Band: Dead Kennedys
Album: Plastic Surgery Disasters
Song: Forest Fire
>No junk food, just earthly goods
>I ate weird berries in the woods
>Now I'm seeing colors, I'm getting higher
>I think I'll start a forest fire
>There's a forest fire climbin' the hill
>Burning wealthy California homes
>Better run run run run run run from the fire
>But some of us stay and watch
>And we think of your insurance costs
>And we laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh at your lives
>Windows covered with bars
>Security guards
>Is that a house or a fortress?
>Against the rest of the world
>Windows covered with bars
>Security guards
>Is that a house or a prison, how you gonna get out?
>Electric bull and your tennis courts
>Pink sports cars and your boats
>Getting fried fried fried fried fried fried by the fire
>Windows covered with bars
>Floodlights for the yard
>It's a pleasure to watch you
>Watch it all melt
>But hey!
>What about the cocaine
>Stockpiled in the basement?
>Be a hero and save it
>You know you're gonna need it
>WhPost too long. Click here to view the full text.