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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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File: 35c82637f0521e9⋯.png (158.43 KB,720x715,144:143,chrome_screenshot_21_Nov_2….png)


this is why i lift


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or become a police officer, then SHOOT NIGGERS & (NIGGER BITCH FEMALES WITH 75 BULLETS)

as part of your job.

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File: 3e1e054d06f1662⋯.png (378.33 KB,720x499,720:499,chrome_screenshot_21_Nov_2….png)





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File: 1c08412a0db0bc9⋯.png (706.88 KB,720x978,120:163,chrome_screenshot_21_Nov_2….png)

Why do women age like such fucking godforsaken SHIT

The women around my office are incomparable to girls in their late teens to 20s

Their hair is all fucked up, they have fat growth in weird areas. It’s almost like their bones grow after their mid 20s and get thicker and more broad. The fuck?

The women in my office sit in their seats literally all day where I get up and walk around every hour.

They’re literally deformed and to think once upon a time in their youth they probably had tight little bodies

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Women age like bad milk, men age like a fine milk.

Tom Cruise is a young looking old man. Most milkmen age like women, Tom Cruise ages like a postman, who delivers wine.

Most women age like specialist postmen who deliver milk, also known as milkmen. Tom Cruise ages like a postman who delivers wine, a wineman.

It's real. Tom Cruise aged like a fine wine. The lady aged like a milk.

Fine wine ages like a 56 year old cheese. Milk ages like a Tom.

Tom Cruise looks 35 but is 56. When Tom was 32, he looked older than he does now, even when he played a man of 24. Now that he's 56, he could play a man of 68 who looks not a day over 44.

Some cheeses get better with age. A 56 year old fine cheese ages better than a 2 year old regular cheese.

28 regular cheeses ageing for 2 years will just about equal the amount of ageing of a fine cheese ageing for 56 years.

Tom Cruise is 56 and has aged like a fine wine. Bela Lugosi stopped ageing in 1956, because he died.

Tom aged like a fine wine, Cruise aged like a fine cheese.

Tom Cruise died, but looks like he hasn't aged a cheese over 56. Milkmen age like woman wine.

If a Tom Cruise opens a cheese, he's a master milk. If a woman's lock is opened by wine, she's a shitty cheese.

If Tom Cruise ages like cheese and leaves the station on a train travelling 56 mph, and at the same time Bela Lugosi leaves a milk station travelling in the opposite direction at 44 mph, and both stations are 56 years apart, how long before both trains age like a woman?

Tom Cheese was 56 years old when he first went on a cruise.

When Tom Cruise received his first paycheck, the first thing he bought was a 56 year old hot cheese.

When Tom was a 56 year old Cheese he aged like a cruise.

The quantity of wine divided by how long the cheese takes to age like a fine Tom Cruise equals 56.

Tom Cruise's dick cheese is in fine underaged women.

Tom Cheese goes cruising to look for young male milk.

And the cheese goes to: Oscar Cruise.

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File: ca8cff86bf83bc5⋯.png (322.06 KB,720x471,240:157,chrome_screenshot_21_Nov_2….png)

>>to OP

Blacks have more muscle mass than Non-Blacks *FACT!

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>inb4 blacks dont win worlds strongest man because its not they cultah

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Have you ever seen a strong black guy irl? No.

They all are obese abd it's kinda logival that they have more mucle to move their 200kg body. That's all to it.

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I was stronger than every nigger on my football team of which there were plenty. im sure i just got the shit negros and these giganiggers are far more commonplace

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It's wild man.

I look at girls in their late 20s and they're all getting leathery and/or wrinkled skin. Almost all of them have crows feet.

Yet I'm 32, don't have a single wrinkle in sight. And I'm expected to seriously date these hasbeen hags

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My gym is open 24-hours and thus is not staffed anytime other than 9-5am on weekdays. This results in all the niggers in my area using their family's membership and then letting in their ghetto ass friends and hogging several pieces of equipment each for 30 fucking minutes.

How do I either

1)Dispose of


2)Get the equipment from

these fucking ill evolved apes?

Imagine pic related but in a gym setting

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step one: move out of the ghetto

step two: go to equinox

>thus spoke the bane of civilized behavior

Niggers are obnoxious and revel in the fact that they are. You can NOT understand what it's like to be a white person and have to deal with your sloven, ill-begotten race.

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>live in nigger infested area

>how do I get rid of them!???

Move or kill them all. The Jews moved them in there btw. We both know you won’t kill them so looks like you’ve got no other option, pack your bags :)

Just call the police. I guarantee you one of their cars smell like fucking weed, easy peezy.

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Go to another gym. Not joking. Around blacks you simply cannot relax. I could not imagine bench pressing or squatting and being in a vulnerable position while surrounded by a swarm of street simians.

But, Serious answer: Find a new gym. Even if it's a long drive to go to a "non diversity" (aka White) part of town, it will be well worth it, and it may also save your life.

Those creatures are NOT human and CANNOT be dealt with on a reasonable human level.

Time to cut your losses and move on.

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File: 21064988c7bd6e4⋯.png (494.4 KB,720x795,48:53,chrome_screenshot_21_Nov_2….png)

there's a group of teenaged niggers who lift at my gym.

they usually just stick to the courts playing bball but sometimes they go to the weights area and its annoying af.

- strong af BO

- loud AF, legit zoo mode

- dropping weights, zero gym etiquette

- skinny and lean (typical negro basketball genetics)

they look like pic related.

They're honestly the worst.

Worse than the old white boomers who try and give unwanted advice.

Worse than the pajeets who dont know what the fuck they're doing and look dyel.

Worse than the chinks who just do squats, deadlifts, and cleans with a ton of gym gear (and still look like shit

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File: 558981587e3e9c8⋯.gif (356.88 KB,440x237,440:237,1448490199568.gif)

>nigger who is dark as niggercoal

>truly niggerjacked in that way that only niggers truly are where they are not massive but are utterly "hard" and lean

>tall, too

>a true niggerbuck

>has a permanent niggerscowl affixed to his niggerface

>niggerstrides through the gym with his niggerarms wide and his niggermuscles dripping with niggerstinking niggersweat, niggerhide barely covered by the kind of gym stringlet that only a nigger could think looked good

>only see him occasionally

>never relax because he literally looks on the verge of murder literally every time i see him

>never even spoken to him and hey, maybe he's a sweetheart, but if he were a dog the council would have put him down by now

i hate that nigger so much.

some people just give you bad vibes

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Fuck jews

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