Eventually there will be a 'mainstream' political strategy of doing this.
People who hate absolutely despise the Kikes,
will pretend to be their friends.
They will purposefully say things that actually hurt the Kikes.
They will spread pictures of their atrocities to the sandniggers,
and laugh at pictures of dead babies on purpose,
to disgust the normies.
They will give the worst advice on purpose,
they will Hushai them on purpose (2 Samuel 17:14).
We want the Kikes to make political mistakes,
we want the Kikes to keep fighting and dying.
The voice of the fake-friends of the Kikes will drown out the Kike-lovers,
and lead them into disaster after disaster.
And the Kikes will never know the difference.
They will hand over money to their 'Right' wing friends,
who never are on message,
never say the talking points they want them to,
but say other retarded stuff that hurts them.
The fake-friends of the Kikes will call the Kike-lovers crypto-Hezbollah supporters.
The fake-friends of the Kikes will bad-jacket the real Kike-lovers at every opportunity.
They'll drawn the Kikes' money from them to spew talking points that actually make people hate them,
and get Kikes killed.
And they will laugh and laugh and laugh.