody has ever wanted to be seen hanging out with.
And I'm not joking. I'm not speaking in metaphors here.
I'm being quite literal, in fact………
The only thing that made anybody come to this board was loneliness and a complete lack of ability to fit in with society, which of course means you also never learned how to fit in with girls, you never learn how to interact with girls back in school.
back in school, around the 5th grade All the other boys learned how to interact with girls, they learned how to fit in, how to find their place in society, and how to integrate and interact with females
But not you…
in the 6th and 7th grade, all of the other boys were now learning how to flirt with girls, how to ask them out on dates, how to be in a relationship.
But not you….
nope… not you… somehow you've managed to remain the awkward misfit, the ostracized weirdo that nobody wanted to hang out with.
You certainly didn't become angry frustrated powerless lonely masturbating gaming chair sissies by being intimidating tough guy badasses out there in real life.
You certainly didn't end up being a loser with the ladies who 'blames the rest of the world for his sexual and social impotence' by being a ladies man
nope… You didn't become a lonely seething powerless overlooked insignificance by learning how to fit in, how to find your niche, and how to interact with girls.
instead, the only thing you learned was RESENTMENT
You resent women
because women aren't interested in you
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