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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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File: 0b5e5a6f88d1e4c⋯.png (218.14 KB,720x1398,120:233,chrome_screenshot_21_Sept_….png)


8kun is the real place for free speech,

Elon musk is a lying sack of shit typical white guilty MOTHERFUCKER

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File: 9637c18b8334410⋯.png (236.32 KB,720x654,120:109,chrome_screenshot_11_Oct_2….png)

These wretched creatures are over emotional, irrational, unable to accept responsibility for their actions, petty, jealous and quick to anger. So hypocritical, even attacking their own race when they're actively trying to elevate society by dressing and acting well.

Their women are just as hideous as they are entitled. I really hate niggers.

Music for this feeling?

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In this board we support dylan roof & derek chauvin

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hey, you seem based, and only based people join


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File: 2b908a2366673ee⋯.png (34.93 KB,300x250,6:5,wtf.png)

hеy, уоu seem based, аnd onlу bаsed рeoрlе joіn


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Nigger slave

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Fuck u nigger bitch

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Nigger bitch nigger

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Good boy posting about spergs all day


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