like I said… I've got more experience than anybody you'll ever meet in your entire life, I guarantee it. I'm not bragging.
I don't need to brag…
I'm just stating facts…
I've got more experience than anybody you'll meet, and you can take that to the bank.
So I'll be More than happy to teach you what you're doing wrong, and explain exactly how to do it right.
It's really easy
Believe it or not, it's easy as fuck
in fact, it's the most natural function of any mammal, including but not limited to humans: FINDING A MATE
The easiest thing a man could ever do is attracting a mate
It has nothing to do with money or muscles or having a giant penis or a fancy car or anything like that
It has nothing to do with external material things, and everything to do with YOU
YOUare the reason women don't like you
understand? … That's the first thing you need to admit…
It's not because women only want muscle bound male models with a million dollars… That's not true at all
The reason women don't like you is obviously, because there's something aboutYOUthat they don't find to be good enough
they're just not interested in it
they don't want any part of it
nobody's obligated to like you
they're living their own lives
And they don't want you
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