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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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File: 2b15c3baebdab30⋯.png (421.96 KB,720x458,360:229,chrome_screenshot_15_Oct_2….png)


Hahaha haha 😂


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>back to africa

they'd be killed prety quickly

actual africans hate the fuck out of these retards

they're viewed as ungrateful dipshit children, and with good reason

imagine going up to someone whose living in a shithole near the savanna, and telling them about your problems: cant steal shit because wypipo raycis, cops stop you from doing crimes because wypipo raycis, cant sell drugs because wypipo raycis, you only get $2k a month in gibs because wypipo raycis.

meanwhile motherfucker youre trying to tell your awful soulcrushing problems to is thinkin about them dirt cookies he gotta choke down tonight because the governor stole all the shit to feed his bodyguards so they dont shank him.What's with all the niggerlovers in this thread?

There's only one based nog.

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Die nigger die

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That Nigga kewled all tha nigger

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Yea yea dead niggers in da house nigga

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Die nigger die

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File: bc5197926befde9⋯.png (34.93 KB,300x250,6:5,wtf.png)

hey, you sеem based, and only based реорlе jоіn


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Die nigger die

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NiggaBitches ain't sheeit

Hos ain't shit

Sheboon bitches ain't shit

Both republican bitches & Democrat bitches ain't sheeit,

Yall NiggaBitches ain't nuthin but a bunch of AINT SHIT BITCHES!!!!!

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Nigger go back to Africa

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File: 0c461b9b28e44de⋯.png (544.76 KB,721x500,721:500,chrome_screenshot_10_Dec_2….png)


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File: d785ec012fa1385⋯.jpeg (495.08 KB,1179x930,393:310,IMG_0006.jpeg)

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File: 3e909d764c4537c⋯.jpg (122.4 KB,348x880,87:220,3e909d764c4537cdbc2dbb96e7….jpg)


"what did he mean by this????

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File: faa5946fdc43cf7⋯.png (586.61 KB,618x616,309:308,faa5946fdc43cf7ba7c4c377ef….png)

Trump has just announced he will be changing The National Anthem

to the “N-word repeated 60 times”

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File: 17f43a7116c4792⋯.jpg (443 KB,2404x1260,601:315,1522960504591.jpg)

I'm tired of pretending this is not the case. Women don't enjoy the same shit men do. If you play with them they want to play completely differently.

D&D with them is a a therapy session mixed with a pet collection game.

Wargaming with them is them ironically sneering if you ever get into character. And that's when they're not busy larping as the game store queen bee.

They enjoy different shit. They don't like dark edgy shit, they don't like strategic combat, complex lore or crunching numbers.

And now they run most companies and have changed most games to be dumbed down womemslop. Bland copies of modern USA as setting with hyper representation because women can only RP via self inserting.

The only true way this could have been prevented is by just telling women that this is not a hobby for them and that they're not welcome. Their empty distain for all things imaginative goes against what traditional games are all about.

Women have basically destroyed nerd culture. I can't think of a single hobby, game, series, franchise, or community that hasn't been ruined by letting women in. Turning it from something for nerdy men into something for normies, niggers, and women, basically watering it down to meaningless MCU-grade commercial slop. The funny thing is how homogenous everything is now

•Video Gaming



•Internet Censorship

•TV/YouTube Censorship since 2016

•Many, Many Great YouTube Names

•Superhero Franchises

•Laws being passed that if your a very successful Podcast,

[according to Adam Carolla],

By law, you must mandatorily hire 1 female for serious jobs, (not bathroom or janitor) but as a main host/1 of the main people on your show, especially in states like (California) (Oregon)

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